[{"audio_id": "kSFiind8ZT0", "text": {"kSFiind8ZT0-00000-00000003-00000150": "until yesterday we thought", "kSFiind8ZT0-00001-00000150-00000284": "we could go to Rome", "kSFiind8ZT0-00002-00000284-00000445": "or to Atacama dessert in Chile", "kSFiind8ZT0-00003-00000476-00000660": "in the end we go to Amsterdam", "kSFiind8ZT0-00004-00000680-00000808": "we go to Amsterdam!", "kSFiind8ZT0-00005-00000816-00000988": "and even your mom don't know yet", "kSFiind8ZT0-00006-00000988-00001076": "No!", "kSFiind8ZT0-00007-00002338-00002388": "ha ha ha", "kSFiind8ZT0-00008-00002462-00002598": "I'm always lost", "kSFiind8ZT0-00009-00006083-00006350": "first have a stop in Canada", "kSFiind8ZT0-00010-00006350-00006536": "so from Santiago to Canada", "kSFiind8ZT0-00011-00006536-00006645": "and then we go to", "kSFiind8ZT0-00012-00006645-00006792": "Amsterdam", "kSFiind8ZT0-00013-00007702-00007872": "today we will leave Santiago", "kSFiind8ZT0-00014-00007872-00007966": "we will leave Chile", "kSFiind8ZT0-00015-00007966-00008162": "we will leave Latin America", "kSFiind8ZT0-00016-00008162-00008224": "and that", "kSFiind8ZT0-00017-00008224-00008600": "really gives me mixed feelings", "kSFiind8ZT0-00018-00008600-00008956": "because Latin America brought us so much", "kSFiind8ZT0-00019-00008956-00009134": "but we will be back in Latin America", "kSFiind8ZT0-00020-00009134-00009268": "Hasta Pronto", "kSFiind8ZT0-00021-00010109-00010366": "there's a wedding from friends of us", "kSFiind8ZT0-00022-00010366-00010478": "long story short", "kSFiind8ZT0-00023-00010478-00010584": "we going to surprise them", "kSFiind8ZT0-00024-00010610-00010811": "they don't know we are coming over", "kSFiind8ZT0-00025-00010811-00010861": "it's so exciting", "kSFiind8ZT0-00026-00010861-00011068": "and even your mom don't know", "kSFiind8ZT0-00027-00011068-00011118": "No...", "kSFiind8ZT0-00028-00011118-00011216": "and my friends", "kSFiind8ZT0-00029-00011216-00011316": "and your friends", "kSFiind8ZT0-00030-00011332-00011536": "Basically nobody knows", "kSFiind8ZT0-00031-00011536-00011664": "it's a week full of surprises", "kSFiind8ZT0-00032-00011665-00011862": "captured in these faces...", "kSFiind8ZT0-00033-00011862-00012018": "I thought you were in Chile!?!?", "kSFiind8ZT0-00034-00012494-00012762": "and then after the Netherlands we go to Italy", "kSFiind8ZT0-00035-00012765-00013180": "it's just came in this week. This week... yes", "kSFiind8ZT0-00036-00013180-00013278": "that's a new opportunity", "kSFiind8ZT0-00037-00013278-00013434": "a retreat for co-workers", "kSFiind8ZT0-00038-00013434-00013662": "that's for later, first Amsterdam", "kSFiind8ZT0-00039-00014180-00014340": "back in the Netherlands", "kSFiind8ZT0-00040-00014346-00014562": "had a very big women", "kSFiind8ZT0-00041-00014562-00014738": "right next to me", "kSFiind8ZT0-00042-00014738-00014928": "and the most beautiful girl in the world", "kSFiind8ZT0-00043-00014928-00015097": "left side", "kSFiind8ZT0-00044-00015097-00015213": "didn't sleep", "kSFiind8ZT0-00045-00015213-00015315": "No...not so good", "kSFiind8ZT0-00046-00015324-00015616": "so now up to our hometown Dordrecht", "kSFiind8ZT0-00047-00015616-00015774": "let the surprises begin", "kSFiind8ZT0-00048-00015859-00015968": "really exciting", "kSFiind8ZT0-00049-00015968-00016282": "but first first I will buy some drop.", "kSFiind8ZT0-00050-00016282-00016496": "it's a Dutch candy", "kSFiind8ZT0-00051-00016496-00016624": "I missed it so much", "kSFiind8ZT0-00052-00016624-00016760": "let's search for it", "kSFiind8ZT0-00053-00016788-00016900": "let's go", "kSFiind8ZT0-00054-00017740-00017830": "yes I found it", "kSFiind8ZT0-00055-00017830-00017936": "it's salt", "kSFiind8ZT0-00056-00018836-00018886": "drop", "kSFiind8ZT0-00057-00018936-00019000": "it's salt", "kSFiind8ZT0-00058-00020222-00020286": "I'm tired", "kSFiind8ZT0-00059-00020366-00020518": "but we 're in Dordrecht", "kSFiind8ZT0-00060-00020518-00020744": "our hometown and we saw the church", "kSFiind8ZT0-00061-00020860-00021136": "and my father is coming to pick us up", "kSFiind8ZT0-00062-00021136-00021274": "so let's see if he's there", "kSFiind8ZT0-00063-00021412-00021492": "there he is!", "kSFiind8ZT0-00064-00021536-00021616": "<laughter>", "kSFiind8ZT0-00065-00021710-00021774": "my daddy!", "kSFiind8ZT0-00066-00024240-00024568": "my mother is here and we're going to surprise here", "kSFiind8ZT0-00067-00024568-00024740": "after three months traveling", "kSFiind8ZT0-00068-00024756-00024908": "she don't know yet. - No", "kSFiind8ZT0-00069-00026794-00026900": "oh mammi!", "kSFiind8ZT0-00070-00028526-00028576": "Hoi, hi", "kSFiind8ZT0-00071-00030486-00030672": "our first breakfast in the Netherlands again", "kSFiind8ZT0-00072-00030822-00031014": "after three months 'hagelslag'", "kSFiind8ZT0-00073-00031014-00031162": "chocolate sprinkles", "kSFiind8ZT0-00074-00031162-00031322": "typical Dutch", "kSFiind8ZT0-00075-00031774-00032048": "this is really good coffee", "kSFiind8ZT0-00076-00033727-00034183": "<official words for wedding>", "kSFiind8ZT0-00077-00036236-00036474": "today I'm a in Rotterdam", "kSFiind8ZT0-00078-00036474-00036624": "together with my best friend Bart", "kSFiind8ZT0-00079-00036624-00036866": "and now we are in the famous 'Markthal'", "kSFiind8ZT0-00080-00036866-00037010": "the food hall", "kSFiind8ZT0-00081-00037010-00037092": "you love nuts?", "kSFiind8ZT0-00082-00037092-00037320": "I'm totally nuts about nuts...", "kSFiind8ZT0-00083-00038773-00038998": "we're standing close to the river", "kSFiind8ZT0-00084-00038998-00039054": "the Maas", "kSFiind8ZT0-00085-00039054-00039162": "they call Rotterdam also", "kSFiind8ZT0-00086-00039162-00039298": "Manhattan at the Maas", "kSFiind8ZT0-00087-00039298-00039436": "you can see why", "kSFiind8ZT0-00088-00039436-00039642": "there are some skyscrapers", "kSFiind8ZT0-00089-00040022-00040212": "I'm standing underneath to bridge", "kSFiind8ZT0-00090-00040212-00040292": "the famous bridge", "kSFiind8ZT0-00091-00040292-00040470": "the Erasmus bridge", "kSFiind8ZT0-00092-00040772-00040888": "it's a very modern", "kSFiind8ZT0-00093-00040888-00041118": "and completely different than Amsterdam", "kSFiind8ZT0-00094-00041674-00041856": "if you ever visit Rotterdam", "kSFiind8ZT0-00095-00041856-00042108": "make sure you take a watertaxi", "kSFiind8ZT0-00096-00042276-00042494": "they're ferry fast", "kSFiind8ZT0-00097-00043144-00043264": "that's even better", "kSFiind8ZT0-00098-00043264-00043552": "sailing around in your own hottub", "kSFiind8ZT0-00099-00044220-00044388": "whow this is a big package", "kSFiind8ZT0-00100-00044396-00044536": "it's from Scotch and Soda", "kSFiind8ZT0-00101-00044536-00044672": "it's a Dutch brand", "kSFiind8ZT0-00102-00044672-00044936": "let's do the unpacking", "kSFiind8ZT0-00103-00045072-00045152": "the bagpack", "kSFiind8ZT0-00104-00045250-00045362": "out of the office", "kSFiind8ZT0-00105-00045432-00045482": "cool", "kSFiind8ZT0-00106-00045770-00045962": "this one is really beautiful", "kSFiind8ZT0-00107-00046198-00046254": "blouse!", "kSFiind8ZT0-00108-00046446-00046648": "yes we are going to friends", "kSFiind8ZT0-00109-00046648-00046858": "we're in the Netherlands for a short time", "kSFiind8ZT0-00110-00046858-00047126": "so every evening you have", "kSFiind8ZT0-00111-00047126-00047336": "nice dates with friends", "kSFiind8ZT0-00112-00048256-00048306": "Hello!", "kSFiind8ZT0-00113-00048564-00048914": "so now we are preparing the barbecue", "kSFiind8ZT0-00114-00048914-00049040": "yes, this is Jeroen. - This is Jeroen!", "kSFiind8ZT0-00115-00049252-00049464": "I should have told you and a Kickstarter", "kSFiind8ZT0-00116-00049465-00049924": "so within one hour I think we have delicious", "kSFiind8ZT0-00117-00049924-00050053": "saté koning. -sate king", "kSFiind8ZT0-00118-00050354-00050522": "and look at these flowers", "kSFiind8ZT0-00119-00050842-00050986": "No? Did you bring this", "kSFiind8ZT0-00120-00051154-00051262": "I'm sorry", "kSFiind8ZT0-00121-00054390-00054572": "and Patricia and Daan", "kSFiind8ZT0-00122-00054572-00054720": "travelled for ten months", "kSFiind8ZT0-00123-00054720-00054848": "around the world with their kids", "kSFiind8ZT0-00124-00054848-00055184": "as the Ragbourn Travel Family", "kSFiind8ZT0-00125-00055332-00055528": "on instagram and YouTube", "kSFiind8ZT0-00126-00055591-00055688": "there they are", "kSFiind8ZT0-00127-00055704-00055922": "there is the Ragbourn family", "kSFiind8ZT0-00128-00055922-00056136": "Ragbourn travel family", "kSFiind8ZT0-00129-00056300-00056350": "Cheers", "kSFiind8ZT0-00130-00056350-00056741": "king willem, it's everything connect to the beer", "kSFiind8ZT0-00131-00056741-00056934": "Willemstad, you've to go there", "kSFiind8ZT0-00132-00057267-00057428": "I like it, yeah very good", "kSFiind8ZT0-00133-00058029-00058290": "after a crush week in the Netherlands", "kSFiind8ZT0-00134-00058290-00058428": "with a lot of surprises", "kSFiind8ZT0-00135-00058428-00058574": "and barbecues and", "kSFiind8ZT0-00136-00058574-00058704": "so much love", "kSFiind8ZT0-00137-00058704-00058774": "and much love yeah", "kSFiind8ZT0-00138-00058774-00059016": "very nice to be with family for a few", "kSFiind8ZT0-00139-00059016-00059194": "and now we're heading to Italy", "kSFiind8ZT0-00140-00059194-00059258": "yeah", "kSFiind8ZT0-00141-00059258-00059414": "and Siciliy", "kSFiind8ZT0-00142-00059414-00059552": "and I love your head", "kSFiind8ZT0-00143-00059552-00059624": "thank you", "kSFiind8ZT0-00144-00059624-00059724": "you're beautiful", "kSFiind8ZT0-00145-00059724-00059928": "okay let's go", "kSFiind8ZT0-00146-00060592-00060836": "on our way to the railway station", "kSFiind8ZT0-00147-00060836-00060990": "straight to Schiphol", "kSFiind8ZT0-00148-00060990-00061141": "and then Palermo", "kSFiind8ZT0-00149-00062258-00062450": "Oh, right on, but look at this", "kSFiind8ZT0-00150-00062628-00062714": "a snack", "kSFiind8ZT0-00151-00063578-00063682": "here we go again", "kSFiind8ZT0-00152-00063688-00063791": "seventh flight", "kSFiind8ZT0-00153-00063872-00063960": "up to Palermo", "kSFiind8ZT0-00154-00063997-00064124": "we are ready", "kSFiind8ZT0-00155-00064124-00064174": "pastas", "kSFiind8ZT0-00156-00064186-00064236": "pizzas", "kSFiind8ZT0-00157-00064238-00064304": "nice wines and", "kSFiind8ZT0-00158-00064304-00064362": "and Aperol Spritz"}}, {"audio_id": "kSSnRaEwUGE", "text": {"kSSnRaEwUGE-00000-00000040-00000550": "In this video I want to show you how you can work with the \"Global Snippets\" functionality.", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00001-00000572-00001136": "*music playing*", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00002-00001136-00001500": "Hi and welcome back. Nice to have you in the second lesson of", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00003-00001501-00001975": "module 2. I am Florian the developer of SNIP - the Rich Snippets and Structured", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00004-00001975-00002365": "Data Plugin for WordPress. If you want to use the pluin please feel free to", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00005-00002365-00002860": "follow the link that you can find in the description area. In this video I want to", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00006-00002860-00003403": "tell you how you can automate the generation of structured data. In the", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00007-00003403-00003861": "first lesson of module 2 I told you how you can integrate a single structured", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00008-00003861-00004378": "data type into a single post, page or a custom post type. Wasn't that easy?", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00009-00004378-00004980": "We didn't need a single line of code! Good job. But what if you want to", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00010-00004980-00005514": "integrate a structured data type to more than just one single post? What if you", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00011-00005514-00005986": "want to add it to all posts? To posts that have a certain category or a", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00012-00005986-00006507": "certain tag? You don't want to add a snippet to every single page over and", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00013-00006507-00007002": "over again, do you? That's why I have created a functionality that I have", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00014-00007002-00007584": "called \"Global Snippets\". The procedure is approximately the same as for the single", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00015-00007584-00008052": "snippets but it has more interesting features that make your life super easy.", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00016-00008052-00008404": "And I'm going to show them to you now.", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00017-00008404-00008688": "All you need to do is to go to the", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00018-00008688-00008964": "\"Global Snippets\" menu in your dashboard.", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00019-00008964-00009096": "And here we go!", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00020-00009096-00009202": "You can now create a", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00021-00009202-00009660": "structured data type and select where it should appear. I will show you this in", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00022-00009660-00010146": "more detail soon. But before that I would also like to mention that my plugin", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00023-00010146-00010671": "ships with some pre created global snippets that most people use. They are", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00024-00010671-00011103": "not installed automatically but the plugin will ask you if it should", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00025-00011103-00011616": "install them. Just hit the install button on top of that page and you will see", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00026-00011616-00012318": "that they will magically appear. For now you will find a review for a product, a", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00027-00012318-00012856": "product for WooCommerce, a recipe, an article and an organization markup. Some", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00028-00012856-00013376": "of them are not yet published as I can't know what you do on your website.", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00029-00013376-00013830": "Please also note that this view can change in the future as well. So it might", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00030-00013830-00014436": "be that I integrate more and more predefined snippets here. Okay! Let's take", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00031-00014436-00014756": "a closer look into the article snippet.", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00032-00014756-00015041": "As you can see the Structured", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00033-00015041-00015483": "Data Generator is also here. You have seen it in the last video where we", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00034-00015483-00015904": "created a single snippet on a singular post, too.", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00035-00015904-00016113": "There are two things that make", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00036-00016113-00016556": "\"Global Snippets\" so powerful. The first one is that you don't need to fill every", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00037-00016556-00017106": "field by hand. You can choose from a variety of variables. Let's take a closer", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00038-00017106-00017622": "look at the headline property of the article schema. As you can see I have", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00039-00017622-00018072": "chosen to use the post title for the headline. So if we integrate this global", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00040-00018072-00018506": "snippet into all of our posts automatically it will use the post title", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00041-00018506-00019104": "from the current post to build structured data for the article. Again", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00042-00019104-00019554": "the global snippets functionality allows you to create one schema that can be", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00043-00019554-00020129": "used on multiple post, pages and custom post types. It replaces the variables", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00044-00020130-00020684": "with the current values from each post. But how does we tell the global snippet", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00045-00020684-00021272": "where it should be integrated? Just scroll down a little further till the position", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00046-00021273-00021662": "metabox appears. Here we define a set of rules to", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00047-00021663-00022145": "determine which pages will use the above schema. In my case the snippet will be", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00048-00022146-00022796": "integrated when the post type is equal to posts or pages.", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00049-00022796-00023037": "If we now test a post", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00050-00023037-00023490": "with Google Structured Data Test Tool you see that the headline has the value", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00051-00023490-00024000": "of the current post title. If we check a page it's almost the same. The only", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00052-00024000-00024459": "difference is that the headline property has now a different value: the value of", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00053-00024459-00024690": "the page title.", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00054-00024786-00025160": "The plugin comes with a variety of field types that you can use.", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00055-00025160-00025658": "For text values you can integrate things like the post title, the excerpt, the", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00056-00025658-00026250": "author, the name and a lot more. The field type select box changes with every", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00057-00026250-00026697": "schema property and intelligently shows you only the fields that are", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00058-00026697-00027156": "allowed here. So in this screenshot you see that you cannot enter your own text or a", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00059-00027156-00027597": "post title for example. This is because the \"aggregateRating\" property does not", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00060-00027597-00028161": "allow plain text here. It would result in an error later so the plugin is smart", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00061-00028161-00028476": "enough to avoid errors upfront.", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00062-00028476-00028869": "Let's say you are using a third-party plugin that", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00063-00028869-00029412": "writes data into the post meta table of a post. You can use this dat, too. All you", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00064-00029412-00029880": "need to know is the name of the field in the database the plugin uses. In my", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00065-00029880-00030314": "example I use a rating plugin that writes the overall value into the post meta", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00066-00030314-00030882": "field called \"_ph_rating_value\". So I have chosen post meta field from the", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00067-00030882-00031200": "drop-down and entered the name. That's it!", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00068-00031200-00031472": "It's also possible to use data from the", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00069-00031473-00031952": "very popular Advanced Custom Fields plugin here. No extension is needed. It", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00070-00031952-00032745": "works out of the box. Just enter the name here as well. Some of the very popular", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00071-00032745-00033162": "plugins are supported as well. For example if you are using WooCommerce you", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00072-00033162-00033627": "can choose to integrate the comments on products as reviews or - as shown in this", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00073-00033627-00034228": "example - use the overall rating for an \"aggregateRating\" property.", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00074-00034228-00034872": "Yes you can build nearly anything with the plugin. And if this is not enough you can tell your", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00075-00034872-00035297": "developer that the plugin is extendable via WordPress action- and filter- hooks", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00076-00035297-00035909": "to integrate all the stuff you need. Super easy.", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00077-00035945-00036456": "Now let's sum up what you have learned in this video. You know what the term", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00078-00036456-00036891": "\"Global Snippets\" means and that you can use the functionality to integrate", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00079-00036891-00037353": "structured data automatically. You have learned that you can set up rules and", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00080-00037353-00037839": "rulesets to exactly define where snippets should appear on your WordPress", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00081-00037839-00038379": "site. The built-in field type drop-down intelligently suggests what value could", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00082-00038379-00038841": "be entered for a field. It allows you to automatically choose from a variety of", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00083-00038841-00039269": "variables like the post title, the post content, author names and a lot load more.", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00084-00039269-00039806": "Some third-party plugins like WooCommerce and Yoast SEO are supported as well.", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00085-00039902-00040472": "If you custom need data you can use the postmeta field type to fetch data from other plugins", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00086-00040472-00041042": "like Advanced Custom Fields. If that is not possible, for example if the data has", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00087-00041042-00041435": "a strange data format, you can always ask a developer to extend SNIPs", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00088-00041435-00041930": "functionality by using action- and filter- hooks to extend its functionality even", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00089-00041930-00042533": "more without losing its update capabilities. Isn't that great? You will", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00090-00042533-00042953": "not find another plugin that can all this. Believe it or not you can do even", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00091-00042953-00043460": "more with SNIP - the Rich Snippet and Structured Data plugin for WordPress.", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00092-00043460-00043892": "In the next video I am going to show you how you can override values from global", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00093-00043892-00044399": "snippets. You should watch the video even if it sounds strange to you now. There", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00094-00044399-00044882": "are a lot of use cases where overriding global snippet values makes totally", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00095-00044882-00045520": "sense. For example for recipe markups. So I hope I will see you in the next video.", "kSSnRaEwUGE-00096-00045520-00046100": "*music playing*"}}, {"audio_id": "kT9haEp-0bU", "text": {"kT9haEp-0bU-00000-00000003-00000351": "it seems to me like everyone is interested in the kardashian-jenner clan", "kT9haEp-0bU-00001-00000351-00000762": "and their lifestyles even if we don't want to admit it the family is made up", "kT9haEp-0bU-00002-00000762-00001062": "of mega stars and they're living the dream so it makes sense that we're all", "kT9haEp-0bU-00003-00001062-00001529": "curious you guys also seem to like the kardashian-jenner videos so on that note", "kT9haEp-0bU-00004-00001529-00001889": "we're going to be looking at one of the other sisters homes Kendall Kendall", "kT9haEp-0bU-00005-00001889-00002294": "Jenner like Kylie is one of the youngest in the family and she's only 23 at the", "kT9haEp-0bU-00006-00002294-00002763": "time of this video she's a reality TV star influencer and supermodel who has a", "kT9haEp-0bU-00007-00002763-00003126": "hundred and fifteen million followers on Instagram at the time of this recording", "kT9haEp-0bU-00008-00003126-00003605": "Forbes also crowned her the world's highest-paid model back in 2017 not too", "kT9haEp-0bU-00009-00003605-00003939": "surprising she might be young but like the rest of the family Kendall is doing", "kT9haEp-0bU-00010-00003939-00004401": "well her net worth is assumed to be over 18 million so she's definitely set", "kT9haEp-0bU-00011-00004401-00004764": "although she isn't in the public eye as much as some of her sisters it's what", "kT9haEp-0bU-00012-00004764-00005085": "makes her a bit different and I kind of like that about Kendall the", "kT9haEp-0bU-00013-00005085-00005493": "kardashian-jenner clan has purchased up a ton of real estate in an area of", "kT9haEp-0bU-00014-00005493-00005948": "Calabasas called Hidden Hills it's been basically deemed a real estate compound", "kT9haEp-0bU-00015-00005948-00006396": "for the family since Kim and Kanye have their gargantuan mansion here Kylie has", "kT9haEp-0bU-00016-00006396-00006801": "her mansion there as well as a few more homes and mama bear Kris has her house", "kT9haEp-0bU-00017-00006801-00007197": "there too Khloe and Kourtney also have their homes beside them and Rob was", "kT9haEp-0bU-00018-00007197-00007523": "living in one of Kylie's properties there but I'm not sure if he still is", "kT9haEp-0bU-00019-00007523-00007920": "point being is that Kendall seems to be the only family member who doesn't live", "kT9haEp-0bU-00020-00007920-00008289": "or have a home in the Hidden Hills maybe she likes to distance herself a little", "kT9haEp-0bU-00021-00008289-00008670": "bit from some of the drama or there were just no houses left there that she likes", "kT9haEp-0bU-00022-00008670-00009011": "hey guys it's Kara and we've been trying something a little different here on", "kT9haEp-0bU-00023-00009011-00009396": "this channel today we're gonna be taking a look at Kendall Jenner's eight and a", "kT9haEp-0bU-00024-00009396-00009800": "half million dollar mansion in Beverly Hills and see what her places like we'll", "kT9haEp-0bU-00025-00009800-00010115": "also look at where she used to live before she bought this spot and see how", "kT9haEp-0bU-00026-00010115-00010617": "she upgraded her place isn't as weird as her sister Kim's that's for sure but her", "kT9haEp-0bU-00027-00010617-00010922": "house does have something to do with Charlie Sheen which you'll find out a", "kT9haEp-0bU-00028-00010922-00011334": "little bit after if you like this idea I'll make more house tour vids we also", "kT9haEp-0bU-00029-00011334-00011679": "did one on Kylie Jenner's beautiful Maine mansion in the Hidden Hills area", "kT9haEp-0bU-00030-00011679-00012125": "as well as Kim in Kanye's empty looking twenty two million dollar fortress and", "kT9haEp-0bU-00031-00012125-00012464": "we'll have links to those at the end of this video I've also been reading all", "kT9haEp-0bU-00032-00012464-00012839": "your comments and I'm gonna be respond to some at the end of this video I need", "kT9haEp-0bU-00033-00012839-00013199": "you to let me know who to do next in the it's down below and in whose home you'd", "kT9haEp-0bU-00034-00013199-00013493": "like to see I'm thinking at this point we're gonna have to do Khloe", "kT9haEp-0bU-00035-00013493-00013880": "Kardashian's house next let's start with a recap of where Kendall used to live", "kT9haEp-0bU-00036-00013880-00014276": "before we look at her current mansion because she did move quite a bit back in", "kT9haEp-0bU-00037-00014276-00014791": "2016 Kendall did an interview with folk and it took place in her family home so", "kT9haEp-0bU-00038-00014791-00015221": "here we are in the home you grew up in yeah how often do you hang out here I'm", "kT9haEp-0bU-00039-00015221-00015590": "not too often anymore what's your favorite memory in this home sneaking", "kT9haEp-0bU-00040-00015590-00016013": "out late what's your favorite holiday to celebrate in this home Christmas at the", "kT9haEp-0bU-00041-00016013-00016394": "time Kendall already lived on her own but she's never really given a home tour", "kT9haEp-0bU-00042-00016394-00016784": "aside from her closet which we'll see after off-topic but I've always wanted", "kT9haEp-0bU-00043-00016784-00017138": "floors like in this video Kris Jenner clearly has good taste", "kT9haEp-0bU-00044-00017138-00017531": "so Kendall actually moved out when she was only 19 and started her solo living", "kT9haEp-0bU-00045-00017531-00017942": "in an LA condo she bought it for 1.3 million in the Wilshire building that's", "kT9haEp-0bU-00046-00017942-00018323": "located in the Westwood area of LA apparently a trendy spot", "kT9haEp-0bU-00047-00018323-00018839": "it was 2068 square feet with high ceilings a bunch of windows two beds and", "kT9haEp-0bU-00048-00018839-00019270": "2.5 bathrooms yes it was expensive and gorgeous but when we know what this", "kT9haEp-0bU-00049-00019270-00019694": "family is capable of that is super small even for a team Kendall's condo had a", "kT9haEp-0bU-00050-00019694-00020054": "great kitchen living room office and more as well as a clean and modern", "kT9haEp-0bU-00051-00020054-00020468": "design I know any Jenner sister can do better than that though Kendall's main", "kT9haEp-0bU-00052-00020468-00020915": "complaint was the lack of closet space she said it's hard at my condo because I", "kT9haEp-0bU-00053-00020915-00021353": "don't have enough closet space I also have a rack of clothes it's so messy I", "kT9haEp-0bU-00054-00021353-00021794": "hate it I feel that girl really but I can't upgrade mine like she did I think", "kT9haEp-0bU-00055-00021794-00022148": "my main complaint would actually be the monthly owner fees here for the condo", "kT9haEp-0bU-00056-00022148-00022661": "which are over 3,500 US dollars a month at the time yikes either way Kendall", "kT9haEp-0bU-00057-00022661-00023081": "moved on from this condo after about two years and made a nice upgrade she", "kT9haEp-0bU-00058-00023081-00023441": "purchased what was previously John Krasinski and emily Blunt's house for", "kT9haEp-0bU-00059-00023441-00023783": "6.5 million located close to the Sunset Strip in", "kT9haEp-0bU-00060-00023783-00024257": "Hollywood this home was just slightly bigger with 4,800 square feet three", "kT9haEp-0bU-00061-00024257-00024716": "stories six bedrooms and five bathrooms Kendall's second home also had a rooftop", "kT9haEp-0bU-00062-00024716-00025163": "pool a massive walk-in closet to satisfy her needs a three-car garage and", "kT9haEp-0bU-00063-00025163-00025529": "gorgeous floor-to-ceiling windows all over the house the glass wall on the", "kT9haEp-0bU-00064-00025529-00025891": "first floor in the living room opened up to a pool and outdoor patio that made it", "kT9haEp-0bU-00065-00025891-00026238": "perfect for entertaining guests unfortunately despite the fact", "kT9haEp-0bU-00066-00026238-00026613": "Kendall's home was highly secure and in a gated community she managed to get", "kT9haEp-0bU-00067-00026613-00026940": "broken into only about a month into living at her new spot", "kT9haEp-0bU-00068-00026940-00027481": "apparently $200,000 worth of jewelry was stolen too when TMZ reported on the", "kT9haEp-0bU-00069-00027481-00027864": "incident kendall fought back saying that them releasing her address is the reason", "kT9haEp-0bU-00070-00027864-00028212": "for all this happening she has a point this isn't the only time this has", "kT9haEp-0bU-00071-00028212-00028620": "happened to Kendall she said that even their old condo she got robbed before", "kT9haEp-0bU-00072-00028620-00029002": "stating I got robbed I had stalkers that literally broke in", "kT9haEp-0bU-00073-00029002-00029463": "while I was home it happened one too many times and I just felt trapped so it", "kT9haEp-0bU-00074-00029463-00029824": "was on to her current home now let's finally look at where Kendall's living", "kT9haEp-0bU-00075-00029824-00030199": "now this mansion is located in Mulholland Estates where she's neighbors", "kT9haEp-0bU-00076-00030199-00030612": "with stars like DJ Khaled and Christina Aguilera it's also supposed to be more", "kT9haEp-0bU-00077-00030612-00030963": "secure here than her last place so if you're wondering what this place has to", "kT9haEp-0bU-00078-00030963-00031375": "do with Charlie Sheen he was actually the previous owner but Kendall obviously", "kT9haEp-0bU-00079-00031375-00031794": "had to make the home her own and spent about a year doing renovations houses in", "kT9haEp-0bU-00080-00031794-00032175": "this area usually go for the high multimillion-dollar price range so it", "kT9haEp-0bU-00081-00032175-00032670": "seems like it was in Kendall's ballpark she spent 8.55 million on this spot", "kT9haEp-0bU-00082-00032670-00033087": "considering Kendall's privacy issues in the past she is far less open about her", "kT9haEp-0bU-00083-00033087-00033519": "home than her sisters are her address is not accessible and even pictures of the", "kT9haEp-0bU-00084-00033519-00034125": "interior of her home are hard to come by Kendall's home is 6625 square feet and", "kT9haEp-0bU-00085-00034125-00034503": "has five beds eight baths and all the fixing on the properties as well", "kT9haEp-0bU-00086-00034503-00035043": "including the large backyard pool tennis court fire pit and a playground I'm not", "kT9haEp-0bU-00087-00035043-00035433": "sure exactly what the star has changed since she moved in but I'm assuming she", "kT9haEp-0bU-00088-00035433-00035833": "kept the pool at the front of the estate there's also a gorgeous fountain and big", "kT9haEp-0bU-00089-00035833-00036150": "wooden doors from some of the listing photos you can tell that it's a", "kT9haEp-0bU-00090-00036150-00036534": "spanish-style mansion and the interior before was pretty homey seems there was", "kT9haEp-0bU-00091-00036534-00036939": "a lot of wood and accents and Buddha decor I think that since Kendall did her", "kT9haEp-0bU-00092-00036939-00037146": "renovations she made the home sleeker and more", "kT9haEp-0bU-00093-00037146-00037525": "elegant to match her style from the few times that Kendall or her family members", "kT9haEp-0bU-00094-00037525-00037977": "did post her house we can see the fresh design like when Courtney took to ig", "kT9haEp-0bU-00095-00037977-00038750": "showing it off", "kT9haEp-0bU-00096-00039097-00039536": "I'm not sure what's going on there but we can see a bit of Kendall's living", "kT9haEp-0bU-00097-00039536-00039893": "room she actually kept the same fireplaces before but changed the floors", "kT9haEp-0bU-00098-00039893-00040301": "here compared to before you might think that now it's a different house you can", "kT9haEp-0bU-00099-00040301-00040670": "also see the same arches present and Kendall's pics it just looks less", "kT9haEp-0bU-00100-00040670-00040997": "cluttered and dated than it did on the listing photos some other features", "kT9haEp-0bU-00101-00040997-00041471": "inside the home include a large dining room an office a gorgeous marble kitchen", "kT9haEp-0bU-00102-00041471-00041912": "multiple living areas and even a movie theater since Kendall occupied the place", "kT9haEp-0bU-00103-00041912-00042362": "the dining room now has a large wooden table wicker seats a gold accent lamp", "kT9haEp-0bU-00104-00042362-00042728": "and vintage photos in the wall the interior colors are also much more", "kT9haEp-0bU-00105-00042728-00043112": "neutral I heard that Charlie Sheen also had his home movie theater decked out in", "kT9haEp-0bU-00106-00043112-00043550": "a cheesy and outdated design with a lot of red interior I'm just gonna assume", "kT9haEp-0bU-00107-00043550-00043949": "Kendall's switch that up too it's pretty lame that Kendall hasn't shown off her", "kT9haEp-0bU-00108-00043949-00044348": "house more but given her situation it makes sense she has done a closet tour", "kT9haEp-0bU-00109-00044348-00044693": "in the past but I'm not sure if that was at her current home I think it was", "kT9haEp-0bU-00110-00044693-00044950": "before she moved in these are from recent years", "kT9haEp-0bU-00111-00044950-00045425": "they're so good this one's actually one of my favorites oh my god this is like a", "kT9haEp-0bU-00112-00045425-00046424": "workout these jeans I stole their Marc Jacobs and I was obsessed with the star", "kT9haEp-0bU-00113-00046424-00047027": "on the butt and I shot in them I have no doubt her closet in the current home is", "kT9haEp-0bU-00114-00047027-00047384": "even better if that's the case oh and she showed us a photo of her pantry", "kT9haEp-0bU-00115-00047384-00047840": "really exciting Kendall actually it's so organized so I personally do find that", "kT9haEp-0bU-00116-00047840-00048221": "really really exciting to be honest I kind of liked a lot of the previous", "kT9haEp-0bU-00117-00048221-00048632": "interior even though there was a lot of drapery and excessive decorations in", "kT9haEp-0bU-00118-00048632-00049022": "some areas the wooden beams throughout the high ceilings looked really nice so", "kT9haEp-0bU-00119-00049022-00049418": "I wonder if she kept those accents and if you were wondering where Kendall", "kT9haEp-0bU-00120-00049418-00049790": "lived while the Sorento was going down since it took about a year I know that", "kT9haEp-0bU-00121-00049790-00050222": "one place she shacked up was this house in the Beverly Hills Grove area of LA", "kT9haEp-0bU-00122-00050222-00050729": "that was 25k a month for 25k it better be something special", "kT9haEp-0bU-00123-00050729-00051140": "firstly Kendall was said to be renting this place out with Ben Simmons who was", "kT9haEp-0bU-00124-00051140-00051569": "her boyfriend at the time but now they've been on a break you slept", "kT9haEp-0bU-00125-00051569-00052591": "for someone else anyways maybe they were sharing rent this house was 4052 square", "kT9haEp-0bU-00126-00052591-00053054": "feet two storeys and super modern it was a pretty open concept on the main floor", "kT9haEp-0bU-00127-00053054-00053477": "and hosted five bedrooms and six bathroom the master suite has a terrace", "kT9haEp-0bU-00128-00053477-00053888": "too and it overlooks the pool and spa although Kendall is probably living her", "kT9haEp-0bU-00129-00053888-00054278": "best single life now in her official mansion I'm sure the two enjoyed their", "kT9haEp-0bU-00130-00054278-00054641": "summer in this twenty five thousand rental that's for sure so these days", "kT9haEp-0bU-00131-00054641-00055085": "Kendall is all set up in her Mulholland Estates mansion and from the digging I", "kT9haEp-0bU-00132-00055085-00055514": "did I would say she's safe from any future stalkers or robbers considering", "kT9haEp-0bU-00133-00055514-00055907": "her address isn't out there for the public unlike some of her sisters I'm", "kT9haEp-0bU-00134-00055907-00056273": "definitely disappointed that the store hasn't shared much of her beautiful home", "kT9haEp-0bU-00135-00056273-00056657": "you can get a pretty good idea about Kendall's taste I'm sure that part of", "kT9haEp-0bU-00136-00056657-00056980": "the reason she didn't get a house in the Hidden Hills like the rest of the", "kT9haEp-0bU-00137-00056980-00057395": "kardashian-jenner clan is to keep some independence and privacy which seems", "kT9haEp-0bU-00138-00057395-00057740": "like it's working Kendall doesn't need to show off or flaunt her house for us", "kT9haEp-0bU-00139-00057740-00058109": "to know that it's epic the lot on her current house was already so nice when", "kT9haEp-0bU-00140-00058109-00058472": "she purchased there was so much greenery creating a gorgeous landscape and", "kT9haEp-0bU-00141-00058472-00058859": "peaceful vibe that's probably hard to come by in the heart of LA and yeah", "kT9haEp-0bU-00142-00058859-00059234": "Kendall definitely change the place a lot since Charlie Sheen lived there so", "kT9haEp-0bU-00143-00059234-00059564": "until Kenda opens up for a house tour we'll just have to respect her privacy", "kT9haEp-0bU-00144-00059564-00059929": "you would have better luck heading to the Hidden Hills and stalking the rest", "kT9haEp-0bU-00145-00059929-00060326": "of the family if that's what you're into okay guys so I'm gonna read out some of", "kT9haEp-0bU-00146-00060326-00060667": "your comments from our other vids first of all I feel like a lot of you guys", "kT9haEp-0bU-00147-00060667-00061085": "love their kylie jenner house tour so I'm glad but I also see you haters out", "kT9haEp-0bU-00148-00061085-00061466": "there some of you are really mean but that's okay on to the positive on our", "kT9haEp-0bU-00149-00061466-00061958": "Kim K house tour vid Kathryn Hall said thank you for doing Kim K I know people", "kT9haEp-0bU-00150-00061958-00062366": "are fed up with the fam but I can't get enough glad you liked it Kathryn I agree", "kT9haEp-0bU-00151-00062366-00062765": "they're always fun to talk about and see what crazy things the fam is up to so", "kT9haEp-0bU-00152-00062765-00063224": "you're not alone on the same video a sheeter route also commented whoa love", "kT9haEp-0bU-00153-00063224-00063592": "this series thank you as Sheeta appreciate the support and stay tuned", "kT9haEp-0bU-00154-00063592-00063986": "let us know whose houses you would want to see and Gwen Lou sane commented", "kT9haEp-0bU-00155-00063986-00064382": "asking why we're giving up Kim and Kanye's address it's all over the", "kT9haEp-0bU-00156-00064382-00064766": "internet already and the house is so guarded and has such a massive", "kT9haEp-0bU-00157-00064766-00065171": "Burtie it would be impossible to get close to it anyways so I'm sure Kim", "kT9haEp-0bU-00158-00065171-00065555": "isn't too concerned we also got some requests for Rihanna's house Khloe", "kT9haEp-0bU-00159-00065555-00065915": "Kardashian's house and a few more so I'm gonna be working on those too", "kT9haEp-0bU-00160-00065915-00066299": "all right guys that's all I could find about Kendall's Mahal and estate mansion", "kT9haEp-0bU-00161-00066299-00066653": "I think the most interesting thing I learned is that she's like the only one", "kT9haEp-0bU-00162-00066653-00066989": "of the family who isn't living in the Hidden Hills all this time I thought she", "kT9haEp-0bU-00163-00066989-00067256": "lived there too with the rest of them I was wrong", "kT9haEp-0bU-00164-00067256-00067607": "even though we don't know as much about Kendall's houses or sisters I look", "kT9haEp-0bU-00165-00067607-00067961": "forward to seeing what you guys think of it or if there's anything I missed", "kT9haEp-0bU-00166-00067961-00068246": "which one of Kendall's homes did you like the best whose house do you like", "kT9haEp-0bU-00167-00068246-00068606": "the best so far Kendall's Kylie's or Kim's I feel like", "kT9haEp-0bU-00168-00068606-00068972": "if I could see more of Kendall's I would like hers best since I loved the Spanish", "kT9haEp-0bU-00169-00068972-00069365": "style and the property let me know in the comments also let me know some other", "kT9haEp-0bU-00170-00069365-00069746": "celebrity houses you'd like to see I'll see you next week with some new videos", "kT9haEp-0bU-00171-00069746-00069994": "bye"}}, {"audio_id": "kTYEOaSybOu", "text": {"kTYEOaSybOu-00000-00000000-00000200": "[clip]"}}, {"audio_id": "kU7Kj3J7ydE", "text": {"kU7Kj3J7ydE-00000-00001219-00002123": "Listen my children, we are going to play a game that will be watched by the whole of South Africa.", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00001-00002228-00002687": "You will each get three counters.", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00002-00002728-00003055": "I will show you how to play.", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00003-00003055-00003528": "You will have to throw these things into the box.", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00004-00003556-00004032": "We will then count those that got into the box and write their number here.", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00005-00004032-00004335": "And those that fell outside of our box.", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00006-00004356-00004992": "We will then write the total here at the bottom.", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00007-00005035-00005192": "Should I demonstrate? Alright?", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00008-00005339-00005660": "- How many got in the box? - One.", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00009-00005660-00005752": "One.", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00010-00005867-00006092": "How many didn't go in the box?", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00011-00006156-00006335": "Two.", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00012-00006623-00007007": "I will throw again. Each person will throw three times.", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00013-00007007-00007076": "Right?", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00014-00007104-00007868": "They will throw three times and we have to check how many got in and out of the box.", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00015-00007892-00007976": "Should I go again?", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00016-00008207-00008628": "- How many did I get inside the box? - Zero.", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00017-00008692-00009040": "- How many are outside of the box? - Three.", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00018-00009179-00009284": "That's how you do it.", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00019-00009331-00009531": "Let's start with you my boy.", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00020-00009659-00010443": "Your turn Aminathi. You are going to throw to the box. We will write your results here.", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00021-00010479-00010568": "Proceed Aminathi.", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00022-00010756-00011235": "- How many counters did Aminathi throw in? - Two.", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00023-00011235-00011495": "Here is Aminathi's box. Two.", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00024-00011915-00012087": "How many are outside?", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00025-00012179-00012351": "One.", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00026-00012351-00012556": "Let's write our one there.", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00027-00012963-00013163": "Throw again, Aminathi.", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00028-00013608-00013880": "How many counters did Aminathi throw in the box?", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00029-00013880-00014096": "- Three. - Write your three.", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00030-00014619-00014800": "How many are outside?", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00031-00014896-00015047": "How many are outside?", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00032-00015112-00015515": "- Zero. - Is there anything? Very good.", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00033-00015515-00015763": "Zero, let's write zero there.", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00034-00016108-00016359": "It's his third turn.", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00035-00016536-00016671": "Throw for the third time my boy.", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00036-00016984-00017180": "How many fell inside?", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00037-00017271-00017584": "- Two. - Let's write two there.", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00038-00017791-00017991": "How many fell outside?", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00039-00018063-00018263": "One.", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00040-00018624-00019303": "We are going to add now. We want to know the total of all those that fell inside.", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00041-00019340-00019912": "Let's add. We are adding two, plus three, plus two.", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00042-00019987-00020096": "Let's add.", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00043-00020187-00020356": "Three plus two?", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00044-00020415-00020940": "- Five. - Really? Please do them. Three plus two?", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00045-00021163-00021408": "- Is this four? Let's all check. - It's five.", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00046-00021408-00021540": "- What's this number? - Five.", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00047-00021540-00021675": "They equal to five, right?", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00048-00021675-00021980": "Let's add two.", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00049-00022036-00022291": "Let's add two on this five.", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00050-00022443-00022659": "How many did he throw inside?", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00051-00022691-00022847": "Aminathi's total?", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00052-00022924-00023075": "Two.", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00053-00023168-00023359": "Let's add with this five.", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00054-00023387-00023531": "What is the total?", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00055-00023575-00023819": "Who can tell us how many blocks Aminathi threw in?", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00056-00023919-00024075": "- Seven. - How many?", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00057-00024075-00024296": "- Seven. - Aminathi threw seven in.", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00058-00024296-00024615": "Let's write Aminathi's seven here.", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00059-00024615-00025108": "So that everyone knows that Aminathi threw seven in.", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00060-00025400-00025839": "We are now doing the ones that didn't fall inside the box.", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00061-00025839-00026112": "We are going to add them.", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00062-00026151-00026424": "We have number one here.", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00063-00026424-00026624": "And zero.", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00064-00026624-00026763": "Then we have another one.", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00065-00026807-00027068": "One plus one?", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00066-00027136-00027331": "- Two. - What do we get?", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00067-00027336-00027924": "Two. Two plus zero?", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00068-00027980-00028127": "- Who can tell us? - Two.", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00069-00028127-00028343": "- What do we get? - Two.", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00070-00028343-00028863": "Any number added to zero stays the same.", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00071-00028887-00029251": "So what Aminathi had outside of the box...", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00072-00029251-00029692": "were two counters. Aminathi will two there.", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00073-00030243-00030363": "Aminathi is correct, right?", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00074-00030404-00030531": "Good. Let's clap for him.", "kU7Kj3J7ydE-00075-00030851-00030960": "And close!"}}, {"audio_id": "kUh3XnVss0g", "text": {"kUh3XnVss0g-00000-00000102-00000312": "We all have the perfect primary source of skill?", "kUh3XnVss0g-00001-00000312-00000606": "My primary source of skill is pure innocence", "kUh3XnVss0g-00002-00000606-00001014": "I have never done anything anything [SFX: Bonk] Hey!!"}}, {"audio_id": "kU-86wDBGkg", "text": {"kU-86wDBGkg-00000-00003872-00004400": "Dedemonization of Kabalah"}}, {"audio_id": "kUE1cxE1yYU", "text": {"kUE1cxE1yYU-00000-00000010-00000206": ">> Josh: GOOD EVENING, EVERYONE.", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00001-00000206-00000213": ">> Josh: GOOD EVENING, EVERYONE.", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00002-00000213-00000460": ">> Josh: GOOD EVENING, EVERYONE. I'M JOSH PETERSON IN FOR DENNIS", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00003-00000460-00000467": ">> Josh: GOOD EVENING, EVERYONE. I'M JOSH PETERSON IN FOR DENNIS", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00004-00000467-00001164": ">> Josh: GOOD EVENING, EVERYONE. I'M JOSH PETERSON IN FOR DENNIS WEIMANN.zá■mgs", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00005-00001164-00001171": "I'M JOSH PETERSON IN FOR DENNIS WEIMANN.zá■mgs", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00006-00001171-00001224": "I'M JOSH PETERSON IN FOR DENNIS WEIMANN.zá■mgs A FORMER BEMIDJI MIDDLE", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00007-00001224-00001231": "WEIMANN.zá■mgs A FORMER BEMIDJI MIDDLE", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00008-00001231-00001301": "WEIMANN.zá■mgs A FORMER BEMIDJI MIDDLE ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL CHARGED WITH", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00009-00001301-00001307": "A FORMER BEMIDJI MIDDLE ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL CHARGED WITH", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00010-00001307-00001364": "A FORMER BEMIDJI MIDDLE ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL CHARGED WITH MULTIPLE COUNTS OF CHILD", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00011-00001364-00001371": "ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL CHARGED WITH MULTIPLE COUNTS OF CHILD", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00012-00001371-00001434": "ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL CHARGED WITH MULTIPLE COUNTS OF CHILD PORNOGRAPHY HAS BEEN RELEASED", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00013-00001434-00001441": "MULTIPLE COUNTS OF CHILD PORNOGRAPHY HAS BEEN RELEASED", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00014-00001441-00001504": "MULTIPLE COUNTS OF CHILD PORNOGRAPHY HAS BEEN RELEASED FROM FEDERAL CUSTODY ON BAIL.", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00015-00001504-00001511": "PORNOGRAPHY HAS BEEN RELEASED FROM FEDERAL CUSTODY ON BAIL.", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00016-00001511-00001581": "PORNOGRAPHY HAS BEEN RELEASED FROM FEDERAL CUSTODY ON BAIL. 34-YEAR-OLD BRANDON BJERKNES HAD", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00017-00001581-00001588": "FROM FEDERAL CUSTODY ON BAIL. 34-YEAR-OLD BRANDON BJERKNES HAD", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00018-00001588-00001648": "FROM FEDERAL CUSTODY ON BAIL. 34-YEAR-OLD BRANDON BJERKNES HAD A DETENTION AND PRELIMINARY", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00019-00001648-00001654": "34-YEAR-OLD BRANDON BJERKNES HAD A DETENTION AND PRELIMINARY", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00020-00001654-00001708": "34-YEAR-OLD BRANDON BJERKNES HAD A DETENTION AND PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION HEARING THIS", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00021-00001708-00001714": "A DETENTION AND PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION HEARING THIS", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00022-00001714-00001741": "A DETENTION AND PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION HEARING THIS MORNING.", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00023-00001741-00001748": "EXAMINATION HEARING THIS MORNING.", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00024-00001748-00001815": "EXAMINATION HEARING THIS MORNING. THE U.S. DISTRICT COURT IN SAINT", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00025-00001815-00001821": "MORNING. THE U.S. DISTRICT COURT IN SAINT", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00026-00001821-00001878": "MORNING. THE U.S. DISTRICT COURT IN SAINT PAUL DETERMINED THAT THERE", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00027-00001878-00001885": "THE U.S. DISTRICT COURT IN SAINT PAUL DETERMINED THAT THERE", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00028-00001885-00001951": "THE U.S. DISTRICT COURT IN SAINT PAUL DETERMINED THAT THERE WAS PROBABLE CAUSE FOR THE CASE.", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00029-00001951-00001958": "PAUL DETERMINED THAT THERE WAS PROBABLE CAUSE FOR THE CASE.", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00030-00001958-00002018": "PAUL DETERMINED THAT THERE WAS PROBABLE CAUSE FOR THE CASE. BJERKNES PAID A TWENTY FIVE", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00031-00002018-00002025": "WAS PROBABLE CAUSE FOR THE CASE. BJERKNES PAID A TWENTY FIVE", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00032-00002025-00002135": "WAS PROBABLE CAUSE FOR THE CASE. BJERKNES PAID A TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLAR BOND AND WAS", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00033-00002135-00002142": "BJERKNES PAID A TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLAR BOND AND WAS", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00034-00002142-00002198": "BJERKNES PAID A TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLAR BOND AND WAS RELEASED ON PERSONAL", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00035-00002198-00002205": "THOUSAND DOLLAR BOND AND WAS RELEASED ON PERSONAL", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00036-00002205-00002422": "THOUSAND DOLLAR BOND AND WAS RELEASED ON PERSONAL RECOGNIZANCE.", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00037-00002422-00002429": "RELEASED ON PERSONAL RECOGNIZANCE.", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00038-00002429-00002509": "RELEASED ON PERSONAL RECOGNIZANCE. UNDER THE SEVERAL CONDITIONS OF", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00039-00002509-00002515": "RECOGNIZANCE. UNDER THE SEVERAL CONDITIONS OF", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00040-00002515-00002612": "RECOGNIZANCE. UNDER THE SEVERAL CONDITIONS OF HIS RELEASE, HE WILL BE", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00041-00002612-00002619": "UNDER THE SEVERAL CONDITIONS OF HIS RELEASE, HE WILL BE", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00042-00002619-00002722": "UNDER THE SEVERAL CONDITIONS OF HIS RELEASE, HE WILL BE PLACED ON HOUSE ARREST AND WILL", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00043-00002722-00002729": "HIS RELEASE, HE WILL BE PLACED ON HOUSE ARREST AND WILL", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00044-00002729-00002859": "HIS RELEASE, HE WILL BE PLACED ON HOUSE ARREST AND WILL NOT BE ABLE TO HAVE ACCESS TO A", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00045-00002859-00002866": "PLACED ON HOUSE ARREST AND WILL NOT BE ABLE TO HAVE ACCESS TO A", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00046-00002866-00003186": "PLACED ON HOUSE ARREST AND WILL NOT BE ABLE TO HAVE ACCESS TO A COMPUTER OR THE INTERNET.", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00047-00003186-00003193": "NOT BE ABLE TO HAVE ACCESS TO A COMPUTER OR THE INTERNET.", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00048-00003193-00003256": "NOT BE ABLE TO HAVE ACCESS TO A COMPUTER OR THE INTERNET. BJERKNES ALSO FACES FOUR STATE", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00049-00003256-00003263": "COMPUTER OR THE INTERNET. BJERKNES ALSO FACES FOUR STATE", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00050-00003263-00003316": "COMPUTER OR THE INTERNET. BJERKNES ALSO FACES FOUR STATE CHARGES FOR ENGAGING OR", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00051-00003316-00003323": "BJERKNES ALSO FACES FOUR STATE CHARGES FOR ENGAGING OR", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00052-00003323-00003406": "BJERKNES ALSO FACES FOUR STATE CHARGES FOR ENGAGING OR RELATING SEXUAL CONDUCT WITH A", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00053-00003406-00003413": "CHARGES FOR ENGAGING OR RELATING SEXUAL CONDUCT WITH A", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00054-00003413-00003797": "CHARGES FOR ENGAGING OR RELATING SEXUAL CONDUCT WITH A MINOR.", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00055-00003797-00003803": "RELATING SEXUAL CONDUCT WITH A MINOR.", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00056-00003803-00003873": "RELATING SEXUAL CONDUCT WITH A MINOR. HIS NEXT APPEARANCE AT THE", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00057-00003873-00003880": "MINOR. HIS NEXT APPEARANCE AT THE", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00058-00003880-00004010": "MINOR. HIS NEXT APPEARANCE AT THE BELTRAMI COUNTY COURTHOUSE FOR", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00059-00004010-00004017": "HIS NEXT APPEARANCE AT THE BELTRAMI COUNTY COURTHOUSE FOR", "kUE1cxE1yYU-00060-00004017-00004110": "HIS NEXT APPEARANCE AT THE BELTRAMI COUNTY COURTHOUSE FOR THE STATES CASES WILL BE ON JULY"}}, {"audio_id": "kUcTSvlW5HI", "text": {"kUcTSvlW5HI-00000-00000000-00012340": "Type Beat Drill Country Guitar - Unknown Country Of Drill | Rap Instrumental + Freestyle Words"}}, {"audio_id": "kV9NaVfh6zy", "text": {"kV9NaVfh6zy-00000-00001953-00002315": "Most of my work involves nature,", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00001-00002315-00002478": "geology,", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00002-00002478-00002598": "technology", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00003-00002598-00002654": "and", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00004-00002654-00003354": "ideas of space and time and distance and collapsing distance.", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00005-00003390-00003470": "Most of my works", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00006-00003470-00003829": "have involved collaborating with people in different fields and", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00007-00003829-00003904": "disciplines.", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00008-00003904-00004212": "We’re all astronomers, so we look at things through a particular way,", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00009-00004212-00004441": "a particular methodology.", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00010-00004441-00004567": "Having Katie", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00011-00004567-00004813": "in the corridor has", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00012-00004813-00005259": "brought a whole new life to the place. Seeing her interacting, talking to students and", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00013-00005259-00005479": "staff and getting ideas and", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00014-00005479-00005671": "giving us some ideas,", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00015-00005671-00006292": "has been very fruitful.", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00016-00006292-00006548": "It turns out that we live in", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00017-00006548-00006963": "a rather dark universe – in fact, 96 per cent of it is dark.", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00018-00006963-00007354": "And we belong to the four per cent of ordinary matter –", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00019-00007354-00007854": "that is to say, matter made of atoms.", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00020-00007854-00008045": "We at University College London", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00021-00008045-00008401": "are heavily involved in the Dark Energy Survey –", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00022-00008401-00008791": "it’s a way of generating a new camera – in fact, one of the largest cameras in the", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00023-00008791-00009147": "world - to actually learn about the", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00024-00009147-00009248": "contents of the universe -", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00025-00009248-00009496": "the amount of dark matter, the amount of dark energy.", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00026-00009496-00009884": "This has already stimulated Katie to think about the history of darkness.", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00027-00009884-00010193": "I’ve been collecting images of darkness from", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00028-00010193-00010634": "throughout the universe, kind of spanning the history of the universe.", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00029-00010634-00010950": "It is an ongoing slide archive", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00030-00010950-00011300": "that I’m going to work on for ages probably, so it doesn’t in a way", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00031-00011300-00011786": "have a beginning or an end. I think quite a few of my works kind of", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00032-00011786-00012268": "loop and circulate and inform one another. We are busy producing", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00033-00012268-00012546": "a set of measurements and building a camera", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00034-00012546-00012707": "and she’s looking,", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00035-00012707-00012958": "essentially, at the same universe, but", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00036-00012958-00013415": "with different point of view.", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00037-00013415-00013831": "The scientists were very much used to framing what we understand about the", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00038-00013831-00014293": "universe in particular ways, and in very specific ways.", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00039-00014293-00014617": "So perhaps suddenly to have the opportunity to", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00040-00014617-00014998": "think a bit more freely about our own subject – I think Katie’s been able to encourage", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00041-00014998-00015090": "us to", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00042-00015090-00015667": "have the courage to do that a little bit more.", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00043-00015667-00016053": "The other piece that I’ve made is called 100 Billion Suns and that is a", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00044-00016053-00016251": "confetti cannon.", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00045-00016251-00016668": "There’s 3,216 pieces of paper", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00046-00016668-00017212": "and they each correspond to an explosion called a gamma ray burst.", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00047-00017212-00017631": "When it burns, it burns as brightly as 100 billion suns.", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00048-00017631-00018099": "It shines so brightly, it outshines the whole galaxy –", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00049-00018099-00018710": "they’re the brightest explosions to happen in the universe.", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00050-00018710-00019129": "So I’ve collected and sourced all of these", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00051-00019129-00019395": "3,261 images and colour-matched them,", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00052-00019395-00019701": "and made this confetti cannon. So now when it’s exploded,", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00053-00019701-00020143": "it’s a bit like a tiny explosion of all these universal explosions that", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00054-00020143-00020287": "happen, but", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00055-00020287-00020562": "making it a one-second moment", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00056-00020562-00020794": "here on Earth.", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00057-00020794-00020971": "There are different ways for", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00058-00020971-00021121": "a celestial object to", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00059-00021121-00021348": "end its life -", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00060-00021348-00021722": "whether it’s a black hole or a gamma ray burst or a supernova – and in a way it’s not", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00061-00021722-00021943": "really the end of life", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00062-00021943-00022104": "because", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00063-00022104-00022367": "stars as they explode,", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00064-00022367-00022498": "they spread", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00065-00022498-00022625": "around them", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00066-00022625-00022858": "gas, which, by itself, is the", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00067-00022858-00023156": "ingredient for the next generation of stars.", "kV9NaVfh6zy-00068-00023156-00023560": "So, it made me think more philosophically about the kind of work we do."}}, {"audio_id": "kVpBQTgVBru", "text": {"kVpBQTgVBru-00000-00000014-00000420": "(intro plays)", "kVpBQTgVBru-00001-00000420-00000470": "UH", "kVpBQTgVBru-00002-00000492-00001002": "OH GREAT, NOW HE GOT IN TROUBLE BECAUSE OF HE CHATING ON HANGOUTS! NOW HE'S HAS BROKENUHHH!", "kVpBQTgVBru-00003-00001038-00001454": "OH NO, NOW THE YOUTUBE CAREER IS RUINED THANKS UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE!", "kVpBQTgVBru-00004-00001480-00001556": "OH GOD.", "kVpBQTgVBru-00005-00001582-00001950": "SPARTA REMIX CUSTOM PITCH SOURCE", "kVpBQTgVBru-00006-00001950-00002096": "Alright, stop!", "kVpBQTgVBru-00007-00002106-00002560": "hit it with a brick, hit it with a block, hit it with a brick, hit it with a block.", "kVpBQTgVBru-00008-00002560-00002662": "Wasn't any better?", "kVpBQTgVBru-00009-00002702-00002786": "really?", "kVpBQTgVBru-00010-00002912-00003054": "Next source.", "kVpBQTgVBru-00011-00003066-00003150": "uh uh uh", "kVpBQTgVBru-00012-00003402-00003546": "uh uh uh uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh", "kVpBQTgVBru-00013-00004102-00004292": "Welcome back to Roblox's Wheel of Fortune.", "kVpBQTgVBru-00014-00004308-00004838": "spinning", "kVpBQTgVBru-00015-00005018-00005526": "DOUBLE BANKRUPT SOUND", "kVpBQTgVBru-00016-00005606-00005748": "It's your turn, player three.", "kVpBQTgVBru-00017-00005760-00005850": "$550.", "kVpBQTgVBru-00018-00006102-00006184": "(buzzer is stop working XD)", "kVpBQTgVBru-00019-00006184-00006258": "NOPE!", "kVpBQTgVBru-00020-00006278-00006334": "sorry.", "kVpBQTgVBru-00021-00006334-00006634": "WHT THE HEOK WAS THAT SOUND", "kVpBQTgVBru-00022-00006673-00007208": "G-MAJOR", "kVpBQTgVBru-00023-00007662-00007878": "The following program is from LSF2020. (NO, IS N-E-T XD)", "kVpBQTgVBru-00024-00007938-00008196": "The National Educational Television Network.", "kVpBQTgVBru-00025-00008296-00008408": "what's next after NET?"}}, {"audio_id": "kW1HZgeCj4c", "text": {"kW1HZgeCj4c-00000-00000032-00000520": "Actinolite and tremolite are both calcic amphiboles so if you see an end section", "kW1HZgeCj4c-00001-00000520-00000848": "(there's some end sections in this field of view) you'll see some diamond shapes,", "kW1HZgeCj4c-00002-00000848-00001440": "which are the 60-120 cleavage of amphiboles. There are also some prisms that are lying down", "kW1HZgeCj4c-00003-00001440-00001792": "within the plane of the thin section. Those are the ones that have those intense", "kW1HZgeCj4c-00004-00001792-00002488": "interference colors – the blues and oranges and magentas. You may notice that", "kW1HZgeCj4c-00005-00002488-00002984": "they have inclined extinction. That's because actinolite and tremolite are clinoamphiboles.", "kW1HZgeCj4c-00006-00003104-00003744": "Although it's very subtle, actinolite has a very pale green pleochroism. So that long", "kW1HZgeCj4c-00007-00003832-00004384": "crystal that goes across the entire center of the field of view is an actinolite crystal.", "kW1HZgeCj4c-00008-00004496-00004768": "And then you can see it's got that orange yellow interference color,", "kW1HZgeCj4c-00009-00004768-00005784": "as well as the the blue and purple of the other crystals", "kW1HZgeCj4c-00010-00006160-00006623": "Actinolite is the moderate relief crystals in the in the middle, sort of shaped a little like", "kW1HZgeCj4c-00011-00006623-00007264": "an airplane. They're up against higher relief clinopyroxene, and even higher relief titanite", "kW1HZgeCj4c-00012-00007264-00007912": "that are now immediately to the north. Cross the polars, it's that magenta-orange, and the airplane", "kW1HZgeCj4c-00013-00007912-00008424": "wings are that sort of yellowy-white. Higher relief than quartz, which is in this section,", "kW1HZgeCj4c-00014-00008424-00008936": "also in one side. It's comparable to calcite, but calcite of course has variable relief.", "kW1HZgeCj4c-00015-00009224-00009680": "Now this is an odd sample. You're looking at end sections of amphiboles,", "kW1HZgeCj4c-00016-00009680-00010264": "and there's super pale green ones and then there's sort of blue-gray/blue-green ones on the outside.", "kW1HZgeCj4c-00017-00010264-00010880": "So the cores are actually actinolite (that's a greenschist facies amphibole), and the rims", "kW1HZgeCj4c-00018-00010880-00011520": "are hornblende (which is an amphibolite facies amphibole). And so the actinolite", "kW1HZgeCj4c-00019-00011520-00011968": "cores tend to be a little bit brighter in their interference colors than the hornblende rims", "kW1HZgeCj4c-00020-00012312-00012784": "This is my one sample with endmember tremolite in it. Tremolite is a calcium-magnesium", "kW1HZgeCj4c-00021-00012847-00013608": "endmember amphibole. This rock is absolutely brilliant white. Actinolite in hand sample", "kW1HZgeCj4c-00022-00013608-00014216": "is green (sort of an apple green color). So how do you know that this isn't just actinolite.", "kW1HZgeCj4c-00023-00014216-00014608": "You really...it's almost impossible to tell. It does not have that pale green", "kW1HZgeCj4c-00024-00014608-00015328": "pleochroism, but otherwise the optical characteristics are virtually identical."}}, {"audio_id": "kWyfRujJ660", "text": {"kWyfRujJ660-00000-00000560-00001184": "Daniel Evans: To figure out the rate law for a reaction you often use the method of initial rates.", "kWyfRujJ660-00001-00001404-00001962": "Daniel Evans: reactionary, I'm going to demonstrate it lung is this reaction you're learning to", "kWyfRujJ660-00002-00002094-00002790": "Daniel Evans: Nation monoxide nitric oxide. Now we have with one action or give us to mention dioxides", "kWyfRujJ660-00003-00002973-00003023": "Daniel Evans: So,", "kWyfRujJ660-00004-00003357-00003828": "Daniel Evans: If the data does not just make it obvious what we're doing is", "kWyfRujJ660-00005-00004053-00004500": "Daniel Evans: We have a mathematical way of deriving that order reaction.", "kWyfRujJ660-00006-00004608-00004884": "Daniel Evans: So we take our rate in the llama.", "kWyfRujJ660-00007-00005511-00005580": "Daniel Evans: Others.", "kWyfRujJ660-00008-00005748-00006804": "Daniel Evans: So we take our rate mall to write written off of this reaction rate equals a constant time is the nitric oxide based x one x times the oxygen.", "kWyfRujJ660-00009-00007113-00007368": "Daniel Evans: So we need to figure out what this excellent work on", "kWyfRujJ660-00010-00007559-00009039": "Daniel Evans: So we take that rate from two different sets of concentrations, but with the stipulation that morning, one of the concentrations is changing over time. So any additional react and staff to be held constant", "kWyfRujJ660-00011-00009198-00010167": "Daniel Evans: So when we read divide one is a lot by another one a different set of conditions will have our ratio great one right to", "kWyfRujJ660-00012-00010275-00011502": "Daniel Evans: Then constant times magic X auction why we're itself. Well, the constant case of any reactions that are held constant pencil off.", "kWyfRujJ660-00013-00011568-00013022": "Daniel Evans: Want to get down to where we only have one reaction. And that changes. So that goes this written on here and we're going to start to do some manipulation and so we can bring this x x ratio.", "kWyfRujJ660-00014-00013131-00015216": "Daniel Evans: Ratio pattern instead of the individual ratio of power and then ratio. So we can bring the X out then to get this x off the excellent we're going to do to do national logarithm of both sides of this reaction so long the written agreed to before long the ratio concentrations racer x", "kWyfRujJ660-00015-00015438-00017826": "Daniel Evans: web properties of logarithms that we pull this out in front of this log of the ratio of rates. Once we have the x by itself. We can divide this law out. So we're going to get x is the law or the law, the ratio rates, the variable ratio concentrations and that's concentrations being", "kWyfRujJ660-00016-00017937-00018921": "Daniel Evans: As being allowed to change. So here, if we hold the auction constantly the ratio of nitric oxide will get the exponent nitric oxide.", "kWyfRujJ660-00017-00019029-00019737": "Daniel Evans: We hold our nitric oxide constant and that action. Very good. The exponent, the oxygen.", "kWyfRujJ660-00018-00019869-00020517": "Daniel Evans: So that's the process that we're going to do. So we have a data set here repeating reactions to this.", "kWyfRujJ660-00019-00020766-00020907": "Daniel Evans: free trials for this reaction.", "kWyfRujJ660-00020-00021168-00021405": "Daniel Evans: So we're giving the similarity. So", "kWyfRujJ660-00021-00021603-00022113": "Daniel Evans: Marty and rate which is Malarkey per second.", "kWyfRujJ660-00022-00022227-00022719": "Daniel Evans: Segment that we like to have for our rate. Just one line per second.", "kWyfRujJ660-00023-00022971-00023304": "Daniel Evans: So what we're going to do is find in this set.", "kWyfRujJ660-00024-00023418-00024273": "Daniel Evans: Pairs that we can use. So we have a pair of auctions point 2525 so trial, one and two.", "kWyfRujJ660-00025-00024426-00024756": "Daniel Evans: Can get us the nitric oxide.", "kWyfRujJ660-00026-00024960-00025284": "Daniel Evans: Then from two and three, the nitric oxide is consistent", "kWyfRujJ660-00027-00025410-00025908": "Daniel Evans: So that will give us the ratio over here.", "kWyfRujJ660-00028-00026061-00026238": "Daniel Evans: Some certain in Wisconsin.", "kWyfRujJ660-00029-00026483-00026766": "Daniel Evans: Food and so we're going to be doing.", "kWyfRujJ660-00030-00026976-00027083": "Daniel Evans: This ratio.", "kWyfRujJ660-00031-00027417-00028068": "Daniel Evans: So the two options, how constants are going to use these two with a ratio of these two", "kWyfRujJ660-00032-00028320-00028791": "Daniel Evans: Or nitric oxide in health costs, it will do", "kWyfRujJ660-00033-00028998-00029195": "Daniel Evans: ratio of these two over the", "kWyfRujJ660-00034-00029310-00029451": "Daniel Evans: ratio of these two", "kWyfRujJ660-00035-00029577-00030075": "Daniel Evans: finalists kind of sent reason. The other one in our ratio of rights and concentrations", "kWyfRujJ660-00036-00031332-00031583": "Daniel Evans: So using this data.", "kWyfRujJ660-00037-00032892-00033018": "Daniel Evans: We pick our two sets.", "kWyfRujJ660-00038-00033168-00034155": "Daniel Evans: So for nitric oxide, then you bury the action remain constant sort of us, if I wanted to, I just like to put the large value in time.", "kWyfRujJ660-00039-00034239-00035580": "Daniel Evans: And that sort of dealing with a ratio of rather than one server logs are all positive. That's worried about dropping a negative some one way. So the ratio of the two rates or the two concentrations", "kWyfRujJ660-00040-00035685-00036480": "Daniel Evans: And breaking them down. So I'm trying to ratios first that a lot of the ratio then this final term.", "kWyfRujJ660-00041-00036597-00036705": "Daniel Evans: comes out to be", "kWyfRujJ660-00042-00036834-00036969": "Daniel Evans: white line.", "kWyfRujJ660-00043-00037227-00037392": "Daniel Evans: And of course we're expecting a whole numbers.", "kWyfRujJ660-00044-00037692-00037785": "Daniel Evans: And there are", "kWyfRujJ660-00045-00037953-00038328": "Daniel Evans: Reasons why is doesn't necessarily give us a precisely", "kWyfRujJ660-00046-00038532-00039132": "Daniel Evans: Or look for oxygen we want auction very well nitric oxide. So we use", "kWyfRujJ660-00047-00039324-00040296": "Daniel Evans: Two and three and again I like it. But the bigger number on top of the ratios whatever 330011 verses seven eight to five.", "kWyfRujJ660-00048-00040401-00041001": "Daniel Evans: So we just down to three or three to get our values that want to come up", "kWyfRujJ660-00049-00041148-00041286": "Mine sucks.", "kWyfRujJ660-00050-00041643-00041748": "Daniel Evans: So our rate than", "kWyfRujJ660-00051-00042279-00042573": "Daniel Evans: These k times nitric oxide.", "kWyfRujJ660-00052-00042693-00043110": "Daniel Evans: Is to pack size 40 times oxygen.", "kWyfRujJ660-00053-00043248-00043335": "To the first power.", "kWyfRujJ660-00054-00043476-00043671": "Daniel Evans: So that is our rate foods.", "kWyfRujJ660-00055-00043782-00044334": "Daniel Evans: So have one more thing either K. Can we forgot the K of this", "kWyfRujJ660-00056-00044448-00046302": "Daniel Evans: And now that we have a break. Llama, go back to our data set we have values for concentrations in some have everything except. Okay, so for each trial weakness saw this prepay and figure out what the value of k is so that will be", "kWyfRujJ660-00057-00046638-00046704": "Daniel Evans: Here.", "kWyfRujJ660-00058-00048081-00048918": "Daniel Evans: So three trials, right, the right. All right. Post K and r squared, go to the first power.", "kWyfRujJ660-00059-00049044-00049482": "Daniel Evans: We put in the rate and two concentrations for each of the trials.", "kWyfRujJ660-00060-00049653-00050028": "Daniel Evans: And then we solve for k by the Cyclops and get the kids.", "kWyfRujJ660-00061-00050136-00051641": "Daniel Evans: Point 541 point 561 2.5396 the average that went back for some. So this is the best number that we can provide for our", "kWyfRujJ660-00062-00051750-00053154": "Daniel Evans: Constant. I just using one would be less precise than using all of it. We see the variation is on the second decimal place. The second significant digit going into a single digits appear", "kWyfRujJ660-00063-00053286-00053336": "Daniel Evans: Me.", "kWyfRujJ660-00064-00053429-00054036": "Daniel Evans: That means that we only have two down here, we see that variation on the second digit eyes. It is the significant digit", "kWyfRujJ660-00065-00054177-00054237": "Daniel Evans: In there. Then we also", "kWyfRujJ660-00066-00054585-00054951": "Daniel Evans: So the actual final record, there's never any plans.", "kWyfRujJ660-00067-00057441-00057530": "Daniel Evans: Equals point five.", "kWyfRujJ660-00068-00057699-00058329": "Daniel Evans: Miles per second for them to the nitric oxide Malarkey squared times the auction other"}}, {"audio_id": "kWErcIiNE_g", "text": {"kWErcIiNE_g-00000-00011476-00012020": "This was a fantastic and great week.", "kWErcIiNE_g-00001-00012188-00012456": "Many discoveries and excitement around our developed tools,", "kWErcIiNE_g-00002-00012456-00012656": "especially Caddisfly and", "kWErcIiNE_g-00003-00012746-00013060": "the possibility of potential partnerships and", "kWErcIiNE_g-00004-00013060-00013260": "I am really confident for the future.", "kWErcIiNE_g-00005-00013394-00013978": "And I hope to be here for the session next year.", "kWErcIiNE_g-00006-00014008-00014208": "Thank you.", "kWErcIiNE_g-00007-00015390-00015590": "It was a great experience. Learnt a lot.", "kWErcIiNE_g-00008-00015622-00015822": "Got exposed to a variety of water issues and professionals.", "kWErcIiNE_g-00009-00015844-00016044": "This was my first Stockholm Water Week. I will learn a lot from this experience.", "kWErcIiNE_g-00010-00016338-00016880": "We have come across many new opportunities to work in India, Bangladesh and Nepal.", "kWErcIiNE_g-00011-00016880-00017374": "Hopefully we will be able to hold on to these opportunities and do some interesting work in the future."