/* * Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ "use strict"; /* eslint require-jsdoc: "off" */ var cwd = process.cwd(); var run = require(cwd + '/src/run'); var logger = require(cwd + '/src/logger').getLogger(); var repoPath; var currentRepo; var currentRepoPath; var gitPrettyConfig = [{ c: '%H', p: 'hash' }, { c: '%h', p: 'abbrevHash' }, { c: '%t', p: 'abbrevTreeHash' }, { c: '%P', p: 'parentHashes' }, { c: '%an', p: 'authorName' }, { c: '%ae', p: 'authorEmail' }, { c: '%ai', p: 'authorDate' }, { c: '%ar', p: 'authorDateRel' }, { c: '%cn', p: 'committerName' }, { c: '%ce', p: 'committerEmail' }, { c: '%cd', p: 'committerDate' }, { c: '%cr', p: 'committerDateRel' }, { c: '%s', p: 'subject' }]; function splitSpaces(data) { return data.split(" ").filter(function(s) { return s.length > 0; }); } module.exports = { setRepoPath: function(path) { repoPath = path; }, setRepo: function(repo) { currentRepo = repo; currentRepoPath = repoPath + '/' + currentRepo.name; }, clone: function() { if (currentRepoPath === undefined) { logger.error('clone repository not set'); return; } var args = ['clone', currentRepo.git.url, currentRepoPath]; var cmdout = run.execSync('git', args, null); return cmdout; }, fetch: function() { if (currentRepoPath === undefined) { logger.error('fetch repository not set'); return; } var cmdout = run.execSync('git', ['fetch'], currentRepoPath); if (cmdout.err) { logger.error('cannot do git fetch', currentRepoPath); return; } }, pull: function() { if (currentRepoPath === undefined) { logger.error('pull repository not set'); return; } var cmdout = run.execSync('git', ['pull'], currentRepoPath); if (cmdout.err) { logger.error('cannot do git pull', currentRepoPath); return; } }, repoResetHard: function(hash) { if (currentRepoPath === undefined) { logger.error('repoResetHard repository not set'); return; } var cmdout = run.execSync('git', ['reset', '--hard', hash], currentRepoPath); if (cmdout.err) { logger.error('cannot do git reset --hard ', currentRepoPath, hash); return; } cmdout = run.execSync('git', ['log', '-n1', '--pretty=format:%H'], currentRepoPath); if (cmdout.err) { logger.error('cannot do git log -n1', currentRepoPath); return; } var topHash = cmdout.stdout; if (topHash !== hash) { logger.error('Error after syncing ', hash, topHash); return; } return; }, repoResetHardPrevious: function(hash) { if (currentRepoPath === undefined) { logger.error('repoResetHardPrevious repository not set'); return; } var cmdout = run.execSync('git', ['reset', '--hard', 'HEAD^'], currentRepoPath); if (cmdout.err) { logger.error('cannot do git reset --hard ', currentRepoPath, hash); return; } cmdout = run.execSync('git', ['log', '-n1', '--pretty=format:%H'], currentRepoPath); if (cmdout.err) { logger.error('cannot do git log -n1', currentRepoPath); return; } return cmdout.stdout; }, getRemoteToT: function(branch) { if (currentRepoPath === undefined) { logger.error('getRemoteToT repository not set'); return; } var cmdout = run.execSync('git', ['log', branch, '-n1', '--pretty=format:%H' ], currentRepoPath); if (cmdout.err) { logger.error('cannot do git log branch -n1 ', currentRepoPath, branch); return; } var tot = cmdout.stdout; return tot; }, getRepoToT: function() { if (currentRepoPath === undefined) { logger.error('getRepoToT repository not set'); return; } var cmdout = run.execSync('git', ['log', '-n1', '--pretty=format:%H'], currentRepoPath); if (cmdout.err) { logger.error('cannot do git log -n1 ', currentRepoPath); return; } var tot = cmdout.stdout; return