diff --git "a/DNN_deep-se.csv" "b/DNN_deep-se.csv"
deleted file mode 100644--- "a/DNN_deep-se.csv"
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2065 +0,0 @@
-"DNN-19514","01/16/2012 07:19:00","HTML5 tags as content panes","We are transforming our new skins to html 5, for now just the little steps. But I encountered the following issue. It seems to be that DNN does not allow header and footer tags to be contentpanes. For example <footer class=""footer"" id=""FooterPane"" runat=""server""></footer> Is not recognized. Does anybody have an idea why? For now I included an extra div in the footer element for the content pane, but I would like the use the html 5 tags for content panes as well. Clear Steps to Reproduce: 1- enter the following into en dnn html 5 skin 2.- <footer class=""footer"" id=""FooterPane"" runat=""server""></footer> Actual Result: 1. No error, but the footer will not act as an contentpane 2. Expected Result: 1. The footer should act as an contentpane",3
-"DNN-19591","01/22/2012 04:15:00","Portal templates are incomplete","This is long overdue, but has just become more urgent due to the new popups being enabled by default on all new sites. Problem Certain site settings are not being included in the portal template when it is exported. It means that portal creation is incomplete when a portal template is imported. Solution Please add these items to the portal template: In Site Settings, Usability Settings: Enable Pop-Ups Inline Editor Enable Hide System Folders Control Panel Mode Control Panel Visibility Control Panel Security",2
-"DNN-19668","01/25/2012 13:11:00","For authenticated hosts, consider allowing click-through from ""critical error has occurred"" error message to associated event log entry","This would save me a considerable amount of time during debugging, especially if the associated event log entry were displayed inside a pop-up window.",3
-"DNN-19924","02/14/2012 19:55:00","Console module incorrectly sorts candidate tabs","In DesktopModules/Admin/Console/ViewConsole.ascx.cs on or about line 302, the candidate tabs are sorted by level and child-status: if ((IsHostTab())) { tempTabs = TabController.GetTabsBySortOrder(Null.NullInteger).OrderBy(t => t.Level).ThenBy(t => t.HasChildren).ToList(); } else { tempTabs = TabController.GetTabsBySortOrder(PortalId).OrderBy(t => t.Level).ThenBy(t => t.HasChildren).ToList(); } This change was introduced in changeset 61158. This modification was erroneous, and causes incorrect results when the console module is applied against a multi-level page hierarchy. Specifically, the subsequent loop assumes an ordering of the following form: Tab Level 1 Sort 1 Tab Level 1 Sort 2 Tab Level 2 Sort 1 Tab Level 2 Sort 2 Tab Level 1 Sort 3 Tab Level 2 Sort 1 Tab Level 3 Sort 1 However, the ordering identified above does not perform this sorting. If the GetTabsBySortOrder call does not return an ordering with recursive grouping (I'm not sure whether it does), additional work will need to be performed to achieve the desired ordering. At a minimum, the modification should be removed to read: if ((IsHostTab())) tempTabs = TabController.GetTabsBySortOrder(Null.NullInteger); else tempTabs = TabController.GetTabsBySortOrder(PortalId); (Extraneous brackets removed due to lame-ness.) I'm unable to identify the work item that motivated the erroneous change; if it is posted in the comments I can investigate further.",1
-"DNN-20052","02/21/2012 14:16:00","RazorScriptFile - optimization","Brief Description of Issue: Per my conversation with Charles Nurse last week, the new RazorScriptFile method generates a redundant filesystem lookup when .cshtml files are being used (the most common case). From our email thread: I don�t have the code handy, but in pseudocode, it�s basically: Make the script filename with .cshtml extension Issue filesystem lookup Does it exist? No { Change it to .vbhtml } Issue filesystem lookup (again) Does it exist? No { Bail out with error } Return success result I believe a more optimal way to write that would be: Make the script filename with .cshtml extension Issue filesystem lookup Does it exist? No { Change it to .vbhtml Issue filesystem lookup Does it exist? No { Bail out with error } } Return success result This obviously has the effect of eliminating a filesystem lookup for the most common case.",1
-"DNN-20082","02/22/2012 14:55:00","When combining CSS and JS, write a comment to tell which file is which","Right now when you combine files you don't know which file the css or js is coming from. It would be nice to print out a comment that tells which file is which. Perhaps this should be a configurable option as well? The composite file provider in CDF currently does if (type == ClientDependencyType.Javascript) { sw.Write("";;;""); //write semicolons in case the js isn't formatted correctly. This also helps for debugging. } We could follow the same strategy -- if (optionIsEnabledD) { sw.Write(fileNameComment); } This will help for debugging when composite files is enabled (which is admittedly not the best way to do it, but hey sometimes you need to).",1
-"DNN-20135","02/28/2012 10:47:00","Incorrect ordering of items in Console module","Brief Description of Issue: C# version of console module has different (incorrect) hierarchy ordering over its VB.NET predecessor. Clear Steps to Reproduce: 1. Go to 'Admin > Page Management' right click 'My Website > Add Page(s)' 2. Create the following structure TestRoot >Test1 >>SubTest1-1 >>SubTest1-2 >Test2 >>SubTest2-1 >>SubTest2-2 >Test3 >Test4 2. Disable link in navigation for Test1 and Test2 (makes problem more visible) 3. Go to TestRoot page and add Console module on it 4. Switch Console module to Detailed view Actual Result: 1. First it lists root pages (Test3, Test4) that have no children, then ones that do have children (Test1, Test2). And then the actual children (SubTest..). 2. Screenshot #1 Expected Result: 1. Copy hierarchy exactly as it is so first would be Test1, then children of Test1, then Test2, then children of Test2, then Test3 and Test4. 2. Screenshot #2 I managed to fix this at ~/DestopModules/Admin/Console/ViewConsole.ascx.cs lines 299 and 303 where i removed OrderBy Before: tempTabs = TabController.GetTabsBySortOrder(PortalId).OrderBy(t => t.Level).ThenBy(t => t.HasChildren).ToList(); After: tempTabs = TabController.GetTabsBySortOrder(PortalId);",1
-"DNN-20186","03/03/2012 08:04:00","DB: Change Columns from NTEXT to NVARCHAR(MAX)","Hi DNNCorp, I was running some queries against the DNN database and I was running into some errors. After investigating the issue, I found that the root problem was caused by DNN's use for the NTEXT data type. This datatype has been deprecated since SQL2005 and should not be used. It should be replaced with NVARCHAR(MAX) columns. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms187993(v=sql.90).aspx The following columns need to be fixed: EventLog.LogProperties EventQueue.Attributes HtmlText.Content HtmlText.Summary Packages.License Packages.Manifest Packages.ReleaseNotes Profile.ProfileData ProfilePropertyDefinition.DefaultValue ScheduleHistory.LogNotes Social_Messages.Body SocialGroups.GroupText SystemMessages.MessageValue TabModules.Header TabModules.Footer Vendors.KeyWords vw_aspnet_MembershipUsers.Comment vw_Modules.Header vw_Modules.Footer vw_TabModules.Header vw_TabModules.Footer",5
-"DNN-3044","03/12/2012 16:40:00","SI:iPhone and iPad mega menu rendering issue","Brief Description of Issue: On the iPhone and iPad the Home Page sub-menu is not rendering. Clear Steps to Reproduce: 1. Host>Site Management 2. Click Manage >Add New site >Site type : child portal 3. Template: Select mobile website "" Default skin DarkKnightMobile -home"" and create site. Browse the child portal and home page Sub-menu is not rendering with DarkKnightMobile -home, but if i switch the skin to DarkKnightMobile -interior, Home page sub-menu start rendering fine..",1
-"DNN-20333","03/15/2012 08:40:00","Error inside ModuleSettingsPresenterBase","Brief Description of Issue: The constructor of ModuleSettingsPresenterBase<TView> does not instantiate dictionaries for TabModuleSettings and ModuleSettings in its constructor. Subsequently, Presenters inheriting from ModuleSettingsPresenterBase<TView> will have to instantiate these two dictionaries inside their constructors or else a Null Reference Exception will be thrown when trying to access them. This is especially galling because the method LoadFromContext() of ModuleSettingsPresenterBase<TView> will try to add settings to these two dictionaries. It does so if setting keys are present inside ModuleContext.Configuration.ModuleSettings and .TabModuleSettings. Since LoadFromContext() does this, I think it should be the job of ModuleSettingsPresenterBase<TView> to instantiate its own properties!",1
-"DNN-20513","03/30/2012 13:52:00","Introduce well-known content types for required types that are immutable","For the three default, immutable content types, I suggest introducing a well-known repository for those types as static members on the ContentType entity: public class ContentType { ... private const string tabContentTypeName = ""Tab""; private static ContentType _tab; public static Tab { get { return _tab ?? (_tab = new ContentTypeController().GetContentTypes().FirstOrDefault(type => type.ContentType == tabContentTypeName)); } } private const string moduleContentTypeName = ""Module""; private static ContentType _module; public static Module { get { return _module ?? (_module = new ContentTypeController().GetContentTypes().FirstOrDefault(type => type.ContentType == moduleContentTypeName)); } } private const string desktopModuleContentTypeName = ""DesktopModule""; private static ContentType _desktopModule; public static DesktopModule { get { return _desktopModule ?? (_desktopModule = new ContentTypeController().GetContentTypes().FirstOrDefault(type => type.ContentType == desktopModuleContentTypeName)); } } ... } These well-known types would be a lot more readily usable for content consumers, where currently a developer has to query the type controller manually (and likely cache the value in exactly the same manner).",2
-"DNN-20544","04/02/2012 14:48:00","Console Module Does Not Honour Include in Menu Setting","Brief Description of Issue: Unchecking the ""Include in Menu?"" option does not result in the page being removed from the Console display. Despite the fact that the Console isn't expressly a menu, the behaviour still falls outside what I would expect -- which is that the page would not be listed in the Console. Clear Steps to Reproduce: 1. Create a page. 2. Create a second page (in my case as a child of the first). 3. Edit the settings of the second page to not be included in the menu. 4. Both pages will appear in the Console. Actual Result: Pages set to not show in menu (i.e. navigation) show. Expected Result: Pages set to not show in menu, should not show in the Console. (Debatable perhaps, but still feel inconsistent.) Proposed Fix: Update CanShowTab() in /DesktopModules/Admin/Console/ViewConsole.ascx.cs. Line 376 [Current]: return (!tab.IsDeleted && (tab.StartDate < DateTime.Now || tab.StartDate == Null.NullDate)) && TabPermissionController.CanViewPage(tab); Line 376 [Proposed]: return (!tab.IsDeleted && (tab.StartDate < DateTime.Now || tab.StartDate == Null.NullDate)) && TabPermissionController.CanViewPage(tab) && tab.IsVisible;",1
-"DNN-21003","04/30/2012 19:24:00","Client Resource Framework should put JS at the bottom of the page by default","For performance reasons, it is preferable to put as much JavaScript as possible at the bottom of the page (so that the content of the page doesn't get blocked by the loading of a script). However, by default, including JavaScript via the Client Resource Framework includes it at the top of the page's <form/>. If it's at all possible without removing backwards compatibility, the default should be the DnnFormBottomProvider instead of the DnnBodyProvider. Ian had talked about wanting to change the namespace to remove the redundant ClientResourceManagement part, so perhaps there could be new controls created in that namespace with the new default, and folks using the old controls in that namespace would get the old behavior...",1
-"DNN-21060","05/02/2012 14:46:00","Include EditorOverride.css in custom Telerik dialogs","DotNetNuke overrides many Telerik editor dialogs. It also exposes a custom stylesheet for overriding editor styles. However, this stylesheet is not included for dialogs. This would be a very useful addition in some circumstances. Suggest including in the dialog markup (e.g. /Providers/HtmlEditorProviders/Telerik/Dialogs/LinkManager.ascx) as: <link href=""<%= DotNetNuke.Entities.Portals.PortalSettings.Current.PortalAlias.HTTPAlias %>/Providers/HtmlEditorProviders/Telerik/EditorOverride.css"" rel=""stylesheet"" type=""text/css"" /> It may be overkill to use the client resource manager here, but that is another option.",1
-"DNN-21211","05/10/2012 07:06:00","Default value for role status should be approved for old templates","I still use some old templates and I noticed things didn't quite work as before on the new beta. I traced it to the fact that no roles were approved. I think if the node of status is not set in a template, it should default to approved.",2
-"DNN-21235","05/10/2012 08:13:00","SI: add setting for SMTP client for idletime and connectionlimit","the .NET SMTP client does not have a close or dispose method, so it keeps its connection open to the SMTP server it is connected to. This is an issue that was raised with Microsoft here: http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/337557/smtpclient-does-not-close-session-after-sending-message As a workaround the .NET team makes this suggestion: The SmtpClient class currently does not have a Close() or Dispose() method. However, you can change the default idle timeout of the ServicePoint so that the connection is dropped after each email is sent. For example: Smtp client = new SmtpClient(""hostname""); client.ServicePoint.MaxIdleTime = 0; client.ServicePoint.ConnectionLimit = 1; ... client.Send(new MailMessage(...)); // at this point, the connection will get closed // since the ServicePoint idle time is now 0. It would be nice if we would add this to the DotNetNuke.Services.Mail.Mail class, and expose MaxIdleTime and ConnectionLimit in the UI, specifically in Host Settings > SMTP settings.",5
-"DNN-21213","05/10/2012 13:15:00","Icon API and Action(Command)Button are not compatible.","Create a module action which refers to a icon, e.g. actions.Add(ModuleContext.GetNextActionID(), ""Test"","""","""", IconController.IconURL(""View""), """", false, SecurityAccessLevel.View, true, false); Test with an old container which still uses ActionButtons (e.g. from DNN_Gray) The Icon is correctly displayed in ModuleAction, but it is wrong for the Action Button: The actionbutton adds /images/ in front of the icon path.",1
-"DNN-21258","05/14/2012 13:35:00","Uploading new extension","Use a remote or SLOW server Host -> Extensions -> Install Extension Wizard Select your extension Click Next Wait for the package to be uploaded EXPECTED Some indication that the package is being uploaded to the server before install (can take minutes in some instances). ACTUAL Nothing. PLEASE NOTE All we had to indicate that a package was being uploaded before was the browser itself (page waiting to be loaded). Now we are using a modal window we don't even have that. So this is a change in behavior (i.e. NOT an enhancement) as we have no indication whatsoever of what is going on now.",1
-"DNN-21481","05/29/2012 10:26:00","Add alternate link w/ ""hreflang"" to sitemap.aspx for multilingual websites","http://support.google.com/webmasters/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=2620865",1
-"DNN-21568","06/01/2012 12:03:00","Registration: Postback on Country selection clears password","If Country is added as Registration field, a selection of a country will cause a postback and clear Password and PasswordConfirm Clear Steps to Reproduce: Install DNN6.2 Set Registration Fields to Custom, and fields to Firstname. lastName, Email, Password, Country Displayname Format : [FIRSTNAME] [LASTNAME] logout and register Enter password select a country Actual Result: Password field is cleared Expected Result: password should remain",1
-"DNN-21594","06/04/2012 16:15:00","Error when site template specifies missing profile property data type","Brief Description of Issue: When creating a site, if the site template specifies a profile property definition with a data-type that doesn't exist in the site, there will be an error, rather than defaulting to ""Unknown,"" as the code seems to intend. Clear Steps to Reproduce: Create a template from a site Manually edit the template, changing one of the <profiledefinition> element's <datatype> to be some gibberish (or create a custom data type in the site) Try to create a new site using that template Actual Result: The site is half-way created, and an error message is show indicating that there was an issue creating the profile property definitions Expected Result: The site is created without issue, and the profile property is created with the Unknown data type The code is trying to get the specified datatype from the data types dictionary, and then checking if the retrieved list entry is null. However, the dictionary throws an exception if the item is missing, rather than returning null (unlike a Hashtable).",1
-"DNN-21596","06/04/2012 17:56:00","Typo in resource file (nl-NL)","Brief Description of Issue: small typo in resource file Clear Steps to Reproduce: \DesktopModules\Admin\Tabs\App_LocalResources\TabLocalization.ascx.nl-NL.resx <data name=""markTabTranslated.Text""> <value>Markeer als Niet-Vertaald</value> </data> <data name=""markTabUnTranslated.Text""> <value>Markeer als Niet-Vertaald</value> </data> Remove ""NIET-"" in the translation of the key markTabTranslated.Text",1
-"DNN-21630","06/06/2012 19:36:00","Site Wizard - French translation of introductory message needs rework","Brief Description of Issue: I switched between French and English while on SiteWizard.aspx and find the French translation to be inaccurate Clear Steps to Reproduce: Step 1 - Use DNN Deploy tool to Custom install latest CE 6.2.1 build and select and install all 4 of the included LP's Step 2 - Log in as HOST Step 3 - Go Admin --> Site Wizard Step 4 - Switch from English to each language Step 5 - Take the English introductory text and run it through Google translate Actual Result: Result 1 - The current French translation is ""Le configurateur de site permet de créer rapidement un site en choisissant un gabarit, un thème et les containers."" Expected Result: Result 1 - The translate.google result is: ""L'assistant de configuration de site offre un administrateur d'une manière conviviale de mettre en place les mûres traits communs d'un site Web. Vous pouvez faire défiler l'assistant en utilisant les boutons Suivant / Précédent au bas de la page de l'assistant. Une fois a été recueilli suffisamment de détails pour compléter l'assistant, le bouton Terminer est activé.""",1
-"DNN-21887","07/02/2012 09:54:00","Folder Provider - add a new method: bool IsStorageInstanceSecure(FolderMappingInfo folderMapping)","Brief Description of Issue: Folder Provider - add a new method: bool IsStorageInstanceSecure(FolderMappingInfo folderMapping) Why this? Because IsStorageInstance depends on the current instance's properties. It could be in some cases is 'true' and in others is 'false'. In the current implementation, the virtual property IsStorageSecure() does not have the current FolderMappingInfo data, and therefor cannot know this. In your PE implementation of Azure and S3 you may not need this. Despite the provider's settings you allways have IsStorageSecure = true (or false, I don't know). However the information about the current instance being secure or not could be very useful for something using the provider. For example to wrap a file's URL into a 'linkclick' depending on IsStorageInstanceSecure being true or not. If you would like to keep the current IsStorageSecure() as it is, then file. But please add the IsStorageInstanceSecure(FolderMappingInfo folderMapping) . It's easy, harmless, and useful. Thanks! Source code additions: FolderProvider.cs public virtual bool IsStorageInstanceSecure(FolderMappingInfo folderMapping) { return IsStorageSecure; } FolderInfo,cs: public bool IsStorageInstanceSecure { get { var folderMapping = FolderMappingController.Instance.GetFolderMapping(FolderMappingID); return FolderProvider.Instance(folderMapping.FolderProviderType).IsStorageInstanceSecure(folderMapping); } }",1
-"DNN-21906","07/05/2012 08:09:00","Splash page not being shown","Brief Description of Issue: When setting a page as the site's splash page, the site still shows the home page when you first go to the site. Clear Steps to Reproduce: Go to Site Settings under the Admin Menu In the Page Management under Advanced Settings, set the Splash page to a different page than the home page Actual Result: Going to the root of the site in an incognito browser window shows the home page Expected Result: Going to the root of the site in an incognito browser window shows the splash page I've verified that the splash page behavior works up to DNN 6.1.3, but can't get it working in 6.2. I was also unable to find where the framework is looking at that in the code, to determine whether that was changed; sorry.",2
-"DNN-21940","07/10/2012 21:57:00","Cannot View Unauthorized SuperUser Accounts","Brief Description of Issue: No records are displayed when the Unauthorized filter is selected on the SuperUser Accounts module. Clear Steps to Reproduce: Create one or more unauthorized SuperUser Accounts Select the Unauthorized filter. Actual Result: No records displayed Expected Result: All unauthorized accounts are displayed.",2
-"DNN-21973","07/15/2012 13:38:00","iFrame with pdf covers mega menu submenu","Running DNN 6.2. Developed a skin built from the Black Knight skin. When a mega menu submenu deploys with an iFrame containing a pdf; the submenu is covered by the pdf. The client site page that displays this is: http://www.careerlinklehighvalley.org/lvp/LVP/By-Laws.aspx Have attempted to adjust z-index with no effect. Included .DnnModule{z-index:1;position:relative;} in my skin.css file. The only positive impact was the Action menu in each module now deploys above images where previously images covered the Action menu. Have attempted work arounds with the iFrame with no impact. The mega menu submenu continues to be hidden by the pdf. The same result also occurs with the Black Knight skin deployed with DNN.",1
-"DNN-3028","07/18/2012 08:55:00","SI: Custom secured login page does not stay logged in","Brief Description of Issue: When logging in using a custom login page that is secured, the user does not stay logged in once redirected to normal website. For Example: normal site = domain.com secure pages = secure.domain.com login page is secured. Go to login, enter credentials, get redirected to previous page (gettingstarted.aspx on normal site), user not logged in. Clear Steps to Reproduce: Create new installation of DNN Create HTTPS binding to site with certificate Create new page with account login module Set page permission of 'all users' to allow view Enter SSL settings -> enforce SSL, set SSL URL to 'secure.domain.com', set Standard URL to 'domain.com'. Set Login page to custom login page. Add 'secure.domain.com' to hosts file log out of website log in to website (should be directed to 'secure.domain.com/login.aspx') Actual Result: User gets logged in Redirects to previous page (domain.com) User is not logged in Expected Result: User gets logged in Redirects to previous page (domain.com) User stays logged in",1
-"DNN-22134","07/31/2012 00:28:00","Take all fields in Admin -Site Settings -- User Settings tab and group all that are display only","See attached jpeg. All fields under Admin -->Site Settings-->User tab that are there just for display purposes should be grouped together with appropriate text stating the fields are just for display purposes. To alter the settings, user has to go to web.config or to Host-->Configuration Manager and load web.config file. It is just confusing the way it is now.",2
-"DNN-5184","08/03/2012 14:56:00","SI - CSS May Fail to Load With Copyright Disabled","Brief Description of Issue: In the host settings, there is an option to disable 'Show Copyright Credits'. With this option disabled, performing exactly nine postbacks on a page with an asp.net control will cause the page to load with no css. This issue was reported a long time ago here: http://www.dotnetnuke.com/Resources/Forums/forumid/111/threadid/317156/scope/posts.aspx More recently, our friends are SportsDirect have stumbled upon it while working with some custom modules. Here are their comments on the issue: ""After further investigation, this error only happens when you are injecting something into the head of the page during the OnLoad event. I think there must be a conflict between how DNN removes the copyright text from the page and our code that was injecting into the page. I have moved our event to the OnInit event and this is no longer causing and issue. FYI - I have attached a simple sample module that shows this issue. It injects some example text into the page header and demonstrates a simple postback. On the ninth postback all page CSS is lost."" Clear Steps to Reproduce: Install the attached module Add it to a page Select a value from the dropdown list 9 times.",3
-"DNN-22307","08/17/2012 10:31:00","SearchResults.ascx.nl-NL.resx html tags not properly encoded","Brief Description of Issue: The resource file SearchResults.ascx.nl-NL.resx (in DesktopModules\Admin\SearchResults\App_LocalResources) has html tags that are not properly encoded (e.g. < for <). Clear Steps to Reproduce: In a site with the official DNN NL language package do a search. Actual Result: Zoekresultaten voor werkgever Expected Result: Zoekresultaten voor werkgever (i.e. search term in bold and italic) NB: in the attached resx file I also modified the value for 'Relevance' to make it similar to the default resx.",1
-"DNN-3073","08/20/2012 14:29:00","Template Manager Shows Non-HTML Template Files","Brief Description of Issue: In previous versions, the Template Manager in the Telerik editor only showed files that ended with the .htmtemplate extension. That is no longer the case. As the attached screen shot shows, all files are listed in the Template Manager selection window. Not sure if this happens on clean installs, so I am listing the way our demo environment is able to reproduce this. I can post a backup of the environment should you not be able to reproduce this issue again. I used EE for this, but this feature should be the same across all editions. I marked this as ""Minor"" but this looks horrible in our sales demos to prospective customers. Clear Steps to Reproduce: Clean install of 06.02.00 Upgrade incrementally to 06.02.02 Populate the Portals directory with several files of various types (can be done prior to upgrade too) Ensure that at least one of those files is a HTML template file Login with any user that can edit content (I used a Host user) Edit content in a HTML module Choose the Template Manager in the editor Actual Result: All files are shown as being available, regardless to file type Expected Result: Only files ending in .htmtemplate should be shown Here is a link to my demo environment: http://dnn-sales.s3.amazonaws.com/Demo/Demo%20Sites/DNNEE-AwesomeCycles-SalesDemo-201208200925.zip",1
-"DNN-22451","08/29/2012 18:49:00","Detailed message is neccesary when deleting a page with child pages","Brief Description of Issue: Detailed message is neccesary when deleting a page with child pages Clear Steps to Reproduce: Log on as Host Create a page structure as shown in the screenshot Navigate to page 004 Go to Ribbonbar Pages - Actions Delete, and click Delete Look at the message Actual Result: The message says ""Are you sure you want to delete this page?"" Expected Result: The message should read ""Are you sure you want to delete this page and its child pages?""",1
-"DNN-22716","09/17/2012 04:20:00","DependencyHandler.axd removes background-position css lines","See http://www.jenasysdesign.com.au/dnn/Blogs/tabid/71/EntryId/14/DNN-Site-Performance-Tuning-Multi-Image-Sprites.aspx for a summary of the issue. CSS to use .Jenasys-Thumb-Down-128 { background-image: url(""Jenasys/Thumbs.png""); background-repeat: no-repeat; float: left; margin: 8px 12px 8px 4px; background-position: 0 0; width: 128px; height: 128px; } .Jenasys-Thumbs-Up-128 { background-image: url(""Jenasys/Thumbs.png""); background-repeat: no-repeat; float: left; margin: 8px 12px 8px 4px; background-position: -138 0; width: 128px; height: 128px; } Image to use attached (Thumbs.png) Test HTML <div class=""Jenasys-Thumbs-Up-128""></div> <div style=""position: relative; width: 128px;""> <p>Here is an excellent example of the second image in the series being displayed. Should be the <strong>Green Thumbs Up</strong>.</p> </div> Steps to reproduce Goto the site Administration page. Open File manager Upload the image file to the appropriate location Goto the site Administration page. Open Site Settings. Click on the Style Sheet Editor tab. Add your CSS here. Confirm that the file path to the image file is correct. Click Save Style Sheet button Click Update Button. Open a HTML Module that you want to use to test these settings. View the HTML of the text. Add a div tag with a reference to the class we want to display.",1
-"DNN-22725","09/17/2012 17:33:00","SI: Multiline DataType breaks user profile view","Brief Description of Issue: When entering line feeds in a multiline user profile field, the user profile does not display anymore Clear Steps to Reproduce: Create new UserProfile field, using the Multiline Datatype, make sure the field is NOT admin only, and also visible, to make sure we can actually see the field create a new user (non admin) log on as that new user, go to the user profile page, edit profile, and enter a value in the Multiline field, make sure to add one or more new lines (returns), and update go to the user profile main page (by klicking on the user's name), and click on the ""My Profile"" link Actual Result: notice that the user profile will not display now. depending on the text entered, different javascript errors occur. I entered this text: hey new line new line that text generates the following javascript error: ""Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token new"" see screendump: Expected Result: The user profile displays normally no javascript errors Suggested fix: The problem resides in file /DesktopModules/Admin/ViewProfile/ViewProfile.ascx.cs, from line 179: value = Localization.GetSafeJSString(value); if(property.PropertyName == ""Biography"") { value = value.Replace(""\r"", string.Empty).Replace(""\n"", string.Empty); } there is a couple of things wrong with this. it is wrong to test for a given property name, since the profile is customizable, this will not work if another field with the RichText datatype will be added to the profile We should also check for the MultiLine datatype property it really doesn't matter what the property name is, we can do this for all properties, since this is just a simple replace functionality we should not replace by string.empty, but by single space, otherwise text will be appended without space in between So my proposal is to change into this: value = Localization.GetSafeJSString(value); value = value.Replace(""\r"", string.Empty).Replace(""\n"","" "");",2
-"DNN-22760","09/19/2012 10:33:00","Not able to register some portal alias.","Clear Steps to Reproduce: Try to register portal alias like ?ar.waw.pl - it is a regional polish URL. Actual Result: DNN rejects such alias - for sure because of the letter ? - one of national polish characters. zar.waw.pl registers without issues. Expected Result: ?ar.waw.pl should register seamllesly. If I am able to register it at URL providers, then why not in DNN?",1
-"DNN-22761","09/19/2012 14:01:00","Scheduler - Run Now - Not work if Job not Enabled","Brief Description of Issue: If a scheduler job is not checked as Enabled, and you click the Run Now button, the job is not submitted to run. It should run that once, just not be included in future scheduled runs. Clear Steps to Reproduce: Disable scheduled job click Run Now Actual Result: Job is not sumbitted, but no error message appears indicating that it wouldn't be Expected Result: Submit job for processing Work Around? Yes - First enable job, Run Now, then disable job.",2
-"DNN-22818","09/21/2012 16:09:00","Retry Frequency should be shorter than Time Lapse","Brief Description of Issue: Retry Frequency should be shorter than Time Lapse Clear Steps to Reproduce: Log on as Host Navigate to Host - Schedule Click a task from the schedule and set Retry Frequency longer than Time Lapse. For example, set TIme Lapse as 1 Hour and Retry Frequency as 30 Days Click Update button Actual Result: Retry Frequency can be longer than Time Lapse Expected Result: Retry Frequency must be shorter than Time Lapse There should be a validation to ensure Retry Frequency is shorter than Time Lapse",1
-"DNN-22841","09/22/2012 10:30:00","Set a hotkey for the view modes","In DNN 7 we'll have the big ""Switch to edit mode"" button at the top of the screen. It'd be awesome if the different views could be had with a keyboard shortcut. Same goes for the login command, btw. Background info here: http://www.hanselman.com/blog/TheWebIsTheNewTerminalAreYouUsingTheWebsKeyboardShortcutsAndHotkeys.aspx",2
-"DNN-22885","09/23/2012 12:32:00","Improve Delete Special Page Experience","Brief Description of Issue: When deleting a special page, there is a confirmation box showing up, upon agree delete fails. Show message instead of confirm box immediately. Clear Steps to Reproduce: install DNN 7 CTP2 try to delete the home page Actual Result: popup ""Are you sure..."" say yes Error message ""special pages cannot be deleted"" Expected Result: immediate error message ""special pages cannot be deleted""",1
-"DNN-22888","09/23/2012 18:35:00","GetUserRoles returns inconsistent results","Brief Description of Issue: The following code returns inconsistent results. Depending on the overload used, you might return all security roles, or just the ones that the user is a part of (expected). var ctlUser = new UserController(); var ctlRole = new RoleController(); var oUser = ctlUser.GetUser(PortalId, ProfileId); // this is done in a profile-sensitive module // get a list of the roles that this site member is a member of // This does not return the groups that only belong to this user like you expect. It returns all roles. //var roles = ctlRole.GetUserRoles(oUser, false); // This overload does. //var roles = ctlRole.GetUserRoles(PortalId, oUser.Username, string.Empty); Clear Steps to Reproduce: Use the code above in your own custom module on a site with multiple users and security roles. It would be best to put it on a page and reproduce on a page like the user profile since you can pull results from multiple users. Actual Result: All user-created security roles are returned Expected Result: Only the security roles of the user that passed into the method should be returned.",1
-"DNN-23094","10/01/2012 16:55:00","Edit Extension - Module Control User Interface","When editing a Module Control for an Extension, the UI has a field for Source: and it displays a combobox which lists all user controls in all subfolders under /DesktopModules and /Admin. This is really confusing and inefficient. Instead it should have a Source Folder: combobox which displays all the folders in /admin and /desktopmodules but defaults to the FolderName which is already identified for the module in DesktopModules. The Source: combobox should then load the list of files in the Source Folder: selected. This would be much more efficient and intuitive. ",1
-"DNN-23299","10/15/2012 10:24:00","PUSHED FROM 7.0 - Dutch language pack global resources not completely translated","Brief Description of Issue: Clear Steps to Reproduce: install Dutch pack go to the privacy.text in the global resources Actual Result: English text Expected Result: Dutch translation Expected Result 1",1
-"DNN-23359","10/16/2012 17:30:00","Authentication Systems - UI interactions when enabling the auth's needs work","Brief Description of Issue: After creating a 3rd Party Authentication service the pop up remains open Clear Steps to Reproduce: Step 1 - In a 7.0 site log in as Admin in 1 browser and as Host in a different browser Step 2 - As Host user go Host --> Extensions --> Available Extensions --> Authentication Systems Step 3 - Click the ""Install"" button and complete installation for those 3rd Party (Twitter,etc) authentication projects/providers you want to add to yoru site Step 4 - As Admin go Admin --> Extensions --> Authentication Systems Step 5 - Click Edit icon beside a just installed Auth system Step 6 - Enter App ID and App Secret Step 7 - Click ""Update"" Actual Result: Actual Result 1 - Pop up is still open Actual Result 2 - There is no indication of success.. or what may have happened Expected Result Expected Result 1 - Pop up closes when ""Update"" is clicked Expected Result 2 - If it doesn't close then ""Save successful"" message and a ""Close"" button in place of the ""Update"" button A longish Screen cast of current functionality is here: http://screencast.com/t/RtuoomOXgeSw",1
-"DNN-23413","10/17/2012 21:08:00","Cannot install extension with missing manifest using Not A Skin option","1. Go to Install Extension Wizard in Host->Extensions. 2. Choose attached skin package using file explorer. Or download from \\dnn-vh1\QA\Tools & Software & 3rd Party Skins Modules\3rd Party Skins\Newer Skins. It is called ""24514_24762_1140GridBlackMobileSkinPackMGSModule-CompatibleMobileDeviceandDesktopScreen.zip"" 3. click next. 4. Wizard complains package is missing manifest. So three option are presented as a radio button selection - Skin, Container, Not a Skin/Container. Choose the third option ""Not a Skin/Container"" and click next button. Nothing happens. This is a bug. The extension should be installable using this option. Please see screencast: http://screencast.com/t/HRB8iq9V5bb Update: Spoke to Charles about this and apparently the user has to provide feedback on whether its a skin or a container, otherwise nothing can be done with the package. In that case, possibly we can get rid of the ""Not a Skin/Container"" option.",2
-"DNN-23417","10/17/2012 22:57:00","""Inline Editor Enabled"" no working","Brief Description of Issue: When I enable the Inline Editor feature nothing changes. Clear Steps to Reproduce: Nav to Site Settings > Advanced Settings> Usability Setttings. Enable online editing Update Go to a HTML module and try inline editing. Actual Result: Nothing Happens Expected Results Inline editing enabled --- or this setting is removed (as I believe it should be for this version",1
-"DNN-23528","10/23/2012 18:29:00","Shadow displayed upon clicking on module icon menu items in IE","Build: 1362 This issue occurs in IE only. 1. In Internet Explorer, click on any module icon menu item. For example, click on Settings for HTMLPro module. 2. A grey shadow is displayed upon clicking the item. The shadow remains as long as the mouse key is held down. This is design bug. This shadow should not be displayed. Please see attached screencast http://screencast.com/t/dTZHyAq2RVSu",2
-"DNN-23571","10/24/2012 08:44:00","Recycle App Pool needs to be renamed","In IIS, an App Pool can contain MANY websites � and there is the ability to Recycle the App Pool, which results in all of the related sites being restarted. But that is NOT what this option does in our Control Panel. IMHO it should be renamed �Restart Web Site� as this is what it actually does ( ie. it �touches� the web.config which forces a site restart � but does not affect any other site in the App Pool ).",1
-"DNN-23653","10/29/2012 14:27:00","Error Auto-Configuring Social Groups","Steps to Reproduce: Add and configure a social groups module.(auto-configure) Add/Configure a social group using the module. Delete the module from the page. Add another social groups module to the page. Click Auto-Configure Actual Result: Error occurs. ""A critical error has occurred. Page Exists in portal: 0, path: , culture:"" Expected Result Auto-configure should set the page up the same way as before. Reason for this is that when the module is deleted, the pages that were configured by the module(Members and Group Activity) are still present. Auto-Configure tries to create them again. Workaround: Go to PageManagement and delete the Members and GroupActivity. They are child pages of the page that the SocialGroups module sits on. Once the pages are deleted, auto-configure works again.",2
-"DNN-23675","10/30/2012 07:30:00","Add configurable list of extensions and contenttypes","We have a few locations in the core where image extensions (fileuploadcontroller) or contenttypes (filemanager) are read from hardcoded lists. These should be replaced with administratable entries e.g. via the lists functionality.",2
-"DNN-2981","10/30/2012 12:47:00","SI: Journal: adding something to the journal that is visible to friends does not work","See feedback from customer below: Ok, this is what I do: var journalController = JournalController.Instance; var journalItem = new JournalItem(); journalItem.Summary = ""testing summary""; journalItem.PortalId = 0; // this is default host portal journalItem.ProfileId = this.UserId; journalItem.SocialGroupId = -1; journalItem.UserId = this.UserId; journalItem.JournalTypeId = journalController.GetJournalType(""status"").JournalTypeId; journalItem.ObjectKey = """"; journalItem.Body = ""testing body""; journalItem.SecuritySet = ""F,""; journalItem.Title = ""Testing Title""; journalController.SaveJournalItem(journalItem, -1); // saving The new JournalId is in this case ""34242"" and when I look in the table ""Journal_Security"" I see: JournalSecurityId JournalId SecurityKey 68727 34242 F8 68728 34242 P8 68729 34242 U8 Now, you say that the SecurityKey should be ""F"" and not ""FUserid"", right? How can I achieve that? If you look at my journalItem, I set ""F,"" as a security key, so I guess somewhere in the DNN logic, the UserID is added?",2
-"DNN-23717","10/31/2012 07:12:00","Automatically refresh Journal-module content","We have recently altered the Journal module's code to enable it to automatically refresh it's content every X seconds, without having to reload the full page. Module-settings have been added to enable administrators to control the functionality and to determine the refresh-rate to use (any amount of seconds between 2-10 is allowed, with the default value be�ng 6). By default, automatic refreshing is disabled (users must The alterings were made to be as compatible with existing code, as well as with DotNetNuke 6.2 standards, as seemingly possible. These changes are based on DNN 6.2.2's source code, but since version 6.2.4 is the current latest version of DNN, I have checked if the files that we altered, have been changed by the DNN-team theirselves too. Conclusion is that only our changes in the View.ascx-file will need to be re�mplemented for full compatibility with DNN 6.2.4. That will probably be coming down to little copy/pasting-work, if you catch my drift ;-) For DNN, I compared the same files from DNN 6.2.4, concluding the following changed files: ServicesController.cs (which has been altered by the DNN-team quite heavily), View.ascx, View.ascx.cs, module.css. Re�mplementation of our changes will in most cases be easy for DNN 7 as well, but in ServicesController.cs I believe a little recoding will need to be done to keep code compatible. The changed files (and only the changed ones) for the Journal-module are attached with this ticket.",1
-"DNN-23718","10/31/2012 07:22:00","PUSHED FROM 7.0 - Message boxes are not in DNN style","Brief Description of Issue: Message boxes are not in DNN style Clear Steps to Reproduce: Install PE or EE Log on as Host Navigate to Host - Configuration Manager Select one Configuration File,such as 51Degrees.mobi.config Click Choose File and select a config file, such as web.config, and click Upload Click Execute Merge Actual Result: The popup message boxes aren't in DNN style Expected Result They should be in DNN style",1
-"DNN-23726","11/01/2012 11:44:00","No Index No Follow","DNN inserts a lot of meta tags by default: <meta id=""MetaCopyright"" name=""COPYRIGHT"" content=""blablabla"" /> <meta id=""MetaAuthor"" name=""AUTHOR"" content=""blablabla"" /> <meta name=""RESOURCE-TYPE"" content=""DOCUMENT"" /> <meta name=""DISTRIBUTION"" content=""GLOBAL"" /> <meta id=""MetaRobots"" name=""ROBOTS"" content=""INDEX, FOLLOW"" /> <meta name=""REVISIT-AFTER"" content=""1 DAYS"" /> <meta name=""RATING"" content=""GENERAL"" /> <meta http-equiv=""PAGE-ENTER"" content=""RevealTrans(Duration=0,Transition=1)"" /> And there is no real way to control this from an administrator perspective. I believe an administrator should be able to set these values.",5
-"DNN-23755","11/02/2012 08:53:00","Installation using Safari - Wizard links appears underlined","Brief Description of Issue: Running the installation with Safari, the links Clear Steps to Reproduce: Lauch DNN install using Safari. Actual Result: Links on top without correct style. See attached screen Expected Result Same style than other browsers",1
-"DNN-23811","11/05/2012 14:12:00","Profile Property Definition Default Visibility Selector","Brief Description of Issue: The Profile Property Definition Default Visibility Selector item #4 is blank. the first 1-3 are visible, but the last (#4) is available, but not labeled Clear Steps to Reproduce: Step 1 - go to Admin >Profile Property Definitions > Edit > Default Visibility Selector Actual Result: Actual Result 1 - the selection option #4 label is missing or blank Expected Result: Expected Result 1 - I expect to see 'friends and groups' in the list",1
-"DNN-23844","11/06/2012 01:56:00","confirm window is windows style when delete page in page management","Brief Description of Issue: confirm window is windows style when delete page in page management. Clear Steps to Reproduce: right click a page in the tree, and select delete item: Expected Result should use our style.",1
-"DNN-23856","11/06/2012 12:46:00","Not correctly localized text in Install Wizard flags tooltips","Brief Description of Issue: In the Spanish flag, the tooltip text says ""Espanol (Espana)"", It should be ""Español (España)"". Similarly, for other languages like ""Français"" Clear Steps to Reproduce: Launch install, in the first screen hover the mouse over the Spainish flag to show the tooltip. Actual Result: The text is Espanol (Espana) Expected Result The text is Español (España) * This is not a translation issue, the text is hard-coded in the InstallWizard.aspx",1
-"DNN-23857","11/06/2012 13:35:00","Getting Started Page Introduction videos Video link is behind the paragraph","Brief Description of Issue: After installing DNN 7.0 with Spanish language as site language -- also occurs with German language. You will see the Getting Started page. However, this page has the link to see the ""Learn the basics of working with DNN"" video behind the paragraph of that section. See attachments Clear Steps to Reproduce: Fresh install of DNN 7.0 In the Step 1, select Spanish -- or German -- as Language Finish the installation process Stay on the Getting Started page.. Actual Result: You can see the Getting Started page as the ""SpanishLP_noVisibleLink.png"" attachment shows Expected Result The video link should be readable and clickable. The paragraph should not be in front of it.",1
-"DNN-23866","11/06/2012 16:52:00","PUSHED FROM 7.0 - Getting Started page always shows in default language","1) Install in any language 2) Admin -> Advanced Configuration -> Languages -> Deploy a couple of languages 3) Now shuffle between languages and also click on Help->Getting Started page 4) Note the translation on the Getting Started page. Expected: GS is translated Actual: GS is not translated http://screencast.com/t/CK0RHKn0",1
-"DNN-2980","11/09/2012 14:48:00","No message when creating a page with same name as one in Recycle Bin","Brief Description of Issue: No message when creating a page with same name as one in Recycle Bin Clear Steps to Reproduce: Log on as Host Go to RibbonBar, and Add Page Delete the page through RibbonBar Add a new page with the same name through RibbonBar Actual Result: No message No page is created Expected Result There should be a message saying there is a page with the same name in Recycle Bin and a page with the same name cannot be created",1
-"DNN-23949","11/13/2012 11:25:00","PUSHED FROM 7.0 - Javascript error in Detail Message Page in Italian site.","Brief Description of Issue: In Italian site, ""Detail Message"" Page throws a javascript error that broke the page functionality. Clear Steps to Reproduce: Install; Log in as Host; Change language to the Site to Italian; Go to Profile Page; Go to Messages; Compose a New Message; Open that sent message; Actual Result: JS Console show an javascript error: Error: Unable to parse bindings. Message: SyntaxError: missing ) in parenthetical; Bindings value: click: toggleArchiveConversation, text: (TotalArchivedThreads() === 0 ? 'Archivio' : 'Estrai dall'archivio') The details of the message are not showed and user cannot reply. Expected Result No javascript error; Message details are showed properly and user can reply. This issue is related with http://support.dotnetnuke.com/issue/ViewIssue.aspx?id=23829&PROJID=52. Apparently single quote is not parsed properly for javascript use.",1
-"DNN-23965","11/14/2012 11:46:00","PUSHED FROM 7.0 PopUp is not displayed properly in IE9/8 when user clicks to the Language Package ""Deploy"" button","Brief Description of Issue: PopUp is not displayed properly when user clicks to Language Package ""Deploy"" button in Admin > Advanced Configuration Settings > Language. The issue can be reproduced always with IE8/9 and sometimes with Chrome 22, FF 16.0.2 and Safari 5.1.7. Clear Steps to Reproduce: Install; Log in as Host with IE9; Go to Admin > Advanced Configuration Settings > Language tab; Scroll to the bottom of the page; Click to Deploy button Language Pack; Actual Result: Page scrolls to the top, then it opens the PopUp and then scrolls to the bottom (at the same coordinates where you were when you clicked). PopUp is partially visible and it cannot be relocated. This is a bug. (see attached screenshot PopUp_PartiallyVisible_AfterOpen.png) Expected Result Page scrolls to the top and the popUp is open in the center of the page; If you have got a lot of LPs (e.i. after Upgrade from 6.2.x) the PopUp could be not visible, see attached screenshot PopUp_IsNotVisible_AfterOpen_When_I_Have_ALot_LPs_(FromUpgradeScenario).png I've reproduced this issue only by clicking on the Language Package ""Deploy"" button. I cannot reproduce the issue for the Extensions ""install"" button neither in Host Extensions Page or Advanced Configuration Settings Page. I've observed that the button command is different from the command of the Extension ""Install"" button. Perhaps the reason of the problem could be there. Command link of the Deploy button of Italian Language Pack Extension: javascript:__doPostBack('dnn$ctr453$AdvancedSettings$languagePacks$extensionTypeRepeater$ctl00$extensionsGrid$ctl10$downloadLanguage','') Command link of the Install button of ActiveDirectoryAuthentication Extension: javascript:dnnModal.show('http://pe620.dnndev.me/Admin/AdvancedSettings/tabid/89/ctl/Install/rtab/89/ptype/Auth_System/Default.aspx?returnUrl=http://pe620.dnndev.me/Admin/AdvancedSettings.aspx&package=DNNPro_ActiveDirectoryAuthentication_07.00.00_Install.resources&popUp=true',/*showReturn*/false,550,950,true,'')",1
-"DNN-23992","11/15/2012 07:42:00","SI: Scheduler does not start at APPLICATION_START","Brief Description of Issue: Clear Steps to Reproduce: Edit any scheduled task in the task scheduler and enable it Set ""Time Lapse"" and ""Retry Frequency"" blank Set ""Run on Event"" to APPLICATION_START Update the schedule and restart the application (eg by stopping and starting IIS) Check the Schedule History for that schedule Actual Result: No entries Expected Result: At least one entry should be there from the restart",1
-"DNN-23997","11/15/2012 11:59:00","PUSHED FROM 7.0 No user notification is showed when user tries to create a new SuperUser with an username that already exists","Brief Description of Issue: No user notification is showed when user tries to create a new SuperUser Account with an username that already exists. Clear Steps to Reproduce: Install; Log in as Host; Go to Host > SuperUser Accounts; Create a new SuperUser with username ""test""; Create a new SuperUser with the same username ""test"". Actual Result: The system closes the popUp and it refreshes the SuperUser grid. The new SuperUser is not created. Expected Result The system does not close the PopUp and it notifies the user that this username is already used.",1
-"DNN-24060","11/16/2012 13:04:00",".dnn7 manifest not honored in module installation process","In previous versions of DotNetNuke (5 and 6), when you installed a module through the Host >> Extensions screen, the installer was able to use a .dnn5 and .dnn6 manifest file instead of the default .dnn manifest file. "".DNN5"" was honored for DNN 5 installs and "".DNN6"" for DNN 6 installs. This functionality is missing from DNN 7. Can we add a "".dnn7"" extension that would be honored when installing a module? Currently, the DNN 7 installer still honors the "".dnn6"" extension, but not a .dnn7 extension. I opened up the Source for DNN and found there were two places this needed to be changed. It's a super simple change since the functionality exists in DNN 5 and DNN 6 and just needs an extra couple lines added in DNN 7. I've attached the two effected files, which are found in the DNN source code package here: /Community/Library/Services/Installer All that's need is an extra Case in the Case statement on line 464 of InstallFile.cs and and additional if statement on line 389 in InstallerInfo.cs. These changes are reflected in the attachment. Let me know if you have any questions! Matt",1
-"DNN-24061","11/16/2012 13:05:00","Control panel should default to bookmarks if any are defined","Brief Description of Issue: If I take the time to create bookmarks in the control panel, I want to see those first when I hover over Admin or Host. Showing me the full list of ""common"" pages every time strongly reduces the helpfulness of being able to define bookmarks. Clear Steps to Reproduce: Bookmark some pages from the Admin and/or Host menu Navigate to a new page Open the Admin/Host menu Actual Result: Common pages tab is open Expected Result: Bookmarks tab is open",2
-"DNN-24076","11/16/2012 14:43:00","PUSHED FROM 7.0 Username value that begins with the symbol ""","Brief Description of Issue: Username value that begins with the symbol ""<"" and does not contain the symbol "">"" is not displayed. Clear Steps to Reproduce: Install; Log in as Host; Go to Admin > User Accounts; Create a new user with username value as ""<user""; Actual Result: The username value in the User GridView is not displayed. The username value is not displayed also in the Edit User popUp. (see attached screenshots) Expected Result Username should be displayed.",1
-"DNN-24092","11/18/2012 05:05:00","PUSHED FROM 7.0 Applying a Container to all modules/default settings doesn't take until cache reset","In DNN 7 (RC) applying a Container to all modules/default settings doesn't take until cache reset. Steps to reproduce. Install DNN 7.0 Install MultiFunction skin (http://multifunction.codeplex.com) Set MultiFunction Two Column as the default Skin (admin/site settings) Set MultiFunction Main as the default container (admin/site settings) Change HOMEPAGE skin to Use Default Site Skin Change one of the ""Footer"" modules at the bottom of the page to use Default Site Container, check the Set as Default and Apply to All Modules check boxes Go to another page, the MAIN container will not be used on all modules until you use the TOOLS/Clear Cache option in the control panel. Expected result should be that All modules on All pages use the container specified in the steps.",1
-"DNN-24128","11/19/2012 08:53:00","Html Editor Image Manager buttons incorrect","Brief Description of Issue: Clear Steps to Reproduce: Log in as a non-host and non-admin user who only has permissions to add or change the content for a select HTML module. (via group permissions) while adding content to the HTML Pro module, click on the Image Manager button. Click on any folder (""/images"" for example). Click on ""+UPLOAD"". Choose a photo to upload and attempt to upload that image. photo does not upload, and DNN gives no feedback as to what just happened - and what did not happen. Another bug: When modal window disappears, the Image Manager button (with the paper clip icon on it) loses its icon and becomes unrecognizable. Actual Result: User is lead to believe they can upload pictures, while no pictures get uploaded, and there is no error message or feedback. Also, the image manager button becomes unrecognizable. See a video of bug in action: http://screencast.com/t/9AkL9Wdae Expected Result: UPLOAD button is greyed out the entire time. Image manager button remains intact after using the Image Manager.",1
-"DNN-24105","11/19/2012 14:29:00","""Switch Languages"" Drop Down List in Control Panel does not work","Brief Description of Issue: Switch Language from Control Panel does not work. I've reproduced this issue with a fresh installation of and also with two upgraded installations, one from 5.6.7 and another one from 6.2.4, both of them to version I've checked with the following Browsers: Chrome 22, FF 16.0.2, IE8/9, Safari 5.1.7 Clear Steps to Reproduce: Install; Log in as Host; Go to Advanced Settings Configuration; Deploy a Language Package (e.i. Spanish); Go to Admin > Languages; Check the check box ""Allow users to choose interface language?"" and click to the Update button; Go to Control Bar > Tools; Select from Switch Languages Drop down list the ""Spanish Language"" option and click GO button. Actual Result: Page is reloaded but the language of the website is still the English (e.i. Control Panel menu is still in english). Expected Result Page is reloaded and Spanish language should be applied to the web site.",1
-"DNN-24134","11/20/2012 06:55:00","Skin Upgrade Tabs are not shown properly","Brief Description of Issue: From an installation of 6.2.0 Pe with Fran�ais language installed, you upgrade to 7.0 PE and after that, to 7.0 EE. Then, if you select Fran�ais and go to Admin > Site settings you can see that the Tabs are not shown properly. See attachment Perhaps the width of all joined tabs is longer than the width of the skin control Clear Steps to Reproduce: Using Chrome Fresh install of 6.2.0 PE, with English, Spanaish and Fran�ais Install the skin Greyness2 Apply Greyness2 - Standard to site level and on all pages Upgrade to PE Create a page Add some Module Upgrade to EE Select Fran�ais Go to Admin > Site Settings Actual Result: Tabs are shown as in the attachment Expected Result Tabs should be shown in one line",1
-"DNN-24145","11/20/2012 13:14:00","Module Permission An user can do actions that he/she should not do","Brief Description of Issue: Using, if a non Superuser account has the Add Content permission in a page, then he/she also can edit content in HTLM Pro module, or change Module Settings of any module into the page in spite of he/she has neither the deny Edit permission nor the deny Manage settings permission explicitily. See screen cast http://screencast.com/t/96gqyT7Y Clear Steps to Reproduce: Fresh install of the build # Install skin Greytness2 Apply the skin Greytness2 - Winter to the whole site Log in as Host Create a role Create a user Add the user above to the role created in the step 4 Delete the user created in the step 5 from the role Subscribers Create a page Add some module. i.e. the document library Open a different browser Open the site and log in as the user created in the step 6 Ensure the user cannot edit the page created in the step 9 Return to Host session Modify the Page permissions to allow the role created in the step 4 the Add content permission Using the another browser, ensure the user can see the Add module menu Return to Host session Modify the Module permission of the HTML Pro Enter Title module of the page created in the step 9. Deny Edit content and Manage settigns permissions to both Registered users role and the role created in the step 5 Using the another browser, try to edit the content of the Enter Title module Actual Result: The user can edit the content of the html module in spite of he has denied explicitily that permission The user can manage settings of the html module in spite of he has denied explicitily that permission Also, the user can manage settings of any module into the page. In the rest of modules, this permission is blank in both Page permissions and Module permission Expected Result The user should not edit the content of the Enter Title module The user should not manage settings of the Enter Title module Also, the user should not manage settings of a module if he/she has not allowed explicitily that permission",1
-"DNN-24161","11/21/2012 11:28:00","PUSHED FROM 7.0 Can create a child site named 'Host' and break the system","Brief Description of Issue: A child site named 'Host' can be created. After that, the system is not working properly. Clear Steps to Reproduce: Fresh 7.0 install Go to Host > Site Management Click Add New Site Select Child, /host as Site Alias and 'Host' as Title Click Create Site Actual Result: child site 'Host' created Unpredictable results when going to host section or when going to the child site The child site can't be removed Expected Result Do not allow to create a site named 'Host'",1
-"DNN-24189","11/22/2012 07:09:00","Dark Knight skin fix should not be in default.css","Default.css in DNN7 RC! has a fix for the dark knight skin, which should not be in there IMO. Instead dark knight skins CSS should be updated. /* dark-knight skin fix in 7.0 */ div.SearchContainer { position: relative; white-space: nowrap; } div.SearchBorder { background-color: White; border: 1px solid #E0E0E0; float: left; height: 20px; margin-top: 2px; position: relative; white-space: nowrap; width: 200px; } input.SearchTextBox { border: 0 none; float: left; height: 18px; width: 169px; z-index: 10; } div.SearchContainer a { display: inline-block; padding: 0 5px; position: relative; } div.SearchIcon { background: none no-repeat scroll 2px 2px transparent; cursor: pointer; float: left; height: 20px; text-align: right; width: 31px; z-index: 11; } div.SearchIcon img { margin-top: 3px; } #SearchChoices { background-color: #EEEEEE; border: 1px solid #777777; clear: both; cursor: pointer; display: none; left: 0; margin: 0; padding: 0; position: absolute; text-align: left; top: 21px; width: 160px; z-index: 2000; } #SearchChoices li { background: none no-repeat scroll 5px center #EEEEEE; border: 1px solid #EEEEEE; cursor: pointer; display: block; height: 20px; list-style: none outside none; margin: 2px; padding: 2px 2px 2px 25px; text-align: left; } #SearchChoices li.searchHilite { background-color: #DDDDFF; border: 1px solid #AAAAFF; } #SearchChoices li.searchDefault { background-color: #EEEEEE; border: 1px solid #EEEEEE; }",1
-"DNN-24216","11/23/2012 07:29:00","PUSHED FROM 7.0 Page Management Validation not working correctly","Brief Description of Issue: The client validation in Page management is not working correctly. Clear Steps to Reproduce: Go to Admin > Page Management Select any page, e.g. 'Home' Clear the Title field (an invalid value) Click the 'Update Page' button at the bottom Actual Result: Postback Nothing happens No error message Expected Result Red error balloon when the invalid name field lost focus No postback if invalid The attached screen is what SHOULD appear",1
-"DNN-24334","12/07/2012 13:59:00","SI: make dotnetnuke FIPS compliant","Brief Description of Issue: there are a number of places in the core where we use non-FIPS compliant algorithms, these needs to be updated to work under FIPS",5
-"DNN-24342","12/07/2012 17:06:00","Hide Command Bar Querystring Parameter","On some modules, it can be helpful for developers to be able to hide the command bar. In DNN6 this could be done using a special skin, but, in 7, the command bar is injected at the top of the page and so the skin approach doesn't work. The procedure that injects the command bar is in Skin.cs. Before doing so, it evaluates two querystring parameters - popup and dnnprintmode. Both of those hide the command bar, but, both also do other things. I think we should add a third parameter - hidecommandbar. Then, this could be used by developers to hide the command bar - even in admin mode - when needed. Because it's just a querystring parameter, and that's all it does, this should be a very simple addition. Here is the revised code: private void InjectControlPanel() { //if querystring dnnprintmode=true, controlpanel will not be shown if (Request.QueryString[""dnnprintmode""] != ""true"" && Request.QueryString[""popUp""] != ""true"" && Request.QueryString[""hidecommandbar""] != ""true"") { //ControlPanel processing var objControlPanel = ControlUtilities.LoadControl<ControlPanelBase>(this, Host.ControlPanel);",2
-"DNN-3082","12/07/2012 18:28:00","Module selection horizontal scroll bar will go back to far left after drag & drop one module","Brief Description of Issue: Module selection horizontal scroll bar will go back to far left after drag & drop one module Clear Steps to Reproduce: Log on as Host Create a new page Drag one module and drop to the new page Try to drag and drop the same module Actual Result: The scroll bar will go back to far left after drop the first module Expected Result After user drops a module, scroll bar keeps at the same position and not go back to the far left",3
-"DNN-3101","12/07/2012 21:49:00","SI: Non-English characters in URL not encoding in IE","Brief Description of Issue: When viewing the website in IE9, non-english characters are represented as percent-encoded in URLs. Clear Steps to Reproduce: Create a new page with a title containing non-english characters Navigate to the new page Actual Result: URL contains percent-encoded non-english characters Expected Result: URL contains non-english characters that are encoded correctly.",1
-"DNN-24394","12/12/2012 15:39:00","Default Site Skin - when adding new page - no breadcrumbs?","Brief Description of Issue: When demo'ing v7 - we are noticing that when you add a new page, there are no breadcrumbs on the page, yet they appear on all the other pages. Clear Steps to Reproduce: Add new page to default install site Notice there are no breadcrumbs on the page Actual Result: When adding a new page to default install site, there are no breadcrumbs showing. Expected Result: When you add a new page to the default site, it will come with breadcrumbs by default. Breadcrumbs are automatically added to new pages, as they appear on all the other installed-by-default pages",1
-"DNN-3030","12/13/2012 16:00:00","SI: verification code expire after a certain amount of time","Currently verification code won't expire after a certain amount of time, but it is good to have this configurable so user can set this up and able to control and resend verification code again, current code makes that it cannot be changed and it�s same for all the users.",3
-"DNN-2987","12/19/2012 18:48:00","SI: DDR Menu","Brief Description of Issue: If a parameter is passed from one page to the same page, left nav menu's link for that current page is gona. See attachments for more clarifications. Clear Steps to Reproduce: Install 6.2.4 Add DDR Menu to your skin(if not their already) Browse to any page Add any parameter in the URL Actual Result: Current page from left nav is gone Expected Result Show current page in the left nav",1
-"DNN-3085","12/24/2012 21:25:00","SI: Email on Privacy page does not get updated","Brief Description of Issue: Email Address on Privacy page does not get updated. Clear Steps to Reproduce: Install DNN 7 Log in as Host Go to Privacy Page(click the link in the footer) Make note of the email address in the Privacy Page, should be host@change.me Go to Host > SuperUserAccounts > change email from host@change.me to anything else Go back to Privacy page Actual Result: Email doesn't reflect the latest email address Expected Result 1. Email address should have been updated",1
-"DNN-2964","12/28/2012 17:42:00","Cannot Allow Non-Admins to Manage Users","Brief Description of Issue: In DNN 7, we have broken the ability for Admins to be able to allow non-admins to manage users on their site. This is a very common use case where organizations would typically allow lower level person(s) or certain managers the ability to manage users. This is an especially common use case among social websites where community managers will need to field user account issues, but do not need or should not have administrator privileges.. We have broken this capability in DNN 7. No longer can you give non-admins access to the User Accounts page and allow them to manage users. You cannot even allow this when putting the module on a non-admin page. You can still get to manage the user's security roles, but you cannot create new users or edit existing users. Since I personally know of numerous sites that do this in 6.x and am even talking to customers regularly that want to do this, I have given this a higher priority and severity. I hope that we can get this fixed sooner than later. :) Clear Steps to Reproduce: Clean install of any edition of DNN 7.0.0 Create a new user Create a security role for the new user Allow the security role to have View permission to the User Accounts page Give the security role permission to edit the module or full control ... OR ... Create a new page Add the User Accounts module to the new page as an ""Existing Module"" Give the security role edit or full control of the module Login as the new user Actual Result: The edit options all appear to be available, but the user is greeted with a message telling them that they are not authorized. Expected Result The user should be able to create a new user, or edit an existing user",5
-"DNN-24568","01/03/2013 01:58:00","Issues and fixes for Telerik related CSS","I've found a couple of misses with the new CSS in DNN7 specific to Telerik controls. I thought I would post them here for feedback before putting it into Gemini. Specifically, the following controls do not match the new UX pattern. (There may be more, these are the ones I've found so far.) <telerik:RadNumericTextBox> (or <dnn:DnnNumericTextbox> <telerik:RadDateTimePicker> (note: there is no <dnn:DnnDateTimePicker> although there should be) <dnn:DnnDatePicker> Here are the CSS fixes: http://www.dotnetnuke.com/Community/Community-Exchange/Question/2920/DNN7-CSS-issues-with-Telerik-controls.aspx Also, It seems the default skin for all the popups in the Telerik controls (like the HTML Editor) is the 'Black' skin. This is a very poor choice for a default. Please either change it back to ""Default"" or provide a way for the portal admin to change it with a portal setting so it can be more in tune with the skin of the portal.",1
-"DNN-3087","01/07/2013 08:16:00","Need code editor when edit the control in web interface","Brief Description of Issue: Need code editor when edit the control in web interface. When we click the ""Develop"" menu item of a module, we can edit the source of module control, but we need a code edit control here instead of just a textbox, which can make the code looks clear and beautiful. like this:",1
-"DNN-24704","01/11/2013 13:08:00","Billing/Trial values lost when adding a new security role without Billing/Trial period","Here's the issue: When adding a new security role, the following fields are presented in advanced settings tab: Service Fee, Billing period (every), dropdownselection(day/week/month etc); Trial Fee, Trial period (every), dropdownselection(day/week/month etc); Currently it is possible to select ""dropdownselection(day/week/month etc)"" without entering text in ""Billing period (every)"" textbox. Upon doing so, the dropdownselection is forgotten, Service fee is set to 0.00 and Billing period is set to 1. Similarly, for Trial period, Trial fee and its dropdownselection. Steps to reproduce: 1. Add new security role: Enter a service fee, a trial fee, leave Billing and Trial periods blank but make a selection for dropdownselection for both Billing and Trial. 2. Click on Edit security role: Service fee is set to 0.00. This is a bug. Trial fee is set to 0.00. This is also a bug. Both dropdownselections are forgotten. This is also a bug. Both Billing Period and Trial Period is set to 1. This is ok. It is correct to default the periods to 1 if left blank by user. Tested on build PE Update for expected result: 1. Currently, when you leave the billing period text field empty and update, the service fee is set to null and billingperioddropdown selection is set to null. Please update it so that if user forgets to enter a value for billing period (text), but does enter a value for service fee and billingperioddropdown, then the value for billing period (text) is saved as 1. And the value of service fee and billingperioddropdown is also saved. 2. Currently, when you leave the trial period text field empty and update, the trial fee is set to null and trialperioddropdown selection is set to null. Please update it so that if user forgets to enter a value for trial period (text), but does enter a value for trial fee and trialperioddropdown, then the value for trial period (text) is saved as 1. And the value of trial fee and trialperioddropdown is also saved. 3. UI update: Please make Billing Period (text) and billingperioddropdown appear on one line (similar to Trial Period (text) and trialperioddropdown).",1
-"DNN-24779","01/16/2013 05:24:00","Using DAL2 ExecuteQuery crashes if Sql starts with ""WITH""","Using DAL2 ExecuteQuery<T> with Sql containing CTEs crashes because EnableAutoSelect is true Steps to Reproduce: If you try this sample: IEnumerable<myType> result; using (IDataContext context = DataContext.Instance()) { string lcSql = ""with x AS "" + ""( "" + "" SELECT DISTINCT "" + "" Field1,"" + "" Field2 "" + "" FROM {databaseOwner}[{objectQualifier}Table1] a"" + "") "" + ""SELECT COUNT(*) AS [Cnt], x.Field2"" + "" FROM {databaseOwner}[{objectQualifier}Table2] y "" + "" INNER JOIN x ON y.Field1 = x.Field1 "" + "" GROUP BY x.Field2 "" + "" ORDER BY [Cnt] DESC""; result = context.ExecuteQuery<myType>(CommandType.Text, lcSql); } return result; you get an error : ""Wrong syntax in the near of 'x'"" This is because PetaPocos ""EnableAutoSelect"" is always set to true and so an additional ""SELECT Field1, Field2..."" is added to the resulting SQL which is wrong in this circumstance.",2
-"DNN-24896","01/22/2013 08:52:00","SMTP Configuration Enhancement","When you click Test SMTP Settings button, the system displays a message: �Email Sent Successfully� Could we please enhance this slightly and include the From: and To: addresses so that the user knows which Inbox to check for the message � and whether those email addresses are misconfigured. �Email Sent Successfully From email@email.com To email@email.com�",1
-"DNN-24911","01/24/2013 12:27:00","Unverified User message and localization","Brief Description of Issue: Clear Steps to Reproduce: Install dnn 7 with French default website / language. Setup the User Registration mode to Verified under ""Admin > Site Settings > User Account Settings"". Register a new user. Actual Result: The ""Unverified User"" message is not localized and always appears in English. Expected Result: The ""Unverified User"" message should appear in the correct language, in here in French.",1
-"DNN-4013","01/28/2013 18:30:00","SI: HTML config not seeing custom roles","Brief Description of Issue: When creating a copy of the HTML configuration, unable to select a custom role to apply new configuration to. Clear Steps to Reproduce: Go to Host > HTML Editor Manager Select everyone Copy configuration Actual Result: Only default roles are displayed Expected Result All roles are displayed",8
-"DNN-24960","01/29/2013 19:39:00","Base Language Pack not shown in Installed Extensions","1. Install a PE/EE/CE build and choose a language on the installer page (say French). French is the base language pack. 2. After installation, go to Host Extensions > Install Extensions > Core Langauge packs. It is empty. This is very inconvenient as now there is no way to know which version of the French Language Pack was installed as the base. The base language pack should not be allowed to get deleted by any user. 3. Install an available core language pack from Available Extensions. After installation, the core language pack is displayed in Host Extensions > Installed Extensions > Core Language packs. These LPs can be deleted by the host as well. Similarly, the Base Langauge Packs should be displayed except it should not be have the delete icon. This enhancement would help the user identify the version of base language pack installed and upgrade if available.",2
-"DNN-3222","01/30/2013 18:56:00","The Deploy permission pop-up is not closed","The Deploy permission pop-up is not closed Steps to reproduce: 1. Install the latest 7.0.3 build 64 2. Log as admin 3. Go to Admin � Extensions 4. Scroll down to any module 5. Click on the Edit icon 6. Change the deploy permission for any role 7. Click Update Desktop Module button Actual result: Pop-up is still be open, there is no any message the permission was changed, even if it was changed actually Expected result: The permission is changed and pop-up is closed",1
-"DNN-3034","02/01/2013 14:35:00","SI Member Directory not showing for users outside that group","Brief Description of Issue: When there is a member directory for a group other users outside that group are not able to see the members in the member directory. If a company has different departments they want users to see the members in other departments.",2
-"DNN-3826","02/07/2013 19:04:00","SI: SSL Offloading and mixed content for authenticated users.","Brief Description of Issue: Authenticated users are getting ""mixed content warning"" in IE when accessing websites with SSL Offloading. All internal links, like Control panel, default navigation are hard coded using http protocol. Clear Steps to Reproduce: Set up webfarm Set up SSL Offloading Enable security setting in IE->Advanced Settings->Security, that will allow you to see that warning ""Block unsecure images with other mixed content"". Login to the site Actual Result: Each page displays mixed content warning. All internal links are hard coded using http (use page view source).",1
-"DNN-25163","02/14/2013 12:13:00","Page and module permissions","Brief Description of Issue: Permissions are not set for module access / deny when the user has permissions to edit page setting. Clear Steps to Reproduce: Step 1 : create a role (e.g. ""SiteOwner"") Step 2 : add a user to this new role (without administrator permissions) Step 3 : Allow this role to have page edit permissions Step 4 : Deny the user permissions to edit a module on the page (Text/Html module for example). Actual Result: Actual Result 1 : When the user goes to the page he can edit he still has edit permissions on the denied module. Expected Result: Expected Result 1: The user has permissions to edit and add modules change seo etc., but not have the permissions to edit the module he/she is denied permission to edit",1
-"DNN-3091","02/15/2013 14:52:00","Dynamic Modal Height","Brief Description of Issue: Currently when a user clicks on a function that requires a modal dialogue or a modal form it is presented in a modal with a fixed height. This can be extremely annoying particularly for large forms where the user must resize or scroll to complete the form. Modals should detect the size of the content and expand / contract based on the amount of content. Modals should not exceed the height of 760px to avoid browser scrollbars when in the modal state.",8
-"DNN-2954","02/21/2013 14:25:00","SI Captcha field for changing a password","Brief Description of Issue: The customer would like to have a captcha field at the change password screen.",3
-"DNN-25320","02/25/2013 04:38:00","module focus in edit mode","In edit mode the modules are 'sort of' greyed out. When one hovers over a module, it becomes 'highlighted' by making the content look darker. Allthough this is a nice feature, people with less than 100% eyesight complain about the lightness of the text (""they can't see a thing""). Can this feature be made an admin setting? so an administrator can turn it off. Clear Steps to Reproduce: Step 1 Actual Result: Actual Result 1 Expected Result: Expected Result 1",2
-"DNN-25348","02/26/2013 12:15:00","install.aspx and InstallWizard.aspx contain non localized text","install.aspx and InstallWizard.aspx contain non localized text eg, install.aspx contains this: Response.Write(""<h2>Version: "" + Globals.FormatVersion(DotNetNukeContext.Current.Application.Version) + ""</h2>""); Response.Flush(); Response.Write(""<br><br>""); Response.Write(""<h2>Installation Status Report</h2>""); Response.Flush(); (apart from non compliant XHTML (<br> instead of <br />), this is not localized There are more examples to be found throughout the file In installWizard.aspx, we find these texts: Exceptions.Exceptions.LogException(new Exception(""Attempt made to run a Database Script - Possible Attack"")); return ""Error: Possible Attack""; and also hardcoded string ""ERROR:"" in numerous places Its not easy to create steps to reproduce etc, since in order to test this property, we first need to fix the code, then wait for the translators to translate this and then test in different languages. ShowMissingKeys may work, but not sure about that (since it is not default.aspx...)",1
-"DNN-2958","03/01/2013 17:18:00","Different vocabularies can be created with same name","Different vocabularies can be created with same name Different vocabularies can be created with same name even with the same scope and the same Steps to reproduce: 1. Install the latest DNN 7.0.4 2. Login as Host 3. Go to Admin � Taxonomy 4. Create New Vocabulary - (�New Voc� Simple � WebSite�) 5. Add a couple of terms (T1, T2) 6. Create New Vocabulary - (�New Voc� Simple � WebSite�) Actual result: Second vocabulary with the same name was created successfully Expected result: Error message: The vocabulary �New Voc� exists in the list",1
-"DNN-2979","03/04/2013 08:11:00","Control Panel- ""stay in edit mode"" and ""view in layout mode"" functionality","Currently the Stay in Edit Mode option is unavailable unless already in Edit Mode--this is poor usability, and not consistent with how the Layout Mode option functions. When not in Edit mode, clicking ""Stay in Edit Mode"" should be available, and turn Edit Mode on (in addition to checking the option). In addition, the deactivated states of Stay in edit mode and View in layout mode are barely noticeable, where the checkbox darkens slightly. This is made worse by the lack of a hover state to indicate they are active. To resolve this: - Add a hover state to these options, that activates when hovering the checkbox or text. Text should turn blue (#4e89e3), as other link options do in this menu. - Modify the deactivated state to also darken the text associated with the deactivated option. #444444 darkens the text enough while still being legible. There should not be a hover state for deactivated options",1
-"DNN-2996","03/13/2013 14:51:00","SI: Windows Login tab set to default selected login.","The customer requested to be able to change the order of the login providers. Currently have the default login as default selected and AD login on the login page. Customer requested option to set the default selected login to the Windows Login tab.",3
-"DNN-5205","03/14/2013 13:56:00","Registration email notification generates ""System.Net.Mail.SmtpException: Failure sending mail"" error","Brief Description of Issue: When an external email notification is sent to a new registrant that they've received a badge an error is sometimes logged into log.resources file Clear Steps to Reproduce: Step 1 - I log in as Host Step 2 - I setup SMTP as localhost to use with PaperCut Step 3 - I hit the site as Anonymous user Step 4 - I register on the iste Step 5 - I check Papercut for Welcome Email for new user Step 6 - I check log.resources file for any errors Actual Result: Actual Result 1 - Welcome email to new registrant is sent Actual Result 2 - A notification email is sent ""Congratulations! You have earned a new Badge - Getting started"" Actual Result 3 - I do get an error in log.resource file about 90 seconds BEFORE the Welcome email appears in Papercut: 2013-03-14 09:44:07,224 [TST-KG-WSRV8A][Thread:49][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - System.Net.Mail.SmtpException: Failure sending mail. ---> System.IO.IOException: Unable to read data from the transport connection: An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine. ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine at System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size) at System.Net.DelegatedStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count) at System.Net.BufferedReadStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count) at System.Net.Mail.SmtpReplyReaderFactory.ReadLines(SmtpReplyReader caller, Boolean oneLine) at System.Net.Mail.SmtpReplyReaderFactory.ReadLine(SmtpReplyReader caller) at System.Net.Mail.CheckCommand.Send(SmtpConnection conn, String& response) at System.Net.Mail.SmtpTransport.SendMail(MailAddress sender, MailAddressCollection recipients, String deliveryNotify, Boolean allowUnicode, SmtpFailedRecipientException& exception) at System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.Send(MailMessage message) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.Send(MailMessage message) at DotNetNuke.Services.Mail.Mail.SendMailInternal(MailMessage mailMessage, String subject, String body, MailPriority priority, MailFormat bodyFormat, Encoding bodyEncoding, IEnumerable`1 attachments, String smtpServer, String smtpAuthentication, String smtpUsername, String smtpPassword, Boolean smtpEnableSSL) Expected Result: Expected Result 1 - Should not be any errors in log.resources file Note: I only have LOCALHOST in my stmp server settings",2
-"DNN-4463","03/18/2013 16:40:00","SI: Remove old versions of Client Dependency files","Brief Description of Issue: Excessive number of client dependency files being generated for some clients. The only workaround is to delete old files manually. Please create an scheduled job so the host could schedule it to be run daily or weekly. Clear Steps to Reproduce: Log in as Host to 7.0.4 Enable Composite Files Enable Minify CSS and JS files Actual Result: Old versions of Client Dependency files are not removed Expected Result All obsolete Client Dependency files should be removed.",3
-"DNN-25759","03/21/2013 20:09:00","DAM Please add ability to extend the width of the left treeview pane","Enhancment request for DAM module: (Build 637) Currently, the width of the left treeview pane (folder tree) on the left is fixed. User can choose to completely hide the treeview pane or show it in its standard width. But there is no way to adjust to width of this pane. A scrollbar appears on the bottom, using which the user can scroll to a folder that is buried deep into the subfolders, but this is still very painful to use. I can imagine how difficult this will be when the folder structure is at an enterprise level. As far as I can remember, I have always hated to scroll horizontally. User gets claustrophobic after a few minutes of using the folder treeview. Proposed enhancement: When the treeview pane is visible, the user should be able to adjust the width. On the border, the icon should change to a double-sided arrow in order for the user to drag it. When the treeview pane is not visible, the user should NOT be able to adjust the width. When adjusting the width, the user should NOT be able to reduce the width. When adjusting the width, the user should be able to increase the width to a MAX of double the standard width (no more). When the toggle button is clicked, the treeview hides completely no matter what the current width of the treeview was. For every change in width, the horizontal scrollbar should adjust accordingly. Nice to have: The width of the ""Name"" column on the main gridview should adjust according to the changing width of the treeview panel as the user adjusts the panel widths. The width of all other columns on the gridview stays the same. Now, we are talking! Horizontal Scrollbar still exists just in case the folder structure is really deep. ",2
-"DNN-3153","03/26/2013 17:27:00","SI: LinkClick assuming what URL to begin with","It appears that the LinkClick.aspx handler is assuming what URL links will begin with. I don't know if it's specifically looking for http://, https://, ftp://, etc or not. However client is using DotNetNuke to replace their Intranet site. They have been using their own internal URL handler which is registered on all their machines called pfcdl:// This allows them to link to files on their network, and have them simply open from the browser without any warning prompts, etc. The problem is, the DNN LinkClick.aspx handler crashes when they put one of these URLs into the Links module, then click the link. I have attached a screen shot of the error and the text from the log. Steps to Reproduce: Create own URL handler(pfcdll) on the machine Log into 7.0.4 as Admin Link to a file using that URL handler from Document Manager Result: Link is broken, LinkClick throws an exception Excepted Result: Allow other URL handlers through LinkClick functionality",1
-"DNN-2988","03/28/2013 14:50:00","Tooltips are needed for Journal module"," Issue description: Tooltips are needed for Journal module Steps: 1, Log on as Host 2, Create a new page, assign View permission to Registered Users and Copy Permissions to Children 3, Delete the default HTML module 4, Add Social Groups module 5, Auto configure and create a public group 6, Create a user through Admin - User Accounts 7, Log on as the registered user 8, Join the group and post pictures Actual results: For professional users, these three icons are easy to use, but for a user who is not familiar with social media, it would be difficult to figure out which icon is for what Expected results: It's necessary to add tooltips for these three icons so that all users know which icon is for what purpose ",2
-"DNN-2991","03/28/2013 15:47:00","Message should not be clickable in UI from Social Group","Issue description:Message should not be clickable in UI from Social Group Steps: 1, Log on as Host 2, Create a page 3, Delete the default HTML module 4, Add Social Group module to the page 5, Set page permission View to registered users and Copy Permissions to Children 6, Auto Config Social Group module and create a public group with Review New Members checkbox checked 7, Create a new user through Admin - User Accounts 8, Log out as Host and log in as the registered user 9, Navigate to the page and join the group Actual results: 1, A link style label shows Membership Pending 2, When clicking it, an error message will pop up Expected results: This should be a label and cannot be clickable ",1
-"DNN-2999","03/29/2013 14:52:00","SI : Ability to hide & rename virtual roles","A customer has requested to hide the ""All Users"" role from the page settings so the site administrators do not accidentally open the page or module to the public. Currently, we don't have any option to play around with ""All Users"" role. It is better to have this functionality in application. Also if possible to rename (virtual) roles (All Users , Unauthenticated Users) ",5
-"DNN-25824","03/30/2013 12:34:00","Set Profile Pic Handler Dimensions","Based on the issue raised in the Exchange: http://www.dotnetnuke.com/Community/Community-Exchange/view/question/id/4056.aspx Currently profile pictures are hard coded to 32x32, 48x48 & 64x64. Based on the needs of a specific site this dimensions may need to be changed. While scaling down can be accomplished using CSS, scaling up is not possible and it's very common to require profile images larger than 64x64. This enhancement proposal would allow Admins to set the dimensions for profile pictures on a portal level. Settings could be added to the site setting to store a small, medium and large height and width. ",3
-"DNN-3014","04/03/2013 19:04:00","SI: Cannot select absolute path when using image manager","Brief Description of Issue: Cannot select to use absolute path when using the image manager within the HTML Editor Manager Clear Steps to Reproduce: Step 1 - no option to select absolute URL path when using images, this is only available for ""links"" Actual Result: This functionality is not present within DNN, only works for links. Expected Result Customer wants to be able to add images to a page, with absolute path URL's",1
-"DNN-4702","04/04/2013 19:30:00","SI: Custom Links empty","Description of Bug The Custom Links list is empty in the DNN RADEditor Steps to Reproduce Edit content of any HTML module Click dropdown of Custom Links Actual Result Dropdown list is empty Expected Result Dropdown list shows portal pages",3
-"DNN-25941","04/06/2013 17:05:00","Typos in the Default.css","While the two typos mentioned below don't break anything, they don't make me or our product look completely professional when I walk new developers or designers through our CSS that they can use. These two typos get pointed out by someone in the class every time. Line 6: default is spelled ""defualt"" Line 138: modules is spelled ""moodules""",1
-"DNN-25944","04/06/2013 17:46:00","Skinning Terminology isn't Consistent","The UI for skinning is not consistent when referring to a skin that is applied to administrative views. In Admin > Skins, it is mentioned as an Admin skin. In Admin > Site Settings, it is mentioned as an Edit skin. This is very confusing to new people attempting to learn the platform. I have attached examples of this.",1
-"DNN-25964","04/09/2013 11:26:00","GetUserRoles should be more robust","Due to the rearchitecting of the various GetUserRoles methods in the RoleController and RoleProvider, it can now easily throw exceptions when the user is not a valid user. My suggestion is to return an empty list when user is null. e.g. line 197 in the role provider: return new ArrayList(GetUserRoles(user, includePrivate).ToArray()); Will throw an exception when user is null. It shouldn't happen.",1
-"DNN-25991","04/11/2013 14:31:00","SI: Activity Feed - Delete Comments","A customer has requested that a user have the ability to delete comments from posts on their personal activity feed from other users. Tested in 6.2.4 and 7.0.5",3
-"DNN-3133","04/11/2013 15:53:00","Search User Profile Crawler","We'd like to write a Crawler that can Index User Profile so search can be done very quickly using Lucene, especially for Profile Properties which are hard to search for (from performance point of view) 1) Crawler should respect public / private / admin only security settings on profile property 2) Crawler should be able to re-index when any of the property is changed 3) Crawler should be able to delete from the index when user is deleted (both soft or hard) Note - This was not part of initial requirement, however PM has shown interest in this area. I am marking it as low-priority for now.",5
-"DNN-26019","04/15/2013 22:30:00","Bug With HTML Module Export"," If I have an image for example in my HTML module that has a path ""portals/11/images/testimage.jpg"". The portal this HTML module is on is say portal 1. So I'm using an image from another portals folder, portal 11, on my portal 1. The reason is say its a campaign on portal 11 and we want to advertise that campaign on portal 1 so we just point to the image in portal 11's folder. Now, if I export the HTML module from portal 1, DNN will match the portal root with the images path, so now in my HTML module the path of the image becomes ""{{PortalRoot}}1/images/testimage.jpg"". So now if I import this HTML module into portal 2, the path of the image becomes ""portals/21/images/testimage.jpg"" which doesn't exist. Would it not be better to match ""portal/1/"" rather than just matching ""/portal/1"" (note the forward slash at the end).",1
-"DNN-3606","04/18/2013 08:34:00","SI: Child Site part of Site Groups does not reflect Site Settings fields","If a child site is part of Site Groups, it will not reflect some fields in ADMIN > Site Settings for that particular child site.After saving the values, go back to Admin > Site Settings page, those values are not reflected. It defaults to None Specified but looking into the DB, those fields are saved there for the child site.If the child site is removed from Site Groups, it is able to reflect those fields. Steps to reproduce:Create a parent and child site in DNN 7.0.5Join them in Site GroupsOn the child site, go to Admin > Site Settings > User Account SettingsChange the value for ""Redirect After Registration"" FieldActual Result:Value is UPDATED in the database, but it's not reflected when you go back to Admin > Settings > User Account Settings section. Expected Result:Value should be reflected in Admin > Site Settings page with child site part of Site Groups",1
-"DNN-2968","04/24/2013 21:14:00","SI: Only Administrator Role Can Modify User Accounts","Currently only an administrator account can make changes to user accounts despite if other roles created are given ""Full Control"" to replicate this issue: 1) create a page with the user accounts module. 2) create a role and assign a user to that role. 3) give that user Full Control to the User Account Module Result: created role cannot edit any user accounts despite having Full Control privileges. Expected Results: the new role should have privileges to modify user accounts if granted appropriate permissions. ",3
-"DNN-2960","04/26/2013 08:58:00","SI: Last Lock-out Date - Changes to ""Never""","While an account is locked out, the Last Lock-out Date field - Admin>User Accounts> Edit User Accounts - displays the date and time of the lock-out. Once the account is no longer locked-out, this field changes to ""Never"", regardless of the lock-out time expiring or the account being un-locked by an admin.",1
-"DNN-26234","05/02/2013 11:24:00","Admin Search Engine SiteMap - Minimum Priority for pages: and Exclude urls with a priority lower than: can not be set because of . insted of ,","Admin Search Engine SiteMap - Minimum Priority for pages: and Exclude urls with a priority lower than: can not be set because of . insted of ,Clear Step te reproduce, Enable fr-FR , switch to French flagGo to Admin > Search Engine SiteMap (Admin > Plan du site de moteur de recherche)Set Minimum Priority for pages (Priorité minimum des pages) to something different than 0 or 1Set Exclude urls with a priority lower than (Exclure les urls avec une priorité inférieure à) to something different than 0 or 1Save Sitemap Configuration (Enregistrer la configuration)Won't save because of . insted of ,",2
-"DNN-26245","05/02/2013 17:11:00","Install Available Extensions","The Host / Extensions UI has a tab for Available Modules, which allows you to install modules that are located in the /Install/Module folder. There is a list of extensions displayed and an Install button for each of them. There should also be an obvious way to Download any of these extension packages, so that a host user can review the internals.",3
-"DNN-26266","05/06/2013 07:24:00","Host logon on sites without Professional Features tab, fails","On sites that have been regularly upgraded there may be no Professional Features tab. When building the ControlBar the code looks for this tab when a Host logs in. This causes and Object Reference error. Steps to reproduce:- Have a site with no Professional Features tab (mine was DNN 6.2.5) Upgrade to DNN 7.0.6 - For me this did not add the Professional Features tab, don't know if it is meant to. If it does for you, then understand that it can happen that it doesn't get added - got delete it. Login as Host You get the error recorded in the log Workarouunds:- Edit ControlPanel in the HostSettings table to use RibbonBar Add a Professional Features Tab in PortalID Null under the Hosts tab. Code is as below in ControlBar.ascx.cs: private void GetHostTabs() { var tabController = new TabController(); var hostTab = TabController.GetTabByTabPath(Null.NullInteger, ""//Host"", string.Empty); var hosts = TabController.GetTabsByParent(hostTab, -1); var professionalTab = tabController.GetTabByName(""Professional Features"", -1); var professionalTabs = TabController.GetTabsByParent(professionalTab.TabID, -1); _hostTabs = new List<TabInfo>(); _hostTabs.AddRange(hosts); _hostTabs.AddRange(professionalTabs); _hostTabs = _hostTabs.OrderBy(t => t.LocalizedTabName).ToList(); _hostBaseTabs = new List<TabInfo>(); _hostAdvancedTabs = new List<TabInfo>(); ",1
-"DNN-3017","05/07/2013 19:53:00","SI: Add Database Indexes to Improve Performance","A customer has contacted us via a support ticket with a few suggestions for indexes on various tables, which they believe would increase performance. The customers original concern was complications during future upgrade as a result of their modifications to the database. I suggested to them that perhaps adding these indexes to the core DNN db schema would be mutually beneficial, in that it would increase performance of our product and also avert their potential upgrade woes. The customer supplied the following information regarding the indexes for our review/consideration. DNN Indexing Recommendations The following are all Non-Clustered/Non-unique SQL2008 index recommendations. These recommendations are suggested based on our usage of DNN Enterprise and Community at Cherokee Nation. Advantage is the average percentage benefit that user queries could experience if this missing index group was implemented. The value means that the query cost would on average drop by this percentage if this missing index group was implemented. DNN Enterprise --------------------------------------------------------- [DNNEnterprise].[dbo].[ContentItems] 93.31% advantage [TabID] [DNNEnterprise].[dbo].[Tabs] 71.6% advantage [ParentId], [IsDeleted] inclusde [TabID], [TabOrder], [PortalID], [TabName], [IsVisible], [IconFile], [DisableLink], [Title], [Description], [KeyWords], [Url], [SkinSrc], [ContainerSrc], [StartDate], [EndDate], [RefreshInterval], [PageHeadText], [IsSecure], [PermanentRedirect], [SiteMapPriority], [CreatedByUserID], [CreatedOnDate], [LastModifiedByUserID], [LastModifiedOnDate], [IconFileLarge], [CultureCode], [ContentItemID], [UniqueId], [VersionGuid], [DefaultLanguageGuid], [LocalizedVersionGuid], [Level], [TabPath] [DNNEnterprise].[dbo].[TabModules] [ModuleID] include [TabID] 53.72% advantage [DNNEnterprise].[dbo].[Tabs] 98.47% advantage [ParentId], [IsDeleted] include [CreatedOnDate] [DNNEnterprise].[dbo].[HtmlTextLog] 49.87% advantage [ItemID] include [HtmlTextLogID] [DNNEnterprise].[dbo].[HtmlText] 26.87% advantage [ModuleID], [Version] DNN Community --------------------------------------------------------- [DNNCommunity].[dbo].[UrlTracking] 53.29% advantage [ModuleId] [DNNCommunity].[dbo].[EventLog] 85.07% advantage [LogCreateDate] include [LogConfigID] [DNNCommunity].[dbo].[UrlTracking] 56.52% advantage [Url], [ModuleId] include [TrackClicks], [NewWindow] [DNNCommunity].[dbo].[EventLog] 91.63% advantage [LogConfigID], [LogNotificationPending], [LogCreateDate] include [LogEventID] [DNNCommunity].[dbo].[Files] 93.35% advantage [FolderID]",2
-"DNN-26363","05/09/2013 02:08:00","Missing Stored Proc when Uninstalling Dashboard Extension","If you uninstall a dashboard component you'll receive an error message that a stored procedure is missing Missing Stored Proc: Dashboard_GetDashboardControlByPackageId The closest command available would be utilizing: Dashboard_GetDashboardControlByKey",1
-"DNN-26408","05/10/2013 08:16:00","SI: RadAsyncUpload conflicts with dnn.jquerry.js","I was upgrading a module to DNN 7 (7.0.5). I am using RadAsyncUpload (I have a Telerik license). When the page does a postback it adds a new button that says ""Choose File"" next to the teleric submit button. If I refresh the page it goes away. Looking at the code in dnn.jquery.js it looks that this is inserting the button. ",1
-"DNN-26420","05/13/2013 04:01:00","AUM UI to Block pages from advanced urls and redirects","Users must have the ability to stop an advanced Url from being generated for a specific page, and must have the ability to stop a redirect for a specific page. This functionality will be used when 'legacy' Url behaviour is required for an otherwise AUM-activated site. The UI piece should hook up to the settings.doNotRedirect property for each individual page. As this is a delimited list, we should perhaps look at including it as a setting attached to the tab table instead? To stop a page being generated as an advanced Url, the UI should hook up to the setttings.useBaseFriendlyUrls property. Again, this is a delimited list, we should probably put this in as a new column in the tabs table. The UI settings for this should be in all editions of DNN (cross reference to DNNDEV-26413)",1
-"DNN-26461","05/15/2013 03:08:00","New MS CDN (bonus bug)","Microsoft is moving its CDN service to http://ajax.aspnetcdn.com. http://www.asp.net/ajaxlibrary/cdn.ashx#ajaxmicrosoftcom_renamed_to_ajaxaspnetcdncom_16 Since each DNS look up cost valuable microseconds in a page request, best to merge all CDN requests on the same domain name. All DotNetNuke CDN settings should be updated to: http://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery/jquery-1.7.2.min.js http://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.ui/1.8.16/jquery-ui.min.js http://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/4.0/2/WebForms.js http://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/4.0/2/MicrosoftAjax.js http://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/4.0/2/WebUIValidation.js etc: http://www.asp.net/ajaxlibrary/CDNAjax4.ashx BONUS BUG While looking into this, I found the Hosted jQuery URL field wasn't being trimmed so that an errant space character caused a 404 error. ",1
-"DNN-26462","05/15/2013 11:26:00","6.2.0.SqlDataProvider - Alter Table UserRoles error during upgrade","This occurred while upgrading from 5.6.1 to 7.0.5. The log file is attached. The 6.2.0.sqlDataProvider will error if the UserRoles table contains the columns, Status and/or IsOwner. The check for each column exists does not appear to be correct - it always returns false. I ran this upgrade on several instances of 5.6.1 and only 1 failed - the production instance, of course. I am not sure why the other instances did not have these columns, but our production instance did. Here are the 2 scripts that fail: /* Add new Columns To UserRoles Table *//**************************************/ IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.Columns WHERE TABLE_NAME='{databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}UserRoles' AND COLUMN_NAME='Status') BEGIN ALTER TABLE {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}UserRoles ADD [Status] int NOT NULL CONSTRAINT DF_{objectQualifier}UserRoles_Status DEFAULT 1 ENDGO IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.Columns WHERE TABLE_NAME='{databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}UserRoles' AND COLUMN_NAME='IsOwner') BEGIN ALTER TABLE {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}UserRoles ADD IsOwner bit NOT NULL CONSTRAINT DF_{objectQualifier}UserRoles_IsOwner DEFAULT 0 ENDGO The issue is in the WHERE clause of the EXISTS check. The databaseOwner should not be part of the table name as there is a separate column for that in INFORMATION_SCHEMA. Here are the changes I made to get this to run successfully on our upgrade: IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.Columns WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='{databaseOwner}' AND TABLE_NAME='{objectQualifier}UserRoles' AND COLUMN_NAME='Status') BEGIN ALTER TABLE dbo.dnn_UserRoles ADD [Status] int NOT NULL CONSTRAINT DF_dnn_UserRoles_Status DEFAULT 1 END IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.Columns WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='{databaseOwner}' AND TABLE_NAME='{objectQualifier}UserRoles' AND COLUMN_NAME='IsOwner') BEGIN ALTER TABLE dbo.dnn_UserRoles ADD IsOwner bit NOT NULL CONSTRAINT DF_dnn_UserRoles_IsOwner DEFAULT 0 END ",1
-"DNN-26536","05/20/2013 07:19:00","Razor Host Error","Can't Add a Razor Module to a Page , Gives that Error Tried reinstalling it but still the same Error Error: Razor Host is currently unavailable. DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.ModuleLoadException: Could not load type 'DotNetNuke.Modules.RazorHost.RazorHost'. ---> System.Web.HttpParseException: Could not load type 'DotNetNuke.Modules.RazorHost.RazorHost'. ---> System.Web.HttpParseException: Could not load type 'DotNetNuke.Modules.RazorHost.RazorHost'. ---> System.Web.HttpException: Could not load type 'DotNetNuke.Modules.RazorHost.RazorHost'. at System.Web.UI.TemplateParser.GetType(String typeName, Boolean ignoreCase, Boolean throwOnError) at System.Web.UI.TemplateParser.ProcessInheritsAttribute(String baseTypeName, String codeFileBaseTypeName, String src, Assembly assembly) at System.Web.UI.TemplateParser.PostProcessMainDirectiveAttributes(IDictionary parseData) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.Web.UI.TemplateParser.ProcessException(Exception ex) at System.Web.UI.TemplateParser.ParseStringInternal(String text, Encoding fileEncoding) at System.Web.UI.TemplateParser.ParseString(String text, VirtualPath virtualPath, Encoding fileEncoding) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.Web.UI.TemplateParser.ParseString(String text, VirtualPath virtualPath, Encoding fileEncoding) at System.Web.UI.TemplateParser.ParseFile(String physicalPath, VirtualPath virtualPath) at System.Web.UI.TemplateParser.Parse() at System.Web.Compilation.BaseTemplateBuildProvider.get_CodeCompilerType() at System.Web.Compilation.BuildProvider.GetCompilerTypeFromBuildProvider(BuildProvider buildProvider) at System.Web.Compilation.BuildProvidersCompiler.ProcessBuildProviders() at System.Web.Compilation.BuildProvidersCompiler.PerformBuild() at System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.CompileWebFile(VirtualPath virtualPath) at System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.GetVPathBuildResultInternal(VirtualPath virtualPath, Boolean noBuild, Boolean allowCrossApp, Boolean allowBuildInPrecompile, Boolean throwIfNotFound, Boolean ensureIsUpToDate) at System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.GetVPathBuildResultWithNoAssert(HttpContext context, VirtualPath virtualPath, Boolean noBuild, Boolean allowCrossApp, Boolean allowBuildInPrecompile, Boolean throwIfNotFound, Boolean ensureIsUpToDate) at System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.GetVPathBuildResultWithAssert(HttpContext context, VirtualPath virtualPath, Boolean noBuild, Boolean allowCrossApp, Boolean allowBuildInPrecompile, Boolean throwIfNotFound, Boolean ensureIsUpToDate) at System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.GetVPathBuildResult(HttpContext context, VirtualPath virtualPath, Boolean noBuild, Boolean allowCrossApp, Boolean allowBuildInPrecompile, Boolean ensureIsUpToDate) at System.Web.UI.TemplateControl.LoadControl(VirtualPath virtualPath) at DotNetNuke.UI.ControlUtilities.LoadControl[T](TemplateControl containerControl, String ControlSrc) in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\dnn7.6\Community\Library\UI\ControlUtilities.cs:line 112 at DotNetNuke.UI.Modules.WebFormsModuleControlFactory.CreateModuleControl(TemplateControl containerControl, ModuleInfo moduleConfiguration) in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\dnn7.6\Community\Library\UI\Modules\WebFormsModuleControlFactory.cs:line 37 at DotNetNuke.UI.Modules.ModuleControlFactory.LoadModuleControl(TemplateControl containerControl, ModuleInfo moduleConfiguration) in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\dnn7.6\Community\Library\UI\Modules\ModuleControlFactory.cs:line 65 at DotNetNuke.UI.Modules.ModuleHost.LoadModuleControl() in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\dnn7.6\Community\Library\UI\Modules\ModuleHost.cs:line 284 --- End of inner exception stack trace ---",1
-"DNN-26537","05/20/2013 10:50:00","upgrade 7.05 to 7.10 ctp DotNetNuke.Services.Upgrade.Upgrade.AddProfessionalPreviewPage","I upgarde my installation of 7.0.5 to 7.1.0 ctp, i get this error: 5/20/2013 12:25:51 [ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Upgrade.Upgrade Error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at DotNetNuke.Services.Upgrade.Upgrade.AddProfessionalPreviewPage(Int32 parentId, String tabPath, String moduleFriendlyName, String tabName, String tabDescription, String smallIcon, String largeIcon) at DotNetNuke.Services.Upgrade.Upgrade.UpgradeToVersion710() at DotNetNuke.Services.Upgrade.Upgrade.UpgradeApplication(String providerPath, Version version, Boolean writeFeedback) I think it has something to do with the preview page that don't exist anymore under the admin menu. I think it nicer that if the page does not exists than recreate the page.",1
-"DNN-2949","05/20/2013 17:27:00","SI: Adding new portal without certain file type extension","Steps to reproduce: --Export a site with content from Community DNN site. Ensure that file types like docx are included in the files, and make sure the site settings do not allow docx files. --Create a new site --Use the template that you exported Result: DNN displays an error that docx files cannot be upload. If you go into site management, the site you attempted to create will show up. Click on edit by the site, and it will throw an additional error, and you will not even be able to access the site. WorkAround: Allow document types which are being denied, and the portal will be created.",2
-"DNN-4479","05/21/2013 21:54:00","SI: create a group with a chinese word","Steps to reproduce: Customer wants be able to make a group with a chinese word. (see picture). Actual Result: Not possible, title must be using characters a-z or 0-9. Expected Result: Customer should be able to copy and paste a chinese word in the text field to be used a group name.",2
-"DNN-26637","05/24/2013 05:05:00","Error when trying to uninstall one of the default skins","I tried to uninstall some of the default skins as that makes selecting a skin easier for the admins. This is on a fresh DNN 7.0.6 install with core content localisation and the skins are not in use. I tried the facebook skin, and the dark knight mobile skin but for both I get an error: ModuleId: -1 ModuleDefId: -1 FriendlyName: ModuleControlSource: DesktopModules/Admin/Extensions/UnInstall.ascx AssemblyVersion: 7.0.6 PortalID: 0 PortalName: Mysite UserID: 1 UserName: 40F-Host ActiveTabID: 36 ActiveTabName: Extensions RawURL: /Host/Extensions/tabid/36/ctl/UnInstall/rtab/36/packageId/90/portalid/0/language/nl-NL/Default.aspx AbsoluteURL: /Default.aspx AbsoluteURLReferrer: http://Mysite.com/Host/Extensions/tabid/36/ctl/UnInstall/rtab/36/packageId/90/portalid/0/language/nl-NL/Default.aspx UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; rv:21.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/21.0 DefaultDataProvider: DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider, DotNetNuke ExceptionGUID: 32a2cb61-238e-4af1-8d8b-9a2065afd0a8 InnerException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. FileName: FileLineNumber: 0 FileColumnNumber: 0 Method: DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Installers.PackageInstaller.ReadComponents StackTrace: Message: DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.ModuleLoadException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Installers.PackageInstaller.ReadComponents(XPathNavigator manifestNav) at DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Installers.PackageInstaller..ctor(PackageInfo package) at DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Installer..ctor(PackageInfo package, String physicalSitePath) at DotNetNuke.Modules.Admin.Extensions.UnInstall.UnInstallPackage() at DotNetNuke.Modules.Admin.Extensions.UnInstall.cmdUninstall_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- Source: Server Naam: ***",2
-"DNN-26657","05/24/2013 21:56:00","System modules should be marked as such","after fix for issue 26656, there are still a lot of extensions that can be deleted from Host > Extensions. We should go over this list and make sure that all system packages are marked as such. Not only for modules, but also for assemblies and skinobjects. ",2
-"DNN-26716","05/28/2013 13:57:00","Profile properties not filled in when registering with social media authentication providers","From looking at the code, it appears that the social media authentication providers (Twitter, Facebook, Google, and Live) are intending to bring in profile properties that those services expose. However, they aren't effective at getting the values into the users' profiles. There's a separate question of whether those profile properties should automatically overwrite existing values upon login, but for the initial registration it makes a lot of sense, and it's sad that it doesn't work correctly.",1
-"DNN-26717","05/28/2013 14:01:00","Social media authentication providers should not overwrite profile properties","Currently, when logging into a site with Twitter, Facebook, Google, or Live, and profile properties that the services provides overwrite any profile properties in the DNN user's profile. This makes sense for registration, but probably not on a consistent basis (though, perhaps, you could make a case that it should happen for empty properties, or if there was some mechanism to know that the profile property hadn't changed since it was last updated via the authentication provider).",1
-"DNN-3023","05/29/2013 19:32:00","SI: localize button text in dnn.jquery.js","Steps to reproduce: 1) Add the radasyncupload module to the page.. refer to DNN-26408 for the installation package. 2) add the module to the page, click on the ""sono uno studente"" checkbox and you will the ""Choose File"" button. 3) customer wants to be able to localize the ""Choose file"" button text. Actual Result: cant do it since the text is generated in dnn.jquery.js Expected Result: should be able to localize the text to specific language. ",1
-"DNN-26777","05/30/2013 02:44:00","SI: Confirmation Not required when Unregistering a User Account","What I Did: 1. Login to the site as a user.2. Go to my user profile.3. Click the Edit Profile button. This displays the Manage Profile Page.4. Select the Manage Account tab.5. Click the UnRegister button. What Happened: Account unregisters. What I Expected to happen: Displays the message ""Are you sure you want to un-register?"" and I need to click OK to confirm.",2
-"DNN-26778","05/30/2013 07:05:00","Angle brackets in Page Name cause Runtime Error","If a user names a page like ""Something > Anything"", the pace cannot be opened anymore. Browsing the Page shows:Exception type: HttpException Exception message: A potentially dangerous Request.Path value was detected from the client (>). at System.Web.HttpRequest.ValidateInputIfRequiredByConfig() at System.Web.HttpApplication.PipelineStepManager.ValidateHelper(HttpContext context)Suggested Solution:Validate Page Name before saving.",1
-"DNN-3599","05/30/2013 16:43:00","SI: Unlimited Character Message Limit","Customer wants ability to make the character message limit unlimited for both the group and Journal module. Actual Result: The characters limit for the group module and journal module are set to certain values. eg. 140, 250,500, 1000, 2000. Expected Result: Customer should have option to choose unlimited characters.",3
-"DNN-26810","05/31/2013 05:52:00","Save / Restore Module with Settings + Content","Problem: Often modules have more content in the ""settings"" than in ""content"". I have for example an HTML module with a lot of javascript in the head section of the settings and only one simple canvas element in the content. Exporting content only exports the canvas and nothing else. Solution: DNN has internal methods for saving a complete page or even a complete website as a template, with all settings. But when exporting and importing module content, these methods are not used. Instead there is a special solution for this which only fetches the content and nothing else. Attachment: I attached 3 changed files of the core which changes this behaviour to the standard DNN way and allows to export and import a module with all the settings. There are only minor changes in codebehind of export.ascx and import.ascx and 1 new method in ModuleController.cs. If an old template is selected for import, import goes the old way and a new template imports the whole thing with settings and permissions Enhancements: I did not change the UI of import.ascx. Perhaps it would be a great enhancement to add some checkboxes like: Include Settings, Include Content, Include Permissions. If IncludeContent is checked by default and the others not this is the behaviour like before. You could easy add these values as parameters to the new Method in ModuleController and add some ""if""-statements.",3
-"DNN-2953","06/03/2013 13:29:00","SI: Redesign the checkbox function","The customer would like to redesign the checkbox function so that it doesn't add an inline style to an associated label. The desired effect can be done with css selectors that I can override in my css if desired.",1
-"DNN-26905","06/04/2013 21:53:00","Login page required to be visible to ""All Users""","Following on this forum post: http://www.dotnetnuke.com/Resources/Forums/forumid/190/threadid/486522/scope/posts.aspx When I upgraded an existing site to 7.1, the site wouldn't go to the login page because it thought it wasn't visible. I had the page set to ""Unauthenticated Users"" and not ""All Users"". I had to set it to ""All Users"" to make it work. ",2
-"DNN-26919","06/05/2013 16:52:00","dnn.controlBar.init does not check for module to exist when scroll to top.","The dnn.controlBar.init does not seem to check that the module exists during scroll-to-top operations. History I had been logged in as my host account and added a new control to a page. Apparently something went wrong under the hood (I'd post a report if I could track it down). During debugging the issue (which I still can't resolve) I noticed that the following line was causing java-script errors: varmoduleTop=(module.offset().top-50); The module.offset() method was returning null and causing the top property to fail. To resolve this issue, I placed a module check around line 1148 so the final code looks like this: // fade module if needed varfadeModule=dnn.dom.getCookie('FadeModuleID'); if(fadeModule){ dnn.dom.setCookie('FadeModuleID','',-1); varanchorLink=$('a[name=""'+fadeModule+'""]'); varmodule=anchorLink.parent(); // **** ADDED: This was added to make sure there is a module available before proceeding if(module&&module.length>0){ module.css('background-color','#fffacd'); setTimeout(function(){ module.css('background','#fffff0'); setTimeout(function(){ module.css('background','transparent'); },300); },2500); // scroll to new added module varmoduleTop=(module.offset().top-50); if(moduleTop>0){ $('body').scrollTop(moduleTop); } // load status dnn.controlBar.loadStatus(); if(dnn.controlBar.status){ if(dnn.controlBar.status.addNewModule){ setTimeout(function(){ $('#controlBar_AddNewModule').click(); },500); } else{ setTimeout(function(){ $('#controlBar_AddExistingModule').click(); },500); } } } } This stopped the error from occuring. Ultimately, it would be nice to know what originally was causing this code to fire on every page navigation as I believe this code is only supposed to fire after a module is added?",1
-"DNN-26928","06/06/2013 03:11:00","Wrong handling of AllowNullBannerType in /Admin/Skins/Banner.ascx.cs","I belive, there is an error in handling of AllowNullBannerType property in /Admin/Skins/Banner.ascx.cs. In the original code, if AllowNullBannerType is set to true, then code uses provided BannerTypeID value. And if AllowNullBannerType is set to false (this one is default), then code ignores provided BannerTypeID value and uses one from PortalSettings. So, this code shows no banners at all: <dnn:BANNER id=""dnnBanner1"" runat=""server"" GroupName=""MyBanners"" BannerTypeId=""4"" BannerCount=""4"" Orientation=""H"" /> And this code shows banners of type 4: <dnn:BANNER id=""dnnBanner1"" runat=""server"" GroupName=""MyBanners"" BannerTypeId=""4"" BannerCount=""4"" Orientation=""H"" AllowNullBannerType=""true"" /> Solution is simple - we need to negate condition in this code, to restore sane behaviour, so if we don't allow null banner type, then BannerTypeId must be specified. And if we allow null banner type, then BannerTypeId must be ignored and PortalSettings used instead. int BannerType = 0; if (AllowNullBannerType) { // shoud be: if (!AllowNullBannerType) if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(BannerTypeId) { ... About ignoring user-specified BannerTypeId is another issue: I think we must respect user choice, so if BannerTypeId is specified, then AllowNullBannerType must not be counted at all.",1
-"DNN-3011","06/06/2013 15:25:00","Installation stops when trying to Activate License","Hi, steps to reproduce: 1. Try to install EE (PE/CE) package. Actual result: 1. According to UI the installation stops at '90% Create SuperUser'. 2. According to InstallerLog the installation stops when trying to Activate License 06/06/2013 16:57:22 [INFO] DotNetNuke.Services.Upgrade.Internals.Steps.BaseInstallationStep Creating SuperUserhost06/06/2013 16:57:22 [INFO] DotNetNuke.Services.Upgrade.Internals.Steps.BaseInstallationStep Activating License. Note: the problem is intermittent and occurs appoximately 5 times for 108 installations. Note: found by autotests.",1
-"DNN-2941","06/06/2013 16:50:00","SI: Deny permissions not working","Description: Page will contain allow permissions on View, Add, Add Content, Copy and Delete. Module will contain deny permissions on Edit and Delete. User is still able to edit and delete content. Steps to Reproduce: Create test security role. Add at least 1 user to role. Set allow permissions on page: view, add, add content, copy, and delete Set deny permissions on module: edit content, delete content Actual Result: User in role is able to edit and delete content Expected Result: Deny permissions work correctly and user is not able to edit or delete content.",1
-"DNN-3026","06/07/2013 18:16:00","SI: Registration UI message showing incorrect message in pop-up","When a user enters an match password and clicks on the register button, the validation message for the Custom profile property checkbox is displayed even though the checkbox is checked. 1. Install DNN 7.1 website. 2. Log in as HOST 3. Go Admin --> Site Settings --> User Account Settings --> Profile Settings 4. Click Add New Profile Property - > PropertyName : AcceptTerms DataType : CheckBox Property Categoty : AcceptTerms Required : Checked true Visible: true Default Visibility: All users Click Next. Property Name: AcceptTerms Required Error Message: Please click AcceptTerms Validation Error Message: Please click AcceptTerms Click update5. Enable checkboxes for ""Require a Valid Profile for Registration"" and ""Use CAPTCHA for Registration"" 6. Scroll Down and click update. 7. Logout from Host account and Click Register link. 8. Fill the user register form and with match password & Click Register. The validation message for the Custom profile property checkbox is displayed & Screen shot attached",1
-"DNN-27014","06/10/2013 22:05:00","Portal Templates and Display Module On All Pages","Portals created from templates that have ""Display Module On All Pages"" ticked on some modules will cause that module (and each instance it should generate) not to appear on the resulting portal. Steps to recreate: 1. Create a blank portal with a 2-3 pages to test 2. Drop 2 HTML modules on the home page and add some dummy content. Edit the settings for one of the modules so it is set to ""Display On All Pages"" 3. Navigate to Host>Site Management and export the site, making sure ""Include Content"" is ticked. 4. Generate a child portal using the template Expected Result: A portal with 2 HTML modules, one displaying on all pages. Actual Result: A portal with 1 HTML module. The module set to display on all pages does not get created. Opening up the .template file confirms that the module is getting exported, but something is preventing it from being created when generating a portal from the template. If you find the module instances in the XML and replace <alltabs>true</alltabs> with <alltabs>false</alltabs> and generate another portal then the modules show up, albeit without that setting enabled. I marked this as a show stopper because this could be crippling to a site that relies heavily on the ""display on all pages"" setting. We could not replicate this bug on DNN6.2.6 and DNN7.0.3",5
-"DNN-27118","06/14/2013 14:29:00","Gravity Bootstrap Skin","Arrow, at its cost, produced an updated Gravity skin that includes Bootstrap. This will make 7.1.0 responsive out of the box -- a big win for us. They are also committing a 2-4 hour turnaround time on issues, if any are found by QA during Regression. The code is in hand as of 14 June 2013. Joe will be checking it in shortly. This item was made a Major due to its customer value.",2
-"DNN-3134","06/17/2013 08:59:00","search api GetSearchResults backwards compatibility","It appears that older APIs like SearchDataStoreController.GetSearchResults and few others in same class are not brought forward to use new Search API. We need to work with PM to first find out if this is needed or not. Ash is writing this story so we don't forget.",2
-"DNN-5168","06/18/2013 08:27:00","DAM When unzipping files, only allowed extensions are extracted","1. Find a zip file that contains file types that are not supported by default by dnn. (in host settings, there is a list of supported file types) 2. In DAM module, extract this zip file (while uploading or later). 3. Only the files (in the zip file) that had supported extensions were extracted; the rest were not extracted. But, there is no feedback to the user. The screen just blinks and unzipping is complete. The user think all files were extracted; but in reality, not all files were extracted. The unknown file types were ignored. Proposed enhancement: If the zip package contains files with unsupported extensions, we should provide feedback to the user that some files could not be extracted because those extensions are not supported. After the extract is completed, a message can be displayed to the user: Title: Unzip Information Button: OK Body: X of Y files were not extracted because their file types are not supported: <filename1.ext> foldername/<filename2.ext> foldername/subfolder/<filename3.ext> foldername/subfolder/anothersubfolder/<filename4.ext> etc.... Verical and Horizontal Scrollbars: For big zip files, the above list could be long, so vertical and horizontal scrollbars should be provided to scroll through the list. ------ When all files could be extracted: Body: Y of Y files were extracted successfully. (no list) ------ When uploading files, multiple zip files can be dragged and droppped. (We don't support unzipping multiple files at a time after uploading) For each zip file, the user is asked whether he wants to unzip or keep compressed: -- If user wants to unzip, then this new message should be displayed after that. The system should move to the Next Zip file (of the drag and drop operation) only after the user clicks the OK button of this new message. -- If user wants to keep compressed, upload and move to Next Zip file (of the drag and drop operation). This is the same as current behavior.",5
-"DNN-3110","06/18/2013 17:04:00","search site group wrong url in results","1) Default install. 2) Setup a site group with two sites - main and child 3) On the child site go into search results settings > include both the sites in Results Scope for Site(s). Save 4) Execute a search on Molten. Actual: Two results are shown with urls pointing to same sites Expected: Two results are shown with urls pointing to different sites ",3
-"DNN-2995","06/18/2013 19:49:00","SI: Performance improvement in dbo.GetUsersByEmail","Currently in dbo.GetUsersByEmail we use LOWER function that affects performance on the sites with huge user base (over 3000000 registered users) LOWER(U.Email) LIKE LOWER(@EmailToMatch) We are regularily being notified of slow response time when logging on. Our monitoring is carried out using Microsoft SCOM, APM runs on all webservers. The offending procedure is dbo.GetUsersByEmail and the problem comes from this approach to dealing with find the user WHERE LOWER(U.Email) LIKE LOWER(@EmailToMatch) Possible solution could be not use LOWER function or replace it by COLLATE ""case insensitive collation"": WHERE U.Email COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS LIKE @EmailToMatch COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS",2
-"DNN-27184","06/19/2013 05:01:00","HTML module, header/ footer text copy","Issue adding an ""existing"" HMTL module creates an incomplete ""copy"" of the module. the content of the actual editor is copied but not the header and footer text contents. Expected Result: Whenever i add an existing HTML module to a page as a linked module i expect all the content in the source module to be ""copied"" to the recently added module. including the header and footer text contents Actual result Whenever i add an existing HTML module to a page as a linked module only the contents of the actual editor is copied, not the header and footer text content.",1
-"DNN-3025","06/19/2013 14:10:00","SI: returnurl not working on new user registrations","When a user registers the return url is passed to the registration page but is not enforced. All registrations end with a redirect back to the home page. To replicate on a stock default install. 1. turn registration type to allow public registrations (no change from default) 2. Admin> Site Settings > Advanced settings > Usability Settings > Enable Pop-Ups -> unchecked 3. confirm that redirect on login is NOT set on login settings (no change from default) 4. go to any page on the site other than the home page and hit register link 5. Confirm returnurl is present in the querystring 6. Register account It will always end on the home page isntead of the intended page and is not observing the returnurl ",1
-"DNN-27210","06/20/2013 12:00:00","Page URL","Bug in Dnn 7.1 Beta The new Page URL field in the page settings is not used in multi-language configurations. 1) ML site without content localization How to reproduce : On a new installation, add a second language set the page url of the page ""About Us"" to ""about"" On the default language the url is changed Issue : on the second language the url is not changed Maybe also a issue the language parameter is not added to default language 2) ML site with content localization enabled How to reproduce : On a new installation, add a second language enable content language on the host settings and on admin/language settings set the page url of the page ""About Us"" to ""about"" for the default language and set the page url of the page ""About Us"" to ""about2"" for the second language On the default language the url is changed Issue : The language parameter is not added to the default and not to the second language page. If the page name is the same in both language, the second language page is not accessible anymore. The page url is not used for the second language",2
-"DNN-3012","06/20/2013 16:27:00","SI: Spell Check covers word","Description: When running spell check in a HTML module, the spell check box will sometimes cover the word instead of being under the word. The box has no way to move it so you can't see the word being check, making it a nuisance. Steps to Reproduce: Create a HTML Module with lots of erroneous content Run spell check, click ignore a few times Actual Result: Spell check box will cover up word being corrected. Expected Result: Spell check box will appear under word being corrected. Allow spell check box to be moved.",1
-"DNN-3126","06/21/2013 18:07:00","search Localization New Search APIs Exception","None of the exceptions thrown by new Search APIs exceptions are localized. They must be localized and perhaps checked through unit tests.",3
-"DNN-27319","06/25/2013 10:42:00","Dutch language pack errors","Please, fix incorrect closing tag in Dutch language pack. In Firefox it cause layout issues. It is now: </ strong> Should be: </strong> Files and keys affected. \App_GlobalResources\SharedResources.nl-NL.resx - PrivateConfirmationMessage.Text - VerifiedMembership.Text - PublicMembership.Text - PrivateMembership.Text \DesktopModules\Admin\Portals\App_LocalResources\Signup.ascx.nl-NL.resx - Note.Text \DesktopModules\DNNCorp\LicenseActivation\App_LocalResources\ViewLicx.ascx.nl-NL.resx - email.extension.body",1
-"DNN-3554","06/27/2013 12:31:00","SI: Sync folder considering foldermapping of parent","A customer has requested feature like having a secured folder and manually (in file system) create a new subfolder, it will be considered a non-secured folder. By customer's opinion : When sync a Admin>File Manager folder, all subfolder that DNN will create in db should have the same folder mapping of its parent. So in this case all subfolder of a secured folder will be secured too.",2
-"DNN-27397","06/27/2013 19:09:00","New content localization UI - copy button","In Admin, language and page settings, localization in the new UI. If you delete a module on the second language page, a copy module button appaers. If you click on it, it do nothing. After empty the recycle bin, it work ok. But the module is created as ""reference the default culture"", not really the default behavior. (i think, something like this, was already done, when you copy a existing module)",1
-"DNN-3408","07/02/2013 19:09:00","Advanced Search - Selecting Filter by Modules overflows the ""Type:"" text box at the top","Get latest Social build and install as FQDN site w/remote database and Object Qualifier Log in as Host Add a couple of Links modules, actually, any additional modules to the site add content or links to the new modules Run Site, File and URL crawlers Hit the site as Anonymous user Run a search that generates returns On search results page click ""Advanced"" Click ""Filter"" and uncheck 1, 2 or more of the modules in the drop down Click Search Actual Result:Search is returned correctly for the modules still selected The ""Type"" text list overflows the text box to the left of the ""Advanced"" drop down Expected: Search is returned correctly for the modules still selected The ""Type"" text box expands so the text fits within it",1
-"DNN-3096","07/04/2013 21:11:00","SI: 7.1 - Clicking logout on deleted page throws PortalAlias Exception","If you have an idle page on one browser that has been deleted from another browser, it throws portalALias exception when clicking on logout. Steps to reproduce:1. Log in as Host in IE and Chrome in DNN 7.1(2672), add new languages to page and make sure the content is Localize 2. Clear browser cache in Chrome & IE 3. Create a new page Test123 on Chrome4. Go to that page in IE5. From IE, delete that page6. In Chrome, since you created the Test123 page, you should be on it and there should be culture code in the URL such as 'en-us'(it's a localized site), click Logout Actual Result:PortalAlias exception Expected Result:No exception, user should be logged out and go to home page",1
-"DNN-27631","07/12/2013 10:59:00","Display Name should not be editable","When you set the display name format in the User Account Settings on the Site Settings page, it is supposed to disable the ability of users to edit their display name. In 7.1, if you set the display name format, it will disable the ability for the user to save a new display name, but the UI still shows a text box which implies that the name could be changed. Repro Steps: 1. Go to Manage Account on the User Profile screen when the display format is not defined. 2. Enter a custom display name. 3. Press update. 4. Go to Site Settings >> User Account Settings and define a display name format 5. Go to Manage Account on the User Profile screen. 6. Enter a custom display name 7. Press update Expected: Once a custom display format is defined, then the display name in a user profile should be displayed using a label rather than a text box so that the user does not have the ability to change the name. Actual: The user is shown a text box which implies that they could change the display name (although the back end won't actually save the changes). This could be confusing to a user who would not know why this field did not update correctly. ",2
-"DNN-3035","07/15/2013 22:41:00","SI: Member Directory exclude certain users accounts","Customer wants the ability to exclude non-active users and host accounts from the member directory listing and search. ",3
-"DNN-3373","07/19/2013 21:46:54","SI: Add An Existing Module hierarchy Not Working after upgrade to 1.1","Add An Existing Module hierarchy Not Working if the parent page is disabled or redirected. If the parent page is disabled or redirected, the child pages do not show. *Steps to reproduce:* 1. Install Evoq Suite 1.0.2 2. log in as a host > add couple a disabled page(so it's not clickable) or a page with redirect to another page. Add child pages to both pages you just created. 3. Upgrade site to Evoq Suite 1.1 4. Go to any page, click on Add Existing Module from ControlBar *Actual Result:* Child pages of disabled or redirected pages are not showing in hierarchy. *Expected Result:* All pages should show in hierarchy.",1
-"DNN-2962","07/20/2013 00:37:43","SI: cant upload profile image on users first login","Steps to reproduce: 1) using a fresh install of Evoq content or Social (Issue occurs in both). 2) go to site settings -> advanced setting -> check require valid profile for registration 3) choose some fields under profile properties as required fields 4) create a user account 5) log in with that user account 6) it asks you to update your profile with the required fields 7) in this window, try uploading a profile image. Expected Result: it should allow you to update your profile image Actual Result: it does not allow you to upload your profile image, it gives an error saying: Authorization has been denied for this request ",1
-"DNN-27698","07/21/2013 06:02:00","Services no longer working on 7.1","My services are no longer working on 7.1. They were working on 7.0.6. Error message from server: {""Message"":""Unable to locate a controller for http://custom/blogt09/DesktopModules/Blog/API/Posts/Delete. Searched in namespaces: DotNetNuke.Modules.Blog.Entities.Posts.""} For anyone who wishes to repeat this: the latest download is here https://dnnblog.codeplex.com/releases/view/107484 Install/instantiate Click “Manage”. On Blogs tab add a blog. Return from manage screen. Click “Blog”. Write a test post and add it. Click “Manage” again. Go to “Posts” tab. You’ll see the post you added. To the left is a delete icon. Click this icon. ",1
-"DNN-3558","07/23/2013 16:35:49","SI: Missing Module Title Causes Error","Brief Description: If a module does not have a title entered, the following error appears in the log4net file: [ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Search.Internals.LuceneControllerImpl - Search Document error: Portal ID: 0, Tab ID: 0, Module ID: 369, Mod. Def.ID: 126, Url: , Unique Key: moduleMetaData_369, Last Modified: 2013-07-23T11:17:58.9400000, Culture: System.ArgumentException: The argument 'Title' cannot be null or empty. Parameter name: Title at DotNetNuke.Common.Requires.NotNullOrEmpty(String argName, String argValue) at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.Internals.InternalSearchControllerImpl.AddSearchDocumentInternal(SearchDocument searchDocument, Boolean autoCommit) at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.Internals.InternalSearchControllerImpl.AddSearchDocuments(IEnumerable`1 searchDocuments) Steps to reproduce: 1. Add a html module to a page 2. Access the module settings, and delete the ""Title"" 3. Click update 4. Navigate to Host > Schedule and run the Search: Site Crawler task 5. Check the log4net log after it is finished crawling",1
-"DNN-3151","07/24/2013 16:27:45","SI: Access denied after password reset ","After resetting the password getting the access denied message, Steps to reproduce : 1. Set the home page only for unauthenticated and set the SMTP settings. 2. Admin> User Account>User Account Settings> Login>Settings> redirect After login : Seelct the page for only registered users, Update 3. Log out and try to reset the password and click on email link and user gets access denied after password reset.",1
-"DNN-3146","07/24/2013 22:32:45","UI/UX - Module info needs updating after re-branding","Install latest of any of our products log in as HOST GO Host > Extensions Open for EDIT any CORE module found in this page Scroll down the pop up and expand Package Settings View the last 4 text boxes at the bottom of this area Actual Result: They all have incorrect information in them Expected Result: Updated to reflect the new branding: Name website email address Organization",2
-"DNN-3228","07/24/2013 22:37:04","SI: International Domain Name not validating as an alias","Client IDN name is not validated as site alias. example; Customer IDN is (http://www.tikøb-if.dk) - they should be able to use (www.tikøb-if.dk) as an alias. ",1
-"DNN-3219","07/25/2013 18:15:21","Si: Password list & Number of passwords to store function not working as expected","When we have setting for saving last 5 passwords. However using the password reset link just keeps letting use the same password over and over again. This option should not allow the same password again. How to enable this feature :- http://www.dnnsoftware.com/help#Documentation/Using_the_Control_Panel/Host_Console/Host_Settings/Advanced_Settings/Membership_Management/Membership_Management.htm%3FTocPath%3DUsing%20the%20Control%20Panel%7CHost%20Console%7CHost%20Settings%7CAdvanced%20Settings%7CMembership%20Management%7C_____1",1
-"DNN-3220","07/26/2013 17:51:56","SI: Random Password Email Not Sent","When creating a new user, choosing to generate a random password does not send an email. Steps to reproduce: 1. Create new user 2. Check Random Password 3. Click Add User Expected result - User receives an email with a randomly generated password. Actual result - No email is sent.",1
-"DNN-3221","07/26/2013 21:48:18","SI: SlidesJS does not work","Description of Issue The included SlidesJS plugin is not working correctly when implemented in a HTML module. Steps to Reproduce 1. Create new HTML module 2. Add following code to module:
3. Add following code to HTML module header: 4. Navigate to page with HTML module Actual Result Slides are not displayed. Pagination buttons do not show either. Expected Result Slides are displayed normally. Pagination buttons show as well.",1
-"DNN-3168","07/28/2013 22:02:49","Since DNN 7.1.0 System.Web.HttpContext.Current is null within a folder provider","Since DNN 7.1.0 System.Web.HttpContext.Current is null within a folder provider. This was not the case until now (before DNN 7.1.0). System.Web.HttpContext.Current is needed for some functionality, why was this removed? Will this be fixed? Thanks",2
-"DNN-3185","07/29/2013 18:25:48","Allow separate modules to use the same module definition name","There is a unique index on the ModuleDefinitions table for the FriendlyName column, so that if a completely separate module happens to use the same module definition name as yours, the install of your module will fail halfway through. Add the following SQL script to relax this restriction to making definitions unique for a desktop module. IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysconstraints WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(N'{objectQualifier}ModuleDefinitions') AND constid = OBJECT_ID(N'IX_{objectQualifier}ModuleDefinitions')) ALTER TABLE {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}ModuleDefinitions DROP CONSTRAINT IX_{objectQualifier}ModuleDefinitions GO ALTER TABLE {databaseOwner}[{objectQualifier}ModuleDefinitions] ADD CONSTRAINT [IX_{objectQualifier}ModuleDefinitions] UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED ([FriendlyName], [DesktopModuleID]) GO ",1
-"DNN-3186","07/29/2013 18:28:16","Code Included: Portal Level SMTP / Google Analytics","I've always maintained a branch of DotNetNuke for my own clients, I'd would of offered these features to the core and fixed alot more bugs ages ago if you would publish the development trunk / sourcecode (i.e.. offer a bleeding edge version). I'd also be able to generate a patch that would make implementing these features a whole lot quicker for you --- This will add Portal Level SMTP settings into the mix. I've added a radio button list to the SiteSettings control which will ask the user if they want the default host smtp, or the new portal based settings. The modifications next go into the Library\Entities\Host\Host.vb file, and check if the current portal has these settings specified, if they do it will return the portal settings and not the host settings. This should account for every custom module that uses SMTP without any breaking changes. No modifications were necessary in the Mail class. The only bugs I can think might show up, is if the current portal has portal smtp enabled and you go into host to check the host smtp it will probably return the portals settings, you'll need to goto the configured HostPortalId to view the host smtp settings in this case. --- The Google Analytics is another feature I've used for ages, I didn't feel like removing the 6 lines of code this adds into the core before submitting the files... feel free to remove if don't want to include it... ",2
-"DNN-3188","07/29/2013 18:33:16","database usernames with ""-""","My install fails when my database username contains a ""-"" System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Incorrect syntax near '-'. at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Run(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteNonQueryTds(String methodName, Boolean async) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery(DbAsyncResult result, String methodName, Boolean sendToPipe) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() at DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider.ExecuteADOScript(String SQL) at DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider.ExecuteScript(String Script, Boolean UseTransactions) CREATE TABLE user-name.[dc_Lists] ( [EntryID] int NOT NULL IDENTITY(1, 1), [ListName] nvarchar(50) NOT NULL, [Value] nvarchar(100) NOT NULL, [Text] nvarchar(150) NOT NULL, [ParentID] int NOT NULL, [Level] int NOT NULL, [SortOrder] int NOT NULL, [DefinitionID] int NOT NULL, [Description] nvarchar(500) NULL, [PortalID] int NOT NULL, [SystemList] bit NOT NULL ) can be fixed quite easily by surrounding username with brackets as well, but should be done for install/update/delete and module scripts?",1
-"DNN-3608","07/30/2013 15:08:14","SI: Profile field list options dropdown empty on other sites in Site Group","The site group of 2 sites. On the first site, added new profile field which is Department, which is a list with several different options. The list entries display properly on the site where I set up all of the additional fields, but when visit the profile page of another site in the site group, the field Department is present, but the dropdown list is empty. When you visit the Admin Site Settings page for that troubled portal and edit the settings for the Department field, the list is also empty. When I tried to add the missing items, it says ""Item is already present."" Steps to reproduce : 1) Install DNN 7.1.0 and Ad add one more child portal. 2) Goto Admin> Site Settings > User Account Settings > Add New Profile Property > ""Department"" --> DataType : List ""Accounts/Billing , HR, Support etc"" 3) Add new user DNNTEST 4) Host> Site Group> Create Site group and copy the user. 5) Visit the profile page of another site in the site group... You fill see the dropdown list empty. ",1
-"DNN-3210","07/30/2013 15:18:05","search > stop words > remove 1 and 2 character stop words","Per CTO we should remove 1 and 2 character default stop words from search admin as there is already a host setting to skip words that are 1 or 2 characters long. Below is the current list: a, an, and, are, as, at, be, but, by, for, if, in, into, is, it, no, not, of, on, or, such, that, the, their, then, there, these, they, this, to, was, will, with This should be the modified list: and, are, but, for, into, not, such, that, the, their, then, there, these, they, this, was, will, with ",1
-"DNN-3214","07/30/2013 16:17:11","Modify GetSiteLogXX stored procedures to make them Azure compliant (Remove string literals as column aliases)","When you do an upgrade to 7.1.0 from the 4x branch, the GetSiteLogXX stored procedures still have string literals as column aliases. This is not supported in SQL Azure and needs to be modified before the database can be moved into the cloud. Affected stored procedures GetSiteLog1 GetSiteLog12 GetSiteLog2 GetSiteLog3 GetSiteLog4 GetSiteLog5 GetSiteLog6 GetSiteLog7 GetSiteLog8 GetSiteLog9 Example of old version ALTER procedure [dbo].[GetSiteLog1] @PortalID int, @PortalAlias nvarchar(50), @StartDate datetime, @EndDate datetime as select 'Date' = convert(varchar,DateTime,102), 'Views' = count(*), 'Visitors' = count(distinct dbo.SiteLog.UserHostAddress), 'Users' = count(distinct dbo.SiteLog.UserId) from dbo.SiteLog where PortalId = @PortalID and dbo.SiteLog.DateTime between @StartDate and @EndDate group by convert(varchar,DateTime,102) order by Date desc Corrected version ALTER procedure [dbo].[GetSiteLog1] @PortalID int, @PortalAlias nvarchar(50), @StartDate datetime, @EndDate datetime as select convert(varchar,DateTime,102) AS 'Date', count(*) AS 'Views', count(distinct dbo.SiteLog.UserHostAddress) AS 'Visitors', count(distinct dbo.SiteLog.UserId) 'Users' from dbo.SiteLog where PortalId = @PortalID and dbo.SiteLog.DateTime between @StartDate and @EndDate group by convert(varchar,DateTime,102) order by Date desc ",3
-"DNN-3215","07/30/2013 16:22:50","Legacy Skin Stored Procedures not removed after upgrade to 7.1.0","Site migrated from 4x branch to version 7.1.0 still contains GetSkin and GetSkins stored procedures which are not used anymore. Due to missing column references in these stored procedures, it prevents the migration of the database to SQL Azure. Possible fix includes performing a check if these stored procedures exist and removing them.",2
-"DNN-3216","07/30/2013 17:02:52","String literals as column aliases in SP (not allowed in SQL Azure)","When doing an upgrade from the 4x branch of DNN (Community Edition), there are several stored procedures which are untouched and have string literals as column aliases - these need to be modified to alias the columns correctly. The schema scripts (in 5x,6x, 7x branches) have the correct syntax but if a user is upgrading from 4.4.1 (as an example) then the schema scripts are NOT executed - hence the issue. Stored procedure names GetAffiliates GetPortalSpaceUsed GetTables GetUrLLog GetVendorClassifications GetVendors GetVendorsByEmail GetVendorsByName ",2
-"DNN-3217","07/30/2013 17:46:33","Update Site Template to Use Copies of Console Modules on user Profile Pages","The Console module should use a copy on all pages (except the main Activity Stream one) so it is easier to change settings across multiple instances. Note: We will not handle upgrade scenarios for this because it is too invasive. Testing Notes: - Login as an admin or super user. - Go to your profile page (the one w/ the Activity Stream/journal on it) - Edit the module settings for the console module, change it to show small icons - Go to any other page shown there (friends, messages, my profile) and verify it shows the icon on all those pages - Admin page also uses console module - it's setting should not be changed,",2
-"DNN-3227","07/31/2013 10:03:21","Added existing module not works in certain cases","I have a page structure like: - Page 1 - Page 2 -- Page 2.1 -- Page 2.2 -- Page 2.3 - Page 3 - Page 4 On page 2.1 I added a new module and want to create a reference to it on subpages of page 2. I cannot use ""Show on all pages"" since this only needs to appear on subpages of Page 2, so I tried to add the existing module to all subpages of page 2. If Page 2 is configured as: - a link to Page 2.1 - or is disabled It will not work. When I go to Page 2.2 and try to Add and existing module, on the list of pages I cannot see Page 2. If I change the Page 2, to be a normal page (no link, and enabled on the menu) then it appears on the list and I can successfully add the reference to the existing module.",1
-"DNN-3230","07/31/2013 14:49:52","Vendor Module does not allow module editor level rights","A user has rights to a vendor module to allow them to add banners. They do not have adminstrator rights. After an upgrade from 6.2.2, their rights no longer allow them to edit their banners or create new ones. Even after they click on the 'Edit Page' (control page is turned on so they can use this function), the only thing that appears is the setting icon for the module and lists help. There is no pencil icon in the column to the left of the vendor name. Control panel security is set to module editor level to allow them to access the control panel bar to change view modes. I confirmed this same behavior on a test installation of 7.1 as well. I switched to ribbon bar to see if that affected the rights, but the problem remained the same. The old Forms and List modle (5.1.3) had the same problem, but I was able to enable it by using its rights management and allow the editors to edit entries. See attachment for example. ",2
-"DNN-3232","07/31/2013 16:26:45","add DotNetNuke.Services.GeoIP class to solution","could be distributed as a DotNetNuke.Services.GeoIP.dll or compiled into the core DLL ",1
-"DNN-3233","07/31/2013 16:27:34","add maxmind files and licence","Add the GeoLiteCity.dat database into App_Data & Include the license file in /Licenses and in Licenses.txt file create geoipversion.resources file to contain the version/date of the geoip file",2
-"DNN-3236","07/31/2013 16:34:50","ensure edge cases are correctly supported","Need to ensure that UserHostAddress works as expected in different .net versions i.e. both return nothing and not an exception ASP.NET 2.0 HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress = """" ASP.NET 3.5 HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress = ""::1""",2
-"DNN-3486","07/31/2013 17:29:46","SI: Dash [-] is stripping off from the url","This issue was old and reported by community member : https://dnntracker.atlassian.net/browse/DNN-24222 [-] is stripping off from the url when upgrading from 6.1.5 to 7.0.6 or 7.1.0. Steps to reproduce: 1) Install DNN 6.1.5. 2) Add new page with name -- > C-100 3) Upgrade to DNN 7.0.6 version and [-] is stripping off from the url and URL display like --> C100.aspx ",1
-"DNN-3237","07/31/2013 17:44:45","update existing countrylist entries to use new API","need to update the following: UserModuleBase -LookUpCountry \Community\Library\UI\UserControls\Address.cs various methods \Community\Controls\CountryListBox\CountryListBox.cs \Content\Community\Controls\CountryListBox\CountryLookup.cs ",8
-"DNN-3240","07/31/2013 20:26:37","Event Viewer: two Log records added when User created","Steps to reproduce: 1. Install EE package. 2. Login as a Host. 3. Add a new User. 4. Open Admin Event Viewer to verify the Log record. Actual result: two identical Log records added. Expected result: one log record should be present in the list.",2
-"DNN-3245","08/01/2013 03:25:31","AUM : Standardise Friendly Url Setting names","The list of Host/Portal settings for the AUM code uses AUM_. However, there is a list of settings within the FriendlyUrlSettings constructor which do not conform to this design. These should be changed to the AUM_ standard to match the other settings. The list of settings which should be renamed are: redirectDefaultPage -> AUM_RedirectDefaultPage sslClientRedirect -> AUM_SSLClientRedirect illegalChars -> AUM_IllegalChars replaceDoubleChars -> AUM_ReplaceDoubleChars regex404 -> AUM_Regex404 url404 -> AUM_Url404 url500 ->AUM_Url500 useBaseFriendlyUrls -> AUM_UseBaseFriendlyUrls internalAliases -> AUM_INternalAliases processRequests -> AUM_ProcessRequests cacheTime -> AUM_CacheTime This must be completed by creating constant declarations for these in the FriendlyUrlSettings.cs file, as well as updating the references to the string constant in the FriendlyUrlSettings constructor. In case there is any existing settings created in sites being upgraded, these following scripts should be added to the update procedure: update {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}PortalSettings set SettingName = 'AUM_' + Upper(substring(settingName,1,1)) + substring(settingName, 2, datalength(settingName)) where SettingName in ('redirectDefaultPage','sslClientRedirect', 'illegalChars', 'replaceDoubleChars', 'regex404','url404','url500','useBaseFriendlyUrls','internalAliases','processRequests','cacheTime') update {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}HostSettings set SettingName = 'AUM_' + Upper(substring(settingName,1,1)) + substring(settingName, 2, datalength(settingName)) where SettingName in ('redirectDefaultPage','sslClientRedirect', 'illegalChars', 'replaceDoubleChars', 'regex404','url404','url500','useBaseFriendlyUrls','internalAliases','processRequests','cacheTime') Note : there isn't really any test case or test that can be done with this change.",1
-"DNN-3246","08/01/2013 03:30:02","AUM - Missing default Friendly Url Setting value for doNotRewriteRegex","The 'doNotRewriteRegex' setting should have a default value as follows: /DesktopModules/|/Providers/|/LinkClick\.aspx|/profilepic\.ashx This prevents rewriting of Urls that match those patterns. The current value is string.empty. This causes any Web API calls which are not case sensitive to fail because they are rewritten. By including /desktopmodules/ , this also allows for any custom service calls written for third party modules. ",1
-"DNN-3247","08/01/2013 03:55:26","AUM - Decommission unnecessary Url Rewriting Settings","There are a couple of Url Rewriting settings left over from the Url Master conversion which can be safely removed. These are: 'UseMobileAlias' 'AllowReporting' The property definitions and internal code can be removed completely. There are no test cases to test this.",1
-"DNN-3251","08/01/2013 21:17:47","SPIKE - need to validate that country codes returned can be localized","SPIKE - need to ensure that country names that are returned by GeoIP are not different (so that UserModuleBase -LookUpCountry can localize)",8
