group_id message_id message_type origin original_text clean_text annotation_type annotation_target annotation_additional team_performance performance_change sol_tracker_message sol_tracker_all |
04edccd6-25d7-47dc-b73f-5bce9d77025b -1 INITIAL SYSTEM Raven,SYSTEM,Tiger,Llama&&3,2,J,U 0.65 0.0 {"Zebra": ["2", "U"], "Tiger": ["U"], "Panda": ["2", "U"], "Raven": ["2", "U"], "Llama": ["3", "U"]} |
04edccd6-25d7-47dc-b73f-5bce9d77025b 44ae589e-237e-4fe1-8d59-59de11361e45 MESSAGE Llama 'It''s 3 and U because if you turn the 3 and it''s a vowel, then you know odd numbers become vowels and vice versa.' 'It''s <CARD> and <CARD> because if you turn the <CARD> and it''s a vowel , then you know odd numbers become vowels and vice versa .' Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning complete_solution 0.65 0.0 3,U {"Zebra": ["2", "U"], "Tiger": ["U"], "Panda": ["2", "U"], "Raven": ["2", "U"], "Llama": ["3", "U"]} |
04edccd6-25d7-47dc-b73f-5bce9d77025b 64f8f5e7-29f6-4171-90ff-614a09f9ab4c MESSAGE Llama 2* <CARD> * None 0 0 0.5 -0.15 2 {"Zebra": ["2", "U"], "Tiger": ["U"], "Panda": ["2", "U"], "Raven": ["2", "U"], "Llama": ["2"]} |
04edccd6-25d7-47dc-b73f-5bce9d77025b 92cc4b41-aef7-48ae-b154-746af347bead MESSAGE Llama 'Crap, I read it wrong, it''s evens.' 'Crap , I read it wrong , it''s evens .' None 0 0 0.5 0.0 {"Zebra": ["2", "U"], "Tiger": ["U"], "Panda": ["2", "U"], "Raven": ["2", "U"], "Llama": ["2"]} |
04edccd6-25d7-47dc-b73f-5bce9d77025b f3980bc7-f0a8-4f86-b7bc-79d454721afc MESSAGE Tiger 'hi - I''ve marked only U - if there is an even number on the other side it proves the rule' 'hi - I''ve marked only <CARD> - if there is an even number on the other side it proves the rule' Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning complete_solution 0.5 0.0 U {"Zebra": ["2", "U"], "Tiger": ["U"], "Panda": ["2", "U"], "Raven": ["2", "U"], "Llama": ["2"]} |
04edccd6-25d7-47dc-b73f-5bce9d77025b 035cf83e-9388-464b-914d-11882a9491ab MESSAGE Llama 'Mark 2 as well. If there''s a vowel on the other side, it also proves the rule.' 'Mark <CARD> as well . If there''s a vowel on the other side , it also proves the rule .' Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning partial_solution 0.5 0.0 2 {"Zebra": ["2", "U"], "Tiger": ["U"], "Panda": ["2", "U"], "Raven": ["2", "U"], "Llama": ["2"]} |
04edccd6-25d7-47dc-b73f-5bce9d77025b 4098d2f4-8bc6-4fd9-b948-bcf6872e62d2 MESSAGE Raven 'I chose U only because the rule says all card with vowels which means the other cards don''t matter -- they don''t have to follow the rule.' 'I chose <CARD> only because the rule says all card with vowels which means the other cards don''t matter - - they don''t have to follow the rule .' Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning complete_solution 0.5 0.0 3,U,2,J {"Zebra": ["2", "U"], "Tiger": ["U"], "Panda": ["2", "U"], "Raven": ["3", "U", "2", "J"], "Llama": ["2"]} |
04edccd6-25d7-47dc-b73f-5bce9d77025b 68f13d69-5228-4e68-a18a-fac798436d66 MESSAGE Tiger I agree with Raven I agree with <MENTION> Non-probing-deliberation Agree 0 0.5 0.0 {"Zebra": ["2", "U"], "Tiger": ["U"], "Panda": ["2", "U"], "Raven": ["3", "U", "2", "J"], "Llama": ["2"]} |
