[{"audio_id": "7RHnVndjMYA", "text": {}}, {"audio_id": "7SdJqvyNCJ8", "text": {"7SdJqvyNCJ8-00000-00000000-00014100": "Topic \"home business Ideas\" I would like to give a link to the Russian Foundation for Social Innovation fondsi.elcs.ru . There is a section about Soy food.    The implementation of these products is most profitable business in the world after oil. And it's not just words, they are confirmed by the years. All the countries of Europe and the United States already use soy as a primary protein source, superior in composition of animal protein (and cheaper in tens times).   On this site represented the most important innovation - \"soy cow\". This machine allows two kilograms of soybeans to obtain 14 liters of soy drink (so-called \"milk\") that contains 3 times more protein and nutrients to a person than the usual cow's milk. And most importantly, that of soy milk is ten times cheaper cow. It is very useful to children, the elderly and athletes. And because of its low cost allows you to create a unique social program for the free feeding of the poor. This is the most profitable business for people because it not only allows you to earn money, but also to feed the population of our country.   On the website of the Russian Foundation for Social Innovation also presents several articles about soy, the scheme of soy, and a business plan (in the menu \"Prices\" -> \"Business plan\") that allows you to calculate your income."}}, {"audio_id": "7S73QPaVT7Q", "text": {"7S73QPaVT7Q-00000-00000115-00000237": "shhh", "7S73QPaVT7Q-00001-00000358-00000608": "Impostor", "7S73QPaVT7Q-00002-00000702-00000874": "Cafeteria", "7S73QPaVT7Q-00003-00000949-00001100": "(Mission Progress Rate)", "7S73QPaVT7Q-00004-00004824-00005003": "※ It's strawberry jam", "7S73QPaVT7Q-00005-00006911-00007238": "Orange was the Impostor.", "7S73QPaVT7Q-00006-00007485-00007629": "shhh", "7S73QPaVT7Q-00007-00007715-00008000": "Impostor", "7S73QPaVT7Q-00008-00008092-00008292": "Cafeteria", "7S73QPaVT7Q-00009-00008292-00008492": "(Mission Progress Rate)", "7S73QPaVT7Q-00010-00008570-00008748": "Admin", "7S73QPaVT7Q-00011-00008748-00010103": "(Mission Progress Rate)", "7S73QPaVT7Q-00012-00010478-00010766": "calling emergency meeting", "7S73QPaVT7Q-00013-00010800-00010901": "pink: Anyone, Who's a sure citizen?", "7S73QPaVT7Q-00014-00010901-00010983": "black:  Me", "7S73QPaVT7Q-00015-00010983-00011061": "purple: Me", "7S73QPaVT7Q-00016-00011074-00011164": "white: I have also visual task.", "7S73QPaVT7Q-00017-00011185-00011377": "pink:  I was in the medbay. Orange, are you?", "7S73QPaVT7Q-00018-00011394-00011569": "orange: I....... don't.... have", "7S73QPaVT7Q-00019-00011704-00011754": "Vote", "7S73QPaVT7Q-00020-00011758-00011808": "Vote", "7S73QPaVT7Q-00021-00011813-00011863": "Vote", "7S73QPaVT7Q-00022-00011869-00011919": "Vote", "7S73QPaVT7Q-00023-00012800-00012897": "Vote", "7S73QPaVT7Q-00024-00013138-00013371": "Voted"}}, {"audio_id": "7TdwBV37-tU", "text": {"7TdwBV37-tU-00000-00000391-00000901": "Welcome everybody. Today I'm going to show you the vulnerabilities that happened", "7TdwBV37-tU-00001-00000901-00001201": "in TheDAO. What they exploited.", "7TdwBV37-tU-00002-00001291-00001786": "I'm going to do this very easy, very simple. I'm going to write this in javascript", "7TdwBV37-tU-00003-00001786-00002151": "instead Solidity, and if you want more information", "7TdwBV37-tU-00004-00002224-00003313": "I recommend you to read this article. In my example we have two classes, one is the", "7TdwBV37-tU-00005-00003313-00003424": "client", "7TdwBV37-tU-00006-00003424-00003970": "the other one is the community and the client is already inside the community", "7TdwBV37-tU-00007-00003970-00004278": "he wants to leave that so he proposed,", "7TdwBV37-tU-00008-00004332-00004857": "he got accepted and then this function is been called. I'm gonna execute the", "7TdwBV37-tU-00009-00004857-00005035": "code once for you", "7TdwBV37-tU-00010-00005035-00005344": "so what happened is", "7TdwBV37-tU-00011-00005344-00005989": "he wanted to the community, he got the \"obtained amount\", this function that", "7TdwBV37-tU-00012-00005989-00006529": "belongs to the client is executed to receive the money and then the", "7TdwBV37-tU-00013-00006529-00006862": "community cleans the balance and he says \"bye-bye\"", "7TdwBV37-tU-00014-00006943-00007543": "okay what happens... there are two things that I would like to point: one is", "7TdwBV37-tU-00015-00007543-00008098": "that we are executing code in userspace and the second one is the order", "7TdwBV37-tU-00016-00008098-00008959": "the validations (they) happen after. The vulnerability could be exploited like this", "7TdwBV37-tU-00017-00008959-00009523": "but we're going to find another problems. (if we take a look at the code.)", "7TdwBV37-tU-00018-00009523-00010135": "Okay, we're stealing money. There is a recursive call, the \"send()\" is called from \"splitDAO()\"", "7TdwBV37-tU-00019-00010135-00010659": "again and again but we'll have a \"maximum call stack\"", "7TdwBV37-tU-00020-00010659-00011228": "so well in this case the attacker he was smarter and he created something that", "7TdwBV37-tU-00021-00011228-00011631": "stops before 1024 entries", "7TdwBV37-tU-00022-00011693-00012234": "so here we got stolen our amount of money.", "7TdwBV37-tU-00023-00012309-00012956": "How could we avoid this vulnerability? this is pretty easy and this", "7TdwBV37-tU-00024-00012956-00013125": "is how they fixed the call", "7TdwBV37-tU-00025-00013125-00013986": "this is, yes, the order of the body was. In this case, when we move here...", "7TdwBV37-tU-00026-00013986-00014159": "Oh! something happens...", "7TdwBV37-tU-00027-00014159-00014706": "The code is not going to work anymore and is going to crash because there is", "7TdwBV37-tU-00028-00014706-00015362": "nothing else to give to the user. He has been already sanitised before going", "7TdwBV37-tU-00029-00015362-00015906": "again to the function, that's why it's called re-entrant attack. And the other attack,", "7TdwBV37-tU-00030-00015906-00016151": "while they called it \"Call depth attack\"", "7TdwBV37-tU-00031-00016151-00016520": "that is because you can call the same function yourself, but this could have", "7TdwBV37-tU-00032-00016520-00016692": "been another type of attack.", "7TdwBV37-tU-00033-00016692-00017210": "It doesn't have to be a recursive function. Ok, so well, for my first video", "7TdwBV37-tU-00034-00017210-00017619": "that's all! and hope you enjoyed! if you have any questions, just ask me anything"}}, {"audio_id": "7T5BGpX1A14", "text": {"7T5BGpX1A14-00000-00000118-00000693": "In this video, I'm gonna show you how to make a movie using a type of artificial intelligence", "7T5BGpX1A14-00001-00000693-00000900": "called a GAN.", "7T5BGpX1A14-00002-00000900-00001524": "GAN stands for Generative Adversarial Network and this takes images, typically thousands,", "7T5BGpX1A14-00003-00001524-00002333": "it learns features of this images then it generates unique images with similar features.", "7T5BGpX1A14-00004-00002333-00002712": "And that's exactly what you're looking at right now.", "7T5BGpX1A14-00005-00002712-00003279": "This is not a photo of me, I wish I was this photogenic, nor is this a photo of anybody.", "7T5BGpX1A14-00006-00003279-00003842": "As the website address indicates, this person does not exist.", "7T5BGpX1A14-00007-00003842-00004737": "This is generated by a GAN which is been trained with thousands of images of faces, has learned", "7T5BGpX1A14-00008-00004737-00005480": "features of different faces, and is therefore able to generate unique faces that look really", "7T5BGpX1A14-00009-00005480-00005698": "realistic.", "7T5BGpX1A14-00010-00005698-00006351": "Equally we could give a GAN thousands of pictures of cats and it will learn to generate unique", "7T5BGpX1A14-00011-00006351-00006634": "realistic images of cats.", "7T5BGpX1A14-00012-00006634-00007427": "Don't worry, this probably sounds very complicated, but that is as technical as is going to get,", "7T5BGpX1A14-00013-00007427-00008536": "I promise, you don't need any coding experience, or any familiarity with AI to do this tutorial,", "7T5BGpX1A14-00014-00008536-00008868": "all you need is a Google Drive account."}}, {"audio_id": "7TixStW7Xt4", "text": {"7TixStW7Xt4-00000-00000176-00000784": "The warmth of the fire spreads, waking her from a gentle sleep, but the pain in her belly", "7TixStW7Xt4-00001-00000784-00001314": "rushes through once again, her eyes shut to fight it.", "7TixStW7Xt4-00002-00001314-00001861": "Her nails score the sheets, twisting them to her mouth to keep from crying out.", "7TixStW7Xt4-00003-00001861-00002384": "She knew that if the doctors would have fixed the problem when it first began, the suffering", "7TixStW7Xt4-00004-00002384-00002896": "would be nothing more than a memory, and she could have returned to a normal life.", "7TixStW7Xt4-00005-00002896-00003564": "His hand is cool as it rests against her heated cheek, his sweet presence calming her shattered", "7TixStW7Xt4-00006-00003564-00003742": "nerves.", "7TixStW7Xt4-00007-00003742-00004235": "Between the failure of her schooling, the attitude of her godfather towards the news,", "7TixStW7Xt4-00008-00004235-00004782": "and her uwanted birthday approaching, she had lost the light in the darkness once again.", "7TixStW7Xt4-00009-00004782-00005494": "Her love's defiance of these odds lifted her heart against the pain and gave her a sense", "7TixStW7Xt4-00010-00005494-00005903": "of renewed spirit.", "7TixStW7Xt4-00011-00005903-00006344": "Once upon a time, she'd sought to hide this part of herself, wishing to keep his worry", "7TixStW7Xt4-00012-00006344-00006933": "at bay while he tried to work through the trials of his own history, but they had promised", "7TixStW7Xt4-00013-00006933-00007763": "to never keep secrets, believing that it amounted to the same betrayal as lying outright.", "7TixStW7Xt4-00014-00007763-00008488": "As the softness of his lips brushed her forehead, she gave thanks for that pledge, even as the", "7TixStW7Xt4-00015-00008488-00009020": "pain flashed, her hoarse cries echoing.", "7TixStW7Xt4-00016-00009020-00009489": "She couldn't fathom living through this alone with no one to fight for her.", "7TixStW7Xt4-00017-00009489-00010065": "He was always there to shield her against the apathetic family she'd been claimed by,", "7TixStW7Xt4-00018-00010065-00010630": "and he would never understand just how much she treasured him, how deeply he lived inside", "7TixStW7Xt4-00019-00010630-00010857": "her heart.", "7TixStW7Xt4-00020-00010857-00011567": "Feeling the covers lift, the warmth of his frame came to rest alongside her, comforting,", "7TixStW7Xt4-00021-00011567-00012032": "strong, his arms taking hold.", "7TixStW7Xt4-00022-00012032-00012713": "Until the next night, there would be no rescue, no treatment, but he could offer her his courage", "7TixStW7Xt4-00023-00012713-00013266": "while taking care of her needs and the tavern downstairs.", "7TixStW7Xt4-00024-00013266-00013970": "Even though he felt helpless, unable to stop her suffering, even to take it from her, he", "7TixStW7Xt4-00025-00013970-00014706": "was where she needed him to be, and that solace eased this minor defeat.", "7TixStW7Xt4-00026-00014706-00015297": "Humming the songs from their childhood travels, he watched as she drifted, falling under a", "7TixStW7Xt4-00027-00015297-00015784": "spell of sleep; a spell he'd learned from the realm of the Fae while traveling through", "7TixStW7Xt4-00028-00015784-00016076": "the forests years before.", "7TixStW7Xt4-00029-00016076-00016790": "Amidst the pain, she was able to escape to a dream where suffering was a myth, and the", "7TixStW7Xt4-00030-00016790-00017529": "beauty of the ages mirrored the hills of Summerland that stretched forth to eternity.", "7TixStW7Xt4-00031-00017529-00018023": "Settling back on the pillows, he cradled her vulnerable frame, safeguarding her until the", "7TixStW7Xt4-00032-00018023-00018427": "spell would fade and the dance would start again.", "7TixStW7Xt4-00033-00018427-00019009": "For now he rested with his beautiful bride and joined her in that distant world that", "7TixStW7Xt4-00034-00019009-00019205": "was theirs for the taking."}}, {"audio_id": "7TANqljDB_8", "text": {"7TANqljDB_8-00000-00000752-00001476": "Just two hours ago, Allied air forces began an  attack on military targets in Iraq and Kuwait.", "7TANqljDB_8-00001-00001476-00001984": "Just after midnight on January 17,  1991, President George H. W. Bush", "7TANqljDB_8-00002-00001984-00002319": "gave the orders for US forces to lead  an attack on Saddam Hussein's army,", "7TANqljDB_8-00003-00002320-00002816": "making the transition from Operation Desert  Shield to Operation Desert Storm in the Gulf War.", "7TANqljDB_8-00004-00002834-00003392": "Operation Desert Shield began August 2,  1990, and concluded January 16, 1991.", "7TANqljDB_8-00005-00003392-00003810": "The purpose of the operation was for the  U.S. to build up forces in the Persian Gulf", "7TANqljDB_8-00006-00003810-00004104": "and to provide time to build up  the Saudi Arabian defenses.", "7TANqljDB_8-00007-00004104-00004472": "Operation Desert Storm, led by U.S.  Army General Norman Schwarzkopf,", "7TANqljDB_8-00008-00004480-00004824": "kicked off with an extensive aerial  bombing campaign on Hussein's armies", "7TANqljDB_8-00009-00004824-00005160": "in Iraq and Kuwait around 3 a.m. the same day it began.", "7TANqljDB_8-00010-00005166-00005610": "The following day, President Bush authorized the  order to call up to a million National Guardsmen", "7TANqljDB_8-00011-00005610-00005866": "and reservists to active  duty for up to two years.", "7TANqljDB_8-00012-00005890-00006494": "February 24, 1991, the 1st Marine Expeditionary  Force and coalition forces began a ground assault", "7TANqljDB_8-00013-00006494-00006838": "on Iraqi defenses in the final chapter  of Operation Desert Storm.", "7TANqljDB_8-00014-00006845-00007318": "Along the Persian Gulf the 1st and 2nd Marine  Divisions, with their four main task forces,", "7TANqljDB_8-00015-00007318-00007688": "stormed Iraqi defenses and convinced the defenders that it was the main effort of attack.", "7TANqljDB_8-00016-00007688-00008159": "Meanwhile heavily armoured Allied forces attacked  the Iraqi defenses in Iraq from behind.", "7TANqljDB_8-00017-00008159-00008526": "At the same time, Marine units of the 4th  and 5th Marine Expeditionary Brigades", "7TANqljDB_8-00018-00008526-00008944": "in the Persian Gulf stopped the Iraqi troops  who were anticipating the aquatic attack.", "7TANqljDB_8-00019-00008944-00009392": "Within a hundred hours U.S. and allied forces defeated the Iraqi army with few U.S. casualties.", "7TANqljDB_8-00020-00009412-00009868": "President Bush declared a ceasefire February  28th, which ended Operation Desert Storm."}}, {"audio_id": "7UdlGLliKTI", "text": {"7UdlGLliKTI-00000-00000014-00000294": "My name is Daigo Narita, I'm from Japan.", "7UdlGLliKTI-00001-00000370-00000682": "Now I'm trying to travel across the world by bicycle.", "7UdlGLliKTI-00002-00001128-00001336": "My travel started from Alaska.", "7UdlGLliKTI-00003-00001356-00001488": "I went south", "7UdlGLliKTI-00004-00001730-00001826": "To argentina.", "7UdlGLliKTI-00005-00001910-00002374": "It took about one year and eight months.", "7UdlGLliKTI-00006-00002414-00002712": "The second trip started from Turkey.", "7UdlGLliKTI-00007-00002722-00002894": "I crossed Europe", "7UdlGLliKTI-00008-00002940-00003290": "Then I went to Morocco, Mauritania, Senegal", "7UdlGLliKTI-00009-00003324-00003784": "I used airplane from Senegal to Tanzania.", "7UdlGLliKTI-00010-00003796-00004438": "I went to Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, Botswana and Namibia.", "7UdlGLliKTI-00011-00004504-00004644": "Now it's Namibia.", "7UdlGLliKTI-00012-00005176-00005842": "When I was 20 years old, I read one book.", "7UdlGLliKTI-00013-00005872-00006024": "Japanese cyclist book", "7UdlGLliKTI-00014-00006262-00006606": "He rode around the world by bicycle", "7UdlGLliKTI-00015-00006830-00007016": "In about seven years.", "7UdlGLliKTI-00016-00007138-00007916": "I read the book and had a big impact and respect.", "7UdlGLliKTI-00017-00007972-00008686": "I wanted to try the same trip, around the world by bicycle.", "7UdlGLliKTI-00018-00009184-00009608": "Bicycle is slow, it's very nice for me.", "7UdlGLliKTI-00019-00009664-00010196": "I want to meet many people in the countryside.", "7UdlGLliKTI-00020-00010212-00010770": "I want to talk and discuss and communicate.", "7UdlGLliKTI-00021-00010824-00011136": "So bicycle is a very good item.", "7UdlGLliKTI-00022-00011676-00012768": "I read the book and I got inspiration and impact.", "7UdlGLliKTI-00023-00012832-00013124": "I thought I should get money.", "7UdlGLliKTI-00024-00013508-00013791": "And technical skills.", "7UdlGLliKTI-00025-00013896-00014236": "I started working at a bike shop.", "7UdlGLliKTI-00026-00014388-00014940": "I worked very hard for three years.", "7UdlGLliKTI-00027-00015208-00015908": "I was saving money and getting skills.", "7UdlGLliKTI-00028-00015956-00016832": "Usually I worked ten or twelve hours a day.", "7UdlGLliKTI-00029-00016920-00017112": "Very hard work.", "7UdlGLliKTI-00030-00017164-00017464": "Because I'm Japanese, I like working.", "7UdlGLliKTI-00031-00017920-00018976": "First time I told my friends about this bicycle travel", "7UdlGLliKTI-00032-00019108-00019612": "My friends said oh my god, you're crazy.", "7UdlGLliKTI-00033-00019624-00019944": "Unbelievable. Why?", "7UdlGLliKTI-00034-00019972-00020508": "My mother was very worried. Really?", "7UdlGLliKTI-00035-00020972-00021428": "My father said it's a good one.", "7UdlGLliKTI-00036-00021436-00021860": "You should try that challenge.", "7UdlGLliKTI-00037-00021896-00022128": "My life is mine.", "7UdlGLliKTI-00038-00022316-00022592": "My choice is mine, my body is mine.", "7UdlGLliKTI-00039-00022628-00023296": "I want to choose my life myself.", "7UdlGLliKTI-00040-00023372-00024080": "I hoped very much to try this travel.", "7UdlGLliKTI-00041-00024392-00024716": "Now I'm trying this travel.", "7UdlGLliKTI-00042-00025164-00025528": "Japanese mass communication, mass media", "7UdlGLliKTI-00043-00025604-00026136": "For example newspapers, TV news, internet", "7UdlGLliKTI-00044-00026172-00026608": "Is sometimes true but sometimes not true.", "7UdlGLliKTI-00045-00026639-00027295": "For example it's very dangerous in Africa.", "7UdlGLliKTI-00046-00027716-00027916": "The mass media says so.", "7UdlGLliKTI-00047-00028208-00028383": "But that is not true.", "7UdlGLliKTI-00048-00028383-00028839": "Many Arican people are very kind and very friendly.", "7UdlGLliKTI-00049-00028872-00029632": "Good guys, good ladies and very fine children.", "7UdlGLliKTI-00050-00029639-00029856": "I have met.", "7UdlGLliKTI-00051-00030048-00030683": "Japanese mass communication is not saying that.", "7UdlGLliKTI-00052-00030695-00031583": "So I should check with my own eyes.", "7UdlGLliKTI-00053-00032256-00032704": "Japan is a very closed society. It's not good.", "7UdlGLliKTI-00054-00032739-00033164": "World is very wide, very big.", "7UdlGLliKTI-00055-00033196-00033596": "Japanese should be going out to other countries", "7UdlGLliKTI-00056-00033620-00034608": "And meet many people, see many cultures and get many experiences.", "7UdlGLliKTI-00057-00035628-00036220": "I have many special experiences and memories.", "7UdlGLliKTI-00058-00036236-00036908": "When I'm back to Japan, I want to teach children.", "7UdlGLliKTI-00059-00036940-00037524": "Everything about the world cultures and societies.", "7UdlGLliKTI-00060-00037596-00037880": "I want to teach children."}}, {"audio_id": "7U8adjdDStg", "text": {"7U8adjdDStg-00000-00000000-00000200": "Click Subscribe Listen and Share"}}, {"audio_id": "7UlnsFAKlPk", "text": {}}, {"audio_id": "7UokUknRITy", "text": {"7UokUknRITy-00000-00000037-00000679": "DD Osama, also known as David Reyes, was born on November 29, 2006.", "7UokUknRITy-00001-00000679-00001038": "As of 2023, Osama is 16 years old.", "7UokUknRITy-00002-00001038-00001404": "He was raised in New York's Harlem, where he was born.", "7UokUknRITy-00003-00001404-00001773": "Osama grew up in a large family in the Harlem neighbourhood of New York.", "7UokUknRITy-00004-00001773-00002105": "His parents had 5 sons and one daughter.", "7UokUknRITy-00005-00002105-00002561": "He grew up in an unhealthy household with his parents opting for different paths and", "7UokUknRITy-00006-00002561-00002850": "that eventually led to a divorce.", "7UokUknRITy-00007-00002850-00003329": "Osama grew up with a stepfather figure role and he gave him all the love he required.", "7UokUknRITy-00008-00003329-00003677": "Osama was closer to his mom as she was always there for him.", "7UokUknRITy-00009-00003677-00004093": "He grew up sharing a household with one younger sibling and three adults.", "7UokUknRITy-00010-00004093-00004537": "He described growing up in Sugar Hill as rough and rowdy which eventually led him into a", "7UokUknRITy-00011-00004537-00004638": "dark path.", "7UokUknRITy-00012-00004638-00005639": "He’s a rapper going deep into the gang life of New York.", "7UokUknRITy-00013-00005639-00006082": "Experiencing a lot of negativity as a child can bring a lot of trauma into your life and", "7UokUknRITy-00014-00006082-00006473": "it will be interesting to see how this moulds DD into an adult.", "7UokUknRITy-00015-00006473-00006968": "He felt the heat when his younger brother Ethan Hayes also known as “Notti Osama”", "7UokUknRITy-00016-00006968-00007628": "passed away on the 9th of July 2022 just before 3 pm in an altercation with a rival, Kelvin", "7UokUknRITy-00017-00007628-00007756": "Martinez.", "7UokUknRITy-00018-00007756-00008384": "On July 9, 2022, Notti Osama got into a fight and tragically passed away just before three", "7UokUknRITy-00019-00008384-00008484": "o'clock.", "7UokUknRITy-00020-00008484-00008999": "According to reports, Notti and Kelvin Martinez were associates of rival gangs and had a series", "7UokUknRITy-00021-00008999-00009330": "of problems in the weeks leading up to the altercation.", "7UokUknRITy-00022-00009330-00009871": "Upon spotting Martinez, Notti grabbed a broomstick and the crew chased him into the station where", "7UokUknRITy-00023-00009871-00010184": "they cornered him at the North End of the platform.", "7UokUknRITy-00024-00010184-00010656": "With nowhere to escape, Notti began hitting Kelvin with the broom, but Kelvin was prepared", "7UokUknRITy-00025-00010656-00010970": "and took out a knife that got Notti in his abdomen.", "7UokUknRITy-00026-00010970-00011430": "When Notti realized he was stabbed he began running but it was too late as he had lost", "7UokUknRITy-00027-00011430-00011804": "a lot of blood which eventually led him to collapse on the staircase.", "7UokUknRITy-00028-00011804-00012221": "An ambulance was rushed to the scene but it was too late for Notti.", "7UokUknRITy-00029-00012221-00012727": "Investigations were held and Kelvin was eventually arrested after being treated for the wounds", "7UokUknRITy-00030-00012727-00012994": "that he suffered from the fight with Notti.", "7UokUknRITy-00031-00012994-00013481": "Hearing a piece of news like that had to be heartbreaking for DD with DD stating that", "7UokUknRITy-00032-00013481-00013956": "he was with Notti and saying goodbye to him moments before hearing the news of his passing", "7UokUknRITy-00033-00013956-00014229": "from his friend calling him and giving him the details.", "7UokUknRITy-00034-00014229-00014762": "DD blames himself and he keeps on replaying the moments in his head and thinking what", "7UokUknRITy-00035-00014762-00015103": "if he stayed with Notti and this would not have happened?", "7UokUknRITy-00036-00015103-00015541": "This was a big deal in the Harlem area and even the Mayor commented on this situation", "7UokUknRITy-00037-00015541-00016028": "with plans to unite the gangs together, but those plans have failed to be executed or", "7UokUknRITy-00038-00016028-00016428": "be successful as street gangs are still at a high number among the youth.", "7UokUknRITy-00039-00016428-00016951": "In general hip-hop fashion, after the passing of Notti, DD’s career got a big boost in", "7UokUknRITy-00040-00016951-00017208": "fan base and boosted his career massively.", "7UokUknRITy-00041-00017208-00017650": "DD stated that all the fame and money in the world meant nothing to him without his brother", "7UokUknRITy-00042-00017650-00017895": "being there to see him rise in hip-hop.", "7UokUknRITy-00043-00017895-00018369": "DD even said that his career blew up after the passing of Notti and that did not feel", "7UokUknRITy-00044-00018369-00018669": "right to him and it did not sit well in his heart.", "7UokUknRITy-00045-00018669-00019156": "However, this did not impact his passion for music, and he eventually stated that music", "7UokUknRITy-00046-00019156-00019397": "was like therapy and an escape for him.", "7UokUknRITy-00047-00019397-00019930": "DD started making music professionally in 2022, his first song being as a feature on", "7UokUknRITy-00048-00019930-00020035": "“Party In The USA.”", "7UokUknRITy-00049-00020035-00020584": "He always had a liking for music as mentioned in his No Jumper interview.", "7UokUknRITy-00050-00020584-00021170": "He, his little brother Notti, and big brother JStar Balla started music with the aim of", "7UokUknRITy-00051-00021170-00021437": "growing in fame together as a family.", "7UokUknRITy-00052-00021437-00021868": "Together these 3 got their start in a homemade studio at their grandma's place.", "7UokUknRITy-00053-00021868-00022368": "JStar being the old eventually moved out and got his own place to live and practice music", "7UokUknRITy-00054-00022368-00022791": "at his new place, all 3 of them would create music at the new place of JStar.", "7UokUknRITy-00055-00022791-00023187": "JStart got a headstart as he began releasing music in 2020.", "7UokUknRITy-00056-00023187-00023719": "DD Osama got his name by adding a D in front of his government name David and following", "7UokUknRITy-00057-00023719-00023987": "the Osama trend by his brother Notti.", "7UokUknRITy-00058-00023987-00024412": "His music inspirations were pretty varied, but most of his inspiration came from the", "7UokUknRITy-00059-00024412-00024859": "rapper Polo G. Also, in the No Jumper show, we saw his evil", "7UokUknRITy-00060-00024859-00025355": "side of him as he kept on dissing his opposition or rivals with constant shade to his enemies", "7UokUknRITy-00061-00025355-00025501": "on the streets.", "7UokUknRITy-00062-00025501-00025969": "He has made a name for himself in the music industry as he has had many hits such as “Without", "7UokUknRITy-00063-00025969-00026408": "You,” “40s N 90s,” “Back to Back,” and many more.", "7UokUknRITy-00064-00026408-00027068": "His Youtube channel currently stands at 590k subscribers and just above 96 million views", "7UokUknRITy-00065-00027068-00027168": "in total.", "7UokUknRITy-00066-00027168-00027410": "He has been an overnight success in the drill scene.", "7UokUknRITy-00067-00027410-00027939": "With most of the New York drill rapper scene either ending up in jail or dead it won’t", "7UokUknRITy-00068-00027939-00028416": "be a shock to see DD climb the ranks and claim his spot as the King of the empire in drill", "7UokUknRITy-00069-00028416-00028744": "rap, but we’ll see as those are big shoes to fill.", "7UokUknRITy-00070-00028744-00029316": "DD is showing no signs of stopping music anytime soon as he has been releasing music frequently", "7UokUknRITy-00071-00029316-00029545": "on almost a song at monthly basis.", "7UokUknRITy-00072-00029545-00030056": "He has a unique style and one listen to the 16-year-old will prove his talent is present", "7UokUknRITy-00073-00030056-00030158": "in his art.", "7UokUknRITy-00074-00030158-00030723": "The song \"Dead Opps,\" which honors his late brother Notti Osama, is DD Osama's most well-known", "7UokUknRITy-00075-00030723-00030823": "song.", "7UokUknRITy-00076-00030823-00031250": "DD and Notti use fast-paced beats to create a gloomy and sad tune with catchy choruses", "7UokUknRITy-00077-00031250-00031673": "that make fun of their rivals or in the rap game known as \"opps.\"", "7UokUknRITy-00078-00031673-00032145": "His rivals fought back by making a song that mocked Notti and even made a Tik Tok dance", "7UokUknRITy-00079-00032145-00032472": "that mocked the moment Notti got stabbed.", "7UokUknRITy-00080-00032472-00032919": "This led to a feud and lit a fire in DD as it gave him more motivation to succeed.", "7UokUknRITy-00081-00032919-00033380": "As gangs go; every gang experiences a loss and when the news of DD’s rival gang member", "7UokUknRITy-00082-00033380-00033887": "passing away hit the surface, DD was seen on Instagram live mocking the news with his", "7UokUknRITy-00083-00033887-00034147": "friend SugarHill and calling out everyone.", "7UokUknRITy-00084-00034147-00034636": "He was under the influence of alcohol and maybe some pills so it’s hard to know his", "7UokUknRITy-00085-00034636-00035206": "true intentions, but it seems like DD has become insensitive to these situations at", "7UokUknRITy-00086-00035206-00035306": "a young age.", "7UokUknRITy-00087-00035306-00035743": "He has not stopped representing his little brother in songs, and he stated that everything", "7UokUknRITy-00088-00035743-00035975": "he does is in honour of his late brother.", "7UokUknRITy-00089-00035975-00036437": "He’s liked by the general drill fan scene as many reviews are favourable to his style", "7UokUknRITy-00090-00036437-00036984": "of music and most New Yorkers can relate to his style of living as they believe he represents", "7UokUknRITy-00091-00036984-00037405": "a true Harlem trench kid who’s not pretending to be from the scene.", "7UokUknRITy-00092-00037405-00037879": "Even with all the support it gives his rival gang members more motivation to throw shade", "7UokUknRITy-00093-00037879-00038406": "at DD with them constantly dissing his late brother in songs and calling him out on Instagram", "7UokUknRITy-00094-00038406-00038506": "lives.", "7UokUknRITy-00095-00038506-00038924": "However, his energy is always positive which reciprocates and the love is shown back to", "7UokUknRITy-00096-00038924-00039406": "him by his fans and bystanders alike as many are rooting for him to be in the mainstream", "7UokUknRITy-00097-00039406-00039506": "of the music scene.", "7UokUknRITy-00098-00039506-00040059": "He’s not showing signs of stopping as he just released a new single “Upnow” with", "7UokUknRITy-00099-00040059-00040408": "another well-known mainstream artist, “Coi Leroy.”", "7UokUknRITy-00100-00040408-00040917": "The song has been a success as only after a week it currently stands at 1.5 Million", "7UokUknRITy-00101-00040917-00041017": "views.", "7UokUknRITy-00102-00041017-00041253": "Most of the fan base of DD lies in Brooklyn at 37k listeners, London at 36k listeners,", "7UokUknRITy-00103-00041253-00041477": "New York City at 30k listeners, Chicago at 27k listeners, and Philadelphia at 23k listeners.", "7UokUknRITy-00104-00041477-00041978": "His monthly listeners lie at 1.4 million listeners, not bad for a 16-year-old.", "7UokUknRITy-00105-00041978-00042587": "He is liked by the entire US music scene and his fanbase has a lot of variety.", "7UokUknRITy-00106-00042587-00043069": "It would not be a shock to see DD eventually get signed by a major recording label soon", "7UokUknRITy-00107-00043069-00043472": "as his numbers are always impressing for an independent young artist", "7UokUknRITy-00108-00043472-00043897": "His rise to fame has been sudden, and he could become the next big thing out of New York.", "7UokUknRITy-00109-00043897-00044391": "The best thing we can hope for is that he leaves his old gang life behind as this lifestyle", "7UokUknRITy-00110-00044391-00044891": "will catch up to him sooner rather than later and with the talent he has been blessed with", "7UokUknRITy-00111-00044891-00045221": "he should be taking steps to move out of this street life.", "7UokUknRITy-00112-00045221-00045743": "DD has a talent we cannot see go to waste as we have seen with many rappers of late.", "7UokUknRITy-00113-00045743-00046258": "With all this DD might be on a positive track as he was recently seen going to a major record", "7UokUknRITy-00114-00046258-00046782": "label studio, “Sony,” with all the money coming in it will be a smart move to move", "7UokUknRITy-00115-00046782-00047093": "out of the trenches and live a better life for longevity."}}, {"audio_id": "7US-cU47yS4", "text": {"7US-cU47yS4-00000-00000010-00000050": "EVERYTHING.", "7US-cU47yS4-00001-00000050-00000056": "EVERYTHING.", "7US-cU47yS4-00002-00000056-00000313": "EVERYTHING. >> NO VIKINGS, THOUGH.", "7US-cU47yS4-00003-00000313-00000320": "EVERYTHING. >> NO VIKINGS, THOUGH.", "7US-cU47yS4-00004-00000320-00000473": "EVERYTHING. >> NO VIKINGS, THOUGH. >> COLLIN: NOT YET.", "7US-cU47yS4-00005-00000473-00000480": ">> NO VIKINGS, THOUGH. >> COLLIN: NOT YET.", "7US-cU47yS4-00006-00000480-00000530": ">> NO VIKINGS, THOUGH. >> COLLIN: NOT YET. >> DENNIS: THANKS.", "7US-cU47yS4-00007-00000530-00000537": ">> COLLIN: NOT YET. >> DENNIS: THANKS.", "7US-cU47yS4-00008-00000537-00000633": ">> COLLIN: NOT YET. >> DENNIS: THANKS. THE HEALTHY HUSKIES AT HORACE", "7US-cU47yS4-00009-00000633-00000640": ">> DENNIS: THANKS. THE HEALTHY HUSKIES AT HORACE", "7US-cU47yS4-00010-00000640-00000804": ">> DENNIS: THANKS. THE HEALTHY HUSKIES AT HORACE MAY ELEMENTARY ARE KEEPING IT", "7US-cU47yS4-00011-00000804-00000810": "THE HEALTHY HUSKIES AT HORACE MAY ELEMENTARY ARE KEEPING IT", "7US-cU47yS4-00012-00000810-00000957": "THE HEALTHY HUSKIES AT HORACE MAY ELEMENTARY ARE KEEPING IT MOVING BY WALKING AND RUNNING.", "7US-cU47yS4-00013-00000957-00000964": "MAY ELEMENTARY ARE KEEPING IT MOVING BY WALKING AND RUNNING.", "7US-cU47yS4-00014-00000964-00001204": "MAY ELEMENTARY ARE KEEPING IT MOVING BY WALKING AND RUNNING. FOR THIS WEEK'S GOLDEN APPLE,", "7US-cU47yS4-00015-00001204-00001211": "MOVING BY WALKING AND RUNNING. FOR THIS WEEK'S GOLDEN APPLE,", "7US-cU47yS4-00016-00001211-00001381": "MOVING BY WALKING AND RUNNING. FOR THIS WEEK'S GOLDEN APPLE, HAYDEE CLOTTER SHOWS US US HOW", "7US-cU47yS4-00017-00001381-00001388": "FOR THIS WEEK'S GOLDEN APPLE, HAYDEE CLOTTER SHOWS US US HOW", "7US-cU47yS4-00018-00001388-00001564": "FOR THIS WEEK'S GOLDEN APPLE, HAYDEE CLOTTER SHOWS US US HOW STUDENTS ARE LIVING HEALTHIER", "7US-cU47yS4-00019-00001564-00001571": "HAYDEE CLOTTER SHOWS US US HOW STUDENTS ARE LIVING HEALTHIER", "7US-cU47yS4-00020-00001571-00001668": "HAYDEE CLOTTER SHOWS US US HOW STUDENTS ARE LIVING HEALTHIER LIVE STYLES AND ACCOMPLISHING", "7US-cU47yS4-00021-00001668-00001674": "STUDENTS ARE LIVING HEALTHIER LIVE STYLES AND ACCOMPLISHING", "7US-cU47yS4-00022-00001674-00001731": "STUDENTS ARE LIVING HEALTHIER LIVE STYLES AND ACCOMPLISHING THEIR GOALS.", "7US-cU47yS4-00023-00001731-00001738": "LIVE STYLES AND ACCOMPLISHING THEIR GOALS.", "7US-cU47yS4-00024-00001738-00001975": "LIVE STYLES AND ACCOMPLISHING THEIR GOALS. >> IT MAY BE FOGGY OUTSIDE, BUT", "7US-cU47yS4-00025-00001975-00001981": "THEIR GOALS. >> IT MAY BE FOGGY OUTSIDE, BUT", "7US-cU47yS4-00026-00001981-00002158": "THEIR GOALS. >> IT MAY BE FOGGY OUTSIDE, BUT AT HORACE MAY ELEMENTARY", "7US-cU47yS4-00027-00002158-00002165": ">> IT MAY BE FOGGY OUTSIDE, BUT AT HORACE MAY ELEMENTARY", "7US-cU47yS4-00028-00002165-00002278": ">> IT MAY BE FOGGY OUTSIDE, BUT AT HORACE MAY ELEMENTARY STUDENTS ARE STILL ACTIVE.", "7US-cU47yS4-00029-00002278-00002285": "AT HORACE MAY ELEMENTARY STUDENTS ARE STILL ACTIVE.", "7US-cU47yS4-00030-00002285-00002412": "AT HORACE MAY ELEMENTARY STUDENTS ARE STILL ACTIVE. BEFORE THE START OF THE SCHOOL", "7US-cU47yS4-00031-00002412-00002419": "STUDENTS ARE STILL ACTIVE. BEFORE THE START OF THE SCHOOL", "7US-cU47yS4-00032-00002419-00002532": "STUDENTS ARE STILL ACTIVE. BEFORE THE START OF THE SCHOOL DAY STUDENTS WALK AND RUN ON THE", "7US-cU47yS4-00033-00002532-00002539": "BEFORE THE START OF THE SCHOOL DAY STUDENTS WALK AND RUN ON THE", "7US-cU47yS4-00034-00002539-00002672": "BEFORE THE START OF THE SCHOOL DAY STUDENTS WALK AND RUN ON THE PLAYGROUND AND GET MOVING AS", "7US-cU47yS4-00035-00002672-00002679": "DAY STUDENTS WALK AND RUN ON THE PLAYGROUND AND GET MOVING AS", "7US-cU47yS4-00036-00002679-00002782": "DAY STUDENTS WALK AND RUN ON THE PLAYGROUND AND GET MOVING AS HEALTHY HUSKIES.", "7US-cU47yS4-00037-00002782-00002789": "PLAYGROUND AND GET MOVING AS HEALTHY HUSKIES.", "7US-cU47yS4-00038-00002789-00003049": "PLAYGROUND AND GET MOVING AS HEALTHY HUSKIES. >> IT'S GOOD TO GOAL SET.", "7US-cU47yS4-00039-00003049-00003056": "HEALTHY HUSKIES. >> IT'S GOOD TO GOAL SET.", "7US-cU47yS4-00040-00003056-00003186": "HEALTHY HUSKIES. >> IT'S GOOD TO GOAL SET. IT BUILDS A LITTLE BIT OF", "7US-cU47yS4-00041-00003186-00003193": ">> IT'S GOOD TO GOAL SET. IT BUILDS A LITTLE BIT OF", "7US-cU47yS4-00042-00003193-00003366": ">> IT'S GOOD TO GOAL SET. IT BUILDS A LITTLE BIT OF COMMUNITY AND KIDS CELEBRATE", "7US-cU47yS4-00043-00003366-00003373": "IT BUILDS A LITTLE BIT OF COMMUNITY AND KIDS CELEBRATE", "7US-cU47yS4-00044-00003373-00003443": "IT BUILDS A LITTLE BIT OF COMMUNITY AND KIDS CELEBRATE TOGETHER.", "7US-cU47yS4-00045-00003443-00003450": "COMMUNITY AND KIDS CELEBRATE TOGETHER.", "7US-cU47yS4-00046-00003450-00003540": "COMMUNITY AND KIDS CELEBRATE TOGETHER. >> STUDENTS EARN WALKING STICKS", "7US-cU47yS4-00047-00003540-00003546": "TOGETHER. >> STUDENTS EARN WALKING STICKS", "7US-cU47yS4-00048-00003546-00003773": "TOGETHER. >> STUDENTS EARN WALKING STICKS AFTER EACH LAP AND FINISH IN", "7US-cU47yS4-00049-00003773-00003780": ">> STUDENTS EARN WALKING STICKS AFTER EACH LAP AND FINISH IN", "7US-cU47yS4-00050-00003780-00004067": ">> STUDENTS EARN WALKING STICKS AFTER EACH LAP AND FINISH IN ABOUT 30 MINUTES.", "7US-cU47yS4-00051-00004067-00004074": "AFTER EACH LAP AND FINISH IN ABOUT 30 MINUTES.", "7US-cU47yS4-00052-00004074-00004310": "AFTER EACH LAP AND FINISH IN ABOUT 30 MINUTES. ADDISON MAISH HAS ALREADY SET", "7US-cU47yS4-00053-00004310-00004317": "ABOUT 30 MINUTES. ADDISON MAISH HAS ALREADY SET", "7US-cU47yS4-00054-00004317-00004487": "ABOUT 30 MINUTES. ADDISON MAISH HAS ALREADY SET GOALS FOR HERSELF THIS YEAR.", "7US-cU47yS4-00055-00004487-00004494": "ADDISON MAISH HAS ALREADY SET GOALS FOR HERSELF THIS YEAR.", "7US-cU47yS4-00056-00004494-00004637": "ADDISON MAISH HAS ALREADY SET GOALS FOR HERSELF THIS YEAR. >> I'M GOING TO TRY TO GET TO", "7US-cU47yS4-00057-00004637-00004644": "GOALS FOR HERSELF THIS YEAR. >> I'M GOING TO TRY TO GET TO", "7US-cU47yS4-00058-00004644-00004984": "GOALS FOR HERSELF THIS YEAR. >> I'M GOING TO TRY TO GET TO 100 TO GET BETTER AT STUFF.", "7US-cU47yS4-00059-00004984-00004991": ">> I'M GOING TO TRY TO GET TO 100 TO GET BETTER AT STUFF.", "7US-cU47yS4-00060-00004991-00005468": ">> I'M GOING TO TRY TO GET TO 100 TO GET BETTER AT STUFF. >> ABRAHAM BRA. ATLIEN AS", "7US-cU47yS4-00061-00005468-00005475": "100 TO GET BETTER AT STUFF. >> ABRAHAM BRA. ATLIEN AS", "7US-cU47yS4-00062-00005475-00005628": "100 TO GET BETTER AT STUFF. >> ABRAHAM BRA. ATLIEN AS ACCUMULATED OVER 200 MILES.", "7US-cU47yS4-00063-00005628-00005635": ">> ABRAHAM BRA. ATLIEN AS ACCUMULATED OVER 200 MILES.", "7US-cU47yS4-00064-00005635-00005872": ">> ABRAHAM BRA. ATLIEN AS ACCUMULATED OVER 200 MILES. >> YOU CAN REALLY BENEFIT FROM", "7US-cU47yS4-00065-00005872-00005879": "ACCUMULATED OVER 200 MILES. >> YOU CAN REALLY BENEFIT FROM", "7US-cU47yS4-00066-00005879-00006022": "ACCUMULATED OVER 200 MILES. >> YOU CAN REALLY BENEFIT FROM IT TO BE HEALTHY AND GETTING", "7US-cU47yS4-00067-00006022-00006029": ">> YOU CAN REALLY BENEFIT FROM IT TO BE HEALTHY AND GETTING", "7US-cU47yS4-00068-00006029-00006102": ">> YOU CAN REALLY BENEFIT FROM IT TO BE HEALTHY AND GETTING FIT.", "7US-cU47yS4-00069-00006102-00006109": "IT TO BE HEALTHY AND GETTING FIT.", "7US-cU47yS4-00070-00006109-00006309": "IT TO BE HEALTHY AND GETTING FIT. AND PROBABLY IN THE MORNING FOR", "7US-cU47yS4-00071-00006309-00006316": "FIT. AND PROBABLY IN THE MORNING FOR", "7US-cU47yS4-00072-00006316-00006503": "FIT. AND PROBABLY IN THE MORNING FOR SOME KIDS JUST TO GET THE ENERGY", "7US-cU47yS4-00073-00006503-00006509": "AND PROBABLY IN THE MORNING FOR SOME KIDS JUST TO GET THE ENERGY", "7US-cU47yS4-00074-00006509-00006566": "AND PROBABLY IN THE MORNING FOR SOME KIDS JUST TO GET THE ENERGY OUT.", "7US-cU47yS4-00075-00006566-00006573": "SOME KIDS JUST TO GET THE ENERGY OUT.", "7US-cU47yS4-00076-00006573-00006743": "SOME KIDS JUST TO GET THE ENERGY OUT. >> LAST YEAR 140 KIDS COMPLETED", "7US-cU47yS4-00077-00006743-00006750": "OUT. >> LAST YEAR 140 KIDS COMPLETED", "7US-cU47yS4-00078-00006750-00006883": "OUT. >> LAST YEAR 140 KIDS COMPLETED THE 125 MILES AND 10 KIDS", "7US-cU47yS4-00079-00006883-00006890": ">> LAST YEAR 140 KIDS COMPLETED THE 125 MILES AND 10 KIDS", "7US-cU47yS4-00080-00006890-00007297": ">> LAST YEAR 140 KIDS COMPLETED THE 125 MILES AND 10 KIDS REACHED THE 100-MILE MILESTONE.", "7US-cU47yS4-00081-00007297-00007303": "THE 125 MILES AND 10 KIDS REACHED THE 100-MILE MILESTONE.", "7US-cU47yS4-00082-00007303-00007447": "THE 125 MILES AND 10 KIDS REACHED THE 100-MILE MILESTONE. >> AFTER 25 MILES, STUDENTS EARN", "7US-cU47yS4-00083-00007447-00007454": "REACHED THE 100-MILE MILESTONE. >> AFTER 25 MILES, STUDENTS EARN", "7US-cU47yS4-00084-00007454-00007664": "REACHED THE 100-MILE MILESTONE. >> AFTER 25 MILES, STUDENTS EARN A T-SHIRT, 50 MILES A GOLDEN", "7US-cU47yS4-00085-00007664-00007670": ">> AFTER 25 MILES, STUDENTS EARN A T-SHIRT, 50 MILES A GOLDEN", "7US-cU47yS4-00086-00007670-00007720": ">> AFTER 25 MILES, STUDENTS EARN A T-SHIRT, 50 MILES A GOLDEN PENSIT.", "7US-cU47yS4-00087-00007720-00007727": "A T-SHIRT, 50 MILES A GOLDEN PENSIT.", "7US-cU47yS4-00088-00007727-00008041": "A T-SHIRT, 50 MILES A GOLDEN PENSIT. NEXT -- PENCIL.", "7US-cU47yS4-00089-00008041-00008048": "PENSIT. NEXT -- PENCIL.", "7US-cU47yS4-00090-00008048-00008308": "PENSIT. NEXT -- PENCIL. AT 100 MILES YOU EARN A GOAL", "7US-cU47yS4-00091-00008308-00008314": "NEXT -- PENCIL. AT 100 MILES YOU EARN A GOAL", "7US-cU47yS4-00092-00008314-00008388": "NEXT -- PENCIL. AT 100 MILES YOU EARN A GOAL MEDAL.", "7US-cU47yS4-00093-00008388-00008395": "AT 100 MILES YOU EARN A GOAL MEDAL.", "7US-cU47yS4-00094-00008395-00008882": "AT 100 MILES YOU EARN A GOAL MEDAL. MATTHEW HAACK SAYS IT HAS HELPED", "7US-cU47yS4-00095-00008882-00008888": "MEDAL. MATTHEW HAACK SAYS IT HAS HELPED", "7US-cU47yS4-00096-00008888-00008942": "MEDAL. MATTHEW HAACK SAYS IT HAS HELPED HIM.", "7US-cU47yS4-00097-00008942-00008948": "MATTHEW HAACK SAYS IT HAS HELPED HIM.", "7US-cU47yS4-00098-00008948-00009099": "MATTHEW HAACK SAYS IT HAS HELPED HIM. >> IT GIVES ME MORE ENERGY FOR", "7US-cU47yS4-00099-00009099-00009105": "HIM. >> IT GIVES ME MORE ENERGY FOR", "7US-cU47yS4-00100-00009105-00009155": "HIM. >> IT GIVES ME MORE ENERGY FOR MY SPORTS.", "7US-cU47yS4-00101-00009155-00009162": ">> IT GIVES ME MORE ENERGY FOR MY SPORTS.", "7US-cU47yS4-00102-00009162-00009372": ">> IT GIVES ME MORE ENERGY FOR MY SPORTS. >> WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY?", "7US-cU47yS4-00103-00009372-00009379": "MY SPORTS. >> WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY?", "7US-cU47yS4-00104-00009379-00009646": "MY SPORTS. >> WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY? >> SOCCER, BASKETBALL, FOOTBALL", "7US-cU47yS4-00105-00009646-00009652": ">> WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY? >> SOCCER, BASKETBALL, FOOTBALL", "7US-cU47yS4-00106-00009652-00009723": ">> WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY? >> SOCCER, BASKETBALL, FOOTBALL SOMETIMES.", "7US-cU47yS4-00107-00009723-00009729": ">> SOCCER, BASKETBALL, FOOTBALL SOMETIMES.", "7US-cU47yS4-00108-00009729-00009803": ">> SOCCER, BASKETBALL, FOOTBALL SOMETIMES. >> THE CLASS WITH THE MOST", "7US-cU47yS4-00109-00009803-00009809": "SOMETIMES. >> THE CLASS WITH THE MOST", "7US-cU47yS4-00110-00009809-00009959": "SOMETIMES. >> THE CLASS WITH THE MOST COMPLETED MILES GETS BRAGGING", "7US-cU47yS4-00111-00009959-00009966": ">> THE CLASS WITH THE MOST COMPLETED MILES GETS BRAGGING", "7US-cU47yS4-00112-00009966-00010126": ">> THE CLASS WITH THE MOST COMPLETED MILES GETS BRAGGING RIGHTS BY HAVING THE GOLDEN SHOE", "7US-cU47yS4-00113-00010126-00010133": "COMPLETED MILES GETS BRAGGING RIGHTS BY HAVING THE GOLDEN SHOE", "7US-cU47yS4-00114-00010133-00010236": "COMPLETED MILES GETS BRAGGING RIGHTS BY HAVING THE GOLDEN SHOE IN THEIR CLASSROOM.", "7US-cU47yS4-00115-00010236-00010243": "RIGHTS BY HAVING THE GOLDEN SHOE IN THEIR CLASSROOM.", "7US-cU47yS4-00116-00010243-00010467": "RIGHTS BY HAVING THE GOLDEN SHOE IN THEIR CLASSROOM. THE OUTDOOR DAY PARTICIPATION IS", "7US-cU47yS4-00117-00010467-00010473": "IN THEIR CLASSROOM. THE OUTDOOR DAY PARTICIPATION IS", "7US-cU47yS4-00118-00010473-00010547": "IN THEIR CLASSROOM. THE OUTDOOR DAY PARTICIPATION IS OPTIONAL.", "7US-cU47yS4-00119-00010547-00010553": "THE OUTDOOR DAY PARTICIPATION IS OPTIONAL.", "7US-cU47yS4-00120-00010553-00010790": "THE OUTDOOR DAY PARTICIPATION IS OPTIONAL. >> WE RUN AROUND THE TRACK, AND", "7US-cU47yS4-00121-00010790-00010797": "OPTIONAL. >> WE RUN AROUND THE TRACK, AND", "7US-cU47yS4-00122-00010797-00010940": "OPTIONAL. >> WE RUN AROUND THE TRACK, AND BE GOT STICKS.", "7US-cU47yS4-00123-00010940-00010947": ">> WE RUN AROUND THE TRACK, AND BE GOT STICKS.", "7US-cU47yS4-00124-00010947-00011197": ">> WE RUN AROUND THE TRACK, AND BE GOT STICKS. ONCE WE EACH GOT 12, WE GOT TO", "7US-cU47yS4-00125-00011197-00011204": "BE GOT STICKS. ONCE WE EACH GOT 12, WE GOT TO", "7US-cU47yS4-00126-00011204-00011401": "BE GOT STICKS. ONCE WE EACH GOT 12, WE GOT TO TRADE IT IN FOR A COLORED STICK,", "7US-cU47yS4-00127-00011401-00011408": "ONCE WE EACH GOT 12, WE GOT TO TRADE IT IN FOR A COLORED STICK,", "7US-cU47yS4-00128-00011408-00011488": "ONCE WE EACH GOT 12, WE GOT TO TRADE IT IN FOR A COLORED STICK, WHICH IS A MILE.", "7US-cU47yS4-00129-00011488-00011494": "TRADE IT IN FOR A COLORED STICK, WHICH IS A MILE.", "7US-cU47yS4-00130-00011494-00011751": "TRADE IT IN FOR A COLORED STICK, WHICH IS A MILE. >> HEALTHY HUSKIES BUILDS", "7US-cU47yS4-00131-00011751-00011758": "WHICH IS A MILE. >> HEALTHY HUSKIES BUILDS", "7US-cU47yS4-00132-00011758-00011888": "WHICH IS A MILE. >> HEALTHY HUSKIES BUILDS HEALTHY HABITS FOR STUDENTS AND", "7US-cU47yS4-00133-00011888-00011895": ">> HEALTHY HUSKIES BUILDS HEALTHY HABITS FOR STUDENTS AND", "7US-cU47yS4-00134-00011895-00011951": ">> HEALTHY HUSKIES BUILDS HEALTHY HABITS FOR STUDENTS AND TEACHES THEM THAT GOALS CAN BE"}}, {"audio_id": "7V0dfC9YU6M", "text": {"7V0dfC9YU6M-00000-00000743-00001224": "‘How many revolutions will a car tyre complete over the 'life of the tyre'?", "7V0dfC9YU6M-00001-00001224-00001612": "We can’t answer this question until we understand it more clearly.", "7V0dfC9YU6M-00002-00001612-00001785": "This is called framing the problem.", "7V0dfC9YU6M-00003-00001785-00002157": "This is often achieved by breaking it down into smaller pieces.", "7V0dfC9YU6M-00004-00002157-00002498": "We need to know the following:", "7V0dfC9YU6M-00005-00002498-00002750": "How the ‘life of a tyre’ is measured", "7V0dfC9YU6M-00006-00002750-00003122": "The distance travelled in a single revolution of a tyre", "7V0dfC9YU6M-00007-00003122-00003410": "How to read a tyre code", "7V0dfC9YU6M-00008-00003410-00003861": "The life of a tyre is determined by minimum legal tread depth.", "7V0dfC9YU6M-00009-00003861-00004546": "Most passenger cars have a tread depth of 8 mm when new and go down to 1.5 mm at the", "7V0dfC9YU6M-00010-00004546-00004729": "end of their life.", "7V0dfC9YU6M-00011-00004729-00005314": "Most tyres will last for 30,000 km under normal driving conditions.", "7V0dfC9YU6M-00012-00005314-00005813": "Next we need to work out how far the tyre will travel in one revolution.", "7V0dfC9YU6M-00013-00005813-00006450": "We can then easily determine how many rotations it takes to travel 30,000 km.", "7V0dfC9YU6M-00014-00006450-00006934": "In order to get this information for a problem being solved, we need to determine the radius", "7V0dfC9YU6M-00015-00006934-00007140": "of the tyre when it is new.", "7V0dfC9YU6M-00016-00007140-00007742": "Let’s assume uniform wear of the tyre so that we can use the average radius over the", "7V0dfC9YU6M-00017-00007742-00007961": "life of the tyre.", "7V0dfC9YU6M-00018-00007961-00008265": "The last step is to understand the tyre code.", "7V0dfC9YU6M-00019-00008265-00008602": "Here we have a tyre with a tyre code.", "7V0dfC9YU6M-00020-00008602-00009190": "A tyre code contains a mixture of Imperial and System International or SI units.", "7V0dfC9YU6M-00021-00009190-00009800": "As we will be working in SI units, the only conversion we’ll need to know is that one", "7V0dfC9YU6M-00022-00009800-00010149": "inch is equal to 25.4 mm.", "7V0dfC9YU6M-00023-00010149-00010931": "So, what do the numbers 205 65R16 on this tyre mean?", "7V0dfC9YU6M-00024-00010931-00011407": "The first number is the width of the tyre in mm.", "7V0dfC9YU6M-00025-00011407-00011671": "The second number is the profile.", "7V0dfC9YU6M-00026-00011671-00012133": "This refers to the width-to-height ratio of a tyre.", "7V0dfC9YU6M-00027-00012133-00012729": "The third number is the diameter of the wheel rim measured in inches.", "7V0dfC9YU6M-00028-00012729-00013165": "We will need all of this information when solving a specific problem.", "7V0dfC9YU6M-00029-00013165-00014031": "And here’s the problem we are going to solve: ‘How many revolutions will a car tyre P205/65R16", "7V0dfC9YU6M-00030-00014031-00014261": "complete over the 'life of the tyre'?"}}, {"audio_id": "7VA6G7SLawo", "text": {"7VA6G7SLawo-00000-00000003-00000693": "Ok, let's open our Bibles to Acts chapter 20 please. Acts chapter 20 beginning in", "7VA6G7SLawo-00001-00000693-00001616": "verse 30. And I'll be reading from verse 30. Acts 20 beginning in verse 30 says,", "7VA6G7SLawo-00002-00001616-00002232": "\"and from among your own selves men will arise, speaking perverse things, to draw", "7VA6G7SLawo-00003-00002232-00002640": "away the disciples after them. Therefore be on the alert remembering that night", "7VA6G7SLawo-00004-00002640-00003099": "and day for a period of three years I did not cease to admonish each one with", "7VA6G7SLawo-00005-00003099-00003567": "tears. And now I commend you to God and to the word of His grace, which is able", "7VA6G7SLawo-00006-00003567-00003927": "to build you up and to give you the inheritance among all those who are", "7VA6G7SLawo-00007-00003927-00004518": "sanctified. I have coveted no one's silver gold or clothes. You yourselves know that", "7VA6G7SLawo-00008-00004518-00004941": "these hands ministered to my own needs and to the men who were with me.", "7VA6G7SLawo-00009-00004941-00005444": "In everything I showed you that by working hard in this manner you must help the", "7VA6G7SLawo-00010-00005444-00005948": "weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that he himself said, 'it is more", "7VA6G7SLawo-00011-00005948-00006554": "blessed to give than to receive.'\" Of course this is Paul here talking to", "7VA6G7SLawo-00012-00006554-00007334": "the elders at Ephesus, his farewell address to them. Paul quotes a saying of", "7VA6G7SLawo-00013-00007334-00007938": "Jesus not recorded in the gospel, something very rare. It's like one of the", "7VA6G7SLawo-00014-00007938-00008504": "Beatitudes in that it presents us with a basic truth that reveals the inner", "7VA6G7SLawo-00015-00008504-00009096": "workings of the spiritual Kingdom but contradicts human nature. You know, the", "7VA6G7SLawo-00016-00009096-00009735": "idea that it is more blessed to give than to receive. You know, when Jesus says,", "7VA6G7SLawo-00017-00009735-00010190": "\"Happy are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the", "7VA6G7SLawo-00018-00010190-00010650": "kingdom of heaven.\" When He says that in Matthew chapter 5 verse 10, He's", "7VA6G7SLawo-00019-00010650-00011336": "revealing a thing that may be true in the kingdom but not necessarily true", "7VA6G7SLawo-00020-00011336-00011972": "here on earth in the world. Persecution for example is not a happy thing, it", "7VA6G7SLawo-00021-00011972-00012432": "doesn't feel good, it doesn't bring any joy, especially when a person does what", "7VA6G7SLawo-00022-00012432-00012944": "is right and is persecuted for it anyways. There's not a lot of joy in that.", "7VA6G7SLawo-00023-00012944-00013656": "But in the inward spiritual person there is joy because the persecution confirms", "7VA6G7SLawo-00024-00013656-00014288": "and testifies to one's effort at doing what is right and it is an outward sign", "7VA6G7SLawo-00025-00014288-00015038": "of one's faith and loyalty to Christ, which Jesus promises will bring a reward.", "7VA6G7SLawo-00026-00015038-00015651": "So there is where the joy is for the spiritual man. And so the idea that", "7VA6G7SLawo-00027-00015651-00016206": "giving being more a blessing than receiving is a similar teaching.", "7VA6G7SLawo-00028-00016206-00016713": "It's true in the kingdom but not necessarily true in the world. I mean think about it", "7VA6G7SLawo-00029-00016713-00017211": "now, think about it what's more fun? Giving or receiving? Come on tell the", "7VA6G7SLawo-00030-00017211-00017958": "truth. What would you rather do, give your money away or get a check in the mail", "7VA6G7SLawo-00031-00017958-00018774": "from an unexpected tax refund? You know? Ok let's try another one, what would you", "7VA6G7SLawo-00032-00018774-00019302": "rather do, give up your Saturday to drive your wife's aunt around who's in from", "7VA6G7SLawo-00033-00019302-00019959": "Chicago, or have your buddy come over to help you build a deck in your backyard", "7VA6G7SLawo-00034-00019959-00020720": "and a new barbecue pit? Come on tell the truth. Ok, what would you", "7VA6G7SLawo-00035-00020720-00021375": "rather do, organize a party to honor your supervisors promotion to vice president,", "7VA6G7SLawo-00036-00021375-00022188": "or receive a letter of congratulations and a bonus as an encouragement for your", "7VA6G7SLawo-00037-00022188-00022881": "hard work? Which would you rather do? So when we look at it from a human point of", "7VA6G7SLawo-00038-00022881-00023495": "view, it is more fun, it is more pleasurable, it is easier and satisfying", "7VA6G7SLawo-00039-00023495-00024111": "and desirable to receive rather than to give. You know everybody says, \"Oh don't", "7VA6G7SLawo-00040-00024111-00024423": "buy me anything for Christmas. No you don't have to buy anything.\" But they", "7VA6G7SLawo-00041-00024423-00025068": "don't mean it. They don't mean it. Nobody likes to give out presents and stuff", "7VA6G7SLawo-00042-00025068-00025835": "like that and have nothing come back at all. It's human nature. If this is so,", "7VA6G7SLawo-00043-00025835-00026502": "why does Jesus say that it is more blessed to give than to receive. Well it", "7VA6G7SLawo-00044-00026502-00026933": "would seem that it is more blessed to receive than to give because", "7VA6G7SLawo-00045-00026933-00027404": "people spend a lot more energy trying to experience the pleasure of getting", "7VA6G7SLawo-00046-00027404-00028239": "rather than the blessedness of giving. And so the key word here in this verse", "7VA6G7SLawo-00047-00028239-00029118": "is not the word giving, it's the word more. Jesus is not saying that there are", "7VA6G7SLawo-00048-00029118-00029829": "no pleasures and there's no joy involved with receiving, He simply says that there", "7VA6G7SLawo-00049-00029829-00030636": "are more intense joys attached to the act of giving. And so this evening I'd", "7VA6G7SLawo-00050-00030636-00031425": "like to share with you four particular joys attached to the act of giving. Joy", "7VA6G7SLawo-00051-00031425-00032495": "number one. Joy number one is the joy of acting as a spiritual being. That's", "7VA6G7SLawo-00052-00032495-00033242": "one of the joys attached to giving. Giving is part of God's essential nature", "7VA6G7SLawo-00053-00033242-00033900": "He created the world, and gave man life, and gave men the garden, and gave men a", "7VA6G7SLawo-00054-00033900-00034794": "wife. He began by giving, Genesis 2 and 3. He gave His only Son, Jesus Christ,", "7VA6G7SLawo-00055-00034794-00035577": "to save man from sin, John 3:16. He gave man the Holy Spirit to empower his", "7VA6G7SLawo-00056-00035577-00036312": "resurrection from the dead and to enable him to live as a spiritual person, Romans", "7VA6G7SLawo-00057-00036312-00037095": "8:11. God gives man the right hand of his throne along with Jesus to rule forever", "7VA6G7SLawo-00058-00037095-00037841": "with him in heaven, 2nd Timothy 2:11 and 12. He gives, He gives, He gives, He gives.", "7VA6G7SLawo-00059-00037841-00038541": "So when we give we experience the pleasure that comes from acting out of", "7VA6G7SLawo-00060-00038541-00039366": "our higher nature. The impulse to give comes from the spiritual man not the", "7VA6G7SLawo-00061-00039366-00039968": "fleshly man. The reluctance to give, the slowness to give,", "7VA6G7SLawo-00062-00039968-00040637": "the resistance to give, and the resistance to give much comes from the", "7VA6G7SLawo-00063-00040637-00041474": "flesh and these are always at war with one another. In Galatians chapter 5 verse", "7VA6G7SLawo-00064-00041474-00042287": "17, Paul explains this phenomenon. He says, \"for the flesh sets its desire against", "7VA6G7SLawo-00065-00042287-00042809": "the spirit and the spirit against the flesh for these are in opposition to one", "7VA6G7SLawo-00066-00042809-00043381": "another so that you may not do the things that you please.\"", "7VA6G7SLawo-00067-00043381-00044390": "The spiritual man wants to give, but the physical man says, \"Not that much. Not", "7VA6G7SLawo-00068-00044390-00045230": "that much.\" But when we give one of the pleasures we actually feel, call it peace", "7VA6G7SLawo-00069-00045230-00045932": "call it satisfaction. One of the things we actually feel is the feeling produced", "7VA6G7SLawo-00070-00045932-00046847": "by the victory that the Spirit has won over the flesh. When we give we have", "7VA6G7SLawo-00071-00046847-00047518": "acted as spiritual people and that actually feels good. That actually is a blessing.", "7VA6G7SLawo-00072-00047518-00047972": "The second joy of giving is the joy of", "7VA6G7SLawo-00073-00047972-00048632": "honoring God. Throughout the Bible we notice that every person who knew God or", "7VA6G7SLawo-00074-00048632-00049409": "was aware of His presence had a need to formally honor Him in some way. God", "7VA6G7SLawo-00075-00049409-00049943": "provided mankind with a formal way of doing this, the giving or the", "7VA6G7SLawo-00076-00049943-00050648": "offering of a sacrifice, because this is man's impulse to give to God when he", "7VA6G7SLawo-00077-00050648-00051474": "knows God. Noah sacrificed to the Lord in Genesis 8, and Abraham gave sacrifice in", "7VA6G7SLawo-00078-00051474-00052034": "Genesis 12, and Moses knew God and instructed the people in offering", "7VA6G7SLawo-00079-00052034-00052691": "sacrifice in Exodus and Leviticus. Judges, David, and those who returned from the", "7VA6G7SLawo-00080-00052691-00053290": "Exile all gave sacrifices to God in order to honor Him for various reasons.", "7VA6G7SLawo-00081-00053290-00053887": "Now the physical method of honoring God has changed. We no longer", "7VA6G7SLawo-00082-00053887-00054640": "offer produce or animal sacrifices, but the essence of that method remains and", "7VA6G7SLawo-00083-00054640-00055339": "that is the exercise of giving. You know, David said that God was not interested", "7VA6G7SLawo-00084-00055339-00055882": "in the blood of animals but rather in the condition of the hearts of those who", "7VA6G7SLawo-00085-00055882-00056482": "offered them. If we read in Hebrews, excuse me, said this in Hebrews chapter", "7VA6G7SLawo-00086-00056482-00057180": "10 verse 5-8 refers to this. You know a sacrifice was acceptable because it was", "7VA6G7SLawo-00087-00057180-00057811": "a given thing. Those animals and that food represented wealth to those who", "7VA6G7SLawo-00088-00057811-00058455": "offered them. They were expected to give their best animal, their best produce,", "7VA6G7SLawo-00089-00058455-00059044": "their best oil, their best grain to God in sacrifice and this was not done", "7VA6G7SLawo-00090-00059044-00059464": "without personal cost. It cost you something to give the best of your", "7VA6G7SLawo-00091-00059464-00059962": "cattle, the best of your sheep, the best of your produce. There was actual cost", "7VA6G7SLawo-00092-00059962-00060729": "involved. Those who gave in an indiscriminate way without reference to", "7VA6G7SLawo-00093-00060729-00061141": "God still experience the pleasure of giving caused by the victory of the", "7VA6G7SLawo-00094-00061141-00061687": "spiritual man over the natural man. You know, whether they believe or act out of", "7VA6G7SLawo-00095-00061687-00062113": "faith or not doesn't negate the good feeling that results. In other words, even", "7VA6G7SLawo-00096-00062113-00062962": "atheists feel good when they give. But the spiritual man who gives even a cup", "7VA6G7SLawo-00097-00062962-00063748": "of water because of faith in God and Christ has the additional joy of knowing", "7VA6G7SLawo-00098-00063748-00064351": "that he has also honored God and Christ through his giving whether it's", "7VA6G7SLawo-00099-00064351-00065184": "informally giving, you know charity, or formal giving, the offering to the Lord.", "7VA6G7SLawo-00100-00065184-00065824": "Another joy of giving, aside from the joy of knowing that we are honoring God as", "7VA6G7SLawo-00101-00065824-00066541": "people of faith, that is the joy of anticipated blessings. Do you believe the", "7VA6G7SLawo-00102-00066541-00066904": "Bible? I'm gonna ask you to say Amen", "7VA6G7SLawo-00103-00066904-00067603": "after certain things that I say here. So don't let it rile you", "7VA6G7SLawo-00104-00067603-00068367": "up too much. So do you believe the Bible? If you do say Amen.", "7VA6G7SLawo-00105-00068367-00068779": "The Bible says, \"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth\"", "7VA6G7SLawo-00106-00068779-00069325": "Genesis 1:1. Amen if you believe that. It also says those who believe and are", "7VA6G7SLawo-00107-00069325-00069916": "baptized will be saved, Mark 16:16. Say Amen if you believe that. It also says he", "7VA6G7SLawo-00108-00069916-00070678": "who he who is generous will be blessed, Proverbs 22 verse 9. Amen? He who sows", "7VA6G7SLawo-00109-00070678-00071455": "bountifully shall also reap bountifully. Amen? You know many times we're willing", "7VA6G7SLawo-00110-00071455-00072094": "to believe in God's power to create the world, and God's power to create the", "7VA6G7SLawo-00111-00072094-00072775": "Jewish nation. We believe and say Amen to the teaching that God became a human", "7VA6G7SLawo-00112-00072775-00073321": "being and died on a cross and was resurrected, we believe that. And we Amen", "7VA6G7SLawo-00113-00073321-00073900": "with joy the fact that the Bible says that God will forgive all of our sins. We", "7VA6G7SLawo-00114-00073900-00074641": "Amen with tremendous joy when the Bible says we will have eternal life. Why", "7VA6G7SLawo-00115-00074641-00075292": "shouldn't it be so difficult to understand, and believe, and Amen that God", "7VA6G7SLawo-00116-00075292-00075988": "will bless those who give and who give generously? If I can easily believe that", "7VA6G7SLawo-00117-00075988-00076603": "when God said, \"Let there be light\" there was light, and I believe it, why should I", "7VA6G7SLawo-00118-00076603-00077188": "have any problem believing and acting out the truth that God will bless us if", "7VA6G7SLawo-00119-00077188-00077959": "we give and bless us generously if we give generously? You see one of the joys", "7VA6G7SLawo-00120-00077959-00078643": "of giving, especially for Christians, is that giving is the seed for getting. The", "7VA6G7SLawo-00121-00078643-00079588": "more you give, finish it, the more you give the more you get. The safeguard in", "7VA6G7SLawo-00122-00079588-00080130": "this, however, is that if you give in order to get, you don't get anything back", "7VA6G7SLawo-00123-00080130-00080556": "because that's no longer giving, that's trading, that's bargaining, that's", "7VA6G7SLawo-00124-00080556-00081152": "bartering. But if you're giving is really giving, in other words, letting go without", "7VA6G7SLawo-00125-00081152-00081690": "demanding or grudging a return then you will be blessed. How do I know this? The", "7VA6G7SLawo-00126-00081690-00082392": "Bible teaches that. And Paul explains the blessings that you receive, in 2nd", "7VA6G7SLawo-00127-00082392-00083319": "Corinthians chapter 9 verse 10 and 11, he says the following, \"Now he who supplies", "7VA6G7SLawo-00128-00083319-00083852": "seed,\" so God is the one that supplies the seed right, he says, \"Now he who supplies", "7VA6G7SLawo-00129-00083852-00084519": "seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for", "7VA6G7SLawo-00130-00084519-00085029": "sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness. You will be enriched in", "7VA6G7SLawo-00131-00085029-00085674": "everything for all liberality which through us is producing Thanksgiving to", "7VA6G7SLawo-00132-00085674-00086190": "God.\" So what God gives to the giver is an", "7VA6G7SLawo-00133-00086190-00086772": "abundance of resources so he or she can continue to give and enjoy the", "7VA6G7SLawo-00134-00086772-00087302": "experience, as well as multiply the honor giving to God through the giving.", "7VA6G7SLawo-00135-00087302-00087843": "That's a long sentence. I don't even think I could parse that sentence. The", "7VA6G7SLawo-00136-00087843-00088520": "point that he's making here is do not be afraid of giving. God can always out give", "7VA6G7SLawo-00137-00088520-00089313": "you. You can never out give God. And the joy that the generous giver has is that", "7VA6G7SLawo-00138-00089313-00089913": "God provides for that individual, not only for his needs, but also provides", "7VA6G7SLawo-00139-00089913-00090432": "enough for him to be a generous and even more generous giver. What a", "7VA6G7SLawo-00140-00090432-00090802": "wonderful, what a wonderful promise.", "7VA6G7SLawo-00141-00090802-00091118": "When you give you are setting in motion a", "7VA6G7SLawo-00142-00091119-00091668": "chain reaction that sees God increasing your stewardship of resources for the", "7VA6G7SLawo-00143-00091668-00092292": "distribution of blessings to other people for his honor. This is an exciting", "7VA6G7SLawo-00144-00092292-00093093": "and joyful prospect for those who start this cycle. Marty mentioned this morning", "7VA6G7SLawo-00145-00093093-00093750": "in Haiti, what a great presentation we were watching that from home, and he", "7VA6G7SLawo-00146-00093750-00094467": "talked about the building in Cité Soleil and he was kind enough to mention I", "7VA6G7SLawo-00147-00094467-00095133": "had some participation in that, but I was only one of many many people who", "7VA6G7SLawo-00148-00095133-00095628": "participated. I made the video of Haiti and presented it to people here in", "7VA6G7SLawo-00149-00095628-00096126": "Oklahoma City and back in the 90s we raised over a hundred and fifty thousand", "7VA6G7SLawo-00150-00096126-00096504": "dollars to build that building. And at the time it was the largest church", "7VA6G7SLawo-00151-00096504-00096947": "building in all of Haiti, of any Church!", "7VA6G7SLawo-00152-00096980-00097743": "The important thing is the people who gave the money for that building share", "7VA6G7SLawo-00153-00097743-00098255": "in the reward of decades and decades of souls being saved,", "7VA6G7SLawo-00154-00098255-00098982": "preachers being trained, children being taught, God being glorified. It's like you", "7VA6G7SLawo-00155-00098982-00099549": "know, buying Microsoft shares back in the 60s, you know, or Apple shares back in", "7VA6G7SLawo-00156-00099549-00100068": "the 70s or something like that. They were in on the ground floor of a marvelous", "7VA6G7SLawo-00157-00100068-00100563": "ministry. And many of those people have gone on, a lot of them even forgot, you", "7VA6G7SLawo-00158-00100563-00101024": "know, the money that they gave. But the people in Haiti haven't forgotten. And", "7VA6G7SLawo-00159-00101024-00101583": "the honor accrued to those people because of the good works that continue", "7VA6G7SLawo-00160-00101583-00102485": "to multiply cannot even be counted to this day. And so the fourth joy of giving", "7VA6G7SLawo-00161-00102485-00103191": "is the joy of fellowship. Giving is something that brings people together in", "7VA6G7SLawo-00162-00103191-00104169": "a good and a loving way. In Acts chapter 2 verse 47 it says the following, it says", "7VA6G7SLawo-00163-00104169-00104793": "that, it says, verse 44 rather, it says, \"And all those who had believed", "7VA6G7SLawo-00164-00104793-00105273": "were together and had all things in common; and they began selling their", "7VA6G7SLawo-00165-00105273-00105635": "property and possessions and were sharing them with all, as anyone might", "7VA6G7SLawo-00166-00105635-00106128": "have need and day by day continuing with one mind in the temple, and breaking", "7VA6G7SLawo-00167-00106128-00106518": "bread from house to house, they were taking their meals together with", "7VA6G7SLawo-00168-00106518-00106827": "gladness and sincerity of heart,\" here's the", "7VA6G7SLawo-00169-00106827-00107424": "punchline, \"praising God and having favor with all the people and the Lord was", "7VA6G7SLawo-00170-00107424-00108117": "adding to their number day by day those who were being saved.\" Note that as the", "7VA6G7SLawo-00171-00108117-00108576": "early disciples work to meet each other's needs they were automatically", "7VA6G7SLawo-00172-00108576-00109251": "drawn closer together in joyful fellowship as well. You know, of course", "7VA6G7SLawo-00173-00109251-00109810": "the great need today, Sunday, this particular day is of course", "7VA6G7SLawo-00174-00109810-00110715": "Carl's family and you know his children their children, Robin's, of", "7VA6G7SLawo-00175-00110715-00111183": "course, his daughter and I'm sorry yeah, the Erskin family, and others of", "7VA6G7SLawo-00176-00111183-00111540": "course, they have a wide family. I mean they have great needs today and I heard", "7VA6G7SLawo-00177-00111540-00111900": "as I came in people were saying, \"well we were over at their house and we brought", "7VA6G7SLawo-00178-00111900-00112821": "food\" and you know tragedy brings people together, provides opportunities", "7VA6G7SLawo-00179-00112821-00113655": "for giving. In our own little fiasco that was taking place at our house I had", "7VA6G7SLawo-00180-00113655-00114198": "people call me throughout the day and say, \"Hey are you okay? Can I come over and", "7VA6G7SLawo-00181-00114198-00114594": "help you in some way? Do you need assistance of some kind?\" Several people", "7VA6G7SLawo-00182-00114594-00115017": "called. Somebody called said, \"Do you need me to bring over Fried Chicken?\" I'm", "7VA6G7SLawo-00183-00115017-00115436": "saying, \"No, but you can come on over anyways with the fried chicken!\" You know,", "7VA6G7SLawo-00184-00115436-00115793": "had nothing to do with the water but...", "7VA6G7SLawo-00185-00116138-00117114": "Tragedies, difficulties bring people together and the thing that cements them", "7VA6G7SLawo-00186-00117114-00117681": "together is the fact that they have an opportunity to give something, whether it", "7VA6G7SLawo-00187-00117681-00118431": "be an active service or a word of encouragement or a hug. Notice that as", "7VA6G7SLawo-00188-00118431-00118875": "the early disciples work to meet each other's needs, as I mentioned, they were", "7VA6G7SLawo-00189-00118875-00119510": "drawn together. They had the common effort at giving mutual service and they", "7VA6G7SLawo-00190-00119510-00120021": "work together in the service of others. These kinds of things bring out the best", "7VA6G7SLawo-00191-00120021-00120417": "in us, on behalf of other people. In addition to", "7VA6G7SLawo-00192-00120417-00120990": "this the spiritual mindedness and the true honouring of God and the joyful", "7VA6G7SLawo-00193-00120990-00121518": "anticipation of future blessings from God enriches our fellowship and makes it", "7VA6G7SLawo-00194-00121518-00122132": "a joyful experience. I'm persuaded that over at Joyce's house this afternoon", "7VA6G7SLawo-00195-00122132-00123024": "there were tears, but I'm persuaded there was also laughter. There was also moments", "7VA6G7SLawo-00196-00123024-00123927": "of laughter thinking back about Carl and who he was and how he was, you can't help", "7VA6G7SLawo-00197-00123927-00124776": "but smile. We publish the amount given each week. We used to do it here, but now", "7VA6G7SLawo-00198-00124776-00125397": "we do it, you know, in the bulletin for our collection. One reason to do so is to", "7VA6G7SLawo-00199-00125397-00126039": "allow everybody the opportunity to see the common giving that we share in. If we", "7VA6G7SLawo-00200-00126039-00126519": "gave X amount of money, you know what part of that that you participated in.", "7VA6G7SLawo-00201-00126519-00127107": "This should be a way to make everybody feel the joy that comes with the common", "7VA6G7SLawo-00202-00127107-00127683": "act of giving. So let me just summarize this, then you can have the lesson: Giving", "7VA6G7SLawo-00203-00127683-00128442": "gives us some things that receiving can't give us. Receiving with it's", "7VA6G7SLawo-00204-00128442-00128979": "excitement and Thanksgiving and fiscal pleasure is at best a human thing. We're", "7VA6G7SLawo-00205-00128979-00129429": "not ennobled, we're not lifted higher, we're not spiritually strengthened when", "7VA6G7SLawo-00206-00129429-00130055": "we're on the receiving end of things. God is the creator, Christ emptied himself, the", "7VA6G7SLawo-00207-00130055-00130580": "Holy Spirit gives life and power and we truly reflect the image of God when we", "7VA6G7SLawo-00208-00130580-00131301": "give not when we receive. Receiving does not honor God it is an honor that we", "7VA6G7SLawo-00209-00131301-00131919": "receive from others. Receiving draws our eyes upon ourselves and it has the", "7VA6G7SLawo-00210-00131919-00132438": "inherent danger of greed and selfishness in order to continually repeat the", "7VA6G7SLawo-00211-00132438-00132840": "pleasure. You know, I like I like getting stuff maybe I can keep on, you know,", "7VA6G7SLawo-00212-00132840-00133139": "little kids are like that. Christmas time,", "7VA6G7SLawo-00213-00133139-00133787": "you know, they've opened 40 toys and when it's all over, that's it! Right? They", "7VA6G7SLawo-00214-00133787-00134147": "get a card, you know, just when they're older, and they get a card, they rip open", "7VA6G7SLawo-00215-00134147-00134653": "the card and they shake it. Anything falls out of the card? Oh, it's just a card.", "7VA6G7SLawo-00216-00134653-00135386": "Receiving does not beget more receiving, only giving does that. Receiving's major", "7VA6G7SLawo-00217-00135386-00135870": "blessing is that it prompts us to give thanks and hopefully seek ways to show", "7VA6G7SLawo-00218-00135870-00136454": "our appreciation. If we respond properly when we receive, we will begin the cycle", "7VA6G7SLawo-00219-00136454-00136889": "of giving which will lead us to the joyful anticipation of greater things.", "7VA6G7SLawo-00220-00136889-00137705": "And one other thing, receiving in the end, is a lonely thing. Those who will receive", "7VA6G7SLawo-00221-00137705-00138215": "our gifts will in the end be left alone with the gift and the momentary pleasure", "7VA6G7SLawo-00222-00138215-00138807": "that it brings. We, on the other hand, not only have each other and a greater love", "7VA6G7SLawo-00223-00138807-00139271": "for each other because of our giving, we also have the memory of this experience", "7VA6G7SLawo-00224-00139271-00140002": "that will fill our hearts with joy long after we have done what we came to do.", "7VA6G7SLawo-00225-00140002-00140663": "Jesus truly said it best, \"It is more blessed to give than to receive.\" I am", "7VA6G7SLawo-00226-00140663-00141270": "blessed with growth. I am blessed with piety. I am blessed with abundance. I am", "7VA6G7SLawo-00227-00141270-00141775": "blessed with love. Blessings that can only be obtained through giving,", "7VA6G7SLawo-00228-00141775-00142644": "blessings only given by God based on giving. So the money given today whether", "7VA6G7SLawo-00229-00142644-00143078": "you take communion and give your offering or, you know, tonight or you did", "7VA6G7SLawo-00230-00143078-00143690": "that this morning, will be used for church work of course and ministry. But", "7VA6G7SLawo-00231-00143690-00144302": "the giving of it, however, is an offering to God to tell him that we believe, that", "7VA6G7SLawo-00232-00144302-00144797": "we love, that we obey, that we honor, that we are waiting for him in anticipation", "7VA6G7SLawo-00233-00144797-00145271": "of our final blessing. There's only one thing missing in this offering to make", "7VA6G7SLawo-00234-00145271-00145874": "it perfect and that's you. In acts 4:32 it says, \"And the congregation of those", "7VA6G7SLawo-00235-00145874-00146447": "who believed were of one heart and one soul.\" They were united in Christ and", "7VA6G7SLawo-00236-00146447-00146850": "united in purpose, united in fellowship. For the", "7VA6G7SLawo-00237-00146850-00147467": "offering to be perfect we need to be of one heart and one soul. God wants your", "7VA6G7SLawo-00238-00147467-00148236": "heart and he wants your soul to be added to your church and to your check. If", "7VA6G7SLawo-00239-00148236-00148608": "you're not a Christian, of course, God wants you to give your heart and soul to", "7VA6G7SLawo-00240-00148608-00149112": "him. That's what you need to give. He doesn't want your money, he wants your", "7VA6G7SLawo-00241-00149112-00149532": "soul, he wants your obedience. And if you're not faithful, if you've been", "7VA6G7SLawo-00242-00149532-00149973": "sinful, if you're you've been separated from your family, your brethren, your", "7VA6G7SLawo-00243-00149973-00150507": "friends, then God wants your heart and your soul back with him and back with", "7VA6G7SLawo-00244-00150507-00151095": "your brethren. Let's make today's offering perfect shall we? Let's put all", "7VA6G7SLawo-00245-00151095-00151541": "of our hearts and all of our souls before God today. And if you need to", "7VA6G7SLawo-00246-00151541-00151979": "respond to him in some way by giving yourself to him, then we encourage you to", "7VA6G7SLawo-00247-00151979-00152507": "come forward tonight, as Bobby leads us in the song of encouragement.    -->"}}, {"audio_id": "7VAJ5A84QpQ", "text": {"7VAJ5A84QpQ-00000-00000212-00000332": "EXCEL SAMURAI DA!", "7VAJ5A84QpQ-00001-00000332-00000398": "The Drumming Drum", "7VAJ5A84QpQ-00002-00000658-00001338": "Hi Mr. SAMURAI, I want to copy table data from PDF to Excel, but the table format is gone.", "7VAJ5A84QpQ-00003-00001438-00001898": "Hi OTAMA, You can copy PDF table data into Excel with table format.", "7VAJ5A84QpQ-00004-00002002-00002248": "Really? Can you show me how to do it?", "7VAJ5A84QpQ-00005-00002352-00002654": "Ok, no problem. Let me show you how to do it.", "7VAJ5A84QpQ-00006-00002654-00002728": "The Drumming Drum", "7VAJ5A84QpQ-00007-00003261-00003626": "EXCEL SAMURAI DA!", "7VAJ5A84QpQ-00008-00003629-00003700": "The Drumming Drum", "7VAJ5A84QpQ-00009-00003936-00004186": "Please subscribe our channel if you like!", "7VAJ5A84QpQ-00010-00004240-00004290": "We use following Excel version for this video", "7VAJ5A84QpQ-00011-00004290-00004394": "Microsoft Excel for Microsoft 365 MSO (16.0.12827.20200) 32 bit", "7VAJ5A84QpQ-00012-00004394-00004526": "Please check How to check version in Microsoft Excel video to check Excel version", "7VAJ5A84QpQ-00013-00004542-00004666": "What you can do with Excel", "7VAJ5A84QpQ-00014-00004730-00004910": "copy table data from pdf", "7VAJ5A84QpQ-00015-00005012-00005164": "What you can do with Excel?", "7VAJ5A84QpQ-00016-00005222-00005510": "You can copy table data from pdf into Excel.", "7VAJ5A84QpQ-00017-00005574-00005662": "For example:", "7VAJ5A84QpQ-00018-00005662-00005936": "You have world population table data in PDF.", "7VAJ5A84QpQ-00019-00005976-00006166": "You want to copy the data in Excel.", "7VAJ5A84QpQ-00020-00006216-00006508": "Just copying the table data from PDF does not work.", "7VAJ5A84QpQ-00021-00006545-00006872": "I will show you just copying table data from PDF first.", "7VAJ5A84QpQ-00022-00006914-00007014": "Let’s take a look.", "7VAJ5A84QpQ-00023-00008906-00009306": "As you can see, just copying PDF data will lose table format.", "7VAJ5A84QpQ-00024-00009354-00009856": "Next, I will show you how to copy table data from PDF with table format into Excel.", "7VAJ5A84QpQ-00025-00009882-00009968": "Let’s watch it.", "7VAJ5A84QpQ-00026-00017098-00017480": "As you can see, you can use Microsoft Word to keep table format.", "7VAJ5A84QpQ-00027-00017510-00017720": "Then copy data from Word to Excel.", "7VAJ5A84QpQ-00028-00017762-00017876": "That’s all for today.", "7VAJ5A84QpQ-00029-00017968-00018040": "How was it?", "7VAJ5A84QpQ-00030-00018100-00018456": "Now you can start copying table data from PDF into Excel.", "7VAJ5A84QpQ-00031-00018524-00018934": "You can download this Excel file.  Please refer to description of this video.", "7VAJ5A84QpQ-00032-00018972-00019108": "Please enjoy Excel.", "7VAJ5A84QpQ-00033-00019170-00019250": "By SAMURAI", "7VAJ5A84QpQ-00034-00019462-00020008": "Thank you, Mr. SAMURAI! I did not know to use Word to copy PDF table data.", "7VAJ5A84QpQ-00035-00020108-00020430": "Yes. Sometimes you need some tricks to do it.", "7VAJ5A84QpQ-00036-00020488-00020822": "Interesting. Please teach me more tips in Excel.", "7VAJ5A84QpQ-00037-00020926-00021484": "Sure. I will post more tutorials in near future. Please comment what you want to know about Excel.", "7VAJ5A84QpQ-00038-00021484-00021560": "The Drumming Drum", "7VAJ5A84QpQ-00039-00021866-00022026": "Thank you for watching!", "7VAJ5A84QpQ-00040-00022026-00022782": "Please subscribe our channel if you like!", "7VAJ5A84QpQ-00041-00022782-00023236": "Please follow our SNS (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) in description of this video."}}, {"audio_id": "7WgC5lBfWRA", "text": {"7WgC5lBfWRA-00000-00000078-00000449": "Welcome to introduction to angles the goal of this video are to know the", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00001-00000468-00000637": "basic angle vocabulary", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00002-00000664-00000942": "and also determine how angles are measured.", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00003-00001194-00001464": "A portion of a line that starts at A point", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00004-00001476-00001776": "and continues through B is called Ray.", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00005-00001848-00002128": "Ray AB can be written using this notation", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00006-00002260-00002566": "and angle consists of two rays with a common endpoint", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00007-00002648-00002910": "the two rays called the sides at the angle", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00008-00002938-00003180": "and the common in point is called the vertex.", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00009-00003214-00003576": "So, here we have the vertex. Here we have  one side, here we have another side.", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00010-00003642-00003834": "There are a couple ways to identify angles.", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00011-00003834-00004036": "If it call this point A", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00012-00004138-00004192": "B", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00013-00004220-00004318": "and C.", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00014-00004366-00004830": "There's only one angle at vertex. But we can simply just call this angle B.", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00015-00004912-00005246": "However, we can also call this angle ABC.", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00016-00005380-00005590": "The important part is at the vertex", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00017-00005591-00005749": "is that variable in the middle.", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00018-00005906-00006106": "Now, it is true that angle can be formed by two", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00019-00006120-00006300": "segments with the common endpoint.", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00020-00006486-00006890": "Each angle has a measure generated by the rotation about the vertex.", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00021-00006938-00007352": "The measure is determined by the rotation of the terminal side about the initial side.", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00022-00007420-00007545": "So, here's our initial side", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00023-00007618-00007731": "and the second ray", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00024-00007768-00008038": "or the terminal side has been rotated this position", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00025-00008095-00008410": "and when the rotation is counterclockwise, Its a positive angle.", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00026-00008472-00008762": "The rotation is clockwise, it's a negative angle.", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00027-00008838-00009175": "The units used to measure are either  degrees or radians.", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00028-00009202-00009458": "We will start by discussing degrees.", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00029-00009526-00009750": "For degree measure we assign 360 degrees", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00030-00009774-00009984": "to complete rotation of the Ray", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00031-00010040-00010328": "you could think of this, that the second ray going all the way around", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00032-00010352-00010428": "the circle.", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00033-00010464-00010840": "Therefore. 1/360th of a  complete rotation gives", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00034-00010872-00011012": "an angle one degree.", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00035-00011138-00011360": "Angles can be classified based upon their measure", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00036-00011428-00011740": "Greek letter theta is often used to name each angle", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00037-00011820-00012114": "So just take a look at the different types of angles", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00038-00012190-00012644": "if an angle measures between zero in ninety degrees as we see here", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00039-00012696-00012841": "it's called an Acute Angle", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00040-00012928-00013128": "An angle that equals exactly ninety degrees.", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00041-00013174-00013274": "is a Right Angle.", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00042-00013378-00013636": "and then any angle between ninety and 180.", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00043-00013696-00013863": "it's called the Obtuse Angle", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00044-00013978-00014263": "until we reach  angle of exactly 180 degrees", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00045-00014263-00014387": "which is a straight angle", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00046-00014460-00014762": "then any angle between 180 degrees", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00047-00014776-00014952": "and 360 degrees", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00048-00014986-00015151": "its called a reflex angle.", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00049-00015213-00015416": "and then once you reached 360 degrees", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00050-00015460-00015660": "it's called a Full angle.", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00051-00015802-00016094": "Let's take a moment to see how we measure angles", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00052-00016184-00016482": "In trigonometry,  we do not spend much time measuring angles.", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00053-00016512-00016638": "but in geometry you do", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00054-00016714-00016972": "and the way you measure angles as with a tool called", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00055-00016972-00017078": "a Protractor", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00056-00017078-00017246": "which we see here", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00057-00017348-00017548": "For example, if we had an angle here", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00058-00017575-00017841": "between these two red rays we continue to measures", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00059-00017892-00018048": "seventy-three degrees by landing at the", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00060-00018065-00018214": "initial ray here", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00061-00018274-00018498": "and measuring from the terminal side.", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00062-00018624-00018766": "Some protractors", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00063-00018804-00019144": "have 360 degrees but most only have 180.", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00064-00019188-00019534": "So, for had anger that was more than 180 degrees we would have to", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00065-00019582-00019776": "rotate this protractor to find", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00066-00019846-00020046": "the full measure of that angle", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00067-00020104-00020250": "Let's go and take a look at", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00068-00020300-00020520": "Complementary and Supplementary angles.", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00069-00020570-00020965": "If the sum of the measures of two positive angles is ninety degrees,", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00070-00020986-00021190": "the angles are called Complimentary.", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00071-00021242-00021420": "So, in this case we have the measure", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00072-00021466-00021752": "angle A plus the measure of angle B", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00073-00021826-00021968": "equals ninety degrees.", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00074-00022076-00022260": "Now, the sum two angles.", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00075-00022388-00022788": "Now, the sum of the measures of two positive angles is 180 degrees", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00076-00022890-00023064": "the angle are called Supplementary.", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00077-00023098-00023332": "So, in this case we'll have to measure of angle A", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00078-00023390-00023560": "plus the measure of angle B", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00079-00023616-00023816": "equals 180 degrees.", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00080-00023852-00024074": "Let's go and take a look at a couple examples", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00081-00024140-00024300": "Two angles are complementary,", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00082-00024392-00024638": "One angle measures five x degrees while the other", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00083-00024654-00024800": "measures four x degrees,", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00084-00024842-00025030": "what is the measure a each angle?", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00085-00025156-00025328": "so we start with the right angle", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00086-00025484-00025712": "We'll divided into two different angles", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00087-00025770-00025970": "where one angle is equal to", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00088-00026001-00026125": "five x degrees,", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00089-00026188-00026388": "and the others equal to four x degrees", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00090-00026468-00026802": "for these examples I'll leave the units off until the end", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00091-00026845-00027202": "So, they are complementary we have four x plus five x", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00092-00027283-00027426": "equals ninety", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00093-00027477-00027677": "So, we solve this equation we have nine", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00094-00027683-00028024": "x equals ninety dividing both sides by nine", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00095-00028116-00028300": "we can see x is equal to ten", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00096-00028370-00028527": "So, if this angle is four x", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00097-00028533-00028824": "or four times ten. Here we have forty degrees", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00098-00028888-00029164": "and here we would have five time ten or fifty degrees.", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00099-00029318-00029512": "let's take a look at one more example.", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00100-00029512-00029733": "Now, we have two angles that are supplementary", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00101-00029772-00029872": "so they would form", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00102-00029912-00030074": "180 degrees", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00103-00030206-00030506": "and its says here that one measures seven x", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00104-00030697-00030927": "degrees and the other one is five x", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00105-00030956-00031094": "was thirty-six degrees", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00106-00031200-00031536": "so again the sum of these two angles were now equal", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00107-00031536-00031689": "180 degrees", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00108-00031783-00032014": "so we have five x plus thirty-six", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00109-00032114-00032322": "plus seven x equals 180", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00110-00032460-00032626": "so we solve this equation", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00111-00033240-00033510": "subtract thirty-six on both sides", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00112-00033621-00033741": "divide by twelve", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00113-00033884-00034026": "here we have x equals twelve", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00114-00034206-00034476": "So, if x is twelve, seven times twelve", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00115-00034578-00034794": "give us eighty-four degrees here", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00116-00034878-00035322": "and now when I place X with twelve here, five times twelve plus thirty-six", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00117-00035372-00035518": "be ninety-six degrees", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00118-00035616-00035752": "I hope you found this video helpful.", "7WgC5lBfWRA-00119-00035792-00035864": "Thank you for watching."