[{"audio_id": "1oZF9LuHQF0", "text": {"1oZF9LuHQF0-00000-00000122-00000253": "[Congrats on hosting First Japan Live]", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00001-00000483-00000857": "[OnlyOneOf is here for a rehearsal]", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00002-00001340-00001468": "Right now!", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00003-00001468-00001720": "This is the last rehearsal for this performance.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00004-00001720-00001903": "I'm so nervous!", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00005-00001942-00002080": "[Got the in-ears on.]", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00006-00002080-00002239": "Superstars... in-ears...", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00007-00002239-00002484": "I meant they don't wear an inner top.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00008-00002484-00002710": "You can see my belly right away.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00009-00002737-00003022": "[Junji discovered a live camera.]", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00010-00005317-00005568": "[Time leap oh eh oh~♫]", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00011-00005644-00005778": "[embarrassed]", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00012-00006433-00007275": "[Done rehearsing the last song!]", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00013-00007275-00007493": "Yoojung seems quite nervous.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00014-00007493-00007969": "I actually wasn't, but then I saw a picture of our fans who are waiting for us in their seats.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00015-00007969-00008305": "- And now I'm really nervous. - Yoojung is very nervous now.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00016-00008305-00008500": "So many people came.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00017-00008500-00008762": "I usually get very nervous right before I go up on the stage.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00018-00008762-00008869": "I might cry then...", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00019-00008869-00009132": "Oh! Mill...are you gonna push yourself against a wall and cry today?", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00020-00009261-00009586": "[The Mill impersonators just can't miss this opportunity to make fun of him.]", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00021-00009586-00009730": "When I saw him, I was like this.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00022-00009813-00010131": "If you look at the showcase video, you'd be able to tell that my face is a bit swollen.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00023-00010131-00010314": "It's now time.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00024-00010813-00011164": "[Practicing introducing themselves in Japanese.]", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00025-00011693-00011980": "[Warming up before going up on the stage]", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00026-00011980-00012307": "- You guys! We're now about to - Get started! Finally!", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00027-00012353-00012456": "5 minutes to go!", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00028-00012456-00012919": "We'll do our best to show what we've been preparing for!", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00029-00012919-00013047": "We'll do our best!", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00030-00013084-00013211": "Let's do \"Fighting!\" before we go.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00031-00013211-00013532": "We just need to go up there and show what we've practiced.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00032-00013532-00013825": "1,2,3! OnlyOneOf! Fighting (Let's go)!", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00033-00014073-00014643": "Whenever I get nervous, it feels like my body loses its energy. So it's really tough for me right now.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00034-00014643-00014858": "[Nervous nervous]", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00035-00014906-00015166": "I keep getting nervous and then alright and then nervous and then alright again.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00036-00015166-00015628": "I'm really looking forward to it. [They're trying to control their minds by saying that they're excited.]", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00037-00015628-00015886": "- It's so much fun. - I'm having so much fun.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00038-00015886-00016123": "[They hear the sound signaling the beginning of the live show.]", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00039-00016123-00016385": "[Squatting hard on the other side.]", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00040-00016385-00016639": "[OnlyOneOf appears!]", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00041-00018334-00018817": "Hello! I'm KB, OnlyOneOf's dangerous hot guy!", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00042-00018817-00019126": "I'm Nine, OnlyOneOf's fox!", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00043-00019237-00019623": "I'm Rie, the softie soft peach.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00044-00019803-00020194": "I'm Mill. I'm sexy, not cute.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00045-00020300-00020643": "I'm Junji, OnlyOneOf's Buruburu.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00046-00020643-00021068": "I'm Yoojung, the popular guy of OnlyOneOf.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00047-00021068-00021564": "Congratulations on the debut in Japan!", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00048-00021813-00022101": "[Wait, we gotta localize for this country!]", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00049-00023460-00024017": "[Revealing \"seamless mind,\" a song in the album]", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00050-00024543-00024700": "[Junji's done changing for \"suit dance]", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00051-00024700-00024923": "I got changed the fastest.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00052-00024923-00025064": "This is so much fun!", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00053-00025064-00025389": "I wasn't that nervous before going up on the stage.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00054-00025389-00025678": "But I got nervous right as I started singing.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00055-00025678-00025805": "Because I wanna do it well!", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00056-00025805-00026012": "You can tell that I can't stop smiling while performing.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00057-00026012-00026189": "As soon as I'm on stage, I'm like this.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00058-00026189-00026436": "You know how you can't hide it when you're so happy.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00059-00026436-00026881": "We haven't done a live show like this for such a long time, so I just couldn't help but smile like that.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00060-00026881-00027384": "LyOns were so amazing. They were such great audience.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00061-00027384-00027795": "And you know the fan light thing? It was so beautiful.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00062-00027795-00028019": "It really energized me even more while performing.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00063-00028680-00029127": "[First time revealing \"suit dance\" in person to lyOns in Japan.]", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00064-00029733-00030043": "[Taking a group photo with lyOns!]", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00065-00031344-00031607": "It was so touching!", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00066-00031607-00031733": "It was very touching!", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00067-00031733-00031889": "- It almost makes you cry! - But I didn't cry (this time).", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00068-00031889-00032036": "I almost did, but I didn't after seeing Mill.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00069-00032036-00032315": "I think Junji almost cried.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00070-00032315-00032687": "- Everyone did. - Everyone was overwhelmed with emotions.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00071-00032687-00033103": "I almost felt crying when I first went up on the stage...when I heard \"angel\" playing at first.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00072-00033103-00033500": "I looked at each member, and it seemed like we all felt the same.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00073-00033500-00033826": "Like we felt so touched and excited. So I just smiled.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00074-00033826-00034349": "It's a relief that we didn't make any mistake for this big performance.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00075-00034349-00034858": "And lyOns really cheered for us a lot. They used the fan lights and clapped for us a lot.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00076-00034858-00035023": "So we got even more energized.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00077-00035023-00035480": "I was actually very worried, but I didn't get as nervous as I expected. It felt like we were all having fun together.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00078-00035480-00035736": "- It was fun. - It was so much fun.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00079-00035736-00036158": "We're gonna work hard to show you even better performances during the 2nd half.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00080-00036210-00036446": "Please get excited for the 2nd half as well!", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00081-00036446-00036776": "We're now gonna go get ready for the 2nd half.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00082-00036915-00037084": "See ya!", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00083-00037103-00037303": "[Time to eat]", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00084-00037386-00037533": "Is it delicious?", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00085-00037932-00038016": "[Huh?]", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00086-00038119-00038253": "Beef bento!", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00087-00038912-00039107": "You think I took a good pic? [Bragging about takoyaki]", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00088-00039107-00039483": "- I gotta share this with the fans. - Oh really? The pic looks nice.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00089-00039500-00039823": "I can tell from your cheeks that you are really enjoying the food. [Admitting it with his cheeks]", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00090-00039986-00040278": "You look like your dying although you had delicious food.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00091-00040278-00040477": "Please show us your \"yummy!\" face again.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00092-00040630-00040873": "That's the same as before except the wider mouth!", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00093-00040933-00041296": "[Practicing Japanese hard for the 2nd part of the show]", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00094-00041296-00041646": "[Showing off his Japanese]", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00095-00042049-00042294": "Even more perfect than the 1st half. I think I can do this well!", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00096-00042810-00043107": "OnlyOneOf! Fighting!", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00097-00043180-00043380": "How are ya feeling about this last performance?", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00098-00043380-00043515": "I'll perform well so that I have no regrets.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00099-00043515-00043845": "- We're gonna nail this! - We're so gonna nail this last performance!", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00100-00043845-00044210": "[Doing the group squat before going up the stage, which proved to be effective]", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00101-00044210-00044713": "[Live - 2nd part begins!]", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00102-00046383-00046561": "I'm sweating so much.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00103-00046953-00047229": "Our fans really cheered for us a lot during the 1st part.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00104-00047229-00047727": "But during the 2nd part, they were even louder! So we really got very energized.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00105-00047727-00048000": "They even brought up this energy that I didn't even know we had.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00106-00048000-00048419": "So I'm gonna pass out after today's performance and wake up the next day.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00107-00048500-00048713": "- \"BlOssOm\" is gonna be really fun. - How should we run?", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00108-00049465-00049632": "Last one!", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00109-00052573-00052759": "[Getting warmed up to get teary]", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00110-00053536-00053820": "I'm sad that it's already over. T.T", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00111-00055883-00056212": "Go next to the wall! [Re-enacting the \"crying against a wall\" in 3 years]", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00112-00056212-00056470": "I usually cry when someone else does, so I almost cried!", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00113-00056470-00056965": "I wish Mill wasn't the first one to cry! Because it actually dries up our tears!", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00114-00056965-00057230": "- 'Cuz he cries so cutely! - He does cry in a way that's a bit funny.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00115-00057230-00057399": "He cries like this.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00116-00057473-00057884": "We're done with the 1st and 2nd part of the live show!", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00117-00057884-00058093": "- I wish it wasn't over. - Yeah, same here.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00118-00058093-00058383": "It felt sad when we were singing \"time leap.\"", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00119-00058383-00058873": "Yeah, I was wishing that \"time leap\" was like 12 minutes long. Or being played repeatedly on a loop!", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00120-00058873-00059314": "We've worked hard for this, and we really thank the fans for enjoying our performance!", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00121-00059314-00059535": "I hope this will become a great memory for you.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00122-00059535-00059942": "If it wasn't for COVID-19, we would've met lyOns 2 years ago instead!", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00123-00059942-00060225": "We're sorry that we ended up coming here so late. [Are you done crying?]", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00124-00060225-00060949": "But still, so many people have come today and shown their support. It really meant a lot for us.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00125-00060949-00061046": "And Mill cried!", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00126-00061046-00061428": "And the members and staff members have worked so hard for today.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00127-00061428-00061612": "Thank you so much for all your effort.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00128-00061612-00062048": "This performance was successful thanks to all your help. Thank you so much!", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00129-00062048-00062322": "Thank you!", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00130-00062322-00062672": "Last but not least, Mr. Teary Mill, please tell us how you feel.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00131-00062672-00063123": "I cried because... I kept looking at the fans' faces.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00132-00063123-00063787": "I kept looking at them in all sections, and then my eyes just got teary. It was truly touching.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00133-00063787-00064250": "We'll show you better performances and present great memories for you from now on.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00134-00064250-00064644": "And we'll repay your love with even more tears. Thank you so much.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00135-00064644-00065062": "Thank you so much for creating such a great memory for us.", "1oZF9LuHQF0-00136-00065616-00065960": "This has been OnlyOneOf!"}}, {"audio_id": "1oaOjLMpFqc", "text": {"1oaOjLMpFqc-00000-00000068-00000578": "all governments are immoral and criminal institutions because they force everyone", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00001-00000579-00001053": "under threat of violence to pay mandatory taxes for life there are", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00002-00001053-00001599": "hundreds of taxes from property tax to income tax to inheritance tax you must", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00003-00001599-00002003": "pay them all or else the government will use the power and force of its machinery", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00004-00002003-00002547": "to seize your bank account garnish your wages and or arrest you and put you in", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00005-00002547-00003084": "jail how is that any different than the Mafia government's demand we pay our", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00006-00003084-00003586": "dues regularly promise us we'll be safe and protected if we do and if we don't", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00007-00003586-00004194": "agents come around to shake us down or put us away if taxes were voluntary then", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00008-00004194-00004611": "governments wouldn't automatically be immoral or criminal because they would", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00009-00004611-00005114": "be completely funded by donations only thus their very existence limited by", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00010-00005114-00005568": "volunteerism if governments actually did a good job and spent our money wisely", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00011-00005568-00006168": "then people might willingly donate for social programs roads schools etc but", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00012-00006168-00006588": "when taxes are compulsory and a huge percentage of them goes towards lining", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00013-00006588-00007017": "the pockets of politicians I can't help but think privatization of social", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00014-00007017-00007381": "programs road construction schools and everything else the government", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00015-00007381-00007827": "unsatisfactorily provides us would be better for society by letting the free", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00016-00007827-00008186": "market and small communities and neighborhoods decide instead of our", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00017-00008186-00008700": "immoral criminal governments and other mandatory tax and despicable limitation", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00018-00008700-00009120": "that all governments enforce is our natural right to international travel in", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00019-00009120-00009672": "reality the world is one undivided whole all divisions such as countries and", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00020-00009672-00010089": "borders are merely man-made thought constructs with no reality outside our", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00021-00010089-00010547": "minds they are just arbitrary lines drawn on a map that governments are", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00022-00010547-00011049": "constantly changing but everyone has to be born somewhere so governments quickly", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00023-00011049-00011504": "brand you with the curse of nationality the instant you are born now I am", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00024-00011504-00011895": "American because I was born within the arbitrary borders of the fictional", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00025-00011895-00012399": "construct known as America since I'm American but I've made the decision to", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00026-00012399-00012786": "live outside the arbitrary borders of the fictional construct that was born in", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00027-00012786-00013287": "Thailand I have a whole new series of taxes and government mandates that apply", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00028-00013287-00013691": "I am required to carry around an expensive microchipped passport", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00029-00013691-00014112": "identification and check-in with the immigration office every three months to", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00030-00014112-00014472": "fill out some paperwork and give them more money every six months to a year", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00031-00014472-00014850": "I'm required to cross the arbitrary borders of the fictional construct known", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00032-00014850-00015287": "as Thailand into a neighboring tax farms embassy where I must fill out more", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00033-00015287-00015725": "paperwork and give them yet more money for temporary visa stamps in my passport", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00034-00015725-00016266": "to work abroad governments require us slaves to submit work permits and pay", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00035-00016266-00016734": "annually for the privilege the taxes and headaches never end thanks to being", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00036-00016734-00017207": "American I'm actually lucky that I can live abroad at all and should be happy", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00037-00017207-00017664": "many people from less fortunate tax farms are completely restricted from", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00038-00017664-00018165": "traveling to or working in other more fortunate tax forms another one is land", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00039-00018165-00018473": "rights how can you honestly claim to be a land", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00040-00018473-00018887": "owner when you have to pay property taxes every year for as long as you own", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00041-00018887-00019437": "it if you own it why do you still have to pay annual rental fees the government", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00042-00019437-00019869": "holds the allodial titles and just issues you a slave need they maintain", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00043-00019869-00020282": "eminent domain and can plow over your home to build a highway anytime they", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00044-00020282-00020715": "please name one thing that governments provide that people couldn't do better", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00045-00020715-00021248": "easier and more efficiently privately at the community level name one reason why", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00046-00021248-00021654": "we have to run this never-ending hamster wheel of government mandate and Taxation", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00047-00021654-00022119": "there is nowhere on earth you can go that isn't controlled by a statist", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00048-00022119-00022566": "government every piece of land has been divided up and claimed by a hundred and", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00049-00022566-00022938": "ninety six nations all of which are controlled by some form of forced", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00050-00022938-00023331": "governance there is nowhere left on earth that sovereign freedom-loving", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00051-00023331-00023870": "individuals can go live freely without a mafioso government forcing them to pay", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00052-00023870-00024366": "taxes and obey laws no matter whether you live under a monarchy an oligarchy", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00053-00024366-00024863": "or Republic whether it's called democracy communism socialism or fascism", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00054-00024863-00025398": "all current forms of government initiate and mandate violence and slavery upon", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00055-00025398-00025851": "their populations we are all slaves to our governments because every nation", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00056-00025851-00026262": "forces under threat of violence and kidnapping that we must pay them a", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00057-00026262-00026643": "percentage of our income in some countries like Thailand it's", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00058-00026643-00027000": "thirty percent America forty to fifty percent", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00059-00027000-00027408": "France is around sixty percent not to mention hundreds of other smaller", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00060-00027408-00027869": "mandatory taxes which raise these figures even higher so if the definition", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00061-00027869-00028350": "of slavery is forcefully taking a hundred percent of someone's income what", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00062-00028350-00028707": "is it called when government's forcefully take 60% of someone's income", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00063-00028707-00029138": "is that not slavery what if they only take thirty percent is", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00064-00029138-00029607": "that still slavery we are taught in school that slavery ended long ago and", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00065-00029607-00030020": "it is universally understood that slavery is immoral but if governments", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00066-00030020-00030470": "still are forcibly taking even one percent of their populations income that", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00067-00030470-00030993": "is still slavery and even one percent slavery is immoral the very definition", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00068-00030993-00031472": "of the word government is mind control and the vast majority of people", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00069-00031472-00031974": "worldwide public and private sector alike are absolutely mind controlled by", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00070-00031974-00032366": "their governments media's and education systems to believe that their statist", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00071-00032366-00032813": "government is amoral in altruistic institution that exists for the benefit", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00072-00032813-00033300": "of the people the reality is of course the opposite the reality is that all", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00073-00033300-00033726": "nations are like open-air slave plantations allowing their indentured", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00074-00033726-00034125": "servant populations to choose their occupation giving the illusion of", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00075-00034125-00034578": "freedom then swooping in on payday to steal the fruits of your labor this is", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00076-00034578-00035001": "why all governments are criminal and immoral and why the only system of just", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00077-00035001-00035591": "governance is anarchism algorithm or volunteerism there is no political", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00078-00035591-00036047": "solution to the problem of government voting for a new ceremonial figurehead", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00079-00036047-00036486": "every four years has never will never and could never create any significant", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00080-00036486-00036906": "lasting positive change because governments cannot be improved or made", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00081-00036906-00037413": "moral from within there are too many vested interests and no statist system", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00082-00037413-00037863": "be at monarchy oligarchy communism democracy republic or dictatorship", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00083-00037863-00038372": "none of them respect the right of the individual to opt out of being governed", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00084-00038372-00038661": "when the Mafia comes around to your business", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00085-00038661-00039038": "they always befriend and promise to protect you providing you pay and obey", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00086-00039038-00039509": "them if you refuse to comply however the mafia burns your business to the ground", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00087-00039509-00039896": "similarly all statist governments promise to help and protect their", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00088-00039896-00040227": "populations as long as we pay in obey but if we", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00089-00040227-00040653": "don't then they cease our asses and our assets and throw us in prison the whole", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00090-00040653-00041075": "problem is giving one privileged class legal right and obligation to commit", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00091-00041075-00041499": "violence and coercion against the rest of the population all governments around", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00092-00041499-00041975": "the world initiate the use of violence in the form of police and coercion in", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00093-00041975-00042402": "the form of taxes against their populations and this is absolutely", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00094-00042402-00042921": "immoral and unacceptable consensual sex is moral because it is voluntary", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00095-00042921-00043437": "whereas rape is immoral because it's forced similarly things like charity", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00096-00043437-00043790": "donations in the free market are moral because they are voluntary", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00097-00043790-00044352": "whereas theft and taxation are immoral because they are forced the root problem", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00098-00044352-00044750": "festering within all governments around the world is not the rife internal", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00099-00044750-00045119": "corruption or criminality those are merely symptoms and side-effects of", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00100-00045119-00045525": "statism the paramount problem with government is that its mandates are", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00101-00045525-00046094": "mandatory its compulsions are compulsory for governments to be moral institutions", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00102-00046094-00046640": "all taxes and interactions must be made voluntary if governments are honestly in", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00103-00046640-00047055": "existence for our benefit then they must be voluntary and never initiate the use", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00104-00047055-00047522": "of force against their populations that kind of authoritarian violence and", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00105-00047522-00048033": "coercion is not allowed or acceptable in any other facet of our lives we wouldn't", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00106-00048033-00048425": "put up with it so why do we sheepishly line up to vote for a new puppet", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00107-00048425-00048831": "president every four years thinking they are somehow going to make the Mafia", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00108-00048831-00049290": "moral simply working for the government whether you're a soldier policeman", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00109-00049290-00049725": "politician or otherwise your salary comes from the taxes the population are", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00110-00049725-00050190": "forced to pay making you a criminal by proxy thus working for statist", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00111-00050190-00050612": "governments like working for the Mafia is immoral and criminal because your", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00112-00050612-00051041": "paycheck comes from stolen money in other words all governments everyone", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00113-00051041-00051434": "working for them and benefiting from their social programs are like getaway", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00114-00051434-00051924": "drivers in a robbery they may not have personally stolen your money but your", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00115-00051924-00052445": "money is right there in their pockets so who is responsible if not them I'm not a", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00116-00052445-00052916": "fan of isms but the second you Express a sound idea the establishment is quick to", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00117-00052916-00053223": "rebrand your revolution and assimilate your inspiration", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00118-00053223-00053745": "into an ism they can control for instance anarchy a once respectable term", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00119-00053745-00054312": "simply meaning without rulers advocating society without government has long been", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00120-00054312-00054825": "rebranded hand in hand with chaos wearing bandanna face masks throwing", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00121-00054825-00055359": "Molotov cocktails the actual idea of non-violent sovereign societies", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00122-00055359-00055788": "enlightened and capable beyond the need for status governments however is", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00123-00055788-00056484": "certainly ideal and not chaos the terms agar ISM and volunteerism are similar", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00124-00056484-00056951": "ideas advocating only voluntary interactions between people in the state", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00125-00056951-00057491": "call it what you will and Ark ISM agar ISM volunteers 'm or just keep it simple", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00126-00057491-00057891": "and call it freedom it is the missing ingredient in all governments and the", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00127-00057891-00058260": "root of all state corruption and criminality if people want to have a", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00128-00058260-00058647": "bureaucracy of diplomats creating a bunch of social programs for their", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00129-00058647-00059117": "benefit what governments claim to be then that's fine but just because some", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00130-00059117-00059520": "guy in a suit wrote something on a piece of paper doesn't make it mandatory and", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00131-00059520-00060027": "just because the Mafia says you'd better pay up doesn't mean you should our", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00132-00060027-00060489": "current so-called justice system is such an unenlightened corrupt farce that the", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00133-00060489-00060951": "entire edifice should be relegated to the history books humanity desperately", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00134-00060951-00061299": "needs to reconsider the idea that justice is somehow served by", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00135-00061299-00061782": "systematically fining caging or killing criminals the idea that we should pay", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00136-00061782-00062214": "and empower unaffected parties to deliver standardised punishments and the", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00137-00062214-00062613": "idea that police are anything but violent and coercive policy enforcers of", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00138-00062613-00063104": "our statist mafia governments today there are literally millions of laws and", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00139-00063104-00063477": "legislations on record in the United States alone and under the current", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00140-00063477-00063987": "official edict ignorant of these laws is no excuse for disobeying therefore all", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00141-00063987-00064482": "citizens are legally bound under threat of theft kidnapping and imprisonment to", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00142-00064482-00064961": "read remember understand and obey millions of ever-increasing laws or else", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00143-00064961-00065433": "millions of nitpicking restrictions are nagging nanny state has decided as", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00144-00065433-00065886": "children must completely refrain from under any circumstance or else receive", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00145-00065886-00066345": "severe punishment ridiculous things with no ill affected party such as the", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00146-00066345-00066688": "consumption of cannabis and actually growing plant that governments", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00147-00066688-00067081": "all over the world have deemed evil enough to cage you in prison for decades", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00148-00067081-00067606": "should you dare allow the weeds demon seed to take root in your soil such laws", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00149-00067606-00068014": "are nothing but anti freedoms written by people so far above the law", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00150-00068014-00068551": "that they can write the laws but surely we need some form of law and order court", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00151-00068551-00069011": "system and police protection everyone cries out of in knee-jerk unison here is", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00152-00069011-00069485": "all we need common law courts which settle awful disputes between two", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00153-00069485-00069974": "affected parties regarding matters of injury theft or breach of contract that", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00154-00069974-00070454": "is all no state agents District Attorney's or police enforcing statutes", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00155-00070454-00070993": "and codes no maritime Admiralty or other kangaroo courts the only disputes which", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00156-00070993-00071429": "require the kind of mediation provided by courts and judges are those between", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00157-00071429-00071920": "two affected parties in the case of harm to one's person or property theft or", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00158-00071920-00072374": "breach of contract the Holy Trinity of common law everything which requires", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00159-00072374-00072842": "court mediation falls within these three simple categories and anything beyond or", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00160-00072842-00073330": "outside these categories are victimless crimes involving no injured party and", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00161-00073330-00073858": "have no business being called law by eliminating these millions of laws and", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00162-00073858-00074261": "leaving only three would so drastically reduce the amount of court cases per", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00163-00074261-00074736": "district per year that they could be run very cheaply in a voluntary society", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00164-00074736-00075139": "eliminating these millions of laws would also reduce the amount of people in", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00165-00075139-00075643": "prison by over 90% America currently houses 25 percent of the world's", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00166-00075643-00076024": "prisoners yet Americans themselves account for only 5% of the world", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00167-00076024-00076537": "population over 2 million in a population of 300 million meaning almost", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00168-00076537-00077119": "1 percent of the entire US population is currently living in cages and over 90", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00169-00077119-00077575": "percent of these for victimless crimes the insane way these people are being", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00170-00077575-00078019": "treated is disgusting and society has turned a collective blind eye to their", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00171-00078019-00078502": "plight meanwhile the injustice system also goes to great lengths protecting", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00172-00078502-00078767": "truly evil people from receiving what they deserve", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00173-00078767-00079258": "recently in Thailand a man shot and killed his wife point-blank for ignoring", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00174-00079258-00079717": "him and chatting online messenger too often he then proceeded to kill his", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00175-00079717-00080077": "mother-in-law and his son came to investigate he shot him", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00176-00080077-00080629": "too he then fired another round in all of them to make sure they were dead when", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00177-00080629-00081052": "his daughter came home he contemplated killing her but after much begging and", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00178-00081052-00081463": "pleading decided to spare her life and instead just stole her gold necklace to", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00179-00081463-00081919": "help finance his escape when police finally caught him they forced him to do", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00180-00081919-00082303": "a reenactment of the entire murder at the scene of the crime as they always do", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00181-00082303-00082843": "here in Thailand and 200 angry neighbors stormed in to try to hang him to death", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00182-00082843-00083416": "it took 50 police officers to stop the 200 villagers from doing what all of", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00183-00083416-00083893": "them deemed just and necessary which is banding together to end the life of this", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00184-00083893-00084367": "heartless psychopath who killed three members of their village had these 50", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00185-00084367-00084739": "police state agents not been there to protect this murderer of innocent women", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00186-00084739-00085297": "and children from his enraged community this spontaneously formed jury of 200 of", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00187-00085297-00085768": "his peers surely would have hung him or beat him to death in a natural tribal", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00188-00085768-00086164": "society that is certainly what would have happened his community would have", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00189-00086164-00086614": "collectively decided his fate based on each member's willingness to forgive or", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00190-00086614-00086893": "to engage in some act a form of retribution", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00191-00086893-00087373": "now instead he will be taken through the modern criminal justice system which", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00192-00087373-00087784": "means rather than being hung or stomped to death by his legitimately livid peers", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00193-00087784-00088294": "he is protected and caged by government mafia thugs while all affected parties", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00194-00088294-00088693": "are dragged through years of Appeals draining everyone's savings waiting for", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00195-00088693-00089089": "the final judgement of some Freemason and a white powder wig and black dress", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00196-00089089-00089597": "banging a wooden hammer yammering on about order and honor the entire thing", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00197-00089597-00090112": "is a corrupt farce as for example in the case of 8 and 9 year old satanic ritual", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00198-00090112-00090478": "abuse victims Gabrielle and ELISA Deerman they are being raped and", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00199-00090478-00090868": "kidnapped by the very state police and social service workers who are supposed", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00200-00090868-00091300": "to be protecting them and pursuing justice how can justice ever be served", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00201-00091300-00091729": "when the courts lawyers judges and police are more corrupt than the average", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00202-00091729-00092287": "street criminals on trial as I wrote in my book asbestos ed laws leave crime", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00203-00092287-00092704": "victims powerless to write their own wrongs the way they see fit and instead", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00204-00092704-00093120": "pay and empower unaffected people to enforce standardized punishment", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00205-00093120-00093597": "if someone lies - steals from cheats kidnaps rapes or murders someone I know", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00206-00093597-00094095": "than me my friends and my family deserve to deliver the punishment not only that", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00207-00094095-00094583": "but in these intense situations me my friends and my family do not want to sit", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00208-00094583-00094901": "still and wait for cops to do the best they can with what the law provides", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00209-00094901-00095310": "we're going to do the best we can with what God provides and use our god-given", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00210-00095310-00095711": "freedom to enforce our own ethics whether it's retribution or forgiveness", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00211-00095711-00096182": "justice should be whatever just us decide suppose I watch you kill my", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00212-00096182-00096480": "daughter the law says for me to leave you be call", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00213-00096480-00096963": "the police collect evidence consult a lawyer then testify to a box of peers", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00214-00096963-00097362": "will hopefully lock you away through years of Appeals until finally you get", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00215-00097362-00097812": "the death penalty or die of old age if instead I do the natural thing in such a", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00216-00097812-00098201": "situation and kill you myself then it's your daughter's turn to collect evidence", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00217-00098201-00098724": "consult the lawyer testify to a box of peers will keep me in and out of Appeals", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00218-00098724-00099127": "each one feeding the system paying police and judicial employee paychecks", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00219-00099127-00099612": "greasing those greedy wheels of status justice with years of our grief just for", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00220-00099612-00100119": "doing the just thing furthermore suppose I watch you kill my daughter and instead", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00221-00100119-00100575": "of wishing you dead instead of pursuing retribution of some sort suppose I wish", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00222-00100575-00100982": "to take the highest moral ground and end the cycle of suffering to stop the", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00223-00100982-00101379": "continuation of evil with my unconditional forgiveness suppose I wish", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00224-00101379-00101789": "to pardon you from all punishment I wish you no harm and that your family need", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00225-00101789-00102189": "not grieve the way ours does if after all this I actually wish for your", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00226-00102189-00102528": "forgiveness we'll find it's against the law I have", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00227-00102528-00102959": "to destroy evidence consult a lawyer then testify to a box of peers that it's", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00228-00102959-00103377": "all insanity forgive those umpteen sardines and send them home we love", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00229-00103377-00103815": "everybody and we're so sorry please love us and leave us alone stop locking us up", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00230-00103815-00104175": "in courtrooms and let us determine our own misdemeanors or at least give us", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00231-00104175-00104741": "forgiveness as an option it is important to note government's just like countries", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00232-00104741-00105380": "borders laws and other abstract concepts do not actually exist it sure seems like", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00233-00105380-00105785": "governments exist since they have the power to murder steal from or imprison", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00234-00105785-00106245": "their populations for whatever whims tickle their fancy but in actual fact", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00235-00106245-00106773": "they do not exist only people exist people in fitted", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00236-00106773-00107379": "uniforms exist police soldiers politicians prison guards public school", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00237-00107379-00107928": "teachers and welfare recipients exist the people who work for and benefit from", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00238-00107928-00108528": "the system are the system without people willing to murder steal from or imprison", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00239-00108528-00108876": "their fellow brothers and sisters in the name of government there is no", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00240-00108876-00109473": "government what government would we have if no one showed up on Election Day who", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00241-00109473-00110025": "would shake us down if no one paid up on tax day who would brainwash our children", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00242-00110025-00110583": "if no one sent them to public schools who would fight Foreign Wars if no one", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00243-00110583-00110979": "would be a soldier if people stopped working for the government the", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00244-00110979-00111410": "government would cease to exist if people stopped voting if people stopped", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00245-00111410-00111981": "paying taxes the government would cease to exist police soldiers politicians all", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00246-00111981-00112401": "other government workers and welfare recipients are the beneficiaries of our", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00247-00112401-00112956": "stolen money they are all upstanding parasite citizens employed by a parasite", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00248-00112956-00113558": "system to parasite off everyone else they are all anti entrepreneurs actively", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00249-00113558-00114039": "working against the free market they are people who through their actions agree", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00250-00114039-00114543": "with enable and enforce violence and coercion against their fellow man they", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00251-00114543-00114873": "grant themselves the legal right to counterfeit their own currency and", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00252-00114873-00115353": "imprison anyone else who tries their paychecks come from the taxes we are all", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00253-00115353-00115815": "forced to pay them their means of subsistence is counterfeit and theft and", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00254-00115815-00116238": "these thieves have the power to put us in prison if we don't willingly hand", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00255-00116238-00116757": "over our hard-earned money whenever and however much they ask for governmental", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00256-00116757-00117240": "literally translates to mind control it's time people realize they've been", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00257-00117240-00117627": "brainwashed by their mafia governments stand up and say to all government", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00258-00117627-00118125": "employees a big no thanks for your service to all the soldiers and", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00259-00118125-00118503": "policemen to all politicians and government employees around the world", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00260-00118503-00119043": "consider this a big no thanks for your service your paychecks all come from", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00261-00119043-00119427": "money stolen by force from your hard-working fellow countrymen and women", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00262-00119427-00120045": "your employer your national government is 100% funded by tax money taxes which", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00263-00120045-00120474": "your populations are forced to pay under threat of kidnapping imprisonment and", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00264-00120474-00120954": "often murder to be employed by an immoral and criminal organization like a", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00265-00120954-00121404": "statist government is immoral and criminal to receive stolen money and", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00266-00121404-00121880": "call it your salary is immoral and criminal i implore all government", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00267-00121880-00122376": "workers to leave your jobs and pursue an occupation with real integrity find a", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00268-00122376-00122820": "way to earn money without stealing from everyone get a job where customers pay", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00269-00122820-00123291": "you voluntarily I know it's not as easy as just forcing people to pay your", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00270-00123291-00123750": "salaries but it is the moral thing to do and to everyone else let your soldiers", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00271-00123750-00124245": "police and politicians know no thanks for your service and no we don't support", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00272-00124245-00124665": "the troops we don't support any occupation built on stolen money much", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00273-00124665-00125084": "less an occupation built on the blood of millions of innocents we send young men", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00274-00125084-00125580": "and women off to kill and be killed maim and be maimed all for the propagation of", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00275-00125580-00126000": "corporate imperialism and status to Germany then if and when they ever come", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00276-00126000-00126492": "home demoralized and depressed ridden with regret and post-traumatic stress we", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00277-00126492-00126921": "Harold them as heroes but the truth is every time a soldier leaves his home", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00278-00126921-00127371": "country he becomes a terrorist if you're interested in defending your country and", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00279-00127371-00127835": "protecting your family for free join a local militia if you're interested in", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00280-00127835-00128217": "leaving your country to attack other people's families for money join the", "1oaOjLMpFqc-00281-00128217-00128873": "national military the former is respectable the latter is a reputable"}}, {"audio_id": "1004PU5ti7M", "text": {"1004PU5ti7M-00000-00000402-00000502": "WELCOME TO ALL HANDS UPDATE.", "1004PU5ti7M-00001-00000502-00000928": "I'M PETTY OFFICER ANDREW JOHNSON WITH YOUR HEADLINES FROM AROUND THE FLEET.", "1004PU5ti7M-00002-00000928-00001049": "THE POST-9/11 G.I.", "1004PU5ti7M-00003-00001049-00001462": "BILL ALLOWS YOU TO TRANSFER UNUSED EDUCATION BENEFITS TO YOUR DEPENDENTS.", "1004PU5ti7M-00004-00001462-00001809": "IF YOU'VE RECENTLY APPLIED FOR A TRANSFER OF BENEFITS, THERE ARE A FEW WAYS TO CHECK", "1004PU5ti7M-00005-00001809-00001978": "THE STATUS OF YOUR APPLICATION.", "1004PU5ti7M-00006-00001978-00002429": "\"ONCE A SAILOR HAS TRANSFERRED THEIR POST 9/11 BENEFITS, EDUCATIONAL BENEFITS, TO THEIR", "1004PU5ti7M-00007-00002429-00002885": "FAMILY MEMBERS, THERE ARE A COUPLE OF WAYS THAT THEY CAN CONFIRM THE STATUS ON WHETHER", "1004PU5ti7M-00008-00002885-00003027": "IT HAS BEEN APPROVED OR NOT.", "1004PU5ti7M-00009-00003027-00003627": "THEY CAN LOG BACK ON TO MILCONNECT AND PUT THEIR INFORMATION IN TO SEE IF IT'S BEEN TRANSFERRED,", "1004PU5ti7M-00010-00003627-00004389": "USUALLY TAKES ABOUT TEN, TEN DAYS TO TWO WEEKS, OR THEY CAN ALWAYS CALL OUR 1-800 NUMBER YOU-ASK-NPC", "1004PU5ti7M-00011-00004389-00004575": "AND THEY'LL BE ABLE TO LET YOU KNOW.\"", "1004PU5ti7M-00012-00004575-00005230": "TO HEAR EVERYTHING FLEET MASTER CHIEF BELDO HAS TO SAY ABOUT TRANSFERABILITY, VISIT WWW.AH.MIL.", "1004PU5ti7M-00013-00005230-00005397": "FROM ALL HANDS UPDATE, THANKS FOR WATCHING."}}, {"audio_id": "106z0TDQydc", "text": {"106z0TDQydc-00000-00000024-00000360": "hello everyone this would be my first time", "106z0TDQydc-00001-00000528-00001360": "since as you can see on the screen the 12th of may that i will be posting anything reasons why um", "106z0TDQydc-00002-00001560-00002320": "i'm busy with some other stuff especially with exams so i won't be posting as often but", "106z0TDQydc-00003-00002696-00003192": "i will be entering a lego beyblade content contest", "106z0TDQydc-00004-00003472-00004384": "now if i go back here hold on if i", "106z0TDQydc-00005-00005048-00005784": "if i go back", "106z0TDQydc-00006-00006248-00006495": "hold on let me", "106z0TDQydc-00007-00006848-00007184": "search that", "106z0TDQydc-00008-00007616-00007959": "don't mind random searches that you'll see um", "106z0TDQydc-00009-00008336-00009024": "this is the video i'm talking about so some of you may have noticed that this channel has reached 15", "106z0TDQydc-00010-00009080-00009792": "000 subscribers and so for the special occasion i'm going to be hosting my very own lego beyblade", "106z0TDQydc-00011-00009792-00010392": "design contest if you would like to participate in this design contest all you have to do is", "106z0TDQydc-00012-00010392-00011168": "build your best looking lego beyblade post a video about it on youtube and add hashtag whytastic15k", "106z0TDQydc-00013-00011224-00011856": "in the title but before you start building your lego beyblade i have but one rule and that rule", "106z0TDQydc-00014-00011856-00012464": "is that your lego beyblade must be original which basically means you're not allowed to", "106z0TDQydc-00015-00012464-00013088": "enter somebody else's design or something that may look like somebody else's design for the contest", "106z0TDQydc-00016-00013088-00013919": "you have exactly until june 24th 2022 and exactly 12 o'clock am to enter your design and from there", "106z0TDQydc-00017-00013919-00014480": "i will pick out the best looking lego beyblade from all the submissions and i will build it", "106z0TDQydc-00018-00014480-00015136": "and review it for a video and with that said that is gonna wrap up this video thank you all so so", "106z0TDQydc-00019-00015200-00016384": "yeah so i oh god so as you can see Ytastic is doing another design contest for him reaching 15", "106z0TDQydc-00020-00016560-00017288": "million subscribers um shout out to Ytastic because i didn't really want", "106z0TDQydc-00021-00017288-00018080": "to use this video before a bit of like giving him at least some credit because of the video", "106z0TDQydc-00022-00018080-00019360": "and also congratulations on 15. 000 subscribers i will be doing a lego beyblade to submit to this", "106z0TDQydc-00023-00019520-00020064": "but if not it would most likely come in late aft after", "106z0TDQydc-00024-00020168-00020848": "but if i get the time to i will build it i will build the lego beyblade post it here", "106z0TDQydc-00025-00020848-00021848": "and you guys would see it and as well would go in the design contents well that's it for now"}}, {"audio_id": "11zprH1qsV4", "text": {"11zprH1qsV4-00000-00000495-00001130": "You know that my son has a crush on your daughter.", "11zprH1qsV4-00001-00001130-00001518": "I love your daughter as my son loves her", "11zprH1qsV4-00002-00001518-00001893": "I want to engage her to my son", "11zprH1qsV4-00003-00001893-00002475": "I totally agree with you", "11zprH1qsV4-00004-00002475-00003052": "but I have to ask my daughter first", "11zprH1qsV4-00005-00003052-00003314": "I cannot force her", "11zprH1qsV4-00006-00003314-00003825": "Is it true?", "11zprH1qsV4-00007-00003825-00004560": "Do you agree to be his finance?", "11zprH1qsV4-00008-00004980-00005654": "Noch! What's wrong?", "11zprH1qsV4-00009-00005654-00006002": "Cannot! Cannot...", "11zprH1qsV4-00010-00006002-00006203": "I'm disagree", "11zprH1qsV4-00011-00006203-00006490": "How can you not agree?", "11zprH1qsV4-00012-00006490-00006543": "I'm not Noch", "11zprH1qsV4-00013-00006543-00006958": "I'm Chreb, your mother. Can't you recognize my voice?", "11zprH1qsV4-00014-00006958-00007343": "Mother! Mother... Why are you here?", "11zprH1qsV4-00015-00007343-00007699": "I'm protecting my granddaughter", "11zprH1qsV4-00016-00007699-00007931": "Let's go, mom", "11zprH1qsV4-00017-00007931-00008503": "Chreb... We are here to propose your grandchild to my son", "11zprH1qsV4-00018-00008503-00008851": "We don't hurt her", "11zprH1qsV4-00019-00008851-00009100": "We are here for good", "11zprH1qsV4-00020-00009100-00009303": "What's wrong?", "11zprH1qsV4-00021-00009303-00009507": "Dear... My dear", "11zprH1qsV4-00022-00009507-00009783": "What do you want?", "11zprH1qsV4-00023-00009783-00010490": "SASTRA FILM & BAYON TV", "11zprH1qsV4-00024-00010490-00010735": "Sponsored by", "11zprH1qsV4-00025-00010735-00011258": "Present", "11zprH1qsV4-00026-00011258-00011886": "Forced Marriage", "11zprH1qsV4-00027-00011886-00012358": "Here!", "11zprH1qsV4-00028-00012358-00012414": "Is the total 25 000 Riels?", "11zprH1qsV4-00029-00012414-00012753": "Here is your money", "11zprH1qsV4-00030-00012753-00013004": "I don't want money yet", "11zprH1qsV4-00031-00013004-00013361": "I'm just worried that I will forget", "11zprH1qsV4-00032-00013361-00013797": "How is it? Do you any results from lotion?", "11zprH1qsV4-00033-00013797-00014241": "If it's not fit with your skin condition, I will change it for you", "11zprH1qsV4-00034-00014241-00014691": "It's not bad. I don't have time to apply it regularly", "11zprH1qsV4-00035-00014691-00015257": "I always forget to apply it", "11zprH1qsV4-00036-00015257-00016087": "Don't be a workaholic! You have to take care of yourself", "11zprH1qsV4-00037-00016087-00016558": "Your face is also important", "11zprH1qsV4-00038-00016558-00017000": "I know.", "11zprH1qsV4-00039-00017000-00017405": "Thank you for giving me this", "11zprH1qsV4-00040-00018342-00018490": "Is it enough?", "11zprH1qsV4-00041-00018490-00018864": "When did you owe her money?", "11zprH1qsV4-00042-00018864-00019273": "I didn't own her money", "11zprH1qsV4-00043-00019273-00019323": "What about this?", "11zprH1qsV4-00044-00019323-00019782": "She bought lotions from me", "11zprH1qsV4-00045-00019782-00020223": "Don't you have money to pay for your lotion?", "11zprH1qsV4-00046-00020223-00020680": "How about the money that I gave you last week", "11zprH1qsV4-00047-00020680-00021073": "That 150 000 Riels, I used it for needed", "11zprH1qsV4-00048-00021073-00021533": "She doesn't want to owe me money but I allowed her to", "11zprH1qsV4-00049-00021533-00021951": "I just want to give her the lotion to use first", "11zprH1qsV4-00050-00021951-00022074": "Mind your own business!", "11zprH1qsV4-00051-00022074-00022786": "Where did you take the money to? Where is money that I gave you?", "11zprH1qsV4-00052-00022786-00023231": "Do you think I waste money?", "11zprH1qsV4-00053-00023231-00023760": "I didn't mean anything but you know I'm the one who earn money", "11zprH1qsV4-00054-00023760-00024087": "It's not as easy as you think", "11zprH1qsV4-00055-00024087-00024569": "Do you think I'm just staying at home and doing nothing?", "11zprH1qsV4-00056-00024569-00024978": "How can you blame me for buying my lotions?", "11zprH1qsV4-00057-00024978-00025499": "You said I'm not as beautiful as before. But when I'm trying to buy skincare, you said I waster money", "11zprH1qsV4-00058-00025499-00025951": "What do you want? Do you want to divorce me?", "11zprH1qsV4-00059-00025951-00026540": "I just want you to save money", "11zprH1qsV4-00060-00026540-00027004": "If you don't want to stay with anyone, I will let you go", "11zprH1qsV4-00061-00027472-00028014": "Stop arguing! I give it to you for free", "11zprH1qsV4-00062-00028014-00028394": "Stop arguing like this!", "11zprH1qsV4-00063-00028394-00029437": "Think about your future! I would rather stay single than married", "11zprH1qsV4-00064-00030605-00030877": "Look at you!", "11zprH1qsV4-00065-00030877-00031304": "How can you do that? You look like a man", "11zprH1qsV4-00066-00031304-00031709": "How can you not being a lady", "11zprH1qsV4-00067-00031709-00032196": "I'm pretty this way", "11zprH1qsV4-00068-00032196-00032564": "Why are you looking for me?", "11zprH1qsV4-00069-00033133-00033459": "No one wants to order anything", "11zprH1qsV4-00070-00033459-00033841": "Is there anything special, Nouy?", "11zprH1qsV4-00071-00033841-00034070": "You will know about it", "11zprH1qsV4-00072-00034070-00034340": "Shut up!", "11zprH1qsV4-00073-00034340-00035113": "Have you dreamed of seeing a snake last night?", "11zprH1qsV4-00074-00035113-00035324": "Nope!", "11zprH1qsV4-00075-00035324-00035374": "Really?", "11zprH1qsV4-00076-00035374-00035574": "Yes", "11zprH1qsV4-00077-00035574-00035927": "How about the nights before that?", "11zprH1qsV4-00078-00035927-00036199": "I dreamed", "11zprH1qsV4-00079-00036199-00036795": "But I chopped it into a piece", "11zprH1qsV4-00080-00036795-00037335": "You are not being useful", "11zprH1qsV4-00081-00037335-00037774": "You are so stupid", "11zprH1qsV4-00082-00037774-00038061": "You don't act like an adult", "11zprH1qsV4-00083-00038061-00038979": "Lun asked An to ask your hands for marriage", "11zprH1qsV4-00084-00038979-00039518": "Do you agree? If you do, I will ask them to come to our home to discuss", "11zprH1qsV4-00085-00039518-00040214": "No! I want to finish my study first", "11zprH1qsV4-00086-00040214-00040741": "I don't know Chinese", "11zprH1qsV4-00087-00040741-00041180": "Unknown Language", "11zprH1qsV4-00088-00041180-00041522": "How can you make me crazy because of you", "11zprH1qsV4-00089-00041522-00042126": "His Name is Chen (Chinese) but He is Cambodian", "11zprH1qsV4-00090-00042126-00042552": "You get it?", "11zprH1qsV4-00091-00042898-00043184": "Look at you!", "11zprH1qsV4-00092-00043184-00043872": "Can you be a lady?", "11zprH1qsV4-00093-00043872-00044310": "How can you not follow me?", "11zprH1qsV4-00094-00045355-00045633": "Why did you do that?", "11zprH1qsV4-00095-00045633-00046159": "Smile", "11zprH1qsV4-00096-00046159-00046493": "Look to left... to the right", "11zprH1qsV4-00097-00046493-00046744": "Get it?", "11zprH1qsV4-00098-00046744-00047466": "Mother! Do you know him clearly?", "11zprH1qsV4-00099-00047466-00047810": "Right!", "11zprH1qsV4-00100-00047810-00048232": "The one who is in trouble at the football field that day", "11zprH1qsV4-00101-00048232-00048643": "Shut your mouth! Don't say a word", "11zprH1qsV4-00102-00049391-00049615": "You should think about getting married. You are getting older and older now", "11zprH1qsV4-00103-00049615-00050281": "Can you wait five more years?", "11zprH1qsV4-00104-00050281-00050591": "What? Five more years?", "11zprH1qsV4-00105-00050591-00050909": "I cannot wait", "11zprH1qsV4-00106-00050909-00051334": "Don't you look at yourself?", "11zprH1qsV4-00107-00051334-00052275": "You are 22 years old now. When I was your age, I have you already", "11zprH1qsV4-00108-00052275-00052761": "I had 3 pigs", "11zprH1qsV4-00109-00052761-00053344": "and 5 grams of gold", "11zprH1qsV4-00110-00053344-00054990": "Mother! Everything has changed Right! But don't you look at everyone around you? They have children already", "11zprH1qsV4-00111-00054990-00055677": "They have children but they don't have happiness", "11zprH1qsV4-00112-00055677-00056027": "Look at them!", "11zprH1qsV4-00113-00056027-00056697": "No one is happy every day", "11zprH1qsV4-00114-00056697-00057274": "You should know that we don't have a man to rely on for a long time right now", "11zprH1qsV4-00115-00057274-00057907": "If we have a man in our home. I will be happy", "11zprH1qsV4-00116-00057907-00058321": "His family is quite wealthy as well", "11zprH1qsV4-00117-00058321-00058761": "No, I want to finish my bachelor degree first", "11zprH1qsV4-00118-00058761-00059342": "When I graduate, there will be good men", "11zprH1qsV4-00119-00059342-00059776": "Is it true?", "11zprH1qsV4-00120-00059776-00060671": "Stop wearing this kind of jeans!", "11zprH1qsV4-00121-00060671-00060939": "Get it?", "11zprH1qsV4-00122-00060939-00061013": "Got it", "11zprH1qsV4-00123-00061013-00061262": "Smile", "11zprH1qsV4-00124-00061262-00061691": "How can you act like this?", "11zprH1qsV4-00125-00061691-00062105": "No, I don't", "11zprH1qsV4-00126-00062105-00062580": "I will change everything", "11zprH1qsV4-00127-00062580-00063219": "Noch! What are you wearing? I barely recognize you", "11zprH1qsV4-00128-00063219-00063715": "Our mother told me to wear something to cover my arms and legs", "11zprH1qsV4-00129-00065110-00065593": "Forced Marriage", "11zprH1qsV4-00130-00070387-00070823": "Forced Marriage", "11zprH1qsV4-00131-00070823-00071367": "Look at your idol!", "11zprH1qsV4-00132-00071367-00071616": "Who is it?", "11zprH1qsV4-00133-00071616-00071860": "Chen, the one who wants to marry you", "11zprH1qsV4-00134-00072777-00072982": "Who are you looking for?", "11zprH1qsV4-00135-00072982-00073355": "Ask me?", "11zprH1qsV4-00136-00073355-00074017": "I'm looking for an auntie", "11zprH1qsV4-00137-00074017-00074373": "My mother is at Som's home", "11zprH1qsV4-00138-00074373-00074746": "If you want to find her, go there", "11zprH1qsV4-00139-00074746-00075182": "No, I'm not looking for auntie anymore", "11zprH1qsV4-00140-00075182-00075867": "Don't ask him like that! He wants to buy our cosmetics", "11zprH1qsV4-00141-00075867-00076349": "You're right. I want to buy skincare", "11zprH1qsV4-00142-00076349-00076836": "Do you want to buy skincare?", "11zprH1qsV4-00143-00076836-00076910": "How can I help you?", "11zprH1qsV4-00144-00076910-00077510": "I need...", "11zprH1qsV4-00145-00077510-00077934": "The Shampoo for man", "11zprH1qsV4-00146-00077934-00078726": "I have many things including Shampoos, conditioner...", "11zprH1qsV4-00147-00078726-00079485": "I need... Shampoos for man", "11zprH1qsV4-00148-00079485-00079752": "It's 4$. Do you need anything else", "11zprH1qsV4-00149-00079752-00080590": "Don't ask him that? He might want more than one product", "11zprH1qsV4-00150-00080590-00081315": "He might want everything that man uses", "11zprH1qsV4-00151-00081315-00081808": "Men don't buy one products at a time", "11zprH1qsV4-00152-00081808-00082224": "Like Nouy Said... I need many things", "11zprH1qsV4-00153-00082224-00082859": "Nouy! Prepare one set for him", "11zprH1qsV4-00154-00082859-00083825": "Here you go! It's 35$ in total", "11zprH1qsV4-00155-00083825-00084031": "35$?", "11zprH1qsV4-00156-00084031-00084264": "yes", "11zprH1qsV4-00157-00084264-00084854": "140 000 Riels?", "11zprH1qsV4-00158-00084854-00085346": "I don't do the exchange rate for you", "11zprH1qsV4-00159-00086784-00087101": "Do you need anything else?", "11zprH1qsV4-00160-00087101-00087401": "We have many more products", "11zprH1qsV4-00161-00087401-00088004": "These are all I need", "11zprH1qsV4-00162-00088004-00088406": "I have something to do. I will visit you later", "11zprH1qsV4-00163-00088406-00088686": "Please come again next time!", "11zprH1qsV4-00164-00088686-00089375": "If you want to woo online sellers, you have to prepare money", "11zprH1qsV4-00165-00089889-00090211": "What's wrong? Can't you drive slowly", "11zprH1qsV4-00166-00090211-00090716": "What's wrong?", "11zprH1qsV4-00167-00090716-00091346": "How unfortunate!", "11zprH1qsV4-00168-00091346-00091715": "It is needed to be repair", "11zprH1qsV4-00169-00091715-00092382": "How can it relate with a man", "11zprH1qsV4-00170-00092382-00092682": "What's wrong with it?", "11zprH1qsV4-00171-00092682-00092756": "It needs to change the tire", "11zprH1qsV4-00172-00092756-00093316": "Right!", "11zprH1qsV4-00173-00093316-00094096": "Noch! You should take your mother to the pagoda with my motorbike", "11zprH1qsV4-00174-00094096-00094362": "I will take it to the repair shop for you", "11zprH1qsV4-00175-00094362-00094611": "It's not appropriate", "11zprH1qsV4-00176-00094611-00095055": "I will be your future son-in-law", "11zprH1qsV4-00177-00095055-00095543": "Noch! You should take my motorbike", "11zprH1qsV4-00178-00095543-00096081": "Let me handle this motorbike for you", "11zprH1qsV4-00179-00096081-00096499": "I think it's not appropriate", "11zprH1qsV4-00180-00096499-00096560": "Let's go!", "11zprH1qsV4-00181-00096560-00096975": "I will be your...", "11zprH1qsV4-00182-00096975-00097641": "Okay! So, after changing my tire, don't forget to wash it for me", "11zprH1qsV4-00183-00097641-00098153": "By the way, please change the motor oil for me", "11zprH1qsV4-00184-00098153-00098752": "One last thing...", "11zprH1qsV4-00185-00098752-00099100": "It's run of gasoline", "11zprH1qsV4-00186-00099100-00099457": "Don't forget to fill it for me", "11zprH1qsV4-00187-00099457-00099948": "Please pay for it!", "11zprH1qsV4-00188-00099948-00100175": "Pay?", "11zprH1qsV4-00189-00100175-00100550": "Are you okay?", "11zprH1qsV4-00190-00100550-00100891": "It's fine. I will pay for it", "11zprH1qsV4-00191-00100891-00101309": "Please hurry take your mom to the pagoda", "11zprH1qsV4-00192-00101309-00101987": "It's around here. Mom! Hurry!", "11zprH1qsV4-00193-00101987-00102510": "Don't forget to wash my motorbike for me", "11zprH1qsV4-00194-00102510-00102762": "I get it", "11zprH1qsV4-00195-00102762-00102813": "Thanks", "11zprH1qsV4-00196-00103284-00103630": "The repair store is far from here", "11zprH1qsV4-00197-00103630-00103992": "I don't know whether I have enough money or not", "11zprH1qsV4-00198-00103992-00104647": "Okay! Okay!", "11zprH1qsV4-00199-00104647-00104983": "It's okay. Let do as you say!", "11zprH1qsV4-00200-00104983-00105340": "Take my bag!", "11zprH1qsV4-00201-00105995-00106245": "I have to go now", "11zprH1qsV4-00202-00106245-00106424": "You are back.", "11zprH1qsV4-00203-00106424-00106674": "Yes, I'm back", "11zprH1qsV4-00204-00106674-00106978": "Noch! I have good news for you", "11zprH1qsV4-00205-00106978-00107764": "She told me that she will come to our home tomorrow to ask your hands for marriage", "11zprH1qsV4-00206-00107764-00108126": "I agreed with her", "11zprH1qsV4-00207-00108126-00108588": "Mother! It cannot be", "11zprH1qsV4-00208-00108588-00109038": "How can't it be?", "11zprH1qsV4-00209-00109038-00109336": "I know myself. I agree", "11zprH1qsV4-00210-00109336-00109644": "to engage you to her son", "11zprH1qsV4-00211-00109644-00110190": "Don't argue with me! I have two conditions for you", "11zprH1qsV4-00212-00110190-00110800": "First, no disagreement", "11zprH1qsV4-00213-00110800-00111304": "and second, you should follow the first conditions", "11zprH1qsV4-00214-00111304-00111596": "Mother... But...", "11zprH1qsV4-00215-00111596-00111981": "Enough... No but", "11zprH1qsV4-00216-00111981-00112358": "I already agreed with her", "11zprH1qsV4-00217-00112358-00112824": "I have to go to buy some fruits for them tomorrow", "11zprH1qsV4-00218-00112824-00113057": "I almost get a son-in-law", "11zprH1qsV4-00219-00113057-00113279": "Mother... Wait", "11zprH1qsV4-00220-00113279-00113644": "What should I do?", "11zprH1qsV4-00221-00113644-00114109": "Agree with her... You cannot win her", "11zprH1qsV4-00222-00114109-00114655": "I have to finish my bachelor degree and have a stable job before marriage", "11zprH1qsV4-00223-00114655-00114776": "What should I do", "11zprH1qsV4-00224-00115266-00115485": "I have an idea", "11zprH1qsV4-00225-00115485-00115826": "Tell me!", "11zprH1qsV4-00226-00115826-00116306": "Good one", "11zprH1qsV4-00227-00117281-00117723": "You know that my son is in love with your daughter", "11zprH1qsV4-00228-00117723-00118180": "I love your daughter as my son loves her", "11zprH1qsV4-00229-00118180-00118467": "I want her to be my son's fiance", "11zprH1qsV4-00230-00118467-00119116": "I agree", "11zprH1qsV4-00231-00119116-00119721": "But I have to ask my daughter's opinion first", "11zprH1qsV4-00232-00119721-00120119": "We cannot force her", "11zprH1qsV4-00233-00120119-00120414": "Is it true?", "11zprH1qsV4-00234-00120414-00120472": "Of course!", "11zprH1qsV4-00235-00120472-00120814": "What do you think", "11zprH1qsV4-00236-00120814-00121278": "Auntie wants to ask your hands for her son", "11zprH1qsV4-00237-00122096-00122291": "Noch, what's wrong with you?", "11zprH1qsV4-00238-00122291-00122341": "No", "11zprH1qsV4-00239-00122341-00122557": "What's wrong with her?", "11zprH1qsV4-00240-00122557-00122854": "I disagreed", "11zprH1qsV4-00241-00122854-00123148": "What's wrong?", "11zprH1qsV4-00242-00123148-00123414": "I'm not Noch. I'm your mother", "11zprH1qsV4-00243-00123414-00123664": "Don't you recognize my voice?", "11zprH1qsV4-00244-00123664-00124120": "Mother... why are you here?", "11zprH1qsV4-00245-00124120-00124310": "I'm here to protect my granddaughter", "11zprH1qsV4-00246-00124310-00125229": "Auntie... I'm here to ask her hands for marriage", "11zprH1qsV4-00247-00125229-00125616": "We don't harm her. We do it through our tradition", "11zprH1qsV4-00248-00125616-00126061": "What's wrong with her", "11zprH1qsV4-00249-00126061-00126417": "What do you want?", "11zprH1qsV4-00250-00126417-00126910": "Forced Marriage", "11zprH1qsV4-00251-00131746-00132173": "Forced Marriage", "11zprH1qsV4-00252-00132173-00132919": "My granddaughter and your son aren't destined to be with each other", "11zprH1qsV4-00253-00132919-00133367": "They cannot marry. If they do, they will be cursed", "11zprH1qsV4-00254-00133367-00133748": "Mother... Help me!", "11zprH1qsV4-00255-00133748-00134321": "My son doesn't know anything... Don't curse him!", "11zprH1qsV4-00256-00134321-00134800": "Mother... Don't harm him... He is a good person", "11zprH1qsV4-00257-00134800-00135363": "No... If you are still here, I will struggle him to die", "11zprH1qsV4-00258-00135363-00135993": "I'm scared. Let's go home", "11zprH1qsV4-00259-00135993-00136288": "Please don't go!", "11zprH1qsV4-00260-00136288-00136555": "They are my shoes", "11zprH1qsV4-00261-00136555-00136872": "Wait! Go back! Don't take the fruits", "11zprH1qsV4-00262-00136872-00137145": "No, I don't take it", "11zprH1qsV4-00263-00137145-00137378": "Mother... they are my shoes", "11zprH1qsV4-00264-00139001-00139245": "Please don't go", "11zprH1qsV4-00265-00139245-00139310": "Honey! Honey!", "11zprH1qsV4-00266-00139310-00139566": "Noch! Wake up", "11zprH1qsV4-00267-00139566-00139968": "Mother! What's wrong?", "11zprH1qsV4-00268-00139968-00140190": "Mom... Why do you call me mother?", "11zprH1qsV4-00269-00140190-00140578": "Where are they?", "11zprH1qsV4-00270-00140578-00140880": "What happened?", "11zprH1qsV4-00271-00140880-00141222": "Why did my skirt with you?", "11zprH1qsV4-00272-00141222-00141588": "Sister...", "11zprH1qsV4-00273-00142501-00142952": "Mother! Don't be mad!", "11zprH1qsV4-00274-00142952-00143257": "What will you get when you mad", "11zprH1qsV4-00275-00143257-00143756": "Mother... Calm down", "11zprH1qsV4-00276-00143756-00144160": "I'm mad", "11zprH1qsV4-00277-00144160-00144746": "How can you do that?", "11zprH1qsV4-00278-00144746-00145051": "Who gives you the idea of ghosts possessing you?", "11zprH1qsV4-00279-00145051-00145856": "My bad, mom! I don't want to do this", "11zprH1qsV4-00280-00145856-00146242": "but you are too strict", "11zprH1qsV4-00281-00146242-00146638": "I do it for you", "11zprH1qsV4-00282-00146638-00147027": "How can you say that?", "11zprH1qsV4-00283-00147027-00147474": "Stop giving excuses!", "11zprH1qsV4-00284-00147474-00148241": "You ashamed me in front of others", "11zprH1qsV4-00285-00148241-00148777": "No one will dare to ask your hand for marriage", "11zprH1qsV4-00286-00148777-00149221": "Cannot you be a good sample for your sister", "11zprH1qsV4-00287-00149221-00149742": "It's not my idea", "11zprH1qsV4-00288-00149742-00149979": "It is her idea", "11zprH1qsV4-00289-00149979-00150415": "I just follow Nouy's ideas", "11zprH1qsV4-00290-00150415-00150792": "Nouy?", "11zprH1qsV4-00291-00150792-00151242": "Is it your idea?", "11zprH1qsV4-00292-00151242-00151712": "How can you have these ideas?", "11zprH1qsV4-00293-00151712-00152449": "I saw it on TikTok. So, I tell sister to do it", "11zprH1qsV4-00294-00152449-00153173": "I'm so done with both of you.", "11zprH1qsV4-00295-00153173-00153775": "I bought you a phone to learn online", "11zprH1qsV4-00296-00153775-00154228": "but why do you use Tik... Tok", "11zprH1qsV4-00297-00154228-00155093": "Chen is still young.", "11zprH1qsV4-00298-00155093-00155646": "I can refuse to engage you with him", "11zprH1qsV4-00299-00155646-00156404": "But how about next time when a real man comes?", "11zprH1qsV4-00300-00156404-00156565": "Do you still disagree?", "11zprH1qsV4-00301-00156565-00157036": "Okay, mother", "11zprH1qsV4-00302-00157036-00157353": "Remember it", "11zprH1qsV4-00303-00157353-00158280": "If there is any man who I think you can rely on, I will engage you to him", "11zprH1qsV4-00304-00158280-00158688": "Remember! First, don't act like you are being possessed", "11zprH1qsV4-00305-00158688-00159011": "Second, no more disagreement", "11zprH1qsV4-00306-00159011-00159230": "Get it?", "11zprH1qsV4-00307-00159230-00159290": "Yes, mom", "11zprH1qsV4-00308-00159961-00160453": "I cannot catch my breath right now", "11zprH1qsV4-00309-00160453-00161128": "How can both of you come up with the ideas", "11zprH1qsV4-00310-00162172-00162497": "Close your eyes!", "11zprH1qsV4-00311-00162497-00163114": "1 2 3 4 5 6", "11zprH1qsV4-00312-00163114-00163615": "7 8 9 10", "11zprH1qsV4-00313-00163615-00164000": "Are you ready?", "11zprH1qsV4-00314-00164032-00164158": "Yes", "11zprH1qsV4-00315-00164158-00164594": "I'm going for you now", "11zprH1qsV4-00316-00164594-00164753": "Here! I'm here", "11zprH1qsV4-00317-00164753-00165143": "Where are you?", "11zprH1qsV4-00318-00165143-00165423": "Here", "11zprH1qsV4-00319-00165423-00166019": "Come! Come... Here I am", "11zprH1qsV4-00320-00166019-00166076": "Where", "11zprH1qsV4-00321-00166076-00166626": "Uncle! Uncle... Are you alright?", "11zprH1qsV4-00322-00166626-00167193": "I'm sorry", "11zprH1qsV4-00323-00167193-00167745": "Oww! You are bleeding", "11zprH1qsV4-00324-00167745-00168067": "Nouy! Bring the herb here", "11zprH1qsV4-00325-00168067-00168486": "I'm sorry. My sister doesn't want it to happen", "11zprH1qsV4-00326-00169235-00169688": "It's okay. it's my fault as well", "11zprH1qsV4-00327-00169688-00169940": "It's not your fault", "11zprH1qsV4-00328-00169940-00170172": "Thank you", "11zprH1qsV4-00329-00170172-00170469": "Are you visitors? We have never seen you", "11zprH1qsV4-00330-00170469-00170894": "I live in Takeo. I come to visit my friend here", "11zprH1qsV4-00331-00170894-00171215": "I love the view. So, I just want to record some vidoes of it", "11zprH1qsV4-00332-00171215-00171715": "Is it your home?", "11zprH1qsV4-00333-00171715-00171805": "Yes, it's", "11zprH1qsV4-00334-00172457-00172712": "Greeting!", "11zprH1qsV4-00335-00172712-00173439": "My bad! I don't have anything to greet you properly", "11zprH1qsV4-00336-00173439-00173800": "I don't dress properly as well", "11zprH1qsV4-00337-00174535-00174771": "It's okay", "11zprH1qsV4-00338-00174771-00175451": "It's me who didn't tell you before coming here", "11zprH1qsV4-00339-00175451-00175812": "He is my son", "11zprH1qsV4-00340-00175812-00176274": "He moved to Takeo about 10 years already", "11zprH1qsV4-00341-00176274-00176974": "He sees Nouy when he visit Kep", "11zprH1qsV4-00342-00176974-00177712": "He wants me to ask her hands for marriage", "11zprH1qsV4-00343-00178443-00178787": "What do you do for living?", "11zprH1qsV4-00344-00178787-00179158": "I'm working with a real estate company", "11zprH1qsV4-00345-00179158-00179936": "Real Estate company. He get about 500-600$ per month", "11zprH1qsV4-00346-00179936-00180630": "Please excuse me if I ask so many questions", "11zprH1qsV4-00347-00180630-00181121": "Why do you love my daughter?", "11zprH1qsV4-00348-00181121-00181596": "Why doesn't he love anyone else?", "11zprH1qsV4-00349-00181596-00182671": "He is a gentleman. He is almost 40 years old now", "11zprH1qsV4-00350-00182671-00183228": "He has never interested in anyone before", "11zprH1qsV4-00351-00183228-00183726": "It's his first time that he is interested in woman", "11zprH1qsV4-00352-00184160-00184726": "That's why he wants to get engage", "11zprH1qsV4-00353-00184726-00184919": "I'm getting old right now. I wants grandchildren", "11zprH1qsV4-00354-00184919-00185789": "I like you son but...", "11zprH1qsV4-00355-00185789-00186171": "I have to ask my daughter first", "11zprH1qsV4-00356-00186171-00186936": "What do you think? You can tell me honestly", "11zprH1qsV4-00357-00186936-00187609": "Hmm... I... Grandma... Opps", "11zprH1qsV4-00358-00187609-00187912": "Auntie...", "11zprH1qsV4-00359-00187912-00188426": "I don't mind what you address me", "11zprH1qsV4-00360-00188426-00189057": "Forced Marriage", "11zprH1qsV4-00361-00193864-00194384": "Forced Marriage", "11zprH1qsV4-00362-00194384-00195065": "I'm worried about your son, grandma... ohh auntie", "11zprH1qsV4-00363-00195065-00196202": "He just knows me. I'm afriad we have to get to know each other better", "11zprH1qsV4-00364-00196202-00196889": "My son isn't a murmuring person", "11zprH1qsV4-00365-00197442-00198319": "It's okay. We should get to know each other first. If he still loves me for who I am, I won't deny", "11zprH1qsV4-00366-00198319-00198911": "It's okay", "11zprH1qsV4-00367-00198911-00199576": "So, can he come here often to get to know her?", "11zprH1qsV4-00368-00199576-00199664": "Of course!", "11zprH1qsV4-00369-00199664-00200010": "He can come to visit her any time", "11zprH1qsV4-00370-00201101-00201467": "Look! Is it good?", "11zprH1qsV4-00371-00201467-00201964": "See! I will eat it for you", "11zprH1qsV4-00372-00203102-00203697": "It's so good.", "11zprH1qsV4-00373-00204331-00204657": "Do you still love her?", "11zprH1qsV4-00374-00204657-00204941": "I still love her. I can eat it too", "11zprH1qsV4-00375-00204941-00206078": "Second, paper. We used to cooked porridge from paper", "11zprH1qsV4-00376-00206078-00207004": "You might be surprise with what I eat", "11zprH1qsV4-00377-00207004-00208084": "Now, she eats tissue", "11zprH1qsV4-00378-00208084-00208402": "What do you think?", "11zprH1qsV4-00379-00208402-00208731": "I ate more than her when I was young", "11zprH1qsV4-00380-00208731-00209297": "Third, shoe", "11zprH1qsV4-00381-00209297-00209850": "I will try it for you", "11zprH1qsV4-00382-00209850-00210509": "Let do this!", "11zprH1qsV4-00383-00210509-00211242": "Look.... Look", "11zprH1qsV4-00384-00211242-00211970": "Now, She eats shoe", "11zprH1qsV4-00385-00211970-00212318": "Do you still love her?", "11zprH1qsV4-00386-00212318-00212687": "I don't dare to eat shoe", "11zprH1qsV4-00387-00212687-00212967": "Who eat should like your sister?", "11zprH1qsV4-00388-00212967-00213537": "Last one, I will eat the lotion", "11zprH1qsV4-00389-00213537-00213979": "Look! I will eat lotion", "11zprH1qsV4-00390-00213979-00214598": "I wonder what it's taste like", "11zprH1qsV4-00391-00215462-00215776": "I will drink it", "11zprH1qsV4-00392-00215776-00216665": "She eats lotions now. Do you still love her?", "11zprH1qsV4-00393-00216665-00217025": "I can eat it too if it's not poisioning. I still love her", "11zprH1qsV4-00394-00217025-00217797": "Lastly... everyone lastly... you must wonder", "11zprH1qsV4-00395-00217797-00218657": "Look! Look! I want to taste it so bad", "11zprH1qsV4-00396-00218657-00219200": "I will add salt", "11zprH1qsV4-00397-00220772-00221107": "Now, She eats warm. Do you still love her?", "11zprH1qsV4-00398-00221107-00221795": "Nouy! I have to go now", "11zprH1qsV4-00399-00223162-00223388": "He is leaving now", "11zprH1qsV4-00400-00223388-00223596": "How was it?", "11zprH1qsV4-00401-00223596-00224288": "He disgusts and wants to vomit", "11zprH1qsV4-00402-00224288-00225008": "But don't forget to pay me for my avocado shake and my meal", "11zprH1qsV4-00403-00225008-00225456": "I will give you", "11zprH1qsV4-00404-00225456-00225824": "You are so smart", "11zprH1qsV4-00405-00225824-00226341": "You are so smart", "11zprH1qsV4-00406-00226341-00227117": "I'm sorry. It's his decision", "11zprH1qsV4-00407-00227117-00227447": "I don't know what happened", "11zprH1qsV4-00408-00227447-00228132": "It's okay. i just wonder what's wrong", "11zprH1qsV4-00409-00228132-00228818": "I don't know too. He just wanted to call off the engagement", "11zprH1qsV4-00410-00228818-00229137": "He went back to Takeo after that", "11zprH1qsV4-00411-00229137-00229663": "Auntie, Do you get it wrong?", "11zprH1qsV4-00412-00229663-00230153": "No, he told me several times", "11zprH1qsV4-00413-00230153-00230922": "Nouch! Both of you might not destined to be together", "11zprH1qsV4-00414-00230922-00231276": "You should move on", "11zprH1qsV4-00415-00231276-00231680": "I get it", "11zprH1qsV4-00416-00231680-00232031": "Goodbye!", "11zprH1qsV4-00417-00233083-00233606": "Mother! Allow me to go to persue my education", "11zprH1qsV4-00418-00233606-00234267": "When I get the job, I will married as soon as possible", "11zprH1qsV4-00419-00234267-00234627": "Please", "11zprH1qsV4-00420-00234627-00235301": "Do whatever you want! I don't want to force you anymore", "11zprH1qsV4-00421-00235301-00235764": "Thank you, mom!", "11zprH1qsV4-00422-00237526-00238059": "Mom is healthy. You have to take care of your health too, babe", "11zprH1qsV4-00423-00238059-00238613": "You should go to sleep too", "11zprH1qsV4-00424-00238613-00239132": "Goodnight!", "11zprH1qsV4-00425-00239789-00240229": "Mother! You haven't sleep yet?", "11zprH1qsV4-00426-00240229-00240478": "You have shooting tomorrow", "11zprH1qsV4-00427-00240532-00240891": "I will sleep later", "11zprH1qsV4-00428-00240891-00241407": "No, Bol told me to take care of you", "11zprH1qsV4-00429-00241407-00241948": "because you have to shoot pre-wedding", "11zprH1qsV4-00430-00241948-00242321": "If you sleep late, you will not beautiful for the photos", "11zprH1qsV4-00431-00242321-00242990": "He contacts me all the times", "11zprH1qsV4-00432-00242990-00243804": "By the way, your mother-in-law said she will send something to you", "11zprH1qsV4-00433-00243804-00244178": "Maybe something to eat", "11zprH1qsV4-00434-00244178-00244749": "BYou should go to sleep now", "11zprH1qsV4-00435-00244749-00245048": "let me see my graduation certificate first", "11zprH1qsV4-00436-00245048-00246174": "Because of this certificate, I have everything including a good husband", "11zprH1qsV4-00437-00246174-00246995": "If you agreed to married at that time, you might not be as happy as now", "11zprH1qsV4-00438-00246995-00247488": "Luckily, you refused", "11zprH1qsV4-00439-00247488-00248023": "That's why you are happy now", "11zprH1qsV4-00440-00248023-00248860": "I get it. I won't force my daughter to marry young", "11zprH1qsV4-00441-00248860-00249467": "How about Nouy?", "11zprH1qsV4-00442-00249467-00250218": "Nouy said she wants to married after master degree", "11zprH1qsV4-00443-00250218-00250715": "I think she is as good as me", "11zprH1qsV4-00444-00250715-00251585": "You have to have a baby after marriage", "11zprH1qsV4-00445-00251585-00252194": "Don't worry! We want the baby so bad. i'm afriad you will annoyed", "11zprH1qsV4-00446-00252194-00252690": "No, I love grandchild", "11zprH1qsV4-00447-00252690-00253145": "I can take care of my grandchild", "11zprH1qsV4-00448-00253934-00254524": "Age is not important but happiness in important for marriage", "11zprH1qsV4-00449-00254524-00255001": "Mother forces us to marry young because she wants to see our happines", "11zprH1qsV4-00450-00255001-00255565": "but we know what we wants our future to be", "11zprH1qsV4-00451-00255565-00256373": "Forced Marriage", "11zprH1qsV4-00452-00256373-00257253": "Thanks for watching"}}, {"audio_id": "11FqQUNtXyy", "text": {"11FqQUNtXyy-00000-00001414-00001885": "George Wingfield earned his mining fortune by age 30 alongside his partner,", "11FqQUNtXyy-00001-00001885-00002262": "United States Senator George S. Nixon.", "11FqQUNtXyy-00002-00002324-00002704": "Following their company Goldfield Consolidated Mining Company going public", "11FqQUNtXyy-00003-00002704-00003189": "in 1906, Wingfield moved to Reno and became involved in politics, banking,", "11FqQUNtXyy-00004-00003189-00003720": "ranching, and briefly owned the Riverside Hotel of downtown Reno.", "11FqQUNtXyy-00005-00003858-00004222": "It was on George Wingfield's Spanish Springs Ranch", "11FqQUNtXyy-00006-00004226-00004552": "where Red Hawk Golf and Resort was developed.", "11FqQUNtXyy-00007-00004748-00005316": "Wingfield Springs is 20 minutes from Reno in the northern area of Sparks.", "11FqQUNtXyy-00008-00005384-00005684": "The community surrounds Red Hawk Golf and Resort,", "11FqQUNtXyy-00009-00005684-00006148": "alongside Cimarron, Cimarron Highlands, and Pioneer Meadows.", "11FqQUNtXyy-00010-00006242-00006595": "Red Hawk is home to two 18-hole courses;", "11FqQUNtXyy-00011-00006595-00006802": "the Lakes Course and the Hills Course.", "11FqQUNtXyy-00012-00006802-00007114": "Club members can access a practice range and bunkers,", "11FqQUNtXyy-00013-00007114-00007502": "David's Grill, a community pool, and a fitness center.", "11FqQUNtXyy-00014-00007502-00007804": "The villas at Red Hawk is a unique lodging alternative", "11FqQUNtXyy-00015-00007804-00008097": "to the large casino resorts of Reno and Sparks.", "11FqQUNtXyy-00016-00008148-00008578": "There is an abundance of recreational opportunities around Wingfield Springs", "11FqQUNtXyy-00017-00008622-00009086": "Within the region is the Golden Eagle Regional Park and Sports Complex.", "11FqQUNtXyy-00018-00009138-00009612": "Six softball fields, two baseball fields, four Little League fields,", "11FqQUNtXyy-00019-00009612-00010236": "two multi-use fields, and a football and soccer field make up the park all of artificial turf.", "11FqQUNtXyy-00020-00010266-00010514": "Whatever activity brings you to the park,", "11FqQUNtXyy-00021-00010514-00010722": "enjoy a meal or snack between games from", "11FqQUNtXyy-00022-00010722-00011220": "Red's Golden Eagle Grill, located in the center of the softball fields.", "11FqQUNtXyy-00023-00011314-00011668": "A variety of parks are spread throughout Wingfield Springs", "11FqQUNtXyy-00024-00011668-00011842": "like Del Cobre Park", "11FqQUNtXyy-00025-00011842-00012036": "and Kestrel Park.", "11FqQUNtXyy-00026-00012210-00012590": "Lazy 5 Regional Park is northwest of the community", "11FqQUNtXyy-00027-00012590-00012792": "near the Spanish Springs Library.", "11FqQUNtXyy-00028-00012884-00013260": "It is home to a playground, a water play park and", "11FqQUNtXyy-00029-00013260-00013497": "the Spanish Springs Skate Park.", "11FqQUNtXyy-00030-00013574-00013828": "Pioneer Meadows Marketplace is in between", "11FqQUNtXyy-00031-00013830-00014132": "Wingfield Springs and Pioneer Meadows.", "11FqQUNtXyy-00032-00014169-00014691": "It's home to Raley's, Fiesta Mexicana, and an Anytime Fitness.", "11FqQUNtXyy-00033-00014797-00015132": "On the corner of Los Altos Parkway and Vista Boulevard", "11FqQUNtXyy-00034-00015132-00015356": "is Aspen Glen Shopping Center.", "11FqQUNtXyy-00035-00015356-00015728": "In this center, enjoy a cup of coffee from Lighthouse Coffee", "11FqQUNtXyy-00036-00015728-00015952": "or a cocktail at Oak Tavern.", "11FqQUNtXyy-00037-00015996-00016356": "Spanish Spring Center is only a block south of Aspen Glen", "11FqQUNtXyy-00038-00016356-00016620": "home to adored restaurants Squeeze In, most", "11FqQUNtXyy-00039-00016620-00017048": "Los Compadres, Pizza Baron, and Sneakers.", "11FqQUNtXyy-00040-00017086-00017352": "Five miles from Wingfield Springs, you'll find", "11FqQUNtXyy-00041-00017352-00017636": "a Walmart Supercenter and Kohl's on Pyramid Way", "11FqQUNtXyy-00042-00017636-00017882": "that overlook the Sparks Galleria", "11FqQUNtXyy-00043-00017928-00018380": "The Sparks Galleria is a larger shopping center featuring Bed Bath & Beyond,", "11FqQUNtXyy-00044-00018380-00018760": "Best Buy, Cost Plus World Market, and Ross", "11FqQUNtXyy-00045-00018760-00018968": "For your grocery needs,", "11FqQUNtXyy-00046-00018968-00019370": "visit Sprouts and Costco Wholesale at the Galleria.", "11FqQUNtXyy-00047-00019416-00019782": "The Galleria is also popular for meetups at restaurants like", "11FqQUNtXyy-00048-00019782-00020128": "Tha Joint Sushi & Grill, Blind Onion Pizza and Pub,", "11FqQUNtXyy-00049-00020128-00020536": "Red Robin, Campo, or CJ's Palace.", "11FqQUNtXyy-00050-00020536-00021360": "Fitness Connection is a fantastic athletic facility available to residents of Wingfield Springs", "11FqQUNtXyy-00051-00021508-00021902": "Nugget Hotel Casino is a huge attraction for the community", "11FqQUNtXyy-00052-00021902-00022190": "with over 900 slot machines and table games,", "11FqQUNtXyy-00053-00022190-00022618": "a skywalk arcade, and the neighboring Victorian Square.", "11FqQUNtXyy-00054-00022682-00023091": "The square around Victorian Avenue is the site of fantastic shops,", "11FqQUNtXyy-00055-00023092-00023650": "restaurants, and bars, like locally owned and operated BJ's Nevada Barbecue Company.", "11FqQUNtXyy-00056-00023678-00023954": "Victorian Square is the annual host", "11FqQUNtXyy-00057-00023954-00024204": "of the Best in the West Nugget Rib Cook-Off,", "11FqQUNtXyy-00058-00024204-00024570": "a week-long barbecue competition and street fair.", "11FqQUNtXyy-00059-00024632-00024998": "Ten minutes east on interstate 80 is the Outlets at Legends", "11FqQUNtXyy-00060-00024998-00025352": "an outdoor retail center with over 50 different retailers like", "11FqQUNtXyy-00061-00025352-00025783": "SCHEELS, a Nike Factory Store, and Fitness for 10.", "11FqQUNtXyy-00062-00025989-00026468": "Catch the latest movie release at Galaxy Sparks IMAX Luxury Theater", "11FqQUNtXyy-00063-00026468-00026814": "or share a pizza at Grimaldi's Pizzeria.", "11FqQUNtXyy-00064-00027060-00027574": "Wingfield Springs has excellent schools from the Washoe County School District.", "11FqQUNtXyy-00065-00027589-00027974": "Van Gorder Elementary school is the first school students will attend,", "11FqQUNtXyy-00066-00027974-00028458": "located within Wingfield on the northwestern side of Red Hawk Golf and Resort,.", "11FqQUNtXyy-00067-00028552-00028848": "Mendive Middle School is south of the community", "11FqQUNtXyy-00068-00028848-00029156": "just outside the D'Andrea neighborhood.", "11FqQUNtXyy-00069-00029192-00029642": "Spanish Springs High School takes care of teenagers in Wingfield Springs.", "11FqQUNtXyy-00070-00029692-00030066": "The Spanish Springs Cougars joined the district in 2001,", "11FqQUNtXyy-00071-00030066-00030514": "making it one of the newer high schools in Northern Nevada.", "11FqQUNtXyy-00072-00030660-00031036": "For more information about homes in this and other neighborhoods", "11FqQUNtXyy-00073-00031036-00031300": "visit our website NevadaRealEstateGroup.com", "11FqQUNtXyy-00074-00031300-00031827": "or call us (775) 750-1700."