Original proposal
-| Dropdown open clear button | Dropdown closed clear button | Top-level selection clears |
-| ------ | ------ | ------ |
-|  |  |  |
-72079844,2020-10-02 13:45:12.687,Mini progress/gauge indicator,"# Problem
-- Current use case: We need to visualise the progress of adoption of individual GitLab stages side-by-side
-- General challenge: visualising progress as a percentage or within some target bounds
-# Solution
-- [Figma file →](https://www.figma.com/file/M04p4bPdJSRLJJxZ8DhgmA/Mini-gauge?node-id=785%3A161)
-- Create a mini gauge chart that can fit within tables or metric boxes
-- Need to be able to look good side-by-side
-# MVC iterations
-1. Implement mini gauge variant with icon (no bounds)
-1. Implement mini gauge variant with metric (no bounds)
-1. Implement mini gauge variant with target bounds",3
-71028980,2020-09-11 13:48:52.161,WIP: Add complex List Item components to Pajamas,"
-### Description
-Currently, in Pajamas, the ""List"" component(s) that are defined speak mostly to the Markdown list and don't include complex list items as seen throughout the product. To address this, I suggest we make 2 large scale changes:
-1. Move the current list descriptions to the `Typography` section of Pajamas.
-1. Update the List components to include complex list items as displayed throughout the product (see examples below).
-##### Examples
-| Issue list view |
-| Package list view |
-### Figma file
-[View working file in Figma →](ADD LINK TO FIGMA FILE/FRAME)
-### Checklist
-Make sure the following are completed before closing the issue:
-1. [ ] **Assignee**: Design in your working file. When applicable, follow our
- [structure][structure], [building][building], and [annotation][annotation] guidelines. If you have any questions, reach out to a [FE/UX Foundations designer][foundations-team].
-1. [ ] **Assignee**: Update the link to the working file in the issue
- description.
-1. [ ] **Assignee**: Ask a [FE/UX Foundations designer][foundations-team]
- to review your design (ensure they have edit permissions in Figma).
-1. [ ] **Reviewer**: Review and approve assignee’s design. Specific design
- questions can be addressed with comments in Figma. Comment in this issue when the content is less specific to the design or requires greater visibility.
-1. [ ] **Reviewer**: Assign to a [Figma maintainer][figma-maintainer]
- for final review (make sure they have edit permissions in Figma).
-1. [ ] **Maintainer**: Review and approve assignee’s changes.
-1. [ ] **Maintainer**: Add the changes or additions to the target file. For
- example, you’d copy a final chart design from the working file and paste into the related location in the Data Visualization file.
- 1. [ ] Ensure that all styles and components now belong to the target file.
- 1. [ ] For changes to the **Component Library** file, view the components in the Assets panel to ensure they align with our [asset library structure guidelines][structure].
-1. [ ] **Maintainer**: When applicable, [publish][publishing] any library
- changes along with a clear commit message.
-1. [ ] **Assignee**: Move your working file to the shared Figma project:
- 1. [ ] For Component Library changes, move your file to the [**Component archive**][component-archive] project.
- 1. [ ] For all other changes, move your file to the [**Misc archive**][misc-archive] project.
- 1. [ ] If you’re a community contributor, we ask that you [transfer ownership of your draft file](https://help.figma.com/hc/en-us/articles/360040530853) to the maintainer so they can move it to our archive, along with its version history and comments.
-1. [ ] **Assignee** (or Maintainer, for community contributions): If it’s a new
- pattern or a significant change, add an agenda item to the next UX weekly call to inform the team.
-1. [ ] **Assignee**: When applicable, create a merge request in this repository
- with the [component-guideline template][component-guideline-template]
- to create or update the component’s documentation page.
-1. [ ] **Assignee**: When applicable, [create an issue in GitLab UI][new-gitlab-ui-issue] to build or update the component code. Mark the new issue as related to this one.
-1. [ ] **Assignee**: 🎉 Congrats, you made it! You can now close this issue.
-[annotation]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/blob/master/doc/pajamas-ui-kit.md#adding-descriptions-notes-and-annotations
-[building]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/blob/master/doc/pajamas-ui-kit.md#building-components
-[foundations-team]: https://about.gitlab.com/company/team/?department=fe-ux-foundations-team
-[figma-maintainer]: https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/projects/#design.gitlab.com
-[publishing]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/blob/master/doc/pajamas-ui-kit.md#publishing-changes
-[structure]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/blob/master/doc/pajamas-ui-kit.md#structure
-[component-guideline-template]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/blob/master/.gitlab/merge_request_templates/component-guideline.md
-[component-archive]: https://www.figma.com/files/project/5472112/Component-archive
-[misc-archive]: https://www.figma.com/files/project/10620392/Misc-archive
-[new-gitlab-ui-issue]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/-/issues/new",13
-70889051,2020-09-08 16:55:49.679,UI Kit > Add inline code and code blocks,"
-### Description
-Based on the UI changes in https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/26731, adding styles/components to the component library for:
-* [x] Inline code
-* [x] Code blocks
-### Out of scope
-* Appearance of code when not using the default theme preference.
-* Dark UI.
-* Other inline text elements (See https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/issues/680)
-### Figma file
-[View working file in Figma →](https://www.figma.com/file/omuzKJD8RKLPpqv24CUUyS/Component-Inline-code-and-code-blocks?node-id=1%3A70)
-### Checklist
-Make sure the following are completed before closing the issue:
-1. [x] **Assignee**: Design in your working file. When applicable, follow our
- [structure][structure], [building][building], and [annotation][annotation] guidelines. If you have any questions, reach out to a [FE/UX Foundations designer][foundations-team].
-1. [x] **Assignee**: Update the link to the working file in the issue
- description.
-1. [x] **Assignee**: Ask a [FE/UX Foundations designer][foundations-team]
- to review your design (ensure they have edit permissions in Figma).
-1. [x] **Reviewer**: Review and approve assignee’s design. Specific design
- questions can be addressed with comments in Figma. Comment in this issue when the content is less specific to the design or requires greater visibility.
-1. [x] **Reviewer**: Assign to a [Figma maintainer][figma-maintainer]
- for final review (make sure they have edit permissions in Figma).
-1. [x] **Maintainer**: Review and approve assignee’s changes.
-1. [x] **Maintainer**: Add the changes or additions to the target file. For
- example, you’d copy a final chart design from the working file and paste into the related location in the Data Visualization file.
- 1. [x] Ensure that all styles and components now belong to the target file.
- 1. [x] For changes to the **Component Library** file, view the components in the Assets panel to ensure they align with our [asset library structure guidelines][structure].
-1. [x] **Maintainer**: When applicable, [publish][publishing] any library
- changes along with a clear commit message.
-1. [x] **Assignee**: Move your working file to the shared Figma project:
- 1. [x] For Component Library changes, move your file to the [**Component archive**][component-archive] project.
- 1. [x] For all other changes, move your file to the [**Misc archive**][misc-archive] project.
- 1. [ ] If you’re a community contributor, we ask that you [transfer ownership of your draft file](https://help.figma.com/hc/en-us/articles/360040530853) to the maintainer so they can move it to our archive, along with its version history and comments.
-1. [x] **Assignee** (or Maintainer, for community contributions): If it’s a new
- pattern or a significant change, add an agenda item to the next UX weekly call to inform the team.
-1. [ ] **Assignee**: When applicable, create a merge request in this repository
- with the [component-guideline template][component-guideline-template]
- to create or update the component’s documentation page.
-1. [ ] **Assignee**: When applicable, [create an issue in GitLab UI][new-gitlab-ui-issue] to build or update the component code. Mark the new issue as related to this one.
