DeliData / 17620ae0-2f24-4b14-a2d3-ed338610015e.tsv
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17620ae0-2f24-4b14-a2d3-ed338610015e -1 INITIAL SYSTEM Panda,SYSTEM,Chipmunk,Butterfly&&8,U,7,M 0.688 0.0 {"Panda": ["U", "7"], "Bat": ["U"], "Chipmunk": ["8", "U", "7"], "Butterfly": ["M"]}
17620ae0-2f24-4b14-a2d3-ed338610015e a6a5512a-8784-4b31-bc31-a561d8a47a62 MESSAGE Panda U & 7 are the two necessary cards. <CARD> & <CARD> are the two necessary cards . Non-probing-deliberation Solution complete_solution 0.688 0.0 U,7 {"Panda": ["U", "7"], "Bat": ["U"], "Chipmunk": ["8", "U", "7"], "Butterfly": ["M"]}
17620ae0-2f24-4b14-a2d3-ed338610015e dfadf984-3715-432c-8dfb-5cb1db4e51f5 MESSAGE Chipmunk Hello everyone Hello everyone None 0 0 0.688 0.0 {"Panda": ["U", "7"], "Bat": ["U"], "Chipmunk": ["8", "U", "7"], "Butterfly": ["M"]}
17620ae0-2f24-4b14-a2d3-ed338610015e 65ac1083-82f7-4a7a-9c9f-685f273ee4bd MESSAGE Butterfly how did you come to that conclusion? how did you come to that conclusion ? Probing Reasoning 0 0.688 0.0 {"Panda": ["U", "7"], "Bat": ["U"], "Chipmunk": ["8", "U", "7"], "Butterfly": ["M"]}
17620ae0-2f24-4b14-a2d3-ed338610015e 1b9b566c-6c5a-4f42-affa-c0d13e69cbe2 MESSAGE Panda U needs to have an even number on the other side to follow the rule. 7 should NOT have a vowel, otherwise the rule was violated. M & 8 are irrelevant. <CARD> needs to have an even number on the other side to follow the rule . <CARD> should NOT have a vowel , otherwise the rule was violated . <CARD> & <CARD> are irrelevant . Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning 0 0.562 -0.126 8,U,7,M {"Panda": ["8", "U", "7", "M"], "Bat": ["U"], "Chipmunk": ["8", "U", "7"], "Butterfly": ["M"]}
17620ae0-2f24-4b14-a2d3-ed338610015e 2cf1ad86-55b1-456e-8f0c-53e33c8e1fcc SUBMIT Butterfly U,7 0.75 0.188 {"Panda": ["8", "U", "7", "M"], "Bat": ["U"], "Chipmunk": ["8", "U", "7"], "Butterfly": ["U", "7"]}
17620ae0-2f24-4b14-a2d3-ed338610015e f7e9731c-b64f-4feb-8379-7360961e390f SUBMIT Butterfly U,7 0.75 0.0 {"Panda": ["8", "U", "7", "M"], "Bat": ["U"], "Chipmunk": ["8", "U", "7"], "Butterfly": ["U", "7"]}
17620ae0-2f24-4b14-a2d3-ed338610015e 389d096d-1a60-48c7-aa34-dd20a020bd23 MESSAGE Chipmunk 8 is not irrelevant, because there needs to be a vowel on the other side <CARD> is not irrelevant , because there needs to be a vowel on the other side Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning 0 0.625 -0.125 8 {"Panda": ["8", "U", "7", "M"], "Bat": ["U"], "Chipmunk": ["8"], "Butterfly": ["U", "7"]}
17620ae0-2f24-4b14-a2d3-ed338610015e 6f14bbe7-c6b8-4b7e-b62a-c5700bdaefe7 MESSAGE Chipmunk We need to flip U, 7 and 8 to check the rule We need to flip <CARD> , <CARD> and <CARD> to check the rule Non-probing-deliberation Solution complete_solution 0.75 0.125 8,U,7 {"Panda": ["8", "U", "7", "M"], "Bat": ["U"], "Chipmunk": ["8", "U", "7"], "Butterfly": ["U", "7"]}