}}, {"audio_id": "11FEn0wpBYy", "text": {"11FEn0wpBYy-00000-00000762-00001332": "Idaho Murder Suspect, Bryan Christopher Kohberger, was recently taken into custody", "11FEn0wpBYy-00001-00001332-00001770": "after police suspect he may have been involved in the now-infamous University", "11FEn0wpBYy-00002-00001770-00002262": "of Idaho killings. Investigators say that Bryan Kohberger, 28-years-old,", "11FEn0wpBYy-00003-00002262-00002760": "may have snuck into the home of several college students and murdered four of them as", "11FEn0wpBYy-00004-00002760-00003276": "they slept. The details of the case against Christopher Kohberger are still unfolding,", "11FEn0wpBYy-00005-00003276-00003684": "so it’s important to keep in mind that all of the statements and claims in this video", "11FEn0wpBYy-00006-00003684-00004206": "are purely allegations until the court proceedings are carried out - a process", "11FEn0wpBYy-00007-00004206-00004740": "that could take many months or even years. But for now, things are not looking good for", "11FEn0wpBYy-00008-00004740-00005232": "Mr. Kohberger or the countless people who were deeply affected by the Idaho murders.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00009-00006162-00006600": "Welcome back to the show. I’m your host, Ty Notts. Here on True Crime Stories,", "11FEn0wpBYy-00010-00006600-00006918": "I do my best to cover cold cases - many of which you’ve never heard", "11FEn0wpBYy-00011-00006918-00007320": "of - and share the stories of some of the world’s most disturbing killers.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00012-00007320-00007848": "But more importantly, it’s my goal to share the stories of the victims and their families and", "11FEn0wpBYy-00013-00007848-00008322": "their search for closure after being subjected to some of the most heinous crimes imaginable.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00014-00008376-00008712": "So if you’d like to support my work here on True Crime Stories,", "11FEn0wpBYy-00015-00008712-00009054": "all I ask is that you hit the like button and subscribe. It’s totally", "11FEn0wpBYy-00016-00009054-00009516": "free and helps spread awareness of these cases. But with that, let’s get started.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00017-00009516-00009834": "Who is Bryan Kohberger?", "11FEn0wpBYy-00018-00009834-00010524": "So who is Bryan Kohberger and what did he do? Details about Bryan Kohberger and his interesting,", "11FEn0wpBYy-00019-00010524-00011070": "yet troublesome life are still unfolding. But Kohberger is a criminal justice graduate", "11FEn0wpBYy-00020-00011070-00011544": "who attended Washington State university while working towards his doctorate degree.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00021-00011544-00012192": "Back in 2018, Kohberger had attended Northampton Community College in Pennsylvania and was given", "11FEn0wpBYy-00022-00012192-00012636": "an associates degree in psychology. He would later receive a bachelor’s degree", "11FEn0wpBYy-00023-00012636-00013104": "in 2020 and had finally completed his studies back in June of 2022.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00024-00013158-00013590": "While he’d initially gone to school for psychology, by the time he graduated,", "11FEn0wpBYy-00025-00013590-00014130": "he had achieved a Master of Arts in Criminal Justice. We’ll touch more on this later, because", "11FEn0wpBYy-00026-00014130-00014663": "the details of his graduation are extremely suspicious, and new allegations have come to light", "11FEn0wpBYy-00027-00014663-00015594": "that suggest he may have been studying the BTK Killer alongside a professor at his college - so", "11FEn0wpBYy-00028-00015594-00016032": "stick around, because you won’t want to miss this disturbing development in the Kohberger’s case.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00029-00016116-00016500": "One of the most important aspects of cases like this - at least for", "11FEn0wpBYy-00030-00016500-00016866": "me, personally - is understanding how criminals like this could become such", "11FEn0wpBYy-00031-00016866-00017316": "heartless monsters and kill innocent people for, seemingly, no reason at all.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00032-00017370-00017892": "To better answer this question and understand how Bryan Kohberger ended up becoming a serial killer,", "11FEn0wpBYy-00033-00017892-00018450": "it’s important to look back to his teenage years or even his childhood to paint a clearer picture.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00034-00018450-00018912": "Unfortunately, at the time of making this video, the details of Kohberger’s childhood", "11FEn0wpBYy-00035-00018912-00019482": "aren’t well understood, but a former classmate from Kohberger’s high school did reach out to", "11FEn0wpBYy-00036-00019482-00019926": "ABC News and shared several horror stories about their time in high school together,", "11FEn0wpBYy-00037-00019926-00020310": "as did a few other classmates who knew him in his teenage years.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00038-00020310-00020988": "Bryan Kohberger was never a very popular kid in school. His peers say that he was picked on a lot,", "11FEn0wpBYy-00039-00020988-00021486": "particularly by the girls in his class. He was known for being overweight throughout", "11FEn0wpBYy-00040-00021486-00021960": "his childhood, but Kohberger didn’t help his negative reputation when he began to", "11FEn0wpBYy-00041-00021960-00022608": "bully other students the same way that he’d been bullied all his life. One former classmate spoke", "11FEn0wpBYy-00042-00022608-00023082": "about Kohberger and couldn’t recall one good memory of their time together in high school.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00043-00023154-00023622": "Kohberger had attended Pleasant Valley High School, located in Brodheadsville, Pennsylvania.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00044-00023724-00024168": "Brodheadsville is one of the smallest areas in Pennsylvania, in terms of population.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00045-00024264-00024870": "As of a 2010 census, the area was home to around 1,800 people, but it was the proud home", "11FEn0wpBYy-00046-00024870-00025428": "of the entire Pleasant Valley School District. Brodheadsville only has a total area of around", "11FEn0wpBYy-00047-00025428-00026244": "4.3 square miles, meaning it is truly tiny on the grander scale of things. Just 461 families", "11FEn0wpBYy-00048-00026244-00026814": "call Brodheadsville home, with the population being over 90% caucasian. Most of the families", "11FEn0wpBYy-00049-00026814-00027522": "who lived here were middle aged and of an average household income of about $45,000 - so it wasn’t a", "11FEn0wpBYy-00050-00027522-00028002": "particularly wealthy area, but the community did well for itself, all things considered.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00051-00028062-00028572": "Crime was never a big deal in Brodheadsville either, and everyone knew everyone for the", "11FEn0wpBYy-00052-00028572-00029118": "most part. It was truly a quiet, close-knit community that never really had any major", "11FEn0wpBYy-00053-00029118-00029668": "issues - certainly not a place that you’d expect to be the hometown of a future serial killer.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00054-00029668-00029712": "Creating a Killer", "11FEn0wpBYy-00055-00030042-00030498": "A former high school classmate of Kohberger spoke out about her time in high school", "11FEn0wpBYy-00056-00030498-00030995": "with him. She says that his weight was always the reason people made fun of him in school,", "11FEn0wpBYy-00057-00030995-00031470": "but many people steered clear of him because he was generally just a mean person.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00058-00031542-00032052": "She mentioned how, throughout his teen years, his weight was always the source of his ridicule,", "11FEn0wpBYy-00059-00032052-00032532": "but he did his best to change that in his senior year. During the summer between", "11FEn0wpBYy-00060-00032532-00033084": "his junior and senior year, he lost a serious amount of weight. When he returned to school,", "11FEn0wpBYy-00061-00033084-00033624": "most of his classmates didn’t even recognize him. One of his former classmates said that", "11FEn0wpBYy-00062-00033624-00034224": "she was wondering who this new student was, but then it dawned on her - it was Bryan Kohberger.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00063-00034224-00034824": "She said that, following his weight loss, his anger and aggression grew to new levels. She said", "11FEn0wpBYy-00064-00034824-00035286": "that he would often hit on girls in his class, but they were rarely ever interested in him.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00065-00035346-00035790": "Rather than accepting the rejection and moving on like any healthy person would,", "11FEn0wpBYy-00066-00035790-00036402": "Kohberger would dwell on the girls and continue to pester them, wondering why they turned him down.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00067-00036474-00036720": "It seems as though he really couldn’t understand", "11FEn0wpBYy-00068-00036720-00037206": "why certain people didn’t like him, and it was eating at him from the inside.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00069-00037296-00037794": "He was described as a bit of a loaner. He would hang out with other kids who were described as", "11FEn0wpBYy-00070-00037794-00038346": "“outcasts”, but any time he tried to make his way into other friend groups, he wouldn’t be", "11FEn0wpBYy-00071-00038346-00038856": "able to fit in. He always wanted to work his way up the proverbial ladder of popularity,", "11FEn0wpBYy-00072-00038856-00039312": "but no one was willing to put up with him - especially the females in those groups,", "11FEn0wpBYy-00073-00039312-00039600": "with some of the girls labeling him as a “creep”.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00074-00039600-00040146": "One student who went to school with Kohberger refused to classify him as either a friend or", "11FEn0wpBYy-00075-00040146-00040704": "a peer, but merely labeled him as a bully. This friend said that Kohberger would often", "11FEn0wpBYy-00076-00040704-00041274": "place him in headlocks, pinning him against walls and tormenting him. The friend suggested", "11FEn0wpBYy-00077-00041274-00041868": "that Kohberger wanted to do everything in his power to be seen as dominant by other students.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00078-00041868-00042348": "Another high school friend spoke out against Kohberger when the news came out of his arrest.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00079-00042348-00042906": "This friend also claims that Kohberger had serious anger issues and would often", "11FEn0wpBYy-00080-00042906-00043476": "use illegal drugs behind the scenes. This drug addiction would follow him into his college years,", "11FEn0wpBYy-00081-00043476-00043920": "leading many people to wonder if this addiction could have been how he was", "11FEn0wpBYy-00082-00043920-00044298": "able to lose so much weight in such a small amount of time in high school.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00083-00044358-00044964": "The list of people who despised Kohberger goes on and on - there legitimately isn’t enough time", "11FEn0wpBYy-00084-00044964-00045444": "to cover all of the scary stories that were shared about him. Needless to say, it doesn’t", "11FEn0wpBYy-00085-00045444-00045942": "seem like Kohberger’s arrest was a surprise to anyone - it was simply a matter of time.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00086-00045942-00046554": "If we move forward a few years, Kohberger had recently graduated from College with a PhD in", "11FEn0wpBYy-00087-00046554-00047166": "Criminal Justice. After obtaining this PhD, he began working at Washington State University as", "11FEn0wpBYy-00088-00047166-00047754": "a teacher's assistant during college courses. One of his former students spoke out about him and it", "11FEn0wpBYy-00089-00047754-00048312": "seems that Kohberger’s behavior and personality didn’t change much since high school. He was", "11FEn0wpBYy-00090-00048312-00048870": "still seen as a wannabe dominant figure who tried to hold students to impossible standards.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00091-00048924-00049212": "One student in particular, Hayden Stinchfield,", "11FEn0wpBYy-00092-00049212-00049716": "spoke about his time with Kohberger and said that he’d hold his students to what Kohberger", "11FEn0wpBYy-00093-00049716-00050154": "called a “higher standard” and would grade his students incredibly harshly,", "11FEn0wpBYy-00094-00050154-00050748": "seemingly bullying them for doing their best. Hayden says that it felt as though Kohberger was", "11FEn0wpBYy-00095-00050748-00051366": "grading his students as if he were grading himself as a PhD student, expecting them to be far more", "11FEn0wpBYy-00096-00051366-00051816": "knowledgeable than they could realistically be at this point in their college education.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00097-00051882-00052398": "The students who attended Kohberger’s class were so fed-up with their poor grades that,", "11FEn0wpBYy-00098-00052398-00053070": "at one point, a large majority of the 150-student class created an uprising and demanded that the", "11FEn0wpBYy-00099-00053070-00053490": "lead professor give them higher grades that what Kohberger initially gave them.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00100-00053555-00053826": "The professor scheduled a mock court session", "11FEn0wpBYy-00101-00053826-00054317": "and essentially placed Kohberger on trial for given students bad grades.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00102-00054317-00054941": "All 150 students were allowed to voice their concerns about Kohberger, and the majority felt he", "11FEn0wpBYy-00103-00054941-00055536": "was overly critical and didn’t judge them fairly. Only a small handful of students had positive", "11FEn0wpBYy-00104-00055536-00056076": "things to say about Kohberger, while the rest of them criticized him for being far too strict.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00105-00056148-00056705": "Hayden, who attended this mock court session, said that the class didn’t get out of hand. Everyone", "11FEn0wpBYy-00106-00056705-00057246": "had their story to tell, but no one resorted to yelling or making baseless emotional arguments.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00107-00057246-00057791": "All in all, the session was highly successful and it seems as though Kohberger took the students'", "11FEn0wpBYy-00108-00057791-00058440": "worries to heart. After the session was concluded, he began giving almost every student a high grade.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00109-00058500-00058908": "Hayden recalls the weeks after the session had taken place and said that,", "11FEn0wpBYy-00110-00058908-00059291": "at one point, it seemed like it didn’t really matter what kind of work you", "11FEn0wpBYy-00111-00059291-00059652": "turned in - you were virtually guaranteed to get a good grade.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00112-00059717-00060420": "But this was also around the same time that Bryan Kohberger’s demeanor changed entirely. Hayden says", "11FEn0wpBYy-00113-00060420-00060917": "that, shortly after this mock court session took place, Kohberger became more reserved,", "11FEn0wpBYy-00114-00060917-00061374": "more introverted. He says that, all of the sudden, Kohberger seemed pre-occupied", "11FEn0wpBYy-00115-00061374-00061896": "and far less invested in the class. He began to grow out his facial hair and,", "11FEn0wpBYy-00116-00061896-00062322": "in general, his hygiene took a turn. Hayden says that it didn’t look like", "11FEn0wpBYy-00117-00062322-00062705": "Kohberger was doing well and it felt as though he didn’t want to be there.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00118-00062705-00062910": "As his students would soon learn,", "11FEn0wpBYy-00119-00062910-00063408": "their uprising against him wasn’t the reason for this sudden change in behavior.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00120-00063408-00063840": "As it would turn out, Kohberger had been hiding an incredibly dark secret.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00121-00063840-00064182": "The Day of the Murders", "11FEn0wpBYy-00122-00064182-00064938": "It was November 12th, 2022. Between 8pm and 9pm that evening, several students had been", "11FEn0wpBYy-00123-00064938-00065328": "attending a party at a fraternity house on the campus of Idaho State University.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00124-00065412-00065850": "Later that evening, a couple of students left the party and headed toward The Corner Club", "11FEn0wpBYy-00125-00065850-00066474": "sports bar in Moscow, Idaho. By 1am, several of the students had called it a night and had", "11FEn0wpBYy-00126-00066474-00066834": "begun to head back to their dorm rooms or homes and go to bed for the evening.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00127-00066900-00067488": "By around 1:45 am, it’s believed that every student had returned home from their evening out.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00128-00067488-00068010": "It wouldn’t be until around noon the following day that many of the students would begin to wake up,", "11FEn0wpBYy-00129-00068010-00068628": "realizing that something was horribly wrong. Police say that they received a 911 call around", "11FEn0wpBYy-00130-00068628-00069162": "noon that day, reporting that an unconscious student who had passed out the night before", "11FEn0wpBYy-00131-00069162-00069666": "would not wake up. Police arrived at the scene within minutes, but it was quickly determined", "11FEn0wpBYy-00132-00069666-00070170": "that this student had not been the victim of too much alcohol. They’d been murdered.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00133-00070170-00070632": "Police closed off the scene of the crime and evacuated any nearby students.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00134-00070632-00071040": "It was at this point that they realized the crime had gone much further than they", "11FEn0wpBYy-00135-00071040-00071478": "could have ever expected. A total of four students were found unresponsive", "11FEn0wpBYy-00136-00071478-00071826": "at the scene of the crime - each of them had been murdered with a knife.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00137-00071904-00072354": "After a coroner had examined all of the forensic evidence left behind at the scene of the crime,", "11FEn0wpBYy-00138-00072354-00072870": "it was determined that the students were most likely killed in their sleep, but that some", "11FEn0wpBYy-00139-00072870-00073296": "victims had defensive wounds that may have suggested they’d woken up during the attack.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00140-00073374-00073812": "For the sake of the families of the victims, I’m not going to dive any further into the", "11FEn0wpBYy-00141-00073812-00074304": "details of the crimes, but it’s important to mention that each of these four students had", "11FEn0wpBYy-00142-00074304-00074892": "remarkably bright futures that were stolen and cut short at the hands of a savage monster.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00143-00075036-00075486": "Ethan Chapin, aged 20. Madison Mogen,", "11FEn0wpBYy-00144-00075486-00076140": "aged 21. Kaylee Gonclaves (gone salve ess), aged 21 and Xana Kernodle, aged 20.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00145-00076140-00076680": "Ethan Chapin was the boyfriend of Xana Kernodle. Ethan had been studying recreation,", "11FEn0wpBYy-00146-00076680-00077262": "sport and tourism management. His mother says he was living his best life at college and had", "11FEn0wpBYy-00147-00077262-00077766": "been having a great time during his studies. He loved being social with his friends and", "11FEn0wpBYy-00148-00077766-00078258": "wanted to dedicate the rest of his life to helping others have happy experiences and make memories,", "11FEn0wpBYy-00149-00078258-00078654": "hoping to find a job or create one in the recreation industry.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00150-00078732-00079230": "Madison Mogen was always seen as a smart and witty young girl. He was", "11FEn0wpBYy-00151-00079230-00079572": "known for having a go-getter attitude, and was destined for great things.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00152-00079638-00080142": "Madison was majoring in marketing and planned to move to Boise, Idaho after she graduated", "11FEn0wpBYy-00153-00080142-00080748": "in the Spring of 2023. She worked alongside her best friend, Xana Kernodle and helped her", "11FEn0wpBYy-00154-00080748-00081192": "operate and manage a local restaurant and keep up with the social media pages for the brand.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00155-00081192-00081618": "Kaylee Gonclaves had been majoring in general studies and had been", "11FEn0wpBYy-00156-00081618-00082128": "close friends with Madison Mogen since middle school. The two were often seen as sisters,", "11FEn0wpBYy-00157-00082128-00082602": "as they did everything together. Kaylee had recently purchased a Range Rover that she", "11FEn0wpBYy-00158-00082602-00083136": "was very proud of and had made plans to travel to Europe in 2023. She had", "11FEn0wpBYy-00159-00083136-00083604": "a job lined up after college and worked incredibly hard toward her future career.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00160-00083700-00084168": "Xana Kernodle was a junior who had been majoring in marketing. She was a very", "11FEn0wpBYy-00161-00084168-00084600": "easy-going, light-hearted person, but she was dedicated toward crafting the future", "11FEn0wpBYy-00162-00084600-00085098": "she’d always dreamed of. The girlfriend of Ethan Chapin, Xana was ready for whatever", "11FEn0wpBYy-00163-00085098-00085620": "the future may have had in store for her and was a vibrant student with big plans ahead.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00164-00085620-00086016": "Catching A Killer", "11FEn0wpBYy-00165-00086016-00086616": "After the heartbreaking murders had taken place, police announced in December of 2022 that they’d", "11FEn0wpBYy-00166-00086616-00087054": "narrowed down their suspect as the owner of a white Hyundai Elantra that was seen in", "11FEn0wpBYy-00167-00087054-00087600": "the area. Of the 22,000 people in the area who drove a vehicle that matched this description,", "11FEn0wpBYy-00168-00087600-00088086": "Bryan Kohberger was announced as the lead suspect after investigators say", "11FEn0wpBYy-00169-00088086-00088422": "that they found trace amounts of his DNA at the scene of the crime.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00170-00088482-00088926": "They traced Kohberger in his vehicle all the way back to his parents home in Pennsylvania.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00171-00089022-00089472": "Here, they staked out his parents house for several days while confirming that he", "11FEn0wpBYy-00172-00089472-00090156": "was their primary suspect, later moving in and placing him under arrest on December 30th, 2022.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00173-00090240-00090642": "One of the most shocking details that investigators learned after arresting", "11FEn0wpBYy-00174-00090642-00090924": "Kohberger is that he may have had a relationship", "11FEn0wpBYy-00175-00090924-00091488": "with convicted serial killer Dennis Rader - also known as the BTK Killer.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00176-00091488-00091926": "Concerns about his relationship with the killer were first voiced by Rader’s own daughter,", "11FEn0wpBYy-00177-00091926-00092514": "Kerri Rawson. She says that she learned that Kohberger had studied closely with Katherine", "11FEn0wpBYy-00178-00092514-00093078": "Ramsland, an expert on the BTK investigation and subsequent arrest of Dennis Rader.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00179-00093156-00093576": "Ramsland had crafted a career out of being an expert on serial killers,", "11FEn0wpBYy-00180-00093576-00094062": "but Rader’s daughter says that Kohberger’s relationship may have gone further than", "11FEn0wpBYy-00181-00094062-00094524": "simply being infatuated with criminals and serial killers. She posted to twitter", "11FEn0wpBYy-00182-00094524-00094962": "and voiced her concerns that Kohberger may have reached out to her father in the past,", "11FEn0wpBYy-00183-00094962-00095472": "and may have spoken with him shortly before he committed the Idaho University murders.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00184-00095532-00095916": "Rader’s daughter says that Dr. Ramsland should know for certain", "11FEn0wpBYy-00185-00095916-00096318": "whether or not Dennis Rader had any connections to the Idaho murders,", "11FEn0wpBYy-00186-00096318-00096864": "but Ramsland allegedly isn’t opening up about this or speaking about the situation publicly.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00187-00096954-00097482": "Kerri Rawson says that her father has a lot in common with Bryan Kohberger.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00188-00097482-00097734": "She mentioned that Kohberger was a criminology student,", "11FEn0wpBYy-00189-00097734-00098118": "but added that her father also has a degree in criminal justice.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00190-00098196-00098700": "At the moment, we don’t know if there is any real connection here between the BTK Killer", "11FEn0wpBYy-00191-00098700-00099228": "and Kohberger, but it's certainly a strange coincidence that police will almost certainly", "11FEn0wpBYy-00192-00099228-00099810": "look into in the future. Unfortunately, after this video is posted, there isn’t any way that", "11FEn0wpBYy-00193-00099810-00100314": "I can update with any new details about the case, so I ask that, as new details emerge,", "11FEn0wpBYy-00194-00100314-00100734": "share them in the comments below so that this video can serve as a source for new information,", "11FEn0wpBYy-00195-00100734-00101172": "as well as the foundation of information that’s already been shared in the case.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00196-00101286-00101778": "After all was said and done, Bryan Kohberger’s family released a statement and said,", "11FEn0wpBYy-00197-00101778-00102270": "“First and foremost we care deeply for the four families who have lost their precious", "11FEn0wpBYy-00198-00102270-00102672": "children. There are no words that can adequately express the sadness we feel,", "11FEn0wpBYy-00199-00102672-00103272": "and we pray each day for them. We will continue to let the legal process unfold and as a family", "11FEn0wpBYy-00200-00103272-00103788": "we will love and support our son and brother. We have fully cooperated with law enforcement", "11FEn0wpBYy-00201-00103788-00104250": "agencies in an attempt to seek the truth and promote his presumption of innocence rather", "11FEn0wpBYy-00202-00104250-00104832": "than judge unknown facts and make erroneous assumptions. We respect privacy in this matter", "11FEn0wpBYy-00203-00104832-00105318": "as our family and the families suffering loss can move forward through the legal process.\"", "11FEn0wpBYy-00204-00105461-00105804": "With that, we’ve reached the end of today's story. Don’t forget,", "11FEn0wpBYy-00205-00105804-00106140": "if you want to see more True Crime Stories, be sure to hit the like", "11FEn0wpBYy-00206-00106140-00106542": "button and subscribe. If you’d like to help out with the operating costs of the channel,", "11FEn0wpBYy-00207-00106542-00106980": "you can also hit the blue JOIN button below this video - but that’s entirely optional.", "11FEn0wpBYy-00208-00107033-00107442": "With that said, my name is Ty Notts and I’ll catch you guys in the next video."}}, {"audio_id": "11H0MJAZ-Fc", "text": {"11H0MJAZ-Fc-00000-00000047-00000657": "Welcome to the second lecture in light microscopy. Today I will talk about polarization and differential", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00001-00000657-00001357": "interference contrast (DIC) techniques. For polarization I think is best just to demonstrate", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00002-00001618-00002290": "how it works, because you can show cool features with it. Here I take my computer, my laptop,", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00003-00002290-00002973": "and what I have here is in this case a light source with polarized light, so this screen", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00004-00002973-00003673": "emits white polarized light. If I take a polarized filter, a polarization filter will only pass", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00005-00004054-00004755": "light with a specific polarization angle and this plastic sheet is one of those. If this", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00006-00005158-00005858": "polarization filter dosen't have the same alignment as the polarized light of the screen", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00007-00005900-00006600": "it will cancel out that light. If I rotate this then you will see that effect, you see.", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00008-00007359-00007986": "In polarization microscopy the fundamental thing is that you start with a canceled out", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00009-00007986-00008631": "light source like this. Usually in polarization microscopy the light source is not polarized", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00010-00008631-00009157": "light but you put a polarization filter on top of it first to make pol. light. In my", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00011-00009157-00009857": "case I already have a pol. light source here so I don't need that and only uses one filter.", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00012-00010197-00010796": "In polarization microscopy you use this kind of setup. You view through a polarization", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00013-00010796-00011496": "filter and you view polarized light. The thing is that if you have something that anisotropic", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00014-00011629-00012329": "it will affect the polarized light by changing it's polarization angle. Here for example", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00015-00012428-00013128": "I have this cover, plastic wrap, of a CD case, I open this, take the CD out etc. This is", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00016-00014204-00014904": "molded plastic, and one thing with molded plastic is that is contains stress and strains", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00017-00015276-00015969": "inside the plastic due to this fabrication process. Stresses in plastic will have an", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00018-00015969-00016670": "effect on polarized light. You can see the stress in this plastic with this technique.", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00019-00016836-00017536": "I will demonstrate that now, here I cancel out the light and then I put in the CD case.", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00020-00017920-00018620": "Now you see all the colors of this CD case and the bending curves of the colors, their", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00021-00019012-00019712": "shapes, especially towards the edges of the case, that is a indication of stress in the", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00022-00019743-00020443": "plastic. You can do this on glass also, you will not have colors but you will see some", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00023-00020778-00021478": "bright rings were you have stresses in the glass. I think I put the polarization filter", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00024-00021536-00022204": "on top of the camera, then everything in the room will be polarized for you, it's easier", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00025-00022204-00022842": "for me also. Now you viewing through polarized light, everything", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00026-00022842-00023542": "I put here in front of the screen you will see the effect of but not me, but I will have", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00027-00023615-00024315": "more hands left over. You can also use this thin plastic, when I view this here you will", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00028-00024730-00025430": "see the effect of that, I guess this will show you specific colors if I fold it like", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00029-00026110-00026810": "this it will create another effect, I folded it now once I can try to fold it again. The", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00030-00027695-00028231": "general idea with this plastic is that with it you can create what is called a lambda-plate.", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00031-00028231-00028931": "This plate will transform these changes in the polarization light, when you look at anisotropic", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00032-00029233-00029852": "materials, into colors and that makes it more easy for you to recognize what the changes", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00033-00029852-00030552": "actually is. This is the general idea with polarized microscopy. If the sample have structural", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00034-00031075-00031775": "features in it, this plastic, tejp for example is stretched in one direction, even the polarizing", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00035-00032243-00032943": "sheet I use on the camera has these linear molecules aligned in the sheet, these structural", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00036-00033182-00033882": "things in the sample will have an effect on polarized light, then it's called anisotropic", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00037-00034091-00034791": "because it has this effect. You can use this technique to analyze and study these features", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00038-00034906-00035606": "and in the demo movie I showed you a sample of this Lilly of the valley, when we look", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00039-00035666-00036366": "on these starch molecules in the root which is a \"crystal shaped\" structure that has this", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00040-00036511-00037211": "anisotropic effect. This is the basic thing with polarized light, we will come back to", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00041-00037461-00037955": "this now when we start talk about the differential interference contrast (DIC) but there is one", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00042-00037955-00038655": "key element that is still missing before we can fully understand that technique. That", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00043-00038816-00039516": "is these birefringent crystals that I will show you now, I remove the polarizing sheet", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00044-00039628-00040328": "on camera first. Here I have a double refracting crystal, or", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00045-00040418-00041118": "birefringent crystal. This is calcite (kalkspat) and this is the final key piece in order to", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00046-00041416-00042116": "make DIC, with these crystals you can make what is called a Wollaston prism, but we start", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00047-00042294-00042890": "by analyzing what this actually is, these kind of crystals. It has a special property.", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00048-00042890-00043590": "I say it is double refracting and that means that the refractive index of this crystal", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00049-00043666-00044366": "is depending on the polarization angle of the light. If you have polarized light that", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00050-00044478-00045103": "you shine through this crystal and then you change that angle of polarization the refractive", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00051-00045103-00045540": "index will change and the light will come out in a different direction, easiest way", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00052-00045540-00046194": "to demonstrate this is just to put in on top of the book like this. What you can see then", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00053-00046194-00046894": "is that the text becomes doubled, you see two rows with the same text inside the crystal.", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00054-00047508-00048046": "That's because the light in this room is not polarized, it has all polarization angles,", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00055-00048046-00048702": "this light will go through the crystal and light in one polarization angle will take", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00056-00048702-00049341": "a different pathway compared to another and that will create in the final stage, two images", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00057-00049341-00050041": "that you see when you look through it. This calcite crystal is unique because it an extreme", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00058-00050108-00050592": "high effect of this, it's visible by just looking through the crystal.", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00059-00050962-00051162": "How do you transform", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00060-00051188-00051824": "this into a usable differential interference contrast microscope. First you need to split", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00061-00051824-00052479": "this crystal into wedge shaped forms, then combine two wedges into what is called a wollaston", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00062-00052479-00053179": "prism. The wollaston prism looks like this, and when you made that you create two of does.", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00063-00053348-00053902": "One you place above the light source beneath the condenser and one you place on top of", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00064-00053902-00054573": "the objective. The idea here is that the polarized light that you send in from the light source", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00065-00054573-00055244": "goes through this crystal and will be splited up into two different pathways, then you will", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00066-00055244-00055944": "have two separated light rays that goes out from the crystal. These two polarized waves", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00067-00056164-00056794": "can go through the sample. If one of the waves is interacting with the sample and the other", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00068-00056794-00057494": "one is not, then after that you combine the waves at the top wollaston prism of the microscope,", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00069-00057723-00058423": "then you will have a interference of those two beam path ways and that creates the contrast", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00070-00058488-00058972": "effect. If both light rays goes through the same section of sample or passes outside of", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00071-00058972-00059672": "it then you will have no effect at all and it will be canceled out. Differential interference", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00072-00059791-00060467": "contrast is sort of like the \"derivative\" of the phase contrast image. These DIC's images", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00073-00060467-00061701": "tend to look 3D, it is not three dimensional but it appearance will be 3D, the typical", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00074-00061950-00062650": "effect that you see. Differential interference contrast is also called Nomarski method, a", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00075-00063030-00063730": "different construction of the microscope but it is the same technique. Either you can say", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00076-00063781-00064401": "Nomarski or DIC. That is enough of this lecture, this was the", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00077-00064401-00064966": "final lecture on the light microscopy chapter and what I want you to do now is a complex", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00078-00064966-00065666": "problem, here I give you two to choose between. One, is that you make a description of the", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00079-00065811-00066511": "technique that is called confocal laser microscopy, you can se that in the course book but I want", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00080-00066807-00067507": "you to compare this technique to what we see in the scanning electron microscope, these", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00081-00067816-00068363": "are both scanning techniques, sort of similar and I think it makes good understanding if", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00082-00068363-00069063": "you make this comparison between them, to get some feed back on that I want you to find", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00083-00069064-00069651": "some college that has already made the scanning electron microscopy chapter to give you feedback", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00084-00069651-00070351": "on this. You get a more in depth discussion with that college, post this as procedure", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00085-00070480-00070977": "given below. The other complex problem that you instead", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00086-00070977-00071677": "can choose to do is to create this lambda plate of the microscope. To do that you need", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00087-00071973-00072673": "to have some kind of polarizing sheet, a polarizing light source, for example the laptop or one", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00088-00072683-00073383": "of these flat-screen displays that usually is polarized light. The polarizing sheet,", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00089-00073694-00074112": "if you don't have that then perhaps you have these sun-glasses with polarization. You can", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00090-00074112-00074812": "use one of those as well, it works the same. You use this plastic wrap that I showed you", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00091-00074901-00075601": "from this CD case, and if you fold this in specific directions then you can create your", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00092-00075654-00076354": "own lambda plate. I want you to do that and describe either with your own movie, pictures", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00093-00076556-00077398": "or what ever media you chooses and show how you do this and post it as given below. Here", "11H0MJAZ-Fc-00094-00077535-00078201": "you have two complex problems to choose between. Good luck, and see you on the next chapter."}}, {"audio_id": "11LErhkAmIo", "text": {"11LErhkAmIo-00000-00010968-00012960": "LIKE AND SUBSRCIRBE MY CHANNEL"}}, {"audio_id": "11b1AirSiDo", "text": {"11b1AirSiDo-00000-00000000-00000200": "Learn to let go"}}, {"audio_id": "125MKAI_l-0", "text": {"125MKAI_l-0-00000-00000330-00000830": "[music playing]", "125MKAI_l-0-00001-00002580-00003080": "[Sarah Harding] The Liz Lerman Dance Exchange, which is a modern dance company", "125MKAI_l-0-00002-00002910-00003410": "located near Washington, DC, created this amazing dance", "125MKAI_l-0-00003-00003266-00003766": "performance related to the human genome.", "125MKAI_l-0-00004-00003836-00004336": "[Liz Lerman] You take a form like contemporary modern dance,", "125MKAI_l-0-00005-00003993-00004493": "which is a little hard to understand;", "125MKAI_l-0-00006-00004163-00004663": "you take genetics, a little hard to understand.", "125MKAI_l-0-00007-00004356-00004856": "You say, let's put them together and everyone", "125MKAI_l-0-00008-00004563-00005063": "will understand.", "125MKAI_l-0-00009-00004670-00005170": "And it's like, how's that going to work?", "125MKAI_l-0-00010-00004883-00005383": "But, actually, it does.", "125MKAI_l-0-00011-00005186-00005686": "[music playing]", "125MKAI_l-0-00012-00005430-00005930": "[Sarah Harding] After seeing Ferocious Beauty Genome,", "125MKAI_l-0-00013-00005673-00006173": "members of the Dance Exchange and the NHGRI got together", "125MKAI_l-0-00014-00006004-00006504": "and created this idea for a workshop that would explore", "125MKAI_l-0-00015-00006404-00006904": "genomic science through dance specifically for", "125MKAI_l-0-00016-00006634-00007134": "high school students.", "125MKAI_l-0-00017-00006864-00007364": "[Carla Easter] The NIH team, composed of educators and researchers", "125MKAI_l-0-00018-00007150-00007650": "along with the Liz Lerman dancers and choreographers,", "125MKAI_l-0-00019-00007410-00007910": "decided to pull together, and create choreography", "125MKAI_l-0-00020-00007727-00008227": "or activities around subject matter that the students were", "125MKAI_l-0-00021-00007987-00008487": "already familiar with.", "125MKAI_l-0-00022-00008114-00008614": "The idea was to make it unique and something different from", "125MKAI_l-0-00023-00008410-00008910": "the way they were normally taught in their classes.", "125MKAI_l-0-00024-00008627-00009127": "[Sarah Harding] The main goal is to teach the science through dance,", "125MKAI_l-0-00025-00009070-00009570": "and through the arts and really have that connection", "125MKAI_l-0-00026-00009287-00009787": "can be made.", "125MKAI_l-0-00027-00009564-00010064": "About a month later, 70 students arrive at", "125MKAI_l-0-00028-00009867-00010367": "the Atlas theater in Washington, DC.", "125MKAI_l-0-00029-00010154-00010654": "The students will have to choreograph one", "125MKAI_l-0-00030-00010317-00010817": "of four topics in the groups they get split into,", "125MKAI_l-0-00031-00010604-00011104": "one of which is mitosis.", "125MKAI_l-0-00032-00010870-00011370": "[Carla Easter] We've talked about mitosis as the dance of the chromosomes,", "125MKAI_l-0-00033-00011147-00011647": "because, again, it is just like a production, right?", "125MKAI_l-0-00034-00011700-00012200": "We gave the students an overview of mitosis,", "125MKAI_l-0-00035-00011957-00012457": "taking them through the various phases,", "125MKAI_l-0-00036-00012168-00012668": "and then we asked them to choreograph movements that", "125MKAI_l-0-00037-00012384-00012884": "depicted each of those phases.", "125MKAI_l-0-00038-00012691-00013191": "[Elizabeth Johnson] I like the coilof the shape.", "125MKAI_l-0-00039-00012834-00013334": "I like that idea of the mirroring.", "125MKAI_l-0-00040-00013118-00013618": "[Cynthia Delgado] Love the drag.", "125MKAI_l-0-00041-00013228-00013728": "[Elizabeth Johnson] The drag.", "125MKAI_l-0-00042-00013311-00013811": "[Cynthia Delgado] Can't go wrong with the coil to drag.", "125MKAI_l-0-00043-00013418-00013918": "[Elizabeth Johnson] I started to just implant places about speed.", "125MKAI_l-0-00044-00013658-00014158": "[Carla Easter] We gave the students a few parameters to work within.", "125MKAI_l-0-00045-00013904-00014404": "The idea was for them to create something that was", "125MKAI_l-0-00046-00014088-00014588": "totally their own.", "125MKAI_l-0-00047-00014247-00014747": "Hopefully, the students will create something that their", "125MKAI_l-0-00048-00014464-00014964": "peers will enjoy but that also their peers will gain", "125MKAI_l-0-00049-00014711-00015211": "a new understanding of the science,", "125MKAI_l-0-00050-00014868-00015368": "and in this case, it was mitosis.", "125MKAI_l-0-00051-00015068-00015568": "[Elizabeth Johnson] Break and down, you guys stay.", "125MKAI_l-0-00052-00015394-00015894": "Let's start, break, break -- nope, no, no, you break;", "125MKAI_l-0-00053-00015908-00016408": "you guys will be dragging.", "125MKAI_l-0-00054-00016044-00016544": "Okay, I was wrong.", "125MKAI_l-0-00055-00016147-00016648": "Break and drag.", "125MKAI_l-0-00056-00016584-00017084": "[Sarah Harding] The students have about two hours to learn the", "125MKAI_l-0-00057-00016884-00017384": "major concepts of mitosis, explore those concepts", "125MKAI_l-0-00058-00017204-00017704": "through dance and movement, and then create brand new", "125MKAI_l-0-00059-00017564-00018064": "choreography that essentially will teach other students", "125MKAI_l-0-00060-00017918-00018418": "those major concepts in mitosis.", "125MKAI_l-0-00061-00018208-00018708": "After they're done creating their choreography,", "125MKAI_l-0-00062-00018415-00018915": "they'll have the opportunity to perform it for their friends", "125MKAI_l-0-00063-00018755-00019255": "and other students who are part of the workshop.", "125MKAI_l-0-00064-00019028-00019528": "[Elizabeth Johnson] There we go, now we have two identical chromosomes,", "125MKAI_l-0-00065-00019342-00019842": "sister chromosomes.", "125MKAI_l-0-00066-00019488-00019988": "Give yourself a round.", "125MKAI_l-0-00067-00019625-00020125": "Let's do it from the top.", "125MKAI_l-0-00068-00020022-00020522": "[Carla Easter] Our students are dancing mitosis,", "125MKAI_l-0-00069-00020232-00020732": "if you can believe that.", "125MKAI_l-0-00070-00020375-00020875": "[music playing]", "125MKAI_l-0-00071-00021118-00021618": "[Carla Easter] They are dancing what happens when mitosis happens right,", "125MKAI_l-0-00072-00021435-00021935": "and when it goes awry.", "125MKAI_l-0-00073-00021615-00022115": "[music playing]", "125MKAI_l-0-00074-00024436-00024936": "[Student] I died because I'm the protein.", "125MKAI_l-0-00075-00024639-00025139": "I'm the protein that died in the cells,", "125MKAI_l-0-00076-00024859-00025359": "and then afterwards, they become corrupted and", "125MKAI_l-0-00077-00025109-00025609": "they become cancer cells and they die eventually as well.", "125MKAI_l-0-00078-00025459-00025959": "[Elizabeth Johnson] Excellent work.", "125MKAI_l-0-00079-00025629-00026129": "In 15 minutes you have two very different representations", "125MKAI_l-0-00080-00025979-00026479": "of mitosis.", "125MKAI_l-0-00081-00026126-00026626": "You worked as a team.", "125MKAI_l-0-00082-00026262-00026762": "You know, it's not exactly easy to collaborate with seven other", "125MKAI_l-0-00083-00026582-00027082": "people to make something, especially in such a", "125MKAI_l-0-00084-00026802-00027302": "short amount of time, so -- awesome.", "125MKAI_l-0-00085-00027189-00027689": "[Sarah Harding] Now it's performance time.", "125MKAI_l-0-00086-00027376-00027876": "You can tell the students are excited and probably a little", "125MKAI_l-0-00087-00027632-00028132": "bit nervous to show what they've done,", "125MKAI_l-0-00088-00027886-00028386": "what they've created for the other students", "125MKAI_l-0-00089-00028129-00028629": "and for their friends.", "125MKAI_l-0-00090-00028306-00028806": "[Carla Easter] I am really excited for the students.", "125MKAI_l-0-00091-00028462-00028962": "They've put together two very creative and unique", "125MKAI_l-0-00092-00028679-00029179": "performances that depict mitosis.", "125MKAI_l-0-00093-00028956-00029456": "[music playing]", "125MKAI_l-0-00094-00029282-00029782": "[Monique Scott] I wanted them to see biology in terms of how it relates", "125MKAI_l-0-00095-00029792-00030292": "to them, not just what they're reading from the textbook,", "125MKAI_l-0-00096-00030050-00030550": "but -- and how other people are actually interested in science.", "125MKAI_l-0-00097-00030416-00030916": "It is not just the geeks and the nerds who like science.", "125MKAI_l-0-00098-00030673-00031173": "You have dancers, now, who are interested in science.", "125MKAI_l-0-00099-00031030-00031530": "[music playing]", "125MKAI_l-0-00100-00031610-00032110": "[Emily Young] One of the comments that one of my students said", "125MKAI_l-0-00101-00031770-00032270": "was that she said it was much freer than being in", "125MKAI_l-0-00102-00032096-00032596": "the classroom, like you got to actually explore", "125MKAI_l-0-00103-00032306-00032806": "something, an explanation and different means of explaining", "125MKAI_l-0-00104-00032693-00033193": "a concept they knew already about and just learned from", "125MKAI_l-0-00105-00032943-00033443": "a book or from a microscope.", "125MKAI_l-0-00106-00033146-00033646": "[music playing]", "125MKAI_l-0-00107-00033720-00034220": "[Cynthia Delgado] We want them to have a new way to learn science,", "125MKAI_l-0-00108-00034086-00034586": "and something they can have fun with and maybe,", "125MKAI_l-0-00109-00034390-00034890": "you know, learn something new about science that they didn't", "125MKAI_l-0-00110-00034613-00035113": "know before or take something they learned in the classroom", "125MKAI_l-0-00111-00034876-00035376": "and expand on it.", "125MKAI_l-0-00112-00035053-00035553": "[music, laughter, and applause]", "125MKAI_l-0-00113-00035526-00036026": "[Carla Easter] I think what surprised me was that, initially,", "125MKAI_l-0-00114-00035690-00036190": "the students were very tentative about doing this,", "125MKAI_l-0-00115-00035926-00036426": "and by the end of it, they really got into it.", "125MKAI_l-0-00116-00036177-00036677": "I mean, they really -- they really were visualizing", "125MKAI_l-0-00117-00036384-00036884": "what mitosis looked like through dance.", "125MKAI_l-0-00118-00036570-00037070": "And I am so impressed with them because all the inhibitions", "125MKAI_l-0-00119-00036810-00037310": "were gone.", "125MKAI_l-0-00120-00036980-00037480": "[cheering and applause]", "125MKAI_l-0-00121-00037860-00038360": "[music playing]", "125MKAI_l-0-00122-00043321-00043821": "[music playing]"}}, {"audio_id": "12lNdhQvrLk", "text": {"12lNdhQvrLk-00000-00000118-00000476": "Hi i'm David Cantor with the Law Offices of David Michael Cantor, today i'm going to talk", "12lNdhQvrLk-00001-00000476-00001061": "about the Avondale City Court. Now the Avondale City Court only handles misdemeanors, so if", "12lNdhQvrLk-00002-00001061-00001554": "you have a summons or a felony, you're supposed to be in Superior Court. Make sure if you", "12lNdhQvrLk-00003-00001554-00002158": "do have a ticket, that is says either City court or Municipal Court, if it says Justice", "12lNdhQvrLk-00004-00002158-00002610": "Court, you're not going to be going to the Avondale City Court. Avondale City Court is", "12lNdhQvrLk-00005-00003610-00003710": "located at 11325 W. Civic Center Dr, Avondale, AZ 85323."}}, {"audio_id": "12vYExFKQSM", "text": {"12vYExFKQSM-00000-00000806-00001006": "Q, How do you feel to advance to the final?", "12vYExFKQSM-00001-00001723-00002066": "Hello. I'm Leo who recently joined Sandbox.", "12vYExFKQSM-00002-00002090-00003176": "I'm happier than usual to get a good result as we prepared and defeat T1.", "12vYExFKQSM-00003-00003465-00003797": "Q, It must have been special for you to face T1, your former team.", "12vYExFKQSM-00004-00004604-00004998": "I've lost my self-esteem and confidence because", "12vYExFKQSM-00005-00005020-00005212": "I didn't get to play on a match.", "12vYExFKQSM-00006-00005240-00006344": "Now I've had my chance and made a good result. I'm feeling good.", "12vYExFKQSM-00007-00006700-00007016": "Q, Why did you decide to move to Sandbox?", "12vYExFKQSM-00008-00007409-00007609": "Sandbox's upper JUG-TOP is strong", "12vYExFKQSM-00009-00007822-00008081": "and the team is getting good supports.", "12vYExFKQSM-00010-00008290-00008908": "The team gave me a good offer, so I could make my decision quite fast.", "12vYExFKQSM-00011-00009334-00009730": "Q, What are the advantages of Sandbox?", "12vYExFKQSM-00012-00009854-00010654": "Every lane is strong and the players are good with making variables.", "12vYExFKQSM-00013-00010680-00010944": "They're good with team fights too.", "12vYExFKQSM-00014-00011138-00011322": "Q, The new team house is also a hot topic", "12vYExFKQSM-00015-00011404-00011738": "The company provided us a good gaming house.", "12vYExFKQSM-00016-00011770-00012396": "The CEO payed the air plane fee so we could get here comfortably.", "12vYExFKQSM-00017-00012630-00013016": "Q, What do you think about the assessment that team play has changed since Gorilla joined?", "12vYExFKQSM-00018-00013510-00014204": "He takes good care of us inside and outside of the game.", "12vYExFKQSM-00019-00014230-00014822": "We could get good results because he has led us so well.", "12vYExFKQSM-00020-00015224-00015424": "Q, Since you moved to Sandbox, your performance seems better", "12vYExFKQSM-00021-00015794-00016536": "It doesn't feel real. I want to show a better side in the future.", "12vYExFKQSM-00022-00016934-00017316": "Q, Two supporters have different play styles", "12vYExFKQSM-00023-00017708-00018028": "Gorilla tends to take the lead, and", "12vYExFKQSM-00024-00018056-00018462": "Joker has a strong supporting style.", "12vYExFKQSM-00025-00018832-00019342": "Q, It's the very first grand final since the team has made. Which team do you want to face?", "12vYExFKQSM-00026-00019580-00020026": "I want to play against DRX.", "12vYExFKQSM-00027-00020158-00020758": "It's because winning a team that is thought to be strong can make us more recognized.", "12vYExFKQSM-00028-00021148-00021348": "Q, What are your goals for 2020 season?", "12vYExFKQSM-00029-00022744-00023270": "As a team, I want to win consecutive games from the beginning and", "12vYExFKQSM-00030-00023300-00023888": "go to the finals at least. Personally, I want to take the top spot on the solo rank.", "12vYExFKQSM-00031-00024188-00024818": "Q, Onflick recorded the penta kill on the fourth set. It's the first time in Korea for a jungler to make a penta kill.", "12vYExFKQSM-00032-00024944-00025442": "It didn't feel real until he made the triple kill because", "12vYExFKQSM-00033-00025470-00025788": "my champion died already. But after he recorded the penta kill,", "12vYExFKQSM-00034-00025818-00026233": "everyone didn't know what was going on.", "12vYExFKQSM-00035-00026264-00026762": "We were happy for him right after though.", "12vYExFKQSM-00036-00026972-00027172": "Q, Any last words?", "12vYExFKQSM-00037-00027683-00027883": "We have one day to prepare for the finals.", "12vYExFKQSM-00038-00027970-00028606": "We'll prepare on picks-and-bans and show you the best we can.", "12vYExFKQSM-00039-00028658-00029362": "I think I can do my best thanks to the fans' support. Thank you."}}, {"audio_id": "12Utlxzchd8", "text": {"12Utlxzchd8-00000-00000000-00000374": "As you can see, oblast governors have been invited to today's conference.", "12Utlxzchd8-00001-00000374-00000791": "I'd also like to discuss another matter: readiness for the harvesting campaign.", "12Utlxzchd8-00002-00000791-00001212": "You can see every day that the entire world is scared with hunger.", "12Utlxzchd8-00003-00001212-00001709": "A hunger by autumn or winter. A hunger that has not been witnessed since the Great Patriotic War [of 1941-1945].", "12Utlxzchd8-00004-00001777-00001952": "Well, there's no smoke without fire.", "12Utlxzchd8-00005-00001952-00002383": "Tensions are being inflated just like in the pandemic and something else.", "12Utlxzchd8-00006-00002383-00002599": "But I say there's no smoke without fire.", "12Utlxzchd8-00007-00002686-00002827": "There will be hunger!", "12Utlxzchd8-00008-00002914-00003253": "And not only because Ukraine's grain has not been exported", "12Utlxzchd8-00009-00003253-00003550": "or because Russia has been affected by sanctions which...", "12Utlxzchd8-00010-00003550-00004047": "As Putin says they are ready to sell up to 50 million tonnes of wheat.", "12Utlxzchd8-00011-00004047-00004279": "It is a large figure together with Ukraine.", "12Utlxzchd8-00012-00004473-00004832": "This is why the world will lack not only bread.", "12Utlxzchd8-00013-00004898-00005094": "I've talked about it many times.", "12Utlxzchd8-00014-00005200-00006025": "And you can see the helplessness with which the entire United Nations Organization is trying to prevent an inevitable crisis.", "12Utlxzchd8-00015-00006200-00006713": "Fifty countries are critically dependent on them, on this food.", "12Utlxzchd8-00016-00006934-00007134": "This is just a taste of what's to come, as I've already said.", "12Utlxzchd8-00017-00007134-00008152": "The crazy train of sanctions against mineral fertilizers, oil products, shipping logistics (freight, insurance)", "12Utlxzchd8-00018-00008152-00008680": "threatens to disrupt consequent agricultural seasons and simply demolish food markets.", "12Utlxzchd8-00019-00008680-00008887": "Today we will still be able to gather in some cereals.", "12Utlxzchd8-00020-00008887-00009324": "The year is not bad. And Russia will have a good harvest. And Ukraine will gather in something, too.", "12Utlxzchd8-00021-00009324-00010065": "If we don't slack, we can also gather in as much cereals as we need to feed people and animals.", "12Utlxzchd8-00022-00010065-00010459": "We certainly will not export wheat or some other crops.", "12Utlxzchd8-00023-00010459-00010561": "Although we can.", "12Utlxzchd8-00024-00010561-00010809": "Well, except for colza, flax, industrial crops.", "12Utlxzchd8-00025-00010809-00011037": "Except for potatoes of which we have plenty.", "12Utlxzchd8-00026-00011037-00011209": "We are not going to export cereals.", "12Utlxzchd8-00027-00011209-00011740": "It is necessary to process all of it through the animal husbandry industry in order to get meat and milk.", "12Utlxzchd8-00028-00011740-00012169": "But food prices will grow higher as a whole.", "12Utlxzchd8-00029-00012247-00012984": "You understand that rising prices for cereals will immediately result in higher prices for other kinds of food.", "12Utlxzchd8-00030-00012984-00013193": "Prices for animal husbandry industry products.", "12Utlxzchd8-00031-00013259-00013471": "Prices are already at an all-time high.", "12Utlxzchd8-00032-00013471-00014118": "For instance, prices for wheat rose by more than 60% in the last six months.", "12Utlxzchd8-00033-00014173-00014496": "Well, it turns out you cannot eat dollars on your bread.", "12Utlxzchd8-00034-00014630-00014832": "You remember perfectly well that", "12Utlxzchd8-00035-00014832-00015394": "the previous wheat price hike in 2008 resulted in the notorious Arab spring.", "12Utlxzchd8-00036-00015432-00015735": "Grain became the big politics and essentially a weapon.", "12Utlxzchd8-00037-00015735-00015871": "This is why I am telling you:", "12Utlxzchd8-00038-00015871-00016217": "if the economy works and if people have something to eat", "12Utlxzchd8-00039-00016217-00016452": "and something to wear,", "12Utlxzchd8-00040-00016452-00016860": "it is a guarantee that we will endure!", "12Utlxzchd8-00041-00016860-00017622": "If the government does not fail other branches of economy and enterprises while blaming sanctions for it,", "12Utlxzchd8-00042-00017622-00017875": "then we will be afraid of no sanctions.", "12Utlxzchd8-00043-00018000-00018611": "I’ve noted many times that the food market situation offers a chance to earn a profit."}}, {"audio_id": "12a86aRlOzy", "text": {"12a86aRlOzy-00000-00000875-00001515": "how to create a customer and an account holder in lots nuts has many different", "12a86aRlOzy-00001-00001515-00001985": "ways to add a new customer to the system one of the easiest is from the debtor's", "12a86aRlOzy-00002-00001985-00003198": "module at the top go to tools edit customer then select new person this", "12a86aRlOzy-00003-00003198-00003693": "will load the lot standard edit patient screen from here you need to enter the", "12a86aRlOzy-00004-00003693-00004130": "customers first and last names along with any of their other details that you", "12a86aRlOzy-00005-00004130-00005148": "may have once you've entered all the customer details click OK to save the", "12a86aRlOzy-00006-00005148-00006000": "person they are now a customer within the system but not yet a debtor to make", "12a86aRlOzy-00007-00006000-00006848": "them a debtor you need to go to tools and edit customer again but this time", "12a86aRlOzy-00008-00006848-00007156": "you search for them", "12a86aRlOzy-00009-00007572-00008178": "once you have the patient details open go to the account tab and select own", "12a86aRlOzy-00010-00008178-00008994": "account you will notice a few other options become available select any that", "12a86aRlOzy-00011-00008994-00010020": "are applicable for this customer once completed hit OK to save after you have", "12a86aRlOzy-00012-00010020-00010607": "saved the details you'll notice this customer is now in the list of debtors", "12a86aRlOzy-00013-00010745-00011277": "if you need to edit this customer further with them highlighted you can go", "12a86aRlOzy-00014-00011277-00012354": "to tools edit this customer if you want to link any of the family members to", "12a86aRlOzy-00015-00012354-00012924": "this account they will first need to be creative and saved in the system once", "12a86aRlOzy-00016-00012924-00014166": "this is done you can go to tools edit customer and search for them then in the", "12a86aRlOzy-00017-00014166-00015038": "account tab select other account and search for the primary account holder", "12a86aRlOzy-00018-00015344-00015843": "the details that are listed are from the primary account holder and cannot be", "12a86aRlOzy-00019-00015843-00017010": "edited by a sub-account once you're happy with all of the changes hit OK to", "12a86aRlOzy-00020-00017010-00017616": "view a statement for a particular debtor there are a few options you can", "12a86aRlOzy-00021-00017616-00018408": "right-click on the debtor and few statements for this account this will", "12a86aRlOzy-00022-00018408-00018915": "list all of the statements for this customer you can also use the date", "12a86aRlOzy-00023-00018915-00019515": "filters on the right hand side once highlighted it will display all of the", "12a86aRlOzy-00024-00019515-00019985": "accounts that had been rolled over at that time"}}, {"audio_id": "13OtlENRpk8", "text": {"13OtlENRpk8-00000-00000170-00000210": "Great.", "13OtlENRpk8-00001-00000220-00000323": "Thank you.", "13OtlENRpk8-00002-00000333-00000577": "I'm going to have a quick chat with you", "13OtlENRpk8-00003-00000587-00000910": "this afternoon about one set of viewpoints", "13OtlENRpk8-00004-00000920-00001087": "about unlocking northern Australia's", "13OtlENRpk8-00005-00001097-00001251": "agricultural development opportunities.", "13OtlENRpk8-00006-00001931-00002072": "That's it.", "13OtlENRpk8-00007-00002082-00002372": "The north's economy is growing in richness and complexity.", "13OtlENRpk8-00008-00002382-00002629": "It's certainly not just agriculture.", "13OtlENRpk8-00009-00002639-00003026": "Tourism, mining, and defence are already really well-established", "13OtlENRpk8-00010-00003036-00003480": "and make a more than $25 billion contribution", "13OtlENRpk8-00011-00003490-00003943": "to the north's GDP, which incidentally accrues at roughly", "13OtlENRpk8-00012-00003953-00004164": "twice the rate per capita than the rest of Australia.", "13OtlENRpk8-00013-00004491-00004654": "I'd now like to put those industries aside", "13OtlENRpk8-00014-00004664-00005054": "though to focus on agricultural development,", "13OtlENRpk8-00015-00005064-00005398": "for which has a particular interest and capacity", "13OtlENRpk8-00016-00005408-00005538": "to unlock greater potential.", "13OtlENRpk8-00017-00006169-00006332": "So why focus on agricultural development?", "13OtlENRpk8-00018-00006596-00006800": "Because the potential opportunity is clear,", "13OtlENRpk8-00019-00006809-00007130": "well-established, and widely agreed.", "13OtlENRpk8-00020-00007140-00007420": "Productivity growth is required to offset the declining", "13OtlENRpk8-00021-00007430-00007851": "terms of trade faced by Australian agriculture.", "13OtlENRpk8-00022-00007861-00007994": "And amongst other methods, this can", "13OtlENRpk8-00023-00008004-00008388": "be achieved by increasing production from existing", "13OtlENRpk8-00024-00008398-00008635": "agricultural land and by increasing", "13OtlENRpk8-00025-00008645-00008875": "the area available for agricultural production.", "13OtlENRpk8-00026-00008885-00009022": "And northern Australian has a role", "13OtlENRpk8-00027-00009032-00009549": "to play in both of those methods.", "13OtlENRpk8-00028-00009559-00009879": "As those of you who've been here for the last couple of days", "13OtlENRpk8-00029-00009889-00010136": "will certainly know by now, global food demand", "13OtlENRpk8-00030-00010146-00010540": "may double by 2050, bringing with it that new markets", "13OtlENRpk8-00031-00010550-00011024": "and potentially higher process, particularly in Asia.", "13OtlENRpk8-00032-00011034-00011304": "Northern Australia's proximity to these markets", "13OtlENRpk8-00033-00011314-00011534": "may provide it with a particular advantage.", "13OtlENRpk8-00034-00011835-00012105": "It also makes sense to focus on agriculture because there's", "13OtlENRpk8-00035-00012115-00012545": "a potential to add value by more intensively using the existing", "13OtlENRpk8-00036-00012555-00012689": "resource base.", "13OtlENRpk8-00037-00012699-00012896": "So what does that resource base look like?", "13OtlENRpk8-00038-00013306-00013506": "The definition of northern Australia", "13OtlENRpk8-00039-00013516-00013783": "I'll use for these purposes is just the northern draining", "13OtlENRpk8-00040-00013793-00013880": "catchments.", "13OtlENRpk8-00041-00013890-00014030": "So if rain hits, it's the stuff that", "13OtlENRpk8-00042-00014040-00014287": "runs north so that takes you basically", "13OtlENRpk8-00043-00014297-00014654": "from Broome across to the Western cape.", "13OtlENRpk8-00044-00015008-00015318": "That definition of northern Australia comprises about 20%", "13OtlENRpk8-00045-00015328-00015488": "of the nation's land mass.", "13OtlENRpk8-00046-00015498-00016049": "It receives about 26% of Australia's annual rainfall.", "13OtlENRpk8-00047-00016059-00016396": "That's about a million gigalitres every year.", "13OtlENRpk8-00048-00016406-00016716": "And it may have as many as 17 million hectares of soil", "13OtlENRpk8-00049-00016726-00017063": "that is potentially suitable for irrigated agriculture.", "13OtlENRpk8-00050-00017424-00017807": "Despite that potential, northern Australia's large scale", "13OtlENRpk8-00051-00017817-00018241": "agricultural successes have often occurred mainly", "13OtlENRpk8-00052-00018251-00018468": "in the beef industry, which supplies", "13OtlENRpk8-00053-00018478-00018808": "30% of Australia's beef trade.", "13OtlENRpk8-00054-00018818-00019042": "And in fact, if just this definition,", "13OtlENRpk8-00055-00019052-00019476": "the northern draining catchments was a country,", "13OtlENRpk8-00056-00019486-00019753": "it would be the sixth largest beef exporter in the world.", "13OtlENRpk8-00057-00020019-00020497": "So despite our supplying 30% of Australia's beef trade,", "13OtlENRpk8-00058-00020507-00020844": "northern Australia currently supplies only about 2 1/2%", "13OtlENRpk8-00059-00020854-00021271": "of Australia's irrigated agricultural area.", "13OtlENRpk8-00060-00021281-00021658": "So irrigated ag may well be northern Australia's Cinderella", "13OtlENRpk8-00061-00021668-00021788": "industry.", "13OtlENRpk8-00062-00021798-00021935": "What needs to happen for Cinderella", "13OtlENRpk8-00063-00021945-00022292": "to be taken to the ball?", "13OtlENRpk8-00064-00022302-00022722": "Well Cinderella's wicked sisters are a lack of certainty", "13OtlENRpk8-00065-00022732-00022972": "and a lack of confidence.", "13OtlENRpk8-00066-00022982-00023183": "History has shown that capitalising on the north's", "13OtlENRpk8-00067-00023193-00023550": "advantages has its challenges and uncertainties.", "13OtlENRpk8-00068-00023560-00024020": "And this erodes confidence which in turn can deter investment.", "13OtlENRpk8-00069-00024030-00024267": "So unlocking significant new investment", "13OtlENRpk8-00070-00024277-00024534": "in the north's agriculture requires confidence", "13OtlENRpk8-00071-00024544-00025031": "about the scale of opportunities and the risks that attend them.", "13OtlENRpk8-00072-00025041-00025275": "So where do those opportunities and risks lie?", "13OtlENRpk8-00073-00025939-00026162": "Because I've only got 10 or 15 minutes,", "13OtlENRpk8-00074-00026172-00026499": "I'm going to concentrate on six of those challenges", "13OtlENRpk8-00075-00026509-00026783": "and opportunities.", "13OtlENRpk8-00076-00026793-00027350": "And certainly, CSIRO's work in the north, really since 1946,", "13OtlENRpk8-00077-00027360-00027714": "but most particularly in the last five or ten years", "13OtlENRpk8-00078-00027724-00028108": "has tended to suggest that there are six key uncertainties", "13OtlENRpk8-00079-00028118-00028515": "and challenges that must be understood and solved in order", "13OtlENRpk8-00080-00028525-00028822": "to provide the confidence to unlock investment", "13OtlENRpk8-00081-00028832-00028958": "across all of northern Australia.", "13OtlENRpk8-00082-00029299-00029542": "So I'll just tick through each of these six.", "13OtlENRpk8-00083-00030183-00030457": "Many current land and water tenures in the north", "13OtlENRpk8-00084-00030467-00030914": "pose significant barriers to agricultural investment.", "13OtlENRpk8-00085-00030924-00031331": "Northern Australian tenure systems are complex and unique", "13OtlENRpk8-00086-00031341-00031574": "in a national context.", "13OtlENRpk8-00087-00031584-00031865": "There are multiple and often overlapping tenures", "13OtlENRpk8-00088-00031875-00031991": "for the same piece of land.", "13OtlENRpk8-00089-00032258-00032662": "Administrative arrangements relating to land tenure", "13OtlENRpk8-00090-00032672-00033069": "vary across state jurisdictional boundaries,", "13OtlENRpk8-00091-00033079-00033363": "potentially increasing transaction costs.", "13OtlENRpk8-00092-00033373-00033636": "And it's important to know that the north has", "13OtlENRpk8-00093-00033646-00033920": "for tens of thousands of years and presently", "13OtlENRpk8-00094-00033930-00034507": "tends to run its affairs east and west, not north and south.", "13OtlENRpk8-00095-00034517-00034764": "And so crossing those jurisdictional boundaries", "13OtlENRpk8-00096-00034774-00035051": "is a common feature that businesses face.", "13OtlENRpk8-00097-00035355-00035695": "There are new and emergent tenures or changes", "13OtlENRpk8-00098-00035705-00035995": "to tenure such as water and carbon", "13OtlENRpk8-00099-00036005-00036392": "for which tenure regimes are uncertain and continually", "13OtlENRpk8-00100-00036403-00036643": "evolving.", "13OtlENRpk8-00101-00036653-00036960": "So the complexity uncertainty surrounded with land tenure", "13OtlENRpk8-00102-00036970-00037394": "is a barrier to private investment in irrigated ag.", "13OtlENRpk8-00103-00037404-00037660": "In response, governments are working", "13OtlENRpk8-00104-00037670-00037981": "to explore pathways for improvement", "13OtlENRpk8-00105-00037991-00038431": "that reduce complexity, improve the efficiency of regulation,", "13OtlENRpk8-00106-00038441-00038892": "and improve the effectiveness of land and resource planning.", "13OtlENRpk8-00107-00038902-00039122": "And again, we will have heard about that", "13OtlENRpk8-00108-00039132-00039215": "during the conference.", "13OtlENRpk8-00109-00039546-00039702": "So second of the six, water.", "13OtlENRpk8-00110-00039983-00040203": "Across northern Australia as a whole,", "13OtlENRpk8-00111-00040213-00040480": "CSIRO has identified the capacity", "13OtlENRpk8-00112-00040490-00040904": "to sustainably double or triple the north's irrigation", "13OtlENRpk8-00113-00040914-00041491": "area using renewable groundwater resources.", "13OtlENRpk8-00114-00041501-00041738": "The potential is significantly greater", "13OtlENRpk8-00115-00041748-00042135": "if surface water is included.", "13OtlENRpk8-00116-00042145-00042365": "But sustainably exploiting water resources", "13OtlENRpk8-00117-00042375-00042719": "requires more detailed knowledge of local scale water", "13OtlENRpk8-00118-00042729-00043126": "flows, additions, and losses.", "13OtlENRpk8-00119-00043136-00043366": "So a recent study that we've done, for example,", "13OtlENRpk8-00120-00043376-00043683": "shows that in some catchments around 90% of all of the water", "13OtlENRpk8-00121-00043693-00043780": "that falls evaporates.", "13OtlENRpk8-00122-00044274-00044697": "Actually acquiring that detailed knowledge of local scale water", "13OtlENRpk8-00123-00044707-00045014": "flows, addition, and losses has historically", "13OtlENRpk8-00124-00045024-00045325": "been prohibitively expensive.", "13OtlENRpk8-00125-00045335-00045618": "So recently, we've developed and demonstrated", "13OtlENRpk8-00126-00045628-00045905": "methods for rapidly and economically quantifying", "13OtlENRpk8-00127-00045915-00046172": "water availability and identifying water storage", "13OtlENRpk8-00128-00046182-00046366": "options.", "13OtlENRpk8-00129-00046376-00046599": "Using these methods, we've recently", "13OtlENRpk8-00130-00046609-00047000": "identified the capacity to reliably store over", "13OtlENRpk8-00131-00047010-00047404": "1,000 gigalitres in just two of northern Australia's", "13OtlENRpk8-00132-00047414-00047537": "roughly 50 catchments.", "13OtlENRpk8-00133-00048268-00048441": "Three of six, soil.", "13OtlENRpk8-00134-00048735-00048928": "A scarcity of detailed soils information", "13OtlENRpk8-00135-00048938-00049085": "in northern Australia has made it", "13OtlENRpk8-00136-00049095-00049416": "difficult to estimate potential agricultural productivity.", "13OtlENRpk8-00137-00049426-00049642": "In most places northern Australia,", "13OtlENRpk8-00138-00049652-00049933": "there are not soils maps.", "13OtlENRpk8-00139-00049943-00050356": "Makes it difficult to plan agricultural developments.", "13OtlENRpk8-00140-00050366-00050693": "It's also made it difficult to establish priority locations", "13OtlENRpk8-00141-00050703-00051101": "for irrigation development across the north.", "13OtlENRpk8-00142-00051111-00051361": "The cost of acquiring reliable soil", "13OtlENRpk8-00143-00051371-00051584": "and agricultural productivity estimates", "13OtlENRpk8-00144-00051594-00051794": "has often proven an insurmountable barrier", "13OtlENRpk8-00145-00051804-00052228": "to investors, both public and private.", "13OtlENRpk8-00146-00052238-00052472": "Again, I think there's good news.", "13OtlENRpk8-00147-00052482-00052645": "We've been able to develop and demonstrate", "13OtlENRpk8-00148-00052655-00052949": "methods for rapidly and economically making", "13OtlENRpk8-00149-00052959-00053223": "high precision soil maps and to convert those", "13OtlENRpk8-00150-00053233-00053580": "into land suitability maps that tell you what types of crops", "13OtlENRpk8-00151-00053590-00053807": "and what types of irrigation methods", "13OtlENRpk8-00152-00053816-00054120": "are suited to different places.", "13OtlENRpk8-00153-00054130-00054334": "So again, using those methods, we've", "13OtlENRpk8-00154-00054344-00054721": "recently identified and mapped over 10 million hectares", "13OtlENRpk8-00155-00054731-00055078": "of at least moderately suitable agricultural soils in just", "13OtlENRpk8-00156-00055088-00055435": "two of the roughly 50 northern draining", "13OtlENRpk8-00157-00055445-00055645": "catchments in northern Australia.", "13OtlENRpk8-00158-00056439-00056529": "Agricultural production.", "13OtlENRpk8-00159-00056813-00057263": "Investment is enhanced by access to quantitative opportunity", "13OtlENRpk8-00160-00057273-00057437": "and risk assessment.", "13OtlENRpk8-00161-00057447-00057757": "That's usually how markets work.", "13OtlENRpk8-00162-00057767-00058094": "Trial and error is prohibitively costly and inherently risky", "13OtlENRpk8-00163-00058104-00058351": "method for quantifying the potential", "13OtlENRpk8-00164-00058361-00058655": "and risk of agricultural production.", "13OtlENRpk8-00165-00058665-00058952": "It's simply too variable over space and time", "13OtlENRpk8-00166-00058962-00059402": "to do agricultural production estimates physically.", "13OtlENRpk8-00167-00059412-00059869": "Instead, we can combine water, soils, and climate information", "13OtlENRpk8-00168-00059879-00060063": "to estimate agricultural production", "13OtlENRpk8-00169-00060073-00060426": "using world leading simulation models.", "13OtlENRpk8-00170-00060436-00060703": "These enable us to identify production potential and risk", "13OtlENRpk8-00171-00060713-00060954": "at local and regional scales enabling", "13OtlENRpk8-00172-00060964-00061344": "private and public investors to understand the scale", "13OtlENRpk8-00173-00061354-00061638": "and location of risks and rewards", "13OtlENRpk8-00174-00061648-00062001": "in terms of agricultural production.", "13OtlENRpk8-00175-00062011-00062265": "Again, using these methods, we have", "13OtlENRpk8-00176-00062275-00062742": "been able to identify the opportunity to reliably produce", "13OtlENRpk8-00177-00062752-00063059": "crops with a gross margin of more than $100 million", "13OtlENRpk8-00178-00063069-00063470": "per annum in just two of the more than 50", "13OtlENRpk8-00179-00063479-00063593": "northern draining catchments.", "13OtlENRpk8-00180-00064160-00064557": "So number five of the six areas where uncertainty", "13OtlENRpk8-00181-00064567-00065211": "might be inhibiting investment and quite possibly", "13OtlENRpk8-00182-00065221-00065558": "the most important of the six that I'm going to talk about", "13OtlENRpk8-00183-00065568-00066019": "is markets and business structures.", "13OtlENRpk8-00184-00066029-00066443": "The relative use and limited scale of northern agriculture", "13OtlENRpk8-00185-00066453-00066843": "obscures visibility of larger market opportunities.", "13OtlENRpk8-00186-00066853-00067193": "And that, in turn, deters on and off", "13OtlENRpk8-00187-00067203-00067567": "farm investment in the north.", "13OtlENRpk8-00188-00067577-00067770": "A growing number of businesses are", "13OtlENRpk8-00189-00067780-00068148": "working to identify market and trade opportunities and options", "13OtlENRpk8-00190-00068158-00068371": "that are likely to foster long term", "13OtlENRpk8-00191-00068381-00068708": "growth in on-farm operations and supporting", "13OtlENRpk8-00192-00068718-00068808": "off-farm infrastructure.", "13OtlENRpk8-00193-00069125-00069539": "They're currently being assisted by work that's being done with", "13OtlENRpk8-00194-00069549-00069959": "industry and in partnership with organisations like ABARES,", "13OtlENRpk8-00195-00069969-00070410": "CSIRO, state governments, RIRDC, and Regional Development", "13OtlENRpk8-00196-00070420-00070460": "Australia.", "13OtlENRpk8-00197-00070733-00071184": "There's an emerging view that niche markets are the cream", "13OtlENRpk8-00198-00071194-00071454": "and that financial sustainability requires", "13OtlENRpk8-00199-00071464-00071814": "that they're underpinned by a substantial layer", "13OtlENRpk8-00200-00071824-00072212": "off commodity based cake.", "13OtlENRpk8-00201-00072222-00072515": "The picture that's emerging also suggests", "13OtlENRpk8-00202-00072525-00072729": "that appropriate markets and business", "13OtlENRpk8-00203-00072739-00073016": "models limit agricultural development more", "13OtlENRpk8-00204-00073026-00073319": "than the biophysical challenges of the north", "13OtlENRpk8-00205-00073329-00073693": "and the uncertainties that I've already mentioned around water,", "13OtlENRpk8-00206-00073703-00074003": "soils, and agricultural production potential.", "13OtlENRpk8-00207-00074577-00074744": "Finally, transport.", "13OtlENRpk8-00208-00075145-00075345": "Under-developed transport infrastructure", "13OtlENRpk8-00209-00075355-00075608": "and long distances have presented", "13OtlENRpk8-00210-00075618-00075855": "a consistent challenge to development of the north.", "13OtlENRpk8-00211-00076973-00077393": "Long distances increase the cost of accessing inputs and selling", "13OtlENRpk8-00212-00077403-00077784": "outputs, as well as reducing the mass quality", "13OtlENRpk8-00213-00077794-00077934": "and value of outputs.", "13OtlENRpk8-00214-00078204-00078598": "Cost and distance to market paradoxically", "13OtlENRpk8-00215-00078608-00079018": "reduce the north's natural advantage of proximity", "13OtlENRpk8-00216-00079028-00079105": "to Asian markets.", "13OtlENRpk8-00217-00079449-00079662": "By way of example, transport costs", "13OtlENRpk8-00218-00079672-00080183": "often comprise up to 35% of the value of northern Australia's", "13OtlENRpk8-00219-00080193-00080406": "livestock.", "13OtlENRpk8-00220-00080416-00080683": "Recent analysis in the Flinders and Gilbert catchments", "13OtlENRpk8-00221-00080693-00081007": "of north Queensland have shown the proximity to processing", "13OtlENRpk8-00222-00081017-00081324": "facilities such as mills and gins", "13OtlENRpk8-00223-00081334-00081671": "can make the difference between competitive and uncompetitive", "13OtlENRpk8-00224-00081681-00082035": "agricultural industries.", "13OtlENRpk8-00225-00082045-00082332": "Finding least cost pathways in the north by smarter", "13OtlENRpk8-00226-00082342-00082729": "use of existing infrastructure or by developing", "13OtlENRpk8-00227-00082739-00083196": "new infrastructure is key to unlocking value in the north.", "13OtlENRpk8-00228-00083470-00083883": "As Minister Truss announced this morning,", "13OtlENRpk8-00229-00083893-00084030": "we've recently developed tools that", "13OtlENRpk8-00230-00084040-00084434": "provide a holistic understanding of the pinch points", "13OtlENRpk8-00231-00084444-00084914": "and best bet short term strategies to reduce transport", "13OtlENRpk8-00232-00084924-00085185": "costs using the available transport", "13OtlENRpk8-00233-00085195-00085501": "infrastructure in the north.", "13OtlENRpk8-00234-00085512-00085685": "Those same tools can also be used", "13OtlENRpk8-00235-00085695-00085949": "to identify infrastructure investments that", "13OtlENRpk8-00236-00085959-00086302": "achieve the greatest strategic benefits at the lowest cost.", "13OtlENRpk8-00237-00086689-00087113": "That's all very nice, but a step change in transport logistics", "13OtlENRpk8-00238-00087123-00087407": "will require a systematic analysis of the north's value", "13OtlENRpk8-00239-00087417-00088001": "chains so that infrastructure can be located and configured", "13OtlENRpk8-00240-00088011-00088304": "to create structural efficiencies that currently", "13OtlENRpk8-00241-00088314-00088354": "don't exist.", "13OtlENRpk8-00242-00088998-00089245": "So capitalising on the advantages and prospects", "13OtlENRpk8-00243-00089255-00089502": "for northern development is not, as history", "13OtlENRpk8-00244-00089512-00089883": "has shown, without its challenges.", "13OtlENRpk8-00245-00089893-00090120": "There's a number of social, economic, regulatory,", "13OtlENRpk8-00246-00090130-00090467": "and biophysical opportunities and barriers", "13OtlENRpk8-00247-00090477-00090927": "to the growth of irrigated ag in northern Australia.", "13OtlENRpk8-00248-00090937-00091277": "Unlocking significant new investment in irrigated ag", "13OtlENRpk8-00249-00091287-00091694": "requires confidence about the scale of opportunities", "13OtlENRpk8-00250-00091704-00091991": "and the risks that attend them.", "13OtlENRpk8-00251-00092001-00092318": "CSIRO and others have developed the tools", "13OtlENRpk8-00252-00092328-00092635": "for rapidly assessing development opportunities", "13OtlENRpk8-00253-00092645-00093062": "and the costs and benefits of exploiting them.", "13OtlENRpk8-00254-00093072-00093323": "They've most recently proven in the Flinders and Gilbert", "13OtlENRpk8-00255-00093333-00093590": "catchments of northern Australia where", "13OtlENRpk8-00256-00093600-00094140": "the possibility of reliably adding up to 30%", "13OtlENRpk8-00257-00094150-00094314": "to the stock of northern Australia's", "13OtlENRpk8-00258-00094324-00094781": "irrigated agricultural area has been identified.", "13OtlENRpk8-00259-00094791-00095148": "So the opportunity remains to apply these tools", "13OtlENRpk8-00260-00095158-00095505": "and approaches across all of northern Australian", "13OtlENRpk8-00261-00095515-00096045": "to help identify development sweet spots, opportunities,", "13OtlENRpk8-00262-00096055-00096192": "and risks.", "13OtlENRpk8-00263-00096202-00096366": "Thank you."}}, {"audio_id": "13OAgwRN19I", "text": {"13OAgwRN19I-00000-00000006-00000210": "Hello", "13OAgwRN19I-00001-00000992-00001114": "I found", "13OAgwRN19I-00002-00002076-00002176": "I found", "13OAgwRN19I-00003-00003624-00003724": "I found, I found", "13OAgwRN19I-00004-00004561-00004879": "Please choose first one ball", "13OAgwRN19I-00005-00004904-00005004": "This one", "13OAgwRN19I-00006-00006236-00006453": "Stars and Bomb", "13OAgwRN19I-00007-00008126-00008422": "Pink Bottle", "13OAgwRN19I-00008-00009324-00009550": "Pink shoes", "13OAgwRN19I-00009-00012372-00012666": "Blouse and shorts", "13OAgwRN19I-00010-00013480-00013654": "Glasses", "13OAgwRN19I-00011-00014169-00014432": "Beautiful doll", "13OAgwRN19I-00012-00014544-00014752": "Cherry", "13OAgwRN19I-00013-00015030-00015610": "What does she can do? Cry and spit. Let's check?", "13OAgwRN19I-00014-00015706-00016012": "Please fill her fully", "13OAgwRN19I-00015-00017106-00017344": "yami pizza", "13OAgwRN19I-00016-00017368-00017748": "How your are think what doll be in the next ball?", "13OAgwRN19I-00017-00017838-00018316": "Please write in comments. Who will be in the next ball?", "13OAgwRN19I-00018-00018512-00019780": "Bye Bye. Please write your comments, likes and subscribe."}}, {"audio_id": "13Snt1_I4ag", "text": {"13Snt1_I4ag-00000-00000000-00009050": "🌟 🇺🇸 Suit Floret Mimosa for girls — Shop GrandStart.ru 🌟"}}, {"audio_id": "13SUZRZoEtA", "text": {"13SUZRZoEtA-00000-00000036-00000348": "After hundres of kilometers in the swiss alps", "13SUZRZoEtA-00001-00000374-00000696": "it's time for a little review of the Yamaha MT-09 Tracer", "13SUZRZoEtA-00002-00001604-00001857": "I don't want to bother with the specs which can read everywhere", "13SUZRZoEtA-00003-00001878-00002078": "so I will tell you my thoughts of the bike", "13SUZRZoEtA-00004-00002116-00002284": "the seat position is very convenient", "13SUZRZoEtA-00005-00002314-00002488": "and the wide handlebar with about 90cm", "13SUZRZoEtA-00006-00002488-00002800": "in combination with the seat height makes the handling comfy", "13SUZRZoEtA-00007-00002876-00003028": "the knees are very close to the fuel tank", "13SUZRZoEtA-00008-00003028-00003228": "and there is almost no wind pressure", "13SUZRZoEtA-00009-00003342-00003642": "the windshield is good for the chest but not perfect for the head", "13SUZRZoEtA-00010-00003642-00004118": "the upper edge isn't well formed so it will a bit noisy on the helmet", "13SUZRZoEtA-00011-00004206-00004496": "it could be a problem on fast tours", "13SUZRZoEtA-00012-00004518-00004720": "I guess the after market will offer better shields", "13SUZRZoEtA-00013-00005276-00005554": "the cockpit divides in 2 sections", "13SUZRZoEtA-00014-00005592-00005982": "the big one with speedo, rpm, clock, drive modes, fuel", "13SUZRZoEtA-00015-00005982-00006314": "the small section shows variable informations", "13SUZRZoEtA-00016-00006374-00006714": "it supports individually setups", "13SUZRZoEtA-00017-00006745-00007858": "e.g. ODO, 2 trip meter, fuel consumption and many more", "13SUZRZoEtA-00018-00007942-00008474": "you can scroll through the menus  with a switch on the left", "13SUZRZoEtA-00019-00008512-00008964": "the menu setup button is on the left too", "13SUZRZoEtA-00020-00009020-00009352": "the passing button is integrated in the lights switch", "13SUZRZoEtA-00021-00009538-00010328": "the kill switch has 2 functions and can start the bike", "13SUZRZoEtA-00022-00010380-00010748": "the other switch is for the warning flashers", "13SUZRZoEtA-00023-00011122-00011638": "the mirrors are only for checking your shoulder and not to see behind ;-)", "13SUZRZoEtA-00024-00011700-00012216": "the big hand guards offer best safety for the hands and the bike if it falls", "13SUZRZoEtA-00025-00012514-00012778": "in my opinio is the Tracer 900 a good touring bike", "13SUZRZoEtA-00026-00012813-00013102": "the engine is powerful and doesn't require continuous gear shifting", "13SUZRZoEtA-00027-00013138-00013318": "the drive modes A and STD are a little bit rough", "13SUZRZoEtA-00028-00013368-00013658": "on narrow turns it is recommended to use mode B", "13SUZRZoEtA-00029-00013658-00013926": "the engine is a bit softer but powerful too for cruising", "13SUZRZoEtA-00030-00014004-00014676": "in my eyes the front brake was way to hard to dosed", "13SUZRZoEtA-00031-00014728-00014934": "but with a bit train it was ok", "13SUZRZoEtA-00032-00014980-00015522": "more room under the engine and exhaust and it would be possible to use the bike like an enduro"}}, {"audio_id": "13XPaaLn4x8", "text": {"13XPaaLn4x8-00000-00000015-00000111": "but let's get funded.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00001-00000258-00000447": "who is this thing working out that it's still ok.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00002-00000566-00000647": "all right,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00003-00000647-00001705": "welcome back everyone who her final lecture of cs 107. yeah, okay,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00004-00001705-00001837": "let's get of things really quick.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00005-00001837-00001918": "Just a couple of announcement.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00006-00001918-00002050": "And mostly today,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00007-00002050-00002287": "as I mentioned on another kind of all of us say,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00008-00002287-00002440": "it's just kind of a little informal,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00009-00002440-00002782": "just a just a chat about where we ended up and what kind of.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00010-00002843-00003533": "exciting prospects are open to you now that you've worked on.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00011-00003533-00003677": "He worked so hard throughout this.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00012-00003719-00003956": "this corner is sort of what we can go from here.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00013-00004036-00004226": "couple announcements to kind of round things out.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00014-00004328-00004688": "we've got the two things that I'm sure are.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00015-00004722-00004959": "very much looming on your minds,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00016-00004959-00005214": "as I'm at 7 and the final exam.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00017-00005214-00005580": "So we've got a sign in that is just a reminder,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00018-00005580-00005796": "due this coming Wednesday.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00019-00005796-00005856": "The first.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00020-00005899-00006096": "the hard deadline of Saturday.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00021-00006096-00006153": "The fourth.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00022-00006186-00006357": "keeping in mind that that it is in the middle of.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00023-00006418-00006498": "finally done,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00024-00006498-00006748": "so please plan accordingly.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00025-00006748-00006898": "We highly encourage you to get.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00026-00006998-00007159": "the submission in by the first.