}}, {"audio_id": "7WpnCLv_5Bk", "text": {"7WpnCLv_5Bk-00000-00000000-00000200": "R9-7950X3D vs R9-7950X Cyberpunk 2077 RTX 4090"}}, {"audio_id": "7WtIwwbIDLU", "text": {"7WtIwwbIDLU-00000-00000006-00000411": "Right now I'm visiting a friend, I'm going to show you what tools I use when I am", "7WtIwwbIDLU-00001-00000411-00001034": "NOT at home. Right now I just brought my laptop and my cell phone... and my dog", "7WtIwwbIDLU-00002-00001034-00001587": "everything else is, is at home. The first thing I use is \"Google keep\". This tool", "7WtIwwbIDLU-00003-00001587-00002025": "helps me synchronize all the information that I need with, throughout all my", "7WtIwwbIDLU-00004-00002025-00002583": "devices. That way I can keep track of what I'm doing in any device that I am.", "7WtIwwbIDLU-00005-00002583-00003345": "Then I use \"LMMS\". This is an open source software that I use to make my music. It's", "7WtIwwbIDLU-00006-00003345-00003821": "a digital audio workstation. This is completely free and, I use Linux for all", "7WtIwwbIDLU-00007-00003822-00004335": "my things, that way I can download it easily even if my computer crashes, or if", "7WtIwwbIDLU-00008-00004335-00005296": "I am using a temporary computer I can download it again. Here I do other retouches that I cannot do in \"LMMS\".", "7WtIwwbIDLU-00009-00005296-00005946": "The media player I use is \"Audacious\" it's a very simple and straightforward music", "7WtIwwbIDLU-00010-00005946-00006390": "player. If I want to copy or if I want, if I'm editing, I just drag the tracks", "7WtIwwbIDLU-00011-00006390-00007215": "from here. Then, then  I use \"GIMP\" this is where I make all the artwork. The main thing about GIMP is", "7WtIwwbIDLU-00012-00007215-00007909": "also, Is: you can use it on Linux or on Windows. Once I've made the album covers, I use", "7WtIwwbIDLU-00013-00007909-00008402": "\"Kdenlive\" to make the videos that I can upload on \"Youtube\". Here I can just", "7WtIwwbIDLU-00014-00008403-00008936": "drag the images I need for my album cover, do it with the track...and I have a video that I", "7WtIwwbIDLU-00015-00008936-00009450": "can upload on \"Youtube\" so that people can listen to. This is completely free, multi-platform,", "7WtIwwbIDLU-00016-00009450-00010050": "yes. Once I have the track on .MP3 or a .FLAC track, and an .MP4 video", "7WtIwwbIDLU-00017-00010050-00010611": "I go and upload it on \"Mediafire\" I have my albums that way I can then share them", "7WtIwwbIDLU-00018-00010611-00011052": "on other social media sites. Of course I also upload it in other \"clouds\" where I can", "7WtIwwbIDLU-00019-00011052-00011610": "keep a backup of these in case something happens. Also upload it on \"Soundcloud\" It's an online", "7WtIwwbIDLU-00020-00011610-00012071": "audio distribution platform that you can use. Here you just upload your tracks and other people", "7WtIwwbIDLU-00021-00012071-00012462": "can listen to you. I upload the music video, or the video on", "7WtIwwbIDLU-00022-00012462-00012947": "\"YouTube\", that way people can listen to it. Then, from then I can upload it in other", "7WtIwwbIDLU-00023-00012947-00013575": "video sharing platforms or... well once it's on \"Soundcloud\" and \"Youtube\" then I", "7WtIwwbIDLU-00024-00013575-00013997": "can go on and share it on the next platforms. So this is what I use when I am", "7WtIwwbIDLU-00025-00013997-00014478": "NOT at home. Eh, that way I can keep producing and I can", "7WtIwwbIDLU-00026-00014478-00015375": "keep releasing the tracks (gets distracted) I'm sorry for that.  Let me know if you want some information on some specific program", "7WtIwwbIDLU-00027-00015375-00015744": "or software (on Linux) or if you have any other questions I'll be glad to help", "7WtIwwbIDLU-00028-00015744-00016143": "this is Gomez kabuki. Don't forget to subscribe to \"The Doberman Triangle\" and I'll", "7WtIwwbIDLU-00029-00016143-00016382": "see you later."}}, {"audio_id": "7WvtYIBaiYQ", "text": {"7WvtYIBaiYQ-00000-00000072-00000404": "Welcome back, my friends, to another video on multiple", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00001-00000404-00000542": "linear regression.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00002-00000542-00000946": "In this video we're going to examine the SPSS readout and", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00003-00000946-00001184": "see what sense we can make of it.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00004-00001184-00001505": "And we may find that 98% of all statistics", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00005-00001505-00001760": "are indeed made up.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00006-00001760-00002038": "Now this is where the rubber hits the road.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00007-00002038-00002351": "This is where you really sit down, you've done the", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00008-00002351-00002649": "analysis, now you've got to interpret it.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00009-00002649-00003022": "And the time has come to make sense of your readout.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00010-00003022-00003311": "Hang on as we get this task done.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00011-00003656-00004081": "Well, my friends, now we will go through the SPSS readout", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00012-00004081-00004449": "and see what sense we can make out of it.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00013-00004449-00004849": "The multiple linear regression begins here.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00014-00004849-00005130": "See if I can get this thing to kind of scroll down.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00015-00005130-00005311": "I don't know what's going on here.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00016-00005311-00005497": "It's acting really weird.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00017-00005497-00005723": "The first thing that we notice is that we have the", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00018-00005723-00006071": "descriptive statistics for each of the values.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00019-00006071-00006519": "We have the mean, the standard deviation in there, 1,230.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00020-00006519-00006577": "We have--", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00021-00006577-00006973": "next, I asked for the correlation matrices, where we", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00022-00006973-00007331": "can compare each of these variables like percent of", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00023-00007331-00007456": "disciplinary placements.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00024-00007456-00007727": "We can correlate it to each of the other variables.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00025-00007727-00008231": "That's important for us as we read through this material.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00026-00008231-00008584": "The next thing that is of interest to us will be the", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00027-00008584-00008966": "Variables Entered section.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00028-00008966-00009243": "And that's--", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00029-00009243-00009332": "get that--", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00030-00009332-00009565": "that's this amount right here.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00031-00009565-00009846": "Notice that none of the variables were removed.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00032-00009846-00010405": "It kept all seven of them, as they went through looking at", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00033-00010405-00010644": "the disciplinary placements and the percent.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00034-00010644-00010963": "Now what is interesting is that our model summary is", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00035-00010963-00011081": "pretty weak.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00036-00011081-00011379": "0.193 is a weak correlation.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00037-00011379-00011637": "We can live with that, however.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00038-00011637-00012120": "Now the next item of interest to us is the ANOVA.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00039-00012120-00012395": "The ANOVA has a significance of 0.00.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00040-00012395-00012836": "Now what that is, the null hypothesis that this NOVA", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00041-00012836-00012902": "[INAUDIBLE]", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00042-00012902-00013166": "is that there's no linear relationship.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00043-00013166-00013338": "And obviously, there is a linear", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00044-00013338-00013588": "relationship in these variables.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00045-00013588-00013838": "Now we have something very important.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00046-00013838-00014063": "And that's the coefficients.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00047-00014063-00014484": "We have a constant of negative 5.256.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00048-00014484-00014715": "And then we use the standardized Beta", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00049-00014715-00014832": "coefficients.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00050-00014832-00015206": "As you look at them, the largest of those is 0.496,", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00051-00015206-00015626": "which is the percent Hispanic, as playing in to whether or", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00052-00015626-00015825": "not they had disciplinary placements.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00053-00015825-00016088": "Then the percent economically disadvantaged.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00054-00016088-00016657": "So what we see from that is that if you're Hispanic, and", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00055-00016657-00016927": "you're economically disadvantaged--", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00056-00016927-00017230": "our African American even, 0.203--", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00057-00017230-00017477": "your butt's going to disciplinary placement.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00058-00017477-00017741": "You just haven't got much chance for that.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00059-00017741-00017887": "The multiple--", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00060-00017887-00018412": "the collinearity statistics should run between 0.1 on", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00061-00018412-00018651": "down, should be greater than that.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00062-00018651-00018957": "Some of those, that percent economically disadvantaged and", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00063-00018957-00019429": "percent of Hispanics are very closely correlated.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00064-00019429-00019711": "That's really interesting, isn't it?", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00065-00019711-00020059": "The next thing that we want to look at, I believe, will be", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00066-00020059-00020211": "our charts.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00067-00020211-00020373": "Let me get to those.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00068-00020373-00020768": "Our dependent variable, the percent of disciplinary", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00069-00020768-00021246": "placement is pretty close to being normally distributed.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00070-00021246-00021457": "I think I can live with that.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00071-00021457-00021856": "The last of the values of interest to us happens to be", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00072-00021856-00022418": "this plot where we took the stamp plot of the regression", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00073-00022418-00022825": "standardized residuals for the percent of disciplinary", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00074-00022825-00023025": "placements.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00075-00023025-00023330": "There's no trend in the area of this.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00076-00023330-00023449": "This is a good graph.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00077-00023449-00023663": "If there was a trend in the [? error ?] terms, it would", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00078-00023663-00023862": "look like a staircase.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00079-00023862-00024222": "So this ended up being just exactly what we", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00080-00024222-00024366": "were looking for.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00081-00024366-00024611": "So we've got a real good readout here.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00082-00024611-00024812": "I want you to pull it down.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00083-00024812-00025220": "You can get it on-- in the website and WebShell.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00084-00025220-00025367": "And look at it.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00085-00025367-00025864": "But our output looks pretty good.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00086-00025864-00026295": "And I just wanted you to have a chance to check it out, look", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00087-00026295-00026514": "at the things that we've got, the descriptive", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00088-00026514-00026695": "statistics and so forth.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00089-00026695-00027002": "Now we'll take just a minute to interpret these even", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00090-00027002-00027248": "further for you.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00091-00027248-00027495": "And that really wasn't that bad, was it?", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00092-00027495-00027655": "You got a really good readout.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00093-00027655-00027917": "You didn't have to add anything by hand.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00094-00027917-00028137": "All you had to do is look at the output and try to", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00095-00028137-00028313": "determine what it said.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00096-00028313-00028599": "Now, you will recall that the multiple linear regression", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00097-00028599-00029191": "model is the predicted value of y-, of your dependent", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00098-00029191-00029606": "variable, is equal to your first Beta value times your", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00099-00029606-00029993": "first independent and so forth and so on plus some constant", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00100-00029993-00030355": "C. Now if you'll look at this just a minute, we've plugged", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00101-00030355-00030704": "the values in, out of your output.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00102-00030704-00031007": "We find that it creates a formula like this.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00103-00031007-00031294": "The constant is minus 5.256.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00104-00031294-00031727": "Now it's interesting that we have 0.203 times the percent", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00105-00031727-00032254": "African American, 0.496 times the percent Hispanic, 0.105", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00106-00032254-00032768": "times the percent white, 0.365 times the present economically", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00107-00032768-00033232": "disadvantaged, minus 0.60, limited English proficiency,", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00108-00033232-00033737": "plus 0.110 times the at-risk plus 0.041 times the special", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00109-00033737-00033921": "ed minus this.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00110-00033921-00034296": "Now the multiple linear regression model indicates to", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00111-00034296-00034732": "us that the Hispanic percentage is very big and", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00112-00034732-00035299": "positively predicting the percentage of disciplinary", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00113-00035299-00035389": "placements.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00114-00035389-00035735": "The next largest is if you're economically disadvantaged.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00115-00035735-00036035": "And then the next largest, if you're African American.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00116-00036035-00036346": "The moral to this is don't be Hispanic or African American", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00117-00036346-00036684": "or economically disadvantaged, or you're going to be sent to", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00118-00036684-00036936": "disciplinary placement if you do something.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00119-00036936-00037197": "Seems to me that we might have a problem there if we really", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00120-00037197-00037327": "look at it.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00121-00037327-00037609": "Again, I want to thank you very much for your support.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00122-00037609-00037941": "As always, you patronage keeps my family fed.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00123-00037941-00038230": "I thank you on behalf of myself, behalf of my wife,", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00124-00038230-00038597": "behalf of my autistic son Zoey, behalf of my other three", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00125-00038597-00038896": "children, behalf of myself and grandchildren.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00126-00038896-00039209": "I thank you on behalf of the two lambs that I'm feeding", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00127-00039209-00039441": "out, out here in the backyard.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00128-00039441-00039738": "May the odds be ever in your favor.", "7WvtYIBaiYQ-00129-00039738-00039863": "Have a good one."}}, {"audio_id": "7WwyrG3NPsc", "text": {"7WwyrG3NPsc-00000-00000010-00000276": "WITH ALZHEIMER'S.", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00001-00000276-00000283": "WITH ALZHEIMER'S.", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00002-00000283-00000437": "WITH ALZHEIMER'S. >>> TIME, ENERGY, AND MONEY ARE", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00003-00000437-00000443": "WITH ALZHEIMER'S. >>> TIME, ENERGY, AND MONEY ARE", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00004-00000443-00000650": "WITH ALZHEIMER'S. >>> TIME, ENERGY, AND MONEY ARE  THREE THINGS MARY JO HAMILTON", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00005-00000650-00000657": ">>> TIME, ENERGY, AND MONEY ARE  THREE THINGS MARY JO HAMILTON", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00006-00000657-00000757": ">>> TIME, ENERGY, AND MONEY ARE  THREE THINGS MARY JO HAMILTON  HAS DONATED A LOT OF OVER THE", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00007-00000757-00000764": "THREE THINGS MARY JO HAMILTON  HAS DONATED A LOT OF OVER THE", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00008-00000764-00000917": "THREE THINGS MARY JO HAMILTON  HAS DONATED A LOT OF OVER THE  LAST YEAR TO THE BRAINERD LAKES", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00009-00000917-00000924": "HAS DONATED A LOT OF OVER THE  LAST YEAR TO THE BRAINERD LAKES", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00010-00000924-00001024": "HAS DONATED A LOT OF OVER THE  LAST YEAR TO THE BRAINERD LAKES CURLING CLUB, AND OVER THE", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00011-00001024-00001031": "LAST YEAR TO THE BRAINERD LAKES CURLING CLUB, AND OVER THE", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00012-00001031-00001131": "LAST YEAR TO THE BRAINERD LAKES CURLING CLUB, AND OVER THE  WEEKEND SHE WAS HONORED FOR HER", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00013-00001131-00001137": "CURLING CLUB, AND OVER THE  WEEKEND SHE WAS HONORED FOR HER", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00014-00001137-00001394": "CURLING CLUB, AND OVER THE  WEEKEND SHE WAS HONORED FOR HER  HARD WORK.", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00015-00001394-00001401": "WEEKEND SHE WAS HONORED FOR HER  HARD WORK.", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00016-00001401-00001558": "WEEKEND SHE WAS HONORED FOR HER  HARD WORK. THE U.S. CURLING ASSOCIATION", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00017-00001558-00001564": "HARD WORK. THE U.S. CURLING ASSOCIATION", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00018-00001564-00001714": "HARD WORK. THE U.S. CURLING ASSOCIATION  HONORED MARY JO HAMILTON WITH", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00019-00001714-00001721": "THE U.S. CURLING ASSOCIATION  HONORED MARY JO HAMILTON WITH", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00020-00001721-00001821": "THE U.S. CURLING ASSOCIATION  HONORED MARY JO HAMILTON WITH  THEIR 2018 VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00021-00001821-00001828": "HONORED MARY JO HAMILTON WITH  THEIR 2018 VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00022-00001828-00002031": "HONORED MARY JO HAMILTON WITH  THEIR 2018 VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR AWARD.", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00023-00002031-00002038": "THEIR 2018 VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR AWARD.", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00024-00002038-00002192": "THEIR 2018 VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR AWARD. BESIDES CONVINCING HER LATE AUNT", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00025-00002192-00002198": "AWARD. BESIDES CONVINCING HER LATE AUNT", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00026-00002198-00002355": "AWARD. BESIDES CONVINCING HER LATE AUNT TO DONATE THE FUNDS FOR THE", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00027-00002355-00002362": "BESIDES CONVINCING HER LATE AUNT TO DONATE THE FUNDS FOR THE", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00028-00002362-00002512": "BESIDES CONVINCING HER LATE AUNT TO DONATE THE FUNDS FOR THE  BRAINERD CURLING FACILITY,", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00029-00002512-00002519": "TO DONATE THE FUNDS FOR THE  BRAINERD CURLING FACILITY,", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00030-00002519-00002672": "TO DONATE THE FUNDS FOR THE  BRAINERD CURLING FACILITY,  HAMILTON ALSO LED THE LET'S", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00031-00002672-00002679": "BRAINERD CURLING FACILITY,  HAMILTON ALSO LED THE LET'S", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00032-00002679-00002939": "BRAINERD CURLING FACILITY,  HAMILTON ALSO LED THE LET'S  ROCK CAMPAIGN AND REPLACED ALL", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00033-00002939-00002946": "HAMILTON ALSO LED THE LET'S  ROCK CAMPAIGN AND REPLACED ALL", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00034-00002946-00003049": "HAMILTON ALSO LED THE LET'S  ROCK CAMPAIGN AND REPLACED ALL  OF THE CLUB'S 64 CURLING ROCKS,", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00035-00003049-00003056": "ROCK CAMPAIGN AND REPLACED ALL  OF THE CLUB'S 64 CURLING ROCKS,", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00036-00003056-00003123": "ROCK CAMPAIGN AND REPLACED ALL  OF THE CLUB'S 64 CURLING ROCKS,  BUT SHE SAYS THIS AWARD IS A", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00037-00003123-00003129": "OF THE CLUB'S 64 CURLING ROCKS,  BUT SHE SAYS THIS AWARD IS A", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00038-00003129-00003586": "OF THE CLUB'S 64 CURLING ROCKS,  BUT SHE SAYS THIS AWARD IS A  TEAM EFFORT.", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00039-00003586-00003593": "BUT SHE SAYS THIS AWARD IS A  TEAM EFFORT.", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00040-00003593-00003790": "BUT SHE SAYS THIS AWARD IS A  TEAM EFFORT. >> YOU KIND OF FEEL BAD IN THE", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00041-00003790-00003797": "TEAM EFFORT. >> YOU KIND OF FEEL BAD IN THE", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00042-00003797-00004027": "TEAM EFFORT. >> YOU KIND OF FEEL BAD IN THE  SENSE THAT IT TAKES A WHOLE", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00043-00004027-00004034": ">> YOU KIND OF FEEL BAD IN THE  SENSE THAT IT TAKES A WHOLE", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00044-00004034-00004057": ">> YOU KIND OF FEEL BAD IN THE  SENSE THAT IT TAKES A WHOLE  CLUB.", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00045-00004057-00004064": "SENSE THAT IT TAKES A WHOLE  CLUB.", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00046-00004064-00004260": "SENSE THAT IT TAKES A WHOLE  CLUB. IT REALLY DOES.", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00047-00004260-00004267": "CLUB. IT REALLY DOES.", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00048-00004267-00004637": "CLUB. IT REALLY DOES. SO FOR EVERYTHING I DO, THERE'S", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00049-00004637-00004644": "IT REALLY DOES. SO FOR EVERYTHING I DO, THERE'S", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00050-00004644-00004811": "IT REALLY DOES. SO FOR EVERYTHING I DO, THERE'S  ALL OF THE SUPPORT BEHIND ME.", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00051-00004811-00004818": "SO FOR EVERYTHING I DO, THERE'S  ALL OF THE SUPPORT BEHIND ME.", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00052-00004818-00005091": "SO FOR EVERYTHING I DO, THERE'S  ALL OF THE SUPPORT BEHIND ME. ONE PERSON DOES KIND OF HAVE TO", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00053-00005091-00005098": "ALL OF THE SUPPORT BEHIND ME. ONE PERSON DOES KIND OF HAVE TO", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00054-00005098-00005311": "ALL OF THE SUPPORT BEHIND ME. ONE PERSON DOES KIND OF HAVE TO  SPEARHEAD IT, BUT IT DOES TAKE A", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00055-00005311-00005318": "ONE PERSON DOES KIND OF HAVE TO  SPEARHEAD IT, BUT IT DOES TAKE A", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00056-00005318-00005465": "ONE PERSON DOES KIND OF HAVE TO  SPEARHEAD IT, BUT IT DOES TAKE A WHOLE TEAM.", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00057-00005465-00005472": "SPEARHEAD IT, BUT IT DOES TAKE A WHOLE TEAM.", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00058-00005472-00005705": "SPEARHEAD IT, BUT IT DOES TAKE A WHOLE TEAM. SO, I MEAN, AS NICE AS IT IS, IT", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00059-00005705-00005712": "WHOLE TEAM. SO, I MEAN, AS NICE AS IT IS, IT", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00060-00005712-00005919": "WHOLE TEAM. SO, I MEAN, AS NICE AS IT IS, IT IS A TEAM RECOGNITION, REALLY.", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00061-00005919-00005925": "SO, I MEAN, AS NICE AS IT IS, IT IS A TEAM RECOGNITION, REALLY.", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00062-00005925-00005992": "SO, I MEAN, AS NICE AS IT IS, IT IS A TEAM RECOGNITION, REALLY. >> Dennis: BECAUSE OF HER HARD", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00063-00005992-00005999": "IS A TEAM RECOGNITION, REALLY. >> Dennis: BECAUSE OF HER HARD", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00064-00005999-00006132": "IS A TEAM RECOGNITION, REALLY. >> Dennis: BECAUSE OF HER HARD  WORK, BRAINERD WAS CHOSEN TO", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00065-00006132-00006139": ">> Dennis: BECAUSE OF HER HARD  WORK, BRAINERD WAS CHOSEN TO", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00066-00006139-00006342": ">> Dennis: BECAUSE OF HER HARD  WORK, BRAINERD WAS CHOSEN TO  HOST THE 2018 CLUB NATIONAL", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00067-00006342-00006349": "WORK, BRAINERD WAS CHOSEN TO  HOST THE 2018 CLUB NATIONAL", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00068-00006349-00006456": "WORK, BRAINERD WAS CHOSEN TO  HOST THE 2018 CLUB NATIONAL  CHAMPIONSHIPS WHERE THE TEN TOP", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00069-00006456-00006463": "HOST THE 2018 CLUB NATIONAL  CHAMPIONSHIPS WHERE THE TEN TOP", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00070-00006463-00006613": "HOST THE 2018 CLUB NATIONAL  CHAMPIONSHIPS WHERE THE TEN TOP  MEN'S AND WOMEN'S CURLING TEAMS", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00071-00006613-00006619": "CHAMPIONSHIPS WHERE THE TEN TOP  MEN'S AND WOMEN'S CURLING TEAMS", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00072-00006619-00006773": "CHAMPIONSHIPS WHERE THE TEN TOP  MEN'S AND WOMEN'S CURLING TEAMS  FROM ACROSS THE NATION COME", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00073-00006773-00006780": "MEN'S AND WOMEN'S CURLING TEAMS  FROM ACROSS THE NATION COME", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00074-00006780-00006930": "MEN'S AND WOMEN'S CURLING TEAMS  FROM ACROSS THE NATION COME  TOGETHER TO COMPETE.", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00075-00006930-00006936": "FROM ACROSS THE NATION COME  TOGETHER TO COMPETE.", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00076-00006936-00007093": "FROM ACROSS THE NATION COME  TOGETHER TO COMPETE. HAMILTON CHAIRED THE EVENT,", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00077-00007093-00007100": "TOGETHER TO COMPETE. HAMILTON CHAIRED THE EVENT,", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00078-00007100-00007197": "TOGETHER TO COMPETE. HAMILTON CHAIRED THE EVENT,  ORGANIZING CEREMONIES, PREPARING", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00079-00007197-00007203": "HAMILTON CHAIRED THE EVENT,  ORGANIZING CEREMONIES, PREPARING", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00080-00007203-00007620": "HAMILTON CHAIRED THE EVENT,  ORGANIZING CEREMONIES, PREPARING FOOD, AND COORDINATING", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00081-00007620-00007627": "ORGANIZING CEREMONIES, PREPARING FOOD, AND COORDINATING", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00082-00007627-00007787": "ORGANIZING CEREMONIES, PREPARING FOOD, AND COORDINATING  THE WEEK-LONG TOURNAMENT.", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00083-00007787-00007794": "FOOD, AND COORDINATING  THE WEEK-LONG TOURNAMENT.", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00084-00007794-00008044": "FOOD, AND COORDINATING  THE WEEK-LONG TOURNAMENT.  >> AND AT THE NATIONALS, IT WAS", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00085-00008044-00008051": "THE WEEK-LONG TOURNAMENT.  >> AND AT THE NATIONALS, IT WAS", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00086-00008051-00008148": "THE WEEK-LONG TOURNAMENT.  >> AND AT THE NATIONALS, IT WAS  UNBELIEVABLE, JUST ALL THE", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00087-00008148-00008154": ">> AND AT THE NATIONALS, IT WAS  UNBELIEVABLE, JUST ALL THE", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00088-00008154-00008224": ">> AND AT THE NATIONALS, IT WAS  UNBELIEVABLE, JUST ALL THE  VOLUNTEERS THAT IT TAKES.", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00089-00008224-00008231": "UNBELIEVABLE, JUST ALL THE  VOLUNTEERS THAT IT TAKES.", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00090-00008231-00008455": "UNBELIEVABLE, JUST ALL THE  VOLUNTEERS THAT IT TAKES. IT WAS A LOT OF WORK, BUT IT", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00091-00008455-00008461": "VOLUNTEERS THAT IT TAKES. IT WAS A LOT OF WORK, BUT IT", "7WwyrG3NPsc-00092-00008461-00008558": "VOLUNTEERS THAT IT TAKES. IT WAS A LOT OF WORK, BUT IT  REALLY HELPED PUT OUR NAME ON"}}, {"audio_id": "7WEU02NS-iI", "text": {"7WEU02NS-iI-00001-00001526-00002072": "People who see me in the middle of a street he looks at me and laughs. He laughs and passes.", "7WEU02NS-iI-00002-00002108-00002612": "A comedy of mine comes to mind, remember that it's funny, and has fun.", "7WEU02NS-iI-00003-00002636-00002836": "Laugh for a hundred years!", "7WEU02NS-iI-00004-00002876-00003464": "Only, I want to say to you for the sake of conscience: I write the comic facts of the people ...", "7WEU02NS-iI-00005-00003502-00004112": "And laughing, do you find convenience?  ...I do not believe"}}, {"audio_id": "7X4EqL4EgKU", "text": {"7X4EqL4EgKU-00000-00000032-00000102": "No, we're not in Berlin anymore!", "7X4EqL4EgKU-00002-00000152-00000606": "We're in Zagreb, Croatia in a square whose name I'm not able to pronounce yet", "7X4EqL4EgKU-00004-00000700-00000922": "and from here we start our journey through the Balkans", "7X4EqL4EgKU-00005-00000961-00001106": "We spent six weeks in Berlin", "7X4EqL4EgKU-00007-00001156-00001472": "interviewing lots of people, visiting a bunch of amazing places", "7X4EqL4EgKU-00008-00001516-00001914": "and now, we decided to bring seven lessons we learned from the time we were there", "7X4EqL4EgKU-00009-00001914-00002410": "Dive in Social presents: Seven lessons about social entrepreneurship from Berlin", "7X4EqL4EgKU-00010-00002474-00002840": "Almost all initiatives we got to know in Berlin relied on the support of volunteers", "7X4EqL4EgKU-00011-00002856-00003064": "And this has a lot to do with the tradition of social work in the country", "7X4EqL4EgKU-00012-00003148-00003528": "Sometimes, these hands help in operational tasks,", "7X4EqL4EgKU-00013-00003540-00003954": "but in some cases, they take part in core activities.", "7X4EqL4EgKU-00014-00003974-00004418": "In a talk we had with Ismail Chaib, one of the people behind Make Sense", "7X4EqL4EgKU-00015-00004466-00004816": "and he explained us in detail how their network help social entrepreneurs around the world solve their challenges.", "7X4EqL4EgKU-00016-00004844-00005332": "This happens by the means of  \"holdups\", meetings that get volunteers thinking practical solutions for each challenge.", "7X4EqL4EgKU-00017-00005446-00005760": "More than 800 holdups have been already held and, only in Berlin,", "7X4EqL4EgKU-00018-00005778-00006028": "in a network composed by more than 1000 volunteers", "7X4EqL4EgKU-00019-00006062-00006224": "Get your hands on", "7X4EqL4EgKU-00020-00006252-00006636": "If you are ahead of a project, draw an experience guideline for potential volunteers,", "7X4EqL4EgKU-00021-00006636-00007126": "show them the expected gains in personal development and recognition.", "7X4EqL4EgKU-00022-00007170-00007540": "If you want to be a volunteer, choose a project that inspires you, go and get in touch!", "7X4EqL4EgKU-00023-00007602-00007762": "You will surely be welcome."}}, {"audio_id": "7Xk6K6QP-3M", "text": {"7Xk6K6QP-3M-00000-00000052-00000619": "When we talk about new psychoactive substances, or in short NPS, we are referring to narcotic", "7Xk6K6QP-3M-00001-00000619-00001007": "or psychotropic drugs that are not under international control.", "7Xk6K6QP-3M-00002-00001007-00001421": "This means that they are not listed in the United Nations Conventions of 1961 or 1971,", "7Xk6K6QP-3M-00003-00001421-00002112": "the international treaties that state which drugs are under control such as cocaine, cannabis,", "7Xk6K6QP-3M-00004-00002112-00002481": "heroin, amphetamine, LSD and methamphetamine.", "7Xk6K6QP-3M-00005-00002481-00003207": "Nevertheless, NPS may still be a threat to public health and cause social harms, just", "7Xk6K6QP-3M-00006-00003207-00003557": "like the drugs listed in the conventions.", "7Xk6K6QP-3M-00007-00003557-00003934": "Many NPS mimic the effects of internationally controlled drugs.", "7Xk6K6QP-3M-00008-00003934-00004485": "For example, synthetic cathinones are used as replacements for stimulants such as amphetamine", "7Xk6K6QP-3M-00009-00004485-00005017": "or cocaine and synthethic cannabinoids as replacements for cannabis.", "7Xk6K6QP-3M-00010-00005017-00005698": "NPS can be found in different types of products such as legal highs, research chemicals,", "7Xk6K6QP-3M-00011-00005698-00006262": "food supplements or designer drugs and and NPS may include medicines.", "7Xk6K6QP-3M-00012-00006262-00006739": "Although NPS are not controlled internationally through the UN conventions, there might be", "7Xk6K6QP-3M-00013-00006739-00006896": "other forms of control.", "7Xk6K6QP-3M-00014-00006896-00007456": "An NPS can be controlled through the national legislation in a country either by name or", "7Xk6K6QP-3M-00015-00007456-00007956": "as part of a more generic definition based on chemistry or effect.", "7Xk6K6QP-3M-00016-00007956-00008461": "Following a risk assessment by the EMCDDA Scientific Committee, the Council of the EU", "7Xk6K6QP-3M-00017-00008461-00009042": "may also decide, that a substance should be controlled in all the EU Member States.", "7Xk6K6QP-3M-00018-00009042-00009500": "Some substances might pass through different levels of control over time.", "7Xk6K6QP-3M-00019-00009500-00009600": "Mephedrone is a good example.", "7Xk6K6QP-3M-00020-00009600-00009996": "It emerged as an NPS in 2007.", "7Xk6K6QP-3M-00021-00009996-00010488": "As problems occurred, more and more European countries started controlling it, and after", "7Xk6K6QP-3M-00022-00010488-00011010": "a Risk assessment by the EMCDDA, it was controlled at EU level.", "7Xk6K6QP-3M-00023-00011010-00011581": "Since 2015, it is also controlled internationally in the UN conventions.", "7Xk6K6QP-3M-00024-00011581-00012059": "This is why mephedrone cannot be considered an NPS anymore!", "7Xk6K6QP-3M-00025-00012059-00012635": "In contrast to this, ketamine has been surfacing as an NPS in the mid-1990s.", "7Xk6K6QP-3M-00026-00012635-00013133": "It is controlled at national level in various countries and was risk-assessed by the EMCDDA", "7Xk6K6QP-3M-00027-00013133-00013308": "in 2000.", "7Xk6K6QP-3M-00028-00013308-00013902": "Nevertheless, it is not controlled at EU level or internationally, which is why we still", "7Xk6K6QP-3M-00029-00013902-00014127": "call ketamine an NPS.", "7Xk6K6QP-3M-00030-00014127-00014736": "So to summarise, an NPS may be controlled in some European countries, depending on the", "7Xk6K6QP-3M-00031-00014736-00014935": "national laws in place.", "7Xk6K6QP-3M-00032-00014935-00015209": "It might also be controlled on EU level.", "7Xk6K6QP-3M-00033-00015209-00015526": "If it is internationally controlled, it is not an NPS."}}, {"audio_id": "7XrtsoqAYpU", "text": {"7XrtsoqAYpU-00000-00000136-00000368": "Step Two: Bell-State Measurements - One", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00001-00000632-00000927": "So, let's remind ourselves what Bell-states look like.", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00002-00001080-00001400": "So, Bell-states are four entangled states,", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00003-00001464-00001904": "and they can be written in this form in the computational basis (see slide). Phi plus", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00004-00001904-00002664": "is a superposition of zero zero, and one one. So is phi minus, but with an a negative phase", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00005-00002664-00003072": "between the two, and this (follow pointer) is the expression for psi plus, and psi minus.", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00006-00003247-00003808": "We saw that these states are orthonormal. What that means is that if you take the inner product", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00007-00003872-00004464": "of a Bell-state with itself, for example, phi plus, then you get a one, it means it is", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00008-00004464-00005040": "normalized. But if you take an inner product of one of these states with some other state, then", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00009-00005040-00005552": "you get a zero. For example, the inner product between phi minus and phi plus is zero, and so on.", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00010-00005640-00006280": "What this means is that we can take any state- any pure state of two qubits, and write it out in the", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00011-00006280-00007008": "Bell-basis. For example, let's consider a general pure two-qubit state in the computational basis", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00012-00007008-00007728": "with probability amplitudes given by alpha, beta, gamma, and delta. We saw in previous lessons how", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00013-00007728-00008400": "to rewrite this state in the Bell-basis. So now, it's a superposition of all the four Bell-states,", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00014-00008456-00009024": "where of course, these probability amplitudes have changed. For example, the probability", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00015-00009024-00009592": "amplitude for state phi plus is alpha plus beta, and so on for the other Bell-states.", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00016-00009760-00010408": "And we have been treating measurements as a question that we ask about the state of", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00017-00010408-00011072": "our physical system, and the question in this case is: which of the four Bell-states is our state in?", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00018-00011128-00011712": "Is it the state phi plus? Is it the state phi minus, psi plus, or psi minus? This is what", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00019-00011712-00012288": "the measurement reveals about our system, and usually we say that we get the answer", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00020-00012288-00012912": "with some probability. For example, depending on the initial state psi, we might get the answer", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00021-00012912-00013560": "that the state is phi plus. In this case, it would be with probability which is the modulus squared", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00022-00013560-00014208": "of this probability amplitude. This is a very abstract notion of what a measurement actually is,", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00023-00014208-00014712": "and it's not very useful when it comes to doing calculations. So, let's see how to", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00024-00014712-00015344": "actually implement such a measurement in terms of a quantum circuit. That will tell us more", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00025-00015344-00015791": "about what these measurements are actually doing and how we can implement them in a laboratory.", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00026-00016016-00016392": "So, but before we do that, let's step back a little bit and consider", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00027-00016392-00016696": "something simpler. Let's look at measurement of a single qubit,", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00028-00016784-00017360": "and let's be particular and say that we want to measure the single qubit in a Pauli z basis.", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00029-00017608-00018248": "In the quantum circuit notation, we would write it as this: we've got some input state psi, and then", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00030-00018248-00018800": "we measure it- this is the symbol for measurement (see figure), and here, this little \"z\" is just", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00031-00018800-00019440": "reminding us that we are measuring in the z basis. So, what we get is that initially, if the state is", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00032-00019440-00019936": "some general superposition of zero and one with probability amplitudes alpha and beta,", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00033-00020072-00020800": "then the measurement can give us a plus one outcome with corresponding probability, which", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00034-00020800-00021368": "is given by the inner product between the initial state and our basis state zero modulus squared,", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00035-00021368-00022016": "which is just alpha modulus squared. Or, we can get the minus one outcome which is given by the", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00036-00022016-00022544": "probability given by beta modulus squared, the probability amplitude of the basis state one.", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00037-00022824-00023152": "Now, let's try to do a measurement in the x basis.", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00038-00023368-00023856": "Again, in the quantum circuit notation, it would look like this: we've got our initial state psi,", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00039-00023856-00024296": "and we're doing a measurement, and now it's in the x basis which is over", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00040-00024296-00024920": "here (see figure) written by this little x. Again, we are considering some general input state,", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00041-00024920-00025456": "but in order to be able to determine the probabilities of the different outcomes,", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00042-00025456-00026160": "we are going to rewrite this state in the x basis. So we have seen that zero is equal superposition", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00043-00026160-00026800": "of the plus state and the minus state, and similarly one is an equal superposition as well,", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00044-00026800-00027504": "but this time we have a negative phase between plus and minus states. So, we can rewrite the", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00045-00027504-00027968": "initial state in this following form (see pointer, RHS eq), and from this form we can easily read", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00046-00027968-00028656": "out the probabilities of obtaining the plus one outcome of the measurement, which is given by half", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00047-00028656-00029232": "alpha plus beta, the whole thing modulus squared, and the probability for the minus one outcome.", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00048-00029439-00030048": "But now, let's impose a restriction on ourselves. Let's say that we cannot perform", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00049-00030048-00030544": "measurement in the x basis. Let's say we're only allowed to do measurements in the z basis, what", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00050-00030544-00031272": "do we do then? Well, we can consider the following quantum circuit: we've got the initial state and", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00051-00031272-00031752": "then we do some unitary operation on that state. Here (see figure), we are choosing the Hadamard,", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00052-00031880-00032383": "and then we perform our measurement but this time in the z basis.", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00053-00032464-00032928": "So, we start with the usual initial state, it's a superposition of zero and one,", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00054-00033032-00033696": "but then after application of the Hadamard gate we get a new state, which we are denoting psi prime,", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00055-00033760-00034312": "and this new state is given in this form (follow pointer). Just to remind you, Hadamard,", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00056-00034312-00034928": "when it's applied on zero, gives us a plus state, so an equal superposition of zero and one, whereas", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00057-00034928-00035528": "Hadamard applied to one gives us the minus state, and then if we just expand the plus state and the", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00058-00035528-00036032": "minus state again in the computational basis, we arrive at this form for our state psi plus.", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00059-00036128-00036376": "And now, because we are doing measurement in the z basis,", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00060-00036376-00036992": "again it's easy to read out the probabilities corresponding to outcomes plus one and minus one.", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00061-00037168-00037936": "But look, even though here we have a different quantum circuit, we are obtaining the outcomes", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00062-00037936-00038408": "plus one and minus one with the same probabilities as we had done on the previous slide.", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00063-00038520-00038976": "So, what this shows is that there are two ways of implementing a Pauli x measurement.", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00064-00039048-00039736": "We can do it directly, writing it like this, or if we want we can just measure in the z basis,", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00065-00039736-00040240": "but then we have to apply some unitary transformation on our pure state psi.", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00066-00040440-00041184": "So, why is that? Well, the clue is in the probabilities. If you look at the probability", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00067-00041184-00041760": "of the plus one outcome in this scheme (see pointer), where we are measuring the x", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00068-00041760-00042456": "basis directly, then it's given by the inner product of psi and the plus state modulus squared.", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00069-00042536-00042920": "If we do it in our other scheme where we are using the Hadamard followed by a z-measurement,", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00070-00042992-00043472": "then it's given by the corresponding expression here (see pointer), now it's the inner product", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00071-00043472-00044072": "between the state psi prime, so this is our initial state after we apply Hadamard to it,", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00072-00044160-00044528": "and the inner product is with a zero state.", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00073-00044840-00045632": "And then, what we get is psi times Hadamard times zero. So what we are getting is, really,", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00074-00045720-00046384": "if we are comparing these two probabilities (follow pointer), we see that this psi state", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00075-00046624-00047000": "has an inner product with plus, and plus is just written as", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00076-00047000-00047624": "Hadamard applied to a zero state. So that's what we are doing here (top right red box circuit).", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00077-00047624-00048272": "So what we are really doing is we are asking: what unitary takes me from a plus state to a zero", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00078-00048272-00048736": "state, or from a zero state to a plus state? And we already know this unitary, it's the Hadamard.", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00079-00048800-00049424": "Similarly for the minus one outcome, we look at the different probabilities and what we get is,", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00080-00049424-00049952": "again, we go from a minus state to a one state via the Hadamard transformation.", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00081-00050240-00050552": "So the Hadamard transforms our desired basis of measurement,", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00082-00050552-00050896": "which in this case is a Pauli x into a Pauli z basis.", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00083-00051160-00051688": "Now, how to do a Bell measurement using only Pauli z? Well, we have two qubits,", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00084-00051688-00052544": "so we're going to need two Pauli measurements, and we are going to need to apply some two-qubit", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00085-00052544-00053112": "unitary before we actually measure the state. So the question now is, how do we find this unitary?", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00086-00053367-00053976": "Well, we know one thing that the unitary when applied to a state psi plus should give us a", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00087-00053976-00054504": "zero zero. When applied to state phi minus, it should give us state one zero, and so on", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00088-00054504-00055240": "and so forth. So this is our rule of transforming from our Bell-basis into our computational basis,", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00089-00055240-00055528": "and if we can do that, then we can just measure in the z", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00090-00055624-00056104": "basis. In the same way we saw how it worked for the Pauli x basis, we had to", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00091-00056104-00056696": "find a unitary that transforms from the x basis into the z basis which was given by Hadamard.", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00092-00056696-00057088": "Here, we are looking for a more general unitary because it's acting on two qubits.", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00093-00057367-00057776": "So, without further ado, this is the circuit that actually achieves", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00094-00057776-00058191": "our desired transformation (fig. on slide). It's given by a C-NOT gate,", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00095-00058328-00058816": "which is given by this two qubit gate, followed by a Hadamard on the first qubit,", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00096-00058816-00059616": "and then two measurements in the z basis. And what happens, that if we get outcomes zero zero,", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00097-00059688-00060072": "which corresponds to plus one plus one, then we know that we have a Bell-state", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00098-00060072-00060544": "phi plus, and similarly for all the other three possible measurement outcomes,", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00099-00060544-00061128": "and each individual measurement outcome represents uniquely a Bell-state measurement.", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00100-00061504-00061952": "So, this is true in general, that any measurement basis can be implemented", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00101-00061952-00062464": "by Pauli z measurements and a suitable unitary applied before we measure our qubits.", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00102-00062752-00063120": "And this trick is very useful, particularly in quantum computation,", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00103-00063120-00063600": "and also in quantum communication, and in the next step we will actually see", "7XrtsoqAYpU-00104-00063600-00064408": "how we can do this in real life using linear optics."}}, {"audio_id": "7XH4f5s1lXY", "text": {"7XH4f5s1lXY-00000-00000130-00000710": "Welcome to TechSoup Talks. Today's webinar is Tech Training Made Simple with Online Videos.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00001-00000710-00001350": "We have Stephanie Gerding, Lee LeFever, Mary Beth Faccioli, and Carolyn Blatchley.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00002-00001350-00001689": "I would like to introduce Stephanie Gerding who works for TechSoup.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00003-00001689-00002190": "And Stephanie, tell us a little bit about yourself and introduce the other presenters.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00004-00002190-00002740": "Thank you Kami. I am Stefanie Gerding, and I am a library consultant and author.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00005-00002740-00003340": "I present workshops around the country and online on grants, training, and technology topics.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00006-00003350-00003829": "And I am currently working with the TechSoup for Libraries program to support them", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00007-00003829-00004410": "in providing technology education to libraries, and helping libraries save money", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00008-00004410-00004710": "through the TechSoup Stock software donations.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00009-00004710-00005210": "So I am going to be interviewing Lee today from Common Craft to learn more about their videos", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00010-00005210-00005720": "and how they are created. And then we will hear from Mary Beth and Carolyn", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00011-00005720-00006080": "on how they are using the videos to support the needs in their community.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00012-00006090-00006400": "So why don't you all go ahead and introduce yourself?", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00013-00006400-00006809": "We will just go in order of our photos, so we will start with Lee.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00014-00006809-00007459": "Lee: Thanks Stephanie. Hi, my name is Lee LeFever, and my wife Sachi and I run Common Craft,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00015-00007459-00007990": "and we make videos. And we will be talking more later about the process we use to make the videos,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00016-00007990-00008200": "and a little bit about our history.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00017-00008200-00008590": "Stephanie: Great. And Mary Beth?", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00018-00008600-00009000": "Mary Beth: Thanks Stephanie. I am Mary Beth Faccioli with the Colorado State Library.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00019-00009000-00009630": "And the state library here in Colorado provides resources and services to libraries across the state.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00020-00009640-00010400": "In my position I do a lot of training material design for online environments. I also work with librarians", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00021-00010400-00011060": "to develop training and training materials. In addition to that, I produce webinars much like this one,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00022-00011060-00011560": "although not as big as this one, but I do that for the state library for trainings and meetings,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00023-00011560-00012180": "and do a bunch of web design and development, and also have started to get my hand in on", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00024-00012180-00012850": "working with audio and video to create training material, and also for promotions for the state library.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00025-00012860-00013100": "Stephanie: Great, thank you. And Carolyn?", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00026-00013100-00013600": "Carolyn: Thanks Stephanie. This is Carolyn Blatchley. I am the Training Services Coordinator", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00027-00013600-00014150": "at the Cumberland County Library System, and that is located in Carlisle Pennsylvania.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00028-00014150-00014530": "I am talking to you from my home in Harrisburg Pennsylvania right now.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00029-00014530-00015210": "What I do as Training Services Coordinator, is I am responsible for development, implementation,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00030-00015210-00015810": "and evaluation of a public services -- create staff training programs systemwide.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00031-00015810-00016450": "I focus mostly on strengthening the information technology skills of our staff.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00032-00016450-00017130": "And I am a department of one, so I am always looking for free and high-quality resources", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00033-00017130-00017660": "that I can share out easily, anything that will promote excellent customer service,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00034-00017670-00018000": "and the best trained staff that we can have.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00035-00018000-00018200": "Stephanie: Great, thank you everyone.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00036-00018200-00018840": "Well, we are really excited about this webinar today. We had over 200 people sign up,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00037-00018840-00019300": "and from looking at registrations we see we have people from libraries, from schools,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00038-00019310-00019890": "and from all types of different nonprofits. And I think one thing that we really have in common", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00039-00019890-00020690": "is just trying to figure out how to explain technology in plain English which is what Lee is specializing in.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00040-00020690-00021240": "And so Lee why don't we start by having you just tell us a little bit", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00041-00021240-00021600": "about the story behind how you started your company.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00042-00021600-00022140": "Lee: Yeah, sure, I'm happy to. For those of you that might not be familiar with Common Craft,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00043-00022150-00022700": "we are a small company in Seattle and we make videos that are usually about three minutes long.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00044-00022700-00023230": "And we take something complex and make it easy to understand. Our brand is, \"In Plain English.\"", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00045-00023230-00023520": "Our videos are like wiikis in plain English.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00046-00023520-00024320": "The story of how we got started is, I was an online community manager from about 1999 to 2003.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00047-00024330-00025060": "And I started Common Craft in 2003 to do consulting with companies about online communities.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00048-00025060-00025520": "And I always ran into the same kind of problems, and that was that the people that I was working with", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00049-00025520-00026100": "and hoping to influence, lacked a really basic understanding of what was happening on the web", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00050-00026110-00026600": "in terms of the social side of the web, you know RSS, and wikis, and blogs. And at the time", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00051-00026600-00027150": "I wrote blog posts about it in normal text, and called them \"In Plain English,\" and shared them", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00052-00027150-00027620": "with my clients, and put them on the blog, and enjoyed process, but never really thought much about it.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00053-00027620-00028350": "Then when YouTube got really popular in 2006, and Sachi joined the company,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00054-00028350-00028810": "we started to think about how can we use video as a part of what Common Craft does.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00055-00028820-00029560": "And we had the idea of turning those old blog posts into videos. And for a while I tried to be the guy", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00056-00029560-00029989": "standing in front of a white board with a marker trying to draw and look at the camera at the same time.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00057-00029989-00030239": "And it didn't really work very well.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00058-00030239-00030700": "And then Sachi, my wife, had the idea of pointing the camera down onto a white board", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00059-00030700-00031360": "and using hands and markers and paper cutouts to tell a story. In April of 2007 we did that,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00060-00031360-00031910": "and made our first video, \"RSS in Plain English,\" which is still one of our most popular ones.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00061-00031910-00032280": "We didn't do it with a real business model in mind so much as just something fun", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00062-00032280-00032760": "that we thought needed to be done. It was something that -- RSS was a subject that we felt", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00063-00032760-00033320": "had an explanation problem. And by that we thought that you know RSS is something that is free", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00064-00033330-00033810": "for people to use. It could impact almost everybody that uses the web, but it is not being adopted", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00065-00033810-00034220": "in part because it is not explained very well, and the web is full of those things.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00066-00034220-00034720": "But RSS was one that we felt strongly about at the time.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00067-00034720-00035340": "Since then we have made a lot of videos about more things than just technology", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00068-00035340-00035880": "which we will talk about later. But overall, right now we have about 26 videos in our library that we own", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00069-00035880-00036300": "that we have done as educational materials. And through sites like YouTube", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00070-00036300-00036660": "they've been viewed million of times, over 15 million now I think,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00071-00036670-00037470": "with Twitter \"In Plain English\" being our big one. So over time like I said, that started in April of 2007.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00072-00037470-00037980": "So we are getting close to doing this for three years. We really made two kind of videos.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00073-00037990-00038500": "The first is custom videos, and that is where organizations like Google or Microsoft", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00074-00038500-00039020": "hire us to make a video that explains their product. But that is not really the focus of the future", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00075-00039020-00039640": "of Common Craft. I think what we really want to do is make educational videos that we can share online", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00076-00039650-00040290": "for consumers, but then license as educational materials for school systems and businesses", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00077-00040290-00041080": "as well. We have a really broad client base in that way. The idea of licensing came from people writing us", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00078-00041080-00041460": "and saying hey, can I use your -- I'm doing a corporate training program in my business,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00079-00041470-00042000": "or I want to put your video as a part of my training at school or work.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00080-00042000-00042750": "And we said well, maybe we can make a premium version of these videos that is delivered as a download,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00081-00042760-00043080": "so you don't have to have an Internet connection; that skips the whole YouTube thing.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00082-00043080-00043560": "So we said wow, this is actually a business that maybe we can do. So now we are really focused", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00083-00043560-00044160": "on making a big -- having a big collection of videos on our website that can be viewed for free on the website,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00084-00044160-00044680": "but can also be purchased in a licensing kind of relationship where you download a file,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00085-00044690-00045290": "and it is really high quality and you can use it, you have permission to use it for professional purposes.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00086-00045370-00045930": "Right now we offer three basic licenses. The individual one is for One Person's Use.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00087-00045930-00046400": "So if there is a trainer let's say, that just wants a video to use in that person's training session", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00088-00046400-00046790": "where ever they are doing it, or a presentation for instance, the individual license is perfect.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00089-00046790-00047200": "The site license is for something you can share with everyone in an organization.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00090-00047210-00047820": "Everybody can use it. It could be posted on the intranet. It can be used in multiple training situations.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00091-00047820-00048550": "We also offer one for Public Website Use. That is sort of embedding into a website, like a YouTube video.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00092-00048550-00048920": "Stephanie: Great. Well, I am really familiar with your technology subjects,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00093-00048920-00049160": "but do you have other ones as well?", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00094-00049160-00049610": "Lee: Yeah, that's right. We got started in technology, and I think that technology is always going to be", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00095-00049610-00049990": "a big part of what we do, but we also feel strongly about other things.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00096-00049990-00050370": "And one is money and financial responsibility.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00097-00050370-00050810": "I feel like -- somebody says, Zombies, we have a \"Zombies in Plain English\" video too.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00098-00050810-00051490": "But we are really focused on financial responsibility, because I don't know about you,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00099-00051490-00052000": "but when I was in high school, in middle school I wasn't really taught much about things like compound interest", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00100-00052000-00052400": "and how insurance works and things like that. So we are really focused on creating materials", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00101-00052400-00052850": "that help people understand those things as well. We are also focused on green subjects", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00102-00052860-00053379": "and other sort of seemingly random subjects like electing a US President.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00103-00053379-00053920": "Stephanie: Great, good. Well, I am sure people are more interested also in the cost,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00104-00053920-00054079": "so let's talk about that a little bit.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00105-00054079-00054429": "Lee: Yeah, for sure, for sure. This is something that we have done a lot of thinking about.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00106-00054440-00055150": "And from the very beginning we have always had a philosophy of being kind to our fans", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00107-00055150-00055620": "and libraries and schools. We see it as a business opportunity, but also something that I felt", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00108-00055620-00056310": "we can make a meaningful contribution to outside of the cost. So our videos are free to watch,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00109-00056320-00056750": "and they are free to link to if you wanted to put a link in newsletters or on your website or anything like that.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00110-00056750-00057040": "Of course, that is definitely encouraged.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00111-00057040-00057520": "What we always say is that we want the videos to be open to anybody that wants to use them", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00112-00057520-00058140": "for noncommercial purposes. Of course that includes libraries and most work by nonprofits", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00113-00058150-00058550": "and things like that. And I know that there are a lot of folks here that are in libraries,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00114-00058550-00059260": "and that is a place where I think we really do encourage them to use whatever is on YouTube.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00115-00059260-00059829": "Stephanie: Lee, are you still there?", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00116-00059829-00060520": "Kami: Wow, that was strange. Okay, so Lee must have gotten dropped off the call.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00117-00060520-00061190": "I hope he realizes that. We will jump back to him, but I think that while we wait for him to come", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00118-00061190-00061640": "and finish his part of the presentation, Mary Beth, do you mind jumping in for a second", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00119-00061650-00062010": "to tell us a little bit about how you are using his videos?", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00120-00062010-00062490": "Mary Beth: That will be just fine.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00121-00062490-00062850": "Stephanie: Okay, great. Well, Mary Beth, I know you are using the videos", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00122-00062850-00063400": "in more of an online environment. Can you tell us how you are incorporating those?", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00123-00063400-00064060": "Mary Beth: Sure. What we are doing in Colorado is a version of the \"23 Things.\"", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00124-00064070-00064520": "And I know many libraries already know about \"23 Things,\" but since we have so many other people", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00125-00064520-00065360": "on the call, I will just describe briefly what this is about.A librarian in North Carolina created some years back,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00126-00065360-00066040": "an online learning program for library staff. The idea was to teach web 2.0 tools.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00127-00066040-00066660": "A lot of library staff hadn't been able to keep up with rapidly changing technology.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00128-00066660-00067210": "And so this librarian Helene Blowers, at the Public Library of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00129-00067210-00067930": "developed this online learning program that would take library staff through different web 2.0 tools,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00130-00067930-00068680": "and allow them to learn the tools. And these were self-directed asynchronous lessons.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00131-00068680-00069080": "And the idea would be, not only would they be able to apply them in their library job,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00132-00069080-00069500": "they would be able to teach patrons who were coming in to use them also.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00133-00069500-00069940": "They were seeing a lot of patrons coming in; How do I sign up for Flicker? What is this?", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00134-00069940-00071020": "So this \"23 Things\" idea was then repurposed by many libraries. But not all libraries have the resources", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00135-00071020-00071560": "to create such a thing. So in Colorado a group of continuing education librarians got together", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00136-00071570-00072040": "and we have been building Colorado's version of the \"23 Things.\"", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00137-00072040-00072580": "You can see listed here some of the sample tools that we are using in our version.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00138-00072580-00072970": "And these are commonly used in many of the\"23 Things.\"", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00139-00072970-00073340": "Stephanie: Great. Can you show us how that looks for your library?", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00140-00073340-00073710": "Mary Beth: Sure. So here is an image of one of the tools that we use.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00141-00073720-00074300": "So this one is a photo sharing a lesson and the tool we are using is Flickr.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00142-00074300-00074770": "And so we start out with this section called \"The What\" and that has the concept of", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00143-00074770-00075120": "what this tool is about, what photo sharing is about. And here you can see", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00144-00075130-00075740": "how we are using Common Craft. It is just embedded right here on the webpage.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00145-00075740-00076350": "So we really are interested in using Common Craft. I think everyone knows these are just brilliantly done.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00146-00076350-00076930": "And I have to admit that I learned RSS from Common Craft. And hearing Lee", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00147-00076930-00077390": "talk about wanting to make a meaningful contribution, that is really happening in libraries.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00148-00077400-00077910": "Thousands, and thousands of library folks are learning about these tools from Common Craft.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00149-00077910-00078300": "Stephanie: Right, yeah. I don't know if he knew how many groupies he has and libraries.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00150-00078300-00078980": "Mary Beth: Yeah, really amazing. But in terms of online learning and trying to create good learning materials,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00151-00078980-00079580": "there are a few things about these videos that are really important. The first thing is that people", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00152-00079580-00079940": "can connect these two something that they already know. You can see in the picture here", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00153-00079940-00080340": "that there is somebody holding a digital camera. And so it is not just sort of a screenshots", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00154-00080340-00080690": "of a Flickr page and here is how you use it. But there is a story that is being told there,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00155-00080700-00081210": "so that connection to what we already know. The Twitter video has somebody mowing a lawn,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00156-00081210-00081720": "and has an image of somebody cooking. In the RSS video there is an image of a person", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00157-00081730-00082140": "sitting in their house working on the computer looking at news. And this is something", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00158-00082140-00082440": "that we can all relate to, and that really helps learning to stick.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00159-00082440-00083000": "And another thing that is also really important for learning to take hold is the use of humor.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00160-00083000-00083410": "And we all know from watching Common Craft videos that they are really funny, you know", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00161-00083410-00083930": "switching pieces of paper off of the white board and what not. So these are all reasons", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00162-00083940-00084570": "why we have wanted to use Common Craft videos to help explain what these concepts are.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00163-00084570-00084890": "Stephanie: Great.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00164-00084900-00085530": "Mary Beth: Just a little more about what we are doing in our learning modules, in addition to \"The What\" section", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00165-00085530-00086080": "where we are explaining the concept behind these tools, then we go on to include a section", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00166-00086080-00086540": "on \"The Why.\" And in this section we are helping library staff who are taking these,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00167-00086540-00086950": "to relate it to their own environment. So again, we are working on that connection piece.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00168-00086960-00087600": "Libraries are in an environment that librarians know, and library staff know, and then they are reading", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00169-00087600-00088130": "about this concept of the new technology tool. And in this section of \"The Why\"", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00170-00088130-00088520": "we are showing how it is to other libraries are using this tool.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00171-00088520-00088780": "Stephanie: You are really giving the full picture.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00172-00088790-00089270": "Mary Beth: Right. And we go on from there to \"The How\" section where there is experiential", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00173-00089270-00089730": "hands on exercise. And also typically, there is a reflection piece in there also.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00174-00089730-00090220": "So the staff are getting the concept. They are getting some connections to how libraries", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00175-00090220-00090820": "are already using that, and then have the opportunity to go through and use the tool themselves.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00176-00090820-00091340": "Stephanie: Great. And we will provide a link in that follow-up e-mail to this website", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00177-00091350-00091810": "so you can look at it somewhere. So Mary Beth, why do you really think that multimedia,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00178-00091810-00092120": "using multimedia in your training is important?", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00179-00092120-00092700": "Mary Beth: Well, just to throw out a little bit of data, it it's shown that over a text based environment --", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00180-00092710-00093120": "and I noticed that Lee mentioned in the beginning that \"In Plain English\" started in blogs", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00181-00093120-00093750": "and they were just text based. Also I think, some of the \"23 Things\" style learning programs also use", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00182-00093750-00094210": "a whole lot of text, and not a lot of images. But research shows that when you add multimedia", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00183-00094220-00094840": "as in this Common Craft case, that recall and retention of the material goes up 42%,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00184-00094840-00095500": "and that transfer to other environments goes up 89%. And these are just huge, whopping statistics.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00185-00095500-00095720": "It is just amazing to see these.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00186-00095720-00096410": "So the idea being that, you learn about something with this multimedia components, and then you are able", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00187-00096410-00096900": "to transfer it to your unique environment. So it is really stunning statistics for learning.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00188-00096910-00097240": "Stephanie: Great, thank you. Have you read that book as well?", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00189-00097240-00097480": "Mary Beth: Not fully.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00190-00097490-00097830": "Stephanie: Yeah, okay. I think that is one I definitely want to check out later as well.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00191-00097830-00098320": "Okay, so think you Mary Beth. And I do here that we have lead back on the line. Are you there Lee?", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00192-00098330-00098440": "Lee: I am here.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00193-00098440-00098570": "Stephanie: Okay great.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00194-00098570-00099020": "Lee: Okay. I'm not sure where I dropped off on this slide. I kind of talked to myself for little while I think.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00195-00099020-00099540": "Stephanie: I think we were just getting in -- Let's see, I know you talked about libraries being okay.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00196-00099550-00100150": "Lee: Yeah, yeah, definitely. I think the message here is that we have, our clients are both for-profit", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00197-00100150-00100640": "and nonprofit. So the business model is oriented around selling our licensed videos,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00198-00100650-00101200": "but we really take a light hand for libraries. So please don't feel like we are going to worry about you guys", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00199-00101200-00101640": "using the free versions on YouTube. And also, I wanted to really quickly let you know", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00200-00101650-00102140": "that we do have a discount code for libraries and nonprofits that you can use in the shopping cart.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00201-00102140-00102650": "It takes 20% off of any purchase. It is sd1920 up here.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00202-00102659-00103090": "Stephanie: Wonderful. Okay, so can you tell us a little bit more about how you do what you do,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00203-00103090-00103220": "what the process is?", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00204-00103230-00103900": "Lee: Yeah, sure. Well, you know it is a very team oriented process between Sachi and I.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00205-00103900-00104590": "We are a two-person company. Like a lot of things, we start with a script. And we feel like that is really where", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00206-00104590-00105000": "the value that Common Craft provides really comes from, is the writing.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00207-00105000-00105730": "And we spend a lot of time, and do a lot of iteration in the writing phase of the script.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00208-00105740-00106370": "And we try to think about telling a story, and putting the viewer in a world that they already understand,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00209-00106370-00106680": "so they can see themselves in the video. Like oh, I have that problem.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00210-00106690-00107280": "I think that is one of the big insights about what we do, is context.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00211-00107280-00107730": "So here you see a script and then what we call a thumbnail story board. And I am going to click over", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00212-00107730-00108409": "to this next one, and you can see where this is my little drawings here where we have taken the script", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00213-00108420-00108930": "and then for each scene, just done a really basic representation of what would be in that scene", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00214-00108930-00109640": "for that section of the script. And then over on the left, I've listed out the things that we would need to draw", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00215-00109640-00110159": "in order to have the right characters and things in the videos.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00216-00110159-00110600": "So this is kind of a first step; this first story board.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00217-00110600-00111150": "Recently I started using a Wacom tablet. And then maybe when Apple has their tablet coming out soon,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00218-00111150-00111690": "I will use that. But it is a way to digitally draw our characters versus doing it on paper", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00219-00111690-00112000": "which actually saves a lot of time, and it is something that I am really excited about,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00220-00112000-00112840": "is using a tablet as a part of what we do. And one of the things that -- we turn the story board --", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00221-00112840-00113400": "once we have the drawings done, we actually use Power Point to set up a story board.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00222-00113400-00113820": "So we digitize the images and make them into something that you can insert into a slide.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00223-00113820-00114100": "And then create a Power Point Presentation that has the script at the top,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00224-00114109-00114540": "and then the story board pages on the bottom. And you can see an example", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00225-00114540-00115009": "here on this page of what a scene would look like. And then when it comes time to make the video,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00226-00115020-00115580": "we really actually hit print on the Power Point presentation, and cut out the pieces of paper", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00227-00115580-00116180": "and color them for the video. That also makes the story board easy to share. If we need to get feedback", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00228-00116180-00116459": "from someone, we can send them a Power Point presentation.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00229-00116459-00116840": "And they get a pretty good feel for the story that we are trying to tell.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00230-00116840-00117470": "In this example, this is just a shot of like all of the paper materials that we put together", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00231-00117480-00118000": "to make the video \"Electing a US President.\" So we take this into our studio", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00232-00118000-00118459": "and start assembling it on the board for each scene.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00233-00118459-00119070": "A little joke -- we just shot a video last night, and we used a lot of putty to paste things down on the board,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00234-00119070-00119530": "because things have to be very consistent. And if I had an assistant, that is what I would want to have them do", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00235-00119530-00119950": "is to put little pieces of putty on the pieces of paper, because it takes so long.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00236-00119959-00120300": "Stephanie: Maybe you need a preschool class to help you out.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00237-00120300-00120640": "Lee: That's right. We call it a -- we have a name for it. It is a \"puttier.\"", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00238-00120650-00120900": "Stephanie: There you go.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00239-00120900-00121350": "Lee: So this is what our studio looks like right now. Please forgive the yellow.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00240-00121350-00121730": "Stephanie: A high-tech glimpse, a sneak peek at your high-tech studio?", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00241-00121730-00121990": "Lee: Yeah, that's right. Our high-tech homemade studio,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00242-00121990-00122380": "obviously, in a former nursery, the yellow and white walls.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00243-00122390-00122920": "But you can see here we have a camera hanging from the ceiling, sunglasses. The lights are really bright.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00244-00122920-00123290": "And I actually wear sunglasses when we are moving the pieces of paper around because it is so bright.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00245-00123290-00123840": "The screen here is hooked to the camera so you can see what's on the screen.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00246-00123850-00124830": "So that helps a lot in us laying out what ends up in the video, and obviously the white board there.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00247-00124830-00125440": "Here is again, our homemade sound studio with quilts and clamps and hooks holding everything together.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00248-00125440-00125659": "Stephanie: Great to see.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00249-00125670-00126280": "Lee: Yeah, we feel really -- I don't think we need all the big crazy infrastructure to do what we do,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00250-00126280-00126530": "and we are happy about that.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00251-00126530-00126740": "Stephanie: Is that your wife in the photo?", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00252-00126740-00127220": "Lee: That is, that is Sachi. That's Sachi, a little reluctant model for that I think.