DeliData / 17d8ea73-7c67-4e17-b0d3-9a45e1f64aad.tsv
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17d8ea73-7c67-4e17-b0d3-9a45e1f64aad -1 INITIAL SYSTEM Butterfly,Falcon,Panda,SYSTEM,Giraffe&&Z,7,A,4 0.55 0.0 {"Duck": ["7", "4"], "Panda": ["A", "4"], "Giraffe": ["7", "A", "4"], "Falcon": ["A", "4"], "Butterfly": ["7", "Z"]}
17d8ea73-7c67-4e17-b0d3-9a45e1f64aad 2d692b61-c2bf-4e17-b18d-f82e79ae6fab MESSAGE Panda hello. it said even numbers and vowels so thats the cards i went for hello . it said even numbers and vowels so thats the cards i went for Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning complete_solution 0.55 0.0 {"Duck": ["7", "4"], "Panda": ["A", "4"], "Giraffe": ["7", "A", "4"], "Falcon": ["A", "4"], "Butterfly": ["7", "Z"]}
17d8ea73-7c67-4e17-b0d3-9a45e1f64aad e6d9c50d-054d-4ae8-8920-66510902e7a0 MESSAGE Falcon We would need to turn the A, to see if there is an even number on the back. We would need to turn the <CARD> , to see if there is an even number on the back . Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning partial_solution 0.6 0.05 A {"Duck": ["7", "4"], "Panda": ["A", "4"], "Giraffe": ["7", "A", "4"], "Falcon": ["A"], "Butterfly": ["7", "Z"]}
17d8ea73-7c67-4e17-b0d3-9a45e1f64aad 8218e26f-20a6-4e7a-9350-2c04e433d376 MESSAGE Giraffe Same here, the two numbers and the one vowel is what i selected Same here , the two numbers and the one vowel is what i selected Non-probing-deliberation Solution complete_solution 0.6 0.0 {"Duck": ["7", "4"], "Panda": ["A", "4"], "Giraffe": ["7", "A", "4"], "Falcon": ["A"], "Butterfly": ["7", "Z"]}
17d8ea73-7c67-4e17-b0d3-9a45e1f64aad 3f9b7aca-ca64-4eff-966f-7ecd6fc43c88 MESSAGE Falcon We would also need to turn the 4, to see if the letter on the back is a vowel. We would also need to turn the <CARD> , to see if the letter on the back is <CARD> vowel . Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning partial_solution 0.55 -0.05 A,4 {"Duck": ["7", "4"], "Panda": ["A", "4"], "Giraffe": ["7", "A", "4"], "Falcon": ["A", "4"], "Butterfly": ["7", "Z"]}
17d8ea73-7c67-4e17-b0d3-9a45e1f64aad 803b78ef-2348-4688-be45-b336d284212d MESSAGE Panda so right there the z card and the 7 was out logically so right there the <CARD> card and the <CARD> was out logically Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning 0 0.55 0.0 7,Z {"Duck": ["7", "4"], "Panda": ["7", "Z"], "Giraffe": ["7", "A", "4"], "Falcon": ["A", "4"], "Butterfly": ["7", "Z"]}
17d8ea73-7c67-4e17-b0d3-9a45e1f64aad 70b98fcc-841f-4a63-8ad7-94141776e85d MESSAGE Falcon Yep! Yep ! Non-probing-deliberation Agree 0 0.55 0.0 {"Duck": ["7", "4"], "Panda": ["7", "Z"], "Giraffe": ["7", "A", "4"], "Falcon": ["A", "4"], "Butterfly": ["7", "Z"]}
17d8ea73-7c67-4e17-b0d3-9a45e1f64aad 0be64b13-874d-40ec-ad9a-3ea95659302e MESSAGE Giraffe oh yes you are correct oh yes you are correct Non-probing-deliberation Agree 0 0.55 0.0 {"Duck": ["7", "4"], "Panda": ["7", "Z"], "Giraffe": ["7", "A", "4"], "Falcon": ["A", "4"], "Butterfly": ["7", "Z"]}
17d8ea73-7c67-4e17-b0d3-9a45e1f64aad bf65ebc6-bd91-4f3b-8abd-f59aa1f5006d SUBMIT Giraffe A,4 0.5 -0.05 {"Duck": ["7", "4"], "Panda": ["7", "Z"], "Giraffe": ["A", "4"], "Falcon": ["A", "4"], "Butterfly": ["7", "Z"]}