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00027-00007209-00007498": "and a reminder that we will take absolutely no submissions.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00028-00007576-00007759": "after the hard deadline,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00029-00007759-00007837": "with no exceptions,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00030-00007837-00007934": "we have to get these things created,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00031-00007934-00008201": "and we have to get them pretty pretty quickly,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00032-00008201-00008354": "so we can't really make any kind of.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00033-00008465-00008559": "any sort of exceptions like that.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00034-00008559-00008879": "So please make sure to get on that and to get something in.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00035-00008945-00009122": "you know, by.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00036-00009162-00009212": "the deadline,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00037-00009212-00009267": "or at worse,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00038-00009267-00009348": "the hard deadline.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00039-00009467-00009605": "we got the final exam coming up.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00040-00009605-00009731": "I guess that's.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00041-00009783-00010137": "about a week and a half. from. today.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00042-00010243-00010375": "so that can be on the 8th.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00043-00010478-00010612": "at 12:15 to three fifteen,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00044-00010612-00010648": "that's like,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00045-00010648-00010790": "right at the end of the exam,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00046-00010790-00011134": "windows of the China run into any other class exams.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00047-00011134-00011506": "Pretty much we only have one exam room this time that's kind of nice.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00048-00011506-00011636": "So we'll all be in.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00049-00011831-00011981": "so please don't come here for that,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00050-00011981-00012107": "you won't find anybody.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00051-00012107-00012168": "Or if you do,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00052-00012168-00012296": "they won't have anything to do with us.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00053-00012296-00012407": "So that could be bad.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00054-00012501-00012771": "and then just a quick note to our cpd students,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00055-00012771-00012952": "and also to anyone who has,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00056-00012952-00012990": "for example,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00057-00012990-00013186": "and e accommodation,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00058-00013186-00013575": "please get in touch with us at the south email list again,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00059-00013575-00013869": "even if you gotten in touch with us for the term,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00060-00013869-00014472": "please make sure you use specifically email us about the final so that we can make a new list of cpd.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00061-00014533-00014619": "remote students,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00062-00014619-00014815": "and I always used to doing some things like that.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00063-00015034-00015269": "and then just know about the pack is final.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00064-00015269-00015838": "We will have A I just find all that will be posted within the next two or 3 days.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00065-00015838-00016052": "Turned out the process of updating that,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00066-00016052-00016415": "to work with a new 64 bit and stuff is a little bit.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00067-00016462-00016537": "lower than normal also.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00068-00016537-00017263": "We just need to make sure that it's correct and that there are no surprises. okay. uh.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00069-00017309-00017437": "but we're okay with that.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00070-00017499-00018181": "the final logistic kind of stuff. cool.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00071-00018268-00018368": "so I would really just kind of.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00072-00018547-00018578": "you know,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00073-00018578-00018815": "so I'm breaking this up into two different pieces,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00074-00018815-00018943": "which is sort of like all right,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00075-00018943-00019028": "we ve just that.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00076-00019187-00019693": "9 ish weeks working through a bunch of really challenging,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00077-00019693-00019978": "really intense material.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00078-00019978-00020165": "So part of what I want to.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00079-00020234-00020502": "summarize for you today is just kind of,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00080-00020502-00020586": "why does that matter?", "13XPaaLn4x8-00081-00020586-00020900": "And hopefully I can get some of you to chip in on that.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00082-00020900-00021324": "What you thought was useful to get out of out of this class,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00083-00021324-00021356": "but also,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00084-00021356-00021402": "kind of,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00085-00021402-00021702": "I want to give you a little bit of a sense of where sea shows up.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00086-00021783-00021927": "in in the real world.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00087-00022062-00022243": "where people care about.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00088-00022300-00022505": "systems and the work that we've been doing,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00089-00022505-00022588": "this corner.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00090-00022588-00022931": "And then I want to give you an overview of kind of where to go from here,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00091-00022931-00023141": "whether that be in later classes,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00092-00023141-00023681": "what it that be with. of. jobs, internships, research,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00093-00023681-00024009": "just kind of anything in and beyond.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00094-00024050-00024146": "computer science.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00095-00024381-00024459": "so yeah,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00096-00024459-00024600": "mostly I want to be kind of off sides.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00097-00024600-00024771": "I was just going to talk to stuff through,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00098-00024771-00024874": "but I'll leave it there.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00099-00024874-00025087": "I want to show you a couple of little little pieces.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00100-00025190-00025394": "so I just want to talk a little bit about.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00101-00025438-00025633": "you know where exactly we ended up?", "13XPaaLn4x8-00102-00025633-00025781": "And I want to talk about.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00103-00025893-00026243": "how were 107 kind of fits in?", "13XPaaLn4x8-00104-00026331-00026449": "in the.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00105-00026538-00026832": "for grand scheme of computer science. And.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00106-00026881-00027254": "big picture of the major. so.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00107-00027308-00027624": "maybe just a little story here,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00108-00027624-00027804": "for those who are interested in,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00109-00027804-00027938": "see us and who.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00110-00027991-00028225": "don't already know about them,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00111-00028225-00028707": "we have a course advisor who is a graduate student.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00112-00028748-00029137": "whose job it is to help? cs,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00113-00029137-00029237": "majors and perspective,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00114-00029237-00029527": "cs majors and also grad students, undergrads,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00115-00029527-00029669": "grad students.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00116-00029776-00030294": "know what the lay of the land is in terms of classes requirements. jobs,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00117-00030294-00030868": "research and all that they can give you general advice as well as specific things like.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00118-00030943-00031105": "am I going to graduate?", "13XPaaLn4x8-00119-00031105-00031425": "Do I need to do what?", "13XPaaLn4x8-00120-00031425-00031620": "How should I plan out my requirements and things like that?", "13XPaaLn4x8-00121-00031727-00031856": "a couple of weeks ago,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00122-00031856-00032000": "we were interviewing for.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00123-00032062-00032244": "this course advisor position,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00124-00032244-00032623": "and one of the questions that we asked,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00125-00032623-00032842": "the perspective course advisors,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00126-00032842-00033550": "was if a student came up to you and ask you and said that they only had time to take 3 Seth classes.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00127-00033550-00033738": "Which classes would you recommend and why?", "13XPaaLn4x8-00128-00033805-00033927": "and as I understand it.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00129-00034050-00034206": "pretty much everybody.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00130-00034247-00034531": "we interviewed said one of them as one of those three classes.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00131-00034718-00035225": "and I think that's somewhat telling us to sort of where 107 is positioned.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00132-00035297-00035910": "so in in the grand scheme, things. so.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00133-00036157-00036214": "me sitting here,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00134-00036214-00036857": "I'm sure I can make it some kind of list about all the things like why I want a 7. Is. is.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00135-00036899-00037270": "would go on to these folks lists and what not.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00136-00037270-00037501": "But if you open up to you a little bit.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00137-00037651-00037693": "you know,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00138-00037693-00038119": "what kind of things do you feel like if there was one thing that your friend or something said, ok,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00139-00038119-00038204": "I'm going to take one side in,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00140-00038204-00038366": "or I'm thinking about it.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00141-00038532-00038749": "from whatever background you know that you can.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00142-00038826-00038968": "that you're interested in taking out,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00143-00038968-00039600": "it would be something that you thought was pretty useful,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00144-00039600-00039886": "something like kind of the most valuable thing you felt like you got from this class.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00145-00039967-00040576": "anyone want to throw anything out there? anything.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00146-00040763-00041211": "I guess one understanding than any couple of session.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00147-00041250-00041479": "could you refresh shoppers?", "13XPaaLn4x8-00148-00041491-00041716": "9 8 audio. yeah,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00149-00041716-00042063": "that sense getting more than just, yeah.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00150-00042063-00042256": "So I was the sp,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00151-00042256-00042466": "or getting to a student responses.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00152-00042466-00043060": "So the comet was looking at the kind of the Nitty gritty details that sometimes previous classes,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00153-00043060-00043182": "and actually I said,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00154-00043182-00043267": "future classes,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00155-00043267-00043504": "even well totally got off office like, yeah, yeah,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00156-00043504-00043573": "that's happened.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00157-00043573-00043731": "That system. right,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00158-00043731-00043837": "like all this is simple stuff.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00159-00043837-00043936": "And and now here,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00160-00043936-00044023": "hopefully you get a.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00161-00044069-00044130": "I feel for that.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00162-00044256-00044364": "those kind of detailed now.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00163-00044426-00044450": "and no,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00164-00044450-00044525": "I thought that work.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00165-00044789-00045030": "he was deputy,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00166-00045030-00045068": "all right.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00167-00045068-00045267": "So you can keep vulgar eyes.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00168-00045267-00045488": "That is very important.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00169-00045552-00045657": "aspect of.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00170-00045754-00046014": "of what we are trying to build up here,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00171-00046014-00046101": "I can tell you that.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00172-00046231-00046507": "as you move on through the classes,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00173-00046507-00046588": "for example,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00174-00046588-00046700": "in if you words,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00175-00046700-00047210": "you continue for table 1 hand that's talking about right.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00176-00047210-00047291": "And in fact.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00177-00047357-00047552": "in one hand,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00178-00047552-00047651": "that is,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00179-00047651-00047813": "to look at your code.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00180-00047813-00047898": "And they.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00181-00047962-00048547": "are they are are assuming that you are going to be able to walk into that class with a good,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00182-00048547-00048900": "a good feeling of how to Judd your way through something,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00183-00048900-00049285": "how to use all going to get information about very management.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00184-00049418-00049507": "you have that.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00185-00049536-00049589": "that's space.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00186-00049963-00050273": "if learning how to read, assembly, Yeah.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00187-00050273-00050308": "Want me to.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00188-00050486-00051017": "although this could be really well as you,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00189-00051017-00051151": "I can tell you that.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00190-00051189-00051566": "there are a couple of changes in a stream class,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00191-00051566-00051879": "and they sure we're reading all of the family level day.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00192-00051879-00052171": "I came to My office hours,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00193-00052171-00052239": "so working through that,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00194-00052239-00052316": "I'm like, yeah,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00195-00052316-00052447": "I kind of come.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00196-00052794-00053010": "little ways than you might expect.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00197-00053010-00053315": "So we just kind of results we had for offences.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00198-00053416-00053554": "but just kind of having that, that.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00199-00053554-00053849": "Working on. yeah.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00200-00054001-00054512": "understanding what goes on behind the scenes of programming, yeah.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00201-00054512-00054950": "So understanding what's going on behind coming like a higher level, right?", "13XPaaLn4x8-00202-00054950-00055963": "So now you're actually pretty equipped to understand how java or scripts or python languages work.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00203-00056087-00056326": "lower corridor for the winter.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00204-00056326-00056885": "We spend lecturer to talking about python and just kind of comparing and contrasting and saying, look,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00205-00056885-00057166": "we learned all these things about memory and pointers and addresses. Hey,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00206-00057166-00057216": "guess what,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00207-00057216-00057439": "that's still there when we're in java,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00208-00057439-00057560": "where we're in python.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00209-00057603-00057745": "it's still exists.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00210-00057745-00057840": "It's just that.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00211-00057985-00058188": "the language is trying to kind of hide that from you,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00212-00058188-00058486": "in a sense. great.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00213-00058537-00058607": "anything else.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00214-00058715-00058853": "something like wasn't fun,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00215-00058853-00058971": "but having the focus,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00216-00058971-00059220": "not a where. Nc,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00217-00059220-00059954": "but I'm just getting the assignment that increase my confidence and being able to get every place. yeah, so,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00218-00059954-00060476": "so the comment is just sort of a feeling like you really have to kind of make those assignment deadlines. Like,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00219-00060476-00060507": "believe us,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00220-00060507-00060665": "we realized how.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00221-00060720-00061023": "sort of generally challenging this cloth is how much, though,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00222-00061023-00061913": "kind of workload is certainly in a spring quarter when we also lose week 10 because of the Royal day holiday,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00223-00061913-00062039": "it's a pretty.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00224-00062104-00062264": "it's a pretty kind of.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00225-00062287-00062372": "they can be kind of a rush,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00226-00062372-00062558": "kind of a bit of a crunch, sometimes.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00227-00062670-00062912": "we do hope a certain part of that is kind of.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00228-00062984-00063028": "as you say,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00229-00063028-00063190": "kind of building up this confidence like, yeah,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00230-00063190-00063502": "I can sit down in a week and just kind of work through some issues.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00231-00063502-00063790": "I can work through what I'm being asked to do.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00232-00063790-00063925": "I can solve problems.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00233-00063925-00064361": "I can get unstuck sometimes without sometimes of my own.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00234-00064420-00064551": "and I can just make deadlines,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00235-00064551-00064677": "and that's going to be really important, right?", "13XPaaLn4x8-00236-00064677-00064810": "It's going to be important,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00237-00064810-00065229": "kind of anywhere you go doesn't have to just be restricted to classes,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00238-00065229-00065553": "but even kind of job environment and research things.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00239-00065553-00065662": "They got right.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00240-00065662-00065790": "They're always going to be these.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00241-00065790-00066022": "These deadlines is always going to be this kind of right.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00242-00066022-00066157": "You just got to make something happen, like,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00243-00066157-00066235": "what's it going to take?", "13XPaaLn4x8-00244-00066636-00067169": "digging through. yeah, yeah,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00245-00067169-00067358": "so managers is kind of the detailed right.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00246-00067358-00067622": "So those kind of also kind of like this,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00247-00067622-00068004": "like knowing where to get help. right,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00248-00068004-00068059": "one to 6,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00249-00068059-00068877": "one hundred and you could kind of rely on the textbook can rely on these nice little wealth of totally written out handouts about here.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00250-00068877-00069211": "There's every any function you're ever going to need to know from this class.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00251-00069211-00069762": "Or or maybe you have these nice little web based java ox that you could just control up your way through the whole thing. And.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00252-00069792-00069954": "and that's.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00253-00069997-00070344": "seldom going to be the reality. of.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00254-00070455-00070600": "much of.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00255-00070634-00070775": "of a lot of different aspects,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00256-00070775-00071000": "so being able to kind of work through a man page,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00257-00071000-00071147": "being able to work through.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00258-00071291-00071450": "some kind of interface,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00259-00071450-00071690": "or being able to pull up a doh file and say,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00260-00071690-00071789": "what are,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00261-00071789-00071907": "what does this function take,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00262-00071907-00072009": "and what does it return?", "13XPaaLn4x8-00263-00072009-00072132": "What are the edge cases?", "13XPaaLn4x8-00264-00072246-00072744": "these are all these are all really useful skills. great, yeah.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00265-00072882-00072945": "anything else.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00266-00073212-00073323": "they think that.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00267-00073364-00073509": "maybe you're so.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00268-00073663-00074111": "supposing that you are interested in moving on to another C F class,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00269-00074111-00074191": "or something like that,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00270-00074191-00074459": "anything you're excited to maybe leave behind.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00271-00075040-00075146": "anyone like, yeah,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00272-00075146-00075388": "maybe I'm just not going back to see for a little while.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00273-00075602-00075653": "I mean,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00274-00075653-00075798": "this is what suggested me,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00275-00075798-00075953": "because it was used of wine,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00276-00075953-00076403": "but I think using them,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00277-00076403-00076514": "all right. Well, yeah.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00278-00076514-00076674": "So tucked editors,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00279-00076674-00076785": "carltech others,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00280-00076785-00077112": "it's when I took one of 7,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00281-00077112-00077412": "I absolutely just used a graphical text editor I used,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00282-00077412-00077579": "I used Janet on my online.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00283-00077600-00077753": "but I was on linux,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00284-00077753-00077912": "and then I think it was.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00285-00077992-00078107": "sophomore year junior year,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00286-00078107-00078236": "I was doing something.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00287-00078236-00078364": "I was doing some research project.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00288-00078409-00078562": "and my touch out there,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00289-00078562-00078741": "just like broke because of some updaters little thing.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00290-00078741-00078837": "And I was like, well,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00291-00078837-00079096": "guess I just have to commit to learning them properly.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00292-00079096-00079183": "And I spent.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00293-00079253-00079325": "I don't like 3 months,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00294-00079325-00079398": "for example,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00295-00079398-00080102": "like daily I would spend maybe an hour or two each day before I went to work before I went to win to the office.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00296-00080102-00080169": "Just doing.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00297-00080192-00080499": "it's like reading up on tricks and stuff, and,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00298-00080499-00080516": "you know,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00299-00080516-00080615": "I should have loved them.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00300-00080615-00080741": "And I actually,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00301-00080741-00080801": "I've totally,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00302-00080801-00081069": "I actually totally written essays and venom like it's actually gotten to the point,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00303-00081069-00081404": "though I'll take them like I was taking a five class,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00304-00081404-00081711": "like I need to say I could do this in word for, gosh,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00305-00081711-00081744": "you know,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00306-00081744-00081962": "it's so nice to be able to like Cw case,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00307-00081962-00082110": "a word should represent them.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00308-00082110-00082173": "And what compensation.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00309-00082197-00082425": "were the editor to the court process or later?", "13XPaaLn4x8-00310-00082730-00082848": "that can happen,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00311-00082848-00082916": "I don't know.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00312-00082916-00083012": "Do I recommend it?", "13XPaaLn4x8-00313-00083012-00083153": "Probably not, but.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00314-00083525-00083680": "anything else that you're like, yeah, I,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00315-00083680-00083825": "one of these real excited to.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00316-00083990-00084147": "take a different approach.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00317-00084360-00084788": "but the family was kind of fortress, yeah,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00318-00084788-00084977": "that's really kind of quiet like, hey,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00319-00084977-00085320": "do I have to see if somewhere again usually know,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00320-00085320-00085526": "even in downstream systems. Right? So,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00321-00085526-00085821": "so that's that's pretty nice in some sense,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00322-00085821-00085884": "I think.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00323-00085884-00086141": "I think the general advice that I would give for.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00324-00086216-00086453": "working at different levels of abstraction is just like,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00325-00086453-00086789": "if you're going to work at abstraction level x,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00326-00086789-00087183": "you kind of do have to know how x -1 and f plus one both work.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00327-00087183-00087587": "You kind of need to be able to say you a programming like a web application.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00328-00087653-00088013": "you kind of do a little bit need to know how the internet works.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00329-00088013-00088190": "It's pretty hard to.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00330-00088315-00088799": "really write good web software without knowing what it's still on,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00331-00088799-00089309": "without knowing what the browser is doing behind your back and what assumptions it's making.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00332-00089309-00089360": "I think actually,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00333-00089360-00089795": "a lot of developers have kind of found this out over the course of the last,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00334-00089795-00089822": "I would say,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00335-00089822-00090020": "a decade or 15 years, like,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00336-00090020-00090076": "oh well,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00337-00090076-00090248": "could I just write some.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00338-00090292-00090565": "write some php or whatever and just call it a day.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00339-00090565-00090787": "And never worry about efficiency,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00340-00090787-00090995": "and never worry about what the web servers stealing.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00341-00090995-00091138": "And a lot of these larger companies,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00342-00091138-00091211": "as they're scaling up,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00343-00091211-00091363": "and things are realizing, no, no,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00344-00091363-00091724": "you do need to know a little bit about sack,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00345-00091724-00092021": "versus you need to know about pointers versus pointers,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00346-00092021-00092164": "memory addresses all that stuff.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00347-00092319-00092448": "and so in some sense, right,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00348-00092448-00092922": "there's maybe probably a smaller subset than the whole closet large.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00349-00092922-00093273": "We will need to know something about Iain assembly,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00350-00093273-00093539": "and that will sometimes come up.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00351-00093910-00094387": "if you couple of just switch over here a little bit and just give you a couple of examples of.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00352-00094479-00094575": "some cool stuff,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00353-00094575-00094762": "I hope you can kind of feel like you got.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00354-00094854-00095052": "out of the class and and either just have.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00355-00095114-00095339": "somewhat picking up back on what we,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00356-00095339-00095462": "what we've talked about before,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00357-00095462-00095714": "but also the first example I can.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00358-00095830-00096004": "point out two key examples.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00359-00096004-00096100": "1 is just.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00360-00096337-00096477": "that now that.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00361-00096524-00096826": "you've gone through all that degree details,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00362-00096826-00097244": "all the sea and even the assembly and all that.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00363-00097244-00097400": "On the first day of class,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00364-00097400-00098087": "I told you a little bit about this really fond of security bug that was discovered last December that was lurking in.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00365-00098239-00098933": "the code of a pretty commonly used butler. Since.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00366-00099024-00099179": "and here's the code.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00367-00099253-00099533": "and I actually just want to put this up there.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00368-00099533-00099601": "Just as a.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00369-00099659-00099862": "so I actually went in to the,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00370-00099862-00099923": "so this code,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00371-00099923-00099955": "open source,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00372-00099955-00100160": "and I went in and copy the code code.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00373-00100160-00100330": "I think I deleted a few new lines,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00374-00100330-00100583": "but I did not actually change the code in any formal way.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00375-00100583-00100673": "And for example,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00376-00100673-00101021": "you'll notice they use one set of true for various reasons. But.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00377-00101089-00101230": "you can see this code right?", "13XPaaLn4x8-00378-00101230-00101423": "And it should look really familiar.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00379-00101423-00101699": "It should look really similar to the kinds of c code that you've been writing.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00380-00101699-00101887": "You ve been working through. Yeah, ok,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00381-00101887-00102127": "that's not a function that you know, exist, right?", "13XPaaLn4x8-00382-00102127-00102257": "What does get ki do,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00383-00102257-00102371": "everyone ever? But.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00384-00102468-00102557": "you can, nevertheless,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00385-00102557-00102583": "you know,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00386-00102583-00102693": "you see a quantum numbers set.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00387-00102693-00102840": "Maybe that was a function that you've.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00388-00102925-00103015": "you've used.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00389-00103076-00103258": "here and there. And.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00390-00103340-00103418": "even see the bug.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00391-00103488-00103569": "kind of a little brother,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00392-00103569-00103689": "guess I just isolated it.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00393-00103889-00104039": "so what happens if Caroline.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00394-00104083-00104183": "is 0,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00395-00104183-00104308": "and we subtract 1 from it,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00396-00104308-00104463": "so if we enter a back space.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00397-00104560-00104667": "home keyboard,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00398-00104667-00105125": "we've make Kent go to what value does it go to? hm.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00399-00105156-00105282": "you went racks, right,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00400-00105282-00105543": "because it's online. right, right?", "13XPaaLn4x8-00401-00105543-00105648": "So that actually matter here,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00402-00105648-00105714": "interestingly enough,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00403-00105714-00105924": "because now we take for them, set.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00404-00105952-00106094": "so we start with with bob,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00405-00106094-00106408": "which are some point that the client has passed us, right?", "13XPaaLn4x8-00406-00106408-00106555": "And we add for land,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00407-00106555-00106913": "so we do the addition that's going to wrap around.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00408-00107038-00107183": "it's actually a really interesting.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00409-00107256-00107368": "small data point heroes.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00410-00107368-00107408": "It's actually,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00411-00107408-00107515": "this is running on 32 bits,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00412-00107515-00107716": "so there's actually ends up.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00413-00107771-00108023": "this would have a slightly different effect on 64 bit,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00414-00108023-00108183": "that's not super important anyway.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00415-00108183-00108234": "The point is,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00416-00108234-00108328": "we've done that.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00417-00108328-00108451": "The failure of the start of the array,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00418-00108451-00108548": "how exciting.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00419-00108548-00108631": "What do we get there?", "13XPaaLn4x8-00420-00108631-00108730": "I don't know.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00421-00108730-00108839": "Maybe it was returned address.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00422-00108860-00109026": "and maybe we just took over the machine.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00423-00109207-00109282": "so this is the bug.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00424-00109282-00109429": "It was kind of neat,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00425-00109429-00109496": "I guess,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00426-00109496-00109560": "you know,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00427-00109560-00109833": "it's one thing to be able to just pick out these pieces of code,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00428-00109833-00110024": "and I'm sure you'll find a lot of examples.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00429-00110024-00110083": "There was.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00430-00110140-00110202": "shell shock,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00431-00110202-00110290": "that was heartbleed.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00432-00110290-00110451": "These are the kinds of things that came up.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00433-00110497-00110585": "last couple of years,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00434-00110585-00110713": "maybe you've heard about them in the news.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00435-00110713-00110877": "Maybe you were like, yeah, whatever.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00436-00110908-00111085": "taking people to check key things, whatever. But.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00437-00111300-00111734": "I hope this is just a kind of a smell will fit to just give you a sense that.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00438-00111788-00112046": "you can kind of read very real c code.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00439-00112181-00112505": "one of the things that you could potentially do, probably,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00440-00112505-00112623": "after he valor,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00441-00112623-00112788": "you can totally go.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00442-00112848-00112974": "and like gallic,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00443-00112974-00113067": "and you can go read,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00444-00113067-00113166": "what q sort does,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00445-00113166-00113357": "you can read what stirrup does.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00446-00113357-00113959": "You can see all the really cool bit tricks that stolen users to actually not run in quite end time.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00447-00113959-00114133": "It actually runs in a slight.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00448-00114209-00114520": "8 x faster than your naive. N.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00449-00114605-00114750": "and you can really kind of true.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00450-00114802-00114907": "work these things out.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00451-00115100-00115142": "and this is,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00452-00115142-00115260": "this is real production code, right?", "13XPaaLn4x8-00453-00115260-00115378": "This isn't just,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00454-00115378-00115514": "this isn't just code that.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00455-00115558-00116145": "systems programmers need this isn't just code that you have to know if your actually writing these,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00456-00116145-00116335": "if you're calling them copy yourself.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00457-00116335-00116445": "But lib, see,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00458-00116445-00116493": "for example,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00459-00116493-00116879": "is something that every pretty much every.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00460-00116947-00117134": "program on your machine counts. On.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00461-00117188-00117360": "it's not, indirectly,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00462-00117360-00117491": "the python interpreter,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00463-00117491-00117650": "the java virtual machine.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00464-00117650-00117982": "All of these things are going to build on top of Lipsey.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00465-00118088-00118468": "and so hopefully you can feel that there's a certain amount of. power,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00466-00118468-00118527": "a certain enough,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00467-00118527-00118675": "confidence is not know. Yeah,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00468-00118675-00119014": "like I can go and pick this up and someone can have me a piece of c code,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00469-00119014-00119100": "and I can just.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00470-00119143-00119200": "you know,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00471-00119200-00119435": "eat it up right here we go.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00472-00119640-00119748": "and I'm just kind of,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00473-00119748-00120018": "maybe a little bit of a transition into.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00474-00120056-00120147": "some of you might know,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00475-00120147-00120243": "maybe thinking, ok, yeah,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00476-00120243-00120288": "that's cool.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00477-00120288-00120353": "But like.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00478-00120470-00120563": "of probably not going to program,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00479-00120563-00120746": "see you again, right, like,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00480-00120746-00120858": "who cares,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00481-00120858-00121097": "isn't see kind of this old fashioned,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00482-00121097-00121333": "nobody really cares about this language.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00483-00121333-00121673": "So I should believe a construction of.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00484-00121731-00121808": "engineers and.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00485-00121858-00122042": "not put out.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00486-00122067-00122351": "and as a survey based on things like.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00487-00122452-00122578": "Google search.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00488-00122717-00122990": "get hard ripples which trap language?", "13XPaaLn4x8-00489-00122990-00123159": "Things like that.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00490-00123293-00124145": "job ads posted on like career builder and places like that for for the top they have a list of 48 languages that they check for.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00491-00124208-00124376": "and so I got,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00492-00124376-00124658": "I extracted the list of.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00493-00124902-00125058": "and so did it by,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00494-00125058-00125256": "and I use their filter for.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00495-00125324-00125417": "the top.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00496-00125479-00125864": "languages that they saw in job postings.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00497-00126058-00126315": "so of all the kind of job ads that they were running into, like,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00498-00126315-00126423": "what are the top languages?", "13XPaaLn4x8-00499-00126499-00126582": "and maybe the list surprise,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00500-00126582-00126708": "it might surprise you a little bit.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00501-00126745-00126892": "so we will probably see jungle,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00502-00126892-00126935": "maybe asus,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00503-00126935-00127279": "super surprising travels kind of everywhere. but,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00504-00127279-00127300": "I mean,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00505-00127300-00127335": "I'm number two,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00506-00127335-00127397": "right there is,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00507-00127397-00127566": "you see. right.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00508-00127566-00127722": "And then you kind of go down to list python.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00509-00127722-00128051": "C R C was on a good stuff.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00510-00128116-00128130": "you know,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00511-00128130-00128202": "maybe some.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00512-00128202-00128301": "These images,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00513-00128301-00128425": "shell is number 10,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00514-00128425-00128478": "and then,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00515-00128478-00128604": "if you're wondering, good,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00516-00128604-00128989": "a number 48 with a rating of 0.0", "13XPaaLn4x8-00517-00128989-00129051": "is ok.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00518-00129267-00129433": "if you don't know what okay is,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00519-00129433-00129527": "you're probably got off.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00520-00129703-00129995": "it's it's a good all time. Anyway,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00521-00129995-00130049": "I'm actually know why.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00522-00130049-00130207": "It's I don't know how they decided what on the list.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00523-00130207-00130306": "There is assembly on the list.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00524-00130306-00130485": "I didn't see where it was,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00525-00130485-00130547": "but you know,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00526-00130547-00130820": "I think there's a link here on a pesticides.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00527-00130820-00130970": "And you try to go there.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00528-00130970-00131225": "You can play with some filters if you could actually see, hey,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00529-00131225-00131761": "what are the top languages that are on on github with the top languages that are. spending, apparently,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00530-00131761-00131857": "see is trending.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00531-00131857-00131956": "I didn't,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00532-00131956-00132376": "I click the trending tab and see what the number one at the second is like c plus. Plus,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00533-00132376-00132425": "I was like,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00534-00132425-00132529": "I don't know what this means.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00535-00132529-00132754": "So kind of put it on my side because like,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00536-00132754-00133207": "why is c trending in two thousand and I'm not sure they call it rapidly growing,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00537-00133207-00133442": "and like, oh, neat, cool.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00538-00133442-00133510": "I don't know.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00539-00133510-00133568": "I believe you,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00540-00133568-00133660": "I guess, but.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00541-00133743-00134030": "certainly though lots of jobs out there. That.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00542-00134091-00134223": "expect some amount of scene knowledge,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00543-00134223-00134333": "if not pls, pls.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00544-00134333-00134411": "But probably actually,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00545-00134411-00134589": "a lot of stuff is still being written in C.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00546-00134618-00134758": "and that's not just because it's legacy.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00547-00134758-00134891": "That's not just because it's old fashioned,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00548-00134891-00135239": "and people don't want to change,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00549-00135239-00135464": "although sometimes they're maybe a little bit of that.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00550-00135550-00136030": "but it is because a lot of a lot of technology does depend on performance.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00551-00136030-00136250": "A lot of it depends on efficiency.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00552-00136250-00137083": "And then some aspects of it depend on being really close to the hardware and really feeling like you have control over the memory,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00553-00137083-00137372": "have control over the point here is the generated suddenly.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00554-00137372-00137516": "And that turned out to be really important in.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00555-00137522-00138032": "a lot of different fields. So. yeah,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00556-00138032-00138099": "so it.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00557-00139009-00139115": "going to do a bit of a.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00558-00139300-00139696": "I think one of the best lines of that article on the linked article,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00559-00139696-00139849": "but it was a related one,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00560-00139849-00140638": "so I'm posted a comment at the bottom of the article that said the article was in and the commenter said 20 years ago,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00561-00140638-00140883": "a lot of professor who told me that she would be dead in 2 years.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00562-00141056-00141375": "and this person concludes,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00563-00141375-00141506": "clearly they were wrong,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00564-00141506-00141723": "but I'm actually still having long will,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00565-00141723-00142082": "figuring out what in the world that professor was thinking 20 years ago,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00566-00142082-00142448": "what was going to take receive back in 1997.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00567-00142448-00142930": "it's one thing to say that he's going to go away now.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00568-00142930-00143080": "I think most people are pretty.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00569-00143147-00143420": "have pretty much come to the conclusion,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00570-00143420-00143525": "if not reluctantly,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00571-00143525-00143642": "some people, perhaps,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00572-00143642-00143798": "that sea is not going away,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00573-00143798-00143921": "and it's not going to go away in 2 years.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00574-00143921-00144052": "It's not going to go away in five sound.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00575-00144052-00144068": "Go away.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00576-00144068-00144269": "In most likely,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00577-00144269-00144328": "I think.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00578-00144380-00144910": "that it's at the point where it's just so kind of ingrained. In. what.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00579-00145020-00145188": "a lot of systems is.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00580-00145300-00145779": "that it just really is kind of just really solves a lot of problems that a lot of other languages don't.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00581-00146356-00146872": "thank you everyone. yeah. ver,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00582-00146872-00146896": "I guess,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00583-00146896-00147351": "kind of a slight caution as we kind of walk away from this class.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00584-00147351-00147555": "So this kind of like a little bit too.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00585-00147644-00148346": "the comments will actually the comments that Mr students,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00586-00148346-00148507": "services administrator.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00587-00148567-00148843": "and in the fifth department that kind of mentioned to me,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00588-00148843-00149109": "while doing these interviews for the course advisor,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00589-00149109-00149395": "one of the one of the candidates who.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00590-00149454-00149550": "mentioned one of 7,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00591-00149550-00149938": "I was one of the top three classes that they thought everybody should.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00592-00149998-00150172": "I'm not sure exactly what the future was,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00593-00150172-00150579": "but they would recommend to someone who wanted to take three eco classes.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00594-00150579-00150673": "Whether comments was.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00595-00150781-00150931": "after taking over a seven like,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00596-00150931-00151139": "I surprised my computer can even turn on at all.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00597-00151379-00151478": "and I think like.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00598-00151560-00151873": "I think it's easy to get into this a bit of a trap there,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00599-00151873-00152400": "right where we spent so long talking about integers and floating point and assembly.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00600-00152400-00152518": "And it's something you can't look back,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00601-00152518-00152744": "and you're like we eat. like,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00602-00152744-00152776": "you know,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00603-00152776-00153050": "I type in one for one but overcomes out too. Like.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00604-00153092-00153205": "is something going on there?", "13XPaaLn4x8-00605-00153205-00153457": "There's some like binary, Medicare,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00606-00153457-00153647": "like I'm going to run into overflow if I take x,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00607-00153647-00153733": "plus Y.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00608-00153809-00153867": "on one hand,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00609-00153867-00154133": "there's some real power that there's certainly some.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00610-00154225-00154375": "very relevant thought processes.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00611-00154375-00154975": "We've seen lots of different examples of overflow and floating point round off being real problems.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00612-00155075-00155399": "then I don't want to kind of run you against.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00613-00155504-00155861": "breaking abstractions and going kind of really kind of.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00614-00155936-00156125": "picking the right tool for the job.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00615-00156295-00156825": "one thing that I think used to happen more as we,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00616-00156825-00156882": "as students,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00617-00156882-00157066": "came out of one of seven and went into one and 10.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00618-00157066-00157294": "And I hope this is happening a lot less now.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00619-00157294-00157369": "Is that.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00620-00157418-00157555": "things would come out of one of 7 thinking,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00621-00157555-00157600": "oh man,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00622-00157600-00158056": "I've got so much power over memory and players that I'm just going to take it like.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00623-00158128-00158198": "when I don't need it,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00624-00158198-00158311": "I'm just going to take it.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00625-00158311-00158399": "And so,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00626-00158399-00158417": "you know,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00627-00158417-00158891": "they get home assignment where they had to go through an array of,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00628-00158891-00158959": "and they were thing,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00629-00158959-00159028": "oh gosh,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00630-00159028-00159310": "I can't trust the compiler to do a ray Bracket. I,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00631-00159310-00159601": "I need to cast this to avoid star and then store it.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00632-00159601-00159679": "And then I need to cast it,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00633-00159679-00159778": "you a care stare.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00634-00159778-00160025": "And then I type size of inch,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00635-00160025-00160097": "except maybe I'm.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00636-00160121-00160210": "about the size of y is,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00637-00160210-00160327": "so maybe I should just hardcover number,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00638-00160327-00160397": "I don't know,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00639-00160397-00160633": "and then I can't just read an inside,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00640-00160633-00160879": "because what about overflow is so I don't want a copy.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00641-00161081-00161343": "and at some point you kind of look at and you say, well.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00642-00161472-00161664": "there's a lot of.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00643-00161795-00161983": "really solid abstractions.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00644-00162055-00162164": "that we've also,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00645-00162164-00162385": "we've been really kind of learning about throughout this quarter.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00646-00162385-00162559": "There are a lot of tools that.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00647-00162600-00162820": "do a lot of things for us.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00648-00162863-00163121": "and one of the most important,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00649-00163121-00163156": "I think,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00650-00163156-00163565": "lessons from systems is knowing what tool is right for the job. Knowing.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00651-00163692-00163893": "trusting the compiler,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00652-00163893-00164051": "trusting the type system.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00653-00164181-00164802": "feeling confident that library functions will do the right thing. In.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00654-00164885-00165174": "most situations that we could possibly want,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00655-00165174-00165500": "and then knowing when we should drop down to something like a voice star,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00656-00165500-00165929": "knowing when we should be using men copy instead of a simple equal fine.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00657-00166070-00166145": "I think that's,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00658-00166145-00166325": "I hope that's one of the things that.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00659-00166439-00166783": "we don't lose sight of the sign of as we work through,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00660-00166783-00167219": "as we've come out of 107.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00661-00167219-00167474": "what if one of our professors,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00662-00167474-00167584": "Steve Cooper,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00663-00167584-00167750": "once told me that.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00664-00167815-00167985": "systems is actually unusual,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00665-00167985-00168609": "even as a field within computer science for the amount of collaboration that.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00666-00168667-00169000": "needs to happen to just get anything done at all.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00667-00169000-00169431": "I found this didn't really interesting because I always kind of thought, well,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00668-00169431-00169549": "you know,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00669-00169549-00169618": "the system is cool,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00670-00169618-00169680": "but like,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00671-00169680-00169888": "if I understand the low level well,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00672-00169888-00170143": "I can kind of just do stuff, right?", "13XPaaLn4x8-00673-00170143-00170425": "But Steve reminded me that all course not right.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00674-00170467-00170661": "you can't build up.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00675-00170739-00170831": "a system,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00676-00170831-00171069": "any reasonably sized system, without,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00677-00171069-00171840": "depending on so many other people who came before you and so many other systems and so many other tools and abstractions,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00678-00171840-00171932": "the operating system,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00679-00171932-00171993": "the hardware.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00680-00171993-00172368": "So think about all the different levels of abstraction we've learned about so far,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00681-00172368-00172638": "they abstraction of. caches, right,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00682-00172638-00172866": "the abstraction of the issa,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00683-00172866-00173426": "when it comes to what the assemblies is actually doing on the hardware,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00684-00173426-00173585": "the type system,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00685-00173585-00173742": "the compiler,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00686-00173742-00174530": "as a as an abstraction for optimizing our c code and then moving up the chain as well. In.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00687-00174567-00174683": "higher level languages.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00688-00174835-00174971": "we need to understand,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00689-00174971-00175129": "we need to understand these abstractions.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00690-00175129-00175381": "We need to understand these these little level sometimes,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00691-00175381-00175820": "but we don't want to lose sight of them and we don't want to discard them.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00692-00175820-00175973": "And sometimes you can just,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00693-00175973-00176018": "you just say,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00694-00176018-00176107": "that was why,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00695-00176107-00176168": "you know,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00696-00176168-00176311": "sometimes you can just see a great bracket. Eye,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00697-00176311-00176575": "everything's going to work out great.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00698-00176575-00176656": "So hopefully.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00699-00176781-00176982": "when you were ready to take it,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00700-00176982-00177331": "pretty much any other class that you can kind of make those. look,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00701-00177331-00177406": "those balancing,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00702-00177406-00177689": "and this kind of judgment calls.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00703-00177839-00177923": "as needed, right,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00704-00177923-00178064": "don't let my body functions.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00705-00178179-00178417": "and even like. hey,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00706-00178417-00178836": "we never hand generated assembly because, well, gosh,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00707-00178836-00178921": "the compiler was going to do it,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00708-00178921-00179392": "and it was going to do it better. okay.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00709-00180045-00180150": "they follow for that.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00710-00180447-00180581": "so awesome.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00711-00180764-00180899": "I want to sort of the raw section.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00712-00180899-00180955": "Here is kind of a,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00713-00180955-00181049": "where do we go from here?", "13XPaaLn4x8-00714-00181049-00181261": "So I've actually written anything out,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00715-00181261-00181483": "but because I think it's all going to kind of.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00716-00181601-00181910": "apply to many of you in very different ways,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00717-00181910-00182675": "so I don't think there's any one path that will work for for more than really any one of us. so.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00718-00182727-00182808": "and it's kind of the word.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00719-00182808-00182952": "So when we go from here.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00720-00183117-00183731": "I think this kind of be broken up into a few different. branches. ah.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00721-00183767-00183859": "the four people.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00722-00183936-00184099": "one branch is the.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00723-00184160-00184368": "the sort of the student who.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00724-00184422-00184590": "once through the class and said, yeah,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00725-00184590-00184674": "this is it.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00726-00184674-00184832": "I'm totally into this, right?", "13XPaaLn4x8-00727-00184928-00185064": "that's not to say it wasn't challenging,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00728-00185064-00185223": "I think it's challenging for.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00729-00185294-00185353": "quite literally,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00730-00185353-00185546": "everyone in the class.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00731-00185625-00185697": "but here,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00732-00185697-00186190": "who felt like the systems was a pretty good fit. and.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00733-00186270-00186318": "I guess.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00734-00186372-00186485": "for that student,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00735-00186485-00186656": "the recommendations pretty easy way.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00736-00186656-00186819": "It's just keep taking more systems, right.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00737-00186819-00186969": "It's going to be great.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00738-00186969-00187074": "One hand,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00739-00187074-00187406": "and was the kind of leader principles, class,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00740-00187406-00187577": "which is kind of in many ways.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00741-00187613-00188053": "you can think of it as a bit of a breath into what down, 00:31:20,540 --> so that kind of student can think of. 1. 744", "13XPaaLn4x8-00742-00188185-00188321": "10 is kind of a breath.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00743-00188360-00188606": "class into what downstream systems,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00744-00188606-00188673": "local flight.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00745-00188673-00188903": "So what does it look like to work on an operating system?", "13XPaaLn4x8-00746-00188903-00189485": "What does it look like to work on a compiler or a networking or like a router to write a web server,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00747-00189485-00189741": "or some kind of bigger application?", "13XPaaLn4x8-00748-00189817-00189913": "and that,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00749-00189913-00189949": "I hope,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00750-00189949-00190005": "can kind of.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00751-00190048-00190189": "provides some guidance into what?", "13XPaaLn4x8-00752-00190281-00190410": "downstream classes look like.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00753-00190608-00190765": "so that could just fuck you it right?", "13XPaaLn4x8-00754-00190765-00191071": "And that's you, fantastic. Right.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00755-00191071-00191146": "Go for it.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00756-00191246-00191503": "keep taking more more systems.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00757-00191560-00191645": "and off you go.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00758-00191709-00191958": "and then there's another category of another group of scenes,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00759-00191958-00192100": "probably a much larger group of students,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00760-00192100-00192261": "in a way,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00761-00192261-00192384": "who got through one of seven and said,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00762-00192384-00192499": "you know, like,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00763-00192499-00192585": "I still kind of like,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00764-00192585-00192630": "see us.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00765-00192630-00192786": "I still think this is a pretty cool idea.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00766-00192786-00192964": "I feel like we're going with this.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00767-00193000-00193120": "but this just wasn't it.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00768-00193172-00193258": "this class,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00769-00193258-00193402": "this material was it,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00770-00193402-00193435": "wasn't it.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00771-00193435-00193544": "For me,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00772-00193544-00193861": "I can tolerate a quarter of C programming.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00773-00193861-00194138": "I can deal with the assembly and the low level,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00774-00194138-00194393": "but I really miss java,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00775-00194393-00194600": "and I really missed the higher level.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00776-00194600-00194854": "The just sort of garbage collected.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00777-00194854-00195076": "I don't have to explicitly manage my memory,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00778-00195076-00195136": "so what should I do?", "13XPaaLn4x8-00779-00195170-00195389": "rcs going to work for me.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00780-00195426-00195585": "and to to you,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00781-00195585-00195841": "I would say, yeah, absolutely, absolutely.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00782-00195841-00195909": "There is.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00783-00195976-00196108": "a broad.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00784-00196213-00197098": "steps from of what computer science is and what we have shown you hear this corner is only a small subset of that.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00785-00197202-00197248": "for you,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00786-00197248-00197355": "I would say,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00787-00197355-00197655": "if you were looking at declaring cs. --> 00:32:58,810 5th one, tennis, 791", "13XPaaLn4x8-00788-00197880-00197952": "they coral coast.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00789-00197952-00198049": "It is required.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00790-00198049-00198108": "It is.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00791-00198147-00198372": "and it is going to be more systems. But.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00792-00198486-00198622": "I wouldn't go into that thinking,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00793-00198622-00198657": "oh man,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00794-00198657-00198820": "this is going to be even more of the same.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00795-00198820-00198919": "It's going to be kind of rough.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00796-00198919-00199117": "I would look at it as kind of just a.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00797-00199257-00199492": "as a bit of an extension of today,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00798-00199492-00199543": "in a sense,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00799-00199543-00199659": "as an extension of,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00800-00199659-00199825": "so what did I really learn from one of seven?", "13XPaaLn4x8-00801-00199825-00200875": "And what can I do with the tools that I've gained that I can actually start applying through these larger things that I'm going to write to these on a higher level applications.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00802-00200875-00201214": "So if you think of one hand is just kind of a breath.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00803-00201294-00201444": "class for stuff that.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00804-00201484-00201638": "maybe you weren't going to continue in right?", "13XPaaLn4x8-00805-00201638-00201923": "Maybe you just take the operating systems of the compiler of class,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00806-00201923-00202282": "but just kind of having a little bit of working knowledge of what's going on there.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00807-00202507-00202681": "can help you to.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00808-00202735-00202898": "you get into that and then say,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00809-00202898-00202951": "all right. Well,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00810-00202951-00203021": "now now,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00811-00203021-00203141": "what should I do, right?", "13XPaaLn4x8-00812-00203141-00203399": "And with a combination of what certainly was one of seven,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00813-00203399-00203564": "and I think.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00814-00203602-00203680": "some classes, maybe,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00815-00203680-00203761": "with one ten.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00816-00203875-00204425": "you're in a pretty good spot to go explore a variety of other. really,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00817-00204425-00204632": "just anything else and see us.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00818-00204632-00204828": "So we've thought there's the math side.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00819-00204828-00204986": "There's sort of the theory,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00820-00204986-00205182": "the 100 of 3 and 9 kind of space.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00821-00205257-00205546": "there's the ai kind of stuff,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00822-00205546-00205678": "which is super.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00823-00205719-00205996": "in right now and then,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00824-00205996-00206257": "there's there's a lot of different.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00825-00206323-00206453": "it's kind of the graphics,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00826-00206453-00206525": "the hci,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00827-00206525-00206603": "the data management,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00828-00206603-00207055": "there's a lot of a lot of the stuff that's very relevant that can make some,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00829-00207055-00207401": "do some pretty cool things. that.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00830-00207471-00207723": "I think is definitely is definitely open to you.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00831-00207882-00208040": "and then I would say,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00832-00208040-00208217": "maybe there's the,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00833-00208217-00208473": "there's another category of student who's just like, yeah, well,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00834-00208473-00208551": "you know, maybe,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00835-00208551-00208632": "maybe not.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00836-00208705-00208894": "going to see us, right.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00837-00208894-00208963": "I think that's.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00838-00209101-00209355": "this is a fiver more relevant message for one and 6,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00839-00209355-00209440": "but nevertheless,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00840-00209440-00209851": "I think they're still a good group of people who are here, instances,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00841-00209851-00210036": "or mcs, or.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00842-00210105-00210284": "or some other engineering nature,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00843-00210284-00210338": "for example,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00844-00210338-00210540": "or or even just kind of something completely different.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00845-00210540-00210626": "Who's like, ok, well,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00846-00210626-00210740": "what was the point?", "13XPaaLn4x8-00847-00210740-00210903": "I sat through 9 weeks of this.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00848-00210946-00211151": "um well I'm not going to get anything out of 107,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00849-00211151-00211340": "and I think that.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00850-00211488-00212363": "a lot of that is going to come down to that kind of the confidence and the tools and the sort of knowing. yes,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00851-00212363-00212507": "this is how I computer works. Yes,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00852-00212507-00212765": "this is how I can get something done.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00853-00212765-00213017": "This is how I can solve a problem.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00854-00213017-00213446": "Even when this was just kind of not the space that I was I was looking in,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00855-00213446-00214007": "and I think that that kind of skill is going to still be really valuable,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00856-00214007-00214169": "where you to consider some.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00857-00214251-00214473": "some kind of applications,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00858-00214473-00214940": "even outside of the sort of mainstream cs. curriculum,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00859-00214940-00215300": "and outside of a sort of classical software engineering position,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00860-00215300-00215513": "software developer position,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00861-00215513-00215717": "the kind of self sufficiency,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00862-00215717-00216346": "the kind of problem solving just sort of putting on your hard hats and just kind of going at it.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00863-00216528-00216661": "this sort of,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00864-00216661-00216682": "I think,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00865-00216682-00216963": "the terms of the kind of industriousness about, oh,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00866-00216963-00217146": "of what you've gotten from from this class,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00867-00217146-00217207": "I think, is.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00868-00217238-00217488": "it is also still really valuable.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00869-00217555-00217953": "so hopefully you can feel that whatever group you are part of.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00870-00218005-00218225": "fits into that,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00871-00218225-00218557": "that you feel like you still feel that one of seven fit into that.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00872-00218646-00218911": "into some kind of role for you.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00873-00219417-00219694": "are talking about a question I get to have a couple of other little things.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00874-00219694-00219786": "I could talk it out,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00875-00219786-00219823": "I don't know.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00876-00219925-00220169": "specific classes, specific. tracks.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00877-00220238-00220423": "job opportunities, internships, research.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00878-00220475-00220790": "sexual leading these are only exciting things that you could do.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00879-00220790-00221036": "So I always open it up to open it up to you.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00880-00221036-00221269": "What are your thoughts and any comments about.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00881-00221380-00221426": "about the class,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00882-00221426-00221626": "or any questions about where to go from here,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00883-00221626-00222096": "what you're thinking. why.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00884-00222421-00222505": "I live in a live favourite,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00885-00222505-00222994": "thought is so obviously stayed up like I was really in the systems.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00886-00222994-00223105": "I got really into it like,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00887-00223105-00223313": "really quickly.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00888-00223313-00223334": "I think,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00889-00223334-00223373": "one of seven,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00890-00223373-00223453": "it was probably just,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00891-00223453-00223669": "actually one of us. Now,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00892-00223669-00223723": "favorite class.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00893-00223723-00223859": "I had.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00894-00223909-00224163": "so I did actually really enjoy a kind of working on the.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00895-00224209-00224411": "sort of a big project.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00896-00224411-00224738": "I really like operating systems that see us 140.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00897-00224738-00224882": "I had a really good team,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00898-00224882-00225136": "and we just kind of just did it.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00899-00225136-00225242": "I think I told one or two people,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00900-00225242-00225305": "the story already,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00901-00225305-00225976": "that if you had some pretty Epic bugs and some feel good stories that came out of that.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00902-00226080-00226236": "frogs at last days,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00903-00226236-00226494": "that you just like we all just sit in the room or life.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00904-00226494-00226659": "Where is the bug where, where,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00905-00226659-00226821": "what are we going to do, right?", "13XPaaLn4x8-00906-00226821-00226869": "And like,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00907-00226869-00227001": "we're all gdp,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00908-00227001-00227109": "and really somebody,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00909-00227109-00227365": "what have I T members is like not going to print out my way through this.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00910-00227365-00227478": "And we're like, oh,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00911-00227478-00227542": "you dad.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00912-00227644-00228353": "there are actually a racing login in 140 was one of the first songs I ever encountered was so I was working on some stuff,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00913-00228353-00228515": "and then my partner was working on some stuff,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00914-00228515-00228628": "and we were kind of going in.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00915-00228628-00228746": "And then I get some code,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00916-00228746-00228898": "that sort of works.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00917-00228957-00229063": "and he does,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00918-00229063-00229107": "and he's like,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00919-00229107-00229642": "I don't understand what's going on and all the timings are off and everything and I said, well,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00920-00229642-00229734": "you know.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00921-00229786-00229821": "you didn't,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00922-00229821-00229888": "you implement it,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00923-00229888-00229953": "kind of,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00924-00229953-00229996": "as we said.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00925-00229996-00230073": "And he's like, yeah,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00926-00230073-00230232": "I have that.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00927-00230232-00230496": "And I think he was like, oh, wow,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00928-00230496-00230565": "this stuff where he's like, well,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00929-00230565-00230661": "I don't know right now.