-"DNN-3334","08/01/2013 21:50:02","Site Crawler - Multiple Thread Aborts right after install completes and while default.aspx is loading","Install latest Social build as FQDN site w/remote database and dnn_ as Object Qualifier on the database After install is complete click ""Go to site"" blue button After site loads check Admin > log-viewer Actual: I get all these errors in the log viewer: 8/1/2013 1:32:21 PM Scheduler Event Failure THREAD ID 72 TYPE DotNetNuke.Services.Search.SearchEngineScheduler EXCEPTI THREAD ID: 72 TYPE: DotNetNuke.Services.Search.SearchEngineScheduler EXCEPTION: Thread was being aborted. RESCHEDULED FOR: 1/1/0001 12:05:00 AM SOURCE: STARTED_FROM_BEGIN_REQUEST ACTIVE THREADS: -2 FREE THREADS: 3 READER TIMEOUTS: 0 WRITER TIMEOUTS: 0 IN PROGRESS: 0 IN QUEUE: 7 Server Name: TST-KG-W2K8-2 8/1/2013 1:32:21 PM Scheduler Exception AssemblyVersion 7.1.1 PortalID -1 PortalName UserID -1 UserName ActiveTabI AssemblyVersion: 7.1.1 PortalID: -1 PortalName: UserID: -1 UserName: ActiveTabID: -1 ActiveTabName: RawURL: AbsoluteURL: AbsoluteURLReferrer: UserAgent: DefaultDataProvider: DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider, DotNetNuke ExceptionGUID: 36c7970f-eac5-4102-a721-41eab828fbe1 InnerException: Thread was being aborted. FileName: FileLineNumber: 0 FileColumnNumber: 0 Method: DotNetNuke.Services.Search.SearchEngineScheduler.DoWork StackTrace: Message: System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted. at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.SearchEngineScheduler.DoWork() at DotNetNuke.Services.Scheduling.ProcessGroup.Run(ScheduleHistoryItem objScheduleHistoryItem) Source: Server Name: TST-KG-W2K8-2 8/1/2013 1:32:20 PM General Exception AssemblyVersion 7.1.1 PortalID -1 PortalName UserID -1 UserName ActiveTabI AssemblyVersion: 7.1.1 PortalID: -1 PortalName: UserID: -1 UserName: ActiveTabID: -1 ActiveTabName: RawURL: AbsoluteURL: AbsoluteURLReferrer: UserAgent: DefaultDataProvider: DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider, DotNetNuke ExceptionGUID: 27befb33-a462-4b57-86a1-dbe0213d519c InnerException: Thread was being aborted. FileName: FileLineNumber: 0 FileColumnNumber: 0 Method: DotNetNuke.Entities.Modules.ModuleController.GetTabModuleSettings StackTrace: Message: System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted. at DotNetNuke.Entities.Modules.ModuleController.GetTabModuleSettings(Int32 TabModuleId) at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.ModuleIndexer.b__5(ModuleInfo m) at System.Linq.Enumerable.<>c__DisplayClassf`1.b__e(TSource x) at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereEnumerableIterator`1.MoveNext() at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.ModuleIndexer.GetSearchModules(Int32 portalId) at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.ModuleIndexer.GetModuleMetaData(Int32 portalId, DateTime startDate) at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.SearchEngine.GetModuleMetaData(DateTime startDate) at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.SearchEngine.IndexContent(DateTime startDate) at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.SearchEngineScheduler.DoWork() Source: Server Name: TST-KG-W2K8-2 8/1/2013 1:32:20 PM Scheduler Exception AssemblyVersion 7.1.1 PortalID -1 PortalName UserID -1 UserName ActiveTabI AssemblyVersion: 7.1.1 PortalID: -1 PortalName: UserID: -1 UserName: ActiveTabID: -1 ActiveTabName: RawURL: AbsoluteURL: AbsoluteURLReferrer: UserAgent: DefaultDataProvider: DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider, DotNetNuke ExceptionGUID: 4bb7d4df-ffe7-4dbf-83ed-ac35632597ad InnerException: Thread was being aborted. FileName: FileLineNumber: 0 FileColumnNumber: 0 Method: DotNetNuke.Entities.Modules.ModuleController.GetTabModuleSettings StackTrace: Message: System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted. at DotNetNuke.Entities.Modules.ModuleController.GetTabModuleSettings(Int32 TabModuleId) at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.ModuleIndexer.b__5(ModuleInfo m) at System.Linq.Enumerable.<>c__DisplayClassf`1.b__e(TSource x) at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereEnumerableIterator`1.MoveNext() at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.ModuleIndexer.GetSearchModules(Int32 portalId) at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.ModuleIndexer.GetModuleMetaData(Int32 portalId, DateTime startDate) at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.SearchEngine.GetModuleMetaData(DateTime startDate) at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.SearchEngine.IndexContent(DateTime startDate) at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.SearchEngineScheduler.DoWork() Source: Server Name: TST-KG-W2K8-2 8/1/2013 1:32:20 PM General Exception AssemblyVersion 7.1.1 PortalID -1 PortalName UserID -1 UserName ActiveTabI AssemblyVersion: 7.1.1 PortalID: -1 PortalName: UserID: -1 UserName: ActiveTabID: -1 ActiveTabName: RawURL: AbsoluteURL: AbsoluteURLReferrer: UserAgent: DefaultDataProvider: DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider, DotNetNuke ExceptionGUID: 7915b841-f899-43ca-8538-26493b06d7e8 InnerException: Thread was being aborted. FileName: FileLineNumber: 0 FileColumnNumber: 0 Method: N/A - Reflection Permission required StackTrace: Message: System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted. at SNIReadSync(SNI_Conn* , SNI_Packet** , Int32 ) at SNINativeMethodWrapper.SNIReadSync(SafeHandle pConn, IntPtr& packet, Int32 timeout) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParserStateObject.ReadSni(DbAsyncResult asyncResult, TdsParserStateObject stateObj) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParserStateObject.ReadNetworkPacket() at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParserStateObject.ReadByte() at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Run(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.ConsumeMetaData() at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.get_MetaData() at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.FinishExecuteReader(SqlDataReader ds, RunBehavior runBehavior, String resetOptionsString) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReaderTds(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, Boolean async) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method, DbAsyncResult result) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior, String method) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteDbDataReader(CommandBehavior behavior) at System.Data.Common.DbCommand.System.Data.IDbCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior) at DotNetNuke.Data.PetaPoco.PetaPocoExt.ExecuteReader(Database database, String sql, Object[] args) at DotNetNuke.Data.PetaPoco.PetaPocoHelper.ExecuteReader(String connectionString, CommandType type, String sql, Object[] args) at DotNetNuke.Data.DataProvider.GetTabModuleSettings(Int32 tabModuleId) at DotNetNuke.Entities.Modules.ModuleController.GetTabModuleSettings(Int32 TabModuleId) Source: Server Name: TST-KG-W2K8-2 When I check Host > Schedule the Site Crawler shows that it ran successfully? Expected Result: No errors in the log file if the Site Crawler actually failed it should say ""Failed"" in the Site Crawler History""",5
-"DNN-3265","08/05/2013 14:24:21","IUpgradeable.UpgradeModule is called for all versions from upgradeVersionsList","IUpgradeable.UpgradeModule is called for all versions from upgradeVersionsList. According to the documentation it have to be called only for versions higher than current. This happens due to strange checks inside ModuleInstaller.ReadManifest method. Those checks wasn't present in DNN 7.0.0. but appeared in DNN 7.0.6. So the bug was introduced somewhere between those versions.",3
-"DNN-3277","08/06/2013 22:26:01","SI: Custom registration fields are not used when registration page is defined in site settings","Custom registration fields are not used when registration page is defined in site settings. Steps to reproduce: 1. Create custom registration page, add User module (Users and Roles) and make it visible to All Users. 2. Set that page as a Registration page in Site Settings. 3. In Site Settings->User Account enable public registration and switch to Custom registration fields - add Email, Password and Password Confirmation. 4. Log out and Register. Expected result: Custom fields should be used during registration. Actual results: Standard field are used instead.",1
-"DNN-3283","08/07/2013 19:31:10","SI: Search by Page Tags does not work","Search by Page Tags does not work. Searching by Module Tags DOES work. Steps to reproduce: 1. Install 7.1(2676) 2. Add Tags to a page 3. Run Scheduler and Re-Index the site 4. Perform search on that Tag Actual Result: No results are shown Expected Result: That page should show in the search results.",1
-"DNN-3290","08/08/2013 01:08:50","Cached Content Needs to be Serializable","When testing Azure caching, the Application throws serialization caching issues. These issues are reproducible in Social but are Platform related. +Repro 1+ [1] Install 1.1.1 [2] Download and install this extension http://dnndummycaching.codeplex.com/ [3] Let application run for 10 mins w/o activity [4] Nav to Admin > Event Viewer *Expected:* No Exceptions *Actual:* Lots of exceptions Log Viewer: _""InnerException: Type 'DotNetNuke.Services.Search.Entities.SearchType' in Assembly 'DotNetNuke, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' is not marked as serializable.""_ *Log file attached* +Repro 2+ _(*no longer reproducible, issue fixed in Social, but the ContentController should still be marked as serializable for Azure compatibility*)_ [1] Install 1.1.1 [2] Download and install this extension http://dnndummycaching.codeplex.com/ [3] Create a new registered user ""test"" [4] Nav to Ideas [5] Add an Idea [6] Logout [7] Log in as Host [8] Accept the new Idea from [5] via notifications [9] Log out [10] Log in as ""test"" [11] Nav to Ideas *Expected:* No Exceptions *Actual:* Module Load exception Log Viewer: _""InnerException: Type 'DotNetNuke.Entities.Content.ContentController' in Assembly 'DotNetNuke, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' is not marked as serializable.""_ ",5
-"DNN-3286","08/08/2013 17:05:17","Search query sent to Lucene is unoptimized","In Social, the search query sent to Lucene from the skin or main search page is not optimized and contains many duplicates. Here it a query sample - each is duplicate 20 times since there are 20 items in the advanced filter (attached image): {code:title=Query|borderStyle=solid} {+((title:depend title:depends*) (tag:depends tag:depends*) (description:depend description:depends*) (body:depend body:depends*) (content:depend content:depends*)) +(portal:[0 TO 0] portal:[-1 TO -1]) +( moduledef:[126 TO 126] moduledef:[126 TO 126] moduledef:[126 TO 126] moduledef:[126 TO 126] moduledef:[126 TO 126] moduledef:[126 TO 126] moduledef:[126 TO 126] moduledef:[126 TO 126] moduledef:[126 TO 126] moduledef:[126 TO 126] moduledef:[126 TO 126] moduledef:[126 TO 126] moduledef:[126 TO 126] moduledef:[126 TO 126] moduledef:[126 TO 126] moduledef:[126 TO 126] moduledef:[126 TO 126] moduledef:[126 TO 126] moduledef:[126 TO 126] moduledef:[140 TO 140] moduledef:[140 TO 140] moduledef:[140 TO 140] moduledef:[140 TO 140] moduledef:[140 TO 140] moduledef:[140 TO 140] moduledef:[140 TO 140] moduledef:[140 TO 140] moduledef:[140 TO 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(body:depend body:depends*) (content:depend content:depends*)) +(portal:[0 TO 0] portal:[-1 TO -1]) +( moduledef:[126 TO 126] moduledef:[140 TO 140] moduledef:[141 TO 141] moduledef:[142 TO 142] moduledef:[143 TO 143] moduledef:[144 TO 144] moduledef:[145 TO 145] moduledef:[148 TO 148] moduledef:[149 TO 149] moduledef:[150 TO 150] moduledef:[151 TO 151] moduledef:[152 TO 152] moduledef:[157 TO 157] moduledef:[158 TO 158] moduledef:[159 TO 159] moduledef:[162 TO 162] moduledef:[163 TO 163] moduledef:[164 TO 164] moduledef:[165 TO 165] searchtype:[2 TO 2] searchtype:[3 TO 3] searchtype:[4 TO 4]) +(locale:[1 TO 1] locale:[-1 TO -1])} {code} ",1
-"DNN-3555","08/08/2013 19:55:50","SI: Digital Asset Management Slow for large folders","When browsing a folder that has over 5000 files it takes a long time to go to different pages of that folder. Create a folder containing 5.500 files in a fresh DNN 7.1 environment. Use IE9: it is extremely slow for large folders. ",2
-"DNN-3292","08/08/2013 20:18:05","additionalParameters as string array in NavigateURL() and EditUrl() don’t appear","If additionalParameters are a single string (""Param1=Value1"") they appear in the resulting URL but when they’re a string array they never appear. This causes many Modules to fail. I’m using DotNetNuke 7.1.0 out of the box and create a blank Module. In DotNetNuke 7.0.6 it worked. Sample Module is attached. DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(""ControlKey"", ""Param1"", ""Value1"") --> http://hostname/Demo/ctl/ControlKey DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(""ControlKey"", ""Param1=Value1&Param2=Value2"") --> http://hostname/Demo/ctl/ControlKey/Param1/Value1/Param2/Value2 EditUrl(""KeyName"", ""KeyValue"", ""ControlKey"", ""Param1"", ""Value1"") --> javascript:dnnModal.show('http://hostname/Demo/ctl/ControlKey/mid/476/KeyName/KeyValue?popUp=true',/*showReturn*/false,550,950,true,'') EditUrl(""KeyName"", ""KeyValue"", ""ControlKey"", ""Param1=Value1&Param2=Value2"") --> javascript:dnnModal.show('http://hostname/Demo/ctl/ControlKey/mid/476/KeyName/KeyValue/Param1/Value1/Param2/Value2?popUp=true',/*showReturn*/false,550,950,true,'')",2
-"DNN-3299","08/09/2013 11:29:39","Client Resource Manager - Composite files does not work properly with hosted jQuery","It is considered best practice to omit the protocol prefix (http: or https:) when using hosted jQuery/jQueryUI. //ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js This causes the browser to use the page's protocol when it requests the resource. If EnableComposite files is checked on Host Settings | Advanced | Client Resource Management then the pages break. In this circumstance the jQuery resource is not included in the composite javascript rendered to the page, and it is not included as a separate resource either. Workaround... If the protocol is included then the jQuery resource is rendered to the page as a separate resource.",3
-"DNN-3303","08/09/2013 18:41:29","SI: Have Registration Settings configured on the Site Level","Registration Settings should be able to configure on the Site level. Currently you need to make a change to web.config and it affects all other sites as well. See attachment for which fields.",1
-"DNN-3304","08/09/2013 19:41:39","Image in the installer is low res","During the installation process we load banners to advertise products and services. These banners rotate and link to a landing page on the website. The images were replaced to reflect the new branding and products and the first image that shows is the new logo of the company. This logo is very low res and does not seem to be stored with the rest of the images so it cannot be updated by replacing files in the CDN. We need to investigate where the image comes from and replace it with the right size.",1
-"DNN-3319","08/10/2013 00:10:49","SI: 401 error uploading profile picture for new account","Steps to reproduce: 1. Navigate to Admin -> Site Settings -> User Account Settings 2. Enable ""Require valid profile for registration"" 3. Scroll down to Profile Settings 4. Check the box in the ""Required"" column for the Photo profile property 5. Navigate to Admin -> User Accounts 6. Click Add New User 7. Enter appropriate test details, click Add New User 8. Logout 9. Login as new user 10. Try to upload a profile photo Actual result: 401 error, authorization Expected result: picture gets uploaded",1
-"DNN-3309","08/10/2013 11:59:18","Update fails when ProfessionalPreview module is uninstalled ","When the ProfessionalPreview Module is uninstalled in 7.0.6, updating to 7.1.0 fails at 5% with ""object not set to an instance"" error in ""addProfessionalPreviewPage""",1
-"DNN-3311","08/12/2013 08:14:46","Cannot create URL with different page extension","Test 1. Go to 'About Us' page of newly created site 2. Change the URL for 'about-us' to 'about-us.html' 3. Update the change Expected Result URL for About Us page is about-us.html Actual Result Url filtering excludes the .html based on the '.' character being part of the URL. Requirements - Change the UI so that URLs can be created with any page extension required. ",1
-"DNN-3474","08/12/2013 19:45:55","SI: blog comments are truncated ","Steps to reproduce: 1) Create a blog post 2) try to comment on that blog post with a comment longer than 2000 words. Actual Result: There is no setting to set the word count for comments, and currently comments will be truncated at 2000 words, despite being able to type over 2000 words in the comment text box. Expected Result: There should be an option to post unlimited word comments Regression Notes: Changes here have the potential to impact Likes on comments (only). Therefore, Likes on commenting need to be regressed (the Activity Stream should suffice). Although Activity Stream should suffice for verification, we should also verify Journal (likes and commenting). ",1
-"DNN-3321","08/13/2013 00:09:34","SI: Host > Site Management throws exception","Cannot edit Site Management in Host. Clicking on Edit throws Input string was not in a correct format exception. See attachments. Steps to reproduce: 1. Install DNN 7.1(2676) 2. Log in as a Host 3. Go to Host > Site Management 4. Click on Edit Actual Result: Exception Occurs Expected Result: No exception should occur",3
-"DNN-3607","08/13/2013 17:39:51","SI: Child portal File are being uploaded to the master portal","Brief Description of Issue: Site Group - Child portal File are being uploaded to the master portal of the portal group, not to the child portal itself. Clear Steps to Reproduce: Install Evoq Social 1.1.0 Create a child site through Host - Site Management ""Billing or something else"" create a site group through Host - Site Group, select the parent site as master site in the site group and add the child site to the site group. Navigate to the child site and goto Admin> File manager > upload any picture file into file manager. Refresh the file manager and file are not display in child portal file manager. Navigate to the parent site to Admin -> File Manager and you will see the file there. ",1
-"DNN-3328","08/13/2013 19:38:00","SI: Disable login button after clicking once","Disable login button after clicking once. If you have a slow performing site and you click Login couple times, it throws this exception: PageLoadException: Invalid postback or callback argument. Event validation is enabled using Clients does not want to turn off EnableEventValidation for security reasons.",2
-"DNN-3330","08/13/2013 21:34:38"," services framework w/ digest authentication in dnn 7.1+ w/ default settings","For web services (dnn services framework) only basic (clear text) authentication can be utilized since DNN 7.1 given that since this version the default for PasswordRetrievalEnabled is false. Digest authentication cannot be utilized. [Cathal] digest (MD5) and hashed passwords (SHA1) are incompatible as you cannot decrypt hashes or convert between different hashing algorithms ",1
-"DNN-3342","08/14/2013 18:21:29","Injection of Control Panel","The Control Panle is being injected into the control tree on ALL requests, and then made visible based on some conditions. This is unneccessary and impacts performance for anonymous users. While some of the conditions require the control to be injected, we can reduce the number of times the ControlPanel is injected by moving the check outside of the control itself.",5
-"DNN-3343","08/14/2013 18:23:31","Project Settings for Web","All Projects are set to store their Web settings in the project. This forces the same configuration on all developers. This setting could be left to each developer to choose how to handle (it would potentially reduce the number of Cassini Web Server instances that get launched when debugging.",5
-"DNN-3344","08/14/2013 18:50:40","Inconsistent behaviour of Update page URL button","Inconsistent behaviour of Update page URL button On the Page Settings pop-up we have two different Update buttons – Update (for page URL) and Update page. The pop-up could be closed again by two different buttons – Update page and Cancel button. The page URL input line could have three different meaningful inputs – Text line with current not changed page URL, Text line for new URL, or empty field to rollback for the default page URL. With all that possibilities we have 24 different scenarios: 5 of them have intuitively understandable expected result – nothing were change result, 1 of them (type a new URL and click both Update button sequentially) have intuitively understandable expected result – the page URL was changes to the new input), and 1 of them (Clear URL input line and click both Update button sequentially) have intuitively understandable expected result – the page URL was changes to the default page URL (set on the page creation. All other 17 scenarios have or non-intuitively understandable expected results or hard to understand expected results. In such situation there is no surprise the actual behavior of functionality do not equal to any expected results, and introduce a new result for some scenarios – create a permanent redirection to 404 page. I would recommend having only one Update button with expected result – click on that Update button update all page settings include the Page URL. Step to reproduce: 1. Install the latest DNN 7.1.2 build 97 2. Log in as Host 3. Add a new page Test 4. Go to Edit Page – Page Settings 5. Change page URL form …site/Test to …site/News 6. Click Update button 7. Click Cancel button Actual result = Expected result: ..site/news URL is displayed in the browser address bar 8. Go to Home page 9. Go to Test page 10. Go to Edit Page – Page Settings 11. Clear the Page URL input line 12. Click Update button 13. Click Cancel button Actual result: ..site/news URL is displayed in the browser address bar Expected result: …site/Test URL is displayed in the browser address bar 14. Go to Home page 15. Go to Test page Actual result: ..site/news URL is displayed in the browser address bar Expected result: …site/Test URL is displayed in the browser address bar 16. Clear the Page URL input line 17. Click Update button 18. Click Page Update button Actual result: ..site/news URL is displayed in the browser address bar, but DNN 404 page “Page cannot be found” is open Expected result: …site/Test URL is displayed in the browser address bar 19. Go to Home page 20. Go to Admin - Recycle bin Actual result = Expected result= the Recycl bin is empty 21. Go to Test page Actual result: ..site/news URL is displayed in the browser address bar, but DNN 404 page “Page cannot be found” is open Expected result: …site/Test URL is displayed in the browser address bar Too many confused and non-expected results. ",1
-"DNN-3349","08/14/2013 23:40:48","Search > API > Custom Sorting > Unit Tests","Create / Modify Unit Tests for this new feature of custom sorting",8
-"DNN-3350","08/14/2013 23:42:47","Search > API > Custom Sorting > Sort Direction","Currently Sort Direction is just one direction, we need to ensure that both ascending and descending sort direction is available",8
-"DNN-3355","08/15/2013 11:57:12","Old Search tables not cleared and deleted on Upgrades","Starting from DNN 7.1.0, old Search tables in the database are no longer used. However, when upgrading a site, these tables should be dropped. Steps to reproduce: upgrade a site to DNN 7.1.0 check database for tables Searchitem, searchWords, SearchItemWords, SearchItemword position All tables are present and populated. Expected: Tables are dropped",5
-"DNN-3487","08/15/2013 20:39:28","SI:DNN URL rewriting Strips parameters","When navigating to the different tabs a parameter is added to the URL. However, URL rewriter strips out the parameter and links are broken.. For example, http://yoursite.com/productsandServices.aspx?Id=52#44815-taxi--commercial URL is changed to http://yoursite/ProductsandServices/Id/52 ",1
-"DNN-3362","08/15/2013 21:00:12","Cannot create page named ""Login""","For some reason it is no longer possible to create a page named ""Login"". This is a severe impediment, as it is quite common to create a page with that name in order to create a custom login page. Steps to reproduce: * create new page * use name ""Login"" result: error saying that the page name is invalid expected: page can be created",1
-"DNN-3365","08/15/2013 22:46:21","Perfomance and other Issues in Stored Procedure GetFoldersByPermissions","I noticed significant performance issues, especially in administration, on a site with a couple of folders (around 1000). I was able to trace it down to stored procedure GetFolderByFolderPermission, which took 25 secs to execute. Upon investigation, I noticed a couple of logical issues as well: - doesn't take into account individual user permissions - denying any single permission for a folder (for a user or role) suppresses all others as well.",1
-"DNN-4087","08/15/2013 22:54:22","SI: HTML editor icon layout breaks when adding new icons","When a user adds buttons to the HTML module it breaks the icon layout. Attached is a picture",2
-"DNN-3371","08/16/2013 00:27:13","Search > Journal Crawler (mini spike)","Currently the Site Crawler in the Platform does not crawl Journal items. Journal integration with Search is a bit tricky as Journal has a different permission system as compared with module / tab permissions. There are two ways this integration can be done: *Treat Journal as Module and implement ModuleSearchBase* 1) The advantage of this approach is that all you need to implement is ModuleSearchBase and the content will start to get indexed by Site Crawler. 2) However, there is a downside that Journal has a different permission system then typical module / tab permission. During indexing, one would need to translate Journal’s permission into module type permission so Search can do security trimming. *New Crawler - Create a new SearchType for Journal* 1) This approach allows checking of Journal permission at querying time. 2) This SearchType should implement BaseResultController, especially the HasViewPermission method. GetDocUrl method in this method is marked as abstract, but isn't called if Url is already stored in the SearchDocument. 3) There is no need to create a separate scheduled tasked. All we need to do is modify Site Crawler to call into Journal to obtain SearchDocuments. Site Crawler currently crawls through tab and module metadata and collects SearchDocuments from modules that implement ISearchable or ModuleSearchBase. 4) When user performs a query and hits are found in Journal, system will call HasViewPermission method every hit in Lucene. This will require a DB hit to check permission, which is a down-side. 5) Make sure the SearchType is not marked as Private. In reality 90% of Journal entries are Public (except for ones in a Social Group), a mixed approach can be done, where permission is stored in the Index for all the public items so there isn’t a hit. *Due to the above I call this as a mini-spike* ",8
-"DNN-3376","08/16/2013 18:46:18","SI: %20 or + encoding switch doesn’t apply when including spaces in page names","Steps to reproduce: 1. Install 7.1.1, log in as a host 2. Go to Admin > Advanced URL Management > in Replace These Characters, remove + from that field. 3. In host settings table, add AUM_ReplaceSpaceWith field and change the value to + 4. Recycle app pool 5. Create a new page with space, ie: ""Pl us"" //Script to create AUM_ReplaceSpaceWIth field in Host Settings: insert into {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}hostsettings (SettingName , SettingValue , SettingIsSecure , CreatedByUserId , CreatedOnDate , LastModifiedByUserId , LastModifiedOnDate ) values( 'AUM_ReplaceSpaceWith' ,'+' , 0 , -1 , GETDATE() , -1 , GETDATE() ) Actual Result: The page will be created as ""Pl+us"" but if you browse to it, DNN will throw 404 error. If IIS 7 throws 404.11 error, the workaround is to allow allowDoubleEscaping in RequestFiltering. All existing pages with space are broken as well. Expected Result: Allow %20 or + encoding switch when including spaces in page names",1
-"DNN-3389","08/16/2013 19:00:11","SI: Facebook security issue","Description - Facebook login will not log out user causing security risk in public computer situations. Steps to Reproduce - 1. Setup facebook authentication provider 2. Log in with facebook account 1 3. This creates DNN Account 1 4. Logout of DNN 5. Log out of Facebook 6. Log in to DNN using Facebook Account 2 Actual Result - User is logged in as Facebook Account 1 Expected Result - User is logged in as Facebook Account 2",1
-"DNN-3377","08/16/2013 21:30:06","SI: Sitemap URL doesn't change to primary portal alias","When creating a portal, a default alias is chosen. In our case, this is always a demo alias. Later when the portal is sold, a proper alias is added and made default. However this is not reflected right away. The best way to see that it haven't changed, is to go to the Admin->Site settings -> the basic settings tab -> Site marketing, and look at the Sitemap URL shown there. The URL is created with the original demo alias instead of the newly chosen default alias. I believe it can be changed by clearing the cache or restarting the application in host settings, but that's a little extensive just to set the default alias.",1
-"DNN-3382","08/18/2013 09:43:22","DNN 404 error page not shown if called for deadpage.aspx","Steps to reproduce: 1.Deadpage.aspx does not exist in this DNN installation. 2. DNN 7.1.1. clean installation with Advanced URL 3. Browse to /deadpage.aspx (with the extension pls) 4. Expected behavior is the DNN 404 Error to show but is shows a ASP.Net 404 page. ",2
-"DNN-3384","08/18/2013 13:09:04","Can't cancel creation of Module Definition","It's not possible to cancel making a new module definition. Steps to reproduce: 1) Go to Host -> Extensions 2) Edit any custom or core module 3) In the ""Edit Extension"" pop up scroll down and click to expand ""Module Definitions"" 4) Click button ""Add Definition"" 5) See no way to cancel the creation and return to the definitions list Actual Result: No way to cancel the creation and return to the definitions list. Expected Result: A ""Cancel"" button in the create module definition section.",1
-"DNN-3386","08/18/2013 21:24:08","Using HttpContext where HttpUtility would suffice","In the AspNetMembershipProvider code, in the UpdateUser method, the vanityURL is set using HttpContext.Current.Server.HtmlEncode(user.VanityUrl) while just above the displayName is set using HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(displayName). The problem with using the HttpContext over HttpUitility is that this can no longer be called from any code running under the scheduler. Recommended that the HttpContext.Current.Server be replaced with HttpUtility where possible. At 7.1+, there is only one location in this block of code that is using the HttpContext. ",1
-"DNN-3393","08/20/2013 01:05:04","Scheduler stops in web farm due to auto-change of VM name in Azure (spike)","In a webfarm, scheduled tasks can be specified to run on one web server only (in fact this is the recommended configuration for Search tasks). In Azure environment, VM names automatically (or manually) change during re-deployments. This leaves schedule tasks to tied to computer names that do not exist any more and thus renders the tasks useless as they will not execute unless the association is changed. One recommendation from cloud team is to use special API from Azure and use Instance name as opposed to computer name. However, this will require writing special code for Cloud.",5
-"DNN-3397","08/20/2013 04:12:53","Google Analytics URL Parameter does nothing","Using normal CE, set the URL Parameter to some valid code fragment. For example: _gaq.push(['_setDomainName', 'mydomain.com']); Observe the config is saved properly in /GoogleAnalytics.config Clear the cache, restart application, etc. View the source for any page. Observe the code fragment is not present anywhere in the inserted GA code. ",1
-"DNN-3398","08/20/2013 12:56:37","Password reset form doesn't display password validation error","The password reset form (following a password reset link in email) doesn't display errors if new password is too short. Steps to reproduce: 1. Go to user login page of DNN installation 2. Click the ""Reset password"" button 3. Enter a valid username in the displayed form and click the ""Send reset link"" button. 4. Pick up the email and click the link to go to the password reset form 5. Enter the username and a too short password (<8 chars) 6. Click the ""Change password"" button. Actual result: The progress indicator shows up briefly, then disappears and the form/page is left unchanged (no error/success message). The user's password is left unchanged. Expected result: An error message should appear telling the user the provide a password with at least 8 chars. ",3
-"DNN-3400","08/20/2013 15:55:55","Custom Registration Form does not work with dedicated Registration page","if you specified in Site Settings that you are using custom registration form and selected fields to show up, this doesn't affect Users and Roles module placed on a custom registration page (to secure it by SSL etc.) Steps to reproduce: - Install DNN 7.1.1 - in Site settings, specify custom to use custom registration form and a select non-default fields - specify to use captcha for registration - log out - register: custom registration should display as popup. - login as admin - create a hidden top level page ""User Registration"" - add users and roles module to it - in Site Settings, specify created page as registration page - log out -register a user - expected: same fields and captcha are used as in popup - current: default registration form displayed :(",1
-"DNN-3401","08/20/2013 16:00:36","Valid Profile for Registration / Login required ignored","if you specify in Site Settings to require a valid profile for registration or login, this is not taken into account, unless you are entering the Profile page manually. Steps to reproduce: - install DNN 7.1.1 - go to site settings, tab User Accounts - set Profile field Country to be required - enable ""require valid profile for registration"" and ""require valid profile for login"" - log out - register as new user expected: profile needs to be completed prior to registration / login current: nothing - ",1
-"DNN-3411","08/20/2013 16:25:12","SI: Home Page Should Not Have Automatic Redirect Created","In certain situations the home page can make the entire portal go into a redirect loop if it is renamed. When it is renamed a 301 redirect is automatically created which points to ""/"". From Bruce: ""We probably need a bit of special logic to not generate a 301 for the home page even if it is renamed, because the Url doesn’t change as long as it stays the home page (ie, is always /)""",1
-"DNN-3405","08/20/2013 18:33:48","Password reset not working","Please see screencast http://screencast.com/t/g7sTsWbP 1. Set the password link to expire in 2 mins. 2. As the user, try to reset your password (by clicking the link in the email that you get after requesting password reset). The screen just blinks - password is not reset. This is a bug. 3. As the admin, reset a user's password. Click on the link in email. After entering new password, screen just blinks -- password is not reset. This is a bug. ",1
-"DNN-3415","08/21/2013 17:39:06","Profile visbility settings do not show 'Friends and Followers' as submenu from Friends and Groups","Try to set User Profile Property to Friends and Group and expecting more choices to show up like Friends and Followers but they do not show. Because of this there is no way I can make my profile readable to friends or followers. All they see is ******.",1
-"DNN-3430","08/22/2013 19:58:46","SI: RADEditor Image Manager issue","Description - When an img element is set in css, the Image manager will default the width and height of an image to 1. Steps to reproduce - 1. Add following code to skin.css: img { max-width: 100% !important; height: auto !important;} 2. Edit HTML module, add image to content Actual Results - Image has height and width of 1 Expected Results - Image is displayed properly. Email from Customer - The image manager has a function that sets the width and height of an image in the following control: /Providers/HTMLEditorProviders/Telerik/Dialogs/SetImageProperties.ascx The function attempts to get that information from one of the following sources - in order: 1) Client style 2) Image attributes 3) Client size The function grabs the first available data and moves on. In our skin.css, I had placed a global style to assist images to be more responsive: img { max-width: 100% !important; height: auto !important; } This value was apparently picked up by the function and caused the algorithm to convert it to a ""1"" When I commented this value in skin.css, the function worked as expected. When I un-commented the value, the function broke again. So I adjusted the css to hide that value from the admin template and the image manager is happy again.",1
-"DNN-3760","08/22/2013 22:18:58","""Site Management is currently unavailable"" when deleting child site in cloud environment","Issue description: ""Site Management is currently unavailable"" when deleting child site in cloud environment Steps: 1, Log on to cloud site Website Address http://dnnq6mcgg.trialsqa.dnncloudservices.com Website Login AK5X9A_host 2, Create a child site 3, Click Edit icon for the child site and add description 4, Click Delete icon for the child site 5, Go to Host - Site Management again and click Delete icon Actual results: 1, After step 4, an error popup 2, After step 5, child site is successfully deleted Expected results: There should be no error after step 4 and the child site is deleted successfully",2
-"DNN-3429","08/22/2013 23:04:52","LP cannot be installed in cloud environment","Issue description: LP cannot be installed in cloud environment Steps: 1, Log on to cloud site: Website Address http://dnnq6mcgg.trialsqa.dnncloudservices.com Website Login AK5X9A_host 2, Go to Host - Extensions - Available Extensions - Language Packs, and try to install German and Spanish LPs Actual results: 1, The message on screen says ""502 - web server received an invalid response while acting as a gateway or proxy server"" 2, A new entry under Language Packs section is created for German LP after installation failure, then the entry is gone after installation of Spanish, and a new Spanish entry is added with Install button at the most right column, as shown in the screenshot Expected results: LP is successfully installed without error",1
-"DNN-3433","08/23/2013 18:39:49","SI: Include URL Parameters","In my navigation, the page URL is http://devdnn.com/HCWebmastersandDevs.aspx. This of course is created automatically based on the fact that I named the page ""HC Webmasters and Devs"". I want the URL to contain a parameter (Key=value) by default whenever the page is navigated to. E.g.: http://devdnn.com/HCWebmastersandDevs.aspx?groupid=243. Ideally, the page would load this parameter even if someone navigated to the page without the parameter in the URL, but minimally, I would like the Navigation in the menu to include the parameter. I have tried using the ""URL ( A Link To An External Resource )"" option under Page Settings > Advanced Settings > Other Settings > Link URL, but of course this created a redirect loop. As a feature suggestion, It would be really nice if there was an option under the advanced page settings to ""Include URL Parameters"" that would offer a text string field where you could enter parameters that would be appended to the navigation URL for that page.",1
-"DNN-3434","08/23/2013 19:32:20","SI: PortalSettings.ActiveTab accessed from a Skin isn't fully populated","If you try to access PortalSettings.ActiveTab.LastModifiedOnDate from a skin the date is always 1/1/0001, no matter what the database says for the property on the tab. It appears that ActiveTab isn't populated with a full tabinfo object. If you take ActiveTab.TabID and populate a new TabInfo object the LastModifiedOnDate is correctly populated. Having this populated correctly would be useful for skinners trying to show when a page was last updated, currently they would have to create multiple lines of code in the skin to get it populated correctly. This does not appear to be a new issue, as I've tested it against DNN 5, 6 and 7.1.1",1
-"DNN-3437","08/23/2013 22:43:10","SI: User not redirected to Thank You page from Verified Registration URL links through Email","If you have User Registration set to Verified, but would like to direct users to specific pages after Registration and when they click-through the verification link in their email, it does not work. In Site Settings, I have a unique ""Account Thank You"" page set as the Redirect After Registration. However, when a new account is created, the user stays at the Account Registration URL and is not redirected (the message that they are using an unverified account does appear on the page). In the email, the user receives the following URL: http://[Portal:URL]/Welcome.aspx?ctl=Login&username=[Custom:0]&verificationcode=[Custom:1] However, when they click-through that URL, they are sent to: http://[Portal:URL]/LoginPage/tabid/132/verificationcode/oYwQ-DmGmAw_/Default.aspx?username=jed.anderson+test05@gmail.com Steps to Reproduce: 1. Install DNN 7.1.1, log in as a Host 2. Go to Site Settings, set User Registration to Verified 3. Create Thank You page for Redirect After Registration 4. Create a new account for a User 5. An email with Registration Link is sent to User 6. Verify the User Actual Result: The User is not sent to Thank You page Expected Result: After the user has been Verified the User should go to Thank You page",1
-"DNN-3440","08/25/2013 15:15:02","Optimize GetUsersByDisplayName","Stored Procedure doesn't have optimal performance. Please replace as follows: CREATE PROCEDURE {databaseOwner}[{objectQualifier}GetUsersByDisplayName] @PortalID int, @NameToMatch nvarchar(256), @PageIndex int, @PageSize INT, @IncludeDeleted bit, @SuperUsersOnly bit AS BEGIN -- Calculate page bounds: DECLARE @PageLowerBound INT DECLARE @PageUpperBound INT SET @PageLowerBound = @PageSize * @PageIndex SET @PageUpperBound = @PageSize - 1 + @PageLowerBound; WITH OrderedUsers AS ( SELECT U.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY DisplayName) AS IndexId FROM {databaseOwner}[{objectQualifier}vw_Users] U WHERE DisplayName LIKE @NameToMatch AND IsNull(IsDeleted, 0) <= @IncludeDeleted --less than equal done to cover IsDeleted in (1,0) for IncludeDeleted...else just IsDeleted = 0 AND IsNull(IsSuperUser, 0) >= @SuperUsersOnly AND (PortalId = @PortalID OR (@PortalID is null))) SELECT * FROM OrderedUsers WHERE IndexId >= @PageLowerBound AND IndexId <= @PageUpperBound; SELECT TotalRecords = COUNT(*) FROM {databaseOwner}[{objectQualifier}vw_Users] WHERE DisplayName LIKE @NameToMatch AND IsNull(IsDeleted, 0) <= @IncludeDeleted --less than equal done to cover IsDeleted in (1,0) for IncludeDeleted...else just IsDeleted = 0 AND IsNull(IsSuperUser, 0) >= @SuperUsersOnly AND (PortalId = @PortalID OR (@PortalID is null)) END",1
-"DNN-3441","08/25/2013 21:51:57","Users cannot post on their own Journals since upgrade","See this post: http://www.dnnsoftware.com/forums/forumid/108/threadid/490004/scope/posts Journal is broken since upgrade - renders social network unusable.",1
-"DNN-3445","08/26/2013 23:35:03","Platform - Admin - Site Settings blows up when Host tries to access it.","Install latest Platform 7.1.2 build Log in as Host Go Admin > Site Settings Actual Result: In the UI: A critical error has occurred. Attempt by method 'DynamicClass.lambda_method(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Closure)' to access type 'System.ComponentModel.Composition.Hosting.ComposablePartCatalogCollection' failed. In log.resources file: 2013-08-26 14:57:09,326 [TST-KG-W2K8-2][Thread:10][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - ~/Default.aspx?tabid=68&error=Attempt+by+method+%27DynamicClass.lambda_method(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Closure)%27+to+access+type+%27System.ComponentModel.Composition.Hosting.ComposablePartCatalogCollection%27+failed.&content=0 System.TypeAccessException: Attempt by method 'DynamicClass.lambda_method(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Closure)' to access type 'System.ComponentModel.Composition.Hosting.ComposablePartCatalogCollection' failed. at lambda_method(Closure ) at System.Linq.EnumerableQuery`1.GetEnumerator() at System.ComponentModel.Composition.Primitives.ComposablePartCatalog.GetExports(ImportDefinition definition) at System.ComponentModel.Composition.Hosting.AggregateCatalog.GetExports(ImportDefinition definition) at System.ComponentModel.Composition.Hosting.CatalogExportProvider.GetExportsCore(ImportDefinition definition, AtomicComposition atomicComposition) at System.ComponentModel.Composition.Hosting.ExportProvider.GetExports(ImportDefinition definition, AtomicComposition atomicComposition) at System.ComponentModel.Composition.Hosting.AggregateExportProvider.GetExportsCore(ImportDefinition definition, AtomicComposition atomicComposition) at System.ComponentModel.Composition.Hosting.ExportProvider.TryGetExportsCore(ImportDefinition definition, AtomicComposition atomicComposition, IEnumerable`1& exports) at System.ComponentModel.Composition.Hosting.CompositionContainer.GetExportsCore(ImportDefinition definition, AtomicComposition atomicComposition) at System.ComponentModel.Composition.Hosting.ExportProvider.GetExports(ImportDefinition definition, AtomicComposition atomicComposition) at System.ComponentModel.Composition.Hosting.ImportEngine.TryGetExports(ExportProvider provider, ComposablePart part, ImportDefinition definition, AtomicComposition atomicComposition) at System.ComponentModel.Composition.Hosting.ImportEngine.TrySatisfyImportSubset(PartManager partManager, IEnumerable`1 imports, AtomicComposition atomicComposition) at System.ComponentModel.Composition.Hosting.ImportEngine.TrySatisfyImportsStateMachine(PartManager partManager, ComposablePart part) at System.ComponentModel.Composition.Hosting.ImportEngine.TrySatisfyImports(PartManager partManager, ComposablePart part, Boolean shouldTrackImports) at System.ComponentModel.Composition.Hosting.ImportEngine.SatisfyImports(ComposablePart part) at System.ComponentModel.Composition.Hosting.CompositionServices.TryInvoke(Action action) at System.ComponentModel.Composition.Hosting.ComposablePartExportProvider.Compose(CompositionBatch batch) at DotNetNuke.ExtensionPoints.ExtensionPointManager.ComposeParts(Object[] attributeParts) at DotNetNuke.ExtensionPoints.EditPageTabExtensionControl.OnInit(EventArgs e) at System.Web.UI.Control.InitRecursive(Control namingContainer) at System.Web.UI.Control.InitRecursive(Control namingContainer) at System.Web.UI.Control.InitRecursive(Control namingContainer) at System.Web.UI.Control.AddedControl(Control control, Int32 index) at DotNetNuke.UI.Modules.ModuleHost.LoadAjaxPanel() at System.Web.UI.Control.EnsureChildControls() at System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal() at System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal() at System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal() at System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal() at System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal() at System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal() at System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal() at System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal() at System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal() at System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal() at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) 2013-08-26 14:57:09,328 [TST-KG-W2K8-2][Thread:10][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions.GetExceptionInfo(Exception e) 2013-08-26 14:57:09,332 [TST-KG-W2K8-2][Thread:10][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions.GetExceptionInfo(Exception e) Expected Result: Site Settings loads without error and is usable",1
-"DNN-3542","08/26/2013 23:45:52","User Profile - Editing your User Profile throws 2 errors in the ""PixelFormatHandler""","In latest Social 1.1.2 build log in as any Registered User Click through to ""Edit Your Profile"" page Add some address details and set them to ""Public"" Click ""Update"" Check the log.resources file Actual Result: The edited properties are saved and they do persist in the ""My Profile"" UI In the log.resources file these 2 errors are always logged: 2013-08-26 11:22:44,589 [TST-KG-W2K8-2][Thread:20][FATAL] DotNetNuke.Web.Common.Internal.DotNetNukeHttpApplication - System.ArgumentException: Parameter is not valid. at System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor(Int32 width, Int32 height, PixelFormat format) at DotNetNuke.Common.Utilities.ImageUtils.CreateImage(String sFile, Int32 intHeight, Int32 intWidth) at DotNetNuke.Services.UserProfile.UserProfilePicHandler.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) at System.Web.HttpApplication.CallHandlerExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute() at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously) 2013-08-26 13:53:45,808 [TST-KG-W2K8-2][Thread:42][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Modules.Admin.Users.EditUser - System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted. at System.Threading.Thread.AbortInternal() at System.Threading.Thread.Abort(Object stateInfo) at System.Web.HttpResponse.End() at DotNetNuke.Modules.Admin.Users.EditUser.cmdUpdate_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) Expected Result: The edited properties are saved and do persist There are no errors in log.resources file from this activity I tried to reproduce this in Platform but ended up with a SS issue: DNN-3445 ",1
-"DNN-3450","08/27/2013 02:25:53","Starting all packages include the preinstalled portal 0 and the installation log","Starting all packages include the preinstalled portal 0 and the installation log Steps to reproduce: 1. Unzip 7.1.2 latest build 199 Install (Upgrade) package 2. Go to Site/Portals Actual result: Folder with name 0 exists Expected result: There is no folder 0 3. Go to Site/Portals/_default/Logs Actual result: the installation log from Aug 23 is in the folder Expected result: there is no folder ",1
-"DNN-3451","08/27/2013 04:41:16","Postback of hyperlink button doesn't work anymore","Reproduce Steps: 1. install 7.1.2 and login as host; 2. goto advanced settings, click ""language packs"" tab; 3. click a ""Deploy"" button. then you will see that there is 404 error. because in 7.1 we changed the NoneSpecific text of the page list in ""Add Existing Module"" to """", notice that it contains <> which will be recogonized as dangerous characters in post back.",1
-"DNN-3452","08/27/2013 16:16:50","Install Extension","h3. Card As a super user, I want to be able to install a JavaScript Library Extension h3. Conversation * A JavaScript Library extension should be packaged using the existing manifest file and packaging formats as currently used for existing extensions. * The JavaScript Library should be a separate package type that is identified on the Extensions page. * During installation, the system should allow (but not require) the JavaScript Library to be installed side-by-side with previous versions of the JavaScript Library. * The JavaScript Library extension should support defining a debug script file. When the system is set to debug mode in web.config, then the debug script if defined should be used. * The JavaScript Library extension should support defining a CDN URL for the script file. h3. Confirmation ",1
-"DNN-3453","08/27/2013 16:19:27","Auto-Install Extension","h3. Card As a super user, I want to be able to automatically install a JavaScript Library Extension h3. Conversation * During automatic installation, the library should automatically be installed side-by-side with previous versions. * The system should build a dependency graph and auto-install extensions in the necessary order to ensure that all dependencies are met. * An extension which can’t be auto-installed because of missing dependencies should be skipped and logged to the event log. h3. Confirmation ",2
-"DNN-3454","08/27/2013 16:20:30","Uninstall Extension","h3. Card As a super user, I want to be able to uninstall a JavaScript Library extension h3. Conversation h3. Confirmation If a JavaScript extension has other extensions which depend on this particular extension, then it cannot be removed unless a later version of the library is already installed.",2
-"DNN-3455","08/27/2013 16:21:42","View Dependent Extensions","h3. Card As a super user, I want to be able to view all extensions which depend on a JavaScript Library extension. h3. Conversation This dependency list should be read-only and is a list of any extension which has registered a dependency on this extension. h3. Confirmation ",5
-"DNN-3456","08/27/2013 16:23:27","View Extension Dependencies","h3. Card As a super user, I want to be able to view all extensions which the current JavaScript Library depends upon. h3. Conversation A JavaScript library might take a dependency on another library (i.e. a jQuery plugin has a dependency on jQuery) h3. Confirmation ",5
-"DNN-3457","08/27/2013 16:24:46","View Extension Conflicts","h3. Card As a page editor or administrator, I want to be able to view any version conflicts which occurred on a page. h3. Conversation * If multiple modules request different library versions on a page, then a warning message should be displayed on the page for any page editor or administrator. * The conflict should be logged to the event log. h3. Confirmation ",8
-"DNN-3459","08/27/2013 16:43:49","Request Extension Version","h3. Card As a developer, I want to be able to request a general or specific version of the framework. h3. Conversation h3. Confirmation * The API should support requesting various levels of specificity ** The latest available version (2.0.3) ** The latest major version (1.x) ** The latest minor version (1.1.x) ** A specific version (1.1.5) ",8
-"DNN-3460","08/27/2013 16:48:02","Specify Location","h3. Card As a developer, I want to be able to specify where the library is loaded on the page. h3. Conversation h3. Confirmation * The registration API should allow an optional parameter which specifies where a library is loaded on the page. * If the location is not specified, then the library should be loaded at the bottom of the page. * If a library has dependencies, then the dependencies must be loaded on the page prior to the location in which the library is loaded (e.g. if I load a library in the head, then the libraries dependencies must also be loaded in the head) * The locations where a library can be loaded: ** PageHeader ** FormTop ** FormBottom ",5
-"DNN-3461","08/27/2013 16:49:30","Resolve Extension Conflicts","h3. Card As a developer, I want extension conflicts to be automatically resolved. h3. Conversation h3. Confirmation * If multiple versions of an extension are requested on a single page, then the page should load the latest version requested.",5
-"DNN-3462","08/27/2013 16:56:10","Deprecate Core jQuery Class","h3. Card As a developer, I should not need to call a special class for using jQuery. h3. Conversation h3. Confirmation * The core jQuery class should be deprecated. The methods should delegate to the corresponding generic methods for loading a named JavaScript extension. * External JavaScript libraries should be packaged as JavaScript extensions and included with DNN (note: jQuery, jQuery UI and Knockout should be ""pre-installed"" for new installs).",5
-"DNN-3504","08/27/2013 20:32:39","Social Groups - Non-public groups do not show up for Administrators","In a cleanly installed FQDN site w/remote db and dnn_ as the object qualifier on the db log in as HOST Run the Load Tool to seed the site with data As Host, select any user, make them an Administrator As Administrator log into the site in a different browser. As Host and Admin hit Social Groups Compare the lists Actual Result: If any Group has its ""IsPublic"" flag set to 0 (zero) it will not show up when an Administrator hits Social Groups. Host sees all groups regardless of the ""IsPublic"" flag setting Expected Result: Host and Administrator users both see the same Social Groups regardless of the ""IsPublic"" flag setting of the Social Groups in the Roles table of the database",1
-"DNN-3466","08/27/2013 21:47:32","SI Search Exception Related to URL","This error message causes search to not function correctly when searching from a module or using the site search: AssemblyVersion: 7.1.1 PortalID: 0 PortalName: Devsd UserID: 1 UserName: host ActiveTabID: 63 ActiveTabName: Discussions RawURL: /DesktopModules/DNNCorp/Discussions/API/Social/ContentSearch?keywords=concrete&contentTypeId=15&max=5 AbsoluteURL: /DesktopModules/DNNCorp/Discussions/API/Social/ContentSearch AbsoluteURLReferrer: http://schooldude.dnndev.me/Community/Engage/Discussions.aspx UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/28.0.1500.95 Safari/537.36 DefaultDataProvider: DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider, DotNetNuke ExceptionGUID: 0cb1572a-8730-45a8-83cf-6ed3f4479211 InnerException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. FileName: FileLineNumber: 0 FileColumnNumber: 0 Method: DotNetNuke.Entities.Urls.BasicFriendlyUrlProvider.FriendlyUrl StackTrace: Message: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at DotNetNuke.Entities.Urls.BasicFriendlyUrlProvider.FriendlyUrl(TabInfo tab, String path, String pageName, PortalSettings settings) at DotNetNuke.Services.Url.FriendlyUrl.DNNFriendlyUrlProvider.FriendlyUrl(TabInfo tab, String path, String pageName, PortalSettings settings) at DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(Int32 tabID, Boolean isSuperTab, PortalSettings settings, String controlKey, String language, String pageName, String[] additionalParameters) at DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(Int32 tabID, Boolean isSuperTab, PortalSettings settings, String controlKey, String language, String[] additionalParameters) at DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(Int32 tabID, Boolean isSuperTab, PortalSettings settings, String controlKey, String[] additionalParameters) at DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(Int32 tabID, PortalSettings settings, String controlKey, String[] additionalParameters) at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.Controllers.ModuleResultController.GetDocUrl(SearchResult searchResult) at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.Controllers.SearchControllerImpl.GetSecurityTrimmedResults(SearchQuery searchQuery, LuceneQuery luceneQuery) at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.Controllers.SearchControllerImpl.GetResults(SearchQuery searchQuery) at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.Controllers.SearchControllerImpl.ModuleSearch(SearchQuery searchQuery) at DotNetNuke.SocialLibrary.Components.Controllers.ContentIndexController.Search(ModuleInfo moduleInfo, String text, Int32 limit) at DotNetNuke.SocialLibrary.Services.ControllerBase.ContentSearch(String keywords, Int32 contentTypeId, Int32 max)",1
-"DNN-3471","08/28/2013 01:20:23","BreadCrumb throwing an exception when using UserId as request parameter and type differs from int","I recently encountered an issue with the breadcrumb control of DotNetNuke (to be found under /admin/skins). I am using the DPS payment on the site and when this redirects to the original site it uses a get-variable with the name ""userid"" this causes an issue with breadcrumb because of the property ""ProfileUserId"" which is also referring to the very same variable name. (The DPS-UserId is a string whereas the ProfileUserId is of type Int32 which results in a cast exception). Here is how I fixed it: public int ProfileUserId { get { var userId = Null.NullInteger; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Params[""UserId""])) { // Original below //userId = Int32.Parse(Request.Params[""UserId""]); // *** FIX START *** // Fixed as the original could lead to an exception when the // request string is not a number (int32) if (!Int32.TryParse(Request.Params[""UserId""], out userId)) userId = Null.NullInteger; // *** FIX END *** } return userId; } } As the original line ("" userId = Int32.Parse(Request.Params[""UserId""]); "") could always result in an exception causing a page not to load, I would suggest to alter this to the provided code above.",2
-"DNN-3478","08/28/2013 18:11:43","ModuleLoadException on Host SQL page","Step to reproduce: 1. Install CE/EE package. 2. Login as Host. 3. Open Host SQL page. Actual result: Error: SQL is currently unavailable. DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.ModuleLoadException: The file '/DesktopModules/Admin/SQL/SQL.ascx' does not exist. ---> System.Web.HttpException: The file '/DesktopModules/Admin/SQL/SQL.ascx' does not exist. at System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.GetVPathBuildResultInternal(VirtualPath virtualPath, Boolean noBuild, Boolean allowCrossApp, Boolean allowBuildInPrecompile, Boolean throwIfNotFound, Boolean ensureIsUpToDate) at System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.GetVPathBuildResultWithNoAssert(HttpContext context, VirtualPath virtualPath, Boolean noBuild, Boolean allowCrossApp, Boolean allowBuildInPrecompile, Boolean throwIfNotFound, Boolean ensureIsUpToDate) at System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.GetVPathBuildResult(HttpContext context, VirtualPath virtualPath, Boolean noBuild, Boolean allowCrossApp, Boolean allowBuildInPrecompile, Boolean ensureIsUpToDate) at System.Web.UI.TemplateControl.LoadControl(VirtualPath virtualPath) at DotNetNuke.UI.ControlUtilities.LoadControl[T](TemplateControl containerControl, String ControlSrc) at DotNetNuke.UI.Modules.ModuleControlFactory.LoadModuleControl(TemplateControl containerControl, ModuleInfo moduleConfiguration) at DotNetNuke.UI.Modules.ModuleHost.LoadModuleControl() --- End of inner exception stack trace --- ",1
-"DNN-3476","08/28/2013 23:40:19","Installation Wizard Doesn't Have the Password Strength Meter Added","When installing DNN you have to create a Host user which requires a password. The password strength indicator is not integrated into this view. Steps to Reproduce: # Clean install of any DNN 7.1+ package # Go through the installation wizard # Enter information to create the host user Expected Behavior: # The password field should indicate how strong my password is Actual Behavior: # The installation wizard simply shows the password fields from prior versions and no indication as to whether my password is strong or not Password validation should be replaced as well. ",5
-"DNN-3483","08/29/2013 12:22:20","reintroduce admin ability to reset users password","7.1.0 removed the ability for an admin to change a users password to a new password (i.e. they were forced to send a password reset mail) - this ability must be added back in and documented.",1
-"DNN-3484","08/29/2013 16:34:24","404 Error looking for jQuery.min.map","When navigating to any page which uses jQuery, the browser will recieve 404 errors when attempting to retrieve jQuery.Min.Map file. This file is referenced in the new jQuery 1.9 release and should be included in the release in the same location as the jQuery file. Steps to reproduce: 1. Login to DNN as an admin/host in Chrome 2. Open the Dev Tools (F12) 3. Look at the Console tab Expected Results: 1. No errors displayed Actual Results: 1. 2 404 Errors for the jQuery.min.map file",1
-"DNN-3491","08/30/2013 09:36:11","SI:Update SharpZipLib","Hi, please think about updating the SharpZipLib version that is included in DNN. In the current version SharpZipLib is included which seems to be very old (https://github.com/icsharpcode/SharpZipLib/wiki/Release-History). Since we use SharpZipLib in our custom modules to build zip files and we need the Zip64 feature of SharpZipLib it would be very helpful if DNN includes an up-to-date SharpZipLib. I will now try to replace the existing SharpZipLib.dll with the new version and hopefully this won't break any DNN core functionality that relies on the old SharpZipLib version. Thanks in advance Jan",3
-"DNN-3492","08/30/2013 16:24:45","Ability to Batch install Extensions","In order to support using a dependency graph to install extensions in the correct order, we need to change how ""batch"" or ""auto"" extension installation works. All extensions will need to be scanned - the zip opened and the manifest parsed in order to build a dependency graph.",2
-"DNN-3493","08/30/2013 16:27:02","Build a dependency graph of extensions","In order to ensure extensions are installed in the correct order we need to be able to build an extension dependency graph. This will work with Batch Installations.",8
-"DNN-3494","08/30/2013 16:29:01","Install Extensions in the correct order","Once a dependency graph is created extensions must be able to be installed using the dependency graph.",3
-"DNN-3496","08/30/2013 16:42:36","Log any Errors when dependencies are not present","This is mainly a confirmation exercise. The current installer already supports the ability to not install if a dependency is not met - and we need to confirm that this is logged.",2
-"DNN-3497","08/30/2013 16:47:04","Create a new Javascript Extension Type","Create a new Javascript Extension type",5
-"DNN-3498","08/30/2013 16:52:38","Support side by side Installation","We need to support the ability for side-by side installation of extensions. We may need to restrict this to Javascript Extensions rather than at the Generic Extension level.",13
-"DNN-3499","08/30/2013 16:54:56","Support for debug file","Javascript Libraries must support the ability to provide a minimized and debug version",1
-"DNN-3500","08/30/2013 17:09:16","Support for CDN","Javascript Libraries should support defining a CDN",1
-"DNN-3502","08/30/2013 18:28:01","Create Knockout JavaScript Library Extension Package","As an example extension, the knockout library which is used within DNN should be converted into a JavaScript Library Extension (and removed from the website folder). This will demonstrate that the library can be installed (and uninstalled - which admittedly would break the modules that use knockout)",3
-"DNN-3512","08/30/2013 23:40:26","Cannot access the site after installation with blank template under localhost ","Issue description: Cannot access the site after installation with blank template under localhost Steps: 1, Install DNN with blank template under localhost 2, After installation is finished, click Visit Website button Actual results: 500 internal server error Expected results: User should be able to visit the site",1
-"DNN-3505","09/02/2013 07:44:34","Reset Password misleading method name.","The method IsPasswordInHistory because /// true if password is unique in users history, false otherwise, this lead to a logic error in ChangePassword of AspNetMembershipProvider. where if (m.IsPasswordInHistory(user.UserID, user.PortalID, newPassword)) { return false; } looks correct here but the logic is wrong. Rename the method to PasswordIsUniqueInHistory then the code should say if (!m.PasswordIsUniqueInHistory(user.UserID, user.PortalID, newPassword)) { return false; } ",1
-"DNN-3509","09/03/2013 17:17:49","Incorrect documentation of DotNetNuke.Common.Guard","The documentation for Guard.Against says ""if the condition is false, it will throw an InvalidOperationException"", when it really throws if the condition is true. I've attached a patch to update the documentation to be more accurate and complete",1
-"DNN-3513","09/03/2013 21:07:08","Typo in resource","in Admin > Sitesettings > User Account Settings > Profile Settings, there is a text ""Enter a prefix for Vanity Urls"". URLs should be with capitals see screen shot ",1
-"DNN-3514","09/03/2013 21:14:30","SearchAdmin.ascx.resx MessageReIndexWarning.Text has malformed html","the text for key MessageReIndexWarning.Text in file 1. \DesktopModules\Admin\SearchAdmin\App_LocalResources\SearchAdmin.ascx.resx is currently this: {code:xml}
Re-Index deletes existing content from the Index Store and then re-indexes everything. Re-Indexing is done as part of search crawler(s) scheduled job. The search crawler(s) should be run manually under Host > Schedule to re-index immediately. Re-indexing is done for the current site only.
Caution - This should be done during non-peak hours as the process can be CPU intensive.
{code} which is missing an end div easiest way to check if fix: go to language editor, navigate to the file, and check the value for the key in question",1
-"DNN-3518","09/04/2013 00:36:50","SI: Search not working after deleting SearchResults page and adding Results module to new page","Search does not work after deleting SearchResults page and adding Results module to new page if you have another language on your website. Steps to reproduce: 1. Install DNN 7.1.1, log in as HOST 2. Delete Search Results page > Delete it from Recycle Bin as well 3. Add new language(do not localize content), Italian 4. Make Italian system language, uncheck English 5. Create new page, Add SearchResults module 6. Search for content Actual Result: Two simultaneous exceptions are thrown in Event Viewer. Search does not work. AssemblyVersion: 7.1.1 PortalID: 0 PortalName: My Website UserID: 1 UserName: host ActiveTabID: 98 ActiveTabName: SearchResults RawURL: /DesktopModules/internalservices/API/searchService/search?search=test&pageIndex=1&pageSize=15&sortOption=0&culture=it-IT AbsoluteURL: /DesktopModules/internalservices/API/searchService/search AbsoluteURLReferrer: http://localhost:711/SearchResults/tabid/98/Default.aspx UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/29.0.1547.62 Safari/537.36 DefaultDataProvider: DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider, DotNetNuke ExceptionGUID: 4f97dbe6-aecd-4f3e-890a-4baf787c32a7 InnerException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. FileName: FileLineNumber: 0 FileColumnNumber: 0 Method: DotNetNuke.Web.InternalServices.SearchServiceController.Search StackTrace: Message: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at DotNetNuke.Web.InternalServices.SearchServiceController.Search(String search, String culture, Int32 pageIndex, Int32 pageSize, Int32 sortOption) at lambda_method(Closure , Object , Object[] ) at System.Web.Http.Controllers.ReflectedHttpActionDescriptor.ActionExecutor.<>c__DisplayClass13.b__c(Object instance, Object[] methodParameters) at System.Web.Http.Controllers.ReflectedHttpActionDescriptor.ActionExecutor.Execute(Object instance, Object[] arguments) at System.Threading.Tasks.TaskHelpers.RunSynchronously[TResult](Func`1 func, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Source: Server Name: DNN-PC30 Expected Result: Search should work even if default Result page is deleted.",1
-"DNN-3526","09/04/2013 21:40:36","Create UnInstall codepath in Component Installer","Create the basic uninstall code.",1
-"DNN-3527","09/04/2013 21:42:33","Do a dependency Check before Uninstallation","For JavaScript Libraries we need to check if there are any dependent packages before deleting the package. If there are packages that depend on the library then we need to diallow the uninstall.",2
-"DNN-3754","09/05/2013 00:58:25","SI: Redirect after registration not working","Description - Customer has provided us with a bug that they found. Customers email following: The logic in the if...else code block that checks if a Redirect_AfterRegistration page was set in Portal Settings, and sets the RedirectURL accordingly, is backwards. If a redirect page was set, the value of the ""Redirect_AfterRegistration"" portal setting returned is a positive integer value corresponding to the TabID of the page the new user should be redirected to after registration. If no page was set, or if the Administrator manually selects """" for this setting, then the value returned is -1. Therefore, the logic in this code block (as currently shipped in version 7.1.1) is backwards and results in new users being redirected incorrectly after registering on the site. When the logic checks if the setting is > 0, it should redirect to the URL of the TabID set for the after registration page. Otherwise, if a positive value was not returned (ie. no redirect after registration page was set), it should then begin the code block to check for the returnurl parameter value (if sent in querystring), or remain on the same page if no returnurl parameter value was specified. The current code's logic blocks need flip flopped to work as designed. STEPS TO REPRODUCE: 1. In Site Settings > User Account Settings > Registration Settings, set the User Registration type to ""Public"", Registration Form Type to ""Standard"", and set Redirect After Registration dropdown to any page (except the Home or Getting Started pages) that is viewable by Registered Users. Be sure to Save settings. 2. If it is not already set, temporarily set View permissions on the Getting Started page to allow viewing by Registered Users. 3. Logout. 4. Navigate to registration page with a manually set ""returnurl"" parameter value in the querystring that would return you to the Getting Started page, as such: /?ctl=register&returnurl=%2fGettingStarted.aspx 5. Fill out the registration form as a new user and click ""Register"". 6. Note that instead of being redirected to the page you selected in the Redirect After Registration settings dropdown (which is where you should have been redirected to), you are redirected to the Getting Started page, which was passed as the returnurl parameter value in querystring. (NOTE: If you do not select a page for Redirect After Registration in the Site Settings, then you are always redirected to 404 or Home page (relative url path = ""/"") regardless of value for returnurl parameter. The reversed logic sees that the value is not > 0, so in the else, it tries to redirect you to page with ID of the returned setting value (which in the case where none was set, the returned value is -1). There is no page found with ID = -1 when NavigateURL tries to resolve it.) CURRENT CODE (BUG is found in Lines 138-166 of \DesktopModules\Admin\Security\Register.ascx.cs): protected string RedirectURL { get { string _RedirectURL = """"; object setting = GetSetting(PortalId, ""Redirect_AfterRegistration""); if (Convert.ToInt32(setting) > 0) { if (Request.QueryString[""returnurl""] != null) { //return to the url passed to register _RedirectURL = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString[""returnurl""]); //redirect url should never contain a protocol ( if it does, it is likely a cross-site request forgery attempt ) if (_RedirectURL.Contains(""://"")) { _RedirectURL = """"; } if (_RedirectURL.Contains(""?returnurl"")) { string baseURL = _RedirectURL.Substring(0, _RedirectURL.IndexOf(""?returnurl"", StringComparison.Ordinal)); string returnURL = _RedirectURL.Substring(_RedirectURL.IndexOf(""?returnurl"", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 11); _RedirectURL = string.Concat(baseURL, ""?returnurl"", HttpUtility.UrlEncode(returnURL)); } } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_RedirectURL)) { //redirect to current page _RedirectURL = Globals.NavigateURL(); } } else //redirect to after registration page { _RedirectURL = Globals.NavigateURL(Convert.ToInt32(setting)); } return _RedirectURL; } } CODE FIX (Reversing the conditional logic Code Blocks resolves this bug and the New User is redirected correctly after registering.): protected string RedirectURL { get { string _RedirectURL = """"; object setting = GetSetting(PortalId, ""Redirect_AfterRegistration""); if (Convert.ToInt32(setting) > 0) //redirect to after registration page { _RedirectURL = Globals.NavigateURL(Convert.ToInt32(setting)); } else { if (Request.QueryString[""returnurl""] != null) { //return to the url passed to register _RedirectURL = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString[""returnurl""]); //redirect url should never contain a protocol ( if it does, it is likely a cross-site request forgery attempt ) if (_RedirectURL.Contains(""://"")) { _RedirectURL = """"; } if (_RedirectURL.Contains(""?returnurl"")) { string baseURL = _RedirectURL.Substring(0, _RedirectURL.IndexOf(""?returnurl"", StringComparison.Ordinal)); string returnURL = _RedirectURL.Substring(_RedirectURL.IndexOf(""?returnurl"", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 11); _RedirectURL = string.Concat(baseURL, ""?returnurl"", HttpUtility.UrlEncode(returnURL)); } } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_RedirectURL)) { //redirect to current page _RedirectURL = Globals.NavigateURL(); } } return _RedirectURL; } }",1
-"DNN-3529","09/05/2013 05:09:28","Drop down list is wrong when edit user","Reproduce Steps: 1. install 7.1.2 and login as host; 2. add a new language; 3. in admin > user accounts, create a new user. 4.edit the user. Issues: 1. we only add language but not new site, the drop down shouldn't shown. 2. drop down's value in wrong.",1
-"DNN-3532","09/05/2013 17:36:51","SI: Cannot edit users because of Logo","Few clients have reported an issue where they cannot Edit Users. It throws the following exception: ModuleId: 621 ModuleDefId: 15 FriendlyName: ModuleControlSource: DesktopModules/Admin/Security/ManageUsers.ascx AssemblyVersion: 7.1.1 PortalID: 1 PortalName: iStyrelsen UserID: 3 UserName: aage ActiveTabID: 147 ActiveTabName: User Accounts RawURL: /Admin/UserAccounts/tabid/147/ctl/Edit/mid/621/UserId/285/filter/gu/filterproperty/Username/currentpage/0/Default.aspx?popUp=true AbsoluteURL: /Default.aspx AbsoluteURLReferrer: http://www.istyrelsen.no/Admin/UserAccounts/tabid/147/filter/gu/filterproperty/Username/currentpage/0/Default.aspx UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/29.0.1547.62 Safari/537.36 DefaultDataProvider: DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider, DotNetNuke ExceptionGUID: fbc39b1d-fbd1-4fb3-ac2c-99438443be66 InnerException: Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'f' to data type int. FileName: FileLineNumber: 0 FileColumnNumber: 0 Method: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError StackTrace: Message: DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.ModuleLoadException: Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'g' to data type int. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'f' to data type int. at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning() at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Run(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.HasMoreRows() at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.ReadInternal(Boolean setTimeout) at DotNetNuke.Common.Utilities.CBO.FillListFromReader(Type objType, IDataReader dr, IList objList, Boolean closeReader) at DotNetNuke.Common.Utilities.CBO.FillCollection(IDataReader dr, Type objType) at DotNetNuke.Modules.Admin.Users.User.CanUpdateUsername() in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\dnn\DesktopModules\Admin\Security\User.ascx.cs:line 178 at DotNetNuke.Modules.Admin.Users.User.DataBind() in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\dnn\DesktopModules\Admin\Security\User.ascx.cs:line 367 at DotNetNuke.Modules.Admin.Users.ManageUsers.BindUser() in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\dnn\DesktopModules\Admin\Security\ManageUsers.ascx.cs:line 389 at DotNetNuke.Modules.Admin.Users.ManageUsers.ShowPanel() in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\dnn\DesktopModules\Admin\Security\ManageUsers.ascx.cs:line 466 at DotNetNuke.Modules.Admin.Users.ManageUsers.BindData() in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\dnn\DesktopModules\Admin\Security\ManageUsers.ascx.cs:line 306 at DotNetNuke.Modules.Admin.Users.ManageUsers.OnLoad(EventArgs e) in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\dnn\DesktopModules\Admin\Security\ManageUsers.ascx.cs:line 576 --- End of inner exception stack trace --- Source: Servernavn: ip-0A2030B4 The problem occurs in the stored procedure GetPortalsByUser, which uses a view called vw_Portals. This contains the field LogoFile that is made out of the following query:CASE WHEN LEFT (LOWER(PL.LogoFile) , 7) = 'fileid=' THEN (SELECT Folder + FileName FROM dbo.fv_vw_Files WHERE fileid = CAST((RIGHT (LOWER(PL.LogoFile) , Len(PL.LogoFile) - 7)) AS int)) ELSE PL.LogoFile END This is where the cast error comes from, because it is casting the last character of logo.png ('g') to an INT. Solution: Add a new logo in sitesettings. It will change the default 'logo.png' to something like fileId=1. If you have more than one language, than all languages must have valid FileID=XX, otherwise you cannot Edit Users in that language.",1
-"DNN-3534","09/05/2013 23:57:29","SI: Advanced Search - Last Modified","This might not be easy to test if you do not have a test site which has existed for a while. However, executing a site search for something, then applying the Advanced Search filter Last Modifed, does not filter the results. On my test site I searched for the word ""Models"" which appears in the default awesome cycles html content. In the search results, it says ""Updated: 1 Month ago."" I then click Advanced Search, change the Last Modifed drop down to 1 Day, click Search yet the result remains.",1
-"DNN-3536","09/06/2013 08:40:16","Allow users to change UI language","In previous version when a site had Content localization enabled it was possible for editors to: - manage the content in a given language (the current language selected on the language selector) - but still use a different language for the UI So for example you could edit content in Chinese but using the interface in english. Since DNN7 this feature is not available anymore because the selector for the UI language was on the previous control panel and was not ported to the new panel in DNN7. The feature needs to be revised and introduced again.",1
-"DNN-3562","09/06/2013 19:36:42","SI: Joining a private group gives an internal server error message","Steps to reproduce: 1) create two administrator accounts 2) login as the first administrator account created, and create a new private group 3) login as the other administrator account, and check notifications 4) you will see a notification for the newly created private group 5) click on the group name (which is a link to the group activity page) 6) click the ""Join Group"" link 7) you will receive an ""Internal Server Error"" message Expected Result: You should be able to join the group with no errors displayed, Actual Result: you receive an error message. ",1
-"DNN-3543","09/06/2013 19:46:12","SI: If SSL is Enabled on the site, all links are created Absolute","If SSL is Enabled on the website, all links are created as Absolute. Steps to reproduce: 1. Log in as Host to 7.1.1 2. Use same settings as mine for HTML Editor Manager(see attachment) 3. Go to HTML Pro module, add a link, click on Save the domain will strip out and link will be Relative 4. Go to Site Settings and turn ON SSL 5 Go back to same HTML Pro module > add a link > click Save Actual Result: Domain is still there and link is always Absolute Expected Result: Link should be Relative as it was working without SSL",1
-"DNN-3596","09/06/2013 19:49:28","SI: Banned Password List not used in password reset","Description - When resetting the password on a user account, the banned password list is not checked, allowing for weak passwords. Steps to reproduce - 1. Reset the password on a user account 2. Use a password that is on the banned password list (Host > Lists) ie. 'compaq', 'zxcvbnm' Actual Result - Banned password is accepted. Expected Result - Error is thrown due to banned password.",3
-"DNN-3544","09/06/2013 22:34:34","SI: Convert URL to lowercase breaks Member Directory","When the Convert URL to lowercase: option is enabled in the Advanced URL Management settings, the member directory links to user profiles do not work. The user id is not added to the link. Steps to reproduce: 1. Go to admin > Site settings > Advanced URL Settings 2. Enable Convert URL to lowercase 3. Add the member directory module to a page 4. click on a user's name Expected result: link to the users profile page Actual result: error and sent to your own profile page",1
-"DNN-3545","09/06/2013 22:51:50","SI: Blocking or Allowing for network in Login Filters does not work","Allowing or Blocking for network in Login Filters does not work. I was still able to login after blocking the network. Steps to reproduce: 1. Install and login as host to DNN 7.1.1 2. Set up Login Filters: http://www.dnnsoftware.com/Content/Documentation/Using_the_Control_Panel/Host_Console/Host_Settings/Advanced_Settings/Login_IP_Filters/Login_IP_Filters.html 3. Block network IP Actual Result: You can still login Expected Result: You should NOT be able to login",1
-"DNN-3547","09/09/2013 13:02:46","It should be possible to remove Google Analytics","In the Google Analytics module you can enter a Tracking ID, but you are not allowed to clear it, nor remove google Analytic from the portal in any other way once you've added it I tried the GA module, found out it uses old google code and included the new code manually to all pages. But I can't get DNN to stop including the old code. ",2
-"DNN-3548","09/09/2013 18:58:19","Journal: Save Journal Comment needs to handle taking in dateupdated param","Currently the Journal Comment API/DL implicitly updates a comment with the Journal_Comment_Save sproc, but always uses the DB's current date time stamp. We need to modify this to accommodate taking in an explicit datetime to update the Journal Comment with. *+Note for QA:+* This will not regress this issue, Journal commenting should remain unchanged. Only in Social 1.1.2+ will we see this new datetime param utilized (Comment moderation) ",1
-"DNN-3549","09/09/2013 19:25:10","SI: The File manager does not observe the default setting in some situations","The File manager does not observe the default setting in some situations The DAM (File manager) module has the default folder type settings. This settings works only if you are creating subfolder for the root folder, in other case the parent’s folder type is used. The parent’s folder type rule should be used only for non-standard types and if you have the folder type’s selector active the default value must comply with the default type set on the module settings pop-up. If we have the selector, the default value should be preselected. Issue is logged by a customer request ( ask Vikas Sisodia) Steps to reproduce: 1. Install the latest DNN EE build 2. Login as Host 3. Go to Admin – File Manager 4. Set the Page Edit mode 5. Go to Module settings 6. Set the default folder type to Secure 7. Update and close pop-up 8. Right-Click on the Root 9. Click on Create Folder Actual Result = Expected Result: The Create New Folder pop-up is opened with the Secure type set by default. 10. Click Cancel button 11. Right-Click on the Users folder 12. Click on Create Folder Actual Result: The Create New Folder pop-up is opened with the Standard type set by default. Expected Result: The Create New Folder pop-up is opened with the Secure type set by default. ",1
-"DNN-3550","09/09/2013 20:31:25","SI : Adding new site Alias with different skin is not working as expected.","Add new site Alias and pointing to different skin for exp : DNN11mobile.ca --> skin ""DarkKnightMobile/interior"" is loading the new URL with default skin. Go to Admin - Site Settings - Advanced Settings - Site Alias, Add new site Alias and pointing to different skin to DarkKnightMobileinterior When loading the site from new URL, It always loading default skin, not the new skin DarkKnightMobileinterior. By going to admin page or HOST page it will loading the right skin. ",1
-"DNN-3552","09/10/2013 17:35:01","A Fatal error is logged on the user profile update","A Fatal error is logged on the user profile update Steps to reproduce: 1. Install the latest DNN 2. Login as Host 3. Go to User Profile – Manage profile 4. Click Update button 5. Open the log file …/Website/portals/_default/Logs/xxxx.yy.zz.log.resources Actual result: A FATAL error was logged : 2013-09-10 09:25:45,528 [DNN-PC05][Thread:7][FATAL] DotNetNuke.Web.Common.Internal.DotNetNukeHttpApplication - System.Web.HttpException (0x80004005): This is an invalid webresource request. at System.Web.Handlers.AssemblyResourceLoader.System.Web.IHttpHandler.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) at System.Web.HttpApplication.CallHandlerExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute() at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously) Expected result: No Any error ",1
-"DNN-3556","09/10/2013 18:43:27","SI: Search not working after Search Input and Results added to another page","Search not working after Search Input and Results added to another page Steps to Reproduce: 1. Log in as host to 711 2. Add Search Input and Results module to another page 3. Re-index the whole site 4. Try searching either in New Search or Default Search bar Actual Result: Exception: InnerException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. FileName: FileLineNumber: 0 FileColumnNumber: 0 Method: DotNetNuke.Web.InternalServices.SearchServiceController.Search StackTrace: Message: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at DotNetNuke.Web.InternalServices.SearchServiceController.Search(String search, String culture, Int32 pageIndex, Int32 pageSize, Int32 sortOption) at lambda_method(Closure , Object , Object[] ) at System.Web.Http.Controllers.ReflectedHttpActionDescriptor.ActionExecutor.<>c_DisplayClass13.b_c(Object instance, Object[] methodParameters) at System.Web.Http.Controllers.ReflectedHttpActionDescriptor.ActionExecutor.Execute(Object instance, Object[] arguments) at System.Threading.Tasks.TaskHelpers.RunSynchronously[TResult](Func`1 func, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Source: Server Name: DNN-PC3 Expected Result: No exception should be thrown",1
-"DNN-3557","09/10/2013 18:49:37","A previous home page is lost in navigation","A previous home page is lost in navigation If you have change a site home page, a page which was previously the home have broken link in the navigation menu. The element of menu still points to the site not the page. Steps to reproduce: 1. Install the latest DNN 2. Login as Host 3. Go to Admin – Site Settings – Advance Settings 4. Change the site home page to the Our Products page 5. Update the site settings 6. Logout 7. Open the site in a different browser Actual result=Expected result: the About Us page is opened 8. Click on Home in the navigation menu Actual result: the About Us page is opened Expected result: the Home page is opened 9. Inspect the Home element of navigation menu with any browser dev’s tool Actual result: Home Expected result:Home ",1
-"DNN-3565","09/11/2013 17:52:42","Vanity URLs break ""Messages"" & ""Notifications"" Links","With the latest URL features users can create a ""vanity"" URL whereby the link to their profile would be something like www.mysite.com/users/clint. However whenever this vanity URL is implemented it breaks the hyperlinks to the user's ""Messages"" & ""Notifications"". You can see this occur in this unlisted video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vh-QobEAWk&feature=youtu.be Also notable is that this impacts the skin object in social & the ""My Status"" module in both expanded & compacted modes.",1
-"DNN-3563","09/11/2013 18:07:58","introduce a host setting to disable critical error reports","We should introduce a host setting to enable/disable showing errors within the page (default to true), as in some rare cases a user will have an exception caused by a skin/module that reveals useful information that could be indexed by a search engine. library\ui\skins\skin.cs //Register any error messages on the Skin if (Request.QueryString[""error""] != null) { AddPageMessage(this, Localization.GetString(""CriticalError.Error""), Server.HtmlEncode(Request.QueryString[""error""]), ModuleMessage.ModuleMessageType.RedError); } ",1
-"DNN-3564","09/11/2013 20:14:54","SI: Adding redirect to Profile, Messages or Friends page throws exception","Adding redirect to Profile, Messages or Friends page throws two exceptions Steps to reproduce: 1. Log in as a Host to DNN 7.1.1 2. Create 3 pages 3. For each page, add Redirect(a page on your site) to My Profile, Friends and Messaging pages 4. Click on these newly created pages Actual Result: Everytime you click on a page, the redirect works but two exceptions are thrown: AssemblyVersion: 7.1.1 PortalID: 0 PortalName: My Website UserID: 1 UserName: host ActiveTabID: 64 ActiveTabName: Friends RawURL: /Activity-Feed/Friends.aspx AbsoluteURL: /Default.aspx AbsoluteURLReferrer: http://localhost:711/ UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/29.0.1547.66 Safari/537.36 DefaultDataProvider: DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider, DotNetNuke ExceptionGUID: 177b4626-045d-4480-bed7-d843bc37ce03 InnerException: Thread was being aborted. FileName: FileLineNumber: 0 FileColumnNumber: 0 Method: System.Threading.Thread.AbortInternal StackTrace: Message: System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted. at System.Threading.Thread.AbortInternal() at System.Threading.Thread.Abort(Object stateInfo) at System.Web.HttpResponse.AbortCurrentThread() at DotNetNuke.UI.Modules.ProfileModuleUserControlBase.OnInit(EventArgs e) at DotNetNuke.Modules.Admin.Users.ViewProfile.OnInit(EventArgs e) at System.Web.UI.Control.InitRecursive(Control namingContainer) at System.Web.UI.Control.AddedControl(Control control, Int32 index) at DotNetNuke.UI.Modules.ModuleHost.InjectModuleContent(Control content) at System.Web.UI.Control.EnsureChildControls() at DotNetNuke.UI.Containers.Container.get_ModuleControl() at DotNetNuke.UI.Containers.Container.ProcessModule() at DotNetNuke.UI.Skins.Pane.InjectModule(ModuleInfo module) Source: Server Name: DNN-PC30 AssemblyVersion: 7.1.1 PortalID: 0 PortalName: My Website UserID: 1 UserName: host ActiveTabID: 64 ActiveTabName: Friends RawURL: /Activity-Feed/Friends.aspx AbsoluteURL: /Default.aspx AbsoluteURLReferrer: http://localhost:711/ UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/29.0.1547.66 Safari/537.36 DefaultDataProvider: DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider, DotNetNuke ExceptionGUID: 2501daaa-7d0a-4267-b83c-a0e151cd2b74 InnerException: Unhandled Error Adding Module to leftPane FileName: FileLineNumber: 0 FileColumnNumber: 0 Method: System.Threading.Thread.AbortInternal StackTrace: Message: DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.ModuleLoadException: Unhandled Error Adding Module to leftPane ---> System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted. at System.Threading.Thread.AbortInternal() at System.Threading.Thread.Abort(Object stateInfo) at System.Web.HttpResponse.AbortCurrentThread() at DotNetNuke.UI.Modules.ProfileModuleUserControlBase.OnInit(EventArgs e) at DotNetNuke.Modules.Admin.Users.ViewProfile.OnInit(EventArgs e) at System.Web.UI.Control.InitRecursive(Control namingContainer) at System.Web.UI.Control.AddedControl(Control control, Int32 index) at DotNetNuke.UI.Modules.ModuleHost.InjectModuleContent(Control content) at System.Web.UI.Control.EnsureChildControls() at DotNetNuke.UI.Containers.Container.get_ModuleControl() at DotNetNuke.UI.Containers.Container.ProcessModule() at DotNetNuke.UI.Skins.Pane.InjectModule(ModuleInfo module) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at DotNetNuke.UI.Skins.Pane.InjectModule(ModuleInfo module) at DotNetNuke.UI.Skins.Skin.InjectModule(Pane pane, ModuleInfo module) Source: Server Name: DNN-PC30 Expected Result: No Exceptions should be thrown",1
-"DNN-3572","09/12/2013 20:48:50","SI - Page selection control affects performance","Site settings page still has 3 controls that pull full page structure: Admin->Site Settings->User Account Settings Registration->Redirect After Registration Login Settings->Redirect After Login Login Settings ->Redirect after Logout For sites with 2500 pages and more it translates into 7500 and affects performance badly. Solution is to use different control, similar to the one used for page selection on Site Settings->Advanced Settings. ",1
-"DNN-3577","09/13/2013 06:26:17","The Z-order issue on the content localization tab","The Z-order issue on the content localization tab The new UI of the Languages module have two small UI issues this one and DNN-3578 The new elements to restore or hard delete deleted module from localized page have wrong z-index for the pages created in the default language and are inaccessible. Steps to reproduce 1. Install the latest DNN 2. Login as Host 3. Add a new language (German) 4. Allow content localization 5. Go to Admin - Languages 6. Enable the language 7. Enable content localization with all pages 8. Go to the Contact US page (English version) 9. Delete the Message Us module 10. Go to Admin Languages – Content localization 11. Try to restore or hard delete the module Actual result: the Restore or Delete icons have z-order issue and cannot be accessible by mouse Expected result: the same UI which you have for the added language (German) ",1
-"DNN-3578","09/13/2013 06:29:26","Deleted module is not displayed on the Content localisation tab for the pages in the default language","Deleted module is not displayed on the Content localisation tab for the pages in the default language The new UI of the Languages module have two small UI issues this one and DNN-3577 The modules list has an empty box for deleted module when it should be the name of deleted module on the red background, the same as for any added language. Steps to reproduce 1. Install the latest DNN 2. Login as Host 3. Add a new language (German) 4. Allow content localization 5. Go to Admin - Languages 6. Enable the language 7. Enable content localization with all pages 8. Go to the Contact US page (English version) 9. Delete the Message Us module 10. Go to Admin Languages – Content localization 11. Try to restore or hard delete the module Actual result: the module is not in the list, an empty box is displayed Expected result: the name of deleted module is displayed on the red background, the same as for the added language (German.) ",3
-"DNN-3585","09/13/2013 21:55:52","Script error prevents closing ""Welcome to Your Installation"" pop up","Using IE 10 do a FQDN install w/remote db using dnn_ as Object Qualifier After installation click ""Set Advanced Configuration Settings"" in the 'Welcome to Your Installation' pop up Set the SMTP server, save the setting and click ""Test STMP"" button After you get a positive response that the config email was sent click the ""Cancel"" button In the 'Welcome to Your Installation' pop up click the 'X' at top right Actual Result: I get a Script error in Dev Tools: SCRIPT5011: Can't execute code from a freed script The pop up does not close Every time I try to close the pop up the script error repeats Expected Result: No script error The pop up will close and default.aspx page will render Clicking F5 twice will finally clear the pop up and load default.aspx normally ",1
-"DNN-3590","09/16/2013 16:52:22","SI : Upgrade installation lose AD login capability","There is a slight issue in upgrading to 7.1.1 that customer reported. Upon upgrading to 7.1.1, they lose AD login capability. To fix t his, have to install the new AD provider from host>extensions. This should done in the upgrade script. If the newest AD module is required for that feature to work, upgrade script check to see if the module is installed, and if it is, install the new one etc..",1
-"DNN-3594","09/16/2013 21:23:43","Delete DesktopModulePermissions, if a user is removed from a website","if a user is removed from a single website of a DNN install, desktopmodulepermissions are not deleted, which needs to be fixed. For implementation see TurboSQL script for DNN 7.2.0 (attached to DNN-3782), search for ""DNN-3594"".",1
-"DNN-3609","09/17/2013 19:45:43","Create XML Comments for Subscription API","The Subscription and digest notification API should have XML comments for all public methods, classes and enumerations.",2
-"DNN-3610","09/17/2013 19:59:09","Create XML Comments for JavaScript Library Management API","The JavaScript Library Management API should have XML comments for all public classes, methods, properties and enumerations.",8
-"DNN-3613","09/17/2013 21:52:40","The 7.1.2 Platform solution cannot be load without error","The 7.1.2 Platform solution cannot be load without error Steps to reproduce: 1. Unzip the 7.1.2 Source pack 2. Point the IIS site to the website folder 3. Rename wesite/release.config to web.config 4. Open the Platform solution in VS 2012 5. Build solution in the release mode Actual result: On solution load we have an error message: C:\MySites\ces\DNN Platform\Modules\UrlManagement\DotNetNuke.UrlManagement.csproj : error : The Web project 'DotNetNuke.UrlManagement' is configured to use IIS Express. You must download and install IIS Express in order to load this project. As a result, solution was built without URLManagment module Expected result: the solution could be loaded and build in the SQL server environment ",1
-"DNN-3614","09/17/2013 21:55:20","The DNN 7.1.2 Core solution cannot be built from the Source package ","The DNN 7.1.2 Core solution cannot be built from the Source package Steps to reproduce: 1. Unzip the 7.1.2 Source pack 2. Point the IIS site to the website folder 3. Rename wesite/release.config to web.config 4. Open the Core solution in VS 2012 5. Build solution in the release mode Actual result: three projects are failed: DotNetNuke.Tests.Urls DotNetNuke.Tests.UI DotNetNuke.Tests.Web Expected result: the solution was built without errors ",1
-"DNN-3615","09/17/2013 21:58:44","GitHub leftovers are in 7.1.2 the Platform Source pack","GitHub leftovers are in 7.1.2 the Platform Source pack Steps to reproduce: 1. Unzip the 7.1.2 Source pack Actual result: in the root folder we have files .gitattributes .gitignore Expected result: no unnecessary files in the package ",1
-"DNN-3616","09/17/2013 22:04:26","RadSpell folder is missing from the 7.1.2 Install and Upgrade packages","RadSpell folder is missing from the 7.1.2 Install and Upgrade packages Steps to reproduce: 1. Unzip the Install (Upgrade) package 2. Go to …site/App_Data/ 3. Look for the RadSpell folder Actual result: There is no RadSpell folder in the package Expected result: all folders at place ",1
-"DNN-3617","09/17/2013 22:06:03","The 7.1.2 Platform Install pack include the Mobile template","The 7.1.2 Platform Install pack include the Mobile template Steps to reproduce: 1. Unzip the Install package 2. Go to ..site/Portals/_default 3. Look for the Mobile Website template Actual result: three files are found Expected result; No Mobile Template files in the Platform packages ",1
-"DNN-3618","09/17/2013 22:07:30","The 7.1.2 Platform Upgrade pack include the Mobile template","The 7.1.2 Platform Upgrade pack include the Mobile template Steps to reproduce: 1. Unzip the Upgrade package 2. Go to ..site/Portals/_default 3. Look for the Mobile Website template Actual result: three files are found Expected result; No Mobile Template files in the Platform packages ",1
-"DNN-3644","09/17/2013 22:57:43","The 7.1.2 Starter Kit include the Mobile template","The 7.1.2 Starter Kit include the Mobile template Steps to reproduce: 1. Install the Starter Kit to VS 2012 2. Create a new Website with the Starter Kit 3. Open the site folder structure 4. Go to site/Portals/_default 5. Look for the Mobile Website template Actual result: three files are found Expected result: No Mobile Template files in the Platform packages ",1
-"DNN-3645","09/17/2013 23:19:14","SI: GetCustomErrorMode() method throws null reference exception","Community\Library\Common\Utilities\Config.cs public static string GetCustomErrorMode() method throws null reference exception in case when location element is used in places different then configuration/location/system.web/customErrors: {quote}DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.PageLoadException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at DotNetNuke.Common.Utilities.XmlUtils.GetAttributeValue(XPathNavigator nav, String attributeName) in c:\DNN Source\DNN 711 EE ELITE\Community\Library\Common\Utilities\XmlUtils.cs:line 233 at DotNetNuke.Common.Utilities.Config.GetCustomErrorMode() {quote} Good example is Active Directory that wraps location element around . This causes customErrorsNav to get null value and attempt to execute this: XmlUtils.GetAttributeValue(customErrorsNav, ""mode"") throws null reference exception: {code:title=public static string GetCustomErrorMode()|borderStyle=solid} XPathNavigator locationNav = configNav.SelectSingleNode(""configuration/location""); XPathNavigator customErrorsNav; //Test for the existence of the location node if it exists then include that in the nodes of the XPath Query if (locationNav == null) { customErrorsNav = configNav.SelectSingleNode(""configuration/system.web/customErrors""); } else { customErrorsNav = configNav.SelectSingleNode(""configuration/location/system.web/customErrors""); } string customErrorMode = XmlUtils.GetAttributeValue(customErrorsNav, ""mode""); {code} Instead of getting first location element under configuration check explicitly for configuration/location/system.web/ path: {code:title=public static string GetCustomErrorMode()|borderStyle=solid} XPathNavigator locationNav = configNav.SelectSingleNode(""configuration/location/system.web""); XPathNavigator customErrorsNav; //Test for the existence of the location node if it exists then include that in the nodes of the XPath Query if (locationNav == null) { customErrorsNav = configNav.SelectSingleNode(""configuration/system.web/customErrors""); } else { customErrorsNav = configNav.SelectSingleNode(""configuration/location/system.web/customErrors""); } string customErrorMode = XmlUtils.GetAttributeValue(customErrorsNav, ""mode""); {code} Temporary workaround is to wrap location tag around system.web element. ",1
-"DNN-3648","09/18/2013 00:42:41","The DNN Platform 7.1.2 cannot be install from the Starter Kit","The DNN Platform 7.1.2 cannot be install from the Starter Kit Steps to reproduce: 1. Install the Starter Kit to VS 2012 2. Create a new Website with the Starter Kit 3. Open the site in a browser 4. Install the product Actual result: the installation proses stops on the second screen of installer with 0% (Log file is attached) Expected result: Website was install without any error ",1
-"DNN-3650","09/18/2013 01:07:27","7.1.2 Platform Selenium solution cannot resolve references to the packages","7.1.2 Platform Selenium solution cannot resolve references to the packages (NUnit, Selenium) Steps to reproduce: 1. Unzip the 7.1.2 Source pack 2. Open the Platform solution in VS 2012 3. Build solution in the release mode Actual result: 1166 errors – mane spaces cannot be found due to the test packages cannot be found (NUnit, Selenium) Expected result: no error ",1
-"DNN-3651","09/18/2013 08:23:12","7.1.2 Platform Deploy package has broken structure and cannot be installed","7.1.2 Platform Deploy package has broken structure and cannot be installed Steps to reproduce: 1. Unzip the 7.1.2 Platform deploy pack 2. Look for any file in the folder root Actual result: there are none Expected result: Manifest.xml, TBEX.xml, Parameters.xml, InstallSQL.sql ",1
-"DNN-3652","09/18/2013 14:40:07","Deny overrides other permissions","In the event that a user is part of multiple roles that have permission specifications for the same resource, Deny will always override Grant ( unless the User is an Administrator ) ",5
-"DNN-3653","09/18/2013 14:41:59","Full control/Edit overrides other role permissions","•In the event that a user/role has been granted FULL CONTROL/EDIT rights for a Page, it overrides all other individual permission settings for that user/role, and modifying individual permissions will set FULL CONTROL/EDIT to ""Not Specified"". •In the event that a user/role has been denied FULL CONTROL/EDIT rights for a Page, it overrides all other individual permission settings for that user/role, and modifying individual permissions will set FULL CONTROL/EDIT to ""Not Specified"". ",3
-"DNN-3654","09/18/2013 14:43:15","Rules of Inheritance","Some system resources have hierarchical dependencies on one another and therefore are governed by rules of inheritance: * Module VIEW permissions can be inherited from Page permissions – but not implicitly. Rather, there is an “Inherit View permissions from Page” checkbox which is available at the Module level. This checkbox is selected by default, and it allows all modules to be made visible to visitors who are allowed to view the page. * Module EDIT permissions can be inherited from Page permissions. A user that is Granted FULL CONTROL/EDIT or ADD CONTENT permissions at the Page level automatically inherits FULL CONTROL/EDIT at the Module level ( unless permissions have been explicitly Denied at the Module level ). * Module permissions that have been explicitly Denied will override Page permissions. ",5
-"DNN-3655","09/18/2013 14:48:30","Inherited permission - Admin Only (P1)","See attached image for setup. h2. Expected Result Only Administrators can View Page Only Administrators can Edit Page Only Administrators can Delete Page Only Administrators can Export Page Only Administrators can Import Page Only Administrators can Manage Settings Only Administrators can View Module Only Administrators can Edit Module Only Administrators can Delete Module Only Administrators can Export Module Only Administrators can Import Module Only Administrators can Manage Settings ",5
-"DNN-3656","09/18/2013 14:50:56","Inherited permission - All User (P2)","See attached image for setup. h2. Expected Result All Users can View Page Only Administrators can Edit Page Only Administrators can Delete Page Only Administrators can Export Page Only Administrators can Import Page Only Administrators can Manage Settings All Users can View Module Only Administrators can Edit Module Only Administrators can Delete Module Only Administrators can Export Module Only Administrators can Import Module Only Administrators can Manage Settings ",5
-"DNN-3657","09/18/2013 14:53:23","Inherited Permissions - No Inheritance (P3)","See attached image for setup. h2. Expected Result All Users can View Page Only Administrators can Edit Page Only Administrators can Delete Page Only Administrators can Export Page Only Administrators can Import Page Only Administrators can Manage Settings Only Administrators can View Module Only Administrators can Edit Module Only Administrators can Delete Module Only Administrators can Export Module Only Administrators can Import Module Only Administrators can Manage Settings ",5
-"DNN-3658","09/18/2013 14:57:24","Edit Content Permission (P4)","See attached image for setup. h2. Expected Result All Users can View Page Only Administrators can Edit Page Only Administrators can Delete Page Only Administrators can Export Page Only Administrators can Import Page Only Administrators can Manage Settings Module Editors can View Module Module Editors can Edit Module Only Administrators can Delete Module Only Administrators can Export Module Only Administrators can Import Module Only Administrators can Manage Settings ",3
-"DNN-3659","09/18/2013 14:59:34","Deny Edit Content Permission (P5)","See attached image for setup. h2. Expected Result All Users can View Page Only Administrators can Edit Page Only Administrators can Delete Page Only Administrators can Export Page Only Administrators can Import Page Only Administrators can Manage Settings All Users can View Module Module Editors can NOT Edit Module Only Administrators can Delete Module Only Administrators can Export Module Only Administrators can Import Module Only Administrators can Manage Settings ",5
-"DNN-3660","09/18/2013 15:01:35","Deny override Edit Content Permissions (P6)","See attached image for setup. h2. Expected Result All Users can View Page Only Administrators can Edit Page Only Administrators can Delete Page Only Administrators can Export Page Only Administrators can Import Page Only Administrators can Manage Settings All Users can View Module Module Editors can NOT Edit Module Page Editors can Edit Module Users in BOTH Page and Module Editor can NOT Edit the Module. Only Administrators can Delete Module Only Administrators can Export Module Only Administrators can Import Module Only Administrators can Manage Settings ",5
-"DNN-3661","09/18/2013 15:03:30","Deny overrides View Permissions (P7)","See attached image for setup. h2. Expected Result All Users can View Page Only Administrators can Edit Page Only Administrators can Delete Page Only Administrators can Export Page Only Administrators can Import Page Only Administrators can Manage Settings All Users can View Module Module Editors can NOT View Module Only Administrators can Edit Module Only Administrators can Delete Module Only Administrators can Export Module Only Administrators can Import Module Only Administrators can Manage Settings ",5
-"DNN-3662","09/18/2013 15:05:14","Delete Module Permission (P8)","See attached image for setup. h2. Expected Result All Users can View Page Only Administrators can Edit Page Only Administrators can Delete Page Only Administrators can Export Page Only Administrators can Import Page Only Administrators can Manage Settings Inherited View Only Administrators can Edit Module Module Editors can Delete Module Administrators can Delete Module Only Administrators can Export Module Only Administrators can Import Module Only Administrators can Manage Settings ",5
-"DNN-3663","09/18/2013 15:09:01","Full Control - Module (P9)","See attached image for setup. h2. Expected Result *Module Editors should have all permissions locked in the UI except Full Control* All Users can View Page Only Administrators can Edit Page Only Administrators can Delete Page Only Administrators can Export Page Only Administrators can Import Page Only Administrators can Manage Settings Inherited View Administrators can Edit Module Administrators can Delete Module Administrators can Export Module Administrators can Import Module Administrators can Manage Settings Module Editors have Full Control of Module ",8
-"DNN-3664","09/18/2013 15:11:29","Full Control - Page (P10)","See attached image for setup. h2. Expected Result *Module Editors should have all permissions locked in the UI except Full Control* All Users can View Page Administrators can Edit Page Administrators can Delete Page Administrators can Export Page Administrators can Import Page Administrators can Manage Settings Module Editors have Full Control of Page Inherited View Administrators can Edit Module Administrators can Delete Module Administrators can Export Module Administrators can Import Module Administrators can Manage Settings Module Editors have Full Control of Module ",5
-"DNN-3665","09/18/2013 15:13:37","Full Control Page - Deny Module (P11)","See attached image for setup. h2. Expected Result *Module Editors should have all permissions locked in the UI except Full Control* All Users can View Page Administrators can Edit Page Administrators can Delete Page Administrators can Export Page Administrators can Import Page Administrators can Manage Settings Module Editors have Full Control of Page Inherited View Administrators can Edit Module Module Editors can NOT Edit Module Content Administrators can Delete Module Administrators can Export Module Administrators can Import Module Administrators can Manage Settings Module Editors have Full Control of Module ( except Edit Content ) ",5
-"DNN-3666","09/18/2013 15:43:08","Page Permissions","Permissions can currently be configured for a variety of system resources: * Pages ** VIEW – defines if a user/role can view the page ** ADD – defines if a user/role can add subpages to the current page ** ADD CONTENT – defines if a user/role can edit the content of a page ( ie. adding modules/deleting modules/configuring modules including permissions/moving modules ) ** DELETE – defines if a user/role can Delete a page ( if subpages exist, they will be deleted as well ) ** COPY – defines if a user/role can Copy a page ** EXPORT – defines if a user/role can Export a page ** IMPORT – defines if a user/role can Import a page ** MANAGE SETTINGS – defines if a user/role can Manage page settings ( not including permissions ) ** NAVIGATE – defines if a page is included in the navigation menu ( this permission can be applied even if the user does not have VIEW permissions – ie. as a “teaser” ). ** FULL CONTROL/EDIT – full administrative rights to a page ",5
-"DNN-3667","09/18/2013 15:43:59","Module Permissions","Permissions can currently be configured for a variety of system resources: * Modules ** VIEW – defines if a user/role can view the module on a page ** EDIT CONTENT – defines if a user/role can edit the content of a module ** DELETE – defines if a user/role can Delete a module ** EXPORT – defines if a user/role can Export a module ** IMPORT – defines if a user/role can Import a module ** MANAGE – defines if a user/role can Manage module settings ( not including permissions ) ** FULL CONTROL/EDIT – full administrative rights to a module ",5
-"DNN-3668","09/18/2013 15:44:58","Folders Permissions","Permissions can currently be configured for a variety of system resources: * Folders ** BROWSE – defines if a user/role can view the list of files in the folder ** VIEW – defines if a user/role can open and view files in the folder ** WRITE – full administrative rights to a folder ( also known as Full Control in the commercial platform ) ** ADD – defines if a user/role can Add folders ( or subfolders ) ** MANAGE – defines if a user/role can Manage folder settings ** DELETE – defines if a user/role can Delete a folder ** COPY – defines if a user/role can Copy a folder ",13
-"DNN-3669","09/18/2013 15:45:51","DesktopModule Permissions","Permissions can currently be configured for a variety of system resources: * DesktopModules ** VIEW – defines if a user/role can add the specific desktop module type to a page via the control panel ",3
-"DNN-3678","09/18/2013 18:03:27","Create Generic JavaScript Library class","In this subtask we need to create a class that implements the core behaviors of the jQuery class, for generic javascript libraries. This subtask should implement all the core behaviors that currently exist in that class.",8
-"DNN-3679","09/18/2013 18:06:31","Create JavaScript Library Packages for core components","JavaScript Library packages should be created for the main core libraries. jQuery jQueryUI Knockout",5
-"DNN-3680","09/18/2013 19:18:33","SI: If Redirect Mixed Case URLs is Enabled, cannot View Properties in DAM"," If Redirect Mixed Case URLs is Enabled, cannot View Properties in DAM Steps to replicate: 1. Install DNN 7.1.1 or 7.1.2, log in as HOST 2. Go to ADMIN > Advance URL Management 3. Enable Redirect Mixed Case URLs 4. Go to Admin > File Management > Right-click View Properties Actual Result: The popup does not show properties for the folder Expected Result: Should show properties",1
-"DNN-3719","09/18/2013 21:09:25","SI: Facebook login shows up instead of normal login","Once you login using Facebook and sign out and go back to login it goes straight to the Facebook login page and not the DNN login. ",1
-"DNN-3683","09/18/2013 22:13:32","Upgrade Cleanup >> When upgrading, older versions of auth systems, providers and optional modules not deleted","1. Install an older version of DNN Platform like 7.0 or 7.1. 2. Upgrade to latest version 7.1.2. I used build 3. Go to Advanced Configuration settings under Admin. 4. In the Authentication Systems tab, (x) two copies of each auth system is present: one for the older version (7.0/7.1) and one for the new version (7.1.2). This is a bug. (/) Only one version for each Auth System should be left upon upgrade -- 7.1.2. The cleanup script should remove older auth systems. 5. In the Providers tab, (x) two copies of each provider is present: one for the older version (7.0/7.1) and one for the new version (7.1.2). This is a bug. (/) Only one version for each provider should be left upon upgrade -- 7.1.2. The cleanup script should remove older providers. 6. (EvoqContent) (x) In the Optional Modules tab, one of the modules called ""Media"" is listed twice (two versions). (/) The cleanup script should also remove older optional module versions.",1
-"DNN-3684","09/18/2013 23:04:56","A new or existing type of event cannot be added to the Site Log Settings","A new or existing type of event cannot be added to the Event Log Settings I ssue was introduced in 7.0.0. We do not have all existing types of even listed in the Event Log Settings grid, before 7.0.0 we can added a new one by clicking the Add New Item button on der the grid, but now we last the button Steps to reproduce: 1. Install the latest DNN 2. Login as Host 3. Go to Admin – Event viewer 4. Click Edit Log Settings button 5. Try to add a new type of even to the event list Actual result: there is no way to add a new type of events; previously we had the Add new Item button Expected result: the Add New Item button is on the pop-up ",1
-"DNN-3686","09/18/2013 23:32:30","Remove X-UA-Compatible meta","Remove from default.aspx, this meta field is no longer suggested by Microsoft and should be removed.",1
-"DNN-3689","09/19/2013 15:31:39","Duplicate bi-directional userrelationships for performance","There are two types of UserRelationships: - unidirectional like follower (A is following B) - bidirectional like Friends (A and B are friends, i.e. A is friend of B and B is friend of A) Both as currently stored as a single record in userRelationsships table. For retrieving all friends and followers of a user we currently use an expensive UNION query: SELECT UserID, RelatedUserID, RelationshipID, Status FROM UserRelationships UNION ( SELECT RelatedUserID, UserID, RelationshipID, Status FROM UserRelationships WHERE RelationshipID IN (SELECT RelationshipID FROM Relationships R INNER JOIN RelationshipTypes T ON R.RelationshipType = T.RelationshipType WHERE directions = 2) ) To avoid this expensive UNION, I suggest to create a second versa record (relateduser to user) upon confirmation of the relationship (and remove if the relationship is cancelled by one user). This reduces the query above to SELECT UserID, RelatedUserID, RelationshipID, Status FROM UserRelationships ",1
-"DNN-3692","09/19/2013 19:03:31","The exact search cannot find most of the real world phrases existing in content","The exact search cannot find most of the real world phrases existing in content Real world phrases usually include some functional words (articles, conjunctions, axillary verbs etc.) which we have included in the list of restrictive words. As a result, the exact search functionality cannot find any phrase with a functional word included (m0st of the real word phrases). The restricted list should not be used for the exact search Steps to reproduce: 1. Install the latest DNN 2. Type in the search input line “will help you” 3. Search button Actual result=Expected result: In the list of result you can see the exact match on the Our Product module of the Our Product page 4. Open the advance search drop-down 5. Click the Exact Search check box 6. Search for the exact same phrase “will help you” Actual result: No result found” Expected result: Only one result us displayed: “Our Products > Our Productshttp://ce.lvh.me/Our-Products34 will help you push the limits in the ever e..” ",2
-"DNN-3693","09/19/2013 20:39:27","SI: If User has any Deny permission on Site Root, it cannot see Documents in Doc Manager","If a User has any Deny permission on an folder or Site Root in File Manager, it cannot see Documents/images in Doc/Image Manager in RadEditor even though the User has Browse and View permission for the Site Root. Steps to replicate: 1. Log in as HOST to 7.1.1 and create a new User called TestUser 2. As a HOST, go to Admin > File Management 3. Go to permission for Site Root and Allow Browse Folder, View and Full Control for TestUser. Deny only Delete. Click Update 4. Log in as TestUser, go to page that TestUser can Edit and Edit HTML module > go to Doc Manager Actual Result: Doc Manager is empty. Expected Result: File should be there as I have View, Browse and Full control. -- You can remove Deny permission from Delete for TestUser and it will see Documents. If you go back and Deny Add or Copy, it will not see any files.",1
-"DNN-3695","09/19/2013 22:56:28","Notifications: Notifications shouldn't go across Portal Profanity Filter","Under Admin -> Site Settings and within the Advanced Settings tab, there is a Messaging section. In here, administrators can control if messages (peer to peer) go across the portal's profanity filter. Seen here ""Enable Profanity Filters"": http://screencast.com/t/zPIFcOgyTUmZ When enabled, this is also filtering notifications and it shouldn't (confirmed with Will M.). Only messages (peer to peer) should go across this filter when enabled, not notifications too. Steps to Reproduce: - Go to site settings (as admin) and enable the profanity filtering (as noted above) - Create at least one word for the portal that will be replaced (word, w***, for example). - Do something that triggers a notification that includes 'word' as part of the content that will be part of notification (In Social, subscribe to new questions and then post a question as a different user w/ that in body) - View notification, if site setting is enabled you will see w*** in notification body Expected result: Instead of seeing w*** I would expect to see word, since notifications shouldn't go across the profanity filter regardless of the site setting",3
-"DNN-3702","09/20/2013 23:45:57","IUpgradable does not fire from a Library type extension","There is known limitation in the Platform that the IUpgradable defined in a Library extension does not get executed just like it gets run for modules. This makes it very harder for Library writer to manage their Upgrade related C# code. Many times they put this under another module, which is a big inconvenience. ",8
-"DNN-3712","09/23/2013 09:12:57","Bug in JSON Serialization/Deserialization","See description in attached file.... Message: DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.PageLoadException: Une erreur s'est produite lors de la désérialisation de l'objet de type DotNetNuke.Web.UI.WebControls.DnnDropDownListState. Jeton '""' attendu, mais 'Å' a été trouvé. ---> System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException: Une erreur s'est produite lors de la désérialisation de l'objet de type DotNetNuke.Web.UI.WebControls.DnnDropDownListState. Jeton '""' attendu, mais 'Å' a été trouvé.",1
-"DNN-3714","09/23/2013 12:20:59","Problems with Turkish character on Page Names and Friendly URL","If you use a page name and titles like ""İzmir"" or ""ŞÖĞÇÜ"" menu links and html links with friendly url don't work. ",1
-"DNN-3716","09/23/2013 18:39:38","APPLICATION_START schedule without valid SchedulerClient blocks site","* Steps to Reproduce: *# Set Scheduler to Timer Mode *# Create Scheduled Task specifying a class in a non-existent assembly *# Set the Run on Event to APPLICATION_START *# Restart the Site * Expected Behavior *# Scheduled Task fails to complete *# An error is written to the Event Log *# Further scheduled tasks run normally. *# Site continues to load normally * Actual Behavior *# On line 169 of {{[ProcessGroup.cs|https://dotnetnuke.codeplex.com/SourceControl/latest#Trunk/Content/Community/Library/Services/Scheduling/ProcessGroup.cs]}}, the call to {{BuildManager.GetType}} throws an exception. *# The Exception handler on line 142 of {{ProcessGroup.cs}} catches the exception. *# Since the local variable {{Process}} is null, {{Process.Errored}} cannot be called. *# On line 157 of {{ProcessGroup.cs}}, the static variable {{ProcessGroup.numberOfProcessesInQueue}} is decremented, but the {{ScheduleHistoryItem}} is not removed from the{{ SharedList Scheduler.CoreScheduler.ScheduleQueue}}. *# Since the {{ScheduleHistoryItem}} was not removed from {{Scheduler.CoreScheduler.ScheduleQueue}}, the loop in {{Scheduler.CoreScheduler.RunEventSchedule}} never exits, keeping any requests from completing. This behavior was verified by debugging the source code. [This Issue|https://dnntracker.atlassian.net/browse/DNN-20690] and [this other issue|https://dnntracker.atlassian.net/browse/DNN-21341] could not be reproduced because the author specified a ""*valid* DNN Scheduler.""",1
-"DNN-3718","09/23/2013 19:31:08","Issue with Newtonsoft.Json.dll","I've found an issue regarding how shared assemblies are handled when a third party module is removed that references an assembly shared by the platform. In the DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider file from line 1452 to 1456 you will see a bit of SQL that is used to register the Newtonsoft.Json.dll into the Assemblies table. -- Add rows to {databaseOwner}[{objectQualifier}Assemblies] SET IDENTITY_INSERT {databaseOwner}[{objectQualifier}Assemblies] ON INSERT INTO {databaseOwner}[{objectQualifier}Assemblies] ([AssemblyID], [PackageID], [AssemblyName], [Version]) VALUES (1, NULL, N'Newtonsoft.Json.dll', N'4.5.6') SET IDENTITY_INSERT {databaseOwner}[{objectQualifier}Assemblies] OFF -- Operation applied to 1 rows out of 18 If you look at the code, you will see that the second value which is passed into the PackageID column is set to NULL If you look at the code for the UnRegisterAssembly procedure you will see that if the packageID is null then the return code is 1 which will allow the file to be deleted. ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[UnRegisterAssembly] @PackageID int, @AssemblyName nvarchar(250) AS DECLARE @ReturnCode bit SET @ReturnCode = 1 -- 1 = Can Delete Assembly, 0 = Cannot Delete Assembly -- First remove the Assembly Reference for this Package DELETE FROM dbo.Assemblies WHERE PackageID = @PackageID AND AssemblyName = @AssemblyName -- Next check if any other Package is using this assembly SET @PackageID = (SELECT TOP 1 PackageID FROM dbo.Assemblies WHERE AssemblyName = @AssemblyName) IF @PackageID IS NOT NULL -- Set ReturnCode = 0, so assembly is not deleted SET @ReturnCode = 0 SELECT @ReturnCode so, when a third party module includes the Newtonsoft.Json.dll file in it's list of assemblies, then when that module is uninstalled the DeleteFile method ( http://www.dnnsoftware.com/community-blog/cid/134857/The-New-Extension-Installer-Manifest-ndash-Part-4-The-Assembly-Component ) will delete the dll which will break the new service framework and anything built on top of it. To fix this, a package ID will need to be associated with the Newtonsoft.Json.dll file in the Assembly table. I would also suggest that ALL core dlls be registered in this table. What were to happen if a module included a dll for PetaPoco.dll or SharpZipLib.dll or System.Web.Http.dll etc. and that module were to be uninstalled. given what I see here, if those assemblies are not ""protected"" by being registered in the Assemblies table then the removal of them by the uninstall of a module could result in a major failure of the site.",1
-"DNN-3724","09/24/2013 07:24:01","Layout changes required to Add Logged Event page","Brief Description of Issue: When I add a new logged event the Email Notification Settings section the width of the Occurrence Threshold fields are excessively wide. Clear Steps to Reproduce: Step 1 - Log in as Host and ensure Control Panel is in Edit Mode. Step 2 - Go Admin --> Event Viewer Step 3 - Scroll to bottom of page Step 4 - Click on ""Edit Log Settings"" button Step 5 - Click on ""Add Log Setting"" link. Step6- View the ""Occurrence Threshold"" field. Image attached. ",1
-"DNN-3726","09/24/2013 19:04:04","Update Batch Extension Install so it determines dependencies","In order to support using a dependency graph to install extensions in the correct order, we need to change how ""batch"" or ""auto"" extension installation works. All extensions will need to be scanned - the zip opened and the manifest parsed in order to build a dependency graph.",5
-"DNN-3727","09/24/2013 19:35:12","DOCTYPE Doesn't Follow Normal Skinning Engine Filename Logic","Normally, a skin designer can create files that either match skin.extension or skinname.extension and they will be known, parsed, and used in the following order: 1. skinname.extension 2. skin.extension An example of this is skin.css and skinname.css. DOCTYPE does not follow this pattern, causing unnecessary work for many designers. Skin designers should be able to use a single DOCTYPE configuration file for their entire skin package, should the use case require it. As is, the TabInfo.cs class only looks for skinname.doctype.xml. Attached is a suggested code fix to allow DOCTYPE to follow the same skinning engine rules as other kinds of files. The only part of the class that matters is the CheckIfDoctypeConfigExists property, pasted below. private string CheckIfDoctypeConfigExists() { string doctypeConfig = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SkinSrc)) { string packageFileName = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(""skin.doctype.xml""); string skinFileName = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(SkinSrc.Replace("".ascx"", "".doctype.xml"")); if (File.Exists(packageFileName) || File.Exists(skinFileName)) { try { var xmlSkinDocType = new XmlDocument(); if (File.Exists(skinFileName)) { // default to the skinname.doctype.xml to allow the individual skin to override the skin package xmlSkinDocType.Load(skinFileName); } else { // use the skin.doctype.xml file xmlSkinDocType.Load(packageFileName); } string strDocType = xmlSkinDocType.FirstChild.InnerText; doctypeConfig = strDocType; } catch (Exception ex) { Exceptions.LogException(ex); } } } return doctypeConfig; }",1
-"DNN-3729","09/24/2013 19:59:47","Localization - Missing Key Edit User Account > Manage Account","Install latest Social build as FQDN site w/remote db and dnn_ as Object Qualifier Edit web.config and make ""ShowMissingKeys"" = true Seed the site with data using the Load Tool Log in as Host Hover over Users and click ""Manage users"" In the Manage User page select to edit any listed user In the ""Manage Account"" tab in the ""Edit User"" pop up scroll down Actual Results: 3rd button on right at the bottom has ""RESX:cmdToggleSuperUserText"" Expected Result: Any labels in this tab or any other tab in this pop up will start with [L] ",1
-"DNN-3732","09/25/2013 18:53:59","Can't delete a child site","Steps to reproduce: 1. Install EE package. 2. Login as Host. 3. Create a child site. 4. Try to delete that child site. Actual result: The error message: Error: is currently unavailable. DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.ModuleLoadException: Access to the path 'e:\DotNetNuke\Sites\ee720v2\Portals\1' is denied. ---> System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 'e:\DotNetNuke\Sites\ee720v2\Portals\1' is denied. at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath) at System.IO.FileSystemEnumerableIterator`1.CommonInit() at System.IO.FileSystemEnumerableIterator`1..ctor(String path, String originalUserPath, String searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption, SearchResultHandler`1 resultHandler, Boolean checkHost) at System.IO.Directory.InternalGetFileDirectoryNames(String path, String userPathOriginal, String searchPattern, Boolean includeFiles, Boolean includeDirs, SearchOption searchOption, Boolean checkHost) at System.IO.Directory.InternalGetDirectories(String path, String searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption) at DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.DeleteFolderRecursive(String strRoot) at DotNetNuke.Entities.Portals.PortalController.DeletePortal(PortalInfo portal, String serverPath) at DesktopModules.Admin.Portals.SiteSettings.DeletePortal(Object sender, EventArgs e) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- Expected result: the child site should be deleted without any errors. Note: found by autotests.",1
-"DNN-3733","09/25/2013 23:16:22","broken binary compatibility in 6.2.9","a report at http://dotnetnuke.codeplex.com/releases/view/110758 suggests that the security fix in 6.2.9 broke binary compatibility - we need to check if this is an issue in coding or packaging.",1
-"DNN-3736","09/26/2013 06:01:32","Site Settings Fails in 7.1.2 with Ifinity FriendlyUrlProvider ","Pulled from my blog at http://www.chrishammond.com/blog/itemid/2636/after-upgrading-to-dnn-712-site-settings-doesnt.aspx After upgrading to DNN 7.1.2, when I went to the Admin/Site Settings page I was provided with this nice error. Error: Site Settings is currently unavailable. DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.ModuleLoadException: c:\SOMEPATHHERE\wwwroot\DesktopModules\Admin\Portals\SiteSettings.ascx.cs(594): error CS1502: The best overloaded method match for 'FriendlyUrlSettings.FriendlyUrlSettings(DotNetNuke.Framework.Providers.Provider)' has some invalid arguments ---> System.Web.HttpCompileException: c:\SOMEPATHHERE\wwwroot\DesktopModules\Admin\Portals\SiteSettings.ascx.cs(594): error CS1502: The best overloaded method match for 'FriendlyUrlSettings.FriendlyUrlSettings(DotNetNuke.Framework.Providers.Provider)' has some invalid arguments at System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.CompileWebFile(VirtualPath virtualPath) at System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.GetVPathBuildResultInternal(VirtualPath virtualPath, Boolean noBuild, Boolean allowCrossApp, Boolean allowBuildInPrecompile, Boolean throwIfNotFound, Boolean ensureIsUpToDate) at System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.GetVPathBuildResultWithNoAssert(HttpContext context, VirtualPath virtualPath, Boolean noBuild, Boolean allowCrossApp, Boolean allowBuildInPrecompile, Boolean throwIfNotFound, Boolean ensureIsUpToDate) at System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.GetVPathBuildResult(HttpContext context, VirtualPath virtualPath, Boolean noBuild, Boolean allowCrossApp, Boolean allowBuildInPrecompile, Boolean ensureIsUpToDate) at System.Web.UI.TemplateControl.LoadControl(VirtualPath virtualPath) at DotNetNuke.UI.ControlUtilities.LoadControl[T](TemplateControl containerControl, String ControlSrc) at DotNetNuke.UI.Modules.WebFormsModuleControlFactory.CreateModuleControl(TemplateControl containerControl, ModuleInfo moduleConfiguration) at DotNetNuke.UI.Modules.ModuleControlFactory.LoadModuleControl(TemplateControl containerControl, ModuleInfo moduleConfiguration) at DotNetNuke.UI.Modules.ModuleHost.LoadModuleControl() --- End of inner exception stack trace --- Isn't that nice and pretty? After doing some soul searching, I was able to track down the cause of the problem, and come up with a solution. The problem comes from the fact that I previously used the Ifinity FriendlyUrl Provider for DNN. Even though I am no longer using it, the DLL for the provider still exists within my installation's BIN folder. Something in DNN 7.1.2 changed, and now there is a conflict with this DLL. You'll need to delete the iFinity.FriendlyUrlProvider.dll from your website's BIN folder. You will also need to find any references to the DLL/NameSpaces in your web.config file. Replace this (this first one probably isn't used in IIS 7+ websites, but if your web.config has it, change it) with this and replace this with this Then finally your friendlyUrl section of the web.config should most likely look like this ",1
-"DNN-3737","09/26/2013 12:30:32","Ambiguous column name 'ModuleId' in 7.1.2 script","sqldataprovider script for 7.1.2 needs updated as per http://www.chrishammond.com/blog/itemid/2636/after-upgrading-to-dnn-712-site-settings-doesnt.aspx",1
-"DNN-3738","09/26/2013 12:31:35"," iFinity.FriendlyUrlProvider.dll needs removed","reports of errors caused by legacy iFinity.FriendlyUrlProvider.dll -see http://www.chrishammond.com/blog/itemid/2636/after-upgrading-to-dnn-712-site-settings-doesnt.aspx",1
-"DNN-3739","09/26/2013 13:52:30","Share profile info between friends","Steps to reproduce: 1. Create two normal users 2. Make them friends 3. Set Biography and set to share between Friends and Groups -> Friends and Followers. = Expected result: Friends can see each others bio = Actual result only one of the two can see the biography. Like Jim can see Joe's bio but not the other way around. To be honest, I am so upset that this does not work. I am struggling with this issue for 3 months now and reported it some time ago also. I found this on a clean 7.1.2 installations without any 3rd party modules installed.",1
-"DNN-3742","09/26/2013 21:55:55","WebFormsMvp assembly updated without updating binding redirect","Extensions which reference WebFormsMvp will break in DNN 7.1.2, because [the assembly was updated (from version 1.2.0 to 1.4.1)|https://github.com/dnnsoftware/Dnn.Platform/commit/bcfe795a415110b23e4b9cff8d6e5c7c2ab5c394], without changing the binding redirect to 1.4.1.",1
-"DNN-3744","09/27/2013 00:30:05","This or similar bug remains in DNN 712","I have this intermittent error like every 3 mn when advanced url are on. It was referred has solved in DNN-27647 but the problem persists Url Processing Exception:Exception in Url Rewriting Process Http Status:500 Internal Server Error Original Path:http://www.bisturi.net/livraria?txtsearch=(perguntas+e+respostas)&sortfield=rank&catpageindex=3 Raw Url:/livraria?txtsearch=(perguntas+e+respostas)&sortfield=rank&catpageindex=3 Final Url:null Rewrite Result:Default.aspx?TabId=63&language=pt-PT&txtsearch=(perguntas+e+respostas)&sortfield=rank&catpageindex=3 Redirect Location:[no redirect] Action:CheckFor301 Reason:Exception Portal Id:0 Tab Id:63 Http Alias:www.bisturi.net Debug Message 1:ActiveTab: 63/Livros IsSecure: False Debug Message 2:Exception: Exception of type 'DotNetNuke.Collections.Internal.ReadLockRequiredException' was thrown. Debug Message 3:(TRUNCATED TO 500 CHARS): Stack Trace: at DotNetNuke.Collections.Internal.SharedDictionary`2.EnsureReadAccess() at DotNetNuke.Collections.Internal.SharedDictionary`2.get_Count() at DotNetNuke.Entities.Urls.CacheController.StoreFriendlyUrlIndexInCache(SharedDictionary`2 urlDict, List`1 urlPortals, SharedDictionary`2 customAliasTabs, FriendlyUrlSettings settings, String reason) at DotNetNuke.Entities.Urls.CustomUrlDictController.FetchCustomUrlDictionary(Int32 portalId, Boolean forceRebuild, Boolean bypassCac Debug Message 4:Inner Ex : null Exception Type:DotNetNuke.Collections.Internal.ReadLockRequiredException Message: Exception of type 'DotNetNuke.Collections.Internal.ReadLockRequiredException' was thrown. Stack Trace:(TRUNCATED TO 500 CHARS): at DotNetNuke.Collections.Internal.SharedDictionary`2.EnsureReadAccess() at DotNetNuke.Collections.Internal.SharedDictionary`2.get_Count() at DotNetNuke.Entities.Urls.CacheController.StoreFriendlyUrlIndexInCache(SharedDictionary`2 urlDict, List`1 urlPortals, SharedDictionary`2 customAliasTabs, FriendlyUrlSettings settings, String reason) at DotNetNuke.Entities.Urls.CustomUrlDictController.FetchCustomUrlDictionary(Int32 portalId, Boolean forceRebuild, Boolean bypassCache, FriendlyU Server Name: CLOUDUK16572",1
-"DNN-3745","09/27/2013 12:25:36","When using portal groups profile url does not work","1- Put your site inside a portal group 2- set Profile url from user account settings 3- Error page not found Fix: Library/Entities/urls/RewriteController.cs function CheckTabPath line 370 Replace //var user = GetUser(result.PortalId, vanityUrl); with var user = GetUser(PortalController.GetEffectivePortalId(result.PortalId), vanityUrl); ",1
-"DNN-3746","09/27/2013 18:27:24","Search Index beginDate is out of sql min date value","In Search Index Engine, the search index start date fix is not correct and it will throws out of SQL datetime exceptions when modules use it Now the code likes below: private static DateTime FixedIndexingStartDate(int portalId, DateTime startDate) { if (startDate != SqlDateTime.MinValue.Value && SearchHelper.Instance.IsReindexRequested(portalId, startDate)) { return SqlDateTime.MinValue.Value; } return startDate; } and it will never hit SqlDateTime.MinValue.Value so it should change to private static DateTime FixedIndexingStartDate(int portalId, DateTime startDate) { if (startDate < SqlDateTime.MinValue.Value || SearchHelper.Instance.IsReindexRequested(portalId, startDate)) { return SqlDateTime.MinValue.Value; } return startDate; }",1
-"DNN-3748","09/27/2013 19:12:29","SI : Journal module option to add more Types","Customer requested feature enhancement for journal module option/way to add more custom Types. Option add more custom types : Journal > module settings > Journal Settings Tab> Journal type section. screen shot also attached.",1
-"DNN-3751","09/29/2013 08:27:58","After upgrading my site to DNN 07.01.02 cant Edit HTML Or set page/module settings","After pgrading my site to DNN 07.01.02 cant Edit HTML Or set page/module settings. when i try change HTML setting module properties - nothing happens, Only page scrollbars dissapear and i cant scroll page with mouse. When i try to set page properties getting error: ОШИБКА: модуль в настоящее время недоступен. (module is unavailiable) DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.ModuleLoadException: d:\home\zoo-zru\html\DesktopModules\Admin\Tabs\ManageTabs.ascx.cs(275): error CS1502: Наиболее подходящий перегруженный метод для 'FriendlyUrlSettings.FriendlyUrlSettings(DotNetNuke.Framework.Providers.Provider)' имеет несколько недопустимых аргументов ---> System.Web.HttpCompileException: d:\home\zoo-zru\html\DesktopModules\Admin\Tabs\ManageTabs.ascx.cs(275): error CS1502: Наиболее подходящий перегруженный метод для 'FriendlyUrlSettings.FriendlyUrlSettings(DotNetNuke.Framework.Providers.Provider)' имеет несколько недопустимых аргументов в System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.CompileWebFile(VirtualPath virtualPath) в System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.GetVPathBuildResultInternal(VirtualPath virtualPath, Boolean noBuild, Boolean allowCrossApp, Boolean allowBuildInPrecompile, Boolean throwIfNotFound, Boolean ensureIsUpToDate) в System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.GetVPathBuildResultWithNoAssert(HttpContext context, VirtualPath virtualPath, Boolean noBuild, Boolean allowCrossApp, Boolean allowBuildInPrecompile, Boolean throwIfNotFound, Boolean ensureIsUpToDate) в System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.GetVPathBuildResult(HttpContext context, VirtualPath virtualPath, Boolean noBuild, Boolean allowCrossApp, Boolean allowBuildInPrecompile, Boolean ensureIsUpToDate) в System.Web.UI.TemplateControl.LoadControl(VirtualPath virtualPath) в DotNetNuke.UI.ControlUtilities.LoadControl[T](TemplateControl containerControl, String ControlSrc) в DotNetNuke.UI.Modules.ModuleControlFactory.LoadModuleControl(TemplateControl containerControl, ModuleInfo moduleConfiguration) в DotNetNuke.UI.Modules.ModuleHost.LoadModuleControl() --- Конец трассировки внутреннего стека исключений --- Currently using Ifinity friendly url provider modified by russian dnn comunity. Uninstalling it helps only with ""page settings"" and is a bad solution becouse when i use core friendly url provider i get someting like www.mysite.ru/url(russian title)_written_in_russian_Leters.aspx instead of www.mysite.ru/url(russian title)_written_in_English_Leters.aspx for example instead of http://www.zoo-z.ru/Internet_magazin.aspx i get http://www.zoo-z.ru/интернетмагазин.aspx wich turns into alot of %%% in IE = (",1
-"DNN-3756","09/30/2013 23:12:41","Custom registration form: Region field does not adopt to country","Region field in registration form should list regions within country selected: - if country is empty: field disabled - if list region contains items with parent pointing to selected country: drop down list containing all list items for this country - if list region does not contain items: provide text field to enter region name. Steps to reproduce: - install DNN 7.1.1. - login as superuser - configure user registration in Admin > Site Settings: .. custom registration form .. include fields country and region Expected: proper behavior of region field in registration form Current: always displays US regions.",1
-"DNN-3757","10/01/2013 07:51:15","DAL2 does not support objects that extend BaseEntityInfo","If you try to use DAL2 (PetaPoco) with an entity that implements BaseEntityInfo class, it fails with an unexpected error. ",1
-"DNN-3758","10/01/2013 14:11:47","Search: Site Crawler task does not use ""Run on Servers"" setting","I have setup DNN 7.1.1 CE on two web servers (using a shared database). In the Webservers table have I have set Enabled=True for the server I would like all Scheduled Tasks to run on. In the Search: Site Crawler task details, the designated servers is checked in the ""Run on Servers"" . Please see this screen shot: http://awesomescreenshot.com/0ac1rzrud1 However, the Event Log shows that the task is running on the non-designated server. Please see this screen shot:http://awesomescreenshot.com/0f11rzsce6 In this particular case the Site Crawler task throws various exceptions (file i/o related). I'm not sure if this is a bug within the task or the scheduler.",1
-"DNN-3761","10/02/2013 00:04:24","SI: Tag search should be part of Results module NOT ContentList","Searching by Tag does not show results in SearchResult module rather in ContentList. Steps to reproduce: 1. Log in as host in 7.1.2 2. Create taxonomy tags and add them to couple pages 3. Search by Tags, for ex: dnndev.com/Search.aspx?Tag=Test Actual Result: Results will be shown in ContentList module on Results page. SearchResults module will not show anything. Expected Result: ContentList module should not be needed. SearchResults module should be able to show results when searched using Tag.",1
-"DNN-3762","10/02/2013 00:35:30","File Upload Button mission on Journal","If you have enabled file upload on the Journal module, and try to upload a file on your post, you see no button to upload a file from your local System. It should be handled same as add a file from the DNN System! E.G. as a sample a line like the following is missing on the view control on Line 61 - 64:
-"DNN-3763","10/02/2013 05:19:49","Search > Metadata Indexer does not crawl non-ModuleSearchBase or non-ISearchable modules","The Module Metada Indexing portion of Site Crawler should Index all modules located on all the pages including the host pages. Currently it only does this for modules that implement ISearchable or ModuleSearchBase. The method GetModuleMetaData in ModuleIndexer must be modified to traverse through all the modules. Have a look in TabIndexer.GetSearchDocuments where it goes through all the Tabs. The module metadata indexer should then traverse through all the modules in each of the Tabs.",8
-"DNN-3764","10/02/2013 05:20:27","Page-Level Content Scheduling Doesn't Match Module Level","We added time as a possible selector to Start Date & End Date in the Module Settings for people that want to schedule content. However, this was not also added to the same fields in Page Settings. Steps to Reproduce: 1. Install DNN latest version 2. Go to Page Settings for any non-Admin non-Host page 3. Attempt to schedule the page to appear and disappear at a date in the future Expected Behavior: A date AND time should be able to be defined instead of just the date. Actual Behavior: You can only specify the date and not the time.",1
-"DNN-3765","10/02/2013 11:08:54","File Manager - Unnecessary Loading for Existing Files","When adding (drag n drop) an existing file, the file manager loads the ""new"" file a first time. Then it checks if the file already exists and propose a Replace/Keep option. If you select Keep, the existing file is kept and the ""new"" file has just been loaded for nothing. If you select Replace, the ""new"" file is loaded a second time and only then it replaces the existing one. In both cases, the first load is unnecessary and time wasted with large files. The existing file check (by name) should be done before loading the file.",3
-"DNN-3767","10/02/2013 15:43:33","SI: Page Management module: Sub-Pages get lost when moving parent page with drag'n'drop","When you use the Page Management module and move a page to a new parent page using the drag'n'drop feature all child pages of the moved page get lost! You can reproduce the issue in a new DNN 7.0.2 environment by moving the page ""About Us"" (and its sub-page ""StyleGuides"") under ""Contact Us"". At first, everything looks good until you do something the reloads the complete page and updates the navigation: The site ""StyleGuides"" not longer included in the navigation. As far as I researched this problem the columns Level and TabPath for the sub-pages in the table dbo.Tags are not updated correctly. After fixing the both columns the sub-pages are included in the navigation as expected. IMHO, this is a very big problem since you loose the pages/content!",1
-"DNN-3777","10/02/2013 22:41:29","SI: Search Preview Throws Error if Search Results Module Removed","When the Search Results module is removed from the search page, the Search preview does not show any previews and an error is thrown in the event viewer when a search attempt is made. This behavior is not present in DNN 7.1.1. This was discovered by a client who wanted to use their own search results module. Steps to re-produce: 1. Add a document to the site through Document Library or Digital Asset Manager. 2. Set the Search Crawler to crawl the site. 3. Remove the Search Results from any page it has been placed on in the site. 4. Enter a search string in the search box. Expected results: The document name entered into the search box shows a preview of possible search results. Clicking the search button takes the user to the search page with no results shown as the results module is not present. Actual results: No preview is displayed and clicking the search button takes the user to the search page with no results shown and throws an exception in the event viewer.",1
-"DNN-3768","10/03/2013 07:06:30","If installation doesn't complete through wizard, site is in accessible","If you don't complete the ""installwizard.aspx"" page after trying to hit a new installation for the first time, yet you come back to the root of the website later, expecting it to redirect you to /install/installwizard.aspx, it won't redirect you, it will simply tell you that the database can't connect. If you try to access /install/install.aspx it will also throw a DB connection error message. If you try to manually access /install/installwizard.aspx it will load the wizard. This was a new installation (Win 8, Local SQL 2012, SQL Express not installed) ",1
-"DNN-3769","10/03/2013 15:19:46","Login redirects to a page without the second url parameter","When a unidentified visitor visits a page with 2 (or more) parameters in the url (e.g. dnndev.me/home?subclass=6&class=42) and decides to login, he is logged in and redirected to a page with only the first parameter (e.g. dnndev.me/home?subclass=6) That is not the page he was on when he decided to log in, that page might not even be valid. When the page url has 1 parameter, it is conserved. When logging out, all parameters are stripped and the languages is added to the url (e.g. dnndev.me/en-us/home) Which also is not the page the user was on. This could be a url rewriter issue and/or a login issue.",1
-"DNN-3770","10/03/2013 15:24:09","Available modules in dropdown not readable","Site Settings -> Advanced Settings -> Available modules in dropdown not readable. It is very narrow and because of that the names of the modules cannot be read, see screenshot",1
-"DNN-3773","10/03/2013 19:52:11","Make user profile constant names public","Since user profile entries have fixed names which are case sensitive, it is a good idea to make them public constants so other modules can use them without the need for repeating them everywhere especially they are case sensitive (i.e., {{GetProperty(""Photo"")}} returns a value while {{GetProperty(""PHOTO"")}} does not -- ??It is a good idea to make them case-insensitive though??.",1
-"DNN-3774","10/03/2013 21:17:45","SI: Cannot select existing modules from certain pages","Customer reported the issue where they having a parent page in DNN that is disabled or links to another page on the site. This page then has a number of ""normal"" sub-pages. When adding a module from one of these sub-pages but cannot select the page using the ""Add existing modules"" function because the parent page is not visible in the list, I was able to replicate the issue in my local system as well and screen shots attached.",1
-"DNN-3781","10/04/2013 01:37:20","The User profile picture cannot be loaded from the User profile page","The User profile picture cannot be loaded from the User profile page The same failure you could observe from the Admin-User Account-Edit User path Steps to reproduce: 1. Install the latest DNN Platform build 2. Login as Host 3. Go to Admin – Users Accounts 4. Create a new user Tester 5. Logout 6. Login as User 7. Go to User Profile – Edit My Profile – Photo 8. Select a picture file 9. Click Upload button Actual result: error message: The page at ce.lvh.me says: An error has occurred. The photo has not uploaded; the error message is uninformative; The error message is not in the DNN Style. Looks like some debug mode leftover. Expected result: the profile photo was uploaded successfully ",2
-"DNN-3783","10/04/2013 03:34:45","Bad grammar on Azure compatible warning check","The warning for installing an Azure-incompatible package has bad grammar and needs fixing (see attached screenshot) Warning Should say: ""This package is not verified to be compatible with Azure SQL Database"" Explanation Text should say: This site uses Windows Azure SQL Database for database storage, and the package you are currently installing has not been verified by the owner to be compatible with Windows Azure SQL Database. If a non-compatible extension is installed, it can stop successful backups and restores of the database, and can cause run-time errors once the extension is in use. You may continue the installation process if you have verified the compatibility of the extension yourself, or click Cancel and contact the owner of the Extension to ask for an Azure SQL Database compatible version Checkbox should say: Install Extension without Windows Azure SQL Database verification anyway? Test case 1. Obtain access to site that uses SQL Azure as database (Azure QA cloud sites are avaialble) 2. Get any extension, inspect the manifest file for the tag. 3. If the tag is marked to 'true', start an installation process. The 'Azure Compatible warning' should not show up. 4. If the tag is not in the file, start an installation process. The 'Azure Compatible' warning should show up. Note : to do 3 / 4 above, it is simple to open the install package, modify the manifest file, save and re-zip to create two different versions, one with, and one without the azure compatibility. 5. If the tag is missing, then ticking the 'install anyway' check box should continue the installation as normal. It is not necessary to complete the installation of a module to test this.",1
-"DNN-3784","10/04/2013 04:23:59","Azure Compatible = false should stop installation for SQL Azure sites","If an extension is marked as 'false' in the DNN Manifest file for the extension, then the installation should not proceed in the case where the underlying database is SQL Azure. Test Case 1. Mark the dnn manifest file in a DNN extension with false 2. Upload the extension to a DNN site using SQL Azure as the database Expected 3. A message is shown saying the package is incompatible with the underlying database server, the next button is disabled and 'cancel' is the only option to close and abandon the install process. Actual 4. The same warning is given as if the element is missing. A checkbox allows the user to override the warning and install anyway. Essentially, if a developer marks a package as not being azure compatible, it shouldn't be possible to install it on a SQL Azure backed site. Warning text should be: This package is not compatible with the Windows Azure SQL Database Description text should be: This site uses Windows Azure SQL Database for database storage, and the package you are currently installing has been verified by the owner to be incompatible with Windows Azure SQL Database. Please click 'Cancel' to end the installation process. Attached; current warning for example.",1
-"DNN-3786","10/04/2013 12:53:55","Cannot reset password when ""password history"" option is disabled","Hello, here is how you can replicate the issue: - Disable ""Enable password history"" - Create a user - Reset the password The user canont reset his password, the reset password form returns the error: ""token combination is invalid"" If you turn on ""Enable password history"" the user can reset his password bye eclipse79",1
-"DNN-3788","10/04/2013 16:49:45","UI/UX","In several uses, the vertical scroll bar is too thin to use with touch devices. For example, when adding a new or existing module, and then hovering over the 'crossed arrows' to select the panel for placing the module, the scroll bar is very thin. It is able to be used with a mouse and pointer, but not with touch. The scroll displays this way in several other locations withing DNN. Each module uses this same interface on the page where is it installed. If you want to move the module using the 'crossed arrows' interface, the scroll bar is the same, thin design. All should be modified to work with touch. Although I (and probably most) developers use a standard PC with a keyboard to use this function, there are times when I am on the road and have to make a change with a touch device. In addtion, there are site admins who have the rights to modify pages. In the case when these are clients, who knows what device they may be using. :) Bob",2
-"DNN-3789","10/04/2013 18:10:28","Language detection broken by AUM","We have a fairly complex process of detecting which locale should be selected for the current user on the current page. This is the fallback scheme: # QueryString # Cookie # User profile (if request is authenticated) # Browser preference (if portal has this option enabled) # Portal default # System default (en-US) This is broken when advanced url's are used. WHat happens is that if you visit the site with a url that is not language specific, the urlrewriter tries to find out which URL needs to be used to redirect the user to. It actually takes the portal default language, and always redirect to the language specific URL for that language, and thus completely bypassing everything else (because qs takes precedence over everything else) ",2
-"DNN-3790","10/04/2013 19:06:16","AUTO: Modules: Can't drag&drop Module to any Pane except Content and Right pane","Steps to reproduce: 1. Install fresh package; login as Host. 2. Create a new Page. 3. Open Control Panel->Add new Module. 4. Drag HTML module to Left pane on page. Actual result: Left pane area is missing on the page; Right pane is present in Left pane location. Expected result: Left pane should be present on the page.",1
-"DNN-3792","10/04/2013 21:05:08","A restored user is unable to change his avatar image","Steps to reproduce: # Register a user. # Login as this registered user. Change profile picture -- successful. # Login as host - delete this registered user (but not remove) # Restore this deleted user # Login as this registered user. Change profile picture -- UNsuccessful. What's changed? (i) After user was created, user had Write permission to 'User/#/#/#' folder (can be verified in Admin File Managment). _Screenshot below:_ (x) {color:red} After deleting and restoring this user, user loses Write permission to 'User/#/#/#' folder (can be verified in Admin File Managment) {color} (/) {color:green} The restore process needs to restore the Write permission to this folder and any other folders. {color} !AvatarFolderPermissions.png|width=70%, align=right, vspace=1! ",1
-"DNN-3796","10/05/2013 09:54:03","Problem with Unicode character on URL","Hello, There seems to be an issue with URL encoding parameters. When I request for a query string in English it works fine, how ever if I request for a query string in Persian/Arabic it returns a wrong value. English Example: Apple => Apple Persian Example: سیب => سÛب Please use link below to view this issue in action: http://demo.dnnsoftware.ir/fa-ir/Unicode-URL or download and install attached module to simulate it on your local machine. Thanks",1
-"DNN-3797","10/05/2013 19:15:08","Refactor CodeEditor as a shared resource","The CodeMirror CodeEditor was incorporated as part of the Module Creator enhancement. The editor should be refactored into a shared resource so it can be used by multiple core components.",2
-"DNN-3799","10/06/2013 18:33:13","Add Syntax Highlighting Code Editor to Configuration manager","The Configuration manager should be enhanced to use the CodeMirror code editor.",1
-"DNN-3800","10/06/2013 18:34:11","Add Syntax Highlighting Code Editor to Stylesheet editor","The syntax highlighting code editor should be added to the stylesheet editor on the Site Settings page.",1
-"DNN-3802","10/07/2013 14:13:01","Page Picker Not showing Pages that are ""Disabled""","When trying to create a new page, the page-picker does not show pages that are disabled in the menu. I've illustrated this in this video: http://screencast.com/t/0lcjaTCv",1
-"DNN-3803","10/07/2013 14:13:31","html Module system.ArgumentOutOfRangeException as reslut of bad Html content","content management user somehow managed to add to a Html module causing it to trigger a .net error. code cleaner didnt pick it up on save rendering the module unmanageble. Html module version 7.0.5",1
-"DNN-3804","10/07/2013 14:43:45","DeleteUser method in Scheduler, RoleController.GetPortalRoles(PortalId)","issues in scheduler when i am running the UserController.DeleteUser(userinfo) i have checked the source code and you are checking portal setting from httpcontext which became null in scheduler, hence it throws error. Can you please fix. public static bool DeleteUser(ref UserInfo user, bool notify, bool deleteAdmin) { int portalID = user.PortalID; user.PortalID = GetEffectivePortalId(portalID); PortalSettings currentPortalSettings = PortalController.GetCurrentPortalSettings(); bool flag = deleteAdmin ? ((bool) true) : ((bool) (user.UserID != currentPortalSettings.AdministratorId)); if (flag) { one more issue in sql i am seeing that i have seven records in my table (Roles) but i am getting only five i dont know what is happening. i am checking the code that you are getting the cached data, is there any property where i can set that it should not come from cached RoleController.GetPortalRoles(job.PortalId,true) Count = 5 [0]: {DotNetNuke.Security.Roles.RoleInfo} [1]: {DotNetNuke.Security.Roles.RoleInfo} [2]: {DotNetNuke.Security.Roles.RoleInfo} [3]: {DotNetNuke.Security.Roles.RoleInfo} [4]: {DotNetNuke.Security.Roles.RoleInfo} RoleController.GetPortalRoles(job.PortalId,false) Count = 5 [0]: {DotNetNuke.Security.Roles.RoleInfo} [1]: {DotNetNuke.Security.Roles.RoleInfo} [2]: {DotNetNuke.Security.Roles.RoleInfo} [3]: {DotNetNuke.Security.Roles.RoleInfo} [4]: {DotNetNuke.Security.Roles.RoleInfo} Can you please look into this",1
-"DNN-3808","10/07/2013 15:19:30","Resend Verification Codes","h3. Card As a site administrator, I should be able to resend an email with a verification code. h3. Conversation * This story requires a mockup h3. Confirmation * A site administrator should be able to go to the user account page and resend a verification code to the user. * The button for resending the verification email should only be visible if the user account is unauthorized and the Account Registration mode is set to ""Verified""",3
-"DNN-3813","10/07/2013 22:40:06","User cannot change his password","# (i) In host settings, *enable* password history (advanced settings > membership mgmt) -- if not already enabled. *(This is the default setting out of the box)* # Register a new user # Login as this new user # Go to My Profile and attempt to change password # (x) {color:red} Password cannot be changed-- A red error message is displayed on the page. This is a bug. {color} (/) {color:green} Password change should be successful. {color} # (x) {color:red} A password reset email is sent to the user. This is a bug. {color} (/) {color:green} User wanted to change password (not reset), so a password reset email should NOT be sent. {color} # (i) In host settings, *disable* password history (advanced settings > membership mgmt) # User can change his password now.",3
-"DNN-3820","10/08/2013 21:42:57","Update Getting Started dialog","h3. Card As a user I want to be able to see key pieces of content when I first install or upgrade DNN. h3. Conversation Still need to finalize mockup h3. Confirmation * Getting started page should change according the attached mockup * The DNN User manual download link, the email subscription block and the opt out block should all be static content on the getting started page. * The getting started block should be iFramed content which exists on DNNSoftware.com * Content in the getting started block should default to placeholder content. Javascript should check for connection to DNNSoftware.com and update the iFrame src to point to html content on DNNSoftware.com ",8