17d8ea73-7c67-4e17-b0d3-9a45e1f64aad 3d9dda42-69c3-43a5-9e0c-6ec09cb0e890 MESSAGE Panda and thats how you do that and thats how you do that None 0 0 0.5 0.0 {"Duck": ["7", "4"], "Panda": ["7", "Z"], "Giraffe": ["A", "4"], "Falcon": ["A", "4"], "Butterfly": ["7", "Z"]}
17d8ea73-7c67-4e17-b0d3-9a45e1f64aad 04ee385e-8708-4798-91c6-e789694e20eb MESSAGE Falcon So does everyone have 4 and A selected? Ignore Z and 7 So does everyone have <CARD> and <CARD> selected ? Ignore <CARD> and <CARD> Probing Solution solution_summary 0.5 0.0 Z,7,A,4 {"Duck": ["7", "4"], "Panda": ["7", "Z"], "Giraffe": ["A", "4"], "Falcon": ["Z", "7", "A", "4"], "Butterfly": ["7", "Z"]}
17d8ea73-7c67-4e17-b0d3-9a45e1f64aad 4569c2db-82b0-47d3-b481-43d52ae817c3 MESSAGE Giraffe yes yes Non-probing-deliberation Agree 0 0.5 0.0 {"Duck": ["7", "4"], "Panda": ["7", "Z"], "Giraffe": ["A", "4"], "Falcon": ["Z", "7", "A", "4"], "Butterfly": ["7", "Z"]}
17d8ea73-7c67-4e17-b0d3-9a45e1f64aad c5f346e6-89e1-4e74-b6a4-d186e6becf2a MESSAGE Panda yes, its quite the if then statement yes , its quite the if then statement Non-probing-deliberation Agree 0 0.5 0.0 {"Duck": ["7", "4"], "Panda": ["7", "Z"], "Giraffe": ["A", "4"], "Falcon": ["Z", "7", "A", "4"], "Butterfly": ["7", "Z"]}
17d8ea73-7c67-4e17-b0d3-9a45e1f64aad 33e864ae-d3f8-4af7-a2f9-5e0cbc5c672e MESSAGE Butterfly yes yes Non-probing-deliberation Agree 0 0.5 0.0 {"Duck": ["7", "4"], "Panda": ["7", "Z"], "Giraffe": ["A", "4"], "Falcon": ["Z", "7", "A", "4"], "Butterfly": ["7", "Z"]}
17d8ea73-7c67-4e17-b0d3-9a45e1f64aad 60cf53a4-be97-40da-b6b8-42c7e5011339 MESSAGE Giraffe now what now what None 0 0 0.5 0.0 {"Duck": ["7", "4"], "Panda": ["7", "Z"], "Giraffe": ["A", "4"], "Falcon": ["Z", "7", "A", "4"], "Butterfly": ["7", "Z"]}
17d8ea73-7c67-4e17-b0d3-9a45e1f64aad 6b28bc5c-1fda-4b82-94e6-be8be7265a0f MESSAGE Panda a simple logic question <CARD> simple logic question None 0 0 0.55 0.05 A {"Duck": ["7", "4"], "Panda": ["A"], "Giraffe": ["A", "4"], "Falcon": ["Z", "7", "A", "4"], "Butterfly": ["7", "Z"]}
17d8ea73-7c67-4e17-b0d3-9a45e1f64aad f157dfbd-161c-4d25-b4a5-79fb2f56156f SUBMIT Falcon A,4 0.55 0.0 {"Duck": ["7", "4"], "Panda": ["A"], "Giraffe": ["A", "4"], "Falcon": ["A", "4"], "Butterfly": ["7", "Z"]}
17d8ea73-7c67-4e17-b0d3-9a45e1f64aad 441249e9-c454-4238-8384-7d58afa1784f SUBMIT Butterfly A,4 0.55 0.0 {"Duck": ["7", "4"], "Panda": ["A"], "Giraffe": ["A", "4"], "Falcon": ["A", "4"], "Butterfly": ["A", "4"]}
17d8ea73-7c67-4e17-b0d3-9a45e1f64aad aaf4b365-5bbe-4897-a4e9-a23d003a0280 MESSAGE Falcon 'I''m ready to final submit I think? I''m not super clear on whether we have to fully discuss the whole time if we are all in agreement now.' 'I''m ready to final submit I think ? I''m not super clear on whether we have to fully discuss the whole time if we are all in agreement now .' None 0 0 0.55 0.0 Z,7,A,4 {"Duck": ["7", "4"], "Panda": ["A"], "Giraffe": ["A", "4"], "Falcon": ["Z", "7", "A", "4"], "Butterfly": ["A", "4"]}
17d8ea73-7c67-4e17-b0d3-9a45e1f64aad 352e3063-b98b-4121-a608-42f9547d97fc MESSAGE Giraffe 'I don''t think we missed anything. The even number and the A are all that should need to be checked' 'I don''t think we missed anything . The even number and the <CARD> are all that should need to be checked' Non-probing-deliberation Solution solution_summary 0.55 0.0 4,Z,7,A {"Duck": ["7", "4"], "Panda": ["A"], "Giraffe": ["4", "Z", "7", "A"], "Falcon": ["Z", "7", "A", "4"], "Butterfly": ["A", "4"]}