}}, {"audio_id": "kX1Y60Hmb4A", "text": {"kX1Y60Hmb4A-00000-00000648-00001160": "welcome to this special briefing today on the high level outcomes of the Australia United Kingdom", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00001-00001160-00001807": "free trade agreement before we start i would like to acknowledge the traditional owners of country", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00002-00001807-00002312": "throughout Australia and recognise their continuing connection to land waters and culture", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00003-00002392-00002928": "we pay our respects to their elders past present and emerging and especially any listening to this", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00004-00002928-00003568": "briefing today my name is jennifer mackinlay the general manager Europe and senior trade and", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00005-00003568-00004128": "investment commissioner UK Ireland and the Nordics for the Australian trade and investment commission", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00006-00004216-00004712": "i am based at the Australian high commission in London and i work with Australian exporters and", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00007-00004712-00005648": "prospective UK investors looking to expand trade and investment the Australian UK free kingdom free", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00008-00005648-00006264": "trade agreement has been signed and we expect it to enter into force in the course of 2022", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00009-00006376-00006920": "once it has gone through our respective ratification processes this period between signing", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00010-00006920-00007456": "an entry into force gives australian exporters time to examine the agreement and prepare to", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00011-00007456-00007928": "take advantage of the new trading arrangements from the first day that the agreement is in force", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00012-00008072-00008584": "the fta is Australia's most comprehensive trade agreement with any country other than New Zealand", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00013-00008696-00009272": "it sets the foundation for both economies to support post-Covid economic recovery and has", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00014-00009272-00009800": "significant outcomes for the movement of goods services and people between both countries", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00015-00009920-00010432": "we're obviously not starting from scratch in this market the UK is Australia's fifth largest", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00016-00010432-00011136": "goods trading partner valued at over 21 billion dollars in two-way trade in 2020 and Australia's", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00017-00011136-00011712": "third largest services trading partner with two-way trade worth nearly 10 billion last year", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00018-00011824-00012528": "this fta gives a welcome boost to an already strong trading relationship today we want to give", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00019-00012528-00013184": "you a broad overview of the high level outcomes for Australian exporters and direct you to further", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00020-00013184-00013847": "dfat and austrade resources to help you determine how these fta gains can help you grow or diversify", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00021-00013847-00014519": "in the uk market at the end of this briefing we will provide you with links to several resources", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00022-00014519-00015168": "including the full text of the fta and access to dfat and austrade information and services to help", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00023-00015168-00015832": "you convert these fta gains into profitable growth for your business dfat and austrade", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00024-00015832-00016416": "will be running a series of briefings events and working with peak business and industry partners", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00025-00016416-00017072": "over the next six months to help you understand how to take advantage of the fta this will include", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00026-00017072-00017648": "highlighting the stories of Australian exporters already in the UK market and how their experience", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00027-00017648-00018272": "can help you to achieve results faster this is just the start of our implementation activities", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00028-00018272-00019128": "for you this fta is founded on historical trading and bilateral ties but its commitments in terms of", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00029-00019128-00019656": "innovation and the digital environment in particular set the tone and market access", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00030-00019656-00020160": "conditions of a modern agreement to support our future trading and bilateral relationship", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00031-00020272-00020792": "now i would like to introduce elisabeth bowes Australia's chief negotiator for the Australia", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00032-00020792-00021504": "united kingdom free trade agreement elisabeth is first assistant secretary and chief negotiator", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00033-00021504-00021896": "regional trade agreements division at the department of foreign affairs and trade", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00034-00021960-00022472": "she's a highly experienced international negotiator and was previously minister councillor", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00035-00022472-00022928": "at the Australian embassy in Washington overseeing Australia's broad bilateral", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00036-00022928-00023584": "trade relations with the us she also was awarded the public service medal in 2021", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00037-00023584-00024088": "for successfully leading and defending Australia's plain packaging tobacco legislation", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00038-00024088-00024752": "in world trade organisation dispute proceedings elisabeth has led negotiations on this agreement", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00039-00024752-00025224": "from the launch by the minister for trade tourism and investment senator the honourable", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00040-00025224-00025944": "simon birmingham on the 17th of june 2020 since then several rounds of negotiations have occurred", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00041-00025944-00026527": "with a significant milestone achieved in June this year with the agreement in principle agreed", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00042-00026527-00027120": "by our respective prime ministers earlier today i had the chance to catch up with elisabeth to", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00043-00027120-00027783": "talk about the high level outcomes of this trade agreement elisabeth before we get into", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00044-00027783-00028360": "some of the sectoral outcomes can you briefly outline the negotiation process with the UK", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00045-00028416-00028976": "and the industry consultation that has steered the agreement outcomes over the last 18 months", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00046-00029088-00029744": "thank you very much jennifer for that introduction which really does lay the ground work very well", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00047-00029744-00030416": "for our discussion on the high level outcomes of the Australia united kingdom free trade agreement", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00048-00030504-00031224": "as you mentioned the negotiations were launched by the then minister for trade tourism and investment", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00049-00031224-00032072": "senator birmingham on the 17th of june 2020 but prior to their launch a lot of groundwork had", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00050-00032072-00032768": "been laid between our two countries more or less immediately following the outcome of the brexit", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00051-00032768-00033800": "referendum in mid-2016 with the establishment of a bilateral trade working group over the four years", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00052-00033800-00034504": "between the brexit referendum and the launch of the negotiations the trade working group met on", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00053-00034504-00035240": "a number of occasions to examine the fundamentals of our trading relationship and how those could be", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00054-00035240-00036192": "improved through a bilateral fta now as you mentioned the fta was launched in june 2020", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00055-00036248-00036848": "but that launch was virtual as it took place in the early days of the current pandemic", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00056-00036904-00037688": "and in fact with very limited exceptions all of the negotiations of this fta from start to finish", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00057-00037744-00038320": "have been held virtually which is quite an achievement considering the very challenging", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00058-00038320-00039128": "time differences between our two countries now minister Tehan and i did go to london on a couple", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00059-00039128-00039976": "of occasions to engage in person with the uk negotiating team and in particular with the", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00060-00040032-00040744": "united kingdom secretary of state for international trade firstly liz truss and then her", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00061-00040744-00041656": "successor anne-marie trevelyan we had five virtual negotiating negotiating rounds but then very", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00062-00041656-00042408": "intensive negotiations in between those rounds and then finally in the lead up to conclusion", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00063-00042408-00043272": "of the negotiations an agreement in principle was announced by prime ministers in june 2021", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00064-00043328-00044144": "and that agreement really laid out the parameters for the entire agreement what we have done since", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00065-00044144-00045064": "that time is turn that very high level agreement into very detailed legal text and in essence", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00066-00045064-00046008": "we have now a 2 000 page document that fully sets out all the terms of the bilateral treaty", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00067-00046216-00046896": "now industry engagement and consultation was a very key element of the negotiating process", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00068-00046984-00047760": "as i mentioned between 2016 and 2020 under the auspices of the trade working group but also", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00069-00047760-00048352": "various parliamentary inquiries into our bilateral trading relationship we received a number of", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00070-00048352-00048984": "submissions from interested stakeholders about how our trading relationship could be improved through", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00071-00048984-00049840": "a bilateral trade agreement we renewed a call for submissions around the time of launch last year", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00072-00049840-00050416": "and i'd like to thank all of those stakeholders who did provide very helpful submissions on the", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00073-00050416-00050992": "particular elements of the relationship that they thought could be improved through negotiations", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00074-00051072-00051855": "and indeed in the united kingdom a similar public consultation process was undertaken now nearly all", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00075-00051855-00052591": "of those consultation outcomes and submissions can be found on the dfat website and were very helpful", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00076-00052648-00053479": "in us determining our negotiating positions outreach will continue with stakeholders", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00077-00053679-00054288": "following entry into force after signature which we've just had of the agreement entry into force", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00078-00054288-00054848": "will take place after the usual parliamentary processes in Australia but as jennifer said we", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00079-00054848-00055520": "hope the agreement will enter into fall sometime in 2022 and we will work closely with business", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00080-00055520-00055991": "and other stakeholders to ensure that they can best take advantage of the opportunities", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00081-00055991-00056664": "that the fta provides thanks jennifer thanks elisabeth and look what a phenomenal effort", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00082-00056864-00057736": "if we begin by looking at Australian goods exports under the fta 99 of exported Australian goods", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00083-00057736-00058448": "by value will be able to enter the UK tariff-free which sectors will benefit most from this", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00084-00058591-00059191": "thanks very much jennifer yes this is a really significant outcome and the sector that will", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00085-00059191-00060048": "benefit to the greatest extent is in fact the agriculture sector prior to this fta 89 of our", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00086-00060048-00060864": "goods by value entered the uk duty-free but there were very large barriers to agricultural trade", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00087-00060864-00061640": "in the united kingdom following their departure from the European Union and so as a result of this", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00088-00061640-00062416": "fta a large number of agricultural goods that we produce and export around the world will benefit", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00089-00062472-00063344": "from a tariff eventual tariff-free quota-free treatment so just to give an example of some of", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00090-00063344-00064016": "the key values and i note that at this point in time our goods trade or goods exports are valued", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00091-00064016-00064928": "at about 9.2 billion dollars there will be very strong outcomes for beef sheep meat wine dairy", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00092-00064928-00065704": "rice and sugar so for example for beef and sheep meat all tariffs and quotas will be eliminated", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00093-00065704-00066408": "after 10 years with very significant duty-free transitional quotas available to our exporters", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00094-00066408-00067120": "upon entry into force and that's really quite a significant outcome sugar tariffs will be", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00095-00067120-00068000": "eliminated over eight years dairy tariffs will be eliminated over five years and rice tariffs will", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00096-00068000-00068832": "be eliminated on medium and short grain rice with a permanent duty-free quota for long grain rice", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00097-00068832-00069448": "and these are really significant outcomes that aren't always reflected or captured in other ftas", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00098-00069576-00070192": "there are also significant duty-free quota transitional quota outcomes for wheat", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00099-00070272-00070936": "pending elimination of tariffs after four years and tariffs on most fruits and vegetables will", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00100-00070936-00071728": "be eliminated on entry into force also importantly tariffs on nuts many of the nuts that we produce", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00101-00071728-00072296": "will also be eliminated on entry into force including macadamias native to Australia", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00102-00072296-00073048": "as well as almonds and other nuts also avocados cherries dried fruits citrus fruits", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00103-00073048-00073584": "and other horticultural products will benefit from similar duty-free treatment", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00104-00073744-00074392": "also tariffs on most Australian seafood will be eliminated on entry into force with all tariffs", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00105-00074392-00075160": "eliminated after three years now this includes tariffs on fresh frozen rock lobster and all", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00106-00075160-00075920": "finfish which are all significant Australian exports honey the 16 tariff on honey will also", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00107-00075920-00076680": "be eliminated on entry into force of the agreement as will tariffs on most processed foods including", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00108-00076680-00077416": "biscuits breakfast cereals and pasta as well as confectionary food supplements and olive oil", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00109-00077560-00078144": "also importantly the UK will eliminate its tariffs on all of our Australian origin", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00110-00078208-00078824": "industrial goods except ammonia and aluminium whose tariffs will be removed in year four", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00111-00078904-00079832": "but it's not just a one-way street the UK will also enjoy significant tariff cuts with 98 of", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00112-00079832-00080656": "all UK goods entering Australia duty-free on entry into force including significant uk exports such", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00113-00080656-00081496": "as cars and whiskey and processed foods with all tariffs on all uk originating goods to be", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00114-00081496-00082168": "eliminated within five years so very significant benefits for Australian consumers as well", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00115-00082344-00083120": "there is also alongside those tariff outcomes are also procedures that support the tariff", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00116-00083120-00083848": "outcomes in particular trade facilitation and customs simplification outcomes for", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00117-00083848-00084528": "example goods will be released within 48 hours of arrival at customs there will be simplified", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00118-00084600-00085184": "paperwork requirements and a commitment to release shipments of perishable goods within", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00119-00085184-00085936": "six hours which will help our exporters as well so it's not just about the tariffs it's about all the", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00120-00085936-00086688": "procedures about exporting goods there are also commitments on rules of origin which mean that our", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00121-00086688-00087336": "rules of origin are in fact very liberal which are further trade facilitative and in fact", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00122-00087336-00088176": "uh enable trade traders to make fair use of the reduced tariffs and finally i would like to point", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00123-00088176-00089024": "out one fairly unique outcome of this fta there will be a dedicated chapter on animal welfare so", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00124-00089024-00089688": "Australian farmers are globally known for their high environmental protection animal welfare and", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00125-00089688-00090408": "food standards and we as everyone knows have a very comprehensive biosecurity regime to ensure", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00126-00090408-00090976": "the health and safety of Australian consumers as well as to protect our unique environment", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00127-00091056-00091720": "both Australia and the united kingdom place a very high value on animal welfare and thus", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00128-00091720-00092464": "we have agreed provisions to recognize this these provisions commit us to cooperating in", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00129-00092464-00093088": "relevant international fora on areas of mutual interest including to promote the development", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00130-00093088-00093752": "of best practice in animal welfare we will establish an animal welfare working group", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00131-00093752-00094488": "to provide a forum for ongoing cooperation and initiatives in this area as well as appropriate", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00132-00094488-00095128": "provisions to ensure non-derogation from our respective levels of animal welfare protections", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00133-00095184-00095792": "for the purposes of encouraging trade and investment we also have agreed provisions on", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00134-00095792-00096464": "cooperation on anti-microbial resistance so these were both high priorities particularly for the", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00135-00096464-00096960": "united kingdom but reflect our shared interests at both of these areas and very significant outcomes", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00136-00097200-00097648": "thanks very much elisabeth for outlining what is a fantastic outcome for Australia", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00137-00097648-00098240": "and the UK in terms of goods if we could turn now to the topic of professional mobility", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00138-00098296-00098800": "how will the mobility package in the fta assist Australian goods and services exporters", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00139-00098960-00099584": "thanks very much jennifer and yes the mobility was actually a key theme that was", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00140-00099656-00100416": "reflected in submissions by stakeholders in both Australia and the united kingdom a key priority", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00141-00100416-00101144": "in both our countries partly reflecting the similarity of our systems and also our historical", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00142-00101144-00101792": "links of course and our very deep people to people links so as a result we have agreed", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00143-00101792-00102424": "commitments that will enhance the opportunities both for professionals as well as young people", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00144-00102424-00103088": "to live and work in each other's countries on a temporary basis this includes commitments that", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00145-00103088-00103656": "will strengthen two-way trade in professional services and this is quite significant because", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00146-00103656-00104424": "professional services make up about 14 percent of our total services exports to the united kingdom", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00147-00104592-00105408": "commitments include an establishment of a best practice framework to improve the two-way movement", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00148-00105408-00106048": "of professionals including provisions to support mutual recognition of professional qualifications", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00149-00106111-00106808": "and a specific work program between legal peak bodies to further streamline and guarantee access", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00150-00106808-00107535": "for legal professionals between our two countries now we also wanted to ensure that Australian", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00151-00107535-00108304": "professionals and service suppliers can provide services to the united kingdom into the future", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00152-00108304-00109040": "on a level playing field with both UK and foreign suppliers and this includes cross-border trade and", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00153-00109040-00109664": "services such as online provisional services or indeed if our service suppliers want to", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00154-00109720-00110600": "set up in the united kingdom so importantly the fta provides certainty on visa pathways", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00155-00110600-00111248": "for business people and professionals working in each other's countries and in effect the uk has", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00156-00111248-00111824": "agreed to provide Australian professionals access equivalent to that provided to eu", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00157-00111896-00112592": "nationals in the united kingdom uh for Australian professionals and business visitors such as", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00158-00112592-00113264": "investors contractors independent professionals contractual service suppliers installers", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00159-00113264-00114000": "executives as well as intra-corporate transferees and there will in fact be new opportunities for", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00160-00114000-00114496": "mobility for up to a year for contractors and independent professionals and that will be a key", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00161-00114552-00115200": "unique feature to this fta but as i said this is also important for Australian employers", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00162-00115200-00116072": "hiring uk nationals and we will treat uk nationals in an equivalent fashion to the treatment that we", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00163-00116072-00116920": "provide our best fta partners so this once again brings uk nationals onto a level playing field", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00164-00116920-00117528": "with the treatment that we provide with other fta partners and we'll also provide streamlined", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00165-00117528-00118311": "access for innovators and graduate trainees which will also be a fairly unique feature of our fta", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00166-00118400-00118983": "we have agreed on a reciprocal basis to waive labor market testing requirements", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00167-00119088-00119935": "for businesses wanting to employ an Australian in the UK or vice versa and this will once again", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00168-00119935-00120711": "ensure that UK nationals are treated equally or in an equivalent way to nationals from some of our", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00169-00120711-00121376": "other key partner countries but finally the youth mobility outcomes are really important and have", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00170-00121376-00122072": "been a focus of these negotiations and we have agreed with the UK to build upon the success of", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00171-00122072-00122944": "our existing working holiday maker backpacker visa programs we have agreed that both uh", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00172-00122944-00123616": "in both countries those programs will be available for three years in the united kingdom", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00173-00123616-00124192": "it was previously two years so that's a great outcome for aussie backpackers wanting to work", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00174-00124192-00124824": "in the united kingdom for working holiday but we've also agreed on a reciprocal basis to lift", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00175-00124824-00125592": "the age limit to 35 and those changes will be introduced within two years of entry into force", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00176-00125592-00126656": "of the agreement fantastic the fta also has an important digital chapter elisabeth many of our", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00177-00126656-00127368": "exporters are adaptive innovative and continually improving their business practices to achieve", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00178-00127368-00128016": "greater efficiencies this involves the use of digital transactions e-commerce platforms and", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00179-00128016-00128768": "the transferring of large amounts of data in the case of service exporters how will the fta support", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00180-00128768-00129600": "digital trade for a wide range of goods and service exporters well the experience of Covid and", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00181-00129711-00130304": "the experience of closed borders has really highlighted the importance of digital trade", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00182-00130359-00131240": "and providing support for trade to flow through digitization and digitalization so all of those", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00183-00131240-00132120": "outcomes are captured in what is really a best practice fta chapter on digital trade so it", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00184-00132120-00132792": "includes very strong rules on data flows which we know is so important for business for", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00185-00132856-00133728": "cross-border trade and services and to enable our businesses to trade digitally as well as to create", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00186-00133728-00134512": "a more certain and secure online environment there are also strong provisions against requiring data", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00187-00134512-00135200": "localization so requiring the setup of service centers in a particular country to store data", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00188-00135288-00135992": "subject to some exceptions for legitimate public policy objectives we've also ensured", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00189-00135992-00136552": "that there are appropriate protections for consumers as part of these commitments", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00190-00136696-00137496": "but in addition as i've said we've noted that the need for digital practices means that we", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00191-00137496-00138320": "should no longer require paper-based trade and so there are provisions to recognize a digital trade", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00192-00138320-00139040": "facilitation as well as more modern ways of doing business such as e-payments and e-contracting", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00193-00139160-00139816": "there's also provisions to support fintech financial services as this is a really important", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00194-00139816-00140608": "area particularly for Australia advancing provisional fintech services in other countries", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00195-00140608-00141264": "and this includes provisions to support the delivery of such services through new technologies", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00196-00141368-00142000": "to supply these services in each other's territories so as i mentioned there are", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00197-00142000-00142472": "also provisions looking at building online trust and also provisions against spam", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00198-00142560-00143368": "so it's really quite a modern and an innovative chapter that is also supported by a strategic", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00199-00143368-00144160": "innovation dialogue which we have set out in a separate chapter on innovation so that we're", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00200-00144160-00145040": "really across the areas that we think could best be captured in the future in terms of cooperation", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00201-00145112-00145696": "and that also reflects areas of cooperation that we've affected in the chapter on evolving issues", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00202-00145696-00146392": "on digital trade including data innovation emerging technologies and innovative", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00203-00146488-00147216": "enterprises as well as collaboration on cyber security threats so looking at both the permissive", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00204-00147216-00147776": "elements of digital trade but also looking at emerging issues in the digital environment", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00205-00147944-00148688": "thank you if we turn now to investment Australian exporters and other", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00206-00148688-00149176": "Australian businesses generally need capital investment to support innovation and growth", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00207-00149280-00150040": "how will the fta make it easier for Australian businesses to gain access to investment capital so", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00208-00150112-00150832": "what we have agreed in the fta is a very high standard chapter on investment that includes", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00209-00150936-00151680": "both liberalisation elements as well as protections as based or as reflected in", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00210-00151680-00152472": "the comprehensive and progressive agreement for trans-pacific partnership the cptpp importantly", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00211-00152472-00153096": "though it does not include an investor state dispute settlement mechanism because of our", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00212-00153096-00153744": "shared common legal heritage and the very strong rule of law that exists in both of our countries", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00213-00153840-00154592": "but we have agreed strong mutual commitments to underpin our investment relationship through best", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00214-00154592-00155184": "practice rules that are designed to attract investment in both directions as we come out", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00215-00155184-00155952": "of the pandemic importantly Australia has also agreed to raise the screening threshold for the", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00216-00155952-00156632": "foreign investment review board screening threshold to approximately 1.2 billion", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00217-00156728-00157264": "for non-sensitive investments so that means that any investment under that threshold", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00218-00157264-00157768": "will no longer be required to go through the third screening threshold which will further facilitate", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00219-00157824-00158384": "the attraction of investment into Australia and the ease of doing business in Australia", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00220-00158616-00159216": "this will also help eliminate application costs and delays for investors now i've also mentioned", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00221-00159216-00159784": "the mobility outcomes there are significant outcomes to ensure that those investors that", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00222-00159784-00160496": "want to move on a temporary basis to each other's country for the purposes of investing or setting", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00223-00160496-00161392": "up a business in that country will have expanded stay and conditions of state and rights to work", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00224-00161392-00161968": "or invest in each other's country so that will be a significant support for investors going forward", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00225-00162152-00162584": "yeah what a fantastic outcome for um foreign direct investment more generally", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00226-00162640-00163136": "um elisabeth we touched a little bit earlier on financial services", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00227-00163352-00163840": "Australia has you know such an innovative and expanding financial services sector", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00228-00163896-00164360": "and these businesses are looking to export to continue to grow new markets", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00229-00164448-00165024": "the uk is an attractive market given our common governance similar regulatory environments and", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00230-00165024-00165520": "the leading international fintech sector we already have a bilateral arrangement in the", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00231-00165520-00165856": "form of the very successful fintech bridge between our two countries", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00232-00165920-00166544": "in in place to support cooperation on fintech between governments regulators and industry which", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00233-00166544-00167152": "seeks to generate new business opportunities and reduce barriers to entry what are the provisions", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00234-00167152-00167720": "in the in the fta that will help our financial service exporters do better in the uk market", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00235-00167896-00168440": "well jennifer you're absolutely right the financial services sector is in fact a priority", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00236-00168440-00168992": "in both our countries and certainly the fintech bridge has been highly successful in supporting", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00237-00169048-00169696": "australian financial service providers this offers this chapter this fta offers", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00238-00169696-00170456": "further potential for growth in the sector as well as increased opportunities for exports to the uk", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00239-00170536-00171288": "of financial services so there will be greater certainty for financial service suppliers around", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00240-00171288-00171840": "the rules that apply to them when providing services to uk clients and and that's one of", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00241-00171840-00172592": "the key features of services outcomes in ftas is the certainty for the environment in which", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00242-00172592-00173264": "service suppliers can provide services there will be greater transparency around authorization", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00243-00173264-00173976": "procedures that are necessary to supply financial services and improve access to the uk market", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00244-00174040-00174680": "and there will also be provisions on innovative financial services to increase accessibility to", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00245-00174680-00175440": "the uk market for new financial services and also for financial services delivered via new", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00246-00175440-00176096": "technologies or different technologies so there's a lot of synergies or complementarities with", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00247-00176096-00176944": "the digital trade chapter we've also agreed a regulatory cooperation annex that will really", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00248-00176944-00177608": "see increasing cooperation between our respective financial services regulators which hopefully", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00249-00177608-00178328": "will lead to an increased ease of doing business in each other's countries we've also addressed", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00250-00178328-00179000": "behind the border barriers to financial services trade that should make it easier to establish", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00251-00179000-00179664": "back office functions as well as provide easier access to payment and clearing systems", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00252-00179976-00180568": "thank you elisabeth obviously we don't have time in this briefing today to cover all", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00253-00180568-00181400": "the aspects of the fta outline briefly the changes to artist resale rights and designs", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00254-00181400-00181864": "and specifically how australian artists and creative businesses can benefit", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00255-00181984-00182608": "absolutely and and this is really a highlight also an innovative feature of this fta", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00256-00182688-00183248": "so on intellectual property as part of the intellectual property australian united", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00257-00183248-00183976": "kingdom have agreed commitments in support of our vibrant creative sectors now these include", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00258-00183976-00184640": "high standard provisions on copyright designs and the enforcement of intellectual property rights", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00259-00184640-00185432": "online but in particular we've also agreed for Australia to make all reasonable efforts to join", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00260-00185432-00186136": "the uk as a member of the multilateral Hague agreement on industrial designs and that will", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00261-00186136-00186976": "provide new benefits and protections for designers in both countries we've also agreed to expand", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00262-00186976-00187672": "reciprocity arrangements for artist resale rights and that will increase the economic benefits for", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00263-00187672-00188304": "Australian artists particularly important for our indigenous artists who market their works in the", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00264-00188304-00189136": "united kingdom so Australian artists whose works are resold in the uk's art market which of course", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00265-00189136-00189880": "is a very significant art market will receive royalties based on the resale price and this", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00266-00189880-00190528": "will provide new income streams for our indigenous artists whose works are increasingly popular in", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00267-00190528-00191360": "the united kingdom now there's also commitments in the fta to support our innovation sectors and that", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00268-00191360-00192040": "includes provisions on patents trade secrets and test data but i would emphasize that none of the", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00269-00192040-00192888": "provisions will impact on the price of medicines in Australia or indeed in the united kingdom and", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00270-00192960-00193528": "for example there will not be longer periods of data protection so there's very much a balanced", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00271-00193528-00194128": "outcome in the intellectual property chapter but with some innovative features that will be of", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00272-00194128-00194824": "benefit to Australian designers and artists thanks elisabeth we really appreciate your time today", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00273-00194896-00195368": "i hope exporters listening today have found that this high level briefing has been useful", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00274-00195456-00195952": "austrade is geared up to help goods and services exporters to get ready to", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00275-00195952-00196632": "take advantage of the fta gains our focus will be on assisting Australian exporters", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00276-00196632-00197096": "to understand the details regarding improved market access conditions", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00277-00197096-00197720": "for their products and or their services we shall also be engaging with importers distributors", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00278-00197720-00198408": "buyers and importers here in the UK to grow their interest in Australian products and services", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00279-00198496-00199224": "and we shall also continue to educate British investors about the opportunities in Australia all", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00280-00199224-00200008": "our fta activities can be accessed by the austrade landing page at www.austrade.gov.au/aukfta", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00281-00200584-00201136": "which you can see on your screen now that page includes links to upcoming events", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00282-00201208-00201920": "information sessions and insight sessions on the uk market aimed at specific export sectors this", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00283-00201920-00202672": "is your entry to relevant information on the fta and a front door to access austrade services the", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00284-00202672-00203824": "dfat website at www.dfat.gov.au/aukfta has a range of explanatory materials on the fta", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00285-00203888-00204456": "such as fact sheets for farmers services professionals tech entrepreneurs and others", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00286-00204536-00205128": "and dfat's fta portal is a useful tool to assist exporters and importers looking to", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00287-00205128-00205984": "explore the benefits of australia's ftas and this you can find at www.ftaportal.dfat.gov.au", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00288-00206271-00206719": "you can also find links to over a dozen case studies of Australian businesses who are", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00289-00206719-00207216": "poised to take advantage of the improved market access conditions when they enter into force", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00290-00207312-00207840": "these fta activities complement a broad suite of events and promotions that we're running", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00291-00207840-00208423": "here in London including business programs to showcase Australian goods and services exporters", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00292-00208488-00208952": "alongside of course the season of culture which is currently running from the high commission", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00293-00209080-00209592": "as i mentioned we also support some intensive sector initiatives", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00294-00209592-00210119": "and here i'm talking about the fintech bridge and the space bridge and we're looking to support", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00295-00210119-00210696": "more sector-specific initiatives including on critical minerals and clean energy for example", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00296-00210823-00211223": "austrade is really in a unique position to help you in the uk market", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00297-00211288-00211912": "we work very closely with all levels of uk policy and regulatory agencies and work as team", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00298-00211912-00212400": "Australia here in market with our colleagues in the department of agriculture and water resources", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00299-00212456-00213096": "foreign affairs and trade and home affairs please use this time before the fta enters into force", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00300-00213096-00213608": "to find out if there are specific opportunities for your good or service in the uk market", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00301-00213688-00214200": "whatever your export stage is please connect with us at austrade to help you get ready to", "kX1Y60Hmb4A-00302-00214200-00215544": "take full advantage of these new market access conditions thanks very much for your time today"}}, {"audio_id": "kY1sN2slvpg", "text": {"kY1sN2slvpg-00000-00000438-00001002": "We find ourselves in the ultimate glass half full/glass half empty economy.", "kY1sN2slvpg-00001-00001002-00001677": "The shelves are empty, because consumer spending has completely recovered and is setting records.", "kY1sN2slvpg-00002-00001677-00002274": "Well inflation is consistently topping out at over five percent, because people are dumping", "kY1sN2slvpg-00003-00002274-00002945": "a buttload of their money into goods and retailers are raising their prices accordingly.", "kY1sN2slvpg-00004-00002945-00003336": "Consumption and growth, shortages and inflation.", "kY1sN2slvpg-00005-00003336-00004112": "I mean, we don’t have a perestroika bread level line of container ships chilling off", "kY1sN2slvpg-00006-00004112-00004610": "of Los Angeles because consumers are trepidatious about spending a little money.", "kY1sN2slvpg-00007-00004610-00005124": "Covid be damned, we’re gonna shop till we drop.", "kY1sN2slvpg-00008-00005124-00005598": "This brings us to the core supply chain issue plaguing the government today.", "kY1sN2slvpg-00009-00005598-00006049": "Getting stuff on the shelves faster than consumers can take them off.", "kY1sN2slvpg-00010-00006049-00006653": "More specifically, getting inventory off the ships to the warehouses, out of the warehouses", "kY1sN2slvpg-00011-00006653-00007260": "to the stores, and out of the stores to customer’s homes by the Hannukah season.", "kY1sN2slvpg-00012-00007260-00007836": "Let’s see if you can make one day’s worth of gifts last eight.", "kY1sN2slvpg-00013-00007836-00008463": "I’ve been looking to cover this story for quite some time, but it has been radio silence", "kY1sN2slvpg-00014-00008463-00008707": "on the public policy front.", "kY1sN2slvpg-00015-00008707-00009324": "It was starting to feel like the Biden Administrations heard the starting pistol, had a panic attack", "kY1sN2slvpg-00016-00009324-00009600": "and deuced their sports shorts.", "kY1sN2slvpg-00017-00009600-00010182": "That all changed Wednesday when we finally heard the Administration’s plan.", "kY1sN2slvpg-00018-00010182-00010713": "The plan, as currently laid out, is largely focused on just getting all this stuff off", "kY1sN2slvpg-00019-00010713-00010873": "the ships.", "kY1sN2slvpg-00020-00010873-00011140": "From there, it’s any man’s game.", "kY1sN2slvpg-00021-00011140-00011645": "On Wednesday Biden announced that the Port of Los Angeles would begin operating 24 hours", "kY1sN2slvpg-00022-00011645-00012263": "a day and 7 days a week, and that retailers had pledged to step up efforts to move goods.", "kY1sN2slvpg-00023-00012263-00012636": "Great, so Amazon?", "kY1sN2slvpg-00024-00012636-00012980": "Warehouse to home is the new farm to table.", "kY1sN2slvpg-00025-00012980-00013697": "Biden’s 24/7 Port Opening plan is off and getting mixed reviews from everyone, including", "kY1sN2slvpg-00026-00013697-00013962": "his own White House projections.", "kY1sN2slvpg-00027-00013962-00014499": "The core problem here is just the least sexy thing to analyze, and this is coming from", "kY1sN2slvpg-00028-00014499-00014841": "a guy who regularly talks about bonds, logistics.", "kY1sN2slvpg-00029-00014841-00015584": "If you’re going to leave the port open 24/7 but the truckers and the warehouses are closed,", "kY1sN2slvpg-00030-00015584-00016354": "congratulations, you just gave a lot of dock workers overtime pay watching ships stay loaded.", "kY1sN2slvpg-00031-00016354-00016923": "A pilot program that began last month, offering 24-hour container operations at the Port of", "kY1sN2slvpg-00032-00016923-00017563": "Long Beach, saw zero uptake in the newly open period between 3 a.m. and 7 a.m. during its", "kY1sN2slvpg-00033-00017563-00017756": "first two weeks.", "kY1sN2slvpg-00034-00017756-00018391": "The nation’s large ports are expanding hours, but the challenge is getting trucking companies", "kY1sN2slvpg-00035-00018391-00018906": "and warehouses open at the same time.", "kY1sN2slvpg-00036-00018906-00019453": "What this port opening amounts to is essentially, Biden announcing that he’s going to turn", "kY1sN2slvpg-00037-00019453-00020143": "on the water spigot full time, but we only have a hose and running water between nine", "kY1sN2slvpg-00038-00020143-00020243": "and five.", "kY1sN2slvpg-00039-00020243-00020793": "We have turned the crank though, so give us a bit of credit.", "kY1sN2slvpg-00040-00020793-00021459": "An additional 3,500 containers per week will move at night through the end of the year,", "kY1sN2slvpg-00041-00021459-00021707": "the White House said.", "kY1sN2slvpg-00042-00021707-00022207": "The port moved more than 950,000 containers in August.", "kY1sN2slvpg-00043-00022207-00022806": "Wow, that is a whopping .35 percent increase in unloading capacity.", "kY1sN2slvpg-00044-00022806-00023240": "We’re going to be out of this thing in no time.", "kY1sN2slvpg-00045-00023240-00023742": "The solution to really opening up floodgates of handing off products from place to place", "kY1sN2slvpg-00046-00023742-00024268": "on the pathway to consumer’s homes really comes down to the ability of thousands of", "kY1sN2slvpg-00047-00024268-00025087": "individual warehouse and transportation companies to competently stay open during off hours", "kY1sN2slvpg-00048-00025087-00025597": "while there is a huge worker shortage hanging out in the background.", "kY1sN2slvpg-00049-00025597-00026432": "The big boy retailers with integrated warehouses that can order products by the container,", "kY1sN2slvpg-00050-00026432-00027133": "well they’re doing just great, ramping up the hours their personal warehouses stay open.", "kY1sN2slvpg-00051-00027133-00027616": "Same goes for large shippers, who have expanded their hours so they can work nights and weekends.", "kY1sN2slvpg-00052-00027616-00028249": "It’s really the smaller stores supplied by third party warehouses that could end up", "kY1sN2slvpg-00053-00028249-00028851": "bearing the brunt of this shortage, as those warehouses are less inclined to burn the midnight", "kY1sN2slvpg-00054-00028851-00029275": "oil and stay open during slower times of night.", "kY1sN2slvpg-00055-00029275-00029856": "At the end of the day, I want to take a step back and leave you guys on a hopeful note.", "kY1sN2slvpg-00056-00029856-00030251": "This is the worst best case scenario out there.", "kY1sN2slvpg-00057-00030251-00030501": "It’s not that less cargo is moving.", "kY1sN2slvpg-00058-00030501-00030977": "In fact, ports are processing record levels of imports, and the cost of shipping containers", "kY1sN2slvpg-00059-00030977-00031283": "has skyrocketed to unprecedented heights in recent months due to demand.", "kY1sN2slvpg-00060-00031283-00032293": "The supply chain simply cannot keep pace with the elevated demand for goods and industry", "kY1sN2slvpg-00061-00032293-00032664": "players expect that strain to persist.", "kY1sN2slvpg-00062-00032664-00033275": "We recovered… but like too much too fast.", "kY1sN2slvpg-00063-00033275-00033526": "Thank you and that’s all I have to say about that.", "kY1sN2slvpg-00064-00033526-00033626": "Hello YouTube.", "kY1sN2slvpg-00065-00033626-00033919": "I’d like to thank my Patrons for helping me put out my videos.", "kY1sN2slvpg-00066-00033919-00034434": "If you want to support independent nonpartisan news looking into the overlooked, join this", "kY1sN2slvpg-00067-00034434-00034836": "growing list of exceptional individuals by clicking the link in the description.", "kY1sN2slvpg-00068-00034836-00035315": "Also, remember to subscribe and ring that bell so that freedom will continue to ring.", "kY1sN2slvpg-00069-00035315-00035529": "Give me a thumbs up if you like what you saw.", "kY1sN2slvpg-00070-00035529-00035650": "Lastly, as always, thank you for watching."}}, {"audio_id": "kYV2YJ2BNI0", "text": {"kYV2YJ2BNI0-00000-00000525-00000980": "The first witness was Bruce Witkin, a former close friend of Johnny Depp.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00001-00000980-00001492": "Mr Witkin says he witnessed Depp taking drugs and drinking during their 40-year friendship.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00002-00001492-00001997": "Mr Witkin says he had concerns about Depp's health, linked to his drink and substance", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00003-00001997-00002191": "abuse.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00004-00002191-00002760": "Asked if Amber Heard was nice to him, he says yes, she was always nice.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00005-00002760-00003257": "He also says, when asked, that Depp is \"a romantic person.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00006-00003257-00003804": "He is asked if he ever witnessed Depp suffering from issues of jealousy, and Mr Witkin says", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00007-00003804-00003989": "yes he did.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00008-00003989-00004486": "He is asked about Depp's friendship with rock star Marilyn Manson, and tells the court:", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00009-00004486-00004829": "\"Him and Manson would hit it pretty hard...", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00010-00004829-00005082": "They would drink and smoke weed.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00011-00005082-00005532": "I don't know if Manson did both, but I'd assume he did.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00012-00005532-00005703": "He did everything else.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00013-00005703-00006253": "Johnny Depp's former close friend Bruce Witkin says he had never seen Depp and Heard \"physically", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00014-00006253-00006367": "abuse each other.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00015-00006367-00006909": "Mr Witkin says he \"once\" saw a bruise on the top of Heard's arm, and describes it as looking", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00016-00006909-00007270": "like \"she was grabbed, [with] finger marks.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00017-00007270-00007692": "He says he saw it while he was working on a Keith Richard's documentary and Depp and", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00018-00007692-00007906": "Heard \"came into the studio.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00019-00007906-00008518": "He also says on one occasion, possibly in the spring of 2016, he saw Depp \"with a fat", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00020-00008518-00008759": "lip\" during rehearsals for a tour.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00021-00008759-00009236": "He says he has previously witnessed Depp taking cocaine, including with Aerosmith lead guitarist", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00022-00009236-00009654": "Joe Perry, who is in the band Hollywood Vampires with Depp.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00023-00009654-00010192": "Johnny Depp's former friend, musician Bruce Witkin, says he has not seen Depp since 2018.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00024-00010192-00010836": "He says: \"My daughter even got married [and he didn't come].\"", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00025-00010836-00011274": "He tells the court Depp believes \"I stabbed him in the back.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00026-00011274-00011767": "The next witness was Tracey Jacobs, Johnny Depp's former talent agent.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00027-00011767-00012234": "She describes how representing Depp \"became far more complicated\" in the last 10 years", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00028-00012234-00012809": "he was with her, explaining that was due to \"his unprofessional behaviour.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00029-00012809-00013390": "She elaborates: \"Showing up late to set consistently on virtually every movie - I would get yelled", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00030-00013390-00013490": "at.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00031-00013490-00013965": "I never used the words 'difficult client' directly to him, but I said 'you've got to", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00032-00013965-00014278": "stop doing this, it's hurting you.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00033-00014278-00014408": "And it did.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00034-00014408-00014934": "Specifically describing Pirates of The Caribbean 5, Johnny Depp's former talent agent Tracey", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00035-00014934-00015455": "Jacobs says she twice went to Australia while Depp was filming.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00036-00015455-00015922": "It was during this film that Depp had surgery on his fingertip, delaying the production", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00037-00015922-00016044": "of the film.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00038-00016044-00016709": "She's asked if she believes Depp had fundamental issues with anger, and she says yes, and that", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00039-00016709-00017008": "she believes it worsened over time.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00040-00017008-00017435": "She says he became angry when he didn't get what he wanted.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00041-00017435-00017932": "She also says he regularly used earpieces to have his lines fed to him while he was", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00042-00017932-00018032": "filming.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00043-00018032-00018542": "Ms Jacobs asked: \"Have you ever seen Depp hit a woman, throw anything at a woman or", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00044-00018542-00018915": "in any other way act violently towards a woman?\"", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00045-00018915-00019026": "She says no.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00046-00019026-00019512": "She also says other than Amber Heard, she hasn't heard of any other women accusing Depp", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00047-00019512-00019727": "of violence.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00048-00019727-00020008": "She says she has never seen injuries on Heard.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00049-00020008-00020537": "Ms Jacobs is asked about a message in which she says something is \"good news\", and says", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00050-00020537-00020875": "she was talking about obtaining money for Depp.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00051-00020875-00021506": "She explains: \"We were able to help [Depp] out when he was in financial desperation.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00052-00021506-00021879": "We were able to secure a loan for him through Bank of America.\"", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00053-00021879-00022456": "She is asked about his fees for various movies, and says for Murder On The Orient Express", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00054-00022456-00023073": "he was paid \"$5m for four consecutive weeks plus a good back end deal.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00055-00023073-00023754": "For Pirates of The Caribbean 5 she says he was paid \"$25m with the backend.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00056-00023754-00024263": "Backend is referring to extra money being paid in line with ticket sales, merchandise", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00057-00024263-00024512": "etc.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00058-00024512-00024923": "next witness was Johnny Depp's former business manager Joel Mandel.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00059-00024923-00025506": "He goes on: \"It became clear to me the use of alcohol and drugs was a daily event.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00060-00025506-00025954": "He says it was hard to find \"good days, and good parts of days\" to arrange meetings to", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00061-00025954-00026243": "discuss what they needed to.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00062-00026243-00026779": "He says he does believe Depp had periods of sobriety, but can't say exactly when that", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00063-00026779-00026883": "was.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00064-00026883-00027447": "Describing Depp's behaviour, Mr Mandel says: \"[Depp] became increasingly less constrained,", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00065-00027447-00027948": "less concerned if he was going to upset someone's feelings, just increasingly comfortable with", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00066-00027948-00028394": "venting in an aggressive way when he was upset or disappointed about something.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00067-00028394-00029002": "He says that was from 2010, and increased up until around 2015 when it became very difficult", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00068-00029002-00029213": "to work with Depp.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00069-00029213-00029625": "He says the two \"parted company\" in 2016.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00070-00029625-00030014": "He confirms Depp \"used profanity\" during their exchanges.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00071-00030014-00030583": "He also says that from 2010, Depp's spending increased and became more extravagant.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00072-00030583-00031027": "Talking about how much various members of Depp's staff were paid, he says Depp's security", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00073-00031027-00031468": "team member Kevin Murphy was paid about a quarter of a million dollars per year, while", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00074-00031468-00032057": "another security member, the late Jerry Judge, was paid $10,000 per day.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00075-00032057-00032606": "Earlier in his testimony he said he believed Dr Kipper - Depp's private physician - was", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00076-00032606-00032964": "paid $100,000 per month.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00077-00032964-00033493": "He goes on: \"I don't recall writing large charity cheques, it was more his style to", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00078-00033493-00034028": "show up at an event, or lend his name to something, rather than write a cheque.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00079-00034028-00034443": "He says one of Depp's big expenditures was prescription drugs and that there were \"periods", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00080-00034443-00035034": "of time when [fees for prescription drugs] was very high, thousands of dollars a month.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00081-00035034-00035477": "The next witness was Adam Waldman who is Johnny Depp's attorney.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00082-00035477-00036279": "Mr Waldman confirms he did not meet Depp until after his relationship with Heard has finished,", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00083-00036279-00036755": "and for that reason he did not witness their behaviour within the relationship directly.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00084-00036755-00037368": "He confirms Depp has filed \"a number of lawsuits\" since he began representing him.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00085-00037368-00038088": "He is asked about the publication of an article in the magazine Rolling Stone in June 2018.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00086-00038088-00038643": "Mr Waldman says he was present for some of the interview Depp did for that article.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00087-00038643-00039178": "He says he is not sure if it was published before or after Depp sued The Sun newspaper", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00088-00039178-00039528": "in the summer of 2020.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00089-00039528-00040056": "The article is described as highlighting \"injustice being done to Depp's reputation.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00090-00040056-00040552": "Adam Waldman, Johnny Depp's attorney, was being asked about passages from three Mail", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00091-00040552-00040996": "Online articles, all published in July 2020.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00092-00040996-00041561": "The first says: \"Amber Heard and her friends in the media use fake sexual violence allegations", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00093-00041561-00041884": "as both a sword and shield, depending on their needs.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00094-00041884-00042393": "\"They have selected some of her sexual violence hoax 'facts' as the sword, inflicting them", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00095-00042393-00042569": "on the public and Mr Depp.\"", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00096-00042569-00043209": "A second article contains quotes from Mr Waldman in which he calls Heard's abuse claims \"an", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00097-00043209-00043466": "ambush\" and \"a hoax.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00098-00043466-00043950": "Mr Waldman says there are numerous witnesses - both neutral and those who gave evidence", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00099-00043950-00044581": "on behalf of Amber Heard and Johnny Depp - who testified the actress had \"no visible injuries\"", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00100-00044581-00045337": "on her face after Johnny Depp allegedly threw a phone at her in a dispute in on 21 May 2016.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00101-00045337-00045847": "We now have a new witness who is giving evidence via a recorded deposition.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00102-00045847-00046350": "Maria Sadanaga is an LAPD detective and domestic violence coordinator.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00103-00046350-00046884": "If there is any cause to suspect domestic violence has taken place, an additional domestic", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00104-00046884-00047447": "violence incident report is meant to be filled out and is required by state law (if they", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00105-00047447-00047772": "believe domestic violence has taken place).", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00106-00047772-00048240": "No such report was filled out when the police visited Depp's home, and the duty officers", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00107-00048240-00048481": "on the scene took no photos of the scene.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00108-00048481-00048891": "They recorded no crime had been committed.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00109-00048891-00049297": "Our next witness was Ron Schnell.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00110-00049297-00049644": "He is a social media forensic expert.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00111-00049644-00049950": "He says he's a director at Berkeley Research Group.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00112-00049950-00050547": "Mr Schnell analysed data from Twitter APIs (application programming intelligence) between", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00113-00050547-00050977": "April 2020 and January 2021.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00114-00050977-00051499": "He says he found lots of negative tweets about Amber Heard, and the majority used one of", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00115-00051499-00051838": "four specific hashtags.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00116-00051838-00052342": "He says these hashtags were \"negative hashtags\" and pretty \"rude\" about Heard.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00117-00052342-00052879": "Sharing his data, social media forensic expert Ron Schnell tells the court about some of", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00118-00052879-00053451": "the negative hashtags he found about actress Amber Heard between April 2020 and January", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00119-00053451-00053629": "2021.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00120-00053629-00053832": "They include:", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00121-00053832-00054197": "#WeJustDontLikeYouAmber #AmberTurd", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00122-00054197-00054637": "#AmberHeardIsAnAbuser He says the majority of messages also contained", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00123-00054637-00055023": "the words: \"Hoax, fraud, fake.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00124-00055023-00055640": "Around a quarter also made mention of Johnny Depp's attorney, Adam Waldman, who gave testimony", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00125-00055640-00055912": "in court today in a recorded deposition.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00126-00055912-00056561": "He says he removed data concerning #JusticeForJohnnyDepp from a graph he presented as it was \"overwhelming\"", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00127-00056561-00057064": "the data because the majority of negative tweets contained that hashtag.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00128-00057064-00057561": "The next witness was Michelle Mulroney, Amber Heard’s former attorney.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00129-00057561-00058125": "Ms Mulroney says one day during negotiation over the proposed prenuptial agreement Depp", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00130-00058125-00058372": "called her on the phone.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00131-00058372-00058797": "She says he was: \"Very mean, called me names and fired me.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00132-00058797-00059236": "She says he was \"slurring\" and she believed him to be drunk.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00133-00059236-00059770": "She says one specific profanity she can remember from the call is that \"he called me a bitch.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00134-00059770-00060463": "She goes on: \"I was very rattled by the call, I was on the call for a very short time...", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00135-00060463-00060780": "I told him I had to hang up after a few minutes.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00136-00060780-00061080": "It took me off guard.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00137-00061080-00061239": "It really shook me up.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00138-00061239-00061666": "She says there is no doubt in her mind it was Depp on the phone.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00139-00061666-00062188": "the next witness was Tina Newman who is a Disney production executive,", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00140-00062188-00062486": "and says she works in the live action department.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00141-00062486-00063029": "Disney production executive Tina Newman, who works on the Pirates Of The Caribbean franchise,", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00142-00063029-00063525": "is being questioned about her knowledge of Amber Heard's Washington Post op-ed (over", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00143-00063525-00063754": "which this case has been brought).", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00144-00063754-00064229": "She says she has no knowledge of the op-ed and didn't see it at the time.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00145-00064229-00064641": "She says it has never been mentioned in any discussions at Disney.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00146-00064641-00065223": "She is asked whether Depp will be in Pirates 6, and says: \"I don't know one way or the", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00147-00065223-00065739": "other, that decision does not fall within my job responsibilities.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00148-00065739-00065920": "It's above my pay grade.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00149-00065920-00066392": "She says she knows the project is in development at Disney, but nothing more.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00150-00066392-00066860": "Disney production executive Tina Newman was asked if she read the Rolling Stones magazine", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00151-00066860-00067420": "interview Depp did in 2018, talking about the \"injustice\" of the abuse claims against", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00152-00067420-00067520": "him.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00153-00067520-00068047": "The article is discussed in a Disney email between herself and other executives.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00154-00068047-00068508": "She says \"I must have looked at it\", and she also confirms she commented on the article", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00155-00068508-00068848": "in the email at the time, writing \"depressing.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00156-00068848-00069351": "She is now referred to an article which says Disney has ditched Depp from Pirates 6, and", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00157-00069351-00069910": "asked if anyone at Disney has ever said they were not considering Depp for Pirates 6, or", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00158-00069910-00070342": "any other movie, because of Heard's op-ed from 2016.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00159-00070342-00070601": "She says no, she has not.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00160-00070601-00071201": "next, Depp's former girlfriend, actress Ellen Barkin, gives evidence.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00161-00071201-00071847": "Talking about Depp's use of alcohol and drugs, she says: \"He was drunk most of the time,\"", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00162-00071847-00072166": "adding, \"he was a red wine drinker.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00163-00072166-00072920": "She also says he was often \"high\" on drugs, including \"marijuana, cocaine, hallucinogenics.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00164-00072920-00073311": "She says he did them in front of her \"all of the time...", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00165-00073311-00073558": "He was always drinking or smoking a joint.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00166-00073558-00074224": "When asked if Depp ever acted in a way that was \"out of control\" she says, yes, elaborating:", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00167-00074224-00074729": "\"He once threw a wine bottle across the hotel room while we were filming Fear And Loathing", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00168-00074729-00074976": "In Las Vegas.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00169-00074976-00075282": "She says that was while filming in Las Vegas.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00170-00075282-00075707": "She says it was during a dispute between Depp and his friends and his assistant.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00171-00075707-00075986": "\"He's just a jealous man, controlling...", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00172-00075986-00076137": "Where are you going?", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00173-00076137-00076245": "Who are you with?", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00174-00076245-00076351": "What are you doing?\"", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00175-00076351-00076860": "Ms Barkin says she once had a scratch on her back and Depp \"got very very angry and accused", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00176-00076860-00077208": "me of sleeping with someone else that wasn't him.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00177-00077208-00077701": "She says it was \"very common\" for him to become \"jealous and controlling\", and that when he", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00178-00077701-00078114": "did he also became \"angry and demanding.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00179-00078114-00078623": "Doctor Alan Blaustein is a psychologist and doctor and he is the next witness, he met", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00180-00078623-00078855": "with Johnny Depp around 18 times..", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00181-00078855-00079308": "He describes Depp's relationship with Amber Heard as \"chaotic\" adding, \"there were lots", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00182-00079308-00079463": "of ups and downs.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00183-00079463-00079992": "He also says there was \"lots of anger, disappointment and high emotional expression.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00184-00079992-00080681": "Dr Blaustein says during his treatment in 2014 and 2015 he had concerns around Depp's", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00185-00080681-00081007": "use of the prescription drug Adderall.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00186-00081007-00081532": "He says his treatment of Depp ended when Depp went to Australia to film Pirates Of The Caribbean", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00187-00081532-00082106": "in March 2015, and he does not know why Depp stopped coming to see him on his return to", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00188-00082106-00082243": "America.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00189-00082243-00082707": "The lawyer asks if Depp told him about \"violence and rage in other relationships other than", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00190-00082707-00082853": "Amber.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00191-00082853-00083410": "He says he talked about \"rage and chaos, I don't remember anything about violence.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00192-00083410-00083888": "The doctor also wrote: \"Being like mother and psychotic sister.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00193-00083888-00084406": "He says this too was a description of Heard, reported to him by Depp.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00194-00084406-00084913": "The doctor's notes also seem to point to Heard accusing Depp of \"being manic\" during this", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00195-00084913-00085013": "time.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00196-00085013-00085539": "Later notes, written towards the end of 2014 describe Depp as being \"cloudy\", which he", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00197-00085539-00086136": "says probably meant he was a little confused, and \"less sharp, less alert\" than normal.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00198-00086136-00086636": "He says he noted that he did not believe the actor was suffering from \"mania or hypomania\"", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00199-00086636-00086757": "at the time.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00200-00086757-00087270": "Another note says Depp was \"looking at jealous parts of him[self], and the doctor mentions", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00201-00087270-00087873": "\"a triggering point\" he wrote down, which said: \"an actress cheated with leading man\",", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00202-00087873-00088273": "seemingly in reference to Heard, and Depp's jealousy of her.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00203-00088273-00088675": "He says Depp talked about \"paranoia\" during that time.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00204-00088675-00089048": "a new witness was now Eric George.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00205-00089048-00089606": "Mr George advised Amber Heard about her Washington Post op-ed, and tells Heard's lawyer the actress", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00206-00089606-00090132": "followed all his legal advice, which he says he gave in good faith.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00207-00090132-00090700": "Jessica Kovacevic, who is Amber Heard's former talent agent was the next witness.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00208-00090700-00091135": "Ms Kovacevic says she helped Heard get the role of Mera in Aquaman.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00209-00091135-00091617": "She says Heard had contracts to appear in Justice League, and subsequently the first", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00210-00091617-00091882": "and second Aquaman films.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00211-00091882-00092295": "She confirms her salary for the role Mera was $2m.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00212-00092295-00092870": "Ms Kovacevic says the film studio Warner Brothers cited \"lack of chemistry between her and Jason", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00213-00092870-00093424": "[Momoa]\" as a reason the role may not be carried into the second film, however Ms Kovacevic", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00214-00093424-00093824": "says Heard's part was eventually reinstated to her.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00215-00093824-00094375": "She says Heard lost a lead role in an Amazon Prime film following the negative tweet campaign", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00216-00094375-00094687": "that was waged against the actress.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00217-00094687-00095141": "She is asked if she knows of any specific example of negative press put out by Depp's", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00218-00095141-00095717": "attorney affecting Heard's career, and she says yes, losing the Amazon movie and also", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00219-00095717-00096084": "an advertising campaign for shoe company Tod's.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00220-00096084-00096618": "She goes on: \"No one wants someone who's been accused [of being a liar] and making things", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00221-00096618-00097010": "up and abusing someone, involved in their project.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00222-00097010-00097563": "Amber Heard's former talent agent Jessica Kovacevic tells Heard's lawyer Elaine Bredehoft", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00223-00097563-00098210": "that the actress has been a spokesperson for cosmetic company L'Oreal since 2018, appearing", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00224-00098210-00098405": "in their advertising campaigns.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00225-00098405-00098908": "However, she confirms that Heard was suspended from their International Woman's Day campaign.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00226-00098908-00099547": "During her own evidence, Heard also told the court her role with the company has been significantly", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00227-00099547-00099932": "pared back since her very public split from Johnny Depp.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00228-00099932-00100418": "The agent describes what she would have expected Heard's career trajectory to be since appearing", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00229-00100418-00101058": "in a successful franchise like Aquaman, saying: \"When someone was in the most successful film", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00230-00101058-00101688": "ever released... the natural prog is growth, more films, more work, more money, all of", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00231-00101688-00101788": "that stuff.", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00232-00101788-00102279": "Her former agent says Heard has not worked on more than one project a year since appearing", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00233-00102279-00102991": "in Aquaman, and she would \"have expected her to appear in more TV and films, and [get more]", "kYV2YJ2BNI0-00234-00102991-00104041": "in the way of endorsements."