-"DNN-3822","10/08/2013 21:56:56","Opt out of Getting started","h3. Card As a user, I want to be able to prevent the Getting Started dialog from opening again until the next upgrade. h3. Conversation h3. Confirmation * When a user first installs the app, the getting started should display. * If closed by using the ""close"" icon, then the getting started page should stay hidden until the user logs in again. * If the user checks the ""hide"" checkbox and closes the dialog, then the getting started page should stay hidden until the system is upgraded (e.g. the persistence mechanism should be version dependent). * The getting started dialog should be displayed to any host user (e.g. all host users should have the option to signup for the newsletter and be able to ""hide"" the dialog independently). * There should be a host setting that suppresses the default display of the dialog box so that Cloud can display their own getting started experience. * The host setting should be configurable in the dotnetnuke.install.config.",2
-"DNN-3823","10/08/2013 22:21:39","SI: DNN is not FIPS compaint","After enabling FIPS on server, I get the following exception: This implementation is not part of the Windows Platform FIPS validated cryptographic algorithms. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.InvalidOperationException: This implementation is not part of the Windows Platform FIPS validated cryptographic algorithms. Source Error: An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below. Stack Trace: [InvalidOperationException: This implementation is not part of the Windows Platform FIPS validated cryptographic algorithms.] System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider..ctor() +10297902 ClientDependency.Core.StringExtensions.GenerateMd5(String str) +41 ClientDependency.Core.CompositeFiles.Providers.XmlFileMapper.GetXmlMapPath() +30 ClientDependency.Core.CompositeFiles.Providers.XmlFileMapper.Initialize(HttpContextBase http) +113 ClientDependency.Core.Config.ClientDependencySettings.LoadDefaultFileMapConfig(ClientDependencySection section, HttpContextBase http) +225 ClientDependency.Core.Config.ClientDependencySettings.LoadProviders(ClientDependencySection section, HttpContextBase http) +894 ClientDependency.Core.Config.ClientDependencySettings.get_Instance() +91 ClientDependency.Core.Module.ClientDependencyModule.LoadFilterTypes() +24 System.Web.HttpApplication.RegisterEventSubscriptionsWithIIS(IntPtr appContext, HttpContext context, MethodInfo[] handlers) +480 System.Web.HttpApplication.InitSpecial(HttpApplicationState state, MethodInfo[] handlers, IntPtr appContext, HttpContext context) +336 System.Web.HttpApplicationFactory.GetSpecialApplicationInstance(IntPtr appContext, HttpContext context) +350 System.Web.Hosting.PipelineRuntime.InitializeApplication(IntPtr appContext) +382 [HttpException (0x80004005): This implementation is not part of the Windows Platform FIPS validated cryptographic algorithms.] System.Web.HttpRuntime.FirstRequestInit(HttpContext context) +11318198 System.Web.HttpRuntime.EnsureFirstRequestInit(HttpContext context) +88 System.Web.HttpRuntime.ProcessRequestNotificationPrivate(IIS7WorkerRequest wr, HttpContext context) +4348404 Clear Steps to Reproduce: 1. Install default DNN site and make sure site is working 2. Enable FIPS on the hosting server: Administrative Tools->Local Security Policy->Local Policies->Security Options->System cryptography: Use FIPS compliant algorithm for encryption: Enable Actual Result: 1. Site is crashing Expected Result: 1. Site should be compliant with FIPS",5
-"DNN-3835","10/09/2013 23:31:10","First Install Behavior of Getting Started","When a user first installs the app, the getting started should display.",1
-"DNN-3836","10/09/2013 23:31:50","Getting Started Only SHows when Host user logs in","If closed by using the ""close"" icon, then the getting started page should stay hidden until the user logs in again.",1
-"DNN-3837","10/09/2013 23:33:05","Getting Started can be hidden by Checkbox","If the user checks the ""hide"" checkbox and closes the dialog, then the getting started page should stay hidden until the system is upgraded (e.g. the persistence mechanism should be version dependent).",1
-"DNN-3838","10/09/2013 23:33:34","Getting Started displayed to any host user","The getting started dialog should be displayed to any host user (e.g. all host users should have the option to signup for the newsletter and be able to ""hide"" the dialog independently).",1
-"DNN-3839","10/09/2013 23:34:04","Host Setting to hide Getting Started page","There should be a host setting that suppresses the default display of the dialog box so that Cloud can display their own getting started experience.",1
-"DNN-3840","10/09/2013 23:34:56","Host Setting can be configured in install.config","The host setting should be configurable in the dotnetnuke.install.config.",1
-"DNN-3862","10/13/2013 08:48:59","All page properties should be copied when copying a page","When copying a page, currently not all properties from the master page are copied to the new page (skin, permissions, ...). This results on extra tasks to be done when trying to create a page exactly as the master one, or errors, since you think all is copied when in fact it is not. Expected behaviour should be: - copy from a master page - all settings in the new page should be EXACTLY the same, except the page name and title ",1
-"DNN-3864","10/13/2013 09:35:47","Not able to edit page with start date in the future","If a page has a Start Date in the future you cannot edit it, even if host. How to reproduce: - create or edit a page - setup the start date as a date in the future - save - From admin -> page management you cannot change the dates so, - right click click the page on page management and select page settings - you get a 404 error Expected behaviour - the page settings should be presented and user should be able to edit page settings",1
-"DNN-3878","10/15/2013 21:29:19","Cannot select a disabled or hidden page (or their descendants) as the parent of a page","DNN-3373 fixed this issue for page list in the Add Existing Module dialog of the control panel, but it also affects the Parent Page drop down list when creating new pages and editing existing pages. The fix in DNN-3373 was to add two properties to the {{DnnPageDropDownList}} control, to determine whether to include hidden pages and pages of ""all types"" (i.e. URL pages). However, in addition to optionally allowing selection of those pages, even if those two new properties are {{false}}, the children of those pages still need to be available to be selected. *Steps to Reproduce* # Add a disabled page # Add non-disabled children to the disabled page (via the Admin -> Pages module, since that page won't be an option via the Add New Page command in the control panel) # Add a page, setting the ""Link URL"" setting in the Advanced Settings -> Other Settings section # Add non-URL children to the URL page # Select Add New Page from the control panel *Actual Results* - Parent Page list doesn't include any those pages. - Copy From Page list doesn't include any of those pages. *Expected Results* - Parent Page list includes all of those pages - Copy From Page list includes the children (I would assume that the parents are in the tree, but cannot be selected)",3
-"DNN-3889","10/16/2013 19:58:36","SI: turning on Password Retrieval and does not retrieve password","When setting password retrieval to true no option is given for the user to retrieve a password. When setting password reset to false the password reset option is still given, an email is still sent but the password reset link on it does not work.",2
-"DNN-3890","10/16/2013 21:34:21","Extension URL Provider with Type that cannot be found causes whole site to die","If you have registered an Extension URL Provider with a site, but the type that you've registered doesn't exist (e.g. while renaming during development), the entire site goes down, instead of ignoring providers that don't exist.",1
-"DNN-3896","10/17/2013 16:04:32","SI: Client resource management issue","We have an issue with the client resource management. When we enable composite files the combined css file exceeds the IE7 and IE8 limitations it has on some of its syntax. (http://blogs.telerik.com/aspnetmvcteam/posts/10-05-03/internet-explorer-css-limits.aspx). Is there something in the pipeline DNN is looking at doing to resolve this short coming or is there a work around we could use? It's a great feature but currently unusable in its current capacity.",3
-"DNN-3901","10/18/2013 10:02:24","Can't install gallery packages in IE","Reproduce Steps: 1. install 7.2.0 and open in IE; 2. goto Host > Extensions, Open ""More Extensions"" tab; 3. search for keyword ""iframe""; 4. click ""deploy dotnetnuke iframe"". Expected: the install popup show. Actually: page show with error. fix should change Website\DesktopModules\Admin\Extensions\scripts\Gallery.js line 531: return this.BaseDownLoadUrl.replace(escape(""{{ExtensionID}}""), extensionID).replace(""{{ExtensionID}}"", extensionID);",1
-"DNN-3904","10/18/2013 18:36:33","SI: TLS Authentication in SMTP for Exchange","in the SMTP settings there is no way to send TLS authentication for DNN to send email through exchange and other services that require TLS (Such as Amazons AWS) The workaround online is to setup IIS as an SMTP relay with no authentication required and accept mail only from the IP of the DNN server. It would be much simpler for clients if DNN could send the TLS when Exchange requests it. ",2
-"DNN-3907","10/19/2013 18:32:21","URL resx missing in the Extension Installation Wizard","URL resx missing in the Extension Installation Wizard for URL.Text and URL.Help",1
-"DNN-3910","10/21/2013 00:01:29","Make the DNN Standard Desktop DDR Menu Touch Friendly for Mobile and Tablets with doubleTapToGo;js","When using some tablet (Touch devices) on DNN default website, you can't navigate to child pages because of the hover is not managed well. there were previously an approch which disepears ( cf : https://dnntracker.atlassian.net/browse/DNN-22788?filter=-2 ) with the skin switch to Gravity. Please take time to look this news (with video), as the work is minimal (1 js 1 id on a div and 5 lines of code) and give a huge UI quality enhencement. http://www.devpci.com/Actualit%C3%A9s/tabid/115/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/66/Make-your-DNN-Standard-Desktop-DDR-Menu-Touch-Friendly-for-Mobile-and-Tablets.aspx Regards, thx",2
-"DNN-3913","10/21/2013 19:42:25","DNN Error page Operating System and IIS descriptions are out of date","Get latest Content build Create a named folder under C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ Unpack the Content build zip file into the named folder Edit the web.config to point to a remote SQL database Incorrectly permission the named folder Setup the site within IIS so it will load a page without any IIS errors Hit the site remotely Actual Result: I get an outdated DNN Error page It has permission configuration information for Windows 2000 - IIS5, Windows 2003 - IIS6, Windows 2008 - IIS7 Expected Result: It has permission configuration information for Windows 2000 - IIS5, Windows 2003 - IIS6, Windows 2008 - IIS7, Windows 2008R2 - IIS7.5, Windows 7 - IIS7.5 and Windows 8 - IIS8",1
-"DNN-3914","10/21/2013 22:04:57","Add new SQL functions","There are a lot of situations (vw_Portals, vw_Tabs, vw_Modules) where we have sql to identify the file path of an image or icon. This should be re-factored to create a new optimized Filepath function. Further there is SQL in vw_Tabs that is used to determine a ChildTab, and SQL in vw_Portals to determine the SuperTabId. Yjhese should also be extracted into functions. Note: This isue was extracted from Sebastian Leupold's turbo script.",1
-"DNN-3917","10/22/2013 11:32:12","Let owners of social groups delete posts from social group feeds they manage.","Currently the only way to delete a post from a Social Group feed is to be isAdmin - this is not always practical or suitable for portals with a number a Social Groups that may ideally be managed by different people. The most important issue with a live or public feed is providing a mechanism that lets approved members - DELETE offensive or inappropriate posts as quickly as possible. Attached are the minor changes needed to the JournalParser.cs file to let users that are assigned isOwner of a SocialGroup delete posts from that Social Group feed. ======================================= add new property to public class JournalParser private bool isSocialGroupOwner = false; At the start of the GetList() method add: if (CurrentUser.UserID > 0 && SocialGroupId > 0) { Security.Roles.RoleController rc = new Security.Roles.RoleController(); UserRoleInfo thisUserRoleInfo = rc.GetUserRole(PortalSettings.PortalId, CurrentUser.UserID, SocialGroupId); if (thisUserRoleInfo != null) { isSocialGroupOwner = thisUserRoleInfo.IsOwner; } } ===================== at the end of the same method change if (isAdmin || CurrentUser.UserID == ji.UserId) { and replace it with if (isAdmin || CurrentUser.UserID == ji.UserId || isSocialGroupOwner) { ======================== Now if the current logged on user is an OWNER of the current social group they can delete offensive or inappropriate posts without them needed to be isAdmin. Westa",1
-"DNN-3954","10/22/2013 19:19:24","File name cannot be displayed in DAM with group mode","Issue description: File name cannot be displayed in DAM with group mode Steps: 1, Log on as Host 2, Create a page, put in page menu, delete the default HTML module 3, Grant View permission to registered users for the page 4, Add Social Group module to the page 5, Auto Config for Social Group module 6, Create two social groups 7, Go to Group-Activity page of each social group and add DAM module to the page and set DAM as group mode 8, Go to the parent page for all social groups, and click Copy Permissions to Children 9, Create two registered users through Admin - User Accounts 10, As the two registered users, log on to the site and join the two social groups 11, Go to DAM module as registered user, click the upload button to upload a file Actual results: User cannot see the file name in DAM because the column for file name is too narrow Expected results: User should be able to see at least part of the file name",1
-"DNN-3922","10/22/2013 21:42:35","Different Choose File button displayed if running scripts with errors","Build used: DotNetNuke_Community_7.2.0.462_Install - Log in as Host - Goto HOST > SQL to open new SQL module - Pick up a bigger file to load. ( I picked up a pdf file to observe clearly) - Click on Load File button - Click on Run Script Button after loading Result: While it trying to executing the SQL (but wrong format) and running(it will take some seconds), a page with ""brower..."" button will be displayed. (screencopy attached) Expected: While waiting for the executing results, UI shall be consistent. * Sometimes, even when keep clicking ""Load File"" button also can see the page with ""browse..."" button ",1
-"DNN-3925","10/23/2013 00:39:27","Allow .htm / .html extensions on URLS by default","As per DNN-3311 Urls can be created with different extensions now However, if a user adds a URL with an extension of .html or .htm, a 404 will be returned because this has been blocked by default from url rewriting. The fix needed is as follows: Change this line (FriendlyUrlSettings.cs, line 331) from IgnoreRegex = GetStringSetting(IgnoreRegexSetting, @""(? Extensions > Install dummy cache provider from http://dnndummycaching.codeplex.com/ 2) Wait for installation to finish, at end the Host > Extensions page will refresh 3) An error is shown A critical error has occurred. Type 'DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Packages.PackageDependencyInfo' in Assembly 'DotNetNuke, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' is not marked as serializable.",1
-"DNN-3931","10/23/2013 18:07:06","Localization, syntax and spelling errors in 7.2 beta","Recording some spelling mistakes found in 7.2 beta desktopmodules/admin/extensions/editors/app_localesources/javascriptlibraryeditor.ascx.resx - url must be upper case - ""cutom"" must be custom - javascript must be JavaScript desktopmodules/admin/modulecreator/app_localresources/viewsource.ascx.resx - Package should be ""Create Package"" - Select your preferred module development template. Module development templates are stored in the Modules subfolder within the Host Root folder. This text is incorrect since the templates are actually in the folder: /DesktopModules/Admin/ModuleCreator/Templates In profile -> communications tab, the update button is not localized App_Globalresources/SharedResources.resx - ""Parsed Library Manaifest Successfully"" - Library UnRegistered Successfully - {0} desktopmodules/admin/hostsettings/hostsettings.ascx.resx - If checked the installation runs in ""debug mode"", meaning that various parts of the application will write more verbose error logs etc. Note this may lead to performance degredation.",1
-"DNN-3937","10/23/2013 23:03:31","Config component in manifest throws errors when XML Merge script is in separate file","According to http://www.dnnsoftware.com/wiki/Page/Manifest-Component-Installers-The-Config-Component, the Config component within a manifest should support specifying the XML Merge transformations in a separate file, rather than embedding them directly into the manifest. This would look something like this: {code} {code} However, there is a null reference exception that occurs when the {{ConfigInstaller}} tries to commit the change. This is because the installer is trying to reference {{TargetFile.FullName}}, but {{TargetFile}} is only set when the {{fileName}} attribute _isn't_ set on the component. The simple fix would be to check whether {{TargetFile}} is {{null}}. But this overlooks the bigger issue, which is that when the XML Merge script is in a different file, the changes in it are applied directly to the target file (e.g. web.config). This is in contrast to when the XML Merge script is included inline (and to components of other types) which apply changes to temporary files and then commit once the changes are verified as successful. So, in this case where the installation fails because of the null reference exception, those XML Merge changes to the web.config are still applied to the site, and not rolled back, because they took place against the site's web.config already, before the Commit stage.",2
-"DNN-3939","10/24/2013 07:40:26","Missing localization for admin and host menu options","Some menu items on admin and host menus are still displayed in English and provide no option to translate: Admin - Search admin Host - File management - Activate your license - Advanced url management ",1
-"DNN-3941","10/24/2013 08:46:57","Missing resource keys","Missing resource keys in following files: \DesktopModules\Admin\Security\App_LocalResources\EditUser.ascx.resx - key: ControlTitle_profile.Text - value: Profile In admin - Site Settings - when trying to add a new alias I see: RESX:currentAliasHelpLabel.Text - in Tab Advanced URL management I can see: RESX:CharacterSubListLabel.Text, RESX:enable.Text Module Settings - in first tab, section Added to pages: RESX:Site.Header Host Settings - Advanced configuration tab Section: FriendlyUrls settings: RESX:CharacterSubListLabel.Text ",1
-"DNN-3949","10/24/2013 17:43:17","Member directory module localization issues","A couple issue have been identified on the Member Directory module. To reproduce: - install the spanish language pack - set ""Show missing keys"" in web.config to true - install the member directory to any page - go the the settings of the module refer to atttached document with images for issues",1
-"DNN-3951","10/24/2013 18:52:16","User managemente missing localization","How to reproduce: - install spanish language pack - on user management add more than 10 users so the pager control displays at the bottom Expected result - pager displays messages in spanish Wrong result - text are in english: ""Page size"", ""11 items in 2 pages"" ",2
-"DNN-3952","10/24/2013 19:07:28","Missing localizations in Host Settings","Tab advanced configuration section Performance settings - module/page caching provider options are in english section Search criteria - Titles ""Included File Extensions"" and ""Directories"" are not translated ",1
-"DNN-3957","10/24/2013 23:35:03","AUTO: System.IndexOutOfRangeException when updating Module settings","Steps to reproduce: 1. Install the fresh package. 2. Login as Host. 3.Create a new page. 4. Add HTML module to new page. 5. Edit Module settings, Change the Module title. 6. Save the changes. 7. Check Log Viewer. Actual result: the System.IndexOutOfRangeException lister under General Exceptions. AssemblyVersion:7.2.0 PortalID:0 PortalName:My Website UserID:1 UserName:host ActiveTabID:128 ActiveTabName:BVTPageForModuleTesting RawURL:/BVTPageForModuleTesting/ctl/Module/ModuleId/578 AbsoluteURL:/Default.aspx AbsoluteURLReferrer:http://cebvt.lvh.me/BVTPageForModuleTesting/ctl/Module/ModuleId/578 UserAgent:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:21.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/21.0 DefaultDataProvider:DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider, DotNetNuke ExceptionGUID:a2d18b00-5618-434e-b906-40e5697bfc5a InnerException:Index was outside the bounds of the array. FileName: FileLineNumber:0 FileColumnNumber:0 Method:System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.CheckDataIsReady StackTrace: Message: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array. at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.CheckDataIsReady(Int32 columnIndex, Boolean allowPartiallyReadColumn, Boolean permitAsync, String methodName) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.TryReadColumn(Int32 i, Boolean setTimeout, Boolean allowPartiallyReadColumn) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.ReadColumn(Int32 i, Boolean setTimeout, Boolean allowPartiallyReadColumn) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetString(Int32 i) at DotNetNuke.Entities.Modules.ModuleController.UpdateTabModuleSetting(Int32 tabModuleId, String settingName, String settingValue) Note: the similar error is logged during Installation.",1
-"DNN-3960","10/25/2013 00:14:20","SI: Profile Picture Handler SSL Offloading Mixed Content Warning","Sites which are using SSL Offloading will get a mixed content warning from the profilepic.ashx handler. It should be loaded in https, but it is called with http.",3
-"DNN-3964","10/25/2013 19:07:38","Export buttons don't work when using multiple queries","If you run a SQL script that returns multiple result sets, then the SQL module will display the results in multiple tabs. The export buttons do not appear to work on any tab other than the first one. Repro steps: 1. Navigate to Host >> SQL 2. Enter a query that returns multiple result sets (select * from users; select * from tabs) 3. Run the script Expected: 1. The user should be able to export the result set from each tab Actual: 1. The user is only able to export the result set from the first tab",5
-"DNN-3966","10/25/2013 23:06:07","The Site crawler does not index all users","The Site crawler does not index all users Steps to reproduce 1. Install the latest DNN Platform 7.2.0 build 513 (Auto Instalation) 2. Login as Host 3. Go to Admin – Users Accounts 4. Cerate two users Tester and Alexey 5. Go to Admin – Search Admin 6. Re-index Content 7. Go to Host – Schedule 8. Open the Site Crawler history Actual result: only one user was indexed) Expected result: three users are indexed (Admin, Alexey, Tester) 9. Try to search for each user (Admin, Alexey, Tester) one by one Actual result: Only Admin was be found Expected result: All tree users are found ",1
-"DNN-3967","10/25/2013 23:06:23","Usage of Email Delivery Schedule settings is wrong","Issue description: Usage of Email Delivery Schedule is wrong Steps: 1, Install DNN with FQDN 2, Log on as Host and set up email dump to a local folder 3, Create a page, put in page menu, delete the default HTML module, and add DAM module 4, Grant View permission for the page and DAM module to registered user 5, Create two registered users - kun_file and kun_folder 6, Start separate browsers for each registered user to logon 7, In the page with DAM module, in Edit mode, add UNC, Amazon S3 and Azure folder providers 8, Create six folders for each folder type - Standard, Secure, DB, S3, UNC and Azure 9, Upload a few files into Standard, Secure and DB folders 10, Sync folders and subfolders for S3, UNC and Azure folders 11, As kun_file, subscribe at least one file in each of the six folders, and ensure Email Delivery Schedule from Profile - Communications as Notification Frequency - Hourly and Message Frequency - Instant 12, As kun_folder, subscribe all six folders, and ensure Email Delivery Schedule from Profile - Communications as Notification Frequency - Hourly and Message Frequency - Instant 13, As Host, set the expiration dates for all the files subscribed as tomorrow 14, Go to Host - Schedule, and run Expired documents Scheduler immediately 15, Check notifications and emails as user kun_file and kun_folder Actual results: 1, Users do not get any email instantly, but will receive emails after an hour 2, Users will get notification instantly Expected results: 1, Because notification frequency is Hourly, users should get notifications hourly 2, Because message frequency is Instant, users should get emails instantly",1
-"DNN-3978","10/25/2013 23:35:41","File name should be clickable url in notification under folder workflow mechanism","Issue description: File name should be clickable url in notification under folder workflow mechanism Steps: 1, Log on as Host 2, Create a page and put it in page menu 3, Delete the default HTML module and add DAM module to the page 4, Grant View permission to registered users for the page and DAM module 5, Create a standard folder under Root and upload one file into the folder 6, Right click the folder in folder pane, select View Folder Properties, check Enable including sub folders for Workflow, and Save 7, For the same folder, in Permission tab of View Folder Properties, grant Browser Folder, View Folder and Add permissions to registered user 8, Create a registered user and grant it Administrator role 9, In another browser, log on as the registered user, go to the folder created, and upload the same file again 10, Right click on the file uploaded, go to Workflow tab and publish the file as the registered user 11, As Admin, find the notification related to file approval Actual results: In the notification, the file name is not clickable url, and the notification does not explain Expected results: The notification should show clickable url, by clicking the url, Admin can go to the page/module/folder to finish the approval process",8
-"DNN-3974","10/28/2013 14:26:10","SI: Cant select year earlier than 1980","Date type profile properties can not select a date which is older than 1980. Steps to reproduce: 1. Create a new profile property 2. type = date, name = birthday 3. Edit a users profile, and click the calendar control 4. attempt to select a date older than 1980",1
-"DNN-3977","10/28/2013 18:09:58","SI: Deprecated jquery function in DNNMenu.js","The script /DesktopModules/DDRMenu/DNNMenu/DNNMenu.min.js uses the JQuery function CurCSS. However CurCSS is outdated, and causes the menu to stop working in newer versions of jQuery (1.8+ i.e. on DNN 7.1) http://blog.jquery.com/2012/08/09/jquery-1-8-released/ .CurCSS can just be replaced with .css",2
-"DNN-3979","10/28/2013 19:56:26","The Fatal error on the page creation","The Fatal error on the page creation Steps to reproduce: 1. Install the latest DNN 2. Login as Host 3. Go to Pages - Add New Page 4. Add a new Page named MC 5. Go to ..\site\Portals\_default\Logs 6. Look into yyyy.mm.dd.log.resources ",1
-"DNN-3987","10/29/2013 00:44:47","""Choose File"" in XmlMerge missing translation","""Choose File"" is not translated",1
-"DNN-3988","10/29/2013 00:56:05","does each module need to repeat items from Global Shared Resources in local Shared Resources?","Core Messaging contains common terms like ""daily"", ""weekly"" etc. which should be taken from App_GlobalResources\SharedResources instead",1
-"DNN-3995","10/29/2013 13:00:55","Typos in GlobalResources/SharedResource.resx","typos in keys GettingStarted.SignUpLabel and LIBRARY_ReadSuccess.Text ",2
-"DNN-3996","10/29/2013 13:20:16","Label for UI Language change needs to be changed","Label for language selector in control panel needs to be changed from ""switch languages"" to ""Switch UI Language:"" (with a colon) current: !https://dnntracker.atlassian.net/secure/attachment/12819/2013-10-22%2014-15-45.png! desired: !https://dnntracker.atlassian.net/secure/attachment/12624/_lang-selector-ui-mockup1.jpg!",1
-"DNN-3998","10/29/2013 14:29:08","Document Viewer lost in Translation","numerous translations missing in view control",1
-"DNN-3999","10/29/2013 14:41:52","Document Viewer: Adjust Pane Width","In Settings, Pane width doesn't take into account that texts may be wider in other languages and might cause a line wrap (see attachment)",1
-"DNN-4002","10/29/2013 16:09:52","Language Editor Broken (again","- unable to save GlobalResources/SharedResources.resx - times out after a few minutes, not saving changes upon ""save"" click (no error message) - no response, whether a file has been saved or an error occurred.",1
-"DNN-4003","10/29/2013 16:31:14","Copy Page >> Copy option should be selected by default for all modules","When copying a page (from the control panel); On the ""Copy Page"" tab (that is displayed on popup), the ""Action"" radiobuttonlist selection should be changed to ""Copy"" by default (for each module listed on that page) instead of the ""New"" option or ""Reference"" option. Also, on the ""Page Details"" tab of the popup, ""Page Name"" field should be populated with "" - Copy"" The reason is that the workflow is about copying page – so ""copy"" should be the default selection. Also, the idea is that this should be a one-click operation – meaning that user clicks on copy page from the control panel and then just clicks ""Add Page"" button to copy that page.",1
-"DNN-4004","10/29/2013 17:57:06","search text needs encoded/decoded for use in the search service","when searching the text is passed to a service framework method - however it is not encoded so this can break the page javascript. We need to safely encode it and decode it within the relevant method ",1
-"DNN-4014","10/30/2013 19:57:16","Packaging name changes"," We need to update the package names that get created for 7.2.0. Right now everything is getting built as “DotNetNuke_{Community/Professional/Enterprise}_{Version}_{PackageType}.zip For DNN Platform the new naming should be DNN_Platform_{Version}_{PackageType}.zip. Please make that change prior to code freeze on Monday. Content should be named as Evoq_Content_{Version}_{PackageType}.zip. Please check with content team on how to handle enterprise package. ",1
-"DNN-4015","10/30/2013 20:09:15","My Profile -- Friends >> Please add ability to search for users (potential friends)","{panel:bgColor=#F7E6E6} # When a user goes to his Profile, there is a section for ""Friends"" (besides Activity Feed, Messages and My Profile). # When the user clicks on ""Friends"", initially no members are displayed in this list as currently he has no friends. There is no way to search for users of the website, so that he can send out friend requests. :( # The only way this can be done is if there is a member directory page somewhere on the website, where he can see all users of the website. But what if such a page does not exist on the website? {panel} {panel:bgColor=#E6F7E8} (*g) _Improvement request:_ # We should provide an out-of-the-box way to search for users of the website, right here on this ""Activity-Feed/Friends"" page. # On the ""Activity-Feed/Friends"" page, *above* the list of existing friends, and *under* the user's name, we should add a new section/divcalled ""Find more friends: "". #* The existing users can be put in a section/div called ""My friends"" # We should add the ability to search all users of the website via *search textbox (just like member directory and facebook).* # A list of ""autocomplete"" suggestions should be displayed in a dropdown upon typing a few characters in this search textbox. (this functionality already exists in member directory) # The user can then select the user that he wants to send a friend request to from this dropdown. # This will take the user to the profile/activityfeed of that user, from where he can already send a friend request. (this functionality already works) {panel} (on) This is in line with making our product more ""Social""",1
-"DNN-4016","10/30/2013 20:25:30","Live Authentication on Multiple Portals - User Already Exists Error","I have a DNN 7.1.2 host with multiple portals that use the Live Authentication 7.1.2 module. When the same live id is used on two different portals, the second portal the user tries to login to, reports the error ""A User Already Exists For the Username Specified. Please Register Again Using A Different Username."" Am I missing something in configuration, or is this a short coming of the Live Authentication module (note: a regular user id can be registered on multiple portals)? Repro Steps: 1) Install 7.1.2 DNN Host 2) Install Live Authentication Provider 3) Create Portal A and setup with Live Authentication 4) Create Portal B and setup with Live Authentication 5) Log onto Portal A using Sign In with Windows Live 6) Log onto Portal B using Sign In with Windows Live Results User is authenticated and registered with Portal A. User receives error that user already exists with Portal B. Expected Result User is registered in the portals user id table on both portals linking to the same user id on the user id table. ",1
-"DNN-4020","10/30/2013 22:07:00","DAM > Renaming files doesn't work","Description: Renaming files no longer works Steps: - Install Evoq Content - Navigate to the File Manager - Right click on a file - Rename the file Expected Outcome: The user must be able to rename the file Actual Outcome: On click, the tree hides, only the files in a folder are shown and the files is not renamed. The text box is still active.",1
-"DNN-4024","10/31/2013 15:59:09","Home Directory Setting Usability Issue","When a site admin or host user wants to see what directory DNN is installed in, they have a small number of places to look. One of those places is in Site Settings. However, finding it proves to be a chore. It's currently found in Admin > Site Settings > Advanced Settings > Page Management. This doesn't make any sense. It should instead be in Admin > Site Settings > Basic Settings > Site Details. I've been using DNN for quite a long time and it took me a while to find this for a student during an onsite training engagement.",1
-"DNN-4025","10/31/2013 20:42:05","Logo Skin Object Has Inline Style","The HTML markup that's emitted by the Logo skin object includes an inline style. This should instead be using CSS. ~/Admin/Skins/Logo.ascx ~/Admin/Skins/Logo.ascx.cs Mark-up: ",1
-"DNN-4027","10/31/2013 21:28:11","Fallback DOCTYPE Location Confusion","The location of the Fallback Doctype setting is current in Host > Host Settings > Basic Settings > Host Details. This does not make any sense when there is an Appearance section just below. Doctype has a direct impact on Appearance, so it would make a lot more sense for it to be there instead. ",1
-"DNN-4029","11/01/2013 00:06:56","SI: UsersOnline throwing caching exception","UsersOnline is throwing a caching exception, which was explained by Bruce as follows: It literally means that a collection was changed (items added, removed or collection cleared) while another thread was doing an enumeration on the object. The collection is no longer in the state expected during the enumeration process and so the exception is thrown. However, why this is…. It could either be a bug in that a collection is being accessed by multiple threads without a thread lock (all generic collections in c# are not thread safe and require locking to be implemented by the developer) – or it could be something else within the caching provider. The first place to look is in the UserOnlineController.SetUserList function – when and where this is called and if it could lead to a thread unsafe operation. exception: 2013-10-31 02:30:00,567 [RD00155D4440AF][Thread:65][FATAL] DotNetNuke.Web.Common.Internal.DotNetNukeHttpApplication - System.InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute. at System.Collections.Hashtable.GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.WriteObjectInfo.InitSerialize(Object obj, ISurrogateSelector surrogateSelector, StreamingContext context, SerObjectInfoInit serObjectInfoInit, IFormatterConverter converter, ObjectWriter objectWriter, SerializationBinder binder) at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.WriteObjectInfo.Serialize(Object obj, ISurrogateSelector surrogateSelector, StreamingContext context, SerObjectInfoInit serObjectInfoInit, IFormatterConverter converter, ObjectWriter objectWriter, SerializationBinder binder) at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.ObjectWriter.Serialize(Object graph, Header[] inHeaders, __BinaryWriter serWriter, Boolean fCheck) at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter.Serialize(Stream serializationStream, Object graph, Header[] headers, Boolean fCheck) at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter.Serialize(Stream serializationStream, Object graph, Header[] headers) at Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching.DataCacheObjectSerializationProvider.SerializeUserObject(Object userObject, Boolean isCompressionEnabled, ValueFlagsVersion flagsType) at Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching.SocketClientProtocol.Upsert(VelocityPacketType type, String key, Object value, DataCacheItemVersion oldVersion, TimeSpan timeout, DataCacheTag[] tags, String region, IMonitoringListener listener) at Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching.SocketClientProtocol.Put(String key, Object value, DataCacheItemVersion oldVersion, TimeSpan timeout, DataCacheTag[] tags, String region, IMonitoringListener listener) at Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching.DataCache.InternalPut(String key, Object value, DataCacheItemVersion oldVersion, TimeSpan timeout, DataCacheTag[] tags, String region, IMonitoringListener listener) at Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching.DataCache.<>c__DisplayClass4a.b__49() at Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching.DataCache.Put(String key, Object value, TimeSpan timeout, IEnumerable`1 tags, String region) at DotNetNuke.Providers.CachingProviders.AzureCachingProvider.AzureCachingProvider.Put(String cacheKey, Object itemToCache, DateTime absoluteExpiration, TimeSpan slidingExpiration) at DotNetNuke.Providers.CachingProviders.AzureCachingProvider.AzureCachingProvider.Insert(String cacheKey, Object itemToCache, DNNCacheDependency dependency, DateTime absoluteExpiration, TimeSpan slidingExpiration, CacheItemPriority priority, CacheItemRemovedCallback onRemoveCallback) at DotNetNuke.Common.Utilities.DataCache.SetCache(String CacheKey, Object objObject, DNNCacheDependency objDependency, DateTime AbsoluteExpiration, TimeSpan SlidingExpiration, CacheItemPriority Priority, CacheItemRemovedCallback OnRemoveCallback) at DotNetNuke.Entities.Users.UserOnlineController.SetUserList(Hashtable userList) at DotNetNuke.Entities.Users.UserOnlineController.TrackAuthenticatedUser(HttpContext context) at System.Web.HttpApplication.SyncEventExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute() at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously) ",1
-"DNN-4034","11/01/2013 17:49:54","Blank Website template does not contain 404 page","When creating a site using the blank template, it does not have the 404 Error Page. h3. Steps to Reproduce # Create site with Blank Template (e.g. {{dnndev.me/404test}}) # Go to a URL that doesn't exist (e.g. {{dnndev.me/404test/abcd}}) h3. Actual Result - Error about 404 page not being configured h3. Expected Result - Error page that is a DNN page",1
-"DNN-4035","11/01/2013 18:03:59","Installation > Logfile full of Javascript errors","# Install CE # Open _log.resources_ logfile # Tons of javascript error are logged (175KB). Please see attached logfile.",1
-"DNN-4037","11/01/2013 20:54:23","Dashboard shows ""Friendly URL Type"" as ""searchfriendly"" instead of ""Advanced""","The Dashboard module's Host tab has an entry for ""Friendly URL Type,"" but it does not show the correct value when the Advanced URL Provider is configured (i.e. by default in 7.1.x installs). The underlying code shows {{""searchfriendly""}} for every value other than {{""humanfriendly""}}.",1
-"DNN-4043","11/04/2013 17:17:30","Synonyms ad Ignored Words in Search Admin are not working using German Language Pack","UI for _Synonyms_ and _Ignored Words_ is not shown if the latest German language pack is applied and used. *Cause* MessageReIndexWarning.Text in SearchAdmin.ascx.de-DE.resx is missing the closing div tag.",2
-"DNN-4078","11/04/2013 19:56:35","DAM > Group Not Valid","Descriptions: DAM throws an error when enabling group mode Steps: - Install DNN Platform 7.2.0 - Create a new page and delete the HTML module - Add a Social Groups module and auto configure it - Create a new group - Add a DAM module for the group - Configure it to run in group mode Expected Outcome: The module must only load the group folder Actual Outcome: There is an error, see screenshot",1
-"DNN-4045","11/05/2013 00:44:03","Upgrade from 6.2.7 to >> Cannot login to upgraded site","# Install 6.2.7 CE # Upgrade to CE. Upgraded ok. # Try to login to upgraded site. (x) DNN Error is displayed. At this time, the url reads: _http://www.upg1a.com/Default.aspx?tabid=55&error=Object+reference+not+set+to+an+instance+of+an+object.&content=0_ (i) Please see attached 3 logfiles (i) This is a showstopper for 7.2.0 ",1
-"DNN-4047","11/05/2013 01:09:10","Cannot add module to page","Description: Cannot add modules to pages Steps: - Install DNN 7.1.0 - Upgrade to - Create a new page and delete the html module - Try adding a new module Expected Outcome: The user must be able to add modules to the page Actual Outcome: The user is not able to add modules to the page",1
-"DNN-4049","11/05/2013 01:17:34","Page is created with errors","Description: When a new page is created, it is created with errors Steps: - Install Evoq Content 7.1.0 - Upgrade to 7.2.0 - Create a new page Expected Outcome: The page is created successfully Actual Outcome: The page is created but the trial license message is shown in between the title and the content of the default html module The module menu icons are not displayed correctly See Screenshot",1
-"DNN-4051","11/05/2013 01:29:39","Links using in line editing do not work as expected","Description: Creating links using in line editing does not work as expected Steps: - Install Evoq Content 7.1.0 - Upgrade to 7.2.0 - Enable Inline Editor - Navigate to one of the default pages - Add some text at the end of the content in a module, select it and create a link Expected Outcome: The user must be able to convert the newly added content into a link Actual Outcome: The newly created content does not turn into a link but link with the text is inserted at the beginning of the content, and the pop up to enter the URL is displayed at the top of the page and not where the mouse is",1
-"DNN-4053","11/05/2013 11:02:48","Dutch translation","The Dutch translation is of poor quality, the translation of new items is clearly done automated without checking the quality. This is very poor practice. Attached an example. It should say: ""Is exporteerbaar""",2
-"DNN-4056","11/05/2013 15:41:42","Rad Editor > Document Manager > Files are not shown when contained in a non-Standard Folder ","Files are not shown when contained in a non-Standard Folder when browsed from the RadEditor Document Manager. *Step to reproduce* # Install # Log in as Host # Go to Admin > File Management # Create two folders: one database, one secure # Upload some files on these new folders # files are displayed in DAM # Go to Home # Switch to EditMode # Edit Content of one HtmlModule on the page # Click on Document Manager # Browser database and secure folders *Actual Result* Files are not shown *Expected Result* Files should be displayed ",1
-"DNN-4060","11/05/2013 21:15:52","Localization pop up - Progress text says NaN%","Install latest Platform, Content or Enterprise 7.2.0 as FQDN site w/remote db Log in as Host Go Host > Host Settings > Other Settings Scroll down and tick the box for ""Enable Content Localization"" Click ""Update"" button bottom left of the page Go Admin > Advanced Settings > Languages Click ""Install available languages"" button Click ""Deploy"" button for 1 or more languages and run through the install pop up Now go out and get \\dnn-vh1\Engineering\3rd Party Modules\Language Packs\DNNCastellano_PaqueteIdioma_4_8_4_es_MX_TT Install this LP While the localization process is ongoing view the ""Progress... "" text Actual Result: NaN% Expected Result: A time value of seconds minutes and seconds hours, minutes and seconds EG: 5 seconds 5 minutes and 34 seconds 2 hours 10 minutes and 49 seconds ",1
-"DNN-4063","11/05/2013 23:04:30","ON HOLD: Cannot add a module to a non en-US copy of an en-US page","Setup: Platform/Content/EE installed as FQDN site w/remote db At least 5 languages installed 1 of which is 3rd party from: \\dnn-vh1\Engineering\3rd Party Modules\Language Packs I used the Mexico (Spanish) LP Log in as HOST Click any language flag to reset your language from English (en-US) On the Home page hover over ""Pages"" and select ""Copy Page"" Name the page in the top 3 text boxes Click ""Create"" Now from the Modules dropdown select ""Add Module: Hover over any module and left click then drag and drop onto the page Actual Result: I cannot add any module onto this copied page This behavior works if I switch back to English and reload the copied page but not on a non en-US copied page I get NO errors anywhere Not in the browser Not in the log.resources file Not in the Log viewer of the site Expected Result: Drag and Drop always works regardless of language used SCREEN CAST: http://screencast.com/t/Lb9RVzux",1
-"DNN-4064","11/05/2013 23:12:23","Member Directory >> Members from other portals with same Username are displayed","(i) This bug occurs in PE/EE as well # Install CE/PE/EE # Create a page with member directory on it # Register a user with username ""Jack"" # Create a child portal (from main site) # Create a page with member directory on it # Register a user with username ""Jack"" # Create a parent portal (from main site) # Create a page with member directory on it # Register a user with username ""Jack"" # Go to the Member Directory page of any portal (main, child, parent) and login as Jack -- 3 user cards with name ""Jack"" are listed. (x) All 3 user cards are treated as the currently logged in user. This is a bug. (/) Only one user card for ""Jack"" should be displayed. # Change the profile properties of ""Jack"" -- change the display name, Email, Password. Login to a different portal (main, child, parent). (x) The profile properties of all ""Jacks"" across all portals have been changed -- their display names, Emails, and Passwords are changed. This is a bug. (/) Changing profile properties of a user in one portal should *not* change the profile properties of a user in another portal with the same username. {panel:bgColor=#AAFFAA} Screencast: http://screencast.com/t/TqwGK2Lo {panel}",2
-"DNN-4065","11/06/2013 00:05:19","HTML > In line editing not working as expected","Description: The in line editor feature is not working as expected Steps: - Install Evoq Content 7.1.0 - Upgrade to 7.2.0 - On the home page edit the first html module by typing the pencil icon, entering any text (i.e. aaaaaaa), click on outdent, and then indent. Expected Outcome The text must be indented once Actual Outcome When the user click on indent, the image moves down many spaces (see screenshot)",1
-"DNN-4068","11/06/2013 19:45:06","Subpage of third level is inaccessible from navigation menu","Subpage of third level is inaccessible from navigation menu The issue was introduced in the 7.2.0 development cycle, and cannot be reproduced in the DNN 7.1.2 And there is no workaround from the user point of view, only way to open the page is direct typing in the URL Steps to reproduce: 1. Install the latest DNN 2. Login as Host 3. Create a subpages P1 and P2 of the Home page 4. Create 5. Create Subpage P21 of page P2 6. Create Subpage P211 of page p21 7. Go to Home 8. Try to go to P21 or P211 Actual result: the elements P21 and P211 of navigation menu are inaccessible (Attachment 1). The P21 element is opened much below than in 7.1.2, and closed immediately as mouse start moving in that direction. The P211 element is not opened. Expected result: all elements of navigation menu are accessible ",1
-"DNN-4069","11/06/2013 19:55:29","Search - If wildcard is at beginning instead of end an error is logged in log.resources","Install Platform 7.2.0 latest build as FQDN site w/remote db Log in as Host Add a bunch of files via Admin > File Manager Synchronize the File Manager (Sub-folders and this folder) Create a new page Set page into Edit mode Hover over the pencil icon top right of the HTML module Click ""Edit Content"" In the HTML module hover over the Media manager (paper clip icon) Select ""Document Manager Select 1 of the files you previously added via File Manager Repeat file add so you have at least 2 files linked in this HTML module Click ""Save"" Take the page out of Edit mode Go Admin > Advanced Settings > Search admin Click on the ""Re-Insex"" button Once re-indexing has completed click on the ""Awesome Cycles"" logo do a wildcard search.. *doc or whatever extension is of at least 1 of the documents you previously added. Check the contents of the log.resources file Actual Result: You will get a ""No Result"" message in the UI In log.resources file these errors appear: 2013-11-06 11:42:56,635 [W2012SERVER1][Thread:84][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - System.NotSupportedException: Unable to do matching with wildcard at the beginning at Lucene.Net.Search.Vectorhighlight.StringUtils.TermStringMatch(String term, String termToMatch) at Lucene.Net.Search.Vectorhighlight.StringUtils.AnyTermMatch(IList`1 terms, String term) at Lucene.Net.Search.Vectorhighlight.VectorHighlightMapper.Map(String term, Int32 frequency, TermVectorOffsetInfo[] offsets, Int32[] positions) at Lucene.Net.Index.TermVectorsReader.ReadTermVector(String field, Int64 tvfPointer, TermVectorMapper mapper) at Lucene.Net.Search.Vectorhighlight.FieldTermStack..ctor(IndexReader reader, Int32 docId, String fieldName, FieldQuery fieldQuery) at Lucene.Net.Search.Vectorhighlight.FastVectorHighlighter.GetFieldFragList(FieldQuery fieldQuery, IndexReader reader, Int32 docId, String fieldName, Int32 fragCharSize) at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.Internals.LuceneControllerImpl.GetHighlightedText(FastVectorHighlighter highlighter, FieldQuery fieldQuery, IndexSearcher searcher, ScoreDoc match, String tag, Int32 length) at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.Internals.LuceneControllerImpl.<>c__DisplayClass8.b__7(ScoreDoc match) at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectListIterator`2.MoveNext() at System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection) at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source) at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.Internals.LuceneControllerImpl.Search(LuceneQuery luceneQuery, Int32& totalHits, SecurityCheckerDelegate securityChecker) at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.Controllers.SearchControllerImpl.GetSecurityTrimmedResults(SearchQuery searchQuery, LuceneQuery luceneQuery) at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.Controllers.SearchControllerImpl.GetResults(SearchQuery searchQuery) at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.Controllers.SearchControllerImpl.SiteSearch(SearchQuery searchQuery) at DotNetNuke.Web.InternalServices.SearchServiceController.GetBasicViews(SearchQuery searchQuery, Int32& totalHits) at DotNetNuke.Web.InternalServices.SearchServiceController.Preview(String keywords, String culture, Int32 forceWild, Int32 portal) 2013-11-06 11:42:58,699 [W2012SERVER1][Thread:72][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - System.NotSupportedException: Unable to do matching with wildcard at the beginning at Lucene.Net.Search.Vectorhighlight.StringUtils.TermStringMatch(String term, String termToMatch) at Lucene.Net.Search.Vectorhighlight.StringUtils.AnyTermMatch(IList`1 terms, String term) at Lucene.Net.Search.Vectorhighlight.VectorHighlightMapper.Map(String term, Int32 frequency, TermVectorOffsetInfo[] offsets, Int32[] positions) at Lucene.Net.Index.TermVectorsReader.ReadTermVector(String field, Int64 tvfPointer, TermVectorMapper mapper) at Lucene.Net.Search.Vectorhighlight.FieldTermStack..ctor(IndexReader reader, Int32 docId, String fieldName, FieldQuery fieldQuery) at Lucene.Net.Search.Vectorhighlight.FastVectorHighlighter.GetFieldFragList(FieldQuery fieldQuery, IndexReader reader, Int32 docId, String fieldName, Int32 fragCharSize) at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.Internals.LuceneControllerImpl.GetHighlightedText(FastVectorHighlighter highlighter, FieldQuery fieldQuery, IndexSearcher searcher, ScoreDoc match, String tag, Int32 length) at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.Internals.LuceneControllerImpl.<>c__DisplayClass8.b__7(ScoreDoc match) at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectListIterator`2.MoveNext() at System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection) at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source) at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.Internals.LuceneControllerImpl.Search(LuceneQuery luceneQuery, Int32& totalHits, SecurityCheckerDelegate securityChecker) at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.Controllers.SearchControllerImpl.GetSecurityTrimmedResults(SearchQuery searchQuery, LuceneQuery luceneQuery) at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.Controllers.SearchControllerImpl.GetResults(SearchQuery searchQuery) at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.Controllers.SearchControllerImpl.SiteSearch(SearchQuery searchQuery) at DotNetNuke.Web.InternalServices.SearchServiceController.GetBasicViews(SearchQuery searchQuery, Int32& totalHits) at DotNetNuke.Web.InternalServices.SearchServiceController.Preview(String keywords, String culture, Int32 forceWild, Int32 portal) 2013-11-06 11:42:59,266 [W2012SERVER1][Thread:71][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - System.NotSupportedException: Unable to do matching with wildcard at the beginning at Lucene.Net.Search.Vectorhighlight.StringUtils.TermStringMatch(String term, String termToMatch) at Lucene.Net.Search.Vectorhighlight.StringUtils.AnyTermMatch(IList`1 terms, String term) at Lucene.Net.Search.Vectorhighlight.VectorHighlightMapper.Map(String term, Int32 frequency, TermVectorOffsetInfo[] offsets, Int32[] positions) at Lucene.Net.Index.TermVectorsReader.ReadTermVector(String field, Int64 tvfPointer, TermVectorMapper mapper) at Lucene.Net.Search.Vectorhighlight.FieldTermStack..ctor(IndexReader reader, Int32 docId, String fieldName, FieldQuery fieldQuery) at Lucene.Net.Search.Vectorhighlight.FastVectorHighlighter.GetFieldFragList(FieldQuery fieldQuery, IndexReader reader, Int32 docId, String fieldName, Int32 fragCharSize) at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.Internals.LuceneControllerImpl.GetHighlightedText(FastVectorHighlighter highlighter, FieldQuery fieldQuery, IndexSearcher searcher, ScoreDoc match, String tag, Int32 length) at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.Internals.LuceneControllerImpl.<>c__DisplayClass8.b__7(ScoreDoc match) at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectListIterator`2.MoveNext() at System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection) at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source) at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.Internals.LuceneControllerImpl.Search(LuceneQuery luceneQuery, Int32& totalHits, SecurityCheckerDelegate securityChecker) at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.Controllers.SearchControllerImpl.GetSecurityTrimmedResults(SearchQuery searchQuery, LuceneQuery luceneQuery) at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.Controllers.SearchControllerImpl.GetResults(SearchQuery searchQuery) at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.Controllers.SearchControllerImpl.SiteSearch(SearchQuery searchQuery) at DotNetNuke.Web.InternalServices.SearchServiceController.GetBasicViews(SearchQuery searchQuery, Int32& totalHits) at DotNetNuke.Web.InternalServices.SearchServiceController.Preview(String keywords, String culture, Int32 forceWild, Int32 portal) Expected Result: In the UI ""No Result"" No error in the log file Notes: if you properly format the Wildcard search as pdf* or doc* no error is thrown and you get a proper response in the UI.. ""No Result"" if no match A list of matching results",2
-"DNN-4072","11/06/2013 21:18:51","Exact Phrase returns results from individual words within the phrase","Install latest Platform 7.2.0 build as FQDN site w/remote db Log in as Host Add 1 user Go Admin - File Manager Create a new folder Upload a bunch of docs to this folder Synchronize File Manager (sub-folders and this folder) Create a new page Edit the page and in HTML editor add at least 2 documents Add a paragraph of text with a specific phrase of at least 3 words Save all Take the page out of edit mode Go Admin > Advanced Settings > Search Admin Run Re-indexer Hit site in different browser and log in as user you added in Step 2 Search for the specific phrase you added to the HTML editor EG: ""Live is fun"" ... with the quotes! Actual Result: Search finds the results for ""is"" and ""fun"" Search does return results for the phrase ""Live is fun"" Expected Result: Search finds and returns the exact phrase ""Live is fun"" and the corresponding page Search does not find and return matching words within the phrase This was logged in the linked issue Social -27041 but was ignored/not commented on when that issue was worked. ",2
-"DNN-4075","11/07/2013 01:03:05","Users doesn't all indexed in dnnsoftware.com","some users doesn't has any record in user profile table, so they will not indexed in search, need find out why they doesn't have profile.",1
-"DNN-4077","11/07/2013 11:22:36","captcha doesn't show on reset password page","if URL mode was Advanced mode, in reset password page, captcha image doesn't show and will be error 404",2
-"DNN-4081","11/07/2013 17:22:26","Advanced URL Management - 404 error page is not shown when dead url with extension is requested","In a DNN 7.1.1+ instance, if you request a page that does not exist with an extension you will get an asp server 404 error screen, not the 404 error page that should be displayed from DNN. Steps to reproduce: 1. DNN 7.1.1 instance 2. Enable Advanced URL manamgement 3. Make sure you have a 404 error page set up 4. Request www.site.com/deadpage.aspx If you request teh deadpage without the extension (www.site.com/deadpage) everything works as expected. As a side note the following issues are realted: https://dnntracker.atlassian.net/browse/DNN-3382 https://dnntracker.atlassian.net/browse/DNN-4034 https://dnntracker.atlassian.net/browse/DNN-3894 These issues are about how to enable 404 error handling page from upgrade or blank website template. I created a script to solve these problems, but it did not solve the deadpage.aspx issue here.",2
-"DNN-4083","11/07/2013 18:18:06","Search doesn't work with Caching Provider installed ","Steps to reproduce. 1. Install fresh Platform package 2. Install Dummy Caching Provider. 3. Try to use Search. Actual result: Any Search produce 'No records found' message. The logs contains exception record: 2013-11-07 10:12:25,421 [DNN-PC36][Thread:78][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException: Type 'DotNetNuke.Services.Search.Controllers.UserResultController' in Assembly 'DotNetNuke, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' is not marked as serializable. at System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterServices.InternalGetSerializableMembers(RuntimeType type) at System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterServices.GetSerializableMembers(Type type, StreamingContext context) at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.WriteObjectInfo.InitMemberInfo() at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.WriteObjectInfo.InitSerialize(Object obj, ISurrogateSelector surrogateSelector, StreamingContext context, SerObjectInfoInit serObjectInfoInit, IFormatterConverter converter, ObjectWriter objectWriter, SerializationBinder binder) at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.ObjectWriter.Write(WriteObjectInfo objectInfo, NameInfo memberNameInfo, NameInfo typeNameInfo) at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.ObjectWriter.WriteArrayMember(WriteObjectInfo objectInfo, NameInfo arrayElemTypeNameInfo, Object data) at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.ObjectWriter.WriteArray(WriteObjectInfo objectInfo, NameInfo memberNameInfo, WriteObjectInfo memberObjectInfo) at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.ObjectWriter.Write(WriteObjectInfo objectInfo, NameInfo memberNameInfo, NameInfo typeNameInfo) at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.ObjectWriter.Serialize(Object graph, Header[] inHeaders, __BinaryWriter serWriter, Boolean fCheck) at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter.Serialize(Stream serializationStream, Object graph, Header[] headers, Boolean fCheck) at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter.Serialize(Stream serializationStream, Object graph) at DotNetNuke.Providers.CachingProviders.DummySerializationCachingProvider.DummySerializationCachingProvider.Serialize(Object source) at DotNetNuke.Providers.CachingProviders.DummySerializationCachingProvider.DummySerializationCachingProvider.Insert(String key, Object value, DNNCacheDependency dependency, DateTime absoluteExpiration, TimeSpan slidingExpiration, CacheItemPriority priority, CacheItemRemovedCallback onRemoveCallback) at DotNetNuke.Common.Utilities.DataCache.GetCachedDataFromRuntimeCache(CacheItemArgs cacheItemArgs, CacheItemExpiredCallback cacheItemExpired) at DotNetNuke.Common.Utilities.DataCache.GetCachedData[TObject](CacheItemArgs cacheItemArgs, CacheItemExpiredCallback cacheItemExpired, Boolean storeInDictionary) at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.Controllers.SearchControllerImpl.HasPermissionToViewDoc(Document document) at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.Internals.SearchSecurityTrimmer.PrepareScoreDocs() at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.Internals.LuceneControllerImpl.Search(LuceneQuery luceneQuery, Int32& totalHits, SecurityCheckerDelegate securityChecker) at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.Controllers.SearchControllerImpl.GetSecurityTrimmedResults(SearchQuery searchQuery, LuceneQuery luceneQuery) at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.Controllers.SearchControllerImpl.GetResults(SearchQuery searchQuery) at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.Controllers.SearchControllerImpl.SiteSearch(SearchQuery searchQuery) at DotNetNuke.Web.InternalServices.SearchServiceController.GetBasicViews(SearchQuery searchQuery, Int32& totalHits) at DotNetNuke.Web.InternalServices.SearchServiceController.Preview(String keywords, String culture, Int32 forceWild, Int32 portal) 2013-11-07 10:12:27,566 [DNN-PC36][Thread:25][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException: Type 'DotNetNuke.Services.Search.Controllers.UserResultController' in Assembly 'DotNetNuke, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' is not marked as serializable. at System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterServices.InternalGetSerializableMembers(RuntimeType type) at System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterServices.GetSerializableMembers(Type type, StreamingContext context) at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.WriteObjectInfo.InitMemberInfo() at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.WriteObjectInfo.InitSerialize(Object obj, ISurrogateSelector surrogateSelector, StreamingContext context, SerObjectInfoInit serObjectInfoInit, IFormatterConverter converter, ObjectWriter objectWriter, SerializationBinder binder) at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.ObjectWriter.Write(WriteObjectInfo objectInfo, NameInfo memberNameInfo, NameInfo typeNameInfo) at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.ObjectWriter.WriteArrayMember(WriteObjectInfo objectInfo, NameInfo arrayElemTypeNameInfo, Object data) at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.ObjectWriter.WriteArray(WriteObjectInfo objectInfo, NameInfo memberNameInfo, WriteObjectInfo memberObjectInfo) at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.ObjectWriter.Write(WriteObjectInfo objectInfo, NameInfo memberNameInfo, NameInfo typeNameInfo) at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.ObjectWriter.Serialize(Object graph, Header[] inHeaders, __BinaryWriter serWriter, Boolean fCheck) at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter.Serialize(Stream serializationStream, Object graph, Header[] headers, Boolean fCheck) at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter.Serialize(Stream serializationStream, Object graph) at DotNetNuke.Providers.CachingProviders.DummySerializationCachingProvider.DummySerializationCachingProvider.Serialize(Object source) at DotNetNuke.Providers.CachingProviders.DummySerializationCachingProvider.DummySerializationCachingProvider.Insert(String key, Object value, DNNCacheDependency dependency, DateTime absoluteExpiration, TimeSpan slidingExpiration, CacheItemPriority priority, CacheItemRemovedCallback onRemoveCallback) at DotNetNuke.Common.Utilities.DataCache.GetCachedDataFromRuntimeCache(CacheItemArgs cacheItemArgs, CacheItemExpiredCallback cacheItemExpired) at DotNetNuke.Common.Utilities.DataCache.GetCachedData[TObject](CacheItemArgs cacheItemArgs, CacheItemExpiredCallback cacheItemExpired, Boolean storeInDictionary) at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.Controllers.SearchControllerImpl.HasPermissionToViewDoc(Document document) at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.Internals.SearchSecurityTrimmer.PrepareScoreDocs() at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.Internals.LuceneControllerImpl.Search(LuceneQuery luceneQuery, Int32& totalHits, SecurityCheckerDelegate securityChecker) at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.Controllers.SearchControllerImpl.GetSecurityTrimmedResults(SearchQuery searchQuery, LuceneQuery luceneQuery) at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.Controllers.SearchControllerImpl.GetResults(SearchQuery searchQuery) at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.Controllers.SearchControllerImpl.SiteSearch(SearchQuery searchQuery) at DotNetNuke.Web.InternalServices.SearchServiceController.GetGroupedDetailViews(SearchQuery searchQuery, Int32& totalHits, Boolean& more) at DotNetNuke.Web.InternalServices.SearchServiceController.Search(String search, String culture, Int32 pageIndex, Int32 pageSize, Int32 sortOption) Expected result: Search should work correctly.",1
-"DNN-4084","11/07/2013 19:32:58","DAM: Firefox: UI: List content doesn't expand to whole right pane after user log in/out","Pre-condition: - It happens in Firefox, but NOT in IE or Chrome - List view only Steps: - Log in as Host - Add a DAM module to any page - Open that page and see DAM working properly (folder & file displayed) - Log out Results: - See attachment. The folder/file list content width shrinked, it won`t automatically expand to fill up the right-pane. Expected: Same behavior as IE and Chrome. ",1
-"DNN-4091","11/07/2013 23:50:08","Getting Started screen: special characters are not displayed correctly","Steps: 1. Install the fresh package. 2. Set Site Language to French. 3. Finish the installation and proceed to Getting started screen. Actual result: see the attachmnet for details.",1
-"DNN-4093","11/08/2013 04:04:00","DAM can't use in dnn site","When add DAM module in dnn site, get below error: !20131108120224.png!",1
-"DNN-4094","11/08/2013 13:07:33","Displaying user search results should be turned off by default","Currently the search results module is configured to display user search results. For upgrades, and also for new sites in countries where there might be legal reasons for this not to enable, this is a bad thing. The option in search results settings should be disabled by default.",1
-"DNN-4104","11/09/2013 00:04:39","SI: Cannot go into Edit Mode using ControlBar if there are too many cookies","If there are too many cookies on the site, you cannot go into Edit Mode using ControlBar. Looks like cookie gets created when you go to different DNN pages. For ex: go to Admin > Site Settings > under Basic Settings > click on Site Details(to hide/show that section) and click on Apperance(to hide/show that section) Two cookies will be created under dnnSitePanel-Appearance and dnnSitePanel-SiteDetails. These cookies are created to restore the page layout next time user comes to that page. But if you browse through other DNN pages, a lot of these cookies are created and when you click on go to Edit Mode, it throws the login window and refresh the page and never goes into Edit Mode. All necessary steps in this WIKI has been taken so it does not happen but it still does not go into edit mode. http://www.dnnsoftware.com/wiki/Page/Problems-with-edit-mode The workaround is to Delete all the cookies.",2
-"DNN-4106","11/11/2013 14:43:44","Language skinobject repeat query parameters when Use Friendly URLs is disabled in host settings","When you use DNNFriendlyUrl provider not in advanced urlFormat. And in host settings, advanced settings, Friendly Url settings, Use Friendly URLs is unchecked. Then urls are generated with only query parameters. In this case the urls generated by the LANGUAGE skin object are not rigtht ( tabid and languge query parameters are repeated with wrong values). In the code fix the namespace is altered. The fix located is located behind DotNetNuke.Entities.Host.Host.UseFriendlyUrls",1
-"DNN-4107","11/12/2013 09:54:04","File management page's title doesn't localized","!20131112175340.png!",1
-"DNN-4114","11/13/2013 11:24:40","HttpContext.Current =null why are using HttpContext.Current object for just decoding/encoding html","HttpContext.Current =null why are using HttpContext.Current object for just decoding/encoding html is this a right way to code? public class PortalSecurity method private string FilterStrings(string strInput) { ............................. if (TempInput.Contains("">"") && TempInput.Contains(""<"")) { //text is encoded, so decode and try again TempInput = HttpContext.Current.Server.HtmlDecode(TempInput); TempInput = listStrings.Aggregate(TempInput, (current, s) => Regex.Replace(current, s, replacement, options)); //Re-encode TempInput = HttpContext.Current.Server.HtmlEncode(TempInput); } ................................. } HttpContext.Current.Server.HtmlDecode(TempInput); can be done by just calling simple method HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(TempInput) Please fix it... Thanks",1
-"DNN-4115","11/13/2013 16:14:57","Changes in ControlPanelBase breaks third party control panels","as part of a fix for DNN-3342, we changed visibility of two properties in ControlPanelBase, IsPageAdmin and IsModuleAdmin. This breaks third party control panels, such as the one from Oliver Hine",1
-"DNN-4116","11/13/2013 18:55:44","SI: Member Directory Custom Profile Property IE8-","You can add custom profile properties to the member directory templates with code such as this: Where company is the name of the profile property. This works in all browsers, except for IE8 (and older) SCRIPT87: Invalid argument knockout.js?cdv=257, line 54 character 30 It should work in IE8 also.",1
-"DNN-4117","11/13/2013 18:59:42","The copy page does not work from a language different than en-us","The copy page does not work from a language different than en-us If you trying to copy page from different than the default language you have only possibility to create a new page not copy of the page. Without Content localization enabled, we should have the same copy of page from any language This issue was introduced in 7.1.0, before in 7.0.6 we have a different behavior – the copy pop-up is opened, it is empty, and we don’t have possibility to make copy with content. But the actual structure with module is copied in 7.0.6. Steps to reproduce: 1. Install the latest DNN 7.2.0 2. Add a new language (deutsch) 3. Go to About Us page 4. Click Pages- Copy page Actual result= Expected result= the copy page pop-up is open 5. Close pop-up 6. Click on German flag 7. Click Pages – Copy page Actual result= Create a new page pop-up is opened Expected result= the copy page pop-up is open ",2
-"DNN-4121","11/13/2013 23:58:53","Upgrade 7.1.2 to >> Popups are empty or redirect to non-popup version till browser cache is cleared","# Install 7.1.2 # Upgrade to # Open a popup: login, add page, add user etc. # (x) The popups either render empty or redirect to the non-popup version of that page. # Refresh the page or clear browser cache. # (/) All the popups now display correctly. As such, this might be an issue with the js files being cached from before the upgrade.",1
-"DNN-4133","11/14/2013 23:52:29","Duplicate User: OAuth User Registration Uses eMail Prefix as Username","When a user authenticates with an OAuth provider (e.g. Live ID), the username field created for them uses only the prefix (i.e. bob777@gmail.com becomes bob777). This can result in a second person with a different email address receiving the error ""user name already exists"" when two users with the same prefix try to join the same DNN site using OAuth authentication. REPRO STEPS Setup a portal with LiveID (or Google/Facebook) authentication. Create a user as bob777@live.com and register as a live user. Create a user as bob777@hotmail.com and register as a live user. Login to the DNN Portal with bob777@live.com --> user is registered to the portal. Login to the DNN Portal with bob777@hotmail.com --> user is rejected with duplicate username. EXPECTED RESULTS Usernames are created as bob777@live.com and bob777@hotmail.com respectively. (may need to add OAuth Service Type {e.g. Live-} as prefix to enable use of different OAuth services to create id's with same email address).",2
-"DNN-4136","11/15/2013 00:50:54","DAM:IE: Page not clickable after bring up File properties pop-up","Environment: Only happen on IE, but works fine in Chrome and Firefox. Steps: - Log in as Host - Goto Admin > File Management - Browse any folder to show files - Right-click on one of the file, in pop-up menu, click ""View Properties"" to bring up file property page. - Do nothing, just click on ""Cancel"" to dismiss this pop-up - Try to click on the page menu (or in the DAM module). Results: - Files, folders, or URL Links, all not clickable or selectable anymore. (admin menu still work) Workaround: Page go back and go forward, can dismiss the trouble. - ",2
-"DNN-4138","11/15/2013 01:21:08","P1 test case Test - 909 Export to PDF failed ","Run the next script in the SQL module: SELECT * FROM Tabs order by tabname; export result to PDF and check the result The result is unredable and uncomparable with the result on DNN page",1
-"DNN-4141","11/15/2013 20:12:23","SI: Member Directory Localization Loading Foreign Characters","The Member Directory module fails to completely load Foreign Languages with alternate character sets - Arabic, Chinese, ect. Steps to recreate: 1. Add and enable a language that uses an alternate character set such as Arabic (ar-JO). 2. Localize the site and add a localized Member Directory module to a page. Expected result: Page loads the as normal. Actual Result: The module does not complete the load. ",2
-"DNN-4142","11/15/2013 21:11:33","The control panel stops working if the car responsive skin was applied to a pre-existing page","The control panel stops working if the car responsive skin was applied to a pre-existing page It is a pre-existing issue which can be reproduced in the DNN 7.1.2 Steps to reproduce: 1. Install the latest DNN 2. Login as Host 3. Go to Host extension 4. Install the Car responsive skin (attached) 5. Go to About us page 6. Go to Page – Page Appearance 7. Apply the skin to a page 8. Try to open Menu or Pages elements of the Control panel Actual result: the control panel is irresponsible; JS errors were logged: [12:40:21.636] TypeError: $.widget.extend is not a function @ http://ce.lvh.me/resources/libraries/jquery-ui/1.10.3/jquery-ui.js?cdv=23:537 [12:40:22.352] TypeError: toggleModulePane is not a function @ http://ce.lvh.me/resources/shared/scripts/dnn.controlbar.js?cdv=23:642 Expected result: All elements of the control panel work as expected; No any error ",2
-"DNN-4143","11/15/2013 21:14:26","A new module cannot be added to a new page with the Car responsive skin applied","A new module cannot be added to a new page with the Car responsive skin applied It is a pre-existing issue which can be reproduced in the DNN 7.1.2 Steps to reproduce: 9. Install the latest DNN 10. Login as Host 11. Go to Host extension 12. Install the Car responsive skin (attached) 13. Go to Admin – Site Settings - Appearance 14. Apply the skin to the site 15. Go to About us page 16. Create a new page Test 17. Add a new module to the page A ctual result: the modules’ bar is opened, but drag –and-drop does not work, as well the navigation submenu (right up corner of module icon) is not opened; a JS error was logged: [13:07:42.509] TypeError: t.widget.extend is not a function @ http://ce.lvh.me/resources/shared/scripts/jquery/jquery-ui.min.js?cdv=18:5 Expected result: module can be added with both way (menu and Drag-and-drop) [12:40:21.636] TypeError: $.widget.extend is not a function @ http://ce.lvh.me/resources/libraries/jquery-ui/1.10.3/jquery-ui.js?cdv=23:537 [12:40:22.352] TypeError: toggleModulePane is not a function @ http://ce.lvh.me/resources/shared/scripts/dnn.controlbar.js?cdv=23:642 Expected result: All elements of the control panel work as expected; No any error ",2
-"DNN-4147","11/18/2013 21:06:37","SI: Cannot choose different 404 and 500 error pages for different locales","Steps to reproduce: 1) add another language 2) localize and publish all pages 3) create a new custom 404 & 500 page for localized & default language 4) set a custom 404 and 500 page for default site. site settings -> advanced tab -> page management. 5) now go to new localized language site settings and set the custom 404 and 500 error pages. 6) go back to default site, values for 404 and 500 pages will be changed to the most recently selected pages. Actual Result: you can only choose one 404 and 500 error page for all the locales on your site, the default 404 and 500 errors will be changed to the most recently selected pages. Expected Result: you should be able to choose a different 404 and 500 error page for each locale. ",2
-"DNN-4146","11/18/2013 21:50:06","SI: Private Journal Posts in Groups","Journal Items created in groups can not be private. The Private option should either be fixed or removed in a group context. Steps to reproduce: 1. Set up a normal public group. 2. Join the group with 2 normal registered users 3. As user 1, change the visibilty setting to private (click the eyeball icon) 4. Create a new private text post 5. Login as user 2, and view the group. (Make sure both users a members of the group) Expected: the post would not be visible Actual: the post is visible to all users. There is a role level permission added to the database, in addition to the user specific permission. Customers are confused as to the purpose of private posts in a group context in the first place. ",2
-"DNN-4149","11/19/2013 13:00:58","Resetting password with token - no message shown if password does not meet requirements","If you try to reset your password with token, and you choose a password that does not meet the minimum security requirements, you will not change your password but the user interface does not alert you about the problem. It simply perform a postback. To reproduce: choose a password lenth of 5 digit, when you have to set 7 characters.",3
-"DNN-4157","11/19/2013 19:59:18","Send Notification in User Roles popup does not work","Issue description: Send Notification in User Roles popup does not work Steps: 1, Install PE with FQDN 2, As Host, go to Admin - Site Settings - User Account Settings, and set Public as User Registration mode 3, Go to the site without another browser and register a new user 4, As Host, Create a security role - Public Role, without any service fee 5, Click Manage Users for the role created 6, Add the new registered user to the role with Send Notification checked 7, As the registered user, check Messaging Center icons at top right corner to check notification Actual results: There is no notification received Expected results: There should be notification received ",1
-"DNN-4171","11/22/2013 17:52:30","Problem with LastIPAddress & UserInfo object","var userController = new UserController(); var user = userController.GetUser(PortalId, objSupplier.UserId); Then when I try to get a value from: user.LastIPAddress it's always blank. user.Username is returning the expected value and when I look up the user that I'm testing with in the database, I can see that there is an IP address in the LastIPAddress field. Seems I'm not the only one with this issue: http://www.dnnsoftware.com/forums/forumid/160/threadid/454213/scope/posts",1
-"DNN-4272","11/22/2013 18:14:27","SI: Create URL with different domain does not work","Creating a URL with a different portal alias to the primary alias always returns the home page. Test 1. Add a second domain to a site as a portal alias 2. Go to a dnn page (ie, about-us) and go to the page settings 3. Open the Advanced Urls section 4. Add a new URL 5. Set the site alias to the second (non-primary) alias created in step (1) 6. Do not enter a page path 7. Save the URL 8. Update the Page 9. Request the new domain Expected Results - New domain shows the page Actual Results - New Domain shows the home page of the portal ",3
-"DNN-4193","11/25/2013 03:28:34","advanced urls for localised pages not work properly","Using advanced format in DNNFriendlyUrl is working fine for default language, but after adding localised versions, on the new language pages the navigation including breadcrumbs isn't using the Page URL field from the page settings, instead using something like /de-DE/page-name/child-name, though acceessing the url specified in the Page URL field directly loads the page fine.",2
-"DNN-4202","11/25/2013 16:06:22","Missing functionality in Search Admin (de-DE)","The Component/s dropdown says ""Host - Search Admin"" I believe it should be ""Admin - Search Admin"". Anyway, I can see 2 tab's appearing, 1 for the management of the Syonyms, and one for the management of the ""Ignore words"". However, there is nothing on the tabs. So either: - add the functionality - or remove the tabs untill the functionality becomes available",1
-"DNN-4203","11/25/2013 18:24:33","Upgrade SQL2012 - IndexOutofRangeException","# *Deploy the customer site above - copy files, grant permissions, restore database, update web.config connection string* (SQL 2012) # Note that the log.resources logfile is empty or not present # In the database, check the PortalAlias table. 7 columns are present: PortalAliasID, PortalID, HTTPAlias, CreatedByUserID, CreatedOnDate, LastModifiedByUserID, LastModifiedOnDate # *Upgrade to PE* # The following error is logged many times in the log.resources logfile: #* {panel:bgColor=#FFAAAA} 2013-11-18 16:29:10,066 [DNN-PC96][Thread:41][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - System.IndexOutOfRangeException: IsPrimary at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetOrdinal(String name) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.get_Item(String name) at DotNetNuke.Entities.Portals.PortalAliasInfo.Fill(IDataReader dr) at DotNetNuke.Common.Utilities.CBO.FillObjectFromReader(Object objObject, IDataReader dr) {panel} # *The timestamp of these errors point to the upgrade script -- errors are logged when upgrade occurs.* # In the database, check the PortalAlias table. 11 columns are present. The 4 extra ones are: BrowserType, Skin, CultureCode, IsPrimary # According to Ash's analysis, this error is probably occuring because the data in the new columns is being accessed by the upgrade script before these columns are added to the PortalAlias table, hence the _IndexOutOfRangeException_ exception.",1
-"DNN-4204","11/25/2013 19:05:50","Search Result Page does not respect the advance URL settings","Search Result Page does not respect the advance URL settings Steps to reproduce: 1. Install the latest DNN 2. Wait for a couple of minutes to the crawler task finish 3. Type Amsterdam in the search input line 4. Hit the Enter key Actual Result: the Search result page is opened with URL in the classic DNN form with tabid Expected Result: the Search result page is opened with advance URL (site/SearchResult) ",1
-"DNN-4216","11/26/2013 21:04:48","SI: change the User Profile Page to an external link","It's not possible to change the User Profile Page to a page with an external link set in Site Settings. - Log into DNN as an Admin or host. - Create Pages > Add New Page. - Click the Page Details tab and fill out the ""Page Name"" field. Select ""None Specified"" for the ""Parent Page"" field. - Click the Advanced Settings tab, expand the ""Other Settings"" menu and select ""URL"" under ""Other Settings"". Set the URL to an external site (ie. http://www.google.com. - Click the ""Add Page"" button at the bottom of the dialog. - Click Admin > Site Settings. - Click the ""Advanced Settings"" tab, expand the ""Page Management"" dropdown, and click ""User Profile Page"". Look for the page you just created. Note that it is not visible (and therefore cannot be selected). - Click Admin > Page Management. - Right-click on the page just created and select ""Page Settings"". - Click on the ""Advanced Settings"" tab and change the ""Link URL"" setting to ""None"". - Click Update Page. - Click Admin > Site Settings. - Click on the ""Advanced Settings"" tab and expand ""Page Management"" again. - Click ""User Profile Page"" again. Note that you can now select the page that was created that no longer has an external URL. We have a common User Profile page shared across multiple sites / products. We need to link to this. This worked in DNN 6.x.x and we consider this to be a breaking change. This is a major bug for us.",1
-"DNN-4209","11/26/2013 22:53:29","SI: ProfilePic handler does not support folder providers","If the user folder is changed to use a different provider, i.e. Secure or UNC Share, and therefore the files in the user specific sub folders need to be loaded with linkclick, the profile picture handler just results in a 404. Steps to reproduce 1. Create a UNC share 2. Add unc share folder provider 3. delete existing users folder 4. create new users folder as UNC folder 5. login as a non-host user, and upload a profile picture. Profile Pic handler tries to load the file as www.domain.com/portals/0/users/123/123/123/picture.jpg but the file doesn't exist there, it is actually on the unc share as expected. The specific use-case was to be able to lock down the /users/ directory to prevent anonymous access to files.",2
-"DNN-4224","11/28/2013 04:12:56","Need to be able to moq ModuleInfo for unit testing new Search method - GetModifiedSearchDocuments","As part of a DNN 7+ Search module implementation, I wanted to moq ModuleInfo so I could intercept property values for ModuleInfo.ModuleSettings. Unfortunately, because the ModuleInfo class doesn't implement an interface, this is difficult. More importantly ModuleInfo is used extensively, so it's critical for unit testing. It would be good if ModuleInfo could be refactored to use IModuleInfo interface to allow better unit testing of custom modules.",1
-"DNN-4226","11/28/2013 18:00:36","Hide folder properties menu option in DAM when the user only has ""browse"" permissions","When a user only has the ""browse"" permission by itself on a folder, the folder can be viewed and files seen. In addition the Folder properties option is available but results in ""You do not have permission to read this folder"" This is a bit of a ""tease"" and the preferred behaviour would be that the ""folder properties"" dialog does not show when the user only has ""browse"" permissions (it should still show when they have others permissions such as ""open"" and ""browse"" combined)",1
-"DNN-4229","11/29/2013 01:09:15","Improve the RadTreeView showing all Pages in Admin -> Page Management and in Host -> Site Management - Export Site Template","This Add an icon for page redirection (IconRedirect) and distinct IconPageDisabled and IconPageHidden. Icones are now following instead of switching. Add image + resx (fr-FR available but not add)",1
-"DNN-4238","11/30/2013 11:42:13","SQLModule missing localization options","The jquery datatables component used in sql module is missing some localization options. (Fixed sent via Github)",1
-"DNN-4241","12/01/2013 21:57:26","Password reset link in email goes to portal home page and not the login page","When a user opts to reset his/her password an email is sent out with the text from the key EMAIL_PASSWORD_REMINDER_BODY.Text. The url is as follows: Link to reset password: http://[Portal:URL]/default.aspx?ctl=PasswordReset&resetToken=[Membership:PasswordResetToken] If the site has a dedicated login page, the user will not be able to reset his/her password. ",2
-"DNN-4242","12/01/2013 22:09:21","When opting to use email address as identifier, user still needs to know username for password retrieval","This is somewhat baffling. I switched on the ability to use the email address as identifier. But now I find out that when a user wishes to reset his/her password, they need to fill in their email *and* username. Which they never ever used. How do we explain that?",3
-"DNN-4243","12/02/2013 13:55:53","Group login button on group list template in French translation impedes subscriptions","The GroupListTemplate.Text in SharedResources of the Groups module contains wrong code for the link. This leads to the button no longer working in French.",1
-"DNN-4710","12/03/2013 00:00:15","HTML (Pro) Module - Cannot upload .template or .htmtemplate files","When attempting to upload an HTML template into the Template manager, you cannot upload either an .htmtemplate nor a .template file; the system throws an error that ""the extension you are trying to install is not a valid file extension"". These are the extensions we commonly use for templated HTML snippets. These extensions are installed by default as ""allowed"" file extensions, that can be found in the HOST menu.",1
-"DNN-4252","12/03/2013 15:33:03","Password reset to the correct password says token expired","When you request a password reset, you get a link with a PasswordResetToken. Next you have to enter your username (which is mentioned in the e-mail, it seems superfluous to require this) and a new password twice. If the new password happens to be the current password, ( = the one you thought you forgot), you get the error message that the token is invalid or expired.",2
-"DNN-4255","12/03/2013 23:28:32","SI: Login page redirection issue","Customer has proposed some login page design changes for DNN. Notes from Customer: I have noticed that there is a ""Redirect After Login"" setting in Admin/SiteSettings > User Account Settings Tab > Login Settings. However, 1. when you set this, it overrides any return url that is passed via query string. 2. If I leave this setting as ""None Specified"" then when the user goes to the login page without a return url query string, then the user is directed back to the login page and they think they are not logged in. I think a better design is to be able to set this so that #2 doesn't happen, but it should check to see if there is a return url in the query string. If there is, then it should ignore this setting.",3
-"DNN-4262","12/05/2013 11:01:42","Host user should be able to set max upload size","Currently at various points the user will be informed what the maximum size of files to upload will be. This is set in the web.config. The host user should be able to set that in the UI without having to delve into the web.config.",2
-"DNN-4266","12/05/2013 17:42:35","SI: Login IP Filter","It seems that there is no function to deny all IPs access to log in. Here are the steps I take to reproduce the issue: 1. I add the allow filter for my IP range 2. Via the database, I set * to deny (value of 2) 3. I try logging in from a different IP range 4. DNN allows the log in I am attaching the Support ticket to this for more information.",2
-"DNN-4267","12/05/2013 18:13:15","DNNMenuProvider is broken","The default DNNMenuProvider is broken in 7.2.0 which results in menus being broken for any skin that uses this menu provider. Repro Steps 1. Install 7.2.0 2. Install a skin that uses the DNNMenuProvider (https://multifunction.codeplex.com/) 3. Apply the skin to a page in the website Expected 1. No errors in JavaScript Console 2. Menu renders correctly and is usable Actual 1. Error in JavaScript console (Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined in file dnn.controls.js) 2. Menu is rendered as a plain unstyled list Root Cause 1. This bug was caused by a change to dnn.extensions.js which added a function ""dnn.extend()"". This function name already exists in dnn.js and is used when rendering the menu. As a result of the name collision, I would expect to see other odd behaviors as this method is used in 19 different JavaScript components used in the core. 2. The bug was introduced in this commit: https://github.com/dnnsoftware/Dnn.Platform/commit/dda4204bcaebf4852beca06da5001d502014fd81 ",1
-"DNN-4276","12/06/2013 16:16:19","password strength control confirmation box is broken","since moving to bootstrap the password strength control confirmation box is now not styled correctly. This can be send in admin->user accounts->edit user, or via the users own manage accounts function",1
-"DNN-4279","12/06/2013 21:12:47","Content - Permission System – UI behavior – Full control","Content - Permission System – UI behavior – Full control Now any the full control setting is automatically spread across all others types of permissions, but it is the right behavior only for the Deny and Allow settings. The Not Allow for the full controls should not change any other setting except one, because the less effect on Deny will be by changing the View from Deny to not set, the View permission should be set to Not Set as well, but all others still have Deny. Steps to reproduce: 1. Install the latest EVOQ 2. Login as Host 3. Go to About Us page 4. Open the Page – Page Permission popup 5. Click on Full control for Subscribers role Actual result = Expected result= Subscribers’ Permission set to Allow for all types of permission 6. Click on Full control for Subscribers role second time Actual result = Expected result= Subscribers’ Permission set to Deny for all types of permission 7. Click on Full control for Subscribers role third time Actual result = Subscribers’ Permission set to “Not Set” (Not Allow) for all types of permission Expected result: Only Full Control and View are set to “Not Set” (Not Allow) ",1
-"DNN-4280","12/06/2013 21:14:35","Content - Permission System – UI behavior – All settings except View if set to Allow are asking about Full control permission","Content - Permission System – UI behavior – All settings except View if set to Allow are asking about Full control permission Steps to reproduce: 1. Install the latest EVOQ 2. Login as Host 3. Go to About Us page 4. Open the Page – Page Permission popup 5. Click on Add content for the Subscriber role Actual Result: All settings for Subscribers set to Allow Expected result: Only View, Add Content, and Navigate set to Allow Same result you can receive for Add, Copy, Delete, Export, Import, manage Settings, Navigate (All except View) ",1
-"DNN-4281","12/06/2013 21:57:15","Content - Permission System – Full control of one role overwrite all Deny of another","Content - Permission System – Full control of one role overwrite all Deny of another Steps to reproduce: 1. Install the latest EVOQ 2. Login as Host 3. Add a new User – Tester 4. Add two new Roles Testers 1/ Testers 2 5. Assign both Roles to the user (Tester) 6. Create a new page (Test) 7. Give the Testers 1 role Full Control for the page (Test) 8. Deny Add Content, Copy, and Delete for Testers 2 role 9. Log out 10. Login as Tester 11. Go to Test page 12. Click on Module –Add New Module Actual result: Module selection bar is opened Expected result: there is no access to Module menu of control panel 13. Click on Pages – Copy Page Actual result: Copy page pop-up is opened Expected result: there is no access to Copy Page element of control panel 14. Click On Edit Page – Delete page Actual Result: Delete confirmation box is opened Expected result: there is no access to Delete Page element of control panel 15. Click No to close the confirmation box 16. Click on Edit Page- Edit this page Actual result: the edit content icons and module settings are active for all module Expected result: There is no access to module active menu ",1
-"DNN-4282","12/06/2013 23:59:20","Core Messaging > Show Display Name on hover over Profile Picture","See attached - We should show Display Name of sender on hover-over in Core Messaging. This is especially useful when user does not have a profile picture. Pls. also note the -ve time on the notification that was just created.",1
-"DNN-4284","12/07/2013 11:08:54","SQL module triggers Flash installer when displaying results from a select statement","Whenever executing a SQL select statement, while displaying the results DNN triggers installer for Flash (if not installed in browser). Note: this module might be used by admins locally on the webserver, where Flash should not be installed for security reasons. Tested with IE 10, FF25 and Chrome 31.",2
-"DNN-4287","12/08/2013 14:23:12","Improve Paging in SQL result sets","Paging is currently handled by using a stored procedure with 5 parameters: PROCEDURE CalculatePagingInformation ( @pageIndex int, @pageSize int, @rowsToReturn int = null output, @pageLowerBound int = null output, @pageUpperBound int = null output ) AS... which is difficult to use and inefficient. I suggest using 2 simple functions instead: FUNCTION PageLowerBound ( @PageIndex Int, -- Page number starting with 0 or <0|Null for all @PageSize Int -- number of items per page or <=0|Null for all ) RETURNS Int -- row number, starting with 1 AS BEGIN DECLARE @bound Int = 1 IF IsNull(@PageSize, -1) > 0 AND IsNull(@PageIndex, -1) >= 0 AND IsNull(@PageIndex, 0) <= (Cast(0x7fffffff AS Int) / IsNull(@PageSize, 1) -1) SET @bound = @PageSize * @PageIndex + 1 RETURN @bound END and FUNCTION PageUpperBound ( @PageIndex Int, -- Page number starting with 0 or <0|Null for all @PageSize Int -- number of items per page or <=0|Null for all ) RETURNS Int -- row number, starting with 1 AS BEGIN DECLARE @bound Int = Cast(0x7fffffff AS Int) IF IsNull(@PageSize, -1) > 0 AND IsNull(@PageIndex, -1) >= 0 AND IsNull(@PageIndex, 0) <= (Cast(0x7fffffff AS Int) / IsNull(@PageSize, 1) -1) SET @Bound = @PageSize * (@PageIndex + 1) RETURN @Bound END those can be used inline in SQL statement. please find complete SQL code in script attached to DNN-3782 (search script for number of this issue)",1
-"DNN-4288","12/08/2013 14:52:24","Add virtual roles for performance and add FK on permission tables","DNN uses virtual roles for permissions, which are currently not stored in the database, which prevents using foreign key constraints on permission tables., using these virtual roles. To do: - add rows to table roles - add FK constraint to permission tables - modify getRoles procedures to ignore virtual roles (or modify API not to add it)",2
-"DNN-4289","12/08/2013 15:08:38","Optimize Indexes on Roles Table","Roles table should be optimized for performance: - include RoleId in RoleGroup index - include RoleId in RoleName index ",1
-"DNN-4290","12/08/2013 15:20:16","Optimize Indexes on Table UserRoles","Indexes on UserRoles need to be optimized for Performance (and names adjusted to connvention). - add userID to Role index - add roleID to User index For implementation search for ""DNN-4290"" in TurboScript for 7.2.0, attached to DNN-3782.",1
-"DNN-4291","12/08/2013 15:28:15","Adjust names of foreign key contraint from Permission tables on users","There are foreign key constraints from Permission tables on users table, which do not follow current naming convention. For implementation, please see TurboSQL script for DNN 7.2.0 (attached to DNN-3782), search for ""DNN-4291"".",1
-"DNN-4292","12/08/2013 15:42:12","Optimize indexes on Users Table","IX_Users_IsDeleted_DisplayName should include columns for performance. Add index on LastModifiedOnDate For implementation see TurboSQL script for DNN 7.2.0 (attached to DNN-3782), search for ""DNN-4292""",1
-"DNN-4293","12/08/2013 15:45:14","Optimize indexes on UserProfile Table","Index IX_UserProfile_PropertyDefinitionID should include columns for performance. Add an index for LastUpdateDate, to improve search indexing in DNN 7.2 and above. For implementation see TurboSQL script for DNN 7.2.0 (attached to DNN-3782), search for ""DNN-4293"".",1
-"DNN-4294","12/08/2013 15:49:13","Create Index on VanityURL for Table UserPortals","table UserPortals has a new column VanityURL, which needs an index for performance. For implementation see TurboSQL script vor DNN 7.2.0 (attached to DNN-3782), search for ""DNN-4294"".",1
-"DNN-4295","12/08/2013 16:04:21","Optimize Indexes on Table Modules","Table Module has currently one additional Index IX_Modules, which should be renamed following DNN naming conventions and optimized. A new index should be added on portalID for performance. For implementation, see TurboSQL script (attached to DNN-3782) for DNN 7.2.0, search for ""DNN-4295""",1
-"DNN-4296","12/08/2013 16:07:58","Optimize Indexes on Table Tabs","Table Tabs has two misnamed indexes, which are not following DNN naming conventions. These should be combined and extended for optimized access. For implementation see TurboSQL script vor DNN 7.2.0 (attached to DNN-3782), search for ""DNN-4296"". ",1
-"DNN-4297","12/08/2013 16:16:49","Table TabURLs is missing FK on Tabs with cascading delete","Table TabUrls is missing an FK on tabs to implement cascade delete. For implementation see TurboSQL script for DNN 7.2.0 (attached to DNN-3782), search for ""DNN-4297"".",1
-"DNN-4298","12/08/2013 16:26:00","Optimize Indexes on Table Lists","Optimize Indexes on Lists table, make sure to remove orphaned records and add a new index on PortalID, ParentID, ListName, SortOrder for performance. For implementation see TurboSQL script for DNN 7.2.0 (attached to DNN-3782), search for ""DNN-4298"".",1
-"DNN-4299","12/08/2013 16:30:25","Add Helper Function AdministratorRoleId","Add a helperfunction to retrieve RoleID of Administrators for a website, which can be used in Stored Procedures. For implementation see TurboSQL script for DNN 7.2.0 (attached to DNN-3782), search for ""DNN-4299"". ",1
-"DNN-4300","12/08/2013 16:35:23","Add Helper Function FitsExtendedPropertyPermission","Add a new function to determine, whether a user may view content of another users property, if extended permissions (per social group or relationship) are specified. Function will be used in stored procedures to retrieve proper profile property content. For implementation see TurboSQL script for DNN 7.2.0 (attached to DNN-3782), search for ""DNN-4300"". ",1
-"DNN-4301","12/08/2013 16:40:48","Optimize Helper Function GetProfileFieldSQL","Function GetProfileFieldSQL should return results properly sorted. For implementation see TurboSQL script for DNN 7.2.0 (attached to DNN-3782), search for ""DNN-4301"". ",1
-"DNN-4302","12/08/2013 16:43:58","Add Helper Functions FormattedString and TemplatedString","Add Helper Function FormattedString for easier string handling as in .Net or TokenReplace: e.g. FormattedString('World', 'Hello @0!') returning 'Hello World!' Add Helper Function TemplatedString for same purpose with up to 5 params, e.g. TemplatedString('Order by @1, @2, 'LastName', 'FirstName', '' '' '') returns ""Order By LastName, FirstName"". For implementation see TurboSQL script for DNN 7.2.0 (attached to DNN-3782), search for ""DNN-4302"".",1
-"DNN-4303","12/08/2013 17:07:50","Add Helper Function SortFieldSQL, replacing GetSortSQL","Helper Function GetSortSQL does only support a single sort field, limiting it's use. I suggest adding Function SortFieldSQL with same signature, which may be called using e.g. FormattedString(SortFieldSQL('UserId', True, ''), 'ORDER BY @1') or TemplatedString ('Order By @1, @2', SortFieldSQL('PortalId', True, ''),SortFieldSQL('UserId', True, ''), '', '', ''). For implementation see TurboSQL script for DNN 7.2.0 (attached to DNN-3782), search for ""DNN-4303"".",1
-"DNN-4304","12/08/2013 17:12:10","Optimize Helper Function GetProfilePropertyDefinitionID","Optimize Function GetProfilePropertyDefinitionID. For implementation see TurboSQL script for DNN 7.2.0 (attached to DNN-3782), search for ""DNN-4304"".",1
-"DNN-4305","12/08/2013 17:16:40","Add Helper Function MasterPortalId","Please add a new helper function MasterPortalId to retrieve master portal for a portal. For implementation see TurboSQL script for DNN 7.2.0 (attached to DNN-3782), search for ""DNN-4305"".",1
-"DNN-4306","12/08/2013 17:21:43","Add Helper Function SplitDelimitedIDs","Please add Helper Function SplitDelimitedIDs, which splits a single string. passed as parameter with delimiter into a temp table with all IDs contained, that can be joined with other tables. For implementation see TurboSQL script for DNN 7.2.0 (attached to DNN-3782), search for ""DNN-4306"".",1
-"DNN-4307","12/08/2013 17:25:06","Add Helper Function UserDisplayName","Please add helper function UserDisplayName(UserId) that can be used to inject displayname easily into any result set, that includes UserId, without the need of linking to user table. For implementation see TurboSQL script for DNN 7.2.0 (attached to DNN-3782), search for ""DNN-4307"".",1
-"DNN-4308","12/08/2013 17:29:06","Add Helper Function UserIsInRole","Please add a new helper function UserIsInRole, that returns, whether a user is currently member of a role or social group. This avoids redoing all checks for membership being effective in procedures with the risk of forgetting it. For implementation see TurboSQL script for DNN 7.2.0 (attached to DNN-3782), search for ""DNN-4308"".",1
-"DNN-4309","12/08/2013 17:37:02","Optimize Permission Views to use Inner Joins, where appropriate","Optimize Views vw_DesktopModulePermissions, vw_FolderPermissions, vw_ModulePermissions and vw_TabPermissions to use inner join (based on FKs from DNN-4288 and DNN-4291). For implementation see TurboSQL script for DNN 7.2.0 (attached to DNN-3782), search for ""DNN-4309"".",1
-"DNN-4310","12/08/2013 17:39:47","Optimize View vw_Lists","Optimize View vw_Lists for better performance and reading. For implementation see TurboSQL script for DNN 7.2.0 (attached to DNN-3782), search for ""DNN-4310"".",1
-"DNN-4311","12/08/2013 17:42:20","Optimize View vw_Users","Please improve performance of view vw_Users. For implementation see TurboSQL script for DNN 7.2.0 (attached to DNN-3782), search for ""DNN-4311"".",1
-"DNN-4312","12/08/2013 17:46:29","Add View vw_MasterPortals","Please add view vw_MasterPortals for performance and easier editing of procedures. For implementation see TurboSQL script for DNN 7.2.0 (attached to DNN-3782), search for ""DNN-4312"". ",1
-"DNN-4313","12/08/2013 17:50:56","Optimize Permission Procedures","Please improve procedures - AddDesktopModulePermission - AddFolderPermission - AddModulepermission - AddTabPermission - UpdateDesktopModulePermission - UpdatFolderPermission - UpdateModulePermission - UpdateTabPermission to make sure to add null instead of -1, where appropriate. For implementation see TurboSQL script for DNN 7.2.0 (attached to DNN-3782), search for ""DNN-4313"". ",1
-"DNN-4314","12/08/2013 18:04:40","Optimize Procedure DeleteFolderPermissionsByFolderPath","Improve stored procedure DeleteFolderPermissionsByFolderPath, to use a single select statement. For implementation see TurboSQL script for DNN 7.2.0 (attached to DNN-3782), search for ""DNN-4314"".",1
-"DNN-4315","12/08/2013 18:06:38","Optimize Procedure DeleteFolderPermissionsByUserID","Improve stored procedure DeleteFolderPermissionsByUserID, to use a single select statement. For implementation see TurboSQL script for DNN 7.2.0 (attached to DNN-3782), search for ""DNN-4315"".",1
-"DNN-4316","12/08/2013 18:22:22","Optimize Procedure GetFolderPermissionsByPortal","Optimize GetFolderPermissionsByPortal to use a single statement. For implementation see TurboSQL script for DNN 7.2.0 (attached to DNN-3782), search for ""DNN-4316"".",1
-"DNN-4317","12/08/2013 18:29:59","Optimize Procedure GetModulePermissionsByModuleID","Optimize GetModulePermissionsByModuleID for Performance. For implementation see TurboSQL script for DNN 7.2.0 (attached to DNN-3782), search for ""DNN-4317"".",1
-"DNN-4318","12/08/2013 18:35:35","Optimize Procedure GetModulePermissionsByPortal","Optimize GetModulePermissionsByPortal for performance. Current implementation include duplicate columns. For implementation see TurboSQL script for DNN 7.2.0 (attached to DNN-3782), search for ""DNN-4318"".",1
-"DNN-4319","12/08/2013 18:42:46","Optimize Procedure GetModulePermissionsByTabID","Optimize GetModulePermissionsByTabID to eliminate tables not required. For implementation see TurboSQL script for DNN 7.2.0 (attached to DNN-3782), search for ""DNN-4319"".",1
-"DNN-4320","12/08/2013 18:53:58","Optimize Procedure GetAllUsers for Performance","Optimize the procedure for performance, which is important in large sites. Check, whether paging is required and use new helper functions. Note: it would be more efficient, to move count RS to a separate function, called for first page only. For implementation see TurboSQL script for DNN 7.2.0 (attached to DNN-3782), search for ""DNN-4320"".",1
-"DNN-4321","12/08/2013 18:56:02","Optimize Procedure GetOnlineUsers","Optimize GetOnlineUsers to suppress duplicate columns etc. For implementation see TurboSQL script for DNN 7.2.0 (attached to DNN-3782), search for ""DNN-4321"". (UserPortal columns removed, duplicate columns suppressed, portal groups support added)",1
-"DNN-4322","12/08/2013 19:00:49","Optimize Procedure GetUsersBasicSearch","Optimize Procedure GetUsersBasicSearch: - support filter by profile properties - support portal groups - resolve values of property types 'list' - optimize performance For implementation see TurboSQL script for DNN 7.2.0 (attached to DNN-3782), search for ""DNN-4322"".",1
-"DNN-4323","12/08/2013 19:07:25","Optimize Procedure GetUsersByDisplayName","Optimize Procedure GetUsersByDisplayName: - portal groups support added - performance - readability For implementation see TurboSQL script for DNN 7.2.0 (attached to DNN-3782), search for ""DNN-4323"".",1
-"DNN-4324","12/08/2013 19:11:31","Optimize Procedure GetUsersByEmail","Optimize Procedure GetUsersByEmail: - support portal groups - performance For implementation see TurboSQL script for DNN 7.2.0 (attached to DNN-3782), search for ""DNN-4324"".",1
-"DNN-4325","12/08/2013 19:14:55","Optimize Procedure GetUsersByProfileProperty","Optimize Procedure GetUsersByProfileProperty: - Paging - Performance - Readability For implementation see TurboSQL script for DNN 7.2.0 (attached to DNN-3782), search for ""DNN-4325"".",1
-"DNN-4326","12/08/2013 19:17:08","Optimize Procedure GetUsersByRoleName","Optimize Procedure GetUsersByRoleName: - Performance - readability - for paging see DNN-3593 For implementation see TurboSQL script for DNN 7.2.0 (attached to DNN-3782), search for ""DNN-4326"".",1
-"DNN-4327","12/08/2013 19:22:32","Optimize Procedure GetUsersByUserName","Optimize Procedure GetUsersByUserName: - Performance - Paging - Readability For implementation see TurboSQL script for DNN 7.2.0 (attached to DNN-3782), search for ""DNN-4327"".",1
-"DNN-4328","12/08/2013 19:25:08","Optimize Procedure GetDeletedUsers","Optimize Procedure GetDeletedUsers: - Performance - support Portalgroups - readability For implementation see TurboSQL script for DNN 7.2.0 (attached to DNN-3782), search for ""DNN-4328"".",1
-"DNN-4329","12/08/2013 19:27:36","Optimize Procedure GetUnAuthorizedUsers","Optimize Procedure GetUnAuthorizedUsers: - support Portal Groups - performance For implementation see TurboSQL script for DNN 7.2.0 (attached to DNN-3782), search for ""DNN-4329"".",1
-"DNN-4331","12/08/2013 19:34:05","Optimize Procedure GetRolesByUser","Optimize Procedure GetRolesByUser using existing view. For implementation see TurboSQL script for DNN 7.2.0 (attached to DNN-3782), search for ""DNN-4331"". ",1
-"DNN-4350","12/08/2013 20:54:58","Procedure DeletePortalAlias needs to update TabUrls","Procedure DeletePortalAlias needs to update TabUrls for this alias to Null. For implementation see TurboSQL script for DNN 7.2.0 (attached to DNN-3782), search for ""DNN-4350"". Reproduce Steps: 1. install latest version and login as host; 2. add a new site alias in site settings; 3. create a new page and save it; 4. edit that page, add some URLs in Advanced > SEO tab, make sure select the new alias in site alias dropdown; 5. go to site settings and delete the new alias, refresh page. 6. then try browse the Content > Pages menu, and edit the new page. the Pages module will stop to work and error logged: 2017-10-19 09:38:54.751+08:00 [DESKTOP-VE8R1FL][D:10][T:56][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Dnn.PersonaBar.Pages.Components.PageUrlsController.AddUrlToList(List`1 tabs, Int32 portalId, Int32 id, PortalAliasInfo alias, Locale urlLocale, String path, String queryString, Int32 statusCode, Boolean isSystem, FriendlyUrlSettings friendlyUrlSettings, Nullable`1 lastModifiedByUserId) at Dnn.PersonaBar.Pages.Components.PageUrlsController.GetSortedUrls(TabInfo tab, Int32 portalId, Lazy`1 locales, Int32 sortColumn, Boolean sortOrder, Boolean isSystem) at Dnn.PersonaBar.Pages.Components.PageUrlsController.GetPageUrls(TabInfo tab, Int32 portalId) at Dnn.PersonaBar.Pages.Components.PagesControllerImpl.GetPageSettings(Int32 pageId) at Evoq.PersonaBar.Pages.Services.EvoqPagesController.GetPageDetails(Int32 pageId)",2
-"DNN-4366","12/10/2013 00:10:32","Content - Permission System – Access to Permission grid is granted to a wrong user","Content - Permission System – Access to Permission grid is granted to a wrong user Steps to reproduce: 1. Install the latest EVOQ 2. Login as Host 3. Add a new User – Tester 4. Add two new Roles Testers 1/ Testers 2 5. Assign both Roles to the user (Tester) 6. Create a new page (Test) 7. Navigate and Manage Settings permission for the page (Test) 8. For Tester 1 role set to Allow all but Export and Full control 9. For Tester 1 role set to Deny Export 10. For Tester 1 role set Not Allow Full control (Attachment 1) 11. For Tester 2 role set to Deny all but View, Navigate and Full control 12. For Tester 2 role set to Allow View and Navigate 13. For Tester 2 role set Not Allow Full control (Attachment 2) 14. Update the page settings 15. Log out 16. Login as Tester 17. Go to Test page Actual result=Expected result: Tester has only View and navigates permission for Test page 18. Logout 19. Login as Host 20. Go to Test – Page-Permission Settings 21. Allow Full control for Testers 1 role Attachment 2 22. Log out 23. Login as Tester 24. Go to Test page Actual result: Tester has access to Permission Settings (and can obtain the Full Control) Expected result: Nothing changed; tester has only View and navigates permission for Test page ",1
-"DNN-4427","12/10/2013 00:21:10","Social Groups - non-members clicking ""Join Group"" of a Private Group get ""Internal server error""","Install latest build as FQDN site w/remote db and dnn_ as Object Qualifier Run the Load Tool.. http://dev-build1:8088/viewType.html?buildTypeId=bt329 Create a group that is private (as host) - Save the URL In a different browser log in as non-host/admin user... Hit the URL you saved above Click the ""Join Group"" link Actual Result A pop up appears ""Internal Server Error"" If you have Dev Tools or Firebug running: POST http://social120393.dnnqa.com/DesktopModules/SocialGroups/API/ModerationService/JoinGroup 500 Internal Server Error 8ms jquery.js?cdv=62 (line 8526) ""NetworkError: 500 Internal Server Error - http://social120393.dnnqa.com/DesktopModules/SocialGroups/API/ModerationService/JoinGroup"" Expected Result: The Join Group link be disabled or removed OR the user be redirected somewhere else per PM's wishes",2
-"DNN-4367","12/10/2013 00:26:58","Content - Permission System – Navigate permission setting is not applied","Content - Permission System – Navigate permission setting is not applied Steps to reproduce: 1. Install the latest EVOQ 2. Login as Host 3. Add a new User – Tester 4. Add two new Roles Testers 1 5. Assign the Tester1 Roles to the user (Tester) 6. Create a new page (Test) 7. Navigate and Manage Settings permission for the page (Test) 8. For Tester 1 role set to Allow to vie and Deny to navigate (Attachment 1) 9. Update the page settings 10. Log out 11. Login as Tester 12. Go to Test page Actual result: The Test page is included in the navigation menu Expected result: The Test page is not included in the navigation menu and page is visible to the user only by URL 13. Logout 14. Login as Host 15. Go to Test – Edit Page – Permission Settings 16. Check-out the Navigate for Tester 1 role (Not Allow) (Attachment 2) 17. Update the page settings 18. Log out 19. Login as Tester 20. Go to Test page Actual result: The Test page is included in the navigation menu Expected result: The Test page is not included in the navigation menu and page is visible to the user only by URL ",1
-"DNN-4369","12/10/2013 15:59:53","Missing Localization for ""Enter Search Term..."" in the search results page","Install DNN with a non-english default language (Spanish or French). Go to the search results page and remove the text entered in the searchbox, the ""default"" text (placeholder) is not localized and always appears as ""Enter Search Term..."" This is close to what has been done in issue DNN-3697. One major difference though : I didn't find a key in the SearchResults resx file for EnterSearchTerm and I think a resource key has to be created first.",2
-"DNN-4384","12/10/2013 18:33:18"," SI: Event Log settings for changes to Resource files","Customer requested feature enhancement to track change to Admin> Languages> resource files in the event log. ",3
-"DNN-4386","12/10/2013 18:52:03","SI: Read Only Profile Property CSS Issue","Profile Properties which are set to ""Read Only"" do not display correctly when viewing the profile editor. The view permissions eyeball icon is left aligned, instead of being in the right hand column with the rest. See attached image.",2
-"DNN-4419","12/11/2013 17:06:43","Error when exporting a module content","Issue description: Error when exporting a module content Steps: 1, Log on as Host 2, Create a page, put in page menu, and add some contents to the default HTML module 3, Create a role called Module Editor 4, Create a user, and assign the Module Editor role to the user 5, Grant All Users View permission for the page 6, Grant Module Editors role Export permission for the module 7, Log on as the new user and go to the page 8, Click Edit This Page 9, Click Export Content for the module 10, In the export content popup, click Export (folder list will be populated now) 11, Select the lowest level under Users folder and click Export Actual results: 1, After step 9, expand dropdown for Folder section, there is folder listed 2, After step 11, an error message displays ""An error occurred during the export"" and no content exported to the folder Expected results: 1, After step 9, folder dropdown should be populated 2, After step 11, module content should be exported successfully",1
-"DNN-4414","12/11/2013 17:12:03","SI: No overwrite file prompt when uploading files with tools -> Upload File","As per the ticket we received. Reproduce file upload bug: --Log into DNN and Turn off the enable pop-ups in the advanced settings --Go to the home page and log in as a host and click tools>Upload file --Upload an image named boo.png to the root --Result: file uploads correctly --Now go rename a completely different image on your filesystem boo.png --Upload that file to the root using the same method --RESULT: File is overwritten --Expected: Since there is really no listing of files when it is set up this way, one might want to at least be prompted before overwriting an image or file of any kind --As a bonus, if you go to the file manager and then click tools>file upload, it completely ignores the pop-ups setting being disabled.",1
-"DNN-4415","12/11/2013 21:14:21","upgrade to 7.2.0 fails when module creator project is already installed","from https://dotnetnuke.codeplex.com/releases/view/115680 When attempting to upgrade portal, which already has ModuleCreator module, alerts: 5% ERROR occured - Error: Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.ModuleDefinitions' with unique index 'IX_ModuleDefinitions'. The duplicate key value is (Module Creator). The statement has been terminated. Fixed with deleting row from the table. Another user reported the same issue, but they logged into the botched upgrade and see the following message http://www.dnnsoftware.com/forums/forumid/108/threadid/494056/scope/posts/threadpage/1 ",2
-"DNN-4426","12/12/2013 14:44:42","upgrade from 5.6.1 to 7.2.1 fails","when upgrading from 5.6.1->7.2.1 the following exception is thrown - it appears we have a packaging issue The files '/dnn561/App_Code/AssemblyInfo.vb' and '/dnn561/App_Code/Admin/ModuleCreator/FolderDto.cs' use a different language, which is not allowed since they need to be compiled together. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Web.HttpException: The files '/dnn561/App_Code/AssemblyInfo.vb' and '/dnn561/App_Code/Admin/ModuleCreator/FolderDto.cs' use a different language, which is not allowed since they need to be compiled together. Source Error: An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below. Stack Trace: [HttpException (0x80004005): The files '/dnn561/App_Code/AssemblyInfo.vb' and '/dnn561/App_Code/Admin/ModuleCreator/FolderDto.cs' use a different language, which is not allowed since they need to be compiled together.] System.Web.Compilation.BuildProvidersCompiler.ProcessBuildProviders() +628 System.Web.Compilation.BuildProvidersCompiler.PerformBuild() +44 System.Web.Compilation.CodeDirectoryCompiler.GetCodeDirectoryAssembly(VirtualPath virtualDir, CodeDirectoryType dirType, String assemblyName, StringSet excludedSubdirectories, Boolean isDirectoryAllowed) +692 System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.CompileCodeDirectory(VirtualPath virtualDir, CodeDirectoryType dirType, String assemblyName, StringSet excludedSubdirectories) +175 System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.CompileCodeDirectories() +498 System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.EnsureTopLevelFilesCompiled() +641 [HttpException (0x80004005): The files '/dnn561/App_Code/AssemblyInfo.vb' and '/dnn561/App_Code/Admin/ModuleCreator/FolderDto.cs' use a different language, which is not allowed since they need to be compiled together.] System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.ReportTopLevelCompilationException() +80 System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.EnsureTopLevelFilesCompiled() +1142 System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.Initialize(ApplicationManager appManager, IApplicationHost appHost, IConfigMapPathFactory configMapPathFactory, HostingEnvironmentParameters hostingParameters, PolicyLevel policyLevel, Exception appDomainCreationException) +1193 [HttpException (0x80004005): The files '/dnn561/App_Code/AssemblyInfo.vb' and '/dnn561/App_Code/Admin/ModuleCreator/FolderDto.cs' use a different language, which is not allowed since they need to be compiled together.] System.Web.HttpRuntime.FirstRequestInit(HttpContext context) +12966756 System.Web.HttpRuntime.EnsureFirstRequestInit(HttpContext context) +159 System.Web.HttpRuntime.ProcessRequestNotificationPrivate(IIS7WorkerRequest wr, HttpContext context) +12806561 ",2
-"DNN-4429","12/12/2013 23:40:20","Navigate and View permissions for a page seem duplicate each other","Issue description: Navigate and View seem duplicate each other Steps: 1, Log on as Host 2, Create a page, put in page menu, and add some contents to the default HTML module 3, Create a role called Page Editor 4, Create a user, and assign the Page Editor role to the user 5, Grant Page Editor Navigate permission 6, Log on as the new user and go to the page Actual results: Page Editor role can be granted View permission only. When granting Navigate permission to the role, View permission will be also granted automatically. It seems there is no difference between Navigate + View and View permission itself Expected results: If Navigate permission has no different function other than View permission, we should delete this permission",1
-"DNN-4430","12/13/2013 16:06:27","add defensive code to decrypting smtppassword to cover cases where it was not encrypted during a failed upgrade","We should add some defensive code to decrypting the smtppassword to cover cases where it was not encrypted due to a failed upgrade e.g. details at http://www.dnnsoftware.com/forums/forumid/200/threadid/494221/scope/posts",1
-"DNN-4439","12/13/2013 17:03:05","Module does not work in group mode","In DNN 7.2.0, the DAM module supports group mode, which means that you can put a DAM module in a group space, and it will then map to a group specific folder in the file system ( this will be SiteRoot/Groups/[GroupID] ) See this screen shot for what this looks like in DNN 7.2.0: !2013-12-13 17-59-15.png|thumbnail! Using the exact same setup in the upgraded Catalyst site, i am getting this: !2013-12-13 01-07-58.png|thumbnail! As this works fine in DNN 7.2, there must be something going on with the way groups work in Social to make this break....",2
-"DNN-4436","12/13/2013 21:45:51","Under default permission, all other roles, except Admin, should not have View permission for the default HTML module","Issue description: Under default permission, all other roles, except Admin, should not have View permission for the default HTML module Steps: 1, Log on as Host 2, Create a new page, and put in page menu 3, Check page permission - only Admin has Full Control for the page, and no other role has any permission 4, Check permission for the default HTLM module Actual results: All roles have View permission for the module with Inherit View permission from Page checked Expected results: As the checkbox checked, only Admin should have View permission for the module, and no other role should have View permission for the module",1
-"DNN-4444","12/16/2013 17:23:25","User is NOT able to modify the settings for individual permissions once Full Control is applied to the page","Issue description: User is NOT able to modify the settings for individual permissions once Full Control is applied to the page Steps: 1, Log on as Host 2, Create a page and put in page menu 3, Go to Permission tab, and grant Full Control to a role 4, Try to modify a permission except Full Control Actual results: 1, The individual permission can be modified 2, Full Control permission will be removed Expected results: User should not be able to modify individual permission once Full Control is granted",2
-"DNN-4445","12/16/2013 18:59:04","User with Full Control for the page and User Accounts module cannot create user","Issue description: User with Full Control for the page and User Accounts module cannot create user Steps: 1, Log on as Host 2, Create a role 3, Create a user 4, Assign the role to the user 5, Create a page, and put it in page menu 6, Delete the default HTML module 7, Add Existing Module, and put User Accounts module in the page 8, Grant Full Control for the page to the role 9, Grant Full Control for the User Accounts module to the role 10, Log on as the new user, go to the page, and try to add a new user Actual results: ""You are not authorized to edit this user."" Expected results: The user should be able to Add New User",2
-"DNN-4448","12/16/2013 22:54:39","Add fonts to list of allowed file types","When a skin includes fonts, it triggers the message that the package includes potentially dangerous files. The font file types should probably be included in the default list of extensions.",1
-"DNN-4453","12/18/2013 11:32:53"," Folder Provider ""Add new type"" button is missing","Issue description: Folder Provider ""Add new type"" button is missing Steps: 1. Log on as Host to CE 07.01.00 (2676) 2. Navigate to Admin - Digital Assets Management 3. Click Edit This Page from Page menu dropdown 4. Select Manage Folder Types from Action menu of DAM module 5. Button ""Add New Type"" don't exists ",2
-"DNN-4460","12/18/2013 23:03:29","Add .ashx to regex filter for 'do not redirect'",".ashx requests are not in the 'do not redirect' regex pattern by default. This means that anyone who creates a .ashx handler may have to explicitly add a change to the redirect pattern in order to fix the problem. This change is to add .ashx to the Regex pattern for the AUM_DoNotRedirectRegex value.",1
-"DNN-4465","12/19/2013 16:41:37","Oauth Base Classes should allow for custom implementations","In working with a customer on a Windows Azure Active Directory authentication provider, we found that WaaD has some custom parameters which much be processed as part of the authorization process. This requires an override of the base implementation of OAuthClientBase Authorize method to handle the slight authorization change.",1
-"DNN-4471","12/20/2013 16:09:05","Null Reference Exceptions thrown when error occurs in container with Action Buttons","When a container, such as the default Pop-Up Container, uses {{ActionButton}} controls, errors that occur early in the module's lifetime will cause the {{ActionButton}} to not get setup completely, and throw errors. This means that when errors occur in the module, the users sees an error message that doesn't have anything to do with the real error. In the same way, when they look in the Event Viewer, they need to know to ignore the most recent error, and look at the first error that occurred in the group of errors. h3. Steps to Reproduce # Install attached package with example module and container # Put _TooManyErrors_ module on a page # Change its container in module settings to _Host: TooManyErrors - TooManyErrorsContainer_ # Click the _See an error!_ button h3. Expected Results - See real error: ""Unable to cast object of type 'System.Int32' to type 'System.String'."" - In the Event Viewer, only errors with that error message are logged h3. Actual Results - See unrelated error: ""Object reference not set to an instance of an object."" - In the Event Viewer, the real error and the unrelated error are all shown The forthcoming pull request has the action controls short-circuit their operation if they detect that they aren't setup correctly, instead of getting to their null reference. This fixes the extraneous null reference errors. The real error still gets logged three different times, which may be a separate issue to look at; however, wherever you look, you see a meaningful error, so I think it's a clear improvement.",1
-"DNN-4477","12/23/2013 22:45:06","Role cannot be assigned to a user from Admin – Security Roles","Role cannot be assigned to a user from Admin – Security Roles Workaround: You can do it from Admin – User Account Steps to reproduce: 1. Install the latest DNN 2. Login as Host 3. Go Top Admin- User Accounts 4. Add two new users (Tester1, Tester2) 5. Go to Admin – Security Roles 6. Create a new role – Testers 7. Try to add Tester1 to Testers (or any other role) Actual result: Users drop-down is empty, and user cannot be selected Expected result: The list of users displayed in the users drop-down ",1
-"DNN-4478","12/24/2013 12:24:32","Typo in the description of the ""Member Directory"" module","Steps: 1-Login with a host account. 2-Open the Extensions window 3-Navigate in the modules until you reach ""Member Directory"" module. 4- Check the module's description Result: Module description has a typo, please refer to attached image.",1
-"DNN-4484","12/30/2013 14:25:09","Runaway threads causing high CPU usage of DNN w3wp process on all cores","(This issue/fix has also been reported by me on the DNN forum: http://www.dnnsoftware.com/forums/forumid/198/threadid/432769/scope/posts/threadpage/4 post 12/23/2013 9:46 AM by Marco Kijlstra) I ran into a high CPU problem on our production server last week. (DNN version 6.2.5). The problem did not manifest itself on our single core test-environment, nor in our development environments. There also seemed to be no relation between any particular request and the probability of the problem occurring. I made dumps using DebugDiag and the (32 bit version of) taskmanager. Analyses of the dumps with WinDbg showed all of the runaway threads busy with an Insert call on a generic dictionary in the UserController.GetCachedUser method. This method indeed gets a dictionary from the cache and sets a value on it. The dictionary is a common generic dictionary, not thread-safe. However the object is shared among threads through the cache, and thus a thread-safe dictionary should be used. I have fixed this by changing line 242 in method UserController.GetUserLookupDictionary so that the CBO.GetCachedObject overload with the saveInDictionary parameter is used, having set the saveInDictionary parameter to true. I have attached the fixed version of UserController.cs. See lines 242-251 This bug probably also affects all 7+ versions and earlier 6.. versions. because the offending methods have not been changed. So far, the high CPU problem has not returned in the past 24 hours. Before the fix, the problem would manifest itself one or more times per hour. The fix does not seam to have had any adverse effects on performance or otherwise.",2
-"DNN-4487","12/31/2013 01:12:32","User with DENY write to folder (full control) permission can see and open files – Deny does not work","User with DENY writhe to folder (full control) permission can see and open files – Deny does not work The new names of the folder permissions in the DNN Platform contradict the permission grid behavior Steps to reproduce: 1. Install the latest DNN Platform 7.2.1. build 287 2. Login as Host 3. Go to Admin – File manager 4. Create a new folder Test 5. Open the permission grid of Test folder 6. Set permission settings to Allow-Allow-Deny Actual result: User can see the list of files and open any file in the folder regardless of Deny to Write which should work as full control DENY to all Expected result: the Settings is not allowed ",3
-"DNN-4489","12/31/2013 01:25:36","The folder permission settings is overwritten on save ","The folder permission settings is overwritten on save Steps to reproduce: 1. Install the latest DNN Platform 7.2.1. build 287 2. Login as Host 3. Go to Admin – File manager 4. Create a new folder Test 5. Open the permission grid of Test folder 6. Set permission for Register Users to Allow – Not Set – Deny 7. Click Save button 8. Open the permission grid again Actual result: Settings are set to: Allow – Deny – Deny Expected result: Setting are Set to: Allow – Not Set – Deny List all settings which are overwritten you can find in the attached table ",3
-"DNN-4493","12/31/2013 22:54:43","LogInfo > Add LogEventID in the class","The LogInfo object does not contain the LogEventID property. It appears that LogEventID column was added around 5.2.0, but the property was never added back in the C# code. The Social team will use this property to parse the EventLog table to look for login and profile update events. This processing is done in batches in social. The LogEventID (which already has an index) will be used for batching. ",1
-"DNN-4497","01/02/2014 14:47:52","Check existance and name properly new FK for FolderMappings","SQL update script needs to check existence and add a FK with proper name: DELETE FROM {databaseOwner}[{objectQualifier}Folders] WHERE FolderMappingID NOT IN (SELECT FolderMappingID FROM {databaseOwner}[{objectQualifier}FolderMappings]) GO IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Sys.Foreign_Keys WHERE Parent_Object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'{databaseOwner}[{objectQualifier}Folders]') AND name = N'FK_{objectQualifier}Folders_{objectQualifier}FolderMappings') ALTER TABLE {databaseOwner}[{objectQualifier}Folders] DROP CONSTRAINT FK_{objectQualifier}Folders_{objectQualifier}FolderMappings GO ALTER TABLE {databaseOwner}[{objectQualifier}Folders] ADD CONSTRAINT FK_{objectQualifier}Folders_{objectQualifier}FolderMappings FOREIGN KEY (FolderMappingID) REFERENCES {databaseOwner}[{objectQualifier}FolderMappings](FolderMappingID) GO See update file attached to DNN-3782",1
-"DNN-4498","01/02/2014 15:01:41","Improve UpdateFileLastModificationTime","Improve Procedure UpdateFileLastModificationTime to make it more robust and accept Null parameter for Now(): CREATE PROCEDURE {databaseOwner}[{objectQualifier}UpdateFileLastModificationTime] @FileId Int, -- Not Null @LastModificationTime DateTime -- Null: Now AS BEGIN UPDATE {databaseOwner}[{objectQualifier}Files] SET LastModificationTime = IsNull(@LastModificationTime, GetDate()) WHERE FileId = @FileId END GO ",1
-"DNN-4499","01/02/2014 15:25:32","Optimize and Improve GetSiteLog Procedures","Get SiteLog procedures have a couple of issues: - 2, 3 use firstName and LastName instead of username - 2, 5 doesn't identify current browsers - 9 conditions are duplicate (never applied) - some calculations are more usable when extracted to functions",1
-"DNN-4500","01/02/2014 15:30:17","make GetPortalSpaceUsed more robust","GetPortalSpaceUsed should support parameter value of -1 for robustness: CREATE PROCEDURE {databaseOwner}[{objectQualifier}GetPortalSpaceUsed] @PortalId Int -- Null|-1: Host files AS BEGIN SELECT SUM(CAST(Size as bigint)) AS 'SpaceUsed' FROM {databaseOwner}[{objectQualifier}Files] WHERE IsNull(PortalID, -1) = IsNull(@PortalId, -1) END GO",1
-"DNN-4516","01/03/2014 20:37:10","Folder Permission – Open Files Deny does not work","Folder Permission – Open Files Deny does not work Steps to reproduce: 1. Install the DNN Platform build 2. Login as Host 3. Add a new user – Tester 4. Add a new role – Testers 5. Assign Tester to Testers 6. Add a new page DL 7. Add the DAM module on the page 8. Give Testers View permission to the DL page and the DAM module 9. Add a new folder My Pictures under Root 10. Upload a couple of pictures in the folder (My Pictures) 11. Open the permission grid for the My Pictures folder 12. Deny Open files and Write permission 13. Allow Browse files in Folder 14. Open the site in another browser 15. Login as Tester 16. Go to DL page 17. Browse the My Picture folder 18. Open any of pictures in the folder Actual result: The picture is opened in a new window Expected result: The open files is Deny for Tester ",2
-"DNN-4518","01/03/2014 20:47:34","Drop Stored Procedure GetCurrencies","Drop Procedure GetCurrencies (from DNN 2.0.0), the queried table does no longer exist: IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE id = Object_Id(N'{databaseOwner}[{objectQualifier}GetCurrencies]') AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) DROP PROCEDURE {databaseOwner}[{objectQualifier}GetCurrencies]",1
-"DNN-4522","01/03/2014 21:19:27","Drop duplicate procedure GetDatabaseVersion","drop stored procedure GetDatabaseVersion in favor of GetDatabaseInstallVersion: IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = object_id(N'{databaseOwner}[{objectQualifier}GetDatabaseVersion]') AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsPROCEDURE') = 1) DROP PROCEDURE {databaseOwner}[{objectQualifier}GetDatabaseVersion] GO Note: You need to modify dataprovider.cs, to call other procedure as well.",1
-"DNN-4534","01/05/2014 18:20:24","Typo in Host Settings","In the hostsettings.ascx.resx file there is a typo for the CompactIndexConfirmationMessage.Text key: The current text includes: Compacting Index can *by* CPU consuming It should be: Compacting Index can *be* CPU consuming",1
-"DNN-4537","01/06/2014 10:19:04","Optimize Indexes on Permissions tables","Indexes on Permissions tables should be optimized for performance. Details see attached script.",3
-"DNN-4538","01/06/2014 12:27:00","Optimize table ContentItems","Optimize Indexes and clean data",2
-"DNN-4539","01/06/2014 14:02:55","Optimize Indexes on Table Tabs (again)","there is still room to improve performance of tabs table for most common use cases, please see attached script.",2
-"DNN-4540","01/06/2014 15:16:08","Optimize indexes on Table TabModules","Optimize Indexes and get.. procedures ",2
-"DNN-4543","01/06/2014 19:16:14","App_GlobalResources\FileUpload.resx does not show in resource localizer","When trying to localize static resours, App_GlobalResources\FileUpload.resx does not show in resource localizer, see attached screenshot.",1
-"DNN-4562","01/08/2014 08:36:28","Expired administrators still receive notifications","Users in the Administrators role that have a past ""Expiry date"" for the the role still receive notifications addressed to administrators. How to reproduce: - create a user ""adminExpired"" - assign the user to the admin role with an expiry date on the past or wait until the expiry date is passed - register a new user in the site as if it was registering by itself What happens - all administradors, including the previous ""adminExpired"" receive a notification of the new user creation What should happen - only valid and active (not expired) admins should receive the notification ",2
-"DNN-4563","01/08/2014 11:11:56","IconBar included, but not available","Iconbar files are still included with DNN 7.2.1, but it is not provided as ControlPanel option in Host Settings. Remove files from distribution (including resource file, please).",2
-"DNN-4567","01/08/2014 12:27:04","Typo in \DesktopModules\Admin\Banners\App_LocalResources\DisplayBanners.ascx.resx","there appears to be a typo in file \DesktopModules\Admin\Banners\App_LocalResources\DisplayBanners.ascx.resx, Key ModuleHelp.Text: MS Word in not recognizing the word ""nubmer"". Same error in \DesktopModules\Admin\Vendors\App_LocalResources\EditBanner.ascx.resx",1
-"DNN-4568","01/08/2014 12:29:22","Typo in \DesktopModules\Admin\Console\App_LocalResources\Settings.ascx.resx contains improper HTML tag","file \DesktopModules\Admin\Console\App_LocalResources\Settings.ascx.resx, key ModuleHelp.Text contains ""/P"" instead of ""/p"". it would be helpful to ensure, all html tags in all resource files are lowercase and xhtml compliant (e.g. < hr/ > and < br/ >)",1
-"DNN-4569","01/08/2014 12:35:08","Typos in file \DesktopModules\Admin\Extensions\App_LocalResources\PackageWriter.ascx.resx","Key FinalStep.Help: ""relavant"" Key ManifestHelp.Text: ""drop-dwon"" ""mionor""",1
-"DNN-4570","01/08/2014 12:41:22","Typo in file \DesktopModules\Admin\FiftyOneClientCapabilityProvider\App_LocalResources\Administration.ascx.resx","there is a typo in file \DesktopModules\Admin\FiftyOneClientCapabilityProvider\App_LocalResources\Administration.ascx.resx, key ActivationFailureHttpHtml.Text: ""seperated"" instead of ""separated"". ",1
-"DNN-4571","01/08/2014 12:45:48","typo in file \DesktopModules\Admin\HostSettings\App_LocalResources\HostSettings.ascx.resx","there appears to be a typo in file \DesktopModules\Admin\HostSettings\App_LocalResources\HostSettings.ascx.resx, key CompactIndexConfirmationMessage.Text: ""it's"" frequency should be ""its"" frequency.",1
-"DNN-4572","01/08/2014 12:48:49","issue in Host Settings resource","FrameworkDownLevel.Text still states ""Note: You are running on an old version of the .NET Framework. Future upgrades of the DotNetNuke platform will require .NET 3.5 SP1 or later. If you believe you are running .NET 3.5 SP1 already, please check your web.config file and ensure that the 3.5 or above versions of both System.Core and System.Data.Linq are referenced in the assemblies node."" Current required version of .Net is 4.0",1
-"DNN-4575","01/08/2014 13:05:38","Typo in file \DesktopModules\Admin\Languages\App_LocalResources\ResourceVerifier.ascx.resx","there is a typo in file \DesktopModules\Admin\Languages\App_LocalResources\ResourceVerifier.ascx.resx, key ModuleHelp.Text - ""verificacion""",1
-"DNN-4576","01/08/2014 13:13:45","Typos in file \DesktopModules\Admin\Newsletters\App_LocalResources\Newsletter.ascx.resx","there appear to be typos in file \DesktopModules\Admin\Newsletters\App_LocalResources\Newsletter.ascx.resx, key ModuleHelp.Text: - adressee - adressees",1
-"DNN-4580","01/08/2014 13:39:41","SQL: use proper text","there is a key sInfoEmpty.Text which contains ""Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries"" instead of ""there are no entries to display"".",1
-"DNN-4692","01/08/2014 20:14:10","[Platform] Scheduler throws error from DotNetNuke.Services.Scheduling.Scheduler.CoreScheduler.UpdateScheduleHistory","Install latest Social install package as FQDN site w/remote db and dnn_ as Object Qualifier Click the ""Go to Site"" link Check the log.resources file Actual Result: This error gets logged every 10 - 15 seconds: 2014-01-08 11:32:19,281 [W2012SERVER1][Thread:13][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypeException: SqlDateTime overflow. Must be between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM. at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.TdsExecuteRPC(_SqlRPC[] rpcArray, Int32 timeout, Boolean inSchema, SqlNotificationRequest notificationRequest, TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean isCommandProc, Boolean sync, TaskCompletionSource`1 completion, Int32 startRpc, Int32 startParam) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReaderTds(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, Boolean async, Int32 timeout, Task& task, Boolean asyncWrite) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method, TaskCompletionSource`1 completion, Int32 timeout, Task& task, Boolean asyncWrite) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery(TaskCompletionSource`1 completion, String methodName, Boolean sendToPipe, Int32 timeout, Boolean asyncWrite) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() at PetaPoco.Database.Execute(String sql, Object[] args) at DotNetNuke.Data.PetaPoco.PetaPocoHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(String connectionString, CommandType type, String sql, Object[] args) at DotNetNuke.Data.DataProvider.UpdateScheduleHistory(Int32 ScheduleHistoryID, DateTime EndDate, Boolean Succeeded, String LogNotes, DateTime NextStart) at DotNetNuke.Services.Scheduling.SchedulingController.UpdateScheduleHistory(ScheduleHistoryItem objScheduleHistoryItem) at DotNetNuke.Services.Scheduling.Scheduler.CoreScheduler.UpdateScheduleHistory(ScheduleHistoryItem scheduleHistoryItem) Expected Result: No error from the scheduled jobs",2
-"DNN-4588","01/08/2014 21:10:30","SI: Registration UI Checkbox Error Validation Message","Client would like the checkbox property to no longer show the Validation Error Message when the checkbox has been checked during registration. Steps to re-produce; 1. Create a New Profile Property of datatype Checkbox for use during registration - ie. AcceptTerms. - Set Default Value to 0 and Validation Expression to 1 2. Create custom registration form. 3. Log out and navigate to the registration page. Fill out the form and check the box. Expected results; Error Validation Message is no longer present. Actual Results: Message stays visible regardless of the checkboxes status. ",3
-"DNN-4586","01/08/2014 23:53:31","GA Doesn't Support ","In GA, if you don't have the necessary code change implemented, GA will not be able to show the new Demographics and Interest reports. Instead, the following error message is displayed. Your Demographics and Interest Reports have been enabled, but your Analytics tracking code does not include the necessary support to show them. Learn more about the simple, one-line, one-time change to your tracking code to add this support. In the rendered GA code, this line: ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '.google-analytics.com/ga.js'; Should be updated to this: ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://' : 'http://') + 'stats.g.doubleclick.net/dc.js'; Reference: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/2444872?hl=en&utm_id=ad",1
-"DNN-4597","01/08/2014 23:56:27","New Page Creation - Fails with a 404 and the page is not accessible","Install latest Social install package as FQDN site w/remote db and dnn_ as Object Qualifier Load the site via the Load Tool: http://dev-build1:8088/viewType.html?buildTypeId=bt329 Log in as Host Hover over 'Pages' Select ""Create new Page' Enter all required fields and use 2 words with a space between the 1st and 2nd word for the Page Name and Page URL E.G.: Tricky Dicky Instead of TrickyDicky OR Tricky_Dicky Click ""Create Page"" button Actual Result: I get a 404 error in the pop up - see attachment When I clear the pop up the Home page does not auto-refresh and the new page is not listed in the Nav area When I manually refresh the Home page then the new page appears in the Nav area Expected Result: Page is created and the Home page refreshes when you've clicked the ""Create Page"" button Page is immediately accessible via the Nav area Page loads without any error",3
-"DNN-4590","01/09/2014 00:26:16","SI: Globally Disable Private messaging","The customer would like an option at the portal settings level to disable private messaging for the entire portal. Currently they can hide the modules and buttons, but it would be easier to just have an enable/disable option in the site settings > messaging settings",3
-"DNN-4591","01/09/2014 00:43:07","Exception thrown when changing Site and Edit skin to 'Facebook-Mega-Menu'","When changing the Site and Edit skin to 'Facebook-Mega-Menu' and updating the settings change, exception is observed and the page is malformed (attached) - Using IEv9. Steps: 1. Open Admin Site Settings 2. Go to Basic Settings tab - Appearance section 3. Change the Site Skin to 'Facebook-Mega-Menu' 4. Change the Edit Skin to 'Facebook-Mega-Menu' 5. Update Site Settings Actual Result: 1. Page is malformed (attached snapshot) 2. Following error was observed in the log: 2014-01-08 16:38:43,433 [DNN-PC10][Thread:36][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - FriendlyMessage=""An error has occurred."" ctrl=""ASP.desktopmodules_ddrmenu_menu_ascx"" exc=""System.ApplicationException: Couldn't load menu style 'bootstrapNav': System.ArgumentException: Illegal characters in path. at System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission.HasIllegalCharacters(String[] str) at System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission.AddPathList(FileIOPermissionAccess access, AccessControlActions control, String[] pathListOrig, Boolean checkForDuplicates, Boolean needFullPath, Boolean copyPathList) at System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission.AddPathList(FileIOPermissionAccess access, String[] pathListOrig, Boolean checkForDuplicates, Boolean needFullPath, Boolean copyPathList) at System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission..ctor(FileIOPermissionAccess access, String path) at System.Web.HttpRequest.MapPath(VirtualPath virtualPath, VirtualPath baseVirtualDir, Boolean allowCrossAppMapping) at System.Web.HttpServerUtility.MapPath(String path) at DotNetNuke.Web.DDRMenu.TemplateEngine.TemplateDefinition.FromManifest(String manifestUrl) at DotNetNuke.Web.DDRMenu.MenuBase.Instantiate(String menuStyle) at DotNetNuke.Web.DDRMenu.MenuBase.Instantiate(String menuStyle) at DotNetNuke.Web.DDRMenu.SkinObject.OnPreRender(EventArgs e)"" 2014-01-08 16:38:43,716 [DNN-PC10][Thread:36][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - FriendlyMessage=""An error has occurred."" ctrl=""ASP.desktopmodules_ddrmenu_menu_ascx"" exc=""System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at DotNetNuke.Web.DDRMenu.SkinObject.Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)""",3
-"DNN-4598","01/10/2014 08:52:39","Can't edit extensions when ""AUM_ForceLowerCase"" is true","If a website was prefiously using the iFinity URL Master module and configured to force lowecase urls, it is impossible to edit extensions after converting the settings to DNN advances URLs. In the file InstalledExtensions.ascx.cs on line 196: string formatString = ModuleContext.EditUrl(""PackageID"", ""KEYFIELD"", ""Edit""); returns a url with keyfield in *lowercase* if in the HostSettings table AUM_ForceLowerCase is True Then in the next lines, KEYFIELD is supposed to get replaced by {0} but it does not get replaced because it is in lowercase in the string and in uppercase in the search I suggest replacing all uppercase versoins of KEYFIELD in that file for the lowercase version so it will work correctly if AUM_ForceLowerCase is True or False",1
-"DNN-4601","01/10/2014 17:12:21","cannot use periods in folder name of javascript libraries","On a vanilla Win 2008 install, urlscan is installed and enabled and it's default ruleset ban's period within a path (only allowable at the end as part of an extension). This breaks a number of places where javascript libraries are used as they contain directories with periods i.e. jquery/1.9.1 from the forum post: http://www.dnnsoftware.com/forums/forumid/200/postid/495164/scope/posts#495164 It was UrlScan that denied all access to paths that has dot in the path names (jquery/1.9.1) The problem was solved by configuring IIS UrlScan. This was on a vanilla installation of Windows 2008 R2... The solution was given by checking the IIS Log files GET /Rejected-By-UrlScan ~/resources/libraries/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.js?cdv=236 ",3
-"DNN-4602","01/10/2014 17:32:45","Messaging 6.1.5 not removed during upgrades","Message Center 7.1.2 is installed and on a page, but old Messaging 6.1.5 is still present in upgraded site. this should be removed during upgrades",3
-"DNN-4603","01/10/2014 19:10:24","Memory leak caused by recursive timeout loop","The script \admin\menus\moduleactions\moduleactions.js has a timeout calling the function ""loopyFunc"", which then calls itself on a timeout. This seems to cause a memory leak. Commenting out the body of loopyFunc stops the memory usage of the page from increasing. I don't have a complete fix, but would suggest using setInterval() instead of setTimeout().",1
-"DNN-4605","01/10/2014 20:09:55","Upgrade from 7.2.0 to (Content EVOQ) failed due to SQL Script error","Upgrade from 7.2.0 to (Content EVOQ) failed due to SQL Script error Steps to reproduce: 1. Install the Content Evoq 7.2.0 release 2. Upgrade to Actual result: Upgrade failed on % (log file attached) 01/10/2014 19:58:43 [ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Upgrade.Upgrade System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): The constraint 'PK_File' is being referenced by table 'FileStatistics', foreign key constraint 'FK_FileStatistics_Files'. Expected result: no error",1
-"DNN-4611","01/11/2014 00:26:38","Cannot disable password banned list","Preconditions: - A user is created by admin/host in the system - SMTP is setup with Papercut to receive emails on port 25 - BannedPassword list in Hosts > Lists contains the following text/value pair: -- text = testtest -- Value = failure300 Steps: 1. As host go to Host Settings > Advanced Settings > Membership Management 2. Disable password banned list (Check off) and update 3. In a different browser browse to the site and click on login and then click on reset password 4. Enter the username and click on Send reset link 5. On Papercut intercept the email and extract the reset link 6. Browse to the link from the email 7. Enter username and set new and confirm passwords to 'testtest' and click to reset password 8. As host Disable password banned list (Check off) and update 9. Set the password for user to 'testtest' Expected results: Password change is successful even though password value exist in banned password table. Actual result: Password change fails with error showing that ""Failed to reset password - either the username/token combination is invalid, or the token has expired."" And the following exception is displayed in the log.resources: 2014-01-10 16:21:32,564 [DNN-PC10][Thread:37][FATAL] DotNetNuke.Framework.PageBase - An error has occurred while loading page. System.Exception: Invalid Password at DotNetNuke.Entities.Users.UserController.ChangePasswordByToken(Int32 portalid, String username, String newPassword, String resetToken) at DotNetNuke.Modules.Admin.Security.PasswordReset.cmdChangePassword_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) at System.Web.UI.WebControls.LinkButton.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument) at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) 2014-01-10 16:21:32,570 [DNN-PC10][Thread:37][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - ~/Default.aspx?tabid=56&error=An unexpected error has occurred System.Exception: Invalid Password at DotNetNuke.Entities.Users.UserController.ChangePasswordByToken(Int32 portalid, String username, String newPassword, String resetToken) at DotNetNuke.Modules.Admin.Security.PasswordReset.cmdChangePassword_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) at System.Web.UI.WebControls.LinkButton.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument) at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) ",2
-"DNN-4617","01/11/2014 23:57:15","CodeMirror is not defines javascript error in site settings when JS minification is active","When going to site settings, there is a javascript error ""CodeMirror is not defined"" only when ""Minify JS"" is active in host settings. To reproduce: 1. Make sure debug is off in web.config or minifaction is disabled and the bug does not happen 2. Go to host settings 3. Tick Enable Composite Files, Minify CSS and Minify JS 4. Click Update 5. Click Increment version 6. Go to Admin-Site Settings 7. Open the browser console and notice the error ""Uncaught ReferenceError: CodeMirror is not defined "" If you look at the minified JS file, the file is minified to only "";;;"" /* - Start of /resources/shared/components/codeeditor/lib/codemirror.js - */ ;;; /* - End of /resources/shared/components/codeeditor/lib/codemirror.js - */ Disabling Minify JS in host settings makes everything work normally.",1
-"DNN-4620","01/12/2014 18:08:08","drop table messaging_Messages","upon install, there is still a table created Messaging_Messages although there are no stored procedures and it seems to be replaced by CoreMessaging_Messages. Please drop this table. ",2
-"DNN-4622","01/13/2014 00:10:03","Optimise indexes on Eventlog Table","Optimize indexes of Eventlog table. Changes contained in Turbo SQLScript, attached to DNN-3782",2
-"DNN-4644","01/13/2014 21:19:29","SI: Searching by Asian Characters, does not work","Searching by Cantonese or Mandarin characters does not work. Steps to reproduce: 1. in 7.2.0, create a Page as 新基準 title 2. Add HTML Modules and the following content: 我們秉持以客為先的精神,致力提供可靠和效率出眾的服務。憑藉簡化的運作流程,我們有能力處理各種類型的貨品,而我們優秀的服務水準將會為業界奠立新基準 3. Run the Search URL Scheduler 4. After Scheduler completes, re-index the site 5. Perform search with ""新基準"" Actual Result: No Results Found. Expected Result: Should be able to search using those characters as Arabic and European characters work fine.",2
-"DNN-4647","01/13/2014 22:52:52","Messaging recipient overflow leads to errors in UI","If you have more group owners than nr of recipients allowed in messaging, any user that wishes to join a group gets a JS error popup with a generic error message. That is because the API call bombs. What's worse: no one gets a message so the user can't be allowed to the group through the notifications UI! Instead, the notifications service should just add the first n users to notify and not throw an error. Final comment: We lean too much toward generating errors in the API rather than robustness and silently logging. This gives the end user the impression that the platform is not working.",1
-"DNN-4650","01/14/2014 00:15:19","Evoq Content 7.0.6 cannot be upgraded to 7.2.1 version","Evoq Content 7.0.6 cannot be upgraded to 7.2.1 version Step to reproduce: 1. Install the DNN Evoq Content 2. Unzip the DNN Evoq Content build upgrade package 3. Start the upgrade process Actual result: the error on 4% of upgrade: 01/13/2014 22:45:50 [ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Upgrade.Upgrade System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): The constraint 'PK_File' is being referenced by table 'dlfp_Document', foreign key constraint 'FK_dlfp_Document_Files'. Could not drop constraint. See previous errors. at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean callerHasConnectionLock, Boolean asyncClose) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.TryRun(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean& dataReady) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteNonQueryTds(String methodName, Boolean async, Int32 timeout) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery(TaskCompletionSource`1 completion, String methodName, Boolean sendToPipe, Int32 timeout, Boolean asyncWrite) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() at DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider.ExecuteScriptInternal(String connectionString, String script) ClientConnectionId:53a1ee7f-0c24-4414-a261-2afb84ca7578 IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.indexes WHERE name = 'PK_File' AND object_id = OBJECT_ID('dbo.[Files]')) ALTER TABLE dbo.[Files] DROP CONSTRAINT PK_File (the log file and screen shot are attached) Expected result: No error, the upgrade process is successfully finished ",3
-"DNN-4652","01/14/2014 10:16:56","FriendsAndGroups is not localized on edit profile property screen","When loading the French version of DNN you see a dropdown on the profile property edit screen with just three entries and a last blank one. The blank one should be Friends and Groups. The French text is there, it's just not loaded.",2
-"DNN-4656","01/14/2014 19:32:15","DNN Search SkinObject / jQuery migrate script dependency","I have been running into an issue where there are a number of jQuery errors occurring if the search skin object is not implemented in a skin ascx file in DNN 7.2. It appears that when the search skin object is not implemented the jQuery migrate file is not being loaded. As a test, I removed search from the Gravity skin and jQuery migrate did not load and a number of jQuery errors ensued. When I add the search skin object back in, the errors are resolved and jQuery migrate is loaded. ",1
-"DNN-4657","01/14/2014 21:12:09","SI: (internal) Dam shows error on load on upgrade of dnnsoftware.com","I ran into DNN-4093, however, the issue was not fixed by fixing the data. I looked into the method that causes the error, and it could be written a bit more defensively: (DotNetNuke.Modules.DigitalAssets.Components.Controllers.DigitalAssetsController.GetFolderIconUrl old version: {code} protected string GetFolderIconUrl(int portalId, int folderMappingID) { var imageUrl = FolderMappingController.Instance.GetFolderMapping(portalId, folderMappingID).ImageUrl; if (File.Exists(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(imageUrl))) { return imageUrl; } return IconController.IconURL(""ExtClosedFolder"", ""32x32"", ""Standard""); } {code} proposed new version {code} protected string GetFolderIconUrl(int portalId, int folderMappingID) { var imageUrl = IconController.IconURL(""ExtClosedFolder"", ""32x32"", ""Standard""); var folderMapping = FolderMappingController.Instance.GetFolderMapping(portalId, folderMappingID); if (folderMapping != null && File.Exists(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(folderMapping.ImageUrl))) { imageUrl = folderMapping.ImageUrl; } return imageUrl; } {code} At least this will prevent the error from happening. Apparently for some reason, FolderMappingController.Instance.GetFolderMapping(portalId, folderMappingID) can return a null value",1
-"DNN-4658","01/14/2014 23:57:07","Template Export Including cache .resource files","There was a change in behavior between 7.2.0 and 7.2.1 that has resulted in cache files being included in the template when 'include files' is checked. The files included are the .resources ones in the cache folder and I am attaching templates generated in Social in 1.2 and 1.2.1 to verify an example. (Open these w/ a text editor, search for .resources, you will find them only in 1.2.1). Expected: No cache .resources files exported as part of template. To reproduce: - As host, go to Host -> Site Management and click ""Export Site"" - Add a name and description for the template (pick a site) - Scroll down and in the advanced area check ""Include Files"", leaving rest default - View exported site template with text editor, search for .resources",1
-"DNN-4663","01/15/2014 01:56:04","Sub-sub menus not accessible in default skin","Sub-sub pages in ddr menu are not clickable in the standard DotNetNuke gravity skin because the sub-sub-menu-item is too far from the sub-menu-item to reach it without loosing focus on the parent item, so the sub-sub-item disappears before reaching it (see attached screenshot). This problem is caused by this rule in the skin.css .nav-collapse:not(.in) .nav .dropdown-menu{ border-radius:0!important; top:37px!important; } Removing top:27px!important; resolves this issue. I am not sure why this was added but it was not present in 7.1.2 and removing that line resolves the issue. Not sure it does not brake anything else though, maybe someone knows why this was added... ",1
