group_id message_id message_type origin original_text clean_text annotation_type annotation_target annotation_additional team_performance performance_change sol_tracker_message sol_tracker_all |
15295929-9497-4e84-8827-ae258aa691fa -1 INITIAL SYSTEM Ox,SYSTEM,Falcon,Cat,Hamster&&S,2,A,9 0.6 0.0 {"Ox": ["2", "A"], "Chipmunk": ["A"], "Hamster": ["2", "A"], "Cat": ["A"], "Falcon": ["S", "9"]} |
15295929-9497-4e84-8827-ae258aa691fa 2d2a8502-0a10-4e1f-b81d-781d2dc9d322 MESSAGE Cat Hi. Hi . None 0 0 0.6 0.0 {"Ox": ["2", "A"], "Chipmunk": ["A"], "Hamster": ["2", "A"], "Cat": ["A"], "Falcon": ["S", "9"]} |
15295929-9497-4e84-8827-ae258aa691fa 9030426d-90e2-4829-91b3-fd4a51ca1cee MESSAGE Ox Hi. I picked the cards with vowels and even numbers to test the rule. Hi . I picked the cards with vowels and even numbers to test the rule . Non-probing-deliberation Solution complete_solution 0.6 0.0 {"Ox": ["2", "A"], "Chipmunk": ["A"], "Hamster": ["2", "A"], "Cat": ["A"], "Falcon": ["S", "9"]} |
15295929-9497-4e84-8827-ae258aa691fa e60e7d36-4095-4061-a0d5-987692c9ba5f MESSAGE Hamster I think the 2 and the A would prove this rule. I think the <CARD> and the <CARD> would prove this rule . Non-probing-deliberation Solution complete_solution 0.6 0.0 2,A {"Ox": ["2", "A"], "Chipmunk": ["A"], "Hamster": ["2", "A"], "Cat": ["A"], "Falcon": ["S", "9"]} |
15295929-9497-4e84-8827-ae258aa691fa 9119a69f-06b8-47c6-922d-8ebf6aff2a02 MESSAGE Ox Me tool Me tool Non-probing-deliberation Agree 0 0.6 0.0 {"Ox": ["2", "A"], "Chipmunk": ["A"], "Hamster": ["2", "A"], "Cat": ["A"], "Falcon": ["S", "9"]} |
15295929-9497-4e84-8827-ae258aa691fa c66a7b14-cc13-4398-a27b-dff8d0a9a95e MESSAGE Ox too too None 0 0 0.6 0.0 {"Ox": ["2", "A"], "Chipmunk": ["A"], "Hamster": ["2", "A"], "Cat": ["A"], "Falcon": ["S", "9"]} |
15295929-9497-4e84-8827-ae258aa691fa 10d58580-c453-46e5-8bd8-c38d44a7f1c3 MESSAGE Falcon I agrre with Hamster I agrre with <MENTION> Non-probing-deliberation Agree 0 0.6 0.0 {"Ox": ["2", "A"], "Chipmunk": ["A"], "Hamster": ["2", "A"], "Cat": ["A"], "Falcon": ["S", "9"]} |
15295929-9497-4e84-8827-ae258aa691fa e0434c78-0931-4204-9bf2-71d115af6f1e MESSAGE Cat I picked only the one with a vowel, but you makemoresense. I picked only the one with <CARD> vowel , but you makemoresense . Non-probing-deliberation Agree 0 0.6 0.0 A {"Ox": ["2", "A"], "Chipmunk": ["A"], "Hamster": ["2", "A"], "Cat": ["A"], "Falcon": ["S", "9"]} |
15295929-9497-4e84-8827-ae258aa691fa 7955b2ce-899b-4209-8bec-a5f68ceca331 SUBMIT Cat 2,A 0.55 -0.05 {"Ox": ["2", "A"], "Chipmunk": ["A"], "Hamster": ["2", "A"], "Cat": ["2", "A"], "Falcon": ["S", "9"]} |
15295929-9497-4e84-8827-ae258aa691fa ed512a02-b17b-4a9a-85b9-7195825d9157 MESSAGE Falcon I picked S I picked <CARD> Non-probing-deliberation Solution partial_solution 0.5 -0.05 S {"Ox": ["2", "A"], "Chipmunk": ["A"], "Hamster": ["2", "A"], "Cat": ["2", "A"], "Falcon": ["S"]} |
15295929-9497-4e84-8827-ae258aa691fa b19e1d58-db15-4148-9ccb-07d737698be5 MESSAGE Falcon Maybe 9 as well Maybe <CARD> as well Non-probing-deliberation Solution partial_solution 0.6 0.1 9 {"Ox": ["2", "A"], "Chipmunk": ["A"], "Hamster": ["2", "A"], "Cat": ["2", "A"], "Falcon": ["9"]} |
15295929-9497-4e84-8827-ae258aa691fa 2b9fa9b0-065f-48ee-bcc2-a3ad93ac4a94 MESSAGE Ox I figured that A and 2 if turned over would prove that the vowel has even number on the other side and the 2 would have a vowel on the other side. I figured that <CARD> and <CARD> if turned over would prove that the vowel has even number on the other side and the <CARD> would have <CARD> vowel on the other side . Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning complete_solution 0.6 0.0 2,A {"Ox": ["2", "A"], "Chipmunk": ["A"], "Hamster": ["2", "A"], "Cat": ["2", "A"], "Falcon": ["9"]} |