-1. [x] **Assignee**: 🎉 Congrats, you made it! You can now close this issue.
-[annotation]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/blob/master/doc/pajamas-ui-kit.md#adding-descriptions-notes-and-annotations
-[building]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/blob/master/doc/pajamas-ui-kit.md#building-components
-[foundations-team]: https://about.gitlab.com/company/team/?department=fe-ux-foundations-team
-[figma-maintainer]: https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/projects/#design.gitlab.com
-[publishing]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/blob/master/doc/pajamas-ui-kit.md#publishing-changes
-[structure]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/blob/master/doc/pajamas-ui-kit.md#structure
-[component-guideline-template]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/blob/master/.gitlab/merge_request_templates/component-guideline.md
-[component-archive]: https://www.figma.com/files/project/5472112/Component-archive
-[misc-archive]: https://www.figma.com/files/project/10620392/Misc-archive
-[new-gitlab-ui-issue]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/-/issues/new",1
-70886070,2020-09-08 15:55:39.441,Make responsive segmented control,"### Problem
-Currently our [segmented control component](https://design.gitlab.com/components/segmented-control) isn't very responsive on small screens when the component has many options (see below screenshot).
-We don't have a current design for how to fix this.
-### Proposal
-Some possible solutions:
-- [Vertical variation for button groups](https://bootstrap-vue.org/docs/components/button-group#vertical-variation)
-- Wrapping the component
-- Making the last button a dropdown with the extra options inside of it.
- - ",3
-70830391,2020-09-07 14:39:08.013,"KR: Communicate component lifecycle improvements to the UX department => 0%, TBD","Related to [Clarify the Pajamas component lifecycle process](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/-/epics/1)
-Key result: Communicate component lifecycle improvements to the UX department (slack, UX weekly announcement).",1
-70830214,2020-09-07 14:36:36.911,"KR: Improve the component checklist by adding links/references to the necessary steps to complete the lifecycle, and move it to the Pajamas project. => 0%, TBD","Related to [Clarify the Pajamas component lifecycle process](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/-/epics/1)
-Key Result: Improve the component checklist by adding links/references to the necessary steps to complete the lifecycle, and move it to the Pajamas project.",1
-70744870,2020-09-04 16:23:21.236,Skeleton loader for Releases,"
-### Description
-In https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/201959/ we will introduce an update to the ~""component:skeleton-loader"" of the Releases page. This issue adds a variation of the gilab-ui component so that users can be able to see a loading state that always represent Releases in a recognizable way.
-- The component variation should be called: `release-card-skeleton-basic`.
-- I propose adding the UI to the Product Pages figma file.
-### Figma file
-[View branched working file of Component Library →](https://www.figma.com/file/qEddyqCrI7kPSBjGmwkZzQ/branch/EIhkW34nsNcpDXLKQNte4w/Component-library?node-id=2844%3A3)
-[(Old) View working file in Figma →](https://www.figma.com/file/9Uee1fu4GrNrEhCHRTi2nK/Release-page-skeleton-load-gitlab-201959?node-id=1%3A2)
-### Checklist
-Make sure the following are completed before closing the issue:
-1. [x] **Assignee**: Design in your working file. When applicable, follow our
- [structure][structure], [building][building], and [annotation][annotation] guidelines. If you have any questions, reach out to a [FE/UX Foundations designer][foundations-team].
-1. [x] **Assignee**: Update the link to the working file in the issue
- description.
-1. [x] **Assignee**: Ask a [FE/UX Foundations designer][foundations-team]
- to review your design (ensure they have edit permissions in Figma).
-1. [x] **Reviewer**: Review and approve assignee’s design. Specific design
- questions can be addressed with comments in Figma. Comment in this issue when the content is less specific to the design or requires greater visibility.
-1. [x] **Reviewer**: Assign to a [Figma maintainer][figma-maintainer]
- for final review (make sure they have edit permissions in Figma).
-1. [x] **Maintainer**: Review and approve assignee’s changes.
-1. [x] **Maintainer**: Add the changes or additions to the target file. For
- example, you’d copy a final chart design from the working file and paste into the related location in the Data Visualization file.
- 1. [x] Ensure that all styles and components now belong to the target file.
- 1. [ ] For changes to the **Component Library** file, view the components in the Assets panel to ensure they align with our [asset library structure guidelines][structure].
-1. [x] **Maintainer**: When applicable, [publish][publishing] any library
- changes along with a clear commit message.
-1. [-] **Assignee**: Move your working file to the shared Figma project (file was a branch, so archived by the maintainer using the branch feature).
-1. [-] **Assignee** (or Maintainer, for community contributions): If it’s a new
- pattern or a significant change, add an agenda item to the next UX weekly call to inform the team.
-1. [-] **Assignee**: When applicable, create a merge request in this repository
- with the [component-guideline template][component-guideline-template]
- to create or update the component’s documentation page.
-1. [-] **Assignee**: When applicable, [create an issue in GitLab UI][new-gitlab-ui-issue] to build or update the component code. Mark the new issue as related to this one.
-1. [x] **Assignee**: 🎉 Congrats, you made it! You can now close this issue.
-[annotation]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/blob/master/doc/pajamas-ui-kit.md#adding-descriptions-notes-and-annotations
-[building]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/blob/master/doc/pajamas-ui-kit.md#building-components
-[foundations-team]: https://about.gitlab.com/company/team/?department=fe-ux-foundations-team
-[figma-maintainer]: https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/projects/#design.gitlab.com
-[publishing]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/blob/master/doc/pajamas-ui-kit.md#publishing-changes
-[structure]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/blob/master/doc/pajamas-ui-kit.md#structure
-[component-guideline-template]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/blob/master/.gitlab/merge_request_templates/component-guideline.md
-[component-archive]: https://www.figma.com/files/project/5472112/Component-archive
-[misc-archive]: https://www.figma.com/files/project/10620392/Misc-archive
-[new-gitlab-ui-issue]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/-/issues/new",2
-70208931,2020-08-24 11:09:35.005,Make mermaid diagrams work in Pajamas,"This is a Follow-up from ""Draft: docs(contribute): Move component lifecycle up"" https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/merge_requests/2053/
-Currently, Pajamas does not render mermaid diagrams in markdown pages.
-Mermaid diagrams render as *code blocks* in markdown files. This is a useful tool for generation of diagrams and flowcharts from text, instead of using static images in the design docs pages.
-See https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/markdown.html#mermaid",5
-70023441,2020-08-19 16:12:01.391,Pajamas pages break if a Vue component doesn't exist in component_documentation.js,"Recently, the dropdowns page was broken due to `GlNewDropdown` no longer existing under [`component_documentation.js`](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/-/merge_requests/1637/diffs#d836144972fdb1c81b2724a1b894dec15e0973f4_62_62), which Pajamas pulls from when checking if a vue component conforms to the design system [`followsDesignSystem`](components/componentinfo.vue).
-MR that fixed the broken page: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/merge_requests/2050",1
-69979688,2020-08-18 21:31:07.000,UI Kit > Create inline text element components,"## Problem
-Several inline text elements need to be added to the component library in Figma. We need to determine where they best fit since they can cross over between UI and markdown.
-## Solution
-* Audit the product to find inline elements that can’t be created with styles alone (the ones in the image above have backgrounds).
-* Create components for each inline variant.
-* Determine the best location in the component library and publish the additions.
-/cc @tauriedavis
-### Figma file
-[View working file in Figma →](https://www.figma.com/file/YJWAkSuSBsEaIWMbYftE5x/Component-Inline-text-components?node-id=1%3A70)
-### Checklist
-Make sure the following are completed before closing the issue:
-1. [x] **Assignee**: Design in your working file. When applicable, follow our
- [structure][structure], [building][building], and [annotation][annotation] guidelines. If you have any questions, reach out to a [FE/UX Foundations designer][foundations-team].
