-- [ ] Add `data-ref=""click-supermind-composer-submit-button""`
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",5
-117032666,2022-10-17 13:35:32.101,Notification for engagement on comments has blue text,"
-### Summary
-### Steps to reproduce
-1. Get upvote on your notification
-2. See that the text of notification is blue
-### Platform information
-Brave, win10, Staging
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-Whole text is blue
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-Text should be white, unless it's a link, hashtag or @ tag
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-(Paste any relevant logs - please use code blocks (```) to format console output,
-logs, and code as it's very hard to read otherwise.)
-### Possible fixes
-(If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem)",1
-116920553,2022-10-14 21:44:22.828,Supermind creator onboarding shows incorrect platform fee,"
-### Summary
-The platform fee indicated on the Supermind creator onboarding indicates the platform fee is 10%. This is incorrect -- the paltform fee is 15%.
-### Steps to reproduce
-- Launch the Supermind console for the first time
-- The Supermind creator onboarding appears
-### Platform information
-- Mobile app, iPhone, iOS 16
-- Web, Chrome
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-The message indicates the platform fee is 10%.
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-The message indicates the platform fee is 15%.
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-### Possible fixes
-(If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem)",1
-116918908,2022-10-14 20:38:16.663,Enable users to require Twitter repost on Supermind offer screen,"## Goal
-As a Supermind offer-er, I want to require that the reply to my Supermind is reposted to Twitter, so that my replay can reach users not on Minds.
-## What needs to be done
-Add an checkbox option to the Supermind offer form that enables a Supermind offer-er to require Twitter repost.
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-## Personas
-Minds user looking for reach
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] The Supermind offer form includes an optional checkbox to require Twitter repost
-- [ ] The checkbox is DISABLED by default
-- [ ] When the checkbox is enabled, the Supermind reply must be reposted to Twitter in order to accept the offer
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",2
-116847054,2022-10-13 16:48:18.377,Bug: Supermind onboarding modal can't be closed,"### Summary
-The Superminds onboarding modal doesn't allow for scrolling. If the screen is too small, or the font size is too large, the `Continue` button is not clickable. The user cannot proceed.
-### Steps to reproduce
-- Set iOS font size to very large
-- Launch the Minds app
-- Navigate to the Supermind console for the first time
-### Platform information
-- iPhone 12 Mini
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-- The Supermind onboarding modal appears
-- The `Continue` button is not visible
-- The screen cannot be scrolled
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-- The Supermind onboarding modal appears
-- The `Continue` button IS visible
-- The screen CAN be scrolled
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-### Possible fixes
-In addition to making the screen scroll to display overflow, we should consider making the `Continue` button sticky at the bottom of the screen so that it's always visible. A user may not know the scroll.",2
-116741075,2022-10-12 10:01:10.713,Cash validation failure for Supermind offer prevents token tab from being submitted,"
-### Summary
-Cash validation failure for Supermind offer prevents token tab from being submitted. This is more of an issue than it may initially appear because if you raise your min cash amount, the default supplied is
-### Steps to reproduce
-1. Make an offer to nemofin
-2. In cash set the token amount to 9, check agree to terms so if the amount was enough, it would submit
-3. Click token tab, try to submit - you cannot.
-### Platform information
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-Cannot submit when the form visually is valid, because the cash offer is too low (even though we're on the token tab)
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-- You should be able to submit the token page when everything on the token page is valid, even if the cash page has validation errors.
-- You should be able to submit the cash page when everything on the cash page is valid, even if the token page has validation errors.
-- **TO DISCUSS** Should the amounts default to the minimum for the user you have selected (as users may set custom minimums) - this made this issue much more apparent however there are UX considerations either way - we should discuss in planning and come to an agreement. If this task is brought in ad-hoc we should discuss in standup.
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-### Possible fixes
-(If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem)",3
-116535687,2022-10-09 15:18:13.488,Update Engagement Reward Documentation,"
-## Goal
-The end-user documentation for the engagement rewards is currently fragmented and requires reviewing.
-## What needs to be done
-Based upon the following official Minds articles and posts, I am recommending that the existing ""increasing the power of voting"" blog article is amended with the information that is currently provided within the following posts, as well as the blog article being updated when any further applicable changes are implemented and if appropriate, any relevant support platform based articles are also updated (ie. the image that is displayed within the ""how to earn daily token rewards"" support platform article).
-* Increasing The Power of Voting: An Experiment In Community-Powered Curation For Engagement Rewards (Minds Blog Article)
-* Temporary Engagement Reward Suspension For Group And Paywalled Based Posts (Minds Support Post)
-* Downvotes Will No Longer Be Part Of The Engagement Score Calculation (Minds Support Post)
-* How To Earn Daily Token Rewards (Minds Support Platform Article)
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] ...
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",3
-116493687,2022-10-07 21:02:09.364,Prompt users to connect a bank account when accepting cash Supermind offer,"## Goal
-As Minds, I want to send cash Supermind offers to creators, regardless of whether or not they've previously connected a bank account.
-As a user, I want to accept a cash Supermind offer and collect the offer.
-## What needs to be done
-Handle cash Supermind offer charges when the recipient has not already connected a bank account. https://gitlab.com/minds/minds/-/issues/3409
-Add a step into the Supermind reply flow when the offer is for cash and the recipient has not previously connected to a bank account.
-1. View Supermind console
-2. Click accept on a cash offer
-3. `New`: Prompt to connect a bank account
-4. Compose the reply
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-[Figma prototype](https://www.figma.com/proto/thrGepQAxmcMGB7MoEEckM/Supermind?page-id=287%3A5127&node-id=2381%3A27571&viewport=470%2C192%2C0.03&scaling=min-zoom&starting-point-node-id=287%3A5128&show-proto-sidebar=1&hide-ui=1)
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] Feature flag to be enabled from sender side
-- [ ] Finish implementation of https://gitlab.com/minds/engine/-/merge_requests/1147/diffs
-- [ ] Users can send cash Supermind offers to anyone, regardless of whether or not they've previously connected a bank account.
-- [ ] Given a recipient has not previously connected a bank account, and they've received a cash Supermind offer, when they click to accept the offer, then they are prompted to connect their bank account via toast error message
-- [ ] Given the stripe connect account has been connected, then the recipient can continue to compose a Supermind reply.
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",5
-116431726,2022-10-06 23:04:12.474,Prompt users to oauth with Twitter when Supermind offer requires it,"## Goal
-As a user, I want to connect Minds with Twitter oauth so that I can satisfy requirements of Twitter Supermind offers.
-## What needs to be done
-Add a step into the Supermind reply flow when the offer requires Twitter oauth and the target user has not previously oauthed with Twitter.
-1. View Supermind console
-2. Click accept
-3. `New`: Prompt to oauth with Twitter
-4. Compose the reply
-5. [Post the reply to Minds + Twitter](https://gitlab.com/minds/minds/-/issues/3476)
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-[Figma prototype](https://www.figma.com/proto/thrGepQAxmcMGB7MoEEckM/Supermind?page-id=287%3A5127&node-id=2381%3A27571&viewport=470%2C192%2C0.03&scaling=min-zoom&starting-point-node-id=287%3A5128&show-proto-sidebar=1&hide-ui=1)
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] Given a recipient has not previously oauthed with Twitter, and they've received a Supermind offer that requires Twitter repost, when they click to accept the offer, then they are prompted to oauth with Twitter.
-- [ ] Given the prompt has been completed, then the recipient can continue to compose a Supermind reply.
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",5
-116431516,2022-10-06 22:50:55.098,Publish Supermind replies to Twitter,"## Goal
-As a creator, I want to re-post my Supermind reply on Twitter so that I can satisfy the Supermind offer requirements.
-As a creator, I want to re-post my Supermind reply on Twitter so that I can generate more Supermind offers.
-## What needs to be done
-When a user clicks `Post` on a Supermind reply, they're presented with a confirmation modal. If the user has oauth connected with Twitter, the confirmation modal also displays an option to post the reply to Twitter.
-Enable users with Twitter oauth to repost the contents of their Supermind reply to their Twitter account.
-If the Supermind offer requires the Twitter repost, then the option to repost cannot be disabled.
-If the Supermind offer does not require Twitter repost, then the option to repost is toggle-able.
-When the confirmation is made and posting to Twitter is selected, then a Twitter post is generated, with the content of the Minds reply duplicated as possible.
-| Reply content | Twitter post content | Media attachment | Link | UTM parameter |
-| Text only | Up to 280 characters of the text response. If the response is longer than 280 character, end with ... ellipses. | None | Link to the reply on Minds | ?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=supermind&utm_campaign=repost |
-| Media only | None | Image or video from Minds reply | Link to the reply on Minds | ?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=supermind&utm_campaign=repost |
-| Text + media | Up to 280 characters of the text response. If the response is longer than 280 character, end with ... ellipses. | Image or video from Minds reply | Link to the reply on Minds | ?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=supermind&utm_campaign=repost |
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-[Figma prototype](https://www.figma.com/proto/thrGepQAxmcMGB7MoEEckM/Supermind?page-id=287%3A5127&node-id=2381%3A27571&viewport=470%2C192%2C0.03&scaling=min-zoom&starting-point-node-id=287%3A5128&show-proto-sidebar=1&hide-ui=1)
-## Personas
-Creators on Minds
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] Given a user has oauth connected to Twitter, when the reply is posted, then the Supermind reply confirmation displays a checkbox option to repost the reply on Twitter.
-- [ ] Given the Twitter checkbox appears, by default it is enabled (checked).
-- [ ] Given the originating Supermind offer does not require Twitter repost, the checkbox can be disabled.
-- [ ] Given the originating Supermind offer requires Twitter repost, the checkbox cannot be disabled.
-- [ ] Given the Twitter checkbox is enabled, when the confirmation modal is accepted, then the contents of the Supermind reply are posted to both Minds and Twitter.
-- [ ] Do not concern about media uploads to twitter, just use rich embed support
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",5
-116428263,2022-10-06 20:38:51.858,Multi-image quote posting - can't open images in modal,"
-### Summary
-Quote posts with multiple images don't allow the user to view the images in modals
-### Steps to reproduce
-- View [a quote post with multiple images](https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1424507434050785297)
-- Click an image
-### Platform information
-- MacOS + Chrome
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-- Nothing happens
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-- The clicked image opens in a modal view
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-### Possible fixes
-(If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem)",3
-116367883,2022-10-05 22:41:12.615,Add recipient's username in the body of Supermind emails,"## Goal
-Some users have reported that they have multiple Minds accounts, and that Supermind offers in their email are not communicating which account received the offer.
-## What needs to be done
-Add the recipient's username to the body of Supermind emails, inserting a new paragraph line above the main body of the email.
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] The recipient's username appears in the body of all Supermind emails.
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",2
-116367466,2022-10-05 22:20:25.609,"Add ""7 days to reply"" language to the bottom of the offer modal: Mobile","## Goal
-Communicate the functionality of Supermind to users as they engage with the product.
-## What needs to be done
-Display a message at the bottom of the offer screen that communicates:
-> The recipient will have up to 7 days to reply. You may cancel the offer at anytime
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] The message appears at the bottom of the offer screen
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",1
-116366953,2022-10-05 21:51:31.009,Keyboard overlays Supermind onboarding modal,"### Summary
-The Supermind onboarding modal can be obstructed by the keyboard.
-### Steps to reproduce
-- ???
-### Platform information
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-- The Supermind onboarding modal appears
-- The keyboard stays on top of it
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-- The Supermind onboarding modal appears
-- The keyboard is closed
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-### Possible fixes
-(If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem)",1
-116362266,2022-10-05 20:45:29.688,Can't reply to Supermind on mobile,"### Summary
-I get a confusing toast message when replying to Martin's supermind offer.
-### Steps to reproduce
-- Tap ""Accept"" in the Supermind console for a text reply Supermind (e.g. https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1424486167453110275)
-- Complete a response and add an image
-- Post the response
-### Platform information
-- iOS 16 + latest TestFlight build
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-A toast message is displayed:
-> The Supermind request is not in the correct status to perform the requested action
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-(What you should see instead)
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-### Possible fixes
-(If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem)",1
-116282237,2022-10-04 20:56:35.039,Resolve restricted account situation on Stripe,"
-## Goal
-Our current Stripe Connect system is very out of date, and it's hard to keep up with the requirements. We need to investigate moving to Express or updating the current system. Most of our biggest creators have restricted accounts. :/
-## What needs to be done
-Either build a flow for them to update or move to stripe express. Ideally creators can use their existing stripe accounts so that Minds doesn't have a single point of failure.
-**Helpful link**: https://stripe.com/docs/api/account_links/create
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] PoC implementation
-- [ ] Future tasks built out
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",3
-116281177,2022-10-04 20:22:09.787,Minds logo is misaligned on email template in Protonmail,"### Summary
-The Minds logo in our updated email template gets misaligned when the email template is viewed in Protonmail. (Maybe others.)
-### Steps to reproduce
-- Sign up for a Minds account, using an email address connected to Protonmail.
-- Open up one of the initial onboarding emails (e.g. email verification).
-- Click the `Load` button in Protonmail to load remote content (images).
-### Platform information
-- MacOS + Chrome
-- Windows + Brave
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-- The Minds logo is loaded
-- The logo is LEFT-aligned on the page
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-- The Minds logo is loaded
-- The logo is CENTER-aligned on the page
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-### Possible fixes
-I've worked around this in versions of the template I use in SendGrid. I add this CSS to the `` tag that contains the image:
-> `display: flex; justify-content: center;`",1
-116216744,2022-10-03 22:56:57.219,Add Supermind badge to Supermind offer posts,"## Goal
-Differentiate Supermind offer posts to indicate they're Superminds and add context that reduces confusion.
-## What needs to be done
-Add the `Supermind` badge to Supermind offer posts
-Currently, a Supermind REPLY is differentiated by:
-- A `Supermind` badge appears in the top-right corner
-- The quoted post has a colored outline
-For Supermind OFFER posts, we want:
-- A `Supermind` badge appears in the top-right corner
-- NO coloration of the quoted post (if there even is one)
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] Given a post has a related Supermind offer, when the post is displayed, then a `Supermind` badge appears in the top-right corner of the post (same position as the same badge on Supermind replies)
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",1
-116163647,2022-10-03 07:09:36.891,Can't remind posts on Canary - Desktop,"
-### Summary
-When trying to remind posts in Canary on desktop, I am unable to because I get [object Object]
-### Steps to reproduce
-1. Enter canary
-2. Try reminding something (shouldn't matter if from feed or permalink page)
-3. See you get object object error
-### Platform information
-Windows 10, Brave and Chrome
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-Impossible to remind posts, because I get object Object error
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-Reminding posts should be possible
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-(Paste any relevant logs - please use code blocks (```) to format console output,
-logs, and code as it's very hard to read otherwise.)
