group_id message_id message_type origin original_text clean_text annotation_type annotation_target annotation_additional team_performance performance_change sol_tracker_message sol_tracker_all |
071d0952-edd7-4fed-9d76-6add6632e68e -1 INITIAL SYSTEM Koala,Leopard,Panda,SYSTEM,Giraffe,Raven&&E,5,M,6 0.625 0.0 {"Panda": ["E", "5"], "Chipmunk": ["E", "M"], "Raven": ["E", "5", "6"], "Leopard": ["5", "M"], "Giraffe": ["6", "M"], "Koala": ["E", "5"]} |
071d0952-edd7-4fed-9d76-6add6632e68e 3bf2121a-b073-48a6-b58f-30358f8e6683 SUBMIT Leopard 5,M 0.625 0.0 {"Panda": ["E", "5"], "Chipmunk": ["E", "M"], "Raven": ["E", "5", "6"], "Leopard": ["5", "M"], "Giraffe": ["6", "M"], "Koala": ["E", "5"]} |
071d0952-edd7-4fed-9d76-6add6632e68e ab1faa39-5e96-4979-b7ed-eda5b5792c10 MESSAGE Leopard Hello Hello None 0 0 0.625 0.0 {"Panda": ["E", "5"], "Chipmunk": ["E", "M"], "Raven": ["E", "5", "6"], "Leopard": ["5", "M"], "Giraffe": ["6", "M"], "Koala": ["E", "5"]} |
071d0952-edd7-4fed-9d76-6add6632e68e 0e68791a-d694-42fd-bf5a-ac5f687727b1 MESSAGE Koala Hello all Hello all None 0 0 0.542 -0.083 E,5,M,6 {"Panda": ["E", "5"], "Chipmunk": ["E", "M"], "Raven": ["E", "5", "6"], "Leopard": ["5", "M"], "Giraffe": ["6", "M"], "Koala": ["E", "5", "M", "6"]} |
071d0952-edd7-4fed-9d76-6add6632e68e a2d4bef1-8ed0-44eb-8c63-2b45005a045f MESSAGE Panda Hello Hello None 0 0 0.542 0.0 {"Panda": ["E", "5"], "Chipmunk": ["E", "M"], "Raven": ["E", "5", "6"], "Leopard": ["5", "M"], "Giraffe": ["6", "M"], "Koala": ["E", "5", "M", "6"]} |
071d0952-edd7-4fed-9d76-6add6632e68e c6a8a78d-2c4a-44f6-b27b-33e0767213d9 MESSAGE Raven Hi Hi None 0 0 0.542 0.0 {"Panda": ["E", "5"], "Chipmunk": ["E", "M"], "Raven": ["E", "5", "6"], "Leopard": ["5", "M"], "Giraffe": ["6", "M"], "Koala": ["E", "5", "M", "6"]} |
071d0952-edd7-4fed-9d76-6add6632e68e ea81668f-4410-48da-8203-7a231b3b5af2 MESSAGE Giraffe Hi, have we made decisons Hi , have we made decisons Probing Moderation 0 0.542 0.0 {"Panda": ["E", "5"], "Chipmunk": ["E", "M"], "Raven": ["E", "5", "6"], "Leopard": ["5", "M"], "Giraffe": ["6", "M"], "Koala": ["E", "5", "M", "6"]} |
071d0952-edd7-4fed-9d76-6add6632e68e 62d8b4de-c387-4773-964e-685f197e2ad9 MESSAGE Panda its only necessary to turn over E and 5. its only necessary to turn over <CARD> and <CARD> . Non-probing-deliberation Solution complete_solution 0.542 0.0 E,5 {"Panda": ["E", "5"], "Chipmunk": ["E", "M"], "Raven": ["E", "5", "6"], "Leopard": ["5", "M"], "Giraffe": ["6", "M"], "Koala": ["E", "5", "M", "6"]} |
071d0952-edd7-4fed-9d76-6add6632e68e a266705a-c383-44d7-9d73-ea02b8092e16 MESSAGE Koala I agree I agree Non-probing-deliberation Agree 0 0.542 0.0 {"Panda": ["E", "5"], "Chipmunk": ["E", "M"], "Raven": ["E", "5", "6"], "Leopard": ["5", "M"], "Giraffe": ["6", "M"], "Koala": ["E", "5", "M", "6"]} |
071d0952-edd7-4fed-9d76-6add6632e68e bae78a88-351a-4ea9-b961-0a747fd24101 MESSAGE Leopard yes we did yes we did Non-probing-deliberation Agree 0 0.542 0.0 {"Panda": ["E", "5"], "Chipmunk": ["E", "M"], "Raven": ["E", "5", "6"], "Leopard": ["5", "M"], "Giraffe": ["6", "M"], "Koala": ["E", "5", "M", "6"]} |