-1. [x] **Assignee**: Update the link to the working file in the issue
- description.
-1. [x] **Assignee**: Ask a [FE/UX Foundations designer][foundations-team]
- to review your design (ensure they have edit permissions in Figma).
-1. [x] **Reviewer**: Review and approve assignee’s design. Specific design
- questions can be addressed with comments in Figma. Comment in this issue when the content is less specific to the design or requires greater visibility.
-1. [x] **Reviewer**: Assign to a [Figma maintainer][figma-maintainer]
- for final review (make sure they have edit permissions in Figma).
-1. [x] **Maintainer**: Review and approve assignee’s changes.
-1. [x] **Maintainer**: Add the changes or additions to the target file. For
- example, you’d copy a final chart design from the working file and paste into the related location in the Data Visualization file.
- 1. [x] Ensure that all styles and components now belong to the target file.
- 1. [x] For changes to the **Component Library** file, view the components in the Assets panel to ensure they align with our [asset library structure guidelines][structure].
-1. [x] **Maintainer**: When applicable, [publish][publishing] any library
- changes along with a clear commit message.
-1. [x] **Assignee**: Move your working file to the shared Figma project:
- 1. [ ] For Component Library changes, move your file to the [**Component archive**][component-archive] project.
- 1. [ ] For all other changes, move your file to the [**Misc archive**][misc-archive] project.
- 1. [ ] If you’re a community contributor, we ask that you [transfer ownership of your draft file](https://help.figma.com/hc/en-us/articles/360040530853) to the maintainer so they can move it to our archive, along with its version history and comments.
-1. [x] **Assignee** (or Maintainer, for community contributions): If it’s a new
- pattern or a significant change, add an agenda item to the next UX weekly call to inform the team.
-1. [x] **Assignee**: When applicable, create a merge request in this repository
- with the [component-guideline template][component-guideline-template]
- to create or update the component’s documentation page.
-1. [ ] **Assignee**: When applicable, [create an issue in GitLab UI][new-gitlab-ui-issue] to build or update the component code. Mark the new issue as related to this one.
-1. [ ] **Assignee**: 🎉 Congrats, you made it! You can now close this issue.
-[annotation]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/blob/master/doc/pajamas-ui-kit.md#adding-descriptions-notes-and-annotations
-[building]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/blob/master/doc/pajamas-ui-kit.md#building-components
-[foundations-team]: https://about.gitlab.com/company/team/?department=fe-ux-foundations-team
-[figma-maintainer]: https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/projects/#design.gitlab.com
-[publishing]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/blob/master/doc/pajamas-ui-kit.md#publishing-changes
-[structure]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/blob/master/doc/pajamas-ui-kit.md#structure
-[component-guideline-template]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/blob/master/.gitlab/merge_request_templates/component-guideline.md
-[component-archive]: https://www.figma.com/files/project/5472112/Component-archive
-[misc-archive]: https://www.figma.com/files/project/10620392/Misc-archive
-[new-gitlab-ui-issue]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/-/issues/new",2
-69807043,2020-08-13 14:30:26.698,Allow linking to component usage for all region components.,"### Problem
-We cannot directly navigate to the Vue component usage section in all region components like [Empty State](https://design.gitlab.com/regions/empty-states/) by visiting `https://design.gitlab.com/regions/empty-states/code` as the url returns 404.",2
-69284313,2020-07-31 08:16:37.509,Document established onboarding & educational patterns: nudge,"Document the findings and learnings from the [suggest a pipeline experiment](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/growth/-/epics/14). Based on these learnings, establish a pattern for onboarding and educational purposes, so that other designers can reuse it.
-By the time I'll start working on documenting these we'll have run numerous variations of this experiment: different initial nudges, different copy.
-Include details about:
-* reference the FOGG behaviour model
-* components that can be used
-* variations of initial nudges and recommendations on when they should be used
-* recommendations on the number of steps
-* recommendations for writing copy and providing context (why the nudge is shown, what value will the user get from it)
-* should only be done to benefit the user",5
-68821525,2020-07-21 18:21:52.775,Update empty state documentation to include details about existing controls,"As part of discussion on https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/229636#note_382613266 and https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/229350, we realized that we could use a little clarification in our empty state documentation.
-When we have an empty state, should the page controls still appear, but be disabled? Or, should they be completely hidden?
-We currently have both situations in our empty states. Should we clarify when the controls appear, and why?",2
-62159621,2020-07-16 22:33:44.649,Dropdowns > Audit Figma and GitLab UI component,"Review dropdowns in Figma and GitLab UI to ensure parity
-If issues are found, create issues and mark them as blockers to this issue.
-- [ ] All variations exist in Figma and GitLab UI
-- [ ] Styling in Figma matches GitLab UI
-- [ ] All related issues are closed
-- [ ] Status table in Pajamas is updated and accurate",3
-52422757,2020-06-30 18:28:03.741,GitLab UI examples > Add knob options,"On the vue tab for components, you should be able to interact with gitlab ui knobs",5
-52354157,2020-06-30 16:30:31.126,feat(skeletonloader): Extend usage of Skeleton loader vs. Spinner usage,"Clarify when to use spinner vs. skeleton loader in different scenarios.
-From thread https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/35265#note_368474339",2
-50091551,2020-06-25 18:41:59.075,Audit principles page,"We have a lot of content on our principles page, including some guidelines. There is note that states our current principles may not follow the guidelines. We need to audit this page and determine what changes, if any, need to occur to the principles and/or guidelines",3
-42999400,2020-06-12 07:57:22.736,Mobile layout has double padding on left/right,"From https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/merge_requests/1963#note_359198356
-`content` adds left/right padding which was getting doubled, so narrow screens have extra padding
-We can probably move the `.content.limited` rule to `.limited` to fix this
-35473730,2020-06-05 10:38:08.164,Pajamas UI Kit > Gauge chart,"
-### Description
-Gauge chart visualization is useful for monitoring the status of a metric in real time, and to quickly convey the status of the metric in relation to the ranges or a threshold set by the user. A gauge chart is a single metric chart.
-#### Example use case
-An SRE viewing metrics in the Metrics dashboard when investigating an incident. A gauge chart instantly communicates to the user the status of the metric, even when viewed at a small size. At a glance the user understands whether the value is falling within an acceptable range.
-#### Requirements
-- The chart should clearly communicate the current value and show where that value falls within the ranges set by the user (2 or 3 ranges can be set).
-- Users can set alerts on the metric, so we need to make sure that when the alert is firing it's immediately visible
-- The value ranges don't have to coincide with the alert threshold. The user should be able to set an alert for any value regardless of what range it falls into
-- The chart should be readable even at a very small size. It's not uncommon for our users to have multiple gauge charts crammed into a small dashboard area to form a ""speedometer"" of sort. Check out [one of the GitLab dashboards ](https://dashboards.gitlab.com/d/sv_pUrImz/ci-autoscaled-machines-metrics?orgId=1&refresh=5m&from=now-30d&to=now&var-dc=All&var-runner_group=All&var-cpu_mode=nice)for an example. Currently, GitLab Metrics charts aren't resizeable, but they will be in the future.
-#### States/ variants
-- [x] Alert set
-- [x] Alert firing
-- [x] Low range, mid range, high range
-- [x] Large (expanded chart view)
-- [x] Small (50%)
-### Additional details
-We will be building the chart using the [Gauge e-charts component.](https://echarts.apache.org/examples/en/editor.html?c=gauge)
-Notes for the docs:
-- Leave a note in the component description that states that the header is mandatory but the size should vary depending on page content/hierarchy.