-### Possible fixes
-(If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem)",1
-116096837,2022-09-30 21:54:25.693,Supermind console freezes app,"### Summary
-Navigating to the Supermind console crashes the app for Jack.
-### Steps to reproduce
-- Launch the app
-- Log in as `@supermind1`
-- Tap the `Supermind` option in the main navigation menu
-### Platform information
-iphone 11 iOS 15.6.1
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-The app freezes and screen goes white.
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-The Supermind console appears and displays Supermind offers.
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-### Possible fixes
-(If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem)",1
-116096512,2022-09-30 21:34:35.696,"When clearing/closing Supermind offer screen, the composer remains","### Summary
-Some debatably confusing behavior when clicking a Supermind button and then dismissing the Supermind offer screen.
-### Steps to reproduce
-- Tap the Supermind button on any post
-- The Supermind offer screen appears
-- Tap the `Clear` button to close the Supermind offer screen
-### Platform information
-- iOS app
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-- The Supermind offer screen closes
-- The composer remains, in a quote post state
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-- Given the Supermind offer screen is initiated from a Supermind button that's NOT the composer,
-- when the user taps the `Clear` button,
-- then the Supermind offer screen closes
-- and the user returns to the screen where they started
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-### Possible fixes
-(If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem)",2
-116096267,2022-09-30 21:21:29.658,Supermind offer screen shudders when opened,"### Summary
-When opening the Supermind offer / payment screen, the screen appears to shudder / flutter briefly.
-### Steps to reproduce
-Tap the Supermind button on any activity post.
-### Platform information
-- iOS app
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-The Supermind offer screen appears, and shudders slightly.
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-The supermind offer screen appears smoothly.
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-### Possible fixes
-(If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem)",3
-116096209,2022-09-30 21:18:01.585,Supermind badge appears twice on Supermind replies,"### Summary
-On Supermind replies, the Supermind badge is appearing twice.
-### Steps to reproduce
-View a Supermind reply in the mobile app.
-### Platform information
-- iOS app
-- Android app (?)
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-The Supermind badge appears on both the initial offer message and the reply message.
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-Supermind label should appear only on the Supermind reply.
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-### Possible fixes
-116090874,2022-09-30 18:23:29.197,Improve toast message when an invalid Supermind reply is posted,"## Goal
-Clearly communicate to a Supermind replier that their post doesn't meet the requirements of the offer.
-## What needs to be done
-- Given a Supermind reply does not meet the requirements of the offer,
-- when the replier presses the `Post` button,
-- throw the appropriate toast message (outlined below),
-- and don't post the message.
-| Requirement | Message |
-| Image | This Supermind offer requires an image in the reply |
-| Video | This Supermind offer requires a video in the reply |
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-Use standard toast messages.
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] The appropriate toast message is thrown to indicate the Supermind reply is invalid with regards to the requirements of the offer
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",1
-116041058,2022-09-30 00:23:17.040,"After adding credit card info, the Add New Card modal appears again","### Summary
-After adding credit card info, the Add New Card modal appears again.
-### Steps to reproduce
-- Start a Supermind offer
-- From the Cash tab, under `Payment Method`, select `Add new card`
-- The `Add New card` modal appears
-- Add details to add a new card
-- Click `Save Card`
-### Platform information
-- MacOS + Chrome
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-- The card details are saved
-- The modal appears again in an empty state
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-- The card details are saved
-- The `Add New Card` modal closes
-- The user sees the Supermind payment modal with the newly-added card already selected
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-### Possible fixes
-(If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem)",3
-116027565,2022-09-29 17:05:07.971,Spike: Optimize Supermind links for sharing on Twitter,"## Goal
-As a creator, I want to post my Supermind content to Twitter so that my followers are engaged and want to send me more Superminds.
-## What needs to be done
-Implement Twitter cards (`[Summary Card with Large Image](https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-for-websites/cards/overview/summary-card-with-large-image)`) for Supermind replies, and generate 2:1 images to display in those Twitter cards.
-Generated images are used to represent the content of the Supermind OFFER post. For offer posts with text, generate a 2:1 text-based graphic. The font size used for the graphic should adjust depending on the character count being shown. Character count should be limited to 280 characters.
-For offer posts without any text, generate a 2:1 graphic with media from the post.
-| Offer post content | twitter:card | twitter:site | twitter:creator | twitter:title | twitter:description | twitter:image |
-| Text only | summary_large_image | @minds | [Name] (of the Supermind replier) | [Name]'s reply on Minds | Get replies from [Name] and elevate the discourse on Minds. | Generated 2:1 graphic. Up to 280 characters of the offer post. If the post is longer than 280 character, end with ... ellipses. |
-| Text + media | summary_large_image | @minds | [Name] (of the Supermind replier) | [Name]'s reply on Minds | Get replies from [Name] and elevate the discourse on Minds. | Generated 2:1 graphic. Up to 280 characters of the offer post. If the post is longer than 280 character, end with ... ellipses. |
-| Media only | summary_large_image | @minds | [Name] (of the Supermind replier) | [Name]'s reply on Minds | Get replies from [Name] and elevate the discourse on Minds. | Media content |
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-[Figma link](https://www.figma.com/file/JARto6zhlRrS8AVh7rFK6m/Superminds-screenshots?node-id=227%3A3202)
-## Personas
-Potential Minds users
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] Find a tool that can render the graphics
-- [ ] A 2:1 graphic is generated for posts with text in the offer post
-- [ ] A 2:1 graphic is generated for posts without text / only media in the offer post
-- [ ] When the Supermind reply is shared on Twitter, the Twitter card with large image is displayed.
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",3
-116027258,2022-09-29 16:57:30.006,Open graph data for quote posts / Supermind replies prioritizes wrong content,"### Summary
-When sharing a quote post on other platforms, post contents & channel name of the quoted post is shared, rather than the post contents & channel name of the post creator.
-### Steps to reproduce
-[Example quote post](https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1421644559460339715)
-- Open the above URL in an open graph debugger like Iframely (http://debug.iframely.com/)
-### Platform information
-- All
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-- The content and channel name from @ supermindfiend are used in the open graph tags
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-- The content and channel name from @ UrAvgCreator are used in the open graph tags
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-[Example quote post](https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1421644559460339715)
-### Possible fixes
-(If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem)",2
-116026504,2022-09-29 16:38:52.562,Enable user to disable highlights in the app,"## Goal
-Enable user to disable highlights in the app. This is a request from many of our core users.
-## What needs to be done
-Add functionality for users to remove the `Highlights` component from the `Newsfeed`. We can use the same pattern currently implemented that enables users to hide the `Recommended Channels` component from the Newsfeed.
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-## Personas
-Core Minds users
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] By default, the `Highlights` component appears in the Latest Newsfeed.
-- [ ] The `Highlights` component has an ellipsis menu that generates an option to remove the component from the feed.
-- [ ] If the user chooses to remove `Highlights` from the feed, it remains hidden until the user logs out / uninstalls the app.
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",2
-116023491,2022-09-29 15:42:29.188,Display offer statuses within Supermind console,"## Goal
-Improve usability of the supermind console by allowing the user to filter by type.
-The console is currently split into `inbound` and `outbound`. However, within inbound for example, there is no easy way to discern between pending requests, from expired or delivered - consequently it could potentially become quite noisy.
-## What needs to be done
-Update the display of Supermind offers in the inbox and outbox to indicate their status
-Statuses include:
-- Pending
-- Accepted
-- Declined
-- Expired
-- Failed
-Update the buttons displayed under an offer depending on its state.
-- [View reply on Accepted posts](https://www.figma.com/file/thrGepQAxmcMGB7MoEEckM/Supermind?node-id=1817%3A21946)
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-### Supermind Console
-#### Inbound
-- [Inbound - Pending state](https://www.figma.com/file/thrGepQAxmcMGB7MoEEckM/Supermind?node-id=1772%3A20454)
-- [Inbound - Delivered state](https://www.figma.com/file/thrGepQAxmcMGB7MoEEckM/Supermind?node-id=1817%3A21946)
-- [Inbound - Expired state](https://www.figma.com/file/thrGepQAxmcMGB7MoEEckM/Supermind?node-id=1907%3A21854)
-#### Outbound
-- [Outbound - Pending state](https://www.figma.com/file/thrGepQAxmcMGB7MoEEckM/Supermind?node-id=1772%3A20708)
-- [Outbound - Delivered state](https://www.figma.com/file/thrGepQAxmcMGB7MoEEckM/Supermind?node-id=1907%3A22099)
-- [Outbound - Expired state](https://www.figma.com/file/thrGepQAxmcMGB7MoEEckM/Supermind?node-id=1907%3A22359)
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [x] Display the 'state' in place of 'Expires in ' text shows
-- [x] On accepted posts, show the View Reply button
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",2
-116022510,2022-09-29 15:23:10.925,Content settings modal shows horizontal scroll bar,"### Summary
-The `Content Settings` modal shows horizontal scroll bars unnecessarily.
-### Steps to reproduce
-- Open Minds in Staging
-- Navigate to Discovery
-- Click the gear icon to open the `Content Settings` modal
-### Platform information
-- MacOS + Brave
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-- A horizontal scroll bar appears
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-- No horizontal scroll bar appears
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-### Possible fixes
-With CSS, set `overflow-x: none;`",1
-115874243,2022-09-27 18:04:34.341,Visually differentiate Supermind offers,"## Goal
-Improve the value prop of Supermind offers by making Supermind offers stand out in feeds.
-## What needs to be done
-Update the visual design of Supermind offer posts.
-- The post is a Supermind offer
-- Who is the target of the offer
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-[Web Figma File](https://www.figma.com/file/thrGepQAxmcMGB7MoEEckM/Supermind-%5B*%5D?node-id=2584%3A29348)
-Mobile version has issues with margin spacing on current mobile production. Currently playing around with ideas for mobile and spoke with Jack and Ryan on the topic already, but my suggestion would be to test it out on web first and then move to mobile if received well. I will be following up with the mobile devs to get their opinion on the matter, but it brings up the topic of giving more attention to aligning mobile and web design practices and screens.
-## Personas
-Core Minds users
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] When a Supermind offer is posted, it is visually differentiated from regular posts in whichever feeds it appears
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",3
-115866670,2022-09-27 15:52:48.995,Investigate running WDIO locally,"
-## Goal
-## What needs to be done
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] ...
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",3
-115835620,2022-09-27 09:00:27.864,Upvote puzzle takes too long to get solved,"
-### Summary
-Upvote puzzle takes around 25 seconds to go through.
-I have not upvoted a lot today (less than 10 posts) and yesterday I did moderate upvoting activity (around 50)
-### Steps to reproduce
-(How one can reproduce the issue - this is very important)
-### Platform information
-CPU: Ryzen 7 2700
-GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-(What actually happens)
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-(What you should see instead)
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-(Paste any relevant logs - please use code blocks (```) to format console output,
-logs, and code as it's very hard to read otherwise.)
-### Possible fixes
-(If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem)",0
-115720704,2022-09-25 03:30:17.653,"Tapping notifications generates strange ""upvotes"" overlays","
-### Summary
-Multiple ""Upvotes"" overlays are generated when tapping notifications.
-### Steps to reproduce
-- Navigate to notifications
-- Tap a notification, e.g. someone replied to a comment
-- Swipe down the comment overlay
-### Platform information
-- iPhone 12 Mini, App v 4.28.0
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-- The comments are closed
-- Multiple ""Upvotes"" overlays appear
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-- The comments are closed
-- The content that the comments are related to appears
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-### Possible fixes
-(If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem)",3
-115630039,2022-09-22 22:57:40.240,Give channels the option to disable Supermind emails,"## Goal
-Enable users to manage the emails they receive from Minds.
-## What needs to be done
-Add an option to user settings to disable Supermind emails, including Supermind offers and offer reminders.
-> I receive a Supermind offer
-Note: This option should NOT disable emails for:
-- When you send an offer
-- When your offer is accepted / declined / expired
-- When you accept an offer
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] A new `I receive a Supermind offer` option appears in email notification settings
-- [ ] By default, those emails are enabled
-- [ ] The user can manually click to disable that setting
-- [ ] If that setting is disabled, the user will not receive emails about incoming offers and reminders
-## Dev note
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",3
-115618743,2022-09-22 18:24:19.550,"Implement ""See latest posts"" feature on Supermind console","## Goal
-Enable a creator to stay on the Supermind console and accept incoming offers as they arrive.
-## What needs to be done
-Implement the ""See latest posts"" feature from the Newsfeed, in the Supermind console.
-Priority is the Inbound tab.
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-Implement the same component we have on the Newsfeed.
-Change the language to read:
-> See [n] latest offers
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] Given a creator is viewing the Supermind console > Inbound tab, when a new Supermind offer is received, then the ""See latest offers"" alert appears.
-- [ ] Given the ""See latest offers"" alert appears, when the user clicks it, then the Supermind console is refreshed to display the new offers.
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",3
-115617140,2022-09-22 17:49:10.884,Prevent Supermind reply from being deleted,"## Goal
-Prevent abuse of Supermind.
-## What needs to be done
-Prevent post owners from deleting their Supermind reply posts.
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] If a post is a Supermind reply, it cannot be deleted by the owner.
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",3
-115616903,2022-09-22 17:46:20.940,Prevent Supermind offers from being deleted while offer is active,"## Goal
-Prevent spamming / abuse of Superminds offers.
-## What needs to be done
-While a Supermind offer is active (before it has been accepted, declined, or expired), prevent the post from being deleted by the post owner.
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] While a Supermind offer is active (before it has been accepted, declined, or expired), the post can't be deleted.
-- [ ] After a Supermind offer is inactive (after it has been accepted, declined, or expired), the post can be deleted.
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",2
-115616673,2022-09-22 17:43:10.526,"Expired Superminds show ""Accept"" and ""Decline"" buttons","### Summary
-Expired Superminds show ""Accept"" and ""Decline"" buttons, though the buttons don't function.
-### Steps to reproduce
-- Receive a Supermind offer
-- Wait 7 days for it to expire
-- Return to the Supermind console
-### Platform information
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-- The Accept and Decline buttons are presented
-- Clicking the buttons generates errors
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-- The Accept and Decline buttons are not presented
-- Backend should force the status to expired
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-(Paste any relevant logs - please use code blocks (```) to format console output,
-logs, and code as it's very hard to read otherwise.)
-### Possible fixes
-(If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem)",2
-115615240,2022-09-22 17:26:32.722,Spike: Enable channels without bank accounts configured to receive cash Supermind offers,"## Goal
-Enable all channels to receive cash Supermind offers, regardless of whether or not they've previously connected a bank account. This will enable more cash Supermind offers, and ultimately increase the number of creator channels with connected bank accounts.
-## What needs to be done
-Do a technical spike on the feasibility of supporting the following case:
-> When sending a cash Supermind offer to a channel who has not yet configured their bank account information, successfully handle the initial authorization, and process a second authorization when the target channel connects their bank account and accepts&replies to the Supermind offer.