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00253-00127220-00128109": "So in terms of actually making the video, what we do is record the voice separate from the video.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00254-00128109-00128570": "And then Sachi is our chief editor, so she edits the voice part of it", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00255-00128570-00129290": "down to exactly what is going to be in the video, so we have that. And then we take the audio, the video --", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00256-00129300-00129500": "I'm sorry, I'm getting confused in audio and video.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00257-00129500-00129970": "We put the voice track down to make it exactly what is going to be there. And then we put the video on top of it,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00258-00129980-00130600": "and edit the video to match the voice. And part of what we do is try to make the timing right as we do that.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00259-00130600-00131130": "We use Garage Band for editing the audio, and we use Final Cut Express for editing the video", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00260-00131130-00131790": "and audio together to make the video. And it is all available. You can see everything we have done", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00261-00131790-00132240": "at commoncraft.com, and learn more about us and everything else.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00262-00132240-00132810": "And we are always happy to hear from you too. I think there might be some contact information", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00263-00132810-00133200": "in the e-mail, but I am Lee@commoncraft.com.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00264-00133200-00133590": "Stephanie: Great. Well Lee, we have had a few questions in the chat box.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00265-00133590-00134100": "And if you have other questions, people that are listening, go ahead and type those in the chat box.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00266-00134100-00134730": "We are keeping track of those. One thing that was asked is, do you use a condenser mic.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00267-00134740-00135170": "Lee: This is going to show off my lack of real knowledge of a lot of stuff we do,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00268-00135170-00135730": "but I'm not really sure what a condenser mic is. It is an Audio-Technica mic, I know that.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00269-00135740-00136090": "But yeah, I don't know that it is a condenser mic.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00270-00136090-00136270": "Stephanie: Okay, you just know it works, huh?", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00271-00136270-00136540": "Lee: Yeah", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00272-00136540-00136850": "Stephanie: And any other mixing software that you use?", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00273-00136850-00137500": "Lee: No, not really. I think we use a little program called Levelater that makes the sound evened out,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00274-00137510-00137780": "but really it is just Garage Band.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00275-00137780-00138350": "Stephanie: Okay, and this is a question I think that came from when you talked about cost and licensing.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00276-00138360-00138800": "One asked if nonprofits also include higher education?", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00277-00138800-00139080": "Lee: Yes, in terms of the discount code?", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00278-00139090-00139390": "Stephanie: I'm not sure.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00279-00139390-00139690": "Lee: That might be something -- if it is related to the discount code, then yes,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00280-00139690-00139900": "that includes schools of all types.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00281-00139900-00140290": "Stephanie: Alright, and Andy, if that didn't answer your question, just type in the chat again", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00282-00140290-00140510": "to make sure that we answer that.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00283-00140510-00141080": "Lee: Oh, for free, yeah Andy says free. Yeah, definitely, I think that the educational world in general", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00284-00141080-00141540": "including libraries, nonprofits, we are less concerned about people using whatever is on YouTube.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00285-00141550-00142070": "If it is on YouTube, then we really can't limit anybody's use. We put it there for that reason,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00286-00142070-00142600": "and for our own sort of marketing. We are really only concerned when a commercial organization", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00287-00142610-00143100": "is trying to use the videos to sell their product. For education and things like that you know,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00288-00143100-00143620": "we would love it if you were customers, but we put it out there so people can use it.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00289-00143620-00143910": "Stephanie: Okay, great. And Jason asked,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00290-00143920-00144460": "what platform you use to offer the licensed version of the video for a fee?", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00291-00144460-00144850": "Lee: Interesting... in terms of doing the digital downloads which may be the question,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00292-00144850-00145420": "we use a service call E-junkie. It is E dash junkie dot com. And that is a combination --", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00293-00145420-00145830": "that also works with PayPal to do the credit card transactions.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00294-00145830-00146260": "Stephanie: Oh, okay great. And Debbie has asked, is it possible for an academic library", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00295-00146260-00146700": "to purchase the videos on DVD and circulate them to the students?", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00296-00146700-00147330": "Lee: That is a possibility. We don't currently offer the DVD, but if you were to purchase a site license", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00297-00147330-00147780": "for the videos, then you would be free to distribute them free via DVD to students.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00298-00147780-00148920": "Stephanie: Okay, great. And let's see... Ann asked if you have met the folks from Fast Draw on CBS?", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00299-00148920-00149690": "Lee: No, we do try to keep -- we do have relationships with a lot of people that are sort of in the same genre", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00300-00149690-00149970": "as we are, but I have not met those folks yet.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00301-00149970-00150440": "Stephanie: Okay, and Patricia asked, can we suggest topics for free videos?", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00302-00150440-00150870": "Lee: Of course, of course. We always appreciate that. Our contact form on our website", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00303-00150870-00151320": "is always a good place for that as well as like I said, at Lee@commoncraft.com.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00304-00151330-00151750": "Stephanie: Okay, great. And someone else also asked if you plan to translate the videos", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00305-00151750-00152060": "in other languages. And I think you've already done that with some of them, right?", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00306-00152060-00152640": "Lee: We have. We are planning to do others soon. We have our Social Media 9-pack that is translated.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00307-00152650-00153210": "And I think we are probably going to do our Computer Basics pack soon which has six videos.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00308-00153210-00153750": "And we do the five languages; English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, and German.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00309-00153750-00154460": "Stephanie: Okay great. And do you have any new videos that you are planning already?", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00310-00154460-00154640": "You were recording last night.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00311-00154650-00155320": "Lee: Yeah, our focus over the next few months I think is going to be \"Net Safety.\" So we had done a video", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00312-00155320-00155610": "called \"Phishing Scams In Plain English\" which hopefully helps people understand", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00313-00155620-00156100": "how to react to those e-mails they get that try to get them to put their password in there.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00314-00156100-00156430": "Stephanie: Yeah, I actually watched that one today. And I was thinking,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00315-00156430-00156770": "I need to forward it on to my in-laws, and...", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00316-00156770-00157300": "Lee: Yeah, I think that there is a lot we plan to do there. An example is \"Secure Websites,\"", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00317-00157300-00157740": "understanding what it means to have a secure website, and how to tell. Another example", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00318-00157740-00158010": "is helping mainly younger people understand the consequences", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00319-00158010-00158550": "of what they put on something like Facebook in terms of pictures of people drinking and things like that.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00320-00158550-00159050": "Stephanie: Okay great. And do you have any time line for how often you come out with something?", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00321-00159050-00159590": "Lee: We try to publish one video a month. This year I think we will probably have done 14 or 15", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00322-00159590-00159880": "of our own videos over the course of the year.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00323-00159880-00160310": "Stephanie: Okay great. And can you do widgets?", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00324-00160310-00160800": "Lee: You know, we haven't looked at that very closely. I think that could be a possibility for the future,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00325-00160800-00160960": "but we don't have current plans.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00326-00160970-00161430": "Stephanie: Okay great. And Maryann has asked about tips for trainers who are listening,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00327-00161430-00162060": "on simplifying tech for our students. I think that is something that you are so great at, all those analogies.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00328-00162060-00162660": "Lee: Thank you. You know, I think that one of the things -- I mentioned this a little bit before,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00329-00162660-00163290": "but one of the things that we really believe in is telling a story, not just using bullet points,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00330-00163290-00163850": "and sort of tactical click here kinds of things, but telling a story that allows someone", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00331-00163860-00164240": "to see themselves in the story. And then making them say, Oh, that's me!", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00332-00164240-00164750": "And then presenting that character with a problem that makes the video viewers say, Oh, I have that problem!", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00333-00164750-00165200": "And then when you present the solution, the solution makes a lot more sense to them.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00334-00165200-00165580": "So that is really a basic outline of the way we look at our videos.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00335-00165580-00166040": "Stephanie: Okay, that was a great last question, and we are going to move on. If we have some time left", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00336-00166040-00166460": "and we have new questions come up, then Lee, we would like to hear back from you then.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00337-00166460-00166650": "Lee: Of course.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00338-00166650-00166800": "Stephanie: Thank you so much.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00339-00166810-00167230": "So now we are going to talk with Carolyn from the Cumberland County Library System in Pennsylvania.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00340-00167230-00167950": "And she has been using the Common Craft videos a little differently, more in in-person workshops", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00341-00167960-00168400": "which is always interesting to have a speaker. And I think Carolyn kind of managed to do that", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00342-00168400-00169050": "by using Lee as her co-presenter. Carolyn, can you tell us about how you have been using those videos?", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00343-00169050-00169930": "Carolyn: Thank you. That was a perfect explanation of what I did Stephanie.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00344-00169940-00170690": "I had been asked by Commonwealth Libraries to do a presentation, just a one hour of training presentation", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00345-00170690-00171270": "to people who had little or no experience with web 2.0 applications.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00346-00171270-00172010": "They were actually friends and trustees of libraries. So they had some specific objectives,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00347-00172010-00172700": "and you can see those on the slides here; RSS feeds, blogs, wikis, social networking sites,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00348-00172700-00173220": "photo sharing sites, and social bookmarking sites. They wanted to learn all about these.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00349-00173220-00173820": "They wanted to know what each one was, where they could get started using selected tools.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00350-00173820-00174480": "And they also wanted to see examples of these tools being used effectively by libraries.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00351-00174480-00175170": "And when I sought Marysnn's question on there about simplifying tech for our own students,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00352-00175170-00175780": "this is kind of where I was. I had people who had little to no knowledge at all of these tools.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00353-00175780-00176340": "They knew they existed. And they needed to start at the very beginning.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00354-00176340-00177060": "So I worked up a Power Point slide show that I did with them. And there was quite an introduction", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00355-00177060-00177740": "describing what web 2.0 is as a concept. And then I mentioned here are some of the primary tools", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00356-00177740-00177920": "that we are going to learn about today.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00357-00177930-00178530": "And I would begin by introducing the concept through a video. I would just very briefly say,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00358-00178530-00179200": "next we are going to learn RSS which stands for really simple syndication. And while I could go on, and on,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00359-00179200-00179860": "and on, and tell you about it. And I didn't tell them this, but my big fear was I may miss a few points.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00360-00179860-00180400": "I said, I am going to have my co-presenter, Lee LeFever, I know you can't see him in the room,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00361-00180400-00180910": "but here he is. And I would click on that link and the YouTube videos would come on.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00362-00180920-00181670": "And I would show the video. I did the workshop a couple of times, so it provided a lot of consistency", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00363-00181670-00182420": "in my message, again not having to remember to say all the same things. The videos are so short,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00364-00182420-00183210": "but they get all the main points out there, and they really do simplify the concept for everyone", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00365-00183220-00183750": "in a fast-paced, humorous, and memorable fashion.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00366-00183750-00184430": "And people really caught on to the style, to Lee's style. I actually noticed in the tweets", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00367-00184430-00185110": "that Stephanie Zimmerman said that she loves the \"Yay\" and the \"Boo,\" and everybody does.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00368-00185110-00185640": "People were yaying and booing by the sixth video. They were going right along with him right on queue.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00369-00185650-00186380": "They loved his style. And there were a few other quirky little things that they caught right on to,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00370-00186380-00187230": "so that was super. So the humor really made a big impact and kept it fresh and alive for them.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00371-00187230-00187860": "And then I followed up that video with a couple of bullet points that would reiterate", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00372-00187860-00188460": "mostly points that were made in the video. Some of these I related straight back to libraries.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00373-00188470-00189020": "And one of the things that is done in each of these Common Craft videos on technology anyway,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00374-00189020-00189980": "on the web 2.0 applications is best sites are given out. So I put on some of the most ubiquitous sites.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00375-00189990-00190310": "They are all straight from the video. Some of them were my own.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00376-00190310-00191080": "But here you can see an example of where I gave sites for free RSS feed readers.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00377-00191090-00191540": "Another slide it was again, reiterate some of the points made in the Common Craft video,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00378-00191540-00192030": "but also to move into practical application for the people that I was training.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00379-00192030-00192600": "So for the specific audience I put it in that they might want to -", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00380-00192600-00193210": "- I guess these would apply to other nonprofits as well -- but calendar of events, latest news items", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00381-00193220-00193970": "and newsletter articles. These were things that you could feed to reiterate what he taught there.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00382-00193970-00195160": "And then finally, I followed up with best practices for common real-world examples of web 2.0 applications", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00383-00195160-00195620": "that were being used in libraries. So each time I did the presentation,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00384-00195620-00196230": "I tailored the sites so they either matched the geographical or the topical interests of the audience.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00385-00196230-00196970": "And for every one of these presentations I gave a hand out. And on that hand out I had", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00386-00196980-00197590": "not a whole lot of information, but one of them was a link to a wiki where people could go back", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00387-00197590-00198310": "and watch the Common Craft videos. They could find that links that were given in the Common Craft videos,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00388-00198310-00198970": "and they could find the best sites again.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00389-00198970-00199370": "Stephanie: Wonderful, thank you for sharing how you did that.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00390-00199380-00199920": "I think that is a great way to really incorporate those into your workshops.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00391-00199920-00200290": "We have a couple of other examples that I will just talk about really quickly.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00392-00200300-00201260": "And one is from the University of Minnesota. And you can see in the upper right hand corner of this website", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00393-00201260-00201890": "that they have a link to the Google Docs In Plain English. And Denise showed how", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00394-00201900-00202670": "they have incorporated the videos really in a lot of different ways, using them in in-person workshops.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00395-00202670-00203370": "They've included the links to the videos in e-mails to staff, just trying to educate them that way quickly.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00396-00203370-00204050": "And they've also linked it to in-house online training modules, and then they have used it one-on-one too,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00397-00204050-00204630": "so really using it in a lot of different ways to help train their staff.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00398-00204640-00205560": "And then this last example is from the Idaho Commission for Libraries, and Shirley Biladeau,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00399-00205560-00206290": "this one I think is a great example. This is SPLAT, which stands for special projects library action team.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00400-00206290-00206869": "So they really used the videos as part of a self paced online course", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00401-00206869-00207469": "and focus on six different technology based resources like blogs, and wikis,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00402-00207469-00208100": "so again, really incorporated the Common Craft videos into their training.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00403-00208110-00208480": "And I think one thing that is really important about looking at these videos,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00404-00208480-00208819": "I know some people have questions and are thinking about making their own videos.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00405-00208819-00209390": "And I think one of the things about Lee is he makes it seem like it's really an easy thing to do,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00406-00209400-00210000": "but I've tried to do some of this myself, and it is really true that the postproduction takes a lot of time.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00407-00210000-00210360": "And I know that one of the questions in the chat Lee, someone asked,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00408-00210360-00210890": "how long does it take to shoot one of the three minute videos? Can you answer that question?", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00409-00210890-00211569": "Lee: The actual shooting, like I said we just did one last night. If we were to sit and just do it the whole time,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00410-00211569-00212319": "it would take about 4 to 5 hours to shoot it, and that is not counting doing the voiceover or editing.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00411-00212330-00212669": "To do a whole video, that is another question that people have.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00412-00212669-00213060": "It's like, what about a whole video from start to finish? And each one is different.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00413-00213069-00213550": "And we iterate so much, and also kind of working from home,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00414-00213550-00213940": "our work and home life sort of gets wrapped up together, so it is really hard to know.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00415-00213950-00214380": "But we estimate maybe 80 hours, or 100 hours or something for a video.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00416-00214380-00214560": "Stephanie: Wow, that's amazing.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00417-00214569-00214690": "Lee: It's a lot.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00418-00214690-00215080": "Stephanie: Of course it also takes a lot of storage space up, that is something I have seen as well.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00419-00215090-00215540": "Some of those audio files, and video files can get really huge.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00420-00215540-00216110": "So I think this is a great thing that you have provided to us that we can just use your videos instead,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00421-00216110-00216640": "and you've already got your studio set up. So you've got your good audio as well.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00422-00216640-00217430": "We just want to share a little bit about some best practices. and I think Mary Beth gave us this slide.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00423-00217430-00217900": "If you want to talk for a second Mary Beth, about training best practices.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00424-00217900-00218430": "Mary Beth: Sure. I just wanted to talk a little bit about some things as a trainer", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00425-00218430-00218780": "that you might want to be thinking about when you're working with staff", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00426-00218780-00219240": "with these sorts of technology trainings, and other kinds of trainings.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00427-00219240-00219680": "The first thing is related to content, and you want to be able to provide an environment", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00428-00219690-00220290": "for staff in addition to physical environment. You want to make sure that the person is not disturbed et cetera", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00429-00220290-00220519": "when they are working on this sort of self-directed learning.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00430-00220530-00220960": "But also you probably want to be working with your IT department, and make sure", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00431-00220960-00221360": "that staff have access to the things that they need. I know that sometimes", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00432-00221360-00221760": "people aren't able to have access to YouTube videos for example, and things like this.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00433-00221760-00222290": "And I think it is important as a trainer to actually try to relate with IT on these things", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00434-00222290-00222969": "and talk about what is valuable about this, and why it would be that staff should be able to for example,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00435-00222969-00223380": "download an application in order to learn it etc.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00436-00223380-00223850": "Also in terms of content, just supporting and mentoring staff when they have questions.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00437-00223850-00224360": "And then helping them with some sort of reflection piece, some kind of assessment.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00438-00224360-00225000": "In addition, I think as a trainer or manager, creating opportunities for staff to apply what they have learned", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00439-00225000-00225500": "and supporting that application in the workplace is important. So not just look at the video,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00440-00225500-00225930": "figure out how this works, look at how other organizations might be using it,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00441-00225930-00226469": "but actually taking it into the workplace and applying it in work, and doing that soon after", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00442-00226480-00227069": "somebody takes the training, so they are able to apply it right away and it makes some sense.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00443-00227069-00227380": "People will tend to forget if they are not applying it pretty soon.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00444-00227390-00227760": "And then also a really good practice is to allow staff to share what they've learned.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00445-00227760-00228169": "And for you as a trainer or manager to facilitate that sharing out.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00446-00228180-00228590": "So whether that's that you have staff do a brownbag about what they have learned,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00447-00228590-00229030": "or create a tip sheet or something like this, but somehow allow them to share", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00448-00229030-00229680": "and teach it themselves. And that really helps to make learning stick.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00449-00229680-00230140": "Stephanie: Great, thank you Mary Beth. And Carolyn, did you have anything that you wanted to share too?", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00450-00230150-00230710": "Carolyn: I did have some best practices here for, they really were for in-person training,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00451-00230710-00231519": "but they also work very well with online training with providing some kind of asynchronous learning.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00452-00231519-00232100": "The training best practices I identified were defining the competencies.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00453-00232110-00232480": "First, making sure that you know what people need to learn,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00454-00232480-00232950": "what is going to be the outcome of the work that you are doing with them.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00455-00232960-00233430": "And then scaffolding which is a term that I use for starting where the learner is,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00456-00233430-00234110": "or where the majority of the learners are. And if they are at a very basic level,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00457-00234110-00234669": "or absolutely don't know anything about the subject, this is where again,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00458-00234669-00235450": "those Common Craft videos really came into play as a great introduction to start where my learners were.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00459-00235450-00236250": "Then for differentiated instruction, providing diversity to your training so that there is a little bit of video,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00460-00236250-00236690": "maybe a little bit of group work, maybe some individual thought, some writing,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00461-00236690-00237360": "providing them different ways to learn, because obviously everyone learns differently.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00462-00237369-00237969": "And project based learning is really important for reinforcing the points.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00463-00237969-00238680": "People enjoyed watching the videos. People appreciated the amount of information they were given,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00464-00238690-00239719": "but they needed a task at the end. And in most cases they do. So they need something to do,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00465-00239719-00240219": "something hands on that reinforces everything that they have learned.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00466-00240219-00240930": "Stephanie: Wonderful, thank you. And you've also got some resources for training videos as well?", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00467-00240940-00241480": "Carolyn: I think this is a combination of things that both Mary Beth and I submitted.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00468-00241480-00242080": "And so some of them, they were just to -- I know the ones that I put in here were just great resources", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00469-00242080-00242780": "for other videos. Some of them but not quite as simplistic, and some of them not In Plain English,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00470-00242780-00243650": "but they were some of our favorite places to go to get videos that you could show in full or in part.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00471-00243660-00244030": "Some of them come with handouts that can help reinforce the learning.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00472-00244030-00244410": "I don't know Mary Beth, do you have anything more you want to share about them?", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00473-00244410-00244860": "Mary Beth: Yeah, I will just mention that SchoolTube and a lot of the content in SchoolTube", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00474-00244869-00245410": "is geared I think, more toward a K-12 environment, but SchoolTube tends to be a video site", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00475-00245410-00246050": "that is not blocked by organizations where YouTube often is. And these videos on SchoolTube", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00476-00246050-00246430": "are considered safe, they are sort of vetted for content.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00477-00246440-00246890": "The MERLOT site, I know for those who are working in library environments,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00478-00246890-00247269": "and who are wanting to develop training material for database searching", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00479-00247269-00247850": "or information literacy and things like this, the MERLOT website has a lot of training material", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00480-00247850-00248350": "that is actually peer reviewed that people have already created. And this is for online teaching", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00481-00248350-00248780": "which again you can use that in a face-to-face environment just with a computer,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00482-00248780-00249360": "but it might be something that folks want to check out. The other ones there are pretty self-explanatory.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00483-00249360-00249930": "You know I think that in the library world especially, we are really good at reinventing.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00484-00249940-00250340": "And a lot of times we may not have to, and so I think as you mentioned Carolyn,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00485-00250340-00250700": "it is a good idea to kind of see what is out there and see what it is that you incorporate,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00486-00250710-00251319": "because we don't have the resources to be always doing this ourselves.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00487-00251319-00252000": "Carolyn: I was just going to say that the one that if anyone who has been following along in this chat,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00488-00252000-00252569": "BNET got taken off the list kind of at the last minute. I think we're going to add that back on.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00489-00252569-00253250": "That is one that has again, they are under four minutes, things like e-mail, missed steps,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00490-00253250-00254069": "and flash, and Hulu and different things that some of them are technology oriented,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00491-00254080-00254500": "and some of them are personal interaction oriented.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00492-00254500-00255040": "Lee: You know, Virginia mentioned TeacherTube in the chat, and that is one that is much like SchoolTube.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00493-00255050-00255660": "And I think in both cases if your school or library or organization has YouTube blocked,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00494-00255660-00256090": "they've maybe blocked similar sites. If you contact SchoolTube or TeacherTube", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00495-00256090-00256380": "they can send you materials that you can give to tech administrators", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00496-00256380-00256840": "or whomever sort of holds those strings, that gives them their policies,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00497-00256850-00257200": "and what they need to be able to do to open up those resources.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00498-00257200-00257590": "Mary Beth: Wow, that is great to know.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00499-00257590-00257950": "Stephanie: Great, well good, thank you for sharing those resources everyone.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00500-00257960-00258519": "And I think we have a few minutes for questions. So if you have any questions for any of our presenters,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00501-00258519-00259140": "you can just type them in the chat. And I did have one for Lee from Garrett.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00502-00259140-00259610": "He asked, have you ever received feedback regarding the pace of your videos", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00503-00259610-00259960": "and their effectiveness on different age groups?", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00504-00259960-00260619": "Lee: You know we have heard feedback about that. And I think that if you look at one of our more recent videos", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00505-00260630-00261060": "compared to our early videos like RSS, wikis, social networking,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00506-00261060-00261510": "we have tried to slow down the pace more. I think young learners are one thing,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00507-00261510-00261969": "but also our videos are often used for teaching English as a second language.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00508-00261980-00262400": "And that is another thing that we try to slow it down some for.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00509-00262400-00263090": "And something you might notice too is if you compare the version of RSS In Plain English on YouTube", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00510-00263090-00263970": "to what we show on CommonCraft.com, we've actually re-done the audio to make it a little bit slower.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00511-00263970-00264790": "Stephanie: Okay, great. And let's see, it Debbie has asked if you or anyone else on the call", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00512-00264790-00265400": "has used jingproject.com to create free videos of screenshots?", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00513-00265410-00266210": "Mary Beth: Well, I have used Jing some. I primarily used Adobe Captivate, and I've also used Camtasia,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00514-00266210-00266730": "but I know a lot of my colleagues used Jing and they use it because it is freeware.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00515-00266740-00267650": "But that is often good for doing screen casting type training, online training.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00516-00267650-00268160": "And it looks like some other folks in the chat have also used Jing.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00517-00268160-00268600": "Was there a particular question that you had about that? Or were you just recommending? It looks like", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00518-00268600-00269270": "Stephanie is recommending Jing as an online tool to create online training. I think it's a great idea.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00519-00269280-00269820": "Carolyn: Yeah, that came out just shortly after we bought Captivate at our library system.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00520-00269820-00270260": "And I evaluated it, and I thought if I had known then what I know now.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00521-00270260-00270770": "Stephanie: Yeah, isn't it like the free version of Camtasia.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00522-00270770-00271350": "Mary Beth: Yes, it is. And it is -- you know I think when you -- sometimes you get what you pay for.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00523-00271350-00272040": "And so some of the ones that cost have a little bit more in the way of features, but I think that if you are", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00524-00272040-00272640": "on a budget and you have to pick and choose what your resources are, I think it is fantastic.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00525-00272640-00273070": "Carolyn: And that is really great if you have something very specific that you need to create", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00526-00273070-00273920": "at your own business place, your own library. But again, when I heard Lee say, I wrote that down,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00527-00273920-00274930": "80 hours it takes him to do a video. Well, in terms of staff time, that is two weeks of work.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00528-00274930-00275330": "And so it is really important to sit down and evaluate is it something that you need to create yourself,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00529-00275330-00275890": "or is there something free and handy out there, and perhaps done more professionally", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00530-00275890-00276220": "than you could possibly do it.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00531-00276230-00276980": "Lee: And I want to stress too, that is two people's time, Sachi and me both. So I am not saying that is 160,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00532-00276980-00277640": "it's total man-hours, so across both of our times, and it varies a lot. But there are a lot of things", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00533-00277640-00278040": "that we do that I don't think are necessary for everybody to do in making a video.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00534-00278050-00278840": "I think that that is part of sort of our business is taking it to a kind of different level. I guess, because we are", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00535-00278840-00279450": "trying to make a business out of what we do I guess versus just getting the message across.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00536-00279450-00279920": "Stephanie: Great, I also saw a comment from Maryann Linux that she asked, can somebody", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00537-00279920-00280410": "please write the accidental instructional designer?", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00538-00280410-00280720": "Mary Beth: I would love to write that book, I'll get on that right away.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00539-00280720-00281200": "Stephanie: Okay, go ahead. We'll talk later. I have an editor I can hook you up with.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00540-00281210-00281450": "Mary Beth: Oh excellent.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00541-00281450-00282120": "Stephanie: Okay any other questions. I know there is a lot going on in the chat sharing different platforms", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00542-00282120-00283400": "that people have used; pros and cons. Any other questions for our presenters?", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00543-00283410-00284510": "Okay, I thank all of you. This has been a really great and fun webinar. And I do want to reiterate", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00544-00284510-00285090": "that these slides will -- you will get an e-mail that will have an attachment of the Power Point", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00545-00285090-00285650": "and the links that we have talked about, and also a link to the archive version.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00546-00285650-00286200": "And I think that is about all of our questions.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00547-00286200-00286590": "So Kami, do you want to go ahead and talk about other webinars coming up,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00548-00286590-00286940": "and how we can continue these great conversations?", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00549-00286940-00287470": "Kami: Certainly. We actually don't have any upcoming webinars planned or set in stone,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00550-00287480-00288200": "so I can't really share that information. But the link to the page on the TechSoup site where you can find", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00551-00288200-00288960": "this information isTechSoup.org/go/webinars and that link will of course be in the follow-up e-mail.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00552-00288960-00289490": "But I did want to talk about some of the previously recorded TechSoup webinars that are somewhat", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00553-00289500-00289840": "related to this topic. In the question that you all answered,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00554-00289840-00290070": "what do you hope to gain that from this webinar?", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00555-00290070-00290570": "People were talking about podcasting, and making videos, and how do I get the word out?", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00556-00290580-00290890": "And we have done webinars that talk about these topics", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00557-00290890-00291410": "and other people wanted to do webinars themselves. So here is a list of some of the webinars", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00558-00291410-00292000": "that we have done that are directly tied to this overall idea, and there will be links to these webinars", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00559-00292000-00292360": "in the follow-up message. They are all 60 minutes long. They are all free,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00560-00292370-00293000": "and they are all set up in this same kind of format. So along with the webinar are links to more information.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00561-00293000-00293500": "So one question someone had was, where do I find music that I can include in my video.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00562-00293510-00294110": "And in one of the webinars that we did there is a link to different places where you can find free", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00563-00294110-00294490": "or royalty free music for your videos.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00564-00294490-00295000": "So I haven't been seeing if there are additional questions that have come through the chat,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00565-00295000-00295460": "but if we didn't answer your question and if you have more questions that you would like to ask", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00566-00295460-00296230": "the presenters or about this topic, then let's create that conversation on our TechSoup community forums.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00567-00296240-00296660": "And I will include this link in the follow-up message, but this tiny URL goes", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00568-00296660-00297210": "to a topic that I started just for this webinar.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00569-00297220-00297600": "So little bit more about TechSoup for those of you who may be new to TechSoup,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00570-00297600-00297960": "and this is your first webinar, or you are not sure what we do.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00571-00297960-00298530": "We have discounted software donations from Microsoft, Adobe, Symantec, to name a few.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00572-00298530-00299130": "They donate their software to us, and we re-distribute it to nonprofits and libraries at a greatly discounted price.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00573-00299130-00299560": "We also have articles in our Learning Center that talk about different technology topics.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00574-00299570-00299950": "And we have a section for free downloads, and of course our webinars.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00575-00299950-00300320": "The webinar program is listed in the Learning Center. And our community forums", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00576-00300320-00300760": "is a great place to post your questions whatever they may be, and have them answered", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00577-00300760-00301280": "by a volunteer who watches those questions. We list of upcoming events,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00578-00301280-00301620": "and we also have a special website just for libraries.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00579-00301620-00302210": "So TechSoup for libraries is a place where you can download one of three Maintain IT Cookbooks", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00580-00302220-00302770": "which are really a fantastic resource for organizations with public computers.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00581-00302770-00303220": "And I wanted just to -- before I wrap it up completely Stephanie,", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00582-00303220-00303560": "were there any other last-minute questions that people had?", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00583-00303570-00304000": "Stephanie: No, I really didn't see anything new come through on the chat.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00584-00304000-00304500": "Kami: Okay, well then, I would like to thank ReadyTalk for sponsoring this webinar series.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00585-00304500-00304980": "ReadyTalk has donated use of their system to help TechSoup expand awareness", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00586-00304990-00305440": "of technology through the nonprofit sector. ReadyTalk helps nonprofits and libraries", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00587-00305440-00305850": "in the US and Canada reach geographically dispersed areas, and increase collaboration", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00588-00305860-00306260": "through their audio conferencing and web conferencing services.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00589-00306260-00306800": "So this slide lists the special training that they offer to TechSoup customers.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00590-00306800-00307200": "And I want to make sure that everybody completes the postevent survey.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00591-00307200-00307590": "It will pop up once we close the webinar window. If you have additional questions", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00592-00307590-00307910": "or comments feel free to e-mail me, or call me.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00593-00307910-00308340": "And I want to thank all the presenters and Stephanie for their hard work", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00594-00308350-00308700": "in putting this together. I think it was really great. And thank you everybody", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00595-00308700-00309330": "for attending today. And tweet about us, tell your friends, watch the webinars. Thanks again.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00596-00309330-00309680": "Thanks Stephanie, and Lee, and Carolyn, and Mary Beth.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00597-00309680-00310190": "Stephanie: Thank you Kami for all your great work, your organization.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00598-00310190-00310660": "And Lee, thank you for providing such a great resource to all of us.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00599-00310660-00310880": "Lee: It's my pleasure.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00600-00310880-00311080": "Mary Beth: Yeah, really amazing.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00601-00311080-00311270": "Carolyn: Thanks so much.", "7XH4f5s1lXY-00602-00311270-00311830": "Kami: Great, have a great day everyone."}}, {"audio_id": "7XMcaD4RfKY", "text": {"7XMcaD4RfKY-00000-00000400-00001200": "This video will show you how to search for classes using the Faculty Center section of the Campus Solutions staff home page.", "7XMcaD4RfKY-00001-00001200-00002900": "To access the staff home page, log in to ctcLink using your ctcLink I.D. and password.", "7XMcaD4RfKY-00002-00002900-00003500": "You will then be taken to the ctcLink Highline College Web page.", "7XMcaD4RfKY-00003-00003500-00004000": "On the left, click on the campus solutions tab and you'll be taken to the ctcLink", "7XMcaD4RfKY-00004-00004000-00005400": "Campus Solutions staff home page. To search for courses, click on the Faculty Center tile and you'll be taken to the Faculty Center.", "7XMcaD4RfKY-00005-00005400-00006100": "From the Faculty Center page, select the Search tab from the left navigation bar", "7XMcaD4RfKY-00006-00006100-00007300": "and then select the class search tab. A new window will open, allowing you to enter the search criteria for the course you want.", "7XMcaD4RfKY-00007-00007300-00008000": "To narrow your search select Institution, Term,", "7XMcaD4RfKY-00008-00008000-00009200": "and Subject. Select any other search criteria desired.", "7XMcaD4RfKY-00009-00009200-00011800": "At the bottom of the page, select the Search button. When the search results load, select a class number for more detail.", "7XMcaD4RfKY-00010-00011800-00012900": "At the bottom of the page, select View Search Results and you'll be taken back to the page where you can then modify your search.", "7XMcaD4RfKY-00011-00012900-00013957": "This is how you search for courses on the Faculty Center web page of the Campus Solutions staff home page."}}, {"audio_id": "7XZbpLf9vd0", "text": {"7XZbpLf9vd0-00000-00057879-00058817": "So this is a huge lesson in opening to the awareness", "7XZbpLf9vd0-00001-00059029-00059400": "that nothing I see means anything.", "7XZbpLf9vd0-00002-00059628-00060600": "It's a version of the first lesson of the workbook, but it's bringing in the idea of: Now.", "7XZbpLf9vd0-00003-00060600-00061367": "And that nothing is truly seen or perceived now.", "7XZbpLf9vd0-00004-00061712-00062284": "We have become accustomed to a sense of now.", "7XZbpLf9vd0-00005-00062429-00063196": "And actually we're being shown, guided, towards an experience", "7XZbpLf9vd0-00006-00063234-00063802": "that we have not known the present in this world.", "7XZbpLf9vd0-00007-00063928-00064902": "That the present is not a blip of time that becomes available between the past and the future.", "7XZbpLf9vd0-00008-00065229-00065734": "The present is before time was.", "7XZbpLf9vd0-00009-00065978-00066550": "And that's the reason 'I see nothing as it is now.'", "7XZbpLf9vd0-00010-00066972-00067618": "To be fully present is to be in the Light of the Great Rays.", "7XZbpLf9vd0-00011-00067880-00068334": "To be fully present is revelatory.", "7XZbpLf9vd0-00012-00068726-00069500": "To be fully present is the Light of Heaven.", "7XZbpLf9vd0-00013-00070106-00070484": "So these Great Rays are not on the timeline.", "7XZbpLf9vd0-00014-00070638-00071450": "Certainly not between the past and the future, which are the same.", "7XZbpLf9vd0-00015-00071844-00072566": "It also fits with our earlier lesson, that: 'I see only the past.'", "7XZbpLf9vd0-00016-00072762-00073768": "For teaching devices, I've called this for years the 'past past' and the 'future past,' because they are the same.", "7XZbpLf9vd0-00017-00073926-00074166": "They are not different.", "7XZbpLf9vd0-00018-00074434-00075384": "They, the 'past past' and the 'future past,' block the awareness of the light.", "7XZbpLf9vd0-00019-00075684-00076250": "So it's a very humble lesson today.", "7XZbpLf9vd0-00020-00076518-00077216": "It's an admission that I'm not really seeing.", "7XZbpLf9vd0-00021-00077330-00078100": "And it's an important admission if I want to truly see", "7XZbpLf9vd0-00022-00078262-00078918": "with the spiritual eye, the Altar within,", "7XZbpLf9vd0-00023-00079100-00079300": "with Christ vision.", "7XZbpLf9vd0-00024-00079650-00080334": "And as we read in the text today, the body is not the temple", "7XZbpLf9vd0-00025-00080690-00081318": "because the temple is an altar, an inner altar, it's not a structure.", "7XZbpLf9vd0-00026-00081430-00081968": "It's not a body, it's not a building, it's not a flower.", "7XZbpLf9vd0-00027-00082354-00083284": "Even in this world, oftentimes, seemingly external altars are built.", "7XZbpLf9vd0-00028-00083604-00084034": "But today's lesson wipes them out.", "7XZbpLf9vd0-00029-00084230-00084616": "'I see nothing as it is now.'", "7XZbpLf9vd0-00030-00084680-00085400": "And points us to the inner Altar, which is true beauty.", "7XZbpLf9vd0-00031-00085828-00086700": "Our reading from the text today pointed us to where true beauty can be found.", "7XZbpLf9vd0-00032-00086932-00087184": "Not in physicality,", "7XZbpLf9vd0-00033-00087532-00088350": "because God is beauty, and God did not create the physical.", "7XZbpLf9vd0-00034-00088542-00089600": "So it must be that the Holy Spirit can use the seeming physical, the seeming symbols and structures of the world", "7XZbpLf9vd0-00035-00089692-00090300": "to erase them, to delete them.", "7XZbpLf9vd0-00036-00090554-00091200": "And we begin today, in earnest, in sincerity.", "7XZbpLf9vd0-00037-00091452-00092094": "Like a little child with hands and arms outstretched,", "7XZbpLf9vd0-00038-00092220-00092818": "looking up, and saying 'Show me.'", "7XZbpLf9vd0-00039-00092988-00093318": "'Show me the way to spiritual Vision,", "7XZbpLf9vd0-00040-00093526-00093968": "'which is my natural inheritance.'", "7XZbpLf9vd0-00041-00094264-00094512": "'Which offers true gifts.'", "7XZbpLf9vd0-00042-00094658-00095500": "'The gifts I was given in Creation by my Source, God.'", "7XZbpLf9vd0-00043-00095758-00096234": "And so we begin this opening to the inner Altar,", "7XZbpLf9vd0-00044-00096596-00097100": "as we glance one more time at the perceptual world,", "7XZbpLf9vd0-00045-00097338-00097916": "and admit, with the core of our heart,", "7XZbpLf9vd0-00046-00098252-00098896": "'I see nothing as it is now.'"}}, {"audio_id": "7YgeEOMwOto", "text": {"7YgeEOMwOto-00000-00000016-00000200": "Weinberg called it burning the rocks.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00001-00000200-00000550": "You can litterally mine rock just for its energy content.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00002-00000550-00001036": "Thorium is so common in the earth's crust that an avereage American's energy demand,", "7YgeEOMwOto-00003-00001036-00001600": "including industry and transportation, could be met by a half barrel of everyday rock.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00004-00001600-00002140": "Dirt, anywhere in the world - worth many multiples of crude oil.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00005-00002140-00002600": "The key is to very efficiently convert thorium into energy.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00006-00002600-00002820": "Prosperity depends strongly on energy,", "7YgeEOMwOto-00007-00002820-00003150": "for cooling, for heating, water purification,", "7YgeEOMwOto-00008-00003150-00003520": "sewage processing, medicine, communications, for industry.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00009-00003520-00003848": "All those things depend upon electric power.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00010-00003848-00004400": "It's all well and good to just imagine everyone will stop driving their cars or traveling on jets.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00011-00004400-00004700": "I live fairly modestly.  I drive an 18 year old Saturn,", "7YgeEOMwOto-00012-00004700-00005226": "but I'm still an American, so that means I use vast amounts of resources no matter how frugal I am.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00013-00005226-00005794": "Each year, the United States consumes almost 100 quadrillion British Thermal Units [Quads] of energy.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00014-00005794-00006563": "Per capita, that's the equivilent of burning 54 barrels of oil, every year for every single American -", "7YgeEOMwOto-00015-00006563-00007406": "or 12 tons of coal, or 5300 cubic feet of natural gas, to generate the same amount of energy.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00016-00007406-00007740": "As you can probably imagine, the pollution released by harvesting,", "7YgeEOMwOto-00017-00007740-00008150": "then combusting any one of these fossil fuel options is immense.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00018-00008150-00008670": "Even natural gas, the cleanest of the three - releases substantial greenhouse gasses.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00019-00008670-00009200": "Today's nuclear reactors run on uranium oxide solid fuel rods.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00020-00009200-00009505": "If we had more of today's reactors in operation,", "7YgeEOMwOto-00021-00009505-00010032": "only one cup of uranium oxide would cover a typical American's yearly energy demand.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00022-00010032-00010370": "But, this is thrown in our face - possibly for good reason too.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00023-00010370-00010601": "What I'm working on is the dream that failed.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00024-00010601-00011050": "Conventional nuclear power is essentially stagnated, particularly in the United States.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00025-00011050-00011330": "Nuclear innovation stopped in the 1970's.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00026-00011330-00011750": "There's another option.  Thorium, element 90 on the periodic table.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00027-00011750-00012360": "It would only take 4 grams of thorium to power an American's typical energy consumption -", "7YgeEOMwOto-00028-00012360-00012561": "that's 4 grams.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00029-00012561-00013090": "Go out to Nevada, and dig down about 12 feet, and in nice tractor-trailer containers -", "7YgeEOMwOto-00030-00013090-00013554": "open the doors, and there is barrel after barrel of thorium nitrate, about 3200 tons,", "7YgeEOMwOto-00031-00013554-00013900": "which would provide about two-thirds of the planet's energy needs for a year.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00032-00013900-00014200": "Thorium would never need to be mined.  Ever.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00033-00014200-00014950": "If you simply took Monazite waste streams that could answer the entire western world's rare earth crisis,", "7YgeEOMwOto-00034-00014950-00015519": "you would stockpile enough thorium to run the entire world on thorium reactors.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00035-00015519-00016030": "The best way of getting thorium, frankly - is go down to a beach in Florida and dig some sand.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00036-00016030-00016510": "Thorium could serve as an essentially unlimited nuclear fuel.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00037-00016510-00016930": "You could catalyse the burning of thorium indefinitely.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00038-00016930-00017200": "The reactors we use today answer the question:", "7YgeEOMwOto-00039-00017200-00017730": "How do we power a 1950's era nuclear submarine? The USS Nautilus.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00040-00017730-00018380": "We basically have this sub design put into Shippingport for the first power generator and we built 400 of those.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00041-00018380-00018770": "The navy program was optimized to the needs of the navy.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00042-00018770-00019150": "It actually wasn't very well optimized to the needs of power production.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00043-00019150-00019716": "We're extracting about half of one percent [0.5%] of the energy that's in the uranium.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00044-00019716-00019830": "Could you imagine going to your boss saying:", "7YgeEOMwOto-00045-00019830-00019930": "I've developed a new system.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00046-00019930-00020030": "Well, how efficient is it?", "7YgeEOMwOto-00047-00020030-00020177": "it's less than one percent.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00048-00020177-00020361": "Excuse me?  What did you build?", "7YgeEOMwOto-00049-00020361-00020520": "I think you need to go work on that again.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00050-00020520-00020700": "We just simply wouldn't accept this.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00051-00020700-00021135": "We could use thorium about 200 times more efficiently than we're using uranium now.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00052-00021135-00021862": "This reduces the waste generated over uranium by factors of hundreds and by factors of millions over fossil fuels.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00053-00021862-00022839": "Even without disastrous side-effects, we still have a finite source of fossil fuel materials.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00054-00022839-00023094": "We're quite sure we can make it cheaper than coal,", "7YgeEOMwOto-00055-00023094-00023436": "but as long as you're close to coal people are going to choose it over coal.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00056-00023436-00023739": "Coal is extremely plentiful in North America", "7YgeEOMwOto-00057-00023739-00024151": "OPEC is not going to jack up the cost of coal.  Coal is cheap.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00058-00024151-00024600": "Coal causes 13,000 deaths per year - that's in the US alone,", "7YgeEOMwOto-00059-00024600-00024867": "In china over 100,000.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00060-00024867-00025080": "We are the second largest economy in the world.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00061-00025080-00025393": "How do we meet this gap?", "7YgeEOMwOto-00062-00025393-00025530": "it's a huge challenge", "7YgeEOMwOto-00063-00025530-00025930": "Energy from coal use is growing rapidly in all of the developing countries,", "7YgeEOMwOto-00064-00025930-00026189": "and they are being supported by Peabody Coal.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00065-00026189-00026400": "Rich countries can afford to overpay for things.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00066-00026400-00026808": "We can afford to overpay overpay for medicine, we can afford to overpay for energy.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00067-00026808-00027500": "In the world where most people live (80%), energy is going to be bought where it's economic.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00068-00027500-00028100": "To you and me, national energy choices and the difference between cheap and expensive gasoline at the pump,", "7YgeEOMwOto-00069-00028100-00028670": "the cost of heating our homes and is just another factor in how competitive our manufacturing sector can be.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00070-00028670-00029080": "Outside of developed nations, energy is a difference between life and death.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00071-00029080-00029980": "They will use the cheapest energy source available to them because they desperately need that electric power.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00072-00029980-00030500": "Germany is a first world nation, so why are they still building new coal plants?", "7YgeEOMwOto-00073-00030506-00031080": "The holy grail for renewables is to be able to store the electric power one day and use it the next.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00074-00031080-00031416": "and it's very expensive.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00075-00031416-00032338": "Like fusion was so hard to do, storing energy cheaply has been a remarkably difficult challenge for 50 to 100 years.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00076-00032338-00032833": "All the types of batteries that get made, for cars, for computers, for phones,", "7YgeEOMwOto-00077-00032833-00033011": "for flashlights - for everything,", "7YgeEOMwOto-00078-00033011-00033670": "All the batteries we make now could store less than ten minutes of all the energy world uses.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00079-00033670-00034161": "Thorium provides power when the sun goes down.  Thorium provides power when the wind stops blowing.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00080-00034161-00034771": "It doesn't depend on location.  It doesn't require new transmission lines to be built from solar or wind farms", "7YgeEOMwOto-00081-00034771-00034950": "to where the energy is actually needed.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00082-00034950-00035572": "And, for the CO2 problem, we have to go from rapidly rising to falling all the way to zero.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00083-00035572-00035962": "[Nuclear] power reactors don't contribute CO2 to the atmosphere.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00084-00035962-00036394": "They should, by golly, be persued.  Period.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00085-00036394-00036780": "Not to do it is sort-of insane really.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00086-00036780-00037220": "We didn't develop nuclear energy off the back of a moon shot.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00087-00037220-00037550": "We developed nuclear energy off the back of the atomic bomb.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00088-00037465-00037788": "I spent ten years working at NASA.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00089-00037788-00038080": "There's no coal on the moon.  There's no petroleum.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00090-00038080-00038500": "There's no wind either.  The moon orbits the earth once a month.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00091-00038500-00038870": "For two weeks the sun goes down and your solar panels don't make any energy.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00092-00038870-00039150": "So, nuclear energy was really the only choice.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00093-00039150-00039430": "They had to come up with all kinds of new materials - new seals, new gaskets.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00094-00039430-00039880": "There's an analogy here, taking the evolutionary steps and taking the revolutionary step.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00095-00039880-00040463": "We will use new metal alloys, some of which have not yet been invented.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00096-00040463-00040872": "Just like the moon shot, we can't anticipate what all the benefits will be.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00097-00040872-00041274": "But, we do have a baseline - clean, plentiful energy.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00098-00041274-00041650": "I'm a rocket engineer.  I know how to do this stuff.  Building a reactor is a lot easier than this.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00099-00041650-00042359": "Why climb the highest mountain?  Why fly the Atlantic?  Why does Rice play Texas?", "7YgeEOMwOto-00100-00042359-00042790": "We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things,", "7YgeEOMwOto-00101-00042790-00043177": "not because they are easy but because they are hard.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00102-00043177-00043680": "Mr. president? Since you missed our meeting on breeder reactors - I am being ruthless on one thing.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00103-00043680-00044263": "Were either of you present when the reactor program was canceled in the early 1970's?", "7YgeEOMwOto-00104-00044263-00044620": "We were still working there, finalizing reports on the performance.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00105-00044620-00044836": "How do you feel about the reactor now?", "7YgeEOMwOto-00106-00044836-00045446": "It did exactly what we calculated it ought to do, and that's pretty satisfying.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00107-00045446-00045930": "Thorium was sidelined due to a range of factors, including political.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00108-00045930-00046400": "- any activities that we possibly can, should be placed in southern California.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00109-00046400-00046847": "It's very hard to see the green line for the molten-salt reactor technology [funding],", "7YgeEOMwOto-00110-00046847-00047020": "and then ultimately it was cancelled.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00111-00047020-00047569": "Put your hand on your desk, sweep it off onto the other side and you're finished.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00112-00047569-00048006": "It became this interesting side note of history until fairly recently.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00113-00048006-00048240": "The very same day that we were at Oak Ridge,", "7YgeEOMwOto-00114-00048240-00048500": "talking about relationships between rare earths and thorium,", "7YgeEOMwOto-00115-00048500-00048786": "the Chinese Academy of Science made their announcement.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00116-00048786-00049050": "We are goning do this.  We're goning to own the IP.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00117-00049050-00049461": "We would very much like to be energy independent.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00118-00049461-00049743": "Hey, maybe you shouldn't keep giving away this information.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00119-00049743-00050006": "If you want to do something about global warming", "7YgeEOMwOto-00120-00050006-00050540": "It would be a great thing if China built thorium based reactors instead of coal plants.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00121-00050540-00051038": "We have currently about 300 people working full-time on it.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00122-00051038-00051425": "China is doing exactly what it needs to do for its people and to raise them out of poverty", "7YgeEOMwOto-00123-00051425-00051729": "and give them the standard of living that they deserve.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00124-00051729-00052003": "Their government should be congratulated for that.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00125-00052003-00052586": "the exploration of space will go ahead, whether we join in it or not.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00126-00052586-00053040": "The flip-side of that is we're going to exchange Saudi Arabia for China.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00127-00053040-00053600": "A lot of the energy used here in China, is not for consumers, but for production.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00128-00053621-00053950": "Our energy no matter what forever is going to cost more than their energy.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00129-00053950-00054611": "All we're consuming now is that very, very, very small sliver of natural uranium - uranium 235.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00130-00054611-00055279": "Uranium 235 is like on par with silver and platinum.  Can you imagine burning platinum for energy?", "7YgeEOMwOto-00131-00055279-00055560": "That's what we're doing with our nuclear energy sources today.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00132-00055560-00056100": "We're burning this extremely rare stuff and we're not burning thorium.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00133-00056100-00056350": "So I have a friend who is trying to start a rare earth mine in Missouri.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00134-00056350-00057039": "- Every known way to extract rare earths, thorium just literally drops out like a rock and you have it.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00135-00057039-00057310": "\"How much thorium do you think you'll be pulling up per year\"?", "7YgeEOMwOto-00136-00057310-00057500": "\"I think about 5000 tons\".", "7YgeEOMwOto-00137-00057500-00058129": "5000 tons of thorium would supply the planet with all of its energy for a year.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00138-00058129-00058800": "Thorium is free, so it's going to be the most valuable commodity in the world with almost no value.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00139-00058800-00059300": "Dig out rare earth metals to make magnets for your wind turbines - you get a load of thorium.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00140-00059300-00059699": "Without heavy rare earths, you really are not in the business of technology.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00141-00059699-00060270": "When you use concentrated solar power, you use molten salts as the coolant - so there are synergies.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00142-00060270-00061070": "Every time mankind has been able to access a new source of energy it has led to profound societal implications.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00143-00061070-00061370": "Human beings have had slaves for thousands and thousands of years,", "7YgeEOMwOto-00144-00061370-00061770": "and when we learned how to make carbon our slave instead of other human beings -", "7YgeEOMwOto-00145-00061770-00062050": "we started to learn how to be able to be civilized people.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00146-00062050-00062379": "If you gave me only one wish - I can pick who's president,", "7YgeEOMwOto-00147-00062379-00062670": "I can pick a vaccine - which is something i love,", "7YgeEOMwOto-00148-00062670-00063294": "or having energy be a quarter as expensive, and environmentally friendly - I'd pick the energy.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00149-00063294-00063858": "Thorium has a million times the energy density of a carbon-hydrogen bond.", "7YgeEOMwOto-00150-00063858-00064550": "What could that mean for human civilization going out thousands, tens of thousands of years into the future?", "7YgeEOMwOto-00151-00064550-00064900": "Because, we are not going to run out of this stuff.  Once we've learned how to use it at this kind efficiency,", "7YgeEOMwOto-00152-00064900-00065290": "we will never run out, it is simply too common."}}, {"audio_id": "7Yh2Jc6od_g", "text": {"7Yh2Jc6od_g-00000-00000176-00000456": "So as we have shown in the previous video,", "7Yh2Jc6od_g-00001-00000456-00001088": "the line of best fit or the regression line (the orange line going through the predicted values)", "7Yh2Jc6od_g-00002-00001144-00001664": "shows the predicted relationship between the independent and dependent variables.", "7Yh2Jc6od_g-00003-00001807-00002176": "You can see that some of the actual results (the blue dots)", "7Yh2Jc6od_g-00004-00002176-00002512": "deviate from our predicted results using our line of best fit.", "7Yh2Jc6od_g-00005-00002592-00003128": "In this video we will introduce a measure to evaluate how well our model can predict", "7Yh2Jc6od_g-00006-00003128-00003624": "the actual results of the experiment. This measure of evaluating how accurate", "7Yh2Jc6od_g-00007-00003624-00004144": "our model can be for predicting the reality is known as the R-squared value.", "7Yh2Jc6od_g-00008-00004144-00004608": "R squared is the proportion of total variation in the dependent variable", "7Yh2Jc6od_g-00009-00004608-00005192": "(which is caffeine content in our example) that can be explained by the linear regression model,", "7Yh2Jc6od_g-00010-00005192-00005536": "or line of best fit. Because it is a proportion,", "7Yh2Jc6od_g-00011-00005536-00006064": "it takes on a value between 0 to 1. A(n) R-squared value of 1 means that", "7Yh2Jc6od_g-00012-00006064-00006608": "our model is capable of predicting all of the variabilities around the sample mean, meaning", "7Yh2Jc6od_g-00013-00006608-00007200": "that we know exactly how much the independent variable will affect the dependent variable", "7Yh2Jc6od_g-00014-00007200-00007396": "and that there are no error terms.", "7Yh2Jc6od_g-00015-00007432-00007616": "R-squared of 0 means that", "7Yh2Jc6od_g-00016-00007616-00008056": "our model can do no better than the sample mean in predicting the actual", "7Yh2Jc6od_g-00017-00008056-00008168": "results.", "7Yh2Jc6od_g-00018-00008168-00008728": "You can use the R-squared value when analysing your own data from experiments. It’s important", "7Yh2Jc6od_g-00019-00008728-00009232": "to remember though that it is just a statistic based on your own data.", "7Yh2Jc6od_g-00020-00009232-00009720": "An R-squared value won’t tell you whether your experiment results are correct or not,", "7Yh2Jc6od_g-00021-00009720-00010336": "only gives you a rough idea on how well your model, or in this case the line of best fit, can", "7Yh2Jc6od_g-00022-00010336-00010992": "predict the actual results. If r-squared is low, our line of best fit might not be what its name", "7Yh2Jc6od_g-00023-00010992-00011624": "suggests and we can probably find a better line or model that will become the line of best fit.", "7Yh2Jc6od_g-00024-00011624-00012215": "You’ll also need to use your own analytical skills to draw your conclusions."}}, {"audio_id": "7YQejAZ10sg", "text": {"7YQejAZ10sg-00000-00000019-00000514": "Three young siblings from Emmett, Idaho went missing on three separate occasions.", "7YQejAZ10sg-00001-00000514-00001071": "In September of 2020, 17-year-old Tristan Sexton went missing.", "7YQejAZ10sg-00002-00001071-00001443": "In October, 14-year-old Taylor Summers went missing.", "7YQejAZ10sg-00003-00001443-00002013": "Now, in April of 2021, 8-year-old Taryn Summers has gone missing.", "7YQejAZ10sg-00004-00002013-00003175": "Police have now arrested the Grandma of the three children for homicide.", "7YQejAZ10sg-00005-00003175-00003736": "Triston Conner Sexton, Taylor Summers and Taryn Summers are three siblings from Emmett,", "7YQejAZ10sg-00006-00003736-00003836": "Idaho.", "7YQejAZ10sg-00007-00003836-00004250": "Emmett is known for being one of the largest cities in the area and this isn’t the city's", "7YQejAZ10sg-00008-00004250-00004657": "first go-around in terms of terrible crimes that have been committed there.", "7YQejAZ10sg-00009-00004657-00005319": "On the evening of September 10, 2020, 17-year-old Tristan was last seen a short distance away", "7YQejAZ10sg-00010-00005319-00005561": "from Airport Road, near highway 52.", "7YQejAZ10sg-00011-00005561-00006077": "It wouldn’t be 30 days later before his younger sister, Taylor, would go missing from", "7YQejAZ10sg-00012-00006077-00006319": "this exact location as well.", "7YQejAZ10sg-00013-00006319-00006609": "After they vanished, no one heard from the teens again.", "7YQejAZ10sg-00014-00006609-00007003": "There were theories that began to circulate, claiming that the teens may have run away", "7YQejAZ10sg-00015-00007003-00007528": "- possibly together - but the evidence surrounding this was trivial at best.", "7YQejAZ10sg-00016-00007528-00007978": "Sadly, around the time that this news broke, the case didn’t receive much attention from", "7YQejAZ10sg-00017-00007978-00008189": "the media.", "7YQejAZ10sg-00018-00008189-00008674": "It seemed like it had been swept under the rug in favor of news coverage about the pandemic", "7YQejAZ10sg-00019-00008674-00008990": "that I’m sure we were all sick of hearing back that point.", "7YQejAZ10sg-00020-00008990-00009589": "It has now been more than seven months since the two teens disappeared and it seemed like", "7YQejAZ10sg-00021-00009589-00010468": "the case was going to run cold, until a major bit of news broke in mid-April of 2021.", "7YQejAZ10sg-00022-00010468-00010924": "On April 12th, Taryn Summers went missing, also in the city of Emmett.", "7YQejAZ10sg-00023-00010924-00011024": "Where did she go missing?", "7YQejAZ10sg-00024-00011024-00011549": "Well, you guessed it, near the intersection of Airport Road and highway 52 - just like", "7YQejAZ10sg-00025-00011549-00011686": "her two siblings.", "7YQejAZ10sg-00026-00011686-00012163": "What makes Taryn’s case even more shocking is that she was only 8-years-old when she", "7YQejAZ10sg-00027-00012163-00012263": "went missing.", "7YQejAZ10sg-00028-00012263-00012665": "While police initially believed they were just about to hit a dead end in the cases", "7YQejAZ10sg-00029-00012665-00013284": "of these two young girls, Taryn’s disappearance blew the case wide open and all eyes began", "7YQejAZ10sg-00030-00013284-00013495": "to turn toward members of the family.", "7YQejAZ10sg-00031-00013495-00013928": "The theory about the teens being runaways was now dead in the water, as there is virtually", "7YQejAZ10sg-00032-00013928-00014462": "no chance an 8-year-old would disappear of her own free will.", "7YQejAZ10sg-00033-00014462-00014910": "It’s also more than just a little bit convenient that all of the children disappeared from", "7YQejAZ10sg-00034-00014910-00015197": "the exact same location.", "7YQejAZ10sg-00035-00015197-00015803": "Sadly, the worst possible scenario would play out just a few days ago when police announced", "7YQejAZ10sg-00036-00015803-00016287": "that they had found a body at a home located at 1666 Airport Road.", "7YQejAZ10sg-00037-00016287-00016701": "I’m going to do my best to keep some of the awful details of this case out of this", "7YQejAZ10sg-00038-00016701-00017207": "video, because I like to keep these videos as family-friendly as possible.", "7YQejAZ10sg-00039-00017207-00017624": "Police say that they visited the home of the grandmother of the children, Connie Ann Smith.", "7YQejAZ10sg-00040-00017624-00018046": "Tha grandmother was the first to report that Taryn Summers had gone missing, but the grandmother", "7YQejAZ10sg-00041-00018046-00018362": "was insistent that the young girl had run away.", "7YQejAZ10sg-00042-00018362-00018787": "This obviously didn’t sit well with police, but they entertained this idea until they", "7YQejAZ10sg-00043-00018787-00018976": "found further evidence.", "7YQejAZ10sg-00044-00018976-00019431": "Police had visited Connie's home on multiple occasions and it seems like Connie was more", "7YQejAZ10sg-00045-00019431-00019685": "than willing to cooperate with their investigation.", "7YQejAZ10sg-00046-00019685-00020140": "What makes the case a bit strange is that, when officers entered her home, they noticed", "7YQejAZ10sg-00047-00020140-00020576": "that a small patch of carpet in Taryn’s bedroom had been removed.", "7YQejAZ10sg-00048-00020576-00020970": "It was cut out and the remnants of it were apparently found nearby after Connie had burned", "7YQejAZ10sg-00049-00020970-00021070": "them.", "7YQejAZ10sg-00050-00021070-00021393": "It doesn’t seem like police were initially too concerned about this, because Connie’s", "7YQejAZ10sg-00051-00021393-00021779": "explanation made a lot of sense.", "7YQejAZ10sg-00052-00021779-00022318": "According to the grandma, Taryn had soiled herself on the carpet, but then proceeded", "7YQejAZ10sg-00053-00022318-00022865": "to spread the contents around until it would have been nearly impossible to clean the carpet.", "7YQejAZ10sg-00054-00022865-00023470": "I’ve got to admit, this seems a bit strange for an 8-year-old, but as an 8-year-old, I", "7YQejAZ10sg-00055-00023470-00023572": "was a bit of a freak.", "7YQejAZ10sg-00056-00023572-00023985": "So it’s not completely unbelievable that this would have happened.", "7YQejAZ10sg-00057-00023985-00024339": "When officers continued to search the young girls room, however, they began to notice", "7YQejAZ10sg-00058-00024339-00024629": "that things just didn’t add up.", "7YQejAZ10sg-00059-00024629-00025128": "One of the most telling and gruesome details they found was a tiny spot of blood on one", "7YQejAZ10sg-00060-00025128-00025288": "of the walls in the bedroom.", "7YQejAZ10sg-00061-00025288-00025795": "This tiny detail blew the case wide open, and immediately the focus began to shift to", "7YQejAZ10sg-00062-00025795-00026068": "the grandma of these two young girls and young boy.", "7YQejAZ10sg-00063-00026068-00026531": "At first, it seemed like the grandma couldn’t come up with an adequate explanation for the", "7YQejAZ10sg-00064-00026531-00026631": "blood.", "7YQejAZ10sg-00065-00026631-00026998": "This led officers to search every square inch of the rest of her home, and they eventually", "7YQejAZ10sg-00066-00026998-00027257": "made their way to her car in the front yard.", "7YQejAZ10sg-00067-00027257-00027867": "They asked her to unlock the doors of her Lexus, and inside they found a black trash", "7YQejAZ10sg-00068-00027867-00027967": "bag.", "7YQejAZ10sg-00069-00027967-00028073": "This is where I’m going to stop.", "7YQejAZ10sg-00070-00028073-00028579": "If you want to learn any more details about the case, you can definitely search it online.", "7YQejAZ10sg-00071-00028579-00029082": "Everything you could possibly want to know is there, but I can’t say I recommend digging", "7YQejAZ10sg-00072-00029082-00029448": "any deeper.", "7YQejAZ10sg-00073-00029448-00029970": "The grandma was immediately charged with first-degree murder, but it seems like these charges were", "7YQejAZ10sg-00074-00029970-00030875": "altered later on, and she is now facing a plethora of other charges.", "7YQejAZ10sg-00075-00030875-00031325": "Considering this case is so recent, we don’t know what this may mean for the fate of the", "7YQejAZ10sg-00076-00031325-00031454": "other children.", "7YQejAZ10sg-00077-00031454-00031933": "Police have not yet revealed any further information about the case, and obviously, the grandma", "7YQejAZ10sg-00078-00031933-00032276": "isn’t going to be speaking to anyone else until she makes her way to trial.", "7YQejAZ10sg-00079-00032276-00032635": "Strangely, we also don’t know where the parents have been throughout this process.", "7YQejAZ10sg-00080-00032635-00033166": "As it stands, none of the articles I’ve been able to find have mentioned the parents", "7YQejAZ10sg-00081-00033166-00033266": "even once.", "7YQejAZ10sg-00082-00033266-00033619": "This story does have a silver lining, though.", "7YQejAZ10sg-00083-00033619-00033756": "If you could call it that.", "7YQejAZ10sg-00084-00033756-00034283": "According to East Idaho News, the two other children have been reached and seem to be", "7YQejAZ10sg-00085-00034283-00034383": "just fine.", "7YQejAZ10sg-00086-00034383-00034802": "I know I literally *just* said that we don’t know anything else about the other children,", "7YQejAZ10sg-00087-00034802-00035346": "but I say that because it seems like reporters are repeatedly backtracing their steps and", "7YQejAZ10sg-00088-00035346-00035745": "updating details on the case.", "7YQejAZ10sg-00089-00035745-00036334": "Until we see video footage of the other two children, I’m personally hesitant to say", "7YQejAZ10sg-00090-00036334-00036806": "that they are alive and well - and I certainly wouldn’t want to report that in this video", "7YQejAZ10sg-00091-00036806-00037022": "when the details are still so fresh.", "7YQejAZ10sg-00092-00037022-00037541": "With this possibility in mind, it definitely seems like the other two children could have", "7YQejAZ10sg-00093-00037541-00038121": "genuinely just run away, but I still find it super odd that they all disappeared from", "7YQejAZ10sg-00094-00038121-00038499": "the exact same location within seven months of each other.", "7YQejAZ10sg-00095-00038499-00038769": "Why did the other two children flee?", "7YQejAZ10sg-00096-00038769-00039421": "If they felt like their grandma’s home wasn’t safe, why would they have left their younger", "7YQejAZ10sg-00097-00039421-00039971": "sister behind, and why would they have evaded contact with police for such a long period", "7YQejAZ10sg-00098-00039971-00040257": "of time?", "7YQejAZ10sg-00099-00040257-00040672": "I don’t want to go too much further on this case since the details are continuing to unfold", "7YQejAZ10sg-00100-00040672-00041188": "in record time, but it seems like Connie Smith has not yet entered a plea in her case, and", "7YQejAZ10sg-00101-00041188-00041621": "some articles seem to suggest that police may have dropped the initial homicide charge", "7YQejAZ10sg-00102-00041621-00041721": "against her.", "7YQejAZ10sg-00103-00041721-00042162": "I don’t typically cover stories that are this recent because there is always such a", "7YQejAZ10sg-00104-00042162-00042772": "major lack of details, but we will just have to wait and see how this case unfolds.", "7YQejAZ10sg-00105-00042772-00043291": "There are so many unanswered questions, and I can’t seem to figure out why the other", "7YQejAZ10sg-00106-00043291-00043770": "two children would have both runaway at such similar times, especially when their younger", "7YQejAZ10sg-00107-00043770-00044368": "sister met her fate just a few months later.", "7YQejAZ10sg-00108-00044368-00044845": "Something isn’t adding up here, but I imagine we will get our answers soon enough, even", "7YQejAZ10sg-00109-00044845-00046028": "if it isn’t anything that we particularly want to hear.", "7YQejAZ10sg-00110-00046028-00049794": "But that’s the video for today you guys…"}}, {"audio_id": "7Z8r7jrf7wu", "text": {"7Z8r7jrf7wu-00000-00000128-00000298": "I'm Lance Cpl. Molly Hampton,", "7Z8r7jrf7wu-00001-00000298-00000501": "and this is the Corps Report.", "7Z8r7jrf7wu-00002-00000612-00001044": "The Marine Corps Reserve celebrated 100 years this week with festivities in New York City.", "7Z8r7jrf7wu-00003-00001062-00001440": "Reserve Marines have fought in every major conflict since World War I.", "7Z8r7jrf7wu-00004-00001464-00001636": "Always faithful, always ready.", "7Z8r7jrf7wu-00005-00001702-00001928": "Have you seen the Marine Corps newest insignia?", "7Z8r7jrf7wu-00006-00001928-00002290": "All Marines, past and present, who've served as Critical Skills Operators", "7Z8r7jrf7wu-00007-00002290-00002674": "or Special Operations Officers rate  the Marines Special Operator Insignia.", "7Z8r7jrf7wu-00008-00002704-00002892": "The eagle represents the Corps,", "7Z8r7jrf7wu-00009-00002892-00003102": "the dagger represents Marine Raider battalions,", "7Z8r7jrf7wu-00010-00003102-00003444": "and the Southern Cross symbolizes the Raiders' victories on Guadalcanal.", "7Z8r7jrf7wu-00011-00003514-00003678": "Spiritus Invictus, Marines.", "7Z8r7jrf7wu-00012-00003678-00003894": "Nashville, the Marines are coming.", "7Z8r7jrf7wu-00013-00003894-00004142": "Marine Week Nashville is  September 7th through the 11th.", "7Z8r7jrf7wu-00014-00004142-00004324": "See rotary aircraft,", "7Z8r7jrf7wu-00015-00004324-00004416": "AAVs", "7Z8r7jrf7wu-00016-00004416-00004728": "and other military vehicles in action with infantry Marines.", "7Z8r7jrf7wu-00017-00004794-00005096": "Follow \"Marines\" on Snapchat to see the Corps take over Nashville.", "7Z8r7jrf7wu-00018-00005124-00005288": "Thanks for watching everyone.", "7Z8r7jrf7wu-00019-00005288-00005580": "We'll see you next time, right here on the Corps Report."