-### WIP Proposal
-| Medium range | With an alert | With a firing alert |
-| ------ | ------ | ------ |
-| |  |  |
-### Figma component
-[View component in Figma →](https://www.figma.com/file/rxA1gTpS6L7wMhAs9rZnaU/Gauge-chart?node-id=0%3A1)
-### Checklist
-Make sure the following are completed before closing the issue:
-1. [x] **Assignee**: Create component in your own draft file in Figma using the
-[component template](https://www.figma.com/file/OmvFfWkqEsdGhXAND133ou/%5BComponent%5D),
-including all variations and states.
-1. [x] **Assignee**: Update the link to the Figma file in the issue description.
-1. [x] **Assignee**: Ask a [FE/UX Foundations designer](https://about.gitlab.com/company/team/?department=fe-ux-foundations-team)
-to review your component (ensure they have edit permissions in Figma).
-1. [ ] **Reviewer**: Review and approve assignee’s addition. Ensure that design
-includes all variations/states.
-1. [ ] **Reviewer**: Assign to a [Figma maintainer](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/projects/#design.gitlab.com) for final review (make sure they have edit permissions in Figma).
-1. [ ] **Maintainer**: Review and approve assignee’s addition.
-1. [ ] **Maintainer**: Add the design to the **Pajamas UI Kit** file, ~~and view
-the component in the Assets panel to ensure it aligns with what’s outlined in the
-[document and asset library structure](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-design/-/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING-Figma.md#document-and-asset-library-structure) documentation.~~ (Not applicable for the chart.)
-1. [-] **Maintainer**: Publish the library changes along with a clear commit message.
-1. [ ] **Assignee**: Move the draft file to the **Component archive** Figma project. If you’re a community contributor, we ask that you [transfer ownership of your draft file](https://help.figma.com/hc/en-us/articles/360040530853) to the maintainer so they can move it to our archive, along with its version history and comments.
-1. [ ] **Assignee** (or Maintainer, for community contributions): If it's a new
-pattern or a significant change, add an agenda item to the next UX weekly call
-to inform everyone.
-1. [ ] **Assignee**: Create a merge request in this repository with the [component-guideline template](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/blob/master/.gitlab/merge_request_templates/component-guideline.md)
-to create or update the component's documentation page. Link it here as a related
-merge request. Use `View design in Pajamas UI Kit →` for the link text. This replaces
-any link to Sketch Measure specs. Anyone with the link should be able to view the file.
-1. [x] **Assignee**: [Create an issue in GitLab UI](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/-/issues/new)
-to build or update the component. Mark the new issue as related to this one.
-1. [ ] **Assignee**: 🎉 Congrats, you made it! You can now close this issue.",3
-34251371,2020-05-07 08:20:26.831,feat(filters): Research scroll behavior for filters,"In https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/-/merge_requests/1343 @matejlatin highlighted filters issue with scrollbar on OS X:
-pretty acceptable in Linux & Windows with other scroll type:
-We need to research the proper way of handling a lot of scrollable content in filters.",3
-33963045,2020-04-29 17:12:08.465,Add additional chart information to to PJs,"### Description
-PJs doesn't include all chart options available from within gitlab-ui.
-#### Examples
-https://design.gitlab.com/components/charts#types only mentions column charts, line charts, and area charts.
-In addition to these, we also have:
-* Scatter chart
- * https://gitlab-org.gitlab.io/gitlab-ui/?path=/story/charts-discrete-scatter-chart--default
-* Heatmap
- * https://gitlab-org.gitlab.io/gitlab-ui/?path=/story/charts-heatmap--default
-Column charts also support a click interaction - I don't actually think that this is explicitly mentioned in gitlab-ui either.
-#### Additional information
-This was raised in discussion over here https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/issues/541#note_333095362",4
-33865614,2020-04-27 16:12:27.424,PJs component page template: re-evaluate content based on JTBDs,"## Overview
-Let's re-evaluate the content (and structure) of the PJs component page template to improve the utility and usability for GitLab designers, devs and PMs. This is related to the broader PJs information architecture challenges mentioned in gitlab-org/gitlab-design#798.
-The best way to prioritise, manage and refine the content on the page is by using Jobs to be done.
-## Problem
-The main pain points I found with component page templates today:
-- **Text-heavy** - PJs is much more text-heavy than most other design systems. Much of the text content could be replaced with images and demos. The large amount of content makes it hard to scan and find the information I'm looking for.
-- **Usage guidance vs implementation guidance** - Content on implementation guidance ([as discussed here](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/issues/536)) is left in the usage guidelines - adding to the text-heaviness. This also reduces the clarity on the usage guidance in general.
-- **Burying the lead** - The current structure is setting pages up in a way where the demo is at the bottom of the page behind a bunch of text which may or may not be relevant for your use case. A new structure is required which front loads the demo and dives into details later. Following similar ideas to the [Minto Principle](https://medium.com/lessons-from-mckinsey/the-pyramid-principle-f0885dd3c5c7).
-- **Additional content** - We also have a lot of other content that could be interesting to include in a design system as stated in [this comment](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-design/-/issues/1111) - this doesn't need to be shown on the page, but could at least be linked, so we see the thought and rationale that has gone into designing the component
-- **Variation** - There a lot of inconsistency in how component usage guidelines are written.
-## Idea
-> “If a picture is worth a thousand words, a prototype is worth a thousand meetings” - **David Kelley, IDEO**
-Some general principles for laying out these pages:
-- **JTBD & role-informed** - We should differentiate sections and prioritise what content goes on the page based on what our primary personas are trying to achieve
-- **Demo-heavy** - We should front-load our component pages with visual content and demos for a quicker understanding
-- **Show me > tell me** - We should strip away as much text as possible in favour of demos and programmatically embedding rules, styles and interactions
-- **On-page nav** - We should have on-page navigation for quicker access to particular sections
-- **Standardise component usage sub-sections** - We should standardise on component usage sub-sections to improve consistency and clarity (e.g.[IBM carbon](https://www.carbondesignsystem.com/components/date-picker/usage#content) standardized on component variations, content guidelines & interactions/functionality). This also makes it easier to spot whether any functionality or styles are missing.
-I think [IBM Carbon](https://www.carbondesignsystem.com/) and [Salesforce Lightning](https://www.lightningdesignsystem.com/) are both great examples of prioritising which JTBD they want to satisfy for designers & devs without being too text-heavy.
