group_id message_id message_type origin original_text clean_text annotation_type annotation_target annotation_additional team_performance performance_change sol_tracker_message sol_tracker_all |
03714d9c-9c47-4103-9b61-ed51c76e1ef6 -1 INITIAL SYSTEM Panda,SYSTEM,Emu,Bee&&U,7,C,4 0.312 0.0 {"Emu": ["U", "4"], "Panda": ["C"], "Bat": ["U", "C", "4"], "Bee": ["4"]} |
03714d9c-9c47-4103-9b61-ed51c76e1ef6 cd1d1d33-d020-4ec4-be7e-41d047594d1b SUBMIT Panda C 0.312 0.0 {"Emu": ["U", "4"], "Panda": ["C"], "Bat": ["U", "C", "4"], "Bee": ["4"]} |
03714d9c-9c47-4103-9b61-ed51c76e1ef6 f834d0c5-5deb-4e46-989d-08954d8addb9 SUBMIT Panda 7,4 0.375 0.063 {"Emu": ["U", "4"], "Panda": ["7", "4"], "Bat": ["U", "C", "4"], "Bee": ["4"]} |
03714d9c-9c47-4103-9b61-ed51c76e1ef6 1b670783-511f-4ba4-adf7-91bc26da513f MESSAGE Bee I chose the number 4 card I chose the number <CARD> card Non-probing-deliberation Solution complete_solution 0.375 0.0 4 {"Emu": ["U", "4"], "Panda": ["7", "4"], "Bat": ["U", "C", "4"], "Bee": ["4"]} |
03714d9c-9c47-4103-9b61-ed51c76e1ef6 27128983-439b-4177-90f6-9afaec14d368 MESSAGE Panda I chose 7 and 4 I chose <CARD> and <CARD> Non-probing-deliberation Solution complete_solution 0.375 0.0 7,4 {"Emu": ["U", "4"], "Panda": ["7", "4"], "Bat": ["U", "C", "4"], "Bee": ["4"]} |
03714d9c-9c47-4103-9b61-ed51c76e1ef6 e2da292b-9b32-4d8b-b925-26e52a8e353f MESSAGE Emu I chose U and 4 I chose <CARD> and <CARD> Non-probing-deliberation Solution complete_solution 0.375 0.0 U,4 {"Emu": ["U", "4"], "Panda": ["7", "4"], "Bat": ["U", "C", "4"], "Bee": ["4"]} |
03714d9c-9c47-4103-9b61-ed51c76e1ef6 bf216f99-8d34-484e-911b-0c3e94a9ac12 MESSAGE Bee 7 & 4 work for me <CARD> & <CARD> work for me Non-probing-deliberation Agree complete_solution 0.438 0.063 7,4 {"Emu": ["U", "4"], "Panda": ["7", "4"], "Bat": ["U", "C", "4"], "Bee": ["7", "4"]} |
03714d9c-9c47-4103-9b61-ed51c76e1ef6 b19eeb39-18c0-4ed4-b27d-751e240a579d MESSAGE Bee or U & 4 work also or <CARD> & <CARD> work also Non-probing-deliberation Agree complete_solution 0.438 0.0 U,4 {"Emu": ["U", "4"], "Panda": ["7", "4"], "Bat": ["U", "C", "4"], "Bee": ["U", "4"]} |
03714d9c-9c47-4103-9b61-ed51c76e1ef6 d8281590-3123-4f1e-a718-8ab7eb8c1401 MESSAGE Emu why 7? why <CARD> ? Probing Reasoning 0 0.5 0.062 7 {"Emu": ["7"], "Panda": ["7", "4"], "Bat": ["U", "C", "4"], "Bee": ["U", "4"]} |
03714d9c-9c47-4103-9b61-ed51c76e1ef6 d282fa7a-9c67-4d0c-b5da-c5ddbc799137 MESSAGE Panda What was your logic on choosing U and 4 What was your logic on choosing <CARD> and <CARD> Probing Reasoning 0 0.5 0.0 U,4 {"Emu": ["7"], "Panda": ["U", "4"], "Bat": ["U", "C", "4"], "Bee": ["U", "4"]} |
03714d9c-9c47-4103-9b61-ed51c76e1ef6 daabca31-eea3-4a62-ab46-7477f8159c09 MESSAGE Emu a vowel and and even number a vowel and and even number Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning 0 0.5 0.0 {"Emu": ["7"], "Panda": ["U", "4"], "Bat": ["U", "C", "4"], "Bee": ["U", "4"]} |
03714d9c-9c47-4103-9b61-ed51c76e1ef6 14c7e396-d81c-42be-b676-ca80d4ab59ad MESSAGE Emu Why would 7 work? Why would <CARD> work ? Probing Reasoning 0 0.5 0.0 7 {"Emu": ["7"], "Panda": ["U", "4"], "Bat": ["U", "C", "4"], "Bee": ["U", "4"]} |