tot; }, getBuildId: function(patch) { if (currentRepoPath === undefined) { logger.error('getBuildId repository not set'); return; } var cmdout = run.execSync('git', [ 'log', '--oneline', '--pretty=format:%h', patch ], currentRepoPath); var t = cmdout.stdout.split('\n'); var buildId = t.length; return buildId; }, getPatchInfo: function(patch) { if (currentRepoPath === undefined) { logger.error('getPatchInfo repository not set'); return; } var l = []; var targ = '--pretty=@tagStart@'; var ii; for (ii = 0; ii < gitPrettyConfig.length; ii++) targ += '@tagDelimiter@' + gitPrettyConfig[ii].c; targ += '@tagEnd@'; var cmdout = run.execSync('git', ['log', patch, '-n1', targ], currentRepoPath); if (cmdout.err) { console.log('ERR', cmdout.code); return; } var stdout = cmdout.stdout; logger.debug('commits stdout', stdout); // get everything after tagt start var commits = stdout.split('@tagStart@'); // if (commits.length === 1 && commits[0] === '') { commits.shift(); } commits.shift(); logger.debug('commits commits', commits); for (ii = 0; ii < commits.length; ii++) { var commit = commits[ii]; logger.debug('onecommit', ii, commits.length, commit); // get everything beofre tag end everything before tag end var parts = commit.split('@tagEnd@\n'); commit = parts[0].split('@tagDelimiter@'); // delete first commit.shift(); logger.debug('onecommit', commit); var entry = {}; for (var jj = 0; jj < gitPrettyConfig.length; jj++) { if (gitPrettyConfig[jj].p === 'parentHashes') { var tsplit = splitSpaces(commit[jj]); entry[gitPrettyConfig[jj].p] = tsplit; } else entry[gitPrettyConfig[jj].p] = commit[jj]; } // add buildId logger.debug('entry', entry); l.push(entry); } // console.log(l); return l; }, getLog: function(branch, startCommit, endCommit) { if (currentRepoPath === undefined) { logger.error('getLog repository not set'); return; } // get num of patchs to compute buildIds var cmdout = run.execSync('git', ['log', branch, '--oneline', '--pretty=format:%h' ], currentRepoPath); var t = cmdout.stdout.split('\n'); var numPatches = t.length; logger.debug(cmdout, numPatches); var l = []; // Start constructing arguments var args = []; args.push('log'); args.push(branch); if (endCommit !== undefined) { args.push(endCommit + '..' + startCommit); } var targ = '--pretty="@tagStart@'; var ii; for (ii = 0; ii < gitPrettyConfig.length; ii++) targ += '@tagDelimiter@' + gitPrettyConfig[ii].c; targ += '@tagEnd@"'; args.push(targ); cmdout = run.execSync('git', args, currentRepoPath); if (cmdout.err) { console.log('ERR', cmdout.code); return; } var stdout = cmdout.stdout; logger.debug('commits stdout', stdout); // get everything after tagt start var commits = stdout.split('@tagStart@'); // if (commits.length === 1 && commits[0] === '') { commits.shift(); } commits.shift(); logger.debug('commits commits', commits); for (ii = 0; ii < commits.length; ii++) { var commit = commits[ii]; logger.debug('onecommit', ii, commits.length, commit); // get everything beofre tag end everything before tag end var parts = commit.split('@tagEnd@\n'); commit = parts[0].split('@tagDelimiter@'); // delete first commit.shift(); logger.debug('onecommit', commit); var entry = {}; for (var jj = 0; jj < gitPrettyConfig.length; jj++) { if (gitPrettyConfig[jj].p === 'parentHashes') { var tsplit = splitSpaces(commit[jj]); entry[gitPrettyConfig[jj].p] = tsplit; } else entry[gitPrettyConfig[jj].p] = commit[jj]; } // add buildId entry.buildId = numPatches - ii; logger.debug('entry', entry); l.push(entry); } return l; } };