}}, {"audio_id": "7ZR1KYi7uxI", "text": {"7ZR1KYi7uxI-00000-00002182-00002812": "today we will continue what I said last week", "7ZR1KYi7uxI-00001-00002838-00003426": "we will continue about faith and obedience", "7ZR1KYi7uxI-00002-00003456-00003978": "without faith and obedience,", "7ZR1KYi7uxI-00003-00003978-00004410": "you will only be a bystander.", "7ZR1KYi7uxI-00004-00004410-00004751": "just be a Christian watching", "7ZR1KYi7uxI-00005-00004751-00005257": "but through faith and obedience", "7ZR1KYi7uxI-00006-00005284-00005581": "it's all from God,", "7ZR1KYi7uxI-00007-00005581-00005883": "not because of our abilities,", "7ZR1KYi7uxI-00008-00005883-00006117": "you and I will see", "7ZR1KYi7uxI-00009-00006117-00006523": "a miraculous God in our lives", "7ZR1KYi7uxI-00010-00007032-00007421": "Jesus Christ has made this,", "7ZR1KYi7uxI-00011-00007421-00007932": "so that in Him the blessing of Abraham may reach the Gentiles,", "7ZR1KYi7uxI-00012-00007932-00008283": "so that by faith we .....", "7ZR1KYi7uxI-00013-00008283-00008546": "so each one's personal faith ....", "7ZR1KYi7uxI-00014-00008546-00008939": "we may receive the promised Spirit.", "7ZR1KYi7uxI-00015-00008961-00009319": "What is most needed in our lives", "7ZR1KYi7uxI-00016-00009319-00009533": "is actually the Spirit of God", "7ZR1KYi7uxI-00017-00009563-00009917": "because God's Spirit enables us", "7ZR1KYi7uxI-00018-00009917-00010092": "to experience Abraham's blessing", "7ZR1KYi7uxI-00019-00010092-00010274": "these are interrelated", "7ZR1KYi7uxI-00020-00010304-00010576": "Lord Jesus came into the world,", "7ZR1KYi7uxI-00021-00010576-00010893": "suffered,", "7ZR1KYi7uxI-00022-00010893-00011142": "was crucified and rose", "7ZR1KYi7uxI-00023-00011157-00011545": "The goal is for Abraham's blessing to reach you", "7ZR1KYi7uxI-00024-00011590-00011856": "but without faith,", "7ZR1KYi7uxI-00025-00011856-00012276": "you and I cannot receive the promised Spirit", "7ZR1KYi7uxI-00026-00012276-00012734": "So it turns out that the bridge is faith", "7ZR1KYi7uxI-00027-00012734-00012992": "The bridge is that we need", "7ZR1KYi7uxI-00028-00012992-00013279": "God's grace, which is FAITH", "7ZR1KYi7uxI-00029-00013309-00013650": "and it is said to be our faith, so the faith of each individual", "7ZR1KYi7uxI-00030-00013695-00013903": "not 'corporate' faith", "7ZR1KYi7uxI-00031-00013922-00014260": "our personal faith", "7ZR1KYi7uxI-00032-00014260-00014557": "to get God's Spirit,", "7ZR1KYi7uxI-00033-00014557-00015226": "the guiding Spirit, the Spirit that enables us to enjoy Abraham's blessings", "7ZR1KYi7uxI-00034-00015226-00015438": "Galatians 3:9", "7ZR1KYi7uxI-00035-00015438-00015752": "So those who live by faith,", "7ZR1KYi7uxI-00036-00015752-00016232": "they are the ones who are blessed together with the believing Abraham.", "7ZR1KYi7uxI-00037-00016259-00016800": "together with the believing Abraham.", "7ZR1KYi7uxI-00038-00016826-00017468": "so these days, if we don't live by faith, we can be disappointed", "7ZR1KYi7uxI-00039-00017468-00017765": "If these days we don't live by faith,", "7ZR1KYi7uxI-00040-00017765-00018447": "more thoughts, more with our brains, our feelings, more of our  will", "7ZR1KYi7uxI-00041-00018466-00018740": "we will be disappointed.", "7ZR1KYi7uxI-00042-00018797-00019476": "because many events now are difficult to predict.", "7ZR1KYi7uxI-00043-00019526-00020142": "and often our viewpoint (and judgment)", "7ZR1KYi7uxI-00044-00020162-00020610": "often not the same as God's viewpoint and judgment"}}, {"audio_id": "7ZUVnKx1LWk", "text": {"7ZUVnKx1LWk-00000-00000400-00001500": "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!", "7ZUVnKx1LWk-00001-00001900-00002300": "Rejoice! [to more than one person] (Also used to greet and say farewell)", "7ZUVnKx1LWk-00002-00002600-00003000": "in, by means of", "7ZUVnKx1LWk-00003-00003500-00004100": "the Lord", "7ZUVnKx1LWk-00004-00004500-00005500": "Rejoice in the Lord", "7ZUVnKx1LWk-00005-00005900-00006600": "always.", "7ZUVnKx1LWk-00006-00006800-00009000": "Rejoice in the Lord always.", "7ZUVnKx1LWk-00007-00009400-00009900": "again", "7ZUVnKx1LWk-00008-00010300-00010600": "I will say", "7ZUVnKx1LWk-00009-00010800-00011200": "Rejoice! [to more than one person] (Also used to greet and say farewell)", "7ZUVnKx1LWk-00010-00011500-00012500": "I will say it again: Rejoice!", "7ZUVnKx1LWk-00011-00012800-00014200": "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!"}}, {"audio_id": "7a0MhdL0OZ0", "text": {"7a0MhdL0OZ0-00000-00000413-00000948": "Welcome to the first installment in the Public Philosophy Journal's Learning Network Video Series.", "7a0MhdL0OZ0-00001-00000948-00001244": "In this video, you'll learn about the PPJ's mission.", "7a0MhdL0OZ0-00002-00001312-00001920": "The Public Philosophy Journal, or PPJ, is  a multi-faceted experiment in open access", "7a0MhdL0OZ0-00003-00001934-00002296": "developed from our belief that philosophical scholarship should be available", "7a0MhdL0OZ0-00004-00002296-00002626": "for everyone to both shape and discover.", "7a0MhdL0OZ0-00005-00002626-00003238": "We seek to nourish an open, caring, intellectual culture wherein all voices are valued and amplified", "7a0MhdL0OZ0-00006-00003264-00003818": "Thus, the PPJ creates inclusive spaces for developing publicly relevant philosophy in", "7a0MhdL0OZ0-00007-00003818-00004436": "collaboration with others working both within and beyond the university system.", "7a0MhdL0OZ0-00008-00004436-00004918": "We believe publishing practices play a significant role in the practice of public scholarship", "7a0MhdL0OZ0-00009-00004918-00005096": "in the digital age.", "7a0MhdL0OZ0-00010-00005096-00005668": "To this end, as a community of publicly engaged researchers, artists, and activists we feel", "7a0MhdL0OZ0-00011-00005668-00006192": "called to generate accessible, innovative avenues for constructive dialogue that blurs", "7a0MhdL0OZ0-00012-00006192-00006670": "conventional boundaries between academic and broader public life.", "7a0MhdL0OZ0-00013-00006670-00007246": "The PPJ's unique Formative Peer Review process is designed to enrich our habits of collegial", "7a0MhdL0OZ0-00014-00007246-00007650": "interaction and to cultivate philosophical publics that flourish.", "7a0MhdL0OZ0-00015-00007650-00008204": "Thus, working together, we can produce relevant scholarship shaped by the public.", "7a0MhdL0OZ0-00016-00008204-00008782": "To learn more about the PPJ, including Formative Peer Review, please browse our website,", "7a0MhdL0OZ0-00017-00008782-00009326": "read an issue of the journal, and check out the other videos in this Learning Network series.", "7a0MhdL0OZ0-00018-00009326-00009526": "Thank you!"}}, {"audio_id": "7a7v4jXPbou", "text": {"7a7v4jXPbou-00000-00000000-00001175": "how to access the dsm-5 online start at", "7a7v4jXPbou-00001-00000519-00001641": "the Bucks homepage click library click the", "7a7v4jXPbou-00002-00001175-00002409": "database icon change the show only drop", "7a7v4jXPbou-00003-00001641-00003034": "down menu from any to psychology scroll", "7a7v4jXPbou-00004-00002409-00003327": "down click psychiatry online DSM-V if", "7a7v4jXPbou-00005-00003034-00003534": "you are off campus you will need to", "7a7v4jXPbou-00006-00003327-00003861": "login with your Bucks username and", "7a7v4jXPbou-00007-00003534-00004373": "password if you're on campus you'll be", "7a7v4jXPbou-00008-00003861-00004796": "taken directly to the resource under the", "7a7v4jXPbou-00009-00004373-00005111": "DSM-V heading click the link explore the", "7a7v4jXPbou-00010-00004796-00005111": "latest edition", "7a7v4jXPbou-00011-00005583-00006247": "you are now viewing the digital version", "7a7v4jXPbou-00012-00005911-00006604": "of the DSM-V to find specific", "7a7v4jXPbou-00013-00006247-00006997": "information about a disorder click the", "7a7v4jXPbou-00014-00006604-00007783": "drop-down next to section two: diagnostic", "7a7v4jXPbou-00015-00006997-00008605": "criteria and codes click on the category", "7a7v4jXPbou-00016-00007783-00008977": "of disorder of interest to you from the", "7a7v4jXPbou-00017-00008605-00009319": "category page you can read about the", "7a7v4jXPbou-00018-00008977-00009802": "category and general information", "7a7v4jXPbou-00019-00009319-00010297": "regarding this category click on the", "7a7v4jXPbou-00020-00009802-00010891": "sections link to view information about", "7a7v4jXPbou-00021-00010297-00011188": "a specific disorder that's a quick tour", "7a7v4jXPbou-00022-00010891-00011428": "of the DSM-V if you have any questions", "7a7v4jXPbou-00023-00011188-00011880": "feel free to reach out to the Bucks", "7a7v4jXPbou-00024-00011428-00011880": "County Community College librarians"}}, {"audio_id": "7avea8WvRBE", "text": {"7avea8WvRBE-00000-00000000-00000324": "the following is a paid commercial program paid for by Curie health and", "7avea8WvRBE-00001-00000324-00000714": "wellness Diagnostic Center the opinions and Views expressed in this program belong to its", "7avea8WvRBE-00002-00000714-00001096": "sponsors and are not those of this station or their Affiliates or employees [Music]", "7avea8WvRBE-00003-00001428-00002022": "hi folks I'm Dave Woodman and I'm here with Dr Keith Curry Dr Curry is an archangian you know U.S", "7avea8WvRBE-00004-00002022-00002556": "Air Force veteran he's in his 18th year of Private Practice right here in Arkansas and many of you", "7avea8WvRBE-00005-00002556-00002994": "have seen him on television over these years and heard the stories of his patients sharing how he", "7avea8WvRBE-00006-00002994-00003636": "changed their lives some of them have even said that Dr Curry saved their life well one of those", "7avea8WvRBE-00007-00003636-00004260": "patients Michael is here with us and like many of you had severe low back and sciatic nerve pain", "7avea8WvRBE-00008-00004260-00004824": "that took him to see Dr Curry his stories next right after I remind you as I always do that Dr", "7avea8WvRBE-00009-00004824-00005346": "Curry wants to send you a free report on some of the conditions that could be affecting you severe", "7avea8WvRBE-00010-00005346-00006126": "low back pain hip pain scoliosis spinal stenosis sciatica leg pain get a pen and paper jot down the", "7avea8WvRBE-00011-00006126-00006750": "phone number at the bottom of your screen and then call that number to Quest the report it's a 1997", "7avea8WvRBE-00012-00006750-00007278": "value but it's yours absolutely free just could be the most important phone call you'll ever make", "7avea8WvRBE-00013-00007331-00007740": "well Mike I mentioned to you our viewers that you had really severe low back and", "7avea8WvRBE-00014-00007740-00008244": "sciatic nerve pain in your leg how serious was that how was it affecting your lifestyle", "7avea8WvRBE-00015-00008322-00009234": "so I'm in construction and on April the 15th my L5 herniated and I was not able to do my work", "7avea8WvRBE-00016-00009372-00009732": "at the capacity that I was I'm a Sole Provider for five people", "7avea8WvRBE-00017-00009732-00010254": "and you know things were taking me four or five times longer if I could do them", "7avea8WvRBE-00018-00010320-00010854": "all right so you were in in pretty bad shape but you had had you did have several options in fact", "7avea8WvRBE-00019-00010854-00011550": "among them were injections and even back surgery what made you decide to see Dr Curry instead well", "7avea8WvRBE-00020-00011550-00012180": "I guess I got to give credit to God first my wife uh after going and seeing my doctor my general", "7avea8WvRBE-00021-00012180-00012720": "practitioner he said you need surgery he sent me to a specialist he said you need surgery I said no", "7avea8WvRBE-00022-00012720-00013338": "I want to go see my chiropractor he said you need surgery and my wife said well my former pastor had", "7avea8WvRBE-00023-00013338-00013902": "had something done in Conway so I called him up and I said what did you have done and he told me", "7avea8WvRBE-00024-00013902-00014460": "about Dr Curry he was a patient of Dr Curry's and so that personal testimony says you know you got", "7avea8WvRBE-00025-00014460-00015090": "to go check it out and then when I talked to Dr Curry I just like you mentioned before the honesty", "7avea8WvRBE-00026-00015090-00015666": "the upfrontness of Dr Curry it just I was like you know this this is something I've got to try", "7avea8WvRBE-00027-00015762-00016386": "you know this television advertising is great but Word of Mouth Dr Curry is is really good now I", "7avea8WvRBE-00028-00016386-00016878": "know there are a lot of people watching right now Mike who would say no way when you tell them that", "7avea8WvRBE-00029-00016878-00017364": "you were able to get completely off your pain medication after getting your treatments for Dr", "7avea8WvRBE-00030-00017364-00018144": "Curry absolutely so I was on tramadol twice a day Gabapentin three times a day ibuprofen to leave", "7avea8WvRBE-00031-00018144-00018894": "in between and never got full relief after the third treatment with Dr Curry no pain medicines", "7avea8WvRBE-00032-00018894-00019356": "no over-the-counter completely medicine free folks that's what we've been talking about for several", "7avea8WvRBE-00033-00019356-00020142": "years now at Dr Curry what what may I ask you what the highlight was for you in treating Mike well to", "7avea8WvRBE-00034-00020142-00020628": "be honest with you Dave it's you know of course the relief and but I mean on a personal level", "7avea8WvRBE-00035-00020628-00021318": "when Devin his Pastor former Pastor you know sent him to me and he told me that there's no greater", "7avea8WvRBE-00036-00021318-00021780": "compliment that someone can pay me than to send someone that they know or love or care about to", "7avea8WvRBE-00037-00021780-00022374": "me and I mean it was I'll never forget my very first patient that I ever treated he walked in", "7avea8WvRBE-00038-00022374-00023088": "years later with a personal friend of his from Magnolia Arkansas and that's not close to Conway", "7avea8WvRBE-00039-00023088-00023688": "and he walked in with her and said Dr Curry I want you to do the same thing for her that you did for", "7avea8WvRBE-00040-00023688-00024372": "me and so from a personal level that really meant a lot and then just seeing how quickly that he was", "7avea8WvRBE-00041-00024372-00025020": "able to to do normal work like he went to work I mean for real he went he's a carpenter I mean", "7avea8WvRBE-00042-00025020-00025482": "he went to work Dave and was working through the program he didn't have a six-month hopeful", "7avea8WvRBE-00043-00025482-00026004": "recovery after a failed surgery or anything like that he work through the treatments so", "7avea8WvRBE-00044-00026004-00026370": "this has been about I think you finished your treatment about six months ago you're back on", "7avea8WvRBE-00045-00026370-00026862": "the job you're carrying Lumber around you're doing your job yeah so my last treatment was actually", "7avea8WvRBE-00046-00026862-00027552": "August the 3rd and since then I've gotten two cabins in the dry I've built a 70 foot retaining", "7avea8WvRBE-00047-00027552-00028139": "wall with railroad Timbers so I'm really putting his work to the test man that is wonderful Mike", "7avea8WvRBE-00048-00028139-00028595": "thank you for coming in and sharing your story folks if you're in pain do something about it", "7avea8WvRBE-00049-00028595-00029112": "call the number on your screen order Dr Curry's free report to find out how you too May avoid", "7avea8WvRBE-00050-00029112-00030024": "surgery in favor of Dr Curry's non-invasive treatments we'll see you next time out here"}}, {"audio_id": "7bfHoyqf2lU", "text": {"7bfHoyqf2lU-00000-00000272-00000600": "This is Dr Eric Tangumonkem here welcoming you", "7bfHoyqf2lU-00001-00000600-00001040": "to another week. I always say it is not another week", "7bfHoyqf2lU-00002-00001040-00001367": "it is a great opportunity for us to continue", "7bfHoyqf2lU-00003-00001367-00001943": "learning and growing. Please send those questions to me. If you are", "7bfHoyqf2lU-00004-00001943-00002327": "confused, if you are stuck, make sure we are", "7bfHoyqf2lU-00005-00002327-00002759": "communicating. It is very important for us to be", "7bfHoyqf2lU-00006-00002759-00003096": "on the same page; it's very important for us to", "7bfHoyqf2lU-00007-00003096-00003496": "walk this journey together. Don't feel that you are alone", "7bfHoyqf2lU-00008-00003496-00003968": "I know it's very easy in the online environment to feel that", "7bfHoyqf2lU-00009-00003968-00004471": "you are alone. No, we are in this together I think about you all the time and I am", "7bfHoyqf2lU-00010-00004471-00004848": "anticipating that if you have any challenges or any difficulties", "7bfHoyqf2lU-00011-00004848-00005296": "please bring them my way. It is very easy to fall behind", "7bfHoyqf2lU-00012-00005296-00005752": "in the online environment and that is why you have to", "7bfHoyqf2lU-00013-00005752-00006207": "make sure each week you are on task. Stay on task!", "7bfHoyqf2lU-00014-00006207-00006728": "When you allow things to sleep it is going to become overwhelming, it's going", "7bfHoyqf2lU-00015-00006728-00007056": "to become more difficult than it is supposed to be.", "7bfHoyqf2lU-00016-00007056-00007376": "Please make sure each week you turn in your", "7bfHoyqf2lU-00017-00007376-00007895": "assignments on time. Get behind it stay focused", "7bfHoyqf2lU-00018-00007895-00008375": "and it is going to be easier when you do that.", "7bfHoyqf2lU-00019-00008375-00008800": "Each week I like to bring in something that will help you", "7bfHoyqf2lU-00020-00008800-00009224": "not just succeed in this course but succeed in other areas", "7bfHoyqf2lU-00021-00009224-00009504": "of your life.", "7bfHoyqf2lU-00022-00009575-00010239": "We are taking quizzes here and it is in a controlled environment", "7bfHoyqf2lU-00023-00010239-00010704": "you've been given the materials to read and take the quiz.", "7bfHoyqf2lU-00024-00010704-00011136": "I know some of us don't like quizzes but we have", "7bfHoyqf2lU-00025-00011136-00011543": "to take them anyway if we want to pass this class.", "7bfHoyqf2lU-00026-00011543-00011911": "Life is like that, you are going to receive", "7bfHoyqf2lU-00027-00011911-00012600": "quizzes; the difference in life is that you don't have a cheat sheet, you don't", "7bfHoyqf2lU-00028-00012600-00012847": "have the materials on which are going to be", "7bfHoyqf2lU-00029-00012847-00013280": "tested upon. It's going to happen", "7bfHoyqf2lU-00030-00013295-00013759": "but when you have the right attitude you will be able", "7bfHoyqf2lU-00031-00013759-00014104": "to pass those quizzes that  life is going to bring", "7bfHoyqf2lU-00032-00014104-00014536": "in your path. I just finished a half marathon", "7bfHoyqf2lU-00033-00014536-00015144": "that is why  I'm all sweaty. It was tough last night a part of me told me are you", "7bfHoyqf2lU-00034-00015144-00015495": "going to do this again? Don't do it and I almost felt like just", "7bfHoyqf2lU-00035-00015495-00015759": "giving up this money but i kept pushing myself", "7bfHoyqf2lU-00036-00015759-00016151": "that is how you win in life you have to be willing to do what everybody else", "7bfHoyqf2lU-00037-00016151-00016528": "does not want to do so you can have what other people don't", "7bfHoyqf2lU-00038-00016528-00016904": "have thank you for watching let's make it", "7bfHoyqf2lU-00039-00016904-00017231": "another fantastic and rewarding week. Keep those questions", "7bfHoyqf2lU-00040-00017231-00017544": "coming! Thank you!"}}, {"audio_id": "7bm72qhZZTI", "text": {"7bm72qhZZTI-00000-00000050-00000241": "GEORGE: That's when we  knew it was an earthquake.", "7bm72qhZZTI-00001-00000325-00000496": "CHERNENKO: Wait a minute. Back up. Replay.", "7bm72qhZZTI-00002-00000554-00000779": "JIMMY: Oh wow, this is going to be interesting.", "7bm72qhZZTI-00003-00000813-00000950": "Hey there, I'm Crystal with Ring.", "7bm72qhZZTI-00004-00000950-00001105": "The mystery of a fallen tree solved", "7bm72qhZZTI-00005-00001105-00001272": "in this week's Neighborhood Stories.", "7bm72qhZZTI-00006-00001297-00001601": "Chernenko was inside his house when the wind really started to pick up.", "7bm72qhZZTI-00007-00001601-00001760": "Even though he heard lots of noise,", "7bm72qhZZTI-00008-00001760-00002089": "he didn't actually know his tree fell until he saw his Ring video,", "7bm72qhZZTI-00009-00002089-00002348": "a surprise, considering how solid he thought it was.", "7bm72qhZZTI-00010-00002348-00002619": "It's one of the weirdest things that it was uprooted.", "7bm72qhZZTI-00011-00002619-00002852": "Like, the roots got yanked  out of the ground.", "7bm72qhZZTI-00012-00002852-00003023": "Never would have thought that would happen.", "7bm72qhZZTI-00013-00003023-00003119": "Just never.", "7bm72qhZZTI-00014-00003424-00003728": "George's daughters ran straight to dad during an earthquake.", "7bm72qhZZTI-00015-00003728-00004116": "George initially got the Indoor Cam to check on his home when he's away,", "7bm72qhZZTI-00016-00004116-00004521": "but their Ring video came in handy to watch exactly what happened when the quake hit.", "7bm72qhZZTI-00017-00004521-00004942": "The kids had a little laugh after seeing themselves run for cover.", "7bm72qhZZTI-00018-00004942-00005221": "I'm use to it. I've been in  California all my life.", "7bm72qhZZTI-00019-00005221-00005580": "Earthquakes are not new to me, but for my kids, sort of new.", "7bm72qhZZTI-00020-00005597-00005943": "A burst of wind, rain and  then hail hit Jimmy's home.", "7bm72qhZZTI-00021-00005943-00006168": "He waited out the storm safely inside his house", "7bm72qhZZTI-00022-00006168-00006535": "but was glad he had his Stick Up Cam  outside in case of any damage.", "7bm72qhZZTI-00023-00006535-00006748": "If the insurance company had ever come back and said,", "7bm72qhZZTI-00024-00006748-00007265": "\"Hey, listen. Do you have any proof that this actually happened on this date?\"", "7bm72qhZZTI-00025-00007265-00007636": "Then I can pull up the video from my Ring Stick Up Cam", "7bm72qhZZTI-00026-00007636-00007782": "that I've got mounted", "7bm72qhZZTI-00027-00007782-00008041": "underneath the easement  of my garage door.", "7bm72qhZZTI-00028-00008041-00008229": "I can send them whatever clips they need.", "7bm72qhZZTI-00029-00008229-00008583": "The Ring Stick Up Cam out there is invaluable at times.", "7bm72qhZZTI-00030-00008600-00008762": "And the great thing  about the Stick Up Cam,", "7bm72qhZZTI-00031-00008762-00009088": "is you can put it inside or outside depending on your needs.", "7bm72qhZZTI-00032-00009088-00009259": "If you have videos you'd like to share with us,", "7bm72qhZZTI-00033-00009259-00009463": "send them to stories@ring.com."}}, {"audio_id": "7bAAEkfbnWg", "text": {"7bAAEkfbnWg-00000-00000055-00000155": "Hi!", "7bAAEkfbnWg-00001-00000155-00000704": "Tonight I want to talk to you about \"to endure\".I been looking in dictionary and there are more", "7bAAEkfbnWg-00002-00000704-00001104": "shades,one of them is \"to bear; to suffer\",and the other one is \"to last;resistant\" and I", "7bAAEkfbnWg-00003-00001104-00001642": "am here on porpose,you know Popeye the sailor man,I love him very much.What does he do actually?", "7bAAEkfbnWg-00004-00001642-00002510": "He is beaten up,given to a side,and I think is not...how can I say...because he support", "7bAAEkfbnWg-00005-00002510-00003365": "and endure but because he is lasting and resistant,you know what i say?", "7bAAEkfbnWg-00006-00003365-00004485": "I mean this \"to endure\" verb can be seen from this point of view,to be resistant.Maybe I", "7bAAEkfbnWg-00007-00004485-00005357": "am not talking about \"to endure\" but I am talking about \"to be resistant\" through \"to", "7bAAEkfbnWg-00008-00005357-00006373": "endure\".To be able to endure it seams to me that you must be resistant.Right,for you what", "7bAAEkfbnWg-00009-00006373-00006690": "does it mean \"to endure?\"", "7bAAEkfbnWg-00010-00006690-00006753": "Bye!"}}, {"audio_id": "7c6DMN2YMc8", "text": {"7c6DMN2YMc8-00000-00000021-00000285": "- No, I said that I was the best Cloud", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00001-00000285-00000372": "in the Smash Four.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00002-00000372-00000508": "- [Cameraman] Oh.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00003-00000508-00000664": "- Because I was the best.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00004-00000798-00000885": "- Do you think it was you or Tweek?", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00005-00000885-00001002": "- I think it was me.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00006-00001002-00001085": "- But-- - You?", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00007-00001085-00001168": "Yeah, I think it was you.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00008-00001168-00001397": "And then Tweek and then Komo.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00009-00001397-00001494": "- Komorikiri, yeah.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00010-00001494-00001612": "- He was third.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00011-00001612-00001695": "- Yeah.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00012-00001695-00001855": "- I think I was fourth.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00013-00001855-00001986": "And I think Ned was fifth.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00014-00002168-00002299": "What do you think?", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00015-00002411-00002494": "What?", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00016-00002494-00002577": "You don't know? - No, no.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00017-00002577-00002724": "I didn't say anything.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00018-00002724-00002922": "(thudding)", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00019-00002922-00003052": "- [Announcer] Cloud!", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00020-00003052-00003344": "(triumphant music)", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00021-00003743-00003833": "- How's it going, everyone?", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00022-00003833-00004004": "We're going to be talking about Cloud", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00023-00004004-00004267": "in this new episode of Echo Fox Character Guide", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00024-00004267-00004388": "with Mew2King and MKLeo.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00025-00004388-00004624": "We're going to be talking about Cloud Strife.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00026-00004624-00004892": "Even if I never played Final Fantasy VII,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00027-00004892-00005137": "I was one of the best Clouds in the Smash 4.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00028-00005137-00005235": "Probably the best one.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00029-00005235-00005488": "Jason was a pretty decent Cloud, actually.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00030-00005488-00005743": "Like pretty decent, because-- - I beat ZeRo twice.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00031-00005906-00006012": "- Think I never did?", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00032-00006229-00006365": "- But have you ever beat him with Cloud?", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00033-00006365-00006472": "- No.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00034-00006472-00006653": "(all laughing)", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00035-00006653-00006950": "Okay, I was one of the best Smash 4 Clouds,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00036-00006950-00007181": "and even if the character wasn't that good, in my opinion,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00037-00007181-00007334": "like everyone used to think,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00038-00007334-00007528": "I think he was only the top five.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00039-00007528-00007777": "We're going to be talking about Cloud in this episode.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00040-00007777-00007930": "That he's even worse in this game,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00041-00007930-00008055": "like mid-tier or something.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00042-00008055-00008342": "He's completely trash, so just don't play Cloud.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00043-00008342-00008425": "You're just going to be-- - Cloud is--", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00044-00008425-00008550": "Cloud is depression.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00045-00008550-00008853": "- So we are just making this video because I wanted you guys", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00046-00008853-00009084": "to play a better character and have better results.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00047-00009084-00009250": "- So let's talk about Cloud's moves.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00048-00009250-00009407": "- Let's talk about Cloud's-- - Look at this garbage move.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00049-00009407-00009493": "Look, it does nothing.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00050-00009493-00009699": "- No, I mean, no, we, we-- - This one sucks.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00051-00009699-00009855": "Look at this move, this sucks! - I mean, this vide--", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00052-00009855-00009960": "This video's for you guys-- - What is this?", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00053-00009960-00010112": "What is this move? - So you don't play a--", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00054-00010112-00010300": "So you don't play a bad character.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00055-00010300-00010401": "- Look at this!", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00056-00010487-00010644": "- He's really bad use of-- - Dude.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00057-00010644-00010846": "- It makes me want to kill myself.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00058-00010846-00011018": "- Can you look at this?", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00059-00011018-00011101": "- Yeah.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00060-00011343-00011540": "- Do you see this?", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00061-00011540-00011765": "- Do you see this?", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00062-00011765-00011916": "- I can't even nair to shield!", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00063-00011916-00012086": "Look at him, he sucks! - So you need to make sure", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00064-00012086-00012284": "that you don't play these trash characters.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00065-00012284-00012404": "So sorry.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00066-00012404-00012634": "- To be honest, I always wanted to be a Cloud main.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00067-00012634-00012780": "This game is just...", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00068-00012780-00012954": "The game was like, Oh! Everyone is here!", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00069-00012954-00013097": "And Cloud Strife is-- - Oh my god, just hit!", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00070-00013097-00013263": "- And Cloud Strife is back!", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00071-00013263-00013411": "Okay, just stay there-- - This sucks!", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00072-00013411-00013494": "- Stay there. - So bad!", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00073-00013494-00013728": "- It actually works, you're just bad at it.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00074-00013728-00013822": "- It still sucks.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00075-00013822-00013929": "- No, you just got to-- - All right, do it again.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00076-00013929-00014012": "Do it again.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00077-00014109-00014215": "It sucks.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00078-00014215-00014332": "- No, it doesn't suck.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00079-00014509-00014614": "No, it doesn't. - It sucks.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00080-00014614-00014698": "It sucks!", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00081-00014698-00014781": "- No!", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00082-00014781-00014864": "- Yes!", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00083-00014864-00015081": "- Okay, he's a-- - Cloud is a bad character.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00084-00015081-00015299": "- Okay, besides being bad-- - What kind of", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00085-00015299-00015382": "character is Cloud?", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00086-00015382-00015466": "Cloud is a bad character.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00087-00015466-00015593": "- He's a bad character, but", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00088-00015593-00015768": "he also is a swordsman character.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00089-00015768-00016013": "He needs to be playing, like", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00090-00016013-00016231": "if he was any other, like, Fire Emblem character.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00091-00016231-00016492": "He needs to be spacing with his sword.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00092-00016492-00016603": "- Yeah, let's space with the sword.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00093-00016603-00016691": "Wait, wait-- - But he--", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00094-00016691-00016869": "- When I space with my sword...", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00095-00016869-00016974": "Oh, wait.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00096-00016974-00017067": "- Oh wait.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00097-00017067-00017241": "- Have to be touching you to maybe hit you.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00098-00017241-00017508": "- I mean, he's not always going to be using his sword,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00099-00017508-00017667": "He's just going to be using back air and fair.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00100-00017667-00017981": "That is the mainly moves he's going to be using.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00101-00017981-00018064": "- Yeah, forward and back air", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00102-00018064-00018193": "is what he pretty much does now.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00103-00018193-00018276": "Wanna down air?", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00104-00018276-00018359": "Guess what? - And obviously--", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00105-00018359-00018443": "- It disappears before", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00106-00018443-00018526": "it hits you. - Cloud is", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00107-00018526-00018858": "the only character that has a Limit mechanic.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00108-00018858-00019088": "The Limit is basically like if you press down B,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00109-00019088-00019198": "you're going to be charging your Limit.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00110-00019198-00019328": "In case you play Final Fantasy,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00111-00019328-00019462": "you're going to know about this.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00112-00019462-00019605": "I never played the game, so I don't know.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00113-00019605-00019883": "I just know it's a super broken move in the Smash 4.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00114-00019883-00020001": "And this is decent.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00115-00020001-00020093": "He's not that bad.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00116-00020093-00020350": "But in the Smash 4, he used to last forever.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00117-00020350-00020610": "Like, if you didn't want to use the whole stock,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00118-00020610-00020867": "you're still going to have it at the end of stock.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00119-00020867-00021133": "But in this game, if you don't use it before--", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00120-00021133-00021303": "- Fifteen seconds. - Fifteen seconds,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00121-00021303-00021426": "you're just going to lose it.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00122-00021426-00021608": "- And all the Limit moves are weaker.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00123-00021608-00021747": "They're all weaker.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00124-00021747-00021861": "- Yeah.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00125-00021861-00022040": "The only good move is side B.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00126-00022040-00022450": "Instead of doing like 27, it does 33%.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00127-00022450-00022559": "It's actually, like-- - What?", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00128-00022559-00022701": "I don't think so.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00129-00022701-00022784": "- Yeah, it does.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00130-00023006-00023141": "See?", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00131-00023141-00023231": "- Oh, okay.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00132-00023231-00023399": "- It's does like 32, something like that.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00133-00023399-00023506": "- Okay.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00134-00023506-00023589": "- And it much more used to be,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00135-00023589-00023752": "it used to be, like 27-- - I've seen people", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00136-00023752-00023965": "get hit at the edge at 100 and just live.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00137-00023965-00024073": "And the Limit's close to this.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00138-00024073-00024210": "- It's actually-- - So it does more damage,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00139-00024210-00024347": "but it has less knockback. - Does more damage", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00140-00024347-00024467": "but it has less knockback.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00141-00024467-00024601": "It's actually a really strong move.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00142-00024601-00024857": "- One thing I like to do in Smash 4,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00143-00024857-00025138": "I like to do the full hop down air,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00144-00025138-00025253": "but-- - There's not even exist in", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00145-00025253-00025336": "this game anymore (laughs).", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00146-00025336-00025419": "- What?", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00147-00025419-00025522": "- Doesn't even exist in this game.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00148-00025522-00025714": "- I know, so, if you try to full hop down air", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00149-00025714-00026020": "right away, what happens is the game's auto short-hop", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00150-00026020-00026223": "mechanic makes you short-hop down air,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00151-00026223-00026356": "and then you get bodied.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00152-00026356-00026562": "So, what you have to do is do your down air", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00153-00026562-00026760": "extra slow, which makes it miss.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00154-00026760-00026936": "So if I try full hop down air,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00155-00026936-00027120": "I have to do it just like I did.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00156-00027120-00027272": "If I do it right away, this happens.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00157-00027272-00027475": "And if I do it too late, that happens.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00158-00027475-00027558": "I have to do it at a certain", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00159-00027558-00027679": "timing to hit the tall character.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00160-00027679-00027793": "Otherwise, you can do stuff like this,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00161-00027793-00027876": "in a dump move,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00162-00028123-00028283": "and then you can do like this.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00163-00028283-00028468": "That's good at low percentages.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00164-00028608-00028757": "The down air and the up air is above force", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00165-00028757-00029020": "than the last game, but that's something you could do.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00166-00029020-00029362": "But the problem is something I used to do here.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00167-00029362-00029677": "I used to do double jump down air like this.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00168-00029677-00029775": "Hey, stop!", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00169-00029775-00029906": "I used to do stuff like this.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00170-00029906-00029989": "Don't move.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00171-00030125-00030367": "Oh, but see how normally that", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00172-00030367-00030545": "would've alternate canceled in the last game.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00173-00030545-00030724": "The muscle memory I did, the down air would've", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00174-00030724-00030864": "alternate canceled and I would've been able to get", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00175-00030864-00031105": "the Limit, but there you saw I had landing like.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00176-00031105-00031345": "They made very, very slight changes, but,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00177-00031345-00031567": "as somebody who plays Cloud a lot of the time,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00178-00031567-00031693": "I can just do the same muscle memory", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00179-00031693-00031943": "and feel that, oh, this doesn't work anymore,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00180-00031943-00032106": "or the window for something working", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00181-00032106-00032357": "is much, much smaller than it used to be", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00182-00032357-00032536": "because I've played him for so much in the last game", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00183-00032536-00032716": "that I'm able to tell all these differences.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00184-00032716-00032954": "It might not seem, oh, one frame here, one frame here.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00185-00032954-00033109": "That actually adds up in the combo tree,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00186-00033109-00033291": "but, yeah, you can do the down air still,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00187-00033291-00033394": "but it's not as good.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00188-00033394-00033654": "Generally, you wanna do the back air spacing.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00189-00033654-00033737": "You wanna do the back airs and", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00190-00033737-00033851": "you wanna do the forward airs.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00191-00033851-00034033": "I think the forward air is really good.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00192-00034033-00034180": "Leo can explain more on that.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00193-00034180-00034304": "- I mean, normally, the-- - Oh.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00194-00034304-00034487": "- The fair is basically the same one,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00195-00034487-00034784": "but Smash 4 just has less ending lag.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00196-00034784-00034904": "It makes the move super strong,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00197-00034904-00035165": "and since the game has a super weird mechanic", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00198-00035165-00035526": "where you get a weak move at low percentage,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00199-00035526-00035741": "you can just get a grab or", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00200-00035741-00035917": "a side B in case you're playing Cloud.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00201-00035917-00036114": "So you can literally be spacing with a fair", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00202-00036114-00036242": "that is basically the same move.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00203-00036242-00036390": "I don't know if he actually has less", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00204-00036390-00036541": "range than he did in Smash 4.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00205-00036541-00036782": "He might, I just don't see it.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00206-00036782-00037049": "Or he actually lags way less ending lag,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00207-00037049-00037213": "so you can just do fair.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00208-00037213-00037347": "It do everything you want.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00209-00037347-00037647": "- Yeah, at zero percent-- - Only at zero percent.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00210-00037647-00037821": "- Yeah. - Same as back air.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00211-00037821-00038011": "Back air exactly the same move as Smash 4.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00212-00038011-00038103": "Exactly the same move.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00213-00038103-00038305": "- ZeRo used to do forward air to side B", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00214-00038305-00038420": "to get a quick zero to 40,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00215-00038420-00038600": "or he'll do back air to side B.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00216-00038600-00038829": "ZeRo's usually fishing for that with his Cloud.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00217-00038829-00038983": "He's always trying to land an aerial at zero", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00218-00038983-00039073": "and then come with to the side B", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00219-00039073-00039281": "and just get a quick zero-40. - But that makes you bad,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00220-00039281-00039423": "'cause you start getting parry a lot", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00221-00039423-00039713": "and even if you tried landing grab,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00222-00039713-00040012": "he has one of these low-- - He has a frame nine grab", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00223-00040012-00040179": "that doesn't lead to anything.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00224-00040179-00040336": "So you basically can just shield", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00225-00040336-00040488": "and even if you get grabbed, it's like,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00226-00040488-00040571": "who cares? - Look.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00227-00040571-00040667": "How's (mumbles)-- - Watch.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00228-00040667-00040807": "This is a tomahawk grab.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00229-00040807-00040890": "Watch.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00230-00040890-00041028": "This is the fastest you can land grab.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00231-00041183-00041266": "- And you can just react to it", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00232-00041266-00041387": "'cause he's super slow.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00233-00041387-00041533": "He has a frame nine grab.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00234-00041533-00041640": "- It's a frame nine,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00235-00041640-00041883": "which also means that if you touch the shield,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00236-00041883-00042135": "he has to either up B the shield", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00237-00042135-00042259": "or he has to roll it.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00238-00042259-00042479": "He can't just short grab you.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00239-00042479-00042614": "Just to give an example,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00240-00042614-00042828": "most top-tiers have a frame six grab.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00241-00042828-00043143": "Six is the fastest, but half the good characters have six,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00242-00043143-00043451": "like Mario, Pikachu, Inkling, Lucina.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00243-00043451-00043680": "Many, many other characters, they have a frame six grab.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00244-00043680-00043998": "Frame nine is a huge, significant difference.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00245-00043998-00044238": "So it's a frame nine grab that you don't get", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00246-00044238-00044333": "anything really off of.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00247-00044333-00044496": "So basically, the best thing to do when you touch", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00248-00044496-00044655": "the shield, you just roll away.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00249-00044655-00044813": "So you either wanna up B the shield,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00250-00044813-00045018": "usually wanna roll away, or you wanna parry.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00251-00045018-00045230": "If you're not get, or you wanna hit 'em with anti-air.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00252-00045230-00045515": "The side B's really good 'cause it does 20 damage.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00253-00045515-00045679": "His neutral is pretty much the back airs,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00254-00045679-00045925": "the forward airs, the side B, the dashing round", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00255-00045925-00046091": "side B, and this move.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00256-00046091-00046202": "This is pretty much the new way to play Cloud.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00257-00046202-00046437": "- Yeah, but always, I mean, he used to be", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00258-00046437-00046901": "really strong in Smash 4, but the more you, with Cloud,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00259-00046901-00047027": "to him to approach, the more he's", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00260-00047027-00047110": "gonna be charging the Limit.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00261-00047110-00047315": "- Yeah. - In this game, Limit--", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00262-00047315-00047476": "- It takes longer to charge. - It takes longer to charge--", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00263-00047476-00047668": "- You lose it in 15 seconds and it's weaker.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00264-00047668-00047804": "- And, like-- - So it's like who cares?", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00265-00047804-00047940": "- Yeah, it doesn't matter-- - It doesn't matter as much.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00266-00047940-00048055": "- 'cause even if he gets Limit,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00267-00048055-00048287": "you can just run away 15 seconds--", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00268-00048287-00048370": "- Yeah.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00269-00048370-00048606": "- But even if you died, you can just stay in the platform", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00270-00048606-00048893": "and have basically you have a lot of time", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00271-00048893-00049202": "to just let the Limit run off.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00272-00049202-00049401": "That's a really bad thing. - Yeah.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00273-00049401-00049654": "- That's basically, oh, his neutral game.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00274-00049654-00050047": "You always looking for back air into--", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00275-00050047-00050130": "- And you wanna run-- - Side B.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00276-00050130-00050255": "- I think running around doing this is good too.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00277-00050255-00050377": "- Yeah, it's really good on back air.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00278-00050377-00050493": "- 'Cause he has a pretty good dash,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00279-00050493-00050727": "but you know that he's pretty much just looking for this.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00280-00050727-00050902": "- And he doesn't have one of the best options", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00281-00050902-00051086": "that was auto-up shield nair", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00282-00051086-00051203": "and auto-up shield down air.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00283-00051203-00051336": "- Also before the down tilt,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00284-00051336-00051594": "if you hit with this down tilt and combo to up air,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00285-00051594-00051879": "but look, normally this down tilt,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00286-00051879-00052091": "this combos to up air every time for free", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00287-00052091-00052236": "and you can usually get a few of them.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00288-00052236-00052430": "Now, even if you do it completely perfect,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00289-00052430-00052621": "I think you can usually jump away.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00290-00052621-00052773": "Not to mention the close down air,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00291-00052773-00052944": "you super jump away from that.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00292-00052944-00053069": "You don't get anything.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00293-00053069-00053286": "Before you got-- - Yeah, he basically", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00294-00053286-00053476": "doesn't have any of the best things", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00295-00053476-00053610": "he used to have in Smash 4.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00296-00053610-00053813": "He can't just approach and A.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00297-00053813-00053972": "He can't auto-up shield nair.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00298-00053972-00054104": "He can't auto-up shield down air.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00299-00054104-00054260": "He can't even approach with down air anymore.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00300-00054260-00054379": "- Might as well just, you honestly might", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00301-00054379-00054476": "as well just roll away.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00302-00054476-00054607": "- Yeah, he only-- - Or parry.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00303-00054607-00054789": "- He always has ending lag,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00304-00054789-00055154": "and he can't even do falling up air.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00305-00055154-00055311": "That was one of the best things in Smash 4.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00306-00055311-00055450": "- One of the good things about him", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00307-00055450-00055601": "is that he can actually air dodge to ledges", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00308-00055601-00055714": "and recover-- - I mean, I don't", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00309-00055714-00055878": "care about the up air.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00310-00055878-00055961": "If you-- - The up air is so bad.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00311-00055961-00056145": "- If you did falling up air in Smash 4,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00312-00056145-00056383": "it was like, okay, it keeps you with the up air", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00313-00056383-00056620": "12%, then the second one's gonna be 10,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00314-00056620-00056779": "then another three are gonna be eight,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00315-00056779-00057077": "so you just get, I'm bad at maths, but it's", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00316-00057077-00057336": "gonna be like 50%, so it was really good.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00317-00057336-00057517": "But you can't even do that in this game,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00318-00057517-00057689": "so it makes Cloud way...", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00319-00057836-00058015": "Options out of shield are way worse", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00320-00058015-00058167": "and approaching that are way worse.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00321-00058167-00058586": "So basically you just have back air to space", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00322-00058586-00058752": "and forward air in case you want space", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00323-00058752-00058872": "and the same thing on approach.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00324-00058872-00058996": "- And if you wanna anti-air them or just", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00325-00058996-00059112": "any random time, you just side B--", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00326-00059112-00059259": "- If you see someone jumping over you,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00327-00059259-00059451": "you just do side B one and, if it connects,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00328-00059451-00059651": "you just do the full side B.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00329-00059651-00059829": "Weaknesses are the same on Smash 4.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00330-00059829-00060038": "He doesn't have a pretty good recovery.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00331-00060038-00060209": "He has one of the worst recovery in the game.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00332-00060209-00060329": "He's really good in this game", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00333-00060329-00060497": "'cause you can just air dodge to a ledge.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00334-00060497-00060670": "If they know you're gonna do it--", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00335-00060670-00060770": "- They literally just spike you.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00336-00060770-00060853": "So it's like a (mumbles).", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00337-00060853-00061007": "- They are just gonna spike you and--", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00338-00061007-00061166": "- Or down tilt you. - You're gonna lose your jump", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00339-00061166-00061249": "and you die.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00340-00061249-00061460": "In Smash 4, you used to have your Limit.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00341-00061460-00061549": "The Limit helps you.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00342-00061549-00061767": "Gives you one of the best recovery in the game,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00343-00061767-00062029": "but in this game it only lasts 15 seconds.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00344-00062029-00062272": "So you don't, it might if you just get off station", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00345-00062272-00062625": "like this second number 13, so you", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00346-00062625-00062776": "just have two seconds to recover.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00347-00062776-00063037": "You can't even position well,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00348-00063260-00063590": "have a good position to just recover with the up B.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00349-00063590-00063891": "The Limit was the thing that made Cloud", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00350-00063891-00064029": "super broken in Smash 4.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00351-00064029-00064194": "In this game, it's just like,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00352-00064194-00064470": "okay, you're only 15 seconds faster.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00353-00064589-00064866": "I mean, you have a super good move,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00354-00064866-00065092": "it doesn't kill you at super high percents,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00355-00065092-00065290": "and you have a good recovery, so you need to choose", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00356-00065290-00065707": "about a movement, a good move, or a recovery.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00357-00065707-00065938": "Most of the players just choose recovery, right?", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00358-00065938-00066043": "- Yeah. - So...", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00359-00066176-00066267": "- But he's not killing you really.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00360-00066267-00066357": "- No, it's not gonna kill you, so--", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00361-00066357-00066480": "- The back air's still strong,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00362-00066480-00066743": "but you kinda know that he has to do that now.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00363-00066743-00067054": "Before he could throw you off, grabs were better,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00364-00067054-00067137": "playing at the ledge was better,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00365-00067137-00067220": "- And he was-- - but now he just", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00366-00067220-00067303": "has to back air. - He was really good", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00367-00067303-00067387": "at okay, you're gonna-- - So you just parry him.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00368-00067387-00067494": "- Try to punch me, I'm just gonna grab you", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00369-00067494-00067648": "and throw you off stage.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00370-00067648-00067793": "But if he tries to-- - Now you just parry him.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00371-00067793-00068114": "- He has a frame nine grab.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00372-00068114-00068281": "- That leads to not-- - So you can just react to it.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00373-00068281-00068640": "- At least if the grab was, he had good throws,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00374-00068640-00068763": "it wouldn't be so bad.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00375-00068763-00068918": "But it's the slow grab that doesn't get it,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00376-00068918-00069038": "so that means that if you're fighting him,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00377-00069038-00069247": "you don't have to respect his grab much", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00378-00069247-00069607": "because if he just keeps respecting the sword moves,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00379-00069607-00069868": "like if he jumps at you, just parry the aerial,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00380-00069868-00070043": "you can just get literally free hits", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00381-00070043-00070220": "that he can't do anything about.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00382-00070220-00070420": "And since his tomahawk empty-laying grab", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00383-00070420-00070707": "isn't that deadly, you don't have to respect it much,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00384-00070707-00070790": "'cause if you lose an action-- - Yeah, and also,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00385-00070790-00070884": "he doesn't give anything out-- - it's like, oh, I don't", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00386-00070884-00071062": "lose that much. - of the grab.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00387-00071062-00071253": "If he grabs you, he's not gonna do something--", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00388-00071253-00071401": "- He can kill you like 200.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00389-00071401-00071609": "- He's just gonna grab you, hit you at 200,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00390-00071609-00071692": "or grab you-- - Or just throw you", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00391-00071692-00071865": "to the ledge. - And give like eight percent", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00392-00071865-00072044": "and put you in a bad situation.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00393-00072044-00072292": "Cloud can't do much 'cause he doesn't have the nair,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00394-00072292-00072431": "he doesn't have down air,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00395-00072431-00072616": "and he doesn't have falling up air,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00396-00072616-00072872": "so that makes Cloud's edge guard a little worse.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00397-00072872-00073372": "And, obviously, it's strange that he can juggle you a lot,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00398-00073524-00073867": "but it doesn't matter 'cause you don't have falling up air.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00399-00073867-00073967": "That was one of the best things.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00400-00073967-00074201": "- And the up air also doesn't kill as early.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00401-00074201-00074284": "- Yeah.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00402-00074284-00074479": "And it's actually way too slow", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00403-00074479-00074745": "and it actually makes way less damage.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00404-00074745-00075129": "He used to do 12, and I think it does seven in this game,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00405-00075129-00075376": "so like a super nerf.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00406-00075376-00075672": "I don't understand exactly, why did you do that?", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00407-00075672-00075764": "Do you hate (mumbles)? - I don't think it's", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00408-00075764-00076029": "that big a difference, but it definitely kills a lot,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00409-00076121-00076220": "the number that it kills,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00410-00076220-00076399": "I do see it kill at like 150 or something.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00411-00076399-00076522": "It's higher than before.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00412-00076522-00076618": "How sad are you?", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00413-00076618-00076807": "- I'm missing the player, so I'm okay.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00414-00076807-00076998": "- (laughs) He's not that sad.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00415-00076998-00077116": "I'm sad.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00416-00077116-00077227": "- So, yeah, that's super sad.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00417-00077227-00077310": "Tricks.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00418-00077310-00077494": "He doesn't have any tricks (laughs).", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00419-00077494-00077616": "Basically (laughs)-- - Yeah.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00420-00077616-00077765": "- How many tricks? - All the creativity's", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00421-00077765-00077848": "gone, dude.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00422-00077848-00078099": "They just made him boring and bad.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00423-00078099-00078232": "Last time I used this character, dude,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00424-00078232-00078450": "I got so depressed with this character,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00425-00078450-00078668": "I don't even remember using him since like December", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00426-00078668-00078814": "'cause he just depressed me.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00427-00078814-00079183": "(Cameraman mumbling)", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00428-00079183-00079622": "You popped out of my side B 'cause I did it slow?", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00429-00079622-00079808": "I was just trying to hit confirm.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00430-00079808-00079924": "I didn't know you could even do that.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00431-00079924-00080056": "This is such garbage.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00432-00080056-00080177": "I didn't even know that. - It's such garbage (laughs).", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00433-00080177-00080344": "- Dude, I just did the side B slow.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00434-00080344-00080512": "Normally that always works.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00435-00080512-00080738": "But I guess if I don't mash the button,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00436-00080738-00081068": "well I guess I just have to mash the button every time.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00437-00081068-00081151": "(mechanical pinging)", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00438-00081151-00081235": "Oh, well, guess what?", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00439-00081235-00081318": "My down air ran out.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00440-00081318-00081436": "Look, the down air ran out before it hit.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00441-00081436-00081677": "That could've hit on the last frame in the other game.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00442-00081677-00081834": "It disappeared way before it hit him there.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00443-00081834-00082043": "Well, you know I'm depressed, so just kill me.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00444-00082043-00082195": "- Yeah, we don't need to do that.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00445-00082195-00082279": "We are just-- - I don't need to do this.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00446-00082279-00082362": "I don't wanna play anymore.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00447-00082362-00082563": "If I play, I'll have depression.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00448-00082563-00082878": "I'm just gonna drink this beautiful Celsius Live Fit,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00449-00082878-00083132": "and this actually gives me happiness.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00450-00083132-00083238": "- Yeah, right? - Except when it hurts", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00451-00083238-00083360": "finger now to open this. - Let's drink it together.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00452-00083360-00083472": "- Open this.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00453-00083472-00083694": "- No, I'm gonna open it for you.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00454-00083694-00083840": "- It's not gonna open itself.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00455-00083840-00083923": "- It's gonna open.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00456-00083923-00084101": "I'm gonna open it for you.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00457-00084101-00084219": "Careful with that.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00458-00084219-00084302": "(can hisses)", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00459-00084302-00084480": "So we can just drink it at the same time, okay?", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00460-00084480-00084622": "- Okay.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00461-00084622-00084758": "- One. - This Celsius gives me", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00462-00084758-00084846": "more happiness than Cloud ever will.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00463-00084846-00084951": "- Like that.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00464-00084951-00085330": "(upbeat horn music)", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00465-00085330-00085590": "You need to be showing the mark to the camera.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00466-00085590-00085673": "- Oh, yes.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00467-00085956-00086162": "- One, two, three.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00468-00086591-00086711": "- I spilled it (laughs).", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00469-00086903-00087066": "Where's my phone?", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00470-00087066-00087200": "- In my ass.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00471-00087200-00087283": "- Wait, where's my phone?", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00472-00087283-00087366": "My phone was here.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00473-00087366-00087449": "Where is it? - In my ass.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00474-00087449-00087551": "- Where is it? - Inside your (mumbles).", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00475-00087551-00087634": "- [Mew2King] Oh.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00476-00087634-00087815": "- Okay, so like in any other video,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00477-00087815-00088063": "we're gonna be ranking Cloud's attributes.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00478-00088063-00088417": "- Okay. - This trash player,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00479-00088417-00088502": "I mean character.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00480-00088646-00088729": "- Okay.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00481-00088729-00088851": "Combos. - Don't let--", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00482-00088851-00088980": "- So we're doing combos first.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00483-00088980-00089063": "- Yep. - Yep.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00484-00089063-00089146": "- Okay. - Okay.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00485-00089146-00089229": "- I give it a S-- - Should be like", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00486-00089229-00089448": "a one, two, three. - For shit.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00487-00089448-00089816": "(Cameraman laughing)", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00488-00089816-00090156": "- Can I give it a C, says that chit.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00489-00090287-00090551": "So basically the same thing, just with a C instead of an S.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00490-00090696-00091028": "Okay, so we're gonna go to the edge guarding, okay?", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00491-00091118-00091258": "- Okay.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00492-00091258-00091451": "All right, for edge guarding-- - One, two, three.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00493-00091451-00091621": "- I give it an A for ass.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00494-00091621-00091906": "- I give it an F for Superbad.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00495-00091906-00092164": "Press F in the chat, please.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00496-00092164-00092285": "Press F for Cloud.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00497-00092285-00092483": "So we're gonna go to neutral game.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00498-00092573-00092667": "- [Mew2King] I give it a B. It's like average.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00499-00092667-00092876": "- [MKLeo] I do D, for decent.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00500-00092876-00092972": "Kill power.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00501-00093199-00093345": "Does he even have kill power?", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00502-00093618-00093733": "- [Mew2King] I think it's kind of average.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00503-00093733-00093845": "- [MKLeo] I think it's an A.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00504-00093845-00093958": "He gonna still kill you with a", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00505-00093958-00094078": "Limit cross slash super early.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00506-00094078-00094251": "- Yeah, but I've seen Limit cross slash", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00507-00094251-00094603": "not kill at the edge at 100, and them being in the hundreds", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00508-00094603-00094755": "from the edge, from the Limit cross slash,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00509-00094755-00094934": "and people being alive, so that made me--", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00510-00094934-00095209": "- He's so mad. - depressed when I saw that.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00511-00095209-00095384": "- And then movement.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00512-00095384-00095575": "- I think it's one of the good things he has is movement.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00513-00095575-00095659": "- Yeah, he has a very good movement.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00514-00095793-00095939": "- That's one of the few things I would say", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00515-00095939-00096044": "that's good with him.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00516-00096396-00096520": "B for bad.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00517-00096520-00096689": "- He's just there.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00518-00096689-00096838": "(Cameraman laughs)", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00519-00096838-00097040": "- I had to debate between B or D.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00520-00097165-00097340": "D for depression.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00521-00097340-00097688": "- Okay, in case you enjoyed this video--", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00522-00097688-00097911": "- I'm too depressed. - Think that we did it.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00523-00097911-00098128": "I will ask you guys to subscribe.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00524-00098128-00098300": "Here is the button right here,", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00525-00098300-00098745": "so in case you like it and you want to keep watching", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00526-00098745-00099217": "these kind of videos, we're gonna work hard.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00527-00099217-00099545": "We're just gonna be playing the game a little bit", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00528-00099545-00099725": "so we're not sad anymore.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00529-00099815-00100315": "And so please, guys, take care.", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00530-00100350-00100533": "(downtrodden piano music)", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00531-00100533-00100752": "(rapid metallic pings)", "7c6DMN2YMc8-00532-00100752-00100931": "- [Narrator] I won't sleep well tonight."}}, {"audio_id": "7cj-upTt9Zk", "text": {"7cj-upTt9Zk-00000-00000000-00000560": "[Emma]: Welcome to our webinar today, \"Making the Most of Your Evaluation: How to Use Evaluation Findings to", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00001-00000560-00001184": "Benefit Your Project\". We're so excited to have you here today. Before we get started as a few", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00002-00001184-00001784": "reminders, you will be in listen only mode for this live webinar to ensure you hear presenters clearly", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00003-00001784-00002232": "through the speakers or headphones. Please make sure you check your audio. If you need to adjust", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00004-00002232-00002784": "those you can use the audio settings, the gear setting at the top of your screen. Before we get", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00005-00002784-00003344": "started we do want to give a short preview of our new platform here, in case you are new to it. Demio.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00006-00003615-00004040": "First you'll see on your top right hand corner there's a few tabs that access", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00007-00004040-00004736": "different features throughout the webinar. These features will appear when we go ahead and post", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00008-00004736-00005144": "something. So right now you shouldn't see your polls and handout, but they will appear once we", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00009-00005144-00005656": "go ahead and post a poll or handout. To go ahead and chat with us you can enter the chat in the bottom", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00010-00005656-00006256": "right hand corner there. For the polls they will launch in the polls panel, and that should pull", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00011-00006256-00006656": "up for you when we launch our first poll. But if it does not you can simply just click on that", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00012-00006656-00007184": "tab at the top of your screen that says pulls and you'll be able to interact with the poll feature.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00013-00007256-00007752": "There you go, you can interact there. And then we also have a handout tab that will appear", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00014-00007752-00008144": "later on in the session, where you'll be able to download our handout from this session as well.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00015-00008200-00008568": "And again, those won't appear until we go ahead and launch those. So don't worry if", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00016-00008568-00009064": "you can't see them just yet. If you do have any technical issues throughout this webinar,", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00017-00009064-00009752": "we encourage you to reach out to Ana Coucnell, you can reach her by using \"Ana\" in the chat box.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00018-00009896-00010384": "So with that, we want to go ahead and kick off our webinar. Again, Welcome to \"Making the Most of", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00019-00010384-00010912": "Your Evaluation: How to Use Evaluation Findings to Benefit Your Project\". This webinar is brought", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00020-00010912-00011784": "to you by EvaluATE. EvaluATE is the evaluation resource", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00021-00011784-00012416": "and learning hub and you can learn more about us on our website. The materials provided today will", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00022-00012416-00012888": "include slides which are already uploaded on our website. We'll also have a couple additional", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00023-00012888-00013336": "handouts that will be listed on the website and provided at the end of this webinar. And then", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00024-00013336-00013928": "as always our webinars are recorded, and will be available in a few days after this webinar closes.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00025-00014136-00014704": "A few introductions before we get started. First, I am Emma Leeberg and I am today's moderator.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00026-00014791-00015240": "We also have Michael Harnar and Lyssa Wilson-Becho as our presenters for this webinar.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00027-00015240-00015736": "We all work at EvaluATE which is located at The Evaluation Center at Western Michigan University.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00028-00015912-00016416": "Also behind the scenes we'd like to recognize our colleagues who have worked hard to help bring this", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00029-00016416-00016944": "webinar to you today. First a big thank you to Ana Councell who is providing technical support", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00030-00016944-00017456": "during today's live event. And thank you to Lori Wingate, Kelly Robertson, and Valerie Marshall for", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00031-00017456-00018048": "their input on the creation of the webinar content. Additionally a thank you to Carolyn Williams-Noren", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00032-00018048-00018832": "for copy-editing our slides and additional materials. This webinar is designed for individuals funded by", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00033-00018832-00019512": "the NSF's Advanced Technological Education Program or ATE for short. The ATE program is focused on", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00034-00019512-00020080": "improving technician education mainly through two-year colleges. It funds projects in high-tech", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00035-00020080-00020768": "area like advanced manufacturing, engineering technologies, IT, nanotechnologies, and so on.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00036-00020768-00021184": "You can learn more about the ATE program at the link provided.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00037-00021384-00021744": "This is a good time to point out that the views expressed in this webinar are those of", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00038-00021744-00022176": "the presenters and do not necessarily reflect the views of the national science foundation.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00039-00022400-00022584": "So now I will turn things over to Lyssa.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00040-00022736-00023336": "[Lyssa]: Thanks Emma. Hello everyone, as Emma said my name is Lyssa Wilson-Becho and I'm excited to be", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00041-00023336-00023856": "here today with Michael Harnar to talk with you about how you can make the most of your evaluation.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00042-00023968-00024360": "So we're going to start out today's webinar with an introduction to why you should use", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00043-00024360-00024912": "your evaluation. Then we're going to jump into the nitty gritty of how you can do this. And so we've", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00044-00024912-00025456": "broken this up into four separate sections. First using your evaluation for project improvement,", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00045-00025520-00026080": "using your evaluation for dissemination and advocacy, for project accountability, and finally", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00046-00026080-00026560": "for project planning. So we want you to come away from this webinar with practical steps that you", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00047-00026560-00027144": "can put into work. Now we're also excited to share three stories of using evaluation to", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00048-00027144-00027839": "benefit projects, graciously shared with us from folks from the ATE community. So", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00049-00027839-00028400": "we will be interspersing these stories throughout the webinar. We also have two question breaks today,", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00050-00028400-00028832": "so write any questions or comments that you might have in the chat window to your right", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00051-00028832-00029336": "at any point throughout the webinar. We're really happy to have Emma and Ana on with us", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00052-00029336-00030032": "today to keep track of those questions. Alright so, to start off our webinar we want to hear from you.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00053-00030032-00030512": "So a poll question is going to appear in the panel to the right side of your screen, if it", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00054-00030512-00030983": "doesn't automatically pop up you can go ahead and navigate to the panel by clicking the poll tab.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00055-00031064-00031704": "So our first question for you today is \"what role are you in relation to evaluation?\" Are you a PI or", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00056-00031704-00032200": "a CO-Pi? Are you a member of a project team? Are you an evaluator? Or are you something else?  You", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00057-00032200-00032840": "can add your other role into the chat window. We have almost 100 people on with us today so", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00058-00032840-00033496": "we're looking at about half of the attendance in response so far. So it looks like we have about", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00059-00033592-00034216": "37 evaluators on with us today and about 10 PI's or project members.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00060-00034288-00034872": "That's wonderful! Well so if you are a project staff, you're the main users of evaluation and a", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00061-00034872-00035392": "lot of the content that we talk about in today's webinar will be geared directly towards you.