group_id message_id message_type origin original_text clean_text annotation_type annotation_target annotation_additional team_performance performance_change sol_tracker_message sol_tracker_all 00639b9b-3a45-4c59-90f6-a4738de92fd4 -1 INITIAL SYSTEM Cat,SYSTEM,Kiwi,Dolphin&&2,7,V,A 0.5 0.0 {"Kiwi": ["2", "A"], "Butterfly": ["2"], "Cat": ["7", "A"], "Dolphin": ["V"]} 00639b9b-3a45-4c59-90f6-a4738de92fd4 e9b00aff-247b-4a1c-bead-969d36f9d536 MESSAGE Cat Hello Hello None 0 0 0.5 0.0 {"Kiwi": ["2", "A"], "Butterfly": ["2"], "Cat": ["7", "A"], "Dolphin": ["V"]} 00639b9b-3a45-4c59-90f6-a4738de92fd4 001d39b4-ea9d-42c4-b92f-1a46d614d2fa SUBMIT Cat 7,A 0.5 0.0 {"Kiwi": ["2", "A"], "Butterfly": ["2"], "Cat": ["7", "A"], "Dolphin": ["V"]} 00639b9b-3a45-4c59-90f6-a4738de92fd4 89b46fc9-b8d3-49e4-bfed-e86a29e48fdb MESSAGE Kiwi hi hi None 0 0 0.5 0.0 {"Kiwi": ["2", "A"], "Butterfly": ["2"], "Cat": ["7", "A"], "Dolphin": ["V"]} 00639b9b-3a45-4c59-90f6-a4738de92fd4 792fc647-0493-418f-bba4-f7384376b473 MESSAGE Dolphin Hello Hello None 0 0 0.5 0.0 {"Kiwi": ["2", "A"], "Butterfly": ["2"], "Cat": ["7", "A"], "Dolphin": ["V"]} 00639b9b-3a45-4c59-90f6-a4738de92fd4 295ecad9-794c-4dc6-85f1-1ef586e62e48 MESSAGE Kiwi hw r u hw r u None 0 0 0.5 0.0 {"Kiwi": ["2", "A"], "Butterfly": ["2"], "Cat": ["7", "A"], "Dolphin": ["V"]} 00639b9b-3a45-4c59-90f6-a4738de92fd4 9327eb15-0843-4b30-aee6-50d03b66ad71 MESSAGE Cat I think we need to check A obviously I think we need to check obviously Non-probing-deliberation Solution partial_solution 0.438 -0.062 A {"Kiwi": ["2", "A"], "Butterfly": ["2"], "Cat": ["A"], "Dolphin": ["V"]} 00639b9b-3a45-4c59-90f6-a4738de92fd4 dbcefa0d-87fe-47bc-b846-6626701eac09 MESSAGE Cat But I also think we need to check 7 to make sure there is no vowel under it But I also think we need to check to make sure there is no vowel under it Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning partial_solution 0.438 0.0 7 {"Kiwi": ["2", "A"], "Butterfly": ["2"], "Cat": ["7"], "Dolphin": ["V"]} 00639b9b-3a45-4c59-90f6-a4738de92fd4 faeba841-d335-493d-aecc-f5d2f67ab1e5 MESSAGE Dolphin I think V need to be checked I think need to be checked Non-probing-deliberation Solution 0 0.438 0.0 V {"Kiwi": ["2", "A"], "Butterfly": ["2"], "Cat": ["7"], "Dolphin": ["V"]} 00639b9b-3a45-4c59-90f6-a4738de92fd4 1608e1ed-65ef-438a-a7d2-806191a3ef30 MESSAGE Kiwi Yes A Yes Non-probing-deliberation Solution 0 0.5 0.062 A {"Kiwi": ["A"], "Butterfly": ["2"], "Cat": ["7"], "Dolphin": ["V"]} 00639b9b-3a45-4c59-90f6-a4738de92fd4 8bdb1412-dc28-4116-b340-cfb86e40617d MESSAGE Cat Why check V? Why check ? Probing Reasoning 0 0.375 -0.125 V {"Kiwi": ["A"], "Butterfly": ["2"], "Cat": ["V"], "Dolphin": ["V"]} 00639b9b-3a45-4c59-90f6-a4738de92fd4 b89946c4-fc22-4273-8614-a6347084af00 MESSAGE Kiwi nothing nothing None 0 0 0.375 