-"DNN-4664","01/15/2014 03:40:44","Allow 404 Exception Bubbling from Modules","This item relates to the ability for a third-party module to raise a 404 and have the standard DNN 404 handler catch and handle it. The DNN 404 handler does the following things: 1) logs the 404 to a special 404 exception type 2) shows the portal-specific 404 page 3) sends back a 'true' 404 status code, instead of the asp.net standard of generating a 302 redirect to an error page. When module developers wish to intentionally throw a 404 error in their code (such as when a wrong-for-the-module URL is requested, such as a non-existent blog post), they cannot currently get the DNN 404 handler to deal with this. This is because the general-exception handling catches any raised 404 exception, and turns it over to the general exception handling behaviour, which is to show an error page. The requirements for this change are to: 1) Allow a module developer to raise a 404 exception in their module code 2) Have an unhandled 404 exception bubble up until it is in the main DNN Exception handling code (for the page lifecycle) 3) Have 404 exceptions passed-through as a special case to the URL Rewriting 404 Handling code, so that it will return a 404 status code and show the portal-specific 404 page. Test Case ------------- For the test case, a module will have to be built which has a simple way of generating a 404. This is suggested to be a simple module with a view control that returns a 404 if you reuqest a set URL (ie /status/404) for the page the module exists on. This module should be built as part of making the change and provided to the QA team. The module should also have a way of generating a 'generic' 500 exception, to show that the normal exception handling is not affected (ie /status/500) Step 1 : Verify that 404 handling is working as expected (example.com/junkurl) Step 2 : Install the exception-testing module Step 3 : Request a 404 Exception -Expected Result- Shows the same 404 page as Step 1 Step 4: Request a 500 Exception -Expected Result- Shows the DNN error page, and not the 404 page.",8
-"DNN-4665","01/15/2014 18:48:32","Exception when Editing a registered user for the first time","When editing a new user for the first time, creation of the user folder fails. A second try does no produce an exception. Reproduction steps: 1. Register new user. 2. Login as host and go to Admin->User-Accounts 3. Click the edit icon for the new user. Exception: {quote} 2014-01-15 10:40:57,352 [DNN-PC104][Thread:56][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - ~/Default.aspx?tabid=73&error=Cannot+insert+duplicate+key+row+in+object+%27dbo.FolderPermission%27+with+unique+index+%27IX_FolderPermission_Roles%27.%0d%0aThe+statement+has+been+terminated. System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.FolderPermission' with unique index 'IX_FolderPermission_Roles'. The statement has been terminated. at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean callerHasConnectionLock, Boolean asyncClose) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.TryRun(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean& dataReady) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.TryConsumeMetaData() at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.get_MetaData() at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.FinishExecuteReader(SqlDataReader ds, RunBehavior runBehavior, String resetOptionsString) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReaderTds(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, Boolean async, Int32 timeout, Task& task, Boolean asyncWrite) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method, TaskCompletionSource`1 completion, Int32 timeout, Task& task, Boolean asyncWrite) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteScalar() at PetaPoco.Database.ExecuteScalar[T](String sql, Object[] args) at DotNetNuke.Data.PetaPoco.PetaPocoHelper.ExecuteScalar[T](String connectionString, CommandType type, Int32 timeout, String sql, Object[] args) in c:\Dev\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Data\PetaPoco\PetaPocoHelper.cs:line 98 at DotNetNuke.Data.PetaPoco.PetaPocoHelper.ExecuteScalar[T](String connectionString, CommandType type, String sql, Object[] args) in c:\Dev\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Data\PetaPoco\PetaPocoHelper.cs:line 81 at DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider.ExecuteScalar[T](String procedureName, Object[] commandParameters) in c:\Dev\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Data\SqlDataProvider.cs:line 342 at DotNetNuke.Data.DataProvider.AddFolderPermission(Int32 folderId, Int32 permissionId, Int32 roleID, Boolean allowAccess, Int32 userId, Int32 createdByUserID) in c:\Dev\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Data\DataProvider.cs:line 1811 at DotNetNuke.Security.Permissions.PermissionProvider.SaveFolderPermissions(IFolderInfo folder) in c:\Dev\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Security\Permissions\PermissionProvider.cs:line 572 at DotNetNuke.Security.Permissions.FolderPermissionController.SaveFolderPermissions(IFolderInfo folder) in c:\Dev\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Security\Permissions\FolderPermissionController.cs:line 209 at DotNetNuke.Security.Permissions.FolderPermissionController.SaveFolderPermissions(FolderInfo folder) in c:\Dev\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Security\Permissions\FolderPermissionController.cs:line 200 at DotNetNuke.Services.FileSystem.FolderManager.AddUserFolder(UserInfo user) in c:\Dev\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Services\FileSystem\FolderManager.cs:line 1226 at DotNetNuke.Services.FileSystem.FolderManager.GetUserFolder(UserInfo userInfo) in c:\Dev\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Services\FileSystem\FolderManager.cs:line 789 at DotNetNuke.Web.UI.WebControls.DnnFilePickerUploader.LoadFolders() in c:\Dev\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\DotNetNuke.Web\UI\WebControls\DnnFilePickerUploader.cs:line 157 at DotNetNuke.Web.UI.WebControls.DnnFilePickerUploader.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) in c:\Dev\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\DotNetNuke.Web\UI\WebControls\DnnFilePickerUploader.cs:line 133 at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) ClientConnectionId:6e87cb36-6286-4652-b23d-1ce7dcaa8def {quote}",1
-"DNN-4679","01/17/2014 16:45:02","SI: User can only view 'Permissions' from Pages Module while in Full Control and needs a sub-catagory instead","User has found an issue where a sub-category is either not working or missing (i.e. View, Add, Add Content, Copy, etc...) and the User has no choice but to use Full Control to view 'Permissions' on the Pages module. You can reproduce the problem in a fresh DNN 7.2.0 installation as follows: - Use Host account and create a new user - Use Host account to place the Page module to a page and give the newly created user view permissions and that page and ""Edit content"" permission on th Page module - Use Host account to give ""Full control"" permission to another page to the newly created user - Login with the newly created user and navigate to the page where the Page module was added END RESULT => Now, you do not see the permission section on the right side when editing the properties of the page where the user has ""Full control"" permission. SOLUTION (Not ideal) => While logged in as the Host, the newly created Page where the Pages Module has been added has to have Full Control permissions. ",3
-"DNN-4681","01/17/2014 18:50:21","Member Directory - First and Last name are displayed according to Visibility permission","The Member Directory should respect Visibility permissions but it does not seem to work. steps: 1. Create a user as host 2. Create a page with permission to All Users (so public can view) 3. Add a Member Directory module to the page 4. As user login and modify the profile and set first name and last name and change the visibility for both to public and update 5. In a separate browser browse to the page with member directory module Expected result: The first name and last name of the user is visible as they are set to public Actual result: Permission set for first and last name do not work based on the visibility permission they are set to.",3
-"DNN-4682","01/17/2014 19:12:20","Remove debug logging to extension gallery script","When searching for extensions from the Host->Extensions page (via the More Extensions tab), the search URLs are logged in the browser's console. Debug logging shouldn't be included in the final release, it should only be used for debugging.",1
-"DNN-4701","01/22/2014 11:09:46","CoreMessaging_CheckReplyHasRecipients is missing portal contect","to fix DNN-23950, a new procedure CoreMessaging_CheckReplyHasRecipients has been added. While messages are portal specific, the fix is missing portal context, i.e. it doesn't check, for which portal the user has been deleted. It also fails for hard deleted users Please se attached script or TurboSQL, attached to DNN-3782 for a fix.",2
-"DNN-4704","01/22/2014 20:32:21","Add more APIs from Globals to TestableGlobals","It'd be wonderful to be able to have a way to mock calls to {{Globals.NavigateURL}} and other methods on the {{Globals}} class.",1
-"DNN-4706","01/23/2014 02:33:21","Delete List button doesn't work when there is items in the list","Reproduce Steps: 1. goto Admin > Lists; 2. Create a new list named ""AAA"" and fill the item name/value fields and save it; 3. click ""Delete List"" button. Expected Result: if doesn't allow to delete list when it has items, we should disable this button or show a message about it, otherwise we should delete the list successful. Actually Result: after click the delete button and confirm the popup window, nothing happened.",1
-"DNN-4709","01/23/2014 14:57:55","DAM > Grid Context Menu does not hide menu options when more than one item is selected","The Grid Context Menu in the DAM Module does not hide properly menu options by permissions when more than one item is selected. The menu hides the menu options based only on the permissions of the item which the user has opened the Context menu with a mouse click. It does not take into account the permissions intersection between all the items selected in the grid. Steps to Reprouce: # Log in as Host # Create a Page # Give View permission to all user # Drop DAM on that page # Go to the page # Create Folder A and, under A create folder B (A/B) # Upload a file called ""Banner1.jpg"" in both folders (A and B) # Change permission to folder B to give full control to registered users # Create a normal user # Log out # Log in as user # Go to page with DAM # Select folder ""A"" # Search for ""banner"" word # Select the 2 returned items in the grid # Right-Click on the first item than do Right-Click on the second one Actual Result: # On the first Right Click the menu opens only the options that can be done based on the permission of the first item !FullPermission.png! # On the second Right Click the menu opens only the options that can be done based on the permission of the second item !ViewPermission.png! Expected Result # on both right click the menu should show the same options based on the intersection of the permissions of the items selected. This option should be the same shown in the Selection Toolbar ",2
-"DNN-4713","01/23/2014 20:10:17","Host Email","We need to capture the Host Email Address from the user when installing. The detailed description of the feature requirements are included in the attached document",5
-"DNN-4714","01/23/2014 21:28:48","Page Publishing","This is a simple enhancement that provides an option for a site admin to do all the tings neccessary to make a page visible to all users through a command on the Page menu. The detail is described in the attached document.",3
-"DNN-5230","01/24/2014 22:19:22","[Platform] Ingore words fails if word is mixed case","In latest Social build As Admin go Admin > Advanced Settings > Search Admin click on ""Ignore Words"" tab click the ""Pencil Icon"" to edit ""Ignore Words"" Add: MeOhMyOh AeIoU19 Now as Admin Create a new page - make permissions so everyone can view the page Place both new ""Ignore Words"" values from above into the HTML module on the new page Save everything Save the changes so the new entries persist Log into the same site as HOST using different browser Go Host > Advanced Settings > Schedule Run the Search: Site Crawler Hit the site using another different browser enter either of the 2 new ""Ignore Words"" in the search text box top right of the page Actual Results: When you type in MeOhMyOh you'll get ""No Results Found"" When you type in AeIoU19 you'll get the newly created page returned ",2
-"DNN-5754","01/25/2014 13:45:28","EVOQSOCIAL: Notifications Stream doesn't resize images","I am subscribed to a question I created on my site. Someone responded with an answer that included an image. In the Q/A area this image is accurately and appropriately resized to fit in the window. However, since I'm subscribed to this question I get a preview of it in the notifications stream. When I checked my notifications the image was showing out past the side. Just wondering if the same CSS principles are applied in the notifications stream. See attached image of the scenario",2
-"DNN-4733","01/27/2014 15:54:59","File Manager Missing After Upgrade","After upgrading an Instance to 7.2.1 the File Manage found under the Admin and Host menus is missing. The page is blank. ",2
-"DNN-4742","01/29/2014 18:46:49","error 404 for disabled pages","if advanced url was enabled, in view disable pages, error 404 shows, even if view as administrator or page editors in this case can not manage page settings, because of error 404 ",1
-"DNN-4745","01/29/2014 23:21:49","remove unused Procedure GetRolesByUser","the Stored Procedure GetRolesByUser is no longer used - this should be dropped. Note: this change has a dependency on the linked social issue, so cannot be applied until that is resolved",1
-"DNN-4759","01/30/2014 19:12:46","On new user registration, notification shows profile picture of host","# As host, add a profile picture # Logout and Register a new user # As host, check the ""new user registration"" notification. #* The picture displayed in the notification is of the host/superuser. This seems like a bug. The notification should display the profile picture of the newly registered user.",1
-"DNN-4763","01/31/2014 17:28:22","Enabling ""combine files"" in host settings breaks Paging in Admin > Site Settings","When ""Combine Files"" is enabled in Host Settings, tabstrib and section hiding refuse to work, all sections are just displayed in a row. Tested with Default Skin. Steps to reproduce: - in Host Settings enable ""Combine Files - Check Admin Site Settings",1
-"DNN-4765","01/31/2014 21:50:04","Non members of a social group should not be able to search group contents","Issue description: Non members of a social group should not be able to search group contents Steps: 1, As Host, create a page, put in page menu, delete the default HTML module, and Add Social Group module 2, Grant View permission for registered user to the page 3, Copy Permission to Children 4, Use Auto Config for Social Group module 5, Create a group 6, Create a user through Admin - User Account 7, As Host, post some items and comments to Journal module under Social Group 8, Run Site Crawler in Host - Schedule 9, In another browser, log on as the registered user 10, Join the social group 11, In search box at top right corner, type in a word which is included in a post or comment in Journal module under Social Group 12, Leave the group as the registered user 13, Clear cache and recycle app pool 14, As the registered user, type in the same word as last time and run the search Actual results: Even after the user leaves the social group, the user is still able to search the contents for the social group Expected results: Once the user leaves a social group, it should not be able to search any content from that group ",2
-"DNN-4770","02/02/2014 06:22:51","Cannot remove Default skins","I am unable to remove the skins that DNN installs by default. The Delete icon is not visible. Reproduce: 1. Install DNN 7.2.1 2. During install create the default portal with the empty portal template 3. Install a custom skin 4. Set this as the portal skin. This skin is now used for all pages, including the host pages. 5. Host > Extensions On both the Skins and the Container sections non of the skins or containers can be un-installed as there's no delete icon visible. When you assign one of the pre-installed skins, you can un-install the previously installed custom skin.",3
-"DNN-4780","02/03/2014 19:22:39","SI: Display Name should be updated accordingly when user profile changed","Pre-Condition: - Go to Site Settings >> User Account Settings and define a display name format as [FIRSTNAME][LASTNAME] - Create a New User by using this new setting Steps: - Log in as Host, goto User > Manage Users - Click a Pencil icon button to edit the new created user account - Click Manage Profile tab - Change First Name and Last Name, and update it - Go back to Manage Account tab Result: FirstName & LastName in Manage Account Tab are updated, but display name didn't get updated accordingly. Expected: It shall trigger to update the Display Name as well. ",2
-"DNN-4783","02/03/2014 23:36:10","Shall Not display Host Root Folder/Sub-folders in Host control panel. ","Log this issue for Charles since he already started working on it. 1. Login as Host and click into Host Main Page 2. Click on Upload File from Tools menu 3. Click on ""Upload To:"" drop-down menu Result: it shows Host Root folder & sub-folders Expected: Shall only show Site Root folder & sub-folders ",2
-"DNN-4785","02/04/2014 15:56:52","ClientResourceManager.RegisterScript Breaks WebResource.axd URLs","The {{ClientResourceManager.RegisterScript}} code looks like this: {code} public static void RegisterScript(Page page, string filePath, int priority, string provider) { var include = new DnnJsInclude { ForceProvider = provider, Priority = priority, FilePath = filePath.ToLowerInvariant(), AddTag = false }; var loader = page.FindControl(""ClientResourceIncludes""); if (loader != null) { loader.Controls.Add(include); } } {code} So, it does {{filePath.ToLowerInvariant()}}. But, the webresource urls are cryptographically encoded and case sensitivity seems to matter. As a result, using {{Page.ClientScript.GetWebResourceUrl()}} results in a URL that's broken when it's added to the page using the {{RegisterScript}} function. This is breaking code in some custom modules that need to load JS files.",3
-"DNN-5180","02/04/2014 17:53:29","Blank popup when creating redirection from Site Redirection Management","Issue description: Blank popup when creating redirection from Site Redirection Management Steps: 1, Install a FQDN site 2, Add a new binding for SSL after adding SSL certificate through IIS Manager 3, Create a page, and make it Secure after enabling SSL through Site Settings 4, Navigate to the page 5, Go to Admin - Site Redirection Management 6, Select Create a redirection using advanced options 7, Click Create button Actual results: A blank popup window Expected results: There should be UI elements in the popup, and it should work",3
-"DNN-4786","02/04/2014 19:41:14","Provide a way to localize module titles for all modules in admin pages","Currently all modules in Admin and Host pages display the title in english only, no matter what the current language is. It would be desirable to provide a way to support setting the titles for those modules through language packs extensions.",2
-"DNN-4791","02/05/2014 23:52:36","Updating Host Settings causes too many cached objects to be removed","When updating a Host Setting there is a need to remove the cached Host Settings from the cache so they are refreshed. HostController does this by making a call to clear the Host Cache (which also clears a number of other keys) rather than explicitly removing the Host Settings cache.",1
-"DNN-4792","02/06/2014 09:57:54","[Localization] {CanComment} displayed in Journal Module.","In a Journal entry, before and after the like and comment links, {CanComment} is displayed. I'm using a Dutch localized DNN Community instance. Is this something I can do myself to fix this? (e.g. change some settings) ",2
-"DNN-4798","02/06/2014 16:35:54","Client Resource Management > Current Host Version - not updated","Steps to reproduce: # Open browser Network request debugger # Go to any page and notice the .css files contains the parameter cdv, for example skin.css?cdv=60 # Go to Host > Host Settings > Advanced Settings > Client Resource Management # Notice the Current Host Version has she same previous value (example 60) # Click Increment Version, Notice the value is correctly incremented (example 61) # Refresh page or go to any other page Result # The requests still use the previous version (skin.css?cdv=60) # If the app is restarted (Tools > Recycle Application Domain), the requests begins to use the new version Expected result # The request should use the new version automatically Notes: This version number is returned by the DnnFileRegistrationProvider class. This value is loaded when the app inits, and never updated. Our request is to add a new API to this class, in order to allow to dynamically increment this version, without the need to force an app restart",2
-"DNN-4834","02/06/2014 19:05:56","SI: No prompt when deleting modules from Page Managment","Steps to recreate: Go to Admin -> Page Managment Select a page with modules Click the trash icon, module is deleted with no prompt",2
-"DNN-4803","02/07/2014 10:30:34","RibbonBar: Cannot switch Module Categories","If you switch the module category, the UI will be broken as it will switch to the uninitialized view of ""insert existing module"". ",3
-"DNN-4804","02/07/2014 16:58:09","iconbar does not work in dnn 7.2.0+","the iconbar no longer works in dnn 7.2.0 and above - whilst it shows clicking on admin or host simply reloads the page Ref: http://www.dnnsoftware.com/wiki/Page/Iconbar-control-panel-does-not-work-with-DNN-7-x-releases",1
-"DNN-4806","02/07/2014 19:17:33","Issue with regular expressions and JSMin.cs","I have a JavaScript file (store.validation.js see attachment) that uses a rather complex regex string to validate URLs. When I enable JS minification on the site, all form validation stops working. After looking at the combined and minified files, I can see the start and end line for the store.validation.js file but all the JavaScript for that file is missing. There is a known (and fixed) issue in JSMin.c that causes it to not correctly parse regex strings like /[/']/ as the 2nd / is interpreted as the end of the regex. Here is a link to the github diff that shows the fix. https://github.com/douglascrockford/JSMin/commit/55809e6d07be4a0d3029d48112d16ef833e55cf7 The version of JSMin.cs (DNN Platform/Components/ClientDependency/Source/CompositeFiles/JSMin.cs) in DNN has a date stamp of 5/22/2007 and the date stamp of this fix is 1/22/2011. I propose two things: First, we should update JSMin to a more up-to-date version. Second, in the event that JSMin fails and returns and empty string, rather than putting nothing in the combined/minified file, we should put the non-minified file in it's place so that major functionality is less likely to be broken by the minification feature. ",3
-"DNN-4808","02/08/2014 12:21:24","DNN 7.2.0 sqldataprovider issue","the upgrade script deletes an index, w/o checking for it to be existing. this might affect re-run.",1
-"DNN-4809","02/08/2014 12:31:08","DNN 7.2.1 sqldataprovider issue","DNN 7.2.1 adds a misnamed FK, which is not preceeded by proper deletion of object with same name, which prevents the script to re-run. Later in the script, a new FK is added w/o deleting the previous one",1
-"DNN-4815","02/11/2014 03:41:07","DAM: Upload To selector on Upload Files dialog doesn't do anything","What I did: On the Admin > File Manager page I went to upload a file. On the Upload Files dialog box there is an ""Upload To"" drop down selection box that says the folder I am uploading to. What I expected to happen: I expected to be able to change the folder that I was uploading files to.",2
-"DNN-4816","02/11/2014 04:27:24","Link in app gallery need update","Reproduce Steps: 1. goto host > extensions, select ""More Extensions"" tab; 2. there is a tip ""Learn more about how to offer your extensions here."" under tag cloud; 3. check the link on ""here"", it linked to ""www.dotnetnuke.com"". Expected Result: link to www.dnnsoftware.com or to store.",1
-"DNN-4818","02/11/2014 05:31:50","Admin user can select the sql statement executed by host user","Admin user can select the sql statement executed by host user in event log, this is dangerous if host user execute some important sql. Reproduce steps: 1. login as host and execute some sql statement in Host > Sql. 2. create an admin account; 3. login as the admin account, goto Admin >Event Viewer. Expected Result: the log of sql query should be hidden to admin. Actually Result: !20140211133022.png!",2
-"DNN-4822","02/11/2014 19:53:44","Private posts are searchable for non-friend users","Issue description: Private posts are searchable for non-friend users Steps: 1, Create two users 2, Create one role - SG 3, Assign the two users to the new role 4, Create a page, put in page menu, delete the default HTML module 5, Add Social Group module to the page, auto config 6, Assign View permission for the page to the new role 7, Copy permission to child page 8, Ensure the new role has View permission for Journal module 9, Log on as one registered user 10, Leave a post and set the post as Private 11, As Host, run Search Site Crawler 12, Log on as the second user, and search for the private post Actual results: The private post is displayed for the second user Expected results: Because the post is private, it should not be displayed for the second user",2
-"DNN-4823","02/11/2014 20:06:01","BLOCKED - BMP images cannot be set as profile picture","# Go to Edit Profile and choose a .bmp image to set as profile picture # The .bmp image cannot be set as profile image. This is a bug. #* .bmp is an allowed file extension in Host settings. #* .bmp images can be uploaded to website using Tools > Upload file. #* This bug does not occur for jpg, jpeg, png or gif file extensions. #* Bug originally found on Social suite package and was reproducible on PE",2
-"DNN-4824","02/11/2014 22:00:22","Private group posts are displayed for users not belonging to the group during search","Issue description: Private group posts are displayed for users not belonging to the group during search Steps: 1, Create three users - user1, user2 and user3 2, Create a role - SG, and assign the role to the three users 3, Create a page, put in page menu, delete the default HTML module 4, Add Social Group module to the page, auto config, and create a private group 5, Add user1 and user2 to the group 6, Grant role SG view permission for the page, Copy permission to child pages and ensure SG role has View permission for Social Group module 7, Log on as user1 and user2, and post some contents 8, As Host, run Site Search Crawler 9, Log on as user3, search the contents posted by user1 and user2 Actual results: user3 can find the content posted by user1 and user2 Expected results: Because user3 is not member of the private group, it should not be able to see any content from that group by search",2
-"DNN-4826","02/11/2014 22:55:06","Contents with JournalTypeId 5 is displayed when searching journal posts","Issue description: Contents with JournalTypeId 5 is displayed when searching journal posts Steps: 1, Create a role - SG 2, Create two users - user1 and user2 3, Create a page, put in page menu, and delete the default HTML module 4, Add Social Group module to the page, auto config, and create a public group 5, Grant View permission for the page to role - SG 6, Copy permission to child pages 7, Log on as user1 and user2, and post some contents 8, Run Search Site Crawler 9, As user2, do a search to ensure that contents show up 10, Go to database Journal table, and modify JournalTypeId for some posts to 5 11, Clear Cache 12, Recycle app pool 13, Run Search Site Crawler again 14, As user2, try search some posts Actual results: Some contents with JournalTypeId 5 still show up, but not all type 5 posts show up Expected results: Search should only show Journal contents with JournalTypeId 1,2,3,4",2
-"DNN-4827","02/11/2014 23:19:01","Posts with EVERYONE permission should be searchable for registered non-community members","Issue description: Posts with EVERYONE permission should be searchable for registered non-community members Steps: 1, As Host, create three users - user1, user2 and user3 2, Create a role - SG 3, Assign the three users to SG role 4, Create a page, put in page menu and delete HTML module 5, Add Social Group module, auto config, and create a public group 6, Grant View permission for the page to SG role and ensure that SG also has View permission for Social Group module 7, Copy permission to child pages 8, User1 and user2 join the group 9, As user1, post some contents with permission - EVERYONE to Journal module 10, Run Search Site Crawler 11, As user3, try to search the posts Actual results: User3 cannot find any post Expected results Although user3 is not member of the social group, because the permission for the post is EVERYONE, user3 should be able to search and read it ",2
-"DNN-4829","02/12/2014 00:18:56","upgrade from 6.1.2 to 7.2.2 causes ""CREATE UNIQUE INDEX statement terminated because a duplicate key"" message","02/12/2014 00:16:13 [ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Upgrade.Upgrade System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): The CREATE UNIQUE INDEX statement terminated because a duplicate key was found for the object name 'dbo.FolderPermission' and the index name 'IX_FolderPermission_Roles'. The duplicate key value is (-1, 40, 5). The statement has been terminated. at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean callerHasConnectionLock, Boolean asyncClose) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.TryRun(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean& dataReady) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteNonQueryTds(String methodName, Boolean async, Int32 timeout, Boolean asyncWrite) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery(TaskCompletionSource`1 completion, String methodName, Boolean sendToPipe, Int32 timeout, Boolean asyncWrite) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() at DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider.ExecuteScriptInternal(String connectionString, String script) in c:\Github\72_development\DNN Platform\Library\Data\SqlDataProvider.cs:line 139 ClientConnectionId:3fc99598-d361-42df-96b0-d356688f7f4b CREATE UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_FolderPermission_Roles ON dbo.[FolderPermission] (RoleID, FolderID, PermissionID) INCLUDE (AllowAccess) WHERE RoleID IS NOT Null 02/12/2014 00:16:13 [ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Upgrade.Upgrade System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): The CREATE UNIQUE INDEX statement terminated because a duplicate key was found for the object name 'dbo.FolderPermission' and the index name 'IX_FolderPermission_Roles'. The duplicate key value is (-1, 40, 5). The statement has been terminated. at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean callerHasConnectionLock, Boolean asyncClose) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.TryRun(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean& dataReady) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteNonQueryTds(String methodName, Boolean async, Int32 timeout, Boolean asyncWrite) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery(TaskCompletionSource`1 completion, String methodName, Boolean sendToPipe, Int32 timeout, Boolean asyncWrite) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() at DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider.ExecuteScriptInternal(String connectionString, String script) in c:\Github\72_development\DNN Platform\Library\Data\SqlDataProvider.cs:line 139 ClientConnectionId:3fc99598-d361-42df-96b0-d356688f7f4b CREATE UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_FolderPermission_Roles ON dbo.[FolderPermission] (RoleID, FolderID, PermissionID) INCLUDE (AllowAccess) WHERE RoleID IS NOT Null ",1
-"DNN-4831","02/12/2014 04:35:10","CreateUser Error in scheduler","Please change from PortalController.GetCurrentPortalSettings() as it comes null in scheduler to PortalSettings(portalid), you are calling it in CreateUser(ref userinfo) method internal static void UpdateUser(int portalId, UserInfo user, bool loggedAction, bool clearCache) { portalId = UserController.GetEffectivePortalId(portalId); user.PortalID = portalId; MembershipProvider.Instance().UpdateUser(user); if (loggedAction) { EventLogController eventLogController = new EventLogController(); eventLogController.AddLog(user, PortalController.GetCurrentPortalSettings(), UserController.GetCurrentUserInfo().UserID, """", EventLogController.EventLogType.USER_UPDATED); } if (clearCache) { DataCache.ClearUserCache(portalId, user.Username); } }",1
-"DNN-4839","02/13/2014 18:42:45","JavaScript error from Digital Asset Manager module in IE8","In IE 8, there is a JavaScript error when clicking on an item in the file manager while in ""icons"" view instead of ""list"" view. h3. Steps to Reproduce # Get ahold of IE 8 # Go to Admin -> File Manager # Click the ""Icons"" button in the DAM toolbar # Click an icon of a folder or file h3. Expected Results - File or folder is selected h3. Actual Results - JavaScript error is logged: ""target.tagName is null or not an object"" from dnn.digitalassets.js line 3051, character 13",2
-"DNN-4848","02/14/2014 18:27:50","Possible Race Condition in UserInfo.Social","When simultaneous calls are made to a user object during the Social building stage of that user, the calls appear to create a race condition when caching the Social object. I noticed that the Social object is governed under a Dictionary object. Dictionary objects are known to not be thread safe, and this could be what is potentially causing the issue. Attached image of error message. Troublesome code is as follows (UserInfo.cs): [Browsable(false)] public UserSocial Social { get { if (_social == null) { _social = new Dictionary(); } if (!_social.ContainsKey(PortalID)) { //_social[PortalID] = new UserSocial(this); _social.Add(PortalID, new UserSocial(this)); } return _social[PortalID]; } } Possible resolution: private object _social_lock = new object(); public UserSocial Social { get { lock(_social_lock) { // *** Add a lock (more efficient solutions may also exist) if (_social == null) { _social = new Dictionary(); } if (!_social.ContainsKey(PortalID)) { //_social[PortalID] = new UserSocial(this); _social.Add(PortalID, new UserSocial(this)); } } return _social[PortalID]; } } Alternatively, you could try using a ConcurrentDictionary object which is thread safe. The lock is the quickest solution, but it might also be inefficient.",2
-"DNN-4849","02/14/2014 21:51:45","Sitemaps should not have items with zero priority ","You can set the sitemap priority of a page to zero. But that produces a sitemap file that is rejected by google as being invalid. Priority should be >0 Fix will be provided via git pull request",1
-"DNN-4852","02/15/2014 15:34:11","Module SQL and Configuration Manager do not function when client scripting in minify mode","If you turn on minify scripting and resources updated modules listed in summary no longer function as designed",1
-"DNN-4853","02/15/2014 19:28:45",".dnnUserFileUpload is undefined when using $.fn.dnnComposeMessage","Active Forums (and probably other modules) use the javascript $.fn.dnnComposeMessage to send a private message to a user. Since 7.2.0 the ComposeMessage.js adds a function at line 105 I guess to support uploading a file. It brakes the messaging in the case of Active Forums and maybe other modules. Commenting the function resolves the issue, but probably breaks something else, so maybe someone with more knowledge of this newly added feature can come up with a better solution. To reproduce: - Install Dnn 7.2.1 - Install Active Forums 5.1.4 - Create two users - In Active forums, select standard messaging in the module settings - Create a post - Login with another user and navigate to that post - Click the envelope icon next to the avatar - Notice the "".dnnUserFileUpload is undefined"" javascript error in the browser console - Notice the message popUp does not show It works fine with Dnn 7.0.6 so it must have been introduced in Dnn 7.1 ",2
-"DNN-4854","02/16/2014 07:27:09","Container selector in module settings too narrow","The selector dropdown for containers in module settings is too narrow. This causes that in most cases you cannot see the actual name of the container without opening the dropdown. Control should be made much more wider.",2
-"DNN-4862","02/17/2014 21:51:59","SI: Exceptions thrown when indexing if old user profiles are missing","If old user accounts are missing profiles the following exceptions are thrown: AssemblyVersion:7.2.1 PortalID:-1 PortalName: UserID:-1 UserName: ActiveTabID:-1 ActiveTabName: RawURL: AbsoluteURL: AbsoluteURLReferrer: UserAgent: DefaultDataProvider:DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider, DotNetNuke ExceptionGUID:b17ae11e-9241-43b9-b300-13e7c8edd6de InnerException:Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types. FileName: FileLineNumber:0 FileColumnNumber:0 Method:System.DBNull.System.IConvertible.ToInt32 StackTrace: Message: System.InvalidCastException: Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types. at System.DBNull.System.IConvertible.ToInt32(IFormatProvider provider) at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.UserIndexer.GetSearchDocuments(Int32 portalId, DateTime startDate) It was also reported in the forum: http://www.dnnsoftware.com/answers/cid/426636 Related old issue: https://dnntracker.atlassian.net/browse/DNN-4075 ",2
-"DNN-4868","02/18/2014 22:53:05","Installation of HotKey feature branch build failed. "," Tried to install a custom build for 7.3.0 - Hotkeys (DNN-22841) by scripts or manually, all failed. Here is error messages & Stack Trace pasted below for your reference. Server Error in '/' Application. Could not load file or assembly 'FiftyOne.Foundation' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'FiftyOne.Foundation' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. Source Error: An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below. Assembly Load Trace: The following information can be helpful to determine why the assembly 'FiftyOne.Foundation' could not be loaded. WRN: Assembly binding logging is turned OFF. To enable assembly bind failure logging, set the registry value [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Fusion!EnableLog] (DWORD) to 1. Note: There is some performance penalty associated with assembly bind failure logging. To turn this feature off, remove the registry value [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Fusion!EnableLog]. Stack Trace: [FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'FiftyOne.Foundation' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.] System.RuntimeTypeHandle.GetTypeByName(String name, Boolean throwOnError, Boolean ignoreCase, Boolean reflectionOnly, StackCrawlMarkHandle stackMark, IntPtr pPrivHostBinder, Boolean loadTypeFromPartialName, ObjectHandleOnStack type) +0 System.RuntimeTypeHandle.GetTypeByName(String name, Boolean throwOnError, Boolean ignoreCase, Boolean reflectionOnly, StackCrawlMark& stackMark, IntPtr pPrivHostBinder, Boolean loadTypeFromPartialName) +153 System.Type.GetType(String typeName, Boolean throwOnError, Boolean ignoreCase) +100 System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.GetType(String typeName, Boolean throwOnError, Boolean ignoreCase) +124 System.Web.Configuration.ConfigUtil.GetType(String typeName, String propertyName, ConfigurationElement configElement, XmlNode node, Boolean checkAptcaBit, Boolean ignoreCase) +76 [ConfigurationErrorsException: Could not load file or assembly 'FiftyOne.Foundation' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.] System.Web.Configuration.ConfigUtil.GetType(String typeName, String propertyName, ConfigurationElement configElement, XmlNode node, Boolean checkAptcaBit, Boolean ignoreCase) +12695360 System.Web.Configuration.Common.ModulesEntry.SecureGetType(String typeName, String propertyName, ConfigurationElement configElement) +69 System.Web.Configuration.Common.ModulesEntry..ctor(String name, String typeName, String propertyName, ConfigurationElement configElement) +66 System.Web.HttpApplication.BuildIntegratedModuleCollection(List`1 moduleList) +300 System.Web.HttpApplication.GetModuleCollection(IntPtr appContext) +1262 System.Web.HttpApplication.RegisterEventSubscriptionsWithIIS(IntPtr appContext, HttpContext context, MethodInfo[] handlers) +133 System.Web.HttpApplication.InitSpecial(HttpApplicationState state, MethodInfo[] handlers, IntPtr appContext, HttpContext context) +304 System.Web.HttpApplicationFactory.GetSpecialApplicationInstance(IntPtr appContext, HttpContext context) +404 System.Web.Hosting.PipelineRuntime.InitializeApplication(IntPtr appContext) +475 [HttpException (0x80004005): Could not load file or assembly 'FiftyOne.Foundation' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.] System.Web.HttpRuntime.FirstRequestInit(HttpContext context) +12889028 System.Web.HttpRuntime.EnsureFirstRequestInit(HttpContext context) +159 System.Web.HttpRuntime.ProcessRequestNotificationPrivate(IIS7WorkerRequest wr, HttpContext context) +12730121",2
-"DNN-4875","02/19/2014 12:07:17","Creating API documentation (& learning Github basics)","I am getting to learn DNN/Github actions. I am creating API code comments, so no code changes as such.",1
-"DNN-5163","02/19/2014 16:18:16","SI : User Interface allowing Host/Admins to adjust the expiration date for registration tokens","A Customer was asking if it was possible to adjust the expiration time/date of the registration tokens. Currently it is hard coded. A UI would allow Admins/Host to extend the expiration date longer than i.e. 24 hours.",3
-"DNN-5161","02/19/2014 19:19:01","SI: Date profile property not working with Facebook login","Custom registration page having mandatory date profile property giving issue when we try to login with Facebook - Create a custom register page with required date profile property - Login with Facebook. Enter Email & Pwd. You will be prompted to enter the Date in profile page (As it is required field). - Now enter date and try to save. - It should register and login but it remains in the same page and says date is required.",3
-"DNN-4878","02/19/2014 21:38:36","Enhancement for dnnPanels","A couple enhancements for the jQuery plugin dnnPanels: - support for setting the initial status of the panels, either open or closed. Current default status is open when the panel is the first of a group. - support an option to disable setting the status on a cookie. This way, whenever you returned to the page, the panels would always be in the same initial state. - provide expand() and collapse() methods that could be used on demand",2
-"DNN-4879","02/19/2014 21:57:57","Improve Basic Page Performance - 2","We need to improve the performance of a basic page with HTML modules, when visited by regular Registered Users. For registered users there should be only a couple of calls to handle the profile/notification info. We will follow the overall gudilines for this scenario as described in the Epic.",1
-"DNN-4880","02/19/2014 21:59:22","Improve Basic Page Performance - 3","We need to improve the performance of a basic page with HTML modules, when visited by Page Editors and Module Editors. This will test the impact of the Control Bar (with only a few features exposed). We will follow the overall guidelines for this scenario as described in the Epic.",2
-"DNN-4881","02/19/2014 22:31:08","Improve Login Performance","We need to improve the performance of the Login Scenario. We will follow the overall guidelines for this scenario as described in the Epic.",2
-"DNN-4882","02/19/2014 22:44:09","Url Rewrite / portal Alias Bug with Mobile Browser access","Multi languge, Wrong Url when navigate with a Mobile device Step to reproduce Brand New Clean Install of DNN 7.2.0 Platform Enable on or more additional languages (Admin -> language) Add new language - > Français France and german for exemple See Capture.PNG in DB : See : Cpture4.PNG Log out of the website Navigate, all seem ok, url are in the expected format eg page Contact Us: http://www.dnn720ce-2.loc/en-us/Contact-Us http://www.dnn720ce-2.loc/fr-fr/Contact-Us http://www.dnn720ce-2.loc/de-de/Contact-Us Now navigate to the site with your mobile (tested with an Android tab, an android phone, a windows phone and opera mobile emulator) In english, the /en-us/ is striped, no logic reason See : Capture2-en.PNG In French and German language appears and culture code switch from lower case to stored culture code (not the portal alias for language) : See : Capture2-fr.PNG After investigations with my associate Vincent, we have found the cause : As we are Mobile, It search an alias for Mobile (and don't find one) See : Capture5.PNG We can't create the same alias for Mobile Browser in DB as there is a Unique Index on the colum HttpAlias. perhaps the index should be on the paired HttpAlias / browserType to allow to have a same on for both case when needed. The proposed fix is to get the foundalias without filter by browser type, It should still work when BrowserType Mobile will be settable.( Not sure about the BrowserType objectives beside mobile redirection). See : Capture6.PNG Once fixed we get : See : Capture7-withfix-en.PNG, Capture7-withfix-fr.PNG and Capture7-withfix-de.PNG The bug is more visible if you play a little with alias by domain as here : see : Capture8-realias.PNG Without fix, you get a lot of 404... With fix : see : Capture8-fr1_ok-withfix.PNG Pull in GitHub comming soon ",2
-"DNN-4883","02/19/2014 23:10:54","Improve Register Performance","We need to improve the performance of the Register Scenario. We will follow the overall guidelines for this scenario as described in the Epic.",3
-"DNN-4884","02/19/2014 23:12:43","Improve Edit Page Performance","We need to improve the performance of the Edit Page Scenario. Note this scenario needs to be tested for scalability (large number of pages and folders/files) We will follow the overall guidelines for this scenario as described in the Epic.",2
-"DNN-4887","02/20/2014 00:07:01","advanced search tags allow html/script and can break rendering","When searching, the user can click advanced and then enter custom tags. These echo the tag contents within the advancedTagsCtrl_tagsinput node and the html/script is executed. As these cannot be persisted, and only update the DOM (so can't be reflected) this is not a security issue but a code quality one - we should encode this content so that tags are not broken (but decode when passing to the search service)",1
-"DNN-4890","02/20/2014 00:15:43","remove unnessary blacklist filter on container titels","When debugging I discovered some really old code in title.ascx.cs (titleLabel.Text = ps.InputFilter(moduleTitle,PortalSecurity.FilterFlag.NoScripting);) that was put in place to encode older releases with script injected into the container title. This code is so old it doesn’t even have a bulletin number – in fact I’m pretty sure I made that change in DNN 1.0.8. I’d like to move this to the create/update title portion, as it adds a small overhead to each container title retrieved.",2
-"DNN-4893","02/20/2014 15:52:09","jQuery UI Dialog overlay displays on top of dialog","When using the jQuery UI dialog, the ""background"" overlay appears over the dialog. This happens because the default.css gives the overlay a {{z-index}}, but does not give the dialog a {{z-index}} (instead, it gives {{.dnnFormPopup}} the {{z-index}}). So, using the dialog directly, outside of the {{dnnModal}} function, has a broken display.",2
-"DNN-5176","02/20/2014 22:57:04","SI: Edit popups are empty when page is secured in SSL Offloading","Any page that is marked as secure is not able to be edited unless you remove the secure option from it. Anything that brings up a popup is empty. This includes the Edit Page Permissions/Settings/Appearance or module settings. Steps to reproduce: 1. Setup 721 site in SSL Offloading 2. Log in as host to 721 site 3. Enabled SSL on site 4. Go to Host > host Settings page 5. Go to page settings(make sure popups are enabled on site) Actual Result: Popup is empty, iFrame link is Non-Secured(see attachment). Expected Result: Link should be secured and/or popups should not be empty.",3
-"DNN-4897","02/21/2014 19:11:36","SI: Extend SearchDocument class with DocumentIcon ","This is created based on the customer request: In ""{{DNN Platform\DotNetNuke.Web\InternalServices\SearchServiceController.cs}}"", we can see this: {code} var match = Regex.Match(preview.DocumentUrl, ""userid(/|\\|=)(\\d+)"", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (match.Success) { var userid = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups[2].Value); var user = UserController.GetUserById(PortalSettings.PortalId, userid); if (user != null) { preview.Attributes.Add(""Avatar"", user.Profile.PhotoURL); } } {code} It would be much nicer if the SearchDocument class had an attribute for that avatar instead, like DocumentIcon or something. That would be much cleaner and would allow any custom search module to set an image. ",3
-"DNN-4899","02/21/2014 22:57:44","core input filters ran against empty input","On occasion the core input filters can run against empty string - a shortcircuit check should be added to FilterStrings to pre-emptively exit",2
-"DNN-4905","02/24/2014 23:55:37","Cleanup ModuleController API","Following the process described in the Epic this class needs to be cleaned up so there is only location for ModuleController methods.",8
-"DNN-4906","02/24/2014 23:57:06","Cleanup TabController API","Following the process described in the Epic this class needs to be cleaned up so there is only location for TabController methods.",8
-"DNN-4907","02/25/2014 00:00:14","Cleanup PortalAliasController API","Following the process described in the Epic this class needs to be cleaned up so there is only location for PortalAliasController methods.",5
-"DNN-4909","02/25/2014 00:06:52","Cleanup UserController API","Following the process described in the Epic this class needs to be cleaned up so there is only location for UserController methods.",8
-"DNN-4910","02/25/2014 00:08:03","Cleanup RoleController API","Following the process described in the Epic this class needs to be cleaned up so there is only location for RoleController methods.",5
-"DNN-4913","02/25/2014 16:52:09","SI: Hosted JQuery setting non-functional","Even when ""Use Hosted JQuery"" is enabled in the host settings, the script files are being loaded from: Steps to reproduce: 1. Go to Host > Advanced Settings > Jquery Settings 2. Enable ""Use Hosted JQuery"" 3. Inspect the page source, and locate the scripts.",2
-"DNN-4914","02/25/2014 22:12:52","Error installing a JavaScript package with comment in the manifest","If the manifest for an extension has a comment in a JavaScript_Library component, the installer throws an exception: {quote}{noformat} [InvalidOperationException: The ReadElementContentAsString method is not supported on node type Comment. Line 4, position 7.] System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadElementContentAsString() +3437218 DotNetNuke.Framework.JavaScriptLibraries.JavaScriptLibrary.ReadXml(XmlReader reader) in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\eps.local\DNN Platform\Library\Framework\JavaScriptLibraries\JavaScriptLibrary.cs:125 DotNetNuke.Common.Utilities.CBO.DeserializeObject(XmlReader reader) in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\eps.local\DNN Platform\Library\Common\Utilities\CBO.cs:748 DotNetNuke.Common.Utilities.CBO.DeserializeObject(TextReader reader) in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\eps.local\DNN Platform\Library\Common\Utilities\CBO.cs:730 DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Installers.JavaScriptLibraryInstaller.ReadManifest(XPathNavigator manifestNav) in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\eps.local\DNN Platform\Library\Services\Installer\Installers\JavaScriptLibraryInstaller.cs:89 DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Installers.InstallerFactory.GetInstaller(XPathNavigator manifestNav, PackageInfo package) in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\eps.local\DNN Platform\Library\Services\Installer\Installers\InstallerFactory.cs:173 DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Installers.PackageInstaller.ReadComponents(XPathNavigator manifestNav) in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\eps.local\DNN Platform\Library\Services\Installer\Installers\PackageInstaller.cs:216 DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Installers.PackageInstaller.ReadManifest(XPathNavigator manifestNav) in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\eps.local\DNN Platform\Library\Services\Installer\Installers\PackageInstaller.cs:645 DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Installers.PackageInstaller..ctor(String packageManifest, InstallerInfo info) in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\eps.local\DNN Platform\Library\Services\Installer\Installers\PackageInstaller.cs:116 DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Installer.ProcessPackages(XPathNavigator rootNav) in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\eps.local\DNN Platform\Library\Services\Installer\Installer.cs:285 DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Installer.ReadManifest(Stream stream) in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\eps.local\DNN Platform\Library\Services\Installer\Installer.cs:315 DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Installer.ReadManifest(Boolean deleteTemp) in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\eps.local\DNN Platform\Library\Services\Installer\Installer.cs:491 DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Installer..ctor(Stream inputStream, String physicalSitePath, Boolean loadManifest, Boolean deleteTemp) in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\eps.local\DNN Platform\Library\Services\Installer\Installer.cs:117 DotNetNuke.Services.Upgrade.Upgrade.InstallPackage(String file, String packageType, Boolean writeFeedback) in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\eps.local\DNN Platform\Library\Services\Upgrade\Upgrade.cs:4576 DotNetNuke.Services.Install.Install.InstallResources() in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\eps.local\Website\Install\Install.aspx.cs:358 DotNetNuke.Services.Install.Install.OnLoad(EventArgs e) in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\eps.local\Website\Install\Install.aspx.cs:503 System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() +79 System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) +2910 {noformat}{quote} I've attached a package which demonstrates the issue.",1
-"DNN-4915","02/25/2014 23:54:01","Improve Basic Page Performance - 1 - Measure Baseline Performance","The first stage in a any perfomance scenario is to measure the baseline performance.",3
-"DNN-4917","02/26/2014 16:27:30","Improve Basic Page Performance - 1 - ANTS/SQL Profiling","Use ANTS Performance Profiling and SQL Profiler to determine code and sql perf fixes.",2
-"DNN-4918","02/26/2014 16:28:35","Improve Basic Page Performance - 1 - Glimpse Analysis","Analyse page profile using Glimpse.",2
-"DNN-4919","02/26/2014 16:31:59","Improve Basic Page Performance - 2 - Measure Baseline Performance","Using Load Tests measure the baseline performance",3
-"DNN-4924","02/27/2014 18:45:28","Remove unnecessary calls to GetPortalDefaultLanguage","During the Glimpse analysis it was found that GetPortalDefaultLanguage is called more than once on every page for portalid = -1 (which does not exist)",0
-"DNN-5174","02/27/2014 19:06:25","SI: DAM File Upload and Create New Folder buttons Disappear","In the Digital Assets Management module, once the search function is used, the File Upload and Create New Folder buttons disappear. They are made visible again after a page refresh. ",2
-"DNN-4925","02/27/2014 19:42:52","Remove unneccessary call to GetPortalAlias","Every time the home page is viewed - without the /Home page - there is a db call to GetPortalAlias. This shouldn't be neccessary as all the aliases are cached. The method should be refactored to fetch the alias from the cache.",0
-"DNN-4926","02/27/2014 20:04:56","disable asp.net version header","add enableVersionHeader=false to development and release config files to remove the asp.net version. This is a security best practice and also removes a few additional bytes of information per response.",1
-"DNN-4927","02/27/2014 20:07:05","remove x-powered-by header","remove the x-powered-by header in development and release.config - this is a security best practice and also saves some bytes of content being sent on each response (minor performance enhancement) ",1
-"DNN-4928","02/27/2014 23:21:56","Error when editing JavaScript Library Extension with two-digit dependency version","When a JavaScript Library extension has a dependency with a version that's only two digits (e.g. 1.7, instead of 1.7.1), there is an error when you click the Edit link for that extension: {quote}{noformat} DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.PageLoadException: Argument must be between 0 and 2. Parameter name: fieldCount ---> System.ArgumentException: Argument must be between 0 and 2. Parameter name: fieldCount at System.Version.ToString(Int32 fieldCount) at ASP.desktopmodules_admin_extensions_editors_javascriptlibraryeditor_ascx.__DataBinding__control9(Object sender, EventArgs e) at System.Web.UI.Control.DataBind(Boolean raiseOnDataBinding) at System.Web.UI.Control.DataBindChildren() at System.Web.UI.Control.DataBind(Boolean raiseOnDataBinding) at System.Web.UI.Control.DataBindChildren() at System.Web.UI.Control.DataBind(Boolean raiseOnDataBinding) at System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGrid.CreateItem(Int32 itemIndex, Int32 dataSourceIndex, ListItemType itemType, Boolean dataBind, Object dataItem, DataGridColumn[] columns, TableRowCollection rows, PagedDataSource pagedDataSource) at System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGrid.CreateControlHierarchy(Boolean useDataSource) at System.Web.UI.WebControls.BaseDataList.OnDataBinding(EventArgs e) at DotNetNuke.Modules.Admin.Extensions.JavaScriptLibraryEditor.Initialize() at DotNetNuke.Modules.Admin.Extensions.EditExtension.BindData() at DotNetNuke.Modules.Admin.Extensions.EditExtension.OnLoad(EventArgs e) at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- {noformat}{quote} The {{Version}} class' {{ToString}} method accepts the number of fields to display, but throws an exception if the version doesn't have that many fields. I'll be submitting a pull request to check the version before calling {{ToString}}",1
-"DNN-4929","02/27/2014 23:58:26","Remove unneccessary ViewState","The standard pages with no-one logged on have around 4K of ViewState. In reality there should be very little or even no ViewState as there are no ""postback"" actions on the Standard home page",2
-"DNN-4931","02/28/2014 15:40:30","Notifications > Style breaks for long words","When there is a long word in the notification list, the flow of the page breaks. To reproduce, generate some notification with a long word, for example: # Go to Admin > File management # Subscribe to any file # Rename the file to a very long name (ex: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW) # Go to the notification list Result: !NotificationsLongWord.png! Expected: Limit the width of the notification list, independently of its content",3
-"DNN-4934","02/28/2014 19:20:13","User Profile - Photo - Select a photo from the drop down and you get 401 and WebForm errors","In 7.2.2 RC1 (296) Create a couple of R/U's Log in as all users in different browsers Go to User Profile Click ""Edit Profile"" Scroll down to the bottom .. Add an image for an Avatar Now navigate around the site Return to Edit Profile Under Photo: Click the File drop down Select any image that appears in the drop down (it will also be in your user folder) Click ""Update"" button bottom left of the page Actual Result: I see 4 entries for a single image - I believe I uploaded this image just once 2 401 Unauthorized errors A webforms error: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: An unknown error occurred while processing the request on the server. The status code returned from the server was: 500 ...:a.scrollTop};else{a=document.body;if(a&&(this._validPosition(a.scrollLeft)||thi... Expected Result: Only images that you actually uploaded reside in your user folder are shown in the drop down When you select from the drop down and Update no errors are rendered",3
-"DNN-4937","03/01/2014 01:01:38","Host > HTML Editor Manager - Informational message doesn't state language format","This is likely an existing issue since we added the HTML Editor Manager module to DNN :( Log in as Host Go Host > Advanced Settings > HTML Editor Manager At bottom left click ""Everyone"" In the ""Editor Configuration"" tab scroll down to ""Language"" Click the 'i"" and follow the informational messaging Enter ""French"" Click ""Update"" bottom left of the page In a different browser log in and hit a page as a user with HTML edit rights Open the HTML module for editing by hovering over the ""Pencil Icon"" then click ""Edit Content"" Actual Result: Error in the UI The Edit mode never renders There are errors in the log.resources file Expected Result: The informational message should state the language must be input as CULTURE (fr-fr; es-es, etc) It doesn't so with the text box anyone is free to enter anything Better solution is to change the text box to a drop down that is driven by the enabled languages in the application ",1
-"DNN-4939","03/03/2014 16:48:46","Improve Basic Page Performance - 2 - ANTS/SQL Profiling","Use ANTS Performance Profiling and SQL Profiler to determine code and sql perf fixes.",2
-"DNN-4940","03/03/2014 16:50:40","Improve Basic Page Performance - 2 - Glimpse Analysis","Analyse page profile using Glimpse.",3
-"DNN-4941","03/03/2014 16:57:25","ssl-offload issue with platform update image","when using an ssl-offload setup a mixed mode message is shown, caused by the upgrade indicator image being loaded with the incorrect protocol",2
-"DNN-4942","03/03/2014 17:01:10","investigate usage of UserProfilePicFormattedUrl to see if they can be safely changed to UserProfilePicRelativeUrl","investigate usage of UserProfilePicFormattedUrl to see if they can be safely changed to UserProfilePicRelativeUrl - test and change where possible",2
-"DNN-4944","03/03/2014 23:59:25","Member Directory - After clicking ""Load More"" 2 or 3 times some users avatars are not displayed","Log into build as HOST Seed the database using the Load Tool Build 99 or later: http://dev-build1:8088/viewType.html?buildTypeId=bt329 Hover over ""Pages"" and click on ""Add New Page"" Add a Title, etc, give View permissions to 'All' and click ""Create"" button at bottom left of the pop up Remove the HTML Editor from the new page Hover over 'Modules' and click ""Add New Module"" Navigate to the right until you see ""Member Directory"" module Drag and drop this module on the page Log in as a R/U and hit the Member Directory page Hit the bottom of the page Scroll down to the bottom and click ""Load More"" View the loaded users and verify they all display an Avatar Hit the bottom of the page Scroll down to the bottom and click ""Load More"" View the loaded users and verify they all display an Avatar Actual Result: Either at the 2nd or 3rd data load (Load More) some users, at least 2, will not display an Avatar In Firebug/DevTools you'll see: GET http://social120124.dnntest.local/profilepic.ashx?userId=158&h=50&w=50 500 (Internal Server Error) knockout.js?cdv=23:60 GET http://social120124.dnntest.local/profilepic.ashx?userId=135&h=50&w=50 500 (Internal Server Error) knockout.js?cdv=23:60 GET http://social120124.dnntest.local/profilepic.ashx?userId=210&h=50&w=50 500 (Internal Server Error) knockout.js?cdv=23:60 GET http://social120124.dnntest.local/profilepic.ashx?userId=133&h=50&w=50 500 (Internal Server Error) knockout.js?cdv=23:60 GET http://social120124.dnntest.local/profilepic.ashx?userId=55&h=50&w=50 500 (Internal Server Error) knockout.js?cdv=23:60 Expected Result: For ever 'Load More' performed all displayed users have an Avatar There are no errors in Dev Tools/Firebug Sanity check: Any user that doesn't display an avatar.. log in using a different browser as that user There will be an Avatar displayed to the immediate right of their user name after log in. There is no error in Dev Tools/Firebug",2
-"DNN-4946","03/04/2014 19:59:20","Site Redirection Management - Log in via Mobile device is error prone","Log into build as HOST Seed the database using the Load Tool Build 99 or later: http://dev-build1:8088/viewType.html?buildTypeId=bt329 Create a CHILD site Setup an Advanced Mobile redirect rule in Site Redirection Management Admin > Advanced Settings >Site Redirection Management that redirects a mobile hit to the site to the CHILD site log into the CHILD site as HOST In a WP8 device hit the site Actual Result: In the UI I get a 500 error pop up After I clear that the ""Getting Started"" pop up shows a 404 error After I clear the ""Getting Started"" pop up In the log.resources file: 2014-03-04 11:36:34,019 [W2012SERVER1][Thread:47][FATAL] DotNetNuke.Web.Common.Internal.DotNetNukeHttpApplication - System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at System.Web.Http.WebHost.HttpControllerHandler.EndProcessRequest(IAsyncResult result) at System.Web.HttpApplication.CallHandlerExecutionStep.OnAsyncHandlerCompletion(IAsyncResult ar) Expected Result: log in completes without any errors ",2
-"DNN-4949","03/05/2014 15:46:54","Improve Basic Page Performance - 2 - Remove unneccessary js and css files","The default page includes unneccessary js and css files - these can be reduced to reduce the number of files sent over the wire with CDF turned off. * Add setting to switch off portal css if not modified. * Remove registration of Dnn Plugins from Search skin object - it doesn't need it so why register it - this stops dnn.jquery.js from being included from default page. ",2
-"DNN-4950","03/05/2014 16:22:57","Improve Basic Page Performance - 2 - Remove unneccessary html","There is a lot of unneccessary HTML (comments etc) that bloat the page. This can be removed",2
-"DNN-4951","03/05/2014 16:30:30","Null Reference Exception when requesting a JavaScript Library that isn't installed","When calling the {{DotNetNuke.Framework.JavaScriptLibraries.JavaScript.RequestRegistration}} overload with three arguments ({{string jsname, Version version, SpecificVersion specific}}), there's a null reference thrown when the library doesn't exist. Also, when looking up the library by name, it's a case sensitive lookup, which seems weird.",2
-"DNN-4954","03/05/2014 21:35:14","SI: Shared Module Added To Page Link Uses Wrong Path","A module shared across two sites in a site group will have an incorrect link in the module settings ""Added To Pages"". Instead of linking to a given page the module has been shared to, it will replace the portal alias of the page it was shared to with the portal alias of the page it was shared from. Steps to reproduce; 1. Create two sites and enable site groups. 2. Share a module from Site A to Site B - use different pages to avoid confusion 3. In the module settings of the shared module, click the link to the module page for Site B under ""Added To Pages"" Expected result: The link goes to the page the module is shared to on Site B. Actual Result: The link is in-correct in that the alias for Site A is substituted for the Site B alias while maintaining the rest of the url path.",3
-"DNN-5173","03/05/2014 22:18:01","SI: Social Groups Console Module does not display child page","In DNN 7.2.1, the Console module for the Social Groups page displays only parent page (Group Activity) if enabled and not the child page (Members). Steps to re-produce: 1. Place the Social Groups module on a page and create a group. Expected result: In the Group Activity page, the console should display the Group Activity page as the parent page and the Members page as the child page by default. The console settings confirm that this should remain true. Actual Result: The console module does not display the child page, despite the module settings. ",2
-"DNN-4958","03/06/2014 15:00:47","Create a control for easily requesting JavaScript Libraries","Like {{~/admin/Skins/jQuery.ascx}} and {{DnnJsInclude}}, there needs to be a new control for easily requesting a JavaScript library.",5
-"DNN-4964","03/06/2014 22:52:16","SI: Scheduled Tasks cannot be manually started when Time and Retry are n/d","When the Time Lapse and Retry Frequency of a scheduled task is set to 0 or undefined, attempting to manually run a task results in the task message ""Item added to schedule for immediate execution"", but the task is not actually initiated. This is the same in Timer or Request mode. Steps to reproduce: 1. Set a task (ie. SearchCrawler: Site Crawler) Time Lapse and Retry Frequecy to 0. 2. Manually start the task. Expected result; Task is added to queue and run. Actual result; The task is not initiated.",2
-"DNN-4970","03/07/2014 19:42:06","Test Page Publishing","This subtask is for the QA work to regress this issue",2
-"DNN-4973","03/07/2014 20:46:34","Error thrown in event viewer from Database","Bug is introduced by the latest release to production, but not existing on previous version. AssemblyVersion:7.2.1 PortalID:-1 PortalName: UserID:-1 UserName: ActiveTabID:-1 ActiveTabName: RawURL: AbsoluteURL: AbsoluteURLReferrer: UserAgent: DefaultDataProvider:DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider, DotNetNuke ExceptionGUID:83e12275-6fc9-45fb-ae30-c21af16e9387 InnerException:Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types. FileName: FileLineNumber:0 FileColumnNumber:0 Method:System.DBNull.System.IConvertible.ToInt32 StackTrace: Message: System.InvalidCastException: Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types. at System.DBNull.System.IConvertible.ToInt32(IFormatProvider provider) at System.Convert.ToInt32(Object value) at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.UserIndexer.GetSearchDocuments(Int32 portalId, DateTime startDate) Source: Server Name: WEB30 ",1
-"DNN-4975","03/07/2014 21:41:53","User with View permission cannot access the page","Issue description: User with View permission for a page cannot access the page Steps: 1. Install CE 3. Login as Host 4. Add a new user – Tester 5. Add a new role Testers 6. Assign the Testers role to Tester 7. Add a new page Test, and put some content in the default HTML module 8. Go to Permission settings for the Test page, and grant the role View permission and deny Edit permission 9. Update Page settings 10. In another browser open the site 11. Login as Tester 12. Try to visit the page Actual results: The page is not accessible Expected results: The page is accessible for the user",2
-"DNN-4976","03/07/2014 22:36:44","User and role with View permission cannot access the page","Issue description: User and role with View permission cannot access the page Steps: 1. Install CE 2. Login as Host 3. Add a new user – Tester 4. Add a new role Testers 5. Assign the Testers role to Tester 6. Add a new page Test 7. Go to Permission settings for the Test page 8. Add Tester user to the Permission grid for explicit permission settings 9. Set View and Edit permission for Testers Role 10. Set View permission and deny Edit permission for Tester 11. Update Page settings 12. In another browser open the site 13. Login as Tester 14. Try to visit the page Actual results: User cannot access the page Expected results: User should be able to see the page ",2
-"DNN-4981","03/08/2014 01:53:12","SI: Social Groups Does Not Show All Groups","When the Social Groups module is set to the Role group, it does not actually show all the roles. Steps to reproduce: 1. Create a new page as admin 2. Add the Social Groups module 3. Click Auto Configure 4. Click Create Group 5. Create a test group 6. Navigate to Admin > Security Roles 7. Ensure the group you created in step 5 is part of the Social Groups role group. 8. Click Add New Role 9. Create a role, and set the Security Mode to Social Group and the Role Group to 10. Toggle the role group selector to , note that you can see both the role you created from the social groups module and also the role you just created via Security Roles 11. Navigate back to the Social Groups module, and access module settings. 12. Change the Default Role Group to Expected result: See both roles you have created Actual Result: Only see the role you created via the Security Roles page. Note: You can change the Default Role Group module setting to Social Groups, and you will see the group you created via the Social Groups module again.",3
-"DNN-4991","03/11/2014 06:00:40","Scheduler Main View","Main scheduler view should be sort in alphabetical order. It should also have a filter so that you can view the scheduled jobs for a specific Server or All ( All should be the default )",5
-"DNN-4992","03/11/2014 06:02:08","Managing Scheduled Jobs should not require an App Restart","After adding/modifying/deleting a scheduled job you should not have to restart the site for the changes to take effect. ",3
-"DNN-4993","03/11/2014 06:06:58","Scheduled Job Start Date and Time","When managing a scheduled job you should be able to optionally specify a Start Date and/or a Start Time. The scheduler logic will need to be modified to set the NextStart for a task based on the Start Date and Start Time defined for the task. NOTE: this does not guarantee that the job will actually run precisely at the specified Start Date / Start Time. If the server is down at the time it is supposed to run or other jobs are already running, then it will run as soon as the server comes back on online. ",5
-"DNN-4994","03/11/2014 06:08:52","Recurring and Retry Frequency","The Recurring and Retry Frequency should also support the ability to execute every X seconds, every X weeks, every X months, and every X years. ",5
-"DNN-4995","03/11/2014 06:10:28","Ability to Specify Server when Creating a New Job","When defining a new scheduled task and if running in a web farm, the user should be able to specify the server(s) the task needs to execute on ",3
-"DNN-4996","03/11/2014 06:15:33","Scheduled Job Server Specification","When managing a scheduled job, it should be possible to specify server names that are not part of the current farm configuration. This is required so that you can configure a single installation and have it work seamlessly in staging and production. From a user interface perspective it would be beneficial to simpy allow for a comma delimited text box for Server data entry - but perhaps also have a dropdown box that contains the list of servers in that environment that the user can select and add to the textbox.",3
-"DNN-4997","03/11/2014 06:19:32","Schedule Status View","The Schedule Status UI should be enhanced to include the ability to choose a specific server. This will allow you to view what is executing on a specific server, its status and history, and provide the ability to start and stop the scheduler.",3
-"DNN-4998","03/11/2014 06:26:11","Delay Schedule Start After Site Restart","We will add a Scheduler Settings option where you can specify the Delay After Site Restart option ( in minutes ). The default will be 1 minute but it can be overridden. In both Timer and Request mode the scheduler will not kick off any jobs until the Delay has elapsed.",3
-"DNN-4999","03/11/2014 06:29:27","Scheduled Job Next Start ""Creep""","When running a scheduled job, the Next Start is set based on the date/time when the job last completed. As a result, the start time for scheduled jobs will ""creep"" over time and evantually cause problems if you are relying on jobs to run in a specific order. it should be possible that the Next Start is based on the time of the previous Start. ",3
-"DNN-5000","03/11/2014 06:31:48","Server Group Support","When a scheduled job is specified to run on ALL servers, if the site is configured to use Server Groups then the job should only run on servers that are part of the Group.",3
-"DNN-5001","03/11/2014 06:33:25","Stop a Scheduled Job","A user should have the ability to Stop an already executing scheduled job. We need to do a spike to determine the feasibility of allowing this without requiring developers to write more code in their scheduled tasks.",3
-"DNN-5002","03/11/2014 06:35:55","Schedule Job Progress API Method","There should be an API method which can be called within a scheduled task that would append a status message to the job history. Then when the the history is checked through the UI, the administrator could get additional feedback about the progress of the job.",5
-"DNN-5003","03/11/2014 06:37:22","Relocate Schedule Options from Host Settings","Relocate Host Settings > Other Settings > Scheduler Mode to a collapsible ""Settings"" panel at the bottom of the main Scheduler UI view.",5
-"DNN-5008","03/11/2014 23:44:33","Installation is stuck at 90% when EnableGettingStartedPage is set to False","Steps: 1. Before installing a new build, modify the dotnetnuke.install.config.resource file (in the Install folder) as follows: False 2. Install this new build Expected: Installation is successfully completed. Actual: Install is stuck at 90% and 7 min has been passed with no end in sight.",2
-"DNN-5015","03/13/2014 20:25:09","ExtensionUrlProviders cannot be successfully made Serializable","When implementing an {{ExtensionUrlProvider}}, you can mark it as {{Serializable}}, but you will get a run-time error that one of the properties of the the base class is not serializable. Steps to reproduce: # Install the attached URL extension provider (which does nothing except implement the required methods) # Install the dummy caching provider from https://dnndummycaching.codeplex.com/ Here is the error message and stack trace as logged: {quote}{noformat}Type 'DotNetNuke.Entities.Urls.ExtensionUrlProviderInfo' in Assembly 'DotNetNuke, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' is not marked as serializable. {noformat}{quote} Stack Trace (TRUNCATED TO 500 CHARS):{quote}{noformat} at System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterServices.InternalGetSerializableMembers(RuntimeType type) at System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterServices.GetSerializableMembers(Type type, StreamingContext context) at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.WriteObjectInfo.InitMemberInfo() at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.WriteObjectInfo.InitSerialize(Object obj, ISurrogateSelector surrogateSelector, StreamingContext context, SerObjectInfoInit serObjectInfoInit, {noformat}{quote}",2
-"DNN-5017","03/14/2014 02:24:20","A new extension cannot be created from Host Extensions page.","A new extension cannot be created from Host Extensions page. * Screencast is here: http://screencast.com/t/vNLaqYSUfS # Go to host extensions # Click on the Create New Extension button. # Go through the wizard and enter all fields. Complete the wizard. # An error is displayed reading: #* A critical error has occurred. Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'Name', table 'platform722rc303.dbo.xyz_Packages'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails. The statement has been terminated.",2
-"DNN-5018","03/14/2014 18:08:43","RazorEngine should set default LocalResourceFile if none is passed in","In particular, the DDR Menu passes {{null}} for the {{localResourceFile}} argument to the {{RazorEngine}} constructor. This means that {{Dnn.GetLocalizedString}} won't work. I would expect that if there isn't an explicit resource file, that one would be derived from the path of the razor file (e.g. the resource file for {{DesktopModules/Engage/MyModule/CleanShave.cshtml}} would be {{DesktopModules/Engage/MyModule/App_LocalResources/CleanShave.cshtml.resx}})",2
-"DNN-5024","03/17/2014 17:00:08","User cannot post Private content in Journal under Social Group","Issue description: User cannot post Private content in Journal under Social Group Steps: 1, Create two users 2, Create one role - SG 3, Assign the two users to the new role 4, Create a page, put in page menu, delete the default HTML module 5, Add Social Group module to the page, auto config 6, Assign View permission for the page to the new role 7, Copy permission to child page 8, Ensure the new role has View permission for Journal module 9, Log on as one registered user 10, Leave a post and set the post as Private Actual results: The content cannot be posted Expected results: Private content can be posted",1
-"DNN-5210","03/17/2014 17:47:34","SI: DAM Root Folder Setting Reset After Upgrade","I have had two customers so far report that the root folder for an instance of the DAM module has reset to the portal root after upgrading. Before upgrading it was set to a specific folder, but after upgrading the page showed the entire contents of the portal root. This could be seen as a security issue. Note: both sites were upgrades from Social 1.2.0 to 1.3.0.",2
-"DNN-5031","03/17/2014 18:18:03","SMTP server cannot be set up with error","Issue description: SMTP server cannot be set up with error Steps: 1, As Host, go to Host Settings - Advanced Settings - SMTP Server Settings 2, Put smtp.live.com with or without port # 25, Connection Limit 1, Max Idle Time 0, SMTP Authentication Anonymous or Basic, SMTP Enable SSL enabled, SMTP Username and SMTP Password are specified 3, Click Test SMTP Settings Actual results: Error message : The SMTP host was not specified. Expected results: SMTP server can be set up",1
-"DNN-5037","03/18/2014 16:04:14","Improve Basic Page Performance - 3 - Analyse using Glimpse","Analyse the scenario using Glimpse",3
-"DNN-5038","03/18/2014 16:05:42","Improve Basic Page Performance - 3 - Improve Personalization","There are more than 1 call to GetProfile in the Glimpse SQL report. There should only be one call as the Personalization profile is stored in the Context.",2
-"DNN-5040","03/18/2014 17:17:35","SI: Custom Profile Field Validation option broken when using Date Regx","Custom profile field validation option broken and registration page showing validation error message all the time either using valid value. Clear Steps to Reproduce : * Install DNN 7.2.1 PRO * Goto Admin > Site Settings > User Account Settings > Profile settings > Click Add New Profile Property> - Property Name : DOB - DataType : Date - Length : 20 - Validation Expression: (0[1-9]|1[012])[- \/.](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[- \/.](19|20)(\d\d) or try any another valid regx here. - Required: True - Visible: True - Default Visibility : All User - Click Next Button - Property Name: DOB - Validation Error Message : Invalid Date Format etc… - Click update * Make sure Admin>site settings > User Account settings > Registration Settings >Require a valid Profile for Registration: True. * Log out and Click Register : * Select valid date for DOB and you will see the validation error message. ",2
-"DNN-5042","03/18/2014 19:08:19","Improve Basic Page Performance - 4","We need to improve the performance of a basic page with HTML modules, when visited by Administrators and Host users. This will test the full impact of the Control Bar. We will follow the overall guidelines for this scenario as described in the Epic.",3
-"DNN-5044","03/18/2014 19:08:21","Improve Basic Page Performance - 4 - Analyse using Glimpse","Analyse the scenario using Glimpse",3
-"DNN-5046","03/18/2014 21:03:17","Improve Basic Page Performance - 3 - Reduce ViewState","Reduce the Viewstate being rendered to the client",3
-"DNN-5048","03/18/2014 21:41:13","Improve Basic Page Performance - 4 - Reduce HTML Rendered in View mode","The Control Panel renders a block of HTML that is used by the AddModule/Add Existing Module functionality regardless of whether the page is in View or Edit mode. This HTML is only neccessary when the page is in Edit mode, so it should be suprressed in View Mode. This will remove about 10K from the payload of the Control Panel in View mode.",2
-"DNN-5050","03/19/2014 17:33:33","Improve Basic Page Performance - 4 - Reduce ViewState in ViewProfile","There is quite a lot of unneccessary ViewState in the ViewProfile module This affects all the Profile pages for all user types.",2
-"DNN-5052","03/19/2014 17:43:47","Improve Basic Page Performance - 4 - Reduce ViewState in Console Module","There is quite a bit of unneccessary Viewstate rendered by the Console module. Mainly from drop downs where we are not using the state on Postback.",2
-"DNN-5086","03/19/2014 18:55:41","SI: Add Existing Module issue","When a user who is a member of the Non-Administrator group is trying to add an Existing Module to a page not all the pages/ modules appear in the drop-down list. Brief Description of Issue: - Clear Steps to Reproduce: - Install DNN 7.2.1 - Goto Admin> Security Roles > Add New Role > -- Name : TESTRole -- Public Role : False -- Public Role : False -- Security Mode: SecurityRole -- Status: Approved -- Click Update - Create new user and assgine the new role to that user. - Goto Home page > Page Permissions > Give full control to the new role 'TESTRole'. - Give full control to the any HTML Pro Module on home page. - Add new page ""TESTPAGE"" and give that role full permission. - Logout and login with new user. - Browse to TESTPAGE - Click add existing module from ControlBar - The drop-down list emply and it will display the page if user searches. ",2
-"DNN-5054","03/19/2014 19:07:41","Improve Basic Page Performance - 4 - Reduce Viewstate/HTML in Member Directory","There is a small ammount of unneccessary ViewState rendered in the Member Directory which affects a number of profile pages. There is also unneccessary HTML rendered by the CDF",2
-"DNN-5055","03/19/2014 21:04:15","EVOQSOCIAL: User Search - Include Email and Username while Indexing","Currently the UserSearch in DNN does not index Username or Email address. We should capture that so they can be searched upon. They should both by default be restricted to Admins or the Users him/her self only. We should also try to enhance the current logic where everything is being dumped in SearchDocument.Body, instead we should use custom keywords so at the time of querying structured data can be retrieved. There are few dates that can also be added in the SearchDocument (e.g. Date User was created). This information can be used when someone uses the SearchAPIs to perform custom queries and sorting.",3
-"DNN-5056","03/19/2014 21:28:33","Improve Basic Page Performance - 4 - Reduce ViewState in Journal","There is unneccessary Viewstate in the Journal module that is not needed on postback.",2
-"DNN-5057","03/19/2014 21:43:02","Improve Basic Page Performance - 4 - Journal has large amount of inline javascript","The Journal module has over 250 lines of inline javascript. While small snippets are ok, large amounts of javaScript should be in an external resource so it can be managed if neccessary using teh CDF. Even if not minimized or combined the resulting file will be cached by the browser.",3
-"DNN-5059","03/20/2014 14:31:41","Improve Basic Page Performance - 4 - Unneccessary db calls in Journal","The Glimpse analysis has determined that the Journal module makes two unneccessary GetModule db calls. These should not be neccessary as module's are cached by page, so the module should be in the cache.",2
-"DNN-5061","03/20/2014 20:26:29","Improve User Profile Performance","This scenario looks at the Edit Profile/User Account feature available to all registered users. As this feature is exposed to all registered users it is a highly visible area of the application. This story needs to be carreid out using the process outlined in the Epic.",2
-"DNN-5062","03/21/2014 16:49:08","Improve Basic Page Performance - 4 - Set Expires Header for Static Content","YSlow recommends using an Expires Header for static content (js, css, images). If set the browser does not have to check with the server if there has been any change, it just oads from its cache. An F5-refresh will overrirde this, so it is a fairly safe change to make, and will increase our YSlow score significantly.",2
-"DNN-5066","03/21/2014 21:38:35","Improve User Profile Performance - Glimpse Analysis","Use Glimpse Analysis to analyse where we can improve the performance of the Edit User Profile pages.",3
-"DNN-5067","03/21/2014 21:56:38","Improve User Profile Performance - Reduce DB Calls","There are a lot of database calls when a registered user browses to the Edit User Profile page. Somewhere in the order of 45-50. Many of these are unnecessary. For example: * 24 calls to GetListEntry, * 12 calls to GetFolderByFolderID * 3 calls to GetListEntries This happens on every page refresh for every user.",3
-"DNN-5068","03/21/2014 22:02:48","Improve User Profile Performance - Reduce Viewstate","There is about 17K of Viewstate on the Edit User Profile page for a normal registered user. While some ViewState is expected this seems excessive. This should be analysed and improved if possible.",3
-"DNN-5069","03/21/2014 22:09:24","IX_FolderPermission error on upgrading to 7.2.2","Upon upgrading to 7.2.2 the following exception was thrown for a user 26% ERROR occured - System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Violation of UNIQUE KEY constraint 'IX_FolderPermission'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.FolderPermission'. The duplicate key value is (855, 5, , 36). The statement has been terminated. at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection. (SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean callerHasConnectionLock, Boolean asyncClose) at There appears to be ""bad"" data from older releases that we have to manage i.e. clean before applying the following index CREATE UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_{objectQualifier}FolderPermission_Users ON {databaseOwner}[{objectQualifier}FolderPermission] (UserID, FolderID, PermissionID) INCLUDE (AllowAccess) WHERE UserID IS NOT Null GO",5
-"DNN-5166","03/24/2014 18:54:00","SI: Localization - Add Page default Current Culture only","Customer requested feature enhancement for Add Page default Current Culture only When creating pages you can create it in one of three ways: - Current Culture Only - Culture Neutral Page - Create Localized Versions of Page It is currently default to create in Localized Versions of the page. Customer requested to option add page default Current Culture only.",3
-"DNN-5075","03/24/2014 18:59:26","URL Provider does not replace accented characters with ASCII equivalents when configured to do so","The URL Provider has an option to convert accented characters (and characters with other diacritics), but that feature is not implemented.",3
-"DNN-5084","03/24/2014 19:05:05","SI: Bug in dnnapicontroller (Social groups)","Customer reported whe they use the social groups module in a child portal (www.dnntest.ca/client). When a user used it the user get thrown out (logged off) because the user has no credentials in the parent portal (www.dmmtest.ca). They added the user in the userportals table and now everything works great. Installing the social groups in a child portal with a different url than the main portal (www.dnntest.ca/client). Steps to reproduce the issue. - Install DNN 7.2.2 and create new child portal as( dnntest.ca/child). - Browse child portal and create new user there. - Add new page with view all users permissions ( Page name : DNNTEST) - Add Social Groups module and create one public group. - Goto Host > User Switcher > click new user to login. - Click on dnntest page and user will logout.",3
-"DNN-5078","03/24/2014 21:33:38","hostsettings exception of upgrade to 7.2.2","A bug has been found that affects old installs of DNN that are missing the maxAllowedContentLength attribute. 7.2.2 accepted a pull request which allows host's to change the maximum upload size and it appears that is missing some defensive coding to handle the case where this value does not exist. Exception looks like: DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.PageLoadException: The MaximumValue 0 cannot be less than the MinimumValue 1 of rangeUploadSize. ---> System.Web.HttpException: The MaximumValue 0 cannot be less than the MinimumValue 1 of rangeUploadSize. at System.Web.UI.WebControls.RangeValidator.ValidateValues() at System.Web.UI.WebControls.RangeValidator.ControlPropertiesValid() at System.Web.UI.WebControls.BaseValidator.OnPreRender(EventArgs e) at System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal() at System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal() at System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal() at System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal() at System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal() at System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal() at System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal() at System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal() at System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal() at System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal() at System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal() at System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal() at System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal() at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- see http://www.dnnsoftware.com/forums/forumid/200/threadid/498717/scope/posts for more",1
-"DNN-5081","03/25/2014 17:07:51","3rd Party FAQ - Add to page creates an error and the module is unusable","After adding the FAQ module to DNN via Host > Extensions it cannot be added to a page. When you do you'll get the following message instead of the module rendering: Error: FAQs is currently unavailable. DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.ModuleLoadException: c:\inetpub\wwwroot\Platform730103\DesktopModules\FAQs\FAQs.ascx(13): error CS0012: The type 'Telerik.Web.UI.RadListBoxItemEventArgs' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly 'Telerik.Web.UI, Version=2013.1.403.40, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=121fae78165ba3d4'. ---> System.Web.HttpCompileException: c:\inetpub\wwwroot\Platform730103\DesktopModules\FAQs\FAQs.ascx(13): error CS0012: The type 'Telerik.Web.UI.RadListBoxItemEventArgs' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly 'Telerik.Web.UI, Version=2013.1.403.40, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=121fae78165ba3d4'. at System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.CompileWebFile(VirtualPath virtualPath) at System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.GetVPathBuildResultInternal(VirtualPath virtualPath, Boolean noBuild, Boolean allowCrossApp, Boolean allowBuildInPrecompile, Boolean throwIfNotFound, Boolean ensureIsUpToDate) at System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.GetVPathBuildResultWithNoAssert(HttpContext context, VirtualPath virtualPath, Boolean noBuild, Boolean allowCrossApp, Boolean allowBuildInPrecompile, Boolean throwIfNotFound, Boolean ensureIsUpToDate) at System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.GetVPathBuildResult(HttpContext context, VirtualPath virtualPath, Boolean noBuild, Boolean allowCrossApp, Boolean allowBuildInPrecompile, Boolean ensureIsUpToDate) at System.Web.UI.TemplateControl.LoadControl(VirtualPath virtualPath) at DotNetNuke.UI.ControlUtilities.LoadControl[T](TemplateControl containerControl, String ControlSrc) at DotNetNuke.UI.Modules.ModuleControlFactory.LoadModuleControl(TemplateControl containerControl, ModuleInfo moduleConfiguration) at DotNetNuke.UI.Modules.ModuleHost.LoadModuleControl() --- End of inner exception stack trace ---",2
-"DNN-5083","03/25/2014 17:36:11","SI: Page Stylesheet","The page specific stylesheet is loaded before the stylesheets that are included in the skin. This seems to defeat the purpose of having a page specific stylesheet. It does load after skin.css and container.css, but it should load after any additional skin stylesheets. For examples, sometimes we include extra stylesheets in our skin like this: ",3
-"DNN-5090","03/25/2014 19:30:30","Improve Login Performance - Glimpse Analysis","Use Glimpse to analyse where we can find improvements to the Login perofmrance",3
-"DNN-5091","03/25/2014 19:31:52","Improve Register Performance - Glimpse Analysis","Use Glimpse to analyse where we can make improvements to the Register Experience",3
-"DNN-5094","03/26/2014 16:16:40","Improve Login Performance - Reduce Viewstate","There is nearly 2K of Viewstate on the Login popup, most of which can be removed.",2
-"DNN-5095","03/26/2014 16:17:47","Improve Login Performance - Reduce size of popup","There is unneccessary markup as well as unneccessary scripts and css rendered in the Login (and other popups). This should be reduced.",2
-"DNN-5097","03/26/2014 17:24:38","Improve Register Performance - Remove Viewstate","There is a little bit of unnecessary Viewstate in the register control",2
-"DNN-5171","03/26/2014 18:46:55","Cannot swipe to move module list in iPad 2","Issue description: Cannot swipe to move module list in iPad 2 Steps: 1, Install Content in cloud 2, Use iPad 2 to access the site as Host 3, Create a page in page menu 4, Select Add New Module from Control Panel 5, Try to scroll the module list by swipe Actual results: 1, There is no hand shape pic in UI and swipe does not move the module list 2, Horizontal scroll bar does move the module list, and there is arrow at right end of module list which works Expected results: Swipe should move the module list",1
-"DNN-5102","03/26/2014 23:38:11","update packageinstaller to log exceptions when installing a package","at present DNN Platform\Library\Services\Installer\Installers\PackageInstaller.cs has the following block of code: catch (Exception) { Log.AddFailure(Util.INSTALL_Aborted + "" - "" + Package.Name); } this should be updated to also pass in the exception details so useful diagnostic information is not lost",3
-"DNN-5104","03/27/2014 12:45:19","add code to the installer to verify the new minimum prerequisites","I was under the impression that we already had this code - so we need to verify if it is there, and if so working - and if it's not there, add it. Verify: - SQL 2008 - .NET 4.5? (Verify exact version) - IIS?",2
-"DNN-5105","03/27/2014 14:08:59","Improve Startup Performance","This sceanrio is designed to find ways to improve Startup Performance. We will follow the same outline as described in the epic.",2
-"DNN-5106","03/27/2014 14:11:42","Improve Startup Performance - Glimpse Analysis","Analyse the startup perofmrance using Glimpse",3
-"DNN-5107","03/27/2014 14:13:11","Improve Startup Performance - Cache Settings","Glimpse has identified that TabSettings should be cached by portal, and TabModuleSettings and ModuleSettings should be at least cached by Tab.",3
-"DNN-5165","03/27/2014 18:48:43","SI: Log folder moves in event viewer","Have a Log type in the event viewer that can log folder moves.",3
-"DNN-5112","03/27/2014 19:16:08","Improve Startup Performance - Refactor GetSearchModules","GetSearchModules is very chatty and requires multiple calls to get the modules which can be indexed (this is not cached so executes every time the indexer runs). It also makes unnecessary calls to Get Tab Settings and GetTabModuleSettings and forces those collections to effectively be permanently in memory. The ""AllowIndex"" setting could be moved to be part of the ""ModuleInfo"" object and TabInfo object which mean they were already cached.",3
-"DNN-5113","03/27/2014 19:18:51","Improve Startup Performance - Investigate Web Application project for common controls","When a user control is first loaded there is a large cost to Parse, Jit and compile the code. Precompilation could improve this, so we should investigate moving the commonly used controls like Login, Register etc to a Web Application project. ",5
-"DNN-5115","03/27/2014 22:48:31","Improve Startup Performance - Unneccessary db calls for Portal -1","There are a number of unneccessary DB calls for Portal -1 on startup. As we know the datareader will be empty we should just bypass the db and return an empty collection.",2
-"DNN-5124","03/30/2014 20:12:30","Journal should convert urls to hyperlinks","I don't think this needs a lot of explanation. Currently, when a user writes in the journal urls remain plain text and it's hard for other users to copy/paste this out.",3
-"DNN-5127","03/31/2014 05:54:11","New Site Template for DNN Platform Installations","Creation of a one-page site template for DNN Platform installations. +Requirements+ * Uses Gravity skin * Skin associated with site only, not specified in home page settings * Content to be localized * Template only includes a home page, 404 page, search results and user profile pages. * 404 page to remain as is * search results page to remain, but to use the same default site skin (not a page specific skin) * user profile page to use default site skin (no specific skin page) - see mockup for layout changes to suit skin * New home page must be optimized to load fast (image size,layout,etc). Ideally we want to see an improvement in load speed switching from the Awesome Cycles site template. * Text for links, images and rollover text is in the DNN Platform Home Page Content.xlsx sheet. This will need to be translated for each language available. The new home page design looks as follows: !DNN-Default-template-V5.png!",5
-"DNN-5159","04/01/2014 18:52:14","Job retry does not work as expected per Lapse Time","Issue description: Job retry does not work as expected per Lapse Time Steps: 1, Install a site with FQDN 2, Go to Admin - Search Admin - Advanced Crawlers tab, and modify the one entry in URL Paths to be one which does not exist 3, Clear cache 4, Go to Host - Schedule, and click Edit icon for Search URL Crawler 5, Enable the job, set Frequency as 2 minutes and Retry Time Lapse as 30 seconds, and click Update 6, Back to edit popup for the job, and click Run Now button 7, Wait for 20 minutes around 8, Check job history Actual results: 1, Because the URL in Search Admin does not exist, the job history should fail all the time, but it shows Success all the time 2, Retry only happened just after Run Now, and then no Retry anymore in job history Expected results: 1, Job should fail all the time because the URL does not exist, and the failure should be displayed in job history 2, Retry should be performed after each failure of a job",1
-"DNN-5134","04/01/2014 19:42:56","Install page - Mouseover checkmark an ""Uncaught TypeError"" .JS error is thrown","Setup FQDN site w/remote db Hit the site in any browser w/Dev Tools/Firebug enabled Enter Username Enter password twice Enter Web site name Now.. go back up and hover over the green check mark for the 2nd Confirm Password text box Actual Result In Dev Tools/Firebug this error shows up: Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'removeCssProperties' dnn.jquery.tooltip.js:209 Tooltip._setTooltipOffset dnn.jquery.tooltip.js:209 Tooltip._show dnn.jquery.tooltip.js:204 show Expected Result: No .JS error when you hover over any image on the page",2
-"DNN-5137","04/03/2014 00:35:18","SI: Search Results input being obscured by tags filter","When you look at the search results and filter for type, the displayed filter overlays the search input and the input cannot be seen. Tested with Dark Knight, Gravity and custom skins. See images for more info and steps.",3
-"DNN-5142","04/03/2014 15:21:32","Search results module CSS incorrectly injected","The search result module injects two stylesheets and onbe of them is injected after skin.css and portal.css, making it very difficult to override the styling. /desktopmodules/admin/searchresults/module.css?cdv=63 is injected correctly but: /resources/shared/stylesheets/dnn.searchbox.css not This should either be injected on the right spot (after defualt.css) or all css in this file should be moved to module.css File: \DesktopModules\Admin\SearchResults\SearchResults.ascx.cs Line: 256 ClientResourceManager.RegisterStyleSheet(Page, ""~/Resources/Shared/stylesheets/dnn.searchBox.css""); FileOrder.Css.ModuleCss should be added IMO",2
-"DNN-5147","04/06/2014 01:14:12","Member Directory Includes Expired Role Members","When you select ""Group"" as the filter option and choose a role, the filter includes users who are expired in that role. This is very likely due to the fact that the API strangely includes expired roles when calling GetUsersInRole. Obviously, expired users should never be included in a public environment like the member directory module. A perhaps inefficient, but easy, fix is to cycle through the results from GetUsersInRole and do IsInRole(""[Role Name]"")... IsInRole returns true only if the user is not expired.",2
-"DNN-5148","04/07/2014 19:43:26","Upgrade Platform 7.0 to 7.3.0 - IndexOutOfRange Exception is triggered by Scheduler","Create a Platform 7.0 site Add a Members Directory page Add a Social Groups page Add a page and put the Device Preview Management module on the page Get latest 7.3.0 upgrade package Unpack across the web folders On the web page click the ""Awesome Cycles"" logo Enter host name and host password and click the button to run upgrade After upgrade check log.resources file and the Event Viewer for errors Actual Result: Upgrade completed and no errors reported in the UI or log.resources file In the Event Viewer/log approximately 6 of these entries appear: AssemblyVersion:7.3.0 PortalID:0 PortalName:CE700 UserID:-1 UserName: ActiveTabID:79 ActiveTabName:Log Viewer RawURL:/Admin/LogViewer.aspx AbsoluteURL:/Default.aspx AbsoluteURLReferrer:http://ce700.dnntest.local/Admin/SiteSettings.aspx UserAgent:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64; rv:28.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/28.0 DefaultDataProvider:DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider, DotNetNuke ExceptionGUID:185ebe38-3a42-46f2-8cbf-c61cfb1ef3aa InnerException:ScheduleStartDate FileName: FileLineNumber:0 FileColumnNumber:0 Method:System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetOrdinal StackTrace: Message: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: ScheduleStartDate at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetOrdinal(String name) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.get_Item(String name) at DotNetNuke.Services.Scheduling.ScheduleItem.FillInternal(IDataReader dr) at DotNetNuke.Common.Utilities.CBO.FillObjectFromReader(Object objObject, IDataReader dr) Source: Server Name: TST-KG-W2012S1 Upgrade completed and no errors reported in the UI, Event Viewer/Log or log.resources file",1
-"DNN-5156","04/07/2014 19:50:04","SI: child site user authentication does not work","Steps to reproduce: 1) create a new 722 site 2) create a new child portal 3) add a user to that child portal 4) try to login to the child portal with the newly created user Actual Result: does not work. (the user must also be apart of portal 0, if you want to login to the child site) ** does not occur for parent portals ** Expected Result: it should work.",3
-"DNN-5164","04/08/2014 08:30:46","Add Modules Control bar refinements","This item is about refining the behaviour of the Add Module based on feedback from those who have been testing out the new functionality. h2. Showing Common when an item has been bookmarked When a user has bookmarked a module tile in the control bar, from that point on, their default view should be the 'common' list, showing their bookmarked tiles. This works when a tile is first bookmarked, but refreshing the page goes back to the 'All' view. It is important to show only the common view to make it more usable. h2. Search all modules When the 'Add Module' drop down is clicked, the focus is put into the 'search' box, which is good. However, if the search shows the 'common' view (as per the previous requirement) - the search will not find matching items in the 'All' box. This needs to change so that if no search results are found for the current context (assuming it is not 'all'), the search will be run again, but in the 'All' category. As this is a two-step process, the message should show 'No Modules Available in 'Common', Searching 'All'... with the same searching icon. The second search is done in the context of 'All'. h2. Use Mouse Scroll Wheel to horizontally scroll. To make the scroll work even more intuitively, hook up an event to the mouse scroll wheel, so that when the pointer is over the add modules pane, the scroll wheel scrolls the items left and right. Scrolling 'down' (wheel spinning from front to back) should scroll the bar towards the right (ie, show more). Scrolling 'up' (wheel spinning from back to front) should scroll the bar towards the left. +Requirements+ * When any module has been bookmarked for by a user, the default view for that user will change from 'All' to 'Common' next time the page loads and the 'Add Module' drop down is used. * Any search in a category other than 'All' will repeat in the category of 'All' if no results were found. When the search is repeated, the 'No Modules Available' message will be replaced with 'No Modules available in '{category}', searching in 'All''. * Using the mouse scroll wheel while hovering over the add modules area should scroll the bar. ",5
-"DNN-5152","04/09/2014 00:24:04","SMTP Server Settings - Portal - Uses the SMTP Server Settings for PARENT","In 7.3.0 we extended the SMTP Server functionality to cover CHILD portals We added a setting under Admin > Site Settings This allows a Host or Administrator to select ""Portal"" setting and create a portal specific SMTP entry In testing this change I found what appears to be a bug or missing feature You have Papercut setup and running on the IIS VM or machine where the 7.3.0 build is installed With 7.3.0 installed Logged in as HOST Go Host > Host Settings > Other Settings Configure the SMTP Server settings Go Host > Host Settings > Basic Settings Edit the HOST email address to make it unique to this PARENT portal As HOST add a couple of new users to this PARENT portal Go to the CHILD Portal you previously created Log in as HOST Go Host > Host Settings > Other Settings Configure the SMTP Server settings Go Host > Host Settings > Basic Settings Edit the HOST email address to make it unique to this CHILD portal As HOST add a couple of new users to this CHILD portal Compare the HOST addresses for the ""New User Registration"" emails from the PARENT portal to those sent from the CHILD portal Actual Result: Regardless of which portal the user was added the PARENT portal HOST email address is in the ""From"" entry Parent Portal Host email host@change.me CHILD Portal Host email dnntest1@hot.bot Expected Result: Any email sent from a portal would have the HOST email address of that portal in ""From"" entry",1
-"DNN-5153","04/09/2014 07:12:56","Control Panel visibility","Control Panel visibility for Module Editors depends on DefaultCacheTime for the ModuleDefinitions of the modules in the page, which does not make any sense. To test the problem: - install DNNFAQ from codeplex and verify on host Extensions that the DefaultCacheTime for the module is set to -1 - create a page and put the DNNFAQ on it. - Verify that there's no other module on the page - set the module have edit permissions for Registered users - under admin - Site settings, set the control panel visibility to be ""Module Editors"" - create a new regular user - login as the user and try to edit the faq module PROBLEM ==> The control bar is not displayed so the user cannot set the page to edit mode, so he cannot edit the module. WORKAROUND - add an HTML module to the same page and set set permissions to registered users - now if you go to the same page with the user you will see the control panel another workaound - on the DNNFAQ module defintion change the default cache time to 0 ",2
-"DNN-5191","04/10/2014 19:57:28","Improve Edit Page Performance - Reduce ViewState","The Edit Page popup has about 24 Kb of ViewState, most of which should probably be removed.",2
-"DNN-5192","04/10/2014 19:58:57","Improve Edit Page Performance - Unneccessary DB Calls","The Edit Page popup calls three stored procedures just to get the user name for the Module Audit Control. This should be improved or maybe the control should be considered for removal.",2
-"DNN-5193","04/10/2014 23:45:30","Ensure scheduled tasks have valid frequency/retry combinations for new installs","A number of scheduled tasks have retry frequency higher than time lapse (or frequency as it is now labelled) e.g. set with a frequency of once a minute, but with retry of 5 minutes -this is not logical as the retry of a failed task will wait up to 4 minutes longer than the frequency of the next edition of the task. We need to amend the installation code to ensure we do not have invalid combinations such as this Note: this applies only to new installs, we should not arbitrarily change existing schedules in case the user has amended them.",1
-"DNN-5196","04/11/2014 17:17:12","Improve Edit Page Performance - Update URL Control","The URL control has been updated so it uses the new folder and file pickers. It needs to be updated to use the new page picker.",2
-"DNN-5197","04/11/2014 17:28:06","Improve Edit Module Settings - Reduce ViewState","There is about 20K ViewState which could probably be reduced.",2
-"DNN-5198","04/11/2014 17:29:02","Improve Edit Module Settings - Reduce DB Calls","There are 12 DB calls. These need to be investigated to see if they can be reduced.",2
-"DNN-5201","04/14/2014 20:22:54","Error installing a module package with comment in the manifest","If the manifest for an extension has a comment in a {{desktopModule}} component, the installer throws an exception: {quote}A critical error has occurred. The {{ReadElementContentAsString}} method is not supported on node type Comment. Line 26, position 7.{quote}",1
-"DNN-5207","04/15/2014 13:57:11","Integrate Webserver Urls with AUM","The Web Server changes have introduced a portal alias URL to match the Web Server URL. As pointed out in the notes, this doesn't match well because a webserver url doesn't directly match to any specific portal (the hack was to create it in the host portal - which in some cases may be null if the host portal is deleted) This change is to partially reverse the prior change and to introduce a new change. +Requirements+ * Change the URL Rewriting so that any URL with the domain name matching a Web Server URL is ignored for URL rewriting. This can be included in the same function that checks the 'ignore' regex pattern. This is to stop any rewrites, redirects or any other affects for URLs requested for the synchronizeCache url requests given by the WebRequestCaching provider. * The test for ignoring Web Server URLs will need to take into account new WebServers added to the list of available servers, so any caching needs to take this into account ( a web server may be added or removed at any time) * The list of available servers to be ignored is the list of the active servers in the currently active server group",3
-"DNN-5211","04/15/2014 22:36:34","Home page content is not localized","Issue description: Home page content is not localized Steps: 1, Install DNN 2, Change ShowMissingKeys setting in web.config to True 3, Go back to Home page Actual results: The contents in Home page are not localized Expected results: Based on DNN-5127, the contents should be localized",2
-"DNN-5212","04/15/2014 23:37:22","Column title in permission grid is not correct","Issue description: Column title in permission grid is not correct Steps: 1, Log on as Host 2, Create one registered user and one new role 3, Create a new page and put it in page menu 4, Go to Page Permission 5, Add the new user and new role 6, Watch the column title for user permission grid Actual results: The title says Role Expected results: It should be ""User""",2
-"DNN-5213","04/16/2014 00:03:29","Auto search in user permission grid does not work","Issue description: Auto search in user permission grid does not work Steps: 1, Log on as Host 2, Create two registered users and one new role 3, Create a new page and put it in page menu 4, Go to Page Permission 5, Add the new role to permission grid 6, Type in first three letters of a user name in the textbox below user permission grid Actual results: There is no user name displayed in dropdown Expected results: There should be auto search, which will display user names with the letters typed in ",5
-"DNN-5228","04/22/2014 22:56:46","Getting Started popup doesn't show with new template","Getting started page been removed in new template, need show the dialog without check whether physical whether exist anymore.",2
-"DNN-5249","04/22/2014 23:00:01","SI: Page Header Tags are truncated in site template - import / export","Steps to reproduce: 1) Add over 500 characters into the page header tag field. 2) Export site template 3) import site template 4) check page header tags after site import / export Expected Result: there should be no truncating Actual Result: the page header tags were truncated to use a maximum value of 500 characters. ",2
-"DNN-5234","04/23/2014 18:58:21","User permission grid goes to left to the role permission grid","Issue description: User permission grid goes to left to the role permission grid Steps: 1, As Host, add a new user 2, In Home page, go to Page Permission 3, Add the new user to the permission grid Actual results: The user permission grid goes to left to the role permission grid Expected results: The user permission grid should stay below the role permission grid",1
-"DNN-5235","04/23/2014 21:44:14","Admin - Language Management is broken","Issue description: Admin - Language Management is broken Steps: 1, Log on as Host 2, Navigate to Admin - Language Management Actual results: Language Management is currently unavailable error Expected results: Language Management works as expected",1
-"DNN-5237","04/24/2014 17:27:03","Default HTML module is missing from a new page created","Issue description: Default HTML module is missing from a new page created Steps: 1, Install DNN 2, As Host, create a new page without changing any settings except typing in page name and title 3, Try to find the default HTML module in the page Actual results: The default HTML module is missing from the page Expected results: The HTML module should exist",1
-"DNN-5241","04/24/2014 22:43:55","Layout has invalid elements after postback","Reproduce Steps: 1. install latest build and login as host; 2. disable popup in site settings; 3. goto host > extensions, try to edit an installed module; 4. click ""Update"" button. After Update button clicked, there will some invalid elements shown in page(and empty drop down in top left and 2 radio buttons in top right): !20140425053816.png|width=600!",1
-"DNN-5246","04/28/2014 12:24:36","Hosted file of jQuery doesn't work in 7.3.0","Reproduce Steps: 1. install latest version and login as host; 2. in Host Settings, check ""Use Hosted jQuery Version?"" and update; 3. view home page and check the source. Expected Result: the jQuery used hosted version. Actually Result: jQuery still use local version. -IMO we need introduce a setting for each javascript library to set whether use CDN version, currently we use a host setting for all Javascript libraries, it may caught this issue.-",2
-"DNN-5250","04/28/2014 15:58:10","identify if there is any way to resolve potentially incorrectly deleted data","when upgrading to 7.2.2 if there is some unexpected data, an attempt to add a new index may fail. Unfortunately alongside the new index definition is the following : --Correct error data UPDATE {databaseOwner}[{objectQualifier}FolderPermission] SET RoleID = NULL WHERE UserID IS NOT NULL GO This has been shown to be insufficient, and has now been resolved in https://dnntracker.atlassian.net/browse/DNN-5069 , but we should investigate to see if we can identify and fix any data issues introduced via this (there are anecdotal reports of site admins unable to load site settings as portal logos are in folders they don't have permissions for etc.). ",5
-"DNN-5258","04/29/2014 23:31:15","70% error when installing Javascript library - jQueryMigrate.zip","a number of reports of upgrades from 7.2.1->7.2.2 showing ""70% error when installing Javascript library - jQueryMigrate.zip"" . ",5
-"DNN-5259","04/30/2014 09:12:35","Getting started popup: error 404 in child portal if content is not available","In order to reproduce the bug: 1) Have a child portal 2) Show the ""Getting started"" popup (usually shown after an upgrade) 3) Interrupt connection between server and internet, in order impose the visualization of GettingStartedFallback.htm file. In this case, DNN tries to get the page in a wrong folder: http://localhost/dnninstance/CHILDPORTALNAME/portals/_default/gettingstartedfallback.htm instead of http://localhost/dnninstance/portals/_default/gettingstartedfallback.htm. I'm sending two screenshots",2
-"DNN-5260","04/30/2014 12:04:20","Italian Translation not updated makes impossibile for user to change their password","Who manages italian language pack forgot to update EMAIL_PASSWORD_REMINDER_BODY. When user request for password reset, the email has no ""password reset token url"", it shows an empty username and password fields!! Effettua il login utilizzando le seguenti informazioni: indirizzo del sito Web Portal: Username: Password : sinceramente, * Nota: se non si ha richiesto un promemoria della Password, si prega di ignorare questo messaggio.",1
-"DNN-5263","04/30/2014 20:20:27","Social Groups - Any user cannot access, get a error in UI","See related issue in Social (SOCIAL-3020)",1
-"DNN-5270","05/01/2014 15:35:30","Cache settings in Default Website Templates","The current DNN 7.3 ALPHA installs in such a way that the TabModule cache settings are still ""FileModuleCachingProvider"" in stead of the default as set in the host settings: ""MemoryModuleCachingProvider"" Solution: clear (remove) the cachemethod (of TabModule settings) in the .template that is used for creating a new website",2
-"DNN-5271","05/01/2014 21:06:49","Cannot run SQL through SQL module with @","When a script includes an {{@}} sign (e.g. searching for a user with a particular email address), there is an error, because PetaPoco is trying to interpret it as a parameter name. {quote}{noformat}System.ArgumentException: Parameter '@dnnsoftware' specified but none of the passed arguments have a property with this name (in 'SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Email LIKE '%@dnnsoftware.com'') at PetaPoco.Internal.ParametersHelper.<>c__DisplayClass1.b__0(Match m) at System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexReplacement.Replace(MatchEvaluator evaluator, Regex regex, String input, Int32 count, Int32 startat) at System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(String input, MatchEvaluator evaluator) at PetaPoco.Internal.ParametersHelper.ProcessParams(String sql, Object[] args_src, List`1 args_dest) at PetaPoco.Database.CreateCommand(IDbConnection connection, String sql, Object[] args) at DotNetNuke.Data.PetaPoco.PetaPocoExt.ExecuteReader(Database database, String sql, Object[] args) in c:\CODE\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Data\PetaPoco\PetaPocoExt.cs:line 52 at DotNetNuke.Data.PetaPoco.PetaPocoHelper.ExecuteReader(String connectionString, CommandType type, Int32 timeout, String sql, Object[] args) in c:\CODE\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Data\PetaPoco\PetaPocoHelper.cs:line 76 at DotNetNuke.Data.PetaPoco.PetaPocoHelper.ExecuteReader(String connectionString, CommandType type, String sql, Object[] args) in c:\CODE\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Data\PetaPoco\PetaPocoHelper.cs:line 60 at DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider.ExecuteSQLInternal(String connectionString, String sql, String& errorMessage) in c:\CODE\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Data\SqlDataProvider.cs:line 164{noformat}{quote}",2
-"DNN-5279","05/02/2014 22:31:38","Add overloads to XmlUtils methods that take XPathNavigator objects","In the {{XmlUtils}} class, there is a {{GetNodeValue}} method which returns the value of a child element as a {{string}}. It has two overloads which take an {{XmlNode}} (one with and one without a default value) and one which takes an {{XPathNavigator}} (which does not take in a default value). In addition, there are a handful of methods which do the same thing, but return the value as a particular type (e.g. {{GetNodeValueBoolean}}, {{GetNodeValueDate}}, etc.) Furthermore, there are methods which get the value of an _attribute_, and those _only_ take an {{XPathNavigator}}. Since it is trivial to get an {{XPathNavigator}} from an {{XmlNode}} (but not vice versa), I believe that all of the methods which only accept {{XmlNode}} instances must have overloads added which also accept {{XPathNavigator}} instances. Furthermore, there should be an overload for {{GetNodeValue}} which accepts a default value. Pull request coming in a minute.",2
-"DNN-5280","05/02/2014 22:37:44","Extension URL Provider settings should be included in portal templates","Extension URL Provider settings aren't included when a site is exported, so using the template to create a new site may have part of the site broken due to missing configuration.",2
-"DNN-5285","05/05/2014 10:18:17","package icon will disappear after open edit popup","Reproduce Steps: 1. install latest version and login as host; 2. goto host > extensions page, edit ""console"" module; 3. in popup do nothing but just click cancel button. 4. after popup close, the page refresh. Expected Result: Console module's icon still show in area. Actually Result: the console module lost its icon, after clear cache it comes back.",1
-"DNN-5304","05/08/2014 22:51:09","Control Panel Edit mode - Page does not set to Edit for registered users with ""Edit"" permissions ","Found while regressing DNN-5153 Control Panel visibility for Module Editors depends on DefaultCacheTime for the ModuleDefinitions of the modules in the page, which does not make any sense. To test the problem: ◾install DNNFAQ from codeplex and verify on host Extensions that the DefaultCacheTime for the module is set to -1 ◾create a page and put the DNNFAQ on it. ◾Verify that there's no other module on the page ◾set the module have edit permissions for Registered users ◾under admin - Site settings, verify the control panel visibility is set to be ""Module Editors"" ◾create a new regular user ◾login as the user now hover over ""EDIT"" and click ""Edit Page' Actual Result: Once you click ""Edit Page"" a pop up appears. It never fully renders It goes away The page is never set to ""Edit Mode"" Expected Result: The page is set to ""Edit Mode"" The Registered User is able to edit the module SCREEN CAST: http://www.screencast.com/t/vZp5tG1X",3
-"DNN-5307","05/09/2014 18:44:18","Admin > Site Dedirection - The ""Select a Web Page"" drop down does not work","This same test works in 7.2.2 but not in 7.3.0 Install latest 7.3.0 build Log in as HOST Create another user assign them to Administrator Role Open new browser and log in as Admin In both browers go Admin > Advanced Settings > Site Redirection Management Click ""Create"" Click the drop down in the pop up Actual Result: Drop down does not drop down In Firebug or Dev Tools this error shows up: TypeError: $.dnnSF is not a function ..._serviceUrl = $.dnnSF(this.options.moduleId).getServiceRoot(this.options.service... dnn.Dy...?cdv=23 (line 678) Expected Result: Drops down showing a selectable list of pages within this site Works in 7.2.2 is broken in 7.3.0",3
-"DNN-5309","05/09/2014 20:12:13","Copy Page - A blank page is created no modules/content is brought over","In a 7.3.0 site log in as Host or Administrator Select any existing page Hover over ""Pages"" Click ""Copy Page"" Change nothing Click ""Add Page"" Actual Result: After copy of existing page is created there's no modules or content on the copied page Expected Result: Any module listed in the pop up prior to copying will be brought over onto the copied page Works in 7.2.2 is broken in 7.3.0",3
-"DNN-5311","05/10/2014 16:53:38","Deleting user deletes not just user's folder, but other user's folders as well.","When you ""remove deleted users"" you not only delete that user's user folder, but also anyone that shares the same root folder. The reason is that in UserController.RemoveUser you get the path to delete as follows: var rootFolder = PathUtils.Instance.GetUserFolderPathElement(user.UserID, PathUtils.UserFolderElement.Root); This folder is not unique per user. This is shared with other users. So a delete of this folder potentially deletes from other users as well. ",3
-"DNN-5314","05/12/2014 02:25:08","Extension Url Provider Redirect code doesn't run when no Rewrite Match found","When installing an Extension Url Provider that performs redirects, the redirects only work if some part of the path to be redirected matches with an existing DNN Url. If the url to be redirected doesn't match an existing DNN Path, then the rewrite logic returns a 404 and the redirect logic will never run. The solution is to check that the redirect logic runs prior to returning a 404 status, to allow external components the ability to check for a redirect before returning a 404. +Testing+ As this change reverses the order of existing logic, testing should center around regression testing of existing 404 functionality. If there is no change in the way 404 handling then this can be passed as fixed. +Implementation+ The code file attached shows the section that needs to be changed. The 404 handling code block needs to be moved to *after* the section that checks for redirects in any extension url providers.",3
-"DNN-5319","05/13/2014 12:26:13","404 page management not exposed in UI","Whilst it's great you've included Bruce's URL rewriting into DNN base the management aspect of it is sorely lacking. Leaving aside the change of mind over where you store the TabID of the 404 error page (PortalSettings until 7.2.2(?) then PortalLocalization ) the fact that the only way to set it is by running a SQL script is sadly inadequate. How hard can it be to have added the 404 page as another configurable setting in the Site Settings / Advanced / Page Management area? Please correct this oversight ASAP i.e 7.2.3.",3
-"DNN-5327","05/13/2014 19:43:27","[Platform] Admin > LIsts - In Chrome 404's are thrown on jQuery load","Install Suite in Azure Websites Log in as Host using CHROME Version 34.0.1847.131 m w/Dev Tools active Create new user and assign them to Administrators Group In new browser hit the site and log in as Admin As both Host and Admin hit Admin > Advanced Settings > Lists View Dev Tools output Actual Result: GET http://dnnqa2.azurewebsites.net/WebResource.axd?d=2-V_sY8DxE_nUwhLD2Ez2Xb_S…kxvanxdE15jVme5L9csiHkgrCnqEXc9HaD64T2L4xFle7Bf--S941&t=635351616460000000 404 (Not Found) jquery.js:9597 c.RadTreeView._preInitialize jquery.js:9597 (anonymous function) Lists:788 GET http://dnnqa2.azurewebsites.net/WebResource.axd?d=jbZVPZwcRUMP0pJH7vidyJz8f…Rphf3f3LZ-e5C-vZO9VY8FdBh-6UwA12Z5WO1zL1_tBicMbd5EiQ2&t=635351616460000000 404 (Not Found) jquery.js:9597 c.RadTreeView._preInitialize jquery.js:9597 (anonymous function) Expected Result: No 404's or any other errors Notes: I only see this in Chrome not any other supported browser Upgrade to Version 34.0.1847.137 m and the both 404 errors go away ",3
-"DNN-5345","05/14/2014 20:13:42","SI: Page tags field does not get populated under page management","Steps to reproduce: 1) Create a new vocabulary and add a few terms under Admin -> Taxonomy. 2) Navigate to Admin -> Page managment -> select page. 3) Navigate to the SEO section. 4) Page Tags field is not populated with taxonomy tags. Expected Result: Page tags field should be populated with tags Actual Result: Page tags field is empty. (page tags field under More Settings -> Page Settings is populated). ",3
-"DNN-5324","05/14/2014 23:31:23","refactor tags logic so encoding occurs at the API level and not control level","move the encoding from the tags control to the API so that other controls do not need to replicate the encoding.",1
-"DNN-5344","05/15/2014 01:18:39","Add Modules drop-down icon control doesn't work anymore. ","Noticed this in Cloud environment, but I believe It is a regression since it doesn't happen in v.7.2.2, and probably brought in by Control Bar Add Module Scrolling (CONTENT-2319) or module filtering changes. Steps: - Log in as host - Goto any page - Click Modules > Add New Module - In the Module filtering list box, click the Drop-down arrow icon button. Result: It won't work. But it works in 7.2.2. But if click on the list box, it still fine. ",3
-"DNN-5342","05/20/2014 18:38:21","""Username"" should be ""Display Name"" in permission grid","Issue description: ""Username"" should be ""Display Name"" in permission grid Steps: 1, As Host, go to Page Permission of a page 2, Check label for Add user in permission grid Actual results: The label reads ""Username"" Expected results: It should be ""Display Name"", because we use Display Name instead of Username here",2
-"DNN-5359","05/21/2014 22:11:01","Module scroll/swipe doesn't work well if any char in module filter/search","- Log in as host - Add a new page ""testpage"" - Goto Modules > Add New Module to bring up the module control panel - In ""Filter/Search"" input area, input character ""d"" - then Drag one of the module and swipe to very left and very right for couple times - Try to use scroll bar to the very right-end, and pick up one module at the end of the list. Result: see attachment. Some modules will still in the hidden (invisible) area of the module list, and won't be able to be picked. The scroll-bar calculation somehow goes wrong. I also randomly encountered situation, the drag ans swipe stop working as well with IE 11. ",2
-"DNN-5363","05/22/2014 01:33:20","Site Wizard: Default Website template has incorrect list of modules not installed","1. Admin > Site Wizard 2. Select the ""Default Website"" from the Template List. What happens: The following message is displayed: This template has the following modules that are not installed. File Manager - This should be obsolete Newletters - This should be installed the Admin menu Feed Explorer - doesn't seem to be part of the template Solutions- doesn't seem to be part of the template View Profile - is installed already",1
-"DNN-5374","05/23/2014 18:36:39","Eliminate unused parameter Folder from UpdateFile","Method Update File of FilesController and DataProvider as well as Stored Procedure UpdateFile contain a Parameter ""Folder"", which is no longer used and should be eliminated.",2
-"DNN-5379","05/24/2014 00:49:58","Profile page alignment is whacked in 7.3.0","Install 7.3.0 latest build as FQDN site w/remote SQL db Log in as HOST Create a new page and make it visible to all users Add Member Directory module to the page Create at least 2 new Registered Users Log in as 1 of the new R/U's Go and edit your profile by adding a biograpy, first name, last name and image Save all your changes In a different browser log in as the other R/U Hit the Member Directory page Click the name of the R/U that edited their profile Actual Result: The profile view that renders does not match that of 7.2.2 release code It is left centered on the page See attached 7.2.2 and 7.3.0 screenshots for comparison Expected Result: There should be no change between releases",3
-"DNN-5392","05/27/2014 19:07:54","IE11 - Image Manager errors out, cannot add images to the Telerik RTE","Install latest 7.3.0 build as FQDN site w/remote SQL db Log in as HOST in IE 11 Create a NEW page open Image Manager Actual Result"" 1. Image Manager does open 2. In Dev Tools there's an error 3. When I click ""Cancel"" or the red 'x' at top right neither fire. I am unable to close Image Manager 4 To clear Image Manager I must close the Edit Content pop up and that generates an error Error when ""Image Manager"" is opened in IE11: SCRIPT438: Object doesn't support property or method 'attachEvent' File: Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd, Line: 12171, Column: 19 Error when ""Edit Content"" pop up is closed in IE11 SCRIPT438: Object doesn't support property or method 'attachEvent' File: Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd, Line: 12171, Column: 19 Expected Result: No error opening Image Manager in IE11 I can add a single or multiple images I can close the Image Manager in IE11 No error in closing the Edit Content pop up in IE11",1
-"DNN-5394","05/27/2014 19:46:36","Fatal Httpexception error messages if add new page through Page Management","Not repro in v.7.2.0, neither from control menu Pages > add new page Steps: - Log in as Admin or Host - On Control Panel click ‘Admin’ option; - Select ‘Page Management’ option; - Hover over ‘My Website’ folder, right-click on it. - Click on ‘Add Page’ button to open corresponding input; - Fill required info; - Click on ‘Create Page(s)’ button. Result: There would be couple (6) Fatal error msgs in log file: 2014-05-27 11:40:50,007 [DNN-PC107][Thread:27][FATAL] DotNetNuke.Web.Common.Internal.DotNetNukeHttpApplication - System.Web.HttpException (0x80004005): This is an invalid webresource request. at System.Web.Handlers.AssemblyResourceLoader.System.Web.IHttpHandler.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) at System.Web.HttpApplication.CallHandlerExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute() at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously) Not sure about this error about, and I can still continue to create a page, just quite noisy and would like to know the root cause. ",2
-"DNN-5397","05/28/2014 19:51:55","IE11: Create New Vocabulary won't close pop-up window","Again it is related to IE11. Not happen in v.7.2.0. and fine with FF & Chrome Steps: - log in as host - goto Admin > Taxonomy - Click ""Create New Vocabulary"", input anything required. - Click ""Create Vocabulary"" Result: with PE & EE, the creation pop-up window keeps loading, looks like never complete, the window won't be closed. - Close the pop-up window by clicking ""X"" button Actually the new vocabulary is created. ",1
-"DNN-5405","05/29/2014 17:10:31","IOC Simple container fails to return collection when RegisterComponentInstance is used","Using the {{DotNetNuke.ComponentModel.SimpleContainer.RegisterComponentInstance}} method (which is called from {{ComponentFactory.RegisterComponentInstance}}) will not return any element in the list of contract implementors upon calling {{ComponentFactory.GetComponents()}}. It seems the first method needs a call to register the component type in the components registry - as this {{RegisterComponent(name, type);}}",2
-"DNN-6750","06/02/2014 19:34:01","Upgrade: Cannot access site with Runtime Error during upgrade","Issue description: Cannot access site with Runtime Error during upgrade Steps: 1, Create a VM with CustomerSites - TEST template 2, Get host privilege using gethost.aspx for site 3, Create a superuser 4, Unzip 7.0.0 PE package into site folder 5, Run upgrade by browsing the site again 6, Visit the site 7, Unzip PE package into site folder 8, Run upgrade Actual results: Runtime Error Expected results: Site can be successfully upgraded ",2
-"DNN-5430","06/03/2014 02:28:07","Slow stored procedure ""GetAvailableUsersForIndex""","""GetAvailableUsersForIndex"" run slow in customer site, need to investigate.",2
-"DNN-6751","06/03/2014 19:11:31","Upgrade: Fatal error when Log In after EE 7.2.2 upgraded to 7.3.0","So far only see it in EE, not in PE. - Install EE - By using Evoq_Enterprise_7.3.0.497_Upgrade.zip file, and Install wizard, upgrade EE to be - Open the site and log in as Host - Check out log.resources file Result: a Fatal error in log file and looks like it related to web farm configuration. 2014-06-03 11:06:41,197 [DNN-PC107][Thread:7][FATAL] DotNetNuke.Framework.PageBase - An error has occurred while loading page. System.Web.HttpException (0x80004005): Validation of viewstate MAC failed. If this application is hosted by a Web Farm or cluster, ensure that configuration specifies the same validationKey and validation algorithm. AutoGenerate cannot be used in a cluster. http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=314055 ---> System.Web.UI.ViewStateException: Invalid viewstate. Client IP: Port: 54472 Referer: http://ee722303a.lvh.me/Login?returnurl=/Default.aspx&popUp=true Path: /Default.aspx User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko ViewState: 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 at System.Web.UI.ViewStateException.ThrowMacValidationError(Exception inner, String persistedState) at System.Web.UI.ObjectStateFormatter.Deserialize(String inputString, Purpose purpose) at System.Web.UI.Util.DeserializeWithAssert(IStateFormatter2 formatter, String serializedState, Purpose purpose) at System.Web.UI.HiddenFieldPageStatePersister.Load() at System.Web.UI.Page.LoadPageStateFromPersistenceMedium() at System.Web.UI.Page.LoadAllState() at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) 2014-06-03 11:06:41,265 [DNN-PC107][Thread:7][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.PageLoadException: Validation of viewstate MAC failed. If this application is hosted by a Web Farm or cluster, ensure that configuration specifies the same validationKey and validation algorithm. AutoGenerate cannot be used in a cluster. http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=314055 ---> System.Web.HttpException: Validation of viewstate MAC failed. If this application is hosted by a Web Farm or cluster, ensure that configuration specifies the same validationKey and validation algorithm. AutoGenerate cannot be used in a cluster. http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=314055 ---> System.Web.UI.ViewStateException: Invalid viewstate. Client IP: Port: 54472 Referer: http://ee722303a.lvh.me/Login?returnurl=/Default.aspx&popUp=true Path: /Default.aspx User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko ViewState: 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 --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.Web.UI.ViewStateException.ThrowMacValidationError(Exception inner, String persistedState) at System.Web.UI.ObjectStateFormatter.Deserialize(String inputString, Purpose purpose) at System.Web.UI.Util.DeserializeWithAssert(IStateFormatter2 formatter, String serializedState, Purpose purpose) at System.Web.UI.HiddenFieldPageStatePersister.Load() at System.Web.UI.Page.LoadPageStateFromPersistenceMedium() at System.Web.UI.Page.LoadAllState() at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- ",1
-"DNN-5436","06/04/2014 00:20:34","Toast - Never fires when the Home.aspx page is replaced with a page with the Toast object","1. Install the Platform build 2. Copy the attached file Home.ascx to ..site\Portals\_default\Skins\Gravity 3. Login as Host 4. Create a new Admin account 5. Add a new page – Social Group 6. Add the Social Group module to the page and auto configure it 7. Create a new Group 8. Logout as Host 9. Login as Admin Actual Result: There is never a visible Toast notification in the Home page The normal notifications, under Notifications tab of Messages and via email are working Expected result: the Toast notification about new social group creation is displayed in the HOME page",3
-"DNN-5441","06/05/2014 01:15:27","New DNN Platform Home Page use bootstrap to make responsive","In 7.3.0 we released a new home page design. This is partly responsive but we can do a better job of making it fully responsive. This JIRA is to refine the new home page design to use bootstrap and make a truly responsive and flexible design that works with any mobile, table or desktop. +Requirements+ * Use Bootstrap to make page responsive * Responsive design should also do image resize as well as layout changing * Design must work in small form factors like iphone, tablets such as ipad mini and larger tablets, as well as desktop screens The bootstrap design and implementation must be done in such a way that people can use it as a basis for copying to create their own responsive skins and designs.",3
-"DNN-6273","06/13/2014 16:12:43","Page Creation renders a .JS error ","Install latest 7.3.1 Content build as FQDN site w/remote SQL db Log in as Host Add 2 - 3 Registered Users Make 1 an Administrator As Host hover over ""pages"" and select ""Create New Page"" from the drop down Title the page Give Registered Users ""View"" permissions Click ""Add Page"" Actual Result: The New Page pop up renders In Firebug or Dev Tools this error appears: TypeError: dnn[settings.filesComboId].options.services is undefined ...ttings.filesComboId].options.services.parameters.parentId = settings.selectedFol... The new page is created with an HTML module present Expected Result: New Page pop up renders There are zero errors in Firebug, Dev tools or the log files The page is saved without error The page renders with an HTML module present ",2
-"DNN-5483","06/16/2014 20:56:15","SI: pdf files being indexed report as password protected and do not index information inside document","Add PDF files to portals folder, index content so the DAM sees them. Make sure permissions are properly on them (I went as far as to apply permissions for All Users and use my own created PDF as a test). Run the file crawler schedule and when you look at the report it will say that they may be password protected. PDF's are not password protected and permissions are open for them to be viewed, they can be opened and viewed without issue from within the DAM.",3
-"DNN-5522","06/18/2014 16:20:17","After install ""Error: Search indexing directory is either empty or does not exist"" error is logged","Setup latest Suite build as FQDN site w/remote SQL database Hit the installation page Give host password x 2 Start installation Installation finishes click through to Home page Check log.resources file Actual Result: {noformat} ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.BasePortalException: File Crawler Unable to Finish, Error: Search indexing directory is either empty or does not exist ---> DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.SearchIndexEmptyException: Search indexing directory is either empty or does not exist at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.Internals.LuceneControllerImpl.CheckValidIndexFolder() at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.Internals.LuceneControllerImpl.GetSearcher() at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.Internals.LuceneControllerImpl.Search(LuceneSearchContext searchContext) at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.Controllers.SearchControllerImpl.GetSecurityTrimmedResults(SearchQuery searchQuery, LuceneQuery luceneQuery) at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.Controllers.SearchControllerImpl.GetResults(SearchQuery searchQuery) at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.Controllers.SearchControllerImpl.SiteSearch(SearchQuery searchQuery) at DotNetNuke.Professional.SearchCrawler.FileCrawling.FileCrawlerController.GetLastIndexedFileModificationDate(String culture, IFolderInfo folder) at DotNetNuke.Professional.SearchCrawler.FileCrawling.FileCrawlerController.IndexDirectory(ISearchCrawlerPortalContext searchCrawlerPortalContext, IFolderInfo folderInfo) at DotNetNuke.Professional.SearchCrawler.FileCrawling.FileCrawlerController.IndexPortalDirectory(ISearchCrawlerPortalContext searchCrawlerPortalContext) at DotNetNuke.Professional.SearchCrawler.FileCrawling.FileCrawlerController.IndexPortalDirectories(ISearchCrawlerContext searchCrawlerContext) at DotNetNuke.Professional.SearchCrawler.FileCrawler.FileCrawler.FileCrawlerThread() --- End of inner exception stack trace --- {noformat} Expected Result: No errors in log file",1
-"DNN-5497","06/18/2014 17:22:29","update legacy jquery.RequestRegistration method to always include jquery-migrate also","During 7.3.0's development a lot of optimisation work was undertaken. This involved many facets including reducing viewstate, pagesize and removing unnecessary script registration. As part of this work jquery-migrate was no longer registered for a default anonymous page viewer as it was not needed - however post 7.3.0's release it became apparent that some skin and module developers were relying on jquery-migrate being registered (rather than registering it within their skin/module). Whilst this is easily fixed by adding the relevant registration (or using the jquery skin object), we decided to add a registration for jquery-migrate to help with sites running skins/modules that relied on this dependency (i.e. existing users would not need to get updated versions of their components). To fulfil this requirement the additional registration was added to the legacy jquery.RequestRegistation API method",1
-"DNN-5503","06/18/2014 19:31:42","EVOQSOCIAL: Messaging: Dismiss All for Notifications","We need a ""Dismiss All"" feature in Notifications I have 295 in my ""Notifications"" tab in Catalyst I don't have an hour to spend to individually delete each notification [Update: Mohit Kukreja, November 14 2014] * Please add the ""Dismiss All"" link as shown in the attached mockup (but not as a checkbox). * Clicking on this link should pop up a message box reading: ** Title: Confirm Dismiss All ** Message: Are you sure you want to dismiss all X notifications? (where X is the total number of user's notifications) ** Buttons: Yes (Secondary), No (Primary) * Clicking on No should do nothing; Clicking on Yes should Dismiss all notifications for the logged-in user and *refresh* the page.",3
-"DNN-5520","06/23/2014 15:31:53","SI: Group Module does not show Groups for ","Setting: Group Module > Settings > Default Role Group > '< All Roles >' Expect Result: All site Groups listed on the Group Module page Actual Result: No site Groups are listed on the Group Module page History: The initial 6.x release did not include '< All Roles >' as a Default Role Group option. My Team Member Jeff Redford created a ticket documenting this short coming in November of 2012. Finally the < All Roles > option was added in March of 2013, but it does not work :-) https://dnntracker.atlassian.net/browse/DNN-24095 ""The < All Roles > option now appears in the Default Role Group option, but it does not work. No Groups are returned."" This bug is creating a head ache for our site configuration. We must include a Group Module for EACH role group that has Social Groups. If clients add a new Social Group to a new role group, they complain when they don't appear. Please fix. Thanks, Chris",0.5
-"DNN-5542","06/26/2014 23:57:34","EVOQSOCIAL: Private Registration: Notification does not allow CM/Moderators to authorize/reject the user","# Set the site's registration to Private (in site settings) # Register as a new user on the site by clicking on Register link #* (x) Notification is NOT sent to Moderators that new user has registered. Only the host/admin gets this notification. #** (x) This notification has only one action - dismiss. This is incorrect. It should have two actions- Authorize and Reject. (no dismissing without taking action). #*** Authorize is the term used when host/admin goes to User Accounts to authorize the user, not approve. #* (x) EvoqSocial Project: A CMX task does not appear for the CM. This CMX task should have two actions - Authorize and Reject. ",2
-"DNN-6746","06/27/2014 19:23:57","EVOQSOCIAL: Installation progress UI stopped at 29% ","It happens on windows Azure websites Didn't see Platform & Content. Looks like it is progress UI issue. Site is installed and launchable. Pre-condition: - all credential required for manage.windowsazure.com (ask Bing or QA if you don't have one) - Create a new site & DB for installation testing General Steps: - Start installation process by wizard - Provide proper DB connection & user account which is set up in manage.windowsazure.com - Continue the installation to observe the progress bar Result: It stops @ 29% Installing Library - Social_04_Analytics_02.00.01_Install.zip Check the Installation log file, no [error] detected, and the last line in log is: 06/27/2014 18:07:48 [INFO] DotNetNuke.Services.Upgrade.Internals.Steps.BaseInstallationStep Activating License So the site actually installed, but because of some response time-out reason (I guess), the progress UI got frozen. Expected: The installation progress bar shall re-try always to pick-up the status. ",2
-"DNN-5548","06/28/2014 08:39:06","Incorrect order of Core style sheets for components","I checked the HTML head source of a default DNN 7.3.1 installation. It looks like this: IMO no style sheets should be loaded by the Core after skin.css as an admin should be able to override all CSS in either Skin.css or Portal.css When these style sheets get injected later, the css in them is very difficult to override. (this is not a theoretical issue) solution: Respect the default stylesheet order in DNN for all injected style sheets. So after IMO they should be injected after default.css http://www.dnnsoftware.com/wiki/page/dotnetnuke-stylesheets-explained#DotNetNuke_Style_sheet_load_order_10",2
-"DNN-5551","06/30/2014 21:48:02","DNNScheduler class' AddSchedule(ScheduleItem scheduleItem) method throws Exception","In version 7.2.0 of DNN the AddSchedule(ScheduleItem scheduleItem) method of the DNNScheduler class calls SchedulingController.AddSchedule passing 12 properties of the ScheduleItem object passed to it. In version 7.3.0 this method has been changed to now call SchedulingController.AddSchedule passing 13 properties with the latest property of the ScheduleItem being ""ScheduleStartDate"" ""ScheduleStartDate"" property was added to the ScheduleItem class in 7.30 but is not there in version 7.20 Therefore when this method is called in a 7.3.0 installation the following Exception is thrown: 2014-06-30 16:10:20,686 [990DEV-38JDZQ1][Thread:47][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - ~/Default.aspx?tabid=89&error=Null+object+cannot+be+converted+to+a+value+type.&content=0 System.InvalidCastException: Null object cannot be converted to a value type. at System.Convert.ChangeType(Object value, Type conversionType, IFormatProvider provider) at System.Convert.ChangeType(Object value, Type conversionType) at PetaPoco.Database.ExecuteScalar[T](String sql, Object[] args) at DotNetNuke.Data.PetaPoco.PetaPocoHelper.ExecuteScalar[T](String connectionString, CommandType type, String sql, Object[] args) at DotNetNuke.Data.DataProvider.AddSchedule(String TypeFullName, Int32 TimeLapse, String TimeLapseMeasurement, Int32 RetryTimeLapse, String RetryTimeLapseMeasurement, Int32 RetainHistoryNum, String AttachToEvent, Boolean CatchUpEnabled, Boolean Enabled, String ObjectDependencies, String Servers, Int32 CreatedByUserID, String FriendlyName, DateTime ScheduleStartDate) at DotNetNuke.Services.Scheduling.SchedulingController.AddSchedule(String TypeFullName, Int32 TimeLapse, String TimeLapseMeasurement, Int32 RetryTimeLapse, String RetryTimeLapseMeasurement, Int32 RetainHistoryNum, String AttachToEvent, Boolean CatchUpEnabled, Boolean Enabled, String ObjectDependencies, String Servers, String FriendlyName, DateTime ScheduleStartDate) at DotNetNuke.Services.Scheduling.DNNScheduler.AddSchedule(ScheduleItem scheduleItem) This means modules developed for 7.2.0 and lower that use this API to add scheduled items will not work in 7.3.0. It also means if the module is developed against 7.3.0 then it will not work in 7.2.0 or lower. ",1
-"DNN-5572","07/04/2014 16:12:29","update link to online help in host settings","new link should be: http://help.dotnetnuke.com/070300/default.htm?showToc=true",1
-"DNN-5573","07/04/2014 17:13:40","forgot password logic fails to check for valid profile","after a user has changed their password via a password reset token, the user is automatically logged in and redirected. This code needs to be updated to check that the user resetting their password has a valid profile, and if not redirect accordingly.",2
-"DNN-6151","07/07/2014 11:56:47","EVOQSOCIAL: Subscription sub description is not localized","The description text used for subscriptions is not localized. This text is defined in each module in a constant, for example: {code} public const string ContentSubDescription = ""Idea Activity""; {code} The text should be defined in a resource file. To see the text, go to User Profile > Edit My profile > Communications tab",8
-"DNN-6349","07/08/2014 18:56:53","Last job in Host - Schedule is half hidden from UI","Issue description: Last job in Host - Schedule is half hidden from UI Steps: 1, Install DNN with FQDN 2, As Host, go to Host - Schedule, and scroll to bottom of the list Actual results: Web Server Monitor job is half hidden from UI Expected results: No hidden part",1
-"DNN-5593","07/10/2014 05:52:47","CLONE - Client Resource Management removes ""data"" Urls","If you're running the composite files option with client resource management, and using data url's to reference images in your css, the CRM removes the ""data:"" text from the URL. What are data URLS? More information can be found here: http://www.websiteoptimization.com/speed/tweak/inline-images/ Basically, they are references to files within the CSS instead of URL's to a web server (http:). See this file to see what I mean: http://cl.ly/0q3G1y1Y2K0K2n2w0z1D This issue has been reported to the ClientDependency framework project, of which CRM depends on (and is the highest voted on item.) http://clientdependency.codeplex.com/workitem/13196 I think I found the culprit and a fix: ClientDependency.Core.CssFileUrlFormatter.TransformCssFile seems to be doing the job of cleaning up URLs to work in a combined file, fixing references. The problem is the regex is also picking up data: protocol urls. Replacing this regex - url\((.+?)\) - with this regex - url\(((?!(""""|')data:).+?)\) - will filter those out. (Basically, it's performing a negative lookahead, if the found value contains ""data:"" it is ignored.)",2
-"DNN-5594","07/10/2014 16:05:11","Version #'s of default installed packages on clean DNN 731 install are not 731","If you install a clean DNN 7.3.1 and visit Host/Extensions, there are a lot of (system) extensions (modules) that are labeled with 7.1.0 as version.#. This gives the impression that the install pacakge is incorrect. See attached Excel sheet with a list of all packages",1
-"DNN-5597","07/10/2014 16:22:42","Cancelling an install of a language pack results in duplicate display","If you install a language pack from the available packs (Host, Extensions, Available Extensions, Languange packs), but Cancel the install on the last screen during install (with the Accept license check box), the language pack is displayed incorrectly double in the available languages packs. See attached screen shot. If you do the same with another language pack, the first duplcate is gone and you have a duplicate of the second one in the list.",2
-"DNN-5611","07/14/2014 21:21:17","SI: Upgrade to 7.3.2 - During install ""DotNetNuke.Common.Globals - The directory is not empty."" is thrown","Upgrade from 7.0.0 to After upgrade has been completed and before you click the ""Visit Website"" button the log.resources file has these errors: 2014-07-14 13:08:53,318 [TST-KG-W2012S1][Thread:11][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Common.Globals - System.IO.IOException: The directory is not empty. at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath) at System.IO.Directory.DeleteHelper(String fullPath, String userPath, Boolean recursive, Boolean throwOnTopLevelDirectoryNotFound) at System.IO.Directory.Delete(String fullPath, String userPath, Boolean recursive, Boolean checkHost) at DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.DeleteFolderRecursive(String strRoot) 2014-07-14 13:08:53,428 [TST-KG-W2012S1][Thread:11][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Common.Globals - System.IO.IOException: The directory is not empty. at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath) at System.IO.Directory.DeleteHelper(String fullPath, String userPath, Boolean recursive, Boolean throwOnTopLevelDirectoryNotFound) at System.IO.Directory.Delete(String fullPath, String userPath, Boolean recursive, Boolean checkHost) at DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.DeleteFolderRecursive(String strRoot) 2014-07-14 13:09:12,063 [TST-KG-W2012S1][Thread:11][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Common.Globals - System.IO.IOException: The directory is not empty. at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath) at System.IO.Directory.DeleteHelper(String fullPath, String userPath, Boolean recursive, Boolean throwOnTopLevelDirectoryNotFound) at System.IO.Directory.Delete(String fullPath, String userPath, Boolean recursive, Boolean checkHost) at DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.DeleteFolderRecursive(String strRoot) 2014-07-14 13:09:12,078 [TST-KG-W2012S1][Thread:11][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Common.Globals - System.IO.IOException: The directory is not empty. at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath) at System.IO.Directory.DeleteHelper(String fullPath, String userPath, Boolean recursive, Boolean throwOnTopLevelDirectoryNotFound) at System.IO.Directory.Delete(String fullPath, String userPath, Boolean recursive, Boolean checkHost) at DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.DeleteFolderRecursive(String strRoot) 2014-07-14 13:09:12,094 [TST-KG-W2012S1][Thread:11][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Common.Globals - System.IO.IOException: The directory is not empty. at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath) at System.IO.Directory.DeleteHelper(String fullPath, String userPath, Boolean recursive, Boolean throwOnTopLevelDirectoryNotFound) at System.IO.Directory.Delete(String fullPath, String userPath, Boolean recursive, Boolean checkHost) at DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.DeleteFolderRecursive(String strRoot) Expected Result: No errors in log.resources file",0
-"DNN-5612","07/15/2014 11:35:46","Page Management - Plus/Min icons disappear","Admin - Pages: when you select a page the plus/min icons disappear.... Tried several instances of DNN731 and all instances have this issue... Please fix this for version 732?",2
-"DNN-5613","07/15/2014 19:06:56","SI: Problem with Module Controller and 17k value","Customer has reported a bug that is present in the Core DNN API which affects the module settings table when a character of size 17k is added to the column SettingValue. From Customer: Here is a screencast of the bug happening and being debugged in DNN's code: http://screencast.com/t/PcaQrv6W We've investigated this method (UpdateModuleSettingInternal) further and we have found what is the problem. ModuleController.cs line 685 The method uses a datareader in order to determine if a setting already exists in the ModuleSettings table and add or update the setting as it is appropriate. This is a VERY bad idea, DataReaders keep their connection with the tables they use open while they themselves are not closed, at least partially. You can imagine that trying to update a table that is being kept open milliseconds before can eventually result in a deadlock. That is what is happening in this case. When the datareader reads the 17Kb Lorem ipsum that was already uploaded to ModuleSettings, the table gets locked, so when the code gets to ""dataProvider.UpdateModuleSetting(moduleId, settingName, settingValue, UserController.Instance.GetCurrentUserInfo().UserID);"" and calls the SP that updates ModuleSettings, the SP hangs when trying to update the table. Since the data we where modifying in the table was already there, we commented in UpdateModuleSettingInternal all that had to do with the datareader and AddModuleSetting. This made the code work flawlessly every time instead of hanging every time. Possible solution for this: My approach would be something like removing the datareader, and instead checking for an existing row at stored procedure level. The ""If exists"" statement has a better performance and has the perk of not locking the table after it has run. Then, in case the row exists, insert or update as needed. Of course, this is just a suggestion, but bear in mind that since the column SettingValue is nvarchar(max), large values are not beyond the scope of what could happen (and we have proved it happened in one of our clients). We just wanted to let you know of the problem and a possible fix. Let me know if I can be of any futher help with this issue. Please see attached ticket for more details on this issue. ",2
-"DNN-5614","07/16/2014 00:10:31","Module Creator Not Replacing Tokens When You Add Files","When you use the Develop option in the Module Actions menu and you select the Add File tab to add another file to your module, the system does not replace the tokens in the template file. This is because the method for specifying tokens changed in DNN 7.2.2 for module templates. To fix this issue you need to modify the DesktopModules\Admin\ModuleCreator\ViewSource.ascx.cs file and the CreateModuleControl() method: Replace: {noformat} //replace tokens sourceCode = sourceCode.Replace(""[OWNER]"", objPackage.Owner.Replace("" "", """")); sourceCode = sourceCode.Replace(""[MODULE]"", objDesktopModule.FriendlyName.Replace("" "", """")); sourceCode = sourceCode.Replace(""[CONTROL]"", GetControl()); sourceCode = sourceCode.Replace(""[YEAR]"", DateTime.Now.Year.ToString()); {noformat} With: {noformat} //replace tokens sourceCode = sourceCode.Replace(""_OWNER_"", objPackage.Owner.Replace("" "", """")); sourceCode = sourceCode.Replace(""_MODULE_"", objDesktopModule.FriendlyName.Replace("" "", """")); sourceCode = sourceCode.Replace(""_CONTROL_"", GetControl()); sourceCode = sourceCode.Replace(""_YEAR_"", DateTime.Now.Year.ToString()); {noformat}",2
-"DNN-5615","07/16/2014 00:11:59","Client Resource Management throws errors in log when SiteURLS.config is called","Install latest 7.3.0 build as FQDN site w/remote SQL database Log in as Host Go Host > Host Settings Click on the Advanced Settings tab Scroll down and expand 'Client Resource Management' Enable ALL 3 check boxes and click ""update"" After page refreshes click ""Increment Version"" button Check log.resources file Actual Result: Errors in log.resources file: 2014-07-15 15:44:01,713 [TST-KG-W2012S1][Thread:9][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Entities.Urls.Config.RewriterConfiguration -
ExceptionMessage: The process cannot access the file 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Platform73260A\SiteUrls.config' because it is being used by another process.