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00930-00230661-00230784": "I've got thousands of different tasks.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00931-00230784-00230805": "I don't know,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00932-00230805-00230863": "always going on.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00933-00230923-00231161": "and I said. hey.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00934-00231271-00231478": "is it possible that the princess is your problem?", "13XPaaLn4x8-00935-00231478-00231575": "Is it possible to print out,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00936-00231575-00231671": "is messing with your timing?", "13XPaaLn4x8-00937-00231671-00231955": "Why don't you try deleting all of them and he deleted all of them?", "13XPaaLn4x8-00938-00231955-00232048": "Things got worked.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00939-00232207-00232267": "I was like,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00940-00232267-00232396": "what has it like?", "13XPaaLn4x8-00941-00232396-00232600": "You can't do that,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00942-00232600-00232876": "the pineapple just muscled everything in the operating system.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00943-00232917-00233305": "and so gv gv, good.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00944-00233573-00233690": "another favorite, actually,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00945-00233690-00234107": "another favorite class of mine was the senior project class cs 194.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00946-00234107-00234180": "I can actually,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00947-00234180-00234228": "pretty early.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00948-00234228-00234413": "I did not take it whenever a senior. But.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00949-00234471-00234580": "I really liked.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00950-00234659-00234767": "I really, so.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00951-00234815-00235061": "maybe says something about my work style is only about.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00952-00235113-00235221": "don't I like to work?", "13XPaaLn4x8-00953-00235221-00235319": "And that's.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00954-00235361-00235438": "pretty specific to me,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00955-00235438-00235834": "but I really liked the autonomy of just being able to sit down.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00956-00235834-00235888": "So I worked,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00957-00235888-00236128": "actually the same person because I didn't learn,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00958-00236128-00236167": "and nobody,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00959-00236167-00236221": "he was really good.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00960-00236221-00236423": "He actually create some really awesome stuff.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00961-00236423-00236509": "And we,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00962-00236509-00236626": "we sat down and we were like,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00963-00236626-00236705": "we're going to make a project,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00964-00236705-00236786": "and it's going to be huge.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00965-00236786-00237086": "We're going to make this life. massive, like,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00966-00237086-00237217": "I don't know what we are doing.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00967-00237217-00237328": "With some huge.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00968-00237446-00237669": "we have this idea to make a huge, huge,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00969-00237669-00237815": "like game of some.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00970-00237853-00238011": "order of magnitude that we never received.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00971-00238161-00238265": "so we just sat down and we said, oh,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00972-00238265-00238538": "who uses like crazy new fancy technology?", "13XPaaLn4x8-00973-00238538-00238673": "And we just did it.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00974-00238673-00239025": "And against the advice of our ta,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00975-00239025-00239078": "who was like,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00976-00239078-00239105": "oh no,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00977-00239105-00239363": "you should use that technology because none of us are going to be able to help you.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00978-00239363-00239430": "We said, no,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00979-00239430-00239588": "we're going to do this isn't great.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00980-00239588-00239682": "And we start working through it.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00981-00239682-00239771": "And it was just kind of fine.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00982-00239771-00240107": "It was just really nice to be able to really design something kind of from.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00983-00240126-00240450": "ground up to be able to say, yeah, like. hey,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00984-00240450-00241155": "so to kind of set up these obstructions is something that I think is is pretty uncommon in a lot of classes,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00985-00241155-00241371": "even sort of downstream. right,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00986-00241371-00241473": "we need to tell him,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00987-00241473-00241519": "all right.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00988-00241519-00241680": "So I'm going to write a method.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00989-00241680-00241863": "I'm going to write a function that does this.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00990-00241863-00242034": "And the output is going to look like this,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00991-00242034-00242217": "and I'm assuming these parameters are like this.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00992-00242246-00242376": "and when you say no,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00993-00242376-00242478": "that's not going to work.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00994-00242478-00243036": "I need the parameter like this so that whatever and really kind of designing these interfaces,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00995-00243036-00243126": "sometimes on the white board,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00996-00243126-00243276": "sometimes ahead of file,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00997-00243276-00243407": "just really kind of scratching it out.", "13XPaaLn4x8-00998-00243407-00243705": "We were actually working in two separate languages also,", "13XPaaLn4x8-00999-00243705-00244151": "so then we couldn't really just sort of this Nash,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01000-00244151-00244236": "the code at all.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01001-00244300-00244467": "so there needed to be distinct for separation.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01002-00244467-00244680": "And I totally appreciate just being able to.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01003-00244740-00245065": "do that kind of big picture software is an infinite space.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01004-00245184-00245815": "so I don't know who over a couple of them. yeah,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01005-00245815-00245963": "it was a good time to get involved.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01006-00245963-00246128": "And how many devotees.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01007-00246273-00246396": "so so such a leading, yeah,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01008-00246396-00246442": "so essentially,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01009-00246442-00246592": "meeting is an awesome program,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01010-00246592-00246703": "the cs 198,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01011-00246703-00246838": "so it's general produce.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01012-00246838-00246901": "Cone hundred 98,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01013-00246901-00247365": "we got a few good students who are kind of coordinating all of that,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01014-00247365-00247594": "who have been sexual leaders,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01015-00247594-00247734": "really are doing great jobs,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01016-00247734-00247815": "kind of training.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01017-00247861-00248201": "turning our sexual leaders in getting getting them into good spot,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01018-00248201-00248467": "to help out with the one of S.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01019-00248650-00248719": "so every quarter,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01020-00248719-00249063": "there's in terms of how the mechanics of how to get involved.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01021-00249063-00249463": "Every corridors is an application process where you.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01022-00249507-00249636": "where you apply,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01023-00249636-00250101": "there is an interview process where you sort of demonstrates some only your debugging skills. Hint,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01024-00250101-00250515": "cleaners always show up on the debugging interview,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01025-00250515-00250703": "where you demonstrate some of your you're teaching.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01026-00250703-00251511": "And then it's an awesome community of people who are generally not only really excited about teaching it really excited about helping other students. also,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01027-00251511-00251607": "just really cool.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01028-00251607-00251853": "People were really smart people.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01029-00251853-00252078": "There's always a lot of cool opportunities.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01030-00252078-00252271": "Tech talks. free,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01031-00252271-00252471": "all sorts of whatever.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01032-00252523-00252692": "and and just started great opportunities.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01033-00252692-00253094": "So I highly recommend that as a coming out of 107 year,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01034-00253094-00253994": "all very equipped to to help out with the kind of any kind of one to 6 b pointer linked list kind of problems.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01035-00253994-00254144": "Things like that. see,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01036-00254144-00254438": "you shall feel pretty good about being able to walk into that.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01037-00254590-00254671": "the answer courses,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01038-00254671-00254817": "such as the sexually a program,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01039-00254817-00255061": "applies to the one of 6,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01040-00255061-00255492": "is 1 6 A B and x downstream Sahara,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01041-00255492-00255553": "in one of southern,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01042-00255553-00255673": "as well as in the other classes.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01043-00255673-00255751": "One of three and 9.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01044-00255751-00256207": "When we've got work with grad student tas,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01045-00256207-00256351": "they're often terms.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01046-00256457-00256644": "so often,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01047-00256644-00256709": "almost always,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01048-00256709-00256865": "people who have taken the class.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01049-00256865-00257055": "And so if that seems like something,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01050-00257055-00257184": "you would maybe be interested in, if,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01051-00257184-00257426": "if you may be interested in the code or something like that,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01052-00257426-00257592": "then maybe keep that on your radar,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01053-00257592-00257819": "and which case section reading is a great kind of head.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01054-00257819-00257913": "Start into that,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01055-00257913-00258053": "and as a great way to just kind of.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01056-00258132-00258309": "get a feel for what teaching is like.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01057-00258309-00258440": "And I can tell you,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01058-00258440-00258684": "when we start looking for tas,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01059-00258684-00258830": "one of 710,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01060-00258830-00259380": "we're all pretty much in agreement that we first thing we look for is who's been a section leader.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01061-00259380-00259434": "Because that's.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01062-00259509-00259965": "that will definitely be a sign of someone who is A A solid candidate,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01063-00259965-00260090": "who I'm going to walk on our side.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01064-00260326-00260357": "so yeah,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01065-00260357-00260423": "it's a fun program.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01066-00260423-00260821": "I did it for a few quarters before I got to one to 7 tying.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01067-00260821-00260848": "It's just,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01068-00260848-00261134": "it's really fun to meet all of our new students.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01069-00261134-00261290": "It's really fun. Just,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01070-00261290-00261407": "I really like a, actually,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01071-00261407-00261598": "I really like all these things, like, oh,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01072-00261598-00261632": "my gosh,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01073-00261632-00261736": "this is so cool,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01074-00261736-00261940": "like how I can break out.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01075-00261940-00262063": "I make all these things and.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01076-00262094-00262334": "and the community is just kind of an awesome little.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01077-00262565-00262728": "rosso for diameter.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01078-00263063-00263128": "anything else.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01079-00263703-00264157": "anything that's not. specifically. Australia,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01080-00264157-00264426": "anything like. yeah.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01081-00264482-00264569": "and we can go.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01082-00264757-00264817": "we start.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01083-00264923-00265251": "but the most exciting anything like theories of systems research.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01084-00265411-00265786": "the next areas of assistance research,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01085-00265786-00266003": "what do I think is the next big thing that I feel pretty and calls,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01086-00266003-00266057": "I answer this.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01087-00266057-00266296": "And what we have.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01088-00266371-00266442": "during the following winter,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01089-00266442-00267057": "we have armchair professor Alex can come in and give a talk about his research topic.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01090-00267057-00267498": "And it's one of the areas of research that he works on it,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01091-00267498-00267586": "and it's actually really cool.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01092-00267586-00267640": "It's a.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01093-00267671-00267836": "it's it's a.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01094-00267898-00267994": "how to get it,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01095-00267994-00268155": "it's a probabilistic optimizer,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01096-00268155-00268209": "so will, like,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01097-00268209-00268342": "take your assembly code,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01098-00268342-00268426": "or maybe takes,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01099-00268426-00268569": "I think it takes your body code right?", "13XPaaLn4x8-01100-00268569-00268644": "And it's just like.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01101-00268734-00268838": "and runs it through,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01102-00268838-00268878": "all right.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01103-00268878-00269009": "Ok it is.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01104-00269009-00269278": "It teaches it takes some. program, right,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01105-00269278-00269598": "and then it will like, probabilistically, like,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01106-00269598-00269721": "literally generated.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01107-00269778-00269801": "you know,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01108-00269801-00269948": "I don't know millions of test cases or something,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01109-00269948-00270398": "and just throw stuff out it and then it will put the program like it will change.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01110-00270398-00270536": "I plus one to I plus two.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01111-00270536-00270626": "And I performed.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01112-00270626-00270707": "I might define,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01113-00270707-00271032": "and amp fans and stars all over the place.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01114-00271032-00271211": "And after I don't know,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01115-00271211-00271394": "a few million iterations look,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01116-00271394-00271530": "get another program that works.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01117-00271530-00271698": "And it might be just a little bit faster.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01118-00271698-00271719": "And a,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01119-00271719-00271742": "he's doing.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01120-00271803-00272198": "and eventually it actually comes up with some pretty impressive assembly.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01121-00272307-00272646": "they've got stuff going on in the kind of depends on the area.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01122-00272646-00273053": "There's lots of stuff going on in that kind of.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01123-00273142-00273357": "compiler optimization stuff like that,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01124-00273357-00273457": "there's a lot of,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01125-00273457-00273513": "I think,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01126-00273513-00273969": "one of the big things that is still pretty active is virtualization.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01127-00273969-00274150": "So finding a good way to make use of.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01128-00274215-00274330": "we have a lot of.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01129-00274380-00274653": "hardware on our machines right now.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01130-00274732-00274998": "that is actually not being used pretty often,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01131-00274998-00275350": "and so being able to find a good way to make use of that, there's,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01132-00275350-00275386": "of course,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01133-00275386-00275725": "there's a lot of scalability and high performance discussions.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01134-00275725-00275998": "So I think Google,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01135-00275998-00276169": "like 5 or 6 years ago,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01136-00276169-00276690": "completely changed their data center infrastructure to use some stuff that actually came out of Stanford.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01137-00276786-00276940": "less than a decade ago,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01138-00276940-00277078": "called offered by networks,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01139-00277078-00277138": "and they,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01140-00277138-00277276": "just like like this,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01141-00277276-00277336": "seems like coral.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01142-00277336-00277432": "We're going to do it.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01143-00277432-00277630": "And that's still a very active area.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01144-00277703-00277826": "of of that.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01145-00278055-00278117": "so a lot of,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01146-00278117-00278238": "it's interesting, right? So,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01147-00278238-00278901": "so research one interesting areas where it's not always clear how it connects to industry.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01148-00279013-00279403": "I vow often actually been really surprised by some kind of.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01149-00279482-00279644": "we are talking to people about sisters, researcher,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01150-00279644-00279928": "reading that article and then just hearing.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01151-00279994-00280051": "oh yeah yeah,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01152-00280051-00280280": "Google use that like a really like,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01153-00280280-00280351": "that's kind of cool.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01154-00280351-00280490": "That wasn't that like 5 or 6 years ago,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01155-00280490-00280651": "and it was 10 years ago.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01156-00280651-00280798": "This is surprising amount of.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01157-00280832-00281280": "tech transfer rate that happens between academia and industry.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01158-00281280-00281321": "There's a lot,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01159-00281321-00281751": "there's a lot of kind of ad that happens in industry actually as well.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01160-00281894-00282013": "and I think I should. Pretty.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01161-00282040-00282121": "pretty exciting, right,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01162-00282121-00282401": "so you can see a lot of like the ai research,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01163-00282401-00282484": "for example,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01164-00282484-00282676": "is really kind of self driving cars.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01165-00282676-00282805": "That kind of thing,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01166-00282805-00282875": "they're doing it right.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01167-00282875-00283126": "They're actually trying to build these things and make them happen.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01168-00283126-00283544": "And while it maybe a little bit harder to see that happen, insistence,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01169-00283544-00283684": "and maybe a little harder to say,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01170-00283684-00283742": "oh well,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01171-00283742-00283796": "you know,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01172-00283796-00284005": "I see that windows did.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01173-00284042-00284207": "or that naps did,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01174-00284207-00284282": "did y,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01175-00284282-00284569": "you can see these things are actually happening. Actually,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01176-00284569-00284992": "the one thing I can think of is there was another research project that was,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01177-00284992-00285019": "I think,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01178-00285019-00285176": "happened within the last 15 years,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01179-00285176-00285536": "and that was implemented in the most recent version of windows.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01180-00285536-00285569": "They're like,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01181-00285569-00285598": "oh yeah,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01182-00285598-00285686": "this seems like a good idea,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01183-00285686-00286030": "just to make data center performance like 50% faster going to do it.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01184-00286130-00286957": "and then mac os x actually implemented really sweet little security feature in El Capitan that I ran into while trying to fix my own snack.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01185-00286957-00287446": "And I had to turn it off by going into the terminal and hacking a thing,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01186-00287446-00287626": "because it broke the updater.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01187-00287626-00287759": "But that's the history.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01188-00287901-00288173": "but anyway,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01189-00288173-00288230": "that was the kind of thing.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01190-00288230-00288569": "And actually it was something that I had learned about in 1 I was taking,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01191-00288569-00288638": "and obviously this class,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01192-00288638-00288705": "and they were saying, oh,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01193-00288705-00288917": "we have a go while you security bowlers,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01194-00288917-00289013": "so we did it.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01195-00289013-00289263": "And then I do a little bit of googling,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01196-00289263-00289301": "and they're like,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01197-00289301-00289328": "oh yeah,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01198-00289328-00289359": "that's saying,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01199-00289359-00289721": "no can be time and how it impacts to the situation said, oh,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01200-00289721-00289894": "oh me. so.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01201-00289963-00290053": "it's all very relevant,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01202-00290053-00290092": "I guess this,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01203-00290092-00290323": "I'm saying it's not happening.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01204-00290588-00290651": "and health.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01205-00291386-00291463": "um so yeah,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01206-00291463-00291482": "I mean,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01207-00291482-00291728": "I guess maybe just a little bit of above mentioned about, like.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01208-00291823-00291990": "internships and jobs and things. Right,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01209-00291990-00292015": "I think.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01210-00292015-00292140": "What a 7,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01211-00292140-00292317": "I think the standard.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01212-00292384-00292684": "the word on the street is that one of seven is very much a.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01213-00292740-00293171": "a gateway into that kind of those kind of aspects as well.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01214-00293171-00293303": "Just because there's.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01215-00293369-00293465": "there is like,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01216-00293465-00293801": "and even even for companies that aren't going to ever ask you to program in c.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01217-00293801-00293876": "Right again,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01218-00293876-00293951": "it's the confidence,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01219-00293951-00294017": "it's the tools,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01220-00294017-00294434": "it's the abstractions they just want to know that you take in one of seven.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01221-00294434-00294851": "And then there are companies that they do work can see in a want to know that you can do some bit wise.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01222-00294851-00295180": "You want to know that you can do some.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01223-00295180-00295328": "They want to know that you can do some.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01224-00295369-00295555": "some pointers in some memory,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01225-00295555-00295769": "and you can tell them that you probably know more about floats.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01226-00295769-00295942": "And most engineers,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01227-00295942-00296182": "because that's kind of how it is at this point,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01228-00296182-00296315": "it's all,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01229-00296315-00296450": "hopefully you feel like there's a.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01230-00296496-00296638": "there's some good opportunities there,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01231-00296638-00296767": "of whatever,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01232-00296767-00297180": "whatever space you're interested in. think,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01233-00297180-00297225": "kind of.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01234-00297378-00297453": "and I think that's.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01235-00297723-00298163": "I think. okay. so, again.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01236-00298246-00298423": "by one you go with you.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01237-00298423-00298586": "And what are the last class?", "13XPaaLn4x8-01238-00298811-00299003": "so the comment is sort of,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01239-00299003-00299173": "this is about sort of,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01240-00299173-00299525": "so you may have noticed that throughout the assignments,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01241-00299525-00299569": "we've been doing,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01242-00299569-00299842": "some pretty intensive.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01243-00299948-00300180": "code reviews and sort of style feedback.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01244-00300315-00300457": "and the thing is,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01245-00300457-00300486": "he has,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01246-00300486-00300580": "he may have heard this.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01247-00300580-00300694": "When we talked about.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01248-00300796-00300996": "went in like one.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01249-00300996-00301225": "Maybe the one success we have mentioned is the idea that.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01250-00301292-00301557": "we write code for people,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01251-00301557-00301682": "not for computers.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01252-00301682-00301880": "And on one hand,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01253-00301880-00302090": "it is important to make sure that I could work.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01254-00302090-00302376": "It's important to make sure that it produces the right output,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01255-00302376-00303144": "which is why we simultaneously move towards the output based grading of your programs. But.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01256-00303196-00303363": "a lot of it comes,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01257-00303363-00303553": "but a lot of.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01258-00303632-00303821": "industry and a lot of academia,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01259-00303821-00304017": "and a lot of just kind of downstream,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01260-00304017-00304434": "is really going to count on you writing code that other people can read, right? So.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01261-00304507-00304526": "you know,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01262-00304526-00304744": "when I talk about the classes I really enjoyed,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01263-00304744-00305038": "I enjoyed them because I got to work with friends of mine.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01264-00305038-00305590": "And part of the reason I enjoyed being able to work as my friends was that I knew that he would write good code.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01265-00305590-00306007": "I knew that whenever they would commit something into the version control that I could open it up,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01266-00306007-00306176": "and I wouldn't be like, ah,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01267-00306176-00306326": "what what does this do? Right?", "13XPaaLn4x8-01268-00306326-00306476": "I don't understand.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01269-00306488-00306601": "and it,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01270-00306601-00306740": "and it makes a huge difference.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01271-00306740-00307184": "It makes a huge difference in in terms of just being able to make progress,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01272-00307184-00307340": "in reading somebody else's code,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01273-00307340-00307540": "in terms of reading your own code. Actually,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01274-00307540-00307603": "about a week ago,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01275-00307603-00307763": "I went back and looked at my,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01276-00307763-00307901": "or what does encode.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01277-00307901-00308188": "And though it's the thing,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01278-00308188-00308267": "shares a thing,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01279-00308267-00308476": "but I actually kind of see myself.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01280-00308513-00308675": "and I remember consciously thinking,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01281-00308675-00309082": "is trying to change up my style over the course of the quarter and thinking about, oh,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01282-00309082-00309109": "you know,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01283-00309109-00309259": "should I?", "13XPaaLn4x8-01284-00309259-00309463": "How should I write these lines,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01285-00309463-00309686": "and the little things sometimes,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01286-00309686-00309926": "but like whether I should use different problems,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01287-00309926-00310003": "a capitalization,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01288-00310003-00310340": "or how I should name my message and things like.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01289-00310340-00310415": "And I.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01290-00310450-00310728": "I kind of appreciate that because it's kind of a 506 and 7,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01291-00310728-00310780": "I look back.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01292-00310780-00310834": "And yeah,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01293-00310834-00310944": "that's actually now like honey.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01294-00311059-00311563": "I do write code that does look very similar to the stuff that I was writing at a time.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01295-00311563-00311623": "And so.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01296-00311673-00311869": "at this point. hopefully,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01297-00311869-00312100": "you found that kind of feedback to be useful.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01298-00312100-00312580": "Maybe you may have found it a little bit frustrating at times when he thought now,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01299-00312580-00312603": "and you know,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01300-00312603-00312682": "I spent,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01301-00312682-00312946": "our now was an hour working through this stuff. But.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01302-00313038-00313196": "and all my tea can say,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01303-00313196-00313278": "this bug variable.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01304-00313278-00313338": "There you go.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01305-00313338-00313388": "Come on.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01306-00313388-00313869": "It's like I going to do with a lot of night, right? But,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01307-00313869-00314384": "but hopefully it gives you a sense for the kinds of things that does make for readable code.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01308-00314384-00314621": "And as we kind of move on.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01309-00314696-00314801": "there will be.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01310-00314863-00315034": "much thinner code reviews,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01311-00315034-00315151": "even in something like 1 10.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01312-00315151-00315613": "And then I think 1 40 does a pretty aggressive design review,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01313-00315613-00315751": "but they're not looking over your code,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01314-00315751-00315923": "partly because they kind of just can't, right.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01315-00315923-00316348": "They can't just pull up two or 3000 lines of code and start commenting on your variable name.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01316-00316348-00316567": "Was commenting on your method names,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01317-00316567-00316694": "but in a lot of ways.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01318-00316801-00316940": "they kind of don't have to,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01319-00316940-00317086": "because if your code was messy,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01320-00317086-00317276": "you were probably punished for it already,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01321-00317276-00317534": "or try to work through like a 3009 project with.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01322-00317575-00317940": "and function names. so, so,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01323-00317940-00318007": "kind of,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01324-00318007-00318076": "hopefully you politely,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01325-00318076-00318426": "that was devious sense for what that kind of looked like. But,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01326-00318426-00318507": "and from here, right?", "13XPaaLn4x8-01327-00318507-00318601": "It's going to be all,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01328-00318601-00318853": "it's going to be pretty much functionality based.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01329-00318853-00318994": "But I hope that you don't.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01330-00319144-00319359": "give up on the endeavor to right,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01331-00319359-00319423": "clean and readable,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01332-00319423-00319486": "maintainable code,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01333-00319486-00319621": "especially if you work with somebody else,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01334-00319621-00319701": "please do that.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01335-00319701-00319761": "Somebody else.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01336-00319990-00320107": "which inevitably you will,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01337-00320107-00320201": "because that's kind of work.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01338-00320201-00320342": "Computer science is, it's.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01339-00320403-00320617": "pretty much impossible to do anything on your own these days.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01340-00320886-00320961": "I know something.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01341-00322013-00322057": "all right,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01342-00322057-00322234": "so only out of, well,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01343-00322234-00322742": "hopefully this is all worthwhile cost for you if you can finish it off strong with the heap allocator,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01344-00322742-00322892": "and then.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01345-00322926-00323101": "feel like you have something to be super proud of,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01346-00323101-00323242": "and something you feel like.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01347-00323242-00323296": "You can.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01348-00323351-00323621": "you can take with you. For.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01349-00323675-00323840": "some of out of time to come.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01350-00323840-00324013": "So thank you everybody.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01351-00324013-00324173": "It's been a uncouth.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01352-00324205-00324273": "and I hope,", "13XPaaLn4x8-01353-00324273-00324367": "I wish you best of luck.", "13XPaaLn4x8-01354-00324367-00324432": "As we."}}, {"audio_id": "141f4fj6Wx0", "text": {"141f4fj6Wx0-00000-00000472-00000768": "Why did the Islamic civilisation thrive in Baghdad and Cordoba?", "141f4fj6Wx0-00001-00000919-00001232": "Baghdad and Cordoba were central", "141f4fj6Wx0-00002-00001252-00001443": "Why in these places specifically", "141f4fj6Wx0-00003-00001489-00001750": "Because there were other cultures living there before", "141f4fj6Wx0-00004-00001776-00002320": "There were Farsis and Byzantines , Jews and Syrians", "141f4fj6Wx0-00005-00002360-00002611": "People had languages and translates them", "141f4fj6Wx0-00006-00002611-00002908": "They know greek and latin", "141f4fj6Wx0-00007-00002912-00003247": "These people were translators, do you know any arab translators?", "141f4fj6Wx0-00008-00003368-00003968": "Do you know any of these scientists whose identity was arab", "141f4fj6Wx0-00009-00003968-00004376": "You might say Ibn Sina, I say he's Farsi", "141f4fj6Wx0-00010-00004488-00004736": "Alghazali was also Farsi", "141f4fj6Wx0-00011-00004872-00005320": "Alfarabi, Alkhawarizmi are both Farsi"}}, {"audio_id": "14w_4yOLFSU", "text": {"14w_4yOLFSU-00000-00000034-00000084": "Solo con fines de entretener", "14w_4yOLFSU-00001-00000176-00000225": "Hablo en serio", "14w_4yOLFSU-00002-00000950-00001090": "Funciona perfectamente", "14w_4yOLFSU-00003-00007540-00007634": "Esta parte es lenta", "14w_4yOLFSU-00004-00009584-00009784": "Por alguna razon aqui los colores cambian", "14w_4yOLFSU-00005-00010120-00010306": "Me di cuenta al editar, cuando grababa ni lo note", "14w_4yOLFSU-00007-00011038-00011118": "ahi viene", "14w_4yOLFSU-00009-00011194-00011244": "3", "14w_4yOLFSU-00010-00011250-00011316": "2", "14w_4yOLFSU-00011-00011316-00011366": "1", "14w_4yOLFSU-00012-00011524-00011732": "IS PERFECT.", "14w_4yOLFSU-00013-00011992-00012042": "NO ES GRACIOSO :T"}}, {"audio_id": "14GNXuH98zQ", "text": {"14GNXuH98zQ-00000-00000003-00000327": "Protons flow back into the matrix through the", "14GNXuH98zQ-00001-00000328-00000654": "F1 ATP synthase particle (Here, it looks vaguely like", "14GNXuH98zQ-00002-00000654-00000858": "the lollipop that we talked about earlier)", "14GNXuH98zQ-00003-00000866-00001162": "to relieve the proton gradient. We're going to take", "14GNXuH98zQ-00004-00001162-00001428": "a closer look at this last process in just a second.", "14GNXuH98zQ-00005-00001428-00001836": "So, we can demonstrate proton pumps, but what are", "14GNXuH98zQ-00006-00001836-00002072": "the proton pumps? I alluded to the fact that they're", "14GNXuH98zQ-00007-00002072-00002288": "part of the phospholipid protein complexes.", "14GNXuH98zQ-00008-00002288-00002582": "This slide illustrates the preparation of synthetic", "14GNXuH98zQ-00009-00002582-00002860": "phospholipid bilayers, that is synthetic membranes", "14GNXuH98zQ-00010-00002860-00003220": "in which one of the respiratory complexes was inserted,", "14GNXuH98zQ-00011-00003220-00003559": "in this case complex I. When NADH is added to", "14GNXuH98zQ-00012-00003560-00003934": "these membranes as an electron donor, along with the", "14GNXuH98zQ-00013-00003934-00004238": "compound X (one of these redox dyes) to accept", "14GNXuH98zQ-00014-00004238-00004478": "electrons from the complex, protons were seen", "14GNXuH98zQ-00015-00004478-00004754": "to be pumped into the vesicles, so that the pH of", "14GNXuH98zQ-00016-00004754-00005188": "the solution increased. This shows that complex I was", "14GNXuH98zQ-00017-00005188-00005530": "not only a redox complex, but a proton pump.", "14GNXuH98zQ-00018-00005530-00005818": "These experiments also showed that there were 3", "14GNXuH98zQ-00019-00005818-00006104": "sites of proton pumping and these sites,", "14GNXuH98zQ-00020-00006104-00006466": "complexes I and IV, as well as coenzyme Q, correspond", "14GNXuH98zQ-00021-00006466-00006800": "to the 3 steps in electron transport involving large", "14GNXuH98zQ-00022-00006800-00007062": "negative standard free energy changes that were", "14GNXuH98zQ-00023-00007062-00007409": "originally thought to be actual sites of ATP synthesis.", "14GNXuH98zQ-00024-00007409-00007684": "We even know something about the stoichiometry", "14GNXuH98zQ-00025-00007684-00007948": "of proton pumping. About 4 protons are pumped", "14GNXuH98zQ-00026-00007948-00008237": "across the crystal membrane for every pair of electrons", "14GNXuH98zQ-00027-00008238-00008516": "transferred from complex IV (also called", "14GNXuH98zQ-00028-00008516-00008912": "cytochrome oxidase) to oxygen. Now here on the left", "14GNXuH98zQ-00029-00008913-00009239": "is an electron micrograph of a single F1 ATP synthase", "14GNXuH98zQ-00030-00009240-00009566": "molecule. Let's look at how ATP synthase works.", "14GNXuH98zQ-00031-00009566-00010002": "First of all it's a regulated proton gate, controlling the", "14GNXuH98zQ-00032-00010002-00010316": "flow of protons into the mitochondrial matrix from", "14GNXuH98zQ-00033-00010316-00010484": "the intermembrane space (or from outside", "14GNXuH98zQ-00034-00010484-00010840": "the mitochondrion). Note the multiple polypeptide", "14GNXuH98zQ-00035-00010840-00011156": "subunits; some are embedded in the cristal membrane", "14GNXuH98zQ-00036-00011156-00011507": "These are called the F0 part of the structure.", "14GNXuH98zQ-00037-00011507-00011840": "Others make up the lollipop head, the F1 particle", "14GNXuH98zQ-00038-00011840-00012122": "facing the mitochondrial matrix, that Racker isolated.", "14GNXuH98zQ-00039-00012122-00012484": "This head consists of alpha and beta subunits.", "14GNXuH98zQ-00040-00012484-00012764": "When there's a lot of ADP around, which would", "14GNXuH98zQ-00041-00012764-00013022": "indicate that the cell is rapidly using up ATP,", "14GNXuH98zQ-00042-00013022-00013413": "so this is a busy cell,  the excess ADP binds to the", "14GNXuH98zQ-00043-00013413-00013666": "alpha subunit and opens up the proton gate.", "14GNXuH98zQ-00044-00013666-00013960": "So the alpha subunit is a regulatory protein whose", "14GNXuH98zQ-00045-00013960-00014360": "shape changes when it binds this excess ADP, opening", "14GNXuH98zQ-00046-00014362-00014686": "a pathway for the protons to flow back into the matrix", "14GNXuH98zQ-00047-00014686-00014894": "from where they have accumulated during", "14GNXuH98zQ-00048-00014894-00015238": "electron transport. When the gate is open the protons", "14GNXuH98zQ-00049-00015238-00015455": "in the intermembrane space of the mitochondrion", "14GNXuH98zQ-00050-00015455-00015741": "bind to the A subunit shown in purple here.", "14GNXuH98zQ-00051-00015741-00016113": "The C subunit forms a cylinder that can spin (like", "14GNXuH98zQ-00052-00016113-00016346": "the armature of a motor) when protons are passed", "14GNXuH98zQ-00053-00016346-00016712": "to them from the A subunit. As the armature spins,", "14GNXuH98zQ-00054-00016712-00017012": "protons are ejected into the matrix and ATP", "14GNXuH98zQ-00055-00017012-00017376": "is synthesized, as you saw repeated here a few times.", "14GNXuH98zQ-00056-00017376-00017722": "The process of active transport that pumps protons,", "14GNXuH98zQ-00057-00017722-00018042": "followed by the regulated relief of the proton gradient", "14GNXuH98zQ-00058-00018042-00018342": "through a proton gate, is the essence of", "14GNXuH98zQ-00059-00018344-00018670": "oxidative phosphorylation. As summarized on this", "14GNXuH98zQ-00060-00018670-00018888": "slide, the pumps are coenzyme Q and", "14GNXuH98zQ-00061-00018888-00019140": "respiratory complexes I and IV. As I mentioned.", "14GNXuH98zQ-00062-00019140-00019454": "They are fueled by the negative free energy change of", "14GNXuH98zQ-00063-00019454-00019791": "their redox reactions. And the F1 ATP synthase", "14GNXuH98zQ-00064-00019792-00020156": "is a regulated proton gate using free energy stored in", "14GNXuH98zQ-00065-00020156-00020412": "the proton gradient to make ATP.", "14GNXuH98zQ-00066-00020412-00020950": "Think about why these gates are regulated."}}, {"audio_id": "14PKxrA-gDc", "text": {"14PKxrA-gDc-00000-00000000-00000384": "Primary, secondary, and tertiary sources in the health sciences", "14PKxrA-gDc-00001-00000384-00000924": "This video covers primary sources, secondary sources, and tertiary sources, and what each can do for you", "14PKxrA-gDc-00002-00000924-00001426": "When information is created is important because it effects the kind of evidence it contains", "14PKxrA-gDc-00003-00001444-00001610": "and the way you can use it", "14PKxrA-gDc-00004-00001704-00002232": "In this sense, information is referred to as primary, secondary, or tertiary.", "14PKxrA-gDc-00005-00002232-00002356": "Let's talk about what those mean", "14PKxrA-gDc-00006-00002356-00002732": "Primary sources are the original source of information", "14PKxrA-gDc-00007-00002732-00002998": "They're free of outside analysis or hindsight", "14PKxrA-gDc-00008-00002998-00003176": "and they offer direct evidence", "14PKxrA-gDc-00009-00003186-00003596": "News reports, reports from government agencies, or non-profit organizations", "14PKxrA-gDc-00010-00003596-00003818": "can be considered primary sources", "14PKxrA-gDc-00011-00003858-00003986": "Here's an example:", "14PKxrA-gDc-00012-00003986-00004434": "It's a situation report from the World Health Organization from July 2015", "14PKxrA-gDc-00013-00004434-00004720": "stating numbers of those infected by Ebola", "14PKxrA-gDc-00014-00004720-00005008": "fatalities, locations of the outbreak", "14PKxrA-gDc-00015-00005008-00005230": "things like facts, numbers, data", "14PKxrA-gDc-00016-00005236-00005736": "In the health sciences, scholarly articles of note are", "14PKxrA-gDc-00017-00005754-00006288": "that report the methods and observations of an original research study", "14PKxrA-gDc-00018-00006304-00006776": "Here's an example of a peer-reviewed research article from 2015", "14PKxrA-gDc-00019-00006778-00006894": "It details an experiment", "14PKxrA-gDc-00020-00006894-00007195": "that was conducted to test the persistence of the", "14PKxrA-gDc-00021-00007195-00007316": "Ebola virus in bodily fluids", "14PKxrA-gDc-00022-00007316-00007631": "Original research like this is so valuable in the health sciences", "14PKxrA-gDc-00023-00007634-00007800": "because it allows you the opportunity", "14PKxrA-gDc-00024-00007800-00008002": "to interpret the results for yourself"}}, {"audio_id": "15uL3DWgUIQ", "text": {"15uL3DWgUIQ-00000-00000456-00001136": "so today uh we're going to continue in our discussion of uh dynamic programming i actually", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00001-00001136-00001704": "found this set of problem session problems to be easier than the previous one i think the fun", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00002-00001704-00002288": "there's a funny thing which is uh we learned in class about sort of pseudo-polynomial time style", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00003-00002288-00002896": "dynamic programs somehow that language is a little bit liberating in the sense that you're sort of", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00004-00002896-00003415": "using parameters that you really shouldn't uh when it comes to the runtime of your algorithm well i", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00005-00003415-00003879": "suppose you should in the sense that it's allowed if you call your algorithm pseudo polynomial time", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00006-00003879-00004216": "but somehow it makes it a little easier to formulate your dynamic programming algorithm", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00007-00004216-00004600": "because sort of all the numbers are staring you right in the face like you don't have to be so", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00008-00004600-00005128": "careful about what's uh fair game and what's not uh when you when you post your algorithm so long", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00009-00005128-00005736": "as it's sufficient in the values that you care about uh and so today's problem session has five", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00010-00005736-00006168": "problems squeezed in instead of the usual four uh we'll see how far we get seeing that i usually", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00011-00006168-00006616": "talk too much anyway uh but i'll try to stay on schedule here and we'll see how well we do um", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00012-00006736-00007128": "any questions from our students about dynamic programming before we get started here", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00013-00007128-00007488": "we can cut one oh i i will gladly cut one if i run out of time", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00014-00007576-00008392": "okay so without further ado uh let's get started with the coin crafting which is problem 9-1 here", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00015-00008392-00009208": "so i suppose it should be keel nafri if i were to work uh through my spoonerism properly here um in", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00016-00009208-00009672": "any event we have a thief who's in desperate need of money uh as with many thieves or else of course", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00017-00009672-00010608": "they wouldn't resort to the world of crime uh and uh kiel nafri here um has uh n identical coins", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00018-00011112-00011512": "i've been very self-conscious about the way that i write the letter i ever since eric pointed it out", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00019-00011512-00012080": "and it's only gotten worse now it's inconsistent and and hard to read uh but in any event uh so we", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00020-00012080-00012688": "have uh n uh identical coins and of course you know these coins have very distinctive markings", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00021-00012688-00013176": "and so we can't possibly run away with them as is because if you take them to your standard", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00022-00013176-00013688": "jeweler they'll immediately recognize that these markings are bad and stolen and that's not so good", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00023-00013688-00014624": "so instead we can melt uh these coins into other objects so uh you know our sneaky uh thief here", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00024-00014624-00015256": "has identified a potential buyer and uh the buyer has a few criteria here right so we have a buyer", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00025-00015408-00016088": "um and the buyer has the buyer has a very strange value system saying that apparently it's easy to", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00026-00016088-00016568": "take coins and make them into other things uh but but in any event the the buyer what they care", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00027-00016568-00017168": "about is not the fact that the coins are made of gold but rather that they like particular objects", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00028-00017168-00017712": "better than others made out of said gold um so in particular they have a different rate", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00029-00017712-00018384": "uh for each object like a different price they're willing to pay um and so they have a list of um", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00030-00018872-00019624": "n objects that they're interested in and each one uh is associated with two things and objects", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00031-00019728-00020160": "they have a price so the amount of the buyer is willing to pay for that object", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00032-00020160-00020648": "which again is not just the weight in gold for some reason you know there's a value-added tax", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00033-00020648-00021304": "uh in in in this universe uh and uh it takes a different number of coins to manufacture", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00034-00021528-00022112": "right like so maybe you know i can make like a golden chocolate fountain and that takes like 10", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00035-00022112-00022512": "coins but i don't want two of those so if i make that then the next thing i have to do is like a", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00036-00022512-00023096": "figurine of eric and jason to put alongside it um and having more than one of those would also", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00037-00023096-00023616": "be like creepy and weird right so so i can only make one of each object uh and of course uh my", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00038-00023616-00024176": "goal here is i have n coins by the way the fact that there's n coins and n objects for the buyer", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00039-00024176-00024728": "doesn't really matter i mean it will for the run time but like you could imagine this being n and m", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00040-00024728-00025152": "so i wouldn't be too hung up on that um and what you're trying to do is is", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00041-00025152-00025624": "of course maximize your revenue uh subject to the constraints that uh", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00042-00025624-00026152": "you have n coins uh and you can't make two objects that are this hopefully have captured the essence", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00043-00026152-00026944": "of our problem okay fabulous so uh as with uh all of our our dynamic programming problems in 6006", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00044-00026944-00027472": "we have a paradigm for how to approach them which has a cute acronym which is sort bot", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00045-00027600-00028183": "and i think sort bot is a totally relevant and straightforward approach to this problem here yeah", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00046-00028183-00028704": "so uh in particular let's let's give ourselves a bit of of notation right so we're gonna number our", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00047-00028704-00029744": "objects between one and n uh just for convenience so we'll say that uh p i is the price of object i", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00048-00030024-00030736": "okay and we'll say that k i is the what the problem calls the melting", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00049-00030895-00031344": "number in other words if i want to make object i this is the amount of coins that i'd have to", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00050-00031344-00031952": "uh melt to to make that object okay so just a tiny bit of notation and in general so okay what do we", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00051-00031952-00032448": "do when we formulate our dynamic programming problems we want to identify interesting", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00052-00032448-00032920": "subproblems we could solve that are smaller uh and when we compose them all together uh", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00053-00032992-00033552": "we get the final solution to our problem and this uh particular problem uh involving manufacturing", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00054-00033552-00034048": "objects out of coins i think is like a really classic one when it comes to dynamic programming", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00055-00034048-00034480": "like this is the sort of thing where you know someday when you're trying to to pay for your", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00056-00034480-00034888": "tuition by doing these like hacker contests online you know like this is the sort of thing that comes", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00057-00034888-00035568": "up all the time in in that universe right um so in particular uh the two sort of variables here", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00058-00035568-00036064": "uh you know when i make a new object is what object did i make and how many coins did i spend", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00059-00036064-00036568": "when i did that so the sort of the two natural parameters to use uh when i solve my dynamic uh", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00060-00036568-00036976": "programming problem yeah and and of course it's going to be sort of recursive in the sense that", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00061-00036976-00037656": "um i can either choose to make object i or not and it doesn't matter what order i make my objects in", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00062-00037656-00038080": "or similarly what order i spend my coins in which is usually a nice property to have in", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00063-00038080-00038808": "uh dynamic programming universe so in particular oh this thing is my nemesis um this is from", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00064-00038808-00039120": "i think this classroom is particularly tough for short people because it's like i'm moving", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00065-00039120-00039656": "it up and down all the time okay uh so given our our observation here uh if we're doing sort bot", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00066-00039728-00040280": "uh right so uh what's our s again let me ask myself that sub problems thank you uh", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00067-00040280-00040936": "professor domain uh then essentially what we want to do based on what i sort of argued", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00068-00040936-00041544": "verbally is maybe define our variable x i j the thing we're going to compute to be the revenue", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00069-00041800-00042624": "uh from using i coins uh and uh objects uh one to j", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00070-00043208-00043656": "okay so in other words you know i have i coins left in the bank and i'm only allowed to use", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00071-00043656-00044104": "the first j objects and we can already see that there's kind of a sensible way to approach this", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00072-00044104-00044520": "dynamic programming problem in the sense that you know there's an obvious recursion here i choose to", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00073-00044520-00045288": "make an object i have fewer coins and i can sort of imagine there being a topological order in the", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00074-00045288-00045736": "sense that i could first decide about object one and then object two and object three and so on or", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00075-00045736-00046296": "vice versa depending on whether you're a prefix or suffix kind of guy um which i still get backward", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00076-00046296-00046704": "but the the good news is that uh it doesn't really matter what matters is formulating the equation", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00077-00046784-00047248": "okay any questions about our our definition of the thing that we're gonna chase after here", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00078-00047568-00048184": "so uh let's do uh let's continue sort bot so our next uh uh uh piece of our puzzle here", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00079-00048184-00048664": "is the r i believe r stands for recursion this is a new acronym for me too oop nope", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00080-00048664-00049176": "we're late but it might as well be recursion for most of these problems uh right so the", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00081-00049176-00049920": "basic relationship here is that of course i can either use object j or i can not use object j uh", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00082-00049920-00050368": "and in both of those cases right if j is the very last guy that i'm going to consider", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00083-00050448-00051192": "that'll be a totally reasonable recursive rule right so in particular um i have that uh x i j", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00084-00051391-00051808": "um essentially can take one of two values parenthesis in case you're wondering", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00085-00051808-00052472": "um and and of course you're trying to maximize your revenue uh so so let's do that okay so um", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00086-00052696-00053191": "so we have sort of two of uh potentially potential options but we have to be a bit careful", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00087-00053191-00053967": "is there a case where i can't make object j yes class there is uh which is uh the case where i", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00088-00053967-00054344": "don't have enough coins left in the bank right so i want to make that really expensive fountain", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00089-00054344-00054960": "but i only have one coin then i'm sort of out of luck let's do these two cases so first um", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00090-00055112-00055824": "you know if uh oops i got my cases backward that's okay um right so let's say that i choose not to uh", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00091-00055824-00056400": "make uh object j okay so what does that mean so so did i spend any coins and moreover what", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00092-00056400-00056864": "is my uh maximum profit well it's going to be the same as the maximum profit using objects", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00093-00056864-00057408": "one through j minus one because i didn't use object j yeah so in particular that would be x", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00094-00057488-00058344": "um i got it backward in my notes so we're gonna do it live uh like that okay and otherwise let's", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00095-00058344-00058952": "say that i did choose to make object j well what happened so i did get some revenue now right so i", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00096-00058952-00059744": "got man what on earth did i write on these uh um so i get the price of object j here as my revenue", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00097-00059744-00060632": "but i spend uh some coins in the process so i have i minus uh k sub i which is the number of coins", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00098-00060776-00061200": "oh thank you sorry k sub j that's why we should be consistent with their indices when we write", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00099-00061200-00062072": "these things down um right so i spent case of j coins uh making this thing uh object j uh and", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00100-00062072-00062504": "moreover i can still choose to make any of the previous objects so it's still just j minus one", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00101-00062640-00063232": "but i have to be careful because i can't always do this in particular this had better be a positive", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00102-00063232-00063591": "number if i and or at least a non-negative number because if i end up with a negative number of", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00103-00063591-00064376": "coins well that that's not a physical universe that i choose to be in uh so in particular uh what", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00104-00064376-00065048": "we need in some sense is i minus k minus j k j to be greater than or equal to zero or equivalently", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00105-00065048-00065472": "i is greater than or equal to k sub j i think you guys could all do that one at home okay and", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00106-00065472-00065848": "this is our recursion uh hopefully i've gotten it right because it disagrees with the crazy thing", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00107-00065848-00066336": "i wrote in my notes at 1 am yesterday uh but uh i think it's pretty straightforward essentially", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00108-00066336-00066872": "either i can choose to use the last object or i choose not to uh and either one of those", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00109-00066952-00067504": "of course decrements j because that's the index of the object i'm considering and i either account", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00110-00067504-00067952": "for the price but have to pay in gold or i don't account for the price so implicitly there's a", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00111-00067952-00068512": "zero and i don't have to pay angle okay good all right so let's continue with uh sort bot we might", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00112-00068512-00068960": "later in the problem session relax going through every one of these steps because a lot of the", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00113-00068960-00069528": "arguments are kind of similar but for now we'll do one or two carefully so t uh i believe stands for", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00114-00069528-00070184": "topological order uh and here it's uh staring us in the face because notice that um x uh i j", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00115-00070288-00071144": "only depends on um x i x question mark comma j minus one", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00116-00071408-00071992": "right so of course on your problem set you should write things more carefully uh but the basic point", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00117-00071992-00072432": "here is that there's a clear topological order just by looking at that second index because", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00118-00072432-00072864": "you kind of if you think of all of your x's as variables in a graph which we've actually drawn in", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00119-00072864-00073488": "lecture so like maybe these are all the eyes and then you know the j you know so like i goes down", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00120-00073584-00074056": "and j goes to the right then essentially this argument is saying that all the arrows", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00121-00074056-00074632": "kind of point left in this graph um i suppose the way i've drawn my arrows this isn't quite accurate", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00122-00074632-00074960": "but it actually doesn't matter the only thing that matters is that it goes from right to left", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00123-00074960-00075600": "um but i'm going to erase this i don't remember so in general just when you're when you want to", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00124-00075600-00076000": "make your topological order argument i think a totally sensible one is like looking at the", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00125-00076000-00076488": "indices of your recursion and then just trying to find some number that decreases incidentally", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00126-00076488-00076840": "if you take a differential equation course uh that's roughly how you prove that a lot", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00127-00076840-00077320": "of those things converge too um so there's a sort of a generic math trick that we use a lot", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00128-00077424-00077952": "you call that an in in ode where you have some number that decreases potential function that's", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00129-00077952-00078464": "a perfectly sensible one there's it's not lip shits it's some other method anyway uh", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00130-00078464-00079112": "okay so let's continue uh sort bots so next we need b which is our base case uh so in this case", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00131-00079112-00079424": "uh it's pretty straightforward if i if i don't have any coins i can't make any money", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00132-00079536-00080016": "i have a t-shirt that says that at home uh and moreover uh if i can't sell anything", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00133-00080016-00080592": "i can't make any money uh so those are pretty straightforward cases so we have that zero equals", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00134-00080664-00081360": "x of zero comma j remember the first index is the number of coins you have so this is saying", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00135-00081360-00082040": "i don't i can't make anything i don't have any coins and similarly equals x i comma zero", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00136-00082040-00082880": "for all i j right so this is the coins and the uh objects okay so let's see i", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00137-00082880-00083240": "keep writing these problem sessions too big and then spending half of it erasing so let's", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00138-00083240-00083760": "let's try and fit this on one board here so we're gonna do sort bot then the second", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00139-00083760-00084392": "no the first o because there's no o and sort um is the uh what the original problem that you want", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00140-00084392-00085200": "to solve so of course you start out with n objects and n coins uh so the original problem we want to", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00141-00085200-00085720": "solve uh is equivalent to computing x n comma n and then finally we got to do our run time", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00142-00085840-00086480": "t stands for runtime or time i suppose um so first of all how many sub problems are there", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00143-00086480-00087208": "well there's x i j both i can go from zero to n this is a great way to be off by one um so there's", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00144-00087208-00088152": "n plus one squared sub problems uh and how much work does each sub problem do well it does boring", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00145-00088152-00089120": "work it's just a formula right so there's order one work per sub problem so the overall algorithm", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00146-00089224-00089656": "takes n squared time i promised to do something last in our last problem session then i didn't", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00147-00089656-00090160": "actually do it uh so i did think i would spend just a minute uh here sort of translating what", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00148-00090160-00090600": "this sort bot thing would mean in terms of of code because i think that it's a little", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00149-00090600-00091104": "bit implicit here in particular i think this step here i mean it you will see that it really clearly", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00150-00091160-00091656": "is going to give you an algorithm but i think it's kind of easy to like again just to forget what", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00151-00091656-00092040": "what your code actually looks like and actually the coding problems on these from sessions are", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00152-00092040-00092488": "almost too interesting and and can obscure it a little bit so i thought we'd do a boring problem", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00153-00092552-00093000": "and show you uh that it's really not so hard to to do this and in fact uh we covered two", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00154-00093000-00093504": "different strategies in class for how to take sort bot and convert it into a piece of code although", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00155-00093504-00094128": "they might have uh kind of zipped past you in this you know 2x speed uh thing that you can do now um", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00156-00094128-00094656": "so right so here are two options um one of them is called memoization uh and the other i don't", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00157-00094656-00095064": "know bottom up i guess is a reasonable phrase uh to describe and so i thought we'd do them", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00158-00095064-00095840": "both because they're both easy for this particular problem um right so um let's do that so let's uh", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00159-00095840-00096392": "so is this necessary on your homework strictly speaking no like if you've gone through sort", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00160-00096392-00096824": "bought then essentially everything that happens after that is sort of boilerplate in terms of", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00161-00096824-00097336": "converting these steps into a piece of code or an algorithm but i do think just for understanding", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00162-00097336-00098184": "why sort bot makes sense it's worth thinking about for a minute um so option a here is memoization", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00163-00098344-00098824": "ironically i've taught and t8 algorithms a few times and i never actually knew what memoization", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00164-00098824-00099240": "uh meant so i learned something from eric's lecture the other day um which remember", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00165-00099240-00099856": "memoization the key thing and then what apparently is kind of a made-up word is memo like you know if", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00166-00099856-00100256": "you're back in the day and you had a you want a steno pad and you were writing down stuff", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00167-00100256-00100848": "because that's where you solve problems with your slide rule um then essentially the idea is that", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00168-00100904-00101424": "if i compute x i j for some i j pair i shouldn't compute it again i should just write it down on my", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00169-00101424-00102072": "memo pad um stenoization sounds better to me but i suppose i'd have to go back to the 1940s and fix", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00170-00102072-00102624": "it um okay so let's uh actually write down i'm going to write down pseudocode that'll probably", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00171-00102624-00103111": "look more like matlab because i'm that kind of guy so let's say that i wanted to make a function", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00172-00103311-00103440": "which i guess is revenue", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00173-00103696-00104480": "i j uh like that um and and and and this is the thing i wanted to compute uh that's actually gonna", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00174-00104480-00105072": "be a problem because we're not gonna be able to see right so in addition to this i'm going to", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00175-00105072-00105583": "kind of pass in an array x um which is going to be like the my memo pad this is going to", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00176-00105583-00106064": "be terrible coding practice but easy board coding uh practice so like if i were in c", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00177-00106064-00106568": "plus maybe i pass it by reference so that like when i edit it's a treble clef but whatever uh", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00178-00106704-00107168": "uh you know when i edit x it actually persists when i when i recurse this is terrible coding", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00179-00107168-00107608": "practice and you shouldn't do it okay um but it's just going to be because i don't want to write too", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00180-00107608-00108224": "many lines on the board here um and maybe we initialize like we have some helper function", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00181-00108440-00109032": "uh to let's see we want our revenue to be big well actually no we'll just initialize", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00182-00109032-00109383": "it to like not a number so that like we know that we haven't computed it yet how about that", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00183-00109440-00109959": "okay so uh what should we do well if we're going to memoize the first thing we should do", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00184-00109959-00110464": "anytime that i call my revenue function on on an ij pair is check i've already computed it so in", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00185-00110464-00110968": "my kind of goofy bad board coding style here what could i do i'd say well if i've already computed", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00186-00110968-00111680": "it then this thing won't equal nan anymore it won't be not a number so i can say okay if x i j", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00187-00111759-00112328": "does not equal not a number so in other words it is a number um return", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00188-00112656-00113135": "and this i think that this little line of code here it gets like a little lost but this is like", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00189-00113135-00113672": "we should put like sparkles around it right this is the magic of dynamic programming", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00190-00113672-00114311": "because i just killed recursive calls right like i even if i and j are like 17 and 23", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00191-00114311-00114696": "if i already computed it i'm done right i don't have to call my recursion again", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00192-00114768-00115496": "and otherwise what am i going to do um well otherwise i'll you know maybe call do i want", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00193-00115496-00116383": "to write it all down i don't want to write it all down um so otherwise i'm going to evaluate", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00194-00116552-00117248": "r where r is this formula over here notice that this will require um recursive calls", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00195-00117248-00118144": "right uh and i'm going to store it in x i j and then return x i j", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00196-00118559-00119056": "okay so basically the only difference between like what we've seen in the first two thirds of 606 and", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00197-00119056-00119608": "now is this beautiful line of code saying if i already computed this thing return it and this", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00198-00119608-00120159": "is the memoized version of our algorithm um i think this is sort of the easiest one to maybe", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00199-00120232-00120583": "think about but actually from a runtime analysis it's a little bit annoying um", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00200-00120640-00121048": "it's not in the sense that we convinced ourselves that sort bot is okay but of course like if you're", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00201-00121048-00121448": "thinking about your recursion tree like what's happening is that you're sort of maybe convincing", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00202-00121448-00121959": "yourself that like this piece can be lopped off in your function calls um so you sort of have to do", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00203-00121959-00122504": "your counting uh carefully uh there's a different way to uh implement the same thing so this", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00204-00122504-00123048": "would be option b this is maybe more efficient maybe less efficient depending on your problem", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00205-00123048-00123440": "um but these are all within constant factors of each other for the most part not always but for", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00206-00123440-00124144": "the most part this would be bottom up and this is the idea of rather than just taking our recursive", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00207-00124144-00124583": "algorithm that we already know and then just like checking a table to say like okay i already", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00208-00124583-00125120": "do this and this in that case return it uh in the bottom up version i'm going to build up my array x", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00209-00125120-00125840": "i j um so there's no recursion at all um so right so what would that look like so in the bottom up", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00210-00125840-00126408": "case notice that in some sense the memorization is a down strategy right i would call it on n comma n", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00211-00126408-00126983": "here we're going to start from 0 and work our way toward n right so we'll start with x 0 j", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00212-00127056-00128024": "equals x i zero equals 0 for all i j obviously i can do this with a for loop uh and now", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00213-00128096-00128472": "well remember if we think about our topological order x i j", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00214-00128472-00128983": "only depends on previous js right so it makes sense to have an outer loop which is over j", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00215-00129320-00129744": "and now inside inside of this outer loop i can", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00216-00129744-00130248": "compute anything that i want in that j column of x and i'm in good shape because i'm building it up", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00217-00130304-00130616": "one column at a time right so in particular now we can do", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00218-00130976-00131792": "you know our loop over i and then just have you know x j um and now you know evaluate our r step", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00219-00131792-00132312": "in our sort bot uh paradigm and and notice that that's perfectly fine because by the time i get", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00220-00132312-00132832": "to computing x i j i've already filled in x i j you know minus one which is all i needed to", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00221-00132832-00133392": "evaluate that formula so what are the advantages and the disadvantages here so notice that here our", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00222-00133392-00133904": "our runtime is staring you in the face right we have n squared sub problems order one work", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00223-00133904-00134496": "and you're done on the other hand there's some possibility like if you were an old school ai", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00224-00134496-00135136": "person that you might be able to do some pruning on on the the your left hand side uh that i", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00225-00135136-00135664": "can't do over here right so here i'm literally evaluating every entry of x i j it could be the", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00226-00135664-00136208": "case it's not the case for this particular problem but maybe x i j only depends on x i j minus phi", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00227-00136264-00136664": "right this strategy is going to still build up that whole table this one maybe can skip", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00228-00136664-00137176": "over some entries so in practice it could help on the other hand here i've got a bunch of recursive", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00229-00137176-00137632": "calls i was put on the stack of my computer that here i don't have so i think actually because of", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00230-00137632-00138152": "the overhead of recursion typically the strategy on the right is is preferred also for clarity but", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00231-00138152-00138664": "that's a blanket statement that i shouldn't make okay so anyway i think i've i've done this uh this", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00232-00138664-00139160": "problem to death uh are there any uh questions here i just thought i'd fill in for something", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00233-00139160-00139824": "i promised last time and and didn't actually do fabulous so we'll go on to problem nine two um", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00234-00139824-00140424": "so this is continuing from last time in the saga of tim the beaver here so i forget what tim the", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00235-00140424-00141000": "beaver was doing in our last problem session but today tim the beaver is going to the career fair", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00236-00141056-00141792": "and as we all know the only real purpose of going to a career fair is to pick up free stuff um", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00237-00141920-00142264": "you know we joke actually you guys should all go to the career fair i i got my first job", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00238-00142264-00142768": "out of college by going to a career fair um and her ringing somebody the pixar booth until", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00239-00142768-00143512": "they let me in uh but in any event um so tim the beaver uh is not interested in getting a", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00240-00143512-00143992": "job but rather just wants uh swag just wants free stuff out of booths at the career fair", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00241-00144056-00144392": "uh so in in this particular problem there's and booths", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00242-00144544-00145224": "is it booths certainly not boots um i don't know they're n booths each of which has swag", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00243-00145304-00146072": "and in particular each swag has a value associated to it which is ci which is the coolness", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00244-00146280-00147184": "of object i uh it additionally has wi this is the weight of object i and", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00245-00147336-00147976": "just to make this problem verbally difficult to communicate there's a w a i t associated with each", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00246-00147976-00148728": "object which is the time it takes to wait in line and pick up object i okay and and tim the beaver", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00247-00148728-00149184": "like if there's some ridiculously cool object with like a low wait time he might just keep getting in", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00248-00149184-00149800": "line and and and getting more of that object so unlike um kiel nafri on our first problem", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00249-00149800-00150488": "uh tim the beaver is perfectly happy to have more than one of the same um in addition to this", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00250-00150552-00151184": "uh just to make this problem in my opinion slightly more annoying and point losing um tim", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00251-00151184-00151744": "the beaver also takes one minute to get in line at any booth um so we're just gonna have to