diff --git "a/DURACLOUD_deep-se.csv" "b/DURACLOUD_deep-se.csv"
deleted file mode 100644--- "a/DURACLOUD_deep-se.csv"
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,311 +0,0 @@
-"DURACLOUD-8","01/04/2010 15:22:06","Properly implement getSpaceContentsChunked() in EMC storage provider","The EMC storage provider interface does not currently support paging the list of content items within a directory (in order to retrieve a partial list for each request) so the StorageProvider getSpaceContentsChunked() method does not function properly. Once EMC provides the ability to chunk the content item listing, this method should be revisited.",0
-"DURACLOUD-74","02/08/2010 21:37:02","Create EMC accounts for each pilot partner","In order to allow our partners to use EMC storage during the pilot we need to: 1. Create an EMC account for each partner 2. Add the EMC credentials to the DuraStore initialization for each partner",1
-"DURACLOUD-97","02/19/2010 20:32:54","Updating the MIME type of a content item to an invalid MIME value causes errors","If you update the MIME type of a content item to an invalid value (such as image*jpeg) an exception is thrown: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Error parsing media type 'image*jpg'. The item can then not be accessed via the REST API (and consequently the UI). There should be a validation check in DuraStore (and DurAdmin) to make sure that the value provided as a MIME type is acceptable.",1
-"DURACLOUD-131","04/21/2010 17:27:13","Update EMC libraries and re-introduce to baseline","The EMC storage provider is currently excluded from tests and use because of very inconsistent performance around the time that EMC was in the process of taking their storage service into production. They have, hopefully, addressed these problems. The client libraries for EMC need to be updated to the most recent version, our code needs to be updated to work with the latest libraries, and our the tests and use of the EMC provider needs to be re-enabled.",2
-"DURACLOUD-140","04/23/2010 19:12:45","Error viewing files in DurAdmin space listing","To replicate: Add the attached file (which includes a + in the file name) to a space. View the space using DurAdmin. The request appears to fail to get metadata for the new file, so its link is removed and replaced with: Unable to complete request: status (200) If you click on the link before it disappears, everything appears as it should, the metadata is displayed, and the file can be viewed or downloaded. Note that this problem appears to occur when any of these characters show up in the contentID: +,"", #, %, & So a couple of questions here: - What's causing the failure when retrieving metadata? - Why does the link to the item disappear when the metadata can't be retrieved? As a side note, if you select a content item to view on the space page before the metadata for all content items has loaded, all content items in the list turn into error messages. The content page loads shortly after this, so things get back to normal, but it may appear to a user that they have done something wrong by clicking on a content link.",2
-"DURACLOUD-149","05/04/2010 18:00:02","ServicesAdmin: Clear registered services","This improvement should provide a RESTful means of clearing the ""registered services"" from servicesadmin's cache. This would facilitate bringing duraservice and servicesadmin back into sync.",3
-"DURACLOUD-150","05/04/2010 21:52:30","DurAdmin: Warning on overwrite","When using DurAdmin, users should be notified when adding a content item will overwrite an existing file.",1
-"DURACLOUD-155","05/25/2010 04:06:03","Project Version in batch scripts","This issue is a follow-on to DURCLOUD-10 which enabled true project version numbers in the DuraCloud baseline. This issue is to enable those version numbers to be ""sourced"" from a common .bat file (ala /resources/scripts/osgi/env.sh & /services/j2kservice/run-deps.sh)",1
-"DURACLOUD-161","06/15/2010 18:08:30","Transition to using S3 Reduced Redundancy Storage for all pilot S3 storage","Transition all current S3 objects to use RRS. Update the S3StorageProvider to use RRS as the default. One way to do this would be to add a task which sets a flag within the S3StorageProvider indicating the preferred storage setting for S3.",3
-"DURACLOUD-163","06/22/2010 14:15:08","Add config element for duraservice service-registry store credentials","This item should add a new config element to duraservice for the username/password needed to get services from the dcprod service-registry store. Currently these credentials are coming from the hijacked config elements: duraservice.service-compute.username duraservice.service-compute.password ",1
-"DURACLOUD-167","06/24/2010 22:21:48","Error retrieving content stores","I'm getting this error when trying to access my spaces through the duradmin (accessing files through the durastore appears unaffected) An unexpected error occurred... Error retrieving content stores. Response code was 401, expected value was 200. Response Body:
Apache Tomcat/6.0.18 - Error report HTTP Status 401 - Bad credentials
type Status report
message Bad credentials
description This request requires HTTP authentication (Bad credentials).
Apache Tomcat/6.0.18
Error retrieving content stores. Response code was 401, expected value was 200. Response Body: Apache Tomcat/6.0.18 - Error report HTTP Status 401 - Bad credentials
type Status report
message Bad credentials
description This request requires HTTP authentication (Bad credentials).
Apache Tomcat/6.0.18
-"DURACLOUD-180","07/14/2010 23:46:19","Sync Tool run to completion","Add an option to the Sync Tool which would allow it to run until its work queue is empty, then exit. This would be useful for administrators who would like to use the Sync Tool as part of a cron job to sync all of the day's updates at one time rather than have the Sync Tool run continually.",1
-"DURACLOUD-182","07/14/2010 23:53:16","Sync Tool start from scratch option","Add an option to the Sync Tool which would clear out its status logs (or just ignore them) in order to start from scratch (attempt to sync all files) rather than restarting. This would remove the need to ever manually clear the backup directory unless wanting to remove log files.",1
-"DURACLOUD-185","07/22/2010 21:06:28","change icon to something more appropriate on deploy/undeploy service.","not sure if the lock/unlock icons used for open/closed spaces really applies to service deploy/undeploy (0.6) ",1
-"DURACLOUD-192","07/27/2010 18:39:07","Full URL of streaming content","This improvement is to expose the full URL, including the streaming host server, of content that is streamed via the mediastreaming service. Various stream viewers provide the ability to paste in such a URL for testing.",1
-"DURACLOUD-193","07/27/2010 20:16:40","Navigating away from an upload in progress causes the upload to fail.","The quick fix is to provide a warning to the user. The better solution is probably to make the spaces,services,admin,and dashboard pages all driven off the same ""page"" and making the various sections (spaces,services,etc) addressable after the hashmark.",1
-"DURACLOUD-195","07/27/2010 22:37:12","The uploads dialog gets a little messy when you have >4 files that have been uploaded (close button sits over other stuff, can't see the bottom of the scroll bar, etc)","# The uploads dialog gets a little messy when you have >4 files that have been uploaded (close button sits over other stuff, can't see the bottom of the scroll bar, etc)",1
-"DURACLOUD-196","07/27/2010 22:39:09","Mark image files when the space is closed, indicating that the JP2 viewer is only available for open spaces","It would be really useful to have a notice box on image files when the space is closed, indicating that the JP2 viewer is only available for open spaces (then do viewing as if the JP2 service were not deployed).",1
-"DURACLOUD-197","07/27/2010 22:40:57","Make available services more explicit.","on the services tab, you have to click ""deploy a new service"" to view a list of other available services not currently running. it would be nice if that information was somehow presented on the immediate service page, as it wasn't immediately apparent that there were other services that could be run.",1
-"DURACLOUD-198","07/28/2010 22:13:42","DurAdmin: Add Content Item button is available prior to selecting a space","The ""Add Content Item"" button on the spaces tab of DurAdmin can be selected without choosing a space. The add content dialog box opens and allows you to interact as usual, but when you click the Add button nothing happens. The ""Add Content Item"" button should likely be grayed out until a space is selected.",1
-"DURACLOUD-200","07/29/2010 20:24:48","New StorageProvider: MS-Azure","This feature should create a StorageProvider implementation ala EMCStorageProvider.java RackspaceStorageProvider.java S3StorageProvider.java for MicroSoft's Azure storage offering. http://research.microsoft.com/azure ",13
-"DURACLOUD-204","07/31/2010 01:25:38","Persisting User Passwords","This improvement should persist system and user credentials to enable the same ones to be used across migrations to a new DuraCloud instance.",1
-"DURACLOUD-207","08/03/2010 08:22:53","Service configuration: Exclusion groups","The task is to update the service-config schemas to support the notion of exclusion groups during deployment and configuration of services. This allows the UI to dynamically display the appropriate input elements based on initial selections made by the user. See DURACLOUD-215",2
-"DURACLOUD-215","08/03/2010 19:14:31","Service Exclusion Groups - UI Modifications","UI changes to support DURACLOUD-207",1
-"DURACLOUD-217","08/04/2010 22:30:03","Chrome & IE mis-behavior","On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 12:21 PM, Bryan Beecher wrote: OK, this is really weird. Chrome throws a tomcat error. IE hangs. Firefox works A-OK. I'll use Firefox. :-) -- bryan On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 12:18 PM, Bryan Beecher wrote: Hey, Carissa, I logged in, changed the password, and after hitting submit, got a page with this: {""user"":{""accountNonExpired"":true,""accountNonLocked"":true,""credentialsNonExpired"":true,""enabled"":true,""grantedAuthorities"":[""ROLE_ADMIN"",""ROLE_USER""],""password"":""[omitted]"",""username"":""admin""}} which contains the new password. However, whenever I navigate to the home page (URL below), I get a 500 response from tomcat, and a long stack trace (which I can send it if it helpful). If I cut-n-paste the URL into a different browser, I do get the login screen, but it just hangs when I try to authenticate. -- bryan",1
-"DURACLOUD-220","08/17/2010 19:49:27","Service Report Dashboard","This task is to create a UI dashboard for displaying and downloading reports on service jobs. Information about both running services and completed services will need to be displayed. REST API calls should be available from which the service report information can be gathered. A UI will need to be created to be able to display the information in the reports. The reports will likely be in XML, so XSLT is an option for display.",5
-"DURACLOUD-223","08/17/2010 21:59:56","Service Report: backend utility for completed services","This feature provides the backend support for providing service summary details for services that have completed. 'Completed' is defined as either coming to a state of 'success' or 'failure', or in the case of services that just stay running (e.g. Image-Server) coming to the state 'started'. Service summaries should be collected as soon as the service completes and be persisted to a single file containing all services. This single report file will start fresh on a monthly basis.",5
-"DURACLOUD-224","08/18/2010 03:00:30","DurAdmin - enter key does not properly submit content detail edit","When editing the mime-type of a content item in DurAdmin (using the ""edit content item"" dialog), using the enter key to submit does not save the value which was input and returns the user to the main spaces view with no space selected. Using the Save button works just fine. Using the enter key should perform the same function as clicking Save.",1
-"DURACLOUD-225","08/21/2010 02:16:14","DurAdmin - next and previous buttons for content list are displayed even when not necessary","The recently added next and previous buttons to allow cycling through large sets of content items seem to show up even where are only a few content items in a space. Those buttons should only be available when there are more content items than can be displayed in the scroll window.",1
-"DURACLOUD-226","08/25/2010 00:12:33","DurAdmin - ""Login"" button on login screen does not respond to Enter key on Chrome","When using the Google Chrome browser and attempting to log in via DurAdmin, the Login button is not triggered by hitting the Enter key. Clicking on the Login button works fine. In Firefox and IE both clicking on the button and hitting the Enter key work fine.",1
-"DURACLOUD-228","08/26/2010 23:56:54","Cannot display Spaces in DuraAdmin UI","After logging into the DuraAdmin web app I can navigate to most tabs successfully, but when selecting the Spaces tab, I get a pop-up that says only ""error:undefined"". And the sync tool also exhibits a problem trying to access Spaces: Starting up the Sync Tool ...Exception in thread ""main"" java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not connect to space with ID 'synctest4'. at org.duracloud.sync.endpoint.DuraStoreSyncEndpoint.ensureSpaceExists(DuraStoreSyncEndpoint.java:82) at org.duracloud.sync.endpoint.DuraStoreSyncEndpoint.(DuraStoreSyncEndpoint.java:69) at org.duracloud.sync.endpoint.DuraStoreChunkSyncEndpoint.(DuraStoreChunkSyncEndpoint.java:33) at org.duracloud.sync.SyncTool.startSyncManager(SyncTool.java:89) at org.duracloud.sync.SyncTool.runSyncTool(SyncTool.java:185) at org.duracloud.sync.SyncTool.main(SyncTool.java:240) ",1
-"DURACLOUD-230","08/31/2010 02:36:44","Exception thrown on duradmin initialization","The attached stacktrace has begun appearing in the catalina.out log when running the app-config initialization tool. By downloading various revisions of the baseline, I was able to associate the origins of the stacktrace to svn r[47], on Aug 2nd. http://groups.google.com/group/duracloud-codewatch/browse_thread/thread/4dcd83462d243272?hl=en# I observe the stacktrace when running mvn clean install -DskipTests from the top of the baseline, followed by java -jar app-config/target/app-config-0.5.0-SNAPSHOT-driver.jar localhost.properties It is unclear to me if the mods to trunk/duradmin/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/config/tiles.xml trunk/duradmin/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/jsp/error.jsp cause the error, or just allow it to be visible in the catalina.out log. As a note, I also get the same result when running the following curl command: curl -d duradmin-init.xml -u un:pw http://localhost:8080/duradmin/init",1
-"DURACLOUD-231","08/31/2010 22:54:51","Allow users to select S3 storage class","As of release 0.6: - All content added to S3 is set to the reduced redundancy storage class - There are tasks available which will transition all content in a given space to a particular storage class (either standard or reduced redundancy) This task is to: - Provide a way for the user to select which storage class they would prefer to be set when new content is added. This selection would be for all content in an account. Later tasks will need to handle: - Provide selection of storage class at the space level - Provide a way for users to transition their existing content to their preferred storage class. This will likely be a service which leverages the existing tasks.",3
-"DURACLOUD-232","09/01/2010 10:54:29","REST-API: Create top-level exception barrier","This improvement is to create a top-level exception barrier for the durastore and duraservice REST-APIs. Currently, unexpected exceptions appear in the client response as either a stacktrace or a tomcat html error document.",1
-"DURACLOUD-239","09/03/2010 20:07:56","DurAdmin: Uploaded file can be displayed in the wrong space","When uploading a file, when the upload completes, the content Id of the uploaded file is added to the list of items in the currently viewed space, even if that is not the space where the item has been stored. Clicking on the content Id then brings up a ""get item failed: error"" dialog. Clicking on the either space (the one being viewed or the one where the upload landed) allows them to refresh and show the correct listing.",1
-"DURACLOUD-240","09/03/2010 20:10:59","DurAdmin: Images in closed spaces should be displayed as if no J2K service exists","Re: DURACLOUD-196, when a space is closed, the View link still attempts to open it in a J2K viewer. Along with the current notice (and link to open the space), the images should act like the J2K service is not deployed until the space is opened. ",1
-"DURACLOUD-260","09/29/2010 18:50:36","Login failure on some browsers/environments","Firefox 3.6.10 Chrome 6.0.472.62 Opera 10.62-6438 Occasionally on Firefox and Chrome the first time a username/password is provided and the 'enter' key hit, the fields just clear. But immediately re-inserting the values has always succeeded.",1
-"DURACLOUD-265","10/12/2010 18:31:08","Ensure integrity of input content to hadoop services","This improvement is to revisit the hadoop services: - fixity - bulk image conversion - replication on demand and ensure the content pulled from S3 is valid with respect to its stored MD5 value.",3
-"DURACLOUD-266","10/13/2010 01:01:36","Notification on service completion.","This task is to provide a notification to the user running a service when that service completes. The notification should include (a link to) the final output report, if one was generated by the service. Original description: Bryan Beecher suggested that adding some sort of pop-up, email message, or other indicator might be a good idea once the fixity service has finished the job that it is running. It isn't clear how to tell when it is finished beyond polling the Services page.",5
-"DURACLOUD-270","10/20/2010 22:26:16","UI Pagination after ""delete all""","The scenario is revealed when wanting to clear the entire contents of a space or the first few hundred items. 1. have a space with many items (+1000, this is commonly the case with the log output from hadoop jobs) 2. select the space and select the check-box that marks all of the items shown on the current page 3. select ""Delete Selected Content Items"" 4. notice all items are deleted 5. select the ""next"" button 6. notice the next page of items is not displayed 7. refresh space (by hitting the space name) and notice the next page of items displays",1