17620ae0-2f24-4b14-a2d3-ed338610015e 0891c1fe-11ad-45a7-9480-73476a9b447b MESSAGE Butterfly are we sure 8 is necessary? are we sure <CARD> is necessary ? Probing Reasoning 0 0.562 -0.188 8 {"Panda": ["8", "U", "7", "M"], "Bat": ["U"], "Chipmunk": ["8", "U", "7"], "Butterfly": ["8"]}
17620ae0-2f24-4b14-a2d3-ed338610015e c3f2afa0-a011-4112-9107-f4a6635cdb68 MESSAGE Panda 'No, the rule didn''t say anything about consonants. Consonant with an even number (like 8) is not a violation.' 'No , the rule didn''t say anything about consonants . Consonant with an even number ( like 8) is not a violation .' Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning 0 0.5 -0.062 8 {"Panda": ["8"], "Bat": ["U"], "Chipmunk": ["8", "U", "7"], "Butterfly": ["8"]}
17620ae0-2f24-4b14-a2d3-ed338610015e 4b9c7380-d1de-4ec7-9521-09c709cb9901 MESSAGE Chipmunk That is true, U and 7 it is That is true , <CARD> and <CARD> it is Non-probing-deliberation Solution complete_solution 0.562 0.062 U,7 {"Panda": ["8"], "Bat": ["U"], "Chipmunk": ["U", "7"], "Butterfly": ["8"]}
17620ae0-2f24-4b14-a2d3-ed338610015e 309aaaab-b8e4-4805-b755-da9d71c8e117 SUBMIT Chipmunk U,7 0.562 0.0 {"Panda": ["8"], "Bat": ["U"], "Chipmunk": ["U", "7"], "Butterfly": ["8"]}
17620ae0-2f24-4b14-a2d3-ed338610015e bd16fc1d-af05-4460-98ca-4b69c44f543b MESSAGE Butterfly ok are we all good with u and 7? ok are we all good with <CARD> and <CARD> ? Probing Solution solution_summary 0.625 0.063 8,U,7,M {"Panda": ["8"], "Bat": ["U"], "Chipmunk": ["U", "7"], "Butterfly": ["8", "U", "7", "M"]}
17620ae0-2f24-4b14-a2d3-ed338610015e e1afca85-e299-48f8-be3b-fd156a0c5b73 MESSAGE Chipmunk I am I am Non-probing-deliberation Agree 0 0.625 0.0 {"Panda": ["8"], "Bat": ["U"], "Chipmunk": ["U", "7"], "Butterfly": ["8", "U", "7", "M"]}
17620ae0-2f24-4b14-a2d3-ed338610015e f39b1d98-9681-4689-a5df-9336fdf88ecf MESSAGE Panda 'Yah, I''m ready to submit. This is actually a pretty famous logic problem.' 'Yah , I''m ready to submit . This is actually a pretty famous logic problem .' None 0 0 0.625 0.0 {"Panda": ["8"], "Bat": ["U"], "Chipmunk": ["U", "7"], "Butterfly": ["8", "U", "7", "M"]}
17620ae0-2f24-4b14-a2d3-ed338610015e 569e62c1-2fc4-4f05-8a06-44cb0febde73 MESSAGE Panda 'I''ve seen it before.' 'I''ve seen it before .' None 0 0 0.625 0.0 {"Panda": ["8"], "Bat": ["U"], "Chipmunk": ["U", "7"], "Butterfly": ["8", "U", "7", "M"]}
17620ae0-2f24-4b14-a2d3-ed338610015e fd6eead4-2e2d-4ee5-b8fe-a779e7175565 MESSAGE Butterfly Then I am good with the decision. I will submit too Then I am good with the decision . I will submit too None 0 0 0.625 0.0 {"Panda": ["8"], "Bat": ["U"], "Chipmunk": ["U", "7"], "Butterfly": ["8", "U", "7", "M"]}
17620ae0-2f24-4b14-a2d3-ed338610015e 20933a83-ac0a-4ccf-b27d-31e3910e93ca SUBMIT Butterfly U,7 0.75 0.125 {"Panda": ["8"], "Bat": ["U"], "Chipmunk": ["U", "7"], "Butterfly": ["U", "7"]}
17620ae0-2f24-4b14-a2d3-ed338610015e 9b4a5c5a-a189-4186-90e9-db3586d5a5ec SUBMIT Chipmunk U,7 0.75 0.0 {"Panda": ["8"], "Bat": ["U"], "Chipmunk": ["U", "7"], "Butterfly": ["U", "7"]}