remember", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00252-00151744-00152456": "that when we account for our time ti okay uh let's continue adding some more constants to our problem", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00253-00152456-00153392": "so each uh booth has an object which has coolness ci weight wi time ti tim is carrying a bag the bag", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00254-00153560-00154760": "has can can hold a particular weight b so this is the max weight that tim uh can hold in his bag at", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00255-00154760-00155616": "any given time uh and finally you know tim is a greedy beaver but he also uh can go home uh", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00256-00155616-00156528": "you know or go back to his damn i suppose uh and empty his bag right and so h is the amount of time", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00257-00156680-00157728": "uh to go home uh and back uh and and empty his bag in the meantime and again just to be annoying", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00258-00157792-00158200": "don't forget he encouraged plus one to get in the next this is what made my answer wrong and", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00259-00158200-00158720": "i'm bitter so i'm gonna keep complaining about it so of course uh what he wants is the max", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00260-00158784-00159120": "you know it's sort of a what would economists uh call this", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00261-00159120-00159808": "i i don't know but but for for tim the beaver he wants the max total coolness", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00262-00159808-00160480": "or mtc uh which is of course a number that we're all trying to optimize um in k minutes", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00263-00160584-00160992": "like you might remember those old uh tv shows where you get like some like one minute in a", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00264-00160992-00161712": "grocery store to empty the shelves into your cart kind of thing um so he wants to do this and and", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00265-00161864-00162440": "the computation time that he's reserved for this is order and bk i know that was a big setup i", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00266-00162440-00162872": "tried to document all the different constants um that are in this problem that i don't think", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00267-00162872-00163696": "i miss any okay fabulous so incidentally you know continuing on k k is the total amount of time uh", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00268-00163696-00164552": "that tim the beaver has allotted uh to do his job fair uh uh scavenging fabulous uh right any other", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00269-00164648-00165272": "okay um notice that this is gonna be an example of a problem that was sort of not kosher in last", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00270-00165272-00165744": "week's problem session in the sense that k is included in our runtime right but like what is", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00271-00165744-00166464": "k it's just a number it k it doesn't scale on the size of your problem in a linear way um so it's", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00272-00166464-00166816": "not going to matter for how we solve our problem but it is just a feature that's worth uh pointing", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00273-00166816-00167704": "out okay so how do we solve uh dynamic programming problems we use uh swordbot um or senior bst uh", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00274-00167704-00168288": "if you are watching previous iterations of this course so uh right so let's let's do that see i'm", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00275-00168288-00168808": "trying to conserve board space this is not going to end up uh succeeding so again like what are", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00276-00168808-00169424": "all the different sub problems here well somehow what are the different things that are limiting", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00277-00169424-00169904": "tim the beaver you know what are what are his uh constraints well he only has so much time", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00278-00169904-00170408": "and somehow he's going to sound more philosophical than any in intent but but you know time always", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00279-00170408-00171024": "moves forward for tim the beaver there's a pretty good candidate uh in terms of dynamic programming", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00280-00171024-00171416": "because there's not going to be some cyclical dependency remember that in dynamic programming", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00281-00171416-00171848": "we're all about trying to identify topological orderings in our sub problems and when you see", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00282-00171848-00172384": "something like time not only does it also begin with t uh but it's it's useful in the sense that", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00283-00172384-00172968": "time moves forward uh there's never a case where tim the beaver you know purchases like a weird", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00284-00172968-00173528": "warp speed airplane and somehow goes back in time um that doesn't happen in this particular homework", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00285-00173528-00174128": "problem and and for tim the beaver's sake i hope and no homework problems um so instead of the", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00286-00174128-00174560": "so so there's a long-winded way of saying that time is a pretty reasonable uh uh constraint to", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00287-00174560-00175088": "put in our problem we're not constrained as much as uh index i guess moreover there's another thing", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00288-00175088-00175584": "which is uh limiting tim the beaver which is the capacity of his bag remember he can only", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00289-00175584-00176168": "hold weight uh b but this one should give you the heebie jeebies a little bit because this problem", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00290-00176168-00176888": "as a twist has allowed the bag to empty itself out right so it's not true that somehow you can come", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00291-00176888-00177536": "up with some sub problems where um tim the beaver is just monotonically decreasing the weight of", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00292-00177536-00178176": "his back however if he does choose to decrease the weight of his bag he has to spend time doing it so", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00293-00178176-00178648": "time continues to move forward for tim the beaver and that's what's going to give us our topological", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00294-00178648-00179136": "order this is a little too philosophical i guess but in some sense this is a long-winded way of", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00295-00179136-00180104": "saying for our sort bought paradigm here a totally reasonable thing to do would be to have x i j uh", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00296-00180104-00180784": "i don't think in this class we do this definition so just uh x i j equals um the max coolness", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00297-00181128-00182328": "um where he has i minutes uh and he has j weight let me glance at my answer to see if it's left in", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00298-00182328-00183040": "his bag or weight that he's carrying left in his back either one would make a reasonable uh problem", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00299-00183040-00183408": "i'm just bad at looking at my notes and seeing them disagree with the board so i'm going to try", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00300-00183408-00184152": "and stay consistent okay so x i j is the m t c but in i minutes with j weight left rather than", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00301-00184152-00184704": "in k minutes with b weight which is going to be our base uh problem okay oh no i did", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00302-00184704-00185088": "it out of order like disregard that we'll get to the b in a minute okay", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00303-00185296-00185672": "okay so now uh so so that's our our our sub problems", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00304-00185824-00186384": "so now uh let's do the r in swordpop i hate this classroom so much", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00305-00186672-00187232": "i'm sorry right so so let's say the the tim the beaver uh has has eye minutes left in", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00306-00187232-00187736": "the clock uh and he has j weight in his bag he's got a number of actions that he can take", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00307-00187736-00188080": "yeah uh and let's think about what all those actions are by the way there's", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00308-00188136-00188552": "one thing that plausibly tim the beaver could do but he doesn't really need to", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00309-00188608-00189160": "is like do nothing now but then in 10 seconds do something like it just you could account for that", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00310-00189160-00189456": "in this problem but like there's there's sort of not a reason right like he might as well stack", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00311-00189456-00189984": "up all of his actions and then leave all of his left over time at the end um you convince yourself", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00312-00189984-00190520": "that that's sort of okay you know tim prefers a compressed uh schedule um right so he's got a lot", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00313-00190520-00191296": "of energy this beaver that's what they say their nature's uh construction workers okay right so", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00314-00191296-00191800": "let's think about all of our options so for one tim the beaver could not do a damn thing", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00315-00191800-00192192": "he could just sit around for the rest of time and and that would be perfectly fine so a different", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00316-00192192-00192888": "way of putting that um is that he could give up how much coolness would tim get from giving up", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00317-00192888-00193696": "zero that's right kids giving up makes you zero cool um so okay uh right so um tim the beaver is", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00318-00193696-00194448": "trying to maximize uh he has a lot of different options one of them is zero meaning he gave up", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00319-00194528-00195080": "right notice he could recurse like x i guess what would be you know he could give up for one minute", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00320-00195136-00195616": "right and have that be x i minus one j or something um i forget if i'm gonna do i plus", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00321-00195616-00196104": "one or i minus i minus one j but there's no reason like he can just give up and stop like that would", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00322-00196104-00196600": "just be extra recursive costs for for no good reason okay the next thing that he could do is he", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00323-00196600-00197256": "could get in line for a booth right um so first let's work out what happens uh then so for one", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00324-00197256-00197856": "um he gets coolness let's say that he gets into booth k so he gets coolness ck when he does that", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00325-00197984-00198392": "and now he can recurse so first we have to account for the time so it takes i", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00326-00198488-00199104": "so it takes t k that's a t time or does it no because it takes an extra minute for him", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00327-00199104-00199872": "to get in the next line or to get in this line i guess this is better um and moreover uh he", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00328-00199872-00200608": "needs to account for j minus w k like that can he always do this no he needs to have this much", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00329-00200608-00201280": "time remaining and he needs this much time in his bag or this much weight remaining in his bag um", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00330-00201344-00201784": "you guys can work out the inequality but since i only have a foot here i'll just say if applicable", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00331-00202048-00202456": "this is a great way to lose points on your homework but for board writing it's okay so", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00332-00202536-00202872": "when i say applicable i mean these two numbers have better be greater than or equal to zero", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00333-00202928-00203416": "okay and you can do this for all okay right so in other words he can choose to get into booth k", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00334-00203472-00204096": "and tim has the third option which is he can go home okay so what happens if he goes home does he", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00335-00204096-00204848": "is he cool when he does tim the beaver get cooler when he goes home no i'm afraid to to say so um", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00336-00204912-00205423": "in particular but he does spend time yeah so how much time does he spend age", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00337-00205671-00206271": "he should have lost coolness by going home no home is cool guys especially this semester stay home", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00338-00206271-00206936": "stay indoors um so he he uh right so he he loses uh home time h and one to get in the next line", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00339-00207008-00207752": "um but you know he's got a devil's bargain of sorts uh he he he loses time but he gains bag", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00340-00207752-00208408": "bagginess weight is the word that i'm looking for um b like that um again in this case", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00341-00208408-00209008": "remember that he still needs if i is greater than h right otherwise uh he's in trouble by the way", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00342-00209071-00209416": "i wrote this in kind of an annoying way this is a different way of saying that is i minus h", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00343-00209416-00209776": "minus one is greater than or equal to zero which is really what's applicable in our", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00344-00209776-00210167": "recursive call but the strict greater than sign that was another thing that caught me up when", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00345-00210167-00210712": "i was reading the answer here okay and those are all the options for tim the beaver yeah um", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00346-00210712-00211471": "notice that every one of our options either gives up completely or decreases time so we have", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00347-00211471-00212032": "our topological order which is again that the arrow of time always continues to move forward", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00348-00212032-00212352": "i'm going to prove that rigorously by putting a check mark next to the letter t", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00349-00212423-00212832": "again on your homework you should write out your answers uh what is our base case for tim", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00350-00212896-00213623": "well how much coolness do you get if you have no time zero coolness that's how much um so", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00351-00213992-00214632": "we have this expression x zero j equals zero for all j incidentally um although", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00352-00214632-00215023": "it's perfectly fine to have this be your your base case you actually in some sense didn't", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00353-00215023-00215423": "need it because tim the beaver always had the option of giving up um so you could i guess", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00354-00215423-00216032": "in this problem have no base case if you really wanted um would be okay but kind of weird um okay", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00355-00216032-00216760": "what's our original problem well he starts out with time k and weight capacity b in his bag", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00356-00216760-00217519": "so it's x k b and then finally uh we need to do our runtime analysis so how many subproblems", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00357-00217519-00218016": "are there well again a sub problem is basically just the number of indexes for for most of our", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00358-00218016-00218832": "dynamic programming problems right so there's um so the first index is time the second one is", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00359-00218832-00219567": "bag size this is always between 0 and b this is always between 0 and k so there's order k b", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00360-00219640-00220376": "sub problems how much time does each subproblem take well notice that i have to loop over all", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00361-00220376-00221160": "of my different options k here so i incur oh i'm noticing k is abused in our answer to this problem", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00362-00221160-00221736": "we should use k only once okay so here's here's here's where uh i made a mistake and i believe", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00363-00221736-00222176": "it's in the written solution but i'm not gonna check now um there's k which is the total time", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00364-00222176-00222608": "that tim the beaver has and there's the k that i use as an index here and those are are not the", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00365-00222608-00223312": "same i guess i can make this k bar really fast there you go problem solved and i just noticed", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00366-00223312-00223888": "that because i was doing my run time and it's not order k um it's the loop over all the k bars", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00367-00224064-00224576": "how many k bars are there well these are all the different booths and those are n of those so this", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00368-00224576-00225664": "is order n time per sub problem which gives me a total run time of order k b n um which i believe", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00369-00225728-00226216": "our desired run time was order n b k but i think we can convince ourselves that indeed those are", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00370-00226216-00226767": "the same okay so my apologies for a slight uh uh overloaded uh character here but honestly", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00371-00226767-00227032": "it's kind of one of those things if you read the answer you probably wouldn't even notice but now", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00372-00227032-00227648": "that i'm saying it out loud i am okay and that uh solves uh tim the beaver's uh maximization problem", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00373-00227648-00228167": "he's very cool beaver any uh any questions about this one notice that both of these problems are", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00374-00228167-00228600": "very similar in nature i basically just wrote some problems indexed by every possible thing", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00375-00228600-00229192": "uh and then enumerated every possible solution i think this is totally sensible like i again", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00376-00229192-00229504": "i remember i had a math professor in college that always would use this phrase like it's", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00377-00229504-00229967": "important not to think here um and i think this is absolutely true uh for these dynamic programming", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00378-00229967-00230704": "problems somehow they look a lot more complicated fabulous so problem three protein parsing", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00379-00230776-00231288": "ah yeah so this one this one also got me tripped up for a minute because the runtime they want is", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00380-00231288-00231728": "not the runtime of the obvious solution but it kind of sort of is after a little bit of", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00381-00231800-00232696": "fixing okay uh professor uh larry ander uh has a laboratory and that laboratory processes dna um", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00382-00232696-00233256": "okay so let me go to my notes here because i think they're easier to read right so a strand of dna", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00383-00233256-00233919": "as we all know because we're mit students uh is is equal to basically a strand of characters that are", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00384-00233919-00234632": "like a c t and g if you ask me to name what those stood for i could make a stab at like one or two", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00385-00234632-00235216": "of them but i'm a failure of a like i did not have the gir because i went to stanford and this is why", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00386-00235216-00235656": "i'm apparently a poorly educated person according to a person in a faculty meeting", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00387-00235656-00236288": "um but in any event um right so we have a strand of dna is basically a long string of characters", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00388-00236288-00236608": "that are one of four options i'm told that there's sometimes like a fifth and a sixth", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00389-00236608-00237408": "option but not too often this problem there's not um and uh moreover um so a strand can be cut up so", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00390-00237408-00237912": "i have this big long strand and i'm looking for certain like markers in particular i have a list", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00391-00238064-00239119": "p of uh markers um which are really a sequence of uh less than or equal to k uh nucleotides", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00392-00239496-00239944": "by the way this really is uh something that the people do like like string searching really is", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00393-00239944-00240471": "applicable to processing these dna strands obviously i think in in practice these techniques", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00394-00240471-00240984": "have to be a lot more resilient to error um but really a lot of these algorithms we're covering", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00395-00240984-00241480": "are not all that far off from from how people process these giant data sets which is pretty cool", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00396-00241536-00242384": "um okay so what are we going to do well we have a string and then we're going to make a division um", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00397-00242496-00243071": "so we'll call our string s and our division d which kind of looks like d one", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00398-00243176-00243976": "to d m which are uh sub strings that concatenate to make uh the full the full guy", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00399-00244576-00245167": "if s is our our input string then a division d is just like chopping up essential little", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00400-00245167-00245808": "substrings uh each of which we can give a name so big d is the full uh division little d is", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00401-00245808-00246223": "is all a little piece you know there's that old song about going through the big d and domi and", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00402-00246223-00247008": "dallas i think it's for divorce i don't know um right so uh okay so the value of a division", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00403-00247248-00247952": "is the number of uh strands so strands are these little d's here", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00404-00248152-00249056": "that are in our list p and so right so given s and p what we want is the max value", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00405-00249232-00249704": "and the runtime that we're budgeted is kind of a weird run time and this should make us", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00406-00249704-00250456": "a little suspicious um so the the max value is big o of i think i wrote it slightly differently", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00407-00250456-00251064": "in the problem but whatever i distributed a k like that so it's k mod p uh plus k squared", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00408-00251064-00251656": "mod s right so so we have two terms here which somehow smells funny in dynamic programming okay", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00409-00251760-00252296": "so what are we to do well what i did is i ignored our desired run time came up", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00410-00252296-00252728": "with a dynamic program and noticed that it was a little wrong and then fixed it", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00411-00252784-00253240": "by wrong i mean it was it was correct it just wasn't fast okay so let's do version one here", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00412-00253560-00254144": "one point oh that makes it more accurate um they're more precise right i always confuse", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00413-00254144-00254680": "those two uh so so here's a sort of thing that it's going to be a little bit funny", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00414-00254680-00255000": "because it's going to look like we're going to have an easy computational problem but", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00415-00255000-00255504": "then it's going to turn out that it's actually too slow so in particular in our s in sort bot", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00416-00255592-00256823": "what we could do is say x i is going to be the max value of a suffix if you're wondering i don't know", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00417-00256823-00257160": "the difference between prefix and suffix but i wrote the word suffix in my notes and checked", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00418-00257160-00257832": "it at home um s i comma colon see it's suffix because it starts at i and it goes to the end", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00419-00257992-00258616": "in matlab it would be a comma and that's a colon and that's an i okay thanks", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00420-00258728-00259216": "um i'm inventing my own programming language on the board as we go today all right so um", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00421-00259271-00259664": "and notice this is kind of reasonable set of sub problems right because kind of obviously if i if i", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00422-00259664-00260264": "lop off you know some some piece of my string then the max value i can get is just the the value of", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00423-00260264-00260896": "whatever remains yeah so spiritually this somehow feels like the right uh uh dynamic programming and", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00424-00260896-00261344": "indeed we'll see that it is but it just requires a little bit of a lipstick at the end to run on", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00425-00261344-00262128": "the right time let's do our recursive call and this is actually straightforward um at least the", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00426-00262128-00262512": "sort of recursive call that you want to make is straightforward and then we'll see that there's", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00427-00262512-00262976": "an equivalent formula which is the one you'll see in the solution which looks more complicated but", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00428-00262976-00263464": "it is the same thing so i'm going to write it as pseudo code for a recursive call rather than as", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00429-00263464-00263864": "one giant formula because i think it's easier to follow not pseudocode i know that's that's frowned", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00430-00263864-00264496": "upon in this class a a a description of a set of steps for obtaining our recursive call rather than", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00431-00264496-00265408": "um a formula so in particular uh we're going to initialize x i to be zero uh we want to do", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00432-00265408-00265768": "a maximization problem so initializing our variable to zero is a sensible thing to do", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00433-00265832-00266376": "and remember what can we do here so we're looking at a suffix i could go down my list", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00434-00266376-00266896": "p of all the different markers see if any of them matches the first couple characters of my string", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00435-00266896-00267272": "if it does i get some value and then i hop onto the next thing that makes sense", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00436-00267344-00268112": "um i'm realizing i have a slight mistake here um rather than initializing to zero", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00437-00268344-00268744": "i actually have one additional option that i forgot to account for because i could just not use", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00438-00268744-00269152": "this character i could i could i could put it in its own little snippet and get no value from it", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00439-00269152-00269648": "right so maybe initially i make a recursive call like that it would be okay to initialize it to", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00440-00269648-00270152": "zero and then do this but whatever notice we're already seeing the t in our sort bot start to", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00441-00270152-00270672": "kind of stick out at us we're going to only depend on bigger indices i okay but in addition to this", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00442-00270672-00271184": "this isn't enough right this would obviously just recurse the end of our list and do nothing uh we", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00443-00271184-00272104": "get value if we can find a substring that's in our our list so what we could do is um for each marker", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00444-00272216-00272616": "uh in p remember p is the list of things that we're looking for", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00445-00272728-00273792": "um what could i do uh if the marker matches um s starting at i", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00446-00273912-00274416": "i'm gonna just not even attempt to do python starting at i and ending at the length of the", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00447-00274416-00275112": "marker well what could i do i could get one dollar by by mark you know by matching that", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00448-00275112-00275680": "object and then i have to hop forward the length of the string uh in my recursive call right so", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00449-00275680-00276360": "um well i could do that or i could not do that and i want to maximize right so", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00450-00276568-00277512": "i could keep my old value or um i could get one point by using this as my match plus x i plus", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00451-00277648-00278224": "the length of the marker and this is actually in my mind the simplest possible dynamic program you", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00452-00278224-00278632": "could come up with this is actually a totally fine dynamic program we'll just see that the runtime", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00453-00278632-00279288": "isn't good enough okay um so does everybody agree this is a way i could solve this this problem and", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00454-00279288-00279896": "it would give me a correct uh answer um i'll do the t-bot yeah that's what we're gonna do but", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00455-00279896-00280520": "we're gonna maybe skip some parts of sortbot um so in particular um what's the topological order", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00456-00280520-00281136": "notice that i always look to the right when i make a recursive call what's my base case well", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00457-00281136-00281760": "in this case it's just uh x of 0 i guess because i'm looking forward oh i'm sorry my base case is x", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00458-00281760-00282240": "of the whole length of the string which is going to return 0 right because if i have no string i", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00459-00282240-00282776": "can't get any value out of it the original is x of 0 meaning that i want the whole string", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00460-00282840-00283328": "and let's actually do the runtime analysis as uh jason suggests because that's of course", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00461-00283328-00284200": "the relevant computation um so this is t two because it's the second t in sort five okay", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00462-00284200-00284768": "so how many sub problems are there well there's i mean it almost looks like we should have a", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00463-00284768-00285328": "fast algorithm because our sub problems are only indexed by i right um so there's one sub problem", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00464-00285384-00285976": "um for basically each character in the string so there's mod s sub problems total", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00465-00286120-00286728": "but how much time does it take for each sub problem well let's be careful so there's a for", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00466-00286728-00287640": "loop over all the markers in p so i know that i incur at least mod p work in my sub problem", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00467-00287640-00288024": "is that all the work that i incur it kind of looks like it because there's only one for loop", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00468-00288024-00288416": "and there's an if but how do i check if strings are equal well i have to iterate over the length", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00469-00288416-00289008": "of the string so i incur a second cost which is checking if two strings are equal we know that", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00470-00289008-00289440": "our strings are at most well i didn't actually write it down but the problem tells us that our", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00471-00289440-00290160": "strings are at most length k so i incur another factor of k in every one of my sub problems and", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00472-00290160-00290888": "that implies that our whole algorithm that i've outlined for y'all above takes mod s k squared", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00473-00290944-00291384": "oh i'm sorry that's a lie if i actually multiply these things together what i get", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00474-00291632-00292312": "i need more sleep s p k and that is against the rules that's frowny face yeah", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00475-00292392-00292784": "because in particular i took two big numbers in some sense and multiplied them together", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00476-00292840-00293392": "and and and that's no good so what what is a person to do you know i tried to solve my problem", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00477-00293392-00293872": "i came up with by the way for from a partial credit perspective i think you'd be doing okay", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00478-00293872-00294520": "if you got to to this point okay not great but okay um but of course the problem is is asking", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00479-00294520-00295272": "you uh to solve this in this funny uh run time which is k p plus k squared uh uh s when i see", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00480-00295272-00295728": "a sum like this in a you know remember that there are two problems to solve there are two strategies", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00481-00295728-00296160": "for solving problems in algorithms class there's one which is useful in your everyday lives which", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00482-00296160-00296672": "is to devise algorithms there's a second which is to psychologically diagnose your instructors", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00483-00296672-00297048": "um and i think the second strategy is actually pretty effective here i see two terms", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00484-00297112-00297472": "most of our dynamic programming things involve filling in a table where you would expect there", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00485-00297472-00297960": "to be a product so in general i would kind of squint at this and think like hmm maybe i have", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00486-00297960-00298656": "to do some pre-computation in particular um we gotta do a lot of string matching in our problem", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00487-00298656-00299312": "and maybe we can make that more efficient yeah that's sort of the the main question here um", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00488-00299312-00299632": "right so so this thing is too slow and we're trying to fix it the way", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00489-00299632-00300216": "i'm gonna try and fix it is to say like okay well i have mod s sub problems if i look at", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00490-00300216-00300728": "these two terms how much work can i actually do in my sub problem something that looks like k squared", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00491-00300728-00301288": "maybe plus this amount of pre-computation see what i did there okay so let's uh let's do that", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00492-00301352-00301680": "so in particular here are the types of queries that i'm going to have to make", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00493-00301872-00302544": "there's a bunch of times in my code when uh here's a a number that eggs falling apart", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00494-00302544-00303160": "that's what i get for sprinting across campus to get here uh i'm going to define a number mij and", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00495-00303160-00304368": "it's going to be one if the substring s i oh man 2 j is in my list of markers p and zero otherwise", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00496-00304600-00305032": "by the way why is this enough like notice that i'm not answering which marker but the problem", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00497-00305032-00305480": "doesn't really care right like this problem just checks if there is a marker and if so then i", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00498-00305480-00305928": "i use it yep so if i have this thing that's going to somehow make this for loop a heck", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00499-00305928-00306328": "a lot easier because now i don't have to do string matching we'll return to that in a minute", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00500-00306328-00306848": "okay so my question is how can i compute this thing and by the way notice that", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00501-00307136-00307592": "i know how to compute this when the difference between i and j is bigger than k", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00502-00307672-00308128": "right because i know that all of my markers have length k or less that's going to be important", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00503-00308128-00308616": "because even though m is doubly indexed uh i don't actually need to do that in fact i", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00504-00308616-00309024": "could even store it uh using less memory than that if i wanted to by kind of just storing", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00505-00309024-00309632": "that that diagonal block okay uh right so the other thing which i think we saw in a previous", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00506-00309632-00310000": "uh problem session as well is that when we do a lot of string matching it often pays", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00507-00310000-00310488": "to put our strings into a hash table uh so that they're easier to look up later like does this", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00508-00310488-00310936": "string exist in in this thing or not rather than matching every character every single time", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00509-00310936-00311472": "um so maybe we do that just for for for fun uh and in general when you see a string matching", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00510-00311472-00311872": "problem i might and you have a list of strings i'd suggest thinking about hash tables just for", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00511-00311872-00312544": "very fun and profit yeah so in step one here maybe i put all the strings in p into a hash", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00512-00312856-00313208": "um how much time does that take well i have to process every", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00513-00313208-00313920": "string right find its code which is going to take order k time there's mod p of them so this is okay", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00514-00313920-00314528": "mod p time notice that that conveniently agrees with our first uh term here so we feel like aha", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00515-00314528-00315088": "we're in we're in good shape we're making progress here um and now uh maybe i want to fill in this", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00516-00315088-00315816": "mij uh object uh how could i do that well for one i'm certainly going to iterate over all", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00517-00315816-00316344": "possible i's yeah so let's uh let's do that so we're going to do by the way i mean like using", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00518-00316344-00317080": "ones and twos and a's and b's and whatever these are just ways to denote steps of things okay so", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00519-00317320-00317808": "let's say that i just wanna fill in m um using a braindead algorithm so i could go", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00520-00317808-00318488": "from one to the size of my strings for i careful now i can't incur an s squared", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00521-00318488-00319544": "but i know that my strings are always at most length k so i could do four j equals uh i plus 1 2", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00522-00319664-00320392": "i plus k so this for loop actually incurs k time not mod s time and now uh i can do two", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00523-00320392-00321256": "things right i can find the uh hash of the string from i to j right this is going to take order", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00524-00321328-00322400": "k time and i can uh search for it ah no um to see if it's actually in our uh", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00525-00322456-00323048": "a hash table of p and if it is uh that i set m equal to one otherwise i said m equal to zero", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00526-00323320-00323736": "uh right and these are our sort of constant time operations at least an expectation", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00527-00323736-00324280": "so how much uh cost to it and so this you can convince yourself uh fills in that array m", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00528-00324280-00324840": "how much time does it take well i have a loop to the size of s i have a loop of size k i", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00529-00324840-00325400": "have a second loop of size k here to compute the hash so this whole thing is going to take order", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00530-00325456-00326200": "k squared mod s time like that notice conveniently there's chalk on the floor", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00531-00326200-00326808": "and this is uh the second term in our runtime so this is kosher we can fill in m and and and", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00532-00326808-00327288": "and that's a convenient object to have around so the only thing that remains is to revise our r", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00533-00327288-00327920": "from above um to make use of the m that we have uh and that's pretty straightforward um", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00534-00328024-00328584": "so the trick is to not lean against this thing and to actually hit the stop button i'm learning", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00535-00328584-00329408": "so now i suppose we had t2 for the second t so for our revised r we should have r prime um", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00536-00329672-00330184": "what was that that's right the derivative yeah we could do you know like christopher symbols like i", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00537-00330184-00330888": "j prime semicolon k take six eight three eight if you wanna learn what christopher symbols are", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00538-00330952-00331984": "um right so uh now what is my recursive call for x i well i want to maximize", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00539-00332040-00332752": "uh well what can i do i can check every possible length of a string um that could be in p traffic", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00540-00332752-00333376": "check if it is using my ray m um and and get that amount of profit so in particular i get um", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00541-00333536-00333896": "by the way i keep using the word profit here i'm essentially using that to mean increment", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00542-00333952-00334368": "in every single one of our problems here i like to think of our problems as maximizing profit", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00543-00334368-00334984": "because i'm a greedy professor so this is mij which would be like 1 if i found a string there", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00544-00334984-00336216": "and 0 if i'm not plus x i plus j to account for the length here where j is in 1 2 well either", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00545-00336368-00336984": "the length of the string or i get to the end of either the maximum length of a string in p or i", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00546-00336984-00337600": "get to the end of my array like that okay and this is our new recursive call the one thing we should", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00547-00337600-00338184": "double check is what is the run time for actually filling in x now well there's still mod s sub", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00548-00338184-00338928": "problems and now how long does it take well now i just have one loop over k things this is mod", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00549-00338928-00339560": "s times k it's actually less than any of the terms that's in our uh runtime and so this is fine this", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00550-00339560-00340080": "actually is kind of a funny example where the dynamic programming part of our algorithm once", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00551-00340080-00340568": "we've done all this cute pre-computation is actually insignificant um compared to all", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00552-00340568-00341032": "the pre-computation that we had to do uh in our final run test all right any questions about uh", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00553-00341032-00341560": "protein folding or whatever it is that we should okay so as usual i'm talking too much yeah which", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00554-00341560-00342104": "one would you prefer to cut i have very few preferences okay so one of the problems um", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00555-00342200-00342768": "i would take a vote but with our audience there's a high probability of a split a jury here", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00556-00342768-00343256": "um right so there's two remaining problems in the problem session as usual uh", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00557-00343256-00343656": "your instructor you can leave it there so this is another problem to learn about um", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00558-00343736-00344040": "uh right as usual i've talked too much and and haven't gotten to the end", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00559-00344112-00344672": "i get the impression that in 6006 this egg drop thing is a bit of a tradition anyway um so maybe", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00560-00344672-00345152": "we'll cover that problem really fast do they do that in section some variation not this time even", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00561-00345152-00345632": "better okay so yeah so maybe we'll do uh this this egg drop thing mostly because the other", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00562-00345632-00346232": "one i think takes a lot of verbal setup the other one is is i would say from a dynamic programming", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00563-00346232-00346760": "perspective maybe not super exciting but from like uh interesting problem perspective is is it's kind", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00564-00346760-00347208": "of cool uh to think about um so i'd encourage you to leave it in there and you guys can can", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00565-00347208-00347704": "read it at home um from a coding perspective it's also kind of fun i noticed the solution didn't do", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00566-00347704-00348168": "what i would do which would be to use the bits in the you know like assume that something wasn't too", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00567-00348168-00348696": "tall and use the bits in like an integer to store your binary variables but that's an old hack right", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00568-00348696-00349040": "that's sort of like you know this this old hack for computing the square root of a number that's", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00569-00349040-00349496": "apparently in the do the code for the doom video game which involves like bit shifting", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00570-00349496-00350056": "and it happens to agree with square root for some magic reason that numerical analysts really hate", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00571-00350056-00350568": "um okay so right so uh let's do a lazy egg drop instead so that's problem four", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00572-00350720-00351536": "so we're in a building our building has n floors um and k eggs i guess it's debatable", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00573-00351536-00351984": "whether the building has eggs or the residence but uh in any event i have some set of eggs", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00574-00352120-00352632": "and maybe i'm in this data center or some other weird building so i don't have heights of floors", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00575-00352632-00353224": "that are isotropic but rather each floor has a different height which could vary um", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00576-00353456-00354376": "so it's height of floor or i really want to write flower um but i digress uh and we're gonna assume", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00577-00354376-00354848": "that that our our list is already sorted so in other words like the fifth floor is taller", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00578-00354848-00355584": "than the fourth floor uh and we don't have to like spend analog in time uh right so apparently in our", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00579-00355584-00356024": "problem we have an egg with a mysterious mechanical property that we are trying to recover", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00580-00356136-00356672": "and all eggs as we know are identical you know the only difference between eggs is like chicken", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00581-00356672-00357208": "versus goose versus like struggling to think of a third category of poultry turkey thank you", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00582-00357208-00357728": "um right but assuming that i got all of my eggs at the same stop and shop and they all come from", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00583-00357728-00358136": "the same species then they have roughly the same mechanical properties actually the probably the", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00584-00358136-00358624": "better setup is that floors are very far apart relative to the size of an egg um and if i get", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00585-00358624-00359312": "high enough my egg when i drop them on the ground like that uh breaks didn't break but it could", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00586-00359312-00359952": "have broken and of course if i drop it from an even higher height my egg still is gonna break", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00587-00359952-00360400": "however if i have a very low floor apparently a very low floor maybe this is a house for mice", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00588-00360400-00361088": "um you know when i drop my egg it actually stays intact and and the question um as all good", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00589-00361088-00361568": "scientists want to know is what is the highest floor in my building from which i can drop an egg", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00590-00361624-00362216": "and uh have it remain intact the question isn't it's kind of a funny one it's sort of like this", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00591-00362216-00362632": "experimental design in some sense it's not asking like what is the you know like given", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00592-00362696-00363208": "this and like a list of experiments you know try and figure infer something about the eggs but", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00593-00363208-00364008": "rather it's saying sort of if i carefully design a sequence of floors to drop my eggs from from which", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00594-00364008-00364776": "upon i dropped my eggs then um you know in sort of what is the maximum number of experiments i need", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00595-00364776-00365528": "to do to triangulate in on that that floor that critical floor above which my eggs break yep um so", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00596-00365528-00366040": "what i'm given are the heights of the floors and a bunch of eggs in some sense the budget of eggs", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00597-00366040-00366552": "sort of doesn't matter more than just like putting a cap on the size of our problem in some sense", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00598-00366552-00366992": "what really matters is i'd like to use fewer than k eggs to determine that because of course", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00599-00366992-00367448": "the remaining ones i'm going to use to make an omelette but notice that i can be a little sneaky", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00600-00367448-00368064": "in my experimental design that like what happens if i drop my egg from a really low floor in my", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00601-00368064-00368688": "building well it remains intact so i can schlep down the stairs i can pick up my egg and i can use", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00602-00368688-00369424": "it for my next experiment and i have not paid an egg yeah um so the first question you might ask is", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00603-00369424-00369912": "like well why the heck wouldn't i just start on the first floor drop the egg if it's not broken", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00604-00369976-00370312": "you know go on to the next one and then drop the egg and so on that would be the most", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00605-00370368-00370856": "egg efficient plan indeed that is the case because you'll only break at most one egg", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00606-00370856-00371224": "but you're shopping up and down the stairs a bunch of times when you solve that right like", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00607-00371224-00371792": "every single time you gotta go retrieve the that unbroken egg you gotta run down the stairs pick", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00608-00371792-00372304": "the thing up and then run up to the next floor and maybe uh in your optimization problem rather than", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00609-00372304-00372808": "trying to like minimize the number of eggs that you break you're trying to minimize you know the", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00610-00372808-00373376": "expense on your your quads and and and so instead you're trying you know you you skipped your leg", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00611-00373376-00373984": "day or whatever and you're the thing that you're trying to minimize is the sum over the heights", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00612-00374248-00374928": "of the drops in your experiments right so you're trying to determine the um mechanical property of", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00613-00374928-00375512": "your egg uh by designing an experiment like sort of a procedure that minimizes the number of times", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00614-00375512-00375960": "that you need to to drop eggs because every time you do you gotta run all the way back down the", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00615-00375960-00376328": "stairs and go look at the pavement and see if the egg broke or not that's a lot of work uh this is", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00616-00376328-00376824": "different from the sort of classic egg drop 6006 problem which i encourage you guys to go uh seek", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00617-00376824-00377464": "out in previous iterations of this course uh let me see so so right and so the the question is what", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00618-00377464-00378192": "is the minimum the minimum number of egg drops you need to do to ascertain that for any type of egg", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00619-00378192-00378648": "yeah so i give you a mystery back a basket of eggs and you have to design an experimental procedure", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00620-00378648-00379408": "uh and bound the number of of this particular value here given a budget of kx and um", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00621-00379504-00380176": "the amount of time that we have to do that is order n cubed k apparently our building", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00622-00380248-00380800": "we have lots of eggs and not very many floors because our setup makes some sense here we're just", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00623-00380800-00381344": "trying to avoid running up and down the stairs that's the main takeaway okay so uh what are we", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00624-00381344-00381864": "going to do sort bot because that's all we know how to do yeah um and in particular we're going", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00625-00381864-00382584": "to make one observation which is kind of handy if i drop a floor oh if i drop an egg from a floor", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00626-00382784-00383384": "you know in this deterministic universe where egg mechanics are very predictable um there's only one", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00627-00383384-00383896": "of two things that can happen either egg broke or didn't or i run into the board again um so", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00628-00383960-00384312": "let's think about our experiment remember at the end of the day we're trying to figure out", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00629-00384312-00384824": "the tallest floor in my building that i can safely from which i can safely drop an egg", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00630-00384824-00385336": "so if i think about kind of bracketing that height of that floor notice that i can always for one", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00631-00385336-00385904": "thing do i ever need a bracket that's like not a continuous or like a connected set of numbers", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00632-00385904-00386240": "the answer is no right it's never it should never be the case that like", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00633-00386240-00386672": "oh i think that my eggs could be on floors once you know like only the prime numbered floors in", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00634-00386672-00387120": "my building or something that really makes no sense right because if i convince myself my egg", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00635-00387120-00387608": "breaks at floor five then obviously floor is six through n my egg also breaks in so", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00636-00387608-00388152": "i always can kind of just keep narrowing down some intervals uh so in particular", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00637-00388152-00389056": "here's kind of a clever s in my sort bot which is to say that i'm going to say that x i j e", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00638-00389232-00389856": "is equal to the minimum by the way this is i'm writing this as minimum total height", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00639-00389960-00390288": "so this is like the minimum total times i got to run down the stairs and check my eggs", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00640-00390288-00390664": "um or total height that i run down the stairs the number of stairs i run down", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00641-00390728-00391360": "uh assuming my stairs are one foot tall um where i have e eggs left", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00642-00391552-00391960": "notice the way that we've written the problem this time i might as well use all of my kx like", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00643-00391960-00392256": "that doesn't cost me anything what cost me is running up and down the stairs", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00644-00392368-00393032": "and that i have floors i through j inclusive to check", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00645-00393168-00393608": "so in other words if i'm on a floor below floor eye i've convinced myself my egg won't break", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00646-00393608-00394272": "then if i'm gonna floor above floor jay i'm convinced my egg will break okay so what do i", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00647-00394272-00394984": "do well remember this is sort of an experimental design problem i can drop my egg from any floor", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00648-00395216-00396144": "um f which is in the range i to j right and of course there's never a reason for me to drop an", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00649-00396144-00396544": "egg from a floor below i or above j because we already know what happens in that case", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00650-00396696-00397312": "so what happens uh when we do that well if i drop it from floor f i have to pay", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00651-00397368-00397800": "uh in terms of my cost function right because i have to pay the height of f i got to run down the", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00652-00397800-00398552": "the the stairs okay um but in exchange for that i learned a little bit about my egg", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00653-00398552-00398968": "problem right i either get an upper or a lower bound of f depending whether the egg brew okay", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00654-00398968-00399768": "so let's uh let's let's let's formalize that mathematically so in particular we have x i j e", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00655-00399856-00400504": "well what do i get to control in my life and what do i have to have to deal with what i have to deal", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00656-00400504-00400808": "with is the fact that i don't know what's going to happen to the egg it might break it might not", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00657-00400808-00401248": "right then the egg might be an adversarial egg like it wants you to run up and down the stairs", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00658-00401248-00401864": "and i have to account for that but uh i and the eggs adversary and get to choose what floor i drop", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00659-00401864-00402352": "it from remember like we saw an example i forget what from class where there was sort of a game", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00660-00402352-00402744": "right one guy was trying to minimize the other was trying to maximize in some sense", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00661-00402744-00403200": "the egg is trying to maximize the amount of work you have to do running up and down the stairs", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00662-00403360-00403712": "to do your experiment a better way to put it is that we're trying to upper bound", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00663-00403712-00404104": "uh the amount of work in your experimental procedure and i'm trying to design a procedure", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00664-00404104-00404488": "that minimizes my work right so let's say that i'm the player so i want to minimize", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00665-00404600-00405320": "um and the decision that i get to make the control that i have is what well it's what floor i choose", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00666-00405320-00405840": "right so let's say i choose floor f well i have to go down the stairs so that takes me hf", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00667-00405840-00406264": "this one's going up the stairs is probably what incurs the hf and going down is nothing", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00668-00406264-00407008": "but i digress but now my i still i'm not done i've narrowed down into one of two cases right either f", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00669-00407008-00407480": "is my new lower bound or my new upper bound and i have to account for both of those in my recursion", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00670-00407480-00408120": "and i have to take the max of those two in the sense that i need in every possible case that my", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00671-00408120-00408880": "egg drop experiment narrows down my floor uh to to a width of zero so in particular it's actually a", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00672-00408880-00409536": "this is a minimax problem there's a max inside of them in here um so what's either the egg broke in", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00673-00409536-00410304": "my experiment or it didn't okay so if it did broke then well what happened well let's see here um", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00674-00410360-00410839": "if the egg broke then i got an upper bound for my floor so my lower bound remains the same", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00675-00410839-00411576": "it's i my upper bound it's f minus one because it broke on floor f well what happens to egg", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00676-00411576-00412176": "eggs when they break i can't drop them from floors again so i lost an egg so this is uh", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00677-00412232-00413184": "my egg okay or my egg didn't break so in that case if my egg didn't break now i have a lower bound", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00678-00413239-00413839": "so i'm only unclear about floors f plus one but the upper bound didn't change is still j", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00679-00413904-00414288": "and how many eggs do i have well my egg didn't break so i can run down the stairs which is going", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00680-00414288-00414792": "to be tiring right i've accounted for that here but at least i can reuse my egg so i didn't lose", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00681-00414792-00415504": "anything and i get to choose so notice oops so do you guys see why there's a max here essentially", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00682-00415504-00415960": "i have to account for every possible scenario when i'm when i'm designing my experimental", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00683-00415960-00416456": "procedure but i get to minimize in the sense that i can choose what floor at every step so", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00684-00416456-00417488": "um right so in particular uh my f here is in the range i to j okay and now we have our recursive", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00685-00417488-00418072": "formula for our our egg drop that minimizes total height um so now let's uh finish off sort bot in", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00686-00418072-00418600": "four minutes it's actually not too hard so i think we'll actually make it for once by removing 20", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00687-00418600-00419368": "of the problems i'm supposed to cover um right so first of all what's our topological order", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00688-00419432-00420080": "so this one seems kind of annoying because i think usually we think of spending", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00689-00420152-00420552": "in a lot of these uh dynamic programming problems but do we actually spend an egg", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00690-00420552-00421135": "not necessarily right because in this recursive call you know the number of eggs i had remained", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00691-00421135-00421688": "the same so maybe that's not actually a great way to establish a topological order but instead what", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00692-00421688-00422256": "do we know like what is in science the purpose of an experiment you know it's to improve our", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00693-00422256-00422760": "understanding of the world in this case our world consists only of eggs and floors of buildings", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00694-00422824-00423192": "and in particular once i dropped that egg i learned something about my building and i", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00695-00423192-00423800": "narrowed down the range of floors that are uncertain for me so in particular i know that x", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00696-00423872-00425384": "i j e only uh depends on x i guess i prime j prime e prime um what well my sub problems i", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00697-00425384-00425992": "always have a smaller range of floors than i did before so in particular j prime minus i", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00698-00425992-00426647": "prime is going to be smaller strictly than j minus i and that will give me my topological order", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00699-00426720-00427135": "cool uh and so that's actually to i think the sort of annoying part other than working out", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00700-00427135-00427832": "this minimax expression here the remaining things are not so hard so what are our base cases well", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00701-00428096-00428832": "let's say i have zero eggs left but i still have a set of uncertain floors that's bad news yeah so", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00702-00428896-00429760": "yeah so that should be infinity and the reason um is of course um i'm gonna take the min here right", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00703-00429760-00430239": "and so i obviously should never choose infinity as a min um so in other words i should never choose", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00704-00430239-00430839": "an option for a floor that could possibly lead me to an uncertain scenario um when i run out of eggs", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00705-00430839-00431408": "yep um in addition to that there's another base case here wait so this is like i've got no eggs", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00706-00431408-00432352": "left but some floors to check uh there's a second one i i minus one e so in this case i've got e", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00707-00432352-00432960": "eggs left and i'm done right i've narrowed it down to uh the bounce incidentally the way i wrote it", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00708-00432960-00433424": "in terms of inclusive versus exclusive might be a little fishy over here you guys shouldn't be", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00709-00433424-00433888": "off by one like your instructor often is um but in any event here you're zero right there's no", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00710-00433888-00434312": "more floors left to check you've narrowed it down to a range of one again something that i'm out of", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00711-00434312-00434784": "time so i'm not going to check carefully is if my bounds are inclusive should that be i j minus one", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00712-00434784-00435176": "i i minus one or just i i but i think you guys are all smart enough to work that out at home", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00713-00435239-00435976": "which would be original case b well now i have all the floors to check and all my eggs in my", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00714-00435976-00436864": "metaphorical basket here so i have um floors one two and here uh and the problem tells me i have", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00715-00436864-00437696": "k eggs when i start and then finally i need to do my uh sub problems here i think you can actually", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00716-00437696-00438208": "simplify the argument that's written down a tiny bit um and just again look at your sub", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00717-00438208-00438624": "problems right they're indexed by three numbers i'm going to do a really conservative estimate", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00718-00438624-00438968": "i think the problem actually works out a better estimate but then asymptotically it's the same", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00719-00439112-00439647": "what's our bound on the first and second index well they're both just the index of floors which", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00720-00439647-00440128": "which go between zero and and n yeah obviously you could do better than that because the lower", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00721-00440128-00440552": "floor is always less than the upper floor which is what the problem accounts for but if i'm being", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00722-00440552-00441456": "lazy then you know well there's n squared uh sub problems to account for the two floors uh and the", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00723-00441456-00442335": "third index uh is is your eggs which you have most kf okay uh how much work um do we have per", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00724-00442335-00442984": "sub problem well uh let's see here there's a for loop over f f is over floors again if i'm going to", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00725-00442984-00443752": "be really conservative right well there's at most uh n uh floor is total in my building and so that", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00726-00443752-00444624": "leads us to a runtime of n cube k which is what we wanted at the end of the day okay um there should", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00727-00444624-00445032": "be a big o here because i think technically this is n plus one to account for floor zero", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00728-00445176-00445616": "and that uh that solves our our egg drop experiment again i think this is a nice", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00729-00445616-00446047": "one and i think in my mind actually in terms of dynamic programming this is one of the harder", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00730-00446047-00446568": "things to get right which are these sort of minimax games probably i'd have to think about", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00731-00446568-00447168": "it which in my negative two minutes i'm not gonna have time to do i think in in lecture the way that", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00732-00447168-00447584": "we solve minimax problem was we separated out the min and the max and we thought of there being two", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00733-00447584-00448047": "dynamic programming problems that were interacting with each other you could probably write this one", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00734-00448047-00448416": "in that form as well i guess just by kind of pulling this term out and thinking of it as a", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00735-00448416-00448912": "different array um but this form is perfectly fine too either one's all right but in my mind", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00736-00448912-00449280": "these are sort of the hardest things to get right in dynamic programming so i would choose", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00737-00449280-00449968": "whichever one jibes in your brain so uh in your thing should we choose to leave it alone there", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00738-00449968-00450512": "is a fifth problem here which as usual i haven't managed to get to where you're kind of building", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00739-00450512-00451024": "walls by placing tiles this is an interesting one because your runtime is exponential um but the", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00740-00451024-00451400": "problem tells you that that's allowed but there's like some exponential things which are okay and", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00741-00451400-00451808": "some that are not right like essentially what you don't want is this like the product of two giant", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00742-00451808-00452376": "exponentials you'd like to just get it down to one um that's right or it's it's polynomial in", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00743-00452376-00452864": "everything except for the things it's exponential end and and moreover the things that's exponential", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00744-00452864-00453320": "and are are small and the problem says that so i encourage you guys to take a look because it", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00745-00453320-00453728": "really does take some time to logic through it but the setup for that problem is i think longer than", "15uL3DWgUIQ-00746-00453728-00454416": "my glacially slow board writing can get handled um but with that we'll call it for the day"}}, {"audio_id": "1685XZJN_NI", "text": {"1685XZJN_NI-00000-00001400-00002032": "Welcome to our presentation on a report entitled multimodal digital monographs", "1685XZJN_NI-00001-00002032-00002456": "content collaboration and community my name is sarah mckee", "1685XZJN_NI-00002-00002456-00003008": "i'm with emory university where i administer the digital publishing in the humanities program", "1685XZJN_NI-00003-00003008-00003584": "and my name is allison levy i am digital scholarship editor at brown university library", "1685XZJN_NI-00004-00003872-00004408": "in exploration of the current and future landscape of digital scholarly publishing this", "1685XZJN_NI-00005-00004408-00005104": "paper reports the findings of a spring 2021 summit co-hosted by brown university and emory university", "1685XZJN_NI-00006-00005104-00005744": "on multimodal digital monographs with its focus on scholarly content the summit convenes scholars", "1685XZJN_NI-00007-00005744-00006392": "academic staff experts and representatives from university presses case studies of eight recently", "1685XZJN_NI-00008-00006392-00006968": "published or in development works provided the basis for in-depth evidence-based discussions", "1685XZJN_NI-00009-00006968-00007448": "about the most pressing concerns and challenges facing stakeholders in digital scholarly", "1685XZJN_NI-00010-00007448-00008000": "publishing today in particular participants considered questions of cross-institutional", "1685XZJN_NI-00011-00008000-00008704": "collaboration community engagement professional development open access peer review metadata and", "1685XZJN_NI-00012-00008704-00009336": "discoverability preservation and sustainability although the summit focused on a selection of", "1685XZJN_NI-00013-00009336-00009856": "projects supported by the mellon foundation's digital monographs initiative the presentations", "1685XZJN_NI-00014-00009856-00010376": "and generative discussions that followed raised important concerns and opportunities that extend", "1685XZJN_NI-00015-00010376-00010904": "well beyond the initial aims of the featured projects a key objective of this report is to", "1685XZJN_NI-00016-00010904-00011528": "promote greater inclusion and equitable access of diverse voices as the development validation and", "1685XZJN_NI-00017-00011528-00012120": "dissemination of multimodal digital monographs continues to unfold thus this report serves as", "1685XZJN_NI-00018-00012120-00012640": "a starting point to acknowledge the work that is already underway to learn what we can from it and", "1685XZJN_NI-00019-00012640-00013152": "to seek viable sustainable means of furthering our shared mission to increase the visibility", "1685XZJN_NI-00020-00013152-00013704": "and reach of humanity scholarship to audiences both within and beyond the academy and to access", "1685XZJN_NI-00021-00013704-00014504": "this report you can visit the url multimodal hyphen digital hyphen monographs.pubpub.org", "1685XZJN_NI-00022-00014704-00015304": "this the report is structured with three main categories which you will find on the home page", "1685XZJN_NI-00023-00015304-00015824": "of the report there's a short about section and then three main sections entitled purpose", "1685XZJN_NI-00024-00015888-00016512": "presentations which give in-depth summaries of each of the case studies presented during the", "1685XZJN_NI-00025-00016512-00017120": "summit and then a section entitled expanding pathways about where we go from here the", "1685XZJN_NI-00026-00017120-00017704": "rapidly evolving landscape of digital scholarly publication challenges efforts to take stock", "1685XZJN_NI-00027-00017704-00018288": "of the wide range of innovative practices and system changing interventions that characterize", "1685XZJN_NI-00028-00018288-00018960": "a growing body of publications that offer unique capabilities beyond conventional formats from", "1685XZJN_NI-00029-00018960-00019552": "multimedia enhancements and interactive navigation to community engagement and global reach", "1685XZJN_NI-00030-00019632-00020216": "this paper which reports the findings of a spring 2021 summit co-hosted by brown university", "1685XZJN_NI-00031-00020216-00020848": "and emory university features eight case studies that offer promising ways forward as the process", "1685XZJN_NI-00032-00020848-00021472": "of establishing best practices for the development validation and dissemination of multimodal digital", "1685XZJN_NI-00033-00021472-00022208": "monographs continues to unfold even at this early and experimental stage we find among the", "1685XZJN_NI-00034-00022208-00022760": "myriad approaches that collaboration grounded within a community of scholars publishers and", "1685XZJN_NI-00035-00022760-00023440": "technology experts committed to expanding humanity scholarship in meaningful and innovative ways", "1685XZJN_NI-00036-00023440-00024216": "undergirds all these successful efforts efforts to reimagine the monograph for the 21st century", "1685XZJN_NI-00037-00024216-00024760": "started in 2014 with the launch of the mellon foundation's digital monograph initiative", "1685XZJN_NI-00038-00024832-00025416": "inclusive of a small handful of planning grants that led up to the official 2014 launch the", "1685XZJN_NI-00039-00025416-00026272": "foundation awarded 32.78 million dollars in grants to 44 organizations some receiving multiple grants", "1685XZJN_NI-00040-00026327-00027039": "between 2011 and 2020. while a large part of bellin's investment went to building out the", "1685XZJN_NI-00041-00027039-00027624": "digital infrastructure available to university presses the foundation also sought to support the", "1685XZJN_NI-00042-00027624-00028200": "community of scholars seeking to legitimate the expanded possibilities that digital publication", "1685XZJN_NI-00043-00028200-00028832": "offered for developing and presenting their research to this end a smaller number of grants", "1685XZJN_NI-00044-00028832-00029400": "was awarded to institutions experimenting with university-based models of support for faculty", "1685XZJN_NI-00045-00029464-00030008": "ranging from developmental editing and design support to assistance in placing the work with", "1685XZJN_NI-00046-00030008-00030688": "suitable publishers in february 2018 the melon foundation hosted an all projects meeting for", "1685XZJN_NI-00047-00030688-00031224": "many of the institutional support grantees representatives of these projects gathered", "1685XZJN_NI-00048-00031224-00031783": "in new york to share progress and challenges with one another during what were still germinal days", "1685XZJN_NI-00049-00031864-00032472": "during this period the foundation also convened project teams from the university press cohort", "1685XZJN_NI-00050-00032472-00033080": "to promote collaboration between platform and tool developers three years later with the", "1685XZJN_NI-00051-00033080-00033824": "encouragement of mellon's public knowledge program two of the grantees brown and emery sought to", "1685XZJN_NI-00052-00033824-00034472": "foster a more comprehensive conversation including for the first time the scholar's perspective", "1685XZJN_NI-00053-00034608-00035136": "the intention from the start was to call attention to the faculty-led experimentation", "1685XZJN_NI-00054-00035136-00035576": "that was taking place across a number of libraries and humanities centers", "1685XZJN_NI-00055-00035632-00036344": "some of which already involved university presses shifting the focus away from tools and technology", "1685XZJN_NI-00056-00036344-00036952": "as important as those discussions remain to the larger scholarly communications ecosystem", "1685XZJN_NI-00057-00036952-00037448": "the summit emphasized author and audience needs and opportunities", "1685XZJN_NI-00058-00037760-00038280": "the summit itself was organized by the very familiar publishing workflow", "1685XZJN_NI-00059-00038360-00038728": "beginning with the author as all book publications do", "1685XZJN_NI-00060-00038832-00039472": "the two projects featured in this category were islamic past and futures horizons of time", "1685XZJN_NI-00061-00039472-00040080": "by shazad bashir which is now forthcoming as a new vision for islamic pasts and futures", "1685XZJN_NI-00062-00040080-00040800": "from mit press in august 2022 and the second jim crow in the asylum psychiatry and civil rights", "1685XZJN_NI-00063-00040800-00041304": "in the american south which is forthcoming from the university of north carolina press", "1685XZJN_NI-00064-00041304-00042024": "in 2023 the second category focused on the perspectives of acquisitions editors the first", "1685XZJN_NI-00065-00042024-00042624": "project showcased feral atlas the more than human anthropocene was published by stanford university", "1685XZJN_NI-00066-00042624-00043272": "press in 2020 and the second in this category soul liberty the evolution of black religious", "1685XZJN_NI-00067-00043272-00043936": "politics in post-emancipation virginia published in 2020 by the university of north carolina press", "1685XZJN_NI-00068-00044048-00044720": "the third category moved on to the production phase of publication with two publications", "1685XZJN_NI-00069-00044720-00045232": "sounding spirit scholarly additions from the southern sacred music diaspora", "1685XZJN_NI-00070-00045232-00045872": "which is forthcoming from the university of north carolina press in 2023 as a co-publication with", "1685XZJN_NI-00071-00045872-00046496": "the emory center for digital scholarship and the lab book situated practices in media studies", "1685XZJN_NI-00072-00046496-00047064": "a work in progress by the university of minnesota press and then finally looking at what happens", "1685XZJN_NI-00073-00047064-00047568": "after the book has been published we moved on to post-production considerations with furnace and", "1685XZJN_NI-00074-00047568-00048200": "fugue a digital edition of michael myers atalanta fugians with scholarly commentary published by", "1685XZJN_NI-00075-00048200-00048864": "the university of virginia press in 2020 and as i remember it teachings from the life of islam", "1685XZJN_NI-00076-00048864-00049544": "and elder published in 2019 by the university of british columbia press on the raven space platform", "1685XZJN_NI-00077-00049848-00050304": "these eight multimodal digital projects that were showcased during the summit", "1685XZJN_NI-00078-00050432-00050928": "provide a lens through which to consider some of the most pressing questions around", "1685XZJN_NI-00079-00050928-00051600": "reimagined forms of humanities scholarship what models for publishing enhanced and interactive", "1685XZJN_NI-00080-00051600-00052176": "scholarly projects might be emerging what is working well what are the common challenges", "1685XZJN_NI-00081-00052176-00052728": "that remain and how do we address them how can we encourage a shared vocabulary", "1685XZJN_NI-00082-00052728-00053208": "for these digital publications among the wider scholarly communications community", "1685XZJN_NI-00083-00053328-00053896": "while each of the projects representing a broad disciplinary range and span of subject matter", "1685XZJN_NI-00084-00053896-00054479": "offers a different perspective and often vocabulary when taken together they reveal", "1685XZJN_NI-00085-00054479-00055152": "lessons learned and clarify key priorities from a new vision for islamic past and futures", "1685XZJN_NI-00086-00055152-00055760": "and feral atlas for example we understand that interactivity and a thoughtful interplay among", "1685XZJN_NI-00087-00055760-00056391": "text and multimedia offers authors new and powerful ways to articulate complex arguments", "1685XZJN_NI-00088-00056479-00057048": "as i remember it and jim crow and the asylum provide distinct opportunities to examine the", "1685XZJN_NI-00089-00057048-00057728": "ethical implications of humanity's research and to consider the new ways in which digital publication", "1685XZJN_NI-00090-00057728-00058416": "engages with audiences beyond the academy sounding spirit and furnace and fugue foreground", "1685XZJN_NI-00091-00058416-00058944": "the powerful outcomes of collaborations between university presses and universities", "1685XZJN_NI-00092-00058944-00059576": "modeling how such partnerships leverage resources and expertise to strengthen the humanities", "1685XZJN_NI-00093-00059576-00060184": "infrastructure and allow for innovation within it soul liberty and the lab book", "1685XZJN_NI-00094-00060304-00060824": "overtly connect digital publishing with digital humanities methodologies", "1685XZJN_NI-00095-00060824-00061432": "and offer insight into the workings of iterative and or collaborative publishing workflows", "1685XZJN_NI-00096-00061432-00061991": "emphasizing the need for strong communication and collegiality among project partners", "1685XZJN_NI-00097-00062328-00062824": "while significant work remains in the effort to develop multimodal digital scholarship", "1685XZJN_NI-00098-00062824-00063400": "in thoughtful generous inclusive and equitable ways we are heartened to see and to share", "1685XZJN_NI-00099-00063400-00063928": "the ways in which it has already begun the projects showcased here on this slide offer", "1685XZJN_NI-00100-00063928-00064424": "a plethora of examples working in multiple registers and across different communities", "1685XZJN_NI-00101-00064424-00064920": "but in addition to encouraging conversations about the development of individual multimodal digital", "1685XZJN_NI-00102-00064920-00065432": "projects we also want to acknowledge other ways in which the humanities infrastructure is growing", "1685XZJN_NI-00103-00065432-00065984": "to support the expansion of opportunities for authors and for readers beyond the academy", "1685XZJN_NI-00104-00066656-00067056": "we invite you all to explore the report in full", "1685XZJN_NI-00105-00067056-00067912": "again available on pubpub at multimodal hyphen digital hyphenmonographs.pubpub.org", "1685XZJN_NI-00106-00068024-00068784": "and we welcome your feedback thank you very much thank you", "1685XZJN_NI-00107-00070016-00070066": "you"}}, {"audio_id": "16sXpXQIKw8", "text": {"16sXpXQIKw8-00000-00002039-00003296": "Han tapi bagaimana denganmu Hem bagai mana denganku uha saya agak beramsumsi kalian tidak, saya hanya menjaga", "16sXpXQIKw8-00001-00003296-00004384": "Dia dari tersesat benar benar oh tapi kamu tampaknya begitu sempurna bersama wo wo apa yg anda lakukan", "16sXpXQIKw8-00002-00004872-00004922": "apa", "16sXpXQIKw8-00003-00005304-00005784": "menghormati", "16sXpXQIKw8-00004-00006688-00007184": "Dimana elsaha", "16sXpXQIKw8-00005-00007512-00008584": "elsa dan anna mungkin membutuhkan bantuan kita ayo pergi our", "16sXpXQIKw8-00006-00009408-00009984": "kristoff anna", "16sXpXQIKw8-00007-00010904-00011384": "elsa", "16sXpXQIKw8-00008-00011872-00011992": "elsa anna", "16sXpXQIKw8-00009-00012456-00012784": "no", "16sXpXQIKw8-00010-00014008-00014184": "anna", "16sXpXQIKw8-00011-00015688-00016984": "ugh", "16sXpXQIKw8-00012-00018536-00018816": "Tidak apa apa mereka kuat", "16sXpXQIKw8-00013-00019592-00019848": "Kamu benar mereka saling memiliki", "16sXpXQIKw8-00014-00020136-00020848": "anna oh elsa kamu telah mengorban dirimu untuk ku,aku mencintaimu", "16sXpXQIKw8-00015-00021088-00022232": "Tindakan cinta sejati akan jatuh beku cinta hati akan mencairkan cinta Elsa  tentu saja", "16sXpXQIKw8-00016-00022312-00022584": "cinta", "16sXpXQIKw8-00017-00023344-00023984": "oh", "16sXpXQIKw8-00018-00026136-00026783": "oh", "16sXpXQIKw8-00019-00028183-00028233": "kamu"}}, {"audio_id": "16w4MLYUP1g", "text": {"16w4MLYUP1g-00042-00016950-00017300": "Imagine dumating kami ng 4:30am", "16w4MLYUP1g-00043-00017331-00017680": "ano na ngayon, 12.. 