-"DURACLOUD-271","10/20/2010 22:37:23","UI Message when creating space that already exists","When creating a space that already exists, the following pop-up displays the error: ""error: space is undefined"" Normally I can determine that the error must relate to the fact that the space already exists. But sometimes in creating a new space, the action fails and the space is not listed on the left-hand side listing of spaces. But despite the failure, the space is actually created (although not shown). So trying to create it again shows the ""error: space is undefined"" message which does not make it very easy to determine the actual error. The suggestion is to render a more specific error message.",1
-"DURACLOUD-272","10/21/2010 02:28:33","Metadata add button label is removed on focus","When adding metadata to either a space or content, the add metadata button label (""+"") is removed as soon as the button gets focus. This follows the [name] and [value] text being removed from the metadata text fields, but it should not happen on the button.",1
-"DURACLOUD-275","10/23/2010 05:19:33","DuraAdmin - View images in closed space in the J2K Viewer","Remove the notice that the space needs to be open in order to view the image in the J2K viewer. Change the link to view closed images in J2K viewer. Also change viewer url param from http to https. Make sure to release with issue DURACLOUD-138",1
-"DURACLOUD-276","10/25/2010 21:17:19","Update sync tool command line flags to match retrieval tool flags","The following flags need to be updated in the sync tool to match the retrieval tool: 1. password: change to -p 2. port: change to -r 3. backup (work) directory: change to -w 4. sync (content) directory: change to -c 5. sync deletes: change to -d 6. exit on completion: change to -x 7. add: store id: -i",1
-"DURACLOUD-277","10/25/2010 21:28:23","Update retrieval tool to skip space dir creation on single space retrieval","It is not necessary for the retrieval tool to create a directory for the space being retrieved when retrieval is only for a single space. This task is to update the retrieval tool such that when only one space is being retrieved, the files go directly into the content directory. When multiple spaces are retrieved, space directories are created, as is the case currently.",1
-"DURACLOUD-278","10/25/2010 21:56:00","Selecting a single space for deletion displays ""delete multiple spaces?"" warning","In DurAdmin, if you select a single space for deletion, on the far right you'll see a ""Multiple spaces selected"" message. After clicking ""Delete Selected Spaces"", you'll also get a warning that says ""Are you sure you want to delete multiple spaces?"". Obviously, this is a little confusing, as it causes you to have to double check that you aren't accidentally about to delete multiple spaces.",1
-"DURACLOUD-279","10/28/2010 04:28:16","Bulk Image Transformation failures","The Bulk Image Transformation service has failed in numerous tests which has been over a set of TIFF images files supplied by Rhodes. This set includes 317 images, ranging in size from 2.35 MB to 265.42 MB. The primary test case has been converting to JP2 format using the source color space. The service has failed when running with 1 instance of each instance size. The service has also failed in a test running an xlarge instance with only 2 mappers. Watching the memory consumption on a small instance while the service is running shows that a significant amount of memory is consumed by the mogrify step (which is run using a bash script to call ImageMagick) - all swap space was consumed, and less than 10% of memory remained available. Testing has indicated that the size of images being transformed likely plays a role in the failures. Moving the two largest Rhodes files to another space (all of the rest of the tiffs being under 115 MB) allowed the transformation to complete successfully using 3 xlarge instances. Running the conversion over the same set with only 1 instance (regardless of size) still failed, however. The attached file shows the list of tiff files which were successfully transformed in these tests, as well as the files on which the tests failed. The large instance was run with two mappers, and the x-large instance with 4 mappers.",5
-"DURACLOUD-281","11/04/2010 03:38:49","Duraservice: Resolve spaces for all providers","This improvement is to have ServiceManager.java resolve the spaces for all providers when a service config object specifies a ""ALL_STORE_SPACES"" mode.",1
-"DURACLOUD-282","11/04/2010 03:40:54","Bit Integrity Service: update service config for provider spaces","This improvement is to change the Bit Integrity Service to leverage the 'mode' schema element to specify the need for resolving spaces for all providers.",3
-"DURACLOUD-283","11/04/2010 03:51:24","Duplicate on Upload: ensure metadata is included","This improvement should ensure that content that is replicated via the ""Duplicate on Ingest"" service should also duplicate the user-supplied metadata.",1
-"DURACLOUD-285","11/09/2010 19:59:22","Bottleneck in hadoop processing","Two runs of the Bulk Bit Integrity service over the same 1TB set of BHL content took approximately the same amount of time (a few minutes over 8 hours.) The problem is that the first run used 10 small instances and the second run used 10 x-large instances. The x-large instance should have completed the task much faster, not only because they have higher bandwidth and compute capacities, but also because they are set to use 8 mappers per instance rather than the small instance setting of 2. This task is to discover and fix the bottleneck which is not allowing the x-large instances to run at full capacity.",3
-"DURACLOUD-286","11/09/2010 23:53:16","Allow system services to be deployed along with services which depend on them","This task will remove the system services (imagemagick, webapp util) from the list of deploy-able services and instead have them be deployed as needed when dependent services are deployed. Likely this will mean bundling the jars for these services into the services for which they are a dependency, and updating them to start when they are deployed into OSGI.",2
-"DURACLOUD-287","11/10/2010 03:25:12","Odd characters seemingly replace copyright symbol -- UTF8 issue?","At the bottom of the DurAdmin UI it says, ""�2010 DuraSpace.org"".",1
-"DURACLOUD-288","11/10/2010 22:35:52","MS-AZURE Space item count is off by one","The number of items listed in an empty AZURE space is -1. The number of items listed in an AZURE space with one content item is 0. etc...",1
-"DURACLOUD-293","11/13/2010 03:36:49","Improve performance for retrieve content metadata in AzureStorageProvider","Move the generation of content checksum from getContentMetadata to addContent. Also waiting for feedback from the Azure team to find out why they do not provide the md5 in the eTag.",1
-"DURACLOUD-295","11/19/2010 03:15:07","When using the previous and next buttons in the DuraCloud Administrator interface, the ""Space Detail"" section on the right disappears.","When navigating through the list of content items for a space using the previous and next buttons in the DuraCloud Administrator interface, the ""Space Detail"" section on the right disappears and only reappears once you re-select the space or click on an individual item.",1
-"DURACLOUD-298","11/19/2010 21:16:16","Bit Integrity Service: split into two services","The clean of the Bit Integrity service should include: - remove 'salt' from UI - split the service into two services: -- Bit Integrity Tools (generate & compare) -- Bit Integrity (verify)",1
-"DURACLOUD-299","11/19/2010 21:19:35","Cross-Service Clean up","The clean should include: 1. change order of services to be logical (or possibly alphabetical) 2. change name of services in UI to have the same prefix if they are variations on the same service - example: Bit Integrity Service - Bulk ",1
-"DURACLOUD-302","11/20/2010 04:37:00","Remove ""Location"" selection on service deployment via DurAdmin","Being able to select an alternate deployment location when deploying a service is a feature to come down the road, but in the meantime, the UI should not display this option when none of the services use it.",1
-"DURACLOUD-303","11/20/2010 05:06:39","Simplify deployment of bulk services","Items to simplify for bulk services (Duplicate on Demand, Bulk Image Conversion, Bulk Bit Integrity Checker): 1. Use a default setting for number and type of instances. The number and type will depend on the service and will require testing to determine a reasonable default. (10 large instances should work for Bulk Bit Integrity, testing by the pilot partners should help narrow in on good defaults for Duplicate on Demand and Bulk Image Conversion) ",3
-"DURACLOUD-304","11/20/2010 05:20:09","Update Image Transformer service deployment options","These changes apply to both the Image Transformer and Bulk Image Transformer services: - Clarify the ""Destination Color Space"" such that it is not confused with a DuraCloud space - Move file name prefix/suffix options directly under source space",1
-"DURACLOUD-305","11/24/2010 02:23:23","Azure Storage Provider - list space contents contains truncated contentId","The name attribute returned from IBlobContainer.listBlobs sometimes truncates the contentId. Instead parse the contentId from the uri attribute until Azure4J fixes this issue - https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3116592&group_id=266876&atid=1135911 http://www.windowsazure4j.org/learn/java_docs/org/soyatec/windowsazure/blob/IBlobProperties.html",3
-"DURACLOUD-309","12/02/2010 02:28:28","Audit log service","This task is to capture and make available to users audit logs which list the activities that have occurred in DuraCloud. There will likely need to be a separate set of logs for storage and services. Once messaging support has been completed on storage and services, a new service could be created to listen to the messages being sent and store write those to log files which are stored in the user's storage area.",3
-"DURACLOUD-311","12/03/2010 19:20:07","sync tool syncing .ds_store files from mac","The sync tool syncs .ds_store files and other peripheral files that are autogenerated by a mac in a folder but that are not actually content that needs to be synced to DuraCloud. Would be nice if the tool knew to automatically ignore these types of files.",2
-"DURACLOUD-312","12/04/2010 07:33:39","ServiceInfo.clone()","The clone() method needs to be implemented in order for ""deployedServices"" within ServiceManager.java not to have their SystemConfig data member become null after deployment when it is currently going out of scope.",1
-"DURACLOUD-313","12/11/2010 10:15:51","Security initialization","This improvement should disallow updates to the root user security credentials via the REST API.",2
-"DURACLOUD-314","12/11/2010 10:42:35","Bulk Bit Integrity Service: error allocating memory","This issue is to resolve the bug recorded at the following link: https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/duracloudpilot/Reported+Issues From Bryan Beecher (ICPSR) on 12/3 The hadoop logs are attached. A brief scan of the logs indicates that the hadoop servers are running out of memory. ",3
-"DURACLOUD-315","12/15/2010 04:27:57","Storage Usage Report Service","Provide a way to generate a report with at least the following information: - Number of files for each space - Total size of files stored in each space - Average file size for each space - File types (mimetypes) represented in each space - Total number of files (all spaces) - Total size of all files (all spaces) - Average size of file (all spaces) - File types (mimetypes) represented (all spaces) - All of the above information for each storage provider in use These reports should be available for download and should be stored within DuraCloud so that they can be referenced periodically. At some point we may want to provide a way to schedule the running of such reports (monthly). This would seem to be a good fit for a service which gathers the needed information, formats it, and stores it in an output space. A REST-api should be exposed for client access to the reports. This feature was suggested by Markus Wust (NCSU) during a pilot partner meeting on Dec 13, 2010. He was also interested in seeing how the information included in these reports relates to storage costs.",13
-"DURACLOUD-318","01/05/2011 19:55:57","Bit Integrity Service: Incorrect report when item on list does not exist","From David Arjanik (Columbia) on 12/15 Was unable to successfully complete Use Case 4: Preservation Monitoring Test. Here's an excerpt from my notes regarding 2.c of the use case test plan: c. Service Test 1 i. Using the initial listing from Test0 above, create a new listing file with some MD5s altered some entire line items removed some new line items Arjanik: Done. Altered checksums of first three lines, deleted the next three lines, and added two lines at the end for files not in the DuraCloud instance. Uploaded to ""admin"" as usecase4-service-test-1.md5 ii. Run fixity service with this altered listing as input as in the previous test Arjanik: Reconfigured service to run against this new md5 file. Report ran successfully, generating files fingerprints-service-test-1.csv and integrity-report-service-test-1.csv (names I specified in the reconfiguration). iii. Verify that erroneous entries were identified in the generated report Arjanik: Downloaded fingerprints-service-test-1.csv and integrity-report-service-test-1.csv. Arjanik: Checked integrity-report-service-test-1.csv. This file is attached. Only one line of report data: | space-id | content-id | 0:admin/usecase4-service-test-1.md5 | 1:admin/fingerprints-service-test-1.csv | status | | Invalid manifest file: newspace | README.txt | Error: metadata is null | for: newspace/README.txt | Arjanik: Deleted the new md5 file and the generated report files for this service test from the ""admin"" space to try again. Reconfigured and re-deployed the service. Downloaded the results. Same results. Edited the md5 file and replaced fictitious space ""newspace"" with ""usecase3"". Deleted the old report files and re-deployed the service. Downloaded the reports. Renamed the integrity report to integrity-report-service-test-1-2nd-try.csv and attached. Results are basically the same as before. Opened the fingerprints file. The new lines were correctly identified as referring to files that didn't exist in DuraCloud. The six files that I've attached: PERFECT MATCH TEST usecase4.md5 - this is the input file listing correct space contents and correct md5 checksums fingerprints.csv - this is the md5 checksum file generated by the Bit Integrity Checker integrity-report.csv - this is the diff report generated by Bit Integrity Checker This test was successful. ERRORS TEST: - The checksums of the first three files in the list were changed - The next three files were removed from the list. - The last two lines refer to files that are not in our DuraCloud instance. fingerprints-12-15-2010.csv - this file appears to use incorrect formatting in the last two lines, the lines with files that don't exist in the instance. integrity-report-12-15-2010.csv - this is the malformed integrity report. Service Configuration: Service Mode: Verify the integrity of a list of items Get integrity information from...: The storage provider Salt: empty Store: AMAZON_S3 (0) Space with input listing: admin Input listing name: usecase4-service-test-1.md5 Output space: admin Output listing name: fingerprints-12-15-2010.csv Output report name: integrity-report-12-15-2010.csv ------------------- ",1
-"DURACLOUD-319","01/07/2011 00:28:36","Duplicate on Demand: Service failing","Duplicate on Demand service failed on 12/7 Service Configuration: Source Space - synctest4 Copy to this store - RACKSPACE (1) Copy to this space - replicants Store results file in this space - replicate-out Working Space - tmp2 Number of Server Instances - 1 Type of Server Instance - Large Instance Service Final Status: Job Ended - 2010-12-07 at 04:13:29 PM UTC Service Status - Job Complete serviceId - replication-on-demand-service-0.7.1 serviceStatus - STARTED Job State - FAILED Job Started - 2010-12-07 at 03:14:37 PM UTC Job ID - j-9PDVC8SADTPQ Additional Statistics: - Run at icpsr.duracloud.org - synctest4 (source) space has: 74993 items (it is a closed space) - tmp2 (work) space has: 84 log files (all generated by one run of the service) - job id j-9PDVC8SADTPQ ran for: 57 minutes before failing - MapReduce job failed after 57 minutes - 2 files were successfully duplicated - In logs: /steps/1/stderr shows 10 task attempts which were all killed after not responding in 10 minutes",2
-"DURACLOUD-320","01/07/2011 22:48:07","Duradmin upload failures for multiple large files","When uploading multiple files through duradmin, failures frequently occur causing the content to not land in durastore. scenario: 1. select a ~100-MB file 2. upload it five times in a row through duradmin using different content-ids, and not waiting for one to complete before uploading them all 3. verify all five files successfully upload The scenario above consistently fails.",1
-"DURACLOUD-324","01/14/2011 23:57:18","reverse upload history order in the upload window","It would be nice to reverse the order of the upload history in the upload window, so that more recent and/or in-progress uploads appear at the top instead of the bottom of the popup window. Sort of what the Firefox download window does. Putting the recent ones at the bottom requires the user to scroll down to see the progress bars of the recent uploads.",1
-"DURACLOUD-325","01/19/2011 06:42:40","Image Viewer Flyout no longer works","In the past, a content item that had an 'image/*' mimetype would present a link on the image thumbnail (if djatoka service was running) or on the canned picture icon. This link would display a ""flyout"" image viewer. Now, clicking on the thumbnail or picture icon has no effect.",1
-"DURACLOUD-326","01/19/2011 09:40:09","DurAdmin incorrectly displaying 0 for space size","When using DurAdmin to display spaces which are larger than 1000 items, the space size is often mis-reported as being 0, even though there is a listing of items in the space. Also, clicking on the space no longer refreshes the item listing or metadata of a space (this is also true for content items.)",1