}}, {"audio_id": "kZgKJXyEYZg", "text": {"kZgKJXyEYZg-00000-00000051-00000584": "Welcome to the Online Education Success series of the Explorations Learning Network!", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00001-00000584-00000872": "Today we are going to talk about,", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00002-00000872-00000988": "Achievement!", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00003-00000988-00001300": "Hi, I'm Avi Anderson and this", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00004-00001300-00001567": "is the Explorations Learning Network", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00005-00001567-00002267": "[music]", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00006-00003601-00004194": "Many educators are debating whether online learning can be as rewarding as face-to-face", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00007-00004194-00004297": "education.", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00008-00004297-00004917": "In a 2011 report for the National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment, Prineas", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00009-00004917-00005003": "and Cini", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00010-00005003-00005451": "suggest that there is a good possibility that online learning could significantly improve", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00011-00005451-00005587": "student assessment", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00012-00005587-00005969": "and consequently, improve teaching and learning.", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00013-00005969-00006445": "Their outlook is based upon three observations:", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00014-00006445-00006961": "Online learning management systems can collect and compare data on learning content and its", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00015-00006961-00007294": "correlation to student activity;", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00016-00007294-00007659": "E-Learning design supports the mastery of a subject;", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00017-00007659-00008359": "Finally, the eLearning community is developing best practices, ideas and processes that work", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00018-00008398-00008766": "for creating effective online learning environments.", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00019-00008766-00009345": "These are all practices that have taken over 100 years to develop in the traditional classroom.", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00020-00009345-00009799": "Thankfully, that has laid the groundwork for the development of quality elearning in just", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00021-00009799-00010104": "one quarter of the time.", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00022-00010104-00010597": "Traditional achievement is measured through assessments that include instructor observations,", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00023-00010597-00010705": "assignments,", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00024-00010705-00010814": "quizzes,", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00025-00010814-00010894": "and exams.", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00026-00010894-00011528": "In a traditional classroom, days or weeks could pass from the time when a student completed", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00027-00011528-00011627": "the assessment", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00028-00011627-00012106": "and subsequently received a response from the instructor.", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00029-00012106-00012520": "Online learning achievement is often calculated immediately,", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00030-00012520-00013003": "students taking tests can receive instantaneous feedback on each question.", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00031-00013003-00013668": "Additionally, software such as Turn-It-In can review student's essays for grammar, spelling,", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00032-00013668-00014049": "and proper citation format in less than an hour.", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00033-00014049-00014662": "According to Prineas and Cini, this just-in-time feedback is improving student achievement.", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00034-00014662-00015165": "What's even more exciting is the use of learner analytics.", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00035-00015165-00015590": "Learning management systems can track and improve student success through", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00036-00015590-00016015": "real-time measurements of student assessment by comparing student responses to", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00037-00016015-00016293": "metrics updated through continuous analytics.", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00038-00016293-00016712": "So what does that mean for you?", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00039-00016712-00017102": "Basically, every time you do an assignment or take a quiz,", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00040-00017102-00017592": "the learning management system is determining whether or not you've mastered the content.", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00041-00017592-00018046": "Consequently, as elearning management systems become more sophisticated,", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00042-00018046-00018616": "such as those used by Acellus, Khan Academy, and Carnegie-Mellon's Open Learning Initiative,", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00043-00018616-00019048": "they will determine whether you can move on to the next subject in the class", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00044-00019048-00019681": "or if you need to review some of the material that you just may not be getting.", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00045-00019681-00020223": "This process creates learning that fits your needs and is customized in real-time just", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00046-00020223-00020365": "for you.", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00047-00020365-00020859": "This student-centered learning approach is promoting achievement for more and more individuals.", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00048-00020859-00021559": "Prineas and Cini believe that competency-based online education is improving student achievement", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00049-00021573-00022091": "through real-time assessment and linking mastery to course objectives;", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00050-00022091-00022791": "consequently, reshaping and improving education in America and throughout the world.", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00051-00023045-00023384": "The Explorations Learning Network is a production of Clark College", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00052-00023384-00023754": "and is sponsored through generous donations and the support of students", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00053-00023754-00023882": "and faculty", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00054-00023882-00024348": "Mark Gaither is our producer and director and this episode was sponsored by a", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00055-00024348-00024744": "Department of Labor grant administered by the Washington State Workforce", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00056-00024744-00025034": "Training and Education Coordinating Board", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00057-00025034-00025444": "The Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board is a partnership of", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00058-00025444-00025964": "labor, business, and government dedicated to helping Washington residents obtain", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00059-00025964-00026464": "and succeed in family wage jobs while meeting employers needs for skilled", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00060-00026464-00026562": "workers.", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00061-00026562-00026929": "I'm Aviance Anderson for the Explorations Learning Network.", "kZgKJXyEYZg-00062-00026929-00027138": "Advancing Learning for the Information Age."}}, {"audio_id": "kZuAE0qYSFI", "text": {"kZuAE0qYSFI-00000-00000000-00000202": ">> On today's Visual Studio Toolbox,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00001-00000202-00000537": "Ed Charbeneau is going to show us how to set our Blazors to run.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00002-00000537-00001364": "[MUSIC]", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00003-00001364-00001542": ">> Hi, welcome to Visual Studio Toolbox.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00004-00001542-00001686": "I'm your host, Robert Green, and joining me", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00005-00001686-00001884": "today is Ed Charbeneau. Hey, Ed.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00006-00001884-00002001": ">> Thanks for having me, Robert.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00007-00002001-00002083": ">> Welcome back.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00008-00002083-00002214": ">> It's great to be back.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00009-00002214-00002509": ">> Ed's a Developer Evangelist with Progress software,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00010-00002509-00002836": "and a regular guest on the show,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00011-00002836-00003116": "but it's been about a year since you were last on, right?", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00012-00003116-00003326": ">> It has been. I've been working", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00013-00003326-00003597": "hard on Blazor for that entire time.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00014-00003597-00003800": ">> So a year ago,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00015-00003800-00004128": "you and Sam Basu did an episode on Blazor,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00016-00004128-00004328": "I believe it was one of our long ones.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00017-00004328-00004416": ">> It was.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00018-00004416-00004490": ">> Well-received.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00019-00004490-00004784": ">> An hour show cut into bite-size pieces.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00020-00004784-00005051": ">> Back when we used to do hour-long shows.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00021-00005051-00005326": "So it was an introduction to Blazor.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00022-00005326-00005708": "Today, we're going to take a look a year later,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00023-00005708-00005969": "and you're going to catch us up to speed on some of", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00024-00005969-00006230": "the most frequently asked questions that you hear,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00025-00006230-00006653": "some tips and tricks that people doing Blazor would need to know.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00026-00006653-00006712": ">> Yeah.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00027-00006712-00006809": ">> But before we dive into that,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00028-00006809-00007110": "let's do a brief refresher of what is Blazor.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00029-00007110-00007358": ">> Yeah. So like you said, we took a look at Blazor a year ago,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00030-00007358-00007616": "it was a very early beta back then.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00031-00007616-00008298": "It's now rolled into the official ASP.NET Core pipeline.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00032-00008298-00008734": "So Blazor is a brand new front-end development framework,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00033-00008734-00009133": "so a SPA framework that uses C#, Full Stack.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00034-00009133-00009471": "So we can actually write client-side application code with", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00035-00009471-00009677": "C# and not have to rely on", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00036-00009677-00009975": "JavaScript like we normally do with jQuery,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00037-00009975-00010159": "React, or Angular, we now have", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00038-00010159-00010383": "Blazor to take place of all of that,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00039-00010383-00010608": "and we have.NET end-to-end.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00040-00010608-00010669": ">> Cool.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00041-00010669-00010963": ">> So we saw it early last year,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00042-00010963-00011203": "a lot of things have happened since then,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00043-00011203-00011398": "and every time I present on Blazor,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00044-00011398-00011820": "I get asked these questions that are really great questions,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00045-00011820-00012035": "but just at a glance,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00046-00012035-00012272": "you don't quite catch when you're talking about", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00047-00012272-00012419": "Blazor so I thought I'd bring", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00048-00012419-00012578": "some of those questions up with you today.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00049-00012578-00012727": ">> Yeah, cool. Let's do it.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00050-00012727-00012938": ">> All right. So I'll hit one of", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00051-00012938-00013216": "the ones that is the most popular question I get,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00052-00013216-00013604": "and that is, does identity work with Blazor?", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00053-00013604-00013827": "Now, people usually frame that question,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00054-00013827-00014066": "does authentication work with Blazor?", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00055-00014066-00014317": "Authentication is actually a browser behavior,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00056-00014317-00014641": "so that's usually happening on the client,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00057-00014641-00014847": "but what they usually mean is,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00058-00014847-00015163": "does Microsoft Identity work with Blazor?", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00059-00015163-00015287": "Actually, now it does.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00060-00015287-00015779": "So with server-side Blazor shipping in ASP.NET Core 3.0,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00061-00015779-00016206": "Microsoft Identity will be available with the application.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00062-00016206-00016457": "If you click \"File New Project\" just like you do with an", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00063-00016457-00016925": "ASP.NET MVC application or Razor Pages application,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00064-00016925-00017237": "you get the dialogue in the File New Project,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00065-00017237-00017600": "where you can click to change your authentication type.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00066-00017600-00017846": "You get that same experience with Blazor.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00067-00017846-00018230": "What you get out of the box is actually what we have running here.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00068-00018230-00018477": "Just like in an MVC application,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00069-00018477-00018647": "you have your login and", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00070-00018647-00018866": "your register links at the top of the page.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00071-00018866-00019137": "So we can click \"Log In\" and we get prompted", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00072-00019137-00019446": "with the identity log in experience,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00073-00019446-00019560": "and I don't have an account,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00074-00019560-00019881": "so we can click \"Register\" and create a brand new account.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00075-00019881-00020259": "Just like with MVC or Razor Pages,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00076-00020259-00020520": "we can create an account here,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00077-00020520-00020949": "and what I want to show if I can get a correct password", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00078-00020949-00021408": "through this system here,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00079-00021408-00021811": "I don't remember what their requirements are.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00080-00022013-00022355": "Now, we get an error screen or what looks like an error screen,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00081-00022355-00022533": "but it's actually something very helpful,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00082-00022533-00022766": "and MVC does this as well.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00083-00022766-00023083": "It says data operation failed processing requests,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00084-00023083-00023273": "it's because we haven't created a database yet.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00085-00023273-00023314": ">> Okay.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00086-00023314-00023558": ">> This is a brand new File New Project experience,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00087-00023558-00023963": "but what's nice is we get a button on the error page that says,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00088-00023963-00024153": "\"Apply Migrations\", we click it,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00089-00024153-00024332": "will actually create the database for", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00090-00024332-00024567": "us, Microsoft identity database.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00091-00024567-00024830": "It will apply the migration to our database,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00092-00024830-00024982": "create all the tables we need,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00093-00024982-00025293": "and then it will bring us back into the application,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00094-00025293-00025642": "sees us try refreshing the page so we can come back,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00095-00025642-00025858": "hit \"Continue\", and now,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00096-00025858-00025973": "we're actually logged in.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00097-00025973-00026261": "It says, \"Hello Ed Charbonneau@progress.com.\"", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00098-00026261-00026494": "So we have identity working,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00099-00026494-00026827": "it's backed by SQL and.NET Framework and this", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00100-00026827-00026939": "comes out of the box with", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00101-00026939-00027262": "a few button clicks during the File New Project experience.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00102-00027262-00027536": ">> So this is a generic identity provider.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00103-00027536-00027785": "Can you hook it up to Active Directory?", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00104-00027785-00027951": ">> You can hook it.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00105-00027951-00028067": ">> Or Azure Active Directory?", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00106-00028067-00028358": ">> You can hook it up to Azure and that steps you", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00107-00028358-00028713": "through as well in the File New Project experience.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00108-00028713-00028787": ">> Okay.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00109-00028787-00029282": ">> One other notable thing that's really interesting about the way", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00110-00029282-00029487": "identity works in Blazor right now", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00111-00029487-00029796": "is another question that I get asked a lot,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00112-00029796-00030173": "and that is, do Blazor components work with MVC,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00113-00030173-00030398": "and can you mix MVC,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00114-00030398-00030652": "Razor Pages, and Blazor in the same project?", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00115-00030652-00031037": "So if we go under \"Areas\" and \"Identity\",", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00116-00031037-00031308": "and we look at our \"Pages\" in here,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00117-00031308-00031626": "our logout or login pages,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00118-00031626-00031849": "these are actually Razor Pages.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00119-00031849-00032251": "So we have Razor Pages that exist in our Blazor application,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00120-00032251-00032474": "and they're able to work side-by-side.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00121-00032474-00032910": "Now, another thing is people ask,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00122-00032910-00033190": "can I use Razor components or Blazor,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00123-00033190-00033374": "the component framework inside of", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00124-00033374-00033639": "an MVC or Razor Pages application.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00125-00033639-00033885": "That ties into the same idea.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00126-00033885-00034234": "If we go into our host cshtml file.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00127-00034234-00034788": "So.cshtml is a Razor Pages or Razor MVC view,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00128-00034788-00035021": "inside of here, this is the bootstrapper", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00129-00035021-00035330": "for a server-side Blazor project,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00130-00035330-00035547": "but this is a Razor page.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00131-00035547-00035717": "If we look right here,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00132-00035717-00035972": "this is where the application starts up,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00133-00035972-00036422": "and we have inside of our app tag an HTML helper", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00134-00036422-00036796": "that says, \"Html.RenderComponentAsync.\"", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00135-00036796-00037001": "This RenderComponentAsync method is", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00136-00037001-00037211": "something that we can call and bring Razor", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00137-00037211-00037644": "or Blazor components into MVC in Razor Pages views.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00138-00037644-00037691": ">> Cool.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00139-00037691-00037917": ">> So that's another frequently asked question.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00140-00037917-00038222": "Two things tie together in my opinion,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00141-00038222-00038446": "talk about using all of", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00142-00038446-00038935": "ASP.NET in a Blazor application, and that is possible.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00143-00038935-00039051": ">> Cool.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00144-00039051-00039494": ">> So the next thing that I wanted to show is people", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00145-00039494-00039951": "asked frequently because they see Blazor component.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00146-00039951-00040283": "You can refer to these as Razor components.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00147-00040283-00040562": "Razor components is something that", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00148-00040562-00040971": "is the component model of Blazor.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00149-00040971-00041304": "So Blazor components, Razor components, interchangeable.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00150-00041304-00041410": ">> Okay.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00151-00041410-00041707": ">> But when they look at one of these,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00152-00041707-00042003": "it's all written in C#, and", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00153-00042003-00042451": "your markup and your code is all in the same file.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00154-00042451-00042808": "So one of the questions I get right away is,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00155-00042808-00043099": "can I separate those two things because I don't want my markup", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00156-00043099-00043453": "and I don't want my C# code intermingled?", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00157-00043453-00043685": "So I've got an example here where I've already", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00158-00043685-00043987": "started taking these two things and decoupling them.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00159-00043987-00044216": "So we'll finish this up here.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00160-00044216-00044512": "What I want to do is I have a fetch data component,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00161-00044512-00044728": "and I have the code section down here.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00162-00044728-00044980": "What I want to do is remove this code section.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00163-00044980-00045493": "So the first thing I want to do is create a C# file,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00164-00045493-00045875": "and I want to name this file the same as my component,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00165-00045875-00046201": "but with the extension.razor.cs.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00166-00046201-00046261": ">> Okay.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00167-00046261-00046627": ">> So what that does is it matches up with our component filename.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00168-00046627-00046875": "So our component is FetchData.razor,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00169-00046875-00047289": "our code behind is going to be FetchData.razor.cs,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00170-00047289-00047658": "that allows to the nest in Visual Studio.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00171-00047658-00047852": "So when we name them like that,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00172-00047852-00048128": "that semantic allows that nesting to happen.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00173-00048128-00048350": "So we get this nice tree effect where", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00174-00048350-00048632": "we can collapse that code behind down if we'd want to.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00175-00048632-00049028": "So I'm going to click on \"FetchData.razor.cs,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00176-00049028-00049295": "and this is the same code that is inside of that code block.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00177-00049295-00049589": "I went ahead and moved it out to keep this nice and short.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00178-00049589-00049685": ">> Okay.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00179-00049685-00049943": ">> So in FetchData.razor,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00180-00049943-00050141": "we can now take out this code block", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00181-00050141-00050412": "because we have that inner code behind file.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00182-00050412-00050538": ">> Okay.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00183-00050538-00050915": ">> So to marry those two things back up together,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00184-00050915-00051285": "we simply come back up to the top here.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00185-00051327-00051704": "We just call inherit,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00186-00051704-00051959": "so we have an inherits directive.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00187-00051959-00052234": "Then we point to that code behind file.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00188-00052234-00052532": "So this is called fetch database.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00189-00052532-00052763": "The component name is fetch data,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00190-00052763-00053114": "so this is the base of that component. So we'll save that.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00191-00053114-00053362": "I can also remove this dependency injection", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00192-00053362-00053711": "from it because that now happens in the code bar.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00193-00053711-00053984": "So now I have tied those two things together,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00194-00053984-00054267": "and all of our little red squiggles have gone away,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00195-00054267-00054574": "and we separated those two pieces of logic.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00196-00054574-00054860": "So our markup is in one file, logics on the other.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00197-00054860-00055366": ">> So you named that fetch database?", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00198-00055366-00056047": ">> Yeah. So the filename itself is fetchdata.razor.cs.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00199-00056047-00056080": ">> Okay.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00200-00056080-00056239": ">> To provide that nesting.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00201-00056239-00056457": "But we can't call it fetch data,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00202-00056457-00056782": "because it will collide with the component names space.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00203-00056782-00056834": ">> Right.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00204-00056834-00057058": ">> So we can't have two fetch data classes.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00205-00057058-00057092": ">> Okay.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00206-00057092-00057235": ">> So we got to give it some things.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00207-00057235-00057346": ">> It's a partial class,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00208-00057346-00057515": "it's an entirely separate class.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00209-00057515-00057749": ">> Excellent question or observation.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00210-00057749-00057950": "Partial classes aren't supported yet.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00211-00057950-00057986": ">> Okay.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00212-00057986-00058179": ">> But it is something that may come in", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00213-00058179-00058455": "the next release of the preview.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00214-00058455-00058600": ">> Okay. So fetch", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00215-00058600-00058903": "database was just a naming convention that you use.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00216-00058903-00059089": ">> It's a naming convention that I use,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00217-00059089-00059338": "and it's pretty common in the community right now,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00218-00059338-00059902": "is to name that as your base of the component itself.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00219-00059902-00060008": ">> Okay.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00220-00060008-00060250": ">> Partials may be coming soon.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00221-00060250-00060311": ">> It's okay.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00222-00060311-00060529": ">> So this may change a little bit over time,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00223-00060529-00060821": "but this is one way that you can separate those out today.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00224-00060821-00061262": "Also we need to inherit from component based on that.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00225-00061262-00061486": "So that gives us all the lifecycle methods,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00226-00061486-00061664": "and everything that is part of the component.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00227-00061664-00061789": ">> Right.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00228-00061789-00062260": ">> So another notable piece is the inject parameter here.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00229-00062260-00062616": "So we're injecting through property injection when we do the code", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00230-00062616-00063066": "behind versus when we're on the markup side,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00231-00063066-00063244": "we use an inject directive instead.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00232-00063244-00063295": ">> Okay.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00233-00063295-00063538": ">> So that's one piece that people", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00234-00063538-00063797": "look for when they start refactoring this out,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00235-00063797-00064043": "is they don't know how to inject that properly.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00236-00064043-00064538": "So the inject attribute on the back end side,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00237-00064538-00064828": "and it's inject directive on the front end side.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00238-00064828-00064969": ">>Okay.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00239-00064969-00065434": ">> So that's one of the pieces that people ask a lot about.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00240-00065434-00065650": ">> You then you would expect ultimately that that would just be", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00241-00065650-00065848": "an available refactoring inside", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00242-00065848-00066164": "the Visual Studio editors so you don't have to do it yourself.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00243-00066164-00066439": "That might be a nice feature request.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00244-00066439-00066571": ">> Would be a good feature request.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00245-00066571-00066847": "There's a lot of tooling changes that", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00246-00066847-00067138": "will come with all of this new blazer stuff.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00247-00067138-00067189": ">> Right.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00248-00067189-00067709": ">> I've talked with Daniel Roth and his team.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00249-00067709-00068209": "They're very optimistic about", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00250-00068209-00068587": "what they can do with the razor engine itself.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00251-00068587-00068909": "There was a lot of tooling that can come in the future.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00252-00068909-00069079": ">> Cool. All right.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00253-00069079-00069280": ">> All right. So we can look at some", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00254-00069280-00069500": "more frequently asked questions.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00255-00069500-00069884": "Another one is we get this application out of the box.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00256-00069884-00070150": "We need to rerun that, we've done some code changes here,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00257-00070150-00070396": "we'll pick this back up and run it.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00258-00070396-00070733": "We have this counter component that comes out of the box.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00259-00070733-00071086": "The count starts at zero if we click on the counter.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00260-00071086-00071332": "This is all file new project experience.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00261-00071332-00071461": "So anybody that runs blazers", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00262-00071461-00071680": "probably seen this counter component before.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00263-00071680-00071878": "If we go back home,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00264-00071878-00072250": "and then we visit the counter page again, our state is gone.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00265-00072250-00072313": ">> Right.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00266-00072313-00072742": ">> So don't share a state if I created more counters.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00267-00072742-00072911": "They don't share that count.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00268-00072911-00073126": "So we can have multiple counters on the page,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00269-00073126-00073342": "they would all have their own independent counts.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00270-00073342-00073675": "So how do we manage state if that's something that we do on?", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00271-00073675-00074012": "So there's actually two ways to handle state in,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00272-00074012-00074318": "well there's multiple ways to handle state in blazer.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00273-00074318-00074560": "I'm going to show you two of them.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00274-00074560-00074918": "There's actually some components that are designed for this,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00275-00074918-00075238": "so we'll look at a component approach and then we'll", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00276-00075238-00075616": "look at using dependency injection and do some application state.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00277-00075616-00075962": "So one thing I've added to this project,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00278-00075962-00076214": "and under my shared folder,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00279-00076214-00076436": "I have a component that I wrote,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00280-00076436-00076882": "very simple one, is called counter state provider.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00281-00076882-00077056": "So this is a provider component that I", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00282-00077056-00077236": "can plug into my application,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00283-00077236-00077552": "and anything that is a child of it will receive", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00284-00077552-00077899": "the values that I assign to this component.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00285-00077899-00078218": "So it uses a special blazer component,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00286-00078218-00078322": "this is something built into", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00287-00078322-00078668": "the system called a cascading value component.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00288-00078668-00078917": "Inside of that cascading value component,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00289-00078917-00079118": "I can provide child content.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00290-00079118-00079457": "That's essentially what this component is for anyway.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00291-00079457-00079771": "On value, I'm going to keep this", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00292-00079771-00080083": "as simple as possible and I'm just going to assign this.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00293-00080083-00080359": "So this component's value will", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00294-00080359-00080618": "be just assigned to the cascading value.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00295-00080618-00081092": "Any child component can subscribe to this value now.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00296-00081092-00081373": "So what we'll do is we'll take this,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00297-00081373-00081583": "and we'll put our current count for", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00298-00081583-00081833": "a counter component in that object.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00299-00081833-00082094": "So what I need to do to implement this,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00300-00082094-00082483": "is I'll go into my main layout and now I can", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00301-00082483-00082696": "surround any piece of", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00302-00082696-00082906": "HTML in my application", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00303-00082906-00083132": "that I want to be able to receive the data from.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00304-00083132-00083659": "So we'll go right around the main component of our application,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00305-00083659-00084038": "and we'll call in our counter state provider.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00306-00084066-00084475": "We'll wrap that around the body of the application.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00307-00084475-00084742": ">> So this is now at the application level?", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00308-00084742-00085048": ">> This is at the root of our pages.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00309-00085048-00085105": ">> Okay.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00310-00085105-00085231": ">> So anything, any of the pages", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00311-00085231-00085384": "that we load will be inside of the body.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00312-00085384-00085475": ">> Okay. Got it.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00313-00085475-00085651": ">> So now anything that's in the body", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00314-00085651-00085907": "which includes our counter component,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00315-00085907-00086083": "will be able to receive that.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00316-00086083-00086428": "So how did we receive that inside of our component?", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00317-00086428-00086837": "So there is a special parameter that we set up.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00318-00086949-00087187": "I'm going to use a shortcut here,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00319-00087187-00087349": "and we're going to use", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00320-00087349-00087691": "the cascading parameter attribute on a property.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00321-00087691-00087997": "We'll set this up and call this current count,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00322-00087997-00088502": "or actually, we need to bring in the component namespace ,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00323-00088502-00088894": "because this is going to resolve to a counter state provider,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00324-00088894-00089195": "and then we can name it, and we'll name this,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00325-00089195-00089504": "let's keep this simple and just call it state.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00326-00089504-00089860": "So this state will be assigned the value of", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00327-00089860-00090238": "this that it brings in from the counter state provider.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00328-00090238-00090482": "So now, we can consume it,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00329-00090482-00090838": "we can get rid of this current count equal zero.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00330-00090838-00091076": "When we increment our count,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00331-00091076-00091235": "we'll use the state instead.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00332-00091235-00091591": "So we'll say state.currentcount,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00333-00091591-00091757": "that's coming from the state provider.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00334-00091757-00091846": ">>Okay.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00335-00091846-00092041": ">> Up in this section,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00336-00092041-00092480": "we'll do the same thing; state.currentcount.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00337-00092625-00092917": "So that should tie it all together.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00338-00092917-00093178": "Now, when we run our application,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00339-00093178-00093578": "we won't lose that state as we go from page to page.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00340-00093663-00093932": "We can also take advantage of that.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00341-00093932-00094096": "So now we have our Current count.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00342-00094096-00094252": "We can go to our \"Home\" page,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00343-00094252-00094523": "go back and still have a four.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00344-00094523-00094744": "Make this a little bit cooler.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00345-00094744-00094909": "On our Index page,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00346-00094909-00095225": "we can consume that same StateProvider.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00347-00095225-00095624": "So then we have shared state across the application.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00348-00095679-00096026": "So we'll do the same CascadingParameter.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00349-00096026-00096503": "It's going to be a CounterStateProvider. We'll call it State.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00350-00096519-00096845": "Then in my Hello world section here,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00351-00096845-00097661": "I can just write out Current Count at State,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00352-00097764-00098084": "CurrentCount just like that.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00353-00098084-00098407": "Now, this will appear in our Home page.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00354-00098407-00098569": "So now, we're getting the count off", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00355-00098569-00098896": "the counter even though they're not on the same page together.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00356-00098896-00099128": "So our Current count is zero.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00357-00099128-00099284": "We click this up.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00358-00099284-00099505": "We go back and our \"Home\" page changes.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00359-00099505-00099559": ">> Very cool.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00360-00099559-00099688": ">> So that's one way that we can", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00361-00099688-00099910": "share state across the application.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00362-00099910-00100163": "This is using a piece of markup,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00363-00100163-00100878": "the StateProvider uses the cascading value component.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00364-00100878-00101055": "So this is markup-driven.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00365-00101055-00101257": "We can also do this through code.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00366-00101257-00101496": "So we don't have to have this markup piece", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00367-00101496-00101724": "that drives the State management.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00368-00101724-00101921": "So in my application,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00369-00101921-00102274": "I've added a very simple poco object,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00370-00102274-00102677": "plain old-class objects, called CounterState.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00371-00102677-00102959": "I have a CurrentCount on that as well.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00372-00102959-00103171": "This is something we can just inject in", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00373-00103171-00103400": "our application through dependency injection.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00374-00103400-00103673": "So if I go into \"Startup.cs\",", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00375-00103673-00103879": "I'm going to scroll down to where all", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00376-00103879-00104078": "of my dependencies are registered.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00377-00104078-00104233": "In services, I'll just", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00378-00104233-00104483": "uncomment this line that I've added earlier.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00379-00104483-00104903": "Services.AddScoped of type CounterState.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00380-00104903-00105176": "So now, I have this object,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00381-00105176-00105360": "this CounterState that is", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00382-00105360-00105656": "available to my application through dependency injection.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00383-00105656-00106034": "So if we go back to our \"Counter\" component,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00384-00106034-00106426": "instead of using a cascading parameter,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00385-00106426-00106618": "we'll come up to the top of", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00386-00106618-00106943": "the page and we'll use the inject directive.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00387-00106947-00107155": "We can inject to", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00388-00107155-00107500": "that dependency injection that", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00389-00107500-00107704": "CounterState through dependency injection.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00390-00107704-00107993": "So we'll call it CounterState.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00391-00108209-00108529": "I think I'm missing a namespace here.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00392-00108529-00108636": "This is on data.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00393-00108636-00109246": "Data CounterState.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00394-00109246-00109550": "We'll simply call that State again.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00395-00109614-00109867": "So since we named it the same,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00396-00109867-00110084": "we actually don't need any code changes here.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00397-00110084-00110251": "I can remove this.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00398-00110251-00110699": "Now, our data is resolved through dependency injection instead.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00399-00110715-00111191": "So it has the same idea but it's application level.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00400-00111191-00111430": "Then in our \"Startup.cs\",", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00401-00111430-00111563": "we'll go back here for a moment.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00402-00111563-00112052": "We used AddScoped to add that to the application.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00403-00112052-00112354": "We have several ways to add things to our container.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00404-00112354-00112579": "We can use AddSingleton, AddScoped.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00405-00112579-00112911": "The reason I chose AddScoped versus AddSingleton,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00406-00112911-00113123": "so on Serverside Blazor,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00407-00113123-00113385": "you're sharing that application state with", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00408-00113385-00113764": "the entire user base if you use AddSingleton.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00409-00113764-00114183": "So that will be a single instance per application not per user.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00410-00114183-00114421": "So it's a very important thing to know.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00411-00114421-00114711": "You don't want to share certain things with everyone.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00412-00114711-00114962": "Whereas, our weather forecasts service,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00413-00114962-00115132": "something is pulling a weather data,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00414-00115132-00115465": "we can share with all users because it's going to be the same.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00415-00115465-00115690": "So those are some of", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00416-00115690-00115921": "the most frequently asked questions that", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00417-00115921-00116203": "I get when I present on Blazor.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00418-00116203-00116417": "People ask about state management,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00419-00116417-00116633": "they ask about identity,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00420-00116633-00116854": "and they ask about code separation.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00421-00116854-00117124": "Those are the real heavy hitters that I get all the time.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00422-00117124-00117301": "So hopefully that clears things up for you.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00423-00117301-00117472": ">> Yeah. That's awesome. So if someone who is", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00424-00117472-00117764": "starting out with Blazor,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00425-00117764-00118057": "what are briefly some tips and", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00426-00118057-00118300": "tricks on how to get up to speed on it,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00427-00118300-00118442": "how to get used to it, how to", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00428-00118442-00118739": "understand what it is and how to use it?", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00429-00118739-00119089": ">> So my biggest advice would be first of all you go to", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00430-00119089-00119513": "Blazor.NET and you walk through the Getting Started materials.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00431-00119513-00119902": "The.NET Docs team, they've done a fantastic job there.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00432-00119902-00120400": "Second of all, Blazor is a lot different from MVC,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00433-00120400-00120781": "where in MVC applications, we're rendering strings.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00434-00120781-00121259": "Blazor has something called a render tree that it builds.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00435-00121259-00121601": "It's not a string, it's a representation of the DOM,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00436-00121601-00121941": "the Document Object Model that is held in", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00437-00121941-00122332": "memory and it does diffs against it to see what's changed.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00438-00122332-00122646": "So it's a big difference from HTML Helpers", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00439-00122646-00123030": "and Razor Views that just render out strings all the time.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00440-00123030-00123439": "The reason for that is those string rendering mechanisms,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00441-00123439-00123724": "the client-side code is done in JavaScript.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00442-00123724-00123984": "So it goes back and it finds pieces of the DOM,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00443-00123984-00124181": "manipulates it, edits it,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00444-00124181-00124388": "deletes it, those sort of things.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00445-00124388-00124637": "In Blazor, we work with the render tree.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00446-00124637-00125000": "The developers do. Then the framework", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00447-00125000-00125324": "takes to render tree and applies the changes for us.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00448-00125324-00125831": "That's what allows C# to be able to work on the client-side.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00449-00125831-00126439": ">> Cool. Your impression of how far along this is.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00450-00126439-00126585": "Is it preview?", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00451-00126585-00126834": "Can you put stuff into production with it?", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00452-00126834-00127219": ">> In September, we will see a GA release.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00453-00127219-00127264": ">> Okay.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00454-00127264-00127429": ">> So it's coming soon.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00455-00127429-00127946": "For server-side Blazor, we'll have the global availability soon.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00456-00127946-00128233": "Client-side Blazor will come sometime next year.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00457-00128233-00128530": "We haven't got a solid date just quite yet.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00458-00128530-00128765": "I've heard quarter one, quarter two.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00459-00128765-00129020": "So that is coming soon.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00460-00129020-00129241": ">> It requires.NET core?", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00461-00129241-00129304": ">> Yes.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00462-00129304-00129360": ">> Is that true?", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00463-00129360-00129502": ">> Blazor requires.NET core.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00464-00129502-00129583": ">> Okay.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00465-00129583-00130035": ">> It's currently on set for.NET Core 3.0.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00466-00130035-00130301": "Client-side will likely come with.NET 5.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00467-00130301-00130703": ">> Okay. Cool. Thanks for that.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00468-00130703-00130823": ">> Thank you very much.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00469-00130823-00130864": ">> All right.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00470-00130864-00131180": ">> Hopefully, everybody found something useful out of this.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00471-00131180-00131494": "Getting started with this stuff is a little tricky.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00472-00131494-00131764": "It's a brand new preview.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00473-00131764-00132040": "So I figured that most people are new to", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00474-00132040-00132452": "the concepts because the entire framework is new.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00475-00132452-00132775": "Something I've been working on very closely for", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00476-00132775-00133234": "the last year because of my job with progress,", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00477-00133234-00133435": "we build UI components for everything.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00478-00133435-00133837": "So we jumped on the bandwagon early and created a suite", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00479-00133837-00134269": "of Telerik UI Components for Blazor. It's been my main focus.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00480-00134269-00134473": ">> We will have links to that in the show notes along with", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00481-00134473-00134738": "the places people can go to learn more.", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00482-00134738-00134986": "So I hope you found that useful and we will see", "kZuAE0qYSFI-00483-00134986-00135299": "you next time on Visual Studio Toolbox."}}, {"audio_id": "kZTJOFcj-8M", "text": {"kZTJOFcj-8M-00000-00000800-00009354": "KETIKA SEMUA TERHANYUT DALAM BUDAYA MODEREN MEREKA", "kZTJOFcj-8M-00001-00009354-00011877": "MASIH TETAP DENGAN PENINGGALAN LELUHUR MEREKA....", "kZTJOFcj-8M-00002-00011877-00015894": "MEREKA BUKAN KOLOT TAPI MEREKA MASIH PEDULI.....", "kZTJOFcj-8M-00003-00015894-00022918": "MARI KITA DUKUNG MEREKA UNTUK TETAP MENCINTAI BUDAYA", "kZTJOFcj-8M-00004-00022918-00022973": "LELUHUR ..."}}, {"audio_id": "ka0YqAGcxpA", "text": {"ka0YqAGcxpA-00000-00000040-00000260": "Do you know everything about your dogs?", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00001-00000332-00000803": "Think again, because these 10 incredible facts about dogs will lead you into a hidden world", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00002-00000803-00001072": "of dog characteristics you've probably never heard of.", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00003-00001144-00001499": "Should one of these facts surprise you (and I believe it will), or you know of some other", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00004-00001500-00001664": "fun facts, definitely share it with us in the comments.", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00005-00001707-00002148": "Alright, now let's take a look at the top 10 incredible facts about dogs:", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00006-00002212-00002552": "Fact number ten, what is the oldest dog breed in the world?", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00007-00002584-00003064": "If you've ever thought about where your dog comes from, you've probably asked yourself,", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00008-00003064-00003352": "what was the very first dog breed in the world?", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00009-00003428-00003644": "What does gene analysis say?", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00010-00003700-00004148": "Scientists carried out genetic analyses of various breeds of dogs and estimated that", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00011-00004152-00004612": "the oldest dog breed is the Basenji, which originated from the African continent.", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00012-00004672-00005080": "These dogs are known for not barking and for disliking water.", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00013-00005136-00005592": "The following fact that will surely intrigue you is how long dogs can really live.", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00014-00005648-00005988": "Fact number nine, how old was the oldest dog in the world?", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00015-00006024-00006408": "Depending on the dog breed, our pets can live for 10 to 15 years.", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00016-00006476-00006864": "It is however less known how long the oldest dog in the world lived.", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00017-00006908-00007335": "According to The Guinness Book of World Records, the oldest dog in the world was Bluey, an", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00018-00007336-00007956": "Australian cattle dog, who lived from 1910 to 1939 - more accurately, 29 years and 5", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00019-00007956-00008052": "months.", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00020-00008104-00008356": "Was she really the oldest dog in the world?", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00021-00008428-00008900": "There is some information about a dog named Maggie, an Australian Kelpie, who lived on", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00022-00008904-00009184": "a farm and might have reached the age of 30.", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00023-00009236-00009732": "Unfortunately, the owner lost her papers so she cannot enter The Guinness Book of World", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00024-00009732-00009808": "Records.", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00025-00009872-00010172": "Fact number eight, why are dogs' noses wet?", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00026-00010224-00010688": "Many dog owners across the world wonder why their pets have wet noses.", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00027-00010768-00011388": "Dog noses secrete a special mucus which aids them with absorption of scent chemicals.", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00028-00011440-00011968": "Dogs sometimes lick their own noses in order to distinguish odors and gain a better understanding", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00029-00011968-00012200": "of what they represent.", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00030-00012200-00012604": "Would you like to know more facts about dogs' incredibly good sense of smell?", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00031-00012648-00013112": "It's well known that dogs' sense of smell is superior to that of humans, but why and", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00032-00013112-00013208": "by how much?", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00033-00013256-00013824": "The part of brain responsible for analyzing odors is 40 times bigger in dogs than in humans.", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00034-00013868-00014452": "Dogs also have roughly 300 million olfactory receptors in their noses, while humans only", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00035-00014452-00014616": "have about 6 million.", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00036-00014668-00015172": "These facts make our pets superior in scent recognition and make them incredibly proficient", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00037-00015172-00015404": "in tracking and search-and-rescue missions.", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00038-00015460-00015719": "Fact number seven, how smart are dogs?", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00039-00015776-00016291": "Dogs can understand about 170 to 250 commands and gestures.", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00040-00016356-00016828": "Newer research shows that dogs that spend a lot of time with their owners can even understand", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00041-00016828-00016964": "some sentences.", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00042-00017008-00017531": "In summary, a dog has the intelligence of a two-year-old when it comes to language recognition,", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00043-00017532-00017808": "and a four-year-old when it comes to arithmetic.", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00044-00017860-00018200": "Interestingly, there is an IQ test for dogs as well.", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00045-00018240-00018759": "Although the test is not comparable to a human IQ test, it can serve as a comparison between", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00046-00018760-00018992": "dog breeds and dogs in general.", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00047-00019044-00019528": "The canine IQ test compares the capabilities of a dog with what a dog should normally be", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00048-00019528-00019652": "able to do.", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00049-00019684-00020176": "Some critics say that the IQ test for dogs isn't the best way to measure their intelligence,", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00050-00020176-00020392": "because dogs learn instinctively.", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00051-00020432-00020728": "Still, the average IQ of dogs is 100.", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00052-00020788-00021124": "Fact number six, do dogs feel a sense of guilt?", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00053-00021184-00021572": "We often see various pictures of dogs making guilty faces.", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00054-00021632-00022164": "However, research has shown that our pets do not have and cannot feel a sense of guilt.", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00055-00022212-00022632": "Their facial expression is usually just a reaction to our anger.", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00056-00022684-00023088": "Fact number five, if your dog were human, how old would they be?", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00057-00023140-00023608": "There may be certain differences when calculating ages of different dog breeds.", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00058-00023656-00024168": "On average, a 1-year-old dog is as physically mature as a 15-year-old human.", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00059-00024220-00024852": "There are dog age calculators that can accurately evaluate the age of your dog in human years.", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00060-00024896-00025208": "Fact number four, how well can a dog hear?", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00061-00025244-00025632": "Dogs can hear 4 times better than humans, why?", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00062-00025668-00026300": "A dog can hear frequencies from 67 to 50,000 Hz, while humans hear frequencies between", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00063-00026300-00026568": "64 and 23,000 Hz.", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00064-00026608-00027083": "Also of interest is that the span of higher frequencies lowers with age in both dogs and", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00065-00027083-00027208": "humans.", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00066-00027248-00027708": "Humans have 6 muscles in their ears, while dogs have 18.", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00067-00027739-00028060": "But if you thought that's a lot, you would be wrong!", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00068-00028095-00028648": "Cats have 30 hearing muscles and can hear and distinguish sounds even better than dogs.", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00069-00028724-00029224": "One more interesting fact: frequencies above 25,000 Hz with sufficient loudness can be", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00070-00029227-00029520": "very irritating and uncomfortable for dogs.", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00071-00029560-00029972": "And now follows the top 3 incredible dog facts, ready?", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00072-00030032-00030360": "Fact number three, do dogs have a sense of time?", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00073-00030388-00030860": "It's well known that when you're away from home, dogs are anxious and they miss your", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00074-00030860-00030968": "attention.", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00075-00031000-00031272": "They also love routine and habits.", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00076-00031332-00031764": "Many think dogs do not understand time and only have routines.", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00077-00031816-00032016": "But that is incorrect.", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00078-00032060-00032524": "Research has shown that dogs react differently when their owner is away for varying lengths", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00079-00032524-00032620": "of time.", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00080-00032664-00033068": "Dogs do have a routine, but they also have a sense of time.", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00081-00033120-00033512": "Fact number two, can dogs detect human feelings and illnesses?", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00082-00033556-00034040": "If you are one of my subscribers, then you have likely already seen in one of the previous", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00083-00034040-00034428": "videos that our pets can detect feelings - but do you know how?", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00084-00034480-00035020": "A dog looks for non-verbal signs, but also changes in scent, voice, etc. and can: smell", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00085-00035023-00035484": "sickness because there are different chemicals appearing in our body and breath, smell sweat", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00086-00035484-00035978": "when you become scared and nervous, detect happiness, anger and sadness, and know when", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00087-00035978-00036116": "a woman is pregnant.", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00088-00036160-00036464": "Many people wonder: can a dog detect tumors?", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00089-00036520-00037022": "Dogs can detect various kinds of tumors based on the concentration of different scents in", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00090-00037024-00037212": "breath, urine and blood.", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00091-00037268-00037672": "It is even possible to train them to become medical detection dogs.", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00092-00037716-00038092": "The most incredible fact, can dogs see colors?", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00093-00038144-00038528": "If your dog has a red toy and you throw it into the grass, you might observe that the", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00094-00038528-00038752": "dog sometimes loses it, why?", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00095-00038808-00039080": "Our dogs cannot see all colors.", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00096-00039116-00039528": "A dog's color spectrum is significantly smaller than a human's.", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00097-00039628-00040187": "Both dogs and humans possess light-sensitive cone and rod cells, but dogs have much fewer", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00098-00040188-00040440": "color-detecting cones than humans do.", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00099-00040528-00041056": "They see differently from us, and there are many colors they cannot detect at all.", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00100-00041124-00041520": "A lot of dog toys made today are red or orange.", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00101-00041560-00042152": "However, dogs are actually unable to detect the red color, and see it as a dark brown", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00102-00042152-00042324": "or even black instead.", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00103-00042372-00042864": "Many dog owners around the world believe that dogs are stupid and simply forget where their", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00104-00042866-00043314": "toys are, but they don't know that this is because dogs can have a lot of trouble detecting", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00105-00043314-00043408": "their toys.", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00106-00043476-00043888": "Colors that are visible to dogs are: yellow, blue and brown.", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00107-00043920-00044304": "I'm sure most of you didn't know this yet, am I right?", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00108-00044352-00044844": "The world of dogs and pets is truly wonderful and filled with curiosities.", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00109-00044896-00045376": "If you know of some other dog facts I haven't mentioned in the video, I invite you to share", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00110-00045376-00045684": "them with all the other animal lovers in the comments.", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00111-00045732-00045924": "Wanna see more?", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00112-00045968-00046480": "In the description I have prepared for you links to: the top 10 most aggressive, dangerous,", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00113-00046480-00046752": "beautiful, intelligent and popular dog breeds in the world.", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00114-00046792-00047280": "If you like this video click the like button and subscribe to see more like it in the future.", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00115-00047324-00047608": "And remember let's keep our pets healthy!", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00116-00047608-00047752": "Take care!", "ka0YqAGcxpA-00117-00047796-00048148": "Top 10 incredible facts about dogs."