-## Jobs to be done
-Create a ranked list of JTBD to prioritise content on the page:
-| Title | Situation | Motivation | Desired outcome | Persona |
-| ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ |
-| **General usage guidance** | When I am unfamiliar with a component, | I want a quick and high-level overview of the what the component looks like, how it works and its most popular use cases, | so that I know whether or not I should use it. | All |
-| **Design tool component** | When using a component, | I want a representation of that component in Figma/Sketch | so that I can quickly work with it in my designs | Designer |
-| **Detailed usage guidance** | When using a component, | I want to understand details of variations, style, functionality and accessibility | so that I use the component in the way it was designed | Designer |
-| **Component usage in the product** | When using a component, | I want to where else in the product it is being used, how much it is being used and for what use cases, | so that I | All |
-| **Design decisions** | When using a component, | I want to understand how research, discussions & usage helped decide on a specific design, tenet or guideline | so that I understand why the component was designed in that way | Designer |
-| **Component gaps** | When using a component, | I want to understand whether this current iteration of the component has the variations, style, additional functionality and accessibility required for my use case | so that I know whether we should update it or not | Designer |
-| **Component pipeline** | When using a component, | I want to see if there are any new components or updates in the pipeline | so that I can utilise the component or collaborate with the person who is working on it | Designer |
-| **Component development guidance** | When building components, | I want to understand what patterns should be embedded into the component programmatically | so that the component works in the way it was designed. | Developer |
-| **design.gitlab, GitLab-ui & figma/sketch sync** | When using a component, | I want to be sure that the component variations, style, additional functionality and accessibility in design.gitlab reflect what is shown in gitlab-ui and figma/sketch | so that I have an accurate representation of what's available and continuity of understanding with other roles in my team | All |
-| **Add/edit component** | When reviewing PJs and I see missing/incorrect component content | I would like to add/edit content | so that I contribute to refining our design system | Designer |
-| **Integrating component** | When I am integrating a component in our [component lifecycle](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/blob/master/doc/component-lifecycle.md) | I want to ... | so that ... | Developers |
-## Process
-1. **Gather** - Use this issue to collate what the primary the JTBD for designers, devs, PMs, technical writers, researchers
-1. **Prioritise** - Prioritise the JTBD to prioritise the content in PJs
-1. **Create template** - Create a new content template based on our prioritisation
-1. **Create vision mockup** - Create a new vision mockup of what PJs component pages could be
-## Additional ideas
-- On page table of contents
-- Additional tabs
-- Changing structure of pages to front-load demos and visual content at top of page
- - First step would be changing component template file: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/blob/master/pages/components/template.md
-## Proposal
-- Determine a new structure that allows users to easily find the content they are looking for. The end result of this issue should be working page templates and consistent sections and language.",8
-33393960,2020-04-16 17:28:55.972,Add contrast info to neutral color palette,"The following discussion from !1787 should be addressed:
-- [x] @pedroms started a [discussion](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/merge_requests/1787#note_322602636): (+2 comments)
- > @jeldergl should we also add the `Passing level and contrast ratio` information to the neutral palette?",1
-33058352,2020-04-08 17:00:57.725,Communicating code coverage of each component,"In https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/merge_requests/1804, the status of components that already live inside the GitLab product were moved to `Integrated`.
-I'm curious to hear what would be helpful on the status page. A lot of questions I get are related to why a component in production does not match Pajamas. Even if a component already lives in the product, that does not mean they are fully integrated or used in every instance. How should we be communicating the code coverage of each component? Should that live inside the status page? How can we feasible track this over time?",5
-32794334,2020-04-02 16:59:02.898,Add more clarity around bold 600 decision,"Its not clear from looking at pajamas what font weight we use for bold text. You have to inspect the text or find the variable in GitLab UI.
-We should include the variable name and it's value on the typography page. We can also include explanatory text that explains why we use 600 over 700
-> It’s because some system fonts have a semi-bold, which would be mapped to 600, and that weight was preferred. For system fonts without a semi-bold it would be mapped to the 700 weight, which is why it could look extra bold in other OSs.",1
-32537602,2020-03-27 12:47:48.959,Add accessibility guidelines and specs for the filters,"gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com!1744 adds the usage guidelines, next we need to think how to properly build the filter components so that they're accessible. Let's add those guidelines and specs to the Pajamas after that.",3
-35324648,2020-03-19 18:51:00.547,Figma region > Empty states,"
-[View component in Figma →](https://www.figma.com/file/Bp0HvnbtcLcoLYHXbrWwzc/Empty-states?node-id=0%3A1)
-### Checklist
-Make sure the following are completed before closing the issue:
-1. [x] **Assignee**: Create component in your own draft file in Figma using the
-[component template](https://www.figma.com/file/OmvFfWkqEsdGhXAND133ou/%5BComponent%5D),
-including all variations and states.
-1. [x] **Assignee**: Update the link to the Figma file in the issue description.
-1. [x] **Assignee**: Ask a [FE/UX Foundations designer](https://about.gitlab.com/company/team/?department=fe-ux-foundations-team)
-to review your component (ensure they have edit permissions in Figma).
-1. [x] **Reviewer**: Review and approve assignee’s addition. Ensure that component
-includes all variations/states and, if applicable, matches existing Sketch specs and
-is responsive.
-1. [x] **Reviewer**: Assign to a [Figma maintainer](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/projects/#design.gitlab.com) for final review (make sure they have edit permissions in Figma).
-1. [x] **Maintainer**: Review and approve assignee’s addition.
-1. [ ] **Maintainer**: Add the component to the **Pajamas UI Kit** file, and view
-the component in the Assets panel to ensure it aligns with what’s outlined in the
-[document and asset library structure](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-design/-/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING-Figma.md#document-and-asset-library-structure) documentation.
-1. [ ] **Maintainer**: Publish the library changes along with a clear commit message.
-1. [x] **Assignee**: Move the draft file to the **Component archive** Figma project. If you're a community contributor, we ask that you [transfer ownership of your draft file](https://help.figma.com/hc/en-us/articles/360040530853) to the maintainer so they can move it to our archive, along with its version history and comments.
-1. [ ] **Assignee** (or Maintainer, for community contributions): If it's a new
-pattern or a significant change, add an agenda item to the next UX weekly call
-to inform everyone.
-1. [ ] **Assignee**: Create a merge request in this repository with the [component-guideline template](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/blob/master/.gitlab/merge_request_templates/component-guideline.md)
-to create or update the component's documentation page. Link it here as a related
-merge request. Use `View design in Pajamas UI Kit →` for the link text. This replaces
-any link to Sketch Measure specs. Anyone with the link should be able to view the file.
-1. [ ] **Assignee**: [Create an issue in GitLab UI](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/-/issues/new)
-to build or update the component. Mark the new issue as related to this one.
-1. [x] **Assignee**: 🎉 Congrats, you made it! You can now close this issue.
-## Empty state examples
-* https://www.carbondesignsystem.com/patterns/empty-states-pattern/
-* https://stackoverflow.design/product/components/empty-states/
-* https://www.lightningdesignsystem.com/guidelines/empty-state/#site-main-content",3
-86304066,2020-03-18 04:24:58.393,Form help and error text should not be separate,"## Problem
-For our form elements, help text and error text are currently defined as two separate text items. This could be confusing as error text could be partially duplicative of the help text. Depending on how the help text is tied to the input for accessibility, this could also add confusion, or cause some info to be missed. Because the help text remains gray, it visually feels disconnected with an input in error state.
-## Solution
-Help text is a single, dynamic text block with the potential for multiple states.
-* By default it is instructional and in a neutral palette
-* When an error occurs the help text becomes more explanatory so that a user knows how to correct the error. The danger palette is used.
-In this case there is inly one help text block for instruction and error prevention.
-| **Before** | **After** |
-| ------ | ------ |
-|  |  |
-/cc @uhlexsis @tauriedavis @pedroms",1
-31850907,2020-03-10 23:50:22.128,"Combine contents of ""Vue component"" and ""Design"" tabs into a single page","There is often duplicated content between the tabs. For example: ""Alerts allow the application to pass along relevant system information to the user without impeding their journey. Alerts are system generated and may or may not be derived by a user’s action."" is the same in the following two places:
-Instead of a tab, we can add a ""Component"" section to the design tab (and then remove the tabs altogether)",8
-31691849,2020-03-06 19:42:44.993,GitLab UI components demos: Reduce style inconsistencies between Storybook and design.gitlab.com,"# What problems are we trying to solve here?