-> Require that a channel that has not already configured a bank account do so before they can accept&reply to a cash Supermind offer.
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] Prototype of this functioning
-- [ ] Future tasks built out to take this into production
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",8
-115540982,2022-09-21 23:15:10.928,Ellipsis loading indicator is off-center,"### Summary
-When posting a Supermind offer, the ... loading indicator on the `Post` button is off-center.
-### Steps to reproduce
-- Compose a Supermind offer
-- Post the Supermind offer
-### Platform information
-- MacOS + Chrome
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-The ... loading indicator in the `Post` button is off-center vertically.
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-The ... loading indicator in the `Post` button is centered vertically (and horizontally).
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-### Possible fixes
-Mark suggested it may be related to removing the scheduler dropdown arrow. Perhaps inserting an empty pseudo element of a matching height will help.",2
-115540536,2022-09-21 23:08:06.947,Throw toast message upon posting a Supermind reply,"## Goal
-More clearly communicate to the user that their Supermind reply was posted.
-## What needs to be done
-Throw a toast message to confirm that a Supermind reply was successfully posted.
-> Your Supermind reply was posted, and you’ve collected the offer.
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-Use the positive-looking toast message.
-## Personas
-- Creators
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] When successfully posting a Supermind reply, throw a toast message that confirms.
-- [ ] Use message above in `What needs to be done`
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",1
-115539829,2022-09-21 22:52:49.672,"""You may not create an NSFW Supermind"" error message should appear sooner","
-### Summary
-The user is able to configure NSFW settings for a Supermind offer post before encountering a toast error message that tells them they can't.
-### Steps to reproduce
-- Create a Supermind offer
-- Click the ""E"" icon
-- Set NSFW settings
-- Click ""Save""
-### Platform information
-- Web
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-- The toast error message appears after the user has configured NSFW settings
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-- Show the toaster immediately when the popup screen is displayed
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-### Possible fixes
-- A toast message appears that communicates that a Supermind post cannot be NSFW",1
-115539116,2022-09-21 22:12:11.062,Indicate that Supermind target is unable to receive cash offers,"## Goal
-Channels who have not yet connected their bank accounts are unable to receive cash offers.
-The Supermind UI needs to communicate and enforce this restriction when a user is creating a Supermind offer.
-## What needs to be done
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-## Personas
-Fans, Core users
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [x] The user is unable to send cash Supermind offers to channels that are unable to receive them
-- [x] The user is made aware of this limitation
-- [x] Display a toaster when the username is entered (on blur)
-- [ ] Display a toaster when the user tries to press save (do not allow save)
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [x] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [x] Acceptance criteria
-- [x] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",2
-115530901,2022-09-21 18:58:39.981,Partial refunds for partial Boost deliveries,"## Goal
-Reduce the volume of repeat Boosts by issuing only partial refunds of Boosts that are rejected due to Boost backlog.
-## What needs to be done
-Currently, a Boost that gets rejected due to Boost backlog overflow will refund to the buyer the full amount of the boost order.
-However, most rejected Boosts do deliver views, they're just unable to complete. This is resulting in free Boost views being given to users who spend more than can be delivered during the course of their Boost.
-Proposal is to issue partial refunds, rather than full refunds, effectively prorating the refund so that the users are charged for the impressions they were given, even when the order fails to complete.
-| -- | Tokens spent | Views delivered | Refund issued |
-| Now | 3,000 | 2,500 | 3,000 |
-| After change | 3,000 | 2,500 | 500 |
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-## Personas
-Minds Boosters
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] Given a Boost order delivered some views, and the Boost backlog prevents the full delivery of the Boost order, when the Boost is rejected due to Boost backlog overflow, then the user is refunded their spend less the amount that pays for the impressions that were delivered.
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",2
-115529856,2022-09-21 18:40:03.127,Bug: Supermind reply with media only acts as a remind,"### Summary
-Responding to a Supermind offer with an image or video -- and no text -- does not successfully generate a Supermind offer. Instead, it simply re-minds the Supermind offer.
-### Steps to reproduce
-- Receive a Supermind offer
-- Accept the the Supermind offer and reply with a piece of media, but no text
-- Post the reply
-### Platform information
-- Web
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-- The Supermind offer is re-minded
-- The Supermind reply is lost
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-- The Supermind reply is posted with the uploaded media
-- See https://gitlab.com/minds/engine/-/blob/master/Entities/Activity.php#L1057. Add in check for attachments.
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-### Possible fixes
-(If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem)",1
-115000277,2022-09-13 23:02:11.903,Create global Superminds feeds,"
-## Goal
-(1) Easily audit live Superminds activity on the site
-(2) Elevate Superminds activity and make it more discoverable
-## What needs to be done
-Create a global Superminds feed that collects all Superminds posts.
-Sort reverse-chronologically.
-Add as a new tab to Discovery.
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] A new tab added to Discovery for ""Superminds.""
-- [ ] The new tab displays a feed of all Superminds posts (offers and replies).
-- [ ] The posts are sorted in reverse chrono order.
-- [ ] Add a feature flag
-- [ ] Ensure you do not see blocked users in this feed
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",5
-114752662,2022-09-09 16:34:47.978,Send bulk Supermind offers to community for launch,"## Goal
-- Teach active Minds users about Supermind by sending them a sample Supermind to respond to.
-- Enable Minds to incentivize content creation from large groups of users.
-## What needs to be done
-Build a mechanism that enables us to create Supermind offer campaigns that send links to all (or some) users. When a user clicks the link, a Supermind offer is generated for them. They can then respond to the Supermind offer via the normal Supermind inbound console flow.
-This is a rough diagram of how it might work.
-- Target list of users
-- Activity post to be the root of the Supermind offer
-- Value of the Supermind offer
-- Status of the campaign (active, closed, ...)
-Some prompts include:
-- Introduce yourself :) Why are you on Minds? (Video reply)
-- Rant about something crazy going on in the world right now. (Video reply)
-- Take a selfie of where you are right now now matter how weird. (Photo reply)
-- Introduce yourself :) Why are you on Minds? (Text reply)
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-## Personas
-Core Minds users
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [x] Generate the email template (see: UX/Design above)
-- [x] Email template should use utm codes (`?utm_source=minds&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=supermind_boffer_launch`)
-- [ ] Use the email campaigns hooks system
-- [ ] Generate a supermind request when the link has been clicked
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [x] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [x] Acceptance criteria
-- [x] Weighted
-- [x] QA
-- [x] UX/Design
-- [x] Personas
-- [x] Experiments",5
-114747743,2022-09-09 15:07:41.478,Link previews stretch,"
-### Summary
-After adding link to a post, the preview goes down, and it's necessary to scroll to see it.
-Click to see images
-After scrolling down:
-### Steps to reproduce
-1. Open composer
-2. write some text
-3. paste a link
-4. see that the preview behaves strange
-### Platform information
-Win10, Brave and Chrome, Canary
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-Link previews in composer show incorrectly with spacing
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-No additional spacing in composer
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-(Paste any relevant logs - please use code blocks (```) to format console output,
-logs, and code as it's very hard to read otherwise.)
-### Possible fixes
-(If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem)",1
-114686117,2022-09-08 17:58:20.117,"Confirm price & authorization after pressing post, before creating Supermind offer","## Goal
-Clearly communicate to a use creating a Supermind offer the amount of their offer before they commit to authorizing the charge, in order to avoid mistakes.
-## What needs to be done
-* [ ] On composer, when pressing Post, ensure there is a confirm modal outlining price and authorization on card
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-- [Figma mock](https://www.figma.com/file/thrGepQAxmcMGB7MoEEckM/Supermind?node-id=1562%3A19944)
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] On composer, when pressing Post, ensure there is a confirm modal outlining price and authorization on card
-- [ ] User must accept terms before the ""Confirm"" button is active
-- [ ] Playright test
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",3
-114617941,2022-09-07 22:24:47.658,Supermind creator referral flow,"## Goal
-Map user journeys to support the user story described below, and identify changes we want to make (e.g. to channel pages, onboarding flow, new user experience, etc.) to better enable the use case.
-As a creator, I want to send fans from other platforms to sign up on Minds, in order to generate more Supermind offers for me.
-- e.g. I have an audience on YouTube, and I want to send them to Minds to send me Supermind requests to [answer questions/fulfill art requests/record videos/get replies].
-## What needs to be done
-- Where will creators direct users to? Channel pages? Do we need to make changes to better satisfy the user story?
-- Assuming users who are directed there are not already Minds users, what does the onboarding flow look like?
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-[Referral flow map](https://www.figma.com/file/7rIyYDT1235O2pPrEBvieZ/SM-Referrals?node-id=0%3A1)
-[Figma basic mockups](https://www.figma.com/file/NfZCO1DzPnw4YTzVKOu8O7/Referrals?node-id=21%3A2995) - in progress
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [x] Map out the referral user flow for both creator and fans for Supermind requests
-- [x] Map out edge cases for users who are new to Minds
-- [x] Understand the incentive and reasoning for someone joining because of a Supermind
-- [x] Ideate and draft up low-fi mockups to represent the UI flow and constraints
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [x] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [x] Acceptance criteria
-- [x] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [x] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",5
-114601027,2022-09-07 18:22:44.470,Boost rotator space appears for new users (V2),"
-### Summary
-Newly-registered users aren't served Boosts for their first seven days.
-With V2 activities, the Boost rotator space appears at the top of the Newsfeed, and displays no Boosts.
-### Steps to reproduce
-- Log into Minds with a new account
-- Enable V2 activities
-- Navigate to the Newsfeed
-- Wait ~10 seconds
-### Platform information
-MacOS + Chrome
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-The Boost rotator component is loaded into the Newsfeed after a few seconds.
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-The Boost rotator should not appear for newly-registered users (first 7 days).
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-### Possible fixes
-(If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem)",3
-114529050,2022-09-06 18:25:34.540,Images are blurry,"
-### Summary
-A lot of images inside activity posts are not loading past the blurry placeholder
-### Steps to reproduce
-- Navigate to an affected activity post, e.g. https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1412947947158507539
-- Images within groups appear to be most impacted: https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/566365153877045248/feed
-### Platform information
-- MacOS + Chrome
-- iPhone app
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-Web: The app loads blurry placeholder images, but never replaces them with the full images
-App: The app loads blurry placeholder images, and replaces the blurs with `The media could not be loaded` message.
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-(What you should see instead)
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-### Possible fixes
-(If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem)",0
-113882374,2022-08-25 22:45:00.780,"Create small, reusable components for Superminds","
-## Goal
-Minimize duplicate work for Superminds implementation.
-## What needs to be done
-- Review [Superminds designs in Figma](https://www.figma.com/file/thrGepQAxmcMGB7MoEEckM/Supermind?node-id=287%3A5233) to identify small components and patterns that are reusable
-- Build reusable components [in Storybook?]
-- Communicate their availability to developers working on Superminds implementation.
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-See: [Figma design mocks](https://www.figma.com/file/thrGepQAxmcMGB7MoEEckM/Supermind?node-id=287%3A5233)
-## Personas
-Minds developers
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] Gradient border component is reusable
-- [ ] Supermind tag component is reusable
-- [ ] Supermind gradient is reusable (e.g. via class)
-- [ ] Components are in Storybook
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",3
-113819458,2022-08-24 23:22:10.753,Implement Superminds onboarding modals,"## Goal
-Communicate to users who are new to Superminds what Superminds are and why they should want to engage with them.
-## What needs to be done
-Implement 2x separate onboarding modals.
-1. For users who are offering Superminds
-2. For users who are replying to Superminds requests
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-- [Figma: Offering Superminds onboarding](https://www.figma.com/file/thrGepQAxmcMGB7MoEEckM/Supermind?node-id=545%3A14545)
-- [Figma: Replying to Superminds onboarding](https://www.figma.com/file/thrGepQAxmcMGB7MoEEckM/Supermind?node-id=588%3A17217)
-## Personas
-Core users
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] Given a user has not yet engaged with Superminds as a sender, when the user first views the Superminds pricing panel in the composer, then the sender onboarding modal appears.
-- [ ] Given a user has not yet engaged with Superminds as a receiver, when the user first navigates to the Superminds console inbound view, then the receiver onboarding modal appears.
-- [ ] Given the user has previously viewed the sender modal, then it is not displayed again.
-- [ ] Given the user has previously viewed the receiver modal, it it is not displayed again.
-- [ ] We can view data in Superset to understand how many users have viewed either modal.
-- [ ] Tap into dismissible widgets endpoint on engine
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",3
-127278972,2023-04-27 21:34:24.072,Web: Affiliates screen updates,"
-## Goal
-Improve the UX and understanding of the new affiliate earning options for users.
-## What needs to be done
-Implement changes to Affiliate screen based on early feedback to make it as clear as possible.
-Core layout:
-- Change text of `Earn with link` button to `Refer and earn`
-- Move `Refer and earn` button higher on the page
-- Move `Affiliate referral` and `Creator referral` descriptors below `Invite your friends to Minds` heading
-Share sheet: Invite to Minds
-- Update explainer text to `Earn for up to 1 year from when someone uses your link.`
-Share sheet: Affiliate link
-- Change heading to `Earn with affiliate link`
-- Remove `Creator` button
-- Change text to `Earn for up to 72 hours from when someone uses your link.`
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-## Mobile
-- [ ] Is Mobile Required?
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] Changes implemented as above
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",1
-127162855,2023-04-25 15:23:23.669,Video in Moments are failing with error,"
-### Summary
-Videos in moments are failing with error.
-(Summarize the bug encountered concisely)
-### Steps to reproduce
-(How one can reproduce the issue - this is very important)
-Go to moments and tap right until a video is present. Notice the error after loadind.
-### Platform information
-(Browser, device, system stats, screen size)
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-(What actually happens)
-Video play error in moments.
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-Video to play corectly.
-(What you should see instead)
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-(Paste any relevant logs - please use code blocks (```) to format console output,
-logs, and code as it's very hard to read otherwise.)
-Exception [Error: The AVPlayerItem instance has failed with the error code -12746 and domain ""CoreMediaErrorDomain"".] Error: The AVPlayerItem instance has failed with the error code -12746 and domain ""CoreMediaErrorDomain"".
- at construct (native)
- at Wrapper (http://localhost:8081/index.bundle?platform=ios&dev=true&minify=false&modulesOnly=false&runModule=true&app=com.minds.mobile:24267:64)
- at construct (native)
- at _createSuperInternal (http://localhost:8081/index.bundle?platform=ios&dev=true&minify=false&modulesOnly=false&runModule=true&app=com.minds.mobile:277620:322)
- at call (native)
- at CodedError (http://localhost:8081/index.bundle?platform=ios&dev=true&minify=false&modulesOnly=false&runModule=true&app=com.minds.mobile:277633:26)
- LOG The AVPlayerItem instance has failed with the error code -12746 and domain ""CoreMediaErrorDomain"".
