diff --git "a/CLI_deep-se.csv" "b/CLI_deep-se.csv" deleted file mode 100644--- "a/CLI_deep-se.csv" +++ /dev/null @@ -1,294 +0,0 @@ -"issuekey","created","title","description","storypoint" -"CLI-903","07/21/2014 20:09:25","Investigate locking down NPM dependencies","When deploying NPM modules, even if we specify exact versions in our package.json file, those dependencies could be less strict in what they choose to use. The end result is that every install of our NPM modules could be different, leading to difficult-to-reporduce bugs. One solution is to use tools like shrink-wrap or lockdown: https://www.npmjs.org/doc/cli/npm-shrinkwrap.html https://www.npmjs.org/package/lockdown Some goals: * People can use NPM install from the NPMJS repo like before * They only get the exact set of direct and indirect dependencies we've tested There is a concern (as noted in APPTS-1879) that a dependency could be unpublished from NPM. It's unclear how prevalent that is, but it is a possibility. If we instead decided to host a version of our nodules external to NPMJS, then we'd need to make sure we removed them from the main repo to avoid confusion. ",13 -"CLI-649","03/21/2015 22:38:27","Android build tool warning directs user to run ""ti config""","h5. Description: I was warned in console of a potential compatibility issue with my build tools. This warned told me to set with ""ti config"". This should be updated to reflect new tools. {code}[WARN] : [WARN] : Android Build Tools 22 are too new and may or may not work with Titanium. [WARN] : If you encounter problems, select a supported version with: [WARN] : ti config android.buildTools.selectedVersion ##.##.## [WARN] : where ##.##.## is a version in /Users/eric/Android_SDK/build-tools that is <=21.x{code} h5. Steps to reproduce: 1) Install Android build tools 22 2) Create an android project in studio or CLI and run on emulator or device h5. Result: The console warning appears with references to ""ti config"" h5. Expected Result: The warning should say ""appc ti config""",5 -"CLI-517","04/03/2015 15:10:54","Add ""appc test"" command","I would like not to use any NPM commands when using Arrow as I feel it is confusing to jump between the two. Add `appc test` which passes through to `npm test`",5 -"CLI-531","04/08/2015 00:28:39","appc unpublish should support ""--project-dir""","h5. Description: While closing a related ticket, I tried {{appc run}}, {{appc publish}}, and {{appc unpublish}} from outside the project directory. {{appc unpublish --project-dir}} does not work. An error is shown like: {code}emerrimanMBP:~ eric$ appc unpublish --project-dir ~/arrowsCarbon/ Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 0.2.230 Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ERROR | No component found or specified for unpublish {code} h5. Steps to reproduce: 1) Create or use an Arrow project, publish the app 2) From outside the directory, run {{appc unpublish --project-dir }} h5. Result: The app does not unpublish, {{appc unpublish}} help does not show support for {{--project-dir}} h5. Expected Result: Unpublish support for {{--project-dir}}",5 -"CLI-615","04/14/2015 01:20:50","Unable to run 'appc setup' on io.js","appc won't setup on io.js {code} appc setup [17:18:00] Finding latest version ...0.2.242 ✓ Version 0.2.242 already installed. ? Do you plan on developing Titanium apps? Yes Checking your environment... You have the latest Titanium SDK release 4.0.0.Beta2 ERROR | titanium exited with 1 exit code {code}",5 -"CLI-561","04/17/2015 08:22:41","Automatically prompt for new login when session is invalid","Every now and then I get the error we see reported in the Q&A a lot as well: {code} ERROR | invalid session {code} Logging out (I using {{-D}} to be sure) and in again fixes it. I think the UX would be better if don't spit out an error but inform the user the session as expired and he needs to login again. Then under the hood logout, clean up whatever we can and present the login again. {code} ≫ appc new Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 0.2.247 Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ? What type of project are you creating? Native App ? Which SDK would you like to use? Titanium SDK (JavaScript) ? What's the project name? bully ? What's your application id (example: com.myapp)? nl.fokkezb ERROR | invalid session (~/dev/tests) ≫ appc logout -D Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 0.2.247 Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. logged out (~/dev/tests) ≫ appc login Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 0.2.247 Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Appcelerator Login required to continue ... ? Appcelerator ID: fzandbergen@appcelerator.com ? Password: ********* ? Into which organization would you like to login? Appcelerator, Inc This computer must be authorized before you can complete your login. ? Confirm with authorization code to Email or Phone/SMS? SMS to +31624105142 An authorization code was sent to your phone at +31624105142 ? Please enter the code you received: 1086 This computer is now authorized: Mac OSX Serial Number: C02MP05QFH05 You can deauthorize this computer by logging out with appc logout Generating Developer Certificate and Private/Public Keys... fzandbergen@appcelerator.com logged into organization Appcelerator, Inc [14301] (~/dev/tests) ≫ appc new Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 0.2.247 Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ? What type of project are you creating? Native App ? Which SDK would you like to use? Titanium SDK (JavaScript) ? What's the project name? bully ? What's your application id (example: com.myapp)? nl.fokkezb ? Please provide your password for enabling Test service: ********* *** new completed. *** {code}",3 -"CLI-563","04/17/2015 18:34:58","Alert users when attempting to run an app that belongs to a different org than they are currently logged in as","if the current user is logged in under Org A and tries to run an app created under Org B that fails. The error message is cryptic: {code} [ERROR] : Application not registered. titanium exited with exit code 100 {code} That's fine if the user has no rights to Org B, we shouldn't give any details about it. But if the user _is_ a member of the other org that the app belongs to, we should give more details about why we can't run this app. Specifically we should tell them they are logged in under Org A, the app is part of Org B and that they need to logout and back in under Org B to run it.",0 -"CLI-570","04/21/2015 10:40:26","Titanium always does full rebuild, forced by encryptJS","When building a Titanium app for iOS Simulator, it always forces a rebuild because *JavaScript files need to be re-encrypted*. This even happens when you set deploy type to development. It does however *NOT* happen when you skip {{appc run}} and use {{ti build}} directly. This issue makes rebuilds take a lot longer then needed. h1. To reproduce 1. Create a project. 2. Run the project via AppC ({{appc run -p ios}}) once for an initial build. 3. Run the project via AppC again ({{appc run -p ios}}) and confirm it says: {{Forcing rebuild: JavaScript files need to be re-encrypted}} and later {{Forcing rebuild: ApplicationDefaults.m has changed since last build}}. 4. Run the project via AppC with development deployType ({{appc run -p ios -D development}}) once for a new build with changed deployType. 5. Run the project via AppC with development deployType ({{appc run -p ios -D development}}) again and confirm it says the same. 6. Run the project via Ti ({{ti build -p ios}}) once to generate a new build. 7. Run the project via Ti ({{ti build -p ios}}) again to confirm that this time it does not force a rebuild. Found by this user: https://community.appcelerator.com/topic/203/appcelerator-forcing-a-rebuild-for-javascript-re-encryption",8 -"CLI-571","04/21/2015 20:04:12","Appc ti -v returns Appc CLI version","When I run {{appc ti -v}} I get the output of {{appc -v}}. *Steps to reproduce issue*: 1. Run {{appc ti -v}} *Actual Results*: Same output as {{appc -v}} *Expected Results*: Output should show the local Titanium CLI version.",1 -"CLI-573","04/22/2015 08:39:14","Random ""Cannot find module"" errors when updating via ""appc use latest""","Every now and then people get {{Cannot find module}} errors during {{appc use latest}} and sometimes with {{appc run}}. * https://community.appcelerator.com/topic/123/the-login-server-returned-an-error/19 * https://community.appcelerator.com/topic/150/can-not-login-to-appcelerator-studio/5 * https://community.appcelerator.com/topic/219/error-cannot-find-module-after-update-0-2-255 * https://community.appcelerator.com/topic/185/error-cannot-find-module-arrow/2 (slightly different, during appc run)",0 -"CLI-574","04/22/2015 09:12:55","Login validation error message not passed through prompt from CLI","Please refer to Studio ticket. https://jira.appcelerator.org/browse/TISTUD-7325 Studio is listening to CLI through socket communication through request and response protocol model. In case of Sign-in, If user is not provided any credentials and entered Ok, will get the proper error message from CLI. The response looks like below. {""type"":""error"",""message"":""validate error: you must enter a value for the Appcelerator ID"",""question"":[{""type"":""input"",""name"":""username"",""message"":""Appcelerator ID:""},{""type"":""password"",""name"":""password"",""message"":""Password:""}]} If user provided wrong credentials, then CLI is not returning the error message from the server. Response looks like below. {""type"":""question"",""question"":[{""type"":""input"",""name"":""username"",""message"":""Appcelerator ID:""},{""type"":""password"",""name"":""password"",""message"":""Password:""}]} Expected: CLI should send error message, so that same will be passed back to the studio user, they can able to see what went wrong.",3 -"CLI-577","04/22/2015 17:53:45","Need to add proxy logic to underlying appc process such as acs","same as we're using here https://github.com/appcelerator/appc-cli/blob/c0f602a2992ee27fbe8c7a1328eedec422f912a7/lib/constants.js#L200 this code above should reference APPC_CONFIG_PROXY env and this code should be refactored https://github.com/appcelerator/appc-cli/blob/7a134ba6a50624ea9046b1d7578547b8760b21ee/lib/commands/login.js#L511 we need the front-end and the appc cli to both respect the proxy.",5 -"CLI-579","04/22/2015 19:57:43","Errors updating Core CLI when Studio is open","When trying to update the Core CLI from terminal (via {{appc use latest}} or {{appc setup}}) I get errors when Studio is open. *Steps to reproduce issue* 1. Open Studio 2. Run {{appc use latest}} (do not already have the latest version installed) ----------------------- 3. Delete the latest folder from {{~/.appcelerator/install}} 4. Close Studio 5. Run {{appc use latest}} *Actual Results* 2. Install of latest version fails 5. Install succeeds *Expected Results* Installs of latest version succeed *Notes* This makes it very difficult to install CLI updates from inside Studio. I tested this many times. 10/10 installs succeeded with Studio closed, 10/10 installs failed with Studio open.",5 -"CLI-585","04/22/2015 21:49:07","Can not login in Appcelerator Studio","Can not login to Appcelerator Studio, I'm receiving the error: ERROR | Required body parameter: userAgent missing ",3 -"CLI-582","04/23/2015 08:10:51","CLI prompts for login twice when --env option is given in the command","The cli prompts twice for login when --env option is given during appc new or appc run command. However, if username and password are provided as part of the command then it prompts twice for organization even if a valid --org-id is also passed in the command Steps to Reproduce: 1. Run the command ""appc new --env preproduction"" Actual Result: The user is forced to enter username, password and organization selection two times. {code} ssekhri-MBP:testing ssekhri$ appc whoami Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 0.2.261 Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ssekhri@appcelerator.com in organization qe_test_org_preprod_team (100001710) ssekhri-MBP:testing ssekhri$ appc new --env preproduction Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 0.2.261 Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Appcelerator Login required to continue ... ? Appcelerator ID: ssekhri@appcelerator.com ? Password: ****** ? Into which organization would you like to login? qe_test_org_preprod_team Appcelerator Login required to continue ... ? Appcelerator ID: ssekhri@appcelerator.com ? Password: ****** ? Into which organization would you like to login? qe_test_org_preprod_team ? What type of project are you creating? (Use arrow keys) ❯ Native App Arrow App Titanium Module {code} ",2 -"CLI-586","04/23/2015 19:08:04","Clean up appc new arguments","Clean up the undefined arguments passed to titanium during app creation. This could cause problems. {code} args [ 'create', '-t', 'app', '--platforms', 'all', '--no-banner', '--no-prompt', '--workspace-dir', '/Users/gmathews/github/appc', undefined, true, '--log-level', 'info', undefined, true, undefined, 'app', undefined, 'titanium', undefined, 'titanium', '--name', 'testApp', '--id', 'com.test', '--project-dir', '/Users/gmathews/github/appc/testApp', '--url', 'unspecified' ] {code}",3 -"CLI-588","04/24/2015 01:48:27","Rebuilding an application for Android emulator fails","h5.Description When rebuilding an application for Android emulator using 0.2.269 the build exits with the following {code} [INFO] Generating i18n files [INFO] Generating /Users/eharris/Documents/sambotWorkspace/android/build/android/res/values/theme.xml TRACE | titanium exited with exit code 0 {code} Full logs are attached as fullOutput.txt *If I set encryptJS to true [here|https://github.com/appcelerator/appc-cli-titanium/blob/master/hook/titanium.js#L147] then the build has no problems.* h5.Steps To Reproduce 1. Create a new application using {{appc new}} 2. Build the application for Android using {{appc run -p android -T emulator}} 3. Rebuild the application for Android using {{appc run -p android -T emulator}} h5.Actual Result The build will fail with the output above h5.Expected Result The build should pass",3 -"CLI-591","04/24/2015 22:20:00","Build to an iOS device and then an iOS simulator fails","h5.Description When building an iOS app, if you build the app for device and then build the device for simulator the build for simulator will fail with the following error {code: title=error 1} [DEBUG] [ioslib] [ios-sim] [DEBUG] Session could not be started: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=22 ""Installation Failed"" UserInfo=0x7f916347ea40 {NSLocalizedDescription=Installation Failed, NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=An error occurred while preparing the app for installation (no bundle identifier was found at the expected path)} [DEBUG] [ioslib] [ios-sim] Exited with code: 1 [ERROR] Project failed to build after 7s 726ms [ERROR] An error occurred running the iOS Simulator (ios-sim exit code 1) {code} If I attempt to then clean the project and run again it fails with the following {code: title=error 2} [DEBUG] Setting Info.plist CFBundleVersion to 1.0 [DEBUG] Setting Info.plist CFBundleShortVersionString to 1.0 TRACE | titanium exited with exit code 0 {code} From what I see, if I wait the full time required for the rebuild (1 hour) then it seems to work fine. Setting [this line|https://github.com/appcelerator/appc-cli-titanium/blob/master/hook/titanium.js#L146] to be true makes the build work everytime! The fix for CLI-588 *does not fix this issue* h5.Steps To Reproduce 1. Create a new application using {{appc new}} 2. Run the app on simulator using {{appc run -p ios -T simulator}} 3. Run the app on device using {{appc run -p ios -T device}} 4. Run the app on simulator using {{appc run -p ios -T simulator}} 5. Clean the app {{appc ti clean}} 6. Run the app on simulator using {{appc run -p ios -T simulator}} h5.Actual Result 2. App will be built successfully 3. App will be built successfully 4. App will not be built successfully (see error 1) 6. App will not be built successfully (see error 2) h5.Expected Result App should be successfully every time",2 -"CLI-604","04/29/2015 13:01:20","ENOTEMPTY error when creating titanium project ","Run the following command the first time, the project files are created in */Users/feonsua/work/sandbox1/sandbox2/sandbox3* Run the command again, a classic project is created under */Users/feonsua/work/sandbox1/sandbox2/app1*, which is one directory up than what was being specified. Then the process is terminated with an error message. {code} Feons-MacBook-Pro:~ feonsua$ appc new --type titanium --name app1 --id com.test --project-dir /Users/feonsua/work/sandbox1/sandbox2/sandbox3 --force Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 0.2.273 Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ERROR | ENOTEMPTY, directory not empty '/Users/feonsua/work/sandbox1/sandbox2/app1' {code} This happens when the --project-dir specified is different from the project name.",3 -"CLI-605","04/30/2015 05:35:05","Attempt to retry when registry is not available","For the appcelerator front-end (apps-install) need to retry when registry is unavailable. Will try up to 10 times with each iteration waiting 500 x N (where N= is retry count)",5 -"CLI-606","04/30/2015 07:26:39","""appc -v"" should show both the NPM and active version","When we're debugging user problems we ask them to make sure they're on the latest version of the appcelerator NPM package. But the only way to check is: {code} $ npm list -g --depth 0 appcelerator {code} We should include both the NPM and active version with {{appc -v}}. {code} $ appc -v npm: 0.3.51 cli: 0.2.273 {code} Q&A: https://community.appcelerator.com/topic/285/appc-setup-causing-error-with-exit-code-1/2",5 -"CLI-607","04/30/2015 20:16:05","Creating a project with an invalid session errors out after logging in","h5.Description After a session has been invalidated due to logging in on a different machine when creating a new project the CLI will prompt you to login again and authorize your hardware. After logging in the project creation fails with the below. {code} ERROR | Error at Request._callback (/Users/eharris/.appcelerator/install/0.2.274/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/plugins/new.js:305:23) at Request.self.callback (/Users/eharris/.appcelerator/install/0.2.274/package/node_modules/request/request.js:368:22) at Request.emit (events.js:98:17) at Request. (/Users/eharris/.appcelerator/install/0.2.274/package/node_modules/request/request.js:1219:14) at Request.emit (events.js:117:20) at IncomingMessage. (/Users/eharris/.appcelerator/install/0.2.274/package/node_modules/request/request.js:1167:12) at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:117:20) at _stream_readable.js:944:16 at process._tickCallback (node.js:448:13) {code} Just before this error when running with -l trace the following is output, it appears that the session that the CLI is using in not a valid session. {code} sending app post { method: 'post', json: { session: 'a9adbc3a5dea29d6a17823ad6a6ceb215ca50cae 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', tiapp: '\r\n\tcom.appc.testApp123\r\n\ttestApp123\r\n\t1.0\r\n\tnot specified\r\n\tunspecified\r\n\t\r\n\tnot specified\r\n\tappicon.png\r\n\tfalse\r\n\tfalse\r\n\ttrue\r\n\t2760f5af-3b92-451b-94e6-4c21d1088da6\r\n\tdp\r\n\t\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\tUISupportedInterfaceOrientations~iphone\r\n\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\t\tUIInterfaceOrientationPortrait\r\n\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\tUISupportedInterfaceOrientations~ipad\r\n\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\t\tUIInterfaceOrientationPortrait\r\n\t\t\t\t\tUIInterfaceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown\r\n\t\t\t\t\tUIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft\r\n\t\t\t\t\tUIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight\r\n\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\tUIRequiresPersistentWiFi\r\n\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\tUIPrerenderedIcon\r\n\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\tUIStatusBarHidden\r\n\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\tUIStatusBarStyle\r\n\t\t\t\tUIStatusBarStyleDefault\r\n\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\t\ttrue\r\n\t\t\ttrue\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\tdefault\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\ttrue\r\n\t\ttrue\r\n\t\ttrue\r\n\t\ttrue\r\n\t\r\n\t4.0.0.v20150430090209\r\nti.alloy\n\n' }, gzip: true, url: 'https://de7a3ab4b12bf1d3d4b7fde7f306c11bc2b98f67.cloudapp-enterprise-preprod.appctest.com/app' } app post response { success: false, error: 'invalid session', code: 'com.appcelerator.security.invalid.session' } done with plugin [Error] {code} Full output is attached as fullOuput.txt *When running {{appc new}} after this failure it does not fail* h5.Steps To Reproduce 1. Login on machine Y {{appc login}} 2. Login on machine X {{appc login}} 3. Create an app on machine X {{appc new}} 4. Create an app on machine Y {{appc new}} 5. Login when prompted h5.Actual Result The project creation will error out with the above h5.Expected Result The project creation should be successful ",1 -"CLI-609","05/02/2015 00:48:12","Improve password masking for appc-logger","see https://github.com/appcelerator/appc-cli/pull/145",1 -"CLI-610","05/02/2015 00:51:45","Device authorization code is referred to with two different terms when authorizing hardware","h5.Description When authorizing a new machine you will be prompted with the following {code} ? Confirm with authorization code to Email or Phone/SMS? SMS to {code} And then when selecting how you would like to receive the code you will be prompted with the following {code} An authorization code was sent to your phone at ? Please enter the activation code you received via your phone at : {code} The code should only be referred to as an authorization code, or an activation code. Preferably an authorization code as that is what it is h5.Steps To Reproduce 1. Logout of your machine with {{appc logout -D}} 2. Login with {{appc login}} 3. Run through the prompts h5.Actual Result The device auth code will be referred to using two different terminologies h5.Expected Result The device auth code should only be referred to using one terminology ",1 -"CLI-611","05/02/2015 00:59:50","Auth code is always required on login after session is invalidated","h5. Description Whenever a user logs in on a machine after having a session invalidated, an auth code will be required when logging in. For example: # Log in to CLI on machine 1 using auth code {code} $ appc login Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 0.2.275 Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Your session has expired. Please log in again Appcelerator Login required to continue ... ? Appcelerator ID: nboxhallburnett@appcelerator.com ? Password: ********* ? Into which organization would you like to login? qe_test_org_preprod_team This computer must be authorized before you can complete your login. ? Confirm with authorization code to Email or Phone/SMS? Email to nboxhallburnett@appcelerator.com An authorization code was sent to your email at nboxhallburnett@appcelerator.com ? Please enter the activation code you received via your email at nboxhallburnett@appcelerator.com: 4867 This computer is now authorized: Mac OSX Serial Number: C02HX4TMDV35 You can deauthorize this computer by logging out with appc logout Generating Developer Certificate and Private/Public Keys... nboxhallburnett@appcelerator.com in organization qe_test_org_preprod_team (100001710) {code} # Log in to CLI on machine 2 using auth code {code} $ appc login Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 0.2.275 Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Appcelerator Login required to continue ... ? Appcelerator ID: nboxhallburnett@appcelerator.com ? Password: ********* ? Into which organization would you like to login? qe_test_org_preprod_team This computer must be authorized before you can complete your login. ? Confirm with authorization code to Email or Phone/SMS? Email to nboxhallburnett@appcelerator.com An authorization code was sent to your email at nboxhallburnett@appcelerator.com ? Please enter the activation code you received via your email at nboxhallburnett@appcelerator.com: 8897 This computer is now authorized: Mac OSX Serial Number: C07JM0CMDY3J You can deauthorize this computer by logging out with appc logout Generating Developer Certificate and Private/Public Keys... nboxhallburnett@appcelerator.com logged into organization qe_test_org_preprod_team [100001710] {code} # Attempt to use CLI on machine 1, session will be expired but an auth code will also be requested again {code} $ appc whoami -f Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 0.2.275 Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Your session has expired. Please log in again Appcelerator Login required to continue ... ? Appcelerator ID: nboxhallburnett@appcelerator.com ? Password: ********* ? Into which organization would you like to login? qe_test_org_preprod_team This computer must be authorized before you can complete your login. ? Confirm with authorization code to Email or Phone/SMS? Email to nboxhallburnett@appcelerator.com An authorization code was sent to your email at nboxhallburnett@appcelerator.com ? Please enter the activation code you received via your email at nboxhallburnett@appcelerator.com: 4867 This computer is now authorized: Mac OSX Serial Number: C02HX4TMDV35 You can deauthorize this computer by logging out with appc logout Generating Developer Certificate and Private/Public Keys... nboxhallburnett@appcelerator.com in organization qe_test_org_preprod_team (100001710) {code} h5. Actual behaviour A user needs to enter an auth code every time they log in to the CLI after their session is invalidated h5. Expected behaviour A user will only need to enter an auth code the first time they log in from a machine",1 -"CLI-612","05/02/2015 02:35:14","Support logging in to VPC environment","When one or more VPC environments are configured for an organization, need to allow the user to be able to select the environment to log in. Currently, logs into the production Node.ACS / ACS environment instead of one provided.",1 -"CLI-613","05/05/2015 01:24:31","If you create an Arrow project with an existing name, then ""ERROR | { errcode: 230, statusCode: 400 }"" is returned","*Details:* If you create an Arrow project with an existing name, then ""ERROR \| \{ errcode: 230, statusCode: 400 \}"" is returned. *Note:* * This is a *regression* since this does not occur with Appc CLI 0.2.276; released in the wild * This is *not a cloud issue* since this bug is reproducible if you point Appc CLI 0.2.279 to production *Steps to reproduce:* # Run {{appc new}} # Select *Arrow App* # Specify an Arrow project name that already existed *Actual:* ""ERROR \| \{ errcode: 230, statusCode: 400 \}"" message is returned. *Expected:* ""ERROR | App already exists."" message should appear instead.",1 -"CLI-614","05/05/2015 17:44:11","Console logs incorrectly that setting org to undefined","There is an org in the session. Unsure if this means the /user/organizations call to 360 is empty. I'm not able to duplicate with any of my accounts. If this is an empty orgs payload from 360 causing it, is there a way to drum up the actual URL and response? Impersonating this user and hitting the endpoint in platform.appc yields the expected org (below). {code} login returned undefined { username: 'dpfeiffer@ionagroup.com', org_id: 100005581, org_name: 'Float Mobile Learning', session: 'add0a3752b53ce2245414c687235c1733c9c92e2 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', expiry: 1430855827351, firstname: 'Daniel', lastname: 'Pfeiffer', sid: 's:9bSE6kWvXGnRkCLzS7d-uXCgMCLMw2ak.PzB5B7jLItVL9dm+Tv3hhAm9bN2UeAWGy1kly5/Z49g', dashboard: 'https://platform.appcelerator.com', soastaUrl: 'https://appctest-2.appcelerator.com/concerto', entitlements: { id: '54d8e47cce78815d81104cb1', name: 'Developer', partners: [ 'acs', 'analytics' ], supportLink: 'https://community.appcelerator.com', users: { min: 1, max: 1 }, testingDevices: { min: 0, max: 0 }, allowProduction: false, arrowPublish: true, nativeSDK: false, insights: false, apiRateMonthPerSeat: 100000, apiRateMinute: 10, pushRateMinute: 10, storageGBRateMonth: 1, eventRateMonthPerSeat: 100000, daysDataRetained: 7, maxOrganizations: 1, dateRangeLimit: 7, dateRangeCustom: true, exportMetrics: false, exportAcs: false, paid: false, containerPointsPerSeat: 1 } } response from login { username: 'dpfeiffer@ionagroup.com', org_id: 100005581, org_name: 'Float Mobile Learning', session: 'add0a3752b53ce2245414c687235c1733c9c92e2 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', expiry: 1430855827351, firstname: 'Daniel', lastname: 'Pfeiffer', sid: 's:9bSE6kWvXGnRkCLzS7d-uXCgMCLMw2ak.PzB5B7jLItVL9dm+Tv3hhAm9bN2UeAWGy1kly5/Z49g', dashboard: 'https://platform.appcelerator.com', soastaUrl: 'https://appctest-2.appcelerator.com/concerto', entitlements: { id: '54d8e47cce78815d81104cb1', name: 'Developer', partners: [ 'acs', 'analytics' ], supportLink: 'https://community.appcelerator.com', users: { min: 1, max: 1 }, testingDevices: { min: 0, max: 0 }, allowProduction: false, arrowPublish: true, nativeSDK: false, insights: false, apiRateMonthPerSeat: 100000, apiRateMinute: 10, pushRateMinute: 10, storageGBRateMonth: 1, eventRateMonthPerSeat: 100000, daysDataRetained: 7, maxOrganizations: 1, dateRangeLimit: 7, dateRangeCustom: true, exportMetrics: false, exportAcs: false, paid: false, containerPointsPerSeat: 1 } } saving config { author: 'Daniel Pfeiffer', dashboard: 'https://platform.appcelerator.com', environmentName: 'production', username: 'dpfeiffer@ionagroup.com', org_id: 100005581, org_name: 'Float Mobile Learning', session: 'add0a3752b53ce2245414c687235c1733c9c92e2 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', expiry: 1430855827351, firstname: 'Daniel', lastname: 'Pfeiffer', sid: 's:9bSE6kWvXGnRkCLzS7d-uXCgMCLMw2ak.PzB5B7jLItVL9dm+Tv3hhAm9bN2UeAWGy1kly5/Z49g', soastaUrl: 'https://appctest-2.appcelerator.com/concerto', entitlements: { id: '54d8e47cce78815d81104cb1', name: 'Developer', partners: [ 'acs', 'analytics' ], supportLink: 'https://community.appcelerator.com', users: { min: 1, max: 1 }, testingDevices: { min: 0, max: 0 }, allowProduction: false, arrowPublish: true, nativeSDK: false, insights: false, apiRateMonthPerSeat: 100000, apiRateMinute: 10, pushRateMinute: 10, storageGBRateMonth: 1, eventRateMonthPerSeat: 100000, daysDataRetained: 7, maxOrganizations: 1, dateRangeLimit: 7, dateRangeCustom: true, exportMetrics: false, exportAcs: false, paid: false, containerPointsPerSeat: 1 } } loading org list... setting org: undefined ""/usr/local/bin/node"" ""/Users/dpfeiffer/.appcelerator/install/0.2.276/package/node_modules/arrow/node_modules/acs/bin/acs"" login --no-banner --host https://admin.cloudapp-enterprise.appcelerator.com ""dpfeiffer@ionagroup.com"" ""**********"" | ERROR | Error: [ERROR] Invalid Appcelerator 360 Login Credentials. Check your username and password and try again. at /Users/dpfeiffer/.appcelerator/install/0.2.276/package/lib/commands/login.js:243:21 at ChildProcess.exithandler (child_process.js:652:7) at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:98:17) at maybeClose (child_process.js:756:16) at Socket. (child_process.js:969:11) at Socket.emit (events.js:95:17) at Pipe.close (net.js:465:12) dpfeiffer:~ dpfeiffer$ {code} user/organizations response: {code} { success: true, result: [ { org_id: 100005581, name: ""Float Mobile Learning"", _id: ""55305d4b1874fb8761bb7f8c"", guid: ""a0b31d6f-e0d9-40eb-b9da-dee92c685873"", user_count: 1, current_users_role: ""admin"", is_node_acs_admin: true, created: ""2015-04-17T01:09:31.925Z"", reseller: false, active: true, parent_org_guid: ""null"", package: ""free"", envs: [ { _id: ""production"", name: ""production"", isProduction: true, acsBaseUrl: ""https://api.cloud.appcelerator.com"", acsAuthBaseUrl: ""https://secure-identity.cloud.appcelerator.com"", nodeACSEndpoint: ""https://admin.cloudapp-enterprise.appcelerator.com"" }, { _id: ""development"", name: ""development"", isProduction: false, acsBaseUrl: ""https://api.cloud.appcelerator.com"", acsAuthBaseUrl: ""https://secure-identity.cloud.appcelerator.com"", nodeACSEndpoint: ""https://admin.cloudapp-enterprise.appcelerator.com"" } ] } ] } {code}",3 -"CLI-616","05/07/2015 01:24:14","Building to android with SDK 3.5.1.GA fails when using appc cli 0.2.280","h6. This might be related to the encryption fix which went in CLI 2.8.0 : CLI-608 h5.Steps To Reproduce: 1. Make sure appc ali 0.2.280 is installed. 2. Build an app for android device/emulator with sdk 3.5.1.GA. h5.Actual Results: 1. The build fails with errors: {code} [INFO] : Building Java source files: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_25.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/javac ""-J-Xmx256M"" ""-encoding"" ""utf8"" ""-bootclasspath"" ""/Users/lokeshchoudhary/Desktop/android-sdk-macosx/platforms/android-21/android.jar:/Users/lokeshchoudhary/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/3.5.1.GA/android/kroll-v8.jar:/Users/lokeshchoudhary/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/3.5.1.GA/android/modules/titanium-analytics.jar:/Users/lokeshchoudhary/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/3.5.1.GA/android/aps-analytics.jar:/Users/lokeshchoudhary/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/3.5.1.GA/android/modules/titanium-android.jar:/Users/lokeshchoudhary/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/3.5.1.GA/android/jaxen-1.1.1.jar:/Users/lokeshchoudhary/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/3.5.1.GA/android/ti-commons-codec-1.3.jar:/Users/lokeshchoudhary/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/3.5.1.GA/android/kroll-common.jar:/Users/lokeshchoudhary/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/3.5.1.GA/android/titanium.jar:/Users/lokeshchoudhary/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/3.5.1.GA/android/modules/titanium-app.jar:/Users/lokeshchoudhary/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/3.5.1.GA/android/modules/titanium-ui.jar:/Users/lokeshchoudhary/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/3.5.1.GA/android/nineoldandroids-appc-2.4.0.jar:/Users/lokeshchoudhary/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/3.5.1.GA/android/modules/titanium-filesystem.jar:/Users/lokeshchoudhary/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/3.5.1.GA/android/modules/titanium-media.jar:/Users/lokeshchoudhary/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/3.5.1.GA/android/modules/titanium-appcompat.jar:/Users/lokeshchoudhary/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/3.5.1.GA/android/android-support-v4.jar:/Users/lokeshchoudhary/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/3.5.1.GA/android/android-support-v7-appcompat.jar:/Users/lokeshchoudhary/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/3.5.1.GA/android/modules/titanium-locale.jar:/Users/lokeshchoudhary/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/3.5.1.GA/android/modules/titanium-network.jar:/Users/lokeshchoudhary/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/3.5.1.GA/android/thirdparty.jar:/Users/lokeshchoudhary/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/3.5.1.GA/android/modules/titanium-xml.jar:/Users/lokeshchoudhary/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/3.5.1.GA/android/modules/titanium-platform.jar:/Users/lokeshchoudhary/Library/Application Support/Titanium/modules/android/com.appcelerator.apm/1.1.1/crittercism.jar:/Users/lokeshchoudhary/Library/Application Support/Titanium/modules/android/com.appcelerator.apm/1.1.1/lib/classes.jar:/Users/lokeshchoudhary/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/3.5.1.GA/android/kroll-apt.jar:/Users/lokeshchoudhary/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/3.5.1.GA/android/lib/titanium-verify.jar:R.class:ApplicationStylesheet.class:AssetCryptImpl.class:TestappActivity.class:TestappAppInfo.class:TestappApplication.class"" ""-d"" ""/Users/lokeshchoudhary/Desktop/workspaces/new_workspace/testapp/build/android/bin/classes"" ""-proc:none"" ""-target"" ""1.6"" ""-source"" ""1.6"" ""@/Users/lokeshchoudhary/Desktop/workspaces/new_workspace/testapp/build/android/java-sources.txt"" [ERROR] : Failed to compile Java source files: [ERROR] : [ERROR] : /Users/lokeshchoudhary/Desktop/workspaces/new_workspace/testapp/build/android/gen/com/app/testapp/AssetCryptImpl.java:44: error: cannot find symbol [ERROR] : Range range = assets.get(path); [ERROR] : ^ [ERROR] : symbol: variable assets [ERROR] : location: class AssetCryptImpl [ERROR] : /Users/lokeshchoudhary/Desktop/workspaces/new_workspace/testapp/build/android/gen/com/app/testapp/AssetCryptImpl.java:48: error: cannot find symbol [ERROR] : return new String(filterDataInRange(assetsBytes, range.offset, range.length)); [ERROR] : ^ [ERROR] : symbol: variable assetsBytes [ERROR] : location: class AssetCryptImpl [ERROR] : Note: /Users/lokeshchoudhary/Desktop/workspaces/new_workspace/testapp/build/android/gen/com/app/testapp/AssetCryptImpl.java uses unchecked or unsafe operations. [ERROR] : Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details. [ERROR] : 2 errors titanium exited with exit code 1 [ERROR] Application Installer abnormal process termination. Process exit value was 1 {code} 2. Same app when built with SDK 3.5.1.GA & appc cli 0.2.279 builds successfully. 3. Same app when built with latest 4.0.0 & appc cli 0.2.280 builds successfully. h5.Expected Results: 1. The build should take place successfully with no errors.",8 -"CLI-621","05/07/2015 21:56:41","Running appc ti build -h fails with: 'Cannot read property 'properties' of undefined'","h5.Description When running the command {{appc ti build --help}} or {{appc ti build -h}} the command errors out with the following error {code} Ewans-MacBook-Pro:testing eharris$ appc ti build --help Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 0.2.280 Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. /Users/eharris/.appcelerator/install/0.2.280/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/node_modules/titanium/node_modules/longjohn/dist/longjohn.js:185 throw e; ^ TypeError: Cannot read property 'properties' of undefined at cli.addHook.post (/Users/eharris/.appcelerator/install/0.2.280/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/hook/titanium.js:69:30) at /Users/eharris/.appcelerator/install/0.2.280/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/node_modules/titanium/lib/hook.js:235:13 at /Users/eharris/.appcelerator/install/0.2.280/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/node_modules/titanium/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:551:21 at /Users/eharris/.appcelerator/install/0.2.280/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/node_modules/titanium/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:227:13 at iterate (/Users/eharris/.appcelerator/install/0.2.280/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/node_modules/titanium/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:134:13) at /Users/eharris/.appcelerator/install/0.2.280/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/node_modules/titanium/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:145:25 at /Users/eharris/.appcelerator/install/0.2.280/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/node_modules/titanium/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:229:17 at /Users/eharris/.appcelerator/install/0.2.280/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/node_modules/titanium/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:556:34 at /Users/eharris/.appcelerator/install/0.2.280/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/node_modules/titanium/lib/hook.js:243:8 at /Users/eharris/.appcelerator/install/0.2.280/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/node_modules/titanium/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:551:21 --------------------------------------------- at Object.run (/Users/eharris/.appcelerator/install/0.2.280/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/node_modules/node-appc/lib/subprocess.js:59:8) at find (/Users/eharris/.appcelerator/install/0.2.280/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/node_modules/node-appc/lib/subprocess.js:96:14) at q.process (/Users/eharris/.appcelerator/install/0.2.280/package/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:809:21) at processImmediate (timers.js:354:15) {code} When running with -l trace I see that the following parameters are passed in to the Titanium CLI {{ARGS: [ 'build', '-h', '-e', '-l', '-p', '-l', 'trace' ]}} or {{ARGS: [ 'build', '-h', '-l', 'trace' ]}} The above Running the command with Titanium CLI@4.0.0-beta8 works with no issues. Running the command with 0.2.276(prod latest) and 0.2.279(last preprod version) work with no issues so this is a *regression*. h5.Steps To Reproduce 1. From the command line run {{appc ti build -h}} h5.Actual Result The command errors out with the above h5.Expected Result The command should print a useful help section",1 -"CLI-622","05/10/2015 14:41:25","Wrapped `appc ti module --output json` should not show banner","The {{appc ti module -o json}} command shows the banner, where it shouldn't. h1. Reproduce * Run {{ti module -o json}} for the correct output * Run {{appc ti module -o json}} for the incorrect (with banner) output {code} ≫ appc ti module -o json Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 0.2.282 Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. { ""global"": { ""android"": { {code} h1. Related code https://github.com/appcelerator/appc-cli/blob/a86886e6636c132eb4daa90551c40066c251994b/bin/appc#L86-L89 h1. Suggested solution If {{\-o}} and {{--output}} is the current standard for setting the output on any of the bundled CLI's, we should keep this standard and change the code to: {code} var pos; if (((pos = args.indexOf('-o')) !== -1 || (pos = args.indexOf('--output') !== -1)) && args[pos + 1] === 'json') { program.banner = false; } {code} ",3 -"CLI-624","05/12/2015 01:37:23","Platform-SDK: Logout request is incorrect","Calling AppC.Auth.Logout() results in an error in the callback. This is due to an incorrect 'post' rather than a 'get' to the dahsboard /auth/logout endpoint",5 -"CLI-626","05/12/2015 17:11:52","Offline packaging is successful for Android & IOS with CLI 0.2.282","h6.This is a regression. I don't see this issue with appc cli 0.2.276 h5.Steps to reproduce: 1. Install appc CLI 0.2.282. 2. Create an app for android and ios platforms. 3. Go offline. 