071d0952-edd7-4fed-9d76-6add6632e68e 0a533a91-52ef-4684-93f4-677c223d8fba MESSAGE Leopard I agree too I agree too Non-probing-deliberation Agree 0 0.542 0.0 {"Panda": ["E", "5"], "Chipmunk": ["E", "M"], "Raven": ["E", "5", "6"], "Leopard": ["5", "M"], "Giraffe": ["6", "M"], "Koala": ["E", "5", "M", "6"]} |
071d0952-edd7-4fed-9d76-6add6632e68e ca815396-1b48-4f33-9ca7-1db10b5c8faa MESSAGE Panda 'it''s' 'it''s' None 0 0 0.542 0.0 {"Panda": ["E", "5"], "Chipmunk": ["E", "M"], "Raven": ["E", "5", "6"], "Leopard": ["5", "M"], "Giraffe": ["6", "M"], "Koala": ["E", "5", "M", "6"]} |
071d0952-edd7-4fed-9d76-6add6632e68e 2f86497a-4db4-4ed3-8aef-4a3fb652070d SUBMIT Leopard E,5 0.625 0.083 {"Panda": ["E", "5"], "Chipmunk": ["E", "M"], "Raven": ["E", "5", "6"], "Leopard": ["E", "5"], "Giraffe": ["6", "M"], "Koala": ["E", "5", "M", "6"]} |
071d0952-edd7-4fed-9d76-6add6632e68e 243aaf47-666d-47ea-87d7-d3ab01b42ff2 MESSAGE Giraffe I think M and 6 I think <CARD> and <CARD> Non-probing-deliberation Solution complete_solution 0.625 0.0 6,M {"Panda": ["E", "5"], "Chipmunk": ["E", "M"], "Raven": ["E", "5", "6"], "Leopard": ["E", "5"], "Giraffe": ["6", "M"], "Koala": ["E", "5", "M", "6"]} |
071d0952-edd7-4fed-9d76-6add6632e68e 7d3bea44-0ef7-469c-9b8c-7fdd07f626d5 MESSAGE Panda Okay Okay None 0 0 0.625 0.0 {"Panda": ["E", "5"], "Chipmunk": ["E", "M"], "Raven": ["E", "5", "6"], "Leopard": ["E", "5"], "Giraffe": ["6", "M"], "Koala": ["E", "5", "M", "6"]} |
071d0952-edd7-4fed-9d76-6add6632e68e c1c33d48-3d77-4a48-890a-bbb1a83fec63 MESSAGE Panda Why M and 6? M is not a vowel Why <CARD> and <CARD> ? <CARD> is not a vowel Probing Reasoning 0 0.458 -0.167 6,M {"Panda": ["6", "M"], "Chipmunk": ["E", "M"], "Raven": ["E", "5", "6"], "Leopard": ["E", "5"], "Giraffe": ["6", "M"], "Koala": ["E", "5", "M", "6"]} |
071d0952-edd7-4fed-9d76-6add6632e68e 22dd3093-fcf9-4a85-84dd-56b18538a873 MESSAGE Panda 6 is an even number <CARD> is an even number Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning 0 0.5 0.042 6 {"Panda": ["6"], "Chipmunk": ["E", "M"], "Raven": ["E", "5", "6"], "Leopard": ["E", "5"], "Giraffe": ["6", "M"], "Koala": ["E", "5", "M", "6"]} |
071d0952-edd7-4fed-9d76-6add6632e68e 7b762b65-1797-40f6-a1f6-4153c2d8d7c2 MESSAGE Leopard I picked M 5 before but i think it is e and 5 I picked <CARD> <CARD> before but i think it is <CARD> and <CARD> Non-probing-deliberation Solution complete_solution 0.458 -0.042 5,M,E {"Panda": ["6"], "Chipmunk": ["E", "M"], "Raven": ["E", "5", "6"], "Leopard": ["5", "M", "E"], "Giraffe": ["6", "M"], "Koala": ["E", "5", "M", "6"]} |
071d0952-edd7-4fed-9d76-6add6632e68e 06847044-f242-4e6c-b0f7-6f97b4140b4f MESSAGE Giraffe 'I think you''re right - E 5' 'I think you''re right - <CARD> <CARD>' Non-probing-deliberation Agree solution_summary 0.625 0.167 E,5 {"Panda": ["6"], "Chipmunk": ["E", "M"], "Raven": ["E", "5", "6"], "Leopard": ["5", "M", "E"], "Giraffe": ["E", "5"], "Koala": ["E", "5", "M", "6"]} |