03714d9c-9c47-4103-9b61-ed51c76e1ef6 d37df4a7-f06c-4174-89b4-bb5a4d877fdb MESSAGE Bee 'if 7 isn''t a vowel that would help to know' 'if <CARD> isn''t a vowel that would help to know' Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning 0 0.562 0.062 7 {"Emu": ["7"], "Panda": ["U", "4"], "Bat": ["U", "C", "4"], "Bee": ["7"]} |
03714d9c-9c47-4103-9b61-ed51c76e1ef6 36b46be1-1851-45ca-9d0d-a6abc77526e4 MESSAGE Bee lets go with U & 4...is that ok with everyone lets go with <CARD> & <CARD> ... is that ok with everyone Non-probing-deliberation Solution complete_solution,solution_summary 0.5 -0.062 U,4 {"Emu": ["7"], "Panda": ["U", "4"], "Bat": ["U", "C", "4"], "Bee": ["U", "4"]} |
03714d9c-9c47-4103-9b61-ed51c76e1ef6 bcb164c1-1002-4666-8812-d1a4c1d60d4b MESSAGE Emu Okay Okay Non-probing-deliberation Agree 0 0.5 0.0 {"Emu": ["7"], "Panda": ["U", "4"], "Bat": ["U", "C", "4"], "Bee": ["U", "4"]} |
03714d9c-9c47-4103-9b61-ed51c76e1ef6 a4e5f28f-5921-494c-bde5-e83514ab3bae MESSAGE Panda i guess I am not sure i guess I am not sure Non-probing-deliberation Disagree 0 0.5 0.0 {"Emu": ["7"], "Panda": ["U", "4"], "Bat": ["U", "C", "4"], "Bee": ["U", "4"]} |
03714d9c-9c47-4103-9b61-ed51c76e1ef6 27c657cc-e08a-44bf-b70e-583247cd7dd2 MESSAGE Bee or do we have to have the same answer or do we have to have the same answer Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning 0 0.5 0.0 {"Emu": ["7"], "Panda": ["U", "4"], "Bat": ["U", "C", "4"], "Bee": ["U", "4"]} |
03714d9c-9c47-4103-9b61-ed51c76e1ef6 664ad10a-3b04-4422-955d-50700e580f8e MESSAGE Emu I agree with U and 4 I agree with <CARD> and <CARD> Non-probing-deliberation Agree 0 0.438 -0.062 U,4 {"Emu": ["U", "4"], "Panda": ["U", "4"], "Bat": ["U", "C", "4"], "Bee": ["U", "4"]} |
03714d9c-9c47-4103-9b61-ed51c76e1ef6 c1d0f493-f653-4483-a30b-4cf68f0c75d0 MESSAGE Panda ok lets go with u and 4 ok lets go with <CARD> and <CARD> Non-probing-deliberation Solution complete_solution,solution_summary 0.438 0.0 U,4 {"Emu": ["U", "4"], "Panda": ["U", "4"], "Bat": ["U", "C", "4"], "Bee": ["U", "4"]} |
03714d9c-9c47-4103-9b61-ed51c76e1ef6 cd0ad203-b91e-4693-89b4-dc01d9e7bfbc SUBMIT Emu U,4 0.438 0.0 {"Emu": ["U", "4"], "Panda": ["U", "4"], "Bat": ["U", "C", "4"], "Bee": ["U", "4"]} |
03714d9c-9c47-4103-9b61-ed51c76e1ef6 4a27ea12-b54f-4499-875f-03c1a6304c2b MESSAGE Bee ok ok Non-probing-deliberation Agree 0 0.438 0.0 {"Emu": ["U", "4"], "Panda": ["U", "4"], "Bat": ["U", "C", "4"], "Bee": ["U", "4"]} |
03714d9c-9c47-4103-9b61-ed51c76e1ef6 92d93ae0-cdc2-4d1b-b621-2735a5445b44 SUBMIT Panda U,4 0.438 0.0 {"Emu": ["U", "4"], "Panda": ["U", "4"], "Bat": ["U", "C", "4"], "Bee": ["U", "4"]} |
03714d9c-9c47-4103-9b61-ed51c76e1ef6 97c9d99b-8798-4106-a01a-caddbb884029 SUBMIT Bee U,4 0.438 0.0 {"Emu": ["U", "4"], "Panda": ["U", "4"], "Bat": ["U", "C", "4"], "Bee": ["U", "4"]} |
03714d9c-9c47-4103-9b61-ed51c76e1ef6 72324a12-bd67-45e8-8fc5-ba99a861c209 MESSAGE Panda ok ok Non-probing-deliberation Agree 0 0.438 0.0 {"Emu": ["U", "4"], "Panda": ["U", "4"], "Bat": ["U", "C", "4"], "Bee": ["U", "4"]} |
03714d9c-9c47-4103-9b61-ed51c76e1ef6 2a2dbe58-2b63-4006-9431-93885a1971d4 SUBMIT Bee U,4 0.438 0.0 {"Emu": ["U", "4"], "Panda": ["U", "4"], "Bat": ["U", "C", "4"], "Bee": ["U", "4"]} |
03714d9c-9c47-4103-9b61-ed51c76e1ef6 7f69bade-77a6-46d5-9d24-ef46065e1d09 SUBMIT Panda U,4 0.438 0.0 {"Emu": ["U", "4"], "Panda": ["U", "4"], "Bat": ["U", "C", "4"], "Bee": ["U", "4"]} |