group_id message_id message_type origin original_text clean_text annotation_type annotation_target annotation_additional team_performance performance_change sol_tracker_message sol_tracker_all |
05b01d11-9edb-41b7-a330-cf21fa421183 -1 INITIAL SYSTEM Giraffe,SYSTEM,Guinea pig,Llama&&W,U,9,8 0.562 0.0 {"Dolphin": ["8", "U", "9"], "Guinea pig": ["8"], "Llama": ["U", "8"], "Giraffe": ["U"]} |
05b01d11-9edb-41b7-a330-cf21fa421183 7226a404-54d9-4f8d-a545-c71533a4f047 MESSAGE Llama the cards will be 8 and u the cards will be <CARD> and <CARD> Non-probing-deliberation Solution complete_solution 0.562 0.0 U,8 {"Dolphin": ["8", "U", "9"], "Guinea pig": ["8"], "Llama": ["U", "8"], "Giraffe": ["U"]} |
05b01d11-9edb-41b7-a330-cf21fa421183 34501936-3839-4b1f-86b2-0e3e6db698b4 MESSAGE Guinea pig I would think we need to turn over the 8 to see if there is a vowel on that side. I would think we need to turn over the <CARD> to see if there is a vowel on that side . Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning complete_solution 0.562 0.0 8 {"Dolphin": ["8", "U", "9"], "Guinea pig": ["8"], "Llama": ["U", "8"], "Giraffe": ["U"]} |
05b01d11-9edb-41b7-a330-cf21fa421183 2b2324ad-3e0c-42a2-97f0-ea412b0f7d3c MESSAGE Llama because they are a vowel and 8 because they are a vowel and <CARD> Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning 0 0.5 -0.062 8 {"Dolphin": ["8", "U", "9"], "Guinea pig": ["8"], "Llama": ["8"], "Giraffe": ["U"]} |
05b01d11-9edb-41b7-a330-cf21fa421183 92ae73b9-ee78-4a30-991c-e6fcb6573a92 MESSAGE Llama only way to see if there is truly vowel and even number only way to see if there is truly vowel and even number Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning 0 0.5 0.0 {"Dolphin": ["8", "U", "9"], "Guinea pig": ["8"], "Llama": ["8"], "Giraffe": ["U"]} |
05b01d11-9edb-41b7-a330-cf21fa421183 91e7dcb4-999f-4ff1-840a-fe19ad29a6d8 SUBMIT Guinea pig U,8 0.562 0.062 {"Dolphin": ["8", "U", "9"], "Guinea pig": ["U", "8"], "Llama": ["8"], "Giraffe": ["U"]} |
05b01d11-9edb-41b7-a330-cf21fa421183 af4c72fb-4a33-4059-8978-fb3a538bce82 MESSAGE Llama oh yes maybe just the u oh yes maybe just the <CARD> Non-probing-deliberation Solution complete_solution 0.688 0.126 U {"Dolphin": ["8", "U", "9"], "Guinea pig": ["U", "8"], "Llama": ["U"], "Giraffe": ["U"]} |
05b01d11-9edb-41b7-a330-cf21fa421183 45dc208a-e82b-4eb9-8e30-fc88b9de5bf0 SUBMIT Llama U,8 0.625 -0.063 {"Dolphin": ["8", "U", "9"], "Guinea pig": ["U", "8"], "Llama": ["U", "8"], "Giraffe": ["U"]} |
05b01d11-9edb-41b7-a330-cf21fa421183 325746d9-ff99-40d6-af85-62c0fe6d8526 SUBMIT Llama U 0.688 0.063 {"Dolphin": ["8", "U", "9"], "Guinea pig": ["U", "8"], "Llama": ["U"], "Giraffe": ["U"]} |
05b01d11-9edb-41b7-a330-cf21fa421183 a4ef0d1e-bff3-4c4b-bb67-daf6d74e24c9 SUBMIT Llama U 0.688 0.0 {"Dolphin": ["8", "U", "9"], "Guinea pig": ["U", "8"], "Llama": ["U"], "Giraffe": ["U"]} |