071d0952-edd7-4fed-9d76-6add6632e68e 791d5774-9f46-494a-a253-967a8be87755 MESSAGE Koala We basically need to check the cards that could possibly contradict the rule - the only ones that could contradict the rule are E and 5 We basically need to check the cards that could possibly contradict the rule - the only ones that could contradict the rule are <CARD> and <CARD> Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning complete_solution 0.708 0.083 E,5 {"Panda": ["6"], "Chipmunk": ["E", "M"], "Raven": ["E", "5", "6"], "Leopard": ["5", "M", "E"], "Giraffe": ["E", "5"], "Koala": ["E", "5"]} |
071d0952-edd7-4fed-9d76-6add6632e68e be32a03a-0e31-47d1-9ec8-6126eea9f155 MESSAGE Koala E can contradict the rule if the other side of the E is odd <CARD> can contradict the rule if the other side of the <CARD> is odd Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning 0 0.667 -0.041 E {"Panda": ["6"], "Chipmunk": ["E", "M"], "Raven": ["E", "5", "6"], "Leopard": ["5", "M", "E"], "Giraffe": ["E", "5"], "Koala": ["E"]} |
071d0952-edd7-4fed-9d76-6add6632e68e c5fc1872-63f0-4999-bdc4-3c5af1b6b5c1 MESSAGE Raven 'I agree, E and 5, I picked the 6 initially but I can see how that doesn''t help.' 'I agree , <CARD> and <CARD> , I picked the <CARD> initially but I can see how that doesn''t help .' Non-probing-deliberation Agree 0 0.667 0.0 E,5,6 {"Panda": ["6"], "Chipmunk": ["E", "M"], "Raven": ["E", "5", "6"], "Leopard": ["5", "M", "E"], "Giraffe": ["E", "5"], "Koala": ["E"]} |
071d0952-edd7-4fed-9d76-6add6632e68e 6d33871a-f2fc-42b0-983c-eccc1f5bb3dd MESSAGE Panda Right, Koala. Exactly. Right , <MENTION> . Exactly . Non-probing-deliberation Agree 0 0.667 0.0 {"Panda": ["6"], "Chipmunk": ["E", "M"], "Raven": ["E", "5", "6"], "Leopard": ["5", "M", "E"], "Giraffe": ["E", "5"], "Koala": ["E"]} |
071d0952-edd7-4fed-9d76-6add6632e68e 3ec281fc-bab8-42df-a9fc-e3e73c8d4689 MESSAGE Koala 5 can contradict the rule if the other side of 5 is a vowel <CARD> can contradict the rule if the other side of <CARD> is a vowel Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning 0 0.667 0.0 5 {"Panda": ["6"], "Chipmunk": ["E", "M"], "Raven": ["E", "5", "6"], "Leopard": ["5", "M", "E"], "Giraffe": ["E", "5"], "Koala": ["5"]} |
071d0952-edd7-4fed-9d76-6add6632e68e 7a6f8b0c-299e-4569-8011-112bfef6cd02 MESSAGE Leopard E and 6 it is then <CARD> and <CARD> it is then Non-probing-deliberation Solution solution_summary 0.625 -0.042 E,6 {"Panda": ["6"], "Chipmunk": ["E", "M"], "Raven": ["E", "5", "6"], "Leopard": ["E", "6"], "Giraffe": ["E", "5"], "Koala": ["5"]} |
071d0952-edd7-4fed-9d76-6add6632e68e d608c971-af18-4fdb-b6a0-9283b266c854 MESSAGE Koala E and 5, not E and 6 <CARD> and <CARD> , not <CARD> and <CARD> Non-probing-deliberation Solution solution_summary 0.625 0.0 E,5,6 {"Panda": ["6"], "Chipmunk": ["E", "M"], "Raven": ["E", "5", "6"], "Leopard": ["E", "6"], "Giraffe": ["E", "5"], "Koala": ["E", "5", "6"]} |
071d0952-edd7-4fed-9d76-6add6632e68e 546f09b6-aeaf-4484-8dae-d39b38f52903 MESSAGE Panda yes. yes . Non-probing-deliberation Agree 0 0.625 0.0 {"Panda": ["6"], "Chipmunk": ["E", "M"], "Raven": ["E", "5", "6"], "Leopard": ["E", "6"], "Giraffe": ["E", "5"], "Koala": ["E", "5", "6"]} |