04edccd6-25d7-47dc-b73f-5bce9d77025b 65a00036-6405-44c5-9b95-f32a72582602 MESSAGE Llama 'It''s asking you to test the rule. Would it not prove that the rule is tested if the 2 turns up a vowel?' 'It''s asking you to test the rule . Would it not prove that the rule is tested if the <CARD> turns up a vowel ?' Probing Solution 0 0.5 0.0 2 {"Zebra": ["2", "U"], "Tiger": ["U"], "Panda": ["2", "U"], "Raven": ["3", "U", "2", "J"], "Llama": ["2"]} |
04edccd6-25d7-47dc-b73f-5bce9d77025b 2789bff4-aecc-41f1-834c-30b56b88b73d MESSAGE Tiger the test is all cards with a vowel the test is all cards with a vowel Non-probing-deliberation Solution 0 0.45 -0.05 3,2,J,U {"Zebra": ["2", "U"], "Tiger": ["3", "2", "J", "U"], "Panda": ["2", "U"], "Raven": ["3", "U", "2", "J"], "Llama": ["2"]} |
04edccd6-25d7-47dc-b73f-5bce9d77025b e33cfda1-23e5-405d-bc75-5eae97cb509e MESSAGE Raven 'Couldn''t the 2 just as easily have turned up a consonant? In which case, the 2 is not necessary to prove the rule?' 'Couldn''t the <CARD> just as easily have turned up a consonant ? In which case , the <CARD> is not necessary to prove the rule ?' Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning 0 0.4 -0.05 2 {"Zebra": ["2", "U"], "Tiger": ["3", "2", "J", "U"], "Panda": ["2", "U"], "Raven": ["2"], "Llama": ["2"]} |
04edccd6-25d7-47dc-b73f-5bce9d77025b 27bb5149-af74-4602-8410-88693c16396e MESSAGE Llama Good point. Good point . Non-probing-deliberation Agree 0 0.4 0.0 {"Zebra": ["2", "U"], "Tiger": ["3", "2", "J", "U"], "Panda": ["2", "U"], "Raven": ["2"], "Llama": ["2"]} |
04edccd6-25d7-47dc-b73f-5bce9d77025b de4a9996-38a8-4a93-b7cd-2ac7ac9b7894 MESSAGE Tiger again - Raven - I agree again - <MENTION> - I agree Non-probing-deliberation Agree specific_addressee 0.4 0.0 {"Zebra": ["2", "U"], "Tiger": ["3", "2", "J", "U"], "Panda": ["2", "U"], "Raven": ["2"], "Llama": ["2"]} |
04edccd6-25d7-47dc-b73f-5bce9d77025b 38db748f-a26e-4c8b-9b72-5c0d894c52f5 SUBMIT Llama U 0.5 0.1 {"Zebra": ["2", "U"], "Tiger": ["3", "2", "J", "U"], "Panda": ["2", "U"], "Raven": ["2"], "Llama": ["U"]} |
04edccd6-25d7-47dc-b73f-5bce9d77025b 337d30ae-a678-4cf0-ae59-10266e5d919b MESSAGE Llama But would it not strengthen the correlation if we did find a vowel? But would it not strengthen the correlation if we did find a vowel ? Probing Solution 0 0.5 0.0 {"Zebra": ["2", "U"], "Tiger": ["3", "2", "J", "U"], "Panda": ["2", "U"], "Raven": ["2"], "Llama": ["U"]} |
04edccd6-25d7-47dc-b73f-5bce9d77025b 8a7ce559-d148-427d-863b-6194bac8c2b2 MESSAGE Tiger if U has an even number on the other side the rule is proven if <CARD> has an even number on the other side the rule is proven Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning 0 0.55 0.05 U {"Zebra": ["2", "U"], "Tiger": ["U"], "Panda": ["2", "U"], "Raven": ["2"], "Llama": ["U"]} |
04edccd6-25d7-47dc-b73f-5bce9d77025b cecbdbe7-38f8-4978-996f-830902dce561 MESSAGE Llama I pose a question here. I pose a question here . None 0 0 0.55 0.0 {"Zebra": ["2", "U"], "Tiger": ["U"], "Panda": ["2", "U"], "Raven": ["2"], "Llama": ["U"]} |