-## 1. `.md` styles leaking into GitLab UI components demos
-`design.gitlab.com` has a set of typography CSS rules being applied on several common HTML elements in the `.md` scope: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/blob/5f1e9246192f9f04dcd50cefa55985d63c0f88ce/assets/stylesheets/framework/_typography.scss#L35-81
-This has been causing issues with components demos as they are being displayed into the same scope, resulting in some components inheriting unexpected CSS rules, an example is the `GlBanner` component: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/merge_requests/1620#note_245401786
-This has led us to explicitly setting more and more CSS rules in components stylesheets, solely to override `.md` styles. We have tried to circumvent this specific issue by [wrapping components in a custom element](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/merge_requests/1737) where GitLab UI styles would be injected in the Shadow DOM. While this solution was promising as it stopped all CSS leak issues, some components like tooltips and popovers aren't Shadow DOM-ready and aren't able to render when they don't have access to the global `document`. More generally, this approach brought us back to problem `#2`.
-## 2. Styling elements in the global scope
-To prevent GitLab UI's styles from conflicting with `design.gitlab.com`'s styles, we have scoped its styles to the `.app-styles` class: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/blob/5f1e9246192f9f04dcd50cefa55985d63c0f88ce/assets/stylesheets/app.scss#L33-36
-This lets us apply components styles locally, without affecting the rest of the website.
-This is a sensible approach but we've reached its limits as some components are appending elements to the `body` in the global scope. Since those elements are escaping the `.app-styles` scope, they can't be styled properly, unless we can come up with specific workarounds. For example, we've been able to preserve styles for the `GlModal` component by adding the `.app-styles` class to its wrapper element: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/blob/5f1e9246192f9f04dcd50cefa55985d63c0f88ce/layouts/default.vue#L103-114
-There are other cases, like the `GlToast` component, where there is no obvious workaround that we can apply, resulting in a broken looking element in the demo:
-Overall, we should try to make it as easy as possible to include components demos in `design.gitlab.com`. Having to come up with workarounds makes for a poor developer experience.
-# How can we address these issues?
-## 1. Prevent `.md` styles from leaking too deep in the DOM
-To prevent `.md` styles from affecting too many of their children, let's make sure that the CSS rules only apply to direct children in `.md`. This will prevent the CSS from leaking into component demos, reducing the need for explicitly setting CSS rules in GitLab UI to override Pajamas' styles.
-This approach has a downside: Markdown elements can be nested. For example: `> ### A title in a blockquote`. By applying styles on direct children only, those nested elements will not be styled properly. Since Pajamas doesn't seem to contain any nested Markdown element at the moment, this fix should be acceptable considering its benefits outweigh its disadvantages.
-MR: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/merge_requests/1753
-## 2. Apply GitLab UI styles globally
-MR: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/merge_requests/1740",3
-30733784,2020-02-13 21:33:01.456,Remove radios vue banner and set status to Built,"1. In Pajamas docs, remove the banner on vue tab that warns of incorrect styling
-1. In Pajamas docs, set the status to `Built`",1
-53985995,2020-01-23 22:52:10.589,Figma component > Add Card,"
-[View component in Figma →](https://www.figma.com/file/RbS6MpYuRWGvcdxRlUGxAD/Cards?node-id=1%3A496)
-### Checklist
-Make sure the following are completed before closing the issue:
-1. [x] **Assignee**: Create component in your own draft file in Figma using the
-[component template](https://www.figma.com/file/OmvFfWkqEsdGhXAND133ou/%5BComponent%5D),
-including all variations and states.
-1. [ ] **Assignee**: Ask another Figma Pilot Designer to review your component (make sure they have edit permissions).
-1. [ ] **Reviewer**: Review and approve assignee’s addition. Ensure that component
-matches Sketch specs, includes all current variations and states, and (if applicable)
-is responsive.
-1. [ ] **Assignee**: Add the component to the **Globals - beta** file, and view
-the component in the Assets panel to ensure it aligns with what’s outlined in the
-[Figma structure for library](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-design/issues/791) issue.
-1. [ ] **Assignee**: Publish the library changes along with a clear commit message.
-1. [ ] **Assignee**: Update component link in the issue.
-1. [ ] **Assignee**: Move your draft file to the **Component archive** Figma project.",3
-29712647,2020-01-17 18:48:44.957,Fix fonts size of help text in radios/checkboxes,"The following discussion from !1651 should be addressed:
-- [ ] @pedroms started a [discussion](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/merge_requests/1651#note_271309985): (+4 comments)
- > @jboyson unsure if related to this MR, the help text paragraph `p` has an odd font-size:
- >
- > ",1
-105457393,2022-03-24 21:00:12.515,Figma: Change GitLab logo in file thumbnails,"Update the logo in file thumbnails (cover slides) starting with publicly shared files in the Pajamas UI kit and then the other cover template.
-105236024,2022-03-21 21:27:21.078,UI Kit > Add GitLab tier badge variant,"
-### Description
-Following https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/issues/1242 and https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/merge_requests/2728#note_862246994 we should add a GitLab tier badge variant to GitLab UI.
-### Figma file
-[View working file in Figma →](https://www.figma.com/file/qEddyqCrI7kPSBjGmwkZzQ/branch/H45tzHETZOwB7kJh3YqKj0/Component-library?node-id=19947%3A350E)
-### Checklist
-Make sure the following are completed before closing the issue:
-1. [x] **Assignee**: Design in your working file. When applicable, follow our
- [structure][structure], [building][building], and [annotation][annotation] guidelines. If you have any questions, reach out to a [Foundations designer][foundations-team].
-1. [x] **Assignee**: Update the link to the working file in the issue
- description.
-1. [x] **Assignee**: Ask a [Foundations designer][foundations-team]
- to review your design (ensure they have edit permissions in Figma).
-1. [x] **Reviewer**: Review and approve assignee’s design. Specific design
- questions can be addressed with comments in Figma. Comment in this issue when the content is less specific to the design or requires greater visibility.
-1. [x] **Reviewer**: Assign to a [Figma maintainer][figma-maintainer]
- for final review (make sure they have edit permissions in Figma).
-1. [x] **Maintainer**: Review and approve assignee’s changes.
-1. [x] **Maintainer**: Merge the branch or add the changes or additions to the
- target file.
- 1. [ ] Ensure that all styles and components now belong to the target file.
- 1. [ ] For changes to the **Component Library** file, view the components in the Assets panel to ensure they align with our [asset library structure guidelines][structure].
-1. [ ] **Maintainer**: When applicable, [publish][publishing] any library
- changes along with a clear commit message.
-1. [ ] **Assignee**: If work was not done in a branch (a merged branch will automatically be archived), move your working file
- to the shared Figma project:
- 1. [ ] For Component Library changes, move your file to the [**Component archive**][component-archive] project.
- 1. [ ] For all other changes, move your file to the [**Misc archive**][misc-archive] project.
- 1. [ ] If you’re a community contributor, please consider [transfering ownership of your draft file](https://help.figma.com/hc/en-us/articles/360040530853) to the maintainer so they can move it to our archive, along with its version history and comments.
-1. [x] **Assignee** (or Maintainer, for community contributions): If it’s a new
- pattern or a significant change, add an agenda item to the next UX weekly call to inform the team.
-1. [x] **Assignee**: When applicable, add or update relevant documentation and create an MR with your changes using the `Documentation` MR template. If you do not have the capacity, [create another issue using the `Component documentation` issue template][issue-component-template] so we don't forget about it. Mark the new issue as related to this one. Bring the issue to your team planning session for prioritization and scheduling.
-1. [x] **Assignee**: When applicable, [create a GitLab UI issue using the `Component` issue template][gitlab-ui-component-template] to build or update the component code. Mark the new issue as related to this one. Bring the issue to your team planning session for prioritization and scheduling.
-1. [ ] **Assignee**: 🎉 Congrats, you made it! You can now close this issue.