17d8ea73-7c67-4e17-b0d3-9a45e1f64aad 0a765f68-31f8-4c79-a499-013adbce0d91 MESSAGE Butterfly I originally had the other 2 cards chosen but after reading what everyone wrote I see I was wrong I originally had the other 2 cards chosen but after reading what everyone wrote I see I was wrong Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning 0 0.55 0.0 {"Duck": ["7", "4"], "Panda": ["A"], "Giraffe": ["4", "Z", "7", "A"], "Falcon": ["Z", "7", "A", "4"], "Butterfly": ["A", "4"]}
17d8ea73-7c67-4e17-b0d3-9a45e1f64aad 44acc13c-15b1-44d8-9815-939a51517d59 MESSAGE Panda you selected all 4 cards? you selected all <CARD> cards ? Probing Solution 0 0.5 -0.05 Z,7,A,4 {"Duck": ["7", "4"], "Panda": ["Z", "7", "A", "4"], "Giraffe": ["4", "Z", "7", "A"], "Falcon": ["Z", "7", "A", "4"], "Butterfly": ["A", "4"]}
17d8ea73-7c67-4e17-b0d3-9a45e1f64aad e11efafd-f0fd-4981-97b4-672b56e42832 MESSAGE Giraffe I can see how that would happen butterfly I can see how that would happen <MENTION> None 0 0 0.5 0.0 {"Duck": ["7", "4"], "Panda": ["Z", "7", "A", "4"], "Giraffe": ["4", "Z", "7", "A"], "Falcon": ["Z", "7", "A", "4"], "Butterfly": ["A", "4"]}
17d8ea73-7c67-4e17-b0d3-9a45e1f64aad 4e09e90f-a485-45aa-87ec-e29cf6e0596a MESSAGE Panda good thing I did not select Z or 7 good thing I did not select <CARD> or <CARD> None 0 0 0.5 0.0 7,Z {"Duck": ["7", "4"], "Panda": ["7", "Z"], "Giraffe": ["4", "Z", "7", "A"], "Falcon": ["Z", "7", "A", "4"], "Butterfly": ["A", "4"]}
17d8ea73-7c67-4e17-b0d3-9a45e1f64aad 21139671-8b50-48ce-bb79-c8315667fba2 MESSAGE Panda I think Duck would agree I think Duck would agree None 0 0 0.5 0.0 {"Duck": ["7", "4"], "Panda": ["7", "Z"], "Giraffe": ["4", "Z", "7", "A"], "Falcon": ["Z", "7", "A", "4"], "Butterfly": ["A", "4"]}
17d8ea73-7c67-4e17-b0d3-9a45e1f64aad 06c9e631-d2a3-457b-b6a1-b6100123b8a1 SUBMIT Butterfly A,4 0.5 0.0 {"Duck": ["7", "4"], "Panda": ["7", "Z"], "Giraffe": ["4", "Z", "7", "A"], "Falcon": ["Z", "7", "A", "4"], "Butterfly": ["A", "4"]}
17d8ea73-7c67-4e17-b0d3-9a45e1f64aad 4e171f5b-0f8f-4ab3-808f-18bc2bb998fe MESSAGE Giraffe submitting now? my timers up submitting now ? my timers up None 0 0 0.5 0.0 {"Duck": ["7", "4"], "Panda": ["7", "Z"], "Giraffe": ["4", "Z", "7", "A"], "Falcon": ["Z", "7", "A", "4"], "Butterfly": ["A", "4"]}
17d8ea73-7c67-4e17-b0d3-9a45e1f64aad ac4307d8-eae8-429b-b644-d8711fdce1c8 MESSAGE Panda yes bye everyone yes bye everyone None 0 0 0.5 0.0 {"Duck": ["7", "4"], "Panda": ["7", "Z"], "Giraffe": ["4", "Z", "7", "A"], "Falcon": ["Z", "7", "A", "4"], "Butterfly": ["A", "4"]}
17d8ea73-7c67-4e17-b0d3-9a45e1f64aad cc1b3feb-93f8-43a4-8dc3-ae560eb9526f SUBMIT Giraffe A,4 0.5 0.0 {"Duck": ["7", "4"], "Panda": ["7", "Z"], "Giraffe": ["A", "4"], "Falcon": ["Z", "7", "A", "4"], "Butterfly": ["A", "4"]}
17d8ea73-7c67-4e17-b0d3-9a45e1f64aad 18473780-dfb8-47b1-a8ac-95bc9a39dbc9 SUBMIT Falcon A,4 0.5 0.0 {"Duck": ["7", "4"], "Panda": ["7", "Z"], "Giraffe": ["A", "4"], "Falcon": ["A", "4"], "Butterfly": ["A", "4"]}
17d8ea73-7c67-4e17-b0d3-9a45e1f64aad bafece76-9e6b-40b0-a02b-bab348b2909e SUBMIT Panda A,4 0.5 0.0 {"Duck": ["7", "4"], "Panda": ["A", "4"], "Giraffe": ["A", "4"], "Falcon": ["A", "4"], "Butterfly": ["A", "4"]}