12:50", "16w4MLYUP1g-00045-00017857-00018046": "ano naman ok naman, maayos naman yung stay namin", "16w4MLYUP1g-00046-00018046-00018386": "dito sa quarantine area", "16w4MLYUP1g-00047-00018456-00018733": "tapos may pagkain, tapos ngayon kumatok sila", "16w4MLYUP1g-00048-00018733-00018833": "merong", "16w4MLYUP1g-00049-00018860-00019179": "lunchtime na, mayroon naman silang prinovide na", "16w4MLYUP1g-00050-00019179-00019325": "food.", "16w4MLYUP1g-00051-00019398-00019570": "**natutulog**", "16w4MLYUP1g-00052-00019871-00019971": "so teka", "16w4MLYUP1g-00053-00020011-00020218": "kukunin ko yung food kasi kumatok sila.", "16w4MLYUP1g-00055-00021639-00021756": "tatlo siya", "16w4MLYUP1g-00056-00022163-00022263": "pero", "16w4MLYUP1g-00057-00022434-00022534": "tingnan natin...", "16w4MLYUP1g-00058-00022801-00023101": "Tingnan natin sa loob. *sigh** actually gustong gusto ko nang umuwi", "16w4MLYUP1g-00059-00023101-00023433": "kasi kawawa naman yung jowa ko na nasa labas", "16w4MLYUP1g-00060-00023534-00023787": "nagiintay siya sa airport...", "16w4MLYUP1g-00061-00023817-00024158": "naiwan siya sa airport, kasi kung papabalik pa siya ng bahay", "16w4MLYUP1g-00062-00024171-00024467": "kung doon siya maghihintay, malayo.", "16w4MLYUP1g-00063-00024467-00024665": "so naghintay nalang siya sa airport", "16w4MLYUP1g-00064-00024780-00025088": "kaya yun until now, syempre nandoon pa siya", "16w4MLYUP1g-00065-00025088-00025188": "kawawa naman...", "16w4MLYUP1g-00066-00025271-00025470": "kami ok lang dito kasi", "16w4MLYUP1g-00067-00025470-00025778": "nakakatulog kami, eh siya syempre nakaupo lang siya doon.", "16w4MLYUP1g-00069-00026005-00026303": "hindi naman ganoon karami ang tao so..", "16w4MLYUP1g-00070-00026303-00026593": "I think kasi since maaga din yung flight namin", "16w4MLYUP1g-00071-00026693-00026895": "actually puno yung plane,", "16w4MLYUP1g-00072-00026944-00027235": "pero mas maraming yung \"in transit\"", "16w4MLYUP1g-00073-00027235-00027559": "yung mayroong transfer like yung papunta ng", "16w4MLYUP1g-00074-00027560-00027812": "ng US, ganyan. Puno yung plane pero hindi sila", "16w4MLYUP1g-00075-00027812-00028128": "magsstay sa Incheon. so parang", "16w4MLYUP1g-00076-00028128-00028447": "yung mga naiwan for isolation, mostly", "16w4MLYUP1g-00077-00028447-00028671": "mostly yung mga", "16w4MLYUP1g-00078-00028876-00029071": "bound talaga for Incheon", "16w4MLYUP1g-00079-00029122-00029222": "and", "16w4MLYUP1g-00080-00029252-00029465": "Imagine", "16w4MLYUP1g-00081-00029465-00029772": "talagang ganoon sila talagang", "16w4MLYUP1g-00082-00029772-00029946": "mag-triple check kaya sobrang", "16w4MLYUP1g-00083-00030022-00030196": "talagang", "16w4MLYUP1g-00084-00030261-00030458": "na-control nila yung spread ng", "16w4MLYUP1g-00085-00030490-00030746": "ng Corona dito sa Korea", "16w4MLYUP1g-00086-00030753-00031051": "tapos imagine yung", "16w4MLYUP1g-00087-00031051-00031354": "swab test, it's FREE. eh sa Philippines", "16w4MLYUP1g-00088-00031354-00031450": "you have to book,", "16w4MLYUP1g-00089-00031450-00031719": "you have to schedule for a swab test,", "16w4MLYUP1g-00090-00031770-00032062": "mahirap and then", "16w4MLYUP1g-00091-00032128-00032231": "I think, nagrarange siya", "16w4MLYUP1g-00093-00032526-00032720": "naririnig kong mga price", "16w4MLYUP1g-00094-00033158-00033417": "ayun so dito libre naman siya", "16w4MLYUP1g-00095-00033496-00033765": "yung upon arrival mo tapos", "16w4MLYUP1g-00096-00033765-00034039": "in-isolate ka, for quarantine ka", "16w4MLYUP1g-00097-00034056-00034339": "libre siya, walang bayad", "16w4MLYUP1g-00098-00034339-00034521": "tapos mayroon ka pang place to stay", "16w4MLYUP1g-00099-00034541-00034833": "nakakatawa nga kasi sabi nung girl", "16w4MLYUP1g-00100-00034833-00034933": "bago kami pumunta dito", "16w4MLYUP1g-00101-00034961-00035234": "sabi niya, \"wala ka bang fear of...", "16w4MLYUP1g-00102-00035234-00035533": "or parang closed spaces kasi", "16w4MLYUP1g-00103-00035533-00035778": "it's small,", "16w4MLYUP1g-00104-00035795-00035895": "and it's", "16w4MLYUP1g-00105-00035952-00036228": "ah parang wala daw window", "16w4MLYUP1g-00106-00036238-00036543": "wala daw wi-fi and it's hot. pero", "16w4MLYUP1g-00107-00036543-00036645": "hindi, ano naman siya", "16w4MLYUP1g-00108-00036734-00037010": "malaki tapos malamig, nakakumot pa nga kami", "16w4MLYUP1g-00109-00037010-00037274": "kasi may blanket naman na available...", "16w4MLYUP1g-00110-00037280-00037576": "ang masasabi ko lang", "16w4MLYUP1g-00111-00037579-00037877": "I really really admire and saludo talaga ako sa", "16w4MLYUP1g-00112-00037877-00038179": "papano i-control ng government", "16w4MLYUP1g-00113-00038179-00038496": "ng Korea yung, itong ganitong pandemic"}}, {"audio_id": "16QMKLrhXBk", "text": {"16QMKLrhXBk-00000-00000702-00001178": "Former Navy SEAL Promises A ‘Gruesome Massacre’ In America If Liberals Follow Through On Threat", "16QMKLrhXBk-00001-00001178-00001664": "A Facebook post is making the rounds on the social media platform this week.", "16QMKLrhXBk-00002-00001664-00002093": "It warns the far left Clinton loons of potentially deadly consequences if they try to remove", "16QMKLrhXBk-00003-00002093-00002351": "President Donald Trump from office.", "16QMKLrhXBk-00004-00002351-00002768": "The warning came from former Navy Seal and all around American Hero Craig “Sawman”", "16QMKLrhXBk-00005-00002768-00003150": "Sawyer, He was the one who issued the grim warning to anyone thinking about trying to", "16QMKLrhXBk-00006-00003150-00003639": "remove President Trump from the office in a way that is anything less than Constitutional.", "16QMKLrhXBk-00007-00003639-00004101": "According to our Constitution, Congress can only remove a sitting president for his inability", "16QMKLrhXBk-00008-00004101-00004509": "to recognize that the Constitution itself is the law of the land and that he must abide", "16QMKLrhXBk-00009-00004509-00004810": "by his oath to preserve, protect and defend it.", "16QMKLrhXBk-00010-00004810-00005144": "Which is an oath every elected official takes but soon forgets?", "16QMKLrhXBk-00011-00005144-00005539": "The very oath which would have made former President Barack Hussein Obama a prime target", "16QMKLrhXBk-00012-00005539-00005928": "for easy removal from office, sparing us 8 horrendous years.", "16QMKLrhXBk-00013-00005928-00006351": "But of course, since he was black and a far left wing nut bag who was protected by mob", "16QMKLrhXBk-00014-00006351-00006586": "rule, nothing ever came of it.", "16QMKLrhXBk-00015-00006586-00007015": "Even after it was proven beyond a doubt that he used the IRS to go after his enemies in", "16QMKLrhXBk-00016-00007015-00007162": "the Tea Party.", "16QMKLrhXBk-00017-00007162-00007322": "Here is the full letter:", "16QMKLrhXBk-00018-00007322-00007786": "Note: Nowhere here does this say innocent civilians, or a legit impeachment.", "16QMKLrhXBk-00019-00007786-00008239": "On the contrary, this speaks specifically to an illegal silent coup by corrupt officials", "16QMKLrhXBk-00020-00008239-00008678": "using false charges, as has leaked out by Clinton cronies lately.", "16QMKLrhXBk-00021-00008678-00008936": "Anything else is a different scenario entirely.", "16QMKLrhXBk-00022-00008936-00009095": "Honor our Constitution!", "16QMKLrhXBk-00023-00009095-00009267": "Keep it straight.", "16QMKLrhXBk-00024-00009267-00009367": "👍", "16QMKLrhXBk-00025-00009367-00009677": "Americans, Patriots, pray for our nation.", "16QMKLrhXBk-00026-00009677-00009817": "Pray for our President.", "16QMKLrhXBk-00027-00009817-00010279": "I’m hearing serious rumblings of a hostile, illegal coup against our democratically elected", "16QMKLrhXBk-00028-00010279-00010820": "President by seditious, deep-state subversives funded by Soros & other globalists.", "16QMKLrhXBk-00029-00010820-00010956": "Very disturbing.", "16QMKLrhXBk-00030-00010956-00011417": "Patriots, this would be nothing less than an act of war against the American people.", "16QMKLrhXBk-00031-00011417-00011882": "It would be the removal of our boldest defender & last possibility of maintaining our protective", "16QMKLrhXBk-00032-00011882-00012001": "Constitution.", "16QMKLrhXBk-00033-00012001-00012409": "Under the boot of globalists, life as we know it, would immediately decline to the model", "16QMKLrhXBk-00034-00012409-00012872": "that suits the globalist interest – Marxist/Socialist/Communist.", "16QMKLrhXBk-00035-00012872-00013186": "They get complete control, you get zero.", "16QMKLrhXBk-00036-00013186-00013331": "Freedom, Gone!", "16QMKLrhXBk-00037-00013331-00013476": "Liberty, Gone!", "16QMKLrhXBk-00038-00013476-00013905": "This agenda is evil and simply cannot be allowed, at ANY cost.", "16QMKLrhXBk-00039-00013905-00014409": "Like ALL military, law enforcement and government officials, I took an oath to defend our Constitution", "16QMKLrhXBk-00040-00014409-00014697": "against ALL enemies, foreign and domestic.", "16QMKLrhXBk-00041-00014697-00015093": "By abandoning the rule of law and conducting a coup against the President & policies WE", "16QMKLrhXBk-00042-00015093-00015481": "THE PEOPLE elected, they have made themselves enemies of the United States.", "16QMKLrhXBk-00043-00015481-00016053": "Under threat, ALL patriots, whether civilian, law enforcement, government, or military,", "16QMKLrhXBk-00044-00016053-00016395": "have the duty to defend our Constitution against such enemies.", "16QMKLrhXBk-00045-00016395-00016569": "Some speculate on “civil war”.", "16QMKLrhXBk-00046-00016569-00017083": "I readily recognize a much more sobering reality: Anti-American subversives involved in ANY", "16QMKLrhXBk-00047-00017083-00017536": "WAY in an unconstitutional coup against our President will be run down and executed immediately", "16QMKLrhXBk-00048-00017536-00017788": "by the world’s most supreme warriors.", "16QMKLrhXBk-00049-00017788-00018273": "There will be nowhere to run to, nowhere to hide, no mercy, no sense of humor.", "16QMKLrhXBk-00050-00018273-00018476": "Harsh examples will be made.", "16QMKLrhXBk-00051-00018476-00018734": "My prediction is it will be a gruesome m******e.", "16QMKLrhXBk-00052-00018734-00018834": "Why?", "16QMKLrhXBk-00053-00018834-00019236": "Because one side in this conflict has 8 Trillion bullets & the other side doesn’t know which", "16QMKLrhXBk-00054-00019236-00019458": "bathroom to use.", "16QMKLrhXBk-00055-00019458-00019558": "🤣", "16QMKLrhXBk-00056-00019558-00019702": "It will likely only take a few hours.", "16QMKLrhXBk-00057-00019702-00019843": "Lessons will be learned.", "16QMKLrhXBk-00058-00019843-00019999": "History will take note.", "16QMKLrhXBk-00059-00019999-00020129": "Order restored.", "16QMKLrhXBk-00060-00020129-00020640": "Patriots, We The American People stand united as one, against ALL enemies.", "16QMKLrhXBk-00061-00020640-00020951": "We are peace-loving people who abide by the rule of law.", "16QMKLrhXBk-00062-00020951-00021340": "Prepare yourselves in case this ridiculous insanity actually gets played out and the", "16QMKLrhXBk-00063-00021340-00021776": "rule of law goes out the window under their gross miscarriage of our legal process.", "16QMKLrhXBk-00064-00021776-00021976": "Shaking my head…", "16QMKLrhXBk-00065-00021976-00022095": "United We Stand!", "16QMKLrhXBk-00066-00022095-00022265": "At the ready.", "16QMKLrhXBk-00067-00022265-00022418": "USA!", "16QMKLrhXBk-00068-00022418-00022518": "🇺🇸", "16QMKLrhXBk-00069-00022518-00022826": "Of course, the left is already calling this the result of “Trump Rhetoric,” and not", "16QMKLrhXBk-00070-00022826-00023319": "what it actually is, the result of a silent destruction and overthrow of a sitting, Democratically", "16QMKLrhXBk-00071-00023319-00023545": "elected, president.", "16QMKLrhXBk-00072-00023545-00023889": "After years of the left trying to convince us that we on the right are to be feared since", "16QMKLrhXBk-00073-00023889-00024469": "we, as Barry Soetoro said, cling to our God, G**s, and Religion, we now see it was just", "16QMKLrhXBk-00074-00024469-00024665": "an act to play the victim card.", "16QMKLrhXBk-00075-00024665-00025091": "These left wing loons were under the impression that after a failed presidency, which turned", "16QMKLrhXBk-00076-00025091-00025550": "our great nation into a petre dish of social justice lunatic experiments such as Obama", "16QMKLrhXBk-00077-00025550-00025804": "did, they would never lose another election.", "16QMKLrhXBk-00078-00025804-00026145": "They just can’t fathom the fact that an outsider like Donald Trump would actually", "16QMKLrhXBk-00079-00026145-00026516": "win the presidency by as huge an electoral margin as he did.", "16QMKLrhXBk-00080-00026516-00026906": "So they take it upon themselves to riot and protest violently.", "16QMKLrhXBk-00081-00026906-00027281": "Us on the right are a peace loving people and the last thing we crave is war, but if", "16QMKLrhXBk-00082-00027281-00027727": "you push us, and destroy the man we chose to be our president, and who makes sense to", "16QMKLrhXBk-00083-00027727-00027991": "us, we won’t go quietly into the night.", "16QMKLrhXBk-00084-00027991-00028374": "So It’s best you on the left just sit your rear ends down and shut up, like we did for", "16QMKLrhXBk-00085-00028374-00029787": "the dark 8 years of Obama before you all hurt yourselves."}}, {"audio_id": "16R30pW_vF4", "text": {"16R30pW_vF4-00000-00000971-00001443": "Thank you very much, and welcome dear friends and colleagues. Thank you for joining us today", "16R30pW_vF4-00001-00001443-00002343": "for the Global Landscapes Forum: The Investment Case. Welcome back. Last year we started a", "16R30pW_vF4-00002-00002343-00002943": "journey that is of fundamental importance. That is the journey to close the gap between", "16R30pW_vF4-00003-00002943-00003692": "farming, forestry, small businesses in the world’s landscapes, with investment capital", "16R30pW_vF4-00004-00003692-00004544": "at scale. And, to me, closing this gap is an obvious opportunity for the sustainable", "16R30pW_vF4-00005-00004544-00005227": "future that we owe our children and future generations. So here in the finance capital", "16R30pW_vF4-00006-00005227-00006248": "of the world we should really feel that pressure. So again, you are most welcome. Now, to set", "16R30pW_vF4-00007-00006248-00006904": "the stage a little bit for today, every day we put 100 million tonnes of carbon dioxide", "16R30pW_vF4-00008-00006904-00007647": "into the atmosphere because we burn too much fossil fuel. This is a problem. It’s a serious", "16R30pW_vF4-00009-00007647-00008630": "one. And with Paris behind us we will increasingly and more seriously address it. But climate", "16R30pW_vF4-00010-00008630-00009297": "change is not the only challenge we face. Even though we are sometimes led to believe", "16R30pW_vF4-00011-00009297-00010127": "that by the media and others – particularly here in the global north. And those other", "16R30pW_vF4-00012-00010127-00010570": "challenges, I’m not talking about Brexit, the refugee crisis, the US election or any", "16R30pW_vF4-00013-00010570-00011092": "other housing market bubbles. No, I’m talking about the well being of everyone, the future", "16R30pW_vF4-00014-00011092-00011693": "we want. A future that is prosperous, healthy, fair, green, hopeful. And, to quote James", "16R30pW_vF4-00015-00011693-00012770": "Cameron from last year’s forum, full of love, reason and good power. And of course", "16R30pW_vF4-00016-00012770-00013531": "one of the obstacles to creating that world is that we address one problem at a time.", "16R30pW_vF4-00017-00013531-00013983": "Sometimes assuming that central decisions and regulations will be the main driver of", "16R30pW_vF4-00018-00013983-00014806": "change. But change happens locally. Changes are different and diverse. Change is holistic.", "16R30pW_vF4-00019-00014806-00015488": "Above all, change should be based on opportunity, not on avoiding problems. So let’s think", "16R30pW_vF4-00020-00015488-00016397": "about opportunities. Let’s talk about opportunities. Every day, also, photosynthesis in the world’s", "16R30pW_vF4-00021-00016397-00017264": "landscapes binds 1,500 million tonnes of carbon dioxide. We hear a lot about the problem with", "16R30pW_vF4-00022-00017264-00017738": "the 100 million, but pressure little about the opportunities of the 1,500 million. Why", "16R30pW_vF4-00023-00017738-00018434": "do I say that? Because this is the starting point of all those value chains that our future", "16R30pW_vF4-00024-00018434-00019345": "depends on. I’m talking about sustainable value chains for food, feed, fiber, fuels,", "16R30pW_vF4-00025-00019345-00020029": "medicine, new bio-economic products, and for services – indirect services like water,", "16R30pW_vF4-00026-00020029-00020830": "hydro-energy, health, local climate regulation, air quality, recreation, even peace of mind.", "16R30pW_vF4-00027-00020830-00021576": "So much of our future livelihoods depends on these value chains that start in landscapes.", "16R30pW_vF4-00028-00021576-00022338": "It depends on making that sustainable, equitable, sufficient, understood, and appreciated – and", "16R30pW_vF4-00029-00022338-00023069": "profitable. So, not only do landscapes provide us with our biggest chance to fix climate", "16R30pW_vF4-00030-00023069-00023911": "change. They also provide the bulk of opportunities for sustainable development. This is the investment", "16R30pW_vF4-00031-00023911-00024921": "case. And that’s why we’re here. So, I’d like to give you a few – an ABC of the meeting,", "16R30pW_vF4-00032-00024921-00025565": "as I see it. We need to be ambitious. We need to give opportunities to billions of people.", "16R30pW_vF4-00033-00025565-00026168": "We need to invest trillions, not billions. That’s the ambition level. We need to improve", "16R30pW_vF4-00034-00026168-00026782": "the conditions for small landscape businesses everywhere. We need to include all products,", "16R30pW_vF4-00035-00026782-00027503": "all value chains, and all markets. We need to think big. That’s the ambition to me.", "16R30pW_vF4-00036-00027503-00028058": "And we need to be brave. We need courage to go outside our comfort zones. Some feel comfortable", "16R30pW_vF4-00037-00028058-00028918": "that public grant funding will provide the solutions we define central. Others are comfortable", "16R30pW_vF4-00038-00028918-00029481": "with the neo-classic capitalism where values are expressed in monetary terms, even the", "16R30pW_vF4-00039-00029481-00030258": "ecosystem ones. And for others, they feel comfortable in ideological discourses that", "16R30pW_vF4-00040-00030258-00030928": "may block solutions out of principle. We need to move out of those comfort zones. And that’s", "16R30pW_vF4-00041-00030928-00031488": "the philosophy of the Global Landscapes Forum, to bridge academic disciplines, expert communities", "16R30pW_vF4-00042-00031488-00032060": "and economic sectors, and create a forum where everybody talks to everybody across the traditional", "16R30pW_vF4-00043-00032060-00032739": "boundaries, and innovates. And C I think is as important – clarity. We need to keep", "16R30pW_vF4-00044-00032739-00033488": "it simple. Everyone needs to understand and agree on where we’re going. Not just those", "16R30pW_vF4-00045-00033488-00034353": "of us in this room. And as an example, how do we measure progress? Beyond capital returns?", "16R30pW_vF4-00046-00034353-00034709": "There’s a lot of discussions about that, but how can we express that in a clear and", "16R30pW_vF4-00047-00034709-00035321": "simple way? Well, we can’t really do that with hundreds of politically inspired indicators.", "16R30pW_vF4-00048-00035321-00036240": "We’ve seen those. We might be able to do it if we agree on a small set of value propositions.", "16R30pW_vF4-00049-00036240-00036874": "We need to figure out which those are. And, in doing that, we need to embrace complexity,", "16R30pW_vF4-00050-00036874-00037491": "but without making it complicated. Think about that. We need to embrace complexity without", "16R30pW_vF4-00051-00037491-00038256": "making it complicated. That’s the key for keeping it simple and being clear. So, just", "16R30pW_vF4-00052-00038256-00038987": "to round off, I would like to thank the Royal Society for hosting us. All of the partners", "16R30pW_vF4-00053-00038987-00039561": "that have invested in today’s forum. And all of you for coming today and making this", "16R30pW_vF4-00054-00039561-00041011": "journey successful. Again, you’re most welcome, so let’s get on with it. Thank you.", "16R30pW_vF4-00055-00041011-00041505": "Thank you Julia, and thank you Peter for that inspiring introduction. It’s a real honor", "16R30pW_vF4-00056-00041505-00042109": "for me to be in this role, moderating the opening plenary session. I think my main qualification", "16R30pW_vF4-00057-00042109-00042715": "could be that I’m not encumbered by a really deep understanding of finance, that might", "16R30pW_vF4-00058-00042715-00043324": "get in the way of the questions I might ask. I’d just like to say a few comments building", "16R30pW_vF4-00059-00043324-00044081": "on Peter’s very eloquent opening remarks. I think the concept of biologic carbon is", "16R30pW_vF4-00060-00044081-00044683": "huge. If you think back on the history of human civilization and what happened when", "16R30pW_vF4-00061-00044683-00045140": "civilizations started developing technology that required energy, and started running", "16R30pW_vF4-00062-00045140-00045806": "out of fuel wood. The oak lands of Great Britain, for example, depleted – forcing people to", "16R30pW_vF4-00063-00045806-00046468": "turn to coal. Eventually forcing people to turn to petroleum and other forms of fossil", "16R30pW_vF4-00064-00046468-00046977": "fuel. But that’s still biological carbon. It’s just dead. It’s the ultimate carbon", "16R30pW_vF4-00065-00046977-00047708": "capture and sequestration system, if you would. 70 million years old, at least. And that’s", "16R30pW_vF4-00066-00047708-00048356": "today become my problem. But there’s a huge, compelling case to be made, as Peter already", "16R30pW_vF4-00067-00048356-00049144": "flagged. It’s living biological carbon that will help us get out of this mess. The IPCC", "16R30pW_vF4-00068-00049144-00049728": "Fifth Assessment that came out in 2015, if you look at working group three, the estimate", "16R30pW_vF4-00069-00049728-00050390": "for mitigation is that up to 60 per cent of our climate change mitigation by 2030 will", "16R30pW_vF4-00070-00050390-00051180": "be from land use. In other words, biological carbon. A little fraction of that downward", "16R30pW_vF4-00071-00051180-00051934": "pointing arrow that Peter showed. If we look at what’s already accomplished, it’s biological", "16R30pW_vF4-00072-00051934-00052432": "carbon that’s right up in front. The decline of deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon – more", "16R30pW_vF4-00073-00052432-00053764": "than four gigatonnes of CO2 emissions avoided. And that’s not even talking about the soil", "16R30pW_vF4-00074-00053764-00054417": "carbon that is biological carbon. A lot of the functions of biological carbon as it’s", "16R30pW_vF4-00075-00054417-00055127": "manifested in our crops, in our ecosystems, that are not forests. And that gets us I think", "16R30pW_vF4-00076-00055127-00055921": "to our agenda today. How do we go from that potential to reality? How do we multiply what’s", "16R30pW_vF4-00077-00055921-00056550": "gone on in the Amazon? Something we never would have imagined even 15 years ago? To", "16R30pW_vF4-00078-00056550-00057203": "make it replicable, to make it go to scale? The basic premise of this workshop is that,", "16R30pW_vF4-00079-00057203-00057860": "by adding to a focus on farm-level performance, by adding to a focus on what goes on inside", "16R30pW_vF4-00080-00057860-00058566": "the forest concessions, and all of the other more project-level approaches that we have", "16R30pW_vF4-00081-00058566-00059038": "that we’re used to and comfortable with, if we frame that within landscapes we can", "16R30pW_vF4-00082-00059038-00059647": "take this to scale. And if those landscapes’ boundaries correspond with political geographies", "16R30pW_vF4-00083-00059647-00060240": "– with states, provinces, counties and districts – the chances of embedding it in public", "16R30pW_vF4-00084-00060240-00060885": "policy grow much bigger. And those are some of the themes that will come up today, in", "16R30pW_vF4-00085-00060885-00061378": "this first opening plenary. I’m going to make very quick introductions because you", "16R30pW_vF4-00086-00061378-00062050": "all have access to everyone’s bio online. We have a great panel today. Somewhat challenged", "16R30pW_vF4-00087-00062050-00062715": "in terms of gender balance, but Andrea speaks with great authority and I think she’ll", "16R30pW_vF4-00088-00062715-00063475": "carry her own. And she is in fact our opening speaker. Andrea Ledward is the UK board member", "16R30pW_vF4-00089-00063475-00064096": "for the Green Climate Fund, and head of the Climate Change and Environment program of", "16R30pW_vF4-00090-00064096-00064699": "DFID. And, as she’s coming up, I’ll just say very quickly, every speaker will have", "16R30pW_vF4-00091-00064699-00065163": "about five minutes for comments. A quick round of follow-on questions and then we’ll open", "16R30pW_vF4-00092-00065163-00065435": "it up to the floor.", "16R30pW_vF4-00093-00065435-00065909": "Thank you for the invitation to come. I was asked to start with a personal story. My job", "16R30pW_vF4-00094-00065909-00066487": "was to work with women to understand their use of forest resources, to help with the", "16R30pW_vF4-00095-00066487-00066987": "demarcation of a new national park. So I spent many, many months working with women, working", "16R30pW_vF4-00096-00066987-00067525": "with families, trying to understand which of the nuts, which of the animals, which of", "16R30pW_vF4-00097-00067525-00068026": "the vegetation they need access to and why. And the commercial benefits as well as the", "16R30pW_vF4-00098-00068026-00068670": "kind of social and cultural benefit. And it left an enormous impression on me, and it’s", "16R30pW_vF4-00099-00068670-00069048": "very interesting to think about the last 20 years, which have been very much a move from", "16R30pW_vF4-00100-00069048-00069555": "that micro and that very detailed analysis and anthropology – up to today where, as", "16R30pW_vF4-00101-00069555-00070036": "you said, I sit on the Green Climate Fund board and represent the UK, as well as overseeing", "16R30pW_vF4-00102-00070036-00070493": "the UK’s climate finance. Which over the next five years will be nearly six billion", "16R30pW_vF4-00103-00070493-00071067": "pounds. And as part of that both the GCF and the UK Government have got a very clear focus", "16R30pW_vF4-00104-00071067-00071569": "on maximizing private sector leverage and thinking very closely about how we work with", "16R30pW_vF4-00105-00071569-00071938": "the private sector and how we work with a range of institutions internationally. So", "16R30pW_vF4-00106-00071938-00072455": "I’m just going to reflect a little bit on some of the priorities from a UK Government", "16R30pW_vF4-00107-00072455-00072899": "perspective, and the GCF. And then I’m happy to take probably more questions on the GCF", "16R30pW_vF4-00108-00072899-00073692": "than DFID’s perspective further on. Essentially, the new climate economy and the Paris NDCs", "16R30pW_vF4-00109-00073692-00074173": "last year told us that taking action on land is really essential. So this forum is really", "16R30pW_vF4-00110-00074173-00074581": "a great opportunity to kind of bring together all our different strands and think about", "16R30pW_vF4-00111-00074581-00074986": "some of the challenges in really ramping up investment in sustainable land use, and thinking", "16R30pW_vF4-00112-00074986-00075399": "about optimizing the benefits. And it’s also very timely, because we know that a lot", "16R30pW_vF4-00113-00075399-00075642": "of those nationally determined nationally determined contributions that were put on", "16R30pW_vF4-00114-00075642-00076198": "the table at the back end of last year are of variable quality. So the really key challenge", "16R30pW_vF4-00115-00076198-00077048": "now is turning those proposals and those propositions into projects, into pipelines, and into something", "16R30pW_vF4-00116-00077048-00077555": "that can be invested in. And also credible plans that can embedded within a country’s", "16R30pW_vF4-00117-00077555-00078111": "economic growth plan. We also know that there are significant volumes of private, public", "16R30pW_vF4-00118-00078111-00078572": "and domestic finance out there. We know that The Economist intelligence unit tells us that", "16R30pW_vF4-00119-00078572-00079267": "an extra $2 trillion of finance could be unlocked. But the key, really, for us as DFID is, how", "16R30pW_vF4-00120-00079267-00079684": "do we help the finance flow? How do we ensure it brings all the multiple benefits that we", "16R30pW_vF4-00121-00079684-00080145": "want to realize? And, really, how do we make our public finance go further? And how do", "16R30pW_vF4-00122-00080145-00080925": "we increase the value for money of the public and UK finance in particular? So, the UK published", "16R30pW_vF4-00123-00080925-00081511": "a new aid strategy at the back end of last year. And it focuses strongly on maximizing", "16R30pW_vF4-00124-00081511-00082119": "growth and prosperity, on addressing governance, global peace and security, strengthening resilience", "16R30pW_vF4-00125-00082119-00082646": "and response to crises. And then, fourthly, it focuses on extreme poverty and leaving", "16R30pW_vF4-00126-00082646-00083150": "no one behind. So the land use sector is one of the central parties of our economic development", "16R30pW_vF4-00127-00083150-00083778": "work. As well as being at the heart of helping communities to manage risks and build resilience", "16R30pW_vF4-00128-00083778-00084422": "for the future. I was going to talk to – there are six key themes, really, that we saw at", "16R30pW_vF4-00129-00084422-00084838": "this forum that we could speak to as kind of examples. I’m just going to pick three", "16R30pW_vF4-00130-00084838-00085454": "of them. The six kind of themes that we saw coming through today’s agenda, one on strengthening", "16R30pW_vF4-00131-00085454-00086078": "governance, the second on addressing knowledge gaps, the third on innovative financing, the", "16R30pW_vF4-00132-00086078-00086663": "fourth on maximizing access to global funds, the fifth on creating investable opportunities", "16R30pW_vF4-00133-00086663-00087152": "and pipelines, and the final one on leaving no one behind. Of the six kind of themes I", "16R30pW_vF4-00134-00087152-00087745": "can go into more detail, but I’m just going to highlight three to start with. The first", "16R30pW_vF4-00135-00087745-00088245": "one is on strengthening governance, which we really see at the heart of all our forestry", "16R30pW_vF4-00136-00088245-00088744": "and land use interventions. We work both at the international level and the local level,", "16R30pW_vF4-00137-00088744-00089193": "thinking about trade restrictions, policy reform, tax reform, property rights, and tenure", "16R30pW_vF4-00138-00089193-00089820": "and law. So the two programs just to bring to your attention are the Forest Governance,", "16R30pW_vF4-00139-00089820-00090219": "Markets and Climate Program – which I’m sure many of you are familiar with, which", "16R30pW_vF4-00140-00090219-00090675": "is looking at the mapping of customary land to protect the rights of forest dependent", "16R30pW_vF4-00141-00090675-00091345": "communities. And then supporting some very detailed stakeholder work and intensive engagement", "16R30pW_vF4-00142-00091345-00091853": "at the community level. And the second one is a newer program called Legend – Land", "16R30pW_vF4-00143-00091853-00092349": "Governance for Economic Development Program. And that’s looking at tenure security, particularly", "16R30pW_vF4-00144-00092349-00093021": "for women. And supporting responsible land-based investments. The second really is then about", "16R30pW_vF4-00145-00093021-00093492": "global funds, because we firmly believe that we get the maximum value for our investment", "16R30pW_vF4-00146-00093492-00093835": "if we’re promoting the synergies between our bilateral, centrally managed programs,", "16R30pW_vF4-00147-00093835-00094226": "and our bilateral investments, together with the global. And thinking about taking them", "16R30pW_vF4-00148-00094226-00094828": "to scale through the global funds. So we work closely with IFAD and we work there through", "16R30pW_vF4-00149-00094828-00095270": "an adaptation for smallholder agriculture program. But we also have been very involved", "16R30pW_vF4-00150-00095270-00095761": "over the last few years on the design of the Green Climate Fund. And I’m sure some of", "16R30pW_vF4-00151-00095761-00096504": "you know the GCF has been mobilized and become effective with $10 billion pledged. And we", "16R30pW_vF4-00152-00096504-00097061": "have approved a first set of projects worth $168 million. We’ll have another batch of", "16R30pW_vF4-00153-00097061-00097578": "projects through. At the board meeting in June, there’s an aspiration to approve $2.5", "16R30pW_vF4-00154-00097578-00098331": "billion of project this year, which is still an aspiration. And I think the GCF has enormous", "16R30pW_vF4-00155-00098331-00098928": "potential to really show what’s possible. To really work with a different range of organizations", "16R30pW_vF4-00156-00098928-00099426": "to have a whole direct access side of the business. So it’s not just business as usual,", "16R30pW_vF4-00157-00099426-00099860": "through some of our international partners. And to do business in a really, truly different", "16R30pW_vF4-00158-00099860-00100274": "way, with a private sector facility at the center. Also a very strong gender policy right", "16R30pW_vF4-00159-00100274-00100884": "from the word go. But we need everybody to kind of engage, really, at this point. And", "16R30pW_vF4-00160-00100884-00101248": "help us through some of the initial kind of teething problems, which I think are evident", "16R30pW_vF4-00161-00101248-00101928": "with the GCF at this point. And then the final point to land on is really this leave no one", "16R30pW_vF4-00162-00101928-00102230": "behind, which is really at the heart of the government’s strategy going forward. And", "16R30pW_vF4-00163-00102230-00102850": "some of you may have seen very prominently in the global goals. Within that, we believe", "16R30pW_vF4-00164-00102850-00103353": "very strongly about maximizing the opportunities for women and the most excluded. So those", "16R30pW_vF4-00165-00103353-00103892": "most dependent on forest products, those most dependent as indigenous groups. And thinking", "16R30pW_vF4-00166-00103892-00104435": "about how we can link them with markets and access far more opportunities. And really", "16R30pW_vF4-00167-00104435-00104922": "thinking through that particular lens. So, when I run our aid program in Ethiopia for", "16R30pW_vF4-00168-00104922-00105392": "example, I would go and visit our safety needs program. The productive safety nets program", "16R30pW_vF4-00169-00105392-00105844": "– that’s very much targeted at the most excluded, the hardest to reach. And thinking", "16R30pW_vF4-00170-00105844-00106745": "about how you scale up in times of drought in particular, to help the most hard hit households.", "16R30pW_vF4-00171-00106745-00107329": "And that was a lot through public works, and that’s a lot through dams, roads, agriculture,", "16R30pW_vF4-00172-00107329-00107807": "farming, which is how you build the household and the community level resilience – with", "16R30pW_vF4-00173-00107807-00108280": "women very much at the heart of that strategy.", "16R30pW_vF4-00174-00108280-00109235": "Thank you. Next we’ll hear from Chris Botsford from ADM Capital. He’ll give us some reflections", "16R30pW_vF4-00175-00109235-00109804": "on his very hands-on work with smallholders.", "16R30pW_vF4-00176-00109804-00111092": "Good morning. Thank you very much, CIFOR, and the Royal Society, for this forum. We’ve", "16R30pW_vF4-00177-00111092-00111735": "been doing a lot of work in Indonesia, so apologies if this is Indonesia-centric. But", "16R30pW_vF4-00178-00111735-00112324": "I think a lot of what we’ve done applies to other places as well. In particular, we’ve", "16R30pW_vF4-00179-00112324-00113051": "been looking at what has been driving deforestation. Now many of the palm oil companies and the", "16R30pW_vF4-00180-00113051-00113658": "forest companies have taken their bite and pretty much removed themselves, primarily", "16R30pW_vF4-00181-00113658-00114142": "because of the efforts of everybody campaigning against them. And now it’s come down to", "16R30pW_vF4-00182-00114142-00114753": "a lot of the damage being done by smallholders. And when we look at why they’re doing it,", "16R30pW_vF4-00183-00114753-00115330": "most of that comes down to poverty. If we take the Indonesian context and the palm oil", "16R30pW_vF4-00184-00115330-00115978": "sector alone, the four million smallholders currently engaged in palm oil, about two thirds", "16R30pW_vF4-00185-00115978-00116483": "of them are heavily in debt and one third of them will never, ever get out of debt.", "16R30pW_vF4-00186-00116483-00117065": "It’s unsustainable debt. So we’ve got to address poverty to start unraveling the", "16R30pW_vF4-00187-00117065-00117533": "rest of the problems. And when we look at it for example in Indonesia, and the 74,000", "16R30pW_vF4-00188-00117533-00118141": "villages, 13,000 of them have no electricity. So when we started looking at what we can", "16R30pW_vF4-00189-00118141-00118742": "do to bring capital in to help address this issue, we looked at two main themes. One was", "16R30pW_vF4-00190-00118742-00119327": "bringing electricity to many of these poorer communities. And the second was what we could", "16R30pW_vF4-00191-00119327-00120003": "do to bring capital to rehabilitate degraded land. There’s in Indonesia about 20 million", "16R30pW_vF4-00192-00120003-00120555": "hectares of degraded, wasted land, and yet people still go and deforest. So if we can", "16R30pW_vF4-00193-00120555-00121141": "bring capital in that can then give an incentive to focus on the degraded land, and then make", "16R30pW_vF4-00194-00121141-00121751": "it clear no capital will be available for degrading currently good land, we think we", "16R30pW_vF4-00195-00121751-00122357": "can get a program going that makes sense. What we see when we look about the capital", "16R30pW_vF4-00196-00122357-00122827": "structure of investment, there’s plenty of equity around. Where there really isn’t", "16R30pW_vF4-00197-00122827-00123485": "very much money is in the debt. Most of the banks will lend up to five years, but if you", "16R30pW_vF4-00198-00123485-00124005": "look at most of the reforesting that goes on, if you look at palm oil, cocoa, the crop", "16R30pW_vF4-00199-00124005-00124578": "doesn’t produce for five years. So you can’t go and borrow money for five years and expect", "16R30pW_vF4-00200-00124578-00125190": "that to be bankable. It isn’t. So we looked at, what can we do to bring 10, 12 year money", "16R30pW_vF4-00201-00125190-00125826": "into smallholder finance, into alternative energy, in rural areas? And we looked at,", "16R30pW_vF4-00202-00125826-00126472": "where is the money? So we consulted with our bankers and came across BNP who said, well", "16R30pW_vF4-00203-00126472-00126880": "there’s plenty of money in places like Japan. In fact, they have negative interest rates.", "16R30pW_vF4-00204-00126880-00127161": "They don’t know what to do with their money for 10 years, so they’ll give you less then", "16R30pW_vF4-00205-00127161-00127692": "what you had when you starter. So we said, if we can get that and bring it into these", "16R30pW_vF4-00206-00127692-00128350": "rural communities, we’re doing a good thing. But we need to combine this institutional,", "16R30pW_vF4-00207-00128350-00128929": "wholesale capital into what are smallholders, and very hard to define projects, that are", "16R30pW_vF4-00208-00128929-00129437": "quite difficult to bank. And we looked at it and said, well, if you look at an alternative", "16R30pW_vF4-00209-00129437-00129996": "energy program, you’ve got two components. One is the bit where it’s being built, which", "16R30pW_vF4-00210-00129996-00130513": "is quite high risk. Once it is built, you have an off take, effectively a cash flow", "16R30pW_vF4-00211-00130513-00131047": "stream, coming from the state electricity company. A cash flow stream is effectively", "16R30pW_vF4-00212-00131047-00131544": "a bond. So once we get to that point we can sell it. And I can take the money we’ve", "16R30pW_vF4-00213-00131544-00132188": "released and put it into the next project. In the case of smallholder land rehabilitation,", "16R30pW_vF4-00214-00132188-00132720": "once the land is planted and you can see the crops coming up, the risk of not having a", "16R30pW_vF4-00215-00132720-00133280": "cash flow stream coming off that lessens every year. You get to a point even before it begins", "16R30pW_vF4-00216-00133280-00133940": "to produce crops where you’re pretty certain it’s going to. And you can get to an off", "16R30pW_vF4-00217-00133940-00134552": "take contract and then securitize that. The next thing is quite a lot of these contracts", "16R30pW_vF4-00218-00134552-00135099": "are quite small. So we need a mechanism that can wrap them up and put them into these whole", "16R30pW_vF4-00219-00135099-00135663": "institutions. What’s more is a pension fund in Japan actually only invests in yen, whereas", "16R30pW_vF4-00220-00135663-00136203": "the people in Indonesia perhaps would tolerate dollars because most of the commodities are", "16R30pW_vF4-00221-00136203-00136705": "denominated in dollars, or perhaps they want them in rupiah. So we need swap contracts", "16R30pW_vF4-00222-00136705-00137171": "and those are institutional contracts. So we worked with BNP to come up with an idea", "16R30pW_vF4-00223-00137171-00137773": "where we have, if you like, a warehouse of these projects while they’re being constructed", "16R30pW_vF4-00224-00137773-00138273": "or they’re growing product. And then as soon as they get to a point they’re bankable,", "16R30pW_vF4-00225-00138273-00138773": "we wrap them up and sell them off into the institutional market with a swap or whatever", "16R30pW_vF4-00226-00138773-00139198": "it takes to bring the institutions in. The program we’re looking at initially is a", "16R30pW_vF4-00227-00139198-00139880": "billion dollars for Indonesia alone, but I think the methodology applies elsewhere. The", "16R30pW_vF4-00228-00139880-00140350": "other question we’ve had in doing this is, how do you know what’s going on on the ground?", "16R30pW_vF4-00229-00140350-00140773": "We’ve got four million farmers alone in palm oil. How do you know what they’re doing", "16R30pW_vF4-00230-00140773-00141487": "with your money? Fortunately, the answer is in my pocket. And that is the new software", "16R30pW_vF4-00231-00141487-00142065": "that’s coming online makes it totally easy to see what is going on. And there are various", "16R30pW_vF4-00232-00142065-00142666": "companies, Tracesol, GeoTraceability, that now have farmer mapping software that they", "16R30pW_vF4-00233-00142666-00143086": "can map out – even if there’s no land title. You can do faux land title by very", "16R30pW_vF4-00234-00143086-00143552": "easily mapping around the land. You take one farmer, the next farmer. They will agree where", "16R30pW_vF4-00235-00143552-00144058": "it is. Then the village head agrees, then the district head agrees, then the governor", "16R30pW_vF4-00236-00144058-00144526": "agrees. Effectively you’ve mapped the land. And then you make it clear this land is bankable", "16R30pW_vF4-00237-00144526-00145126": "and we will make 10, 12, 15 year money available. But, if we’re giving you that money, we", "16R30pW_vF4-00238-00145126-00145679": "expect offset trades. So we expect people to adhere to certain rules. And if you’re", "16R30pW_vF4-00239-00145679-00146258": "over here, which is in virgin forest or forested areas, there will never be money available", "16R30pW_vF4-00240-00146258-00146761": "to you. So don’t even think about going and occupying it because you will remain poor.", "16R30pW_vF4-00241-00146761-00147399": "So you’ve got that and you’ve got accountability coming in as well. Thank you very much.", "16R30pW_vF4-00242-00147399-00148023": "We’re now going to move to a very different perspective. One of the federal government,", "16R30pW_vF4-00243-00148023-00148670": "a national government, from the Office of the President. Enda Ginting is the Assistant", "16R30pW_vF4-00244-00148670-00149412": "Deputy of the Executive Office of President Jokowi of Indonesia. One of the truly mega", "16R30pW_vF4-00245-00149412-00150061": "tropical forest nations and one of the truly important countries for everything we’re", "16R30pW_vF4-00246-00150061-00150761": "talking about in this conference.", "16R30pW_vF4-00247-00150761-00151351": "Good morning. Thank you, everyone. I’m from Indonesia. For those of you who don’t know", "16R30pW_vF4-00248-00151351-00151986": "Indonesia and you follow the newspapers, it’s synonymous with problems. Our neighbors from", "16R30pW_vF4-00249-00151986-00152713": "Singapore would definitely agree, with the recent forest fires. Sadly, we as the government", "16R30pW_vF4-00250-00152713-00153287": "have often at times been part of the problem. We’ve allowed different agencies to have", "16R30pW_vF4-00251-00153287-00154080": "multiple maps on Indonesia, therefore killing some of the local actors in the field. We’ve", "16R30pW_vF4-00252-00154080-00154694": "also allowed people to run around and not have land entitlements. That’s got to change,", "16R30pW_vF4-00253-00154694-00155245": "because it doesn’t make sense any more. We’re feeling the pressure, we’re feeling", "16R30pW_vF4-00254-00155245-00155762": "the international community talking to us. And more importantly, from what Chris said,", "16R30pW_vF4-00255-00155762-00156154": "these app makers – young people like myself who work in the private sector – we’re", "16R30pW_vF4-00256-00156154-00156649": "competing with them. Because they can produce a map of Indonesia and we can’t. So that’s", "16R30pW_vF4-00257-00156649-00157380": "the pressure we’re having. Now, moving forward, the white papers mentioned some of the initiatives", "16R30pW_vF4-00258-00157380-00157801": "made by the government. A one map policy, it’s not revolutionary, but if you put it", "16R30pW_vF4-00259-00157801-00158204": "in the context of Indonesia, it is amazing. Finally we’re getting a map of Indonesia", "16R30pW_vF4-00260-00158204-00159251": "that looks like the size of Indonesia. We’re also getting land reform, land entitlements,", "16R30pW_vF4-00261-00159251-00159692": "where you’ve got the president who bypasses the bureaucracy, bypasses the politicians,", "16R30pW_vF4-00262-00159692-00160169": "goes into the indigenous and tribal groups and says, this is your land. Because all this", "16R30pW_vF4-00263-00160169-00160610": "time we’ve decided to draw a map around your area and said, that land is the forest", "16R30pW_vF4-00264-00160610-00161261": "estate, and there’s a shopping center right in the middle of it. But all that only indicates", "16R30pW_vF4-00265-00161261-00161633": "we’re doing a lot, but there’s a lot more hurdles in front of us. The ones that we did", "16R30pW_vF4-00266-00161633-00162212": "in the past and the ones that are just naturally there because it’s Indonesia. The white", "16R30pW_vF4-00267-00162212-00162775": "paper did mention a lot of the specific challenges on getting international, long dated money", "16R30pW_vF4-00268-00162775-00163402": "to investments such as the palm oil in Indonesia. But all that sits on the general problems", "16R30pW_vF4-00269-00163402-00164115": "of doing business in Indonesia. So what are we doing? We’re learning from people like", "16R30pW_vF4-00270-00164115-00164879": "Chris, we’re letting them do what they’re doing, and people ask me why are you not taking", "16R30pW_vF4-00271-00164879-00165446": "the lead? Because there’s a trauma. And when private sector people with money come", "16R30pW_vF4-00272-00165446-00166151": "in and talk, and think about the idea of government, there’s a little bit of trauma. How much", "16R30pW_vF4-00273-00166151-00166661": "government is too much government? So we’re learning as we’re going through every stage.", "16R30pW_vF4-00274-00166661-00167178": "We’re making a conceptual framework. Legal issues? Well, for now, no. We’re looking", "16R30pW_vF4-00275-00167178-00167655": "for transactions. We’re looking for transactions ready to be made, to be tied, because there’s", "16R30pW_vF4-00276-00167655-00168066": "money there and there’s people here, and they need it. With that, we hope to progress", "16R30pW_vF4-00277-00168066-00168536": "with every transaction, because this is new for Indonesia. The actors there don’t know", "16R30pW_vF4-00278-00168536-00169125": "how to do it. And we hope that with every new transaction there’s a learning process.", "16R30pW_vF4-00279-00169125-00169645": "And that’s when we determine when government comes in. There’s a nation-wide policy with", "16R30pW_vF4-00280-00169645-00170208": "some minor tweaks here and there. Because essentially we want to be the enablers. We", "16R30pW_vF4-00281-00170208-00170839": "don’t want to be the group of people who stops and restrains the local actors and any", "16R30pW_vF4-00282-00170839-00171550": "good intentions. But we’re also learning and that’s why we’re here. Thank you.", "16R30pW_vF4-00283-00171550-00172734": "You were very, very quick. Our next speaker is here from Malawi. Zwide Jere is the Head", "16R30pW_vF4-00284-00172734-00173290": "of the Total Land Care Organization. He’ll speak from the perspective of a non-profit", "16R30pW_vF4-00285-00173290-00173845": "organization that is making that connection between the finance community and smallholders", "16R30pW_vF4-00286-00173845-00174260": "on the ground at a large scale.", "16R30pW_vF4-00287-00174260-00176117": "Thanks, Dan. Good morning. I am from Malawi, from southern Africa. I just wanted to maybe", "16R30pW_vF4-00288-00176117-00177002": "in a way assure you that the constituency that I represent is a smallholder production", "16R30pW_vF4-00289-00177002-00177973": "sector. There’s a lot of potential there in terms of investment. As you all know, it’s", "16R30pW_vF4-00290-00177973-00178500": "the smallholder community that is feeding itself in the first place, but it’s the", "16R30pW_vF4-00291-00178500-00179273": "same smallholder community that is feeding the global world. So I think there’s an", "16R30pW_vF4-00292-00179273-00179982": "opportunity in this meeting that we can look more into how best we can invest in smallholder", "16R30pW_vF4-00293-00179982-00180554": "production. I’m talking about agri-based as well as natural resource based products.", "16R30pW_vF4-00294-00180554-00181213": "These are the people that are very efficient in terms of producing those things. However,", "16R30pW_vF4-00295-00181213-00182242": "over the last 50 years or plus, both governments and donors have made huge investments in free", "16R30pW_vF4-00296-00182242-00183104": "handouts and subsidies that have had very low – as you know – impacts. Very low", "16R30pW_vF4-00297-00183104-00183961": "returns. And we hear about this fatigue, donor fatigue. But I think that is self-inflicted", "16R30pW_vF4-00298-00183961-00184914": "because we have invested in things that are really not moving us towards sustainable development.", "16R30pW_vF4-00299-00184914-00185761": "Our experience, as I’ve alluded to, shows that we have huge potential to invest in smallholder", "16R30pW_vF4-00300-00185761-00186550": "production. We have worked on some models. Primarily we are talking about, what is important", "16R30pW_vF4-00301-00186550-00187170": "is to provide access to information, good training for these people. We need to promote", "16R30pW_vF4-00302-00187170-00188123": "green technologies. We need to provide access to finance. But also, we need to provide access", "16R30pW_vF4-00303-00188123-00188713": "to markets. Because those two move together. If you want to invest just to provide your", "16R30pW_vF4-00304-00188713-00189438": "money in terms of providing loans to farmers, but it’s not matched by access to markets,", "16R30pW_vF4-00305-00189438-00190187": "then things may not work. So it’s very important that we match up access to finance and then", "16R30pW_vF4-00306-00190187-00190908": "link smallholders to markets. We are working on a model like that. So we provide the technologies", "16R30pW_vF4-00307-00190908-00191605": "to farmers and at the same time we help them to access finance as well as markets. Currently", "16R30pW_vF4-00308-00191605-00192371": "we are working with – in the last year we’ve done a pilot with Opportunity Bank. But we", "16R30pW_vF4-00309-00192371-00193060": "had to use our own fund to provide the guarantee. Then we targeted very few numbers of farmers,", "16R30pW_vF4-00310-00193060-00193838": "2000, but the pilot was so successful that USAID was interested. And they are providing", "16R30pW_vF4-00311-00193838-00194589": "a guarantee of $7 million. So we are moving from 2,000 to about 13,000 farmers. And also", "16R30pW_vF4-00312-00194589-00195324": "more banks are interested to participate in the program. So this is working, and last", "16R30pW_vF4-00313-00195324-00196103": "year the recovery was over 98 per cent. Despite the fact these farmers had to pay about 40", "16R30pW_vF4-00314-00196103-00197403": "per cent interest. They were still interested to access the agri-finance. So this is working.", "16R30pW_vF4-00315-00197403-00198226": "Just to emphasize the importance of markets, we had the program where we did a very good", "16R30pW_vF4-00316-00198226-00198788": "program in terms of introducing low cost irrigation systems. And these farmers moved from producing", "16R30pW_vF4-00317-00198788-00199411": "20 drum heads in a season to 3,000 – one farmer. And so when we took these guys there", "16R30pW_vF4-00318-00199411-00199950": "to say, we want to show you a success story, one of the visitors asked the farmer, how", "16R30pW_vF4-00319-00199950-00200416": "do you look at this new technology? And the farmer said, this technology is very bad.", "16R30pW_vF4-00320-00200416-00201055": "And we got so embarrassed. He said, wait a minute, it’s very bad – why? Because I", "16R30pW_vF4-00321-00201055-00201626": "used to produce 20 drum heads. I could take 10 on my pushbike, sell it to the nearby market,", "16R30pW_vF4-00322-00201626-00202183": "and eat the rest or share with my neighbors. Now I’m stuck with 3,000 drum heads. What", "16R30pW_vF4-00323-00202183-00202855": "do I do with this? So we said, yeah, I think the farmer has a point. We need to address", "16R30pW_vF4-00324-00202855-00203502": "the market phase before we start talking about production. And as if that was not enough,", "16R30pW_vF4-00325-00203502-00204013": "after three month these farmers now started making money but they were not paying back", "16R30pW_vF4-00326-00204013-00204695": "the loans. Okay, so we said, what is the problem? Let’s invite both husband and wife to the", "16R30pW_vF4-00327-00204695-00205291": "meeting. And then we introduced the topic. We said, you see, you are not paying. We have", "16R30pW_vF4-00328-00205291-00205694": "two months left and we are going to get the pump or the equipment from you because that", "16R30pW_vF4-00329-00205694-00206276": "was used as collateral. And the women stood and said, no, this is not true. Our husbands", "16R30pW_vF4-00330-00206276-00206839": "have been telling us they have paid off. We said, no, it’s 50 per cent. And the women", "16R30pW_vF4-00331-00206839-00207371": "said, no, this is unacceptable. Because these husbands have been cheating us. And they were", "16R30pW_vF4-00332-00207371-00207769": "saying that right in front of the husband. And the husband was just looking down to say,", "16R30pW_vF4-00333-00207769-00208346": "wait a minute, what is happening? So we are also realizing in our program that it is very", "16R30pW_vF4-00334-00208346-00208813": "important to deal with women as well as to deal with the youth. I think the women are", "16R30pW_vF4-00335-00208813-00209283": "very powerful. When I was in a meeting with the UN women in Malawi, I emphasized the point", "16R30pW_vF4-00336-00209283-00209836": "she disagreed with me and said, you are cheating, women are marginalized. I said no, I’m a", "16R30pW_vF4-00337-00209836-00210288": "married person, I know how powerful women are. My wife would not talk in public but", "16R30pW_vF4-00338-00210288-00210903": "when we’re at home she’s in control. So let’s really think about women as well,", "16R30pW_vF4-00339-00210903-00211700": "talking about investing in forest products as well as investing in agro-based enterprises.", "16R30pW_vF4-00340-00211700-00212221": "Thank you very much.", "16R30pW_vF4-00341-00212221-00212761": "Our final comment will come from Chris Knowles. He’s head of the Climate Change Environment", "16R30pW_vF4-00342-00212761-00213431": "Division of the European Investment bank.", "16R30pW_vF4-00343-00213431-00213929": "Good morning, everybody. Somebody has to have a slide, and I apologize it’s me. I normally", "16R30pW_vF4-00344-00213929-00214526": "try to avoid it. I wanted this morning to give you a little bit of a flavor of what", "16R30pW_vF4-00345-00214526-00214985": "EIB is – as a kind of proxy for the wider international community – is trying to do,", "16R30pW_vF4-00346-00214985-00215601": "to make these connection between farms, funds and forests. You need to keep in mind that", "16R30pW_vF4-00347-00215601-00216159": "we are, first and foremost, a pretty boring, risk-averse senior lender most of the time.", "16R30pW_vF4-00348-00216159-00216676": "But we do have a strong and growing commitment to increase our impact on climate mitigation", "16R30pW_vF4-00349-00216676-00217383": "and on the nexus of natural resources, natural capital. And we do this through a volume target", "16R30pW_vF4-00350-00217383-00217876": "– 25 per cent of everything we do, which corresponds to about 20 billion Euros a year", "16R30pW_vF4-00351-00217876-00218453": "for climate at the moment. We do this through carbon financing, shadow pricing of carbon.", "16R30pW_vF4-00352-00218453-00219002": "We have some class leading environmental and social standards. We support the new technologies", "16R30pW_vF4-00353-00219002-00219469": "which are going to help some of that happen, including the mobile technologies. We carbon", "16R30pW_vF4-00354-00219469-00219906": "footprint our portfolio, we provide a lot of leadership in the green bond market. And", "16R30pW_vF4-00355-00219906-00220546": "we do all of this basically because this is the direction of travel of international policy,", "16R30pW_vF4-00356-00220546-00221038": "and of the EU. But frankly as a long-term financier we’d be irresponsible not to do", "16R30pW_vF4-00357-00221038-00221834": "so. It’s also important to underline our commitment to crowding in the private sector.", "16R30pW_vF4-00358-00221834-00222311": "Because, again, the numbers are big. The public sector has not got the resources to deal with", "16R30pW_vF4-00359-00222311-00222971": "this. So we do have to work strongly to bring them with us. But what about risk? I think", "16R30pW_vF4-00360-00222971-00223517": "the energy community, the energy investment community, is increasingly used to the idea", "16R30pW_vF4-00361-00223517-00224021": "of carbon stranding risk. You’ve only got to look at 75 per cent of the American coal", "16R30pW_vF4-00362-00224021-00224484": "industry being in Chapter 11. You’ve only got to look at the fact that last year renewable", "16R30pW_vF4-00363-00224484-00225105": "energy investment was now bigger than capex in the oil and gas industries. But I think,", "16R30pW_vF4-00364-00225105-00225798": "if we do not stop the degradation of natural resources quite soon, then the agricultural", "16R30pW_vF4-00365-00225798-00226242": "investment community is also going to have to get used to ecological stranding risk.", "16R30pW_vF4-00366-00226242-00226809": "And that of course is far more than just an investment issue. We’re now talking livelihoods,", "16R30pW_vF4-00367-00226809-00227253": "we’re now talking food security. If we talk food, as we learned from Marie Antoinette,", "16R30pW_vF4-00368-00227253-00227753": "we’re talking revolutions. If we talk livelihoods, we’re talking about mass migration. And", "16R30pW_vF4-00369-00227753-00228223": "that’s something that in Europe we’re very sensitive to these days. The evidence", "16R30pW_vF4-00370-00228223-00228807": "is that I think the investors and financiers are beginning to see that sustainable financial", "16R30pW_vF4-00371-00228807-00229419": "returns do depend upon sustainable social and environmental practice. But all of this", "16R30pW_vF4-00372-00229419-00229871": "requires integration. It requires joined-up thinking, and we’re less good at that, to", "16R30pW_vF4-00373-00229871-00230448": "be frank. And the decisions of that community on a voluntary basis will eventually reflect", "16R30pW_vF4-00374-00230448-00231113": "that awareness. But of course it will all happen a lot faster if regulation drives it.", "16R30pW_vF4-00375-00231113-00231678": "I think the disclosure of stranding risk should actually be mandatory, if we want to start", "16R30pW_vF4-00376-00231678-00232117": "quickly and properly pricing for those risks as investors. But even the largest investors", "16R30pW_vF4-00377-00232117-00232769": "today do not really have that ability. And so we need entities to coordinate all of this,", "16R30pW_vF4-00378-00232769-00233364": "to bring it together, to aggregate it as Chris was saying. And to create vehicles to deploy", "16R30pW_vF4-00379-00233364-00234040": "capital so that the big investors can get it down to the projects in Malawi. The good", "16R30pW_vF4-00380-00234040-00234683": "news, I think, is that the capital is available. Landscapes and landscape forestry is dramatically", "16R30pW_vF4-00381-00234683-00235228": "under-allocated. You see this on the graph of our activity there. And the little red", "16R30pW_vF4-00382-00235228-00235703": "circle is what’s happening with us in the forestry space. And you can’t even see it", "16R30pW_vF4-00383-00235703-00236546": "on the graph. It’s $200 million a year for us out of $20 billion. The Climate Bonds Initiative", "16R30pW_vF4-00384-00236546-00237117": "has noted that forestry bond issuance is only $2 billion out of a total universe of $600", "16R30pW_vF4-00385-00237117-00237686": "billion. So a way to go, lots of headroom, but we’ve got to create the means of pulling", "16R30pW_vF4-00386-00237686-00238492": "it through. So, over time, we have grown our toolkit for the natural capital space. We’ve", "16R30pW_vF4-00387-00238492-00239198": "done some in particular using funds and other SPVs, and these range from mainstream private", "16R30pW_vF4-00388-00239198-00239716": "equity timberland vehicles – albeit always with a very strong commitment to sustainable", "16R30pW_vF4-00389-00239716-00240313": "practice. A good example of that is Dasos timberland vehicle. To more visionary, commercially", "16R30pW_vF4-00390-00240313-00240763": "structured, but still vehicles, and representatives of some of those people who are in the room", "16R30pW_vF4-00391-00240763-00241346": "today. Often seeded by philanthropic investors, and then onwards to private-public blended", "16R30pW_vF4-00392-00241346-00241896": "vehicles. For example, the LDN Fund, which will be talked about later on today, and the", "16R30pW_vF4-00393-00241896-00242760": "Green for Growth in the audience. And also then to place around these vehicles which", "16R30pW_vF4-00394-00242760-00243283": "are designed to get to the fixed income market. That’s the holy grail in the investment", "16R30pW_vF4-00395-00243283-00243732": "world. That’s where the $90 trillion of capital lies. And that’s the one we have", "16R30pW_vF4-00396-00243732-00244323": "to crack for this space if we’re going to scale up. So I’m going to quickly talk about", "16R30pW_vF4-00397-00244323-00244778": "two of these vehicles and then maybe I could take a couple of the minutes that were kindly", "16R30pW_vF4-00398-00244778-00245300": "left by earlier speakers. This is a platform that’s all about conservation and environmental", "16R30pW_vF4-00399-00245300-00246011": "protection through innovative financial products and sustainable agricultural commodity production.", "16R30pW_vF4-00400-00246011-00246515": "Very strong emphasis on community development, and I think they would totally agree with", "16R30pW_vF4-00401-00246515-00247053": "what was said about engaging with all parts of the community. Very strong commitment to", "16R30pW_vF4-00402-00247053-00247471": "the socioeconomic development of that community. Again, if you don’t bring them with you,", "16R30pW_vF4-00403-00247471-00248178": "then especially as international investors you’re toast. The Tambopata National Park", "16R30pW_vF4-00404-00248178-00248919": "is is in the Peruvian Amazon Basin, around the rather aptly named of Maldonado. And that’s", "16R30pW_vF4-00405-00248919-00249464": "570,000 hectares of absolutely pristine tropical forest. A globally important biodiversity", "16R30pW_vF4-00406-00249464-00249958": "hotspot, but 2,000 hectares a year of that forest is going – for all the reasons we", "16R30pW_vF4-00407-00249958-00250597": "know about and have been studying. Together with a local NGO Adare, they’ve got a 20", "16R30pW_vF4-00408-00250597-00250955": "year concession from the government to implement a conservation plan for that forest. They’re", "16R30pW_vF4-00409-00250955-00251452": "going to plant 4,000 hectares of certified, high quality cocoa. They’re going to put", "16R30pW_vF4-00410-00251452-00251942": "into place all of the marketing infrastructure and the infrastructure to get that cocoa out", "16R30pW_vF4-00411-00251942-00252456": "in a good condition. And they’re going to avoid half a million tonnes of CO2. And they’re", "16R30pW_vF4-00412-00252456-00253027": "going to create alternate livelihoods for 10,000 people. Apropos of those livelihoods,", "16R30pW_vF4-00413-00253027-00253564": "this is an area which is suffering terribly from illegal gold mining. These are miners,", "16R30pW_vF4-00414-00253564-00254152": "small scale miners, who use mercury to refine what they’re panning. And in doing that", "16R30pW_vF4-00415-00254152-00254816": "very carelessly they are contaminating water, soil and fisheries in the Madre de Dios River.", "16R30pW_vF4-00416-00254816-00255276": "And they’re releasing volumes annually of mercury which compare to what happened at", "16R30pW_vF4-00417-00255276-00255871": "Minamata in Japan. And this has now reached truly crisis proportions. 40 per cent of the", "16R30pW_vF4-00418-00255871-00256342": "population is now affected and the government has declared a state of emergency. This gentleman", "16R30pW_vF4-00419-00256342-00256844": "I had the pleasure of meeting on a visit there. It was very moving listening to him explain", "16R30pW_vF4-00420-00256844-00257311": "the changes to his way of life, pretty much all of them positive and all of them sustainable.", "16R30pW_vF4-00421-00257311-00257806": "And there are other schemes like this going ahead. A second example and then I am done,", "16R30pW_vF4-00422-00257806-00259041": "really done. In Ecuador, Eco Enterprise Fund. This is basically a SME growth equity fund.", "16R30pW_vF4-00423-00259041-00259556": "And these SMEs have been chosen for their very strict commitments to ESG standards and", "16R30pW_vF4-00424-00259556-00260032": "their strong emphasis on all the things that I was talking about previously. Runa is again", "16R30pW_vF4-00425-00260032-00260575": "in the Ecuadorian rainforest, servicing the Kichwa community, an indigenous peoples, who", "16R30pW_vF4-00426-00260575-00261019": "got a taste for something called the Guayusa leaf. It’s a tea, it’s a mild stimulant.", "16R30pW_vF4-00427-00261019-00261540": "And this little SME has got a small processing factory but it’s built up a full agricultural", "16R30pW_vF4-00428-00261540-00262032": "extension service. It works with the people in the forest, taking a leaf which is natural", "16R30pW_vF4-00429-00262032-00262578": "from the forest, processing it, packaging it, sending it out to hip young people in", "16R30pW_vF4-00430-00262578-00263234": "London and New York who are looking for caffeine free stimulants. They also have a thing called", "16R30pW_vF4-00431-00263234-00263579": "Terra-Fertil which is at the other end of the country, Alto Plano. It’s in the area", "16R30pW_vF4-00432-00263579-00263932": "that had the cut flower industry. And the cut flower industry very often comes with", "16R30pW_vF4-00433-00263932-00264501": "horrible practices in terms of water usage and in terms of chemicals. And they have provided", "16R30pW_vF4-00434-00264501-00265225": "an alternative to the people in that industry – small scale growers of fruit. Local, indigenous", "16R30pW_vF4-00435-00265225-00265793": "fruit. They dry this fruit. They export it again to the international community. They", "16R30pW_vF4-00436-00265793-00266476": "are supporting 3,000 smallholders in that area, most of them women. And the impact on", "16R30pW_vF4-00437-00266476-00267038": "these communities through women is absolutely – you have to see it to believe it. Eco", "16R30pW_vF4-00438-00267038-00267582": "Enterprise is a story of women, as the firm is also owned and managed by women. Thank", "16R30pW_vF4-00439-00267582-00268011": "you. My apologies for over-running.", "16R30pW_vF4-00440-00268011-00268525": "The organizers have generously given us another 10 minutes for our session, so we have until", "16R30pW_vF4-00441-00268525-00269223": "10:10. The first step is going to be some really quick questions with maximum 60 second", "16R30pW_vF4-00442-00269223-00269552": "responses, just to make sure you all have some time to get your questions out as well.", "16R30pW_vF4-00443-00269552-00270161": "And Zwide, I want to start with you. You and your organization are so inspiring, the way", "16R30pW_vF4-00444-00270161-00270942": "you’re basically creating those enabling conditions for smallholders to tap into finance.", "16R30pW_vF4-00445-00270942-00271409": "But also recognizing that it’s women running the show, which I have found repeatedly is", "16R30pW_vF4-00446-00271409-00272088": "the case. Could you talk a little bit about your challenges in keeping an innovation organization,", "16R30pW_vF4-00447-00272088-00272708": "which is a non-profit organization, going in this crucial intermediate space?", "16R30pW_vF4-00448-00272708-00273871": "Thanks. As I mentioned, as an organization we work with – our main constituent is the", "16R30pW_vF4-00449-00273871-00274414": "smallholder community. But at the same time we work also with other partners. We work", "16R30pW_vF4-00450-00274414-00275014": "with investors, we work with government, so we are really in the middle there, trying", "16R30pW_vF4-00451-00275014-00275747": "to coordinate all that. One challenge we face of course is what I already mentioned – access", "16R30pW_vF4-00452-00275747-00276503": "to markets. Out there on the market, there are unscrupulous business people who are not", "16R30pW_vF4-00453-00276503-00277166": "really offering good prices. They are not transparent to these people. And it makes", "16R30pW_vF4-00454-00277166-00277671": "our work very difficult. That’s why even sometimes farmers demand, why don’t you", "16R30pW_vF4-00455-00277671-00278214": "also provide this service to us? Because they trust us. So they have trust in us, but they", "16R30pW_vF4-00456-00278214-00278922": "don’t have trust in some of the buyers. The other problem is the products, the commodities", "16R30pW_vF4-00457-00278922-00279635": "that we tried to identify and define sometimes is not done in a more participatory way. And", "16R30pW_vF4-00458-00279635-00280150": "then the communities are not having a stake there to really understand that some of those", "16R30pW_vF4-00459-00280150-00280849": "products are meeting their multiple needs. It’s another challenge we face. Lack of", "16R30pW_vF4-00460-00280849-00281277": "finance, which I already mentioned, is a big thing. I mean we use, as you know, most of", "16R30pW_vF4-00461-00281277-00281959": "you, in the past governments used to provide credit but those things collapsed many years", "16R30pW_vF4-00462-00281959-00282627": "ago. And this space has not been filled quickly by the investors, because there’s mention", "16R30pW_vF4-00463-00282627-00283278": "of risk and high risk and all that. But I think there are many creative ways of minimizing", "16R30pW_vF4-00464-00283278-00283918": "risk. One of them of course is access to insurance. I think there are many insurance companies", "16R30pW_vF4-00465-00283918-00284394": "that are interested, but no one is going to them. We had a meeting in Switzerland with", "16R30pW_vF4-00466-00284394-00285201": "Swiss Re. They are very keen to provide insurance to minimize some of the risk. But more important", "16R30pW_vF4-00467-00285201-00285895": "is the issue of trust itself. I think for us over the years we have created that trust.", "16R30pW_vF4-00468-00285895-00286400": "That’s why farmers want us to provide credit. They want us to buy things from them. They", "16R30pW_vF4-00469-00286400-00286990": "want us to provide inputs. Because when they go to the market to buy inputs, they find", "16R30pW_vF4-00470-00286990-00287468": "they are getting the wrong product there. So their trust is very important – between", "16R30pW_vF4-00471-00287468-00288033": "the investor on one hand as boots on the ground, you know, that we’re providing the link", "16R30pW_vF4-00472-00288033-00288489": "between smallholders and the other service provider. That trust is very critical. I think", "16R30pW_vF4-00473-00288489-00288973": "we have really to work around that. How to bring that trust? Because I can tell you most", "16R30pW_vF4-00474-00288973-00289438": "of us feel we don’t trust these people. But in the majority of cases they are the", "16R30pW_vF4-00475-00289438-00289890": "ones that really don’t trust us. So we need to work on that. We have some homework to", "16R30pW_vF4-00476-00289890-00290007": "do on that.", "16R30pW_vF4-00477-00290007-00290901": "On the trust issue, the independent smallholders in Indonesia had a terrible issue there. The", "16R30pW_vF4-00478-00290901-00291477": "seeds they were planting were counterfeit. You don’t find out for four years. And that’s", "16R30pW_vF4-00479-00291477-00291874": "contributed a lot to the poverty, and that’s about one third of independent smallholders", "16R30pW_vF4-00480-00291874-00292640": "planting palm trees that are actually substandard and yield perhaps one quarter of what they", "16R30pW_vF4-00481-00292640-00293001": "should have done if they’d put the right seed in. It’s a big issue.", "16R30pW_vF4-00482-00293001-00293556": "Next I want to turn to Enda. It’s very interesting some of the things you’re saying about how", "16R30pW_vF4-00483-00293556-00293974": "much government is too much government. You seem to have some really strong ideas on what", "16R30pW_vF4-00484-00293974-00294440": "a good partnership looks like. What is your message to the finance community in terms", "16R30pW_vF4-00485-00294440-00295130": "of what you need in your job to make investment deals work for Indonesia?", "16R30pW_vF4-00486-00295130-00295695": "Thank you. I think for governments, especially the Government of Indonesia, it’s challenging", "16R30pW_vF4-00487-00295695-00296339": "to define how to work with the private sector, the financing. But I guess there’s no other", "16R30pW_vF4-00488-00296339-00296991": "way around it except to be upfront and honest about what it requires to get some of these", "16R30pW_vF4-00489-00296991-00297691": "business processes in place. And the government is still learning how to do that. We’re", "16R30pW_vF4-00490-00297691-00298217": "tailing the existing initiatives associated from ADM Capital and we’re also learning", "16R30pW_vF4-00491-00298217-00298946": "when we can come in and when we can’t. Because what we often find is actors – and not the", "16R30pW_vF4-00492-00298946-00299331": "good ones – are happy to reclassify some of their transactions and say this would fit", "16R30pW_vF4-00493-00299331-00299908": "into that criteria. Because there’s no proper base for a government to sit and say, well,", "16R30pW_vF4-00494-00299908-00300564": "that doesn’t make sense. Because the absence of that data is just crazy. But I guess for", "16R30pW_vF4-00495-00300564-00301206": "the investors out there I’d suggest spend time in getting to know how to get the business", "16R30pW_vF4-00496-00301206-00301688": "process, how to get transactions running, and to understand how things get run in Indonesia.", "16R30pW_vF4-00497-00301688-00302135": "Because you talk about small share holders and we don’t even know who they are. And", "16R30pW_vF4-00498-00302135-00302572": "you have Chris to come into different parts of Indonesia where I’ve never been and actually", "16R30pW_vF4-00499-00302572-00302944": "meet the people and talk to them. And they’re the ones who bring in the information and", "16R30pW_vF4-00500-00302944-00303641": "the wealth to us. And we make a judgment on how we can make this possible. And we originally", "16R30pW_vF4-00501-00303641-00304387": "found 200,000 hectares cut down. Take away the ones that don’t have a certificate,", "16R30pW_vF4-00502-00304387-00304977": "are not legally acknowledged, 150,000 hectares. Take out the ones that are not involved in", "16R30pW_vF4-00503-00304977-00305693": "existing palm oil off-takers, 120,000. And then take out the ones that we can actually", "16R30pW_vF4-00504-00305693-00306243": "identify and we’re left with 75,000. There’s a lot of that screening. That’s a lot of", "16R30pW_vF4-00505-00306243-00306949": "work for us, but that indicates it’s a market that’s not saturated. A lot of pre-work", "16R30pW_vF4-00506-00306949-00307119": "needs to be done.", "16R30pW_vF4-00507-00307119-00307974": "Andrea, you gave us already some of the highlights of where the Green Climate Fund is. I wonder", "16R30pW_vF4-00508-00307974-00308667": "if you could – you know, it’s amazing to me just how high the expectations are.", "16R30pW_vF4-00509-00308667-00309200": "What are the appropriate expectations? What is the GCF going to look like if it hits its", "16R30pW_vF4-00510-00309200-00309446": "full potential five years from now?", "16R30pW_vF4-00511-00309446-00309886": "The thing that’s important to remember is that the GCF is not the answer to the $100", "16R30pW_vF4-00512-00309886-00310183": "billion. Which I think some people make the mistake of equating the $100 billion with", "16R30pW_vF4-00513-00310183-00310859": "the Green Climate Fund. The GCF is never going to be mobilizing $100 billion as a single", "16R30pW_vF4-00514-00310859-00311415": "institution. The GCF will be one part of the international architecture. So the critical", "16R30pW_vF4-00515-00311415-00312114": "thing really is understanding what the specific and unique role of the GCF is, alongside the", "16R30pW_vF4-00516-00312114-00312669": "rest of the multilateral development banks, alongside the private sector, alongside the", "16R30pW_vF4-00517-00312669-00313126": "global environment facility, alongside the climate investment funds, and alongside a", "16R30pW_vF4-00518-00313126-00313642": "lot of bilateral activity. I think it’s understanding where the particular niche is.", "16R30pW_vF4-00519-00313642-00314303": "It clearly has a mandate around paradigm shifting and mobilizing finance at scale, which many", "16R30pW_vF4-00520-00314303-00314919": "others have not been able to do to date. And it also has a very explicit mandate around", "16R30pW_vF4-00521-00314919-00315352": "the private sector facility and getting private sector financing to flow. And in particular", "16R30pW_vF4-00522-00315352-00315919": "there’s a kind of almost proof of concept around private sector financing and adaptation,", "16R30pW_vF4-00523-00315919-00316525": "I think. Where again the GCF is different because it’s got a 50-50 mitigation-adaptation", "16R30pW_vF4-00524-00316525-00317026": "aspiration. And I think we saw in the figures that came through pre-Paris that the adaptation", "16R30pW_vF4-00525-00317026-00317508": "financing was only about 16 per cent of the overall climate finance flow. So to go from", "16R30pW_vF4-00526-00317508-00317934": "16 per cent of climate finance up to 50 per cent is a very big paradigm shift, actually.", "16R30pW_vF4-00527-00317934-00318344": "To show what’s possible and to show that finance can flow. It also has a very different", "16R30pW_vF4-00528-00318344-00318824": "mandate around direct access and around country ownership. So again, I think in five years", "16R30pW_vF4-00529-00318824-00319395": "time if you were judging success it would be about the GCF having built national capability", "16R30pW_vF4-00530-00319395-00319910": "that looks and feels different. So you have national designated authorities that are having", "16R30pW_vF4-00531-00319910-00320421": "ownership of very strongly embedded country plans that are able to access funds directly.", "16R30pW_vF4-00532-00320421-00321273": "And if you see the example in Rwanda or the example of the Ministry of Finance in Ethiopia,", "16R30pW_vF4-00533-00321273-00321609": "leading kind of national organizations that are both accredited to the GCF. I think we", "16R30pW_vF4-00534-00321609-00322014": "would hope that there would be other examples, that there wouldn’t be just kind of a very", "16R30pW_vF4-00535-00322014-00322299": "small handful, that there would be others that are showing what’s possible in terms", "16R30pW_vF4-00536-00322299-00322680": "of accessing those funds. And then owning these kind of national plans. So I think there’s", "16R30pW_vF4-00537-00322680-00323092": "something definitely about national capability, about the private finance flowing around the", "16R30pW_vF4-00538-00323092-00323649": "GCF within the architecture, and kind of finding a more stable footing. Particularly understanding", "16R30pW_vF4-00539-00323649-00324080": "where it’s subsidizing and where it’s kind of at the point investment should be.", "16R30pW_vF4-00540-00324080-00324576": "And on what terms the GCF should be investing. Which I still think we have to work that through,", "16R30pW_vF4-00541-00324576-00325001": "and there will be some teething problems as we work out what the right level of risk appetite", "16R30pW_vF4-00542-00325001-00325488": "is for the GCF in particular, which is really the nub of the problem for many – which", "16R30pW_vF4-00543-00325488-00325770": "is that we’re not over subsidizing the private sector in particular. But we’re kind of", "16R30pW_vF4-00544-00325770-00326236": "unlocking finance at scale, and that’s very difficult to do in the absence of a lot of", "16R30pW_vF4-00545-00326236-00326733": "projects on the table. And we don’t have a strong pipeline at the moment. So we need", "16R30pW_vF4-00546-00326733-00327109": "others to kind of have confidence that the GCF can mobilize at scale and bring forward", "16R30pW_vF4-00547-00327109-00327338": "quality programming.", "16R30pW_vF4-00548-00327338-00328043": "Chris, what would it take to get the miserly little $1 billion a year up to $20?", "16R30pW_vF4-00549-00328043-00328830": "It’s worse. It’s $200 million a YEAR. That’s $1 billion for the last five years.", "16R30pW_vF4-00550-00328830-00329457": "I think it’s an evolutionary thing. We have been busy in this space for well over a decade", "16R30pW_vF4-00551-00329457-00330019": "now. We’ve seen good growth on the energy efficiency and the renewable energy side.", "16R30pW_vF4-00552-00330019-00330439": "And interesting models are beginning to flow through in that space now. But the natural", "16R30pW_vF4-00553-00330439-00330953": "resources base isn’t there yet. And I think it’s partially there was a slower awareness", "16R30pW_vF4-00554-00330953-00331383": "amongst the wider community. I know the specialists have all been very conscious of this for many", "16R30pW_vF4-00555-00331383-00332226": "years, but maybe their message wasn’t percolating out as widely as it ought to. I think that", "16R30pW_vF4-00556-00332226-00332871": "awareness is now coming, but we’ve then now also got to work to find the models to", "16R30pW_vF4-00557-00332871-00333400": "deploy the capital. If you take the case of EIB, myself and two colleagues over there,", "16R30pW_vF4-00558-00333400-00333906": "you’ve got most of our front office for this space. 160 countries we try to be active", "16R30pW_vF4-00559-00333906-00334440": "in. You can do the math. So we have to do this with partners. And we want to do it with", "16R30pW_vF4-00560-00334440-00334808": "partners. We believe that working with the private sector is essential for the capital", "16R30pW_vF4-00561-00334808-00335311": "reason I talked about. But it’s also important because that’s how we can get the specialized", "16R30pW_vF4-00562-00335311-00335748": "knowledge, the local knowledge, the on-the-ground knowledge, the boots on the ground. There’s", "16R30pW_vF4-00563-00335748-00336261": "no reason for this all to be done on our payroll. I think we’d do much better and we’ll", "16R30pW_vF4-00564-00336261-00336758": "scale it up much more quickly with partners. But the simple answer is that we haven’t", "16R30pW_vF4-00565-00336758-00337417": "yet found enough of these partners and enough of these models. You saw a lot of some of", "16R30pW_vF4-00566-00337417-00337929": "the people we are working with. For that list, we’ve looked at another 15 or 20 which we", "16R30pW_vF4-00567-00337929-00338429": "didn’t succeed in working with. But I hope that if we’re sitting down here in two or", "16R30pW_vF4-00568-00338429-00338643": "three years time we’ll have a much longer list.", "16R30pW_vF4-00569-00338643-00338743": "Me.", "16R30pW_vF4-00570-00338743-00339367": "I need you, indeed. But that’s basically it. We need partners. We need models for the", "16R30pW_vF4-00571-00339367-00339942": "aggregation, for the risk sharing, for the structuring, for the boot work on the ground.", "16R30pW_vF4-00572-00339942-00340394": "And finally Chris Botsford, could you just carry out a little bit for us what that scenario", "16R30pW_vF4-00573-00340394-00340976": "looks like with the mapping? I mean, with coming to formal recognition, perhaps within", "16R30pW_vF4-00574-00340976-00341508": "the constitutional court decision on customary lands, but also independent smallholders.", "16R30pW_vF4-00575-00341508-00341949": "What are the next steps for that? How does that go to scale in Indonesia?", "16R30pW_vF4-00576-00341949-00342863": "Well, as Enda touched on, there are a lot of different maps in Indonesia. And the Ministry", "16R30pW_vF4-00577-00342863-00343327": "of Mines has one and the Ministry of Forests has one, and each village head has one, and", "16R30pW_vF4-00578-00343327-00343968": "the villages have one. And a lot of overlaps need to be settled. So you need from the top", "16R30pW_vF4-00579-00343968-00344442": "down – which is where we need the government to come in and help. And then you need the", "16R30pW_vF4-00580-00344442-00345125": "bottom up. At the village level, what goes on in for example Kalimantan is that every", "16R30pW_vF4-00581-00345125-00345667": "migrant is entitled to 2.5 hectares. And when it goes wrong in one village they move to", "16R30pW_vF4-00582-00345667-00346136": "the next village and get another 2.5 hectares. It’s not quite so easy, but that’s broadly", "16R30pW_vF4-00583-00346136-00346681": "what goes on. And even if they’re not awarded it, they just take it. So if you can start", "16R30pW_vF4-00584-00346681-00347293": "by getting everybody’s 2.5 hectares mapped on a software package that then is totally", "16R30pW_vF4-00585-00347293-00347829": "transparent to everybody, and everybody that is buying product is looking at where exactly", "16R30pW_vF4-00586-00347829-00348316": "this product came from – then we begin to look at, well if there’s surplus product,", "16R30pW_vF4-00587-00348316-00348857": "where did it come from and why are you buying it? Because that’s probably contributing", "16R30pW_vF4-00588-00348857-00349490": "to deforestation. And so if you’re beginning to get this faux title, it doesn’t have", "16R30pW_vF4-00589-00349490-00349892": "to be legal title, but it’s actually the commercial enterprises that are forcing that", "16R30pW_vF4-00590-00349892-00350395": "title on people. And if it’s accepted at a village head level, or a district head level,", "16R30pW_vF4-00591-00350395-00350918": "or a governor level, it very soon becomes law even if it’s not internationally approved", "16R30pW_vF4-00592-00350918-00351553": "as land title. It is effectively land title because, out in Kalimantan, what else is there?", "16R30pW_vF4-00593-00351553-00351972": "So that’s what we’re trying to do, is to get common agreement on what title looks", "16R30pW_vF4-00594-00351972-00352072": "like.", "16R30pW_vF4-00595-00352072-00352772": "Great. Thank you very much. Folks, I’m afraid we’re out of time. Surprise, surprise. Just", "16R30pW_vF4-00596-00352772-00353298": "to wrap up, though, a great conversation. First I just want to give a round of applause", "16R30pW_vF4-00597-00353298-00354482": "to our panelists. And some of the emergent issues here are really – I think last year", "16R30pW_vF4-00598-00354482-00354979": "we heard about bankable projects and the scarcity of bankable projects. A very interesting sort", "16R30pW_vF4-00599-00354979-00355642": "of counter-perspective presented here is what the nations where the change is taking place", "16R30pW_vF4-00600-00355642-00356151": "need from the investment community for this to go forward. I think the whole idea that", "16R30pW_vF4-00601-00356151-00356746": "the GCF is going to help usher in a new paradigm and a new type of institution in the countries", "16R30pW_vF4-00602-00356746-00357478": "that are participating in the low carbon land use agenda is huge. The critical role for", "16R30pW_vF4-00603-00357478-00358033": "non-governmental actors that are innovation partners and helping in that aggregator function", "16R30pW_vF4-00604-00358033-00358511": "I think is another really big message we had today. And throughout all of this it really", "16R30pW_vF4-00605-00358511-00359103": "gets down to building the trust so these relationships can move forward. In closing, I’d like to", "16R30pW_vF4-00606-00359103-00359623": "refer back to a trip I made a couple of weeks ago in the spirit of telling stories, to the", "16R30pW_vF4-00607-00359623-00360285": "state of Acre in the far south-western corner of the Brazilian Amazon. For the last 18 years", "16R30pW_vF4-00608-00360285-00360884": "Jorge Viana and then Governor Binho and now Governor Tião Viana have been building upon", "16R30pW_vF4-00609-00360884-00361519": "the legacy of Chico Mendes – a low carbon land use economy. And what really struck me", "16R30pW_vF4-00610-00361519-00362071": "on the last visit is how relevant many of the lessons there are to the dialogues here", "16R30pW_vF4-00611-00362071-00362711": "in London. Where there’s now about $40 million in private investment, all from Brazilian", "16R30pW_vF4-00612-00362711-00363355": "investors, attracted by a smaller amount of public investment from ANAC, an agency specialized", "16R30pW_vF4-00613-00363355-00363938": "in attracting that investment. And these are public-private-community partnerships. If", "16R30pW_vF4-00614-00363938-00364597": "there’s not an upside for the low income participants in the venture, it doesn’t", "16R30pW_vF4-00615-00364597-00365050": "move forward. And that is a commitment of the government which has created the enabling", "16R30pW_vF4-00616-00365050-00365641": "conditions for this to go to scale across a 170,000 square kilometer landscape which", "16R30pW_vF4-00617-00365641-00366310": "is a state. We now have an opportunity to Mato Grosso at the other end of the Amazon.", "16R30pW_vF4-00618-00366310-00366763": "But I guess the point I want to leave with is this agenda is moving forward. It’s moving", "16R30pW_vF4-00619-00366763-00367284": "forward fast. There’s innovation. A lot of our challenge is to connect the dots and", "16R30pW_vF4-00620-00367284-00367802": "make sure that this is a multiple dialogue flowing with information and ideas flowing", "16R30pW_vF4-00621-00367802-00368668": "in multiple directions instead of in one direction. So thank you again for your patience today.", "16R30pW_vF4-00622-00368668-00369217": "Thank you."}}, {"audio_id": "172HfiyoUuU", "text": {"172HfiyoUuU-00000-00000000-00000438": "QR codes and short links are great ways to unlock the learning in your classroom.", "172HfiyoUuU-00001-00000438-00000846": "If you give a student a link that looks like this to a website and they try to", "172HfiyoUuU-00002-00000846-00001301": "type it in what often happens is that link becomes broken and it just makes", "172HfiyoUuU-00003-00001301-00001734": "everything more frustrating. how much easier to turn this link into something", "172HfiyoUuU-00004-00001734-00002151": "that looks like this to be easy to type in or even better like this so that", "172HfiyoUuU-00005-00002151-00002499": "people can take a picture of it if you want to shorten the link there are tons", "172HfiyoUuU-00006-00002499-00002903": "of resources you can go and find to do that you can create a link that looks", "172HfiyoUuU-00007-00002903-00003398": "like this with a bunch of random numbers or letters however even easier why don't", "172HfiyoUuU-00008-00003398-00003843": "we have one that has words that we can recognize even better why not turn that", "172HfiyoUuU-00009-00003843-00004296": "webpage into a picture that people can take pictures of with their device even", "172HfiyoUuU-00010-00004296-00004719": "with their computer sometimes and get access to the website directly without", "172HfiyoUuU-00011-00004719-00005148": "having to worry about typing things in again there are plenty of places you can", "172HfiyoUuU-00012-00005148-00005514": "go to create one of these go discover it and guess what you don't even have to", "172HfiyoUuU-00013-00005514-00005957": "download the final QR code that you create you can just copy and paste it", "172HfiyoUuU-00014-00005957-00006396": "directly from the website into your document to conclude QR codes and short", "172HfiyoUuU-00015-00006396-00006779": "links are awesome for unlocking access to learning in your classroom as we", "172HfiyoUuU-00016-00006779-00007179": "design our lessons and we make sure that all of our students have access to the", "172HfiyoUuU-00017-00007179-00007638": "learning in our rooms these are two really simple tools to do just that I'm", "172HfiyoUuU-00018-00007638-00008039": "tracee rosen and i hope this was helpful"}}, {"audio_id": "17iKENnMma0", "text": {"17iKENnMma0-00000-00000019-00000354": "The title that I have for today is a little bit", "17iKENnMma0-00001-00000405-00000851": "unclear isn't it? What on- what in heaven's name could I be talking about here?", "17iKENnMma0-00002-00000851-00001256": "And I'm not primarily talking about Nazi economic policy", "17iKENnMma0-00003-00001257-00001904": "although a little bit of that will come through. But I want to look more at the big picture, at a big-picture view of", "17iKENnMma0-00004-00002047-00002775": "what the economic philosophy, such as it was, of Hitler really was. And I want to do that simply because", "17iKENnMma0-00005-00002821-00003377": "Hitler has become especially in the age of the internet almost a cartoonish figure everybody trots out", "17iKENnMma0-00006-00003423-00003752": "for sometimes for good reasons and usually for dumb reasons.", "17iKENnMma0-00007-00003775-00004331": "If you're if you're really getting on somebody's nerves, they start calling you \"Hitler\" or \"like Hitler\"", "17iKENnMma0-00008-00004389-00005066": "or \"approaching Hitler\" or whatever. Everybody's Hitler. If you're a vegetarian you're Hitler 'cause he was a vegetarian. If you want war you're Hitler.", "17iKENnMma0-00009-00005146-00005498": "Even if you don't want war you're Hitler. I find. You know,", "17iKENnMma0-00010-00005498-00005844": "like I want no wars at all and I'm Hitler. I don't understand how that could be.", "17iKENnMma0-00011-00005844-00006450": "I mean, wasn't militarism kind of central to the whole thing? So anyway, so I'm gonna be looking more broadly at", "17iKENnMma0-00012-00006504-00007026": "economic thought and maybe social philosophy a bit with a little bit of policy thrown in.", "17iKENnMma0-00013-00007084-00007281": "And I'm doing this as I say", "17iKENnMma0-00014-00007281-00007673": "partly because the term fascism, and to a lesser extent", "17iKENnMma0-00015-00007709-00008173": "Nazi, have come to be used as generic terms of abuse.", "17iKENnMma0-00016-00008192-00008838": "And when they are so applied they are shall we say more obfuscating than clarifying?", "17iKENnMma0-00017-00008838-00009468": "I would tend to think that if I were to survey the general public about the definition of fascism", "17iKENnMma0-00018-00009468-00010216": "I would probably not get something very close to the dictionary definition. So I thought what the heck couldn't hurt.", "17iKENnMma0-00019-00010220-00010402": "And frankly", "17iKENnMma0-00020-00010402-00010908": "some of the kinds of themes that I'm going to be talking about can be heard", "17iKENnMma0-00021-00010974-00011444": "in some sectors of the ideological spectrum out there", "17iKENnMma0-00022-00011562-00011748": "even today and", "17iKENnMma0-00023-00011749-00012018": "it's almost spooky how similar they are.", "17iKENnMma0-00024-00012142-00012437": "Now I recall, back when I was first teaching,", "17iKENnMma0-00025-00012438-00012986": "I was still getting my PhD, but I had taken a job in the meanwhile at a community college.", "17iKENnMma0-00026-00013044-00013364": "And at that college I was required to take attendance.", "17iKENnMma0-00027-00013384-00013945": "And I thought this is just insult to take attendance in college, you know, but alright, you know", "17iKENnMma0-00028-00013945-00014078": "I gotta- that's what they asked me to do.", "17iKENnMma0-00029-00014078-00014259": "But what I did was I just", "17iKENnMma0-00030-00014259-00014746": "passed a sheet of paper around and had people sign their names and then I just ignored the piece of paper and threw it away.", "17iKENnMma0-00031-00014894-00015244": "So anyway one day I was reading because I taught", "17iKENnMma0-00032-00015303-00015676": "Western civilization it was the second half. So we were in the twentieth century.", "17iKENnMma0-00033-00015676-00016318": "So we were going over the 1920 Nazi platform, which has twenty five points in it.", "17iKENnMma0-00034-00016358-00017020": "And I want to get their feedback. We're talking about this as a primary source document, and in there you can see some things that", "17iKENnMma0-00035-00017048-00017188": "almost anybody would favor.", "17iKENnMma0-00036-00017188-00017587": "I mean any social democrat would favor like old-age pensions, for example.", "17iKENnMma0-00037-00017587-00017791": "And I thought things like that would probably surprise them", "17iKENnMma0-00038-00017810-00018298": "because they favor old-age pensions. And I wasn't trying to say you're Hitler because you want an old-age pension,", "17iKENnMma0-00039-00018298-00018919": "but just to show that you know Hitler did and the Nazis did take for granted a lot of social democratic assumptions", "17iKENnMma0-00040-00018919-00019318": "even if they believed a lot of other things that you know that today we don't.", "17iKENnMma0-00041-00019412-00019487": "Well anyway,", "17iKENnMma0-00042-00019487-00020003": "I had to take attendance that day and I only had one piece of paper and I sent it around for them to sign.", "17iKENnMma0-00043-00020003-00020350": "And then when I got it back, I realized I had accidentally all had them sign the", "17iKENnMma0-00044-00020390-00020702": "1920 Nazi platform. *Laughter*", "17iKENnMma0-00045-00020944-00021722": "That was a mistake, but I hung on to that in case I ever needed to blackmail any of them.", "17iKENnMma0-00046-00021986-00022184": "Alright.", "17iKENnMma0-00047-00022184-00022456": "Now one thing you notice when you begin to scour", "17iKENnMma0-00048-00022608-00022810": "documentary evidence is that", "17iKENnMma0-00049-00022811-00023482": "the fascists of all sorts did view economics as very much subordinate to other issues.", "17iKENnMma0-00050-00023633-00024330": "They viewed it as hopelessly mundane. They viewed it as a phony science, not a real science.", "17iKENnMma0-00051-00024419-00024867": "And so I do want to talk a bit at the beginning about what", "17iKENnMma0-00052-00024965-00025401": "what they thought of economics per se. Before I do that, I'm afraid", "17iKENnMma0-00053-00025401-00025653": "I'm going to forget. So let me let me do this right now.", "17iKENnMma0-00054-00025654-00025854": "If you are interested in this general topic", "17iKENnMma0-00055-00025873-00026337": "there are three books that I would recommend to you. And I was gonna write them down and then I forgot to set this up,", "17iKENnMma0-00056-00026338-00026538": "and I don't know how it works. I'm very low-tech.", "17iKENnMma0-00057-00026606-00027310": "So the first book I would recommend to you was recommended to me by Ralph Raico. Now if you're a real", "17iKENnMma0-00058-00027374-00027735": "Mises Institute junkie, you know Ralph Raico: great", "17iKENnMma0-00059-00027802-00028002": "European historian,", "17iKENnMma0-00060-00028055-00028393": "died not too long ago and it's a real loss for sure.", "17iKENnMma0-00061-00028406-00028872": "But years ago I asked him for a source on this and he gave it to me. And the", "17iKENnMma0-00062-00028936-00029516": "author's last name is Zitelmann \"Z-I-T-E-L-M-A-N-N\",", "17iKENnMma0-00063-00029564-00030164": "and the book is called - so that's Zitelmann - and the book is called Hitler: The Policies of Seduction.", "17iKENnMma0-00064-00030194-00030704": "It's got a really excellent and particularly chapter four is really really good on this material.", "17iKENnMma0-00065-00030752-00031320": "The second book that I would recommend is available in the bookstore here and I believe online.", "17iKENnMma0-00066-00031324-00031830": "It's an old book by a guy named Günter Reimann.", "17iKENnMma0-00067-00031876-00032595": "\"R-E-I-M-A-N-N.