2014-07-15 15:44:01,806 [TST-KG-W2012S1][Thread:9][FATAL] DotNetNuke.Framework.PageBase - An error has occurred while loading page. System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at DotNetNuke.Modules.Admin.Host.FriendlyUrls.BindRules() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) 2014-07-15 15:44:01,838 [TST-KG-W2012S1][Thread:9][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - ~/Default.aspx?tabid=16&error=Object+reference+not+set+to+an+instance+of+an+object.&content=0 System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at DotNetNuke.Modules.Admin.Host.FriendlyUrls.BindRules() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) Expected Result: No errors in log.resources file",2
-"DNN-5616","07/16/2014 15:45:25","Unable to Setup or Use File Manager for Administrators in 7.3+","Clean install of 7.03.01 (also similar problems in 7.03.00). Trying to setup new Administrator user, Site Manager Role/user and a Content Manager Role/user. This is done using the Host account unless otherwise noted. In File Management, root, Create new folder named SiteContent. Set permissions for content folder, so that everyone can browse, and Content Managers and Site Managers can write to the folder. Add an HTML module to a page and set permissions so Content and Site manager can do their stuff. Logout. Log in as an Administrator (or Host), edit an html module, and try to upload an image and everything works as expected. Log in with a Content Manager or Site Manager account, edit an html module, and try to upload an image using the Image Manager. Expected result: I should only see the “SiteContent” folder in the Image Manager. Actual result: nothing visible in folder tree or file view. !Image-Manager-empty.jpg!",2
-"DNN-5617","07/16/2014 16:26:28","Add Existing Module - Page Selector issue","Use case: I have module on a child page that I would like to duplicate on the parent page. However, when using the Add Existing Module function, the page selector filters out the current page and all child pages. Steps to reproduce: 1) Create a page 2) Create a child page to #1 3) Put a module on the child page - Text/HTML with some content 4) Go to the parent page 5) Click Modules->Add Existing Module 6) Notice how the page selector dropdown does not show the current page or the child page which contains the module you want to replicate. ",2
-"DNN-5623","07/17/2014 19:01:15","[Platform] Move Mobile Login to Platform","We need to move the mobile styling implemented in Social (for login control only) into the Platform so we no longer need to keep overwriting these files. ",5
-"DNN-5625","07/18/2014 15:54:14","Member Directory > Search button not aligned","The search button is not correctly aligned. When using FF/Chrome, it is displayed under the search text box. When using IE, it is displayed on the right of the search text box Expected: - Should always be on the right of the text box",2
-"DNN-5626","07/18/2014 21:04:18","SI: Taxonomy control clears selection on postback","Steps to reproduce: 1. Go to any page, and enter Page Settings 2. On the Page Details tab, select a term in the taxonomy control 3. Go to the Advanced Settings tab 4. For the Icon, choose a different File Location (just to cause a post back) 5. Go back to the Page Details tab, notice the term selected is gone in the edit box, but still selected in the drop down",2
-"DNN-5635","07/21/2014 17:10:04","add DotNetNuke.Log4Net assembly source to solution","we need to either locate the source for the DotNetNuke.Log4Net assembly or else decompile it and add it to the platform source.",3
-"DNN-5638","07/22/2014 00:16:05","stop echoing error parameter onto screen","at present when an error querystring is detected the message is echoed within the page. This is useful for diagnosing errors within a portion of a page (e.g. 1 module). Whilst it can be disabled via the ""show critical errors"" host setting, it has been noted that text can be injected that may be malicious but appear to come from DNN. Whilst this text cannot be html/javascript, it was decided to remove it and update the message to suggest checking the Event viewer to view the stacktrace.",2
-"DNN-5639","07/22/2014 00:24:13","Search Results > Don't show Text/Html or Enter Title for Html module with empty titles","1st way to repro this: 1) Create a new page using all the defaults. 2) This creates an empty page with empty html module 3) The module title this empty html module is ""Enter Title"" 4) Do not change title, simply add something in content, e.g. Horse and save 2nd way 1) On any existing page (apart from the above created), drop Html module 2) Observe the name of the Html module, it will be ""Html/Text"" 3) Do not change the module title, instead update it's content, e.g. Lion ======= 1) After any of the above two, run Site Crawler or wait for it to kick off (after 1 minute) 2) Perform search on skin object (top right hand corner) or Search Results module - do search on both Horse and then on Lion Expected 1) Do not show "" > Enter Title"" or "" > Html/Text"" in Search Results. Instead just show the page title. Actual 1) It shows ""Page Title > Enter Title"" or ""Page Title > > Html/Text"" This has come up in Community a number of times. Here is the latest thread: http://www.dnnsoftware.com/forums/forumid/160/threadid/505198/scope/posts ",2
-"DNN-5646","07/22/2014 23:46:43","SI: DAM URL Upload Error","When you try to upload a file to DAM using the URL option and try pasting in a link from Onedrive or Google Drive (anything with a long file name and special characters) even if it is shared. You will get an illegal characters in path.",3
-"DNN-5647","07/23/2014 02:53:32","style issue in permissgion grid reported from Social","Hi Ben Just try to contact with you… In default.css 2601 .dnnPermissionsGrid > .dnnFormItem { margin-bottom: 18px; overflow: auto; } It shows a little scrollbar in permission matrix first row in social package See attached screen, in the right side, there is a small scroll bar…. So if you change this line to overflow: hidden, can solve it. I don’t know it impacts something else in platform, just want to check with you… if you think it is ok, please help me update in default.css in platform, thanks ",1
-"DNN-5650","07/24/2014 19:08:39","Installation screen - In IE10 the 2nd page appears at the bottom of the 1st","Get latest 7.3.2 Platform build Setup as FQDN site w/remote db Open IE 10 and hit the site Installation page in the installation wizard loads Scroll down Actual Result: The 2nd page of the installation wizard appears at the bottom of the 1st page Expected Result: 1st page only renders as it does in FF/Chrome and IE9 & 11",1
-"DNN-5752","07/28/2014 21:38:42","SI:Error closing install wizard when Page State persistence is set to Memory","When Page State Persistence is set to Memory, in Host Settings > Advanced > Performance, the module install wizard ends with an error when clicking the finish button. The full error in the event log is this: {code} AssemblyVersion:7.3.2 PortalID:0 PortalName:My Website UserID:1 UserName:host ActiveTabID:36 ActiveTabName:Extensions RawURL:/Host/Extensions/ctl/Install/rtab/36/portalid/0?popUp=true AbsoluteURL:/Default.aspx AbsoluteURLReferrer:http://dnn732-101-ce-inst.dnndev.me/Host/Extensions/ctl/Install/rtab/36/portalid/0?popUp=true UserAgent:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/36.0.1985.125 Safari/537.36 DefaultDataProvider:DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider, DotNetNuke ExceptionGUID:cbc2516c-d505-428b-ba89-4dfac3283263 InnerException:The command 'MoveComplete' is not valid for the previous step, make sure the step type is not changed between postbacks. FileName: FileLineNumber:0 FileColumnNumber:0 Method:System.Web.UI.WebControls.Wizard.OnBubbleEvent StackTrace: Message: DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.PageLoadException: The command 'MoveComplete' is not valid for the previous step, make sure the step type is not changed between postbacks. ---> System.InvalidOperationException: The command 'MoveComplete' is not valid for the previous step, make sure the step type is not changed between postbacks. at System.Web.UI.WebControls.Wizard.OnBubbleEvent(Object source, EventArgs e) at System.Web.UI.Control.RaiseBubbleEvent(Object source, EventArgs args) at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) --- End of inner exception stack trace ---{code} the error does not seem to be critical, as the module is already installed when the error occurs...",1
-"DNN-6354","07/29/2014 19:27:14","SI: cannot move EditProfile module to any content pane except default","Step to reproduce: 1) navigate to profile page 2) click edit profile 3) Enter EditMode 4) move EditProfile module to another content pane other than default Expected Result: The EditProfile module should move to the selected pane Actual Result: The EditProfile module temporarily moves to the selected pane, after the page refreshes the module is automatically placed back into the default content pane. ",2
-"DNN-5678","07/30/2014 04:07:07","RazorHost _UserList sample exposes on a Portal all user's names and emails on Host","Standard RazorHost sample script _UserList returns all of the users on a DNN installation. In a situation where the site is hosting many customers as portals, this exposes the complete list of customers (users) names and email addresses if the individual portal is allowed to use the RazorHost module (default). I tested this on a free hosting service, was able to create a bogus free portal and gain access to the complete list of users (actually got tired of waiting for all 62 thousand users to be returned :) ). The attached revised script would only list out the users of the single portal, leaving responsibility of protecting the user information with that portal admin.",1
-"DNN-5682","07/31/2014 18:46:53","Add code documentation in AJAX.cs","merge pull request from https://github.com/dnnsoftware/Dnn.Platform/pull/132 (no QA required)",1
-"DNN-5710","08/09/2014 00:16:44","SI: Deleted Content in Search Index","If you place an HTML module on the home page and add the following content (ensure it is approved) ""Sample Atlanta Georgia text"" and save. Then re-index site content, then search the site for ""Atlanta"" you will get results. Delete this module, and do a search for ""Atlanta"" and you will see this was immediately removed from the index. Do the same steps but ask a question and you will see you get different results. In the Social modules you must first re-index. The task here is to make the main Social modules behave just like the HTML module. Note: This impacts the following modules: - Answers - Blogs - Discussions - Events - Group Directory - Ideas - Wiki",5
-"DNN-5711","08/09/2014 00:42:03","Search > AND Search on 2 word combiniation (+ + that is a minimum of 3 characters each and NOT known to exist in the site works as OR","AND Search on 2 word combiniation (+ +), that is a minimum of 3 characters each and NOT known to exist in the site, works as OR. *Step to Reproduce* # Log in as host # Create a page, and add html content ""cat"" # Create a page, and add html content ""dog"" # Run Site Crawler # Go to Search # search by +cat +dog *Expected Result* Empty result *Actual Result* Two items, one for the first created page and another one for the second created page. The ""+ +"" should work as AND, not as OR logic.",3
-"DNN-5728","08/14/2014 18:25:36","Returns valid json response for ControlBarController","Currently some of the ControlBarController web methods return a 200 http response with an empty body on success. This has issue when jQuery ajax calls are performed with options.dataType='json' as the empty response is handled as an error (empty response is an invalid json). The will fix this changing the empty success response with {""Success"":true} ",1
-"DNN-6082","08/15/2014 19:39:31","EVOQSOCIAL - SI: Relationship Scoring Actions","Currently adding/removing/accepting/following friends are not counted as scoring actions, and therefore can not be used to award badges.",3
-"DNN-5737","08/17/2014 13:21:50","Unable to delete portal after upgrading to 7.3.1","Next in a series of errors attempting to delete a portal from an installation. DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.ModuleLoadException: The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint ""FK_FolderPermission_Roles"". The conflict occurred in database ""MB7"", table ""dbo.FolderPermission"", column 'RoleID'. The statement has been terminated. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint ""FK_FolderPermission_Roles"". The conflict occurred in database ""MB7"", table ""dbo.FolderPermission"", column 'RoleID'.",2
-"DNN-5745","08/19/2014 16:43:20","Verification Code link fails when encrypted code contains equals sign","Portal verification codes are created as follows: ""[PORTALID]-[USERID]. As an example, UserId 100 on Portal 1 has the following unencrypted verification code: 1-100 That string is then encrypted using the following logic: Dim portalSecurity = New PortalSecurity() Dim verificationCode = portalSecurity.EncryptString(""1-100"", Config.GetDecryptionkey()) I have come across an instance where that encrypted verification code always ends in an equal sign. When the verification code email is sent, the code is identical except that it changes the equal sign into an underscore. However, when the user clicks the link to be verified, it always fails with the error: Invalid verification code. So either the encryption or the description is causing users to be unable to be verified.",2
-"DNN-5755","08/20/2014 22:15:33","Allow Logo to accept SVG format","I wanted to upload SVG as my logo file, but it got rejected. Thinking it would be good to add SVG as an allowable file type in ""Globals.glbImageFileTypes""",1
-"DNN-5770","08/21/2014 22:19:39","EVOQSOCIAL - SI: Member Directory group mode bug","The customer is using the core module, Member Directory, to display members of the group, NOT leaderboard. The member directory module is not functioning correctly in social 2.0.1. This is the call in 1.3.3: exec sp_executesql N';Exec dbo.GetUsersAdvancedSearch @0, @1, @2, @3, @4, @5, @6, @7, @8, @9, @10, @11',N'@0 int,@1 int,@2 int,@3 int,@4 int,@5 int,@6 int,@7 int,@8 nvarchar(4000),@9 int,@10 nvarchar(4000),@11 nvarchar(4000)',@0=0,@1=11,@2=-1,@3=3056,@4=-1,@5=1,@6=20,@7=0,@8=N'DisplayName',@9=1,@10=N'',@11=N'' Here it is in 2.0.1: exec sp_executesql N';Exec dbo.GetUsersAdvancedSearch @0, @1, @2, @3, @4, @5, @6, @7, @8, @9, @10, @11',N'@0 int,@1 int,@2 int,@3 int,@4 int,@5 int,@6 int,@7 int,@8 nvarchar(4000),@9 int,@10 nvarchar(4000),@11 nvarchar(4000)',@0=0,@1=11,@2=-1,@3=-1,@4=-1,@5=1,@6=20,@7=0,@8=N'DisplayName',@9=1,@10=N'',@11=N'' Note that parameter @3 is -1 in the second call, where it should be the group id from the query string (3056). The group ID is in the query string as expected in both versions. Module settings were not changed.",3
-"DNN-5779","08/26/2014 11:49:37","Changing the type of a new site doesn't delete the introduced alias","In the modal popup window of creation of a new site, when the user changes the type of the site from parent to child the already introduced alias is removed. When the user changes from a child site to a parent child the alias is also removed. The goal of this issue is to change this behaviour so when the user changes the type of the site the introduced alias is kept, and also the behaviour of adding/removing the root alias when changing from parent to child and viceversa will be maintained.",1
-"DNN-5989","08/26/2014 16:14:37","EVOQSOCIAL - Persona Bar Tasks > Add IsTask flag to NotificationType","Currently, the Social_cmx_GetTasks Sproc gets the list of task from the user notifications. To know if a notification should be shown as a task, this Sproc has the following logic: - If the notification type has no ModuleId, it should not be shown -- I had to add a list of exceptions to this (white list), in order to resolve SOCIAL-3227 - An additional black list filter is performed to exclude some *hard wired* notification types This same mechanism should be extended to use in Content's persona bar (PersonaBar_GetTasks sproc), so the white/black list of types is not the best option. The enhancement proposal is to add a flag to the NotificationType table, to specify if the notification should be displayed in the task list: - The logic in Social_cmx_GetTasks SPROC will be simplified - The default value should be false (each notification type needs to be updated in Content/Social to set this to true; taking into consideration upgrades vs. new installations) - This column, IsTask, should be created via the Platform as a bit column and have all values set to 0 (false) then add a constraint for NOT NULL. - The API that exists today (for creating notification types) should create an overload method passing a default value of 0 (and also mark existing method as obsolete; only required if the method today is parameterized) Note: The solution here must work for both Content & Social. ",3
-"DNN-5805","09/03/2014 12:58:24","CLONE - File Crawler - Fails with ""File Crawler Unable to Finish"" error ","Install latest Content build or Content build > 400 as FQDN site w/remote SQL database Log in as Host Create at least 2 new users Assign 1 as Administrator Start new browser and log in as Administrator After 20 - 30 minutes check the log.resources file After checking log file and Event Viewer go Host > Schedule > Search: File Crawler and manually restart the job Actual Result: Error in log file: 2014-05-20 10:22:49,838 [TST-KG-W2012S1][Thread:74][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.BasePortalException: File Crawler Unable to Finish, Error: Search indexing directory is either empty or does not exist ---> DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.SearchIndexEmptyException: Search indexing directory is either empty or does not exist at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.Internals.LuceneControllerImpl.CheckValidIndexFolder() at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.Internals.LuceneControllerImpl.GetSearcher() at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.Internals.LuceneControllerImpl.Search(LuceneSearchContext searchContext) at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.Controllers.SearchControllerImpl.GetSecurityTrimmedResults(SearchQuery searchQuery, LuceneQuery luceneQuery) at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.Controllers.SearchControllerImpl.GetResults(SearchQuery searchQuery) at DotNetNuke.Services.Search.Controllers.SearchControllerImpl.SiteSearch(SearchQuery searchQuery) at DotNetNuke.Professional.SearchCrawler.FileCrawling.FileCrawlerController.GetLastIndexedFileModificationDate(String culture, IFolderInfo folder) at DotNetNuke.Professional.SearchCrawler.FileCrawling.FileCrawlerController.IndexDirectory(ISearchCrawlerPortalContext searchCrawlerPortalContext, IFolderInfo folderInfo) at DotNetNuke.Professional.SearchCrawler.FileCrawling.FileCrawlerController.IndexPortalDirectory(ISearchCrawlerPortalContext searchCrawlerPortalContext) at DotNetNuke.Professional.SearchCrawler.FileCrawling.FileCrawlerController.IndexPortalDirectories(ISearchCrawlerContext searchCrawlerContext) at DotNetNuke.Professional.SearchCrawler.FileCrawler.FileCrawler.FileCrawlerThread() --- End of inner exception stack trace --- The job will run correctly and without error when it restarts Expected Result: This should not fail on the 1st run",3
-"DNN-5823","09/05/2014 18:23:45","Scheduler - Messaging Dispatch job throws an error every 10 seconds after being edited","THIS DOES NOT REPRODUCE in 7.3.2 release code Install latest 7.3.3 build as FQDN site w/remote SQL db Log in as Host Set SMTP server to send to a known, good SMTP account Run the SMTP server test to verify email is received @ the email account Create 1 new Registered User In a separate browser log in as new user Go edit the user profile to add Salutation, First and last Name and country plus add a Biography Save these changes As Host go Host > Scheduler Click edit for ""Messaging Dispatch"" job Tick the check box for ""Catch up Enabled"" Save Check log.resources file Actual Result: Every 10 seconds this error will be logged: [Thread:26][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.UserProfileURL(Int32 userId) at DotNetNuke.Services.Social.Messaging.Scheduler.CoreMessagingScheduler.GetEmailBody(String template, String messageBody, PortalSettings portalSettings, UserInfo recipientUser) at DotNetNuke.Services.Social.Messaging.Scheduler.CoreMessagingScheduler.SendMessage(MessageRecipient messageRecipient) at DotNetNuke.Services.Social.Messaging.Scheduler.CoreMessagingScheduler.HandleInstantMessages(Guid schedulerInstance) So now, the site log.resources file grows exponentially Host/Administrator function emails out of the system continue to work as do new user registration emails Expected Result: Editing this job should never result in errors. Host/Administrator function emails out of the system should continue to work as do new user registration emails",2
-"DNN-5824","09/05/2014 19:29:02","Last User Account Lockout Alert date not showing","When a user gets locked out of our portal the ""Last Locked Out"" date doesn't display an accurate date once the account isn't locked, when I looked at the account it doesn't show that she was ever locked out. It appears There is a Stored Procedure called aspnet_Membership_UnlockUser, this sets the LastLockoutDate field (and some other date fields) to a value of 1/1/1754 - which is a bit strange, as the .Net DateTime.Minvalue is a year earlier (1/1/1753), but I guess this is something inside the DNN logic to be displayed as ""Never"" when it should show the last lockout date.",2
-"DNN-6104","09/12/2014 22:56:44","Modules in Common category are not displayed in Add Module popup, and some existing modules are missing from the list","Issue description; Modules in Common category are not displayed in Add Module popup, and some existing modules are missing from the list Steps: 1, As Host, create a new user, and assign the user Content Manager role 2, As Host, create a page and put in page menu 3, As Host, go to Host - Extensions, click Edit icon for the modules below and change the Category to Common Advanced Settings Advanced URL Management Authentication Banner Console DAM Extensions Configuration Manager Dashboard Device Preview Management File Integrity Checker Google Analytics Google Analytics Pro Health Monitoring Language License Activation Manager Lists Log Viewer 4, Log on as the new user 5, Go to the new page and put it in Edit mode 6, Bring up Add Module popup and check the module list Actual results: 1, there modules are in the list: Advanced Settings Advanced URL Management Authentication Banner Console DAM Extensions 2, These modules, which are originally in the list, are missing from the list: Journal Member Directory Module Builder Razor Host Social Group 3, These modules, although in Common category, are not in the list: Configuration Manager Dashboard Device Preview Management File Integrity Checker Google Analytics Google Analytics Pro Health Monitoring Language License Activation Manager Lists Log Viewer Expected results: 1, All the original modules should be in the list 2, All modules with category Common should be in the list",2
-"DNN-5873","09/17/2014 00:42:13","Login.aspx does not handle the ReturnUrl parameter correctly","The default *Login.aspx* page does not correctly handle [percent-encoding|http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-2.1] of the {{ReturnUrl}} parameter. When the {{ReturnUrl}} parameter _itself_ contains query string parameters which are percent-encoded, those parameters are not correctly handled by the *Login.aspx* page. For example, if I navigate to the following URL in my browser: {{http://localhost/dnn732/Login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fdnn732%2fTestPage1.aspx%3fa%3dhttp%253A%252F%252Fgoogle.com}} After logging in, I would expect to be redirected to this URL: {http://localhost/dnn732/TestPage1.aspx?a=http%3A%2F%2Fgoogle.com}} However it does not work, and instead I just get redirected to the default home page without the parameter in the query string. To get the correct behavior, I have to use a workaround by double-encoding the parameter. So if I navigate to the following URL: http://localhost/dnn732/Login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fdnn732%2fTestPage1.aspx%3fa%3dhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fgoogle.com Then after logging in I get redirected to the correct page with the parameter in the query string. This also causes problems with code that uses the HTTP status code {{401 Unauthorized}}. Normally this status code would redirect the browser to the Login page and then automatically return, but it doesn't work if the URI contains encoded parameters as described above.",3
-"DNN-5898","09/23/2014 22:06:12","IE stopped working if type Enter key in Journal","I put this one as blocker for now, till PM would like to lower the priority. It happens to IE - IE stopped working, but same behavior back to 7.1.2 But for Firefox - Can not feed a new line by press enter key, but works fine in 7.2.0 Steps: # Log in as Host # Goto Host profile page and click out Activity Feed page # In ""Tell the world Something..."", quickly input some characters, and meanwhile press ""Enter"" key in a certain sequence. Result: With IE, you will see a pop-up says: Internet Explorer has stopped working A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available. With FF, you won't be able to change line. Expected: No error in IE, and shall work fine for all browsers. DNN-4462 might has the same cause of this type of issue. ",2
-"DNN-6488","09/26/2014 18:13:57","EVOQSOCIAL: Cloud - iUpgradable problem causes content in various modules to not work","I have upgraded from 2.0.1 to v2.1 build 738 on cloud and Answer and Blog modules are not working. After further discussions, it was determined that iUpgradable is causing this anomaly during upgrade.",3
-"DNN-5919","09/27/2014 17:39:42","suppress exception written to log files when a deleted profile is visited","when a user profile is deleted if someone returns to that page a 404 correctly happens - however an exception is logged and we need to ensure those exceptions are suppressed. See https://dnntracker.atlassian.net/browse/DNN-5767 for an example of the exception",2
-"DNN-5927","09/29/2014 20:51:10","Popups are not centred on the screen","This issue was found while testing Evoq Social build If a page is longer than one screen in length, then the popups appearing on that page are NOT centred on the screen but centred on the page. Since the page is long (e.g. 2-3 screens long), the popup does not appear in the centre of the screen.",3
-"DNN-7216","10/01/2014 23:58:04","EVOQCONTENT: SI: content staging module displays object reference error","Content staging module displays ""Object reference not set to an instance of an object"" error steps to reproduce: 1) setup content staging 2) connect sites 3) enter production portal credentials in content staging module expected result: no error actual result: Object reference not set to an instance of an object error is displayed. however, content staging still works. ",2
-"DNN-5938","10/02/2014 00:18:59","Remove Response.End() in AUM Redirects","Sometimes when AUM determines there is a 301 redirect - it executes a response.end(). This can save some processing but it shortcuts all the remaining events in the Page LifeCycle. ",1
-"DNN-5957","10/06/2014 18:21:19","[Content] - SI: HTML Editor permissions not working correctly with roles","Steps to reproduce: 1. create new role ""editors"" 2. navigate to host -> html editor manager 3. click everyone, scroll down -> copy 4. bind to role ""editors"" -> check ""bind to website"" -> create. 5. make some modifications to html editor manager. 6. create a new user and add user to ""editors"" role. 7. login with new user and edit html module. Expected Result: html editor configuration changes should be visible. Actual Result: html editor configuration changes do not take effect based on user role. ",3
-"DNN-5974","10/09/2014 17:15:18","CoreMessaging_Subscriptions table missing FK","The CoreMessaging_Subscriptions table is missing a FK in TabId column to the Tabs table. Currently, it is possible for rows to exist in this table with TabId=0 (or other invalid TabId). This is provoking some unneeded sql calls to GetTab with invalid id's. The subscriptions API should also be reviewed, to not allow invalid TabId's, and insert NULL values when required.",3
-"DNN-5976","10/09/2014 18:53:06","EVOQSOCIAL: SearchResults module > more query string parameters for advanced search","The current search results module accepts Search and Tag query strings. We need to open it up to allow it to accept more advanced search options such as module name, date, etc. Ideally everything that one can do using Advanced Search Options should be possible to execute using the query strings in Url.",5
-"DNN-5978","10/10/2014 22:18:09","Duplicate Key value in dbo.Profile when creating Child Portal with languages activated. ","- Installed with CE - Log in as Host, in Host > Extensions, install couple language pack. I deployed Deutsch(7.3.3) and Nederland (7.3.3) - Go to Admin > Language, enable those installed language packs. - Go to Host > Site Management - Add a new Child site by default template - Browse to the Child site Result: I can browse to the new child portal, but there are a few exceptions in log file generated. Expected? 2014-10-10 14:14:46,289 [DNN-PC107][Thread:58][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.Profile' with unique index 'IX_Profile'. The duplicate key value is (1, 1). The statement has been terminated. at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean callerHasConnectionLock, Boolean asyncClose) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.TryRun(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean& dataReady) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.FinishExecuteReader(SqlDataReader ds, RunBehavior runBehavior, String resetOptionsString) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReaderTds(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, Boolean async, Int32 timeout, Task& task, Boolean asyncWrite, SqlDataReader ds) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method, TaskCompletionSource`1 completion, Int32 timeout, Task& task, Boolean asyncWrite) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery(TaskCompletionSource`1 completion, String methodName, Boolean sendToPipe, Int32 timeout, Boolean asyncWrite) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() at PetaPoco.Database.Execute(String sql, Object[] args) at DotNetNuke.Data.PetaPoco.PetaPocoHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(String connectionString, CommandType type, String sql, Object[] args) at DotNetNuke.Data.DataProvider.AddProfile(Int32 userId, Int32 portalId) at DotNetNuke.Services.Personalization.PersonalizationController.LoadProfile(Int32 userId, Int32 portalId) ClientConnectionId:667a53c9-c6f8-4558-bb13-4a1c24c1f738 2014-10-10 14:14:46,592 [DNN-PC107][Thread:49][FATAL] DotNetNuke.Framework.PageBase - An error has occurred while loading page. System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_PortalSettings'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.PortalSettings'. The duplicate key value is (1, ControlBar_BookmarkCategory, en-us). The statement has been terminated. at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean callerHasConnectionLock, Boolean asyncClose) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.TryRun(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean& dataReady) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.FinishExecuteReader(SqlDataReader ds, RunBehavior runBehavior, String resetOptionsString) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReaderTds(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, Boolean async, Int32 timeout, Task& task, Boolean asyncWrite, SqlDataReader ds) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method, TaskCompletionSource`1 completion, Int32 timeout, Task& task, Boolean asyncWrite) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery(TaskCompletionSource`1 completion, String methodName, Boolean sendToPipe, Int32 timeout, Boolean asyncWrite) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() at PetaPoco.Database.Execute(String sql, Object[] args) at DotNetNuke.Data.PetaPoco.PetaPocoHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(String connectionString, CommandType type, String sql, Object[] args) at DotNetNuke.Data.DataProvider.UpdatePortalSetting(Int32 portalId, String settingName, String settingValue, Int32 userId, String cultureCode) at DotNetNuke.Entities.Portals.PortalController.UpdatePortalSetting(Int32 portalID, String settingName, String settingValue, Boolean clearCache, String culturecode) at DotNetNuke.Entities.Portals.PortalController.UpdatePortalSetting(Int32 portalID, String settingName, String settingValue, Boolean clearCache) at DotNetNuke.Web.Components.Controllers.ControlBarController.GetBookmarkCategory(Int32 portalId) at ASP.admin_controlpanel_controlbar_ascx.__Render__control1(HtmlTextWriter __w, Control parameterContainer) at System.Web.UI.Control.RenderChildrenInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ICollection children) at System.Web.UI.Control.RenderControlInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ControlAdapter adapter) at System.Web.UI.Control.RenderChildrenInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ICollection children) at System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlForm.RenderChildren(HtmlTextWriter writer) at System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlContainerControl.Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) at System.Web.UI.Control.RenderControlInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ControlAdapter adapter) at System.Web.UI.Control.RenderChildrenInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ICollection children) at System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlContainerControl.Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) at System.Web.UI.Control.RenderControlInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ControlAdapter adapter) at System.Web.UI.Control.RenderChildrenInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ICollection children) at System.Web.UI.Page.Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) at DotNetNuke.Framework.PageBase.Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) at System.Web.UI.Control.RenderControlInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ControlAdapter adapter) at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) ClientConnectionId:667a53c9-c6f8-4558-bb13-4a1c24c1f738 2014-10-10 14:14:46,603 [DNN-PC107][Thread:49][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - ~/Default.aspx?tabid=88&error=Violation+of+PRIMARY+KEY+constraint+%27PK_PortalSettings%27.+Cannot+insert+duplicate+key+in+object+%27dbo.PortalSettings%27.+The+duplicate+key+value+is+(1%2c+ControlBar_BookmarkCategory%2c+en-us).%0d%0aThe+statement+has+been+terminated.&content=0 System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_PortalSettings'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.PortalSettings'. The duplicate key value is (1, ControlBar_BookmarkCategory, en-us). The statement has been terminated. at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean callerHasConnectionLock, Boolean asyncClose) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.TryRun(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean& dataReady) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.FinishExecuteReader(SqlDataReader ds, RunBehavior runBehavior, String resetOptionsString) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReaderTds(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, Boolean async, Int32 timeout, Task& task, Boolean asyncWrite, SqlDataReader ds) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method, TaskCompletionSource`1 completion, Int32 timeout, Task& task, Boolean asyncWrite) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery(TaskCompletionSource`1 completion, String methodName, Boolean sendToPipe, Int32 timeout, Boolean asyncWrite) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() at PetaPoco.Database.Execute(String sql, Object[] args) at DotNetNuke.Data.PetaPoco.PetaPocoHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(String connectionString, CommandType type, String sql, Object[] args) at DotNetNuke.Data.DataProvider.UpdatePortalSetting(Int32 portalId, String settingName, String settingValue, Int32 userId, String cultureCode) at DotNetNuke.Entities.Portals.PortalController.UpdatePortalSetting(Int32 portalID, String settingName, String settingValue, Boolean clearCache, String culturecode) at DotNetNuke.Entities.Portals.PortalController.UpdatePortalSetting(Int32 portalID, String settingName, String settingValue, Boolean clearCache) at DotNetNuke.Web.Components.Controllers.ControlBarController.GetBookmarkCategory(Int32 portalId) at ASP.admin_controlpanel_controlbar_ascx.__Render__control1(HtmlTextWriter __w, Control parameterContainer) at System.Web.UI.Control.RenderChildrenInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ICollection children) at System.Web.UI.Control.RenderControlInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ControlAdapter adapter) at System.Web.UI.Control.RenderChildrenInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ICollection children) at System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlForm.RenderChildren(HtmlTextWriter writer) at System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlContainerControl.Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) at System.Web.UI.Control.RenderControlInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ControlAdapter adapter) at System.Web.UI.Control.RenderChildrenInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ICollection children) at System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlContainerControl.Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) at System.Web.UI.Control.RenderControlInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ControlAdapter adapter) at System.Web.UI.Control.RenderChildrenInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ICollection children) at System.Web.UI.Page.Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) at DotNetNuke.Framework.PageBase.Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) at System.Web.UI.Control.RenderControlInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ControlAdapter adapter) at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) ClientConnectionId:667a53c9-c6f8-4558-bb13-4a1c24c1f738 ",2
-"DNN-5990","10/16/2014 10:34:32","EVOQSOCIAL: Duplicated search results","The task “Search: Site crawler” performs the indexing of the content of the site. This process consists in the following steps: 1. Get all the SearchDocuments that has not been indexed since last execution. A SearchDocument is each piece of content in DNN. 2. Delete the previous existing stored indexed version of each document (if it exists). 3. Index and store all the SearchDocuments of 1. The step 2 is done by comparing some fields of the stored search documents with the fields of the new search document. The problem is that in this comparison the fields ""Keywords"" and the fields ""NumericKeys"" are used to compare. This is not correct, because they may change for the same document. Imagine this situation: - A content is added to the site and it is indexed - Afterwards, this content is edited and a new keywork is added to it - The indexing is run again and it detects that it is a new document (has a different keyword of the already indexed one) - A user performs a search using a word of the body of the content and he/she gets 2 results, each one for the same content. ",2
-"DNN-5991","10/16/2014 11:23:06","CLONE - Control Panel Changes","Description: As part of 8.0.0, we're going to expose the edit bar to hosts, admins, and editors but we noticed that the control panel uses shading while the edit bar (black bar at the bottom) is flat. We need to make the changes shown in this link: * The dropdown under host is now flat and changes have been made to the tabs and buttons * The control panel is now flat * The add module bar is now flat * The edit page dropdown is now flat ",2
-"DNN-5994","10/17/2014 01:29:20","Missing functionality in Search Admin (nl-NL)","The Component/s dropdown says ""Host - Search Admin"" I believe it should be ""Admin - Search Admin"". Anyway, I can see 2 tab's appearing, 1 for the management of the Syonyms, and one for the management of the ""Ignore words"". However, there is nothing on the tabs. So either: - add the functionality - or remove the tabs untill the functionality becomes available",1
-"DNN-6006","10/21/2014 17:56:37","CLONE - Duplicate search results when using tag/keyword search in DAM","Issue description: Duplicate search results when using tag/keyword search in DAM Steps: 1, As Host, create a page in page menu and delete the default HTML module 2, Add DAM module to the page 3, Create one standard folder, one secure folder and one database folder under Root 4, Upload one file into each folder 5, Add a same tag to each file 6, Run File and Site crawlers from Host - Schedule 7, In left Pane of DAM, switch to Tags pane and click the tag 8, In Advanced search of DAM module, type in the tag to search the files 9, Search a keyword in DAM through search box Actual results: After step 7 or 8 or 9, there are duplicate files displayed - all files show two times Expected results: Each file should only show one time ",2
-"DNN-6040","10/22/2014 06:48:48","PRIMARY KEY constraint error for PK_PortalSettings when creating Child portal","Happens to local installation. # Log in as Host # Goto Host > Site Management # Add a new Child site, by all default configurations. # Click on ""Create the site"" # After creation, it will provide a ""Click Here To Access the new site"" link to re-direct to child site # Click on that link Result: It will re-directed to a weird URL: http://ee800599.lvh.me/Default.aspx?tabid=151&error=Violation+of+PRIMARY+KEY+constraint+%27PK_PortalSettings%27.+Cannot+insert+duplicate+key+in+object+%27dbo.PortalSettings%27.+The+duplicate+key+value+is+(2%2c+ControlBar_BookmarkCategory%2c+en-us).%0d%0aThe+statement+has+been+terminated.&content=0 And display Error message: A critical error has occurred. Please check the Event Viewer for further details. # Manually type in Child portal URL, the child portal still accessible. Here is the copy of event log details: AssemblyVersion:8.0.0 PortalID:2 PortalName:child1 UserID:1 UserName:host ActiveTabID:151 ActiveTabName:Home RawURL:/child1 AbsoluteURL:/Default.aspx AbsoluteURLReferrer:http://ee800599.lvh.me/Host/Site-Management/ctl/SignUp/mid/321/portalid/0?popUp=true UserAgent:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko DefaultDataProvider:DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider, DotNetNuke ExceptionGUID:3cec0eb5-99ba-4732-9d77-1bd053d60d24 InnerException:Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_PortalSettings'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.PortalSettings'. The duplicate key value is (2, ControlBar_BookmarkCategory, en-us). The statement has been terminated. FileName: FileLineNumber:0 FileColumnNumber:0 Method:System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError StackTrace: Message: DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.PageLoadException: Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_PortalSettings'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.PortalSettings'. The duplicate key value is (2, ControlBar_BookmarkCategory, en-us). The statement has been terminated. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_PortalSettings'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.PortalSettings'. The duplicate key value is (2, ControlBar_BookmarkCategory, en-us). The statement has been terminated. at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean callerHasConnectionLock, Boolean asyncClose) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.TryRun(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean& dataReady) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.FinishExecuteReader(SqlDataReader ds, RunBehavior runBehavior, String resetOptionsString) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReaderTds(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, Boolean async, Int32 timeout, Task& task, Boolean asyncWrite, SqlDataReader ds) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method, TaskCompletionSource`1 completion, Int32 timeout, Task& task, Boolean asyncWrite) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery(TaskCompletionSource`1 completion, String methodName, Boolean sendToPipe, Int32 timeout, Boolean asyncWrite) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() at PetaPoco.Database.Execute(String sql, Object[] args) at DotNetNuke.Data.PetaPoco.PetaPocoHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(String connectionString, CommandType type, String sql, Object[] args) at DotNetNuke.Data.DataProvider.UpdatePortalSetting(Int32 portalId, String settingName, String settingValue, Int32 userId, String cultureCode) at DotNetNuke.Entities.Portals.PortalController.UpdatePortalSetting(Int32 portalID, String settingName, String settingValue, Boolean clearCache, String culturecode) at DotNetNuke.Entities.Portals.PortalController.UpdatePortalSetting(Int32 portalID, String settingName, String settingValue, Boolean clearCache) at DotNetNuke.Web.Components.Controllers.ControlBarController.GetBookmarkCategory(Int32 portalId) at ASP.admin_controlpanel_controlbar_ascx.__Render__control1(HtmlTextWriter __w, Control parameterContainer) at System.Web.UI.Control.RenderChildrenInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ICollection children) at System.Web.UI.Control.RenderControlInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ControlAdapter adapter) at System.Web.UI.Control.RenderChildrenInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ICollection children) at System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlForm.RenderChildren(HtmlTextWriter writer) at System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlContainerControl.Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) at System.Web.UI.Control.RenderControlInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ControlAdapter adapter) at System.Web.UI.Control.RenderChildrenInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ICollection children) at System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlContainerControl.Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) at System.Web.UI.Control.RenderControlInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ControlAdapter adapter) at System.Web.UI.Control.RenderChildrenInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ICollection children) at System.Web.UI.Page.Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) at DotNetNuke.Framework.PageBase.Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) at System.Web.UI.Control.RenderControlInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ControlAdapter adapter) at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- Source: Server Name: DNN-PC107 ",2
-"DNN-6024","10/25/2014 02:47:33","If SSL is Enabled on the site, Link Manager uses ""https://"" prefix","If SSL is Enabled on the website, the link manager creates https links by default. This was done for DNN-3543. Rather than defaulting all links to https, we would prefer that {{HtmlUtils.AbsoluteToRelativeUrls}} not consider the {{SSLEnabled}} setting or the protocol (i.e. if my site has the alias {{dnndev.me}}, and I create a link for {{http://dnndev.me/abc}} or {{https://dnndev.me/abc}}, either way, that should be converted to {{/abc}}). h3. Steps to reproduce: 1. Go to Site Settings and turn ON SSL 2. Go to an HTML module and click the add link toolbar button h3. Actual Result: The link text box is pre-populated with ""https://"" h3. Expected Result: The link text box is pre-populated with ""http://"" Side note: for some reason I thought it would be a good idea to create this issue as a clone of DNN-3543, and now I see that it copied some info that it shouldn't and that I can't remove (specifically the Sprint, but probably other stuff, too). Sorry.",1
-"DNN-6205","10/27/2014 14:41:27","EVOQSOCIAL: Duplicated area of search results","When a users access to the search page passing a specific tag by the query string the page shows the same results twice. *Steps to reproduce* - Log in as Host - Create a new question with the word *host* and the tag *q* - Run the task ""Search -> Site crawler"" in Schedule to index the content - Access to the url of searching passing by parameter the tag *q*. You can use a url as this one: *http://social.dnndev.me/Search-Results?Search=host&tag=q* *Expected result* - The page shows the question only one *Actual result* - the page shows the question twice. !duplicated_results_grid.PNG! Notice that the second results are inside a grid that had never been shown before.",2
-"DNN-6062","11/03/2014 21:30:10","EVOQSOCIAL: Multiple custom URL redirects in page settings are concatenated upon redirection","If you add 2 or more custom URL redirects in page settings (under Advanced Settings > Url Management) then navigate to the URL redirection link (copy & pastee) in a browser, you will end up in a wrong link. Example: assume we have 2 pages called {{page1}} and {{page2}} and you want to redirect from: - {{/page1/content-a}} to {{/page2/content-a}}, and - {{/page1/content-b}} to {{/page2/content-b}} Go to page2 settings > Advanced Settings > Url Management Add custom URL with: • URL path: {{/page1/content-a}} • URL Type: {{Redirect (301)}} • Query String: {{?content-a}} Repeat the same for {{/page1/content-b}} and query {{?content-b}}. You will see 2 new redirection entries. Select the second entry and copy & paste in a browser, you will see the redirect goes to {{/page2/content-a/content-b}} instead of {{/page2/content-b}}",1
-"DNN-6072","11/05/2014 18:20:47","EVOQSOCIAL: Log.resources records errors accessing store procedures ","At the end of each installation the log.resources is analysed one in 3 installs records error in this log. the found logs containing errors can be found in: {{\\dnn-vh1\QA\Automation\Results\DNN-PC36_BN\2014_10_16}} NOTE: folder {{\\dnn-vh1\QA\Automation\Results\ records}} these tipes of errors after instalation were run on different machines one content is: {noformat} 2014-10-16 16:17:56,292 [DNN-PC36][Thread:11][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Log.EventLog.LogController - System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Could not find stored procedure 'dbo.GetEventLogConfig'. at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean callerHasConnectionLock, Boolean asyncClose) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.TryRun(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean& dataReady) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.TryConsumeMetaData() at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.get_MetaData() at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.FinishExecuteReader(SqlDataReader ds, RunBehavior runBehavior, String resetOptionsString) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReaderTds(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, Boolean async, Int32 timeout, Task& task, Boolean asyncWrite, SqlDataReader ds) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method, TaskCompletionSource`1 completion, Int32 timeout, Task& task, Boolean asyncWrite) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior, String method) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteDbDataReader(CommandBehavior behavior) at System.Data.Common.DbCommand.System.Data.IDbCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior) at DotNetNuke.Data.PetaPoco.PetaPocoExt.ExecuteReader(Database database, String sql, Object[] args) at DotNetNuke.Data.PetaPoco.PetaPocoHelper.ExecuteReader(String connectionString, CommandType type, String sql, Object[] args) at DotNetNuke.Services.Log.EventLog.DBLoggingProvider.GetLogTypeConfigInfo() at DotNetNuke.Services.Log.EventLog.DBLoggingProvider.GetLogTypeConfigInfoByKey(String logTypeKey, String logTypePortalID) at DotNetNuke.Services.Log.EventLog.DBLoggingProvider.AddLog(LogInfo logInfo) at DotNetNuke.Services.Log.EventLog.LogController.AddLog(LogInfo logInfo) ClientConnectionId:0b876926-0e2b-406e-bcad-de17480dbc22 2014-10-16 16:17:56,401 [DNN-PC36][Thread:11][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Could not find stored procedure 'dbo.GetHostSettings'. at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean callerHasConnectionLock, Boolean asyncClose) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.TryRun(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean& dataReady) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.TryConsumeMetaData() at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.get_MetaData() at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.FinishExecuteReader(SqlDataReader ds, RunBehavior runBehavior, String resetOptionsString) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReaderTds(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, Boolean async, Int32 timeout, Task& task, Boolean asyncWrite, SqlDataReader ds) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method, TaskCompletionSource`1 completion, Int32 timeout, Task& task, Boolean asyncWrite) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior, String method) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteDbDataReader(CommandBehavior behavior) at System.Data.Common.DbCommand.System.Data.IDbCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior) at DotNetNuke.Data.PetaPoco.PetaPocoExt.ExecuteReader(Database database, String sql, Object[] args) at DotNetNuke.Data.PetaPoco.PetaPocoHelper.ExecuteReader(String connectionString, CommandType type, String sql, Object[] args) at DotNetNuke.Entities.Controllers.HostController.GetSettingsFromDatabase() ClientConnectionId:0b876926-0e2b-406e-bcad-de17480dbc22 2014-10-16 16:17:56,432 [DNN-PC36][Thread:11][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Log.EventLog.LogController - System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Could not find stored procedure 'dbo.GetEventLogConfig'. at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean callerHasConnectionLock, Boolean asyncClose) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.TryRun(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean& dataReady) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.TryConsumeMetaData() at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.get_MetaData() at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.FinishExecuteReader(SqlDataReader ds, RunBehavior runBehavior, String resetOptionsString) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReaderTds(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, Boolean async, Int32 timeout, Task& task, Boolean asyncWrite, SqlDataReader ds) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method, TaskCompletionSource`1 completion, Int32 timeout, Task& task, Boolean asyncWrite) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior, String method) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteDbDataReader(CommandBehavior behavior) at System.Data.Common.DbCommand.System.Data.IDbCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior) at DotNetNuke.Data.PetaPoco.PetaPocoExt.ExecuteReader(Database database, String sql, Object[] args) at DotNetNuke.Data.PetaPoco.PetaPocoHelper.ExecuteReader(String connectionString, CommandType type, String sql, Object[] args) at DotNetNuke.Services.Log.EventLog.DBLoggingProvider.GetLogTypeConfigInfo() at DotNetNuke.Services.Log.EventLog.DBLoggingProvider.GetLogTypeConfigInfoByKey(String logTypeKey, String logTypePortalID) at DotNetNuke.Services.Log.EventLog.DBLoggingProvider.AddLog(LogInfo logInfo) at DotNetNuke.Services.Log.EventLog.LogController.AddLog(LogInfo logInfo) ClientConnectionId:0b876926-0e2b-406e-bcad-de17480dbc22 {noformat} And another error is logged in the other 2 installations {noformat} 2014-10-16 12:07:43,776 [DNN-PC36][Thread:15][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Common.Utilities.Config - System.IO.IOException: The process cannot access the file 'E:\dnn\sites\SO210i1\web.config' because it is being used by another process. at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath) at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost) at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy) at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, Boolean useAsync) at System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings.CreateWriter(String outputFileName) at DotNetNuke.Common.Utilities.Config.Save(XmlDocument xmlDoc, String filename) {noformat}",2
-"DNN-6101","11/11/2014 00:32:42","Exception is thrown in the backend everytime Folder Provider connection is created","Steps: 1. In File Management create a new Dropbox Folder type and ensure it is successfully creates 2. In Event Viewer check for exceptions Expected result: No exception is detected. Actual result: The following is observed: Module load exception - ModuleId:453 ModuleDefId:115 FriendlyName: ModuleControlSource:DesktopModules/DigitalAssets/EditFolderMapping.ascx AssemblyVersion:8.0.0 PortalID:0 PortalName:My Website UserID:2 UserName:admin ActiveTabID:77 ActiveTabName:File Management RawURL:/Admin/File-Management/ctl/EditFolderMapping/mid/453?popUp=true AbsoluteURL:/Default.aspx AbsoluteURLReferrer:https://box.dotnetnuke.com/Admin/File-Management/ctl/EditFolderMapping/mid/453?popUp=true UserAgent:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/38.0.2125.104 Safari/537.36 DefaultDataProvider:DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider, DotNetNuke ExceptionGUID:fa2a9cb3-bfd2-49fe-98a0-778289820a22 InnerException:Cannot redirect after HTTP headers have been sent. FileName: FileLineNumber:0 FileColumnNumber:0 Method:System.Web.HttpResponse.Redirect StackTrace: Message: DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.ModuleLoadException: Cannot redirect after HTTP headers have been sent. ---> System.Web.HttpException: Cannot redirect after HTTP headers have been sent. at System.Web.HttpResponse.Redirect(String url, Boolean endResponse, Boolean permanent) at DotNetNuke.Modules.DigitalAssets.EditFolderMapping.cmdUpdate_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- Source: Server Name: TEST-BB03",2
-"DNN-6399","11/13/2014 00:19:15","EVOQCONTENT: Exceptions are thrown if root folder is deleted in Box or Dropbox connections","steps: 1. Configure Box or Dropbox accounts to have a folder called 'Root' and place a file in it 2. Add a Box or Dropbox connection and point the parent folder to 'Root' 3. Add a folder of type Box or Dropbox and synch. The file in step 1 is shown 4. In Box or Dropbox delete this folder 'Root' 5. In content site, click on synch folder and sub-folders Expected result: A graceful handling of this situation (perhaps it requires a de-link by default) Actual result: An ugly error on screen and multiple exceptions thrown as such: AssemblyVersion:8.0.0 PortalID:0 PortalName:My Website UserID:1 UserName:host ActiveTabID:77 ActiveTabName:File Management RawURL:/DesktopModules/DigitalAssets/API/ContentService/SynchronizeFolder AbsoluteURL:/DesktopModules/DigitalAssets/API/ContentService/SynchronizeFolder AbsoluteURLReferrer:https://box.dotnetnuke.com/Admin/File-Management?folderId=51&view=gridview&pageSize=10 UserAgent:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/38.0.2125.111 Safari/537.36 DefaultDataProvider:DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider, DotNetNuke ExceptionGUID:fe596706-4c38-49ef-8e0e-eb4c7e4b9dac InnerException:The folder does not exist FileName: FileLineNumber:0 FileColumnNumber:0 Method:DotNetNuke.Modules.DigitalAssets.Components.Controllers.DigitalAssetsController.SyncFolderContent StackTrace: Message: DotNetNuke.Web.UI.DotNetNukeException: The folder does not exist at DotNetNuke.Modules.DigitalAssets.Components.Controllers.DigitalAssetsController.SyncFolderContent(Int32 folderId, Boolean recursive) at DotNetNuke.Modules.DigitalAssets.Services.ContentServiceController.SynchronizeFolder(SynchronizeFolderRequest request) at lambda_method(Closure , Object , Object[] ) at System.Web.Http.Controllers.ReflectedHttpActionDescriptor.ActionExecutor.<>c__DisplayClass13.b__c(Object instance, Object[] methodParameters) at System.Web.Http.Controllers.ReflectedHttpActionDescriptor.ActionExecutor.Execute(Object instance, Object[] arguments) at System.Threading.Tasks.TaskHelpers.RunSynchronously[TResult](Func`1 func, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Source: Server Name: TEST-BB03 AssemblyVersion:8.0.0 PortalID:0 PortalName:My Website UserID:1 UserName:host ActiveTabID:77 ActiveTabName:File Management RawURL:/DesktopModules/DigitalAssets/API/ContentService/SynchronizeFolder AbsoluteURL:/DesktopModules/DigitalAssets/API/ContentService/SynchronizeFolder AbsoluteURLReferrer:https://box.dotnetnuke.com/Admin/File-Management?folderId=51&view=gridview&pageSize=10 UserAgent:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/38.0.2125.111 Safari/537.36 DefaultDataProvider:DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider, DotNetNuke ExceptionGUID:d03f7769-249a-4a8e-8519-fb1ae0805854 InnerException:The folder does not exist FileName: FileLineNumber:0 FileColumnNumber:0 Method:DotNetNuke.Modules.DigitalAssets.Components.Controllers.DigitalAssetsController.SyncFolderContent StackTrace: Message: DotNetNuke.Web.UI.DotNetNukeException: The folder does not exist at DotNetNuke.Modules.DigitalAssets.Components.Controllers.DigitalAssetsController.SyncFolderContent(Int32 folderId, Boolean recursive) at DotNetNuke.Modules.DigitalAssets.Services.ContentServiceController.SynchronizeFolder(SynchronizeFolderRequest request) at lambda_method(Closure , Object , Object[] ) at System.Web.Http.Controllers.ReflectedHttpActionDescriptor.ActionExecutor.<>c__DisplayClass13.b__c(Object instance, Object[] methodParameters) at System.Web.Http.Controllers.ReflectedHttpActionDescriptor.ActionExecutor.Execute(Object instance, Object[] arguments) at System.Threading.Tasks.TaskHelpers.RunSynchronously[TResult](Func`1 func, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Source: Server Name: TEST-BB03",2
-"DNN-6308","11/15/2014 00:20:14","EVOQCONTENT: Cannot upload group of files in File Mgmt connecting to Box","When user tries to upload multiple files in DAM under a folder that is connected to Box account, exception is thrown and files are not uploaded steps: 1. Create a Box connection 2. Create a Box folder provider type 3. In DAM click to upload multiple files (text files) Expected result: All files are uploaded and no exceptions are occurred Actual result: Exception is thrown: AssemblyVersion:8.0.0 PortalID:0 PortalName:My Website UserID:2 UserName:admin ActiveTabID:77 ActiveTabName:File Management RawURL:/DesktopModules/InternalServices/API/FileUpload/UploadFromLocal AbsoluteURL:/DesktopModules/InternalServices/API/FileUpload/UploadFromLocal AbsoluteURLReferrer:https://box.dotnetnuke.com/Admin/File-Management?folderId=81&view=gridview&pageSize=10 UserAgent:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/38.0.2125.111 Safari/537.36 DefaultDataProvider:DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider, DotNetNuke ExceptionGUID:a15c4488-8ee0-45d9-a1df-c7e347c8ae4f InnerException:HTTP response status: FileName: FileLineNumber:0 FileColumnNumber:0 Method:System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse StackTrace: Message: System.Exception: HTTP response status: ---> System.Net.WebException: The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel. at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() at RestSharp.Http.GetRawResponse(HttpWebRequest request) at RestSharp.Http.GetResponse(HttpWebRequest request) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at DotNetNuke.Professional.FolderProviders.BoxFolderProvider.Components.BoxApi.RestClientWrapper(Int32 folderMappingId, String uri, Method method, String action, Dictionary`2 parameters, Boolean bodyType) at DotNetNuke.Professional.FolderProviders.BoxFolderProvider.Components.BoxApi.GetFileInfo(Int32 folderMappingId, String fileId) at DotNetNuke.Professional.FolderProviders.BoxFolderProvider.BoxFolderProvider.GetHashCode(IFileInfo file) Source: Server Name: TEST-BB03",5
-"DNN-6121","11/19/2014 23:40:01","CLONE - Exception thrown when copying a file and renaming to a name that already exists","steps: 1. As Admin create a dropbox connection and create a dropbox folder type 2. Upload a file with name ""name.png"". file is correctly appears on dropbox server 3. On Content file management side, click on the ""name.png"" and select Copy in the same folder. A file named ""name-Copy.png"" is created 4. Click on the ""name-Copy.png"" and rename it to ""name.png"" Expected result: User is warned that file with exact same name already exists. Actual result: Please refer to snapshot, and error is appears on the page. Also the following exception occurs: General exception: =============== AssemblyVersion:8.0.0 PortalID:0 PortalName:My Website UserID:3 UserName:admin ActiveTabID:77 ActiveTabName:File Management RawURL:/DesktopModules/DigitalAssets/API/ContentService/RenameFile AbsoluteURL:/DesktopModules/DigitalAssets/API/ContentService/RenameFile AbsoluteURLReferrer:https://box.dotnetnuke.com/Admin/File-Management UserAgent:Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0) DefaultDataProvider:DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider, DotNetNuke ExceptionGUID:8f758344-e180-4759-8150-c8c04cc41365 InnerException:This folder already contains a file with the same name. The file has not been renamed. FileName: FileLineNumber:0 FileColumnNumber:0 Method:DotNetNuke.Services.FileSystem.FileManager.RenameFile StackTrace: Message: DotNetNuke.Services.FileSystem.FileAlreadyExistsException: This folder already contains a file with the same name. The file has not been renamed. at DotNetNuke.Services.FileSystem.FileManager.RenameFile(IFileInfo file, String newFileName) at DotNetNuke.Modules.DigitalAssets.Components.Controllers.DigitalAssetsController.RenameFile(Int32 fileID, String newFileName) at DotNetNuke.Modules.DigitalAssets.Services.ContentServiceController.RenameFile(RenameFileRequest request) at lambda_method(Closure , Object , Object[] ) at System.Web.Http.Controllers.ReflectedHttpActionDescriptor.ActionExecutor.<>c__DisplayClass13.b__c(Object instance, Object[] methodParameters) at System.Web.Http.Controllers.ReflectedHttpActionDescriptor.ActionExecutor.Execute(Object instance, Object[] arguments) at System.Threading.Tasks.TaskHelpers.RunSynchronously[TResult](Func`1 func, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Source: Server Name: TEST-BB03 ",2
-"DNN-6124","11/20/2014 09:16:14","DAM > Business Logic Invalid Operation error shoudn't be logged as General Exception in Event Viewer","DAM > Business Logic Invalid Operation error shouldn't be logged as General Exception in Event Viewer. *Step to Reproduce* # Log in as Host # Go to Admin > File Management # Upload a file called 1.txt # Upload a file called 2.txt # Rename file 2.txt to 1.txt # System alert the user that the operation cannot be performed as already exist a file with the same name # Check the Event Viewer *Actual result* The DAM exception is logged in the Event Viewer as General Exception {code} AssemblyVersion:8.0.0 PortalID:0 PortalName:My Website UserID:2 UserName:admin ActiveTabID:77 ActiveTabName:File Management RawURL:/DesktopModules/DigitalAssets/API/ContentService/RenameFile AbsoluteURL:/DesktopModules/DigitalAssets/API/ContentService/RenameFile AbsoluteURLReferrer:https://box.dotnetnuke.com/Admin/File-Management?folderId=50&view=gridview&pageSize=10 UserAgent:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:33.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/33.0 DefaultDataProvider:DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider, DotNetNuke ExceptionGUID:f611e8bd-4019-47c3-8bd0-044da362c4bd InnerException:This folder already contains a file with the same name. The file has not been renamed. FileName: FileLineNumber:0 FileColumnNumber:0 Method:DotNetNuke.Services.FileSystem.FileManager.RenameFile StackTrace: Message: DotNetNuke.Services.FileSystem.FileAlreadyExistsException: This folder already contains a file with the same name. The file has not been renamed. at DotNetNuke.Services.FileSystem.FileManager.RenameFile(IFileInfo file, String newFileName) at DotNetNuke.Modules.DigitalAssets.Components.Controllers.DigitalAssetsController.RenameFile(Int32 fileID, String newFileName) at DotNetNuke.Modules.DigitalAssets.Services.ContentServiceController.RenameFile(RenameFileRequest request) at lambda_method(Closure , Object , Object[] ) at System.Web.Http.Controllers.ReflectedHttpActionDescriptor.ActionExecutor.<>c_DisplayClass13.b_c(Object instance, Object[] methodParameters) at System.Web.Http.Controllers.ReflectedHttpActionDescriptor.ActionExecutor.Execute(Object instance, Object[] arguments) at System.Threading.Tasks.TaskHelpers.RunSynchronously[TResult](Func`1 func, CancellationToken cancellationToken) {code} *Expected result* As this exception is a business logic exception this shouldn't be logged in the Event Viewer. Just logged as Warning in the system log (i.e.. Log4Net) *IMPORTANT*: as part of this issue we should review other DAM business logic exception to ensure that this type of errors are logged properly following the above rule (not just the rename one). A report with all the business logic exception found that was logged as General Error and have been correct need to be attached to the jira to let QA know how to verify that this issue has been fixed.",2
-"DNN-6126","11/20/2014 10:25:51","Simplify return url after a new user registration for a single portal","Sometimes the log files shows the following error message: [FATAL] DotNetNuke.Web.Common.Internal.DotNetNukeHttpApplication - System.Web.HttpException (0x80004005): A potentially dangerous Request.Path value was detected from the client ( : ). at System.Web.HttpRequest.ValidateInputIfRequiredByConfig() at System.Web.HttpApplication.PipelineStepManager.ValidateHelper(HttpContext context) The url http://sitedomain/return dnnmodal.show('http:/sitedomain/register?returnurl=http://sitedomain/&popup=true',/*showreturn*/true,600,950,true,'') is the one that makes this error to happen, as you can see in the screenshot: !event_viewer_screenshot.PNG! Typically that error only occurs if a website is using requestValidationMode=""4.0"" in it's web.config - we ship with requestValidationMode=""2.0""- which means that paths that contain colons "":"" don't cause the issue. The link is in that form to ensure that after a user registers (as register is a virtual page), they return to the correct portal - we could add code to detect if a single portal is installed and simply render it as a /register.",2
-"DNN-6138","11/26/2014 01:16:17","EVOQSOCIAL: Upgrading Catalyst >> Error in 07.04.00.log.resources","When I upgraded Catalyst from Social (Suite) 2.1.0 to, the following error was seen on the auto-upgrade page: {noformat} 0:00:00.403 - Executing Script:07.04.00.SqlDataProvider Error! (see 07.04.00.log.resources for more information) {noformat} 07.04.00.log.resources file contained the following error: {noformat} System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): The ALTER TABLE statement conflicted with the CHECK constraint ""CK_PortalSettings_CultureCode"". The conflict occurred in database ""data_catalyst210a"", table ""dbo.PortalSettings"", column 'CultureCode'. at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean callerHasConnectionLock, Boolean asyncClose) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.TryRun(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean& dataReady) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteNonQueryTds(String methodName, Boolean async, Int32 timeout, Boolean asyncWrite) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery(TaskCompletionSource`1 completion, String methodName, Boolean sendToPipe, Int32 timeout, Boolean asyncWrite) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() at DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider.ExecuteScriptInternal(String connectionString, String script) ClientConnectionId:47d39986-470b-4055-88ad-11305d55fc6f IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.check_constraints WHERE parent_object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.[PortalSettings]') AND name = N'CK_PortalSettings_CultureCode') ALTER TABLE dbo.[PortalSettings] ADD CONSTRAINT [CK_PortalSettings_CultureCode] CHECK (CultureCode != '') {noformat} In the database, running the following query showed one row: {noformat} Select * from PortalSettings where CultureCode = ' ' {noformat} ||PortalID|| SettingName|| SettingValue|| CreatedByUserID|| CreatedOnDate|| LastModifiedByUserID|| LastModifiedOnDate|| CultureCode|| |0 |Search_ReindexRequestedOn |2014-05-07 19:03:07.688 |-1 |2013-10-11 15:04:17.793 |3 |2014-05-07 19:03:06.733 | | ",3
-"DNN-6335","11/27/2014 23:19:50","Admin - Users - Edit User Accounts - Security Role drop down does not work in Chrome","Found while regressing Content-3432 Use Google Chrome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Log into http://graphicmeasures.me/ by appending \gethost.aspx to the URL Now, as Host, go Host > Host Settings > Other Settings Tick the box to enable Localization Click ""Save"" Go Host > Extensions > Available Extensions Install all available Languages Go Admin > Languages Tick the box in the ""Enable"" column for each language Click ""Enable Localization"" button at top right Follow any prompts Go Host > Site Management Create new template with all pages, content and languages contained in it Now add 1 Child site using the default template Now add another Child site using the new template you created above Now upgrade the site to Content 8 using latest build upgrade package After the upgrade has completed click the hyper-linked text bottom left of the page Now append \gethost.aspx to the URL and hit ENTER key In the DNNMenu bar hover over ""Users"" and select ""Manage Users"" Select any visible user by clicking on the ""Edit"" (pencil) icon Click ""Manage Password"" tab and change the password Now click ""Manager Roles for User"" tab Click the drop down top left under 'Security Role:' Actual Result: Adding the Languages and Child sites completed without any errors Creating the new template completed without any errors The upgrade was clean, no UI errors The site does render after the upgrade When I click the ""Edit"" (pencil) icon this renders in Dev Tools: Uncaught ReferenceError: OnDnnEditorClientSubmit is not defined0?popUp=true:1816 (anonymous function)Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:6 (anonymous function)Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:6 Sys._Application._raiseInitTelerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:6 Sys._Application.initializeTelerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:6 bTelerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:6 document.addEventListener.a I am able to change a users password despite the above error When I click the drop down under 'Security Role:' nothing happens and this error appears in the Dev Tools: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'style' of nullTelerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:5893 Telerik.Web.UI.RadDatePicker._updatePercentageHeightTelerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:5891 Telerik.Web.UI.RadDatePicker._initializeDateInputTelerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:5709 Telerik.Web.UI.RadDatePicker.initializeTelerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:6 Sys.Component.endUpdateTelerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:6 Sys._Application.endCreateComponentsTelerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:15 Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager._scriptsLoadCompleteTelerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:6 (anonymous function)Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:6 (anonymous function)Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:15 Sys._ScriptLoader._loadScriptsInternalTelerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:15 Sys._ScriptLoader._loadScriptsInternalTelerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:15 Sys._ScriptLoader._loadScriptsInternalTelerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:15 Sys._ScriptLoader._loadScriptsInternalTelerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:15 Sys._ScriptLoader._loadScriptsInternalTelerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:15 Sys._ScriptLoader._loadScriptsInternalTelerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:15 Sys._ScriptLoader._loadScriptsInternalTelerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:15 Sys._ScriptLoader._loadScriptsInternalTelerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:15 Sys._ScriptLoader._loadScriptsInternalTelerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:15 Sys._ScriptLoader._loadScriptsInternalTelerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:15 Sys._ScriptLoader._loadScriptsInternalTelerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:15 Sys._ScriptLoader._loadScriptsInternalTelerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:15 Sys._ScriptLoader._loadScriptsInternalTelerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:15 Sys._ScriptLoader._loadScriptsInternalTelerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:15 Sys._ScriptLoader._loadScriptsInternalTelerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:15 Sys._ScriptLoader._loadScriptsInternalTelerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:15 Sys._ScriptLoader._loadScriptsInternalTelerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:15 Sys._ScriptLoader._loadScriptsInternalTelerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:15 Sys._ScriptLoader._loadScriptsInternalTelerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:15 Sys._ScriptLoader._loadScriptsInternalTelerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:15 Sys._ScriptLoader._nextSessionTelerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:15 Sys._ScriptLoader._loadScriptsInternalTelerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:15 Sys._ScriptLoader._nextSessionTelerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:15 Sys._ScriptLoader.loadScriptsTelerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:15 Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager._onFormSubmitCompletedTelerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:6 (anonymous function)Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:6 (anonymous function)Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:6 Sys.Net.WebRequest.completedTelerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:6 _onReadyStateChange Expected Result: no errors during any of the above steps",2
-"DNN-6167","12/01/2014 13:01:36","SI:Upgrade to 07.03.04 did not fix Telerik AttachEvent Error","Hi, upgrading a version 07.03.02 to 07.03.04 was supposed to fix the JS error in IE11 for the Telerik controls but didn't. I've upgraded an older system which makes a call to http://localhost:8080/Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_=%3b%3bSystem.Web.Extensions%2c+Version%3d4.0.0.0%2c+Culture%3dneutral%2c+PublicKeyToken%3d31bf3856ad364e35%3ade-DE%3a4ae4914f-8c8e-4123-9d05-414d87b48357%3aea597d4b%3ab25378d2%3bTelerik.Web.UI%2c+Version%3d2013.2.717.40%2c+Culture%3dneutral%2c+PublicKeyToken%3d121fae78165ba3d4%3ade-DE%3aa713c6a1-0827-4380-88eb-63855ca4c2d9%3a16e4e7cd%3af7645509%3aed16cbdc which still seems to include the Telerik.Web.UI.Common.Core.js which is causing the JS error. (see Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource.js) On a development clean install with 07.03.02 upgrading to 07.03.04 the request goes to: http://localhost:8082/Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_=%3b%3bSystem.Web.Extensions%2c+Version%3d4.0.0.0%2c+Culture%3dneutral%2c+PublicKeyToken%3d31bf3856ad364e35%3aen-US%3a4ae4914f-8c8e-4123-9d05-414d87b48357%3aea597d4b%3ab25378d2 And it does not show any errors and also doesnt have the Telerik.Web.UI.Common.Core.js included (see Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource-Working.js) What is wrong with the older installation? Kind regards ",2
-"DNN-6174","12/02/2014 17:46:47","EVOQSOCIAL: Created Cookies path MUST follow 'site path' setting","I noticed that some code adds cookies with {{path=/}} instead of using the web.config {{cookiePath}} setting. This needs to be fixed to comply with the settings. For example, I created a site as {{http://localhost/social3}} and some of the platform cookies were okay, but other cookies were not - see attached !2014-12-02_9-26-58-cookies.png!",2
-"DNN-6179","12/02/2014 22:40:26","EVOQSOCIAL: Update DAM Upload Dialog Styling","This is how the upload file currently looks (for example, when uploading a new profile picture): !uploadfile.jpg! The user has to click on the text ""Click to Browse"" to bring up the file selector dialog. *Proposed enhancement: Please add a button to bring up the file selector dialog.* This is how the upload file button look like in Jira, for example: !uploadfile_jira.jpg! To Do Actions: - Change clickable area to be entire section within the dotted lines - Remove top text that says ""Use one of the methods below to upload files"" - Change ""Upload File"" button to match style in Image-Upload-1-Library mockup (attached) - Change ""From Web"" button to read ""From URL"" and match style as well (from attached LIBRARY mockup as well)",3
-"DNN-6187","12/03/2014 23:53:22","SI: Creating a group fails when Social Groups module is in All Roles mode","(i) This issue is marked ""SI"" because related issue DNN-5520 is an SI issue and this issue needs to be resolved to fully fix DNN-5520. # Install Social Groups module on a new page # In Settings, change Default Role Group to ""All Roles"" # Try to create a new group. * (x) Clicking on ""Create New Group"" causes an HTTP 404.15 Error. ** Please see screencast http://screencast.com/t/0KDLc26cYLc ** Error on page: {noformat} Requested URL http://www.platform183.org:80/Default.aspx?tabid=89&error=System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException+(0x80131904)%3a+The+INSERT+statement+conflicted+with+the+FOREIGN+KEY+constraint+%22FK_test_Roles_test_RoleGroups%22.+The+conflict+occurred+in+database+%22platform183%22%2c+table+%22dbo.test_RoleGroups%22%2c+column+%27RoleGroupID%27.%0d%0aThe+statement+has+been+terminated.%0d%0a+++at+System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException+exception%2c+Boolean+breakConnection%2c+Action%601+wrapCloseInAction)%0d%0a+++at+System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException+exception%2c+Boolean+breakConnection%2c+Action%601+wrapCloseInAction)%0d%0a+++at+System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject+stateObj%2c+Boolean+callerHasConnectionLock%2c+Boolean+asyncClose)%0d%0a+++at+System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.TryRun(RunBehavior+runBehavior%2c+SqlCommand+cmdHandler%2c+SqlDataReader+dataStream%2c+BulkCopySimpleResultSet+bulkCopyHandler%2c+TdsParserStateObject+stateObj%2c+Boolean%26+dataReady)%0d%0a+++at+System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.TryConsumeMetaData()%0d%0a+++at+System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.get_MetaData()%0d%0a+++at+System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.FinishExecuteReader(SqlDataReader+ds%2c+RunBehavior+runBehavior%2c+String+resetOptionsString)%0d%0a+++at+System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReaderTds(CommandBehavior+cmdBehavior%2c+RunBehavior+runBehavior%2c+Boolean+returnStream%2c+Boolean+async%2c+Int32+timeout%2c+Task%26+task%2c+Boolean+asyncWrite%2c+SqlDataReader+ds)%0d%0a+++at+System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior+cmdBehavior%2c+RunBehavior+runBehavior%2c+Boolean+returnStream%2c+String+method%2c+TaskCompletionSource%601+completion%2c+Int32+timeout%2c+Task%26+task%2c+Boolean+asyncWrite)%0d%0a+++at+System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior+cmdBehavior%2c+RunBehavior+runBehavior%2c+Boolean+returnStream%2c+String+method)%0d%0a+++at+System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteScalar()%0d%0a+++at+Glimpse.Ado.AlternateType.GlimpseDbCommand.ExecuteScalar()%0d%0a+++at+PetaPoco.Database.ExecuteScalar%5bT%5d(String+sql%2c+Object%5b%5d+args)%0d%0a+++at+DotNetNuke.Data.PetaPoco.PetaPocoHelper.ExecuteScalar%5bT%5d(String+connectionString%2c+CommandType+type%2c+Int32+timeout%2c+String+sql%2c+Object%5b%5d+args)%0d%0a+++at+DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider.ExecuteScalar%5bT%5d(String+procedureName%2c+Object%5b%5d+commandParameters)%0d%0a+++at+DotNetNuke.Data.DataProvider.AddRole(Int32+portalId%2c+Int32+roleGroupId%2c+String+roleName%2c+String+description%2c+Single+serviceFee%2c+String+billingPeriod%2c+String+billingFrequency%2c+Single+trialFee%2c+Int32+trialPeriod%2c+String+trialFrequency%2c+Boolean+isPublic%2c+Boolean+autoAssignment%2c+String+rsvpCode%2c+String+iconFile%2c+Int32+createdByUserID%2c+Int32+status%2c+Int32+securityMode%2c+Boolean+isSystemRole)%0d%0a+++at+DotNetNuke.Security.Roles.DNNRoleProvider.CreateRole(RoleInfo+role)%0d%0aClientConnectionId%3a433528f0-d8f1-4a40-a8ae-c757c84f1094 {noformat} ** Expected: When in ""All Roles"" mode, it should be possible to create groups successfully. ** Expected: The newly created groups in this mode, should belong the ""Global Roles"" Role group. If ""Global Roles"" is chosen as the ""Default Role Group"", then these groups only should be displayed. (i) Documentation: Please document that a new setting called ""Default Role Group"" is available (if not already doc'd) ",3
-"DNN-6189","12/04/2014 04:07:21","CLONE - Site template exported is not a valid site template file","Pre-condition: For the default site, I already changed couple page templates and created some new pages. Steps: # Log in as Host, goto Host > Site Management and click on ""Export a site template"" # Check on everything, including Content and Files # After exported successfully, try to create a new child site using this new template. Result: Got error: MyParentSite.template is not a valid Site Template File. Validation Results The element 'tab' has invalid child element 'hasBeenPublished'. List of possible elements expected: 'url, refreshinterval, Terms, KeyID, moduleID, defaultLanguageTab, skinsrc, sitemappriority, pageheadtext, tabpermissions, startdate, name, UseBaseFriendlyUrls, iconfilelarge, tabtype, title, panes, parent, tabsettings, permanentredirect, keywords, iconfile'. !screenshot-1.png! Expected: No error. ",2
-"DNN-6193","12/05/2014 09:39:20","CLONE - SI: DAM folder properties do not display when AUM use lowercase function is enabled.","Steps to reproduce: 1) Enable use lowercase URL's in AUM settings 2) add DAM module to non-admin page 3) try to view folder properties Expected Result: folder properties should be displayed Actual Result: folder properties are not displayed, multiple redirects occur. ",2
-"DNN-7399","12/05/2014 22:31:34","Log out not working correctly after a user has timed out on a DNN site","Appears to be an artifact of the fix for Content-3674 SCREEN CAST: http://screencast.com/t/QMwVzu5jCh Create a new Azure Content 8 site Log in as HOST Create Registered User, Content Editor, Content Manager and Administrator accounts Open IE 11, hit F12, then log in with any of the new users you created Leave this site up for > 20 minutes Go back and try to use the site Actual Result: You have timed out so nothing is available However, when you try to perform some activity the page is completely frozen. You cannot navigate anywhere within the site Login.aspx is not triggered as it should be Even F5 or Ctrl-F5 is not allowing access to login.aspx Expected Result: You're logged out and directed to the HOME page I'm only able to replicate this in IE 11 at this time If I get a regression case in another browser I'll update this issue. ",2
-"DNN-6314","12/09/2014 18:30:12","EVOQCONTENT: When copying a page, the newly created page should be in Edit Mode","When Copying a page: * (x) The newly copied page is NOT in Edit mode * Expected: The newly created page should be in Edit Mode, so that Admin can click on Publish (according to new workflow), or click on Cancel. Steps: # As host, try to copy any page from the control panel # Click on Copy Page button # The user is redirected to the newly created (copied) page. #* This new page is NOT in Edit mode. #* Expected: The page should be in Edit mode, so that the Host/Admin can click on Publish/Cancel buttons.",2
-"DNN-6220","12/10/2014 00:05:12","Themes - Page URL needs to be renamed from Admin/Skins to Admin/Themes","Install latest 7.4.0 build as FQDN site w/remote SQL db Log in as Host or Admin Go Admin > Themes Actual Result: The ""Themes"" page loads The URL shows Admin/Skins Expected Result: The ""Themes"" page loads The URL shows Admin/Themes",2
-"DNN-6221","12/10/2014 01:38:27","DNN API - Get rid of /DesktopModules/","Especially when it comes to DNN API-URLs, where users, consumers and other developers are actually going to see the API path (after all, that's what APIs are made for), the part “/DesktopModules/” today looks very old-fashioned, at least from a marketing point of view. Especially, when you're developing APIs for tablets, phones and mobile devices, this part of the API really looks dowdy - and makes every DNN based API less memorable and intuitive for the user. Do you see a way to rename the filepath to something shorter and more “neutral” (like “DM” - or maybe “DNN” (regarding the marketing aspects for the platform itself)) or, even better – maybe by URL-rewriting – simply get rid of this part of the URL, at least for DNN based APIs and API-calls? Maybe even introduce a new folder called “API” in parallel to the “/DesktopModules/”-Folder (- for the classically developed modules, where the user usually doesn’t see the URL?)..? I think it would be a great benefit for all DNN based APIs, if someone, maybe at the core-team(?) would find a way to make the API paths look more elegant for the customer/user. Thanks for your work!",5
-"DNN-6224","12/10/2014 12:14:25","CLONE - Failed to display HTML editor mode after upgrading - Load js file with CRM is suggested","Improvements request: It was a Browser Cache issue after upgrading. If customer user was in Editor mode, after upgrading (with new js updated), the browser still caches with old version of JS, and cause the trouble. Suggested solution: could change to load that js file with CRM History of this issue. I was working on customer sites upgrading tests, and encountered HTML module editing failure scenario with one of the sites – Howard County Gov. after upgrading from EE 7.2.1 to successfully. The symptom is: 1) No exiting contents will be displayed in “Rich Text Editor” mode 2) In “Rich Text Editor“ mode, user won’t be able to input any characters 3) Switch to ���Basic text box”, html will be displayed. 4) Error in browser console: Uncaught ReferenceError: OnDnnEditorClientSubmit is not defined Environment info, if you want a try: 1) VPN to Langley office 2) Set “ howardcounty.me” in your local host file 3) Access with site host privilege by: http://howardcounty.me/gethost.aspx * I also tested in another site: Graphic Measures International, their content editing works fine. (Upgraded from PE * I tried to use new Telerik.Web.UI.dll (attached in DNN-5653), but failed to load in 7.3.3, I guess the license signature might be wrong. ",2
-"DNN-6246","12/11/2014 11:24:47","EVOQCONTENT - Add the capability to create System Tabs","With this improvent we will be able to create and manage System Tabs. A System Tab could be considered as a special tab, created by solution purposes, different fron tabs created by users. As these tabs may have a specific functionality, we should add some restrictions on the solution ir order to not break that functionality or not create corrupted data. TabController should manage System Tabs as they are other normal tabs -- System Tab will be just a new field in the TabInfo entity-- Therefore, we need to ensure that some existing features doesn't manage System Tabs, as following: - Export Site: System Tabs are specific for a portal and installation, therefore they should not be exported - Sitemap: System Tabs are not pages created by users, they should not be part of the explicit navigation, therefore they should not appear in the Sitemap - Content Localization: System Tabs are not pages created by users, they should not be localized - Page Picker: System tabs should not visible ",5
-"DNN-6272","12/19/2014 00:37:16","SI: notification email logo image doesn't work with azure storage folders","The logo image in Notification emails are not displayed when using Azure storage backup folders. Since you cannot refer directly to the logo image when it is stored on Azure storage the image is not rendered properly in email messages. URL to logo image on azure storage backup folder: https://dnnwtkusm.blob.core.windows.net/portals/0/myPATH_logo.png?sr=b&si=DNNFileManagerPolicy&sig=bbYyYP1PENv7cYQZf7CnWGqWdin1spxpm8CBCDJ5wbI%3D Image is not displayed because you cannot directly refer to the logo path on azure storage backup folders. Issue is only affecting sites that are using azure storage backup folders. (i.e.Cloud 2.0 environment) ",5
-"DNN-6275","12/19/2014 11:41:46","Add Unique index on table CoreMessaging_SubscriptionTypes","The table CoreMessaging_SubscriptionTypes has 3 fields: - SubscriptionTypeId - SubscriptionName - FriendlyName - DesktopModuleId The messaging mechanism usually make searches by *SubscriptionName* and *DesktopModuleId* to find the right SubscriptionType and it is assumed implicitly that the are no more than one SubscriptionType with the same SubscriptionName and DesktopModuleId. However, the database schema allows those duplicated registries. To prevent errors, it should be appropiate to *create a Unique Index on the table CoreMessaging_SubscriptionTypes with the fields SubscriptionName and DesktopModuleId*.",2
-"DNN-6293","12/19/2014 22:20:50","EVOQSOCIAL: Get search modules is called needlessly multiple times ","In the platform, the following method {code}protected IEnumerable GetSearchModules(int portalId, bool allModules){code} is called multiple times with the same parameters needlessly (inside it we use reflection to create instances of the business contoller for each module). This needs to be optimizes for performance.",2
-"DNN-6403","12/19/2014 23:17:43","SI: Journal Module does not display with the Social Groups Module","When the Journal module is placed on a page with the Social Groups module, the Journal module does not display. To force the journal module to display, the Social Groups module must be deleted from the page AND the recycling bin. Steps to replicate: 1. Add the Journal module to a page 2. Add the Social Groups module to a page - Note: Steps 1 & 2 are interchangable Expected results: The module display as expected Actual Results: The Journal module does not display.",2
-"DNN-6307","12/30/2014 08:54:12","The setting ""SiteAlias Mapping Mode"" when ""None"" is not applied","Given: DNN with multilingual configuration with at least one additional language. Open the host, site management page, Site Alias section. Set the ""SiteAlias Mapping Mode"" to ""None"". When: Navigate with the browser to an alternative alias. Then: The never Redirect setting isn't applied, and the aliases is redirected to the main web site.",1
-"DNN-6311","12/30/2014 23:13:06","DAM - Tab title shows as ""Tab.DigitalAssetsManager.Title.Text"" if you view Admin > File Manager","Log into any 7.4.0 web site as either Host or Admin Navigate to Admin > File Manager View the text in the browser tab for this page Actual Result: The text is: Tab.DigitalAssetsManager.Title.Text Expected Result: File Management",2
-"DNN-6329","01/05/2015 15:22:52","dnn.dom.attachevent error caused by missing dnn.js","when an unauthenticated user browses a dnn page with the console window open they get an exception at this point: {code} function __dnn_Page_ (){if(__dnn_ClientAPIEnabled()){dnn.dom.attachEvent(window,""onscroll"",__dnn_bodyscroll)}__dnn_m_bPageLoaded=true} {code} This is caused by dnn.js no longer being added on all pages (done in 7.3.0) - the code should be wrapped in a better check (or try-catch) -see http://www.dnnsoftware.com/forums/forumid/190/threadid/513220/scope/posts for more details",2
-"DNN-6330","01/05/2015 22:08:45","EVOQSOCIAL: Setup FolderName for Library packages during install","PackageInstaller.ReadManifest method does not set Package.FolderName from manifest for Library packages. There is a case statement in this method where we need to add case for Library. This information is needed to find out the resource folder location for Library packages, just like we know for modules. It's needed for Mechanics.",2
-"DNN-6370","01/07/2015 04:36:34","CLONE - The Text Editor does not appear immediately after the module is created","Description: The text editor does not appear when the module is added to a page Steps: # In an empty panel, click on the ""A"" # An HTML module must be added Expected Behavior: The module must be in edit mode and the user must be able to start adding content Actual Behavior: The module is not in edit mode, the user can see the title and there's no way of editing the module except for clicking on the pencil icon.",2
-"DNN-6380","01/08/2015 02:06:40","Extract Newsletter Module into a separate project","This module should be moved to a separate github repo in the github.com/dnncommunity organization. This will impact both installs and upgrades. It also means that the newsletter module page under admin will be removed in both scenarios. ",1
-"DNN-6383","01/08/2015 14:25:00","EVOQCONTENT - Digest Emails contains no appropriate tokens not replaced","When a digest email is sent, it contains not-replaced tokens with each notification into the email. These tokens are related with User Relationships notifications, but they are added on every type of notification, for example in New User Registration notification Pre-condition: I configured Admin User with a valid email and set a valid SMTP server in SMTP Settings In Admin's User Profile > Edit > Communications > Email Delivery Schedule, Set Notification Digest Frequency to be ""Instant"". Ensure that User Registration setting is Private in Site Settings > User Account Settings > Registration Settings Steps: In a different browser, tries to register a new user The system will notify that a email will be sent to admin in order to approve the registration The system sends two emails, one of them is the result of the Digest process -- see the attached file to see the default look and feel of that email -- Result: In the digest email content, there are 2 Email Template variables listed without value. They are: [FRIENDREQUESTACTIONS] and [FOLLOWREQUESTACTIONS] Expected: Either have values for those 2 anchors, or shall be hidden.",1
-"DNN-6401","01/08/2015 20:00:26","EVOQSOCIAL: Error in logfile: A potentially dangerous Request.Path value was detected from the client (:)","After installation, navigating to the website causes the following errors to be logged: {noformat} 2015-01-08 10:39:48,084 [DNN-PC96][Thread:78][FATAL] DotNetNuke.Web.Common.Internal.DotNetNukeHttpApplication - System.Web.HttpException (0x80004005): A potentially dangerous Request.Path value was detected from the client (:). at System.Web.HttpRequest.ValidateInputIfRequiredByConfig() at System.Web.HttpApplication.PipelineStepManager.ValidateHelper(HttpContext context) 2015-01-08 10:39:48,098 [DNN-PC96][Thread:26][FATAL] DotNetNuke.Web.Common.Internal.DotNetNukeHttpApplication - System.Web.HttpException (0x80004005): A potentially dangerous Request.Path value was detected from the client (:). at System.Web.HttpRequest.ValidateInputIfRequiredByConfig() at System.Web.HttpApplication.PipelineStepManager.ValidateHelper(HttpContext context) {noformat}",2
-"DNN-6393","01/08/2015 23:33:30","51 Degrees - Uploading Premium dat file results in 404 - File or directory not found error","In latest Platform 7.4.0 build log in as Host Go Host > Device Detection Management Click Upload Copy n' Paste the license key found in 51DegreesTrialLicense.txt Click ""Activate"" Upload the 51Degrees-PremiumV3_1.dat file from \\dnn-vh1\QA\Tools & Software & 3rd Party Skins Modules\51DegreesDATFile Actual Result: I get a 404 - File or directory not Found error page Expected Result: File is accepted and the Device Detection management page reloads At the right side of the page the text now indicates you're using Premium Data ",2
-"DNN-6398","01/09/2015 20:28:20","Broken link in the default help menu in DNN","After installing DNN portal, trying to navigate to ""Help-> Getting Started"" link will lead you to 404 error page with the below path. /404-Error-Page/status/404 ",0
-"DNN-6402","01/10/2015 22:01:08","EVOQCONTENT: Folder sync resursive failed for existing folder and folder is deleted","Create a Box/Dropbox connection in DAM using an empty parent folder (no files or subfolders). Add a folder in DAM mapping to that parent folder. Sync the folder non-recursive - fine. Sync the folder recursive - result: folder is deleted from database and an error is thrown in UI: Folder does not exist; the remote folder is not affected. Expected result: sync should display no folders or files and no error in UI; folder should not be deleted from DB Folders table.",5
-"DNN-6422","01/13/2015 17:35:58","EVOQSOCIAL - File Uploader Control > Add info to 'onfileuploadcomplete' event about the uploaded file","The control to upload files raises an event to notify a file upload 'onfileuploadcomplete' but this event does not contain any info (file name and path or fileId) about the uploaded file, It is not possible to know what file that has been uploaded with the current API. This onfileuploadcomplete is raised even if the file has not been uploaded ok, but the control is asking the user to replace or keep. The event should also contain info about if the upload was ok or not, or, alternatively, only be raised if the upload was ok. Platform changes are required to add this info to the event. QA Notes for Engage: Please test that when an Asset is uploaded successfully, that it is highlighted in green (just like when a folder is created, it is highlighted in green)",2
-"DNN-6429","01/13/2015 21:13:11","EVOQCONTENT: Content Layout & Templates - Not Picked-Up During Site Import","The default website template in both the Content and Enterprise packages are using the identical template (different sources) which includes the xml node for 2 pages in the template (the home page and the Our Products page). This, however, is not being picked up by the site creation as part of the import process. The end result is we ended up w/ multiple module instances and a layout that is stacked (instead of side by side within Content Layout)",2
-"DNN-6426","01/13/2015 23:37:06","Updating User Profile failing with Firebug message ""Error: You cannot apply bindings multiple times to the same element."" ","Install Platform 7.4.0 build 321 Log in as HOST Create 3 - 4 new Registered Users Log in with each new R/U and edit User Profile (add a FName/LName/Address Save changes by clicking ""Update"" button Actual Result: At some point while editing and saving R/U User Profile changes the page stopped saving... In Firebug I see these errors: POST http://platform740321.dnntest.com/Activity-Feed/ctl/Profile/userId/3/pageno/2 Aborted 1m 30s knockout related: Error: You cannot apply bindings multiple times to the same element. ...{var h=a.a.f.get(b,r);if(!d){if(h)throw Error(""You cannot apply bindings multipl... knockou...?cdv=24 (line 58, col 380) Expected Result: As long as you don't use illegal characters in the text fields the update should complete in a few milliseconds ",2
-"DNN-6438","01/15/2015 16:27:09","[EVOQCONTENT] several errors shown in console when add module","Reproduce Steps: 1. install 8.0.0 latest build in chrome, login as host; 2. create a new user and assign to Content Managers role; 3. login out host user and login with the new user; 4. open Pages in persona bar, click ""Page Templates""; 5. click edit button on template ""Gravity-3-Col"" and visit this template page in edit mode; 6. now open browser settings page and clear browser cache, open Resources panel in developer tools, delete all entries in Local Storage; 7. refresh page and click any ""A"" icon in pane to add new html module. Expected Result: New module add without any error. Actually Result: !20150108150349.png! ",2
-"DNN-6888","01/16/2015 00:17:58","SI: Email Verification URL Error","From Customer: We've discovered that some email clients remove trailing underscores from URLs, we know Windows Live does this. Some of the URLs for email verification include a trailing underscore as part of the verification code. You should not allow this. We solved this internally by making the email HTML instead of plan text and wrapping the URL in an anchor tag. Please consider limiting your verification codes to alpha numeric or even better use a GUID. ",5
-"DNN-6444","01/16/2015 01:51:28","[EVOQCONTENT] Remove the Alpha Version in Website Title","Currently, ""Alpha Version (8.0.0.xxxx)"" is displayed in the following products * Engage * Content * Content standard This needs to be removed",1
-"DNN-6887","01/17/2015 20:23:24","Module caption lost in edit mode","- Log in as Host, Create a new page - Drag-N-Drop a Banner module on the new page Results: - Module is added, but without caption. - it is confusing which module actually already added on the page. - It is a regression comparing to version 7.3.x Anything to do with CONTENT-3529? ",2
-"DNN-6467","01/20/2015 13:49:45","Settings IncludeContext and IncludeHidden are always true after updating settings.","Value of DNN control ""CheckEditControl"" always returns true. So DDR menu settings IncludeContext and IncludeHidden are now always true and displaying every page in menu. [DNN-6468: Also all module-settings are 2 times submitted to the database when saving module-settings. Even if they are the same. In 7.1.2 this was 0 times if value were the same. See SQL update setting 'IncludeContext: exec sp_executesql N';Exec dbo.GetModuleSetting @0, @1',N'@0 int,@1 nvarchar(4000)',@0=1380,@1=N'IncludeContext' exec sp_executesql N';Exec dbo.UpdateModuleSetting @0, @1, @2, @3',N'@0 int,@1 nvarchar(4000),@2 nvarchar(4000),@3 int',@0=1380,@1=N'IncludeContext',@2=N'False',@3=1 ... exec sp_executesql N';Exec dbo.GetModuleSetting @0, @1',N'@0 int,@1 nvarchar(4000)',@0=1380,@1=N'IncludeContext' exec sp_executesql N';Exec dbo.UpdateModuleSetting @0, @1, @2, @3',N'@0 int,@1 nvarchar(4000),@2 nvarchar(4000),@3 int',@0=1380,@1=N'IncludeContext',@2=N'True',@3=1]",2
-"DNN-6468","01/20/2015 13:50:42","All module-settings are 2 times submitted to the database when saving module-settings","All module-settings are 2 times submitted to the database when saving module-settings. Even if they are the same. In 7.1.2 this was 0 times if value were the same. ",2
-"DNN-6475","01/21/2015 01:25:20","Themes - Remove the word ""Skins"" and replace it with the word ""Themes""","In 7.4.0 latest build test for #5 in the attached document. Actual Result: The ""Type"" field drop down still has ""Skin Object"" This needs to change to ""Theme"" Expected Result: All items in the Word doc have all been changed from Skin to Theme All other 13 of 14 items in the attached DNN 8.0.0 Theme Updates.docx pass",2
-"DNN-6491","01/22/2015 18:31:02","[EVOQCONTENT] Exception thrown when host attempts to access Host > File Management","Login as host and click on Host > File Management and note the Exception. This happens on Azure Cloud for both EE and PE. This is the exception: AbsoluteURL:/Default.aspx DefaultDataProvider:DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider, DotNetNuke ExceptionGUID:cc51a82e-7c10-48fd-88da-1cfa8c9ac358 AssemblyVersion:8.0.0 PortalId:0 UserId:1 TabId:90 RawUrl:/Host/File-Management/portalid/0 Referrer:http://dnnrh7v0t.azurewebsites.net/Admin/File-Management?folderId=47&view=gridview&pageSize=10 UserAgent:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:35.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/35.0 ExceptionHash:zygdwmB+qGGY9EEtRdu3cA== Message:Object reference not set to an instance of an object. StackTrace: InnerMessage:Object reference not set to an instance of an object. InnerStackTrace: at DotNetNuke.Modules.DigitalAssets.Components.Controllers.DigitalAssetsController.GetDefaultFolderTypeId(Int32 moduleId) at DotNetNuke.Modules.DigitalAssets.View.get_DefaultFolderTypeId() at ASP.desktopmodules_digitalassets_view_ascx.__Render__control1(HtmlTextWriter __w, Control parameterContainer) at System.Web.UI.Control.RenderChildrenInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ICollection children) at System.Web.UI.Control.RenderControlInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ControlAdapter adapter) at System.Web.UI.Control.RenderChildrenInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ICollection children) at DotNetNuke.UI.Modules.ModuleHost.RenderContents(HtmlTextWriter writer) at System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl.Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) at System.Web.UI.Control.RenderControlInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ControlAdapter adapter) at System.Web.UI.Control.RenderChildrenInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ICollection children) at System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlContainerControl.Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) at System.Web.UI.Control.RenderControlInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ControlAdapter adapter) at System.Web.UI.Control.RenderChildrenInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ICollection children) at System.Web.UI.Control.RenderControlInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ControlAdapter adapter) at System.Web.UI.Control.RenderChildrenInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ICollection children) at System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlContainerControl.Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) at System.Web.UI.Control.RenderControlInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ControlAdapter adapter) at System.Web.UI.Control.RenderChildrenInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ICollection children) at System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlContainerControl.Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) at System.Web.UI.Control.RenderControlInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ControlAdapter adapter) at System.Web.UI.Control.RenderChildrenInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ICollection children) at System.Web.UI.Control.RenderControlInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ControlAdapter adapter) at System.Web.UI.Control.RenderChildrenInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ICollection children) at System.Web.UI.Control.RenderControlInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ControlAdapter adapter) at System.Web.UI.Control.RenderChildrenInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ICollection children) at System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlForm.RenderChildren(HtmlTextWriter writer) at System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlContainerControl.Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) at System.Web.UI.Control.RenderControlInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ControlAdapter adapter) at System.Web.UI.Control.RenderChildrenInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ICollection children) at System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlContainerControl.Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) at System.Web.UI.Control.RenderControlInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ControlAdapter adapter) at System.Web.UI.Control.RenderChildrenInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ICollection children) at System.Web.UI.Page.Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) at System.Web.UI.Control.RenderControlInternal(HtmlTextWriter writer, ControlAdapter adapter) at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) Source: FileName: FileLineNumber:0 FileColumnNumber:0 Method: Server Name: RD000D3A60428A ",2
-"DNN-6493","01/22/2015 23:49:52","Profanity filter treats values as regular expressions"," !DNN-6493_741_Upgraded_742.png|thumbnail! When using the profanity filter, the value that is matched on is treated as a regular expression, not as text. I'm assuming that this is unintentional. h3. Steps to reproduce # Go to Site Settings and turn on the Profanity Filter in the User Account Settings tab # Go to the Lists page (under either Admin or Host) and edit the ProfanityFilter list # Add an entry where the text is ""find.this"" (any value is fine) # Log out and click the Register link # Attempt to register with ""find this"" or ""findXthis"" in the username or display name h3. Actual Result - message indicating that the name is invalid h3. Expected Result - the registration is successful",2
-"DNN-6494","01/23/2015 01:15:13","Member Directory - Friend requests that collide throw errors","Found while regressing DNN-6377 Install latest Platform 7.4.0 build as FQDN site w/remote SQL database Log in as Host Create a new page and give View permissions to Registered Users Put the Member Director on the page Create 2 new Registered Users Open up 2 different browsers Log in as the new R/U's in each browser Hit the Member Directory page Each R/U friends the other If you perform the friend activity for both R/U's within a couple seconds the R/U who friends last will see an error in the UI: ""An error occurred while processing the request: error"" If you have Dev Tools/Firebug running this error will apear: http://platform740432.dnntest.ca/DesktopModules/MemberDirectory/API/MemberDirectory/AddFriend 500 (Internal Server Error) In the log.resources file you'll see an error similar to this: 2015-01-22 17:02:38,609 [TST-KG-W2012S1][Thread:32][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Modules.MemberDirectory.Services.MemberDirectoryController - DotNetNuke.Entities.Users.UserRelationshipExistsException: Relationship already exists for Initiating User '3' Target User '2' RelationshipID '1'. at DotNetNuke.Entities.Users.Social.RelationshipControllerImpl.InitiateUserRelationship(UserInfo initiatingUser, UserInfo targetUser, Relationship relationship) in c:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\DNN_Platform_740\Packaging\DNN.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Entities\Users\Social\RelationshipControllerImpl.cs:line 345 at DotNetNuke.Entities.Users.Social.Internal.FriendsControllerImpl.AddFriend(UserInfo initiatingUser, UserInfo targetUser) in c:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\DNN_Platform_740\Packaging\DNN.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Entities\Users\Social\FriendsControllerImpl.cs:line 105 at DotNetNuke.Modules.MemberDirectory.Services.MemberDirectoryController.AddFriend(FriendDTO postData) in c:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\DNN_Platform_740\Packaging\DNN.Platform\DNN Platform\Modules\MemberDirectory\Services\MemberDirectoryController.cs:line 289 Expected Result: The Friend Request is made and completed without error",2
-"DNN-6506","01/26/2015 14:21:47","Integration of a flexible imagehandler ","The profilepic imagehandler is very restricted in his functionality. An imagehandler with more possibilities to show and manipulate images would be a great addition to DNN. Please see my pull request. Documentation follows.",5
-"DNN-6508","01/26/2015 21:01:28","The Friend's Avatar image won't be visible if configured only show to Friends","This is not new to 8.0.0 but pre-exist for long time. Scenario like this: - 2 RUs - TestRU1 and TestRU2, and set up to be friends each other. - Both users have avatar image uploaded - Both Avatar image all set with permission: Only visible by ""Friends and Groups > Friends"". - Log in as 1 RU and browse to User Profile > Friends list Expected: Friends Avatar image shall be visible. Result: If visible set as ""Friends and Groups > Friends"", the image won't be visible. but still works if set for ""Public"" ",2
-"DNN-6516","01/27/2015 23:56:03","Member Directory >> Cannot search by country and city/country displayed as *** for non-admin users","# Create a few regular users (use load tool) # For a regular user, in profile properties, set city to ""surrey"", country to ""switzerland"". Make both these properties *public* visibility. # As an admin, go to member directory (create a page with MD module) # In Advanced Search within Member Directory, search for city ""surrey"". #* (/) The Regular User is found #* (/) Note that the city and country are displayed under the Regular User's name as ""Surrey, Switzerland"" # In Advanced Search within Member Directory, search for country ""switzerland"" #* (x) The Regular User is NOT found #* Expected: The users should be searchable by country # Login as some other Regular User and go to MD page #* (x) Note that the city and country are NOT displayed under regular user's names. That is, ""Surrey, Switezerland"" is not displayed; instead, *****, ***** is displayed.",3
-"DNN-6515","01/28/2015 00:36:13","IE10 - Cannot open Schedule History without 'attachEvent' .JS error","Install latest Platform 7.4.0 build as FQDN site w/remote SQL database Log in as Host using IE10 Go Host > Schedule Click on History icon for Search: Site Crawler Actual Result: I get 2 separate pop ups for 1 .JS error: Error: Unable to get property 'attachEvent' of undefined or null reference If you clear both errors you'll be able to view the Schedule History for the Site Crawler Expected Result: No .JS errors",1
-"DNN-6542","01/29/2015 16:56:57","Some 3rd-party skins installation failed if upgraded from 7.3.4, finally cause browser crash. ","Noticed this in following scenario with 3rd-party skin, for instance(not all of them, but some of 3rd-party skins): \\dnn-vh1\qa\Tools & Software & 3rd Party Skins Modules\Top10Skin-Dec-2014\33999_0_2DNN_Aura_01.00.00_Install.zip If clean install of PE, FAILED If the app is upgrade from PE 7.3.4 to PE, FAILED If clean install of PE, PASS Looks like the issue somehow fixed in 8.0.0, but not for upgrading scenario. The symptom is, after pick up the skin zip file, and click ""Go Next"", the user will see a blank 500 error page. Screenshot attached. !screenshot-1.png|width=800! Or error like this: !screenshot-2.png|width=800! I was using IE 11, and when I try to do the same installation again, the IE browser crashed. ",2
-"DNN-6526","01/29/2015 22:43:21","Lazy loading does NOT work for common bookmark set of modules","steps: 1. Create a user and grant them Admin role 2. Login as Admin user and create a new page 3. Click to add a new module to a page 4. Keep clicking on the + sign on the module to bookmark them until there are 15 bookmarks 5. Select Common and drag the horizontal scroll bar to right to lazy load modules Expected result: Lazy loading will load the rest of modules in Common bookmarks Actual result: A message appears and suddenly modules from ALL category are displayed and NOT from common bookmarks.",2
-"DNN-6529","01/30/2015 00:28:39","Mobile - host/admin can access to add module to a page they have created on mobile devices","steps: 1. As host on a Desktop create a page and add a module to the page (on Cloud env) 2. Logout as host 3. Using mobile device (ie. androd phone) browse to Cloud (chrome) 4. Login as Host 5. On home page notice no access to module on top. Now click on Menu and click on the page you have created Expected result: Host should not be able to access to add module to page. Actual result: Host can select Add module and of course it will not be operational.",2
-"DNN-6525","01/30/2015 01:09:41","Language Packs - Cancel a Deploy causes errors","I saw this the very first time I went to deploy any Language Pack I selected Spanish and clicked the ""Deploy"" button Now that it's changed state in the system I cannot reproduce the behavior In latest Platform 7.4.0 build log in as HOST Go HOST > Extensions In Language Packs areas click ""Deploy"" for ANY available Language Pack After initial pop up renders click the ""Cancel"" button at bottom left Actual Result: An error appears in the pop up In log.resources this error shows up: 2015-01-29 16:55:35,540 [TST-KG-W2012S1][Thread:5][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - FriendlyMessage=""Error: is currently unavailable."" ctrl=""ASP.desktopmodules_admin_extensions_install_ascx"" exc=""System.IO.IOException: The directory is not empty. at System.IO.Directory.DeleteHelper(String fullPath, String userPath, Boolean recursive, Boolean throwOnTopLevelDirectoryNotFound) at System.IO.Directory.Delete(String fullPath, String userPath, Boolean recursive, Boolean checkHost) at DotNetNuke.Modules.Admin.Extensions.Install.wizInstall_CancelButtonClick(Object sender, EventArgs e)"" ",1
-"DNN-6531","01/30/2015 17:08:28","EVOQCONTENT : Site skin is updated unexpectedly when working with non-english language","Site skin is updated from Cavalier to Gravity unexpectedly when working with non-engish language. +Steps+ Install a fresh installation Cavalier skin should be the default skin for the site Add an extra language, as Spanish As Host, on Home enter to Edit mode Change to Spanish language Try to add a module Discard changes or see the screencast below to see the steps +Actual result+ After discarding, the page is showing the Gravity skin +Expected+ Site Skin should not be changed See the following screencast to see the steps: http://screencast.com/t/gYXzTpUwH ",2
-"DNN-6545","02/02/2015 22:56:39","SI: Mix of HTTP and HTTPS on sitemap","When you have a site that has both HTTP and HTTPS pages sitemap only has one and not a mix of both. Step to Reproduce Create a site that has SSL enabled. Create pages that are HTTP and HTTPS. Goto the sitemap page. /sitemap.aspx Actual result You will see the URLs in the sitemap are either all HTTP OR HTTPS Expected Result The URLs should be a mix of HTTP and HTTPS",2
-"DNN-6548","02/03/2015 18:35:14","SI: clearing datetime user profile property field does not work","step to reproduce: 1) create a custom dateTime property field 2) make it visible to all users 3) create a new user 4) login with the new user 5) set a dateTime value in the new property field 6) try to delete the dateTime property field -> update Expected Result: property field should clear if user removes dateTime value. Actual Result: property field does not clear once initial dateTime value is selected.",2
-"DNN-6549","02/03/2015 20:11:54","SI: Culture Neutral Page don't show up as a menu sub item when not in the site default language (en-US)","Step to reproduce: Install DNN 7.3.4 Add one or more 7.4.0 language pack available at: http://www.dnnsoftware.com/community/download/language-packs In Host Settings -> Other Setting set Allow Content Localization? to YES In Admin -> Languages click on Enable Localized Content (flagged Make all pages Translatable) Create a new page, in the localization tab click ""Create Single Neutral Culture Page"" (Now the page is visible in the menu in all languages) Go in the Admin Page Management and move the new page as a child page of the Home page Expected result: The page should show in the menu as a subitem of the Home page in all languages Actual result: The page menu item is visible in the menu of default language (en-US) The page menu item is NOT visible anymore in any other language Notes: If I move back the page as a top level menu item the page come back in the menu of all languages",2
-"DNN-6551","02/03/2015 21:29:26","EVOQCONTENT - Cannot create child site with saved template","Steps: 1. goto host > site management, click ""export site template"" button 2. Check on ""Include Content"" and ""Include File"" 3. only select ""Home"" and ""our products"" page and export the template 4. create a new child site with exported template Expected result: Child site is created without issue. Actual result: Getting the following error on page and child site not created: 2015-02-03 13:24:40,282 [DNN-PC10][Thread:47][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Entities.Portals.PortalController - System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at DotNetNuke.Entities.Portals.PortalController.ParseTemplateInternal(Int32 portalId, String templatePath, String templateFile, Int32 administratorId, PortalTemplateModuleAction mergeTabs, Boolean isNewPortal, LocaleCollection& localeCollection) at DotNetNuke.Entities.Portals.PortalController.CreatePortalInternal(Int32 portalId, String portalName, UserInfo adminUser, String description, String keyWords, PortalTemplateInfo template, String homeDirectory, String portalAlias, String serverPath, String childPath, Boolean isChildPortal, String& message) ",2
-"DNN-6891","02/03/2015 22:44:00","EVOQCONTENT: UI issue for Host > HTML Editor Manager","Please watch the attached clip. This happens across all browsers, Chrome, IE10/11, etc.",2
-"DNN-6690","02/05/2015 21:50:33","EVOQCONTENT: Parent site cannot be created with an error","Issue description: Parent site cannot be created with an error Steps: 1, Install a site with FQDN, such as www.ee8111.com 2, Add another url entry in hosts file, such as p1.ee8111.com 3, In Host - Site Management, try to create another parent site with the same url added in hosts file in step 2 with separate admin Actual results: Message - The Site Alias Name you specified already exists, Please choose a different site alias. The parent site cannot be created Expected results: User should be able to create a parent site ",3
-"DNN-6577","02/09/2015 17:59:34","Errors in Bussiness Class instances provokes that EventMessageProcessor get stopped","During the Upgrade process, modules can enqueue a method to be be executed when upgrade finished in order to run some code. This queue is scheduled by the EventMessageProcessor and module can configure that via the BussinessClass element on its DNN manifest However, sometimes, could be an error loading instances of that bussiness class and that erros provokes that the EventMEssageProcessor finishes unexpectedly. The worst part is that modules still not processed in the queue are not longer upgraded. +Expected+ If an error regarding bussiness classes instances occurs during the upgrade process, should not affect to others modules. and they should be upgraded successfully You can see the message below. It was written in the Log file during an upgrade to Evoq8 {code}2015-02-06 11:28:55,968 [RD00155DF74385][Thread:78][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Framework.Reflection - DotNetNuke.Professional.Workflows.Components.Controllers.BusinessController System.Web.HttpException (0x80004005): Could not load type 'DotNetNuke.Professional.Workflows.Components.Controllers.BusinessController'. at System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.GetType(String typeName, Boolean throwOnError, Boolean ignoreCase) at DotNetNuke.Framework.Reflection.CreateType(String TypeName, String CacheKey, Boolean UseCache, Boolean IgnoreErrors) 2015-02-06 11:28:55,999 [RD00155DF74385][Thread:78][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: type at System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type type, Boolean nonPublic) at System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type type) at DotNetNuke.Entities.Modules.EventMessageProcessor.UpgradeModule(EventMessage message){code} In that solution, the module Workflow Management was installed but their Upgrade code was not run. However, other modules which should be upgraded too, neither were run. In that case, HTML Pro module didn't run the Upgrade code and Worfklows were not migrated. This was a bigger problem",2
-"DNN-6578","02/10/2015 01:42:19","Updating page name doesn't update contentitem content name","The probably applies to all versions including taxonomy. If you change the name of a page, the corresponding ""Content"" field in the ContentItems table should be updated. Not doing so is a bother and confusing. (As an aside, it's probably time for someone to spend some time with taxonomy. If anyone want's to contact me with my wish list, please do. I'll try to get it posted to Community Exchange for something ...)",1
-"DNN-6581","02/10/2015 15:34:33","EVOQCONTENT - Packages are not well processed when they have more than one ""managedPackage"" dependency","If a package has more than one dependency of type ""managedPackage"" on its dnn manifest, then the installation fails with an error regarding duplicated keys into a Dictionary This error occurs because the upgrade process tries to add the dependent packages for each depedency that is checked +Expected+ The packages should be installed/upgraded if all ""managedPackage"" dependecies are fulfilled The installation should finish ok",2
-"DNN-6590","02/11/2015 23:32:38","SI: Control Bar Add Module Scroll","When the number of modules which are loaded in the control bar add module side scrolling interface is exactly 15+7X then you can not scroll back to the left once you reach the far right side of the scroll bar. the control bar makes requests to /DesktopModules/internalservices/API/controlbar/GetPortalDesktopModules and returns a JSON object with the module information. It gets 15 on the first load, then 7 on each subsequent load. The problem is, when it gets to the final request, if there is a certain number of modules loaded, it returns with zero modules to loads and the scroll functionality breaks. Example numbers: 22 29 36 43 50 57 64 etc Steps to reproduce: 1. Count how many modules are loaded in the Add Module scroll interface currently (you can check the json objects returned in fiddler to speed this up) 2. install or uninstall X amount of modules until you have one of the numbers listed above 3. click add module then scroll all the way to the right you will not be able to scroll back to the left",1
-"DNN-6607","02/12/2015 18:04:10","SI: bug in page management code","Bug in page management code validates all groups on a page. From customer: I found ""your"" bug. It is in the code behind for the Tabs module: protected void CmdUpdateClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Often times grid stays but node is not selected (e.g. when node is deleted or update page is clicked) if (ctlPages.SelectedNode == null) return; var intTab = Convert.ToInt32(ctlPages.SelectedNode.Value); var tabcontroller = new TabController(); var tab = tabcontroller.GetTab(intTab, PortalId, true); this.Page.Validate(); if (!this.Page.IsValid) return; That Page.Validate() should be Page.Validate(""Page""). Not specifying the validation group to validate is forcing a validate on all validation groups on the page, including my little feedback from, which has an blank required field.",1
-"DNN-6592","02/12/2015 18:40:10","[CONTENT] Exceptions displayed when Cancel a Language Pack installation","Noticed this issue during LP sanity testing for 8.0.0. - After installation, log in as Host, goto Host > Extensions > Available Extensions - Click on ""French"" Installation button - click on Cancel button after the LP component installation window pop up. Result: Error: is currently unavailable. DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.ModuleLoadException: The directory is not empty. ---> System.IO.IOException: The directory is not empty. at System.IO.Directory.DeleteHelper(String fullPath, String userPath, Boolean recursive, Boolean throwOnTopLevelDirectoryNotFound) at System.IO.Directory.Delete(String fullPath, String userPath, Boolean recursive, Boolean checkHost) at DotNetNuke.Modules.Admin.Extensions.Install.wizInstall_CancelButtonClick(Object sender, EventArgs e) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- !attachment1.png|width=750! ",1
-"DNN-6599","02/13/2015 15:17:26","Javascript error when creating a new page","When a host user tries to add a New Page a javascript error is thrown and the action cannot be done. *Steps to reproduce* - Log in as host - Go to Users -> Manage Users - Without changing the page, click on Pages -> Add new Page - Enter the page Name, Title and Url (f.i: test) - Select the ""Add to the End"" option in ""Insert Page"" - In Parent Page, select the option - Click on the ""Add Page"" button *Expected result* - The new page is created and added to the end of the root pages list - The browser is redirected to the new page. *Actual result* - The page is not created and a javascript error is logged on the console !error_creating_page.png!",2
-"DNN-6624","02/13/2015 20:40:05","EVOQCONTENT: Uploading ANY file through Database Folder Provider fails","An automation P1 test fails upon testing uploading a ZIP file using DatabaseFolderProvider. The log file has the following error: {noformat} 2015-02-13 12:34:22,492 [DNN-PC45][Thread:63][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.FileSystem.FileManager - System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'System.DBNull' to type 'System.Byte[]'. at DotNetNuke.Services.FileSystem.DatabaseFolderProvider.GetFileStreamInternal(IDataReader dr) in c:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\DNN_Platform_741\Packaging\DNN.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Services\FileSystem\Providers\DatabaseFolderProvider.cs:line 47 at DotNetNuke.Services.FileSystem.FolderProvider.GetHashCode(IFileInfo file) in c:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\DNN_Platform_741\Packaging\DNN.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Services\FileSystem\FolderProvider.cs:line 316 at DotNetNuke.Services.FileSystem.FileManager.AddFile(IFolderInfo folder, String fileName, Stream fileContent, Boolean overwrite, Boolean checkPermissions, String contentType, Int32 createdByUserID) in c:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\DNN_Platform_741\Packaging\DNN.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Services\FileSystem\FileManager.cs:line 547 2015-02-13 12:34:22,492 [DNN-PC45][Thread:63][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Web.InternalServices.FileUploadController - The underlying system threw an exception. The file has not been added. {noformat} *Note:* failing test file is: {{CI/P1/CE741/FileManagement/1_CE741_FileManagementPopup.das}}",2
-"DNN-7440","02/18/2015 21:05:56","Expired master page shall be still visible to users who have edit permissions","Cloned from DNN-6186. It is fixed in platform 7.4.1, but obviously more work to do in Content & Engage. With updated steps: # Log in as Host, create a new page ""Test"". Set up the start time and end time for this page. (need to make it expired) # Register a new user: RU1 and put it in ""Translator"" role. # Assign the new page ""Test"" to allow ""Translator"" to edit and add content. # Create a Personalized Page, and add a rule for user ""Translator"" and publish it. # Log out host and log in as RU1, before the page expired, and the page shall be visible for Ru1 and editable. # Wait till the page expired, and visit the page again. Result: The page still editable, but display: You do not have access to view this page within the website. Expected: For any user has edit permission on the master page, the page shall always visible and editable even it is expired. ",2
-"DNN-6616","02/19/2015 15:57:04","Extract Event Viewer into a separate project","h2. Card The Event Viewer module is used for managing the event logs. The eventlog APIs and associated database schema and SPROCs should remain in the core platform. Any APIs which are strictly used for presentation purposes should be removed from the platform and included with the module. h2. Conversation h2. Confirmation ",3
-"DNN-6618","02/19/2015 17:13:18","Extract Google Analytics into a separate module","h2. Card The Google Analytics module is used for integrating Google Analytics into a user's website. The Google Analytics APIs and associated database schema and SPROCs should remain in the core platform. h2. Conversation h2. Confirmation ",3
-"DNN-6627","02/22/2015 13:22:39","Extract List Editor into separate module","h2. Card The List module is used for managing system lists by host users. The list APIs and associated database schema and SPROCs should remain in the core platform. h2. Conversation h2. Confirmation ",3
-"DNN-6628","02/22/2015 13:25:04","Extract the Page Manager into a separate module","h2. Card The Page Manager module is used for managing pages in an individual site. The page/tab APIs and associated database schema and SPROCs should remain in the core platform. Any APIs which are strictly used for presentation purposes should be removed from the platform and included with the module. h2. Conversation h2. Confirmation ",3
-"DNN-6629","02/22/2015 15:54:01","Extract the Sitemap Settings module into a separate project","h2. Card The Sitemap Settings module is used for configuring the sitemap. The sitemap APIs and associated database schema and SPROCs should remain in the core platform. h2. Conversation h2. Confirmation ",3
-"DNN-6630","02/23/2015 02:38:15","Extract Site Log into a separate module","h2. Card The Site Log is used to log system activity. Since it was first introduced, newer and better logging options have been added to the platform. All site log APIs and associated database schema and SPROCs should be removed from the core platform and included in the SiteLog module. h2. Conversation As part of extracting this module, upgrade logic should be added to the platform to remove any scheduled tasks and stored procedures related to this feature. The sitelog module should also be removed from the appropriate extensions tables. The sitelog table will remain *untouched* to avoid any potential data loss. The Site Log module should be moved to [https://github.com/dnncommunity] and registered in the Forge. h2. Confirmation There should be no site or host settings referencing SiteLog settings. SiteLog related settings should be deprecated in Portal and Host classes but can be completely removed in cases where the class only exists to support SiteLog. New installs and upgrades alike should not have this module (under extensions) or the Admin pages available post upgrade/install. Also, as part of this the extracted module should live in a new github repository here: https://github.com/DNNCommunity/Dnn.SiteLog NOTE: This will introduce a known breaking change for anyone who might call the SiteLog APIs. It will also remove a feature that might be in use on some websites.",3
-"DNN-6631","02/23/2015 17:29:15","Extract Site Wizard into a separate Module","h2. Card The Site Wizard is used for creating child portals or applying site templates to the existing portal. The site wizard is just a thin UI over the top of core portal management APIs. These APIs will remain part of the core platform. h2. Conversation h2. Confirmation ",3
-"DNN-6633","02/24/2015 00:30:15","SI: Request Filter not executing","If you enable a request filter in Host Settings > Other Settings and create a new filter, the filter does not work. *Repro Steps:* 1. Enable Filters 2. Add filter a. set Server Variable as ""HTTP_URL"" b. set Operation as REGEX c. set Match Value as ""(?<=?)ctl=register|(? It should also support implicit inheritance and then define a model using the @model helper. h2. Confirmation",2
-"DNN-6640","02/25/2015 06:01:30","Support MVC Controllers","h2. Card As part of the MVC module support, the platform should be extended to allow module developers to create MVC controllers. Each defined controller should support the creation of multiple controller actions. h2. Conversation DNN must support the creation of Controllers written in C#. Support for controllers written in VB is optional. All module controllers should inherit from a DNN specific base controller. The base controller should include context information including the current module information, current page, and current portalsettings. h2. Confirmation",2
-"DNN-6642","02/25/2015 12:07:59","Provide information about the deleted tab in TabDeleted event","The ITabEventHandler interface provides a mechanism to detect changes in pages and to execute code according to it. All the methods in the interface have a TabEventArgs parameter with the information regarding the tab/page, but in the current implementation the TabDeleted method only contains that tabId of the deleted page. It can be useful to provide all the properties of the deleted tab and also for coherency with all the other methods of the interface that do it. ",2
-"DNN-6643","02/25/2015 13:41:43","Define MVC Module Actions","h2. Card Currently DNN modules use an IActionable interface to define custom module actions which are rendered in the Module Action Menu. The purpose of the interface is to define a well known method that can be called by the framework to retrieve a collection of actions defined by the module developer. Each controller action may be used to render a view and thus should be able to define a collection of actions which the framework can retrieve and render. h2. Conversation A custom method attribute could be used to identify a method that returns a collection of actions. The method must implement a predefined signature but could be located in any class which is accessible by the core framework. It should not be necessary to define the action items in the same controller as the action which relies on the action collection. h2. Confirmation The two attributes should be: * *ModuleActionAttribute* - This attribute is used to define a single Module Action and only supports the most common features of module actions. This attribute allows the controlkey, icon, security level, and title to be set for the module action. For greater control over all module action functionality, the ModuleActionItems attribute should be used. * *ModuleActionItemsAttribute* - This attribute is used to identify a type and a method which can be called by the framework to retrieve a collection of ModuleActions. By convention, if the type is not defined, it will assume the method exists in the controller. By convention, if the method is not defined, it will assume a method name which corresponds with the action decorated by the Attribute instance (e.g. the Edit action method would have a corresponding GetEditActions method).",5
-"DNN-6644","02/25/2015 14:21:50","Support standard HTML helpers within Views","h2. Card The ASP.Net MVC framework uses HTML helpers to simplify rendering of common HTML elements. Modules written using the MVC framework should be able to utilize all core HTML helpers including: h3. Form Helpers * BeginForm() * * EndForm() * * TextArea() * TextBox() * CheckBox() * RadioButton() * ListBox() * DropDownList() * Hidden() * Password() h3. Validation Helpers * ValidationSummary * ValidationMessage * ValidationMessageFor h3. Misc Helpers * ActionLink h2. Conversation Should add URL and AJAX helpers h2. Confirmation",5
-"DNN-6645","02/25/2015 14:36:37","Package MVC Modules","h2. Card MVC Modules should behave the same as any other DNN module when it comes to packaging. An MVC module should be installable using a standard DNN module manifest. Since MVC modules use a controller action as the primary method for rendering content, the manifest should allow the module to define a controller and action to render for specific module controls. The DNN framework should use the defined controller action to render the requested module control following the standard DNN convention. While an MVC module may define a number of module controls, it should also be able to programatically define a controller action to use without using a predefined control. When installed, MVC modules should be installed in the DesktopModules folder using the same conventions as more traditional modules. h2. Conversation Need to define the module control naming convention \{controller\}/\{action\}.mvc h2. Confirmation Modules should be created in the DesktopModule/MVC subfolder.",2
-"DNN-6648","02/25/2015 14:53:46","DNN Deployer","I'm the Chief Solution Architect and Consultant for several software companies. I have been working on several DotNetNuke enhancements for several customers in terms of making it easier and automating deployment of: * Skins * Modules * Libraries * Language packs * Imporiting sites from remote templates * Pages on current portal or any portal. * Adding modules to pages. * Changing module details on a page (e.g. Module Title). This was a crucial step for customers managing multiple portals and multiple installations of DNN. Every time a some user controls on a few modules were updated, deployment used to take about an entire night doing most of these steps manually on all portals and all servers. While now, this can be done in minutes. This can be done from: * Command line. A new tool was created called *dnncmd.exe* * TFS Build Agent. A set of custom TFS Build Agent activies were created in order to publish modules (or extensions) right after the DNN package is created on the TFS build agent. * From code. A library was created to allow DevOps applications to publish modules to a DNN site from their own code. On the DNN side, an extension (module) was create to expose a REST interface to accept commands and call DNN API within to process requests. This module was named *DNN Deployer*. This is a work in progress and there's a lot to do yet. I have been discussing with my clients and I proposed to them and they accepted to make it open source and donate it to you guys so that it might be included as part of the core in a future release. If you're interested in accepting the donation, I will be more than willing to send it to you. Although, I am not sure what is the correct way to go from that point on in terms of keep adding functionality to such module. Also, it might need to be adjusted to your code conventions too. I want to be able to be to continue updating the module. Thoughts?",100
-"DNN-6649","02/25/2015 15:38:00","ModuleRemoved in IModuleEventHandler is not raised when removing a module from a page","The IModuleEventHandler interface provides a mechanism to detect changes in modules and to execute code according to it. When a module is removed from a page (that is, a softdelete) the ModuleRemoved event is not raised. It could be useful to detect that situation to execute custom code.",2
-"DNN-6650","02/25/2015 16:12:50","Render HTML as a module control","h2. Card The DNN core platform uses modules as the primary mechanism for adding new functionality that includes both business logic and user interface elements. The current implementation is based on ASP.Net web forms and allows module developers to use web controls or server controls for rendering the UI. DNN should include the ability to define an html file as the view control and render that view as part of module rendering. HTML rendering should support the use of standard DNN tokens which effectively provides context information to the html. h2. Conversation h2. Confirmation ",2
-"DNN-6653","02/25/2015 17:25:25","Create custom JavaScript HTML tokens","h2. Card HTML does not have a mechanism for easily executing server side logic. As part of the SPA module support HTML modules will include support for using DNN tokens. The use of tokens provides the ability to link standard HTML to server side logic. HTML views need to be able to define the JavaScript which is needed to properly render the HTML. Two New standard tokens should be created which defines the JavaScript needed for a view. These tokens will use a new token pattern: [Token: {propertybag}] Token Type 1: [JavaScript : { url: http://jquery.com/blah }] [JavaScript : { url: http://jquery.com/blah, priority: 1 }] [JavaScript : { path: /jquery.js, priority: 1, provider: head }] These tokens will call the standard DnnJSInclude methods with the defined parameters. The propertybag is a standard JSON object and includes parameter names and values which are used to call the appropriate include methods. The order of properties in the propertybag is unimportant and should not impact the ability to bind to the appropriate JSInclude methods. Token Type 2: [JavaScript : { jsname: ""jquery"" }] [JavaScript : { jsname: ""jquery"", version: ""1.10.0"" }] [JavaScript : { jsname: ""jquery"", version: ""1.10.0"", specific: ""LatestMajor"" }] This token variation will load predefined JavaScript packages which have been installed as JavaScript extensions. This token should just be a call to the RequestRegistration call on the JavaScript class with the appropriate parameters. h2. Conversation The JavaScript token should be implemented as a standard DNN token which is usable by any module using the TokenReplace engine. This token should be disabled by default and a module must affirmatively indicate that this replacement should be enabled. h2. Confirmation ",2
