DeliData / 10c68bbd-686a-4414-b4f5-ceb1195aa22f.tsv
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10c68bbd-686a-4414-b4f5-ceb1195aa22f -1 INITIAL SYSTEM Raven,SYSTEM,Lobster,Emu&&3,U,B,4 0.625 0.0 {"Lobster": ["3", "U"], "Raven": ["B"], "Narwhal": ["U", "4"], "Emu": ["3", "U", "4"]}
10c68bbd-686a-4414-b4f5-ceb1195aa22f a2dce9a0-4b2e-484a-97e1-f067169d59e2 MESSAGE Raven hello hello None 0 0 0.625 0.0 {"Lobster": ["3", "U"], "Raven": ["B"], "Narwhal": ["U", "4"], "Emu": ["3", "U", "4"]}
10c68bbd-686a-4414-b4f5-ceb1195aa22f bcd1006c-10cd-410b-89db-63b3eea63346 MESSAGE Lobster hi hi None 0 0 0.625 0.0 {"Lobster": ["3", "U"], "Raven": ["B"], "Narwhal": ["U", "4"], "Emu": ["3", "U", "4"]}
10c68bbd-686a-4414-b4f5-ceb1195aa22f 78f1e759-fdb3-481e-9d25-4879fe291549 MESSAGE Emu hello hello None 0 0 0.625 0.0 {"Lobster": ["3", "U"], "Raven": ["B"], "Narwhal": ["U", "4"], "Emu": ["3", "U", "4"]}
10c68bbd-686a-4414-b4f5-ceb1195aa22f 8eafdb44-67c9-481c-9155-3fd84e0e9c23 MESSAGE Raven So what card? So what card ? Probing Moderation 0 0.625 0.0 {"Lobster": ["3", "U"], "Raven": ["B"], "Narwhal": ["U", "4"], "Emu": ["3", "U", "4"]}
10c68bbd-686a-4414-b4f5-ceb1195aa22f 726b9eb3-e93c-432d-a74a-d1bc970b06fb MESSAGE Lobster Since the task states that each card has a number on one side and a letter on the other we can assume that to be true (as part of the rules) Since the task states that each card has a number on one side and a letter on the other we can assume that to be true ( as part of the rules ) Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning 0 0.625 0.0 {"Lobster": ["3", "U"], "Raven": ["B"], "Narwhal": ["U", "4"], "Emu": ["3", "U", "4"]}
10c68bbd-686a-4414-b4f5-ceb1195aa22f cf5bf3fc-6c69-47cf-a121-93d18e53fc35 SUBMIT Emu 3,U 0.688 0.063 {"Lobster": ["3", "U"], "Raven": ["B"], "Narwhal": ["U", "4"], "Emu": ["3", "U"]}
10c68bbd-686a-4414-b4f5-ceb1195aa22f d7728bfa-ba3a-4a67-9fd4-e81dedb95a78 MESSAGE Emu 3 had to be tested to make sure it does not have a vowel on the other side. U has to be tested to make sure it does have a vowel. <CARD> had to be tested to make sure it does not have a vowel on the other side . <CARD> has to be tested to make sure it does have a vowel . Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning complete_solution 0.688 0.0 3,U {"Lobster": ["3", "U"], "Raven": ["B"], "Narwhal": ["U", "4"], "Emu": ["3", "U"]}
10c68bbd-686a-4414-b4f5-ceb1195aa22f c37dadc2-c901-4e24-9e90-2f0320da9597 MESSAGE Lobster Only 3 and U are then necessary to test. Only <CARD> and <CARD> are then necessary to test . Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning complete_solution 0.688 0.0 3,U {"Lobster": ["3", "U"], "Raven": ["B"], "Narwhal": ["U", "4"], "Emu": ["3", "U"]}
10c68bbd-686a-4414-b4f5-ceb1195aa22f 93e430fa-2c92-40ec-ac7b-ec8fb50d1e36 SUBMIT Raven 3,U 0.875 0.187 {"Lobster": ["3", "U"], "Raven": ["3", "U"], "Narwhal": ["U", "4"], "Emu": ["3", "U"]}
10c68bbd-686a-4414-b4f5-ceb1195aa22f 23d692f1-48b1-4c70-b2d5-a6b902a5b22d MESSAGE Lobster 'testing 4 would already demonstrate the rule and testing B doesn''t matter because it isn''t a vowel.' 'testing <CARD> would already demonstrate the rule and testing <CARD> doesn''t matter because it isn''t a vowel .' Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning 0 0.625 -0.25 B,4 {"Lobster": ["B", "4"], "Raven": ["3", "U"], "Narwhal": ["U", "4"], "Emu": ["3", "U"]}
10c68bbd-686a-4414-b4f5-ceb1195aa22f 78843094-963b-4383-bc98-20115edcafb3 MESSAGE Raven sounds good sounds good Non-probing-deliberation Agree 0 0.625 0.0 {"Lobster": ["B", "4"], "Raven": ["3", "U"], "Narwhal": ["U", "4"], "Emu": ["3", "U"]}