4. Package the app for both android & ios. h5.Actual Results: 1. We can package successfully. h5.Expected Results: 1. We should not be able to package as we are offline & production builds should fail.",8 -"CLI-628","05/12/2015 18:27:00","Improve Offline with Remote Verbiage","Improve the verbiage when the device is offline, and the app is built with remote security policy.",5 -"CLI-634","05/14/2015 19:13:44","Setup does not find latest 4.0.0.RC4","When I run {{appc setup}} the CLI does not find 4.0.0.RC4 while Studio does (see screenshot). Running the command with trace shows it does find 4.0.0.RC4 listed in the releases but somehow it thinks the installed 4.0.0.RC3 is the newest. Running {{appc ti sdk -r}} also lists 4.0.0.RC4. Trace log: https://gist.github.com/FokkeZB/27e1c31a9d1808ebcb61#file-console-log-L46",8 -"CLI-635","05/14/2015 19:45:20","If you create an Arrow project when the cloud is unstable, then a misleading error message is returned","*Details:* If you create an Arrow project when the cloud is unstable, then a misleading error message is return: bq. Unable to register the new app with Appcelerator Platform either due to limited connectivity or other unexpected problem. Please retry later using the command 'appc new --import --project-dir /path/to/project' { \[Error: Resource Not Found\] The {{appc new --import}} command is specific for importing Titanium mobile projects into the platform. *Steps to reproduce:* # In terminal, run {{appc new}} when the cloud is unstable # Select *Arrow app* # And finish the steps of creating an Arrow project *Actual:* When the cloud is unstable, the following error message is returned: {code} WilsonComputer:~ wluu$ appc new Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 0.2.285 Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Appcelerator Login required to continue ... ? Appcelerator ID: wluu@appcelerator.com ? Password: ******* ? Into which organization would you like to login? qe_test_org_preprod_enterprise ? What type of project are you creating? Arrow App ? What's the project name? monkey788 Unable to register the new app with Appcelerator Platform either due to limited connectivity or other unexpected problem. Please retry later using the command 'appc new --import --project-dir /path/to/project' { [Error: Resource Not Found] success: false, description: 'Resource Not Found', code: 404, internalCode: undefined } *** new completed. *** WilsonComputer:~ wluu$ {code} *Expected:* Instead of {{appc new --import}}, the messaging should be: bq. Please retry later using the command 'appc new'.",5 -"CLI-636","05/14/2015 21:05:51","appc -v returns undefined for NPM version","h5.Description When running appc -v the NPM version is returned as undefined. This is because it relies on [this pull|https://github.com/appcelerator/appc-install/pull/17] for the NPM package which has not been published yet {code} NPM: undefined CLI: 0.2.286 {code} h5.Steps To Reproduce 1. Using Appc CLI version 0.2.286 run appc -v h5.Actual Result Undefined is returned for the NPM version h5.Expected Result The NPM version should be returned and if not available undefined should not be shwon",1 -"CLI-641","05/15/2015 15:14:16","Support switching organizations directly without logging (out and) in","After working with the new CLI and Studio for a while, and being member of multiple organizations I've found it very cumbersome to switch between them. On the website is a matter of selecting a different organization in the dropdown, but in Studio or CLI there is no such option. For CLI, you have to run {{appc login}} or {{appc login -o }} if you know the ID by hart. In both cases, you need to enter your username and password again. The preferred solution would be to be able to do: {code} $ appc org switch Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 0.2.285 Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ? To which organization would you like to switch? (Use arrow keys) ❯ Appcelerator, Inc Fokke Zandbergen fzandbergen@appcelerator.com switched to organization Appcelerator, Inc [14301] {code}",8 -"CLI-643","05/15/2015 22:32:07","Appc ti -v should not print out a banner","h5.Description When running the command {{appc ti -v}} the command prints the below {code} Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 0.2.287 Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 4.0.0-beta8 {code} Every other version command does not print out a banner so the titanium banner should match the existing behavior for the other commands. h5.Steps To Reproduce 1. Run {{appc ti -v}} h5.Actual Result A banner is printed out h5.Expected Result A banner should not be printed out",2 -"CLI-654","05/19/2015 20:06:40","ETIMEDOUT is returned when you publish an Arrow app","*Details:* Occasionally, if you publish an Arrow app, ETIMEDOUT is returned. *Steps to reproduce:* # Create an Arrow project on Windows # Publish the Arrow project: {{DEBUG=* appc publish -l trace}} *Actual:* ETIMEDOUT is returned: {code} sending {""method"":""post"",""url"":""https://admin.cloudapp-enterprise.appcelerator.com:443/publish/monkeyWiseEric/1.0.0/0?orgid=100000675"",""headers"":{""Cookie"":""connect.sid=s%3A HDSzlSzrQINttzZbig0er6Wj.T%2FuwhEXemXPHFlsBg9leqsuI900dfn32h%2BQtxv9uPsc"",""User-Agent"":""Appcelerator/1.0.72 (Windows 6.2.9200 x64) Version/1.1.1 Safari/0.0.0 appcelerator/4 .0.0-rc"",""Accept"":""text/json, application/json"",""Content-Type"":""application/octet-stream"",""Content-Length"":""231889"",""Content-Disposition"":""attachment;filename=arrowcloud-pu blish-monkeyWiseEric-1.0.0.tgz"",""X-Content-Checksum"":""88c79ca492e0193debe5e22fcf947b26""},""gzip"":true,""timeout"":120000} Deploying application ... receiving err={""code"":""ETIMEDOUT""}, body=undefined ERROR | Error: ETIMEDOUT at null._onTimeout (C:\Users\QE\.appcelerator\install\4.0.0-rc\package\node_modules\request\request.js:973:15) at Timer.listOnTimeout [as ontimeout] (timers.js:112:15)​ {code} *Expected:* Appc CLI should be able to handle ETIMEDOUT.",1 -"CLI-655","05/19/2015 23:13:09","Implement 'appc info' command","We should implement an {{appc info}} command to display the following: - Active Appcelerator NPM package version - Active CLI version - Active Titanium SDK version - Studio version (if possible) As suggested [here|https://jira.appcelerator.org/browse/CLI-606?focusedCommentId=352954&page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel#comment-352954]",5 -"CLI-658","05/20/2015 22:02:40","Encryption fails on Windows when using 64-bit Java","h5.Description When building a project for device on Windows if the machine is using 64-bit Java then the encryption stage will fail with the following {code} ERROR] Failed to encrypt JavaScript files [ERROR] This application cannot be built with the Titanium open source SDK because it is an Appcelerator Platform registered application. Please use t he Appcelerator Platform CLI tools or Appcelerator Studio to build this application. ERROR | ti run exited with error code 1 {code} Switching back to 32-bit Java works. *Titanium CLI works fine with 64-bit Java* h5.Steps To Reproduce 1. On a Windows machine check your Java using {{appc ti info -t jdk}} If you see Program Files (x86) run the following command {{set JAVA_HOME=<64-bit Path}} 2. Create a project using {{appc new}} or use an existing one 3. Build the project using {{appc run -p android -T device --build-only -l trace}} h5.Actual Result The build will fail with the above error h5.Expected Result The encryption should pass, build should not fail",5 -"CLI-664","05/22/2015 16:01:02","App Preview CLI hook integration","There already is a Ti CLI hook available for App Preview. Since we're doing this integration, it probably makes sense to ship this with the Ti CLI",3 -"CLI-665","05/22/2015 17:22:52","""appc new"" asks for login without prompting for it","I tried to create a new (Arrow) project and the CLI told me I needed to login first, but without prompting for the login like it used to do, it just exited. {code} (~/dev/tests) ≫ appc new Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 4.0.0 Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ? What type of project are you creating? Arrow App ? What's the project name? test ERROR | Please login first! (~/dev/tests) {code} h3. Expected I'd expected it to prompt for the login directly.",0 -"CLI-667","05/26/2015 19:53:31","Creating an arrow project when logged out fails to register the app","h5.Description *Checking on platform.appcelerator.com shows that the app is actually created* When creating an arrow project if your session has expired or you are logged out you will be prompted to log in and then carry on with the creation of the project. When the app is created the following is printed out {code} Unable to register the new app with Appcelerator Platform either due to limited connectivity or other unexpected problem. Please retry later using the command 'appc new --import --project-dir /path/to/project' { [Error: Resource Not Found] success: false, description: 'Resource Not Found', code: 404, internalCode: undefined } {code} Full logs are attached as arrowOutput.txt h5.Steps To Reproduce 1. Logout of the appc cli using {{appc logout}} 2. Create a new project using {{appc new}} 3. Enter your credentials 4. Select an arrow project and input a name h5.Actual Result When the project creation has finished the above message will be printed out h5.Expected Result The app should be created successfully ",8 -"CLI-670","05/28/2015 14:32:42","Proxy Server settings not carried through properly",".appcelerator/appc-cli.json is a file that is created on macs. When users need a proxy server on a corporate network, they need to enter the proxy server in studio and the CLI. Here are the problems I uncovered with regards to the CLI operation. 1) It looks like the values on both are different, proxy differs from proxyServer. 2) Also, not all parts of the CLI, especially when using Arrow are using the proxy server settings. Especially on ""appc new"", ""appc login"", etc.. all need to ensure they are carrying over the proxy server settings. 3) We should allow the ability to do a ""appc config set proxyServer"" setting without having it to try to auto - update. Otherwise, it will keep failing as it does not have the ability to work outside a network. 4) Also, some of the services like appc new are doing the up to 10 tries to try to get the source. If it's using the wrong proxy server settings, it will lock a user out. FINAL THOUGTS FOR RESOLUTION - We had to edit the .appcelerator/appc-cli.json to have the right syntax to finally get it to work right. - the titianium-connection-test -p proxy server usage seemed to be great to work. Maybe we need to incorporate a proxy server test to make sure the syntax is right after a user enters it. ",0 -"CLI-676","06/02/2015 00:30:17","CLI needs better support to handle proxy servers","We need better support to handle proxy servers inside the Unified CLI. Here are some observations to make from being onsite with Comerica recently: # if AppC Studio has already defined a proxy, can the CLI just use this setting? Studio will put a ""proxy"" server setting in the {{/.appcelerator/appc-cli.json file}}. When you first install the CLI, there is no way to insert a proxyServer settings (it always tries to update without checking if a proxy required to get outside). The only workaround was to hack this file and all a proxyServer setting. # When both are finally defined ( the proxy for studio + proxy for CLI ), the syntax for both seem to be different. We had to modify to figure out which one worked. The titanium-connection-test proxy flag seemed to work great. Maybe we can mirror some of the capability. # We need to ensure that if the proxy is defined, then it should follow through all the CLI commands. Found that some commands may not have passthrough to use the proxy server if it is set. EXPECTED RESULTS # Provide an command or option to set the proxy server for CLI before the CLI tries to do ""appc use latest"" or run any initial commands ( as they might not work without a proxy server ). Maybe the CLI can look for a proxy server to be set through studio and use that as well. # CLI use the proxy server prior to running any request for external resource if the proxy server is set. ",5 -"CLI-679","06/02/2015 01:29:53","Build: Update, Package and Deploy the dependencies ","Unified CLI has a lot of dependencies/modules, and if a few of those modules are updated, then there is a chance that we are missing to include those updated modules in new version of appc-cli. When we attempt to publish a new version of appc-cli, the proposal is - - We know a list of dependencies (appc-cli-titanium, arrow, appc-platform-sdk...) - Look for any code changes (in git) after the latest tag, or any changes after the recent version of appc-cli published date. - For each modified dependent module, -- Update the version -- Publish the npm package -- Tag a release in the specified branch (4_0_X or 4_1_X) - Change the package.json of appc-cli with all of the modified module versions. - Publish appc-cli. - Tag appc-cli version in the github with the release name.",8 -"CLI-680","06/03/2015 19:17:49","Set proxy details without downloading CLI core package","For customers behind proxy server, they are able to download Appc CLI npm package, but not able to download CLI Core. When they attempt to set the proxy server details using {{appc config set proxyServer }} command, it is attempting to download CLI core before saving the config. We should let users set the config without downloading CLI Core.",8 -"CLI-682","06/04/2015 22:50:57","Running appc ti commands fail with Error: Cannot find module './commands/config'","h5.Description When running appc ti command it fails with the following {code} Ewans-MacBook-Pro:Appcelerator_Studio_Workspace eharris$ appc ti Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 4.0.2-rc Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Error: Cannot find module './commands/config' at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:338:15) at Function.Module._load (module.js:280:25) at Module.require (module.js:364:17) at require (module.js:380:17) at getDefaultEnvironment (/Users/eharris/.appcelerator/install/4.0.2-rc/package/lib/constants.js:174:15) at Object.setEnvironment (/Users/eharris/.appcelerator/install/4.0.2-rc/package/lib/constants.js:226:11) at Object. (/Users/eharris/.appcelerator/install/4.0.2-rc/package/bin/appc-ti:72:26) at Module._compile (module.js:456:26) at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:474:10) at Module.load (module.js:356:32) {code} h5.Steps To Reproduce 1. Run appc ti h5.Actual Result The error above is printed out h5.Expected Result The command should not fail",3 -"CLI-683","06/04/2015 22:58:39","Appc commands fail with no return output","h5.Description When running {{appc run}} the command is returning and failing with no output, see below {code} Ewans-MacBook-Pro:Appcelerator_Studio_Workspace eharris$ appc new -l trace Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 4.0.2-rc Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. __command__ search paths: [ ""/Users/eharris/.appcelerator/install/4.0.2-rc/package"", ""/Users/eharris/.appcelerator/install/4.0.2-rc/package/node_modules"", ""/Users/eharris/Documents/Appcelerator_Studio_Workspace/modules"", ""/Users/eharris/Documents/Appcelerator_Studio_Workspace/node_modules"", ""/Users/eharris/Documents/node_modules"", ""/Users/eharris/node_modules"", ""/Users/node_modules"", ""/node_modules"", ""/Users/eharris/.appcelerator/.npm/lib/node_modules"" ] [PLUGIN-LOAD] 0ms /Users/eharris/.appcelerator/install/4.0.2-rc/package/appc.js [PLUGIN-LOAD] 494ms /Users/eharris/.appcelerator/install/4.0.2-rc/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/appc.js [PLUGIN-LOAD] 0ms /Users/eharris/.appcelerator/install/4.0.2-rc/package/node_modules/arrow/appc.js {code} h5.Steps To Reproduce 1. Run {{appc run}} h5.Actual Result The command returns with no output h5.Expected Result The commands should run as expected",3 -"CLI-687","06/08/2015 22:39:26","appc new should handle the Alloy --testapp option","The Alloy CLI exposed a new option in version 1.7.0 to copy the test application source when a new project is created. See linked ticket. It would be nice if the Appc CLI can accept this option when creating a new project. Right now, you have to create a new classic project, then run the Alloy new command. So instead of running these commands: {noformat} appc new -t titanium --classic -i com.appc.picker -n AlloyPicker cd AlloyPicker appc alloy new --testapp ui/picker {noformat} A developer can just run this command: {noformat} appc new -t titanium -i com.appc.picker -n AlloyPicker --testapp ui/picker {noformat}",5 -"CLI-691","06/11/2015 05:08:22","using invalid connector on appc install returns error","I typed in the wrong connector and i get a registry error like it's down. However, its because the registry api is correctly returning 404. our logic for handling down registry is not handling correctly. need to fix this. repro with DEBUG=* appc install connector/appc.mongodb",3 -"CLI-692","06/11/2015 17:20:30","Directory permission error","Looks like this API is not passing the right args on a directory permission issue. {code} Internal failure. Unexpected usage of internal command. Please report error code: com.appcelerator.install.preflight.directory.ownership(invalid args) to Appcelerator Support with the following stack trace:Error at createErrorMessage (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/appcelerator/lib/error.js:117:179) at Object.exports.createError (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/appcelerator/lib/error.js:140:35) at Object.checkDirectory (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/appcelerator/lib/util.js:642:21) at preflight (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/appcelerator/lib/install.js:69:19) at start (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/appcelerator/lib/install.js:252:2) at Object.install (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/appcelerator/lib/install.js:299:2) at main (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/appcelerator/bin/appc:262:7) at Object. (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/appcelerator/bin/appc:282:1) at Module._compile (module.js:456:26) at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:474:10) {code}",1 -"CLI-699","06/16/2015 23:17:54","Add banner for trial accounts","Add a lightweight CLI banner for Developer trial account. ",1 -"CLI-700","06/18/2015 18:25:15","If I am an indie user then the CLI should not download Soasta and APM","h5.Description When creating a project is Soasta and APM are not on my system then the CLI will download them for me, however if I have an indie or team plan then these should not download as I am unable to use them on these plans. h5.Steps To Reproduce 1. Remove APM and Soasta from your Titanium folder 2. Sign in to an indie account 3. Create a project h5.Actual Result Soasta and APM is downloaded for indie and team plans h5.Expected Result Soasta and APM should not be downloaded on plans that don't have it",5 -"CLI-703","06/25/2015 21:23:56","When creating an app on prod the process errors with cannot call method 'indexOf' undefined","h5.Description *This is a regression as when using 4.0.2, project creation has no issues* When creating a project on production and using the latest CLI in preprod, project creation fails with the below {code} ERROR | TypeError: Cannot call method 'indexOf' of undefined at appc.async.series.appc.async.parallel.supportedPlatforms (C:\Users\Windo_000\.appcelerator\install\4.1.0-3\package\node_modules\appc-cli-titani um\plugins\new.js:359:57) at C:\Users\Windo_000\.appcelerator\install\4.1.0-3\package\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:607:21 at C:\Users\Windo_000\.appcelerator\install\4.1.0-3\package\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:246:17 at iterate (C:\Users\Windo_000\.appcelerator\install\4.1.0-3\package\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:146:13) at C:\Users\Windo_000\.appcelerator\install\4.1.0-3\package\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:157:25 at C:\Users\Windo_000\.appcelerator\install\4.1.0-3\package\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:248:21 at C:\Users\Windo_000\.appcelerator\install\4.1.0-3\package\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:612:34 at async.waterfall.async.each.platformsToUpdate (C:\Users\Windo_000\.appcelerator\install\4.1.0-3\package\node_modules\appc-cli-titanium\plugins\u til.js:625:11) at fn (C:\Users\Windo_000\.appcelerator\install\4.1.0-3\package\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:638:34) at Object._onImmediate (C:\Users\Windo_000\.appcelerator\install\4.1.0-3\package\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:554:34) {code} [This is the line|https://github.com/appcelerator/appc-cli-titanium/blob/master/plugins/new.js#L358] that is failing out h5.Steps To Reproduce 1. Using the latest appc cli create a project on prod using {{appc new}} h5.Actual Result The project creation fails h5.Expected Result Project creation should not fail",5 -"CLI-705","06/26/2015 12:04:19","Setup does not install latest GA if a newer beta/RC/nightly is active","If you don't have the latest GA but you are running a newer beta/RC/nightly then {{appc setup}} will not install the latest GA for you and wrongly state that the newer beta/RC/nightly is the latest release: {code} $ appc setup Finding latest version ...4.0.2 ✓ Version 4.0.2 already installed. ? Do you plan on developing Titanium apps? Yes Checking your environment... You have the latest Titanium SDK release 4.1.0.v20150516202834 appc setup complete! {code} h2. Expected I'd expect the setup to install the newest GA and just not activate it if the current activated version is newer. It should say what version it is downloading (currently it's not) and reassure the user that his newer version will remain active: {code} $ appc setup Finding latest version ...4.0.2 ✓ Version 4.0.2 already installed. ? Do you plan on developing Titanium apps? Yes Checking your environment... A new release of the Titanium SDK is available, will download 4.0.0. Please not that your active version remains 4.1.0.v20150516202834 appc setup complete! {code} Related Q&A: https://community.appcelerator.com/topic/377/4-0-0-rc3-now-available/11",0 -"CLI-706","06/26/2015 12:42:34","Entitlements should be refreshed before failing over a limit","The following scenario has been causing confusion to several customers. The workaround if often simple, but by the time they or we figure it out, they already have a negative experience with a very crucial and sensitive step in our funnel.. paying us (or claiming their free Indie seat). h2. Current situation # User tries to build for ad-hoc or store. # Studio/CLI says they can't and directs them to billing. # User claims pays or claims his free Indie/Pro/Team seat. # User tries to build for ad-hoc or store again. # Studio/CLI still says they can't. # User gets frustrated and jumps on the Q&A or email. # We loose valuable support time to figure it out. h2. Workaround The workaround is for the user to logout and then in again, triggering their locally stored entitlements to be refreshed. h2. Solution Whenever the CLI/Studio would now abort because of a limitation in the entitlements, it should first refresh the entitlements and check again. Only then it should fail if the entitlements still don't allow the user to do what he wanted. Related Q&A: * https://community.appcelerator.com/topic/145/unable-to-package-ios-application-in-new-appcelerator-studio * https://community.appcelerator.com/topic/487/issue-with-my-account-need-appcelerator-billing-help * https://community.appcelerator.com/topic/145/unable-to-package-ios-application-in-new-appcelerator-studio * https://community.appcelerator.com/topic/699/unable-to-publish-android",3 -"CLI-708","06/26/2015 20:01:34","Login token flag is not removed","*Details:* When you login with the token flag, ""token missing in API definition"" error is returned. *This flag should be removed since it is not supported anymore.* Snippet from the Arrow flow: {quote} JeffH this is not a github token. this is a security server token. i don’t think it’s fully supported anymore and we shoudl probably remove it until it is. we don’t support github login tokens {quote} *Steps to reproduce:* # In terminal, login with the token flag: {{appc login --username --password -t }} *Actual:* {{Error: body parameters: token missing in API definition}} error is returned: {code} WilsonComputer:~ wluu$ DEBUG=* appc login --username wluu@appcelerator.com --password bnorhwe -t f2e3003619b67949be01f85b23a1c92a005cec1b -l trace appc:bin install bin is '/Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/4.1.0-3/package/bin/appc' +0ms appc:bin main subcommand login +3ms appc:run run with env={""DEBUG"":""*"",""TERM_PROGRAM"":""Apple_Terminal"",""SHELL"":""/bin/bash"",""TERM"":""xterm-256color"",""TMPDIR"":""/var/folders/g9/bw6h6yr11t79h_mw4q1r87pm0000gp/T/"",""Apple_PubSub_Socket_Render"":""/private/tmp/com.apple.launchd.Y7RzG9OKmY/Render"",""TERM_PROGRAM_VERSION"":""343.7"",""TERM_SESSION_ID"":""63C09CC1-B073-462E-988B-EB3D646667A1"",""USER"":""wluu"",""SSH_AUTH_SOCK"":""/private/tmp/com.apple.launchd.7hwuWSXue4/Listeners"",""__CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING"":""0x1F6:0x0:0x0"",""PATH"":""/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/git/bin:/Applications/android-sdk-macosx/tools:/Applications/android-sdk-macosx/platform-tools:/Applications/VMware Fusion.app/Contents/Library/:/Users/wluu/mongodb-osx-x86_64-2.6.7/bin:/usr/local/mysql-5.6.25-osx10.8-x86_64/bin"",""PWD"":""/Users/wluu"",""LANG"":""en_US.UTF-8"",""XPC_FLAGS"":""0x0"",""XPC_SERVICE_NAME"":""0"",""SHLVL"":""1"",""HOME"":""/Users/wluu"",""LOGNAME"":""wluu"",""_"":""/usr/local/bin/appc"",""APPC_NPM_VERSION"":""4.1.0-1"",""npm_config_cache"":""/Users/wluu/.appcelerator/.npm"",""npm_config_prefix"":""/Users/wluu/.appcelerator/.npm"",""APPC_INSTALL_DIR"":""/Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install"",""APPC_INSTALL_BIN_DIR"":""/Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/4.1.0-3/package/bin/appc"",""APPC_CONFIG_PROXY"":"""",""NODE_PATH"":""/Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/4.1.0-3/package/node_modules:/Users/wluu/.appcelerator/cache/node_modules:""}, args=[ '/Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/4.1.0-3/package/bin/appc', 'login', '--username', 'wluu@appcelerator.com', '--password', 'bnorhwe', '-t', 'f2e3003619b67949be01f85b23a1c92a005cec1b', '-l', 'trace' ] +0ms Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 4.1.0-3 Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. appc:sdk set production to https://platform.appcelerator.com +0ms __command__ search paths: [ ""/Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/4.1.0-3/package"", ""/Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/4.1.0-3/package/node_modules"", ""/Users/wluu/node_modules"", ""/Users/node_modules"", ""/node_modules"", ""/Users/wluu/.appcelerator/.npm/lib/node_modules"" ] [PLUGIN-LOAD] 0ms /Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/4.1.0-3/package/appc.js appc:sdk set production to https://platform.appcelerator.com +0ms [PLUGIN-LOAD] 447ms /Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/4.1.0-3/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/appc.js [PLUGIN-LOAD] 0ms /Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/4.1.0-3/package/node_modules/arrow/appc.js appc:sdk set production to https://platform.appcelerator.com +0ms log level set to ""trace"" executing command ""login"" appc:sdk set preproduction to https://360-preprod.cloud.appctest.com +403ms set environment to {""registry"":""https://software-preprod.cloud.appctest.com"",""security"":""https://security-preprod.cloud.appctest.com"",""baseurl"":""https://360-preprod.cloud.appctest.com""} noPlugins set for command ""login"" executing command ""login"" with no plugins arrow:sdk sending request to https://software-preprod.cloud.appctest.com/api/login arrow:sdk response received err=null, body={ message: 'body parameters: token missing in API definition', code: 400, success: false, 'request-id': 'abfe10d0-f61b-48ed-ba2c-cdada5ad9ba6' }, status code=400 registry result 400 application/json false undefined true 1 registry returned { message: 'body parameters: token missing in API definition', code: 400, success: false, 'request-id': 'abfe10d0-f61b-48ed-ba2c-cdada5ad9ba6' } login returned { [Error: body parameters: token missing in API definition] code: 400 } { message: 'body parameters: token missing in API definition', code: 400, success: false, 'request-id': 'abfe10d0-f61b-48ed-ba2c-cdada5ad9ba6' } ERROR | Error: body parameters: token missing in API definition at Request._callback (/Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/4.1.0-3/package/lib/appc-registry-server-sdk/index.js:975:13) at Request.self.callback (/Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/4.1.0-3/package/node_modules/request/request.js:197:22) at Request.emit (events.js:98:17) at Request. (/Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/4.1.0-3/package/node_modules/request/request.js:1050:14) at Request.emit (events.js:117:20) at IncomingMessage. (/Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/4.1.0-3/package/node_modules/request/request.js:996:12) at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:117:20) at _stream_readable.js:944:16 at process._tickCallback (node.js:448:13) {code} *Expected:* Token flag should be removed since it is not supported anymore.",1 -"CLI-709","06/27/2015 00:20:14","Android classic app crashes on launch with java.lang.IllegalArgumentException due to CLI injected code related to ACS","h5.Steps To Reproduce: 1. Create a classic android app from studio or appc CLI. 2. Build it to an android device/emulator. h5.Actual Results: 1. The app crashes at the splash screen with error: {code} [ERROR] : KrollProxy: (KrollRuntimeThread) [189,189] Error creating proxy [ERROR] : KrollProxy: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid argument passed to securityManager property. Does not conform to SecurityManagerProtocol [ERROR] : KrollProxy: at ti.modules.titanium.network.HTTPClientProxy.handleCreationDict(HTTPClientProxy.java:73) [ERROR] : KrollProxy: at org.appcelerator.kroll.KrollProxy.handleCreationArgs(KrollProxy.java:227) [ERROR] : KrollProxy: at org.appcelerator.kroll.KrollProxy.setupProxy(KrollProxy.java:135) [ERROR] : KrollProxy: at org.appcelerator.kroll.KrollProxy.createProxy(KrollProxy.java:143) [ERROR] : KrollProxy: at org.appcelerator.kroll.runtime.v8.V8Runtime.nativeRunModule(Native Method) [ERROR] : KrollProxy: at org.appcelerator.kroll.runtime.v8.V8Runtime.doRunModule(V8Runtime.java:177) [ERROR] : KrollProxy: at org.appcelerator.kroll.KrollRuntime.handleMessage(KrollRuntime.java:299) [ERROR] : KrollProxy: at org.appcelerator.kroll.runtime.v8.V8Runtime.handleMessage(V8Runtime.java:203) [ERROR] : KrollProxy: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:98) [ERROR] : KrollProxy: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:135) [ERROR] : KrollProxy: at org.appcelerator.kroll.KrollRuntime$KrollRuntimeThread.run(KrollRuntime.java:112) [INFO] : art: art/runtime/check_jni.cc:65] JNI DETECTED ERROR IN APPLICATION: obj == null [INFO] : art: art/runtime/check_jni.cc:65] in call to CallVoidMethodA [INFO] : art: art/runtime/check_jni.cc:65] from void org.appcelerator.kroll.runtime.v8.V8Runtime.nativeRunModule(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, org.appcelerator.kroll.KrollProxySupport) [INFO] : art: art/runtime/check_jni.cc:65] ""KrollRuntimeThread"" prio=5 tid=13 Runnable [INFO] : art: art/runtime/check_jni.cc:65] | group=""main"" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x12e22c40 self=0xac3a1000 [INFO] : art: art/runtime/check_jni.cc:65] | sysTid=6687 nice=0 cgrp=apps sched=0/0 handle=0xac395d80 [INFO] : art: art/runtime/check_jni.cc:65] | state=R schedstat=( 202113649 48744684 191 ) utm=18 stm=2 core=2 HZ=100 [INFO] : art: art/runtime/check_jni.cc:65] | stack=0xafafa000-0xafafc000 stackSize=1052KB [INFO] : art: art/runtime/check_jni.cc:65] | held mutexes= ""mutator lock""(shared held) [INFO] : art: art/runtime/check_jni.cc:65] native: #00 pc 00004c58 /system/lib/libbacktrace_libc++.so (UnwindCurrent::Unwind(unsigned int, ucontext*)+23) [INFO] : art: art/runtime/check_jni.cc:65] native: #01 pc 000034c1 /system/lib/libbacktrace_libc++.so (Backtrace::Unwind(unsigned int, ucontext*)+8) [INFO] : art: art/runtime/check_jni.cc:65] native: #02 pc 002526c5 /system/lib/libart.so (art::DumpNativeStack(std::__1::basic_ostream >&, int, char const*, art::mirror::ArtMethod*)+84) [INFO] : art: art/runtime/check_jni.cc:65] native: #03 pc 002361a3 /system/lib/libart.so (art::Thread::Dump(std::__1::basic_ostream >&) const+162) [INFO] : art: art/runtime/check_jni.cc:65] native: #04 pc 000b1215 /system/lib/libart.so (art::JniAbort(char const*, char const*)+620) [INFO] : art: art/runtime/check_jni.cc:65] native: #05 pc 000b1945 /system/lib/libart.so (art::JniAbortF(char const*, char const*, ...)+68) [INFO] : art: art/runtime/check_jni.cc:65] native: #06 pc 001b2b83 /system/lib/libart.so (art::JNI::CallVoidMethodA(_JNIEnv*, _jobject*, _jmethodID*, jvalue*)+614) [INFO] : art: art/runtime/check_jni.cc:65] native: #07 pc 00085f47 /data/app/com.app.test1c-1/lib/arm/libkroll-v8.so (_JNIEnv::CallVoidMethodA(_jobject*, _jmethodID*, jvalue*)+8) [INFO] : art: art/runtime/check_jni.cc:65] native: #08 pc 000dce53 /data/app/com.app.test1c-1/lib/arm/libkroll-v8.so (titanium::network::HTTPClientProxy::open(v8::Arguments const&)+246) [INFO] : art: art/runtime/check_jni.cc:65] native: #09 pc 0014dfbc /data/app/com.app.test1c-1/lib/arm/libkroll-v8.so (???) [INFO] : art: art/runtime/check_jni.cc:65] at org.appcelerator.kroll.runtime.v8.V8Runtime.nativeRunModule(Native method) [INFO] : art: art/runtime/check_jni.cc:65] at org.appcelerator.kroll.runtime.v8.V8Runtime.doRunModule(V8Runtime.java:177) [INFO] : art: art/runtime/check_jni.cc:65] at org.appcelerator.kroll.KrollRuntime.handleMessage(KrollRuntime.java:299) [INFO] : art: art/runtime/check_jni.cc:65] at org.appcelerator.kroll.runtime.v8.V8Runtime.handleMessage(V8Runtime.java:203) [INFO] : art: art/runtime/check_jni.cc:65] at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:98) [INFO] : art: art/runtime/check_jni.cc:65] at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:135) [INFO] : art: art/runtime/check_jni.cc:65] at org.appcelerator.kroll.KrollRuntime$KrollRuntimeThread.run(KrollRuntime.java:112) [INFO] : art: art/runtime/check_jni.cc:65] {code} 2. We saw that when services are enabled on app creation CLI adds this code to the app.js which is causing the crash. {code} // added during app creation. this will automatically login to // ACS for your application and then fire an event (see below) // when connected or errored. if you do not use ACS in your // application as a client, you should remove this block (function(){ var ACS = require('ti.cloud'), env = Ti.App.deployType.toLowerCase() === 'production' ? 'production' : 'development', username = Ti.App.Properties.getString('acs-username-'+env), password = Ti.App.Properties.getString('acs-password-'+env); // if not configured, just return if (!env || !username || !password) { return; } /** * Appcelerator Cloud (ACS) Admin User Login Logic * * fires login.success with the user as argument on success * fires login.failed with the result as argument on error */ ACS.Users.login({ login:username, password:password, }, function(result){ if (env==='development') { Ti.API.info('ACS Login Results for environment `'+env+'`:'); Ti.API.info(result); } if (result && result.success && result.users && result.users.length){ Ti.App.fireEvent('login.success',result.users[0],env); } else { Ti.App.fireEvent('login.failed',result,env); } }); {code} 3. When services are enabled after the app has been created the app launches fine. h5.Expected Results: 1. The app should not crash after launch on splash screen.",3 -"CLI-710","06/27/2015 00:21:57","Show notice banner when running CLI in preproduction","I would like to be able to more easily know if I'm running in preproduction when I run a command. Print out an explicit banner in the CLI when running a command against pre-production. This banner shouldn't show normally in production.",1 -"CLI-711","06/27/2015 20:42:15","Appc run -h from within a Titanium project errors out on Windows with SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL","h5.Description When running {{appc run -h}} or {{appc run --help}} on Windows the command errors out with the below {code} C:\Users\Windo_000\.appcelerator\install\4.1.0-4\package\node_modules\appc-cli-titanium\node_modules\.bin\titanium:2 basedir=`dirname ""$0""` ^ SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL at Module._compile (module.js:439:25) at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:474:10) at Module.load (module.js:356:32) at Function.Module._load (module.js:312:12) at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:497:10) at startup (node.js:119:16) at node.js:935:3 {code} Comparing the logging against {{appc run}} which run with no problems it appears that they are using a different titanium binary with the -h flag using {{C:\Users\Windo_000\.appcelerator\install\4.1.0-4\package\node_modules\appc-cli-titanium\node_modules\.bin\titanium}} and without the -h {{C:\Users\Windo_000\.appcelerator\install\4.1.0-4\package\node_modules\appc-cli-titanium\node_modules\titanium\bin\titanium}} h5.Steps to reproduce 1. On a Windows machine run {{appc run -h}} h5.Actual Result The command will error out h5.Expected Result The command should print out help text",3 -"CLI-716","07/02/2015 02:27:22","Update platform sdk to use new api on login","{{lastname}} property is now available on login response. we can use this instead of calling User.find to get it. ",1 -"CLI-717","07/06/2015 23:51:47","Improve feedback when creating a module","h5.Description When creating a Windows platform module the process takes a lot longer than the other platforms, just android takes ~2s, Windows takes ~40s. This is unavoidable because there are certain steps to be taken such as moving all files to a temp directory if necessary due to path length issues. If module creation occurs from the Titanium CLI using {{ti create}} then there is logging as shown in logging.txt, this logging is not shown by the Appc CLI and there is just a spinner for ~40s, there should be some more feedback from the CLI to let the user know what is happening. h5.Steps to reproduce 1. Create a module using {{appc new --type timodule --name module --id com.module --force}} 2. Create a module using {{ti create --type module --name module --id com.module --platforms all --urlblah --workspace-dir . --force}} h5.Actual result 1. No logging occurs 2. Logging occurs h5.Expected result Due to the long creation time there should be some sort of feedback to the user other than a spinner",3 -"CLI-720","07/08/2015 18:28:33","Appc info output is incorrect","The output for {{appc info}} is wrong. No platforms are shown, there are two banners, commands listed are for {{appc ti }}, two newlines are needed before the ""Appcelerator CLI"" section, and the general output of the command seems to be for a different command altogether. {code} EWieberMBA:NewSmoke ewieber$ appc info Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 4.1.0-6 Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Titanium Command-Line Interface, CLI version 4.0.1, Titanium SDK version 4.1.0.v20150706111546 Copyright (c) 2012-2015, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Please report bugs to http://jira.appcelerator.org/ Usage: titanium [options] Commands: build builds a project clean removes previous build directories config get and set config options create creates a new mobile application help displays this help screen info display development environment information module displays installed Titanium modules plugin displays installed Appcelerator CLI Installer = 4.1.0-1 Core Package = 4.1.0-6 Titanium CLI plugins project get and set tiapp.xml settings sdk manages installed Titanium SDKs setup sets up the Titanium CLI Global Flags: --no-banner disable Titanium version banner --no-colors disable colors --no-progress-bars disable progress bars --no-prompt disable interactive prompting -h, --help displays help -q, --quiet suppress all output -v, --version displays the current version Global Options: --config serialized JSON string to mix into CLI config --config-file path to CLI config file [default: /Users/ewieber/.titanium/config.json] -s, --sdk Titanium SDK version to use to bootstrap SDK-level commands and parse the tiapp.xml; actual Titanium SDK used determined by in the tiapp.xml [default: latest] {code} *Steps to reproduce issue* 1. Run {{appc info}} *Actual Results* The output is incorrect as explained above *Expected Results* The output should reflect the correct info for Appc CLI",3 -"CLI-722","07/09/2015 18:49:26","appc info: Should display all relevant versions, not just Installer + Core","Now we're wrapping Titanium + ACS + Alloy CLI in the AppC CLI which itself is 2 parts, things get confusing :) It would help if {{appc info}} would give you more detail like: {code} - Appcelerator CLI 4.1.0 Update via: [sudo] npm i -g appcelerator |- Appcelerator Core 4.1.0 Select via: appc use | |- Titanium CLI 4.0.1 Use via: appc ti | | |- Alloy 1.6.2 Use via: appc alloy | |- Arrow 1.1.0 | | | - ACS CLI 1.0.25 Use via: appc acs |- Titanium sdk 4.1.0.GA Select via: appc ti sdk select - XCode 6.4 Switch via: [sudo] xcode-select -switch - Mac OS X 10.10.4 - Node.js 0.10.39 Update via: |- NPM 1.4.28 Update via: [sudo] npm i -g npm - JDK 1.8.0_45 - Appcelerator Studio {code} It would even better if it would show incompatibilities etc. I think in the end we have to find an effective merge of {{appc ti info}} and {{appc info}} which has a good balance between detail and clarity.",0 -"CLI-724","07/10/2015 16:17:24","Fixed user-agent header for registry client","Reporting: ""userAgent"": ""Appcelerator Arrow SDK/1.0.0"", For user-agent header for registry client in CLI. We should set it to the value of AppC.userAgent (from appc-platform-sdk) so we can get the correct version in our analytics. ",1 -"CLI-725","07/10/2015 19:21:03","Support for building Titanium 4.2 iOS apps","In Titanium 4.2, the iOS build changed how it copies files and this causes the encrypted files to be deleted prior to being packaged. appc-cli-titanium simply needs to unmark the encrypted files for deletion.",5 -"CLI-731","07/15/2015 06:32:31","Error when publishing app","found publishable component appc-web-server at /Users/jhaynie/work/proto/appc-web-server loading for publish /Users/jhaynie/work/proto/appc-web-server/package.json Publishing application ... this could take several minutes loaded config host=https://admin.cloudapp-enterprise-preprod.appctest.com, port=443, sid=connect.sid=s%3AcknqSFoZhNpq3XLrN8OEr26e.bR0sqEdPpbZOvn8SGNSdgzajFwBikOBVvGBQSorYBlg sending {""method"":""get"",""url"":""https://admin.cloudapp-enterprise-preprod.appctest.com:443/publish/appc-web-server"",""headers"":{""Cookie"":""connect.sid=s%3addbR0sqEdPpbZOvn8SGNSdgzajFwBikOBVvGBQSorYBlg"",""User-Agent"":""Appcelerator/1.1.2 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 14_3_0; en_US) Version/1.1.1 Safari/0.0.0 appcelerator/4.1.1-1"",""Accept"":""text/json, application/json""},""gzip"":true,""json"":{""orgid"":14301}} receiving err=null, body={""success"":true,""message"":""Published version: 1.0.1. No version is deployed currently.""} ERROR | TypeError: Cannot read property '1' of null at /Users/jhaynie/.appcelerator/install/4.1.1-1/package/node_modules/arrow/lib/cloud/index.js:229:24 at Request._callback (/Users/jhaynie/.appcelerator/install/4.1.1-1/package/node_modules/arrow/lib/cloud/index.js:186:4) at Request.self.callback (/Users/jhaynie/.appcelerator/install/4.1.1-1/package/node_modules/request/request.js:197:22) at Request.emit (events.js:110:17) at Request. (/Users/jhaynie/.appcelerator/install/4.1.1-1/package/node_modules/request/request.js:1050:14) at Request.emit (events.js:129:20) at Gunzip. (/Users/jhaynie/.appcelerator/install/4.1.1-1/package/node_modules/request/request.js:996:12) at Gunzip.emit (events.js:129:20) at _stream_readable.js:908:16 at process._tickCallback (node.js:355:11) ",1 -"CLI-733","07/16/2015 22:37:59","When building for Windows with encryption the build never gets further than JavaScript files need to be encrypted","h5.Description When building for Windows with encryption the build does not get further than {{JavaScript files need to be encrypted}}. This *is a regression* from 4.1.1-4 as the build works fine there h5.Steps to reproduce 1. Build a Windows project using {{appc run -p windows -T wp-device}} h5.Actual result The build will not pass {{JavaScript files need to be encrypted}} h5.Expected result The build should continue",5 -"CLI-734","07/17/2015 00:40:20","Developer banner should not show when a command is run with --no-banner or -o json","h5.Description When logged into a developer account and running commands with {{\-o json}} or {{--no-banner}} the developer banner should not be shown. This is causing issues such as the dashboard not opening in Studio as seen [here|https://community.appcelerator.com/topic/2607/dashboard/3] {code} Ewans-MacBook-Pro:testApp eharris$ appc info -o json +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + This is a Developer trial account. You may use this software for evaluation purposes. + + Once you are ready to go to production, upgrade at https://billing.appcelerator.com + +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ {code} {code} Ewans-MacBook-Pro:testApp eharris$ appc info --no-banner +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + This is a Developer trial account. You may use this software for evaluation purposes. + + Once you are ready to go to production, upgrade at https://billing.appcelerator.com + +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ {code} h5.Steps to reproduce 1. Log into a developer account 2. Run {{appc info -o json}} and {{appc new --no-banner}} h5.Actual result The developer banner is shown h5.Expected result The developer banner should not be shown",5 -"CLI-735","07/17/2015 00:55:06","Android : If remote encryption property is set & app is built to emulator when machine is offline, no security violation is seen","h6. This is a regression. This issue was not see when last time security was tested (Don't remember what CLI version we tested last time). h5.Steps To Reproduce: 1. Create a classic app. 2. Add the security property to the apps tiapp.xml {code} remote {code} 3. As its a new app it has to be built once before we go offline on our machine, but we also don't want to auto launch the app by building it from studio. To prevent this, build the app using ""-b"" (build only) flag from CLI when your machine is online. 