-"DNN-6654","02/25/2015 17:52:20","Create custom CSS HTML tokens","h2. Card HTML does not have a mechanism for easily executing server side logic. As part of the SPA module support HTML modules will include support for using DNN tokens. The use of tokens provides the ability to link standard HTML to server side logic. HTML views need to be able to define the CSS which is needed to properly render the HTML. One New standard tokens should be created which defines the CSS vneeded for a view. These tokens will use a new token pattern: [Token: {propertybag}] Token Type 1: [CSS: { url: http://mysite.com/blah.css }] [CSS: { path: /blah.css, priority: 1 }] [CSS: { path: /blah.css, priority: 1, provider: head }] These tokens will call the standard DnnCSSInclude methods with the defined parameters. The propertybag is a standard JSON object and includes parameter names and values which are used to call the appropriate include methods. The order of properties in the propertybag is unimportant and should not impact the ability to bind to the appropriate CSSInclude methods. h2. Conversation The CSS token should be implemented as a standard DNN token which is usable by any module using the TokenReplace engine. h2. Confirmation ",2
-"DNN-6655","02/25/2015 18:07:52","HTML Module Conventions","h2. Card The HTML module type will allow the user to define JavaScript and CSS to include when rendering the HTML view. The rendering engine should support some standard conventions which eliminate the need for configuration for common use cases. An html view should automatically inject any css or js file which uses the same name as the html view file. For example an html file named myview.html would automatically inject a reference for myview.js and myview.css if defined. This is in addition to standard DNN conventions of including module.css, portal.css and default.css on every page. h2. Conversation h2. Confirmation ",2
-"DNN-6656","02/25/2015 18:11:10","Package HTML Modules","h2. Card SPA Modules should behave the same as any other DNN module when it comes to packaging. A SPA module should be installable using a standard DNN module manifest. Since SPA modules use an HTML file as the primary method for rendering content, the manifest should allow the module to define an HTML file to render for specific module controls. The DNN framework should use the defined html file to render the requested module control following the standard DNN convention. While an HTML module may define a number of module controls, it should also be able to programatically define a html file to use without using a predefined control. When installed, SPA modules should be installed in the DesktopModules folder using the same conventions as more traditional modules. h2. Conversation h2. Confirmation",2
-"DNN-6657","02/25/2015 18:55:53","SPIKE - Research ASP.Net Identity","h2. Card DNN currently uses a customized ASP.Net membership implementation to handle managing users and authentication. This forms the foundation of our security infrastructure. ASP.Net membership is a roles based security system and requires extra effort to enable the integration of claims based systems like OAuth In DNN next we will be using the ASP.Net Identity framework as the foundation of our application security. ASP.Net Identity is a more modern framework and provides improved extensibility and native support for both claims based and role based authorization. As part of our desire to implement OAuth and HMAC security for web services in DNN 7.5, we would like to determine the level of effort required to implement ASP.Net identity in the current system. As part of the spike, we would like to determine how invasive the change would be, and how it might impact an OAuth server implementation. h2. Conversation What is the expected output? Report documenting the findings. The recommended approach (using identity server etc.) h2. Confirmation ",8
-"DNN-6658","02/25/2015 18:59:32","SPIKE - Investigate HMAC based authorization for Web Services ","h2. Card As part of our move to more web service based development, we would like to open up the ability to call platform services from external systems in a secure manner. The simplest approach is to use an HMAC based signature which can be used for both HTTP and HTTPS connections. A custom authorization attribute should be created which implements the HMAC protocol for authorization. h2. Conversation We will not consider using the same API for both internal and external access. h2. Confirmation ",3
-"DNN-6701","03/04/2015 14:41:08","SI: Child Portal Folder get created even after an exception is thrown by Portal Creation Wizard","*Description:* The Bug is when created a new Child Portal using incorrect Template. For this test I am using a Template created in DNN version 7*. I have attached the template used to test this behavior _Screen cast link: [http://screencast.com/t/MIF01biFuY]_ *Steps to Replicate:* # Copy the Template files Portal/_default directory # Go To Host > Site Management # Created a new Child Portal using the provided template # Once you see the error by Portal Creation Wizard, Select the Default Template and try again *Expected Behavior:* - No folder would be created with the site name and user could recreate the portal using correct or Default Template. *Actual Behavior:* - The portal creation process still ends up creating the Child Portal Folder in the Site Root even though an exception has occurred and therefore does not allow creation of the portal again using the same Alias and Site Name. _This does not occur when creating Parent Portals._ _*Temporary Workaround*_ _Delete the child portal folder created in the Site Root files and try creating the child portal again._",2
-"DNN-6691","03/05/2015 17:38:05","EVOQCONTENT - System Tabs Should NOT be displayed in Admin - Page Management","System tabs should not be seen in Admin > Page Management Pre-condition: Create at least 1 System Tab. i.e. a page template Steps: - Log in as Admin, goto Admin - Page Management You won't see the newly page - Log in as Host, goto Admin - Page Management The newly page is there. Expected: - No users should ever see any System Tab from this screen. ",2
-"DNN-6694","03/06/2015 18:10:05","Wrong version Number for Extensions covered in Core Language Packs","*Short Version to reproduce:* 1. install DNN 7.4.0 in German or Spanish 2. check Host Extensions, (hide section ""Modules"" and) expand section ""Extension Language Packs"" Expected: All Language Packs for Core Modules state version 7.4.0 Actually: All Language Packs for Core Modules state version 7.3.4 ------ *Original Steps to reproduce:* Install Platform 7.3.4 as FQDN site w/remote SQL database Log in as HOST Add Aura Theme package Set Aura as the Theme across the application Add Member Directory to a page Add Rev-Index to a page Upgrade this site to Platform 7.4.1 latest build Log in as HOST Go Host > Extensions Click on the ""Available Extensions"" tab Expand ""Languages"" Deploy 7.4.0 German language Go Host > Host Settings > Other Settings Enable Languages - tick the check box for ""Allow Content Localization?"" Click the blue Update button at bottom left of the page Go Admin > Languages Enable German (Version 7.4.0) Click the blue button at top right of the localization grid to set localization Go Host > Extensions Scroll down the page and expand ""Extension Language Packs"" Actual Result: There are multiple entries here seems like 1 for each major module? They all show as 7.3.4 version? DDR Menu Device Preview Management Digital Asset Management Client Capability Provider HTML Journal Member Directory Message Center RadEditor Manager Razor Host Site Redirection management Social Groups Taxonomy Manager URL Management Expected Result: 1 Entry for de-DE (German) version 7.4.0)",1
-"DNN-6699","03/09/2015 12:32:16","Upgrade DNN to .Net 4.5","h2. Card DNN currently requires .Net 4.0 and above in order to operate. In 2012, Microsoft released .Net 4.5 which included many new features including support for asynchronous task based development. New frameworks like Web API 2 and MVC 5 require .Net 4.5 support. Subsequent to .Net 4.5, Microsoft has released two minor in-place updates incorporating performance improvements and bug fixes. DNN libraries and modules should be updated to compile using .Net 4.5 and should run without issue on .Net 4.5.1 and .Net 4.5.2. h2. Conversation h2. Confirmation ",3
-"DNN-6700","03/09/2015 12:48:10","Upgrade Web Service Framework to support WebAPI 2.0","h2. Card DNN currently uses WebAPI 1.0 as part of the Web Services Framework. In order to provide secure web services for external applications and websites, DNN will require CORS support which was added to WebAPI as part of the WebAPI 2.0 release. The DNN Web Services framework should be upgraded to use WebAPI 2.0. h2. Conversation h2. Confirmation ",3
-"DNN-6708","03/10/2015 16:45:52","Incorrect error message on password reset when CreatedOnDate is Null","When I set the UpdatePassword to have users reset their password on their next login they cannot supply a working password no matter how complex the password they enter. Your new password was not accepted for security reasons. Please make sure to choose a password which does not match a previously used password and which is long and complex enough to meet the sites password complexity requirements. The users were loaded external to the DNN user management system and our script had left the CreatedOnDate column with no value. Adding a valid date to this column results in the expected and successful password reset. ",0
-"DNN-6712","03/11/2015 12:15:06","Create Developer Documentation for MVC modules ","h2. Card The MVC module type is a significant enhancement to the DNN Platform and provides developers with new options for creating modules. A critical piece of any developer feature is ensuring that the feature is well documented so that developers can understand how to use the feature. A Module document should be created which explains how to create an MVC module. At a minimum the document should cover the following topics: * MVC Module Packaging * MVC Controllers and Actions * MVC Views * Creating Module Action menus for an MVC action * HTML, URL and AJAX helpers h2. Conversation h2. Confirmation ",5
-"DNN-6713","03/11/2015 12:24:51","Create Custom Module Action HTML tokens","h2. Card HTML does not have a mechanism for easily executing server side logic. As part of the SPA module support HTML modules will include support for using DNN tokens. The use of tokens provides the ability to link standard HTML to server side logic. HTML views need to be able to define the Module Action menu items associated with a specific view. The tokens for Module Action menus should mirror the capabilities and functionality provided by the Attributes created for MVC modules to perform this same functionality. These tokens will use a new token pattern: [Token: {propertybag}] Token Type 1: [JavaScript : { url: http://jquery.com/blah }] [JavaScript : { url: http://jquery.com/blah, priority: 1 }] [JavaScript : { path: /jquery.js, priority: 1, provider: head }] These tokens will call the standard DnnJSInclude methods with the defined parameters. The propertybag is a standard JSON object and includes parameter names and values which are used to call the appropriate include methods. The order of properties in the propertybag is unimportant and should not impact the ability to bind to the appropriate JSInclude methods. Token Type 2: [JavaScript : { jsname: ""jquery"" }] [JavaScript : { jsname: ""jquery"", version: ""1.10.0"" }] [JavaScript : { jsname: ""jquery"", version: ""1.10.0"", specific: ""LatestMajor"" }] This token variation will load predefined JavaScript packages which have been installed as JavaScript extensions. This token should just be a call to the RequestRegistration call on the JavaScript class with the appropriate parameters. h2. Conversation The JavaScript token should be implemented as a standard DNN token which is usable by any module using the TokenReplace engine. This token should be disabled by default and a module must affirmatively indicate that this replacement should be enabled. h2. Confirmation ",2
-"DNN-6715","03/11/2015 16:10:58","Add Support for Ajax Helpers","In the same way as we have implemented support for Html Helpers we need to support Ajax Helpers for MVC Views. We will need to create a DnnAjaxHelper class with an AjaxHelper property, and we should implement methods that we can support. ",8
-"DNN-6716","03/11/2015 16:13:06","Add support for Url Helpers","In the same way as we support Html Helpers we should add support for Url Helpers.",2
-"DNN-6717","03/11/2015 16:17:41","Create DnnAuthorize ActionFilters","We should provide DnnAuthorize/DnnModuleAuthorize attributes to allow developers to secure their action methods using the same approach as is used in the Service Framework.",2
-"DNN-6718","03/11/2015 16:19:45","Create custom Dnn HandleError Attribute","Dnn has standard exception logging - so we should provide a custom DNN HandleError Attribute which will handle any error and log the ""DNN way"".",2
-"DNN-6719","03/11/2015 16:21:18","Blocked - Create HMAC Authentication Attribute","h2. Card As part of our move to more web service based development, we would like to open up the ability to call platform services from external systems in a secure manner. The simplest approach is to use an HMAC based signature which can be used for both HTTP and HTTPS connections. A custom authorization attribute should be created which implements the HMAC protocol for authorization. h2. Conversation We will not consider using the same API for both internal and external access. This story should assume that a user has an associated AppId and App Secret. How those values are managed is outside the scope of this story. h2. Confirmation ",2
-"DNN-6720","03/11/2015 16:40:10","BLOCKED - Allow user to create AppID/App Secret","h2. Card As a user, I should be able to get an AppId for a specific portal that can be used with an HMAC based web service. As part of getting the AppID I should be able to define the corresponding App Secret. h2. Conversation The AppId will be automatically generated for the user and will be based on the specific Portal GUID. A user would need to get a different AppId/App Secret for every portal they wish to access. A Super User would get an AppID and App Secret which is based on the Host GUID and which would allow access to all services for all portals. h2. Confirmation ",3
-"DNN-6724","03/12/2015 13:44:15","SiteMap displays hidden pages? ","When I generate a sitemap using the SiteMap.aspx, it includes all hidden files such as Activity Feed, Search Results, 404 Error Page. When I go to the Search Engine Sitemap Settings, the box for ""Include Hidden Pages?"" is unchecked. So, why are these pages being included? Next to the checkbox for ""Include Hidden Pages?"" is a information button (help). That help statement says, ""When checked hidden pages (not visible in the menu) will also be included in the Sitemap. The default is not to include hidden pages."" So, either DNN should not include these pages in the Sitemap, or this help statement needs to be changed. ",2
-"DNN-6729","03/13/2015 18:03:14","Clean up Helpers","We need to cleanup the constructors of the DnnHtmlHelpers. Also there is no need for a generic version of DnnHelper.",1
-"DNN-6737","03/14/2015 13:29:28","SSLOffloading","I'm using SSL Ofloading in a reverse proxy scenario using DNN 7.4.0 on Azure: I manually created the SSL Offload host setting: host setting key: ""SSLOffloadHeader"" host setting value: ""X-FORWARDED-FOR"" I verified that the ""X-FORWARDED-FOR"" header is not empty in the requests received by dnn I'm getting the bugs below: * urls outputed by dnn ddrmenu (and navigateurl etc) are outputted as http:// instead of https:// * I cannot access module settings etc, all popups are blank (DNN-5103 & DNN-5176) * Pages marked as secure are not forced to https:// when accessed over http://",2
-"DNN-6772","03/19/2015 00:11:37","EVOQCONTENT > Workflow Notifications: Disable Toast by default","When content changes states, notifications are fired off. This is appropriate but we should not be toasting this. The action item here is to disable the toasting of workflow notifications. ",2
-"DNN-6754","03/19/2015 16:08:31","verify that attribute routing works","we need to verify that attribute routing (introduced in WebAPI 2.0) works as expected, and if not make it work",2
-"DNN-6810","03/20/2015 18:08:27","Error message cutting off in DAM","Look in the screenshot, the error message is cut off. User will not know what the error is.",1
-"DNN-6761","03/21/2015 10:04:15","Icon not reset in Admin - Page management","Icon file in Admin - Page management is not updated when selecting different pages. This causes errors on updates. How to reproduce: - DNN default installation - Go to Admin - Page management - Pick any page and assign an icon file to it - Update the page - select a different page, change the page name and click update Expected behaviour - the first page should have a icon assigned - the second page should have a new name assigned but no icon Final result - both pages have the icon The problem is that whenever an icon is assigned on the icon control it will not be reseted to a new value when a different page is selected.",3
-"DNN-6766","03/23/2015 15:36:12","SI: Journal module cannot post more than 2000 characters","Currently when members post comments into a social group using the Journal module, if the post is over 2000 characters the post is just blank even though the character limit is set to unlimited. Expected Result: the Journal module should allow a post with an unlimited amount of characters Actual Result: the Journal module post is blank if its more than 2000 characters *Note*: it requires changes in Platform",2
-"DNN-6782","03/26/2015 15:48:52","Allow developer to manage ContentTypes","h2. Card As a developer, I want to call an API to allow me to Create, Read, Update or Delete ContentTypes. ContentTypes which are created and managed by the DCC should be differentiated from ContentTypes which were created outside of the DCC. A contenttype is just a collection of contentfields. It does not define anything related to how the content might be presented or where content might be stored. It is purely a container. h2. Conversation It is important for the DCC to not get confused by existing ContentTypes which may not conform to the new DCC system. Are contenttypes defined for a portal or a host? h2. Confirmation ContentTypes are defined per portal.",3
-"DNN-6783","03/26/2015 15:55:59","Allow developers to manage DCC DataTypes","h2. Card As a developer, I want to be able to create, read, update and delete DataTypes to be used with DCC ContentTypes. These DataTypes should not define any presentation logic and instead should strictly identify the type of content to be stored in a single field. h2. Conversation A DataType cannot be deleted if it is used in any existing ContentType. Attempting to call a method which deletes the DataType should result in an error. -A DataType should raise a warning if you attempt to alter the datatype where data has already been stored using the datatype (e.g. A contentitem has been created that includes the datatype).- h2. Confirmation A DataType should raise an error if you attempt to alter the datatype where data has already been stored. The API should include a flag which allows you to force the datatype change. ",2
-"DNN-6784","03/26/2015 16:04:29","Allow developers to manage ContentFields","h2. Card As a developer, I want to call an API to create, read, update or delete ContentFields associated with a specific ContentType. Each ContentField should include the ability to store a label, a fieldname, a description, and a datatype. Each ContentField should include the ability to optionally define one or more validation rules for the content stored in the field. The validation rules should include the ability to specify: required fields, field size (string length), field range (date range, time range or numeric range), or a regex. Validation rules should be extensible so that additional validation rules could be ""registered"" with the system. h2. Conversation For this release, we do not have to implement any mechanism for managing the registration of validation rules. Manual entries in the database is sufficient for ""registration"". h2. Confirmation ",5
-"DNN-6785","03/26/2015 16:06:45","Define standard DataTypes","h2. Card As a developer, I would like to have access to a set of common datatypes with a new DNN installation. Common DataTypes should include: * Number * Text * Date * Time * DateTime * Boolean * Image * File * Page * Url * RichText * Markdown h2. Conversation We may not need RichText or Markdown. We also might not want to breakdown the datetime. h2. Confirmation These types cannot be deleted or updated.",2
-"DNN-6786","03/26/2015 16:19:27","Define standard ContentType","h2. Card As a developer, I want to have access to some standard ContentTypes which are installed as part of a standard installation. Standard ContentTypes should include: * HTML * Markdown * Employee * Product The Employee ContentType should include the following ContentFields * First Name (text - 50 chars, required) * Last Name (text - 50 chars, required) * Title (text - 50 chars) * Picture (image) The Product ContentType should include the following ContentFields * Name (text - 100 chars, required) * Description (text - required) * Price (currency) * Picture (image) h2. Conversation h2. Confirmation ",2
-"DNN-6787","03/26/2015 16:27:34","Manage DCC ContentItem","h2. Card As a developer, I want to call an API to create, read, update and delete content which is of a specific contenttype. I should be able to create an individual content item or multiple content items (a list of content items) associated with a specific module instance. If multiple content items are associated with a specific module, then I should be able to specify an order for the items and to retrieve a subset of items based on a page number and page size. h2. Conversation Using a hidden ""order"" field is sufficient to deal with the ordering requirement. There is no requirement to be able to order records based on arbitrary fields. Content should be stored as a serialized JSON object in the content item store. h2. Confirmation ",5
-"DNN-6788","03/26/2015 16:30:13","Search for Content","h2. Card As a developer, I want the content I create using the DCC API to get automatically indexed for later searching. The indexer should only index the actual field values and should not pick up any of the field names. Given values are all stored in Json format, it is not easy to sort / filter / paginate through database calls. For example, we have a content type: Employee and we want to sort on First Name. The current APIs won't be able to do that as values are stored in Json. We are going to use Search APIs to perform sort / filter / pagination based on data in Lucene. This requires that we provide the correct names for the various fields in Search. h2. Conversation h2. Confirmation ",5
-"DNN-6789","03/26/2015 16:54:05","Manage Content Templates","h2. Card As a developer, I want to be able to create, read, update and delete content templates. A template should be associated with a given content type. The template itself should be stored as a file in the portal or host content file stores. h2. Conversation h2. Confirmation ",3
-"DNN-6792","03/26/2015 17:01:06","BLOCKED - Implement OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Grant flow","h2. Card As a developer, I want to be able to Authorize against DNN using the OAuth Authorization Code Grant flow. h2. Conversation h2. Confirmation ",5
-"DNN-6795","03/26/2015 18:48:37","SI: Issues with uploading images to Journal Module ","*Description:* When user upload images using the journal module that have *brackets*, or *extension .Jpg/.JPG* the images don't display properly in the module. *Screencast Link* : [http://screencast.com/t/StZP6VubRZCC] *Steps to Replicate:* # Go to the page with Journal Module # Upload an image with either ""brackets"" in the name or the image with capital extension such as "".Jpg or .JPG"" # Once the upload is complete click share. *Expected Result* * The upload image actually gets displayed in the Journal Module entries *Actual Result* * Images with capital *.Jpg or .JPG* extension are displayed as files and are not actually displayed similar to regular images. * Images with brackets in the name are displayed as broken images. ",2
-"DNN-6800","03/27/2015 11:53:17","Can not delete portal (daughter)","Can not delete daughter portal. Returns error: {noformat} Fout: Site Management is op dit moment niet beschikbaar. DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.ModuleLoadException: Invalid object name 'dbo.Workflows'. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Invalid object name 'dbo.Workflows'. at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean callerHasConnectionLock, Boolean asyncClose) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.TryRun(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean& dataReady) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.FinishExecuteReader(SqlDataReader ds, RunBehavior runBehavior, String resetOptionsString) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReaderTds(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, Boolean async, Int32 timeout, Task& task, Boolean asyncWrite, SqlDataReader ds) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method, TaskCompletionSource`1 completion, Int32 timeout, Task& task, Boolean asyncWrite) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery(TaskCompletionSource`1 completion, String methodName, Boolean sendToPipe, Int32 timeout, Boolean asyncWrite) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() at PetaPoco.Database.Execute(String sql, Object[] args) at DotNetNuke.Data.PetaPoco.PetaPocoHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(String connectionString, CommandType type, Int32 timeout, String sql, Object[] args) at DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider.ExecuteNonQuery(String procedureName, Object[] commandParameters) at DotNetNuke.Data.DataProvider.DeletePortalInfo(Int32 PortalId) at DotNetNuke.Entities.Portals.PortalController.DeletePortalInternal(Int32 portalId) at DotNetNuke.Entities.Portals.PortalController.DeletePortal(PortalInfo portal, String serverPath) at DotNetNuke.Modules.Admin.Portals.Portals.OnGridDeleteCommand(Object source, GridCommandEventArgs e) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- {noformat} The stored procedure DeletePortalInfo contains the following line: {code:java} // Some comments here DELETE FROM dbo.[Workflows] WHERE PortalId = @PortalID -- Delete workflows for this site {code} But there is no table Workflows. Only Workflow and WorkflowStates. I suspect that this need to be Workflow. I also refer to this thread. [link title|http://www.dnnsoftware.com/answers/issue-deleting-a-portal-from-systemget-the-following-error] ",2
-"DNN-6801","03/27/2015 13:07:36","Portal skins still having issues since adjusting to 0-System fodler","Someone needs take a close look to all routines involved with Skins/Themes. I keep having issues with it since they moved portal themes to the ""-system"" folders. There are currently 2 problems. 1. When installing a skin in the portal both using admin extensions or through site settings ""upload Theme"" it gets installed in the ""0-System"" folder which is good from my understanding. But when you go to admin>Themes the skin is not present in the list. It is missing. When I copy paste the skins and containers folders from ""0-System"" to the ""0"" I can select the skin in admin>Themes. It looks like someone forgot to change Admin-Themes the location to find skins in ""0-System"" rather than the ""0"" folder. 2. When deleting the skin using Host> Extensions>Themes (thats the only way it can be done afaik) and selecting ""Delete files"", the files are not deleted from the folders. They remain 0-system"" folders (and also the folders I copied to ""0"". I just tested this on a brand new 7.4.0 install ",3
-"DNN-6809","03/27/2015 22:29:45","SI: clicking follow back twice produces error message","steps to reproduce: 1) login as user 1 and click follow twice (so two messages are sent, follow -> unfollow, follow -> unfollow. 2) login as user 2 and click follow back on the first message 3) click follow back on the second message Expected Result: message should say ""You are already following this person"". Actual Result: message says an error has occurred. ",2
-"DNN-6814","03/30/2015 17:29:34","Edit profile link should bring user to Manage Profile tab","The control UserAndLogin.ascx in admin/skins defines a menu that shows several options of the current site user: view profile, view notifications, edit account, etc. There is also an option to edit profile that brings the user to edit his/her profile, but the initial selected tab is the Communications tab. Instead of this one, the initial selected tab should be the Manage Profile tab. It contains a set of profile settings that are updated much more frequently by the user.",1
-"DNN-6819","03/31/2015 13:45:49","CLONE - Roles Effective Date and Expire Date broken","Brief Description of Issue: User can still see a page with role access only, even though the role has expired for that user. It seems that the role management is not working correctly in DNN6. Clear Steps to Reproduce: 1) Create a new role. 2) Set a user to that new role with Effective date and Expire date, that is set before todays date. 3) Set a page to be visible for that role. 4) Login as the new user, and see if the page is visible or not. Actual Result: When I test it, the page is visible for that user even though the role has expired. Expected Result: As in previous versions of DNN, such as DNN5, I expect that the role only works for that user in the date interval set in ""Effective date"" and ""Expire date"".",2
-"DNN-6824","03/31/2015 23:56:57","Serialization error upon entering text in Country field ","# Install platform with dummy serialization caching provider (https://dnndummycaching.codeplex.com/) # Create a new regular user # Edit Profile # Enter a value for country #* (x) An error is thrown #* !serializationerror.png! #* Expected: Upon entering text, error should not be thrown and a list of autocomplete entries should be displayed that match the entered text. #* (i) This error only occurs in Platform. Evoq products do not have this issue.",2
-"DNN-6826","04/01/2015 02:57:01","Update keep in query string regex for Google campaign tracking","This change is to add to the standard regex for the 'Keep in Query Path' string. It is common for DNN sites to use Google campaign tracking using 'utm' parameters - these must be kept in the query string or they are not effective. Many people have to modify the standard setting in accordance with the instructions at http://www.dnnsoftware.com/wiki/page/keeping-querystring-items-out-of-url +Requirements+ * Change the default keep in query string settings in the FriendlyUrlSettings class to use the following value: {code} /nomo/\d+|/runningDefault/[^/]+|/popup/(?:true|false)|/(?:page|category|sort|tags)/[^/]+|tou/[^/]+|(/utm[^/]+/[^/]+)+ {code} * No changes need to be done for upgrade - if an existing install doesn't match the base then the existing install has a custom value which will remain overriding the default. If an existing install hasn't modified from default, the new default will apply. +Test Case+ * Create a new DNN Install * Request the home page of the install and request a URL, like this: example.com/?utm_source=test&utm_medium=web&utm_term=keep%20in%20qs&utm_content=test&utm_campaign=qs%20test +Expected Result+ * Url shows up as requested, no redirect is seen and all utm_ values remain in the query string.",3
-"DNN-6835","04/01/2015 21:35:17","URL Redirect - Page Naming Conflict if you have a single page assigned to multiple languages","Found while regressing DNN-56747 In 7.4.1 latest build clean install or upgrade Log in as Host Create at least 2 pages and put any old module on them Go Host > Extensions > Available Extensions Deploy at least 2 languages Go Host > Host Settings > Other Settings tick the check box for ""Allow Content Localization?"" Click the blue ""Update"" button at bottom right of the page Go Admin >Languages Enable the languages you have added Click ""Enable Localzation"" button at top right of the languages grid Tick the box to create localized versions of all pages run localization In Admin > Languages click the ""Content Localization"" tab Select a user created page In each of the new languages tick the box for ""Published"" Click ""Update"" @ bottom left of the page Now go to the user page you just published above Click one of the new language flags Hover over ""Edit Page"" Click ""Page Settings"" In the Page URL text box edit the URL so just the page name remains.. remove the Culture code ""-xx-xx"" from the end of the page URL - Click ""Update"" at bottom left of the ""Page Settings"" pop up Now check that your user created pages appear in each language Click back to the base language of the site Now go Admin > Page management Select the page you previously created and on which you edited the URL Move it under /Admin Now revisit the moved page in each language Actual Result: This page only renders correct in the language in which Host was set when the page was moved in Admin > Page Management The other copies/versions of this page will all throw a huge error in the UI: [ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - FriendlyMessage=""Error: is currently unavailable."" ctrl=""ASP.desktopmodules_admin_tabs_managetabs_ascx"" exc=""System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at ASP.desktopmodules_admin_languages_clcontrol_ascx.__DataBinding__control14(Object sender, EventArgs e) in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\Platform741239English\DesktopModules\Admin\Languages\CLControl.ascx:line 26 at System.Web.UI.Control.DataBind(Boolean raiseOnDataBinding) at System.Web.UI.Control.DataBindChildren() at System.Web.UI.Control.DataBind(Boolean raiseOnDataBinding) at System.Web.UI.WebControls.Repeater.CreateItem(Int32 itemIndex, ListItemType itemType, Boolean dataBind, Object dataItem) at System.Web.UI.WebControls.Repeater.CreateControlHierarchy(Boolean useDataSource) at System.Web.UI.WebControls.Repeater.OnDataBinding(EventArgs e) at DotNetNuke.Modules.Admin.Languages.CLControl.rDnnModules_ItemDataBound(Object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e) in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\Platform741239English\DesktopModules\Admin\Languages\CLControl.ascx.cs:line 695 at System.Web.UI.WebControls.Repeater.CreateItem(Int32 itemIndex, ListItemType itemType, Boolean dataBind, Object dataItem) at System.Web.UI.WebControls.Repeater.CreateControlHierarchy(Boolean useDataSource) at System.Web.UI.WebControls.Repeater.OnDataBinding(EventArgs e) at DotNetNuke.Modules.Admin.Languages.CLControl.BindAll(Int32 tabID) in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\Platform741239English\DesktopModules\Admin\Languages\CLControl.ascx.cs:line 382 at DotNetNuke.Modules.Admin.Tabs.ManageTabs.BindCLControl() at DotNetNuke.Modules.Admin.Tabs.ManageTabs.OnLoad(EventArgs e)"" This is because the pages in the additional languages are not moved and so there's an issue with the paths in the Tab table ",1
-"DNN-6836","04/01/2015 21:42:50","Skins and Modules installed from Admin Extensions should be available for the specific portal only","# Login as Admin # Go to Admin Extensions #* (/) The *Install Extension* button is not available. This is correct. # Login as Host # Create a Child Site # Go to *Host Extensions* in *Child Site* # Install a *Skin* and a *Module* #* (/) Under ""Site Management > Edit Site details"", skin is available for main site. #* (/) Under ""Site Management > Edit Site details"", skin is available for child site. #* (/) From main site, module is available from ""Add new module"" #* (/) From child site, module is available from ""Add new module"" # Go to *Admin Extensions* in *Child Site* # Install another *Skin* and another *Module* #* (x) Under ""Site Management > Edit Site details"", skin is available for main site. #** Expected: As the skin was installed from Admin > Extensions, not Host > Extensions, the skin should be available for the specific portal only (in this case the child site). #* (/) Under ""Site Management > Edit Site details"", skin is available for child site. #* (x) From main site, module is available from ""Add new module"" #** Expected: As the module was installed from Admin > Extensions, not Host > Extensions, the module should be available for the specific portal only (in this case the child site). #* (/) From child site, module is available from ""Add new module""",3
-"DNN-6857","04/11/2015 18:34:50","Wrong group title Localization in PropertyEditorControl","When you create new profile item, new string resource entries for new category of a new profile property is saved to Profile.ascx.resx with extension "".Header"" and prefix ""ProfileProperties_"" EditProfileDefinition.ascx.cs: UpdateResourceFileNode(portalResources, ""ProfileProperties_"" + PropertyDefinition.PropertyCategory + "".Header"", txtCategoryName.Text); But in PropertyEditorControl.CreateEditor it reads localized category name by just Category name: var link = new HyperLink() {Text = Localization.GetString(strGroup, LocalResourceFile), NavigateUrl = ""#""}; without prefix and extension it doesnt find anything and falls back to strGroup. In shared resources there are entries ""Category Name"".Text for default groups of default profile properties. I think it is an incorrect behaviour. ",2
-"DNN-6996","04/14/2015 21:15:05","EVOQCONTENT: Validation of viewstate MAC failed during loading pages after installation. ","This is might be a platform issue. Noticed with build with local installation. Right after installation, browse the the main page and login, I noticed following errors in log file: 2015-04-14 11:53:45,351 [DNN-PC107][Thread:17][FATAL] DotNetNuke.Framework.PageBase - An error has occurred while loading page. System.Web.HttpException (0x80004005): Validation of viewstate MAC failed. If this application is hosted by a Web Farm or cluster, ensure that configuration specifies the same validationKey and validation algorithm. AutoGenerate cannot be used in a cluster. See http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=314055 for more information. ---> System.Web.UI.ViewStateException: Invalid viewstate. Client IP: Port: 54119 Referer: http://ee810510.lvh.me/Login?returnurl=%252fDefault.aspx&popUp=true Path: /Default.aspx User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko ViewState: MuD+YjlUyKwPBYG1tblN0VSupP6iFffYlxZXtKSFwqNgLKcROombMp5fUM1o/NzNlBSkfzlxQ4UHq1aOBaIwvOO7AXRR54O4fMh3h8TUKoVhrtouRENkiczeF7zVeSUHPOfHh5suqIq9N7KxT7T6bCblnf4sBaPKjoJWWuNc1a+gO+3ncNl0SpFS1jIUUc5vprma5ZHA/gRfWHTrpT+ewDuZo4R/Su2GqYVBiuirx25HHOj1hgPhixW2+iWoRvJzwXpSWbSSt/KcZsov2YA0nS/vUPt/VJ2O45/V+rPXZcXAighmNZEgYz2H6DZLFQEZqmxxXIBT10vC1HRhwNmOt9cVRLzY9VANeh5fhQbPxUjPWXIP7oC2vBBfd00BCY9bwcIR2GaIArWfGeS3MYijI/aXd088gRvDVBwTXGgKeLjX3GMfnKENgnwKSxzLKDp24DqJKJoQogmj7CkXbCp0J45af3zpXK/cK5pnqg== at System.Web.UI.ViewStateException.ThrowMacValidationError(Exception inner, String persistedState) at System.Web.UI.ObjectStateFormatter.Deserialize(String inputString, Purpose purpose) at System.Web.UI.Util.DeserializeWithAssert(IStateFormatter2 formatter, String serializedState, Purpose purpose) at System.Web.UI.HiddenFieldPageStatePersister.Load() at System.Web.UI.Page.LoadPageStateFromPersistenceMedium() at System.Web.UI.Page.LoadAllState() at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) 2015-04-14 11:53:45,523 [DNN-PC107][Thread:17][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.PageLoadException: Validation of viewstate MAC failed. If this application is hosted by a Web Farm or cluster, ensure that configuration specifies the same validationKey and validation algorithm. AutoGenerate cannot be used in a cluster. See http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=314055 for more information. ---> System.Web.HttpException: Validation of viewstate MAC failed. If this application is hosted by a Web Farm or cluster, ensure that configuration specifies the same validationKey and validation algorithm. AutoGenerate cannot be used in a cluster. See http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=314055 for more information. ---> System.Web.UI.ViewStateException: Invalid viewstate. Client IP: Port: 54119 Referer: http://ee810510.lvh.me/Login?returnurl=%252fDefault.aspx&popUp=true Path: /Default.aspx User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko ViewState: MuD+YjlUyKwPBYG1tblN0VSupP6iFffYlxZXtKSFwqNgLKcROombMp5fUM1o/NzNlBSkfzlxQ4UHq1aOBaIwvOO7AXRR54O4fMh3h8TUKoVhrtouRENkiczeF7zVeSUHPOfHh5suqIq9N7KxT7T6bCblnf4sBaPKjoJWWuNc1a+gO+3ncNl0SpFS1jIUUc5vprma5ZHA/gRfWHTrpT+ewDuZo4R/Su2GqYVBiuirx25HHOj1hgPhixW2+iWoRvJzwXpSWbSSt/KcZsov2YA0nS/vUPt/VJ2O45/V+rPXZcXAighmNZEgYz2H6DZLFQEZqmxxXIBT10vC1HRhwNmOt9cVRLzY9VANeh5fhQbPxUjPWXIP7oC2vBBfd00BCY9bwcIR2GaIArWfGeS3MYijI/aXd088gRvDVBwTXGgKeLjX3GMfnKENgnwKSxzLKDp24DqJKJoQogmj7CkXbCp0J45af3zpXK/cK5pnqg== --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.Web.UI.ViewStateException.ThrowMacValidationError(Exception inner, String persistedState) at System.Web.UI.ObjectStateFormatter.Deserialize(String inputString, Purpose purpose) at System.Web.UI.Util.DeserializeWithAssert(IStateFormatter2 formatter, String serializedState, Purpose purpose) at System.Web.UI.HiddenFieldPageStatePersister.Load() at System.Web.UI.Page.LoadPageStateFromPersistenceMedium() at System.Web.UI.Page.LoadAllState() at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- ",2
-"DNN-6881","04/20/2015 21:10:03","SMTP Server config test email does not have 'DNN' in the email subject line if installed in fr-FR","Found while regressing DNN-6547 Install site using fr-FR language (both install language and installation UI language) Log in as HOST Go Host > Host Settings > Available Settings Expand SMTP Server Settings Setup SMTP Server Settings At bottom left of the page click the blue ""Update"" button After save operation is complete click the blue ""Test"" button Check the STMP Server Test email sent by the system Actual Result: Subject Line = ""******* Test de configuration SMTP"" Expected Result: Subject Line = ""DNN Corp Test de configuration SMTP I suspect the ******* asterisks in French SMTP Test Configuration emails have been in the Subject line for a long, long time. We should fix this though... it does not match all the other Subject Lines you see with all our shipped languages",2
-"DNN-6917","04/27/2015 22:51:50","Compose New Message button missing from Platform and Evoq products","# Install Platform 7.4.1 latest build # Go to Messages # (x) The *Compose New Message* button is missing (The screenshot below is from 7.4.0) !compose.png!",2
-"DNN-6918","04/28/2015 00:26:11","Password Resets - Edited value is not respected","Failed Test Case Test-333 *Password reset value for a 7.4.1 site (clean or upgraded) is not respected* Reconditions: - A user is created by admin/host in the system with a valid password of 'test1234' - SMTP is setup with Papercut to receive emails on port 25 Data: - none Run on a clean install and an upgraded site side by side step by step Steps: 1. As host go to Host Settings > Advanced Settings > Membership Management 2. Set Enable password history to be Checked 3. Set number of password to maintain to 5 and update 4. Create 1 new Registered User in both clean install and upgrade sites and use the Password 'smaller' 5. In a different browser browse to each site and click on login and then click on reset password 6. Enter the username and click on Send reset link 7. On Papercut intercept the email and extract the reset link 8. Browse to the link from the email and enter username set new and confirm password fields to 'Mypassword1' and confirm it and click to reset password 9. Repeat above changing password for each reset as follows a. Wonder01ful b. sarahjane1 c. MobyGrape$ d. sonyhack1 Expected Results: For clean install site tests: Step 6- Error displayed on page that either password is not confirmed or token is expired Step 8 - Password is changed successfully for Steps 8, 9A and 9B(3 password changes) Step 9 - Password is successfully changed without error in each password reset operation to the value set in Step 3. Actual results: Step 7 - Error displayed on page that either password is not confirmed or token is expired Step 8 - Password is changed successfully twice Step 8b - When I attempt the 3rd password reset I get an inline error message in the UI: Your new password was not accepted for security reasons. Please make sure to choose a password which does not match a previously used password and which is long and complex enough to meet the sites password complexity requirements. There are no other errors logged For upgraded site tests: Step 6 - Error displayed on page that either password is not confirmed or token is expired Step 8 - Password is changed successfully for Steps 8 and 9A; 9B; 9C; 9D Step 9 - Password is successfully changed. And you can reset the password as many additional times as you wish",2
-"DNN-6919","04/28/2015 03:14:50","Support multiple SqlDataProvider scripts for each release","DNN upgrades are based on a 3 part version number representing the platform, major and minor version numbers. Each version component uses a 2 digit integer with a leading zero for padding (e.g. 01.02.03). This version number uniquely identifies a release and is used as an identifier when creating database upgrade scripts. Every release may be composed of numerous builds, any one of which might include database changes. All database changes are included in a single script for any given version. This approach to versioning results in difficulty supporting upgrades from Betas to RCs to final release. Also, this script versioning scheme often results in merge conflicts as numerous developers need to edit a common script file. These merge conflicts complicate accepting community pull requests and in rolling back changes when necessary. h2. Card As a developer I want to create a uniquely named database script file for every Pull Request. The system should automatically apply scripts based on the version number and order number specified in the script name. Scripts should follow the following naming convention: {Version}.{Order}.sqldataprovider where the {Version} token uses the standard DNN version number and the {Order} token is a simple integer with no padding characters (e.g. h2. Conversation The system should assume that a script without the order token is applied before any scripts with an order number. It is the code committers responsibility to ensure that scripts are uniquely numbered when checking in scripts. h2. Confirmation ",3
-"DNN-6948","04/28/2015 19:32:49","SI: Sharepoint 2010 connector adding whitespace to folders","Description - When synchronizing a folder and files through Sharepoint, the folder will be created in DNN and file system with an added whitespace to the start of the folder name. Eg: "" test"" Steps to reproduce - 1. Go to Sharepoint admin panel > DotNetNuke connector > Add document synchronization. Set all shared documents to be synced. 2. Go to Share Documents list > Create new folder > upload new file. 3. Allow sharepoint to sync to DNN. 4. Go to DNN website > Admin > File Management Actual Results - Folder has whitespace added to front of folder name. Expected Results - Folder is named correctly, without added whitespace. Workaround - Rename folder.",2
-"DNN-6927","04/29/2015 16:29:37","Create Dynamic Content Administrator Module Shell","h2. Card As an administrator, I want to have a single module that allows me to manage and edit Dynamic Content Types and the associated data types, validators and templates. h2. Conversation The module should be built using the new SPA module type. This module will be a showcase for how to leverage the new SPA module type in DNN 8. This module could be added to any page but should have a page in the admin menu by default. Anyone with View permissions on the module should be able use the module. h2. Confirmation All buttons in the DCC should be rendered as links with appropriate styling to display them as buttons where desired.",3
-"DNN-6928","04/29/2015 16:30:24","View and Search Content Type list","h2. Card As an administrator, I want to be able to view a list of existing Content Types. I should also be able to search for Content Types based on the Type Name, Type Label or Description. The list should show me the content names, the date the type was created and whether the type is a system type. As I move my cursor over a row in the list, I should see icons for the item which allows me to edit or delete a given Content Type. Above the Content Type list, there should be a button for creating a new content type. The Content Type List should show a pager control if the list grows beyond 10 items. h2. Conversation h2. Confirmation ",3
-"DNN-6929","04/29/2015 16:31:15","Create a new Content Type","h2. Card As an administrator, I want to be able to create a new Content Type. A Content Type will consist of a Type Name, a Description and a boolean indicator whether the type is a system type. The editor for new Content Types should be displayed as a new “page” which animates into view from the left toolbar. Only Host users should be able to set the system type switch. All Content Types will default to being portal specific types for the portal in which they are created. The page title bar will include the general “Content Type” and an indicator that this is a new record. The far right of the bar will include a close button which takes the user back to the default Content Type list view. When the save button is clicked, the record is saved and the screen is “converted” to a Content Type edit screen: Content Type title displayed in the title bar, the delete button displayed and the content field list is displayed. When the cancel button is clicked, the data is discarded and the editor is hidden and the Content Type list view is displayed. h2. Conversation h2. Confirmation ",3
-"DNN-6930","04/29/2015 16:32:48","Edit a Content Type","h2. Card As an administrator, I want to be able to edit a Content Type. A Content Type will consist of a Type Name, a Description and a boolean indicator whether the type is a system type. The editor for new Content Types should be displayed as a new “page” which animates into view from the left toolbar. Only Host users should be able to set the system type switch. Once set to a system type and saved, you cannot revert a content type to a portal specific type. The page title bar will include the general “Content Type” and the name of the Content Type. The far right of the bar will include a close button which takes the user back to the default Content Type list view. When the save button is clicked, the record is saved and the screen is closed and the user is taken back to the default Content Type list view. When the cancel button is clicked, the data is discarded and the editor is closed and the Content Type list view is displayed. When the delete button is clicked, the content type and any associated content fields are deleted, the screen is closed, and the user is taken back to the default Content Type list view. The Content Type edit screen will include a Content Field list described in a separate story h2. Conversation h2. Confirmation ",2
-"DNN-6931","04/29/2015 16:33:33","Add a Content Field to a Content Type","h2. Card As an administrator, I want to be able to add a Content Field to a Content Type. A Field will consist of a Name, a Label, a Data Type, and a Description. The editor for new Content Types should be displayed as a new “page” which animates into view from the left toolbar. The Content Field title bar will appear below the Content Type title bar. When the save button is clicked, the field record is saved and the screen is “converted” to a Content Field edit screen: Content Field name displayed in the title bar, the delete button displayed and -the validator list is displayed-. When the cancel button is clicked, the data is discarded and the editor is closed and the Content Type Edit view for the parent Content Type is displayed. h2. Conversation h2. Confirmation We are going to hold off implementing validator functionality until more of the system is complete. When the save button is clicked, then you can return to the Content Type screen.",3
-"DNN-6932","04/29/2015 16:35:08","Edit a Content Field for a Content Type","h2. Card As an administrator, I want to be able to edit a Content Field to a Content Type. A Field will consist of a Name, a Label, a Data Type, and a Description. The editor for new Content Types should be displayed as a new “page” which animates into view from the left toolbar. The Content Field title bar will appear below the Content Type title bar. When the save button is clicked, the field record is saved, the editor is closed and the Content Type Edit view for the parent Content Type is displayed. When the cancel button is clicked, the data is discarded and the editor is closed and the Content Type Edit view for the parent Content Type is displayed. h2. Conversation h2. Confirmation We are going to hold off implementing validator functionality until more of the system is complete.",2
-"DNN-6935","04/29/2015 16:37:14","View and Search Data Type list","h2. Card As an administrator, I want to be able to view a list of existing Data Types. I should also be able to search for Data Types based on the Type Name. The list should show me the data type names, the date the type was created and whether the type is a system type. Above the Data Type list, there should be a button for creating a new Data Type. Clicking on a row in the list should expand the row to show the data type editor screen. The Data Type List should show a pager control if the list grows beyond 10 items. h2. Conversation h2. Confirmation ",5
-"DNN-6936","04/29/2015 16:37:49","Add a Data Type","h2. Card As an administrator, I want to be able to create a new Data Type. A Data Type will consist of a Type Name, a base type and boolean indicator whether the type is a system type. The editor for new Data Types should be displayed at the top of the data type list, just below the table header. Only Host users should be able to set the system type switch. All Data Types will default to being portal specific types for the portal in which they are created. The delete button should not be visible on the editor. When the save button is clicked, the record is saved, the editor is hidden and the list is updated to display the new Data Type. When the cancel button is clicked, the data is discarded and the editor is hidden. h2. Conversation h2. Confirmation ",3
-"DNN-6937","04/29/2015 16:37:58","Edit a Data Type","h2. Card As an administrator, I want to be able to edit a Data Type. A Data Type will consist of a Type Name, a base type and boolean indicator whether the type is a system type. The editor for the Data Types should be displayed just below the data type in the list. Only Host users should be able to set the system type switch. Once a type is marked as a system type (global) it cannot be reverted back to a non-system type (not-global). When the delete button is clicked, it will delete the type from the system, hide the editor and then update the data type list. When the save button is clicked, the record is saved, the editor is hidden and the list is updated to display the new Data Type. When the cancel button is clicked, the data is discarded and the editor is hidden. h2. Conversation h2. Confirmation ",3
-"DNN-6938","04/29/2015 16:38:54","View and Search Template list","h2. Card As an administrator, I want to be able to view a list of existing Content Templates. I should also be able to search for Templates based on the Template Name or Type Name. The list should show me the Template names, the template type, which content type the template is associated with and whether the template is a system template. As I move my cursor over a row in the list, I should see icons for the item which allows me to edit or delete a given Template. Above the Template list, there should be a button for creating a new Template. The Template List should show a pager control if the list grows beyond 10 items. All values should be displayed in the current language selected by the user. h2. Conversation h2. Confirmation",2
-"DNN-6940","04/29/2015 16:44:01","Edit a Template","Can't change the file name ",2
-"DNN-6942","04/29/2015 23:43:38","Move Dynamic Content API to a separate class library","This is an Engineering Task, to move the ""new"" Dynamic Content APIs to a new Class Library project, to separate it from the DotNetNuke.Library project. To support this we will also move the Dynamic Content Tests to a separate project as well.",2
-"DNN-6944","04/30/2015 14:56:14","SI: make Handle404OrException method more robust","a user has reported that when they have particular url's sent to their site, there is an exception in the Handle404OrException method and this is causing their site issues. We need to make this code more robust (try-catch-finally) to ensure that bad paths do not affefct site performance. Exception information: Exception type: NullReferenceException Exception message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at DotNetNuke.Entities.Urls.AdvancedUrlRewriter.Handle404OrException(FriendlyUrlSettings settings, HttpContext context, Exception ex, UrlAction result, Boolean transfer, Boolean showDebug) at DotNetNuke.Entities.Urls.AdvancedUrlRewriter.RewriteUrl(Object sender, EventArgs e) at System.Web.HttpApplication.SyncEventExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute() at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously) Reproduce Steps: 1. install platform package and login as host; 2. create a new page named ""errors"" and set visible to all users; 3. in site settings, define 404 error page and 500 error page to the new page. 4. open portal alias table in SSMS, edit the alias, set some chars to upper case. 5. try to visit the site with some invalid url to show 404 page. ",2
-"DNN-6946","04/30/2015 21:27:52"," SafeDirectoryCatalog takes a long time at DNN Startup","Because of quite recent changes I believe, DotNetNuke.ExtensionPoints.ExtensionPointManager's initialization at DNN startup creates an instance of DotNetNuke.ExtensionPoints.SafeDirectoryCatalog, which in turns triggers a complete Reflection analysis of all assemblies included in the bin folder, including fields and methods, which doubles our starting time in one of our instance. Is that complete analysis necessary that early? One reason for the initial trigger is to filter out assemblies that won't load properly as can be read in the class. Attached is a modification where a list of such faulty assemblies is computed to a file to avoid that check on each startup, but the catalog is further parsed when parts are later composed in the code, so the performance gain is only from not throwing unnecessary exceptions, which is negligible. However, it might be that similar fixes could save from a complete analysis on startup.",3
-"DNN-6953","05/01/2015 20:16:42","PreferredTimeZone of UserInfo must be cached for logged in user","The new Publisher module is calling {{LocalTime(post.CreatedOnDate)}} to show the creation time for logged in users according to their timezone preferences. This call in turn uses the {{PreferredTimeZone}} property of {{UserInfo}} class instance and along its call chain it calls the database everytime it is accessed. This creates a lot of DB calls. While profiling, I've found on a page with 20 published articles it was called 42 times. This is affecting Platform and all other products/modules performance under load whenever this property is used. This needs to be cached per user to enhance performance. Ash Prasad already showed this in one of the images he posted under issue CONTENT-4602 which showed it for 1 article. I found this is repeated per each extra article in the list-view page.",2
-"DNN-6956","05/04/2015 15:48:17","EVOQCONTENT - Add cache to the Workflow API","Currently Workflow API is not caching any information, so all the calls to this API imply to make a dababase query. Improve this API adding a cache mechanism to avoid non-needed extra queries.",3
-"DNN-6966","05/05/2015 18:13:06","SI: User Switcher causes the application pool to crash","*Bug Description:* Whenever the user switcher is used, and then you use the browser navagation to go back to the user switcher page (from the user that you have previously switched to) it gives an access denied message (as it should) and then you click [Logout], the site becomes non-responsive and the application crashes. Only way to bring the site back up is to recycle the application pool. *Screencast Link:* [http://screencast.com/t/Oog4tQRnt] *Steps to Replicate:* _Screencast video above goes through the steps described below._ # Log on to the site as Host # Use the Host > User Switcher to impersonate another user # Once you have logged into the site using the impersonated user (using User Switcher), click the browser BACK navigation button, # It attempts to take you to Host > User Switcher page and displays an access denied message. # Now from the access denied page, click the logout button *Expected Result:* You are successfully logged out of the account that you are impersonating. *Actual Results* The site becomes non-responsive and the you start receiving messages in regards to c3wp.exe has crashed. After receiving the message few times and clicking NO for debug, the application pool eventually stop and Service Unavailable message is displayed on the page. !service_unavailble_msg.png|thumbnail! *Note:* At this point you have no choice but to manually recycle the application pool, to bring the site back up. ",2
-"DNN-6974","05/05/2015 23:36:14","Create Child portal on Azurewebsite failed (UI response failed)","http://dnnnqbbf5.azurewebsites.net/ (host::dnnhost) But it works fine with local install. This site installed with Content Basic - Log in as Host - Goto Host > Site Management to create a new child portal - Provide a name, and leave all default values, Create Site Result: - First of all, it takes very long time for the creation. - After created, there is a pop-up window but without alert message, which also should provide a link allow user to browse to the new portal site. !screenshot-1.png|width=800! - Wait for a while, it will be re-directed to the child portal automatically, sometimes with error like: the resource you are looking for doesn't exist. (not happen always) ",2
-"DNN-6973","05/06/2015 19:42:25","EVOQCONTENT: Duplicated user cookie could cause log in ineffective","Noticed this on Social build, and assign this to Ash first to review. I saw this couple times with Host user and CM user account, looks like it could happen to any user. Here is some investigation Ben did and some findings from his updates, I copy/paste his email below for ppl to understand the problem. {quote}Hi Bing & Ash, The login cookie issue caused by and edge case and it’s not a real bug, the problem occur caused in that server, all child sites added into a site group but parent site not, so in this case: 1. When login from child site, cookies will save as local cookie and have expire date; 2. When login from parent site, cookies will save as session cookie. In this case, if you both open child site and parent site in different tabs in same browser, and when authentication timeout reached(in web.config, forms node, timeout default value is 60 minutes), membership will try to extend cookie, so that it will create duplicate cookie, you can verify with below steps: 1. Change web.config, set timeout to 3, so no need wait for a long time; 2. Open child site and login as host; 3. Open parent site in another tab in same browser, now it should also already login; 4. And wait for 5 minutes, then check cookies, you will see 2 cookies. so we need notice that when create site groups, we need avoid that cookie name may shares with sites which not in site group, and IMO no need code fix for this problem, the workaround is just close browser and open again. Thanks, Ben Zhong Senior Developer{quote} And generally when this happening, in Cookies list, you will see 2 "".DOTNETNUKE"" items, same cookies name, but different values. !screenshot-1.png|width=950! ",2
-"DNN-6970","05/07/2015 10:08:31","Module Online Help button should not visible if the module manifest does not specify a helpUrl","Module Online Help button should not visible if the module manifest does not specify a helpUrl. *Step to Reproduce* # Install a module that have the view module control with an empty tag # put the module on the page # enter in edit mode # expand the module actions and click on Help # check the content of the dialog *Actual Result* The dialog shows a ""Help Online"" button that does not work, when the user clicks on it nothing happens. !ViewOnlineHelp.png! *Expected Result* The system should not show this button and/or provide a message that online help is not available for this module",1
-"DNN-6971","05/07/2015 13:11:33","Search Content Items by Term in a single Portal","The ContentController class (in DotNetNuke.Entities.Content namespace) already has the method *GetContentItemsByTerm(string term)*. It allows to search for all the Content Items *in all the portals of the site* that have the specified term. In some scenarios, it could be useful to make a search for a term only for the Content Items of a single Portal. This issue is about creating a new method with the following signature: *GetContentItemsByTerm(string term, int portalId)* It will perform the same search as the other method but restricted to only the ContentItems of a Tab that belongs to the portal with the provided id.",2
-"DNN-6972","05/07/2015 15:59:34","Member Directory: Users cannot search by city or country even when visibility is set to All Users","# Install Member Directory module on a new page (allow all users to view page) # Create a few users on the website (about 5) # For a couple of users, set their city and country (in my profile) # As admin, set the visibility of city and country field to ""All Users"" (in Site Settings > User Account Settings > Profile Settings) # As host or admin, search for users by City (in Advanced search of member directory). Search works. # As host or admin, search for users by Country (in Advanced search of member directory). Search fails. # As regular user, search for users by City (in Advanced search of member directory). Search fails. # As regular user, search for users by Country (in Advanced search of member directory). Search fails.",5
-"DNN-6976","05/07/2015 21:53:14","EVOQCONTENT: Delete page in workflow should purge the notifications as well","Steps: - Create a page from a dup of ""News"" through PB > Manage > Pages > Duplicate page, but make sure the workflow set to ""Save Draft"" or ""Content Approval"" - After drag-n-drop new page in place, it gets into edit mode. - At this moment, both Publish, Discard and Save button is available. - Click on ""Discard"", which equal to delete the page. (or delete the page from PB) - Then check out notifications in Tasks area. Result: There will be a notification regarding the new page is in ""draft"" status and waiting submission or approval. Expected: When the page is discarded/deleted or the change is discarded, notifications should be purged as well. ",2
-"DNN-6977","05/08/2015 11:48:16","EVOQCONTENT - Add cache when generation the profile picture","Platform provides a way to get the URL of the profile picture: Globals.UserProfilePicRelativeUrl() This URL can be used in order to put this profile image when it's needed. However the service that manage this URL is not caching the access to the database, so everytime that this URL is used, a new query is done. A cache mechanism should be added in order to avoid unnecessary queries to database.",3
-"DNN-7623","05/13/2015 22:51:18","Page is still accessible even after passing page EndDate in Tabs table","Issue description: Page is still accessible even after passing page EndDate in Tabs table Steps: 1, Create a page and put it in site menu 2, In Tabs table, set Start and End dates for the page to be in past 3, Recycle app pool 4, Try to access the page Actual results: The page is accessible Expected results: Because it passes EndDate, the page should not be visible and 404 should show up.",2
-"DNN-6995","05/14/2015 00:08:48","EVOQSOCIAL: Email Delivery Schedule options do not work in My Profile","# As Host, set the smtp server on the site # As a Regular User #1, go to Edit Profile > Communitcations tab > Email Delivery Schedule. There are 2 dropdowns here: #* Notification Digest Frequency (Help text reads: How often you will receive emails informing you of site notifications.) #* Message Digest Frequency (Help text reads: How often you will receive emails informing you of messages from users on the site.) # Set both dropdowns to ""Instant"" and save # As another regular user, send a message to Regular User #1 # As another regular user, send a friend request to Regular User #1 # Login as Regular User #1 #* Check that 1 message was received (leave it unread) #* Check that 1 notification was received (leave it unread) # Wait a couple of minutes to receive emails #* (x) Emails for ""Notification"" and ""Message"" are never received. This is a bug. #* Expected: Since we requested *Instant* email for both notifications and messages, emails should have been received for both.",2
-"DNN-6994","05/14/2015 22:54:51","EVOQSOCIAL: Avatars in Notifications not displaying user's display name in the Tool tip","# Perform an action that would result in a Notifcation for a Moderator user (Admin, CM, Moderator): #* Send a friend request #* Report a user #* etc # As Admin, go to Notifications and hover the mouse cursor over the Avatar in the Notification #* (x) There is no Tool tip at all. This is incorrect #** Expected: The Tool tip should show the display name of the user whose avatar it is.",2
-"DNN-6997","05/15/2015 16:17:14","View the Content Field List","h2. Card As an administrator, I want to be able to view a list of existing Content Fields associated with a specific Content Type. The Field list should only be displayed when editing an existing Content Type. The list should show me the field names, the field label and the data type for the specific field. As I move my cursor over a row in the list, I should see icons for the item which allows me to edit, delete, or re-order a given Content field. Above the Field list, there should be a button for creating a new field. The Field list should show a pager control if the list grows beyond 10 items. Clicking the Add Field button should display the Add Field screen as described in that story. Clicking the Edit Field button should display the Edit Field screen as described in that story. Clicking the Delete Field button should delete the field record, and update the field list. See the re-order field story for appropriate behavior associated with the re-order button. h2. Conversation h2. Confirmation ",3
-"DNN-7502","05/15/2015 19:28:03","EVOQCONTENT - DAM: UNC folder provider - folder remains in DAM after it was deleted in the remote server","Steps: 1, Create a page, put in page menu, delete the default HTML module and add DAM module 2, Create UNC folder and upload a few files through OS Windows Explorer and set up appropriate permission 3, Add UNC folder provider in DAM 4, Create a UNC folder under DAM Root 5, Select the UNC folder, and click Sync this folder & subfolders 6, Delete a subfolder through OS Windows Explorer 7, select UNC parent folder and click Sync this folder & subfolder Expected result: Sub-folder and files under it are no longer visible in DAM Actual result: Sub-folder still exists on DAM even though it is deleted on remote server. Note: This problem I tested in 7.3.4 and it is not happening there. ",3
-"DNN-7003","05/18/2015 15:03:01","EVOQCONTENT - FileManager should not fire File Metadata events when file is still not added","Issue description: Cannot upload a file with same name into standard and secure folders when Versioning is enabled with Direct Publish workflow Steps: 1, As Host, create a page, put it in site menu, add DAM module to the page 2, Create a standard under Root 3, Upload a few files into the folder 6, Upload a files into the folder and select Replace Actual results: The FileManager fires the Metadata changed event before file content is added. That could be incoherent and external event handlers could run into problems Expected results: No error with file being replaced with the new uploaded",2
-"DNN-7006","05/19/2015 17:37:05","SI: Not allow regular uses to send messages to security roles or Groups","Regular users shouldn't be allowed to send mass messages to Security roles. This ability should only be limited to Administrators & Super Users. NOTE: Community Managers and Group Owners are handled via separate issues.",2
-"DNN-7014","05/20/2015 11:03:54","EVOQCONTENT - Recycle Bin > Restore Tab does not work","Recycle bin cannot longer restore pages. *Step to reproduce* # Log in as Host # Delete a Page # Go to Admin > Recycle Bin # Select the page and click on ""Restore Selected Page"" *Actual Result* * the button does not perform the restore operation http://screencast.com/t/dH1zFI2s *Expected Result* * Restore Selected Page button should restore the selected pages This issue seems to be introduced as part of the fix for: DNN-6734",2
-"DNN-7015","05/20/2015 11:07:30","EVOQCONTENT - Admin > Page Management doesn't work properly","Some operations have started to not work in the page management page for host users. *Error moving pages* Steps to Reproduces: # Create 5 pages named: 01, 02,... 05 # Move the page 03 inside of 02. Current result: Page 02 contains the pages 03 and 04. Expected restult: Page 02 only contains page 03. *Error deleting pages* After the previous steps were done: # Delete page 01. Current result: Pages 01, 02 and 02's children are deleted. Expected result: Only page 01 is deleted. You can see all these scenarios in the following screencast: http://screencast.com/t/bDoBL2JMXB I was investigating the problem, it seems that all the operations are done twice: - one for the selected page - one for the following page in the tree Reviewing the code the problem seems to be related to the function 'delayPostBack' that are executed and the end of the request and that implies a second execution of the function 'originalPostBack'. Since this operation is done based on the index of the tree, the second operation is done over the next item in the tree. {code:title=DesktopModules/Admin/Tabs/Tabs.ascx} window['__doPostBack'] = function (sender, args) { if (sender.indexOf('cmdUpdate') === -1) { postBackElement = sender; postBackArguments = args; } originalPostBack(sender, args); } ... var delayPostBack = function () { if (postBackElement && postBackArguments) { originalPostBack(postBackElement, postBackArguments); postBackElement = postBackArguments = null; } } ... Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance().add_endRequest(function () { if (!needReload && postBackElement && postBackArguments) { $('div.dnnFormMessage').remove(); delayPostBack(); {code} Finally, the problem seems to be related to this other issue DNN-6295.",2
-"DNN-7016","05/20/2015 12:09:17","EVOQCONTENT - Upgrade from 7.2.0 could throw a SQL error when PortalSettings have invalid values","When you upgrade from 7.2.0 or earlier you can run into a SQL Script error when 07.02.02.SqlDataProvider script is run. See the attached image The log shows the following error {code} 05/20/2015 09:46:43 [ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Upgrade.Upgrade System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'platform720.dnndev.me' to data type int. at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean callerHasConnectionLock, Boolean asyncClose) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.TryRun(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean& dataReady) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteNonQueryTds(String methodName, Boolean async, Int32 timeout, Boolean asyncWrite) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery(TaskCompletionSource`1 completion, String methodName, Boolean sendToPipe, Int32 timeout, Boolean asyncWrite) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() at DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider.ExecuteScriptInternal(String connectionString, String script) ClientConnectionId:1f4759c5-5bc1-4241-a050-f8239af301a9 --update the value from portal settings to portal localization table UPDATE dbo.PortalLocalization SET Custom404TabId = SettingValue FROM dbo.PortalLocalization pl INNER JOIN dbo.PortalSettings ps ON ps.PortalID = pl.PortalID AND ps.SettingName = 'AUM_ErrorPage404' {code} It seems that PortalSettings table could store invalid data -- not integer -- for 'AUM_ErrorPage404' setting +Steps+ Upgrade to a version upper to 7.2.2 using the method /install/Install.aspx?mode=upgrade +Expected+ No errors when upgrading the website ",2
-"DNN-7026","05/22/2015 14:46:28","DNN in Azure Fails on First Attempt","I have noticed behavior below on latest versions of DNN including latest CTP1 for DNN 8.0 (formerly 7.5): When installing dnn on a azure web site (targeting SQL Azure v11 or v12), after entering credentials and database configuration, and installation is in progress, it almost always fails at about 10-20 percent on so: !DotNetNuke Install Wizard Failed at DB 18 percent.png|thumbnail! When clicking retry, it continues and completes successfully (apparently): !DotNetNuke Install Wizard Completed at Retry.png|thumbnail! I said apparently because I have found cases on which the dnn site behaves in a strange way. It looks as though some type of db script would not run correctly in an Azure DB. I have just tried a new installation in order to prove this point and it happened to me again. Not sure what cause the failure as the log does not say much. I will provide further details as soon as I have them. ",1
-"DNN-7029","05/25/2015 18:45:00","SI: User registration fails because of non-existing culture value is passed","Customer has the following error when registering using Facebook in Arabic language. Facebook sends culture ar-AR to DNN registration dll which is not supported in c#. {code:xml} InnerException:Culture is not supported. Parameter name: name ar-AR is an invalid culture identifier. FileName: FileLineNumber:0 FileColumnNumber:0 Method:System.Globalization.CultureInfo..ctor StackTrace: Message: DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.ModuleLoadException: Culture is not supported. Parameter name: name ar-AR is an invalid culture identifier. ---> System.Globalization.CultureNotFoundException: Culture is not supported. Parameter name: name ar-AR is an invalid culture identifier. at System.Globalization.CultureInfo..ctor(String name, Boolean useUserOverride) at DotNetNuke.Services.Tokens.TokenReplace..ctor(Scope AccessLevel, String Language, PortalSettings PortalSettings, UserInfo User, Int32 ModuleID) at DotNetNuke.Services.Tokens.TokenReplace..ctor(Scope AccessLevel, String Language, PortalSettings PortalSettings, UserInfo User) at DotNetNuke.Services.Localization.Localization.GetSystemMessage(String strLanguage, PortalSettings portalSettings, String messageName, UserInfo userInfo, String resourceFile, ArrayList customArray, IDictionary customDictionary, String customCaption, Int32 accessingUserID) at DotNetNuke.Services.Mail.Mail.SendMail(UserInfo user, MessageType msgType, PortalSettings settings) at DotNetNuke.Entities.Modules.UserModuleBase.CompleteUserCreation(UserCreateStatus createStatus, UserInfo newUser, Boolean notify, Boolean register) at DotNetNuke.Modules.Admin.Users.Register.CreateUser() {code} ",2
-"DNN-7052","05/26/2015 16:14:49","EVOQSOCIAL: HTTP 403 Error when trying to Register as a new User and Cancelling","When a user tries to register as a new user in the site and cancels the process, he/she gets a HTTP 403 error code. *Steps to reproduce* - As an unregistered user, go to the Main Page - Click on the Login link located in the top right corner - In the modal popup, click on the Register button - Click on the Cancel button *Expected result* - The modal popup window is closed *Actual result* - The modal popup window remains opened and a HTTP 403 error message is shown. !403_error_cancel_register_engage.PNG!",2
-"DNN-7203","05/26/2015 16:29:21","EVOQCONTENT - ""Resource cannot be found"" error when trying to Register as a new User and Cancelling","When a user tries to register as a new user in the site and cancels the process, he/she gets a ""Resource cannot be found"" error message. *Steps to reproduce* - As an unregistered user, *go to the Default.aspx page* - Click on the Login link located in the top right corner - In the modal popup, click on the Register button - Click on the Cancel button *Expected result* - The modal popup window is closed *Actual result* - The modal popup window remains opened and ""Resource cannot be found"" error message is shown. !resource_not_found_cancel_registration_content.PNG!",2
-"DNN-7041","05/28/2015 09:02:41","EVOQCONTENT - File Uploader control is renaming files with special chars","File Uploader control is renaming files with a + char. This was introduced as a workaround for DNN-5917. The base problem is solved by DNN-7036, and this code can be reverted. *Steps* # Using DAM, upload a file with a + char in the name, for example. MyFile+.png ## Notice the UI shows that the Myfile+.jpg (with the original name) has been uploaded *Result* # The file has been renamed to MyFile_.jpg, without user intervention *Expected* # The file must not be renamed Note that a file with a + in the name is valid ",2
-"DNN-8396","05/28/2015 17:21:41","SI: Web Request Cache Provider","Client is seeing an error after upgrading to 7.4.0, see attachment for error. It occurs when installing skins from the /install/skin folder (via the install.aspx?mode=installresources). When the caching provider attempts to send a cache message to other servers it cannot locate itself so throws an exception. They have 4 server records in the WebServers table but we are not running in a WebFarm environment. The site is load balanced over 4 web servers in our test environment but the web farm is disabled. Even with a single entry in the WebServers table however, the problem still exists. Looking closely at Source Code, the real reason for the problem was discovered. The problem lies here - DNN Platform\Library\Common\Initialize.cs on method InitializeApp() When they deploy to their test environment, the first URL they call is /install/install.aspx?mode=installresources Because this is the first page to be executed, The InitializeApp method is called and the IsUpgradeOrInstallRequest method returns true. Crucially, because of this - the Globals.IISAppName is not set. When the install process then attempts to send a cache clear message, this line below in the WebRequestCachingProvider throws the exception as discussed. var thisServer = ServerController.GetServers().Single(s => s.ServerName == Globals.ServerName && s.IISAppName == Globals.IISAppName); They have made a change in our version of the initialize method to always set the Globals.IISAppName and this has resolved the issue for them. Their other environments work fine because they have health monitors making requests to the home page of servers every 10 seconds. The initialize method is then called which successfully sets the Globals.IISAppName ",1
-"DNN-7045","05/29/2015 11:17:44","EVOQCONTENT - Export File ContentType method/property from IFileManager to new IFileContentTypeManager","Export File ContentType method/property from IFileManager to new IFileContentTypeManager. The IFileManager interface expose the GetContentType method and ContentTypes property. This method/property could be used as well in classes like Folder Provider. Currently use that from the File Manager introduce a cyclical class dependency as the FileManager depends on the abstract FolderProvider class. A possible solution could be create a smaller interface in Platform called IFileContentTypeManager that expose the ContentTypes list and the GetContentType method. Then FileManager could use this class internally (maybe marked it as deprecated and point devs the new class). In this way we will apply the Interface Segregation and Single Responsibility principles and improve the dependency graph removing the cyclical dependency in Folder Providers. *Note for DEV*: mark the FileManager ""GetContentType"" method and ""ContentTypes"" property as deprecated in IFileManager should be confirmed with Joe or Charles first. *Note for QA*: this change should not impact any feature and is just some code architecture reorganization.",2
-"DNN-7051","06/02/2015 09:40:48","HTML-module does not save ICON when drag and drop in the settings of the module","It is not possible to set an icon in the HTML module when drag and drop instead of using the ""upload file"" button. The icon is set and uploaded but when you save the change, it removes the icon from the module. I does work when you use the ""Upload file"" button *Steps to reproduce* # Go to a HTML-module and go to the settings of this module. # in the pop-up, go to the tab ""Page settings"" # At the ""Icon"" input field, choose ""File"" # In the preview box that appears, drag and drop an image. You will see the image in the preview # Save the module # Go back to the settings of the module and to the tab ""Page settings"". You will see that the image had disappeared. *Expected result* When saving the module settings, the Icon is set and saved instead of lost",2
-"DNN-7059","06/03/2015 17:22:48","Country drop down - using Backspace creates a .JS error in dnn.CountriesRegion.js","In any 7.4.2 built web site log in as HOST Go Admin > Site Settings > User Account Settings Set the following: User Registration = Private Registration Form Type = Custom Registration Fields = FirstName, LastName, Street, City, Country, Email Display Name Format = FirstName, LastName Click the Blue ""Update"" button at bottom left of the page Hit the site in a different browser that has Dev Tools/Firebug running Click 'registration' at top right of the site Enter the data from above When you get to Country... enter 1/2 or so of any Country name then hit Backspace Actual Result: You'll see a .JS error appear as soon as you delete 1 character in the Country textbox SCRIPT5007: Unable to get property 'replace' of undefined or null reference dnn.CountriesRegions.js, line 80 character 2 Expected Result: No .JS errors ",2
-"DNN-7066","06/05/2015 11:54:36","EVOQCONTENT - Page Properties provoke an error on Edit Profile page","When Profile contains a property of type ""Page"" and a user wants to edit his profile or Host users wants to edit a User profie. They run into a page error and the profile is not able to be edited +Steps+ # As host, create a Profile Property of type ""Page"" # Create a registered user # Go to edit his profile You can see all steps in the following screencast: http://www.screencast.com/t/moOIRljDXVR +Result+ The Edit Profile page shows a red error like the following {code} Error: is currently unavailable. DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.ModuleLoadException: Could not load type 'Page:' from assembly 'DotNetNuke, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. ---> System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'Page:' from assembly 'DotNetNuke, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. at System.RuntimeTypeHandle.GetTypeByName(String name, Boolean throwOnError, Boolean ignoreCase, Boolean reflectionOnly, StackCrawlMarkHandle stackMark, IntPtr pPrivHostBinder, Boolean loadTypeFromPartialName, ObjectHandleOnStack type) at System.RuntimeTypeHandle.GetTypeByName(String name, Boolean throwOnError, Boolean ignoreCase, Boolean reflectionOnly, StackCrawlMark& stackMark, IntPtr pPrivHostBinder, Boolean loadTypeFromPartialName) at System.Type.GetType(String typeName, Boolean throwOnError, Boolean ignoreCase) at DotNetNuke.UI.WebControls.EditControlFactory.CreateEditControl(EditorInfo editorInfo) in c:\XS\Clients\dnnCorp\Projects\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\UI\WebControls\PropertyEditor\Edit Controls\EditControlFactory.cs:line 93 at DotNetNuke.UI.WebControls.FieldEditorControl.BuildEditor(EditorInfo editInfo) in c:\XS\Clients\dnnCorp\Projects\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\UI\WebControls\PropertyEditor\FieldEditorControl.cs:line 494 at DotNetNuke.UI.WebControls.FieldEditorControl.BuildDiv(EditorInfo editInfo) in c:\XS\Clients\dnnCorp\Projects\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\UI\WebControls\PropertyEditor\FieldEditorControl.cs:line 435 at DotNetNuke.UI.WebControls.FieldEditorControl.DataBind() in c:\XS\Clients\dnnCorp\Projects\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\UI\WebControls\PropertyEditor\FieldEditorControl.cs:line 965 at DotNetNuke.UI.WebControls.PropertyEditorControl.AddEditorRow(FieldEditorControl editor, WebControl container) in c:\XS\Clients\dnnCorp\Projects\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\UI\WebControls\PropertyEditor\PropertyEditorControl.cs:line 499 at DotNetNuke.UI.WebControls.PropertyEditorControl.AddEditorRow(WebControl container, String name, IEditorInfoAdapter adapter) in c:\XS\Clients\dnnCorp\Projects\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\UI\WebControls\PropertyEditor\PropertyEditorControl.cs:line 558 at DotNetNuke.UI.WebControls.PropertyEditorControl.CreateEditor() in c:\XS\Clients\dnnCorp\Projects\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\UI\WebControls\PropertyEditor\PropertyEditorControl.cs:line 775 at DotNetNuke.UI.WebControls.ProfileEditorControl.CreateEditor() in c:\XS\Clients\dnnCorp\Projects\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\UI\WebControls\PropertyEditor\ProfileEditorControl.cs:line 78 at DotNetNuke.UI.WebControls.PropertyEditorControl.DataBind() in c:\XS\Clients\dnnCorp\Projects\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\UI\WebControls\PropertyEditor\PropertyEditorControl.cs:line 1050 at DesktopModules.Admin.Security.DNNProfile.DataBind() at DotNetNuke.Modules.Admin.Users.ManageUsers.ShowPanel() at DotNetNuke.Modules.Admin.Users.ManageUsers.BindData() at DotNetNuke.Modules.Admin.Users.ManageUsers.OnLoad(EventArgs e) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- {code} +Expected+ No error page Profile should be editable",2
-"DNN-7071","06/05/2015 17:57:22","Password Reset - Utilize Same Token Until Expired","Currently, if an end user requests a password reset a token is generated and sent in an email. This is correct. However, if the same user click the button 2 times, 2 tokens are generated and they are sent 2 emails (each with different tokens). The second click will invalidate the first token and if the end user clicks on the link from the first email they are completely confused here. What needs to Change: - As long as a token is valid, that same token should be re-used and sent in the email -- So clicking 2x will result in the same email and same token, as long as the first one didn't expire - When a token is input that has expired, give the end user feedback that the token has expired and that they should request a new token ",3
-"DNN-7083","06/11/2015 00:06:58","Exceptions when save in Site Settings","related to DNN-6554? - Log in as Host, browse to Admin > Site Setting. - Simply click on ""Save"" button. Exception noticed in log file: 2015-06-10 16:05:17,973 [DNN-PC107][Thread:37][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at DotNetNuke.Web.UI.Utilities.ApplySkin(Control telerikControl, String fallBackEmbeddedSkinName, String controlName, String webControlSkinSubFolderName) 2015-06-10 16:05:18,061 [DNN-PC107][Thread:37][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at DotNetNuke.Web.UI.Utilities.ApplySkin(Control telerikControl, String fallBackEmbeddedSkinName, String controlName, String webControlSkinSubFolderName) 2015-06-10 16:05:18,068 [DNN-PC107][Thread:37][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at DotNetNuke.Web.UI.Utilities.ApplySkin(Control telerikControl, String fallBackEmbeddedSkinName, String controlName, String webControlSkinSubFolderName) 2015-06-10 16:05:18,072 [DNN-PC107][Thread:37][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at DotNetNuke.Web.UI.Utilities.ApplySkin(Control telerikControl, String fallBackEmbeddedSkinName, String controlName, String webControlSkinSubFolderName) 2015-06-10 16:05:18,124 [DNN-PC107][Thread:37][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - FriendlyMessage=""An error has occurred."" ctrl=""ASP.desktopmodules_ddrmenu_menu_ascx"" exc=""System.ApplicationException: Couldn't load menu style 'bootstrapNav': System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: path1 at System.IO.Path.Combine(String path1, String path2) at DotNetNuke.Web.DDRMenu.DNNCommon.PathResolver.Resolve(String path, RelativeTo[] roots) at DotNetNuke.Web.DDRMenu.MenuBase.Instantiate(String menuStyle) at DotNetNuke.Web.DDRMenu.MenuBase.Instantiate(String menuStyle) at DotNetNuke.Web.DDRMenu.SkinObject.OnPreRender(EventArgs e)"" 2015-06-10 16:05:18,130 [DNN-PC107][Thread:37][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at DotNetNuke.Web.UI.Utilities.ApplySkin(Control telerikControl, String fallBackEmbeddedSkinName, String controlName, String webControlSkinSubFolderName) ",2
-"DNN-7089","06/11/2015 00:25:13","SI: Follow Back link in notifications inbox","When a user gets followed by someone it sends them a notification with a ""follow back"" action link. However, if they go and follow that person by other means, then get confused and click the link in their notifications inbox it just says ""an error has occured, try again later"". The following error is logged: [ERROR] DotNetNuke.Web.InternalServices.RelationshipServiceController - DotNetNuke.Entities.Users.UserRelationshipExistsException: Relationship already exists for Initiating User '98' Target User '283' RelationshipID '2'. at DotNetNuke.Entities.Users.Social.RelationshipControllerImpl.InitiateUserRelationship(UserInfo initiatingUser, UserInfo targetUser, Relationship relationship) at DotNetNuke.Entities.Users.Social.Internal.FollowersControllerImpl.FollowUser(UserInfo initiatingUser, UserInfo targetUser) at DotNetNuke.Entities.Users.Social.Internal.FollowersControllerImpl.FollowUser(UserInfo targetUser) at DotNetNuke.Web.InternalServices.RelationshipServiceController.FollowBack(NotificationDTO postData) The link should be disabled, or a message like ""You are already following this user"" should be displayed.",1
-"DNN-7085","06/11/2015 12:19:24","EVOQCONTENT - Change visibility of Skin.Panes property from internal to public","The Panes property of the DNN Platform\Library\UI\Skins\Skin.cs class is today set as internal. {code} internal Dictionary Panes {code} With this task we want change the visibility of it as public. In 7.4.0 was added an InternalVisible attribute in the DotNetNuke.dll to an Evoq assembly to get access to the Panes property. {code} [assembly: InternalsVisibleTo(""Evoq.Content.Library"")] {code} This internalVisible should be removed in order to keep the right boundaries between the two platforms. ",2
-"DNN-7092","06/12/2015 10:32:51","Performance issue with CRM","Analysis the performance improve in CRM.",2
-"DNN-7095","06/12/2015 16:14:32","EVOQSOCIAL - PortalSettings incoherence after update in the same Request","With Platform 7.4.1 it was introduced a new caching layer in the PortalSettings. Now when we get the PortalSettings we follow this order: # Search at the HttpContext of the HttpRequest # Search at the DataCache # Search at the DataBase If the PortalSettings is retrieved in any of these steps we don't continue searching. However, when we update any PortalSetting and we explicitly clear the DataCache associated with that PortalSetting the previously existing PortalSettings in the HttpContext are not updated. This can cause incoherences within the same HttpRequest: a piece of code can update a portal setting with the option to clear the data cache and if afterwards it tries to get the stored value it would get the old value again. The fix should be the following: after updating a portal setting and clearing data cache the value in the HttpContext should be updated according to the new value.",2
-"DNN-7099","06/15/2015 03:37:47","EVOQCONTENT - Move modules doesn't work correctly when have deleted modules","Reproduce Steps: 1. install latest version and login as host; 2. create a new page and edit it; 3. there should have a default html module in content pane, try to add 4 more modules in the same pane, and edit content as ""module 1"", ""module 2""... in order. 4. delete ""module 1"". 5. try to move ""module 4"" under ""module 5"". Screencast: http://screencast.com/t/jZYX574UaDYU Expected Result: ""Module 4"" can move under ""Module 5"". Actually Result: you can see from the screencast that it always back to above of module 5.",2
-"DNN-7102","06/15/2015 16:56:10","Improve language pack translation process","The language pack translation process is proving to be time consuming and error prone, particularly since Evoq switched to using their own independent versioning numbers (as the localization editor uses the dotnetnuke.dll version). We need to improve this process to make it quicker, reduce the steps and improve quality",5
-"DNN-7103","06/15/2015 17:00:04","Ensure that translators provide valid countrylist resx files","In DNN 7.4.0 Peter Donker contributed code to ensure that country drop-downs have valid translations. This code checks for a valid countrylist file for the locale i.e. string.Format(""CountryList:{0}"", locale); will return countrylist.de-DE.resx for German etc. However translators have to remember to add these translations manually as there is no countrylist.resx file. In addition, DNN Corp has to manually copy these translation files into the relevant location. We should provide a stub of countrylist.resx to ensure translators provide the file, and to ensure it is copied across. Note; countrylist.resx will not be used as English translations come from the GeoIP.dat file",1
-"DNN-7104","06/15/2015 17:04:41","update platform to support an edition specific list of templates","At present in the translation process there is this manual step: Ad 7. Fix language packs for Platform (CE) In the language packs for Platform (Community), the resx file for the default portal template needs to be replaced by one that belongs to Platform. The file name is “\Portals\_default\ Default Website.template.[culture].resx” We should update the platform code to allow for templates to be included for all editions (evoq content/engage), and the drop-down will filter out templates i.e. platform will not show content/engage templates By doing this it makes it easier for translators to see changes in templates, and for DNN Corp to ensure that relevant templates are available. Note: another option is for DNN Corp to delete templates from edition specific packs Update: decision was made to include all the templates and then delete the unneeded ones when creating the language pack ",2
-"DNN-7106","06/15/2015 17:07:07","Fix language pack resource verifier so all extension types are exported","at present it appears that the language pack verifier function fails to include certain extension types such as ""library"" and ""evoqconnector"". This function needs to be fixed",2
-"DNN-7108","06/15/2015 19:50:19","DNNScheduler.CanRunOnThisServer() returns true if this server's name is a substring of a server's name the scheduler should run on","I will create a pull request that fixes DotNetNuke.Services.Scheduling.DNNScheduler.CanRunOnThisServer()",2
-"DNN-10682","06/16/2015 22:22:29","PB Assets : Uploading to subfolder of User Profile folder in Assets loads to parent folder","*test Case* * Log in as Content Manager * Open Assets * Locate the user profile folder of the Content Manger (users/n/x/y) * Create a new folder called 'Temp' in the User profile folder using Assets * Open the newly created folder 'Temp' * Upload an image in the Temp folder + Expected Result + * Image is uploaded to the Temp folder + Actual Result + * Image is uploaded to the user profile root folder. !2015-06-16_13-33-16.png! Shows file uploaded to child folder of user profile folder. !2015-06-16_13-33-16.png! Shows file actually in the user profile root folder This does not affect other folders - it only affects the User Profile folder. Any upload in the Assets folder should always go to the target folder (the code to restrict to the user profile should not run in the Assets functionality)",3
-"DNN-7122","06/17/2015 21:52:32","EVOQCONTENT - Content Layout: ModuleAction js error when moving Layout position in a pane","Noticed in environment: http://dnn1jzxr9.azurewebsites.net/ with IE 11 Steps: - Log in as user Host - Copy a ""News"" Page, and work on that new page in edit mode - In Dnn_TopPane, I added one Content Layout(CL) module - Drag-n-drop this CL module into Dnn_ContentPane, on to the very top of the pane. - Click on the ""Moving"" icon of the CL module, and select ""Down"" menu item. Result: ModuleAction.js error: Unable to get property 'top' of undefined or null reference !screenshot-1.png|width=850!",2
-"DNN-7344","06/18/2015 23:27:35","EVOQCONTENT: UI no response when trying to put a page in Edit mode with 3rd party skin","Issue description: UI no response when trying to put a page in Edit mode with 3rd party skin Steps: 1, Create a page in site menu 2, Install Star Chocolate skin 3, Apply the skin to the page 4, Add some layouts to the page, as shown in the attached screenshot 5, Go to other pages 6, As Host, try to put this page in Edit mode Actual results: Many times, there will be a message saying ""A script on this page may be busy, or it may have stopped responding......"". Screenshot is attached with the message Expected results: There should be no such message and page will be in Edit mode quick ",3
-"DNN-7123","06/19/2015 15:41:29","Host & Admin pages cannot be set to open link in a new window","When a user sets a host page or an admin page to be a link to other url and enables the option ""Open Link In New Browser Window"" it does not work: the link is always opened in the same browser window and the check is disabled again in the UI (although the associated TabSetting is updated in database). This last point only happens for Host pages. *Steps to reproduce* - Login as host - Go to Admin -> Page Management - Check Manage ""Host Pages"" - Select any host page, F.i: ""Extensions"" - Click on the Link section - Select the option Link-> Url - Enter a url. F.i: http://www.google.es - Check the option ""Open Link In New Browser Window"" - Click on the Update button (Please note that the option checked in the previous step is unchecked again, which is unexpected) - Clear Cache. Tools -> Clear Cache - Click on the Update Page. Following the examples: Host -> Extensions *Expected result* - The url is opened in a new browser window *Actual result* - The url is opened in *the current browser window* A decision should be made about the correct behavior: - Option 1. Hide the option ""Open Link In New Browser Window"" for Host & Admin Pages. - Option 2. Make the option to work for Host & Admin Pages as well. *NOTE:* This issue only happens for Host & Admin Pages. In the case of Admin Pages the check remains checked but the url is not opened in a new browser window neither. !open_new_browser_host_page.png!",2
-"DNN-7125","06/20/2015 01:35:09","SI: Telerik Rad Editor Install Package Duplicate Files","In the files RadEditorProvider_07.04.00_Install.zip RadEditorProvider_07.04.01_Install.zip inside the bin directory in the zip the dll file is duplicated.",2
-"DNN-7131","06/23/2015 08:07:35","Fix Database Indexes for Messaging","Key Messaging calls that are executed on every page load for authenticated users are not properly using indexes. Improve performance by adding new indexes and modifying existing procedures to ensure that the index is hit The changes for this include the following. * Modifications to the CoreMessaging_GetToasts stored procedure to ensure that this query uses an existing index for improved performance * Creation of a new index on the CoreMessaging_MessageRecipients table to handle all query scenarios * Creation of a new covering index on the CoreMessaging_Messages table to ensure data is returned as it comes in These showed in testing substantial improvements in authenticated user activity",2
-"DNN-7133","06/23/2015 15:38:09","EVOQCONTENT - Page Versioning > Negative ContentItemId errors","After migrating to Content 8.1, when you try to edit a page, you can find errors with the message: ""The argument 'contentItemId' cannot be negative"". See attached image to see errors in the UI This is due to current Page has not associated a Content Item element or contained modules have not a Content Item. The common scenario to find these errors is when the original Dnn version is earlier to 5.3, since in that version Content Items were introduced and existing elements were upgraded gradually -- on demand. Therefore, it is still probably to find existing entities -- tabs or modules -- without an associated Content Item",2
-"DNN-7135","06/23/2015 20:05:55","Introduce user-level caching in Notification and Messaging","One of the skin objects in Platform makes an Ajax call to server every 30 seconds to check for new notifications and messages. The WebApi in turn makes 2 DB calls to the server. We need to use caching to avoid DB calls. Dev Note: It is important to ensure that the cache is invalidated correctly. ",2
-"DNN-7136","06/23/2015 20:20:11","Pre-compile Regex","Refactor the use of Regex (in AUM and others). The more the REGEX is made static and precompiled, the better the performance will be. In AUM, REGEX instances are created on the fly with various strings. If these were to be cached for later use, then these will affect the whole site performance.",2
-"DNN-7138","06/23/2015 20:22:45","Menu/Navigation (DDR Menu) optimization ","It appears that every time we need to build the navigation menu, we enumerate through the list tabs and build the structure over and over. We should look at caching the final navigation structure for anonymous users (and perhaps other roles as well).",2
-"DNN-7139","06/23/2015 20:23:25","Review web.config for Platform","Remove unused HttpModules. Look for other areas for improvements.",2
-"DNN-7141","06/23/2015 20:25:14","Move PageOutput Caching provider to platform","Page Output caching provider is only available in Commercial products. Lack of this feature slows down sites based on Platform. DNN Corp. has decided to make this feature available to DNN Platform.",2
-"DNN-7142","06/23/2015 20:28:07","Remove MEF for Event Model","MEF has been extensively used in the Platform to provide hooks into various events (SiteCreated, UserCreated, PageCreated, etc.) in the Platform. The initial parsing of the DLLs to discover the types may have startup time implications. Evoq team has a special IOC container to deal with this problem. We need to remove (obsolete) the use of MEF and instead use a better approach.",2
-"DNN-7143","06/23/2015 20:39:13","Change default settings","Module cache provider - Memory Cache setting - heavy PageOutputCache = Database -- I think this should be Memory (let's confirm with Mitchel) Enable Event Log Buffer = Enable This should be done in all the products including Platform.",2
-"DNN-7147","06/23/2015 20:50:25","Remove Widget framework","This was developed way back when we didn't have jQuery or any modern client side development tools. This should now be removed.",2
-"DNN-7153","06/23/2015 20:57:43","URLRewriter - SiteUrls.config efficiency","+Background+ The siteurls.config file contains a series of regex expressions which provide basic rewriting functions in the Url Rewriting process. These have been around since the introduction of the first url rewriting in Dnn 4.x. This task is to test and determine if these rewriting rules are required in a new, standard installation. The purpose is to eliminate the loading, reading and iterative execution of the regex expressions if they are not needed for a base case. The file will need to be kept for legacy installations and where customers have modified the file. The purpose is to eliminate the execution of uncompiled regex expressions found in the file. +Requirements+ * Investigate the shipping of Dnn with the site urls.config file empty with no rewriting expressions at all. This will require determining if any of the rewrite rules contained within it are still required for normal system function of a standard installation. * The support of legacy /xyz/tabid/dd/default.aspx Urls is no longer part of the requirements of a new installation. People with older sites who still need to rewrite/support these will not have a site urls.config modified on upgrade. * If it is possible to ship a site with an empty site urls.config file, then the installation should not drop into that part of the processing during the url rewriting process. ",2
-"DNN-7154","06/23/2015 20:57:49","URLRewriter - Correct static file handling (304)","+Background+ For good results on repeat requests, web browsers need to be able to act on 304 response codes given out by the server. This task is to ensure that static files in a site are responding with 304 status codes in all test cases. +Requirements+ * Test to check the status of static resources being returned as 304 status. This includes the built-in resources as well as uploaded images created after installation * All resources should be returning 304 as per the recommendations in slow, including any used in combination/minification * If this is specific to the IIS configuration, investigate any web.config changes we can include to induce the correct behaviour in IIS * Test results should include YSlow details on 304 status and checks from Fiddler or similar to show all built in and user-added resources returning the correct http status.",3
-"DNN-7156","06/23/2015 20:58:32","Remove unnecessary items from Bin - Platform ","More DLLs in Bin can cause startup delays",2
-"DNN-7158","06/23/2015 20:59:24","DB Performance Improvements (Overall Improvements)","This is the parent ticket to address all performance improvements related to database changes. Sub-tasks will be added to document more specific changes.",2
-"DNN-7162","06/23/2015 20:59:47","DB Performance - ContentItems Indexes","Content items are frequently queried as well as related nested tables. Adding indexes to improve query performance for the Foreign Keys",1
-"DNN-7163","06/23/2015 20:59:53","DB Performance - Improve performance of dashboard queries","While optimizing views the dashboard GetInstalledModules query was able to be improved",1
-"DNN-7164","06/23/2015 21:00:00","DB Performance - Improve performance of Views","Multiple views are used to access information within the DNN system. These views access various information, including FileId (From the Files table) and other items using expensive UDF and other calls. These should be optimized to improve performance. NOTE: Longer term changes to database structures, inserting, etc should be investigated for a true fix to these performance issues.",1
-"DNN-7165","06/23/2015 21:00:18","Competitor performance analysis ","Scope: # Test load time of home page as Anonymous # Test load time of home page as Registered Users Following products needs to be tested: # Umbraco # Drupal # Wordpress # Sitefinity # Kentico",13
-"DNN-7168","06/24/2015 10:31:45","EVOQCONTENT - Add Title information to vw_ContentWorkflowUsage view","The vw_ContentWorkflowUsage view needs to be enhanced to return the content item title, if available, with higher priority than the content item _Content_ field",2
-"DNN-7169","06/24/2015 11:28:50","Error messages when password reset doesn't work too generic","When something goes wrong with password reset the error message is always the same regardless of where it fails. A custom sent me back the message and I couldn't fighure out what had gone wrong. Turned out the link had expired.",2
-"DNN-7170","06/24/2015 16:01:58","EVOQCONTENT - Module Actions - add support to identify in the DOM the module actions menu items","Module Actions - add support to identify in the DOM the module actions menu items. In Platform 7.4.2 the module actions in Edit Mode are generated as a
list. Currently there is not an elegant way to identify menu item in the DOM like: * Settings * Import * Export * Help Today we can only identify the Delete module action as it has an ID that looks like: ""moduleactions-"" + MODULEID + ""-Delete"". The proposal is extend this mechanism to: Settings, Import, Export and Help. *Actual Result* {code}
{code} *Proposed Result* {code}
{code} !ModuleActions.png!",2
-"DNN-7205","06/24/2015 23:03:06","SI: Soft Deleted Modules Show When Adding Existing Modules In Other Site Group Portals","When adding a module that exists in another portal, modules that have been deleted, but not removed from the Recycling Bin can still be seen and added to other portals. The module needs to be removed from the Recycling Bin to remove it as an option for adding to pages in other portals. Steps to reproduce: 1. Create a site group and add Portal A and Portal B to it. 2. Create a module in Portal A then delete it from the page 3. In Portal B, go to 'Add Existing Module' and choose Portal A and the page the deleted module was on. Expected results: The deleted module is not present. Actual results: The deleted module can be selected until it is removed from the Recycling Bin.",2
-"DNN-7171","06/25/2015 05:23:34","Improve Performance of Reflection Usage","Under heavy load, PageBase.Render() shows slow performance due to reflection calls. Optimization to prevent repetitive calls to GetValue() when using reflection is needed",2
-"DNN-7175","06/26/2015 00:27:27","Installation - .JS error ""Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined(anonymous function)","After installation has completed and BEFORE you click the blue ""Visit Website"" button a .JS error occurs Setup site for FQDN install w/remote database Open browser, start up Firebug or Dev Tools, hit the site Fill in all the required information Click ""Start"" Once you see ""Installation Complete!"" message check Firebug/Dev Tools Actual Result: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined(anonymous function) @ InstallWizard.aspx:901b.extend.each @ jquery.min.js:3InstallWizard.validateInput @ InstallWizard.aspx:899(anonymous function) @ InstallWizard.aspx:1281x @ ScriptResource.axd?d=_xnPEz6u7grdsX_33oA6lh_4jXLhfv2c_Xd-LdxJMxXHOixJ6n2-2P9sg_RJwQlRzXrxYW_gKQ1bY0…:5(anonymous function) @ ScriptResource.axd?d=_xnPEz6u7grdsX_33oA6lh_4jXLhfv2c_Xd-LdxJMxXHOixJ6n2-2P9sg_RJwQlRzXrxYW_gKQ1bY0…:5Sys.Net.WebRequest.completed @ ScriptResource.axd?d=_xnPEz6u7grdsX_33oA6lh_4jXLhfv2c_Xd-LdxJMxXHOixJ6n2-2P9sg_RJwQlRzXrxYW_gKQ1bY0…:5_onReadyStateChange @ ScriptResource.axd?d=_xnPEz6u7grdsX_33oA6lh_4jXLhfv2c_Xd-LdxJMxXHOixJ6n2-2P9sg_RJwQlRzXrxYW_gKQ1bY0…:5 Expected Result: No error in Firebug/Dev Tools ",2
-"DNN-7177","06/26/2015 17:12:52","Accessibility: dnnCheckbox image generated does not contain an alt attribute.","dnnCheckbox images do not contain an alt attribute for accessibility. This can be fixed by adding alt=""checkbox"" to the img tag. ",1
-"DNN-8711","06/26/2015 19:34:41","SI: DAM: Recursive Sync operation does not complete if errors occurred","# In Admin File Manager, set up a UNC folder provider #* Point the root path of the UNC folder provider to \\dnn-vh1\Engineering # Create a *UNC* folder (do not enter a ""Mapped Path"") #* After this folder is created, the DAM does a *Sync* (not a recursive Sync). This process takes 1-2 minutes # Perform a *Recursive Sync* (""Sync this folder and subfolders"") on this folder. +This Process takes about 30 minutes. Please wait while this process is completed.+ # After about 30 minutes, the Recursive Sync operation shows several errors in the logfile, and an error message in UI. Basically, some files could not be synced because the path of the files was greated than 260 characters. This is valid issue. #* (x) However, due to the errors above, the Recursive Sync process does not complete syncing the remaining files and folder. This is a bug. (This can be easily seen by comparing the list of files and folder under \\dnn-vh1\Engineering and our new folder) #** Expected: When errors are encountered, the Recursive Sync Process should not terminate. It should continue the recursive sync process until the last file or folder is encountered. {panel} 2015-06-25 15:17:58,545 [DNN-TESTPC-MK][Thread:560][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - System.IO.PathTooLongException: The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters. at System.IO.Directory.InternalCreateDirectory(String fullPath, String path, Object dirSecurityObj, Boolean checkHost) at DotNetNuke.Services.FileSystem.FolderManager.ProcessMergedTreeItemInAddMode(MergedTreeItem item, Int32 portalId) at DotNetNuke.Services.FileSystem.FolderManager.Synchronize(Int32 portalId, String relativePath, Boolean isRecursive, Boolean syncFiles) at DotNetNuke.Modules.DigitalAssets.Components.Controllers.DigitalAssetsController.SyncFolderContent(Int32 folderId, Boolean recursive) at DotNetNuke.Modules.DigitalAssets.Services.ContentServiceController.SynchronizeFolder(SynchronizeFolderRequest request) at lambda_method(Closure , Object , Object[] ) at System.Web.Http.Controllers.ReflectedHttpActionDescriptor.ActionExecutor.<>c__DisplayClass13.b__c(Object instance, Object[] methodParameters) at System.Web.Http.Controllers.ReflectedHttpActionDescriptor.ActionExecutor.Execute(Object instance, Object[] arguments) at System.Threading.Tasks.TaskHelpers.RunSynchronously[TResult](Func`1 func, CancellationToken cancellationToken) {panel}",5
-"DNN-7179","06/26/2015 21:53:45","IE8 - Upgrade - Clicking ""See More Results"" at bottom of Search Results doesn't work and throws error","Found while regressing DNN-5841 ScreenCast - http://screencast.com/t/kXis1z2B *Does NOT* reproduce in clean installation scenario Using IE8 hit a site that's upgraded to 7.4.2 as Anonymous user In the search text box top right of the page enter 3 characters you know exist somewhere in the site EG: soc tes Once the search resolves and you get a result with a drop down list click on ""See More Results"" at the bottom of the results list Actual Result: The Search Results page does not open An error is generated: Webpage error detailsUser Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; Trident/4.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E)Timestamp: Fri, 26 Jun 2015 20:29:24 UTCMessage: 'undefined' is null or not an objectLine: 94Char: 25Code: 0URI: http://platform628.dnntest.local/Resources/Search/SearchSkinObjectPreview.js?cdv=80 Expected Result: Search Results page",2
-"DNN-7190","06/30/2015 17:56:45","Investigate and Improve AddEventLog","AddEventLog has be identified as a perforemance bottleneck for logging in users. We can improve this by caching on the webserver the Event Log Configuration and adding a parameter to the sproc that determines whether notifications are to be sent, rather than making the database do the business logic calculation",1
-"DNN-7204","06/30/2015 18:25:17","SI: Issue with ContentItemID in the Tabs table being NULL","Customer states, ""We have discovered what seems like a bug in the DNN 8.1 relating to ContentItemID in the Tabs table being NULL. It seems to cause an error on the screen with regard to the new publishing buttons at the bottom, as well as causes an error in the HTML Pro modules. This will cause the HTML Pro modules to not display any content. I have attached an extensive write up (.docx) of the issue with screenshots from our testing. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to address this issue."" * Refer to the attached detailed explanation [DNN 8.1 ContentItemID Issue.docx]",3
-"DNN-7193","06/30/2015 22:36:06","Add Dynamic Content Creator Manager to Admin menu","The Dynamic Content Creator module should be added to the Admin menu for all portals in the system on Upgrade/Install of DNN 8.",2
-"DNN-7194","06/30/2015 23:39:50","The DCC Manager shows the language selector even when only one language","The DCC manager should only show the language selector if there are more than one language in the site",1
-"DNN-7195","07/01/2015 04:41:20","Improve Login Database Performance","When logging into DNN the full user object is passed back to the database. This process in addition to updating all fields, performs other actions that are not needed. User login only updates the LastIpAddress and that should be the only action taken.",2
-"DNN-7196","07/01/2015 06:07:38","Improve Performance of Profile by caching Profile Data","Currently a call to GetProfile() occurs on each and every page load. This information should be cached just like a users information is cached to ensure that database impacts are minimized.",2
-"DNN-7197","07/01/2015 06:54:23","Fix Performance & Logic Error with GetNotifications","The existing query to obtain notifications from the database contained a query process that used Row_Number() that resulted in the results not matching expectations. A Row Number with secondary sort resulted in skipping values etc. This should be updated to use a single query returning the proper results.",2
-"DNN-7198","07/01/2015 07:03:06","Improve query performance of Users & UserRoles","Upon review of common database queries used in day-to-day operations missing indices were found on Users & UserRole tables. Adding the needed indices to improve query performance by creating covering indexes to help speed performance. Net performance gain is exponential the larger the number of users contained in the database.",2
-"DNN-7202","07/02/2015 14:31:13","Missing content in GlobalResources.fr-FR.resx","Missing content in App_GlobalResources/GlobalResources.fr-FR.resx, in key ""EMAIL_USER_REGISTRATION_VERIFIED_BODY.Text"". This is the generated email sent when admin creates an account and lets the system generate a password. This email is missing the reset link in the french localization file. In the content of this node, before the line that reads ""Merci pour votre confiance."", add the following content : {code:java} Si vous ne connaissez pas, ou avez oublié votre mot de passe, cliquez sur le lien http://[Portal:URL]/default.aspx?ctl=PasswordReset&resetToken=[Membership:PasswordResetToken] pour le réinitialiser. {code} ",1
-"DNN-7207","07/03/2015 07:43:36","Multiple MVC modules cannot be added in 8.0 CTP2","In DNN 8.0 CTP2 there seems to ba a problem with trying to use multiple modules on the page. When developing a simple MVC module (the one from: http://www.dnnsoftware.com/community-blog/cid/155216/module-development-in-dnn-8-1-introduction-to-mvc-modules can be used to reproduce the problem), and trying to add it to a page more than once, nothing happens on sub subsequent module adds. Steps to reproduce: 1. Install the module 2. Create a new page 3. Click Modules -> Add module 4. Search for the module and drag & drop it on the page 5. Repeat steps 3. and 4. Instead of an additional module nothing happens 6. Delete the module 7. Repeat steps 3. and 4. Module is added. No error appears from either the server (a 500 response in developer tools if monitoring the traffic), nor is there an entry in the error log. If you now modify the database to ""undelete"" the deleted module in step 6, both modules will appear, but: 1. the first module on the page will appear correctly, 2. the second module on the page will show ""System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: view at System.Web.Mvc.ViewContext..ctor(ControllerContext controllerContext, IView view, ViewDataDictionary viewData, TempDataDictionary tempData, TextWriter writer) at DotNetNuke.Web.Mvc.Framework.ActionResults.DnnViewResult.ExecuteResult(ControllerContext context, TextWriter writer)"" If you now delete the first module, the second one will render correctly and if you now undelete the first one from the database (setting IsDeleted = 0), both Will now show correctly until you recycle DNN. Plase note that we have identified that the problem with adding multiple modules exists in the out-of-the-box installation of DNN 8.0 CTP2 and normal modules, i.e. without installing any extensions you can *not* add multiple HTML Editor modules by drag & drop. However, if you use the delete, add & undelete procedure from above, all HTML modules are rendered correctly, not just the first one. Environment Information: Windows Server 2012 R2 with ASP.NET 3.5 and ASP.NET 4.5 support SQL Server 2014 Enterprise Edition No other websites installed in IIS The bug has been reproduced in 3 independent installations and with different custom MVC modules.",2
-"DNN-7209","07/03/2015 11:59:07","EVOQCONTENT - Do not start Workflow in AddTab Method","In Platform 7.4.0 tab workflow was implemented and the AddTab method was changed to start workflow (if workflow was enabled) on page creation. We have detected issues with this approach as the page version is created only when you have modules on the page. So we can have scenario where you try to complete a tab workflow with no pending to be published version. This scenario was already handled in Evoq but making things complex. It was a workaround instead the right solution. The goal of the task is remove the code that start the workflow on tab creation. And let that the workflow mechanism is fired by the page change tracking system (add, move, delete modules, etc..). *Note for QA*: this change does not impact Platform behavior as tab workflow is not enabled.",2
-"DNN-7210","07/03/2015 18:02:43","SI: SSL Offloading - Page functions of 'Edit Page' in controlbar as always return an http (not https) url","From client: The installation of the portal consists of four servers running dnn behind a balancer. We configured the SSL so that it is run by the requests from the client to the balancer. The requests from the balancer to the server and the communication between servers takes place in http (following the procedure described in http://www.dnnsoftware.com/Content/Dnn.Evoq.Content/Documentation/Performance%20and%20Scalability/Manage%20Web%20Servers/Setting%20the%20SSL%20Offload%20Header%20Value.html). We have a problem in the page functions of 'Edit Page' in controlbar as always return an http (not https) url. Installed SSL Offloading module, the results came back from clients website: The result is: Current request:http://corvir-coll.credemtel.it/Default.aspx?TabId=2385&language=it-IT What protocol does asp.net believe this request is:not secure Is this a secure DNN page?Yes Configured ssl offload header:X-FORWARDED-PROTO is ssl offload header found:found what value is in ssl offload header: header found with value What value would DNN ssloffload check return? true Debug info headers Key: Connection Value 0: keep-alive Key: Content-Length Value 0: 7537 Key: Content-Type Value 0: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------13253324334917 Key: Accept Value 0: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 Key: Accept-Encoding Value 0: gzip, deflate Key: Accept-Language Value 0: it-IT,it;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.5,en;q=0.3 Key: Cookie Value 0: StayInEditMode=YES; ControlBarInitStatus=true%7CAll%7C%7C%7C0%7C1%7C0%7Cssl; __utma=95839950.964682179.1384347580.1416160506.1427986503.7; __utmz=95839950.1416160506.6.1.utmcsr=google|utmccn=(organic)|utmcmd=organic|utmctr=(not%20provided); .ASPXANONYMOUS=AjU_pavl0AEkAAAAYmE4YTIyYTgtNzRmNC00ZWU5LWJjNTktZjA4OWJmNGRiZWEw0; ai_user=5415d752a5214bb0bf6c6a3e44b3806c|2015-05-15T07:18:17.7626558+00:00; dnn_IsMobile=False; language=it-IT; authentication=DNN; .DOTNETNUKE=EE752222BEC5A52F049EB2EB1981DCAE66D9C6E42BDC6D810E249F450E3D2FD6CDE8F1F081A6DB4A2BB49C88C8F918A976CBF480E9980D7FE6D75D04C7BD3181FE1BED73FC0241E1A3C5735E2FC998CB4F058832E419C4D02A904ECA743D778ABE743778B21D64D0D3F0AF8D; ASP.NET_SessionId=o3nscodwqji1ihar2fzklpim; LastPageId=1:2385; __RequestVerificationToken=Q2QHgP6SUSDRKZm1LDwnlqaJriWqb4lFa8VvwXX2TN87u_mu4D7oeYsWm_YJZwn11cn5j4WIkSWBaVNT8nnU1uqbbIKvXgK42XIp0toJcW2qkZXUQ-CA_HWrG5M1 Key: Host Value 0: corvir-coll.credemtel.it Key: Referer Value 0: https://corvir-coll.credemtel.it/it-it/Admin.aspx Key: User-Agent Value 0: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/38.0 Key: X-FORWARDED-PROTO Value 0: https Key: CLIENT-IP Value 0: As per Cathal, their SSL-offloading is configured correctly in their load balancer and configured correctly in DNN – if they are having issues then that would indicate a bug where a piece of code is not picking up the settings correctly.",2
-"DNN-7414","07/03/2015 23:17:44","Host options - missing icons in clean install and upgrade","Do a clean install and also an upgrade from 8.1 to 8.2 and then login as host and click on Host to view options. I have found the following problems: Clean install: Manage Glimpse appears instead of Security Analyzer and the icon for Manage Glimpse is white (not sure if its missing or its just white please refer to attached snapshot). Upgrade from 8.1 to 8.2: Icon for Security Analyzer is missing. Please refer to snapshot attached.",3
-"DNN-7213","07/06/2015 21:21:26","Remove unnecessary method DotNetNuke.Web.Client.ClientResourceManagement.ClientResourceManager.UpdateVersion","The method DotNetNuke.Web.Client.ClientResourceManagement.ClientResourceManager.UpdateVersion() is unnecessary since it increases the CRM version number in the Web.config and DNN stores the version number in the database (on host and portal level) and does not use the version information in the config file.",3
-"DNN-7214","07/06/2015 21:39:23","Scheduler overview: Hide next start instead of showing ""1/1/0001 12:00:00"" if no next start could be calculated","Instead of showing ""1/1/0001 12:00:00"" as next start the next start information should be hidden if no next start could be calculated. To reproduce just enter into the scheduler's ""servers"" field a server name that does not exist. In the scheduler overview the next start of this scheduler shows ""1/1/0001 12:00:00"".",1
-"DNN-7218","07/07/2015 16:43:13","Add default Global DataTypes","Some global dataTypes need to be created for the DCC * Text * Rich Text * Markdown * Integer * Decimal * True/False * Url * Date",1
-"DNN-7228","07/08/2015 18:50:21","Delete User in Add / Manage Users the Confirm Box is not Centered in the Screen","!deleteuser.png|thumbnail! Steps : # Log in as Administrator # Create a User # Delete the User Expected result : The Confirm box should be visible in the center of the screen Actual Result : It is being Displayed in the bottom left hand side of the screen ",2
-"DNN-7226","07/08/2015 23:47:34","DCC - Cannot add Content Field to a Content Type","Screen Cast: http://screencast.com/t/ox8Od08BCeg In a Platform 8 build (I used 150) log in as host Go Admin > Dynamic Content Type Manager Create a NEW Content Type and Save it Click ""Content Types"" image left side of the page In the ""Content Fields"" area click ""Add Field"" Fill in all the text fields and select any data type Click ""Save"" Actual Result: nothing is saved. The Content field area has no new rows in it Expected Result: New row containing the Content Field you added",2
-"DNN-7227","07/08/2015 23:56:03","DCC - Alert message from adding a Content Type is missing the name","In a Platform 8 build (I used 150) log in as host or admin Go Admin > Dynamic Content Type Manager Create a NEW Content Type and Save it View the pop up message Actual Result: Alert ""The Content Type - undefined - was successfully saved."" Expected Result: Alert ""The Content Type - - was successfully saved."" Lorraine will need to document this pop up for DNN Help site",2
-"DNN-7229","07/09/2015 21:01:28","Problem with links posted in User Profile","Posted this on the Community Forum (DNN). Has been suggested that this could be a bug and that I should post here. First time here so apologies if I get this wrong. What I posted on the Forum:- links generated from a user's Profile (Biography) are not resolving to the correct URL. The link is resolving to the user's profile eg Link domain.com will resolve to http://site.com.au/Activity-Feed/My-Profile/UserId/domain.com . I'm using the CKHtmlEditor and have tested with all available editors with the same result. DNN 7.3.3. Links resolve correctly from all other modules. [http://www.dnnsoftware.com/forums/forumid/118/threadid/521000/scope/posts]",2
-"DNN-7231","07/10/2015 21:28:02","Convert all R/W Lock to using the lightweight (Slim) one","There are the few places in Platform that are still using the older R/W Lock instead of the slim one. These need to be converted to using {{ReaderWriterLockSlim}} instead for better performance. {code} Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Common\Utilities\DataCache.cs(291): private static readonly ReaderWriterLock dictionaryLock = new ReaderWriterLock(); Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Services\Log\EventLog\DBLoggingProvider.cs(50): private static readonly ReaderWriterLock LockNotif = new ReaderWriterLock(); Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Services\Log\EventLog\DBLoggingProvider.cs(51): private static readonly ReaderWriterLock LockQueueLog = new ReaderWriterLock(); Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Services\Log\EventLog\LogController.cs(52): private static readonly ReaderWriterLock LockLog = new ReaderWriterLock(); Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Services\Scheduling\Scheduler.cs(77): private static readonly ReaderWriterLock StatusLock = new ReaderWriterLock(); {code}",2
-"DNN-7236","07/13/2015 15:55:33","Checkbox used on UserProfile doesn't work, if it is set to true","If you have a custom field on the Profile with a Checkbox and the user enabled this in his Profile e.g. to accept the site Terms of use and privatcy on Registration, it is not possible to save and modify the changes! It Shows up the error message you have to enable the Checkbox (it is custom text!), and it won't be saved. ",2
-"DNN-7237","07/13/2015 18:44:31","SI: Display on All Pages + Content Localization","Scenario: - Site has content localization enabled with at least 2 languages (en-us, de-de for example) - A module has been set to ""Display on all pages"" - This module exists in both cultures Issue: When you create a new page, and choose ""create localized versions of this page"", the module should be displayed on this new page. Expected behavior: The module related to the culture should be displayed, that is the en-us module should be displayed on the en-us page, and the de-de module should be displayed on the de-de page. Actual behavior: The en-us module is added to all versions of the new page, the de-de module is not added to either version of the page. NOTE: the behavior worked as expected in *version 7.2.2*, but it does not work in 7.3.4 or 8.1.0",3
-"DNN-7238","07/13/2015 22:18:03","Reduce memory foot print of site crawler while re-indexing huge sites","The Site Crawler stores SearchDocuments in memory for a long time while indexing a site. This becomes problematic when site has huge number of users, tabs or modules. The collection from memory is flushed at the end of crawling. This has been the pattern right in the initial search, and continued in the new search. We need to modify the logic to flush the objects to Lucene in smaller batches so we don't need to hold larger number of objects in memory.",3
-"DNN-7249","07/15/2015 15:38:21","Add a context menu to insert Content Type fields to template","h2. Card As a content type editor, I want to be able to easily insert the code for a specific content type into a template that I am editing. h2. Conversation There should be a context menu which allows you to insert the code to display a content field at current cursor location. h2. Confirmation",3
-"DNN-7251","07/15/2015 16:38:39","Localization doesn't work for Dynamic Content Type Manager","When I am in a multi-language site and I am editing elements within the Dynamic Content Type Manager module I should be able to change languages within the module to edit the settings for that language. The Language drop down selector does not currently function. Repro Steps: 1. Add/enable a new language for your site 2. Go to the Admin > Dynamic Content Type manager page 3. Go to the Data Types tab 4. Observe that the language selector is present 5. Try to change the language Expected: 1. I should have a language selector in a multi-lingual site 2. I should be able to use the language selector to change languages in a multi-lingual site. 3. When I change languages, the ""values"" of localized fields should be displayed in the new language. The static labels should appear in whatever the active culture that the user has selected for the site. Actual: 1. I see the language selector 2. I cannot change the language.",2
-"DNN-7254","07/15/2015 19:43:28","Content Templates folder does not exist","The Content Templates folder used by the DCC Templates does not exist in a clean install. When saving a template this thows an error. We need to ensure that this folder exists - either by adding it on install/upgrade - or by adding it when saving a template - if it does not exist.",2
-"DNN-7255","07/15/2015 19:46:11","Error saving Content Template.","When saving a content template file the Files API throws an error as the file extension is not supported. The API should allow developers to override this whitelist for known file types. This had been done for the DCC but obviously it is not working.",2
-"DNN-7256","07/15/2015 19:51:38","Deleting Content Template does not delete file","When deleting a Content Template the file is not deleted from the file system. While not a significant issue, if the filename is re-used for another template later this may cause problems.",2
-"DNN-7273","07/21/2015 00:14:46","DCC - No error msg if you attempt to save a Content or Data type with an existing name","Set up Platform 8.0.0 latest build (I used 165) as FQDN web site w/remote database Log in as Host Add a new Registered User Assign them to the Administrator Role group Go Admin > Languages At bottom right click the blue button ""Add new language"" Select any language from the drop down Click the blue ""Update"" button Back in the languages page click the check box to enable the newly added language Go Admin > Dynamic Content Type Manager Click ""Content Types Create at least 8 new Content Types Open a different browser Log in as the Administrator Go Admin > Dynamic Content Type Manager Click ""Content Types"" Type in a name of a pre-existing Content Type Click ""Save"" Actual Result: Page refreshes nothing is saved If have FF or Dev Tools running you'll see this error: POST http://platform800165.dnntest.ca/DesktopModules/Dnn/DynamicContentManager/API/ContentType/SaveContentType 500 (Internal Server Error) jQuery.ajaxTransport.send @ jquery.js?cdv=27:8526 jQuery.extend.ajax @ jquery.js?cdv=27:7978 call @ util.js?cdv=27:171 post @ util.js?cdv=27:267 self.saveContentType @ contentTypes.js?cdv=27:186 (anonymous function) @ knockout.js?cdv=27:83jQuery.event.dispatch @ jquery.js?cdv=27:3074 jQuery.event.add.elemData.handle @ jquery.js?cdv=27:2750 Expected Result: A pop up error message ""There is already a Content Type with this name"" ",2
-"DNN-7276","07/21/2015 22:17:07","DCC - Pagination - viewing 5 per page is not great UX","So with our Dynamic Content Type Manager we have a pagination built into and set at 5 items per page. This is OK if you're only using 5 - 10 Content/Data Types or Templates When you start have dozens, like 15 or more, this means you could be left clicking 3 or more times to find a Content/Data Type or Template. Could we not add a #/page drop down as we have in Event Viewer, File Manager, etc? If we did this Lorraine would need to document the additional functionality Confirmation This should be implemented as a dropdown list as part of pager. By default we should have sizes for 10, 25 and 50 items.",3
-"DNN-7278","07/21/2015 23:52:15","Break search indexing process into batches","Re-indexing the whole site content in large sites takes a very long time and can cause the process not to complete at all (the application/pool might restart before the site finishes indexing). An enhancement to this process would be to break the indexing into batches so a site restart won't have to repeat the re-indexing process again.",3
-"DNN-7279","07/22/2015 17:46:38","add support for cleanup files to incremental upgrades","In Platform 8 (and also partially backported to 7.4.2), support was added to enable incremental upgrades in a single version for SqlDataProvider files. This task is to enhance incremental upgrades so incremental cleanup files are also supported. *Testing Notes:* The only way to test this is to have multiple cleanup files for a single 8.0 version and they would be declared in the manifest (dnn file). If you have 2 dummy text files in a module, let's say CleanMe1.txt and CleanMe2.txt, that are installed as part of a module's 1.0 version (revision 0) the way you would test this is build a new revision of the 1.0 module (so 1.0.0 revision 1) that says delete CleanMe1.txt and/or CleanMe2.txt as part of cleanup (this is in the manifest/dnn file). If properly declared in the manifest upgrading the existing module to 1.0.0 revision 1 should delete those files from the module's folder. ",1
-"DNN-7281","07/23/2015 16:36:17","CLONE - Search: Synonyms/Ignore words does not work for content in DAM module.","Noticed this in Social, but probably shall be a Content issue. Steps: - In admin > Search Admin, set up for Synonyms and Ignore Words, - Create a new page and add a DAM module - Upload some files with the same names in Synonyms and Ignore Words. - Execute Schedule > File Crawler and Site Crawler. - Try to search by Synonyms or Ignore words. Result: Obviously the Synonyms and Ignore words settings won't affect the search results. Expected? ",3
-"DNN-7284","07/23/2015 16:59:17","DCC - In Templates tab we add the ability to import already created templates","At this point a user can copy all the template code and then paste it into our text area and create a template. I think it'd be a useful improvement to add the ability to upload existing templates in the ""Create Template"" tab. Templates should be uploaded to the correct location.",3
-"DNN-7287","07/23/2015 21:44:23","Site Settings: Cannot select (enabled) pages that are child-pages of a disabled parent page as 404 Error Page or 500 Error Page","Scenario: * Create page ""Error"" and disable this page * Create child-pages ""Error404"" and ""Error500"" of the page ""Error"" ** Enable the child pages (as they are disabled by default) * Try to select pages Error404"" and ""Error500"" as ""404 Error Page"" or ""500 Error Page"" under Admin > Site Settings I will create a pull request to fix this problem. ",2
-"DNN-7288","07/23/2015 21:58:02","Platform 8 - MVC based HTML module throws errors if ""Edit"" used to open editor ","Found while regressing DNN-7207 In a Platform 8 site log in as host Go Host > Extensions Click on ""Available Extensions"" tab Under ""Modules"" click ""Install"" button for HTML Module Tick the box for ""Repair Install?"" Click the blue ""Next"" button until the installation is complete Now create a new page Remove the HTML module that is on the page when it's created Hover over ""Modules"" and click ""Add new Module"" Scroll right until you get to ""HTML Module"" Drag n' drop onto the new page Hover over the ""pencil"" (edit) icon and select ""Edit"" Watch Dev Tools/Firebug and check log.resources file for errors Actual Result: In Dev Tools/Firebug: TypeError: $(...).jScrollPane is not a function $('.dnn_mact > li.actionMenuMove > ul').jScrollPane(); 419?popUp=true (line 94, col 12) In log.resources a bunch of errors mainly 2 repeated about 5 - 7 times: 2015-07-23 13:43:18,637 [TST-KG-W2012S1][Thread:30][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - System.Exception: The following resource file caused an error while reading: ---> System.ArgumentException: The relative virtual path 'htmltext/app_localresources/edit.mvc.ascx.portal-0.resx' is not allowed here. at System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.MapPathActual(VirtualPath virtualPath, Boolean permitNull) at System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.MapPath(VirtualPath virtualPath) at DotNetNuke.Services.Localization.LocalizationProvider.GetResourceFileCallBack(CacheItemArgs cacheItemArgs) in c:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\DNN_Platform_800_Public\Packaging\DNN.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Services\Localization\LocalizationProvider.cs:line 230 --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at DotNetNuke.Services.Localization.LocalizationProvider.GetResourceFileCallBack(CacheItemArgs cacheItemArgs) in c:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\DNN_Platform_800_Public\Packaging\DNN.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Services\Localization\LocalizationProvider.cs:line 274 at DotNetNuke.Common.Utilities.DataCache.GetCachedDataFromDictionary(CacheItemArgs cacheItemArgs, CacheItemExpiredCallback cacheItemExpired) in c:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\DNN_Platform_800_Public\Packaging\DNN.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Common\Utilities\DataCache.cs:line 547 Expected Result: The HTML Editor pop up renders There's no errors in Dev Tools/Firebug or in any log file Notes: I do not see this behavior if I simply click the linked text ""LinkText"" in the body of the HTML module",3
-"DNN-7289","07/23/2015 23:04:02","Platform 8 - Cannot add MVC built HTML module to a new page in upgraded site","Found while regressing DNN-7207 Upgrade a Platform 7.4.1 site to Platform 8.0.0 latest build (I used 168) Log in as Host Go Host > Extensions Click ""Available Extensions"" tab Install the HTML 8.0.0 module Now create a new page Hover over the ""Modules"" drop down Click on ""Add new module"" Scroll to the right until you get to the HTML Module entry Drag n' drop the HTML module onto the page Actual Result: instantaneous error message on the page: Error: Text/HTML is currently unavailable. DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.ModuleLoadException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: view ---> System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: view at System.Web.Mvc.ViewContext..ctor(ControllerContext controllerContext, IView view, ViewDataDictionary viewData, TempDataDictionary tempData, TextWriter writer) at DotNetNuke.Web.Mvc.Framework.ActionResults.DnnViewResult.ExecuteResult(ControllerContext context, TextWriter writer) in c:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\DNN_Platform_800_Public\Packaging\DNN.Platform\DNN Platform\DotNetNuke.Web.Mvc\Framework\ActionResults\DnnViewResult.cs:line 49 at DotNetNuke.Web.Mvc.MvcHostControl.RenderModule(ModuleRequestResult moduleResult) in c:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\DNN_Platform_800_Public\Packaging\DNN.Platform\DNN Platform\DotNetNuke.Web.Mvc\MvcHostControl.cs:line 186 at DotNetNuke.Web.Mvc.MvcHostControl.OnPreRender(EventArgs e) in c:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\DNN_Platform_800_Public\Packaging\DNN.Platform\DNN Platform\DotNetNuke.Web.Mvc\MvcHostControl.cs:line 167 --- End of inner exception stack trace --- This error is logged into log.resources file: 2015-07-23 14:52:06,245 [TST-KG-W2012S1][Thread:8][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - FriendlyMessage=""Error: Text/HTML is currently unavailable."" ctrl=""DotNetNuke.Web.Mvc.MvcHostControl"" exc=""System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: view at System.Web.Mvc.ViewContext..ctor(ControllerContext controllerContext, IView view, ViewDataDictionary viewData, TempDataDictionary tempData, TextWriter writer) at DotNetNuke.Web.Mvc.Framework.ActionResults.DnnViewResult.ExecuteResult(ControllerContext context, TextWriter writer) in c:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\DNN_Platform_800_Public\Packaging\DNN.Platform\DNN Platform\DotNetNuke.Web.Mvc\Framework\ActionResults\DnnViewResult.cs:line 49 at DotNetNuke.Web.Mvc.MvcHostControl.RenderModule(ModuleRequestResult moduleResult) in c:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\DNN_Platform_800_Public\Packaging\DNN.Platform\DNN Platform\DotNetNuke.Web.Mvc\MvcHostControl.cs:line 186 at DotNetNuke.Web.Mvc.MvcHostControl.OnPreRender(EventArgs e) in c:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\DNN_Platform_800_Public\Packaging\DNN.Platform\DNN Platform\DotNetNuke.Web.Mvc\MvcHostControl.cs:line 167"" Expected Result: Able to add one or more HTML MVC modules onto any page ",2
-"DNN-7297","07/27/2015 09:05:01","Controller.PartialView() returns full page","Hello, i am trying to render a partial view returned by the controller called by jQuey $.ajax. I do get the partial view though, but a few lines below the retuned HTML also contains the full markup of the page where the MVC module resides. The AJAX-Reques-URL is generated by the following statement: @(base.Url.Action(""[ControllerMethod]"", ""[ControllerName]"")) Calling this URL in a browser also displays the partial view plus the page itself below. I have tested my code in a standalone project so I am nearly sure it must be a bug of DNN. If you need further informations, please let me know. Greetings, Tobias ",8
-"DNN-7298","07/27/2015 09:26:08","SI: URL Encode Decode issue in 07.04.01","A query string which has an encoded equals sign will be truncated. Example: www.site.com/test?testValue1=yes&testValue2=no%3Dequals The section ""%3Dequals"" may or may not get removed from the actual address bar, but the application trying to access it will not get it. Steps to reproduce: 1. Create a new page. 2. Add a Razor Host module to the page. 3. Add the following script content to it:
Razor reading query string value...