15295929-9497-4e84-8827-ae258aa691fa 3a033329-821b-4334-8f79-93254288f359 MESSAGE Cat 'That wouldn''t test the rule tho.' 'That wouldn''t test the rule tho .' Non-probing-deliberation Disagree 0 0.6 0.0 {"Ox": ["2", "A"], "Chipmunk": ["A"], "Hamster": ["2", "A"], "Cat": ["2", "A"], "Falcon": ["9"]} |
15295929-9497-4e84-8827-ae258aa691fa 5d50ef47-a454-4e17-b698-52940a033827 MESSAGE Falcon I see that, Ox. true I see that , <MENTION> . true Non-probing-deliberation Agree specific_addressee 0.6 0.0 {"Ox": ["2", "A"], "Chipmunk": ["A"], "Hamster": ["2", "A"], "Cat": ["2", "A"], "Falcon": ["9"]} |
15295929-9497-4e84-8827-ae258aa691fa dbd3ba4a-9ace-4b14-89b6-3ae67028563f MESSAGE Hamster Yes it would. Yes it would . Non-probing-deliberation Disagree 0 0.6 0.0 {"Ox": ["2", "A"], "Chipmunk": ["A"], "Hamster": ["2", "A"], "Cat": ["2", "A"], "Falcon": ["9"]} |
15295929-9497-4e84-8827-ae258aa691fa ef2d107a-578d-473a-b1e2-fde5d2a5a3b3 MESSAGE Hamster So we will submit with 2 and A? So we will submit with <CARD> and <CARD> ? Probing Solution solution_summary 0.6 0.0 2,A {"Ox": ["2", "A"], "Chipmunk": ["A"], "Hamster": ["2", "A"], "Cat": ["2", "A"], "Falcon": ["9"]} |
15295929-9497-4e84-8827-ae258aa691fa 92faf092-57d2-4a03-a614-947d56c1c1b5 MESSAGE Falcon yes yes Non-probing-deliberation Agree 0 0.6 0.0 {"Ox": ["2", "A"], "Chipmunk": ["A"], "Hamster": ["2", "A"], "Cat": ["2", "A"], "Falcon": ["9"]} |
15295929-9497-4e84-8827-ae258aa691fa 01fbaeba-dd06-4287-80e3-ef567a161153 MESSAGE Ox 'do we all agree? Should we submit our final decision? I''m happy with the 2 and A' 'do we all agree ? Should we submit our final decision ? I''m happy with the <CARD> and <CARD>' Probing Moderation 0 0.6 0.0 S,2,A,9 {"Ox": ["S", "2", "A", "9"], "Chipmunk": ["A"], "Hamster": ["2", "A"], "Cat": ["2", "A"], "Falcon": ["9"]} |
15295929-9497-4e84-8827-ae258aa691fa 8b9b8b07-7b57-41f8-998b-def99730fac6 MESSAGE Hamster yes yes Non-probing-deliberation Agree 0 0.6 0.0 {"Ox": ["S", "2", "A", "9"], "Chipmunk": ["A"], "Hamster": ["2", "A"], "Cat": ["2", "A"], "Falcon": ["9"]} |
15295929-9497-4e84-8827-ae258aa691fa 0dd961e8-ff1a-48e7-bc0b-581453f3ff89 MESSAGE Falcon okay okay Non-probing-deliberation Agree 0 0.6 0.0 {"Ox": ["S", "2", "A", "9"], "Chipmunk": ["A"], "Hamster": ["2", "A"], "Cat": ["2", "A"], "Falcon": ["9"]} |
15295929-9497-4e84-8827-ae258aa691fa 2fa87cad-2b0b-4e50-9a2b-e3f038609504 MESSAGE Cat Yes. Yes . Non-probing-deliberation Agree 0 0.6 0.0 {"Ox": ["S", "2", "A", "9"], "Chipmunk": ["A"], "Hamster": ["2", "A"], "Cat": ["2", "A"], "Falcon": ["9"]} |
15295929-9497-4e84-8827-ae258aa691fa 509dc6dc-ad57-4d09-baa1-101e30ce5d07 SUBMIT Hamster 2,A 0.6 0.0 {"Ox": ["S", "2", "A", "9"], "Chipmunk": ["A"], "Hamster": ["2", "A"], "Cat": ["2", "A"], "Falcon": ["9"]} |
15295929-9497-4e84-8827-ae258aa691fa cdb835b5-f48a-4f77-8d9d-4fe7e67e03bf MESSAGE Ox ok ok None 0 0 0.6 0.0 {"Ox": ["S", "2", "A", "9"], "Chipmunk": ["A"], "Hamster": ["2", "A"], "Cat": ["2", "A"], "Falcon": ["9"]} |
15295929-9497-4e84-8827-ae258aa691fa 2981377d-622b-4434-9a5f-8fb0b510b0dc SUBMIT Ox 2,A 0.6 0.0 {"Ox": ["2", "A"], "Chipmunk": ["A"], "Hamster": ["2", "A"], "Cat": ["2", "A"], "Falcon": ["9"]} |
15295929-9497-4e84-8827-ae258aa691fa 09841220-bbea-4e37-a8fa-c9932568f566 SUBMIT Cat 2,A 0.6 0.0 {"Ox": ["2", "A"], "Chipmunk": ["A"], "Hamster": ["2", "A"], "Cat": ["2", "A"], "Falcon": ["9"]} |
15295929-9497-4e84-8827-ae258aa691fa 14fc5b96-816e-431a-b188-76123f922fed SUBMIT Falcon 2,A 0.55 -0.05 {"Ox": ["2", "A"], "Chipmunk": ["A"], "Hamster": ["2", "A"], "Cat": ["2", "A"], "Falcon": ["2", "A"]} |