- LOG The AVPlayerItem instance has failed with the error code -12746 and domain ""CoreMediaErrorDomain"".
-### Possible fixes
-(If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem)",3
-127114498,2023-04-24 15:04:05.111,UXD: Update affiliates screen,"
-## Goal
-Improve the UX and understanding of the new affiliate earning options for users.
-## What needs to be done
-Take the feedback from the team given in the Affiliate chat room and update the designs and copy to reflect the necessary changes to help make the options users have as clear as possible.
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-## Mobile
-- [ ] Is Mobile Required?
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] ...
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",5
-127094371,2023-04-24 09:12:03.780,New link previews not loading,"
-### Summary
-New link previews not loading
-### Steps to reproduce
-1. Get some random link, eg a news article
-2. Try posting it
-3. See that it tries loading the link, then stops
-4. The preview won't work
-### Platform information
-Brave, Win10
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-The link previews are not loading
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-The link preview should load
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-### Possible fixes
-(If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem)",1
-126843930,2023-04-17 17:59:54.657,Assess and implement new user solution for e2e tests,"
-## Goal
-Our e2e tests must be updated to reflect the new onboarding flow that requires all new users to complete email code verification (and select 3+ hashtags) in order to use the site.
-## What needs to be done
-Set up a mechanism to bypass the email code verification requirement for new users in the e2e test environment.
-Implement centralisation of functions related to getting a new e2e user through the onboarding steps and able to use the site, so the e2e house of cards doesn't collapse when onboarding requirements change in future.
-## QA
-e2e tests pass
-## UX/Design
-## Mobile
-- [ ] Is Mobile Required?
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] email code verification bypass mechanism implemented
-- [ ] New user strategy considered and implemented
-- [ ] e2e tests pass
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",2
-126678581,2023-04-14 16:13:15.995,Display Boost CTAs in admin queue,"
-## Goal
-Enable admins to preview link CTAs for Boosts with click goals so that they can accurately review the Boost contents before approving.
-## What needs to be done
-Display CTAs and their links in the admin Boost queue. Links can be linked to check their contents.
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-## Mobile
-- [ ] Is Mobile Required?
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] The url is displayed in the admin console
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",2
-126678042,2023-04-14 15:55:23.745,Web: Display Boost CTAs,"
-## Goal
-Display CTAs for Boosts configured with CTAs to improve click through rates of Boosts.
-## What needs to be done
-- If the goal is to grow their following, when the Boost is presented, present the selected CTA
- - Clicking the CTA subscribes to the Boosted channel
- - If the user is subscribed to the channel, the display of CTA changes
-- If their goal is to drive link clicks, when the Boost is presented, present the selected CTA
- - Ensure link clicks contribute to link click metrics for that Boost
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-[Figma Web](https://www.figma.com/file/W2xIag64EdbWUlGAQOpVHE/Boost-Update?node-id=1317%3A23146&t=e2pyN1ddfi1oOsMg-1)
-[Figma Mobile](https://www.figma.com/file/W2xIag64EdbWUlGAQOpVHE/Boost-Update?node-id=1392%3A34632&t=e2pyN1ddfi1oOsMg-1)
-## Mobile
-- [ ] Is Mobile Required?
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] Variations of the CTA show as in the figma designs
-- [ ] The buttons are anchored to the bottom of the boost rotator and not hidden
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",3
-126630609,2023-04-13 23:44:27.223,Web: Refresh Groups home feed design,"
-## Goal
-Enable aggressive, confident experimentation with Groups as a vehicle for user retention by refreshing the home feed screen to use modern design system and UI.
-## What needs to be done
-Refresh the home feed layout for using the modern design system.
-- Remove option to start a Gathering.
-- Move Make closed, Disable notifications, Report, and Delete group options to a dropdown menu in the header.
-- `Members` tab clicks to the existing legacy `Members` screen (with invite functionality)
-Assume that functionality available on the members list screen can continue to be served by the existing page without refreshing it, since that page isn't critical to Groups usability for most users and there's a lot of complexity there.
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-## Mobile
-- [ ] Is Mobile Required?
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-Required for feature flag. Use the epic experiment name.
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] Group designs are updated to reflect the mockups
-- [ ] Editing will go back to the old design
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",3
-126612561,2023-04-13 16:58:55.648,UXD: Surface Groups Tab hidden behind Subscribers button to main nav on a channel page,"
-## Goal
-Allow users to show off the groups they belong to without having to add every single group they belong to in their bio. Also, allows subscribers of any user to check out a person's list of groups they belong to and potentially join a group they're in which would help grow the usage and expansion of groups as a whole.
-## What needs to be done
-We currently have a solution for this built buried behind a user's subscriptions section. We just need to surface this information higher and make it clear for anyone to find.
-**Current Tab structure on channel pages**
-**Hidden groups tab that needs to be surfaced next to 'Memberships' tab**
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-## Mobile
-- [ ] Is Mobile Required?
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] ...
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",2
-126516568,2023-04-11 21:22:31.581,UXD: Opt into Groups posts going to Newsfeed,"
-## Goal
-As a Groups user, I want to control which Groups appear in my Newsfeed so that I can freely join Groups without worrying that their high volume will overwhelm my Newsfeed.
-## What needs to be done
-- Design a solution that enables a Minds user to be a member of a Group, and to manage whether or not posts from that Group appear in their Newsfeed.
-- Solve for web + mobile app
-- User test designs
-- Get developer feedback on solution.
-Scenarios to support:
-| Group | Joined | Posts appear in Newsfeed |
-| Group A | Yes | Yes |
-| Group B | Yes | No |
-| Group C | No | No |
-Worth user testing this assumption, but I think we should default to YES for posts appearing in Newsfeed, with the option to disable on a per-group basis.
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-## Mobile
-- [ ] Is Mobile Required?
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] ...
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",2
-126516338,2023-04-11 21:13:30.409,UXD: Display Groups posts in Newsfeed,"
-## Goal
-Make it easier to follow new updates in Groups that I'm subscribed to.
-## What needs to be done
-- Design solution for displaying posts from subscribed Groups in the Newsfeed.
-- Solve for web + mobile app
-- User test designs
-- Get developer feedback on solution.
-Some things to consider:
-- Do they integrate with posts in the existing Latest & Top newsfeed? Or appear as their own feeds? (I favor the former, ala Reddit & Facebook)
-- If they integrate with other posts, do we differentiate posts from Groups or somehow indicate that they came from a Group?
-I have a separate task for determining how a user decides which Groups appear in the Newsfeed.
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-## Mobile
-- [ ] Is Mobile Required?
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] ...
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",5
-126431967,2023-04-09 21:47:28.129,Wefunder topbar banner,"
-## Goal
-Communicate the Wefunder campaign to the whole community
-## What needs to be done
-- Clone new referral top bar component
-- Copy: Become an owner of Minds by [joining our Wefunder](https://wefunder.com/minds).
-## QA
-Web/Mobile Web
-## UX/Design
-None other than text change
-## Mobile
-- [ ] Is Mobile Required?
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] ...
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",1
-126073494,2023-03-31 15:09:06.500,Web: Update referrals screen with affiliates requirements,"
-## Goal
-Incentivize and enable Minds users to refer new users to join Minds and transact.
-## What needs to be done
-Update the existing [Referrals screen](https://www.minds.com/settings/other/referrals).
-- Rename screen to Affiliates
-- Move link in Settings screen to the first level, above `Other`
-- Promote ways that affiliate referrals can earn money
-- Include existing mechanisms for generating referrals (copying link, emailing link, etc.)
-- Update the `My referrals` table to log accounts you've referred, with a running total of earnings they've generated for you
-Button functions:
-- Invite and earn: Opens share sheet
- - Social buttons share URL (https://www.minds.com/?referrer=xxx)
- - Copy link: Copies link (https://www.minds.com/?referrer=xxx)
-- View earnings: Links to wallet (https://www.minds.com/wallet/cash/earnings)
-- Earn with link: Opens share sheet
- - Minds+: Copies link (https://www.minds.com/plus?referrer=xxx)
- - Boost: Copies link (https://www.minds.com/boost/boost-console?referrer=xxx)
- - Minds Pro: Copies link (https://www.minds.com/pro?referrer=xxx)
- - Creator: Copies link (https://www.minds.com/?referrer=xxx)
- - Copy link: Copies link (https://www.minds.com/?referrer=xxx)
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-## Mobile
-- [x] Is Mobile Required?
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] Introduce a feature flag
-- [x] Exclude the Invites section from this ticket
-- [ ] UI resembles the Figma designs
-- [ ] Total earnings calculation
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",5
-126019660,2023-03-30 22:23:59.405,Backend: Suggested Groups by interest tags,"
-## Goal
-Populate suggested groups for new users who've only told us what their interests are, to create social connections more quickly.
-## What needs to be done
-Backend support for returning suggested Groups based on a user's interest tags.
-Recommendations are hard-coded in a table.
-Table can be periodically updated manually.
-| Tag | Groups |
-| (no tags) | 1476480270281478151,902525707628482560,1201737076455972864,619105339211526145,1359550877425209362 |
-| minds | 1476480270281478151,902525707628482560,1201737076455972864,619105339211526145,1359550877425209362 |
-| health | 1165910758624018432,1442488853934903303,463080754876788745,1156627581123850240 |
-| education | 1192069283972800512 |
-| business | 1442500376623321092,1294668597443956756,1169908341748543488 |
-| anime | 619603101665472527,1198671029791182848,1470670345177403405,619166706241118208,985393209730748416 |
-| animals | 890712988336566272,459579389693136899,1085916687153975296,1280768320475238409 |
-| politics | 1191117399856676864,908355614612557824,1442345651319869454,462938545003171848,1442344419238875151 |
-| gaming | 838033865292578816,1444328500726075396,567372953759522816,566889350457991168,1368218985123811329 |
-| erotica | 616348850147303443,874510275275112448,862387013408485376,1265769706291421184 |
-| technology | 478942975620034560,1174494235394486272,1447311275527770123,765195092406312960 |
-| art | 1201737076455972864,1476480270281478151,915107366376468480,1226428635092373504,829784022379470848 |
-| music | 567523173034110976,615668225862021135,615668418976165897,1442346380214407171,1293091354636718089 |
-| photography | 1280768320475238409,1313528922637340684,1085848479181799424,904355514792894464 |
-| nature | 1359550877425209362,890712988336566272,1410285839044317188,574262456742846476,1442345651319869454 |
-| crypto | 704263442202107922,1222038945769963520 |
-| news | 1177299407948414976,569270912981934080,672013690966384652,704263442202107922 |
-| travel | 458337393490006016,1300087343142670356 |
-| outdoors | 574262456742846476,1410285839044317188,890712988336566272,719623398866558976,829784022379470848 |
-| sports | 1442347541273251843,719623398866558976 |
-| comedy | 1110363744251887616,774067027907190789 |
-| fashion | 984703890463858688,619166706241118208 |
-| memes | 1230371709496590336,844220536770330624,1324946905297326081,899830471989624832,1221126036269957120 |
-| spirituality | 611684291079843859,1165910758624018432,731747360685694981,774004256528146437 |
-| blog | 1476480270281478151,902525707628482560 |
-| myphoto | 1280768320475238409,1313528922637340684,1085848479181799424,904355514792894464 |
-| videos | 874674384950874112,902525707628482560,1481847552344068112 |
-| journalism | 1177299407948414976,569270912981934080,672013690966384652,704263442202107922 |
-| blockchain | 704263442202107922,1222038945769963520 |
-| food | 1410285839044317188,1305840482831568912 |
-| nutrition | 1410285839044317188,1305840482831568912 |
-| film | 1443120082057170957 |
-| poetry | 570312857774727174 |
-| healthcare | 1165910758624018432,1442488853934903303,463080754876788745,1156627581123850240 |
-| ai | 478942975620034560,1174494235394486272,1447311275527770123,765195092406312960 |
-| digitalmarketing | 1442500376623321092,1294668597443956756,1169908341748543488 |
-| usa | 1191117399856676864,738821645120053248,934784881483403264,1156627581123850240 |
-| russia | 1191117399856676864,738821645120053248,934784881483403264,1156627581123850240 |
-| freedom | 1191117399856676864,738821645120053248,934784881483403264,1156627581123850240 |
-| biden | 1191117399856676864,738821645120053248,934784881483403264,1156627581123850240 |
-| science | 1442347296564973579,1170204930618699776,619105339211526145 |
-| realestate | 1442500376623321092,1294668597443956756,1169908341748543488 |
-| seo | 1442500376623321092,1294668597443956756,1169908341748543488 |
-| marketing | 1442500376623321092,1294668597443956756,1169908341748543488 |
-| ukraine | 1191117399856676864,738821645120053248,934784881483403264,1156627581123850240 |
-| trump | 1191117399856676864,738821645120053248,934784881483403264,1156627581123850240 |
-| china | 1191117399856676864,738821645120053248,934784881483403264,1156627581123850240 |
-| covid | 1165910758624018432,1442488853934903303,463080754876788745,1156627581123850240 |
-| bitcoin | 704263442202107922,1222038945769963520 |
-| truth | 1191117399856676864,738821645120053248,934784881483403264,1156627581123850240 |
-| finance | 1442500376623321092,1294668597443956756,1169908341748543488 |
-| canada | 462937526768775172 |
-| digitalmarketingagency | 1442500376623321092,1294668597443956756,1169908341748543488 |
-| nsfw | 874510275275112448,616348850147303443,824279188585496576,862387013408485376,1265769706291421184 |
-| videogames | 838033865292578816,1444328500726075396,567372953759522816,566889350457991168,1368218985123811329 |
-| humor | 1110363744251887616,774067027907190789 |
-| beauty | 984703890463858688,619166706241118208 |
-| fitness | 1165910758624018432,1442488853934903303,463080754876788745,1156627581123850240 |
-| broadband | 478942975620034560,1174494235394486272,1447311275527770123,765195092406312960 |
-| porn | 874510275275112448,616348850147303443,824279188585496576,862387013408485376,1265769706291421184 |
-| philosophy | 463046640219992067 |
-| internet | 1476480270281478151,902525707628482560,1201737076455972864,619105339211526145,1359550877425209362 |
-| vaccines | 1156627581123850240 |
-| guns | 1396522777090986003,754406954364837888,991752114147057664,1421393596950515729,985393209730748416 |
-| comics | 793262660220469248 |
-| cars | 1148770823156862976,765195092406312960,832359637414465536 |
-| pets | 459579389693136899,1085916687153975296,1227993296827064320 |
-| gardening | 1410285839044317188,622658682039054354,464053275172286482 |
-| controversialnews | 1191117399856676864,738821645120053248,934784881483403264,1156627581123850240 ||
-This support (""new recommendations"") should augment -- not replace -- the existing Groups recommendation logic (""old recommendations"").