-"DURACLOUD-327","01/20/2011 05:16:42","DurAdmin: Delete button mis-aligned","Hovering over a multi-line content item displays a delete button which is half-way between the current item and the next item in the list. The delete button should be displayed completely within the boundary of the content item which it will delete.",1
-"DURACLOUD-329","01/20/2011 20:18:13","Video streaming in duradmin:spaces","This item is to address the issue of duradmin not showing the streaming video when clicking on a content item in a space on which the MediaStreamer has been enabled. Scenario: # create two spaces: 'video' & 'tmp' # add the mp4 file attached to this jira item to the space 'video' # deploy the MediaStreamer server using 'video' as source and 'tmp' as destination # wait until service deployment is complete # click on the mp4 item in the 'video' space # ! the video should be shown in the right-hand column at this point ! Note: If you go directly to https:///durastore/tmp/singleplayer.html the streaming video will be available.",1
-"DURACLOUD-331","01/21/2011 03:45:41","NullPointerException with Duplicate-on-change service on 'delete content'","This item is to address the issue of a NPE being thrown when the Duplicate-On-Change service is running and an item is deleted. Monitoring the duracloud-servicesadmin.log will show that upon the above action, an NPE is thrown in: org.duracloud.services.replication.Replicator.replicateContent(Replicator.java:127) The service does successfully remove the item from the secondary store, and remains alive in the OSGi container; however, this case should probably be guarded against.",3
-"DURACLOUD-332","01/21/2011 05:14:08","Duplicate on Change: space access is not propagated","This item is to address the issue of the Duplicate-on-demand service not updating access state on the secondary provider when a space at the primary provider is changed from open to closed, or vice versa. Scenario: # deploy the duplicate-on-demand service # create a space in the primary store # verify that the space was also created in the secondary store # verify that both spaces have the same access state # toggle the access state of the primary space # boom!, notice the access state of the secondary space did not change",1
-"DURACLOUD-333","01/21/2011 22:23:22","Changing space access removes the space metadata","When changing the access level of a space the space metadata is removed. Create a space Add space metadata Change the space access Refresh the space Notice the space metadata is gone",1
-"DURACLOUD-335","01/25/2011 09:08:01","Media streamer: files not getting set with proper permissions","On occasion, when starting the media streamer service, one or several of the files to be streamed is not set to have the proper permissions for streaming. Thus far, this issue has always been resolved by restarting the media streamer. It seems likely that the missing permission is due to a failed call to S3, so a retry would likely fix the problem.",1
-"DURACLOUD-339","01/26/2011 04:00:34","DurAdmin: Errors on space filter","When attempting to filter by name in a space (used the x-service-work dir as an example, need this features to get logs for a specific bulk run), I tend to get ""next page failed: error"" and ""Get Space failed: error"" pop-ups. The filter works and loads the list of filtered content items correctly, so the errors seem unnecessary. It appears that a new attempts is made to get the content listing on every change to the filter box, so each letter I type creates a new call. My guess is that just adding a ""Filter"" button beside the text box, and only making the call when the button is pressed would fix the issue.",1
-"DURACLOUD-341","01/27/2011 03:41:11","Duplication on Demand destination space","When configuring the Duplication on Demand service, if you leave the destination space name blank, the service should automatically create the destination space with the source space's name. Carissa ran the service leaving the destination space blank (assuming this would occur) and the service ran to completion... service status read: ""complete"" but no duplicated content was to be found.",1
-"DURACLOUD-342","01/27/2011 21:02:58","Bulk Image Transformer output to be standard CSV format","Currently the output for the Bulk Image Transformer is in a modified CSV format, similar to: name1=value1, name2=value2, name3=value3, ... This task is to update the output to be in standard CSV format: value1, value2, value3 The first line in the file should a header which indicates the names of the values to follow: name1, name2, name3 The Bulk Bit Integrity service produces this format by allowing the hadoop reducer to produce all of the value lines, then using a post processor to insert the name line at the top.",2
-"DURACLOUD-348","02/07/2011 22:36:34","Bulk service status message","This improvement is to more accurately display the service status state of bulk services. Currently, bulk image conversion and bulk bit integrity checking are processed in two steps: 1. hadoop processing 2. post processing on duracloud instance The service status shows conflicting messages. The ""Job State"" is ""COMPLETE"" when the hadoop step is done, but the ""service status"" shows ""Post Job Processing"" for bit integrity, and nothing for image conversion. More accurate and consistent status messages need to be put in place across the services.",2
-"DURACLOUD-351","02/08/2011 23:04:52","Allow build-time specification of dependency osgi bundle version","This improvement is to allow services built within a particular version of the baseline (say 1.4.0) to specify compatibility with dependency DuraCloud-osgi bundles from another version (say 1.3.0).",1
-"DURACLOUD-352","02/10/2011 04:30:47","Bit Integrity Service: Support comparison for space manifests of up to 1 million items","This improvement is to ensure that spaces that contain up to 1 million items can successfully perform a bit-integrity manifest verification.",2
-"DURACLOUD-353","02/13/2011 00:32:47","Bulk Bit Integrity Service: shutdown of post-processor","This item is to address the issue of shutting down not only the Bulk Bit Integrity Service on ""undeploy"", but also shutting down the post-processor. To reproduce this error, start the BBIS over a space containing more than 1000 items. Once the ""Job State"" indicates ""COMPLETE"", but while the ""Service Status"" still indicates ""Post Job Processing..."", undeploy the service. Undeploy fails due to the inability to remove the fixityservice OSGi bundle from the services container, as it is still processing. At this point, the BBIS remains in duraservice, but is no longer available via servicesadmin.",2
-"DURACLOUD-354","02/17/2011 21:07:29","Bulk Image Conversion: failure due to Hadoop AMI upgrade","This item is to address the breakage caused by amazon elasticmapreduce changing their default AMI for hadoop jobs. This effects the bulk image conversion service which is faulting in the bootstrap script due to a missing dependency in the apt-get initialization. ",1
-"DURACLOUD-355","02/18/2011 01:27:38","Media Streamer: Allow streaming of multiple spaces","This task is to allow the user to select multiple spaces for the media streaming service to stream.",2
-"DURACLOUD-363","02/18/2011 01:50:37","API support for dashboard reports","This new feature is to provide an extension to the REST APIs to support retrieval of usage report information. The report data would be the same that is exposed on the dashboard.",0
-"DURACLOUD-369","02/19/2011 09:50:50","Bulk Bit Integrity Service: post-processing in hadoop","This improvement is to change the bulk bit integrity service to run its MD5 metadata collection post-processor in hadoop instead of with a single process on the main duracloud instance. This enables the service to run within hours instead of days for spaces exceeding 50,000 items.",3
-"DURACLOUD-370","03/07/2011 23:32:35","Notification/Email utility","This feature is to expose a utility for sending emails. It should consist of both a general interface project and a corresponding implementation project.",2
-"DURACLOUD-371","03/08/2011 19:20:00","Remove interim bulk-bit-integrity manifests","This improvement is to remove from the service output space the interim manifests that the bulk-bit-integrity service creates once the final report has been created. These manifests are: bit-integrity-metadata-results.csv bit-integrity-results.csv",3
-"DURACLOUD-374","03/09/2011 02:39:41","Service Report: backend utility for currently running services","Provide a way to generate a report containing: - details from running services The details should include at least the following information: - tbd The reports should also be available for retrieval through a REST-api",5
-"DURACLOUD-375","03/09/2011 02:40:44","Storage Report Dashboard","This task is to create a UI dashboard for displaying and downloading reports on storage. REST API calls should be available from which the storage report information can be gathered. A UI will need to be created to be able to display the information in the reports. The reports will likely be in XML, so XSLT is an option for display.",5
-"DURACLOUD-376","03/09/2011 03:52:27","Limit time that can be spent spinning on a mapper task within hadoop","Currently, the service code which runs in hadoop kicks off a thread to ensure that the mapper has enough time to complete. These threads are not time limited, so if the mapper process hangs, the hadoop job could potentially live forever. This task is to revisit these threads for each of the bulk jobs to set a limit for the amount of time the threads give to a mapper activity.",2
-"DURACLOUD-377","03/09/2011 22:14:31","Remove user management from Duradmin","This task is to remove the user-management capabilities (""Adminstration"" tab) from Duradmin, since this functionality is being moved up the the account-management-app.",1
-"DURACLOUD-379","03/11/2011 21:56:08","Run-away service monitor","This task is to create a script/application that monitors DuraCloud accounts for long-running bulk services and sends an email alert upon detection.",1
-"DURACLOUD-380","03/17/2011 19:26:34","Azure Storage Provider - adding content and specifying a checksum","When a checksum is provided upon adding content to Azure, ChecksumInputStream was incorrectly trying to calculate the checksum from the provided stream. The provided checksum should be used instead of calculating it from the stream.",1
-"DURACLOUD-382","03/20/2011 07:01:59","Create Example ServiceClient","This task is to create a sample ServiceClient analogous to the Sample StoreClient.",1
-"DURACLOUD-383","03/22/2011 01:37:18","Bit Integrity Service: support retries of interrupted content downloads","This task is to add retries to the bit-integrity-service when a content item that is downloaded to calculate its MD5 does not match the expected MD5 from metadata.",1
-"DURACLOUD-384","03/22/2011 01:46:39","Bit Integrity Service: Pass into comparison phase content-id of csv input","The comparison phase of an 'all-in-one-for-space' run of the bit-integrity-service tries to guess the content-id of the input csv files. With date/timestamps appended to the content-ids, this becomes difficult. Therefore, the input content-ids should be passed into the comparison phase.",1
-"DURACLOUD-385","03/24/2011 21:24:15","Image Viewing URL Stability","This task is to investigate the stability of image viewing URLs across upgrades of DuraCloud instances. As each DuraCloud instance has an allocated static I.P. address, the behavior is unexpected. If there are specific uses cases for demonstrating this issue, please add them as comments below.",2
-"DURACLOUD-389","03/30/2011 23:13:03","Service Registry Naming","This update is needed to support creating a service-config.xml document that is named the same as the allowable service registry name. The old convention was: duracloud-0.9.0-service-repo The new convention is: duracloud-0-9-0-service-repo ",1
-"DURACLOUD-390","03/31/2011 04:14:56","Security over UserDetailsService.getUsers()","This improvement is to add method security over UserDetailsService.getUsers() to limit access to this call to ROLE_ADMIN.",1
-"DURACLOUD-394","04/20/2011 19:31:18","Page load latency","The Duradmin pages are built using jQuery. When the browser loads, the scripts pull data while building the page, creating a perceptible delay in rendering. A recommended solution may be to pull some of the jQuery back and not try to build the screen using as much scripting. Browser versions and usage scenarios need to be added to this jira item.",2
-"DURACLOUD-397","04/27/2011 03:03:42","Metadata editor allows for blank values","Metadata editing via DurAdmin (using both the regular editor and the ""Edit Metadata"" dialog) allows you to add empty name/value pairs to the metadata list. Metadata names should be required. Although the UI appears to allow empty metadata name/values, if the name is empty, the metadata does not persist.",1
-"DURACLOUD-398","04/27/2011 03:13:40","UI shortcuts which are not useful should be disabled","Holding shift + one of the arrow keys does odd things to the display. These shortcuts should be disabled.",1
-"DURACLOUD-400","05/02/2011 18:55:16","DuraStore REST API: text/plain response from getSpaces","Just an inconsistency I noticed while looking at the REST API. This particular method gives a response Content-Type header of ""text/plain"". Most other methods that return XML declare their Content-Type as text/xml. For example: https://demo.duracloud.org/durastore/spaces?storeID=0 ...gives text/plain, but: https://demo.duracloud.org/durastore/cwilper-test?storeID=0 ...gives text/xml.",1
-"DURACLOUD-401","05/02/2011 19:18:42","Use application/xml as response Content-Type for XML-returning REST API methods","Most of the REST API methods that return XML today use text/xml, but application/xml is a actually a better choice due to character encoding issues: According to the specification of the text/* media types (RFC2046), if a charset parameter is not specified in the declaration of mime type (at the end of the Content-Type value, ala ""text/xml; charset=utf-8"", it must be assumed that the body is encoded in US-ASCII. The ""encoding"" declared in the XML declaration is supposed to be ignored. Here are a couple online posts that further explain the problem: * http://annevankesteren.nl/2005/03/text-xml * http://www.grauw.nl/blog/entry/489 It's clearly the intent that DuraCloud REST API methods that return XML are encoded in UTF-8 (because the xml declaration says so), but according to the standards, because text/xml is used instead of application/xml, and the Content-Type is not declared with a ""charset=utf-8"" MIME parameter, the xml declaration is supposed to be ignored by clients and they should assume US-ASCII.",1
-"DURACLOUD-402","05/04/2011 18:56:57","Allow for local service repository","It is currently required that the service repository for a DuraCloud instance be hosted on another DuraCloud instance. This task is to allow the service repository to be hosted within the same instance. This will both simplify the deployment of stand-alone DuraCloud instances (for users of the open source platform) and lead the way toward allowing multiple service repositories to be associated with a single instance.",1
-"DURACLOUD-403","05/05/2011 19:17:37","Improve binary installation package","In the 0.9 release the first binary installation package was created. This allows system admins to deploy an instance of DuraCloud without needing to build from source. This was a good first step, but there are a few pieces which could make the process smoother: - Include wars with names that do not include version. When the jars are dropped into tomcat with the release version included in the file name, they are not deployed to the expected context path (i.e. rather than a context path of /durastore it is instead /durastore-. The installation package zip file includes the version number, this should be sufficient. - Include the app-config jar, as this is needed to configure the instance. - Include an example properties file to be used with app-config.jar for instance initialization. - Include a default/example logback.xml file which can be used within the service bundle home. - Update included run.bat file to properly pick up environment variables in a Windows environment - Allow for the use of a local service repository (handled by DURACLOUD-402) - Update the included readme.txt file to have complete instructions for standing up a DuraCloud instance using the files provided with the installation package. Parts of this document can refer to the wiki for further explanation, but ideally, the entire process would be well enough defined in the readme such that the links to the wiki would be optional reading.",1
-"DURACLOUD-404","05/05/2011 21:08:51","Duraservice: clean re-initialization","Currently, when re-initializing duraservice, due to caching, some elements do not take on the new re-initialize values. This improvement is to determine and implement what is required to make duraservice re-initialization work as if it were being initialized from scratch.",1
-"DURACLOUD-406","05/07/2011 00:56:01","Service.xml: generate on build, not on test","This improvement is to have the services.xml service-repo manifest created during the mvn 'package' phase instead of during 'test'.",1
-"DURACLOUD-407","05/07/2011 00:58:35","Service.xml: generate various renditions","This feature is to have the services.xml service-repo manifest generated for each of the various DuraCloud account package types: - archiving / preservation - media access - professional - trial",1
-"DURACLOUD-409","05/10/2011 02:56:25","Failed to copy all files when running a large Duplicate-on-Demand service","A small percentage of files are not copied during the execution of a large Duplicate on Demand service execution. This can result in either a missing file or a zero length file in the target space. This has bug has been demonstrated repeatedly both between different providers and copies back to the same provider. However, it has only been observed in large file sets (circa 70,000).",20
-"DURACLOUD-422","05/23/2011 08:48:50","When only one storage provider is configured, the Provider display should not be a selector","When only one storage provider is configured for an instance, the Provider selection box in the upper right corner currently provides a drop down to a small empty box. There is really no need for a selection box when there is only one provider.",0