071d0952-edd7-4fed-9d76-6add6632e68e e6630ff3-ac01-4748-b928-15a092bd7837 MESSAGE Leopard yes sorry I MISTYPED IT yes sorry I MISTYPED IT None 0 0 0.625 0.0 {"Panda": ["6"], "Chipmunk": ["E", "M"], "Raven": ["E", "5", "6"], "Leopard": ["E", "6"], "Giraffe": ["E", "5"], "Koala": ["E", "5", "6"]} |
071d0952-edd7-4fed-9d76-6add6632e68e 4d130aee-70a2-44f6-bc73-23edf7301d45 MESSAGE Leopard e and 5 <CARD> and <CARD> Non-probing-deliberation Solution solution_summary 0.708 0.083 E,5 {"Panda": ["6"], "Chipmunk": ["E", "M"], "Raven": ["E", "5", "6"], "Leopard": ["E", "5"], "Giraffe": ["E", "5"], "Koala": ["E", "5", "6"]} |
071d0952-edd7-4fed-9d76-6add6632e68e 27245c81-e533-42c0-a865-09e12ad9349b MESSAGE Raven Are we done, then? Are we done , then ? Probing Moderation 0 0.708 0.0 {"Panda": ["6"], "Chipmunk": ["E", "M"], "Raven": ["E", "5", "6"], "Leopard": ["E", "5"], "Giraffe": ["E", "5"], "Koala": ["E", "5", "6"]} |
071d0952-edd7-4fed-9d76-6add6632e68e c63f5488-55eb-4779-8d07-366ddbf27497 MESSAGE Giraffe Most people get the task wrong it says Most people get the task wrong it says Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning 0 0.708 0.0 {"Panda": ["6"], "Chipmunk": ["E", "M"], "Raven": ["E", "5", "6"], "Leopard": ["E", "5"], "Giraffe": ["E", "5"], "Koala": ["E", "5", "6"]} |
071d0952-edd7-4fed-9d76-6add6632e68e 9013f682-d849-47aa-8b8c-eccb290c76f8 SUBMIT Giraffe E,5 0.708 0.0 {"Panda": ["6"], "Chipmunk": ["E", "M"], "Raven": ["E", "5", "6"], "Leopard": ["E", "5"], "Giraffe": ["E", "5"], "Koala": ["E", "5", "6"]} |
071d0952-edd7-4fed-9d76-6add6632e68e e86a4de2-bab6-4f5f-a23c-e75c698cf91e SUBMIT Panda E,5 0.833 0.125 {"Panda": ["E", "5"], "Chipmunk": ["E", "M"], "Raven": ["E", "5", "6"], "Leopard": ["E", "5"], "Giraffe": ["E", "5"], "Koala": ["E", "5", "6"]} |
071d0952-edd7-4fed-9d76-6add6632e68e 8dd799a2-8597-456b-88f0-637ce192bcdf SUBMIT Panda E,5 0.833 0.0 {"Panda": ["E", "5"], "Chipmunk": ["E", "M"], "Raven": ["E", "5", "6"], "Leopard": ["E", "5"], "Giraffe": ["E", "5"], "Koala": ["E", "5", "6"]} |
071d0952-edd7-4fed-9d76-6add6632e68e e1aa65f4-1508-4d69-b5ad-60713cdca4d2 SUBMIT Koala E,5 0.875 0.042 {"Panda": ["E", "5"], "Chipmunk": ["E", "M"], "Raven": ["E", "5", "6"], "Leopard": ["E", "5"], "Giraffe": ["E", "5"], "Koala": ["E", "5"]} |
071d0952-edd7-4fed-9d76-6add6632e68e 67ee53d2-a279-4040-9623-f65b93eec6dc SUBMIT Raven E,5 0.917 0.042 {"Panda": ["E", "5"], "Chipmunk": ["E", "M"], "Raven": ["E", "5"], "Leopard": ["E", "5"], "Giraffe": ["E", "5"], "Koala": ["E", "5"]} |
071d0952-edd7-4fed-9d76-6add6632e68e 09f2f06b-2bf1-4e9e-8439-ac8115e4a9c1 SUBMIT Giraffe E,5 0.917 0.0 {"Panda": ["E", "5"], "Chipmunk": ["E", "M"], "Raven": ["E", "5"], "Leopard": ["E", "5"], "Giraffe": ["E", "5"], "Koala": ["E", "5"]} |
071d0952-edd7-4fed-9d76-6add6632e68e a0da50a0-4bb4-4e75-9fe4-4e827ebe6a99 SUBMIT Raven E,5 0.917 0.0 {"Panda": ["E", "5"], "Chipmunk": ["E", "M"], "Raven": ["E", "5"], "Leopard": ["E", "5"], "Giraffe": ["E", "5"], "Koala": ["E", "5"]} |