4. Now go offline & build to android emulator from studio. h5.Actual Results: 1. We see no security violation & the app launches fine. h5. Expected Results: 1. We should see security violation.",5 -"CLI-737","07/18/2015 00:26:26","Files are encrypted on first build when building with development deploy type","h5.Description When building with a deploy type of development(simulator/emulator build) on the first build the files are being encrypted. On iOS and Android this appears to be handled fine, however on Windows there appears to be issues as the build will not get further than the encryption stage. See the below logging for a comparison between 4.1.0 and 4.1.1-7 CLI. I am *unsure if this is a regression* as it may be expected with the changes to build verification but it is a *change in behavior*. Due to this on the first build to a Windows Phone emulator the build will stop at {{Processing JavaScript files}} and not continue, killing the build and rebuilding will fix this. {code: title=4.1.0} [INFO] Building for Windows Phone emulator: 8-1-1 [INFO] Deploy type: development [INFO] Debugging disabled [INFO] Profiler disabled [INFO] Forcing rebuild: C:\Users\WINDO_~1\AppData\Local\Temp\hmm10\build-manifest.json does not exist [INFO] Launching emulator: 8-1-1 [INFO] Processing JavaScript files [INFO] Generating i18n files [INFO] Generating Native Type Wrappers [INFO] Generating stubs for: Platform.Object [INFO] Setting up native modules for CMakeLists.txt... {code} {code: title=4.1.1-7} [INFO] Building for Windows Phone emulator: 8-1-1 [INFO] Deploy type: development [INFO] Debugging disabled [INFO] Profiler disabled [INFO] Forcing rebuild: C:\Users\WINDO_~1\AppData\Local\Temp\hmm10\build-manifest.json does not exist [INFO] Launching emulator: 8-1-1 [INFO] Windows Phone emulator is ready [INFO] JavaScript files need to be encrypted [INFO] Processing JavaScript files {code} h5.Steps to reproduce 1. Create a project using {{appc new --type titanium --classic --name appName --id com.appc --force}} 2. Build using appc CLI 4.1.0 using {{appc run -p ios -T simulator}} 3. Create a project using {{appc new --type titanium --classic --name appName --id com.appc --force}} 2. Build using appc CLI 4.1.1 using {{appc run -p ios -T simulator}} h5.Actual result When building to simulator/emulator for the first time on 4.1.1-7 the files will be encrypted h5.Expected result Based on historical behavior when building to simulator/emulator the files should not be encrypted at all",5 -"CLI-740","07/22/2015 18:50:29","Remove unnecessary secondary call to retrieve user information","h6.Accounts Details {quote} Account: fism_dl_tidistribution@fisglobal.com Joined: Jul 20, 2015 10:19 PM Last Updated: --- Organization: FIS Mobile Sandbox (100000356) Account: fism_dl_tidevelopment@fisglobal.com Joined: Jul 20, 2015 10:20 PM Last Updated: --- Organization: FIS Mobile Sandbox (100000356) {quote} h6.Still asking for the auth code. Here is the terminal output: {code} 05:57:50 [~/App_Studio_Workspace/TitaniumPaydiantSDKiOS_ARC] óÔÔò ʕ·͡ᴥ·ʔ óÔÔò appc logout 18 ↵ Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 4.1.2 Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. logged out 05:57:53 [~/App_Studio_Workspace/TitaniumPaydiantSDKiOS_ARC] óÔÔò ʕ·͡ᴥ·ʔ óÔÔò appc login Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 4.1.2 Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Appcelerator Login required to continue ... ? Appcelerator ID: fism_dl_tidevelopment@fisglobal.com ? Password: ********** This computer must be authorized before you can complete your login. An authorization code was sent to your email at fism_dl_tidevelopment@fisglobal.com ? Please enter the authorization code you received via your email at fism_dl_tidevelopment@fisglobal.com: {code}",5 -"CLI-741","07/28/2015 15:54:42","Allow for refreshing of session without logging in again explicitly","Although we have lengthened the session duration to three days, the better approach is to allow silent refresh of the session behind the scenes. Both Google and Salesforce have such a mechanism: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api_rest.meta/api_rest/intro_understanding_refresh_token_oauth.htm https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OAuth2WebServer?hl=en",8 -"CLI-746","07/29/2015 00:18:54","Add SPDX-compliant license string","We should use the SPDX ""LicenseRef-LICENSE"" instead of ""Appcelerator Commercial"" in our package.json files to avoid the warning ""license should be a valid SPDX license expression"" This would also include the addition of a LICENSE.md file at the root",5 -"CLI-747","07/29/2015 05:37:30","Node processes are getting orphaned in certain cases","If you kill a top level process like appc run (the first process), the sub processes that are spawned are not killed and become orphaned. I am easily able to reproduce this with a test case. Sometimes you can reproduce it with killing the process with CTRL+C before fully started running. You can probably also easily reproduce this by starting an arrow server successfully then just sending a kill SIGINT to the main appc process from ps. ",1 -"CLI-754","08/06/2015 03:28:07","CLI: Add support for --no-progress flag to hide progress bars","The ""appc"" command uses a progress bar to show how much of an SDK has been downloaded or published. The problem is the progress bar keeps writing to stdout and if you subprocess the ""appc sdk"" command or pipe the output to a file, the output is all messed up. It would better to just have a flag that disables the progress bar.",1 -"CLI-755","08/06/2015 18:16:14","Cannot run appc commands with CLI 4.2.0-5+","When using CLI core 4.2.0-5+ I am unable to build, clean, or run {{appc info}}. I get the below error: {code} Failed to load appc-cli-titanium plugin from /Users/ewieber/.appcelerator/install/4.2.0-5/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium: Cannot find module 'tmp' Preproduction Environment Active Error: Cannot find module 'tmp' at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:338:15) at Function.Module._load (module.js:280:25) at Module.require (module.js:364:17) at require (module.js:380:17) at Object. (/Users/ewieber/.appcelerator/install/4.2.0-5/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/plugins/util.js:25:8) at Module._compile (module.js:456:26) at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:474:10) at Module.load (module.js:356:32) at Function.Module._load (module.js:312:12) at Module.require (module.js:364:17) EWieberMBA:CardEngine ewieber$ appc run -p ios --force Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 4.2.0-5 Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. WARN | Failed to load appc-cli-titanium plugin from /Users/ewieber/.appcelerator/install/4.2.0-5/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium: Cannot find module 'tmp' Preproduction Environment Active Failed to load appc-cli-titanium plugin from /Users/ewieber/.appcelerator/install/4.2.0-5/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium: Cannot find module 'tmp' ERROR | No valid targets for run. Are you in a project folder? {code} *Steps to reproduce issue* 1. Install and use CLI core 4.2.0-5+ 2. Build a project from the CLI *Actual Results* Commands fail with above error *Expected Results* Commands run without error *Notes* Workaround is to go to your appc-cli-titanium folder and run {{npm install}} {code} DEBUG | [PLUGIN-LOAD] 0ms /Users/ewieber/.appcelerator/install/4.2.0-5/package/appc.js appc:sdk set production to https://platform.appcelerator.com +0ms WARN | Failed to load appc-cli-titanium plugin from /Users/ewieber/.appcelerator/install/4.2.0-5/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium Error: Cannot find module 'tmp' at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:338:15) at Function.Module._load (module.js:280:25) at Module.require (module.js:364:17) at require (module.js:380:17) at Object. (/Users/ewieber/.appcelerator/install/4.2.0-5/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/plugins/util.js:25:8) at Module._compile (module.js:456:26) at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:474:10) at Module.load (module.js:356:32) at Function.Module._load (module.js:312:12) at Module.require (module.js:364:17) DEBUG | [PLUGIN-LOAD] 0ms /Users/ewieber/.appcelerator/install/4.2.0-5/package/node_modules/arrow/appc.js appc:sdk set production to https://platform.appcelerator.com +0ms log level set to ""trace"" executing command ""run"" appc:sdk set preproduction to https://360-preprod.cloud.appctest.com +412ms Preproduction Environment Active set environment to {""registry"":""https://software-preprod.cloud.appctest.com"",""security"":""https://security-preprod.cloud.appctest.com"",""baseurl"":""https://360-preprod.cloud.appctest.com""} checking credentials for existing session Attempting to load session info from config file check if session is invalidated appc:sdk api response, err=null, body='{""success"":true,""result"":{""_id"":""52a6686f6f55f4c71f00000e"",""user_id"":1502094,""guid"":""140c7c37-542c-46f4-9fd2-9e3775972432"",""openid"":""18a8f7e1-fb81-4163-b9cb-3941a69d78a8"",""firstname"":""Eric"",""lastname"":""Wieber"",""username"":""ewieber@appcelerator.com"",""email"":""ewieber@appcelerator.com"",""is_staff"":true,""org_id"":100001711}}' +317ms session expiry 1438899154275 false Arrow Cloud config file: /Users/ewieber/.acs found Arrow Cloud login { mid: '662eaf87211bfeea94c2d90fde5a774fe958c6e8', publishPort: 443, publishHost: 'https://admin.cloudapp-enterprise-preprod.appctest.com', username: 'ewieber@appcelerator.com', cookie: [ 'connect.sid=s%3ACEx4KSsQPqo7BytNjQ2C1egN.DXl385vkJcEKhpGc2KKVNEA0D4ymLyAxeUB9qh4S2Uc; Path=/; Expires=Thu, 06 Aug 2015 22:13:18 GMT; HttpOnly' ], defaultEP: { publishHost: 'https://admin.cloudapp-enterprise-preprod.appctest.com', publishPort: 443 } } , checking nodeACSEndpoint= https://admin.cloudapp-enterprise-preprod.appctest.com Arrow Cloud cookie expiry [ 1438899198000 ] session already loaded in opts.session getCredentials() session: { ""ipaddress"": """", ""username"": ""ewieber@appcelerator.com"", ""password"": """", ""session"": """", ""nonce"": """", ""environment"": { ""name"": ""production"", ""isProduction"": true, ""acsBaseUrl"": ""https://preprod-api.cloud.appctest.com"", ""acsAuthBaseUrl"": ""https://dolphin-secure-identity.cloud.appcelerator.com"", ""nodeACSEndpoint"": ""https://admin.cloudapp-enterprise-preprod.appctest.com"" }, ""token"": """", ""fingerprint"": ""662eaf87211bfeea94c2d90fde5a774fe958c6e8"", ""fingerprint_description"": ""Mac OSX Serial Number: C02H6083DRQ4"", ""org_id"": 100001711, ""expiry"": 1438899154275 } loading plugins for command ""run"" run search paths: [ ""/Users/ewieber/.appcelerator/install/4.2.0-5/package"", ""/Users/ewieber/.appcelerator/install/4.2.0-5/package/node_modules"", ""/Users/ewieber/Documents/Appcelerator_Studio_Workspace_save/CardEngine/plugins"", ""/Users/ewieber/Documents/Appcelerator_Studio_Workspace_save/CardEngine/node_modules"", ""/Users/ewieber/Documents/Appcelerator_Studio_Workspace_save/node_modules"", ""/Users/ewieber/Documents/node_modules"", ""/Users/ewieber/node_modules"", ""/Users/node_modules"", ""/node_modules"", ""/Users/ewieber/.appcelerator/.npm/lib/node_modules"" ] [PLUGIN-LOAD] 0ms /Users/ewieber/.appcelerator/install/4.2.0-5/package/appc.js appc:sdk set preproduction to https://360-preprod.cloud.appctest.com +0ms Failed to load appc-cli-titanium plugin from /Users/ewieber/.appcelerator/install/4.2.0-5/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium Error: Cannot find module 'tmp' at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:338:15) at Function.Module._load (module.js:280:25) at Module.require (module.js:364:17) at require (module.js:380:17) at Object. (/Users/ewieber/.appcelerator/install/4.2.0-5/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/plugins/util.js:25:8) at Module._compile (module.js:456:26) at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:474:10) at Module.load (module.js:356:32) at Function.Module._load (module.js:312:12) at Module.require (module.js:364:17) [PLUGIN-LOAD] 1ms /Users/ewieber/.appcelerator/install/4.2.0-5/package/node_modules/arrow/appc.js run plugin: /Users/ewieber/.appcelerator/install/4.2.0-5/package/node_modules/arrow plugin ""arrow"" failed its ""when"" function check, skipping... Duplicate option ""colors"" for command ""run"", removing... executing command ""run"" with the following plugins: [] ERROR | Error: No valid targets for run. Are you in a project folder? at async.series.async.each.executeArgs (/Users/ewieber/.appcelerator/install/4.2.0-5/package/lib/commands/run.js:26:15) at /Users/ewieber/.appcelerator/install/4.2.0-5/package/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:607:21 at /Users/ewieber/.appcelerator/install/4.2.0-5/package/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:246:17 at iterate (/Users/ewieber/.appcelerator/install/4.2.0-5/package/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:146:13) at async.eachSeries (/Users/ewieber/.appcelerator/install/4.2.0-5/package/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:162:9) at _asyncMap (/Users/ewieber/.appcelerator/install/4.2.0-5/package/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:245:13) at Object.mapSeries (/Users/ewieber/.appcelerator/install/4.2.0-5/package/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:228:23) at Object.async.series (/Users/ewieber/.appcelerator/install/4.2.0-5/package/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:605:19) at run (/Users/ewieber/.appcelerator/install/4.2.0-5/package/lib/commands/run.js:21:8) at /Users/ewieber/.appcelerator/install/4.2.0-5/package/lib/core.js:498:12 appc:run signal received +2s exit sending to { domain: null, _events: { close: [Function] }, _maxListeners: 10, _closesNeeded: 1, _closesGot: 1, connected: false, signalCode: null, exitCode: 1, killed: false, _handle: null, pid: 6576, stdin: null, stdout: null, stderr: null, stdio: [ null, null, null ] } {code}",5 -"CLI-758","08/10/2015 17:13:13","Cannot install 4.2.0-12+; memwatch-next install errors","When trying to install any CLI Core version 4.2.0-12 or higher, I get the below error: {code} EWieberMBA:Appcelerator_Studio_Workspace ewieber$ appc use 4.2.0-12 Before you can continue, the latest Appcelerator software update needs to be downloaded. Finding version 4.2.0-12 ... ✓ Validating security checksum ✓ Installing ... ✓ Compiling platform native modules ... └ extract-opts/typechecker ... ✓ └ bunyan/dtrace-provider ... ✓ └ extract-opts/typechecker ... ✓ └ socket.io-client/ws ... ✓ └ ws/bufferutil ... ✓ └ ws/utf-8-validate ... ✓ └ ldapjs/dtrace-provider ... ✓ └ arrow/memwatch-next ... npm WARN package.json uuid-v4@0.1.0 No repository field. ld: library not found for -lgcc_s.10.5 clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) make: *** [Release/memwatch.node] Error 1 gyp ERR! build error gyp ERR! stack Error: `make` failed with exit code: 2 gyp ERR! stack at ChildProcess.onExit (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/lib/build.js:267:23) gyp ERR! stack at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:98:17) gyp ERR! stack at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (child_process.js:820:12) gyp ERR! System Darwin 15.0.0 gyp ERR! command ""node"" ""/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/bin/node-gyp.js"" ""rebuild"" gyp ERR! cwd /Users/ewieber/.appcelerator/install/4.2.0-12/package/node_modules/arrow/node_modules/memwatch-next gyp ERR! node -v v0.10.37 gyp ERR! node-gyp -v v1.0.1 gyp ERR! not ok npm ERR! memwatch-next@0.2.7 install: `node-gyp rebuild` npm ERR! Exit status 1 npm ERR! npm ERR! Failed at the memwatch-next@0.2.7 install script. npm ERR! This is most likely a problem with the memwatch-next package, npm ERR! not with npm itself. npm ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system: npm ERR! node-gyp rebuild npm ERR! You can get their info via: npm ERR! npm owner ls memwatch-next npm ERR! There is likely additional logging output above. npm ERR! System Darwin 15.0.0 npm ERR! command ""node"" ""/usr/local/bin/npm"" ""install"" ""memwatch-next@0.2.7"" ""--production"" npm ERR! cwd /Users/ewieber/.appcelerator/install/4.2.0-12/package/node_modules/arrow npm ERR! node -v v0.10.37 npm ERR! npm -v 1.4.28 npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE npm ERR! not ok code 0 {code} *Steps to reproduce issue* 1. Do not have CLI 4.2.0-12 or higher installed 2. Run {{appc use 4.2.0-12}} or any 4.2.0-X where X > 12 *Actual Results* I get the above error and cannot install *Expected results* I do not get an error and can install the CLI *Notes* Tested 4.2.0-12 through 4.2.0-24",1 -"CLI-761","08/10/2015 19:52:20","Publish titanium module into Marketplace","The appc-cli currently supports publishing only Arrow services to registry. It has to add support for publishing titanium modules into registry. While appc-cli creates a module, it should create a appc.json file in the root of the project directory and should contain information about the author/owner, type (timodule), module description, version, license, support details, access level, license etc. If the appc.json file is not available during publish, then it has to prompt for basic information, and then auto-create appc.json file, and then publish the module into registry.",8 -"CLI-762","08/10/2015 20:01:52","Publish titanium project templates to Marketplace","The appc-cli currently supports publishing only Arrow services to registry. It has to add support for publishing project templates into registry. Users should be able to publish any existing titanium project as a template to Marketplace. If the root directory of the project already contains appc.json file specifying the type as 'template', then it should be able to publish the component to Marketplace, or if some information is missing, then appc-cli should prompt while the user is trying to publish.",5 -"CLI-765","08/13/2015 01:01:39","""appc new --type app"" is not available in the Appc CLI","*Details:* {{appc new --type app}} is not available in the Appc CLI. *Note:* The following {{--type}} values are available in the Titanium CLI: {code} Create --type=app Options: --id the App ID in the format 'com.companyname.appname' --template the name of the project template, path to template dir, path to zip file, or url to zip file [default: default] -d, --workspace-dir the directory to place the project in -n, --name the name of the project -p, --platforms one or more target platforms. [all, android, mobileweb, iphone, ipad, windows] -u, --url your company/personal URL Create --type=applewatch Options: --template the name of the project template, path to template dir, path to zip file, or url to zip file [default: watchos1] -d, --project-dir the directory containing the project [default: .] -n, --name the name of the watch app Create --type=module Options: --id the App ID in the format 'com.companyname.appname' --template the name of the project template, path to template dir, path to zip file, or url to zip file [default: default] -d, --workspace-dir the directory to place the project in -n, --name the name of the project -p, --platforms one or more target platforms. [all, android, mobileweb, ios, windows] {code} *Steps to reproduce:* # In Appc CLI, run: {{appc new --type app}} *Actual:* {{Unable to find plugin for project type ""app""}} error appears: {code} ERROR | Error: unable to find plugin for project type ""app"" at validatePluginType (/Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/4.2.0-44/package/lib/commands/new.js:70:22) at _new.async.series.plugin (/Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/4.2.0-44/package/lib/commands/new.js:79:12) at /Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/4.2.0-44/package/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:607:21 at /Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/4.2.0-44/package/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:246:17 at iterate (/Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/4.2.0-44/package/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:146:13) at /Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/4.2.0-44/package/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:157:25 at /Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/4.2.0-44/package/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:248:21 at /Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/4.2.0-44/package/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:612:34 at /Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/4.2.0-44/package/lib/commands/new.js:43:12 at /Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/4.2.0-44/package/lib/registry.js:233:10 {code} *Expected:* {{appc new --type app}} should be available.",1 -"CLI-767","08/13/2015 01:56:09","""Missing required option: --id "" error is returned if you specify all the required flags to create an app","*Details:* {{Missing required option: --id }} error is returned if you specify all the required flags to create an app. *Steps to reproduce:* # Run the following command: {{appc new --type titanium --subtype new --platforms iphone --id com.appcelerator.testing --name monkey --project-dir ~/monkey --url http:// --log-level trace}} *Actual:* {{Missing required option: --id }} error will appear: {code} Missing required option: --id done with plugin [Error: titanium exited with non-zero exit code (1)] ERROR | Error: titanium exited with non-zero exit code (1) at ChildProcess. (/Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/4.1.3-1/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/plugins/new.js:191:21) at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:98:17) at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (child_process.js:820:12) {code} *Expected:* No errors should appear.",3 -"CLI-768","08/13/2015 02:35:11","Alloy app fails to build on window's with error ""Alloy compiler failed""","*This is a regression. Builds successfully with 4.1.2, 4.2.0-1 appc CLI. Did not check all the versions of the 4.2.0-X CLI as there are a lot. Went back till 4.2.0-40 & it failed. The build fails with 4.1.3-1 appc CLI as well.* h6. Created this ticket In Unified CLI project as building with older CLI works fine. Please move to other project if suitable. h5.Steps To Reproduce: 1. Create an alloy project on windows machine. (I used win 8.1 64 bit). 2. Build the app for windows or android. h5.Actual Result: 1. The alloy compiler fails: {code} [DEBUG] Titanium SDK Android directory: C:\ProgramData\Titanium\mobilesdk\win32\4.2.0.v20150812161221\android [DEBUG] App ID: com.app.alloy [DEBUG] Classname: Alloy [INFO] Executing Alloy compile: cmd /s /c C:\Users\Steve Ballmer\.appcelerator\install\4.1.3-1\package\node_modules\appc-cli-titanium\node_modules\.bin\alloy compile C:\Users\Steve Ballmer\Desktop\alloy\app --config platform=android,version=0,simtype=none,dev icefamily=none,deploytype=development,target=emulator '""C:\Users\Steve Ballmer\.appcelerator\install\4.1.3-1\package\node_modules\appc-cli-titanium\node_modules\.bin\alloy""' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. [ERROR] Alloy compiler failed TRACE | titanium exited with exit code 1 ERROR | Error: ti run exited with error code 1 at ChildProcess. (C:\Users\Steve Ballmer\.appcelerator\install\4.1.3-1\package\node_modules\appc-cli-titanium\plugins\run.js:89:66) at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:98:17) at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (child_process.js:820:12) {code} h5.Expected Results: 1. The alloy app build successfully on windows.",8 -"CLI-774","08/17/2015 04:29:17","Support for WatchOS2 project in appc","With the latest Titanium CLI and SDK, we are finally able to build watch OS2 apps. We need *appc new* and *appc run* to support the following: To create a watch OS 2 and titanium Project, follow these steps: 1. Create a new project: ti create --type app --name foo --id com.appc.foo --platforms all --url http://foo --workspace-dir . 2. cd into the project: cd foo 3. Add a WatchKit 2 app: ti create --type applewatch --name bar --template watchos2 4. Build the app: ti build -p ios -I 9.0 --launch-watch-app",8 -"CLI-776","08/19/2015 18:56:52","Community: 502 Bad Gateway is returned when building a mobile project with GA stack","*Details:* In the community, there are reports that when you build a mobile project, a *502 Bad Gateway* is returned: https://community.appcelerator.com/topic/2982/problem-with-build-application-on-mac-502-bad-gateway/2 *Notes:* * Currently, we are unable to reproduce this issue internally. * This issue seems to affect developers with an indie account, however, issue is still unreproducible internally with indie account. * Clean install does not seem to remedy the issue. *Possible steps to reproduce:* # Switch to an indie account # Make sure you have the GA stack installed on your machine; see Environment field # Create a mobile project with {{appc new}} # Then, run project with {{DEBUG=* appc run -p ios -l trace}} *Actual:* 502 Bad Gateway is returned during mobile project build: {code} \n \n true\n false\n false\n false\n false n \n 4.1.0.GA\n \n ti.alloy\n \n 55d186ebea805048690ef82c\n"",""modules"":[]},""gzip"":t rue,""followAllRedirects"":true,""url"":""https://security.appcelerator.com/build-verify""} [TRACE] result from /build-verify=> undefined, err={""resp"":{""statusCode"":502}} [ERROR] (502)

502 Bad Gateway

The server returned an invalid or incomplete response. TRACE | titanium exited with exit code 100 ERROR | Error: ti run exited with error code 100 at ChildProcess. (/Users/jaroslaw/.appcelerator/install/4.1.2/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/plugins/run.j s:84:66) at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:117:20) at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (child_process.js:820:12) {code} Also, see attachment for full community trace log. *Expected:* Should be able to build a mobile project without any issues. ",3 -"CLI-778","08/19/2015 21:57:07","Update check from the appcelerator npm does not inform the user of available update","Update check in the appcelerator npm relies on response from {{/api/appc/list}}, specifically the attribute {{latest}}, to check against installed versions and determine if there is new appc-cli package. However, the response does not have the {{latest}} attribute, the user is not informed of any updates. bq. appc:util update check completed, latest is undefined +3ms",5 -"CLI-785","08/26/2015 10:52:33","Prompts/Options for creating WatchOS2 project are confusing when not ran in project dir","The questions/options for {{appc new -t applewatch}} are confusing and need to be improved: * Where's the project directory? ./appc-sample-ti500 ** Of the existing Titanium app or for the Watch app? Should say _Titanium project_ * What's the project name? appc-sample-ti500 ** Of the existing Titanium app or for the Watch app? Can it be the same? If so, it should have that as default. If not, it should say so and validate it is not. * Do you want to overwrite? Yes ** Any existing extension or the Titanium app? If it's about the extension then it should say so and only if one is present (when I did it hadn't). If it is about the app.. then I don't get it. * Please provide your password for enabling Test service: ** For the Watch app? If it's for the Titanium app then why prompt when I create a Watch app? The question to overwrite is even more confusing because when there *is* already an extension with the given name it will fail: {code} ? What's the project name? appc-sample-ti500 Watch app already exists: /Users/fokkezb/dev/samples/appc-sample-ti500/extensions/appc-sample-ti500 Invalid ""--name"" value ""appc-sample-ti500"" ERROR | titanium exited with non-zero exit code (1) {code} *UPDATE:* I've seen that if I run {{appc new -t applewatch}} in the project directory itself it will only ask for the name.",1 -"CLI-788","08/26/2015 11:20:53","""use"" not listed in help","Running {{appc}} does not list the {{use}} command.",2 -"CLI-791","08/26/2015 12:24:18","If login is needed it should end with a message before continuing with original command","The following shows that when a login is required for a command, there's nothing between the prompt for the login and the logs of the actual command - which in this case is a question as well. This is confusing. There should be at least a blank line, but probably some message (_You are logged in_) before continuing. {code} appc-sample-ti500 $ appc new --type applewatch --template watchos2 Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 5.0.0-16 Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Preproduction Environment Active Appcelerator Login required to continue ... ? Appcelerator ID: fzandbergen@appcelerator.com ? Password: ********* ? Into which organization would you like to login? Appcelerator, Inc ? What's the project name? {code}",3 -"CLI-792","08/26/2015 16:27:01","Regression running project","⚡ appc run -l trace fs.js:761 return binding.readdir(pathModule._makeLong(path)); ^ Error: ENOENT, no such file or directory 'lib/commands' at Error (native) at Object.fs.readdirSync (fs.js:761:18) at Object. (/Users/jhaynie/.appcelerator/install/5.0.0-20/package/index.js:61:19) at Module._compile (module.js:460:26) at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:478:10) at Module.load (module.js:355:32) at Function.Module._load (module.js:310:12) at Module.require (module.js:365:17) at require (module.js:384:17) at Object. (/Users/jhaynie/.appcelerator/install/5.0.0-20/package/bin/appc:11:12)",1 -"CLI-794","08/27/2015 09:04:59","""appc new --type applewatch"" should default to watchos2 instead of watchkit1","Since from now on people will likely create Watch OS 2 apps instead of WatchKit 1 extensions we should default to {{watchos2}} for {{appc new --type applewatch}}.",3 -"CLI-798","08/31/2015 14:55:57","For android, we're sending unnecessary data in build-verify","Notice the ""bindings"" property that is attaching a bunch of stuff that is unnecessary and wasteful. We should remove this (and any other) key from the tiapp object before sending api. ",3 -"CLI-803","09/08/2015 20:36:54","Node 4.0 GA doesn't work with CLI","Running appc just immediately exits Tried re-installing the npm with same result. ",3 -"CLI-807","09/10/2015 22:08:25","Appc CLI core fails to install with memwatch errors with node 0.10.13 & 4.0.0","h5.Steps To Reproduce: Follow the same steps for node 0.10.13 & 4.0: 1. Do appc use latest. 2. The 4.1.3 core will be downloaded & installation will begin. h5 Actual Results: 1. The installation errors out at memwatch install : *With node 0.10.13:* {code} Lokeshs-MacBook-Pro:~ lokeshchoudhary$ DEBUG=* appc use latest -l trace appc:util found the following version directories: [""4.1.3"",""4.1.2"",""4.1.1-3"",""4.1.1-7"",""4.1.1-0"",""4.1.1-1"",""4.1.1-6"",""4.1.1-4"",""4.1.1-5"",""4.1.0"",""4.0.2"",""4.0.0"",""0.0.000""] +0ms appc:bin install bin is false +4ms appc:bin main subcommand use +2ms appc:use use called with args [ 'use', 'latest' ], getLatest=1 +0ms appc:util request {""url"":{""protocol"":""https:"",""slashes"":true,""auth"":null,""host"":""software.appcelerator.com"",""port"":443,""hostname"":""software.appcelerator.com"",""hash"":null,""search"":null,""query"":null,""pathname"":""/api/appc/latest"",""path"":""/api/appc/latest"",""href"":""https://software.appcelerator.com/api/appc/latest""},""headers"":{""user-agent"":""Appcelerator CLI/4.2.0-1 (darwin)"",""host"":""software.appcelerator.com"",""appc-token"":""s:6NwlCrbp-xy7IifKrkDHlOyj0YkcpBFV.0JrEbbk7jen/ipFPFFc5rqpj2b7+poS7nk32wnOceeo""}} +114ms | appc:util request response received +754ms appc:util attempting to parse JSON => [{""success"":true,""request-id"":""7c74a711-402b-4c68-8027-59c2837457f5"",""key"":""result"",""result"":[{""id"":""55d62d2a6c03980c1d58fc47"",""name"":""appc-cli/appcelerator"",""version"":""4.1.3""}]}] +2ms appc:util request {""url"":{""protocol"":""https:"",""slashes"":true,""auth"":null,""host"":""software.appcelerator.com"",""port"":443,""hostname"":""software.appcelerator.com"",""hash"":null,""search"":null,""query"":null,""pathname"":""/api/appc/list"",""path"":""/api/appc/list"",""href"":""https://software.appcelerator.com/api/appc/list""},""headers"":{""user-agent"":""Appcelerator CLI/4.2.0-1 (darwin)"",""host"":""software.appcelerator.com"",""appc-token"":""s:6NwlCrbp-xy7IifKrkDHlOyj0YkcpBFV.0JrEbbk7jen/ipFPFFc5rqpj2b7+poS7nk32wnOceeo""}} +14ms \ appc:util request response received +151ms appc:util attempting to parse JSON => [{""success"":true,""request-id"":""d971dc8b-0a0a-447e-977a-424c2d91a3c6"",""key"":""result"",""result"":[{""id"":""55f07f47647b3f0bc81a8a86"",""filesize"":46268989,""shasum"":""f2451561336f9fe1621a157cf21f156f03e96f56"",""version"":""4.1.3""},{""id"":""55ad45d87ed7bbfaa76d9305"",""filesize"":39463910,""shasum"":""c1f99a31152aa5a3a47d2aa517db2820a30f7188"",""version"":""4.1.2""},{""id"":""55ad39fc7ed7bbfaa76d3d8a"",""filesize"":39450320,""shasum"":""f83c2cc9fe716ce278ebc574e8c0f76086844e77"",""version"":""4.1.1""},{""id"":""559d98087ed7bbfaaf2e3406"",""filesize"":38548119,""shasum"":""e2f2d447c2819ff43c55dcede6d808e1dfda0519"",""version"":""4.1.0""},{""id"":""55f0e2d0421c440bc31c3a94"",""filesize"":42674031,""shasum"":""30b0f6acfa371886fb05b94f8af930bd9b8463db"",""version"":""5.0.0-50""},{""id"":""55e9aeed595cd60bcd07748a"",""filesize"":42321955,""shasum"":""2c6a1dec6e5d899bd3047758517d099111c82f1e"",""version"":""5.0.0-40""},{""id"":""557a14b9d03ee8dc231030d5"",""filesize"":38042286,""shasum"":""e9038e21998d6f7153e40773d6960731f87cdd72"",""version"":""4.0.2""},{""id"":""5595b7587ed7bbfaaf0bf59e"",""filesize"":38513387,""shasum"":""29524e3f116d3aaca9a55b2d2ac9bc29937cb930"",""version"":""4.1.0-0""},{""id"":""5568f121730b820b5400ff28"",""filesize"":37880461,""shasum"":""3412a5c693a779ffebb1234519c3ec13a87a057f"",""version"":""4.0.1""},{""id"":""555e0adfc75ab60b2306fdb7"",""filesize"":37703838,""shasum"":""2d8867de9288acf80151e8f6163479cb670fafef"",""version"":""4.0.0""}]}] +1ms appc:use versions returned from registry: +0ms { success: true, 'request-id': 'd971dc8b-0a0a-447e-977a-424c2d91a3c6', key: 'result', result: [ { id: '55f07f47647b3f0bc81a8a86', filesize: 46268989, shasum: 'f2451561336f9fe1621a157cf21f156f03e96f56', version: '4.1.3' }, { id: '55ad45d87ed7bbfaa76d9305', filesize: 39463910, shasum: 'c1f99a31152aa5a3a47d2aa517db2820a30f7188', version: '4.1.2' }, { id: '55ad39fc7ed7bbfaa76d3d8a', filesize: 39450320, shasum: 'f83c2cc9fe716ce278ebc574e8c0f76086844e77', version: '4.1.1' }, { id: '559d98087ed7bbfaaf2e3406', filesize: 38548119, shasum: 'e2f2d447c2819ff43c55dcede6d808e1dfda0519', version: '4.1.0' }, { id: '55f0e2d0421c440bc31c3a94', filesize: 42674031, shasum: '30b0f6acfa371886fb05b94f8af930bd9b8463db', version: '5.0.0-50' }, { id: '55e9aeed595cd60bcd07748a', filesize: 42321955, shasum: '2c6a1dec6e5d899bd3047758517d099111c82f1e', version: '5.0.0-40' }, { id: '557a14b9d03ee8dc231030d5', filesize: 38042286, shasum: 'e9038e21998d6f7153e40773d6960731f87cdd72', version: '4.0.2' }, { id: '5595b7587ed7bbfaaf0bf59e', filesize: 38513387, shasum: '29524e3f116d3aaca9a55b2d2ac9bc29937cb930', version: '4.1.0-0' }, { id: '5568f121730b820b5400ff28', filesize: 37880461, shasum: '3412a5c693a779ffebb1234519c3ec13a87a057f', version: '4.0.1' }, { id: '555e0adfc75ab60b2306fdb7', filesize: 37703838, shasum: '2d8867de9288acf80151e8f6163479cb670fafef', version: '4.0.0' } ] } appc:use use called with args [ 'use', 'latest' ], getLatest=0 +2ms appc:install preflight checks, is this windows? 0 +1ms appc:install home directory located at /Users/lokeshchoudhary +0ms Before you can continue, the latest Appcelerator software update needs to be downloaded. appc:install install, wantVersion: 4.1.3, url: https://software.appcelerator.com/api/appc/install/4.1.3, bin: false +15ms appc:download download start, quiet 0, banner 1 +1ms appc:download download called with arguments: { '0': false, '1': false, '2': '4.1.3', '3': '/var/folders/0q/qz_v6qys50b73_td_vykf3fh0000gn/T/appc-1441909277916.tar.gz', '4': { _writableState: { highWaterMark: 16384, objectMode: false, needDrain: false, ending: false, ended: false, finished: false, decodeStrings: true, defaultEncoding: 'utf8', length: 0, writing: false, sync: true, bufferProcessing: false, onwrite: [Function], writecb: null, writelen: 0, buffer: [] }, writable: true, domain: null, _events: { finish: [Object] }, _maxListeners: 10, path: '/var/folders/0q/qz_v6qys50b73_td_vykf3fh0000gn/T/appc-1441909277916.tar.gz', fd: null, flags: 'w', mode: 438, start: undefined, pos: undefined, bytesWritten: 0 }, '5': 'https://software.appcelerator.com/api/appc/install/4.1.3', '6': [Function], '7': false } +0ms Finding version 4.1.3 ... appc:util request {""url"":{""protocol"":""https:"",""slashes"":true,""auth"":null,""host"":""software.appcelerator.com"",""port"":443,""hostname"":""software.appcelerator.com"",""hash"":null,""search"":null,""query"":null,""pathname"":""/api/appc/install/4.1.3"",""path"":""/api/appc/install/4.1.3"",""href"":""https://software.appcelerator.com/api/appc/install/4.1.3""},""headers"":{""user-agent"":""Appcelerator CLI/4.2.0-1 (darwin)"",""host"":""software.appcelerator.com"",""appc-token"":""s:6NwlCrbp-xy7IifKrkDHlOyj0YkcpBFV.0JrEbbk7jen/ipFPFFc5rqpj2b7+poS7nk32wnOceeo""}} +1ms - appc:util request response received +368ms appc:download response status code was: 200 +1ms appc:download response headers: {""x-amz-id-2"":""2hoLL+6j6C+PS0uXD+yLv0FAGa6yN/6PRVzaL0LRJY2ZEQVUNPx0icJodUvw6y4gFkk4yY2u04o="",""x-amz-request-id"":""22D5ADD9D0E2B016"",""date"":""Thu, 10 Sep 2015 18:21:19 GMT"",""x-amz-meta-platform"":""all"",""x-amz-meta-component"":""appc-cli/appcelerator"",""x-amz-meta-org_id"":""14301"",""x-amz-meta-version"":""4.1.3"",""x-amz-meta-shasum"":""f2451561336f9fe1621a157cf21f156f03e96f56"",""x-amz-meta-filesize"":""46268989"",""last-modified"":""Wed, 09 Sep 2015 18:49:40 GMT"",""etag"":""\""2badfb61860bf8f2e7d9a274946dda32\"""",""accept-ranges"":""bytes"",""content-type"":""application/octet-stream"",""content-length"":""46268989"",""server"":""AmazonS3""} +0ms appc:download download version: 4.1.3, shasum: f2451561336f9fe1621a157cf21f156f03e96f56 +1ms ✓ appc:download download content-length: 46268989 +0ms Downloading [▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤▤] 100% 0.0s appc:download download end +6s appc:download download checkshasum: f2451561336f9fe1621a157cf21f156f03e96f56 +0ms Validating security checksum ✓ appc:install after download, installationDir /Users/lokeshchoudhary/.appcelerator/install/4.1.3 +1ms appc:install calling extract on /var/folders/0q/qz_v6qys50b73_td_vykf3fh0000gn/T/appc-1441909277916.tar.gz, dir=/Users/lokeshchoudhary/.appcelerator/install/4.1.3 +1ms Installing ... appc:install targz source=/var/folders/0q/qz_v6qys50b73_td_vykf3fh0000gn/T/appc-1441909277916.tar.gz, dest=/Users/lokeshchoudhary/.appcelerator/install/4.1.3 +0ms ✓ appc:install compileNativeModules /Users/lokeshchoudhary/.appcelerator/install/4.1.3 +21s Compiling platform native modules ... appc:install found version 4.0.3 +1s appc:install rmdir /Users/lokeshchoudhary/.appcelerator/install/4.1.3/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium +1ms appc:install exec: npm install appc-cli-titanium@4.0.3 --production in dir /Users/lokeshchoudhary/.appcelerator/install/4.1.3/package +1s └ package/appc-cli-titanium ... ✓ appc:install found version 3.0.0 +37s appc:install rmdir /Users/lokeshchoudhary/.appcelerator/install/4.1.3/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/node_modules/appc-platform-sdk/node_modules/getmac/node_modules/extract-opts/node_modules/typechecker +0ms appc:install exec: npm install typechecker@3.0.0 --production in dir /Users/lokeshchoudhary/.appcelerator/install/4.1.3/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/node_modules/appc-platform-sdk/node_modules/getmac/node_modules/extract-opts +2ms └ extract-opts/typechecker ... ✓ appc:install found version 0.5.0 +2s appc:install rmdir /Users/lokeshchoudhary/.appcelerator/install/4.1.3/package/node_modules/appc-logger/node_modules/bunyan/node_modules/dtrace-provider +0ms appc:install exec: npm install dtrace-provider@0.5.0 --production in dir /Users/lokeshchoudhary/.appcelerator/install/4.1.3/package/node_modules/appc-logger/node_modules/bunyan +11ms └ bunyan/dtrace-provider ... ✓ appc:install found version 2.0.8 +8s appc:install rmdir /Users/lokeshchoudhary/.appcelerator/install/4.1.3/package/node_modules/appc-platform-sdk/node_modules/getmac/node_modules/extract-opts/node_modules/typechecker +0ms appc:install exec: npm install typechecker@2.0.8 --production in dir /Users/lokeshchoudhary/.appcelerator/install/4.1.3/package/node_modules/appc-platform-sdk/node_modules/getmac/node_modules/extract-opts +1ms └ extract-opts/typechecker ... ✓ appc:install found version 0.4.32 +1s appc:install rmdir /Users/lokeshchoudhary/.appcelerator/install/4.1.3/package/node_modules/arrow/node_modules/acs/node_modules/socket.io/node_modules/socket.io-client/node_modules/ws +0ms appc:install exec: npm install ws@0.4.32 --production in dir /Users/lokeshchoudhary/.appcelerator/install/4.1.3/package/node_modules/arrow/node_modules/acs/node_modules/socket.io/node_modules/socket.io-client +9ms └ socket.io-client/ws ... ✓ appc:install found version 0.5.0 +3s appc:install rmdir /Users/lokeshchoudhary/.appcelerator/install/4.1.3/package/node_modules/arrow/node_modules/appc-ldapjs/node_modules/dtrace-provider +0ms appc:install exec: npm install dtrace-provider@0.5.0 --production in dir /Users/lokeshchoudhary/.appcelerator/install/4.1.3/package/node_modules/arrow/node_modules/appc-ldapjs +13ms └ appc-ldapjs/dtrace-provider ... ✓ appc:install found version 0.2.11 +3s appc:install rmdir /Users/lokeshchoudhary/.appcelerator/install/4.1.3/package/node_modules/arrow/node_modules/appc-memwatch +0ms appc:install exec: npm install appc-memwatch@0.2.11 --production in dir /Users/lokeshchoudhary/.appcelerator/install/4.1.3/package/node_modules/arrow +10ms └ arrow/appc-memwatch ... / appc:install error during npm install appc-memwatch@0.2.11 --production, was: { [Error: Command failed: npm http GET https://registry.npmjs.org/appc-memwatch/0.2.11 npm http 304 https://registry.npmjs.org/appc-memwatch/0.2.11 npm http GET https://registry.npmjs.org/bindings npm http 304 https://registry.npmjs.org/bindings ../src/heapdiff.cc:48:5: error: use of undeclared identifier 'NanScope' NanScope(); ^ ../src/heapdiff.cc:50:41: error: use of undeclared identifier 'NanNew' v8::Local t = NanNew(New); ^ ../src/heapdiff.cc:50:68: error: expected '(' for function-style cast or type construction v8::Local t = NanNew(New); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ ../src/heapdiff.cc:52:21: error: use of undeclared identifier 'NanNew' t->SetClassName(NanNew(""HeapDiff"")); ^ ../src/heapdiff.cc:54:5: error: no matching function for call to 'SetPrototypeMethod' NODE_SET_PROTOTYPE_METHOD(t, ""end"", End); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /Users/lokeshchoudhary/.node-gyp/0.10.13/src/node.h:129:35: note: expanded from macro 'NODE_SET_PROTOTYPE_METHOD' #define NODE_SET_PROTOTYPE_METHOD node::SetPrototypeMethod ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /Users/lokeshchoudhary/.node-gyp/0.10.13/src/node.h:120:6: note: candidate function [with target_t = v8::Local] not viable: no known conversion from 'Nan::NAN_METHOD_RETURN_TYPE (Nan::NAN_METHOD_ARGS_TYPE)' to 'v8::InvocationCallback' (aka 'Handle (*)(const v8::Arguments &)') for 3rd argument void SetPrototypeMethod(target_t target, ^ ../src/heapdiff.cc:56:17: error: use of undeclared identifier 'NanNew' target->Set(NanNew( ""HeapDiff""), t->GetFunction()); ^ ../src/heapdiff.cc:64:10: error: use of undeclared identifier 'args'; did you mean 'uv_process_options_s::args'? if (!args.IsConstructCall()) { ^~~~ uv_process_options_s::args /Users/lokeshchoudhary/.node-gyp/0.10.13/deps/uv/include/uv.h:1320:10: note: 'uv_process_options_s::args' declared here char** args; ^ ../src/heapdiff.cc:64:10: error: invalid use of member 'args' in static member function if (!args.IsConstructCall()) { ^~~~ ../src/heapdiff.cc:65:16: error: use of undeclared identifier 'NanThrowTypeError'; did you mean 'Nan::ThrowTypeError'? return NanThrowTypeError(""Use the new operator to create instances of this object.""); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nan::ThrowTypeError ../node_modules/nan/nan.h:1015:3: note: 'Nan::ThrowTypeError' declared here X(TypeError) ^ ../node_modules/nan/nan.h:1001:21: note: expanded from macro 'X' NAN_INLINE void Throw ## NAME(const char *msg) { \ ^ :33:1: note: expanded from here ThrowTypeError ^ ../src/heapdiff.cc:68:5: error: use of undeclared identifier 'NanScope' NanScope(); ^ ../src/heapdiff.cc:72:16: error: use of undeclared identifier 'args'; did you mean 'uv_process_options_s::args'? self->Wrap(args.This()); ^~~~ uv_process_options_s::args /Users/lokeshchoudhary/.node-gyp/0.10.13/deps/uv/include/uv.h:1320:10: note: 'uv_process_options_s::args' declared here char** args; ^ ../src/heapdiff.cc:72:16: error: invalid use of member 'args' in static member function self->Wrap(args.This()); ^~~~ ../src/heapdiff.cc:81:51: error: use of undeclared identifier 'NanNew' self->before = v8::HeapProfiler::TakeSnapshot(NanNew(""""), HeapSnapshot::kFull, NULL); ^ ../src/heapdiff.cc:81:68: error: expected '(' for function-style cast or type construction self->before = v8::HeapProfiler::TakeSnapshot(NanNew(""""), HeapSnapshot::kFull, NULL); ~~~~~~~~~~^ ../src/heapdiff.cc:86:20: error: use of undeclared identifier 'args'; did you mean 'uv_process_options_s::args'? NanReturnValue(args.This()); ^~~~ uv_process_options_s::args /Users/lokeshchoudhary/.node-gyp/0.10.13/deps/uv/include/uv.h:1320:10: note: 'uv_process_options_s::args' declared here char** args; ^ ../src/heapdiff.cc:86:20: error: invalid use of member 'args' in static member function NanReturnValue(args.This()); ^~~~ ../src/heapdiff.cc:98:5: error: use of undeclared identifier 'NanScope' NanScope(); ^ ../src/heapdiff.cc:214:5: error: use of undeclared identifier 'NanEscapableScope' NanEscapableScope(); ^ ../src/heapdiff.cc:215:22: error: use of undeclared identifier 'NanNew' Local a = NanNew(); ^ fatal error: too many errors emitted, stopping now [-ferror-limit=] 20 errors generated. make: *** [Release/obj.target/memwatch/src/heapdiff.o] Error 1 gyp ERR! build error gyp ERR! stack Error: `make` failed with exit code: 2 gyp ERR! stack at ChildProcess.onExit (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/lib/build.js:267:23) gyp ERR! stack at ChildProcess.