-"DURACLOUD-423","05/26/2011 19:17:35","Filter display of service properties","This feature is to omit the rendering of service properties that have names prefixed with ""System "". These are service properties that are useful for monitoring and scripting, but are probably confusing for end-users of Duradmin.",1
-"DURACLOUD-424","05/27/2011 02:40:17","Service completion state must be accurate: non-bulk services","This improvement is to reflect the completion state of non-bulk services as ""success"" or ""failure"". Currently, the service state remains ""started"". Affected services: bit integrity checker bit integrity checker tools image transformer Additionally, the end-time of the service should be captured in the service properties.",3
-"DURACLOUD-429","05/29/2011 19:08:04","iRODS/Chronopolis Storage Adapter","This feature is to add a new storage adapter to connect to iRODS/Chronopolis, ala S3, Rackspace, & Azure. The base code has already been provided by Mike Smorul.",3
-"DURACLOUD-431","06/01/2011 09:03:57","Duradmin mimetype editor: 'application/atom+xml' regex","When attempting to set the mimetype of a content item to 'application/atom+xml', the error ""Invalid Mimetype"" is displayed. This prohibits the setting of the desired mimetype.",1
-"DURACLOUD-432","06/03/2011 01:06:24","file name collisions not detected in Google Chrome","When using DurAdmin with Google Chrome to upload a file, there is no file name collision detection or pop-up warning. The upload simply replaces the file. I am using Google Chrome on my mac os x. Note that the file name detection and pop-up did work on Firefox.",1
-"DURACLOUD-433","06/03/2011 21:01:17","Duradmin service status","When a service is deployed via duradmin, an entry is created detailing the: - service - hostname - status The 'status' is apparently populated when the service is deployed and never updated as the actual service status changes through the course of processing. This improvement is to keep the status info in the UI entry up-to-date by pulling the content from the ""Service Status"" property instead of from the Deployment.status The current/accurate status info is also displayed on the right hand side, under the service details.",1
-"DURACLOUD-435","06/06/2011 20:52:00","Reinit should clear the cached StorageProviders","Upon reinit the cached StorageProviders should be cleared in order to specify different stores",1
-"DURACLOUD-436","06/15/2011 04:22:15","Service registry name and service.xml dependency","This improvement is to decouple the dependency on the content-id of the service.xml file of a service registry from the space-id of the registry itself. Currently, the content-id is required to be identical to the space-id with the addition of the '.xml' extension. The service.xml content-id should be allowed to be any name.",2
-"DURACLOUD-438","06/15/2011 21:24:31","Add service-result to completed service properties","This improvement is to add a new service property across all services that have a completion (success or failure) that notes the content-id of the service result file. This property should be set upon service completion.",1
-"DURACLOUD-439","06/16/2011 00:13:38","Enforce space id rules for services","Enforce space id rules when entering a space name for Duplicate on Demand and any other service",1
-"DURACLOUD-440","06/17/2011 01:40:23","Handle all unicode characters for storing and retrieving content","This task is to ensure that a content item can be added and retrieved from both DuraStore and DurAdmin using any characters that can be expressed via unicode. Generally, it seems like it's possible to add content items with any unicode content ID, but the problems come in when attempting to access/update/delete those items. These problems are not consistent between DuraStore and DurAdmin. Occationally DuraStore allows for retrieving files that DurAdmin does not. A few Ascii content IDs which currently fail this test are below. This list is not exhaustive, just a examples. test#item - duradmin cannot load content - error when accessing via durastore test%item - duradmin cannot load content - bad request response from durastore test&item - duradmin cannot load content - works fine in durastore test+item - duradmin cannot even bring up metadata - works fine in durastore Of course, content IDs with non-ascii characters also have problems: 1. blankHélènåJör.txt 2. blankπ × { } © 佈 б ' ' —.txt #1 seems to be only a problem in DurAdmin, the file can be retrieved and deleted via DuraStore with no problem. #2 is a problem for both DurAdmin and DuraStore, the file cannot be retrieved or deleted via either. ",5
-"DURACLOUD-441","06/18/2011 10:36:41","ServiceManager and ServiceManager Client to share Interface","This improvement is for the following two classes to implement the same interface: org.duracloud.client.ServicesManager.java org.duracloud.duraservice.mgmt.ServiceManager.java",1
-"DURACLOUD-443","06/29/2011 20:52:37","Service Report: create schema and serializer for ServiceReport.getCompletedServicesReportList()","This task is to create a schema and serializer for the list of content-ids returned from ServiceReport.getCompletedServicesReportList(). The expected xml should look something like this: Service-Report-2011-06-27.xml ",1
-"DURACLOUD-446","07/05/2011 20:56:57","Service Reports: Comma-delimited content-ids","This bug is that service reports become invalid if a content-id contains a ',' since currently service reports are output as comma-delimited. A potential solution is to create tab-delimited service reports.",2
-"DURACLOUD-448","07/06/2011 21:16:21","Get Bulk Image Conversion service working","Due to a change in the AMI used to run hadoop jobs in Amazon EMR, the bulk image conversion service no longer works. The failing portion is the bootstrap task which installs ImageMagick. The error that shows up on the console when attempting to run any line in the install script is: E: Wow, you exceeded the number of versions this APT is capable of. E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/http.us.debian.org_debian_dists_testing_main_binary-amd64_Packages E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened. This is a known bug, detailed here: https://forums.aws.amazon.com/thread.jspa?messageID=254336&tstart=0. A work-around is noted in the link that has been tested to work and allow ImageMagick to install. Ideally this issue will be fixed by Amazon with the introduction of a new EMR AMI, but if this is not the case by shortly before release time, the work-around should be employed.",0
-"DURACLOUD-450","07/09/2011 02:34:19","Link Service Report in service properties display","This improvement is to add a link to the services ""Report"" property to display (possibly as a flyout?) a tabular form of the service results.",2
-"DURACLOUD-451","07/09/2011 04:38:11","UI: Use different icons for each service","The goal of this task is to include a different icon beside each service, both in the deployed services listing and the available services listing.",2
-"DURACLOUD-452","07/09/2011 04:39:35","UI: Remove the provider drop-down when there is only one provider","This task is to remove the storage provider drop-down when only one provider is enabled.",1
-"DURACLOUD-453","07/09/2011 04:41:30","UI: Use different icons for the content item Download and View links","This task is to replace the button icon for the content item View link, as it is currently the same as the download link. Perhaps a eye icon or something similar would work.",1
-"DURACLOUD-454","07/09/2011 04:43:18","UI: Adjust the service deployment box to remove scroll bars","This task is to re-adjust the pop-up dialog used for deploying services so that scrolling is not necessary and no scroll bars are displayed.",1
-"DURACLOUD-455","07/09/2011 04:49:43","UI: Display service status correctly","Currently, the table which lists all deployed services has a column called Status which always displays STARTED, regardless of the actual status of the services. This value is being read from ""deployment status"" which is meaningless. This task is to read in the actual status of each service from the service properties and display that in the table.",1
-"DURACLOUD-456","07/09/2011 04:51:00","UI: Administration tab always contains text: ""No users defined""","This task is to only display the ""No users defined"" text on the Administration tab when there are actually no users defined.",1
-"DURACLOUD-457","07/12/2011 18:23:05","Service Monitoring on reconfigure","This improvement is to ensure that a monitor thread is in place when a service is reconfigured. A service can be reconfigured while it is either still running, or after it has completed. Since a reconfigured service retains the same deployment-id, a service that is still running will continue to be monitored by the original monitoring thread. However, a service that is complete needs to have a new monitor thread started since the service is effectively restarted via a reconfiguration.",1
-"DURACLOUD-458","07/18/2011 19:55:05","Space Delete: Indicate to users when a space is in the process of being deleted","Currently, when deleting a space of reasonable size there is a dialog that spins for a while, then the space is removed from the spaces list. But if the list of spaces is refreshed, the ""deleted"" space shows up again. In the background a process is still running to delete the space, but there is no way for the user to know that this is happening. This task is to make it clear to users when a space is in the process of being deleted. ",2
-"DURACLOUD-460","07/22/2011 22:20:28","Provide informative error messages for special characters in space and content properties","Special characters included in metadata names or values which are added to spaces or content show up immediately in the list of metadata/tags, but when those special characters aren't valid http header values, the information is not actually added to the space or content item in the provider. This task is to to check for valid characters and pass back errors to users so they know the allowable characters.",3
-"DURACLOUD-462","07/22/2011 22:30:34","UI: Inform users that the characters '\', '?', and ';' cannot be part of a Content ID","Three characters are not allowed in content Ids: '\', '?', and ';', as noted in IdUtil and here: https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/DSPINT/Space+and+Content+Name+Restrictions. Errors are returned from DuraStore when trying to add an item with a content Id including '\' or '?' characters, but no useful information is presented to users in DurAdmin. No error is returned with the use of the ';' character, as the character doesn't get passed through to DuraStore. There should be a validator in DurAdmin to catch these characters, and users should be provided a useful error message indicating the problem.",1
-"DURACLOUD-464","07/25/2011 19:47:55","UI: XML files viewed in Chrome are appended with javascript code","When using DurAdmin via the Chrome browser, selecting a file of type XML, and choosing to View the file, the XML is rendered correctly, but is followed by a block of javascript code, starting with ""try{function lpshowmenudiv(id)"".",2
-"DURACLOUD-465","07/25/2011 19:54:19","Handle semicolon character","When content whose ID contains a semicolon (;) character is added on a DuraCloud instance, the characters after the semicolon are dropped. The file is available, but the ID is wrong.",2
-"DURACLOUD-466","07/27/2011 04:08:30","DuraCloud Constants","This task is to create a new maven project that simply holds constant values required across the other projects. Likely, these constants should be implemented as enums. Examples include: - DELIM = '\t' - ENCODING = ""UTF-8"" Other candidates include service constants (see: org.duracloud.services.ComputeService.java) and other common, constant, classes that have no other dependencies such as: org.duracloud.common.util.DateUtil.DateFormat.java",2
-"DURACLOUD-467","07/28/2011 21:45:32","UI: Using Enter key on Add Space selects Closed space access","Using the Enter key on the Add Space dialog to submit the request to add a space both selects the Closed access button and submits the request. The space is created correctly, but the access button indicates the default Open state before the Enter key is hit, then the space ends up with Closed access after it is created. Tested on: Windows 7; Firefox 5.0; Chrome 12.0.742.122",1
-"DURACLOUD-468","07/28/2011 22:02:49","UI: Add message to indicate when no other services are available to deploy","When all services are deployed, and you click on Available Services, there is no message that there are no services available",1
-"DURACLOUD-469","07/28/2011 22:07:02","UI: Display the selected service on the service configuration dialog","The name of the service which was selected needs to be displayed on the screen used to configure the service. Currently there is just text that reads ""Configure the Service"", which isn't very helpful.",1
-"DURACLOUD-475","08/05/2011 18:09:02","Create consistent css styling for reporting","This improvement is to restyle the Dashboard Storage and Services tabs to have a consistent styling with the rest of the duradmin application.",3
-"DURACLOUD-478","08/05/2011 22:25:45","Facilitate integration: CDL Merritt ","This task is to support the conversations and integration of Merritt with DuraCloud. Likely the software development will all be on the CDL side, but some time and effort will be needed as support.",1
-"DURACLOUD-481","08/06/2011 01:58:54","CloudSync Service","This feature is to add a new CloudSync service. The service will likely be a webapp service (ala j2kservice). Note: CloudSync itself should probably by updated to take its working directory as an initialization argument.",2
-"DURACLOUD-482","08/06/2011 03:44:29","Re-Add DuraCloud favicon","This update is to re-add the DuraCloud favicon to the duradmin application. In release 1.0.0, its rendering was somehow dropped.",1
-"DURACLOUD-484","08/14/2011 03:33:56","DurAdmin support for object copy/rename","This feature is to add UI support for single content copy/rename operations.",3
-"DURACLOUD-485","08/14/2011 03:38:54","StoreClient/REST support for object copy/rename","This feature is to expose the StorageProvider.copyContent() method through the DuraStore REST API as well as update the storeclient. However, this feature should not be implemented until the patch submitted to Rackspace has been incorporated into the Rackspace java-client baseline. https://github.com/rackspace/java-cloudfiles/pull/18",3
-"DURACLOUD-492","08/30/2011 18:44:46","StoreClient moveContent()","This feature is to add an additional method to the storeclient, namely, moveContent(). This method will simply call copyContent() followed by deleteContent().",1
-"DURACLOUD-493","09/01/2011 22:49:37","Duradmin login url","This issue shows up in the following scenario: - Launch an instance as root user from the Management Console - the login fails (as expected); but typing in the correct root username/password continues to fail - until manually removing the trailing portion of the URL: ""login?error=true"" It would be ideal if an incorrect login using the pattern as in the MC did not produce this URL in the browser.",1
-"DURACLOUD-496","09/06/2011 20:45:47","ContentStore Duplicate Across Providers","This feature is to provide users a way to copy a single item from one storage provider to another storage provider (or within the same storage provider). The implementation will likely be similar to the ContentStore.copyContent(), but will contain an optional source storeId. This effort should also include exposing the cross-provider copy functionality at the ContentRest level of Durastore. ",2
-"DURACLOUD-497","09/06/2011 20:49:19","Remove Image-Conversion Services (temporarily)","This task is to remove the two image conversion services: - bulk image conversion - non-bulk image conversion from the list of available services for the 1.1 release. These services will become available once again when a strategy has been developed to help users manage the error cases.",1
-"DURACLOUD-498","09/09/2011 19:00:40","SyncTool does not recognize chunked content","The issue here is seen in two scenarios: 1. Content that is chunked into DuraCloud during one run of the synctool is not recognized as existing in the space on a subsequent run of the synctool. 2. Content that is chunked into DuraCloud during one run of the synctool is not recognized as existing locally on a subsequent run of the synctool, and if the --sync-deletes flag is set, then the chunks are not deleted from the DuraCloud space.",2
-"DURACLOUD-500","09/10/2011 00:26:11","SyncTool does not delete empty subdirectories","The issue here can be seen in the following scenario: # create an empty DuraStore space # create a local directory with subdirectories, add files # run synctool ** verify space/directories are the same # delete a local file at the top-level or within a subdirectory (but if in a subdirectory, make sure more content remains in that subdirectory) # run synctool with '--sync-deletes' ** verify content is deleted from the space # here is the issue: delete local content in any of the following ways: ** from a subdirectory, leaving that subdirectory empty ** remove everything from the local directory # run synctool with '--sync-deletes' # Error: notice content is not deleted in space ",1
-"DURACLOUD-501","09/10/2011 02:11:20","Throw exception on space names which are too long","This item is to ensure that an error is thrown back to the user when a space to be created has a name which exceeds the maximum name limit. Currently the name is just truncated, and the truncated name isn't displayed until a refresh of the UI. See S3ProviderUtil line 133 for the spot where the S3StorageProvider likely does the truncation. All current active storage providers (S3, Rackspace, Azure) should be checked for this same behavior. Example of a space name that is too long (for S3): duracloud-1-1-0-snapshot-service-repo-trial-test ",1
-"DURACLOUD-503","09/12/2011 21:09:49","New service plan: All Services","This task is to add a new service plan: ""all"", that includes all services.",1
-"DURACLOUD-504","09/12/2011 22:08:21","OOM on Re-Initialization of Durareport","This issue is revealed when performing multiple re-initialization of a DuraCloud instance via the app-config or MC. It would appear that the report collection threads created during initialization are not properly shutdown on an immediate, subsequent re-initialization. After a few re-inits an OOM is seen.",1