-[annotation]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/blob/main/doc/pajamas-ui-kit.md#adding-descriptions-notes-and-annotations
-[building]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/blob/main/doc/pajamas-ui-kit.md#building-components
-[foundations-team]: https://about.gitlab.com/company/team/?department=ecosystem-foundations-team
-[figma-maintainer]: https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/projects/#design.gitlab.com
-[publishing]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/blob/main/doc/pajamas-ui-kit.md#publishing-changes
-[structure]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/blob/main/doc/pajamas-ui-kit.md#structure
-[component-guideline-template]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/blob/main/.gitlab/merge_request_templates/component-guideline.md
-[component-archive]: https://www.figma.com/files/project/5472112/Component-archive
-[misc-archive]: https://www.figma.com/files/project/10620392/Misc-archive
-[gitlab-ui-component-template]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/-/issues/new?issuable_template=Component
-[issue-component-template]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/issues/new?issuable_template=Component%20documentation",1
-104621769,2022-03-11 14:40:50.808,Discussion: Add guidelines for alternate visual treatment for links,"## Problem
-We have the visual treatment for links identified in the GitLab UI, but do not have a dedicated section under Pajamas guidelines to specify them. Today, we treat `copy blue with an underline` as a standard and desired state for links, but from recent feedback on Verify features, we were able to surface a need for multiple visual treatments for the same.
-There are pages in the product that list resources, and for their contextual identification it is vital to retain links to associated resources. Example- a pipeline can be best identified in the presence of the commit name/number, branch name, merge request details and triggerer information. Not every user would make use of all of these link, but the personas interacting with these pages are varied and through research we have learn that removing any of these information can prove to be disruptive to a huge number of users.
-Presence of many different links as a group, with each demanding user's attention can turn out to be very visually disorienting. To combat this discomfort, we should consider providing different visual treatments to those links. For example - the link that belongs to the resources that is primary to the page can have a blue color, while for the other links we can go for a subdued visual affordance, ma be dark gray with an underline?
-We are already doing this on a few pages, such as issues, where we do not give a blue color to link, and at other pages where many different links in a single line have different treatments. To ensure that we provide our users with a coherent experience across platforms, we should document primary and alternate treatments for links and the circumstances under which they should be used.
-### Use cases
-I'm listing use-cases from Verify since I'm more versed in those.
-#### Pipeline Execution: Pipeline index page
-| Image | Resources linked |
-|  | Commit, Merge request, Branch, Pipeline |
-#### Release: Environment list view
-| Image | Resources linked |
-| | Commit, Branch, Deployment |
-#### Another example of what to avoid:
-Links with no affordance inline with plain text. Here, they should have at least an underline, and probably different color too.
-| What's a link? | Links |
-### Few consideration highlighted by @jeldergl in a [slack thread](https://gitlab.slack.com/archives/C010NAWPRV4/p1646921391954459):
-> 1. Ensure these are understood as links in context.
-> 1. See what can be done to make the gray links look more like a link.
-> 1. Be extremely clear when documenting the use case while referencing all of the factors.
-> 1. Ensure that what’s decided on and documented here can be abstracted out enough to address similar parts of the UI without creating loopholes.
-### Resources
-- [WCAG Success Criteria 1.4.1 Use of Color](https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG21/#use-of-color)
-- https://gitlab-org.gitlab.io/gitlab-ui/?path=/story/base-link--default-link
-- https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/6414
-- [UI type scale link style in Pajamas UI Kit](https://www.figma.com/file/qEddyqCrI7kPSBjGmwkZzQ/Component-library?node-id=542%3A334)
-- [Documentation markdown link style in Figma](https://www.figma.com/file/V3HKN83B7rf2T6sseLMrxa/Type-scale---Documentation-Markdown?node-id=1%3A97)
-- [Compact markdown link style in Figma](https://www.figma.com/file/mjAZxHkK95TlQ6L14aNp2M/Type-scale---Compact-Markdown?node-id=5%3A44)
-- [Link styles (ideal state) in MR widget instances](https://www.figma.com/file/qEddyqCrI7kPSBjGmwkZzQ/Component-library?node-id=38193%3A30482)
-_Also view linked issues_
-104591009,2022-03-11 05:08:17.551,Data visualization - Update mini pipeline graph dropdown tooltips to include trigger job instance,"
-### Description
-In https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/340194 we're adding a special tooltip text to the trigger jobs tooltips to indicate they they're trigger jobs. This needs to be updated in the Data vis Figma file.
-### Figma file
-[View working file in Figma →](https://www.figma.com/file/17NxNEMa7i28Is8sMetO2H/branch/pheBqF0DOICBa5DAqE4hID/Data-Visualization)
-### Checklist
-Make sure the following are completed before closing the issue:
-1. [x] **Assignee**: Design in your working file. When applicable, follow our
- [structure][structure], [building][building], and [annotation][annotation] guidelines. If you have any questions, reach out to a [Foundations designer][foundations-team].
-1. [x] **Assignee**: Update the link to the working file in the issue
- description.
-1. [x] **Assignee**: Ask a [Foundations designer][foundations-team]
- to review your design (ensure they have edit permissions in Figma).
-1. [x] **Reviewer**: Review and approve assignee’s design. Specific design
- questions can be addressed with comments in Figma. Comment in this issue when the content is less specific to the design or requires greater visibility.
-1. [x] **Reviewer**: Assign to a [Figma maintainer][figma-maintainer]
- for final review (make sure they have edit permissions in Figma).
-1. [x] **Maintainer**: Review and approve assignee’s changes.
-1. [x] **Maintainer**: Merge the branch or add the changes or additions to the
- target file.
- 1. [-] Ensure that all styles and components now belong to the target file.
- 1. [x] For changes to the **Component Library** file, view the components in the Assets panel to ensure they align with our [asset library structure guidelines][structure].
-1. [-] **Maintainer**: When applicable, [publish][publishing] any library
- changes along with a clear commit message.
-1. [-] **Assignee**: If work was not done in a branch (a merged branch will automatically be archived), move your working file
- to the shared Figma project:
- 1. [-] For Component Library changes, move your file to the [**Component archive**][component-archive] project.
- 1. [-] For all other changes, move your file to the [**Misc archive**][misc-archive] project.
- 1. [-] If you’re a community contributor, please consider [transfering ownership of your draft file](https://help.figma.com/hc/en-us/articles/360040530853) to the maintainer so they can move it to our archive, along with its version history and comments.
-1. [-] **Assignee** (or Maintainer, for community contributions): If it’s a new
- pattern or a significant change, add an agenda item to the next UX weekly call to inform the team.
-1. [-] **Assignee**: When applicable, add or update relevant documentation and create an MR with your changes using the `Documentation` MR template. If you do not have the capacity, [create another issue using the `Component documentation` issue template][issue-component-template] so we don't forget about it. Mark the new issue as related to this one. Bring the issue to your team planning session for prioritization and scheduling.
-1. [-] **Assignee**: When applicable, [create a GitLab UI issue using the `Component` issue template][gitlab-ui-component-template] to build or update the component code. Mark the new issue as related to this one. Bring the issue to your team planning session for prioritization and scheduling.
-1. [x] **Assignee**: 🎉 Congrats, you made it! You can now close this issue.
-[annotation]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/blob/main/doc/pajamas-ui-kit.md#adding-descriptions-notes-and-annotations
-[building]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/blob/main/doc/pajamas-ui-kit.md#building-components
-[foundations-team]: https://about.gitlab.com/company/team/?department=ecosystem-foundations-team
-[figma-maintainer]: https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/projects/#design.gitlab.com
-[publishing]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/blob/main/doc/pajamas-ui-kit.md#publishing-changes
-[structure]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/blob/main/doc/pajamas-ui-kit.md#structure
-[component-guideline-template]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/blob/main/.gitlab/merge_request_templates/component-guideline.md
-[component-archive]: https://www.figma.com/files/project/5472112/Component-archive
-[misc-archive]: https://www.figma.com/files/project/10620392/Misc-archive
-[gitlab-ui-component-template]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/-/issues/new?issuable_template=Component
-[issue-component-template]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/issues/new?issuable_template=Component%20documentation",1
-104500464,2022-03-09 17:53:17.318,ViewComponents > Determine process and documentation,"https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/82118 is our first MR that migrates a component helper to a ViewComponent. This could help with HAML/HTML components, but needs more exploration.