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00062-00035392-00035856": "But for those of you that are evaluators, we have a lot of good content for you as well. So throughout", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00063-00035856-00036400": "the webinar make sure to consider how you, as the evaluator, might be able to encourage or promote", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00064-00036400-00036912": "these different types of use? And then you can also share the resources from today's webinar", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00065-00036912-00037360": "with your PI or your project staff. Same with other roles, so our grant professionals,", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00066-00037416-00037952": "our other roles on board- let me turn over to the chat. We have a research impact officer, or", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00067-00037952-00038696": "researchers. Wonderful, welcome we're so glad you're all here today. So we have one more poll question", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00068-00038696-00039296": "for you today so now that we know who is here, we want to hear about your current use of evaluation.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00069-00039360-00039864": "So Emma can we go ahead, there we go so the second poll should have popped up so that poll says \"to", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00070-00039864-00040400": "what extent do you feel like your project is currently benefiting from your evaluation?\". Is", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00071-00040400-00041016": "it not at all, is it somewhat, do you think it's a good deal ,or are you pretty extensively using and", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00072-00041016-00041464": "benefiting from your evaluations, or is your project extensively using those evaluations?", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00073-00041576-00041984": "it looks like about 50 percent of people are saying that you're currently somewhat", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00074-00041984-00042456": "benefiting from your evaluation. So i'm glad that you know we're at least getting some use out of it.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00075-00042520-00043040": "And we hope that you can really come away with some suggestions to increase that. So hopefully by", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00076-00043040-00043432": "the end of this webinar, we have most people using or thinking that they can use their", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00077-00043432-00044072": "evaluation a good deal or pretty extensively after this. Wonderful, well wherever you are we", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00078-00044072-00044536": "are glad that you joined us today. So I'm going to hand it over to Michael to get us started today.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00079-00044776-00045232": "[Michael]: Thank you so much Lyssa. Let's start this webinar off with a little background and", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00080-00045232-00045552": "some of our thoughts on why it is important to use", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00081-00045552-00046272": "your evaluation. For the purposes of this webinar, our definition of evaluation use", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00082-00046272-00046984": "is focused on when an evaluation leads to change. In the program being evaluated,", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00083-00047216-00048024": "the host organization, or people involved. And so essentially, that is change across the ecology", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00084-00048024-00048488": "of your project as a direct result of some evaluation activity or findings.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00085-00048552-00049048": "As Lyssa said ,much of what we say in this webinar will be applicable to both project staff", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00086-00049048-00049560": "and their evaluators, and it's really wonderful to see so many evaluators on this webinar with us", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00087-00049560-00050240": "today. For as an example of evaluation use, consider the possibility that your evaluator gathers data", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00088-00050240-00050864": "from mentors about how well students in your program are doing with the mentoring experience.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00089-00050864-00051472": "Your evaluator tells you that mentors think mentees are not getting the support they need from", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00090-00051472-00052096": "the industry partners you already have involved in the project. You work to add different or more", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00091-00052096-00052591": "diverse industry partners, and in the process you share your needs with your advisory team,", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00092-00052591-00053240": "and they help you identify new partners. You just used evaluation findings to improve your project.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00093-00053304-00053736": "And keep in mind that evaluation use can occur at the very beginning and all the way through", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00094-00053736-00054328": "reporting, dissemination, and possibly into the next project. Use really is what we hope to happen with", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00095-00054328-00055032": "an evaluation, but is something you have to attend to. Chris Lycee one of our evaluation cartoonists", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00096-00055032-00055536": "imagines that some evaluators might provide you with a report and choose to host it on", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00097-00055536-00056096": "some obscure section of a website, And the evaluation is done. How does anybody", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00098-00056096-00056816": "else really ever see it? This is one of the stories of evaluation use that we like to avoid. That is", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00099-00056816-00057344": "not thinking through the evaluation, and how it might be disseminated to increase its usefulness.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00100-00057536-00058079": "You probably already understand this, but NSF highly values evaluation. They have an entire", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00101-00058079-00058760": "policy around evaluation, and a set of evaluation principles developed in 2016. Researchers both", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00102-00058760-00059360": "inside and outside the agency are expected to adopt the principles, so that findings from their", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00103-00059360-00060072": "work will be useful for stakeholders. Evaluation should be relevant and have utility-", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00104-00060191-00060800": "it should be used, i'm sorry, it should have high quality and rigor-", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00105-00060928-00061536": "independent and objective- transparent and reproducible- and be", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00106-00061600-00062384": "based on a strong sense of ethics. The policy begins, by stating that all of these principles", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00107-00062384-00062967": "are in service of usefulness. Giving principal investigators and people at the project level", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00108-00062967-00063576": "information and knowledge when they need it to make good decisions for their project.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00109-00063640-00064096": "One glance at these principles, and you can imagine that it might be hard to maximize", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00110-00064096-00064655": "all of them in a single project. NSF says that researchers are expected to balance", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00111-00064655-00065272": "decisions judiciously in addressing tensions or conflicts among the principles if any arise.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00112-00065528-00066064": "And it's not just the idea that NSF requires it, and so therefore you should do it. A treasure chest", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00113-00066064-00066648": "of value can be generated from the project for the project by using your evaluation. I recently spoke", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00114-00066648-00067256": "spoke to the leader of an ATE center who said they had been funded for 15 years by NSF and", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00115-00067256-00067832": "they knew it was time to sunset, move on, or find alternative support. Their work was consistently", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00116-00067832-00068368": "recognized by one of their partner organizations, and towards the end of their funding, that partner", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00117-00068368-00069088": "offered to subsume the center providing long-term sustainability. The person spoke very clearly", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00118-00069088-00069760": "about how the evaluation processes and systems that they had put in place led to a continuous", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00119-00069760-00070256": "conversation around what they were doing, how they well they were doing it, and who", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00120-00070256-00070784": "they were serving. In the end, that proved to their partners that they had the potential", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00121-00070784-00071256": "for great impact and were worth the investment of a partner subsuming them,", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00122-00071256-00071696": "and taking in that center. They were treasured enough to be sustainable.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00123-00072384-00073032": "Every year NSF spends a lot of money on evaluation, and there is little evidence of how much project", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00124-00073032-00073696": "leaders actually use their evaluation. Because of this, we proposed to study evaluation use, and in", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00125-00073696-00074264": "2018 NSF funded us to develop case studies of evaluation use. Some of the findings from that", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00126-00074264-00074920": "study are embedded in this webinar. Our goal is to encourage ATE grantees to think about and engage", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00127-00074920-00075440": "in processes that will lead to more useful evaluation. I want to briefly share some of", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00128-00075512-00076216": "what we have learned so far. In a recent survey, we asked project leaders if they made changes to the", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00129-00076216-00076752": "project in response to their evaluation findings, and about their frequency of interaction with", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00130-00076752-00077312": "their evaluators. 46 percent of the respondents said they made changes to the implementation", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00131-00077312-00077992": "of their project as a result of evaluation. Those who did make changes, engage with their evaluator", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00132-00077992-00078560": "more frequently. This highlights some research on evaluation usage that has shown that there", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00133-00078560-00079192": "is a personal factor. Somebody cares about it and those relationships lead to more evaluation use.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00134-00079408-00079968": "Other things we are learning is that most project leaders share their evaluation reports beyond", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00135-00079968-00080744": "the project, but not extensively. We asked project leaders who they shared their current evaluation", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00136-00080744-00081312": "results with, and what I want you to focus on in this bar chart, is the difference between", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00137-00081312-00081944": "the teal and gray bars. As you can see at the top, almost every project leader shares their results", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00138-00081944-00082552": "with executive administrators and other key stakeholders. Notice that as your eyes move down", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00139-00082552-00083112": "the chart, those who say they did not share their current evaluation results, the teal part of the", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00140-00083112-00083792": "bar, begins to go up. In fact, at the bottom of the chart you can see that more project leaders said", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00141-00083792-00084392": "no to sharing their results with educators or professionals outside the project, institution,", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00142-00084392-00084928": "prospective project partners, and prospective students or parents. These last three are clear", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00143-00084928-00085408": "opportunities where some are not sharing as much, and could point to a place where we can", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00144-00085408-00085936": "help project leaders improve their use. We'll talk a little bit more about this as a strategy for", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00145-00085936-00086600": "serving for using your evaluation later on in the report in this webinar. So evaluation reports are", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00146-00086600-00087104": "shared with most key stakeholders but not all, and then finally the one thing I want to mention that", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00147-00087104-00087840": "we're learning is that, it's a little unusual but not unexpected, evaluators tend to become useful", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00148-00087840-00088360": "by their own nature of who they are. So many of the evaluators, so many of the evaluators have", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00149-00088360-00088976": "worked on other ATE projects and have and some have been PI's themselves. What I'm hearing from", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00150-00088976-00089432": "some, is that evaluators serve an interesting role of something I'm tentatively calling", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00151-00089432-00090008": "a \"knowledge broker\". For instance, an evaluator will say \"you have a really interesting project, and I", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00152-00090008-00090472": "know this other project or this industry leader who might actually be useful to have involved in", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00153-00090472-00091200": "this project\", and so they serve this extra role of of bringing things together for the PI. One", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00154-00091200-00091832": "evaluator I talked to works on multiple different projects in the same state, and so she had a lot of", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00155-00091832-00092296": "experience the project leadership team found very useful when building out the project.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00156-00092360-00092720": "So if you're interested in this research, please get in touch with me offline and we can talk more", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00157-00092720-00093376": "about it. But now, let's hand it off to Lyssa to get us into some specific ways you can use", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00158-00093376-00094096": "your evaluation. [Lyssa]: Well thanks Michael. Well now that we have laid the foundation, let's turn to", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00159-00094096-00094616": "some specific ways that you can use evaluation to benefit your project. While planning this webinar", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00160-00094616-00095136": "we realize that we frequently hear the phrase \"evaluation should be used\" but that's rarely", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00161-00095136-00095768": "broken down into practical suggestions. So that's what we want to do today. So we have organized our", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00162-00095768-00096336": "points into four main sections that represent different aspects of a project's life cycle.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00163-00096336-00096936": "So first, we have project improvement. So evaluation findings can be used for continual improvement of", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00164-00096936-00097392": "your project throughout your grant. Regularly reflecting on evaluation findings can help", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00165-00097392-00098048": "fine-tune your project activities and even deepen the impact your project is making. Second, project", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00166-00098048-00098576": "dissemination and advocacy. Evaluation findings can illuminate the lessons that you've learned or", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00167-00098576-00099008": "promising practices that are coming out of your project. And that you can share with others to", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00168-00099008-00099880": "help advance both your project and the field that you're in. Third, project accountability. Evaluation", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00169-00099880-00100368": "is required by the National Science Foundation and by many other funders. So with this comes", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00170-00100368-00100952": "requirements for reporting and accountability around the project's progress and impact. And", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00171-00100952-00101536": "finally, project planning. So evaluation findings about past work can help plan your next endeavor.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00172-00101704-00102136": "So let's start off by looking at how you can use findings from your evaluation for project", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00173-00102136-00102783": "improvements. So first use those findings to identify and maximize a project's strengths.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00174-00102783-00103224": "Your evaluation may highlight areas of the projects that are working especially well.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00175-00103224-00103728": "So take advantage of this insight to boost these aspects or increase that project impact.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00176-00103728-00104232": "So for example, this might look like expanding the number of students that's served by an activity", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00177-00104232-00104744": "that was shown to be of high impact. Or maybe it's about increasing the use of a particularly", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00178-00104744-00105320": "effective module in a professional development training. On the flip side, you can use evaluation", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00179-00105320-00105944": "findings to assess or address any trouble areas. So participant feedback or other evaluation data", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00180-00105944-00106520": "might identify a certain aspect of the project that might not be working as you intended,", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00181-00106520-00107056": "or that might be experiencing some difficulties. So take advantage of reviewing those evaluation", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00182-00107056-00107616": "findings with your team to identify which areas of your project are not performing as you had hoped.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00183-00107616-00107983": "Or maybe how your project could make fixes to these issues.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00184-00108128-00108704": "Evaluation can also help ensure that projects are reaching their target audience. So for example, if", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00185-00108704-00109192": "your project is a biotech program you might be aiming to increase the number of women in your", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00186-00109192-00109808": "program. So data on who is participating, and how frequently they're participating, can be compared", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00187-00109808-00110359": "to the audience that your project intended to serve. Disaggregating your data by characteristics", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00188-00110359-00110935": "such as race, or gender, or even enrollment status, or discipline can really help reveal", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00189-00110935-00111511": "whether some of the aspects some people are being served more or less than your project intended.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00190-00111704-00112232": "Your evaluation might also suggest ways to add or modify industry engagements. So", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00191-00112232-00112752": "collaboration with industry business and industry partners is particularly important for Advanced", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00192-00112752-00113296": "Technological Education programs. So many ATE projects actually integrate their evaluators", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00193-00113296-00113824": "into their business and industry leadership team or their BILT meetings. So with this additional", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00194-00113824-00114480": "insight evaluation can really help you recognize where there might be a gap in a project that could", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00195-00114480-00114968": "benefit from more business input. Or maybe that there's an industry area that the project's not", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00196-00114968-00115432": "quite engaging with enough. The evaluation can really help you be more aware of these and make", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00197-00115432-00115992": "some recommendations of industry areas that the project can reach out too. So before we move on to", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00198-00115992-00116632": "the next area, we want to hear, we want to pause and hear from you all in a chat question. So again the", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00199-00116632-00117135": "chat is located on the right side of your screen, and we want to hear from you \"in what ways have you", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00200-00117135-00117704": "used evaluation findings to make improvements in your project?\" or if you're an evaluator", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00201-00117704-00118248": "\"what ways have you seen project staff using evaluations to make improvements in their project?\"", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00202-00118383-00118904": "So I see that Eldon said that \"the evaluation is helping to identify strategies during the COVID", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00203-00118904-00119383": "shutdowns\". That's such a great point. I've heard of so many evaluations who have really helped", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00204-00119383-00119928": "identify aspects of projects that are working and are not working as things have gone virtual.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00205-00119928-00120704": "As colleges and other areas have shut down due to COVID. Rebecca said that \"she the evaluation", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00206-00120800-00121328": "improved response rates on the next participant survey\" that's great and then Jessica said that", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00207-00121328-00121776": "they \"used evaluation to develop evaluation to develop capacity building projects for", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00208-00121776-00122416": "our grantees\". That's so wonderful. You know, I'm glad that everyone is already exploring different ways", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00209-00122416-00122952": "to use evaluation for project improvement. I'll read a couple more that are coming in.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00210-00122952-00123288": "Let's see, I see Michael says that \"the results of professional development", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00211-00123288-00123759": "workshop surveys have been used to refine and better target future workshop offerings\".", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00212-00123759-00124272": "That's such a great example of looking at the evaluation findings and really improving them", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00213-00124272-00124872": "in the immediate future for your next workshop. And then Bob mentioned that he \"engages industry", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00214-00124872-00125352": "and program assessment and improvement\" which is so wonderful for ATE audiences", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00215-00125352-00125888": "and then \"to target student recruitment strategies\". Also another really important one. We hear projects", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00216-00125888-00126400": "talking about a lot about recruitment strategies of students, particularly historically underserved", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00217-00126400-00127032": "students, and so projects can really share best practices across the similar projects of similar", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00218-00127128-00127711": "student populations by sharing their evaluation findings. This is all really wonderful. Thank you", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00219-00127711-00128128": "all for for sharing in the chat. I hope you continue to do so throughout the webinar.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00220-00128392-00128824": "So before we move on to the next part, so we asked a few people to", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00221-00128824-00129304": "share stories about how they are using evaluations for project improvement.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00222-00129304-00129864": "So the first of these three stories we have for you today comes from Sondra LoRe. So Sandra is an", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00223-00129864-00130424": "ATE evaluator who works at the National Institute for Stem Evaluation and Research at the University", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00224-00130424-00131016": "of Tennessee, and she tells us about how her evaluation helped to improve an online platform", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00225-00131016-00131784": "that the project was not quite using to its fullest extent. So let's hear her experience.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00226-00131864-00132544": "[Sondra]; My name is Sondra LoRe and I work at the National Institute for Stem Evaluation and Research at the", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00227-00132544-00133432": "University of Tennessee and I'm currently evaluating two NSF ATE projects. So uh one", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00228-00133432-00134176": "story of a change that happened with an evaluation project, is one where I was working with a faculty", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00229-00134176-00134928": "from different institutions, and they had created an online platform for students and faculty to use", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00230-00134928-00135576": "to discuss information related to the grant to share ideas and curriculum products. And so", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00231-00135576-00136280": "in the course of our regular monthly evaluation meetings, um I noticed that we were communicating", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00232-00136280-00136840": "in a different way. We were using a google doc but I knew that the online platform had an embedded", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00233-00136912-00137552": "discussion board and meeting platform. And so I asked them about it and they", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00234-00137552-00138360": "said, \"well, it's really hard to use and our students aren't using it either\". And so then um I sort", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00235-00138360-00138992": "of directed them in the channel of thinking about user experience. And so how if it's difficult", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00236-00138992-00139400": "for you to use, and at the same time you're noticing students and teachers aren't using it,", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00237-00139512-00139976": "let's look at the platform. So that was a change that we had to make in the evaluation.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00238-00139976-00140408": "But it was also a change we had to make in terms of thinking about the evaluation budget.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00239-00140408-00140848": "So user experience was not something that, it was something that I could work with an", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00240-00140848-00141408": "external person to do and gather information from, but it was not something I had the background in.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00241-00141408-00141952": "So we ended up making a change to how we looked at the program budget, and adding in", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00242-00141952-00142520": "a piece about user experience, and me collaborating with their um external", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00243-00142520-00143088": "evaluation of that piece, and giving feedback to the stakeholders, the major stakeholders. And so", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00244-00143088-00143696": "it resulted in them changing the platform and us being able to report to NSF that we made changes", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00245-00143752-00144464": "to improve the user experience. I continued with the project, I infused some of those changes into", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00246-00144464-00145024": "my survey with students in my focus group with students and I asked them specifically about well", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00247-00145024-00145664": "what are you using the website for now and how is that different than your experience before. And", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00248-00145664-00146512": "then it talked it spoke to making those iterative changes, it spoke to making modifications to the project along", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00249-00146512-00147184": "the way. And that project ended up going after some additional funding and um getting another proposal", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00250-00147256-00147936": "to build out that website in a continued more usable way. And when we did that, we", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00251-00147936-00148424": "built in a very intentional piece for user experience, so we could continue to engage", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00252-00148512-00149104": "that external feedback all of the time. And it enabled me to find out from the students,", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00253-00149160-00149568": "before we even got to that change, I gathered information about what the students might need.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00254-00149624-00150168": "In terms of like the use of the website, and being able to interact with materials, and what faculty", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00255-00150168-00150736": "needed in order for them to be able to share their curriculum. That was the goal of the website. And", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00256-00150736-00151488": "then, even now as the pandemic happened, in in the spring that meant for a heavier reliance on the", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00257-00151488-00152184": "website. And because we had some of this real-time evaluation data from the first round of funding", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00258-00152184-00152776": "and additional data from um you know user experience, we were able to make I think", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00259-00152776-00153392": "faster changes to the website than we would have without that evaluation piece in the first place.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00260-00153448-00153952": "In fact they used they said, you know you're kind of holding a mirror up to us, which is", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00261-00153952-00154288": "my goal and evaluation. When I first brought it up to them, I said \"you know how come we're", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00262-00154288-00154768": "not meeting using the platform\" and they said \"oh it's really hard to use\" and I said well", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00263-00154848-00155400": "\"maybe that's something we should be exploring\" is you know. And so then once we started meeting", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00264-00155400-00156064": "regularly and noticing our changes and bringing in that user experience and that meant that they", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00265-00156064-00156688": "were more mindful of the tools they were asking uh the students and teachers to use.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00266-00156768-00157224": "So it was good real time changing data you want to design something that people can use.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00267-00157368-00158032": "[Lyssa]: Wonderful so I want to call attention to how the evaluation findings really helped the project that", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00268-00158032-00158624": "Sondra evaluated to increase the effectiveness of their online platform. And how the evaluation", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00269-00158624-00159112": "helps the project to make changes at a faster pace. Given that shift to virtual communication in the", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00270-00159112-00159728": "time of COVID, like we had mentioned before. I also I really love when Sondra says that \"evaluation", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00271-00159728-00160304": "holds a mirror up to the project\". Such a great analogy for how evaluation benefits the project.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00272-00160376-00160728": "Wonderful so i'm going to hand it over to Michael for our next section.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00273-00160968-00161504": "[Michael]: I really enjoy talking about this section because I spent my early years of my adult life telling", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00274-00161504-00162240": "stories for television audiences. So storytelling, insemination, and advocacy feels like getting your", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00275-00162240-00162848": "story out there to bolster your support and your political capital. And so the first one I would say.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00276-00162848-00163416": "is that sharing your lessons from your evaluation with other projects that have similar outcomes", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00277-00163416-00163912": "is a great way to spread the wealth. For instance, meeting people at conferences is", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00278-00163912-00164440": "a great opportunity to share lessons. I know this is harder with the new virtual conference model,", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00279-00164504-00165192": "you know impressed upon us by COVID, but most still offer opportunities for participants to network", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00280-00165192-00165792": "and have offline \"conversations\" in sidebars. These conferences are attended by", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00281-00165792-00166336": "people in your arena, and it is a great way to start networking and find out who's doing what", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00282-00166336-00166768": "and share what you're learning. If you're not sure what conferences are available in your area,", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00283-00166768-00167096": "your program manager will likely have recommendations. So", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00284-00167096-00167504": "look for those opportunities to share your lessons and successes.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00285-00167752-00168256": "Many leaders at our own institutions have no idea what we're doing. If you can make", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00286-00168256-00168496": "opportunities to share your project achievements,", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00287-00168648-00169144": "your experiences, your outcomes, what you are doing well for the school,", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00288-00169144-00169696": "you can raise the profile for your project and get the information out there and in a profitable way.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00289-00170184-00170560": "There are a lot of different partners out there and a lot of different ways that", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00290-00170560-00171040": "you can communicate with them. The more they understand what it is you're doing the more", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00291-00171040-00171608": "likely they are to buy into it. That's one of the theories behind creating more evaluation use.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00292-00171608-00172272": "Get them involved, keep them informed, and they'll be more likely to stay engaged. And then finally", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00293-00172272-00172936": "for this section, I would say that that also goes for those who you might be serving that is the", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00294-00172936-00173632": "participants themselves. How many of you actually are telling your students or prospective students", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00295-00173632-00174232": "that you're \"walking the walk\" and not just \"talking the talk\" of continuous learning. By showing the", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00296-00174232-00174704": "kind of findings that you're learning and how you're improving your own effort,", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00297-00174704-00175424": "it shows them that they're in a system of learning, of constant improvement, and continuous learning.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00298-00175696-00176304": "Now that we've given you a few more examples of how evaluation might be put to use, we'd like to", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00299-00176304-00176720": "hear a little bit more from you. We're going to use the chat function again and let's have you", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00300-00176720-00177496": "answer the question on the screen how do you or \"who do you share your evaluation findings with", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00301-00177496-00178096": "and why?\" And I will be over here in the chat looking to see what we've got.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00302-00178536-00180192": "Let's see, where do I see... advisors ah yes Jessica says that \"she shares them with executive team and", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00303-00180192-00181016": "the funders\" which is a great way to keep people informed about the project. And Lyssa shares", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00304-00181016-00181504": "with us of course \"that my my clients tend to share their evaluation findings with their participants\"", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00305-00181504-00182088": "which is fantastic so often not necessarily a group we've seen shared with as you saw from the", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00306-00182144-00182872": "the data that we've got so far. Wendy says that \"she shares with program staff PI's and NSF\" and then", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00307-00182872-00183360": "Rebecca also says \"that program participants to keep them engaged to maintain a dialogue\".", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00308-00183424-00183992": "Oh I like this one, uh Zendeka says that \"grantors in order to be in a better position", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00309-00183992-00184528": "to receive continued funding. I also share them with students\". Goodness gracious we've", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00310-00184528-00184984": "got a lot of people sharing with them lots of different audiences, which is really fantastic.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00311-00185040-00185624": "Bob says \"part of the initial process is identifying all the stakeholders, then I encourage", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00312-00185624-00186312": "the PI to share some form of findings with all stakeholders\". Fantastic and Nancy \"other similar", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00313-00186312-00186912": "programs so they can learn from us and start a communication for future sharing to help us all\".", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00314-00187104-00187784": "These are all great audiences to share your your evaluation reporting with.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00315-00187864-00188920": "Let's see, let's take one more here, \"ulie says \"project advisory board, the PI, NSF program", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00316-00188920-00189600": "participants, (yay) industry partners, stakeholders in project ecosystem\". It's really a great way to", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00317-00189600-00190000": "think about this, is that there is an ecosystem to your project. And I mentioned that a little", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00318-00190000-00190520": "bit at the early part when I was talking about evaluation use. That use can occur to", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00319-00190632-00191280": "you evaluation use can occur at so many different levels around your project, and so thinking about", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00320-00191280-00191704": "your project as an ecosystem of all the kind of stakeholders that might be involved,", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00321-00191704-00192208": "really does open the door to a lot of opportunity for sharing your evaluation results.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00322-00192368-00193008": "Super, let's move on to another story that we've obtained from one of our ATE PI's.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00323-00193136-00193856": "Khalid Tantawi is a ATE PI and he is a professor of mechatronics at the University of Tennessee", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00324-00193936-00194448": "Chattanooga. He's also, his project is The Smart Manufacturing for America's", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00325-00194448-00194904": "Revolutionizing Technological Transformation and we're going", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00326-00194904-00195472": "to hear a little bit about ways that he uses evaluation reporting, and let's hear from Khalid.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00327-00195712-00196240": "[Khalid]: My name is Khalid Tantawi I'm a professor of mechatronics at the University of Tennessee", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00328-00196240-00197032": "at Chattanooga I also i'm the  project manager and PI on The Smart Manufacturing", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00329-00197120-00197832": "for America's Revolutionizing Technological Transformation Project by Model State Community", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00330-00197832-00198704": "College. So as for the evaluation actually I one thing that as part of this project", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00331-00198768-00199344": "if you already talked about the project actually. First so this project is uh we have in it train", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00332-00199344-00199888": "the trainer workshops, we have two workshops per year. So we have in each workshop there are 20", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00333-00199888-00200640": "participants that come from community colleges  in the state and the nearby states.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00334-00200640-00201472": "For each workshop so one important thing that i look forward to, is the workshop evaluation", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00335-00201472-00202064": "report. So actually there are four things  in the evaluation report that i particularly look at.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00336-00202168-00202592": "So the overall workshop experience, you know such as for example let's say", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00337-00202592-00203440": "the logistics of the for the workshop. Also for example the evaluation of each", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00338-00203440-00203992": "presentation, each speaker so we have actually speakers from industry. And actually", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00339-00203992-00204360": "by the way also the industries because they look forward to the report I shared with them actually,", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00340-00204456-00204848": "and it's a good thing because you know the report actually just like an", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00341-00204848-00205488": "evaluation in a classroom you know uh it includes uh you know information that probably the", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00342-00205488-00206048": "participants would otherwise be hesitant to share. You know if it's not you know anonymous.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00343-00206184-00206832": "Another thing is also, if there's anything you know that they would like to be improved in", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00344-00206832-00207384": "future workshops they sometimes actually give very good you know very good points actually.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00345-00207464-00208360": "And also any comments if they have any other comments about the workshop so  yeah yeah.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00346-00208360-00208912": "This actually they have been very helpful in you know improving the workshops you know every time", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00347-00209000-00209664": "and actually like I said me and and the the project team, and also the speakers uh look forward", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00348-00209664-00210528": "to you know for these evaluation comments and questions you know the report overall.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00349-00210871-00211464": "[Michael]: Thank you so much Khalid, you know what I heard  is that Khalid really appreciates his workshop", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00350-00211464-00211967": "evaluation forms, because they provide insights that he might not otherwise get. He hinted at", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00351-00211967-00212560": "two things that I want to highlight; one is the issue of confidentiality of workshop evaluation", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00352-00212560-00213080": "surveys. It is so important that both the people providing input and the evaluator or", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00353-00213080-00213671": "staff gathering this information respects the confidential nature of the input. People will", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00354-00213671-00214128": "often provide very useful input if they know they will not be put on the spot", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00355-00214128-00214832": "to explain or defend their input. Secondly, notice that he shares his evaluation findings with others", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00356-00214832-00215392": "and each then have the opportunity to learn from these data. I want to underscore how important", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00357-00215392-00215984": "it is to share evaluation findings with as many constituencies as possible,", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00358-00216040-00216560": "of course within reason. Not everybody will find them useful or should even be provided with", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00359-00216560-00217071": "them. But okay, so at this point I'd like to ask Emma to facilitate reviewing", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00360-00217071-00217504": "any questions that we've been getting in the chat window and let us try to answer some of them.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00361-00217864-00218296": "[Emma]: Great Michael, thank you. Yeah so we had a couple questions come in during that last segment.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00362-00218296-00219023": "So the first one is from Eldon, and Eldon is asking, looking for ways to help improve outreach", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00363-00219023-00219696": "strategies. So I did do a follow up with himbut in terms of evaluation how can we improve", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00364-00219696-00220271": "our outreach strategies especially during this time where we can't do paper reports and such.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00365-00220704-00221376": "[Michale]: Well that is a really good question and I wonder if Lyssa has any ideas on how we can", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00366-00221376-00221960": "improve our outreach strategies, but I would say that the world is becoming much more comfortable", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00367-00221960-00222712": "with zoom and video conferences. I can't tell you how many people I speak to these days are so", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00368-00222712-00223336": "much more comfortable with getting on a \"zoom call\" and having a conversation about work", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00369-00223336-00223960": "or or new topics. I think that it's even more, I think people seem to be even more accessible today", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00370-00224032-00224488": "in that kind of an outreach than maybe perhaps before. Even though there are", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00371-00224488-00225023": "many of us talking about Zoom fatigue, it does seem to be a little bit more, people", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00372-00225088-00225456": "have the sense that they're a little more accessible because it is the only way to get.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00373-00225528-00225808": "You can't just walk into somebody's office like you used to", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00374-00225871-00226319": "and wait for their office hours. Now you can actually just send them an email and invite them", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00375-00226319-00226984": "to a zoom call. So I don't know about that, but any other ideas but that's one response I have to it.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00376-00227096-00227584": "[Lyssa]: Yeah Eldon I think that's a great question. I see your clarification in the chat window about how", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00377-00227584-00228088": "in the time of COVID it's difficult to meet some of these goals bringing groups to campus to share some", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00378-00228088-00228544": "of the evaluation findings. I was looking through some of the other questions, and I think one of", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00379-00228544-00229064": "the things about sharing your evaluation findings with these different audiences that we've talked", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00380-00229064-00229664": "about, is also being intentional about what that audience wants to hear and how they want to hear", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00381-00229664-00230360": "it. Right, so we're talking about platforms; whether it's face to face, over a phone, over a zoom call, is", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00382-00230360-00230840": "it just a slide deck, is it just an email. But we're also talking about the content and how", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00383-00230840-00231488": "you're presenting the content. So if you have this large evaluation report that's 30 pages,", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00384-00231488-00232064": "you don't need to send all 30 pages to your college administrators or your advisory", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00385-00232064-00232623": "committee. Honestly those people are probably too busy to read a full 30 page report. Right, so", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00386-00232623-00233280": "you're looking at the most important information to the specific audience members and sharing them", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00387-00233280-00233760": "in ways that is digestible and meaningful to them. Right, and I think that yeah we are", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00388-00233760-00234352": "thinking creatively about what that looks like in the time of COVID. So I know at EvaluATE", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00389-00234352-00234960": "we're thinking about breaking up data into small bits and maybe creating a graph and sharing it", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00390-00234960-00235496": "on social media to share some of our evaluation results back with our community or the public.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00391-00235496-00236152": "We're thinking about creating one pagers that tell a specific story about maybe our webinar offerings", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00392-00236152-00236800": "or maybe how our coaching activities are going to our advisory committees or back to our NSF program", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00393-00236800-00237312": "officers. So I don't think it's a one approach fits all situation, we're really making sure", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00394-00237312-00237832": "that we're tailoring that story and how we're using the data specifically to those audiences.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00395-00238088-00238416": "[Emma]: Well thank you Lyssa and Michael, I think we have time for just one more question this", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00396-00238416-00238896": "question break. This one is from Tyra and I know a couple other people are interested", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00397-00238896-00239471": "in this one as well so I am curious as to how evaluation findings can support longevity and", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00398-00239471-00239888": "sustainability beyond federal funding. And Michael you used that good example", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00399-00239888-00240167": "earlier and I think that's kind of what probed this question.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00400-00240167-00240584": "So maybe Lyssa do you want to go ahead and start with this one and then Michael can follow up.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00401-00240767-00241296": "[Lyssa]: So we talk about using evaluation findings for your future endeavors a little bit more later. But", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00402-00241367-00241960": "I think not only can you use evaluation to show how effective a project was to get", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00403-00241960-00242536": "additional funding say from the National Science Foundation or other funders, but to go outside of", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00404-00242536-00243016": "that. Maybe go to different industries, to go to different groups, to go to different colleges,", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00405-00243016-00243544": "that might be able to support the sustainability of your project after that initial grant is over.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00406-00243608-00244216": "I believe that is what happened in the example that Michael was talking about. An evaluation could", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00407-00244216-00244800": "really play a role in showing the impact that that project had. Right instead of being able to", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00408-00244800-00245328": "go to potential funders and saying here are the activities that we've done over the past 15 years,", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00409-00245328-00245896": "they could really say this is the impact that our project had. Not only on the students that", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00410-00245896-00246584": "participated, but in the local community, and the local economy, and for those employers in that area.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00411-00246656-00247104": "[Michael]: Sure and I would just add that one of the key things to that particular ATE center", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00412-00247104-00247816": "finding a long-term partner to subsume them was the fact that they had such a an integrated", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00413-00247816-00248528": "evaluation framework built into their system. So that they could, and were often sharing their", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00414-00248528-00249248": "insights on a regular basis that showed that they had a very a robust system of evaluation built in.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00415-00249248-00249864": "And so, that it was it was, she didn't speak so much about the actual impact that made", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00416-00249864-00250408": "them so valuable but the fact that they could at least have evidence of that impact and certainly", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00417-00250408-00250896": "evidence of the processes that led to that. So it was really about that, that system built in.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00418-00251223-00251696": "[Lyssa]: I know we're reaching the end of our question break segment, but I wanted to Elden in the", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00419-00251696-00252271": "chat said \"that maybe he should segment the VR games from the nanotechnology labs, those", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00420-00252271-00252832": "evaluations to different audiences\". I'm guessing you mean different aspects of the project itself,", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00421-00252832-00253264": "but I just wanted to throw out there that I have heard rumblings about virtual reality", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00422-00253264-00253816": "evaluation findings. At the American Evaluation Association there was a session on almost like", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00423-00253816-00254464": "virtual reality 3D logic models. So I think that's a an interesting idea to think about and consider.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00424-00254800-00255192": "[Emma]: All right, well thank you. Ee do have a few more questions but I think we're going to roll them", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00425-00255192-00255623": "over to the next question break, so go ahead and keep those questions coming in the chat and now", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00426-00255623-00256081": "i'm going to just turn it back over to Lyssa to continue us forward.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00427-00256081-00256816": "[Lyssa]: Thanks Emma. All right so we're going to move on to how you can use evaluation findings for project accountability. So in addition", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00428-00256816-00257360": "to learning, many funders require that evaluations are done for the purpose of accountability.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00429-00257360-00257871": "So one way you can meet these responsibilities is to share your project activities and achievements", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00430-00257871-00258376": "with your advisory committee. So not all projects have advisory committees, but those that do,", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00431-00258471-00258967": "the these committees are responsible for overseeing the project progress and providing", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00432-00258967-00259519": "guidance on future activities. So sharing your evaluation with these advisors can really help", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00433-00259519-00260040": "them to provide a more in-depth look at how things are going, including the progress towards", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00434-00260040-00260584": "milestones and larger goals. And like we said before, you know this idea of short reports, or", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00435-00260584-00261144": "presentations, or maybe even a slide deck of the evaluative data, can really help your advisors be", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00436-00261144-00261792": "more insightful and nuanced in their suggestions. Evaluation findings can also be included in your", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00437-00261792-00262336": "annual report to the National Science Foundation or other funders as it's specified in your grant.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00438-00262336-00262904": "So including your evaluation findings, such as maybe acknowledging how many students you served,", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00439-00262904-00263397": "or the extent of stem engagement that was increased, or maybe how many students", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00440-00263397-00264067": "pursued a career in stem strengthens your evaluation report.  That information your program officer really wants to see it,", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00441-00264067-00264755": "but your program officer also really wants to hear how your project staff is responding tothat data.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00442-00264755-00265319": "So beyond just reporting it, but how is your project interpreting or reacting to that evaluation data. Are you making changes to", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00443-00265319-00266016": "your project? Or are there achievements that the project is particularly proud of? So including the", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00444-00266016-00266520": "reaction demonstrates to NSF that the project has critically consumed that evaluation data.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00445-00266656-00267192": "And if you're funded by the National Science Foundation, projects actually have to fill out a an", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00446-00267192-00267784": "outcomes report that's due 90 days after the end of the project. So this is a short public-facing", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00447-00267784-00268448": "summary that focuses on the achievements of the project and the impact on participants lives. So", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00448-00268448-00268880": "in creating this, ensure that you're collecting evaluation findings across the life of your", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00449-00268880-00269240": "project so that you can write an impactful outcomes report, if that's something that", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00450-00269240-00269944": "is required for your project. So we have one final story to share with you today from Pamela Silvers.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00451-00269944-00270528": "So Pamela is an ATE principal investigator for Skilled Workers Get Jobs Grants. She tells", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00452-00270528-00270904": "us about how her evaluation helped to spark ideas for future grants,", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00453-00270904-00271384": "so kind of along that sustainability idea that we were talking about earlier. So let's hear from her.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00454-00271704-00272272": "[Pamela]: Hi I'm Pamela Silvers, and I am the principal investigator for the Skilled Workers Get Jobs", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00455-00272272-00272952": "grant and I'm going to talk about how evaluation helped us move forward with our grants. In 2012", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00456-00272952-00273472": "when we applied for our first grant, we were new to NSF, we had never had a federal grant at our", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00457-00273472-00274064": "college, I had never been involved on a federal grant as a PI, I had done some smaller grants", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00458-00274064-00274600": "but nothing major. And so we had got the funding for Skilled Workers Get Jobs Recruiting Women", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00459-00274600-00275208": "and Retaining All Students. One of the things our evaluator told us, was to really focus on", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00460-00275208-00275784": "what we said we were going to do in the grant. And from the very first meeting which was about", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00461-00275784-00276248": "two months after we got the grant, she also said if you start seeing things that you want to do,", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00462-00276320-00276800": "don't try to do everything in this grant but think to the future. At the end of our first", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00463-00276800-00277352": "year when we did the evaluation, it was really a focus on what had we accomplished with the grant", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00464-00277352-00277880": "and where were we at currently. But at the end of our second year we really had the discussion", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00465-00277880-00278480": "of what do you wish you could have done, what is missing, and where would you go. And at that point", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00466-00278480-00279072": "what we really said is, we've had great success. Our goal was to recruit more women and we went from 39", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00467-00279072-00279736": "to 72 women in two years. But we didn't have dissemination down and we really didn't know, would", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00468-00279736-00280296": "this work for other people. So we had discussions. and we did apply for a second grant called Skilled", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00469-00280296-00281104": "Workers Get Jobs 2.0 Appalachian Impact. And our goal then, was could we take what we did and", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00470-00281104-00281768": "extend it to other colleges. We partnered with six students six colleges in Appalachian region and we", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00471-00281768-00282376": "got a second grant and looked at what we did, how could they duplicate it, and did it work for them.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00472-00282432-00283168": "That was also successful grant. And to continue to our third grant, we really again looked at what", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00473-00283168-00283752": "haven't we done and we realized although we did a great job of recruiting non-traditional students", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00474-00283752-00284208": "we weren't doing as great of a job with high school students. We still were not getting students", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00475-00284208-00284864": "to come into our programs right from high school. So we looked at why not, what might be some reasons,", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00476-00284864-00285376": "we did research, and we wrote a third grant. Which was funded, and the one we're currently working on", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00477-00285432-00286248": "called Skilled Workers Get Jobs 2.1 High School Engagement. Our evaluator helped us do two things.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00478-00286248-00286760": "One they helped to stay on track, they helped to stay focused on what did we say we were going", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00479-00286760-00287480": "to do, how was that working, did we have to adapt or change. But they also helped us put items into", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00480-00287480-00288088": "the box for the future; what might we want to do, and is it within the scope of our current project,", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00481-00288088-00288728": "or should we look for a future project. So my advice, get your evaluator on board as soon as you", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00482-00288728-00289384": "know that you have been funded and meet with them regularly. It is not a once a year process, it is a", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00483-00289384-00290128": "can I get feedback all the time on both where I'm at and where I might want to go. Thank you.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00484-00290128-00290688": "[Lyssa]: I reallyappreciate the question that Pamela's evaluator asked about planning for the future. They asked", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00485-00290688-00291208": "\"what do you wish you would have done?\" and \"what's missing?\". I also really love that Pamela sees her", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00486-00291208-00291824": "evaluator as part of the team, as a critical friend who's learning alongside the project team, and", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00487-00291824-00292296": "rooting for this their success. So now i'm going to pass it off to Michael for our final section.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00488-00292448-00293000": "[Michael]: Great thanks Lyssa. This final section on project planning as I like to think of it as,", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00489-00293000-00293696": "planning ahead. So three different pieces in here, one of them is that we want to identify areas of", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00490-00293696-00294264": "need for future projects. And I think that everyone on this webinar can probably relate to the idea", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00491-00294264-00294888": "that what you're learning now also has usefulness beyond just where you are in this moment.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00492-00294888-00295352": "Oftentimes you're on a three-year grant, and a year into it you're thinking perhaps", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00493-00295352-00295928": "\"what are we going to do next?\" or is there a spinoff project related to this one that we can find", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00494-00295928-00296568": "funding for. You learn something on this project,  and you would like to put it to use on some other", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00495-00296568-00297160": "project. Identifying areas that have need for future projects is a great use of evaluation.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00496-00297320-00297832": "So often our evaluation findings suggest some new area of inquiry. For instance, if a", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00497-00297832-00298384": "project's evaluation showed that a certain type of intervention has worked especially well in", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00498-00298384-00299024": "your local context, it may point to an opportunity to test how it works on a larger scale. EvaluATE", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00499-00299024-00299592": "has some great resources on their site, and in particular the checklist of the Common Guidelines", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00500-00299592-00300136": "for Education Research and Development could be useful to help you learn more about foundation,", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00501-00300136-00300896": "early stage, and design development research. And finally every NSF grant application requires you", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00502-00300896-00301424": "to substantiate what you've done previously with its money. Keeping track of your reporting with", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00503-00301424-00301920": "an eye towards using it in the future is a great way to use your evaluation funding.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00504-00302024-00302784": "So you've heard us now talk about four stages or as I might think of them as buckets or categories", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00505-00302784-00303368": "of ways to think about evaluation use. We've given you 14 different ways of thinking about it through", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00506-00303368-00304056": "project improvement, dissemination and advocacy, project accountability, and project planning.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00507-00304056-00304768": "So now let's see which of these provides the most opportunity for you to increase the use of your", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00508-00304832-00305448": "of evaluation in your context with a poll. Now let's look to the right and see what we've got.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00509-00305504-00305968": "There are those four sections and so the question is \"where do you see the most", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00510-00305968-00306592": "opportunity to increase the use of evaluation in your context?\". You've heard us give you 14", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00511-00306592-00307208": "different ways to think about it and hopefully there are things now that you are making plans", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00512-00307208-00307848": "for what you might go back to your organization maybe right after this webinar, maybe next week,", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00513-00307936-00308536": "and and start building more opportunities for using your evaluation. It looks like", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00514-00308616-00309096": "the largest percentage of our respondents talk about project improvement, but it looks like it's", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00515-00309096-00309648": "now being tied with dissemination and advocacy. And then the third is project planning. Project", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00516-00309648-00310056": "accountability seems to be languishing down there around the eight percent maybe that's", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00517-00310112-00310680": "a sign that project accountability is already kind of baked into what it is you're doing with your", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00518-00310680-00311384": "evaluate project. But that there are opportunities for for more uh use of your evaluation", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00519-00311384-00311896": "around project improvement looks like it's now taking up the lead with 37 of our respondents.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00520-00311896-00312512": "We appreciate that you've responded to that and I think that taking these lessons back to", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00521-00312512-00313168": "your to your college and your projects could be really a great way to then use your evaluation", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00522-00313312-00313696": "more more prominently. Which is great that you've mentioned that because", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00523-00313760-00314616": "or that that has come up highest because we've got this handout that we created, all 14 of these ways", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00524-00314616-00315248": "to use evaluation findings. I see our image says 13 ways but there is 14 actually. We've linked it", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00525-00315248-00315696": "here on this on the right and you should be able to see it. An easy resource to reflect on each of", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00526-00315696-00316256": "these, each of them will also include some of some explanation and the handout will be available", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00527-00316256-00316704": "there in that handouts winner window until the end of the webinar. But let's hand it back over", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00528-00316704-00317176": "to Emma to see what questions have popped up in the chat that we might be able to answer, Emma", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00529-00317528-00318240": "[Emma]: So yeah we had a couple questions come through. So one was ,let's throw that up so", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00530-00318240-00318776": "we can all see it, \"\"how can we use storytelling evaluation to capture feedback from beneficiaries?\"", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00531-00319056-00319864": "[Michael]: Well storytelling is really a fantastic way to get your evaluation insights and findings", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00532-00319864-00320512": "out to audiences. There's lots of ways to think about this. One way that I've done with project", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00533-00320512-00321040": "about five or six years ago, is that there was a lot there were a lot of data collected", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00534-00321040-00321736": "from participants in the project that told the stories of people in the project and what they", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00535-00321736-00322456": "experienced firsthand. And then what they did is they created a fictionalized character that", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00536-00322456-00323200": "they described that person's participation in the project using all of the real data that they", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00537-00323200-00323776": "obtained from participants in the project. So they created this analog story of you know for", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00538-00323776-00324240": "instance, Martha who went through the project from beginning to end and went out and got a job with", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00539-00324240-00324848": "the nanotech industry. And so they used real data to create a fictionalized character that told the", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00540-00324848-00325416": "story of somebody participating and benefiting with all the challenges that our students,", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00541-00325416-00326192": "you know have to work through. And those came in uh to uh and they combined them then to create us a", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00542-00326192-00326976": "story about somebody you know that they could then share with potential stakeholders in the program.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00543-00327168-00327784": "[Emma]: Thank you Michael and uh the last question we have here is from Tyra she's asking Lyssa", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00544-00327784-00328272": "just curious what measurements are being used to validate effectiveness. In other words what", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00545-00328272-00328776": "approaches are being used to say whether a program or intervention perhaps is effective or not.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00546-00328984-00329776": "[Lyssa]: Yeah thanks Tyra. This is a great question. I will say the answer is rather large, so to keep it a", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00547-00329776-00330488": "little bit wieldy, I guess my my answer would say that effectiveness means something different to", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00548-00330488-00331184": "every program. Right, it depends on what the program is, and what they're really trying to do. And so in", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00549-00331184-00331864": "order to really capture that it depends on having good evaluation questions. So starting from a", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00550-00331864-00332440": "foundation of asking the right questions to get the right data. And when I say write data, I also", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00551-00332440-00332944": "mean trustworthy data. Right and so trustworthiness can mean a lot of different things in a lot of", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00552-00332944-00333456": "different situations depending on the stakeholders, depending on culturally responsiveness, and that", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00553-00333456-00334032": "can lead to a difference in accepted types of data, and the difference in accepted designs that", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00554-00334032-00334856": "are used, even differences in how that data is interpreted. So I think that there is no one way", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00555-00334856-00335504": "to to validate the effectiveness of a program. If you are interested in talking more about that", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00556-00335504-00336056": "i would love to talk to you uh further about it so feel free to reach out to me or it's also a great", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00557-00336056-00336648": "question to ask one of our ATE evaluation coaches. To talk specifically about your context and your", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00558-00336648-00337280": "evaluation. [Emma]: So if we didn't get to your question or you want to continue the conversation please join", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00559-00337280-00337880": "us for upcoming web chat on December 15th. Our web chats are small group discussions around various", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00560-00337880-00338488": "topics and this will be a follow-up on today's evaluation use. We will have Lyssa and Michael", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00561-00338488-00339048": "joining us along with several community members to discuss how evaluation can benefit your project. So", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00562-00339048-00339496": "if you have not already done so, we would encourage you to jump on our website and register for that.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00563-00339632-00340224": "Also Lyssa just mentioned the ATE evaluation coaching program and so we are excited to", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00564-00340224-00340824": "announce that we have three coaches available for ATE project staff, grant specialists, and evaluators.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00565-00340896-00341416": "No question is too small to chat with one of our coaches. ATE evaluation coaches can work with you", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00566-00341416-00341992": "to develop an evaluation plan, review evaluation instruments, or discussion evaluation reporting,", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00567-00341992-00342432": "or for example that great question that Tyra just posed. You can schedule a meeting with", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00568-00342432-00342992": "a coach on Evaluate's website and if you have additional questions about the webinar material", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00569-00342992-00343464": "join us now on our evaluate slack community. The EvaluATE team will be online for the", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00570-00343464-00343968": "next hour to help address additional questions or have further discussions on the topic. The", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00571-00343968-00344472": "slack community is also a great place to meet new evaluation community members, so we encourage you", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00572-00344472-00344992": "to go to our website and join. If you have already a member come chat with us after this webinar.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00573-00345184-00345616": "Are you interested in expanding your evaluation knowledge? Well then join our partner", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00574-00345616-00346440": "program IDPEx for a course this spring. IDPEx  courses are being offered through Western Michigan", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00575-00346440-00347088": "University's Interdisciplinary PhD. and Evaluation Program. You can take these graduate courses", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00576-00347088-00347760": "individually without enrollment to the PhD program at a minimal cost. Currently we are offering", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00577-00347760-00348576": "three courses; measurement for evaluators, research on evaluation, and meta evaluation for spring 2021.", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00578-00348576-00349096": "You can find out more about these courses through the link on the screen and also posted in the chat", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00579-00349096-00349744": "or by directly contacting Michael who is one of the associate professors of that program. So with", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00580-00349744-00350288": "that, that ends our webinar. We would like to thank our presenters, Lyssa and Michael, and of course all", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00581-00350288-00350872": "of you for coming and attending and asking such great questions today. Again we hope to follow up", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00582-00350872-00351392": "with you on one of our great programs; either our slack community, our coaching program, or through", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00583-00351392-00351936": "the community. so and also please join us for our next webinar our full schedule will be posted soon", "7cj-upTt9Zk-00584-00351936-00352696": "for 2021. So with that I hope you all have a great and safe December, and have a great day. Thank you."}}, {"audio_id": "7czibFUvpsQ", "text": {"7czibFUvpsQ-00000-00000170-00000512": "I moved to Munich a few months ago", "7czibFUvpsQ-00001-00000526-00000948": "The Germans are nice people - they offered me a job", "7czibFUvpsQ-00002-00000964-00001170": "Applied for C++ - in auto-", "7czibFUvpsQ-00003-00001192-00001392": "motive industry", "7czibFUvpsQ-00004-00001420-00001512": "Ended up in Python", "7czibFUvpsQ-00005-00001542-00001960": "That's how things were meant to be!", "7czibFUvpsQ-00006-00001980-00002226": "Hey hey! Coronalaid!", "7czibFUvpsQ-00007-00002254-00002544": "Hey hey! I was coronalaid!", "7czibFUvpsQ-00008-00002584-00002842": "Hey hey! Coronalaid!", "7czibFUvpsQ-00009-00002862-00003168": "Hey! Hey! I was coronalaid!", "7czibFUvpsQ-00010-00003200-00003529": "Now the schedule's tight Two weeks to find a job", "7czibFUvpsQ-00011-00003568-00003936": "I know some C++ Some Python - easy go", "7czibFUvpsQ-00012-00004015-00004520": "I was a tester and worked in different areas of IT", "7czibFUvpsQ-00013-00004574-00005166": "So don't give up And ask you if you can hire me!", "7czibFUvpsQ-00014-00005242-00005484": "Hey hey! - I was coronalaid!", "7czibFUvpsQ-00015-00005520-00005776": "Hey hey! - I was coronalaid!", "7czibFUvpsQ-00016-00005802-00006086": "Hey hey! - I was coronalaid!", "7czibFUvpsQ-00017-00006116-00006422": "Hey hey! - I was coronalaid!"}}, {"audio_id": "7cGu1TPDLOM", "text": {"7cGu1TPDLOM-00000-00001086-00001922": "In this section, we're going to look at preparation, setting a goal, genres, the", "7cGu1TPDLOM-00001-00001923-00002823": "script and a shot list.We'll visit the hardware table, and look at headset, audio", "7cGu1TPDLOM-00002-00002823-00003328": "recorders, portable mixers, and audio level."