\" And it has one of my favorite book titles of all time:", "17iKENnMma0-00068-00032669-00033114": "The Vampire Economy. I love that title. I don't even know what that means,", "17iKENnMma0-00069-00033115-00033490": "but that's great. Subtitle: \"Doing Business under Fascism.\"", "17iKENnMma0-00070-00033503-00034014": "What's interesting about Reimann which you may not know - you would not necessarily know by reading the book - because I've read that book", "17iKENnMma0-00071-00034043-00034243": "without knowing it.", "17iKENnMma0-00072-00034247-00034447": "He's not a free market guy.", "17iKENnMma0-00073-00034456-00035031": "And he's complaining about all these controls on the private sector and how oppressive the Nazi regime was.", "17iKENnMma0-00074-00035088-00035357": "He was a member of the German Communist Party.", "17iKENnMma0-00075-00035497-00035697": "Bizarre, so I -", "17iKENnMma0-00076-00035746-00036332": "I am a little skeptical about his crocodile tears about oppressing the private sector, but it's a good study", "17iKENnMma0-00077-00036333-00036791": "so I'll take it. You know, there aren't that many. I'll take it. Then there's a third one and I'll just leave it here.", "17iKENnMma0-00078-00036792-00037212": "I don't know how- the guy's last name is spelled \"T-O-O-Z-E\" [Adam Tooze]", "17iKENnMma0-00079-00037234-00037680": "and the book is called The Wages of Destruction. And this is kind of a history of", "17iKENnMma0-00080-00037710-00038426": "Nazi economic policy and the economy of Germany throughout the '30s. So I would definitely start with those sources. Alright.", "17iKENnMma0-00081-00038427-00038596": "Yeah, so getting back to this.", "17iKENnMma0-00082-00038596-00038819": "If you read an", "17iKENnMma0-00083-00038874-00039700": "essay by Mises - which may still be one of the required readings for Mises University - called: The Historical Setting of the Austrian School of Economics,", "17iKENnMma0-00084-00039732-00040450": "then you have become familiar with the so called German Historical School and the well known debate over economic", "17iKENnMma0-00085-00040480-00040832": "method that took place in the late nineteenth century. And the primary", "17iKENnMma0-00086-00040916-00041300": "antagonists in that debate were Carl Menger for the Austrians and", "17iKENnMma0-00087-00041388-00041726": "Gustav von Schmoller for the German Historical School.", "17iKENnMma0-00088-00041770-00042144": "And this debate was all about really what economics is.", "17iKENnMma0-00089-00042208-00042914": "Should we conceive of economics as consisting of a series of propositions that apply across time and place?", "17iKENnMma0-00090-00042966-00043370": "Or should we instead think of it as a series of empirical", "17iKENnMma0-00091-00043390-00043832": "regularities that may differ across time and place. It may be that", "17iKENnMma0-00092-00043900-00044184": "some peoples in effect have different-", "17iKENnMma0-00093-00044206-00044846": "they wouldn't say economic laws, but different economic regularities, different races may have different economic regularities.", "17iKENnMma0-00094-00044846-00045425": "So the Austrians were trying - although Mises, you can tell from what he has to say about Menger, is not entirely", "17iKENnMma0-00095-00045450-00045767": "satisfied with Menger's performance in that exchange.", "17iKENnMma0-00096-00045826-00046362": "But the Austrians are trying to take the alternative view here that we can abstract from", "17iKENnMma0-00097-00046480-00047006": "individuating characteristics like race and nation and time and place to get at", "17iKENnMma0-00098-00047064-00047244": "universal truths.", "17iKENnMma0-00099-00047244-00047480": "So this went back and forth for some time. Now.", "17iKENnMma0-00100-00047556-00048054": "Just framing the debate in that way, you can probably tell where the Nazis come down on that.", "17iKENnMma0-00101-00048121-00048636": "The idea that we're gonna subscribe to a series of abstract propositions", "17iKENnMma0-00102-00048763-00048990": "doesn't- not gonna fly. So", "17iKENnMma0-00103-00049055-00049686": "Mises actually in that essay traces the thinking of the German Historical School all the way from Schmoller", "17iKENnMma0-00104-00049708-00050434": "to Hitler himself. He does not shy away from that. Because that is how Hitler thinks of economics - there is no theory here.", "17iKENnMma0-00105-00050536-00050902": "To the extent that he thinks about economics as a discipline,", "17iKENnMma0-00106-00050948-00051641": "there are times when he appears to think it's a sham science created by Jews to enslave us.", "17iKENnMma0-00107-00051710-00052300": "But moreover, as every dictator thinks, the idea that there's an economic law", "17iKENnMma0-00108-00052329-00052902": "that can impose constraints on my will is of course an insult and", "17iKENnMma0-00109-00052975-00053175": "cannot be considered. It has to be rejected.", "17iKENnMma0-00110-00053275-00054021": "So-called economic law. Here's Hitler in 1937 - and, by the way, they're going to be many passages because I don't want it", "17iKENnMma0-00111-00054022-00054550": "I don't want there to be any possibility of my embellishing anything that he said or editorializing about it.", "17iKENnMma0-00112-00054554-00054820": "I'm just gonna quote from his own words. He said:", "17iKENnMma0-00113-00054929-00055320": "\"I am not going to tell you that in place of these economic theories", "17iKENnMma0-00114-00055320-00056088": "I am now going to put in a National Socialist economic theory. I would like to avoid the term theory altogether.", "17iKENnMma0-00115-00056144-00056700": "Yes, I would even like to say that what I'm going to tell you today is not intended to be a theory at all.", "17iKENnMma0-00116-00056770-00057432": "Because if I recognize any dogma at all in the economic sector then it is only the one dogma", "17iKENnMma0-00117-00057484-00057955": "that there is no dogma in this sector, no theory at all.\"", "17iKENnMma0-00118-00058040-00058462": "And now I'd like to share with you one of my favorite not strictly economic", "17iKENnMma0-00119-00058516-00058736": "passages from Mises.", "17iKENnMma0-00120-00058736-00059466": "Because when Mises stands up to defend economics against anti-economics like what you just heard", "17iKENnMma0-00121-00059513-00060147": "he's at his most passionate. Because sometimes Mises can be very restrained and scientific and other times even", "17iKENnMma0-00122-00060185-00060864": "that, you know, Vienna gentleman's blood boils and here this just makes him crazy when people talk like this.", "17iKENnMma0-00123-00060904-00061320": "So here's how the gentlemanly Mises replies to this kind of thinking. He says:", "17iKENnMma0-00124-00061439-00061980": "\"The issue has been obfuscated by the endeavors of governments and powerful pressure groups to", "17iKENnMma0-00125-00062000-00062344": "disparage economics and to defame the economists.", "17iKENnMma0-00126-00062438-00063208": "Despots and Democratic majorities are drunk with power. They must reluctantly admit that they are subject to the laws of nature,", "17iKENnMma0-00127-00063275-00063829": "but they reject the very notion of economic law. Are they not the supreme legislators?", "17iKENnMma0-00128-00063854-00064140": "Don't they have the power to crush every opponent?", "17iKENnMma0-00129-00064214-00064848": "No warlord is prone to acknowledge any limits other than those imposed on him by a superior armed force.", "17iKENnMma0-00130-00064970-00065592": "Servile scribblers are always ready to foster such complacency by expounding the appropriate doctrines.", "17iKENnMma0-00131-00065614-00065872": "They call their garbled presumptions", "17iKENnMma0-00132-00065934-00066204": "\"historical economics.\" In fact,", "17iKENnMma0-00133-00066262-00066846": "economic history is a long record of government policies that failed because they were designed with a bold", "17iKENnMma0-00134-00066864-00067152": "disregard for the laws of economics.\" And then he [Mises] says:", "17iKENnMma0-00135-00067244-00067866": "\"It is impossible to understand the history of economic thought if one does not pay attention to the fact that", "17iKENnMma0-00136-00067895-00068418": "economics as such is a challenge to the conceit of those in power, and", "17iKENnMma0-00137-00068507-00068985": "economists can never be a favorite of autocrats and demagogues. With them", "17iKENnMma0-00138-00068986-00069781": "he is always the mischief maker, and the more they are inwardly convinced that his objections are well-founded the more they hate him.\"", "17iKENnMma0-00139-00069809-00070254": "Oh. I just love that. But then-", "17iKENnMma0-00140-00070361-00070561": "I like this actually 'cause this is-", "17iKENnMma0-00141-00070595-00071004": "it's a somewhat dorkier paragraph but gets to the heart of it even more.", "17iKENnMma0-00142-00071004-00071718": "He says: \"If one tries to refute the devastating criticism leveled by economics against the suitability of all these", "17iKENnMma0-00143-00071734-00072318": "interventionist schemes, one is forced to deny the very existence not to mention the epistemological", "17iKENnMma0-00144-00072338-00072826": "claims of a science of economics and of praxeology as well.", "17iKENnMma0-00145-00072874-00073084": "This is what all the champions of", "17iKENnMma0-00146-00073106-00073844": "authoritarianism, government omnipotence and quote \"welfare\" policies have always done. They blame economics for being", "17iKENnMma0-00147-00073856-00074428": "abstract and advocate a visualizing mode of dealing with the problems involved.", "17iKENnMma0-00148-00074446-00074934": "They emphasize that matters in this field are too complicated to be described in formulas and theorems.", "17iKENnMma0-00149-00074954-00075590": "They assert that the various nations and races are so different from one another that their actions cannot be", "17iKENnMma0-00150-00075606-00076312": "comprehended by a uniform theory. There are as many economic theories required as there are nations and races.", "17iKENnMma0-00151-00076352-00076878": "These and similar objections are advanced in order to discredit economics as such.\"", "17iKENnMma0-00152-00076958-00077386": "So economics as such, properly understood is advancing", "17iKENnMma0-00153-00077474-00077677": "statements that are universally applicable, as", "17iKENnMma0-00154-00077732-00078390": "opposed to those who would try to limit these statements particularly by race, nation, time period and so on.", "17iKENnMma0-00155-00078508-00078762": "Then Mises points out by the way that", "17iKENnMma0-00156-00078845-00079546": "if you follow the train of thought of the German Historical School, you follow it from the early days of Schmoller", "17iKENnMma0-00157-00079562-00079969": "and you go all the way down to Werner Sombart,", "17iKENnMma0-00158-00080000-00080715": "he says Sombart crowned a literary career of 45 years with a book on German socialism", "17iKENnMma0-00159-00080758-00081297": "whose guiding idea is that the Fuhrer gets his orders from God who is the supreme", "17iKENnMma0-00160-00081314-00081636": "Fuhrer of the universe. And in effect Mises says that you know", "17iKENnMma0-00161-00081637-00082095": "there's a nice way to cap 45 years of writing you write a boneheaded book like this,", "17iKENnMma0-00162-00082095-00082488": "you know, worshiping Hitler. But in a way this is just", "17iKENnMma0-00163-00082547-00083062": "following from Schmoller who was you know, I wouldn't say worshiping, but extremely", "17iKENnMma0-00164-00083123-00083323": "idolatrous toward the Hohenzollerns.", "17iKENnMma0-00165-00083360-00084139": "Well, we see this even today in some circles where we hear laissez-faire described both on", "17iKENnMma0-00166-00084167-00084736": "the extreme left and the so-called extreme right: laissez-faire is abstract and soulless,", "17iKENnMma0-00167-00084736-00085134": "these are just abstract propositions. And moreover, we also hear on", "17iKENnMma0-00168-00085220-00085376": "particularly on the extreme right:", "17iKENnMma0-00169-00085376-00085845": "Look, as long as we have a state we shouldn't be like these wimpy libertarians who just want to abdicate.", "17iKENnMma0-00170-00085874-00086350": "We might as well be realistic, take the reins of that state and make sure that", "17iKENnMma0-00171-00086366-00086704": "we turn its powers in favor of the interests of the people.", "17iKENnMma0-00172-00086866-00087226": "The funny thing is they call us naive and they", "17iKENnMma0-00173-00087242-00087784": "want to advance the idea that if we just get good people in power, then we'll make sure the people's interests are observed.", "17iKENnMma0-00174-00087806-00088286": "Not sure. I'm not sure I go for that. So when Hitler does venture into", "17iKENnMma0-00175-00088302-00088564": "specific questions of economics, well", "17iKENnMma0-00176-00088635-00089386": "he's rather unsystematic and sloppy. And why wouldn't he be? There's no economic theory to study, so he can just kind of,", "17iKENnMma0-00177-00089412-00089612": "you know, spout", "17iKENnMma0-00178-00089634-00089998": "inanities just like your friends on Facebook with no economic training.", "17iKENnMma0-00179-00090153-00090872": "I'm not saying your Facebook friends are Nazis. I am saying your Facebook friends are wrong about the Nazis, however. *Laughter*", "17iKENnMma0-00180-00091110-00091465": "Alright, those of you who read my free ebooks know that reference. Okay.", "17iKENnMma0-00181-00091608-00092150": "He didn't like the gold standard, for example, so in monetary policy, no gold standard. I know you're shocked.", "17iKENnMma0-00182-00092214-00092828": "If you're tempted to- we have EMTs standing by if anyone faints. How about that?", "17iKENnMma0-00183-00092828-00093312": "I wonder why Hitler would not like the gold standard. Gee.", "17iKENnMma0-00184-00093465-00093895": "You know- And we get made fun of for this and of course in reality", "17iKENnMma0-00185-00093896-00094162": "I favor much more radical approach than the gold standard.", "17iKENnMma0-00186-00094163-00094697": "I favor total separation of money and state, but I'll take the gold standard if that's all I could get.", "17iKENnMma0-00187-00094707-00094991": "And we get made fun of for this, how terrible and backward it is.", "17iKENnMma0-00188-00095037-00095516": "But the funny thing is Hitler also thought it was terrible and backward. That doesn't mean that it's good.", "17iKENnMma0-00189-00095571-00096274": "But, you know, if you are gonna be siding with Hitler on a major major thing, you should at least think- well", "17iKENnMma0-00190-00096297-00096842": "hmm... maybe there's another side to this. Well, so he says- he refers to it as a", "17iKENnMma0-00191-00096897-00097588": "\"virtually sanctified financial theory.\" He says - and showing that he has no understanding of the issues involved -", "17iKENnMma0-00192-00097589-00097993": "he [Hitler] says: \"Today we smile about a time when our political economists", "17iKENnMma0-00193-00098046-00098326": "actually did believe that the value of a currency", "17iKENnMma0-00194-00098394-00098517": "depended on the amount of gold", "17iKENnMma0-00195-00098517-00099265": "and foreign currency reserves piled up in the safes of the state banks and that it was guaranteed by these. We have learned instead", "17iKENnMma0-00196-00099332-00099790": "that the value of a currency lies in the productive capacity of a nation,", "17iKENnMma0-00197-00099810-00100382": "that increasing production is what holds up a currency, even revalues it under certain circumstances.\"", "17iKENnMma0-00198-00100446-00100778": "So I talked to one of the faculty members about this today, and I said:", "17iKENnMma0-00199-00100848-00101465": "What do you think he's saying there? And this faculty member said: Well if we're being as generous as possible- and I said", "17iKENnMma0-00200-00101466-00101762": "Oh, that's very charitable. Let's be as generous as possible with", "17iKENnMma0-00201-00101816-00102016": "with Hitler. *Laughter*", "17iKENnMma0-00202-00102112-00102272": "So as not to be character(?)-", "17iKENnMma0-00203-00102273-00102559": "What could he possibly mean by this? The best we could come up with was:", "17iKENnMma0-00204-00102560-00103017": "Well, what he's saying is that let's say the money supply is increased. But if the", "17iKENnMma0-00205-00103072-00103794": "supply of goods also increases then there's an increased demand for money and- you know, whatever. You can stabilize", "17iKENnMma0-00206-00103860-00104020": "the money and", "17iKENnMma0-00207-00104020-00104387": "purchasing power and stuff on the end of the production of goods.", "17iKENnMma0-00208-00104388-00104524": "So there are more goods,", "17iKENnMma0-00209-00104524-00105018": "but there are more dollars - or you know more marks or whatever - running around but there are more goods to take those dollars", "17iKENnMma0-00210-00105036-00105264": "then you can still have stability. But...", "17iKENnMma0-00211-00105367-00105653": "Sooner or later if you keep inflating the currency", "17iKENnMma0-00212-00105654-00106136": "there's no way you could keep producing enough goods to match that so that it doesn't get completely out of control.", "17iKENnMma0-00213-00106136-00106397": "It's kind of an oddball theory, but how about this?", "17iKENnMma0-00214-00106513-00107163": "He claims in effect that so many economic issues are simple. They're just made complicated by Jews. So", "17iKENnMma0-00215-00107233-00107756": "all of these things are natural and simple only you should not let a Jew play around with them.", "17iKENnMma0-00216-00107800-00108426": "The foundation of Jewish business policy is to make normal business incomprehensible for a normal brain.", "17iKENnMma0-00217-00108459-00108906": "You start by shuddering before the wisdom of the political economists.", "17iKENnMma0-00218-00108925-00109295": "If somebody refuses to play along - in other words if somebody refuses to learn economics -", "17iKENnMma0-00219-00109357-00109784": "you say this person is uneducated. He lacks a higher knowledge.", "17iKENnMma0-00220-00109836-00110202": "In reality, these terms have been invented so that you do not understand anything.", "17iKENnMma0-00221-00110293-00110984": "Only the professors have still not caught on that the currency value depends on the amount of goods backing up the currency.", "17iKENnMma0-00222-00110984-00111151": "So we still get that...", "17iKENnMma0-00223-00111152-00111788": "He's got some more monetary stuff that's kind of crankish... Sort of a monetary crank turns out from Hitler. *Laughter*", "17iKENnMma0-00224-00111800-00112652": "But a major major theme in his overall political economy is summarized in the phrase:  \"The primacy of politics over economics.\"", "17iKENnMma0-00225-00112680-00113154": "And without even elaborating on that you can probably guess what that's all about.", "17iKENnMma0-00226-00113300-00113535": "All the way back in Mein Kampf,", "17iKENnMma0-00227-00113572-00114011": "Hitler criticized the idea - and now these are his words - that the state is first of all a business", "17iKENnMma0-00228-00114052-00114733": "institution, is to be governed according to business interests and therefore also depends on business for its continued existence.", "17iKENnMma0-00229-00114798-00115361": "Politics is supreme over economics. And this makes sense in the general scheme of fascism,", "17iKENnMma0-00230-00115396-00116124": "whether it's in its Italian or German form. Because when we think about: What are the ideas motivating fascism...", "17iKENnMma0-00231-00116203-00116841": "Well, a lot of it came about right around the time of World War I. In the aftermath of World War I people looked around", "17iKENnMma0-00232-00116859-00117134": "Italy, let's say, and Italy was, you know, still had", "17iKENnMma0-00233-00117199-00117399": "quite noticeable regional differences.", "17iKENnMma0-00234-00117433-00117806": "But during the war there was this sense that whether you were", "17iKENnMma0-00235-00117850-00118551": "Sicilian or a Lombard or Piedmontese or whatever everybody had come together in a single", "17iKENnMma0-00236-00118584-00119195": "national effort and that this was kind of reviving the Italian people", "17iKENnMma0-00237-00119197-00119906": "in really exciting and momentous ways. And so in peacetime we need to have that same kind of", "17iKENnMma0-00238-00119996-00120792": "commitment to organization and maybe the suppression of regional differences but playing up the idea of Italian unity once more.", "17iKENnMma0-00239-00120811-00121428": "And to think of the state, moreover, as this vehicle, almost a divine", "17iKENnMma0-00240-00121452-00121848": "vehicle through which the destiny of the people unfolds.", "17iKENnMma0-00241-00121924-00122344": "Well. Business seems so mundane,", "17iKENnMma0-00242-00122359-00122888": "seems so pedestrian compared to the realization of our great destiny as a people.", "17iKENnMma0-00243-00123000-00123788": "So, in reflecting that, we have Hitler saying: \"Business does not build States. The political forces built States.\"", "17iKENnMma0-00244-00123788-00124028": "- Well, I'm glad they admit it. -", "17iKENnMma0-00245-00124076-00124756": "[Hitler] \"Business can never replace the political force, and if a nation does not possess political force, its economy will collapse.", "17iKENnMma0-00246-00124840-00125128": "Business is more burdening than uplifting.", "17iKENnMma0-00247-00125232-00125983": "Today you see many Germans, especially in middle-class circles, who always say business will forge our nation together.", "17iKENnMma0-00248-00126000-00126464": "No. Business is a factor which is more likely to sunder a nation.", "17iKENnMma0-00249-00126547-00126747": "A nation has political ideals.", "17iKENnMma0-00250-00126811-00127472": "But if a nation only lives for business, business must thereby sunder a nation because in business", "17iKENnMma0-00251-00127524-00127835": "employers and employees always oppose each other.\"", "17iKENnMma0-00252-00127930-00128432": "But you see when we think about more elevated things rather than the mundane world of buying and selling,", "17iKENnMma0-00253-00128488-00129080": "these class distinctions fall away. See, we're all Germans now. We don't have to think about those things that divide us.", "17iKENnMma0-00254-00129196-00129744": "He said that the rule of force of the economically more powerful is to be replaced by", "17iKENnMma0-00255-00129764-00130483": "the higher interests of the community. Again a major theme: that the public good which will be defined by the state -", "17iKENnMma0-00256-00130528-00131024": "That's one of these slippery words that sometimes conservatives want you to accept: 'the public good the public good.'", "17iKENnMma0-00257-00131052-00131580": "Who gets to define the public good? The sociopaths who tax me? Err no, thanks.", "17iKENnMma0-00258-00131676-00132384": "And we need to subordinate that- We need to subordinate your individual interests to the public good which we will define.", "17iKENnMma0-00259-00132460-00132796": "Well that's his view and that's the view of every social democrat.", "17iKENnMma0-00260-00132888-00133072": "He [Hitler] says:", "17iKENnMma0-00261-00133072-00133764": "\"All the gigantic tasks which not only the economic needs of the present show us, but also a critical look into the future,", "17iKENnMma0-00262-00133784-00134002": "can only be completed if over the", "17iKENnMma0-00263-00134002-00134824": "egoistic mind of the individual, the speaker for the interests of the community holds sway and his will counts as the final decision.\"", "17iKENnMma0-00264-00134824-00135032": "We see this-", "17iKENnMma0-00265-00135056-00135476": "I mean- To some degree he acknowledges that you need business, but it's got to be absolutely", "17iKENnMma0-00266-00135496-00135704": "subordinate to the political power.", "17iKENnMma0-00267-00135716-00136146": "And in a minute we'll see his view that: If you don't do what I ask you to do,", "17iKENnMma0-00268-00136198-00136517": "then I'll even take over that. So in fact at one point", "17iKENnMma0-00269-00136582-00137061": "Hitler says: \"Our socialism goes much deeper than theirs.\"", "17iKENnMma0-00270-00137134-00137300": "Because- In effect he says:", "17iKENnMma0-00271-00137328-00137972": "Who needs to nationalize the factories and the banks if we socialize the people.", "17iKENnMma0-00272-00137996-00138304": "If they do everything I asked them to do then I don't need to take them over.", "17iKENnMma0-00273-00138305-00138578": "In fact, he says - I'll quote that later - As long as you guys do everything", "17iKENnMma0-00274-00138579-00139025": "I say you can keep your stuff. But to what extent is it still your stuff", "17iKENnMma0-00275-00139026-00139532": "if you have to do everything he says? I wouldn't ask that question at that time if I were you.", "17iKENnMma0-00276-00139612-00140037": "But even in the realm of architecture - I mean, here's a spooky passage -", "17iKENnMma0-00277-00140160-00140840": "He in effect says that if your skyline just shows hotels and office buildings and things of this sort-", "17iKENnMma0-00278-00140848-00141456": "Again, how mundane. You cannot speak of art or culture. We need the state to build a big beautiful building.", "17iKENnMma0-00279-00141459-00142149": "So he says: \"It is impossible to give a nation a strong inner security if the large public buildings do not tower", "17iKENnMma0-00280-00142189-00142830": "greatly over the works which owe their creation and maintenance more or less to the capitalist interests of individuals.\"", "17iKENnMma0-00281-00142830-00143438": "Are you getting the idea this guy is anti-capitalism to some degree? And yet isn't it hysterical that we get called", "17iKENnMma0-00282-00143470-00143798": "terrible names. We we are so far from this. Right?", "17iKENnMma0-00283-00143806-00143938": "So then, he says:", "17iKENnMma0-00284-00143938-00144195": "\"It is out of the question to bring the monumental", "17iKENnMma0-00285-00144202-00144672": "buildings of the state or the movement into a size which equates to that of two or three centuries ago,", "17iKENnMma0-00286-00144704-00145154": "while on the other hand the expressions of bourgeois creations in the area of", "17iKENnMma0-00287-00145176-00145680": "private or even purely capitalist building have increased and grown bigger many times over.", "17iKENnMma0-00288-00145708-00146444": "As long as the vistas which characterize our cities today have department stores, markets, hotels, office buildings in the form of skyscrapers", "17iKENnMma0-00289-00146464-00147176": "and so forth as their outstanding eye-catchers there can be no talk of art or even of genuine culture.\"", "17iKENnMma0-00290-00147252-00147506": "And He says: \"During the bourgeois era", "17iKENnMma0-00291-00147506-00148182": "the architectural embellishment of public life was held back in favour of the objects of private capitalist business life.", "17iKENnMma0-00292-00148208-00148890": "The great cultural historic task of National Socialism will be exactly to depart from this tendency.", "17iKENnMma0-00293-00149005-00149583": "And then a few other quotations just to solidify the point.  \"One of the most urgent tasks,\" he says, \"to achieve", "17iKENnMma0-00294-00149653-00150366": "our goals can be broken down into two points. State interest goes before private interest.", "17iKENnMma0-00295-00150457-00151121": "Number two, if the question arises between state interest and private interest. It will be decided in favor of", "17iKENnMma0-00296-00151174-00151392": "the state interest\" - You know that -", "17iKENnMma0-00297-00151492-00151869": "\"and by an authority which is completely independent.\" I'm sure that'll be completely independent.", "17iKENnMma0-00298-00151964-00152428": "He says: \"The view\" - now this is kind of like 'you didn't build that.'", "17iKENnMma0-00299-00152428-00153164": "He says: \"The view that the utilization of a fortune no matter of what size is solely the private affair of the individual", "17iKENnMma0-00300-00153234-00153570": "requires to be corrected all the more in the National Socialist state", "17iKENnMma0-00301-00153618-00154202": "because without the contribution of the community no individual would have been able to enjoy such an advantage.\"", "17iKENnMma0-00302-00154222-00154434": "So you didn't really earn that.", "17iKENnMma0-00303-00154476-00154704": "Ahh. How about that? Now if I'd quoted that-", "17iKENnMma0-00304-00154724-00155124": "There's a funny YouTube video of some kid", "17iKENnMma0-00305-00155148-00155544": "who went to some progressive rally and he took some Hitler quotations", "17iKENnMma0-00306-00155568-00156016": "like this and he started just shouting them through a bullhorn and these idiots are all clapping.", "17iKENnMma0-00307-00156032-00156388": "Yeah, we're sick and tired of the state not sticking it to these people", "17iKENnMma0-00308-00156488-00156748": "But now we get to this idea that", "17iKENnMma0-00309-00156934-00157134": "- I'm gonna step in if necessary -", "17iKENnMma0-00310-00157144-00157674": "the right to dispose completely freely of that which must be invested in the interest of the national community", "17iKENnMma0-00311-00157726-00157998": "- Well, we can't say that an individual has that -", "17iKENnMma0-00312-00158018-00158860": "if he disposes of his property in a sensible manner all the better. If he does not act sensibly then the national socialist state intervenes.", "17iKENnMma0-00313-00158916-00159320": "Guess who gets to define what constitutes sensibly? Hmm, indeed.", "17iKENnMma0-00314-00159320-00160002": "Now, it's hard to know the full scope of Hitler's views before 1933 because he went out of his way to be secretive about them,", "17iKENnMma0-00315-00160002-00160208": "so as not to offend businessmen.", "17iKENnMma0-00316-00160209-00160782": "And he made that clear to some of his colleagues that we have to keep this quiet because then, you know,", "17iKENnMma0-00317-00160782-00161138": "we don't want to be actively opposed by powerful forces.", "17iKENnMma0-00318-00161138-00161326": "So he [Hitler] says:", "17iKENnMma0-00319-00161326-00161898": "\"What I have said all along is that this idea is not to become a subject for propaganda or even for any sort of discussion", "17iKENnMma0-00320-00161932-00162140": "except within the innermost study group.", "17iKENnMma0-00321-00162160-00162602": "It can only be implemented in any case when we hold political power in our hands.", "17iKENnMma0-00322-00162614-00163098": "And even then we will have as opponents. besides the Jews, all of private industry,", "17iKENnMma0-00323-00163152-00163652": "particularly heavy industry, as well as the medium and large land holders and naturally the banks.", "17iKENnMma0-00324-00163674-00164342": "Now, if it were really true as the Communists try to claim that fascism is merely the the most developed,", "17iKENnMma0-00325-00164371-00164560": "degenerate form of capitalism.", "17iKENnMma0-00326-00164560-00165282": "Why would he fear that he would be opposed by private industry, heavy industry, medium and large land holders and the banks", "17iKENnMma0-00327-00165282-00165608": "It's almost like the Communists don't understand fascism at all.", "17iKENnMma0-00328-00165748-00166098": "He says, again privately: \"We are living\" - this is 1930 -", "17iKENnMma0-00329-00166098-00166768": "\"We are living in the middle of a turnabout, which is leading from individualism and economic liberalism to socialism.\"", "17iKENnMma0-00330-00166850-00167274": "And again: \"In all of business, in all of life in fact\" - All of life.", "17iKENnMma0-00331-00167328-00167844": "- \" we will have to do away with the concept that the benefit to the individual is what is most important", "17iKENnMma0-00332-00167856-00168206": "and that from the self-interest of the individual the benefit to the whole is built up.", "17iKENnMma0-00333-00168262-00168592": "The opposite is true: the benefit to the community", "17iKENnMma0-00334-00168618-00169304": "determines the benefit to the individual. The profit of the individual is only weighed out from the profit of the community.", "17iKENnMma0-00335-00169324-00169882": "If this principle is not accepted then an egoism must necessarily develop which will destroy the community.\"", "17iKENnMma0-00336-00169892-00170414": "I was gonna kick out of it when politicians talk about egoism. Well, I guess you would know.", "17iKENnMma0-00337-00170510-00171092": "He says that the job of the Ministry of Economics is to present the tasks of the national economy,", "17iKENnMma0-00338-00171104-00171506": "and then the private economy will have to fulfill them.", "17iKENnMma0-00339-00171540-00171784": "If the private sector doesn't comply", "17iKENnMma0-00340-00171784-00171900": "- we read this -", "17iKENnMma0-00341-00171900-00172400": "then the national socialist state will know how to solve these tasks.", "17iKENnMma0-00342-00172420-00172660": "...Kind of chilling.", "17iKENnMma0-00343-00172660-00173176": "So, in Hitler's mind there are two competing doctrines fundamentally at work.", "17iKENnMma0-00344-00173202-00173606": "The number one is this idea of the primacy of politics over economics.", "17iKENnMma0-00345-00173606-00174138": "On the other hand, for a long time competing against that in his mind is the idea", "17iKENnMma0-00346-00174146-00174630": "that there is something to be valued in laissez-faire and that is the idea of economic competition.", "17iKENnMma0-00347-00174638-00175510": "Because he believes economic competition can be a mainspring for economic growth and progress.", "17iKENnMma0-00348-00175524-00176188": "And moreover, being a social Darwinist, he thinks that competition is really how greatness comes about.", "17iKENnMma0-00349-00176200-00176492": "And the great are rewarded and the not-so-great are not rewarded.", "17iKENnMma0-00350-00176506-00176850": "And so the total nationalization of the economy, he thinks,", "17iKENnMma0-00351-00176862-00177200": "would unduly suppress these salutary features.", "17iKENnMma0-00352-00177222-00177878": "But as time goes on it becomes clear that the primacy of politics over economics", "17iKENnMma0-00353-00177888-00178146": "is really coming more to the forefront of his thinking.", "17iKENnMma0-00354-00178190-00178598": "And his hesitations about nationalization are diminishing gradually.", "17iKENnMma0-00355-00178618-00179466": "Particularly, as World War II goes on and he observes what he thinks is the success of the Soviet model.", "17iKENnMma0-00356-00179522-00179986": "And he begins to think: Well, you know we can't be dogmatic about economics.", "17iKENnMma0-00357-00179994-00180582": "Remember that. We have to just see what works. We have to see what the man of action is able to implement.", "17iKENnMma0-00358-00180652-00181052": "So I'll have something to say in a few minutes about what Hitler thought of Stalin.", "17iKENnMma0-00359-00181118-00181420": "But he's much more friendly to Stalin than uh...", "17iKENnMma0-00360-00181458-00181766": "Let's say we in this room might be. *Laughter*", "17iKENnMma0-00361-00182038-00182510": "Okay. So you can go on and on [etc] with passages of Hitler", "17iKENnMma0-00362-00182522-00182938": "talking about how business must be in the service of the state rather than the other way around.", "17iKENnMma0-00363-00182954-00183232": "I mean, I assume that point is made.", "17iKENnMma0-00364-00183288-00183504": "But in terms of a planned economy,", "17iKENnMma0-00365-00183534-00183840": "he begins to see that there is merit in this -", "17iKENnMma0-00366-00183844-00184344": "If not completely planned and nationalized then certainly with some kind of overarching plan.", "17iKENnMma0-00367-00184356-00184874": "There is actually a four year plan implemented in the second half of the 1930s.", "17iKENnMma0-00368-00184884-00185232": "And as the war is going on, he makes quite clear", "17iKENnMma0-00369-00185244-00185512": "that, even though there's an intensification of planning", "17iKENnMma0-00370-00185520-00186162": "that he believes is demanded by the war, that does not mean that when the war is over the state will not continue to plan.", "17iKENnMma0-00371-00186172-00186424": "We're just getting started, he said.", "17iKENnMma0-00372-00186538-00187290": "Here he is: \"If Germany intends to live, then it must run its whole economy in a manner that is clear and planned.", "17iKENnMma0-00373-00187296-00187546": "We cannot manage without a plan.", "17iKENnMma0-00374-00187546-00188014": "If we were to let things run on according to the principle that everyone may do as he likes,", "17iKENnMma0-00375-00188028-00188454": "then in a very short time this freedom would end up in a terrible famine.", "17iKENnMma0-00376-00188478-00188888": "No, we have to conduct our business and run our economy according to plan.", "17iKENnMma0-00377-00188906-00189358": "Therefore the National Socialist government cannot be dependent on any individual interests.", "17iKENnMma0-00378-00189358-00189846": "It cannot be dependent on the city or the country; not on workers and not on employers.", "17iKENnMma0-00379-00189850-00190350": "It cannot be dependent on industry, on the crafts, on trade or on finance.", "17iKENnMma0-00380-00190360-00190620": "It can only accept one obligation:", "17iKENnMma0-00381-00190636-00190958": "The nation alone is our master.", "17iKENnMma0-00382-00190958-00191326": "And we serve this nation to the best of our knowledge and belief.", "17iKENnMma0-00383-00191400-00191729": "And then speaking about the four-year plan in 1936 -", "17iKENnMma0-00384-00191730-00191968": "This is a plan where they're gonna have more public works,", "17iKENnMma0-00385-00191982-00192482": "and the state is going to control international trade and they're gonna encourage some industries and so on.", "17iKENnMma0-00386-00192498-00192706": "As well as rearmament, of course.", "17iKENnMma0-00387-00192708-00193158": "He says: \"The German economy will learn to understand the new economic tasks", "17iKENnMma0-00388-00193158-00193678": "or it will prove itself to be incapable of continuing to survive in these modern times", "17iKENnMma0-00389-00193690-00193994": "in which the Soviet state sets up a gigantic plan.", "17iKENnMma0-00390-00194000-00194336": "So you see this from a distance this admiration of the Soviet system.", "17iKENnMma0-00391-00194376-00194928": "By January 30th 1937, which is the four-year anniversary of his seizure of power,", "17iKENnMma0-00392-00194950-00195316": "we see that he's growing less and less skeptical of the planned economy.", "17iKENnMma0-00393-00195326-00196056": "He says: - Again, repeating his earlier theme - There is no economic concept or view that can be considered- that can claim to be gospel.", "17iKENnMma0-00394-00196064-00196706": "What is decisive is the will to always assign business at the role of servant of the people.", "17iKENnMma0-00395-00196788-00197462": "National Socialism is the sharpest departure from the liberalistic point of view that business exists for capital", "17iKENnMma0-00396-00197476-00197646": "and the people for business.", "17iKENnMma0-00397-00197658-00197882": "And then he goes on, he says a free economy", "17iKENnMma0-00398-00197882-00198594": "- In other words one completely left to itself - can no longer exist today. How much clearer can the guy be?", "17iKENnMma0-00399-00198656-00199168": "He says not only will this be politically intolerable but, economically too,", "17iKENnMma0-00400-00199176-00199390": "impossible conditions would result.", "17iKENnMma0-00401-00199400-00199826": "And so what he then goes on to argue in a very long passage is-", "17iKENnMma0-00402-00199866-00200406": "He says, when you leave the economy to itself you have for example brand-new inventions", "17iKENnMma0-00403-00200412-00200940": "that can completely discombobulate whole industries and then people suffer.", "17iKENnMma0-00404-00200956-00201480": "Or let's say a giant firm can close its doors, then all those employees suffer.", "17iKENnMma0-00405-00201490-00201754": "And then meanwhile, is the state going to take care of those people?", "17iKENnMma0-00406-00201754-00201946": "Of course, we must take care of them.", "17iKENnMma0-00407-00201970-00202326": "But it can't just be that we have the responsibility", "17iKENnMma0-00408-00202334-00202866": "of taking care of people who have been displaced by the forces of business.", "17iKENnMma0-00409-00202872-00203676": "We therefore need to be in charge of the direction of business in the first place so that we could have avoided this displacement.", "17iKENnMma0-00410-00203694-00204284": "If we're just standing here holding the bag after business hollows out some town and then leaves them with no jobs-", "17iKENnMma0-00411-00204292-00204722": "Well, that's not fair. If the state could have run that industry and run that firm", "17iKENnMma0-00412-00204738-00205169": "or dictated to that firm, then maybe we could have avoided the catastrophe.", "17iKENnMma0-00413-00205180-00205588": "So maybe that's the way we should be thinking. And that's the way he's thinking.", "17iKENnMma0-00414-00205760-00206528": "So we are therefore also not dealing with phrases such as freedom of the economy. - Oh, you don't say. Really, we're not?", "17iKENnMma0-00415-00206576-00207242": "So again, a sensible employment of the powers of a nation can only be achieved with a planned economy from above", "17iKENnMma0-00416-00207260-00207890": "And then he says, in 1941, so war is going on, but he makes clear", "17iKENnMma0-00417-00207898-00208100": "that's not why this is happening.", "17iKENnMma0-00418-00208104-00208419": "He says, as far as the planning of the economy is concerned,", "17iKENnMma0-00419-00208426-00208730": "we are still very much at the beginning.", "17iKENnMma0-00420-00208754-00209466": "And I imagine it will be something wonderfully nice to build up an encompassing German European economic order.", "17iKENnMma0-00421-00209610-00210366": "And then he says- he talks about in 1942 the ability of the German nation to deal with various problems.", "17iKENnMma0-00422-00210378-00210778": "He attributes this to the fact that: \"The direction of the economy,\" - these are his words -", "17iKENnMma0-00423-00210823-00211128": "\"gradually became more controlled by the state.", "17iKENnMma0-00424-00211166-00211814": "Only thus had it been possible to enforce the overall national objectives against the interests of individual groups.", "17iKENnMma0-00425-00211830-00212519": "Even after the war we will not be able to renounce state control of the economy because then every interest group", "17iKENnMma0-00426-00212528-00212860": "would think exclusively of the fulfillment of its wishes.\"", "17iKENnMma0-00427-00212860-00213180": "And again from the point of view of fascism that can't be individual interest.", "17iKENnMma0-00428-00213192-00213630": "There's the interest of the nation and that's all that counts. And the nation in practice is the state.", "17iKENnMma0-00429-00213710-00214614": "Then, July 1942, one had to have - one had to have - an unqualified respect for Stalin.", "17iKENnMma0-00430-00214717-00215178": "An unqualified! - Not 'well okay you know, he did some bad things.' Not a qualified.", "17iKENnMma0-00431-00215190-00215856": "An unqualified respect for Stalin. He says: \"In his way, the guy was quite a genius!\"", "17iKENnMma0-00432-00215906-00216250": "\"His ideals, such as Genghis Khan and so forth,", "17iKENnMma0-00433-00216250-00216664": "he knew very well and his economic planning was so all-encompassing", "17iKENnMma0-00434-00216669-00217010": "that it was only exceeded by our own four-year plan.\" *Laughter*", "17iKENnMma0-00435-00217166-00217562": "I mean, you know, he's a genius and everything, but he ain't no Hitler seems to be the message.", "17iKENnMma0-00436-00217598-00218428": "He had no doubts whatsoever that there had been no unemployed in the USSR, as opposed to capitalist countries such as the USA.", "17iKENnMma0-00437-00218610-00219052": "I guess when you have labor camps, everybody finds work. *Laughter*", "17iKENnMma0-00438-00219216-00219796": "Then 1945: \"The age of unrestricted economic liberalism has outlived itself.\"", "17iKENnMma0-00439-00219828-00220386": "And then he says: \"The crisis of the 30s was only a crisis of growth, albeit of global proportions.", "17iKENnMma0-00440-00220417-00220832": "Economic liberalism unveiled itself as having become an outdated formula.\"", "17iKENnMma0-00441-00220846-00221428": "So everything we believe in was dead, outdated, not to be followed anymore, preposterous, ridiculous.", "17iKENnMma0-00442-00221442-00221740": "The fruits of the 19th century.", "17iKENnMma0-00443-00221760-00222219": "So again, when your Facebook friends are just carelessly throwing these words around,", "17iKENnMma0-00444-00222232-00222662": "now you know, even more than you thought you did, how ridiculous and inane they're being.", "17iKENnMma0-00445-00222669-00222950": "I mean, it's not like I had to just dig out three sentences.", "17iKENnMma0-00446-00222950-00223254": "I don't know even where to start or finish with all this stuff.", "17iKENnMma0-00447-00223269-00223334": "; )", "17iKENnMma0-00448-00223358-00223802": "So, 1937. Now let's listen to Goebbels writing in his diary:", "17iKENnMma0-00449-00223910-00224314": "\"Had lunch with the Fuhrer\" - I wonder what that was like. Let's find out.", "17iKENnMma0-00450-00224314-00224438": "*Laughter*", "17iKENnMma0-00451-00224450-00224926": "\"Large group at table. The so-called industrial leaders are under heavy attack.", "17iKENnMma0-00452-00224940-00225271": "They do not have a clue about real political economy.", "17iKENnMma0-00453-00225330-00225638": "They are stupid, egoistic, un-national", "17iKENnMma0-00454-00225648-00226094": "and narrow-mindedly conceited.\" - Quite unlike, you know the state apparatus. -", "17iKENnMma0-00455-00226119-00226662": "\"They would like to sabotage the four-year plan out of cowardice and mental laziness.", "17iKENnMma0-00456-00226698-00227356": "Fuhrer heavily attacks the industrial barons who still practice a silent reserve against the four-year plan.", "17iKENnMma0-00457-00227376-00227710": "Woe to private industry if it does not fall in line.", "17iKENnMma0-00458-00227730-00227988": "4-year plan will be executed.\"", "17iKENnMma0-00459-00228194-00228654": "And then Hitler puts it this way: Look, I'm not actually trying to take over everything.", "17iKENnMma0-00460-00228666-00229006": "He says: \"I tell German industry, for example,\" - This is 1937 -", "17iKENnMma0-00461-00229008-00229217": "\"You have to produce such-and-such now.", "17iKENnMma0-00462-00229282-00229519": "I then return to this in the four year plan.", "17iKENnMma0-00463-00229519-00230180": "If German industry were to answer me: 'We are not able to,' then I would say to it 'Fine. I will take that over myself.'", "17iKENnMma0-00464-00230236-00230650": "But it must be done. But if industry tells me we will do that,", "17iKENnMma0-00465-00230658-00230926": "then I'm very glad I do not need to take that on.\"", "17iKENnMma0-00466-00230950-00231073": "O.O", "17iKENnMma0-00467-00231142-00231616": "Alright. So he has- There a number of industries that Hitler is very interested in nationalizing.", "17iKENnMma0-00468-00231628-00232226": "Let me, as I start to run low on time, just run through a few areas of policy.", "17iKENnMma0-00469-00232232-00232694": "By 1934 you have, in effect, complete control of foreign trade.", "17iKENnMma0-00470-00232712-00233264": "Import contracts all have to be approved. Only then could you get the necessary foreign currency.", "17iKENnMma0-00471-00233276-00233546": "It was basically a monopoly on foreign trade", "17iKENnMma0-00472-00233630-00234210": "There was a comprehensive set of state instruments for the direct control of investment.", "17iKENnMma0-00473-00234232-00234654": "Wages and prices, subject to irrational controls.", "17iKENnMma0-00474-00234704-00235000": "Different types of food would have controls on them.", "17iKENnMma0-00475-00235012-00235392": "A lot of people substituted pork for other kinds of meat. So on and on.", "17iKENnMma0-00476-00235421-00235680": "But what Zitelmann points out is:", "17iKENnMma0-00477-00235680-00236219": "\"None of this was in any way an emergency measure only required because of rearmament and war", "17iKENnMma0-00478-00236232-00236734": "but rather a deliberately created instrument for the revolutionising of the economic order", "17iKENnMma0-00479-00236746-00236986": "and the establishment of a new economic system", "17iKENnMma0-00480-00237002-00237548": "that was to be characterized by a synthesis between elements of free enterprise and state control", "17iKENnMma0-00481-00237564-00237938": "whereby the preponderance clearly lay on the aspect of state control,", "17iKENnMma0-00482-00237948-00238226": "which was to implement the primacy of politics.\"", "17iKENnMma0-00483-00238242-00238454": "Now, if you read that book, The Vampire Economy,", "17iKENnMma0-00484-00238464-00238716": "you also get little snippets of things that were going on.", "17iKENnMma0-00485-00238723-00239216": "Like, how he talks about cases where industrialists would be visited by state auditors", "17iKENnMma0-00486-00239226-00239586": "who had orders to examine their balance sheets and bookkeeping entries.", "17iKENnMma0-00487-00239596-00240117": "And they would find, you know, the tiniest most trivial mistake and impose a huge financial penalty on them.", "17iKENnMma0-00488-00240146-00240306": "Well, everybody knew that this was just-", "17iKENnMma0-00489-00240306-00240566": "The state was just going out and taking money from business.", "17iKENnMma0-00490-00240573-00240834": "Everybody knew they weren't really concerned about bookkeeping mistakes.", "17iKENnMma0-00491-00240846-00241169": "But they wanted some legal pretext so they carried it out this way.", "17iKENnMma0-00492-00241216-00241348": "And then Reimann says:", "17iKENnMma0-00493-00241360-00241888": "\"It is conceivable that a businessman might be successful in an appeal to the courts against some regulation", "17iKENnMma0-00494-00241908-00242504": "of an overzealous Nazi official provided such regulation were a gratuitous interference with private property", "17iKENnMma0-00495-00242519-00242806": "and had no bearing on the defense of the Nazi regime.", "17iKENnMma0-00496-00242828-00243558": "However, court action was very rare because most businessmen feared arousing the anger of Nazi officials", "17iKENnMma0-00497-00243567-00243946": "who some later occasion might have opportunity to take revenge.\"", "17iKENnMma0-00498-00243958-00244576": "I'd like to actually read you a portion of a letter written by a German businessman to a friend abroad", "17iKENnMma0-00499-00244590-00244934": "describing what was going on in Germany. This is like 1939 or so.", "17iKENnMma0-00500-00244956-00245573": "He says: \"I am here in Amsterdam for a couple of days and take this opportunity to write unrestrictedly to various friends abroad.", "17iKENnMma0-00501-00245582-00246010": "I know you will be interested in hearing what is happening within Germany.", "17iKENnMma0-00502-00246010-00246421": "As for myself, my knowledge as a technical expert would not have been sufficient", "17iKENnMma0-00503-00246438-00246767": "to enable me to struggle along during the past five years", "17iKENnMma0-00504-00246778-00247192": "were it not for the fact that our firm has the backing of a prominent party man", "17iKENnMma0-00505-00247192-00247592": "who comes to our assistance when we need certificates for foreign currency,", "17iKENnMma0-00506-00247604-00247764": "raw materials and so on.", "17iKENnMma0-00507-00247778-00248367": "No firm in our trade can exist without such a collaborator. As it is we have to spend considerable money for:", "17iKENnMma0-00508-00248384-00248558": "'Juridical advice'", "17iKENnMma0-00509-00248566-00248966": "It is not a question of simple bribery. The process is more complicated.", "17iKENnMma0-00510-00248984-00249460": "I knew pre-war Russia. In general, bribery under Tzarism was a simple affair.", "17iKENnMma0-00511-00249467-00249976": "You could figure out how much you had to pay a state official by counting the number of stars on his uniform.", "17iKENnMma0-00512-00249998-00250502": "The higher the rank, the more stars he wore, the more you had to pay. It's different in Germany today.", "17iKENnMma0-00513-00250564-00251140": "Party members who control the distribution of raw materials and similar matters do not accept money directly.", "17iKENnMma0-00514-00251156-00251367": "You do not offer money to a party leader.", "17iKENnMma0-00515-00251388-00251904": "You ask him whether he knows a good  'lawyer' who might be of help in proving to the authorities", "17iKENnMma0-00516-00251917-00252246": "the urgency of your demand for foreign exchange or raw material.", "17iKENnMma0-00517-00252252-00252914": "He refers you to a lawyer who gives you the necessary juridical advice for which you pay and eventually your request is granted.", "17iKENnMma0-00518-00252940-00253456": "But the fees for this advice are extremely high, much higher than you would have had to pay", "17iKENnMma0-00519-00253462-00253871": "in direct bribery or you would have paid to a first-rate lawyer on a retainer basis.", "17iKENnMma0-00520-00253908-00254492": "It is virtually impossible to function at all without maintaining close relations with one of these lawyers.", "17iKENnMma0-00521-00254506-00255019": "You come to depend upon him completely\" - And then he says - \"I cite one of my own experiences", "17iKENnMma0-00522-00255019-00255486": "I needed foreign currency from my current trip to Amsterdam and duly made a request for what I needed", "17iKENnMma0-00523-00255502-00255923": "to the administration for foreign currency. In reply, I received the following answer:", "17iKENnMma0-00524-00255923-00256134": "Absolutely impossible.", "17iKENnMma0-00525-00256142-00256676": "I thereupon went to my adviser and inquired of him how I might prove the special urgency of my business trip.", "17iKENnMma0-00526-00256698-00256948": "He told me something I had not known before.", "17iKENnMma0-00527-00256964-00257404": "A new ruling had been issued to the effective factory leaders in my particular line of business", "17iKENnMma0-00528-00257423-00257846": "that we could no longer obtain foreign currency for a business trip abroad.", "17iKENnMma0-00529-00257867-00258510": "Well, I said what about a personal trip in order that I might inspect some new types of machines for my personal information.", "17iKENnMma0-00530-00258530-00258921": "'This might be possible,' he said, 'but it will cost you three hundred marks.' \" - He says -", "17iKENnMma0-00531-00258938-00259458": "\"Everywhere you will find new bonds of friendship between businessmen, contact men and party men", "17iKENnMma0-00532-00259473-00259923": "who are tied to each other by complicity in violations of laws and decrees.\"", "17iKENnMma0-00533-00259936-00260562": "That was how you functioned: by getting people who would somehow get you around this crazy quilt maze of insanity.", "17iKENnMma0-00534-00260604-00261050": "\"At least half the time,\" says Reimann, \"half the time of the German manufacturer", "17iKENnMma0-00535-00261062-00261350": "is spent on the problem of how to get scarce raw materials.", "17iKENnMma0-00536-00261366-00261686": "You can't get these without a certificate from one of the supervisory boards,", "17iKENnMma0-00537-00261698-00262062": "which distribute the available raw materials, domestic as well as foreign.\"", "17iKENnMma0-00538-00262082-00262354": "And then he says rubber got to be so scarce.", "17iKENnMma0-00539-00262378-00262566": "And so how do you get a new rubber tire?", "17iKENnMma0-00540-00262582-00263156": "And there was this policy that no new tires can be sold until the old tire is completely worn out.", "17iKENnMma0-00541-00263172-00263598": "So you had cases of new trucks being bought just for the tires.", "17iKENnMma0-00542-00263628-00263978": "And then they would sell the truck for scrap and keep the tires.", "17iKENnMma0-00543-00263996-00264298": "So this sort of thing was going on all over the place.", "17iKENnMma0-00544-00264312-00264938": "Mises himself called it socialism on the German pattern or the German model", "17iKENnMma0-00545-00264948-00265326": "because, he says, these are not really entrepreneurs,  they're just shop managers", "17iKENnMma0-00546-00265342-00265910": "because they buy and sell, and they hire and discharge workers and remunerate their services.", "17iKENnMma0-00547-00265920-00266344": "Et cetera. But they're bound to obey unconditionally the orders", "17iKENnMma0-00548-00266360-00266718": "that are issued by the supreme office of production management.", "17iKENnMma0-00549-00266730-00267046": "So yea, there might still be so-called \"private ownership.\"", "17iKENnMma0-00550-00267063-00267476": "But what does it mean in the kind of environment that we see here described?", "17iKENnMma0-00551-00267476-00267769": "So as it turns out.. You'll never guess...", "17iKENnMma0-00552-00267792-00268076": "We have nothing to do with any of this.", "17iKENnMma0-00553-00268076-00268276": "And people who want to think that we are,", "17iKENnMma0-00554-00268356-00268730": "are themselves a lot closer to it. But I hate to break that to them.", "17iKENnMma0-00555-00268742-00268942": "All right. Thank you very much."}}, {"audio_id": "17vFOt9TRL4", "text": {"17vFOt9TRL4-00000-00000036-00000678": "foreign", "17vFOt9TRL4-00001-00004356-00004608": "come on", "17vFOt9TRL4-00002-00005100-00005574": "foreign [Music]"}}, {"audio_id": "17JfLF_rGo4", "text": {"17JfLF_rGo4-00000-00000000-00000200": "hello little spider friend"}}, {"audio_id": "17JCz2jxdBo", "text": {"17JCz2jxdBo-00000-00000378-00000401": "foreign", "17JCz2jxdBo-00001-00003329-00003792": "foreign", "17JCz2jxdBo-00002-00004362-00004536": "a little bit racist what about that white snow", "17JCz2jxdBo-00003-00005310-00005676": "oh no [__] way if we got a mercy with this one", "17JCz2jxdBo-00004-00005772-00006360": "something different like just keep me alive that's a beta mindset if I've ever seen one", "17JCz2jxdBo-00005-00006804-00007434": "bro you need to chill we could have this one by now dude we literally have the point chill out", "17JCz2jxdBo-00006-00007554-00008382": "we're winning no one's doing that bad just relax a little bit okay then that's your problem fix it", "17JCz2jxdBo-00007-00008502-00009066": "I'm trying try typing it keep typing it okay", "17JCz2jxdBo-00008-00009342-00009486": "not right now I'm flying", "17JCz2jxdBo-00009-00009816-00010242": "foreign", "17JCz2jxdBo-00010-00012972-00013913": "thank you", "17JCz2jxdBo-00011-00016038-00016116": "foreign", "17JCz2jxdBo-00012-00019200-00019356": "Daddy's got us", "17JCz2jxdBo-00013-00019632-00019866": "good job Jesus", "17JCz2jxdBo-00014-00020826-00021258": "man you this without a mercy yeah but I knew", "17JCz2jxdBo-00015-00021456-00021966": "yeah but I knew that I was gonna need one that's what he was gonna [__] say", "17JCz2jxdBo-00016-00022380-00022806": "I'm fast as [__] boy Reinhardt where the [__] are you going holy [__]", "17JCz2jxdBo-00017-00022998-00023190": "right it's just us let's not do anything", "17JCz2jxdBo-00018-00024612-00024654": "Ryan", "17JCz2jxdBo-00019-00025128-00025332": "how does he not die damn", "17JCz2jxdBo-00020-00025764-00025889": "because it was just you", "17JCz2jxdBo-00021-00026322-00026472": "there was no one else bro", "17JCz2jxdBo-00022-00026766-00027300": "yeah but I did like a thousand damage on them yeah but they had numbers compared", "17JCz2jxdBo-00023-00027300-00027918": "to us it was just you and me and then it was them 13. you're going", "17JCz2jxdBo-00024-00028362-00028824": "we're not normal ones money money money all right", "17JCz2jxdBo-00025-00029658-00029988": "bro I'm stuck behind so many Minds kiriko be careful you just track yourself", "17JCz2jxdBo-00026-00030066-00030527": "Air Hog do you want my Nano if I hook Harissa yeah", "17JCz2jxdBo-00027-00031212-00031362": "yeah oh my gosh", "17JCz2jxdBo-00028-00031806-00031950": "oh they're sojourned so bad", "17JCz2jxdBo-00029-00032424-00032748": "oh the wrist is touching me touching me very much", "17JCz2jxdBo-00030-00033126-00033462": "he slept he slept he slept let him sleep okay there we go good job", "17JCz2jxdBo-00031-00033696-00035004": "in what up does hcbc remind you of anything what is it the initials hcbc uh remind you anything", "17JCz2jxdBo-00032-00035232-00035616": "can you type it I don't know what the [__] you're saying I might be [__]", "17JCz2jxdBo-00033-00035838-00035988": "hcbc", "17JCz2jxdBo-00034-00036570-00036588": "um", "17JCz2jxdBo-00035-00037020-00037566": "no all right cool Harry [__] ball [__] I don't know"}}, {"audio_id": "17T4ZFcYJAu", "text": {"17T4ZFcYJAu-00000-00000090-00000276": "Attention Clayton residents.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00001-00000276-00000794": "This is a community notification of a new sexually violent predator in your area.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00002-00000794-00001291": "Please stay tuned to the following short program for more information.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00003-00001291-00001604": "Hi, I'm Technician Ron Hackett with the Denver Police Department.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00004-00001604-00001968": "The Sex Offender Registration and Compliance Unit at DPD", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00005-00001968-00002515": "is responsible for the registration, monitoring, and tracking of all registered sex offenders", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00006-00002515-00002876": "and sexually violent predators who live in the City and County of Denver.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00007-00002876-00003213": "Here's a brief history of sex offender legislation in Colorado.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00008-00003213-00003530": "Our state laws trickle down from federal government mandates.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00009-00003530-00003837": "In 1994 we had the Jacob Wetterling Act", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00010-00003837-00004200": "which mandated that states would establish a sex offender list.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00011-00004200-00004854": "Megan's Law of 1996 said that the public would have access to those sex offender registration lists.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00012-00004854-00005428": "The Pam Lychner Act of 1996 stated that some offenders might have to have lifetime registrations.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00013-00005428-00005996": "And the Adam Walsh Act of 2006 unified sex offender laws across the country.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00014-00005996-00006476": "In Colorado, the legislature has determined that sexually violent predators, by definition,", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00015-00006476-00006826": "pose a higher risk to the community at large, and therefore", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00016-00006826-00007177": "mandated that upon their release from the Department of Corrections", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00017-00007177-00007380": "the community must be notified.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00018-00007380-00007704": "Sex offender notification in Colorado happens in two ways.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00019-00007704-00008124": "The first is passive and ongoing through the sex offender registration process", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00020-00008124-00008408": "which is the list maintained by local police departments.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00021-00008408-00008745": "The second way is active, via community notification", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00022-00008745-00009065": "for those offenders determined to be sexually violent predators", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00023-00009065-00009285": "by the courts or by the Parole Board.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00024-00009285-00009562": "Most sex offenders in Colorado are supervised", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00025-00009562-00009823": "by the criminal justice system in our communities.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00026-00009823-00010080": "Most sex offenders engage in crossover behavior", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00027-00010080-00010317": "which means they may have been arrested for", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00028-00010317-00010620": "one type of crime, but be apt to commit another.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00029-00010620-00010991": "Many sex offenders have no criminal history at all prior to their arrest.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00030-00010991-00011604": "There is no typical sex offender, but all tend to be deceptive, manipulative, and secretive.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00031-00011604-00012072": "80-93% of sex offenses are committed by someone known to the victim.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00032-00012072-00012449": "Sexual deviancy begins in mid to late adolescence.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00033-00012449-00012816": "Sex offenses are not impulsive--they are usually carefully planned.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00034-00012816-00013036": "And most sex offenders are male.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00035-00013036-00013303": "The community has a vested interest in helping offenders", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00036-00013303-00013536": "to be successfully managed in the community.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00037-00013536-00013980": "Sex offenders have the same need for housing and employment as any other citizen.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00038-00013980-00014481": "Any citizen who uses sex offender information to harass, threaten, or intimidate", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00039-00014481-00014834": "an offender will be subject to criminal prosecution.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00040-00014834-00015335": "There are approximately 16,500 registered sex offenders in the state of Colorado.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00041-00015335-00015825": "About 65% of convicted sex offenders are placed in the community on probation.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00042-00015825-00016209": "The remainder are in the Department of Corrections or Community Corrections.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00043-00016209-00016703": "Offenders may be caught for one type of offense, but be at a high risk to commit another type.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00044-00016703-00017043": "Crime of conviction is only one indicator of risk.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00045-00017043-00017397": "A sexually violent predator must register with the Denver Police Department", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00046-00017397-00017767": "Sex Offender Registration Unit every three months for the rest of their life.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00047-00017767-00018201": "The offender's residence must be verified quarterly by the Denver Police Department.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00048-00018201-00018611": "The full sex offender registration list is available by calling the Denver Police Department", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00049-00018611-00019229": "Identification Bureau at 720-913-6756.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00050-00019229-00019679": "Convicted felons and those with multiple convictions are posted online", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00051-00019679-00020093": "at denvergov.org/police.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00052-00020093-00020567": "Remember, sexually violent predators do not represent all dangerous sex offenders.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00053-00020567-00020981": "The community notification process and sex offender registration", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00054-00020981-00021324": "are not a complete deterrent to sexual assault.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00055-00021324-00021925": "Now, here's a look at the newest sexually violent predator living in Denver.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00056-00021925-00022265": "Here's an overview of the registered sex offenders currently living in Denver.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00057-00022265-00022649": "There are 2,643 total living within city limits.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00058-00022649-00022936": "In Denver Police District 2 there are 408.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00059-00022936-00023273": "Precinct 212 has 68 registered sex offenders.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00060-00023273-00023763": "Of those, 44 have felony convictions and 24 have misdemeanor convictions.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00061-00023763-00024134": "Larry Wayne Johnson is a sexually violent predator currently living in Denver.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00062-00024134-00024554": "He's 68 years old and was born on June 25, 1953.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00063-00024554-00025128": "He's a black male, 6-feet tall, 184 pounds, with black hair and brown eyes.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00064-00025128-00025719": "He's currently living at 3414 Milwaukee St. in the Clayton neighborhood of Denver.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00065-00025719-00026072": "Schools located within one mile of this offender include:", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00066-00026072-00026503": "University Prep - Steele St. at 3230 E. 38th Ave.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00067-00026503-00026886": "Columbine Elementary at 2540 E. 29th Ave.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00068-00026886-00027303": "Bruce Randolph Middle School and High School at 3955 Steele St.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00069-00027303-00027661": "Manual High School at 1700 E. 28th Ave.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00070-00027661-00027994": "Wyatt Academy at 3620 Franklin St.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00071-00027994-00028518": "International Academy of Denver at Harrington at 2401 E. 37th Ave.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00072-00028518-00028925": "Cole Arts and Science Academy at 3240 Humboldt St.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00073-00028925-00029282": "PREP Academy at 2727 Columbine St.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00074-00029282-00029813": "Colorado High School Charter - GES at 3093 E. 42nd Ave.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00075-00029813-00030290": "Denver School of Science and Technology - Cole High School at 3240 Humboldt St.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00076-00030290-00030690": "Annunciation Catholic School at 3536 Lafayette St.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00077-00030690-00031097": "Inner City School at 3560 Josephine St.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00078-00031097-00031434": "Parks located within one mile of this offender include:", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00079-00031434-00032025": "Schafer Park, Colorado Blvd. Park, 39th Ave. Greenway, Dunham Park, City Park", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00080-00032025-00032669": "Municipal Golf Course, City of Axium Park, City of Nairobi Park, Russell Square Park,", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00081-00032669-00033386": "Morrison Park, Douglass Park, Boyd Park, Fuller Park, City Park, St. Charles Park,", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00082-00033386-00033560": "Walker Park.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00083-00033560-00033977": "Recreation centers located within one mile of this offender include:", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00084-00033977-00034441": "St. Charles Rec Center at 3777 N. Lafayette St.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00085-00034441-00034811": "Bus routes located within one mile of this offender include:", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00086-00034811-00035382": "Route 34--Bruce Randolph Ave. and Fillmore St., Bruce Randolph Ave. and Clayton St.,", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00087-00035382-00035932": "Bruce Randolph Ave. and Steele St., Bruce Randolph Ave. and Elizabeth St.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00088-00035932-00036222": "A brief history of charges against this offender:", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00089-00036222-00036736": "Attempted sexual assault on a child, and child abuse - knowingly / reckless cause serious", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00090-00036736-00036863": "bodily injury.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00091-00036863-00037177": "He's currently on Parole, and registered with the Denver Police Department on", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00092-00037177-00037781": "May 4, 2021, to 3414 Milwaukee St. in the Clayton neighborhood of Denver.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00093-00037781-00038058": "Past charges against this offender include:", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00094-00038058-00038491": "Possession of a weapon, burglary, aggravated robbery.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00095-00038491-00038825": "Larry Wayne Johnson has been determined a sexually violent predator after meeting", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00096-00038825-00038985": "the following criteria.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00097-00038985-00039596": "Criteria 1: Age 18 or older on the date of the offense, or under 18 and tried as an adult.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00098-00039596-00039939": "The offender was age 54 at the time of the offense.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00099-00039939-00040473": "Criteria 2: The crime must have been committed on or after July 1, 1997 and convicted on or", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00100-00040473-00041144": "after July 1, 1999. Crimes include sexual assault, felony unlawful sexual contact, sexual assault", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00101-00041144-00041614": "on a child, sexual assault on a child by a person in a position of trust.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00102-00041614-00042192": "The offender was convicted on March 6, 2008, for Attempted Sexual Assault on a Child, and", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00103-00042192-00042622": "Child Abuse - Knowingly / Reckless Cause Serious Bodily Injury.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00104-00042622-00042999": "Criteria 3: The relationship to the victim was one of the following:", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00105-00042999-00043423": "Victim was a stranger to the offender; or the offender established or promoted a", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00106-00043423-00043927": "relationship with the victim primarily for the purpose of sexual victimization.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00107-00043927-00044417": "The victim was a 17-year-old male. The offender was known to the victim.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00108-00044417-00044914": "Criteria 4: Positive results or the \"passing of a risk assessment instrument,\" administered by", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00109-00044914-00045375": "probation/parole staff and a qualified treatment evaluator. Positive results include", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00110-00045375-00045865": "an assessment for the presence of a mental abnormality, a level of denial regarding the offense,", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00111-00045865-00046379": "treatment appropriateness and motivation, presence of sexual deviant interests.", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00112-00046379-00046753": "The offender was evaluated by the Denver District Courts with \"positive results,\"", "17T4ZFcYJAu-00113-00046753-00047067": "determining him to be a sexually violent predator."}}, {"audio_id": "18riQE2qHBc", "text": {"18riQE2qHBc-00000-00000416-00000872": "This is where I have received some responses to the batch request,", "18riQE2qHBc-00001-00000944-00001600": "so I've logged into my dashboard and I can see here, there's a 'Things to do' section right here,", "18riQE2qHBc-00002-00001600-00002032": "and it says 'One request has received a response'. Although in the 'Activity' section I can actually", "18riQE2qHBc-00003-00002032-00002856": "see I've had three responses that I need to look at. So I can go and update the status,", "18riQE2qHBc-00004-00002928-00003728": "which will let me look at the response. OK, and I can see here", "18riQE2qHBc-00005-00003952-00004408": "it looks like I have some of the information that I've requested. So", "18riQE2qHBc-00006-00004600-00004856": "I can say 'I've received some of the information'.", "18riQE2qHBc-00007-00005152-00005520": "It seems like I'm going to have to go somewhere else to get the rest of the information,", "18riQE2qHBc-00008-00005520-00006192": "so at the moment I don't need to raise an internal review. Because I i know that,", "18riQE2qHBc-00009-00006192-00006912": "I have been told in the response, that I have to go somewhere else, so that's not a problem.", "18riQE2qHBc-00010-00007144-00007416": "So here, I've just clicked on 'Awaiting response',", "18riQE2qHBc-00011-00007616-00008120": "because i just wanted to go into that section so I could look at the requests. And here, you can see", "18riQE2qHBc-00012-00008184-00009024": "this is the batch request here, and you can see here this is my status bar. This says", "18riQE2qHBc-00013-00009024-00009376": "'There are three requests that are still in progress'. So there are three requests that still", "18riQE2qHBc-00014-00009376-00009976": "haven't been answered. One - the one I've just updated the status on - is marked as complete.", "18riQE2qHBc-00015-00009976-00010640": "Two still have 'Action needed' because I need to go and update their statuses, so", "18riQE2qHBc-00016-00010736-00011384": "I'm just going to click on this one and see what's been said here. OK, so they've refused", "18riQE2qHBc-00017-00011680-00012288": "to answer my request, and I'm not going to do anything about that right now.", "18riQE2qHBc-00018-00012544-00013272": "And then I'm gonna look at the last one. Ah, this one's", "18riQE2qHBc-00019-00013463-00014712": "also been refused. OK, so now let's go back to my dashboard and see what my", "18riQE2qHBc-00020-00014872-00015536": "status bar says. Look, it says 'Three in progress, three complete'. So it shows me that, when I click", "18riQE2qHBc-00021-00015536-00016232": "on the title of the request, I'm still awaiting a response from these three bodies. But if i wanted", "18riQE2qHBc-00022-00016232-00017056": "to, say I'd received enough information and data that I could do some analysis, some kind", "18riQE2qHBc-00023-00017056-00017856": "of preliminary analysis, I can download these as a .csv and you see that's just downloaded there.", "18riQE2qHBc-00024-00018064-00018784": "There we go, and here you can see, this is the .csv of all my requests. So I can just look at", "18riQE2qHBc-00025-00018784-00019248": "them, and then it brings me the request URLs. So I've got that, for me to keep a track of,", "18riQE2qHBc-00026-00019312-00019848": "and then if I wanted to download a zip I could download the zip and then if anyone had given me,", "18riQE2qHBc-00027-00019936-00020312": "for example, an attachment with their response,", "18riQE2qHBc-00028-00020312-00020736": "I could download the attachment as well as part of the zip, and I'd be able to", "18riQE2qHBc-00029-00020736-00021424": "look at that separately and analyse data. So that's how the dashboard works and how the", "18riQE2qHBc-00030-00021424-00022464": "batch request status bar works, and that is probably about what I want to show you right now."}}, {"audio_id": "18uI8eJMJD8", "text": {"18uI8eJMJD8-00000-00004808-00004944": "you have a superpower", "18uI8eJMJD8-00001-00005208-00005360": "you're both [ __ ] with me right", "18uI8eJMJD8-00002-00005672-00005928": "do ryan and i look like the [ __ ] with you type", "18uI8eJMJD8-00003-00006016-00007184": "it's all true fine then tell me what i'm feeling right now you're feeling disbelief", "18uI8eJMJD8-00004-00007544-00008248": "you're actually a little annoyed you feel hurt that we didn't tell you until now whether it's", "18uI8eJMJD8-00005-00008248-00008584": "true or not you don't like being left out", "18uI8eJMJD8-00006-00009064-00009264": "well okay", "18uI8eJMJD8-00007-00009808-00010256": "oh [ __ ] the foosball game you knew exactly what to do", "18uI8eJMJD8-00008-00010720-00011384": "you needed to focus on the positive memories not get lost in the sadness i thought it would help", "18uI8eJMJD8-00009-00011512-00011976": "it did just warn me next time okay deal", "18uI8eJMJD8-00010-00012312-00012784": "never thought i'd have a freaky empath friend pretty wild", "18uI8eJMJD8-00011-00013152-00013952": "so any sign of diane today no but she was in yesterday working on her laptop", "18uI8eJMJD8-00012-00014080-00014328": "you said she was afraid of something around gabe's death", "18uI8eJMJD8-00013-00014400-00015208": "if she's covering up what typhon did i bet there's proof i hope so if she comes in today", "18uI8eJMJD8-00014-00015208-00015824": "let's be ready with a plan in the meantime i've got to finish my shift we're on it", "18uI8eJMJD8-00015-00016247-00016632": "time to earn a paycheck i should clean the dirty dishes around the bar", "18uI8eJMJD8-00016-00016896-00017576": "how do these bird watching contests even work who's checking the sightings [ __ ] you ryan lucas", "18uI8eJMJD8-00017-00017664-00017984": "enjoy your birder of the year title while it lasts", "18uI8eJMJD8-00018-00017984-00018528": "oh [ __ ] ryan's got a i wish riley never found out about my condition", "18uI8eJMJD8-00019-00018632-00019328": "she needs to focus on her future not mine riley found out i wonder what this means for them", "18uI8eJMJD8-00020-00019536-00021184": "i can't go on a run everyone will see how", "18uI8eJMJD8-00021-00021336-00021512": "hey can i ask you something", "18uI8eJMJD8-00022-00021696-00022248": "i've always felt too self-conscious to try running you seem like a pro any tips", "18uI8eJMJD8-00023-00022448-00023984": "oh well definitely don't let that stop you just push through it you know i'll try that thanks", "18uI8eJMJD8-00024-00025176-00025568": "i'm not convinced this is totally sanitary but what do i know", "18uI8eJMJD8-00025-00026336-00026783": "love you gabe", "18uI8eJMJD8-00026-00026856-00027176": "the hell am i gonna do with the jacket that says hell divers on the back", "18uI8eJMJD8-00027-00027288-00027824": "jeez i don't know boss man maybe you could wear it like the rest of us are gonna do you", "18uI8eJMJD8-00028-00027824-00028288": "think i want to broadcast my affiliation with you jokers to the rest of the world", "18uI8eJMJD8-00029-00028288-00029608": "i got a reputation not to be a single issue voter or anything but [ __ ] typhon", "18uI8eJMJD8-00030-00029608-00030608": "it's gonna be a long night tonight always is same thing every year tonight's the spring festival", "18uI8eJMJD8-00031-00030760-00031800": "i wonder what's wrong hey getting ready for the big larp oh hey yeah trying", "18uI8eJMJD8-00032-00032032-00032183": "i hope we can get ethan into it", "18uI8eJMJD8-00033-00032680-00032768": "is everything okay", "18uI8eJMJD8-00034-00033000-00033024": "yeah", "18uI8eJMJD8-00035-00033240-00034136": "don't worry i'm sure he'll like it yeah kind of addicted it's a good game i'm so glad", "18uI8eJMJD8-00036-00034368-00035184": "i really do", "18uI8eJMJD8-00037-00036552-00037984": "steph and ryan the newest inductees gabe would be proud", "18uI8eJMJD8-00038-00039208-00039384": "she's here", "18uI8eJMJD8-00039-00039768-00040784": "hey welcome i'll be right with you", "18uI8eJMJD8-00040-00041016-00041208": "i better check in with steph and ryan", "18uI8eJMJD8-00041-00041576-00042184": "i couldn't ask for a better scooby squad okay she's here what's the plan", "18uI8eJMJD8-00042-00042400-00042864": "well we have two plans actually but", "18uI8eJMJD8-00043-00043080-00043584": "we're still workshopping them", "18uI8eJMJD8-00044-00043656-00044376": "what does workshopping mean exactly it means ryan won't admit that my plan is perfect", "18uI8eJMJD8-00045-00044840-00045456": "okay so here's what i'm thinking i asked diane out on a date wait what", "18uI8eJMJD8-00046-00045456-00046184": "is she so into it she doesn't notice one ryan lucan swiping her laptop ryan carries said laptop", "18uI8eJMJD8-00047-00046184-00047128": "upstairs acquiring damning evidence maybe diane and i still hook up not important that's your plan", "18uI8eJMJD8-00048-00047504-00048168": "oh my god please tell me you have something better i do now to be clear it's the same plan", "18uI8eJMJD8-00049-00048264-00048960": "except i'm the distraction look steph i don't even think she's gay all right", "18uI8eJMJD8-00050-00049088-00049656": "she's probably into the rugged mountain man type all the transplants are", "18uI8eJMJD8-00051-00050296-00050936": "i'm genuinely worried that these were the best ideas you had what it's a simple plan", "18uI8eJMJD8-00052-00050936-00051688": "literally two steps you just need to choose the hotter distraction okay i'm not doing that", "18uI8eJMJD8-00053-00051912-00053384": "you're the only tiebreaker we have", "18uI8eJMJD8-00054-00053536-00053648": "let's go with steph", "18uI8eJMJD8-00055-00053928-00054784": "badass dj it's a no-brainer sorry ryan [ __ ] yes in your face yeah that's fair", "18uI8eJMJD8-00056-00054912-00055584": "look i appreciate the the effort but we don't even know if she has anything worth stealing yet", "18uI8eJMJD8-00057-00055776-00056448": "i'm just gonna try talking to her maybe i can get her worked up and read her emotions", "18uI8eJMJD8-00058-00056632-00056936": "i'll let you know if i need that distraction good luck", "18uI8eJMJD8-00059-00057448-00058984": "your usual thanks alex what's the best way to rile her up", "18uI8eJMJD8-00060-00059776-00060048": "i know typhon's responsible for my brother's death", "18uI8eJMJD8-00061-00060208-00060720": "i don't know how and i don't know why yet but i will find out", "18uI8eJMJD8-00062-00061464-00061984": "alex i can assure you that typhon is committed to a full and open investigation", "18uI8eJMJD8-00063-00062272-00062696": "we want to find those responsible and hold them accountable just as much as you do", "18uI8eJMJD8-00064-00062752-00063184": "that's the truth", "18uI8eJMJD8-00065-00063376-00063888": "she's got a great poker face unlike mac but let's see what she's really feeling", "18uI8eJMJD8-00066-00064440-00064584": "let me try and read her first", "18uI8eJMJD8-00067-00064800-00065184": "i'm sick of the lies and i'm sick of taking the heat for this company", "18uI8eJMJD8-00068-00065248-00065984": "she's pissed if i can stoke her anger at typhon maybe i can find out more", "18uI8eJMJD8-00069-00066064-00066608": "is that your niece and nephew they must be proud to have a super-powered businesswoman for an", "18uI8eJMJD8-00070-00066608-00067384": "aunt i suppose they do look up to me i try to be the best role model i can", "18uI8eJMJD8-00071-00067712-00068384": "do you have um enough napkins for the table uh yeah i'm fine thanks", "18uI8eJMJD8-00072-00068760-00069400": "good beer yep do you belong to a church around here hmm", "18uI8eJMJD8-00073-00069512-00070184": "oh no honestly i'm sort of lapsed with all that i do miss it though", "18uI8eJMJD8-00074-00070584-00070936": "william bloom huh yeah he's the best", "18uI8eJMJD8-00075-00071264-00071616": "ethan's a great artist isn't he he sure is", "18uI8eJMJD8-00076-00071880-00072984": "integrity to our very core what oh yeah that's our motto it it's a motto", "18uI8eJMJD8-00077-00073144-00073680": "okay now i need to pick something that will push diane's emotions over the edge", "18uI8eJMJD8-00078-00074160-00074384": "look i know you're not a bad person", "18uI8eJMJD8-00079-00074592-00074960": "but my brother is dead because of the choices you and typhon made", "18uI8eJMJD8-00080-00075432-00075872": "how does that make you feel i actually want to know", "18uI8eJMJD8-00081-00076208-00076320": "alex i", "18uI8eJMJD8-00082-00076768-00077184": "we", "18uI8eJMJD8-00083-00077240-00077768": "typhon is doing everything we can to address the situation that's the truth", "18uI8eJMJD8-00084-00077984-00078584": "okay", "18uI8eJMJD8-00085-00078944-00079984": "all right that's the emotion i was looking for time to explore diane's anger about typhon", "18uI8eJMJD8-00086-00080416-00081384": "so", "18uI8eJMJD8-00087-00081624-00082344": "okay time to find out what diane is really hunting does it fall within the tower of the limit well", "18uI8eJMJD8-00088-00082400-00083040": "as i say in the report there's a small chance the debris from the detonation is a simple question", "18uI8eJMJD8-00089-00083272-00084208": "it falls within the tolerable limits", "18uI8eJMJD8-00090-00084208-00085616": "typhon brought me here and look where it got me damn them all wait there's something else", "18uI8eJMJD8-00091-00085616-00085840": "i didn't join typhon to cover up a murder", "18uI8eJMJD8-00092-00085920-00086240": "if they try to pin this on me i'll have everything i need to fight back", "18uI8eJMJD8-00093-00086520-00086984": "holy [ __ ] she must have evidence on the usb stick", "18uI8eJMJD8-00094-00087080-00088384": "oh looks like i'll need a distraction after all", "18uI8eJMJD8-00095-00088856-00089784": "so", "18uI8eJMJD8-00096-00090128-00091184": "so", "18uI8eJMJD8-00097-00091808-00093296": "hey diane oh hey steph how are you so what's your deal i'm sorry are you single semi-single", "18uI8eJMJD8-00098-00093488-00094392": "taken but still down to get drunk and make out whoa i was not expecting that at all um", "18uI8eJMJD8-00099-00095024-00095384": "am i blushing i feel like i'm blushing", "18uI8eJMJD8-00100-00095528-00095976": "no you're cool as a cucumber that's good", "18uI8eJMJD8-00101-00096400-00097072": "i'm so flattered i don't even know what to say hey no no sweat just think about it", "18uI8eJMJD8-00102-00097136-00097416": "get back to me i'm not going anywhere", "18uI8eJMJD8-00103-00097936-00098184": "see ya", "18uI8eJMJD8-00104-00102040-00102583": "holy [ __ ] that was epic totally insane my heart is pounding", "18uI8eJMJD8-00105-00102856-00103783": "steph there's a very real chance that you awoke something in diane wouldn't be the first time", "18uI8eJMJD8-00106-00103959-00104328": "you guys oh that was hilarious oh my god", "18uI8eJMJD8-00107-00104608-00105183": "i hope this was worth it", "18uI8eJMJD8-00108-00105632-00106272": "password protected guess i'm not surprised i'll bring this to riley see if she's willing", "18uI8eJMJD8-00109-00106272-00106976": "to help she's a wizard computer stuff in the meantime we have a larp to do", "18uI8eJMJD8-00110-00107264-00107432": "grab your hat and meet me at the park", "18uI8eJMJD8-00111-00107656-00107983": "and don't forget your guitar okay", "18uI8eJMJD8-00112-00108168-00108408": "is the guitar really necessary what", "18uI8eJMJD8-00113-00108568-00109111": "how can you be a bard without a guitar the bard's whole job is to musically regale people", "18uI8eJMJD8-00114-00109352-00109664": "well then prepare to be regaled", "18uI8eJMJD8-00115-00110111-00110959": "so did you finish the thing yeah barely it took me all night i haven't carved like that in ages", "18uI8eJMJD8-00116-00111288-00111944": "all right i need to grab my guitar wow typhon officially clears typhon of any", "18uI8eJMJD8-00117-00111944-00112344": "wrongdoing in death of local man at the hands of typhon explosions", "18uI8eJMJD8-00118-00112983-00113583": "best job i've ever had not that the competition is super fierce", "18uI8eJMJD8-00119-00114111-00114983": "so many memories of gabe i didn't get to make", "18uI8eJMJD8-00120-00116344-00116744": "i don't even know if i'm doing this right but it felt like i had to", "18uI8eJMJD8-00121-00117392-00117783": "huh there it is", "18uI8eJMJD8-00122-00118016-00118240": "yeah i don't need to know what that was for", "18uI8eJMJD8-00123-00118568-00118959": "oh [ __ ]", "18uI8eJMJD8-00124-00118959-00119328": "the feather on the hat must have fallen off maybe i can find it", "18uI8eJMJD8-00125-00119728-00120216": "gabe's last effects from the coroner i dropped it off a few days ago", "18uI8eJMJD8-00126-00120480-00121224": "guess i've been avoiding looking through it okay you can take the kid out of juvie", "18uI8eJMJD8-00127-00121472-00122159": "one match left i don't know why but this must have been really special to gabe", "18uI8eJMJD8-00128-00122424-00122576": "never know when you'll need a light", "18uI8eJMJD8-00129-00122983-00123383": "i'm not giving up yet gabe", "18uI8eJMJD8-00130-00123680-00124048": "i better find that feather steph is a stickler for detail", "18uI8eJMJD8-00131-00124048-00124783": "life in haven would be a lot worse without these two weirdos", "18uI8eJMJD8-00132-00125168-00125352": "i'm really glad my advice helped", "18uI8eJMJD8-00133-00125888-00126183": "i didn't even know what to say when charlotte gave this to me", "18uI8eJMJD8-00134-00126256-00127583": "how do you even respond to such a perfect gift", "18uI8eJMJD8-00135-00128800-00128959": "this must have been gabe's", "18uI8eJMJD8-00136-00130080-00130496": "that's a long list and i bet he would have gotten through it", "18uI8eJMJD8-00137-00131400-00132080": "wow gabe still finding ways to break my wow steph is a rock star for putting this together", "18uI8eJMJD8-00138-00132176-00133184": "ethan is gonna flip", "18uI8eJMJD8-00139-00134600-00135984": "okay just need to grab my guitar", "18uI8eJMJD8-00140-00136184-00137384": "alex the bard ready to serve time to head out", "18uI8eJMJD8-00141-00140848-00141584": "yikes this garden is looking gnarly", "18uI8eJMJD8-00142-00143904-00144384": "look man if you want to live here you need to do your own dishes", "18uI8eJMJD8-00143-00156560-00156984": "hey", "18uI8eJMJD8-00144-00157144-00157560": "i don't need like cheering up or whatever", "18uI8eJMJD8-00145-00157872-00158448": "okay so maybe this wasn't the most subtle idea but", "18uI8eJMJD8-00146-00159264-00159488": "gabe was so excited to larp with you", "18uI8eJMJD8-00147-00159648-00161184": "i bet he'd really want you to do it i do want to do this it's just", "18uI8eJMJD8-00148-00161400-00162584": "everyone's been working so hard and if i'm not happy they'll all be disappointed", "18uI8eJMJD8-00149-00162968-00163568": "must be weird having a bunch of adults pressuring you to dress up in a costume", "18uI8eJMJD8-00150-00163568-00164264": "and act like you're having fun yeah especially my mom she always looks so", "18uI8eJMJD8-00151-00164536-00165480": "sad cause i'm like bummed out but i can't just pretend", "18uI8eJMJD8-00152-00166248-00166576": "i thought pretending was the whole idea of this thing", "18uI8eJMJD8-00153-00166728-00167280": "acting like you're someone else just for a little bit i guess", "18uI8eJMJD8-00154-00167544-00168416": "the crazy thing is sometimes pretending you're having fun can trick you into actually having fun", "18uI8eJMJD8-00155-00168632-00168720": "couldn't hurt to try", "18uI8eJMJD8-00156-00168944-00169584": "all right", "18uI8eJMJD8-00157-00169640-00170984": "but i don't want to do it alone you have to help me of course", "18uI8eJMJD8-00158-00172072-00172680": "thane or the monster slayer thanks to the gods and all the heavens you've come i am", "18uI8eJMJD8-00159-00172680-00173384": "in desperate need of a great hero could you be the one please tell me of your exploits", "18uI8eJMJD8-00160-00173616-00173848": "uh there's a bunch of stuff", "18uI8eJMJD8-00161-00174080-00175184": "maybe my bard can sing something about me oh sure", "18uI8eJMJD8-00162-00175264-00175784": "a kraken ate a city every year until it died on thanor's spear", "18uI8eJMJD8-00163-00176112-00176808": "my goodness so you must be thinner's bard alwyn whose songs have magical powers", "18uI8eJMJD8-00164-00177056-00177896": "it sounds like you are exactly the heroes i need my name is king tabor the age of monsters has", "18uI8eJMJD8-00165-00177896-00178504": "come upon my kingdom horrible creatures stalk the streets my people live in constant fear", "18uI8eJMJD8-00166-00178592-00179104": "but there's hope an ancient prophecy describes three mysterious gems", "18uI8eJMJD8-00167-00179168-00179792": "known as soul jewels that can save us all i need you to go search the kingdom", "18uI8eJMJD8-00168-00179792-00180360": "survive whatever's out there and bring me back those jewels do you understand", "18uI8eJMJD8-00169-00180960-00180992": "yes", "18uI8eJMJD8-00170-00181240-00181744": "good then you must go now my people are counting on you", "18uI8eJMJD8-00171-00182048-00182272": "should we start with the main road okay", "18uI8eJMJD8-00172-00182480-00182616": "time to find some jewels", "18uI8eJMJD8-00173-00182880-00183296": "so you're seriously always don't you recognize me", "18uI8eJMJD8-00174-00183360-00184984": "alex really saved the day gabe would be proud thanks jed", "18uI8eJMJD8-00175-00188576-00188648": "looking cool", "18uI8eJMJD8-00176-00189096-00189184": "excuse me", "18uI8eJMJD8-00177-00189792-00190584": "what is that it's a magic scroll we can use in fights oh", "18uI8eJMJD8-00178-00191136-00191984": "okay it's a wolf a dire wolf [ __ ] what do we do i think we have to fight it", "18uI8eJMJD8-00179-00193832-00194088": "untuned cord one damage", "18uI8eJMJD8-00180-00194704-00195328": "burning blade one damage and you're on fire for the next two turns", "18uI8eJMJD8-00181-00195648-00195792": "ah two damage", "18uI8eJMJD8-00182-00196000-00196184": "ah i'm still on fire", "18uI8eJMJD8-00183-00196904-00197584": "distortion field one sound damage for the next two