-"DURACLOUD-505","09/14/2011 00:30:39","Deployed services list is not refreshing","Once a service has been deployed, the service information is not being displayed in the deployed services list.",1
-"DURACLOUD-511","09/21/2011 19:44:01","UI: Provide an understanable error message when users attempt to create a space with a reserved name","This task is to add validation to the space creation action in the UI which does not allow users to attempt to create a space with a reserved name. The list of reserved names can be found here: https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/DURACLOUDDEV/DuraCloud+Administration. Currently, when a user attempts to create a space named, for example, ""task"", a big error dialog with a 405 http response message is displayed.",1
-"DURACLOUD-512","09/22/2011 21:17:38","Distinguish service-failures from failed-service-results for Hadoop Services","This improvement is to have different informational messages (and underlying service properties) for when a service fails versus when the results of a service run contain failures. Examples of service failures are unrecoverable exceptions, OOM, failed hadoop startup, etc. Examples of result failures are bit integrity discrepancies, unsuccessful image conversions, unsuccessful duplications, etc.",3
-"DURACLOUD-513","09/22/2011 21:24:20","Distill failed items from a failed service run","This improvement is to extract out the failed items from the output report of unsuccessful service runs in order to make the errors more clear for the user. The implementation will likely require updates in the reporting UI as well as in the underlying service infrastructure. ",3
-"DURACLOUD-515","09/23/2011 00:23:03","Make parameters consistent among command line utilities","This task is to make command line options as uniform as possible among the current set of command line utilities: sync tool, retrieval tool, chunker, stitcher. There are currently several inconsistencies that need to be cleaned up: - Use -c for content directory (as used by sync and retrieval tools). Currently stitcher uses -d and chunker uses a compound -a option - The chunker should support -i (store-id) - The chunker should use -s (space-id) rather than including it as part of -a - The chunker should use -h (host) and -r (port) rather than -c",2
-"DURACLOUD-517","09/29/2011 04:24:11","Undeploy service should have warning","This issue should address the apparent lack of an ""ok""/""cancel"" warning when undeploying a service. Currently, when the user selects ""Undeploy"", the service is simply undeployed without a warning notice.",1
-"DURACLOUD-518","09/29/2011 04:27:17","Service properties blank on deploy","This issue is to address the situation where a user deploys a service, and when it has successfully deployed, the ""Service Detail"" panel goes blank. The ""Service Detail"" panel should show the properties of the newly deployed service.",1
-"DURACLOUD-520","09/29/2011 20:32:14","StorageProvider to support add-content-with-metadata","This improvement is to investigate and potentially implement an update to the StorageProvider.addContent() interface method or an addition of a parallel addContent() method that optionally takes object-properties along with the content-stream. As an example, the current ContentRest.addContent() method performs two calls to the StorageProvider: addContent() & setContentProperties(). The number of calls made to the underlying storage-provider could be cut in half if these two calls were combined. The AmazonS3Client interface, the Rackspace FilesClient, and the Azure IBlobContainer all support calls for including metadata along with the call for adding content.",3
-"DURACLOUD-523","10/10/2011 17:58:47","SDSC Storage Provider integration","This feature is to integrate the SDSC Cloud as another underlying StorageProvider.",3
-"DURACLOUD-524","10/10/2011 22:57:40","Space-level ACLs","This feature is to provide space-level ACLs. Specific users and groups should be able to be granted read/write access to a given space.",0
-"DURACLOUD-526","10/11/2011 06:23:07","UI - Copy multiple content item across storage providers","This feature is to expose the copy-content-across-storage-providers functionality within Duradmin. This needs to include the option to ""multi-select"" content items to be copied as well as only selecting a single item. Likely this will be an addition to the existing content copy UI element. The interface should optionally allow the user to indicate the destination storage-provider.",2
-"DURACLOUD-527","10/11/2011 06:36:54","Content manifest","This feature is to create and maintain a manifest (space-id, content-id, md5) of all content held in the primary storage provider. A listener should update the manifest whenever content is added or deleted from Durastore. The format of the manifest should be compatible with the expected input format of the bit-integrity service.",3
-"DURACLOUD-533","10/12/2011 01:05:21","Archive-It Integration","This feature is to provide an integration with Archive-It so that users with Archive-It content may seamlessly push their collection into DuraCloud.",5
-"DURACLOUD-537","10/12/2011 01:20:08","Long-running content actions","This task is to add support in DuraStore for long-running actions that can be run over content. Some examples of these kinds of tasks are: multi-file delete, multi-file copy (within and between providers), and multi-file property add/update/delete. It may make sense to implement this feature using the existing tasks infrastructure.",5
-"DURACLOUD-541","10/17/2011 19:20:41","Integrate working version of CloudSync","This task is to pull in an updated version of CloudSync into the cloudsyncservice that does not have the issue of not being able to connect to a DuraCloud instance.",1
-"DURACLOUD-542","10/18/2011 00:57:28","Upload tool web deployment","This feature is to establish a means of deploying the UploadTool via Duradmin as a signed-applet, webstart app, or other.",3
-"DURACLOUD-547","10/31/2011 21:23:32","Upload tool applet cannot be used at the same time on spaces of the same name on different providers","If you are using the upload tool via DurAdmin to perform an upload on Amazon in space ""test"", you cannot also perform an upload to a space with the same name in another provider - you are sent to the existing upload window.",1
-"DURACLOUD-548","11/08/2011 20:19:27","ACL: Create UI for managing ACL users/groups during space administration","This feature is to create a UI in duradmin for managing space-level ACLs. It will likely be a button in the righthand pane, similar to the ""edit"" button for space metadata. The functionality should enable Admins to add/remove 'users' and/or 'groups' to the space ACL with permissions of 'read' or 'write' (which implies read). A potentially attractive UI widget would be the one that renders two, side-by-side boxes containing usernames, and arrows allowing the moving of usernames from one box to the other. ",3
-"DURACLOUD-549","11/08/2011 20:23:41","ACL: Update StoreClient with setSpaceACL()","This feature should add the new method to the StoreClient: setSpaceACL() This method should take a spaceId and a map of 'usernames' and/or 'groupnames' and their associated privilege (read or write), and set the ACL for the given space. ",3
-"DURACLOUD-550","11/08/2011 20:26:04","ACL: Update DuraStore security to ACL rules","This feature should update the durastore spring security definitions to limit access as defined in: https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/DSPINT/Space+Level+ACLs+-+design",2
-"DURACLOUD-551","11/08/2011 21:20:35","Space and content list reload","Please add a refresh button to the space listing as well as to the content listing within a space. Currently a space is not reloaded after content items are added, and a user must either (a) reload their entire browser window or (b) click on the space tab and renavigate to the appropriate space to see the newly added content items.",1
-"DURACLOUD-553","11/09/2011 01:13:25","ACL: Update app-config and security-user bean to include 'group' details","This update is to modify app-config, SecurityUserBean, and security-users.xsd, as appropriate to support the inclusion of ACL 'groups' during instance initialization.",1
-"DURACLOUD-554","11/09/2011 01:22:01","ACL: Add ACLStorageProvider","This feature is to add a new StorageProvider wrapper implementation to facilitate filtering the spaces listed in a getSpaces() request. The primary objectives are to: - provide a way to only return spaces that are either 'open' or are accessible to the calling user - improve performance so that each request for the space listing does not require querying the properties of each space from the underlying storage provider. Below are some implementation suggestions: 1. in StorageProviderFactoryImpl.getStorageProvider() * wrap storageProvider with a new ACLStorageProvider() 2. ACLStorageProvider * overwrite: getSpaces() * cache spaces and space acl properties ",2
-"DURACLOUD-555","11/09/2011 01:57:59","ACL: Enable multi-map content/space properties","This feature is to enable multi-map header values throughout the application for content and space properties. The capability should be enabled for the entire stack: storageproviders, to REST, to StoreClient, to Duradmin.",2
-"DURACLOUD-557","11/22/2011 08:25:59","ACL: Update duradmin UI to exclude tabs from USER role","This update is to not display the ""Services"" tab nor the reports tabs under ""Dashboard"" if the user who is logged into duradmin only has ROLE_USER. Rather, only users with ROLE_ADMIN should be able to see the services and reports tabs.",1
-"DURACLOUD-560","12/02/2011 22:58:25","UploadTool changes ACLs on upload","This bug is that when running the UploadTool, the existing ACLs of a space are replaced by a single ACL of {user=w}.",1
-"DURACLOUD-561","12/05/2011 15:27:47","Deprecate space-access methods","This improvement is to deprecate the setSpaceAccess and getSpaceAccess methods on the StorageProvider and ContentStore interfaces.",1
-"DURACLOUD-565","12/14/2011 02:20:09","Sort permissions display","This task is to sort the listing of items in the Permissions section of the content item display in DurAdmin. Groups should be displayed above users, and both sets should be sorted alphabetically (A-Z). The ""public"" group, when added, should always be displayed at the top of the list.",1
-"DURACLOUD-566","12/14/2011 02:26:00","Handle space properties cache loading on instance initialization","Currently, the cache for space properties is loaded the first time a user attempts to access a storage provider. If this user is a non-admin user, and there are many spaces in the account, this action can take several minutes. This task is to transition to loading the cache when the instance is first initialized, rather than waiting for a user to access the instance, greatly lowering the likelihood that any user will have to wait while the cache is populated.",2
-"DURACLOUD-569","12/14/2011 22:20:25","Create Messaging over setSpaceACLs()","This improvement is to add messaging over the durastore calls to StorageProvider.setSpaceACLs(). The configuration for this is in: durastore/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/config/aop-config.xml A new advisor (ala SpaceUpdateAdvice) will needed to be created as well.",1
-"DURACLOUD-575","12/23/2011 02:54:49","Synctool: not re-syncing content deleted from DuraCloud","This issue is to fix the bug demonstrated in the following scenario: # run synctool pushing one or more files to a space ** observe success # delete one of the content items in DuraCloud newly pushed to the space # re-run the synctool ** observe deleted item is not re-uploaded The strategy to fix this issue is to introduce a new flag which instructs the sync tool to perform a ""clean start"" rather than a re-start, so that all files in all local directories are considered as part of the sync. This flag would essentially have the same effect as clearing the work directory prior to starting the sync tool. The flag should not be enabled by default.",1
-"DURACLOUD-578","01/04/2012 03:03:21","Links into the djatoka viewer are broken in duradmin","Links into the djatoka viewer are broken in duradmin. For example the following url doesn't work: But this one does: The difference between the above urls: replace the durastore url protocol with https and remove the port and everything works. ",1
-"DURACLOUD-579","01/04/2012 03:36:07","Content image does not refresh after clicking ""Make space public"" button.","To reproduce: 1. Make sure image service is running. 2. In duradmin browse to an image content item in a non-public space. 3. Click the make space public button. 4. Notice: the image is not visible. 5. Also note that the warning message is not automatically removed as it should be. Also note that when making a space non-public, the button for making it public does not reappear. I think the panel should be refreshed and the image should be immediately available.",1
-"DURACLOUD-581","01/05/2012 09:49:10","January 2012 completed reports are not showing up in duradmin dashboard.","To reproduce, run a service to completion and then observe in the duradmin dashboard that it as well as another other service run after January 1st is not being displayed in the dashboard. ",1
-"DURACLOUD-585","01/12/2012 01:13:57","Distinguish service-failures from failed-service-results for Non-Hadoop Services","Same as https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/DURACLOUD-512 but for non-hadoop services that operate on lists of items.",2
-"DURACLOUD-586","01/12/2012 01:23:29","When editing multiple space properties, it is possible for users to attempt to update read only spaces.","To reproduce this problem: 1. select a writeable spaceA and read-only spaceB (using the checkboxes) 2. click edit properties 3. add a tag or name value pair and save. 4. duradmin displays the error dialog (unauthorized action error) ",1
-"DURACLOUD-587","01/12/2012 01:28:35","When logged in as a non-admin, the multi-space delete button should not be visible.","To reproduce: 1. log in as a user 2. select a space or two using the checkboxes in the spaces list. 3. confirm that a delete button is visible.",1
-"DURACLOUD-591","01/14/2012 03:00:43","Various DurAdmin updates","Update the following items in DurAdmin: - Remove the option to ""add one item"", change the ""add many items"" link to simply be ""add items"" - Update the image on the copy button to appear consistent with the other buttons (currently appears to be lower quality) - In the Content Detail panel, make content size number understandable (at least include a unit - ""bytes"") - In the Content Detail panel, set all buttons to be the same color (light gray perhaps)",1
-"DURACLOUD-592","01/14/2012 03:02:52","DurAdmin updates","Update the following items in DurAdmin: - Change ""Space ID"" and ""Content ID"" to ""Space Name"" and ""Content Name"" respectively - In the footer of every DurAdmin instance page, ensure that DuraCloud has the ""c"" capitalized. - In the footer of every DurAdmin instance page, the link to DuraCloud.org should come before DuraSpace.org - In the footer of every DurAdmin instance page, replace the current ""Help Desk"" link with a ""Help Center"" link which points to: https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/DURACLOUD/DuraCloud+Help+Center - The title of every DurAdmin instance page (that appears in the browser tab) should be DuraCloud: Login, DuraCloud: Spaces, etc. or something similar (not ""DurAdmin :: DurAdmin: Login"" or ""DurAdmin: Spaces"") - Change ""DuraCloud Administrator"" to just ""DuraCloud"" - Make the Dashboard tab available only to root users",1
-"DURACLOUD-593","01/14/2012 03:05:17","DurAdmin: restrict access to Administration tab","This task is to limit the Administration tab in DurAdmin to be viewable only by root users.",1
-"DURACLOUD-594","01/14/2012 03:14:27","Move storage reports onto spaces tab","This task is to break out the information in the storage reports and display it instead on the main Spaces tab. The space-specific charts should be included on the Space Detail page. The provider-specific charts should be displayed in the detail area that is currently shown as blank when selecting the Spaces tab. The top-level all-providers charts will no longer be displayed. Both the provider-specific and space-specific charts should still provide the option to view historical charts and data.",5
-"DURACLOUD-598","01/17/2012 01:23:01","when uploading jpg files with hashmark in file name, the mime-type is not accurately identified.","To reproduce: 1. Run the bulk uploader in duradmin. 2. Select a jpg with a # mark in the filename such as test#1.jpg. 3. Select a jpg with without a # mark in the filename such as test2.jpg. 4. Upload files. 5. Refresh space in duradmin 6. Verify that the mimetype for test2.jpg is image/jpeg (correct) 7. Verify test#1.jpg is application/octet-stream (less correct) ",1
-"DURACLOUD-599","01/17/2012 01:45:17","When uploading with bulk upload tool, if file is a jpg with hashmark in file name, the mime-type is not accurately identified.","To reproduce: 1. Run the bulk uploader in duradmin. 2. Select a jpg with a # mark in the filename such as test#1.jpg. 3. Select a jpg with without a # mark in the filename such as test2.jpg. 4. Upload files. 5. Refresh space in duradmin 6. Verify that the mimetype for test2.jpg is image/jpeg (correct) 7. Verify test#1.jpg is application/octet-stream (less correct) ",1
-"DURACLOUD-602","01/20/2012 02:04:45","In the copy item dialog, there is no validation for missing destination space info.","To reproduce: 1. as admin, remove write access to all spaces within storageProviderA. 2. as user, login, select a content item, click copy, and select storageProviderA. 3. Verify that the destination space drop down is empty. 4. click ok. 5. verify that the call is made despite the invalid data. Optimal solution: add default list item to the space select (""Select a destination space"") and display invalid form message when this item is selected.",1
-"DURACLOUD-603","01/20/2012 04:34:32","Make the image thumbnails in duradmin larger and improve the layout.","When viewing an image in a public space with the image server service running, make the thumbnail larger and center the layout.",1
-"DURACLOUD-604","01/20/2012 04:49:23","Provide visual feedback for slow loading thumbnails from the image server","Image thumbnails are generated on the fly and then cached by the djatoka image server. The latency in thumbnail generation can sometimes leave the user wondering what happened to the image. Providing a visual cue to show that something is happening, albeit slowly, would improve the experience.",1