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:98:17) gyp ERR! stack at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (child_process.js:789:12) gyp ERR! System Darwin 14.4.0 gyp ERR! command ""node"" ""/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/bin/node-gyp.js"" ""rebuild"" gyp ERR! cwd /Users/lokeshchoudhary/.appcelerator/install/4.1.3/package/node_modules/arrow/node_modules/appc-memwatch gyp ERR! node -v v0.10.13 gyp ERR! node-gyp -v v0.10.2 gyp ERR! not ok npm ERR! weird error 1 npm ERR! not ok code 0 ] killed: false, code: 1, signal: null } +2s appc:install stdout: > appc-memwatch@0.2.11 postinstall /Users/lokeshchoudhary/.appcelerator/install/4.1.3/package/node_modules/arrow/node_modules/appc-memwatch > node ./build.js CXX(target) Release/obj.target/memwatch/src/heapdiff.o unbuild appc-memwatch@0.2.11 +2ms appc:install stderr: npm http GET https://registry.npmjs.org/appc-memwatch/0.2.11 npm http 304 https://registry.npmjs.org/appc-memwatch/0.2.11 npm http GET https://registry.npmjs.org/bindings npm http 304 https://registry.npmjs.org/bindings ../src/heapdiff.cc:48:5: error: use of undeclared identifier 'NanScope' NanScope(); ^ ../src/heapdiff.cc:50:41: error: use of undeclared identifier 'NanNew' v8::Local t = NanNew(New); ^ ../src/heapdiff.cc:50:68: error: expected '(' for function-style cast or type construction v8::Local t = NanNew(New); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ ../src/heapdiff.cc:52:21: error: use of undeclared identifier 'NanNew' t->SetClassName(NanNew(""HeapDiff"")); ^ ../src/heapdiff.cc:54:5: error: no matching function for call to 'SetPrototypeMethod' NODE_SET_PROTOTYPE_METHOD(t, ""end"", End); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /Users/lokeshchoudhary/.node-gyp/0.10.13/src/node.h:129:35: note: expanded from macro 'NODE_SET_PROTOTYPE_METHOD' #define NODE_SET_PROTOTYPE_METHOD node::SetPrototypeMethod ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /Users/lokeshchoudhary/.node-gyp/0.10.13/src/node.h:120:6: note: candidate function [with target_t = v8::Local] not viable: no known conversion from 'Nan::NAN_METHOD_RETURN_TYPE (Nan::NAN_METHOD_ARGS_TYPE)' to 'v8::InvocationCallback' (aka 'Handle (*)(const v8::Arguments &)') for 3rd argument void SetPrototypeMethod(target_t target, ^ ../src/heapdiff.cc:56:17: error: use of undeclared identifier 'NanNew' target->Set(NanNew( ""HeapDiff""), t->GetFunction()); ^ ../src/heapdiff.cc:64:10: error: use of undeclared identifier 'args'; did you mean 'uv_process_options_s::args'? if (!args.IsConstructCall()) { ^~~~ uv_process_options_s::args /Users/lokeshchoudhary/.node-gyp/0.10.13/deps/uv/include/uv.h:1320:10: note: 'uv_process_options_s::args' declared here char** args; ^ ../src/heapdiff.cc:64:10: error: invalid use of member 'args' in static member function if (!args.IsConstructCall()) { ^~~~ ../src/heapdiff.cc:65:16: error: use of undeclared identifier 'NanThrowTypeError'; did you mean 'Nan::ThrowTypeError'? return NanThrowTypeError(""Use the new operator to create instances of this object.""); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nan::ThrowTypeError ../node_modules/nan/nan.h:1015:3: note: 'Nan::ThrowTypeError' declared here X(TypeError) ^ ../node_modules/nan/nan.h:1001:21: note: expanded from macro 'X' NAN_INLINE void Throw ## NAME(const char *msg) { \ ^ :33:1: note: expanded from here ThrowTypeError ^ ../src/heapdiff.cc:68:5: error: use of undeclared identifier 'NanScope' NanScope(); ^ ../src/heapdiff.cc:72:16: error: use of undeclared identifier 'args'; did you mean 'uv_process_options_s::args'? self->Wrap(args.This()); ^~~~ uv_process_options_s::args /Users/lokeshchoudhary/.node-gyp/0.10.13/deps/uv/include/uv.h:1320:10: note: 'uv_process_options_s::args' declared here char** args; ^ ../src/heapdiff.cc:72:16: error: invalid use of member 'args' in static member function self->Wrap(args.This()); ^~~~ ../src/heapdiff.cc:81:51: error: use of undeclared identifier 'NanNew' self->before = v8::HeapProfiler::TakeSnapshot(NanNew(""""), HeapSnapshot::kFull, NULL); ^ ../src/heapdiff.cc:81:68: error: expected '(' for function-style cast or type construction self->before = v8::HeapProfiler::TakeSnapshot(NanNew(""""), HeapSnapshot::kFull, NULL); ~~~~~~~~~~^ ../src/heapdiff.cc:86:20: error: use of undeclared identifier 'args'; did you mean 'uv_process_options_s::args'? NanReturnValue(args.This()); ^~~~ uv_process_options_s::args /Users/lokeshchoudhary/.node-gyp/0.10.13/deps/uv/include/uv.h:1320:10: note: 'uv_process_options_s::args' declared here char** args; ^ ../src/heapdiff.cc:86:20: error: invalid use of member 'args' in static member function NanReturnValue(args.This()); ^~~~ ../src/heapdiff.cc:98:5: error: use of undeclared identifier 'NanScope' NanScope(); ^ ../src/heapdiff.cc:214:5: error: use of undeclared identifier 'NanEscapableScope' NanEscapableScope(); ^ ../src/heapdiff.cc:215:22: error: use of undeclared identifier 'NanNew' Local a = NanNew(); ^ fatal error: too many errors emitted, stopping now [-ferror-limit=] 20 errors generated. make: *** [Release/obj.target/memwatch/src/heapdiff.o] Error 1 gyp ERR! build error gyp ERR! stack Error: `make` failed with exit code: 2 gyp ERR! stack at ChildProcess.onExit (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/lib/build.js:267:23) gyp ERR! stack at ChildProcess.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:98:17) gyp ERR! stack at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (child_process.js:789:12) gyp ERR! System Darwin 14.4.0 gyp ERR! command ""node"" ""/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/bin/node-gyp.js"" ""rebuild"" gyp ERR! cwd /Users/lokeshchoudhary/.appcelerator/install/4.1.3/package/node_modules/arrow/node_modules/appc-memwatch gyp ERR! node -v v0.10.13 gyp ERR! node-gyp -v v0.10.2 gyp ERR! not ok npm ERR! weird error 1 npm ERR! not ok code 0 +0ms npm http GET https://registry.npmjs.org/appc-memwatch/0.2.11 npm http 304 https://registry.npmjs.org/appc-memwatch/0.2.11 npm http GET https://registry.npmjs.org/bindings npm http 304 https://registry.npmjs.org/bindings ../src/heapdiff.cc:48:5: error: use of undeclared identifier 'NanScope' NanScope(); ^ ../src/heapdiff.cc:50:41: error: use of undeclared identifier 'NanNew' v8::Local t = NanNew(New); ^ ../src/heapdiff.cc:50:68: error: expected '(' for function-style cast or type construction v8::Local t = NanNew(New); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ ../src/heapdiff.cc:52:21: error: use of undeclared identifier 'NanNew' t->SetClassName(NanNew(""HeapDiff"")); ^ ../src/heapdiff.cc:54:5: error: no matching function for call to 'SetPrototypeMethod' NODE_SET_PROTOTYPE_METHOD(t, ""end"", End); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /Users/lokeshchoudhary/.node-gyp/0.10.13/src/node.h:129:35: note: expanded from macro 'NODE_SET_PROTOTYPE_METHOD' #define NODE_SET_PROTOTYPE_METHOD node::SetPrototypeMethod ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /Users/lokeshchoudhary/.node-gyp/0.10.13/src/node.h:120:6: note: candidate function [with target_t = v8::Local] not viable: no known conversion from 'Nan::NAN_METHOD_RETURN_TYPE (Nan::NAN_METHOD_ARGS_TYPE)' to 'v8::InvocationCallback' (aka 'Handle (*)(const v8::Arguments &)') for 3rd argument void SetPrototypeMethod(target_t target, ^ ../src/heapdiff.cc:56:17: error: use of undeclared identifier 'NanNew' target->Set(NanNew( ""HeapDiff""), t->GetFunction()); ^ ../src/heapdiff.cc:64:10: error: use of undeclared identifier 'args'; did you mean 'uv_process_options_s::args'? if (!args.IsConstructCall()) { ^~~~ uv_process_options_s::args /Users/lokeshchoudhary/.node-gyp/0.10.13/deps/uv/include/uv.h:1320:10: note: 'uv_process_options_s::args' declared here char** args; ^ ../src/heapdiff.cc:64:10: error: invalid use of member 'args' in static member function if (!args.IsConstructCall()) { ^~~~ ../src/heapdiff.cc:65:16: error: use of undeclared identifier 'NanThrowTypeError'; did you mean 'Nan::ThrowTypeError'? return NanThrowTypeError(""Use the new operator to create instances of this object.""); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nan::ThrowTypeError ../node_modules/nan/nan.h:1015:3: note: 'Nan::ThrowTypeError' declared here X(TypeError) ^ ../node_modules/nan/nan.h:1001:21: note: expanded from macro 'X' NAN_INLINE void Throw ## NAME(const char *msg) { \ ^ :33:1: note: expanded from here ThrowTypeError ^ ../src/heapdiff.cc:68:5: error: use of undeclared identifier 'NanScope' NanScope(); ^ ../src/heapdiff.cc:72:16: error: use of undeclared identifier 'args'; did you mean 'uv_process_options_s::args'? self->Wrap(args.This()); ^~~~ uv_process_options_s::args /Users/lokeshchoudhary/.node-gyp/0.10.13/deps/uv/include/uv.h:1320:10: note: 'uv_process_options_s::args' declared here char** args; ^ ../src/heapdiff.cc:72:16: error: invalid use of member 'args' in static member function self->Wrap(args.This()); ^~~~ ../src/heapdiff.cc:81:51: error: use of undeclared identifier 'NanNew' self->before = v8::HeapProfiler::TakeSnapshot(NanNew(""""), HeapSnapshot::kFull, NULL); ^ ../src/heapdiff.cc:81:68: error: expected '(' for function-style cast or type construction self->before = v8::HeapProfiler::TakeSnapshot(NanNew(""""), HeapSnapshot::kFull, NULL); ~~~~~~~~~~^ ../src/heapdiff.cc:86:20: error: use of undeclared identifier 'args'; did you mean 'uv_process_options_s::args'? NanReturnValue(args.This()); ^~~~ uv_process_options_s::args /Users/lokeshchoudhary/.node-gyp/0.10.13/deps/uv/include/uv.h:1320:10: note: 'uv_process_options_s::args' declared here char** args; ^ ../src/heapdiff.cc:86:20: error: invalid use of member 'args' in static member function NanReturnValue(args.This()); ^~~~ ../src/heapdiff.cc:98:5: error: use of undeclared identifier 'NanScope' NanScope(); ^ ../src/heapdiff.cc:214:5: error: use of undeclared identifier 'NanEscapableScope' NanEscapableScope(); ^ ../src/heapdiff.cc:215:22: error: use of undeclared identifier 'NanNew' Local a = NanNew(); ^ fatal error: too many errors emitted, stopping now [-ferror-limit=] 20 errors generated. make: *** [Release/obj.target/memwatch/src/heapdiff.o] Error 1 gyp ERR! build error gyp ERR! stack Error: `make` failed with exit code: 2 gyp ERR! stack at ChildProcess.onExit (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/lib/build.js:267:23) gyp ERR! stack at ChildProcess.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:98:17) gyp ERR! stack at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (child_process.js:789:12) gyp ERR! System Darwin 14.4.0 gyp ERR! command ""node"" ""/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/bin/node-gyp.js"" ""rebuild"" gyp ERR! cwd /Users/lokeshchoudhary/.appcelerator/install/4.1.3/package/node_modules/arrow/node_modules/appc-memwatch gyp ERR! node -v v0.10.13 gyp ERR! node-gyp -v v0.10.2 gyp ERR! not ok npm ERR! weird error 1 npm ERR! not ok code 0 {code} *With node 4.0:* {code} Before you can continue, the latest Appcelerator software update needs to be downloaded. Finding version 4.1.3 ... ✓ Validating security checksum ✓ Installing ... ✓ Compiling platform native modules ... └ package/appc-cli-titanium ... ✓ └ extract-opts/typechecker ... ✓ └ bunyan/dtrace-provider ... ✓ └ extract-opts/typechecker ... ✓ └ socket.io-client/ws ... ✓ └ appc-ldapjs/dtrace-provider ... ✓ └ arrow/appc-memwatch ... gyp WARN EACCES user ""lokeshchoudhary"" does not have permission to access the dev dir ""/Users/lokeshchoudhary/.node-gyp/4.0.0"" gyp WARN EACCES attempting to reinstall using temporary dev dir ""/var/folders/0q/qz_v6qys50b73_td_vykf3fh0000gn/T/.node-gyp"" In file included from ../src/heapdiff.cc:12: In file included from ../src/heapdiff.hh:11: ../node_modules/nan/nan.h:324:27: error: redefinition of 'NanEnsureHandleOrPersistent' NAN_INLINE v8::Local NanEnsureHandleOrPersistent(const v8::Local &val) { ^ ../node_modules/nan/nan.h:319:17: note: previous definition is here v8::Handle NanEnsureHandleOrPersistent(const v8::Handle &val) { ^ ../node_modules/nan/nan.h:344:27: error: redefinition of 'NanEnsureLocal' NAN_INLINE v8::Local NanEnsureLocal(const v8::Handle &val) { ^ ../node_modules/nan/nan.h:334:27: note: previous definition is here NAN_INLINE v8::Local NanEnsureLocal(const v8::Local &val) { ^ ../node_modules/nan/nan.h:757:13: error: no member named 'smalloc' in namespace 'node' , node::smalloc::FreeCallback callback ~~~~~~^ ../node_modules/nan/nan.h:768:12: error: no matching function for call to 'New' return node::Buffer::New(v8::Isolate::GetCurrent(), data, size); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /var/folders/0q/qz_v6qys50b73_td_vykf3fh0000gn/T/.node-gyp/4.0.0/include/node/node_buffer.h:31:40: note: candidate function not viable: no known conversion from 'uint32_t' (aka 'unsigned int') to 'enum encoding' for 3rd argument NODE_EXTERN v8::MaybeLocal New(v8::Isolate* isolate, ^ /var/folders/0q/qz_v6qys50b73_td_vykf3fh0000gn/T/.node-gyp/4.0.0/include/node/node_buffer.h:43:40: note: candidate function not viable: 2nd argument ('const char *') would lose const qualifier NODE_EXTERN v8::MaybeLocal New(v8::Isolate* isolate, ^ /var/folders/0q/qz_v6qys50b73_td_vykf3fh0000gn/T/.node-gyp/4.0.0/include/node/node_buffer.h:28:40: note: candidate function not viable: requires 2 arguments, but 3 were provided NODE_EXTERN v8::MaybeLocal New(v8::Isolate* isolate, size_t length); ^ /var/folders/0q/qz_v6qys50b73_td_vykf3fh0000gn/T/.node-gyp/4.0.0/include/node/node_buffer.h:36:40: note: candidate function not viable: requires 5 arguments, but 3 were provided NODE_EXTERN v8::MaybeLocal New(v8::Isolate* isolate, ^ In file included from ../src/heapdiff.cc:12: In file included from ../src/heapdiff.hh:11: ../node_modules/nan/nan.h:772:12: error: no viable conversion from 'v8::MaybeLocal' to 'v8::Local' return node::Buffer::New(v8::Isolate::GetCurrent(), size); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /var/folders/0q/qz_v6qys50b73_td_vykf3fh0000gn/T/.node-gyp/4.0.0/include/node/v8.h:210:7: note: candidate constructor (the implicit copy constructor) not viable: no known conversion from 'v8::MaybeLocal' to 'const v8::Local &' for 1st argument class Local { ^ /var/folders/0q/qz_v6qys50b73_td_vykf3fh0000gn/T/.node-gyp/4.0.0/include/node/v8.h:210:7: note: candidate constructor (the implicit move constructor) not viable: no known conversion from 'v8::MaybeLocal' to 'v8::Local &&' for 1st argument class Local { ^ /var/folders/0q/qz_v6qys50b73_td_vykf3fh0000gn/T/.node-gyp/4.0.0/include/node/v8.h:214:13: note: candidate template ignored: could not match 'Local' against 'MaybeLocal' V8_INLINE Local(Local that) ^ /var/folders/0q/qz_v6qys50b73_td_vykf3fh0000gn/T/.node-gyp/4.0.0/include/node/v8.h:326:13: note: candidate template ignored: could not match 'S *' against 'v8::MaybeLocal' V8_INLINE Local(S* that) ^ In file included from ../src/heapdiff.cc:12: In file included from ../src/heapdiff.hh:11: ../node_modules/nan/nan.h:779:26: error: no member named 'Use' in namespace 'node::Buffer' return node::Buffer::Use(v8::Isolate::GetCurrent(), data, size); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ ../src/heapdiff.cc:79:83: error: no viable conversion from 'typename Nan::imp::Factory::return_t' (aka 'Local') to 'v8::ActivityControl *' self->before = v8::Isolate::GetCurrent()->GetHeapProfiler()->TakeHeapSnapshot(NanNew(""""), NULL); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /var/folders/0q/qz_v6qys50b73_td_vykf3fh0000gn/T/.node-gyp/4.0.0/include/node/v8-profiler.h:487:24: note: passing argument to parameter 'control' here ActivityControl* control = NULL, ^ ../src/heapdiff.cc:112:15: error: no member named 'GetSelfSize' in 'v8::HeapGraphNode' s += cur->GetSelfSize(); ~~~ ^ ../src/heapdiff.cc:203:29: error: no member named 'GetSelfSize' in 'v8::HeapGraphNode' i->second.size += node->GetSelfSize() * (added ? 1 : -1); ~~~~ ^ ../src/heapdiff.cc:318:79: error: no viable conversion from 'typename Nan::imp::Factory::return_t' (aka 'Local') to 'v8::ActivityControl *' t->after = v8::Isolate::GetCurrent()->GetHeapProfiler()->TakeHeapSnapshot(NanNew(""""), NULL); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /var/folders/0q/qz_v6qys50b73_td_vykf3fh0000gn/T/.node-gyp/4.0.0/include/node/v8-profiler.h:487:24: note: passing argument to parameter 'control' here ActivityControl* control = NULL, ^ In file included from ../src/heapdiff.cc:12: In file included from ../src/heapdiff.hh:8: /var/folders/0q/qz_v6qys50b73_td_vykf3fh0000gn/T/.node-gyp/4.0.0/include/node/v8.h:221:5: error: assigning to 'v8::Primitive *volatile' from incompatible type 'v8::Value *' TYPE_CHECK(T, S); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /var/folders/0q/qz_v6qys50b73_td_vykf3fh0000gn/T/.node-gyp/4.0.0/include/node/v8.h:180:37: note: expanded from macro 'TYPE_CHECK' *(static_cast(0)) = static_cast(0); \ ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ../node_modules/nan/nan.h:501:12: note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'v8::Local::Local' requested here return NanEscapeScope(NanNew(v8::Undefined(v8::Isolate::GetCurrent()))); ^ ../node_modules/nan/nan.h:483:30: note: expanded from macro 'NanEscapeScope' # define NanEscapeScope(val) scope.Escape(Nan::imp::NanEnsureLocal(val)) ^ In file included from ../src/heapdiff.cc:12: In file included from ../src/heapdiff.hh:8: /var/folders/0q/qz_v6qys50b73_td_vykf3fh0000gn/T/.node-gyp/4.0.0/include/node/v8.h:221:5: error: assigning to 'v8::Boolean *volatile' from incompatible type 'v8::Value *' TYPE_CHECK(T, S); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /var/folders/0q/qz_v6qys50b73_td_vykf3fh0000gn/T/.node-gyp/4.0.0/include/node/v8.h:180:37: note: expanded from macro 'TYPE_CHECK' *(static_cast(0)) = static_cast(0); \ ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ../node_modules/nan/nan.h:511:12: note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'v8::Local::Local' requested here return NanEscapeScope(NanNew(v8::True(v8::Isolate::GetCurrent()))); ^ ../node_modules/nan/nan.h:483:30: note: expanded from macro 'NanEscapeScope' # define NanEscapeScope(val) scope.Escape(Nan::imp::NanEnsureLocal(val)) ^ In file included from ../src/heapdiff.cc:12: In file included from ../src/heapdiff.hh:8: /var/folders/0q/qz_v6qys50b73_td_vykf3fh0000gn/T/.node-gyp/4.0.0/include/node/v8.h:221:5: error: assigning to 'v8::Function *volatile' from incompatible type 'v8::Value *' TYPE_CHECK(T, S); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /var/folders/0q/qz_v6qys50b73_td_vykf3fh0000gn/T/.node-gyp/4.0.0/include/node/v8.h:180:37: note: expanded from macro 'TYPE_CHECK' *(static_cast(0)) = static_cast(0); \ ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~npm ERR! Darwin 14.4.0 npm ERR! argv ""/usr/local/bin/node"" ""/usr/local/bin/npm"" ""install"" ""appc-memwatch@0.2.11"" ""--production"" npm ERR! node v4.0.0 npm ERR! npm v2.14.2 npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE npm ERR! appc-memwatch@0.2.11 postinstall: `node ./build.js` npm ERR! Exit status 1 npm ERR! npm ERR! Failed at the appc-memwatch@0.2.11 postinstall script 'node ./build.js'. npm ERR! This is most likely a problem with the appc-memwatch package, npm ERR! not with npm itself. npm ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system: npm ERR! node ./build.js npm ERR! You can get their info via: npm ERR! npm owner ls appc-memwatch npm ERR! There is likely additional logging output above. npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request: npm ERR! /Users/lokeshchoudhary/.appcelerator/install/4.1.3/package/node_modules/arrow/npm-debug.log {code} h5. Expected Result: 1. The appc core installation gets completed successfully. ",0 -"CLI-810","09/16/2015 18:54:22","appc run -p ios is forcing rebuild for subsequent runs when there's no changes","{code}appc run -p ios{code} is forcing rebuild for every subsequent run, even when there's no changes in the project. h4. Steps to reproduce. 1. appc new 2. appc run -p ios -l trace 3. appc run -p ios -l trace h4. Expected result If you look at the trace, ""invoking xcodebuild"" should happen for 2., ""skipping xcodebuild"" will happen for 3. h4. Actual result If you look at the trace, ""invoking xcodebuild"" happens for 2 and 3. The line of code in question is here: https://github.com/appcelerator/appc-cli-titanium/blob/master/hook/titanium.js#L201 If this is commented out, the problem here is solved, but unsure if there are other dependencies that might be affected by this line of code.",3 -"CLI-812","09/19/2015 00:05:37","Error when generating developer certificate and public/private keys when logging into preprod","h5. Description When trying to log in to preproduction through CLI an error will display say ""The request is not recognized!"" after trying to generate developer certificate and private/public keys. h5. Steps to recreate 1.Enter log in details in CLI 2. Choose a preproduction environment h5. Actual Result An error is displayed, although it appears it still logs into preproduction h5. Expected Result No error should be displayed",0 -"CLI-814","09/20/2015 17:10:01","Failed to parse titanium config file: TypeError: Cannot read property 'selected' of undefined","This may be a duplicate, but I can't find one. Please repurpose as necessary. From https://community.appcelerator.com/topic/3309/error-encountered-during-update-appcelerator-cli-is-currently-installing-or-upgrading-please-wait-until-it-has-finished-and-retry-your-command-afterwards/9 The error is: {code} WARN | failed to parse titanium config file WARN | Cannot read property 'selected' of undefined ERROR | TypeError: Cannot read property 'selected' of undefined at usedDifferentSDK (/Users/username/.appcelerator/install/5.0.0/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/plugins/run.js:116:30) at /Users/username/.appcelerator/install/5.0.0/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/plugins/run.js:68:49 at /Users/username/.appcelerator/install/5.0.0/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/plugins/util.js:145:11 at ChildProcess.exithandler (child_process.js:656:7) at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:98:17) at maybeClose (child_process.js:766:16) at Socket. (child_process.js:979:11) at Socket.emit (events.js:95:17) at Pipe.close (net.js:466:12) {code} The error appears to be in https://github.com/appcelerator/appc-cli-titanium/blob/master/plugins/run.js#L116",2 -"CLI-818","09/23/2015 15:20:26","If a login is required before switching orgs it shouldn't switch at all","If you use the newly added {{appc switch org}} and a login is required first because the session expired, you shouldn't not be asked what organisation to login to followed by the question which organisation to switch to. {code} appc-sample-ti500 (master *) $ appc switch org Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 5.0.1 Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Appcelerator Login required to continue ... ? Appcelerator ID: fzandbergen@appcelerator.com ? Password: ********* ? Into which organization would you like to login? Appcelerator, Inc ? To which organization would you like to switch? (Use arrow keys) ❯ 21st Century Insurance a ACS.UI.Next Automated Tests AnalyticsUITesting Appcelerator Dashboard Appcelerator Preprod on Prod Appcelerator Studio (Move up and down to reveal more choices) {code}",5 -"CLI-823","09/28/2015 22:06:24","libtiverify.a in Ti SDK is replaced by libappcverify.a","Do {{appc run -p ios -T device}} on a project with {{remote}} set in {{tiapp.xml}}. The file {{mobilesdk/osx//iphone/libtiverify.a}} in Ti SDK itself gets replaced by {{appc-cli-titanium/support/ios/libappcverify.a}} Subsequent builds on projects without {{appc-sourcecode-encryption-policy}} enable will result in build failure. ",3 -"CLI-824","09/29/2015 08:43:13","Appc CLI causes iOS Simulator builds to be encrypted","When trying to solve TIMOB-19612, it was discovered that the appc cli causes iOS Simulator builds to sometimes be encrypted and other times not encrypted. This is triggered when you are online and buildVerify() was not skipped (whatever that means). iOS Simulator builds should probably not be encrypted unless the --deploy-type is explicitly set to ""test"".",5 -"CLI-825","10/01/2015 01:07:46","Publishing a stable version of appc-cli doesn't tag it as latest","I notice this issue when I was releasing appc-cli into our production servers. Though I had successfully published appc-cli@5.1.0, the latest version tag still references to something like 5.0.0 only. If {{appc publish --prerelease}} command is executed, then the latest tag should still be the previous stable version. Otherwise, the latest version should be considered.",5 -"CLI-827","10/05/2015 15:54:22","Only CLI 5.0.2 & NodeJS 0.12.7 give: [Error: Module did not self-register.]","Only CLI 5.0.2 and NodeJS 0.12.7 show the following error during different commands: {code} Fokkes-MacBook-Pro:ticons-server fokkezb$ appc [Error: Module did not self-register.] Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 5.0.2 Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Usage: appc cmd [options] {code} CLI 5.0.1 with NodeJS 0.12.7 works fine, as does CLI 5.0.2 with NodeJS 0.10.40. (x) CLI 5.0.2 & NodeJS 0.12.7 (/) CLI 5.0.1 & NodeJS 0.12.7 (/) CLI 5.0.2 & NodeJS 0.12.7 (/) CLI 5.0.2 & NodeJS 0.10.40 The workaround is to use ""appc use 0.X.X --force""",5 -"CLI-828","10/06/2015 05:32:20","Add ""bugs"" URL to package.json","Adding a URL to the location of where ""bugs"" are filed makes it easier for developers. {code} ""bugs"": { ""url"": ""https://jira.appcelerator.org/browse/APPU"" }, {code}",5 -"CLI-832","10/06/2015 23:53:01","Add additional logging for Arrow cloud login calls","The command {{DEBUG=* appc login}} doesn't log the requests and responses from the Arrow cloud login calls.",2 -"CLI-836","10/09/2015 12:59:08","Packages should be rebuild if NodeJS version has changed since last use","When user updates (or downgrades) NodeJS this can break NPM packages or cause strange side effects like CLI-827. This seems in particular an issue with native extensions. To handle this, the CLI should keep track of the NodeJS version used for each core package and if the NodeJS version has changed it should use re-install that package or use {{npm rebuild}}.",5 -"CLI-838","10/09/2015 16:53:08","Cannot login to prod; body parameters error","When using Appc CLI 5.1.0-36 and trying to log in to Production, I get the following error: {code} Appcelerator Login required to continue ... ? Appcelerator ID: ewieber@appcelerator.com ? Password: ******** arrow:sdk sending request to https://software.appcelerator.com/api/login arrow:sdk response received err=null, body={ message: 'body parameters: from missing in API definition', code: 400, success: false, 'request-id': '56be7102-9eae-48dc-9098-ea0a6a059cc4' }, status code=400 registry result 400 application/json false undefined true 1 registry returned { message: 'body parameters: from missing in API definition', code: 400, success: false, 'request-id': '56be7102-9eae-48dc-9098-ea0a6a059cc4' } login returned { [Error: body parameters: from missing in API definition] code: 400 } { message: 'body parameters: from missing in API definition', code: 400, success: false, 'request-id': '56be7102-9eae-48dc-9098-ea0a6a059cc4' } body parameters: from missing in API definition body parameters: from missing in API definition {code} *Steps to reproduce issue* 1. Select CLI 5.1.0-36 2. Log out with {{appc logout}} 3. Login with {{appc login}} *Actual Results* I get the above error and cannot login *Expected Results* No error is encountered and login is successfull",5 -"CLI-847","10/14/2015 21:17:27","Add additional debug logging for error conditions in `appc use` and `appc login` ","When the registry server is down, the amount of information output to the console in debug mode is limited or non-existent. Things to instrument: * Retry of requests * Error codes returned",1 -"CLI-842","10/15/2015 00:01:31","Improve performance of appc -v command","When the registry server is not reachable, or slow to respond, then {{appc -v}} command takes a long time to execute, and print package's version. Since it is just about printing the local package version, the availability of registry server shouldn't impact on {{appc -v}} command's performance.",5 -"CLI-843","10/15/2015 01:08:11","If you run ""appc -v -o json"", then Appc CLI NPM will not understand the ""-o"" flag","*Details:* If you run {{appc -v -o json}}, then the Appc CLI NPM will not understand the {{-o}} flag i.e. ""The version specified -o was not found"" error will be returned. *Notes:* * This is a regression from Appc CLI NPM 4.2.0 *and* 4.2.1-4. * The {{-o}} flag still works with other commands e.g. {{appc use -o json}} still returns the Appc CLI core versions in JSON format. * To workaround this issue, you can specify the long format e.g. {{appc -v --output json}} *Steps to reproduce:* # Make sure you installed Appc CLI NPM version 4.2.1-5 or greater # Run the command: {{appc -v -o json}} *Actual:* Appc CLI NPM will not understand the {{-o}} flag: {code} WilsonComputer:~ wluu$ appc -v -o json Before you can continue, the latest Appcelerator software update needs to be downloaded. Finding version -o ...\ The version specified -o was not found WilsonComputer:~ {code} *Expected:* Appc CLI NPM should understand the {{-o}} flag.",5 -"CLI-844","10/16/2015 19:38:42","If you install a mobile app to device or simulator/emulator, the parent process does not fully terminate if you try to kill it","*Details:* If you install a mobile app to device or simulator/emulator, the parent process does not terminate if you try to kill it. *Steps to reproduce:* # In Studio or CLI, create a mobile project # Install to device or simulator # Wait for app to launch # From Studio, press the terminate button. From CLI, kill the parent process *Actual:* The parent process does not fully terminate. *Expected:* The parent process should be completely killed.",8 -"CLI-852","10/26/2015 17:59:26","appc run can not set port for Arrow apps","According to the documentation, we can set the port for an Arrow application using: acs run --port XX http://docs.appcelerator.com/platform/latest/#!/guide/Arrow_Cloud_Command-Line_Interface_Reference But, using appc CLI there's no way to set a port for the Arrow app http://docs.appcelerator.com/platform/latest/#!/guide/Appcelerator_Command-Line_Interface_Reference-section-43294287_AppceleratorCommand-LineInterfaceReference-run ",5 -"CLI-856","10/28/2015 21:38:55","In Appc CLI, if you create a project with European character sets, then the CLI prompt will not accept them","*Details:* In Appc CLI, if you create a project with European character sets (e.g. B??ckerei H??chste), then the CLI prompt will not accept them. *Note:* * To workaround this issue, use the {{--name}} flag with the {{new}} command e.g. {{appc new --name ""B??ckerei H??chste""}} * This issue does not appear in Studio since they are using the {{--name}} flag. *Steps to reproduce:* # Create a mobile or Arrow project with {{appc new}} # Go through the steps until you reach ""What's the project name?"" # Enter a name with European character sets e.g. ""B??ckerei H??chste"" *Actual:* Appc CLI prompt will not accept the European characters: {code} MonkeyLord:~ wluu$ appc new Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 5.1.0-38 Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ? What type of project are you creating? Native App ? Which SDK would you like to use? Titanium SDK (JavaScript) ? What's the project name? >> name must be of the format: /^[\w]{2,}[\w\.\d-_]+$/ {code} *Expected:* Appc CLI prompt should accept European characters when creating a project.",5 -"CLI-861","10/30/2015 18:32:02","The ""--output"" flag does not work with ""appc use"" command","*Details:* The {{--output}} flag does not work with {{appc use}} command. *Notes:* * {{appc use --output}} seems to be for internal usage: CLI-468. * {{appc use -o}} still works. * This issue appears in the current GA as well. *Steps to reproduce:* # Run {{appc use --output json}} *Actual:* The output from the {{appc use}} command is not in JSON format: {code} MonkeyLord:~ wluu$ appc use --output json The following versions are available: 5.2.0-43 Not Installed 5.2.0-42 Not Installed 5.2.0-41 Not Installed 5.2.0-40 Not Installed 5.2.0-38 Not Installed 5.2.0-37 Not Installed 5.2.0-36 Not Installed 5.2.0-35 Not Installed 5.2.0-34 Not Installed 5.2.0-33 Not Installed 5.2.0-32 Not Installed 5.2.0-30 Not Installed 5.2.0-29 Not Installed 5.2.0-28 Not Installed 5.2.0-27 Not Installed 5.2.0-26 Not Installed 5.2.0-25 Not Installed 5.2.0-24 Not Installed {code} *Expected:* The {{--output}} flag should work along with {{-o}} flag.",1 -"CLI-864","10/30/2015 23:24:41","Plugins directory generated on build for a classic project","h5.Description When building a classic project there is a plugins directory generated when building the project. When running with {{-l trace}} it shows this line {{TRACE | Update project alloy hook from version false to 1.0.0}} which originates from [here|https://github.com/appcelerator/appc-cli-titanium/blob/master/plugins/run.js#L137]. h5.Steps to reproduce 1. Create a project using {{appc new --type titanium --name classicApp --id com.appc --classic}} 2. Build the project using {{appc run -p ios}} 3. Check the applications directory h5.Actual result There will be a plugins folder in the app directory h5.Expected result There should not be a plugins directory in a classic application",1 -"CLI-865","10/30/2015 23:59:05","If incorrect credentials are input on login then the CLI will error with 'The registry server is currently unavailable'","h5.Description *This is a regression* The regression seems to be caused by the change [from this check|https://github.com/appcelerator/appc-cli/blob/5_0_4/lib/registry.js#L455] in 5.0.4 to [this check|https://github.com/appcelerator/appc-cli/blob/5_1_X/lib/registry.js#L455] in 5_1_X When logging in using {{appc login}} and inputting incorrect credentials the CLI will error out with the below after retrying the login 10 times {code} ? Appcelerator ID: eharris@appcelerator.com ? Password: ***** registry result 500 application/json false undefined true 1 detected server issue, will re-try again in 1000ms 500 registry result 500 application/json false undefined true 2 detected server issue, will re-try again in 2000ms 500 registry result 500 application/json false undefined true 3 detected server issue, will re-try again in 3000ms 500 registry result 500 application/json false undefined true 4 detected server issue, will re-try again in 4000ms 500 registry result 500 application/json false undefined true 5 detected server issue, will re-try again in 5000ms 500 registry result 500 application/json false undefined true 6 detected server issue, will re-try again in 6000ms 500 registry result 500 application/json false undefined true 7 detected server issue, will re-try again in 7000ms 500 registry result 500 application/json false undefined true 8 detected server issue, will re-try again in 8000ms 500 registry result 500 application/json false undefined true 9 detected server issue, will re-try again in 9000ms 500 registry result 500 application/json false undefined true 10 ERROR | Error: The registry server is currently unavailable. Please try again in a few minutes or contact Appcelerator Support at support@appcelerator.com at C:\Users\ewanh\.appcelerator\install\5.1.0-41\package\lib\registry.js:462:17 at Request._callback (C:\Users\ewanh\.appcelerator\install\5.1.0-41\package\lib\appc-registry-server-sdk\index.js:989:5) at Request.self.callback (C:\Users\ewanh\.appcelerator\install\5.1.0-41\package\node_modules\request\request.js:198:22) at Request.emit (events.js:110:17) at Request. (C:\Users\ewanh\.appcelerator\install\5.1.0-41\package\node_modules\request\request.js:1082:10) at Request.emit (events.js:129:20) at IncomingMessage. (C:\Users\ewanh\.appcelerator\install\5.1.0-41\package\node_modules\request\request.js:1009:12) at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:129:20) at _stream_readable.js:908:16 at process._tickCallback (node.js:355:11) {code} *This is a regression* from 5.0.4 as the CLI will reprompt when incorrect credentials are input with 5.0.4 {code} ? Password: *** registry result 500 application/json false undefined true 1 registry returned { message: 'Invalid Appcelerator ID and password combination.', code: 400, success: false, 'request-id': '9f2f25ec-cae9-46de-9035-387d8436ecaa' } login returned { [Error: Invalid Appcelerator ID and password combination.] code: 400 } { message: 'Invalid Appcelerator ID and password combination.', code: 400, success: false, 'request-id': '9f2f25ec-cae9-46de-9035-387d8436ecaa' } Invalid Appcelerator ID and password combination. Invalid Appcelerator ID and password combination. {code} Running with DEBUG=* shows that the output received from registry is the same for both versions {code:title=5.0.4} arrow:sdk sending request to https://software.appcelerator.com/api/login arrow:sdk response received err=null, body={ message: 'Invalid Appcelerator ID and password combination.', code: 400, success: false, 'request-id': '7a594b36-2dbe-4c0b-b77b-8df4ab6ccbc3' }, status code=500 registry result 500 application/json false undefined true 1 registry returned { message: 'Invalid Appcelerator ID and password combination.', code: 400, success: false, 'request-id': '7a594b36-2dbe-4c0b-b77b-8df4ab6ccbc3' } login returned { [Error: Invalid Appcelerator ID and password combination.] code: 400 } { message: 'Invalid Appcelerator ID and password combination.', code: 400, success: false, 'request-id': '7a594b36-2dbe-4c0b-b77b-8df4ab6ccbc3' } Invalid Appcelerator ID and password combination. Invalid Appcelerator ID and password combination. {code} {code:title=5.1.0-41} ? Appcelerator ID: eharris@appcelerator.com ? Password: **** arrow:sdk sending request to https://software.appcelerator.com/api/login arrow:sdk response received err=null, body={ message: 'Invalid Appcelerator ID and password combination.', code: 400, success: false, 'request-id': 'b84fdd47-b63a-44cc-abcb-2008c62a7f7b' }, status code=500 registry result 500 application/json false undefined true 1 detected server issue, will re-try again in 1000ms 500 arrow:sdk sending request to https://software.appcelerator.com/api/login arrow:sdk response received err=null, body={ message: 'Invalid Appcelerator ID and password combination.', code: 400, success: false, 'request-id': '53473d97-4372-471d-9ec9-93d3adf86341' }, status code=500 registry result 500 application/json false undefined true 2 detected server issue, will re-try again in 2000ms 500 arrow:sdk sending request to https://software.appcelerator.com/api/login {code} h5.Steps to reproduce 1. Run {{appc login -l trace}} 2. Enter some incorrect credentials h5.Actual result The CLI will send a login request 10 times and then error with {{ Error: The registry server is currently unavailable.}} h5.Expected result The CLI should throw a prompt asking for the correct credentials",3 -"CLI-868","11/03/2015 09:56:27","Add CLI version installation status in ""appc use -o json"" output","Can we add CLI version installation status as part of ""appc use -o json"" command output. Probably something like this or whatever is the best way possible. {code} { ""versions"": [ ""5.1.0-38"", ""5.0.4"", ""5.0.3"", ""5.0.2"", ""5.0.1"", ""5.0.0"", ""4.1.3"", ""4.1.2"", ""4.1.1"", ""4.1.0"" ], ""installed"": [ ""5.0.4"", ""5.0.3"" ], ""latest"": ""5.0.4"", ""active"": ""5.1.0-38"" } {code} Adding a new entry will not break existing consumers.",3 -"CLI-869","11/03/2015 19:07:14","In preprod, you cannot import a mobile project with a non-platform guid","*Details:* In preprod, you cannot import a mobile project with a non-platform guid. *Notes:* * If you point the current 5.1.0 stack to production, you cannot reproduce this issue. * The *workaround* is to create another mobile project in preprod and use that project's guid. * Even though importing a mobile project a non-platform guid works in production and a workaround is available, *this makes testing in preprod with AppcStudio very difficult.