04edccd6-25d7-47dc-b73f-5bce9d77025b 1eb0aa58-a43b-48ae-a22c-9895807600a7 MESSAGE Llama Would turning over the 3 not be useful for testing? Would turning over the <CARD> not be useful for testing ? Probing Solution 0 0.55 0.0 3 {"Zebra": ["2", "U"], "Tiger": ["U"], "Panda": ["2", "U"], "Raven": ["2"], "Llama": ["3"]} |
04edccd6-25d7-47dc-b73f-5bce9d77025b e1170981-a59e-49d2-909e-30f6d76f934c MESSAGE Raven 'It might help, but if we didn''t find a vowel it would hurt the rule.' 'It might help , but if we didn''t find a vowel it would hurt the rule .' Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning 0 0.55 0.0 {"Zebra": ["2", "U"], "Tiger": ["U"], "Panda": ["2", "U"], "Raven": ["2"], "Llama": ["3"]} |
04edccd6-25d7-47dc-b73f-5bce9d77025b 87439ea5-f872-4c76-86bc-7956a638cde7 MESSAGE Llama It would, but it does seem like that would be necessary for a proper test. It would , but it does seem like that would be necessary for a proper test . Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning 0 0.55 0.0 {"Zebra": ["2", "U"], "Tiger": ["U"], "Panda": ["2", "U"], "Raven": ["2"], "Llama": ["3"]} |
04edccd6-25d7-47dc-b73f-5bce9d77025b e4b69e6e-942f-4260-a926-e2cbef8ec892 SUBMIT Llama 3,U 0.6 0.05 {"Zebra": ["2", "U"], "Tiger": ["U"], "Panda": ["2", "U"], "Raven": ["2"], "Llama": ["3", "U"]} |
04edccd6-25d7-47dc-b73f-5bce9d77025b c3d9c323-cc3c-4e0e-9e80-0f1bb2ad962b MESSAGE Raven The question in the task implies that you only need one card to prove the rule. The question in the task implies that you only need one card to prove the rule . Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning 0 0.6 0.0 {"Zebra": ["2", "U"], "Tiger": ["U"], "Panda": ["2", "U"], "Raven": ["2"], "Llama": ["3", "U"]} |
04edccd6-25d7-47dc-b73f-5bce9d77025b ba55e79f-049d-4e0b-9c39-56d068532aec MESSAGE Llama While it does, it says most players get it wrong. The assumption then would be that the task is more complex than that. While it does , it says most players get it wrong . The assumption then would be that the task is more complex than that . Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning 0 0.6 0.0 {"Zebra": ["2", "U"], "Tiger": ["U"], "Panda": ["2", "U"], "Raven": ["2"], "Llama": ["3", "U"]} |
04edccd6-25d7-47dc-b73f-5bce9d77025b a6945464-b63f-410a-8c5a-814068a6ae7f MESSAGE Tiger if you want to turn a second card - turn 2 - if 2 has a vowel on the other side the rule is also proven if you want to turn a second card - turn <CARD> - if <CARD> has a vowel on the other side the rule is also proven Non-probing-deliberation Solution partial_solution 0.5 -0.1 2 {"Zebra": ["2", "U"], "Tiger": ["2"], "Panda": ["2", "U"], "Raven": ["2"], "Llama": ["3", "U"]} |
04edccd6-25d7-47dc-b73f-5bce9d77025b 607826ac-278f-4bbe-8ab9-fa67db138de5 MESSAGE Tiger you turn ONLY the cards needed you turn ONLY the cards needed Non-probing-deliberation Solution 0 0.5 0.0 {"Zebra": ["2", "U"], "Tiger": ["2"], "Panda": ["2", "U"], "Raven": ["2"], "Llama": ["3", "U"]} |