05b01d11-9edb-41b7-a330-cf21fa421183 d8295727-3666-4d50-a384-42d1b2129095 MESSAGE Guinea pig I mean we could do both U and 8 but I would think 8 would be better to test the theory I mean we could do both <CARD> and <CARD> but I would think <CARD> would be better to test the theory Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning complete_solution 0.688 0.0 U,8 {"Dolphin": ["8", "U", "9"], "Guinea pig": ["U", "8"], "Llama": ["U"], "Giraffe": ["U"]} |
05b01d11-9edb-41b7-a330-cf21fa421183 1dcfd567-91a4-4270-a783-d4bf058719f4 MESSAGE Llama i was thinking the u because it has to have an even number on other side i was thinking the <CARD> because it has to have an even number on other side Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning 0 0.688 0.0 U {"Dolphin": ["8", "U", "9"], "Guinea pig": ["U", "8"], "Llama": ["U"], "Giraffe": ["U"]} |
05b01d11-9edb-41b7-a330-cf21fa421183 4e38fd34-c0c9-47df-95c0-0938cffcd82f MESSAGE Guinea pig Anyone else have any ideas? Anyone else have any ideas ? Probing Moderation 0 0.688 0.0 {"Dolphin": ["8", "U", "9"], "Guinea pig": ["U", "8"], "Llama": ["U"], "Giraffe": ["U"]} |
05b01d11-9edb-41b7-a330-cf21fa421183 1cb611db-b352-41e5-a0c2-3070c42bd058 MESSAGE Guinea pig Well it does say "cards" we can pick both 8 and U Well it does say " cards " we can pick both <CARD> and <CARD> Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning complete_solution 0.688 0.0 U,8 {"Dolphin": ["8", "U", "9"], "Guinea pig": ["U", "8"], "Llama": ["U"], "Giraffe": ["U"]} |
05b01d11-9edb-41b7-a330-cf21fa421183 bb52f306-3f61-4371-8ef9-54c4b48cfcea MESSAGE Giraffe The u is the only vowel The <CARD> is the only vowel Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning 0 0.688 0.0 U {"Dolphin": ["8", "U", "9"], "Guinea pig": ["U", "8"], "Llama": ["U"], "Giraffe": ["U"]} |
05b01d11-9edb-41b7-a330-cf21fa421183 dbaf67ce-dd87-4198-8d67-c41ebbe65e9a MESSAGE Guinea pig Yes, but the 8 might not have a vowel on the other side, I would think we would need to test it and make sure Yes , but the <CARD> might not have a vowel on the other side , I would think we would need to test it and make sure Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning 0 0.625 -0.063 8 {"Dolphin": ["8", "U", "9"], "Guinea pig": ["8"], "Llama": ["U"], "Giraffe": ["U"]} |
05b01d11-9edb-41b7-a330-cf21fa421183 dd4efe55-f20f-4b51-b41a-fafd54c6ec89 MESSAGE Giraffe I guess it could be the 8 or U but I went with U I guess it could be the <CARD> or <CARD> but I went with <CARD> Non-probing-deliberation Solution complete_solution 0.562 -0.063 U,8 {"Dolphin": ["8", "U", "9"], "Guinea pig": ["8"], "Llama": ["U"], "Giraffe": ["U", "8"]} |
05b01d11-9edb-41b7-a330-cf21fa421183 20267c8c-fb92-42d3-b0cf-cd5f38e4506f MESSAGE Giraffe I agree I agree Non-probing-deliberation Agree 0 0.562 0.0 {"Dolphin": ["8", "U", "9"], "Guinea pig": ["8"], "Llama": ["U"], "Giraffe": ["U", "8"]} |