-"DURACLOUD-608","01/26/2012 01:45:52","UI issues with prefix + refresh","Part 1: Following these steps: 1. Select a space which has more than 1000 items 2. Enter a prefix into the ""type prefix"" box, hit enter 3. Click the refresh button on the content item listing Causes a series of error dialogs to pop up, indicating a NullPointerException while DurAdmin is attempting to count the space size. The stack trace reported in the dialog is captured in the attached file. Part 2: Following the same steps as above, but selecting a space with less than 1000 items causes the ""Space Detail"" area of the screen to blink continually",1
-"DURACLOUD-615","02/01/2012 03:23:56","Integrate with Shibboleth-based systems","This task is to make it possible for Duradmin to integrate with existing Shibboleth-based authentication and authorization systems. This is needed in order to satisfy the requirements of Internet2 and DfR. See discussions related to this issue here: https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/DFR/Shibboleth+Thread",3
-"DURACLOUD-616","02/02/2012 01:32:12","Space and content checkboxes are hard to click on","When trying to select a set of spaces to work on, I often select several spaces and then accidentally deselect them all accidentally by clicking a few pixels off of another checkbox. The solution here is to add padding to the checkbox element so that it is not necessary to be so precise with the mouse position.",1
-"DURACLOUD-617","02/03/2012 21:30:39","Eventual Consistency on Secondary StorageProviders: CreateSpace","This improvement is to increase the probability that the space creation method will work on secondary providers. Currently, the S3StorageProvider has a wait cycle in the createSpace() method that retries adding the space-metadata file until the bucket has been created and registered. A similar wait cycle should be added to the createSpace() method (or rather appropriate 'setSpaceProperties' method) of: - RackspaceStorageProvider - AzureStorageProvider",1
-"DURACLOUD-619","02/08/2012 03:18:37","Exception on Space Delete","This task is to fix the bug that causes an exception to be thrown when deleting a space either in duradmin or via the REST api. With any storage-provider, when deleting a space in duradmin, a pop-up with the following message is displayed: failed to delete space! In looking at the tomcat log, an error is also shown when using the REST api. In both cases, however, the space is actually deleted.",1
-"DURACLOUD-620","02/09/2012 06:08:14","Duplicate on Change at Space-Level","This improvement is to update the Duplicate on Change service to allow configuration at the space-level. Namely, the service should be able to run on a subset of the total spaces of an account. It would be ideal if this improvement also allowed the spaces over which Dup-on-Change is configured to copy from the primary to any of the secondary providers.",5
-"DURACLOUD-621","02/09/2012 21:12:46","Display bit integrity results on each space","Services are being automated and users are no longer required to run the bit integrity service themselves, but they still need to know that their content is being verified. This task is to include on the UI, likely in the space details area, an indication of when the most recent successful bit integrity check was run over the content in that space. In the event that the most recent bit integrity check resulted in an error, we (DuraCloud staff) will need the opportunity to investigate the issue and correct it if possible before the issue is displayed to the user (this may also be done in an automated fashion.) If it turns out that the error requires user intervention, then it would be nice to be able to have that be indicated in some way on the UI, calling out specifically which files need to be addressed.",2
-"DURACLOUD-626","02/16/2012 23:43:47","Media Streamer: remove Viewer space","Since services will no longer be run directly by users, there is no longer a need for the Media Streamer service to produce the contents of the Viewer space. Those generated files are not used as part of the service, they are only provided as examples for how a user might integrate the media streamer service with their own website. This task is to: - Add a copy of the generated files (updated to be more generic) with some surrounding instructions to the DuraCloud documentation - Update the Media Streamer service to no longer generate these example files",1
-"DURACLOUD-628","02/28/2012 23:16:50","Add user-id to content messaging","This improvement is to include the authenticated user-id of the user performing content actions over the durastore API. At the least, the user-id needs to be included on the ingest event message. This is in support of the DfR: Object Creation Service.",1
-"DURACLOUD-629","03/01/2012 08:06:32","Update Media Streamer Service to not Require Sources","This task is to remove the requirement of the media streamer service to have a source space.",1
-"DURACLOUD-630","03/13/2012 02:21:17","show content manifest head in space detail with link to full manifest","The purpose of this feature is to guide the user to the content manifest for the space as well as enable them to peek at the recent activity. The ""peek"" might be equivalent to head -10 audit-log.",2
-"DURACLOUD-636","03/26/2012 22:25:36","Executor Client","This task is to create a java client (similar to storeclient, serviceclient, and reportclient) to simplify interactions with the Executor REST API.",1
-"DURACLOUD-637","04/05/2012 23:29:10","Add manifest client","This task is to create a Java client for calling the manifest REST methods in DuraBoss.",1
-"DURACLOUD-650","04/17/2012 20:16:10","Newly uploaded content items do not show up on clicking the space.","To reproduce: 1. Open a space. 2. Upload content into a space. 3. Click on the space again in the space list. 4. Notice the newly uploaded content is not showing up.",1
-"DURACLOUD-653","04/17/2012 20:26:27","Tag and Metadata deletes are not being serialized","Tag and Metadata deletes are not being serialized. If one deletes multiple tags/key value pairs in rapid succession, you'll notice that some items that were deleted reappear upon refresh. Solution: use deferreds to serialize calls.",2
-"DURACLOUD-655","04/17/2012 20:32:00","Deselecting all content items after having selected one or more does not cause the detail pane to show the space detail as it should.","To reproduce: 1. select a content item using the checkbox. 2. deselect it. 3. notice the space detail pane is not being displayed.",1
-"DURACLOUD-656","04/17/2012 20:35:38","The checkbox used to select all items in the content items list should be cleared when selecting another space","1. select a space. 2. select all content items. 3. select another space. 4. notice the ""select all"" check box is still checked.",1
-"DURACLOUD-665","04/18/2012 23:45:15","Exceptions being swallowed by javascript on space retrieval in Duradmin","See line 1080 of spaces-manager.js Notice only a 404 error is being handled. ",1
-"DURACLOUD-667","04/19/2012 07:22:53","Storage pie charts in duradmin/spaces should display file size and count totals","Add ",1
-"DURACLOUD-674","04/20/2012 08:07:43","Chronopolis REST Server Client","This feature is to create a java client for the Chronopolis REST Server. https://github.com/msmorul/chron-notifier Further details of the usage of the Chronopolis client can be found here: https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/CHRONO/DuraCloud+Chronopolis+Integration ",3
-"DURACLOUD-678","04/20/2012 22:09:43","Do not display blank ""Size"" property for spaces","The ""Size"" property for spaces (the number of bytes stored in that space) is always available for spaces in Rackspace, because this information is provided, but is never available for spaces in Amazon and some other providers. This task is to remove the ""Size"" property from the space display when it is empty.",1
-"DURACLOUD-680","04/20/2012 22:41:14","Buttons in Space and Content detail should wrap","Currently, when viewing DurAdmin on a small screen or window, buttons in the Space Detail and Content Detail areas can be unavailable. Since there is no horizontal scroll bar, it's not obvious that those additional buttons even exist. Looking at the attached screen shot, it is not obvious that there are View and Delete buttons which do not show up on the screen. This task is to allow these buttons to wrap, so that they will remain available even as the screen size diminishes.",1
-"DURACLOUD-685","05/01/2012 04:27:53","Label Storage Graph Axes","This improvement is to add labels to the two y-axes of the ""History"" ""Byte and File Counts Over Time"" storage graphs. Currently it is not exactly clear that the left-hand y-axis represents cumulative file size, and that the right-hand y-axis represents cumulative file counts.",1
-"DURACLOUD-688","05/01/2012 05:10:32","Bagit Manifest: Two Spaces","This improvement is to make sure that the ManifestGenerator for Bagit manifests delimits the checksum from the path with two spaces instead of the current single space character.",1
-"DURACLOUD-694","05/09/2012 02:47:33","DuraCloud 2.0 UI doesn't load when using Opera or Internet Explorer web browsers","When accessing DuraCloud from Opera or IE, the UI doesn't load properly and is ""unusable"" (i.e. you cannot do anything). Both browsers provide the same result. Here's a summary of what happens: 1. Visit http://[your-site].duracloud.org/ using the Opera or IE 2. Login -- this works fine 3. You are presented with a screen which shows no Spaces or content items. (I.e. it looks as though all your content has disappeared). At this point, there's nothing you can do except logout. This occurs on both Mac OSX and Windows 7 when using Opera, and on Windows 7 when using IE.",1
-"DURACLOUD-695","05/09/2012 03:09:44","Bulk Upload Applet Doesn't Work or Hangs on Multiple Browsers","From the last All Staff Retreat, I know this is a ""known"" issue. But, I wanted to track the scenarios that I've discovered thus far. The Bulk Upload Applet responds in the following ways when loaded in the following environments: * Mac OSX (10.6.8) + Firefox 11.0 - Initially, saw a ""permanent"" hang. I had to kill Firefox to continue. However, after restarting Firefox, on second attempt it loaded almost immediately. * Mac OSX + Chrome 18.0 - Temporary hang (1-2 mins), eventually loads properly. * Mac OSX + Safari 5.1.5 - Loads almost immediately. * Windows 7 + Chrome 18.0 - Loads in about 20-30 seconds * Windows 7 + Firefox 12.0 - Applet never seems to load & I always see a ""blank"" pop-up window (just includes Duracloud header/footer) UPDATE: Actually the issue was that the Java Plugin was disabled. See first comment below. Just as a note, Internet Explorer & Opera also likely should be tested once DURACLOUD-694 issue is resolved.",1
-"DURACLOUD-702","05/15/2012 00:38:29","UI: Space count causes bit integrity notice to be removed","On spaces with a large number of content items, there is an ajax call made to perform the count of items in the background. This number is updated in the space properties as the count continues, and is eventually set to indicate the final number. When a space has had a successful bit integrity run, a notice with a green background is displayed in the space properties, with a link to the results of the bit integrity run. In situations where both of these occur (a large number of items, and a successful bit integrity run), the completion of the item count causes the space properties to be reloaded, which removes the notice about the bit integrity run. This task is to ensure that the bit integrity notice persists through the item count update.",1
-"DURACLOUD-703","05/15/2012 00:41:50","Delete space button available to user","When logged in with ""user"" role, space delete button is available/visible. After clicking to delete space, an error pop-up window appears that states ""space delete failed."" Ideally, a person logged in with ""user"" role would be unable to delete the space, but would have an easy way to delete ALL the contents stored within a space. See attached screenshot for error pop-up window.",1
-"DURACLOUD-706","05/16/2012 20:58:32","UI: Remove image preview","Currently the image preview section of the UI displays an icon (with mountains) when either the Image Server is not on, or when the space is not publicly viewable. This tends to prompt lots of user questions around why they cannot view an preview. This is especially an issue for multi-tenant accounts, where the user is not able to start the Image Server or make their space publicly viewable. This task is to remove the image preview area of the content item display.",1
-"DURACLOUD-708","05/16/2012 21:17:19","500 on Image Content Selection","This bug can be seen when quickly clicking between content items with image mimetypes ('image/*') within duradmin. A 500 error is presented to the user.",1
-"DURACLOUD-710","05/17/2012 19:00:18","UI: Space counting issues","This item covers two issues with the space count that occurs on the space properties of spaces with more than 1000 items: 1. The count now often starts at 0+. The count used to consistently start at 1000+ or 1999+. 2. When the count completes, it very often restarts and performs the count a second time, always ending with the same result.",1
-"DURACLOUD-712","05/17/2012 21:57:48","SyncTool: Better handle periods of time when the DuraCloud instance is unavailable","Update the sync tool to be better able to handle periods of time where the instance has become unavailable. This is particularly important to allow the SyncTool to continue to run normally across DuraCloud instance upgrades. A likely strategy is: When a transfer fails, check to see if the instance is available before doing a retry, if its not, then wait for ~5 min and try again. When the instance becomes available again, resume file transfers.",2
-"DURACLOUD-715","05/24/2012 18:51:11","SDSC Auth Endpoint","This improvement is to switch the authUrl found in SDSCStorageProvider from: ""https://cloud.sdsc.edu/auth/v1.0 to: https://duracloud.auth.cloud.sdsc.edu/auth/v1.0",1
-"DURACLOUD-717","06/04/2012 03:11:54","Synctool - Java7: SSLProtocolException","With Java7, the following exception is thrown when trying to use the Synctool in any standard configuration: Exception in thread ""main"" java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not create connection to DuraStore due to Error retrieving content stores. handshake alert: unrecognized_name The issue and workaround are posted here: http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=7127374",2
-"DURACLOUD-726","06/14/2012 23:48:39","Auditor not passing tests on Windows","The Auditor project produces many errors and test failures when being built using ""mvn clean install"" on Windows. This is due to the use of colon characters in created file names (which are date based), and file path separator issues.",1
-"DURACLOUD-728","06/28/2012 00:00:18","Move DefaultFilter from duradmin to common.","The motivation for this refactoring is to make the aforementioned useful class available to other web applications such as dfr-sync and mc.",1
-"DURACLOUD-733","07/11/2012 20:44:31","Sync Tool: CPU Utilization","The Sync Tool, when run, tends to use a very large percentage of the CPU. As noted by SaaS4, running the Sync Tool continuously for 10 days kept the CPU on their server pegged at 100% the entire time. It seems likely that the high CPU utilization is due to the constant generation of MD5 checksums for each file. This would be a particular issue when the file set contains a large number of very small files. This task is to investigate the reason behind the heavy CPU usage. Ideally a fix could also be included.",2
-"DURACLOUD-735","07/11/2012 20:55:52","Sync Tool: Exclude list","This task is to allow for passing a list of files to the Sync Tool which should be ignored when performing a sync. The simple case is for the file to include one full path to a file per line. Any file in this list would not be pushed to DuraCloud. Directories in the list would be excluded as well, along with all files and subdirectories in each directory. A more complex implementation would allow for using wildcards to indicate files that should not be included. The capabilities of rsync should be reviewed in order to determine the most convenient syntax for the exclusions.",2
-"DURACLOUD-736","07/25/2012 06:26:27","Loading throbber disappears before content item is loaded.","Not a huge problem, but is slightly confusing if there is a lot of latency: 1. click on a space and then click a content item. 2. notice that the ""loading..."" throbber flashes and then disappears before the new content is loaded. ",1
-"DURACLOUD-737","08/01/2012 22:43:34","SyncTool: Preserve local file timestamp information","Based on feedback from the State of North Carolina, they would like the sync tool to preserve the local timestamp information for individual files (both the creation and modified dates/times). They would like this information passed into DuraCloud via the sync tool, available for viewing within DurAdmin, and then retrieved/restored properly by the retrieval tool when content is downloaded.",3
-"DURACLOUD-739","08/08/2012 21:13:23","Timestamp collection utility","This task is to create a utility which can loop through a set of directories and capture the timestamp information (Creation Date, Modified Date, Access Date) on each of the included files. That timestamp info should be written to a file (so that it can be archived locally) as well as written as metadata to each files's corresponding DuraCloud content item. (The expectation here being that the Sync Tool has already done the work of moving each file to DuraCloud.) The capability to capture time stamp information was added to the NIO package in Java 7 (http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/nio/file/attribute/BasicFileAttributes.html), thus this utility will need to be built and run using Java 7. This task is in direct response to needs expressed by the State of North Carolina archives and libraries. Everyone in their offices uses Windows (either 7 or XP), so this utility needs to be tested on Windows.",2
-"DURACLOUD-741","08/09/2012 03:57:46","Bit integrity comparison reports have incorrect header","The reports generated by Bit Integrity Checker and Bit Integrity Bulk have incorrect headers. The header value is ""space-id <\t> content-id <\t> MD5"" but should be something like ""space-id <\t> content-id <\t> MD5-file <\t> MD5-provider <\t> comparison-result"".",1