}}, {"audio_id": "kaq0sIZRhcc", "text": {"kaq0sIZRhcc-00000-00000000-00001111": "Nardo Wick x Future Type Beat 2022 - \"CRAZY\""}}, {"audio_id": "kaXe7MRlvjk", "text": {"kaXe7MRlvjk-00000-00000000-00001074": "in the name of Allah the beneficial the merciful there are 12 months in the Islamic calendar", "kaXe7MRlvjk-00001-00001554-00002298": "first month is the new year in the Islamic calendar", "kaXe7MRlvjk-00002-00002652-00003096": "whereas Ramadan is the ninth ninth month", "kaXe7MRlvjk-00003-00003162-00003647": "in the Islamic calendar and it is considered as the holy month of", "kaXe7MRlvjk-00004-00003720-00004494": "Muslims it is the ma holy month of spiritual reflection self-improvement and Devotion to Allah", "kaXe7MRlvjk-00005-00004746-00005454": "ramadanis celebrated as a month of as the month during which Muhammad", "kaXe7MRlvjk-00006-00005454-00006210": "received the initial Revelations of what became the Quran the holy book of Muslims", "kaXe7MRlvjk-00007-00006294-00007086": "it was the month of Ramadan in which the Quran was first sent down as guidance for all the people", "kaXe7MRlvjk-00008-00007152-00007968": "having in clear proofs of divine guidance it was received by Muhammad the messenger of Allah", "kaXe7MRlvjk-00009-00008088-00008940": "Ramadan teaches patience and a humility if you don't eat or engage in other Pleasures you", "kaXe7MRlvjk-00010-00008940-00009732": "understand what it means to be poor and not have enough to eat we also learn to be grateful for", "kaXe7MRlvjk-00011-00009732-00010632": "the food and blessing we have and to be patiently wait for your next meal the underlying lesson of", "kaXe7MRlvjk-00012-00010632-00011508": "the Ramadan is that we will face challenges but we cope through them and persevere in the end", "kaXe7MRlvjk-00013-00011568-00012528": "verily with hardship comes ease the ease is at the same time as a hardship this means that", "kaXe7MRlvjk-00014-00012528-00013416": "nothing in this life is ever all bad or all good in every bad situation we are in there is always", "kaXe7MRlvjk-00015-00013416-00014334": "something to be grateful for with hardship Allah also gives us the strength and patience to bear it"}}, {"audio_id": "kaZpyzAXhHo", "text": {"kaZpyzAXhHo-00000-00000351-00000352": "[Music]", "kaZpyzAXhHo-00001-00000352-00000567": "[Music] hey where have you been", "kaZpyzAXhHo-00002-00000567-00000568": "hey where have you been", "kaZpyzAXhHo-00003-00000568-00000751": "hey where have you been you were supposed to be here working i", "kaZpyzAXhHo-00004-00000751-00000752": "you were supposed to be here working i", "kaZpyzAXhHo-00005-00000752-00000919": "you were supposed to be here working i lost track of time this is the real", "kaZpyzAXhHo-00006-00000919-00000919": "lost track of time this is the real", "kaZpyzAXhHo-00007-00000919-00001070": "lost track of time this is the real world sometimes you just gotta let your", "kaZpyzAXhHo-00008-00001070-00001071": "world sometimes you just gotta let your", "kaZpyzAXhHo-00009-00001071-00001262": "world sometimes you just gotta let your dreams go", "kaZpyzAXhHo-00010-00001262-00001263": "dreams go", "kaZpyzAXhHo-00011-00001263-00001439": "dreams go i just scribble in my notebook i'm a", "kaZpyzAXhHo-00012-00001439-00001440": "i just scribble in my notebook i'm a", "kaZpyzAXhHo-00013-00001440-00001671": "i just scribble in my notebook i'm a stock boy that's it you are a legit", "kaZpyzAXhHo-00014-00001671-00001672": "stock boy that's it you are a legit", "kaZpyzAXhHo-00015-00001672-00002087": "stock boy that's it you are a legit designer let me add them", "kaZpyzAXhHo-00016-00002249-00002250": "dude i love it", "kaZpyzAXhHo-00017-00002250-00002463": "dude i love it [Applause]", "kaZpyzAXhHo-00018-00002463-00002464": "[Applause]", "kaZpyzAXhHo-00019-00002464-00002583": "[Applause] oh", "kaZpyzAXhHo-00020-00002583-00002584": "oh", "kaZpyzAXhHo-00021-00002584-00002831": "oh i want to lick them", "kaZpyzAXhHo-00022-00002831-00002832": "i want to lick them", "kaZpyzAXhHo-00023-00002832-00003150": "i want to lick them i'm kira oh hold up", "kaZpyzAXhHo-00024-00003150-00003151": "i'm kira oh hold up", "kaZpyzAXhHo-00025-00003151-00003531": "i'm kira oh hold up kyra king aka sneaker royalty", "kaZpyzAXhHo-00026-00003531-00003532": "kyra king aka sneaker royalty", "kaZpyzAXhHo-00027-00003532-00003647": "kyra king aka sneaker royalty [Applause]", "kaZpyzAXhHo-00028-00003647-00003647": "[Applause]", "kaZpyzAXhHo-00029-00003647-00003886": "[Applause] boom the king's charity gala yeah design", "kaZpyzAXhHo-00030-00003886-00003887": "boom the king's charity gala yeah design", "kaZpyzAXhHo-00031-00003887-00004103": "boom the king's charity gala yeah design some sick kicks show off your talent at", "kaZpyzAXhHo-00032-00004103-00004104": "some sick kicks show off your talent at", "kaZpyzAXhHo-00033-00004104-00004283": "some sick kicks show off your talent at the most exclusive sneaker event of the", "kaZpyzAXhHo-00034-00004283-00004284": "the most exclusive sneaker event of the", "kaZpyzAXhHo-00035-00004284-00004679": "the most exclusive sneaker event of the year that could happen this is your shot", "kaZpyzAXhHo-00036-00004679-00004680": "year that could happen this is your shot", "kaZpyzAXhHo-00037-00004680-00004879": "year that could happen this is your shot come on get up", "kaZpyzAXhHo-00038-00004879-00004880": "come on get up", "kaZpyzAXhHo-00039-00004880-00006134": "come on get up you've got sneakers to make", "kaZpyzAXhHo-00040-00006351-00006352": "it's you did you design these yeah", "kaZpyzAXhHo-00041-00006352-00006527": "it's you did you design these yeah you're the guy", "kaZpyzAXhHo-00042-00006527-00006528": "you're the guy", "kaZpyzAXhHo-00043-00006528-00006695": "you're the guy that everybody's been talking about", "kaZpyzAXhHo-00044-00006695-00006695": "that everybody's been talking about", "kaZpyzAXhHo-00045-00006695-00007567": "that everybody's been talking about tonight this is destiny"}}, {"audio_id": "kb4meWBHIYg", "text": {"kb4meWBHIYg-00000-00000522-00000802": "Hi guys, I'm at the airport now", "kb4meWBHIYg-00001-00000814-00001066": "I wanted to go to the lounge", "kb4meWBHIYg-00002-00001066-00001258": "to eat something first", "kb4meWBHIYg-00003-00001262-00001550": "since I have a credit card", "kb4meWBHIYg-00004-00001550-00001720": "from American Express", "kb4meWBHIYg-00005-00001752-00002038": "But the lounge is already full", "kb4meWBHIYg-00006-00002038-00002152": "which never happened before", "kb4meWBHIYg-00007-00002152-00002352": "The tables are usually available though", "kb4meWBHIYg-00008-00002360-00002604": "There's a sign saying that it's full", "kb4meWBHIYg-00009-00002604-00002884": "so I changed to this place", "kb4meWBHIYg-00010-00002958-00003308": "where they sell some", "kb4meWBHIYg-00011-00003308-00003624": "french fries. Also I'm a bit hungry", "kb4meWBHIYg-00012-00003634-00003834": "so I ordered these french fries", "kb4meWBHIYg-00013-00003840-00004208": "and the other one is fried green beans", "kb4meWBHIYg-00014-00004228-00004442": "kind of like fries", "kb4meWBHIYg-00015-00004448-00004848": "I hope the lounge will be available later", "kb4meWBHIYg-00016-00004848-00004988": "so I can go there again", "kb4meWBHIYg-00017-00004988-00005182": "Because we got to the airport early", "kb4meWBHIYg-00018-00005204-00005508": "we still have almost 50 minutes now", "kb4meWBHIYg-00019-00005508-00005660": "I will keep you guys posted", "kb4meWBHIYg-00020-00005660-00005948": "I'm waiting to board now", "kb4meWBHIYg-00021-00005948-00006094": "and I will get on the plane", "kb4meWBHIYg-00022-00006106-00006296": "in about 10 minutes", "kb4meWBHIYg-00023-00006296-00006559": "I've checked the lounge a few times", "kb4meWBHIYg-00024-00006568-00006806": "but it was still full", "kb4meWBHIYg-00025-00006806-00006986": "I just arrived in Las Vegas", "kb4meWBHIYg-00026-00006986-00007164": "and checked into my hotel room", "kb4meWBHIYg-00027-00007168-00007568": "I'm also staying at the Bellagaio this time which is my favorite hotel", "kb4meWBHIYg-00028-00007578-00007900": "and there are many Chinese restaurants here", "kb4meWBHIYg-00029-00007900-00008022": "especially Cantonese food", "kb4meWBHIYg-00030-00008022-00008272": "There's a restaurant called Noodles", "kb4meWBHIYg-00031-00008286-00008680": "which is a Cantonese restaurant", "kb4meWBHIYg-00032-00008688-00009026": "so they may have congee, noddles, and veggies", "kb4meWBHIYg-00033-00009030-00009230": "There's another one called Jasmine", "kb4meWBHIYg-00034-00009230-00009412": "It's more fancy", "kb4meWBHIYg-00035-00009414-00009836": "but the Cantonese foods there is also authentic", "kb4meWBHIYg-00036-00009856-00010126": "Without further ado, let me give you a room tour", "kb4meWBHIYg-00037-00010154-00010382": "This is the front door", "kb4meWBHIYg-00038-00010482-00010772": "and there's a picture here", "kb4meWBHIYg-00039-00011100-00011266": "This is it", "kb4meWBHIYg-00040-00011320-00011578": "When you come in,", "kb4meWBHIYg-00041-00011586-00011782": "it's the bathroom", "kb4meWBHIYg-00042-00011782-00012244": "There's a mirror with lights", "kb4meWBHIYg-00043-00012302-00012502": "I already put all my stuff here", "kb4meWBHIYg-00044-00012536-00012736": "but I have something leaking", "kb4meWBHIYg-00045-00012738-00013010": "which is Urban Decay one", "kb4meWBHIYg-00046-00013072-00013410": "It leaks so I have to deal with this bag later", "kb4meWBHIYg-00047-00013502-00013702": "Yeah I have everything here", "kb4meWBHIYg-00048-00013702-00013956": "The bathtub is here", "kb4meWBHIYg-00049-00014002-00014466": "and there's also a standing shower", "kb4meWBHIYg-00050-00014534-00014672": "As you walk out,", "kb4meWBHIYg-00051-00014676-00014876": "there's a mirror here", "kb4meWBHIYg-00052-00014994-00015194": "On this side", "kb4meWBHIYg-00053-00015196-00015396": "is the closet", "kb4meWBHIYg-00054-00015450-00015736": "I've hung up some clothes I need to hang", "kb4meWBHIYg-00055-00015758-00016068": "Just two dresses and one jacket", "kb4meWBHIYg-00056-00016080-00016310": "It's not that cold in Las Vegas", "kb4meWBHIYg-00057-00016334-00016764": "even warmer than LA so I only need a jacket with me", "kb4meWBHIYg-00058-00016780-00017246": "Then I have two off-shoulder tops here", "kb4meWBHIYg-00059-00017246-00017432": "These are the bathrobes from the hotel", "kb4meWBHIYg-00060-00017436-00017716": "These need to be hang up and ironed", "kb4meWBHIYg-00061-00017748-00018000": "since they are wrinkly", "kb4meWBHIYg-00062-00018024-00018400": "After that, is the main part of the room", "kb4meWBHIYg-00063-00018402-00018602": "The bed is here", "kb4meWBHIYg-00064-00018638-00018992": "and the ceiling is higher this time", "kb4meWBHIYg-00065-00019364-00019522": "On this side", "kb4meWBHIYg-00066-00019606-00020130": "there's a TV and food bar here", "kb4meWBHIYg-00067-00020138-00020338": "I put my luggage here", "kb4meWBHIYg-00068-00020348-00020770": "and these swimsuits, pants, and cover-ups", "kb4meWBHIYg-00069-00020770-00020916": "don't need to be hung so I put them here", "kb4meWBHIYg-00070-00020922-00021172": "And also I brought two small handbags", "kb4meWBHIYg-00071-00021172-00021436": "Since I'm just in Vegas,", "kb4meWBHIYg-00072-00021436-00021674": "I didn't feel like bringing a big bag with me", "kb4meWBHIYg-00073-00021674-00021954": "And I put my laptop here", "kb4meWBHIYg-00074-00021956-00022384": "because I will need it for editing photos or videos", "kb4meWBHIYg-00075-00022500-00022730": "This is the bag I took on the plane", "kb4meWBHIYg-00076-00022730-00022966": "It's big enough to carry more things", "kb4meWBHIYg-00077-00023012-00023548": "Here is the chair. And for shoes, I only brought", "kb4meWBHIYg-00078-00023566-00023806": "two pairs of heels and the one I'm wearing", "kb4meWBHIYg-00079-00023806-00023918": "it is from Stella McCartney", "kb4meWBHIYg-00080-00023932-00024206": "I didn't feel like bringing too many things with me", "kb4meWBHIYg-00081-00024206-00024388": "since it's a short trip", "kb4meWBHIYg-00082-00024392-00024592": "And on this side", "kb4meWBHIYg-00083-00024592-00024764": "there's two chairs here", "kb4meWBHIYg-00084-00024776-00025238": "As I just said, it's just a short trip", "kb4meWBHIYg-00085-00025238-00025438": "I only have a carry-on luggage", "kb4meWBHIYg-00086-00025450-00025858": "plus this personal item", "kb4meWBHIYg-00087-00025882-00026132": "which is a very big Tote bag", "kb4meWBHIYg-00088-00026150-00026370": "then I didn't need to check in my luggages", "kb4meWBHIYg-00089-00026370-00026570": "because check-in luggage takes a lot of time to get", "kb4meWBHIYg-00091-00026776-00027050": "There's not really a view", "kb4meWBHIYg-00092-00027050-00027188": "but it's fine", "kb4meWBHIYg-00093-00027188-00027314": "The window is a bit dirty", "kb4meWBHIYg-00094-00027324-00027554": "I'm fine with that", "kb4meWBHIYg-00095-00027562-00028032": "since I'm not staying in the room for too long", "kb4meWBHIYg-00096-00028032-00028202": "I don't mind if the view is nice or not", "kb4meWBHIYg-00097-00028248-00028532": "And that's all", "kb4meWBHIYg-00098-00028706-00029030": "I'm going to eat something now because", "kb4meWBHIYg-00099-00029038-00029282": "I'm very hungry after the flight and I miss Noodles so much", "kb4meWBHIYg-00100-00029282-00029416": "I'll continue it later", "kb4meWBHIYg-00101-00029416-00029788": "I just got to Noodles and this is the menu", "kb4meWBHIYg-00102-00029788-00029964": "I already know what I'm going to order", "kb4meWBHIYg-00103-00029964-00030164": "This is the soy milk I just ordered", "kb4meWBHIYg-00104-00030170-00030472": "and this is water", "kb4meWBHIYg-00105-00030492-00030872": "They have the green radish soup here", "kb4meWBHIYg-00106-00030872-00031006": "and there is pork", "kb4meWBHIYg-00107-00031006-00031202": "the next dish is Choy sum", "kb4meWBHIYg-00108-00031294-00031474": "I haven't eaten Choy sum for a while", "kb4meWBHIYg-00109-00031474-00031624": "Siu Mai is here!", "kb4meWBHIYg-00110-00031642-00032006": "And also Abalone congee", "kb4meWBHIYg-00111-00032010-00032254": "The abalone's are down there", "kb4meWBHIYg-00112-00032254-00032389": "I'm so hungry", "kb4meWBHIYg-00113-00032402-00032745": "Then it's the soy sauce chicken", "kb4meWBHIYg-00114-00032745-00033096": "and barbecue pork with rice", "kb4meWBHIYg-00116-00033154-00033396": "Today is my second day in Vegas", "kb4meWBHIYg-00117-00033414-00033680": "and we're chilling", "kb4meWBHIYg-00118-00033694-00033914": "by the swimming pool", "kb4meWBHIYg-00119-00033922-00034234": "There's umbrellas", "kb4meWBHIYg-00120-00034234-00034424": "because I don't want a sun-tan", "kb4meWBHIYg-00121-00034436-00034636": "while I want to relax", "kb4meWBHIYg-00122-00034636-00034804": "That's why I'm staying here", "kb4meWBHIYg-00123-00034804-00035156": "This is the main swimming pool", "kb4meWBHIYg-00124-00035164-00035478": "I don't think I have been here before", "kb4meWBHIYg-00125-00035486-00035772": "I went gambling last night", "kb4meWBHIYg-00126-00035772-00035884": "I played Black Jack", "kb4meWBHIYg-00127-00035884-00036048": "and won $360 dollars", "kb4meWBHIYg-00128-00036048-00036280": "But it's usually like this,", "kb4meWBHIYg-00129-00036280-00036478": "you win at first and lose at the end", "kb4meWBHIYg-00130-00036478-00036840": "Anyways we'll see how my luck is tonight", "kb4meWBHIYg-00131-00036840-00037000": "I'll continue it later", "kb4meWBHIYg-00132-00037010-00037328": "I just bought this pair of..", "kb4meWBHIYg-00133-00037328-00037460": "flip flops", "kb4meWBHIYg-00134-00037460-00037548": "Can you see it is clear?", "kb4meWBHIYg-00135-00037548-00037736": "The light seems too bright", "kb4meWBHIYg-00136-00037736-00038046": "I forgot to bring my flip flops", "kb4meWBHIYg-00137-00038060-00038412": "and I was wearing heels with laces", "kb4meWBHIYg-00138-00038420-00038734": "that made me uncomfortable while walking", "kb4meWBHIYg-00139-00038756-00038956": "so I bought these", "kb4meWBHIYg-00140-00038956-00039156": "They match my outfit", "kb4meWBHIYg-00141-00039168-00039408": "because I'm wearing a pink bikini", "kb4meWBHIYg-00142-00039732-00040088": "But the size is US 6 and it's a bit big for me", "kb4meWBHIYg-00143-00040096-00040296": "I think there a bit big", "kb4meWBHIYg-00144-00040304-00040598": "because it also says that it's EU37, 38", "kb4meWBHIYg-00145-00040614-00040886": "But this is the smallest size I could get", "kb4meWBHIYg-00146-00040886-00041086": "so I bought them anyways", "kb4meWBHIYg-00147-00041086-00041286": "to match my outfit", "kb4meWBHIYg-00148-00041354-00041554": "I already have a black pair", "kb4meWBHIYg-00149-00041554-00041742": "because black is the most common color", "kb4meWBHIYg-00150-00041742-00041874": "but I forgot to bring them", "kb4meWBHIYg-00151-00041874-00042050": "Here is my coffee", "kb4meWBHIYg-00152-00042050-00042384": "This is the creamer and my coffee is so dark", "kb4meWBHIYg-00153-00042402-00042820": "But it's ok since I'm a bit tired", "kb4meWBHIYg-00154-00042842-00043358": "I'm eating a small meal at Noodles then having dinner at Jasmine tonight", "kb4meWBHIYg-00155-00043358-00043770": "The swimming pool was ok", "kb4meWBHIYg-00156-00043782-00044070": "Just looking around since I don't like to be in the sun", "kb4meWBHIYg-00157-00044228-00044518": "Food is here! This is sweet and spicy noodles", "kb4meWBHIYg-00158-00044550-00044832": "and I'm having noodle soup", "kb4meWBHIYg-00159-00044850-00045236": "Now it's 4pm", "kb4meWBHIYg-00160-00045236-00045436": "and I will eat again at 8pm, which is in 4 hours", "kb4meWBHIYg-00161-00045436-00045688": "I'm just having a little meal now because I'm a bit hungry", "kb4meWBHIYg-00162-00045688-00045866": "We're at Jasmine now", "kb4meWBHIYg-00163-00045882-00046276": "Our table is not by the window", "kb4meWBHIYg-00164-00046296-00046640": "but it's still close", "kb4meWBHIYg-00165-00046652-00047096": "We can still see the view outside", "kb4meWBHIYg-00166-00047096-00047406": "There's a fountain show outside", "kb4meWBHIYg-00167-00047426-00047922": "So many fountains!", "kb4meWBHIYg-00168-00047922-00048062": "And it's playing Lady Gaga's song now", "kb4meWBHIYg-00169-00048064-00048384": "This is the silverware of Jasmine", "kb4meWBHIYg-00170-00048394-00048760": "It's different from last time, there was not these 2 pairs of chopsticks", "kb4meWBHIYg-00171-00048762-00048960": "Maybe one is for the first course and the other for the second course", "kb4meWBHIYg-00172-00048960-00049298": "This is for the appetizer and the red ones are for the main course", "kb4meWBHIYg-00173-00049306-00049622": "The chips are here", "kb4meWBHIYg-00174-00049634-00049946": "I guess it's the complimentary starter", "kb4meWBHIYg-00175-00049946-00050168": "They use chips instead of bread", "kb4meWBHIYg-00176-00050240-00050734": "Here is the soup. It's Chicken Corn Soup", "kb4meWBHIYg-00177-00050736-00051174": "At first I asked them what the soup of the day was", "kb4meWBHIYg-00178-00051180-00051486": "and I thought it wasn't that good, so I ordered this instead", "kb4meWBHIYg-00179-00051486-00051667": "Our first dish is here", "kb4meWBHIYg-00180-00051674-00051928": "It's spare ribs", "kb4meWBHIYg-00181-00051928-00052476": "which is like barbecued pork", "kb4meWBHIYg-00182-00052479-00052822": "It's playing another song now.", "kb4meWBHIYg-00183-00053112-00053467": "Here are the main courses. This is chicken and this is bok choy", "kb4meWBHIYg-00184-00053467-00053658": "This is fired rice", "kb4meWBHIYg-00185-00053660-00053860": "Let's eat!", "kb4meWBHIYg-00186-00053870-00054070": "Here is the cake", "kb4meWBHIYg-00187-00054220-00054329": "It's a chocolate cake", "kb4meWBHIYg-00188-00054334-00054578": "The dessert is here", "kb4meWBHIYg-00189-00054578-00054732": "and it's Bird's Nest with Papaya.", "kb4meWBHIYg-00190-00054779-00055094": "I'm having Buffet at Bellagio now", "kb4meWBHIYg-00191-00055094-00055402": "It's awesome that you can eat as much as you want", "kb4meWBHIYg-00192-00055417-00055632": "They have King Crab Legs here", "kb4meWBHIYg-00193-00055632-00055796": "which are my favorite", "kb4meWBHIYg-00194-00055808-00056102": "and they have lots of seafood", "kb4meWBHIYg-00195-00056114-00056348": "Also Chinese food like congee", "kb4meWBHIYg-00196-00056348-00056478": "They have everything here", "kb4meWBHIYg-00197-00056491-00056691": "You can't get the crab legs yourself", "kb4meWBHIYg-00198-00056700-00057105": "The staff would do it for you", "kb4meWBHIYg-00199-00057105-00057390": "There's also some mussels and a bit of pasta here", "kb4meWBHIYg-00200-00057394-00057594": "It's my first time here", "kb4meWBHIYg-00201-00057602-00057910": "I should have taken a plate only for crab legs", "kb4meWBHIYg-00202-00057922-00058324": "because there's some sauce from the other food", "kb4meWBHIYg-00203-00058328-00058598": "The second round I will be smarter", "kb4meWBHIYg-00204-00058598-00059036": "I took a plate only for King Crab Legs", "kb4meWBHIYg-00205-00059050-00059250": "The staff got them for me", "kb4meWBHIYg-00206-00059296-00059755": "Then I got some congee", "kb4meWBHIYg-00207-00059788-00060096": "because I prefer vegetarian food", "kb4meWBHIYg-00208-00060105-00060336": "They have Choy sum here but they're making a new batch", "kb4meWBHIYg-00209-00060336-00060454": "so I'll come back later", "kb4meWBHIYg-00210-00060454-00060879": "The Choy sum is so big but I still want to eat more veggies", "kb4meWBHIYg-00211-00060884-00061188": "There's a bar here but they charge for drinks", "kb4meWBHIYg-00212-00061216-00061646": "There are 600 people eating buffet here now", "kb4meWBHIYg-00213-00061652-00061929": "This is the buffet and all the plates are here", "kb4meWBHIYg-00214-00062100-00062591": "That's the place for soft drinks", "kb4meWBHIYg-00215-00062604-00062967": "No alcohol. They only sell alcohol at the bar", "kb4meWBHIYg-00216-00062967-00063160": "Here's the salads", "kb4meWBHIYg-00217-00063246-00063446": "It's so healthy", "kb4meWBHIYg-00218-00063446-00063636": "And the sides and dressings", "kb4meWBHIYg-00219-00063684-00063988": "Then there's prime rib and turkey", "kb4meWBHIYg-00220-00064046-00064462": "and also some veggies. Let me get closer", "kb4meWBHIYg-00221-00064741-00064974": "Someone is cutting the turkey over there", "kb4meWBHIYg-00222-00065391-00065704": "on this side", "kb4meWBHIYg-00223-00065704-00066142": "there's something like stir-fry dishes", "kb4meWBHIYg-00224-00066166-00066432": "and the sauces", "kb4meWBHIYg-00225-00066450-00066606": "Oh I forgot", "kb4meWBHIYg-00226-00066612-00066742": "to show you guys", "kb4meWBHIYg-00227-00066756-00067002": "This is soup", "kb4meWBHIYg-00228-00067024-00067316": "and some bread here", "kb4meWBHIYg-00229-00067318-00067590": "which are American cuisine", "kb4meWBHIYg-00230-00067604-00067884": "since there's Chinese and American food", "kb4meWBHIYg-00231-00067970-00068492": "This is where they have pizza", "kb4meWBHIYg-00232-00069072-00069432": "More bread and cheese", "kb4meWBHIYg-00233-00069502-00069794": "This is the pasta area", "kb4meWBHIYg-00234-00069794-00070022": "where you can choose so many types of pasta", "kb4meWBHIYg-00235-00070372-00070802": "Then it's the Asian food area", "kb4meWBHIYg-00236-00070970-00071226": "There's congee", "kb4meWBHIYg-00237-00071230-00071564": "fried rice and choy sum", "kb4meWBHIYg-00238-00071564-00071736": "The choy sum is kind of big", "kb4meWBHIYg-00239-00071736-00071894": "Actually I already ate", "kb4meWBHIYg-00240-00071902-00072160": "because I was so hungry", "kb4meWBHIYg-00241-00072160-00072354": "Now I'm just doing some filming", "kb4meWBHIYg-00242-00072354-00072488": "just want to show you guys", "kb4meWBHIYg-00243-00072506-00072786": "The size of choy sum is really big", "kb4meWBHIYg-00244-00072838-00073038": "This is the sushi section", "kb4meWBHIYg-00245-00073050-00073250": "Actually there's still one area over there", "kb4meWBHIYg-00246-00073250-00073450": "and it's the dessert area", "kb4meWBHIYg-00247-00073450-00073648": "I'll come back later since this place is too big", "kb4meWBHIYg-00248-00073664-00074070": "This is the seafood area and those are the mussels I had", "kb4meWBHIYg-00249-00074092-00074292": "I'm not a fan of the curry", "kb4meWBHIYg-00250-00074292-00074460": "And those are stir-fry dishes", "kb4meWBHIYg-00251-00074460-00074722": "The King Crab Legs were from here", "kb4meWBHIYg-00252-00074762-00075052": "Look! This's how it works", "kb4meWBHIYg-00253-00075428-00075628": "You can't help yourself for this area", "kb4meWBHIYg-00254-00075628-00075828": "but the staff gives a lot to you", "kb4meWBHIYg-00255-00076152-00076468": "More bread here", "kb4meWBHIYg-00256-00076608-00077146": "There's more seafood here", "kb4meWBHIYg-00257-00077352-00077552": "I'm already pretty full", "kb4meWBHIYg-00258-00077568-00077844": "and ready for desserts", "kb4meWBHIYg-00259-00077852-00078390": "This is chilled King Crab legs", "kb4meWBHIYg-00260-00078428-00078868": "and the crab claws", "kb4meWBHIYg-00261-00078868-00079366": "Then more healthy salads here", "kb4meWBHIYg-00262-00079396-00079712": "They're already made and they look like something from Whole Foods", "kb4meWBHIYg-00263-00079718-00080090": "That is the fruit area and I'm getting watermelons", "kb4meWBHIYg-00264-00080110-00080380": "They are already cut here, so it's easy to eat", "kb4meWBHIYg-00265-00080400-00080596": "Oh I missed the sushi", "kb4meWBHIYg-00266-00080596-00081034": "but I'm so full now", "kb4meWBHIYg-00267-00081034-00081206": "Let me take a look here", "kb4meWBHIYg-00268-00081206-00081406": "I didn't get to this area yet", "kb4meWBHIYg-00269-00081406-00081516": "Let me see what's here", "kb4meWBHIYg-00270-00081516-00081604": "What's this?", "kb4meWBHIYg-00271-00081604-00081886": "Oh they put a bucket of soy sauce here", "kb4meWBHIYg-00272-00081898-00082324": "and a bucket of sweet soy sauce", "kb4meWBHIYg-00273-00082338-00082516": "This is...", "kb4meWBHIYg-00274-00082522-00082760": "Oh I got it!", "kb4meWBHIYg-00275-00082782-00083226": "It's the place they cook for you..", "kb4meWBHIYg-00276-00083240-00083534": "..or maybe I'm wrong", "kb4meWBHIYg-00277-00083548-00083794": "Oh I thought they would cook for you here", "kb4meWBHIYg-00278-00083794-00084168": "but actually they make salads for you", "kb4meWBHIYg-00279-00084182-00084466": "I missed out this area", "kb4meWBHIYg-00280-00084466-00084654": "Wow so many shrimps here", "kb4meWBHIYg-00281-00084674-00084874": "SO MANY", "kb4meWBHIYg-00282-00084908-00085236": "And the sauce for shrimps is very tasty", "kb4meWBHIYg-00283-00085236-00085414": "which is the orange one", "kb4meWBHIYg-00284-00085416-00085616": "Anyways I'm already full", "kb4meWBHIYg-00285-00085650-00085850": "Let's go back to this side", "kb4meWBHIYg-00286-00085850-00086048": "That is that bar I just mentioned", "kb4meWBHIYg-00287-00086048-00086220": "which is round", "kb4meWBHIYg-00288-00086224-00086424": "I hope I filmed it clearly", "kb4meWBHIYg-00289-00086424-00086586": "because I left my tripod", "kb4meWBHIYg-00290-00086692-00086892": "That's the dessert area", "kb4meWBHIYg-00291-00087092-00087344": "A lot of desserts", "kb4meWBHIYg-00292-00087584-00087784": "Small cakes", "kb4meWBHIYg-00293-00088118-00088318": "More desserts here", "kb4meWBHIYg-00294-00088544-00088744": "Little donuts!", "kb4meWBHIYg-00295-00089242-00089536": "Also ice cream and cheesecakes", "kb4meWBHIYg-00296-00089674-00089874": "The ice cream area", "kb4meWBHIYg-00297-00090078-00090278": "The entrance fee", "kb4meWBHIYg-00298-00090278-00090440": "which is the price of the buffet", "kb4meWBHIYg-00299-00090456-00090730": "is almost $50 dollars, $47 dollars", "kb4meWBHIYg-00300-00090732-00090902": "It's worth it", "kb4meWBHIYg-00301-00090902-00091082": "since King Crabs Legs are expensive", "kb4meWBHIYg-00302-00091148-00091334": "and you can eat as much as you want", "kb4meWBHIYg-00303-00091334-00091724": "If you order King Crabs Legs at the restaurants,", "kb4meWBHIYg-00304-00091724-00091920": "it costs at least $50 dollars", "kb4meWBHIYg-00305-00091928-00092052": "They also have congee here", "kb4meWBHIYg-00306-00092052-00092188": "Oh it's not congee", "kb4meWBHIYg-00307-00092188-00092464": "It's Noodle Soup", "kb4meWBHIYg-00308-00092468-00092866": "It's Chicken Noodle Soup I think", "kb4meWBHIYg-00309-00092872-00093134": "Ok this is the last one, just some fruit", "kb4meWBHIYg-00310-00093134-00093266": "because I'm so full", "kb4meWBHIYg-00311-00093266-00093594": "Just 2 slices of watermelon plus one small slice of honeydew melon", "kb4meWBHIYg-00312-00093594-00093790": "I'm at the lounge now", "kb4meWBHIYg-00313-00093790-00094044": "because my flight has been delayed for two hours", "kb4meWBHIYg-00314-00094074-00094278": "So I'm going to chill out here", "kb4meWBHIYg-00315-00094278-00094578": "There's some salads here", "kb4meWBHIYg-00316-00094578-00094778": "That's so healthy", "kb4meWBHIYg-00317-00094830-00095030": "And some rice", "kb4meWBHIYg-00318-00095352-00095616": "They're serving lunch now", "kb4meWBHIYg-00319-00095630-00095830": "Are those mussels?", "kb4meWBHIYg-00320-00095902-00096072": "Oh no they aren't, I thought they were though", "kb4meWBHIYg-00321-00096406-00096578": "It's curry actually", "kb4meWBHIYg-00322-00096578-00096672": "Asparagus", "kb4meWBHIYg-00323-00096680-00097022": "This is chicken", "kb4meWBHIYg-00324-00097036-00097456": "Some desserts and there's also a bar here"}}, {"audio_id": "kb6hV5myVRg", "text": {"kb6hV5myVRg-00000-00000404-00000842": "Welcome to the Internet Simulator Tool for Computer Science Principles.", "kb6hV5myVRg-00001-00000842-00001268": "We will be using the Internet Simulator to study issues about how the Internet works and", "kb6hV5myVRg-00002-00001268-00001566": "also how data is represented and transmitted.", "kb6hV5myVRg-00003-00001566-00001950": "I'm Brad and I'm a software engineer here who helped build this tool.", "kb6hV5myVRg-00004-00001998-00002622": "The first problem you have to solve with the Internet Simulator is to encode a small piece of information in a binary", "kb6hV5myVRg-00005-00002622-00003054": "state and communicate to a friend using a shared wire.", "kb6hV5myVRg-00006-00003054-00003242": "Let's show you how to connect.", "kb6hV5myVRg-00007-00003242-00003656": "When you first open the simulator, if you are logged in you will", "kb6hV5myVRg-00008-00003656-00004278": "see the lobby which shows you everyone else in your class who is also logged in and looking at the simulator.", "kb6hV5myVRg-00009-00004278-00004664": "Identify your partner in the class list and click \"join\".", "kb6hV5myVRg-00010-00004664-00005242": "When you do, you will see an outgoing connection request below the lobby.", "kb6hV5myVRg-00011-00005242-00005622": "A request has been sent to Alex asking to connect.", "kb6hV5myVRg-00012-00005622-00006202": "Meanwhile, your friend will see an incoming connection request, which she can accept.", "kb6hV5myVRg-00013-00006202-00006840": "Either partner can make the request to join together but, one will make the request and the other will accept it.", "kb6hV5myVRg-00014-00006884-00007223": "Once connected, you will see yourself and your partner", "kb6hV5myVRg-00015-00007223-00007609": "represented as two nodes connected by a wire.", "kb6hV5myVRg-00016-00007609-00008142": "Either one of you can set the state of the wire to either state A or state B.", "kb6hV5myVRg-00017-00008142-00008834": "You can do that by typing an A or a B in the send box and clicking the \"Set Wire\" button.", "kb6hV5myVRg-00018-00008834-00009150": "That will set the state of the wire to A for the moment.", "kb6hV5myVRg-00019-00009228-00009768": "We'll explain why the graphic turns to a question mark immediately after you set the state in a minute.", "kb6hV5myVRg-00020-00009798-00010460": "You can also type out the string of A's and B's that you want to send ahead of time and then click the \"Set Wire\"", "kb6hV5myVRg-00021-00010460-00011142": "button repeatedly. It will take the A or the B at the front of the line and set the wire to it.", "kb6hV5myVRg-00022-00011142-00011530": "You or your friend can read the wire at any point.", "kb6hV5myVRg-00023-00011530-00012070": "Clicking \"Read Wire\" simply records the state of the wire at that moment in time.", "kb6hV5myVRg-00024-00012070-00012492": "There is no guarantee that it will have changed state between clicks.", "kb6hV5myVRg-00025-00012492-00012991": "Of course, if you set the state of the wire, you can also read it yourself.", "kb6hV5myVRg-00026-00012991-00013554": "The most important thing to know about this simulation is that the wire between you and your partner can only be", "kb6hV5myVRg-00027-00013554-00013890": "set to two states, A or B.", "kb6hV5myVRg-00028-00013890-00014324": "And you can't know the state of the wire until you choose to read it.", "kb6hV5myVRg-00029-00014324-00014840": "You will have to coordinate to decide whose turn it is to use the wire.", "kb6hV5myVRg-00030-00014840-00015332": "This is the reason that you see a question mark once you have set the state of the wire.", "kb6hV5myVRg-00031-00015332-00015876": "Since both you and your friend can set the state of the wire at any point, once you've set it", "kb6hV5myVRg-00032-00015876-00016618": "there's a possibility that your friend might also set it at the same time and before either of you reads the wire.", "kb6hV5myVRg-00033-00016652-00017378": "Attempting to send a message to a friend using a shared wire requires some coordination and careful timing.", "kb6hV5myVRg-00034-00017378-00017972": "To help with that, we've included a pulse timer that you can use to help you maintain a regular pace.", "kb6hV5myVRg-00035-00017992-00018724": "Click on the \"My Device\" tab and see the timer. Adjust the slider to have it pulse at different rates.", "kb6hV5myVRg-00036-00018750-00018992": "The timer isn't connected to anything.", "kb6hV5myVRg-00037-00018992-00019404": "It's just a metronome, there to help you and your partner coordinate.", "kb6hV5myVRg-00038-00019428-00019776": "With a well thought-out communication protocol and the pulse timer,", "kb6hV5myVRg-00039-00019798-00020242": "you and your partner will be able to send and receive messages accurately and efficiently.", "kb6hV5myVRg-00040-00020278-00020400": "Good luck!"}}, {"audio_id": "kb96KQSUP2u", "text": {"kb96KQSUP2u-00000-00000010-00000070": ">> THE UNITED WAY'S GOAL IS TO", "kb96KQSUP2u-00001-00000070-00000076": ">> THE UNITED WAY'S GOAL IS TO", "kb96KQSUP2u-00002-00000076-00000220": ">> THE UNITED WAY'S GOAL IS TO HAVE THE NEW WOMEN SHELTER OPEN", "kb96KQSUP2u-00003-00000220-00000226": ">> THE UNITED WAY'S GOAL IS TO HAVE THE NEW WOMEN SHELTER OPEN", "kb96KQSUP2u-00004-00000226-00000493": ">> THE UNITED WAY'S GOAL IS TO HAVE THE NEW WOMEN SHELTER OPEN BY THE END OF 2022.", "kb96KQSUP2u-00005-00000493-00000500": "HAVE THE NEW WOMEN SHELTER OPEN BY THE END OF 2022.", "kb96KQSUP2u-00006-00000500-00000567": "HAVE THE NEW WOMEN SHELTER OPEN BY THE END OF 2022. >>> ADMINISTRATION OFFICIALS SAY", "kb96KQSUP2u-00007-00000567-00000573": "BY THE END OF 2022. >>> ADMINISTRATION OFFICIALS SAY", "kb96KQSUP2u-00008-00000573-00000807": "BY THE END OF 2022. >>> ADMINISTRATION OFFICIALS SAY SLOWING ECONOMIC GROWTH AND A", "kb96KQSUP2u-00009-00000807-00000814": ">>> ADMINISTRATION OFFICIALS SAY SLOWING ECONOMIC GROWTH AND A", "kb96KQSUP2u-00010-00000814-00000914": ">>> ADMINISTRATION OFFICIALS SAY SLOWING ECONOMIC GROWTH AND A DEEPENING WORKER SHORTAGE HAS", "kb96KQSUP2u-00011-00000914-00000920": "SLOWING ECONOMIC GROWTH AND A DEEPENING WORKER SHORTAGE HAS", "kb96KQSUP2u-00012-00000920-00000984": "SLOWING ECONOMIC GROWTH AND A DEEPENING WORKER SHORTAGE HAS SHRUNK MINNESOTA'S PROJECTED", "kb96KQSUP2u-00013-00000984-00000990": "DEEPENING WORKER SHORTAGE HAS SHRUNK MINNESOTA'S PROJECTED", "kb96KQSUP2u-00014-00000990-00001067": "DEEPENING WORKER SHORTAGE HAS SHRUNK MINNESOTA'S PROJECTED BUDGET SURPLUS TO JUST OVER", "kb96KQSUP2u-00015-00001067-00001074": "SHRUNK MINNESOTA'S PROJECTED BUDGET SURPLUS TO JUST OVER", "kb96KQSUP2u-00016-00001074-00001231": "SHRUNK MINNESOTA'S PROJECTED BUDGET SURPLUS TO JUST OVER 1 BILLION-DOLLARS.", "kb96KQSUP2u-00017-00001231-00001237": "BUDGET SURPLUS TO JUST OVER 1 BILLION-DOLLARS.", "kb96KQSUP2u-00018-00001237-00001388": "BUDGET SURPLUS TO JUST OVER 1 BILLION-DOLLARS. THAT LEAVES LAWMAKERS NEARLY", "kb96KQSUP2u-00019-00001388-00001394": "1 BILLION-DOLLARS. THAT LEAVES LAWMAKERS NEARLY", "kb96KQSUP2u-00020-00001394-00001551": "1 BILLION-DOLLARS. THAT LEAVES LAWMAKERS NEARLY 500 MILLION DOLLARS LESS TO WORK", "kb96KQSUP2u-00021-00001551-00001558": "THAT LEAVES LAWMAKERS NEARLY 500 MILLION DOLLARS LESS TO WORK", "kb96KQSUP2u-00022-00001558-00001705": "THAT LEAVES LAWMAKERS NEARLY 500 MILLION DOLLARS LESS TO WORK WITH AS THEY BEGIN ASSEMBLING", "kb96KQSUP2u-00023-00001705-00001711": "500 MILLION DOLLARS LESS TO WORK WITH AS THEY BEGIN ASSEMBLING", "kb96KQSUP2u-00024-00001711-00001768": "500 MILLION DOLLARS LESS TO WORK WITH AS THEY BEGIN ASSEMBLING THE STATE'S NEXT TWO-YEAR", "kb96KQSUP2u-00025-00001768-00001775": "WITH AS THEY BEGIN ASSEMBLING THE STATE'S NEXT TWO-YEAR", "kb96KQSUP2u-00026-00001775-00001881": "WITH AS THEY BEGIN ASSEMBLING THE STATE'S NEXT TWO-YEAR BUDGET.", "kb96KQSUP2u-00027-00001881-00001888": "THE STATE'S NEXT TWO-YEAR BUDGET.", "kb96KQSUP2u-00028-00001888-00002031": "THE STATE'S NEXT TWO-YEAR BUDGET. GOVERNOR TIM WALZ AND OTHER", "kb96KQSUP2u-00029-00002031-00002038": "BUDGET. GOVERNOR TIM WALZ AND OTHER", "kb96KQSUP2u-00030-00002038-00002135": "BUDGET. GOVERNOR TIM WALZ AND OTHER DEMOCRATIC LEADERS SAY THE", "kb96KQSUP2u-00031-00002135-00002142": "GOVERNOR TIM WALZ AND OTHER DEMOCRATIC LEADERS SAY THE", "kb96KQSUP2u-00032-00002142-00002348": "GOVERNOR TIM WALZ AND OTHER DEMOCRATIC LEADERS SAY THE UPDATED FORECAST SHOWS THE NEED", "kb96KQSUP2u-00033-00002348-00002355": "DEMOCRATIC LEADERS SAY THE UPDATED FORECAST SHOWS THE NEED", "kb96KQSUP2u-00034-00002355-00002609": "DEMOCRATIC LEADERS SAY THE UPDATED FORECAST SHOWS THE NEED FOR MORE SPENDING ON EDUCATION,", "kb96KQSUP2u-00035-00002609-00002615": "UPDATED FORECAST SHOWS THE NEED FOR MORE SPENDING ON EDUCATION,", "kb96KQSUP2u-00036-00002615-00002776": "UPDATED FORECAST SHOWS THE NEED FOR MORE SPENDING ON EDUCATION, JOBS AND TRANSPORTATION, AND", "kb96KQSUP2u-00037-00002776-00002782": "FOR MORE SPENDING ON EDUCATION, JOBS AND TRANSPORTATION, AND", "kb96KQSUP2u-00038-00002782-00002876": "FOR MORE SPENDING ON EDUCATION, JOBS AND TRANSPORTATION, AND STEPPED-UP EFFORTS TO ATTRACT", "kb96KQSUP2u-00039-00002876-00002882": "JOBS AND TRANSPORTATION, AND STEPPED-UP EFFORTS TO ATTRACT", "kb96KQSUP2u-00040-00002882-00003032": "JOBS AND TRANSPORTATION, AND STEPPED-UP EFFORTS TO ATTRACT WORKERS FROM OTHER STATES.", "kb96KQSUP2u-00041-00003032-00003039": "STEPPED-UP EFFORTS TO ATTRACT WORKERS FROM OTHER STATES.", "kb96KQSUP2u-00042-00003039-00003299": "STEPPED-UP EFFORTS TO ATTRACT WORKERS FROM OTHER STATES. BUT REPUBLICAN LEADERS SAY HIGH", "kb96KQSUP2u-00043-00003299-00003306": "WORKERS FROM OTHER STATES. BUT REPUBLICAN LEADERS SAY HIGH", "kb96KQSUP2u-00044-00003306-00003463": "WORKERS FROM OTHER STATES. BUT REPUBLICAN LEADERS SAY HIGH TAXES ARE THE PROBLEM AND", "kb96KQSUP2u-00045-00003463-00003470": "BUT REPUBLICAN LEADERS SAY HIGH TAXES ARE THE PROBLEM AND", "kb96KQSUP2u-00046-00003470-00003670": "BUT REPUBLICAN LEADERS SAY HIGH TAXES ARE THE PROBLEM AND THAT TAX HIKES WALZ PROPOSES ON", "kb96KQSUP2u-00047-00003670-00003676": "TAXES ARE THE PROBLEM AND THAT TAX HIKES WALZ PROPOSES ON", "kb96KQSUP2u-00048-00003676-00003783": "TAXES ARE THE PROBLEM AND THAT TAX HIKES WALZ PROPOSES ON GASOLINE AND OTHER ITEMS WILL", "kb96KQSUP2u-00049-00003783-00003790": "THAT TAX HIKES WALZ PROPOSES ON GASOLINE AND OTHER ITEMS WILL", "kb96KQSUP2u-00050-00003790-00003937": "THAT TAX HIKES WALZ PROPOSES ON GASOLINE AND OTHER ITEMS WILL ONLY CHOKE OFF GROWTH AND MAKE", "kb96KQSUP2u-00051-00003937-00003943": "GASOLINE AND OTHER ITEMS WILL ONLY CHOKE OFF GROWTH AND MAKE", "kb96KQSUP2u-00052-00003943-00004090": "GASOLINE AND OTHER ITEMS WILL ONLY CHOKE OFF GROWTH AND MAKE MINNESOTA LESS ATTRACTIVE.", "kb96KQSUP2u-00053-00004090-00004097": "ONLY CHOKE OFF GROWTH AND MAKE MINNESOTA LESS ATTRACTIVE.", "kb96KQSUP2u-00054-00004097-00004210": "ONLY CHOKE OFF GROWTH AND MAKE MINNESOTA LESS ATTRACTIVE. THE UPDATED FORECAST IS NOW THE", "kb96KQSUP2u-00055-00004210-00004217": "MINNESOTA LESS ATTRACTIVE. THE UPDATED FORECAST IS NOW THE", "kb96KQSUP2u-00056-00004217-00004374": "MINNESOTA LESS ATTRACTIVE. THE UPDATED FORECAST IS NOW THE STARTING POINT AS LEGISLATIVE", "kb96KQSUP2u-00057-00004374-00004381": "THE UPDATED FORECAST IS NOW THE STARTING POINT AS LEGISLATIVE", "kb96KQSUP2u-00058-00004381-00004584": "THE UPDATED FORECAST IS NOW THE STARTING POINT AS LEGISLATIVE LEADERS SET FINAL SPENDING", "kb96KQSUP2u-00059-00004584-00004591": "STARTING POINT AS LEGISLATIVE LEADERS SET FINAL SPENDING", "kb96KQSUP2u-00060-00004591-00004654": "STARTING POINT AS LEGISLATIVE LEADERS SET FINAL SPENDING TARGETS FOR HAMMERING OUT A", "kb96KQSUP2u-00061-00004654-00004661": "LEADERS SET FINAL SPENDING TARGETS FOR HAMMERING OUT A", "kb96KQSUP2u-00062-00004661-00004704": "LEADERS SET FINAL SPENDING TARGETS FOR HAMMERING OUT A BUDGET BEFORE THE SESSION"}}, {"audio_id": "kbfV9mT83-g", "text": {"kbfV9mT83-g-00000-00000000-00000200": "Trying to change settings. Sorry."}}, {"audio_id": "kb_iH2AcdrM", "text": {"kb_iH2AcdrM-00000-00000000-00000600": "Cooperation between sectors where you bring the public sector, nonprofits", "kb_iH2AcdrM-00001-00000600-00001248": "humanitarian groups, and the business community together and you don't just", "kb_iH2AcdrM-00002-00001248-00001707": "have fellow-feeling and warm hearts but you actually work out partnerships.", "kb_iH2AcdrM-00003-00001707-00002205": "But we shouldn't take eye off the ball of cooperation between public sector", "kb_iH2AcdrM-00004-00002205-00002730": "entities. The Defense Department, USAID and the State Department need to work", "kb_iH2AcdrM-00005-00002730-00003455": "together so that the sum is larger than each of the parts taken separately and", "kb_iH2AcdrM-00006-00003455-00004161": "within international organizations if you bring the UN's Department of", "kb_iH2AcdrM-00007-00004161-00005064": "peacekeeping operations its UN High Commissioner for Refugees entity, the", "kb_iH2AcdrM-00008-00005064-00005777": "International Organization for Migration you need to end siloing"}}, {"audio_id": "kc7tLbX_jTy", "text": {"kc7tLbX_jTy-00000-00000111-00000415": "Hi, my name is Alicia Zach and I am a librarian here at Saddleback.", "kc7tLbX_jTy-00001-00000415-00000882": "Today I am going to show you how to sign in to your library account online where you can", "kc7tLbX_jTy-00002-00000882-00001362": "view and renew checked out items, view items you have placed on hold, and view your late", "kc7tLbX_jTy-00003-00001362-00001519": "fines.", "kc7tLbX_jTy-00004-00001519-00001998": "You can get to the Library Account sign in link from the homepage of the library at saddleback.edu/library.", "kc7tLbX_jTy-00005-00001998-00002868": "You can also get to your Library Account link by performing a search in the catalog at the", "kc7tLbX_jTy-00006-00002868-00003429": "center of the page on our website.", "kc7tLbX_jTy-00007-00003429-00004232": "Once inside the catalog, you will see the sign in link at the top of the page.", "kc7tLbX_jTy-00008-00004232-00004689": "Like many of our resources, you will use your Blackboard user name and password to access", "kc7tLbX_jTy-00009-00004689-00005178": "your account.", "kc7tLbX_jTy-00010-00005178-00005512": "Once you sign in, you will stay on the page you were searching, but now you can now see", "kc7tLbX_jTy-00011-00005512-00005744": "the \"Sign In\" button has changed to your name.", "kc7tLbX_jTy-00012-00005744-00006490": "Click on the button for options such as entering your account and viewing your saved catalog", "kc7tLbX_jTy-00013-00006490-00006590": "searches.", "kc7tLbX_jTy-00014-00006590-00006776": "Choose\"My Account.\"", "kc7tLbX_jTy-00015-00006776-00007072": "There are three tabs with different account information.", "kc7tLbX_jTy-00016-00007072-00007361": "The first tab shows the items that you have checked out on your account.", "kc7tLbX_jTy-00017-00007361-00007843": "This lists the title and the date the item is due back to the Library.", "kc7tLbX_jTy-00018-00007843-00008260": "You will also see a button for renewing your items if you need something for additional", "kc7tLbX_jTy-00019-00008260-00008360": "time.", "kc7tLbX_jTy-00020-00008360-00008839": "Remember, your items will renew for 28 days from the date you click on the Renew button,", "kc7tLbX_jTy-00021-00008839-00009049": "not from the original due date.", "kc7tLbX_jTy-00022-00009049-00009232": "Renewing too soon could cause you to lose out on some time.", "kc7tLbX_jTy-00023-00009232-00009726": "The next tab will list the items you've placed on hold.", "kc7tLbX_jTy-00024-00009726-00010196": "You will see the title of the item on hold, what place in line you are in for the item,", "kc7tLbX_jTy-00025-00010196-00010490": "and the time frame or schedule that the hold will be available.", "kc7tLbX_jTy-00026-00010490-00011422": "You can see my hold begins on February 2nd 2017, the date I put the item on hold.", "kc7tLbX_jTy-00027-00011422-00011940": "If a person is in front of me in the hold queue and they don't return the book before", "kc7tLbX_jTy-00028-00011940-00012645": "the expiration date of my hold on March 2nd, my hold will automatically expire.", "kc7tLbX_jTy-00029-00012645-00013058": "If you no longer need the item you have placed on hold and you have not been notified that", "kc7tLbX_jTy-00030-00013058-00013522": "the item is waiting for you, you can remove the item from your list by simply clicking", "kc7tLbX_jTy-00031-00013522-00014237": "on the \"Remove\" button.", "kc7tLbX_jTy-00032-00014237-00014815": "Once the hold is ready for you, we will hold it for you at the Circulation Desk for 7 days.", "kc7tLbX_jTy-00033-00014815-00015281": "The last tab is for fines on late or lost items.", "kc7tLbX_jTy-00034-00015281-00015741": "You can see what the fine is for, how late your item was returned, and the total amount", "kc7tLbX_jTy-00035-00015741-00015841": "due.", "kc7tLbX_jTy-00036-00015841-00016476": "You can only accumulate up to $5 in late fines before your Library privileges are suspended.", "kc7tLbX_jTy-00037-00016476-00016977": "Unpaid fines can result in a freeze of your student account as well, so it will affect", "kc7tLbX_jTy-00038-00016977-00017096": "things like registration.", "kc7tLbX_jTy-00039-00017096-00017562": "Be sure to renew items you think will be late or return them on time.", "kc7tLbX_jTy-00040-00017562-00018184": "You cannot pay for your fines online at this time, so you must visit the Circulation Desk", "kc7tLbX_jTy-00041-00018184-00018948": "on the third floor of the LRC to pay any fines you have accrued.", "kc7tLbX_jTy-00042-00018948-00019062": "That's the end of this video.", "kc7tLbX_jTy-00043-00019062-00019586": "If you have questions, come see us at the Reference desk, call us, or chat with us online."}}, {"audio_id": "kcrkii6TyMI", "text": {"kcrkii6TyMI-00000-00314347-00314450": "TODAY IN THE TACKLE BOX,", "kcrkii6TyMI-00001-00314450-00314457": "TODAY IN THE TACKLE BOX,", "kcrkii6TyMI-00002-00314457-00314527": "TODAY IN THE TACKLE BOX, I'M GOING TO TALK TO YOU", "kcrkii6TyMI-00003-00314527-00314534": "TODAY IN THE TACKLE BOX, I'M GOING TO TALK TO YOU", "kcrkii6TyMI-00004-00314534-00314604": "TODAY IN THE TACKLE BOX, I'M GOING TO TALK TO YOU A LITTLE BIT ABOUT WHAT WE'RE", "kcrkii6TyMI-00005-00314604-00314610": "I'M GOING TO TALK TO YOU A LITTLE BIT ABOUT WHAT WE'RE", "kcrkii6TyMI-00006-00314610-00314737": "I'M GOING TO TALK TO YOU A LITTLE BIT ABOUT WHAT WE'RE DOING TODAY AT CATALINA ISLAND.", "kcrkii6TyMI-00007-00314737-00314744": "A LITTLE BIT ABOUT WHAT WE'RE DOING TODAY AT CATALINA ISLAND.", "kcrkii6TyMI-00008-00314744-00314864": "A LITTLE BIT ABOUT WHAT WE'RE DOING TODAY AT CATALINA ISLAND. WE'RE USING LIVE BAITS", "kcrkii6TyMI-00009-00314864-00314871": "DOING TODAY AT CATALINA ISLAND. WE'RE USING LIVE BAITS", "kcrkii6TyMI-00010-00314871-00314981": "DOING TODAY AT CATALINA ISLAND. WE'RE USING LIVE BAITS AND WE'RE TARGETING SOME OF", "kcrkii6TyMI-00011-00314981-00314987": "WE'RE USING LIVE BAITS AND WE'RE TARGETING SOME OF", "kcrkii6TyMI-00012-00314987-00315134": "WE'RE USING LIVE BAITS AND WE'RE TARGETING SOME OF THESE SURFACE FISH, LIKE BONITA,", "kcrkii6TyMI-00013-00315134-00315141": "AND WE'RE TARGETING SOME OF THESE SURFACE FISH, LIKE BONITA,", "kcrkii6TyMI-00014-00315141-00315304": "AND WE'RE TARGETING SOME OF THESE SURFACE FISH, LIKE BONITA, CALICO BASS. LOOKING", "kcrkii6TyMI-00015-00315304-00315311": "THESE SURFACE FISH, LIKE BONITA, CALICO BASS. LOOKING", "kcrkii6TyMI-00016-00315311-00315455": "THESE SURFACE FISH, LIKE BONITA, CALICO BASS. LOOKING FOR A BARRACUDA, HOPEFULLY WE'LL", "kcrkii6TyMI-00017-00315455-00315461": "CALICO BASS. LOOKING FOR A BARRACUDA, HOPEFULLY WE'LL", "kcrkii6TyMI-00018-00315461-00315588": "CALICO BASS. LOOKING FOR A BARRACUDA, HOPEFULLY WE'LL FIND ONE. BUT BECAUSE WE'RE", "kcrkii6TyMI-00019-00315588-00315595": "FOR A BARRACUDA, HOPEFULLY WE'LL FIND ONE. BUT BECAUSE WE'RE", "kcrkii6TyMI-00020-00315595-00315725": "FOR A BARRACUDA, HOPEFULLY WE'LL FIND ONE. BUT BECAUSE WE'RE USING SMALL BAITS AND WE'RE", "kcrkii6TyMI-00021-00315725-00315732": "FIND ONE. BUT BECAUSE WE'RE USING SMALL BAITS AND WE'RE", "kcrkii6TyMI-00022-00315732-00315865": "FIND ONE. BUT BECAUSE WE'RE USING SMALL BAITS AND WE'RE GOING AFTER THESE FISH WITH", "kcrkii6TyMI-00023-00315865-00315872": "USING SMALL BAITS AND WE'RE GOING AFTER THESE FISH WITH", "kcrkii6TyMI-00024-00315872-00315985": "USING SMALL BAITS AND WE'RE GOING AFTER THESE FISH WITH REALLY SHARP TEETH LIKE", "kcrkii6TyMI-00025-00315985-00315992": "GOING AFTER THESE FISH WITH REALLY SHARP TEETH LIKE", "kcrkii6TyMI-00026-00315992-00316129": "GOING AFTER THESE FISH WITH REALLY SHARP TEETH LIKE THE BONITA AND THE BARRACUDA,", "kcrkii6TyMI-00027-00316129-00316135": "REALLY SHARP TEETH LIKE THE BONITA AND THE BARRACUDA,", "kcrkii6TyMI-00028-00316135-00316245": "REALLY SHARP TEETH LIKE THE BONITA AND THE BARRACUDA, I THINK IT'S REALLY IMPORTANT", "kcrkii6TyMI-00029-00316245-00316252": "THE BONITA AND THE BARRACUDA, I THINK IT'S REALLY IMPORTANT", "kcrkii6TyMI-00030-00316252-00316409": "THE BONITA AND THE BARRACUDA, I THINK IT'S REALLY IMPORTANT THAT YOU USE A CIRCLE HOOK.", "kcrkii6TyMI-00031-00316409-00316416": "I THINK IT'S REALLY IMPORTANT THAT YOU USE A CIRCLE HOOK.", "kcrkii6TyMI-00032-00316416-00316582": "I THINK IT'S REALLY IMPORTANT THAT YOU USE A CIRCLE HOOK. NOW, TODAY I'M USING A REALLY", "kcrkii6TyMI-00033-00316582-00316589": "THAT YOU USE A CIRCLE HOOK. NOW, TODAY I'M USING A REALLY", "kcrkii6TyMI-00034-00316589-00316763": "THAT YOU USE A CIRCLE HOOK. NOW, TODAY I'M USING A REALLY THIN WIRE CIRCLE HOOK, BECAUSE", "kcrkii6TyMI-00035-00316763-00316769": "NOW, TODAY I'M USING A REALLY THIN WIRE CIRCLE HOOK, BECAUSE", "kcrkii6TyMI-00036-00316769-00316926": "NOW, TODAY I'M USING A REALLY THIN WIRE CIRCLE HOOK, BECAUSE WE'RE USING REALLY SMALL BAITS.", "kcrkii6TyMI-00037-00316926-00316933": "THIN WIRE CIRCLE HOOK, BECAUSE WE'RE USING REALLY SMALL BAITS.", "kcrkii6TyMI-00038-00316933-00317063": "THIN WIRE CIRCLE HOOK, BECAUSE WE'RE USING REALLY SMALL BAITS. AND THIS IS THE DIFFERENCE", "kcrkii6TyMI-00039-00317063-00317070": "WE'RE USING REALLY SMALL BAITS. AND THIS IS THE DIFFERENCE", "kcrkii6TyMI-00040-00317070-00317220": "WE'RE USING REALLY SMALL BAITS. AND THIS IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A LARGE CIRCLE HOOK", "kcrkii6TyMI-00041-00317220-00317226": "AND THIS IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A LARGE CIRCLE HOOK", "kcrkii6TyMI-00042-00317226-00317460": "AND THIS IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A LARGE CIRCLE HOOK AND A THIN WIRE. IF YOU USE", "kcrkii6TyMI-00043-00317460-00317467": "BETWEEN A LARGE CIRCLE HOOK AND A THIN WIRE. IF YOU USE", "kcrkii6TyMI-00044-00317467-00317633": "BETWEEN A LARGE CIRCLE HOOK AND A THIN WIRE. IF YOU USE THE BIG CIRCLE HOOK ON A LITTLE", "kcrkii6TyMI-00045-00317633-00317640": "AND A THIN WIRE. IF YOU USE THE BIG CIRCLE HOOK ON A LITTLE", "kcrkii6TyMI-00046-00317640-00317740": "AND A THIN WIRE. IF YOU USE THE BIG CIRCLE HOOK ON A LITTLE BAIT, YOU'RE JUST GOING TO DROWN", "kcrkii6TyMI-00047-00317740-00317747": "THE BIG CIRCLE HOOK ON A LITTLE BAIT, YOU'RE JUST GOING TO DROWN", "kcrkii6TyMI-00048-00317747-00317840": "THE BIG CIRCLE HOOK ON A LITTLE BAIT, YOU'RE JUST GOING TO DROWN IT, IT'S NOT GOING TO LOOK", "kcrkii6TyMI-00049-00317840-00317847": "BAIT, YOU'RE JUST GOING TO DROWN IT, IT'S NOT GOING TO LOOK", "kcrkii6TyMI-00050-00317847-00317934": "BAIT, YOU'RE JUST GOING TO DROWN IT, IT'S NOT GOING TO LOOK NATURAL, AND YOU WON'T CATCH ANY", "kcrkii6TyMI-00051-00317934-00317940": "IT, IT'S NOT GOING TO LOOK NATURAL, AND YOU WON'T CATCH ANY", "kcrkii6TyMI-00052-00317940-00318127": "IT, IT'S NOT GOING TO LOOK NATURAL, AND YOU WON'T CATCH ANY FISH. WITH THIS THIN WIRE HOOK,", "kcrkii6TyMI-00053-00318127-00318134": "NATURAL, AND YOU WON'T CATCH ANY FISH. WITH THIS THIN WIRE HOOK,", "kcrkii6TyMI-00054-00318134-00318224": "NATURAL, AND YOU WON'T CATCH ANY FISH. WITH THIS THIN WIRE HOOK, EVEN THOUGH IT LOOKS REALLY", "kcrkii6TyMI-00055-00318224-00318231": "FISH. WITH THIS THIN WIRE HOOK, EVEN THOUGH IT LOOKS REALLY", "kcrkii6TyMI-00056-00318231-00318401": "FISH. WITH THIS THIN WIRE HOOK, EVEN THOUGH IT LOOKS REALLY SMALL, IT WORKS OUT REALLY GOOD", "kcrkii6TyMI-00057-00318401-00318408": "EVEN THOUGH IT LOOKS REALLY SMALL, IT WORKS OUT REALLY GOOD", "kcrkii6TyMI-00058-00318408-00318514": "EVEN THOUGH IT LOOKS REALLY SMALL, IT WORKS OUT REALLY GOOD WITH THE SMALLER BAITS.", "kcrkii6TyMI-00059-00318514-00318521": "SMALL, IT WORKS OUT REALLY GOOD WITH THE SMALLER BAITS.", "kcrkii6TyMI-00060-00318521-00318638": "SMALL, IT WORKS OUT REALLY GOOD WITH THE SMALLER BAITS. IT'S GOING TO SWIM MORE NATURAL,", "kcrkii6TyMI-00061-00318638-00318644": "WITH THE SMALLER BAITS. IT'S GOING TO SWIM MORE NATURAL,", "kcrkii6TyMI-00062-00318644-00318785": "WITH THE SMALLER BAITS. IT'S GOING TO SWIM MORE NATURAL, LOOK ATTRACTIVE TO THOSE GAME", "kcrkii6TyMI-00063-00318785-00318791": "IT'S GOING TO SWIM MORE NATURAL, LOOK ATTRACTIVE TO THOSE GAME", "kcrkii6TyMI-00064-00318791-00318878": "IT'S GOING TO SWIM MORE NATURAL, LOOK ATTRACTIVE TO THOSE GAME FISH AND THEY'RE GOING TO COME", "kcrkii6TyMI-00065-00318878-00318885": "LOOK ATTRACTIVE TO THOSE GAME FISH AND THEY'RE GOING TO COME", "kcrkii6TyMI-00066-00318885-00319065": "LOOK ATTRACTIVE TO THOSE GAME FISH AND THEY'RE GOING TO COME UP AND EAT IT. AGAIN, ANOTHER", "kcrkii6TyMI-00067-00319065-00319072": "FISH AND THEY'RE GOING TO COME UP AND EAT IT. AGAIN, ANOTHER", "kcrkii6TyMI-00068-00319072-00319202": "FISH AND THEY'RE GOING TO COME UP AND EAT IT. AGAIN, ANOTHER THING I LIKE ABOUT CIRCLE HOOKS", "kcrkii6TyMI-00069-00319202-00319208": "UP AND EAT IT. AGAIN, ANOTHER THING I LIKE ABOUT CIRCLE HOOKS", "kcrkii6TyMI-00070-00319208-00319375": "UP AND EAT IT. AGAIN, ANOTHER THING I LIKE ABOUT CIRCLE HOOKS IS, NOT ONLY FOR THE TEETH-Y", "kcrkii6TyMI-00071-00319375-00319382": "THING I LIKE ABOUT CIRCLE HOOKS IS, NOT ONLY FOR THE TEETH-Y", "kcrkii6TyMI-00072-00319382-00319525": "THING I LIKE ABOUT CIRCLE HOOKS IS, NOT ONLY FOR THE TEETH-Y FISH--OR CREATURES LIKE", "kcrkii6TyMI-00073-00319525-00319532": "IS, NOT ONLY FOR THE TEETH-Y FISH--OR CREATURES LIKE", "kcrkii6TyMI-00074-00319532-00319736": "IS, NOT ONLY FOR THE TEETH-Y FISH--OR CREATURES LIKE BARRACUDA OR BONITA, I ALSO LIKE", "kcrkii6TyMI-00075-00319736-00319742": "FISH--OR CREATURES LIKE BARRACUDA OR BONITA, I ALSO LIKE", "kcrkii6TyMI-00076-00319742-00319826": "FISH--OR CREATURES LIKE BARRACUDA OR BONITA, I ALSO LIKE THEM FOR CALICO BASS, BECAUSE", "kcrkii6TyMI-00077-00319826-00319832": "BARRACUDA OR BONITA, I ALSO LIKE THEM FOR CALICO BASS, BECAUSE", "kcrkii6TyMI-00078-00319832-00319962": "BARRACUDA OR BONITA, I ALSO LIKE THEM FOR CALICO BASS, BECAUSE NOW WITH THE NEW SIZE LIMITS", "kcrkii6TyMI-00079-00319962-00319969": "THEM FOR CALICO BASS, BECAUSE NOW WITH THE NEW SIZE LIMITS", "kcrkii6TyMI-00080-00319969-00320126": "THEM FOR CALICO BASS, BECAUSE NOW WITH THE NEW SIZE LIMITS THAT THEY HAVE TO BE 14 INCHES,", "kcrkii6TyMI-00081-00320126-00320133": "NOW WITH THE NEW SIZE LIMITS THAT THEY HAVE TO BE 14 INCHES,", "kcrkii6TyMI-00082-00320133-00320243": "NOW WITH THE NEW SIZE LIMITS THAT THEY HAVE TO BE 14 INCHES, YOU'RE GOING TO CATCH LOTS", "kcrkii6TyMI-00083-00320243-00320249": "THAT THEY HAVE TO BE 14 INCHES, YOU'RE GOING TO CATCH LOTS", "kcrkii6TyMI-00084-00320249-00320413": "THAT THEY HAVE TO BE 14 INCHES, YOU'RE GOING TO CATCH LOTS OF SHORTS. AND BECAUSE OF THAT,", "kcrkii6TyMI-00085-00320413-00320420": "YOU'RE GOING TO CATCH LOTS OF SHORTS. AND BECAUSE OF THAT,", "kcrkii6TyMI-00086-00320420-00320603": "YOU'RE GOING TO CATCH LOTS OF SHORTS. AND BECAUSE OF THAT, YOU CAN USE THE CIRCLE HOOK,", "kcrkii6TyMI-00087-00320603-00320610": "OF SHORTS. AND BECAUSE OF THAT, YOU CAN USE THE CIRCLE HOOK,", "kcrkii6TyMI-00088-00320610-00320717": "OF SHORTS. AND BECAUSE OF THAT, YOU CAN USE THE CIRCLE HOOK, HOOK THEM IN THE CORNER", "kcrkii6TyMI-00089-00320717-00320723": "YOU CAN USE THE CIRCLE HOOK, HOOK THEM IN THE CORNER", "kcrkii6TyMI-00090-00320723-00320813": "YOU CAN USE THE CIRCLE HOOK, HOOK THEM IN THE CORNER OF THEIR JAW, RELEASE THEM,", "kcrkii6TyMI-00091-00320813-00320820": "HOOK THEM IN THE CORNER OF THEIR JAW, RELEASE THEM,", "kcrkii6TyMI-00092-00320820-00320927": "HOOK THEM IN THE CORNER OF THEIR JAW, RELEASE THEM, AND YOU'RE NEVER GOING TO HURT", "kcrkii6TyMI-00093-00320927-00320933": "OF THEIR JAW, RELEASE THEM, AND YOU'RE NEVER GOING TO HURT", "kcrkii6TyMI-00094-00320933-00321067": "OF THEIR JAW, RELEASE THEM, AND YOU'RE NEVER GOING TO HURT 'EM. THAT'S ANOTHER ADVANTAGE", "kcrkii6TyMI-00095-00321067-00321074": "AND YOU'RE NEVER GOING TO HURT 'EM. THAT'S ANOTHER ADVANTAGE", "kcrkii6TyMI-00096-00321074-00321247": "AND YOU'RE NEVER GOING TO HURT 'EM. THAT'S ANOTHER ADVANTAGE TO USING CIRCLE HOOKS.", "kcrkii6TyMI-00097-00321247-00321254": "'EM. THAT'S ANOTHER ADVANTAGE TO USING CIRCLE HOOKS.", "kcrkii6TyMI-00098-00321254-00321357": "'EM. THAT'S ANOTHER ADVANTAGE TO USING CIRCLE HOOKS. SO SITUATIONS LIKE THIS,", "kcrkii6TyMI-00099-00321357-00321364": "TO USING CIRCLE HOOKS. SO SITUATIONS LIKE THIS,", "kcrkii6TyMI-00100-00321364-00321514": "TO USING CIRCLE HOOKS. SO SITUATIONS LIKE THIS, I REALLY RECOMMEND YOU USE", "kcrkii6TyMI-00101-00321514-00321521": "SO SITUATIONS LIKE THIS, I REALLY RECOMMEND YOU USE", "kcrkii6TyMI-00102-00321521-00321644": "SO SITUATIONS LIKE THIS, I REALLY RECOMMEND YOU USE A CIRCLE HOOK, AND WITH", "kcrkii6TyMI-00103-00321644-00321651": "I REALLY RECOMMEND YOU USE A CIRCLE HOOK, AND WITH", "kcrkii6TyMI-00104-00321651-00321738": "I REALLY RECOMMEND YOU USE A CIRCLE HOOK, AND WITH THE SMALL BAITS, I REALLY", "kcrkii6TyMI-00105-00321738-00321744": "A CIRCLE HOOK, AND WITH THE SMALL BAITS, I REALLY", "kcrkii6TyMI-00106-00321744-00321831": "A CIRCLE HOOK, AND WITH THE SMALL BAITS, I REALLY RECOMMEND THAT YOU USE A THIN", "kcrkii6TyMI-00107-00321831-00321838": "THE SMALL BAITS, I REALLY RECOMMEND THAT YOU USE A THIN", "kcrkii6TyMI-00108-00321838-00322014": "THE SMALL BAITS, I REALLY RECOMMEND THAT YOU USE A THIN WIRE CIRCLE HOOK. YOU CAN GO", "kcrkii6TyMI-00109-00322014-00322021": "RECOMMEND THAT YOU USE A THIN WIRE CIRCLE HOOK. YOU CAN GO", "kcrkii6TyMI-00110-00322021-00322151": "RECOMMEND THAT YOU USE A THIN WIRE CIRCLE HOOK. YOU CAN GO VISIT YOUR LOCAL TACKLE STORE;", "kcrkii6TyMI-00111-00322151-00322158": "WIRE CIRCLE HOOK. YOU CAN GO VISIT YOUR LOCAL TACKLE STORE;", "kcrkii6TyMI-00112-00322158-00322315": "WIRE CIRCLE HOOK. YOU CAN GO VISIT YOUR LOCAL TACKLE STORE; LOTS OF DIFFERENT BRANDS,", "kcrkii6TyMI-00113-00322315-00322321": "VISIT YOUR LOCAL TACKLE STORE; LOTS OF DIFFERENT BRANDS,", "kcrkii6TyMI-00114-00322321-00322442": "VISIT YOUR LOCAL TACKLE STORE; LOTS OF DIFFERENT BRANDS, LOTS OF PEOPLE, DIFFERENT", "kcrkii6TyMI-00115-00322442-00322448": "LOTS OF DIFFERENT BRANDS, LOTS OF PEOPLE, DIFFERENT", "kcrkii6TyMI-00116-00322448-00322608": "LOTS OF DIFFERENT BRANDS, LOTS OF PEOPLE, DIFFERENT MANUFACTURERS MAKE THESE HOOKS.", "kcrkii6TyMI-00117-00322608-00322615": "LOTS OF PEOPLE, DIFFERENT MANUFACTURERS MAKE THESE HOOKS.", "kcrkii6TyMI-00118-00322615-00322755": "LOTS OF PEOPLE, DIFFERENT MANUFACTURERS MAKE THESE HOOKS. GO PICK OUT ONE THAT YOU LIKE,", "kcrkii6TyMI-00119-00322755-00322762": "MANUFACTURERS MAKE THESE HOOKS. GO PICK OUT ONE THAT YOU LIKE,", "kcrkii6TyMI-00120-00322762-00322905": "MANUFACTURERS MAKE THESE HOOKS. GO PICK OUT ONE THAT YOU LIKE, AND I'M SURE YOU'LL BE REALLY", "kcrkii6TyMI-00121-00322905-00322912": "GO PICK OUT ONE THAT YOU LIKE, AND I'M SURE YOU'LL BE REALLY", "kcrkii6TyMI-00122-00322912-00323049": "GO PICK OUT ONE THAT YOU LIKE, AND I'M SURE YOU'LL BE REALLY SUCCESSFUL WITH IT. WELL, LET'S", "kcrkii6TyMI-00123-00323049-00323056": "AND I'M SURE YOU'LL BE REALLY SUCCESSFUL WITH IT. WELL, LET'S", "kcrkii6TyMI-00124-00323056-00323216": "AND I'M SURE YOU'LL BE REALLY SUCCESSFUL WITH IT. WELL, LET'S GET BACK ON THE WATER AND SHOW", "kcrkii6TyMI-00125-00323216-00323222": "SUCCESSFUL WITH IT. WELL, LET'S GET BACK ON THE WATER AND SHOW", "kcrkii6TyMI-00126-00323222-00323393": "SUCCESSFUL WITH IT. WELL, LET'S GET BACK ON THE WATER AND SHOW YOU MORE EXCITING ACTION RIGHT", "kcrkii6TyMI-00127-00323393-00323399": "GET BACK ON THE WATER AND SHOW YOU MORE EXCITING ACTION RIGHT", "kcrkii6TyMI-00128-00323399-00323663": "GET BACK ON THE WATER AND SHOW YOU MORE EXCITING ACTION RIGHT HERE ON \"SPORTFISHING.\""}}, {"audio_id": "kcul7DH6_EI", "text": {"kcul7DH6_EI-00000-00000000-00000417": "Mother! Mother! What's wrong", "kcul7DH6_EI-00001-00000937-00001210": "Get out! I hate you", "kcul7DH6_EI-00002-00001210-00001628": "I hate you so much", "kcul7DH6_EI-00003-00001628-00002369": "You bring Touch to them", "kcul7DH6_EI-00004-00002369-00002899": "Do you want their money?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00005-00002899-00003220": "I hate you. Get lost!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00006-00003220-00003512": "I didn't do that", "kcul7DH6_EI-00007-00003512-00003815": "I just want auntie to meet her husband", "kcul7DH6_EI-00008-00003815-00004292": "No! Not true", "kcul7DH6_EI-00009-00004292-00004656": "You want to seperate Touch from me", "kcul7DH6_EI-00010-00004656-00004962": "You want their money", "kcul7DH6_EI-00011-00004962-00005478": "That's why you want Touch to live with them", "kcul7DH6_EI-00012-00005478-00005701": "I hate you", "kcul7DH6_EI-00013-00005701-00005753": "No, mom!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00014-00005753-00006106": "I just feel pity for Auntie", "kcul7DH6_EI-00015-00006106-00006430": "I just feel pity for her", "kcul7DH6_EI-00016-00006430-00007080": "I won't let you stay at my home anymore", "kcul7DH6_EI-00017-00007080-00007471": "You feel pity for them, rgiht?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00018-00007471-00007732": "How about me?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00019-00007732-00008080": "I love Touch too", "kcul7DH6_EI-00020-00008080-00008422": "I love him too", "kcul7DH6_EI-00021-00008422-00008972": "Sastra Film and Bayon TV", "kcul7DH6_EI-00022-00008972-00009173": "Sponsored by:", "kcul7DH6_EI-00023-00009173-00009440": "Presenting:", "kcul7DH6_EI-00024-00009440-00009885": "Beautiful Mother- Episode 3", "kcul7DH6_EI-00025-00011723-00011829": "Who is screaming?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00026-00013632-00014033": "Touch!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00027-00014033-00014954": "TOUCH! Please don't leave me alone, my dear!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00028-00014954-00015706": "Please don't go with your parents!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00029-00015706-00016177": "It's so loud", "kcul7DH6_EI-00030-00016177-00016552": "Please don't leave me alone", "kcul7DH6_EI-00031-00016552-00016877": "You can't leave me", "kcul7DH6_EI-00032-00016877-00017291": "Please don't hate me!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00033-00018393-00018673": "I want to raise you", "kcul7DH6_EI-00034-00018673-00019042": "I want you to be by my side as before", "kcul7DH6_EI-00035-00019042-00019510": "Please stay with me!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00036-00019510-00020213": "Please don't leave me alone", "kcul7DH6_EI-00037-00020213-00020709": "Touch!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00038-00023624-00023733": "Touch! Please don't leave me alone!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00039-00023733-00024246": "Touch!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00040-00032223-00032330": "Pov! Are you home?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00041-00032330-00032907": "Sister! Can you fix my father's pants?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00042-00033594-00033927": "I can do it but not today", "kcul7DH6_EI-00043-00033927-00034199": "because I have something urgent came up", "kcul7DH6_EI-00044-00034199-00034450": "Can you come to pick it tomorrow?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00045-00034450-00034668": "It's okay. Take your time!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00046-00034668-00034870": "Thank you!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00047-00034870-00034920": "Bye sister!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00048-00034920-00035217": "Pov! Are you done?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00049-00035217-00035535": "I'm done", "kcul7DH6_EI-00050-00035535-00035704": "Wait! I will go upstairs", "kcul7DH6_EI-00051-00037407-00037621": "Thank you for your coorpertation", "kcul7DH6_EI-00052-00037621-00037969": "I already contact the husband of her", "kcul7DH6_EI-00053-00037969-00038652": "I will give you more information later if there are any change", "kcul7DH6_EI-00054-00038652-00039534": "I think her husband must be happy because his wife is in a good hands", "kcul7DH6_EI-00055-00039534-00040259": "Okay! I already gather documents. I will contact you later if needed", "kcul7DH6_EI-00056-00040259-00040582": "Thank you!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00057-00040582-00040936": "Thank you, Sir!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00058-00040936-00041715": "Are you the one who contact me that my wife is here?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00059-00041715-00041921": "Of course!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00060-00041921-00042131": "Can you bring me to meet her?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00061-00042131-00042924": "Are you sure that she will be glad to go back home with you?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00062-00042924-00043163": "What do you mean?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00063-00043163-00043769": "I think you should be prepared before meeting with her", "kcul7DH6_EI-00064-00043769-00044338": "I don't want pressure her", "kcul7DH6_EI-00065-00044338-00044768": "She doesn't want to go back home", "kcul7DH6_EI-00066-00044768-00045447": "I be you please comfort her and calm down", "kcul7DH6_EI-00067-00045447-00045643": "Okay!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00068-00045643-00045887": "Can I meet my wife now?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00069-00045887-00046181": "I miss her", "kcul7DH6_EI-00070-00046181-00046700": "I don't what she thought when she ran away from home", "kcul7DH6_EI-00071-00046700-00047227": "How is she now?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00072-00047227-00047762": "She is good in here", "kcul7DH6_EI-00073-00047762-00048050": "She just...", "kcul7DH6_EI-00074-00048050-00048100": "Just what?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00075-00048100-00048348": "She always talked about her son", "kcul7DH6_EI-00076-00048348-00048602": "Can you bring her to see me?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00077-00048602-00048810": "I beg you", "kcul7DH6_EI-00078-00048810-00049666": "She must miss our son. That's why she ran away like this", "kcul7DH6_EI-00079-00049666-00050025": "Please! Help me!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00080-00050025-00050474": "Okay! Follow me!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00081-00051764-00052121": "Are they taking Touch away from me?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00082-00052121-00053181": "Touch cannot leave me alone", "kcul7DH6_EI-00083-00053181-00053762": "Beautiful Mother", "kcul7DH6_EI-00084-00060740-00061064": "Beautiful Mother", "kcul7DH6_EI-00085-00061064-00062002": "POV! Why do you bring them to meet Touch?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00086-00062002-00062488": "Touch cannot leave me alone", "kcul7DH6_EI-00087-00062488-00062882": "You cannot leave me, Touch", "kcul7DH6_EI-00088-00063428-00063967": "You must be tired of taking of her these days", "kcul7DH6_EI-00089-00063967-00064829": "I can compensate you for your time, food and money on her", "kcul7DH6_EI-00090-00064829-00065147": "What did she do?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00091-00065147-00065944": "It's okay, uncle. I don't expect anything for helping her", "kcul7DH6_EI-00092-00065944-00066505": "I just want her to meet her family especaily, her son", "kcul7DH6_EI-00093-00066505-00067017": "What about your son?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00094-00067017-00067448": "It's...", "kcul7DH6_EI-00095-00067448-00067498": "She is coming", "kcul7DH6_EI-00096-00067498-00067752": "Honey!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00097-00067752-00068575": "What do you want from me? I don't go with you", "kcul7DH6_EI-00098-00068575-00068833": "Where do you want to take me?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00099-00068833-00069046": "I will stay here.", "kcul7DH6_EI-00100-00069046-00069366": "Honey! Let's go home! Don't run away from me!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00101-00069366-00069814": "Calm down! Go back home with me!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00102-00069814-00070228": "Don't think of our son too much!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00103-00070228-00070563": "Our son isn't stay with us, He left us a long time ago", "kcul7DH6_EI-00104-00070563-00070952": "Stop thinking about him!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00105-00070952-00071237": "No, our son is still alive!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00106-00071237-00071654": "My son is still alive. I don't go anywhere", "kcul7DH6_EI-00107-00071654-00071885": "I don't go anywhere", "kcul7DH6_EI-00108-00071885-00072506": "Touch! Touch! Touch!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00109-00072506-00072941": "You said you bring me to meet my son", "kcul7DH6_EI-00110-00072941-00073357": "I don't go with him", "kcul7DH6_EI-00111-00073357-00073693": "He doesn't take me to meet my son", "kcul7DH6_EI-00112-00073693-00074302": "What should I do to make you go home with me?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00113-00074302-00074833": "I beg you. I can do anything as long as you go home with me", "kcul7DH6_EI-00114-00074833-00075245": "I don't go", "kcul7DH6_EI-00115-00075245-00075640": "He won't let me find my son", "kcul7DH6_EI-00116-00075640-00075847": "I don't want to go back", "kcul7DH6_EI-00117-00075847-00076342": "Please help me talk to her!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00118-00076342-00076793": "I cannot live without her", "kcul7DH6_EI-00119-00076793-00077704": "Honey! If you don't go back home, I will stay here with you", "kcul7DH6_EI-00120-00077704-00078317": "I will stay here", "kcul7DH6_EI-00121-00078317-00078784": "I will stay here as long as Touch is here", "kcul7DH6_EI-00122-00078784-00079365": "Let's go home!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00123-00079365-00079820": "Home! Home?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00124-00079820-00080326": "Go home with me, okay?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00125-00080326-00080931": "I will eat more rice", "kcul7DH6_EI-00126-00080931-00081411": "I will sleep with you", "kcul7DH6_EI-00127-00081411-00081770": "and hug you tight", "kcul7DH6_EI-00128-00082503-00082602": "No!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00129-00082602-00083401": "Get lost!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00130-00083401-00083643": "Don't touch my son", "kcul7DH6_EI-00131-00083643-00083969": "I won't let touch leave me", "kcul7DH6_EI-00132-00083969-00084724": "Mom! I won't leave you. I'm staying here with you", "kcul7DH6_EI-00133-00084724-00084992": "Don't be scared!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00134-00084992-00085491": "If Touch go, I will go home", "kcul7DH6_EI-00135-00086223-00086621": "I just need your son with me a little bit", "kcul7DH6_EI-00136-00086621-00087380": "I don't let him go", "kcul7DH6_EI-00137-00087380-00088028": "The hospital has nurses and doctors to treat her already", "kcul7DH6_EI-00138-00088028-00088353": "Why do you want to take Touch with you?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00139-00088353-00088613": "No, I won't let him go", "kcul7DH6_EI-00140-00088613-00089144": "How can you want my son?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00141-00089144-00089475": "Mother!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00142-00089475-00089727": "Touch! Please don't go!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00143-00089727-00090309": "If you go with them, I will be mad and cry", "kcul7DH6_EI-00144-00090309-00090545": "Please don't go!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00145-00090545-00091021": "Touch! Please go with me!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00146-00091021-00091385": "I will come back to you in the evening", "kcul7DH6_EI-00147-00091385-00091769": "I will wash your hair as usual", "kcul7DH6_EI-00148-00091769-00092158": "Okay! Go! Go!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00149-00092158-00092944": "You are afriad that she cry but you don't afraid that I'll cry", "kcul7DH6_EI-00150-00092944-00093489": "Touch don't afraid that I'm hurt", "kcul7DH6_EI-00151-00093489-00093696": "Go! Go!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00152-00093696-00093894": "Let's go!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00153-00093894-00094279": "Mother!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00154-00094279-00094542": "Let's go! Let's go!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00155-00094542-00095241": "Mom! Wait here! I will come back", "kcul7DH6_EI-00156-00096458-00096561": "Go!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00157-00096561-00097148": "Touch!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00158-00097148-00097495": "Please come back to me!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00159-00099765-00100065": "Where are you taking my son?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00160-00100065-00100404": "Give my son back!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00161-00100404-00100843": "Beautiful mother", "kcul7DH6_EI-00162-00107938-00108286": "Beautiful MOTHER", "kcul7DH6_EI-00163-00108286-00109387": "You think you are wealthy and take my son away from me, right?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00164-00109387-00109838": "I won't agree", "kcul7DH6_EI-00165-00109838-00109997": "give back my son!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00166-00109997-00110286": "Give him back!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00167-00110286-00110879": "Mother! Mother! What's wrong?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00168-00111340-00111691": "Get lost! get lost!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00169-00111691-00112122": "I hate you so much. I hate you", "kcul7DH6_EI-00170-00112122-00112865": "You took my son away from me for them", "kcul7DH6_EI-00171-00112865-00113390": "You love money. you want their money", "kcul7DH6_EI-00172-00113390-00113717": "I hate you. Get Lost!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00173-00113717-00114101": "I didn't help them", "kcul7DH6_EI-00174-00114101-00114702": "I just want auntie to meet her husband", "kcul7DH6_EI-00175-00114702-00115121": "You are a liar", "kcul7DH6_EI-00176-00115121-00115455": "You want their money", "kcul7DH6_EI-00177-00115455-00116007": "You want their money. That's why you give Touch to them", "kcul7DH6_EI-00178-00116007-00116260": "I hate you", "kcul7DH6_EI-00179-00116260-00116880": "I just feel pity for auntie because she lost her son", "kcul7DH6_EI-00180-00116880-00117176": "Get lost!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00181-00117176-00117679": "I won't let you stay at my home anymore", "kcul7DH6_EI-00182-00117679-00118167": "Are you feel pity for them?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00183-00118167-00118235": "How about me?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00184-00118235-00118793": "I love Touch too.", "kcul7DH6_EI-00185-00118793-00119184": "I hate you. get lost!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00186-00119184-00119372": "No! Please, mother!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00187-00119372-00119769": "Please! I'm sorry, mother", "kcul7DH6_EI-00188-00119769-00120319": "Touch! Touch!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00189-00120319-00120737": "Mother!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00190-00121309-00121704": "TOUCH hasn't come back yet", "kcul7DH6_EI-00191-00121704-00122053": "Where are you?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00192-00122053-00122560": "You said you will come back in the evening", "kcul7DH6_EI-00193-00122560-00122933": "but I don't see you right now", "kcul7DH6_EI-00194-00122933-00123247": "You lie to me", "kcul7DH6_EI-00195-00123247-00123692": "Are you leaving me alone?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00196-00123692-00124518": "Touch! Touch!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00197-00125123-00125686": "Someone wants to catch me not to meet Touch", "kcul7DH6_EI-00198-00127975-00128089": "Mother! Mother!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00199-00128515-00129057": "Where are you?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00200-00129057-00129387": "Mother!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00201-00129387-00129675": "Mother!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00202-00129675-00129975": "Where are you?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00203-00129975-00130298": "Touch! Please don't leave me alone", "kcul7DH6_EI-00204-00130298-00130743": "I want to go back down!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00205-00131164-00131681": "Help! Help!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00206-00131681-00132137": "Touch! Please help me!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00207-00132137-00132607": "Touch! Touch! Where are you?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00208-00135955-00136171": "Please help me going down!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00209-00136171-00136724": "Mother!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00210-00136724-00137158": "Touch! Touch!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00211-00137158-00137468": "I'm scared", "kcul7DH6_EI-00212-00138656-00138861": "Pov! I'm here", "kcul7DH6_EI-00213-00139511-00139721": "Mother! Mother!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00214-00139721-00140271": "I'm scare", "kcul7DH6_EI-00215-00140271-00140559": "I'm scare that they will catch me", "kcul7DH6_EI-00216-00140559-00140908": "That's why I claim over here", "kcul7DH6_EI-00217-00140908-00141580": "Come back down!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00218-00141580-00142046": "I don't dare to do it", "kcul7DH6_EI-00219-00143017-00143405": "It's so high", "kcul7DH6_EI-00220-00144155-00144664": "It's okay. It's okay", "kcul7DH6_EI-00221-00145995-00146375": "Are you oaky, mother?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00222-00146375-00146924": "Mother, Are you alright?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00223-00146924-00147255": "Let me see!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00224-00147255-00147597": "Are you okay?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00225-00147597-00147847": "I'm fine", "kcul7DH6_EI-00226-00147847-00148140": "Let me help you!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00227-00149977-00150412": "Let's go home!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00228-00150412-00151074": "POV! My legs are hurt", "kcul7DH6_EI-00229-00151074-00151326": "Can we stop for a while?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00230-00151945-00152430": "Did I throw something on you?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00231-00152430-00153260": "Beautiful Mother", "kcul7DH6_EI-00232-00160693-00160891": "Beautiful Mother", "kcul7DH6_EI-00233-00160891-00161536": "I'm sorry. I was out of my mind", "kcul7DH6_EI-00234-00161536-00161915": "I will apply the medicine in your injury", "kcul7DH6_EI-00235-00162510-00162745": "Your arm is also hurt too?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00236-00162745-00163176": "If you cannot walk, I will carry you home", "kcul7DH6_EI-00237-00163176-00163836": "Pov is strong. I won't get sick easily", "kcul7DH6_EI-00238-00163836-00164282": "Let me carry you home!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00239-00164282-00164901": "Touch must arrive home already. He must be worried", "kcul7DH6_EI-00240-00164901-00165230": "because we are not home", "kcul7DH6_EI-00241-00165230-00165599": "Let's go home!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00242-00167793-00167973": "POV! NO!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00243-00167973-00168585": "Let me carry you home!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00244-00168585-00169091": "Let me carry you because your legs are hurt", "kcul7DH6_EI-00245-00169091-00169443": "Come on", "kcul7DH6_EI-00246-00172591-00172741": "Are you hurt so bad?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00247-00173580-00174341": "Pov! Why hasn't he come back yet?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00248-00174341-00174847": "He hasn't come back yet", "kcul7DH6_EI-00249-00174847-00175350": "Does he forget about me already?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00250-00175350-00175684": "Is he not loving anymore?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00251-00175684-00176488": "He might want to stay with that rich people", "kcul7DH6_EI-00252-00176488-00177315": "Touch must forget about the carrier that I used to take him out", "kcul7DH6_EI-00253-00177315-00178221": "Mother! Touch might be busy", "kcul7DH6_EI-00254-00178221-00179522": "But it's not usual. He always comes back to me although he is busy", "kcul7DH6_EI-00255-00179522-00180034": "but...", "kcul7DH6_EI-00256-00180034-00180499": "but he might forget about me right now", "kcul7DH6_EI-00257-00180499-00181570": "Pov! I'm scared. I'm scared that Touch will leave me alone", "kcul7DH6_EI-00258-00181570-00182161": "No! Don't think like that!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00259-00182161-00182620": "I will call him", "kcul7DH6_EI-00260-00185790-00186183": "Pov! Can't you reach him?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00261-00186183-00186662": "Does someone kidnap him?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00262-00186662-00187151": "Do they kidnap Touch?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00263-00187151-00187631": "Pov! Let go to find Touch", "kcul7DH6_EI-00264-00187631-00187814": "I beg you", "kcul7DH6_EI-00265-00187814-00188565": "Mother! Calm down! If we cannot reach him today, we will contact him tomorrow", "kcul7DH6_EI-00266-00188565-00188862": "No! Please!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00267-00188862-00189280": "I want to look for him right now", "kcul7DH6_EI-00268-00189280-00190015": "Mom! We cannot go right now. Your legs are still hurt", "kcul7DH6_EI-00269-00190015-00190585": "Let do it! If we cannot reach him today, we will go to find him tomorrow, okay?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00270-00191302-00192277": "What if we find him and he doesn't love me anymore?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00271-00192277-00192865": "What shall I do?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00272-00192865-00193310": "What should I do?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00273-00193310-00193909": "Don't think too much! It won't happen", "kcul7DH6_EI-00274-00193909-00194562": "Let me apply medicine for you!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00275-00194562-00194929": "Look! Your arm is injured", "kcul7DH6_EI-00276-00194929-00195716": "I'm waiting for Touch to come back", "kcul7DH6_EI-00277-00195716-00196372": "He told me to wait", "kcul7DH6_EI-00278-00196372-00196807": "and I will wait for him", "kcul7DH6_EI-00279-00196807-00197732": "Touch! PLEASE COME BACK TO ME!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00280-00199028-00199572": "Touch!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00281-00199572-00200033": "PLEASE COME BACK!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00282-00202650-00203125": "Touch! Are you not going to come back?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00283-00203125-00203609": "He is not coming back", "kcul7DH6_EI-00284-00203609-00204027": "What take him so long?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00285-00204027-00204380": "I'm waiting for you outside", "kcul7DH6_EI-00286-00204380-00204971": "please hurry come back", "kcul7DH6_EI-00287-00205786-00206074": "I'm waiting for you", "kcul7DH6_EI-00288-00206074-00206582": "Mother!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00289-00206582-00206958": "He might not come home today", "kcul7DH6_EI-00290-00206958-00207490": "We will go to find him tomorrow", "kcul7DH6_EI-00291-00207490-00208015": "Mother! Are your eyes sore again?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00292-00208555-00209019": "No, I'm waiting for Touch", "kcul7DH6_EI-00293-00209019-00210035": "If he comes back, no one will open the door for him", "kcul7DH6_EI-00294-00210035-00210379": "So, I will wait for him here", "kcul7DH6_EI-00295-00210379-00211201": "Although I'm sick, I will find him tomorrow", "kcul7DH6_EI-00296-00211201-00211611": "I'm waiting for him to come back", "kcul7DH6_EI-00297-00211611-00211992": "I will sit here until he comes back", "kcul7DH6_EI-00298-00211992-00212739": "Although I get sick, I will go to find him tomorrow", "kcul7DH6_EI-00299-00212739-00213387": "Touch! Please come back!