05b01d11-9edb-41b7-a330-cf21fa421183 410a0f9e-53be-423a-8e5b-126181062d89 MESSAGE Giraffe It never says a consonant could not have an dven number just that a vowel has an even number It never says a consonant could not have an dven number just that a vowel has an even number Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning 0 0.562 0.0 {"Dolphin": ["8", "U", "9"], "Guinea pig": ["8"], "Llama": ["U"], "Giraffe": ["U", "8"]} |
05b01d11-9edb-41b7-a330-cf21fa421183 02758658-e94b-4c42-a5a7-e21c5491ba51 MESSAGE Guinea pig Well in that case we could turn over the W to test the rule or the 9 Well in that case we could turn over the <CARD> to test the rule or the <CARD> Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning 0 0.625 0.063 W,9 {"Dolphin": ["8", "U", "9"], "Guinea pig": ["W", "9"], "Llama": ["U"], "Giraffe": ["U", "8"]} |
05b01d11-9edb-41b7-a330-cf21fa421183 ae9cc5ed-ac7c-41e8-a82b-4db41208bfcd MESSAGE Giraffe i think the only correct answer is U i think the only correct answer is <CARD> Non-probing-deliberation Solution complete_solution 0.688 0.063 U {"Dolphin": ["8", "U", "9"], "Guinea pig": ["W", "9"], "Llama": ["U"], "Giraffe": ["U"]} |
05b01d11-9edb-41b7-a330-cf21fa421183 62f59e98-2d85-4503-b613-32565e856acb MESSAGE Llama agreed agreed Non-probing-deliberation Agree 0 0.688 0.0 {"Dolphin": ["8", "U", "9"], "Guinea pig": ["W", "9"], "Llama": ["U"], "Giraffe": ["U"]} |
05b01d11-9edb-41b7-a330-cf21fa421183 812d3ce0-4398-4835-8b68-011d182bed8c SUBMIT Llama U 0.688 0.0 {"Dolphin": ["8", "U", "9"], "Guinea pig": ["W", "9"], "Llama": ["U"], "Giraffe": ["U"]} |
05b01d11-9edb-41b7-a330-cf21fa421183 e8a435f8-9e91-4b1d-93b0-8995dccfcace MESSAGE Giraffe Now I see that it’s possible we could have turned over more than one card Now I see that it ’ s possible we could have turned over more than one card Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning 0 0.688 0.0 {"Dolphin": ["8", "U", "9"], "Guinea pig": ["W", "9"], "Llama": ["U"], "Giraffe": ["U"]} |
05b01d11-9edb-41b7-a330-cf21fa421183 fa7f80d8-9c77-4866-83be-2101b010e122 MESSAGE Giraffe I still think U is the most obvious answer I still think <CARD> is the most obvious answer Non-probing-deliberation Solution complete_solution 0.688 0.0 U {"Dolphin": ["8", "U", "9"], "Guinea pig": ["W", "9"], "Llama": ["U"], "Giraffe": ["U"]} |
05b01d11-9edb-41b7-a330-cf21fa421183 14c2c5f0-26b7-4382-abf1-1bab134e37e5 SUBMIT Guinea pig W,8 0.562 -0.126 {"Dolphin": ["8", "U", "9"], "Guinea pig": ["W", "8"], "Llama": ["U"], "Giraffe": ["U"]} |
05b01d11-9edb-41b7-a330-cf21fa421183 c9336ecd-0f6f-4790-9338-97f4f153080b MESSAGE Guinea pig Okay well I am going to pick 8 and U I think Okay well I am going to pick <CARD> and <CARD> I think Non-probing-deliberation Solution complete_solution 0.688 0.126 U,8 {"Dolphin": ["8", "U", "9"], "Guinea pig": ["U", "8"], "Llama": ["U"], "Giraffe": ["U"]} |