-"DURACLOUD-742","08/09/2012 04:10:04","UI: Number of items displayed count not always updated properly","The ""Showing X of X"" text at the top of the Content Item pane (with a space selected) is not always correct. Examples: 1. Select a space, notice text at top of content list: ""showing 1 - 200 of X"", switch storage provider, notice text is not cleared 2. Select a space, notice the ""showing X of X"" text. Select several content items and delete them. Notice that the ""Showing "" numbers don't change.",2
-"DURACLOUD-743","08/09/2012 06:34:31","Sync Tool: Clean up log output","The Sync Tool currently logs a variety of ""errors"" when it is running normally. Many of these log statements have to do with calls to determine if a file currently exists in DuraCloud. The attached file includes errors showing up in the log (provided by users at UTK.) This task is to clean up the logging outputs so that only actual errors are logged as such.",1
-"DURACLOUD-746","08/11/2012 02:08:12","Sync Tool: Add option to not overwrite changed files","This task is to add an option to the Sync Tool which ensures that it does not overwrite any existing DuraCloud content. This means that when a file on the local file system, which has previously been added to DuraCloud, changes, it is not simply uploaded again. There are a few choices that need to be made for this new feature to be added: 1. When a file already in DuraCloud changes on the file system, is the updated file transferred to DuraCloud or not. If so, the original file will likely need to be renamed to prevent collision. 2. How is the list of updated files communicated to the user. Are they printed to the console (stdout), or written to a file? Is this consistent between interactive mode and run-to-completion mode? 3. How does this feature impact the upload tool? A comment from the State of North Carolina about how they envision this feature: ""Our ideal upload tool would allow us to specify a local directory to update in the cloud, and the tool would then identify and upload new files (new files defined by file name and path), and alert us to any files that have changed (same file name and path but new checksum hash) and not upload the files that have changed (or upload them in a way that doesn't overwrite the files in the cloud). We would want to make sure that the process of uploading content is kept totally separate from any risk of editing existing content in storage.""",2
-"DURACLOUD-747","08/16/2012 19:40:58","Dup-on-Change: Add an option for default duplication setting, to handle newly created spaces","With the updates to the Duplicate-on-Change service for 2.1, it no longer duplicates newly created spaces. This is fine for multi-tenant instances, but not for enterprise instances, where users may be adding new spaces frequently.",2
-"DURACLOUD-751","08/23/2012 23:53:21","UI: Large bit integrity reports cannot be displayed","For spaces with a large amount of content, the UI option to view the service report in a nice table does not work. This option is presented in the UI on the green health check bar, as well as on the services tab. If the ""report"" link is selected for one of these large spaces, the UI brings up the white display box, then the user waits for a rather long time (while DurAdmin is attempting to read the entire report file into memory so that it can be displayed) and eventually an error is shown indicating that not enough memory is available. To fix this, the size of the report file should be checked. If the size is over some reasonable threshold, the report link should perform a file download (of the raw report) rather than attempting to display the chart.",1
-"DURACLOUD-755","09/11/2012 03:17:41","Secondary storage provider should be read only via the UI","As the synchronization of content between storage providers becomes automated (DURACLOUD-642), it becomes unnecessary for users to edit content in their secondary provider. In order to maintain an assurance that content remains consistent between providers, the ability for users to make changes at their secondary storage provider should be removed. They would still be able to view and download all content, but no add/update/delete operations would be allowed. This task is to update the DurAdmin UI to ensure that users with role user/admin/owner do not have write access to secondary stores.",2
-"DURACLOUD-757","09/26/2012 23:19:19","Content properties are being overwritten when content stream changes.","When the content of an item changes locally and is resynced to duracloud, the custom metadata (properties and tags) are wiped out. To reproduce follow these steps: 1. add a file using the upload applet 2. add a custom property and tag to the content item. 3. change the file on your local machine by adding text to the end of it. 4. resync it using the upload applet. 5. verify that the content metadata is no longer there. Another symptom of this problem: if you log in as userX on the initial content item creation and then login as userY when uploading the changed content item, notice ""creator"" property changes from userX to userY. ",1
-"DURACLOUD-758","10/02/2012 22:44:20","UI: Check box near space name","In DurAdmin, each space name has to its left a checkbox. Users expect that selecting the check box will perform the same action as selecting the space name text. Instead, selecting the checkbox (of one space or more) brings up a multi-select display. A user from UCAR/NCAR was recently caught by this issue, and could not understand why the listing of content items was not showing up until they contacted Carissa for assistance. This task is to discover and implement an alternative to the current UI functionality described above which will be more easily understandable. From Carissa: Three users within the past month have had the misunderstanding that selecting the checkbox next to a space name would then allow them to view their content. Each time I had to field either a support email or call and explain that they should *not* select the checkbox next to the space name to view the content, add content, edit content, etc. but that they should only click on the name to select/highlight the space to view the content. Ideally either clicking directly on the checkbox or the space name will select the space (add the checkmark) and both actions will behave identically: they will display the content of the space with all the other associated actions. The two actions that we lose by doing this are the ""delete selected space"" and ""edit properties"" on the space level. I believe we should determine another way for those options to appear.",2
-"DURACLOUD-759","10/02/2012 22:53:05","Sync Tool: Hidden password option","This task is to provide an option for the Sync Tool which will allow users to supply their DuraCloud password in a way other than via the command line options. The reason this is an issue, is because the full command used to run the sync tool remains available in the process list of the machine on which the sync tool is running. The suggested fix for this concern is to allow users to define an environment variable which contains their DuraCloud password, which would be picked up by the Sync Tool if the -p option is not provided. ",1
-"DURACLOUD-768","01/15/2013 04:21:09","Bit Integrity Tools: Service report not created for empty spaces","When running the Bit Integrity Tools service over a space with 0 content items, it completes successfully with a link to a report file, but that report file does not actually exist. Note that this is the same problem which was reported and resolved in DURACLOUD-704. It appears to have been re-introduced. This task is to ensure that bit integrity reports get generated and stored in x-service-out for empty spaces.",1
-"DURACLOUD-769","01/19/2013 07:59:28","Remove Space Properties and Tags in Duradmin","In order to support Bill's strategy for glacier, see DURACLOUD-767",1
-"DURACLOUD-775","01/30/2013 23:21:09","UI: Make client-side tools easily available","This task is to update DurAdmin to provide very obvious links which allow users to download the client-side tools (Sync Tool, Upload Tool, UpSync, Retreival Tool).",2
-"DURACLOUD-776","01/31/2013 00:22:22","Option for Retrieval Tool to set time stamps on retrieved files","DURACLOUD-737 allows the Sync Tool to preserve local time stamp information in DuraCloud content item properties. This task is to add an option to the Retrieval Tool which will set the time stamps of files that have been retrieved (assuming that those files have time stamp information recorded in DuraCloud).",2
-"DURACLOUD-778","02/05/2013 22:49:04","UI: Handle Glacier storage state errors gracefully","When content is stored in Glacier, attempts to download, view, copy, or edit the properties of that content will result in an error (http status 409). This task is to provide users with useful feedback when they attempt any of these actions on a content item in Glacier. More specifically, when a call is made on a Glacier content item via the storeclient, a ContentStateException is thrown. (If the content item was recently added or has been retrieved from Glacier, it will simply download as expected) This task is to show the user an appropriate error message indicating that the content is in Glacier. For now, that error message can indicate that the user should contact DuraCloud support if they wish to retrieve that content item.",1
-"DURACLOUD-780","02/12/2013 02:29:24","sync tool include top level directory option/flag","After requests from several trial and customer users, the synchronization tool should provide a configuration option/flag in which the entire directory path is included upon upload. Currently, the top level directory is ignored and not persisted in the naming of the content items that are uploaded via the sync tool. This new flag for the sync tool would enable the entire folder structure to be included in the name of the uploaded content.",1
-"DURACLOUD-788","02/26/2013 04:23:54","SyncToolUI: Notify user that restart is required after change to configuration.","Configuration tab: When changing the configuration, this does not take effect until there is a stop/start cycle of the tool. This should be indicated to the user, and an option should be provided to perform a stop/start now or to wait. ",2
-"DURACLOUD-794","03/01/2013 01:28:42","SyncToolUI: Allow clearing of errors","This task is to provide a way, in the SyncToolUI, to clear any errors that have been noted on the errors list.",1
-"DURACLOUD-800","03/01/2013 05:08:42","SyncToolUI: Better feedback for user without write permissions on space","The SyncToolUI should be updated to provide better feedback to users when they have selected a space to sync to which they do not have permissions to write to. Since there is not a simple way to collect this information up front, this task is to pay attention to exceptions that are coming back from a sync activity to determine if it is likely that they are a result of lacking permissions, then provide information to the user that will allow them to be aware of he problem and a suggested resolution.",1
-"DURACLOUD-801","03/26/2013 01:41:28","Shibboleth: Add 403 Access Denied Page","This improvement is dependent on the Shibboleth branch. A DuraCloud-branded 403 page should be rendered when an authenticated user who is not authorized to access DuraCloud tries to log in.",1
-"DURACLOUD-804","04/16/2013 03:46:49","Use JClouds library for all calls to OpenStack providers","The current OpenStack storage provider implementation uses both the client originally provided by Rackspace (which has now been discontinued) as well as the JClouds library (which is now the client recommended by Rackspace for Java development: http://docs.rackspace.com/sdks/guide/content/java.html). This task is to update the OpenStack and Rackspace storage providers to use only JClouds.",5
-"DURACLOUD-805","04/23/2013 03:30:14","Can only perform a bulk action (e.g. deletion) on a maximum of 2 spaces at a time","Today I went in to cleanup some old demo/test content in 'dspacetest.duracloud.org'. When I selected multiple spaces, I found that no matter how many spaces I selected, the total always read ""2 space(s) selected"". Even worse, I selected a total of 5 spaces and clicked ""Delete Selected Spaces"" button. Only the first 2 spaces I selected were deleted. The other 3 were kept. It seems as though the multi-select option only captures the first two spaces you select...after that, any other selections are ignored. Carissa has verified that this also seems to occur on demo.duracloud.org.",1
-"DURACLOUD-813","05/24/2013 04:46:42","UI: Remove upload tool applet, reinstate single file upload","Now that there is a solid UI as part of the Sync Tool, and because of the seemingly constant issues with java applet technology, the multi-file upload applet should be removed from DurAdmin and the single file upload option should be re-instated. This work should occur alongside DURACLOUD-775, which provides easy access to the Sync Tool.",3
-"DURACLOUD-824","05/28/2013 20:52:31","Sync Tool: Ability to restart on system reboot","This task is to provide a way, on Windows, Mac, and Linux systems for a Sync Tool that is running on shutdown to restart and continue running after a system restart.",3
-"DURACLOUD-825","05/30/2013 04:34:23","S3StorageProvider: Remove dependency on a particular access key","The S3StorageProvider makes use of the AWS access key as a prefix for bucket names, just to guarantee that the names are unique. The listing of buckets is also limited to only those with a matching access key. Now that AWS does not make the secret key (essentially the password) available, if we were to lose the secret key, we would have to create another credential pair. If we were to do that, though, the S3StorageProvider would show an empty space listing because the new access key will not match the bucket prefix. This also currently makes it impossible to use the AWS IAM service, which is a best practice. This task is to allow the S3StorageProvider to display and work with buckets regardless of the access key prefix. The prefix should still be used, since uniqueness is still necessary, and should still be stripped before displaying the space names for users. However, rather than requiring a specific access key, any key should work. Since this match will likely require a regex: According to AWS docs, the Access Key ID is a 20-character, alphanumeric sequence.",2
-"DURACLOUD-828","06/05/2013 03:06:22","Retrieval Tool: Hidden password option","DURACLOUD-759 added a hidden password for the Sync Tool. This task is to make use of the same environment variable to pick up the password for the Retrieval Tool. This will help to keep the functionality of the two tools in sync.",1
-"DURACLOUD-832","06/27/2013 21:09:00","RetrievalTool NullPointerException when using all spaces option (-a)","The retrievaltool throws a NullPointerException when using the ""all-spaces"" or ""-a"" command line option and the ""spaces"" or ""-s"" option is not specified, which the ""spaces"" option shouldn't need to be when using ""all-spaces"". The culprit is in RetrievalTool#startRetrievalManager at the line: boolean createSpaceDir = retConfig.getSpaces().size() > 1; because RetrievalToolConfig#getSpaces returns null when the ""spaces"" command line option is not used.",1
-"DURACLOUD-837","07/31/2013 04:28:27","List MD5 option for space listing function of Retrieval Tool","It would be nice to be able to optionally list all the md5s as well as the raw list of contentIds for a space.",1
-"DURACLOUD-838","07/31/2013 04:32:25","List contents of space from a ""pre-chunked"" point of view (Retrieval Tool)","It would be handy to be able to optionally list a space contents as it will appear when retrieved. That is, only list contentIds as they will appear after they are restitched (do not show chunks or manifests). It's a kind of dry run for the retrieval tool in a way.",1
-"DURACLOUD-841","08/07/2013 00:47:46","Image gallery viewer","In a cloud service strategy meeting on Aug 6, 2013 (https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/DSPINT/2013-08-06+-+Cloud+Service+Strategy) there was a discussion about a need expressed by UNC to have a way to view images in DuraCloud as a gallery, in order to aid in the finding of images in their collection. I was thinking that this could be accomplished with an html/css/javascript app that is stored in one of the user's spaces, and allows them to select a space (if that's actually necessary, could be hard coded to the one that is their image library) and view a set of images. The javascript would need to make calls to the DuraCloud REST API to get the list of content items and display each one. The images would likely be scaled down a bit, to make browsing easier, and clicking on them would display the (slightly) larger size. The REST API would also be used to allow paging through the content items (and not trying to display too many at once). The option to specify a prefix for filtering would need to be there, and the user would need to be able to see the full content ID of the item they are viewing, since that will be the link back to the full size archival image on their internal system. There is an expectation that the UNC folks will be generating the necessary low-res images that would be viewed through this gallery viewer, and would load those images into a DuraCloud space.",2
-"DURACLOUD-846","10/17/2013 01:17:56","Update to the latest JClouds","In DuraCloud release 2.4 an issue with the JClouds library that was used (the latest at the time) was that it would not perform reauthentication when the auth token expired. This required a work around in DuraStore. The issue has now been fixed: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/JCLOUDS-178. This task is to update to the latest JClouds library when possible.",1