4. Test using a query string like ?testValue=test 5. Test using a query string like ?testValue=test%3Dequals Actual result: both will return ""test"" Expected result: the second one would display ""test=equals"" Original Example (provided by community): Encoding the value ""CSZ0/1MXspFQN+lA1lFfxA=="" using HttpUtility.UrlEncode and passing the value as query string to another page returns ""CSZ0/1MXspFQN+lA1lFfxA "" on decoding. Steps to reproduce * Encode the value ""CSZ0/1MXspFQN+lA1lFfxA=="" using HttpUtility.UrlEncode * Pass the value as query string to second page. * Fetch that value using Request.QueryString[""xxxx""] * Decode the returned value using HttpUtility.UrlDecode, * The result is ""CSZ0/1MXspFQN+lA1lFfxA "", ""=="" text is missing.",2
-"DNN-7299","07/27/2015 12:13:21","Clean warning when build platform solution","Clean build warnings in platform solution. Warning 6 'ClientDependency.Core.Config.ClientDependencySection.AllowOnlyFipsAlgorithms' is obsolete: 'Use the built in .Net CryptoConfig.AllowOnlyFipsAlgorithms' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Components\ClientDependency\Source\Config\ClientDependencySettings.cs 176 48 ClientDependency.Core Warning 5 'ClientDependency.Core.Config.FileRegistrationSection.FileBasedDependencyExtensionList' is obsolete: 'Use the ClientDependencySection.FileBasedDependencyExtensionList instead' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Components\ClientDependency\Source\Config\ClientDependencySettings.cs 145 61 ClientDependency.Core Warning 4 'ClientDependency.Core.Config.FileRegistrationSection.FileBasedDependencyExtensions' is obsolete: 'Use the ClientDependencySection.FileBasedDepdendenyExtensions instead' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Components\ClientDependency\Source\Config\ClientDependencySettings.cs 140 25 ClientDependency.Core Warning 10 'DotNetNuke.Entities.Content.Workflow.ContentWorkflowController' is obsolete: 'Deprecated in Platform 7.4.0.' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Services\FileSystem\Internal\FileLockingController.cs 44 41 DotNetNuke.Library Warning 9 'DotNetNuke.Entities.Content.Workflow.IContentWorkflowController.IsWorkflowCompleted(int)' is obsolete: 'Deprecated in Platform 7.4.0. Use instead IWorkflowEngine' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Services\FileSystem\Internal\FileLockingController.cs 44 41 DotNetNuke.Library Warning 48 'DotNetNuke.Entities.Host.Host.jQueryUIUrl' is obsolete: 'This is managed through the JavaScript Library package' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Services\Upgrade\Upgrade.cs 2542 17 DotNetNuke.Library Warning 47 'DotNetNuke.Entities.Host.Host.jQueryUrl' is obsolete: 'This is managed through the JavaScript Library package' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Services\Upgrade\Upgrade.cs 2537 17 DotNetNuke.Library Warning 29 'DotNetNuke.Entities.Host.Host.SiteLogHistory' is obsolete: 'Deprecated in 8.0.0' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Entities\Portals\PortalController.cs 481 65 DotNetNuke.Library Warning 98 'DotNetNuke.Entities.Modules.DesktopModuleController.AddDesktopModule(DotNetNuke.Entities.Modules.DesktopModuleInfo)' is obsolete: 'Deprecated In DotNetNuke 6.0. Replaced by SaveDesktopModule' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\DesktopModules\Admin\ModuleCreator\CreateModule.ascx.cs 291 60 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 99 'DotNetNuke.Entities.Modules.DesktopModuleController.GetDesktopModule(int)' is obsolete: 'This method replaced in DotNetNuke 5.0 by Shared method GetDesktopModule(Integer, Integer)' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\DesktopModules\Admin\ModuleCreator\CreateModule.ascx.cs 292 44 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 65 'DotNetNuke.Entities.Modules.PortalModuleBase.ModulePath' is obsolete: 'ModulePath was renamed to ControlPath and moved to IModuleControl in version 5.0' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\DesktopModules\Admin\ModuleCreator\CreateModule.ascx.cs 56 45 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 68 'DotNetNuke.Entities.Modules.PortalModuleBase.ModulePath' is obsolete: 'ModulePath was renamed to ControlPath and moved to IModuleControl in version 5.0' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\DesktopModules\Admin\ModuleCreator\CreateModule.ascx.cs 74 53 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 73 'DotNetNuke.Entities.Modules.PortalModuleBase.ModulePath' is obsolete: 'ModulePath was renamed to ControlPath and moved to IModuleControl in version 5.0' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\DesktopModules\Admin\ModuleCreator\CreateModule.ascx.cs 86 53 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 79 'DotNetNuke.Entities.Modules.PortalModuleBase.ModulePath' is obsolete: 'ModulePath was renamed to ControlPath and moved to IModuleControl in version 5.0' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\DesktopModules\Admin\ModuleCreator\CreateModule.ascx.cs 119 53 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 93 'DotNetNuke.Entities.Modules.PortalModuleBase.ModulePath' is obsolete: 'ModulePath was renamed to ControlPath and moved to IModuleControl in version 5.0' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\DesktopModules\Admin\ModuleCreator\viewsource.ascx.cs 241 53 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 96 'DotNetNuke.Entities.Modules.PortalModuleBase.ModulePath' is obsolete: 'ModulePath was renamed to ControlPath and moved to IModuleControl in version 5.0' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\DesktopModules\Admin\ModuleCreator\viewsource.ascx.cs 273 53 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 97 'DotNetNuke.Entities.Modules.PortalModuleBase.ModulePath' is obsolete: 'ModulePath was renamed to ControlPath and moved to IModuleControl in version 5.0' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\DesktopModules\Admin\ModuleCreator\viewsource.ascx.cs 284 47 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 105 'DotNetNuke.Entities.Modules.PortalModuleBase.ModulePath' is obsolete: 'ModulePath was renamed to ControlPath and moved to IModuleControl in version 5.0' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\DesktopModules\Admin\ModuleCreator\viewsource.ascx.cs 338 53 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 45 'DotNetNuke.Entities.Portals.PortalController.GetCurrentPortalSettings()' is obsolete: 'Deprecated in DotNetNuke 7.3. Replaced by PortalController.Instance.GetCurrentPortalSettings' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\UI\UserControls\URLControl.cs 1412 32 DotNetNuke.Library Warning 40 'DotNetNuke.Entities.Portals.PortalController.GetPortalSettingsDictionary(int)' is obsolete: 'Deprecated in DNN 7.4.0. Replaced by PortalController.Instance.GetPortalSettings' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Entities\Portals\PortalSettings.cs 592 21 DotNetNuke.Library Warning 41 'DotNetNuke.Entities.Portals.PortalController.GetPortalSettingsDictionary(int)' is obsolete: 'Deprecated in DNN 7.4.0. Replaced by PortalController.Instance.GetPortalSettings' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Entities\Portals\PortalSettings.cs 626 21 DotNetNuke.Library Warning 46 'DotNetNuke.Entities.Portals.PortalInfo.SiteLogHistory' is obsolete: 'Deprecated in 8.0.0' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Entities\Portals\PortalController.cs 2029 45 DotNetNuke.Library Warning 42 'DotNetNuke.Entities.Users.UserController.GetCurrentUserInfo()' is obsolete: 'Deprecated in DNN 7.3. Replaced by UserController.Instance.GetCurrentUserInfo()' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\UI\UserControls\URLControl.cs 660 61 DotNetNuke.Library Warning 84 'DotNetNuke.Framework.DefaultPage.Form' hides inherited member 'System.Web.UI.Page.Form'. Use the new keyword if hiding was intended. E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\Default.aspx.designer.cs 166 59 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 67 'DotNetNuke.Framework.DefaultPage.MetaDescription' hides inherited member 'System.Web.UI.Page.MetaDescription'. Use the new keyword if hiding was intended. E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\Default.aspx.designer.cs 67 63 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 69 'DotNetNuke.Framework.DefaultPage.MetaKeywords' hides inherited member 'System.Web.UI.Page.MetaKeywords'. Use the new keyword if hiding was intended. E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\Default.aspx.designer.cs 76 63 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 28 'DotNetNuke.Framework.jQuery.GetJQueryMigrateScriptReference()' is obsolete: 'This is managed through the JavaScript Library package' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Framework\JavaScriptLibraries\JavaScript.cs 476 72 DotNetNuke.Library Warning 31 'DotNetNuke.Framework.jQuery.GetJQueryMigrateScriptReference()' is obsolete: 'This is managed through the JavaScript Library package' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Framework\JavaScriptLibraries\JavaScript.cs 489 72 DotNetNuke.Library Warning 34 'DotNetNuke.Framework.jQuery.GetJQueryMigrateScriptReference()' is obsolete: 'This is managed through the JavaScript Library package' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Framework\JavaScriptLibraries\JavaScript.cs 517 72 DotNetNuke.Library Warning 27 'DotNetNuke.Framework.jQuery.GetJQueryScriptReference()' is obsolete: 'This is managed through the JavaScript Library package' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Framework\JavaScriptLibraries\JavaScript.cs 471 72 DotNetNuke.Library Warning 30 'DotNetNuke.Framework.jQuery.GetJQueryScriptReference()' is obsolete: 'This is managed through the JavaScript Library package' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Framework\JavaScriptLibraries\JavaScript.cs 484 72 DotNetNuke.Library Warning 33 'DotNetNuke.Framework.jQuery.GetJQueryScriptReference()' is obsolete: 'This is managed through the JavaScript Library package' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Framework\JavaScriptLibraries\JavaScript.cs 511 72 DotNetNuke.Library Warning 32 'DotNetNuke.Framework.jQuery.GetJQueryUIScriptReference()' is obsolete: 'This is managed through the JavaScript Library package' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Framework\JavaScriptLibraries\JavaScript.cs 495 72 DotNetNuke.Library Warning 35 'DotNetNuke.Framework.jQuery.GetJQueryUIScriptReference()' is obsolete: 'This is managed through the JavaScript Library package' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Framework\JavaScriptLibraries\JavaScript.cs 525 72 DotNetNuke.Library Warning 36 'DotNetNuke.Framework.jQuery.HostedUrl' is obsolete: 'This is managed through the JavaScript Library package' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Framework\JavaScriptLibraries\JavaScript.cs 574 32 DotNetNuke.Library Warning 22 'DotNetNuke.Framework.jQuery.IsInstalled' is obsolete: 'This is managed through the JavaScript Library package' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Framework\jQuery.cs 256 25 DotNetNuke.Library Warning 25 'DotNetNuke.Framework.jQuery.IsUIInstalled' is obsolete: 'This is managed through the JavaScript Library package' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Framework\jQuery.cs 296 25 DotNetNuke.Library Warning 38 'DotNetNuke.Framework.jQuery.JQueryFile(bool)' is obsolete: 'This is managed through the JavaScript Library package' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Framework\JavaScriptLibraries\JavaScript.cs 577 29 DotNetNuke.Library Warning 23 'DotNetNuke.Framework.jQuery.JQueryFileMapPath(bool)' is obsolete: 'This is managed through the JavaScript Library package' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Framework\jQuery.cs 258 49 DotNetNuke.Library Warning 26 'DotNetNuke.Framework.jQuery.JQueryUIFileMapPath(bool)' is obsolete: 'This is managed through the JavaScript Library package' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Framework\jQuery.cs 298 51 DotNetNuke.Library Warning 82 'DotNetNuke.Framework.jQuery.RegisterDnnJQueryPlugins(System.Web.UI.Page)' is obsolete: 'Obsoleted in 7.2.0 - registration occurs automatically during page load' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\admin\ControlPanel\ControlBar.ascx.cs 143 17 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 100 'DotNetNuke.Framework.jQuery.RegisterDnnJQueryPlugins(System.Web.UI.Page)' is obsolete: 'Obsoleted in 7.2.0 - registration occurs automatically during page load' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\DesktopModules\Admin\SearchResults\SearchResults.ascx.cs 293 13 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 50 'DotNetNuke.Framework.jQuery.RequestDnnPluginsRegistration()' is obsolete: 'Obsoleted in 7.2.0 - use JavaScript.RequestRegistration(CommonJs.DnnPlugins);' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Admin Modules\Dnn.Modules.RecycleBin\RecycleBin.ascx.cs 242 13 Dnn.Modules.RecycleBin Warning 55 'DotNetNuke.Framework.jQuery.RequestDnnPluginsRegistration()' is obsolete: 'Obsoleted in 7.2.0 - use JavaScript.RequestRegistration(CommonJs.DnnPlugins);' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Admin Modules\Dnn.Modules.Newsletters\Newsletter.ascx.cs 129 13 Dnn.Modules.Newsletters Warning 62 'DotNetNuke.Framework.jQuery.RequestDnnPluginsRegistration()' is obsolete: 'Obsoleted in 7.2.0 - use JavaScript.RequestRegistration(CommonJs.DnnPlugins);' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\DesktopModules\Admin\WhatsNew\WhatsNew.ascx.cs 45 13 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 64 'DotNetNuke.Framework.jQuery.RequestDnnPluginsRegistration()' is obsolete: 'Obsoleted in 7.2.0 - use JavaScript.RequestRegistration(CommonJs.DnnPlugins);' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\DesktopModules\Admin\Dashboard\Dashboard.ascx.cs 51 13 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 66 'DotNetNuke.Framework.jQuery.RequestDnnPluginsRegistration()' is obsolete: 'Obsoleted in 7.2.0 - use JavaScript.RequestRegistration(CommonJs.DnnPlugins);' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\DesktopModules\Admin\Extensions\Extensions.ascx.cs 61 13 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 72 'DotNetNuke.Framework.jQuery.RequestDnnPluginsRegistration()' is obsolete: 'Obsoleted in 7.2.0 - use JavaScript.RequestRegistration(CommonJs.DnnPlugins);' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\DesktopModules\Admin\Portals\Signup.ascx.cs 83 13 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 76 'DotNetNuke.Framework.jQuery.RequestDnnPluginsRegistration()' is obsolete: 'Obsoleted in 7.2.0 - use JavaScript.RequestRegistration(CommonJs.DnnPlugins);' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\DesktopModules\Admin\Vendors\EditVendors.ascx.cs 96 13 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 80 'DotNetNuke.Framework.jQuery.RequestDnnPluginsRegistration()' is obsolete: 'Obsoleted in 7.2.0 - use JavaScript.RequestRegistration(CommonJs.DnnPlugins);' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\DesktopModules\Admin\Security\Register.ascx.cs 128 13 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 81 'DotNetNuke.Framework.jQuery.RequestDnnPluginsRegistration()' is obsolete: 'Obsoleted in 7.2.0 - use JavaScript.RequestRegistration(CommonJs.DnnPlugins);' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\DesktopModules\Admin\XmlMerge\XmlMerge.ascx.cs 133 13 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 83 'DotNetNuke.Framework.jQuery.RequestDnnPluginsRegistration()' is obsolete: 'Obsoleted in 7.2.0 - use JavaScript.RequestRegistration(CommonJs.DnnPlugins);' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\DesktopModules\Admin\Security\EditRoles.ascx.cs 150 13 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 88 'DotNetNuke.Framework.jQuery.RequestDnnPluginsRegistration()' is obsolete: 'Obsoleted in 7.2.0 - use JavaScript.RequestRegistration(CommonJs.DnnPlugins);' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\DesktopModules\Admin\Security\Roles.ascx.cs 197 13 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 89 'DotNetNuke.Framework.jQuery.RequestDnnPluginsRegistration()' is obsolete: 'Obsoleted in 7.2.0 - use JavaScript.RequestRegistration(CommonJs.DnnPlugins);' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\DesktopModules\Admin\LogViewer\EditLogTypes.ascx.cs 203 13 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 90 'DotNetNuke.Framework.jQuery.RequestDnnPluginsRegistration()' is obsolete: 'Obsoleted in 7.2.0 - use JavaScript.RequestRegistration(CommonJs.DnnPlugins);' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\DesktopModules\Admin\Scheduler\EditSchedule.ascx.cs 204 13 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 92 'DotNetNuke.Framework.jQuery.RequestDnnPluginsRegistration()' is obsolete: 'Obsoleted in 7.2.0 - use JavaScript.RequestRegistration(CommonJs.DnnPlugins);' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\admin\ControlPanel\RibbonBar.ascx.cs 209 17 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 94 'DotNetNuke.Framework.jQuery.RequestDnnPluginsRegistration()' is obsolete: 'Obsoleted in 7.2.0 - use JavaScript.RequestRegistration(CommonJs.DnnPlugins);' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\DesktopModules\Admin\Extensions\EditExtension.ascx.cs 249 13 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 95 'DotNetNuke.Framework.jQuery.RequestDnnPluginsRegistration()' is obsolete: 'Obsoleted in 7.2.0 - use JavaScript.RequestRegistration(CommonJs.DnnPlugins);' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\DesktopModules\Admin\Tabs\Tabs.ascx.cs 252 13 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 102 'DotNetNuke.Framework.jQuery.RequestDnnPluginsRegistration()' is obsolete: 'Obsoleted in 7.2.0 - use JavaScript.RequestRegistration(CommonJs.DnnPlugins);' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\DesktopModules\Admin\Security\Password.ascx.cs 309 13 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 103 'DotNetNuke.Framework.jQuery.RequestDnnPluginsRegistration()' is obsolete: 'Obsoleted in 7.2.0 - use JavaScript.RequestRegistration(CommonJs.DnnPlugins);' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\admin\Modules\Modulesettings.ascx.cs 323 13 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 106 'DotNetNuke.Framework.jQuery.RequestDnnPluginsRegistration()' is obsolete: 'Obsoleted in 7.2.0 - use JavaScript.RequestRegistration(CommonJs.DnnPlugins);' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\DesktopModules\Admin\LogViewer\LogViewer.ascx.cs 339 13 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 108 'DotNetNuke.Framework.jQuery.RequestDnnPluginsRegistration()' is obsolete: 'Obsoleted in 7.2.0 - use JavaScript.RequestRegistration(CommonJs.DnnPlugins);' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\DesktopModules\Admin\Security\EditUser.ascx.cs 424 13 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 110 'DotNetNuke.Framework.jQuery.RequestDnnPluginsRegistration()' is obsolete: 'Obsoleted in 7.2.0 - use JavaScript.RequestRegistration(CommonJs.DnnPlugins);' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\DesktopModules\Admin\Security\User.ascx.cs 481 13 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 111 'DotNetNuke.Framework.jQuery.RequestDnnPluginsRegistration()' is obsolete: 'Obsoleted in 7.2.0 - use JavaScript.RequestRegistration(CommonJs.DnnPlugins);' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\DesktopModules\Admin\HostSettings\HostSettings.ascx.cs 514 13 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 112 'DotNetNuke.Framework.jQuery.RequestDnnPluginsRegistration()' is obsolete: 'Obsoleted in 7.2.0 - use JavaScript.RequestRegistration(CommonJs.DnnPlugins);' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\DesktopModules\Admin\Security\ManageUsers.ascx.cs 515 13 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 114 'DotNetNuke.Framework.jQuery.RequestDnnPluginsRegistration()' is obsolete: 'Obsoleted in 7.2.0 - use JavaScript.RequestRegistration(CommonJs.DnnPlugins);' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\DesktopModules\Admin\Portals\SiteSettings.ascx.cs 913 13 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 115 'DotNetNuke.Framework.jQuery.RequestDnnPluginsRegistration()' is obsolete: 'Obsoleted in 7.2.0 - use JavaScript.RequestRegistration(CommonJs.DnnPlugins);' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\DesktopModules\Admin\Tabs\ManageTabs.ascx.cs 1372 13 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 91 'DotNetNuke.Framework.jQuery.RequestHoverIntentRegistration()' is obsolete: 'Obsoleted in 7.2.0 - use JavaScript.RequestRegistration(CommonJs.HoverIntent);' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\admin\ControlPanel\RibbonBar.ascx.cs 205 21 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 60 'DotNetNuke.Framework.jQuery.RequestRegistration()' is obsolete: 'Obsoleted in 7.2.0 - use JavaScript.RequestRegistration(CommonJs.jQuery);' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\DesktopModules\Admin\Extensions\MoreExtensions.ascx.cs 42 13 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 87 'DotNetNuke.Framework.jQuery.RequestRegistration()' is obsolete: 'Obsoleted in 7.2.0 - use JavaScript.RequestRegistration(CommonJs.jQuery);' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\DesktopModules\Admin\Sitemap\SitemapSettings.ascx.cs 185 13 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 107 'DotNetNuke.Framework.jQuery.RequestRegistration()' is obsolete: 'Obsoleted in 7.2.0 - use JavaScript.RequestRegistration(CommonJs.jQuery);' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\DesktopModules\Admin\Console\ViewConsole.ascx.cs 347 5 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 109 'DotNetNuke.Framework.jQuery.RequestRegistration()' is obsolete: 'Obsoleted in 7.2.0 - use JavaScript.RequestRegistration(CommonJs.jQuery);' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\Default.aspx.cs 430 17 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 78 'DotNetNuke.Framework.jQuery.RequestUIRegistration()' is obsolete: 'Obsoleted in 7.2.0 - use JavaScript.RequestRegistration(CommonJs.jQueryUI);' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\admin\Skins\Toast.ascx.cs 103 13 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 39 'DotNetNuke.Framework.jQuery.UseDebugScript' is obsolete: 'This is managed through the JavaScript Library package' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Framework\JavaScriptLibraries\JavaScript.cs 577 48 DotNetNuke.Library Warning 37 'DotNetNuke.Framework.jQuery.UseHostedScript' is obsolete: 'This is managed through the JavaScript Library package' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Framework\JavaScriptLibraries\JavaScript.cs 575 18 DotNetNuke.Library Warning 59 'DotNetNuke.Modules.Admin.AdvancedSettings.AdvancedSettings.Attributes' hides inherited member 'System.Web.UI.UserControl.Attributes'. Use the new keyword if hiding was intended. E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\DesktopModules\Admin\AdvancedSettings\AdvancedSettings.ascx.designer.cs 31 69 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 63 'DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.ErrorPage.Form' hides inherited member 'System.Web.UI.Page.Form'. Use the new keyword if hiding was intended. E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\ErrorPage.aspx.designer.cs 49 63 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 57 'DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.ErrorPage.Title' hides inherited member 'System.Web.UI.Page.Title'. Use the new keyword if hiding was intended. E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\ErrorPage.aspx.designer.cs 22 73 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 44 'DotNetNuke.Services.FileSystem.IFileManager.GetContentType(string)' is obsolete: 'Deprecated in DNN 7.4.2. It has been replaced by FileContentTypeManager.Instance.GetContentType(string extension)' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Entities\Portals\PortalController.cs 860 43 DotNetNuke.Library Warning 19 'DotNetNuke.Services.Scheduling.SchedulingController.UpdateSchedule(int, string, int, string, int, string, int, string, bool, bool, string, string, string, System.DateTime)' is obsolete: 'Obsoleted in 7.3.0 - use alternate overload' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Services\Scheduling\SchedulingController.cs 212 13 DotNetNuke.Library Warning 21 'DotNetNuke.Services.Scheduling.SchedulingController.UpdateSchedule(int, string, int, string, int, string, int, string, bool, bool, string, string, string, System.DateTime)' is obsolete: 'Obsoleted in 7.3.0 - use alternate overload' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Services\Scheduling\DNNScheduler.cs 254 13 DotNetNuke.Library Warning 24 'DotNetNuke.Services.Scheduling.SchedulingController.UpdateSchedule(int, string, int, string, int, string, int, string, bool, bool, string, string, string, System.DateTime)' is obsolete: 'Obsoleted in 7.3.0 - use alternate overload' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Services\Scheduling\DNNScheduler.cs 275 13 DotNetNuke.Library Warning 18 'DotNetNuke.Services.Search.IndexingProvider.GetSearchDocuments(int, System.DateTime)' is obsolete: 'Depricated in DNN 7.4.2 Use 'IndexSearchDocuments' instead for lower memory footprint during search.' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Services\Search\SearchEngine.cs 211 34 DotNetNuke.Library Warning 20 'DotNetNuke.Services.Search.IndexingProvider.GetSearchDocuments(int, System.DateTime)' is obsolete: 'Depricated in DNN 7.4.2 Use 'IndexSearchDocuments' instead for lower memory footprint during search.' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Services\Search\SearchEngine.cs 225 30 DotNetNuke.Library Warning 7 'System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncodeUnicode(string)' is obsolete: 'This method produces non-standards-compliant output and has interoperability issues. The preferred alternative is UrlEncode(String).' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Syndication\RSS\RssHttpHandlerHelper.cs 49 37 DotNetNuke.Syndication Warning 15 Member 'DotNetNuke.Services.Search.TabIndexer.GetSearchDocuments(int, System.DateTime)' overrides obsolete member 'DotNetNuke.Services.Search.IndexingProvider.GetSearchDocuments(int, System.DateTime)'. Add the Obsolete attribute to 'DotNetNuke.Services.Search.TabIndexer.GetSearchDocuments(int, System.DateTime)'. E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Services\Search\TabIndexer.cs 67 53 DotNetNuke.Library Warning 51 Missing XML comment for publicly visible type or member 'Dnn.Modules.DynamicContentManager.Services.BaseController.LocalResourceFile' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Modules\Dnn.Modules.DynamicContentManager\Services\BaseController.cs 20 26 Dnn.Modules.DynamicContentManager Warning 54 Parameter 'associatedControlId' has no matching param tag in the XML comment for 'DotNetNuke.Providers.RadEditorProvider.ProviderConfig.BuildLabel(string, string)' (but other parameters do) E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Providers\HtmlEditorProviders\RadEditorProvider\ProviderConfig.ascx.cs 1316 70 DotNetNuke.RadEditorProvider Warning 56 Parameter 'page' has no matching param tag in the XML comment for 'DotNetNuke.Modules.Html.HtmlTextController.FormatHtmlText(int, string, System.Collections.Hashtable, DotNetNuke.Entities.Portals.PortalSettings, System.Web.UI.Page)' (but other parameters do) E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Modules\HTML\Components\HtmlTextController.cs 290 125 DotNetNuke.Modules.Html Warning 53 Parameter 'portalSettings' has no matching param tag in the XML comment for 'Dnn.Modules.DynamicContentManager.Services.ViewModels.ContentFieldViewModel.ContentFieldViewModel(Dnn.DynamicContent.FieldDefinition, DotNetNuke.Entities.Portals.PortalSettings)' (but other parameters do) E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Modules\Dnn.Modules.DynamicContentManager\Services\ViewModels\ContentFieldViewModel.cs 30 81 Dnn.Modules.DynamicContentManager Warning 52 Parameter 'settings' has no matching param tag in the XML comment for 'Dnn.Modules.DynamicContentManager.Services.ViewModels.ContentFieldsViewModel.ContentFieldsViewModel(System.Collections.Generic.IList, DotNetNuke.Entities.Portals.PortalSettings, int, int)' (but other parameters do) E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Modules\Dnn.Modules.DynamicContentManager\Services\ViewModels\ContentFieldsViewModel.cs 25 95 Dnn.Modules.DynamicContentManager Warning 75 The field 'DesktopModules.Admin.Portals.SiteSettings.advancedSettingsExtensions' is never used E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\DesktopModules\Admin\Portals\SiteSettings.ascx.cs 95 59 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 11 The field 'DotNetNuke.Entities.Users.ProfilePropertyAccess.administratorRoleName' is never used E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Entities\Users\Profile\ProfilePropertyAccess.cs 53 24 DotNetNuke.Library Warning 13 The field 'DotNetNuke.UI.WebControls.EditControl._editControlId' is never used E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\UI\WebControls\PropertyEditor\Edit Controls\EditControl.cs 56 21 DotNetNuke.Library Warning 104 The member 'DotNetNuke.Modules.Admin.Authentication.DNN.Login.GetRedirectUrl(bool)' does not hide an inherited member. The new keyword is not required. E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\DesktopModules\AuthenticationServices\DNN\Login.ascx.cs 338 24 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 61 The using directive for 'DotNetNuke.Entities.Users' appeared previously in this namespace E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\DesktopModules\Admin\ViewProfile\ViewProfile.ascx.cs 43 7 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 58 The using directive for 'System' appeared previously in this namespace E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\Install\UpgradeWizard.aspx.cs 26 7 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 17 The variable 'e' is declared but never used E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Framework\SecurityPolicy.cs 122 34 DotNetNuke.Library Warning 14 The variable 'ex' is declared but never used E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Common\Lists\CachedCountryList.cs 58 21 DotNetNuke.Library Warning 16 The variable 'ex' is declared but never used E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Services\Sitemap\CoreSitemapProvider.cs 92 25 DotNetNuke.Library Warning 43 The variable 'ex' is declared but never used E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Collections\CollectionExtensions.cs 766 30 DotNetNuke.Library Warning 49 The variable 'ex' is declared but never used E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Services\Upgrade\Upgrade.cs 4963 39 DotNetNuke.Library Warning 86 The variable 'ex' is declared but never used E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\DesktopModules\Admin\Extensions\AvailableExtensions.ascx.cs 179 30 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 101 The variable 'ex' is declared but never used E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\DesktopModules\Admin\AdvancedSettings\LanguagePacks.ascx.cs 302 30 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 85 The variable 'profileResourceFile' is assigned but its value is never used E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\DesktopModules\Admin\ViewProfile\ViewProfile.ascx.cs 175 21 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 113 The variable 'restartSchedule' is assigned but its value is never used E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\DesktopModules\Admin\HostSettings\HostSettings.ascx.cs 759 18 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 70 Unreachable code detected E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\DesktopModules\Admin\HostSettings\IPFilters.ascx.cs 78 21 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 71 Unreachable code detected E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\DesktopModules\Admin\HostSettings\IPFilters.ascx.cs 81 21 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 74 Unreachable code detected E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\DesktopModules\Admin\HostSettings\IPFilters.ascx.cs 93 21 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 77 Unreachable code detected E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\Website\DesktopModules\Admin\HostSettings\IPFilters.ascx.cs 96 21 DotNetNuke.Website Warning 8 XML comment is not placed on a valid language element E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Services\Social\Messaging\Data\DataService.cs 38 5 DotNetNuke.Library Warning 12 XML comment is not placed on a valid language element E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Services\Social\Messaging\Data\DataService.cs 56 9 DotNetNuke.Library Warning 1 XML comment on 'ClientDependency.Core.FileRegistration.Providers.StandardRenderer.RegisterDependencies(System.Collections.Generic.List, System.Collections.Generic.HashSet, out string, out string, System.Web.HttpContextBase)' has badly formed XML -- 'Whitespace is not allowed at this location.' E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Components\ClientDependency\Source\FileRegistration\Providers\StandardRenderer.cs 26 53 ClientDependency.Core Warning 3 XML comment on 'ClientDependency.Core.FileWriters.AddWriterForExtension(string, ClientDependency.Core.CompositeFiles.IFileWriter)' has a param tag for '?', but there is no parameter by that name E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Components\ClientDependency\Source\FileWriters.cs 110 26 ClientDependency.Core Warning 2 XML comment on 'ClientDependency.Core.FileWriters.AddWriterForExtension(string, ClientDependency.Core.CompositeFiles.IVirtualFileWriter)' has a param tag for '?', but there is no parameter by that name E:\Git\DNN Software\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Components\ClientDependency\Source\FileWriters.cs 45 26 ClientDependency.Core ",1
-"DNN-7302","07/27/2015 14:40:21","Create Quick Settings Framework","h2. Card As an administrator, I want to be able to quickly access a simple set of module specific settings. h2. Conversation A developer should be able to define a view that is used for displaying the quick settings. Quick settings should be definable for user controls, razor scripts, and html views. Quick settings should be displayed in their own drop down that is rendered as part of the Module Action Menu. This menu should only be displayed if the module includes a quick settings view. Quick settings should not use a postback but should rely on AJAX interactions. Quick settings should automatically be displayed when a module is first added to a page. h2. Confirmation",8
-"DNN-7303","07/27/2015 16:31:03","Edit Content using Auto-Generated Edit template","h2. Card As a content editor, I want to be able to access an edit screen which displays all the editable fields for the selected content type. As a developer, I want the edit screen automatically generated based on the field order defined for a specific content type. h2. Conversation The edit screen should show all of the fields defined for the content type. The fields should use the default editor defined for each content type. h2. Confirmation",3
-"DNN-7304","07/27/2015 16:35:59","Edit content using admin defined view","h2. Card As a content editor, I want to be able to display a specific edit screen which was assigned by the content manager. h2. Conversation Edit views can be created by an administrator in the DCC admin. The Content manager can assign this view in the quick settings to be the edit view. h2. Confirmation",2
-"DNN-7305","07/27/2015 16:41:12","Navigate to the Template editor","h2. Card As an administrator, I want to have a link from the module action menu to the Dynamic Content Type Management page. h2. Conversation It can't be assumed that the Dynamic Content Type Management module exists on an admin page. The system should be able to find whatever page wherever it is located in the system. This should open with the Templates tab open. It should enforce the permissions. h2. Confirmation",3
-"DNN-7306","07/27/2015 16:49:24","Quick Settings view for DCC","h2. Card As a content manager, I want to be able to set the content type, view template and edit templates for a specific instance of the DCC viewer module. h2. Conversation The Content Type drop down list should display all of the portal and global types available in the current portal. The view template drop down list should display all the view templates associated with a specific content type. The edit template drop down list should display all of the view templates associated with a specific content type. In addition, the edit template list will include an option to use an auto-generated view. The auto-generated option will be the default option. If there is a file that matches the following pattern then it should be the default edit view: [view template name]_edit.cshtml. For example, if you have a view template named customer.cshtml, then file named customer_edit.cshtml will automatically be selected if it exists, otherwise the auto-generated option will be the default value. If the current module does not have any settings configured, then the view should show an informational message at the top of the view notifying the user that they need to configure the module. h2. Conversation",3
-"DNN-7316","07/29/2015 12:56:16","Language selector placement should be adjusted","In the Dynamic Content Creator, when working in a multi-lingual site, a language selector is displayed in the UI to allow the user to easily change languages for translating content. The language selector is not centered vertically in the top row and there is no padding between the ""Add"" button and the language selector. Repro 1. Add a language to the site 2. Navigate to the Dynamic Content Creator 3. Observe the location of the Language selector on the Content Types, Data Types and Templates tabs Expected 1. The language selector would be centered vertically in the given space 2. There should be padding/margin between the ""Add"" button and the language selector using the same padding as applied elsewhere in the UI. Actual 1. See attached screenshot.",1
-"DNN-7317","07/29/2015 14:13:58","Display Dynamic Content","h2. Card As an viewer, I want to be able to view content. h2. Conversation Content should be displayed using the selected content-type, and view-template If a content editor has not configured the module then the module should initially be displayed using an HTML content type and a ""Getting Started"" template. This should be a standard Global Template which is installed with the DCC. h2. Confirmation",8
-"DNN-7320","07/29/2015 15:41:37","Create DCC Editor Framework","h2. Card As developer, I want to be able to create simple templates which are used to view and edit content fields. h2. Conversation This system should mirror the system used by the MVC framework. By default, all editor templates will be stored in \ContentTemplates\EditorTemplates and all display templates will be stored in \ContentTemplates\DisplayTemplates Global templates will be placed under Portals\_default while portal specific templates will go into the specific portals folders. The DCC will follow the naming convention for MVC. The Data Type name will be used to identify the associated display template or editor template. It will look in the Portal specific folder and then the global folder for a template that matches the type name. If a template is not found then the system should look for a template matching the base type name. To ensure optimum performance and minimize disk IO, the system should cache all editor and display templates. h2. Confirmation Brad Wilson provides some examples from MVC 2 http://bradwilson.typepad.com/blog/2009/10/aspnet-mvc-2-templates-part-3-default-templates.html",5
-"DNN-7321","07/29/2015 15:58:27","Create Display Templates for base types","h2. Card As a developer, I want to have display templates for the base types. h2. Conversation Display templates should use standard HTML 5 compliant markup as follows: * String - no markup, HTMLEncoded * Integer - no markup * Boolean - checkbox * float - no markup * Guid - no markup * Uri - no markup, UrlEncoded * Date - no markup * Bytes - hexadecimal string Brad Wilson provides some examples from MVC 2 http://bradwilson.typepad.com/blog/2009/10/aspnet-mvc-2-templates-part-3-default-templates.html h2. Confirmation",2
-"DNN-7322","07/29/2015 16:12:30","Create Editor Templates for Base Types","h2. Card As a developer, I want to have editor templates for the base types. h2. Conversation Display templates should use standard HTML 5 compliant markup as follows: * String - textbox * Integer - textbox * Boolean - checkbox * float - textbox * Guid - textbox * Uri - textbox * Date - date/time picker * Bytes - textbox, hexadecimal string * Timespan - text box, timespan.tostring() Brad Wilson provides some examples from MVC 2 http://bradwilson.typepad.com/blog/2009/10/aspnet-mvc-2-templates-part-3-default-templates.html h2. Confirmation",2
-"DNN-7333","07/30/2015 10:23:12","GetUserRoles in RoleController does not retrieve the IsSystemRole property from database","If we make a call to the method *GetUserRoles* in the *RoleController* class we get a List of *UserRoleInfo* objects, which indicates us the roles that a specificar users has. However, the property *IsSystemRole* is not filled with the actual value it has in database. Thus, it always has *false* value. *Steps to reproduce* * Create a new user * Assign a SystemRole to the user(f.i. Administrators) * Programmatically call the GetUserRoles method in class RoleController with params user = the created user and includePrivate = true *Actual result* * All the returned UserRoleInfo objects have IsSystemRole = false *Expected result* * The UserRoleInfo object that corresponds to the role Administrators should have *IsSystemRole* set to *true* The underlying stored procedure used is GetUserRoles, which makes a query on the view vw_UserRoles. Adding the IsSystemRole field in table Roles to the view should fix the bug.",2
-"DNN-7348","08/05/2015 01:11:30","EVOQCONTENT: Create new page and apply with template not work in azure","Reproduce Steps: 1. install evoq build on azure with azure version; 2. create a new page and edit html content, then export page. 3. try to create a new page and select the template just created. Expected Result: new page created and content from template applied. Actually Result: !templates on azure.png!",5
-"DNN-7377","08/11/2015 21:38:20","Add Module Slider does not give access to last few modules","(i) This issue occurs in Platform only, +not+ on Engage or Content # Click Add module from control panel # Scroll all the way to the right # (x) The last few modules (Taxonomy Manager, Vendors, View Profile) cannot be accessed. #* Please see screencast http://screencast.com/t/KtBf84wqNf (i) I can repro on all broswers: chrome, FF, IE11 (i) I used an object qualifier on my local site (i) I always install dummy serialization caching provider by default (https://dnndummycaching.codeplex.com/releases/view/106758)",3
-"DNN-8406","08/11/2015 22:28:48","Entering a tag in the Tags textbox causes cursor to move to new line","(i) Please see screencast http://screencast.com/t/hThweAmWFDzW When a tag is entered is the tags textbox, the cursor jumps to the second (next) line. This is incorrect. The cursor should stay in the same line until there is space on the current line.",3
-"DNN-7378","08/12/2015 00:10:17","Extract Language Manager into a separate module","h2. Card The Language Manager is used for managing multi-language features for a site. The Language Manager is just a UI that exists over the top of the core platform APIs. The UI components should be extracted into a separate module, however the underlying public API and data components should remain part of the platform. h2. Conversation This initial conversion effort is only focused on conversion to a module and shall not include conversion to a MVC or SPA module. h2. Confirmation ",3
-"DNN-7382","08/12/2015 13:55:22","Create nuget packaging script for DotNetNuke.Web.Client","Create a build script/task to package up the DotNetNuke.Web.Client assembly.",2
-"DNN-7398","08/13/2015 23:01:25","SI: Admin Reset Password - Child Portals","Forcing a user to reset their password on their next login does not work as expected for child portals. A parent portal functions correctly. When the a user is forced to change their password, they are taken to a page where they confirm their username and new password. On a child site, the url for the users password reset page is missing the child portal portion. For example, the parent 'localhost' can be reset correctly, but the child 'localhost/test' does not because 'test' is missing from the url. If 'test is added to the url manually and the page is refreshed, a user can change the password. Steps to reproduce: 1. Create a child site and a test user. 2. Force a password reset on the users next login. 3. Login with the user and attempt to change the password. Expected behavior: The password is updated and the user can login with the new password. Actual behavior: The user cannot change the password because the url is pointed to the parent portal where the user does not exist. Manually changing the url to include the child portal and refreshing the page in necessary for the user to update their password.",2
-"DNN-7400","08/14/2015 09:46:03","EVOQSOCIAL - Module Action menus should be created only under the main page body","Module Action menus are added into the default form element existing under the body element. However there is not an accurate selector to add these menus and it possible to create more than one menu per module if the page contains more form elements That behavior provokes errors in the page edition since Module Action menu should be unique We should accurate the way how Module Action Menus are added and ensure that only one is created per module. You can see that effect in linked issue SOCIAL-4180 ",1
-"DNN-7405","08/14/2015 21:56:01","SI : Duplicate page names not allowed across different locales","Duplicate page names not allowed across different locales. *+Here is the steps to reproduce the issue.+* 1) Install new site (Content 8.1) 2) Goto Host > Host Settings > Other Settings > Allow Content Localization [Check true] & click update 3) Goto Admin > Language > add 1 eb-GB Locale language ver and enable the localization 4) Click on pages > Add new page : Page Name : DNNTEST1 5) Click on Localization Tab > Culture Type ‘Radio button’ > Create in Current Culture only > Click on Add Page 6) You can notice Culture flags are missing from new page. !2015-08-14_13-48-33.png|thumbnail! 7) Click on home page and then click on eb-GB Locale flag. 8) Click on pages > Add new page : Page Name : DNNTEST1 9) Click on Localization Tab > Culture Type ‘Radio button’ > Create in Current Culture only > Click on Add Page 10) You will see the below error !2015-08-14_13-51-45.png|thumbnail! ",3
-"DNN-7410","08/16/2015 13:50:34","StoredProcedure GetSchedule should ""find"" server that are not pre- and/or postfixed with a comma","If you create a scheduler programmatically and set the server name to something like ""ServerName1"" that name is stored in the database table Schedule as ""ServerName1"". If you create the scheduler using the host admin UI, the server name is pre- and postfixed with a comma and stored as "",ServerName1,"" in the database. If you do not use the UI and the server name is stored without commas, you get strange behaviors: At some point the scheduler stops running. IMHO the problem is caused by the stored procedure ""GetSchedule"" that requires the commas. On the other side DotNetNuke.Services.Scheduling.SchedulingController.CanRunOnThisServer(..) does not require commas. I will create a pull request that updates ""GetSchedule"" to behave more like DotNetNuke.Services.Scheduling.SchedulingController.CanRunOnThisServer(...). ",1
-"DNN-7415","08/18/2015 14:40:19","Error when adding Dynamic Content Viewer to the page","Adding the DCC Viewer to the page results in a ""Value can not be null"" error. Steps: 1. Install DNN 8.0.0 build 224 2. Login as host user 3. Add Dynamic Content Viewer to the page Expected: 1. Dynamic Content module will show sample template and automatically display the quick settings page. Actual: 1. Error is displayed as shown in the attached image. ",1
-"DNN-7420","08/19/2015 01:32:48","Install CKEditor on Window AZURE show DB Compatibility error","Install CKEditor on Window AZURE show DB Compatibility error Login as Host Host--> Extension--> Available Extensions Click on Provider and install CKEditor Expected: it should not show any error "" This package is not verified to be compatible with Azure SQL Database Actual: it show error "" This package is not verified to be compatible with Azure SQL Database"" For further information Please refer to link : http://screencast.com/t/G7PTwurSAjV ",1
-"DNN-7421","08/19/2015 18:35:23","DCC Viewer - Getting Started should be pre-installed Global template","The Getting Started view that is displayed in the DCC Viewer when the settings have not been configured should be a Global template rather than a hard-coded MVC View",2
-"DNN-7423","08/19/2015 18:42:17","DCC Viewer - Templates throw Exception in Application scenario","Templates throw an Exception when defined in an Application (rather than a Website) as the path to the Razor file is incorrectly generated.",2
-"DNN-7426","08/19/2015 18:50:51","DCC Viewer - Page needs to be refreshed if settings have been changed","As the settings are updated using an Ajax request, when the window is closed the page does not reflect the changes. We need to do a page refresh to pick up the changed settings.",3
-"DNN-7441","08/21/2015 21:22:46","EVOQCONTENT: Site is absolutely unusable with CDF enabled","Please see screencast http://screencast.com/t/8COMeZOwAh # Go to Host Settings # Enable CDF (both composite files and minify css/js) # Bugs found: #* (x) *Showstopper:* Control Panel menus are not displayed/rendered #* (x) *Showstopper:* Username is not displayed. Therefore, user cannot logout. #* (x) *Showstopper:* Login as Content Manager if you can. Persona Bar is not displayed. #* (x) *Showstopper:* A whole bunch of JS errors in browser console: #** !cdferrors.png!",2
-"DNN-7439","08/22/2015 00:20:08","SI: cannot reset password when question and answer enabled","cannot reset password when question and answer enabled Steps to reproduce: 1) set requiresQuestionAndAnswer=""true"" in web.config 2) create new user 3) try to reset password Expected Result: should be able to reset password Actual Result: password reset does not work",2
-"DNN-7443","08/24/2015 16:16:24","EVOQCONTENT - Site search not working for tags with html characters","Site search is not finding items with tags that contain a html character. *Steps*: # In DAM, add a tag to a file with and &, for example 'tag&' # In search box, click advanced and enter the tag 'tag&' *Result* No results Found !tagsearch.png! *Expected* Should show the item associated to 'tag&'",1
-"DNN-7449","08/25/2015 04:27:24","HTML Module: Token Replacement not working with CKEditor","1. Login as Host. 2. Add a new page to the site. 3. Enable ""Token Replacement"" on the settings page of the HTML module. 4. Edit HTML module content by adding :""Welcome [User:FirstName] [User:LastName] to our website."" 5. Save content Expected result. [User:FirstName] and [User:LastName] tokens are replaced Actual Result. ""Welcome to our website."" is displayed in module without user details. Note: User, Portal and membership tokens don't work. Date and tick tokens do work.",3
-"DNN-7455","08/25/2015 22:50:44","RU lost access to Public Group","This is a regression, tested on Platform 7.4.0 and it works, but broken in 7.4.2. - Log in as Host user, create a page (View Permission to all users) and drop a Social Group module on the page - Click ""Auto Config"", and then create a public Group (use all default settings, means no approval needed for all users to join in) - Log in as a RU, and goto the new page, click on ""Join Group"" link. Result: An Access Denied error will be displayed on the group page. Expected: Should be able to access to the public group",1
-"DNN-7456","08/26/2015 06:01:31","CKEditor - Cannot display IFrame","On the new CK Editor there is an IFrame option, however I cannot work out how to get it to render the URL I set.",2
-"DNN-7460","08/26/2015 16:45:42","DCC Admin - Field reordering is not saving the order","In the Dynamic Content Type Manager, when I attempt to reorder a Content Type field, the field order is not maintained. Steps: 1. Open the DCC Manager 2. Edit a content type with multiple fields (i.e.person) 3. Attempt to reorder the content fields Expected: 1. Content fields are reordered as indicated. 2. Content field order is maintained if you refresh the editor See the attached video",2
-"DNN-7461","08/26/2015 19:37:38","SI: Search Results are showing code(Javascript etc.)","Steps to replicate: 1. Log in as Host to Platform 7.4.1 2. Add this code to Page Header of a page: 3.Delete and Re-index the search 4. Run a search for that page Actual Result: Code is showing up in Search Results Expected Result: Code shouldn't be in Search Results Side Note: Re-indexed with URL Crawler turned OFF and it DID NOT resolve the issue. Issue can be seen here: http://www.swbc.com/search-results?Search=insurance",2
-"DNN-7462","08/26/2015 21:28:41","HTML editor is not working in EDGE","Step to reproduce: -Login as Host -Create a child site -create a new page -click on edit content to add content to new page Expected: User should able to enter the content through html editor. Actual: HTML editor is not working after click on edit content. Please refer to screenshot in attachment",2
-"DNN-7482","08/26/2015 22:33:42","EVOQCONTENT: CDF: Advanced editor is broken when CDF turned on","I was using local installed Content with Chrome Pre-Condition: In host > Host Settings > Advanced Settings > Client Resource Management, turn on ""Enable Composite Files"", ""Minify CSS"" and ""Minify JS"". Update the settings and then also click on ""Increment Version"". Steps: - Goto to home page, and edit this page. - Click in to any one of HTML editor and bring up the ""Advanced Editor"". Result: http://screencast.com/t/da3QsqXWCLS The UI already messed up If you click on ""Basic Text Box"" (looks ok), and click back on ""Rich Text Editor"", you will see the page keeps loading without display properly. Error in console: {noformat} Uncaught ReferenceError: replacejscssfile is not defined (anonymous function) @ 370?popUp=true:585 (anonymous function) @ Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:6 Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager._endPostBack @ Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:15 Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager._scriptsLoadComplete @ Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:15 (anonymous function) @ Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:6 (anonymous function) @ Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:6 Sys._ScriptLoader._loadScriptsInternal @ Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:15 Sys._ScriptLoader._loadScriptsInternal @ Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:15 Sys._ScriptLoader._loadScriptsInternal @ Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:15 Sys._ScriptLoader._nextSession @ Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:15 Sys._ScriptLoader._loadScriptsInternal @ Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:15 Sys._ScriptLoader._scriptLoadedHandler @ Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:15 (anonymous function) @ Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:6 Sys._ScriptLoaderTask._scriptLoadHandler @ Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:6 (anonymous function) @ Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:6 b @ Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd?_TSM_HiddenField_=ScriptManager_TSM&compress=1&_TSM_CombinedScripts_…:6 {noformat}",2
-"DNN-7487","08/27/2015 17:53:29","Enable dynamic portal templates","h2. Card As a super-user, when I create a new portal, I want the system to use a portal template, the admin template and the list of module defined Admin/Host pages to create the new portal. h2. Conversation If a developer has defined an Admin/Host page in their module manifest, then this information should be used to generate the appropriate pages in any portals that are created after the module is installed. h2. Confirmation ",3
-"DNN-7492","08/28/2015 21:58:14","CLONE - SI: Back to search results not working as expected","_Screencast Link:_ http://screencast.com/t/gxDIom3ii *Steps to Replicate:* # On the page search, Search for something (ex: Products) and hit enter to go to search results page # Once you are in search results page with results for ""Products"", using the search bar in search results module search for something else (ex: Pages) # Click on a search result for ""Pages"" to go to that page # Now Press back button in your browser *Expected:* Should go back to search results for Pages: [domain]/Search-Results?Search=Pages&page=2&type=Publisher *Actual:* Goes back to the search results for Products: [domain]/Search-Results?Search=Products *What Needs to Change from Current State:* This needs to account for more than 1 page of results. Meaning, if there are 2 pages of results and the user clicks the next button to go to page 2 we need to add this as a new parameter to the URL and make sure the results view goes to the proper page when loaded. It also needs to apply any type filters that have been clicked/added. ",3
-"DNN-7505","09/02/2015 18:13:46","Page does not switch between http and https after SSL Enforced is enabled","Issue description: Page does not switch between http and https after SSL Enforced is enabled Steps: 1, Setup an SSL Offloading site 2, In Site Settings, enable SSL Enabled and SSL Enforced 3, Recycle Application Domain 4, Create a page, set it as Secure and add some content 5, Add SSL test module to the page 6, Go to Home page, and to the new page and to another page - check http or https protocols and also information from SSL test module Actual results: All pages are in http protocol, as shown in video http://screencast.com/t/0THhPLF1Nt Expected results: The new page should be in https, and other pages in http ",3
-"DNN-7518","09/04/2015 15:27:46","SI: Display Module On All Pages - Removal Issue","Unchecking the “Display Module on All Pages” condition in module settings page it throws error. !2015-09-04_7-26-53.png|thumbnail! 1 Click ""Display Module On all Pages?"" 2 Click ""Add to new pages only"" 3 Add a new page 4 Go back to original module and un-Click ""Display Module On all Pages"" and click update. *The Module doesn't removed from new pages, the following error message is displayed:* Error: is currently unavailable. DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.ModuleLoadException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at DotNetNuke.Entities.Tabs.TabChangeTracker.TrackModuleUncopy(ModuleInfo module, Int32 moduleVersion, Int32 originalTabId, Int32 userId) at DotNetNuke.Entities.Modules.ModuleController.UncopyModule(Int32 tabId, Int32 moduleId, Boolean softDelete, Int32 originalTabId) at DotNetNuke.Entities.Modules.ModuleController.DeleteAllModules(Int32 moduleId, Int32 tabId, List`1 fromTabs, Boolean softDelete, Boolean includeCurrent, Boolean deleteBaseModule) at DotNetNuke.Modules.Admin.Modules.ModuleSettingsPage.OnUpdateClick(Object sender, EventArgs e) — End of inner exception stack trace — ",2
-"DNN-7522","09/08/2015 08:36:34","Auto Installation/Upgrade > when client interrupts server communication the installation breaks","Auto Installation/Upgrade > when client interrumps server communication the installation breaks leaving the site in an unpredictable state. In auto installation and upgrade if clients closes the browser or for any other action cuases the system stops the communication with the server the installation process stops and the system fires the following exception, leaving the site in inconsistent and unpredictable state: {code} 2015-09-04 14:28:07,690 [DNN-PC65][Thread:10][FATAL] DotNetNuke.Web.Common.Internal.DotNetNukeHttpApplication - System.Web.HttpUnhandledException (0x80004005): Exception of type 'System.Web.HttpUnhandledException' was thrown. ---> System.Web.HttpException (0x800704CD): The remote host closed the connection. The error code is 0x800704CD. at System.Web.Hosting.IIS7WorkerRequest.RaiseCommunicationError(Int32 result, Boolean throwOnDisconnect) at System.Web.Hosting.IIS7WorkerRequest.ExplicitFlush() at System.Web.HttpResponse.Flush(Boolean finalFlush, Boolean async) at System.Web.HttpWriter.Write(String s) at DotNetNuke.Common.Utilities.HtmlUtils.WriteFeedback(HttpResponse response, Int32 indent, String message, Boolean showtime) at DotNetNuke.Services.Upgrade.Upgrade.InstallPackage(String file, String packageType, Boolean writeFeedback) at DotNetNuke.Services.Install.Install.UpgradeApplication() at DotNetNuke.Services.Install.Install.OnLoad(EventArgs e) at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) at System.Web.UI.Page.HandleError(Exception e) at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequest(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequest() at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) at System.Web.HttpApplication.CallHandlerExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute() at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously) {code} The main problem here is the the server flush to the client without checking if the client is connected first. So when the client is not connected the system raise an exception no handled by the installation/upgrade process. This leave the installation in a broken and unpredictable state. Note: This is probably a very old issue that affects the auto install in almos all the last years DNN versions. *Expected result* The expected result should be confirmed with PM: * Leave the installation continue in background and complete * Stop the installation in a predictable manner (i.e.: complete the installation of the current package and then stop the installation)",2
-"DNN-7523","09/08/2015 16:04:39","EVOQCONTENT - As CM, bring up module help will cause jScrollPane error","Noticed this @ http://dnnxctuxv.azurewebsites.net with IE. Also it is reproducible in a local fresh install with any user with Edit permissions. i.e. Host users Steps: (bring up DeveloperTool) - Log in as Host, and edit any page - Mouse hover on any module header to bring up module menu. - From the gear like icon drop-down menu, click out ""Help"" Result: SCRIPT438: Object doesn't support property or method 'jScrollPane' File: 382, Line: 103, Column: 13 !image-2015-09-04-14-47-59-769.png|width=800! ",2
-"DNN-7531","09/09/2015 15:49:16","DNNFileUpload should register all its needed dependencies","DNNFileUpload should register all its needed dependences. In fact, it does not register JQuery UI, however it uses it on dnn.fileUpload.js file. A user could find an javascript error as 'Uncaught TypeError: $.widget is not a function' if a page uses the control but no other module registers the JQuery UI library",2
-"DNN-8382","09/09/2015 21:55:08","Folder should be automatically generated if not exist. ","Bing: Finally after some research, it is because the ""Template"" folder doesn't exist. Logged it as improvement for now. First of all, add following entry in host file www.dnnsoftware.com Steps: - Use gethost to log in to this site - click on host menu > Edit Page > Export Page - Provide enough info and check on ""Content"". http://screencast.com/t/xIhrZvQ5i3 Result: Error and exceptions displayed, and actually I couldn't find the exported template file. {noformat} Error: is currently unavailable. DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.ModuleLoadException: The underlying system threw an exception. The file has not been added. ---> DotNetNuke.Services.FileSystem.FolderProviderException: The underlying system threw an exception. The file has not been added. ---> System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Sites\DNNSoftware\Portals\0\Templates\Home-Bing-Exported.page.template'. at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath) at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost) at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy) at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize) at System.IO.File.Create(String path, Int32 bufferSize) at DotNetNuke.Services.FileSystem.Internal.FileWrapper.Create(String path) at DotNetNuke.Services.FileSystem.StandardFolderProvider.UpdateFile(IFolderInfo folder, String fileName, Stream content) at DotNetNuke.Services.FileSystem.FileManager.AddFile(IFolderInfo folder, String fileName, Stream fileContent, Boolean overwrite, Boolean checkPermissions, String contentType, Int32 createdByUserID) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at DotNetNuke.Services.FileSystem.FileManager.AddFile(IFolderInfo folder, String fileName, Stream fileContent, Boolean overwrite, Boolean checkPermissions, String contentType, Int32 createdByUserID) at DotNetNuke.Services.FileSystem.FileManager.AddFile(IFolderInfo folder, String fileName, Stream fileContent, Boolean overwrite, Boolean checkPermissions, String contentType) at DotNetNuke.Modules.Admin.Tabs.Export.OnExportClick(Object sender, EventArgs e) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- {noformat} ",2
-"DNN-7533","09/10/2015 11:34:17","EVOQCONTENT - Schedule History > Format duration and dates","Currently, the schedule history shows the duration as a total number of seconds, possibly with a lot of decimals. Also the 3 dates of start, end and next are displayed in the same cell. For task in progress, it shows E: 01/01/0001 00:00:00 N: 01/01/0001 00:00:00 as end and date Schedule History Improvements request: - Format duration as a human readable format, like HH:mm:ss. Not needed to show decimals - Use a separate column for each date (start/end/next). Not needed to use lists or labels inside the cell - Do not show invalid dates for null dates. Display the cell empty !ScheduleHistory.png!",2
-"DNN-7536","09/10/2015 17:55:31","SI: Search looks through the content and tags before the title of the article","When you search for articles using the title of the article as a search query, that title does not show up as the first one in the search result *Steps to Replicate:* # Create a Wiki Article with random content and a title # Create a few more articles with different titles but contain the terms in the title of the article in step 1 in the content of all the articles as well as the tags of all other articles. # Search for an article based on the title of the article in step 1 *Expected Results:* The article whose title matches the search query will the first one in the search results. *Actual Results:* The article whose title matches the search query does not show up as the first one in the results. !image004.png|thumbnail! !image007.jpg|thumbnail! ",2
-"DNN-7540","09/11/2015 21:57:20","custom registration field of list data type is no longer populated. The dropdownlist shows fine but is empty. This prevents new user from registering in our site","Custom registration field of list data type is no longer populated. The dropdownlist shows fine but is empty. This prevents new user from registering in our site My site was installed in Spanish",13
-"DNN-7544","09/14/2015 11:22:19","Change default robots.txt to allow client side resources","+Background+ Google has changed the way that it crawls pages, so that it can properly render and understand the content in a page. Part of this is accessing the js, css and image files that go into many webpages, particularly if they use a delayed load. As per the [official guidelines from Google Webmaster tools|http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.ro/2014/10/updating-our-technical-webmaster.html]: {quote} For optimal rendering and indexing, our new guideline specifies that you should allow Googlebot access to the JavaScript, CSS, and image files that your pages use. This provides you optimal rendering and indexing for your site. Disallowing crawling of Javascript or CSS files in your site’s robots.txt directly harms how well our algorithms render and index your content and can result in suboptimal rankings. {quote} The existing standard robots.txt file by default blocks access to specific DNN/CSS paths. +Change+ * *Remove* the following lines from the googlebot section of the robots.txt file: {code} Disallow: /js/ Disallow: /Portals/ Disallow: /images/ {code} This is a simple change which will help with Googlebot crawling Dnn sites still using the default robots.txt file. ",1
-"DNN-7550","09/15/2015 02:51:08","EVOQCONTENT - Password UI issues","This goal of this issue is to tweak the overall experience of password validation. Everything else in place today (the overall experience and design) are to remain unchanged. *Password Policy Tooltip*: Currently, when attempting to set (or change) the password the tooltip shown dispalys as you type (not ideal) and it also displays what makes a strong password; not the policy itself. Users need to be aware of the policy they are to match, so we should only show rules in the tooltip that are relevant to the site's password policy. *Actual Result*: the password tooltip shows part of the password policy that are not really validated against the server and that are more suggestion than policy password rules (see image below): !ActualPasswordPolicyTooltip.png! *Expected Result*: The policy password tooltip should only show rules based on site settings, such as site settings config as: !20150915094024.png! Those rules will each be on their own line (as they are today) and we should look to the regex here to see if it makes use of a few rules we should let the user know about. Overall, these are the rules which should display in the tooltip: - X (count required) non-alphanumeric (special) characters - X (count required) total characters - CriteriaValidationExpression.Text or if not set ""Validation Expression: [REGEX]"" *When the value in the password box doesn't match to this policy we will...* - The tooltip will be shown when it doesn't match when the user attempts to tab (or click) away (thus, onblur event on client-side) - The tooltip will show as shown in the screenshot below: !20150915094816.png! *Note*: by default the system shows ONLY the ""At least X characters"", ""the non-alphanumeric"" and ""validation expression"" are not shown as them not configured in the web.config file. * when put mouse on the meter bar, it will always show the tooltip, no matter whether password match the setting. * typing in Confirm should show “x” in field until it matches password field.",3
-"DNN-7558","09/15/2015 21:47:57","Portal importing failed if having tabs need to be merged","The importing process is trying to get the admin tab name by tab id ""-1"" on a portal that has not been fully imported. ",2
-"DNN-7570","09/16/2015 17:37:24","EVOQCONTENT - Auto Installation/Upgrade > hit the site again during installation makes the IUpgradable runs in parallel with portal 0 creation","Auto Installation/Upgrade > hit the site again during installation makes the IUpgradable runs in parallel with portal 0 creation. *Step to reproduce* * Go to auto install * Open a new browser tab while the install is in process * From the new browser tab hit again the site *Actual result* * The IUpgradable runs in parallel with the portal creation process making the result of the installation unpredictable or even broken. *Expected result* * The installation process should prevent this managing any other request to the site and run IUpgradable only once the installation + portal creation end properly. Note: this is an issue that likely exists since 7.2 (when the code base was moved to github) or even before. ",3
-"DNN-7571","09/16/2015 22:16:21","SI: Non-Admin users with Edit permissions can change all site containers","A user with a custom role that has full permissions to even a single page, has the power to change the containers for all modules on the site. Steps to reproduce: 1. Create a custom security role and assign it to a user that does not have the Admin role or the Content Editor/Manager role. 2. Grant full control to a page for the role. 3. Have the user change the container of module on the page. 4. Attempt to check the 'Apply To All Modules' and update. Expected Results: Since the option has a description that it is only available to Website Admins and Superusers, then the users shouldn't be able to check it. Actual Results: The user can check it and apply it so that it affects every page, regardless of the users permissions to other pages.",2
-"DNN-7573","09/17/2015 00:24:35","EVOQCONTENT: Icon missing for security analyzer module","Go to Host Settings Icon for Security Analyzer module is misisng. !securityanalyzer.png!",2
-"DNN-7575","09/17/2015 01:05:12","Admin > User Accounts - Has HTML code ""PageSizeComboBox"" on the page","Install latest Platform 7.4.2 build into Azure Websites Log in as Host Go Admin > User Accounts Add a new user Check the UI Actual Result; New user created properly ""PageSizeComboBox"" appears above the pagination control Expected Result: New user created properly No weird leftover HTML code in the UI Does NOT reproduce in Platform local or on-premise sites",1
-"DNN-7587","09/19/2015 22:40:33","DCC Add Markdown and Rich Text Editors","The only type of editor available for editing text is a simple text box. In order to provide a richer experience Markdown and Rich Text Editors will be added.",3
-"DNN-7589","09/21/2015 14:50:26","Create fields of type Content Type","h2. Card As a developer, I want to be able to create field which is a reference to another Content Type. h2. Conversation There will not be any separate UI stories. Cascading menu for snippet insertion context menu. h2. Confirmation ",5
-"DNN-7591","09/21/2015 16:57:15","Seqnum on taburl import is case sensitive","Dnn is exporting the taburls with the attribute SeqNum and then importing as seqNum. This is case sensitive so it is overriding all taburls with the last one in the sequence. Steps to reproduce: 1. Add 2 TabUrls to a page on your site. 2. Export the site to a template. 3. Import the template to a new portal. 4. Check the TabUrls on the new imported portal page. The order should be the same as it was originally, but on the imported page, only the last TabUrl will appear because of the invalid importing of SeqNum.",1
-"DNN-7595","09/21/2015 23:52:21","First time load File Management get unavailable errors. ","I noticed this twice so far, but not able to figure out the repro steps yet, most likely it only happens once when first time load up admin > File Management. Environment: this is a local clean install of platform. Result: You will see some error on the UI and logs as below: * Refresh the page, you won't be able to see the exception in log, neither the error on UI {code:java} 2015-09-21 15:43:07,996 [DNN-PC107][Thread:14][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - FriendlyMessage=""Error: File Management is currently unavailable."" ctrl=""ASP.desktopmodules_digitalassets_view_ascx"" exc=""System.ArgumentException: Item has already been added. Key in dictionary: '8' Key being added: '8' at System.Collections.Hashtable.Insert(Object key, Object nvalue, Boolean add) at DotNetNuke.Modules.DigitalAssets.Components.Controllers.DigitalAssetsController.AreMappedPathsSupported(Int32 folderMappingId) at DotNetNuke.Modules.DigitalAssets.Components.Controllers.DigitalAssetsController.GetUnlinkAllowedStatus(IFolderInfo folder) at DotNetNuke.Modules.DigitalAssets.Components.Controllers.DigitalAssetsController.GetFolderViewModel(IFolderInfo folder) at DotNetNuke.Modules.DigitalAssets.Components.Controllers.DigitalAssetsController.GetRootFolder(Int32 moduleId) at DotNetNuke.Modules.DigitalAssets.View.OnLoad(EventArgs e)"" {code} ",2
-"DNN-7600","09/22/2015 21:11:05","[Localization] - not localized text appears in the Content Localization pop up","This has likely been around for years. I see this behavior as far back as 7.3.3 In a 7.4.2 site log in as Host Go Host > Host Settings > Other Settings Scroll down and check off the box for ""Allow Content Localization?"" Click the blue 'Update' button Go Host > Extensions > Available Extensions Deploy at least 1 language pack Go Admin > Advanced Settings > Languages Click a non-EN US language flag at top left of the page Enable all the languages you just deployed above Click the ""Enable Localized Content"" button top right of the languages grid View the breadcrumb at top right of this pop up Actual Result: Language (localized to the language you selected above) > Enable Localized Content (in English regardless of the base language of the site or the language you selected above) Example: Base Language English secondary is Italian Platform741 > Lingue > Enable Localized Content Expected Result: Language (localized to the language you selected above) > Enable Localized Content (in English regardless of the base language of the site or the language you selected above) Example: Base Language English secondary is Italian Platform741 > Lingue > Activer le contenu localisé",2
-"DNN-7608","09/23/2015 22:54:25","DCC Viewer - Add automatic View template","The DCC Viewer supports an automatically generated template for editing a content item. We should also add an automatically generated template for display mode.",2
-"DNN-7609","09/23/2015 22:57:40","DCC Admin - Add a flag to identify if a custom Template is an Edit template","Currently we have no way to differentiate Edit templats and View templates. We should add a flag to identify whether a template is an Edit template and use that to filter the template list in the Viewer module's Quick Settings",2
-"DNN-8212","09/23/2015 23:02:45","Edit my profile button not displayed correct on the Messages page","Please see screencast http://screencast.com/t/QMdVvgsf5Vff # As any user, go to My Profile #* On the Activity Feed tab, *Edit my profile button* is displayed correctly #* On the Friendds tab, *Edit my profile button* is displayed correctly #* On the My Profile tab, *Edit my profile button* is displayed correctly #* However, on the Messages tab, *Edit my profile button* is displayed with incorrect height and width (or the wrong style) !Editmyprofilebtn.png!",1
-"DNN-7610","09/23/2015 23:25:54","DCC Admin - Use new DNN Icons","The DCC Admin module makes extensive use of the font-awesome icon font. We should switch that to the new DNN Icons font.",2
-"DNN-7614","09/24/2015 17:28:54","the SharedConstants class needs refactored so that is shows the localized text for the current langauge not the one first accessed when statically populated","If you have multiple languages enabled and go to admin->site settings and go to set one of the page dropdowns you'll notice that some of the text such as """" always shows in the default language. This is because it comes from a static object call SharedConstants so the value won't change when we switching languages, which also explains why recycling app pool can fix it. We need to refactor this to work correctly with dynamic language selection (and take care that we don't alter the class access modifiers i.e. don't break binary compatibility) ",2
-"DNN-7616","09/24/2015 19:12:22","Editing Employee ContentType results in error","In the DCC Viewer, if you choose an Employee or Product content type, and choose the auto-generated template, then the viewer throws an error. !image-2015-09-24-14-12-12-185.png|thumbnail! ",1
-"DNN-7617","09/24/2015 21:48:48","Module deletion leaves orphaned Content Items","When deleting a Module the Content Items associated with that module are not being deleted. This applies equally to the Content Item that represents the module itself AND to any Content Items defined as part of the Module - e.g. in the DCC Viewer module. For the Content Item that represents the module the Content Item is deleted when the Module is removed from the recycle bin (hard deleted, so that is probably ok. However the content items generated as part of the module are not deleted. During Hard deletion of a module all related Content Items should be deleted",1
-"DNN-7618","09/24/2015 22:03:09","Localization - If you cancel deployment of a Language Pack you get a ModuleloadException in the UI","In a clean install of or upgrade to Platform 7.4.2 latest build log in as HOST Go Host > Extensions > Available Extensions Select any available Language Pack by clicking the ""Deploy"" button At some point click the ""Cancel"" button during deployment Actual Result: In the UI I see: Error: is currently unavailable. DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.ModuleLoadException: The directory is not empty. ---> System.IO.IOException: The directory is not empty. at System.IO.Directory.DeleteHelper(String fullPath, String userPath, Boolean recursive, Boolean throwOnTopLevelDirectoryNotFound) at System.IO.Directory.Delete(String fullPath, String userPath, Boolean recursive, Boolean checkHost) at DotNetNuke.Modules.Admin.Extensions.Install.wizInstall_CancelButtonClick(Object sender, EventArgs e) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- In log.resources file I see: 2015-09-24 13:57:12,935 [TST-KG-W2012S1][Thread:29][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - FriendlyMessage=""Error: is currently unavailable."" ctrl=""ASP.desktopmodules_admin_extensions_install_ascx"" exc=""System.IO.IOException: The directory is not empty. at System.IO.Directory.DeleteHelper(String fullPath, String userPath, Boolean recursive, Boolean throwOnTopLevelDirectoryNotFound) at System.IO.Directory.Delete(String fullPath, String userPath, Boolean recursive, Boolean checkHost) at DotNetNuke.Modules.Admin.Extensions.Install.wizInstall_CancelButtonClick(Object sender, EventArgs e)"" Expected Result: Pop up should close gracefully No errors should occur ",2
-"DNN-7619","09/24/2015 22:53:17","[Localization] Upgrade with Content Localization enabled you get non Language Packs listed ","Found while regressing DNN-7022 Install a previous released version of Platform 6.2.8 > 7.4.1 Install 1 or 2 Language Packs and enable them in Admin > Advanced Settings > Languages Enable Content Localization Upgrade to Platform 7.4.2 latest build Log in as HOST or Admin Go Admin > Extensions Scroll down and expand ""Extension Language Packs"" Actual Result: There are non Language Packs listed here. A *very* long list of non Language Packs shows up See attachments",2
-"DNN-7627","09/27/2015 16:35:07","Call javascript method from Module Action","h2. Card As a developer, I want to be able to define a JavaScript method that is called when a module action menu item is clicked. h2. Conversation This capability is defined in the core ModuleAction API but is not exposed in the new [ModuleAction: {}] token that is provided. h2. Confirmation",3
-"DNN-7629","09/28/2015 16:42:18","EVOQCONTENT CoreMessaging_SubscriptionTypes > Add DB Unique restriction to SubscriptionName","Duplicate records have been found in CoreMessaging_SubscriptionTypes, probably due to some problem in the upgrade in some modules, with no reentrant code. This make other code fail, because it is assumed that this name is unique, and a type is retrieved by name. The enhance request is to add DB Unique restriction to SubscriptionName, in order to be able to find sooner errors in the upgrade process.",2
-"DNN-7634","09/28/2015 22:59:56","IUpgradable - Add support for non-version based upgrades","The core Upgrade.cs has the ability to execute code on all version upgrades in addition to the version specific upgrades. This enhancement will provide the option for IUpgradable on modules to execute code on a new Install and/or any upgrade, by adding the pseudo-versions ""Install"" and ""Upgrade"". ""Install"" - will execute on any new Install ""Upgrade"" will execute on any/all upgrades regardless of whether the current version and the new version are different. As the ""Upgrade"" pseudo-version code will execute on any/all upgrades it must be re-entrant. *Testing Notes:* - This impacts any extension installed (not the actual upgrade/install of the platform itself) -- You would want to try installing a module (one that is new, also try an upgrade scenario) to make sure things install without problems (this is the regression aspect, not the actual issue) - Typical users won't notice anything, the change was in the manifest file (.dnn) for developers as well as the installer of the platform (to read the manifest) -- This allows you to specify which business logic to run on install and/or upgrade (for the module) - Install the DCC admin module",3
-"DNN-7635","09/28/2015 23:59:51","moving modules with Drag&Drop is not possible, when ""Inject Module Hyperlinks"" is disabled"," moving modules with Drag&Drop is not possible, when ""Inject Module Hyperlinks"" is disabled (under /Admin/Site-Settings > Advanced Settings > Page Output Settings). IMHO, 7.4.1 and 8.0.0 (develop version) seems to be affected. Trying to move the module in this version does not work - after the page reload the module position is changed back to the old one.",1
-"DNN-7638","09/29/2015 16:36:48","Cannot find a superuser by email.","The class* DotNetNuke.Entities.Users.UserController* has a method to search user by a given email: *GetUsersByEmail*. When the email we want to search for is the one of a regular user, it finds the user. However, if we use the email of a superuser, the method does not find him/her. *Steps to reproduce* - Programmatically, call the GetUsersByEmail in the class UserController. Use the email of a superuser, the right portalId value, and the parameters: pageIndex = 0, pageSize = 5, includeDeleted = false, superUsersOnly = false *Expected result* - The superuser is retrieved by the method call *Actual result* - No superuser is found Note: The problem seems to be related to the stored procedure *GetUsersByEmail* and the view *vw_Users*",2
-"DNN-7647","09/30/2015 23:03:27","EVOQCONTENT: Unable to create a Page for a blank non-english child site","{panel:bgColor=#CCFFCC} Please see screencast http://screencast.com/t/pi61sL4X {panel} Step to reproduce # Install the Language pack and enable the content localization # Enable the non-english language and create the language's pages # Create a child site in non-English (French, German, etc) with *Blank template* (Note: Blank template should be non-English) # Create a Page for Child site #* Expected: The page should get created #* Actual: The Page is not created and exception generated in log file In the Event Viewer, the following error is logged several times: {panel:bgColor=#FFCCCC} AbsoluteURL:/Default.aspx DefaultDataProvider:DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider, DotNetNuke ExceptionGUID:4e4585a8-90d6-492a-a4eb-68cc63a8d6c8 AssemblyVersion:8.2.0 PortalId:3 UserId:1 TabId:294 RawUrl:/frankfurt/Activity-Feed/My-Profile/ctl/Tab/activeTab/settingTab?popUp=true Referrer:http://www.engage403.com/frankfurt/Activity-Feed/My-Profile/ctl/Tab/activeTab/settingTab?popUp=true UserAgent:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/45.0.2454.101 Safari/537.36 ExceptionHash:N42vWQ5xIM1p+f/ERqzjtg== Message:Selection out of range Parameter name: value StackTrace: InnerMessage:Selection out of range Parameter name: value InnerStackTrace: at Telerik.Web.UI.RadComboBox.PerformDataBinding(IEnumerable dataSource) at Telerik.Web.UI.RadComboBox.PerformSelect() at DotNetNuke.Modules.Admin.Tabs.ManageTabs.BindBeforeAfterTabControls() at DotNetNuke.Modules.Admin.Tabs.ManageTabs.cboParentTab_SelectedIndexChanged(Object sender, EventArgs e) at System.Web.UI.Page.RaiseChangedEvents() at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) Source: FileName: FileLineNumber:0 FileColumnNumber:0 Method: Server-Name: DNN-TESTPC-MK {panel}",2
-"DNN-7649","10/01/2015 16:23:05","Redirecting after login to a returnurl with querystring parameters ends in 404","When returning from a successful login the user is redirected to a url that is malformed. The login url was: http://custom/DMXT_Schotman/Login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fDMXT_Schotman%2fDesktopModules%2fBring2mind%2fDMX%2fDownload.aspx%3fCommand%3dCore_Download%26EntryId%3d1%26language%3den-US%26PortalId%3d0%26TabId%3d89 And after the successful login the user ends up at: http://custom/DMXT_Schotman/DesktopModules/Bring2mind/DMX/Download.aspx?Command As you can see the querystring didn't make it.",2
-"DNN-7657","10/01/2015 22:50:32","DDR Menu should use Client Resource Manager","The DDR Menu allows a menu template to define style sheets and scripts that it loads, but it does all of the loading manually. Both JS and CSS should be loaded via the client resource manager. Additionally, it would be nice if the DDR menu supported requesting JS Libraries, in addition to loose scripts.",1
-"DNN-7659","10/02/2015 20:30:16","Create a new module from an installed package and the image for the installed package 404's","*Languages and 3rd Party modules installed* Log in as Host Go Host > Extensions > Installed Extensions Pick ANY module in any area of this tab and click ""Edit"" (pencil) icon At bottom center click ""Create Package"" button Follow the prompts to successfully create an installable zip package for this module Actual Result: After you've successfully created an installable package and the Installed Extensions tab reloads the image for the Module is missing and throws a 404 error For Language Pack installable package creation: ""NetworkError: 404 Not Found - http://platform742216.dnntest.ca/DesktopModules/Admin/Extensions/N / A"" For a module package: ""NetworkError: 404 Not Found - http://platform742216.dnntest.ca/DesktopModules/Admin/Extensions/banners.png"" Expected Result: The image should be copied to the new installable package not moved No 404 error after the module is completed and the Extensions page reloads",2
-"DNN-7667","10/06/2015 21:56:43","Exception returned when trying to edit HTML module","Steps: 1. As host login and create a page 2. Click on Edit for the html module on page Expected result: Editing HTML module is successful. Actual result: Please watch: http://screencast.com/t/SfKc7H05eHo The following Exception was seen in the log: ModuleId:-1 ModuleDefId:-1 FriendlyName: ModuleControlSource: AbsoluteURL:/Default.aspx DefaultDataProvider:DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider, DotNetNuke ExceptionGUID:14c3a8b9-c266-4044-bc31-ab08487ee65f AssemblyVersion:8.0.0 PortalId:0 UserId:1 TabId:93 RawUrl:/test/ctl/Edit/mid/420?popUp=true Referrer:http://www.platform346.com/test UserAgent:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko ExceptionHash:0lx3XjgB7ZQ/XPAXVDWkOQ== Message:Type 'DNNConnect.CKEditorProvider.Objects.EditorHostSetting' in Assembly 'DNNConnect.CKEditorProvider, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' is not marked as serializable. StackTrace: InnerMessage:Type 'DNNConnect.CKEditorProvider.Objects.EditorHostSetting' in Assembly 'DNNConnect.CKEditorProvider, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' is not marked as serializable. InnerStackTrace: at System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterServices.InternalGetSerializableMembers(RuntimeType type) at System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterServices.GetSerializableMembers(Type type, StreamingContext context) at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.WriteObjectInfo.InitMemberInfo() at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.WriteObjectInfo.InitSerialize(Type objectType, ISurrogateSelector surrogateSelector, StreamingContext context, SerObjectInfoInit serObjectInfoInit, IFormatterConverter converter, SerializationBinder binder) at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.WriteObjectInfo.Serialize(Type objectType, ISurrogateSelector surrogateSelector, StreamingContext context, SerObjectInfoInit serObjectInfoInit, IFormatterConverter converter, SerializationBinder binder) at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.ObjectWriter.WriteArray(WriteObjectInfo objectInfo, NameInfo memberNameInfo, WriteObjectInfo memberObjectInfo) at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.ObjectWriter.Write(WriteObjectInfo objectInfo, NameInfo memberNameInfo, NameInfo typeNameInfo) at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.ObjectWriter.Serialize(Object graph, Header[] inHeaders, __BinaryWriter serWriter, Boolean fCheck) at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter.Serialize(Stream serializationStream, Object graph, Header[] headers, Boolean fCheck) at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter.Serialize(Stream serializationStream, Object graph) at DotNetNuke.Providers.CachingProviders.DummySerializationCachingProvider.DummySerializationCachingProvider.Serialize(Object source) at DotNetNuke.Providers.CachingProviders.DummySerializationCachingProvider.DummySerializationCachingProvider.Insert(String key, Object value, DNNCacheDependency dependency, DateTime absoluteExpiration, TimeSpan slidingExpiration, CacheItemPriority priority, CacheItemRemovedCallback onRemoveCallback) at DotNetNuke.Common.Utilities.DataCache.SetCache(String CacheKey, Object objObject, DNNCacheDependency objDependency, DateTime AbsoluteExpiration, TimeSpan SlidingExpiration, CacheItemPriority Priority, CacheItemRemovedCallback OnRemoveCallback) at DNNConnect.CKEditorProvider.Utilities.EditorController.GetEditorHostSettings() at DNNConnect.CKEditorProvider.Web.EditorControl.LoadAllSettings() at DNNConnect.CKEditorProvider.Web.EditorControl.CKEditorInit(Object sender, EventArgs e) at System.Web.UI.Control.InitRecursive(Control namingContainer) at System.Web.UI.Control.AddedControl(Control control, Int32 index) at DotNetNuke.UI.UserControls.TextEditor.OnLoad(EventArgs e) Source: FileName: FileLineNumber:0 FileColumnNumber:0 Method: Server Name: DNN-PC65 ",1
-"DNN-7671","10/07/2015 15:46:46","DotNetNuke.Common.Utilities.UrlTrackingInfo is not marked as serializable","When using an out-of-process caching provider, all objects being stored in the cache need to be serializable. DotNetNuke.Common.Utilities.UrlTrackingInfo is not currently marked as serializable (doens't have the [Serializable] class attribute). More info at: https://github.com/davidjrh/dnn.rediscachingprovider/issues/4 {code} Error: is currently unavailable. DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.ModuleLoadException: Type 'DotNetNuke.Common.Utilities.UrlTrackingInfo' in Assembly 'DotNetNuke, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' is not marked as serializable. ---> System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException: Type 'DotNetNuke.Common.Utilities.UrlTrackingInfo' in Assembly 'DotNetNuke, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' is not marked as serializable. at System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterServices.InternalGetSerializableMembers(RuntimeType type) at System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterServices.GetSerializableMembers(Type type, StreamingContext context) at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.WriteObjectInfo.InitMemberInfo() at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.WriteObjectInfo.InitSerialize(Type objectType, ISurrogateSelector surrogateSelector, StreamingContext context, SerObjectInfoInit serObjectInfoInit, IFormatterConverter converter, SerializationBinder binder) at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.ObjectWriter.Write(WriteObjectInfo objectInfo, NameInfo memberNameInfo, NameInfo typeNameInfo) at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.ObjectWriter.Serialize(Object graph, Header[] inHeaders, __BinaryWriter serWriter, Boolean fCheck) at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter.Serialize(Stream serializationStream, Object graph, Header[] headers, Boolean fCheck) at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter.Serialize(Stream serializationStream, Object graph) at DotNetNuke.Providers.RedisCachingProvider.RedisCachingProvider.Serialize(Object source) in e:\PageConfirmDnn\PageConfirmDnn\Providers\CachingProviders\RedisCachingProvider\RedisCachingProvider.cs:line 295 at DotNetNuke.Providers.RedisCachingProvider.RedisCachingProvider.Insert(String key, Object value, DNNCacheDependency dependency, DateTime absoluteExpiration, TimeSpan slidingExpiration, CacheItemPriority priority, CacheItemRemovedCallback onRemoveCallback) in e:\PageConfirmDnn\PageConfirmDnn\Providers\CachingProviders\RedisCachingProvider\RedisCachingProvider.cs:line 168 at DotNetNuke.Common.Utilities.DataCache.SetCache(String CacheKey, Object objObject, DNNCacheDependency objDependency, DateTime AbsoluteExpiration, TimeSpan SlidingExpiration, CacheItemPriority Priority, CacheItemRemovedCallback OnRemoveCallback) at DotNetNuke.Common.Utilities.DataCache.GetCachedDataFromRuntimeCache(CacheItemArgs cacheItemArgs, CacheItemExpiredCallback cacheItemExpired) at DotNetNuke.Common.Utilities.DataCache.GetCachedDataTObject at DotNetNuke.Data.RepositoryBase`1.GetByIdTProperty,TScopeType at DotNetNuke.Modules.Announcements.Components.Business.AnnouncementsController.GetAnnouncement(Int32 itemID, Int32 moduleID) at DotNetNuke.Modules.Announcements.MVP.Presenters.AnnouncementsEditPresenter.GetAnnouncement(Object sender, EventArgs e) at DotNetNuke.Modules.Announcements.AnnouncementsEdit.OnLoad(EventArgs e) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- {code}",1
-"DNN-7673","10/07/2015 17:05:01","DCC - Serializable error when loading DCC if DummySerializationCachingProvider installed","Install latest 8.0 build with DummySerializationCachingProvider in the Install/Module folder Log in as HOST Go Admin > Advanced Settings > Dynamic Content Creator Check log.resources file Actual Result: The module loads without any UI errors Log file: 2015-10-07 08:52:21,779 [TST-KG-W2012S1][Thread:31][ERROR] Dnn.Modules.DynamicContentManager.Components.BusinessController - System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException: Type 'Dnn.DynamicContent.BaseEntity' in Assembly 'Dnn.DynamicContent, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' is not marked as serializable. at System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterServices.InternalGetSerializableMembers(RuntimeType type) at System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterServices.GetSerializableMembers(Type type, StreamingContext context) at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.WriteObjectInfo.InitMemberInfo() at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.WriteObjectInfo.InitSerialize(Type objectType, ISurrogateSelector surrogateSelector, StreamingContext context, SerObjectInfoInit serObjectInfoInit, IFormatterConverter converter, SerializationBinder binder) at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.WriteObjectInfo.Serialize(Type objectType, ISurrogateSelector surrogateSelector, StreamingContext context, SerObjectInfoInit serObjectInfoInit, IFormatterConverter converter, SerializationBinder binder) at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.ObjectWriter.WriteArray(WriteObjectInfo objectInfo, NameInfo memberNameInfo, WriteObjectInfo memberObjectInfo) at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.ObjectWriter.Write(WriteObjectInfo objectInfo, NameInfo memberNameInfo, NameInfo typeNameInfo) at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.ObjectWriter.Serialize(Object graph, Header[] inHeaders, __BinaryWriter serWriter, Boolean fCheck) at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter.Serialize(Stream serializationStream, Object graph, Header[] headers, Boolean fCheck) at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter.Serialize(Stream serializationStream, Object graph) at DotNetNuke.Providers.CachingProviders.DummySerializationCachingProvider.DummySerializationCachingProvider.Serialize(Object source) at DotNetNuke.Providers.CachingProviders.DummySerializationCachingProvider.DummySerializationCachingProvider.Insert(String key, Object value, DNNCacheDependency dependency, DateTime absoluteExpiration, TimeSpan slidingExpiration, CacheItemPriority priority, CacheItemRemovedCallback onRemoveCallback) at DotNetNuke.Common.Utilities.DataCache.GetCachedDataFromRuntimeCache(CacheItemArgs cacheItemArgs, CacheItemExpiredCallback cacheItemExpired) at DotNetNuke.Common.Utilities.DataCache.GetCachedData[TObject](CacheItemArgs cacheItemArgs, CacheItemExpiredCallback cacheItemExpired, Boolean storeInDictionary) at DotNetNuke.Data.RepositoryBase`1.Get[TScopeType](TScopeType scopeValue) at DotNetNuke.Data.ControllerBase`3.Get[TScope](TScope scope) at Dnn.DynamicContent.DynamicContentTypeManager.GetContentTypes(Int32 portalId, Boolean includeSystem) at Dnn.Modules.DynamicContentManager.Components.BusinessController.AddTemplate(String fileName, Int32 portalId, String contentTypeName, String templateName) at Dnn.Modules.DynamicContentManager.Components.BusinessController.UpgradeModule(String version) Expected Result: No UI errors or log.resource entries when yo hit the DCC module ",1
-"DNN-7675","10/07/2015 19:10:58","library.build is adding a contenttemplates.zip to all module packages even when not needed","i just spent half an hour trying to debug my packaging as for some reason it has a contenttemplates.zip file in oauth packagei found out what the issue is - C:\Github\Dnn.Platform\Build\BuildScripts\Package.targets has a line and this is adding a ContentTemplates.zip file to every package (I checked half a dozen modules) I spoke to Charles and he said that this needs to check to see if there are files to create the zip (its need for DCC) , otherwise don't create an empty zip file",2
-"DNN-7677","10/07/2015 21:23:00"," Azure installation - Error in upgrade scripts","Create a .azurewebsites.net site w/linked SQL database upload Platform 8 latest build Do not edit web.config for database access Hit the site URL (installwizard.aspx) appears input password x 2 scroll to bottom of the page and input the correct SQL database information Click ""Install"" Actual Result: @ 18% the installation will ""stall"" Click ""Retry"" Installation completes @ 100% Click ""Visit Website"" Home page renders Error in log.resources triggered *after you click ""Visit Website* 2015-10-07 19:51:00,973 [RD000D3A602F30][Thread:30][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Upgrade.Upgrade - System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Packages.PackageController.DeleteExtensionPackage(PackageInfo package) in c:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\DNN_Platform_800_Public\Packaging\DNN.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Services\Installer\Packages\PackageController.cs:line 187 at DotNetNuke.Services.Upgrade.Upgrade.UpgradeToVersion8006() in c:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\DNN_Platform_800_Public\Packaging\DNN.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Services\Upgrade\Upgrade.cs:line 5460 at DotNetNuke.Services.Upgrade.Upgrade.UpgradeApplication(String providerPath, Version version, Boolean writeFeedback) in c:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\DNN_Platform_800_Public\Packaging\DNN.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Services\Upgrade\Upgrade.cs:line 5402 After you log in as Host you'll see there are 6 missing modules in the website: Event Viewer Languages Lists Newsletters Recycle Bin Site Wizard Expected Result: 1. Installation does not halt 2. No errors logged even after HOME loads 3. There are no missing modules",1
-"DNN-7688","10/08/2015 20:33:28","Web API methods built against old versions will not work in 8.0","{""Message"":""An error has occurred."",""ExceptionMessage"":""Could not load file or assembly 'System.Web.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)"",""ExceptionType"":""System.IO.FileLoadException"",""StackTrace"":"" at System.ModuleHandle.ResolveType(RuntimeModule module, Int32 typeToken, IntPtr* typeInstArgs, Int32 typeInstCount, IntPtr* methodInstArgs, Int32 methodInstCount, ObjectHandleOnStack type)\r\n at System.ModuleHandle.ResolveTypeHandleInternal(RuntimeModule module, Int32 typeToken, RuntimeTypeHandle[] typeInstantiationContext, RuntimeTypeHandle[] methodInstantiationContext)\r\n at System.Reflection.RuntimeModule.ResolveType(Int32 metadataToken, Type[] genericTypeArguments, Type[] genericMethodArguments)\r\n at System.Reflection.CustomAttribute.FilterCustomAttributeRecord(CustomAttributeRecord caRecord, MetadataImport scope, Assembly& lastAptcaOkAssembly, RuntimeModule decoratedModule, MetadataToken decoratedToken, RuntimeType attributeFilterType, Boolean mustBeInheritable, Object[] attributes, IList derivedAttributes, RuntimeType& attributeType, IRuntimeMethodInfo& ctor, Boolean& ctorHasParameters, Boolean& isVarArg)\r\n at System.Reflection.CustomAttribute.GetCustomAttributes(RuntimeModule decoratedModule, Int32 decoratedMetadataToken, Int32 pcaCount, RuntimeType attributeFilterType, Boolean mustBeInheritable, IList derivedAttributes, Boolean isDecoratedTargetSecurityTransparent)\r\n at System.Reflection.CustomAttribute.GetCustomAttributes(RuntimeType type, RuntimeType caType, Boolean inherit)\r\n at System.Web.Http.Controllers.HttpControllerDescriptor.InvokeAttributesOnControllerType(HttpControllerDescriptor controllerDescriptor, Type type)\r\n at System.Web.Http.Controllers.HttpControllerDescriptor..ctor(HttpConfiguration configuration, String controllerName, Type controllerType)\r\n at DotNetNuke.Web.Api.DnnHttpControllerSelector.InitTypeCache()\r\n at System.Lazy`1.CreateValue()\r\n--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---\r\n at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()\r\n at System.Lazy`1.get_Value()\r\n at DotNetNuke.Web.Api.DnnHttpControllerSelector.SelectController(HttpRequestMessage request)\r\n at System.Web.Http.Tracing.Tracers.HttpControllerSelectorTracer.<>c__DisplayClass3.b__1()\r\n at System.Web.Http.Tracing.ITraceWriterExtensions.TraceBeginEnd(ITraceWriter traceWriter, HttpRequestMessage request, String category, TraceLevel level, String operatorName, String operationName, Action`1 beginTrace, Action execute, Action`1 endTrace, Action`1 errorTrace)\r\n at System.Web.Http.Tracing.Tracers.HttpControllerSelectorTracer.System.Web.Http.Dispatcher.IHttpControllerSelector.SelectController(HttpRequestMessage request)\r\n at System.Web.Http.Dispatcher.HttpControllerDispatcher.SendAsyncCore(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\r\n at System.Web.Http.Dispatcher.HttpControllerDispatcher.d__0.MoveNext()"",""InnerException"":{""Message"":""An error has occurred."",""ExceptionMessage"":""Could not load file or assembly 'System.Web.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)"",""ExceptionType"":""System.IO.FileLoadException"",""StackTrace"":null}}",3
-"DNN-7702","10/12/2015 16:52:52","Page Settings: Partial postback loosing values in templates, skin and container dropdowns","When triggering any autopostback / partial postback on the page settings (manage tabs) control, the page template, skin and container dropdown lists all lose their value. 1.) select create a new page in control panel 2.) make note of the current page template selected 3.) select a new parent page 4.) notice the page template dropdown is now empty. Same steps for page skin and container lists.",1
-"DNN-7707","10/13/2015 10:29:48","EVOQCONTENT - targetFramework=""4.5"" not set in httpRuntime in web.config","targetFramework=""4.5"" not set in httpRuntime in web.config Verified this fails both for new installs and for upgrades ",2
-"DNN-7709","10/13/2015 17:08:19","Can't add more thab one SPA custom module to a page","Hi, I created a few SPA modules. Once I have put one of them onto the page, no other module (SPA or any other) can be added to the page. No errors (javascript or DNN) are reported. All the subsequent SPA modules actually appear on the HOME page instead of the page they were added to. I can add as many SPA modules as I want to the HOME page of my website. Please help.",2
-"DNN-7710","10/13/2015 18:27:37","EVOQCONTENT - An WebForms UnobtrusiveValidationMode error during installation","Using the install wizard, I run into an error similar to ""WebForms UnobtrusiveValidationMode requires a ScriptResourceMapping for 'jquery'. Please add a ScriptResourceMapping named jquery(case-sensitive)."" on the page and I'm not able to install the product -- See attached image !Platform800_UnobtrusiveValidationModeError.png|thumbnail! This error occurs due to a new feature in .Net Framework 4.5. See on the following page https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh975440(v=vs.120).aspx the section ValidationSettings:UnobtrusiveValidationMode to know more details. ",2
-"DNN-7715","10/14/2015 00:17:25","IE - Dynamic Content Viewer Quick Setting does not stay on page to make selection","Steps: 1. Login as Host in IE 11 2. Create a new page 3. Add DCC Viewer module to the page 4. Click to see Quick Setting menu 5. Try to change any settings Expected result: Quick Setting menu is functional. Actual result: Please view the following clip: http://screencast.com/t/BqQcqAKe",3
-"DNN-7718","10/14/2015 12:18:29","Globals.NETFrameworkVersion does not return the ""4.5"" value","This GetNETFrameworkVersion() method needs to be upgraded to detect the special case of FW 4.5, like currently implemented to detect FWs 3.0 and 3.5. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8517159/how-to-detect-at-runtime-that-net-version-4-5-currently-running-your-code MS articles about this here: - https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-CA/library/hh925568(v=vs.110).aspx#net_c - https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-CA/library/bb822049%28v=vs.110%29.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396 ",2
-"DNN-7725","10/14/2015 20:50:56","DCC: Should not allow Fields to have duplicated name or label. ","I can't create fields with duplicated name, but I can modify the fields to have same name after created. Steps: - Log in as host and in DCC Manager create a new Content Type: BingType1 - Create 2 fields with different name - Modify one of the fields to have the same Name and Label with the another one. Result: It is allowed to change with same Name and Label. !image-2015-10-14-12-50-48-526.png|width=700! Expected: Should always check for Name/Label's duplication. ",2
-"DNN-7728","10/15/2015 00:40:32","Platform 8 - Unable to install in Azure Websites","Log into Azure Websites Create a site w/SQL database Upload an installation zip package Unpack the zip into WWWROOT Edit the database entries in web.config to point to the SQL db you created above Hit the URL of the site Fill in HOST name Fill in HOST password x 2 Start the installation Actual Result: @ 18% installation will stop Click ""Retry"" Installation restarts then it fails with this message in the UI: 0:19 Minutes | 18% ERROR:Violation of UNIQUE KEY constraint 'IX_Version'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.Version'. The duplicate key value is (7, 4, 0). The statement has been terminated. Expected Result: Installation completes without error When you click through to the web site you're logged in as HOST ",2
-"DNN-7731","10/15/2015 21:25:55","Verification link causes an error","(i) Please test linked issue DNN-7862 also because this issue causes a slighly different symptom on Evoq. (i) This issue must be tested on all products: Platform, Basic, Content, Engage QA Notes: * Verify that error below is NOT logged in the log4net or event viewer. * Verify that the browser does not show DNN Error as shown in the screenshot in DNN-7862 Step to repro: # Register an account with 'Verified' turned on. # Email is send with verification link in it. # User is already logged in with yellow bar explaining of unverified status. # User clicks on link in email and it fails as described in forum post http://www.dnnsoftware.com/forums/forumid/200/threadid/523706/scope/posts # User logs out and clicks again on verify link in email -> Success and verified. No error in eventlog but only in Portals\_default\Logs logfile: 2015-10-15 20:06:34,006 [MJKServer][Thread:57][FATAL] DotNetNuke.Framework.PageBase - An error has occurred while loading page. System.Web.HttpException (0x80004005): The Controls collection cannot be modified because the control contains code blocks (i.e. <% ... %>). at System.Web.UI.ControlCollection.RemoveAt(Int32 index) at System.Web.UI.ControlCollection.Clear() at DotNetNuke.Modules.Admin.Authentication.Login. (EventArgs e) at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) ",2
-"DNN-7737","10/16/2015 05:41:06","DCC - Possible dead loop in content types definition","Reproduce Steps: install 8.0 latest version, visit Admin/Dynamic Content Type Manager page. 1. there have possible dead loop in the design. for example, we create 2 content types AAA and BBB, in AAA create a field and set type to BBB, in BBB create a field and set type to AAA. then switch to Templates tab, click add template, you will meet a stack overflow exception in GetAllContentFields call. Screen Cast: http://screencast.com/t/xUq6nDpBB ",3
-"DNN-7739","10/16/2015 14:09:53","DCC - Architectural Review","The goal of this task is perform an architectural review of DCC Architecture. *DB Schema*: # Ensure proper indexes are in place # Ensure system will not create overly large tables, thus requiring lots of disk space # Queries are efficient and combined together *Caching*: # We have decent caching so that we are not hitting database for every page load (anonymous and registered users both) *Client Side optimization* # Ensure client side JS is optimal. In case of detection of any issues a new jiras will be created and link to this task.",5
-"DNN-7740","10/16/2015 15:58:29","Ability to retrieve compiled resource file as dictionary from localization logic","We need a way to retrieve localization keys as a dictionary of string,string so we can serve this out as JSON. The method should take into account the regular DNN preferences regarding locale, fallback language and default language.",2
-"DNN-7744","10/16/2015 21:21:20","HtmlHelper missing standard members","The {{DnnWebViewPage}} base class that MVC views and DCC templates use overrides the standard MVC helpers, {{Html}} and {{Url}}. There are some methods and properties available through those helpers in MVC that are not accessible in DNN's versions. For example, using {{@Html.Raw(Dnn.ViewData.Model.Content.Fields[""ProposalTitle""].Value)}} in a DCC template gives an error that ""{{DotNetNuke.Web.Mvc.Helpers.DnnHtmlHelper}} does not contain a definition for {{Raw}}""",1
-"DNN-7747","10/16/2015 22:12:42","FilePicker control in Profile edit too wide for small devices","Inline style on div element in modal windows sets width too wide for Android phones/tablets. Needs to be moved to CSS or made responsive. div will not scroll left/right and user cannot access Save button (or close).",1
-"DNN-7748","10/17/2015 00:37:34","The pencil edit button disappears quickly when user moving mouse over a module title","The edit button disappears so quickly, which is not a normal behavior on the web and hard for QA automation to handle. ",1
-"DNN-7750","10/18/2015 19:30:10","SPA Modules need a method for using custom tokens","h2. Card As a developer, I want to be able to define custom token types for my SPA module. These tokens should be automatically included as part of the TokenReplace process inthe SPA module. h2. Conversation The token creation needs to occur in server-side code. This can be done in the ""BusinessController"" as that is a defined location for every module. If we define a new interface, then module developers can return a dictionary that contains the tokens. We should include the page and modulecontext when calling the interface. h2. Confirmation This feature should also include a sample implementation in the Dynamic Content Type Manager so that we can verify the implementation and show users how it can be used in their own modules.",1
-"DNN-7751","10/19/2015 10:45:00","Better API support for settings management in modules","Will submit a PR for this for inclusion in DNN 8. To simplify module development we need better support for how we deal with settings. Too often developers use the bare bones hashtable that is in PortalModuleBase. This is ""dirty"" and can be done in a more concise way helping developers avoid errors in their code. The code is the work of Stefan Cullman with review by Brian Dukes and myself. ",2
-"DNN-7755","10/19/2015 18:10:43","DCC - Expand Icon disappears after expanding Data Type Row","See: http://screencast.com/t/VP7b6TXPbKS Result: The expand icon disappears instead of turning into an up arrow. Expected: The dropdown arrow turns into a collapse arrow pointing upward.",1
-"DNN-7758","10/19/2015 22:38:14","DCC - Spam Clicking Data Type expand button issues","See: http://screencast.com/t/FCGKHvKd Spam clicking the expand button causes a bug where the edit body is not properly appended to the appropriate item that is in edit mode. EDIT: To keep consistency, the expand button should also have the cursor turn into the hand on hover.",1
-"DNN-7759","10/20/2015 08:59:17","Language Editor displays local resource files","the language editor displays resource files, which are not appropriate and need to be filtered. Steps to re-create. * install DNN * install a language Pack for 2nd language (in Host > Extensions, available Ext.), e.g. German * in Admin > Languages, click pencil for ""Static Resources Website"" in German row * modify a text in default resource and save (this will create GlobalResources.de-DE-Portal-0.resx file) * enter language editor by using pen in column ""Static Resources System"" * open Shared Resources node in the tree on the left Expected: only GlobalResources.resx is listed Current behavior: Lists GlobalResources.resx and GlobalResources.de-DE.resx ",1
-"DNN-7760","10/20/2015 16:40:14","DCC - Error creating new content field with invalid field type.","When a user adds a new data field to a content type, by default the selected field type is the text ""Content types"", which is not a real field type but a UI separator. It is possible to go ahead and create the data field but with an incorrect field type (there is no validation in the server side). Accessing again to the content type causes Http 500 errors. Please watch: http://screencast.com/t/4aXXwLyhPqw9 *Steps to reproduce* - Log in as host - Edit a content type - Press the Add field button - Enter a name, label and description for the data field (leave field type as it is) - Press save - Reload the DCC-Manager again - Edit again the same content type *Expected result* - The content type information and its data fields are loaded and shown in the UI *Actual result* - The inputs are empty an a HTTP 500 error is logged in the browser console *NOTE: The UI issue only happens with Firefox and IE* Not only we should not allowed invalid data fields: a server side validation for the content field data should be implemented and the errors coming it should be shown in the UI nicely (on a modal popup window, as in other parts of the DCC - Admin)",2
-"DNN-7766","10/21/2015 02:21:40","can't see save button in image properties popup","Reproduce Steps: 1. install 8.0 latest version and edit a html module content; 2. select image button in toolbar. Expected Result: the dialog popup should show completely. Actually Result: bottom part of the dialog is hidden, and can't show save button. !20151021091812.png!",2
-"DNN-7769","10/21/2015 08:47:21","New default skin Xcillion","Development of a new responsive skin named Xcillion",1
-"DNN-7770","10/21/2015 08:50:01","New default website template based on Xcillion skin","Website template with details, background and usage of the Xcillioon skin",2
-"DNN-7772","10/21/2015 09:48:56","Quick Settings > Implement dnnQuickSettings as a JQuery plugin","The quicksettings menu of a module is not properly implemented as a JQuery plugin: even though it defines a dnnQuickSettings in $.fn it does not use the selected elements to create a wrapper to inject the html elements and javascript code around them. Now the html is loaded from the ModuleActions.ascx file and nevertheless the selector, the html code is always in a fixed position. So, it is not a proper jquery plugin in a strict sense.",3
-"DNN-7774","10/21/2015 11:52:52","DCC -> New content type is not available as a Field type","When we create a new content type and click on the Content Types tab and try to edit other the content fields of other content type, it is not shown in the Data Field combobox. Please watch: http://screencast.com/t/S0eB4suPL *Steps to reproduce* - Login as superuser - Go to Admin -> Dynamic Content Type Manager - Click on ""Add Content type"" - Enter a name and a description - Click on ""Save"" - Click on ""Add Field"" - Enter a name, Label and Description and select a Field type for the new Content Field - Click on Save - *Without clicking on the Save button*, click on the Content Types tab title - Edit other Content type and try to add a new Content Field *Expected result* - In the Data Type combobox the created content type is available for selecting *Actual result* - The created content type is not in the Data Type combobox options",2
-"DNN-7775","10/21/2015 12:02:49","DCC - The template file is not deleted after changing the template file name","The template file is not deleted after changing the template file name. When you modify the template file name, the module creates a new file regardless the template body has chenged or not. However, the old file is not deleted and it persists in the FileSystem. +Steps+ # As host, enter in Admin > Dynamic Content Type Manager # Click on Templates tab. Create a new template with some body # Check the FileSystem. The above template file should be created # Edit the template created in step 2 and change the template file name # Click Save +Actual+ A new file is created with the new file name, but the old file created in step 2 still remains in the FileSystem +Expected+ The file created in step 2 should be removed after creating the new one",2
-"DNN-7776","10/21/2015 12:16:26","DCC - Templates creation does not check existing template files","When you create or modify a template, you could replaced an existing file without any UI advice. +Steps+ # As host, enter in Admin > Dynamic Content Type Manager # Click on Templates tab. Create a new template with some body # Check the FileSystem. The above template file should be created # Create other new template with a different body but using the same name as above +Actual+ There is only one file with the chosen file name and it contains the body of the last template. +Expected+ The templates creation dialog should not allow an existing file and should show an alert informing about that when it occur",2
-"DNN-7778","10/21/2015 21:06:08","Path paremters in roles administration should be case insensitive but break paging functionality","If you change the the path parameter ""UserId"" to ""userid"" in URLs like http://.../Admin/User-Accounts/ctl/Edit/mid/397/UserId/2/filter/All/currentpage/1 breaks the paging feature. To reproduce the issue: - Login as site admin - Assign more than 10 roles to a user - Open page ""Manage Roles for User: [...]"" (for example by disabling pop-ups and click the edit roles icon for that user on page /Admin/User-Accounts) - Replace UserId by userid in the URL - Try to use the paging links below the roles table",1
-"DNN-7782","10/22/2015 01:29:43","CDF - Version is not updated iafter installing extension, updating portal.css or clearing server cache ","*This behavior has been in the application since at least Platform 7.4.0* Install latest 8.0 build or upgrade to latest 8.0 build Log in as Host Go Host > Host Settings > Advanced Settings Scroll down and expand *Client Resource Management* Tick the check box for ""Enable Composite Files"" - this will reload the page Tick each check box for ""Minify CSS"" and ""Minify JS"" Click the blue *Update"" button Make note of the *Current Host Version* # - need this for comparison later on Now go upload a new extension into the system Return and view the version # in *Client Resource Management* Now go to the root web folder of the site Open *Portal.css* (Portals\_default) and edit a line.. just adding a space and removing it then saving should be sufficient Return and view the version # in *Client Resource Management* Go to IIS on the server hosting the site Clear the AppPool running the site Restart IIS for the site Return and view the version # in *Client Resource Management* Actual Result: The version # in *Client Resource Management* *never increments* after doing any of the above functions Expected Result: The version # should have incremented after any of the above operations completed. Note: Manually incrementing the version by clicking the *Increment Version* appears to work. At least you get a # +1 of what was previously showing in the UI There are zero errors logged in either the Event/Log Viewer or log file ",2
-"DNN-7783","10/22/2015 08:06:43","DCC - Templates cannot be deleted if they are in use","Templates can be referenced by DCC Viewer, so they cannot be deleted if they are in user because DCC Viewer throws exceptions when it desn't find a template +Steps+ # As host, enter in Admin > Dynamic Content Type Manager # Click on Templates tab. Create a new template with some body # Create a page and add a DCC Viewer # Select the template above as View Template # Go back to Dynamic Content Type Manager and delete the template # Refresh the page created in step 3 +Actual+ DCC Viewer throws an exception ""Error: Dynamic Content Viewer is currently unavailable"". See the attached image for more details +Expected+ Templates could not be deleted if they are in use by a DCC Viewer module DCC Viewer should show a more friendly message when it doesn't find a template",2
-"DNN-7787","10/22/2015 12:25:46","DCC - Cannot add translations for a content field when creating a new one.","When different languages are enabled on a portal the name, label and description of a content field can be localized. However, at the moment of creating a new one the UI allows the user to enter the translations for each language but they are not stored at all (only the name, label and description of the language of the portal). The user can only add the translations at the moment of editing an existing content field. *Steps to reproduce* - Login as a superuser - Enable a second language in the site (Go to Admin->Languages) - Go to Admin -> Dynamic content type manager - Edit a Content type (for example Employee) - Click on ""Add Field"" button - Enter a name, label and description a select an appropiate field type - Select the language you enabled on the second step from the ""Language"" combobox - Enter a translation for the name, label and description - Click on ""Save"" button *Expected result* - The translation for the name of the content field can be seen on the grid *Actual result* - The name cell for the created field on the grid is empty, because the translation was not stored.",2
-"DNN-7788","10/22/2015 14:20:34","DCC Viewer - Template referencing an item that does not exist thrown an exception in the viewer","Template referencing an item that does not exist thrown an exception in the viewer. *Step to reproduce* # Log in as Host # Go to Admin > DCC # Create a Content Type with one field called ""Name"" # Create a View Template for this Content Type using @Dnn.DisplayFor(""Name2"") # Create a Page # Drag a DCC Viewer into that page # Select Content Type created in step 3 and assign View Template created in step 5 *Actual Result* Viewer thrown an exception !DCCTemplateDisplayForAnNotExistingKey.png! *Expected Result* * We should maybe just return empty content in the scenario where the field does not exists and log an eventually log an error message in the log explaing the problem so Admin could fix that. This scenario could happen also on editing a Template used already in thousand of pages, so we need to ensure that errors in the field name does not affect with an Exception all the pages using that template.",2
-"DNN-7789","10/22/2015 14:27:06","DCC Viewer - Rename Or Delete a field of a Content Type already in use thrown exception in the viewer","We want be able to rename or delete the fields of a Content Type already in use but currently the viewer module does not handle this scenario friendly. *Step to Reproduce* # Log in as Host # Go to Admin > DCC # Create a Content Type with 3 Text Fields called A, B, C # Create a Page and drag DCC Viewer on it # Select Content Type created in step 3 # Edit Content for the 3 fields A, B, C # Go to Admin > DCC # Edit the Content Type deleting C # Go to The Page created at step 5 *Actual Result* System thrown an exception both in the module content and in the module action area !DCCViewerAfterRenameAField.png! *Expected Result* The system should be able to handle friendly rename or delete fields. In this scenario the information of this field won't be longer displayed in the page.",1
-"DNN-7790","10/22/2015 14:41:54","DCC API - Content Type/ Data Type/ Template shoudn't allow modify portal Id","Once an Entity of the DCC (Content Type, Fields, Data Type, Template) is created the API on its update methods shoudn't allow change the portal Id. This change could have bad consecuence to the consistency of the entire database information and the application logic. This is currently handled in the admin module UI, but any checks are performed at API level. Note for DEV: * We should write unit tests first for that document and cover this scenario * We should thrown an invalid operation exception * We should document the exception in the API metadata",3
-"DNN-7791","10/22/2015 17:34:19","DCC Viewer - Auto Generated Template does not reflect changes on Content Type fields","When the Auto Generated Template is chosen, it generates a template showing the Content Type fields existing in that moment. However if you change Content Type fields collection adding or removing some of them, you will find that those changes are not reflect the the Viewer template. Even there is no way to refresh it or provoke a new generation *Steps* # Log in as Host # Go to Admin > DCC # Create a Content Type with 3 Text Fields called A # Create a Page and drag DCC Viewer on it # Select Content Type created in step 3 and ensure the option ""Auto Generated Template"" in field ""EditTemplate"" # Edit Content for the field A # Go to Admin > DCC # Edit the Content Type adding a field B # Go to The Page created at step 5 # Try to edit the Content of the module *Actual Result* The Edit Template does not offer a edit control for the new field. So, use cannot add any value for that field *Expected Result* The Edit Template should offer a edit control for all existing fields in the content Type. In Addition, if the View Template is ""Auto Generated Template"" then the module should show all existing field values ",2
-"DNN-7792","10/22/2015 17:46:02","DCC - Change underling type of DataType in Use thrown exception in the viewer","Change underling type of DataType in Use thrown exception in the viewer. *Step to reproduce* # Log in as Host # Go to Admin > DCC # Create a Content Type using a Rich Text field # Create a Page and drag a DCC Viewer # Select Content Type created in step 3 # Edit it adding ""ABC"" text # Go to Admin > DCC # To Datatype and change the Rich Text to Boolean # Go to Page created in step 5 *Actual Result* * DCC Viewer thrown an Exception !ChangedDataTypeRichtTextFromStringToBoolean.png! *Expected Result* * We should not allow change the underling type of a data type in use",2
-"DNN-7800","10/23/2015 11:11:45","DCC API - Change Content Type Field type in Use thrown exception in the viewer","*Step to reproduce* # Log in as Host # Go to Admin > DCC # Create a Content Type with a field using another Content Type (i.e. Product) # Create a Page # Drag DCC Viewer # Select Content Type created in step 3 # Edit content of the field # Go to Admin > DCC # Change Content Type field created at step 3 from Product to Integer # Go back to page created at step 6 *Actual Result* * The viewer thrown an exception !DCCChangeContentTypeFieldTypeComplexToInteger.png! *Expected Result* * As dynamic system we should allow change a Field type managing this friendly * We should not change any content item content when the field definition is changed Note for DEV: we should review the following scenario * Change field using data type to another data type (integer to datetime, etc..) * Change field using data type to content type * Change field using content type to data type Important If we cannot handle the scenarios above we may need to consider do not allow them for Fields in use. In that case we need to discuss this with PM/QA.",3
-"DNN-7802","10/23/2015 11:28:19","DCC API - Content Template Manager does not include logic to manage template files","Currently all the logic to delete or add a template is in the Web Methods of the DCC Admin Module. See Dnn.Modules.DynamicContentManager.Services.TemplateController Delete Template {code} [HttpPost] [ValidateAntiForgeryToken] public HttpResponseMessage DeleteTemplate(TemplateViewModel viewModel) { var response = DeleteEntity(() => ContentTemplateManager.Instance.GetContentTemplate(viewModel.TemplateId, PortalSettings.PortalId, true), (template) => { ContentTemplateManager.Instance.DeleteContentTemplate(template); var file = FileManager.Instance.GetFile(template.TemplateFileId); FileManager.Instance.DeleteFile(file); }); return response; } {code} Save Template {code} [HttpPost] [ValidateAntiForgeryToken] public HttpResponseMessage SaveTemplate(TemplateViewModel viewModel) { var portalId = (viewModel.IsSystem) ? -1 : PortalSettings.PortalId; IFileInfo file; try { file = CreateTemplateFile(viewModel, portalId); if (file == null) { return Request.CreateResponse(new { success = false, message = Localization.GetString(""FileCreateError"", LocalResourceFile) }); } } catch (Exception ex) { Exceptions.LogException(ex); return Request.CreateErrorResponse((HttpStatusCode)HttpStatusCodeAdditions.UnprocessableEntity, Localization.GetString(""FileCreateError"", LocalResourceFile)); } var templateId = viewModel.TemplateId; var localizedNames = new List(); var defaultName = ParseLocalizations(viewModel.LocalizedNames, localizedNames, portalId); return SaveEntity(templateId, /*CheckEntity*/ () => ContentTemplateManager.Instance.GetContentTemplates(portalId, true).SingleOrDefault((t => t.Name == defaultName)), /*ErrorMsg*/ LocalizeString(""TemplateExists""), /*CreateEntity*/() => new ContentTemplate { ContentTypeId = viewModel.ContentTypeId, Name = defaultName, TemplateFileId = file.FileId, PortalId = portalId, IsEditTemplate = viewModel.IsEditTemplate }, /*AddEntity*/ template => ContentTemplateManager.Instance.AddContentTemplate(template), /*GetEntity*/ () => ContentTemplateManager.Instance.GetContentTemplate(templateId, PortalSettings.PortalId, true), /*UpdateEntity*/template => { template.Name = defaultName; template.IsEditTemplate = viewModel.IsEditTemplate; template.TemplateFileId = file.FileId; ContentTemplateManager.Instance.UpdateContentTemplate(template); }, /*SaveLocal*/ id => SaveContentLocalizations(localizedNames, ContentTemplateManager.NameKey, id, portalId)); } {code} Note: Similar code is duplicated in the Business Controller of the Admin module to create the default templates. *Goal* We should move this code down into the API level (ContentTemplateManager class) as this is something that the API should be able to manage, so third party or other component do not need to care about templates files logic and any operation using the API is atomic and consistent. As part of this task we will need to write: * Unit and if needed and possible Integration Tests ",3
-"DNN-7804","10/23/2015 11:36:25","DCC API - Template Files are stored under Folder Provider but managed as physical files","In the current implementation any content template file is a *.cshtml* file stored inside Portals/X folder (where X is _default for global templates or the ID of the portal for local templates). This space is managed by the DNN Folder Provider system. This means that depending on the configuration of the folder the templates could be locally in the server file system (standard folder provider), in the database (database folder provider) or even in remote location (i.e.: Azure, Amazon, DropBox folder provider, see Cloud configuration that by default use Azure folder provider). *Issue* The current implementation always assumes that these files are stored locally. See GetTemplateName method in the Dnn.Modules.DynamicContentViewer.Controllers.ViewController class {code} private string GetTemplateName(ContentTemplate template) { string templateName = String.Empty; IFileInfo file = null; if (template != null) { file = FileManager.Instance.GetFile(template.TemplateFileId); } if (file != null) { if (file.PortalId > -1) { templateName = PortalSettings.HomeDirectory + file.RelativePath; } else { templateName = Globals.HostPath + file.RelativePath; } } return templateName; } {code} This latter assumption seems related to how the current DCC Module MVC implementation works that need to be able to reach the template file physically in the file system: {code} private static string ExecuteTemplate(DnnHelper dnnHelper, string dataType, string template, ViewDataDictionary viewData) { var actionCache = GetActionCache(dnnHelper); var viewContext = dnnHelper.ViewContext; ViewEngineResult viewEngineResult = ViewEngines.Engines.FindPartialView(dnnHelper.ViewContext, template); if (viewEngineResult.View != null) { {code} We probably need to discuss more this part. Having the template under the Folder Provider could expose several issues: * We need to add logic into the API to ensure that template are always stored under standard folder provider or investigate if MVC can support read the template file as a stream * Admin/Content Manager from DAM or Assets could delete those files causing inconsistency unwished issues in the DCC system *Alternative solution* We could consider store the templates files under Portals/X-System. Benefits: * Admin and Content Managers cannot remove, move these file from DAM or Assets (we have more control over the files to ensure that the system is consistent) * We always ensure that the files are locally stored and accessible via the Server File System *Drawbacks*: * We need change the database ContentTypes_Templates table as currently the reference to the template is stored using the FileId * Admin couldn’t edit / replace these file from DAM ",5
-"DNN-7805","10/23/2015 16:09:10","DCC - Implement Dnn.EditorFor and Dnn.DisplayFor for Content Fields of type List.","h2. Card As a DCC Viewer Editor, I want to be able to add content to items of type list and be able to see them. h2. Conversation This can be achieved by implementing the appropiate EditorFor methods in the class DotNetNuke.Web.Mvc.Helpers.HtmlEditorExtensions and the DisplayFor methods in the class HtmlDisplayExtensions for supporting fields of types list. This implementation will create html and javascript code to add/edit/delete elements to the list. It mught be necessary to implement LabelFor methods in the DotNetNuke.Web.Mvc.Helpers.DnnLabelExtensions class",5
-"DNN-7808","10/23/2015 19:52:53","Cloud - Cannot load Page Appearance from Edit Page menu","*Reproduces in On-Demand Cloud site only* In cloud using latest Platform 8 build log in as Host Set Home page to Edit mode Hover over *Edit Page* then click ""Page Appearance"" Actual Result: Error in the UI: Error: is currently unavailable. DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.ModuleLoadException: Value of '12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM' is not valid for 'SelectedDate'. 'SelectedDate' should be between 'MinDate' and 'MaxDate'. Parameter name: SelectedDate ---> System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Value of '12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM' is not valid for 'SelectedDate'. 'SelectedDate' should be between 'MinDate' and 'MaxDate'. Parameter name: SelectedDate at Telerik.Web.UI.RadDatePicker.set_SelectedDate(Nullable`1 value) at Dnn.Modules.Tabs.ManageTabs.BindTab() at Dnn.Modules.Tabs.ManageTabs.OnLoad(EventArgs e) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- Error in the log.resources file: 2015-10-23 16:48:14,812 [RD000D3A602451][Thread:79][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - FriendlyMessage=""Error: is currently unavailable."" ctrl=""ASP.desktopmodules_admin_tabs_managetabs_ascx"" exc=""System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Value of '12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM' is not valid for 'SelectedDate'. 'SelectedDate' should be between 'MinDate' and 'MaxDate'. Parameter name: SelectedDate at Telerik.Web.UI.RadDatePicker.set_SelectedDate(Nullable`1 value) at Dnn.Modules.Tabs.ManageTabs.BindTab() at Dnn.Modules.Tabs.ManageTabs.OnLoad(EventArgs e)"" Sanity check: Hover over *Edit Page* and select *Page Settings"" Now click the *Appearance* tab There isn't an *Appearance* tab Expected Result; If you select *Page Appearance* from under *Edit Page* it renders in the pop up There's no errors If you select *Page Settings"" the *Page Appearance* tab is present and correctly loaded for use",1
-"DNN-7809","10/23/2015 19:59:21","Cannot upload an icon file (.ico) ","*Found while regressing DNN-6761* which is now blocked by this bug I vaguely remember more than a single bug about this in years past but... in 7.4.1, 7.4.2 and Platform 8 I am unable to upload any icon file (.ico) into DNN. In a Platform 7.4.x up to Platform 8 latest build log in as HOST Go to any place in the application that allows file uploads Try to upload an icon file - drag n' drop or browse to the file *Actual Result:* An error message pops up *""The file could not be uploaded. File Extension not allowed""* If I check *Host > Host Settings > Other Settings > Allowed File Types* I see .ico is listed In Dev Tools/Firebug you'll see: POST http://platform800402.dnntest.ca/DesktopModules/internalservices/API/fileupload/postfile 400 Bad Request 546ms jquery.js?cdv=39 (line 8526) ""NetworkError: 400 Bad Request - http://platform800402.dnntest.ca/DesktopModules/internalservices/API/fileupload/postfile"" *Expected Result:* The file type is listed in *Allowed File Types* it should be uploaded",1
-"DNN-7811","10/25/2015 00:11:27","Html5 Token Replacement in SPA","When creating a SPA module some valid angularjs code is removed from the HTML page due to the code in the Html5HostControl. These are two examples of valid angularJS code. var sbApp = angular.module('sbApp', []); ... $scope.orders = []; However when the html module is rendered to the browser the empty [] is removed and the code looks like this. var sbApp = angular.module('sbApp', ); ... $scope.orders = ; This creates a JS error and stops the module from working. The issue that DNN have used the square brackets to allow token replacement to add modulecontext information, resource string etc. However the RegEx statement and code in the DNN Platform\Library\Services\Tokens\BaseTokenReplace.cs does not handle the case when it locates an empty bracket statement like [] and instead wrongly removes it. ",1