-Possible logic, want dev feedback on feasibility:
-- If ""old recommendations"" are empty, return ""new recommendations""
-- If ""new recommendations"" are empty, return ""old recommendations""
-- Always return ""new recommendations"" + ""old recommendations""
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-## Mobile
-- [ ] Is Mobile Required?
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [x] Create a new Vitess table that has a map of groups to respective tags (table above)
-- [x] The table should have an entity 'type' column for future use with users
-- [x] Shuffle the results back to the users
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",3
-126019262,2023-03-30 22:06:48.963,Update default tags in onboarding,"
-## Goal
-Increase differentiation in audience interests indicated by interest tags selected during onboarding by updating the default tags presented.
-## What needs to be done
-Update the default tags presented in the onboarding tag selection modal.
-| Order | Tag | Change |
-| 1 | technology | keep |
-| 2 | crypto | keep |
-| 3 | nature | keep |
-| 4 | travel | keep |
-| 5 | outdoors | keep |
-| 6 | animals | add |
-| 7 | memes | keep |
-| 8 | erotica | add |
-| 9 | news | keep |
-| 10 | politics | add |
-| 11 | spirituality | keep |
-| 12 | health | add |
-| 13 | education | add |
-| 14 | business | add |
-| 15 | sports | keep |
-| 16 | comedy | keep |
-| 17 | fashion | keep |
-| 18 | anime | add |
-| 19 | gaming | add |
-| 20 | art | keep |
-| 21 | music | keep |
-| 22 | photography | keep |
-OJM - these ones are removed:
-| blog |
-| minds |
-| myphoto |
-| videos |
-| journalism |
-| blockchain |
-| food |
-| nutrition |
-| film |
-| poetry |
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-## Mobile
-- [ ] Is Mobile Required?
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] Changes made as per table above
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",1
-126018849,2023-03-30 21:40:00.808,Web: Newsfeed tabs,"
-## Goal
-To consolidate some of our discovery / curated content within a single pageview, so that users are served more relevant content at their fingertips.
-A tab navigation for the Newsfeed will enable more options to present users to encourage engagement.
-## What needs to be done
-- Swap current Newsfeed controls (navigating between Top and Latest) with pattern below.
-- Maintain and respect the same user preference for which tab to load by default when the user visits the Newsfeed
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-New design:
-Note - do not include ellipsis menu, user is only switching between two persistent views.
-## Mobile
-- [ ] Is Mobile Required?
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] Tab bar is introduced for newsfeed and the Title/Dropdown block is removed.
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments
-126018772,2023-03-30 21:36:10.762,Web: Create Boost flow from Boost console,"
-## Goal
-Enable users to create Boosts (channel + activity Boosts) from the Boost console so that more Boosts can be made.
-## What needs to be done
-Enable a user to create a Boost from the Boost console.
-- Channel Boost (can use existing ""Boost channel"" modal)
-- Activity Boost (can use new ""Boost latest post"" flow)
-## QA
-## Mobile
-- [ ] Is Mobile Required?
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] Display the InFeed notice for the Boost Latest Post
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",2
-126018527,2023-03-30 21:24:06.199,UXD: Indicate comment is misclassified as spam,"
-## Goal
-Enable community feedback on our automatic spam detection to improve the system and build trust in the community.
-## What needs to be done
-- Given comments in a specific thread are marked as suspected spam
-- and the comments are initially hidden behind a spam wall
-- when a user clicks to reveal the comments
-- the user has an option to indicate that they think a specific comment is misclassified / is not spam.
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-## Mobile
-- [ ] Is Mobile Required?
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] ...
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",3
-126017216,2023-03-30 20:43:31.449,Automatically tag the first post a user makes,"
-## Goal
-Enable on-site discovery -- both by Minds staff and its community -- of first posts from newly-registered users on Minds.
-## What needs to be done
-- Given a channel has never made a post before,
-- when the channel makes its first post,
-- then add the tag `hellominds` to the activity post in the background.
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-## Mobile
-- [ ] Is Mobile Required?
-## Personas
-New Minds user who does not already have a social circle to take part in.
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] On the SearchIndexerSubscription, detect if it is a users first post, append the 'hellominds' tag to the ElasticSearch document
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",2
-126016803,2023-03-30 20:33:12.728,UXD: Refresh Groups home feed design,"
-## Goal
-Enable aggressive, confident experimentation with Groups as a vehicle for user retention by refreshing the home feed screen to use modern design system and UI.
-## What needs to be done
-Refresh the home feed layout for web + mobile app using the modern design system.
-Include a solution for managing settings for the group.
-Assume that functionality available on the members list screen can continue to be served by the existing page without refreshing it, since that page isn't critical to Groups usability for most users.
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-## Mobile
-- [ ] Is Mobile Required?
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] ...
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",5
-126016707,2023-03-30 20:29:05.193,Video content not playing,"### Summary
-Video content on random posts appears to be ""broken"", returning only a black screen when trying to play the content. I'm told that the problem could be specfically with pre-cloudflare streams content.
-### Steps to reproduce
-(How one can reproduce the issue - this is very important)
-### Platform information
-(Browser, device, system stats, screen size)
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-black screen
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-(What you should see instead)
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-the main content of this post shows the bug
-use this task as a running list of other such content
-### Possible fixes
-(If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem)",0
-125953895,2023-03-29 15:17:49.351,Minds+ comment highlight highlighting the comment notifications,"
-### Summary
-Minds+ comment highlight highlighting the comment notifications
-### Steps to reproduce
-1. get a notification for comment from Minds+ accont
-2. see that it's colored like a comment would
-### Platform information
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-comments highlighted in notifications
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-comments only highlighted in comments
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-(Paste any relevant logs - please use code blocks (```) to format console output,
-logs, and code as it's very hard to read otherwise.)
-### Possible fixes
-(If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem)",1
-125891507,2023-03-28 12:52:33.470,Analytics not showing earnings for past few days,"
-### Summary
-The minds+ earnings in analytics have flatlined in past few days
-Reported by
-- bashynx
-- timoburnham
-- klara_sjo
-- TomPeace
-### Steps to reproduce
-1. Have a channel with consistent minds+ posting/earnings
-1. go here: https://www.minds.com/analytics/dashboard/earnings
-2. Notice, that the earnings for Minds+ don't show for the past few days
-### Platform information
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-Analytics shows wrong data
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-Analytics should show correct data
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-(Paste any relevant logs - please use code blocks (```) to format console output,
-logs, and code as it's very hard to read otherwise.)
-### Possible fixes
-(If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem)",2
-125888039,2023-03-28 11:37:43.006,Multiplier not being counted,"
-### Summary
-Multiplier stopped showing correct number.
-Impact: Active users are not getting rewards for their additional activity on the site.
-### Steps to reproduce
-1. Have an account that has been posting daily
-2. Look through the calendar at https://www.minds.com/wallet/tokens/rewards, and see what engagement multiplier you have
-3. Notice it's been dropping, and is probably at around 1
-### Platform information
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-Wrong multiplier
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-Multiplier should be correct
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-I've looked through my profile, and I've been posting daily from 9th (besides 18th and 19th)
-The multiplier went down to two on 21st, but there are weird instances of getting 1 among 3's on 5th and 19th:
-Users who have alerted us to an issue with their multiplier
-- \@bashynx
-- \@fickleflame
-- \@vindicator725
-- \@Aragmar
-- \@Yotivationnation
-### Possible fixes
-(If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem)",3
-125839450,2023-03-27 14:57:48.408,"Remove ""Pending transfers"" from wallet","
-## Goal
-Increase comprehension of the wallet by removing the ""Pending transfers"" number from the Cash tab. It's confusing and not helping.
-## What needs to be done
-Remove the Pending transfers section from the cash tab of the wallet.
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-## Mobile
-- [x] Is Mobile Required?
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] The pending transfers column is removed from Cash wallets
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",1
-125797503,2023-03-27 08:25:13.364,Cannot post - PDOExceptions,"
-### Summary
-Cannot post due to PDOExceptions.
-### Steps to reproduce
-Try to post
-### Platform information
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-Should be able to post, also reported you cannot see Boost console
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-Should be able to post, also reported you cannot see Boost console
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-(Paste any relevant logs - please use code blocks (```) to format console output,
-logs, and code as it's very hard to read otherwise.)
-### Possible fixes
-(If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem)",2
-125647248,2023-03-22 18:21:08.956,Chatwoot integration,"
-## Goal
-Be able to engage live with logged-out and logged-in users to maximize retention, conversions and engagement.
-## What needs to be done
-- [ ] Create logged out chat widget
- `
-- [ ] It is required that we host the js ourselves
-- [ ] Create logged in chat widget (https://www.chatwoot.com/docs/product/channels/live-chat/sdk/identity-validation)
-## QA
-Test button
-## UX/Design
-N/A - call on design if needed.
-## Mobile
-- [ ] Is Mobile Required?
-Not initially.
-## Personas
-Users in need of assistance
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [x] Create logged out chat widget
-- [x] Create logged in chat widget (https://www.chatwoot.com/docs/product/channels/live-chat/sdk/identity-validation)
-- [x] Host JS Ourselves
-- [x] Ensure no tracking cookies are added
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",3
-125604382,2023-03-21 22:17:35.372,No subscriber badge appears next to username in comments if user is Pro subscriber,"
-### Summary
-We now highlight comments of Minds+ users and show their Minds+ subscriber badge next to their name.
-If a user is subscribed to Minds Pro, they also enjoy this benefit, but their subscriber badge does not appear.
-### Steps to reproduce
-View a comments thread with a comment by a Minds Pro subscriber.
-e.g. https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1480596801789628432
-### Platform information
-- Web
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-- The comment is highlighted
-- No subscriber badge appears for Minds Pro subscribers
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-- The comment is highlighted
-- A Minds Pro subscriber badge appears next to the username of Pro subscribers
-- A verified badge would be displayed if the user is verified
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-### Possible fixes
-(If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem)",1
-125445619,2023-03-17 15:03:17.980,UXD: Customize links in Boosts,"
-## Goal
-Enable cash advertising customers to better control the presentation of their Boosts to improve their click through rates.
-## What needs to be done
-- A mechanism that enables a Booster to customize the thumbnail of the link in their post.
-- A mechanism to add a custom call to action (CTA) button on a Boost with a link.
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-[Figma Web](https://www.figma.com/file/W2xIag64EdbWUlGAQOpVHE/Boost-Update?node-id=1499%3A29311&t=MM65JewdiGMxQjlD-1)
-[Figma Mobile](https://www.figma.com/file/W2xIag64EdbWUlGAQOpVHE/Boost-Update?node-id=1392%3A34632&t=e2pyN1ddfi1oOsMg-1)
-## Mobile
-- [ ] Is Mobile Required?
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] ...
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",5
-125378940,2023-03-16 14:48:19.581,Don't show Boosts on my own channel page,"
-## Goal
-Avoid concerns about seeing ads on your own pages by keeping self-owned pages ad-free.
-## What needs to be done
-- Given I'm the owner of a page that can host Boost Partner Boosts (e.g. channel page, SEP), when I view that page logged-in, then Boosts are not displayed
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-## Mobile
-- [ ] Is Mobile Required?
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] ...
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",1
-125230798,2023-03-14 09:26:42.496,BoostSuggestionInjector - Call to a member function getGuid() on null,"
-### Summary
-Sentry error found
-### Steps to reproduce
-See Sentry
-### Platform information
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-Error thrown out
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-Should return null if nothing found or the next boost along - to discuss.
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-### Possible fixes
-Check whether Boost exists",1
-125108494,2023-03-10 15:41:01.183,Add Boost end dates to Mautic custom fields,"
-## Goal
-Enable Minds team to build Mautic campaigns that respond to Boosts completing, e.g. to understand how satisfied customers are with their Boost.
-## What needs to be done
-Add custom fields to Mautic contacts that indicate when their last cash and token Boosts completed.
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-## Mobile
-- [ ] Is Mobile Required?
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] ...
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",1
-124983728,2023-03-08 16:40:07.446,UXD: Create Boost flow from Boost console,"
-## Goal
-Enable users to create Boosts (channel + activity Boosts) from the Boost console so that more Boosts can be made.
-## What needs to be done
-Design a flow and UI to be able to create a Boost from the Boost console.
-- Channel Boost (can use existing ""Boost channel"" modal)
-- Activity Boost (can use new ""Boost latest post"" flow?)
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-## Mobile
-- [ ] Is Mobile Required?
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] ...
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",3
-124929574,2023-03-07 23:38:50.319,Web: Redirect Earn link in navigation to earning blog,"
-## Goal
-Teach Minds community about the various mechanisms by which they can earn on Minds, including the new affiliates program.
-## What needs to be done
-Change the existing `Earn` link in the site navigation to point to the following blog URL: https://www.minds.com/info/blog/how-to-earn-on-minds-1486070032210333697
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-## Mobile
-- [ ] Is Mobile Required?
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] Link points to blog (@markryansallee to provide).
-- [x] Delete the earn modal
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",2
-124929487,2023-03-07 23:33:44.554,UXD: Update referrals screen with affiliates requirements,"
-## Goal
-Incentivize and enable Minds users to refer new users to join Minds and transact.
-## What needs to be done
-Update the existing [Referrals screen](https://www.minds.com/settings/other/referrals).
-- Rename to Affiliates
-- Promote ways that affiliate referrals can earn money
-- Include existing mechanisms for generating referrals (copying link, emailing link, etc.)
-- Update the `My referrals` table to log accounts you've referred, with a running total of earnings they've generated for you
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-## Mobile
-- [x] Is Mobile Required?
-## User testing and notes
-- link to userbrain test
-Hi @username,
-Hope you're having a great day so far. We wanted to invite some of our awesome community to try out some improvements and tweaks we are making to the product to try and make the experience on Minds that much more smoother.
-The link below is a prototype and a quick user task, where we have reworked our referrals program to be a more cohesive experience, and one where expectations are established early in terms of the potential revenue one can earn if they choose to refer!
-[Prototype 1](https://participate.userbrain.com/Z0OQMV)
-Once again, thank you so much for your time, and if you have some feedback or thoughts for us, don't hesitate to reach out at @design or @info.
-Chaitanya Prashant
-Design @ Minds
-- Participants -> users who have been users of Minds for more than 3 weeks, and were active at least within a 1-3 day window prior to the day our recruitment email gets sent out.
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] ...
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",5
-124928649,2023-03-07 22:58:53.817,Add Minds+ content section to Content Policy,"
-## Goal
-Communicate the Minds+ premium content policy in human-readable terms in our Content Policy so that customers can be informed before we begin enforcing the policy.
-## What needs to be done
-Add a new section to the [Minds Content Policy](https://www.minds.com/content-policy), below `Boost policy` and above `Spam policy`, with the following copy:
-### Minds+ premium content policy
-Minds+ aims to create a unique and engaging feed for its users, and to this end we require that any content monetized through Minds+ is original and exclusive to Minds+. We will not monetize content that exists anywhere else on the internet.