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00300-00213387-00214004": "I am waiting for you to come home", "kcul7DH6_EI-00301-00214685-00215032": "What take you so long?", "kcul7DH6_EI-00302-00215032-00215464": "Please come back!", "kcul7DH6_EI-00305-00223203-00223522": "Sastra film", "kcul7DH6_EI-00306-00223522-00228683": "Please wait for another Episode"}}, {"audio_id": "kcxqnc_5tHY", "text": {"kcxqnc_5tHY-00000-00000054-00000090": "foreign", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00001-00000558-00001296": "you didn't actually think we'd just let you walk in here did you we've been set up hey everyone", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00002-00001296-00001884": "welcome back to my channel if you're new here my name is clip clubs gaming and I create videos", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00003-00001884-00002472": "about explaining the game stories in today's video I'm going to explain the spec Ops the", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00004-00002472-00002994": "Line game but before we get started make sure you hit that subscribe button and turn on the", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00005-00002994-00003606": "notification Bell so you never miss a video and if you find this video helpful or interesting don't", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00006-00003606-00004194": "forget to give it a thumbs up and share it with your friends alright let's get into it spec Ops", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00007-00004194-00004710": "the Line is a third person shooter video game developed by Ager development and published by", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00008-00004710-00005352": "two Kelvin games it is the eighth installment of the classic series spec Ops the Line was released", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00009-00005352-00006174": "on June 26 2012 in North America and on June 29 2012 in Europe the line is the continuation of", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00010-00006174-00006768": "the spec ops series although it does not share any story elements with its namesake instead the game", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00011-00006768-00007356": "follows Captain Martin Walker as he is sent into a post-catastrophe Dubai with an elite Delta Force", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00012-00007356-00007931": "Team on a reconnaissance mission where they find dead American soldiers upon the finding Walker", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00013-00007931-00008388": "declares that the team's Mission has changed and that they will search Dubai for survivors", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00014-00008388-00009048": "while lead writer Walt Williams has stated that there are many influences T he premises primarily", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00015-00009048-00009618": "inspired by Joseph Conrad's Novella Heart of Darkness with Conrad replacing Kurtz the", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00016-00009618-00010194": "game received generally positive reviews praise focused on the narrative and its themes while", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00017-00010194-00010704": "criticism was focused at its online multiplayer mode and the generic third person gameplay", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00018-00010974-00011844": "this one gameplay spec Ops the Line is primarily a third person shooter with emphasis on cover-based", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00019-00011844-00012312": "shoes accomplished this goal the player must Traverse the city to neutralize enemy threats", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00020-00012366-00012978": "and natural disasters as the player progresses better weapons and equipment become available to", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00021-00012978-00013541": "accomplish goals more easily Squad commands are also available which allow the player to direct", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00022-00013541-00014100": "their teammates to perform certain actions during battle unlike traditional Shooters where most of", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00023-00014100-00014682": "the game takes place on one horizontal plane spec Ops the Line features much more vertical movement", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00024-00014682-00015306": "zip lines and repels allow for players to move up or down as well as jumping and climbing enemies", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00025-00015306-00015869": "attack from all sides so players will need to be on their toes when playing The Game's campaign", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00026-00015869-00016464": "mode features 18 levels scattered among the levels or morality sections unlike previous", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00027-00016464-00017088": "games such as mass effect or inFAMOUS the morality sections are not game pausing choices on a menu", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00028-00017088-00017682": "they flow naturally allowing for the player to make split-second decisions a multiplayer", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00029-00017682-00018246": "mode is included as well Ager describes the multiplayer as a campaign that expands the", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00030-00018246-00018744": "single player experience in addition there are multiple mode types with at least a few", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00031-00018744-00019482": "focusing on terrain deformation and expansion the gameplay also focuses on the natural sandstorms", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00032-00019482-00019980": "of Dubai to provide Dynamic terrain changing during gameplay similar to fracture and the", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00033-00019980-00020544": "Red Faction Series this is supported by an unpredictable engine that randomizes when and", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00034-00020544-00021084": "where sandstorms will arise as well as how harsh they will be sandstorms make it much", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00035-00021084-00021600": "harder to see as well as having the players aim become less steady this can be used tactically", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00036-00021600-00022230": "to set up ambushes or Escape someone who is on a player's tail Welcome to Hell Walker", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00037-00022782-00023400": "plot setting six months prior to the game the worst series of dust storms in recorded history", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00038-00023400-00024030": "began across Dubai in the United Arab Emirates Dubai's politicians and Wealthy Elite downplayed", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00039-00024030-00024714": "the situation before evacuating in secret leaving countless emiratis behind Colonel John Conrad the", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00040-00024714-00025362": "decorated but PTSD troubled commander of the Dan 33rd Battalion United States Army was returning", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00041-00025362-00025992": "home with his unit from Afghanistan when the storm struck hanrad volunteered the 33rd Battalion to", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00042-00025992-00026454": "help the relief efforts then deserted with the entire unit when ordered to abandon the city", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00043-00026454-00027060": "and its refugees by the United States government as the storms intensified a massive storm wall", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00044-00027060-00027522": "in gulfed Dubai for Miles disrupting any satellite surveillance and communication", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00045-00027522-00028116": "air travel and all but the strongest radio broadcasts the 33rd declared martial law", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00046-00028116-00028776": "and struggled to maintain order amid 80 miles per hour winds riots and dwindling resources the last", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00047-00028776-00029310": "communication out of Dubai stated that the 33rd was attempting to lead a caravan of more than", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00048-00029310-00029910": "a thousand civilians out of the city the Caravan never arrived and soon afterwards the UAE declared", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00049-00029910-00030539": "Dubai a No Man's Land all traveled to the city was barred the 33rd was publicly disavowed for", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00050-00030539-00031032": "treason and no further news left the city two weeks before the beginning of the game", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00051-00031032-00031680": "a mysterious looped radio signal penetrated the wall Colonel John Conrad a member of the United", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00052-00031680-00032339": "States Army conveyed a concise message stating the attempted evacuation of Dubai was an utter failure", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00053-00032339-00033000": "resulting in an extensive death toll as a response the U.S military chose to discreetly dispatch a", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00054-00033000-00033606": "three-person Delta Force squad for reconnaissance purposes the team consisting of Delta operators", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00055-00033606-00034176": "Captain Walker Lieutenant Adams and Sergeant Lugo are told to confirm the status of Conrad", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00056-00034176-00034770": "and any survivors then radio for extraction Story the game begins in media's res with", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00057-00034770-00035448": "to operatives Walker Adams and Lugo flying in a helicopter past the skyscrapers of Dubai shooting", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00058-00035448-00036054": "down several pursuing helicopters until a sudden Sandstorm forms causing one of the pursuers to", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00059-00036054-00036678": "spin out of control and crash into the trio in the present day Walker Adams and Lugo traversed", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00060-00036678-00037158": "the storm wall through to the outskirts of a mostly buried Dubai on foot they later come", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00061-00037158-00037716": "into contact with a group of armed survivors referred to as insurgents the insurgents have", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00062-00037716-00038322": "apparently renewed conflict with what remains of the dam 33rd and have captured a squad of 33rd", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00063-00038322-00038850": "soldiers and take them to a former hotel called The Nest throughout the rest of their Journey the", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00064-00038850-00039426": "team hears broadcasts on homemade speaker by the radio man a former journalist turned DJ that was", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00065-00039426-00039990": "once embedded with the 33rd in Afghanistan and now speaks on their behalf as the journey progresses", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00066-00039990-00040512": "the team finds evidence of what had happened in Dubai over the preceding months from what", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00067-00040512-00041190": "they can tell an unstable Conrad and the 30 3rd Battalion returned to Dubai as an occupying Force", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00068-00041190-00041790": "after his evacuation failed apparently to rule over the remaining survivors soon increasingly", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00069-00041790-00042432": "harsh atrocities against civilians were committed to intimidate the population elements of the 33rd", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00070-00042432-00043110": "stage de Coupe dead at against Conrad in protest forming the Exiles the CIA has been organizing the", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00071-00043110-00043650": "insurgents to attack both Conrad's loyalist 33rd and the Exiles as a distraction while", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00072-00043650-00044232": "gray fox tried to eliminate the evidence of Conrad's actions within the city barbaric acts", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00073-00044232-00044736": "of the Malaysian torture and execution by death squads are common on all sides throughout the", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00074-00044736-00045330": "city although there is now clear evidence against Conrad's virtue Colonel Conrad once saved Captain", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00075-00045330-00045996": "Walker's life in Kabul during the war this makes Walker biased in favor of Conrad the team comes", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00076-00045996-00046554": "across the nest's refugees being rounded up by a platoon of loyalists 33rd they attempt to", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00077-00046554-00047232": "intervene peacefully but the soldiers mistake them for CIA operatives and begin firefight the 33rd", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00078-00047232-00047790": "takes heavy casualties and Retreats with a number of Civilian prisoners Disturbed at their killing", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00079-00047790-00048462": "of fellow Americans Lugo and Adams repeatedly urge Walker to leave Dubai and contact command", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00080-00048462-00049218": "Walker insists on investigating further in hopes of evacuating survivors and finding Conrad the", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00081-00049218-00049878": "team learns of another CIA agent Thomas Daniels has been captured by the 33rd his interrogation", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00082-00049878-00050472": "is blasted by the radio man which allows Lugo to trace the signal prompting Delta to head towards", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00083-00050472-00050994": "the site as well there they find the mutilated and long dead body of Daniels the broadcast", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00084-00050994-00051654": "was a trap set by the radio man for another CIA agent Rick good leading a band on insurgents good", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00085-00051654-00052278": "helps Delta escape from the Ambush but is later captured by the 33rd and his men are killed the", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00086-00052278-00052817": "player can choose to save good or save a couple of civilians near good position no matter what", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00087-00052817-00053352": "action the player chooses good is killed but an operations plan found on his body directs", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00088-00053352-00054005": "Delta to the gate a 33rd base assuming that good intended to take the gate from the 33rd Walker and", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00089-00054005-00054522": "his men arrive at the gate to press the attack only to find a full company of 33rd soldiers", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00090-00054522-00055188": "guarding the entrance and abandoned 33rd mortar loaded with white phosphorus is found nearby Lugo", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00091-00055188-00055752": "objects to using the mortar as the team has seen its grisly effects on the 33rd's previous victims", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00092-00055752-00056279": "but Adams and Walker overrule Lugo and fire the mortar the phosphorus strike completely", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00093-00056279-00056832": "obliterates the company as Delta walks through the aftermath a mortally injured soldier that", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00094-00056832-00057354": "the team finds within the blast zone questions the slaughter stating the 33rd only wanted to", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00095-00057354-00057905": "help to the team's horror they find that the 33rd had taken the civilians from The Nest to the gate", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00096-00057905-00058524": "only for their own safety in the coming battles 47 charred corpses many of them women and children", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00097-00058991-00059646": "too many are found in a fenced-off section of the entrance Lugo realizes that good never intended", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00098-00059646-00060228": "to take the gate but only wanted to free the civilians Walker shows no outward remorse putting", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00099-00060228-00060810": "the blame entirely on the 33rd and pushes the others on despite their obvious anger and Trauma", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00100-00060810-00061512": "shortly after Delta find Conrad's executed command team Walker uses a small radio they find inside", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00101-00061512-00062016": "the gate to communicate with whom he believes taunts to be Conrad himself throughout the story", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00102-00062016-00062652": "Conrad questions the morality of Walker's actions as tensions rise between the team making Walker", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00103-00062652-00063270": "adjust his belief that Conrad is innocent soon Walker comes across two men tied to a bridge with", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00104-00063270-00063858": "snipers positioned on all sides hanred tells Walker the two are in emirati Survivor and a", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00105-00063858-00064410": "33rd soldier who both committed serious crimes the Survivor stole water which was a capital", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00106-00064410-00064962": "offense and the soldier arrested him killing the survivor's family in the process Han red then", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00107-00064962-00065598": "orders Walker to pick one to execute Walker can shoot either at a criminal or Conrad snipers above", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00108-00065598-00066216": "regardless of Walker's decision Lugo and Adams question Walker's mental condition as he urges", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00109-00066216-00066900": "them towards Conrad's most likely vantage point the Dubai Seaside Tower along the way Delta finds", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00110-00066900-00067476": "agent Riggs leading a raid on the Dubai underwater aquatic Coliseum the city's last main water supply", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00111-00067476-00068154": "Riggs tells Delta that Insurgent control of the water will crippled the 33rd's operations in Dubai", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00112-00068154-00068682": "and bring peace but only if they ate him when the water trucks the group Seas fail to break", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00113-00068682-00069330": "free of the 33rd's defenses Riggs intentionally crashes them after recovering Walker Hears A", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00114-00069330-00069912": "broadcast from the radio man declaring that Dubai is now under martial law he then comes across a", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00115-00069912-00070464": "mortally wounded rigs who explains that he wanted to destroy the water supply no matter the cost by", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00116-00070464-00071034": "manipulating the insurgents knowledge of what the 33rd did in Dubai would cause the whole region to", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00117-00071034-00071616": "declare war on the United States in retaliation a war which America would lose Riggs admits that", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00118-00071616-00072144": "he wanted to cause the remaining population to die of dehydration to ensure the 33rd's", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00119-00072144-00072732": "atrocities would never be known the player can choose to kill rigs or let him be burned alive", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00120-00072732-00073440": "after reuniting with Adams and Lugo with Dubai's population facing extinction within days Delta", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00121-00073440-00073944": "heads to the trans-emirates building to silence the radio man and warn the city as the journey", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00122-00073944-00074634": "progresses all three men graduate become edgier and more violent Walker begins suffering from", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00123-00074634-00075192": "Vivid hallucinations as they fight to the top of the building Delta finds the radio man who", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00124-00075192-00075732": "is calm and surrenders peacefully Lugo and the radio man set up the signal for Walker before", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00125-00075732-00076380": "Lugo executes the radio man Adams is furious at Lugo for being so Brash while Lugo feels", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00126-00076380-00076872": "that the radio man was keeping the 33rd on their Trail the whole time and would not let them leave", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00127-00076872-00077520": "alive as the 33rd converge on the building Walker informs the city of Delta's planned evacuation", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00128-00077520-00078138": "effort Adam commandeers are the 60 Black Hawk helicopter for Delta and Walker destroys the", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00129-00078138-00078612": "radio tower as they flee the scene leading to the helicopter sequence from the opening of the", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00130-00078612-00079272": "game after the aforementioned crash Conrad appears to a disoriented Walker chastising him about his", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00131-00079272-00079992": "failures and weakness Awakening from the illusion Walker is contacted by Adams who informs him that", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00132-00079992-00080712": "Lugo is out of contact Walker and Adams regroup at the crash site and contact Lugo who has no weapon", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00133-00080712-00081282": "and has a broken arm after the crash Walker and Adams fight their way through Enemy Lines in hopes", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00134-00081282-00081948": "of reaching Lugo before the 33rd can despite their efforts Walker and Adams are too late to stop Lugo", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00135-00081948-00082518": "from being lynched by a mob of citizens angered at the Americans destruction of the water supply when", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00136-00082518-00083160": "attempts to resuscitate Lugo fail Adams requests permission to open fire on the crowd the player", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00137-00083160-00083706": "can choose to either scare away the crowd or kill them in retribution afterwards Walker and", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00138-00083706-00084282": "Adams make their way to the Dubai Seaside Tower to confront Conrad Walker's hallucinations are", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00139-00084282-00084852": "nearly constant at this point and atoms completely blames Walker for lugo's death but goes along with", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00140-00084852-00085398": "his reasoning that Conrad also deserves to Die the two are soon surrounded by the last remnants", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00141-00085398-00086004": "of Conrad's men Walker who surrenders to get access inside the tower is pushed to safety by", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00142-00086004-00086604": "Adams who fights to the death against the 33rd weary grieving and on the brink of death Walker", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00143-00086604-00087240": "symbols to the entrance of the tower upon entering Walker is saluted by the remnants of the 33rd who", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00144-00087240-00087792": "surrender to him Walker demands to know where Conrad is and is directed to Conrad's Penthouse", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00145-00087792-00088428": "Walker arrives at the penthouse of the tower without incident and confronts Conrad hanrad", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00146-00088428-00088956": "appears to be the paranoid charismatic force behind the atrocities that Walker was hoping", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00147-00088956-00089538": "for until Walker finds his decaying corpse on the penthouse deck Walker learns that Conrad", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00148-00089538-00090102": "committed suicide an unknown amount of time after his failed evacuation attempt and the colonel that", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00149-00090102-00090582": "Walker has been in contact with during the game is actually a traumatic hallucination", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00150-00090648-00091206": "that none of his team witnessed existing only within his subconsciousness this mental projection", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00151-00091206-00091716": "of Conrad appears to Walker explaining that Walker knew he had the chance of stopping but", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00152-00091716-00092304": "pushed ahead out of a desire to be something that he isn't a hero to maintain his sanity after the", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00153-00092304-00092850": "white phosphorus strike and rationalizing the actions he carried out Walker distorted many", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00154-00092850-00093360": "subsequent events of the game to make Conrad look responsible had Delta immediately left", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00155-00093360-00093900": "Dubai at the beginning of the game each subsequent event may have turned out for the better with his", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00156-00093900-00094440": "fantasy coming to an end now that the truth is directly in front of him Conrad forces Walker", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00157-00094440-00095088": "at gunpoint to decide once and for all whether he is to blame for his actions in Dubai endings there", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00158-00095088-00095652": "are four endings to the line but six different actions possible Walker can either allow the", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00159-00095652-00096198": "Conrad projection to shoot him rationalizing that it is an illusion shoot his own reflection or", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00160-00096198-00096822": "shoot the projection with his pistol significance of the line we can't go alone there's a line men", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00161-00096822-00097416": "like us have to cross if we're lucky we do what's necessary and then we die John Conrad", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00162-00097416-00098076": "weapons many of the secondary abilities on weapons are not available in multiplayer the SCAR H just", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00163-00098076-00098880": "doesn't have a MK 13 the ACT 47 stays in full automatic mode and the 417 battle rifle has no", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00164-00098880-00100308": "scope assault rifles act 47 acts 70 for you M4A1 tar21 Farmers Arts 14 SCAR H 417 submachine guns", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00165-00100308-00101802": "ump 45 micro 9 millimeters 290 Vector SMG MP7 shotguns m1014 AA-12 w1300 Mossberg 590", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00166-00101802-00103056": "light machine guns M249 saw handguns M9 Desert Eagle Point 4 4 Magnum julietin P 220 FNP 45", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00167-00103056-00104711": "sniper rifles Scout tactical msg90 m110 m99 sniper launchers RPG 7 fnmk 13 mgl 140 m120 mortar heavy", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00168-00104711-00105924": "machine guns Browning n2a2 GM 134 minigun m2e2hng explosives C4 flashbang frag grenade proximity", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00169-00105924-00106818": "Mine Cut weapons flamethrower Ugg soundtrack Deep Purple hush Alice in Chains Rooster dork storm", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00170-00106818-00107670": "Mogwai Glasgow Mega Snake Mogwai are you still into it jusep Verdi Desiree liberame Nine Inch", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00171-00107670-00108288": "Nails The Day The World Went Away Martha in the Vandellas Nowhere to Run Black Mountain stormy", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00172-00108288-00109061": "High a black angels bad vibrations Jimmy Hendricks a merman I should turn to be the Black Angels the", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00173-00109061-00109830": "first Vietnamese War Jimi Hendrix Star-Spangled Banner Inner Circle Bad Boys multiplayer beta a", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00174-00109830-00110604": "closed multiplayer beta was released exclusively on the Xbox 360. it has since ended demo a demo", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00175-00110604-00111282": "was released for free on the PlayStation Store an Xbox Live marketplace on May 9 2012. it released", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00176-00111282-00111996": "on Steam on June 12 2012. controversy spec Ops the lion gained controversy for the scene of the dead", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00177-00111996-00112590": "mother and child the scene was called obscene distasteful and disturbing even comparing it to", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00178-00112590-00113178": "the Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 level no Russian the game developers responded by saying that", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00179-00113178-00113688": "was exactly the reaction they intended and that apparently the scene caused several game testers", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00180-00113688-00114282": "leave the room and take a break endings the game features multiple endings that are determined by", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00181-00114282-00114888": "the player's choices and actions throughout the gameplay these endings provide different outcomes", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00182-00114888-00115458": "and consequences for the game's characters and storyline the choices made by the player can lead", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00183-00115458-00116022": "to a variety of different outcomes ranging from triumphant and positive to tragic in Bittersweet", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00184-00116022-00116574": "good ending the player makes a series of morally upright decisions completes all the necessary", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00185-00116574-00117161": "quests and builds strong alliances with key characters as a result the protagonist achieves", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00186-00117161-00117678": "their main objective and brings about a positive resolution to the game's conflicts the good", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00187-00117678-00118266": "ending usually rewards the player with a sense of fulfillment and closure a bad ending if the player", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00188-00118266-00118883": "consistently makes unethical or selfish choices fails to complete crucial objectives or alienates", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00189-00118883-00119490": "important characters they may end up with a bad ending this outcome often results in Failure loss", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00190-00119490-00120024": "or the perpetuation of the game's conflicts it can leave the player with a sense of regret or", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00191-00120024-00120635": "disappointment multiple endings some games offer multiple endings Beyond just a binary good or bad", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00192-00120635-00121170": "come these endings can vary depending on specific choices made by the player", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00193-00121170-00121632": "or hidden objectives that are discovered throughout the game multiple endings add", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00194-00121632-00122244": "replayability and encourage players to explore different paths and make different decisions to", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00195-00122244-00122832": "uncover all the possible outcomes secret ending occasionally games include a secret ending that", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00196-00122832-00123306": "is hidden or unlocked through specific actions or by uncovering hidden elements within the", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00197-00123306-00123876": "game World these endings often provide additional layers of narrative or reveal Hidden Truths about", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00198-00123876-00124506": "the game's story or characters spec Ops the Line features 18 levels in its single-player campaign", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00199-00124506-00125124": "and includes morality sections where players must make split-second decisions with consequences the", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00200-00125124-00125688": "game offers multiple endings based on the player's actions and choices throughout the story and", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00201-00125688-00126240": "summaried spec Ops the Line is a third person shooter with a focus on cover-based shooting a", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00202-00126240-00126846": "post catastrophe setting in Dubai and a narrative inspired by Heart of Darkness the game explores", "kcxqnc_5tHY-00203-00126846-00127392": "themes of war and morality while offering a thought-provoking and immersive experience"}}, {"audio_id": "kd4RdUKW66g", "text": {"kd4RdUKW66g-00000-00000568-00000992": "Hi guys welcome back to my YouTube channel this is Daniel Rosehill. I'm here at the Israel", "kd4RdUKW66g-00001-00000992-00001488": "Museum and this is of course an amazing museum they have a fantastic exhibit on about the old", "kd4RdUKW66g-00002-00001488-00001992": "synagogue in Aleppo but tonight more modern and exciting things are happening we're here for the", "kd4RdUKW66g-00003-00001992-00002488": "Jerusalem Wine Festival. This has been going on for approximately 10 years I've been living in Israel", "kd4RdUKW66g-00004-00002488-00002976": "for seven years now and it's been the highlight of my summer almost for every one of those years", "kd4RdUKW66g-00005-00002976-00003415": "The Israel Museum is of course a beautiful setting and the Jerusalem Wine Festival is one of", "kd4RdUKW66g-00006-00003415-00003896": "the biggest wine festivals in the country. At this event you have a mixture of the kind of larger", "kd4RdUKW66g-00007-00003896-00004504": "Israeli wineries like Barkan as well as the much more small boutique wineries like the wonderful", "kd4RdUKW66g-00008-00004504-00005096": "Ramat Negev Winery which we visited in the south of Israel in Nitsanei Sinai a few days ago and the", "kd4RdUKW66g-00009-00005096-00005504": "way it works here is that you go around you get a cup like most wine festivals a tasting glass", "kd4RdUKW66g-00010-00005504-00005928": "and you can just go around and hopefully we're going to be able to speak to a few of the wine", "kd4RdUKW66g-00011-00005928-00007184": "growers and hear about their wines and it's always a fantastic event so let's get our glass and go in", "kd4RdUKW66g-00012-00008552-00009120": "Pasek Cellars it's a winery that's located in Washington State (in the US) and the", "kd4RdUKW66g-00013-00009120-00009760": "speciality of the winery is to make wines from fruit like blackberries raspberries", "kd4RdUKW66g-00014-00009760-00010392": "Blueberries we take the fruits and we make wines from by ferment the fruits", "kd4RdUKW66g-00015-00010392-00011104": "for a procedure of six months and after it reaches the eleven percent level of alcohol we bottle the", "kd4RdUKW66g-00016-00011104-00012048": "wines. Pesak Cellars it's the best serving that you can have for a very unique culinary experience", "kd4RdUKW66g-00017-00012048-00012632": "try them serve cold well here we are once again with Daniel Rosehill out at some great social", "kd4RdUKW66g-00018-00012632-00013176": "event. If you ever get a chance to come to the Wine Festival at the Israel Museum don't miss it", "kd4RdUKW66g-00019-00013519-00013991": "i think after corona people are really excited to just get out of their house so yeah it was", "kd4RdUKW66g-00020-00013991-00014416": "really nice to see all the random people that you see from over the years in Jerusalem come out", "kd4RdUKW66g-00021-00014863-00015208": "Hi everybody i'm Avi Wiesenberg i'm here at the Jerusalem wine festival", "kd4RdUKW66g-00022-00015208-00015832": "one of the highlights of my summer in israel it is literally one of the greatest evenings cool breeze", "kd4RdUKW66g-00023-00015832-00016472": "excellent wine great crowd good music good food great wine i have to say the wines come on leaps", "kd4RdUKW66g-00024-00016472-00016960": "and bounds in the last few years and despite being a gout sufferer myself i go through hell", "kd4RdUKW66g-00025-00016960-00017416": "in order to enjoy this wine because it is some of the best wine in the world both the mainstream", "kd4RdUKW66g-00026-00017416-00017896": "scalable wineries - the Tabors, the Carmels, the ones you might be able to buy in the supermarket", "kd4RdUKW66g-00027-00017896-00018448": "as well as the really niche boutique wines where you can taste that extra something you're never", "kd4RdUKW66g-00028-00018448-00018936": "quite sure what it is but you really really enjoy it and that's why i'm here", "kd4RdUKW66g-00029-00018936-00019480": "i am here with my husband Mr. Ariel. Hello. He has very different wine taste so that's what's", "kd4RdUKW66g-00030-00019480-00019936": "very lovely about the swine festival is that there's lovely wine also for my taste and also", "kd4RdUKW66g-00031-00020048-00020632": "what are your favourite ones. So i prefer more heavy red wine and i prefer very light wines and", "kd4RdUKW66g-00032-00020632-00021152": "very fruity ones and it's very lovely because we can both go to the same wine store and you", "kd4RdUKW66g-00033-00021152-00021552": "should get a different one it's lovely for each of our tastes and that helps us bond as a couple", "kd4RdUKW66g-00034-00021608-00022128": "i'm here at the wine festival in Jerusalem at the Israel Museum i enjoy buying wine in", "kd4RdUKW66g-00035-00022128-00023984": "Israel i enjoy buying also Spanish Italian French wine so come to Israel and try some of our wines", "kd4RdUKW66g-00037-00025520-00025864": "I'm David Stark. I'm Noah Pickholz. And this has been an", "kd4RdUKW66g-00038-00025864-00026208": "annual guys trip and usually the loser of our fantasy football league", "kd4RdUKW66g-00039-00026208-00026783": "has to cover the bill and we fly out to Jerusalem and come to the wine festival that's me this year", "kd4RdUKW66g-00040-00026983-00027392": "no comparison top-notch i mean if you go look at the dance floor the music the vibe", "kd4RdUKW66g-00041-00027448-00027927": "the people the variety of wines it's just a great event the location the", "kd4RdUKW66g-00042-00027927-00028527": "temperature the atmosphere the music it's just it's just so much what we're looking for", "kd4RdUKW66g-00043-00028927-00029008": "the tea lovers", "kd4RdUKW66g-00044-00029376-00029583": "concept", "kd4RdUKW66g-00045-00032224-00032383": "foreign", "kd4RdUKW66g-00046-00033616-00033784": "amazing", "kd4RdUKW66g-00047-00034752-00035240": "We had a wonderful evening here definitely my favorite was the Meron", "kd4RdUKW66g-00048-00035296-00035960": "wine we had good times spoke to wonderful people definitely tried lots of wine and I really hope", "kd4RdUKW66g-00049-00035960-00036584": "that you all come maybe tomorrow or the day after to enjoy some Israeli wines and support Israel", "kd4RdUKW66g-00050-00036656-00037432": "and it was an amazing festival in Jerusalem you have to come next year thank you that was great", "kd4RdUKW66g-00051-00037432-00037904": "something something amazing amazing everyone was drunk over here they're trying to take out", "kd4RdUKW66g-00052-00037904-00038320": "the people yeah it looks like everyone are drunk he's okay he looks like he looks so", "kd4RdUKW66g-00053-00038320-00038824": "(Friend: did you taste all the wines?) Not everything because noteverything was kosher. it looks like it", "kd4RdUKW66g-00054-00038824-00039400": "looks okay what about you how would you how did you drink tonight i drank a lot i think it's", "kd4RdUKW66g-00055-00039400-00039968": "enough i think it's enough for tonight oh my gosh first of all there's nothing better than the wine", "kd4RdUKW66g-00056-00039968-00040456": "festival I think this might be my eighth year consecutively and what i could say is if you want", "kd4RdUKW66g-00057-00040456-00041000": "to see half of Israel tipsy in the most beautiful light enjoyable classic way you gotta come to the", "kd4RdUKW66g-00058-00041000-00041496": "wine festival so we just finished up here in the wine festival it's about 12 o'clock here in", "kd4RdUKW66g-00059-00041496-00042032": "Jerusalem or midnight and the final stragglers are coming out this year was an amazing wine festival", "kd4RdUKW66g-00060-00042032-00042408": "we saw as usual some of the big wineries in Israel as well as some of the boutique ones", "kd4RdUKW66g-00061-00042408-00042792": "and also represented my favourite wineries are the people making wine", "kd4RdUKW66g-00062-00042792-00043248": "from different fruits because wine from grapes is just one type of wine we saw some blueberry wine", "kd4RdUKW66g-00063-00043248-00043648": "raspberry wine all different types of wine and it was really cool speaking to peoplesome folks", "kd4RdUKW66g-00064-00043648-00044000": "coming from Cleveland just to be here and it was really really amazing next year if you're watching", "kd4RdUKW66g-00065-00044000-00044464": "this tomorrow there's two more nights at the wine festival or come again next", "kd4RdUKW66g-00066-00044464-00045096": "year because it's always an amazing event festival get it festival festival yeah so if you don't make", "kd4RdUKW66g-00067-00045096-00045520": "it this year definitely come back next year it's a yearly event in the Israel museum and it's amazing", "kd4RdUKW66g-00068-00045520-00045928": "time for wine lovers or anyone who just enjoys a good night out in Jerusalem and we have some guy", "kd4RdUKW66g-00069-00045928-00046504": "here who says it wasn't just the wine festival it was the the wine festival is the best of all", "kd4RdUKW66g-00070-00046504-00047400": "you heard it here trust this guy whatever he said it's true it's extremely uh right true and right", "kd4RdUKW66g-00071-00047472-00047984": "and it's all everything. Have you heard of California Wine TV? A new YouTube channel?", "kd4RdUKW66g-00072-00048048-00048912": "No but i heard about California weed TV and i'm cool with that okay your team"}}, {"audio_id": "kdjWCTi6lmc", "text": {"kdjWCTi6lmc-00000-00000000-00000365": "are you somebody who struggles with depression and you like to isolate well", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00001-00000365-00000773": "do I have some great news for you", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00002-00001342-00001809": "what is everybody this is Chris from the rewired soul where we talk about the", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00003-00001809-00002163": "problem but focus on the solution anything new to my channel my channel is", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00004-00002163-00002472": "all about mental health so if you want to improve your mental and emotional", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00005-00002472-00002909": "well-being make sure you subscribe and bring that notification bell but my", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00006-00002909-00003332": "guess is if you're watching this video you're one of my amazing loyal", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00007-00003332-00004020": "subscribers you are a hashtag rewired soldier yeah exciting announcement I'm", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00008-00004020-00004473": "writing a book okay I've already written two books so they're usually linked down", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00009-00004473-00004743": "in the description I think you want to check them out first book I wrote was", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00010-00004743-00005217": "like my story of overcoming addiction and depression and anxiety the second", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00011-00005217-00006075": "one is shorter and it's four before I jump into what this book about", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00012-00006075-00006576": "depression is about I just want to like please please please check out the", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00013-00006576-00006933": "description as well as in the pinned comment sign up for my email list I am", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00014-00006933-00007370": "going to start sending out emails with just mental health tips advice just", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00015-00007370-00007697": "things that come to my head so I don't feel like I have to put everything in", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00016-00007697-00008109": "video okay so sign up for my email list a ton of you already did there's gonna", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00017-00008109-00008568": "be a lot of good stuff there and it might be something that just you need to", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00018-00008568-00008970": "get through your day okay so yeah this book idea all right so the title of this", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00019-00008970-00009572": "book is going to be the isolators guide to overcoming depression alright so how", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00020-00009572-00010152": "did this come to mind well I am somebody who I meet I meet people where they're", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00021-00010152-00010581": "at okay so isolation as some of you know is one of the worst things for your", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00022-00010581-00010842": "depression and your anxiety I've made videos about this in the past I", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00023-00010842-00011211": "discussed the brain science and evolutionary psychology behind this but", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00024-00011211-00011646": "like if I just come straight at you and say hey go out go go do stuff like", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00025-00011646-00012122": "you're gonna look at me and say nah right so I'm making a book to take what", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00026-00012122-00012552": "you're doing or what you won't do and try to give you help because everybody", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00027-00012552-00012841": "can get help no matter what and I want you to think that just", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00028-00012841-00013456": "because you're in a certain place in your there's no help for you so I am", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00029-00013456-00015769": "somebody who will help with your depression a bunch of these books it's", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00030-00015769-00015994": "weird", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00031-00016438-00016810": "I'll see how it goes", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00032-00017347-00018568": "version of this book as well alright", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00033-00019765-00020381": "this amazing woman and we had a video call and she helped me just kind of", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00034-00020381-00020819": "organize some thoughts and just get started I love her for that so if you", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00035-00020819-00021368": "are her links down below go follow her on Twitter she's an amazing amazing", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00036-00021368-00021869": "woman yeah so we're talking about this and I want", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00037-00021869-00022217": "to get started by you know getting feedback from all of you like this book", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00038-00022217-00022865": "is for you like I want to make sure that I'm doing this for you and there's gonna", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00039-00022865-00023318": "be useful tips for you chances are if you're struggling with something other", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00040-00023318-00023678": "people are struggling with something as well okay so I ask you three questions I", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00041-00023678-00024044": "posted all over social media as well as here okay and I'm gonna pin these", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00042-00024044-00024440": "questions down in the comment because I need you to help me write this book and", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00043-00024440-00025109": "and everybody whose suggestions I use will be credited in the book I will have", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00044-00025109-00025529": "an entire page or two pages depending on how many people contribute", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00045-00025529-00025894": "all of you will be credited in this book pretty sweet right so question number", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00046-00025894-00026494": "one what are your fears like anybody who isolates those fears right like fear of", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00047-00026494-00027058": "you know being judged by people fear of you know some interactions fear of being", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00048-00027058-00027497": "harmed whether emotionally or physically or whatever like what are the fears that", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00049-00027497-00028049": "are surrounding this okay and then the second question is very similar to the", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00050-00028049-00028447": "first but there's a method to my madness the second question is why do you", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00051-00028447-00028900": "isolate okay I'm guessing a lot of this ties into fears but I would like to hear", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00052-00028900-00030302": "like personal experiences maybe okay I just like to tie in personal experiences", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00053-00030302-00030716": "because sometimes I can tie that in with something that happened in a previous", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00054-00030716-00031100": "relationship in your childhood with your parents or a family member or even at", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00055-00031100-00031603": "school or whatever so why do you think it is that you isolate okay or what kind", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00056-00031603-00031874": "of thoughts are going through your head for example some people don't like", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00057-00031874-00032116": "hanging out with friends because I think the friends don't really like them or", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00058-00032116-00032411": "you know nobody likes them nobody cares about them or whatever it is", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00059-00032411-00032734": "so let's number one is what are your fears question number two why do you", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00060-00032734-00033107": "isolate question number three most important question what are your hobbies", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00061-00033107-00033563": "what are your interests what do you like to do okay and there is nothing too", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00062-00033563-00033986": "stupid to put in there okay I don't care if you like watching YouTube I don't", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00063-00033986-00034376": "care if you like being on Twitter I don't care if you like to draw or paint", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00064-00034376-00034888": "or watch TV or Netflix I don't care what your hobbies or interests are just let", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00065-00034888-00035219": "me know okay because what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take things that you", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00066-00035219-00035659": "already like doing and explain with neuroscience how this helps with", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00067-00035659-00036062": "depression okay so those are the questions I've got to pin them down in", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00068-00036062-00036500": "the comment section below just a real quick patreon plug I know a ton of you", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00069-00036500-00036919": "are supporting me over on patreon so something I've had up on patreon which I", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00070-00036919-00037280": "haven't really been able to give benefits for you is that the $20 tier", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00071-00037280-00037736": "whoever is in that tier will get free copies of all my ebooks so I plan on", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00072-00037736-00038215": "selling these books for like four or five bucks on like Kindle and audible if", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00073-00038215-00038673": "I end up doing audio box sign up for the patreon every book right", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00074-00038673-00039129": "you'll get a free copy digitally plan on doing a lot of these I will be making", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00075-00039129-00039393": "more videos like this to get your feedback like books I want to write", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00076-00039393-00039870": "about like anxiety meditation for beginners addiction you know all sorts", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00077-00039870-00040242": "of stuff I have a billion ideas Janette helped me kind of organize that she gave", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00078-00040242-00040599": "me a cool app to use anyway so if you if you're interested go sign up over on", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00079-00040599-00041070": "patreon and you will get a free digital copy of every book I write today and for", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00080-00041070-00041301": "the rest of my life as long as I got that going alright", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00081-00041301-00041691": "anyways that's all I got for you with this video again please sign up for the", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00082-00041691-00042033": "mailing list and I will leave the questions down in the comments below", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00083-00042033-00042354": "alright give me a feedback I will be posting this stuff all over social media", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00084-00042354-00043020": "as well so yeah I plan on starting as soon as Tristan and I move into our new", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00085-00043020-00043553": "apartment this week get settled in I'm gonna get cracking on this thing hustle", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00086-00043553-00044325": "so this project might come pretty quick and I'll release it so anyways thank you", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00087-00044325-00044652": "everybody supporting the channel over on patreon make sure that you don't leave", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00088-00044652-00045057": "me hanging because I need your help to write this book alright I love each and", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00089-00045057-00045351": "every one of you and I got some new videos coming up very soon all right", "kdjWCTi6lmc-00090-00045351-00045641": "I'll see you next time"}}, {"audio_id": "kedom0DrIVE", "text": {"kedom0DrIVE-00000-00000080-00000888": "seafarers medicals by dr darius krasnicki from Poland Hi my name is doctor Dariusz Krasnicki and i", "kedom0DrIVE-00001-00000888-00001472": "am an approved seafarer's physician in poland i have been dealing with seamen from different countries", "kedom0DrIVE-00002-00001472-00002312": "for over 20 years in this video i am going to tell you about some but not all seafarers physical", "kedom0DrIVE-00003-00002312-00002880": "exam guidelines in my country so you can get your seamen's certificate very quickly and", "kedom0DrIVE-00004-00002880-00003640": "without a delay first you must provide me with a photographic identity document and a copy of the", "kedom0DrIVE-00005-00003640-00004368": "last medical fitness certificate if the medical examination is not your first examination you", "kedom0DrIVE-00006-00004368-00005000": "shall advise the medical practitioner if you have previously failed a seafarer's", "kedom0DrIVE-00007-00005000-00005736": "medical examination or any significant medical condition you may have or medical treatment", "kedom0DrIVE-00008-00005736-00006456": "you are undergoing at the time of the examination i will also take into account the potentially", "kedom0DrIVE-00009-00006456-00007336": "hazardous nature of seafearing which calls for a high standard of health and continuing fitness i", "kedom0DrIVE-00010-00007336-00008184": "will take into account your age and experience as a seafarer nature of the duties to be performed", "kedom0DrIVE-00011-00008184-00009048": "and the ship's itinerary since many seafarers will need to join and leave ships by the air you", "kedom0DrIVE-00012-00009048-00009848": "should be free from any conditions which precludes air travel or could be seriously affected by it", "kedom0DrIVE-00013-00009848-00010552": "medical treatment of diseases that are not chronic should be completed before a health certificate is", "kedom0DrIVE-00014-00010552-00011376": "issued by me. A few words about medications If you pass the exam and using long-term medications you", "kedom0DrIVE-00015-00011376-00012120": "must have a letter from you your treating doctor detailing name of medication dosage you take", "kedom0DrIVE-00016-00012176-00012688": "confirmation that permission to use the medication when on duty on board", "kedom0DrIVE-00017-00012688-00013360": "the ship and that it will not interfere or affect your ability to perform your duties", "kedom0DrIVE-00018-00013360-00014312": "If your blood pressure is greater than 140/90 it will require further medical workup and clearance", "kedom0DrIVE-00019-00014312-00015119": "prior to passing the exam all your responses with a yes on a self-assessment for reply", "kedom0DrIVE-00020-00015208-00015776": "on the health history portion of the exam must be further addressed by the examining physician", "kedom0DrIVE-00021-00015832-00016392": "that's mean by me or my colleagues A few words about blood chemistry", "kedom0DrIVE-00022-00016456-00017376": "You have to perform some blood tests mostly liver profile also glucosa fast glucosa cholesterol", "kedom0DrIVE-00023-00017480-00018360": "triglycerides Creatinine and some others results of complete blood count including hemoglobin", "kedom0DrIVE-00024-00018360-00019144": "hematocrit white blood cells platelets .Audiometry which is your hearing test. All employees on the", "kedom0DrIVE-00025-00019144-00019776": "ship that perform navigational watch functions must be able to hear at least 30 decibels", "kedom0DrIVE-00026-00019776-00020792": "in the best year without or with use of hearing aid and 40 decibels in their weakest year", "kedom0DrIVE-00027-00020792-00021552": "I will also take into account that the limited crew complements which mean that illness of one", "kedom0DrIVE-00028-00021552-00022216": "crew member may place a burden on others or impair the safe and efficient working of the", "kedom0DrIVE-00029-00022216-00022816": "ship If you need more information about physical exam guidelines for the examining physicians", "kedom0DrIVE-00030-00022816-00023520": "in poland just let me know in the comments below Darek Krasnicki from Wroclaw authorized/approved", "kedom0DrIVE-00031-00023520-00024224": "doctor by Polish Maritime Authority was talking to you and see you soon bye bye"}}, {"audio_id": "ke7OTLrZfc8", "text": {"ke7OTLrZfc8-00000-00000446-00000660": "I've really enjoyed being here", "ke7OTLrZfc8-00001-00000664-00000960": "and Milly and Sarah are fantastic facilitators.", "ke7OTLrZfc8-00002-00000969-00001314": "I really enjoyed looking at how the patterns in nature", "ke7OTLrZfc8-00003-00001366-00001772": "can be inspirational to changes in my own life.", "ke7OTLrZfc8-00004-00001772-00002332": "Thank you"}}, {"audio_id": "kesh9ZT7c9Y", "text": {"kesh9ZT7c9Y-00000-00000084-00000583": "COWEN: Two final questions. My first one is about what I call the Larry Summers production", "kesh9ZT7c9Y-00001-00000583-00000964": "function. You were successful at quite a young age,", "kesh9ZT7c9Y-00002-00000964-00001426": "but what I find striking after reviewing a lot of what you’ve done and a lot of talks", "kesh9ZT7c9Y-00003-00001426-00002157": "you’ve given, is I find at your current age, 62, that when you answer questions on", "kesh9ZT7c9Y-00004-00002157-00002605": "YouTube, in general your answers are in some way better or richer than they would have", "kesh9ZT7c9Y-00005-00002605-00003096": "been 5, 10 years ago, and they were already, obviously, quite good to have gotten you to", "kesh9ZT7c9Y-00006-00003096-00003601": "where you are. For people who are already famous, and to", "kesh9ZT7c9Y-00007-00003601-00004174": "some extent well off, at the age margin of whatever to 62, for their answers still to", "kesh9ZT7c9Y-00008-00004174-00004765": "be getting better, this is what I find striking. You don’t have to be modest here, but what", "kesh9ZT7c9Y-00009-00004765-00005256": "is there in the Larry Summers production function that explains this?", "kesh9ZT7c9Y-00010-00005256-00006006": "[laughter] SUMMERS: Part of the answer goes back to the", "kesh9ZT7c9Y-00011-00006006-00006828": "first question that you asked. I’ve always tried to surround myself and be around extraordinarily", "kesh9ZT7c9Y-00012-00006828-00007648": "able young people. They probably do learn some things from me, but I learn a lot from", "kesh9ZT7c9Y-00013-00007648-00008368": "them, both from things they say and know that I don’t, and from the questions they ask,", "kesh9ZT7c9Y-00014-00008368-00009217": "which keep me on my toes. That’s one answer. Another answer — by the way, I’m flattered", "kesh9ZT7c9Y-00015-00009217-00009912": "that you think it’s true. I don’t know if it’s true or not. One thing I’ve always", "kesh9ZT7c9Y-00016-00009912-00010753": "tried to define myself by — and sometimes it’s been more successful than other times — is", "kesh9ZT7c9Y-00017-00010753-00011742": "opposition to complacency and not being satisfied with any institution, with myself, or with", "kesh9ZT7c9Y-00018-00011742-00012118": "anybody, and always thinking things could be better.", "kesh9ZT7c9Y-00019-00012118-00013722": "That’s the attitude I have to myself, as well. I’ll be on a plane back tonight, and", "kesh9ZT7c9Y-00020-00013722-00014488": "I’ll be thinking about the various questions you asked and which questions I could have", "kesh9ZT7c9Y-00021-00014488-00015110": "given better answers to. Then I’ll think about those answers, and the next time I’m", "kesh9ZT7c9Y-00022-00015110-00015977": "somewhere, I’ll give better answers or be better at discussing things because I wasn’t", "kesh9ZT7c9Y-00023-00015977-00016378": "complacent or satisfied."}}, {"audio_id": "kf6MffFYohU", "text": {"kf6MffFYohU-00000-00000021-00000202": "Welcome to Byte-sized Canvas!", "kf6MffFYohU-00001-00000202-00000572": "I’m Helen Graves and let’s talk about links.", "kf6MffFYohU-00002-00000572-00001210": "Items A4 and A7 of the OEI Course Design Rubric are all about using Canvas effectively", "kf6MffFYohU-00003-00001210-00001648": "to make navigation easier and reduce cognitive load for your students.", "kf6MffFYohU-00004-00001672-00002152": "Knowing how to set links up properly will increase your Canvas Ninja factor", "kf6MffFYohU-00005-00002152-00002306": "considerably in that regard!", "kf6MffFYohU-00006-00002306-00002738": "The first thing to know is that there are two kinds of links in a Canvas course.", "kf6MffFYohU-00007-00002738-00003116": "One is a link that takes the student to another area of the course", "kf6MffFYohU-00008-00003116-00003434": "—for example, from a content page to a discussion", "kf6MffFYohU-00009-00003434-00003765": "or to a PDF document that lives in your Files area.", "kf6MffFYohU-00010-00003792-00004272": "The other kind of link is one that takes the student outside the course—", "kf6MffFYohU-00011-00004272-00004524": "to your campus help desk or to a Canvas Guide", "kf6MffFYohU-00012-00004524-00004744": "or to a resource website, for example.", "kf6MffFYohU-00013-00004778-00005106": "The two types of links should be handled slightly differently.", "kf6MffFYohU-00014-00005106-00005362": "Here’s a good rule of thumb for you to be aware of.", "kf6MffFYohU-00015-00005392-00005782": "For links that stay within the course, it’s best for the link", "kf6MffFYohU-00016-00005782-00006062": "to take the student directly to the new location.", "kf6MffFYohU-00017-00006086-00006634": "For links to external web pages, you want the link to open in a new tab or window", "kf6MffFYohU-00018-00006634-00006944": "so the student can find their way back to their place in the course", "kf6MffFYohU-00019-00006944-00007195": "if they start clicking around on this new page.", "kf6MffFYohU-00020-00007195-00007626": "First, I’m going to show you how to set up a link that stays within the course.", "kf6MffFYohU-00021-00007626-00007909": "Start by highlighting your descriptive link text.", "kf6MffFYohU-00022-00007909-00008350": "Let me digress for a moment to remind you —or perhaps introduce you to—", "kf6MffFYohU-00023-00008350-00008684": "what constitutes appropriate descriptive link text.", "kf6MffFYohU-00024-00008724-00009087": "Good link text provides a clear and concise description", "kf6MffFYohU-00025-00009088-00009386": "of the page that will load when following a link", "kf6MffFYohU-00026-00009386-00009694": "(so the link is understandable out of context).", "kf6MffFYohU-00027-00009726-00010008": "It shouldn't include the word “link”", "kf6MffFYohU-00028-00010008-00010565": "nor should it be something non-specific like “Here” or “Read more.”", "kf6MffFYohU-00029-00010566-00011066": "This means you may need to edit your text a little bit before creating the link.", "kf6MffFYohU-00030-00011084-00011332": "Once you have the link text highlighted,", "kf6MffFYohU-00031-00011332-00011852": "in the Insert Content area, find the file, or page, or assignment", "kf6MffFYohU-00032-00011852-00011996": "or whatever you’re linking to.", "kf6MffFYohU-00033-00012012-00012150": "In this case, a quiz.", "kf6MffFYohU-00034-00012192-00012636": "When you click it, the highlighted text is automatically converted into the link.", "kf6MffFYohU-00035-00012636-00013260": "It’s also possible to insert the item directly just by clicking its name.", "kf6MffFYohU-00036-00013332-00013860": "But be aware that your page or file name may be some weird abbreviation that isn’t going", "kf6MffFYohU-00037-00013860-00014186": "to make sense to your student so you’ll have to edit that.", "kf6MffFYohU-00038-00014213-00014776": "That’s why it’s often easiest to just type your descriptive link text first and then convert it.", "kf6MffFYohU-00039-00014808-00015291": "If the link is to a file and you’d like it to auto-open in the preview window,", "kf6MffFYohU-00040-00015291-00015494": "there’s one more step to take.", "kf6MffFYohU-00041-00015513-00015900": "After you’ve created the link, while the link text is still highlighted,", "kf6MffFYohU-00042-00015900-00016284": "click the “link” icon in the Rich Content Editor.", "kf6MffFYohU-00043-00016285-00016845": "In the dialogue box that opens up, select the “auto-open the inline preview” box", "kf6MffFYohU-00044-00016845-00017120": "and then click “update link.”", "kf6MffFYohU-00045-00017120-00017630": "When you save the page, students will have the link to download the document and", "kf6MffFYohU-00046-00017630-00017880": "they'll also be able to see it in the preview window.", "kf6MffFYohU-00047-00017880-00018094": "Here’s how to set up the link when you’re heading", "kf6MffFYohU-00048-00018094-00018354": "to a website that’s outside your course.", "kf6MffFYohU-00049-00018354-00018662": "First, highlight your descriptive link text.", "kf6MffFYohU-00050-00018716-00019338": "Then, hit Command+K if you’re on a Mac or Control+K if you’re on a PC.", "kf6MffFYohU-00051-00019339-00019871": "It opens this lovely dialogue box that lets you set the link to open in a new window.", "kf6MffFYohU-00052-00019871-00020080": "No messing in the code required!", "kf6MffFYohU-00053-00020096-00020480": "In the URL field, paste the URL for the page.", "kf6MffFYohU-00054-00020480-00020964": "The text to display is already taken care of because I highlighted my link text.", "kf6MffFYohU-00055-00020992-00021436": "I checked with my accessibility folks who concurred that you really don’t need to", "kf6MffFYohU-00056-00021437-00021634": "worry about the “Title” field.", "kf6MffFYohU-00057-00021634-00021982": "It’s meant to expand on the meaning and destination of the link", "kf6MffFYohU-00058-00021982-00022220": "for students using a screen reader.", "kf6MffFYohU-00059-00022220-00022768": "But my sources said many screen readers devices, by default, don’t read the Title field", "kf6MffFYohU-00060-00022768-00023008": "so not to worry your pretty little head about it.", "kf6MffFYohU-00061-00023020-00023304": "As with all things, that could change in the future.", "kf6MffFYohU-00062-00023304-00023480": "Here’s the important part!", "kf6MffFYohU-00063-00023480-00024024": "In the “Target” field, click the dropdown arrow and select “New window.”", "kf6MffFYohU-00064-00024064-00024424": "Then click OK and when you save the page,", "kf6MffFYohU-00065-00024424-00024866": "by clicking the link, it's going to cause a new tab to open up.", "kf6MffFYohU-00066-00024870-00025040": "That’s it for now!", "kf6MffFYohU-00067-00025040-00025409": "Until next time, this is Helen wishing you a Canvalicious day!"}}, {"audio_id": "kfu8cYX2Bmy", "text": {"kfu8cYX2Bmy-00000-00000000-00000474": "today I want to talk about buying and selling accounts here in Rise of Kingdoms because it's", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00001-00000474-00000972": "a topic that I've never really covered here on the channel but I feel like I've seen more people", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00002-00000972-00001518": "lately talking about selling their account whether it's in the comments of my videos or", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00003-00001518-00002094": "on my Discord or various other places across the rise of Kingdoms community and I think this is a", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00004-00002094-00002616": "pretty important topic however just as a side note obviously you can see on the screen this is live", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00005-00002616-00003114": "right here I just saw that we were rallying a flag and I decided to just put it in the video but if", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00006-00003114-00003720": "you guys are in my kvk or if you've been keeping up with my kvk this has been absolutely insane", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00007-00003720-00004398": "some of the most intense fighting that I've seen and experienced in a long time I was down about", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00008-00004398-00005112": "20 million power as of uh last night finally broke 1 billion kill points and it's just it's been an", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00009-00005112-00005676": "absolutely it's been insane so whether you are an ally of ours or an enemy of ours that we've", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00010-00005676-00006282": "been fighting it's been so intense and I feel like everybody has really put a lot on the line and I", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00011-00006282-00006780": "have a lot of respect for everybody in this kvk in case you guys were wondering what my hall of", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00012-00006780-00007554": "Heroes looks like right now I have about 2 million dead troops most of it is uh tier five units it's", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00013-00007554-00008052": "been a bloody kvk I gotta say that much anyway let's talk about buying and selling accounts okay", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00014-00008052-00008658": "if you guys didn't know some players in the game when they're quitting the game they will decide to", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00015-00008658-00009270": "sell their account to somebody who's maybe new or somebody who wants an additional account in", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00016-00009270-00009810": "Rise of Kingdom so let's talk about the reasons why you might want to buy an account in Rise of", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00017-00009810-00010284": "Kingdoms well I think it's pretty obvious why you would want to buy one because you can negotiate", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00018-00010284-00010860": "the price of that account and if somebody has a ton of you know expertise to Legendary commanders", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00019-00010860-00011460": "and they have a ton of gear on that account you may be able to get that account for a much cheaper", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00020-00011460-00012150": "price than it would cost you to get a brand new account up to that same level on top of", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00021-00012150-00012738": "that a lot of players maybe they want a second or third account either for farming or they just want", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00022-00012738-00013200": "another account they can fight with they might not want to go through the grind of leveling", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00023-00013200-00013830": "up their City Hall all the way up to 25 again that takes a long time you have to log in every", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00024-00013830-00014213": "single day you have to do events you have to get your books of the Covenant again you have to get", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00025-00014213-00014622": "your arrows of resistance again there's so many things that you have to do to get your city back", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00026-00014622-00015084": "up to tier five that a lot of people you know if they've already done it once uh but they want a", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00027-00015084-00015528": "second account they don't really want to do it again so they're willing to pay for an account", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00028-00015528-00016146": "that's already City Hall 25 already tier 5 units and they just pick up where that other player left", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00029-00016146-00016740": "off and on paper that sounds like a good idea right you can pay a lot less money and skip the", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00030-00016740-00017214": "grind and then boom you have another account whether it's your second or third account and", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00031-00017214-00017646": "there you go you're good to go and it's sort of a win-win right because the person who's", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00032-00017646-00018048": "selling their account they obviously don't want it anymore so they're getting rid of it they're", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00033-00018048-00018492": "either quitting or they need the money or whatever the case might be and they get they get paid for", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00034-00018492-00019170": "it and it seems like a pretty reasonable thing to do but of course things are never that simple now", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00035-00019170-00019710": "when we take a look at buying and selling accounts from Lilith's perspective right the developers of", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00036-00019710-00020310": "Rise of Kingdoms it is against the terms of service it is against the rules to purchase", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00037-00020310-00020850": "another player's account in fact it is against the rules to play another person's account now", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00038-00020850-00021432": "how oh we popped the flag boys let's go dang look at all those sad faces that's crazy don't worry", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00039-00021432-00021858": "I'm not bragging we've got a ton of sad faces ourselves too okay that's that's a bloody one", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00040-00021858-00022494": "man that's that's a bloody that's a bloody flag I'm not gonna lie to you guys that's oof man that", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00041-00022494-00023118": "AOE on Zhang you always is oh man it just doesn't has a point it just doesn't disappoint it's crazy", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00042-00023118-00023574": "the whole kvk has been like this guys whether we're defending or they're defending it's just", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00043-00023646-00024276": "Bruh Bruh oh my God this ain't even like compared to a lot of the stuff this kvk this ain't even", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00044-00024276-00024786": "that crazy this is just standard for this cave at least dude's getting dead oh my god dude anyway it", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00045-00024786-00025314": "is against the rules to even play another player's account now there's a lot of reasons for that", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00046-00025314-00025830": "right if you get a bunch of people together and you just decide okay we're gonna pull all of our", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00047-00025830-00026304": "money and put all of our money into one account then we're gonna share the password with everybody", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00048-00026304-00026927": "and then that account is gonna be super strong and it could basically be online 24 7 right and I've", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00049-00026927-00027498": "actually seen this happen before in older kingdoms that I was in there were players that were just", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00050-00027498-00028110": "Mega whales that were owned by that were played by three or four or more different people and", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00051-00028110-00028704": "that just doesn't feel that fair right whales have an advantage already but if multiple people are", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00052-00028704-00029166": "playing it then that means that you know you're gonna be fighting that well 24 7. there's really", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00053-00029166-00029627": "it kind of breaks the strategy the little bit of strategy that is in the game because that players", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00054-00029627-00030174": "just never gonna be offline so that's sort of why it's against the rules to share accounts in Rise", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00055-00030174-00030689": "of Kingdoms but when you take a look at buying and selling accounts I think it's pretty obvious why", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00056-00030689-00031350": "Lilith wouldn't want this to be allowed they lose money right um like I said before it's cheaper to", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00057-00031350-00031920": "typically buy an account with progress than it is to create a new account and spend money to get it", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00058-00031920-00032526": "up to that point it's significantly cheaper in fact and so because of that Lilith is losing out", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00059-00032526-00033042": "on the revenue that you may have been spending on creating a new account so for just straight", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00060-00033042-00033618": "up from a monetary perspective Lilith is not going to be happy about that and so it's against", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00061-00033618-00034392": "the rules but then we have to talk about you know how how well does Lilith enforce that policy and", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00062-00034392-00035016": "should you take the risk of buying an account because again the upside is pretty high if you", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00063-00035016-00035634": "spend a thousand dollars on an account you could potentially get an account that's worth 5 10 15", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00064-00035634-00036228": "which is insane savings and the person who's selling it doesn't really care that they're", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00065-00036228-00036630": "losing that money because if they don't sell it they're still losing that money right so at least", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00066-00036630-00037014": "they can get a thousand dollars back for it so it's sort of a win-win and with that upside being", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00067-00037014-00037680": "so high with you being able to save you know 100 value 500 percent value right plus all the time to", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00068-00037680-00038190": "get the account there it may still seem that even though it's against the rules that it's something", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00069-00038190-00038784": "that you should consider and whether or not you are willing to risk it is ultimately up to you", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00070-00038784-00039210": "it's your money right if you spend a thousand dollars and the account gets banned or whatever", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00071-00039210-00039918": "the case is then that's on you but I'm here to tell you that you probably shouldn't do it and", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00072-00039918-00040542": "I just want to make it clear that I don't really care about Lilith's bottom line they are extremely", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00073-00040542-00041082": "aggressive in their monetization strategy and it's clear that that will never change and", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00074-00041082-00041604": "it will probably continue to get worse at the detriment of the player experience so honestly", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00075-00041604-00042018": "I I could give a [__] about how much money they're making because they're already making", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00076-00042018-00042618": "out like absolute Bandits it's actually disgusting how much money Lilith is making and hey good for", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00077-00042618-00043020": "them at the end of the day they're a business that's what they have to do if I were them I", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00078-00043020-00043494": "would probably do the same thing so I can't be that critical of them from that perspective but", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00079-00043494-00044046": "as a player it kind of sucks so I just want to make it clear that even though I disagree with", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00080-00044046-00044802": "Lilith's monetization strategy in Rise of Kingdoms I still am taking their side on this and it's not", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00081-00044802-00045342": "because I'm sponsored you guys know I've never been sponsored by Lilith I truthfully don't think", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00082-00045342-00045942": "they like my content because of things like what I just said two minutes ago like I'm very critical", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00083-00045942-00046452": "of them I'm open about it and yeah they just they probably just don't really have a reason to like", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00084-00046452-00047100": "me but but even still without me being financially supported by Lilith and even with me disagreeing", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00085-00047100-00047790": "with how expensive it is to well up in this game I still don't think that you should buy an account", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00086-00047790-00048246": "in Rise of Kingdoms and there's a lot of reasons the obvious one is that the account can just get", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00087-00048246-00048792": "banned right if there's an account that's been logging into the game from Los Angeles California", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00088-00048792-00049572": "for the last three years and then all of a sudden it's logging in from somewhere in South Korea for", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00089-00049572-00050124": "more than like a month they're gonna know that you know the account has changed hands it's pretty", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00090-00050124-00050676": "clear right like the probability that somebody moves across the world permanently is not that", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00091-00050676-00051264": "high and sure it happens sometimes and I'm sure Lilith has suspended accounts temporarily by", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00092-00051264-00051972": "accident but I would say in like 99 of cases if an account has a pretty significant track record", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00093-00051972-00052572": "of logging in from a certain geographical area and then that suddenly changes drastically is", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00094-00052572-00053141": "pretty clear that the account was sold and there's also other ways that you know Lilith can tell if", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00095-00053141-00053729": "you start typing in a different language or if you immediately change the profile pic you move", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00096-00053729-00054162": "servers like there's there's a lot of ways that they can tell that it's most likely an", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00097-00054162-00054726": "account that has been accessed by somebody else right they don't have to prove that the account", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00098-00054726-00055140": "was bought or sold they just have to prove that it's being shared by someone else and if they can", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00099-00055140-00055614": "do that that's really all the justification they need to ban the account so one of the reasons why", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00100-00055614-00056088": "you shouldn't attempt to buy an account is because you could just throw that that money could be just", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00101-00056088-00056562": "thrown in the garbage right once Lilith can prove pretty much without a shadow of a doubt that it", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00102-00056562-00056970": "was bought or sold then they could just ban your account and then that's it your money is gone but", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00103-00056970-00057522": "the other reason that I think it's it's not that great of an idea to buy or sell an account is", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00104-00057522-00058110": "because and this is what I think is most likely to happen is that the person you're buying or selling", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00105-00058110-00058805": "from probably will scam you okay listen okay we're talking about digital assets here right and the", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00106-00058805-00059255": "way that you would gain access to somebody else's account is you would actually have to come up here", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00107-00059255-00059832": "go into the settings and you would have to log out of your current account you would have to unlink", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00108-00059832-00060438": "your account from wherever it's linked right now or you can switch accounts to some someone else", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00109-00060438-00061014": "so essentially what people do from what I've heard and I've never bought or sold an account but what", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00110-00061014-00061500": "people tell me is that oh they will just create a fake or not a fake but they'll just create a", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00111-00061500-00061974": "new Gmail account or a new you know whatever a new Facebook or something and they'll make the", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00112-00061974-00062586": "password like password1234 and then they'll just link their existing rise of Kingdoms account to", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00113-00062586-00063048": "that new account that they just made and then they'll give you the login information to that", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00114-00063048-00063534": "Gmail or that Facebook or whatever the case is and then you just log in on your computer and boom you", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00115-00063534-00063966": "have that linked account so that's typically from what I've heard how it works but think about it", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00116-00063966-00064512": "like this right if you're exchanging digital Goods right you're essentially buying an email", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00117-00064512-00065040": "and password that's basically what you're doing um you have to trust that the person you're sending", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00118-00065040-00065508": "the money to is going to give you that account if someone's selling an account for a thousand", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00119-00065508-00066162": "dollars they're not going to give you access to the account before they get the money because if", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00120-00066162-00066684": "you get access to the account then you could just change the password and then link it to your you", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00121-00066684-00067188": "know you could set up two-step verification to your phone number and then boom you successfully", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00122-00067188-00067668": "just stole their account right so they're not gonna do that it's very easy to do that they're", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00123-00067668-00068202": "probably going to request some amount of money up front or all of it depending on how valuable the", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00124-00068202-00068610": "account is and then they're going to give you the access to the account and then you have to", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00125-00068610-00069234": "hope that they don't then change the password or what's also extremely common from what I've been", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00126-00069234-00069846": "told is that people will refund the sale so what typically will happen is they will send you money", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00127-00069846-00070482": "via PayPal or maybe venmo cash app whatever like there's a ton of different ways to transfer money", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00128-00070482-00071016": "these days so what they'll do is they'll send you the money for the account and then you'll give", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00129-00071016-00071532": "them the login information everything goes through boom sounds good and then you know six days later", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00130-00071532-00072180": "you find out from PayPal that the transaction has been reversed right it's been refunded essentially", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00131-00072180-00072690": "because you don't have insurance on buying an email and password there's no buyer or seller", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00132-00072690-00073170": "Insurance there right so then they just refund the money and they keep your account right so there's", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00133-00073170-00073764": "a bunch of different ways for the buyer or the seller to scam one another in this uh you know", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00134-00073764-00074328": "in this system right and this is why there's a lot of risk involved with buying and selling accounts", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00135-00074328-00074910": "and also if buying and selling accounts is sort of a norm in a game right like let's say that let's", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00136-00074910-00075342": "say it's not against the rules let's say Lilith just decides okay you're allowed to buy and sell", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00137-00075342-00075930": "accounts this scamming will continue to increase right that's just what will happen there's there's", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00138-00075930-00076434": "a lot of money to be made on accounts that have a ton of expertise legendaries and so you know", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00139-00076434-00077004": "people will probably start scamming people at a bigger rate at a more frequent rate and then rise", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00140-00077004-00077646": "of Kingdoms would get the reputation of being a scammy game right it's got a toxic community where", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00141-00077646-00078096": "people are scamming each other for money and that just doesn't look good for Lilith right so it's in", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00142-00078096-00078528": "their best interest for multiple reasons to make this uh you know to make this against the rules", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00143-00078528-00079140": "I just think it's super risky to be buying and selling accounts you're probably gonna get scammed", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00144-00079140-00079902": "and you know the number one the number one way to tell is if somebody says oh dude I'm dude bro I'm", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00145-00079902-00080448": "so trustworthy like now dude like I I swear to you bro like this dude all those other people", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00146-00080448-00081138": "bro those do they're gonna scam you bro I'm the one you gotta trust me man do a trust me bro I've", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00147-00081138-00081666": "sold so I've sold so many accounts like here's here's the I sold an account to this dude go hit", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00148-00081666-00082098": "them up and then they just send you you know over to their friends Discord but really it's just them", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00149-00082098-00082464": "on a second Discord and they're like yeah dude no dude you could totally trust him bro like", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00150-00082464-00082980": "the more they try to convince you that they're not gonna scam you the higher the probability they're", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00151-00082980-00083400": "probably going to scam you now of course there's ways around this right you could you could buy", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00152-00083400-00083874": "and sell using like cryptocurrency where you can't like you can't really refund it because it's like", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00153-00083874-00084294": "a one-way thing right I send you Bitcoin and boom is this gun is done is gone right so there are", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00154-00084294-00084780": "ways to do this and and there's a smart way to do it of course right there's but really there's only", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00155-00084780-00085440": "ways where you can decrease the probability of getting scammed there's no guaranteed way to not", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00156-00085440-00086004": "get scammed when you talk about buying and selling accounts in Rise of Kingdoms and I just wanted to", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00157-00086004-00086580": "talk about this because again it's something that I've seen a lot of especially here on YouTube in", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00158-00086580-00086994": "my Discord people will spam it and then I have to go in and ban them because it's annoying I", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00159-00086994-00087330": "don't want to deal with that right I don't want to deal with people coming into my community trying", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00160-00087330-00087900": "to scam my viewers that's crazy man that's it's just it's disgusting and look I get it too I'm", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00161-00087900-00088428": "not if you're selling accounts I don't I'm not even trying to judge you on a morality basis", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00162-00088428-00088872": "listen you might need the money for something you might have just got fired you might need the money", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00163-00088872-00089274": "for a medical treatment or whatever I don't get it dude there's there's so many more important things", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00164-00089274-00089796": "to spend on uh than rise of Kingdoms and if you need to sell that account then that go for it I", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00165-00089796-00090186": "don't care man I don't care about the morality behind it you just have to understand that you", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00166-00090186-00090558": "know there's a high probability of whether you're buying or selling an account that you're gonna", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00167-00090558-00091164": "get scammed and there's just no way that I'm gonna let that be a thing in my Discord or in my comment", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00168-00091164-00091716": "section or in my little corner of this rise of Kingdoms Community because it's just not a good", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00169-00091716-00092148": "look it's just not a good look too many people have gotten scammed I've talked to so many people", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00170-00092148-00092766": "who've gotten scammed and it just sucks man it just sucks so guys don't do it don't buy accounts", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00171-00092766-00093270": "don't sell accounts it's not worth it okay if you're gonna quit the game then who knows maybe", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00172-00093270-00093654": "in a few months you're going to want to come back and you're going to want to wish that you didn't", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00173-00093654-00094086": "sell your account because I've gotten that message a ton I've had people even comment on my videos", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00174-00094086-00094662": "saying man you know I came back after a year I wish I still had an account to play because now", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00175-00094662-00095028": "I'm starting over and you know it's fun to start over especially when you know what you're doing", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00176-00095028-00095460": "but realistically you probably wish you still had all those expertise commanders you paid for right", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00177-00095460-00095844": "anyway I just felt like this was is an important topic to discuss in the channel because I've never", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00178-00095844-00096360": "talked about it before and again I know a lot of people who've been scammed both buyers and sellers", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00179-00096360-00096780": "so I would recommend not doing it guys if you made it all the way to the end of the video help", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00180-00096780-00097200": "me beat the YouTube algorithm by dropping a thumbs up on it it really helps out the channel a ton go", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00181-00097200-00097542": "ahead and subscribe to the channel if you're new around here at least consider it because", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00182-00097542-00097986": "I know most of you guys are not subscribed and it really helps out my channel a ton if", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00183-00097986-00098400": "you do you can always unsubscribe later comment down below your thoughts on buying and selling", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00184-00098400-00098784": "accounts do you think it should be allowed or not I would love to hear from you and with that being", "kfu8cYX2Bmy-00185-00098784-00099198": "said thank you so much for watching this has been Omniarch I will talk to you guys again soon peace"}}, {"audio_id": "kfcj58Y0J_k", "text": {"kfcj58Y0J_k-00000-00000190-00000390": "There is a guy comming, bridge!", "kfcj58Y0J_k-00001-00000514-00000714": "Shoot him!", "kfcj58Y0J_k-00002-00000898-00001084": "Well... I... He is at the water right now", "kfcj58Y0J_k-00003-00001084-00001264": "Are you scared of him?", "kfcj58Y0J_k-00004-00001400-00001600": "I'm so freaking scared, man!", "kfcj58Y0J_k-00005-00001830-00001973": "Not Good!", "kfcj58Y0J_k-00006-00001973-00002120": "You shouldn't be!", "kfcj58Y0J_k-00007-00002142-00002260": "Yeah i know", "kfcj58Y0J_k-00008-00002270-00002342": "IMMAFIRINGMYLAZER", "kfcj58Y0J_k-00009-00002386-00002458": "1", "kfcj58Y0J_k-00010-00002482-00002532": "2", "kfcj58Y0J_k-00011-00002552-00002614": "3", "kfcj58Y0J_k-00012-00002754-00002862": "4", "kfcj58Y0J_k-00013-00002950-00003050": "5", "kfcj58Y0J_k-00014-00003361-00003834": "How big was your biggest multikill in foxhole?"