* *Steps to reproduce:* # Download and unzip XMLModule.zip # Make sure you are pointing to *preprod* # Run: {{appc new --import --project-dir /XMLModule -l trace}} *Actual:* You will not be able to import the project. Login required error will be returned: {code} MonkeyLord:XML wluu$ ls QE Automator XMLModule XML_timob8953 MonkeyLord:XML wluu$ appc new --import --project-dir XMLModule -l trace Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 5.1.0-42 Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. __command__ search paths: [ ""/Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/5.1.0-42/package"", ""/Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/5.1.0-42/package/node_modules"", ""/Users/wluu/fromGit/qe-FeatureTest/XML/node_modules"", ""/Users/wluu/fromGit/qe-FeatureTest/node_modules"", ""/Users/wluu/fromGit/node_modules"", ""/Users/wluu/node_modules"", ""/Users/node_modules"", ""/node_modules"", ""/Users/wluu/.appcelerator/.npm/lib/node_modules"" ] [PLUGIN-LOAD] 1ms /Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/5.1.0-42/package/appc.js [PLUGIN-LOAD] 380ms /Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/5.1.0-42/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/appc.js [PLUGIN-LOAD] 1ms /Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/5.1.0-42/package/node_modules/arrow/appc.js log level set to ""trace"" executing command ""new"" Preproduction Environment Active set environment to {""registry"":""https://software-preprod.cloud.appctest.com"",""security"":""https://security-preprod.cloud.appctest.com"",""baseurl"":""https://360-preprod.cloud.appctest.com""} checking credentials for existing session Attempting to load session info from config file check if session is invalidated session expiry 1447181641060 false Arrow Cloud config file: /Users/wluu/.acs found Arrow Cloud login { mid: '3e8e500eed0014075e9a77f8d20f588530f37118', publishPort: 443, publishHost: 'https://admin.cloudapp-enterprise-preprod.appctest.com', username: 'wluu@appcelerator.com', cookie: [ 'connect.sid=s%3AJRKPO6kCgw4GA0cj7eNvvZVY.6Tz85LOBa79BUXRkKNT7numEiyaJWBA6cQwz%2FHpjHTo; Path=/; Expires=Tue, 17 Nov 2015 18:54:34 GMT; HttpOnly' ], defaultEP: { publishHost: 'https://admin.cloudapp-enterprise-preprod.appctest.com', publishPort: 443 } } , checking nodeACSEndpoint= https://admin.cloudapp-enterprise-preprod.appctest.com Arrow Cloud cookie expiry [ 1447786474000 ] session already loaded in opts.session getCredentials() session: { ""ipaddress"": """", ""username"": ""wluu@appcelerator.com"", ""password"": """", ""session"": """", ""nonce"": """", ""environment"": { ""name"": ""production"", ""isProduction"": true, ""acsBaseUrl"": ""https://preprod-api.cloud.appctest.com"", ""acsAuthBaseUrl"": ""https://dolphin-secure-identity.cloud.appcelerator.com"", ""nodeACSEndpoint"": ""https://admin.cloudapp-enterprise-preprod.appctest.com"" }, ""token"": """", ""fingerprint"": ""3e8e500eed0014075e9a77f8d20f588530f37118"", ""fingerprint_description"": ""Mac OSX Serial Number: C02JG4WDDV35"", ""org_id"": 100001711, ""expiry"": 1447181641060 } loading plugins for command ""new"" new search paths: [ ""/Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/5.1.0-42/package"", ""/Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/5.1.0-42/package/node_modules"", ""/Users/wluu/fromGit/qe-FeatureTest/XML/node_modules"", ""/Users/wluu/fromGit/qe-FeatureTest/node_modules"", ""/Users/wluu/fromGit/node_modules"", ""/Users/wluu/node_modules"", ""/Users/node_modules"", ""/node_modules"", ""/Users/wluu/.appcelerator/.npm/lib/node_modules"" ] [PLUGIN-LOAD] 0ms /Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/5.1.0-42/package/appc.js [PLUGIN-LOAD] 126ms /Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/5.1.0-42/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/appc.js new plugin: /Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/5.1.0-42/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium [PLUGIN-LOAD] 0ms /Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/5.1.0-42/package/node_modules/arrow/appc.js new plugin: /Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/5.1.0-42/package/node_modules/arrow loading plugin ""titanium"" for command ""new"" CLI options via function loading plugin ""arrow"" for command ""new"" CLI options via array Duplicate option ""name"" for command ""new"", removing... Duplicate option ""force"" for command ""new"", removing... Duplicate option ""services"" for command ""new"", removing... Duplicate option ""colors"" for command ""new"", removing... executing command ""new"" with the following plugins: [""titanium"",""arrow""] Attempting to load session info from config file check if session is invalidated session expiry 1447181641060 false session already loaded in opts.session ""/usr/local/bin/node"" ""/Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/5.1.0-42/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/node_modules/titanium/bin/titanium"" sdk -o json checking for titanium, result: { activeSDK: '5.1.0.v20151028190028', defaultInstallLocation: '/Users/wluu/Library/Application Support/Titanium', installLocations: [ '/Users/wluu/Library/Application Support/Titanium', '/Library/Application Support/Titanium' ], installed: { '5.1.0.v20151028190028': '/Users/wluu/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/5.1.0.v20151028190028', '5.0.2.GA': '/Users/wluu/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/5.0.2.GA' }, sdks: { '5.1.0.v20151028190028': { name: '5.1.0.v20151028190028', manifest: [Object], path: '/Users/wluu/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/5.1.0.v20151028190028' }, '5.0.2.GA': { name: '5.0.2.GA', manifest: [Object], path: '/Users/wluu/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/5.0.2.GA' } } } after provision start app after provision app Titanium SDK (JavaScript) titanium titanium provisioned called app after provision start completed after provision completed Titanium SDK (JavaScript) titanium titanium provisioned called completed calling App.find on guid 2405184a-8944-4a4c-ba16-d25f9e2cb025 Unable to register the new app with Appcelerator Platform either due to limited connectivity or other unexpected problem. Please retry later using the command 'appc new --import --project-dir /path/to/project' { [Error: Login Required] success: false, description: 'Login Required', code: 401, internalCode: undefined } done with plugin undefined *** new completed. *** MonkeyLord:XML wluu$ appc whoami Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 5.1.0-42 Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Preproduction Environment Active wluu@appcelerator.com in organization qe_test_org_preprod_enterprise (100001711) MonkeyLord:XML wluu$ {code} *Expected:* Should be able to import a mobile project with a non-platform guid in preproduciton.",5 -"CLI-871","11/06/2015 00:49:37","Improve the download payload of appc-cli package by de-duping modules","Currently some modules like appc-platform-sdk are referenced at multiple instances, and there is no need to have multiple copies of same module. The build should run {{npm dedupe}} before shrinkwrap, so that it will aggregate into a higher package level.",5 -"CLI-874","11/10/2015 02:50:05","include acs 1.0.31","acs cli 1.0.30 had to be removed because it was published with code from master instead of 1.3.1. we republished 1.0.31. appc cli needs to be updated as well. ",3 -"CLI-875","11/11/2015 20:09:32","appc use command should allow --prerelease option","{{appc use}} command will receive only stable versions by default. If the user wants to pull prerelease versions as well as part of appc use command, then they should use a new option such as {{--prerelease}}.",5 -"CLI-881","11/16/2015 22:33:58","If you create an Arrow project with European character sets, then the next prompt will be ""What is the api name?""","*Details:* If you create an Arrow project with European character sets, then the next prompt will be ""What is the api name?"". *Steps to reproduce:* # In terminal, run {{appc new}} # Select Arrow App # Create a project name with European characters like umlaut u *Actual:* ""What is the api name?"" prompt appears; see attachment. *Expected:* The ""What is the api name?"" prompt should not appear when you create an Arrow project.",2 -"CLI-882","11/16/2015 22:39:04","Cannot create an Arrow project with DEBUG=* and -l trace","*Details:* Cannot create an Arrow project with DEBUG=* and -l trace. *Note:* This is a *regression* from 5.0.4 core. *Steps to reproduce:* # In terminal, run {{DEBUG=* appc new -l trace}} # Select Arrow App # Specify a name for your project *Actual:* Arrow project will fail to be created: {code} 2015-11-16T21:57:59.545Z | ERROR | ReferenceError: ejs:5 3| ""description"":""<%=description%>"", 4| ""version"": ""1.0.0"", >> 5| ""author"": ""<%=author%>"", 6| ""license"": """", 7| ""framework"": ""none"", 8| ""keywords"": [ author is not defined at eval (eval at (/Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/5.1.0-58/package/node_modules/ejs/lib/ejs.js:464:12), :17:23) at returnedFn (/Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/5.1.0-58/package/node_modules/ejs/lib/ejs.js:493:17) at Object.exports.render (/Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/5.1.0-58/package/node_modules/ejs/lib/ejs.js:315:37) at copyFile (/Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/5.1.0-58/package/node_modules/arrow/lib/command/new.js:322:13) at copyFileCallback (/Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/5.1.0-58/package/node_modules/arrow/lib/command/new.js:305:6) at Array.forEach (native) at readdirCallback (/Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/5.1.0-58/package/node_modules/arrow/lib/command/new.js:299:13) at /Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/5.1.0-58/package/node_modules/wrench/lib/wrench.js:108:13 at FSReqWrap.oncomplete (fs.js:82:15) appc:run signal received +1m exit sending to ChildProcess { domain: null, _events: { close: [Function] }, _eventsCount: 1, _maxListeners: undefined, _closesNeeded: 1, _closesGot: 1, connected: false, signalCode: null, exitCode: 1, killed: false, spawnfile: '/usr/local/bin/node', _handle: null, spawnargs: [ '/usr/local/bin/node', '/Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/5.1.0-58/package/bin/appc', 'new', '-l', 'trace' ], pid: 11121, stdin: null, stdout: null, stderr: null, stdio: [ null, null, null ] } {code} *Expected:* You should be able to create an Arrow project with DEBUG=* and -l trace.",5 -"CLI-885","11/18/2015 22:45:59","Appc new should be more cautious when unable to read Ti activeSDK value","When appc new failed to retrieve active Ti SDK version, following error occurred with the command {{appc new}} {code} ERROR | Cannot read property 'split' of undefined {code} h5. Reproduce steps 1. appc use 5.1.0 2. remove/rename {{.titanium/config.json}} 3. remove/rename {{Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk}} 4. appc new h5. Expected result you should see the following prompt instead of the undefined error {code} ? What type of project are you creating? (Use arrow keys) ❯ Native App Arrow App Titanium Module {code} h5. Actual result Project type selection prompt is not shown, and process errors out: {{ERROR | Cannot read property 'split' of undefined}} ",1 -"CLI-889","11/19/2015 22:20:02","Windows: Using Node 4.2.2 32-bit results in failure to login","h5. Description: NOT a regression, as this occurs with CLI 5.0.4.GA as well. DOES NOT occur with Node 4.2.2 64-bit While trying to login on Windows with Node 4.2.2 installed, after org selection we get an error: {code} { [Error: tunneling socket could not be established, cause=connect ECONNREFUSED] code: 'ECONNRESET' } 2015-11-19T21:22:37.199Z | ERROR | Error: tunneling socket could not be established, cause=connect ECONNREFUSED at ClientRequest.onError (C:\Users\Steve Ballmer\.appcelerator\install\5.1.0-60\package\node_modules\request\node_modules\tunnel-agent\index.js:174:17) at ClientRequest.g (events.js:260:16) at emitOne (events.js:77:13) at ClientRequest.emit (events.js:169:7) at Socket.socketErrorListener (_http_client.js:259:9) at emitOne (events.js:77:13) at Socket.emit (events.js:169:7) at emitErrorNT (net.js:1253:8) at doNTCallback2 (node.js:441:9) at process._tickCallback (node.js:355:17) {code} h5. Steps to reproduce: 1) Install Node 4.2.2 32-bit on a windows machine 2) Run {{appc login}} 3) Enter credentials and select an org h5. Result: Failure as see above h5. Expected Result: Successful login",5 -"CLI-893","12/01/2015 20:01:24","CLI fails to find core dependencies, incorrect location. ","h5. Description: Appc CLI fails to find the core dependencies as they are not located in the correct path: {code:java} module.exports = { 'appc-cli-titanium': [ 'alloy', 'titanium', 'appc-security', 'appc-platform-sdk', 'appc-inquirer', 'node-appc' ], {code} When checking the node_modules folder under apps-cli-titanium, the following modules are missing: {{alloy , titanium , appc-security , node-appc}} h5. Steps to reproduce: 1. appc use 5.2.0-131 2. navigate to cli folder ( Default location on OSX: {{/Users/harrybryant/.appcelerator/install/5.2.0-131/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/node_modules}} ) 3. compare the above list of required modules to the modules found in the path location from step 2. h5. Result: Missing modules: {{alloy , titanium , appc-security , node-apps}} h5. Expected Result: Missing modules should be placed under path: {{/Users/harrybryant/.appcelerator/install/5.2.0-131/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/node_modules}}",8 -"CLI-895","12/02/2015 18:54:58","CLI should not honor invalid url in proxy settings","Studio might be writing down an invalid URL in the proxy configuration such as {{""proxyServer"": ""https://null”}} CLI should not attempt to make a connection using this invalid URL, and it should rather attempt to remove the URL from its configuration.",5 -"CLI-898","12/04/2015 02:32:26","In production, ""appc use"" should not display all 100 published cores in a list","*Details:* Currently in production, if you run {{appc use}}, 100 published cores are displayed in a list: {code} MonkeyLord:~ wluu$ appc use The following versions are available: 5.2.0-55 Not Installed 5.1.0 Installed (Latest) (Active) 5.0.4 Installed 5.0.3 Not Installed 5.0.2 Not Installed 5.0.1 Not Installed 5.0.0 Not Installed 4.1.3 Not Installed 4.1.2 Not Installed 4.1.1 Not Installed 4.1.0 Not Installed 5.0.0-50 Not Installed 5.0.0-40 Not Installed 4.0.2 Not Installed 4.1.0-0 Not Installed 4.0.1 Not Installed 4.0.0 Not Installed 4.0.0-rc Not Installed 1.2.123 Not Installed 0.2.285 Not Installed 0.2.283 Not Installed 0.2.282 Not Installed 0.2.276 Not Installed 0.2.273 Not Installed 0.2.255 Not Installed 0.2.247 Not Installed 0.2.246 Not Installed 0.2.242 Not Installed 0.2.241 Not Installed 0.2.230 Not Installed 0.2.229 Not Installed 0.2.228 Not Installed 0.2.227 Not Installed 0.2.226 Not Installed 0.2.225 Not Installed 0.2.224 Not Installed 0.2.223 Not Installed 0.2.222 Not Installed 0.2.221 Not Installed 0.2.220 Not Installed 0.2.219 Not Installed 0.2.218 Not Installed 0.2.217 Not Installed 0.2.216 Not Installed 0.2.215 Not Installed 0.2.214 Not Installed 0.2.213 Not Installed 0.2.212 Not Installed 0.2.210 Not Installed 0.2.209 Not Installed 0.2.208 Not Installed 0.2.207 Not Installed 0.2.204 Not Installed 0.2.203 Not Installed 0.2.201 Not Installed 0.2.200 Not Installed 0.2.199 Not Installed 0.2.198 Not Installed 0.2.198 Not Installed 0.2.197 Not Installed 0.2.196 Not Installed 0.2.195 Not Installed 0.2.192 Not Installed 0.2.191 Not Installed 0.2.187 Not Installed 0.2.186 Not Installed 0.2.185 Not Installed 0.2.183 Not Installed 0.2.182 Not Installed 0.2.181 Not Installed 0.2.181 Not Installed 0.2.180 Not Installed 0.2.179 Not Installed 0.2.178 Not Installed 0.2.177 Not Installed 0.2.176 Not Installed 0.2.175 Not Installed 0.2.174 Not Installed 0.2.173 Not Installed 0.2.172 Not Installed 0.2.170 Not Installed 0.2.169 Not Installed 0.2.101 Not Installed 0.2.101 Not Installed 0.2.101 Not Installed 0.2.100 Not Installed 0.2.99 Not Installed 0.2.98 Not Installed 0.2.97 Not Installed 0.2.96 Not Installed 0.2.95 Not Installed 0.2.46 Not Installed 0.2.45 Not Installed 0.2.45 Not Installed 0.2.44 Not Installed 0.2.43 Not Installed 0.2.42 Not Installed 0.2.41 Not Installed 0.2.40 Not Installed 0.2.39 Not Installed {code} This seems very unsightly and overwhelming. To make the list seem more manageable: * The list should only display the latest ten published cores like before. * *Or,* the list should be displayed in multiple columns. * *Or,* there should be a pagination system either through flags or interactive prompting.",0 -"CLI-899","12/04/2015 19:08:28","Components being published with prerelease option should match version format m.m.p-x","The components such as appc-cli can now be published with prerelease option even with a version such as 4.0.0. However, according to the prerelease semantic versioning policy, the components should match version format m.m.p-x for being published with prerelease option. If the version is not matched with that format, then CLI should throw error message and should not publish.",5 -"CLI-901","12/07/2015 13:20:31","Windows: appc-ti stdio can sometimes not register input","On Windows, I found when attempting to switch SDKs using: {code} appc ti sdk select {code} That my input was not registered and my SDK was never changed. Although the documentation for [stdio|https://nodejs.org/api/child_process.html#child_process_options_stdio] says _inherit_ is the same as _process.stdin/stdout_, replacing the current {{[process.stdin, process.stdout, 'pipe']}} with {{['inherit', 'inherit', 'pipe']}} solves the problem. ",3 -"CLI-908","12/11/2015 21:28:44","NPM 3 Flat node_modules Breaks CLI","cli and appc-cli-titanium, at the very least, have paths inside of them that depend on nested node_modules. With npm 3, all of the dependencies and their dependencies are flatly stored in the one node_modules directory, which breaks these references in our code. We need to be less brittle with these references. To reproduce, I am able to simply `appc use 5.2.0-155`, then try to do something like `appc ti clean` and you should see an error about not being able to find `node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/node_modules/titanium/bin/titanium`.",3 -"CLI-914","12/29/2015 20:29:56","Jailbreak detection fails with embed","An application will launch on a jailbroken device with the following property: {code} embed {code} *Expected behavior* Application closes or displays security exception splash screen *Actual behavior* Application loads regardless of jailbroken state *Tested against the following* iPhone 6 @ 9.0.2 fails to detect JB with embed policy iPhone 4s @ 7.1.0 fails to detect JB with embed policy *SDK and environment* appc ti sdk -> 5.1.1.GA tiapp.xml sdk -> 5.1.1.GA *Steps to test* 1) Open test app // vanilla alloy application 2) Add valid GUID 3) run {code} appc run -p ios -T device {code} 4) Record if the app launches on a jailbroken device *Attached files* Example application // guid stripped from tiapp.xml ",2 -"CLI-921","01/14/2016 19:28:37","Appc alloy -v returns error","When trying to run {{appc alloy -v}} I get the below error {code} Cannot find expected binary at /Users/Eric/.appcelerator/install/5.2.0-220/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/node_modules/alloy/bin/alloy. This likely means the install package at /Users/Eric/.appcelerator/install/5.2.0-220/package is invalid for version 5.2.0-220 [com.appcelerator.install.binary.missing] {code} *Steps to reproduce issue* 1. Run {{appc alloy -v}} *Actual results* I get the above error *Expected results* My alloy version is returned",5 -"CLI-924","01/15/2016 20:31:13","appc-security-jailbreak-detect does not prevent application launch on rooted Android device","[Documentation|http://docs.appcelerator.com/platform/latest/#!/guide/tiapp.xml_and_timodule.xml_Reference-section-29004921_tiapp.xmlandtimodule.xmlReference-appc-security-jailbreak-detect] specifically says android rooted devices. {quote} The special property appc-security-jailbreak-detect can be used to increase the security of your application by preventing the mobile app from running on a Jailbroken (iOS) or rooted (Android) device. {quote} In my testing this does not work. h2. Steps to reproduce h3. Create app {code} appc new ... choose mobile ... chose android ... ID is com.seth.jailbreak cd jailbreak {code} h2. Add properties just to be extra sure that the properties in enabled // note I test with no properties too {code} com.seth.jailbreak JailbreakApp 1.0 not specified not specified appicon.png false false true d57bfc79-1587-443f-8244-359bc960bafa dp true true remote ... {code} h2. Build the app {code} appc run -p android -T device // builds {code} h3. Launch Open the app on the device h3. Expected vs Actual *Expected* App closes right away or doesn't open *Actual* App opens and works like a normal app",5 -"CLI-926","01/25/2016 18:18:37","Error during arrow app publishing: unknown option `--username' with CLI 5.2.0-233","--username argument is not recognised with CLI 5.2.0-233 {code:java} kondals-MacBook-Pro:test22 kondalkolipaka$ appc publish --username kkolipaka@appcelerator.com --password xxxxx Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 5.2.0-233 Copyright (c) 2014-2016, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. error: unknown option `--username' {code} ",2 -"CLI-928","02/03/2016 21:57:50","9.2.1 iPhone crashes when jailbreak-detect is enabled","A customer has reported that a test app (source code attached) will crash on an iOS device at 9.2.1 when jailbreak-detect is setup in tiapp.xml *Environment info* SDK 5.1.2.GA CLI 5.1.0 *Tested devices* iPhone @ 9.2.1 *Test Case* {code} DEBUG=* appc run --target device --platform ios -l trace {code} *Expected Result* App runs basic hello world app *Actual Result* App crashes, no useful logs appear in the console {code} [DEBUG] Reading stylesheet from: /var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/810F5C40-ADF9-4B4B-A89F-F0FCCF970643/JailbreakCrash.app/stylesheet.plist [INFO] JailbreakCrash/1.0 (5.1.2.ca822b2) [DEBUG] Loading: /var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/810F5C40-ADF9-4B4B-A89F-F0FCCF970643/JailbreakCrash.app/app.js, Resource: app_js {code} ",8 -"CLI-931","02/04/2016 08:07:28","Alloy/Titanium via Unified CLI exits with code 0 while child process exits with 1","As ""reported"" on Twitter (https://twitter.com/ercpe/status/694852549652975616), the cli interface always exits with code 0, even on build errors which makes executing it as a part of continuous integration nearly impossible. Setup: Linux, 64 bit (haven't tried to run the build on a Mac yet). I haven't done the initial installation of appcelerator myself, but appcelerator and titanium appears to be installed in the global node_modules directory: {noformat}jenkins@jbs04 ~ $ ll /usr/bin/ti lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 41 3. Feb 12:35 /usr/bin/ti -> ../lib/node_modules/titanium/bin/titanium jenkins@jbs04 ~ $ ll /usr/bin/appc lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 41 3. Feb 09:28 /usr/bin/appc -> ../lib/node_modules/appcelerator/bin/appc {noformat} Whenever i call {{appc}} or {{ti}} the binary exits with 0: {noformat} jenkins@jbs04 ~/workspace/REDACTED $ appc ti build --platform android --deploy-type production --target dist-playstore --keystore some.keystore --store-password REDACTED --key-password REDACTED Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 5.1.0 Copyright (c) 2014-2016, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. [ERROR] JDK (Java Development Kit) not found. [ERROR] If you already have installed the JDK, verify your JAVA_HOME environment variable is correctly set. [ERROR] The JDK can be downloaded and installed from http://appcelerator.com/jdk. jenkins@jbs04 ~/workspace/REDACTED $ echo $? 0 {noformat} {noformat}jenkins@jbs04 ~/workspace/REDACTED $ appc ti build --platform android --deploy-type production --target dist-playstore --keystore ~/.cit-secure/android.keystore --store-password REDACTED --key-password REDACTED Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 5.1.0 Copyright (c) 2014-2016, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Where would you like the output APK file saved? [/var/jenkins/workspace/REDACTED/dist]: Thu Feb 04 2016 08:07:28 GMT+0100 (CET) Operating System Name = GNU/Linux Version = Architecture = 64bit # CPUs = 8 Memory = 16803028992 Node.js Node.js Version = 0.10.30 npm Version = 1.4.21 Titanium CLI CLI Version = 5.0.5 Titanium SDK SDK Version = 5.1.1.GA SDK Path = /var/jenkins/.titanium/mobilesdk/linux/5.1.1.GA Target Platform = android Command /usr/bin/node /var/jenkins/.appcelerator/install/5.1.0/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/node_modules/titanium/bin/titanium build --platform android --deploy-type production --target dist-playstore --keystore some.keystore --store-password REDACTED --key-password REDACTED--config-file /tmp/build-1454569642926.json --log-level info --no-banner ... [ERROR] Could not find all required Titanium Modules: [ERROR] id: REDACTED version: latest platform: android deploy-type: production [ERROR] id: REDACTED version: latest platform: android deploy-type: production [ERROR] id: REDACTED version: latest platform: android deploy-type: production jenkins@jbs04 ~/workspace/REDACTED $ echo $? 0{noformat} Executing the {{node}} command line from the output above fails because of the missing config json but uses a proper exit code: {noformat} jenkins@jbs04 ~/workspace/REDACTED $ /usr/bin/node /var/jenkins/.appcelerator/install/5.1.0/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/node_modules/titanium/bin/titanium build --platform android --deploy-type production --target dist-playstore --keystore some.keystore --store-password REDACTED --key-password REDACTED --log-level info --no-banner; echo $? [INFO] tiapp.xml set to 5.1.1.GA, but current Titanium SDK set to 5.1.2.GA [INFO] Forking correct SDK command: ""/usr/bin/node"" ""/var/jenkins/.appcelerator/install/5.1.0/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/node_modules/titanium/bin/titanium"" ""build"" ""--sdk"" ""5.1.1.GA"" ""--no-banner"" ""--config-file"" ""/var/jenkins/.titanium/config.json"" ""--platform"" ""android"" ""--project-dir"" ""."" ""--log-level"" ""info"" ""--android-sdk"" ""/opt/android-sdk-linux"" ""--deploy-type"" ""production"" ""--key-password"" ""*******"" ""--keystore"" ""some.keystore"" ""--store-password"" ""*******"" ""--target"" ""dist-playstore"" [ERROR] Unable to open config file ""/var/jenkins/.titanium/config.json"" [ERROR] Failed to backup the config file, please manually rename/remove it 1 {noformat}",3 -"CLI-941","02/04/2016 21:48:29","Running appc access get on an unpublished app won't throw correct error","h5. Description Trying to run this command should throw up an incorrect error. h5. Steps to Reproduce 1. Create a connector 2. Run appc access get before publishing h5. Expected Results Error to appear along the lines of ""The server returned an empty response. Note that components that have not been published yet will return empty responses like this."" h5. Actual Result Error thrown says ""No matching component!""",5 -"CLI-933","02/09/2016 00:27:16","Unable to unpublish appc-cli from registry","# Log into the production registry # Do `appc use` # Find a 0.2.X-era CLI # `appc unpublish appc-cli/appcelerator@` Error: ""ERROR | No component found or specified for unpublish""",5 -"CLI-1027","02/09/2016 17:13:18","Alloy: CodeAssist in the Appcelerator Studio does not work","When I try to type Alloy. in my controller (index.js), I expect to get CodeAssist options for type ahead. But that does not seem be working in my Studio instance. It works when I type Ti. but does not work for Alloy.",5 -"CLI-934","02/09/2016 20:12:28","Output warning message if appc-install is less than 4.2.3-2","AppC CLI 5.2.0 requires appc-install 4.2.3 to work, refer to linked issues for details. ",1 -"CLI-936","02/10/2016 18:38:37","If you use ""-o json"", then text is returned along with the JSON data","*Details:* If you use ""-o json"", then text is returned along with the JSON data. *Notes:* * This is a *regression* from Appc CLI Core 5.1.0. * This is *affecting Studio* from running an Android project; see no_android.png and no_android2.png attachments and see stack trace from Studio: {code} !STACK 0 Unexpected character (A) at position 0. at org.json.simple.parser.Yylex.yylex(Yylex.java:611) at org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser.nextToken(JSONParser.java:270) at org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser.parse(JSONParser.java:119) at org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser.parse(JSONParser.java:82) at org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser.parse(JSONParser.java:76) at com.appcelerator.titanium.android.core.AndroidSDKLocator.loadTiInfo(AndroidSDKLocator.java:841) at com.appcelerator.titanium.android.core.AndroidSDKLocator.updateTiInfo(AndroidSDKLocator.java:224) at com.appcelerator.titanium.android.core.AndroidSDKLocator.access$0(AndroidSDKLocator.java:222) at com.appcelerator.titanium.android.core.AndroidSDKLocator$1.run(AndroidSDKLocator.java:242) at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.Worker.run(Worker.java:54) {code} * This is *affecting Studio* from launching the dashboard: {code} !ENTRY com.aptana.core 1 0 2016-02-10 10:56:06.699 !MESSAGE (Build [INFO] com.aptana.core/debug/shell Running process: Process: ""/usr/local/bin/appcelerator"" ""platform"" ""sso"" ""https://appc-studio.appcelerator.com/"" ""--no-colors"" ""--no-progress-bars"" ""--no-prompt"" ""--no-banner"" ""--prompt-type"" ""socket-bundle"" ""--prompt-port"" ""54616"" ""--username"" ""wluu@appcelerator.com"" ""--password"" ""**********"" Working directory: / Environment: {ANALYTICS_SOURCE=studio, APTANA_VERSION=, Apple_PubSub_Socket_Render=/private/tmp/com.apple.launchd.9i7gwlu4vz/Render, HOME=/Users/wluu, JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_65.jdk/Contents/Home, LANG=en_US.UTF-8, LOGNAME=wluu, PATH=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_65.jdk/Contents/Home/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/git/bin:/Applications/android-sdk-macosx/tools:/Applications/android-sdk-macosx/platform-tools:/Applications/VMware Fusion.app/Contents/Library/:/Users/wluu/mongodb-osx-x86_64-2.6.7/bin:/usr/local/mysql-5.6.25-osx10.8-x86_64/bin:/Applications/apache-ant-1.9.6/bin, PWD=/, SHELL=/bin/bash, SHLVL=1, SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/private/tmp/com.apple.launchd.azqUFO1GOB/Listeners, STUDIO_NAME=Appcelerator Studio, STUDIO_PRODUCT_ID=com.appcelerator.titanium.rcp.product, STUDIO_VERSION=, TMPDIR=/var/folders/g9/bw6h6yr11t79h_mw4q1r87pm0000gp/T/, USER=wluu, XPC_FLAGS=0x0, XPC_SERVICE_NAME=0, __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F6:0x0:0x0} !ENTRY com.aptana.core 1 0 2016-02-10 10:56:07.556 !MESSAGE (Build [INFO] com.aptana.core/debug/shell/output Process Output: AppC CLI requires appcelerator@4.2.3 or newer. To install the latest version: [sudo] npm install appcelerator -g https://security-preprod.cloud.appctest.com/auth/8eb4c9fe4f987748ca18c4fd0e3f0a2862ef1482%20XYDL%2F5StdTj1xqmH15lAQao6IXIZ0dSsNHNO0pV1OZ93zYVWOmFeEZqBiJGoRL7AaZF%2BsXQVHXayDpNIUT6gsHRDoPdE8z3yXKoeZ7iafcXDS%2BgYwZcWUihsQnHac52bjXJZLQgwjn4x1Fr7qD20Z5rSNQxT%2FN%2BvsKR8jb4DAFwpKC2I8pSuH7ZXcZupqncNl%2FT2LAWSu%2FWaXZCKcihs%2F7tmMkNOSBI7RduiCalMxE%2Bie9UPwvzwRVfkIvIC1B5G0kfhYxTixWZwIC30VZvPlVFmYHqB0sCeuYpqZrYmyNOLGPMuxGyb5aRL6%2F9RQG%2FgkKKjk7QMqT5aMNbWvL%2BJtjgrj1YggYbR79mtCzR5ZHromtSjRbBER6%2Bp7u3RSTWS9g8b8lwuvLviJZwwIu056hNTjxLIYDudoJ2aA0lPaRxvB2Xh39MN8G3ltWg7h2eYCtoFEWADVrX1RXbjmPY5hX4oPfxaRGYLfLSge6FmqkMNlZ%2F1HWdPXKcgHyA1GMvcObQRswSVGPmFcZQcim5FM9wHaDydgqwr2T8MtfwZqpEE2mNqLPuM%2F7JZC7%2FnzFJn7CDYuk2%2FihQaDfeWfCkMPOi3Eu42LAwwMqHg18xY7fw8fGD3ppE%2FaTizwlXeMoWzeOKWfLXtN3aQgDeKBzga8bzNg1MlQH4XI%2B3Pb2pYlGvsmXanKcdnfpdjkd2QZa%2BskZl42RsJpaRgRzT20iUylI0rfMR89xvCb%2BhYZ4S%2FZSA1U0%2FX4H1p%2BgKRX4zdqq5DAqGY0b7FxA%2B3ndKb9Z8tOQ%3D%3D?redirect=https%3A%2F%2Fappc-studio.appcelerator.com%2F !ENTRY com.appcelerator.titanium.ui 4 0 2016-02-10 10:56:07.557 !MESSAGE (Build [ERROR] no protocol: AppC CLI requires appcelerator@4.2.3 or newer. To install the latest version: [sudo] npm install appcelerator -g https://security-preprod.cloud.appctest.com/auth/8eb4c9fe4f987748ca18c4fd0e3f0a2862ef1482%20XYDL%2F5StdTj1xqmH15lAQao6IXIZ0dSsNHNO0pV1OZ93zYVWOmFeEZqBiJGoRL7AaZF%2BsXQVHXayDpNIUT6gsHRDoPdE8z3yXKoeZ7iafcXDS%2BgYwZcWUihsQnHac52bjXJZLQgwjn4x1Fr7qD20Z5rSNQxT%2FN%2BvsKR8jb4DAFwpKC2I8pSuH7ZXcZupqncNl%2FT2LAWSu%2FWaXZCKcihs%2F7tmMkNOSBI7RduiCalMxE%2Bie9UPwvzwRVfkIvIC1B5G0kfhYxTixWZwIC30VZvPlVFmYHqB0sCeuYpqZrYmyNOLGPMuxGyb5aRL6%2F9RQG%2FgkKKjk7QMqT5aMNbWvL%2BJtjgrj1YggYbR79mtCzR5ZHromtSjRbBER6%2Bp7u3RSTWS9g8b8lwuvLviJZwwIu056hNTjxLIYDudoJ2aA0lPaRxvB2Xh39MN8G3ltWg7h2eYCtoFEWADVrX1RXbjmPY5hX4oPfxaRGYLfLSge6FmqkMNlZ%2F1HWdPXKcgHyA1GMvcObQRswSVGPmFcZQcim5FM9wHaDydgqwr2T8MtfwZqpEE2mNqLPuM%2F7JZC7%2FnzFJn7CDYuk2%2FihQaDfeWfCkMPOi3Eu42LAwwMqHg18xY7fw8fGD3ppE%2FaTizwlXeMoWzeOKWfLXtN3aQgDeKBzga8bzNg1MlQH4XI%2B3Pb2pYlGvsmXanKcdnfpdjkd2QZa%2BskZl42RsJpaRgRzT20iUylI0rfMR89xvCb%2BhYZ4S%2FZSA1U0%2FX4H1p%2BgKRX4zdqq5DAqGY0b7FxA%2B3ndKb9Z8tOQ%3D%3D.html?redirect=https%3A%2F%2Fappc-studio.appcelerator.com%2F !STACK 0 java.net.MalformedURLException: no protocol: AppC CLI requires appcelerator@4.2.3 or newer. To install the latest version: [sudo] npm install appcelerator -g https://security-preprod.cloud.appctest.com/auth/8eb4c9fe4f987748ca18c4fd0e3f0a2862ef1482%20XYDL%2F5StdTj1xqmH15lAQao6IXIZ0dSsNHNO0pV1OZ93zYVWOmFeEZqBiJGoRL7AaZF%2BsXQVHXayDpNIUT6gsHRDoPdE8z3yXKoeZ7iafcXDS%2BgYwZcWUihsQnHac52bjXJZLQgwjn4x1Fr7qD20Z5rSNQxT%2FN%2BvsKR8jb4DAFwpKC2I8pSuH7ZXcZupqncNl%2FT2LAWSu%2FWaXZCKcihs%2F7tmMkNOSBI7RduiCalMxE%2Bie9UPwvzwRVfkIvIC1B5G0kfhYxTixWZwIC30VZvPlVFmYHqB0sCeuYpqZrYmyNOLGPMuxGyb5aRL6%2F9RQG%2FgkKKjk7QMqT5aMNbWvL%2BJtjgrj1YggYbR79mtCzR5ZHromtSjRbBER6%2Bp7u3RSTWS9g8b8lwuvLviJZwwIu056hNTjxLIYDudoJ2aA0lPaRxvB2Xh39MN8G3ltWg7h2eYCtoFEWADVrX1RXbjmPY5hX4oPfxaRGYLfLSge6FmqkMNlZ%2F1HWdPXKcgHyA1GMvcObQRswSVGPmFcZQcim5FM9wHaDydgqwr2T8MtfwZqpEE2mNqLPuM%2F7JZC7%2FnzFJn7CDYuk2%2FihQaDfeWfCkMPOi3Eu42LAwwMqHg18xY7fw8fGD3ppE%2FaTizwlXeMoWzeOKWfLXtN3aQgDeKBzga8bzNg1MlQH4XI%2B3Pb2pYlGvsmXanKcdnfpdjkd2QZa%2BskZl42RsJpaRgRzT20iUylI0rfMR89xvCb%2BhYZ4S%2FZSA1U0%2FX4H1p%2BgKRX4zdqq5DAqGY0b7FxA%2B3ndKb9Z8tOQ%3D%3D.html?redirect=https%3A%2F%2Fappc-studio.appcelerator.com%2F at java.net.URL.(URL.java:585) at java.net.URL.(URL.java:482) at java.net.URL.(URL.java:431) at com.appcelerator.titanium.ui.dashboard.DashboardManager$1$1.run(DashboardManager.java:207) at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.RunnableLock.run(RunnableLock.java:35) at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Synchronizer.runAsyncMessages(Synchronizer.java:136) at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.runAsyncMessages(Display.java:3994) at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(Display.java:3671) at org.eclipse.e4.ui.internal.workbench.swt.PartRenderingEngine$9.run(PartRenderingEngine.java:1151) at org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.Realm.runWithDefault(Realm.java:332) at org.eclipse.e4.ui.internal.workbench.swt.PartRenderingEngine.run(PartRenderingEngine.java:1032) at org.eclipse.e4.ui.internal.workbench.E4Workbench.createAndRunUI(E4Workbench.java:148) at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench$5.run(Workbench.java:636) at org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.Realm.runWithDefault(Realm.java:332) at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.createAndRunWorkbench(Workbench.java:579) at org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI.createAndRunWorkbench(PlatformUI.java:150) at com.appcelerator.titanium.rcp.IDEApplication.start(IDEApplication.java:126) at org.eclipse.equinox.internal.app.EclipseAppHandle.run(EclipseAppHandle.java:196) at org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAppLauncher.runApplication(EclipseAppLauncher.java:134) at org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAppLauncher.start(EclipseAppLauncher.java:104) at org.eclipse.core.runtime.adaptor.EclipseStarter.run(EclipseStarter.java:380) at org.eclipse.core.runtime.adaptor.EclipseStarter.run(EclipseStarter.java:235) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:57) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:606) at org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.invokeFramework(Main.java:648) at org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.basicRun(Main.java:603) at org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.run(Main.java:1465) {code} *Steps to reproduce:* # Create a Titanium mobile project # In the mobile project, run {{appc ti project -o json}} *Actual:* The warning message appears along with the JSON data: {code} MonkeyLord:monkeyDroid wluu$ appc ti project -o json AppC CLI requires appcelerator@4.2.3 or newer. To install the latest version: [sudo] npm install appcelerator -g { ""deployment-targets"": { ""android"": true, ""ipad"": true, ""iphone"": true, ""mobileweb"": true, ""windows"": true }, ""sdk-version"": ""5.2.0.v20160209210348"", ""id"": ""com.appc.droid"", ""name"": ""monkeyDroid"", ""version"": ""1.0"", ""publisher"": ""not specified"", ""url"": ""unspecified"", ""description"": """", ""copyright"": ""not specified"", ""icon"": ""appicon.png"", ""analytics"": true, ""guid"": ""1e6280d1-e52b-49df-9ccc-624358910215"" } {code} *Expected:* Only JSON data should appear; no warning messages.",1 -"CLI-940","02/11/2016 23:42:29","iOS: Unable to package project. 'Undefined is not a function'","When trying to package a project for iOS, store or adhoc, I receive the following error: {code} 2016-02-11T23:38:06.145Z | ERROR | An uncaught exception was thrown! undefined is not a function 2016-02-11T23:38:06.147Z | ERROR | undefined is not a function 2016-02-11T23:38:06.149Z | TRACE | TypeError: undefined is not a function at executeCommand (/Users/Eric/.appcelerator/install/5.2.0-255/package/lib/core.js:402:79) at Object.checkLoginAndLoadPlugins (/Users/Eric/.appcelerator/install/5.2.0-255/package/lib/core.js:381:9) at Command. (/Users/Eric/.appcelerator/install/5.2.0-255/package/bin/commands/run.js:44:14) at Command. (/Users/Eric/.appcelerator/install/5.2.0-255/package/lib/commander.js:98:13) at Command.listener (/Users/Eric/.appcelerator/install/5.2.0-255/package/node_modules/commander/index.js:301:8) at Command.emit (events.js:110:17) at Command.parseArgs (/Users/Eric/.appcelerator/install/5.2.0-255/package/node_modules/commander/index.js:615:12) at Command.parse (/Users/Eric/.appcelerator/install/5.2.0-255/package/node_modules/commander/index.js:458:21) at Command.program.parse (/Users/Eric/.appcelerator/install/5.2.0-255/package/lib/commander.js:66:15) at Object. (/Users/Eric/.appcelerator/install/5.2.0-255/package/bin/appc:162:27) {code} *Steps to reproduce issue* 1. Create a new project (Classic or Alloy) 2. Try to package the project for App Store or Adhoc *Expected Results* The project is packaged successfully without error. *Actual Results* The above error is encountered and packaging fails. *Notes* Packaging from the CLI is working as expected. No Studio logs are generated.",5 -"CLI-943","02/23/2016 09:10:05","Core 5.2.0 displays incorrect/confusing warning if NPM is still < 4.2.3","We hard-coded a minimum version for the NPM part of the CLI, but haven't updated it to use the GA so it's still asking for 4.2.3-2. We need CLI-757 and CLI-696 resolved to prevent this in the future.",2 -"CLI-945","02/23/2016 22:22:10","APPC publish should honor --no-prompt flag","{{appc publish --no-prompt}} flag should be honored, and if used there should be no prompts.",3 -"CLI-949","02/27/2016 03:04:30","Windows: config files are written to different drive than process.env.HOME","On Windows, some users are not able to create an arrow app from a different drive than the home drive. This may also happen when {{HOME}} is not set initially, in either case appc will fallback to {{HOMEPATH}}. On Windows {{HOMEPATH}} is relative path. \\ h5. Reproduce steps 1. appc use 5.2.0 2. appc logout 3. go to another drive 4. create an arrow appc \\ h5. Expected result An arrow app should be created after login \\ h5. Actual result `ERROR | Error: You are not logged in. Please login again.`",5 -"CLI-950","02/27/2016 03:57:02","Process doesn't cleanup children in certain scenarios","While running the arrow unit tests from the CLI, some of the cluster tests fail because the cli isn't properly given the arrow run plugin the time to run it's process exit handlers - orphaning child processes created by the plugin.",8 -"CLI-952","03/02/2016 02:56:08","unpublish ""version"" flag confusion","See attached screenshot. The CLI docs say you can use the flag --version when unpublishing a version but per the screenshot..it doesn't recognize it exists. When you use the flag ""--ver"" it does work however. Either both should work (as the docs indicate) or make one work and remove the indication that both should work.",5 -"CLI-954","03/03/2016 13:45:10","Install Appcelerator CLI - package wasn't found in unpacked tree","I'm getting the following warnings when running sudo npm install appcelerator -g. {code}sudo npm i -g appcelerator npm WARN installMany request was bundled with appcelerator@4.2.3, but bundled package wasn't found in unpacked tree npm WARN installMany chalk was bundled with appcelerator@4.2.3, but bundled package wasn't found in unpacked tree npm WARN installMany progress was bundled with appcelerator@4.2.3, but bundled package wasn't found in unpacked tree npm WARN installMany tar was bundled with appcelerator@4.2.3, but bundled package wasn't found in unpacked tree npm WARN installMany which was bundled with appcelerator@4.2.3, but bundled package wasn't found in unpacked tree npm WARN installMany debug was bundled with appcelerator@4.2.3, but bundled package wasn't found in unpacked tree npm WARN installMany lodash was bundled with appcelerator@4.2.3, but bundled package wasn't found in unpacked tree npm WARN installMany request was bundled with appcelerator@4.2.3, but bundled package wasn't found in unpacked tree /usr/local/bin/appc -> /usr/local/lib/node_modules/appcelerator/bin/appc /usr/local/bin/appcelerator -> /usr/local/lib/node_modules/appcelerator/bin/appc appcelerator@4.2.3 /usr/local/lib/node_modules/appcelerator ├── which@1.0.8 ├── progress@1.1.8 ├── async@1.5.2 ├── semver@3.0.1 ├── debug@2.2.0 (ms@0.7.1) ├── chalk@0.5.1 (ansi-styles@1.1.0, escape-string-regexp@1.0.5, supports-color@0.2.0, strip-ansi@0.3.0, has-ansi@0.1.0) ├── update-notifier@0.5.0 (is-npm@1.0.0, semver-diff@2.1.0, string-length@1.0.1, chalk@1.1.1, repeating@1.1.3, configstore@1.4.0, latest-version@1.0.1) ├── request@2.69.0 (aws-sign2@0.6.0, forever-agent@0.6.1, tunnel-agent@0.4.2, oauth-sign@0.8.1, form-data@1.0.0-rc3, caseless@0.11.0, is-typedarray@1.0.0, stringstream@0.0.5, isstream@0.1.2, json-stringify-safe@5.0.1, extend@3.0.0, tough-cookie@2.2.1, node-uuid@1.4.7, qs@6.0.2, combined-stream@1.0.5, mime-types@2.1.10, aws4@1.3.2, bl@1.0.3, hawk@3.1.3, http-signature@1.1.1, har-validator@2.0.6) ├── tar@1.0.3 (inherits@2.0.1, block-stream@0.0.8, fstream@1.0.8) └── lodash@4.6.1{code} The CLI still finished install and works OK http://stackoverflow.com/questions/35626627/cannot-install-appcelerator-cli-package-wasnt-found-in-unpacked-tree",3 -"CLI-955","03/03/2016 20:20:23","CLI should not tell a user to install a pre-release CLI as an update from a GA version","h5.Description When telling a user that there is a new CLI we currently will tell them to update to a pre-release version. We should only tell a user to update if the version is not pre-release. See the below. {code} A new update (5.2.0-265) is available... Download with appc use 5.2.0-265 Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 5.2.0 {code} In the updateCheck method we appear to be [calling the|https://github.com/appcelerator/appc-install/blob/master/lib/util.js#L747] {{api/appc/list}} endpoint, we should either filter the pre-release CLIs from this using the prerelease parameter or we should use the {{api/appc/latest}} endpoint. *This also shows that the logic used is incorrect or does not compare the actual version numbers as 5.2.0-265 should not be considered an update to 5.2.0* h5.Steps to reproduce 1. Remove the lastUpdateCheck property from your appc-cli.json file 2. Run an appc command such as {{appc config}} h5.Actual result 1. The following will be printed out, prompting the user to update to a pre-release version {code} A new update (5.2.0-265) is available... Download with appc use 5.2.0-265 Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 5.2.0 {code} h5.Expected result 1. We should only prompt a user to update to if the version is not pre-release",3 -"CLI-957","03/04/2016 18:46:03","Unable to build modules from Appc CLI","I am unable to build modules from the Appc CLI. *Steps to reproduce issue* 1. Create a new module using: {{appc new -n testMod --id com.appc.testmod}} 2. When prompted, select ""Titanium Module"" 3. {{cd}} into {{testMod/iphone}} 4. Build the module with {{appc run -p ios --build-only}} or {{appc ti build -p ios --build-only}} *Actual Results* The module fails to build with respective errors: {{ERROR | No valid targets for run. Are you in a project folder?}} and {{[ERROR] Unable to find ""undefined"" module}} *Expected Results* The module build succeeds without issue, like the Titanium CLI command will: {{ti build -p ios --build-only}}",3 -"CLI-963","03/09/2016 19:10:37","CLI: enable template options when creating Alloy project","At the moment there is no way to create the {{two_tabbed}} alloy project from CLI, a strongly desired feature related to linked tickets. Command to use: {{appc new -t titanium --template two_tabbed}} ",3 -"CLI-969","03/17/2016 22:41:26","If you install Appc CLI Core >= 5.2.1-3, then a corrupted appcelerator tgz will appear in the package folder","*Details:* In preprod, if you install Appc CLI Core >= 5.2.1-3, then a corrupted appcelerator tgz will appear in the package folder. *Notes:* * This does not occur with Appc CLI Core 5.2.0. * On preprod, Appc CLI Cores < 5.2.1-3 does not contain the corrupted .tgz file. * It does not seem to be the Appc CLI Core itself. *Steps to reproduce:* # Go to preprod # Run {{appc use 5.2.1-16}} or later # Go to {{~/.appcelerator/install/5.2.1-16/package/}} *Actual:* The .tgz file will appear; see attachments. *Expected:* The .tgz file should not appear in that directory. ",3 -"CLI-975","03/22/2016 18:28:24","iOS: i18n and platform folders not handled correctly by Alloy in CLI","Please see ALOY-1365 for information about the changes made for Alloy referred to in this ticket. When trying to build an Alloy project with existing {{i18n}} and {{platform}} folders (without an {{alloy_generated}} file present in them), no message is shown to move the folders/files and the build succeeds when it should fail. *Steps to reproduce issue* 1. Create a new project with {{appc new}} 2. {{cd}} into the project 3. Create {{i18n}} and {{platform/ios}} directories. Place files in them 4. Build the project with {{appc run -p ios}} *Expected Results* The build fails and a message is shown indicating that the {{i18n}} and {{platform}} folders should be moved into the app directory *Actual results* No message is shown and the build succeeds *Notes* The project will correctly show the message and fail the build using {{ti build -p ios}}",1 -"CLI-976","03/22/2016 21:32:10","""appc use"" seems to broken with core 5.2.1-18 in preprod","h5.Steps to reproduce: 1. Install core 5.2.1-18 in preprod & run ""appc use"" h5.Actual Results: 1. Error is thrown: {code} /usr/local/lib/node_modules/appcelerator/lib/use.js:115 var latest = listResult[0].version; ^ TypeError: Cannot read property 'version' of undefined at findLatest (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/appcelerator/lib/use.js:115:28) at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/appcelerator/lib/use.js:63:18 at IncomingMessage. (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/appcelerator/lib/util.js:580:5) at emitNone (events.js:72:20) at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:166:7) at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:905:12) at doNTCallback2 (node.js:441:9) at process._tickCallback (node.js:355:17) Lokeshs-MacBook-Pro:Desktop lokeshchoudhary$ {code} 2. It seems to be intermittent. h5.Expected Results: 1. ""appc use"" should list the available core versions.",3 -"CLI-987","04/01/2016 12:15:46","Appcelerator Login not triggered when login is required on production build ","h3. When I try to build for Play Store while Appcelerator Login is required, an error is triggered, and the login screen is not shown. Error below. This is from Appcelerator Studio. {code:java} 2016-04-01T11:14:04.886Z | DEBUG | Get username and password... 2016-04-01T11:14:04.887Z | INFO | Appcelerator Login required to continue ... 2016-04-01T11:14:04.900Z | ERROR | An uncaught exception was thrown! 