10c68bbd-686a-4414-b4f5-ceb1195aa22f 4ce419d4-373d-4699-aded-d7ca9a209e7b MESSAGE Emu I agree with lobster, and also am assuming that all cards have a number on one side and a letter on the other. I agree with <MENTION> , and also am assuming that all cards have a number on one side and a letter on the other . Non-probing-deliberation Agree 0 0.5 -0.125 3,U,B,4 {"Lobster": ["B", "4"], "Raven": ["3", "U"], "Narwhal": ["U", "4"], "Emu": ["3", "U", "B", "4"]}
10c68bbd-686a-4414-b4f5-ceb1195aa22f bfa73a51-a4f1-4eb2-bf26-46ed5b0d2cb2 MESSAGE Lobster At first I was going to add B but then reread the instructions to make sure they stated that cards have one letter and one vowel. At first I was going to add <CARD> but then reread the instructions to make sure they stated that cards have one letter and one vowel . Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning 0 0.562 0.062 B {"Lobster": ["B"], "Raven": ["3", "U"], "Narwhal": ["U", "4"], "Emu": ["3", "U", "B", "4"]}
10c68bbd-686a-4414-b4f5-ceb1195aa22f 404decc6-0518-4987-b42a-165f74503047 MESSAGE Emu Agreed, it would not matter what number B has on the other side since it cannot test the rule. Agreed , it would not matter what number <CARD> has on the other side since it cannot test the rule . Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning 0 0.5 -0.062 B {"Lobster": ["B"], "Raven": ["3", "U"], "Narwhal": ["U", "4"], "Emu": ["B"]}
10c68bbd-686a-4414-b4f5-ceb1195aa22f 3bfd3974-671c-49fd-bd4c-5a1566617544 MESSAGE Lobster okay then okay then Non-probing-deliberation Agree 0 0.5 0.0 {"Lobster": ["B"], "Raven": ["3", "U"], "Narwhal": ["U", "4"], "Emu": ["B"]}
10c68bbd-686a-4414-b4f5-ceb1195aa22f d730b829-b692-46dc-9d0d-c5693ced1a3e SUBMIT Lobster 3,U 0.688 0.188 {"Lobster": ["3", "U"], "Raven": ["3", "U"], "Narwhal": ["U", "4"], "Emu": ["B"]}
10c68bbd-686a-4414-b4f5-ceb1195aa22f 7ec48045-4769-4eab-a03b-f6ab0c2063fc MESSAGE Raven 3 and U it is <CARD> and <CARD> it is Non-probing-deliberation Solution complete_solution 0.688 0.0 3,U {"Lobster": ["3", "U"], "Raven": ["3", "U"], "Narwhal": ["U", "4"], "Emu": ["B"]}
10c68bbd-686a-4414-b4f5-ceb1195aa22f 5b0a4046-a04b-4fc6-b24e-2bff378b936d MESSAGE Emu the 4 card can either have a vowel or consonant without "breaking" the rule. Even though a vowel could have an even number, a consonant technically could as well. the <CARD> card can either have a vowel or consonant without " breaking " the rule . Even though a vowel could have an even number , a consonant technically could as well . Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning 0 0.688 0.0 4 {"Lobster": ["3", "U"], "Raven": ["3", "U"], "Narwhal": ["U", "4"], "Emu": ["4"]}
10c68bbd-686a-4414-b4f5-ceb1195aa22f e2569041-f039-4261-9c1b-783544d7c949 SUBMIT Emu 3,U 0.875 0.187 {"Lobster": ["3", "U"], "Raven": ["3", "U"], "Narwhal": ["U", "4"], "Emu": ["3", "U"]}
10c68bbd-686a-4414-b4f5-ceb1195aa22f 5dc0131d-9ebf-40e4-9ac2-693a382ef4ab SUBMIT Raven 3,U 0.875 0.0 {"Lobster": ["3", "U"], "Raven": ["3", "U"], "Narwhal": ["U", "4"], "Emu": ["3", "U"]}
10c68bbd-686a-4414-b4f5-ceb1195aa22f 3ad04853-bacb-47c4-8966-c848754a94f8 SUBMIT Raven 3,U 0.875 0.0 {"Lobster": ["3", "U"], "Raven": ["3", "U"], "Narwhal": ["U", "4"], "Emu": ["3", "U"]}
10c68bbd-686a-4414-b4f5-ceb1195aa22f 0d55cd69-5cc1-4705-9ecd-be08c5a3e29f SUBMIT Raven 3,U 0.875 0.0 {"Lobster": ["3", "U"], "Raven": ["3", "U"], "Narwhal": ["U", "4"], "Emu": ["3", "U"]}