'use strict'; ;(function (window, React, linkify) { var linkifyReact = function (React, linkify) { 'use strict'; React = 'default' in React ? React['default'] : React; var options = linkify.options; var Options = options.Options; // Given a string, converts to an array of valid React components // (which may include strings) function stringToElements(str, opts) { var tokens = linkify.tokenize(str); var elements = []; var linkId = 0; for (var i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) { var token = tokens[i]; if (token.type === 'nl' && opts.nl2br) { elements.push(React.createElement('br', { key: 'linkified-' + ++linkId })); continue; } else if (!token.isLink || !opts.check(token)) { // Regular text elements.push(token.toString()); continue; } var _opts$resolve = opts.resolve(token), href = _opts$resolve.href, formatted = _opts$resolve.formatted, formattedHref = _opts$resolve.formattedHref, tagName = _opts$resolve.tagName, className = _opts$resolve.className, target = _opts$resolve.target, attributes = _opts$resolve.attributes, events = _opts$resolve.events; var props = { key: 'linkified-' + ++linkId, href: formattedHref }; if (className) { props.className = className; } if (target) { props.target = target; } // Build up additional attributes // Support for events via attributes hash if (attributes) { for (var attr in attributes) { props[attr] = attributes[attr]; } } elements.push(React.createElement(tagName, props, formatted)); } return elements; } // Recursively linkify the contents of the given React Element instance function linkifyReactElement(element, opts) { var elementId = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 0; if (React.Children.count(element.props.children) === 0) { // No need to clone if the element had no children return element; } var children = []; React.Children.forEach(element.props.children, function (child) { if (typeof child === 'string') { children.push.apply(children, stringToElements(child, opts)); } else if (React.isValidElement(child)) { if (typeof child.type === 'string' && options.contains(opts.ignoreTags, child.type.toUpperCase())) { // Don't linkify this element children.push(child); } else { children.push(linkifyReactElement(child, opts, ++elementId)); } } else { // Unknown element type, just push children.push(child); } }); // Set a default unique key, copy over remaining props var newProps = { key: 'linkified-element-' + elementId }; for (var prop in element.props) { newProps[prop] = element.props[prop]; } return React.cloneElement(element, newProps, children); } var Linkify = React.createClass({ render: function render() { // Copy over all non-linkify-specific props var newProps = { key: 'linkified-element-0' }; for (var prop in this.props) { if (prop !== 'options' && prop !== 'tagName') { newProps[prop] = this.props[prop]; } } var opts = new Options(this.props.options); var tagName = this.props.tagName || 'span'; var element = React.createElement(tagName, newProps); return linkifyReactElement(element, opts, 0); } }); return Linkify; }(React, linkify); window.Linkify = window.LinkifyReact = linkifyReact; })(window, React, linkify);