2016-04-01T11:14:04.901Z | ERROR | Cannot read property 'substring' of undefined Cannot read property 'substring' of undefined 2016-04-01T11:14:04.901Z | TRACE | TypeError: Cannot read property 'substring' of undefined at Interface.rl._getCursorPos (/Users/renepot/.appcelerator/install/5.2.0/package/node_modules/appc-inquirer/node_modules/inquirer/node_modules/readline2/index.js:55:51) at ScreenManager.render (/Users/renepot/.appcelerator/install/5.2.0/package/node_modules/appc-inquirer/node_modules/inquirer/lib/utils/screen-manager.js:19:27) at Prompt.render (/Users/renepot/.appcelerator/install/5.2.0/package/node_modules/appc-inquirer/node_modules/inquirer/lib/prompts/input.js:75:15) at Prompt._run (/Users/renepot/.appcelerator/install/5.2.0/package/node_modules/appc-inquirer/node_modules/inquirer/lib/prompts/input.js:49:8) at Prompt.run (/Users/renepot/.appcelerator/install/5.2.0/package/node_modules/appc-inquirer/node_modules/inquirer/lib/prompts/base.js:57:8) at Object. (/Users/renepot/.appcelerator/install/5.2.0/package/node_modules/appc-inquirer/node_modules/inquirer/lib/ui/prompt.js:83:12) at module.exports (/Users/renepot/.appcelerator/install/5.2.0/package/node_modules/appc-inquirer/node_modules/inquirer/node_modules/run-async/index.js:15:21) at /Users/renepot/.appcelerator/install/5.2.0/package/node_modules/appc-inquirer/node_modules/inquirer/lib/utils/utils.js:16:7 at tryCatcher (/Users/renepot/.appcelerator/install/5.2.0/package/node_modules/appc-inquirer/node_modules/inquirer/node_modules/rx-lite/rx.lite.js:537:29) at setDisposable (/Users/renepot/.appcelerator/install/5.2.0/package/node_modules/appc-inquirer/node_modules/inquirer/node_modules/rx-lite/rx.lite.js:5380:36) {code} ",3 -"CLI-978","04/01/2016 20:45:41","Appc config get always returns null","h5.Description When running {{appc config get }} the value will always return null when using 5.2.0 or higher. *This is a regression from 5.1.0* {code: title=5.2.1} C:\Users\Ewan\Documents>appc config get environmentName Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 5.2.1 Copyright (c) 2014-2016, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. null {code} {code: title=5.1.0} C:\Users\Ewan\Documents>appc config get environmentName Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 5.1.0 Copyright (c) 2014-2016, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. production {code} h5.Steps to reproduce 1. Run appc config get environmentName h5.Actual result {{null}} will be returned h5.Expected result The correct value should be returned",3 -"CLI-1139","04/08/2016 20:28:14","appc ti create shows logging warning about a possible EventEmitter memory leak","h5.Description When running {{appc ti create}} the below will be printed out warning about a possible EventEmitter memory leak {code} C:\Users\Ewan>appc ti create Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 5.3.0-12 Copyright (c) 2014-2016, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. (node) warning: possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 11 keypress listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit. Trace at ReadStream.addListener (events.js:239:17) at ReadStream.Readable.on (_stream_readable.js:673:33) at new Interface (readline.js:128:11) at Object.exports.createInterface (readline.js:22:10) at Object.Interface.createInterface (C:\Users\Ewan\.appcelerator\install\5.3.0-12\package\node_modules\inquirer\node_modules\readline2\index.js:34:21) at module.exports (C:\Users\Ewan\.appcelerator\install\5.3.0-12\package\node_modules\inquirer\lib\ui\baseUI.js:14:30) at new module.exports (C:\Users\Ewan\.appcelerator\install\5.3.0-12\package\node_modules\inquirer\lib\ui\prompt.js:15:8) at Object.promptModule [as prompt] (C:\Users\Ewan\.appcelerator\install\5.3.0-12\package\node_modules\inquirer\lib\inquirer.js:27:14) at C:\Users\Ewan\.appcelerator\install\5.3.0-12\package\bin\commands\titanium.js:158:32 at C:\Users\Ewan\.appcelerator\install\5.3.0-12\package\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:718:13 ? project type: {code} h5.Steps to reproduce 1. Run {{appc ti create}} h5.Actual result The above will be printed out h5.Expected result Although it is not the supported workflow, the above message should not be printed out and the user should be able to create an app successfully, or a message should be printed telling users to use {{appc new}}",3 -"CLI-988","04/15/2016 19:04:49","""-o"" (org-id) is not honored with appc login","*Details:* If you use {{-o}} to specify the org id with {{appc login}}, then you will still be prompted to specify the org. *Notes:* * This is not a regression from Appc CLI Core 5.2.2. * {{--org-id}} still works with {{appc login}}. *Steps to reproduce:* # Login from the CLI with {{-o}}: {{appc login --username --password -o }} *Actual:* You will be prompted for the org id; see attachment. *Expected:* You should not be prompted for the org id.",1 -"CLI-989","04/15/2016 19:40:50","CLI not responding on self signed certificate","h6.description When we use self signed certificate internally for the firewall, we are getting the following error for ""appc"" or ""appc setup"" command {code:title=Error} [010132125106:bin cprice$ DEBUG=* appc setup -l trace appc:bin install bin is undefined +0ms appc:bin main subcommand setup +4ms appc:bin main setup found +9ms appc:bin main - !installBin or couldn't find it null +0ms appc:install preflight checks, is this windows? 0 +1ms appc:install home directory located at /Users/cprice +1ms appc:install install, wantVersion: , url: https://software.appcelerator.com/api/appc/install/, bin: +59ms appc:download download start, quiet 0, banner 1 +2ms appc:download download called with arguments: { '0': false, '1': false, '2': '', '3': '/var/folders/zs/hnjjcnrn72j7mrd6hhnj50k5z62p65/T/appc-1460744471524.tar.gz', '4': { _writableState: { objectMode: false, highWaterMark: 16384, needDrain: false, ending: false, ended: false, finished: false, decodeStrings: true, defaultEncoding: 'utf8', length: 0, writing: false, corked: 0, sync: true, bufferProcessing: false, onwrite: [Function], writecb: null, writelen: 0, bufferedRequest: null, lastBufferedRequest: null, pendingcb: 0, prefinished: false, errorEmitted: false }, writable: true, domain: null, _events: { finish: [Object] }, _maxListeners: undefined, path: '/var/folders/zs/hnjjcnrn72j7mrd6hhnj50k5z62p65/T/appc-1460744471524.tar.gz', fd: null, flags: 'w', mode: 438, start: undefined, pos: undefined, bytesWritten: 0 }, '5': 'https://software.appcelerator.com/api/appc/install/', '6': [Function], '7': false } +0ms Finding latest version ... appc:download connection attempt 1 of 10 +4ms appc:util request {""url"":{""protocol"":""https:"",""slashes"":true,""auth"":null,""host"":""software.appcelerator.com"",""port"":443,""hostname"":""software.appcelerator.com"",""hash"":null,""search"":null,""query"":null,""pathname"":""/api/appc/install/"",""path"":""/api/appc/install/"",""href"":""https://software.appcelerator.com/api/appc/install/""},""headers"":{""user-agent"":""Appcelerator CLI/4.2.4 (darwin)"",""host"":""software.appcelerator.com"",""appc-token"":null}} +179ms - appc:util request error +1s { [Error: self signed certificate in certificate chain] code: 'SELF_SIGNED_CERT_IN_CHAIN' } appc:download error from download was: { [Error: self signed certificate in certificate chain] code: 'SELF_SIGNED_CERT_IN_CHAIN' } +2ms appc:error creating AppCError Server responded with unexpected error: self signed certificate in certificate chain. Please re-try your install again. If you continue to have this problem, please contact Appcelerator Support at support@appcelerator.com., com.appcelerator.install.download.server.response.error +1ms appc:util fail { [AppCError: Server responded with unexpected error: self signed certificate in certificate chain. Please re-try your install again. If you continue to have this problem, please contact Appcelerator Support at support@appcelerator.com.] id: 'com.appcelerator.install.download.server.response.error', name: 'AppCError', message: 'Server responded with unexpected error: self signed certificate in certificate chain. Please re-try your install again. If you continue to have this problem, please contact Appcelerator Support at support@appcelerator.com.' } +2ms appc:error creating AppCError Server responded with unexpected error: self signed certificate in certificate chain. Please re-try your install again. If you continue to have this problem, please contact Appcelerator Support at support@appcelerator.com., com.appcelerator.install.download.server.response.error +1ms appc:util fail { [AppCError: Server responded with unexpected error: self signed certificate in certificate chain. Please re-try your install again. If you continue to have this problem, please contact Appcelerator Support at support@appcelerator.com.] id: 'com.appcelerator.install.download.server.response.error', name: 'AppCError', message: 'Server responded with unexpected error: self signed certificate in certificate chain. Please re-try your install again. If you continue to have this problem, please contact Appcelerator Support at support@appcelerator.com.' } +2ms AppCError: Server responded with unexpected error: self signed certificate in certificate chain. Please re-try your install again. If you continue to have this problem, please contact Appcelerator Support at support@appcelerator.com. at Object.exports.createError (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/appcelerator/lib/error.js:157:10) at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/appcelerator/lib/download.js:49:29 at Request. (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/appcelerator/lib/util.js:535:10) at Request.emit (events.js:107:17) at Request.onRequestError (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/appcelerator/node_modules/request/request.js:831:8) at ClientRequest.emit (events.js:107:17) at TLSSocket.socketErrorListener (_http_client.js:271:9) at TLSSocket.emit (events.js:129:20) at TLSSocket. (_tls_wrap.js:942:18) at TLSSocket.emit (events.js:104:17) Server responded with unexpected error: self signed certificate in certificate chain. Please re-try your install again. If you continue to have this problem, please contact Appcelerator Support at support@appcelerator.com. {code}",13 -"CLI-991","04/19/2016 18:24:42","If you create a mobile project with ""appc new --project-dir"", then the CLI will prompt you to override the specified directory","*Details:* If you create a mobile project with {{appc new --project-dir}}, then the CLI will prompt you to override the specified directory e.g.: {code} MonkeyLord:~ wluu$ appc new --name monkey --id com.appc.monkey --type titanium --project-dir ~/Documents/Appcelerator_Studio_Workspace/ Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 5.3.0-20 Copyright (c) 2014-2016, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Preproduction Environment Active ? Do you want to overwrite? (y/N) {code} *Notes:* * This is *not a regression*. * To workaround this issue, you will need to specify the project name at the end of the project-dir: {code} appc new --name monkey --id com.appc.monkey --type titanium --project-dir ~/Documents/Appcelerator_Studio_Workspace/monkey {code} * This issue does not appear with {{appc ti create}}: {code} appc ti create --name monkey --id com.appc.help --type app -d ~/Documents/Appcelerator_Studio_Workspace/ {code} *Steps to reproduce:* # Create a mobile project with all the required flags: {code} appc new --name monkey --id com.appc.monkey --type titanium --project-dir ~/Documents/Appcelerator_Studio_Workspace/ {code} *Actual:* CLI will prompt you to override the specified project-dir; see above for output. *Expected:* CLI should not prompt you to override the specified project-dir and just create the project in the specified project-dir.",3 -"CLI-997","04/20/2016 22:43:25","""appc ti config -r "" does not remove the key but instead asks for login","h5.Steps to reproduce: 1. Run ""appc ti config -r "". h5.Actual Results: 1. You will be asked to login to CLI. (I double checked & I was logged in already) 2. ""appc ti config --remove "" works as expected. h5.Expected Results: 1. ""-r"" flag should remove the key. ",1 -"CLI-998","04/26/2016 19:09:35","We are displaying an OEM vendor name in logging and should not","We are displaying soasta in logging during new project setup and we should not. The correct product name is AppC Test. ",2 -"CLI-999","04/28/2016 01:19:02","""(node:19181) fs: re-evaluating native module sources is not supported."" message appears when you run ""appc new"" with Node 6","*Details:* If you run {{appc new}} with Node 6, then {{(node:19181) fs: re-evaluating native module sources is not supported.}} message will appear. *Steps to reproduce:* # Make sure you installed Node 6 # Run {{appc new}} *Actual:* {{(node:19181) fs: re-evaluating native module sources is not supported.}} message will appear: {code} MonkeyLord:~ wluu$ appc new Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 5.3.0-37 Copyright (c) 2014-2016, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Preproduction Environment Active (node:19181) fs: re-evaluating native module sources is not supported. If you are using the graceful-fs module, please update it to a more recent version. ? What type of project are you creating? (Use arrow keys) ❯ Native App (app) Arrow App (arrow) Titanium Module (timodule) Apple Watch™ App {code} *Expected:* No weird messages should appear.",3 -"CLI-1002","05/03/2016 23:26:29","If you pass ""--help"" or ""-h"" flag to ""appc ti"", then ""Cannot read property 'match' of undefined"" error is returned","*Details:* If you pass {{--help}} or {{-h}} flag to {{appc ti}}, then {{Cannot read property 'match' of undefined}} error is returned. *Notes:* * This is *not a regression*. * The help usage sill appears even though you will encounter the error. *Steps to reproduce:* # From terminal, run: {{appc ti -h}} or {{appc ti --help}} *Actual:* {{Cannot read property 'match' of undefined}} error is returned: {code} MonkeyLord:~ wluu$ appc ti -h Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 5.3.0-43 Copyright (c) 2014-2016, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Usage: titanium|ti [options] execute titanium commands Options: -h, --help output usage information --project-dir directory containing the project -l, --log-level change log level -o, --output format output [only ""json"" is supported] -v, --version output the version of the cli [if -o ""json"", the version of npm will also be output] -q, --quiet reduce the amount of text output to the console --no-banner disable banner --no-colors disable colors --no-services disable services --no-progress, --no-progress-bars disable progress bars --no-prompt disable prompt --prompt-port port to use socket-based prompting --prompt-type prompt type [""cli"",""socket"",""socket-bundle""], defaults to ""cli"" --username username for login --password password for login -e, --env environment such as production, preproduction, development, etc -o, --org-id organization id for logins -P, --plugin-paths comma-separated search paths for plugins -r, --registry the registry server url to use -s, --server the security server url to use for logins -v, --vpc-env vpc environment for logins An uncaught exception was thrown! Cannot read property 'match' of undefined Cannot read property 'match' of undefined {code} *Expected:* No errors should be returned when using the help flag.",3 -"CLI-1003","05/04/2016 19:32:51","If you run ""appc setup"" with the help flag, then ""appc setup"" will try to find/download the latest core first","*Details:* If you run {{appc setup}} with the help flag, then {{appc setup}} will try to find or download the latest core first before displaying the help options. *Note:* This *is not a regression*. *Steps to reproduce:* # Run {{appc setup --help}} or {{appc setup -h}} *Actual:* The CLI will try to find or download the latest core first: {code} MonkeyLord:~ wluu$ appc setup --help Finding latest version ...5.2.2 ✓ Version 5.2.2 already installed. Usage: setup [options] called to setup your environment Options: -h, --help output usage information --dashboard the dashboard url to use for logins -l, --log-level change log level -o, --output format output [only ""json"" is supported] -v, --version output the version of the cli [if -o ""json"", the version of npm will also be output] -q, --quiet reduce the amount of text output to the console --no-banner disable banner --no-colors disable colors --no-services disable services --no-progress, --no-progress-bars disable progress bars --no-prompt disable prompt --prompt-port port to use socket-based prompting --prompt-type prompt type [""cli"",""socket"",""socket-bundle""], defaults to ""cli"" --username username for login --password password for login -e, --env environment such as production, preproduction, development, etc -o, --org-id organization id for logins -P, --plugin-paths comma-separated search paths for plugins -r, --registry the registry server url to use -s, --server the security server url to use for logins -v, --vpc-env vpc environment for logins error: unknown option `--help' MonkeyLord:~ wluu$ {code} *Expected:* The CLI should not find or download the latest core when running {{appc setup}} with the help flag.",3 -"CLI-1004","05/04/2016 23:52:14","CLI to use security server instead of registry for login","Part of the [SEC-4] arrow port of security server, we should have CLI point to the new security endpoint rather than registry. We will also need to probably have a proxy server re-route traffic from registry's old login endpoint to the new security server as we cannot guarantee all CLI will be updated at the same time. There are the URLs that have been changed. POST https://www.software.appcelerator.com/api/login GET https://www.software.appcelerator.com/api/checkSession GET https://www.software.appcelerator.com/api/orgs POST https://www.software.appcelerator.com/api/org GET https://www.software.appcelerator.com/api/whoami ",5 -"CLI-1009","05/06/2016 19:26:49","""appc ti -v"" should not require login","Currently {{appc ti -v}} requires login, which it should not since you should always be able to get the version, just as you can for {{appc alloy}} and {{appc acs}}: {code} Fokkes-MacBook-Pro:~ fokkezb$ appc alloy -v 1.8.7 Fokkes-MacBook-Pro:~ fokkezb$ Fokkes-MacBook-Pro:~ fokkezb$ appc acs -v 1.2.0 Fokkes-MacBook-Pro:~ fokkezb$ appc ti -v Appcelerator Login required to continue ... ? Appcelerator ID: fzandbergen@appcelerator.com ? Password: * ? Into which organization would you like to login? Appcelerator, Inc 5.0.8 {code}",1 -"CLI-1015","05/18/2016 07:32:18","LiveView hook should be moved to the Unified CLI","LiveView is a CLI plugin that lives under Studio and is not hooked into the (Unified) Titanium CLI until it has been run via Studio. Every time the LiveView version changes because you've updated Studio you also have to run it once via Studio to have the hook path updated. The LiveView hook should be moved to the Unified CLI so that it no longer depends on Studio.",8 -"CLI-1018","05/20/2016 19:36:10","appc should invoke acs cli with -h http://on-premise cluster","Rantha reported that he deployed an on-premise cluster with http only and when he used appc cli, the ~/.acs file ( result of invoking acs) uses port 443 instead of port 80. This is because appc cli didn't invoke acs cli properly , see ticket NODEJS-2513. ",3 -"CLI-1021","05/25/2016 00:43:17","""appc user remove"" returns ""invalid action"" error","*Details:* If you run {{appc user remove}}, {{Error: invalid action ""remove""}} is returned. *Notes:* This is not a regression from current GA stack. *Steps to reproduce:* # In terminal, run {{appc user remove}} *Actual:* {{Error: invalid action ""remove""}} is returned: {code} 2016-05-24T23:08:42.596Z | ERROR | Error: invalid action ""remove"" at Object.module.exports (/Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/5.2.2/package/lib/commands/user.js:51:20) at /Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/5.2.2/package/bin/commands/user.js:54:27 at executeWithoutPlugins (/Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/5.2.2/package/lib/core.js:434:11) at fn (/Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/5.2.2/package/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:746:34) at /Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/5.2.2/package/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:1213:16 at /Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/5.2.2/package/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:166:37 at /Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/5.2.2/package/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:706:43 at /Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/5.2.2/package/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:167:37 at /Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/5.2.2/package/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:1209:30 at /Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/5.2.2/package/lib/core.js:425:13 {code} *Expected:* No errors should be returned.",1 -"CLI-1022","05/25/2016 01:27:41","If you set access to an Arrow connector, ""Successfully set access for to null."" will appear","*Details:* If you set access to an Arrow connector, ""Successfully set access for to null."" will appear. *Notes:* This is not a regression from current GA stack. *Steps to reproduce:* # Generate an empty connector with {{appc generate}} # Publish the connector # In the connector, run: {{appc access set public}} *Actual:* The following message should appear: {code} MonkeyLord:com.monkeypencil wluu$ appc access set public Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 5.2.2 Copyright (c) 2014-2016, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Preproduction Environment Active Successfully set access for public to null. {code} *Expected:* Confusing message should not appear.",3 -"CLI-1024","05/31/2016 10:04:59","ti info returned the invalid json output","Here's a bunch of stack traces from my session this morning: {code} !STACK 0 Unexpected character (() at position 0. at org.json.simple.parser.Yylex.yylex(Yylex.java:611) at org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser.nextToken(JSONParser.java:270) at org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser.parse(JSONParser.java:119) at org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser.parse(JSONParser.java:82) at org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser.parse(JSONParser.java:76) at com.appcelerator.titanium.android.core.AndroidSDKLocator.loadTiInfo(AndroidSDKLocator.java:848) at com.appcelerator.titanium.android.core.AndroidSDKLocator.updateTiInfo(AndroidSDKLocator.java:226) at com.appcelerator.titanium.android.core.AndroidSDKLocator.access$0(AndroidSDKLocator.java:224) at com.appcelerator.titanium.android.core.AndroidSDKLocator$1.run(AndroidSDKLocator.java:244) at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.Worker.run(Worker.java:54) !ENTRY org.eclipse.core.jobs 4 2 2016-04-11 10:06:43.547 !MESSAGE An internal error occurred during: ""Configuring SDK"". !STACK 0 java.lang.NullPointerException at com.appcelerator.titanium.ios.ui.configuration.IOSSDKConfigurer.doConfigure(IOSSDKConfigurer.java:108) at com.appcelerator.titanium.ui.mobile.BaseMobilePlatformConfigurer.configure(BaseMobilePlatformConfigurer.java:44) at com.appcelerator.titanium.ui.mobile.PlatformsInstallManager$3.run(PlatformsInstallManager.java:171) at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.Worker.run(Worker.java:54) !ENTRY org.eclipse.core.jobs 2 2 2016-04-11 10:06:55.243 !MESSAGE Job found still running after platform shutdown. Jobs should be canceled by the plugin that scheduled them during shutdown: com.appcelerator.titanium.android.core.AndroidSDKLocator$1 !SESSION 2016-04-11 10:07:53.414 ----------------------------------------------- eclipse.buildId=unknown java.version=1.8.0_25 java.vendor=Oracle Corporation BootLoader constants: OS=macosx, ARCH=x86_64, WS=cocoa, NL=en_US Framework arguments: -keyring /Users/rickblalock/.eclipse_keyring -showlocation Command-line arguments: -os macosx -ws cocoa -arch x86_64 -keyring /Users/rickblalock/.eclipse_keyring -consoleLog -showlocation !ENTRY org.eclipse.core.net 1 0 2016-04-11 10:07:57.674 !MESSAGE System property http.nonProxyHosts has been set to local|*.local|169.254/16|*.169.254/16 by an external source. This value will be overwritten using the values from the preferences !ENTRY com.appcelerator.titanium.rcp 4 0 2016-04-11 10:08:01.493 !MESSAGE (Build [ERROR] Unexpected end-of-input: was expecting closing quote for a string value at [Source: java.io.StringReader@39e32ce2; line: 1802, column: 1559] !STACK 0 com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException: Unexpected end-of-input: was expecting closing quote for a string value at [Source: java.io.StringReader@39e32ce2; line: 1802, column: 1559] at com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser._constructError(JsonParser.java:1486) at com.fasterxml.jackson.core.base.ParserMinimalBase._reportError(ParserMinimalBase.java:518) at com.fasterxml.jackson.core.base.ParserMinimalBase._reportInvalidEOF(ParserMinimalBase.java:455) at com.fasterxml.jackson.core.json.ReaderBasedJsonParser._finishString2(ReaderBasedJsonParser.java:1598) at com.fasterxml.jackson.core.json.ReaderBasedJsonParser._finishString(ReaderBasedJsonParser.java:1585) at com.fasterxml.jackson.core.json.ReaderBasedJsonParser.getText(ReaderBasedJsonParser.java:233) at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.std.BaseNodeDeserializer.deserializeObject(JsonNodeDeserializer.java:230) at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.std.BaseNodeDeserializer.deserializeObject(JsonNodeDeserializer.java:224) at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.std.BaseNodeDeserializer.deserializeObject(JsonNodeDeserializer.java:224) at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.std.JsonNodeDeserializer.deserialize(JsonNodeDeserializer.java:62) at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.std.JsonNodeDeserializer.deserialize(JsonNodeDeserializer.java:14) at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper._readMapAndClose(ObjectMapper.java:3560) at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper.readTree(ObjectMapper.java:2134) at com.appcelerator.titanium.rcp.handlers.TitaniumSplashHandler.verifyAppcWhoami(TitaniumSplashHandler.java:1238) at com.appcelerator.titanium.rcp.handlers.TitaniumSplashHandler.access$4(TitaniumSplashHandler.java:1215) at com.appcelerator.titanium.rcp.handlers.TitaniumSplashHandler$3.run(TitaniumSplashHandler.java:303) !ENTRY com.appcelerator.titanium.rcp 4 0 2016-04-11 10:08:27.312 !MESSAGE (Build [ERROR] Unexpected end-of-input: was expecting closing quote for a string value at [Source: java.io.StringReader@277c8784; line: 1802, column: 1559] !STACK 0 com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException: Unexpected end-of-input: was expecting closing quote for a string value at [Source: java.io.StringReader@277c8784; line: 1802, column: 1559] at com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser._constructError(JsonParser.java:1486) at com.fasterxml.jackson.core.base.ParserMinimalBase._reportError(ParserMinimalBase.java:518) at com.fasterxml.jackson.core.base.ParserMinimalBase._reportInvalidEOF(ParserMinimalBase.java:455) at com.fasterxml.jackson.core.json.ReaderBasedJsonParser._finishString2(ReaderBasedJsonParser.java:1598) at com.fasterxml.jackson.core.json.ReaderBasedJsonParser._finishString(ReaderBasedJsonParser.java:1585) at com.fasterxml.jackson.core.json.ReaderBasedJsonParser.getText(ReaderBasedJsonParser.java:233) at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.std.BaseNodeDeserializer.deserializeObject(JsonNodeDeserializer.java:230) at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.std.BaseNodeDeserializer.deserializeObject(JsonNodeDeserializer.java:224) at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.std.BaseNodeDeserializer.deserializeObject(JsonNodeDeserializer.java:224) at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.std.JsonNodeDeserializer.deserialize(JsonNodeDeserializer.java:62) at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.std.JsonNodeDeserializer.deserialize(JsonNodeDeserializer.java:14) at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper._readMapAndClose(ObjectMapper.java:3560) at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper.readTree(ObjectMapper.java:2134) at com.appcelerator.titanium.rcp.handlers.TitaniumSplashHandler.verifyAppcWhoami(TitaniumSplashHandler.java:1238) at com.appcelerator.titanium.rcp.handlers.TitaniumSplashHandler.rebuild(TitaniumSplashHandler.java:1252) at com.appcelerator.titanium.rcp.handlers.TitaniumSplashHandler.access$5(TitaniumSplashHandler.java:1242) at com.appcelerator.titanium.rcp.handlers.TitaniumSplashHandler$3.run(TitaniumSplashHandler.java:311) !ENTRY com.aptana.scripting 4 0 2016-04-11 10:08:28.600 !MESSAGE (Build [ERROR] Failed to load bundle /Applications/Appcelerator Studio/plugins/com.appcelerator.titanium.core_3.1.2.1455193238/bundles/titanium_mobile.ruble !STACK 0 Can't construct a java object for !ruby/object:Ruble::Bundle; exception=Invalid tag: !ruby/object:Ruble::Bundle in """", line 1, column 5: --- !ruby/object:Ruble::Bundle ^ at org.yaml.snakeyaml.constructor.Constructor$ConstructYamlObject.construct(Constructor.java:325) at org.yaml.snakeyaml.constructor.BaseConstructor.constructObject(BaseConstructor.java:181) at org.yaml.snakeyaml.constructor.BaseConstructor.constructDocument(BaseConstructor.java:140) at org.yaml.snakeyaml.constructor.BaseConstructor.getSingleData(BaseConstructor.java:126) at org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml.loadFromReader(Yaml.java:296) at org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml.load(Yaml.java:290) at com.aptana.scripting.model.BundleCacher.load(BundleCacher.java:328) at com.aptana.scripting.model.BundleCacher.load(BundleCacher.java:286) at com.aptana.scripting.model.BundleManager$BundleLoadJob.run(BundleManager.java:110) at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.Worker.run(Worker.java:54) Caused by: org.yaml.snakeyaml.error.YAMLException: Invalid tag: !ruby/object:Ruble::Bundle at org.yaml.snakeyaml.nodes.Tag.getClassName(Tag.java:108) at org.yaml.snakeyaml.constructor.Constructor.getClassForNode(Constructor.java:620) at org.yaml.snakeyaml.constructor.Constructor$ConstructYamlObject.getConstructor(Constructor.java:313) at org.yaml.snakeyaml.constructor.Constructor$ConstructYamlObject.construct(Constructor.java:323) ... 9 more !ENTRY com.aptana.js.debug.core 4 0 2016-04-11 10:08:31.586 !MESSAGE (Build [ERROR] Reading {0} fails !STACK 0 java.io.FileNotFoundException: /Users/rickblalock/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles/vq9c71nj.default/prefs.js (No such file or directory) at java.io.FileInputStream.open(Native Method) at java.io.FileInputStream.(FileInputStream.java:138) at com.aptana.js.debug.core.internal.browsers.FirebugUtil.registerEditor(FirebugUtil.java:67) at com.aptana.js.debug.ui.JSDebugUIPlugin.registerAsFirebugEditor(JSDebugUIPlugin.java:170) at com.aptana.js.debug.ui.JSDebugUIPlugin.start(JSDebugUIPlugin.java:106) at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.framework.BundleContextImpl$3.run(BundleContextImpl.java:771) at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.framework.BundleContextImpl$3.run(BundleContextImpl.java:1) at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method) at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.framework.BundleContextImpl.startActivator(BundleContextImpl.java:764) at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.framework.BundleContextImpl.start(BundleContextImpl.java:721) at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.framework.EquinoxBundle.startWorker0(EquinoxBundle.java:936) at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.framework.EquinoxBundle$EquinoxModule.startWorker(EquinoxBundle.java:319) at org.eclipse.osgi.container.Module.doStart(Module.java:571) at org.eclipse.osgi.container.Module.start(Module.java:439) at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.util.SecureAction.start(SecureAction.java:454) at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.hooks.EclipseLazyStarter.postFindLocalClass(EclipseLazyStarter.java:107) at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.classpath.ClasspathManager.findLocalClass(ClasspathManager.java:531) at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.ModuleClassLoader.findLocalClass(ModuleClassLoader.java:324) at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.BundleLoader.findLocalClass(BundleLoader.java:320) at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.BundleLoader.findClassInternal(BundleLoader.java:395) at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.BundleLoader.findClass(BundleLoader.java:345) at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.BundleLoader.findClass(BundleLoader.java:337) at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.ModuleClassLoader.loadClass(ModuleClassLoader.java:160) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:357) at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.framework.EquinoxBundle.loadClass(EquinoxBundle.java:568) at org.eclipse.core.internal.registry.osgi.RegistryStrategyOSGI.createExecutableExtension(RegistryStrategyOSGI.java:174) at org.eclipse.core.internal.registry.ExtensionRegistry.createExecutableExtension(ExtensionRegistry.java:905) at org.eclipse.core.internal.registry.ConfigurationElement.createExecutableExtension(ConfigurationElement.java:243) at org.eclipse.core.internal.registry.ConfigurationElementHandle.createExecutableExtension(ConfigurationElementHandle.java:55) at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPlugin$1.run(WorkbenchPlugin.java:294) at org.eclipse.swt.custom.BusyIndicator.showWhile(BusyIndicator.java:52) at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPlugin.createExtension(WorkbenchPlugin.java:289) at org.eclipse.ui.internal.decorators.LightweightDecoratorDefinition$1.run(LightweightDecoratorDefinition.java:125) at org.eclipse.core.runtime.SafeRunner.run(SafeRunner.java:42) at org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform.run(Platform.java:867) at org.eclipse.ui.internal.decorators.LightweightDecoratorDefinition.internalGetDecorator(LightweightDecoratorDefinition.java:120) at org.eclipse.ui.internal.decorators.LightweightDecoratorDefinition.decorate(LightweightDecoratorDefinition.java:255) at org.eclipse.ui.internal.decorators.LightweightDecoratorManager$LightweightRunnable.run(LightweightDecoratorManager.java:83) at org.eclipse.core.runtime.SafeRunner.run(SafeRunner.java:42) at org.eclipse.ui.internal.decorators.LightweightDecoratorManager.decorate(LightweightDecoratorManager.java:367) at org.eclipse.ui.internal.decorators.LightweightDecoratorManager.getDecorations(LightweightDecoratorManager.java:349) at org.eclipse.ui.internal.decorators.DecorationScheduler$1.ensureResultCached(DecorationScheduler.java:372) at org.eclipse.ui.internal.decorators.DecorationScheduler$1.run(DecorationScheduler.java:332) at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.Worker.run(Worker.java:54) !ENTRY com.appcelerator.titanium.core 4 0 2016-04-11 10:08:34.548 !MESSAGE (Build [ERROR] Location to be watched doesn't exist: /Library/Application Support/Titanium/modules !ENTRY com.appcelerator.titanium.core 4 0 2016-04-11 10:08:43.311 !MESSAGE (Build [ERROR] Unexpected end-of-input: was expecting closing quote for a string value at [Source: java.io.StringReader@47b0b491; line: 1802, column: 1559] !STACK 1 org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException: Unexpected end-of-input: was expecting closing quote for a string value at [Source: java.io.StringReader@47b0b491; line: 1802, column: 1559] at com.appcelerator.titanium.core.user.TitaniumUser.doGetOrganizations(TitaniumUser.java:392) at com.appcelerator.titanium.core.user.TitaniumUser.getOrganizations(TitaniumUser.java:294) at com.appcelerator.titanium.core.user.TitaniumUser.getOrganizationById(TitaniumUser.java:419) at com.appcelerator.titanium360.internal.ui.launch.DeveloperAccountListener.isDeveloperAccount(DeveloperAccountListener.java:55) at com.appcelerator.titanium360.internal.ui.launch.DeveloperAccountListener.loggedIn(DeveloperAccountListener.java:25) at com.appcelerator.titanium.core.user.TitaniumUserManager.addUserListener(TitaniumUserManager.java:628) at com.appcelerator.titanium360.ui.Titanium360UIPlugin$1.run(Titanium360UIPlugin.java:65) at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.Worker.run(Worker.java:54) Caused by: com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException: Unexpected end-of-input: was expecting closing quote for a string value at [Source: java.io.StringReader@47b0b491; line: 1802, column: 1559] at com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser._constructError(JsonParser.java:1486) at com.fasterxml.jackson.core.base.ParserMinimalBase._reportError(ParserMinimalBase.java:518) at com.fasterxml.jackson.core.base.ParserMinimalBase._reportInvalidEOF(ParserMinimalBase.java:455) at com.fasterxml.jackson.core.json.ReaderBasedJsonParser._finishString2(ReaderBasedJsonParser.java:1598) at com.fasterxml.jackson.core.json.ReaderBasedJsonParser._finishString(ReaderBasedJsonParser.java:1585) at com.fasterxml.jackson.core.json.ReaderBasedJsonParser.getText(ReaderBasedJsonParser.java:233) at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.std.BaseNodeDeserializer.deserializeObject(JsonNodeDeserializer.java:230) at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.std.BaseNodeDeserializer.deserializeObject(JsonNodeDeserializer.java:224) at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.std.BaseNodeDeserializer.deserializeObject(JsonNodeDeserializer.java:224) at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.std.JsonNodeDeserializer.deserialize(JsonNodeDeserializer.java:62) at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.std.JsonNodeDeserializer.deserialize(JsonNodeDeserializer.java:14) at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper._readMapAndClose(ObjectMapper.java:3560) at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper.readTree(ObjectMapper.java:2134) at com.appcelerator.titanium.core.user.TitaniumUser.doGetOrganizations(TitaniumUser.java:385) ... 7 more !SUBENTRY 1 com.appcelerator.titanium.core 4 0 2016-04-11 10:08:43.312 !MESSAGE Unexpected end-of-input: was expecting closing quote for a string value at [Source: java.io.StringReader@47b0b491; line: 1802, column: 1559] !STACK 0 com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException: Unexpected end-of-input: was expecting closing quote for a string value at [Source: java.io.StringReader@47b0b491; line: 1802, column: 1559] at com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser._constructError(JsonParser.java:1486) at com.fasterxml.jackson.core.base.ParserMinimalBase._reportError(ParserMinimalBase.java:518) at com.fasterxml.jackson.core.base.ParserMinimalBase._reportInvalidEOF(ParserMinimalBase.java:455) at com.fasterxml.jackson.core.json.ReaderBasedJsonParser._finishString2(ReaderBasedJsonParser.java:1598) at com.fasterxml.jackson.core.json.ReaderBasedJsonParser._finishString(ReaderBasedJsonParser.java:1585) at com.fasterxml.jackson.core.json.ReaderBasedJsonParser.getText(ReaderBasedJsonParser.java:233) at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.std.BaseNodeDeserializer.deserializeObject(JsonNodeDeserializer.java:230) at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.std.BaseNodeDeserializer.deserializeObject(JsonNodeDeserializer.java:224) at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.std.BaseNodeDeserializer.deserializeObject(JsonNodeDeserializer.java:224) at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.std.JsonNodeDeserializer.deserialize(JsonNodeDeserializer.java:62) at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.std.JsonNodeDeserializer.deserialize(JsonNodeDeserializer.java:14) at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper._readMapAndClose(ObjectMapper.java:3560) at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper.readTree(ObjectMapper.java:2134) at com.appcelerator.titanium.core.user.TitaniumUser.doGetOrganizations(TitaniumUser.java:385) at com.appcelerator.titanium.core.user.TitaniumUser.getOrganizations(TitaniumUser.java:294) at com.appcelerator.titanium.core.user.TitaniumUser.getOrganizationById(TitaniumUser.java:419) at com.appcelerator.titanium360.internal.ui.launch.DeveloperAccountListener.isDeveloperAccount(DeveloperAccountListener.java:55) at com.appcelerator.titanium360.internal.ui.launch.DeveloperAccountListener.loggedIn(DeveloperAccountListener.java:25) at com.appcelerator.titanium.core.user.TitaniumUserManager.addUserListener(TitaniumUserManager.java:628) at com.appcelerator.titanium360.ui.Titanium360UIPlugin$1.run(Titanium360UIPlugin.java:65) at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.Worker.run(Worker.java:54) !ENTRY com.aptana.js.core 4 0 2016-04-11 10:09:09.995 !MESSAGE (Build [ERROR] Failed to determine installed version of package 'appcelerator': null !ENTRY com.appcelerator.titanium.alloy.ui 4 0 2016-04-11 10:09:10.174 !MESSAGE (Build [ERROR] Failed to add Alloy project templates !STACK 1 org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException: Cannot find expected binary at /Users/rickblalock/.appcelerator/install/5.2.2/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/node_modules/alloy/bin/alloy. This likely means the install package at /Users/rickblalock/.appcelerator/install/5.2.2/package is invalid for version 5.2.2 [com.appcelerator.install.binary.missing] at com.appcelerator.titanium.alloy.internal.core.AlloyManager.getElementsOfType(AlloyManager.java:291) at com.appcelerator.titanium.alloy.internal.core.AlloyManager.getTemplates(AlloyManager.java:221) at com.appcelerator.titanium.alloy.internal.ui.AlloyTemplateInstaller.addAlloyTemplates(AlloyTemplateInstaller.java:68) at com.appcelerator.titanium.alloy.internal.ui.AlloyTemplateInstaller$1.run(AlloyTemplateInstaller.java:102) at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.Worker.run(Worker.java:54) !SUBENTRY 1 com.aptana.core 4 1 2016-04-11 10:09:10.174 !MESSAGE Cannot find expected binary at /Users/rickblalock/.appcelerator/install/5.2.2/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/node_modules/alloy/bin/alloy. This likely means the install package at /Users/rickblalock/.appcelerator/install/5.2.2/package is invalid for version 5.2.2 [com.appcelerator.install.binary.missing] !ENTRY com.appcelerator.titanium.alloy.ui 4 0 2016-04-11 10:09:10.349 !MESSAGE (Build [ERROR] Failed to add Alloy project templates !STACK 1 org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException: Cannot find expected binary at /Users/rickblalock/.appcelerator/install/5.2.2/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/node_modules/alloy/bin/alloy. This likely means the install package at /Users/rickblalock/.appcelerator/install/5.2.2/package is invalid for version 5.2.2 [com.appcelerator.install.binary.missing] at com.appcelerator.titanium.alloy.internal.core.AlloyManager.getElementsOfType(AlloyManager.java:291) at com.appcelerator.titanium.alloy.internal.core.AlloyManager.getSamples(AlloyManager.java:351) at com.appcelerator.titanium.alloy.internal.ui.AlloyTemplateInstaller.addAlloySamples(AlloyTemplateInstaller.java:169) at com.appcelerator.titanium.alloy.internal.ui.AlloyTemplateInstaller$1.run(AlloyTemplateInstaller.java:103) at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.Worker.run(Worker.java:54) !SUBENTRY 1 com.aptana.core 4 1 2016-04-11 10:09:10.349 !MESSAGE Cannot find expected binary at /Users/rickblalock/.appcelerator/install/5.2.2/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/node_modules/alloy/bin/alloy. This likely means the install package at /Users/rickblalock/.appcelerator/install/5.2.2/package is invalid for version 5.2.2 [com.appcelerator.install.binary.missing] !ENTRY com.appcelerator.titanium.update.core 4 0 2016-04-11 10:09:10.613 !MESSAGE (Build [ERROR] Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: http://builds.appcelerator.com.s3.amazonaws.com/mobile/5.2.0/index.json !STACK 0 java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: http://builds.appcelerator.com.s3.amazonaws.com/mobile/5.2.0/index.json at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream0(HttpURLConnection.java:1838) at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(HttpURLConnection.java:1439) at com.appcelerator.titanium.update.internal.core.TitaniumReleasesUpdater.getURIContents(TitaniumReleasesUpdater.java:699) at com.appcelerator.titanium.update.internal.core.TitaniumReleasesUpdater.getReleases(TitaniumReleasesUpdater.java:603) at com.appcelerator.titanium.update.internal.core.TitaniumReleasesUpdater.getSDKReleases(TitaniumReleasesUpdater.java:549) at com.appcelerator.titanium.update.internal.core.TitaniumReleasesUpdater.getLatestSDKRelease(TitaniumReleasesUpdater.java:805) at com.appcelerator.titanium.update.internal.core.TitaniumReleasesUpdater.hasSDKUpdates(TitaniumReleasesUpdater.java:246) at com.appcelerator.titanium.update.internal.core.TitaniumReleasesUpdater.hasUpdates(TitaniumReleasesUpdater.java:202) at com.appcelerator.titanium.update.ui.TitaniumUpdateStartup.earlyStartup(TitaniumUpdateStartup.java:69) at org.eclipse.ui.internal.EarlyStartupRunnable.runEarlyStartup(EarlyStartupRunnable.java:89) at org.eclipse.ui.internal.EarlyStartupRunnable.run(EarlyStartupRunnable.java:67) at org.eclipse.core.runtime.SafeRunner.run(SafeRunner.java:42) at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench$56.run(Workbench.java:2755) at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.Worker.run(Worker.java:54) {code}",5 -"CLI-1028","06/25/2016 01:57:47","Add EU region to appc-cli","Appc-CLI should allow a new environment for the eu region. Currently if the environment is not recognized, the cli will exit. We should create a new environment such that the CLI can point to the new region.",3 -"CLI-1035","06/30/2016 02:05:57","Update appc-app-preview-cli-hook to latest version","I've just made some improvements to appc-app-preview-cli-hook to show better logging messages in Studio. This needs to gets included in the core CLI distribution. Current version is 0.4.1 and has been published to NPM.",2 -"CLI-1036","06/30/2016 16:59:09","Hyperloop: Entitlement verification when building","Currently, even thought we implemented a way for developers to be able to only obtain the hyperloop module if they have the entitlements, anyone can still build it as long as they get their hands on the module. We need to modify the CLI such that during the build, if hyperloop is enabled, we will check the entitlements to ensure that the developer has permissions to build using hyperloop. ",5 -"CLI-1037","06/30/2016 18:18:58","reference to latest acs cli 1.2.1","we just released a new acs cli 1.2.1 please include in the cli. ",1 -"CLI-1040","07/08/2016 11:35:29","MobileWeb Platform is deprecated","With 5.4.0 CLI/SDK, MobileWeb platform is deprecated. While running a build against ""MobileWeb"", show a warning message on the console that ""MobileWeb Platform has been deprecated!"" This also applicable for creating and packaging modules. ",2 -"CLI-1044","07/15/2016 01:13:13","CLI 5.4.0-31 can not create apps in EU region","When testing out CLI 5.4.0-31 I could not create an arrow app in the EU region. `$ appc use 5.4.0-31` `$ appc logout; appc config set defaultEnvironment production-eu; appc login` `$ appc new` expected behavior: app to be created succesfully actual behavior: CLI prompts for user signin. session issue? ",5 -"CLI-1046","07/15/2016 06:57:51","Getting the correct module versions from dashboard","When Ti SDK 6.0.0 is released, we'll be support a new version of android v8. And because of that, all titanium modules have to be recompiled to support it, and it's not backward compatible. i.e. ti.facebook v3.X.X works for ti.sdk 6 and newer vs ti.facebook v2.X.X works for ti sdk 5.4.0 and older. Therefore, the following modules: Hyperloop, ACA, APM that are downloaded automatically with CLI, has to be smart enough to be able to obtain the right versions when doing appc run or appc new. Its ok to have both versions co-exist in the local machine. And it's also ok that we can't control the developer if he chooses to use a 5.4.0 module on a 6.0.0 project. Dashboard has recommended that the payload can be expanded to provide different urls for both versions. This will be a cross-team effort.",5 -"CLI-1048","07/19/2016 20:11:11","appc switch and appc login org selection should be consistent ","h5.Description Currently {{appc switch}} and {{appc login}} are inconsistent in the style of org selection. They should be consistent in displaying the same information. {code: title=appc switch} ? To which organization would you like to switch? (Use arrow keys) > Accenture Preprod (100000559) Appcelerator Staff (100000295) APPTS-5484-developer (100001665) APPTS-5484-enterprise (100001668) APPTS-5484-individual (100001666) APPTS-5484-team (100001667) APPTS-6045-Chrome (100001594) (Move up and down to reveal more choices) {code} {code: title=appc login} ? Into which organization would you like to login? (Use arrow keys) > qe_test_org_preprod_team qe_test_org_preprod_vpc_team qeTestOrg RateLimitingDeveloper ratelimitingEnterprise RateLimitingIndividual rdongtest (Move up and down to reveal more choices) {code}",1 -"CLI-1051","07/22/2016 22:27:33","appc login: Deauthorize message does not include -D flag","When using {{appc login}} for the first time on a new machine (or after Deauthorizing one) the CLI will return a message stating the ID of the system being authorized, as well as instructions on how to deauthorize the machine. However the command given to do so is {{appc logout}}, which does not deauthorize the machine. h2. Steps to Reproduce 1. {{appc login}} to an unauthorized machine / {{appc logout -D}} to deauthorize a machine and then {{appc login}}. 