}}, {"audio_id": "7cNDuJOK75Y", "text": {"7cNDuJOK75Y-00000-00000084-00000142": "ICE ICE BABY"}}, {"audio_id": "7d_ezToU3Y0", "text": {"7d_ezToU3Y0-00000-00000994-00001627": "welcome back to dare to call him friend and today we're going to talk about the", "7d_ezToU3Y0-00001-00001627-00002700": "wisdom of knowing when to speak Ecclesiastes 3 verse 1 and 7 in the", "7d_ezToU3Y0-00002-00002700-00003230": "message translation and Eugene Peterson does a wonderful job on this particular", "7d_ezToU3Y0-00003-00003230-00003801": "verse there's an opportune time to do things a right time for everything on", "7d_ezToU3Y0-00004-00003801-00004512": "the earth a right time to shut up and another to speak up several years ago I", "7d_ezToU3Y0-00005-00004512-00005177": "was discouraged and confused I had hit a brick wall and I just couldn't find", "7d_ezToU3Y0-00006-00005177-00005960": "freedom in a particular area in my life I asked trusted friends for advice and I", "7d_ezToU3Y0-00007-00005960-00006492": "received more than my share of unsolicited advice nothing seemed to", "7d_ezToU3Y0-00008-00006492-00007162": "reach my heart when I cried out to God for an answer it seemed I was met with silence", "7d_ezToU3Y0-00009-00007162-00007768": "one evening I resisted that urge to fill that silence with the busyness of life", "7d_ezToU3Y0-00010-00007768-00008559": "I sat quietly and realized that although", "7d_ezToU3Y0-00011-00008559-00009303": "God was still he was very much present he hadn't shut his ears to my plight he", "7d_ezToU3Y0-00012-00009303-00009936": "was waiting for that opportunity to speak his healing word when my heart was", "7d_ezToU3Y0-00013-00009936-00010503": "ready to hear him we ache for loved ones as we watch them", "7d_ezToU3Y0-00014-00010503-00010920": "spiral out of control we offer our counsel and we point them", "7d_ezToU3Y0-00015-00010920-00011564": "in the direction of wiser people than ourselves they ask for our opinion and", "7d_ezToU3Y0-00016-00011564-00012032": "when we are reluctant to give it they accuse us of being non supportive at", "7d_ezToU3Y0-00017-00012032-00012500": "their insistence we give them advice only to be accused of being judgmental", "7d_ezToU3Y0-00018-00012500-00013156": "condescending and patronising when they are in such a place it", "7d_ezToU3Y0-00019-00013156-00014031": "is best for us to be quiet the filters created by their brokenness will only", "7d_ezToU3Y0-00020-00014031-00014782": "twist our words no matter how respectful and loving our intentions are toward", "7d_ezToU3Y0-00021-00014782-00015444": "them they will use our words of encouragement as bricks and mortar to", "7d_ezToU3Y0-00022-00015444-00016297": "reinforce their walls of self-protection counsel offered too soon is as sour to", "7d_ezToU3Y0-00023-00016297-00017020": "the spirit as an unripened apple is to the tongue it's wise to step back and", "7d_ezToU3Y0-00024-00017020-00017911": "allow the master to work his craft infinitely patient he knows just when to", "7d_ezToU3Y0-00025-00017911-00018715": "plant that seed when to nurture the seed and when to bring that seed into full", "7d_ezToU3Y0-00026-00018715-00019543": "harvest our job is to pray our trust patience and obedience all play a", "7d_ezToU3Y0-00027-00019543-00020254": "pivotal role in the process at the right time when the soil is ready the life", "7d_ezToU3Y0-00028-00020254-00021247": "bearing words we have to speak will bear good fruit proverbs 15 verse 23 to make", "7d_ezToU3Y0-00029-00021247-00022057": "an apt answer is a joy to a man and a word in season how good it is those who", "7d_ezToU3Y0-00030-00022057-00022585": "know me well know I use this expression on occasion when I am so tempted to", "7d_ezToU3Y0-00031-00022585-00023485": "speak into a situation and I know that I shouldn't I ask the Lord for Holy Ghost", "7d_ezToU3Y0-00032-00023485-00023919": "duct tape so I can apply it firmly to my lips", "7d_ezToU3Y0-00033-00023919-00024745": "so I'm not going to say something out of season now do I leave that tape on all the time", "7d_ezToU3Y0-00034-00024745-00025124": "no I put my foot in my mouth more times than I can count", "7d_ezToU3Y0-00035-00025124-00025929": "however the fruit of raiding in obedience to the Lord before we say", "7d_ezToU3Y0-00036-00025929-00026856": "something to somebody else is amazing it is so difficult when we see somebody", "7d_ezToU3Y0-00037-00026856-00027519": "struggling and we think we have the answer to their situation and perhaps we", "7d_ezToU3Y0-00038-00027519-00028444": "actually do we need to do the second step however and we need to listen to", "7d_ezToU3Y0-00039-00028444-00029520": "the Lord and wait for his directive to speak premature advice will always fall", "7d_ezToU3Y0-00040-00029520-00030029": "on deaf ears"}}, {"audio_id": "7deqtPo7w7y", "text": {"7deqtPo7w7y-00003-00002312-00002604": "Hello! This is Andy.", "7deqtPo7w7y-00004-00002648-00002990": "Today I would like to demonstrate how to make a Honey Yuzu Cake.", "7deqtPo7w7y-00007-00003588-00003839": "Let's take a look of the ingredients", "7deqtPo7w7y-00008-00003986-00004291": "We are going to make a small size for 2-4 person", "7deqtPo7w7y-00011-00004690-00004882": "Self raising white flour (cake flour) 50g", "7deqtPo7w7y-00012-00004976-00005290": "Honey Yuzu syrup10-20g or own flavour", "7deqtPo7w7y-00013-00005366-00005666": "Soy milk 50ml (or Milk)", "7deqtPo7w7y-00019-00007099-00007405": "Butter 50g, Egg x 3", "7deqtPo7w7y-00020-00007425-00007667": "Sugar 50g", "7deqtPo7w7y-00021-00007985-00008261": "Separate egg white and yolk", "7deqtPo7w7y-00026-00009309-00009583": "You can also use the egg shell to do this step", "7deqtPo7w7y-00032-00011976-00012269": "Melt butter with milk", "7deqtPo7w7y-00036-00013123-00013402": "Low heat melting", "7deqtPo7w7y-00037-00013402-00013664": "Completed when butter melted (don't over cook)", "7deqtPo7w7y-00041-00015851-00016197": "Filter the flour", "7deqtPo7w7y-00051-00018728-00019023": "Pour melted butter into the flour", "7deqtPo7w7y-00053-00019294-00019571": "Stir", "7deqtPo7w7y-00058-00021250-00021350": "Add egg yolk one by one", "7deqtPo7w7y-00059-00022730-00023030": "Add Yuzu syrup or own flavour", "7deqtPo7w7y-00072-00026415-00026675": "Use blender to blend the egg white with sugar", "7deqtPo7w7y-00075-00027297-00027591": "First use low speed stir the egg white (5-10 seconds)", "7deqtPo7w7y-00076-00027591-00027809": "When you see the foam, turn to high speed and mix with sugar", "7deqtPo7w7y-00077-00030462-00030758": "Completed with creamy texture after 3-5 minutes", "7deqtPo7w7y-00085-00033185-00033467": "Preheat oven", "7deqtPo7w7y-00090-00034644-00034872": "Temperature set at 150C or 300F", "7deqtPo7w7y-00093-00035754-00036012": "Place 1/3 egg white into the mixed yolk", "7deqtPo7w7y-00097-00036914-00037215": "Mix together gently", "7deqtPo7w7y-00103-00039064-00039370": "Pour back into the mixed egg white", "7deqtPo7w7y-00105-00039505-00039605": "Use scraper gently mix for at least 30 times", "7deqtPo7w7y-00109-00042872-00043180": "Container size (15cm Dia x 6cmH)", "7deqtPo7w7y-00110-00043180-00043472": "This open base container for easy push up the cake", "7deqtPo7w7y-00114-00044333-00044654": "Wrapped with butter paper", "7deqtPo7w7y-00117-00045280-00045565": "Surrounding covered by aluminium foil", "7deqtPo7w7y-00126-00048581-00048890": "Flatting the top", "7deqtPo7w7y-00130-00050720-00051023": "knocking the container and remove the air bubble", "7deqtPo7w7y-00137-00052550-00052845": "Add 80C or 176F hot water", "7deqtPo7w7y-00142-00053960-00054244": "Baking starts", "7deqtPo7w7y-00144-00054535-00054880": "Beware all hot container and oven", "7deqtPo7w7y-00146-00055993-00056297": "150C or 300F, 60 mins", "7deqtPo7w7y-00152-00060605-00060883": "Caution: HOT", "7deqtPo7w7y-00158-00063960-00064244": "Butter paper wrapped not probably, so it affect the outlook", "7deqtPo7w7y-00160-00064551-00064866": "The texture seems not bad", "7deqtPo7w7y-00167-00066764-00067091": "Woo, the texture is great. you can see the Yuzu", "7deqtPo7w7y-00174-00069694-00070294": "The previous one outlook not good", "7deqtPo7w7y-00175-00070294-00070594": "I make another one immediately", "7deqtPo7w7y-00178-00071040-00071332": "It really looks better than the last one : )", "7deqtPo7w7y-00181-00072196-00072702": "As I said, flavour is up to your choices. This second one, I have used banana slice", "7deqtPo7w7y-00183-00073017-00073366": "It may have some difference, let's see inside", "7deqtPo7w7y-00186-00074346-00074683": "You can see the banana, smell great", "7deqtPo7w7y-00189-00076118-00076442": "Steam Double Heater Microwave Oven", "7deqtPo7w7y-00190-00076442-00076747": "it is not new but value for money", "7deqtPo7w7y-00200-00079265-00079549": "Heat Lamp x 2", "7deqtPo7w7y-00203-00080128-00080243": "Steam outet", "7deqtPo7w7y-00204-00080377-00080661": "Heating elements and microwave", "7deqtPo7w7y-00206-00080984-00081234": "Water tank for steaming", "7deqtPo7w7y-00211-00082626-00082880": "Dial and Control Panel for all functions", "7deqtPo7w7y-00227-00087637-00087944": "There is a reheat function that by using temperature setup", "7deqtPo7w7y-00229-00088175-00088448": "Place the food or drink", "7deqtPo7w7y-00230-00088448-00088768": "Press reheat button", "7deqtPo7w7y-00231-00088768-00089076": "Set the temperature (max 90C)"}}, {"audio_id": "7dJzNormYYM", "text": {"7dJzNormYYM-00000-00000923-00001442": "Good day, I'm Mrs. John Adams or Abigail Adams to my friends.", "7dJzNormYYM-00001-00001442-00001802": "And I would like to introduce them with my friends that we have here today.", "7dJzNormYYM-00002-00001802-00002023": "I have Mr. Thomas Jefferson.", "7dJzNormYYM-00003-00002023-00002282": "As always, you do me honor.", "7dJzNormYYM-00004-00002358-00002546": "And I thank you for that.", "7dJzNormYYM-00005-00002556-00003016": "Mr. Edward Hector, Bombardier Edward Hector.", "7dJzNormYYM-00006-00003078-00003270": "A pleasure to be with you.", "7dJzNormYYM-00007-00003328-00003532": "And Mrs. Oney Judge.", "7dJzNormYYM-00008-00003636-00003774": "Delighted to be here.", "7dJzNormYYM-00009-00003810-00004421": "So, I guess we could start with everybody saying a little bit of something about themselves.", "7dJzNormYYM-00010-00004421-00004604": "It's pleasure to have you all here today!", "7dJzNormYYM-00011-00004622-00004902": "Mrs. Judge, you go first, ladies first.", "7dJzNormYYM-00012-00004944-00005050": "Thank you.", "7dJzNormYYM-00013-00005106-00005340": "My name is Mrs. Oney Judge.", "7dJzNormYYM-00014-00005376-00005605": "I'm happy to report that", "7dJzNormYYM-00015-00005605-00005782": "I am now a married woman.", "7dJzNormYYM-00016-00005782-00006640": "I will not give complete details of my whereabouts as we have, unfortunately had to uproot twice now,", "7dJzNormYYM-00017-00006640-00007416": "but I'm originally from Virginia, which is close to my heart, but now I call the North", "7dJzNormYYM-00018-00007417-00008222": "my home and I'm very grateful for my time spent in Philadelphia, New York, New Jersey.", "7dJzNormYYM-00019-00008222-00008564": "I'm very fortunate to have had those experiences.", "7dJzNormYYM-00020-00008564-00009390": "I wasn't always a free woman, but I am proud to call myself a woman of freedom now.", "7dJzNormYYM-00021-00009472-00009702": "And apparently, you're also a mother.", "7dJzNormYYM-00022-00009738-00010038": "Yes, yes I am.", "7dJzNormYYM-00023-00010038-00010753": "Right now, we have just our daughter, but I'm hoping that we have the patter of feet", "7dJzNormYYM-00024-00010753-00011004": "of more, hopefully several more months.", "7dJzNormYYM-00025-00011006-00011230": "But we have that in common as well.", "7dJzNormYYM-00026-00011240-00011518": "My oldest is my daughter Nabby.", "7dJzNormYYM-00027-00011614-00011838": "Good luck with your babies, my dear.", "7dJzNormYYM-00028-00011910-00012188": "My dear Hector, would you like to introduce yourself?", "7dJzNormYYM-00029-00012189-00012322": "My name is Edward Hector.", "7dJzNormYYM-00030-00012322-00012590": "Many of my friends know me as Ned.", "7dJzNormYYM-00031-00012724-00013094": "I'm one of many blacks who fought in the American Revolution.", "7dJzNormYYM-00032-00013213-00013584": "I served with Proctor's Third Pennsylvania Artillery.", "7dJzNormYYM-00033-00013646-00013968": "As a Bombardier and as an artillery teamster.", "7dJzNormYYM-00034-00013968-00014454": "As a Bombardier, I manned one of the three rear positions of the cannon.", "7dJzNormYYM-00035-00014454-00015112": "As a teamster, I transported ammunition and helped to haul the cannons from battle to battle.", "7dJzNormYYM-00036-00015212-00015746": "I saw action in the Battle of Brandywine and that Battle of Germantown as well.", "7dJzNormYYM-00037-00015830-00016430": "I am remembered for a heroic act involving saving my horses, my wagons, my cannons,", "7dJzNormYYM-00038-00016430-00016634": "and some fallen muskets.", "7dJzNormYYM-00039-00016702-00017084": "We were given the orders when our hill was overall ran by the Red Coats to abandon our", "7dJzNormYYM-00040-00017085-00017456": "horses, our wagons and retreat down towards Chester.", "7dJzNormYYM-00041-00017456-00017918": "Instead of doing that, I said they shall not have my team.", "7dJzNormYYM-00042-00017918-00018348": "I will save my team and myself.", "7dJzNormYYM-00043-00018664-00019160": "After the war, I would live to the age of 90 years old.", "7dJzNormYYM-00044-00019224-00019800": "I would try three times to get my pension from the Pennsylvania Congress only to be denied.", "7dJzNormYYM-00045-00019942-00020634": "They would finally grant me a gratuity instead of forty dollars.", "7dJzNormYYM-00046-00020837-00021442": "I'm so well-regarded in my home community of Conshohocken that I wouldn't be surprised", "7dJzNormYYM-00047-00021443-00021745": "if they would end up naming a street after me.", "7dJzNormYYM-00048-00021745-00021937": "That's wonderful, Bombardier Hector.", "7dJzNormYYM-00049-00021937-00022290": "I do believe they should name a street after you in Conshohocken.", "7dJzNormYYM-00050-00022290-00022578": "They should name the street \"Hector Street\" for you.", "7dJzNormYYM-00051-00022604-00023020": "And I personally would love to take a carriage ride down that street.", "7dJzNormYYM-00052-00023116-00023460": "Mr. Jefferson, would you like to do a brief introduction of yourself?", "7dJzNormYYM-00053-00023530-00023764": "My name is Thomas Jefferson.", "7dJzNormYYM-00054-00023766-00024774": "I was born in 1743 into a family and into a colony and into a culture that did not question", "7dJzNormYYM-00055-00024902-00025550": "to any practical degree, the notion that as one's grandparents and great grandparents", "7dJzNormYYM-00056-00025551-00026057": "were, and as one's parents were, so was one.", "7dJzNormYYM-00057-00026058-00026983": "That our worth as humans was determined more than any one thing on those who had come before us.", "7dJzNormYYM-00058-00027104-00027583": "I was born in a colony, colony of Virginia that was part of the British Empire.", "7dJzNormYYM-00059-00027583-00027750": "By being part of the British Empire,", "7dJzNormYYM-00060-00027750-00028166": "that meant that I grew up being very proud that I had a King.", "7dJzNormYYM-00061-00028166-00028866": "Being very proud of the fact that my King was my King because of who his parents were.", "7dJzNormYYM-00062-00028886-00029114": "That's what gave him value.", "7dJzNormYYM-00063-00029114-00029556": "Wasn't until later in my life, I began to challenge some of those ideas.", "7dJzNormYYM-00064-00029556-00029704": "I did, I began to question them.", "7dJzNormYYM-00065-00029742-00030095": "Mostly from reading and from various mentors and teachers", "7dJzNormYYM-00066-00030097-00030281": "I came across along the way.", "7dJzNormYYM-00067-00030281-00030516": "At William and Mary, and later in my study of law.", "7dJzNormYYM-00068-00030516-00030692": "And even later in my life.", "7dJzNormYYM-00069-00030783-00031406": "By the end of my life, I had helped in a movement on this continent, that inspired movements", "7dJzNormYYM-00070-00031406-00031945": "on other continents to challenge those things, that when I was a child, I barely questioned.", "7dJzNormYYM-00071-00032088-00032408": "We made progress in changing some of those.", "7dJzNormYYM-00072-00032408-00032826": "We questioned the validity of the Divine Right of Kings, the Right of a King to rule at all", "7dJzNormYYM-00073-00032826-00032995": "because of who his parents were.", "7dJzNormYYM-00074-00033056-00033706": "And we also laid the groundwork for questioning throughout of anyone to be considered free", "7dJzNormYYM-00075-00033707-00034398": "or slave, criminal or otherwise because of what the parents did.", "7dJzNormYYM-00076-00034398-00035052": "I'm proud of what I was able to do and helping change some of those things that were assumed", "7dJzNormYYM-00077-00035052-00035775": "when I was young. I acknowledged that I wasn't able to do everything, but by the time I came", "7dJzNormYYM-00078-00035775-00036810": "near the end of my time, I felt that imperfect though, any human effort might be, perhaps", "7dJzNormYYM-00079-00036810-00037279": "I could allow two or three things to stand as testimonials that I had lived.", "7dJzNormYYM-00080-00037279-00037503": "And what is a testimonial after all?", "7dJzNormYYM-00081-00037503-00037936": "It's not something that takes away all of your mistakes or pretends as though you are", "7dJzNormYYM-00082-00037936-00038101": "something greater than human.", "7dJzNormYYM-00083-00038101-00038286": "A testimonial is something that speaks for you.", "7dJzNormYYM-00084-00038286-00038636": "Someone that speaks for you and says, look at this person with all of their strengths", "7dJzNormYYM-00085-00038636-00038988": "and their faults here, are their merits.", "7dJzNormYYM-00086-00038988-00039319": "Please consider them when you consider this person's worth.", "7dJzNormYYM-00087-00039319-00039752": "If I were to be remembered then for three things that would stand as testimonials that", "7dJzNormYYM-00088-00039752-00040230": "I would live with all this in mind, I would say, I want to be remembered as the author", "7dJzNormYYM-00089-00040230-00040825": "of the Declaration of American Independence, of the Statute of Virginia for Religious Freedom,", "7dJzNormYYM-00090-00040825-00041100": "and father of the University of Virginia.", "7dJzNormYYM-00091-00041100-00041369": "Well, thank you Mr. Jefferson.", "7dJzNormYYM-00092-00041369-00041724": "I don't think I gave myself a brief introduction.", "7dJzNormYYM-00093-00041780-00041924": "Again, I am Ms. John Adams.", "7dJzNormYYM-00094-00041925-00042731": "And in response to your recollections and the things that you considered important", "7dJzNormYYM-00095-00042731-00043536": "in your life, Mr. Jefferson, I would say personally, I don't expect that I should be remembered", "7dJzNormYYM-00096-00043536-00044060": "for anything other than being the wife of John Adams, whom you knew very well.", "7dJzNormYYM-00097-00044060-00044597": "And Mr. Adams, and you served on a very important committee, the committee to draft the Declaration", "7dJzNormYYM-00098-00044597-00045075": "of Independency. Oh, you also serve together and separately in government for many years,", "7dJzNormYYM-00099-00045075-00045609": "but I should like to this day discuss the Declaration of Independency.", "7dJzNormYYM-00100-00045609-00046440": "Now it was on March 31st that I wrote my husband the letter in anticipation of that very same independence.", "7dJzNormYYM-00101-00046524-00047175": "I asked my husband though that as long as there was to be a new code of laws, which", "7dJzNormYYM-00102-00047175-00047660": "I supposed it would indeed be necessary for us all to make, that I desired you would", "7dJzNormYYM-00103-00047660-00047830": "remember the ladies.", "7dJzNormYYM-00104-00047830-00048303": "Be more kind and generous to us than your ancestors have been, and to not put unlimited", "7dJzNormYYM-00105-00048303-00048510": "power into the hands of the husbands.", "7dJzNormYYM-00106-00048611-00049102": "Now, unfortunately in our Declaration of Independency, certainly,", "7dJzNormYYM-00107-00049102-00049728": "and I know Mrs. Judge, you too can attest to this, that the ladies were not remembered.", "7dJzNormYYM-00108-00049815-00050226": "Indeed, one could easily say that", "7dJzNormYYM-00109-00050226-00050728": "three-fifths of our population were not necessarily included in the", "7dJzNormYYM-00110-00050728-00051312": "Declaration of Independency, but the Declaration of Independency was not law.", "7dJzNormYYM-00111-00051313-00051557": "It was not our Constitution.", "7dJzNormYYM-00112-00051557-00051722": "It was a guideline.", "7dJzNormYYM-00113-00051722-00051822": "It was the hope...", "7dJzNormYYM-00114-00051822-00052032": "it was a hope for the future.", "7dJzNormYYM-00115-00052032-00052580": "That as you have said on many times, Mr. Jefferson, all men are created equal.", "7dJzNormYYM-00116-00052580-00053249": "And it was your hope that in future generations, all men would be treated as they are created,", "7dJzNormYYM-00117-00053249-00053550": "which as you often say is equal.", "7dJzNormYYM-00118-00053550-00054566": "So, as we have a very diverse panel here today, I should like to ask us all, what is our hope", "7dJzNormYYM-00119-00054566-00055048": "for Independence in the United States?", "7dJzNormYYM-00120-00055048-00055311": "What is our hope for the future of this generation?", "7dJzNormYYM-00121-00055311-00055524": "What are we raising our children?", "7dJzNormYYM-00122-00055524-00055874": "Mrs. Judge, Mr. Hector,  Mr. Jefferson. We are all parents.", "7dJzNormYYM-00123-00055954-00056612": "What are we raising them to achieve for the future of this nation?", "7dJzNormYYM-00124-00056667-00057536": "As a new mother the one thing that I can hope for, I don't know if I will see it in my lifetime,", "7dJzNormYYM-00125-00057536-00058294": "but I do hope that it will happen for later generations for women, such as myself .", "7dJzNormYYM-00126-00058596-00059112": "And I hope that independence will come to everyone.", "7dJzNormYYM-00127-00059204-00059841": "I am raising my children to be strong and independent and to be educated.", "7dJzNormYYM-00128-00059898-00060170": "Education was not given to me.", "7dJzNormYYM-00129-00060170-00060994": "It was not thought to be necessary for who I was and for what I was doing.", "7dJzNormYYM-00130-00061114-00061944": "But I found that when you strip education away from an entire population of people,", "7dJzNormYYM-00131-00062028-00062214": "you render them powerless.", "7dJzNormYYM-00132-00062252-00063076": "But when I finally took those steps to leave the household, one of the first things that", "7dJzNormYYM-00133-00063076-00063870": "I did when I came to New Hampshire was I learned how to read and how to write. That to me is", "7dJzNormYYM-00134-00063874-00064428": "true independence, knowing what you are seeing", "7dJzNormYYM-00135-00064579-00064790": "and understanding it.", "7dJzNormYYM-00136-00064841-00065639": "And I know that my daughter is headstrong already, and I can only hope that she will", "7dJzNormYYM-00137-00065639-00066050": "be strong for the future generations as well.", "7dJzNormYYM-00138-00066050-00067000": "Education is important and should be stressed that everyone must learn their past.", "7dJzNormYYM-00139-00067000-00067423": "They must learn from their ancestors and they must learn from their community and they must", "7dJzNormYYM-00140-00067423-00067968": "come together to make sure that the young ones are reared up and educated.", "7dJzNormYYM-00141-00067968-00068518": "They must understand where we have come from so that we do not go back into that dark past.", "7dJzNormYYM-00142-00068640-00068762": "Mrs. Judge.", "7dJzNormYYM-00143-00068763-00069292": "I hear you're charming little Eliza there in the background, by the way, my sister is", "7dJzNormYYM-00144-00069292-00069392": "an Elizabeth.", "7dJzNormYYM-00145-00069392-00069644": "So it's a name that's very near and dear to our family.", "7dJzNormYYM-00146-00069644-00070139": "I would like to know, how are you able to educate your daughter?", "7dJzNormYYM-00147-00070140-00070546": "What is the state of education in the state of New Hampshire?", "7dJzNormYYM-00148-00070604-00070910": "I rely on the lot of the free community.", "7dJzNormYYM-00149-00070910-00071424": "They helped me in Philadelphia, and they've helped me in New Hampshire.", "7dJzNormYYM-00150-00071424-00072034": "It was difficult to trust again, especially after the fugitive slave act.", "7dJzNormYYM-00151-00072200-00072666": "It really made me very nervous to consider", "7dJzNormYYM-00152-00072900-00073268": "that a white person would be willing to help me.", "7dJzNormYYM-00153-00073268-00073994": "I had to remind myself that there are those who wish to see me do better in my life,", "7dJzNormYYM-00154-00073994-00074911": "who wished for me to understand and to grow in their community and as shocking as it is,", "7dJzNormYYM-00155-00074912-00075560": "Mr. Whipple in New Hampshire has been very, very, very good to me and my family.", "7dJzNormYYM-00156-00075608-00076277": "And the free community here has been very helpful, but I'm mostly the one that is teaching", "7dJzNormYYM-00157-00076277-00076981": "them the numbers and their letters, which is helping me to get better with my numbers", "7dJzNormYYM-00158-00076981-00077232": "and my letters, which I did not think possible.", "7dJzNormYYM-00159-00077311-00077800": "But I find comfort in doing that with them.", "7dJzNormYYM-00160-00077800-00078326": "I love the repetition of it, and I do enjoy reading.", "7dJzNormYYM-00161-00078326-00078483": "I really do.", "7dJzNormYYM-00162-00078483-00078877": "And I love to read to them at night and I read to them stories and I've read to them", "7dJzNormYYM-00163-00078877-00079163": "from the Bible and it comforts me.", "7dJzNormYYM-00164-00079163-00079297": "It comforts them.", "7dJzNormYYM-00165-00079297-00080002": "And I hope they pass that on, but it's the community here, the free community that has", "7dJzNormYYM-00166-00080002-00080332": "blessed me with this opportunity.", "7dJzNormYYM-00167-00080332-00080974": "With having someone show me the letters and understand the numbers and how they work and", "7dJzNormYYM-00168-00080974-00081358": "how I can apply that to my everyday life.", "7dJzNormYYM-00169-00081676-00082470": "Mr. Hector, Bombardier Hector, would you like to give us your thoughts and your hopes for independence?", "7dJzNormYYM-00170-00082470-00082889": "Even more so than my personal desire to be", "7dJzNormYYM-00171-00082890-00083448": "remembered I want those like myself to be remembered.", "7dJzNormYYM-00172-00083580-00084013": "Three to five thousand people of color served the American Cause.", "7dJzNormYYM-00173-00084014-00084280": "Seven to ten thousand served the British.", "7dJzNormYYM-00174-00084356-00084834": "Believe it or not, General Washington would have one of the most integrated armies all", "7dJzNormYYM-00175-00084834-00085400": "the way up until, well, until much, much, much later.", "7dJzNormYYM-00176-00085484-00085980": "General Washington also will command at least three majority black regimens, one from Massachusetts,", "7dJzNormYYM-00177-00085980-00086342": "one from Rhode Island, and a group that would come in with the French from Haiti.", "7dJzNormYYM-00178-00086444-00086784": "And they would play an important part in the struggle for our independence.", "7dJzNormYYM-00179-00087038-00087294": "Again, the battle up in New York.", "7dJzNormYYM-00180-00087295-00087855": "We'd be losing every last battle until finally we would have our backs up against the river", "7dJzNormYYM-00181-00087855-00088311": "at Brooklyn Heights, we would be trapped. The next day, the British are going to close in.", "7dJzNormYYM-00182-00088311-00088505": "They are going to annihilate this army.", "7dJzNormYYM-00183-00088505-00088662": "They're going to capture the traitor Washington.", "7dJzNormYYM-00184-00088662-00089198": "That's going to be the end of our fight for independence, but under the cover night and", "7dJzNormYYM-00185-00089198-00089630": "fog, under the very nose of the British warships that were anchored in that Harbor that night,", "7dJzNormYYM-00186-00089630-00089801": "men would rule their boats up.", "7dJzNormYYM-00187-00089801-00090188": "They load these men onto their boats, and they would take them across the river.", "7dJzNormYYM-00188-00090188-00090461": "Some making that trip as many as 11 times at night.", "7dJzNormYYM-00189-00090461-00090834": "What people don't realize is that many of those men who are rowing those boats are", "7dJzNormYYM-00190-00090834-00091160": "black sailors from Marblehead, Massachusetts.", "7dJzNormYYM-00191-00091172-00091800": "That night, these men save our revolution and allow us to continue our fight for independence.", "7dJzNormYYM-00192-00091882-00092137": "Not only that there's going to be another battle", "7dJzNormYYM-00193-00092138-00092360": "that's going to come down the pike,  the Battle of Yorktown.", "7dJzNormYYM-00194-00092360-00092908": "Oh, did you know that we had spies in the British camp? There are black spies in the", "7dJzNormYYM-00195-00092908-00093302": "British camp. They would get information that the British are going to Yorktown.", "7dJzNormYYM-00196-00093508-00093748": "Washington and Lafayette will make plans.", "7dJzNormYYM-00197-00093748-00093946": "They would surround the British at Yorktown.", "7dJzNormYYM-00198-00094046-00094572": "But in trying to execute the battle, trying to take Yorktown, they would get thrown back", "7dJzNormYYM-00199-00094572-00095024": "a couple of times. Finally they would start doing it digging trenches towards Yorktown.", "7dJzNormYYM-00200-00095104-00095494": "Washington would call on his best regiments, the Rhode Island regiment.", "7dJzNormYYM-00201-00095494-00096210": "They go in with their bayonets fixed, their guns unloaded, and they would take their objective", "7dJzNormYYM-00202-00096210-00096473": "of one of those defensive positions", "7dJzNormYYM-00203-00096474-00096614": "in 10 minutes.", "7dJzNormYYM-00204-00096658-00096804": "The French would take out the other one.", "7dJzNormYYM-00205-00096804-00096974": "We would bring up our heavy cannons.", "7dJzNormYYM-00206-00096974-00097160": "We're committed with the bombardment of the city.", "7dJzNormYYM-00207-00097160-00097418": "Until finally, finally, the British would give up.", "7dJzNormYYM-00208-00097518-00097730": "This is where we would win the war.", "7dJzNormYYM-00209-00097730-00098590": "By the end of the war, 10 to 25% of Washington's army would be people of color.", "7dJzNormYYM-00210-00098824-00099384": "Now, people may not realize that the good General doesn't really win that many battles.", "7dJzNormYYM-00211-00099385-00099689": "Maybe let's pretend he fights ten battles, out of ten battles", "7dJzNormYYM-00212-00099690-00099950": "maybe the only wins two or three.", "7dJzNormYYM-00213-00100150-00100416": "Now you take away about a quarter of its army.", "7dJzNormYYM-00214-00100416-00100880": "What do you think the chances of them winning this war are now?", "7dJzNormYYM-00215-00100932-00101096": "Not too good.", "7dJzNormYYM-00216-00101136-00101836": "So, we people of color played an important part and the central part to us being the", "7dJzNormYYM-00217-00101837-00102200": "independent nation that we will become later on.", "7dJzNormYYM-00218-00102361-00102974": "What I hope to see is that we are no longer divided by so many differences.", "7dJzNormYYM-00219-00102974-00103870": "And we can see what makes us similar to one another: family, children, as such as they are.", "7dJzNormYYM-00220-00103906-00104785": "But I want my story to be known because it wasn't just the men who ran away.", "7dJzNormYYM-00221-00104785-00105265": "And it wasn't just people who had means.", "7dJzNormYYM-00222-00105265-00106117": "And sometimes you strike when the iron is hot and you go and you leave behind everything", "7dJzNormYYM-00223-00106118-00107258": "and everyone you've ever known, but you make your own new family and family is what's important.", "7dJzNormYYM-00224-00107314-00107661": "The community and the bonds that you create.", "7dJzNormYYM-00225-00107661-00108319": "I hope my story is known and it gives inspiration to women that we can do great things, even", "7dJzNormYYM-00226-00108319-00108844": "if we can't read and we can't write, we can accomplish great things.", "7dJzNormYYM-00227-00108894-00109518": "And don't feel limited by your lack of education or your lack of funds.", "7dJzNormYYM-00228-00109618-00110300": "Just remember your past, what you hope to see and for your future.", "7dJzNormYYM-00229-00110300-00110518": "And that'll drive you towards pushing.", "7dJzNormYYM-00230-00110664-00111138": "We have set what I think of as a primitive example, not for future generations to follow,", "7dJzNormYYM-00231-00111139-00111473": "but for future generations to improve upon.", "7dJzNormYYM-00232-00111473-00112002": "All men are created equal means that the earth belongs to the living, not to the dead.", "7dJzNormYYM-00233-00112002-00112532": "With that in mind, I hope that the words in this document, our Declaration of Independence,", "7dJzNormYYM-00234-00112540-00113328": "serve to continually remind each succeeding generation that they are our future peers.", "7dJzNormYYM-00235-00113329-00114049": "And as our peers, it is not for them to place us on pedestals, but rather to take their", "7dJzNormYYM-00236-00114049-00114705": "rightful place beside us in the never ending fight against tyranny, they will achieve this", "7dJzNormYYM-00237-00114705-00115201": "by encouraging the progress of science and all its branches, and not by raising a hue", "7dJzNormYYM-00238-00115201-00115774": "and cry against the sacred name of philosophy, nor by aweing the human mind by stories of", "7dJzNormYYM-00239-00115774-00116349": "raw head and bloody bones, to a distrust of its own vision and to repose implicitly on", "7dJzNormYYM-00240-00116349-00116494": "that of others.", "7dJzNormYYM-00241-00116494-00116950": "To go backward instead of forwards, to look for improvement, to believe that government,", "7dJzNormYYM-00242-00116950-00117419": "religion, morality, and every other science we're in the highest perfection and ages of", "7dJzNormYYM-00243-00117419-00118044": "the darkest ignorance, and that nothing can ever be devised more perfect than what was", "7dJzNormYYM-00244-00118044-00118254": "established by their forefathers.", "7dJzNormYYM-00245-00118309-00118858": "If by contemplation of the words in the Declaration of Independence, future generations can know", "7dJzNormYYM-00246-00118858-00119570": "that they are in full possession of the sacred fire of Liberty and that they can and must", "7dJzNormYYM-00247-00119570-00120121": "spread the light from that flame to enlighten the world more than was possible for the generation", "7dJzNormYYM-00248-00120121-00120367": "that first kindled that flame.", "7dJzNormYYM-00249-00120367-00120971": "That will mean that America has improved, not become perfect, but more perfect.", "7dJzNormYYM-00250-00120971-00121233": "And I believe that is all we can hope for.", "7dJzNormYYM-00251-00121352-00121788": "I want to thank you all for joining me today in this discussion.", "7dJzNormYYM-00252-00121788-00122439": "I do hope that we give the rising generation some things to think about as for myself and", "7dJzNormYYM-00253-00122440-00122746": "for my closing hopes for this nation.", "7dJzNormYYM-00254-00122809-00123168": "My hopes for myself are long gone.", "7dJzNormYYM-00255-00123169-00123331": "I am a woman of a certain age.", "7dJzNormYYM-00256-00123331-00123799": "My children are all birthed and they are busy being educated.", "7dJzNormYYM-00257-00123799-00124326": "They are busy forming their own lives, having their own children.", "7dJzNormYYM-00258-00124326-00124858": "That is indeed what our movement of independence was for.", "7dJzNormYYM-00259-00124858-00125553": "So that we would not consign future generations to feeling of servitude that we could not", "7dJzNormYYM-00260-00125553-00126151": "leave our country in a worse position than we ourselves have been born to.", "7dJzNormYYM-00261-00126151-00127044": "It is my hope that I am raising my children, that they should carry on the goals of Liberty", "7dJzNormYYM-00262-00127044-00127764": "for all, that they should carry on the idea that all men are created equal and that eventually", "7dJzNormYYM-00263-00127764-00128040": "we will come to a more perfect union.", "7dJzNormYYM-00264-00128040-00128726": "The one that is promised in our eventual Constitution. I want to thank you all for joining me today.", "7dJzNormYYM-00265-00128726-00129142": "And I wish you all well in our future endeavors as a nation."}}, {"audio_id": "7dJEsQwWccU", "text": {"7dJEsQwWccU-00000-00000003-00000404": "The response from all our villages and our one town of Camboerne in South", "7dJEsQwWccU-00001-00000404-00000849": "Cambridgeshire to the Coronavirus has been so inspirational that I've asked", "7dJEsQwWccU-00002-00000849-00001224": "all our district councillors to tell you what they're doing to support their own", "7dJEsQwWccU-00003-00001224-00001752": "communities. In Gamlingay over a hundred volunteers got up and running in", "7dJEsQwWccU-00004-00001752-00002334": "no time at all and so my job is to be the data controller, managing all the", "7dJEsQwWccU-00005-00002334-00002693": "information that's coming from the county and the district councils. I've", "7dJEsQwWccU-00006-00002693-00003081": "done a few grant applications for them, and I'm there to answer their questions", "7dJEsQwWccU-00007-00003081-00003914": "and hopefully help them solve some problems. My heartfelt thanks go to all our volunteers and to all our district", "7dJEsQwWccU-00008-00003914-00004332": "councillors. As a local district councillor I am still supporting", "7dJEsQwWccU-00009-00004332-00004746": "residents in the way I would normally in relation to planning applications", "7dJEsQwWccU-00010-00004746-00005262": "and everything else but with coronavirus the main reason we're here is to support our", "7dJEsQwWccU-00011-00005262-00005664": "residents and to support the volunteers and parish councillors that are working", "7dJEsQwWccU-00012-00005664-00006071": "incredibly hard to support everyone at this time. It's a real team effort and I", "7dJEsQwWccU-00013-00006071-00006642": "must say that I've been overwhelmed by the reaction that has come from from my", "7dJEsQwWccU-00014-00006642-00006959": "ward.Everyone's been amazing .And also I", "7dJEsQwWccU-00015-00006959-00007389": "am walking a marathon in my garden to raise money for Addenbrooke's.", "7dJEsQwWccU-00016-00007389-00007811": "Over the last few weeks I've been coordinating with the district council,", "7dJEsQwWccU-00017-00007811-00008313": "volunteer group and three churches here in Waterbeach. It's involved many", "7dJEsQwWccU-00018-00008313-00008711": "phone calls and cross-checking of spreadsheets and checking that nobody", "7dJEsQwWccU-00019-00008711-00009582": "falls through the net. I feel very privileged to represent a ward and live in a village where so many people have volunteered their time and stepped up", "7dJEsQwWccU-00020-00009582-00009926": "in whichever way they can", "7dJEsQwWccU-00021-00009926-00010122": "So I've been concentrating on trying to reach out to", "7dJEsQwWccU-00022-00010122-00010434": "the people who haven't asked for help maybe because they didn't want to bother", "7dJEsQwWccU-00023-00010434-00010950": "anybody but still have some sort of additional need that we can help with", "7dJEsQwWccU-00024-00010950-00011571": "and I'd like to say that the response here from the Sawston community to this", "7dJEsQwWccU-00025-00011571-00012047": "crisis has been absolutely fantastic. Great community spirit and long may that", "7dJEsQwWccU-00026-00012047-00012392": "continue while ever we've got to continue staying at home.", "7dJEsQwWccU-00027-00012392-00012872": "In Cottenham we have a very popular Covid-19 community support", "7dJEsQwWccU-00028-00012872-00013355": "scheme to help with shopping, collecting prescriptions or even just a friendly", "7dJEsQwWccU-00029-00013355-00013795": "chat if people are feeling a bit isolated so that no one at any point", "7dJEsQwWccU-00030-00013795-00014333": "needs to feel isolated or feel that they need to go out.We have over two hundred", "7dJEsQwWccU-00031-00014333-00015056": "and forty volunteers and we even have a no cash payment system which means that", "7dJEsQwWccU-00032-00015056-00015856": "at all times no money has to change hands.This helps keep everyone safe."}}, {"audio_id": "7dUULf0deQE", "text": {"7dUULf0deQE-00000-00000186-00000858": "Melissa Jenkins was a school teacher and Basketball coach from Vermont who", "7dUULf0deQE-00001-00000858-00001344": "went missing under mysterious circumstances in March of 2012. Thankfully, she was found", "7dUULf0deQE-00002-00001344-00001920": "within 24 hours of her disappearance. But unfortunately, her discovery would reveal a", "7dUULf0deQE-00003-00001920-00002352": "disturbing crime that was committed by two suspects who claim they were her friends.", "7dUULf0deQE-00004-00003188-00003288": "[intro]", "7dUULf0deQE-00005-00003288-00003864": "Melissa Jenkins was a 33-year-old single mother who, on the surface, seemed like your typical", "7dUULf0deQE-00006-00003864-00004476": "American woman. But in reality, she was far more than that. Melissa was truly one of the nicest", "7dUULf0deQE-00007-00004476-00004926": "women in her area, and she would do just about anything for anyone. Everyone in her community,", "7dUULf0deQE-00008-00004926-00005478": "both before and after her untimely passing, had nothing but nice things to say about her.", "7dUULf0deQE-00009-00005478-00006054": "She made a living by teaching at St. Johnsbury Academy in Vermont. St. Johnsbury is a private", "7dUULf0deQE-00010-00006054-00006473": "school, but it’s considered a non-profit as well, giving it a leg-up over some of the other", "7dUULf0deQE-00011-00006473-00006912": "schools of this nature. Melissa was one of the school’s science teachers who was loved by all", "7dUULf0deQE-00012-00006912-00007368": "of her students - every year, it seems like students fought as hard as they could to land", "7dUULf0deQE-00013-00007368-00007866": "a place in her class, she was a great teacher who got on well with all of her students and", "7dUULf0deQE-00014-00007866-00008358": "made sure that each of them felt welcomed, heard, and cared for. She always had her", "7dUULf0deQE-00015-00008358-00008820": "students' best interest at heart and had a true passion for furthering the future generations.", "7dUULf0deQE-00016-00008892-00009336": "When she wasn’t teaching science, she spent her time coaching the school’s basketball team,", "7dUULf0deQE-00017-00009336-00009768": "coaching grades 9 through 12, as far as I can tell. Melissa knew that,", "7dUULf0deQE-00018-00009768-00010236": "if her students were going to succeed, they not only needed a proper education, but they", "7dUULf0deQE-00019-00010236-00010686": "needed an extracurricular outlet as well, and she was more than willing to provide this for them.", "7dUULf0deQE-00020-00010686-00011262": "Not only was Melissa an amazing teacher and coach, but she was a great mother as well. We don’t know", "7dUULf0deQE-00021-00011262-00011724": "much about what led Melissa to become a single mother, but we know that she had a 2-year-old son", "7dUULf0deQE-00022-00011724-00012222": "who was the center of her world. Unfortunately, she needed to work two jobs to make ends meet,", "7dUULf0deQE-00023-00012222-00012750": "but she was happy to do so if it meant building a better life for her son. To make this happen,", "7dUULf0deQE-00024-00012750-00013146": "she’d spend nights and weekends working as a waitress at a local restaurant.", "7dUULf0deQE-00025-00013146-00013686": "Considering Melissa spent almost every waking minute of her day either at work or in the public", "7dUULf0deQE-00026-00013686-00014244": "in some capacity, it became all the more shocking when she seemingly dropped off the face of the", "7dUULf0deQE-00027-00014244-00014784": "earth on March 25th, 2012. None of her friends were able to get in touch with her throughout the", "7dUULf0deQE-00028-00014784-00015282": "evening, and she’d been watching her 2-year-old son that evening as well, so her ex-boyfriend", "7dUULf0deQE-00029-00015282-00015810": "grew incredibly concerned for both the safety of Melissa, and for her son. After several hours", "7dUULf0deQE-00030-00015810-00016291": "went by and he’d still been unable to reach her or locate her, he decided to call 911.", "7dUULf0deQE-00031-00016291-00016332": "The Disappearance", "7dUULf0deQE-00032-00016914-00017544": "It was March 25th, 2012 when police received a call from Melissa’s boyfriend. He explained that", "7dUULf0deQE-00033-00017544-00017940": "he’d received a call from Melissa earlier that night about a couple friends of hers", "7dUULf0deQE-00034-00017940-00018408": "that were having car troubles. He explained that Melissa had offered to come help the friends out,", "7dUULf0deQE-00035-00018408-00018858": "but he never heard another word from her after this, despite dozens of phone calls.", "7dUULf0deQE-00036-00018858-00019254": "Her boyfriend continued by saying that he’d gone out looking for Melissa that evening,", "7dUULf0deQE-00037-00019254-00019800": "but he couldn’t find any trace of her. But this is where things get pretty interesting.", "7dUULf0deQE-00038-00019800-00020322": "He explained that Melissa sounded strange when he spoke with her on the phone, but he didn’t think", "7dUULf0deQE-00039-00020322-00020790": "much of it at the time. But he grew incredibly concerned when he finally found her car,", "7dUULf0deQE-00040-00020790-00021276": "abandoned on Goss Hollow Road. This doesn’t seem to have been a road that she’d normally", "7dUULf0deQE-00041-00021276-00021744": "travel down - it was a dirt road just a short distance from her home, but her ex-boyfriend", "7dUULf0deQE-00042-00021744-00022164": "couldn't figure out any reason she would’ve been in this area at this time of night.", "7dUULf0deQE-00043-00022164-00022614": "When he approached her car, he realized it was still running. He looked in the windows,", "7dUULf0deQE-00044-00022614-00023082": "but there was still no sign of Melissa. But then he noticed the most disturbing detail of", "7dUULf0deQE-00045-00023082-00023628": "all - her son was still strapped into his car seat in the back of the car, all by himself.", "7dUULf0deQE-00046-00023628-00024198": "After telling police all of these details, investigators showed up within minutes. We", "7dUULf0deQE-00047-00024198-00024612": "don’t know why the young boy wasn’t given to his father, but he was sent to live with a family", "7dUULf0deQE-00048-00024612-00025092": "friend while police ironed out the details of what was going on. There were obvious signs", "7dUULf0deQE-00049-00025092-00025584": "of a struggle found just outside of the car, including various shoe prints, scrapes, smudges", "7dUULf0deQE-00050-00025584-00026088": "and an unidentified set of tire tracks. A baseball hat was found on the ground near the front of the", "7dUULf0deQE-00051-00026088-00026520": "car, but it didn’t belong to Melissa and none of her friends or family recognized the hat.", "7dUULf0deQE-00052-00026520-00027054": "The tire tracks that were seen a short distance away looked as if the person driving the car had", "7dUULf0deQE-00053-00027054-00027600": "sped away in a hurry, but it was the next piece of evidence found near the tracks that made police", "7dUULf0deQE-00054-00027600-00028248": "all the more suspicious. They found Melissa’s cell phone on the ground, crushed and rendered useless.", "7dUULf0deQE-00055-00028302-00028620": "Officers collected the phone for evidence, but there wasn’t much", "7dUULf0deQE-00056-00028620-00028968": "information on the phone that proved to be beneficial to the investigation.", "7dUULf0deQE-00057-00028968-00029364": "By the time detectives had collected all of the evidence from the scene of the crime,", "7dUULf0deQE-00058-00029364-00029772": "it was beginning to get dark out, meaning their investigation met a new challenge.", "7dUULf0deQE-00059-00029838-00030324": "Regardless, police worked tirelessly through the night to collect every piece of evidence they", "7dUULf0deQE-00060-00030324-00030822": "could, but it seemed the suspects had managed to successfully leave the scene of the crime without", "7dUULf0deQE-00061-00030822-00031386": "leaving anything of significance behind. Except for Melissa’s two year old son. As it would turn", "7dUULf0deQE-00062-00031386-00031877": "out, he’d witnessed the entire struggle, and he was willing to tell police everything he saw.", "7dUULf0deQE-00063-00031877-00032448": "The Investigation", "7dUULf0deQE-00064-00032448-00032964": "As with most missing person cases, the first person detectives suspected of the crime was", "7dUULf0deQE-00065-00032964-00033462": "Melissa’s boyfriend. Police interviewed the boyfriend and he gave a few conflicting accounts", "7dUULf0deQE-00066-00033462-00033930": "to officers. According to Melissa’s brother, the boyfriend wanted a serious relationship,", "7dUULf0deQE-00067-00033930-00034440": "but Melissa just wasn’t into him like that, or at the very least, she wasn’t ready for such a", "7dUULf0deQE-00068-00034440-00034962": "strong commitment so soon, considering she had a son now. She either wanted to break things off or", "7dUULf0deQE-00069-00034962-00035478": "just keep things somewhat casual. According to her brother, the boyfriend wouldn’t let this go and it", "7dUULf0deQE-00070-00035478-00035898": "seems as though he often pressured Melissa into committing, even though she wasn't ready.", "7dUULf0deQE-00071-00035952-00036402": "But when officers spoke with the boyfriend about this, he claimed the brother was either", "7dUULf0deQE-00072-00036402-00036924": "lying or was ignorant to the truth. According to the boyfriend, he agreed with Melissa’s", "7dUULf0deQE-00073-00036924-00037410": "decision to take things slow. Police weren’t buying this at first, so they decided to take", "7dUULf0deQE-00074-00037410-00037860": "a mold of his boots to compare them to the boot prints found at the scene of the crime.", "7dUULf0deQE-00075-00037860-00038202": "Turns out, they weren’t a match, and police decided to let him go.", "7dUULf0deQE-00076-00038202-00038682": "The following day, investigators called in the help of a detective who specialized in", "7dUULf0deQE-00077-00038682-00039180": "interviewing children. They brought in Melissa’s son and spoke with him about what had happened", "7dUULf0deQE-00078-00039180-00039630": "the night that his mother went missing. It turns out, the boy, despite only being two years old,", "7dUULf0deQE-00079-00039630-00040242": "was able to reveal a lot of information to police about the crime. He told investigators that his", "7dUULf0deQE-00080-00040242-00040794": "mother had been attacked by two people. Not only this, but when police asked what happened to his", "7dUULf0deQE-00081-00040794-00041310": "mom, he grabbed himself by the neck, looked at the detective and said “mommy cried.”", "7dUULf0deQE-00082-00041310-00041850": "Catching The Criminals", "7dUULf0deQE-00083-00041850-00042216": "After hearing this terrifying confession from Melissa’s son,", "7dUULf0deQE-00084-00042216-00042732": "the next person of interest was the father of Melissa’s son. Just to clarify things here,", "7dUULf0deQE-00085-00042732-00043080": "Melissa’s boyfriend - the one we’ve been speaking about up to this point, the one", "7dUULf0deQE-00086-00043080-00043590": "who discovered her car - was not the father of her son. The boy’s father lived about 80 miles", "7dUULf0deQE-00087-00043590-00044112": "away in Burlington. Police interviewed him, but he had an alibi and was cleared almost immediately.", "7dUULf0deQE-00088-00044112-00044568": "This brought police back to St. Johnsbury. When they made their way into Melissa’s home,", "7dUULf0deQE-00089-00044568-00045078": "they searched every square inch of the property, but found no indication of a struggle or anything", "7dUULf0deQE-00090-00045078-00045582": "that was amiss. It seemed as though they’d reached a dead end. But as they looked around,", "7dUULf0deQE-00091-00045582-00046128": "they did notice one small detail that seemed vaguely interesting - a business card for a", "7dUULf0deQE-00092-00046128-00046572": "snow plowing business, owned by Allen and Patricia Prue. The police didn’t know if", "7dUULf0deQE-00093-00046572-00047010": "this business card was significant, but it seemed as though she’d only recently received the card,", "7dUULf0deQE-00094-00047010-00047316": "so they thought the owners of the business might have some details", "7dUULf0deQE-00095-00047316-00047646": "to share, if they happened to have been present prior to the crime taking place.", "7dUULf0deQE-00096-00047724-00048204": "By this point in the investigation, police strongly suspected that Melissa had already", "7dUULf0deQE-00097-00048204-00048744": "lost her life. They kept their options open, but they prepared for the worst, as the evidence found", "7dUULf0deQE-00098-00048744-00049182": "at the scene of the crime didn’t suggest that the perpetrators intended to keep Melissa alive", "7dUULf0deQE-00099-00049182-00049782": "for very long, and time was running out. Police searched every possible area where someone might", "7dUULf0deQE-00100-00049782-00050370": "have wanted to dispose of incriminating evidence, but they continually turned up empty handed. They", "7dUULf0deQE-00101-00050370-00050808": "even searched all the local rest stops and ditches, but there was nothing to be found.", "7dUULf0deQE-00102-00050868-00051426": "It was around the 24 hour mark that investigators received a tip that would blow the case wide open.", "7dUULf0deQE-00103-00051486-00051978": "Someone had called in from a local boat launch and reported that they noticed something suspicious", "7dUULf0deQE-00104-00051978-00052512": "sticking out of the water in a local fishing spot. Investigators didn’t think much of it, but they", "7dUULf0deQE-00105-00052512-00053040": "decided to investigate anyway. Once they arrived, they immediately knew that they’d encountered a", "7dUULf0deQE-00106-00053040-00053604": "crime scene. As they drew closer to the mysterious object in the water, they found out quite quickly", "7dUULf0deQE-00107-00053604-00054174": "that this wasn’t an object - it was a woman. And this woman was none other than Melissa Jenkins.", "7dUULf0deQE-00108-00054174-00054605": "A scuba team was called to the scene of the crime to help collect all of the evidence that", "7dUULf0deQE-00109-00054605-00055122": "may have been left underwater. Mind you, this was all taking place in the middle of March in", "7dUULf0deQE-00110-00055122-00055602": "Vermont - the waters were borderline-freezing temperatures, but the scuba team had a job", "7dUULf0deQE-00111-00055602-00056064": "to do - and they did it well. As they looked under the water, they found that Melissa had", "7dUULf0deQE-00112-00056064-00056574": "been secured in place with a few cinder blocks and rope. Thankfully, they were able to free her", "7dUULf0deQE-00113-00056574-00057036": "without much issue, allowing police to look into the case without too much degradation of evidence.", "7dUULf0deQE-00114-00057036-00057534": "Photos from the scene have been kept under wraps, but officers revealed that Melissa had been placed", "7dUULf0deQE-00115-00057534-00058062": "into the water facedown. She was then secured with the aforementioned cinder blocks and rope,", "7dUULf0deQE-00116-00058062-00058572": "then covered up with sticks and brush to try to conceal her location - but this seems to have", "7dUULf0deQE-00117-00058572-00059070": "been done in a haphazard rush, proving that the criminals weren’t prepared for this crime ahead", "7dUULf0deQE-00118-00059070-00059484": "of time. None of Melissa’s clothes were found at the scene of the crime, and there was virtually", "7dUULf0deQE-00119-00059484-00059922": "no other evidence to lead investigators to the suspects that may have done this.", "7dUULf0deQE-00120-00059922-00060108": "But when she was pulled from the water,", "7dUULf0deQE-00121-00060108-00060450": "police realized something that shocked them to their core.", "7dUULf0deQE-00122-00060450-00061020": "A Crime of Passion", "7dUULf0deQE-00123-00061020-00061452": "When police looked into the evidence that was collected directly from Melissa’s remains,", "7dUULf0deQE-00124-00061452-00061914": "they found that she was covered in bruises and had several serious wounds that were", "7dUULf0deQE-00125-00061914-00062352": "inflicted immediately prior to her losing her life. These wounds were indicative of", "7dUULf0deQE-00126-00062352-00062790": "a stun gun being repeatedly used, but the next piece of evidence wasn’t what", "7dUULf0deQE-00127-00062790-00063216": "officers would have ever expected. They found that someone had taken Melissa’s", "7dUULf0deQE-00128-00063216-00063738": "life with their bare hands - an up close and personal attack that wasn’t consistent", "7dUULf0deQE-00129-00063738-00064188": "with the evidence officers had collected up to this point. They believed they were initially", "7dUULf0deQE-00130-00064188-00064752": "investigating a crime of opportunity, but now they were investigating a crime of passion.", "7dUULf0deQE-00131-00064752-00065088": "When officers began to backtrack Melissa’s steps from that day,", "7dUULf0deQE-00132-00065088-00065562": "they first checked her phone records to see who she’d spoken to that evening. They", "7dUULf0deQE-00133-00065562-00066132": "found that one call had come in from a prepaid burner phone at around 8:30 that evening. They", "7dUULf0deQE-00134-00066132-00066504": "found that the burner phone had only been used to make this one, single phone call.", "7dUULf0deQE-00135-00066504-00067020": "This led investigators to a store in New Hampshire, where the phone had been purchased.", "7dUULf0deQE-00136-00067020-00067422": "When they asked the manager about the sale of the phone, they learned that the device had been", "7dUULf0deQE-00137-00067422-00068058": "purchased with a check. The signature on the check tied it to none other than Patricia Prue - the", "7dUULf0deQE-00138-00068058-00068472": "same name that had been printed on the business card that was found inside of Melissa’s home.", "7dUULf0deQE-00139-00068472-00068916": "Police planned on calling in the Prue’s to interrogate them. But as", "7dUULf0deQE-00140-00068916-00069108": "it would turn out - they didn’t need to call them,", "7dUULf0deQE-00141-00069108-00069552": "because when they arrived back at the police station, the Prue’s were there waiting on them.", "7dUULf0deQE-00142-00069552-00069960": "When officers spoke with the couple, Patricia said that she’d come into the police station", "7dUULf0deQE-00143-00069960-00070458": "to report her identity being stolen, and she believed her ex-husband was behind it.", "7dUULf0deQE-00144-00070458-00071016": "But police quickly turned the conversation to Melissa Jenkins, and the couple both admitted", "7dUULf0deQE-00145-00071016-00071598": "that they had met Melissa before -in fact, they were friends of hers. They’d plowed her driveway a", "7dUULf0deQE-00146-00071598-00072132": "couple times the previous winter, and friends and family of Melissa also said that this was true.", "7dUULf0deQE-00147-00072132-00072570": "They learned that Melissa was very friendly with the Prue couple, but that she hadn’t", "7dUULf0deQE-00148-00072570-00073026": "spoken to them in several months. They’d been reasonably close friends leading up to this,", "7dUULf0deQE-00149-00073026-00073452": "but according to one of Melissa’s friends, Melissa had to end their agreement because", "7dUULf0deQE-00150-00073452-00073980": "she was creeped out by Allen. As it would turn out, Allen had romantic feelings for", "7dUULf0deQE-00151-00073980-00074436": "Melissa - but these feelings were not mutual. Allen had asked her out on multiple dates,", "7dUULf0deQE-00152-00074436-00074910": "but Melissa repeatedly declined, and eventually terminated their business agreement as a result.", "7dUULf0deQE-00153-00074910-00075252": "The Prue’s were allowed to leave the police station that day,", "7dUULf0deQE-00154-00075252-00075642": "but they were secretly placed under police surveillance over the next few days.", "7dUULf0deQE-00155-00075708-00076170": "Investigators knew that the couple were acting suspicious, and they believed they", "7dUULf0deQE-00156-00076170-00076626": "may have been involved in the crime, but they didn’t have any evidence to prove it just yet.", "7dUULf0deQE-00157-00076626-00077178": "A Revelation", "7dUULf0deQE-00158-00077178-00077664": "Police eventually managed to retrieve the CCTV footage from the store where the burner phone", "7dUULf0deQE-00159-00077664-00078138": "had been purchased, and as expected, both Allen and Patricia were seen in the footage.", "7dUULf0deQE-00160-00078192-00078390": "During their interrogation with the couple,", "7dUULf0deQE-00161-00078390-00078834": "police noted that Allen mentioned visiting a drive-thru restaurant that same evening,", "7dUULf0deQE-00162-00078834-00079338": "so they requested footage from this restaurant as well. When the footage finally arrived,", "7dUULf0deQE-00163-00079338-00080016": "investigators were speechless. The CCTV footage showed Allen wearing the same hat that had been", "7dUULf0deQE-00164-00080016-00080430": "found at the crime scene that day - the one that had been left behind in front of Melissa’s car.", "7dUULf0deQE-00165-00080430-00080982": "Police called the couple back in for follow up questions, this time speaking to them separately.", "7dUULf0deQE-00166-00080982-00081354": "Patricia denied any involvement and any knowledge about the crime,", "7dUULf0deQE-00167-00081354-00081888": "even when she was confronted with the CCTV footage and images from the scene of the crime.", "7dUULf0deQE-00168-00081888-00082128": "Allen, on the other hand, buckled under pressure.", "7dUULf0deQE-00169-00082206-00082674": "Allen opened up to officers and explained the details of what had taken place that", "7dUULf0deQE-00170-00082674-00083196": "fateful evening, and it wasn’t pretty. Police knew that he’d previously shown a romantic", "7dUULf0deQE-00171-00083196-00083562": "interest in Melissa, but they couldn't’ have expected what he revealed next.", "7dUULf0deQE-00172-00083634-00083976": "Allen admitted that his wife was bisexual. Not only this,", "7dUULf0deQE-00173-00083976-00084360": "but she struggled with monogamy. She’d often ask Allen if they", "7dUULf0deQE-00174-00084360-00084738": "could invite other partners into their bedroom, and he felt forced to comply.", "7dUULf0deQE-00175-00084792-00085260": "On this particular occasion, the couple had agreed to find someone willing to come home with them,", "7dUULf0deQE-00176-00085260-00085824": "and Allen specifically wanted to bring Melissa into the equation. The two hatched a plan to", "7dUULf0deQE-00177-00085824-00086316": "fake car troubles, calling Melissa to help them. It seems that the plan was", "7dUULf0deQE-00178-00086316-00086880": "to simply try to seduce Melissa into coming home with them, but the plan went south very quickly.", "7dUULf0deQE-00179-00086940-00087432": "Soon after Melissa arrived, Allen jumped on her and managed to overpower her, but he wasn’t", "7dUULf0deQE-00180-00087432-00087984": "able to finish the job. Patricia then jumped in and put an end to things, with the two working", "7dUULf0deQE-00181-00087984-00088488": "together to stow Melissa in the back of their car - now panicking about what they had done.", "7dUULf0deQE-00182-00088488-00088998": "All the while, Melissa’s young son watched from the back seat of the car, with both Allen and", "7dUULf0deQE-00183-00088998-00089418": "Patricia blissfully unaware that Melissa had brought her son with her that evening.", "7dUULf0deQE-00184-00089478-00090018": "The crime wasn’t premeditated, so to speak. Yes, they conspired together to try to get", "7dUULf0deQE-00185-00090018-00090480": "Melissa to go home with them, but both Allen and Patricia insist that they had", "7dUULf0deQE-00186-00090480-00090942": "no plans of taking her life that day - and the evidence certainly seems to support this.", "7dUULf0deQE-00187-00090996-00091500": "Allen says that, even after things went south, he still had no plans of claiming", "7dUULf0deQE-00188-00091500-00091896": "her life. He admitted to police that he wasn’t feeling like himself that night,", "7dUULf0deQE-00189-00091896-00092394": "and seems to have been filled with misguided rage. But when he realized what he was doing, he", "7dUULf0deQE-00190-00092394-00092964": "stopped - but that’s where Patricia jumped in to finish the job, allegedly against Allen’s wishes.", "7dUULf0deQE-00191-00093030-00093498": "During the couple’s court proceedings and future interrogations, Allen continually", "7dUULf0deQE-00192-00093498-00093942": "claimed that Patricia was the one to blame for claiming Melissa’s life. He admitted", "7dUULf0deQE-00193-00093942-00094290": "to letting his temper get the better of him and was willing to accept whatever", "7dUULf0deQE-00194-00094290-00094752": "punishment the court deemed necessary, but he never admitted to taking her life.", "7dUULf0deQE-00195-00094752-00095292": "Regardless, a jury decided that they were both guilty and sentenced each of them to", "7dUULf0deQE-00196-00095292-00095796": "life in prison. Both Patricia and Allen have appealed their sentences since then,", "7dUULf0deQE-00197-00095796-00096252": "but their cries have fallen on deaf ears. In the years since the crime,", "7dUULf0deQE-00198-00096252-00096828": "both Allen and Patricia have continued to blame one another, passing the buck, so to speak. The", "7dUULf0deQE-00199-00096828-00097308": "truth is, we don’t know which of these two was truly the mastermind behind the crime.", "7dUULf0deQE-00200-00097308-00097752": "All I can say for sure is that, thankfully, it doesn’t look like either of these two will", "7dUULf0deQE-00201-00097752-00098304": "ever see the light of day again, and Melissa’s family can finally begin their search for closure.", "7dUULf0deQE-00202-00098426-00098526": "--", "7dUULf0deQE-00203-00098526-00098988": "Thanks for tuning into this week’s episode of True Crime Stories. This case, like many others,", "7dUULf0deQE-00204-00098988-00099360": "was recommended by you guys. So if you know of any other cases you’d like to", "7dUULf0deQE-00205-00099360-00099750": "see me cover in the future, just let me know in the comments below. While you're at it,", "7dUULf0deQE-00206-00099750-00100182": "if you want to help support the channel, the best way you can do that is by leaving a comment and", "7dUULf0deQE-00207-00100182-00100626": "liking the video - both of those things help out a lot more than you may realize. If you’d", "7dUULf0deQE-00208-00100626-00100986": "like to help out financially, you can click the blue join button below to help support", "7dUULf0deQE-00209-00100986-00101490": "the cause as well. But with that, my name is Ty Notts and I’ll catch you guys in the next video."}}, {"audio_id": "7ehxKQK-ZQY", "text": {"7ehxKQK-ZQY-00000-00000408-00000556": "Snuper here to shoot for their M/V SI_ You're heavy", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00001-00000574-00000700": "SB_ SI why didn't you eat yet?", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00002-00000730-00000868": "SI_ Because I have to stand by", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00003-00000868-00000969": "(1pm, time for lunch)", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00004-00001034-00001132": "SI and SB still waiting for their turn to shoot", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00005-00001132-00001280": "SI_ How about you? SB_ Me too, I didn't shoot yet", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00006-00001280-00001458": "SI_ Both of us didn't shoot yet", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00007-00001458-00001592": "(And both of us are hungry) SB_ I'm so hungry", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00008-00001594-00001676": "TW_ Oh you didn't shoot yet?", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00009-00001676-00001773": "SB_ Yes, not yet", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00010-00001773-00001962": "SI_ Go eat your lunch I envy you", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00011-00001962-00002210": "TW_ No but there's a scene that all of us have to come out", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00012-00002210-00002332": "TW_ I can't eat yet", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00013-00002648-00002860": "SB_ It's more delicious when we eat together", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00014-00002972-00003068": "SB_ Oh are you yawning?", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00015-00003070-00003222": "SH was yawning but pretends to smile", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00016-00003264-00003482": "(That was natural..)", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00017-00003682-00003815": "SB_ He was about to yawn", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00018-00003874-00003997": "SH_ Me? No I didn't", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00019-00004100-00004292": "SH was so natural..", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00020-00004584-00004808": "Snuper feeling great after having their lunch", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00021-00005160-00005382": "SH is putting his soul into the song", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00022-00005580-00005818": "(His soul is about to blow up..!!)", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00023-00005996-00006076": "SB_ Wait, the recording wasn't working", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00024-00006214-00006286": "(Are you serious?)", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00025-00006286-00006436": "SB_ That was a joke", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00026-00006436-00006550": "SB toying with SH", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00027-00006550-00006714": "SH_ I just sang really hard right now", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00028-00006744-00006868": "SB just caught TW walking alone", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00029-00006964-00007234": "SB_ TW did you sleep? You look so tired", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00030-00007266-00007352": "TW_ Yes I did", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00031-00007359-00007420": "SB_ How long?", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00032-00007490-00007570": "TW_ 5 minutes", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00033-00007570-00007636": "SB_ 5 minutes?", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00034-00007636-00007686": "TW_ Yes", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00035-00007686-00007806": "SB_ That's enough", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00036-00007806-00007880": "TW_ I guess", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00037-00007920-00008081": "SB_ A person only needs 3 minutes of sleep per day", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00038-00008104-00008258": "TW_ I want to eat pork belly roasted in the oven", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00039-00008258-00008420": "(Wake up TW..)", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00040-00008420-00008534": "TW_  Kap-Bun-Ssa (*it means the atmosphere bursts into a cold mood for all of a sudden)", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00041-00008578-00008736": "TW is acting silly because of lack of sleep", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00042-00009054-00009208": "TW_ Why do you look so tired SB?", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00043-00009228-00009310": "SB_ Me?", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00044-00009428-00009536": "SB_ Because I'm 23 ...", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00045-00009618-00009668": "TW_ .... That's right", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00046-00009668-00009834": "TW_ 23 years old is a tough time", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00047-00009836-00010470": "TW_ After I became 25, today's the first time shooting for shooting our mv and my leg hurts", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00048-00010470-00010568": "SB_ Your leg hurts?", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00049-00010570-00010848": "TW_ My leg and also my back hurts.  What should I do?", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00050-00010876-00011188": "SB_ It's okay. And in fact, I'm still 21 in American age", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00051-00011188-00011328": "TW_ Congratulations (soulless)", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00052-00011544-00011694": "CSH_ Self cam in the dawn", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00053-00011694-00011782": "Snuper still shooting till dawn", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00054-00011824-00011892": "SI_ Dawn?", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00055-00011914-00012032": "CSH_ Yes", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00056-00012032-00012154": "CSH_ It's 2am, you didn't know?", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00057-00012154-00012278": "SI_ Yes (It seems like it isn't dawn..)", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00058-00012632-00012862": "CSH_ Now we're almost done with our mv shoot", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00059-00012862-00012952": "SI_ Yes", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00060-00012952-00013084": "CSH_ Do you think you did well?", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00061-00013116-00013247": "SI_ Umm.. (SI reminiscing of today)", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00062-00013304-00013428": "CSH_What was the hardest part?", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00063-00013428-00013526": "SI_ For me...", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00064-00013526-00013638": "SI_ Smiling", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00065-00013638-00013702": "CSH_ Smiling?", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00066-00013702-00013752": "SI_ Yes", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00067-00013752-00013886": "CSH_ But you're good at smiling", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00068-00013886-00014380": "SI_ Yeah but, according to my interpretation of the song I should not smile", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00069-00014382-00014504": "CSH_ Oh you wanted to be chic?", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00070-00014504-00014574": "SI_ Yes I wanted to be chic", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00071-00014574-00014652": "CSH_ Like,", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00072-00014654-00014906": "CSH_ Like this? (CSH showing his chic version of Tulips)", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00073-00014906-00014956": "SI_ That's right", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00074-00014958-00015741": "SI_ Because when I interpreted the song with our choreographer, we decided not to smile and be chic", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00075-00015741-00016010": "SI_ But today, they asked me to smile so I was kind of confused", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00076-00016147-00016224": "SI_ I was in trouble", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00077-00016302-00016530": "CSH_ There are concepts that we used to do", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00078-00016578-00016778": "CSH_ Like, Tulips (the bright version of Tulips)", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00079-00016946-00017018": "SI_ Show us one more time", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00080-00017196-00017396": "CSH_ This is how you did", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00081-00017396-00017618": "(Imitating SI)", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00082-00017798-00017848": "SB_ How about me?", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00083-00017848-00017916": "CSH_ But how we do", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00084-00017996-00018196": "(Bright and cheerful)", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00085-00018224-00018312": "SB_ How about me, how about me?", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00086-00018320-00018604": "SI_ But we have to be chic with these outfits", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00087-00018708-00018886": "SB_ Yeah we have to be cool with these outfits actually", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00088-00018888-00019356": "SI_ Today SB's mother came and bought us chicken", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00089-00019358-00019598": "SB_ It's from a famous place, even was on a tv program", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00090-00019598-00019648": "SI_ Oh really?", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00091-00019648-00019736": "SB_ Yeah it's at Uijeongbu", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00092-00019820-00020596": "SI_ I just took two chicken legs because there wasn't enough time to eat", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00093-00020598-00021020": "SB_ Also there's our signed album and poster at that place", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00094-00021020-00021112": "SI_ The one we did last time?", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00095-00021112-00021196": "SB_ Yes", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00096-00021196-00021454": "SB_ And they give us more on the house, every time we eat there", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00097-00021658-00021722": "SH_ Oppa~", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00098-00021722-00021774": "SB_ Huh?", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00099-00021774-00021842": "(A play begun suddenly)", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00100-00021842-00021970": "SH_ What are we eating today?", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00101-00021970-00022076": "SB_ Today,", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00102-00022192-00022410": "SH_ This is a first person perspective", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00103-00022410-00022460": "SH_ I got it", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00104-00022460-00022536": "TW_ Then lower the camera a little bit", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00105-00022536-00022586": "SH_ Okay", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00106-00022638-00022810": "SB_ Today we're gonna have..", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00107-00022916-00023024": "SB_ Jangajji that's been a year, (*Jangajji is pickled vegetables and it's a traditional Korean food)", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00108-00023024-00023118": "(Excuse me...? kkkkkk", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00109-00023118-00023218": "SB_ And Seasoned dried Radish,", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00110-00023250-00023332": "SB_ And..", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00111-00023332-00023464": "SH_ Korean Lettuce Kimchi", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00112-00023496-00023594": "SB_ Bean sprouts", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00113-00023594-00023750": "SB_ And Rich Soybean Paste Stew", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00114-00023828-00023884": "SB_ What else..  (It seems like SB has Korean local taste)", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00115-00023884-00023958": "SH_ I don't want those foods", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00116-00023958-00024048": "SB_ You don't like it?", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00117-00024048-00024122": "SB_ Fine", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00118-00024156-00024284": "SB_ Then how about", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00119-00024400-00024564": "SB_Wheat noodles (Korean noodles)", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00120-00024564-00024742": "(Wheat noodles...?)", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00121-00024816-00024910": "TW_ Young Summer Radish Kimchi", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00122-00024910-00024992": "SB_ Young Summer Radish Kimchi", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00123-00025034-00025192": "SH_ We're gonna eat chitterlings today", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00124-00025192-00025242": "(The play isn't done yet)", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00125-00025396-00025554": "(kkkkkkkkkkkkk)", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00126-00025666-00025818": "SH and SB are so into making fun of TW", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00127-00025818-00025930": "SH_ Today's dinner is chitterlings", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00128-00025932-00026250": "TW_ We also have muffins! (TW trying to fire back)", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00129-00026276-00026424": "(Oh.. that muffin..)", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00130-00026480-00026592": "SH_ Word of the day", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00131-00026668-00026824": "SH_ Kap-Bun-Ssa (*it means the atmosphere bursts into a cold mood for all of a sudden)", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00132-00027020-00027186": "CSH_ Yes it's usually used at this kind of  situation", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00133-00027206-00027316": "SI_ Why, it was cute", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00134-00027316-00027382": "SI taking TW's sides", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00135-00027562-00027627": "SH_ Oppa", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00136-00027702-00027752": "TW_ Huh?", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00137-00027752-00027888": "TW wasn't ready for a play", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00138-00027948-00028139": "SH_ What are we gonna do today?", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00139-00028139-00028270": "TW_ Today.. (TW's brain is operating at full capacity)", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00140-00028270-00028722": "TW_ We're gonna go to the amusement park, I rented the whole park for us", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00141-00028722-00028868": "TW.... Sorry.....", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00142-00028868-00029050": "SH_ Kap-Bun-Ssa (*it means the atmosphere bursts into a cold mood for all of a sudden)", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00143-00029377-00029466": "SH_ Hey hey hey", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00144-00029520-00029670": "SH's play seems never ends", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00145-00029788-00029989": "SH_ He (SB) is the first grandson of our company's president", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00146-00030236-00030483": "SB's proud walk", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00147-00030514-00030668": "SB_ Are you Geum Jan Di? (*It's one of the famous lines in the drama)", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00148-00030710-00030922": "(Somethings wrong with the ost) SB_ I'm giving you a red card, warning", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00149-00031039-00031174": "CSH_ Hey, it's not this song", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00150-00031174-00031327": "(Grasp the situation belatedly)", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00151-00031327-00031416": "SB_ Yeah right it was that song", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00152-00031439-00031532": "CSH_ Again, let's do it again", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00153-00031800-00032054": "SH_ The president's first grandson is coming today", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00154-00032054-00032104": "CSH_ Oh really?", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00155-00032104-00032182": "TW_ President's first grandson?", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00156-00032252-00032436": "Who's that handsome guy?! (SH singing the drama's ost)", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00157-00032510-00032668": "SB_ Are you Geum Jan Di?", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00158-00032668-00032730": "(SB acting acting with all his effort)", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00159-00032818-00032934": "SB_ You're a red card!!", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00160-00032980-00033072": "SB_ Expelled! (Are you a judge SB..?)", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00161-00033130-00033380": "And again today's word SH_ Kap-Bun-Ssa (*it means the atmosphere bursts into a cold mood for all of a sudden)", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00162-00033806-00033868": "SB_ Well done everyone!", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00163-00033868-00034040": "Snuper finally done with their mv shoot TW_ Thank you for everyone's efforts. Good bye~", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00164-00034228-00034482": "(Their shout of joy)", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00165-00034482-00034638": "SH_ Let's go to the party room!", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00166-00034670-00034722": "Here's the party room to celebrate!!", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00167-00034722-00034982": "WS_ It's already 9 in the morning", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00168-00034982-00035104": "(The mark of their hard work)", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00169-00035274-00035474": "CSH_ Wow look at this, what is this", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00170-00035474-00035726": "SH_ We played all night", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00171-00035726-00035864": "The end of their all night shoot made them so excited", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00172-00035964-00036240": "You guys must have been tired...", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00173-00036432-00036558": "WS_ Well done everyone", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00174-00036558-00036738": "Well done Snuper!", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00175-00036738-00037122": "WS_ It took about 36 hours,", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00176-00037148-00037356": "SH_ Finally the end", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00177-00037356-00037486": "SB_ It was so hard", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00178-00037486-00037668": "WS_ It took longer than Lord of the ring", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00179-00037668-00037776": "TW_ That's right", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00180-00037776-00037826": "WS_ Really good job everyone", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00181-00037826-00038150": "SB_ It was cold and warm and it was very hard", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00182-00038150-00038230": "SH_ Congratulations TW", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00183-00038230-00038308": "TW_ Thanks", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00184-00038366-00038430": "TW_ Try, spread it", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00185-00038458-00038520": "TW_ It doesn't work, right?", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00186-00038846-00038898": "WS_ Once again, good job everyone", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00187-00038898-00038978": "TW_ Good job", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00188-00038978-00039162": "WS_ Come and say good bye with us TW", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00189-00039198-00039378": "CSH_ I think our MV's gonna be awesome", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00190-00039416-00039638": "(A self-congratulatory round of applause)", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00191-00039638-00039792": "SB_ Now it's time to say good-bye", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00192-00039792-00039938": "WS_ It's already our 5th album", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00193-00039938-00040100": "TW_ Yes it's our 5th mini album", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00194-00040124-00040568": "TW_ Now we're coming back with our 5th album \"Blossom\"", "7ehxKQK-ZQY-00195-00040606-00041046": "TW_ Please support our title song \"Tulips\""}}, {"audio_id": "7ejqBrIahJM", "text": {"7ejqBrIahJM-00000-00000000-00000192": "In this video I'm going to model the", "7ejqBrIahJM-00001-00000192-00000395": "thinking behind writing an SQL query", "7ejqBrIahJM-00002-00000395-00000741": "which returns results and then sorts them in a", "7ejqBrIahJM-00003-00000741-00000984": "particular order. The query that I'm", "7ejqBrIahJM-00004-00000984-00001242": "going to write will list all tracks and", "7ejqBrIahJM-00005-00001242-00001533": "file sizes, from largest to smallest file", "7ejqBrIahJM-00006-00001533-00001928": "sizes. It's a query, so we always start", "7ejqBrIahJM-00007-00001928-00002265": "with SELECT. We then need to list the", "7ejqBrIahJM-00008-00002265-00002505": "fields that we wish to display. The", "7ejqBrIahJM-00009-00002505-00002942": "fields we wish to display would be name and", "7ejqBrIahJM-00010-00002942-00003530": "bytes, as bytes represents the file size. On", "7ejqBrIahJM-00011-00003530-00003777": "the next line, we need to write FROM and", "7ejqBrIahJM-00012-00003777-00004086": "then identify what table the information is", "7ejqBrIahJM-00013-00004086-00004275": "being taken from. It's been taken from the", "7ejqBrIahJM-00014-00004275-00004662": "tracks table.  Now if I ran that query just", "7ejqBrIahJM-00015-00004662-00004968": "now, you'll see that all the information is", "7ejqBrIahJM-00016-00004968-00005277": "provided but in no particular order.", "7ejqBrIahJM-00017-00005277-00005594": "So, now I need to say \"Do I wish to order", "7ejqBrIahJM-00018-00005594-00005910": "these results?\" and the answer is yes.", "7ejqBrIahJM-00019-00005910-00006219": "So, if I need to order these results,  I", "7ejqBrIahJM-00020-00006219-00006629": "type ORDER BY", "7ejqBrIahJM-00021-00006713-00006989": "and then I need to identify what column", "7ejqBrIahJM-00022-00006989-00007228": "I wish to order by.  The column in the", "7ejqBrIahJM-00023-00007228-00007511": "resulting table.  So, I wanted order by", "7ejqBrIahJM-00024-00007511-00007948": "bytes. And finally, I need to say whether", "7ejqBrIahJM-00025-00007948-00008143": "it's ascending or descending; if it's going", "7ejqBrIahJM-00026-00008143-00008407": "from smallest to largest, or from largest to", "7ejqBrIahJM-00027-00008407-00008471": "smallest.", "7ejqBrIahJM-00028-00008471-00008797": "Now I'm going largest to smallest, so I", "7ejqBrIahJM-00029-00008797-00009079": "need to have descending. If it was ascending", "7ejqBrIahJM-00030-00009079-00009272": "I could just leave that blank, but it's", "7ejqBrIahJM-00031-00009272-00009524": "not so i have to have descending. If I run", "7ejqBrIahJM-00032-00009524-00009950": "that now, you will see they are now sorted", "7ejqBrIahJM-00033-00009950-00010204": "according to the bite size or the file", "7ejqBrIahJM-00034-00010204-00010425": "size."}}, {"audio_id": "7f2QJBF7tKI", "text": {"7f2QJBF7tKI-00000-00000081-00000321": "- Let's tackle procedure B:", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00001-00000321-00000531": "Taste as a function of temperature.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00002-00000531-00000905": "First part is to dry off the 250 to 300 milliliter beaker,", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00003-00000905-00001147": "the 100, and the 50 milliliter beaker", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00004-00001236-00001431": "until they're completely dry.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00005-00001431-00001701": "So for the 250 to 300 milliliter beaker,", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00006-00001701-00001977": "just got a hand towel here and dry it off.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00007-00002196-00002367": "And we know when it's completely dry", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00008-00002367-00002580": "because we recorded the mass", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00009-00002580-00002910": "of the completely dry beaker at the beginning of this.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00010-00002910-00003174": "And so I'm just gonna put it on the scale,", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00011-00003174-00003375": "see if it's exactly the same.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00012-00003375-00003618": "It was 24.7 before.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00013-00004004-00004143": "24.8.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00014-00004398-00004584": "Maybe there's a little bit of water still in there.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00015-00004584-00004725": "We'll give it another shot.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00016-00005550-00005679": "So again, 24.8,", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00017-00005679-00005880": "but I certainly don't see any water in there", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00018-00005880-00006051": "so I'm gonna go with it.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00019-00006051-00006294": "And even though it's a little different,", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00020-00006294-00006699": "I'm gonna just write 24.8 grams.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00021-00006789-00006900": "Yep.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00022-00006900-00007128": "And if it's plus or minus 0.1,", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00023-00007128-00007290": "that's about the limit of the scale,", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00024-00007290-00007419": "so you're fine.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00025-00007419-00007656": "Let me dry off my other ones here.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00026-00007656-00007800": "We don't have masses for those", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00027-00007800-00007940": "but we're gonna assume...", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00028-00008661-00008787": "That if we do the same procedure,", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00029-00008787-00009287": "we will be essentially in the same place as far as dryness.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00030-00009297-00009552": "And that's a good point 'cause plus or minus 0.1,", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00031-00009897-00010113": "if you move the beaker around on the scale,", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00032-00010113-00010344": "you might even see it moves by 0.1 anyway.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00033-00010770-00010896": "Yep, it does.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00034-00010896-00011196": "It moves actually 0.2, but now it's back to 24.8.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00035-00011289-00011445": "Record the mass,", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00036-00011445-00011945": "then place approximately 6.85 grams of sucrose.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00037-00012048-00012265": "I've got my little bag of sucrose here", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00038-00012480-00012774": "and I have dried off my spoon in a similar way", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00039-00012774-00013016": "'cause you don't wanna put a wet spoon into...", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00040-00013305-00013542": "All right, so 6.8.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00041-00013650-00013857": "All right, let me get my calculator here.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00042-00013857-00014357": "So 24.8 + 6.85 = 31.65,", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00043-00014727-00015227": "so I'm gonna go for 31.65 or 31.7.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00044-00015840-00015927": "Went over.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00045-00015927-00016218": "All right, so good thing I still have my waste beaker here.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00046-00016218-00016380": "Still says waste, sort of.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00047-00016911-00017007": "What was I shooting for?", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00048-00017007-00017507": "31.65, 31.7.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00049-00017514-00017670": "Now I'm low.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00050-00017670-00017814": "We don't put it back in our sugar thing,", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00051-00017814-00017943": "we put it in the waste.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00052-00017943-00018126": "It's good procedure for chemistry.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00053-00018654-00018839": "31.6.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00054-00018984-00019149": "31.7.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00055-00019149-00019290": "Oops, I just put it back in there.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00056-00019290-00019435": "I wasn't supposed to do that.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00057-00019770-00019998": "Okay, so now we got 31.7.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00058-00019998-00020116": "Write that down", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00059-00020370-00020626": "and take a picture of that", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00060-00021339-00021501": "so that you can see the scale.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00061-00021681-00021881": "Should be able to see the sugar as well.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00062-00021993-00022401": "And then fill it up to 50 milliliters", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00063-00022401-00022901": "with our deionized or good tap water.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00064-00022953-00023133": "50 milliliters on here.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00065-00023388-00023550": "And this part's approximate.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00066-00024015-00024240": "And now stir it to dissolve.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00067-00024465-00024640": "And again, this will take a minute.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00068-00024825-00024960": "And not a New York minute.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00069-00025605-00025749": "I still have chunks in the bottom,", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00070-00025749-00025911": "so go ahead, keep stirring.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00071-00026229-00026352": "Try not to spill.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00072-00026577-00026685": "I just had a drop come off", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00073-00026685-00026873": "but I think everything's gonna be fine.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00074-00027596-00027758": "There's still some stuff down on the bottom,", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00075-00027758-00027924": "so make sure that you get it all.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00076-00028656-00028785": "And sort of tilt it to the side,", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00077-00028785-00029025": "see if any floats to the bottom.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00078-00029025-00029139": "Actually, I think the easiest part,", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00079-00029139-00029304": "the way to look through is from the tops", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00080-00029304-00029406": "where you can look through the water", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00081-00029406-00029541": "and not through the beaker.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00082-00030239-00030323": "Almost there.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00083-00031272-00031447": "Nope, nothing but a couple bubbles.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00084-00031707-00032031": "And now the next step is to fill it up to 100 milliliters.