-"DURACLOUD-847","10/18/2013 21:37:25","SyncTool/StoreClient failing when attempting to connect to a DuraCloud instance with a configured Glacier provider","From ucar customer, when attempting to run the sync tool (version 2.1.0) against a DuraCloud 2.4 instance with a Glacier storage provider configured, the following error appears: Starting up the Sync Tool ...Exception in thread ""main"" java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not create connection to DuraStore due to Error retrieving content stores. null at org.duracloud.sync.util.StoreClientUtil.createContentStore(StoreClientUtil.java:40) at org.duracloud.sync.SyncTool.startSyncManager(SyncTool.java:148) at org.duracloud.sync.SyncTool.runSyncTool(SyncTool.java:292) at org.duracloud.sync.SyncTool.main(SyncTool.java:355) Caused by: org.duracloud.error.ContentStoreException: Error retrieving content stores. null at org.duracloud.client.ContentStoreManagerImpl.getStorageAccounts(ContentStoreManagerImpl.java:164) at org.duracloud.client.ContentStoreManagerImpl.getPrimaryContentStore(ContentStoreManagerImpl.java:118) at org.duracloud.sync.util.StoreClientUtil.createContentStore(StoreClientUtil.java:37) ... 3 more Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException at org.duracloud.storage.domain.StorageAccountManager.initialize(StorageAccountManager.java:50) at org.duracloud.client.ContentStoreManagerImpl.getStorageAccounts(ContentStoreManagerImpl.java:152) ... 5 more",1
-"DURACLOUD-848","10/31/2013 00:13:53","Bulk Select/Delete Tool","Several customers have requested the need for a tool that will allow them to perform a bulk delete of a subset of content in a space. They need a tool that will allow them to, first, specify which content to delete from a space and then, second, perform a bulk delete for that content.",1
-"DURACLOUD-869","04/24/2014 03:49:40","Sync Tool: add content ID prefix option","In a discussion with NCDCR, they noted that they would like to be able to break up their data set, and perform syncs at lower levels in their path hierarchy, but are prevented from doing so because they would like the full directory path to be included in the content ID. Currently, the only way to do this is (in a Windows environment) to either run the Sync/Upload tool from a high level directory, or move content around. Moving content around, in their production storage system is not practical. The new feature requested to resolve this problem: Allow for a prefix option, that would be prepended on all content items being transferred. To keep this simple, the prefix provided would apply to all files in all specified content directories.",2
-"DURACLOUD-881","07/14/2014 23:53:21","Cannot configure or turn off logging of Retrier in ContentStoreImpl","The ContentStoreImpl currently has hardcoded settings for how it logs errors encountered during ""retries"". Unfortunately, this is not ideal for all use cases of the API. For example, in the Replication Task Suite, we use ContentStoreImpl.getContentProperties() method as a way to tell whether content already exists in DuraCloud. If that content does not exist, we expect to receive a NotFoundException. This lets us perform logic like: ""If content exists in DuraCloud, see what checksum DuraCloud reports. If DuraCloud checksum differs from local checksum, re-upload the content."" Unfortunately, however, getContentProperties() logs this same warning message to log4j 4 times in a row (1 + 3 retries) if the content does NOT yet exist in DuraCloud: 2014-07-14 16:46:28,336 WARN org.duracloud.client.ContentStoreImpl @ Error attempting to get properties 'ITEM@10673-10.zip' in 'dspace-dev-backup' due to: Response code was 404, expected value was 200. Response body value: null This causes the logs for the Replication Task Suite to actually fill up with unnecessary warnings from the DuraCloud v3.1.1 API. For example, anytime we want to upload NEW content to DuraCloud, we first check if it already exists (which logs that error x 4) before the new content is uploaded. The logged warnings would cause unnecessary worry for anyone looking at the logs -- in reality they are harmless in this scenario, as the content obviously doesn't exist before it is first uploaded. It looks like the WARN message is generated by ""doGetContentProperties"" here: https://github.com/duracloud/duracloud/blob/master/storeclient/src/main/java/org/duracloud/client/ContentStoreImpl.java#L904 It is then repeated 4 times as a ""log.warn"" in the default execute() method (which is configured to do 3 retries): https://github.com/duracloud/duracloud/blob/master/storeclient/src/main/java/org/duracloud/client/ContentStoreImpl.java#L216 Ideally, there should be some way to configure the logging in the ContentStoreImpl. I like that this same task is retried 3 times. But in many scenarios, I'd rather it just throw me a final Error if all retries failed, rather than logging the same error message multiple times in a row. If logging cannot be easily configurable, then switching the default execute() method to just do a ""log.debug"" would be better. That way I can see the underlying error if I turn on debugging, but by default my logs don't get filled with the same errors repeated. NOTE: This was discovered while attempting to upgrade the DSpace Replication Task Suite to use DuraCloud API version 3.1.1 (JARS: storeclient, storeprovider, common). Unfortunately, until logging is cleaned up in some way, it's unlikely I'll release the upgraded Replication Task Suite code.",2
-"DURACLOUD-882","07/25/2014 23:51:27","Fixity check green bar not being displayed","The green bar that show the date of the last fixity check is not being displayed in DuraCloud 3.1. This feature needs to be re-instated as the new bit integrity system is put in place to allow users to see the dates of health checks.",3
-"DURACLOUD-884","09/10/2014 23:04:30","Better handling for content files added with an incorrect checksum","Currently when a content item is added to a storage provider via a PUT content REST call, if the checksum included with that content item does not match the checksum computed by the provider, a 500 response is generated, and the file itself remains on the storage provider. This task is to: 1. Ensure that if content fails the checksum check, it is either not added to or is removed from the space. 2. Return a response with an error code and body text that better describes the issue.",3
-"DURACLOUD-895","10/31/2014 01:51:26","Synctool fails when the max file size is greater than max java integer value","Using the synctool, uploads of files greater than Integer.MAX_VALUE fail when the max file size is set appropriately high (ie > 2 GBs). ",1
-"DURACLOUD-896","11/04/2014 04:58:03","Add SyncTool feature which allows for skipping existance checks for new content sets","This feature allows initial transfers of data sets to proceed without the usual checks to see if the content is already in DuraCloud (since we know that it is not.) Instead, all files will simply be transferred. The need for this feature comes from GSU. With a large set of small files (4.7 million under 1 MB), the overhead of doing the checks for each file was slowing down the overall transfer considerably. ",2
-"DURACLOUD-898","11/13/2014 17:44:18","Spaces no longer loading in Firefox 33.0+ in duradmin","After upgrading to Firefox 33.0 spaces are not longer loading.",1
-"DURACLOUD-904","01/15/2015 19:00:34","SyncTool: Make sure files restored from change list on re-start are in the current set of content directories","An issue reported by NCDCR: The SyncTool performed a restart and picked up an old change list file even though the set of content directories was completely different. This happened because the SyncTool was started (writing the config) then killed before the old change list could be overwritten. On the next run, the config matched, so a restarted was carried out, pulling in change list files which really should have been ignored. To fix this problem, the proposal is add a check on restart, just after the change list is read in, to remove any files from the change list that don't actually exist in the list of content directories.",1
-"DURACLOUD-911","04/10/2015 15:54:52","Failure with space and %20 in content ID on SDSC","Several failures have been noted recently in the mill when attempting to perform a duplication of a content item with a content ID that includes ""%20"" in the content ID from Amazon to SDSC. (Note that %20 is the url encoding for a blank space.) The attached file is a set of errors from the mill dead letter queue. I was able to reproduce the issue by attempting to create a content item in SDSC with the name: ""test-file spaces%20percents.txt"". Note that I did not see an issue with ""test-file spaces.txt"" or ""test-file%20percents.txt"", so it would appear that the combination of the two characters (an actual space, and ""%20"") is necessary to provoke the issue.",2
-"DURACLOUD-912","04/10/2015 16:06:38","Copy dialog in UI has multiple progress spinners next to space selection","As shown in the attached image, when performing a copy via DurAdmin, multiple spinning circles to indicate loading or progress are shown next to the space drop-down selection. This becomes more of an issue when the storage provider selection is used to change the selected provider. Previously, there was one of these spinners, which was present as the list of spaces was generated and then went away one the list was populated. That was great. Now when I transition between storage providers, a string of these are presented (I've counted at least 9) with overlapping text (making the text impossible to read). Some of the spinners do disappear, but 2 seem to remain even after the space listing is fully populated.",1
-"DURACLOUD-917","05/06/2015 17:13:49","Storage report display values are inconsistent","The storage report charts in the DurAdmin display do not show consistent values between the line chart (historical size) and the pie charts. This inconsistency is because one of the two uses GiB (Gibibytes) and the other uses GB (Gigabytes). A GiB is 1024^3 bytes, while a GB is 1000^3 bytes. This issue should be resolved by updating the storage reports to make use of GB rather than GiB. This will provide greater consistency. Note that this is also an issue reported in DURACHRON-79, where the inconsistency is between the storage reports and the snapshot.",1
-"DURACLOUD-929","07/08/2015 01:00:53","Multiple space selection does not work","In DuraCloud v3.3.0, when multiple spaces are selected, the UI displays as if no spaces were selected. There is no option to delete the selected spaces or edit properties (as there was in 3.2.2 and previous versions) To reproduce: 1. Select a space. 2. Click on the checkbox of another space. 3. The multiple space selection panel does not show up in the detail area.",1
-"DURACLOUD-940","09/11/2015 22:44:56","Bit Integrity Reports are not showing up in duradmin for secondary providers.","(from an email from bbranan) I was looking at some bit integrity results this morning and noticed in all of the accounts I looked at (colum, icpsr, and demo), that there are no green bit integrity bars on any of the spaces in any secondary providers. I spot checked a few, and there are successful bit report entries for those spaces in the mill db, they just aren't being shown in the UI. When I select a space on SDSC providers in duradmin, it takes a while for the space to load. It appears to be attempting to get the bit integrity report, but it fails to do so. Looking at the logs, I see consistent errors like this: ERROR 2015/09/11 13:26:40 [ajp-bio-8009-exec-25212] (SpaceController.java:117) [populateBitIntegrityResults()] - failed to populate bit integrity results due to error:Error attempting to get bit integrity report properties 'carissa-folder-test' due to: Response code was 500, expected value was 200. Response body value: null org.duracloud.error.ContentStoreException: Error attempting to get bit integrity report properties 'carissa-folder-test' due to: Response code was 500, expected value was 200. Response body value: null at org.duracloud.client.ContentStoreImpl.getBitIntegrityReportProperties(ContentStoreImpl.java:1214) ~[storeclient-3.3.0.jar:na] at org.duracloud.duradmin.spaces.controller.SpaceController.populateBitIntegrityResults(SpaceController.java:109) [SpaceController.class:na] at org.duracloud.duradmin.spaces.controller.SpaceController.get(SpaceController.java:96) [SpaceController.class:na] ",1
-"DURACLOUD-942","09/17/2015 15:50:00","Add support for S3 - Infrequently Accessed storage option","According to this announcement: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-storage-update-new-lower-cost-s3-storage-option-glacier-price-reduction/?sc_ichannel=em&sc_icountry=global&sc_icampaigntype=launch&sc_icampaign=em_148542750&sc_idetail=em_2049897831&ref_=pe_430550_148542750_7, Amazon is now offering the option of a lower cost S3 tier for infrequently accessed data. This task is to transition all DuraCloud content to this new option. The best way to take advantage of S3 - IA is via bucket lifecycle policies. Because of the additional cost of content deletes in the first 30 days, it would be best to set these policies to transition content from S3 Standard storage to S3 - IA storage after the content has been stored for 30 days. This policy should be created when a new space is created (via the S3StorageProvider) As part of this work, the current S3 task which transitions content to Reduced Redundancy storage should be replaced with a task that adds the bucket policy for S3 - IA to an existing bucket. To complete this transition, a script will need to be written which uses this task to update all current accounts. The storage class init parameter should also be removed (from both app-config, and from the MC). It no longer makes sense to support reduced redundancy storage.",2
-"DURACLOUD-957","12/04/2015 20:43:41","Backup thread runs too frequently on synctool.","Currently the synctool's backup thread is running on the same schedule as the directory polling period which is 10 seconds by default. The back up thread period should not be tied to the polling period. Instead it should run at least every 5 minutes by default. Also thread synchronization on on the ChangedList.persist method is causing threads to wait until the backup file is completely written rather than waiting only until the file list is copied in memory.",1
-"DURACLOUD-974","03/18/2016 20:48:57","Finish storage report conversion: relative space byte and item count sizes.","For beanstalk version implement storage stats pie chart view of space size and space item count as of x day to match what is currently available in duracloud 3.6.0.",3
-"DURACLOUD-978","03/22/2016 18:29:06","Bit Integrity Report REST call incorrectly returns 204 code when space is not found.","It should be returning 404",1
-"DURACLOUD-983","03/29/2016 17:11:49","Durastore: TaskProviderFactory is not aware of global account repo","With the recent beanstalk-oriented changes, any durastore instance can serve requests for any account. However it appears that the TaskProviderFactoryImpl is not aware of these changes. It is still thinking that it must be initialized externally as opposed to reading from the global account store.",2
-"DURACLOUD-984","03/30/2016 20:21:23","Remove classic init from DuraCloud","As we move towards an Elastic Beanstalk oriented deployment, we no longer need to support classic two phase init (ie xml posted to the application).",3
-"DURACLOUD-994","04/05/2016 22:02:45","Duplicate response headers from REST API","Calling the REST API for GetContentProperties return some duplicate headers, excerpted below: $ curl -I -u ""${DURACLOUD_USER}:${DURACLOUD_PASSWORD}"" https://${DURACLOUD_HOST}/durastore/rest-api-testing/foo2 HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Tue, 05 Apr 2016 19:38:14 GMT ETag: 26dc5f719443fb5ff49b87b3853d5d7c ETag: 26dc5f719443fb5ff49b87b3853d5d7c Content-MD5: 26dc5f719443fb5ff49b87b3853d5d7c Content-MD5: 26dc5f719443fb5ff49b87b3853d5d7c Last-Modified: 2016-04-05T18:36:52 Last-Modified: 2016-04-05T18:36:52",1
-"DURACLOUD-1020","05/19/2016 21:58:18","Move Bit Integrity Producer on to the Sentinel","In order to better utilize our AWS resources we should do the following: 1. Retire the Bit Integrity Producer Autoscale group and configuration. 2. Move the bit integrity producer process onto the sentinel and have it run continuously. 3. Upgrade the sentinel to an m3.medium. 4. Ensure that the bit report autoscale group is scaling down when the bit report queue has been empty for more than 3 hours.",2
-"DURACLOUD-1061","08/19/2016 20:30:59","Add large file test coverage for chunked files in the DuraStoreChunkSyncEndpoint","This test should ensure that a 3 GB file is chunked properly through the DuraStoreChunkSyncEndpoint. Also, make sure that the test is written in such a way that we can easily add in tests for much larger files should the need arise.",2
-"DURACLOUD-1115","06/08/2017 21:32:50","Manually set ""Modified"" timestamp values are not persisted to the audit_log_item and manifest_item tables.","We use the ""modified"" field of the audit_log_item and manifest_item fields to record the time of the audit events moving through the system. However we are also using the field for jpa versioning. JPA as a result is overwriting the values we are setting programmatically just before persisting the data causing the event to appear to have occurred later in time than it actually occurred. The result is that the manifest can fall out of sync with the storage provider in a couple of ways when deletes and updates occur within relatively narrow timeframes and there is high latency in the audit message processing times: 1) a manifest record may appear to be missing. 2) the checksum on the manifest may be out of sync with the file.",3
-"DURACLOUD-1120","06/28/2017 22:33:40","notifications@duracloud.org is hardcoded in SESNotificationManager","The notifications email sender should be configurable so that non-DuraSpace DuraCloud providers will send mill notifications to the proper place.",2
-"DURACLOUD-1133","08/01/2017 00:07:38","Reintroduce exclusions into DirWalk for the sake of efficiency","Currently (as of 4.3.6) the DirWalker does not exclude directories directly. Rather it looks at files only and then traverses the ancestors of the file in search of matching directories to exclude. Thus the DirWalker will unnecessarily slow to a crawl when traversing an excluded directory with large numbers of files. With the recent commit to resolve duracloud-1129 the exclusion check was moved from DirWalker to ChangedList. However, without exclusion checks in the DirWalker, all files within an excluded directory will still be traversed thus slowing the DirWalker. It should be noted that on reintroduction, it is necessary to add logic that was previously missing (ie in 4.3.6) to ensure that directories are filtered directly.",2
-"DURACLOUD-1166","12/30/2017 20:58:17","The management console assumes duracloud.org as domain","In the management console UI some tables of accounts hardcoded the .duracloud.org domain",2