-We adhere to US copyright law, including the concepts of ""fair use"" or ""threshold of originality."" We will not monetize content that infringes on the intellectual property rights of others or violates any laws, including copyright, trademark, or privacy laws.
-To meet the ""threshold of originality"" standard, content must be sufficiently creative and original. We reserve the right to determine whether content meets this standard.
-Other restrictions on monetized content also apply. See the [full Minds monetization terms](https://www.minds.com/p/monetization-terms) for more details.
-- Post original status updates and blogs
-- Post original images and videos
-- Post original memes derivative of pre-existing memes
-- Re-post memes, photos, videos, or other content others created
-- Post content to Minds+ that is available outside of Minds+
-- Post NSFW content to Minds+
-If you believe that your content has been wrongly rejected or removed, you may contact our support team to appeal the decision. However, we reserve the right to make the final determination regarding the eligibility of content for monetization on Minds+. For more, please see the [Minds Monetization terms of service](https://www.minds.com/p/monetization-terms).
-#### Violations
-- First violation - Content loses Minds+ premium content status & a strike is earned
-- Second violation - Content loses Minds+ premium content status & a strike is earned
-- Third violation - Content loses Minds+ premium content status & offender loses the ability to publish Minds+ premium content
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-## Mobile
-- [ ] Is Mobile Required?
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [x] Content is as above
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",1
-124830283,2023-03-06 23:22:01.312,Web: Add context to previews of paywalled premium content,"
-## Goal
-Increase engagement with PREMIUM content from Minds+ subscribers by making the posts more appealing / engaging to users without Minds+ subscriptions.
-## What needs to be done
-- Update the presentation of Minds+ paywalled content
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-At a high level, changes fall into three categories:
-1. Expose text content for media-based posts
-2. Add social proof context to paywalled posts (e.g. Bill follows Jack)
-3. Reduce blur of images for image-based posts
-#### 1.
-**Continue Reading Added: Similar use to 'See More' however in this case we use the primary color for the link to serve as a distinguishing factor between the two. Also, when 'Continue reading' is clicked it will open up the Minds+ Modal to subscribe to Minds+ just like the 'Unlock Post' button.**
-## Mobile
-- [ ] Is Mobile Required?
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-- Deploy as an experiment and measure for engagement
-- Secondary metric: Users clicking ""Unlock"" button
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] Expose the text of images and videos
-- [ ] When a paywalled post, see more should now be called 'Continue reading'.
-- [ ] When clicking 'Continue reading' it should unlock the post
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",3
-124830166,2023-03-06 23:16:17.456,Web: Used a dot to indicate new content in Discovery,"
-## Goal
-Increase engagement and new channel discovery by increasing visits to the Discovery tab.
-## What needs to be done
-- Add a notification dot on the nav icon for Discovery that indicates new content.
-- When the user navigates to Discovery, the dot is cleared
-- The dot stays cleared for 24 hours
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-[Figma](https://www.figma.com/file/tHjd7fqgBiiTHRTNq5Ltfp/Web---Composer-and-Sidebar-updates?node-id=223%3A7879&t=89HUIWTvGeOE6Dx0-1) contains animation and hover states
-**Spec sheet**
-## Mobile
-- [ ] Is Mobile Required?
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-- Implement as an A-B experiment
-- Measure visits to Discovery page
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] Add a notification dot on the nav icon for Discovery that indicates new content.
-- [ ] When the user navigates to Discovery, the dot is cleared
-- [ ] The dot stays cleared for 24 hours
-- [ ] Run as an experiment
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",2
-124829878,2023-03-06 23:04:22.710,Web: Highlight comments from Minds+ subscribers,"
-## Goal
-Increase reach and engagement for Minds+ subscribers by highlighting their comments in comment threads.
-## What needs to be done
-Make comments from Minds+ users stand apart from other comments by visually differentiating them.
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-**Specs for Web**
-**Dark Mode Example**
-**Light Mode Example Replies Expanded**
-**Light Mode Example Comment In Replies**
-**Specs for Mobile**
-**Dark Mode**
-**Light Mode**
-## Mobile
-- [x] Is Mobile Required?
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] A highlight background shows on Minds+ comments
-- [ ] Show a Minds+ icon next to the name of the commenter
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",3
-124829520,2023-03-06 22:52:22.413,Web: Reorganize Boost navigation links,"
-## Goal
-Make links to Boost console accessible and consistent with other patterns on the app / site.
-## What needs to be done
-Spec placements of Boost links in app / site navigation. Spec where links go to.
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-**Old Design**
-**New Design: Boost button will now open up the boost console similar to the Supermind button**
-**Have an A/B test to show a profile dropdown with Boost Console swapped for Boost Channel**
-## Mobile
-- [ ] Is Mobile Required?
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [x] Swap out the boost links as above
-- [x] Run experiment on the Boost Channel / Boost console (top right dropdown).
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",2
-124819620,2023-03-06 19:14:48.804,Display click counts in Boost console,"
-## Goal
-Show ROI for Boost buyers by reporting on how many link clicks their Boost drove.
-## What needs to be done
-Add a metrics column/row to display count of link clicks that originated from the Boost.
-[A separate issue is adding tracking of those clicks](https://gitlab.com/minds/minds/-/issues/3819).
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-## Mobile
-- [ ] Is Mobile Required?
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] Add number of clicks column to boost console
-- [ ] Presume `total_clicks` will be passed with the summary
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",2
-124701890,2023-03-03 16:57:58.473,"Holding rewards have dash in historic entries as well, not only first page","
-### Summary
-Holding rewards have dash in historic entries as well, not only first page
-### Steps to reproduce
-1. Go to your wallet
-2. Change a date to previous day
-3. See that it still shows same, as on first page
-### Platform information
-win10, brave
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-The holding rewards show as `-` on previous days
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-Holding rewards should show that days amounts on previous days
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-(Paste any relevant logs - please use code blocks (```) to format console output,
-logs, and code as it's very hard to read otherwise.)
-### Possible fixes
-(If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem)",1
-124643621,2023-03-02 18:49:46.824,No jury ran since october,"
-### Summary
-I've been looking through the jury data, and it appears that no jury ran since october:
-### Steps to reproduce
-### Platform information
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-No jury triggered
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-Jury should be triggered
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-(Paste any relevant logs - please use code blocks (```) to format console output,
-logs, and code as it's very hard to read otherwise.)
-### Possible fixes
-(If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem)",3
-124642508,2023-03-02 18:19:55.822,Vitess issues,"
-### Is minds.com down?
-Vitess is
-### What is the issue?
-Issues with Vitess
-### What username are you logged in with?
-Any user
-### Console logs
-124641474,2023-03-02 17:54:44.938,"Update link in the ""You got a strike"" email","
-### Summary
-Update link in the ""You got a strike"" email
-### Steps to reproduce
-1. Get a strike
-2. Open email
-3. Inspect the ""log in"" link
-### Platform information
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-Link links to wrong place
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-Link should link to the right place
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-This is how hovering log in looks like:
-The link is `https://www.minds.com/settings/reported-content` but it should be `https://www.minds.com/settings/other/reported-content`
-### Possible fixes
-(If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem)",1
-124636035,2023-03-02 16:08:38.179,Cannot Boost blog entities,"
-### Summary
-Blog entities can not be boosted currently - only the activity in your ""all"" filtered channel page or a global feed like the newsfeed and discovery.
-# Areas of known failure
-- SEP (we seem to be linking through to the entity guid for blogs rather than the GUID when clicking timestamp, thus it fails).
-- Blog page.
-- Blog filtered channel feed.
-### Steps to reproduce
-Try to boost a blog from either the filtered channel feed by blog OR from the actual blog page its self.
-### Platform information
-Web, likely mobile too.
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-Cannot Boost a blog from these places because it is not an activity.
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-**TBC** - options include
-- Have a check in the boost endpoint that looks up linked activities for Blogs and boosts that.
-- Export the activity GUID with the blog and Boost the activity GUID from the front end
-- Get rid of Boost buttons for these entities / warn on click / redirect to the activity if possible.
-- Anything else?
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-### Possible fixes
-Some efforts were undertaken during the development of #3773 (despite being outside of the AC) which are [outlined here](https://gitlab.com/minds/minds/-/issues/3773#note_1299114625) to make the filtered channel page show activities for Boosts - however, this was not possible as there is no indexed value that uniquely identifies blogs under `minds-search-activity`. It was then noticed that this also applies to Boosting directly from the blog page.",3
-124585724,2023-03-01 22:36:23.313,Add Boost to SEPs,"## Goal
-As a Minds, I want to increase Boost inventory supply so that I can better fulfill the demands of customers.
-As a creator, I want to earn revenue from Boost partners by serving Boost inventory on my pages.
-## What needs to be done
-Add a channel boost slot to sidebar on desktop SEPs.
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-**SEP Channel Boost in Sidebar**
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-Use the boost partner experiment
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [x] Display one single boost on the single entity pages
-- [x] Do not display the boost if the the content owner has disabled serving boosts
-- [x] Ensure client meta 'served by' is set
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",3
-124585111,2023-03-01 22:16:32.966,Cant make posts into minds+,"
-### Summary
-I wanted to post something into plus, but was unable to because of internal server error
-### Steps to reproduce
-1. Try creating a post (image or text)
-2. See that you get an error on trying to submit (checkbox checked, hashtags added)
-### Platform information
-win10, brave
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-Cant post into plus
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-Should be able to post into plus
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-### Possible fixes
-(If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem)",0
-124579539,2023-03-01 20:12:41.931,UXD: Hide suspected spam comments,"
-## Goal
-Reduce impact of spam by hiding comments that are suspected of spam.
-## What needs to be done
-We can automatically identify that comments are spam with a high degree of accuracy, but still want human review before they're removed from the site. When a comment is automatically identified as spam -- but before human review -- we should hide the comments from view, and enable the community to show the comments and give feedback about whether or not the automatic spam detection was accurate.
-[We got some feedback from the community about a feature like this here](https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1437588985613389832).
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-## Mobile
-- [ ] Is Mobile Required?
-## User testing
-- Link to draft -> https://www.notion.so/chints98/Minds-spam-comments-userbrain-test-draft-e4c52c7020ce4e499f4a48c578bf7532?pvs=4
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] ...
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments
-124578866,2023-03-01 19:56:42.985,UXD: Used a dot to indicate new content in Discovery,"
-## Goal
-Increase engagement and new channel discovery by increasing visits to the Discovery tab.
-## What needs to be done
-Use a notification dot on the nav icon for Discovery that indicates new content.
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-[Figma](https://www.figma.com/file/tHjd7fqgBiiTHRTNq5Ltfp/Web---Composer-and-Sidebar-updates?node-id=223%3A7879&t=89HUIWTvGeOE6Dx0-1) contains animation and hover states
-**Spec sheet Web**
-**Spec sheet Mobile**
-## Mobile
-- [ ] Is Mobile Required?
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] ...
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",2
-124376780,2023-02-27 18:29:57.003,UXD: Update Boost Console location in mobile settings,"
-## Goal
-## What needs to be done
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-**Surface the 'Boost' setting above Supermind on mobile**
-**Remove 'Boost Console' setting option under settings**
-## Mobile
-- [ ] Is Mobile Required?
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] ...
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",2
-124215769,2023-02-23 19:47:07.065,Migrate new user marketing emails to Mautic,"
-## Goal
-Move new user onboarding emails to Mautic for more rapid testing and iteration cycles.
-## What needs to be done
-Stop sending the following emails from the backend, and start sending them from Mautic.
-- Welcome to Minds
-- What do you think of Minds?
-- Get paid for your posts
-- Friends help friends
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-## Mobile
-- [ ] Is Mobile Required?
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] Stop sending the emails cited above from the backend
-- [ ] Coordinate with Ryan to start sending those emails from Mautic
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",1
-124092454,2023-02-22 00:01:45.043,Record click events on links in activity posts,"
-## Goal
-Improve Boost ROI by being able to report on how many clicks Boosts drive.
-## What needs to be done
-Record click events for links in activity posts.
-Successful link clicks include:
-- Clicking a link in the body of an activity post
-- Clicking a link preview in an activity post
-- Clicking to load/play an embed from a link (e.g. playing an embedded YouTube video)
-If the activity post appears as a Boost, the click event should have context relating clicks to that Boost so that the Boost results can report clicks.
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-## Mobile
-- [ ] Is Mobile Required?
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [x] Create a new topic for click events
-- [x] Boosts should subscribe to the topic and update the boost summaries. Add a new column for clicks.
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",5
-124000957,2023-02-20 14:30:15.759,Oldest Expired supermind was created on 4th January,"
-### Summary
-I have looked into superset table for Supermind, and it seems like we have not had an expired Supermind for a while. Latest expired supermind was created on 4th January.
-Checking supermind console, I can see that console claims a supermind has been expired, but in the apis it's status 1, Created
-### Steps to reproduce
-Check Superset and see no Superminds have been expired since 4th of Jan.
-### Platform information
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-Runners seem to be erroring out stopping new Superminds from being marked as expired.
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-Should run without error.
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-(Paste any relevant logs - please use code blocks (```) to format console output,
-logs, and code as it's very hard to read otherwise.)
-### Possible fixes
-See below comment",2
-124652659,2023-02-17 16:10:22.506,Update Boost Settings UI to introduce new setting options,"
-## Goal
-- Add value to Minds+ subscription prop
-- Give Minds+ customers more control of their content
-- Give content owners more control over how their content is presented
-- Enable eligible customers to earn more from Boost partners by enabling more lucrative audience targeting
-## What needs to be done
-Enable Minds+/Pro subscribers to disable Boosts on their content, including channel pages, SEPs, etc.
-Bonus if the control is exposed to non-subscribers and used as a point of converting to a Minds+ subscriber.
-Give all users an option to enable/disable Controversial Boosts from appearing on pages they own (channel pages, SEPs, etc.).
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-See https://gitlab.com/minds/minds/-/issues/3699
-## Mobile
-- [x] Is Mobile Required?
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-Boost partner epic
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] UI implemented adhering to designs on https://gitlab.com/minds/minds/-/issues/3699
-- [ ] Implement new configuration column value for boost serving
-- [ ] Settings page should call a new endpoint that returns specific boost settings
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",5
-123752522,2023-02-15 19:55:32.188,UXD: Reorganize Boost navigation links,"
-## Goal
-Make links to Boost console accessible and consistent with other patterns on the app / site.
-## What needs to be done
-Spec placements of Boost links in app / site navigation. Spec where links go to.
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-**Old Design**
-**New Design: Boost button will now open up the boost console similar to the Supermind button**
-**Have an A/B test to show a profile dropdown with Boost Console swapped for Boost Channel**
-## Mobile
-- [ ] Is Mobile Required?
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] ...
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",3
-123748539,2023-02-15 18:24:50.021,App crashes when opening camera for human detector,"
-### Summary
-Michael Robinson reports that the Minds app crashes on his phone when opening the camera for the human detector.