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00085-00032031-00032236": "And for this part, I am gonna be careful.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00086-00032361-00032664": "You want to hit exactly the 100 milliliter line.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00087-00033183-00033373": "I should really take it off the scale.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00088-00033489-00033669": "And I'm gonna fill it up to 100.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00089-00033669-00033884": "Looks like I was right, pretty close to 50.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00090-00034130-00034446": "And you can see some swirlies when you do that", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00091-00034446-00034656": "because the water's mixing with the sugar.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00092-00035688-00035888": "And do your best to get it at a hundred.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00093-00036150-00036650": "It may, so it's not a precise measure using a beaker", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00094-00036771-00037095": "but it will do more than well enough for us.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00095-00037095-00037280": "And then you wanna swirl it some more", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00096-00037392-00037617": "and it should take no time at all to mix now.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00097-00037796-00037879": "Okay.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00098-00038069-00038355": "Got a tissue here, just gonna dry it off.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00099-00038355-00038646": "And now the next step is to put a third", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00100-00038646-00038921": "into each of your beakers.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00101-00038921-00039225": "Your 50, your 100, and your 250,", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00102-00039225-00039423": "and this is approximate as well.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00103-00040050-00040163": "I dunno, 20+,", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00104-00040163-00040470": "so 20-ish, 30-ish, 40-ish, somewhere.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00105-00040470-00040623": "And one of these,", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00106-00040623-00040921": "I'm gonna put my 50 into the refrigerator", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00107-00041016-00041139": "and then the other two,", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00108-00041139-00041229": "I'm just gonna let sit here.", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00109-00041229-00041454": "I'm gonna let the one in the refrigerator sit", "7f2QJBF7tKI-00110-00041454-00041763": "for an hour to come to temperature."}}, {"audio_id": "7fKuvbcfpcM", "text": {"7fKuvbcfpcM-00000-00000000-00000336": "Victor Travel Blog"}}, {"audio_id": "7fOganlZhDY", "text": {"7fOganlZhDY-00000-00001359-00001925": ">> Hi, everyone.", "7fOganlZhDY-00001-00001925-00002091": "So -- it's working.", "7fOganlZhDY-00002-00002091-00002714": "So we'll be talking about how to build a website that will eventually work on Mars.", "7fOganlZhDY-00003-00002714-00003573": "Before we begin, already did a great introduction, but let me tell you something about me.", "7fOganlZhDY-00004-00003573-00004770": "I'm Slobodan Stojanovic, and I'm CTO of Cloud Horizon.", "7fOganlZhDY-00005-00004770-00005466": "A small digital agency different applications for different startups.", "7fOganlZhDY-00006-00005466-00005776": "One part is Montreal.", "7fOganlZhDY-00007-00005776-00006316": "And the other in Belgrade, Syria.", "7fOganlZhDY-00008-00006316-00006678": "You can follow me on Twitter, and there's a few things on GitHub.", "7fOganlZhDY-00009-00006678-00007084": "I'm working a lot now with chat bots and things like that.", "7fOganlZhDY-00010-00007084-00007581": "Before we continue, I would like to know something about you.", "7fOganlZhDY-00011-00007581-00007765": "So I have a few questions.", "7fOganlZhDY-00012-00007765-00008192": "First one is did anyone of you ever visit Mars?", "7fOganlZhDY-00013-00008192-00008292": "No.", "7fOganlZhDY-00014-00008292-00008392": "Okay.", "7fOganlZhDY-00015-00008392-00008824": "Is there Elon Musk in the audience?", "7fOganlZhDY-00016-00008824-00008934": "No?", "7fOganlZhDY-00017-00008934-00009045": "Okay.", "7fOganlZhDY-00018-00009045-00009292": "I guess then I'm an expert today.", "7fOganlZhDY-00019-00009292-00009403": "Okay.", "7fOganlZhDY-00020-00009403-00010261": "So before we continue, I just want to tell you a few things about my talk.", "7fOganlZhDY-00021-00010261-00010718": "The goal of this talk is to explore some different technologies.", "7fOganlZhDY-00022-00010718-00010840": "Some are new.", "7fOganlZhDY-00023-00010840-00011081": "Some are not that new anymore.", "7fOganlZhDY-00024-00011081-00011528": "And I just want to put those technologies in a bit unexpected environment.", "7fOganlZhDY-00025-00011528-00012020": "So I'm completely aware that some of those things will not work on Mars, at least not", "7fOganlZhDY-00026-00012020-00012473": "in the way that I will describe them because there's a lot of other ways that will just", "7fOganlZhDY-00027-00012473-00012690": "affect that.", "7fOganlZhDY-00028-00012690-00013370": "And this is not deeply technical talk because first, I need to give you a context why would", "7fOganlZhDY-00029-00013370-00013543": "anyone build anything for Mars.", "7fOganlZhDY-00030-00013543-00013812": "So that will take some time.", "7fOganlZhDY-00031-00013812-00014843": "And the topic of this conference is problems for today and ideas for the future.", "7fOganlZhDY-00032-00014843-00015084": "So this talk will be different.", "7fOganlZhDY-00033-00015084-00015575": "We'll solve problems from the future with ideas from today.", "7fOganlZhDY-00034-00015575-00015713": "Okay.", "7fOganlZhDY-00035-00015713-00015813": "Let's start.", "7fOganlZhDY-00036-00015813-00016597": "First, I guess you have really important -- let's answer the most important question you have.", "7fOganlZhDY-00037-00016597-00016740": "Not that one.", "7fOganlZhDY-00038-00016740-00017001": "Why Mars?", "7fOganlZhDY-00039-00017001-00017446": "Why would anyone build anything for Mars?", "7fOganlZhDY-00040-00017446-00017686": "Let's see what do we know about Mars.", "7fOganlZhDY-00041-00017686-00018054": "It's a planet.", "7fOganlZhDY-00042-00018054-00018234": "That's a bit obvious.", "7fOganlZhDY-00043-00018234-00018803": "It's approximately Mars has the same landmass as earth.", "7fOganlZhDY-00044-00018803-00018942": "It's quite smaller.", "7fOganlZhDY-00045-00018942-00019525": "It's just 15% of land mass of earth.", "7fOganlZhDY-00046-00019525-00020168": "But since we have 70% of our planet covered by water, so landmass is almost the same.", "7fOganlZhDY-00047-00020168-00020270": "So that's nice.", "7fOganlZhDY-00048-00020270-00020853": "The second thing is the days on Mars is almost the same as days on earth.", "7fOganlZhDY-00049-00020853-00021143": "For example, our plants are really love that.", "7fOganlZhDY-00050-00021143-00021609": "We don't need to create completely different environment for the plants and all other things.", "7fOganlZhDY-00051-00021609-00021795": "So, again, that sounds great.", "7fOganlZhDY-00052-00021795-00022342": "Third thing is a year on Mars is twice longer than year on earth.", "7fOganlZhDY-00053-00022342-00022618": "And that's, again, not a big problem.", "7fOganlZhDY-00054-00022618-00023420": "So if you're Santa Claus, you just rest a bit more than on earth.", "7fOganlZhDY-00055-00023420-00023520": "Temperature on Mars.", "7fOganlZhDY-00056-00023520-00023656": "It can be 20 degrees.", "7fOganlZhDY-00057-00023656-00024498": "So it's not nice as Barcelona, but it's not too hot, so that can work really well.", "7fOganlZhDY-00058-00024498-00024690": "And the gravity, that's important too.", "7fOganlZhDY-00059-00024690-00025098": "So on Mars, there's just 37% of earth's gravity.", "7fOganlZhDY-00060-00025098-00025445": "What that means is we can jump much more or I don't know.", "7fOganlZhDY-00061-00025445-00025850": "You don't need elevator to come from second floor or something like that.", "7fOganlZhDY-00062-00025850-00026388": "You can just jump out the window and everything will be okay.", "7fOganlZhDY-00063-00026388-00026633": "And there's also signs of liquid on Mars.", "7fOganlZhDY-00064-00026633-00026777": "There's lots of ice, we know that.", "7fOganlZhDY-00065-00026777-00027231": "But there is some sign of liquid water, so that's great too because we need water for", "7fOganlZhDY-00066-00027231-00027432": "living.", "7fOganlZhDY-00067-00027432-00027591": "And that's not all.", "7fOganlZhDY-00068-00027591-00027839": "There's a lot of other cool things from Mars.", "7fOganlZhDY-00069-00027839-00028244": "For example, the biggest mountain in the solar system is on Mars.", "7fOganlZhDY-00070-00028244-00028663": "So it's much, much bigger than mount Everest.", "7fOganlZhDY-00071-00028663-00028800": "And they have two moons.", "7fOganlZhDY-00072-00028800-00029094": "So just imagine the sky in the night.", "7fOganlZhDY-00073-00029094-00029527": "That means it would be really great.", "7fOganlZhDY-00074-00029527-00029782": "But there are some problems in Mars.", "7fOganlZhDY-00075-00029782-00030472": "First one is that most missions in Mars have failed.", "7fOganlZhDY-00076-00030472-00030706": "That's a problem.", "7fOganlZhDY-00077-00030706-00031136": "But at some point we'll probably solve that problem because our technology is better and", "7fOganlZhDY-00078-00031136-00031313": "better all the time.", "7fOganlZhDY-00079-00031313-00032025": "The second problem is that temperature can be minus 153 degrees and that's not that nice.", "7fOganlZhDY-00080-00032025-00032637": "So just imagine something colder than Antarctic that looks like Sahara desert or something", "7fOganlZhDY-00081-00032637-00032737": "like that.", "7fOganlZhDY-00082-00032737-00033084": "So definitely not the place you would like to live.", "7fOganlZhDY-00083-00033084-00033391": "Yeah, but that's not the biggest problem.", "7fOganlZhDY-00084-00033391-00034190": "There's dust storms on Mars, and it can last for a few months and cover the whole planet.", "7fOganlZhDY-00085-00034190-00034616": "But, again, that's not the biggest problem we have on Mars.", "7fOganlZhDY-00086-00034616-00035212": "There's radiation because Mars doesn't have an atmosphere like we do.", "7fOganlZhDY-00087-00035212-00035425": "So there's much, much more radiation.", "7fOganlZhDY-00088-00035425-00035784": "And, again, that's not the problem because we don't have an atmosphere.", "7fOganlZhDY-00089-00035784-00036352": "So that's the first thing we're not able to breathe anything, so we'll probably not survive", "7fOganlZhDY-00090-00036352-00036810": "long enough for radiation to kill us.", "7fOganlZhDY-00091-00036810-00037274": "So why would anyone go to Mars?", "7fOganlZhDY-00092-00037274-00037577": "Earth seems like a perfect place for living; right?", "7fOganlZhDY-00093-00037577-00037947": "We have -- I don't know we have air that's great.", "7fOganlZhDY-00094-00037947-00038117": "Temperatures quite nice.", "7fOganlZhDY-00095-00038117-00038241": "Then I don't know.", "7fOganlZhDY-00096-00038241-00038650": "There's a lot of water and everything, so everything seems really perfect.", "7fOganlZhDY-00097-00038650-00038768": "And it is.", "7fOganlZhDY-00098-00038768-00039257": "But it's not that perfect if you ask dinosaurs.", "7fOganlZhDY-00099-00039257-00039933": "So in earth's history, there was a lot of mass extinction events.", "7fOganlZhDY-00100-00039933-00040406": "There's five of the biggest one on that chart.", "7fOganlZhDY-00101-00040406-00041113": "And in each of those events, we lost more than 50% of all species.", "7fOganlZhDY-00102-00041113-00041558": "One of them we lost 90 to 96%.", "7fOganlZhDY-00103-00041558-00041853": "Almost everything alive on the earth.", "7fOganlZhDY-00104-00041853-00042094": "And that's not so great; right?", "7fOganlZhDY-00105-00042094-00042253": "So we're software engineers.", "7fOganlZhDY-00106-00042253-00042731": "At some point if we want to survive as human beings, we just need to make some kind of", "7fOganlZhDY-00107-00042731-00043138": "back up copy or something like that in a different data center.", "7fOganlZhDY-00108-00043138-00043302": "And why Mars?", "7fOganlZhDY-00109-00043302-00043603": "Why not something else?", "7fOganlZhDY-00110-00043603-00043867": "First let's go back to this.", "7fOganlZhDY-00111-00043867-00043967": "Sorry.", "7fOganlZhDY-00112-00043967-00044100": "Those events are not that often.", "7fOganlZhDY-00113-00044100-00044650": "So we're safe for next -- probably next 5,000 years or more.", "7fOganlZhDY-00114-00044650-00045277": "But if we don't start exploring those things right now, we never know when the next one", "7fOganlZhDY-00115-00045277-00045647": "will happen and how it will affect us.", "7fOganlZhDY-00116-00045647-00045858": "And what's our options?", "7fOganlZhDY-00117-00045858-00046090": "First option is Venus.", "7fOganlZhDY-00118-00046090-00046288": "Oh, sorry.", "7fOganlZhDY-00119-00046288-00046388": "Mercury.", "7fOganlZhDY-00120-00046388-00046881": "It's not really great place for living because it doesn't have an atmosphere at all.", "7fOganlZhDY-00121-00046881-00047552": "And the -- it's too close to the sun, so during the day's very, very hot.", "7fOganlZhDY-00122-00047552-00047652": "Extremely hot.", "7fOganlZhDY-00123-00047652-00048100": "And during the night, it's very, very cool because there's no atmosphere that can keep", "7fOganlZhDY-00124-00048100-00048256": "the temperature and everything.", "7fOganlZhDY-00125-00048256-00048484": "And, again, there's Venus after that.", "7fOganlZhDY-00126-00048484-00048628": "It's even worse.", "7fOganlZhDY-00127-00048628-00049321": "You have an atmosphere but very thick one, and we wouldn't survive pressure or temperature", "7fOganlZhDY-00128-00049321-00049459": "or anything else.", "7fOganlZhDY-00129-00049459-00050046": "There's actually a place in Venus where could be really nice for humans, but it's 50 kilometers", "7fOganlZhDY-00130-00050046-00050534": "above the ground, and we're not that great with building floating cities or something", "7fOganlZhDY-00131-00050534-00050856": "like that, so that's not an option.", "7fOganlZhDY-00132-00050856-00051277": "The next one is Mars of course with not so perfect options but, again, we can make it", "7fOganlZhDY-00133-00051277-00051421": "work somehow.", "7fOganlZhDY-00134-00051421-00052055": "And after that, all other planets in our solar system are too far away, and they're gas giants,", "7fOganlZhDY-00135-00052055-00052410": "so we're not able to live on them.", "7fOganlZhDY-00136-00052410-00052510": "Okay.", "7fOganlZhDY-00137-00052510-00053000": "Now because we're talking about how to build a website on Mars, I want you to imagine that", "7fOganlZhDY-00138-00053000-00053100": "you have a website.", "7fOganlZhDY-00139-00053100-00053386": "Some kind of website that will be useful to people.", "7fOganlZhDY-00140-00053386-00053487": "Any kind.", "7fOganlZhDY-00141-00053487-00053916": "We'll not get into the details because we don't have enough time.", "7fOganlZhDY-00142-00053916-00054195": "And let's just forget about that for now.", "7fOganlZhDY-00143-00054195-00054382": "Let's go back to Mars.", "7fOganlZhDY-00144-00054382-00055176": "So at the moment, Mars is the only planet inhabited by robots only.", "7fOganlZhDY-00145-00055176-00055397": "At least only that we know about.", "7fOganlZhDY-00146-00055397-00055921": "There can be some other planets of course, but we don't know about that.", "7fOganlZhDY-00147-00055921-00056512": "And, yeah, there's that crazy small creature that we don't know maybe exists on Mars.", "7fOganlZhDY-00148-00056512-00057082": "Until one day next ten, 15 years, that's not that far away.", "7fOganlZhDY-00149-00057082-00057626": "Some people start sending other humans to Mars.", "7fOganlZhDY-00150-00057626-00057771": "That will be a slow process.", "7fOganlZhDY-00151-00057771-00058416": "But they're planning to send first humans to Mars in -- I don't know next 10 to 15 years.", "7fOganlZhDY-00152-00058416-00058857": "You're not able to send human to Mars any time you want because you need to wait for", "7fOganlZhDY-00153-00058857-00059509": "planets to be aligned because you don't want to travel for very long distance.", "7fOganlZhDY-00154-00059509-00060309": "And the plan is that in -- I don't know next 100 years or even more, Elon Musk have a plan", "7fOganlZhDY-00155-00060309-00060590": "to send 1 million people to Mars.", "7fOganlZhDY-00156-00060590-00060690": "Why million?", "7fOganlZhDY-00157-00060690-00061462": "Because he thinks that's enough population to build self sustaining -- I don't know colony", "7fOganlZhDY-00158-00061462-00061808": "on Mars that doesn't depend on earth.", "7fOganlZhDY-00159-00061808-00062197": "We'll see how that will work.", "7fOganlZhDY-00160-00062197-00062659": "So in the beginning, people of course need some things.", "7fOganlZhDY-00161-00062659-00062870": "You probably know what it is.", "7fOganlZhDY-00162-00062870-00063385": "And when we get to Mars, we will -- first, we need to find something.", "7fOganlZhDY-00163-00063385-00064077": "To build some kind of colony where we can breathe and where we have some food, water,", "7fOganlZhDY-00164-00064077-00064177": "and things like that.", "7fOganlZhDY-00165-00064177-00064690": "And then we'll continue building this society as on earth or probably a bit different.", "7fOganlZhDY-00166-00064690-00065032": "But we'll fulfill all those things that we really need.", "7fOganlZhDY-00167-00065032-00065363": "And after that, there will be something else that we really need.", "7fOganlZhDY-00168-00065363-00065583": "It's Wi-Fi.", "7fOganlZhDY-00169-00065583-00065804": "Yeah.", "7fOganlZhDY-00170-00065804-00066379": "So at some point, we'll definitely have an Internet on Mars.", "7fOganlZhDY-00171-00066379-00067088": "And how will -- how that can work at all.", "7fOganlZhDY-00172-00067088-00067188": "Let's see.", "7fOganlZhDY-00173-00067188-00068050": "So imagine one day you have that website from a few minutes ago and one day you receive", "7fOganlZhDY-00174-00068050-00068150": "some message like this.", "7fOganlZhDY-00175-00068150-00068429": "And you just ask okay.", "7fOganlZhDY-00176-00068429-00068779": "Can you tell me a browser and a bit more context about that?", "7fOganlZhDY-00177-00068779-00069301": "And you receive something like this.", "7fOganlZhDY-00178-00069301-00069587": "So what's the problem?", "7fOganlZhDY-00179-00069587-00069820": "Why it's not working.", "7fOganlZhDY-00180-00069820-00070022": "Okay.", "7fOganlZhDY-00181-00070022-00070470": "You start reading a lot of different things to find the problem and the first thing that", "7fOganlZhDY-00182-00070470-00070765": "you see is the distance between the planets.", "7fOganlZhDY-00183-00070765-00071719": "So in perfect alignment, there's at least three minutes -- light needs at least three", "7fOganlZhDY-00184-00071719-00072002": "minutes to travel from earth to Mars.", "7fOganlZhDY-00185-00072002-00072487": "So if you're sending information at the same speed, round trip from earth to Mars will", "7fOganlZhDY-00186-00072487-00072832": "be six to 44 minutes.", "7fOganlZhDY-00187-00072832-00073479": "That's not working with ICP protocol and anything else.", "7fOganlZhDY-00188-00073479-00073881": "The first thing that you can think about is just I don't know.", "7fOganlZhDY-00189-00073881-00074200": "Deploying your website on some data center on Mars.", "7fOganlZhDY-00190-00074200-00074880": "And that will probably work but in the beginning, AWS was just building their data center, so", "7fOganlZhDY-00191-00074880-00075186": "we need to wait for them to finish it.", "7fOganlZhDY-00192-00075186-00075329": "Okay.", "7fOganlZhDY-00193-00075329-00075606": "What else can we do?", "7fOganlZhDY-00194-00075606-00076476": "We have largely it's not just a small latency or something like that, so, no, Netflix or", "7fOganlZhDY-00195-00076476-00076721": "video or audio call or anything like that.", "7fOganlZhDY-00196-00076721-00077280": "I know he's not happy about that.", "7fOganlZhDY-00197-00077280-00077700": "So what can we do when we don't have enough servers?", "7fOganlZhDY-00198-00077700-00077911": "Maybe go serverless?", "7fOganlZhDY-00199-00077911-00078598": "I actually really like serverless but it will not work with this.", "7fOganlZhDY-00200-00078598-00078916": "So how do we communicate on Mars.", "7fOganlZhDY-00201-00078916-00079410": "At the moment, we're using just radio waves.", "7fOganlZhDY-00202-00079410-00080033": "So each spacecraft sends radio waves, the same radio waves that you have -- that you", "7fOganlZhDY-00203-00080033-00080391": "are receiving in your car or something like that to earth.", "7fOganlZhDY-00204-00080391-00080982": "And then NASA has a very big receiver that will -- that just tries to receive those things,", "7fOganlZhDY-00205-00080982-00081082": "those waves.", "7fOganlZhDY-00206-00081082-00081388": "And then it tries to respond with the same waves.", "7fOganlZhDY-00207-00081388-00081958": "And most of the time they're really big because we're building our spacecrafts to save the", "7fOganlZhDY-00208-00081958-00082252": "energy and everything.", "7fOganlZhDY-00209-00082252-00082817": "And they need to be really precise because they need to travel very far, and they need", "7fOganlZhDY-00210-00082817-00082964": "to deliver some information.", "7fOganlZhDY-00211-00082964-00083496": "And then you need of course to do something with it.", "7fOganlZhDY-00212-00083496-00083675": "There's interplanetary Internet too.", "7fOganlZhDY-00213-00083675-00083925": "This thing is not new at all.", "7fOganlZhDY-00214-00083925-00084351": "They're working on that for -- I don't know 20 years or more.", "7fOganlZhDY-00215-00084351-00084465": "And how it works.", "7fOganlZhDY-00216-00084465-00085287": "So, for example, on this GIF you see how much time light needs to travel from earth to moon.", "7fOganlZhDY-00217-00085287-00085806": "Just imagine how -- so a perfect environment, we would have interplanetary Internet that", "7fOganlZhDY-00218-00085806-00086010": "will be passed as light.", "7fOganlZhDY-00219-00086010-00086202": "And let's just assume that.", "7fOganlZhDY-00220-00086202-00086467": "But let's see how it works.", "7fOganlZhDY-00221-00086467-00086881": "There is delay and disruption tolerant networks.", "7fOganlZhDY-00222-00086881-00087263": "And they're a bit different than networks that we know today.", "7fOganlZhDY-00223-00087263-00087484": "Networks that we know today look something like this.", "7fOganlZhDY-00224-00087484-00087860": "It just sends packages and wait for them to return.", "7fOganlZhDY-00225-00087860-00088328": "And if something just stops working, they will just retry.", "7fOganlZhDY-00226-00088328-00088968": "But you need to send package from end to end.", "7fOganlZhDY-00227-00088968-00089566": "That's a bit problematic with Mars because we have 22 minutes, and you're not able to", "7fOganlZhDY-00228-00089566-00090103": "communicate it if the sun is between the planets or if Mars rotates and the satellites are", "7fOganlZhDY-00229-00090103-00090457": "on the wrong side of the planet or something like that.", "7fOganlZhDY-00230-00090457-00090632": "So what we can do.", "7fOganlZhDY-00231-00090632-00091525": "This is network and how it works, it's just some kind of store and forward.", "7fOganlZhDY-00232-00091525-00092102": "So it stores all the packages, and it tries to forward them to the next node.", "7fOganlZhDY-00233-00092102-00092415": "If something breaks, you'll see it now.", "7fOganlZhDY-00234-00092415-00092948": "It will just try to resend it from the last node.", "7fOganlZhDY-00235-00092948-00093537": "Our nodes are -- I don't know satellites and old satellites and any other device that we", "7fOganlZhDY-00236-00093537-00093759": "can use as a node.", "7fOganlZhDY-00237-00093759-00094542": "So interplanetary Internet is basically just a network of Internets with -- that protocol", "7fOganlZhDY-00238-00094542-00095142": "in between that can communicate a bit differently.", "7fOganlZhDY-00239-00095142-00095688": "I don't know much about networks, so let's go back to Web development because we already", "7fOganlZhDY-00240-00095688-00096149": "know much more about that than networks and everything.", "7fOganlZhDY-00241-00096149-00096530": "First thing that we can do on Mars is of course to go offline.", "7fOganlZhDY-00242-00096530-00096674": "When we first load our website.", "7fOganlZhDY-00243-00096674-00096916": "So how do we load our website?", "7fOganlZhDY-00244-00096916-00097419": "I guess they will need to update something on some servers from Mars because we will", "7fOganlZhDY-00245-00097419-00097519": "have some servers.", "7fOganlZhDY-00246-00097519-00098029": "But most will not have big infrastructure, so we'll not be able to deploy everything", "7fOganlZhDY-00247-00098029-00098293": "to Mars, at least not in the beginning.", "7fOganlZhDY-00248-00098293-00099234": "And of course NASA or whoever else will use a lot of the resources to send more useful", "7fOganlZhDY-00249-00099234-00099615": "information for videos or something like that.", "7fOganlZhDY-00250-00099615-00100249": "So the first thing we can do is just make our website to work -- to allow our website", "7fOganlZhDY-00251-00100249-00100417": "to work offline.", "7fOganlZhDY-00252-00100417-00100866": "And you already heard before this talk about Service Workers, so I will not go that deep", "7fOganlZhDY-00253-00100866-00101088": "into the details.", "7fOganlZhDY-00254-00101088-00101906": "But Service Workers are just like some proxy between browser, your application, and network.", "7fOganlZhDY-00255-00101906-00102527": "So we can cache all the files and we can -- I don't know intercept network requests and", "7fOganlZhDY-00256-00102527-00102825": "just request the that really need to go to the server.", "7fOganlZhDY-00257-00102825-00103019": "If we have network.", "7fOganlZhDY-00258-00103019-00103592": "If we don't have network, we can get something from our local cache or something like that.", "7fOganlZhDY-00259-00103592-00104254": "And we can allow push notifications, and we can do background sync and things like that.", "7fOganlZhDY-00260-00104254-00104874": "So I'm not going to show much code today but basic examples of Service Workers would be", "7fOganlZhDY-00261-00104874-00104974": "something like this.", "7fOganlZhDY-00262-00104974-00105669": "So first, you need to check if browser has support for Service Workers.", "7fOganlZhDY-00263-00105669-00106094": "You need to do that because some browser, unfortunately, don't have support for that", "7fOganlZhDY-00264-00106094-00106409": "yet, and we don't know when they will support it.", "7fOganlZhDY-00265-00106409-00106897": "And after that, you just need to reduce the files that you want to cache locally, and", "7fOganlZhDY-00266-00106897-00107058": "that's basically it.", "7fOganlZhDY-00267-00107058-00107255": "You can do much, much more in the Service Workers.", "7fOganlZhDY-00268-00107255-00107510": "You saw that in the previous talk.", "7fOganlZhDY-00269-00107510-00108125": "And then you want to send -- you don't want to send a lot of API requests to the server", "7fOganlZhDY-00270-00108125-00108609": "because if anything goes to earth, you need to wait a lot for that.", "7fOganlZhDY-00271-00108609-00109125": "If it's on Mars, again, you don't want to make -- I don't know much pressure on that", "7fOganlZhDY-00272-00109125-00109374": "server because it's -- I don't know.", "7fOganlZhDY-00273-00109374-00109865": "It's -- all the other people are using the same server, so we don't have infrastructure", "7fOganlZhDY-00274-00109865-00109965": "yet.", "7fOganlZhDY-00275-00109965-00110210": "So the thing you can use is GraphQL or something like that.", "7fOganlZhDY-00276-00110210-00110978": "We heard more about that yesterday, but we can -- instead of sending API calls and things", "7fOganlZhDY-00277-00110978-00111708": "like that, we can just use GraphQL to request everything that we really need for that and", "7fOganlZhDY-00278-00111708-00111992": "store that somewhere.", "7fOganlZhDY-00279-00111992-00112583": "Beside that, we can -- it's going to have some local copy of the data and everything.", "7fOganlZhDY-00280-00112583-00113069": "So for that, we can use index DB.", "7fOganlZhDY-00281-00113069-00113762": "It's not working perfectly in browsers, but when we move to Mars, it will probably be", "7fOganlZhDY-00282-00113762-00113976": "a bit better.", "7fOganlZhDY-00283-00113976-00114361": "Maybe Safari will fix the bugs and everything.", "7fOganlZhDY-00284-00114361-00114583": "So what's an index DB?", "7fOganlZhDY-00285-00114583-00115090": "It's just a low level API for client-side storage.", "7fOganlZhDY-00286-00115090-00115545": "And there's a few concepts that index DB is using.", "7fOganlZhDY-00287-00115545-00116085": "First one, it just stores key value pairs.", "7fOganlZhDY-00288-00116085-00116622": "It's transactional database model, so everything you do is some kind of transaction.", "7fOganlZhDY-00289-00116622-00116723": "It's mostly asynchronous.", "7fOganlZhDY-00290-00116723-00117570": "And then it uses -- it uses events to notify you when some -- things are available.", "7fOganlZhDY-00291-00117570-00117977": "So you have some kind of success in the events and things like that.", "7fOganlZhDY-00292-00117977-00118080": "It's not using SQL.", "7fOganlZhDY-00293-00118080-00118363": "So it's basically a no SQL database.", "7fOganlZhDY-00294-00118363-00118865": "And you need to be on the same origin to be able to use it.", "7fOganlZhDY-00295-00118865-00119468": "I will not show the code because the API for indexed DB is not quite nice.", "7fOganlZhDY-00296-00119468-00119694": "There's other things that you can use.", "7fOganlZhDY-00297-00119694-00119890": "Pouch DB.", "7fOganlZhDY-00298-00119890-00120630": "That's basically the implementation of couch DB in the browser.", "7fOganlZhDY-00299-00120630-00120947": "It syncs really well and works very well offline.", "7fOganlZhDY-00300-00120947-00122287": "Basically you can synchronize with a browser, whenever you're only, it will try to sync", "7fOganlZhDY-00301-00122287-00122638": "again with the real server.", "7fOganlZhDY-00302-00122638-00123101": "And to send your information to the server.", "7fOganlZhDY-00303-00123101-00123912": "It's great for offline experience and things like that.", "7fOganlZhDY-00304-00123912-00124474": "It works with indexed DB, with SQL, local storage, and things like that.", "7fOganlZhDY-00305-00124474-00124682": "And here's some basic example.", "7fOganlZhDY-00306-00124682-00124844": "It's really simple to use.", "7fOganlZhDY-00307-00124844-00125708": "You just need to create a new database to put some data in it and connect to -- I don't", "7fOganlZhDY-00308-00125708-00125808": "know.", "7fOganlZhDY-00309-00125808-00126195": "Some other resource that you want to sync with.", "7fOganlZhDY-00310-00126195-00126359": "We're talking about background sync.", "7fOganlZhDY-00311-00126359-00126928": "So, for example, when you try to send data to the server, what information is not available", "7fOganlZhDY-00312-00126928-00127144": "at that moment for whatever reason.", "7fOganlZhDY-00313-00127144-00127278": "What can you do?", "7fOganlZhDY-00314-00127278-00127986": "Basically, you can send the -- I don't know API request and things in the background.", "7fOganlZhDY-00315-00127986-00129078": "So the if you don't have connection, some browsers can, but many others will be able", "7fOganlZhDY-00316-00129078-00129235": "to do that in the future.", "7fOganlZhDY-00317-00129235-00129833": "But you can just basically save that -- if I close the browser, the system will try to", "7fOganlZhDY-00318-00129833-00130448": "send the requests when you have -- I don't know Internet again; is that correct really", "7fOganlZhDY-00319-00130448-00130548": "nice.", "7fOganlZhDY-00320-00130548-00131232": "And, for example, it would be great to do some kind of periodic things or something", "7fOganlZhDY-00321-00131232-00131332": "like that.", "7fOganlZhDY-00322-00131332-00131670": "So, for example, if you're reading your news at 10:00 in the morning, it can sync with", "7fOganlZhDY-00323-00131670-00132178": "the server at -- I don't know 7:30 or something like that.", "7fOganlZhDY-00324-00132178-00132948": "Beside that, there's other thing that we can do is just upload and download big resources", "7fOganlZhDY-00325-00132948-00133188": "with the Service Workers.", "7fOganlZhDY-00326-00133188-00133288": "It's not working right now.", "7fOganlZhDY-00327-00133288-00133411": "It's just a proposition.", "7fOganlZhDY-00328-00133411-00133822": "But the idea is to enable background caching of multiple resources.", "7fOganlZhDY-00329-00133822-00134249": "So, for example, you have some big files or something like that, and you just close the", "7fOganlZhDY-00330-00134249-00134963": "browser, it will continue to do that in the background because operating system will continue", "7fOganlZhDY-00331-00134963-00135273": "to downloading and uploading everything.", "7fOganlZhDY-00332-00135273-00135874": "And it will just let you know when something is ready for you to use or when something", "7fOganlZhDY-00333-00135874-00136082": "is uploaded.", "7fOganlZhDY-00334-00136082-00136879": "And of course it will allow you to react somehow if something fails to upload or download.", "7fOganlZhDY-00335-00136879-00137309": "You can read more about that on this link.", "7fOganlZhDY-00336-00137309-00137551": "And that's it for Service Workers.", "7fOganlZhDY-00337-00137551-00137853": "But that doesn't solve all of our problems.", "7fOganlZhDY-00338-00137853-00138302": "So if we don't have a server, how can we communicate at all?", "7fOganlZhDY-00339-00138302-00138657": "So there's peer to peer connection.", "7fOganlZhDY-00340-00138657-00139048": "We still need server in the beginning just to connect with other people on the same network.", "7fOganlZhDY-00341-00139048-00139614": "But after that, we can send files and everything just by peer to peer connection.", "7fOganlZhDY-00342-00139614-00140599": "WebRTC is free open source project that provides realtime communication for -- it provides", "7fOganlZhDY-00343-00140599-00140833": "simple API for realtime communication.", "7fOganlZhDY-00344-00140833-00141125": "And it works in the browsers.", "7fOganlZhDY-00345-00141125-00141329": "There's a few APIs that it implements.", "7fOganlZhDY-00346-00141329-00141463": "First one is media stream.", "7fOganlZhDY-00347-00141463-00142014": "So, for example, if you want to do voice calls or video calls or things like that, you can", "7fOganlZhDY-00348-00142014-00142205": "use that.", "7fOganlZhDY-00349-00142205-00142748": "There's RTC peer connection, managing the connections and all of that, and the third", "7fOganlZhDY-00350-00142748-00143033": "thing is the RTC data channel.", "7fOganlZhDY-00351-00143033-00143367": "So you can send the data.", "7fOganlZhDY-00352-00143367-00143467": "Not just media.", "7fOganlZhDY-00353-00143467-00143827": "Not just video or audio or something like that.", "7fOganlZhDY-00354-00143827-00144197": "Here's an example of how to do that.", "7fOganlZhDY-00355-00144197-00144941": "WebRTC allowed us to build implementation of Web torrent inside the browser.", "7fOganlZhDY-00356-00144941-00145769": "So what that means is that you're basically able to load your -- to load and upload torrents", "7fOganlZhDY-00357-00145769-00145913": "from your browser directly.", "7fOganlZhDY-00358-00145913-00146280": "Why that -- why something like that is important for Mars.", "7fOganlZhDY-00359-00146280-00146707": "It's important because, for example, if I want to watch a movie and some of you have", "7fOganlZhDY-00360-00146707-00147142": "that movie, I don't need to download the movie from earth or server or whatever, I can just", "7fOganlZhDY-00361-00147142-00147502": "stream it from some other people in the same network.", "7fOganlZhDY-00362-00147502-00148061": "If it works for movies, it works the same for images or things like that, so it can", "7fOganlZhDY-00363-00148061-00148451": "solve our problem with media and with loading resources and things like that.", "7fOganlZhDY-00364-00148451-00148962": "So as you can see on the website, on their website, just imagine peer to peer YouTube.", "7fOganlZhDY-00365-00148962-00149323": "So you don't have servers, you just load everything from other people.", "7fOganlZhDY-00366-00149323-00149576": "That works great for us.", "7fOganlZhDY-00367-00149576-00149941": "And it's quite simple to use it for some basic use cases.", "7fOganlZhDY-00368-00149941-00150130": "You just need to do something like that.", "7fOganlZhDY-00369-00150130-00150607": "You need modeling of course but everything else is quite simple.", "7fOganlZhDY-00370-00150607-00151351": "But if you can load images and -- I don't know videos and things like that, peer to", "7fOganlZhDY-00371-00151351-00151734": "peer connection, why wouldn't you be able to load -- I don't know HTML, CSS, and JavaScript?", "7fOganlZhDY-00372-00151734-00152242": "That seems like -- it's just a file.", "7fOganlZhDY-00373-00152242-00152747": "So if you can load one type of file, you should be able to load some other types of files.", "7fOganlZhDY-00374-00152747-00153074": "So there's a thing called hyper drive.", "7fOganlZhDY-00375-00153074-00153930": "And it's a file sharing network based on -- it's basically something that allows you to make", "7fOganlZhDY-00376-00153930-00154185": "peer to peer drop box really easily.", "7fOganlZhDY-00377-00154185-00154746": "So you can share files, and you can -- I don't know load files from other peers.", "7fOganlZhDY-00378-00154746-00155317": "And as you can see that is using that as a main protocol.", "7fOganlZhDY-00379-00155317-00155604": "That can allow us to build something really cool.", "7fOganlZhDY-00380-00155604-00156361": "We can build, for example -- I don't know just imagine distributed Appstore that doesn't", "7fOganlZhDY-00381-00156361-00156553": "have server or something like that.", "7fOganlZhDY-00382-00156553-00157044": "So, for example, if you have some election, I will be able to load that application from", "7fOganlZhDY-00383-00157044-00157250": "you peer to peer network.", "7fOganlZhDY-00384-00157250-00157732": "And we don't really need server, so we can ship qualifications or updates or something", "7fOganlZhDY-00385-00157732-00157832": "like that.", "7fOganlZhDY-00386-00157832-00158297": "Just simple peer to peer connections.", "7fOganlZhDY-00387-00158297-00158653": "Of course we heard more about this a few days ago.", "7fOganlZhDY-00388-00158653-00159159": "But instead of -- I don't know instead of hyper drive and things like that, we can use", "7fOganlZhDY-00389-00159159-00159286": "interplanetary file system.", "7fOganlZhDY-00390-00159286-00159991": "That will work too because they can transfer large amounts of data from one machine to", "7fOganlZhDY-00391-00159991-00160373": "another with peer to peer and other protocols.", "7fOganlZhDY-00392-00160373-00160573": "Okay.", "7fOganlZhDY-00393-00160573-00161115": "But those are the things that we can do from -- I don't know with the technology that we", "7fOganlZhDY-00394-00161115-00161215": "have today.", "7fOganlZhDY-00395-00161215-00161411": "But that doesn't solve all of our problems.", "7fOganlZhDY-00396-00161411-00161629": "It just solve part of the problems.", "7fOganlZhDY-00397-00161629-00161822": "What are the other problems that we have?", "7fOganlZhDY-00398-00161822-00162404": "So, for example, things like time stamps are a bit problematic as you can remember, the", "7fOganlZhDY-00399-00162404-00162778": "day on Mars is a bit longer -- it's 40 minutes longer.", "7fOganlZhDY-00400-00162778-00163280": "Not that much but, again, it's enough to cause some problems.", "7fOganlZhDY-00401-00163280-00163802": "So we probably need a better way to manage time stamps and that like that.", "7fOganlZhDY-00402-00163802-00164479": "But said that, how do we do log in and -- so, for example, Facebook.", "7fOganlZhDY-00403-00164479-00164641": "How do you do that from Mars?", "7fOganlZhDY-00404-00164641-00165397": "Because you're not able to connect with Facebook all the time to check if everything is valid.", "7fOganlZhDY-00405-00165397-00165497": "That's another problem.", "7fOganlZhDY-00406-00165497-00165684": "And then security and privacy.", "7fOganlZhDY-00407-00165684-00166226": "How do -- I don't know how do stay secure on Mars because we don't have all the system", "7fOganlZhDY-00408-00166226-00166357": "that we have on earth.", "7fOganlZhDY-00409-00166357-00167044": "And if a majority of our infrastructure is on earth, how do we just check if -- I don't", "7fOganlZhDY-00410-00167044-00167423": "know right person want the right file or something like that?", "7fOganlZhDY-00411-00167423-00167955": "Of course in the beginning, we can just assume that no one else will do that because it will", "7fOganlZhDY-00412-00167955-00168060": "have small population.", "7fOganlZhDY-00413-00168060-00168791": "But at some point, that will be -- I don't know very big problem probably.", "7fOganlZhDY-00414-00168791-00169275": "The other problem is how do we test anything that we want to deploy to Mars?", "7fOganlZhDY-00415-00169275-00169523": "Because it's completely extreme situation.", "7fOganlZhDY-00416-00169523-00169867": "So how do you simulate that on earth at all?", "7fOganlZhDY-00417-00169867-00170454": "So that's some of the problems that we're not able to solve on front-end.", "7fOganlZhDY-00418-00170454-00170765": "We need to -- I don't know to use back end of course.", "7fOganlZhDY-00419-00170765-00171249": "And we need to find a better way to -- I don't know -- to handle those things.", "7fOganlZhDY-00420-00171249-00171484": "So what's a message of this talk?", "7fOganlZhDY-00421-00171484-00172136": "Is the message that we now know how to build an Instagram for Mars or something like that?", "7fOganlZhDY-00422-00172136-00172314": "No, it's not.", "7fOganlZhDY-00423-00172314-00173035": "It's not important still because we still have a lot of time until we send people to", "7fOganlZhDY-00424-00173035-00173135": "Mars.", "7fOganlZhDY-00425-00173135-00173346": "And until we have problems like this.", "7fOganlZhDY-00426-00173346-00174058": "But the main problem we have today is that most of the things that we're building today", "7fOganlZhDY-00427-00174058-00174373": "are not working for everyone on this planet.", "7fOganlZhDY-00428-00174373-00174796": "So most of the time we just don't care about -- we just assume a lot of things.", "7fOganlZhDY-00429-00174796-00175378": "And, for example, if you live in -- I don't know southeast Asia or Australia or something", "7fOganlZhDY-00430-00175378-00175895": "like that, you have a huge latency because majority of servers are in North America or", "7fOganlZhDY-00431-00175895-00176098": "Europe or something like that.", "7fOganlZhDY-00432-00176098-00176712": "And there's a lot of people with poor connections, and they're not able to -- okay.", "7fOganlZhDY-00433-00176712-00177308": "We're building faster Web applications and things like that, but it's really hard to", "7fOganlZhDY-00434-00177308-00177689": "use all those things in some places without stable Internet and things like that.", "7fOganlZhDY-00435-00177689-00178288": "So, for example, how do people on -- I don't know South Pole or something like that check", "7fOganlZhDY-00436-00178288-00178723": "their e-mails because they don't have secure connection.", "7fOganlZhDY-00437-00178723-00179128": "They have huge latency and things like that.", "7fOganlZhDY-00438-00179128-00179929": "And we need to try to improve applications that we're building on earth because at some", "7fOganlZhDY-00439-00179929-00180429": "point, we'll need to build applications that we need to deploy to other planets on.", "7fOganlZhDY-00440-00180429-00180588": "Or who knows what.", "7fOganlZhDY-00441-00180588-00181091": "And even not able right now to build application that will work on this planet.", "7fOganlZhDY-00442-00181091-00181567": "And all parts of the planet without the problem.", "7fOganlZhDY-00443-00181567-00181983": "And basically that's all from me.", "7fOganlZhDY-00444-00181983-00182422": "If you have any questions, you can ask them with that hashtag.", "7fOganlZhDY-00445-00182422-00182934": "[Applause] >> Thank you, that was really cool.", "7fOganlZhDY-00446-00182934-00183569": "I really like the way you ended there because I was talking recently to some people who", "7fOganlZhDY-00447-00183569-00184336": "travel around African villages, and they're offline for days and days and using pouch", "7fOganlZhDY-00448-00184336-00185067": "DB and Service Workers, so it's a real problem as well as fun trip to Mars.", "7fOganlZhDY-00449-00185067-00185688": ">> Actually they tested interplanetary Internet on some vigils far north and things like that", "7fOganlZhDY-00450-00185688-00186180": "because they don't have stable connection, and you have big latency.", "7fOganlZhDY-00451-00186180-00186285": ">> Excellent.", "7fOganlZhDY-00452-00186285-00186508": "A few questions from the audience.", "7fOganlZhDY-00453-00186508-00187032": "Is there a limit to the amount of stuff that you can store in the service worker cache", "7fOganlZhDY-00454-00187032-00187145": "do you know?", "7fOganlZhDY-00455-00187145-00187245": ">> Yeah.", "7fOganlZhDY-00456-00187245-00187345": "There's a limit.", "7fOganlZhDY-00457-00187345-00187601": "And it depends from a browser to browser.", "7fOganlZhDY-00458-00187601-00188172": "But I think it will evolve, so we'll probably be able to store more things.", "7fOganlZhDY-00459-00188172-00188512": ">> And presumably depends on the memory of the device.", "7fOganlZhDY-00460-00188512-00188612": ">> Of course.", "7fOganlZhDY-00461-00188612-00188834": "But you can ask for more memory and things like that.", "7fOganlZhDY-00462-00188834-00189146": "So for now, that's not the big concern.", "7fOganlZhDY-00463-00189146-00189246": ">> Excellent.", "7fOganlZhDY-00464-00189246-00189777": "And the same question I put to Andrew because you mentioned Safari a couple of times.", "7fOganlZhDY-00465-00189777-00190077": "Safari the new IE6?", "7fOganlZhDY-00466-00190077-00190177": ">> I don't know.", "7fOganlZhDY-00467-00190177-00190366": "It's just Safari.", "7fOganlZhDY-00468-00190366-00190621": "We'll see.", "7fOganlZhDY-00469-00190621-00191074": "It will introduce probably -- actually, we already have some issues with Safari.", "7fOganlZhDY-00470-00191074-00191452": "It works differently than other browsers, but we'll see how it will evolve.", "7fOganlZhDY-00471-00191452-00191860": ">> Thank you, well, ladies and gentlemen, give it up for Slobodan Stojanovic, please."}}, {"audio_id": "7fW372mDEec", "text": {"7fW372mDEec-00000-00000010-00000228": "\"ePoojaStore\" App Available Now", "7fW372mDEec-00001-00000278-00000520": "\"ePoojaStore\" App Available Now", "7fW372mDEec-00002-00000572-00000806": "\"ePoojaStore\" App Available Now", "7fW372mDEec-00003-00000850-00001070": "\"ePoojaStore\" App Available Now", "7fW372mDEec-00004-00001122-00001348": "\"ePoojaStore\" App Available Now", "7fW372mDEec-00005-00001394-00001630": "\"ePoojaStore\" App Available Now"}}, {"audio_id": "7fZMrNz1hP0", "text": {"7fZMrNz1hP0-00000-00000020-00000272": "For a Maker", "7fZMrNz1hP0-00001-00000314-00000632": "Traditional lessons may not learn the most", "7fZMrNz1hP0-00002-00000670-00001144": "On the contrary, what you can learn by hand is the most practical.", "7fZMrNz1hP0-00003-00001217-00001561": "Even if it ’s just a gizmo", "7fZMrNz1hP0-00004-00001570-00002178": "Or install an electric high truck that can carry people", "7fZMrNz1hP0-00005-00002352-00002640": "Must be able to learn a lot in it", "7fZMrNz1hP0-00006-00002700-00003054": "What if we take a look at this semester", "7fZMrNz1hP0-00007-00003054-00003420": "Saint Joan of Makers learns how to make something out of nothing", "7fZMrNz1hP0-00008-00003436-00003806": "Built an electric high truck capable of carrying people", "7fZMrNz1hP0-00009-00011088-00011182": "Sit down", "7fZMrNz1hP0-00010-00011288-00011414": "Comfortable?", "7fZMrNz1hP0-00011-00011585-00011685": "Super happy?", "7fZMrNz1hP0-00012-00011854-00012034": "Happy, the whole car is fitted out!", "7fZMrNz1hP0-00013-00012172-00012302": "Fastest speed!", "7fZMrNz1hP0-00014-00012611-00012711": "Turn", "7fZMrNz1hP0-00015-00012882-00012978": "Is it the fastest?", "7fZMrNz1hP0-00016-00013026-00013276": "Our classmates from the Maker Association assembled these two cars.", "7fZMrNz1hP0-00017-00013324-00013490": "Not only they can enjoy the process", "7fZMrNz1hP0-00018-00013544-00013846": "And can greet elementary school students", "7fZMrNz1hP0-00019-00013846-00014047": "Come to the STEAM Invitational", "7fZMrNz1hP0-00020-00014102-00014576": "I hope everyone in this show can share the joy of our classmates", "7fZMrNz1hP0-00021-00014612-00014712": "Goodbye!"}}, {"audio_id": "7gmf9ojatec", "text": {"7gmf9ojatec-00000-00000102-00000338": "We are upgrading the Bruce Highway between", "7gmf9ojatec-00001-00000338-00000528": "Edmonton and Gordonvale", "7gmf9ojatec-00002-00000714-00000961": "This is one of the busiest two-lane sections", "7gmf9ojatec-00003-00000961-00001258": "of the Bruce Highway between Cairns and Brisbane", "7gmf9ojatec-00004-00001258-00001590": "This exciting $481 million project", "7gmf9ojatec-00005-00001590-00001907": "will deliver a total transport solution,", "7gmf9ojatec-00006-00001957-00002204": "long-term improvements to traffic flow", "7gmf9ojatec-00007-00002258-00002494": "and road safety for all motorists", "7gmf9ojatec-00008-00002602-00002852": "catering for the future population growth", "7gmf9ojatec-00009-00002852-00003096": "of the southern corridor to Cairns", "7gmf9ojatec-00010-00003386-00003692": "We are duplicating the Bruce Highway to have four-lanes", "7gmf9ojatec-00011-00003692-00003932": "between Edmonton and Gordonvale", "7gmf9ojatec-00012-00004004-00004196": "A new signalised intersection", "7gmf9ojatec-00013-00004196-00004424": "will be constructed at Petersen Road", "7gmf9ojatec-00014-00004810-00005120": "New road and rail bridges will be built at", "7gmf9ojatec-00015-00005120-00005304": "Stoney Creek", "7gmf9ojatec-00016-00005304-00005532": "and Wrights Creek", "7gmf9ojatec-00017-00006056-00006378": "We're also building a new Bruce Highway overpass", "7gmf9ojatec-00018-00006378-00006616": "connecting to both Pine-Creek Yarrabah Road", "7gmf9ojatec-00019-00006616-00006750": "and Maitland Road", "7gmf9ojatec-00020-00006750-00007006": "which will greatly improve highway access,", "7gmf9ojatec-00021-00007006-00007309": "safety and connectivity", "7gmf9ojatec-00022-00008212-00008537": "Upgrades to the signalised intersections at Draper Road", "7gmf9ojatec-00023-00008537-00009005": "and Riverstone Road will improve traffic flow for motorists", "7gmf9ojatec-00024-00009009-00009292": "Several intersections and highway accesses", "7gmf9ojatec-00025-00009292-00009528": "will be either partially closed or removed", "7gmf9ojatec-00026-00009528-00009847": "to improve road safety on the highway", "7gmf9ojatec-00027-00009847-00010109": "Works include the realignment and upgrade", "7gmf9ojatec-00028-00010109-00010302": "of sections of Queensland Rail’s", "7gmf9ojatec-00029-00010302-00010692": "North Coast Line to accommodate the duplicated highway", "7gmf9ojatec-00030-00010695-00011054": "Better, safer facilities will be provided for cyclists", "7gmf9ojatec-00031-00011054-00011268": "and the active transport community with", "7gmf9ojatec-00032-00011268-00011588": "a new full length, off-road cycleway", "7gmf9ojatec-00033-00011948-00012152": "Upgrades delivered through this project", "7gmf9ojatec-00034-00012152-00012344": "will increase the posted speed between", "7gmf9ojatec-00035-00012344-00012904": "Edmonton and Gordonvale to 100km/hr", "7gmf9ojatec-00036-00013172-00013474": "We're investing in the future of North Queensland", "7gmf9ojatec-00037-00013474-00013616": "by delivering projects which", "7gmf9ojatec-00038-00013616-00014020": "will support safety, and population growth", "7gmf9ojatec-00039-00014192-00014377": "We’re committed to bringing you a more", "7gmf9ojatec-00040-00014377-00014656": "efficient highway motoring experience,", "7gmf9ojatec-00041-00014656-00014960": "to get you where you need to be safely and on time"}}, {"audio_id": "7guoxJWouQY", "text": {"7guoxJWouQY-00000-00000156-00000484": "Fourth Down at Half Time.", "7guoxJWouQY-00001-00000484-00001111": "A previous video introduced Straight Ahead Action, in which you create the first drawing,", "7guoxJWouQY-00002-00001111-00001484": "then the second one, then the third, etc.", "7guoxJWouQY-00003-00001484-00001942": "This style of animation is expressive but it can be hard to plan the scene or to go", "7guoxJWouQY-00004-00001942-00002243": "back and adjust the timing.", "7guoxJWouQY-00005-00002243-00002841": "Another video described The Odd Rule, which says that the spacings when slowing out from", "7guoxJWouQY-00006-00002841-00003564": "an apex follow a simple pattern of 1: 3: 5: 7:, etc.", "7guoxJWouQY-00007-00003564-00004105": "This rhythm is useful to have in mind when animating by Straight Ahead Action.", "7guoxJWouQY-00008-00004105-00004851": "A Principle of Animation is that there are two basic styles for creating animation:", "7guoxJWouQY-00009-00004851-00005396": "Straight Ahead and Pose-to-Pose Action", "7guoxJWouQY-00010-00005396-00005892": "In Pose-to-Pose Action, you start by creating the first and last key drawings.", "7guoxJWouQY-00011-00005892-00006526": "You also decide how many drawings to put in between the first and the last.", "7guoxJWouQY-00012-00006526-00007036": "Next, you create the �breakdown� drawing, which goes half-way in time between the first", "7guoxJWouQY-00013-00007036-00007378": "and the last drawings.", "7guoxJWouQY-00014-00007378-00007820": "You then finish by creating any remaining �in-between� drawings.", "7guoxJWouQY-00015-00007820-00008425": "Pose-to-Pose Action is less spontaneous than Straight Ahead but it�s easier to plan a", "7guoxJWouQY-00016-00008425-00008749": "scene from start to finish.", "7guoxJWouQY-00017-00008749-00009507": "�Fourth Down at Half Time� is a useful rule for animating falling motion by Pose-to-Pose", "7guoxJWouQY-00018-00009507-00009607": "Action.", "7guoxJWouQY-00019-00009607-00010364": "The �Fourth Down at Half Time� rule says that for falling motion the break-down drawing", "7guoxJWouQY-00020-00010364-00010652": "is a fourth of the distance from the apex.", "7guoxJWouQY-00021-00010652-00011268": "In this example Key #3 is the break-down drawing.", "7guoxJWouQY-00022-00011268-00011949": "In space, Key #3 is a fourth of the way down between #1 and #5.", "7guoxJWouQY-00023-00011949-00013108": "In time, Key #3 is half-way between #1 and #5 since it is the break-down drawing.", "7guoxJWouQY-00024-00013108-00013846": "Let�s shoot some video reference to verify the Fourth Down at Half Time rule.", "7guoxJWouQY-00025-00013846-00014272": "By the way, I did a poor job in the staging for this video.", "7guoxJWouQY-00026-00014272-00014772": "When you shoot your own video reference try to stage it so that your background is uncluttered", "7guoxJWouQY-00027-00014772-00015186": "Having a clean background lets you clearly see the action.", "7guoxJWouQY-00028-00015186-00015652": "You should also hold the camera steady.", "7guoxJWouQY-00029-00015652-00016030": "Now let�s analyze this video reference.", "7guoxJWouQY-00030-00016030-00016663": "The left image shows the ball at the apex on frame 57.", "7guoxJWouQY-00031-00016663-00017177": "The right image is ten frames later, just before I catch the ball.", "7guoxJWouQY-00032-00017177-00017958": "The middle image is the break-down and you see that the ball is a fourth of the way between", "7guoxJWouQY-00033-00017958-00018555": "the apex and the bottom.", "7guoxJWouQY-00034-00018555-00019015": "Fourth Down at Half Time gives you the position of the break-down drawing regardless of the", "7guoxJWouQY-00035-00019015-00019181": "number of frames per drawing.", "7guoxJWouQY-00036-00019181-00019887": "The illustration on the left is for 3 frames per key; the one on the right is 6 frames", "7guoxJWouQY-00037-00019887-00020242": "per key.", "7guoxJWouQY-00038-00020242-00020834": "Here is an example of a ball drop from a height of 4 feet, shot on twos.", "7guoxJWouQY-00039-00020834-00021213": "That is, two frames per key drawing.", "7guoxJWouQY-00040-00021213-00021689": "Key #4 is the break-down key (half way between #1 and #7).", "7guoxJWouQY-00041-00021689-00022643": "The distance from the apex (#1) to the break-down (#4) is 1 foot since that is a quarter of", "7guoxJWouQY-00042-00022643-00023224": "the distance from the apex to the bottom.", "7guoxJWouQY-00043-00023224-00023835": "In computer animation the Fourth Down at Half Time rule is easy to use in the graph editor.", "7guoxJWouQY-00044-00023835-00024493": "After selecting the top and bottom keys just position the breakdown key as shown here.", "7guoxJWouQY-00045-00024493-00024968": "The computer will automatically calculate the position of the ball on all the other", "7guoxJWouQY-00046-00024968-00025068": "frames.", "7guoxJWouQY-00047-00025068-00025554": "By the way, this graph editor curve needs to be flat at the apex.", "7guoxJWouQY-00048-00025554-00026063": "Don�t forget to check that.", "7guoxJWouQY-00049-00026063-00026420": "In traditional animation you have to draw the in-betweens yourself.", "7guoxJWouQY-00050-00026420-00026660": "Here is one way to do it.", "7guoxJWouQY-00051-00026660-00027600": "For the top spacing the in-between is a fourth of the distance from the apex.", "7guoxJWouQY-00052-00027600-00028463": "For the bottom spacing the in-between is a little above the center of that spacing.", "7guoxJWouQY-00053-00028463-00029143": "Another way to draw the in-betweens is to use the �Falling a la Chai� recipe:", "7guoxJWouQY-00054-00029143-00029905": "First, draw the interval from first & last keys.", "7guoxJWouQY-00055-00029905-00030351": "Divide the interval in half and mark a key.", "7guoxJWouQY-00056-00030351-00031118": "Then divide the top part in half and mark another key.", "7guoxJWouQY-00057-00031118-00031879": "Divide the top part of that in half and skip (i.e., no key here).", "7guoxJWouQY-00058-00031879-00032516": "Finally, divide the top part of that in half and mark one more key.", "7guoxJWouQY-00059-00032516-00033091": "This gives you the break-down drawing plus the two in-betweens.", "7guoxJWouQY-00060-00033091-00033791": "The lower in-between is going to be slightly too high but no one will notice.", "7guoxJWouQY-00061-00033791-00034055": "Falling a la Chai uses Fourth Down at Half Time.", "7guoxJWouQY-00062-00034055-00034337": "In fact, it uses it twice.", "7guoxJWouQY-00063-00034337-00035489": "Key #3 if a fourth of the distance down and is half-way in time between keys #1 and #5.", "7guoxJWouQY-00064-00035489-00036660": "Key #2 if a fourth of the distance down and is half-way in time between keys #1 and #3.", "7guoxJWouQY-00065-00036660-00037228": "Finally, the Fourth Down at Half Time rule isn�t just for falling motion.", "7guoxJWouQY-00066-00037228-00037642": "It applies whenever the acceleration or deceleration is constant.", "7guoxJWouQY-00067-00037642-00038238": "For example, a sliding brick coming to a stop due to friction follows the Fourth Down at", "7guoxJWouQY-00068-00038238-00038451": "Half Time rule.", "7guoxJWouQY-00069-00038451-00038990": "Fourth Down at Half Time applies if The Odd Rule applies, which it often does for slowing", "7guoxJWouQY-00070-00038990-00039220": "in or out.", "7guoxJWouQY-00071-00039220-00039567": "In summary:", "7guoxJWouQY-00072-00039567-00040103": "In Pose-to-Pose animation the first and last keys are fixed, then the breakdown and in-between", "7guoxJWouQY-00073-00040103-00040224": "keys are filled in.", "7guoxJWouQY-00074-00040224-00040833": "The �Fourth Down at Half Time� Rule says that the breakdown key is a fourth of the", "7guoxJWouQY-00075-00040833-00041099": "way down from the apex.", "7guoxJWouQY-00076-00041099-00041771": "�Falling a-la-Chai� is an extension of Fourth Down at Half Time for estimating in-between", "7guoxJWouQY-00077-00041771-00042070": "keys.", "7guoxJWouQY-00078-00042070-00042652": "Fourth Down at Half Time applies if The Odd Rule applies, which it often does for slowing", "7guoxJWouQY-00079-00042652-00042850": "in or out.", "7guoxJWouQY-00080-00042850-00043386": "In some of the other videos we will look at more complicated motion in which these rules", "7guoxJWouQY-00081-00043386-00043593": "do not apply.", "7guoxJWouQY-00082-00043593-00044084": "But even in those cases, these rules do serve as a starting point for understanding the", "7guoxJWouQY-00083-00044084-00044488": "timing and spacing of complex motion.", "7guoxJWouQY-00084-00044488-00044525": "See you then."}}, {"audio_id": "7gAUD16dj54", "text": {"7gAUD16dj54-00000-00000000-00000703": "Color Analysis with Flowers: Orange", "7gAUD16dj54-00001-00000803-00001103": "People who like orange flowers, are fond of luxury and showing off.", "7gAUD16dj54-00002-00001203-00001503": "They get their positive energy from Mercury. And they always have a place to be and things to manage.", "7gAUD16dj54-00003-00001603-00001903": "They can get angry easily. They tend to stress out before important days and events.", "7gAUD16dj54-00004-00002003-00002302": "Their mood is tend to change during the day, that's why they are not so reliable.", "7gAUD16dj54-00005-00002402-00002702": "They always want to be right and they cant seem to see their own fault much. 🧡🧡🧡", "7gAUD16dj54-00006-00002802-00002902": "What is your favorite orange flower?... Please share in the comments. Thank you."}}, {"audio_id": "7gauBExGvEY", "text": {"7gauBExGvEY-00000-00000567-00001154": "Queen had asked girl she was presenting Bible to if she 'looked after' little sister", "7gauBExGvEY-00001-00001271-00001848": "Girl's mother at Sandringham House in Norfolk said it was 'the other way around'", "7gauBExGvEY-00002-00001964-00002561": "This prompted Queen Elizabeth II to say: 'It's like that with Charlotte and George'", "7gauBExGvEY-00003-00002678-00003236": "Comment echoes Kate's previous remark that her daughter is 'the one in charge'", "7gauBExGvEY-00004-00003353-00003997": "The Queen has joked that Princess Charlotte loves to boss around her big brother Prince George.", "7gauBExGvEY-00005-00004114-00005097": "Queen Elizabeth II made the comment at Sandringham House in Norfolk after asking if a schoolgirl she was presenting with a Bible 'looked after' her little sister.", "7gauBExGvEY-00006-00005214-00006012": "The girl's mother replied that it was 'the other way around', prompting the Queen to say: 'It's like that with Charlotte and George.'", "7gauBExGvEY-00007-00006129-00006963": "Her comment echoes a reported remark by the Duchess of Cambridge who claimed in March last year that her daughter was 'the one in charge'.", "7gauBExGvEY-00008-00007080-00008094": "The Queen made the comment about her great granddaughter to Ellen Clay, 38, who was at Sandringham to watch her daughter Emily, ten, receive a Bible.", "7gauBExGvEY-00009-00008211-00009170": "Every year, she presents a bible to the pupil from one of the local primary schools on her Norfolk estate who does best in a religious studies project.", "7gauBExGvEY-00010-00009287-00010234": "This year the prize was awarded to Emily, of Dersingham, Norfolk, whose father Tom Clay, 38, also won it in 1990.", "7gauBExGvEY-00011-00010351-00011367": "Dersingham Primary School pupil Emily went to Sandringham for the presentation after church on Sunday, along with her parents and six-year-old sister Hadleigh", "7gauBExGvEY-00012-00011484-00012167": "Mrs Clay said: 'She asked if Emily looked after Hadleigh and I said it was more the other way round", "7gauBExGvEY-00013-00012284-00012787": "She said it was like that with Princess Charlotte and Prince George.'", "7gauBExGvEY-00014-00012904-00013704": "Insurance worker Mr Clay added: 'The Queen was implying that Charlotte keeps an eye out for George rather than the other way around.", "7gauBExGvEY-00015-00013821-00014281": "'It is often the case that a younger child is more confident", "7gauBExGvEY-00016-00014397-00015578": "It is second child syndrome.' The Queen also asked Emily about her project - a folder about the Bible story of Daniel in the lions' den - before asking Hadleigh if she liked school.", "7gauBExGvEY-00017-00015694-00016378": "Mr Clay said he still remembered speaking to the Queen when being presented with his Bible in 1990.", "7gauBExGvEY-00018-00016495-00017168": "He said after the presentation: 'The Bible I got was half the size of Emily's which was massive", "7gauBExGvEY-00019-00017285-00017735": "The Queen said, 'You will have to be careful holding this'", "7gauBExGvEY-00020-00017852-00018357": "'She made a joke about the size of it and the fact that mine was smaller", "7gauBExGvEY-00021-00018474-00018830": "It was very good that we all got to go in", "7gauBExGvEY-00022-00018947-00019455": "When I won it, it was just me and my headmaster who were allowed in.'", "7gauBExGvEY-00023-00019572-00020219": "The Queen told the family she thought they were the first to have a parent and child who had both won the Bible.", "7gauBExGvEY-00024-00020336-00021048": "Mr Clay said he hoped that daughter Hadleigh would win the prize as well, making it a hat trick for the family.", "7gauBExGvEY-00025-00021165-00022177": "Charlotte, who turns three on May 2,  her confident nature last week in an official photograph released to mark her first day at Willcocks Nursery School.", "7gauBExGvEY-00026-00022294-00023459": "The picture taken by the Duchess of Cambridge, who is pregnant with her third child, showed the two-year-old beaming in delight as she sat on the steps at Kensington Palace before setting off for the nursery.", "7gauBExGvEY-00027-00023576-00024268": "Last March, the Duchess also allegedly disclosed how Charlotte liked to be in command of her brother.", "7gauBExGvEY-00028-00024385-00025735": "The Duchess was assisting the Queen and Prince William in unveiling a memorial for those who served in Iraq and Afghanistan when she stopped for a chat with Samantha Burge, the wife of Royal Marine Warrant Officer, Chris Burge.", "7gauBExGvEY-00029-00025852-00026580": "Mrs Burge, who has two young daughters, said: 'Kate said that Charlotte is growing up really fast", "7gauBExGvEY-00030-00026697-00027320": "She is the one in charge. 'We have both got two-year-olds and they are ruling the roost", "7gauBExGvEY-00031-00027437-00028252": "It was a bit of a mummy chat.' Kate was also said to have  that the young Royal siblings were becoming 'very good friends.'", "7gauBExGvEY-00032-00028369-00029604": "Charlotte first put her fun-loving nature on public display when she was 16 months old and joined her parents and brother at a tea party for military families on their tour of Canada in September 2016.", "7gauBExGvEY-00033-00029720-00030049": "The toddler appeared besotted with"}}, {"audio_id": "7h53CVCwvvg", "text": {"7h53CVCwvvg-00000-00000112-00000212": "Jack: Yes.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00001-00000212-00000819": "So to begin this first chapter of our day, we're just really looking forward to having", "7h53CVCwvvg-00002-00000819-00001290": "everyone here to envision the future of biotech and biotech devices.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00003-00001290-00001789": "But before we can launch into the future, we need to understand the present.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00004-00001789-00002362": "And so we're going to have speakers from a variety of disciplines and departments and", "7h53CVCwvvg-00005-00002362-00002925": "places talk to us about their work in this field to inform and inspire the second half", "7h53CVCwvvg-00006-00002925-00003644": "of the day where we will then begin prototyping and envisioning this really crazy future that", "7h53CVCwvvg-00007-00003644-00003871": "you'll be hearing about all day.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00008-00003871-00004508": "Jack: So to begin this, the first chapter of the day is synthesize.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00009-00004508-00004989": "And so this is using biological systems to produce things.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00010-00004989-00005592": "And so there's this subtle shift that we've been having in how we make things, actually", "7h53CVCwvvg-00011-00005592-00005923": "going from making to harvesting.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00012-00005923-00006468": "And we see this now even with 3D printers where we upload the file and then eight hours", "7h53CVCwvvg-00013-00006468-00006745": "later we come back and we harvest our print.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00014-00006745-00007331": "But we're limited just to maybe a little bit of plastic or a laser cut piece of wood.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00015-00007331-00007822": "And so we're going to hear some really great speakers that are questioning or pushing forward,", "7h53CVCwvvg-00016-00007822-00008250": "\"Well, what if we can create things that can create anything?\"", "7h53CVCwvvg-00017-00008250-00008758": "Jack: And so to begin that, I would like to invite our first speaker up.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00018-00008758-00008911": "This is Rachel Soo Hoo Smith.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00019-00008911-00009821": "She is a PhD student in the media lab in Neri Oxman's mediated manner group, and welcome.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00020-00009821-00010267": "Rachel Soo Hoo ...: Awesome.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00021-00010267-00010491": "Thanks Jack.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00022-00010491-00010825": "Let's see, awesome.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00023-00010825-00011272": "And here we go.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00024-00011272-00011426": "Good morning guys.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00025-00011426-00011636": "Yeah, so my name is Rachel.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00026-00011636-00011860": "I'm a PhD student.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00027-00011860-00012133": "I work here at the media lab.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00028-00012133-00012798": "And one of my main goals today is to, in this short 10 minutes, tell you a little bit about", "7h53CVCwvvg-00029-00012798-00013345": "a field that I belovedly called Hybrid Living Materials.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00030-00013345-00013856": "This could also be known as engineered living materials, bio hybrids, wearable biotech.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00031-00013856-00014435": "It fits snugly in this conference of what we're talking about today.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00032-00014435-00015151": "And one thing in this theme of synthesize that I want you to focus on in this is that", "7h53CVCwvvg-00033-00015151-00015859": "in between all the exciting bio and digital, there's also materials, which I think of as", "7h53CVCwvvg-00034-00015859-00015993": "the underdog.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00035-00015993-00016212": "But it's there.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00036-00016212-00016853": "It might seem boring and inert, but it's something that we think about a lot on a daily basis", "7h53CVCwvvg-00037-00016853-00016992": "when we're synthesizing.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00038-00016992-00017795": "Rachel Soo Hoo ...: And so to start things off, I thought it would be morning and you", "7h53CVCwvvg-00039-00017795-00018290": "guys could have a pop quiz and I could judge how nerdy the audience is.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00040-00018290-00018676": "Does anybody know what we're looking at here?", "7h53CVCwvvg-00041-00018676-00018779": "You can scream it out.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00042-00018779-00018895": "Speaker 3: 2001!", "7h53CVCwvvg-00043-00018895-00019048": "Rachel Soo Hoo ...: Yeah.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00044-00019048-00019379": "So this is a Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00045-00019379-00019767": "This is my favorite scene cause it's the Dawn of humanity.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00046-00019767-00020781": "This pro-human monkey has sat in this pile of bones for a long time and has just had", "7h53CVCwvvg-00047-00020781-00021415": "this giant epiphany that this is not just a bone, this is also a tool.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00048-00021415-00021739": "And this is the the cradle of humanity.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00049-00021739-00022273": "It's now utensil and a weapon and a signal and everything else.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00050-00022273-00022806": "Rachel Soo Hoo ...: And although that is fiction, I think that's happened many times throughout", "7h53CVCwvvg-00051-00022806-00022906": "history.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00052-00022906-00023659": "We've gone, in the last hundreds and more years, through a bronze age and an iron age.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00053-00023659-00024240": "We've found plastics and glass and we found more and more sophisticated processes through", "7h53CVCwvvg-00054-00024240-00024340": "them.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00055-00024340-00024732": "So, we've got these skyscrapers now and these tiny silicon chips.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00056-00024732-00025484": "And even this new kind of black mirror of virtual material and virtual reality as well.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00057-00025484-00026116": "Rachel Soo Hoo ...: But I don't think we've depleted our physical world yet.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00058-00026116-00026700": "I think that if we were to ask someone what the next revolution of materials could be,", "7h53CVCwvvg-00059-00026700-00027222": "it's to think of a living cell as a material.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00060-00027222-00028025": "And if we take this to actually break down what a cell is and what it has to offer us,", "7h53CVCwvvg-00061-00028025-00028638": "you can see that cells, first of all, are extremely good at harvesting energy from their", "7h53CVCwvvg-00062-00028638-00029030": "environment and then using that energy to be motile.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00063-00029030-00029130": "They're these little agents.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00064-00029130-00029427": "They can also use that in energy to replicate and grow.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00065-00029427-00030077": "Rachel Soo Hoo ...: Their surfaces are jam packed with all these little signal receptors", "7h53CVCwvvg-00066-00030077-00030511": "and things and sensors for their environment.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00067-00030511-00031131": "And this module also has an interior that can produce all these metabolic agents.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00068-00031131-00031658": "Pretty much we have programmability for making DNA, proteins, antibodies, and a lot of metabolic", "7h53CVCwvvg-00069-00031658-00031820": "chemicals.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00070-00031820-00032278": "And if you think of this one little agent as a material, we can go pretty far with it.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00071-00032278-00032494": "Rachel Soo Hoo ...: But what's the catch?", "7h53CVCwvvg-00072-00032494-00032786": "There's always a catch.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00073-00032786-00033347": "And our engineering requirements say that for engineerable materials, we need some level", "7h53CVCwvvg-00074-00033347-00033511": "of control over these things.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00075-00033511-00034163": "We need our material to be repeatable, designable, and standardizable.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00076-00034163-00034950": "And that's where we're having our next big hurrah in the materials world, is trying to", "7h53CVCwvvg-00077-00034950-00035196": "create some control over this.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00078-00035196-00035412": "And luckily there's a lot of people doing it.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00079-00035412-00035958": "Rachel Soo Hoo ...: So, in no particular order, I don't mean to offend anyone, this should", "7h53CVCwvvg-00080-00035958-00036425": "have been floating bubbles, but in the last 20 years we've had people in the world of", "7h53CVCwvvg-00081-00036425-00037125": "synthetic biology start to relate these cells to computers and program with them.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00082-00037125-00037568": "We've had people in regenerative medicine for the first time put cells into additive", "7h53CVCwvvg-00083-00037568-00038184": "manufacturing platforms and print with them and really take that idea of them as a material", "7h53CVCwvvg-00084-00038184-00038586": "to a next level and even let them grow emergently afterward.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00085-00038586-00039153": "Rachel Soo Hoo ...: And then we have what we now call these bio hybrid and hybrid living", "7h53CVCwvvg-00086-00039153-00039253": "materials.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00087-00039253-00039865": "And a few quick examples of these, some of them you'll see today are bio bots, things", "7h53CVCwvvg-00088-00039865-00040219": "that use cells to be motile.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00089-00040219-00040986": "And there's also large built structures, like the cellulose and mycelium structures that", "7h53CVCwvvg-00090-00040986-00041587": "can be grown and if they're still alive can begin to sense as part of the building.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00091-00041587-00042293": "Some other of my favorites are bio textiles and this could be anything from Hiroshi's", "7h53CVCwvvg-00092-00042293-00042588": "group to embedded bacterias and threads.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00093-00042588-00043222": "Rachel Soo Hoo ...: And then I think it's been over a decade since this has happened,", "7h53CVCwvvg-00094-00043222-00044008": "but these biological photographs are using the logic gates in E. Coli so that each cell", "7h53CVCwvvg-00095-00044008-00044584": "can act kind of like a pixel on a plate and decide whether or not, based on a rules, to", "7h53CVCwvvg-00096-00044584-00044709": "produce ink or not.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00097-00044709-00045280": "And not only can it do photographs but it can do edge detection and a lot of other levels", "7h53CVCwvvg-00098-00045280-00045579": "of logic that we usually only see in digital.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00099-00045579-00046071": "Rachel Soo Hoo ...: So with that, I want to bring you to some of the work we do in the", "7h53CVCwvvg-00100-00046071-00046550": "mediated matter group with a lot of collaborators as well.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00101-00046550-00047138": "And that's how we approach this idea of hybrid living materials.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00102-00047138-00047827": "And again, to go back to synthesis, we've played with that idea a lot and we often do", "7h53CVCwvvg-00103-00047827-00048168": "not assign who is the maker.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00104-00048168-00048706": "We let that drift between anything from a silkworm, a bacteria, the computer designer,", "7h53CVCwvvg-00105-00048706-00048938": "or the biologist.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00106-00048938-00049549": "And we like to break through what people assume can be made and how it is made.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00107-00049549-00050212": "Rachel Soo Hoo ...: And with that, the next pop quiz of the day is how do you think this", "7h53CVCwvvg-00108-00050212-00050750": "was synthesized or what is it?", "7h53CVCwvvg-00109-00050750-00051019": "Speaker 4: [inaudible]", "7h53CVCwvvg-00110-00051019-00051469": "Rachel Soo Hoo ...: Yes, yes.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00111-00051469-00051836": "So, you probably already know some of you.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00112-00051836-00052194": "But this was where our story starts.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00113-00052194-00052713": "We do a lot of 3D printing in our group and this is a multi material inkjet 3D printer.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00114-00052713-00053360": "So we're working off the basis that we can use tiny drops of ink to have heterogeneous", "7h53CVCwvvg-00115-00053360-00053882": "material distribution throughout an object, which is something that is fairly novel in", "7h53CVCwvvg-00116-00053882-00054200": "our material history.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00117-00054200-00054392": "And there's a couple more example of these objects.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00118-00054392-00055122": "Rachel Soo Hoo ...: What's beautiful about them is this printer has about 16 micron control", "7h53CVCwvvg-00119-00055122-00055699": "in one dimension and it also allows you not only to have different materials in one unified", "7h53CVCwvvg-00120-00055699-00056191": "object, but grade your material properties continuously throughout, which up to this", "7h53CVCwvvg-00121-00056191-00056513": "one is something we've only really seen in natural constructs.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00122-00056513-00057164": "And although this is biomimetic, we're starting to wonder how can we make this not just mirror", "7h53CVCwvvg-00123-00057164-00057444": "biology, but have some kind of functional interface with it.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00124-00057444-00057926": "Can we use these things that look a lot like biology to actually communicate?", "7h53CVCwvvg-00125-00057926-00058323": "Rachel Soo Hoo ...: And that was the goal of Vespers, it was a group of death masks,", "7h53CVCwvvg-00126-00058323-00058938": "if you're wondering what these shapes are, and our idea was to take this a biotic material", "7h53CVCwvvg-00127-00058938-00059817": "and by the end of the project have something where both the digital design platform and", "7h53CVCwvvg-00128-00059817-00060608": "the abiotic materials we print with were having some kind of interface or active communication", "7h53CVCwvvg-00129-00060608-00060777": "with the living cells.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00130-00060777-00061179": "Rachel Soo Hoo ...: And how he did this was threefold.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00131-00061179-00061805": "We actually worked in the area of the software, the printer, and the cell to create the system", "7h53CVCwvvg-00132-00061805-00062311": "as a whole that could be programmable.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00133-00062311-00062541": "So, this is to start.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00134-00062541-00063113": "Our software was a custom software made for the printer and the only thing you really", "7h53CVCwvvg-00135-00063113-00064057": "do need to know about this is that what we're able to do here, I'll play that again, is", "7h53CVCwvvg-00136-00064057-00064761": "create a bitmap where at every single point in 3D space we can say if a material does", "7h53CVCwvvg-00137-00064761-00065030": "or does not exist there and how much of it.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00138-00065030-00065619": "Before we were only using that for visual materials like a color or transparency or", "7h53CVCwvvg-00139-00065619-00066160": "opacity, but our next idea was to use that for a chemical signal to say at any given", "7h53CVCwvvg-00140-00066160-00066836": "point in this 3D object, we want a small chemical inducer, as we call it, and that's something", "7h53CVCwvvg-00141-00066836-00067407": "that synthetic biologists have used for a long time as a way to communicate with bacteria", "7h53CVCwvvg-00142-00067407-00067592": "and turn on or off a gene.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00143-00067592-00067957": "Rachel Soo Hoo ...: And so what we're doing now is putting that into a three dimensional", "7h53CVCwvvg-00144-00067957-00068687": "object and giving it a spatial information set of where to turn on or off a gene.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00145-00068687-00068997": "Then of course you have your programmable material.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00146-00068997-00069248": "You need your programmable life.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00147-00069248-00069398": "These are our E. Coli cells.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00148-00069398-00070002": "They're our trusty workhorses and for most of the visuals that you're seeing, it's actually", "7h53CVCwvvg-00149-00070002-00070137": "a very simple circuit.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00150-00070137-00070705": "Puck 19, which has a [inaudible] and produces of blue pigment when the gene turns on.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00151-00070705-00070976": "There you go.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00152-00070976-00071758": "And so, what's beautiful about these biological circuits, as many of you know, is that right", "7h53CVCwvvg-00153-00071758-00072404": "now we're working on this huge library of biological and engineered gene circuits that", "7h53CVCwvvg-00154-00072404-00072665": "different labs are producing.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00155-00072665-00073257": "So, really once you have a platform where you can make both of these things, you can", "7h53CVCwvvg-00156-00073257-00074079": "benefit from a library of colors, products, and even bioactive materials that you can", "7h53CVCwvvg-00157-00074079-00074195": "make with cells.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00158-00074195-00074757": "Rachel Soo Hoo ...: So, this is Vespers 3.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00159-00074757-00075086": "What we did here, this is a 3D print that came off the printer.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00160-00075086-00076102": "It's a time lapse of about 24 hours that this mask sat in a humidity controlled incubator.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00161-00076102-00076729": "And you can start to see that the mask has embedded in it, the chemical signals necessary", "7h53CVCwvvg-00162-00076729-00077017": "to tell the bacteria where to produce color.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00163-00077017-00077402": "The bacteria are living across the entire mask.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00164-00077402-00078113": "So, you just can't see them in some areas where their genes aren't on and they're having", "7h53CVCwvvg-00165-00078113-00078448": "this interaction with the material.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00166-00078448-00078699": "So, let's see.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00167-00078699-00079081": "Rachel Soo Hoo ...: So, that was pretty cool.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00168-00079081-00079638": "So, what we actually think is cool about this is we've integrated it into a digital process.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00169-00079638-00080108": "That means that the second we made this in the incubator, we ran back to the computer", "7h53CVCwvvg-00170-00080108-00080385": "and we said, \"Oh my gosh, we can iterate on this.\"", "7h53CVCwvvg-00171-00080385-00080924": "And the gene expression areas didn't end up in exactly the right spot.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00172-00080924-00081585": "So, we went back to our CAD program, we redesigned, and we realized we could make prediction models", "7h53CVCwvvg-00173-00081585-00081772": "for where the genes would express.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00174-00081772-00082231": "And that way we now have a CAD program where we can design what we want to make and press", "7h53CVCwvvg-00175-00082231-00082331": "print.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00176-00082331-00083038": "Rachel Soo Hoo ...: And so we've made a lot of different experiments in this way and started", "7h53CVCwvvg-00177-00083038-00083533": "to branch out into the geometries and the different materials properties that we can", "7h53CVCwvvg-00178-00083533-00083752": "work with.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00179-00083752-00084326": "And ... I actually want to ... Do I have one more slide?", "7h53CVCwvvg-00180-00084326-00084426": "No.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00181-00084426-00084526": "Okay.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00182-00084526-00084847": "Rachel Soo Hoo ...: And we've also used a lot of logic circuits in this.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00183-00084847-00085401": "So, the same logic circuits that create the types of photographs you saw earlier we can", "7h53CVCwvvg-00184-00085401-00085952": "use to combine the logic of multiple signals or inputs that those bacteria are getting", "7h53CVCwvvg-00185-00085952-00086517": "and tell them if you're getting these multiple things, you should produce a signal or a product", "7h53CVCwvvg-00186-00086517-00086617": "here.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00187-00086617-00086867": "So, this was one of our ideas.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00188-00086867-00087741": "This is going 10, 100 years into the future for how this could possibly be seen in a real", "7h53CVCwvvg-00189-00087741-00087841": "application.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00190-00087841-00088538": "Rachel Soo Hoo ...: And that was scoliosis back brace, which is already an area that", "7h53CVCwvvg-00191-00088538-00089388": "we need to see a lot of custom made wear for different patients who have different kind", "7h53CVCwvvg-00192-00089388-00089663": "of backs and different problems.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00193-00089663-00090274": "And here we want to use bacteria to start to find the pain points and the inflammation", "7h53CVCwvvg-00194-00090274-00090877": "points and produce different bioactive drugs for them in those areas.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00195-00090877-00091801": "Rachel Soo Hoo ...: So finally, I think this project was a huge mix of design, art, and", "7h53CVCwvvg-00196-00091801-00091901": "engineering.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00197-00091901-00092738": "One of the places it's ended up is the London Design Museum and MoMA as well as Advanced", "7h53CVCwvvg-00198-00092738-00093008": "Functional Materials, which is a publication.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00199-00093008-00093220": "So we try to push on both ends.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00200-00093220-00093967": "We realized that putting living cells into objects is going to take a lot of public exposure", "7h53CVCwvvg-00201-00093967-00094204": "to get people to be comfortable with it.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00202-00094204-00094714": "And first they're going to have to be in these glass cases and completely pasteurized.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00203-00094714-00095583": "And we may have to tell TSA that they were salad bowls, but eventually we can start to", "7h53CVCwvvg-00204-00095583-00096156": "use them for these functional ideas that you'll think of today.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00205-00096156-00096332": "And I'm really excited to see it get there.", "7h53CVCwvvg-00206-00096332-00096376": "Thank you."}}, {"audio_id": "7hsDhGnUzRy", "text": {"7hsDhGnUzRy-00000-00000707-00000866": "- Hey Alabama 4-H.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00001-00000866-00001041": "My name is Christie Miller,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00002-00001041-00001432": "and I am a 2020-2021 4-H State Ambassador", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00003-00001432-00001645": "for this year from Shelby County.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00004-00001645-00001907": "Today I have joined with me Mr. Ken Starkey.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00005-00001907-00002082": "Mr. Ken, how are you doing this morning?", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00006-00002082-00002278": "- Good morning, doing great.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00007-00002278-00002381": "- Awesome.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00008-00002381-00002574": "So today, Mr. Ken is gonna tell us", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00009-00002574-00002888": "a little bit about what it's like on his job.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00010-00002888-00003003": "So let's go ahead and start out,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00011-00003003-00003117": "what is your job title,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00012-00003117-00003204": "and then let's just tell me", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00013-00003204-00003414": "a little bit about yourself.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00014-00003414-00003519": "- Well, my job title is", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00015-00003519-00003865": "I'm a certified registered nurse anesthetist, or a CRNA.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00016-00003970-00004175": "I am 50 years old,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00017-00004175-00004486": "and living in Alabama my entire life.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00018-00004584-00004719": "- Awesome.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00019-00004719-00005027": "So since you said you're a nurse anesthetist,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00020-00005027-00005268": "what exactly do you do each day at work?", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00021-00005357-00005707": "- My job is take ER patients who are having surgery,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00022-00005707-00005998": "depending on which hospital where you work,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00023-00005998-00006177": "that might be more involved early on", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00024-00006177-00006377": "getting them ready for surgery.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00025-00006377-00006614": "At my hospital, it's more involved", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00026-00006614-00006818": "just simply during the whole time", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00027-00006818-00007004": "that they're in the surgery,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00028-00007004-00007217": "making sure that they're comfortable when they come out,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00029-00007217-00007301": "taking care of 'em", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00030-00007301-00007450": "and give 'em whatever they need", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00031-00007450-00007595": "while they're having surgery.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00032-00007681-00007764": "- Awesome.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00033-00007764-00008055": "So how long have you been in this career field?", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00034-00008055-00008299": "- I've been about 17 or 18 years.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00035-00008299-00008459": "- Wow.