}}, {"audio_id": "kg1PWwmAlfy", "text": {"kg1PWwmAlfy-00000-00000000-00000834": "how can I get my husband out of the home if he refuses to leave is the topic of today and I have", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00001-00000834-00001374": "David Treyster here with me today who's a family law attorney and a real estate law attorney and", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00002-00001374-00001902": "he's going to help us answer that question and before we jump into that make sure you click on", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00003-00001902-00002538": "the Subscribe button and the notification Bell you don't want to miss any videos that we put", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00004-00002538-00003252": "out there so David help us understand how do we make the husband leave the house while all", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00005-00003252-00003888": "this is happening in the divorce there is no the general answer to the question that you asked is", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00006-00003888-00004632": "that there is no one you cannot force a spouse to move out of the home when they are a spouse", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00007-00004632-00005166": "and are living at that home you just can't do it there is no legal way to do it there are", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00008-00005166-00005766": "things that people do to do it I'm not always a fan of them I don't recommend it but people", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00009-00005766-00006426": "do it so there is something called training in New York and in New Jersey I'm only I question", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00010-00006426-00006852": "clients when they talking about their divorce and they're they were talking about the history", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00011-00006852-00007536": "of the divorce I always ask if there's been any kind of abuse whether physical or psychological", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00012-00007536-00008106": "that people are living people aware that there's a lot of times people just don't", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00013-00008106-00008748": "know the law a lot of times people are immigrants and the law is different in their countries that", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00014-00008748-00009300": "they're used to and they don't believe they're entitled to a protection of the law so a lot", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00015-00009300-00009972": "of times people are just scared to do something or to call the police but I always tell clients", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00016-00009972-00010572": "that if there is some kind of you're scared that you ever worry about your safety children", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00017-00010572-00011298": "safety a spouse gets too loud a spouse gets physical spouse gets a violent the first call", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00018-00011298-00011988": "should not be to an attorney it should be the 9-1-1 police will always protect you when you", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00019-00011988-00012660": "are in danger they will come to the home they will look at it as a domestic violence case", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00020-00012660-00013374": "and they will see what's happened they find one spouse has scratches or marks or they see let's", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00021-00013374-00013968": "say the house has been looks like it's been things have been thrown around broken plates", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00022-00013968-00014597": "holes in the wall they will ask one of the spouses to leave the house and usually they", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00023-00014597-00015222": "will file a restraining order that prevents them from coming back to the home unfortunately some", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00024-00015222-00015876": "people are aware of this and use it as a tool in their divorce to get the spouse out of the", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00025-00015876-00016524": "home I don't encourage it I don't recommend it don't believe playing with restraining orders", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00026-00016524-00017208": "as a way to get your spouse is a legitimate way to do it the courts are not receptive to", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00027-00017208-00017850": "this kind of abuse rights protecting victims but people do it all the time regardless that's in a", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00028-00017850-00018672": "scenario where there danger involved but what if part of the divorce is to sell the marital home", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00029-00018762-00019776": "and let's say it was sold as a real estate broker I've heard of situations where the house was sold", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00030-00019776-00020568": "the closing day came and the husband doesn't want to move out or let's say the wife doesn't matter", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00031-00020568-00021174": "right usually the stories that I've heard was the husband that didn't want to move out but I'm sure", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00032-00021174-00021882": "there's also wives who might feel that way in this scenario what do you do what's there to do", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00033-00021948-00022764": "is it call 9-1-1 or is it something else no there is nothing look at the real estate agent closing", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00034-00022764-00023346": "or whatever it is agreed upon the seller has to deliver a house can help so what happens if", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00035-00023346-00023868": "the seller doesn't the buyer could see damages the buyer could terminate the deal and the same", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00036-00023868-00024480": "thing in the divorce so there is no even if both parties to sell the home and they've gone through", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00037-00024480-00024954": "the process of one of the priorities doesn't move out there's really nothing the other party", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00038-00024954-00025572": "could do about it they can't force them to move out the deal will probably collapse because if", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00039-00025572-00026082": "you're representing the buyers on that side what do you care what the relationship is between how", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00040-00026082-00026622": "uh husband and wife like your buyers contracted to get into the house they got to get into the house", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00041-00026622-00027389": "so that doesn't really exist what what happens sometimes not a lot very rarely is that in the", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00042-00027389-00027852": "middle of the property during the divorce could be sold off in any number it can be sold off", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00043-00027852-00028524": "during the divorce before the divorce is finally or parties enter into an agreement where they say", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00044-00028524-00029160": "list the property we will put it on the market and we will split the proceed one it's and that's in", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00045-00029160-00029694": "the agreement there is no reason for the divorce to wait for the sale of the house when there's", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00046-00029694-00030300": "an agreement so in that case the parties could return to court where the case is and basically", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00047-00030300-00030906": "say it becomes one of those things that's it's the same thing as the breach of a contract the", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00048-00030906-00031416": "parties have a contract one side is not following through you could come back to the judge and say", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00049-00031416-00032094": "hey we had a contract this guy at this side is not following through force them to do it pay my legal", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00050-00032094-00032772": "fees for coming back to court and the courts will do that but they're just they're looking at it as", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00051-00032772-00033378": "a contract they're not going to get involved into physically getting the person out of the house", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00052-00033378-00034194": "okay so it's more Court more fees more time more yeah I feel like what I think is right is really", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00053-00034194-00034854": "not the easiest thing to do which is just agree of how to get things done and follow your agreement", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00054-00034854-00035628": "I'm a big fan of that and tell all my clients when they call and they hate their spouse and", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00055-00035628-00036318": "I will I tell them that their divorce will settle they're like no you don't know my spouse they will", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00056-00036318-00037398": "never settle everybody okay I'm really I think we spoke about when it comes to marital house but", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00057-00037398-00038592": "there's many cases where there's also marital assets like for example businesses maybe real", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00058-00038592-00039444": "estate Investments and things like that and so if you would like to know can you divorce without", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00059-00039444-00040326": "splitting assets let's jump into our next video where we'll be talking about this subject make", "kg1PWwmAlfy-00060-00040326-00040968": "sure to subscribe and click on the notification Bell and David and I will see you on that video"}}, {"audio_id": "kgsglxqJS1o", "text": {"kgsglxqJS1o-00000-00000798-00001126": "Hello, This is DR Kyum TV with Only for Liposuction channel", "kgsglxqJS1o-00001-00001144-00001286": "And I am Dr. Kyum", "kgsglxqJS1o-00002-00001396-00001556": "Well, let's have a look!", "kgsglxqJS1o-00003-00001558-00002384": "Patient : Two years ago, I got a liposuction on my thigh. I've gained 4 kilograms in the last three months. Will I lose weight again?", "kgsglxqJS1o-00004-00002454-00002678": "Dr. Kyum : Yes, you will lose weight for sure", "kgsglxqJS1o-00005-00002764-00002912": "Patient : Is liposuction effective?", "kgsglxqJS1o-00006-00002912-00003014": "Dr. Kyum : OF COURSE YES", "kgsglxqJS1o-00007-00003054-00003508": "Patient : Thigh lipo is totally Hit or Miss?", "kgsglxqJS1o-00008-00003524-00003770": "Dr. Kyum : Why do you think it's Hit or Miss?", "kgsglxqJS1o-00009-00003770-00003911": "Dr. Kyum : You you to meet Right Doctor", "kgsglxqJS1o-00010-00003929-00004384": "Patient : After liposuction on Thighs recovering isn't look easy", "kgsglxqJS1o-00011-00004440-00004622": "Dr. Kyum : Why do you think it's hard to recover?", "kgsglxqJS1o-00012-00004638-00004776": "Dr. Kyum : You you to meet Right Doctor", "kgsglxqJS1o-00013-00004798-00004992": "Patient : 16 lbs lost? Is it possible?", "kgsglxqJS1o-00014-00005000-00005220": "I am a high school senior who has been boxing for 2 years.", "kgsglxqJS1o-00015-00005220-00005338": "oh wow senior?", "kgsglxqJS1o-00016-00005350-00005534": "I'm overweight in the lower body.", "kgsglxqJS1o-00017-00005534-00005926": "I succeeded in diet a few times, but after Yoyo came back,", "kgsglxqJS1o-00018-00005926-00006230": "I only improved my Fxxx playing boxing skills for two years.", "kgsglxqJS1o-00019-00006252-00006740": "So I'm thinking of having a lipo after my final exam", "kgsglxqJS1o-00020-00006764-00007145": "My current weight is about 73kg", "kgsglxqJS1o-00021-00007148-00007631": "I want to do a lower body surgery and lose up to 65kg. Is it possible?", "kgsglxqJS1o-00022-00007656-00007842": "No can do", "kgsglxqJS1o-00023-00007870-00008145": "The fat itself doesn't weigh much?", "kgsglxqJS1o-00024-00008168-00008556": "Lipo will intake biggest fat that you have", "kgsglxqJS1o-00025-00008556-00008878": "BUT From 73kg to 65kg isn't possible at once", "kgsglxqJS1o-00026-00008878-00009068": "Then how many CC is possible to take out??", "kgsglxqJS1o-00027-00009086-00009550": "There are many of patient asking us about How much CC can you take it away?", "kgsglxqJS1o-00028-00009636-00010162": "Most of the amounts that can be extracted by liposuction are similar.", "kgsglxqJS1o-00029-00010190-00010380": "Liposuction differs in great detail", "kgsglxqJS1o-00030-00010382-00010458": "VERY DETAIL", "kgsglxqJS1o-00031-00010458-00010730": "Who ask about theses type of question ? Patient who want to do Thigh lipo", "kgsglxqJS1o-00032-00010756-00010992": "A line from the hips to the thighs.", "kgsglxqJS1o-00033-00010992-00011048": "The line", "kgsglxqJS1o-00034-00011048-00011364": "Some cases there is a big difference comes with those line.", "kgsglxqJS1o-00035-00011364-00011750": "Crease like such as 1. hip line can be longer", "kgsglxqJS1o-00036-00011756-00012064": "2. Hips may look a little droopy", "kgsglxqJS1o-00037-00012138-00012346": "Such like in those case", "kgsglxqJS1o-00038-00012468-00012620": "Not me but if Your Doctor say so??", "kgsglxqJS1o-00039-00012752-00013063": "...Maybe he's not confident in his skills? I guess?", "kgsglxqJS1o-00040-00013132-00013347": "After 4days , nothing has changed?!", "kgsglxqJS1o-00041-00013419-00013530": "Day 4 Post OP , No change?", "kgsglxqJS1o-00042-00013563-00013902": "If there isn't any change in 4days? Which means your surgery went really good!", "kgsglxqJS1o-00043-00013902-00014168": "The reason is that normally Day 4 post op, you get really swell", "kgsglxqJS1o-00044-00014260-00014454": "Swell goes with 1~2weeks? I don't think so", "kgsglxqJS1o-00045-00014516-00014686": "It took at least 2 month to get rid of all swell", "kgsglxqJS1o-00046-00014722-00015018": "And it takes about 6 months to complete the weight.", "kgsglxqJS1o-00047-00015041-00015184": "It's the fourth day, and if it's not that different than before the surgery,", "kgsglxqJS1o-00048-00015184-00015384": "It means, It went Super Really well", "kgsglxqJS1o-00050-00015813-00016104": "Fat dissolving injection vs Liposuction", "kgsglxqJS1o-00051-00016104-00016412": "Which one you recommend the most?", "kgsglxqJS1o-00052-00016430-00016720": "I would say, Liposuction is much more predictable", "kgsglxqJS1o-00053-00016720-00017152": "Fat Dissolving Injection is a procedure that uses the principle that fat breaks down", "kgsglxqJS1o-00054-00017152-00017312": "and it works to some extent.", "kgsglxqJS1o-00055-00017312-00017786": "I want to lose this much, but nothing is more certain than liposuction.", "kgsglxqJS1o-00056-00017792-00018094": "Why don't you come to the hospital and have consultation first", "kgsglxqJS1o-00057-00018094-00018402": "and I think it'd be better if the specialist told you what to do :-)", "kgsglxqJS1o-00059-00018638-00019074": "What's the most painful part of the liposuction operation?", "kgsglxqJS1o-00060-00019074-00019368": "It can be said by area ?", "kgsglxqJS1o-00061-00019372-00019578": "The arm is the smallest area.", "kgsglxqJS1o-00062-00019610-00019992": "That's why patient said his arms were the most comfortable.", "kgsglxqJS1o-00063-00020010-00020306": "The abdomen is bigger than the arms.", "kgsglxqJS1o-00064-00020322-00020900": "There is particularly sensitive area, and it hurts a little around the specially middle navel.", "kgsglxqJS1o-00066-00021074-00021358": "And then the thighs are much bigger.", "kgsglxqJS1o-00067-00021392-00021918": "You have to sit on a chair, so there's a touch. The incision touches the chair", "kgsglxqJS1o-00068-00021918-00022036": "That part hurts.", "kgsglxqJS1o-00069-00022036-00022480": "But then it's kinda bearable pain? if you keep on sitting there, then it's ok", "kgsglxqJS1o-00070-00022530-00022860": "There are a lot of people who say they're scared because they have very small tolerance in pain", "kgsglxqJS1o-00071-00022860-00023177": "But there are more people who say they're okay after surgery.", "kgsglxqJS1o-00072-00023178-00023484": "I have to tell you that there's a slight personal difference.", "kgsglxqJS1o-00073-00023504-00023822": "If you enjoyed this video, please subscribe.", "kgsglxqJS1o-00074-00023822-00024206": "If you have any questions, please leave a comment", "kgsglxqJS1o-00076-00024454-00024760": "I'll answer you as soon as I can.", "kgsglxqJS1o-00077-00024762-00024856": "and My name is Dr. Kyum !", "kgsglxqJS1o-00078-00024856-00024922": "Hope to see you soon!"}}, {"audio_id": "kgBjdhEQV0E", "text": {"kgBjdhEQV0E-00000-00000013-00000407": "\"Just be careful you little rookies because now I'm here too", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00001-00000421-00001022": "and if there's a criminal right in front of me with such a large bounty, then you know that I can't just let you go.", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00002-00001042-00001566": "Now let me ask, have you ever been kicked at the speed of light?\" Hello and", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00003-00001566-00001970": "welcome to One Piece 101 the series that breaks down everyone and everything in the One Piece world", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00004-00001971-00002745": "and today we're going to sit back relax and talk about one of the most mellow superpowers within the entire series Marine admiral: Kizaru.", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00005-00002811-00003443": "Kizaru is a fairly easy going gent of roughly marine admiral height who just so happens to wield one of the most incredible powers within", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00006-00003444-00003605": "this exceptionally crazy world.", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00007-00003605-00004280": "Although you'd never know it from his attitude though, because Kizaru can best be described as absent-minded,after making just plain careless decisions", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00008-00004280-00004835": "which you'd think may impact his ability to perform his duties as an admiral of the largest organized military force in the world", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00009-00004836-00005270": "but, uh, some how he gets by. And this is because behind this layer of easygoing chap", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00010-00005271-00005368": "there is a", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00011-00005368-00005891": "terrifyingly focused being who, once given a goal, will stop at nothing to accomplish it. Now as with all admirals", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00012-00005892-00006294": "we should note that Kizaru is an epithet meaning yellow monkey, as all of the Admirals given a title", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00013-00006321-00006671": "incorporating a color and an animal and Kizaru's real name is actually Borsalino.", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00014-00006684-00007053": "However, within series Kizaru is what he's best known as so we're going to stick with that.", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00015-00007089-00007383": "So as for how Kizaru came to be where he is today, well", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00016-00007417-00007467": "unfortunately", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00017-00007467-00007893": "currently we know very little about his younger years save for an image that Oda drew of him as a child", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00018-00007903-00008393": "depicting a seemingly poor and studious, yet very cheerful young boy. And then at some stage later in life", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00019-00008393-00008559": "he would come to join the Marines. Now", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00020-00008559-00009081": "the following information comes from One Piece volume 1000, which is the companion manga to One Piece film Z so it isn't", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00021-00009097-00009292": "canon per say, but according to volume", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00022-00009292-00009897": "1000 Kizaru joined the Marines at the age of 26, alongside fellow future Admiral Sakazuki who was 23. And here they would", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00023-00009897-00010295": "both be instructed by the legendary but non-canon figure Zephyr and even at this early stage,", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00024-00010314-00010976": "Kizaru was considered to be something of a monster. But back to cannon events now and Kizaru would rise rather rapidly within the marines and assuring", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00025-00010977-00011436": "to have attained a high, but admittedly unknown rank, by the time the events of the Edd war came about which was roughly", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00026-00011454-00011643": "27 years prior to the current timeline", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00027-00011643-00012086": "however, Kizaru would rise to the rank of vice-admiral by the time the sun pirates were operating and in fact", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00028-00012086-00012506": "it is Kizaru who was responsible for defeating and imprisoning Arlong... easily, I might add.", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00029-00012507-00012564": "And of course,", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00030-00012564-00013208": "he would eventually become an admiral and be given the Kizaru epithet. And as such a profound marine in the series KIzaru also practices his", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00031-00013227-00013518": "own brand of justice. In this case, being unclear justice.", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00032-00013518-00014015": "Which is- a it's a bit of a middle ground approach between the absolute justice practiced by Sakazuki and the lazy", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00033-00014022-00014450": "justice held by Kuzan. As a result, Kizaru encounters far less moral crises than Kuzan", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00034-00014451-00014678": "but at the same time he won't go out of his way for the sake of", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00035-00014688-00015077": "extremist absolute justic. And despite his position within the Marines, Kizaru is", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00036-00015088-00015404": "exceptionally casual even with his fellow admirals and superiors. For an admiral,", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00037-00015409-00015981": "Kizaru isn't really the greatest of leaders either, and he has a definite preference for taking orders rather than issuing them. Even if they come", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00038-00015981-00016392": "from his close subordinates. So how is this man even an admiral?", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00039-00016392-00016893": "Well, we're going to have a pretty clear understanding of that as we examine his first appearance in the series during the Sabaody arc", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00040-00016893-00017321": "where he was summoned immediately after Luffy had punched a world noble and here we would get a", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00041-00017353-00018003": "terrifying taste of Kizaru's power. To kick things off, Kizaru possesses a devil fruit known as the Pika Pika no Mi. A logia type fruit that allows", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00042-00018003-00018699": "Its user to conjure manipulate and become light which immediately makes him quite possibly the fastest character in the entire series because he can move", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00043-00018699-00019029": "at quote on quote \"light speed\". And the whole light speed thing, yes,", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00044-00019029-00019548": "it's up for debate- something that I covered in much more detail in the Pika Pika no Mi's entry of the devil fruit encyclopedia", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00045-00019548-00019677": "so if you'd like to check that out,", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00046-00019677-00019854": "then there will be a link to it in the description below.", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00047-00019854-00020135": "But in addition, this speed makes his raw power output simply", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00048-00020170-00020471": "incredible as he has the ability to strike people at his", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00049-00020494-00020696": "incarnation of light speed. Which usually wields", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00050-00020710-00021155": "devastating results. Furthermore, Kizaru can also conjure light in a laser-like manner and fire", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00051-00021163-00021851": "condensed beams at his opponents, also, with immediately crippling results. But Kizaru's power is not simply limited to his devil fruit, as he also possesses", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00052-00021852-00022055": "a mastery of observation and armament", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00053-00022056-00022329": "haki. And with all these factors combined, he became an", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00054-00022339-00022817": "impossible opponent to face on Sabaody. As he proceeded to near instantly defeat four members of the Worst", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00055-00022825-00023327": "Generation, and even briefly face off against a true living legend being the former first mate of The Pirate King", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00056-00023335-00023951": "Silvers Rayleigh. And despite coming up against another impossible opponent, Kizaru remained entirely calm and collected as per usual", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00057-00023968-00024249": "casually displaying his true potential in the realm of combat.", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00058-00024273-00024894": "However, this demonstration would not stop at Sabaody as shortly afterwards Kizaru, along with the bulk of the Marine Forces, was summoned to Marineford to fight", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00059-00024894-00025124": "against the White Beard pirates in an event known as the", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00060-00025132-00025758": "Paramount War. With his most notable actions in this conflict being a brief skirmish with White Beard's first division commander: Marco the Phoenix. As well", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00061-00025758-00025926": "as challenging White Beard himself.", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00062-00025926-00026360": "Although the paramount war would show us that there is a limit to Kizaru's insane abilities, as neither", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00063-00026361-00026633": "he, nor any singular combatant on the battlefield, were able", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00064-00026648-00027145": "to overcome White Beard. And furthermore when the Red-Haired pirates arrived to cease the fighting, for the first time in the series", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00065-00027145-00027810": "Kizaru was stopped directly in his tracks with a simple threat from one Ben Beckman. Sadly following the Paramount war and the time-skip", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00066-00027826-00028227": "Kizaru's appearances in the series have become quite sparse, having appeared briefly in the Zou Arc", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00067-00028247-00028864": "to comment on the strength of Edward Weavil, as well as the reverie arc where he suggested to, now Fleet Admiral, Sakazuki that he travel", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00068-00028864-00029346": "to Wano and handle a situation after intercepting a communication between Big Mom and Kaido, further", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00069-00029363-00029970": "demonstrating Kizaru's pure fearlessness as he actively volunteered to put himself directly in the center of two Emperor's of the sea.", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00070-00029977-00030154": "Some more fun facts about Kizaru:", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00071-00030154-00030723": "As with all cannon Admirals featured in the series thus far, Kizaru's design is taken from a Japanese actor in this case being Kunie", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00072-00030724-00030924": "Tanaka, who actually played a character named", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00073-00030926-00031479": "Borsellino in the action comedy Truck Yarō film series. One of Kizaru's preferred methods of transportation is via", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00074-00031493-00032113": "cannonball where he fires a shot and then uses his absurd speed to plonk himself on top of the ball and ride towards his explosive", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00075-00032138-00032689": "destination. Three of Kizaru's attacks being Yata no Kagami, Ama no Murakumo, and Yasakani no Magatama", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00076-00032700-00033200": "are directly inspired by the sacred treasures of Japan being a mirror, a jewel, and a sword respectively.", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00077-00033210-00033717": "Kizaru has a primary role in non-canon Film Z, in which he confronted his instructor Zephyr on two occasions", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00078-00033737-00034092": "and is ultimately responsible for defeating, and possibly killing him.", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00079-00034109-00034534": "Despite Kizaru's apparent failure to capture any of the worst generation during his time on Sabaody,", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00080-00034534-00035191": "he did manage to arrest at least 500 other pirates during his impromptu visit. Like many other members of the Marine organisation,", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00081-00035203-00035697": "Kizaru harbors a deep distrust towards Warlords of the sea, who are essentially pirates sanctioned by the world government.", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00082-00035697-00036150": "However, to Kizaru, pirates are pirates and simply cannot be trusted- a belief that was reaffirmed", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00083-00036151-00036741": "when Warlord of the sea Bartholomew Kuma saved the Straw Hats from his grasp on Sabaody. And finally a truly useless fact:", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00084-00036772-00037128": "During the events of One Piece film Z Kizaru was feeling slightly more", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00085-00037141-00037746": "casual than usual! Choosing to abandon his collared shirt and tie in favor of a fashionable turtleneck.", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00086-00037778-00037966": "But that pretty much does it for Kizaru.", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00087-00037966-00038529": "If you enjoyed this video and the content this channel produces in general, then please do consider donating to the Grand Line Review Patreon because", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00088-00038530-00038854": "the support of all of you amazing people is what continues to make this channel possible", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00089-00038861-00039043": "and if you'd like to see more videos like this", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00090-00039043-00039188": "but applied to other anime and manga series,", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00091-00039188-00039699": "then please do check out my second channel New World Review for all of your wider needs. And if you'd like to join the fun", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00092-00039700-00039925": "at any time, then please do head over to my discord server", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00093-00039982-00040336": "where a wide array of shenaniganery takes place on a daily basis. And finally", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00094-00040336-00040836": "please do a comment with who, what, or where you'd like to see featured on the next One Piece 101", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00095-00042171-00042575": "And now my best impression of Kizaru:", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00096-00042600-00043810": "Ooooooooooooh, Okashi naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa a a a a aaaaaaaaaae huuuh aaaaaaaaaaaaae", "kgBjdhEQV0E-00097-00043822-00044038": "aaae *CLANK* oh fuck! I spilt my water!"}}, {"audio_id": "kgIt1UvaH1g", "text": {"kgIt1UvaH1g-00000-00000112-00000401": "thats kinda thicc!", "kgIt1UvaH1g-00001-00000401-00000655": "I just saw your stream fuck sake", "kgIt1UvaH1g-00002-00000655-00001083": "*laughter*", "kgIt1UvaH1g-00003-00001083-00001201": "mmm haha mmm"}}, {"audio_id": "khdjMMFVRwY", "text": {"khdjMMFVRwY-00000-00000616-00001200": "I address the Russians who are watching us. Interviews of your soldiers will not be shown on federal channels", "khdjMMFVRwY-00001-00001248-00002360": "share this video among your friends and relatives, especially in Russian social networks, so that more people will know the truth about the war", "khdjMMFVRwY-00002-00002360-00002778": "-What's your full name? -Voloshin Alexey Anatolievich", "khdjMMFVRwY-00003-00002802-00002932": "-Almost a Ukrainian surname", "khdjMMFVRwY-00004-00003051-00003482": "Date of birth? -10.07.1978", "khdjMMFVRwY-00005-00003579-00004190": "-Where are you from? -Rostov region, Zverevo", "khdjMMFVRwY-00006-00004244-00004492": "-You're part of Wagner Group, right? -Yes", "khdjMMFVRwY-00007-00004521-00004827": "-How did you join it? -I was in a colony", "khdjMMFVRwY-00008-00004873-00005417": "-Where? -Rostov region, city of Novocherkassk, IK-14 colony", "khdjMMFVRwY-00009-00005624-00006038": "in the quarantine unit, there I found out from the staff that there will be a recruitment process", "khdjMMFVRwY-00010-00006166-00006628": "Which group I didn't know, they just said it was a PMC", "khdjMMFVRwY-00011-00006675-00007170": "Because before we were visited by Ministry of Defense, then Wagner", "khdjMMFVRwY-00012-00007186-00007653": "I was in the quarantine unit, so as a result I didn't know", "khdjMMFVRwY-00013-00007722-00008279": "So 2 people came. We were gathered in the 2nd hall and we all talked figuratively", "khdjMMFVRwY-00014-00008352-00008929": "And then they called one more at a time. I didn't make it to that talk", "khdjMMFVRwY-00015-00008984-00009146": "I listened, they signed me up", "khdjMMFVRwY-00016-00009290-00009831": "That's it. A week passed by, we were taken out and drove", "khdjMMFVRwY-00017-00010021-00010554": "-Were you sick to be in quarantine zone? -No, it wasn't until I got to the colony that they put me there", "khdjMMFVRwY-00018-00010554-00011453": "-Were you transferred or was it the beginning of your term? -It was the beginning of my term. I had just arrived into the colony for further penalty", "khdjMMFVRwY-00019-00011495-00011878": "-How many years were you given? -2 years and 6 months", "khdjMMFVRwY-00020-00011898-00012168": "-For what? -Theft. Article 158, 2nd part", "khdjMMFVRwY-00021-00012197-00012706": "-Where did you steal and what? -Stealing of a mobile phone", "khdjMMFVRwY-00022-00012794-00013126": "-Is this your first criminal record? -No, it's not", "khdjMMFVRwY-00023-00013126-00013326": "-Which one is it? -Third", "khdjMMFVRwY-00024-00013414-00013994": "-Before that you spent how many years in jail? -It was for theft as well, the terms were 2 to 3 years, around 10 years overall", "khdjMMFVRwY-00025-00014091-00014532": "-So in summary you spent that much time, right? -It's not for the first time, there were different sentences", "khdjMMFVRwY-00026-00014545-00014705": "-Do you have a family? -Yes", "khdjMMFVRwY-00027-00014738-00015108": "-Wife and children? -Civil marriage, I speak with my child, my son", "khdjMMFVRwY-00028-00015192-00015315": "-Your son, right? -Yes", "khdjMMFVRwY-00029-00015315-00015568": "-How old is he? -He'll be turning 10 in April", "khdjMMFVRwY-00030-00015744-00015988": "-Have you worked anywhere? -Yes", "khdjMMFVRwY-00031-00016035-00016369": "-What was your job? -Construction company, unskilled laborer, for finishing", "khdjMMFVRwY-00032-00016436-00016991": "And municipal unitary enterprise of public utilities. It's a set of city services", "khdjMMFVRwY-00033-00017123-00018271": "-What was the salary? It was in Rostov region, right? -Yes. The salary is 20k, but on construction it was higher, 30k - 40k rubles", "khdjMMFVRwY-00034-00018289-00018892": "-But it's not a lot of money -It's an average salary", "khdjMMFVRwY-00035-00019102-00019584": "-Why did you instantly decide to go to Wagner?", "khdjMMFVRwY-00036-00019630-00020801": "-I didn't instantly join Wagner. I went to avoid the punishment and to return as fast as possible to my family", "khdjMMFVRwY-00037-00020953-00021153": "-Do you have an education? -Secondary education?", "khdjMMFVRwY-00038-00021164-00021317": "-Secondary special? -No", "khdjMMFVRwY-00039-00021353-00021925": "-Just secondary? Only school? And after that nothing? -Yes, then I went to work", "khdjMMFVRwY-00040-00022031-00022703": "-How much money were you promised by Wagnerites? -Around 100k", "khdjMMFVRwY-00041-00022740-00023472": "-The first 100k is bid and the other 100k is for combat activity? -No, because I went for the team of exhumation", "khdjMMFVRwY-00042-00023520-00024865": "That is to help retrieve the injured and possibly the dead. Digging up and digging out, because I'm old and I didn't have combat experience", "khdjMMFVRwY-00043-00024904-00025281": "-You're not that old yet, you were born in 1978 -45 years", "khdjMMFVRwY-00044-00025281-00025814": "-The age gap between us is 3 years -I'm not very good at sports either, so I can't run in the fields", "khdjMMFVRwY-00045-00026151-00027471": "There was such a topic. And I passed the training like that, regarding first aid. So, nobody trained any killers", "khdjMMFVRwY-00046-00027482-00028404": "-Is it a separate unit from Wagner? -They sift people differently into the exhumation team, but that's at the start", "khdjMMFVRwY-00047-00028423-00028727": "And then everyone gets wherever they're sent", "khdjMMFVRwY-00048-00028800-00029083": "-On assaults and so on, right? -In all likelihood", "khdjMMFVRwY-00049-00029083-00029350": "-What's the name of that unit? I heard it's \"Storm\", right? -Yes", "khdjMMFVRwY-00050-00029350-00029838": "-It's in the middle of Wagner, right? -Likely, but the stamp is MoD's", "khdjMMFVRwY-00051-00029838-00030462": "-When you were signing the contract? -There wasn't a contract, there was an agreement", "khdjMMFVRwY-00052-00030488-00030780": "I haven't seen specifically the paper with a signature and contract at all", "khdjMMFVRwY-00053-00030860-00031148": "There was only an agreement with Ministry of Defense's red stamp", "khdjMMFVRwY-00054-00031200-00031400": "-But you ended up in Wagner, right? -Yes", "khdjMMFVRwY-00055-00031470-00032087": "-That's interesting -By training. And the training grounds is a common tent camp", "khdjMMFVRwY-00056-00032116-00032316": "You just dig somewhere", "khdjMMFVRwY-00057-00032371-00032855": "-How were you supposed to get money? -I don't know how money is supposed to be paid,", "khdjMMFVRwY-00058-00032855-00034272": "because I gave power of attorney to relatives, to my sister. How will they do next, I don't know. I just left my info, power of attorney to my relative", "khdjMMFVRwY-00059-00034272-00035211": "-How were they supposed to pay? In cash or bank card? You don't know? -I don't know, but likely via cash. They just call you and give you the money, I guess", "khdjMMFVRwY-00060-00035286-00035788": "-Did your wife know you were going on a war? -Yes, my wife and my parents knew", "khdjMMFVRwY-00061-00035808-00035891": "-What did they say?", "khdjMMFVRwY-00062-00036202-00036457": "-They didn't say much", "khdjMMFVRwY-00063-00036523-00036765": "-So it was up to you? -Yes", "khdjMMFVRwY-00064-00036812-00037675": "But you see, I'm more on the family side to be home faster, and I told them I wasn't going to kill or fight", "khdjMMFVRwY-00065-00037675-00038612": "I told them I was going to the line of defense to help the wounded. Like being on the good side", "khdjMMFVRwY-00066-00039287-00040104": "-Russia is the side of good? -In terms of war? I saw that the most horrifying war is going on here", "khdjMMFVRwY-00067-00040126-00040326": "I had no such imagination", "khdjMMFVRwY-00068-00040655-00040932": "I didn't think it was this scary", "khdjMMFVRwY-00069-00041020-00041679": "-Ok, screw the fear -I'm not speaking about fear, I'm speaking about war", "khdjMMFVRwY-00070-00041765-00042229": "I don't mean specifically fear, I mean that war is very scary in general", "khdjMMFVRwY-00071-00042390-00042542": "People are dying -That's not my question", "khdjMMFVRwY-00072-00042600-00043514": "You said you were going here as part of the good side, retrieving the wounded, the dead", "khdjMMFVRwY-00073-00043547-00044217": "Let's take it to more a global level. Is Russia the side of the good in this war?", "khdjMMFVRwY-00074-00044373-00045535": "-I haven't thought about that at the time. I didn't think on a global level, I only thought of myself", "khdjMMFVRwY-00075-00045579-00046039": "I didn't imagine this was happening here", "khdjMMFVRwY-00076-00046354-00047059": "-What was happening where you were? -There was death. I've been there only for a day", "khdjMMFVRwY-00077-00047277-00049578": "It's scary, people there are dying on both sides. We didn't rate both sides. I was taking the general side of what I saw. Bodies of Ukrainians and Russians lie there. It's scary", "khdjMMFVRwY-00078-00049616-00049736": "-I understand that", "khdjMMFVRwY-00079-00049800-00050613": "-I'm not telling that to you. I'm more likely speaking to myself and to people who'll see this", "khdjMMFVRwY-00080-00050946-00051565": "-Maybe I'm not fully understanding how horrible it is -Why? I think you understand", "khdjMMFVRwY-00081-00051776-00052146": "-I only heard from Ukrainians who stood and are standing on the frontline", "khdjMMFVRwY-00082-00052360-00053303": "-They're dying like everyone else -Yes, but they die for their lands, for their people and for independence", "khdjMMFVRwY-00083-00053303-00053585": "What were you ready to die for?", "khdjMMFVRwY-00084-00053832-00054032": "And all those to whom I talked to?", "khdjMMFVRwY-00085-00054380-00055451": "You see? I ask about idea -I understand, but there was no idea to conquer something", "khdjMMFVRwY-00086-00055460-00056101": "-No, I understood that you went to get your sentence decreased", "khdjMMFVRwY-00087-00056180-00056892": "I'm asking about the global idea of Russia. What does she want in Ukraine? -I haven't thought about it", "khdjMMFVRwY-00088-00057024-00058243": "And there's not many people to talk about it and the people you see aren't adequate enough to talk about it to them", "khdjMMFVRwY-00089-00058243-00058551": "-Just inmates? -Yes", "khdjMMFVRwY-00090-00058566-00059091": "They chase their own goals -Self-interest?", "khdjMMFVRwY-00091-00059118-00060125": "Yes. Of course it's different people, but I'm not comfortable talking to them", "khdjMMFVRwY-00092-00060149-00060579": "Because the attitude isn't good", "khdjMMFVRwY-00093-00060656-00061169": "-So between each other they don't talk much? -Figuratively, let's say.", "khdjMMFVRwY-00094-00061215-00062227": "I just don't want to bother them, because I know that he's the same, or whatever's in his head. That's my personal thought, maybe someone else thinks differently", "khdjMMFVRwY-00095-00062616-00063125": "-I just want to hear an opinion about inmates being thrown on a war. Literally thrown", "khdjMMFVRwY-00096-00063176-00063574": "-I haven't talked to any in the colony", "khdjMMFVRwY-00097-00063574-00063992": "-No, I mean where you were. Most Wagnerites were inmates", "khdjMMFVRwY-00098-00064015-00064962": "-Where we stood, it was where I and others were, because we couldn't make it to the point. There were meadows which we didn't reach", "khdjMMFVRwY-00099-00065006-00065330": "Everywhere at night, crossing everywhere", "khdjMMFVRwY-00100-00065330-00065933": "-But you were traveling with the same prisoners, right? -Yes, the ones drafted with me", "khdjMMFVRwY-00101-00065933-00066471": "-How many people? -Not many people left the colony, about 50 people", "khdjMMFVRwY-00102-00066471-00067200": "-Is the colony big? -It's not a small one. It can fit 1000 people", "khdjMMFVRwY-00103-00067321-00067763": "-Have you ever voted? -We don't vote in colony", "khdjMMFVRwY-00104-00067830-00068299": "-I know, I mean between sentences. Did you vote? -Of course", "khdjMMFVRwY-00105-00068299-00068832": "-For whom? -I wrote figuratively. I always abstained", "khdjMMFVRwY-00106-00068832-00069629": "-Why? -Because very little depends on me. I'm a small part of a machine", "khdjMMFVRwY-00107-00069766-00070645": "-Small part of a machine and these small parts take Soledar, fight in Bakhmut. See what I mean?", "khdjMMFVRwY-00108-00070680-00071086": "-I saw how they fight. They're all laying there", "khdjMMFVRwY-00109-00071469-00072600": "I've been there for a few hours at night and saw all of it perfectly. Because at dawn we were already encircled", "khdjMMFVRwY-00110-00072904-00073157": "I saw it all with my eyes", "khdjMMFVRwY-00111-00073256-00073617": "-It's f*cked there, isn't it? -Of course", "khdjMMFVRwY-00112-00073727-00074754": "-How does AFU fight? -They fight competently", "khdjMMFVRwY-00113-00075696-00075896": "-They competently put down all this scum?", "khdjMMFVRwY-00114-00076577-00077434": "-I haven't seen the battles, where it was face to face confrontations. But you also have to be careful about who you hear from", "khdjMMFVRwY-00115-00077509-00078069": "I say competently based on what I encountered -Yes, yes, that's what I asked", "khdjMMFVRwY-00116-00078122-00078915": "-The battles where they kill each other, I haven't seen those. I haven't seen a fight at all", "khdjMMFVRwY-00117-00078968-00079651": "I saw the shelling, it did reach us sometimes, I experienced one. But it's a singular encounter", "khdjMMFVRwY-00118-00079706-00080208": "I haven't seen the battles where they destroy each other. I did see the consequences, though", "khdjMMFVRwY-00119-00080238-00080811": "-What's it like? Describe -It's horrific consequences, when there bodies of those and those", "khdjMMFVRwY-00120-00081140-00081430": "Some had been there for 1 hour or 2", "khdjMMFVRwY-00121-00081565-00081729": "-And died? -Yes", "khdjMMFVRwY-00122-00081934-00082317": "Just like us. Half of us were injured, the other half was dead", "khdjMMFVRwY-00123-00082448-00082877": "-Is it luck that you survived? -Yes, God saved me", "khdjMMFVRwY-00124-00083024-00083162": "-Want to say anything to Ukrainians?", "khdjMMFVRwY-00125-00083457-00083633": "-I'd rather abstain from saying anything", "khdjMMFVRwY-00126-00083781-00084027": "-What about Russians? -Likewise", "khdjMMFVRwY-00127-00084242-00084292": "-Why?", "khdjMMFVRwY-00128-00085052-00085385": "-I don't know what to say, that's all", "khdjMMFVRwY-00129-00085585-00086074": "-How to end the war? -I don't know. I'm praying that it ends", "khdjMMFVRwY-00130-00086201-00086401": "I pray for all people, for both of ours'", "khdjMMFVRwY-00131-00086446-00086646": "-Are you a believer? -Yes", "khdjMMFVRwY-00132-00086826-00086951": "-Orthodontic? -Yes", "khdjMMFVRwY-00133-00087302-00087502": "-Like Gundyayev, who's blessing this", "khdjMMFVRwY-00134-00087725-00088143": "-I don't know, God saved me from it -But you understand that Gundyayev blesses all of this?", "khdjMMFVRwY-00135-00088293-00089340": "-When we were going I prayed for safety of everyone, so no one would die", "khdjMMFVRwY-00136-00089386-00090366": "I saw that I personally killed no one and I didn't die. I saw it with my own eyes", "khdjMMFVRwY-00137-00090671-00090838": "I'm very thankful for that", "khdjMMFVRwY-00138-00091923-00092297": "-Do you want to say anything from yourself? -No"}}, {"audio_id": "khhtyCvKjXQ", "text": {"khhtyCvKjXQ-00000-00000000-00022200": "🌟 🇺🇸 Animation costumes — Shop GrandStart.ru 🌟"}}, {"audio_id": "khu9zTqg0W8", "text": {"khu9zTqg0W8-00000-00000068-00000673": "My name is Rod Sherwin from Tap4Health. Welcome to another EFT Advanced Approaches Video.", "khu9zTqg0W8-00001-00000673-00001336": "A lot of the time we want to teach you advanced approaches that make it as gentle and tearless", "khu9zTqg0W8-00002-00001336-00001739": "as possible when you're dealing with very intense issues. It's one thing to use EFT", "khu9zTqg0W8-00003-00001739-00002138": "for dealing with a headache or being late for work, it's another for dealing with a", "khu9zTqg0W8-00004-00002138-00002621": "trauma, post-traumatic stress disorder, abuse - some sort of serious issue like that. This", "khu9zTqg0W8-00005-00002621-00003102": "particular technique called 'Tell the Story' - again created by the founder, Gary Craig", "khu9zTqg0W8-00006-00003102-00003665": "- is another way of being very gentle with your approach to dealing with such issues.", "khu9zTqg0W8-00007-00003665-00004264": "You want to start as far away from an intense issue or memory as possible. Say somebody", "khu9zTqg0W8-00008-00004264-00004822": "has been abused at an early age, you don't immediately want to ask them to remember that", "khu9zTqg0W8-00009-00004822-00005343": "event in vivid detail. That could bring up all sorts of emotions. You want to actually", "khu9zTqg0W8-00010-00005343-00005726": "deal with it very indirectly and handle most of it before you get anywhere near the issue.", "khu9zTqg0W8-00011-00005726-00006217": "One of the things to do with Tell the Story, when somebody sits down as a client or as", "khu9zTqg0W8-00012-00006217-00006692": "a friend that you are working with and says, \"I've got this issue to deal with,\" before", "khu9zTqg0W8-00013-00006692-00007264": "they even begin to tell you the details just say, \"Hang on, before you tell me about it", "khu9zTqg0W8-00014-00007264-00007384": "let's do some tapping.\"", "khu9zTqg0W8-00015-00007384-00007839": "If at the thought of them telling you about it, the intensity goes up - you've got zero", "khu9zTqg0W8-00016-00007839-00008267": "is no intensity and ten is plenty of intensity - and it's already a ten then they're already", "khu9zTqg0W8-00017-00008267-00008831": "tuned in and they don't need to tell you the details. So get them tapping, \"At the thought", "khu9zTqg0W8-00018-00008831-00009550": "of talking about this event I feel intense and upset, I accept myself anyway.\" \"At the", "khu9zTqg0W8-00019-00009550-00009846": "thought of talking about this event...\" \"At the thought of talking about this event...\"", "khu9zTqg0W8-00020-00009846-00010350": "Continue tapping through a number of rounds - five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten rounds", "khu9zTqg0W8-00021-00010350-00010888": "- so that even at the thought of them telling you the story of what happened, they have", "khu9zTqg0W8-00022-00010888-00011452": "very little intensity. Get rid of that as much as you can before you get into the detail.", "khu9zTqg0W8-00023-00011452-00012104": "Then, rather than using the whole formal EFT setup statement of, \"Even though ... I deeply", "khu9zTqg0W8-00024-00012104-00012493": "and completely accept myself,\" - rather than using that full setup statement, have them", "khu9zTqg0W8-00025-00012493-00013017": "tap through the points while telling you the story. You might start them off on the karate", "khu9zTqg0W8-00026-00013017-00013588": "chop point and it might be something like, \"Well I was driving the car on my way home", "khu9zTqg0W8-00027-00013588-00014065": "from work and I came to this stop light and the traffic seemed a bit strange but I was", "khu9zTqg0W8-00028-00014065-00014586": "waiting there and I know the song on the radio was one of my favourites and then I put my", "khu9zTqg0W8-00029-00014586-00015001": "foot down to go through the light and then BANG there was this car that hit me from the", "khu9zTqg0W8-00030-00015001-00015509": "side.\" Just keep them tapping, talking and moving through the points as they tell you", "khu9zTqg0W8-00031-00015509-00015863": "the story.", "khu9zTqg0W8-00032-00015863-00016429": "The first time they take you through the story the intensity level will drop down. Have them", "khu9zTqg0W8-00033-00016429-00016876": "tell you the story again, starting from the tapping points and what you will find - and", "khu9zTqg0W8-00034-00016876-00017379": "I love this about EFT - is that as they tap and tell you the story more and more details", "khu9zTqg0W8-00035-00017379-00017915": "will come up and it gets to the hypnotic level of recall. We're not using hypnosis but as", "khu9zTqg0W8-00036-00017915-00018329": "people tap all those little different aspects of the story came out. They're driving into", "khu9zTqg0W8-00037-00018329-00018870": "the intersection and they might recall there was a blue Holden on the left hand side or", "khu9zTqg0W8-00038-00018870-00019320": "that there was a lady with a pram walking across the sidewalk; those little details", "khu9zTqg0W8-00039-00019320-00019665": "come up so every time you get them to tell the story again and to tap through the points", "khu9zTqg0W8-00040-00019665-00020154": "again, listen for the extra details and point them out to them because they may not notice", "khu9zTqg0W8-00041-00020154-00020665": "those subtle shifts in aspects that are actually occurring because they are telling you the", "khu9zTqg0W8-00042-00020665-00020862": "story while they are tapping.", "khu9zTqg0W8-00043-00020862-00021331": "Eventually, having done it a few times, just stop and make sure they are still feeling", "khu9zTqg0W8-00044-00021331-00021815": "good and ask them to tell you the story now without actually tapping. Pay attention to", "khu9zTqg0W8-00045-00021815-00022296": "how they tell it and anywhere through that story, if there is any intensity coming up", "khu9zTqg0W8-00046-00022296-00022676": "- just check in with them. Maybe it's the BANG when the car hit them in that car accident", "khu9zTqg0W8-00047-00022676-00023095": "- just check, \"Was there any intensity when you said that?\" And if they go, \"No\" or \"Yes\"", "khu9zTqg0W8-00048-00023095-00023491": "then stop and do some tapping. This is where Tell the Story is very similar to the movie", "khu9zTqg0W8-00049-00023491-00024004": "technique that I described in another video where we want to go through every step of", "khu9zTqg0W8-00050-00024004-00024529": "the memory, every little frame of the movie and tap on anything that has got some intensity", "khu9zTqg0W8-00051-00024529-00024813": "around it. Tell the Story is the same thing - as they tell you the story, anywhere you", "khu9zTqg0W8-00052-00024813-00025330": "get some intensity just stop the story there, tap down the intensity and move on. Eventually", "khu9zTqg0W8-00053-00025330-00025591": "they'll be able to tell the story from start to finish.", "khu9zTqg0W8-00054-00025591-00026218": "I've used this for all sorts of very, very serious issues from rape, abuse, trauma, grief", "khu9zTqg0W8-00055-00026218-00026718": "and all sorts of issues. Start as far away from the intensity of the memory as possible,", "khu9zTqg0W8-00056-00026718-00027208": "just even at the thought of discussing it do a bucket load of tapping and then eventually", "khu9zTqg0W8-00057-00027208-00027622": "you'll get to the point where they're comfortable telling you the story and you can tap while", "khu9zTqg0W8-00058-00027622-00028138": "they're telling you the story and then eventually they'll have healed the whole thing.", "khu9zTqg0W8-00059-00028138-00028533": "Thanks for watching and I look forward to sharing more EFT Advanced Approaches with", "khu9zTqg0W8-00060-00028533-00028536": "you soon."}}, {"audio_id": "khWFO6iTE2g", "text": {"khWFO6iTE2g-00000-00000085-00000225": "Maren Scheuner: Good afternoon.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00001-00000225-00000633": "So I’m the moderator for this session and I wasn’t really prepared either.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00002-00000633-00001002": "It’s just been a fascinating day of discussion.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00003-00001002-00001334": "So much is going on in my head.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00004-00001334-00002117": "I guess I think it’s been really nice to hear from Bruce in particular about an example", "khWFO6iTE2g-00005-00002117-00002725": "of how you can have a clinical program set up to kind of mirror what’s going on in", "khWFO6iTE2g-00006-00002725-00003444": "terms of just that diagnostic evaluation and maybe even that afterward follow up.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00007-00003444-00003897": "So, I was just wondering -- Bruce, maybe I can ask you and then we’ll open it up to", "khWFO6iTE2g-00008-00003897-00004189": "everyone else but I’ll start with a question.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00009-00004189-00004760": "You mentioned it would be valuable to have access to the core facilities, the model organism", "khWFO6iTE2g-00010-00004760-00004936": "metabolomics.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00011-00004936-00005663": "Are there other aspects of the network that you would want to be able to connect to, to", "khWFO6iTE2g-00012-00005663-00005884": "enhance what you have at UAB?", "khWFO6iTE2g-00013-00005884-00006294": "Bruce Korf: I don’t think I can think of an aspect of", "khWFO6iTE2g-00014-00006294-00006573": "the network we wouldn’t want to be able to connect to if we could.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00015-00006573-00006673": "Maren Scheuner: Okay.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00016-00006673-00006901": "Bruce Korf: Not even knowing what all of the moving parts", "khWFO6iTE2g-00017-00006901-00007058": "honestly are.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00018-00007058-00007556": "Obviously we don’t solve every case and we’d love to get into a situation where", "khWFO6iTE2g-00019-00007556-00008111": "we could share our unsolved cases with others and perhaps learn from them.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00020-00008111-00008591": "So, that would be obviously one thing and all the various functional studies, you know,", "khWFO6iTE2g-00021-00008591-00009103": "because we like everybody else often come to kind of dead ends where we see something", "khWFO6iTE2g-00022-00009103-00009511": "that we think might be meaningful but it’s pretty difficult to take it to the next step", "khWFO6iTE2g-00023-00009511-00009928": "to establish for sure that that’s the case.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00024-00009928-00010242": "Maren Scheuner: So does anyone want to -- I’ll just open", "khWFO6iTE2g-00025-00010242-00010959": "it up to the questions are here listed -- the first, what are the angles -- what about the", "khWFO6iTE2g-00026-00010959-00011693": "idea of broadening the objectives that already exist for the UDN and including that mechanistic", "khWFO6iTE2g-00027-00011693-00012161": "understanding and ideally leading to treatment.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00028-00012161-00012618": "Maybe how are you thinking about that or are there other objectives that should be added", "khWFO6iTE2g-00029-00012618-00012718": "to the list?", "khWFO6iTE2g-00030-00012718-00013003": "Or should there be any that should be taken away?", "khWFO6iTE2g-00031-00013003-00013113": "Yes?", "khWFO6iTE2g-00032-00013113-00013729": "Cynthia Powell: Well, I think -- now I have to admit a bias", "khWFO6iTE2g-00033-00013729-00014479": "in this but once we’re sequencing the genomes of all newborns and querying that information,", "khWFO6iTE2g-00034-00014479-00015179": "you know, once symptoms start or if there’s conditions that are actionable we’ll start", "khWFO6iTE2g-00035-00015179-00015279": "treatment, you know, pre-symptomatically.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00036-00015279-00015934": "But, you know, we’ll have far fewer undiagnosed diseases, you know, that have a genetic basis", "khWFO6iTE2g-00037-00015934-00016083": "at least.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00038-00016083-00016984": "But, beyond that I think, you know, speaking as a clinician partly given what Bruce has", "khWFO6iTE2g-00039-00016984-00017462": "demonstrated with being able to do one of these at his own institution that it, you", "khWFO6iTE2g-00040-00017462-00017953": "know, may take some money but it doesn’t take huge amounts of resources to do this.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00041-00017953-00018447": "And, you know, as a clinician some of our limitations are certainly the lack of insurance", "khWFO6iTE2g-00042-00018447-00018981": "coverage for doing exome or genome sequencing.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00043-00018981-00019380": "And as well as, you know, some of the more specific areas of expertise.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00044-00019380-00019847": "So I think, you know, trying to develop a broader network where you continue to have,", "khWFO6iTE2g-00045-00019847-00020508": "you know, larger centers of excellence, but, you know, to utilize all of us that are doing", "khWFO6iTE2g-00046-00020508-00020753": "this every day, you know?", "khWFO6iTE2g-00047-00020753-00021372": "Trying to figure out diagnoses in patients and, you know, if we had more resources in", "khWFO6iTE2g-00048-00021372-00022022": "terms of, you know, a place where we could send a sample for genome sequencing.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00049-00022022-00022737": "I think that would be, you know, extremely valuable and increase the amount of, you know,", "khWFO6iTE2g-00050-00022737-00023067": "patients that could filter in then for some of these other components.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00051-00023067-00023966": "You know, whether it’s the basic science research or looking at, you know, model organisms", "khWFO6iTE2g-00052-00023966-00024156": "and what have you.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00053-00024156-00024421": "Maren Scheuner: Yes?", "khWFO6iTE2g-00054-00024421-00025048": "David Koeller: I guess I would -- first I would echo what", "khWFO6iTE2g-00055-00025048-00025566": "Steve said during his presentation about the concern of the mission creed.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00056-00025566-00026010": "And focus on the idea of what can the UDN uniquely do.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00057-00026010-00026638": "You know, it was designed to come up and figure out ways to diagnose undiagnosed conditions", "khWFO6iTE2g-00058-00026638-00027119": "and, you know, we’ve been working for several years and I think we’re all still trying", "khWFO6iTE2g-00059-00027119-00027381": "to figure out what’s the best way to do that.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00060-00027381-00028005": "So, I think the next cycle should be improvement on how we do that -- what we’re already", "khWFO6iTE2g-00061-00028005-00028693": "trying to do with the primary focus and then thinking about how to give the long term viability", "khWFO6iTE2g-00062-00028693-00029433": "of it where as bringing in a lot of other things to it I think we would need another", "khWFO6iTE2g-00063-00029433-00029850": "10 years to figure out how to keep those viable I think.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00064-00029850-00030515": "So, from my perspective at least it seems like focusing on what the charge was initially", "khWFO6iTE2g-00065-00030515-00031012": "and thinking about how can we more broadly create what they did for instance in Alabama", "khWFO6iTE2g-00066-00031012-00031261": "and how there’s other models for places.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00067-00031261-00031670": "So then you’re really exporting the methodology of the UDN.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00068-00031670-00032174": "Making it more general but not trying to take on these other roles, which are valid and", "khWFO6iTE2g-00069-00032174-00032520": "important but really beyond the scope.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00070-00032520-00033065": "Maren Scheuner: So the UDN right now has an infrastructure.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00071-00033065-00033491": "There is a manual of operations as I understand.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00072-00033491-00034293": "I haven’t read the manual of operations but I’m assuming it has a set of core functions,", "khWFO6iTE2g-00073-00034293-00035122": "processes, activities, but I also understand that the clinical sites have developed their", "khWFO6iTE2g-00074-00035122-00035611": "own implementation strategies around those core functions.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00075-00035611-00036177": "And so maybe what needs to be studied are the implementation strategies even understanding", "khWFO6iTE2g-00076-00036177-00036830": "why one site has opted to do X and another Y to solve the same core function or process", "khWFO6iTE2g-00077-00036830-00036971": "as you say.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00078-00036971-00037702": "So that we can understand, you know, what works given one set of resources and what", "khWFO6iTE2g-00079-00037702-00038396": "works when you don’t have that around so that people could have a package or toolkit", "khWFO6iTE2g-00080-00038396-00039109": "to select from based on what their local needs and resources are.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00081-00039109-00039565": "It sounds like -- I’m involved in health services and implementation research and it", "khWFO6iTE2g-00082-00039565-00039855": "kind of sounds like that’s where you were going.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00083-00039855-00040094": "Yes, Judy?", "khWFO6iTE2g-00084-00040094-00040786": "Judy Hall: It seems to me that most of what has happened", "khWFO6iTE2g-00085-00040786-00041471": "have been single gene disorders so there are a couple people with two gene disorders because", "khWFO6iTE2g-00086-00041471-00041599": "they’re consanguineous.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00087-00041599-00042228": "What’s the plan for moving toward multifactorial disorders?", "khWFO6iTE2g-00088-00042228-00042781": "I mean, are -- is anybody looking at modifiers for severity?", "khWFO6iTE2g-00089-00042781-00043483": "Is there any way to think forwardly about -- I mean, maybe it’s real old fashioned", "khWFO6iTE2g-00090-00043483-00044043": "to think that there is multifactorial disease but I kind of think there probably is.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00091-00044043-00044816": "So, is there any one of the groups that are doing additional modifying factors within", "khWFO6iTE2g-00092-00044816-00044965": "the genome?", "khWFO6iTE2g-00093-00044965-00045417": "David Adams: So, I think that that raises an incredibly", "khWFO6iTE2g-00094-00045417-00046045": "important point that there’s really two activities of the UDP that maybe could be", "khWFO6iTE2g-00095-00046045-00046263": "separated from one another.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00096-00046263-00046836": "One is making a diagnosis if a definitive diagnosis can be made, right?", "khWFO6iTE2g-00097-00046836-00047171": "So there’s enough information in the world so if you find the right clues, you have the", "khWFO6iTE2g-00098-00047171-00047774": "right knowledge you can make a diagnosis confidently and return that to the participating family.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00099-00047774-00048258": "The other activity is taking everybody else which is the majority of our patients as far", "khWFO6iTE2g-00100-00048258-00048838": "as in our hands anyway and moving the story of those families forward either by determining", "khWFO6iTE2g-00101-00048838-00049474": "new mechanisms or by sharing data so that you can -- so that you can generate cohorts.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00102-00049474-00049981": "And so I think the second of those two things is really more in the category of what the", "khWFO6iTE2g-00103-00049981-00050525": "UDN can do uniquely and falling into that category are going to be things like disease", "khWFO6iTE2g-00104-00050525-00051158": "causation mechanisms that we’re not at the point yet where any combination of acute -- I‘m", "khWFO6iTE2g-00105-00051158-00051761": "sorry, astute clinical experience and existing testing is going to prove to the point where", "khWFO6iTE2g-00106-00051761-00052090": "you could tell a patient they could test a pregnancy with it.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00107-00052090-00052412": "Judy Hall: So for instance, it seems to me that the whole", "khWFO6iTE2g-00108-00052412-00053054": "business that some drugs have bad effects in some people and you wouldn’t be taking", "khWFO6iTE2g-00109-00053054-00053554": "those drugs unless you had another disease -- cancer drugs for instance.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00110-00053554-00054200": "And at least our cancer agency is now testing everybody before they give the drugs to see", "khWFO6iTE2g-00111-00054200-00054433": "if they would have a horrible reaction.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00112-00054433-00054922": "And there’s some component of that -- the interaction between the genetic disease you", "khWFO6iTE2g-00113-00054922-00055566": "have and the potential therapies that seems like it should have some potential.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00114-00055566-00056287": "Maren Scheuner: Can I ask -- does that get back to the argument", "khWFO6iTE2g-00115-00056287-00056827": "of maybe not having a large enough population to work with to dissect this stuff out?", "khWFO6iTE2g-00116-00056827-00056927": "I mean --", "khWFO6iTE2g-00117-00056927-00057027": "Male Speaker: Not necessarily.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00118-00057027-00057127": "Maren Scheuner: Okay.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00119-00057127-00057412": "Male Speaker: I mean in -- that’s how in worms and flies", "khWFO6iTE2g-00120-00057412-00057860": "and yeast people have worked out all the pathways.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00121-00057860-00058216": "They start with [unintelligible] genes and look for suppressors or enhancers and so this", "khWFO6iTE2g-00122-00058216-00058386": "is essentially the same thing.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00123-00058386-00058800": "So once you have a database where you have all the mutants and that’s what they’re", "khWFO6iTE2g-00124-00058800-00059282": "already doing in yeast is making double and triple and quadruple combinations and seeing", "khWFO6iTE2g-00125-00059282-00059538": "how dominant alleles can interact with each other.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00126-00059538-00060016": "And so it’s a matter of finding the basic research that promotes the understanding so", "khWFO6iTE2g-00127-00060016-00060442": "that when you find your gene and it’s in a pathway you know what other genes to look", "khWFO6iTE2g-00128-00060442-00060557": "for.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00129-00060557-00060901": "Maren Scheuner: [affirmative].", "khWFO6iTE2g-00130-00060901-00061014": "Yes.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00131-00061014-00061418": "Stephen Prescott: I completely agree with that but I say it’s", "khWFO6iTE2g-00132-00061418-00061538": "a slightly different question.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00133-00061538-00061976": "Besides, like, should the network be set up to do -- to try to find them in patients I", "khWFO6iTE2g-00134-00061976-00062181": "think is -- I think there it’s -- you’re right.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00135-00062181-00062536": "This is -- the scale is not even close to correct here that you could hope to find a", "khWFO6iTE2g-00136-00062536-00062768": "second site suppressor, whatever in the patient population.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00137-00062768-00063133": "You’ve got to do it in the model organism and then go back and see if it’s relevant", "khWFO6iTE2g-00138-00063133-00063233": "in some patients.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00139-00063233-00063637": "Male Speaker: And a few candidates would be identified in", "khWFO6iTE2g-00140-00063637-00064083": "a patient and you can test them both in a model organism if you just look for them,", "khWFO6iTE2g-00141-00064083-00064183": "right?", "khWFO6iTE2g-00142-00064183-00064429": "Male Speaker: But I think it highlights the need for a lexicon", "khWFO6iTE2g-00143-00064429-00064900": "that allows you to move efficiently from patient to model, model to patient.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00144-00064900-00065430": "I think the fundamental problem is, you know, thick heart of big liver doesn’t translate", "khWFO6iTE2g-00145-00065430-00065681": "in worm and fly the way that we would like.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00146-00065681-00066249": "So, we need to have much more granular clinical phenotypes to be able to make any sense of", "khWFO6iTE2g-00147-00066249-00066451": "most of what we do in medicine.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00148-00066451-00066807": "Male Speaker: There is a yes and there is a no.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00149-00066807-00067064": "The yes is you’re right but there is also a no.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00150-00067064-00067660": "You know, flies -- biologists discovered the notch pathway and if you find a wing that’s", "khWFO6iTE2g-00151-00067660-00068074": "notched you think hard invertebrates because you know that the notch pathway is involved", "khWFO6iTE2g-00152-00068074-00068662": "in hard -- so, you know, you can translate these things pretty easily if your knowledge", "khWFO6iTE2g-00153-00068662-00068762": "is there.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00154-00068762-00069529": "And in fact there is databases now to categorize all the phenologues and all the phenotypes", "khWFO6iTE2g-00155-00069529-00069842": "so that you can translate quickly from one to the other.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00156-00069842-00070035": "Male Speaker: No, I completely agree.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00157-00070035-00070544": "I just think it’s a -- that’s a fairly modest subset of the total pathway space.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00158-00070544-00070757": "That’s all I’m saying.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00159-00070757-00070857": "Yeah.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00160-00070857-00071275": "Maren Scheuner: Are there other things that the UDN can uniquely", "khWFO6iTE2g-00161-00071275-00071375": "do?", "khWFO6iTE2g-00162-00071375-00071475": "Yes?", "khWFO6iTE2g-00163-00071475-00071914": "Judy Hall: So I was -- knowing I was coming I was wracking", "khWFO6iTE2g-00164-00071914-00072417": "my brain for weird, wonderful new kinds of diseases.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00165-00072417-00073029": "And it seemed to me that organelle wear out might be one of them.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00166-00073029-00073166": "Or organelle mismatch.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00167-00073166-00073827": "In other words, within my genome I can make endoplasmic reticulum but I, like, wear it", "khWFO6iTE2g-00168-00073827-00074064": "out fast or something like that.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00169-00074064-00074724": "And what I’m wondering is with the biopsies that are being done or with cell material", "khWFO6iTE2g-00170-00074724-00075172": "is anyone kind of thinking on an organelle level?", "khWFO6iTE2g-00171-00075172-00075818": "Male Speaker: That requires transmission electron microscopy", "khWFO6iTE2g-00172-00075818-00076261": "and systematic TM and would be very useful.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00173-00076261-00076499": "It’s our main diagnostic tool.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00174-00076499-00076862": "Judy Hall: So that brings up the issue of what’s on", "khWFO6iTE2g-00175-00076862-00076962": "the horizon.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00176-00076962-00077556": "I mean are there going to be new diagnostic, like, clinical diagnostics?", "khWFO6iTE2g-00177-00077556-00078131": "Like ultrasounds going to become even cooler and they’re going to be new DNA diagnostics", "khWFO6iTE2g-00178-00078131-00078231": "I think.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00179-00078231-00078970": "So, is there any subgroup that’s out there looking for the potential application of new", "khWFO6iTE2g-00180-00078970-00079131": "stuff?", "khWFO6iTE2g-00181-00079131-00079643": "Male Speaker: This is a -- it’s a huge industry at the", "khWFO6iTE2g-00182-00079643-00079837": "moment -- is new diagnostics.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00183-00079837-00080430": "But I think to get back to your point -- and this is one of the reasons, for example our", "khWFO6iTE2g-00184-00080430-00080955": "site has chosen to really go sequence first -- is if you have something that’s in an", "khWFO6iTE2g-00185-00080955-00081381": "ER pathway you’re going to go and take a biopsy specifically to collect a traditional", "khWFO6iTE2g-00186-00081381-00081808": "sample for transmission of electron microscopy because you’re going to actually want to", "khWFO6iTE2g-00187-00081808-00082067": "look at that in the organs of interest.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00188-00082067-00082656": "So I think it gets to the fact, you know, just having -- I suppose the real question", "khWFO6iTE2g-00189-00082656-00082845": "is what’s the definition of deep phenotype?", "khWFO6iTE2g-00190-00082845-00083330": "You know, one person’s deep phenotyping is the next person’s superficial quick look", "khWFO6iTE2g-00191-00083330-00083430": "over.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00192-00083430-00083862": "That’s the fundamental problem with all of clinical medicine and until we have some", "khWFO6iTE2g-00193-00083862-00084373": "fundamental ground truth it’s very, very tough to move forward because it just depends", "khWFO6iTE2g-00194-00084373-00084585": "on who you happen to see first.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00195-00084585-00085099": "That’s the -- for all of clinical medicine is completely based on who did I find first?", "khWFO6iTE2g-00196-00085099-00085464": "Many of these diagnostic odysseys would never have occurred if they’d -- if they’d happened", "khWFO6iTE2g-00197-00085464-00085730": "to see the right clinician on the first day.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00198-00085730-00085937": "Maren Scheuner: Yes.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00199-00085937-00086279": "Male Speaker: I think one of the other potential deliverables", "khWFO6iTE2g-00200-00086279-00086881": "is around -- Calum and I were talking about this before lunch -- which is, you know, when", "khWFO6iTE2g-00201-00086881-00087337": "we think about evidence based medicine right now we’ve got, you know, the medical students", "khWFO6iTE2g-00202-00087337-00087849": "thinking about randomized controlled clinical trials.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00203-00087849-00088266": "And that’s not going to happen in this space and so I think one of the challenges is is", "khWFO6iTE2g-00204-00088266-00088464": "that animal models are bad.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00205-00088464-00089018": "There was that editorial a few years ago about how mice have done more to hurt drug therapy", "khWFO6iTE2g-00206-00089018-00089155": "than anything else.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00207-00089155-00089591": "These are the barriers we’re fighting against and so I think part of what can be adopted", "khWFO6iTE2g-00208-00089591-00090086": "in this is how are the physicians who are using the information making decisions and", "khWFO6iTE2g-00209-00090086-00090727": "why are they willing to use a zebra fish or a mouse or a fly to help them in the outcome?", "khWFO6iTE2g-00210-00090727-00091098": "Because I think in absence of that as we’ve talked about earlier what we’re going to", "khWFO6iTE2g-00211-00091098-00091568": "have is an amazing pipeline, amazing data, and no one‘s going to use that.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00212-00091568-00092017": "So I think that’s another place that the clinical sites could maybe be helping on is", "khWFO6iTE2g-00213-00092017-00092449": "why are they using that information and when it’s published is there a way to capture", "khWFO6iTE2g-00214-00092449-00092742": "that as to why that choice was value?", "khWFO6iTE2g-00215-00092742-00093414": "Obviously having 100 other cases is ideal but what do you do with one or three or six?", "khWFO6iTE2g-00216-00093414-00094072": "Male Speaker: I would argue that those of us who do both", "khWFO6iTE2g-00217-00094072-00094372": "basic research and clinical research that’s a very relevant question that most of us would", "khWFO6iTE2g-00218-00094372-00094702": "be interested in but most clinicians are not.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00219-00094702-00095093": "And so that’s not going to be a relevant deliverable for them.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00220-00095093-00095644": "I think more important for them is how do I figure out which patients need to be getting", "khWFO6iTE2g-00221-00095644-00096219": "into this type of network infrastructure sooner so they’re not wasting a lot of time.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00222-00096219-00096650": "And then two is, you know, what is it we’re going to provide back to them that’s useful", "khWFO6iTE2g-00223-00096650-00096891": "to them if we’re going to hand the patients off?", "khWFO6iTE2g-00224-00096891-00097166": "Not a simple question but I just think that that’s reality.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00225-00097166-00097439": "Male Speaker: So that’s the reality that scares me, okay?", "khWFO6iTE2g-00226-00097439-00097777": "So there’s 20 million undiagnosed Americans.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00227-00097777-00098426": "If we all started working 24/7 there’s not enough knowledgebase to be able to do that.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00228-00098426-00098818": "If we can’t translate this out to our medical colleagues it’s a failure.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00229-00098818-00099227": "I mean, we’re helping a handful of patients but we’ve got to really think about how", "khWFO6iTE2g-00230-00099227-00099514": "to get this out to the masses or we can’t get there.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00231-00099514-00099887": "Maren Scheuner: So you’re speaking about, again, kind of", "khWFO6iTE2g-00232-00099887-00100106": "implementation outcomes.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00233-00100106-00100618": "What the six sites are currently doing, how they’re getting there, what’s working,", "khWFO6iTE2g-00234-00100618-00101261": "what isn’t working to get to a specific outcome so that we can develop a package that", "khWFO6iTE2g-00235-00101261-00101561": "could be exported out.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00236-00101561-00101661": "Is that --", "khWFO6iTE2g-00237-00101661-00101895": "Male Speaker: Maybe.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00238-00101895-00102235": "I mean, it’s more of -- it’s a logic series, right?", "khWFO6iTE2g-00239-00102235-00102711": "What data will you use to make a clinical decision and what will you use for that information.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00240-00102711-00102811": "So is that a --", "khWFO6iTE2g-00241-00102811-00102930": "Maren Scheuner: What data do you need?", "khWFO6iTE2g-00242-00102930-00103072": "Male Speaker: Yeah, that’s the question, right?", "khWFO6iTE2g-00243-00103072-00103172": "Maren Scheuner: Right.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00244-00103172-00103413": "Male Speaker: So right now the answer is it depends on the", "khWFO6iTE2g-00245-00103413-00103513": "physician.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00246-00103513-00103766": "Maren Scheuner: Right, so that would be the argument to have", "khWFO6iTE2g-00247-00103766-00104434": "more standardized for the -- for the UDN right now perhaps over the next five years to have", "khWFO6iTE2g-00248-00104434-00104973": "very standardized approaches to how patients get in, what happens to them once they get", "khWFO6iTE2g-00249-00104973-00105430": "in and some kind of follow up.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00250-00105430-00105819": "Maybe what’s currently being done is satisfactory but everybody doesn’t have to do it the", "khWFO6iTE2g-00251-00105819-00106621": "same way but just using instruments, data collection so that we can look at these and", "khWFO6iTE2g-00252-00106621-00106827": "evaluate the processes.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00253-00106827-00107258": "Male Speaker: Not exactly what I was looking for.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00254-00107258-00107358": "Maren Scheuner: Well, sorry.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00255-00107358-00107458": "Male Speaker: I think -- I don’t have a better idea.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00256-00107458-00107558": "Maren Scheuner: Tell me --", "khWFO6iTE2g-00257-00107558-00107658": "Male Speaker: Yeah, I think Howard, you mentioned6 it earlier", "khWFO6iTE2g-00258-00107658-00107933": "-- I think maybe it was Bruce or David who mentioned it.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00259-00107933-00108463": "A learning system is what you actually need so that requires you to have essentially some", "khWFO6iTE2g-00260-00108463-00108765": "shared minimal data set -- some sense.