-### Steps to reproduce
-- Launch the human detector
-- Click `Continue` to navigate to the camera screen
-### Platform information
-- Android I think
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-- The app crashes
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-- The app opens the camera to read the numbers the user wrote down
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-Michael Robinson may be able to provide diagnostics
-### Possible fixes
-(If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem)",3
-123744764,2023-02-15 17:10:42.046,"Verification code notification covers the ""Continue"" button","
-### Summary
-The in-app verification code notification covers the `Continue` button in the human detector and it's not obvious how to proceed.
-### Steps to reproduce
-- Launch the human detector
-- Receive the in-app notification with the verification code
-### Platform information
-- iPhone 12 Mini + iOS 16
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-- The `Continue` button is hidden behind the in-app notification
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-- Design to recommend
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-### Possible fixes
-(If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem)
-- Move the Continue button to the bottom.
-- Make the toast more visible.",3
-123744696,2023-02-15 17:07:58.491,OCR can't read my writing,"
-### Summary
-I can't get the OCR for human detector to detect my writing.
-I've not been able to complete the process with various attempts at writing the code.
-### Steps to reproduce
-- Start human detector
-- Receive the verification code notification
-- Write down on paper the verification code
-- Tap ""Continue""
-- Fit the verification code into the box
-### Platform information
-iPhone 12 Mini + iOS 16
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-The process times out without recognizing the verification code I wrote.
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-The app detects the verification code I wrote and proceeds.
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-### Possible fixes
-(If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem)",5
-123734112,2023-02-15 14:30:04.891,Link previews seem to not work,"
-### Summary
-Link previews seem to not work
-### Steps to reproduce
-1. Pick a link (list bellow)
-2. Try posting it
-3. see it stops loading after almost minute of tring to fetch preview
-- `https://gab.com/bashynxHasBeenTaken/posts/107633575284884185` < this got me an unknown error
-- `https://twitter.com/Uugher7/status/1623988168813862912` < this got me an unknown error
-- `https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6YqZ8-1uwk` < this got me an error
-- `https://www.bitchute.com/video/Wz71iokDJSc/` < no preview, error
-- `gab.com` < worked
-- `bashynx.com` < worked
-- `https://gab.com` < worked
-- `https://gab.com/bashynxHasBeenTaken` < did not work, error
-### Platform information
-Brave, Chrome, Win10, Prod
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-Links seem to be not loading previews
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-Links should load previews
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-(Paste any relevant logs - please use code blocks (```) to format console output,
-logs, and code as it's very hard to read otherwise.)
-### Possible fixes
-(If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem)",1
-123655860,2023-02-14 12:04:22.106,Missing top border for boosted posts,"
-### Summary
-Missing border between boosted posts and other content
-### Steps to reproduce
-1. Put staging on
-2. Make sure you can see boosts and recommended channels module
-3. Scroll down and see missing border
-4. Should be able to see it for other boosts
-### Platform information
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-No border.
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-- Should have border.
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-### Possible fixes
-Styling issue may be at newsfeed layer as boost feed still looks fine",1
-123329742,2023-02-08 21:15:25.577,Add CPM to Boost console for completed Boosts,"
-## Goal
-Help customers understand the ROI of their Boosts by displaying the CPM (cost per thousand views) of a completed Boost.
-## What needs to be done
-Add the calculated CPM to the Boost console view of _completed_ Boosts.
-A CPM result could look something like...
-- $3.00
-- 5 tokens
-Include a tooltip (on hover) with the following copy:
-> CPM is the cost per 1,000 views (cost per mille)
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-## Mobile
-- [x] Is Mobile Required?
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] Display the CPM client side to 2 decimal places
-- [ ] Token CPMs will be displayed as token amounts
-- [ ] Only display the CPM for completed boosts
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",1
-123245417,2023-02-07 21:01:20.924,Boost feed pagination is broken.,"
-### Summary
-Boost feed pagination is broken.
-### Steps to reproduce
-Go https://www.minds.com/discovery/boost/feed
-Try to scroll. Can't.
-### Platform information
-Web, probably effects mobile too.
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-Pagination is broken.
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-- Pagination should work in the feed - note currently `has_more` is returning `null`.
-- [TBC] Pagination should work when anywhere between 1 result and all results are stripped due to blocked users.
-- [TBC] Same as above for banned users presuming we have migrated banned users from Vitess and stripped them from the feed.
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-### Possible fixes
-(If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem)",2
-123233251,2023-02-07 16:33:52.013,"Gray out ""Safe"" audience when re-Boosting a post that was rejected for targeting ""Safe""","
-## Goal
-Increase the success rate of Boost submissions by preventing a Boost submission to an audience category for which that activity post was already rejected.
-## What needs to be done
-- Given a Boost is submitted to the `Safe` audience,
-- and the Boost is rejected due to `Wrong audience`,
-- when the user retries the Boost via the Boost console,
-- then the `Controversial` audience is pre-selected,
-- and the `Safe` audience selection is grayed out.
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-**Web **
-## Mobile
-- [x] Is Mobile Required?
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] ...
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",1
-123232035,2023-02-07 16:28:45.319,Boost your latest post in-feed notice,"
-## Goal
-Increase Boost purchases.
-## What needs to be done
-Design and build an in-feed notice / promotion that invites a customer to Boost their latest post.
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-Link to figma file - https://www.figma.com/file/dknG3y2PhgoXZZ3tzKCpN4/Boost-(in-feed-notice)---Latest-post?node-id=1%3A2
-##### Desktop designs
-##### Mobile designs
-Prototype -
-## Mobile
-- [x] Is Mobile Required?
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-Current copy to be used - Boost your latest post
-In a future issue, we intend to run a small experiment where we try out the two copy variants above, to measure which message performs best in terms of conversion.
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] ...
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",3
-123154786,2023-02-06 20:00:03.252,Vertical video displays in widescreen player,"
-### Summary
-Some vertical videos (9:16) are displayed in widescreen (16:9) video players.
-### Steps to reproduce
-I've had this occur multiple times, but not 100% on the repro steps. What I think can repro is...
-- Launch the composer
-- Upload the video
-- **As soon as the video is uploaded and the `Post` button is active, click `Post` to create the post**
-- Wait for the video to finish transcoding
-(Waiting to click `Post` AFTER transcoding appears to avoid this bug.)
-### Platform information
-MacOS + Chrome
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-The vertical video is displayed in a horizontal player.
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-The vertical video is displayed in a vertical player.
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-Example: https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1469413508574613516
-### Possible fixes
-(If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem)",3
-123153664,2023-02-06 19:39:11.353,Video flickers when uploading,"
-### Summary
-When uploading a video through the Composer, the video preview image flickers with upload progress.
-### Steps to reproduce
-- Launch the composer
-- Upload a video
-### Platform information
-- MacOS + Chrome
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-- A progress bar indicates progress
-- The video preview image flickers
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-- A progress bar indicates progress
-- The video preview does not flicker
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-### Possible fixes
-(If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem)",3
-123145987,2023-02-06 17:07:34.824,Content policy and refund policy links in boost modal are not clickable,"
-### Summary
-Can't click these links:
-Content policy should link: https://support.minds.com/hc/en-us/articles/11723536774292-Boost-Content-Policy
-Refund policy should link: https://www.minds.com/p/terms
-(I believe there was agreement both should point to same spot)
-### Steps to reproduce
-1. Try boosting
-2. Get to the last screen
-3. Test links on bottom
-### Platform information
-(Browser, device, system stats, screen size)
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-(What actually happens)
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-(What you should see instead)
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-(Paste any relevant logs - please use code blocks (```) to format console output,
-logs, and code as it's very hard to read otherwise.)
-### Possible fixes
-(If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem)",1
-123142894,2023-02-06 16:18:51.104,Boost v3 | On-Chain boost stuck in pending on-chain confirmation,"
-### Summary
-I have made an on-chain boost a few days ago. It's still stuck in pending on-chain confirmation
-Etherscan: https://etherscan.io/tx/0x482769b6634c481377ac6bacf1fe753584f62a5c85a43a779128bfd13e3779a8
-### Steps to reproduce
-1. Make onchain boost
-2. see it will get stuck
-### Platform information
-(Browser, device, system stats, screen size)
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-(What actually happens)
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-(What you should see instead)
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-(Paste any relevant logs - please use code blocks (```) to format console output,
-logs, and code as it's very hard to read otherwise.)
-### Possible fixes
-(If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem)",3
-123129004,2023-02-06 13:24:25.902,Cannot boost from channel page with filters,"
-### Summary
-It is not possible to boost from the channel page with video / image filters apply
-### Steps to reproduce
-1. Go to your channel
-2. Filter by images or video
-3. Try to boost a post
-### Platform information
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-Cannot boost, you see the below error
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-Channel feed filters should return activity posts using the 'custom_type' field rather than type=object:image
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-### Possible fixes
-This is because the endpoint returning the entities is returning image entities and not activities.",2
-123030915,2023-02-03 22:56:35.865,Discovery > Suggested users is blank for anon users,"
-### Summary
-https://www.minds.com/discovery/suggestions/user is empty for logged-out users.
-### Steps to reproduce
-- Log out
-- Navigate to https://www.minds.com/discovery/suggestions/user
-### Platform information
-- MacOS + Chrome
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-- The page appears empty with a ""Load more"" button
-- Clicking the button does nothing
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-- When opening the page, the Login modal should appear
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-### Possible fixes
-(If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem)",1
-123016978,2023-02-03 16:39:42.658,Make comments shareable,"
-## Goal
-Give comments more viral potential by making them shareable.
-## What needs to be done
-Enable comments to be easily shared via copy/pasting a link, and via re-mind function.
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-## Mobile
-- [x] Is Mobile Required?
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] ...
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",3
-124024807,2023-02-03 15:20:17.372,Cleanup Gitlab Feature Flags,"
-## Goal
-Remove the legacy features flags that we still have on gitlab. Also remove all the old unleash/feature code.
-## What needs to be done
-Search for existing frontend and backend flags. Remove these from the code.
-## QA
-QA will be required here
-## UX/Design
-## Mobile
-- [ ] Is Mobile Required?
-## Personas
-Devs :nerd:
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] All legacy features flags are removed from backend **AND** frontend
-- [ ] Unleash code removed
-- [ ] Remove from settings.example.php
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",5
-122971080,2023-02-02 23:47:18.271,UXD: Highlight comments from Minds+ subscribers,"
-## Goal
-Increase reach and engagement for Minds+ subscribers by highlighting their comments in comment threads.
-## What needs to be done
-Make comments from Minds+ users stand apart from other comments by visually differentiating them.
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-**Specs for Web**
-**Dark Mode Example**
-**Light Mode Example Replies Expanded**
-**Light Mode Example Comment In Replies**
-**Specs for Mobile**
-**Dark Mode**
-**Light Mode**
-## Mobile
-- [x] Is Mobile Required?
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] ...
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",3
-122971018,2023-02-02 23:40:16.923,UXD: Add context to previews of paywalled premium content,"
-## Goal
-Increase engagement with PREMIUM content from Minds+ subscribers by making the posts more appealing / engaging to users without Minds+ subscriptions.
-## What needs to be done
-Design changes to paywalled activity posts to make them more engaging for users who do not have Minds+ subscriptions.
-Some ideas...
-- For media posts, expose all text content of the post
-- Expose comments / replies to the post
-- Expose familiar channel names of people who've upvoted the post
-- Blur only half an image
-- Unblur an image and then blur after 3 seconds on screen
-- ...
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-**Continue Reading Added: Similar use to 'See More' however in this case we use the primary color for the link to serve as a distinguishing factor between the two. Also, when 'Continue reading' is clicked it will open up the Minds+ Modal to subscribe to Minds+ just like the 'Unlock Post' button.**
-**Addition of 'X' follows 'Y' reusing the remind location. In the case where a Minds+ post is reminded and has this already on the post, the remind would supersede and take priority as the main notice on the post. This is similar to the location we used when we implemented this for Superminds. Icon used in the design is the same as the current 'Groups' material icon**
-**'X' and 'Z' follow 'Y'**
-**'X' and 'N others' follow 'Y' where N >= 2**
-| Top Bar Text | Do I follow Mark? | Do I follow Emerson? | Do I follow Jack | Do I follow 'X others' |
-| ------------ | ----------------- | -------------------- | -------------------- | ----------------------- |
-| Mark follows Emerson | Yes | No | N/A | N/A|
-| Mark and Jack follow Emerson| Yes | No | Yes | N/A |
-| Mark and 2 others follow Emerson | Yes| No | N/A | Yes |
-## Mobile
-- [ ] Is Mobile Required?
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-**Control Group:** Keep the same blur amount/strength on Minds+ paywalled posts.
-**Test Group:** Reduce blur amount/strength by 40% to help give the user more context to unlock the post and join Minds+ to see the full unblurred image. We will measure the unlock rate on reduced blurred vs full blurred images to see if a reduced blur leads to higher Minds+ sign-ups from 'Unlock Post'
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] ...
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",5
-122964102,2023-02-02 19:40:50.327,"Empty Boost console feeds show ""Create a post"" instead of ""No boost"" message","
-### Summary
-Empty Boost feeds (both Feed & Sidebar) display a `Create a post` button. The UX of this is a bit awkward -- for now we should just display `No posts` message like we do on web.
-### Steps to reproduce
-- Log in with an account with no Boosts
-- Navigate to the Boost console
-### Platform information
-- iOS app
-- Android app
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-- A `Create a post` message + button appears
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-- A `No boost` message appears
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-Mobile app:
-Mobile web:
-### Possible fixes
-(If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem)",2
-122962858,2023-02-02 19:08:17.106,"When hiding a post in the Boost rotator, the Boost rotator appears blank","
-### Summary
-When hiding a post in the Boost rotator, the Boot rotator appears blank.
-### Steps to reproduce
-- Visit the Newsfeed
-- Click the ... menu on a post in the Boost rotator
-- Choose to hide the post
-### Platform information
-MacOS + Chrome
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-- The Boost is removed / hidden
-- The Boost rotator appears blank
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-- The Boost is removed / hidden
-- The Boost rotator advances to display the next available Boost
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-### Possible fixes
-(If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem)",2
-122962106,2023-02-02 18:53:14.875,"Audience shows as ""Mature"" on ""Review your Boost"" screen","
-### Summary
-The label `Mature` is displayed under the selected Audience on the `Review your Boost` screen (last screen during purchase process).
-### Steps to reproduce
-- Start a new Boost
-- Select the `Controversial` audience
-- Get to the `Review your Boost` screen
-### Platform information
-- iOS
-- Android
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-- The selected audience is labeled `Mature`
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-- The selected audience is labeled `Controversial`
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-### Possible fixes
-(If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem)",1
-122961536,2023-02-02 18:41:45.386,Link to Boost content policy with rejection message in Boost console,"
-## Goal
-Provide sufficient disclosure / communication about a Boost rejection so that the user is not confused.