turns", "18uI8eJMJD8-00184-00197752-00197864": "shield of courage", "18uI8eJMJD8-00185-00198232-00200400": "protected by shield of courage ah i'm still on fire ah my ears are ringing", "18uI8eJMJD8-00186-00200400-00200432": "loot", "18uI8eJMJD8-00187-00200880-00201784": "oh cool i learned a magic attack one damage to allies better be nice to thane or", "18uI8eJMJD8-00188-00201880-00201952": "let's keep going", "18uI8eJMJD8-00189-00202416-00202936": "what do you think this key is for maybe it unlocks something this is actually", "18uI8eJMJD8-00190-00202936-00204584": "really fun i know right i should probably drop in on riley and thank her in person", "18uI8eJMJD8-00191-00205080-00205248": "let's go to the beach", "18uI8eJMJD8-00192-00205616-00207384": "well now who do we have here found a school yeah", "18uI8eJMJD8-00193-00207536-00207896": "aren't i supposed to be the one teaching hey hey what's all this", "18uI8eJMJD8-00194-00208319-00208784": "knock i'm dead looks like the black lantern is part of the larp", "18uI8eJMJD8-00195-00208871-00209784": "for within that tavern it is quite gruesome hey let's hear your riddle there are three it", "18uI8eJMJD8-00196-00209784-00210792": "is said heroes long dead fashioned into soul jewels blue violet red what are their names", "18uI8eJMJD8-00197-00210856-00212984": "do not be misled how are we supposed to know that maybe we can look for some clue", "18uI8eJMJD8-00198-00214064-00214512": "it just pisses me off so bad you know the way this world is designed to make you into", "18uI8eJMJD8-00199-00214512-00215088": "a horrible person that's just the price we pay for safety and security i guess", "18uI8eJMJD8-00200-00215392-00215784": "is it are you sure", "18uI8eJMJD8-00201-00215936-00216271": "of course that's how it works you sharpen your teeth or you starve", "18uI8eJMJD8-00202-00216704-00216823": "want to look in here", "18uI8eJMJD8-00203-00217032-00218584": "yeah let's go in", "18uI8eJMJD8-00204-00221592-00221704": "what happened here", "18uI8eJMJD8-00205-00222088-00222784": "fellow survivors i see", "18uI8eJMJD8-00206-00223823-00224664": "are you hurt hardly my first monster attack i know an escape trick or two", "18uI8eJMJD8-00207-00225152-00225280": "do you know what this key is for", "18uI8eJMJD8-00208-00225488-00225944": "belong to barry the tavern keeper that's his leg over there", "18uI8eJMJD8-00209-00226104-00226984": "oh so if you want to try all of the locks i'm sure he won't stop you", "18uI8eJMJD8-00210-00227552-00228288": "let's see what we can find around here i'm a genius for convincing steph that my character", "18uI8eJMJD8-00211-00228288-00229784": "should be alone behind the bar all the drinks i want hmm not sure how i feel about that", "18uI8eJMJD8-00212-00230032-00231184": "house barred sorry stuff house barred sorry steph alwyn is pretty happy with her current gig", "18uI8eJMJD8-00213-00233864-00234567": "huh the thirteenth quincranial meeting of the daegu biscuit boys is hereby called to order", "18uI8eJMJD8-00214-00234688-00235384": "i'm sorry to announce that all six of us remain upright and above ground first point of order", "18uI8eJMJD8-00215-00235448-00235792": "ducky if you had to guess though about how much longer you fixing to live", "18uI8eJMJD8-00216-00235896-00236592": "just long enough to collect gordon not a minute longer i'll crawl grave word with your", "18uI8eJMJD8-00217-00236592-00237152": "shares clutched in my stiffening fingers guess lawrence is gonna need a new business advisor", "18uI8eJMJD8-00218-00237336-00237984": "steph thought of everything she's amazing at this here we go", "18uI8eJMJD8-00219-00238064-00239584": "this probably has the answer to that riddle the amount of detail in this larp is insane", "18uI8eJMJD8-00220-00239760-00239816": "yes", "18uI8eJMJD8-00221-00240367-00240984": "i see you've poured yourself some ale", "18uI8eJMJD8-00222-00241719-00243784": "i heard barry the tavern keeper has a son ned was very observant so barry's like 100 years old", "18uI8eJMJD8-00223-00243919-00244567": "how did you survive the attack well i'm not proud of it but i tripped an elderly woman", "18uI8eJMJD8-00224-00244896-00245208": "she had it coming stingy dishwash", "18uI8eJMJD8-00225-00245960-00246584": "want to tell him about our quest we're on a quest to end the age of monsters so you", "18uI8eJMJD8-00226-00246671-00247560": "won't have to live in fear anymore are you now let me give you something that you may find useful", "18uI8eJMJD8-00227-00247776-00248223": "thanks i'm gonna go ahead and guess we'll be meeting a snake", "18uI8eJMJD8-00228-00248856-00249384": "we're gonna keep looking around good luck", "18uI8eJMJD8-00229-00249719-00249984": "okay i think i checked all the compartments", "18uI8eJMJD8-00230-00250208-00250784": "someone knows how to keep thanor busy", "18uI8eJMJD8-00231-00251296-00252184": "feynor did you see this that's got to be it", "18uI8eJMJD8-00232-00252976-00253584": "it's one of the jewels", "18uI8eJMJD8-00233-00254536-00255184": "one down two to go that wasn't so bad right now i feel more confident we can find the others", "18uI8eJMJD8-00234-00255280-00255544": "why do you finally believe it alex is right", "18uI8eJMJD8-00235-00255608-00256384": "but i was just trying to have a little fun gotta pace out that fun ducky for europe", "18uI8eJMJD8-00236-00256560-00257784": "godspeed", "18uI8eJMJD8-00237-00259800-00260584": "so", "18uI8eJMJD8-00238-00260912-00261104": "check out what i found in that chest", "18uI8eJMJD8-00239-00261352-00261984": "nice work thanore", "18uI8eJMJD8-00240-00262360-00263384": "there was some really interesting stuff in there", "18uI8eJMJD8-00241-00263496-00264248": "go get em ethan i'm thanor i bet there's something fun in", "18uI8eJMJD8-00242-00264248-00264784": "the record store could there be something down the alley", "18uI8eJMJD8-00243-00265144-00265312": "why is my dead lover talking", "18uI8eJMJD8-00244-00265576-00266240": "shh they're here whoa is me woe is beware of river monster", "18uI8eJMJD8-00245-00267216-00267584": "some kind of snake i guess", "18uI8eJMJD8-00246-00268944-00269288": "do we have to fight it why wouldn't we", "18uI8eJMJD8-00247-00270080-00270856": "we could save our energy for something scarier save our scrolls too true", "18uI8eJMJD8-00248-00271368-00271784": "it's gonna attack what do you want to do", "18uI8eJMJD8-00249-00271896-00272360": "ophidian chime snakes within hearing must fall asleep", "18uI8eJMJD8-00250-00272680-00273184": "pretend that's a low sound snake's ears are internal so they can't hear", "18uI8eJMJD8-00251-00273616-00274584": "nice", "18uI8eJMJD8-00252-00275360-00275416": "more loot", "18uI8eJMJD8-00253-00275792-00276432": "all right let's make some ears bleed wait what's that", "18uI8eJMJD8-00254-00277104-00277824": "it's like a dragon scale or something maybe it's got magical powers let's hang on to it yeah", "18uI8eJMJD8-00255-00278760-00280184": "that was so smart of you to use the bell that didn't take long", "18uI8eJMJD8-00256-00280824-00281584": "okay we handled the river", "18uI8eJMJD8-00257-00282584-00283552": "work oh there i hear you what a thankless life being a smith in the age of monsters whoa", "18uI8eJMJD8-00258-00283632-00284384": "he's everything really into this you seem pretty um what did you need again", "18uI8eJMJD8-00259-00284504-00284848": "sun silver the components for sun silver", "18uI8eJMJD8-00260-00285424-00285784": "please knock twice", "18uI8eJMJD8-00261-00286032-00286088": "go for it", "18uI8eJMJD8-00262-00287184-00287544": "monster or mortal mortal", "18uI8eJMJD8-00263-00287768-00288584": "come in", "18uI8eJMJD8-00264-00291336-00291720": "sorry about the lock these are dangerous times", "18uI8eJMJD8-00265-00291952-00292224": "welcome to the magpie emporium", "18uI8eJMJD8-00266-00292336-00293216": "oh so this is like a magic shop i'm gonna take a look around a bit okay okay", "18uI8eJMJD8-00267-00293544-00294184": "let's see what stuff's done to the place", "18uI8eJMJD8-00268-00295432-00295584": "that actually looks legit", "18uI8eJMJD8-00269-00296448-00296984": "golems animation fee not included oh steph", "18uI8eJMJD8-00270-00297336-00298072": "spells very cute stuff are these spells for sale to members of the sorcery guild wonder", "18uI8eJMJD8-00271-00298072-00298984": "if they have drills for this warning cat is cursed do not pet yeah no need to warn me", "18uI8eJMJD8-00272-00299408-00299944": "i guess some heroes are into bards with flashy guitars but i'm glad thanor has better taste", "18uI8eJMJD8-00273-00300536-00300736": "seeking insight draw a card", "18uI8eJMJD8-00274-00301104-00301264": "what do i want inside about", "18uI8eJMJD8-00275-00301992-00302584": "yikes", "18uI8eJMJD8-00276-00302808-00303032": "i mean i hope that's true", "18uI8eJMJD8-00277-00303560-00303984": "you were right gabe i'm a superhero", "18uI8eJMJD8-00278-00304232-00304376": "steph is just awesome", "18uI8eJMJD8-00279-00304728-00304936": "holy [ __ ] too real", "18uI8eJMJD8-00280-00305216-00305488": "is that true for ryan i hope so", "18uI8eJMJD8-00281-00306432-00306728": "dude i hear you but a combat-based system with", "18uI8eJMJD8-00282-00306728-00307096": "no social mechanics is like my [ __ ] nightmare are you", "18uI8eJMJD8-00283-00307408-00308232": "hey precious where did you come from are you the one i've been hearing in the walls", "18uI8eJMJD8-00284-00308232-00308848": "smart ass there's a cat outside the shop dude i don't know she doesn't have a collar", "18uI8eJMJD8-00285-00309024-00309776": "yeah i'll call pike when alex said i'm hot did she mean it or was she just messing around", "18uI8eJMJD8-00286-00309776-00310376": "never seen steph feel this way before maybe i could reassure her she's always so confident", "18uI8eJMJD8-00287-00310632-00311592": "the soul sapphire's right there for sale 10 000 gold okay obviously there's some other way to get", "18uI8eJMJD8-00288-00311592-00312624": "this the streets used to be full of people", "18uI8eJMJD8-00289-00313144-00313784": "why is this 10 000 gold would you consider giving us that sapphire", "18uI8eJMJD8-00290-00314168-00314480": "in exchange for something far more valuable", "18uI8eJMJD8-00291-00314792-00315528": "my hand in marriage and all of its associated benefits", "18uI8eJMJD8-00292-00315784-00316584": "and you should know i wouldn't offer if i didn't mean it", "18uI8eJMJD8-00293-00317208-00317984": "uh i mean oh man this just got real", "18uI8eJMJD8-00294-00318184-00318768": "i'd be lying if i said i wasn't intrigued but i'm afraid i can't accept", "18uI8eJMJD8-00295-00319008-00319384": "for now", "18uI8eJMJD8-00296-00319552-00320192": "we need the sapphire right away it's for a quest to end the age of monsters", "18uI8eJMJD8-00297-00320664-00321208": "i've heard there's a magical fish that lives in the river of sorrows", "18uI8eJMJD8-00298-00321344-00322184": "bring me back one of its scales and i'll give you the sapphire in return", "18uI8eJMJD8-00299-00322944-00323600": "one magic fish scale impressive", "18uI8eJMJD8-00300-00323600-00323624": "well", "18uI8eJMJD8-00301-00323848-00324984": "then here's my end of the bargain", "18uI8eJMJD8-00302-00325896-00326384": "only one more jewel left getting there", "18uI8eJMJD8-00303-00326760-00327784": "do you think we'll run into any trolls three gold please", "18uI8eJMJD8-00304-00328920-00329184": "man my dating life could have used", "18uI8eJMJD8-00305-00338712-00338984": "how does steph come up with all these names", "18uI8eJMJD8-00306-00339496-00340384": "i do i do i do i do maybe when ethan's not around", "18uI8eJMJD8-00307-00345144-00345800": "listen here since you two already defeated this hey we found the components of sun silver", "18uI8eJMJD8-00308-00345912-00346192": "it's iron goblin ore and fire powder", "18uI8eJMJD8-00309-00346400-00346632": "praise the gods of course", "18uI8eJMJD8-00310-00346744-00347480": "how could i forget why don't you take that scroll for your kindness i've no need of it", "18uI8eJMJD8-00311-00347952-00348784": "got another scroll cool", "18uI8eJMJD8-00312-00349024-00350272": "one two three i control me one two three i control me this book is written for [ __ ] toddlers", "18uI8eJMJD8-00313-00350400-00351584": "nothing like getting pissed off at your anger management book", "18uI8eJMJD8-00314-00352288-00353144": "you see i warned you not can we hear that riddle again please there are three it is said", "18uI8eJMJD8-00315-00353200-00354384": "heroes long dead fashioned into soul jewels blue violet red what are their names do not be misled", "18uI8eJMJD8-00316-00354728-00354992": "ready to answer i'll say it once more", "18uI8eJMJD8-00317-00355216-00356176": "there are three it is said heroes long dead fashioned into soul jewels blue violet red", "18uI8eJMJD8-00318-00356336-00356632": "what are their names do not be misled", "18uI8eJMJD8-00319-00356952-00357184": "their names are", "18uI8eJMJD8-00320-00357552-00358392": "the answer is neera desus and belen you solved the riddle you've been told your prize a useful", "18uI8eJMJD8-00321-00358392-00359640": "hint behold to bribe that deadly troll of old you have to pay four coins of gold four coins got it", "18uI8eJMJD8-00322-00359840-00360416": "ah there's more because you've solved my verse you may take one gold from my purse", "18uI8eJMJD8-00323-00360840-00361384": "thanks", "18uI8eJMJD8-00324-00363064-00363088": "sorry", "18uI8eJMJD8-00325-00363312-00364184": "did you you say she stole your crochet", "18uI8eJMJD8-00326-00365160-00365856": "we're like master scroll seekers yup i wonder how riley's doing with the usb", "18uI8eJMJD8-00327-00365992-00366984": "that run felt amazing i'm so proud of myself wow good for her mind if i duck in here a second", "18uI8eJMJD8-00328-00367248-00368384": "i have to talk to riley about a real life thing i promise i'll be quick sure take your time", "18uI8eJMJD8-00329-00375656-00375712": "hey there", "18uI8eJMJD8-00330-00376688-00376984": "i could ask riley how progress is going with the usb", "18uI8eJMJD8-00331-00377240-00377832": "nana's such a good person she doesn't deserve any of this and neither does riley", "18uI8eJMJD8-00332-00377960-00378616": "any luck with the usb no not yet it's gonna take hours if we're lucky", "18uI8eJMJD8-00333-00378744-00379584": "oh if you want to check it out it's running on the office computer but don't touch anything okay", "18uI8eJMJD8-00334-00379664-00380288": "thank you so much for doing this you don't have to thank me it's the least i could do for gabe", "18uI8eJMJD8-00335-00380760-00381184": "and honestly it's a nice distraction for me right now", "18uI8eJMJD8-00336-00381800-00382384": "is something going on with eleanor", "18uI8eJMJD8-00337-00382472-00382680": "i found out nana has been sick", "18uI8eJMJD8-00338-00382952-00383392": "she has alzheimer's oh wow", "18uI8eJMJD8-00339-00383648-00383888": "anyway let's talk about something else", "18uI8eJMJD8-00340-00384368-00385184": "how's mac doing", "18uI8eJMJD8-00341-00385464-00385584": "i haven't seen him in a while", "18uI8eJMJD8-00342-00386024-00386608": "oh he's around", "18uI8eJMJD8-00343-00386608-00386736": "he's been a life saver", "18uI8eJMJD8-00344-00386936-00387640": "mack has yeah he really stepped it up for me and nana i'm actually glad we're still together", "18uI8eJMJD8-00345-00387864-00387984": "that's good", "18uI8eJMJD8-00346-00388464-00389104": "are you still going to school oh no i turned them down", "18uI8eJMJD8-00347-00389368-00389576": "nana told me not to but she's going to need help", "18uI8eJMJD8-00348-00390232-00390816": "that must have been a hard decision no i knew what i had to do", "18uI8eJMJD8-00349-00391016-00391312": "what's hard is dealing with the disappointment", "18uI8eJMJD8-00350-00391968-00392432": "let's talk later i'll let you know if i make any progress thanks again", "18uI8eJMJD8-00351-00393144-00393584": "i want to feel happy for riley but i just ugh", "18uI8eJMJD8-00352-00394128-00394984": "so eleanor's donating all those decorations", "18uI8eJMJD8-00353-00398488-00399184": "so", "18uI8eJMJD8-00354-00399488-00399712": "i wonder what we'll find at the bridge of flowers", "18uI8eJMJD8-00355-00399968-00400584": "that run felt amazing i'm so proud of myself", "18uI8eJMJD8-00356-00401920-00401984": "oh", "18uI8eJMJD8-00357-00402376-00403448": "oh [ __ ] troll incoming he's got a soul jewel right there oh you like my belt", "18uI8eJMJD8-00358-00403632-00403832": "it's made of human skin", "18uI8eJMJD8-00359-00404160-00404784": "a bird what do you think we should do", "18uI8eJMJD8-00360-00404920-00406184": "troll dust dusted trolls become very friendly one pinch per troll no no don't you dare just oh", "18uI8eJMJD8-00361-00407296-00408432": "visitors i love visitors can i can i get you anything uh a glass of marshwater slug chips", "18uI8eJMJD8-00362-00408696-00408984": "how about that jewel on your belt", "18uI8eJMJD8-00363-00409456-00409480": "sure", "18uI8eJMJD8-00364-00410112-00410384": "anything else", "18uI8eJMJD8-00365-00410688-00411056": "we're on a quest anything you can do to help us out", "18uI8eJMJD8-00366-00411447-00411784": "i could teach you to fight like me", "18uI8eJMJD8-00367-00412016-00412072": "there you go", "18uI8eJMJD8-00368-00412808-00413184": "that was quick", "18uI8eJMJD8-00369-00413400-00413688": "why don't you say something nice about each of us", "18uI8eJMJD8-00370-00414272-00415008": "you put a great deal of thoughtfulness and care into everything you do and you", "18uI8eJMJD8-00371-00415416-00415616": "see deep into the hearts of people", "18uI8eJMJD8-00372-00415832-00416112": "but you don't let that stop you from believing in them", "18uI8eJMJD8-00373-00416664-00416960": "this troll is emo yeah", "18uI8eJMJD8-00374-00417192-00417384": "i think that's all we need right", "18uI8eJMJD8-00375-00417616-00417839": "come visit again anytime", "18uI8eJMJD8-00376-00418192-00418447": "we've got all three we can go back to the", "18uI8eJMJD8-00377-00418696-00419288": "we can go back to the king now yep okay that troll is scary", "18uI8eJMJD8-00378-00419343-00420272": "i admit it nothing to admit it's just facts even after you used the dust he was still scary", "18uI8eJMJD8-00379-00420480-00421584": "seemed like so long ago", "18uI8eJMJD8-00380-00422943-00424384": "they say you sorry we gotta get back to our quest", "18uI8eJMJD8-00381-00425576-00426216": "i swung over the top once no way prove it i'll give you a dollar if you can", "18uI8eJMJD8-00382-00426488-00427343": "i did i don't have to prove it i'm gonna tell my mom you called me a liar do it dude i dare you", "18uI8eJMJD8-00383-00427712-00428584": "oh my god it's my mom feynor the monster slayer you've come at last", "18uI8eJMJD8-00384-00428712-00429616": "do you remember me from your past adventures you're netheria the forest spirit you have done", "18uI8eJMJD8-00385-00429616-00431384": "well on your quest the force notices she offers a treasure for you to claim look there what is that", "18uI8eJMJD8-00386-00432032-00432120": "the sky sword", "18uI8eJMJD8-00387-00432352-00432808": "it's the sky sword of power it's exactly the same as i draw in the comics", "18uI8eJMJD8-00388-00432960-00434184": "it's got the pincer and the same grip and it's got this part for the jewels how do they do it", "18uI8eJMJD8-00389-00434256-00434416": "can i really take it", "18uI8eJMJD8-00390-00434856-00435584": "promise me you'll only use it for good helping others and stuff like that okay", "18uI8eJMJD8-00391-00440120-00441184": "so", "18uI8eJMJD8-00392-00443192-00443984": "bard a song if you please", "18uI8eJMJD8-00393-00444520-00445384": "the prophecy is fulfilled at last nothing or smite is unsurpassed", "18uI8eJMJD8-00394-00445520-00446784": "ah", "18uI8eJMJD8-00395-00448032-00448184": "uh", "18uI8eJMJD8-00396-00449096-00449584": "i'll take that sword now and the jewels", "18uI8eJMJD8-00397-00449696-00450184": "lord of the underworld i should have known king tabor was you all along", "18uI8eJMJD8-00398-00450239-00450984": "you fools you have collected the jewels i need and brought them right to me", "18uI8eJMJD8-00399-00451352-00452384": "you're wrong the jewels are now part of the weapon that will slay you give them to me", "18uI8eJMJD8-00400-00453712-00453816": "distortion field", "18uI8eJMJD8-00401-00454743-00455224": "fire blast", "18uI8eJMJD8-00402-00455224-00455392": "sorry worth it", "18uI8eJMJD8-00403-00455768-00455792": "ah", "18uI8eJMJD8-00404-00456200-00456584": "that sound it rattles my skull", "18uI8eJMJD8-00405-00457296-00458000": "stirring him", "18uI8eJMJD8-00406-00458000-00458112": "burning blade", "18uI8eJMJD8-00407-00458568-00458720": "ring of fire no", "18uI8eJMJD8-00408-00459312-00459432": "curse this fire", "18uI8eJMJD8-00409-00459743-00460056": "that sound it rattles my skull", "18uI8eJMJD8-00410-00460743-00460864": "shield of courage", "18uI8eJMJD8-00411-00461184-00461432": "i summon the fury of hell", "18uI8eJMJD8-00412-00461743-00462184": "death to all who defy me", "18uI8eJMJD8-00413-00462760-00462872": "curse this fire", "18uI8eJMJD8-00414-00464288-00464984": "scroll of healing", "18uI8eJMJD8-00415-00465824-00466384": "burning blade", "18uI8eJMJD8-00416-00466496-00466528": "ah", "18uI8eJMJD8-00417-00466960-00467080": "curse this fire", "18uI8eJMJD8-00418-00467560-00467784": "distortion field", "18uI8eJMJD8-00419-00468568-00469216": "strike of wrath", "18uI8eJMJD8-00420-00469216-00469639": "volcanic flame you're now on fire", "18uI8eJMJD8-00421-00469904-00470984": "curse this fire oh that sound it rattles my skull oh taking fire damage", "18uI8eJMJD8-00422-00471520-00471984": "scroll of advantage", "18uI8eJMJD8-00423-00472512-00473384": "distortion field", "18uI8eJMJD8-00424-00473720-00473832": "burning blade", "18uI8eJMJD8-00425-00474552-00474784": "horus harmony", "18uI8eJMJD8-00426-00477032-00477584": "we did it i can't believe what just happened", "18uI8eJMJD8-00427-00477880-00478247": "oh my god that was so much fun even more than i expected", "18uI8eJMJD8-00428-00478535-00478984": "yeah but the best part was finding", "18uI8eJMJD8-00429-00480152-00481456": "[ __ ] gabe's dead it's dead cause of me it's my fault i killed gabe i killed gabe i killed gabe", "18uI8eJMJD8-00430-00481624-00481784": "ethan", "18uI8eJMJD8-00431-00482520-00483184": "listen to me it wasn't your fault at all", "18uI8eJMJD8-00432-00483432-00483656": "it wasn't okay", "18uI8eJMJD8-00433-00483864-00484584": "it wasn't", "18uI8eJMJD8-00434-00485576-00485584": "you"}}, {"audio_id": "18xL1cnamN0", "text": {"18xL1cnamN0-00000-00000346-00000484": "Did it work?", "18xL1cnamN0-00001-00000492-00000803": "You two think you can kiss more like... this way?", "18xL1cnamN0-00002-00000803-00000898": "More like this?", "18xL1cnamN0-00003-00000898-00000992": "Yeah.", "18xL1cnamN0-00004-00001198-00001286": "Oh, girl."}}, {"audio_id": "18GUT7bIaw8", "text": {"18GUT7bIaw8-00000-00000000-00000570": "Hello and welcome to this webinar on 'Effective inclusive and scalable training in the life", "18GUT7bIaw8-00001-00000570-00001122": "sciences, clinical education and beyond'. I'm Melissa Burke and I'm the Australian BioCommons", "18GUT7bIaw8-00002-00001122-00001686": "Training and Communications Officer. Today I'm co-hosting this webinar along with Amy", "18GUT7bIaw8-00003-00001686-00002118": "Nisselle from Melbourne Genomics who is the Genomics Workforce Lead there.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00004-00002376-00002844": "Before we begin I'd like to take a moment to acknowledge the traditional owners and their", "18GUT7bIaw8-00005-00002844-00003420": "custodianship of the lands on which we meet today. In my case this is the Turrbal and Jagera people", "18GUT7bIaw8-00006-00003420-00004098": "of Meanjin and for Amy this is the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nations. We pay our respects", "18GUT7bIaw8-00007-00004098-00004560": "to their ancestors and their descendants who continue cultural and spiritual connections", "18GUT7bIaw8-00008-00004560-00005136": "to Country and we recognise their valuable contributions to Australian and global society.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00009-00005376-00005904": "At the Australian BioCommons and at Melbourne Genomics training and continuing education", "18GUT7bIaw8-00010-00005904-00006600": "are core parts of what we offer the community. Earlier this year the BioCommons and Melbourne", "18GUT7bIaw8-00011-00006600-00007200": "Genomics were lucky enough to join more than 30 other trainers, educators and training providers", "18GUT7bIaw8-00012-00007200-00007770": "in New York at the Banbury Center for a think tank style meeting where we tried to imagine how we", "18GUT7bIaw8-00013-00007770-00008328": "can help make career spanning learning in the life sciences inclusive and effective for all.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00014-00008502-00009102": "This project was initiated by Jason Williams and Rochelle Trachtenberg and today we're thrilled to", "18GUT7bIaw8-00015-00009102-00009582": "welcome our friend and colleague Jason to share some of some of the outcomes of this meeting.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00016-00009744-00010272": "Jason is the Assistant Director at the DNA Learning Centre at the Cold Spring Harbor", "18GUT7bIaw8-00017-00010272-00010812": "Laboratory where he specialises in teaching bioinformatics and data-driven science to", "18GUT7bIaw8-00018-00010812-00011586": "high schoolers PhD students researchers and more. Jason is amazingly passionate about connecting", "18GUT7bIaw8-00019-00011586-00012120": "communities globally and is the founder of the Life Science Trainers, an international community", "18GUT7bIaw8-00020-00012120-00012726": "and forum that connects anyone and everyone who does short format training in the life sciences.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00021-00012858-00013428": "Welcome to the webinar Jason. I'm now going to hand over to you to get started with the presentation.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00022-00013734-00014363": "Wonderful, thank you Melissa and Amy and everyone and Australian BioCommons,", "18GUT7bIaw8-00023-00014363-00014946": "Christina, Melbourne Genomics, everybody for the opportunity to present. So let me get started so we", "18GUT7bIaw8-00024-00014946-00015684": "have as much time as possible for questions and discussions. I am going to just put this into", "18GUT7bIaw8-00025-00015684-00016488": "the correct screen here, all right, excellent, and I'll also try to keep an eye on the time so", "18GUT7bIaw8-00026-00016488-00016956": "that we don't spend too much time listening to me but perhaps have some questions.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00027-00017028-00017616": "So I'll put this on at the end but there is a website called bikeprinciples.org which you're", "18GUT7bIaw8-00028-00017616-00018192": "free to look at. It'll be useful halfway through the the presentation. You know, have it open but", "18GUT7bIaw8-00029-00018192-00018654": "pay attention to me for at least three minutes before you get to that. Then I'm on Twitter", "18GUT7bIaw8-00030-00018654-00019182": "@JasonWilliamsNY and then my email address will be at the end. But I just want to make sure", "18GUT7bIaw8-00031-00019182-00019812": "folks who have more questions can follow up and we'll get that facilitated. As Melissa mentioned,", "18GUT7bIaw8-00032-00019890-00020484": "this work is really the work of many, many people and here are just about all of them", "18GUT7bIaw8-00033-00020484-00021084": "gathered with us last May in New York at the Banbury Centre which is a small unit within", "18GUT7bIaw8-00034-00021084-00021480": "Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory where I work and where I've actually worked with my colleague", "18GUT7bIaw8-00035-00021480-00022158": "Amy before. It's really a a think tank, as I said, trying to bring people together across", "18GUT7bIaw8-00036-00022158-00022788": "multiple disciplines to work on interesting challenges and if you've decided to take a", "18GUT7bIaw8-00037-00022788-00023238": "little bit of time to join us today then perhaps training is something that's interesting to you", "18GUT7bIaw8-00038-00023238-00023916": "and I perhaps will provoke some thoughts. So Iwant to just take a moment to acknowledge all", "18GUT7bIaw8-00039-00023916-00024558": "of those people. There's two slides where I havetheir names right up front. I'll put them", "18GUT7bIaw8-00040-00024558-00025230": "up for a moment I know it will not really capture all the gratitude for all of these people but I", "18GUT7bIaw8-00041-00025230-00025872": "just wanted folks to know that this really is a diverse swath of people that were involved in", "18GUT7bIaw8-00042-00025872-00026442": "in this work. I also want to acknowledge fundingfrom the U.S National Science Foundation which", "18GUT7bIaw8-00043-00026442-00027108": "supported this the work of the meeting and ourtime in developing some forthcoming manuscripts.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00044-00027174-00027989": "Okay so are we wasting our time with training? I think every good project starts with", "18GUT7bIaw8-00045-00027989-00028632": "anxiety and uncertainty about something and this is a question that I've had", "18GUT7bIaw8-00046-00028727-00029538": "and why would I have that question? Well, one ofthe reasons is this paper from 2017 which", "18GUT7bIaw8-00047-00029538-00030174": "was an interesting look in the United States atshort format training for PhD students in the life", "18GUT7bIaw8-00048-00030174-00030845": "sciences. They had this really nice and, I guess this is as close to a sensationalism that", "18GUT7bIaw8-00049-00030845-00031368": "you need to have when you're in a Proceedings at National Academy's paper, it's really direct,", "18GUT7bIaw8-00050-00031368-00031883": "that they find when they were looking at thesestudents who've taken short format workshops", "18GUT7bIaw8-00051-00031883-00032394": "that this group really couldn't detect evidence of the effectiveness of those workshops.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00052-00032472-00033078": "This is was alarming to me none the least because I spent a lot of time", "18GUT7bIaw8-00053-00033078-00033780": "including in Australia, I visited previously for the sake of getting researchers and educators", "18GUT7bIaw8-00054-00033780-00034518": "involved in in bioinformatics and data, and really the only vehicle I have to do that is short format", "18GUT7bIaw8-00055-00034518-00035046": "training. So I really was interested in in that question, are there assumptions that we have about", "18GUT7bIaw8-00056-00035046-00035712": "the effectiveness of something that we rely on in order to communicate our work, new science and to", "18GUT7bIaw8-00057-00035712-00036156": "get other researchers on board. And at the sametime, for those of us and I suspect many who are", "18GUT7bIaw8-00058-00036156-00036816": "on this call, do training we've seen the evidence and the outcome of people who approach us, people", "18GUT7bIaw8-00059-00036816-00037566": "who we work with who do take our workshops and do find it to be beneficial. So this is an interesting", "18GUT7bIaw8-00060-00037566-00038172": "thing. And then there was another paper, as I was conceiving of a conference to really ask", "18GUT7bIaw8-00061-00038172-00038694": "that question amongst a group of people who are smarter and more experienced and more diverse", "18GUT7bIaw8-00062-00038694-00039312": "than I would be as an individual.  This paper which is actually from the", "18GUT7bIaw8-00063-00039312-00039990": "National Bureau of Economic Research, actually talked about the STEM workforce and it really", "18GUT7bIaw8-00064-00039990-00040674": "made an argument, which I do think is true, that new technologies are coming along all the time", "18GUT7bIaw8-00065-00040752-00041286": "and it turns out, you know I think the same as in Australia as in the United States, in", "18GUT7bIaw8-00066-00041286-00041898": "most countries, it's very common to hear calls that we need to to produce more stem graduates,", "18GUT7bIaw8-00067-00041988-00042528": "there's a shortage of stem graduates, we  need more. But what this paper made the argument", "18GUT7bIaw8-00068-00042528-00043200": "that in STEM, the rate of change, the rate of new skills is so quick that actually what", "18GUT7bIaw8-00069-00043200-00043914": "tends to happen is that people, older graduatesget to a point in which they're mature in their", "18GUT7bIaw8-00070-00043914-00044478": "experience of work but they may not be up on the latest skills, they may not have had continuing", "18GUT7bIaw8-00071-00044478-00045090": "professional education to allow them to take on new skills, and so maybe they can't get the next", "18GUT7bIaw8-00072-00045090-00045702": "promotion, or they can't do the next researchproject as effectively as as others entering.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00073-00045702-00046188": "And so they made the argument it's that the skills were scarce and not the workers themselves.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00074-00046314-00046704": "um and some work that we did earlier at the Learning Center when we were looking a few", "18GUT7bIaw8-00075-00046704-00047274": "years back at investigators who are funded by the National Foundation, we found that of the different", "18GUT7bIaw8-00076-00047274-00047694": "needs that those investigators had for cyber infrastructure and working with big data biology,", "18GUT7bIaw8-00077-00047820-00048366": "the top three of a dozen or so needs were allin areas of training that they felt that those", "18GUT7bIaw8-00078-00048366-00049134": "are the most unmet needs. And so clearly there isan appetite for training. And my question was", "18GUT7bIaw8-00079-00049134-00049758": "is that something that we can make better? Oneof the things that I've really come to believe", "18GUT7bIaw8-00080-00049758-00050256": "in thinking about some of the problems thatsurround what we're calling short format training", "18GUT7bIaw8-00081-00050256-00050838": "which I'll define now as saying training that is showing up for a webinar sometimes at a", "18GUT7bIaw8-00082-00050838-00051396": "shortest perhaps, where you might just have an hour to a couple of days of a workshop", "18GUT7bIaw8-00083-00051498-00051936": "that's not the same as what we traditionally think of in education as long format training", "18GUT7bIaw8-00084-00051936-00052638": "When you are taking a semester-long course,which most of us do during our formal degree, and", "18GUT7bIaw8-00085-00052638-00053334": "then not so much afterwards, there are a number of features that contribute to making a long format", "18GUT7bIaw8-00086-00053334-00054005": "teaching and a formal teaching in a classroom. Iwon't guarantee that it's always effective as some", "18GUT7bIaw8-00087-00054005-00054504": "of my education expert friends are but there areat least some features that almost all of it has", "18GUT7bIaw8-00088-00054504-00055098": "in common. One, it's long. So you're usually taking it for a quarter a semester. The format oftentimes", "18GUT7bIaw8-00089-00055098-00055578": "is lecture heavy although there definitely can behands-on and there's certainly move to increase", "18GUT7bIaw8-00090-00055578-00056238": "the hands-on in many cases in the sciences. Oftentimes there are articulated and enforceable", "18GUT7bIaw8-00091-00056238-00057120": "prerequisites. You can't take a 300 level classbefore you've taken a 100 and a 200 before it.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00092-00057120-00057648": "Learners are often in the same track where theyhave pre-specified preparation and needs that are", "18GUT7bIaw8-00093-00057726-00058236": "fairly uniform. I'd argue and there's an expectation that the person who gets in front of", "18GUT7bIaw8-00094-00058236-00058991": "the room is qualified to teach, that they have someability and experience and qualification to teach.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00095-00058991-00059472": "They may not have a degree in pedagogy butthey do, there's that expectation, there's", "18GUT7bIaw8-00096-00059472-00059982": "also regulation, there may be standards that theuniversity enforces for instruction accreditation", "18GUT7bIaw8-00097-00059982-00060612": "of certain programs. There may even be legalrequirements that the university must meet", "18GUT7bIaw8-00098-00060612-00061266": "in order to call itself a functioning school. There's often a sequence which means that that", "18GUT7bIaw8-00099-00061266-00061770": "learning takes place in the context of a majorand a minor where there are other prerequisites", "18GUT7bIaw8-00100-00061770-00062466": "or additional courses and when, this term I call variance, makes, when you when you take if I", "18GUT7bIaw8-00101-00062466-00063078": "say that I'm a biology major at the University of Melbourne or I'm a biology major at um Princeton", "18GUT7bIaw8-00102-00063078-00063570": "University or whatever university you'd like toname, there's going to be a lot in common that you", "18GUT7bIaw8-00103-00063570-00064248": "can predict about what those experiences mightlook like. Enter short format training. Which", "18GUT7bIaw8-00104-00064248-00064860": "is, I've just marked it as a sort of blob becausethere are areas where, and sometimes it it might", "18GUT7bIaw8-00105-00064860-00065478": "look very much like long format training, except formaybe the the time and it really depends, right.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00106-00065478-00066066": "A very experienced group of trainers like you'relikely to find giving a pitch for Australian", "18GUT7bIaw8-00107-00066066-00066624": "BioCommons, that short format training may look very different than a one-off short format", "18GUT7bIaw8-00108-00066624-00067092": "training done by two or three individuals who are just getting some colleagues together.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00109-00067194-00067908": "So yeah it'll be short. The focus often is on interactive hands-on. Prerequisites often though", "18GUT7bIaw8-00110-00067908-00068346": "are either unarticulated or unenforceable, you really have to deal with who came to you.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00111-00068346-00068916": "Learners maybe various levels of preparation for the experience that you hope to deliver and you", "18GUT7bIaw8-00112-00068916-00069504": "might not have much control. The instructor, there'san expectation the instructor is a", "18GUT7bIaw8-00113-00069504-00070128": "domain expert, perhaps in science or medicinebut not necessarily a pedagogical expert or", "18GUT7bIaw8-00114-00070128-00070746": "even having any type of pedagogical experience.And it's also a lot less likely to be regulated.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00115-00070818-00071436": "In many cases it may be more informal and that there wasn't a university approval process.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00116-00071436-00072030": "Oftentimes other standards go by the waysideincluding for accessibility. If there is a", "18GUT7bIaw8-00117-00072030-00072534": "sequence available because there may often not be,it might be one single course, or maybe a two-part", "18GUT7bIaw8-00118-00072534-00073320": "course, it's really a lot of effort is placed on the learner. And so I rate this experiences very as", "18GUT7bIaw8-00119-00073320-00074094": "the variance of this experience as unpredictableand and not really repeatable, right. If I say I'm", "18GUT7bIaw8-00120-00074094-00074784": "taking an RNAseq course with Australian BioCommonsthey may not really resemble, I'm sure there'll", "18GUT7bIaw8-00121-00074784-00075384": "be some domain overlap, but it might not reallyresemble the same type of learner experience, and", "18GUT7bIaw8-00122-00075384-00076254": "teaching environment, and attention to pedagogicalrigour that you would get in a one-off workshop", "18GUT7bIaw8-00123-00076254-00076638": "done by somebody who's never taught before atsome in place, who they're an expert but they've", "18GUT7bIaw8-00124-00076638-00077076": "just never taught it. One thing that all of theseexperiences will have in common is that there is", "18GUT7bIaw8-00125-00077076-00077556": "formal evidence about teaching that applies. Andso how do we Infuse that? How do we get that and", "18GUT7bIaw8-00126-00077556-00078120": "other elements to be applied to short format training? Maybe making it a little bit more regular?", "18GUT7bIaw8-00127-00078198-00078744": "Well I'm going to obviously give you our pitch as to what the answer is. But I also", "18GUT7bIaw8-00128-00078744-00079218": "like to keep in mind that, and there was a great question, which I guess we'll get to,", "18GUT7bIaw8-00129-00079218-00079704": "because one of the pre-submitted ones about 'I've gone to webinars, people presented things, how", "18GUT7bIaw8-00130-00079704-00080172": "do we apply it?' right. And so what I want to off the bat is that this is going to be a", "18GUT7bIaw8-00131-00080172-00080712": "big project to change any person's behaviour or to recommend people try something new.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00132-00080784-00081486": "So I think we will at this in in this webinar I hope to communicate a few", "18GUT7bIaw8-00133-00081486-00082122": "interpretable ideas if I'm successful. But the real project is going to be around building", "18GUT7bIaw8-00134-00082122-00082536": "communities and supporting communities around these principles which I'm going to talk about", "18GUT7bIaw8-00135-00082638-00083202": "because you'll forget half the stuff that I could say at this webinar, more than half, maybe", "18GUT7bIaw8-00136-00083202-00083886": "ninety percent, but if I can get across some principles, some ideas that resonate with you", "18GUT7bIaw8-00137-00083886-00084318": "because you've probably been thinking them yourselves and maybe we've put a label on them that resonates.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00138-00084390-00084918": "Then I think that that's the first step to moving forward. I thought so too when I first", "18GUT7bIaw8-00139-00084918-00085452": "started this project a few years ago, as Melissamentioned, and I'll put in another plug for lifescitrainers.org", "18GUT7bIaw8-00140-00085452-00086106": "this is a community, online, it's Slack, it's free, there's there's it's", "18GUT7bIaw8-00141-00086106-00086736": "all volunteer effort, which was an attempt tosay having had a chance to travel the world,", "18GUT7bIaw8-00142-00086736-00087468": "being very privileged to meet so many wonderfultrainers across countries, it was just a place to", "18GUT7bIaw8-00143-00087468-00088206": "put together a a forum for people to exchange asmany or as few ideas as they would like. It just", "18GUT7bIaw8-00144-00088206-00088854": "so happens I picked a Slack question, this was apre-thing, you know I didn't know I was doing this", "18GUT7bIaw8-00145-00088854-00089412": "today for Melissa, but there was a question from Melissa and this exactly my dream of what this", "18GUT7bIaw8-00146-00089412-00090000": "Slack would be. Maybe there could be more butreally for somebody to just throw out 'hey, I have", "18GUT7bIaw8-00147-00090000-00090552": "a question...' there are not all that many peoplein the world that concern themselves with short", "18GUT7bIaw8-00148-00090552-00091170": "format training professional development for lifescientists, how can I ask them on that question?", "18GUT7bIaw8-00149-00091170-00091686": "Please everyone feel free, we have monthly callsand if there are questions at the end I can come", "18GUT7bIaw8-00150-00091686-00092292": "around to that. But building a community which isgreat, I can put up a Slack for free, we can have", "18GUT7bIaw8-00151-00092292-00092856": "a little website, that that's a first step. And so how do we actually support the community with", "18GUT7bIaw8-00152-00092856-00093384": "tools, or begin to support the community, which is all of you with tools that could actually", "18GUT7bIaw8-00153-00093456-00094386": "you know achieve more. So hence this projecton what has now come to be known after the meeting", "18GUT7bIaw8-00154-00094386-00095028": "that we had in May and this idea of the bicycleprinciples. And as you kind of will guess there are", "18GUT7bIaw8-00155-00095028-00095784": "two cyclic sets of ideas and it so happens that a bicycle is a nice metaphor for that. So I'll", "18GUT7bIaw8-00156-00095784-00096456": "try to introduce this one step at a time. But I will mention yeah that the idea here,", "18GUT7bIaw8-00157-00096456-00097002": "the key idea is turning to reinforce that idea of effective, short format training, what might that", "18GUT7bIaw8-00158-00097002-00097728": "look like. Inclusive short format training, howare some, I think every one of us might be excluded", "18GUT7bIaw8-00159-00097728-00098322": "in one way or another, and how can we fight againstthat circumstance to become inclusive.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00160-00098322-00098988": "And also career spanning, where we think aboutthe context of the needs of individuals across", "18GUT7bIaw8-00161-00098988-00099582": "their entire career especially in world where science and scientific domains, medicine changes", "18GUT7bIaw8-00162-00099678-00100332": "on a monthly basis in ways it might be difficult to predict. Okay so the first part is", "18GUT7bIaw8-00163-00100332-00101004": "that this needed to be a community driven strategy.No one cares what I think as I'm reminded in many", "18GUT7bIaw8-00164-00101004-00101688": "ways including my dog who does not come oftenunless there's guarantee that I've got food.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00165-00101688-00102246": "How do we actually develop a strategy that reallycomes from all of you? So whether you were at that", "18GUT7bIaw8-00166-00102246-00102809": "meeting, or not, in the Banbury Center, the hopeis is that what we presented actually captures", "18GUT7bIaw8-00167-00102809-00103356": "things that you're doing and and brings you  to the table by just sort of saying 'we're", "18GUT7bIaw8-00168-00103356-00104016": "with you'. And so hence that meeting that wasmentioned and then that is also acknowledged", "18GUT7bIaw8-00169-00104016-00104706": "here as was in earlier slide, the organising committee, which again spanned a global effort,", "18GUT7bIaw8-00170-00104772-00105348": "and as you can imagine and things that happen atmeetings there's all sorts of loops and and ideas", "18GUT7bIaw8-00171-00105348-00106032": "and plans, there's virtual especially since wewere hybrid, post-it notes, I don't think you can", "18GUT7bIaw8-00172-00106032-00106698": "have an agreement of minds without post-it notes,and there was even a lunar eclipse that began the", "18GUT7bIaw8-00173-00106698-00107256": "meeting so that we had really everything that we could possibly have to try to get uh some success", "18GUT7bIaw8-00174-00107256-00108018": "out of this. And so what we came up with reallywas a set of principles. We've known since Moses", "18GUT7bIaw8-00175-00108018-00108420": "that, you know, people can remember five or tenthings and you put them on a tablet and maybe", "18GUT7bIaw8-00176-00108420-00108906": "people will understand and remember at least thatthere's this there's a few of them. But as I said,", "18GUT7bIaw8-00177-00108990-00109511": "it's really there to label and capture the best of what many, but not everyone might do, so", "18GUT7bIaw8-00178-00109511-00109980": "I suspect that many of these will resonate but some of these may be areas where you're", "18GUT7bIaw8-00179-00109980-00110364": "you'll say to yourself you know I do want to do that but I don't know exactly how.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00180-00110520-00110988": "The principles are also there to provide a path for individuals or groups to develop", "18GUT7bIaw8-00181-00111042-00111588": "a more predictable experience of what shortformat training could be. Some people will", "18GUT7bIaw8-00182-00111588-00112080": "be functioning groups like BioCommons, likeMelbourne genomics, but others will be really", "18GUT7bIaw8-00183-00112080-00112661": "sort of on their own at their own institution. Soa set of principles could be a potential guide no", "18GUT7bIaw8-00184-00112661-00113298": "matter what your context is. And then finally theprinciples are a mechanism to enshrine values", "18GUT7bIaw8-00185-00113298-00114018": "and practices which may get lost due to scarceresources. So by its nature you have limited time", "18GUT7bIaw8-00186-00114120-00114648": "limited experience often, and maybe even limited awareness if you're doing it on your own.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00187-00114648-00115061": "You may not know what other groups are doing andhow you could benefit from them. So these are some,", "18GUT7bIaw8-00188-00115061-00115590": "maybe not all, but at least some that came to mindin writing this talk of what the principles", "18GUT7bIaw8-00189-00115590-00116220": "could could do for us. So let me state the core principles and then I'll say what", "18GUT7bIaw8-00190-00116220-00116766": "the bicycle is. So we do have these short, punchystatements and then I'll try to come back around", "18GUT7bIaw8-00191-00116766-00117396": "to them. For people, well and in the next slideI'll tell you when it's useful to veer off to", "18GUT7bIaw8-00192-00117396-00117756": "the website because you've gotten tired of me, andmaybe you'll just put me in the background as you", "18GUT7bIaw8-00193-00117756-00118320": "look for yourself. But, one, there are these setsof core principles which we believe every short", "18GUT7bIaw8-00194-00118320-00119106": "format training experience should work towards.So one that all a training really needs to use", "18GUT7bIaw8-00195-00119106-00119658": "the best evidence in developing the the pedagogical core of that training.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00196-00119754-00120372": "There are recommendations, existing bodiesof literature about how to design a teaching", "18GUT7bIaw8-00197-00120372-00120906": "experience, long or short, effectively. Whetherthat's learning outcomes, whether that's taking", "18GUT7bIaw8-00198-00120906-00121338": "measurement of the progress of your learners,which I'll mention next, but using, committing", "18GUT7bIaw8-00199-00121338-00121883": "to an evidence-based practice. And for short format training, interestingly, there will be a lot of", "18GUT7bIaw8-00200-00121883-00122382": "areas where there isn't published literature butthere's the experience of your colleagues who", "18GUT7bIaw8-00201-00122382-00122850": "have done things and tried them. And so althoughmuch of that work unfortunately doesn't get", "18GUT7bIaw8-00202-00122850-00123485": "captured in in formal publications, it is out there and our recommendations also address that.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00203-00123485-00124254": "Number two is this idea of catalytic learning.And simply stated what we mean there is that", "18GUT7bIaw8-00204-00124254-00124764": "there's a formal responsibility to think aboutthe learner and what they're going to do after", "18GUT7bIaw8-00205-00124872-00125508": "your training, your workshop. In some casesyour short format training may be", "18GUT7bIaw8-00206-00125508-00126108": "just-in-time training where there's only a single skill. A very simple thing like hey", "18GUT7bIaw8-00207-00126108-00126798": "here is the new website for using blast. We've made these three changes, and you know what,", "18GUT7bIaw8-00208-00126798-00127266": "ninety percent of the people that website thatwebinar would probably be all that they need in", "18GUT7bIaw8-00209-00127266-00127842": "order to move to the next step. But oftentimeswe are providing our learners with more where", "18GUT7bIaw8-00210-00127842-00128298": "what we give them at the workshop is not goingto be enough to really do everything that they", "18GUT7bIaw8-00211-00128298-00129083": "need. So how do we think about preparing them toto be catalytic? How do we demonstrate to our", "18GUT7bIaw8-00212-00129083-00129666": "learners that the experience that they've had, our training, is actually effective? In other words,", "18GUT7bIaw8-00213-00129666-00130230": "proving to the learner, and often really the evidence comes from assessment or evaluation, a", "18GUT7bIaw8-00214-00130230-00130926": "learner that they've actually can demonstrate that a skill that you tried to communicate in your", "18GUT7bIaw8-00215-00130926-00131508": "workshop is is something that they now walk awaybeing able to do. So being effective means giving", "18GUT7bIaw8-00216-00131508-00132096": "that evidence to a learner. And then the final coreprinciple is to be inclusive. To really think about", "18GUT7bIaw8-00217-00132096-00132690": "how your training can maximise the ability of alllearners to participate and benefit. So that's the", "18GUT7bIaw8-00218-00132690-00133182": "set of what we call core principles. But as I said there's another set of principles that one", "18GUT7bIaw8-00219-00133182-00133794": "could use and these are what we call communityprinciples. These apply when your training", "18GUT7bIaw8-00220-00133794-00134292": "is going beyond just reaching a single group ora single experience at a single institution but", "18GUT7bIaw8-00221-00134292-00134760": "when you're actually trying to take that trainingor those learning materials and scale it to either", "18GUT7bIaw8-00222-00134760-00135270": "other people who will do that training for you, or,who will take what you've written and move it to", "18GUT7bIaw8-00223-00135270-00135720": "other groups and when you're trying to reach large numbers of learners. So anything where you're now", "18GUT7bIaw8-00224-00135720-00136224": "going to a space where the training is going tobe collaborative. So the first of three there", "18GUT7bIaw8-00225-00136224-00137064": "is reach. You should work to include new typesand larger audiences of learners and doing that", "18GUT7bIaw8-00226-00137064-00137610": "requires perhaps modifying training materials orthinking about how those materials were developed", "18GUT7bIaw8-00227-00137760-00138138": "and that might not have been where you started. When we talk about scale,", "18GUT7bIaw8-00228-00138204-00138774": "and that means supporting the trainers themselves. So if you think about training the", "18GUT7bIaw8-00229-00138774-00139338": "trainers would be an example of working withlarger numbers of instructors and instructional", "18GUT7bIaw8-00230-00139338-00139938": "developers who again may have a different set ofneeds in the learners. And then finally sustaining.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00231-00140040-00140760": "Once you've develop training materials how canyou use practices that might increase, or at least", "18GUT7bIaw8-00232-00140760-00141276": "maintain, the availability, or the usability and therelevance of those materials. On the reliability", "18GUT7bIaw8-00233-00141276-00141768": "we know things go stale pretty quickly in thesciences. What are other infrastructures that you", "18GUT7bIaw8-00234-00141768-00142302": "need in order for something to be made sustainable?How can we consider that and and plan for that and", "18GUT7bIaw8-00235-00142302-00142872": "do the best that we can or seek support? Especially,when a training is valuable to another community.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00236-00142974-00143562": "So if you are a small group, and you're not really looking to scale, you might just be", "18GUT7bIaw8-00237-00143562-00144156": "using a unicycle where you use just the core principles. If you're a larger group", "18GUT7bIaw8-00238-00144156-00144630": "there's the bicycle and that's where you have tothink about entire communities of people working", "18GUT7bIaw8-00239-00144630-00145350": "together to reach, scale and sustain that training.So what comes next from this? You know, you have a", "18GUT7bIaw8-00240-00145350-00145890": "set of principles, is actually the principles are very high level, obviously they're open", "18GUT7bIaw8-00241-00145890-00146340": "to interpretation, but there's many layers of guidance that you now need to think well how do", "18GUT7bIaw8-00242-00146340-00146832": "we actually turn something that's a bit abstract into something that's a little bit more concrete.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00243-00146952-00147522": "Well what the group next developed and is still in the process of, you know, developing,", "18GUT7bIaw8-00244-00147522-00148074": "enriching, fleshing out, is recommendations tohelp individuals implement those principles.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00245-00148074-00148560": "And this is what I'm very much excited to knowwhat you think in the audience. I'll mention", "18GUT7bIaw8-00246-00148560-00149064": "at the end the mechanisms that we're doing rightnow to collect feedback and and help make things", "18GUT7bIaw8-00247-00149118-00149724": "much more concrete. Again, we've known sincein this case, and I guess this is my second religious", "18GUT7bIaw8-00248-00149724-00150288": "metaphor, you've known since Martin Lutheryou can make lots and lots of statements", "18GUT7bIaw8-00249-00150288-00150816": "and then how people follow them there's a variety of outcomes. Some good, some bad.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00250-00150918-00151410": "So I'm going to go through them and as I go through these recommendations I've become", "18GUT7bIaw8-00251-00151410-00152130": "fascinated with these text to image AI generators.If you've ever seen them, where you enter a couple", "18GUT7bIaw8-00252-00152130-00152688": "of words of text on a website and then the artificial intelligence actually draws a picture.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00253-00152754-00153576": "And so almost all of my recommendations are notreally concrete and so you could just look at text,", "18GUT7bIaw8-00254-00153576-00154194": "which is a little bit boring, I think, but do go to bikeprinciples.org and you can see the full", "18GUT7bIaw8-00255-00154194-00154806": "text. But so that I have an image that goes with it, and then possibly doesn't violate copyright from", "18GUT7bIaw8-00256-00154806-00155520": "trying to find some image to represent an abstract concept for 14 different recommendations that I", "18GUT7bIaw8-00257-00155520-00156300": "have, each recommendation I'm about to showyou, and there are 14 of them, will be accompanied", "18GUT7bIaw8-00258-00156300-00156930": "by an artificial intelligence generated image.The image will have a prompt so you know what", "18GUT7bIaw8-00259-00156930-00157470": "I what I wrote in the machine. So I wrote in, youknow, scientist in a lab coat riding a bicycle and", "18GUT7bIaw8-00260-00157470-00158190": "it literally drew that. So that's awesome becauseif you've ever needed to put images in your slides,", "18GUT7bIaw8-00261-00158190-00158706": "and you can't find just the right image, if it's not if it's not a figure of course, this is my", "18GUT7bIaw8-00262-00158706-00159258": "solution. Okay so credit to that website which is at the bottom. So let me go through", "18GUT7bIaw8-00263-00159258-00159804": "the recommendations rather quickly because I'lltry to keep to just 10 seconds about saying", "18GUT7bIaw8-00264-00159804-00160788": "them and give you time for the image. Okay, okayso uh recommendation A was about, the prompt", "18GUT7bIaw8-00265-00160788-00161310": "is a doctor studying a textbook, and you see theimage. Okay you get it. It did a good job. This is a", "18GUT7bIaw8-00266-00161310-00161862": "cartoon version. This idea of professionalisingthe training of short format training", "18GUT7bIaw8-00267-00161862-00162588": "instructors and instructional designers. So thisis a lot to unpack. Let me try to just say it in", "18GUT7bIaw8-00268-00162588-00163416": "a sentence or two. There are, almost all of ushave taken a workshop or taught a workshop", "18GUT7bIaw8-00269-00163416-00164034": "but for those of us who are instructors we mayor may not have gotten training in short format", "18GUT7bIaw8-00270-00164034-00164526": "training. There will be other instructors that come along after us. How can we professionalise", "18GUT7bIaw8-00271-00164526-00165042": "that process so that all instructors who do shortformat training have access to training materials", "18GUT7bIaw8-00272-00165042-00165660": "themselves that can work across many differentcontexts. As you'll see in this whole, you know,", "18GUT7bIaw8-00273-00165660-00166116": "the last few minutes here as I'm wrapping throughthese, very little of it it's specific to the life", "18GUT7bIaw8-00274-00166116-00166638": "sciences. So there's lots of things that are are broadly available and they also have people", "18GUT7bIaw8-00275-00166734-00167118": "um like Melissa and Amy who are on the callwho are instructional designers who may help", "18GUT7bIaw8-00276-00167118-00167586": "the instructors to design the curriculum or support them in various ways. How can we", "18GUT7bIaw8-00277-00167586-00168048": "professionalise that process? And that includesnot only learning materials for those, for those", "18GUT7bIaw8-00278-00168048-00168510": "folks but even rewarding them and acknowledging their work in a way that really makes that a", "18GUT7bIaw8-00279-00168510-00169218": "cohesive and important component of the researchcommunity. So that was one recommendation. Now the", "18GUT7bIaw8-00280-00169218-00169788": "next one was centralising infrastructure for short format training assessment and evaluation.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00281-00169788-00170478": "So one thing that tends to happen not as well as you might hope for short format training is", "18GUT7bIaw8-00282-00170478-00171096": "assessment. Most workshops do end with some type of assessment. How did you like the workshop?", "18GUT7bIaw8-00283-00171096-00171678": "Was the coffee good? Was it strong enough? Butin a lot of cases we don't do rather rigorous", "18GUT7bIaw8-00284-00171678-00172416": "assessments, for various reasons, but there are ways and approaches and principles where we", "18GUT7bIaw8-00285-00172416-00172962": "could do better job. This is related to anotherrecommendation which would come later and one of", "18GUT7bIaw8-00286-00172962-00173412": "the first things we can do is centralising thateffort by providing resources that instructors", "18GUT7bIaw8-00287-00173412-00174132": "could turn for for help with developing their ownassessments. Next one. Support microcredentialing", "18GUT7bIaw8-00288-00174132-00174696": "for short format training instructors. So if youare an instructor, providing the the ability for", "18GUT7bIaw8-00289-00174696-00175200": "you to get a credential in that area would be away to demonstrate to others that you are really", "18GUT7bIaw8-00290-00175200-00175806": "an accomplished instructor. It would be a signalto learners that you really are caring about", "18GUT7bIaw8-00291-00175806-00176562": "the discipline. So that's something that is the ability to um within our realm of", "18GUT7bIaw8-00292-00176562-00177150": "possibility. I'll also comment here since I hadto write a female student that the AI is a bit", "18GUT7bIaw8-00293-00177150-00177660": "sexist. So I had to instruct it at certain timesbecause it wasn't getting quite a bit of a balance.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00294-00177726-00178428": "Okay, oh this is many syllables, operationalise equitable and inclusive practice", "18GUT7bIaw8-00295-00178428-00178956": "in short format training as an ethical obligation. Okay what do I mean here? Well,", "18GUT7bIaw8-00296-00179046-00179700": "I think all of us have a desire to work towardsinclusion and also accessibility but oftentimes", "18GUT7bIaw8-00297-00179700-00180486": "it really is an afterthought unfortunately. We are, we have an hour to teach something, we", "18GUT7bIaw8-00298-00180486-00181050": "have half a day to teach something we are veryfocused on the science but if we really were to", "18GUT7bIaw8-00299-00181050-00181602": "consider the ethics and inclusion aspects of ourtraining as ethical obligations then that really", "18GUT7bIaw8-00300-00181674-00182196": "you know increases the level of attention andeven the level of resources that we should command", "18GUT7bIaw8-00301-00182196-00182772": "and have available to us so that we can includeeveryone in in the training events that we put on.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00302-00182880-00183444": "Deploy short format training to counter inequity. So one of the things I also care", "18GUT7bIaw8-00303-00183444-00184206": "about is the ability of short format training totake researchers, scientists, clinicians who are", "18GUT7bIaw8-00304-00184206-00184644": "in one position in their job and in their career, who might be seeking to go to that next position", "18GUT7bIaw8-00305-00184716-00185310": "and and acknowledging that our colleagues acrossthe globe and often cases don't have the same", "18GUT7bIaw8-00306-00185310-00185850": "opportunities even though they may have the samedegree. There may be skills that they haven't had", "18GUT7bIaw8-00307-00185850-00186354": "the chance to get and so thinking about how alltraining in some way could contribute to the", "18GUT7bIaw8-00308-00186354-00187068": "effort of reaching the those who are not yet reached and making sure that scientists", "18GUT7bIaw8-00309-00187068-00187650": "like I said, the whole group of stakeholders hasa better chance at getting achieving their", "18GUT7bIaw8-00310-00187650-00188088": "career objectives by making sure that trainingis accessible to them and that we actually direct", "18GUT7bIaw8-00311-00188088-00188784": "resources to accomplish that. This next one isthe golden bicycle because the funders have the", "18GUT7bIaw8-00312-00188784-00189372": "money and so thinking about ways to present thebicycle principles in ways that funding agencies", "18GUT7bIaw8-00313-00189372-00190002": "can incorporate into their requirements as you,I think you know, everywhere funding agencies are", "18GUT7bIaw8-00314-00190002-00190548": "becoming very serious about data sharing andthere are policies and plans in place on that", "18GUT7bIaw8-00315-00190548-00191100": "level but funding agencies also support a greatdeal of training and and professional development", "18GUT7bIaw8-00316-00191100-00191802": "that is in the short format category. And so ifthese principles really are of the community and", "18GUT7bIaw8-00317-00191802-00192288": "have the support of the community then it's in thefunders interest that when they support and fund", "18GUT7bIaw8-00318-00192288-00192834": "short format training that it follows principleslike these to make it inclusive and effective", "18GUT7bIaw8-00319-00192834-00193512": "and career spanning. The next one is this idea ofeconomic models that enable short format training.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00320-00193512-00194100": "Short format training is not alone in areas of academia where it relies upon labour that may", "18GUT7bIaw8-00321-00194100-00194754": "be uncompensated and so there's also conflictwith some of the other recommendations because we", "18GUT7bIaw8-00322-00194754-00195342": "also do want training to be free so that everyonecan get it. So there is a wider discussion that", "18GUT7bIaw8-00323-00195342-00196020": "needs to be have here, needs to be undertaken here. And while compensation doesn't necessarily always", "18GUT7bIaw8-00324-00196020-00196524": "need to be money, there are other ways to makesure that we acknowledge and think about", "18GUT7bIaw8-00325-00196524-00197160": "areas which things that we depend upon in shortformat training might actually required laborers", "18GUT7bIaw8-00326-00197160-00197700": "and efforts that are currently uncompensated and how can we work to make that more equitable.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00327-00197832-00198606": "Almost done. There the next one is the idea ofhigh fidelity sharing. So there's my Hi-Fi radio", "18GUT7bIaw8-00328-00198606-00199332": "set drawn in an anime style. Did a good job. Whatwe mean by this is that there are different groups", "18GUT7bIaw8-00329-00199332-00199842": "who know how to increase the reach and the scaleof their short format training. They know how to", "18GUT7bIaw8-00330-00199842-00200646": "sustain short format training but oftentimes their models for doing so, again I keep throwing", "18GUT7bIaw8-00331-00200646-00201252": "a praise to Australian BioCommons, those models maynot be shared with everybody or communicated in", "18GUT7bIaw8-00332-00201252-00201846": "ways that everyone immediately knows how to applyto their own context. So creating ways to document", "18GUT7bIaw8-00333-00201846-00202398": "that, creating ways to share those efforts withfidelity. In other words, that when we do replicate", "18GUT7bIaw8-00334-00202398-00203124": "things in other new contexts for new audiencesthat we don't lose what made the original set of", "18GUT7bIaw8-00335-00203124-00203814": "training effective and inclusive. There's also the idea of applying FAIR principles to training", "18GUT7bIaw8-00336-00203814-00204438": "materials. So I guess somehow sharing trainingmaterials is like sharing lollipops. That's what", "18GUT7bIaw8-00337-00204438-00204923": "prompt I thought of. And what we mean hereI think many people are aware of the idea of", "18GUT7bIaw8-00338-00204923-00205464": "FAIR that in in this case data should be madefindable, accessible, interoperable and reusable.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00339-00205523-00206088": "Other groups including this one have been working to do the same for trainging materials", "18GUT7bIaw8-00340-00206088-00206532": "and we think that that's a great practice that everyone should really consider how", "18GUT7bIaw8-00341-00206532-00206982": "they can make training materials something thateveryone can benefit from and enjoy and share.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00342-00207132-00207792": "The other thing is is the idea that training should be registered in ways that people can", "18GUT7bIaw8-00343-00207792-00208386": "find it. There may be training that happens in Australia that's interested,", "18GUT7bIaw8-00344-00208386-00209004": "of interest to people in Argentina and vice versa but oftentimes those training lists of", "18GUT7bIaw8-00345-00209004-00209640": "training opportunities and training materialsare siloed and isolated and not connected and", "18GUT7bIaw8-00346-00209640-00210023": "while we don't think it's realistic to say that there should be one truth source for all", "18GUT7bIaw8-00347-00210023-00210762": "training materials everywhere, there are ways bytechnology that training material registries that", "18GUT7bIaw8-00348-00210762-00211326": "are created could be made to be exchangeable and interoperable so that people could build and share", "18GUT7bIaw8-00349-00211404-00212304": "as often as they would like. The next one is forthe learners and it's to communicate to learners", "18GUT7bIaw8-00350-00212304-00213323": "by creating systems of badging. In other wordsif a if a certain training meets a recognised", "18GUT7bIaw8-00351-00213323-00213923": "criteria for being inclusive, doing things like using a code of conduct, living up to that code of", "18GUT7bIaw8-00352-00213923-00214523": "conduct, well that training should get a badge thatlearners can use to differentiate a high quality", "18GUT7bIaw8-00353-00214523-00215130": "instruction from instruction that might not havereached that level of quality yet. And so this", "18GUT7bIaw8-00354-00215130-00215573": "gives an opportunity for learners to have moreof a voice because often they won't know enough", "18GUT7bIaw8-00355-00215573-00216198": "just walking into a situation to ask for what they would like. But by creating standards that", "18GUT7bIaw8-00356-00216198-00216834": "everyone can agree on and that are transparentthen you empower the learners to decide and", "18GUT7bIaw8-00357-00216834-00217517": "then when certain trainings don't have certainbadges that gives them the the encouragement and", "18GUT7bIaw8-00358-00217517-00218004": "motivation to achieve that badge because learnerscan decide what they would really insist on.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00359-00218160-00218664": "The idea of catalytic learning that was mentioned earlier needs implementation help", "18GUT7bIaw8-00360-00218664-00219342": "and so doing actual research because it's a novel construct was one of the recommendations.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00361-00219426-00219876": "And we've got two more. One the integration of diagnostic assessment. So", "18GUT7bIaw8-00362-00219876-00220242": "this is related to what we said earlier that we need to assess our learners.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00363-00220338-00220992": "This one is more instructor focused or instructor centred because instructors can", "18GUT7bIaw8-00364-00220992-00221706": "be prompted to do that individually whereas theearlier recommendation on assessment was would be", "18GUT7bIaw8-00365-00221706-00222312": "for interoperable and centralised resources which would be a larger project. And finally", "18GUT7bIaw8-00366-00222312-00222810": "evidence-based guidance to support career spanninglearning. So here is my, I don't know, maybe it could", "18GUT7bIaw8-00367-00222810-00223338": "be like a Pokemon map, our trail map or something,or guide so that one in the anime style could", "18GUT7bIaw8-00368-00223338-00224219": "work. The idea here is is that we often focusa lot of efforts, rightly so, on early career", "18GUT7bIaw8-00369-00224219-00224904": "whether it's trainees, whether it's early careerfaculty but really, you know I think scientists", "18GUT7bIaw8-00370-00224904-00225654": "are useful for decades in most, not all cases, but we want to make sure that across the", "18GUT7bIaw8-00371-00225654-00226206": "careers span there really are places where peoplecan look for especially if they are working in", "18GUT7bIaw8-00372-00226206-00226667": "an interdisciplinary context that might not evenexisted when they started their career. So really", "18GUT7bIaw8-00373-00226667-00227154": "thinking about providing those guidance. Okayso that was a tour through the recommendations", "18GUT7bIaw8-00374-00227154-00227790": "accompanied by an AI generated image. So howdo we share these ideas and move to next steps?", "18GUT7bIaw8-00375-00227862-00228606": "One, as I said, go to the website. We will post announcements there as we're doing things", "18GUT7bIaw8-00376-00228606-00229319": "and there is also a way for you to give us somefeedback. So every one of these recommendations", "18GUT7bIaw8-00377-00229319-00230004": "is accompanied by a summary, a little bit of a vignette on how this might work. It talks", "18GUT7bIaw8-00378-00230004-00230556": "about related principles, potential benefits to learners, incentives to implementation and", "18GUT7bIaw8-00379-00230556-00231173": "also potential barriers. There's also a surveywhere we have an idea from different stakeholders", "18GUT7bIaw8-00380-00231173-00231617": "what they think have we have we described these correctly is, are we missing something", "18GUT7bIaw8-00381-00231773-00232296": "and then to build out the community further. One of the things that you can do today on the", "18GUT7bIaw8-00382-00232296-00233046": "website or well through this link or QR code ifyou care to is we have a course on the website", "18GUT7bIaw8-00383-00233046-00233652": "a forum where people can ask questions uh openly.It's great to do it that way because other people", "18GUT7bIaw8-00384-00233652-00234119": "may have the same questions as you. We have amailing list so that you can be advised especially", "18GUT7bIaw8-00385-00234119-00234756": "as the publications become available. We're alsodoing some focus groups and additional surveys.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00386-00234756-00235230": "So if you're interested in giving us feedback perhaps you can say a little bit more later but", "18GUT7bIaw8-00387-00235230-00235817": "I will have the privilege of traveling in person to Melbourne in a few weeks and there'll be", "18GUT7bIaw8-00388-00235817-00236364": "some activities around this but even before thatpeople can let us know if they'd like to give", "18GUT7bIaw8-00389-00236364-00236873": "us more feedback, if they if they have questions, comments ideas and all of these things would be", "18GUT7bIaw8-00390-00236873-00237456": "to set the stage for future funded efforts to find which of these recommendations and have the", "18GUT7bIaw8-00391-00237456-00238050": "most traction and and what the uptake in thecommunity might be. So we really invite you all", "18GUT7bIaw8-00392-00238050-00238596": "to share and join in. This really is meant to reflect the best of what all of you do because", "18GUT7bIaw8-00393-00238596-00238926": "like I said, I know that there are quite a numberof trainers who would come to something like this.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00394-00238992-00239448": "So with that I will end my talk there leaving us a little bit of time for time", "18GUT7bIaw8-00395-00239448-00239988": "and discussion. I always end typically end withthis quote about the really just the need", "18GUT7bIaw8-00396-00239988-00240600": "for continuous relearning and acknowledge my home institution and also one of my", "18GUT7bIaw8-00397-00240600-00241194": "project Cyverse which contributed to that and myTwitter and my email there at Williams@cshl.edu", "18GUT7bIaw8-00398-00241194-00241836": "And with that I will stop sharing and then hand off to discussion. So thank you everyone.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00399-00242219-00242910": "Thank you so much for that Jason I just adored that walk. Melissa did you want to wrap up", "18GUT7bIaw8-00400-00242910-00243419": "the talk and then I'll ask a couple of the questions that were pre-submitted? I think we're", "18GUT7bIaw8-00401-00243419-00243821": "fine to go straight into questions but I'll just remind people that if you do have a question, and", "18GUT7bIaw8-00402-00243821-00244326": "we're getting lots of applause coming up on thescreen as well, if you do have a question pop that", "18GUT7bIaw8-00403-00244326-00245160": "into the Q&A box and we'll do our best to answerit for you. So while people are possibly popping", "18GUT7bIaw8-00404-00245160-00245838": "some questions in, we did get a few beforehand. Jason um I'll run through those now. The first one", "18GUT7bIaw8-00405-00245838-00246342": "is, is there a plan to promote the principles through the Research Data Alliance Communities?", "18GUT7bIaw8-00406-00246444-00247008": "These acronyms are new to me, so I apologise ifI'm saying them wrong, ethrd and IG or beyond that?", "18GUT7bIaw8-00407-00247169-00247992": "So uh the answer to all of that will be yes. I don't always know how uh but I think that", "18GUT7bIaw8-00408-00248064-00248538": "um we are very eager for people to take this back to their communities because", "18GUT7bIaw8-00409-00248538-00248928": "all of you will have more reach than the initial set of us and of course", "18GUT7bIaw8-00410-00249042-00249678": "the publication, which is forthcoming, wouldbe a major sort of stake in the ground to or flag", "18GUT7bIaw8-00411-00249678-00250452": "in the ground to let people know and signal that.So my hope is is that we move to a place where", "18GUT7bIaw8-00412-00250452-00251058": "we've articulated things really clearly and we empower individual people who can believe", "18GUT7bIaw8-00413-00251058-00251598": "in the principles themselves and may have theirown take on them to go out and do that work for", "18GUT7bIaw8-00414-00251598-00252234": "us. That being said we also hope to attract funding for various agencies, so if people are", "18GUT7bIaw8-00415-00252234-00252834": "interested in digging in or are interested in promoting we can support that work wherever", "18GUT7bIaw8-00416-00252834-00253380": "and however we can. So please make make sure you leave comments like that on the feedback", "18GUT7bIaw8-00417-00253380-00254010": "forum. Ideas already starting to come in fromvarious ways and I'll keep notes from this", "18GUT7bIaw8-00418-00254117-00254628": "this experience so that we know who to reachout but we we love your opinions and your help", "18GUT7bIaw8-00419-00254628-00255317": "in reaching those communities mentioned and anyothers that might be interested in adopting this.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00420-00255402-00255858": "I can attest to that when I was sitting in the meeting at Banbury I think I was one of the only", "18GUT7bIaw8-00421-00255858-00256356": "people in the room that was coming from a clinicalgenomics perspective and it was fascinating", "18GUT7bIaw8-00422-00256356-00257117": "constantly applying my thoughts about how thesewould work in my world and um and you've supported", "18GUT7bIaw8-00423-00257117-00257567": "us and Australian BioCommons are supporting you to come to Australia and then we're leveraging", "18GUT7bIaw8-00424-00257567-00257982": "that so we're doing one of those activities inMelbourne in December and some of the people", "18GUT7bIaw8-00425-00257982-00258510": "online today are going to be part of that. So tothe person who wrote that question I've taken that", "18GUT7bIaw8-00426-00258510-00258923": "question and inserted is there a plan to promotethese principles through the clinical genomics", "18GUT7bIaw8-00427-00258923-00259458": "education communities? And the answer is yes andit's um it's an individual who can make that", "18GUT7bIaw8-00428-00259458-00260123": "happen as Jason said. The next question is howmuch do you rely on participant feedback to gauge", "18GUT7bIaw8-00429-00260123-00260604": "the effectiveness of a training session? And thispopped into my mind as well when I saw you put up", "18GUT7bIaw8-00430-00260604-00261084": "that particular recommendation. I noticed that yourdescription of effectiveness focused on actually", "18GUT7bIaw8-00431-00261084-00261612": "the learner knowing that the program was effectivefor them and I always think of effectiveness", "18GUT7bIaw8-00432-00261612-00262296": "as also being the stakeholders know that it waseffective as well so either the funders or whoever", "18GUT7bIaw8-00433-00262296-00262968": "it was. So the question was how much do you rely onparticipant feedback to gauge effectiveness ?", "18GUT7bIaw8-00434-00262968-00263556": "So if I'm just answering that really directly in terms of how, you know, how it might happen for", "18GUT7bIaw8-00435-00263556-00264360": "any short format training um uh you know the Ithink the idea there and there were a number of", "18GUT7bIaw8-00436-00264360-00265218": "experts uh in assessment and education is that it's kind of a it's a conversation both", "18GUT7bIaw8-00437-00265218-00265944": "the learner and the instructor wants to know thatif I've if I've taught something that that you've", "18GUT7bIaw8-00438-00265944-00266664": "gotten it and that you you can demonstrate thatskill and also you coming to the course when you", "18GUT7bIaw8-00439-00266664-00267282": "first do that the thing that you learned on yourown I mean that's the evidence that you know you", "18GUT7bIaw8-00440-00267282-00268212": "you can do it now. So what what I think, you knownone of that is new, what I think we are trying", "18GUT7bIaw8-00441-00268212-00268878": "to make a push for is to sort of say there's alot of short format training where we only capture", "18GUT7bIaw8-00442-00268878-00269484": "sort of a sentiment analysis. Do you feel thatthe training was a good training, do you feel that", "18GUT7bIaw8-00443-00269484-00270096": "the experience was pleasant? And those areimportant qualitative things to capture but", "18GUT7bIaw8-00444-00270096-00270690": "we also know from the research that people aren'talways the best judge of of what they think that", "18GUT7bIaw8-00445-00270690-00271416": "they learned and so it's an area you know thatthat truth be told doesn't happen in a long format", "18GUT7bIaw8-00446-00271416-00271938": "where you do have a test and unfortunately you canget an F. I've gotten them it's not pleasant, right.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00447-00272010-00272454": "So how can we balance those needs and anda realistic assess a realistic understanding", "18GUT7bIaw8-00448-00272454-00273042": "of the time and context to do a bit more and to think about how we structure the the", "18GUT7bIaw8-00449-00273042-00273582": "teaching process so that there are assessmentdiagnostic assessments to use the more general", "18GUT7bIaw8-00450-00273582-00274086": "term built in to the to the training a few you know a multiple choice questions", "18GUT7bIaw8-00451-00274206-00274602": "a challenge exercise, what are the more approachable things that we can integrate?", "18GUT7bIaw8-00452-00274602-00275298": "So I hope that then answers the question. But yeahI think both groups oftentimes um I guess we have", "18GUT7bIaw8-00453-00275298-00275790": "this this day saying in the states and maybe it's also in Australia that uh the customer is always", "18GUT7bIaw8-00454-00275790-00276690": "right so I think demanding that the learner can prove to themselves we hope by extension", "18GUT7bIaw8-00455-00276690-00277236": "this means that the the instructor can prove to themselves that learning has has taken place", "18GUT7bIaw8-00456-00277236-00277842": "in the in the way that they hoped. Yeah and it'salso often a funding or a timing issue you know", "18GUT7bIaw8-00457-00277842-00278322": "being able to extend your evaluation so far thatyou're getting workplace feedback that they've", "18GUT7bIaw8-00458-00278322-00278700": "accomplished and implemented what they've learnedin your program in your short format training", "18GUT7bIaw8-00459-00278700-00279336": "it's sometimes not possible. We all strive to getto that point that may not be feasible. And the", "18GUT7bIaw8-00460-00279336-00279906": "last question that was pre-submitted was 'The new approach insight or information from a webinar or", "18GUT7bIaw8-00461-00279906-00280482": "a one-off lecture is rarely applied. It's a bit of a depressing statement. Can this ever be overcome?'", "18GUT7bIaw8-00462-00280722-00281544": "Uplift us Jason, say yes. So I mean the question is do we want to take responsibility", "18GUT7bIaw8-00463-00281544-00282342": "for that as instructors? And if we do, what would that mean? So I think it's, except for", "18GUT7bIaw8-00464-00282342-00282930": "some few you know very basic skills like in thatjust in time training where I literally just need", "18GUT7bIaw8-00465-00282990-00283644": "that five minutes of a YouTube video that showsme what command to enter or that reveals something", "18GUT7bIaw8-00466-00283644-00284088": "that I just didn't pick up from from reading through instructions you know that's sort of", "18GUT7bIaw8-00467-00284088-00284658": "I guess the trivial case what I think that this question is speaking to is how can you", "18GUT7bIaw8-00468-00284742-00285108": "with short format training really move someone along", "18GUT7bIaw8-00469-00285210-00285816": "a continuum or a path and their professionaldevelopment and so does that actually mean that", "18GUT7bIaw8-00470-00285954-00286848": "funders and universities who support or projects who support short format training", "18GUT7bIaw8-00471-00286848-00287514": "are are doing a disservice by sponsoring or thinking about the way they deliver short", "18GUT7bIaw8-00472-00287514-00288090": "format training as just isolated one-offs and not saying if we're doing short format training", "18GUT7bIaw8-00473-00288090-00288618": "and the level of the topic is is of such a level of sophistication then we actually", "18GUT7bIaw8-00474-00288618-00289122": "need to make sure that there are multiple trainings or that there are trainings plus", "18GUT7bIaw8-00475-00289122-00289806": "the additional teaching materials post workshopthat the learner could feasibly achieve this on", "18GUT7bIaw8-00476-00289806-00290352": "their own because you've just gotten to that point. That's one of the, that's what the", "18GUT7bIaw8-00477-00290352-00291000": "catalytic recommendations are about in the catalytic principle is to really consider that in many cases", "18GUT7bIaw8-00478-00291078-00291642": "just for the sake of being practical and honestwe won't be able to do as grand a sort of", "18GUT7bIaw8-00479-00291744-00292368": "all-encompassing entry into short format training that we would like to present to", "18GUT7bIaw8-00480-00292368-00292938": "the learners but there might be other realisticthings that we can do to support them in ways that", "18GUT7bIaw8-00481-00292938-00293388": "we kind of don't think about sometimes because wejust sort of say everyone had to learn on their own", "18GUT7bIaw8-00482-00293496-00294084": "and that's true and you know people will. A subset of people will, but some people won't or", "18GUT7bIaw8-00483-00294174-00294792": "some people, you know, the progress of the science may be slower and in my mind I always", "18GUT7bIaw8-00484-00294792-00295314": "thought like, what we saw with the pandemic, there'sso many interesting and even pressing scientific", "18GUT7bIaw8-00485-00295314-00295872": "challenges, if we can make something happenten percent faster that may mean a lot.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00486-00295950-00296316": "So I'm all for you know rethinking some of what we've come to accept", "18GUT7bIaw8-00487-00296316-00296760": "and especially as science becomes more interdisciplinary and more challenging.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00488-00296850-00298164": "I was just thinking as well as as Jason was replying that maybe we need to shift our", "18GUT7bIaw8-00489-00298164-00298794": "perspective on webinars and lectures a littlebit and what makes them effective. It could be", "18GUT7bIaw8-00490-00298794-00299370": "that these are more about giving people a tasterof a topic so that they can decide if they do", "18GUT7bIaw8-00491-00299370-00300000": "want to pursue more training on that and that isactually an effective and useful thing for those", "18GUT7bIaw8-00492-00300000-00300792": "people rather than it being the way that we tryto get people to apply skills. So we, as trainers,", "18GUT7bIaw8-00493-00300792-00301470": "we need to be thinking about what type of eventare we doing, and what do we want to get out of it,", "18GUT7bIaw8-00494-00301470-00302154": "and do those two things match up as well. I agree so much with that because I think that the very", "18GUT7bIaw8-00495-00302154-00302886": "first thing is to be honest. The learner has noidea how complicated or how easy a given", "18GUT7bIaw8-00496-00302886-00303474": "subject might be if they've really had no exposureto it but we probably, as instructors, probably do", "18GUT7bIaw8-00497-00303474-00304122": "have some sense and if we're being very honest tosort of saying listen, and in fact I often have", "18GUT7bIaw8-00498-00304122-00304704": "workshop slides that say here's what I cannotteach you, you are not going to get this in the", "18GUT7bIaw8-00499-00304704-00305394": "next couple of hours, for me and and here's  all I can give you, so I'm honest about that but", "18GUT7bIaw8-00500-00305394-00305904": "here's how you can get there once you're done withwhat I am able to get you and just sort of that", "18GUT7bIaw8-00501-00305904-00306414": "mindset change I think even though it might soundsimple I think it's potentially quite valuable", "18GUT7bIaw8-00502-00306414-00307146": "because I have you know um is there anything more desperate than uh well don't want to shout anyone", "18GUT7bIaw8-00503-00307146-00307578": "down but is there anything more desperate thana graduate student trying to finish their thesis", "18GUT7bIaw8-00504-00307578-00308298": "and you are what's standing in the way that thatone technique or that one thing they really are", "18GUT7bIaw8-00505-00308298-00308964": "coming to you because they saw what you had is exactly what they believe they need but we", "18GUT7bIaw8-00506-00308964-00309438": "don't want them to believe that what we are givingis all that they need because oftentimes it's not", "18GUT7bIaw8-00507-00309438-00310026": "and so really having that humility and being transparent with them and saying listen I know", "18GUT7bIaw8-00508-00310026-00310560": "where you're at, I know you can make it, here'swhat I have to give you to help you there and", "18GUT7bIaw8-00509-00310560-00311364": "then here's a clear explicit set of things that are are likely to get you you need to go. If we", "18GUT7bIaw8-00510-00311364-00311916": "can not only say that but also ourselves get evidence and gather evidence so that we have", "18GUT7bIaw8-00511-00311916-00312240": "a lot of confidence and what we're saying is going to get them there that would be amazing.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00512-00312426-00313080": "Thanks Jason. So moving on to the questions that have come in live today, this the first one", "18GUT7bIaw8-00513-00313080-00313620": "that is both a comment and a question so I'll read it out for you it's \"I feel", "18GUT7bIaw8-00514-00313620-00314094": "each of the recommendations is an entire lecture or long format training in itself.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00515-00314166-00314796": "The one that I feel is important to drive progressis make the bike principles actionable to funders.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00516-00314796-00315450": "Can you comment on how we do this, or where we cango for some self-directed learning in this space?\"", "18GUT7bIaw8-00517-00315516-00316098": "All right thank you very much for that question. So I agree with you these", "18GUT7bIaw8-00518-00316098-00316548": "The Bike Principles right now the website is it stands is a bit of a brain dump.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00519-00316650-00317250": "It's still the edited version of a much larger brain dump of a really 30 fantastic", "18GUT7bIaw8-00520-00317316-00318024": "bright people that were in that meeting. But each one of those, let me answer the question", "18GUT7bIaw8-00521-00318024-00318564": "in two parts, and it's slightly related to the next question that I see from Paul that we'll", "18GUT7bIaw8-00522-00318564-00319320": "get to in a moment, which is we are working onalso a sort of a road map which further digests", "18GUT7bIaw8-00523-00319320-00320058": "the principles and tries to provide some moreconcrete ways where people can get started but the", "18GUT7bIaw8-00524-00320058-00320658": "for each of each of those recommendations thereare some recommendations that that individual", "18GUT7bIaw8-00525-00320658-00321102": "instructors could feasibly do by themselves andthere's some that they're not that it would take", "18GUT7bIaw8-00526-00321102-00321648": "actually a group of people coming together. So that being said, the answer about make the", "18GUT7bIaw8-00527-00321648-00322230": "bike principles actionable to funders that have that will happen in many different ways", "18GUT7bIaw8-00528-00322338-00323052": "um so one for a funder to actually say yes I want to mandate that my awardees", "18GUT7bIaw8-00529-00323052-00323652": "use the bicycle principles, they're going to needevidence. So they may be willing to actually fund", "18GUT7bIaw8-00530-00323706-00324270": "you or me or others here to test out some of the bicycle principles and do a bit more", "18GUT7bIaw8-00531-00324270-00325056": "research to show that they really are achievingtheir aims. So I think that's why we have the", "18GUT7bIaw8-00532-00325056-00325578": "the forum that's there. Why we're going to continue to use various spaces like these to see", "18GUT7bIaw8-00533-00325578-00326214": "who's interested in helping us because each one ofthose principles may be relevant to one community", "18GUT7bIaw8-00534-00326214-00326874": "and in one context and perhaps not so much of interest to another at the moment. So for now", "18GUT7bIaw8-00535-00326874-00327468": "we hope that the website will be an importanttouch point to go and look at and see what's", "18GUT7bIaw8-00536-00327468-00328026": "happening what where are there movements or where communities are coalescing on those. So we're trying.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00537-00328026-00328638": "We're very much at the beginning of this. Could I possibly answer Paul's pretty quickly.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00538-00328638-00329688": "Yes, yes, absolutely. He's commenting that he's finding the principles quite abstract. I definitely agree with that I'm suggesting that", "18GUT7bIaw8-00539-00329688-00330276": "case studies and things would be very helpful aswell. Yeah so I'll just reinforce because I know we", "18GUT7bIaw8-00540-00330276-00330966": "have to go to wrap up that we're working on thosebut for now there's at least a a body of work.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00541-00330966-00331452": "I don't suggest you read them all unless you reallyhave nothing to do with your life but actually", "18GUT7bIaw8-00542-00331452-00332010": "find the few that are most interesting to you andgo from there and then we we will have other", "18GUT7bIaw8-00543-00332010-00332472": "more digested versions that we hope people willbe able to see themselves in through those case", "18GUT7bIaw8-00544-00332472-00332880": "studies. But I'm going to stop talking and turn itback to Melissa because I know she has some final", "18GUT7bIaw8-00545-00332880-00333498": "comments for us. I do. Unfortunately we are going tohave to wrap it up for today but this is actually", "18GUT7bIaw8-00546-00333498-00334290": "a really good point to segue into the wrap-upbecause in December Jason, well rather at the", "18GUT7bIaw8-00547-00334290-00334830": "end of November and in December, Jason is comingout to Australia and he's going to join us for a", "18GUT7bIaw8-00548-00334830-00335406": "couple of focus group style workshops where we'regoing to pick and choose some of those principles", "18GUT7bIaw8-00549-00335406-00336090": "and really think about what can we do to put thoseinto action in our own training settings and kind", "18GUT7bIaw8-00550-00336090-00336774": "of take them from the abstract to their kind ofimaginable and doable thing. So there are two of", "18GUT7bIaw8-00551-00336774-00337212": "these. The first one is being hosted by MelbourneGenomics on the 5th of December and we'll have", "18GUT7bIaw8-00552-00337212-00337764": "a focus on clinical genomics education. If you'dlike more information about that one please get", "18GUT7bIaw8-00553-00337764-00338340": "in touch with Amy and then the following day we will have a very similar workshop", "18GUT7bIaw8-00554-00338340-00338904": "but for people working in the life sciences anddigital research space. This one is being hosted", "18GUT7bIaw8-00555-00338904-00339450": "by Australian BioCommons and the details andregistration link for that are up on our website.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00556-00339774-00340236": "Following on from that and continuing our collaboration with Melbourne Genomics, on the", "18GUT7bIaw8-00557-00340236-00340866": "7th of December we will have another webinar whichwill be looking at variant calling and taking it", "18GUT7bIaw8-00558-00340866-00341364": "from the clinic to the lab and back again. Wehave two different speakers joining us for", "18GUT7bIaw8-00559-00341364-00341814": "that and they're going to offer quite differentperspectives on the way that they're working in", "18GUT7bIaw8-00560-00341814-00342450": "this clinical genomics space. Again the detailsfor this webinar are up on the BioCommons website.", "18GUT7bIaw8-00561-00342576-00343170": "To finish. So thank you so much Jason for joiningus and for joining us in hours that are not your", "18GUT7bIaw8-00562-00343170-00343596": "usual working hours you are based in the UScurrently. We're really looking forward", "18GUT7bIaw8-00563-00343596-00344316": "to having you here in December as well. Thankyou to everybody who's come along today live", "18GUT7bIaw8-00564-00344316-00344736": "as well. If you would like to stay up to date with what's happening in Australian", "18GUT7bIaw8-00565-00344736-00345204": "BioCommons and Melbourne Genomics you canfollow us on Twitter and you can also sign", "18GUT7bIaw8-00566-00345204-00345840": "up to our newsletters and you'll find subscribeoptions on our websites. Thanks again for joining", "18GUT7bIaw8-00567-00345840-00346368": "us and we hope to see you again soon. Untilthen have a great day and goodbye for now."}}]