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00261-00108765-00109115": "Those minimal data sets could be things -- I mean, I think Bill is advocated very strongly", "khWFO6iTE2g-00262-00109115-00109300": "and I believe it’s very important.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00263-00109300-00109671": "Those data sets could be, you know, the number of specialists that you’ve seen before.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00264-00109671-00109835": "And what those specialists are.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00265-00109835-00110234": "That information may actually be the best predictor of whether coming through a network", "khWFO6iTE2g-00266-00110234-00110539": "like this has any chance of efficacy whatsoever.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00267-00110539-00111102": "But just having some set of data at the very front end -- including I believe some limited", "khWFO6iTE2g-00268-00111102-00111202": "phenotypic data.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00269-00111202-00111697": "I think if there was some standards phenotypic matrix that everybody had to fill out.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00270-00111697-00112180": "And that, you know, included just a general exam from the clinician that’s referring", "khWFO6iTE2g-00271-00112180-00112280": "them.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00272-00112280-00112459": "I think that would actually be a useful start.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00273-00112459-00112585": "Maren Scheuner: Bill?", "khWFO6iTE2g-00274-00112585-00112963": "Bill Gahl: I’d like to make just a few points.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00275-00112963-00113620": "Our protocol allows us to do medically indicated invasive studies and viral blast biopsy.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00276-00113620-00114224": "But it doesn’t allow us essentially to get a biopsy specific to a variant that we found", "khWFO6iTE2g-00277-00114224-00114483": "on exome or genome sequencing.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00278-00114483-00114914": "So for example we couldn’t do a liver biopsy just because we found a liver specific variant", "khWFO6iTE2g-00279-00114914-00115126": "and go after that.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00280-00115126-00115283": "Not by our protocol now.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00281-00115283-00115401": "We could change that, I suppose.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00282-00115401-00115612": "Male Speaker: I was -- I was imaging we were going to take", "khWFO6iTE2g-00283-00115612-00115712": "-- next.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00284-00115712-00116052": "If we’re going to take a biopsy we take an extra one for EM or whatever if we knew", "khWFO6iTE2g-00285-00116052-00116258": "what we were looking for at a cellular level.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00286-00116258-00116491": "Bill Gahl: Fair enough but it needs to be medically indicated", "khWFO6iTE2g-00287-00116491-00116815": "to do the invasive procedure to begin with.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00288-00116815-00117074": "But I like the idea of having an EM core.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00289-00117074-00117204": "I think that would be spectacular.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00290-00117204-00117539": "It’s so difficult and so expensive for us to get electron microscopy.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00291-00117539-00118091": "We don’t have, you know, decent electron microscopy at the NIH that I know of.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00292-00118091-00118335": "I hope no one’s listening.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00293-00118335-00118795": "The other possible core that I’ve been thinking about a little bit is the stable isotope core", "khWFO6iTE2g-00294-00118795-00119046": "for metabolic studies.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00295-00119046-00119758": "In the very special cases in which we need to find out how the whole organism manages", "khWFO6iTE2g-00296-00119758-00120016": "a particular defect that we find.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00297-00120016-00120677": "And bow, if you had that -- that would revolutionize, I think, some elements of clinical research", "khWFO6iTE2g-00298-00120677-00121228": "the way the CTSAs don’t?", "khWFO6iTE2g-00299-00121228-00121989": "Maren Scheuner: Any thoughts on outcomes from the UDN and", "khWFO6iTE2g-00300-00121989-00122376": "best strategy to optimize the outcomes.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00301-00122376-00123234": "And I think that relates to -- well, maybe -- maybe not the next question about the sustainability.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00302-00123234-00123975": "I think I heard earlier today that in order to be sustainable we need to somehow demonstrate", "khWFO6iTE2g-00303-00123975-00124283": "value of the process.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00304-00124283-00124504": "Thoughts on that?", "khWFO6iTE2g-00305-00124504-00124604": "Yes?", "khWFO6iTE2g-00306-00124604-00125158": "Female Speaker: I just wondered -- on, sorry, go ahead.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00307-00125158-00125815": "I wondered if we could ask Kevin to say a little bit more about your partnership with", "khWFO6iTE2g-00308-00125815-00125991": "the CTSA at UAB?", "khWFO6iTE2g-00309-00125991-00126810": "I mean, is that -- you said that you’re -- you guys function on $200,000 a year but", "khWFO6iTE2g-00310-00126810-00127382": "you are also functioning within the context of CTSA so can you help us understand -- or", "khWFO6iTE2g-00311-00127382-00127520": "I think that’s what I understood you to say.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00312-00127520-00127625": "How does that work?", "khWFO6iTE2g-00313-00127625-00127838": "Male Speaker: Yeah.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00314-00127838-00128255": "So, it’s not money that they’re providing us.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00315-00128255-00128879": "It’s -- I guess networking to investigators on campus.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00316-00128879-00129446": "So they have their sort of tentacles out to pretty much -- well, I don’t know about", "khWFO6iTE2g-00317-00129446-00130036": "all but a very high number of clinical and basic science investigators so we use them", "khWFO6iTE2g-00318-00130036-00130773": "some to help disseminate things and attract other people that we can help -- even identify", "khWFO6iTE2g-00319-00130773-00131286": "people that we can engage to take a finding to the next level.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00320-00131286-00131632": "They also have a set of partners.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00321-00131632-00132215": "The way they’re set up is they are partners in the surrounding states.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00322-00132215-00132898": "So Louisiana and Mississippi and we partner closely with Hudson Alpha actually as well", "khWFO6iTE2g-00323-00132898-00133389": "and so that all happens in the context of the CCTS.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00324-00133389-00133654": "That was how we were brought together with them.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00325-00133654-00133754": "So we’re trying.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00326-00133754-00133994": "I don’t think this has moved as far as I’d like.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00327-00133994-00134753": "But we’re trying to open up the opportunity for patients to be evaluated with some of", "khWFO6iTE2g-00328-00134753-00135664": "these partners in Mississippi and Louisiana that take [unintelligible].", "khWFO6iTE2g-00329-00135664-00136813": "Female Speaker: So, I hear the potential because of an example", "khWFO6iTE2g-00330-00136813-00137494": "like Bruce’s of being able to develop a strategy where in you could create additional", "khWFO6iTE2g-00331-00137494-00137979": "centers that could learn how to leverage some of these resources if they had access to some", "khWFO6iTE2g-00332-00137979-00138436": "of the core functions that you’re building that are so critical to discovery.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00333-00138436-00139287": "It’s really hard for one of us when we get what looks like a really causative gene to", "khWFO6iTE2g-00334-00139287-00139514": "come back and say, “Well, we’re pretty sure that’s what it is.”", "khWFO6iTE2g-00335-00139514-00139956": "And we don’t have any way to go and find the experts who can help us with that unless", "khWFO6iTE2g-00336-00139956-00140376": "you’re much more enterprising as an individual than most of us have time to be.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00337-00140376-00140821": "So one of the things beyond the expertise that you’re developing and how you approach", "khWFO6iTE2g-00338-00140821-00141628": "these problems is building a strategy by which others might be able to access some of that", "khWFO6iTE2g-00339-00141628-00141879": "information and broaden it a little bit.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00340-00141879-00142429": "It makes it a little bit more for the common man but that just increases your reach if", "khWFO6iTE2g-00341-00142429-00142696": "at all possible.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00342-00142696-00143016": "Not that I think all of us are going to run back and try to set up our own little mini", "khWFO6iTE2g-00343-00143016-00143327": "UDNs because we can’t.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00344-00143327-00143622": "But if we knew that there was someone that we could call and say, “You know, I have", "khWFO6iTE2g-00345-00143622-00144170": "this great patient who has this great gene but I don’t know how to prove what it is.”", "khWFO6iTE2g-00346-00144170-00144483": "You might be able to extend the reach just a little bit further because you’ll have", "khWFO6iTE2g-00347-00144483-00144850": "that much further down the road in terms of the discovery.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00348-00144850-00145059": "Maren Scheuner: Yes.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00349-00145059-00145648": "Male Speaker: I fully agree but the researchers are pretty", "khWFO6iTE2g-00350-00145648-00145880": "limiting already.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00351-00145880-00146423": "In fact, I get calls from physicians almost weekly who want to jump and are not part of", "khWFO6iTE2g-00352-00146423-00147215": "the UDN and I can’t cope with the numbers of the UDN so I invest three times almost", "khWFO6iTE2g-00353-00147215-00147736": "the amount of money I get from the UDN for this project and that’s because Howard Hughes", "khWFO6iTE2g-00354-00147736-00147836": "investigator.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00355-00147836-00147951": "I can do that but it’s impossible.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00356-00147951-00148591": "It just -- it’s easy to do but it’s labor intensive and you’ve got to be able to deliver.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00357-00148591-00148978": "Maren Scheuner: And you’re speaking about the core -- the", "khWFO6iTE2g-00358-00148978-00149122": "core support?", "khWFO6iTE2g-00359-00149122-00149389": "Male Speaker: Yeah.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00360-00149389-00149745": "Maren Scheuner: Yes, John?", "khWFO6iTE2g-00361-00149745-00149996": "Male Speaker: To ask a question.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00362-00149996-00150439": "Bruce, I calculate that UAB is putting in $2,000 a patient, 100 patients a year for", "khWFO6iTE2g-00363-00150439-00150810": "-- so that’s $2,000 a patient.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00364-00150810-00151256": "Male Speaker: I actually hadn’t calculated it that way,", "khWFO6iTE2g-00365-00151256-00151496": "but I suppose if you did the arithmetic that may be right.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00366-00151496-00151596": "Male Speaker: So that’s part one.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00367-00151596-00151697": "Part two is that scripts, an independent standing research institution like [inaudible] or Oklahoma", "khWFO6iTE2g-00368-00151697-00151928": "Medical Research Foundation also launched it for demonstration processes and they must", "khWFO6iTE2g-00369-00151928-00152325": "have felt that it was good for science.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00370-00152325-00152889": "Dr. Prescott, could you comment on that?", "khWFO6iTE2g-00371-00152889-00153542": "Stephen Prescott: Well, it’s important to know was it scripts", "khWFO6iTE2g-00372-00153542-00153709": "clinic or scripts research?", "khWFO6iTE2g-00373-00153709-00153936": "Male Speaker: No, I think it’s scripts research.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00374-00153936-00154036": "Am I correct?", "khWFO6iTE2g-00375-00154036-00154136": "Scripts research?", "khWFO6iTE2g-00376-00154136-00154328": "Stephen Prescott: I don’t know, I’m not familiar with it.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00377-00154328-00154428": "Male Speaker: [inaudible] and --", "khWFO6iTE2g-00378-00154428-00154630": "Stephen Prescott: Oh no, [unintelligible] isn’t on the medical", "khWFO6iTE2g-00379-00154630-00154759": "side -- on the clinical side.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00380-00154759-00155242": "So it might be a business development scheme by scripts but certainly we do functional", "khWFO6iTE2g-00381-00155242-00155649": "genomics on things but we -- in collaboration -- ours are all in the cancer space currently.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00382-00155649-00156126": "I mean, and there are half a million unique mutations described in total in cancer patients", "khWFO6iTE2g-00383-00156126-00156289": "without known functional significance.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00384-00156289-00156505": "So it may be known, it may be unknown.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00385-00156505-00156946": "There’s a huge burden in all types of diseases that’s there now.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00386-00156946-00157526": "So it’s not unique to this set of patients that there’s this backlog of information", "khWFO6iTE2g-00387-00157526-00157626": "that needs to be accumulated.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00388-00157626-00157939": "Male Speaker: But in cancer research many of the drugs have", "khWFO6iTE2g-00389-00157939-00158501": "been developed because people understand the basic pathways that are leading to the cause.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00390-00158501-00159352": "Here, we don’t have that and so that should be a deliverable that during the UDN functional", "khWFO6iTE2g-00391-00159352-00159827": "genomics -- systematic functional genomics should be part, at least for those key diseases", "khWFO6iTE2g-00392-00159827-00160460": "where you come interest the rest of the community to do basic function and annotations so you", "khWFO6iTE2g-00393-00160460-00160822": "can start thinking about deliverables on a drug basically.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00394-00160822-00161099": "Male Speaker: [inaudible] my argument [inaudible].", "khWFO6iTE2g-00395-00161099-00161442": "Male Speaker: That’s actually one of the -- was one of", "khWFO6iTE2g-00396-00161442-00162167": "the aims of our proposal was to use pathways so that short of actually getting a mechanistic", "khWFO6iTE2g-00397-00162167-00162553": "gene variant you could at least identify which pathways were perturbed.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00398-00162553-00162971": "Stephen Prescott: Well, again, at the risk of being redundant", "khWFO6iTE2g-00399-00162971-00163101": "I think it’s crucial.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00400-00163101-00163521": "I mean, there’s lots of good ideas but it also strikes me that particularly given the", "khWFO6iTE2g-00401-00163521-00163910": "example of Birmingham and a comet earlier that what everybody’s sequenced at birth", "khWFO6iTE2g-00402-00163910-00164562": "-- one could imagine that this is going to devolve into different pathways.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00403-00164562-00164888": "Undiagnosed diseases are going to go away because they’re going to be diagnosed or", "khWFO6iTE2g-00404-00164888-00165025": "this set of patients is going to go away.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00405-00165025-00165294": "Okay probably not but maybe largely.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00406-00165294-00165592": "And that -- I mean, that could be -- you could declare success then, right?", "khWFO6iTE2g-00407-00165592-00165736": "This is -- this works, you know?", "khWFO6iTE2g-00408-00165736-00166222": "And secondly, it’s going to devolve to being run as a clinical enterprise at different", "khWFO6iTE2g-00409-00166222-00166394": "places all around the country.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00410-00166394-00166895": "So maybe part of the strategy should be to try to engage CMMS or somebody who has the", "khWFO6iTE2g-00411-00166895-00167300": "-- it’s their responsibility to try to create funding mechanism for the clinical care of", "khWFO6iTE2g-00412-00167300-00167400": "patients.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00413-00167400-00167734": "And, you know, maybe is could be defined something like in stage renal disease where there is", "khWFO6iTE2g-00414-00167734-00168126": "a mechanism to pay for it -- the two thousand dollars a patient or wherever it’s going", "khWFO6iTE2g-00415-00168126-00168226": "to be.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00416-00168226-00168660": "But it seems to me that if it’s going to be continuing effort at NIH there has to be", "khWFO6iTE2g-00417-00168660-00169033": "an unequivocal research component to it.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00418-00169033-00169560": "And it’s -- you know, once the model of how to diagnose it has been established that’s", "khWFO6iTE2g-00419-00169560-00169759": "no longer a search project in my opinion.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00420-00169759-00169859": "That’s established now.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00421-00169859-00170280": "You know, maybe there will be some -- some refinement of that ultimately but you‘re", "khWFO6iTE2g-00422-00170280-00170407": "going to have to go someplace else.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00423-00170407-00170894": "And I think it’s this functional genomics mechanism ultimately therapeutics potentially,", "khWFO6iTE2g-00424-00170894-00170994": "so.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00425-00170994-00171442": "Maren Scheuner: So do we understand that clinical model for", "khWFO6iTE2g-00426-00171442-00171975": "that diagnostic path way so that we can have that pipeline to get you to where you would", "khWFO6iTE2g-00427-00171975-00172362": "like to be with figuring out the mechanistic path of physiology?", "khWFO6iTE2g-00428-00172362-00172725": "I mean, I guess that’s where some of the clinical people around the table are wondering", "khWFO6iTE2g-00429-00172725-00173159": "if we haven’t really quite figured that out yet or that we can’t -- that getting", "khWFO6iTE2g-00430-00173159-00173549": "reimbursed for providing those types of services have been challenging and that’s why the", "khWFO6iTE2g-00431-00173549-00174051": "UDP was established in the first place so we’re kind of this viscous cycle.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00432-00174051-00174552": "So I guess I would propose -- I don’t know if anybody else would agree -- that one of", "khWFO6iTE2g-00433-00174552-00175270": "the, maybe aims over the next five years is to really figure out those -- you know, diagnostic", "khWFO6iTE2g-00434-00175270-00175815": "pathways, what’s most efficient as we heard the previous speaker comment on.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00435-00175815-00176548": "And then try and get some measures of outcomes that maybe relate to quality of life or real", "khWFO6iTE2g-00436-00176548-00176741": "health outcomes.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00437-00176741-00177271": "Avoiding treatments that were incorrect because of a misdiagnosis.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00438-00177271-00177763": "Just trying to quantify all of that with a program like this so it could be, you know,", "khWFO6iTE2g-00439-00177763-00178151": "you could sell it to a university or CMS.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00440-00178151-00178322": "Yes, Cindy?", "khWFO6iTE2g-00441-00178322-00178813": "Cynthia Powell: I’m recalling a presentation that we had", "khWFO6iTE2g-00442-00178813-00179370": "at one of our recent North Carolina medical genetics meetings from a physician at Wake", "khWFO6iTE2g-00443-00179370-00180354": "Forest University who started a complex disorders, you know, clinic that was initially funded", "khWFO6iTE2g-00444-00180354-00181004": "by the parents of a child who died after being on a diagnostic odyssey and, you know, not", "khWFO6iTE2g-00445-00181004-00181404": "figuring out what the underlying problem was until they were deceased.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00446-00181404-00181971": "You know, but she brought together a group of experts who just meet on a regular basis.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00447-00181971-00182230": "They don’t have a genomics core or anything.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00448-00182230-00182479": "They can’t get exome sequencing.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00449-00182479-00183029": "But just, you know, having the experts talk to each other they were able to, you know,", "khWFO6iTE2g-00450-00183029-00183911": "show benefit in making diagnosis and actually now their hospital is paying for that service", "khWFO6iTE2g-00451-00183911-00184415": "because they were able to show, you know, a cost savings to the healthcare system.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00452-00184415-00184835": "Maren Scheuner: Yes?", "khWFO6iTE2g-00453-00184835-00185388": "Female Speaker: At Duke we have a [unintelligible] undiagnosed", "khWFO6iTE2g-00454-00185388-00185854": "clinic that’s funded by the dean and we have the UDN so I can offer a direct comparison", "khWFO6iTE2g-00455-00185854-00185987": "between the two.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00456-00185987-00186225": "We also get some funding just like you do at UAB.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00457-00186225-00186500": "We get a genetic counselor that’s funded.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00458-00186500-00186974": "The dean subsidizes some of the sequencing if you’re not able to get insurance coverage", "khWFO6iTE2g-00459-00186974-00187080": "for the sequencing.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00460-00187080-00187660": "So, what’s been the challenge there compared to the UDN is the time it takes.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00461-00187660-00188127": "So to get full clinical consultations for a patient can take up to two to three months", "khWFO6iTE2g-00462-00188127-00188637": "sometimes because we don’t have a focused one week consultation that can happen.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00463-00188637-00189165": "We’ve not been as successful as you have been in having buy in from all of these clinicians.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00464-00189165-00189455": "Some people will say, “Oh, my clinic’s full this month.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00465-00189455-00189566": "Can’t accommodate.”", "khWFO6iTE2g-00466-00189566-00189714": "They don’t do that with the UDN.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00467-00189714-00189925": "They get a lot more buy in.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00468-00189925-00190184": "The second challenge is of course insurance coverage.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00469-00190184-00190526": "Any of us who sees patients know that that’s a problem.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00470-00190526-00190969": "And the third is on a shoestring budget the genetic counselor is stretched to her limit", "khWFO6iTE2g-00471-00190969-00191480": "just to coordinate things for the family to bring them back in or you know, you need this", "khWFO6iTE2g-00472-00191480-00191688": "appointment, you need to go here.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00473-00191688-00191789": "So that kind of thing.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00474-00191789-00192247": "So if you’re talking about sustainability of the UDN I loved [unintelligible]’s idea", "khWFO6iTE2g-00475-00192247-00192795": "of having, you know, centers of excellence maybe going forward but perhaps these kinds", "khWFO6iTE2g-00476-00192795-00193214": "of challenges should be taken into account when we are talking about how we can make", "khWFO6iTE2g-00477-00193214-00193366": "this sustainable.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00478-00193366-00193795": "Maybe there’s got to be some institutional commitment and some funds elsewhere that in", "khWFO6iTE2g-00479-00193795-00194301": "combination will let this work go forward with a reasonable amount of, you know, less", "khWFO6iTE2g-00480-00194301-00194773": "money but reasonable amount of outcomes that are sustained for the patient.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00481-00194773-00195209": "The other challenge of course we also face is what I think one of Susan said -- we don’t", "khWFO6iTE2g-00482-00195209-00195687": "have any base of pursuing candidate genes other than reaching out to individual investigators", "khWFO6iTE2g-00483-00195687-00195787": "and begging.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00484-00195787-00196077": "And I think that’s -- there’s been a lot of discussion about that.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00485-00196077-00196302": "Maren Scheuner: Yes.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00486-00196302-00196749": "So maybe as I think also Ross [spelled phonetically], when -- was saying right, like having a white", "khWFO6iTE2g-00487-00196749-00197167": "paper around best practices.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00488-00197167-00197673": "You know, if the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics would maybe have a -- their", "khWFO6iTE2g-00489-00197673-00198190": "face on that as a professional society of, you know, how best to approach a patient with", "khWFO6iTE2g-00490-00198190-00198837": "an undiagnosed disease that might go to a certain extent, you know far enough to convince", "khWFO6iTE2g-00491-00198837-00199174": "a healthcare system or maybe a payer.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00492-00199174-00199495": "It’s better than we are right now.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00493-00199495-00199595": "Eric?", "khWFO6iTE2g-00494-00199595-00200048": "Male Speaker: I mean -- I have -- I totally agree.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00495-00200048-00200814": "I’ve had similar experiences with my more limited field of reproductive [unintelligible]", "khWFO6iTE2g-00496-00200814-00201014": "deserves of a product development.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00497-00201014-00201345": "When there is a consensus statement or guidelines or best practices.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00498-00201345-00201805": "And I’m not talking about standard of cares but insurances and hospital systems do buy", "khWFO6iTE2g-00499-00201805-00201905": "in.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00500-00201905-00202260": "If it says in the consensus statement that there should be a mental health professional", "khWFO6iTE2g-00501-00202260-00202661": "at clinics with patients with DAD.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00502-00202661-00203045": "Hospital systems are actually like, \"Eh, okay, we don’t want to be liable not to do it.\"", "khWFO6iTE2g-00503-00203045-00203824": "So there is more -- it puts pressure on hospital administrators but also on insurance companies.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00504-00203824-00204505": "So however imperfect those guidelines may be I think it would be -- it certainly would", "khWFO6iTE2g-00505-00204505-00204721": "be a good outcome of the UDN.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00506-00204721-00204931": "Maren Scheuner: Yes?", "khWFO6iTE2g-00507-00204931-00205392": "Male Speaker: So pickup up on that part what people said", "khWFO6iTE2g-00508-00205392-00206094": "earlier one hybrid model could be what UAB is doing and so looking eight years down the", "khWFO6iTE2g-00509-00206094-00206951": "road maybe if -- maybe the program could reconfigure in a way that the cores are supported by NIH", "khWFO6iTE2g-00510-00206951-00207669": "but individual centers are -- take part in it based on their institutional commitment.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00511-00207669-00208196": "So, because IDA -- you know, if you look 10 years down the road or eight years down the", "khWFO6iTE2g-00512-00208196-00208652": "road maybe there are different way to look at model organism but we will still need model", "khWFO6iTE2g-00513-00208652-00208752": "organism.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00514-00208752-00209361": "So the idea there would be that we have the -- in a fantasy world I guess -- that we have", "khWFO6iTE2g-00515-00209361-00209658": "actually a model organism core.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00516-00209658-00209879": "We actually have a sequencing core.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00517-00209879-00210535": "We have a metabolomics core or another core that we deem necessary but the centers are", "khWFO6iTE2g-00518-00210535-00211063": "applied to NIH to get the designation based on their own funding.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00519-00211063-00211589": "And of course they’ll be working at a limited level but something to think about I think.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00520-00211589-00211955": "Maren Scheuner: And that might foster some of the collaborative", "khWFO6iTE2g-00521-00211955-00212517": "efforts that we heard today, you know, and in particular even with patients and families", "khWFO6iTE2g-00522-00212517-00213419": "and I can see a lot of that being part of a center of clinical excellence around this.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00523-00213419-00213840": "So one -- we just have a couple minutes left in this session.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00524-00213840-00214661": "Is the vision mission for the UDN different for the future than what it has been?", "khWFO6iTE2g-00525-00214661-00215259": "Hugo Bellen: Can I ask a question about when do you think", "khWFO6iTE2g-00526-00215259-00216075": "you’ll be able to diagnose 80 or 90 percent of the patients that are -- I have no good", "khWFO6iTE2g-00527-00216075-00216229": "feeling about the number.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00528-00216229-00216575": "I never think it will happen in five years.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00529-00216575-00217382": "So, maybe 15 or 20 and even then -- and so if the UDN has an eight year kind of life", "khWFO6iTE2g-00530-00217382-00217767": "space we’re going to be maybe half way.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00531-00217767-00218519": "If we’ve grown four percent in three years then it’s going to take a long time before", "khWFO6iTE2g-00532-00218519-00218619": "we get there.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00533-00218619-00218778": "Male Speaker: So I think there are two things.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00534-00218778-00219218": "I think there are the undiagnosed diseases, which I think like our patients let’s say", "khWFO6iTE2g-00535-00219218-00219823": "with rare Newman’s phenotype and there are unknown diseases where we have a rare variant", "khWFO6iTE2g-00536-00219823-00220031": "that has never been associated with disease.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00537-00220031-00220842": "So I think while we may be diagnosing a lot of undiagnosed disease we will be nowhere", "khWFO6iTE2g-00538-00220842-00221319": "close to 10 percent in diagnosing unknown disease.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00539-00221319-00221782": "Male Speaker: I think the other element is that there are", "khWFO6iTE2g-00540-00221782-00222309": "lots of diseases at the moment that are undiagnosed and unknown that are lumped together with", "khWFO6iTE2g-00541-00222309-00222785": "things that look like their known and we lump them together just simply because we have", "khWFO6iTE2g-00542-00222785-00223127": "a generic treatment that vaguely works for each of them.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00543-00223127-00223294": "So diabetes, coronary disease, heart failure --", "khWFO6iTE2g-00544-00223294-00223602": "Hugo Bellen: So I didn’t get a precise answer yet.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00545-00223602-00223702": "[laughter]", "khWFO6iTE2g-00546-00223702-00223802": "Male Speaker: Well, what I’m saying is it’s enormous.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00547-00223802-00224011": "I think you’re 100 percent right, Hugo.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00548-00224011-00224392": "I think it’s -- it’ll be a long time before we sort it all out.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00549-00224392-00224726": "Hugo Bellen: But why does -- but why does the UDN need", "khWFO6iTE2g-00550-00224726-00225313": "to end in four or five years or eight years or whatever it is if it’s clear that this", "khWFO6iTE2g-00551-00225313-00225740": "is not going to, you know, be ended by then?", "khWFO6iTE2g-00552-00225740-00225995": "Maren Scheuner: I guess the issue is not so much that it may", "khWFO6iTE2g-00553-00225995-00226629": "end but what -- how might it transform, you know, to continue with funded sites as they", "khWFO6iTE2g-00554-00226629-00227431": "are now and or I think one of the suggestions was to maybe have these clinical centers of", "khWFO6iTE2g-00555-00227431-00228076": "excellence that could do much of that diagnostic evaluation component and then with the support", "khWFO6iTE2g-00556-00228076-00228335": "of the course funded by NIH.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00557-00228335-00228826": "I think that’s what I heard as an option.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00558-00228826-00229026": "All right.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00559-00229026-00229733": "So, anyway thanks for -- David pulled up the objectives -- the current objectives just", "khWFO6iTE2g-00560-00229733-00230628": "to remind everyone and I -- one of our questions for this session was should this change, I", "khWFO6iTE2g-00561-00230628-00230746": "think.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00562-00230746-00231012": "Is this still the right target?", "khWFO6iTE2g-00563-00231012-00231179": "Thoughts?", "khWFO6iTE2g-00564-00231179-00231714": "Maren Scheuner: You know, I think the point I was trying to", "khWFO6iTE2g-00565-00231714-00232375": "make before is that maybe it goes under number one, but one thing I believe the program can", "khWFO6iTE2g-00566-00232375-00232980": "do is to help establish the paradigm of how these things are approached.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00567-00232980-00233354": "And I actually prefer the term evolve to devolve by the way.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00568-00233354-00234017": "But in any case I think we can evolve to a situation where there are many programs around", "khWFO6iTE2g-00569-00234017-00234483": "the country that are following the lead and implementing this into day to day care while", "khWFO6iTE2g-00570-00234483-00235217": "the cutting edge part of it can remain in a kind of hybrid research clinical environment.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00571-00235217-00235642": "I guess the other thing which maybe it got covered early this morning when I wasn’t", "khWFO6iTE2g-00572-00235642-00235742": "here.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00573-00235742-00236140": "I suspect everybody deals with this but for everybody with an undiagnosed disease there’s", "khWFO6iTE2g-00574-00236140-00236785": "probably five that are sure they have an undiagnosed disease and how you actually sort out the", "khWFO6iTE2g-00575-00236785-00237067": "wheat from the chaff I think is an important question.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00576-00237067-00237175": "Maren Scheuner: Okay.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00577-00237175-00237498": "Male Speaker: So I don’t think we have to change these", "khWFO6iTE2g-00578-00237498-00237690": "goals because we don’t have enough experience.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00579-00237690-00237978": "We barely started six months ago.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00580-00237978-00238526": "So I think as somebody had earlier mentioned, I think our goal should be going forward in", "khWFO6iTE2g-00581-00238526-00239048": "the next five years of the funding cycle is to actually refine these goals and really", "khWFO6iTE2g-00582-00239048-00239452": "figure out where we, you know, where we are.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00583-00239452-00239932": "But I don’t think we have enough data to actually now think about changing this because,", "khWFO6iTE2g-00584-00239932-00240429": "like you said, every site says -- site has looked at a very limited number of patients.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00585-00240429-00240734": "Bill Gahl: And I agree with that, but these are corporate", "khWFO6iTE2g-00586-00240734-00240834": "goals.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00587-00240834-00241263": "None of these things up here tells you about the individual patient that’s in the room", "khWFO6iTE2g-00588-00241263-00241500": "with you when you’re examining her.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00589-00241500-00242069": "And I think we shouldn’t keep our -- we shouldn’t forget about those individual", "khWFO6iTE2g-00590-00242069-00242489": "patients and the one on one and taking care of that person because all of these things", "khWFO6iTE2g-00591-00242489-00242628": "are systematic.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00592-00242628-00243130": "How can we do better as a group, as a nation, as a program?", "khWFO6iTE2g-00593-00243130-00243581": "But we have to take care of the individual first and not let all these other things get", "khWFO6iTE2g-00594-00243581-00243753": "in the way of that.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00595-00243753-00244282": "Female Speaker: But I think creating a model that can be put", "khWFO6iTE2g-00596-00244282-00244752": "out through the rest of the country so it can reach more individuals is a goal that", "khWFO6iTE2g-00597-00244752-00244923": "we could aspire to that would --", "khWFO6iTE2g-00598-00244923-00245109": "Male Speaker: I’ll agree to that.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00599-00245109-00245488": "Maren Scheuner: Is that kind of under item three or is that", "khWFO6iTE2g-00600-00245488-00245588": "a separate?", "khWFO6iTE2g-00601-00245588-00245909": "Female Speaker: Yeah, I think I would just add clinical so", "khWFO6iTE2g-00602-00245909-00246009": "creating integrated --", "khWFO6iTE2g-00603-00246009-00246109": "Maren Scheuner: Add clinical --", "khWFO6iTE2g-00604-00246109-00246273": "Female Speaker: -- and collaborative clinical and research", "khWFO6iTE2g-00605-00246273-00246373": "community.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00606-00246373-00246567": "Maren Scheuner: Okay.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00607-00246567-00246883": "Anastasia Wise: And these are the shortened versions of the", "khWFO6iTE2g-00608-00246883-00247305": "objectives so that they fit on a slide not all of the language that’s actually in the", "khWFO6iTE2g-00609-00247305-00247437": "FOAs for each of these.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00610-00247437-00247736": "This is like the summarized versions so the idea of this being clinical in research is", "khWFO6iTE2g-00611-00247736-00247926": "in the full version.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00612-00247926-00248478": "Male Speaker: I would just follow up, I guess on Christine’s", "khWFO6iTE2g-00613-00248478-00248714": "comment and Anastasia’s comment.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00614-00248714-00249301": "I guess the idea of talking about integrated collaborative clinical basic research, whatever", "khWFO6iTE2g-00615-00249301-00249878": "-- there is -- I don’t really see that the charge is optimal management.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00616-00249878-00250259": "It seems like that’s what occurs after you figure out pathophysiology and you’re thinking", "khWFO6iTE2g-00617-00250259-00250637": "-- or some point that that’s not really our focus, but.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00618-00250637-00251109": "Maren Scheuner: I’m wondering if the and care in item one", "khWFO6iTE2g-00619-00251109-00251677": "could kind of encompass the optimal management but John’s telling me we’re out of time.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00620-00251677-00251844": "So, thank you all.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00621-00251844-00251944": "What’s next?", "khWFO6iTE2g-00622-00251944-00252375": "Anastasia Wise: All right, so thank you everyone.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00623-00252375-00252603": "We’ve made it through our six questions.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00624-00252603-00253125": "At this point in time we will have another 15 minute break for folks to come back here", "khWFO6iTE2g-00625-00253125-00253302": "at 3:15.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00626-00253302-00253629": "At that point in time we will have our panelist discussions.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00627-00253629-00254007": "We’re going to run through all five of our speakers in a row and then have a little bit", "khWFO6iTE2g-00628-00254007-00254396": "of time for some more discussion before we move on to talking about prioritizing what", "khWFO6iTE2g-00629-00254396-00254560": "we’ve been discussing today.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00630-00254560-00254946": "I have heard that a number of folks have flights that they need to be able to catch leaving", "khWFO6iTE2g-00631-00254946-00255138": "around 5:00 p.m. or so.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00632-00255138-00255711": "So we are going to try and get some of these discussions bringing together the prioritization", "khWFO6iTE2g-00633-00255711-00256058": "discussion with the draft recommendations and condensing those together to try and get", "khWFO6iTE2g-00634-00256058-00256256": "done by five if we possibly can.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00635-00256256-00256637": "So if everyone can make sure they’re back here at 3:15 then we can try and get out of", "khWFO6iTE2g-00636-00256637-00256796": "here a little bit early for people to make their flights.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00637-00256796-00256896": "Thanks.", "khWFO6iTE2g-00638-00256896-00256897": "[end of transcript]"}}, {"audio_id": "kiwQe4NEusy", "text": {"kiwQe4NEusy-00000-00000000-00000200": "welcome to my channel", "kiwQe4NEusy-00001-00000200-00000400": "thanks for your subscribe"}}, {"audio_id": "ki-Mp40jkTo", "text": {"ki-Mp40jkTo-00000-00000000-00001928": "Okay, you're gonna switch in English so anyone can understand me. So welcome you all. So I'm", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00001-00001928-00002728": "a community manager of this space. I'm here to introduce you a little bit. You cannot hear me?", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00002-00002728-00004072": "No, I'm here to introduce you a little bit about us and then you are here because as you can see", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00003-00004072-00004600": "on the back, this is the place where innovation lives. So we are pleased to host such an event.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00004-00004744-00005472": "So we are, as you can see here, a European community, not just the space as many can think.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00005-00005472-00006160": "We think that people can actually grow with the right network and the right skills. That's why", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00006-00006160-00006808": "that's how we provide them with that. Let's see if I can switch the slide. Okay, so how we", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00007-00006808-00007480": "would do it? So we offer different products and services. First of all, we are a European", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00008-00007480-00008264": "coworking network where professionals in the digital field can connect and develop their businesses", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00009-00008264-00008920": "and their projects. So we have several spaces around Europe and then we are a great family", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00010-00008920-00009832": "for all the digital professionals and companies that deal with innovation. Then we also help people", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00011-00009832-00010424": "having the right skills to work in the digital field. So we have our innovation school and we", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00012-00010424-00011112": "offer different courses in the digital field such as coding, data, design, marketing, and business.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00013-00011112-00012056": "So we train people on these subjects helping them to get their future job. Then we also have", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00014-00012056-00012968": "educational programs for business for corporate. So we provide with courses to corporate in order", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00015-00012968-00013736": "to help them face their digital transformation journey, facilitating this journey by offering them", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00016-00013736-00014552": "dedicated workshops or educational programs. Then this is asked in numbers. As you can see,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00017-00014552-00015263": "Taran Garden started in 2011 when we opened our first campus in Brescia. So it all started in", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00018-00015263-00016056": "Italy. Then in 2015, we launched our innovation school and then we started to expand our business", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00019-00016056-00016768": "across Europe. So we became internationally. So here you have like a view of the countries where", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00020-00016768-00017528": "we are. So we are currently in eight countries with 18 campuses and then some other numbers", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00021-00017528-00018280": "really helpful to get us know better. Then we have, as I said before, different study areas", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00022-00018280-00018872": "that we cover with our innovation school. So data, business, marketing, design,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00023-00018872-00019584": "coding, and cyber security. So we provide with a part-time and full courses and we actually have", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00024-00019584-00020352": "a really high rate of placement of the students that attend our courses. 98, if I am not mistaken.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00025-00020456-00021184": "Then in last year, in 2021, we acquired Hyper Island. Hyper Island is the largest", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00026-00021184-00021960": "editech company in Europe that deals with editech. So we acquired them because we want to place", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00027-00021960-00022632": "ourselves in Europe as an editech company and we are starting to grow really faster on this", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00028-00022704-00023088": "business. These are some of the corporates that believe in us.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00029-00023352-00023968": "They are both members and then they also collaborate with us for our educational programs.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00030-00023968-00024744": "And then here you have some reasons why innovators and explorers choose us. They choose us to", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00031-00024744-00025320": "join a community. They choose us because they want to find new talents and then they want to be", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00032-00025320-00025904": "inspired with a strategic vision and developing new digital skills. And then other reasons why.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00033-00025904-00026872": "Thank you. So I'll leave the stage to Sylvia again.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00034-00026872-00028552": "So you hear? Okay, thank you very much for the interview.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00035-00029872-00030383": "I would like to thank you for being here today and also for the people who are following us from home.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00036-00030472-00031080": "We are not new to the talent garden because we were here in 2019. I don't know if there was any of you", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00037-00031288-00032000": "in that year. Well, everyone is new, there is Kim that was here. So we are very", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00038-00032000-00032744": "happy to be here and also a way to know us better and share what our passion is.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00039-00032744-00033480": "So today there will be six interventions that are different between them, but they are related to a", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00040-00033480-00034224": "thread that connects them and the innovation. Every speech will have lasted for about 15 minutes", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00041-00034224-00035000": "and a little bit of time also to do the questions. I said, I don't have time for anything else and I leave the stage to", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00042-00035000-00036472": "co-founder and CTO of WorldLift. David Riccitelli.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00043-00037264-00037552": "Hello, nice to meet you. My name is David.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00044-00037552-00038776": "I'm David and I'm CTO of WorldLift. You know WorldLift?", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00045-00038776-00038952": "No, I don't know.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00046-00038952-00040352": "So let's start from here. What is WorldLift? WorldLift capture traffic from Google, so the organic traffic, using a thing that is", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00047-00040352-00041152": "called structured data. You surely know it. Perfect. But there is something very important about structured data.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00048-00041152-00041952": "People who have structured data write it in the page and connect it to the URL of the website. We do something", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00049-00041952-00042552": "a little different. We do something called semantics and linked data. We practically", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00050-00042552-00043352": "take the concepts that are well known in the world, the ones we find on Wikipedia, for example.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00051-00043352-00043952": "And we connect them in something that is called knowledge graph, a network of knowledge of the website.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00052-00043952-00044752": "Because this thing is important, because this thing allows Google to exactly understand what you are talking about on your website,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00053-00044752-00045352": "or on your website, of which you want to increase traffic. And when Google understands what you are talking about,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00054-00045352-00045952": "we always remember what Google's mission is. Who is Google's client? Google's client is the user,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00055-00045952-00046552": "which we are trying to get to. And what is Google's mission? We give the things we are looking for.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00056-00046552-00047352": "So in the moment in which Google manages to understand exactly, or better, let's say, what is the content of your website,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00057-00047352-00047952": "or the website that you handle, then Google is able to give the right answer. And so what we have seen,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00058-00047952-00048752": "when we do this thing, already in a couple of weeks, we have an increase of traffic two crops higher.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00059-00048752-00049552": "This is an example of what we do, so this is what you can see in Google.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00060-00049552-00050152": "These are the data structured, surely you have seen before this screen. And this is what I told you before.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00061-00050152-00051152": "That is, we put a single permanent code, this is a requirement of what is called data linked to five stars.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00062-00051152-00051952": "These stars represent the various requirements to make data linked. And the last requirement,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00063-00051952-00052552": "well, the requirements are clearly interpreted by the computer, they are opened, etc., etc.,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00064-00052552-00052952": "and the last requirement is that the device of the concepts that we put inside the web,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00065-00052952-00053552": "if it is an device that the user says that the computer can contact,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00066-00053552-00054052": "can use to extract these content, these data. And this device must be permanent,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00067-00054052-00054452": "that is, I create it today, and after ten years it must be the same,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00068-00054452-00054852": "after twenty years it must be the same, because it identifies only the concept.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00069-00054852-00055352": "And this, for example, is a web site of our client, a very nice site called Free York,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00070-00055352-00055852": "Art and Photography, so if you are interested, I also recommend you go and see it.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00071-00055852-00056252": "And on this site they created a very large knowledge graph,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00072-00056252-00056752": "and this is the entity of New York, and the most interesting thing is that this is the same thing", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00073-00056752-00057352": "that makes DBpedia, i.e. Wikipedia, and Wikipedia, when they practically start", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00074-00057352-00057952": "with this series of properties. And here you see that we practically connect this entity,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00075-00057952-00058552": "which is located on the site of Free York, to the dataset as DBpedia,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00076-00058552-00059152": "so we are able to say that our entity in New York is exactly the city in New York", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00077-00059152-00059752": "that is well known on Wikipedia, not only we are also able to say to DBpedia and Wikipedia", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00078-00059752-00060352": "that this entity is New York, that is, we make a sort of backlink semantics.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00079-00060352-00060952": "Now what is the typical problem that we suffer, that still works in this sector,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00080-00060952-00061352": "and we have also been to us, especially when we work with the organic ones,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00081-00061352-00061852": "and they don't make a tag of the campaign, and it is difficult to say to the client,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00082-00061852-00062252": "this traffic is too much for me, because it is an organic one, so how do we say it?", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00083-00062252-00062852": "So this is also what we are doing, how do we demonstrate that the entity", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00084-00062852-00063252": "brings traffic, and how do we discriminate what are the most important entities,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00085-00063252-00063652": "that is, that they bring a value added to the website,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00086-00063652-00064152": "and this is the problem that we have tried to solve in the last times.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00087-00064152-00064552": "This is clearly the tool that we all know very well,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00088-00064552-00064852": "so we are talking about Google Search Console, and we are talking about data", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00089-00064852-00065252": "that come from analytics tools such as Google Analytics, Google Ads,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00090-00065252-00065452": "Adobe Analytics or others.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00091-00065452-00065952": "So these are the tools that we use to measure the KPIs of the traffic.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00092-00065952-00066352": "So what we have done, we have thought that there is a great tool", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00093-00066352-00066652": "that is called Google Data Studio, which does not use it yet,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00094-00066652-00067252": "I recommend to go and see it, which is a software created by Google,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00095-00067252-00067852": "so I also use it free, and it is a software that collects data from different sources.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00096-00067852-00068252": "So as we have seen before, there are the sources of Google Search Console,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00097-00068252-00068552": "from Adobe Analytics or Google Analytics or others.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00098-00068552-00068952": "I also mentioned a few weekends with the friends to do all the graphics,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00099-00068952-00069352": "this is the one that makes Data Studio, so practically what we have done,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00100-00069352-00069652": "because we do not create a connector for Data Studio.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00101-00069652-00070052": "That is, when I am going to create my graphics, I can choose", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00102-00070052-00070452": "to load data from the Knowledge Graph created with WorldLift,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00103-00070452-00070952": "so we created what is called a Data Studio Connector.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00104-00070952-00071652": "Now I will quickly show you an example of this in a report from Data Studio.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00105-00071652-00071852": "Thank you.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00106-00072452-00072652": "Perfect.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00107-00072652-00073052": "Well, this is practically, I do not know if you have used Google Data Studio,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00108-00073052-00073352": "but this is actually the interface of visualization,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00109-00073352-00073652": "and we have just done a report to page, practically.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00110-00073652-00073952": "This was clearly the first page with the company's logo.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00111-00073952-00074452": "This is the second page where we are going to see the contents of the Knowledge Graph.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00112-00074452-00074752": "Initially, we have seen a little bit of data,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00113-00074752-00075052": "there are quite a few, after which the data are inserted in a cache,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00114-00075052-00075452": "so the access is much faster, and here in this report,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00115-00075452-00075752": "this report is designed by dragging the graphics,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00116-00075752-00076052": "dragging the charts and collecting the data.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00117-00076052-00076452": "So what we see here later will be the length of the entities", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00118-00076452-00076652": "that I created in my Knowledge Graph.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00119-00076652-00077052": "We will see the type of entities that are part of my Knowledge Graph,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00120-00077052-00077352": "so there are entities like Thing,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00121-00077352-00077652": "entity type Person, entity type Creative Work.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00122-00077652-00077952": "You probably know them because they are also Google Promotes", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00123-00077952-00078152": "inside of its documentation.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00124-00078152-00078452": "Here, for example, on this site that we are taking into consideration,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00125-00078452-00078752": "I can say that more than half of the entities that have been created", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00126-00078752-00078952": "are types of Thing.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00127-00078952-00079252": "In a commerce website, they are actually Product.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00128-00079252-00079552": "In a recipe website, they will be Recipes.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00129-00079552-00079952": "Here, Thing, 50%, another 4, they are people,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00130-00079952-00080352": "and then Creative Work, Organization, Place, and so on.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00131-00080352-00080552": "This is the length of the entities.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00132-00080552-00080752": "Here is also a quite interesting indicator,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00133-00080752-00081152": "there is a site that has about 2600 pages of live.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00134-00081152-00081452": "I am trying to say that since these are the dates", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00135-00081452-00081652": "that are from Google Search Console,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00136-00081652-00081952": "it means that they receive traffic in the last week", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00137-00081952-00082252": "and there is a total of 745 entities,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00138-00082252-00082452": "so there is also a good comparison if we want.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00139-00082452-00082652": "And this is also a very interesting indicator,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00140-00082652-00082952": "because we connect, practically,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00141-00082952-00083152": "entities to the pages.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00142-00083152-00083352": "This is important because we give a semantic connotation", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00143-00083352-00083552": "to these pages.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00144-00083552-00083752": "Think, for example, if I talk about a...", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00145-00083752-00083952": "if I write a recipe", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00146-00083952-00084152": "and I have a series of ingredients", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00147-00084152-00084352": "that compose this recipe,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00148-00084352-00084552": "for me, these ingredients are concepts", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00149-00084552-00084752": "that I can connect to my knowledge graph", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00150-00084752-00085052": "and therefore, again, communicate with", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00151-00085052-00085252": "Google search, which are the ingredients.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00152-00085252-00085452": "So these are, let's say, the connections", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00153-00085452-00085752": "that there are from these pages to this entity.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00154-00085752-00086152": "Is that an example?", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00155-00086552-00086752": "Here, instead of the information", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00156-00086752-00087152": "that gives the data of the Google Search Console,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00157-00087152-00087452": "so the typical KPI, like Impressions,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00158-00087452-00087652": "clicks, CTR, average position,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00159-00087652-00088052": "and are connected together to the type of entity.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00160-00088052-00088252": "So in this case, I can see that", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00161-00088252-00088452": "those are the type of entities that receive", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00162-00088452-00088652": "more traffic in the site.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00163-00088652-00088952": "There are sites where I tend to see that the events, for example,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00164-00088952-00089152": "have a very low position", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00165-00089152-00089352": "but have a very high click rate.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00166-00089352-00089552": "And this, for example, gives me an indication", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00167-00089552-00089752": "that the type of event can be a kind of interesting", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00168-00089752-00090052": "because it brings me a good traffic.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00169-00090052-00090252": "Every site is clearly different", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00170-00090252-00090452": "for this reason this kind of important report", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00171-00090452-00090652": "because it tells me where I have to work on the site.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00172-00090652-00090852": "Here, the first time, I put a little load on it", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00173-00090852-00091052": "and I have to say that it is faster.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00174-00091052-00091352": "At any moment, I then put filters here", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00175-00091352-00091652": "for which I can choose how to do it on the Google Search Console.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00176-00091652-00091852": "The period I want to take into consideration", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00177-00091852-00092252": "and the type of entity I want to verify.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00178-00092252-00092452": "And here you see these graphs,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00179-00092452-00092752": "a little bit like you see them inside the Google Search Console.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00180-00093252-00093552": "This is another interesting data.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00181-00093552-00093952": "Here I can see the traffic of the different type of entities.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00182-00093952-00094152": "So in this case, I can see", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00183-00094152-00094352": "if I'm also doing a good job, if we want.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00184-00094352-00094552": "For example, this site here", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00185-00094552-00094752": "to this site that we are looking at is a site", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00186-00094752-00095052": "from South America, on the espiritism.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00187-00095052-00095252": "So something linked to a spiritual concept.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00188-00095252-00095552": "And we will see that the entities that bring", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00189-00095552-00095752": "more traffic are just the main concept of espiritism.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00190-00095752-00095952": "So I want to say that I have managed", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00191-00095952-00096252": "using the Knowledge Graph", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00192-00096252-00096552": "and the web semantic to describe perfectly", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00193-00096552-00096752": "to Google that is my core,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00194-00096752-00097052": "and my main topic.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00195-00097052-00097352": "In addition, here we bring some other things", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00196-00097352-00097552": "that are quite interesting,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00197-00097552-00097852": "where we are going to see the traffic difference between the pages I marked", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00198-00097852-00098052": "and the pages that have not been marked.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00199-00098052-00098352": "And this is always divided by entities.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00200-00098352-00098552": "So here I can say that, for example,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00201-00098552-00098752": "a lot of types of Things,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00202-00098752-00098952": "they have more impression,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00203-00098952-00099152": "they also have a large amount of click,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00204-00099152-00099352": "then the type of Person, etc.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00205-00099352-00099552": "So they give me some useful information", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00206-00099552-00099852": "to improve my work with the semantic SEO.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00207-00099852-00100152": "The last page I have here is to see", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00208-00100152-00100352": "what the queries are,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00209-00100352-00100552": "which bring traffic on my site,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00210-00100552-00100852": "and how they are connected to the semantic data.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00211-00101052-00101352": "To not lose this, for example,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00212-00101552-00101752": "this is more or less how it works.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00213-00101752-00101952": "We have created a platform", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00214-00101952-00102252": "that is currently in Cloud.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00215-00102252-00102552": "I did not think I would have said something like that.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00216-00102552-00102752": "I created a platform in Cloud.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00217-00102752-00103052": "And practically our platform", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00218-00103052-00103152": "at its center,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00219-00103152-00103352": "to the hosting of Knowledge Graph,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00220-00103352-00103652": "and from the position of the data,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00221-00103652-00103752": "there are APIs,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00222-00103752-00104052": "and therefore the web site is connected", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00223-00104052-00104152": "to these APIs.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00224-00104152-00104352": "For WordPress, we have a plugin,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00225-00104352-00104552": "for other sites, we have the possibility", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00226-00104552-00104752": "to call the APIs directly.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00227-00104752-00104952": "And we use a format that is called RDF,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00228-00104952-00105052": "which is a semantic format.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00229-00105052-00105152": "It is a format, let's say,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00230-00105152-00105252": "of knowledge,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00231-00105252-00105452": "where the affirmations", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00232-00105452-00105752": "with an object is predicted,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00233-00105752-00105852": "or object.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00234-00105852-00105952": "These information are saved", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00235-00105952-00106152": "within our Knowledge Graph.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00236-00106152-00106252": "When we are inside a new user,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00237-00106252-00106352": "we also use it to make a bit of", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00238-00106352-00106552": "machine learning and NLP.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00239-00106552-00106752": "It means that, practically,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00240-00106752-00106952": "we are able to do a scan", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00241-00106952-00107052": "of content and identify", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00242-00107052-00107252": "automatically what are the concepts", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00243-00107252-00107352": "more relevant.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00244-00107352-00107552": "And then we have another", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00245-00107552-00107652": "point of output of this data,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00246-00107652-00107752": "which is called GraphQL,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00247-00107752-00107852": "which is what is used", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00248-00107852-00107952": "in the Data Studio Connector.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00249-00107952-00108152": "So when Google uses", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00250-00108152-00108352": "our Data Studio Connector", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00251-00108352-00108452": "to access these data,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00252-00108452-00108552": "we do this query,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00253-00108552-00108652": "and we have the data", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00254-00108652-00108752": "from the Knowledge Graph.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00255-00108752-00108952": "And then, we mix", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00256-00108952-00109052": "the data together,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00257-00109052-00109152": "coming from", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00258-00109152-00109252": "other sources.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00259-00109252-00109552": "Ah!", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00260-00109552-00109752": "That's right.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00261-00109752-00110052": "I don't know what this is.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00262-00110052-00110352": "This is an example of an RDF.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00263-00110352-00110452": "I don't know how many of you", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00264-00110452-00110552": "have seen it,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00265-00110552-00110652": "but, practically,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00266-00110652-00110752": "it is the technical format", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00267-00110752-00110852": "that uses these", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00268-00110852-00111052": "semantic data.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00269-00111052-00111152": "In that form", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00270-00111152-00111352": "that I said before,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00271-00111352-00111452": "it is a subject", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00272-00111452-00111552": "predicated object.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00273-00111552-00111652": "And this is an example", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00274-00111652-00111752": "of a GraphQL query.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00275-00111752-00111852": "This is, surely,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00276-00111852-00111952": "also made in the Web,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00277-00111952-00112052": "I don't know,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00278-00112052-00112152": "because the language is", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00279-00112152-00112252": "a little bit of the Web.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00280-00112252-00112352": "But, practically,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00281-00112352-00112452": "here, I am going to interrogate", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00282-00112452-00112552": "the Knowledge Graph", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00283-00112552-00112652": "to find", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00284-00112652-00112752": "these properties.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00285-00112752-00112852": "And the interesting thing", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00286-00112852-00112952": "is that it is an", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00287-00112952-00113052": "dynamic language.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00288-00113052-00113152": "So I have not", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00289-00113152-00113252": "started", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00290-00113252-00113452": "initially with the query", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00291-00113452-00113552": "that I have to use", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00292-00113552-00113752": "within Google Data Studio,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00293-00113752-00113852": "because we imagine,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00294-00113852-00113952": "precisely,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00295-00113952-00114152": "that if you have an commerce website,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00296-00114152-00114252": "maybe you want to have", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00297-00114252-00114352": "the data like the price", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00298-00114352-00114552": "or if you have a recipes website", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00299-00114552-00114752": "you want to have the data", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00300-00114752-00114952": "like, for example,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00301-00114952-00115152": "the time of preparation.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00302-00115152-00115352": "I can't really predict", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00303-00115352-00115552": "what the types of data are,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00304-00115552-00115752": "so I use this type of", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00305-00115752-00115952": "technologies to be", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00306-00115952-00116052": "extremely flexible.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00307-00116052-00116252": "And here there are a few links", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00308-00116252-00116352": "that I leave you.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00309-00116352-00116452": "I don't know if", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00310-00116452-00116552": "from here you can", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00311-00116552-00116652": "probably take them", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00312-00116652-00116752": "but after you will have", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00313-00116752-00116952": "the slide,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00314-00116952-00117052": "there will be no problem.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00315-00117052-00117152": "I hope.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00316-00117152-00117252": "Thank you.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00317-00117252-00117352": "Thank you.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00318-00117352-00117552": "Thank you very much.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00319-00117552-00117652": "Yes.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00320-00117652-00117852": "And if there are questions,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00321-00117852-00117952": "clearly,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00322-00117952-00118152": "they are available, right?", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00323-00118152-00118252": "They are, you know,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00324-00118252-00118452": "they are always", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00325-00118452-00118552": "clear, so,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00326-00118552-00118652": "yes.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00327-00118652-00118752": "Yes.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00328-00118752-00118852": "Yes.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00329-00118852-00118952": "Yes.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00330-00118952-00120552": "Absolutely, yes.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00331-00121052-00121552": "And that is exactly the Yes.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00332-00121552-00121652": "Absolutely.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00333-00121652-00121952": "Because system that there is on the site of commerce.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00334-00121952-00122352": "So the advantage of this type of work that we do is that we connect, we", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00335-00122352-00123052": "hook up to the existing systems. So if there is already a data analysis of the", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00336-00123052-00123452": "conversions, we can enrich that data with the data from the", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00337-00123452-00123752": "knowledge graph and the traffic brought from WordLift.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00338-00123752-00124352": "And all this then, initially, there is a study that is really renowned because", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00339-00124352-00125052": "Google has opened a lot of fun and everything is configured in a very simple way,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00340-00125052-00125452": "visual equipment, so there is no need to have a particular technical intervention.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00341-00125452-00125752": "Clearly, in other companies we have seen that there are other tools of integration", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00342-00125752-00126152": "but, let's say, the concept is always the same. In the sense that we have a", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00343-00126152-00126452": "connector that uses this GraQL guide.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00344-00126452-00127452": "Thank you very much.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00345-00127452-00128152": "Thank you very much.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00346-00128152-00128352": "Thank you David.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00347-00128352-00128852": "Now let's move on to the next speaker. He is a SEO specialist and he works for", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00348-00128852-00129452": "the Global Team of Luxottica. He is the founder and developer of Neural Text.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00349-00129452-00129852": "He works in SEO from almost ten years.I introduce you Alessio Nittoli.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00350-00129852-00131952": "Thank you very much.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00351-00131952-00132952": "Thank you very much.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00352-00132952-00135052": "Thank you very much.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00353-00135052-00135852": "Thank you very much.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00354-00135852-00136452": "Okay, perfect.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00355-00136452-00136952": "Today I want to talk about how to use artificial intelligence", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00356-00136952-00137352": "for content creation in a safe way.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00357-00137352-00138052": "But first two words about me, I work in the SEO Global Team of Luxottica,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00358-00138052-00139052": "I work with sites like Ray Ban and Oakley,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00359-00139052-00139852": "and every day we use artificial intelligence to create content", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00360-00139852-00141052": "I want to ask you a question. How many of you have ever heard or used GPT-3?", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00361-00141052-00141352": "Some people have heard about it.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00362-00141352-00141952": "GPT-3 is one of the revolutions in the Natural Language Processing", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00363-00141952-00142452": "that has been on the market for the last two years.