04edccd6-25d7-47dc-b73f-5bce9d77025b 0b41312c-6dc1-4aa4-938e-fa55c4e584f9 MESSAGE Raven 'Agree with Tiger. You don''t "need" to turn over the 2 to prove the rule.' 'Agree with <MENTION> . You don''t " need " to turn over the <CARD> to prove the rule .' Non-probing-deliberation Agree 0 0.5 0.0 2 {"Zebra": ["2", "U"], "Tiger": ["2"], "Panda": ["2", "U"], "Raven": ["2"], "Llama": ["3", "U"]} |
04edccd6-25d7-47dc-b73f-5bce9d77025b c4f9c485-1104-4fcf-bba9-87e107ed6a4f MESSAGE Llama Does U coming up even really prove it if other cards could show something different? Does <CARD> coming up even really prove it if other cards could show something different ? Probing Solution 0 0.45 -0.05 U {"Zebra": ["2", "U"], "Tiger": ["2"], "Panda": ["2", "U"], "Raven": ["2"], "Llama": ["U"]} |
04edccd6-25d7-47dc-b73f-5bce9d77025b fda3ceb5-cb51-4fb1-91e2-04a76ac776f7 MESSAGE Tiger ONLY is key ONLY is key Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning 0 0.45 0.0 {"Zebra": ["2", "U"], "Tiger": ["2"], "Panda": ["2", "U"], "Raven": ["2"], "Llama": ["U"]} |
04edccd6-25d7-47dc-b73f-5bce9d77025b c090f57f-72e9-4dac-8f28-819905385942 MESSAGE Tiger 'no it''s a logical exclusion' 'no it''s a logical exclusion' Non-probing-deliberation Disagree 0 0.45 0.0 {"Zebra": ["2", "U"], "Tiger": ["2"], "Panda": ["2", "U"], "Raven": ["2"], "Llama": ["U"]} |
04edccd6-25d7-47dc-b73f-5bce9d77025b d83c3eca-1dfb-485c-8e7f-b6b20f9c86f1 MESSAGE Tiger so what do we agree to? so what do we agree to ? Probing Moderation 0 0.45 0.0 {"Zebra": ["2", "U"], "Tiger": ["2"], "Panda": ["2", "U"], "Raven": ["2"], "Llama": ["U"]} |
04edccd6-25d7-47dc-b73f-5bce9d77025b 5eda9c19-b304-4f38-b885-1cf980456b4f MESSAGE Raven I vote "U" only. I vote " <CARD> " only . Non-probing-deliberation Solution complete_solution 0.55 0.1 U {"Zebra": ["2", "U"], "Tiger": ["2"], "Panda": ["2", "U"], "Raven": ["U"], "Llama": ["U"]} |
04edccd6-25d7-47dc-b73f-5bce9d77025b c5209bfa-134a-4d39-9c6d-d078560a46fd MESSAGE Llama I guess what you do if it must be done, but the timer ran out, can it even be submitted? I guess what you do if it must be done , but the timer ran out , can it even be submitted ? None 0 0 0.55 0.0 {"Zebra": ["2", "U"], "Tiger": ["2"], "Panda": ["2", "U"], "Raven": ["U"], "Llama": ["U"]} |
04edccd6-25d7-47dc-b73f-5bce9d77025b 4e9e66aa-0bc4-49bf-a6dd-363f0a40bbe8 SUBMIT Llama U 0.55 0.0 {"Zebra": ["2", "U"], "Tiger": ["2"], "Panda": ["2", "U"], "Raven": ["U"], "Llama": ["U"]} |
04edccd6-25d7-47dc-b73f-5bce9d77025b 181d3792-e1fb-47b2-b1cf-8614c87ddf06 MESSAGE Tiger I vote U only I vote <CARD> only Non-probing-deliberation Solution complete_solution 0.65 0.1 U {"Zebra": ["2", "U"], "Tiger": ["U"], "Panda": ["2", "U"], "Raven": ["U"], "Llama": ["U"]} |
04edccd6-25d7-47dc-b73f-5bce9d77025b 9ac46b12-f79c-4193-b183-21332d2dac25 SUBMIT Tiger U 0.65 0.0 {"Zebra": ["2", "U"], "Tiger": ["U"], "Panda": ["2", "U"], "Raven": ["U"], "Llama": ["U"]} |
04edccd6-25d7-47dc-b73f-5bce9d77025b 8db269ee-0f02-4dd6-b137-c3f70f53edff SUBMIT Raven U 0.65 0.0 {"Zebra": ["2", "U"], "Tiger": ["U"], "Panda": ["2", "U"], "Raven": ["U"], "Llama": ["U"]} |