2. Enter credentials. 3. You will be prompted to enter an authorization code, which is sent to your account email. 4. Enter the authorization code. h2. Expected Result CLI should return the message ""You can deauthorize this computer by logging out with appc logout *-D*"" h2. Actual Result CLI returns the message ""You can deauthorize this computer by logging out with appc logout""",1 -"CLI-1052","07/25/2016 08:55:21","Fix Jenkins and travis for appc-cli-titanium","There's a number of things. 1. Currently the jenkins build is failing because it didn't fulfil the required coverage threshold. 2. While unskipping this unit test https://github.com/appcelerator/appc-cli-titanium/blob/master/test/new_test.js#L217, we realise that travis (and jenkins) will break because it prompts for ""Do you wish to install Hyperloop?"" we may need a flag to suppress this prompt. 3. This configuration is messed up. https://github.com/appcelerator/appc-cli-titanium/blob/master/test/travis_configure.sh#L23 it installs 4.0.0.GA when we should be either installing the latest G.A. version available, or latest master build 4. If we use master branch (6.0.0) it will complain about node version 0.10.x is not supported. which is correct so we should consider changing the CI script to support node 4.x 5. Same issue with jenkins. the ci script is here: https://github.com/appcelerator/jenkins_dsl/blob/master/jobs/appc_cli_dependencies.groovy",3 -"CLI-1054","07/26/2016 10:16:58","Set connection timeout for appc use command","*Details:* {{appc use -o json --full}} command is not getting timed out if it's unable to get the response. *To reproduce:* # Configure invalid proxy server through CLI Example: {{appc config set proxyServer https://""username:password""@}} # Run {{appc use -o json --full}} command *Actual:* It's waiting for indefinite time and command is not returning at all. *Expected* As we provided invalid proxyServer, it should timeout after 10sec ",3 -"CLI-1065","08/02/2016 05:20:40","CLI doesn't relay the error message to Studio when login failed","Studio and CLI will exchange the data in the form of json format through socket connection. If a trial plan is expired, studio is keep asking for login credential without showing what was wrong with the credentials. As studio depends on CLI for login, CLI should return the error message as part of the socket communication message protocol. For example: *CLI request for login prompt:* {code:json} {""type"":""question"",""question"":[{""type"":""input"",""name"":""username"",""message"":""Appcelerator ID:""},{""type"":""password"",""name"":""password"",""message"":""Password:""}]} {code} *Studio response to process the login:* {code:json} {""username"":""test@appcelerator.com"",""password"":""test1234""} {code} If the password is wrong or it was unable to login due to some other issue(ex: trial account expired),CLI should also send the error message. *Here is my proposal for expected response:* {code:json} {""type"":""question"",""question"":[{""type"":""input"",""name"":""username"",""message"":""Appcelerator ID:""},{""type"":""password"",""name"":""password"",""message"":""Password:""}], ""errormessage"":""Unable to login, your trial plan is expired. Renew your subscription today!""} {code}",5 -"CLI-1068","08/03/2016 23:55:18","Windows: A iPhone module folder is downloaded for Windows OS","h4. Description A iPhone folder containing {{com.appcelerator.apm}} and {{hyperloop}} module is downloaded for Windows OS. h4. Steps to reproduce: # {{appc new}} create an application with Hyperloop enabled, this will download Hyperloop. # Navigate to {{C:\ProgramData\Titanium\modules\iphone}} h4. Actual The iPhone folder containing {{com.appcelerator.apm}} and {{hyperloop}} is present. h4. Expected There should be no iPhone folder on Windows OS",3 -"CLI-1066","08/04/2016 00:10:47","Hyperloop: If you have an older version of Hyperloop in your module global space, you cannot get the newer Hyperloop version","*Details:* If you have an older version of Hyperloop in your module global space, you cannot get the newer Hyperloop version. *Notes:* To workaround this issue, you will need to remove both (Android and iOS) Hyperloop modules from the global space. *Steps to reproduce:* # In your global module space, {{~/Library/Application Support/Titanium/modules}} or {{C:\ProgramData\Titanium\modules}}, rename your Hyperloop module version to an older version e.g. {{modules/android/hyperloop/1.2.5}} -> {{modules/android/hyperloop/1.2.4}}. # On Mac, you should remove {{modules/iphone/hyperloop/}} folder. # Get the latest Hyperloop module via {{appc new}}; go through all the prompts # Check your module global space again *Actual:* The latest Hyperloop module is not downloaded. *Expected:* The newest Hyperloop module should be downloaded if you have an older version of it.",5 -"CLI-1067","08/04/2016 00:45:45","We don't see ""Would you like to enable hyperloop for the app"" prompt while enabling services for new app","h5.Steps To Reproduce: 1. Create a new project in appc studio. 2. Fill in all the necessary details in the ""New mobile app project"" dialog. 3. Make sure you have ""Enable appcelerator platform services"" enabled. 4. Click next & then finish. h5.Actual Results: 1. We do not get the ""Would you like to enable hyperloop for this app"" prompt. 2. Hyperloop is enabled & the module is included in the project default. *NOTE*: CLI prompts you if you would like to enable hyperloop for the app. h5.Expected Result: 1. We should get a prompt ""Would you like to enable hyperloop for this app"". ",5 -"CLI-1069","08/05/2016 10:26:57","Install hyperloop module directly through CLI command","*Current behaviour:* While creating a new project CLI identifies whether it's required to install or update the hyperloop module based on the selected SDK version. *CLI way to update Hyperloop:* # Find the selected SDK # Fetch {{api/v2/downloads}} from 360 dashboard # Identify what version is installed in the system # Identify what is available on the dashboard 360 # If required to install - download the zip, identify folders based on the OS(for example for windows we shouldn't install iOS module) and extract to the target location. *Appcelerator Studio way to update Hyperloop:* Repeat above steps 1-5 again in Java Can we do something like this to avoid duplicate effort and also to maintain the consistency across the tooling (studio/CLI) {code:java} appc install --module hyperloop {code} This command will follow the above steps and install the appropriate Hyperloop module Studio will also use the same command to install the Hyperloop. ",5 -"CLI-1075","08/10/2016 06:03:12","Unable to configure which IP should the LiveView use","h4. Problem Description When your windows machine has several network adapters (either physical or virtual) you can't configure the LiveView to use certain IP. In this case, I have two IPs, one internal for Virtual Box and other external connecting with the Wifi Access Point. For testing liveview with genymotion, I would like to use the internal, when using a device, it should be using the external network adapter (wifi). Any suggestion on how to modify the liveview IP is more than welcomed. ",5 -"CLI-1077","08/12/2016 15:38:32","CLI outputting non-JSON warning to Studio","While doing some Studio work, I saw that the CLI is spitting out warning text in it;s output, when it's being invoked by Studio (presumably with some command asking for JSON output). Since the warning test is not JSON, Studio's parsing breaks: {code} You are attempting to run appc 5.4.0 which was compiled for node v5.12.0 but you are now running node v5.10.0 Rebuilding package modules ... Package modules rebuilt! { ""activeSDK"": ""6.0.0.v20160811221444"", ""defaultInstallLocation"": ""/Users/cwilliams/Library/Application Support/Titanium"", ""installLocations"": [ ""/Users/cwilliams/Library/Application Support/Titanium"", ""/Library/Application Support/Titanium"" ], ""installed"": { // rest of JSON snipped ... {code}",3 -"CLI-1085","08/16/2016 00:13:18","limit the size of a symbol file uploaded to crashserver to 250Mb","in CRASH-65 we limit the size of a symbol file that can be uploaded to the crashserver to 250Mb. this is based on discussions that incorporate competing products and the likely size of a symbol file in the near future weighed against the requirements to support large files. Ideally, the Studio and CLI components should also prevent anything larger than 250Mb from even being posted to the server. This can allow the user to know about the limitation as well. ",3 -"CLI-1079","08/18/2016 00:22:09","Modules and plugins are not overwritten if the files already exist","Hyperloop plugin is picked to illustrate the issue, but this should be reproducible with any modules, plugins or components. *Steps to reproduce* 1. Make sure Hyperloop plugin is installed 2. Modify {{../plugins/hyperloop/package.json}} to a different version, i.e 1.1.1 3. Do {{appc config set lastUpdateCheckTiDownloads null}} or remove Hyperloop module folder to trigger an update 4. Do {{appc new}} *Actual Results* Once the project is created, verify that {{../plugins/hyperloop/package.json}} is not updated. *Expected Results* The Hyperloop plugin should be updated .",1 -"CLI-1080","08/22/2016 12:39:29","'SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input' on appc use --prerelease","h5.Description When I ran {{appc use --prerelease}} I got the following error, I can't reproduce this, error comes from [this line|https://github.com/appcelerator/appc-install/blob/master/lib/util.js#L605], *Notes* After this I checked whether http://software-preprod.cloud.appctest.com/ was up, it was but I was met with [this|https://github.com/appcelerator/appc-registry-server/blob/master/web/views/index.hbs#L55], both issues appear related to me, maybe to do with caching registry side? I ran this command around 12:30 BST 22/08/2016 incase that is useful for any logging {code} C:\Users\Ewan>appc use --prerelease -undefined:1 SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input at Object.parse (native) at IncomingMessage. (C:\Users\Ewan\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\appcelerator\lib\util.js:605:25) at emitNone (events.js:72:20) at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:166:7) at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:921:12) at nextTickCallbackWith2Args (node.js:442:9) at process._tickCallback (node.js:356:17) {code} h5.Steps to reproduce *This steps probably won't reproduce the error, but are what I did* # run {{appc use --prerelease}} h5.Actual result You will get the error above h5.Expected result You should not get an error",3 -"CLI-1081","08/22/2016 19:14:45","Modules update failed with Error: Invalid URI ","*Steps to reproduce* 1. {{appc config set lastUpdateCheckTiDownloads null}} 2. {{appc new}} or {{appc run}} *Expected result* There should be no {{Error: Invalid URI}} error. *Actual result* The process terminates with {{Error: Invalid URI}} error.",1 -"CLI-1088","09/01/2016 13:57:22","CLI should not re-prompt a user once their account has been locked out","h5.Description APPTS-8562 introduced the ability for accounts to be locked out after a certain amount of failed login attempts, the CLI does not handle this appropriately and outputs an access privileges error while also re-prompting the user. The CLI should inform the user what has happened and provide any other details deemed necessary {code} ? Appcelerator ID: eharris@appcelerator.com ? Password: ************ Invalid Appcelerator ID and password combination. Appcelerator Login required to continue ... ? Appcelerator ID: eharris@appcelerator.com ? Password: ****************** You do not have access privileges to view this content. {code} h5.Steps to reproduce # Run {{appc login}} and enter an incorrect password # GOTO 1 h5.Actual result After 6 attempts the error message changes to {{You do not have access privileges to view this content.}} the CLI will keep prompting the user to login h5.Expected result If a user is locked out of their account, the CLI should not re-prompt and inform the user of the lockout, while displaying any information that is deemed helpful e.g Directing them to check their emails to disable the lockout",3 -"CLI-1089","09/01/2016 14:16:58","Allow more than one attempt at entering an auth code","h5.Description Currently the CLI only allows a user 1 attempt at entering an auth code. This should be changed to allow the user unlimited attempts until the auth code expires, like the online login, or exit after a certain number of retries while outputting some information to the user. h5.Steps to reproduce # {{appc logout -D}} # {{appc login}} # Enter an incorrect auth code h5.Actual result The CLI will exit on one incorrect auth code h5.Expected result CLI should allow some retries on auth code",3 -"CLI-1090","09/01/2016 17:04:12","update-notifier still getting installed","h5.Description API-1310 removed update-notifier, however when installing appcelerator npm package it still gets installed, this is because the npm shrinkwrap file still references the package [here|https://github.com/appcelerator/appc-install/blob/f5025900a1f056bc9c404f16d9d51a573dc447a1/npm-shrinkwrap.json#L579]. h5.Steps to reproduce # Install appc npm using {{npm i -g appcelerator@4.2.8-6}} h5.Actual results update-notifier is installed h5.Expected results update-notifier should not be installed as it's not used",1 -"CLI-1094","09/06/2016 05:21:13","Build got stuck at validating the session","*Details:* While I'm building a project with iOS simulator - build got stuck at {{check if session is invalidated}} state for more than {color:red}4mins{color}. You can observe the time from the below trace log. {code:java} Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 5.4.0 Copyright (c) 2014-2016, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 2016-09-06T04:10:10.368Z | TRACE | set environment to {""registry"":""https://software.appcelerator.com"",""security"":""https://security.appcelerator.com"",""baseurl"":""https://platform.appcelerator.com""} 2016-09-06T04:10:10.369Z | TRACE | checking credentials for existing session 2016-09-06T04:10:10.498Z | TRACE | Attempting to load session info from config file 2016-09-06T04:10:10.503Z | TRACE | check if session is invalidated 2016-09-06T04:16:15.705Z | TRACE | registry result undefined undefined true undefined false undefined 2016-09-06T04:16:15.705Z | TRACE | registry returned undefined 2016-09-06T04:16:15.706Z | TRACE | session expiry 1473739783566 false 2016-09-06T04:16:15.706Z | TRACE | Arrow Cloud config file: /Users/kkolipaka/.acs 2016-09-06T04:16:15.717Z | TRACE | found Arrow Cloud login { mid: '87d2b0b9eb3b3518fa6c2a16184cf800d60f6bb2', {code} *Expected:* It should timeout after 10sec or so.",5 -"CLI-1097","09/08/2016 00:25:26","Include Hyperloop ""version"" to plugin tag in the tiapp.xml","At the moment, when enabling Hyperloop, no version property is assigned to the plugin tag. Under {{tiapp.xml}} you see: {code} hyperloop {code} Since we started versioning Hyperloop plugin, we should specify the plugin version in tiapp.xml. ",1 -"CLI-1099","09/08/2016 19:24:51","appc login error when specify arrowcloud url without protocol","*Step to Reproduce* Do {{appc login --cloud admin.cloudapp-enterprise.appcelerator.com}} *Expected Result* Login should succeed. *Actual Result* Login failed with error: {{ERROR | Invalid URI ""admin.cloudapp-enterprise.appcelerator.com/login""}}",1 -"CLI-1100","09/08/2016 21:45:52","appc new to use SDK compatible version of soasta plugin","At the moment, {{appc new}} and enable test service will always use the latest installed soasta plugin regardless of SDK version. In APPTS-8874, there'll be different versions of the plugin for ti sdk 6.0.0/newer, and ti sdk 5.5.X. {{appc new}} will need to be updated to use the compatible plugin version.",5 -"CLI-1107","09/15/2016 22:57:56","deprecated minimatch. Please update to minimatch 3.0.2 or higher to avoid a RegExp DoS issue","We should update all the places this appears appcelerator@5.5.0 /Users/ingo/.appcelerator/install/5.5.0/package ├─┬ acs@1.2.1 │ ├─┬ npm@2.14.22 │ │ ├─┬ node-gyp@3.3.0 │ │ │ ├─┬ glob@4.5.3 │ │ │ │ └─┬ minimatch@2.0.10 │ │ │ ├─┬ minimatch@1.0.0 ├─┬ arrow@1.8.6 │ ├─┬ babel@5.8.38 │ │ ├─┬ babel-core@5.8.38 │ │ │ ├─┬ minimatch@2.0.10 │ ├─┬ forever-monitor@1.7.0 │ │ ├─┬ minimatch@2.0.10 ├─┬ recursive-readdir@1.3.0 │ └─┬ minimatch@0.3.0 ├─┬ tar.gz@1.0.2 │ ├─┬ mocha@2.5.3 │ │ ├─┬ glob@3.2.11 │ │ │ └─┬ minimatch@0.3.0",1 -"CLI-1114","09/19/2016 20:16:59","appc switch org: errors when I only have one org","When I run {{appc switch org}} while I only have one org it errors: {code} Fokkes-MacBook-Pro:ticons-server fokkezb$ appc switch org Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 5.5.0 Copyright (c) 2014-2016, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. No orgs were found! 2016-09-19T19:16:35.169Z | ERROR | true {code} Instead, it should simply say there are no other orgs to switch to.",1 -"CLI-1115","09/21/2016 15:55:37","Set Node 4.x as minimum supported version","h5.Description In 6.0.0/4.8.0 it's planned to move to 4.X as the minimum supported version. This is implemented in the [SDK/Titanium|TIMOB-23448] and in [TISTUD|TISTUD-8509] but there is no implementation for this in the CLI. It seems to me like we should want to restrict the version in the CLI also and maybe introduce something similar to Titanium i.e warnings for node versions higher than a certain version etc h5.Steps to reproduce # Set node 0.12.7 as your selected node version using your favourite node version manager or the official installer # Download a 6.0.0 CLI, {{appc use 6.0.0-47}} # Use the CLI for non titanium tasks (as Titanium has this already implemented) h5.Actual result The appc cli is perfectly happy with you using 0.12.7 h5.Expected result As we are moving to a minimum of 4.X for every other product. So should the CLI",2 -"CLI-1117","09/23/2016 14:12:31","checkSession endpoint is hit twice when building","h5.Description When building an application (and other commands that require a user to be logged in) the CLI appears to be hitting the checkSession endpoint twice, once before executing the command and then once again in the command that has been executed. {code} 2016-09-23T13:10:49.712Z | TRACE | check if session is invalidated 2016-09-23T13:10:52.269Z | TRACE | registry result 200 application/json undefined undefined false undefined 2016-09-23T13:10:52.279Z | TRACE | registry returned { expiry: 1475241053030 } 2016-09-23T13:10:52.279Z | TRACE | refresh session expiry to: 1475241053030 2016-09-23T13:10:52.281Z | TRACE | session expiry 1475241053030 false 2016-09-23T13:10:52.281Z | TRACE | Arrow Cloud config file: /Users/eharris/.acs 2016-09-23T13:10:52.283Z | TRACE | found Arrow Cloud login { mid: '0c3c5f85cf1a73d7f072e4e38d40219695855086', publishPort: 443, publishHost: 'https://admin.cloudapp-enterprise-preprod.appctest.com', username: 'eharris@appcelerator.com', cookie: [ 'connect.sid=s%3A4O8AjS2WTpr0w045gTzgp2Bj.8krzD4V6QTo%2FqpiQiGKp6ebSlrXwpf10eWOC%2B0gYtq8; Path=/; Expires=Fri, 07 Oct 2016 11:22:36 GMT; HttpOnly' ], defaultEP: { publishHost: 'https://admin.cloudapp-enterprise-preprod.appctest.com', publishPort: 443 } } , checking nodeACSEndpoint= https://admin.cloudapp-enterprise-preprod.appctest.com 2016-09-23T13:10:52.284Z | TRACE | Arrow Cloud cookie expiry [ 1475839356000 ] 2016-09-23T13:10:52.284Z | TRACE | session already loaded in opts.session 2016-09-23T13:10:52.285Z | TRACE | getCredentials() session: { ""ipaddress"": """", ""username"": ""eharris@appcelerator.com"", ""password"": """", ""session"": """", ""nonce"": """", ""environment"": { ""name"": ""production"", ""isProduction"": true, ""acsBaseUrl"": ""https://preprod-api.cloud.appctest.com"", ""acsAuthBaseUrl"": ""https://dolphin-secure-identity.cloud.appcelerator.com"", ""nodeACSEndpoint"": ""https://admin.cloudapp-enterprise-preprod.appctest.com"" }, ""token"": """", ""fingerprint"": ""0c3c5f85cf1a73d7f072e4e38d40219695855086"", ""fingerprint_description"": ""Mac OSX Serial Number: C02S40W9G8WP"", ""org_id"": 100001710, ""expiry"": 1475241053030 } 2016-09-23T13:10:52.285Z | TRACE | loading plugins for command ""run"" 2016-09-23T13:10:52.317Z | TRACE | run search paths: [ ""/Users/eharris/.appcelerator/install/5.5.0/package"", ""/Users/eharris/.appcelerator/install/5.5.0/package/node_modules"", ""/Users/eharris/Documents/Appcelerator_Studio_Workspace/ppTAlloy/plugins"", ""/Users/eharris/Documents/Appcelerator_Studio_Workspace/ppTAlloy/node_modules"", ""/Users/eharris/Documents/Appcelerator_Studio_Workspace/node_modules"", ""/Users/eharris/Documents/node_modules"", ""/Users/eharris/node_modules"", ""/Users/node_modules"", ""/node_modules"", ""/Users/eharris/.appcelerator/.npm/lib/node_modules"" ] 2016-09-23T13:10:52.318Z | DEBUG | [PLUGIN-LOAD] 0ms /Users/eharris/.appcelerator/install/5.5.0/package/appc.js 2016-09-23T13:10:52.528Z | DEBUG | [PLUGIN-LOAD] 209ms /Users/eharris/.appcelerator/install/5.5.0/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/appc.js 2016-09-23T13:10:52.528Z | DEBUG | run plugin: /Users/eharris/.appcelerator/install/5.5.0/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium 2016-09-23T13:10:52.530Z | DEBUG | [PLUGIN-LOAD] 0ms /Users/eharris/.appcelerator/install/5.5.0/package/node_modules/arrow/appc.js 2016-09-23T13:10:52.532Z | DEBUG | run plugin: /Users/eharris/.appcelerator/install/5.5.0/package/node_modules/arrow 2016-09-23T13:10:52.535Z | TRACE | plugin ""arrow"" failed its ""when"" function check, skipping... 2016-09-23T13:10:52.536Z | TRACE | loading plugin ""titanium"" for command ""run"" CLI options via function 2016-09-23T13:10:52.537Z | TRACE | loading plugin ""titanium"" for command ""run"" CLI options via array 2016-09-23T13:10:52.539Z | TRACE | executing command ""run"" with the following plugins: [""titanium""] 2016-09-23T13:10:52.540Z | TRACE | Attempting to load session info from config file 2016-09-23T13:10:52.541Z | TRACE | check if session is invalidated 2016-09-23T13:10:55.161Z | TRACE | registry result 200 application/json undefined undefined false undefined 2016-09-23T13:10:55.161Z | TRACE | registry returned { expiry: 1475241055924 } 2016-09-23T13:10:55.161Z | TRACE | refresh session expiry to: 1475241055924 2016-09-23T13:10:55.163Z | TRACE | session expiry 1475241055924 false 2016-09-23T13:10:55.164Z | TRACE | session already loaded in opts.session {code} h5.Steps to reproduce # Run {{appc -p ios -l trace}} in a titanium project h5.Actual result checkSession endpoint is hit twice h5.Expected result checkSession endpoint only needto be hit once",1 -"CLI-1122","10/05/2016 16:40:42","Hyperloop is downloaded everytime lastUpdateCheckTiDownloads expires on Windows","h5.Description When building a project on Windows, during the build if lastUpdateCheckTiDownloads has expired it performs a check for any modules that need to be downloaded, on Windows as we now do not extract the iphone for hyperloop the CLI will download and extract hyperloop every day, When combined with CLI-1106 (the download and extraction process taking anywhere from ~3-10 minutes) this a real nuisance h5.Steps to reproduce # appc config set lastUpdateCheckTiDownloads null # Build a project # appc config set lastUpdateCheckTiDownloads null # Build a project h5.Actual result The CLI will download it hyperloop every time h5.Expected result The CLI should only check for an iphone folder on OSX",5 -"CLI-1123","10/11/2016 23:07:07","Incorrect APM module version is set in tiapp.xml module tag","**Reproduce Steps** 1. {{appc new -t titanium}} 2. check {{tiapp.xml}} {{modules}} tag for {{com.appcelerator.apm}} **Expected Result** the module version should be in the format of a.b.c. **Actual Result** the module version is set to a long string of digits. ",3 -"CLI-1125","10/13/2016 00:33:41","Remove version attribute from tiapp.xml when creating new app","In 6.0 prerelease, when a new project is created, we added the modules version in tiapp.xml to prevent incompatible modules being used when building a project. i.e {code} mod mod {code} With TIMOB-23912 fixed, we should not set version, so project build will pickup the latest compatible module version. So the modules tag should be like this: {code} mod mod {code} Unless developers want to use a specific version, they can do so by knowingly update the project's tiapp.xml. ",3 -"CLI-1126","10/17/2016 12:38:54","ACA and APM being downloaded everytime when lastUpdateCheckTiDownloads has expired","h5.Description When building an application in an enterprise org, when lastUpdateCheckTiDownloads has expired I am always seeing ACA and APM modules downloaded. After placing some console logs I believe the reason that these modules are always downloaded is because the CLI is checking for the iOS modules in {{/Users/eharris/Library/Application Support/Titanium/modules/iOS/com.appcelerator.apm}} and {{/Users/eharris/Library/Application Support/Titanium/modules/iOS/com.appcelerator.aca}}, because these folders aren't fuond the CLI returns null for the iOS module version on the system and decide to download a new one, *related code is [found here|https://github.com/appcelerator/appc-cli-titanium/blob/master/plugins/util.js#L471]* It may be that the payload data from 360 is incorrect as that is where the platforms are sourced from I believe *This happens on both run and new* h5.Steps to reproduce # Login to an enterprise org in preprod # {{appc config set lastUpdateCheckTiDownloads null}} # {{appc run -p ios -l trace --build-only}} h5.Actual result ACA and APM are downloaded every time, CLI is checking incorrect location for iOS module h5.Expected result ACA and APM should not be downloaded every time, CLI should check for correct locations",3 -"CLI-1131","10/17/2016 20:08:02","appc use does not show 6.0 version when selected","*Description:* In prod environment, when entering ""appc use"" or ""appc use --prerelease"", the resulting list does not show release 6.0.0-61, although that release was selected to be used. *Steps to reproduce:* 1. Type in Mac terminal ""appc use 6.0.0-61"" 2. Type ""appc use"" 3. Type ""appc use --prerelease"" *Result:* The following output shows the results. These results always occur (not intermittent). amukherjee:Titanium amukherjee$ appc use 6.0.0-61 6.0.0-61 is now your active version amukherjee:Titanium amukherjee$ appc use The following versions are available: 5.5.1 Installed (Latest) 5.5.0 Installed 5.4.0 Not Installed 5.3.1 Not Installed 5.3.0 Not Installed 5.2.2 Not Installed 5.2.1 Not Installed 5.2.0 Not Installed 5.1.0 Not Installed 5.0.4 Not Installed 5.0.3 Not Installed 5.0.2 Not Installed 5.0.1 Not Installed 5.0.0 Not Installed 4.1.3 Not Installed 4.1.2 Not Installed 4.1.1 Not Installed 4.1.0 Not Installed 4.0.2 Not Installed 4.0.1 Not Installed 4.0.0 Not Installed amukherjee:Titanium amukherjee$ appc new Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 6.0.0-61 Copyright (c) 2014-2016, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *Expected Result:* 6.0.0-61 should have been on the list from ""appc use"", or ""appc use --prerelease"", but it is not in either case. Note from the results, when ""appc new"" is typed, the correct version is used, it is just not appearing in the list of versions available/installed.",2 -"CLI-1128","10/18/2016 19:06:18","Update cli to include acs cli 1.2.2 ","We have just released arrowcloud 1.5.3 and new acs cli 1.2.2. Please update cli to include latest acs cli. ",2 -"CLI-1130","10/28/2016 14:21:06","Use node.js os.homedir to get homedir","Currently we use a custom way of getting a users home dir, which isn't perfect and can break CLI-949. When I made the fix for that ticket I couldn't replace it with os.homedir as it was introduced in node v4 and we still supported 0.12. Well, now we no longer support 0.12 so lets use it :) Refs: https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v4.x/docs/api/os.html#os_os_homedir https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/1791",3 -"CLI-1133","11/15/2016 01:07:31","Update dependencies of appc-inquirer","Building PRs on Travis for appc-cli currently fails due to a bug in the outdated {{inquirer}} module which is part of {{appc-inquirer}}, which in turn is a dependency of {{appc-cli}}. This just occurred recently and only affects Travis builds. Testing with a fork of appc-inquirer with updated dependencies fixed the appc-cli build on Travis. ",2 -"CLI-1134","11/15/2016 10:07:00","When unpublish an arrow app the version in package.json is not considered","Steps to reproduce: 1. Publish arrow app with version 1.0.0 specified in package.json {code:javascript} { ... ""version"": ""1.0.0"", ... } {code} 2. Change the version in package.json from ""1.0.0"" to ""0.0.3"". Type {code:javascript} > appc unpublish {code} in the root folder of the app. Your app will be unpublish. Desired behavior: It should display some message that the local version of the app is different from that in the cloud, i.e. 'Missing app with version v.0.0.3' or kind of. ",5 -"CLI-1140","11/29/2016 14:19:59","Arrow app crashes with Uncaught Exception Cannot find module './ReactHostOperationHistoryHook'","h5.Description When attempting to run an arrow app the app will crash with the below, while at first glance this may appear to be an issue with arrow, the root cause lies in the {{appc publish}} command as checking jenkins shows that this file is being excluded as it matches one of these[regexes|https://github.com/appcelerator/appc-cli/blob/96ca28c6b63482d9a956beaf8c321f4bd910fa56/lib/publish.js#L113-L116], changing them to use the {{^}} character will fix the issue to include {{./ReactHostOperationHistoryHook}} but will then fail to include two files called {{History.js}} from react-router (these do not cause a crash to my knowledge, but they should be included) and also the {{logs}} folder from arrow-admin-api (this does cause a crash), this folder is required {code} Uncaught Exception Cannot find module './ReactHostOperationHistoryHook' Error: Cannot find module './ReactHostOperationHistoryHook' at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:469:15) at Function.Module._load (module.js:417:25) at Module.require (module.js:497:17) at require (internal/module.js:20:19) at Object. (/Users/eharris/.appcelerator/install/6.1.0-300/package/node_modules/arrow/node_modules/react/lib/ReactDebugTool.js:15:37) at Module._compile (module.js:570:32) at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:579:10) at Module.load (module.js:487:32) at tryModuleLoad (module.js:446:12) at Function.Module._load (module.js:438:3) {code} h5.Steps to reproduce # Download 6.1.0-300 {{appc use 6.1.0-300}} # Create an arrow app {{appc new -t arrow -n myarrowapp && cd myarrowapp}} # Run the app {{appc run}} h5.Actual result Crash with the above error h5.Expected result App should not crash",2 -"CLI-1142","12/08/2016 01:38:48","""Fatal error: The config file ""node_modules/grunt-appc-js/.jscsrc"" was not found"" if grunt-appc-js is called within another grunt plugin","*Details:* {{Fatal error: The config file ""node_modules/grunt-appc-js/.jscsrc"" was not found}} error is returned if grunt-appc-js is called within another grunt plugin; see attachment. *Steps to reproduce:* # Clone or pull https://github.com/appcelerator/appc-registry-server from master branch # Run {{npm install}} # In Gruntfile.js, comment out these lines: https://github.com/appcelerator/appc-registry-server/blob/master/Gruntfile.js#L68-L70 # Run {{grunt appc_js}} *Actual:* Fatal error is returned; see attachment. *Expected:* Fatal error should not be returned and {{jscs:src}} task should be executed without any issues.",2 -"CLI-1143","12/08/2016 13:54:31","appc-inquirer skips predefined answers","In CLI-1133 the inquirer dependency of appc-inquirer was updated because of issues in Travis builds. There was a slight behavior change in inquirer which removes unasked question from the answers object. To remain backwards compatible we need to get the unaltered answers object with any default answers provided through options arguments in the CLI.",2 -"CLI-1163","02/09/2017 22:55:54","Integrate with latest acs cli 1.2.3","we just published acs npm 1.2.3 please update appc cli to include it ",0 -"CLI-1166","03/08/2017 22:22:14","Correct NSP errors in appc-cli-titanium","nsp check flags minimatch@0.3.0. update dev to fix the issue: tar.gz@1.0.2 > mocha@2.5.3 > glob@3.2.11 > minimatch@0.3.0 ",1 -"CLI-1169","03/15/2017 23:18:17","TypeError: Data must be a string or a buffer thrown when running commands if sid is undefined in config","h5.Description *To fix this delete your appc-cli.json and login again, using preproduction not preprod* When running commands I am seeing the following error get thrown {{TypeError: Data must be a string or a buffer thrown when running commands}}, full stacktrace below. The error is coming from [this line|https://github.com/appcelerator/appc-cli/blob/e9b5892216ec43b98ae592473aaba032fdcd41c4/lib/commands/config.js#L158] The CLI is calling config.get('sid') which has somehow gone walkabouts from my config so it is undefined, I believe this is during the {{appc config set defaultEnvironment}} step below. {code} 2017-03-15T23:05:46.895Z | ERROR | An uncaught exception was thrown! Data must be a string or a buffer 2017-03-15T23:05:46.895Z | ERROR | Data must be a string or a buffer 2017-03-15T23:05:46.897Z | TRACE | TypeError: Data must be a string or a buffer at TypeError (native) at Hash.update (crypto.js:74:16) at config (/Users/eharris/.appcelerator/install/6.1.0/package/lib/commands/config.js:158:13) at getSessionEntitlements (/Users/eharris/.appcelerator/install/6.1.0/package/lib/constants.js:221:51) at Object.setEnvironment (/Users/eharris/.appcelerator/install/6.1.0/package/lib/constants.js:326:42) at executeCommand (/Users/eharris/.appcelerator/install/6.1.0/package/lib/core.js:406:23) at Object.checkLogin (/Users/eharris/.appcelerator/install/6.1.0/package/lib/core.js:385:9) at Command. (/Users/eharris/.appcelerator/install/6.1.0/package/bin/commands/login.js:26:14) at Command. (/Users/eharris/.appcelerator/install/6.1.0/package/lib/commander.js:102:13) at Command.listener (/Users/eharris/.appcelerator/install/6.1.0/package/node_modules/commander/index.js:301:8) {code} h5.Steps to reproduce # Switch to production {{appc logout && appc config set defaultEnvironment production && appc login}} # Switch back to preproduction {{appc logout && appc config set defaultEnvironment preproduction && appc login}} # {{appc config set defaultEnvironment preprod}} # appc whoami/appc login h5.Actual result Above error is thrown h5.Expected result Error not thrown",1 -"CLI-1171","03/21/2017 18:09:19","cannot find module session","When trying to perform an *appc install* i got the following message: {noformat} 2017-03-21T17:37:51.789Z | DEBUG | [PLUGIN-LOAD] 0ms /Users/jcruz/.appcelerator/install/6.2.0-master.25/package/appc.js 2017-03-21T17:37:51.792Z | WARN | Failed to load package plugin from /Users/jcruz/.appcelerator/install/6.2.0-master.25/package Error: Cannot find module './session' at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:440:15) at Function.Module._load (module.js:388:25) at Module.require (module.js:468:17) at require (internal/module.js:20:19) at Object. (/Users/jcruz/.appcelerator/install/6.2.0-master.25/package/lib/plugins/install.js:24:12) at Module._compile (module.js:541:32) at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:550:10) at Module.load (module.js:458:32) at tryModuleLoad (module.js:417:12) at Function.Module._load (module.js:409:3) {noformat} ",1 -"CLI-1173","03/21/2017 19:26:19","Error: Error attempting to login to Arrow Cloud","Logging in via the appc-cli, we get the following: {code} 2017-03-21T16:52:44.561Z | DEBUG | Choose organization... 2017-03-21T16:52:44.561Z | DEBUG | Loading organization list... Appc:sdk fetching https://dashboard.cloudapp-1.appctest.com/api/v1/auth/findSession sid= s:N8K75fOM8SG7bWjUNct7TYVTs-oaJNZZ.c11XzVsy9dkn1bST1xFZb6str41MctUykDfNL0B0y/8 userAgent= Appcelerator/2.0.2 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 16_4_0; en_US) nodejs/4.3.0 Version/2.0.2 Safari/0.0.0 appcelerator/6.2.0-master.25 +21ms Appc:sdk api response, err=null, body='{""success"":true,""result"":{""cookie"":{""originalMaxAge"":false,""expires"":false,""secure"":null,""httpOnly"":true,""domain"":"".cloudapp-1.appctest.com"",""path"":""/"",""sameSite"":null},""sessionID"":""N8K75fOM8SG7bWjUNct7TYVTs-oaJNZZ"",""from"":""cli"",""username"":""admin@dashboard.local"",""userHash"":""8852ee1098812f87ad6244a0250d0978"",""token"":""Y2+eySETeOW/1uR5PKGh2piqBfk="",""guid"":""17bddb9a-b87b-42cc-aceb-c61c7ca08d58"",""sid"":""e6a59b96f522301e0b9f98abb160e6c2"",""org_id"":985549229695766,""org"":{""_id"":""58d09dfed95b7d001c0162b3"",""org_id"":985549229695766,""guid"":""8e45e404-4cc0-4e20-8f82-1598c7eb149e"",""name"":""My Organization"",""admins"":[""17bddb9a-b87b-42cc-aceb-c61c7ca08d58""],""users"":[],""limit_users"":-1,""active"":true,""creator"":""17bddb9a-b87b-42cc-aceb-c61c7ca08d58"",""created"":""2017-03-21T03:29:02.319Z"",""package"":""enterprise"",""entitlements"":{""id"":""54d8e4abce78815d81104cb4"",""name"":""Enterprise"",""apiRateMonth"":100000000,""pushRateMonth"":100000000,""storageFilesGB"":1000,""storageDatabaseGB"":100,""containerPoints"":9999,""arrowPublish"":true,""eventRateMonth"":100000000,""daysDataRetained"":731,""allowProduction"":true,""appDesigner"":true,""appPreview"":true,""hyperloop"":true,""nativeSDK"":true,""premiumModules"":true,""paid"":true,""paidSupport"":true,""collaboration"":true,""allowChildOrgs"":true,""enterpriseEula"":true,""partners"":[""acs"",""analytics""],""_version"":1,""_token"":""eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.