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00364-00142452-00142852": "I wanted to start from the acronym GPT-3.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00365-00142852-00143052": "Starting from the end, from the T.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00366-00143052-00143552": "T is for Transformer, which is the architecture that this model uses.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00367-00143552-00144052": "It is specialized in understanding how the words are used in the Natural Language,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00368-00144052-00144352": "the language that we use every day.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00369-00144352-00145052": "P is for pre-trained, which means that this model has already been trained", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00370-00145052-00145552": "on a vast part of the Internet, it is estimated to be about 3 billion Web pages", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00371-00145552-00145952": "in all languages, including Wikipedia.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00372-00145952-00146452": "G is for generative, which is the goal of this model,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00373-00146452-00146952": "which is to generate the test, trying to predict", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00374-00146952-00147552": "which will be the most statistically probable word in a sentence.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00375-00147552-00148052": "3 is the iteration of this model,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00376-00148052-00148352": "the generation, let's say, of this model.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00377-00148352-00148652": "In the sense that, as I said,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00378-00148652-00149252": "it is an area in strong evolution in the last years,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00379-00149252-00149652": "and it is interesting to understand how this third generation", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00380-00149652-00150552": "is much more powerful compared to the previous ones.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00381-00150552-00151052": "It is very interesting to understand how the model is easily adjustable.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00382-00151052-00151452": "The difference between other models for the generation of the text", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00383-00151452-00151852": "is that, to interface with this model,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00384-00151852-00152352": "it is enough to ask them how we would like the output to be.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00385-00152352-00152852": "In the example, it is a gif, but you can't see it.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00386-00152852-00153352": "I ask to generate the first law of the robotics of Asimov.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00387-00153352-00153952": "Obviously, since this model has been trained, trained on Wikipedia,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00388-00153952-00154552": "but also on many books, related to other mathematical data,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00389-00154552-00155252": "it is so that the model will be able to give me this first law of the robotics.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00390-00155252-00155752": "As we said, in EssilorLuxottica, we use it for every day,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00391-00155752-00155952": "even thanks to the help of WordLift,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00392-00155952-00156252": "because they support us everyday.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00393-00156252-00156452": "For example,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00394-00156452-00156952": "GPT-3, in our specific case of use,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00395-00156952-00157352": "is very useful in the generation of products and categories pages.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00396-00157352-00157552": "In the example,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00397-00157552-00158252": "as input, I ask for the model to generate me a product description", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00398-00158252-00158552": "for the Rayban Wayfarer in bio acetate.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00399-00158552-00159252": "In the model, I have 2 possible outputs,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00400-00159252-00159552": "which are in good quality.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00401-00159552-00159952": "Consider that, despite the model I have been trained in,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00402-00159952-00160252": "especially in English, it also works in Italian.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00403-00160252-00160652": "Not on the same level, but acceptable", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00404-00160652-00160852": "for some use cases.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00405-00160852-00161052": "For example, in terms of product and category,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00406-00161052-00161252": "as I was saying before, copywriting.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00407-00161252-00161652": "In addition to writing of brief posts on social media,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00408-00161652-00161952": "or Facebook ads,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00409-00161952-00162152": "or Google ads,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00410-00162152-00162452": "or meta description,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00411-00162452-00162852": "sometimes it is combined.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00412-00162852-00163252": "It is also definition, but not always factual.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00413-00163252-00163452": "I say not always factual,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00414-00163452-00163852": "because this is one of the limits of GPt-3, obviously.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00415-00163852-00164152": "It is a powerful model, surely,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00416-00164152-00164552": "but it is not without limitations", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00417-00164552-00164752": "Among the limits,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00418-00164752-00165052": "there is surely the problem of automatic generation", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00419-00165052-00165352": "of very long content.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00420-00165352-00165652": "It makes difficulty creating", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00421-00165652-00166052": "all the articles of a blog, for example,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00422-00166052-00166352": "without any human intervention.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00423-00166352-00166652": "Because it is difficult to connect concepts", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00424-00166652-00166952": "between them as a person.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00425-00166952-00167452": "It does not give a factuality to things.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00426-00167452-00167752": "It is very often talked, simply,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00427-00167752-00168052": "bladder, let's say, not right now.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00428-00168052-00168252": "And above all,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00429-00168252-00168652": "it is one of the major issues of natural language processing", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00430-00168652-00168852": "in this moment", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00431-00168852-00169252": "is the racial and gender bias", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00432-00169252-00169552": "In the image on the right,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00433-00169552-00169952": "you can see a context of co-correlation,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00434-00169952-00170352": "as far as it looks,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00435-00170352-00170552": "male and female, for example,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00436-00170552-00170752": "on the human being,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00437-00170752-00170952": "you can see an adjective series", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00438-00170952-00171152": "which describe the male,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00439-00171152-00171452": "while on the right you can see", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00440-00171452-00171752": "examples of adjectives", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00441-00171752-00171952": "that the model associates", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00442-00171952-00172152": "to the female figure.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00443-00172152-00172352": "This, obviously, as I said,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00444-00172352-00172552": "is a big problem,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00445-00172552-00172852": "because it is not a model", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00446-00172852-00173052": "that, at least, has been updated", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00447-00173052-00173152": "of things,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00448-00173152-00173352": "as it has been used", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00449-00173352-00173652": "just by using it,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00450-00173652-00174152": "it is not inclusive", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00451-00174152-00174552": "But what do Google thinks about using", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00452-00174552-00174752": "this model?", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00453-00174752-00175152": "Obviously, in Google Search Central,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00454-00175152-00175452": "there is a clear indication", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00455-00175452-00175652": "on automatically generated", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00456-00175652-00175852": "content,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00457-00175852-00176152": "especially in GPT3,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00458-00176152-00176452": "it is categorically forbidden,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00459-00176452-00176752": "it comes into using", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00460-00176752-00177052": "the technology of obfuscation creation", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00461-00177052-00177252": "and it has been", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00462-00177252-00177452": "fully automated,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00463-00177452-00177652": "like, for example,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00464-00177652-00177852": "there is Markov,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00465-00177852-00178052": "another neural network", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00466-00178052-00178252": "of some previous generation.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00467-00178252-00178452": "Even John Mueller", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00468-00178452-00178652": "was recently expressed", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00469-00178652-00178852": "in the use of GPT3 in SEO", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00470-00178852-00179152": "assimilated it to the spinned content", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00471-00179152-00179452": "so it doesn't help the user", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00472-00179452-00179752": "so", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00473-00179752-00179952": "it is possible to take", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00474-00179952-00180152": "a manual penalization", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00475-00180152-00180452": "using GPT3.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00476-00180452-00180552": "But, obviously,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00477-00180552-00180652": "it is also considered", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00478-00180652-00180852": "why Google does not want", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00479-00180852-00181052": "to have", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00480-00181052-00181252": "AI-generated content.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00481-00181252-00181352": "Because, sometimes,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00482-00181352-00181552": "the content generated with the AI", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00483-00181552-00181752": "has really very low quality", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00484-00181752-00181852": "and has been assimilated", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00485-00181852-00182052": "to spam.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00486-00182052-00182152": "To use,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00487-00182152-00182252": "click on the button", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00488-00182252-00182352": "and generate an article", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00489-00182352-00182452": "it could be", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00490-00182452-00182552": "ethically questionable", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00491-00182552-00182652": "because there is the", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00492-00182652-00182752": "Copyright.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00493-00182752-00183052": "Google does not want", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00494-00183052-00183152": "to be inundated", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00495-00183152-00183252": "with commodity content,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00496-00183252-00183352": "that is all the same,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00497-00183352-00183452": "and it does not bring value to the user,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00498-00183652-00183752": "And, even,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00499-00183752-00183852": "Google itself", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00500-00183852-00183952": "wants to try to answer", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00501-00183952-00184052": "some of those queries", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00502-00184052-00184152": "using its own AI.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00503-00184152-00184352": "For example,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00504-00184352-00184552": "in some of the", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00505-00184552-00184652": "knowledge panels", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00506-00184652-00184852": "Google tries to", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00507-00184852-00185052": "reassume using", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00508-00185052-00185152": "its internal knowledge graph,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00509-00185152-00185352": "and", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00510-00185352-00185552": "its GPT3 version,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00511-00185552-00185752": "it tries to", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00512-00185752-00185952": "describe", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00513-00185952-00186252": "entities.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00514-00186252-00186452": "But it is not the only use.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00515-00186452-00186652": "Google Docs", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00516-00186652-00186752": "has a function", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00517-00186752-00186852": "that allows", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00518-00186852-00186952": "to reassume", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00519-00186952-00187052": "the content that is", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00520-00187052-00187152": "writing,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00521-00187152-00187252": "or, also,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00522-00187252-00187352": "the subtitles from YouTube", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00523-00187352-00187552": "are generated with the AI.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00524-00187552-00187852": "The problem", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00525-00187852-00187952": "is that, recently,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00526-00187952-00188052": "at the last month,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00527-00188052-00188152": "there was", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00528-00188152-00188352": "the \"helpful content update\".", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00529-00188352-00188452": "Many people", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00530-00188452-00188752": "wondered", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00531-00188752-00188852": "it is possible", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00532-00188852-00188952": "that Google", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00533-00188952-00189052": "can understand", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00534-00189052-00189152": "when a content", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00535-00189152-00189252": "is generated", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00536-00189252-00189352": "with the AI or not.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00537-00189352-00189552": "And, on the Internet,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00538-00189552-00189752": "we find a tool", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00539-00189752-00189952": "called GPT-2", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00540-00189952-00190152": "Detector,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00541-00190152-00190452": "in which,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00542-00190452-00190652": "as you can see,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00543-00190652-00190752": "I wrote it", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00544-00190752-00190852": "as input,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00545-00190852-00190952": "the description", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00546-00190952-00191052": "generated by Google.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00547-00191052-00191252": "And what it says,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00548-00191252-00191452": "is that the text", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00549-00191452-00191652": "is real for 99%.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00550-00191652-00191752": "So, this tool", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00551-00191752-00191852": "has not", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00552-00191852-00191952": "been able to understand", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00553-00191952-00192152": "if GPT-3", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00554-00192152-00192252": "was used", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00555-00192252-00192452": "to write content.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00556-00192452-00192652": "Why?", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00557-00192652-00192752": "Because", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00558-00192752-00192852": "it was used", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00559-00192852-00192952": "simply", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00560-00192952-00193052": "in the previous version,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00561-00193052-00193152": "which was", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00562-00193152-00193252": "much more simple.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00563-00193252-00193552": "It was used", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00564-00193552-00193752": "in the variety of content", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00565-00193752-00193952": "that the model generated.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00566-00194552-00194652": "But,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00567-00194652-00194752": "many sites", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00568-00194752-00194852": "on the Internet,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00569-00194852-00194952": "also in Italy,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00570-00194952-00195052": "try", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00571-00195052-00195152": "to use GPT3", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00572-00195152-00195352": "to have a competitive advantage", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00573-00195352-00195452": "and", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00574-00195452-00195652": "take advantage of this weakness", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00575-00195652-00195752": "of Google", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00576-00195752-00195852": "to recognize", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00577-00195852-00195952": "the content of the AI.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00578-00195952-00196152": "In the example,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00579-00196152-00196352": "there is a site", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00580-00196352-00196452": "that makes", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00581-00196452-00196552": "a million", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00582-00196552-00196652": "and three", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00583-00196652-00196752": "of organic traffic", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00584-00196752-00196852": "in the month.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00585-00196852-00196952": "With", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00586-00196952-00197052": "a number of content", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00587-00197052-00197252": "of about 800 words.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00588-00197252-00197352": "Here,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00589-00197352-00197452": "it goes on the quantity", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00590-00197452-00197552": "and not on the quality.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00591-00197552-00197652": "Because it is a site", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00592-00197652-00197852": "that tries", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00593-00197852-00197952": "to", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00594-00197952-00198052": "scraping", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00595-00198052-00198252": "people also ask", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00596-00198252-00198352": "or", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00597-00198352-00198452": "Google Autosaggest", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00598-00198452-00198552": "By putting modifiers", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00599-00198552-00198752": "as questions.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00600-00198752-00198852": "It tries", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00601-00198852-00198952": "to use GPT3", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00602-00198952-00199052": "with success", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00603-00199052-00199252": "to rank", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00604-00199252-00199452": "and", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00605-00199452-00199552": "index around", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00606-00199552-00199652": "600,000 pages,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00607-00199652-00199752": "monetizing", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00608-00199752-00199852": "with", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00609-00199852-00200052": "display ads.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00610-00200152-00200252": "But,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00611-00200252-00200352": "obviously,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00612-00200352-00200452": "there are", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00613-00200452-00200552": "of course", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00614-00200552-00200652": "you know", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00615-00200652-00200752": "how it is possible", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00616-00200752-00200852": "now that", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00617-00200852-00200952": "anyone can", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00618-00200952-00201152": "have 800 or 900 words", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00619-00201152-00201252": "with", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00620-00201252-00201352": "the only click", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00621-00201352-00201452": "of a button.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00622-00201452-00201652": "How is it possible", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00623-00201652-00201752": "to try to fight", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00624-00201752-00201852": "or", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00625-00201852-00201952": "use", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00626-00201952-00202152": "this", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00627-00202152-00202252": "technology", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00628-00202252-00202352": "to our advantage?", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00629-00202352-00202452": "There are two ways.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00630-00202452-00202552": "The first is", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00631-00202552-00202652": "to understand", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00632-00202652-00202752": "what is going on", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00633-00202752-00202852": "for the information game.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00634-00202852-00202952": "And the second is", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00635-00202952-00203052": "to invest", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00636-00203052-00203152": "in data and", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00637-00203152-00203252": "research.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00638-00203452-00203652": "The information game", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00639-00203652-00203752": "you have noticed.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00640-00203752-00203852": "Every time", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00641-00203852-00203952": "you do a search", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00642-00203952-00204052": "on Google,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00643-00204052-00204152": "very often,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00644-00204152-00204252": "the first", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00645-00204252-00204452": "result", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00646-00204452-00204652": "says something,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00647-00204652-00204752": "the second result", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00648-00204752-00204952": "says exactly what", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00649-00204952-00205052": "the first is saying", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00650-00205052-00205152": "and so on.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00651-00205152-00205252": "So, SERPs", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00652-00205252-00205352": "are becoming more and more", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00653-00205352-00205452": "similar to each other.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00654-00205452-00205552": "Because", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00655-00205552-00205652": "one of the most frequently", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00656-00205652-00205752": "used techniques in SEO", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00657-00205752-00205852": "from years ago,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00658-00205852-00205952": "is to see", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00659-00205952-00206052": "what is going on", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00660-00206052-00206152": "on the SERP", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00661-00206152-00206252": "and", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00662-00206252-00206352": "copy", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00663-00206352-00206452": "the only one", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00664-00206452-00206552": "with the other.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00665-00206552-00206652": "But,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00666-00206652-00206752": "the information game", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00667-00206752-00206852": "is trying to", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00668-00206852-00206952": "change.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00669-00206952-00207052": "It's a patent", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00670-00207052-00207152": "at this moment", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00671-00207152-00207252": "so", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00672-00207252-00207352": "you don't know", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00673-00207352-00207452": "if", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00674-00207452-00207552": "and when", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00675-00207552-00207752": "you have to", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00676-00207752-00207852": "find", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00677-00207852-00207952": "what you are trying to", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00678-00207952-00208052": "understand", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00679-00208052-00208152": "Google is", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00680-00208152-00208252": "this internal score", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00681-00208252-00208352": "to measure", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00682-00208352-00208452": "how much", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00683-00208452-00208552": "value", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00684-00208552-00208652": "reaches", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00685-00208652-00208752": "to the user", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00686-00208752-00208952": "a series of pages.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00687-00208952-00209152": "Based on the information", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00688-00209152-00209252": "that this", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00689-00209252-00209352": "sets of pages", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00690-00209352-00209452": "gives you.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00691-00209752-00209852": "And, to finish,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00692-00209852-00210052": "another method", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00693-00210052-00210252": "to", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00694-00210252-00210352": "survive", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00695-00210352-00210552": "in this", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00696-00210552-00210752": "time of", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00697-00210752-00210952": "with artificial intelligence content generated", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00698-00210952-00211052": "in data is to invest", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00699-00211052-00211252": "and research", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00700-00211252-00211352": "original", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00701-00211352-00211452": "Use", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00702-00211452-00211552": "your experience,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00703-00211552-00211652": "organize", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00704-00211652-00211752": "surveys", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00705-00211752-00211852": "with your clients,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00706-00211852-00211952": "talk about", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00707-00211952-00212052": "the things", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00708-00212052-00212152": "you have learned", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00709-00212152-00212252": "in the industry,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00710-00212252-00212352": "have real experience", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00711-00212352-00212452": "of products", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00712-00212452-00212552": "and also", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00713-00212552-00212652": "do interviews", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00714-00212652-00212752": "with", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00715-00212752-00212852": "experts.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00716-00212852-00212952": "And, I have finished,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00717-00212952-00213052": "thank you.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00718-00213052-00213352": "Thank you.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00719-00213652-00213852": "Thank you,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00720-00213852-00214052": "thank You.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00721-00214052-00214252": "There is a question", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00722-00214252-00214552": "How do you feel about the fact that as technology evolves", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00723-00214652-00214952": "maybe one day an algorithm will emerge that can even detect the use of GPT-3", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00724-00215152-00215552": "and you risk ending up with a website", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00725-00215552-00216552": "that has so much content created with that model Thank you.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00726-00218852-00219452": "It's a great question.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00727-00219452-00219752": "I have two responses.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00728-00219752-00219952": "The first one is the GPT-3.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00729-00219952-00220152": "It's so malleabile", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00730-00220652-00221052": "that you can give an indication of the desired output", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00731-00221052-00221252": "For example", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00732-00221252-00221352": "I don't know.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00733-00221352-00221552": "Write the first law of the dynamic.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00734-00221552-00221852": "You can go even further.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00735-00221852-00222152": "You can give some human data", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00736-00222152-00222452": "to train this model better,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00737-00222452-00222652": "And align it with your brand style", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00738-00222852-00223252": "and that allows you to use real people", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00739-00223252-00223752": "in order to improve the algorithm.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00740-00225952-00226252": "We've got a diagram today from a height,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00741-00226252-00226552": "not that, but their size.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00742-00226552-00226752": "We've got below average,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00743-00226752-00226952": "and below average,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00744-00226952-00227152": "and of course we were,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00745-00227152-00227352": "I'm happy,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00746-00227352-00227452": "but still, please,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00747-00227452-00227652": "of the fact that we are gathered", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00748-00227652-00227752": "at one point,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00749-00227752-00227952": "but we can be compared to the human editor.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00750-00227952-00228152": "We can wear a hat,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00751-00228152-00228352": "and then, with a few tricks,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00752-00228352-00228452": "we know what we can make.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00753-00228452-00228652": "We know that we can get every variables.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00754-00228652-00228852": "One thing is that,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00755-00228852-00229152": "if the model is trained with data,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00756-00229152-00229352": "and if you use it for a meeting,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00757-00229352-00229552": "the actual scripturing,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00758-00229552-00229652": "the stage of products,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00759-00229652-00229852": "then while we have the content,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00760-00229852-00230052": "even if it's something that you generate,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00761-00230052-00230252": "it's good.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00762-00230252-00230452": "It's as good as the human editor,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00763-00230452-00230652": "or almost as good as the human editor.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00764-00230652-00230852": "The workflow might be slightly different,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00765-00230852-00231052": "maybe the one that currently checks the content", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00766-00231052-00231352": "will be to do something more,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00767-00231352-00231452": "but now we have an editor", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00768-00231452-00231652": "that can draw a lot of content", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00769-00231652-00231752": "with its actor,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00770-00231752-00231952": "and what is in it?", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00771-00231952-00232052": "What type of content do you like?", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00772-00232052-00232252": "That's what matters.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00773-00232252-00232452": "That's kind of the one.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00774-00232452-00232652": "A jump on it,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00775-00232652-00232852": "because it was hard.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00776-00233752-00233952": "The secret is to not do it,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00777-00233952-00234152": "so it's just going to work.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00778-00234152-00234352": "It's always a person in the loop.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00779-00234352-00234652": "I'm talking about simple things.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00780-00234652-00234752": "The problem is,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00781-00234752-00234952": "if you talk to the tester,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00782-00234952-00235252": "in terms of conversions,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00783-00235252-00235552": "if there's a difference in conversion,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00784-00235552-00235752": "between the page written by AI", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00785-00235752-00235952": "and the pages written by humans", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00786-00235952-00236052": "Yes.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00787-00236052-00236252": "It's one of the latest things", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00788-00236252-00236452": "we've done with Wordlift.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00789-00236452-00236752": "I can't say about the absolute numbers,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00790-00236752-00237052": "but we've seen about a 30% more", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00791-00237052-00237352": "of the revenue", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00792-00237352-00237452": "between the pages,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00793-00237452-00237652": "obviously it's organic traffic,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00794-00237652-00237752": "we're talking about it.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00795-00237752-00237952": "The pages that have been used", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00796-00237952-00238252": "from the product description of the AI", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00797-00238252-00238352": "will be considered", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00798-00238352-00238552": "because we have an editorial process", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00799-00238552-00238752": "to accept the products description", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00800-00238752-00238952": "quite long.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00801-00238952-00239252": "There are two parts of humans.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00802-00239252-00239352": "In the validation of the tone of voice and accuracy", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00803-00239652-00239952": "So I can say 30%", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00804-00239952-00240052": "on RayBan,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00805-00240052-00240252": "on the US website,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00806-00240252-00240352": "not Italy.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00807-00240352-00240752": "One of the best results of the year", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00808-00240752-00240952": "Ok, but,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00809-00240952-00241252": "there's a flow with 2 people", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00810-00241252-00241352": "That's right.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00811-00241352-00241652": "It is not the algorithm that writes the content", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00812-00241652-00241852": "It's not an algorithm to write,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00813-00241852-00242052": "but above all,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00814-00242052-00242252": "it's a modified algorithm", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00815-00242252-00242352": "Which was modeled according to our parameters", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00816-00242352-00242452": "That's right.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00817-00242452-00242652": "It continues to be correct,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00818-00242652-00242852": "it continues to be expected.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00819-00245852-00246930": "about 3 or 4 years to be implemented in the real Em will you have your screen in printing of our project is going to be solid.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00820-00246946-00247586": "Of course but you're scaring and able to review 100 horsepower and some amount of developed products.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00821-00247626-00247998": "Also above all because the variants we change a lot more often than 2 population.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00822-00247998-00248500": "to create users eye resolutions too.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00823-00251500-00252160": "from the keyword as it has already been, from the keyword single to this cluster of topics", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00824-00252160-00252796": "of topics in which there will be a lot to the center of all the research. In fact, Google", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00825-00252796-00253392": "is also writing on the days, on the days of search, because very often when you", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00826-00253392-00253871": "do a research, it is simply the beginning of a conversion, that is, but there are", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00827-00253871-00254367": "conversions that need a lot of time and respect for others, and so the video is a channel", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00828-00254367-00254776": "that will continue to help the users in the next few years.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00829-00254776-00257764": "So, the next speaker is the Brand SERP Guy", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00830-00257764-00258464": "and so I present to you, Jason Barnard.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00831-00258464-00260164": "The player, get out to me then. Hello everybody. I don't speak Italian, I'm sorry.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00832-00260164-00262484": "So, I was a musician, punk folk, now jazz. So, I can sing, I was a blue dog, we can see", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00833-00262484-00262924": "all that during the presentation. This is being live stream, I'd like to say hello to the", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00834-00262924-00263460": "people watching the live stream. There are 12 people watching the live stream, welcome,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00835-00263460-00263952": "and I hope you're enjoying it. I'm going to talk about Google as a child, it's thirsty", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00836-00263952-00264504": "for knowledge and we need to educate it. I think a lot of us are afraid of Google. Google", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00837-00264504-00265040": "is this massive machine, it drives so much traffic, it's so important to have businesses,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00838-00265040-00265512": "but it's a child and it's learning, and we're going to look at that today. So, I'm the", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00839-00265512-00266080": "brand-served guy, because I look at brand-served and I want to, first of all, define a brand-served", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00840-00266080-00266832": "is what your audience sees when they Google your brand name. That's phenomenally important.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00841-00266832-00267316": "They're the bottom of funnel audience, they're your current clients, they're the people", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00842-00267316-00267788": "you're trying to convert, you've reached out to them on the web, you've got the message", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00843-00267788-00268380": "across who you are, they search for you, now you need to impress them. That's your business", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00844-00268380-00269120": "card, as we'll see. This is mine. It's got these lovely characters at the bottom, that's", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00845-00269120-00269600": "the blue dog, the cartoon, Stamie the Counting Horse is one of my groups from years and years", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00846-00269600-00270280": "and years ago, and if you look at that, it tells my life story. It's my business card, it", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00847-00270280-00270780": "looks impressive, it's colourful, it's got multimedia elements, that is a great Google", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00848-00270780-00271440": "business card, that is impressive, if you search my name Jason Barnard now, you will see", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00849-00271440-00272156": "that and you will think, yeah, he's a legitimate person in what he says he does, and Google", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00850-00272156-00272940": "agrees, I get Google's confirmation that I am what I say I am, and for the company, let's", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00851-00272940-00273664": "be more pragmatic. Your brand message, you work very, very hard, you pay a lot of money", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00852-00273664-00274256": "to build that brand message, and to get those brand visuals on message too, and here", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00853-00274256-00275020": "you see with CaliCube, we've worked for a year to get this, and it shows our company slogan,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00854-00275020-00275536": "it shows our visual identity, it shows our social voice, it shows our products, the SaaS", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00855-00275536-00276296": "platform and the online courses, and you might think, of course, obvious, Google is always", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00856-00276296-00276900": "going to understand that, not through search your own brand name, see what comes up, is", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00857-00276900-00277536": "it what you expected, does it project to your audience, your brand message, the way you", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00858-00277536-00278440": "wanted that brand message to be shown, because for us, that's exactly what we get, and as", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00859-00278440-00279000": "I said, it took a year, so I challenge you all, not right now, tomorrow morning when", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00860-00279000-00279616": "you get to the office, Google your company's brand name, and see if it does indeed reflect", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00861-00279616-00280488": "your brand message the way you intend it, so how do we do that? I think from the title", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00862-00280488-00281076": "of the presentation, you will have guessed, we educate Google, it's a child, that's Google", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00863-00281076-00281992": "bot when it was a child, and it was a child today, that doesn't make sense, but you get", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00864-00281992-00283200": "the idea, we educate it as to who we are, what we do, and hopefully which audience we serve,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00865-00283200-00283712": "that is the foundation of everything, Google is trying to bring its users to the solution", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00866-00283712-00284404": "to their problem as efficiently as possible, and it can only do that today when it understands", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00867-00284404-00284940": "who you are, so it can trust you, what you do, it knows you have the solution for its", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00868-00284940-00285556": "user searching on Google, which audience you serve, you need to make sure that it understands", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00869-00285556-00286300": "who, which subset of it users are truly your audience who you can help in a credible", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00870-00286300-00287480": "manner, and it understands when you educate it, I like to talk about the idea of you were", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00871-00287480-00288116": "all at high school, you don't let your mother choose your clothes when you go to the super", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00872-00288116-00288936": "party with all your high school friends, you wouldn't do that when you're at high school", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00873-00288936-00289424": "while on earth would you like Google decide what it shows about your brand when your audience,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00874-00289424-00290068": "Google's your brand name, Google is not your mother, and your mother shouldn't have been", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00875-00290068-00290760": "addressing you when you went to the cool party, and we need to learn to teach it, it's really", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00876-00290760-00291212": "not complicated, it's thirsty for knowledge, it wants you to explain it, wants you to", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00877-00291212-00291664": "tell you, it wants you to tell it's sorry, who you are, what you do, and which audience", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00878-00291664-00292460": "you serve, it's up to you to take control, so how do we teach Google, oops, Google's", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00879-00292460-00292900": "a child, it likes clear explanations, I mean we were talking earlier on, or you were", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00880-00292900-00293556": "talking earlier on about automatically generated text, one good thing about those is they're", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00881-00293556-00294148": "incredibly simple to read and understand, so I'm not saying right like that, we can be", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00882-00294148-00294792": "more creative, but you need to give it a clear explanation, and our mission is to serve", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00883-00294792-00295544": "our beautiful clients in the most wonderful way, doesn't mean anything, I don't think", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00884-00295544-00295888": "it means very much to your audience particularly, but it certainly doesn't mean anything", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00885-00295888-00296704": "to Google, CaliCube is a digital marketing agency, it's clear, easy to understand, that's", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00886-00296704-00297132": "what Google's going to understand, and I need to repeat that, and I need to get it repeated", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00887-00297132-00297732": "on multiple authoritative sources, and those authoritative sources, you might think Wikipedia,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00888-00297732-00298308": "you might think Wiki Data, it's not that that's important, what's important is a source that", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00889-00298308-00298856": "is authoritative within your industry, within your GR region, for your entity type, that", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00890-00298856-00299696": "CaliCube we call that entity equivalence, same entity type, same GR region, and the same", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00891-00299696-00300152": "industry, that's where you get the authoritative repetitions that make all the difference in", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00892-00300152-00301052": "the world to Google, so give the child a reference, Google call that reconciliation, I'll explain", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00893-00301052-00301452": "that in a moment with a broken plate, I'm not going to literally break a plate with", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00894-00301452-00302232": "I'll explain it, you guide the child, you take it by the hand and you explain, and then", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00895-00302232-00302856": "you use consistent corroboration across multiple sources, but here it faces a huge problem,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00896-00302856-00303524": "and this is what we're talking about with Google's education, is it's fragmented information,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00897-00303524-00303852": "we think the web is well organized, but it's only well organized because we look at it", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00898-00303852-00304484": "through the lens of Google, because Google has organized it for us, it sees contradictory", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00899-00304484-00305144": "information, think about the South worker who worked for you 10 years ago, they may be", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00900-00305144-00305564": "have posted something about your company, 10 years ago, it doesn't correspond to what's", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00901-00305564-00306176": "being said today, unique consistency, and as I said the worldwide web is a complete", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00902-00306176-00306652": "jumbled mess, it doesn't seem that way, but it is the way it is, and that is what Google", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00903-00306652-00307204": "is looking at, this is your brand message, this is your brand story, in a fragmented plate", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00904-00307204-00307780": "that's been broken and spread around the web, and what do we need to do, and John Miller", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00905-00307780-00308520": "talks about reconciliation, so you need to think about this as the broken puzzle with these", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00906-00308520-00308960": "small parts of the puzzle all across the web on these different sources, and that plate", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00907-00308960-00309612": "in the middle is the key, the plate in the middle is the completed puzzle the child needs", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00908-00309612-00310124": "to, in order to understand that it's understood, or be confident it's understood, all of those", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00909-00310124-00310952": "fragmented pieces, you could call that the point of reconciliation or the example of reconciliation", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00910-00310952-00311388": "that KaliCube we call it the entity home, it's a page on your website that you control", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00911-00311388-00311880": "where you explain your brand message in the way you want Google to present it, you present", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00912-00311880-00312348": "Google with the content and the references to the content you wanted to show on your Google", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00913-00312348-00312800": "business card what your audience sees when they go to your brand name, and then you make", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00914-00312800-00313736": "sure that everything is consistently corroborated around the web, it sounds easy, and it is, but", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00915-00313736-00314488": "every single company, every single person, every single entity currently has a massive problem", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00916-00314488-00315108": "of the fragmented information not corroborating, not being accurate, not being consistent,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00917-00315108-00315516": "you need to spring clean, that's what we do at CaliCue, we spring clean your entity,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00918-00315516-00316108": "I'm going to have an advert for that on the TV soon, and you have control, once you've", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00919-00316108-00316628": "done that you have control, you've taught the child, who you are, what you do, what audience", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00920-00316628-00317380": "you serve, which content you produce is useful to them, it understands, and don't ever underestimate", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00921-00317380-00318172": "the importance of confidence, understanding is one thing, confidence is key, if it understands,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00922-00318172-00318812": "you're okay, if it's confident it understands, you've got a great brand message on Google,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00923-00318812-00319572": "not only on your brand set, but across every single Google result where you appear. Google", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00924-00319572-00320012": "understands your brand message because we educate it, and I've put word left here as", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00925-00320012-00320444": "well because essentially they're doing exactly the same thing, they build a knowledge graph", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00926-00320444-00320988": "to push the information across to Google, so it understands, so that it's confident,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00927-00320988-00321420": "in KaliCube and word left, the reason we work together at a great deal is because we have the", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00928-00321420-00322076": "same aim, educate Google about your tiny corner of the internet, make sure it understands,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00929-00322076-00322772": "so that it can send its audience, sorry, the subset of it's audience, who are truly your", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00930-00322772-00323420": "audience, to your site when you have the right solution, the most credible solution, the most", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00931-00323420-00324028": "effective and efficient solution for its user. Design your own business card, I'll do this quickly,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00932-00324028-00324476": "usually it's at the beginning but you talked about the blue dog, what I've done is I missed a", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00933-00324476-00324980": "knowledge panel, John Mueller said, so please come and help us with the knowledge panel,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00934-00324980-00325548": "that's mine, I've worked on that for 10 years, and I love it, and it's beautiful and it's my", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00935-00325548-00326116": "super favorite thing in the entire world, every single day, I do something to try to improve it.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00936-00326292-00326636": "I'm currently living in Paris, you can see that from my LinkedIn profile,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00937-00326892-00327364": "next, when it wants to, or you've actually got a point at the machine, I was a voice actor,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00938-00327364-00327844": "a cartoon blue dog, I've got that information onto my knowledge panel over there on the right hand", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00939-00327844-00328524": "side and into my video boxes there, and the IMDB profile that ranks, because being a blue dog", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00940-00328524-00329012": "is an important part of my life that somebody searching my name would want to know about.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00941-00329108-00329620": "I was a punk folk musician, I've got that from my own site there, the barking dogs across there,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00942-00329692-00330092": "that was less important, we were less famous than the blue dog, which is strange,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00943-00330188-00330636": "I've got a group of podcasts, we've got three results, we've got the podcast that ranks on my own name,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00944-00330724-00331388": "and I'm an author, I've got the book up there, I can get it up there, in this case with the", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00945-00331388-00331804": "Twitter boxes, Twitter boxes give you real-time control over what your audience sees when they", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00946-00331804-00332524": "Google your brand name, YouTube boxes I found out today, update in 12 minutes, so it's getting", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00947-00332524-00333188": "almost as good as Twitter for real-time control, this and this, real-time control, using your", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00948-00333188-00333924": "social media channels to communicate with your audience through Google. I'm the CEO and founder of", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00949-00333924-00334476": "CaliCube, CaliCube.com ranks up there that actually says that I'm a founder and CEO and that makes", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00950-00334476-00335556": "me feel very important and very entrepreneurial. And it's stuck, oh no, there you go, we've got", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00951-00335556-00336164": "the people also ask, who is the brand-serve guy, the answer is Jason Barnard, once again educating Google,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00952-00336164-00336700": "I've got the people also ask, not because people particularly ask that question, but because I've", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00953-00336700-00337364": "got Google so confident in the answer that it wants to show off, it knows the answer to that specific", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00954-00337364-00338500": "question. And that's it. Google now has the completed plate for Jason Barnard, for KaliCube,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00955-00338500-00339988": "for WordLift. Next on the list is you in your company, thank you. There's anybody got any questions?", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00956-00339988-00341844": "All right, you get to ask them whenever you want, so that's cheating. But ask away, I'm happy.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00957-00342988-00343980": "You show the capital for this YouTube and the immediacy to get clapped about there. What", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00958-00343980-00344796": "do you see within your business? It's financial, so an asset that you can play on a branch for a", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00959-00344796-00345452": "company, for a person, how does it be treated in a company in a person? Right, that's an interesting", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00960-00345452-00346540": "question from my brand-serve, I shouldn't have given that back. If we go back here to there,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00961-00346636-00347124": "the images for the knowledge panel, incredibly important, that's very easy to control,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00962-00347124-00347788": "and it's a very simple question of Google groups, images, and then chooses a dominant image within", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00963-00347788-00348708": "that group. So this technique here is to actually repeat the same image, or variants of that image,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00964-00348708-00349212": "or very similar photographs of myself across multiple platforms, and then we get the multiple", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00965-00349212-00349820": "images in the knowledge panel. On this side, on the left hand side, in the left rail, images will", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00966-00349820-00350468": "appear first. Images are the easy win for anybody, any company, any person. If you post enough", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00967-00350468-00351028": "images on your website, featured images, images near the top of the page, high resolution images,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00968-00351028-00351732": "you will trigger image boxes here first, and then once you have video, the video boxes will replace", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00969-00351732-00352276": "the image boxes, because they're more relevant, but it always depends on the industry.", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00970-00352452-00352828": "So you need to look at the industry, and that's why we have the Entity Equivalence Concept,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00971-00352828-00353820": "KaliCube once again, is that I can take Entity Equivalence for companies within the AI space,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00972-00353820-00354484": "or Italian entrepreneurs in Italy, and I can put them through CaliCube and give you a template,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00973-00354484-00355036": "both for the knowledge panel and for the brand surf. So I can tell you images are worth aiming for,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00974-00355036-00355604": "they're not worth aiming for, videos are what you're looking for, and the idea of templating", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00975-00355604-00356444": "the brand surf is simply saying within your industry, within your GR region, for your Entity type,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00976-00356500-00356940": "these are the dominant elements within a brand surf, and a brand surf effectively", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00977-00356940-00357612": "represents Google's opinion of what your audience is interested in, what's useful, helpful, and", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00978-00357612-00358372": "valuable to them, and if your industry is dominated by Twitter boxes and videos, that's where you", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00979-00358372-00359196": "should be aiming. I had a client recently who's in real estate, Twitter boxes simply not worth it,", "ki-Mp40jkTo-00980-00359196-00359660": "and it seems obvious, but it's really nice to have the confirmation that you want to be working"}}, {"audio_id": "kieJm2OyLSU", "text": {"kieJm2OyLSU-00000-00000568-00000768": "Hi there, thanks for watching this video.", "kieJm2OyLSU-00001-00000774-00001538": "I'm going to cover how to make your Zoom calls more accessible, inclusive, and hopefully more enjoyable for your participants for deaf or hard-of-hearing.", "kieJm2OyLSU-00002-00001609-00002184": "I originally intended this video for teachers out in the mainstream who may have a deaf or hard of hearing student in your class,", "kieJm2OyLSU-00003-00002215-00002709": "But the more I think about it, I think would be helpful for a wide range of people - and", "kieJm2OyLSU-00004-00002793-00003098": "and to be honest, we could all do with clearer Zoom calls!", "kieJm2OyLSU-00005-00003328-00003528": "I'm going to cover how to", "kieJm2OyLSU-00006-00003540-00004008": "maximize your visual signal so make sure that the video quality is as good as possible and", "kieJm2OyLSU-00007-00004029-00004712": "make sure that the sound is nice and clear. And also give some tips and tricks on how to organise and structure your", "kieJm2OyLSU-00008-00004753-00004953": "lesson or meeting.", "kieJm2OyLSU-00009-00005032-00005498": "So terms of having a good vision / video", "kieJm2OyLSU-00010-00005601-00006092": "using ethernet will make a big difference and it'll be much more stable than just using Wi-Fi.", "kieJm2OyLSU-00011-00006097-00006587": "So physically plugging in your device into the router and can make a big difference.", "kieJm2OyLSU-00012-00006759-00007428": "Try and have a clear a review as possible with no visual clutter in the background", "kieJm2OyLSU-00013-00007515-00008117": "when you're hosting your call, so you've got my little 'Z' up there, but otherwise, I'm not doing too badly. I've got nice,", "kieJm2OyLSU-00014-00008170-00008660": "plain curtains in the background here. When I have a Zoom call during the day,", "kieJm2OyLSU-00015-00008660-00009401": "I have to close the curtains to make sure that my face isn't silhouetted and I've actually got a little desk lamp - turn off there -", "kieJm2OyLSU-00016-00009517-00009758": "So it makes quite a big difference.", "kieJm2OyLSU-00017-00009765-00009906": "shining in my face - it's not the most pleasant", "kieJm2OyLSU-00018-00009906-00010583": "- but it makes a big difference in making sure that my face is nicely well illuminated and easy to see.", "kieJm2OyLSU-00019-00010710-00010881": "This is a real", "kieJm2OyLSU-00020-00010881-00011061": "personal preference -", "kieJm2OyLSU-00021-00011061-00011261": "up to you -", "kieJm2OyLSU-00022-00011286-00012059": "I'm also using makeup to make sure that my facial features stand out nice and clearly and easier to speech read.", "kieJm2OyLSU-00023-00012192-00012617": "In terms of hardware you want to use the best equipment that you've got available.", "kieJm2OyLSU-00024-00012628-00013008": "I've actually got a little cheap webcam plugged in because the built-in", "kieJm2OyLSU-00025-00013060-00013325": "camera to my laptop has pretty poor quality and", "kieJm2OyLSU-00026-00013381-00014063": "It's not good enough for video calls. If you've got a higher-end device like a fancy Mac the inbuilt hardware's pretty good", "kieJm2OyLSU-00027-00014122-00014468": "You can just use the best that you've got access to.", "kieJm2OyLSU-00028-00014626-00015062": "In terms of the sound again the inbuilt microphone in my laptop", "kieJm2OyLSU-00029-00015141-00015341": "really isn't ideal.", "kieJm2OyLSU-00030-00015403-00015887": "If you can it would be great if you can use a desktop microphone or a lapel one.", "kieJm2OyLSU-00031-00015887-00016367": "I don't know you might have a kid's headset for your kids playing for Fortnite! We're not up to that yet.", "kieJm2OyLSU-00032-00016473-00016841": "But yeah again just using the best hardware that you can and", "kieJm2OyLSU-00033-00016906-00017483": "controlling the background noise as best as possible. We've just got a car going past now. So positioning yourself", "kieJm2OyLSU-00034-00017548-00017798": "again, you're plugged in with that cord now but", "kieJm2OyLSU-00035-00017962-00018392": "In a quiet a spot but as possible will help make your participants", "kieJm2OyLSU-00036-00018507-00018764": "- you know - enabling to hear what you're saying much more clearly.", "kieJm2OyLSU-00037-00018882-00019640": "In terms of setup in an ideal world, you'd have small groups for shorter sessions rather than one big full class", "kieJm2OyLSU-00038-00019698-00019934": "or group meeting. I appreciate it's not always possible.", "kieJm2OyLSU-00039-00020037-00020687": "But from a practical perspective having heaps of participants in grid-view", "kieJm2OyLSU-00040-00020691-00021026": "You'll get lost. They get too small to see and it's really hard to follow what's going on.", "kieJm2OyLSU-00041-00021141-00021602": "I know there's speaker view but personally I find it quite jarring to go back and forth.", "kieJm2OyLSU-00042-00021669-00022142": "So if you have a smaller group, you'll get better interaction.", "kieJm2OyLSU-00043-00022269-00022469": "Just like meetings", "kieJm2OyLSU-00044-00022651-00022831": "or lessons,", "kieJm2OyLSU-00045-00022831-00023456": "giving participants a heads up about what the topics will be and especially any jargon that will be introduced", "kieJm2OyLSU-00046-00023503-00023703": "would be really helpful.", "kieJm2OyLSU-00047-00023820-00024413": "If you're using a sign language interpreter make sure that their video is pinned at the top all the time.", "kieJm2OyLSU-00048-00024459-00024962": "Just like using an interpreter in real life you need to make sure they have all the prep for the topics to be covered", "kieJm2OyLSU-00049-00024973-00025232": "and they need regular breaks if it's a long session.", "kieJm2OyLSU-00050-00025306-00025586": "Be aware that there's a lag in what you say", "kieJm2OyLSU-00051-00025663-00026159": "and it being interpreted and then participant having chance to respond.", "kieJm2OyLSU-00052-00026257-00026864": "Just use your good facilitation skills, especially if there's multi languages going on.", "kieJm2OyLSU-00053-00027064-00027453": "Unfortunately Zoom at the moment doesn't have automatic captions.", "kieJm2OyLSU-00054-00027565-00027930": "You can have a volunteer type captions as you go,", "kieJm2OyLSU-00055-00028000-00028227": "or in some countries you can", "kieJm2OyLSU-00056-00028343-00028845": "outsource the captions to an external provider. You can, in Zoom, have cloud", "kieJm2OyLSU-00057-00028924-00029613": "saved sessions auto caption, but then your participants not getting access and captions in real time.", "kieJm2OyLSU-00058-00029777-00029977": "So bear those issues in mind.", "kieJm2OyLSU-00059-00030161-00030849": "Some really easy little thing that you could do, is if you're changing topics,put it in a chat window and just say", "kieJm2OyLSU-00060-00030937-00031137": "\"next item is....", "kieJm2OyLSU-00061-00031297-00031761": "\"photosynthesis\", whatever, and so the deaf of hard of hearing participant can follow", "kieJm2OyLSU-00062-00031903-00032103": "that new topic change.", "kieJm2OyLSU-00063-00032368-00032568": "Hmmm, what else...", "kieJm2OyLSU-00064-00032758-00033432": "It's really basic: hopefully if you have a deaf or hard of hearing person in your life, you'll be aware of these things", "kieJm2OyLSU-00065-00033502-00033705": "and don't cover your mouth. So when you're talking,", "kieJm2OyLSU-00066-00033778-00034152": "be really aware of where your hands are. I have to sit on mine sometimes.", "kieJm2OyLSU-00067-00034205-00034509": "and make sure that your mouth is not covered when you're", "kieJm2OyLSU-00068-00034562-00034733": "talking, and", "kieJm2OyLSU-00070-00034874-00035466": "also maintaining eye gaze. Now. This is such an important part of communication, and really artificial", "kieJm2OyLSU-00071-00035543-00035925": "over videoconferencing. It's really hard to do.", "kieJm2OyLSU-00072-00035983-00036423": "I've experimented and I kind of have to look at my forehead to try and give a natural eye gaze", "kieJm2OyLSU-00073-00036469-00036798": "with the camera and coming from the top of the", "kieJm2OyLSU-00074-00036934-00037134": "laptop there.", "kieJm2OyLSU-00075-00037205-00037638": "But yeah do your best - it can make a real big difference in how", "kieJm2OyLSU-00076-00037702-00037962": "to make people feel much more engaged with what you're saying.", "kieJm2OyLSU-00077-00038030-00038493": "This is just a quick first video. I hope to do many more to support", "kieJm2OyLSU-00078-00038624-00039006": "all the different parties in this new way of working and learning.", "kieJm2OyLSU-00079-00039094-00039381": "I'll be producing them both English and New Zealand sign language -", "kieJm2OyLSU-00080-00039391-00039996": "if you're able to help me with translating into other languages, please get in touch and please check out Talk Town at", "kieJm2OyLSU-00081-00040124-00040660": "www.talktowngame.net I hope this is helpful and thanks very much, cheers."}}, {"audio_id": "kiQDA4BKUIY", "text": {"kiQDA4BKUIY-00000-00000000-00000144": "The heart in the stone"}}, {"audio_id": "kj7Wer59bo8", "text": {"kj7Wer59bo8-00000-00000141-00000340": "Hi, this is Analisa", "kj7Wer59bo8-00001-00000340-00000963": "in this video I'm going to style an amazing sparkling crystal dress with a very deep neckline", "kj7Wer59bo8-00002-00000963-00001752": "and a pair of my black Casadei blade spike pumps.", "kj7Wer59bo8-00003-00001752-00002591": "Leave me a comment.", "kj7Wer59bo8-00004-00002591-00002811": "if you like this pretty outfit", "kj7Wer59bo8-00005-00002811-00003136": "And don't forget to subscribe for more new videos."}}, {"audio_id": "kjin_4eh2P8", "text": {"kjin_4eh2P8-00000-00000028-00000905": "I noticed some pretty big changes to the traffic sources. so, there's a bar, which shows the traffic", "kjin_4eh2P8-00001-00000905-00001679": "sources five percent, and I wasn't expecting to see that in the first place. they would still appear", "kjin_4eh2P8-00002-00001679-00002555": "for some reason, while I am able. traffic sources page, I don't know why. like how, seriously. sorry."}}, {"audio_id": "kjE1xpqNJ7E", "text": {"kjE1xpqNJ7E-00000-00000000-00000058": "GOLD DIGGER PART 4 - (She Leaves Her Man) Ram TV"}}, {"audio_id": "kk8SMzkMfEA", "text": {"kk8SMzkMfEA-00000-00000244-00000781": "So I'm going to teach you how to remove noise from your audio clip. So I've just", "kk8SMzkMfEA-00001-00000781-00001287": "made a short clip here in Audacity and I'm going to show you how to remove the", "kk8SMzkMfEA-00002-00001287-00002383": "background noise. So first I'll just play the clip for you. \"Test test test test\". As", "kk8SMzkMfEA-00003-00002383-00002881": "you can tell there's a lot of background noise, so what we're going to do is just", "kk8SMzkMfEA-00004-00002881-00003489": "select the part where there's noise and then we're going to go to the effect", "kk8SMzkMfEA-00005-00003489-00004146": "\"Noise reduction\" and we're going to \"Get noise profile\" so what that'll do is", "kk8SMzkMfEA-00006-00004146-00004525": "that'll sample the bit of noise and then we're going to remove it from the entire", "kk8SMzkMfEA-00007-00004525-00005157": "piece. So to remove noise you can either select all of it or the shortcut is", "kk8SMzkMfEA-00008-00005157-00005907": "command \"A\" to select all of it and then we go effect noise reduction and now", "kk8SMzkMfEA-00009-00005907-00006378": "what we're going to do is preview the noise reduction and preview the set", "kk8SMzkMfEA-00010-00006378-00006723": "noise reduction that it comes with.", "kk8SMzkMfEA-00011-00006777-00007600": "\"test test test test\" OK. So that noise reduction is good however we can still", "kk8SMzkMfEA-00012-00007600-00008098": "hear a bit of a hum so we're going to increase the noise reduction and see", "kk8SMzkMfEA-00013-00008098-00008385": "what that sounds like", "kk8SMzkMfEA-00014-00008520-00009325": "\"test test test test\". So that's quite good noise reduction so what we're going to", "kk8SMzkMfEA-00015-00009325-00009700": "do now is just reduce it a little bit too much so that you can see what it", "kk8SMzkMfEA-00016-00009700-00009945": "sounds like.", "kk8SMzkMfEA-00017-00010393-00011261": "\"test test test test\" so that's quite a lot of noise reduction and it's actually", "kk8SMzkMfEA-00018-00011261-00011765": "reducing the voice as well as the noise so we'll just keep it around the same", "kk8SMzkMfEA-00019-00011765-00012455": "level that we had it at before and just preview it once more to make sure that", "kk8SMzkMfEA-00020-00012455-00012700": "we're happy.", "kk8SMzkMfEA-00021-00012763-00013754": "\"test test test test\" and when you're ready to apply the effect just click OK", "kk8SMzkMfEA-00022-00013754-00014285": "and now what that's done is that's reduced all of the noise from the audio", "kk8SMzkMfEA-00023-00014285-00014783": "clip and you can tell because all of the noise has been reduced here and that's", "kk8SMzkMfEA-00024-00014783-00015213": "how you reduce noise using Audacity."}}, {"audio_id": "kkiTAdAj4_Q", "text": {"kkiTAdAj4_Q-00000-00000000-00000200": "Pending Bills in Tally ERP-9"}}, {"audio_id": "kkpxbal7SD0", "text": {"kkpxbal7SD0-00000-00000807-00001177": "What inspires me to be creative is the people that challenge me", "kkpxbal7SD0-00001-00001177-00001631": "every day to continue to be relatable and to speak just my truth on the internet.", "kkpxbal7SD0-00002-00001641-00001941": "Technology inspires me because it really", "kkpxbal7SD0-00003-00001941-00002048": "helps unleash", "kkpxbal7SD0-00004-00002048-00002542": "even more capacity to create to see how even more our creativity", "kkpxbal7SD0-00005-00002542-00002819": "can be seen in different capacities, especially like a Web3.", "kkpxbal7SD0-00006-00002819-00002966": "Anybody from", "kkpxbal7SD0-00007-00002966-00003226": "friends to TV shows", "kkpxbal7SD0-00008-00003226-00003410": "to obviously other creatives that I", "kkpxbal7SD0-00009-00003410-00003516": "grew up idolizing.", "kkpxbal7SD0-00010-00003516-00003743": "Seeing what isn't being done yet.", "kkpxbal7SD0-00011-00003767-00004040": "And that's what inspires me to do that thing that needs to be done.", "kkpxbal7SD0-00012-00004080-00004371": "Seeing people that are like us, that look like us,", "kkpxbal7SD0-00013-00004391-00004704": "that aren't in the industry, that aren't in the places that they need to be.", "kkpxbal7SD0-00014-00004728-00004988": "That inspires me to be that person.", "kkpxbal7SD0-00015-00004998-00005325": "If there's one thing that demonstrates that we're so much better off", "kkpxbal7SD0-00016-00005328-00005729": "when we're together, I know Covid's made us function really well.", "kkpxbal7SD0-00017-00005729-00005972": "I get work out and do great work.", "kkpxbal7SD0-00018-00005972-00006376": "I've never felt so alive, like it's been three years, so I think that's probably", "kkpxbal7SD0-00019-00006376-00006453": "the most important thing.", "kkpxbal7SD0-00020-00006453-00006686": "Demonstrating that we all come together, it's wonderful.", "kkpxbal7SD0-00021-00006686-00006970": "We're having a really exciting time bringing creators into this space", "kkpxbal7SD0-00022-00006970-00007277": "and seeing all of the work Black creators do for brands", "kkpxbal7SD0-00023-00007277-00007647": "and how they're really owning a new narrative and giving brands", "kkpxbal7SD0-00024-00007647-00008031": "a new capacity to access the communities that they have never been able", "kkpxbal7SD0-00025-00008031-00008428": "to speak to or to have conversations and see their products in real life.", "kkpxbal7SD0-00026-00008428-00008738": "It's important, I think, to to create more of a partnership", "kkpxbal7SD0-00027-00008758-00008968": "rather than just working with a brand. Right?", "kkpxbal7SD0-00028-00008968-00009449": "So it should be a collaboration rather than just making a video to go on their social.", "kkpxbal7SD0-00029-00009449-00009779": "A year from now, I just hope that I'm running a business", "kkpxbal7SD0-00030-00009783-00010290": "that's true to me, elevating creators that are amazing at what they do", "kkpxbal7SD0-00031-00010290-00010580": "and need that elevation to be shown and seen.", "kkpxbal7SD0-00032-00010580-00010777": "It'd be great to have my own cabana a year from now.", "kkpxbal7SD0-00033-00010777-00010977": "But also I would love to run my own media company", "kkpxbal7SD0-00034-00010977-00011281": "and have employees under me that I can create a healthy workplace for", "kkpxbal7SD0-00035-00011281-00011538": "and kind of show as an example like, Hey, this is the content I was creating", "kkpxbal7SD0-00036-00011538-00011938": "and here's how I led my employees to work in a safe place.", "kkpxbal7SD0-00037-00011938-00012055": "I'm here being inspired,", "kkpxbal7SD0-00038-00012055-00012385": "I hope I'm back here next year with work that's inspiring others."}}, {"audio_id": "kk-Uf_Qz7V0", "text": {"kk-Uf_Qz7V0-00001-00006199-00006399": "SUBSCRIBE THE CHANNEL"}}]