05b01d11-9edb-41b7-a330-cf21fa421183 79d08ccd-4fdc-440a-b7ef-79fdbbf91e17 SUBMIT Guinea pig U,8 0.688 0.0 {"Dolphin": ["8", "U", "9"], "Guinea pig": ["U", "8"], "Llama": ["U"], "Giraffe": ["U"]} |
05b01d11-9edb-41b7-a330-cf21fa421183 b5649215-61c5-424c-a69c-6dcf889671ff MESSAGE Giraffe I still feel its U because the other two letters are not vowels and the 8 could have either vowel or consonant it never said all even numbers must have a vowel I still feel its <CARD> because the other two letters are not vowels and the <CARD> could have either vowel or consonant it never said all even numbers must have a vowel Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning complete_solution 0.625 -0.063 W,U,8,9 {"Dolphin": ["8", "U", "9"], "Guinea pig": ["U", "8"], "Llama": ["U"], "Giraffe": ["W", "U", "8", "9"]} |
05b01d11-9edb-41b7-a330-cf21fa421183 cde39c44-76eb-4974-8444-a4a72e98ad84 SUBMIT Guinea pig U 0.688 0.063 {"Dolphin": ["8", "U", "9"], "Guinea pig": ["U"], "Llama": ["U"], "Giraffe": ["W", "U", "8", "9"]} |
05b01d11-9edb-41b7-a330-cf21fa421183 a7c491b5-db07-474b-902b-195642eda55b MESSAGE Guinea pig Yes that is true Yes that is true Non-probing-deliberation Agree 0 0.688 0.0 {"Dolphin": ["8", "U", "9"], "Guinea pig": ["U"], "Llama": ["U"], "Giraffe": ["W", "U", "8", "9"]} |
05b01d11-9edb-41b7-a330-cf21fa421183 7c07d38b-35a2-483b-be39-176b6058f0cb MESSAGE Guinea pig Okay lets go with U Okay lets go with <CARD> Non-probing-deliberation Solution complete_solution 0.688 0.0 U {"Dolphin": ["8", "U", "9"], "Guinea pig": ["U"], "Llama": ["U"], "Giraffe": ["W", "U", "8", "9"]} |
05b01d11-9edb-41b7-a330-cf21fa421183 e80acbc1-4a47-4c0a-a048-d2b0bcf445f1 MESSAGE Giraffe Ok Ok Non-probing-deliberation Agree 0 0.688 0.0 {"Dolphin": ["8", "U", "9"], "Guinea pig": ["U"], "Llama": ["U"], "Giraffe": ["W", "U", "8", "9"]} |
05b01d11-9edb-41b7-a330-cf21fa421183 34bd68e3-fc62-4841-ac40-603f3100111f SUBMIT Guinea pig U 0.688 0.0 {"Dolphin": ["8", "U", "9"], "Guinea pig": ["U"], "Llama": ["U"], "Giraffe": ["W", "U", "8", "9"]} |
05b01d11-9edb-41b7-a330-cf21fa421183 b2d319a4-74cf-4d55-b6d5-92f3fd640d8c MESSAGE Giraffe I’m not sure how much time has elapsed but I am going eoth U I ’ m not sure how much time has elapsed but I am going eoth <CARD> None 0 0 0.688 0.0 {"Dolphin": ["8", "U", "9"], "Guinea pig": ["U"], "Llama": ["U"], "Giraffe": ["W", "U", "8", "9"]} |
05b01d11-9edb-41b7-a330-cf21fa421183 413d7268-5218-4f15-9ca1-b35f86aead42 MESSAGE Giraffe Are we in agreement here Are we in agreement here Probing Moderation 0 0.688 0.0 {"Dolphin": ["8", "U", "9"], "Guinea pig": ["U"], "Llama": ["U"], "Giraffe": ["W", "U", "8", "9"]} |
05b01d11-9edb-41b7-a330-cf21fa421183 3266dc76-e4eb-41d1-8af6-e2aa0506ff48 SUBMIT Giraffe U 0.75 0.062 {"Dolphin": ["8", "U", "9"], "Guinea pig": ["U"], "Llama": ["U"], "Giraffe": ["U"]} |