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.UKJJtdCZT4-cNFRvIlfgf2rigeO-AJWlTY6Co1PQ1Kk""},""packageId"":""54d8e4abce78815d81104cb4""},""invalidated"":false,""enterpriseEula"":true,""eulaRequired"":true,""user"":{""_id"":""58d09dfed95b7d001c0162b2"",""email"":""admin@dashboard.local"",""firstname"":""Administrator"",""lastname"":""User"",""is_staff"":true,""active"":true,""activated"":true,""guid"":""17bddb9a-b87b-42cc-aceb-c61c7ca08d58"",""disable_2fa"":true,""created"":""2017-03-21T03:29:02.294Z"",""updated"":""2017-03-21T16:04:25.733Z"",""keepMeSignedIn"":false,""last_logged"":""2017-03-21T16:04:25.731Z"",""logged_in_count"":4,""last_logged_in_org"":985549229695766,""last_browser_language"":""en"",""metadata"":{},""logged_in_from_cli"":true,""is_support"":false},""role"":""admin"",""nodeacs"":false,""osFamily"":""Mac OS X"",""_stoked"":1490115164740,""os"":""mac os x"",""client_cert_required"":false}}' +275ms 2017-03-21T16:52:44.848Z | TRACE | setting org: My Organization 2017-03-21T16:52:44.849Z | DEBUG | Login to Arrow Cloud/ACS... appc:cli Arrow cloud login request: https://admin.cloudapp-1.appctest.com/login +4ms appc:cli Arrow cloud login response: { code: 401, message: 'Unauthorized' } {""success"":false,""errcode"":123,""message"":""Please provide Appcelerator 360 Session ID or username and password to login!"",""clusterVersion"":""1.6.0""} +290ms 2017-03-21T16:52:45.140Z | TRACE | 401 '{""success"":false,""errcode"":123,""message"":""Please provide Appcelerator 360 Session ID or username and password to login!"",""clusterVersion"":""1.6.0""}' 2017-03-21T16:52:45.141Z | TRACE | getCredentials() session: {} 2017-03-21T16:52:45.142Z | ERROR | Error: Error attempting to login to Arrow Cloud. at Request._callback (/Users/ingo/.appcelerator/install/6.2.0-master.25/package/lib/commands/login.js:354:19) at Request.self.callback (/Users/ingo/.appcelerator/install/6.2.0-master.25/package/node_modules/request/request.js:188:22) at emitTwo (events.js:87:13) at Request.emit (events.js:172:7) at Request. (/Users/ingo/.appcelerator/install/6.2.0-master.25/package/node_modules/request/request.js:1171:10) at emitOne (events.js:77:13) at Request.emit (events.js:169:7) at IncomingMessage. (/Users/ingo/.appcelerator/install/6.2.0-master.25/package/node_modules/request/request.js:1091:12) at IncomingMessage.g (events.js:260:16) at emitNone (events.js:72:20) appc:run signal received +44s exit sending to ChildProcess { {code}",3 -"CLI-1175","03/21/2017 23:47:36","appc-cli/Gruntfile.js is not loading ""grunt-bump""","In https://github.com/appcelerator/appc-cli/blob/master/Gruntfile.js, needs to load {{grunt-bump}} i.e. {{grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-bump');}}.",1 -"CLI-1176","03/22/2017 13:34:42","appc -v with no cores installed throws TypeError","h5.Description *This only occurs in Node 6 and greater* When running {{appc -v}} on a machine with no cli cores installed the cli will error with the below. {code} path.js:7 throw new TypeError('Path must be a string. Received ' + inspect(path)); ^ TypeError: Path must be a string. Received true at assertPath (path.js:7:11) at Object.join (path.js:1211:7) at Object.getInstallBinary (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/appcelerator/lib/util.js:282:14) at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/appcelerator/lib/install.js:299:30 at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/appcelerator/lib/install.js:256:3 at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/appcelerator/lib/install.js:103:6 at ChildProcess.exithandler (child_process.js:197:7) at emitTwo (events.js:106:13) at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:191:7) at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:877:16) {code} h5.Steps to reproduce # Rename ~/.appcelerator/install to ~/.appcelerator/foo # Run {{appc -v}} h5.Actual TypeError is thrown h5.Expected TypeError should not be thrown",1 -"CLI-1177","03/22/2017 18:37:41","appc-cli build is not passing ""appcJs:check""","The appc-cli master branch is not passing {{appcJs:check}} when running Grunt: {code} ~/github/appc-cli$ grunt Running ""clean:test"" (clean) task >> 0 paths cleaned. Running ""appcJs:check"" (appcJs) task Running ""jshint:src"" (jshint) task ✔ No problems Running ""jscs:src"" (jscs) task bin/appc 114 3 'return' outside of function (114:3) lib/commands/platform.js 1 0 internalError: Error running rule jsDoc: This is an issue with JSCS and not your codebase. Please file an issue (with the stack trace below) at: https://github.com/jscs-dev/node-jscs/issues/new TypeError: Cannot read property 'offset' of undefined at Object.enforceExistence (/Users/wluu/github/appc-cli/node_modules/jscs-jsdoc/lib/rules/validate-jsdoc/enforce-existence.js:116:65) at /Users/wluu/github/appc-cli/node_modules/jscs-jsdoc/lib/rules/validate-jsdoc.js:128:27 at Array.forEach (native) at Object. (/Users/wluu/github/appc-cli/node_modules/jscs-jsdoc/lib/rules/validate-jsdoc.js:127:32) at Array.forEach (native) at Object.JsFile.iterateNodesByType (/Users/wluu/github/appc-cli/node_modules/jscs/lib/js-file.js:331:42) at /Users/wluu/github/appc-cli/node_modules/jscs-jsdoc/lib/rules/validate-jsdoc.js:120:18 at Array.forEach (native) at Object.module.exports.check (/Users/wluu/github/appc-cli/node_modules/jscs-jsdoc/lib/rules/validate-jsdoc.js:112:29) at null. (/Users/wluu/github/appc-cli/node_modules/jscs/lib/string-checker.js:189:22) lib/registry-sdk/index.js 664 10 disallowSpacesInsideArrayBrackets: Illegal space after opening bracket 664 15 disallowSpacesInsideArrayBrackets: Illegal space before closing bracket 673 38 disallowSpacesInsideObjectBrackets: Illegal space after opening curly brace 673 67 disallowSpacesInsideObjectBrackets: Illegal space before closing curly brace 899 9 requireSpaceAfterKeywords: One space required after ""catch"" keyword 985 6 requireSpaceAfterKeywords: One space required after ""catch"" keyword lib/session.js 36 61 disallowMultipleLineBreaks: ; and cache this lookup, for the positive should have at most 2 line(s) between them 147 35 disallowMultipleLineBreaks: { and } should have at most 2 line(s) between them 437 32 disallowSpacesInsideObjectBrackets: Illegal space after opening curly brace 437 51 disallowSpacesInsideObjectBrackets: Illegal space before closing curly brace test/lib/remove_test.js 35 0 validateIndentation: Invalid indentation character: >> 13 code style errors found! Warning: Task ""jscs:src"" failed. Use --force to continue. Aborted due to warnings. {code} This will prevent the appc-cli from building on Jenkins.",3 -"CLI-1180","03/28/2017 14:14:03","CLI rebuild check should determine if a rebuild is needed from the modules version property in node","h5.Description Currently the rebuild check works off process.version which represents the node version. This rebuild is needed because native modules need to be rebuilt when moving between node versions that have a different ABI version (process.versions.modules), CLI-827. I propose that rather than rebuilding on a node version change the rebuild should be determined from the process.versions.modules version, this should lead to less rebuilds. I admit that it wont get us much other than that though :) From an end user (read customer) standpoint this should be invisible, I do not believe that many users switch between CLIs or node versions that often, the main benefit of this would probably be time savings internally.",3 -"CLI-1186","04/06/2017 17:58:47","Update appc-cli devDependencies to latest and handle false positive assertions","The {{devDependencies}} in appc-cli should be updated to the latest version: https://github.com/wluu/appc-cli/blob/master/package.json#L123-L136 And after updating the {{devDependencies}} to the latest versions, will need to fix the false positive assertions from the {{should}} module: https://github.com/shouldjs/should.js/wiki/Breaking-changes#changes-for-7x",2 -"CLI-1187","04/10/2017 15:49:51","Unable to run appc cloud publish","*This is a regression from 6.1.0* *Workaround* Add your global node_modules to the NODE_PATH env variable in your bash_profile (or similar) h5.Description When running {{appc cloud publish}} the CLI will error out with {{\[ERROR\] npm not found. Please install npm and try again.Error: Cannot find module 'npm'}}. Originating from acs [here|https://github.com/appcelerator/arrow-cloud-docker/blob/f657ac582f1fa17e35c36b84865593d7515fc6e8/nettle/lib/util.js#L685]. This works fine when using the acs directly, i.e one installed using npm i acs -g. I believe the require in the gobal install of acs works because when require traverses looks npm, acs has added the necessary directory to NODE_PATH [here|https://github.com/appcelerator/arrow-cloud-docker/blob/ae6b4951889ebb82364dd741a3cbf2315a14fdf4/nettle/lib/nettle.js#L20-L26] it ensures my NODE_PATH includes the global node_modules directory, however when this is run in the context of the appc cli all it does is add {{/Users/eharris/.appcelerator/install/6.2.0-master.54/package/node_modules}} to my NODE_PATH. npm being required from the global space can be confirmed by 1. Edit the require to the below, check the log. It will point to your global npm install {code} var npm = require.resolve('npm'); console.log(npm); {code} 2. Change the folder name of the global npm to something that isn't npm. The global acs will now no longer work This may just be a documentation issue and a duplicate of NODEJS-2851 h5.Steps to reproduce # Run appc cloud publish in a directory h5.Actual results The CLI will error out with {{\[ERROR\] npm not found. Please install npm and try again.Error: Cannot find module 'npm'}} h5.Expected results No error or output that can inform a user/point a user to how to rectify the issue ",1 -"CLI-1195","04/26/2017 01:28:51","Pass app original org_id with every build upload","https://github.com/appcelerator/appc-cli-titanium/pull/217",1 -"CLI-1197","05/03/2017 23:38:12","Appc CLI integration tests can't handle alphanumeric authorization code","In production, the Appc CLI integration tests can't handle alphanumeric authorization code from 360. This issue is purely on the integration tests side i.e you can still enter the alphanumeric code manually when prompted.",3 -"CLI-1203","05/09/2017 21:36:24","Emojis should be removed from Appc CLI NPM ","*Details:* Since majority of our customers are (and will be) from the enterprise space, having emojis in our Appc CLI NPM seems unprofessional; see [^emojis.png]. Emojis should be removed from Appc CLI NPM. *Steps to reproduce:* # Run {{appc use }} # When the CLI starts downloading, immediately press {{ctrl+c}} to cancel the download *Actual:* Emojis will appear when you abort the download; see [^emojis.png]. ",1 -"CLI-1207","05/12/2017 00:26:12","Update appc-platform-sdk dependency to ~2.1.3 in appc-cli-titanium",".",1 -"CLI-1208","05/12/2017 21:52:34","appc run removes last arg","Last option is removed from the command. {code} // --build-only is removed > appc run -p ios --build-only Command /usr/local/bin/node /Users/feonsua/.appcelerator/install/6.2.1/package/node_modules/titanium/lib/titanium.js build run -p ios --config-file /var/folders/mc/fcb2h6g10_b_9jx5v5qq3z6m0000gp/T/build-1494622257561.json --log-level info --no-banner --project-dir /Users/feonsua/work/testapps/test {code} ",1 -"CLI-1213","05/19/2017 20:50:41","Include Alloy 1.10.*","Alloy@1.10.0 introduced ES6 support in controller. https://jira.appcelerator.org/browse/ALOY-1312",0 -"CLI-1215","05/23/2017 20:14:34","appc-install improve subprocess npm rebuild","Use spawn instead of exec for cleaner code and not worry about buffer overflow. https://github.com/appcelerator/appc-install/pull/75",3 -"CLI-1219","05/24/2017 00:38:15","LiveView: Upgrade to handle ES6 sytax","h5.Description When using ES6 syntax in an application LiveView will currently error out (however you wont see LiveView error out because of TIMOB-24694). It's possible we could just update the acorn to a newer version allowing ES6 (and newer) code, but # We don't own the package https://www.npmjs.com/package/jsparse-tools # The repo doesnt exist (or is private) We could grab the source from an npm install and update where necessary, I believe MIT allows this. *Notes* I had a quick try of updating to the latest acorn version and these were my observations # The return data from the detect function stays the same across versions, so the acorn upgrade should not problematic # Using const will throw an error, this seems to be because LiveView makes some assumptions about the length of a variable declaration, let works (let and var are both 3 characters long). (https://github.com/appcelerator/liveview/blob/de6bb766edf10b83e28e5f941528d420ef50798d/lib/fserver.js#L314-L324) #* There is a note about usage of const in the docs but I cannot track down the origins of this warning https://wiki.appcelerator.org/display/guides2/LiveView#LiveView-Troubleshooting # This is only run for app.js files I believe",3 -"CLI-1226","06/12/2017 17:54:17","Automate AppSpider test","We need to test our APIs using AppSpider and upload the results # Using the AppSpider Application, run a scan manually (https://axway.jiveon.com/docs/DOC-80884) against the REST endpoint for preproduction ## URL: http://software-preprod.cloud.appctest.com/arrow/swagger.json ## Inside the AppSpider application, import the Swagger document ## Configure the scan and run it once manually. Save the configuration. # https://axway.jiveon.com/groups/product-security-group/blog/2016/10/14/automating-appspider-and-nessus-with-hakbot ## Recommend copying the Fortify scans to run this nightly: https://github.com/appcelerator/jenkins_dsl/tree/master/fortify-jobs",5 -"CLI-1229","06/16/2017 22:04:46","Rename appc new options","As part of product rebranding and renaming initiative we need the following changes to the ""appc new"" command: !image-2017-06-16-17-02-32-741.png|thumbnail! This should not affect any existing functionality. ",2 -"CLI-1230","06/16/2017 22:12:18","Update create arrow app command ","As part of the product rebranding and renaming initiative, we are replacing the ""Arrow"" name. appc new -t arrow should be replaced with appc new -t api !image-2017-06-16-17-07-49-385.png|thumbnail! Should be backward compatible so the previous scripting that used ""arrow"" should continue to work. Alias approach is OK.",1 -"CLI-1232","06/19/2017 15:27:54","Update descriptions in appc cloud -help (ACS CLI)","Rename some of the descriptions in the ACS CLI help to refer to new naming Specific lines: Function: Cloud/ACS command line interface and app runner Usage: cloud/acs [COMMAND] [COMMON OPTIONS] [COMMAND OPTIONS] login to the API Runtime cloud logout of the API Runtime cloud restart an app from the API Runtime cloud. If no appname provided it can run in app dir or with -d to specify an app dir. ",0 -"CLI-1233","06/20/2017 21:52:53","If you build appc-cli with NPM 3.X and Node 6.10.3, then you will get """"listener"" argument must be a function"""" when creating a mobile project","*Details:* If you build appc-cli with NPM 3.X and Node 6.10.3, then you will get {{""listener"" argument must be a function}} error when creating a mobile project. *Notes:* * This bug will appear when our (or ECD's) Jenkins build system start using NPM 3.X and Node 6.X to build appc-cli. * To *workaround* the issue, you will need to use the {{--legacy-bundling}} flag: {{npm install --production --legacy-bundling}} * On Jenkins, you will need to replace this line with the above command: https://github.com/appcelerator/jenkins_dsl/blob/master/jobs/appc_cli.groovy#L55 *Technical Notes:* * It seems like the {{wrap}} function from {{lib/logger.js}} (https://github.com/appcelerator/appc-cli/blob/master/lib/logger.js#L99) is being destroyed when {{lib/core.js}} is processing {{node_modules/arrow/lib/plugin/new.js}}; specifically, here: https://github.com/appcelerator/appc-cli/blob/master/lib/core.js#L230 *Steps to reproduce:* # Clone https://github.com/appcelerator/appc-cli # From terminal, run the following commands in the appc-cli repo: {code} # you don't need to delete this if this is your first time cloning the repo rm -rfv node_modules # you can move the json file instead of deleting it rm npm-shrinkwrap.json # at this point, you're performing a simplified version of what Jenkins does starting here: https://github.com/appcelerator/jenkins_dsl/blob/master/jobs/appc_cli.groovy#L55 npm cache clean npm install --production npm prune npm shrinkwrap npm install npm-bundle node ./node_modules/npm-bundle/bin/cli.js {code} # After the tarball is created, create a folder in {{~/.appcelerator/install}} and name it the version from the package.json file i.e. the {{version}} property. # Untar the tarball and move the {{package}} folder to the folder created in the above step # Run {{appc use }} # Run {{appc new --name monkey --id com.appc.monkey --type titanium --force --no-services -l trace}} *Actual:* The following error will appear (also, see attached log for full stack trace): {code} 2017-06-20T20:30:11.611Z | ERROR | An uncaught exception was thrown! ""listener"" argument must be a function 2017-06-20T20:30:11.612Z | ERROR | ""listener"" argument must be a function 2017-06-20T20:30:11.613Z | TRACE | TypeError: ""listener"" argument must be a function at _addListener (events.js:216:11) at Socket.addListener (events.js:276:10) at Socket.Readable.on (_stream_readable.js:687:35) at /Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/6.2.3-master.8/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/plugins/new.js:207:13 at proceed (/Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/6.2.3-master.8/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/plugins/util.js:221:3) at /Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/6.2.3-master.8/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/plugins/util.js:193:3 at /Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/6.2.3-master.8/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/plugins/util.js:88:3 at /Users/wluu/.appcelerator/install/6.2.3-master.8/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/plugins/util.js:78:3 at ChildProcess.exithandler (child_process.js:195:7) at emitTwo (events.js:106:13) at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:191:7) at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:886:16) at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:226:5) 2017-06-20T20:30:11.614Z | TRACE | Sending exit signal to titanium process: 26013 {code} *Expected:* You should be able to create mobile project regardless how app-cli is built.",1 -"CLI-1236","06/22/2017 06:18:10","Trim any spaces from auth code entered for two-factor verification","UX team has recommended that we make a change to the CLI to trim and spaces from the auth code as part of the two-factor verification step. An extra space is added when users copy and paste the auth code from their emails. Links for the Usability teardown [Usability Study #1|https://axway.jiveon.com/docs/DOC-100696] [Usability Study #2|https://axway.jiveon.com/docs/DOC-100695]",1 -"CLI-1241","06/30/2017 19:09:34","appc login --host option is not recognized","{{appc login --host \[dashboard url\]}} doesn't recognize the custom host option.",2 -"CLI-1246","07/18/2017 07:00:20","Remove duplicated -v parameter in appc-cli help","in [CLI-675] we added CLI options -v (--vpc-env). However, this conflicts with the short -v option. It appears the simplest approach is to just remove the -v short form for -vpc-env, since that wouldn't have worked.",1 -"CLI-1250","08/02/2017 15:26:10","Add support for allowing a proxy pac file to be specified in configuration","h5.Description Some customers are behind a proxy where they use a proxy PAC file, when using the Appc CLI this can lead to a bad UX where the customer may have two possible proxy URLs and only through trial and error can they tell which URL will work, a working URL can also go to not working without easy warning also. There are node packages that exist to allow resolving a proxy URL from a given PAC file, for example https://www.npmjs.com/package/pac-proxy-agent, I'm not sure how useful this would be and whether this problem is better solved in a lower level module such as request itself Example usage I would imagine this would be similar to the CA File support we have, so setting it would be set in the appc config like so {{appc config set proxypac C:\Users\Ewan\proxy.pac}}",5 -"CLI-1253","08/03/2017 19:10:59","Unable to do appc config without appc core","This is only happens when setting up CLI for the first time. After npm install appcelerator, there's no way to set config values, i.e. proxyServer, cafile, through {{appc config}} command. This is an issue for users try to setup CLI behind proxy. Workaround is to use environment variables. ",5 -"CLI-1263","09/12/2017 08:05:21","appc cli include acs cli 2.0.6","We have just upgraded tiger to 1.6.0 and released latest acs cli 2.0.6. Can you please include the latest acs cli? ",0 -"CLI-1273","10/16/2017 23:24:22","Ti.Database.execute() should return null when no results are found","- Our current {{ti.database.test.js}} test case is failing - {{Titanium.Database.execute()}} should return {{null}} when no results are found *TEST CASE* {code:js} var db = Ti.Database.install('made.up.sqlite', 'category'), rows = db.execute('pragma table_info(\'category\');'); Ti.API.info('rows: ' + JSON.stringify(rows, null, 2)); db.remove(); {code}",3 -"CLI-1278","11/13/2017 18:58:15","Android build always enables JavaScript encryption","Subsequent Android builds always have the {{encryptJS}} flag set to true when writing the build manifest, regardless of current deployment type. *Steps to reproduce the behavior* # Run a clean build # Run the app a second time without any changes *Actual behavior* Second build and onwards always forces a full rebuild indicated by the following logs: {code} [INFO] Forcing rebuild: JavaScript encryption flag changed [INFO] Was: true [INFO] Now: false {code} *Expected behavior* The build does an incremental build instead of a full rebuild. The above log message should not appear. ",1 -"CLI-1279","11/14/2017 22:29:47","Include API Builder 3.*","Bump API Builder major version.",1 -"CLI-1280","11/14/2017 23:34:18","CLI: Cannot create projects when using 7.0.0-master.11","When using CLI 7.0.0-master.11, I am unable to create a new project. I get the below error: {code} ? What's your application id (example: com.myapp)? com.appc.appid An uncaught exception was thrown! ""listener"" argument must be a function ""listener"" argument must be a function {code} *Steps to reproduce issue* 1. Create a new project with {{appc new}} 2. Enter valid project information *Expected Results* The project is created successfully *Actual Results* Project creation fails with the above error after entering the app id",0 -"CLI-1283","11/17/2017 05:53:06","appc use pre-release versions are not listed numerically","This is triggering my ocd. {code} > feonsua$ appc use --prerelease The following versions are available: 7.0.0-master.13 Installed 7.0.0-master.19 Not Installed 7.0.0-master.8 Not Installed 7.0.0-master.26 Installed 7.0.0-master.5 Not Installed 7.0.0-master.2 Not Installed 7.0.0-master.6 Not Installed 7.0.0-master.12 Not Installed 7.0.0-master.4 Not Installed 7.0.0-master.27 Installed (Active) 7.0.0-master.18 Installed 7.0.0-master.23 Not Installed 7.0.0-master.11 Not Installed 7.0.0-master.25 Not Installed 7.0.0-master.24 Not Installed 7.0.0-master.20 Not Installed 7.0.0-master.3 Not Installed 7.0.0-master.22 Not Installed 7.0.0-master.1 Not Installed 7.0.0-master.7 Not Installed {code} Perhaps an ascending sort will create a better experience. Especially when the list is long, it is a pain to keep scrolling up to see the latest version. {code} 6.3.0-master.16 Not Installed 7.0.0-master.1 Not Installed 7.0.0-master.2 Not Installed 7.0.0-master.3 Not Installed 7.0.0-master.4 Not Installed 7.0.0-master.5 Not Installed 7.0.0-master.6 Not Installed 7.0.0-master.7 Not Installed 7.0.0-master.8 Not Installed 7.0.0-master.11 Not Installed 7.0.0-master.12 Not Installed 7.0.0-master.13 Installed 7.0.0-master.18 Installed 7.0.0-master.19 Not Installed 7.0.0-master.20 Not Installed 7.0.0-master.22 Not Installed 7.0.0-master.23 Not Installed 7.0.0-master.24 Not Installed 7.0.0-master.25 Not Installed 7.0.0-master.26 Installed 7.0.0-master.27 Installed (Active) > feonsua$ {code}",2 -"CLI-1285","11/20/2017 13:47:10","""appc use"" must stop the daemon, if present, prior to switching core","We need {{appc use}} to stop the daemon prior to switching the core so that the old daemon code will no longer be used. Here's the basic steps 1. Switch to the new core 2. Check if the new core has {{appcd}} - If it does, run {{appcd stop}} ",2 -"CLI-1287","11/21/2017 07:41:48","CLI Core 7.0.0-master.34 fails to install ""ioslib/node-ios-device"" with error","h5.Steps to reproduce: 1. Go to preprod & run {code} appc use 7.0.0-master.34{code}. h5.Actual results: 1. Core installation goes well but it fails at installing {{ioslib/node-ios-device}}. {code} Finding version 7.0.0-master.34 ... ✓ Validating security checksum ✓ Installing ... ✓ Compiling platform native modules ... └ alloy/deasync ... ✓ └ external-editor/spawn-sync ... ✓ └ bunyan/dtrace-provider ... ✓ └ package/appcd ... ✓ └ ioslib/node-ios-device ...Failed to install node-ios-deviceundefined; it may not support your current OS. └ bunyan/dtrace-provider ... ✓ └ axway-flow/jsonpath ... ✓ └ bunyan/dtrace-provider ... ✓ └ ldapjs/dtrace-provider ... ✓ Installed!! {code} h5.Expected results: 1. Core installation should not error installing {{ioslib/node-ios-device}}.",1 -"CLI-1289","12/05/2017 16:35:45","Update AppPreview hook","https://jira.appcelerator.org/browse/PREVIEW-24 CLI needs to update {{appc-app-preview}} once the hook's URL is updated and ssl cert set up correctly.",1 -"CLI-1290","12/11/2017 14:58:50","npmconf causing errors when resolving plugins","The following error appears when running arrow tests. (which exec an appc run -l trace from a generated project) I never fully traced down the location of the issue in npmconf, but running the app generated by the tests directly does not show this error, so it's possibly something to do with the cwd. {code} invalid config https-proxy=undefined invalid config Must be a full url with 'http://' invalid config loglevel=""notice"" invalid config proxy=undefined invalid config Must be a full url with 'http://' 2017-12-11T12:57:53.912Z | ERROR | Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\Users\ahurst\AppData\Local\Temp\arrow-tmp\arrow_test_1512997071265.36.229339544800695\undefined' {code} These config options which are causing the error are npm defaults, however, and not set directly by me. The error is being thrown by the npmconf module, which is now deprecated with warnings of _Do not use this package._. While the suggested alternative is to use npm for this check, I don't feel like having npm as a dependency is a good idea, and I don't think that it is expected. Other packages seem to be using https://github.com/kevva/npm-conf instead. I've created a branch which uses npm-conf instead of npmconf and this no longer throws errors or emits warnings. ",3 -"CLI-1296","01/03/2018 14:34:54","Bump min node version to 8.1.2 or 8.9.0 ( first LTS version)","h5.Description There's an issue with Node 8.0.0 - 8.1.1 that is seen when building Titanium apps (https://github.com/archiverjs/node-archiver/issues/236) this is fixed in Node 8.1.2, I've seen a few people on slack be burned by this, I propose we bump our minimum required node in appc-install to either 8.1.2 or 8.9.1.",0 -"CLI-1305","02/26/2018 17:20:44","Error thrown when an uncaughtException is thrown by the CLI process","h5.Description When an uncaughtException occurs in the CLI it's possible the CLI will actually error out with the below, we just need to check if logger exists before using it like the other instances. {code} C:\Users\build\.appcelerator\install\7.0.2\package\bin\appc:182 logger.error('An uncaught exception was thrown!'); ^ TypeError: Cannot read property 'error' of undefined at process.uncaughtException (C:\Users\build\.appcelerator\install\7.0.2\package\bin\appc:182:9) at emitOne (events.js:116:13) at process.emit (events.js:211:7) at process._fatalException (bootstrap_node.js:374:26) {code} h5.Steps to reproduce # Cause an uncaught exception in the CLI (TODO) h5.Actual An error in our code is logged, causing us to lose the uncaughtException error h5.Expected Exception should be logged",8 -"CLI-1306","02/26/2018 21:13:03","Information link about replacing ArrowDB keys is dead","h5.Description When importing an existing app using {{appc new --import}} a short-link is printed out that informs a user the impact of replacing arrowdb app keys in the tiapp, the page in 360 no longer exists. Side note that we also need to replace arrowdb/acs with MBS (I think?) Link redirects to https://platform.axway.com/#/product/migrate-app {code} ? Would you like to enable native API access with Hyperloop for this app? No ? The app has ArrowDB (previously known as ACS) keys already defined. Would you like to replace them? Refer to http://appcel.us/1Gcby7G for more details. No {code} h5.Steps to reproduce # Create an app with services enabled # Import the app using {{appc new --import}} # Go to the link printed to understand the impact of replacing arrowdb keys in the tiapp h5.Actual Dead link h5.Expected A link with information",0 -"CLI-1309","02/27/2018 18:29:38","Include titanium@5.1.0 for CLI is unable to recognise JDK 9 fix","(Note JDK 9 is not supported yet, ticket is for reference) When trying to set {{java.home}} in the CLI to JDK 9 using {{appc ti config java.home path/to/jdk}}. The CLI does not set it to JDK 9 and instead will revert back to 1.8. (switching from 1.7 to 1.8 and vice versa works as expected) *Test Steps* 1. Download JDK 9 2. Use the CLI to set java.home to JDK 9 using {{appc ti config java.home path/to/jdk}} 3. Run {{appc info}} 4. Note that the CLI does not recognise it and reverts back to an older JDK version *Actual result* Should be able to switch to JDK 9. ",1 -"CLI-1308","03/13/2018 22:57:13","'appc use' offline doesn't show installed versions","**Reproduce Step** 1. make sure you have appc core installed 2. run {{appc use}} offline **Actual Result** {{TypeError: Cannot read property 'version' of undefined}} **Expected Output** Installed appc core should be listed. ",2 -"CLI-1312","04/10/2018 01:13:36","Can't start appc daemon with 7.0.3-master.36","This appears to be a regression. Not seen in 7.0.3-master.34. I did not find any changes merged which would have caused this issue but not 100% sure. h5.Steps to reproduce: 1. Install appc core 7.0.3-master.36. 2. Run {code}DEBUG=* appc appcd start{code}. (Daemon was not running after I installed the core). h5.Actual results: 1. Daemon start fails: https://gist.github.com/lokeshchdhry/3340ef8fd04d074b7eb2838885234fdf h5.Expected results: 1. Daemon should start successfully.",1 -"CLI-1314","04/19/2018 19:06:30","ABC: Issue enabling cloud and performance services for new apps","H5.Customer created a new app called BackupTest in VPC-Prod today. He selected enable Axway platform services but, cloud and performance services were not enabled. I tried to enable them again by clicking the enable services and still didn't work. After clicking it 4 times, finally the performance is enabled but, the cloud is still not getting enabled. He created another new app testBackup and this time it worked fine. but is still not able to enable the cloud service for the previous app. I've attached the configuration file for their environment. ",5 -"CLI-1319","07/02/2018 18:08:24","Reduce number of vulnerabilities found by npm audit","h5.Description Currently npm audit shows the following number of vulnerabilities, {{found 39 vulnerabilities (14 low, 15 moderate, 7 high, 3 critical) in 920 scanned packages}}. Note that some of these are only dev dependencies, but we should try and fix as many as possible. The npm audit output is pretty noisy so here's a reduced version of modules that will need updating, assume that the version bump is in range unless noted {code} grunt-appc-js (semver major, will need linting fixes I imagine) pac-proxy-agent (semver major) tar (semver major) request mocha (semver major) grunt lodash {code}",5 -"CLI-1321","07/23/2018 23:37:44","Hyperloop: Windows platform is not added to tiapp.xml","{{hyperloop}} is only added on creation, if you add it after creation android and windows are added. *Steps to reproduce* # Create a new application in studio with services and hyperloop *Error* Only {{hyperloop}} is added on creation. *Expected* {{hyperloop}} is not added on creation.",1 -"CLI-1324","08/23/2018 16:34:55","[Windows] Unable to install latest version of the CLI (7.0.6-master.5)","When trying to install latest version of the CLI on pre-prod the installation seems to get stuck. *Test Steps* # Make sure you are on pre-prod # Use {{appc use --prerelease}} to see all releases # Use {{appc use 7.0.6-master.5}} to get the latest version *Expected* CLI should install without any issues *Actual* CLI gets stuck on ""Installing"" *Note:* Seems to have been broken since {{7.0.6-master.2}} on Windows. ",8 -"CLI-1326","08/24/2018 05:09:35","Fix tar extraction method","- Our core CLI {{tar}} bundles are failing to extract on Windows - To fix this we can simplyify the {{targz}} method in the installer to only use the {{tar}} module",3 -"CLI-1343","08/24/2018 07:54:29","Android: Setting ""appc-sourcecode-encryption-policy"" to ""remote"" crashes on startup as of 7.3.0","This issue was reported via the [7.3.0 announcement blog post|https://www.appcelerator.com/blog/2018/08/ga-release-titanium-sdk-7-3-0-cli-7-0-5/]: {quote} App fail to run with the following error [ERROR] : V8Exception: Exception occurred at ti:/invoker.js:101: Uncaught Error: abstract method “java.lang.String[] org.appcelerator.kroll.util.KrollAssetHelper$AssetCrypt.getAssetPaths()” {quote}",13 -"CLI-1328","09/12/2018 18:27:29","AppC CLI --no-prompt flag broken.","I run this following command in appcelerator CLI: {code} appc login --no-prompt --username user@mail.com --password passcode {code} Expected behavior: {code} I expect: to get an error (a non-0 return value) {code} But I'm getting this from CLI: {code} Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 7.0.2 Copyright (c) 2014-2018, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. login failed, please try again Appcelerator Login required to continue ... ? Appcelerator ID: {code} I did not get return any error code. Instead, CLI prompts me to get logged in once again. Though I did check it in 7.0.6, I have got same results. ",1 -"CLI-1330","09/18/2018 07:57:34","appc use --prerelease -o json will try to download version json","h5.Description When running {{appc use --prerelease -o json}} or {{appc use --prerelease --output json}} the cli will try to download a core version of json, using {{appc use -o json --prerelease}} or {{appc use --output json --prerelease}} will do the correct thing and list the version info. h5.Steps to reproduce 1. Run {{appc use --prerelease -o json}} h5.Actual An attempt is made to download version ""json"" h5.Expected The version info should be listed",3 -"CLI-1340","01/03/2019 18:44:18","Login error when using Node 10 in Windows","On a fresh Windows 10 installation I've installed Node 10, Java 8, the Android SDK and the Appcelerator parts with {{npm install -g appcelerator titanium alloy}}. The open source version works fine but when trying to login to my appc account it will stop during the login part. *appc info* {code} Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 7.0.9 Copyright (c) 2014-2019, Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Operating System Name = Microsoft Windows 10 Home Version = 10.0.17134 Architecture = 64bit # CPUs = 12 Memory = 15.7GB Node.js Node.js Version = 10.15.0 npm Version = 6.4.1 Appcelerator CLI Installer = 4.2.13 Core Package = 7.0.9 Titanium CLI CLI Version = 5.1.1 node-appc Version = 0.2.44 Titanium SDKs 7.5.0.GA Version = 7.5.0 Install Location = C:\ProgramData\Titanium\mobilesdk\win32\7.5.0.GA Platforms = android, windows git Hash = 2e5a7423d0 git Timestamp = 11/15/2018 21:50 node-appc Version = 0.2.47 Intel® Hardware Accelerated Execution Manager (HAXM) Not installed Java Development Kit Version = 1.8.0_191 Java Home = C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_191 Genymotion Path = not found Genymotion Executable = not found Genymotion Player = not found Home = not found VirtualBox Executable = not found Version = unknown Android SDK Android Executable = not found ADB Executable = c:\android\platform-tools\adb.exe SDK Path = c:\android Android NDK NDK Path = not found NDK Version = not found Android Platforms 1) android-23 Name = Android 6.0 API Level = 23 Revision = 3 Skins = HVGA, QVGA, WQVGA400, WQVGA432, WSVGA, WVGA800, WVGA854, WXGA720, WXGA800, WXGA800-7in ABIs = Path = c:\android\platforms\android-23 2) android-28 Name = Android 9 API Level = 28 Revision = 1 Skins = HVGA, QVGA, WQVGA400, WQVGA432, WSVGA, WVGA800, WVGA854, WXGA720, WXGA800, WXGA800-7in ABIs = Path = c:\android\platforms\android-28 {code} When running {{appc -l trace setup}} or {{appc -l trace login}} the login will stop at: {quote} Get the registry... {quote} *Workaround* Commenting out these lines: {code} // get the registry function (opts, cb) { log.debug('Get the registry...'); return registry.getValue('registry', opts, cb); }, {code} in install\7.0.9\package\lib\commands\login.js will skip the registry part and the login will continue up to the end.",5 -"CLI-1344","02/05/2019 23:37:30","Packaging module with CLI 7.0.10-master.7 throws uncaught exception error","*Steps To Reproduce:* 1.Create a new mobile module project from command line 2. Build it for android or iOS from CLI *Expected:* Module should be packaged successfully. *Actual:* 2019-02-05T23:09:08.817Z | DEBUG | Titanium Downloads Last Checked: 1549391907761 2019-02-05T23:09:08.817Z | ERROR | An uncaught exception was thrown! tiapp.xml not found 2019-02-05T23:09:08.818Z | ERROR | tiapp.xml not found 2019-02-05T23:09:08.818Z | TRACE | Error: tiapp.xml not found at Object.load (/Users/kmahalingam/.appcelerator/install/7.0.10-master.7/package/node_modules/tiapp.xml/lib/tiapp.xml.js:57:9) at updateConfig (/Users/kmahalingam/.appcelerator/install/7.0.10-master.7/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/plugins/run.js:68:26) at Object.getTiConfig (/Users/kmahalingam/.appcelerator/install/7.0.10-master.7/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/plugins/util.js:177:9) at /Users/kmahalingam/.appcelerator/install/7.0.10-master.7/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/plugins/run.js:44:8 at /Users/kmahalingam/.appcelerator/install/7.0.10-master.7/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/plugins/util.js:713:11 at fn (/Users/kmahalingam/.appcelerator/install/7.0.10-master.7/package/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:746:34) at /Users/kmahalingam/.appcelerator/install/7.0.10-master.7/package/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:1213:16 at /Users/kmahalingam/.appcelerator/install/7.0.10-master.7/package/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:166:37 at /Users/kmahalingam/.appcelerator/install/7.0.10-master.7/package/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:706:43 at /Users/kmahalingam/.appcelerator/install/7.0.10-master.7/package/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:167:37 Command used: {code} appc new appc ti build -p ios --buildonly {code} *Note:* This is not happening with 7.0.10 master 6 CLI ",2 -"CLI-1346","02/12/2019 22:34:08","Improve the CLI install flow","h5.Description Currently the CLI install process does the following looks for packages that contains native modules and reinstall them. For example, appcd contains a native module, so whenever I download the appc cli, the appcd version in the CLI is reinstalled. We have mostly operated on the basis that a CLI distribution is locked down, but by reinstalling a package we're effectively recreating the dep tree underneath that package, leading to issues like DAEMON-270 I propose that rather than reinstalling the package, we take a similar approach to what's done elsewhere in the CLI where we run {{npm rebuild}} in the root dir. This has two advantages 1) CLIs become locked down ""again"" as we're just rebuilding native modules, not reinstalling 2) A CLI install becomes much faster I believe, on my machine a rebuild is way faster than an install",5 -"CLI-1347","02/20/2019 13:43:48","""componentForDownload is not defined"" error when running a project","h5.Description I tried to build a project, and hit the following error {code} 2019-02-20T13:36:51.288Z | ERROR | Error: ReferenceError: componentForDownload is not defined at /Users/eharris/.appcelerator/install/7.0.10-master.16/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/plugins/util.js:683:15 at Request._callback (/Users/eharris/.appcelerator/install/7.0.10-master.16/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/node_modules/appc-platform-sdk/lib/index.js:137:11) at Request.self.callback (/Users/eharris/.appcelerator/install/7.0.10-master.16/package/node_modules/request/request.js:185:22) at emitTwo (events.js:126:13) at Request.emit (events.js:214:7) at Request. (/Users/eharris/.appcelerator/install/7.0.10-master.16/package/node_modules/request/request.js:1161:10) at emitOne (events.js:116:13) at Request.emit (events.js:211:7) at IncomingMessage. (/Users/eharris/.appcelerator/install/7.0.10-master.16/package/node_modules/request/request.js:1083:12) at Object.onceWrapper (events.js:313:30) {code} h5.Steps to reproduce 1. Remove the {{lastUpdateCheckTiDownloads}} property from the appc-cli.json 2. Build a project using {{appc run}} h5.Actual Above error h5.Expected No error should occur",1 -"CLI-1349","03/20/2019 10:13:33","Support passing a custom template directory to alloy new command","h5.Description ALOY-1632 introduced passing a path to a template to the {{alloy new}} command. It would be good to bubble this up to the appc cli. There is an existing {{\-\-testapp}} option that can be used, but it might be better to go with something like {{\-\-template-path}}, it should be clear that this option is only used for Alloy projects",1 -"CLI-1350","04/02/2019 11:30:37","Update to latest arrow version","h5.Description API Builder team will be updating arrow to handle the recent change to the iconset dashboard ships. We should include this version, the version number is unknown at this time, and it might contain some security fixes too cc [~ahurst]",1 -"CLI-1352","04/19/2019 19:09:42","Reduce time to check Titanium downloads","- Currently, the CLI checks Titanium downloads when a {{new}} or {{run}} occurs after a 24 hour period. - This is too long, it should re-check after thirty minutes so customers can receive the latest modules shortly after being released.",3 -"CLI-1354","06/06/2019 13:37:20","Include alloy 1.14.0","h5.Description We want to include alloy 1.14.0 in the cli 7.1.0 release. Initially we will include the prerelease version {{1.14.0-0}} and then when we're ready we'll cut the release of alloy and include that in the cli. We will need PRs for appc-cli and appc-cli-titanium",1 -"CLI-1355","06/11/2019 04:11:36","Android ""appc run"" will always trigger rebuild if ""tiapp.xml"" is missing encryption policy property","*Summary:* If the ""tiapp.xml"" file is missing property ""appc-sourcecode-encryption-policy"", then an Android ""appc run"" will alway trigger a *rebuild*. This is preventing incremental Android builds from working. *Steps to reproduce:* # Create a default Alloy or Classic app from template. # Build for Android via: {{appc run -p android --build-only}} # Build for Android again using the above command line. # In the build log, notice the following message {code} [INFO] Forcing rebuild: JavaScript files need to be re-encrypted {code} *Cause:* The CLI's {{precompileHook()}} code is wrongly setting the {{AndroidBuilder}} object's ""encryptJS"" property to {{undefined}} if the ""appc-sourcecode-encryption-policy"" property was not found. This code should *+only+* set the ""encryptJS"" field to {{true}} if the encryption policy was found and set to ""remote"". Otherwise, it should leave the ""encryptJS"" field alone. [titanium.js#precompileHook()|https://github.com/appcelerator/appc-cli-titanium/blob/cd6a63dbeac0cb6a2327f24e6b2f2e53a54b2984/hook/titanium.js#L216] *Work-around:* Add the following property to the ""tiapp.xml"" file. {code:xml} none {code}",3 -"CLI-1356","06/12/2019 14:05:36","Compiling platform native modules contains more packages than necessary","h5.Description The CLI uses the existence of a postinstall step as a method of determining that a module is a native module. This isn't always the case as packages such as core-js use this as a method of gathering contributions, this doesn't cause any problems but it's a minor cosmetic issue and might cause a slight speed reduction in install time {code} $appc use 7.0.12-70X.4 Before you can continue, the latest Appcelerator software update needs to be downloaded. Finding version 7.0.12-70X.4 ✓ Validating security checksum ✓ Installing ✓ Compiling platform native modules └ babel-register/core-js ✓ └ babel-runtime/core-js ✓ └ babel-runtime/core-js ✓ └ babel-runtime/core-js ✓ └ babel-runtime/core-js ✓ └ external-editor/spawn-sync ✓ └ bunyan/dtrace-provider ✓ └ package/appcd ✓ └ bunyan/dtrace-provider ✓ └ z-schema/core-js ✓ └ z-schema/core-js ✓ └ axway-flow/jsonpath ✓ └ ldapjs/dtrace-provider ✓ └ package/fsevents ✓ {code}",3 -"CLI-1359","07/05/2019 14:19:51","When commenting out modules in the Tiapp.xml and running a build all modules move to one line","*Test Steps* # Create a new Titanium application using an SDK > 8.0.0.GA (In this instance 8.0.2.GA was used) # Open the {{Tiapp.xml}} # Add some modules # Comment out the modules in the {{Tiapp.xml}} # Run the app *Expected result:* Each module should be on a separate line like: {code:java} {code} *Actual result:* All modules are shown in one line like: {code:java} {code} ",3 -"CLI-1368","09/03/2019 10:32:57","Daemon: update to ioslib 2.5.1 to support apple certificate detection","ioslib was updated in TIMOB-27358 to support detecting the new apple certs, we need to update ioslib in the daemon to support detecting these so Studio can show them",1 -"CLI-1369","09/13/2019 17:07:37","Remove longjohn dependency","We use [longjohn|https://www.npmjs.com/package/longjohn] in our CLI to improve stack traces for async code. However, longjohn has quite a few negative impacts and shouldn't be used in procution code, mainly due to performance reasons. Additionally longjohn has issues with source maps, which we now try to parse in our JS processing build step. This can lead to obscured error messages coming from longjohn instead of the original error, e.g. missing or corrupt source map. We should remove longjohn to avoid all of the above issues in our shipped CLI.",1 -"CLI-1371","10/21/2019 11:37:02","For Push in Preproduction & Older environments require '/v1' extension for acs-base URL","For Push in Preproduction & Older environments require '/v1' extension for acs-base URL. If we change: {noformat} https://preprod-api.cloud.appctest.com {noformat} to {noformat} https://preprod-api.cloud.appctest.com/v1 {noformat} in the tiapp.xml. titanium in preprod will create URL successfully and ti.cloudpush will not throw an error. This is not the case in production where '/v1' is not needed. but against Production it seems as per my tests we dont need to add '/v1' to the tiapp.xml.",1 -"CLI-1376","11/15/2019 15:59:16","Update to daemon 3.x","We should ship the long awaited appcd 3.X line with CLI 8.0.0, this is already being tracked in the next branch but this makes it official",3 -"CLI-1380","11/21/2019 14:00:37","No watchos simulators shown in studio","h5.Description Update ioslib to v2.5.3 to pull in the fix for DAEMON-306 ",1 -"CLI-1385","01/15/2020 10:44:52","Remove API Builder (arrow) in 8.0.0","API Builder 3 will be EOL at the end of April 2020 and has been deprecated in the 7.x CLI already. Since the 7.x CLI is supported past this EOL date we should be able to get away with cleaning up the 8.0.0 release with a breaking change to remove it, making the footprint significantly smaller. [~cmcgovern] has approved this decision. ",3 -"CLI-1390","02/19/2020 23:36:56","Android: Packaging an unregistered app does not encrypt files","h5. Steps to reproduce: 1. Make sure the project it not registered to your org. 2. Try to package (production build) the project for android distribution. 3. Unzip the {{.apk}} file & check the contents in {{./assets/resources}}. h5. Actual results: 1. The {{app.js}} and other files are not encrypted. h5. Expected results: 2. The {{app.js}} and other files should be encrypted.",3 -"CLI-1392","04/28/2020 19:42:03","Improve handling of no MBaaS entitlement","h5.Description When creating a new project we will try to create a MBaaS resource, it seems that his creation is completely unguarded in terms of whether the user has access to MBaaS, and results in an ugly and confusing error being thrown like the below. We should improve this so that we don't create an MBaaS resource if they don't have access, and maybe logging if not entitled? {code} Unable to register the new app with Appcelerator Platform either due to limited connectivity or other unexpected problem. Please retry later using the command 'appc new --import --project-dir /path/to/project' { Error: You do not have access privileges to view this content. at Request._callback (/Users/awam/.appcelerator/install/8.0.0/package/node_modules/appc-platform-sdk/lib/index.js:121:17) at Request.self.callback (/Users/awam/.appcelerator/install/8.0.0/package/node_modules/request/request.js:185:22) at Request.emit (events.js:182:13) at Request. (/Users/awam/.appcelerator/install/8.0.0/package/node_modules/request/request.js:1161:10) at Request.emit (events.js:182:13) at IncomingMessage. (/Users/awam/.appcelerator/install/8.0.0/package/node_modules/request/request.js:1083:12) at Object.onceWrapper (events.js:273:13) at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:187:15) at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:1094:12) at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:63:19) success: false, description: 'You do not have access privileges to view this content.', code: 403, internalCode: undefined } {code}",5 -"CLI-1393","07/17/2020 18:32:48","Allow passing template option through when creating a classic application","h5.Description To support the creation of webpack enabled classic projects we want to allow passing the {{--template}} option through to classic applications too, currently the code will not pass the template option through to the {{titanium create}} command only to the {{alloy new}} command",5