-Docs: https://viewcomponent.org/
-This issue is to help serve as discussion around View Components, how we might utilize and document them, and where that documentation should live.",4
-104478590,2022-03-09 14:09:34.699,Define standards for edit icon,"### Description
-We do not consistently use the same icon to represent editing an object. This is based on this [slack thread](https://gitlab.slack.com/archives/CLW71KM96/p1646833267140679).
-- [x] Audit edit icons (search for the pencil, pencil-square icon in the codebase)
- | pencil | pencil-square |
- | ------ | ------ |
- |  |  |
-- [x] Come up with a recommendation
- | pencil - use for edit |
- | ------ |
- |  |
-- [x] Update that icon to include `edit` definition in Figma
-- [ ] Add this in Pajamas documentation - most likely [table actions](https://design.gitlab.com/components/table#additional-actions) - [MR](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/merge_requests/2901)
-- [ ] Replace pencil-square with pencil in GitLab UI - [MR](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/89897)
-### Checklist
-Make sure the following are completed before closing the issue:
-1. [x] Assign the correct component label to this issue.
-1. [x] Create an MR with the additions or updates needed.
-1. [ ] When applicable, [create an issue using the `Figma update` issue template][pajamas-figma-update-template] to update the component in Figma, and mark it as related to this one. Bring the issue to your team planning session for prioritization and scheduling.
-1. [ ] When applicable, [create an MR in GitLab UI][gitlab-ui-mr] to update the component. If you do not have capacity or are unable to update the component directly, [create a GitLab UI issue using the `Component` issue template][gitlab-ui-component-template]. Mark the new issue as related to this one. Bring the issue to your team planning session for prioritization and scheduling. Mark the issue as related to this one.
-1. [ ] When introducing a major or breaking change, communicate the changes within the Engineering Week in Review and UX Weekly meeting.
-1. [ ] 🎉 Congrats, you made it! You can now close this issue.
-[gitlab-ui-mr]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/-/merge_requests/new
-[component-lifecycle]: https://design.gitlab.com/get-started/lifecycle
-[pajamas-figma-update-template]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/issues/new?issuable_template=Figma%20update
-[gitlab-ui-component-template]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/-/issues/new?issuable_template=Component",2
-103976000,2022-03-02 16:32:20.303,Popover > Unbox header,"
-### Description
-As part of an effort to ""unbox"" the GitLab UI (:arrow_forward: [watch a video with more context](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxpZuWQH-kk)), the popover component could have a simple update to remove the border between the header and body content and padding. See a similar effort for [unboxing the modal](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/issues/1221).
-**How does this benefit the UI and support unboxing?**
-- The popover has hierarchy established with different font weights, the dividing border just reenforces the hierarchy that already exists.
-- Similar to the results in the modal, this also allows us to remove the extra padding needed when there are two separate sections, effectively reducing popover height.
-- Removing the border between the header and content allows for a more natural reading flow between header and content without the visual break that makes them feel less connected.
-### Result
-### Figma file
-[View working branch in Figma →](https://www.figma.com/file/qEddyqCrI7kPSBjGmwkZzQ/branch/a9sU9h6eO7waDKgaltWEzX/Component-library?node-id=425%3A131)
-### Checklist
-Make sure the following are completed before closing the issue:
-1. [x] **Assignee**: Design in your working file. When applicable, follow our
- [structure][structure], [building][building], and [annotation][annotation] guidelines. If you have any questions, reach out to a [Foundations designer][foundations-team].
-1. [x] **Assignee**: Update the link to the working file in the issue
- description.
-1. [x] **Assignee**: Ask a [Foundations designer][foundations-team]
- to review your design (ensure they have edit permissions in Figma).
-1. [x] **Reviewer**: Review and approve assignee’s design. Specific design
- questions can be addressed with comments in Figma. Comment in this issue when the content is less specific to the design or requires greater visibility.
-1. [ ] **Reviewer**: Assign to a [Figma maintainer][figma-maintainer]
- for final review (make sure they have edit permissions in Figma).
-1. [x] **Maintainer**: Review and approve assignee’s changes.
-1. [x] **Maintainer**: Merge the branch or add the changes or additions to the
- target file.
- 1. [ ] Ensure that all styles and components now belong to the target file.
- 1. [ ] For changes to the **Component Library** file, view the components in the Assets panel to ensure they align with our [asset library structure guidelines][structure].
-1. [x] **Maintainer**: When applicable, [publish][publishing] any library
- changes along with a clear commit message.
-1. [ ] **Assignee**: If work was not done in a branch (a merged branch will automatically be archived), move your working file
- to the shared Figma project:
- 1. [ ] For Component Library changes, move your file to the [**Component archive**][component-archive] project.
- 1. [ ] For all other changes, move your file to the [**Misc archive**][misc-archive] project.
- 1. [ ] If you’re a community contributor, please consider [transfering ownership of your draft file](https://help.figma.com/hc/en-us/articles/360040530853) to the maintainer so they can move it to our archive, along with its version history and comments.
-1. [x] **Assignee** (or Maintainer, for community contributions): If it’s a new
- pattern or a significant change, add an agenda item to the next UX weekly call to inform the team.
-1. [x] **Assignee**: When applicable, [create an MR in this repository][new-gitlab-ui-mr] and apply the ""component-guideline"" template
- to create or update the component’s documentation page. If you do not have capacity, [create an issue in this repository using the ""Component documentation"" issue template][pajamas-component-documentation-template]. Bring the issue to your team planning session for prioritization and scheduling. Mark the new issue as related to this one.
-1. [x] **Assignee**: When applicable, [create an issue in GitLab UI using the ""Component"" issue template][gitlab-ui-component-template] to build or update the component code. Bring the issue to your team planning session for prioritization and scheduling. Mark the new issue as related to this one.
-1. [x] **Assignee**: 🎉 Congrats, you made it! You can now close this issue.
-[annotation]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/blob/main/doc/pajamas-ui-kit.md#adding-descriptions-notes-and-annotations
-[building]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/blob/main/doc/pajamas-ui-kit.md#building-components
-[foundations-team]: https://about.gitlab.com/company/team/?department=ecosystem-foundations-team
-[figma-maintainer]: https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/projects/#design.gitlab.com
-[publishing]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/blob/main/doc/pajamas-ui-kit.md#publishing-changes
-[structure]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/blob/main/doc/pajamas-ui-kit.md#structure
-[component-guideline-template]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/blob/main/.gitlab/merge_request_templates/component-guideline.md
-[component-archive]: https://www.figma.com/files/project/5472112/Component-archive
-[misc-archive]: https://www.figma.com/files/project/10620392/Misc-archive
-[gitlab-ui-component-template]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/-/issues/new?issuable_template=Component
-[pajamas-component-documentation-template]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-services/design.gitlab.com/-/issues/new?issuable_template=Component%20documentation
-[new-gitlab-ui-mr]: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/-/merge_requests/new",1
-103845979,2022-02-28 16:42:53.121,Dropdown > Update styles,"## Background
-Dropdowns (trigger button that opens a panel of options) in GitLab historically used a check icon to identify a selection. Awhile ago it was proposed to update to using literal checkbox and radio `