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00036-00008459-00008605": "So did you always know", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00037-00008605-00008911": "that you wanted to pursue a career in the medical field?", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00038-00009036-00009199": "- My mother worked for doctors,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00039-00009199-00009422": "and when I was younger, that sounded interesting.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00040-00009422-00009576": "Just like, I'm sure, every other kid,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00041-00009576-00009697": "they loved sports", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00042-00009697-00009993": "and whatever they were interested in, everything,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00043-00009993-00010281": "and the more I as around the things", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00044-00010281-00010718": "like medicine, the more attractive those things looked.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00045-00010718-00010968": "And I took a job at a hospital", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00046-00010968-00011105": "just to help me pay for school.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00047-00011105-00011360": "And now as I discovered this job,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00048-00011360-00011634": "I thought, well, that sounds like a really good job.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00049-00011634-00011738": "So the more I learned about it,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00050-00011738-00011874": "the more attractive it became,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00051-00011874-00012265": "and started just actually focusing on", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00052-00012265-00012553": "getting the degrees necessary for this job,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00053-00012553-00012728": "and I'm really thankful that I did.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00054-00012812-00012943": "- Awesome.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00055-00012943-00013360": "So what was your initial major in college?", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00056-00013360-00013566": "- There were about 75 of 'em.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00057-00013566-00013713": "I was your typical 18-year-old,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00058-00013713-00013876": "didn't have a clue what they wanted to do,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00059-00013876-00014133": "and the major changed about every different week,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00060-00014133-00014377": "and somebody would mention something that sounded good.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00061-00014377-00014569": "But as I settled in", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00062-00014569-00014763": "and started understanding more", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00063-00014763-00014988": "about the nurse anesthesia job,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00064-00015135-00015411": "it required, as most different careers do,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00065-00015411-00015575": "a specific education.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00066-00015575-00015658": "This one in particular", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00067-00015658-00015940": "required a four-year or a bachelor's degree in nursing,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00068-00015940-00016037": "and then, at the time,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00069-00016037-00016334": "it was a master's degree in nurse anesthesia,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00070-00016334-00016490": "which would be specialized training", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00071-00016490-00016714": "specifically for anesthesia", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00072-00016714-00016828": "and to do what I do.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00073-00016916-00017058": "- Awesome.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00074-00017058-00017360": "So have you always worked at UAB?", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00075-00017360-00017494": "- I've always worked at UAB,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00076-00017494-00017939": "and also worked for over 12 years in the Army Reserves,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00077-00017939-00018169": "was deployed with the Army,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00078-00018169-00018395": "and did that at the same time I was with UAB.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00079-00018620-00018718": "- Cool.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00080-00018718-00019039": "So tell me, what is a day like on your job?", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00081-00019125-00019305": "- Getting here early.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00082-00019305-00019446": "The surgeries, they like to start", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00083-00019446-00019539": "as soon as they can,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00084-00019539-00019778": "so this morning is actually a late start,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00085-00019778-00019886": "it's about 7:30.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00086-00019886-00020052": "So we'll start our first surgery,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00087-00020052-00020324": "we'll go in the operating room at 8 o'clock.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00088-00020324-00020581": "They try to schedule this day as an education day,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00089-00020581-00020781": "so right now lots of people in my job", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00090-00020781-00021007": "and other nurses and people in the OR", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00091-00021007-00021324": "are doing things to help continue their education.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00092-00021324-00021671": "But typically, I'll get here about 5:30 to 6,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00093-00021671-00022009": "start setting up, getting ready for procedures,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00094-00022096-00022338": "find out whatever the cases are gonna be.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00095-00022338-00022539": "For example, today, I'm working with people", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00096-00022539-00022693": "who are having orthopedic surgery,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00097-00022693-00022894": "or something on their bones.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00098-00022894-00023049": "UAB's a large trauma center,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00099-00023049-00023191": "so we have a lot of car wrecks,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00100-00023191-00023484": "a lot of people who fall down,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00101-00023484-00023692": "various bone trauma.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00102-00023692-00023916": "So today we'll prepare whatever's necessary", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00103-00023916-00024213": "to help the patient get through this surgery", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00104-00024213-00024296": "and give them what they need", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00105-00024296-00024517": "so they can have their bones repaired,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00106-00024517-00024688": "and hopefully move on to recover.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00107-00024791-00024876": "- Awesome.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00108-00024876-00025159": "So what is the best thing about your job?", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00109-00025245-00025384": "- (sighs) There's so many things,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00110-00025384-00025644": "but, as in most jobs, I would say the people,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00111-00025644-00026012": "the experiences, you get to see so many different things.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00112-00026012-00026232": "Even in the most boring hospital,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00113-00026344-00026464": "there's never a time", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00114-00026464-00026681": "that putting somebody to sleep isn't dangerous.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00115-00026681-00027072": "Even if I do my job perfectly and safely,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00116-00027072-00027485": "I'm still in total control of so many different variables,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00117-00027485-00027689": "then the patient's relying completely on me,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00118-00027689-00028033": "so there's a lot of stress that goes with my job,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00119-00028033-00028145": "but the rewards are great,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00120-00028145-00028527": "because you see people not only get better,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00121-00028527-00028827": "you see people in very stressful environments trust you,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00122-00028827-00028934": "and that's rewarding.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00123-00029036-00029173": "But there's a lot of rewards,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00124-00029173-00029467": "and obviously if I were gonna weigh one job", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00125-00029467-00029585": "against all the others", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00126-00029585-00029868": "and weigh the pros and cons", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00127-00029868-00029977": "one against the other,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00128-00030072-00030242": "certainly if they were all equal,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00129-00030242-00030414": "I might choose one where the salary", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00130-00030414-00030600": "was gonna allow me to support my family better", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00131-00030600-00030686": "than another job.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00132-00030686-00031005": "So there's lots of different things to consider,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00133-00031005-00031233": "your pros and cons and the investment", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00134-00031233-00031458": "and your return on the investment, certainly.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00135-00031639-00031945": "- What is a piece of advice that you would give a youth", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00136-00031945-00032196": "that was interested in your specific job?", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00137-00032287-00032683": "- I would say, and again, it goes back to what I said.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00138-00032683-00032916": "I believe this, whether everyone else believes it or not,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00139-00032916-00033208": "but I believe that we're all gifted by God", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00140-00033208-00033557": "with certain things that we like,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00141-00033557-00033733": "our pursuits, our gifts,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00142-00033839-00034143": "and I think that each of us, the 4-Hers,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00143-00034143-00034450": "certainly you said a middle school audience this morning,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00144-00034450-00034752": "you start and understand the things that we like to do,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00145-00034752-00034902": "the things that interest us.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00146-00034902-00035133": "And it might be everything,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00147-00035133-00035456": "but as we start to realize more and more what you wanna do,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00148-00035456-00035632": "pursue what you want to do.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00149-00035632-00035896": "Find a way to do the thing that interests you", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00150-00035896-00036075": "and you feel like will give you fulfillment,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00151-00036075-00036357": "that you feel like will be a way to use,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00152-00036357-00036708": "if you believe that God gave you those gifts,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00153-00036708-00037033": "utilize those specific gifts, those attributes,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00154-00037033-00037272": "and pursue those things.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00155-00037272-00037474": "Usually the money will follow,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00156-00037474-00037613": "and if you're doing what you're happy with,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00157-00037613-00037779": "the money won't be as important.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00158-00037907-00038112": "But there are always jobs, typically,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00159-00038112-00038294": "that you will enjoy", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00160-00038294-00038602": "that will still allow you to have a rewarding life,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00161-00038602-00038712": "whether it's financially", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00162-00038712-00038915": "or just simply the fulfillment,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00163-00038915-00039056": "the joy that you get from the job.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00164-00039056-00039359": "But pursue it, be happy with whatever you choose,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00165-00039359-00039617": "and just pursue it to the fullest, enjoy it,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00166-00039617-00039889": "and typically that will come back", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00167-00039889-00040119": "and you'll be pleased with what you've chosen.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00168-00040213-00040296": "- Awesome.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00169-00040296-00040545": "And did any specific things about your job", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00170-00040545-00040696": "that you would tell somebody", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00171-00040696-00041189": "if they were wanting to pursue your same career?", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00172-00041189-00041393": "- A lot of people, when they look up my career,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00173-00041393-00041476": "and they say, \"Oh, well,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00174-00041476-00041673": "you're just sitting in the operating room all day", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00175-00041673-00041930": "and that looks so boring, you're doing nothing,\"", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00176-00041930-00042165": "well, if someone tells me that my day is gonna be boring,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00177-00042165-00042316": "I'm all for that, that's great.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00178-00042316-00042450": "That means nothing went wrong,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00179-00042450-00042626": "the patient's doing great,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00180-00042626-00042934": "and that's a perfect boring day, that's awesome.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00181-00042934-00043110": "That means the patient was safe.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00182-00043110-00043320": "Because if something does go wrong,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00183-00043320-00043500": "that's my job to take care of 'em.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00184-00043500-00043850": "And so my job is to prevent those things,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00185-00043850-00044142": "to see them hopefully before they happen,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00186-00044142-00044231": "and to help prevent them.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00187-00044231-00044423": "So I want some boredom, that would be awesome.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00188-00044423-00044723": "So don't just look on the surface of the jobs.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00189-00044723-00044815": "Most of the time,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00190-00044815-00044941": "no one ever sees the things", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00191-00044941-00045108": "that happen behind the scenes.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00192-00045108-00045358": "So if you enjoy science,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00193-00045358-00045499": "if you feel like you're good", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00194-00045499-00045752": "with the various math and sciences and chemistry", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00195-00045752-00046002": "and things that go along with that,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00196-00046002-00046193": "lotta people in my field", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00197-00046193-00046357": "thought they would be interested in engineering.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00198-00046357-00046568": "That's kind of where I started,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00199-00046568-00046748": "thinking that I would go into engineering,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00200-00046748-00047094": "and my natural inclination towards science", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00201-00047094-00047238": "made that a lot easier.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00202-00047238-00047388": "I've always enjoyed that.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00203-00047388-00047643": "I've enjoyed the details of the job.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00204-00047643-00047817": "So if that's something that interests you,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00205-00047817-00048271": "I think that anesthesia would be a great choice.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00206-00048271-00048555": "It's served me well, it's a great market.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00207-00048555-00048833": "There are lots of jobs out there right now.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00208-00048833-00049080": "The average salary for a nurse anesthetist", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00209-00049080-00049307": "is a good, very fair salary,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00210-00049307-00049544": "and it's something that you could do really well", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00211-00049544-00049649": "for your family with.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00212-00049649-00049855": "So it's something that I would definitely recommend", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00213-00049855-00049940": "in the future.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00214-00049940-00050133": "I have no regrets about my job choice.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00215-00050236-00050395": "- Awesome.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00216-00050395-00050581": "And then the last thing,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00217-00050581-00050792": "what is a piece of advice you wanna give", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00218-00050792-00050926": "to every 4-Her", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00219-00050926-00051181": "as they are preparing for their future career", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00220-00051181-00051379": "and education endeavors?", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00221-00051379-00051514": "- Pursue it to the fullest.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00222-00051514-00051673": "Don't let anyone tell you no.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00223-00051758-00051895": "There will be obstacles.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00224-00051895-00052246": "It's probably not gonna be worthwhile if it's easy.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00225-00052246-00052360": "You're gonna get out of it", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00226-00052360-00052613": "exactly what you put into it.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00227-00052613-00052794": "If it feels like there are obstacles", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00228-00052794-00052888": "or it's gonna be hard,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00229-00052888-00053077": "that probably means that's the right choice.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00230-00053077-00053304": "It probably means it's worthwhile.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00231-00053304-00053510": "Whether it's going to school out of state,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00232-00053510-00053662": "or going to a school", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00233-00053662-00053921": "that you didn't think about beforehand,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00234-00053921-00054179": "or maybe even not going to college at all.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00235-00054179-00054304": "You don't have to go to college", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00236-00054304-00054524": "to have a great, fulfilling life.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00237-00054524-00054653": "But whatever your choice,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00238-00054653-00054803": "just pursue it to the fullest.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00239-00054955-00055176": "Put your heart into it, and you'll be happy.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00240-00055267-00055449": "- Awesome, really great advice,", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00241-00055449-00055761": "and awesome, your job is very interesting.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00242-00055761-00055866": "And thank you so much", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00243-00055866-00056088": "for taking your time with me this morning.", "7hsDhGnUzRy-00244-00056088-00056202": "- Thank you very much."}}, {"audio_id": "7hCJlDeMFl8", "text": {"7hCJlDeMFl8-00000-00000149-00000490": "Welcome to Hello everyone Masatama ch", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00001-00000490-00001189": "This is the fourth time the Land Cruiser 80 rear tireless plan has been made.", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00002-00001189-00001872": "Let's make a shovel holder today! Is a strategy", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00003-00001872-00002203": "Will it really work?", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00004-00002282-00002868": "First of all, mark the material and cut it", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00005-00003266-00004209": "I haven't used this cutter at all since I made the door for the storeroom, so it's been 10 months since I made it.", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00006-00004209-00004718": "Even if you use it only occasionally, you need something like this.", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00007-00004725-00005374": "High-speed cutters are noisy so don't bother your neighbors", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00008-00005374-00006445": "Because it's a thing every time, the neighbors   \"I'm doing something again\" I think I feel that", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00009-00006458-00007008": "Deburring after cutting", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00010-00007834-00008424": "Fix the cut material with a hand vise", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00011-00008449-00008973": "Actually, the wind is still strong today.", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00012-00010297-00010838": "Then weld I will temporarily attach it first", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00013-00010838-00011753": "The material I'm using today is 2mm thick, so I'm using a battery welder. It is bar welding", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00014-00011863-00012135": "Semi-automatic welding is also good", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00015-00012135-00012888": "Occasionally, if you don't use this rod welding, the welding rod will get damp and useless.", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00016-00012903-00013631": "One point to note here Welding should be done on a windless day as much as possible", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00017-00013631-00014366": "The generated gas will be blown away by the wind and a blow hole will occur.", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00018-00014366-00015088": "It doesn't work If it is temporary, it will be dotted, so it will not have much effect.", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00019-00015088-00015638": "It doesn't work when it comes to book attachment after this", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00020-00015826-00016285": "It looks like it's welded well because it's being edited.", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00021-00016285-00016642": "Actually it's not good at all", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00022-00016932-00017751": "But I prefer bar welding to semi-automatic welding Easy to use", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00023-00018319-00019079": "It ’s a tool that takes this spatter, but I ’m using a stone chisel.", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00024-00019079-00019630": "It ’s a stone shaving tool. This is easy to use", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00025-00019630-00020235": "Then drill a hole. Use a drilling machine.", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00026-00020247-00021000": "First make a pilot hole with a thin drill and then make a hole with 13 mm.", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00027-00021070-00021487": "This drilling machine also has low horsepower", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00028-00021487-00022189": "It's often stuck and the rotation is stopped. It can't be helped because it's DIY.", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00029-00022642-00023467": "The scoop holder I make this time is a design that is not sold on the market, I would like to bring out the originality", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00030-00023747-00024389": "Welding should not be done all at once, but should be done little by little.", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00031-00024389-00025040": "I'm not a professional, so I can't weld well, and after that I'll finish it with a grinder.", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00032-00025040-00025364": "I think it's okay to spot", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00033-00025663-00026037": "From here it is the main welding It is a book attachment", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00034-00026037-00026237": "I used to use the welded surface I had", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00035-00026470-00027070": "I'm using a mask type now It is a type that gets dark at the moment of sparking", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00036-00027070-00027790": "This is convenient because you can use both hands It's been a good time", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00037-00029816-00030249": "I'm tired of scoring from this area and I'm throwing it away", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00038-00030249-00030526": "Does it work?", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00039-00032552-00033071": "In the video, it looks like it's welding well.", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00040-00033071-00033517": "Actually it was hard because it was full of blow holes", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00041-00033551-00033943": "Welding should not be done on a windy day!", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00042-00034423-00034776": "I will continue to make jerry can holders", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00043-00034776-00035321": "Welding opportunities will increase, so let's practice now.", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00044-00035366-00036123": "When will the jerrycan arrive? I haven't come yet I've been waiting for more than 2 weeks", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00045-00036123-00036644": "If the jerrycan doesn't come, the work won't go any further.", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00046-00036663-00037437": "It's a little special type of jerrycan, so you can't work unless you match it with the actual product.", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00047-00037437-00037942": "What will come is fun after coming", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00048-00039822-00040040": "Yes it was done", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00049-00040040-00040672": "Even if it is said that it was completed, it is still unfinished because it will be painted from now on.", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00050-00040672-00041277": "For the time being, it looks like this as an image", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00051-00042220-00042511": "It's cool", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00052-00042511-00043345": "If this happens, I want to paint the shovel as well. Let's paint the shovel later.", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00053-00043463-00043837": "it is complete", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00054-00044314-00045065": "You shouldn't weld on a windy day !!! It was a video called", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00055-00045193-00045596": "See you", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00056-00046330-00047027": "How about hay fever?", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00057-00047129-00047827": "Isn't the amount of pollen scattered this year?", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00058-00047883-00048583": "It's because of pollinosis that the video posts have been vacant for more than two weeks.", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00059-00048597-00049295": "Pollinosis is painful and nothing motivates me", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00060-00049336-00050036": "I don't want to go out, I don't want to do anything, I want to sleep forever .....", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00061-00050063-00050760": "Cedar pollen and cypress pollen are at their peak now", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00062-00050825-00051524": "I feel depressed every day But I have to go to work ...", "7hCJlDeMFl8-00063-00051803-00052422": "Thank you for watching."}}, {"audio_id": "7islUZmSA9o", "text": {"7islUZmSA9o-00000-00000238-00000490": "ASSALAMUALAIKUM AND WELCOME TO MY CHANNEL ZapItUp", "7islUZmSA9o-00001-00000803-00001256": "So before I play, I want to tell you guys to subscribe and like this video ok!", "7islUZmSA9o-00002-00001396-00001586": "Help me to get 100 subs", "7islUZmSA9o-00003-00001768-00002242": "So today,I gonna play Hardpoint Mode and I was planned to play other games", "7islUZmSA9o-00004-00002242-00002420": "But I don't know what game should I play next.", "7islUZmSA9o-00005-00002588-00002978": "So,if you guys want to request game.Insyaalah I will accept.", "7islUZmSA9o-00006-00003030-00003198": "But I don't want PC games", "7islUZmSA9o-00007-00003250-00003376": "I want mobile games", "7islUZmSA9o-00008-00008510-00008598": "DOUBLE KILL", "7islUZmSA9o-00009-00008888-00009006": "TRIPLE KILL", "7islUZmSA9o-00010-00011668-00011808": "DOUBLE KILL"}}, {"audio_id": "7iO8lMCY3Pc", "text": {"7iO8lMCY3Pc-00000-00000000-00000200": "Chanaky's inspirational quotes"}}, {"audio_id": "7jgMQHc8Ugc", "text": {"7jgMQHc8Ugc-00000-00000007-00000513": "hey guys this is Rochey with expat audio here. It's been a quiet couple of months", "7jgMQHc8Ugc-00001-00000513-00000867": "here we've just had a renovation finished on the house and the garage", "7jgMQHc8Ugc-00002-00000867-00001212": "where I normally do all my work was where we kept all the equipment from all", "7jgMQHc8Ugc-00003-00001212-00001613": "the guys working and so on and so I've got components all over the place", "7jgMQHc8Ugc-00004-00001613-00001973": "everything's being a mess it still is a bit of a mess to be honest with you but", "7jgMQHc8Ugc-00005-00001973-00002391": "I want to share in this video a little setup I've done for my inventory system", "7jgMQHc8Ugc-00006-00002391-00002868": "so some of you may remember from before that I have an inventory system that I", "7jgMQHc8Ugc-00007-00002868-00003468": "have a product ID for most things but now I've got seven of these boxes these", "7jgMQHc8Ugc-00008-00003468-00003870": "bin boxes and so on set up now seven on the different components and so on I've", "7jgMQHc8Ugc-00009-00003870-00004251": "got no way of tracking it right now so in this video we're gonna basically set", "7jgMQHc8Ugc-00010-00004251-00004611": "up a system so that each of these gets numbered and I can scan the barcode for", "7jgMQHc8Ugc-00011-00004611-00005091": "the box and the container and then each of the individual boxes and then look it", "7jgMQHc8Ugc-00012-00005091-00005550": "up in a database so that if I ever need a one kiloohm resistor that I can pull", "7jgMQHc8Ugc-00013-00005550-00005868": "up quickly it'll tell you which box to go looking in and then the extension of", "7jgMQHc8Ugc-00014-00005868-00006159": "that in the future is to have LEDs behind and all that kind of thing but", "7jgMQHc8Ugc-00015-00006159-00006745": "now let's get started", "7jgMQHc8Ugc-00016-00007133-00007551": "so I'm based in Dallas Texas and we have a garage here where we keep a lot of", "7jgMQHc8Ugc-00017-00007551-00007980": "inventory in the lab and everything else and then I also have a site that does", "7jgMQHc8Ugc-00018-00007980-00008412": "all the shipping from the towns just outside of Dallas for the inventory", "7jgMQHc8Ugc-00019-00008412-00008784": "system we keep everything on a server over in the air over in Europe and it", "7jgMQHc8Ugc-00020-00008784-00009252": "runs a database that runs my sequel my seed ball has the database it's holding", "7jgMQHc8Ugc-00021-00009252-00009771": "all the data and it serves that data out I can go to a website and you know", "7jgMQHc8Ugc-00022-00009771-00010260": "internally on the server it pulls the my sequel database formats to the page is", "7jgMQHc8Ugc-00023-00010260-00010698": "it with me but if I want to update anything or do anything kind of behind", "7jgMQHc8Ugc-00024-00010698-00011240": "the scenes then I needed a more secure method to get in and so what I have is a", "7jgMQHc8Ugc-00025-00011240-00011790": "secure tunnel if you will using SSH and that creates a local link between the", "7jgMQHc8Ugc-00026-00011790-00012261": "computer I'm using here in Dallas and the server so that I can create programs", "7jgMQHc8Ugc-00027-00012261-00012669": "in Python for instance that do different things with that server and the Python", "7jgMQHc8Ugc-00028-00012669-00013091": "programs think they just talking to the local computer searching through the", "7jgMQHc8Ugc-00029-00013091-00013443": "inventory is handled by the server that she creates a website that I can go to", "7jgMQHc8Ugc-00030-00013443-00013919": "that's handled by my sequel of the database and then also PHP that runs on", "7jgMQHc8Ugc-00031-00013919-00014475": "top of it any writings of the databases then handled by local applications", "7jgMQHc8Ugc-00032-00014475-00014904": "running on local pcs for instance this one here has been designed so I can scan", "7jgMQHc8Ugc-00033-00014904-00015323": "lots of bins of parts and put them in storage and tag them with a piece of", "7jgMQHc8Ugc-00034-00015323-00015606": "storage this little Python program actually", "7jgMQHc8Ugc-00035-00015606-00016097": "prints out labels for me so I put in a PID number which is an expert or do", "7jgMQHc8Ugc-00036-00016097-00016587": "number and it connects to the database pulls in the name of the product pulls", "7jgMQHc8Ugc-00037-00016587-00016887": "in what the barcode should look like and so on and prints labels onto these", "7jgMQHc8Ugc-00038-00016887-00017313": "little one of the half-inch tables that I have now I may seem like I'm really", "7jgMQHc8Ugc-00039-00017313-00017775": "smart with software and so on but really this is 42 lines of code for instance to", "7jgMQHc8Ugc-00040-00017775-00018360": "do that bulk right so I scan the major storage unit and then I scan the boxes", "7jgMQHc8Ugc-00041-00018360-00018681": "inside it one after another that was 42 lines of code", "7jgMQHc8Ugc-00042-00018681-00019151": "his first bit connects to the database and everything else is simply you know", "7jgMQHc8Ugc-00043-00019151-00019575": "scan this and do something with that data all right guys so to check out some", "7jgMQHc8Ugc-00044-00019575-00020000": "of the code that I've made and some of the setup I've put stuff on my github", "7jgMQHc8Ugc-00045-00020000-00020493": "even though I'm not sure I need 40 github for forty two lines of code but", "7jgMQHc8Ugc-00046-00020493-00020954": "it's there come check it out I'm on my name on github is audio roachie there's", "7jgMQHc8Ugc-00047-00020954-00021326": "a link below and if you like what you've seen or if you have any questions please", "7jgMQHc8Ugc-00048-00021326-00021879": "comment in the down below in the YouTube comments and yeah like the video", "7jgMQHc8Ugc-00049-00021879-00022448": "subscribe and we'll see where else we take this take care folks bye"}}, {"audio_id": "7jmPSrGpNu4", "text": {"7jmPSrGpNu4-00000-00000065-00000400": "You may have heard that ICBC is in financial trouble.", "7jmPSrGpNu4-00001-00000400-00000672": "It is, and it's serious.", "7jmPSrGpNu4-00002-00000672-00001160": "ICBC is on track to lose $1.3 billion dollars this year.", "7jmPSrGpNu4-00003-00001160-00001668": "In early February, our government announced reforms aimed at saving ICBC a billion dollars a year.", "7jmPSrGpNu4-00004-00001736-00002155": "Changes that will reduce legal expenses and use those savings to get ICBC back on its", "7jmPSrGpNu4-00005-00002155-00002632": "feet and dramatically improve accident benefits for those hurt in crashes.", "7jmPSrGpNu4-00006-00002632-00002984": "These benefits have not been increased in 25 years.", "7jmPSrGpNu4-00007-00002984-00003450": "We want to ensure that those injured in crashes have access to the care they need and we want", "7jmPSrGpNu4-00008-00003450-00003923": "our public insured to deliver affordable insurance rates for BC families.", "7jmPSrGpNu4-00009-00003923-00004287": "But there's more we can do, and we will.", "7jmPSrGpNu4-00010-00004287-00004721": "Current insurance rates in our province aren't fair, low risk drivers with perfect records", "7jmPSrGpNu4-00011-00004721-00004900": "are paying more than they should.", "7jmPSrGpNu4-00012-00004900-00005523": "Meanwhile, high risk drivers who are driving costs up for everyone aren't paying enough.", "7jmPSrGpNu4-00013-00005523-00005832": "We want to fix this problem.", "7jmPSrGpNu4-00014-00005832-00006282": "We'll do this by making changes to the current auto insurance rating system.", "7jmPSrGpNu4-00015-00006282-00006872": "Changes that will hold all drivers more accountable for their decisions and their driving behavior.", "7jmPSrGpNu4-00016-00006872-00007423": "This means that low risk drivers will be rewarded by paying less, and high risk drivers will", "7jmPSrGpNu4-00017-00007423-00007884": "help offset the costs they're increasing, by paying more.", "7jmPSrGpNu4-00018-00007884-00008170": "We'd like your thoughts on these changes.", "7jmPSrGpNu4-00019-00008170-00008749": "We have questions about how ICBC should use accident claims or driver experience in determining", "7jmPSrGpNu4-00020-00008749-00009101": "how much someone should pay for basic insurance.", "7jmPSrGpNu4-00021-00009101-00009528": "How much things like speeding tickets or other driving convictions should influence insurance", "7jmPSrGpNu4-00022-00009528-00009907": "costs both optional and basic.", "7jmPSrGpNu4-00023-00009907-00010347": "How much of a discount low risk drivers should enjoy and how much of an additional premium", "7jmPSrGpNu4-00024-00010347-00010660": "high risk drivers should pay.", "7jmPSrGpNu4-00025-00010660-00011060": "And how insurance pricing should be set to reflect risk due to where in the province", "7jmPSrGpNu4-00026-00011060-00011344": "you're driving or how often you're driving.", "7jmPSrGpNu4-00027-00011344-00011781": "I hope you'll take some time to learn about these changes and then let us know what you", "7jmPSrGpNu4-00028-00011781-00012131": "think by taking part in this important survey.", "7jmPSrGpNu4-00029-00012131-00012459": "Your feedback will help us keep life affordable for British Columbians."}}, {"audio_id": "7j_7G73x8UM", "text": {"7j_7G73x8UM-00000-00000014-00000272": "(upbeat music)", "7j_7G73x8UM-00001-00001747-00001942": "- Okay guys, you asked for this video", "7j_7G73x8UM-00002-00001942-00002396": "and here is gaming on the Galaxy Z Flip3.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00003-00002396-00002766": "So the Z Flip3 is a device that is different", "7j_7G73x8UM-00004-00002766-00002947": "from the Z Fold3.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00005-00002947-00003253": "Well, this flips open like your traditional clamshell.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00006-00003253-00003690": "And that brings some very unique things with the Flip3.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00007-00003690-00003872": "Now the first thing is of course that cover display.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00008-00003872-00004214": "It isn't used for gaming in any form or fashion.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00009-00004214-00004395": "It's just used for showcasing of course,", "7j_7G73x8UM-00010-00004395-00004706": "great wallpapers or using it for other things.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00011-00004706-00005006": "But of course, this is in a clamshell here,", "7j_7G73x8UM-00012-00005006-00005219": "and I've got this lovely case from Samsung.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00013-00005219-00005446": "I'll leave the links for you guys down below.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00014-00005446-00005856": "This opens up into a 6.7 inch device.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00015-00005856-00006297": "So the display size is a little bit narrower and longer.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00016-00006297-00006597": "And of course you've got stereo speakers,", "7j_7G73x8UM-00017-00006597-00007097": "but also gives you a slightly different scenario, right.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00018-00007097-00007315": "You've got a battery size that's smaller", "7j_7G73x8UM-00019-00007315-00007509": "at 3,300 milli amps,", "7j_7G73x8UM-00020-00007509-00007776": "but you still have that 120 Hertz display.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00021-00007776-00008054": "So we're gonna see how that affects battery life", "7j_7G73x8UM-00022-00008054-00008194": "with this device.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00023-00008194-00008497": "Now, when it comes to gaming, you still still expect", "7j_7G73x8UM-00024-00008497-00008638": "some very high-end performance, right?", "7j_7G73x8UM-00025-00008638-00008831": "We've got the Snapdragon triple eight,", "7j_7G73x8UM-00026-00008831-00008951": "we've got eight gigs of RAM.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00027-00008951-00009270": "We've got UFS 3.1 storage.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00028-00009270-00009703": "So all the things you need for that full gaming experience.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00029-00009703-00010006": "But how does it differ and what do you get with this?", "7j_7G73x8UM-00030-00010006-00010348": "So we went ahead and played some of our favorite games", "7j_7G73x8UM-00031-00010348-00010552": "like we like to do on this channel.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00032-00010552-00010767": "And we started off with Call of Duty Mobile.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00033-00010767-00011114": "Now Call of Duty Mobile plays exactly as you would expect", "7j_7G73x8UM-00034-00011114-00011435": "Using of course our Game Bench Pro", "7j_7G73x8UM-00035-00011435-00011756": "you can see the stats are 60 frames per second.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00036-00011756-00012071": "And of course it's running at its highest settings,", "7j_7G73x8UM-00037-00012071-00012204": "and it ran really well,", "7j_7G73x8UM-00038-00012204-00012403": "but it also looks really good on this device.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00039-00012403-00012607": "I will say though the narrow field", "7j_7G73x8UM-00040-00012607-00012790": "makes it feel a little bit more comfortable", "7j_7G73x8UM-00041-00012790-00012938": "to just navigate.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00042-00012938-00013265": "And it feels, it's not necessarily a 21 by 9 aspect ratio,", "7j_7G73x8UM-00043-00013265-00013475": "it just feels like that to me anyway.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00044-00013475-00013744": "But again, gaming on this with Call of Duty Mobile", "7j_7G73x8UM-00045-00013744-00013905": "was almost flawless.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00046-00013905-00014079": "The one thing you noticed that Call of Duty Mobile", "7j_7G73x8UM-00047-00014079-00014375": "does use a high amount of RAM in comparison", "7j_7G73x8UM-00048-00014375-00014605": "to other games that you're gonna see.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00049-00014605-00014853": "So now the next stop was of course PUBG Mobile,", "7j_7G73x8UM-00050-00014853-00015027": "which we like to do in this order.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00051-00015027-00015434": "And the very first setting was Ultra HD Ultra.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00052-00015434-00015726": "Now in that setting, you usually get 40 frames per second.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00053-00015726-00015928": "And that was the case here again.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00054-00015928-00016324": "And you can see that it also ran really well.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00055-00016324-00016652": "It was really smooth, but it ran a very steady 40 frames.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00056-00016652-00016990": "The RAM usage was much lower than what you had", "7j_7G73x8UM-00057-00016990-00017483": "with Call of Duty Mobile, but again, very solid performance.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00058-00017483-00017792": "And again, the 120 Hertz display was really smooth", "7j_7G73x8UM-00059-00017792-00017999": "and things just ran really well.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00060-00017999-00018299": "Now you guys know very well with, of course, PUBG Mobile,", "7j_7G73x8UM-00061-00018299-00018512": "we have to play it also in Smooth Extreme.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00062-00018512-00018817": "And that is, of course, when you get 60 frames per second", "7j_7G73x8UM-00063-00018817-00018934": "on this device.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00064-00018934-00019210": "And performance again was really good.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00065-00019210-00019557": "I have to say, though, it felt really nice and fluid", "7j_7G73x8UM-00066-00019557-00019848": "and the display also felt really solid.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00067-00019848-00019994": "So it didn't feel soft.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00068-00019994-00020223": "It felt, you know, like a standard display.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00069-00020223-00020549": "And when it comes to that crease in the middle,", "7j_7G73x8UM-00070-00020549-00020881": "it's the fun thing that you could do try is if you tilt", "7j_7G73x8UM-00071-00020881-00021089": "or you bend the phone a little bit,", "7j_7G73x8UM-00072-00021089-00021366": "that basically allows you to put your cursor", "7j_7G73x8UM-00073-00021366-00021506": "or your line of sight in the middle.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00074-00021506-00021714": "So if you need help with shooters,", "7j_7G73x8UM-00075-00021714-00021859": "that should definitely help you.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00076-00021859-00022056": "But the overall experience was good.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00077-00022056-00022416": "The game performance also again, solid 60 frames per second,", "7j_7G73x8UM-00078-00022416-00022557": "less use of RAM on there", "7j_7G73x8UM-00079-00022557-00022864": "and overall just really good performance.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00080-00022864-00023285": "Now, when we moved over to Genshin Impact.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00081-00023285-00023785": "Now Genshin is one where over time I saw stats", "7j_7G73x8UM-00082-00023843-00024038": "that I liked and I didn't like.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00083-00024038-00024538": "So within the very first 10 minutes of game play,", "7j_7G73x8UM-00084-00024580-00024842": "while of course running at its highest settings", "7j_7G73x8UM-00085-00024842-00025007": "for 60 frames per second,", "7j_7G73x8UM-00086-00025007-00025507": "I was able to get about 51 to 55 frames per second.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00087-00025639-00025864": "It ran really well and solid there.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00088-00025864-00026188": "By the time I progressed and played the game much longer,", "7j_7G73x8UM-00089-00026188-00026470": "it dropped down to 30 frames per second,", "7j_7G73x8UM-00090-00026470-00026647": "and even sank sometimes lower.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00091-00026647-00026958": "Now, again, that's something that may change", "7j_7G73x8UM-00092-00026958-00027125": "if there's an update to it,", "7j_7G73x8UM-00093-00027125-00027255": "but I'll just say performance", "7j_7G73x8UM-00094-00027255-00027494": "from what I've seen just right there", "7j_7G73x8UM-00095-00027494-00027720": "was much lower than I expected", "7j_7G73x8UM-00096-00027720-00027970": "for a longer period of time playing Genshin Impact.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00097-00027970-00028149": "Yes, the game did look smooth,", "7j_7G73x8UM-00098-00028149-00028357": "but I expected it to be around the 50,", "7j_7G73x8UM-00099-00028357-00028670": "maybe a high 40 range in terms of performance,", "7j_7G73x8UM-00100-00028670-00028974": "not in the thirties or even in the twenties.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00101-00028974-00029152": "So that is something to take note.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00102-00029152-00029414": "If you're going to use any something graphically intensive,", "7j_7G73x8UM-00103-00029414-00029543": "maybe it needs more RAM.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00104-00029543-00029666": "I'm not sure exactly what it is,", "7j_7G73x8UM-00105-00029666-00030011": "but I think the game might need an update", "7j_7G73x8UM-00106-00030011-00030189": "for this specific device.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00107-00030189-00030444": "So just put that with a grain of salt.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00108-00030444-00030705": "Now, the other thing of course", "7j_7G73x8UM-00109-00030705-00030910": "is game streaming services, right?", "7j_7G73x8UM-00110-00030910-00031119": "You've got things like Stadia.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00111-00031119-00031392": "You've got X-Box Game Pass.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00112-00031392-00031892": "And this is where the Flip has a better outcome", "7j_7G73x8UM-00113-00031989-00032295": "than say the Galaxy Z Fold3.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00114-00032295-00032544": "Now granted the Z Fold3, when we did that video,", "7j_7G73x8UM-00115-00032544-00032706": "it ran everything really well.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00116-00032706-00032883": "Like it had no issues", "7j_7G73x8UM-00117-00032883-00033196": "and it played also those game streaming services well.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00118-00033196-00033502": "But when it comes to using game streaming services", "7j_7G73x8UM-00119-00033502-00033628": "on your mobile device,", "7j_7G73x8UM-00120-00033628-00034083": "we've seen that controllers like the Kishi or the Backbone,", "7j_7G73x8UM-00121-00034083-00034389": "even for iOS devices are clutch", "7j_7G73x8UM-00122-00034389-00034574": "because you don't have to carry,", "7j_7G73x8UM-00123-00034574-00034760": "say an X-Box controller with you.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00124-00034760-00034967": "You can take something that's more compact,", "7j_7G73x8UM-00125-00034967-00035127": "throw in your backpack and that's it.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00126-00035127-00035368": "So of course the device opens up", "7j_7G73x8UM-00127-00035368-00035663": "and you can plug it into a Kishi and you're good to go.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00128-00035663-00035846": "So I like that aspect about it,", "7j_7G73x8UM-00129-00035846-00036226": "it makes it easier for me to go ahead and, you know,", "7j_7G73x8UM-00130-00036226-00036632": "game with my Z Flip and performance is just really good.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00131-00036632-00036910": "Now, you know, whether you're playing on Xbox Game Pass,", "7j_7G73x8UM-00132-00036910-00037249": "playing Ascent, Ascent ran at 60 frames per second,", "7j_7G73x8UM-00133-00037249-00037453": "really smooth gameplay experience.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00134-00037453-00037624": "And also again, this is streaming,", "7j_7G73x8UM-00135-00037624-00037929": "but you can see at least a stream at a very high rate.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00136-00037929-00038254": "Similar also was playing Forza Horizon 4", "7j_7G73x8UM-00137-00038254-00038430": "just seeing how that performed quickly,", "7j_7G73x8UM-00138-00038430-00038570": "because that's something you need to jump to,", "7j_7G73x8UM-00139-00038570-00038778": "or even games like NBA 2K21.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00140-00038778-00039234": "So you've got that kind of very smooth performance overall.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00141-00039234-00039374": "Now moving over to Stadia.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00142-00039374-00039720": "Stadia, you know, jumped into play Mortal Kombat,", "7j_7G73x8UM-00143-00039720-00039897": "and that played really well.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00144-00039897-00040094": "And again, just having the ability to plug it", "7j_7G73x8UM-00145-00040094-00040213": "into the controller to me", "7j_7G73x8UM-00146-00040213-00040531": "is really, really cool and important.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00147-00040531-00040673": "Now, when it comes to temperatures,", "7j_7G73x8UM-00148-00040673-00041017": "this is where I saw some varied numbers.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00149-00041017-00041258": "Now with every other game I mentioned here,", "7j_7G73x8UM-00150-00041258-00041535": "except for the game streaming services and Genshin,", "7j_7G73x8UM-00151-00041535-00041898": "I got between 103 to 105.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00152-00041898-00042019": "So it ran pretty well.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00153-00042019-00042160": "It was pretty cool.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00154-00042160-00042428": "Now with Genshin Impact, it ran a little hotter", "7j_7G73x8UM-00155-00042428-00042580": "and also a little higher.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00156-00042580-00042886": "So I got between 107 to 109 degrees,", "7j_7G73x8UM-00157-00042886-00043134": "which are higher temperatures.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00158-00043134-00043446": "And maybe that's because of course of the compact nature", "7j_7G73x8UM-00159-00043446-00043642": "and the way this is designed.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00160-00043642-00043725": "It wasn't too bad.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00161-00043725-00043959": "I was still able to play for much longer,", "7j_7G73x8UM-00162-00043959-00044201": "but I think it was a solid experience overall.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00163-00044201-00044284": "Audio is pretty good.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00164-00044284-00044447": "The speakers are loud and clear,", "7j_7G73x8UM-00165-00044447-00044692": "but you can take a quick listen yourself", "7j_7G73x8UM-00166-00044692-00044911": "and decide right there.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00167-00044911-00045129": "(guns firing)", "7j_7G73x8UM-00168-00045129-00045236": "- [Player 1] Reloading.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00169-00045236-00045486": "(guns firing)", "7j_7G73x8UM-00170-00045866-00046017": "Killed.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00171-00046017-00046267": "(guns firing)", "7j_7G73x8UM-00172-00046535-00046648": "- [Player 2] I'm hurt, I'm hurt.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00173-00046648-00046898": "(guns firing)", "7j_7G73x8UM-00174-00047146-00047421": "(engine revving)", "7j_7G73x8UM-00175-00048222-00048414": "- [Character] Fight.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00176-00048414-00048914": "(characters grunting) (characters groaning)", "7j_7G73x8UM-00177-00049499-00049908": "- So when you look at the Galaxy Z Flip3,", "7j_7G73x8UM-00178-00049908-00050249": "this is a very solid smartphone.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00179-00050249-00050477": "It's got that traditional smartphone feel", "7j_7G73x8UM-00180-00050477-00050638": "because when you open it up,", "7j_7G73x8UM-00181-00050638-00050890": "you have a regular phone and you can close it up", "7j_7G73x8UM-00182-00050890-00051244": "into something like this in this clamshell nature.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00183-00051244-00051452": "In terms of the gaming performance,", "7j_7G73x8UM-00184-00051452-00051738": "we've seen that it can run all your games very well.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00185-00051738-00051951": "Now I mentioned Genshin Impact earlier", "7j_7G73x8UM-00186-00051951-00052157": "because I ran into an anomaly", "7j_7G73x8UM-00187-00052157-00052340": "for a Snapdragon AAA device", "7j_7G73x8UM-00188-00052340-00052479": "where it just really slowed down.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00189-00052479-00052691": "So I have to think that it has to do", "7j_7G73x8UM-00190-00052691-00052840": "with hopefully some updates", "7j_7G73x8UM-00191-00052840-00053248": "because the device is still not available yet on the market.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00192-00053248-00053437": "So we'll have to see, but I,", "7j_7G73x8UM-00193-00053437-00053646": "in case you're thinking about gaming on this device,", "7j_7G73x8UM-00194-00053646-00053893": "I say you are most likely covered", "7j_7G73x8UM-00195-00053893-00054140": "and you will have a good experience.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00196-00054140-00054373": "But if you guys have any questions or any comments", "7j_7G73x8UM-00197-00054373-00054873": "about gaming on the Galaxy Z Flip3, let me know.", "7j_7G73x8UM-00198-00054877-00055165": "Otherwise guys, don't forget to like, share, subscribe,", "7j_7G73x8UM-00199-00055165-00055411": "and always enjoy your entertainment."}}, {"audio_id": "7jGak5feovy", "text": {"7jGak5feovy-00000-00001216-00001688": "I'm going to begin part two of this lecture on Lesia Ukrainka with just a short summary", "7jGak5feovy-00001-00001688-00002416": "of Part One. In that first part I attempted to get beyond the bronze and granite of Lesia's", "7jGak5feovy-00002-00002416-00003088": "statue in High Park in Toronto by delving into the particulars of her extraordinary background.", "7jGak5feovy-00003-00003088-00003504": "She had the most enlightened and unpatriarchal family you can think of", "7jGak5feovy-00004-00003584-00004368": "and an extremely rich cultured upbringing. I was also stressing in Part One the importance", "7jGak5feovy-00005-00004368-00004816": "of the 17th century proto-state that we now call by the name the Hetmanate", "7jGak5feovy-00006-00004888-00005374": "and the origins of Lesia's mother's family within its nobility, just stressing that Lesia's", "7jGak5feovy-00007-00005448-00006120": "social origins were very much not peasant but aristocratic, actually on both her parents side.", "7jGak5feovy-00008-00006320-00006895": "Now given the destruction of the Hetmanate and its absorption into the Russian empire as Malorossiya", "7jGak5feovy-00009-00006895-00007504": "or Little Russia, I went on to talk about the far-ranging consequences on Lesia Ukrainka's", "7jGak5feovy-00010-00007504-00008152": "life and work of her cherished homeland's subordination within 19th century Greater Russia.", "7jGak5feovy-00011-00008312-00008808": "I mentioned the malignant extent to which tsarist autocracy attempted, not just to curb,", "7jGak5feovy-00012-00008808-00009424": "but also to banish the use of the Ukrainian language and this tsarist assertion -- it's", "7jGak5feovy-00013-00009424-00009984": "really quite peculiar very contradictory -- first of all that there was no such thing as Ukrainian,", "7jGak5feovy-00014-00009984-00010480": "but also that Ukrainian was far too subversive and powerful a language to be permitted to flourish.", "7jGak5feovy-00015-00010584-00011288": "The Ems Ukaz of 1876 forbidding the use of Ukrainian, except for historical documents, was", "7jGak5feovy-00016-00011288-00012288": "the apex of that malign act and the antithesis was the determination and ability of Lesia Ukrainka", "7jGak5feovy-00017-00012288-00012880": "and other writers to smuggle their Ukrainian language texts into Russian-controlled Ukraine. So", "7jGak5feovy-00018-00012880-00013584": "it's sort of a of \"Samizdat.\" And I concluded Part One with the observation that for Lesia Ukrainka,", "7jGak5feovy-00019-00013584-00014056": "intellectual and creative work and what she called the sweetness of struggle", "7jGak5feovy-00020-00014056-00014463": "were the only food for hope that Ukraine and its language and culture", "7jGak5feovy-00021-00014528-00015112": "would one day be freed from the virtual slavery inflicted by Russian political imperatives.", "7jGak5feovy-00022-00015304-00015728": "In this context, I want to mention that I'll be using Ukrainian forms of place names", "7jGak5feovy-00023-00015728-00016728": "rather than their Russian equivalents so I'll say Kyviv and not Kiev and Dnipro and Dnepr.", "7jGak5feovy-00024-00016728-00017504": "And now let's begin Part Two with Lesia Ukrainka in her identity as Larysa Kosach, that is as the", "7jGak5feovy-00025-00017504-00018160": "woman whose struggle against another form of oppression, a severe illness contracted when", "7jGak5feovy-00026-00018160-00018816": "she was a child of 10, reached a crisis point by the time she reached her thirties, forcing", "7jGak5feovy-00027-00018816-00019832": "her into partial but painful exile from her family and friends her homeland and her language.", "7jGak5feovy-00028-00019832-00020480": "Larysa Kosach's first 20 years were spent mostly in the region of Volhynia, some 400 kilometres", "7jGak5feovy-00029-00020480-00021056": "northwest of Kyiv, either in the provincial towns where her father worked as an administrator", "7jGak5feovy-00030-00021120-00021808": "(towns like Zvyahel, where she was born, Luts’k, Kovel) or on her parents country estate", "7jGak5feovy-00031-00021864-00022632": "Kolodyazhne. When she came to write the drama Lisova Pisnya or Forest Song, she drew on her", "7jGak5feovy-00032-00022632-00023208": "knowledge of the woods and lakes near Kolodyazhne and the legends and folklore associated with them.", "7jGak5feovy-00033-00023328-00023808": "Her closeness to the natural world and the intimacy with which she writes of landscape", "7jGak5feovy-00034-00023808-00024440": "and natural phenomena remind me of other writers who are closely connected to their native places:", "7jGak5feovy-00035-00024440-00025256": "Thomas Hardy or Emily Bronte or Colette. Yet Larysa was passionately fond of city life as well,", "7jGak5feovy-00036-00025256-00025672": "taking an active part in intellectual and cultural gatherings in Kyiv", "7jGak5feovy-00037-00025672-00026095": "and making full use of the city's museums, art galleries and concert halls.", "7jGak5feovy-00038-00026183-00026760": "And she was, in her own way, gregarious: the three volumes of her collected correspondence", "7jGak5feovy-00039-00026760-00027239": "show that she was no recluse of the stamp of Emily Dickinson or Emily Bronte;", "7jGak5feovy-00040-00027312-00027856": "the remarkable pace at which she wrote and published shows how necessary it was for her", "7jGak5feovy-00041-00027856-00028383": "to make connections with and present challenges to the world outside her room of her own.", "7jGak5feovy-00042-00028560-00029288": "One of her close friends was the feminist writer Olga Kobylianska some 10 years her senior and with", "7jGak5feovy-00043-00029288-00030016": "whom she conducted a passionate correspondence. In 1901 Larysa spent a summer in Kobylianska's", "7jGak5feovy-00044-00030016-00030600": "birthplace, Bukovyna, a south-eastern \"transitional\" region whose borders have", "7jGak5feovy-00045-00030600-00031288": "shifted over the years between today's Ukraine and Romania . (And i love this picture of these these", "7jGak5feovy-00046-00031288-00032095": "two young women who are looking at us with such stern faces and such dedication to their art.)", "7jGak5feovy-00047-00032368-00032880": "But as her disease progressed Larysa had to spend more and more time abroad,", "7jGak5feovy-00048-00032880-00033264": "traveling in search of expert medical care and warmer winter climates.", "7jGak5feovy-00049-00033384-00033696": "It's exhausting just to register the extent of Larysa Kosach's", "7jGak5feovy-00050-00033832-00034632": "peregrinations in the last 15 years of her life. From 1897 to 1912, she wintered three times in", "7jGak5feovy-00051-00034632-00035360": "the Crimea, twice in San Remo, Italy, three times in Egypt and three times in the Caucasus.", "7jGak5feovy-00052-00035504-00036208": "She undertook her last two journeys to Egypt alone by boat, surviving storms at sea, mined waters,", "7jGak5feovy-00053-00036208-00036872": "because there was a war going on -- Turkey and I think it was Serbia so the Black Sea was mined--", "7jGak5feovy-00054-00036872-00037504": "and freezing fogs, which were not great for her lungs. Traveling abroad, she was torn.", "7jGak5feovy-00055-00037576-00038032": "While she welcomed as much as the cultural stimulus offered by foreign lands as her", "7jGak5feovy-00056-00038032-00038704": "health permitted, she also saw herself as a hot house plant ripped from its native soil", "7jGak5feovy-00057-00038704-00039336": "and reduced to the confines of a clay pot, carted around from one artificial atmosphere", "7jGak5feovy-00058-00039336-00040048": "to another. What Larysa struggled with during her periods of forced exile wasn't just the", "7jGak5feovy-00059-00040048-00040512": "knowledge that warmer climates could never be a cure for the disease that was killing her,", "7jGak5feovy-00060-00040592-00041136": "but also the lack of that nurturance given her by immersion in her native language", "7jGak5feovy-00061-00041136-00041880": "among family and friends and beloved, familiar places. And I find this image from the family", "7jGak5feovy-00062-00041880-00042496": "album of Larysa -- you can see her in the middle standing beside her mother and looking at the baby", "7jGak5feovy-00063-00042496-00043104": "held by -- I think this is her younger sister Olha -- and she apparently was very, very fond", "7jGak5feovy-00064-00043104-00043872": "of her nieces and nephews -- so to be taken away from all of this was extremely painful for her.", "7jGak5feovy-00065-00044000-00044360": "So what do we know of Larysa Kosach's character, her temperament?", "7jGak5feovy-00066-00044496-00045032": "She was of an age and a background that demanded privacy on personal matters; unfortunately for", "7jGak5feovy-00067-00045032-00045584": "us her husband declined to publish any memoirs of their life together that would give us an intimate", "7jGak5feovy-00068-00045584-00046472": "or relaxed portrait of his wife. Lesia Ukrainka, or Larysa Kosach, her given name, may smile in one", "7jGak5feovy-00069-00046472-00046968": "or two of her childhood photographs but never as an adult when her likeness was being taken.", "7jGak5feovy-00070-00047096-00047472": "So like Tolstoy, did she utterly lack a sense of humour?", "7jGak5feovy-00071-00047624-00048256": "Was she the author of preponderantly tragic works lacking in the kind of warmth playfulness ease", "7jGak5feovy-00072-00048256-00048824": "with others that make up that elusive thing we call charm? Or is it outrageous to ask for", "7jGak5feovy-00073-00048824-00049344": "charm in the characters of exceptional people -- to want to like as well as respect them,", "7jGak5feovy-00074-00049432-00050232": "especially in the case of those who are seriously ill. The fact that Larysa Kosach described living", "7jGak5feovy-00075-00050232-00050824": "with tuberculosis as her \"30 Years' War\" is evidence of a grim sense of humour.", "7jGak5feovy-00076-00050976-00051632": "The sentimentalized form of tuberculosis, consisting in plaintive cough, feverish flush", "7jGak5feovy-00077-00051632-00052512": "and ethereal slenderness of body, is far more brutal in reality. Tuberculosis of the bone in an", "7jGak5feovy-00078-00052512-00053088": "age without antibiotics involved painful swelling of the joints and eventual deformation of the", "7jGak5feovy-00079-00053088-00053672": "bones -- the adult Larysa had to wear a prosthesis on one of her legs. Unchecked,", "7jGak5feovy-00080-00053672-00054191": "the bacillus spreads to other organs; It leads to extreme fatigue, and the pain it inflicts", "7jGak5feovy-00081-00054248-00054848": "can be so agonizing that it can, as it did in Larysa's case, cause loss of consciousness.", "7jGak5feovy-00082-00054991-00055576": "That Lesia Ukrainka was able to write as much and as well as she did is miraculous.", "7jGak5feovy-00083-00055679-00056436": "When she writes in a poem entitled \"Hope against Hope\" that she will live, that she refuses to give", "7jGak5feovy-00084-00056436-00057200": "in to despair, she writes in blood, not mere ink. Struggle was her very being, just as fire was her", "7jGak5feovy-00085-00057200-00057936": "native element, the fire of determined passionate attachment to Ukraine and the tubercular fire or", "7jGak5feovy-00086-00057936-00058384": "fever that towards the end caused \"throngs\" of images to invade her consciousness,", "7jGak5feovy-00087-00058440-00059176": "making sleep or even rest impossible. Her muse she claimed \"drinks my blood, by God.\"", "7jGak5feovy-00088-00059416-00059896": "If Larysa Kosach defied her disease and the politics which circumscribed her life,", "7jGak5feovy-00089-00059952-00060552": "she also defied social conventions and familial values when these contradicted her own deeply", "7jGak5feovy-00090-00060552-00061132": "held beliefs. She loved and admired her parents, but she refused to be a \"fille", "7jGak5feovy-00091-00061132-00061767": "bien rangée\" to use Simone de Beauvoir's term. A well-brought-up daughter does not, for example,", "7jGak5feovy-00092-00061767-00062128": "translate the Communist Manifesto, which she did in 1902;", "7jGak5feovy-00093-00062200-00062728": "nor does she fall in love with a Marxist revolutionary and fellow sufferer from TB,", "7jGak5feovy-00094-00062728-00063391": "whom she first met in Yalta in 1897, A Belarussian named Serhiy Merzhynsky.", "7jGak5feovy-00095-00063391-00064040": "She certainly does not travel to him as he lies dying, keeping a vigil by his bedside; nor does", "7jGak5feovy-00096-00064040-00064767": "she spend hours after he dies writing a dramatic poem she entitles \"Oderzhyma,\" or \"A Woman", "7jGak5feovy-00097-00064767-00065544": "Obsessed.\" Lesia Ukrainka was capable of creating a version of the Don Juan legend in which Dona", "7jGak5feovy-00098-00065544-00066120": "Anna shows herself to be stronger and far more independent than the man who tries to conquer her.", "7jGak5feovy-00099-00066280-00067048": "And Lesia Ukrainka was capable of writing a love poem that begins \"My heart burns up in a rage of", "7jGak5feovy-00100-00067048-00068064": "fire.\" Reviewing her 1902 poem cycle \"Nevilnychi Pisni\" -- \"Songs of Slaves\" -- the pre-eminent", "7jGak5feovy-00101-00068064-00068840": "Ukrainian writer and critic Ivan Franko remarked, \"Reading the light and disjointed or cold", "7jGak5feovy-00102-00068840-00069392": "moralistic writings of our contemporary Ukrainian writers and comparing them with those cheerful", "7jGak5feovy-00103-00069392-00069992": "vigorous and courageous writings of Lesia Ukrainka . . . one cannot help reflecting that this sick", "7jGak5feovy-00104-00069992-00070728": "weak girl is more of a man than anyone else in the whole Ukraine of today . . . Ukraine cannot,", "7jGak5feovy-00105-00070728-00071408": "in our opinion, boast today of a poet who can compare with Lesia Ukrainka as far as the force", "7jGak5feovy-00106-00071408-00071928": "and versatility of her talent are concerned.\" So it's kind of a back-handed compliment:", "7jGak5feovy-00107-00071928-00072728": "she's a sick weak girl, but she's got more balls than her male equivalents who are trying to write", "7jGak5feovy-00108-00072728-00073496": "of Ukraine. Now there's an adjective in Ukrainian -- \"chemna\" -- which means polite, well-behaved,", "7jGak5feovy-00109-00073496-00073880": "orderly. Larysa Kosach was hardly \"chemna,\"", "7jGak5feovy-00110-00073960-00074616": "not only in her passionate attachment to Olha Kobylianska or Serhiy Merzhynsky,", "7jGak5feovy-00111-00074616-00075200": "but also, when defying her parents' disapproval, she lived in a common-law relationship for five", "7jGak5feovy-00112-00075200-00075912": "years with a penniless scholar nine years younger than she. Klement Kvitka was a lawyer", "7jGak5feovy-00113-00075912-00076656": "by profession, but by vocation a musicologist, ethnographer and linguist -- he spoke 13 languages", "7jGak5feovy-00114-00076656-00077392": "to Lesia's 12. And on the picture, the family picture shows a very, very young looking Klement", "7jGak5feovy-00115-00077448-00077824": "standing in the middle with his sister her husband and their two children.", "7jGak5feovy-00116-00078064-00078592": "He was not a socialist or a revolutionary like the men she'd been formerly attracted to. His surname,", "7jGak5feovy-00117-00078592-00079312": "Kvitka actually means flower. Kosach and kvitka married in 1907 to confer on Klement", "7jGak5feovy-00118-00079312-00079872": "the respectability that would allow him to secure a government job and thus an income sufficient to", "7jGak5feovy-00119-00079872-00080552": "meet Lesia's mounting medical costs. For her part, once involved with Kvitka, Lesia refused", "7jGak5feovy-00120-00080552-00081064": "all financial help from her parents, earning what she could by translating and tutoring.", "7jGak5feovy-00121-00081296-00081552": "Accounts of her last years of life are sobering.", "7jGak5feovy-00122-00081664-00082368": "Disease had emaciated her to the point where she was \"all spirit;\" a friend described her during", "7jGak5feovy-00123-00082368-00083104": "a final visit to Kyiv just weeks before her death as a \"pale translucent figure with arms", "7jGak5feovy-00124-00083104-00083760": "full of flowers, with words full of energy, love and faith and with death in her eyes.\"", "7jGak5feovy-00125-00083984-00084672": "On the day she left Kyiv, she went to Volodomyrska Hirka, a hilltop park marked by a statue of Knyaz", "7jGak5feovy-00126-00084672-00085416": "or Prince Volodymyr, the greatest ruler of Ancient Rus'. Gazing down at the Dnipro river and at the", "7jGak5feovy-00127-00085416-00086120": "various landmarks of Kyiv, she took leave of them forever. Then she set out on the long", "7jGak5feovy-00128-00086120-00086792": "arduous train journey south to Tiflis gubernia -- now the country of Georgia -- in which two months", "7jGak5feovy-00129-00086792-00087512": "later she would die in the arms of her husband and mother. Her body was brought back to Kyiv", "7jGak5feovy-00130-00087512-00088128": "for a public funeral. Her coffin was shouldered by six women -- and she specified women to be", "7jGak5feovy-00131-00088128-00088624": "the pallbearers -- as it processed to the Baykhovo cemetery, where her beloved father", "7jGak5feovy-00132-00088624-00089384": "and older brother were buried. Police supervised the procession lest it become insubordinate:", "7jGak5feovy-00133-00089384-00089976": "even the words on the wreaths for her grave had to be approved by the government censors.", "7jGak5feovy-00134-00090184-00090680": "Now I want to talk a little about Lesia Ukrainka's oeuvre, her body of work", "7jGak5feovy-00135-00090904-00091392": "To get a sense of the status and influence of Ukrainka in her homeland,", "7jGak5feovy-00136-00091392-00091808": "it helps to put her into the company of her younger contemporary Virginia Woolf and", "7jGak5feovy-00137-00091808-00092480": "Woolf's place in our English-speaking world. Both women have become literary icons, the", "7jGak5feovy-00138-00092480-00093120": "familiar faces of certain kinds of literariness. In many ways they were strikingly different.", "7jGak5feovy-00139-00093464-00094280": "Virginia Woolf wrote prose, and Ukrainka mostly wrote poetry. Woolf was an iconoclastic modernist,", "7jGak5feovy-00140-00094280-00094952": "whereas Ukrainka worked within the conventions of late 19th century aestheticism. Ukrainka read", "7jGak5feovy-00141-00094952-00095520": "and used Biblical narratives compulsively in her work, whereas Woolf was an out-and-out atheist.", "7jGak5feovy-00142-00095640-00096072": "Ukrainka's work has none of the playfulness, the mockery and sheer brio", "7jGak5feovy-00143-00096072-00096664": "of so much of Woolf's writing, but most importantly, unlike her Ukrainian counterpart,", "7jGak5feovy-00144-00096664-00097296": "Virginia Woolf was able to write and publish freely in her native language. Yet there are", "7jGak5feovy-00145-00097296-00097944": "striking similarities between these writers: both were born into an intellectual and cultural elite;", "7jGak5feovy-00146-00098040-00098536": "both became strong feminists, devoted to acquiring the kind of learning thought unsuitable for their", "7jGak5feovy-00147-00098536-00099216": "gender, for example, knowledge of ancient Greek; they read widely, gobbling up books from their", "7jGak5feovy-00148-00099216-00099776": "parents libraries at an early age; they wrote articles and essays on a wide range of subjects in", "7jGak5feovy-00149-00099776-00100288": "order to help earn their livings, and they belong to some of the most influential cultural circles", "7jGak5feovy-00150-00100288-00100936": "of their day; both women struggled with severe ill-health that often confined them to bed", "7jGak5feovy-00151-00100936-00101496": "and prevented them from writing -- mental illness in Woolf's case and tuberculosis in Ukrainka's.", "7jGak5feovy-00152-00101672-00102104": "If there are fewer book and tote bags with Ukrainka's face on them,", "7jGak5feovy-00153-00102160-00102735": "there are far more statues of Lesia Ukrainka, commemorating her importance as a writer.", "7jGak5feovy-00154-00102735-00103208": "In any case, their physical image is out there in the non-literary world,", "7jGak5feovy-00155-00103208-00103680": "as well as in the pages of their books. (And I should just point out that the image that you see", "7jGak5feovy-00156-00103759-00104488": "of Ukrainka's face on brick walls -- in the centre, right there -- was actually", "7jGak5feovy-00157-00104559-00105304": "created during the 2014 Maidan protests in Kyiv, so she was very much there in spirit.)", "7jGak5feovy-00158-00105535-00106183": "What of the literature Ukrainka created, so little-known outside Ukraine, compared to", "7jGak5feovy-00159-00106183-00106776": "Woolf's extensively translated work. Those who have access only to the few available English", "7jGak5feovy-00160-00106776-00107328": "language versions of Ukrainka's poetry will be looking at it through a shard of pebbled glass.", "7jGak5feovy-00161-00107408-00107880": "Most translations date from the 1950s and '60s and tend to be overly exalted;", "7jGak5feovy-00162-00107944-00108496": "though they communicate with dedication to form, they cannot duplicate the power and the intricacy", "7jGak5feovy-00163-00108496-00109200": "of her use of rhythm and rhyme. And they tend to favour the write'rs more overtly patriotic themes.", "7jGak5feovy-00164-00109359-00109944": "University of Ottawa professor Constantin Bida, writing in 1968 when Ukraine was still", "7jGak5feovy-00165-00109944-00110583": "under the control of the Soviet Union, emphasized Ukrainka's staunch devotion to her native land,", "7jGak5feovy-00166-00110583-00111359": "citing her focus on self-sacrificing love. Danylo Struk was professor at University of Toronto's", "7jGak5feovy-00167-00111359-00111904": "Slavic Studies department, writing after the demise of the Soviet Union on Lesia Ukrainka,", "7jGak5feovy-00168-00111992-00112656": "offers a different perspective on her aesthetics. Now he translates key passages in her letters,", "7jGak5feovy-00169-00112911-00113304": "and he gives us a vivid sense of what she believed about her own art.", "7jGak5feovy-00170-00113400-00113959": "When, for example, one of her correspondents asked how difficult is it to write poetry, she replied,", "7jGak5feovy-00171-00113959-00114592": "\"Actually, it's most difficult to decide not to write poems, for that is not work, but rather", "7jGak5feovy-00172-00114592-00115104": "momentary improvisations . . . attacks of insanity, for which a person generally cannot be", "7jGak5feovy-00173-00115104-00115792": "held responsible.\" And as for writing by patriotic prescription, she suggested that it might be an", "7jGak5feovy-00174-00115792-00116264": "idea to prevent Ukrainians from writing national patriotic poems for a certain length of time;", "7jGak5feovy-00175-00116352-00116783": "then, she observed, they might \"learn more quickly the art of versification,", "7jGak5feovy-00176-00116840-00117240": "forced into it by (reading) lyrical poems and by doing translations.", "7jGak5feovy-00177-00117296-00117816": "As it is they count more on the patriotism of their readers than on their own rhyme and meter.", "7jGak5feovy-00178-00118048-00118432": "Now another correspondent reproached her for writing poems steeped in", "7jGak5feovy-00179-00118432-00119072": "\"snobbish intellectualism\" rather than the speech of the people, or they criticized her for the lack", "7jGak5feovy-00180-00119072-00119872": "of strong overt messages in her work. And Ukrainka replied that if she were to pull her muse by the", "7jGak5feovy-00181-00119872-00120583": "hair to elicit such messages, \"then all will hear ... her unfortunate hair ... cracking.\"", "7jGak5feovy-00182-00120672-00121296": "Finally, as Danylo Struk observes, Lesia Ukrainka won for herself a place in the \" 'pantheon'", "7jGak5feovy-00183-00121296-00121856": "of Ukrainian writers who advanced the cause of nationhood\" without sacrificing the conviction", "7jGak5feovy-00184-00121856-00122680": "that art had to be art and good art at that. I'll just read a quotation from Ukrainka's letters:", "7jGak5feovy-00185-00122744-00123168": "\"It is the duty of everyone who writes poems, and not only for a lark,", "7jGak5feovy-00186-00123168-00123735": "to find the appropriate form... (N)ot all of those who write among us have understood this", "7jGak5feovy-00187-00123735-00124288": "duty and think that for such a poor literature as ours 'anything will do' and for this reason they", "7jGak5feovy-00188-00124288-00124840": "print things which ... they would never dare show any editorial office of a foreign publication.", "7jGak5feovy-00189-00124928-00125416": "But I think that such writers either do not respect themselves or they do not respect", "7jGak5feovy-00190-00125416-00125968": "Ukrainian literature. I, nevertheless, do not consider our literature a beggar", "7jGak5feovy-00191-00125968-00126520": "and, therefore, if my work is not up to standard, then it is because I cannot do it any better.\"", "7jGak5feovy-00192-00126800-00127416": "Ukrainka's lyrical poems range in subject from romantic love to love of her benighted, threatened", "7jGak5feovy-00193-00127416-00128064": "country. She tackles issues of social justice and human rights, and she also immerses herself", "7jGak5feovy-00194-00128064-00128680": "in the natural world -- spring bringing delusive hope with its brightness; dreamlike summer;", "7jGak5feovy-00195-00128680-00129424": "autumn with its blood-stained fingers. She writes of exile -- Dante cast out of Florence -- and", "7jGak5feovy-00196-00129424-00130080": "draws comparisons in her \"Hebrew melodies\" cycle between the enslavement of Jews and Ukrainians.", "7jGak5feovy-00197-00130200-00130888": "When in her maturity she turns from lyric poetry to poetic drama, she explores the psychology of", "7jGak5feovy-00198-00130888-00131600": "painfully conflicted characters. Ukrainian critic Volodymyr Yarmolenko, who compares", "7jGak5feovy-00199-00131600-00132200": "her best dramatic work to that of Aeschylus, Shakespeare and Racine, sums up the remarkable", "7jGak5feovy-00200-00132200-00132728": "range of Ukrainka's subject matter and insists on the imaginative intensity of her writing:", "7jGak5feovy-00201-00133008-00133504": "\"She wrote about early Christians in the Roman Empire, about Ancient Greece and ancient Egypt,", "7jGak5feovy-00202-00133504-00134072": "about the Scottish wars for independence and the French revolution about Spanish Baroque culture,", "7jGak5feovy-00203-00134168-00134648": "English Puritans in North America, and, of course, her native Ukrainian folklore.", "7jGak5feovy-00204-00134928-00135440": "She translated into Ukrainian from German, French, English, Sanskrit, Ancient Greek,", "7jGak5feovy-00205-00135440-00136072": "Egyptian and more. When Ukrainian culture was imprisoned in an artificial provinciality,", "7jGak5feovy-00206-00136072-00136768": "she filled it with the voices of literary culture from around the world. But all those global topics", "7jGak5feovy-00207-00136768-00137432": "were not merely abstract, neither to her, nor to her people. She wrote about these ancient themes", "7jGak5feovy-00208-00137432-00138112": "by channeling her own experience. When she was writing about early Christians, she felt herself", "7jGak5feovy-00209-00138112-00138884": "a member of a \"catacomb\" people, a community of the faithful persecuted by an empire ...\"", "7jGak5feovy-00210-00139064-00139736": "Some of Lesia Ukrainka's most deeply held views may strike us in our post-post-modernity as", "7jGak5feovy-00211-00139736-00140240": "unfashionable or untenable -- for example that it's shameful to surrender to fate without a", "7jGak5feovy-00212-00140240-00140808": "fight; that our task as human beings is to struggle towards our goals at whatever cost", "7jGak5feovy-00213-00140808-00141608": "to our own personal happiness, our own personal fulfillment. Among Lesia Ukrainka's goals were", "7jGak5feovy-00214-00141608-00141960": "freedom for her country and survival for her native culture.", "7jGak5feovy-00215-00142112-00142736": "In this context, I'm going to give you my very free translation of one of Lesia Ukrainka's poems", "7jGak5feovy-00216-00142736-00143568": "that seems especially resonant now: it has no title; it was written on Nov. 25th 1896:", "7jGak5feovy-00217-00143808-00144480": "Words, why aren't you tempered steel,/ shooting sparks through the murk of war?/", "7jGak5feovy-00218-00144584-00145200": "Why aren't you the kind of merciless blade/ that slices an enemy's head from his shoulders?", "7jGak5feovy-00219-00145320-00145960": "You, my truthful, resilient language/ I'm ready to unsheath and reveal you.", "7jGak5feovy-00220-00146048-00146624": "You alone can shed the blood of my heart/ without breaking the blade of that heart./", "7jGak5feovy-00221-00146800-00147264": "I must sharpen and keep on polishing/ this glittering weapon, with all my", "7jGak5feovy-00222-00147264-00147848": "strength;/ then hang it on a wall for the delight/ of others, and for my own pain./", "7jGak5feovy-00223-00148016-00148704": "Words, my only weapon,/ we mustn't die together, you and I./ Perhaps,", "7jGak5feovy-00224-00148704-00149128": "in the hands of unknown brothers you'll be a better sword against our enemies./", "7jGak5feovy-00225-00149312-00149768": "Blades ring against iron shackles, echoing to the strongholds of", "7jGak5feovy-00226-00149768-00150432": "tyrants,/ echoes rebounding from other swords clashing,/ making the sound of the newly-freed", "7jGak5feovy-00227-00150576-00151128": "--/Avengers will take up my weapon,/ rush with it braving all battlefields,/", "7jGak5feovy-00228-00151240-00152064": "My weapon, my words: serve these soldiers/ better than you've served my invalids hands.", "7jGak5feovy-00229-00152488-00152784": "Bronze and paper:", "7jGak5feovy-00230-00152896-00153672": "\"How lovely it would be to die like a falling star,\" observed Lesia Ukrainka.", "7jGak5feovy-00231-00153672-00154352": "When an asteroid was discovered between the orbit of Mars and Jupiter on Aug. 28, 1970,", "7jGak5feovy-00232-00154352-00155264": "it was given her name: 2616 Lesya. Is it a more fitting tribute than a monument cast in bronze,", "7jGak5feovy-00233-00155264-00155960": "mounted on a granite plinth? There are so many statues of and memorial plaques dedicated to", "7jGak5feovy-00234-00155960-00156720": "Lesia Ukrainka, in cities ranging from Kyiv to Cleveland, from St. Petersburg in Russia", "7jGak5feovy-00235-00156808-00157576": "to Saskatoon in Canada, from the Volhynia city of her birth to the Georgian village where she died.", "7jGak5feovy-00236-00157752-00158424": "As welcome and valuable as these markers are, to me the most important sign of Lesia Ukrainka's", "7jGak5feovy-00237-00158424-00159192": "living presence is the fact that she continues to inspire other artists: to list just two examples,", "7jGak5feovy-00238-00159192-00159960": "Oksana Zabushko, often described as Ukraine's Margaret Atwood, has written a magnum opus", "7jGak5feovy-00239-00159960-00160648": "entitled \"Notre Dame d'Ukraine\"-- it is written actually in ukrainian not in french despite the", "7jGak5feovy-00240-00160648-00161432": "title -- and Georgian filmmaker Nana Janelidza is in the process of making a feature film on", "7jGak5feovy-00241-00161432-00162056": "Ukrainka's life. As far as I know, the trailer for this film has been released so you can google it;", "7jGak5feovy-00242-00162056-00162744": "I'm not sure exactly when this biopic is going to be released for general viewing.", "7jGak5feovy-00243-00163056-00163728": "On day 20 of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, I made my way to High Park, defying the double ring", "7jGak5feovy-00244-00163728-00164440": "of fences enclosing Chereshniovsky's statue of Lesia Ukrainka. It was a grey, misty day;", "7jGak5feovy-00245-00164504-00164976": "the darkened bronze seemed to mesh with the bare branches and pine boughs around her.", "7jGak5feovy-00246-00165144-00165528": "From what I'd learned about the poet's life and work, this seemed almost criminal:", "7jGak5feovy-00247-00165584-00166280": "fire, not mist, is her native element. I looked up at the calm, conventionally pleasing face above", "7jGak5feovy-00248-00166280-00166824": "the high-necked collar of her madonna-like dress, remembering all the while her line,", "7jGak5feovy-00249-00166880-00167696": "\"My heart burns in a rage of fire.\" And then I read and actually registered, for the first time,", "7jGak5feovy-00250-00167696-00168296": "the words inscribed on the back of the granite plinth. They paid tribute to the Women's Council", "7jGak5feovy-00251-00168296-00168816": "of the Ukrainian Canadian Committee, who managed to raise the funds to commission this monument", "7jGak5feovy-00252-00168816-00169352": "to mark the United Nations declaration of 1975 as National Women's Year.", "7jGak5feovy-00253-00169504-00169928": "The inscription also acknowledges the presence at the statues unveiling", "7jGak5feovy-00254-00170192-00170792": "of the poet's sister Izydora Kosach-Borysova, who would have been 87 years old at the time.", "7jGak5feovy-00255-00170920-00171312": "The fact of this meeting between Larysa Kosach's sister -- her own", "7jGak5feovy-00256-00171312-00171848": "flesh and blood nearing the end of her life -- and the imperishable bronze woman on the plinth", "7jGak5feovy-00257-00171904-00172448": "seemed unbearably poignant, as did the fact of Izydora's presence among the women", "7jGak5feovy-00258-00172448-00173224": "who had realized the idea of a bronze and granite tribute to Ukrainka's memory. Small offerings had", "7jGak5feovy-00259-00173224-00174040": "been left in front of the iron railing: candles, a stylized sheaf of wheat, a blue and yellow flag.", "7jGak5feovy-00260-00174328-00175016": "It was time I thought, high time to take down the wooden fence and build a pathway to the statue;", "7jGak5feovy-00261-00175016-00175744": "time to remove, or at least make it easier to open the railing. Perhaps, it is time, as well,", "7jGak5feovy-00262-00175744-00176528": "to plant some flowers. Small gestures, but in a time of overwhelming danger and disruption,", "7jGak5feovy-00263-00176584-00177224": "when so much is at stake, and so many lives are being wrenched out of their accustomed shape,", "7jGak5feovy-00264-00177224-00177944": "not only in Ukraine, but wherever the brutality of war scorches all hope and turns faith in", "7jGak5feovy-00265-00177944-00178656": "the future into something less yielding than granite, even a small gesture has value. At least", "7jGak5feovy-00266-00178712-00179384": "i would like to hope so. Thank you."}}]