-"DNN-7812","10/26/2015 09:49:20","Redirect to Login page fails when accessing a page with permission ""Registered users"" in a multi-language portal when navigating with the second languge","Brief Description of Issue. When accessing a page with permission ""Registered users"" of a multi-language portal using the second language (that is different from the default one), the user is redirected to the home page of the default language instead of the login page of the current language. Steps to reproduce the issue. 1: Install a DNN 7.4.2. blank website in English (United States). 2: Add a second language (ie. it-IT). 3: Enable ""Allow Content Localization"" in Host > Host settings > Other settings. 4: In Admin > Languages press button ""Enable Localized Content"". In the opened popup window set ""Make all pages Translatable"" (English - United States will be set as Current Site Default) and press ""Enable Localized Content"". 5: In Admin > Languages set ""Enabled"" check box of the added second language in ""Enabled"" column. 6: In Admin > Languages click on the icon ""Create pages in this language"" in ""Pages"" column. 7: In Admin > Languages click on ""Active"" check box in ""Active"" column. 8: Translate and publish the home page of the second language 9: In English - United State language, add a Login page. Add ""Account login"" module to this page. Set page permission to ""All users"" for this page. 10: In second language, copy ""Account login"" module, translate and publish the Login page. 11: Set the Login page for both languages in Admin > Site settings > Advanced settings. 12: In English - United State language, add a new page (ie. ""Reserved page""). Set page permission to ""Registerd Users"". 13: In second language, translate (ie. ""Pagina riservata) and publish the page added in step 12. 14: Switch to the home page of second language and try to access the page added in step 13 (ie. /it-it/Pagina-riservata) as a not logged in user. Actual result: Redirection to the home page of the default language (ie. /en-us) Expected result: Redirection to the login page of the current laguage (ie. /it-it/login?returnurl=/it-it/Pagina-riservata) ---- Possible Solution (as far is my understanding of the platform and multi-language) The offending code is located at line 515 of file DNN_Platform_07.04.02_Source\DNN Platform\Library\UI\Skins\Skin.cs where the DefaultLocale is used in a multilanguage portal instead of the Current Locale. The outcome is that even if the redirectUrl is correctly defined, the following if will always fail when navigating the site in the second language thus overwriting the redirectUrl with the home page of the default langugage. if (TabPermissionController.CanViewPage()) { ... } else { //If request localized page which haven't complete translate yet, redirect to default language version. var redirectUrl = Globals.AccessDeniedURL(Localization.GetString(""TabAccess.Error"")); Locale defaultLocale = LocaleController.Instance.GetDefaultLocale(PortalSettings.PortalId); if (PortalSettings.ContentLocalizationEnabled && TabController.CurrentPage.CultureCode != defaultLocale.Code) { redirectUrl = new LanguageTokenReplace {Language = defaultLocale.Code}.ReplaceEnvironmentTokens(""[URL]""); } Response.Redirect(redirectUrl, true); } Proposed fix should affect lines 515-520 as follow: //If request localized page which haven't complete translate yet, redirect to default language version. var redirectUrl = Globals.AccessDeniedURL(Localization.GetString(""TabAccess.Error"")); Locale currentLocale = LocaleController.Instance.GetCurrentLocale(PortalSettings.PortalId); if (PortalSettings.ContentLocalizationEnabled && TabController.CurrentPage.CultureCode != currentLocale.Code) { redirectUrl = new LanguageTokenReplace {Language = currentLocale.Code}.ReplaceEnvironmentTokens(""[URL]""); } ",3
-"DNN-7818","10/27/2015 10:13:05","DCC - Sync Dynamic Content Item Json to Content Type Definition","Dynamic Content Creator wants to be a very flexible and dynamic content creator system. On Content Type already in use (we have content item already created in the system for a specific content type) we do not want restrict the content type definition and the system need to allow add, rename or delete a fields. Currently the system is managing that (see DNN-7791) but when the Content Type fields change (add a new field, remove it) the content item previusly created with the old definition still keep the json with the old data. This impact also search that still is indexing this old information. This task is to evaluate and consider some strategy to keep in sync the json stored in the dynamic content item json and the content type definition. The goal of this task will consist in propose 2 or more strategies and evaluating for each of those pro and cons. ",3
-"DNN-7819","10/27/2015 12:15:00","DCC API - Simplify Dynamic Content Item json format","The current format of the Content Item is in json and for a type like Product (see below): Product * Name (string) * Description (string) * Price (float) * Picture (integer) Is in the following format: {code} { ""contentTypeId"": 9, ""content"": { ""field"": [ { ""name"": ""Name"", ""value"": ""Fran"" }, { ""name"": ""Description"", ""value"": ""fds"" }, { ""name"": ""Price"", ""value"": 324.0 }, { ""name"": ""Picture"", ""value"": 23 } ] } } {code} This format is currently over complex the structure of the json and could be simplified with a more natural and intuitive format (similar of what MongoDB use as well): {code} { ""Name"": ""Fran"", ""Description"": ""fds"", ""Price"": 324.0, ""Picture"": 23 } {code} *Benefits* The proposed format: # save spaces in the database # it is easier to read Note: the content type Id is also probably no required as this information is already stored in the Content Item table: !DynamicContentItemDuplicatedContentTypeId.png! Note for DEV: we should carefully review if this new proposed format fits with any needs of the DCC: * Nested Objects * Lists * etc.. ",3
-"DNN-7822","10/27/2015 17:11:54","DCC API - Move validations from controller method into API.","There are some validations in the SaveContentField method of the controller class Dnn.Modules.DynamicContentManager.Services.ContentTypeController that should be moved inside the API of Dnn.DynamicContent. These validations are: * The name of the field is different from any other field of the same dynamic content type * The translated name in other languages is different from any other field of the same dynamic content type and same language.",2
-"DNN-8239","10/27/2015 17:20:00","SI: Host > Page Settings Error: 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM' is not valid for 'SelectedDate'","Issue: When opening Page Settings from the Host Dashboard an error is displayed. Refer to the attached screenshot [HOST Page Settings Error.jpg]. Steps to replicate: 1) In Evoq 8.2.0, click on HOST from the Control Bar 2) Hover cursor of Edit Page 3) Click on Page Settings Actual Result: The following error occurs: 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM' is not valid for 'SelectedDate' Expected Result: A pop-up displaying the Page Settings options should be displayed",1
-"DNN-7823","10/27/2015 17:43:13","DCC API - Snippets.Config file is stored under Folder Provider but managed as physical file","In the current implementation the snippets for the template editor are stored inside a plain text file stored inside Portals/_default with name ""Config/Snippets.config"" (All the snippets are common for all the portals), This space is managed by the DNN Folder Provider system. This means that depending on the configuration of the folder the templates could be locally in the server file system (standard folder provider), in the database (database folder provider) or even in remote location (i.e.: Azure, Amazon, DropBox folder provider, see Cloud configuration that by default use Azure folder provider). We probably need to discuss more this part. Having the Snippets.config file under the Folder Provider could expose several issues: *Alternative solution* We could consider storing the file the file under Portals/0-System. *Benefits:* We always ensure that the files are locally stored and accessible via the Server File System *Drawbacks:* Admin couldn’t edit / replace these file from DAM ",2
-"DNN-7831","10/28/2015 06:34:33","Advanced Configuration Settings page: HTML Module icon missing","Login as Host. Navigate to Host > Advanced Configuration Settings. Go to the Optional Modules tab. The icon for the HTML module is missing.",1
-"DNN-7833","10/28/2015 11:14:37","DCC API - Remove PortalId field from ContentTypes_FielDefinitions table","The field PortalId in the ContentTypes_FiledDefinitions table is not required as it should match the PortalId from the referenced ContentType. This could potentially cause inconsistencies in the data. Items: - Remove the PortalId column from ContentTypes_FiledDefinitions table, in incremental upgrade scrpt - Remove PortalId field in FieldDefinition class. Adapt related code - Fix affected unit tests",3
-"DNN-7844","10/29/2015 14:21:04","Create new module feature broken for MVC modules","Repro Steps: 1. Create a new module in the DesktopModules/MVC/ModuleName folder a. MVC modules need to be in the MVC folder under desktopmodules b. Only requirement here is to add a .dnn manifest file in this folder 2. Open the Host > Extensions page 3. Click the _Create New Module_ button 4. In the _Create module from_ drop down, select ""Manifest"" Expected: 1. I didn't create an ""owner"" folder for my module, so I should not have to set MVC as the owner. 2. If I had created an ""owner"" folder (desktopmoules/MVC/owner/modulename) then I will not be able to select my module folder 3. What should happen is that the system treats any folders under desktopmodule/mvc as if they were in the desktopmodules folder. Actual: 1. The system is treating the MVC folder as a standard folder rather than being a special folder in desktopmodules.",3
-"DNN-7845","10/29/2015 17:42:46","Tab can be given the same name than the Page URL of another tab","Create page ALPHA with Page URL /BETA Nothing prevents creating another page with name BETA Page Alpha is then not accessible anymore, not even via Admin -> manage page (the Page URL textbox is not in 'common' and if you try to click 'More settings' it will redirect to the BETA page, not the ALPHA page). Note : the above scenario in not realistic, to better explain the issue. In real life scenario, things do not happen like this but in more subbtle and tricky ways, such as people creating pages with names like 'information' or 'contact' a long time after these names where given as Page URL to others pages. The consequences are very weird and hard to understand for admins because they don't understand which page they are in, usually they try various settings that make the problem even worse. ",2
-"DNN-7847","10/30/2015 11:27:29","DCC - Move cache from repository classes to managers classes","Currently the cache logic for the management of the entities of the DCC is located at the repository level. It should be located inside the manager classes, and the repository classes should be only in charge of data access management. This change affects mainly to Dynamic Content Types, Field Definitions and Templates.",3
-"DNN-7855","10/30/2015 22:51:38","QA Task - More test coverage needed for CK Editor","QA Task to capture testing CK Editor.",5
-"DNN-7857","11/01/2015 17:40:17","WebAPI - TabId Always Returns True","When use the WebApi the code attempts to validate if the tabId provided in the header belongs to the portalId as determined by the portal alias of the WebApi request. The issue is that this code will also return. DNN Platform\DotNetNuke.Web\Api\Internal\DnnContextMessageHandler.cs private static bool TabIsInPortal(int tabId, int portalId) { var tab = TabController.Instance.GetTab(tabId, portalId); return tab != null; } The call to GetTab contains code in the core framework to check if the portal matches the tab request. Otherwise that code will find the correct portal regardless of the portalId parameter based to the GetTab method call. The var tab will never be null in the method above. (So only as the tabId exists in the database).",2
-"DNN-7861","11/02/2015 01:40:10","Update Platform Template Content","+Background+ In 7.3, the default template for DNN installs was changed to a single-page design with some materials relating directly to Evoq products. This has not been updated since the change to Evoq Content/Evoq Engage and will require some new content. +Requirements+ Set up new content for the Evoq banners in the default site content. This should refer to Evoq Engage and Evoq Content. !2015-11-02_10-41-54.png!",3
-"DNN-7860","11/02/2015 23:26:04","IE 11 - CKEditor throws a .JS error when color picking","Log into Platform 8 build as host/admin/content editor (I used build 454) Create a new page Set page to Edit mode Hover over the *Pencil icon* and select *Edit Content* Type in some text then select 1 or more characters Hover over *A* (text color) and left-click the down arrow *Actual Result:* I get a pop up error and a message in Dev Tools: SCRIPT5007: Unable to get property 'nodeName' of undefined or null reference File: ckeditor.js, Line: 84, Column: 342 After clearing the pop up and re-clicking on the down arrow the color picker appears *Expected Result:* No .JS error appears at all ",2
-"DNN-7867","11/04/2015 01:15:30","CK.Editor: Cannot change skins","The CK.Editor skin doesn't change. What I Did: 1. Login as Host 2. Go to Host > HTML Editor Manager 3. Select the ""Black"" skin. 4. Update and refresh the page. What Happens: The Skin setting defaults back to ""Moono"". ",2
-"DNN-7872","11/04/2015 18:17:24","Platform 8 - Install error in log file ""Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'LogTypeDescription'""","*New log file error starting in Platform 8 build 470* Install latest build of Platform 8 (localhost + on-premise + Cloud) *No db prefix used* Check log.resources file for errors *Actual Result:* I see multiple, > 10 of the same error repeated throughout the log during installation: 2015-11-04 17:06:06,210 [RD000D3A60273D][Thread:7][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Log.EventLog.LogController - System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'LogTypeDescription', table 'dnnl933q9.dbo.EventLogTypes'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails. The statement has been terminated. at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean callerHasConnectionLock, Boolean asyncClose) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.TryRun(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean& dataReady) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.FinishExecuteReader(SqlDataReader ds, RunBehavior runBehavior, String resetOptionsString) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReaderTds(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, Boolean async, Int32 timeout, Task& task, Boolean asyncWrite, SqlDataReader ds, Boolean describeParameterEncryptionRequest) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method, TaskCompletionSource`1 completion, Int32 timeout, Task& task, Boolean asyncWrite) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery(TaskCompletionSource`1 completion, String methodName, Boolean sendToPipe, Int32 timeout, Boolean asyncWrite) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() at PetaPoco.Database.Execute(String sql, Object[] args) at DotNetNuke.Data.PetaPoco.PetaPocoHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(String connectionString, CommandType type, String sql, Object[] args) at DotNetNuke.Services.Log.EventLog.DBLoggingProvider.AddLogType(String logTypeKey, String logTypeFriendlyName, String logTypeDescription, String logTypeCSSClass, String logTypeOwner) at DotNetNuke.Services.Log.EventLog.LogController.AddLogType(LogTypeInfo logType) at DotNetNuke.Services.Log.EventLog.LogController.AddLog(LogInfo logInfo) ClientConnectionId:90dddedb-0b15-40aa-bbfe-7ce879fc1a45 Error Number:515,State:2,Class:16 ClientConnectionId before routing:200f91e5-2a30-4062-a0bc-53182bebd2b2 Routing Destination:a240a616bb6b.tr1.northcentralus1-a.worker.database.windows.net,11016 *Expected Result:* No errors in the log file",2
-"DNN-7874","11/04/2015 21:59:57","Ensure All Extensions Version 8.0","All manifests/extension versions need to be set to 8.0. ",2
-"DNN-7875","11/05/2015 08:30:09","Remove Advanced Settings","h2. Card One DNN 7 ""feature"" that I think needs to be added to items for DNN 8 cleanup is the removal of the Advanced Settings screen. This page was created to ""simplify"" settings by aggregating many common settings into one location. What this ultimately did was complicate things by giving people multiple locations for accomplishing the same task. It didn't remove options, but instead duplicated options that were already available. !AdvancedConfigurationSettings.png! h2. Conversation Often the way this was implemented was by re-using existing user controls in the new Advanced Settings screen. This approach is blocking the team's ability to separate out the Skins module since one of the user controls in the skins module is also used in the advanced settings page. See DNN-6637. h2. Confirmation The Advanced Configuration Setting page and module should be uninstalled and removed in upgrade and new install of platform 8.0 Note for DEV: please ensure that we remove anything related to that feature and we do not leave any dead code in the source. Keep in mind that probably all the user control used by this module does not belong to him as are from other module. In this case we cannot cleanup these files as part of this story.",3
-"DNN-7876","11/05/2015 16:52:15","DCC API - Remove Global Concept from DCC API","In the today DCC API Content Type, Data Type, Templates can be defined as Global or Local. If confirmed, the goal of this task will be removed the possibility to create Gloabl Entities. The API will only work with local entities. Note for DEV: we need to review all Unit and Integration Tests and write new ones if needed to ensure that we cannot create that Entities for Host Portal.",3
-"DNN-7879","11/05/2015 18:12:09","Password reset emails not being sent","Portal is configured to use email addresses as usernames. Custom registration form used (via Admin->Site Settings->User Account Settings) and includes the registration field ""Email""). When user clicks the ""Reset Password"" link and supplies a valid email address, the mail is never sent, and the event log contains the Operation Failure ""Password Sent Failure"".",2
-"DNN-7883","11/06/2015 10:18:10","Remove Getting Started","h2. Card We need to completely remove the ""Getting Started"" from the template as well as anything special we do to inject this into the platform. !GettingStarted.png! h2. Conversation h2. Confirmation Note for DEV: please ensure that we remove anything related to that feature and we do not leave any dead code in the source.",3
-"DNN-7886","11/06/2015 16:34:59","Xcillion Theme - ""Could Not Load Theme"" when trying to set it as Theme","Install Platform 8 build 480 Log in as Host Go Admin > Themes Select *Xcillion* from the drop down Select a Theme by clicking on Apply (I chose *boxed*) Actual Result: As soon as the page refreshes this error appears: Could Not Load Theme: /Portals/_default/skins/xcillion/Boxed.ascx, Error: Unable to cast object of type 'ASP.portals__default_skins_xcillion_boxed_ascx' to type 'DotNetNuke.UI.Skins.Skin'. In log file: 2015-11-06 08:27:42,249 [TST-KG-W2012S1][Thread:9][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.PageLoadException: Unhandled error loading page. ---> System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'ASP.portals__default_skins_xcillion_boxed_ascx' to type 'DotNetNuke.UI.Skins.Skin'. at DotNetNuke.UI.ControlUtilities.LoadControl[T](TemplateControl containerControl, String ControlSrc) at DotNetNuke.UI.Skins.Skin.LoadSkin(PageBase page, String skinPath) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- Expected Result: Theme loads without any errors either in the UI or the log file",2
-"DNN-7887","11/06/2015 19:43:35","Unify installation html error element in installation results","Currently there are many ways the auto-install errors are displayed on the page. For simplifying automation task when checking for installation errors the HTML element in the page needs to be unified to {{Error!}} ",1
-"DNN-7888","11/06/2015 21:03:24","CK Editor - Add a pre-defined template and click ""Preview"" get a 404 Not Found error & broken image","In Platform 8 any build log in as Host Create a new page Set page to *Edit mode* Hover over *Pencil (edit) icon* Select *Edit Content* In CK Editor click on *Template* (to the right of the print icon) Select *Image and Title* Click *Preview* button bottom of the pop up Actual Result: Template loads Broken Image icon is loaded After you click *Preview* button bottom of the pop up you'll see this in Dev Tools/Firebug: ""NetworkError: 404 Not Found - http://platform742216.dnntest.ca/portals/0/"" Expected Result: Template loads Placeholder image appears No 404 error",2
-"DNN-7889","11/06/2015 21:11:36","Log in - artifacts from HOME page picked up and appear in log in pop up","If you time out AND you are on a page with the CK Editor open when you click log-in again the pop up will have: Any enabled language flags Register Login Search text box and icon I upgraded a site from 7.4.2 to 8.0.0 build 430 I created a new page I opened the CK Editor to edit content I let the login time out on the site I clicked on *Images* icon The login pop up rendered *Actual Result:* The login pop up has the following additional UI elements present: *Any enabled language flags Register Login Search text box and icon * *Expected Result:* none of the above are present in the login pop up",2
-"DNN-7890","11/06/2015 21:57:10","CK Editor - When uploading files scrolling the inner ""Upload File"" pop up moves the whole pop up?","*Screen Cast:* http://screencast.com/t/ej88mPyz81Q Install or upgrade to Platform 8 build 430 Log in as Host Create a new page Set the new page to *Edit mode* Hove over *Edit Content* (pencil icon) Click on *Images* Click on *Upload File Icon* (looks like an oil barrel) Drag n' drop at least 10 files into the *Drop file(s) here) area of the UI Left click on the veritical scrollbar *Actual Result:* When I try to scroll vertically the whole pop up moves up/down *Expected Result:* List of images is scrollable",2
-"DNN-7891","11/06/2015 22:10:10","CK Editor - Resize functionality errors out","*Screen Cast: * http://www.screencast.com/t/YZkj2HG9bvN3 Install or upgrade to Platform 8 build 430 Log in as Host Create a new page Set the new page to *Edit mode* Hover over *Edit Content* (pencil icon) Click on Images Click on *Upload File Icon* (looks like an oil barrel) Drag n' drop at least 10 files into the *Drop file(s) here* area of the UI Now select 1 uploaded image At top right of the pop up click on *Edit Image* icon In either the *Width* or *Height* spinners click either the up or down arrow *Actual Result:* Nothing happens, neither counter increments or decrements jQuery UI error in Dev Tools/Firebug: TypeError: t.toFixed is not a function...nd(i/s.step)*s.step,t=e+i,t=parseFloat(t.toFixed(this._precision())),null!==s.ma...jquery-ui.min.js (line 7, col 134930 *Expected Result:* Counters increment/decrement and the selected photo is resized and saved if you click ""Resize Now"" If you click ""Cancel Resize"" all changes are discarded and you're returned to the Image pop up ",2
-"DNN-7893","11/06/2015 22:57:27","CK Editor - Some objects on Image Properties pop up are hidden from user","*Screen Cast: * http://www.screencast.com/t/YZkj2HG9bvN3 Install or upgrade to Platform 8 build 430 Log in as Host Create a new page or open a pre-existing page (with an image present) Set the new page to Edit mode Hover over Edit Content (pencil icon) If upgrade w/image present then right click on the Image Now click *Cancel* button at bottom right of the pop up If either clean install or upgrade create a new page Click on Images Now click *Cancel* button at bottom right of the pop up Actual Result: Whether you're editing a current image or adding a new image when the *Image Properties* pop up renders by default the following objects are *not visible* Alignment (drop down list) OK (button) Cancel (button) Expected Result: When the *Image Properties* pop up renders all objects loaded in the pop up are visible to the user",2
-"DNN-7894","11/08/2015 05:45:50","CLONE - Language Editor Exception","I just updated a tow DNN instances on my development server from 7.3.1 to 7.3.2. When I try to modify the resource files from the Admin/Languages on one of the instances, I am getting the following error. The second instance is OK. ********************* Error: is currently unavailable. DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.ModuleLoadException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at DotNetNuke.Modules.Admin.Languages.LanguageEditor.OnLoad(EventArgs e) in c:\DevPortals\vrsdnn73\DesktopModules\Admin\Languages\LanguageEditor.ascx.cs:line 527 --- End of inner exception stack trace --- *************** The line of code that is causing it to break on the first instance in LanguageEditor.ascx.cs is: languageLabel.Language = language.Code;",2
-"DNN-7895","11/09/2015 10:04:55","Add alt text to the delete button of Search keywords","The delete button that appears when making a search doesn't have alternative text. It should be added.",1
-"DNN-7903","11/10/2015 18:08:39","Banner Module throw exception after deploy on new page","Step to Reproduce: # Login as Host # Create a New page # Deploy the Banner Module on the Page Expected: It should deploy correctly and without showing error. Actual: Banner Module throw exception after deploy on new page ",2
-"DNN-7904","11/10/2015 18:24:06","SI: CKEditor can't upload files even with Full Control to Root Folder","Steps to reproduce: 1. Install DNN 8.2.0 and CkEditor 2.1.0 2. Create a new Role and give Full Control to Root Folder to that Role in Admin > File Manager so Users for that Role can upload Files 3. Go to HTML Editor > expand it(do not use inline editor) 4. Click on Image Actual Result: Upload button is missing. Even though the User's Role has Full Control to Root Folder or any other folder, they still can't upload files. Expected Result: Users should be able to upload files.",2
-"DNN-7905","11/10/2015 22:02:04","SI: Native Name for the Turkey Language comes back empty","If you add Turkey tr-TR language to the site, [CULTURE:NATIVENAME] token comes back empty. *Steps to replicate* # Enable localization for 8.2 site # Go to Admin > Languages and click Add lanaguage # Add Turkish (Trukey) language and enable it. !image1.png|thumbnail! # Go to a page in /tr-tr language and add an HTML Pro module # Add following token to the module *Native Name = ""[CULTURE:NATIVENAME]""* # go HTML Pro module settings > HTML Module settings and enable replace token # Once you publish the page and view the page in View Mode *Expected Result:* The result will be* Native Name = ""Turkish(Turkey)""* *Actual Results:* The results actually comes back as *Native Name = """"* ",2
-"DNN-7908","11/11/2015 16:44:00","DCC - Add Authorization attributes to Dynamic Content Viewer Controllers","Task to Set DnnAuthorizeAttribute / DnnModuleAuthorizeAttribute to DCC Viewer Controllers, as required.",2
-"DNN-7912","11/12/2015 20:22:33","CK Editor - Adding Image creates 2 dozen 404 errors on GIF's","Install latest Platform 8 Uninstall CK Editor Provider Install CK Editor Provider downloaded from build servers Go Home Hover over Pages Select Add New Page Name the page Permission for Registered User view access Click Create Page bottom right of the pop up On the new page hove over the *Pencil icon* (Edit icon) Select *Edit Content* Click on *Image* icon In the *Image Properties* pop up click the *Upload* tab Click on *Choose File* button Select any image to upload Click the *Send it to the Server* button in the *Image Properties* pop up Click the {color:#8eb021}green{color} *OK* button Actual Result: Image is uploaded Image is displayed within the CK Editor In Dev Tools/Firebug there are *24* distinct 404 (Not Found) errors logged on .GIF images Expected Result: Uninstall CK Editor Provider Install CK Editor Provider downloaded from build servers Go Home Hover over Pages Select Add New Page Name the page Permission for Registered User view access Click Create Page bottom right of the pop up No errors anywhere from simply uploading and then selecting an image for use in the CK Editor ",2
-"DNN-7913","11/12/2015 21:42:12","SI: Secure folder's file Link in Word doc goes to login page","Steps to reproduce: 1) create a new role: test role 2) create a new user and add user to the test role 3) create a new secure folder and change permissions so only the test role has view / browse permissions. 4) add a document to the folder 5) right click on document -> get URL -> copy URL. 6) Put the url in doc file 7) Make sure you are already logged IN in the browser with test role user 8) click on the link in Doc file Expected Result: You should be able to automatically download the requested file Actual Result: It goes to a login page or in some scenario it goes to a Home Page. ",2
-"DNN-7914","11/12/2015 21:55:19","Cloud - Errors when uninstalling CK Editor Provider from Platform","Create a new Platform device in dnncloudservices administration site Hit the new URL Log in as Host Go *Host > Extensions > Providers Click the *Garbage can* icon (Delete) Kick off the uninstall process *Actual Result:* The uninstall process fails UI error(s): Failure Exception - Could not load file or assembly 'DNNConnect.CKEditorProvider.dll' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. Warning Component Uninstalled with Warnings - Assembly Failure Exception - Could not find a part of the path 'D:\home\site\wwwroot\Portals\_default\Install'. Warning Component Uninstalled with Warnings - File Warning Uninstalled with Warnings - DNNConnect.CKEditorProvider In log file: 2015-11-12 20:57:03,053 [RD000D3A602D61][Thread:11][ERROR] DotNetNuke.ComponentModel.ProviderInstaller - System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException: Could not load provider DNNConnect.CKEditorProvider.CKHtmlEditorProvider, DNNConnect.CKEditorProvider 2015-11-12 20:57:31,759 [RD000D3A602D61][Thread:7][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path 'D:\home\site\wwwroot\Providers\HtmlEditorProviders\DNNConnect.CKE\CKEditor\plugins\specialchar\dialogs\lang'. at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath) at System.IO.FileSystemEnumerableIterator`1.CommonInit() at System.IO.FileSystemEnumerableIterator`1..ctor(String path, String originalUserPath, String searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption, SearchResultHandler`1 resultHandler, Boolean checkHost) at System.IO.DirectoryInfo.InternalGetFiles(String searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption) at DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Util.TryDeleteFolder(DirectoryInfo folder, Logger log) at DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Util.DeleteFile(String fileName, String basePath, Logger log) at DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Installers.ResourceFileInstaller.UnInstallFile(InstallFile unInstallFile) 2015-11-12 20:57:31,900 [RD000D3A602D61][Thread:7][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path 'D:\home\site\wwwroot\Providers\HtmlEditorProviders\DNNConnect.CKE\CKEditor\plugins\stylesheetparser\samples\assets'. at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath) at System.IO.FileSystemEnumerableIterator`1.CommonInit() at System.IO.FileSystemEnumerableIterator`1..ctor(String path, String originalUserPath, String searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption, SearchResultHandler`1 resultHandler, Boolean checkHost) at System.IO.DirectoryInfo.InternalGetDirectories(String searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption) at DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Util.TryDeleteFolder(DirectoryInfo folder, Logger log) at DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Util.DeleteFile(String fileName, String basePath, Logger log) at DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Installers.ResourceFileInstaller.UnInstallFile(InstallFile unInstallFile) 2015-11-12 20:57:32,912 [RD000D3A602D61][Thread:7][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path 'D:\home\site\wwwroot\Providers\HtmlEditorProviders\DNNConnect.CKE\CKEditor\plugins\stylesheetparser\samples'. at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath) at System.IO.FileSystemEnumerableIterator`1.CommonInit() at System.IO.FileSystemEnumerableIterator`1..ctor(String path, String originalUserPath, String searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption, SearchResultHandler`1 resultHandler, Boolean checkHost) at System.IO.DirectoryInfo.InternalGetFiles(String searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption) at DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Util.TryDeleteFolder(DirectoryInfo folder, Logger log) at DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Util.DeleteFile(String fileName, String basePath, Logger log) at DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Installers.ResourceFileInstaller.UnInstallFile(InstallFile unInstallFile) 2015-11-12 20:57:33,952 [RD000D3A602D61][Thread:7][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path 'D:\home\site\wwwroot\Providers\HtmlEditorProviders\DNNConnect.CKE\CKEditor\plugins\widget\dev\assets\simplebox'. at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath) at System.IO.FileSystemEnumerableIterator`1.CommonInit() at System.IO.FileSystemEnumerableIterator`1..ctor(String path, String originalUserPath, String searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption, SearchResultHandler`1 resultHandler, Boolean checkHost) at System.IO.DirectoryInfo.InternalGetFiles(String searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption) at DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Util.TryDeleteFolder(DirectoryInfo folder, Logger log) at DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Util.DeleteFile(String fileName, String basePath, Logger log) at DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Installers.ResourceFileInstaller.UnInstallFile(InstallFile unInstallFile) 2015-11-12 20:57:34,989 [RD000D3A602D61][Thread:7][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path 'D:\home\site\wwwroot\Providers\HtmlEditorProviders\DNNConnect.CKE\CKEditor\plugins\widget\lang'. at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath) at System.IO.FileSystemEnumerableIterator`1.CommonInit() at System.IO.FileSystemEnumerableIterator`1..ctor(String path, String originalUserPath, String searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption, SearchResultHandler`1 resultHandler, Boolean checkHost) at System.IO.DirectoryInfo.InternalGetFiles(String searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption) at DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Util.TryDeleteFolder(DirectoryInfo folder, Logger log) at DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Util.DeleteFile(String fileName, String basePath, Logger log) at DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Installers.ResourceFileInstaller.UnInstallFile(InstallFile unInstallFile) 2015-11-12 20:57:36,050 [RD000D3A602D61][Thread:7][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path 'D:\home\site\wwwroot\Providers\HtmlEditorProviders\DNNConnect.CKE\CKEditor\plugins\xmltemplates'. at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath) at System.IO.FileSystemEnumerableIterator`1.CommonInit() at System.IO.FileSystemEnumerableIterator`1..ctor(String path, String originalUserPath, String searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption, SearchResultHandler`1 resultHandler, Boolean checkHost) at System.IO.DirectoryInfo.InternalGetFiles(String searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption) at DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Util.TryDeleteFolder(DirectoryInfo folder, Logger log) at DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Util.DeleteFile(String fileName, String basePath, Logger log) at DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Installers.ResourceFileInstaller.UnInstallFile(InstallFile unInstallFile) 2015-11-12 20:57:37,087 [RD000D3A602D61][Thread:7][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path 'D:\home\site\wwwroot\Providers\HtmlEditorProviders\DNNConnect.CKE\CKEditor\skins\bootstrap'. at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath) at System.IO.FileSystemEnumerableIterator`1.CommonInit() at System.IO.FileSystemEnumerableIterator`1..ctor(String path, String originalUserPath, String searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption, SearchResultHandler`1 resultHandler, Boolean checkHost) at System.IO.DirectoryInfo.InternalGetFiles(String searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption) at DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Util.TryDeleteFolder(DirectoryInfo folder, Logger log) at DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Util.DeleteFile(String fileName, String basePath, Logger log) at DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Installers.ResourceFileInstaller.UnInstallFile(InstallFile unInstallFile) 2015-11-12 20:57:38,134 [RD000D3A602D61][Thread:7][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path 'D:\home\site\wwwroot\Providers\HtmlEditorProviders\DNNConnect.CKE\CKEditor\skins\icy-orange\images'. at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath) at System.IO.FileSystemEnumerableIterator`1.CommonInit() at System.IO.FileSystemEnumerableIterator`1..ctor(String path, String originalUserPath, String searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption, SearchResultHandler`1 resultHandler, Boolean checkHost) at System.IO.DirectoryInfo.InternalGetFiles(String searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption) at DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Util.TryDeleteFolder(DirectoryInfo folder, Logger log) at DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Util.DeleteFile(String fileName, String basePath, Logger log) at DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Installers.ResourceFileInstaller.UnInstallFile(InstallFile unInstallFile) 2015-11-12 20:57:41,238 [RD000D3A602D61][Thread:7][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path 'D:\home\site\wwwroot\Providers\HtmlEditorProviders\DNNConnect.CKE\CKEditor\skins\moono-dark\icons'. at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath) at System.IO.FileSystemEnumerableIterator`1.CommonInit() at System.IO.FileSystemEnumerableIterator`1..ctor(String path, String originalUserPath, String searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption, SearchResultHandler`1 resultHandler, Boolean checkHost) at System.IO.DirectoryInfo.InternalGetFiles(String searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption) at DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Util.TryDeleteFolder(DirectoryInfo folder, Logger log) at DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Util.DeleteFile(String fileName, String basePath, Logger log) at DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Installers.ResourceFileInstaller.UnInstallFile(InstallFile unInstallFile) 2015-11-12 20:57:42,294 [RD000D3A602D61][Thread:7][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path 'D:\home\site\wwwroot\Providers\HtmlEditorProviders\DNNConnect.CKE\CKEditor\skins\moono-dark\images'. at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath) at System.IO.FileSystemEnumerableIterator`1.CommonInit() at System.IO.FileSystemEnumerableIterator`1..ctor(String path, String originalUserPath, String searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption, SearchResultHandler`1 resultHandler, Boolean checkHost) at System.IO.DirectoryInfo.InternalGetFiles(String searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption) at DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Util.TryDeleteFolder(DirectoryInfo folder, Logger log) at DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Util.DeleteFile(String fileName, String basePath, Logger log) at DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Installers.ResourceFileInstaller.UnInstallFile(InstallFile unInstallFile) 2015-11-12 20:57:43,342 [RD000D3A602D61][Thread:7][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path 'D:\home\site\wwwroot\Providers\HtmlEditorProviders\DNNConnect.CKE\CKEditor\skins\moono'. at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath) at System.IO.FileSystemEnumerableIterator`1.CommonInit() at System.IO.FileSystemEnumerableIterator`1..ctor(String path, String originalUserPath, String searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption, SearchResultHandler`1 resultHandler, Boolean checkHost) at System.IO.DirectoryInfo.InternalGetFiles(String searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption) at DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Util.TryDeleteFolder(DirectoryInfo folder, Logger log) at DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Util.DeleteFile(String fileName, String basePath, Logger log) at DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Installers.ResourceFileInstaller.UnInstallFile(InstallFile unInstallFile) 2015-11-12 20:57:47,432 [RD000D3A602D61][Thread:7][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path 'D:\home\site\wwwroot\Providers\HtmlEditorProviders\DNNConnect.CKE\CKEditor\skins\ozone\icons'. at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath) at System.IO.FileSystemEnumerableIterator`1.CommonInit() at System.IO.FileSystemEnumerableIterator`1..ctor(String path, String originalUserPath, String searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption, SearchResultHandler`1 resultHandler, Boolean checkHost) at System.IO.DirectoryInfo.InternalGetFiles(String searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption) at DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Util.TryDeleteFolder(DirectoryInfo folder, Logger log) at DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Util.DeleteFile(String fileName, String basePath, Logger log) at DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Installers.ResourceFileInstaller.UnInstallFile(InstallFile unInstallFile) 2015-11-12 20:57:50,503 [RD000D3A602D61][Thread:7][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path 'D:\home\site\wwwroot\Providers\HtmlEditorProviders\DNNConnect.CKE\CKEditor\skins\silver\icons'. at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath) at System.IO.FileSystemEnumerableIterator`1.CommonInit() at System.IO.FileSystemEnumerableIterator`1..ctor(String path, String originalUserPath, String searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption, SearchResultHandler`1 resultHandler, Boolean checkHost) at System.IO.DirectoryInfo.InternalGetFiles(String searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption) at DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Util.TryDeleteFolder(DirectoryInfo folder, Logger log) at DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Util.DeleteFile(String fileName, String basePath, Logger log) at DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Installers.ResourceFileInstaller.UnInstallFile(InstallFile unInstallFile) 2015-11-12 20:57:51,558 [RD000D3A602D61][Thread:7][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path 'D:\home\site\wwwroot\Providers\HtmlEditorProviders\DNNConnect.CKE\CKEditor\skins\silver\images'. at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath) at System.IO.FileSystemEnumerableIterator`1.CommonInit() at System.IO.FileSystemEnumerableIterator`1..ctor(String path, String originalUserPath, String searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption, SearchResultHandler`1 resultHandler, Boolean checkHost) at System.IO.DirectoryInfo.InternalGetFiles(String searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption) at DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Util.TryDeleteFolder(DirectoryInfo folder, Logger log) at DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Util.DeleteFile(String fileName, String basePath, Logger log) at DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Installers.ResourceFileInstaller.UnInstallFile(InstallFile unInstallFile) 2015-11-12 20:57:52,621 [RD000D3A602D61][Thread:7][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path 'D:\home\site\wwwroot\Providers\HtmlEditorProviders\DNNConnect.CKE\js'. at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath) at System.IO.FileSystemEnumerableIterator`1.CommonInit() at System.IO.FileSystemEnumerableIterator`1..ctor(String path, String originalUserPath, String searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption, SearchResultHandler`1 resultHandler, Boolean checkHost) at System.IO.DirectoryInfo.InternalGetFiles(String searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption) at DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Util.TryDeleteFolder(DirectoryInfo folder, Logger log) at DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Util.DeleteFile(String fileName, String basePath, Logger log) at DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Installers.ResourceFileInstaller.UnInstallFile(InstallFile unInstallFile) 2015-11-12 20:57:54,698 [RD000D3A602D61][Thread:7][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path 'D:\home\site\wwwroot\Providers\HtmlEditorProviders\DNNConnect.CKE\Browser\images\types'. at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath) at System.IO.FileSystemEnumerableIterator`1.CommonInit() at System.IO.FileSystemEnumerableIterator`1..ctor(String path, String originalUserPath, String searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption, SearchResultHandler`1 resultHandler, Boolean checkHost) at System.IO.DirectoryInfo.InternalGetFiles(String searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption) at DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Util.TryDeleteFolder(DirectoryInfo folder, Logger log) at DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Util.DeleteFile(String fileName, String basePath, Logger log) at DotNetNuke.Services.Installer.Installers.ResourceFileInstaller.UnInstallFile(InstallFile unInstallFile) *Expected Result:* Uninstall completes as it does in localhost and on-premise installations ",1
-"DNN-7916","11/12/2015 23:29:49","HTML Editor Manager - Massive amount of missing images when you load the page","Install latest Platform 8 Uninstall CK Editor Provider Install CK Editor Provider downloaded from build servers Go *Host > Advanced Settings > HTML Editor Manager Actual Result:* *After the module loads there are a huge number of *404 (Not Found)* errors in Dev Tools/Firebug See attached image *Expected Result:* All images render in the module and on the page",2
-"DNN-7918","11/13/2015 01:01:31","Enable CL popup won't close after process complete","Reproduce Steps: 1. install 8.0.0 latest version, login as host; 2. go to Host > Extensions, install a LP from Available Extensions list; 3. enable CL from host settings; 4. goto Admin > Languages, click ""Enable Content Localization"" button; 5. tick ""Make all pages Translatable"" checkbox, then click ""Enable Localized Content"" button. Expected Result: after process complete, the popup closed and page refresh. Actually Result: popup not close, and error occur in console: !20151113090046.png|width=800! ",2
-"DNN-7923","11/13/2015 19:23:05","Platform 8 - MVC HTML module exists in Available Extensions","*Screencast.com* http://screencast.com/t/sHLMi3Vxa8 Found while regressing DNN-7289 Do a clean install of or upgrade a site to Platform 8 latest build Log in as *Host* Go *Host >Extensions > Available Extensions > Modules* *Actual Result:* *HTML Module* exists as an available installable module *Expected Result:* There is no v8.0.0 HTML module in *Host >Extensions > Available Extensions > Modules* ",1
-"DNN-7928","11/14/2015 11:47:15","DNN's default css should be split up and only optionally loaded","Default.css contains a css reset and numerous styles to provide a basis for DNN. Since there is no option to not load this stylesheet, developers have to jump through all kinds of hoops to get the effects they desire. A way forward would be to 1. Get rid of a default loading stylesheet altogether 2. Allow both skins and modules to signal dependencies like we do with JS libraries 3. Split the old default and deliver a reset css and dnn css file as ""core libraries"" skins and modules can reference ",5
-"DNN-7937","11/17/2015 03:46:49","CK.Editor: Success message requires styling","What I Did: 1. Changed the CKEditor skin via the Host > HTML Editor page. What happened: The resulting success message is missing an image and could benefit from using the typical dnn styles.",2
-"DNN-7939","11/17/2015 12:10:53","GetRoleById params mismatch in CKEditorProvider","All calls to GetRoleById, roleId & portalId are in reverse order. I have fixed it in: https://github.com/moshefi/CKEditorProvider/commit/57c1e9ec6c533f3b8e3291968ee60d3cc33abd30 ",1
-"DNN-7941","11/17/2015 21:39:40","DAM module on Host File Management page shows error","(i) This bug occurs in all products: Platform, Basic, Content, and Engage Steps: # Installed Platform with dummy serialization caching provider and object qualifier. # Login as host. # Go to Admin File Management. DAM module works correclty. # Go to Host File Management. DAM module shows error. _Nothing logged in the logfile_. !dam.png!",1
-"DNN-7942","11/17/2015 21:48:09","Please review CK Editor Brand Name/Component Name, and consistent spelling everywhere","Just from the license agreement, I see different way to describe the brand name and component name, can we make them the same? - DNNConnect - DNN-Connect -CKEditorProvider -CKEditor Provider !image-2015-11-17-13-41-16-442.png|width=600! !image-2015-11-17-13-43-50-729.png|width=600! ",2
-"DNN-7947","11/18/2015 00:34:27","CKEditor: 2nd time open Spell Check bring up js errors","With Browser Console open. - Log in as host, goto home page and edit the page - Edit the first top banner, change some words purposely with wrong Grammar. for instance, change ""We have"" to be ""We has"". - Bring up ""Spell checker > Check Spelling > Grammar"". - Click on the ""X"" button to close it. - Bring up this dialog again. Error in ckeditor.js Object doesn't support property or method 'isVisible' !image-2015-11-17-16-34-07-631.png|width=800! ",2
-"DNN-7948","11/18/2015 00:40:54","UI/UX: Bottom control became invisible if CKEditor dialog window longer then Content Edit window","- Log in as host, goto home page and edit the page - Bring up ""Spell checker > Check Spelling > Grammar"". Results This Grammar checking dialog window is longer than ""Edit Content"" pop-up, it extended its UI but behind ""Edit Content"". For this instance, the ""Cancel"" button became invisible. !image-2015-11-17-16-39-31-215.png|width=600! ",3
-"DNN-7949","11/18/2015 01:18:57","CK Editor - Source button renders text on just half the CK Editor pop up","As* Host, Admin or Registered User* with Edit Rights on a page Put a preexisting or new page into Edit Mode Over over Edit (Pencil icon) Select Edit Content Type in a couple of lines of text or add an image Click the Source button top left of the tool bar *Actual Result:* See *Screencast* http://screencast.com/t/QXF3YTzLRw1a *Expected Result:* The contents of the Rich Text Editor appear with the HTML code needed to render the proper formatting and taking up the same real estate as before Source button was clicked ",2
-"DNN-7954","11/18/2015 18:10:14","ControlBar > Switch Site catches an ""Enter pressed"" event when it is not open","When you are in Host > HTML Editor Manager page and you try to press ""Enter"" key, nothing occurs and the browser console shows a bad request. But that request is regarding the ControlBar > Switch Site feature +Steps+ # As Host, go to Host > HTML Editor Manager # Go to Custom Toolbar tab # Click on a Toolbar group name. The name is converted to a textbox control. Try to change the name and put the focus on that control # Press the ""Enter"" key +Actual+ Nothing happens. The name should be changed. An error appears in the browser console See the follow screen cast: http://www.screencast.com/t/fwceyiIWOXp +Expected+ Toolbar name should be changed No error in browser console ",3
-"DNN-7955","11/18/2015 18:30:53","Html Editor Manager > Cannot manage Toolbar groups","When you are editing Ck Editor settings > toolbar sets, you cannot delete any existing item in a Toolbar group +Steps+ # As Host, go to Host > HTML Editor Manager # Go to Custom Toolbar tab # Edit a existing toolbar as this screen cast shows: http://www.screencast.com/t/qNrpt85ZJ7J # In the Toolbar groups section, try to remove an existing item or a whole group, dragging them out of the control +Actual+ There is no way to remove an item See the following screen cast to know the current behavior: http://www.screencast.com/t/mDnBTyznVZud +Expected+ An existing item or group should be removed ",2
-"DNN-7956","11/18/2015 19:18:06","CK Editor - Insert Anchor on selected text a 404(Not Found) error for anchor.png is generated","Install or upgrade to latest Platform 8 build ( I used 518) Install latest CK Editor build from CK Editor Project in Team City Log in as Host, Admin or Registered User w/edit rights on a page Set a page to *Edit mode* Hover over *edit* Select *Edit Content* Type in a line of text Select the line of text Click the *Anchor (Flag) icon* Name this line of text as an Anchor Click *Link* icon (chain) Click *Link Anchor from text* in the drop down in the *Link Info* tab Select the *Anchor* from the drop down for both *By Anchor Name* and *By Element Id* Click {color:#8eb021}green{color} OK button Check Dev Tools/Firebug *Actual Result:* The change is saved and the highlighted text is anchored. Check by just hovering over the blue highlighted text and viewing the hover pop up There's a 404(Not Found) error showing up in Dev Tools/Firebug for anchor.png GET http://platform800518.dnntest.ca/Providers/HtmlEditorProviders/DNNConnect.CKE/js/ckeditor/4.5.3/plugins/dnnpages/images/anchor.png?t=F7J9 404 (Not Found)CKEDITOR.tools.extend.isReadOnly @ ckeditor.js:65(anonymous function) @ ckeditor.js:616CKEDITOR.tools.extend.setAttributes @ ckeditor.js:97onOk @ anchor.js?t=F7J9:6(anonymous function) @ ckeditor.js:556j @ ckeditor.js:10CKEDITOR.event.CKEDITOR.event.fire @ ckeditor.js:12CKEDITOR.tools.extend.onClick @ ckeditor.js:579(anonymous function) @ ckeditor.js:520j @ ckeditor.js:10CKEDITOR.event.CKEDITOR.event.fire @ ckeditor.js:12CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.button.CKEDITOR.tools.extend.click @ ckeditor.js:519(anonymous function) @ ckeditor.js:510j @ ckeditor.js:10CKEDITOR.event.CKEDITOR.event.fire @ ckeditor.js:12(anonymous function) @ ckeditor.js:47 *Expected Result:* The change is saved and the highlighted text is anchored. Check by just hovering over the blue highlighted text and viewing the hover pop up There's no 404(not found) error from elements when you edit/add an anchor as a link",2
-"DNN-7957","11/18/2015 20:12:06","Warnings in Documentation Generation","Currently DNN generates over 9400 warnings when generating documentation based on missing or incorrect XML Comment tags. Missing comments should be added and incorrect tags should be corrected.",0
-"DNN-7958","11/18/2015 20:18:34","CK Editor - Click ""Send to Server"" button creates multiple 404(Not Found) errors","Log in as Host, Admin or Registered User w/edit rights on a page Set a page to Edit mode Hover over edit Select Edit Content Type in a line of text Select the line of text Click *Link* icon In the *Link* pop up click *Upload* tab Within the *Upload* tab click the *Choose File* button In the Windows Browse control select any file Click the *Send it to the Server* button Then click {color:#14892c}green{color} *OK* button Then the {color:#59afe1}blue{color} *Save* button Actual Result: The Path for the file appears in the *URL* text box The *Protocol* auto changes to ** In Dev Tools/Firebug these 404 (Not Found) errors appear GET http://platform800518.dnntest.ca/Providers/HtmlEditorProviders/DNNConnect.CKE/Browser/Images/DeleteFile.gif 404 (Not Found)Browser.aspx?Command=FileUpload&tabid=90&PortalID=0&mid=418&ckid=txtContent&mode=Portal&lang=en-US&…:160GET http://platform800518.dnntest.ca/Providers/HtmlEditorProviders/DNNConnect.CKE/Browser/Images/CreateFolder.gif 404 (Not Found)Browser.aspx?Command=FileUpload&tabid=90&PortalID=0&mid=418&ckid=txtContent&mode=Portal&lang=en-US&…:170 GET http://platform800518.dnntest.ca/Providers/HtmlEditorProviders/DNNConnect.CKE/Browser/Images/UploadButton.gif 404 (Not Found)418?popUp=true:8 GET http://platform800518.dnntest.ca/Test1/ctl/Edit/mid/Browser.comb.min.css Browser.aspx?Command=FileUpload&tabid=90&PortalID=0&mid=418&ckid=txtContent&mode=Portal&lang=en-US&…:179 GET http://platform800518.dnntest.ca/Providers/HtmlEditorProviders/DNNConnect.CKE/Browser/Images/ResizeImage.gif 404 (Not Found)Browser.aspx?Command=FileUpload&tabid=90&PortalID=0&mid=418&ckid=txtContent&mode=Portal&lang=en-US&…:173 GET http://platform800518.dnntest.ca/Providers/HtmlEditorProviders/DNNConnect.CKE/Browser/Images/DownloadButton.gif 404 (Not Found)418?popUp=true:11 GET http://platform800518.dnntest.ca/Test1/ctl/Edit/mid/js/Browser.js 404 (Not Found)418?popUp=true:265 GET http://platform800518.dnntest.ca/Test1/ctl/Edit/mid/Images/DeleteFile.gif 404 (Not Found)418?popUp=true:265 GET http://platform800518.dnntest.ca/Test1/ctl/Edit/mid/Images/CreateFolder.gif 404 (Not Found)418?popUp=true:265 GET http://platform800518.dnntest.ca/Test1/ctl/Edit/mid/Images/UploadButton.gif 404 (Not Found)418?popUp=true:265 GET http://platform800518.dnntest.ca/Test1/ctl/Edit/mid/Images/DownloadButton.gif 404 (Not Found)418?popUp=true:265 GET http://platform800518.dnntest.ca/Test1/ctl/Edit/mid/Images/ResizeImage.gif 404 (Not Found) The changes are all saved When you click on the linked text the image is rendered in a new page *Expected Result:* The Path for the file appears in the *URL* text box The *Protocol* auto changes to ** No 404 errors when the *Send it to Server* button is clicked The changes are all saved When you click on the linked text the image is rendered in a new page",1
-"DNN-7960","11/18/2015 22:00:04","SI: DAM folders ""Last Updated"" should change when contents updated","A customer has suggested having the ""Last Modified"" attribute of a Folder in DAM change when not only when the folder itself is updated, but when any folder contents are updated .This would be more in line with user expectations from their desktop OS file management experience.",3
-"DNN-7962","11/18/2015 23:35:10","CK Editor - Image browser - Sort by ASC/DESC is not working","Install or upgrade to latest Platform 8 build (I am using 518) Log in as *host, admin or registered user with edit rights * Create a new page or set an existing page to *edit mode* Hover over *Edit* and select *Edit Content* Click on the *Image* icon In the *Image Properties* box click on *Browse Server* button Upload at least 3 images Click the *Synchronize folder with database* icon (immediate right of *create new folder* icon) At far right of the image preview click the *Sort list by file names in descending order* (Z A icon) Actual Result: Sort does *NOT* work regardless of which view I set or how many uniquely named images are in a view the sort order will always stay @ ascending",2
-"DNN-7963","11/18/2015 23:46:58","CK.Editor: Editor not displaying","What I Did: 1. Host > Extensions 2. Uninstalled existing CKEditor provider 3. Installed updated CKEditor provider 4. Choose to edit content of the existing HTML module on the Home page. What Happened: RTE Editor was not displayed. Plain text rendering ok.",2
-"DNN-7968","11/19/2015 02:14:08","Uninstall DDR menu from Platform throw DNN error","Please refer to Screen cast: http://screencast.com/t/jLtOtuE6 Uninstall DDR menu from Platform throw DNN error Step to Reproduce: # Login as Host # Create a New page # Deploy DDR Menu on newly created page # Go to Host >>Extension # Uninstall the DDR Menu Expected: it should get uninstall and it will be removed from the page Actual: : It throw DNN error and after uninstall DDR Module Note : After closing the window the Site will show DNN Error. ",2
-"DNN-7969","11/19/2015 03:02:32","8.0 Consolidate SQLs into one file for major release ","As part of any major point zero release, we are supposed to consolidate SQLs into one file for Install (not for upgrade).",5
-"DNN-7971","11/19/2015 06:58:01","IE 10: Module setting icons all missing. ","Noticed with IE10 with platform build 528, local install. http://screencast.com/t/24QG9VRTsO - Log in as Host, edit any page In edit mode, there should be couple module editing and setting icon buttons on the right-top side of the module box. But all showing ""black-color square"" in IE 10",2
-"DNN-7973","11/19/2015 07:26:25","Inline editing: IE10: Can not be saved. ","Noticed this with build 528, local install, with IE10. (Please also check if it is to do anything with the new editor) Pre-condition: Inline edit is enabled. - Log in as host, edit a page - Add a new HTML module on the page, on the left-top side of the module, click on a ""pencil"" icon to bring up the inline editing menu bar - Input any chars in the content area - Click on Save icon button. Result: The content won't be saved. http://screencast.com/t/6bxHw9wpHeM",2
-"DNN-7978","11/19/2015 20:01:12","WebResource.axd: 404 Error when loading Page Creation. ","So far I suspect this is Telerik removal related, and assign to ""Telerik"" as its component. can see this error clear on IE Edge. - Open Developer Console > Network - Log in as host, from menu click Pages > Add New Page - Search for 404 error !image-2015-11-19-11-59-31-952.png|width=750! Result: following request get 404 error, might unnecessarily impact performance as well. Request GET /WebResource.axd?d=4oQOiRyleskI-zsRzTe5-2icwHz7_gA5G2Mook-0QFKOFScV4mSwXKIa2SE5igf5R1sjN7yWXzSSYGjGmuaoZCVNol2e06el10eWBg3LhYvU57JmcmW-7B42g6w5RYGowHcdJOqYGWfpSj42IA44EhNDarI1&t=635835203680000000&cdv=41 HTTP/1.1",2
-"DNN-7982","11/19/2015 22:31:15","CK Editor - If content is larger than a single page there's no buttons visible if you click into Preview mode","Install or upgrade to latest Platform 8 build (I used Build 535 Log in as Host Go Host > Extensions > Providers Uninstall CKEditorProvider Install latest CKEditorProvider build from http://dev-build1:8088/project.html?projectId=CKEditorProvider&tab=projectOverview Create a new page Set page to *Edit mode* Hover over *Edit (pencil) icon* Select *Edit Content* In the Ck Editor put a couple paragraphs of text and a very large image Click *Preview* button at bottom of the Editor Actual Result: The image is so large it pushes the bottom of the Editor out of view There's no vertical scroll bar The Save, Cancel, Edit and Version History buttons are not accessible",2
-"DNN-7983","11/19/2015 23:45:51","Close Button is not working for CK Editor Provider Settings window ","Please refer to link : http://screencast.com/t/ABDul5jUcI Close Button is not working for CK Editor Provider Settings window Step to reproduce: # Login as Host # Create a new page # click the Pencil to edit the content # Ck editor will open and click on Custom editor option # Ck editor settings window appear # # click on close # Expected : it should closed the Window # Actual: it not closing the window",2
-"DNN-7984","11/20/2015 00:20:13","CK Editor - FF - Browse Server button does not fire","*Screencast* http://screencast.com/t/6nhnsEGdz Install or upgrade to latest Platform 8 build (I used Build 535 Log in as *Host * Go *Host > Extensions > Providers Uninstall CKEditorProvider * Install latest CKEditorProvider build from http://dev-build1:8088/project.html?projectId=CKEditorProvider&tab=projectOverview Log Out Log in as *Administrator* Create a new page Set page to *Edit* mode Hover over* Edit (pencil) icon * Select *Edit Content* In the Editor click the *Image* icon In the *Image Info* tab click the *Browse to Server* button *Actual Result:* Nothing happens *Expected Result:* Standard Windows browse pop up renders",1
-"DNN-7985","11/20/2015 01:06:25","Host Dashboard is broken","# As host, go to Host > Dashboard. # It is broken !dashboard.jpg! Errors from the log.resources file: 2015-11-19 17:32:33,538 [TST-KG-W2012S1][Thread:44][FATAL] DotNetNuke.Framework.PageBase - An error has occurred while loading page.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Could not find stored procedure 'dbo.Dashboard_GetControls'. at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean callerHasConnectionLock, Boolean asyncClose) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.TryRun(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean& dataReady) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.TryConsumeMetaData() at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.get_MetaData() at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.FinishExecuteReader(SqlDataReader ds, RunBehavior runBehavior, String resetOptionsString) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReaderTds(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, Boolean async, Int32 timeout, Task& task, Boolean asyncWrite, SqlDataReader ds) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method, TaskCompletionSource`1 completion, Int32 timeout, Task& task, Boolean asyncWrite) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior, String method) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteDbDataReader(CommandBehavior behavior) at System.Data.Common.DbCommand.System.Data.IDbCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior) at DotNetNuke.Data.PetaPoco.PetaPocoExt.ExecuteReader(Database database, String sql, Object[] args) at DotNetNuke.Data.PetaPoco.PetaPocoHelper.ExecuteReader(String connectionString, CommandType type, String sql, Object[] args) at Dnn.Modules.Dashboard.Components.DashboardController.GetDashboardControls(Boolean isEnabled) at Dnn.Modules.Dashboard.Dashboard.OnLoad(EventArgs e) at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)ClientConnectionId:3c0d1300-f945-400d-b42c-ddc804c78026Error Number:2812,State:62,Class:16 2015-11-19 17:32:33,585 [TST-KG-W2012S1][Thread:44][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - ~/Default.aspx?tabid=1060&error=Could+not+find+stored+procedure+%27dbo.Dashboard_GetControls%27.&content=0System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Could not find stored procedure 'dbo.Dashboard_GetControls'. at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean callerHasConnectionLock, Boolean asyncClose) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.TryRun(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean& dataReady) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.TryConsumeMetaData() at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.get_MetaData() at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.FinishExecuteReader(SqlDataReader ds, RunBehavior runBehavior, String resetOptionsString) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReaderTds(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, Boolean async, Int32 timeout, Task& task, Boolean asyncWrite, SqlDataReader ds) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method, TaskCompletionSource`1 completion, Int32 timeout, Task& task, Boolean asyncWrite) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior, String method) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteDbDataReader(CommandBehavior behavior) at System.Data.Common.DbCommand.System.Data.IDbCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior) at DotNetNuke.Data.PetaPoco.PetaPocoExt.ExecuteReader(Database database, String sql, Object[] args) at DotNetNuke.Data.PetaPoco.PetaPocoHelper.ExecuteReader(String connectionString, CommandType type, String sql, Object[] args) at Dnn.Modules.Dashboard.Components.DashboardController.GetDashboardControls(Boolean isEnabled) at Dnn.Modules.Dashboard.Dashboard.OnLoad(EventArgs e) at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)ClientConnectionId:3c0d1300-f945-400d-b42c-ddc804c78026Error Number:2812,State:62,Class:16",2
-"DNN-7988","11/20/2015 19:42:34","HTML Editor Manager returns a 404 if dummy caching provider is installed","steps: 1. Install Platform 2. Go to https://dnndummycaching.codeplex.com/ and install dummy serialization caching provider 3. Click on Host > Advanced > HTML Editor Manager Expected result: Page loads and HTML Editor Manager is displayed. Actual result: Page doe snot load due to too many redirects. A sample from log is attached.",2
-"DNN-7989","11/20/2015 20:59:16","HTML Editor Manager/CK Editor - Tool bar settings not respected for non-Host/Admin Users","Install latest Platform 8 build (I am using 540) Log in as *host or admin* Go *Admin > *Manage Users* Create a new *Registered User* and a new *Administrator* Go *Host > Advanced Settings > HTML Configuration Manager* In the *Main Settings* tab click to expand *Toolbars:* Set *Administrators* AND *Registered Users* to use *Basic* Click {color:#205081}blue{color} *Save* button bottom left Now go *HOME* Hover over *Pages* and select *Create new page* Title the page click the *Permissions* tab In the *Display Name* text box type in some or all of the name of the *Registered User* you created above Click *Add* button Tick the *Edit Module* button Click the {color:#205081}blue {color}*Update* button As *Host* or *Administrator* go to the new page you just created Put the page in *Edit mode* Hover over *Edit* and select *Edit Content* Log in as a *Registered User* in new browser and go new page created above Put the page in *Edit mode* Hover over *Edit* and select *Edit Content* Compare the toolbars between the 2 different logins above Actual Result: *Host* and *Admin* users will see the *Basic Toolbar* *Registered Users* will always see the default toolbar Regardless of which toolbar I change for *Registered Users*, including creating a *Custom Toolbar* they always get the default toolbar ",2
-"DNN-7990","11/20/2015 21:07:44","HTML Editor Manager/CK Editor - Upgrade - Tool bar drop downs unpopulated","Upgrade to latest Platform 8 build (I am using 540), (Upgrade from 7.4.x) Log in as *host or admin* Go *Host > Advanced Settings > HTML Configuration Manager* In the *Main Settings* tab click to expand *Toolbars:* Set *Administrators *AND *Registered User*s to use Basic Actual Result: The drop downs for all the *Toolbars* are empty See *Screen Cast:* http://screencast.com/t/wJ3RhAkUHzHC",2
-"DNN-7994","11/23/2015 10:24:04","Default.css should be cleaned up for DNN 8","Default.css contains (1) a reset, (2) some global styles and (3) DNN specific form pattern styles. This should be untangled so theme developers can better style their work without having to resort to ""default.css removal"" tools (like the one by 40 Fingers). The reset and global styles should go away and the form pattern should be optional. This is related to DNN-7928. This item is meant for work on default.css to clean it up and remove stuff that shouldn't be there.",2
-"DNN-7995","11/23/2015 19:33:04","Platform 8 - Built source - Over 100 errors generated","Get latest Platform 8 build source package Unpack the zip and set up for IIS Open Visual Studio and open the DNN_Platform.sln file Set the *Solution Configuration* = Release In *Solution Explorer* right click a the top on *Solution - DNN_Platform* Select *Build* Actual Results: The build runs The build completes The build generates 131 errors *Errors are attached as a .txt file as they exceed the maximum character count allowed for the JIRA editor* Expected Result: No errors when Solution is built from default Source zip file",1
-"DNN-7997","11/23/2015 21:30:17","CK Editor - 404 Not Found error on loading.gif in Upload File pop up","Found while regressing DNN-7890 Install or upgrade to *Platform 8 build 542* or later Log in as Host Go *Host > Extensions* Scroll down to *Providers* Uninstall current *CK Editor Provider* Install latest build of *CK Editor Provider* from http://dev-build1:8088/project.html?projectId=CKEditorProvider&tab=projectOverview Create a new page Put the page in *Edit mode* hover over the *edit (pencil) icon* Click *Edit Content* Click the Image icon in the Editor Click the *File Upload* icon Drag n' drop images to the ""Drop file(s) here* area Actual Result: All the files are uploaded I do not get any UI/UX image to show me anything is loading or loading is complete I get a *404 Not found* error in Dev Tools/Firebug: ""NetworkError: 404 Not Found - http://platform800542.dnntest.ca/Providers/HtmlEditorProviders/DNNConnect.CKE/CKEditor/Images/loading.gif"" The issue here is that there's no path: *Providers/HtmlEditorProviders/DNNConnect.CKE/CKEditor/Images/* I can see 2 loading.gif images in 2 different file paths: \Providers\HtmlEditorProviders\DNNConnect.CKE\js\ckeditor\4.5.3\images \Providers\HtmlEditorProviders\DNNConnect.CKE\Browser\images The code needs to be inspected for file path Providers/HtmlEditorProviders/DNNConnect.CKE/CKEditor/Images/ and correctly edited to point to one of the two image paths above *Expected Result:* Images all load, if they're of a supported file type There's a *spinner icon* to show loading of the images is proceeding No 404 errors on missing images",2
-"DNN-7999","11/23/2015 23:32:12","CK Editor - IE10 - Error in Dev Tools when uploading images","Install or upgrade to Platform 8 build 542 or later using *IE10* Log in as Host Go Host > Extensions Scroll down to Providers Uninstall current CK Editor Provider Install latest build of CK Editor Provider from http://dev-build1:8088/project.html?projectId=CKEditorProvider&tab=projectOverview Create a new page Put the page in Edit mode hover over the edit (pencil) icon Click Edit Content Click the Image icon in the Editor Click the File Upload icon Drag n' drop images to the ""Drop file(s) here* area Actual Result: The files are uploaded although you can end up with the UI *frozen* and you have to kill the *Upload File* pop up and re-open In *Dev Tools*: SCRIPT5043: Accessing the 'caller' property of a function or arguments object is not allowed in strict mode ScriptResource.axd, line 5 character 13769 *Expected Result:* Files are uploaded The UI does not *freeze* or generate errors *Screencast.com:* http://screencast.com/t/Cd4owiGx",2
-"DNN-8006","11/24/2015 10:56:22","OutputCache table uses outdated data type","New table OutputCache uses outdated data type nText. Pull request #1021 submitted.",1
-"DNN-8009","11/24/2015 17:42:51","Regex Auditing","The work done on DNN-7136 made few enhancements to Regex in many places. But there were many other changes that could have made better use of these introduced enhancements. This issue is for revisiting REGEX use in the application and see if there are any places that still need fixes or improvements.",3
-"DNN-8010","11/24/2015 17:55:26","Make oAuth Installable Package (Available Extension)","We need to abstract the current oAuth work and make it a true DNN extension. This should be a Library project and it should NOT be installed by default. As a result, this also means we need to remove the host setting that enables/disables it. ",5
-"DNN-8012","11/24/2015 23:47:29","SI: Container Title Shown Unexpectedly","The container on a module will be set to show its title unexpectedly. The steps to reproduce are as follows: go to edit mode on a child page, then immediately navigate to the parent page. The parent page's module will then show their module titles until the cache is manually reset. See attached movie.",2
-"DNN-8014","11/25/2015 00:46:29","SI: Persistent session exists as session identifiers were not invalidated upon logout","DNN session cookies value exists persistently as session identifiers were not invalidated upon logout. Session identifier should have been destroyed immediately upon logout, however, the value is able to load privileged page after restoring the previous session cookie. We implemented as belowing link in our staging environment by following this recommendation. http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/26106/Handle-Session-Timeouts-on-DotNetNuke-Through-an-H After implementation, We tested in same browser is working fine by using Cookies Manager. However, session has not logged out if tested on different browsers. ",3
-"DNN-8065","11/25/2015 23:03:05","CK Editor - Alternate text modification is not being displayed on page","Steps: (This issue was observed in an upgrade scenario but may not have anything to do with upgrade) 1. Install 8.1 Content 2. Upgrade to Content v8.3 3. Click to modify an HTML module in inline mode and insert a pic 4. Click on Advanced editor 5. Select image right click and select image properties and modify alternate text 6. Click close and publish the page. 7. Hover mouse and see that old text is still displayed 8. Edit page again and check the alternate text it is modified Expected result: If alternate text is modified it should be displayed on page when mouse is hovered. Actual result: Please watch the following clip: http://screencast.com/t/oa3ZH2bI4",2
-"DNN-8020","11/26/2015 04:34:57","GlobalResources.resx contains hardcoded ""http"" prefix - even if site is SSL-only","The default App_GlobalResources\GlobalResources.resx localization file contains hardcoded http prefix on certain URLS. - expecially password resets/reminders, eg EMAIL_PASSWORD_REMINDER_BODY.Text : Link to reset password: *http*://[Portal:URL]/default.aspx?ctl=PasswordReset.. etc etc This issue has existed since DNN 4.x at least, but with HTTPS becoming much more prevalent, including a push for https on everything, this is becoming more and more a problem. Every DNN site I've built in the last year has needed https and one had http disabled (until a redirection was set up to get around this issue, among others!). Workaround: edit resource file for every new installation, by hand (or create a custom site template). Lots of work and not fixing this in DNN source means potential upgrade issues. One suggestion: Add a new Portal token say [Portal:FullURL] which includes the http(s) prefix, equivalent to From a quick look seems like adding to PortalSettings.cs, GetProperty() method something like this: {{ case ""fullurl"": propertyNotFound = false; result = PropertyAccess.FormatString( (SSLEnforced ? ""https://"" : ""http://"" ) + PortalAlias.HTTPAlias , format ); break; }} .. but I can see a bit of complexity to navigate around SSL offloading - obviously even if SSL is offloaded, the email should still contain https.",2
-"DNN-8026","11/27/2015 10:38:37","Create tests for new API for settings management","This issue is about creating tests for the new feature developed in the parent issue DNN-7751. It includes creating tests for ModuleSettings, PortalSettings and TabModuleSettings.",3
-"DNN-8027","11/27/2015 10:42:22","Document new API support for settings management","This issue is about adding documentation and examples of use of the new API for settings management developed in the parent issue DNN-7751",2
-"DNN-8028","11/27/2015 17:09:40","MVC / SPA > Chtml or html files are not cached","Per the audit task DNN-7951 it was found that system does not cache the control files .chtml or .html files for the modules. This results in lots of disk activity. We need to cache them.",3
-"DNN-8032","11/28/2015 01:08:32","DAM: Top pane CSS broken","!damtoppane.jpg!",2
-"DNN-8033","11/28/2015 01:11:41","If Codeplex CkEditor is in place and you upgrade to Platform 8.0.0, HTML Editor breaks","CK Editor breaks after upgrade. Tested on clients and local website. Steps to reproduce: Add CkEditor from Codeplex to 8.2.0 website > upgrade to 8.3 > go to Edit text/html module Actual result: Errors are thrown and CkEditor is broken.",3
-"DNN-8034","11/28/2015 01:16:08","Exporting Site Fails in Platform 8.0.0","Go to Host > Site Management page > export site using content and files. Actual Result: It breaks.",1
-"DNN-8036","11/30/2015 12:30:26","Site Crawler continuously re-indexing the same elements","The site search is continuously reindexing the same elements. The problem is that the GetModifiedSearchDocuments(ModuleInfo moduleInfo, DateTime beginDateUtc) function is not being called with the correct beginDateUtc. This can be reproduced by using the DCC Viewer: # Add a DCC Viewer module # In the DCC Viewer module, set a content type, and set the content # Wait a few minutes (the site crawler is by default executing every minute) # Go to Host > Schedule # Click log in Search Site Crawler Result: # All runs have Total Items Indexed: 1 Expected: # Only first run with Total Items Indexed: 1, the other with 0",2
-"DNN-8045","12/01/2015 10:51:59","Recover changes done in 7.4.2 in InstallWizard in 8.0.0","Reviewing the InstallWizard file I have found a couple of changes missing comparing the same file in 7.4.2 version. For some reason these changes have been never included in the development branch. !MissedChanges.png! * https://github.com/dnnsoftware/Dnn.Platform/commit/9950e745c52f9aa4b43c2fd7b5bc4cc363e8777c * https://github.com/dnnsoftware/Dnn.Platform/commit/b20b1fe51f9ed4e54df0b1481e72f60d8c1e65ac ",2
-"DNN-8047","12/01/2015 12:27:46","CKEditor should not be set as default Html Provider on Upgrades","CKEditor is set as default Html Provider on Upgrade and new Installation Scenario (for both Platform 8.0.0 and Evoq 8.3.0). *Actual Behavior* # Install: CKEditor is set as default html provider ({color:green}OK{color}) # Upgrade: CKEditor shoud be installed but not set as default html provider ({color:red}Error{color}) *Expected Behavior* # Install: CKEditor is set as default html provider # Upgrade: CKEditor shoud be installed but not set as default html provider ",2
-"DNN-8048","12/01/2015 19:07:56","Client Resources Version not updated when upgrading packages","Installing a new version of a module should cause the Client Resource Manager version to increment, so that changes are picked up. However, this only happens on a repair install (which includes hitting {{/Install/Install.aspx?mode=installresources}}), not on a standard package upgrade.",3
-"DNN-8051","12/01/2015 23:23:57","DNNGrid missing localization on ""No records to display""","The DNNGrid control does not have localization on the no records to display text. Here're some places having such issue. Screenshots are attached also. - User Accounts - Schedule History - Lists",2
-"DNN-8053","12/01/2015 23:59:04","CK Editor - All edits are lost if user clicks on Version History and then cancel out","Steps: 1. Login as host and create a new page 2. Edit the html and click on Edit Content to get to CK Editor 3. Edit the content and then click on Version History 4. Click Cancel when Version History is displayed Expected result: User is directed back to editing the module. Actual result: Please watch: http://screencast.com/t/94Vs3qWWiznY The whole CK editor window closes and user loses ALL modifications!!",2
-"DNN-8057","12/02/2015 01:06:55","Implement Trace Statements in Dnn Platform Code","+Background+ It can be difficult to do performance troubleshooting on a live running Dnn site, if some specific module is not performing well. This change is to add in trace output statements to the codebase, so that anyone can hook up any trace listener (such as Dnn Glimpse) and determine which components on a page are running slowly. As the Log4Net component provides a trace listener, it can be leveraged for this purpose and have the output directed via the log4net configuration. +Requirements+ * Implement the trace statements in code as provided * Add the required log4Net configuration change to this JIRA as an example * Test by checking with a trace listener such as Glimpse",5
-"DNN-8058","12/02/2015 08:52:21","Remove HMAC code from Platform","Based on the decision taken after reviewing the work done on that feature the team decided to remove for now the *HMAC* code implementation from Platform 8.0.0. *Note for DEV*: * Create a feature/hmac branch so we keep a copy of the hmac code updated at the today date * Remove any bit: ** c# classes ** new sql sprocs, functions, tables, fields",3
-"DNN-8059","12/02/2015 08:53:17","Remove oAuth 2 code from Platform","Based on the decision taken after reviewing the work done on that feature the team decided to remove for now the *oAuth* code implementation from Platform 8.0.0. *Note for DEV*: * Create a feature/oauth2 branch so we keep a copy of the oauth2 code updated at the today date * Remove any bit: ** c# classes, csprojects, review any Platform solutions as well ** new sql sprocs, functions, tables, fields",3
-"DNN-8062","12/02/2015 09:29:06","Add host page info in html editor management manifest file","Add host page info in html editor management manifest file, so that host page can created during upgrade process.",2
-"DNN-8063","12/02/2015 09:55:33","Create unit tests for IndexingProvider","Created unit tests fro IndexingProvider, and its derived classes: - ModuleIndexer - TabIndexer - UserIndexer The tests should be related to the bug DNN-8036",3
-"DNN-8066","12/02/2015 16:55:56","CKEditor dialogs do not show the Browse Server button when permissions are allowed","CKEditor dialogs do not show the ""Browse Server"" button when permissions are allowed. So Register Users cannot browse server folder and choose an stored file or image for linking into the content. _Steps_ # As Host, go to Host > HTML Editor Manager # Ensure that you have selected DNNConntect.CKE provider as your default provider # Go to File Browser Settings Tab, ensure that File Browser dropdown is Standard # Allow some roles clicking the corresponding checkbox. i.e. Registered Users # Save # Create a new page. Add Edit permissions to Registered User on that page # Add a HTML Module # As Registered User, go to page created in the above step # Edit page # Go to Edit Content for the module created above # In the Editor, click on Image icon _Actual_ Beside the URL field, user should see the Browse Server button since he has been allowed, but the button does not appear. See the following screencast to see all details regarding these steps: http://www.screencast.com/t/baOGFbR625 _Expected_ Beside the URL field, user should see the Browse Server button and he should be able to choose a file/image ",2
-"DNN-8068","12/02/2015 20:02:45","RadEditor: Install or Uninstall the module throw multiple fatal errors in log file","Noticed with build 599 local install. It happens to both install and uninstall. The module needs to be manually installed with build 599, it is located @ Host > Extensions > Available Extensions > Provider {code:java} 2015-12-02 10:51:47,122 [DNN-PC107][Thread:26][FATAL] DotNetNuke.Web.Common.Internal.DotNetNukeHttpApplication - System.Web.HttpException (0x80004005): A potentially dangerous Request.Path value was detected from the client (:). at System.Web.HttpRequest.ValidateInputIfRequiredByConfig() at System.Web.HttpApplication.PipelineStepManager.ValidateHelper(HttpContext context) {code}",2
-"DNN-8070","12/02/2015 22:25:14","CK Editor - Cannot delete original image after it's re-sized","*Originally found by Amrit regressing DNN-7891* Install or upgrade to latest Platform 8 build Log in as Host Create a new page Set the new page to Edit mode Hover over Edit Content (pencil icon) Click on Images Click on Upload File Icon (looks like an oil barrel) Drag n' drop at least 10 files into the Drop file(s) here area of the UI Now select 1 uploaded image At top right of the pop up click on Edit Image icon In either the Width or Height spinners click either the up or down arrow Save the changes After saving delete both the re-sized image and the original from which you created the re-sized image Actual Result: We can resize the picture and delete the re-sized image but unable to delete the original image. Please refer to screencast : http://screencast.com/t/ITNRYHpt error in log file: 2015-12-02 14:20:53,111 [TST-KG-W2012S1][Thread:24][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.FileSystem.Internal.FileDeletionController - System.IO.IOException: The process cannot access the file 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Platform800600\Portals\0\My Images\258ee2700b8562b5d51ebf2117179b3d_XL.jpg' because it is being used by another process. at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath) at System.IO.File.InternalDelete(String path, Boolean checkHost) at DotNetNuke.Services.FileSystem.Internal.FileDeletionController.DeleteFile(IFileInfo file) in C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\DNN_Platform_800_Public\Packaging\DNN.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Services\FileSystem\Internal\FileDeletionController.cs:line 47 *Expected Result* Should be able to delete any image to which you have permissions",2
-"DNN-8072","12/02/2015 23:29:12","CK Editor - Get Could not load provider error in the log file","Do a fresh install for platform and check the log file. The following error is logged couple of times at the top, DotNetNuke.ComponentModel.ProviderInstaller - System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException: Could not load provider DNNConnect.CKEditorProvider.CKHtmlEditorProvider, DNNConnect.CKEditorProvider We're getting this is because we have """" in default web.config and the CK Editor assembly is not in the bin folder yet when installer starts.",2
-"DNN-8073","12/03/2015 19:06:12","Massive amount of errors during installation","Install latest Platform 8 build (I used 608) Set Xcillion Template and add an Object Qualifier on the database After installation check the log file *Actual Results:* There's 104 KB of errors in the log.resources file 1st error listed below repeats 3 times 2nd error repeats a minimum of 12 times -03 09:53:08,781 [TST-KG-W2012S1][Thread:21][ERROR] DotNetNuke.ComponentModel.ProviderInstaller - System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException: Could not load provider DNNConnect.CKEditorProvider.CKHtmlEditorProvider, DNNConnect.CKEditorProvider 2015-12-03 09:54:43,461 [TST-KG-W2012S1][Thread:8][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - System.InvalidCastException: Could not cast 1 to property UseDecorate of type System.Boolean ---> System.FormatException: String was not recognized as a valid Boolean. at System.Boolean.Parse(String value) at System.Convert.ChangeType(Object value, Type conversionType, IFormatProvider provider) at DotNetNuke.Entities.Modules.Settings.SettingsRepository`1.DeserializeProperty(T settings, PropertyInfo property, ParameterAttributeBase attribute, String propertyValue) in C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\DNN_Platform_800_Public\Packaging\DNN.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Entities\Modules\Settings\SettingsRepository.cs:line 259 --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at DotNetNuke.Entities.Modules.Settings.SettingsRepository`1.DeserializeProperty(T settings, PropertyInfo property, ParameterAttributeBase attribute, String propertyValue) in C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\DNN_Platform_800_Public\Packaging\DNN.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Entities\Modules\Settings\SettingsRepository.cs:line 272 at DotNetNuke.Entities.Modules.Settings.SettingsRepository`1.<>c__DisplayClass13_0.b__0(ParameterMapping mapping) in C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\DNN_Platform_800_Public\Packaging\DNN.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Entities\Modules\Settings\SettingsRepository.cs:line 169 at DotNetNuke.Collections.CollectionExtensions.ForEach[TType](IEnumerable`1 source, Action`1 action) in C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\DNN_Platform_800_Public\Packaging\DNN.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Collections\CollectionExtensions.cs:line 861 at DotNetNuke.Entities.Modules.Settings.SettingsRepository`1.Load(CacheItemArgs args) in C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\DNN_Platform_800_Public\Packaging\DNN.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Entities\Modules\Settings\SettingsRepository.cs:line 173 at DotNetNuke.Common.Utilities.DataCache.GetCachedDataFromRuntimeCache(CacheItemArgs cacheItemArgs, CacheItemExpiredCallback cacheItemExpired) in C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\DNN_Platform_800_Public\Packaging\DNN.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Common\Utilities\DataCache.cs:line 494 ",2
-"DNN-8078","12/04/2015 16:13:18","Host pages have invalid EndDate when first accessed","After creating a new site, when you access pages under the Host menu (e.g. {{//Host}} or {{//Host//SQL}}), some incorrect information gets saved for the page. Specifically, the End Date is set to _12/31/9999 23:59:59_ (i.e. {{DateTime.MaxValue}}), which causes an error to show up when trying to access the page's settings: {quote}{noformat} Value of '12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM' is not valid for 'SelectedDate'. 'SelectedDate' should be between 'MinDate' and 'MaxDate'. Parameter name: SelectedDate at Telerik.Web.UI.RadDatePicker.set_SelectedDate(Nullable`1 value) at DotNetNuke.Modules.Admin.Tabs.ManageTabs.BindTab() in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\742.local\Website\DesktopModules\Admin\Tabs\ManageTabs.ascx.cs:line 382 at DotNetNuke.Modules.Admin.Tabs.ManageTabs.OnLoad(EventArgs e) in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\742.local\Website\DesktopModules\Admin\Tabs\ManageTabs.ascx.cs:line 1538 {noformat}{quote} I believe that the {{EndDate}} property is being set as part of [setting up the {{ActiveTab}} property of {{PortalSettings}}|https://github.com/dnnsoftware/Dnn.Platform/blob/a27a2927aac16ca169258494005398ca4fb1c5fb/DNN%20Platform/Library/Entities/Portals/PortalSettingsController.cs#L94]. In addition to {{EndDate}}, other columns that are set include {{SkinSrc}}, {{ContainerSrc}}, {{IconFileLarge}}, and {{ContentItemID}} (not to mention the audit/version columns that always update). I believe that the lack of an associated Content Item is probably what is triggering the saving of the {{TabInfo}} with bad data, but I haven't been able to track down exactly where that part is happening. h2. Steps to Reproduce # Install a new DNN site # Go to a host page (e.g. Host or SQL) # Go to Page Settings for that page h3. Expected Results * Settings show in pop-up h3. Actual Results * Error shows in pop-up",3
-"DNN-8079","12/04/2015 16:40:38","HTML Module shows an error when there is no HTML Provider installed","When you uninstall all HTML Provider, the HTML Module cannot be edited. _Steps_ # Fresh install of Platform # It should have installed only CKEDitor Provider as HTML Provider. Go to Host > Extensions and remove that package # Go to Home page and enter in Edit mode # Try to enter in Edit Content for some HTML Module _Actual_ The Editor dialog is not shown and the page shows the error message: ""A critical error has occurred. Please check the Event Viewer for further details."" The Event Viewer shows a lot of similar errors with the following body: {code}Message:Object reference not set to an instance of an object. StackTrace: InnerMessage:Object reference not set to an instance of an object. InnerStackTrace: at DotNetNuke.UI.UserControls.TextEditor.OnInit(EventArgs e) in C:\XS\Clients\dnnCorp\Projects\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\UI\UserControls\TextEditor.cs:line 385 at System.Web.UI.Control.InitRecursive(Control namingContainer) at System.Web.UI.Control.InitRecursive(Control namingContainer) at System.Web.UI.Control.InitRecursive(Control namingContainer) at System.Web.UI.Control.InitRecursive(Control namingContainer) at System.Web.UI.Control.AddedControl(Control control, Int32 index) at System.Web.UI.ControlCollection.Add(Control child) at DotNetNuke.UI.Modules.ModuleHost.LoadAjaxPanel() in C:\XS\Clients\dnnCorp\Projects\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\UI\Modules\ModuleHost.cs:line 344 at DotNetNuke.UI.Modules.ModuleHost.CreateChildControls() in C:\XS\Clients\dnnCorp\Projects\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\UI\Modules\ModuleHost.cs:line 509 at System.Web.UI.Control.EnsureChildControls() at System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal() at System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal() at System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal() at System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal() at System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal() at System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal() at System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal() at System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal() at System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal() at System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal() at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint){code} _Expected_ At least, the error should be more friendly but ideally the system shouldn't allow user to delete the HTML Provider in use. ",2
-"DNN-8080","12/04/2015 16:50:12","CKEditor Provider shows a ""Not Authorized"" error on Browser component","The Browser page of DNNConnect.CKE shows a ""Not Authorized"" error on Browser component when a registered user tries to browse the server. This error occurs in a child site, it doesn't happen on a parent site. _Steps_ # Create a child site # Enter in that site # Create a folder and deny access to Registered users # Go to Host > HTML Editor Manager and allow Register User to use the File Browser on DNNConnect.CKe provider # Create a page and allow Registered Users to edit it # As a registered User, enter in the above page in edit mode # Edit content of a HTML module # Click on Link button and after that on Browse Server button _Actual_ A ""Not Authorized"" error is shown Instead showing the Browser page. See the attached image to see the error message _Expected_ The Browser page should be shown and Child Site folder should be shown in the tree explorer",2
-"DNN-8081","12/04/2015 16:58:50","DNNConnect.CKE has some texts not located","Some texts in DNNConnect.CKE -- CKEditor Provider -- are not located. Specially in the Browser page. _Steps_ # Modify the web.config file to show Missing Keys --> ShowMissingKeys = true # Edit content of some HTML Module # Click on Link button and after that on Browse Server _Actual_ You can see that there are some texts or labels that are not located. They are not accompanied by the location flag: [L], [S] or [G] As far as I can see, the following exist: - The Browser title: ""Browser Modus"" and ""modus name ""Link"", ""Image"" - In the Files list, the labels ""Size"" and ""Created"" Please, check if there is other not located texts or labels _Expected_ All labels or static texts should be located -- should have location flag ",2
-"DNN-8082","12/04/2015 17:01:34","[Localization] DNNConnect.CKE provider has not translations for some UI components","The DNNConnect.CKE provider is offered with Platform but there is no any translation for its components - Browser - CKEDitor Options",2
-"DNN-8085","12/04/2015 19:28:26","Download a language pack results in duplicate display","If you download a language pack from the available packs (Host, Extensions, Available Extensions, Language packs), the language pack is displayed incorrectly double in the available languages packs the second time you visit this page. If you do the same with another language pack, the first duplicate is gone and you have a duplicate of the second one in the list.",2
-"DNN-8091","12/07/2015 16:32:37","New settings API incorrectly returns default values","When a settings class has default values, those values are returned when there is an empty string for a portal setting.",2
-"DNN-8101","12/08/2015 22:39:49","Biography show full toolbar in editor for register users","Reproduce Steps: 1. install 8.0.0 latest version and login as host; 2. create a new user and login as the new user; 3. go to edit profile page. Expected Result: CK editor for biography should use basic toolbar. Actually Result: it use full toolbar setting.",2
-"DNN-8103","12/08/2015 23:39:30","Implement Json Web Token (JWT) authentication handler","Install an authentication handler similar to Basic and Digest Auth-Handlers basen on the JTW standard ( https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7519 )",8
-"DNN-8107","12/09/2015 01:11:11","Host Extensions: 4 Skin Objects missing icons (besides Banners module)","Install Platform, and go to Host Extensions. Missing icons for: * Banners module * 4 Skin Objects (screenshot) !extentionsmissingicons.png!",2
-"DNN-8110","12/09/2015 17:46:35","Remove DotNetNuke.Services.UserProfile.UserProfilePicHandler","With the new dnnImageHandlers in place we decided to remove from the platform the code of the old user profile picture handler: *DotNetNuke.Services.UserProfile.UserProfilePicHandler*",2
-"DNN-8112","12/09/2015 19:30:27","Page Management - Some areas in the UI are left justified","*Screencast.com* http://screencast.com/t/PC9GIhNvA Install or upgrade to latest Platform 8 build (I used 634) Log in as Host or Administrator Go Admin > Page Management Open each area and view the UI *Actual Result* Some areas of the UI are left justified Some areas of the UI are not properly algined - Small & large icon areas of Page Management Appearance *Expected Result* UI should match Platform 7.4.2",2
-"DNN-8114","12/10/2015 03:11:06","Some Extensions are missing description","+Go to Host Extensions, or Admin Extensions.+ *Some Extensions are missing descriptions:* *All products: Platform, Basic, Content, Engage* * Configuration Manager * Languages * View Profile * Default Container * Dashboard Controls * Default Theme * All Skin Objects *Evoq products: Basic, Content, Engage* * Evoq Library (Not part of this Jira for testing) *Content and Engage* * Sharepoint Viewer (Not part of this Jira for testing) !missingdescriptions.png!",1
-"DNN-8115","12/10/2015 05:29:16","CKEditor file browser may leak server info","The file browser page of CKEditor may leak the server website folder path: !20151210132753.png|width=800!",2
-"DNN-8159","12/10/2015 16:29:49","SI: Error when creating a page called 'Site Map'","Issue: When creating a new page from Page Management with the page name 'Site Map', the following error message is displayed: ""Site Map is an invalid Page Title!"" Steps to Replicate: 1) Open Admin > Page Management 2) Create a new page with the page name: Site Map Actual Result Error message appears: ""Site Map is an invalid Page Title!"" Expected Result A new page with the page name 'Site Map' should be created without an error message. Q) If this is by design, is there a list of other page names that are considered not valid? {panel:bgColor=#CCFFFF} *Login and Register should also be Reserved Keywords.* {panel}",2
-"DNN-8119","12/10/2015 22:49:43","CK Editor - Spell-checker is always hidden even if it is manually added to tool-bars","steps: 1. Login as Host and create a new page 2. For HTML module invoke CK Editor 3. Note that Spell-checker is hidden by default 4. Click on Host > HTML Manager 5. Select Full and click on Edit icon and see that Spell-checker is there if not add it and save and save again Expected result: Spell-checker becomes available if its added to the set of tool-bars Actual result: Even if its added to FULL set of tool-bars, it will not show up in the menu for CK Editor. Please watch: http://screencast.com/t/AhL3k2IPQG",2
-"DNN-8122","12/11/2015 10:01:25","DnnImageHandlers > Remove ModuleInfo mode","Based on discussion during the Platform sprint review we decided to remove for now (Platform 8.0.0) the ModuleInfo mode from the new DnnImageHandler. The goal of this issue is remove all the code responsible for the ModuleInfo mode from the Platform. ",2
-"DNN-8123","12/11/2015 10:35:52","CK editor can't upload files contains chinese chars in name","Reproduce Steps: 1. edit a html module and open browser server page from image popup; 2. try to upload attached file. Expected Result: File upload successful. Actually Result: The file won't upload.",2
-"DNN-8125","12/11/2015 10:58:43","Update Newtonsoft to the latest version","Updating to the latest version will allow the use of SignalR 2 for developers without jumping through many hoops. It also makes sense to stay up to date with 3rd party libraries.",5
-"DNN-8129","12/14/2015 18:18:55","SMTP: Adjust default setting for SMTP client for idletime and connectionlimit ","The default DNN Maxidletime is stopping emails from working. The default on a fresh install should be the same as the a.Net default. 100000. https://dnntracker.atlassian.net/browse/DNN-21235",2
-"DNN-8131","12/14/2015 18:49:54","CTP upgrade fails","Install previous CTP (I used CTP 4 & CTP 7) Drop the upgrade package over top of the 2 CTP sites append *install/install.aspx?mode=upgrade* to the URL of the site Put focus into the browser URL box Hit Enter *Actual Result* The upgrade does complete There is an error in the UI 00:00:09.047 - Executing Script: {color:#d04437}Error!{color} (see for more information) The log file - attached - has: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): The object 'DF_ContentTypes_PortalID' is dependent on column 'PortalID'. The index 'IX_ContentTypes_ContentType' is dependent on column 'PortalID'. ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN PortalID failed because one or more objects access this column. at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean callerHasConnectionLock, Boolean asyncClose) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.TryRun(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean& dataReady) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteNonQueryTds(String methodName, Boolean async, Int32 timeout, Boolean asyncWrite) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery(TaskCompletionSource`1 completion, String methodName, Boolean sendToPipe, Int32 timeout, Boolean asyncWrite) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() at DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider.ExecuteScriptInternal(String connectionString, String script) in C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\DNN_Platform_800_Public\Packaging\DNN.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Data\SqlDataProvider.cs:line 139 ClientConnectionId:fda03c6b-edf5-49bc-bceb-aa13674c7f9c Error Number:5074,State:1,Class:16 IF EXISTS( SELECT * FROM sys.columns WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID('dbo.ContentTypes') AND name = 'PortalID') ALTER TABLE dbo.ContentTypes DROP COLUMN [PortalID] System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Procedure expects parameter '@statement' of type 'ntext/nchar/nvarchar'. The object 'DF_ContentTypes_IsDynamic' is dependent on column 'IsDynamic'. ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN IsDynamic failed because one or more objects access this column. at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean callerHasConnectionLock, Boolean asyncClose) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.TryRun(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean& dataReady) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteNonQueryTds(String methodName, Boolean async, Int32 timeout, Boolean asyncWrite) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery(TaskCompletionSource`1 completion, String methodName, Boolean sendToPipe, Int32 timeout, Boolean asyncWrite) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() at DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider.ExecuteScriptInternal(String connectionString, String script) in C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\DNN_Platform_800_Public\Packaging\DNN.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Data\SqlDataProvider.cs:line 139 ClientConnectionId:fda03c6b-edf5-49bc-bceb-aa13674c7f9c Error Number:214,State:2,Class:16 IF EXISTS( SELECT * FROM sys.columns WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID('dbo.ContentTypes') AND name = 'IsDynamic') BEGIN EXEC sp_executesql 'DELETE FROM dbo.ContentTypes WHERE IsDynamic = 1' ALTER TABLE dbo.ContentTypes DROP COLUMN [IsDynamic] END System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): The object 'DF_ContentTypes_Description' is dependent on column 'Description'. ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN Description failed because one or more objects access this column. at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean callerHasConnectionLock, Boolean asyncClose) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.TryRun(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean& dataReady) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteNonQueryTds(String methodName, Boolean async, Int32 timeout, Boolean asyncWrite) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery(TaskCompletionSource`1 completion, String methodName, Boolean sendToPipe, Int32 timeout, Boolean asyncWrite) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() at DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider.ExecuteScriptInternal(String connectionString, String script) in C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\DNN_Platform_800_Public\Packaging\DNN.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Data\SqlDataProvider.cs:line 139 ClientConnectionId:fda03c6b-edf5-49bc-bceb-aa13674c7f9c Error Number:5074,State:1,Class:16 IF EXISTS( SELECT * FROM sys.columns WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID('dbo.ContentTypes') AND name = 'Description') ALTER TABLE dbo.ContentTypes DROP COLUMN [Description] System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): The object 'DF_ContentTypes_CreatedByUserID' is dependent on column 'CreatedByUserID'. ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN CreatedByUserID failed because one or more objects access this column. at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean callerHasConnectionLock, Boolean asyncClose) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.TryRun(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean& dataReady) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteNonQueryTds(String methodName, Boolean async, Int32 timeout, Boolean asyncWrite) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery(TaskCompletionSource`1 completion, String methodName, Boolean sendToPipe, Int32 timeout, Boolean asyncWrite) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() at DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider.ExecuteScriptInternal(String connectionString, String script) in C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\DNN_Platform_800_Public\Packaging\DNN.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Data\SqlDataProvider.cs:line 139 ClientConnectionId:fda03c6b-edf5-49bc-bceb-aa13674c7f9c Error Number:5074,State:1,Class:16 IF EXISTS( SELECT * FROM sys.columns WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID('dbo.ContentTypes') AND name = 'CreatedByUserID') ALTER TABLE dbo.ContentTypes DROP COLUMN [CreatedByUserID] System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): The object 'DF_ContentTypes_CreatedOnDate' is dependent on column 'CreatedOnDate'. ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN CreatedOnDate failed because one or more objects access this column. at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean callerHasConnectionLock, Boolean asyncClose) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.TryRun(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean& dataReady) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteNonQueryTds(String methodName, Boolean async, Int32 timeout, Boolean asyncWrite) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery(TaskCompletionSource`1 completion, String methodName, Boolean sendToPipe, Int32 timeout, Boolean asyncWrite) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() at DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider.ExecuteScriptInternal(String connectionString, String script) in C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\DNN_Platform_800_Public\Packaging\DNN.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Data\SqlDataProvider.cs:line 139 ClientConnectionId:fda03c6b-edf5-49bc-bceb-aa13674c7f9c Error Number:5074,State:1,Class:16 IF EXISTS( SELECT * FROM sys.columns WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID('dbo.ContentTypes') AND name = 'CreatedOnDate') ALTER TABLE dbo.ContentTypes DROP COLUMN [CreatedOnDate] System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): The object 'DF_ContentTypes_LastModifiedByUserID' is dependent on column 'LastModifiedByUserID'. ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN LastModifiedByUserID failed because one or more objects access this column. at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean callerHasConnectionLock, Boolean asyncClose) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.TryRun(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean& dataReady) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteNonQueryTds(String methodName, Boolean async, Int32 timeout, Boolean asyncWrite) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery(TaskCompletionSource`1 completion, String methodName, Boolean sendToPipe, Int32 timeout, Boolean asyncWrite) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() at DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider.ExecuteScriptInternal(String connectionString, String script) in C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\DNN_Platform_800_Public\Packaging\DNN.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Data\SqlDataProvider.cs:line 139 ClientConnectionId:fda03c6b-edf5-49bc-bceb-aa13674c7f9c Error Number:5074,State:1,Class:16 IF EXISTS( SELECT * FROM sys.columns WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID('dbo.ContentTypes') AND name = 'LastModifiedByUserID') ALTER TABLE dbo.ContentTypes DROP COLUMN [LastModifiedByUserID] System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): The object 'DF_ContentTypes_LastModifiedOnDate' is dependent on column 'LastModifiedOnDate'. ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN LastModifiedOnDate failed because one or more objects access this column. at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean callerHasConnectionLock, Boolean asyncClose) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.TryRun(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean& dataReady) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteNonQueryTds(String methodName, Boolean async, Int32 timeout, Boolean asyncWrite) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery(TaskCompletionSource`1 completion, String methodName, Boolean sendToPipe, Int32 timeout, Boolean asyncWrite) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() at DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider.ExecuteScriptInternal(String connectionString, String script) in C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\DNN_Platform_800_Public\Packaging\DNN.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Data\SqlDataProvider.cs:line 139 ClientConnectionId:fda03c6b-edf5-49bc-bceb-aa13674c7f9c Error Number:5074,State:1,Class:16 IF EXISTS( SELECT * FROM sys.columns WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID('dbo.ContentTypes') AND name = 'LastModifiedOnDate') ALTER TABLE dbo.ContentTypes DROP COLUMN [LastModifiedOnDate] System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Could not drop object 'dbo.ContentTypes_DataTypes' because it is referenced by a FOREIGN KEY constraint. at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean callerHasConnectionLock, Boolean asyncClose) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.TryRun(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean& dataReady) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteNonQueryTds(String methodName, Boolean async, Int32 timeout, Boolean asyncWrite) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery(TaskCompletionSource`1 completion, String methodName, Boolean sendToPipe, Int32 timeout, Boolean asyncWrite) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() at DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider.ExecuteScriptInternal(String connectionString, String script) in C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\DNN_Platform_800_Public\Packaging\DNN.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Data\SqlDataProvider.cs:line 139 ClientConnectionId:fda03c6b-edf5-49bc-bceb-aa13674c7f9c Error Number:3726,State:1,Class:16 IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.[ContentTypes_DataTypes]') AND type in (N'U')) DROP TABLE dbo.[ContentTypes_DataTypes] After you hit *Click here to access your site* link the site loads The same errors as listed above appear in the log.resources file *Expected Result* There are no errors in the UI or log files when an upgrade is run ",2
-"DNN-8133","12/14/2015 21:21:02","Invoke ""Add new Page"" get 404 error on DNNImageHandler.ashx path","Install or upgrade to latest Platform 8 build (I used 663) Log in as Host or Admin Hover over *Pages* Select *Add New Page* *Actual Result* Add New Page pop up renders In Dev Tools I see: *""NetworkError: 500 Internal Server Error - http://platform800663.dnntest.ca/DnnImageHandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userId=1&h=32&w=32"" DnnImag...32&w=32*",1
-"DNN-8134","12/15/2015 01:12:58","MVC Contact List - Errors in log file after invoking 'Allow contact list creation""","Found while regressing DNN-8075 In clean install or upgraded Platform 8 latest build site (I used 663) install MVC Contacts module As host or admin place page into *Edit mode* Hover over *gear* icon Select *Settings* Select the *Contact List MVC Settings* tab Tick the box to select *Allow Contact List Creation* Click the blue *Update* button Check the log file *Actual Result* Everything in the UI performs 100% correct Log file has this error: 2015-12-14 17:06:01,766 [TST-KG-W2012S1][Thread:38][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - System.Web.Mvc.HttpAntiForgeryException (0x80004005): The required anti-forgery form field ""__RequestVerificationToken"" is not present. at System.Web.Helpers.AntiXsrf.TokenValidator.ValidateTokens(HttpContextBase httpContext, IIdentity identity, AntiForgeryToken sessionToken, AntiForgeryToken fieldToken) at System.Web.Helpers.AntiXsrf.AntiForgeryWorker.Validate(HttpContextBase httpContext) at System.Web.Mvc.ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeAuthorizationFilters(ControllerContext controllerContext, IList`1 filters, ActionDescriptor actionDescriptor) at System.Web.Mvc.ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeAction(ControllerContext controllerContext, String actionName) 2015-12-14 17:06:01,985 [TST-KG-W2012S1][Thread:38][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - FriendlyMessage=""Error: Contact List Mvc is currently unavailable."" ctrl=""DotNetNuke.Web.Mvc.MvcSettingsControl"" exc=""System.Web.Mvc.HttpAntiForgeryException (0x80004005): The required anti-forgery form field ""__RequestVerificationToken"" is not present. at System.Web.Helpers.AntiXsrf.TokenValidator.ValidateTokens(HttpContextBase httpContext, IIdentity identity, AntiForgeryToken sessionToken, AntiForgeryToken fieldToken) at System.Web.Helpers.AntiXsrf.AntiForgeryWorker.Validate(HttpContextBase httpContext) at System.Web.Mvc.ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeAuthorizationFilters(ControllerContext controllerContext, IList`1 filters, ActionDescriptor actionDescriptor) at System.Web.Mvc.ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeAction(ControllerContext controllerContext, String actionName) at System.Web.Mvc.Controller.ExecuteCore() at System.Web.Mvc.ControllerBase.Execute(RequestContext requestContext) at DotNetNuke.Web.Mvc.Framework.Modules.ModuleApplication.ExecuteRequest(ModuleRequestContext context) in C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\DNN_Platform_800_Public\Packaging\DNN.Platform\DNN Platform\DotNetNuke.Web.Mvc\Framework\Modules\ModuleApplication.cs:line 98 at DotNetNuke.Web.Mvc.MvcHostControl.OnInit(EventArgs e) in C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\DNN_Platform_800_Public\Packaging\DNN.Platform\DNN Platform\DotNetNuke.Web.Mvc\MvcHostControl.cs:line 179"" *Expected Result:* Everything in the UI performs 100% correct",1
-"DNN-8136","12/15/2015 12:18:59","CRM > File priority are not respected in CSS and JS files","When a page is loaded the css and js files priority is not respected. So as result, users can see side-effects because default.css is loaded after other css files and overwrites the expected rules This issue is provoked by changes regarding new default.css location and new logic regarding ForceVersion and Framework properties in Client Resource files. +Expected+ The default.css file should be loaded the first one if it is requested. The rest of DNN priorities should be respected as well. ",2
-"DNN-8137","12/15/2015 14:48:32","SI: Saving Changes to CKEditor Provider Settings doesn't work.","Setting the Editor Area CSS Folder and File and clicking save does not save changes. Update: Brief Description: Changes to Editor Config tab does not take effect after refreshing page, clearing cache, or restarting application Steps to Reproduce: 1) Go into Edit mode > Clicked on HTML Pro module > Advanced Editor > Clicked Source 2) Clicked Custom Editor Options 3) Clicked Editor Config tab 4) Unchecked CodeMirror - LineNumbers and clicked Save 5) Refreshed the Editor and reloaded the page 6) Went back to Editor Config tab 7) Changes did not take effect 8) Went to Host > HTML Editor Manager > Editor Config 9) Made changes there and Refreshed the page 10) Changes did not take effect as well 11) Went to Tools > Clear Cache and Restart Application > No effect, changes did not save Expected result: Changes are saved after you refresh the page/editor Actual result: Changes are not saved Please take a look at the screenshots: !4619CKEditorSettings.png|thumbnail! ",1
-"DNN-8138","12/15/2015 16:17:03","Remove remaining tables and sproc from Vendors and Banners","After the work of extracting the Vendors module and the Banners module to separate modules, there are some objects in database that have not been removed from the default installation. It has been detected: * Banners * VendorClassification table * Vendors table * DeleteVendorClassifications stored procedure This issue is about removing them and ensure that nothing more is pending",2
-"DNN-8141","12/15/2015 19:46:06","Implement Moniker API for Service Framework ","A moniker is a simple name provided for an objects that simplifies identifying specific object instances. This concept was first used in Microsoft Object Linking and Embedding (OLE), and the Component Object Model (COM). The DNN Services Framework was first introduced in DNN 6.2. When creating web services with the Service Framework, it is common to require callers to provide the ModuleId and TabId as part of the web request header. This requirement complicates the programming model since service endpoints become tied to their specific location in a website. Modules are able to easily retrieve the ModuleId and TabId from the service framework as part of the initial module rendering. However, this mechanism is not available for remote callers, where the UI rendering is not directly controlled by DNN. In order to encapsulate this context data and to simplify the programming model for web services, we should introduce the concept of a moniker. The DNN service moniker will provide a mechanism for mapping a simple name to a specific module instance. This moniker can then be passed to a web service in place of the ModuleId, TabId or any other context data specific to a module. The moniker should be implemented as an additional system TabModule setting. By default, the moniker will be composed of the page name, the module definition friendly name and the TabModuleId separated by /. When composing the default moniker, all spaces should be replaced with dashes. For example, if the Social Groups module was on the “Community” page with TabModuleId of 100, the default moniker would be “Community/Social-Groups/100”. The default moniker implementation provides a human friendly method to identify the page and module being addressed and also a unique element to differentiate between multiple modules on the same page. The core platform should expose a service endpoint that allows an application to query for monikers related to a specific module type that the current user has permissions to view. When calling service endpoints that need a specific module context, the moniker will be included as part of the service call. The service can then use the moniker to easily lookup any context for the module instance associated with the moniker. *Developer Notes:* The purpose of this step is to help the back-end to create the DNN context for the web API request. Therefore, it is not tied to any authentication mechanism (like JWT, Basic, Forms, etc.) Injecting the moniker in the query part of the API request requires modifying all existing API’s that need to use this moniker but is not feasible and requires making changes to existing core (which we want to completely avoid). What we need is a non-invasive method. One way in which this can be implemented is by adding a new vendor specific header in the request as an alternate way to using the {{TabID}} and {{ModuleID}} that are in use today. Assume we are going to use {{X-DNN-MONIKER}} for this purpose. An example of a full header would be: {{X-DNN-MONIKER: John’s Blog}} Before being able to use this feature, there is a need for an API that returns the various monikers associated with a specific module. Let’s say in an EVOQ Engage site if we need to find all the monikers that use the discussions module, say discussions (i.e., all tabs/pages that have the discussions module in them), we will send an API request that returns all of these monikers associated with discussion modules placed on various pages. This call may return zero, one, or more monikers. There must be a consideration for user rights in every data returned from the API; no private data should be revealed to an un-authorized user.",3
-"DNN-8155","12/16/2015 18:52:22","Remove Xcillion Template ","Get latest build of Platform 8 Setup for FQDN install w/remote database Set the install to use German, Xcillion template and a prefix on the database Set the browser to use German as its base language Run the installer *Actual Result* Error in the UI: Failure @ 54% 1:29 minute | 54% ERROR:Fehler beim Parsen der Website-VorlageObject reference not set to an instance of an object. at DotNetNuke.Entities.Portals.PortalController.ParseTemplateInternal(Int32 portalId, String templatePath, String templateFile, Int32 administratorId, PortalTemplateModuleAction mergeTabs, Boolean isNewPortal, LocaleCollection& localeCollection) at DotNetNuke.Entities.Portals.PortalController.CreatePortalInternal(Int32 portalId, String portalName, UserInfo adminUser, String description, String keyWords, PortalTemplateInfo template, String homeDirectory, String portalAlias, String serverPath, String childPath, Boolean isChildPortal, String& message) Log file: 2015-12-16 10:25:35,963 [TST-KG-W2012S1][Thread:17][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Entities.Portals.PortalController - System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at DotNetNuke.Entities.Portals.PortalController.ParseTemplateInternal(Int32 portalId, String templatePath, String templateFile, Int32 administratorId, PortalTemplateModuleAction mergeTabs, Boolean isNewPortal, LocaleCollection& localeCollection) at DotNetNuke.Entities.Portals.PortalController.CreatePortalInternal(Int32 portalId, String portalName, UserInfo adminUser, String description, String keyWords, PortalTemplateInfo template, String homeDirectory, String portalAlias, String serverPath, String childPath, Boolean isChildPortal, String& message) *Expected Result* Installation completes and the site loads in German language You are logged in as *Host* user *Action Item:* Remove Xcillion template completely",2
-"DNN-8156","12/16/2015 19:18:00","Host File Management failed on first load","I a bit doubt if this issue could be reproduced directly. There are a bunch of activities I already done, such as: - Load and install Inspire skins - Apply this skin to Host > Host Settings - Change it back to default - Apply this skin to Admin > Site Settings -> See error - Change it back to default. However, when I click out Host > File Management page, it shows red exceptions/errors in the page, and same in log file. But once refreshed and re-loaded, it back to normal. Log this issue and I'd like to ask developers to do some investigation based on the error below {noformat} 2015-12-16 10:57:21,574 [DNN-PC107][Thread:32][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - FriendlyMessage=""Error: File Management is currently unavailable."" ctrl=""ASP.desktopmodules_digitalassets_view_ascx"" exc=""System.ArgumentException: Item has already been added. Key in dictionary: '5' Key being added: '5' at System.Collections.Hashtable.Insert(Object key, Object nvalue, Boolean add) at DotNetNuke.Modules.DigitalAssets.Components.Controllers.DigitalAssetsController.AreMappedPathsSupported(Int32 folderMappingId) at DotNetNuke.Modules.DigitalAssets.Components.Controllers.DigitalAssetsController.GetUnlinkAllowedStatus(IFolderInfo folder) at DotNetNuke.Modules.DigitalAssets.Components.Controllers.DigitalAssetsController.GetFolderViewModel(IFolderInfo folder) at DotNetNuke.Modules.DigitalAssets.Components.Controllers.DigitalAssetsController.GetRootFolder(Int32 moduleId) at DotNetNuke.Modules.DigitalAssets.View.OnLoad(EventArgs e)"" {noformat}",1
-"DNN-8166","12/17/2015 18:59:03","Support C# 6 and VB 14 in views and non-compiled codebehind files","Because of changes in how compilers are managed, just installing Visual Studio 2015 or .NET 4.6 doesn't give IIS access to the new compilers. See http://blogs.msdn.com/b/webdev/archive/2015/12/07/new-feature-to-enable-c-6-vb-14.aspx for details.",3
-"DNN-8171","12/17/2015 23:20:57","Exception thrown when accessing DAM module's setting","steps: 1. Login to Platform or Content as Host 2. Create a new page and put DAM module on the page 3. Click on DAM's settings Expected result: Module setting is displayed. Actual result: Exception is thrown. Please watch: http://screencast.com/t/dTfX2E7xm The following exception was observed: ModuleId:419 ModuleDefId:-1 FriendlyName: ModuleControlSource:Admin/Modules/ModuleSettings.ascx AbsoluteURL:/Default.aspx DefaultDataProvider:DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider, DotNetNuke ExceptionGUID:ffb23936-3cfc-46cf-a63c-e27a6a82e0b6 AssemblyVersion:8.0.0 PortalId:0 UserId:1 TabId:89 RawUrl:/test/ctl/Module/ModuleId/419/view/gridview/pageSize/10?ReturnURL=/test?folderId=38&popUp=true Referrer:http://auto.platform686.com/test?folderId=38&view=gridview&pageSize=10 UserAgent:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko ExceptionHash:l0ZIu/g2hS7PTR3GyVZf/Q== Message:Unknown server tag 'dnnweb:DnnComboBox'. StackTrace: InnerMessage:Unknown server tag 'dnnweb:DnnComboBox'. InnerStackTrace: at System.Web.UI.TemplateParser.ParseString(String text, VirtualPath virtualPath, Encoding fileEncoding) at System.Web.UI.TemplateParser.ParseFile(String physicalPath, VirtualPath virtualPath) at System.Web.UI.TemplateParser.Parse() at System.Web.Compilation.BaseTemplateBuildProvider.get_CodeCompilerType() at System.Web.Compilation.BuildProvider.GetCompilerTypeFromBuildProvider(BuildProvider buildProvider) at System.Web.Compilation.BuildProvidersCompiler.ProcessBuildProviders() at System.Web.Compilation.BuildProvidersCompiler.PerformBuild() at System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.CompileWebFile(VirtualPath virtualPath) at System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.GetVPathBuildResultInternal(VirtualPath virtualPath, Boolean noBuild, Boolean allowCrossApp, Boolean allowBuildInPrecompile, Boolean throwIfNotFound, Boolean ensureIsUpToDate) at System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.GetVPathBuildResultWithNoAssert(HttpContext context, VirtualPath virtualPath, Boolean noBuild, Boolean allowCrossApp, Boolean allowBuildInPrecompile, Boolean throwIfNotFound, Boolean ensureIsUpToDate) at System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.GetVPathBuildResult(HttpContext context, VirtualPath virtualPath, Boolean noBuild, Boolean allowCrossApp, Boolean allowBuildInPrecompile, Boolean ensureIsUpToDate) at System.Web.UI.TemplateControl.LoadControl(VirtualPath virtualPath) at DotNetNuke.UI.ControlUtilities.LoadControl[T](TemplateControl containerControl, String ControlSrc) at DotNetNuke.UI.Modules.WebFormsModuleControlFactory.CreateSettingsControl(TemplateControl containerControl, ModuleInfo moduleConfiguration, String controlSrc) at DotNetNuke.UI.Modules.ModuleControlFactory.LoadSettingsControl(TemplateControl containerControl, ModuleInfo moduleConfiguration, String controlSrc) at DotNetNuke.Modules.Admin.Modules.ModuleSettingsPage.OnInit(EventArgs e) Source: FileName: FileLineNumber:0 FileColumnNumber:0 Method: Server Name: DNN-PC65 ",1
-"DNN-8176","12/18/2015 21:08:56","DNNImagehandler does not close handle to source image","After Image generation with dnnimagehandler (e.g. resized image) the original image is left opened and it is not possible to delete the item via Filemanager",1
-"DNN-8299","12/18/2015 21:46:37","RGR - BLOCKED - Workflow: Lost Publish button again. ","Noticed when testing for CK editor and I believe the workflow is missing here. I remember it was fixed back to couple weeks ago... Based on the feedback from Behzad, looks like it only happens on Cloud, not with local install. http://dnn8y6hqy.qa.evoqondemand.com - Log in as Host, - Go create a new page or activate an editor editing mode and add some words. Result: There is no Publish button showing up, only ""Close"" button. Expected: As default workflow, it should display ""Publish"" button in front of ""Close"" button. ",2
-"DNN-8181","12/21/2015 05:02:59","HTML Module - Workflow & Module Settings Bug (Seen in Upgrades)","After upgrading to (http://dotnetnuke.codeplex.com/releases/view/619000) I am getting this error https://www.facebook.com/groups/dnnconnect/permalink/779531275526848/ Error: Text/HTML is currently unavailable. DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.ModuleLoadException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at DotNetNuke.Modules.Html.HtmlTextController.GetWorkflow(Int32 ModuleId, Int32 TabId, Int32 PortalId) at DotNetNuke.Modules.Html.HtmlModule.OnInit(EventArgs e) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- An error has occurred. DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.ModuleLoadException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at DotNetNuke.Modules.Html.HtmlTextController.GetWorkflow(Int32 ModuleId, Int32 TabId, Int32 PortalId) at DotNetNuke.Modules.Html.HtmlModule.get_ModuleActions() at DotNetNuke.UI.Modules.ModuleInstanceContext.LoadActions(HttpRequest request) at DotNetNuke.UI.Modules.ModuleInstanceContext.get_Actions() at DotNetNuke.UI.Containers.ActionBase. (EventArgs e) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- Error: Text/HTML is currently unavailable. DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.ModuleLoadException: The UPDATE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint ""FK_HtmlText_WorkflowStates"". The conflict occurred in database ""dnn1"", table ""dbo.WorkflowStates"", column 'StateID'. The statement has been terminated. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: The UPDATE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint ""FK_HtmlText_WorkflowStates"". The conflict occurred in database ""dnn1"", table ""dbo.WorkflowStates"", column 'StateID'. The statement has been terminated. at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection. (SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean callerHasConnectionLock, Boolean asyncClose) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.TryRun(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean& dataReady) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.FinishExecuteReader(SqlDataReader ds, RunBehavior runBehavior, String resetOptionsString) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReaderTds(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, Boolean async, Int32 timeout, Task& task, Boolean asyncWrite, SqlDataReader ds) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method, TaskCompletionSource`1 completion, Int32 timeout, Task& task, Boolean asyncWrite) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery(TaskCompletionSource`1 completion, String methodName, Boolean sendToPipe, Int32 timeout, Boolean asyncWrite) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() at PetaPoco.Database.Execute(String sql, Object[] args) at DotNetNuke.Data.PetaPoco.PetaPocoHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(String connectionString, CommandType type, String sql, Object[] args) at DotNetNuke.Modules.Html.Components.DataProvider.UpdateHtmlText(Int32 ItemID, String Content, String Summary, Int32 StateID, Boolean IsPublished, Int32 LastModifiedByUserID) at DotNetNuke.Modules.Html.HtmlTextController.UpdateHtmlText(HtmlTextInfo htmlContent, Int32 MaximumVersionHistory) at DotNetNuke.Modules.Html.HtmlTextController.GetTopHtmlText(Int32 moduleId, Boolean isPublished, Int32 workflowId) at DotNetNuke.Modules.Html.HtmlModule. (EventArgs e) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- This ",2
-"DNN-10116","12/21/2015 16:50:20","Modify IConnector interface in order to get more info regarding settings, like Secure settings","Modify IConnector interface in order to get more info regarding settings, like Secure settings After fixing issue SOCIAL-4532, we have introduce a way to setup Secure settings and allow UI to draw passowrd-type input. However, this approach requires that developers must know that the UI is using a default setting since current implementation only is able to get the value of each setting We should modify the IConnector interface to expose a method that gets more info regarding each setting such as Secure. and simplify the creation and maintenance of Connectors.",3
-"DNN-8202","12/23/2015 19:12:34","Event Viewer - Filtering does not work","steps: 1. Login as Host 2. Go to Admin > Event Viewer 3. Click on the Type drop-down menu to select anything (i.e General exception, etc) to filter out - or even on Website or Records per page Expected result: Filter refreshes the result and appropriate results are displayed. Actual result: Filtering is NOT working Please watch: http://screencast.com/t/sBA1mutLevLt",1
-"DNN-8204","12/24/2015 21:48:29","Remove cookies and unwanted headers from WEB API responses","The WEB API responses are revealing too much by sending back the cookies with each response. The cookies (and other unnecessary headers; e.g., {{Server}}) are unusable, expose sensitive information, are security risk, and increase the response size. Therefore, these headers should be removed from all WEB API responses.",1
-"DNN-8207","12/29/2015 04:58:52","ImageHandler is not working with the custom images","Please refer to link : http://screencast.com/t/zYaSD9azQv Steps to reproduce: # Install the Platform 8.0.0 Build 741 # use the imagehandler link : http://wizard.platform741.com/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&userid=1&h=200w=200 # Default picture will be shown # upload a new image for profile # hit the same url in step 2 Expected: it should display the upload images for profile Actual : it show the server Error in '/' Application ",2
-"DNN-8214","12/30/2015 20:03:24","Unable to Authorize the request using JWT Authorization header ","When I try to make a call using the JWT access token in header authorization the CurrentPrincipal is always anonymous and not authorized automatically. Expected: It should call validate token to validate the token and authorize the context. Consequently, The request should be authenticated and context should have user information. ",2
-"DNN-8215","12/30/2015 20:11:23","Portal wide unique moniker identifer","The moniker identifier should be checked for unique presence throughout the portal. Current: You can add same moniker identifier as many times as you want on a single page modules as well as different page modules. Expected: The moniker identifier should be unique for each module.",2
-"DNN-8216","12/31/2015 00:32:37","SQL Exception during the installation of JWT Authentication","Issue 1: Fresh install DNN Platform 1. Login as host 2. Goto Host->Extensions 3. Click on Available Extensions - >Authentication Systems 4. Install JWT Authentication. You will see a SQL exception as shown in the snapshost. ",1
-"DNN-8218","12/31/2015 10:58:44","SMTP: DotNetNuke.Services.Mail.Mail tries to send mails if SMTP host is set to whitespaces","When setting the SMTP host to a blank "" "" and calling one of the SendEmail methods in DotNetNuke.Services.Mail.Mail an exception is created: {code} 2015-12-28 23:21:11,169 [Sandy][Thread:62][ERROR] DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions - System.InvalidOperationException: The SMTP host was not specified. at System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.CheckHostAndPort() at System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.get_ServicePoint() at DotNetNuke.Services.Mail.Mail.SendMailInternal(MailMessage mailMessage, String subject, String body, MailPriority priority, MailFormat bodyFormat, Encoding bodyEncoding, IEnumerable`1 attachments, String smtpServer, String smtpAuthentication, String smtpUsername, String smtpPassword, Boolean smtpEnableSSL) in [...]\Dnn.Platform\DNN Platform\Library\Services\Mail\Mail.cs:line 119 {code} The expected behavior is that the there is no exception and the method public static string SendEmail(string fromAddress, string senderAddress, string toAddress, string subject, string body, List attachments) should return ""SMTP Server not configured"". I will create a pull request to fix this problem.",2
-"DNN-8220","12/31/2015 19:54:27","Add New Scheduled Task to Purge Event Viewer","As of now the Admin > Event Viewer purges old record when module is being loaded. When the table EventLog grows big, the deletion starts to time out. Over a period of time, table grows even bigger as deletion no longer happens. We need to create a scheduled task that deletes content of this table (based on the settings that admin has specified in the event viewer module). The schedule task must do deletion in batches (say 10,000 records), to prevent time outs. One run of scheduled task should do 10 loops of 10,000 records in each loop - so a maximum of 100,000 records in one run. Ideally the loop count and batch size should be read from hidden schedule-item setting that admin can manually override using SQL. This is a very standard practice in Evoq (the settings).",5
-"DNN-8221","12/31/2015 20:01:29","User Profile > Deleted Empty Entries upon Upgrade","When a user goes and updates their profile setting, we used to create a lot of empty entries in the UserProfile table. These entries were created even when user did not fill in the value in UI. We made a change in 7.4.2 (I can't seem to locate the Jira), where we no longer create empty entries. However, we do not remove them during upgrade. We need to remove those entries during upgrade. Older sites with large users have millions of such records. This creates problems in backup and restore of the database.",3
-"DNN-8230","01/05/2016 00:24:40","Point default.css to version 7.0.0","As part of DNN-7928 we made 8.0.0 version of default.css as the default for the site. We need to change that to 7.0.0.",2
-"DNN-8232","01/05/2016 01:19:16","Moniker validation message is not appear for MVC Module.","Precondition: Install MVC module Step to reproduce : # Create a Page # Deploy the MVC module on the page two times # Goto to module setting for first MVC module and enter the Moniker value # Click update # Goto to module setting for second MVC module and enter the same Moniker value Expected: Second MVC Module should throw an error state that Moniker value is already assigned. Actual: Its throw no error message and check the settings the Moniker value is not appear Please refer to screencast: http://screencast.com/t/zsP5uoZRHSl Note : MVC module is attached which used to test",3
-"DNN-8248","01/05/2016 20:49:29","CKEditor - Anchors being removed","To reproduce: 1.) Edit home page on latest platform build 2.) Edit module containing social links 3.) See source code -> browse to social links area Expected result: Anchors remain Actual result: Anchors get turned into nbsp;'s or are removed. See: http://screencast.com/t/7qdtsgeCvGHt",2
-"DNN-8265","01/06/2016 14:29:08","SI: Not able to Show Child Pages in the secondary menu for hidden Parent Pages","*Description* If we are using the a secondary menu to show the child pages of the current parent page, it doesn't work if the current parent page is hidden from the main menu, however the child pages are marked as visible. *Steps* # In the skin file add the following line {code}