-## What needs to be done
-Add a `Learn more` link to the Boost rejection reason in the Boost console.
-Link to here: https://support.minds.com/hc/en-us/articles/11723536774292-Boost-Content-Policy
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-## Mobile
-- [x] Is Mobile Required?
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] Add the link in above
-- [ ] Learn more to go to zendesk (ryan to add)
-- [ ] If the rejection reason was invalid audience, Display ""Boost again"" which would open the boost modal.
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",2
-122958993,2023-02-02 17:48:09.933,Boost transactions display wrong text in the Wallet,"
-### Summary
-Boost transactions in the wallet appear as Boost offers to `@mindsboost`.
-### Steps to reproduce
-Case 1:
-- Create a Boost in V3
-Case 2:
-- Reject the Boost
-### Platform information
-MacOS + Chrome
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-- Transactions appear in the wallet
-- The transactions appear as
-`Off-Chain Boost Offer to @mindsboost`
-`Off-Chain Boost Offer from @mindsboost`
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-- Transactions appear in the wallet
-- The transactions appear as
-`Off-Chain Boosted Content`
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-### Possible fixes
-(If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem)",2
-122958542,2023-02-02 17:37:50.300,Email & Push notifications link to Boost console with selected post,"
-## Goal
-Give users the best context when tapping CTAs on emails and push notifications.
-## What needs to be done
-When tapping a CTA on a Boost-related email and/or push notification, we should navigate the user to the Boost console with the relevant post displayed exclusively (e.g. how Supermind emails work).
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-## Mobile
-- [x] Is Mobile Required?
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] Introduce new single view page
-- [ ] Notifications and emails to link to the single page
-- [ ] Ensure the ACL is restricted to only the boost owner
-- [ ] Designs to mirror supermind single page
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",5
-122953938,2023-02-02 16:08:30.796,Move Blocklists to Vitess and integrate with boost feeds,"
-## Goal
-Don't show users content from channels they've blocked.
-## What needs to be done
-- Give User A has blocked Channel Y,
-- and Channel Y creates a Boost,
-- when User A views Boosts,
-- then Channel Y's Boosts are not served.
-### Schemas
-TBD (user_blocklist)
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-## Mobile
-- [ ] Is Mobile Required?
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] Migrate Block table from Cassandra -> Vitess
-- [ ] Boost query should join against new Vitess block list
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",5
-122857456,2023-02-01 16:22:00.586,Duplicate emails being sent - investigate & fix,"
-### Summary
-Reports of duplicate emails being sent or no emails being sent.
-### Steps to reproduce
-Unknown as of yet - need to triage.
-### Platform information
-Platform web
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-Reports of dupe emails and emails not coming through
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-Emails should come through and not be duplicated
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-### Possible fixes
-(If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem)",3
-122796568,2023-01-31 21:53:10.316,Preserve UTM codes in link previews,"
-## Goal
-Enable marketers to measure the impact of posting on Minds / Boosting on Minds.
-## What needs to be done
-When an activity post contains a link with UTM parameters, and a link preview is added to the post, then the link preview should maintain the UTM parameters.
-Currently, UTM parameters are preserved if the user clicks the URL address in the post, but not if the user clicks the link preview.
-Example post: https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1467274467364311058
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-## Mobile
-- [x] Is Mobile Required?
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] Ensure we use the raw link instead of the canonical url
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",1
-122697124,2023-01-30 17:12:27.130,Custom fields for Mautic segmenting,"
-## Goal
-Enable more focused communications w/ Minds community through Mautic.
-## What needs to be done
-Add attributes to contacts that enable creating Mautic segments.
-| Custom field | Goal | Done |
-| KITE segment | Engagement, Minds+ subscriptions, Resurrection | [x] |
-| Last Boosted: Cash | Boost buys, Research | [x] |
-| Last Boosted: Token | Boost buys | [x] |
-| Last posted | Engagement, Boost buys | [x] |
-| Token balance | Minds+ subscriptions | [x] |
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-## Mobile
-- [ ] Is Mobile Required?
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] ...
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",5
-122693579,2023-01-30 16:11:53.888,Boost text updates (mobile),"
-## Goal
-Simplify bottom bar text on boost.
-## What needs to be done
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-## Mobile
-- [x] Is Mobile Required?
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] ...
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",3
-122669977,2023-01-30 12:02:39.608,Holding rewards show as zero in wallet,"
-### Summary
-Holding rewards show as zero in wallet
-### Steps to reproduce
-1. Have some on-chain tokens
-1. Look into your wallet
-### Platform information
-Brave, Win10
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-Wallet shows zero in holding section
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-Wallet should show proper amount in holding section
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-(Paste any relevant logs - please use code blocks (```) to format console output,
-logs, and code as it's very hard to read otherwise.)
-### Possible fixes
-(If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem)
-### UX Design
-122658531,2023-01-30 09:12:49.975,"""Access denied"" when posting bitchute links","
-### Summary
-""Access denied"" when posting bitchute links:
-### Steps to reproduce
-1. Post a link to bitchute video
-2. See it has access denied in it
-I posted 5 different link examples (one of them works) to this hashtag: https://www.minds.com/discovery/search?q=%23testbitchute&f=latest&t=all
-### Platform information
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-Access denied instead of preview
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-Should see the preview
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-(Paste any relevant logs - please use code blocks (```) to format console output,
-logs, and code as it's very hard to read otherwise.)
-### Possible fixes
-(If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem)",0
-122504408,2023-01-26 18:10:35.844,Controversial Boost doesn't appear in new Boost Console,"
-### Summary
-I've made a few test Boosts in V3 on Staging. One Boost is not appearing in my Boost Console.
-The Boost is of this activity: https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1458689744366997519
-I targeted the `Controversial` audience, with a 1 token boost for 1 day.
-Differences between this and Boosts that did show up in my Boosts Console:
-- Different activities were Boosted
-- This one targeted `Controversial` while others targeted `Safe`
-### Steps to reproduce
-- Boost this post: https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1458689744366997519
-- Target the `Controversial` audience
-- Boost for 1 token over 1 day
-### Platform information
-- MacOS + Chrome
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-- The Boost does not appear in the Boost Console
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-- The Boost does appear in the Boost Console, in a `pending` state
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-### Possible fixes
-(If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem)",1
-122435552,2023-01-25 15:13:09.386,Guest mode is redirecting to /login,"
-### Summary
-Guest mode is redirecting to /login.
-### Steps to reproduce
-- Log out of Minds
-- Navigate to minds.com
-### Platform information
-- MacOS + Chrome
-- Windows + Brave
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-- The Guest Mode homepage loads
-- Quickly after, the user is redirected to /login
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-- The Guest Mode homepage loads
-- The user is NOT redirected to /login
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-You can view this behavior at the beginning of this user test video.
-### Possible fixes
-(If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem)",2
-122392181,2023-01-24 22:05:10.882,Register form does not display warning of invalid character use,"
-### Summary
-The register form does not a display warning when an invalid character is input to the `Username` field.
-### Steps to reproduce
-- Navigate to https://www.minds.com/register
-- Input an invalid character in the `Username` field, e.g. `{`
-### Platform information
-- MacOS + Chrome
-- Windows + Brave
-### What is the current *bug* behavior?
-- The Register modal changes size as if something changed.
-- There's no warning about the invalid character.
-### What is the expected *correct* behavior?
-- The Register modal does NOT change size.
-- There's a warning about the invalid character used.
-### Relevant logs and/or screenshots
-(Paste any relevant logs - please use code blocks (```) to format console output,
-logs, and code as it's very hard to read otherwise.)
-### Possible fixes
-(If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem)",2
-122323380,2023-01-23 19:49:12.548,Add link to old Boost console in the new one,"
-## Goal
-Enable Boost customers to navigate to the retired legacy Boost console.
-## What needs to be done
-- Given a customer navigates to the new v3 Boost console,
-- and the customer has Boosts in the retired legacy Boost system (v2),
-- when the v3 Boost console is displayed,
-- then a link to v2 Boost console is presented.
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-## Mobile
-- [ ] Is Mobile Required?
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] ...
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",2
-122315430,2023-01-23 16:47:26.253,Boost text updates,"
-## Goal
-Simplify bottom bar text on boost.
-## What needs to be done
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-## Mobile
-- [x] Is Mobile Required?
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] ...
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",1
-122313524,2023-01-23 16:15:59.928,Update copy on Boost marketing page,"
-## Goal
-Ensure the [Boost marketing page](https://www.minds.com/boost) copy reflects the way the new Boost system works.
-## What needs to be done
-Copy changes [are outlined here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/10lJko0_tpvu0Wxwv-AqTmPBRracS0dLdc5fVuhjc8eI/edit#heading=h.yt10gdju391g).
-- Update copy for top section, `Expand your reach and gain thousands of views`
-- Update copy for the 2nd section, `1 token = 1,000 views`
-- Update copy for the 3rd section, `Boost Campaigns`
-- Remove the 4th section, `Boost Offers`
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-## Mobile
-- [ ] Is Mobile Required?
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] ...
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",1
-122313057,2023-01-23 16:07:25.540,Create an in-feed notice promoting Boost Partners,"
-## Goal
-Clearly communicate to users of Boost Partners through the use of an in-feed notice that prompts them to join Boost Partners.
-## What needs to be done
-Create an in-feed notice for Boost Partners.
-Read more links to: https://www.minds.com/info/blog/introducing-boost-partners-program-1477787849246904328
-Settings links to Boost settings.
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-[Figma ](https://www.figma.com/file/W2xIag64EdbWUlGAQOpVHE/Boost-Update?node-id=846%3A19064&t=6dPYn7qWCP7cjdH8-1)
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] ...
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",2
-122311101,2023-01-23 15:43:24.092,Update copy on Monetize modal,"
-## Goal
-- Better communicate the existing content policy on Premium Content
-- Communicate that the existing policy will be enforced
-## What needs to be done
-Update the copy on this modal:
-> Submit this post to Minds+ Premium Content and earn a share of our revenue based on how it performs.
-> [ ] I agree to the [https://www.minds.com/p/monetization-terms](Minds monetization terms) and have the rights to monetize this content.
-> - This content is my original content
-> - This content is exclusive to Minds+
-> I understand that violation of these requirements may result in losing the ability to publish Premium Content for Minds+ members.
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-## Mobile
-- [x] Is Mobile Required?
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] The text has been changed
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",1
-122206991,2023-01-20 18:24:38.065,Update Boost Settings UI to introduce new setting options,"
-## Goal
-- Add value to Minds+ subscription prop
-- Give Minds+ customers more control of their content
-- Give content owners more control over how their content is presented
-- Enable eligible customers to earn more from Boost partners by enabling more lucrative audience targeting
-## What needs to be done
-Enable Minds+/Pro subscribers to disable Boosts on their content, including channel pages, SEPs, etc.
-Bonus if the control is exposed to non-subscribers and used as a point of converting to a Minds+ subscriber.
-Give all users an option to enable/disable Controversial Boosts from appearing on pages they own (channel pages, SEPs, etc.).
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-See [Figma](https://www.figma.com/file/W2xIag64EdbWUlGAQOpVHE/Boost-Update?node-id=874%3A19959&t=BaObSlJNAm1veHmY-1) for hover states on tooltips and tooltip copy
-**Default View For Non-Minds+ User**
-**Default View For Minds+ User**
-**Serve Boosts on my channel tooltip**
-See [Figma](https://www.figma.com/file/W2xIag64EdbWUlGAQOpVHE/Boost-Update?node-id=874%3A19959&t=BaObSlJNAm1veHmY-1) for hover states on tooltips and tooltip copy
-**Default View For Non-Minds+ User**
-**Default View For Minds+ User**
-## Mobile
-- [x] Is Mobile Required?
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] ...
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",5
-122202890,2023-01-20 16:56:03.043,Remove Boost from Admin queue after it's approved or rejected,"
-## Goal
-Increase efficiency for the Admin team inside of the new Boost queue.
-## What needs to be done
-- Given a Boost appears in the Admin queue,
-- when an Admin either approves or rejects the Boost,
-- then the Boost is visually removed from the Admin queue
-Note that the goal here is Admin efficiency. The faster we can get adjudicated Boosts out of the queue, the faster they can get through it.
-With this in mind, worth considering prioritizing removing an item visually quickly, without waiting for network / validation. On the rare occasion that network / validations occurs, it may be preferable to quickly dismiss that item and have it re-appear in the queue (flash), rather than keep the item in the queue for the duration of the network / validation request.
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-## Mobile
-- [ ] Is Mobile Required?
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] After a boost is actioned, it should be removed from the page.
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",2
-122149335,2023-01-19 22:34:07.093,Communicate upcoming Boost changes to Boosters,"
-## Goal
-- Inform current Boosters about the upcoming changes to Boost
-- And that the switchover may impact the Boost they are about to create
-## What needs to be done
-Add some messaging to the current Boost modal that communicates that (a) things are changing soon, and that (b) their Boost delivery may different than expected because of it.
-Link copy points to: https://www.minds.com/info/blog/bid-farewell-the-boost-backlog-1445548466339057665
-Given we will likely have a sizable Boost backlog of v2 Boosts when we're ready to switch to v3, @benhayward.ben proposed migrating v2 Boosts to v3 system. The user impact is that their Boosts will effectively be moved to the bidding system, in which their view numbers are not guaranteed. Customers should be aware of this possibility with their newly-purchased v2 Boosts.
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] ...
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",2
-121764534,2023-01-13 19:21:15.044,Add Boost-related context to 'action' events and views,"
-## Goal
-- As Minds, I want to know what is the engagement rate of Boosted posts in various positions in the app so that I can optimize the performance of Boosts.
-- As a Boost user, I want to know what engagements on my post are attributable to a Boost, so that I can evaluate the ROI for Boosting.
-## What needs to be done
-Add context to engagement events (upvotes, downvotes, reminds, comments) that enables us to discern these engagements from organic appearances and Boosted appearances.
-The 'view' event currently has support for supplying client_meta which includes the campaigns, medium etc. We should extend these to be sent along with actions such as upvotes etc.
-For snowplow we should consider introducing a new `context` that will store the above information. The new context should also be able to provide the context of the feed, such as recommendation slot.
-## QA
-## UX/Design
-## Mobile
-- [x] Mobile ticket required?
-Mobile will need to send the context with the events such as 'votes'.
-## Personas
-## Experiments
-## Acceptance Criteria
-- [ ] Action events should include the context of the entity
-- [ ] Backend should use the context when emitting out to snowplow
-- [ ] Update 'view' events to also use the new context
-## Definition of Ready Checklist
-- [ ] Definition Of Done (DoD)
-- [ ] Acceptance criteria
-- [ ] Weighted
-- [ ] QA
-- [ ] UX/Design
-- [ ] Personas
-- [ ] Experiments",5