0.0 {"Kiwi": ["A"], "Butterfly": ["2"], "Cat": ["V"], "Dolphin": ["V"]} 00639b9b-3a45-4c59-90f6-a4738de92fd4 c01119d5-1896-4a3f-8d1c-0111dddb4f76 MESSAGE Dolphin Under A it must be even number same with 2 Under it must be even number same with Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning 0 0.438 0.063 2,A {"Kiwi": ["A"], "Butterfly": ["2"], "Cat": ["V"], "Dolphin": ["2", "A"]} 00639b9b-3a45-4c59-90f6-a4738de92fd4 79318799-3436-47f8-99df-79640b1ae52a MESSAGE Kiwi yes yes Non-probing-deliberation Agree 0 0.438 0.0 {"Kiwi": ["A"], "Butterfly": ["2"], "Cat": ["V"], "Dolphin": ["2", "A"]} 00639b9b-3a45-4c59-90f6-a4738de92fd4 f869af6e-5a1e-4544-bad6-258ba2618927 MESSAGE Cat And if 7 has a voewel it can disprove the rule And if has voewel it can disprove the rule Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning partial_solution 0.625 0.187 7,A {"Kiwi": ["A"], "Butterfly": ["2"], "Cat": ["7", "A"], "Dolphin": ["2", "A"]} 00639b9b-3a45-4c59-90f6-a4738de92fd4 212d28f4-d8e1-483f-820f-745e67cb6746 MESSAGE Dolphin ok I go with A or 2 ok I go with or Non-probing-deliberation Solution 0 0.625 0.0 2,A {"Kiwi": ["A"], "Butterfly": ["2"], "Cat": ["7", "A"], "Dolphin": ["2", "A"]} 00639b9b-3a45-4c59-90f6-a4738de92fd4 d2718fa5-cabb-489e-8a6c-edbd42c17808 MESSAGE Kiwi ok I will go A ok I will go Non-probing-deliberation Solution complete_solution 0.625 0.0 A {"Kiwi": ["A"], "Butterfly": ["2"], "Cat": ["7", "A"], "Dolphin": ["2", "A"]} 00639b9b-3a45-4c59-90f6-a4738de92fd4 6b1a3fa7-0aad-47ba-b047-16a5854f3801 MESSAGE Cat It doesn;t matter what is under 2 It doesn ; t matter what is under Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning 0 0.625 0.0 {"Kiwi": ["A"], "Butterfly": ["2"], "Cat": ["7", "A"], "Dolphin": ["2", "A"]} 00639b9b-3a45-4c59-90f6-a4738de92fd4 305dbbf5-3582-41cc-b9bf-7177fdba423b MESSAGE Cat The rule says vowels have 2s. it does not say ONLY voewls have 2s The rule says vowels have 2s . it does not say ONLY voewls have 2s Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning 0 0.625 0.0 {"Kiwi": ["A"], "Butterfly": ["2"], "Cat": ["7", "A"], "Dolphin": ["2", "A"]} 00639b9b-3a45-4c59-90f6-a4738de92fd4 98f09203-3ece-4957-b3a4-3ad3b9c8346e MESSAGE Kiwi A is vowel is vowel Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning 0 0.625 0.0 A {"Kiwi": ["A"], "Butterfly": ["2"], "Cat": ["7", "A"], "Dolphin": ["2", "A"]} 00639b9b-3a45-4c59-90f6-a4738de92fd4 1be75c89-5837-4ce0-b666-b5449b48b222 MESSAGE Cat I am checking 7 becuase if it is a vowel it disproves the rule. I am checking becuase if it is vowel it disproves the rule . Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning partial_solution 0.625 0.0 7,A {"Kiwi": ["A"], "Butterfly": ["2"], "Cat": ["7", "A"], "Dolphin": ["2", "A"]} 00639b9b-3a45-4c59-90f6-a4738de92fd4 8a621f6a-0a21-43bb-b81a-d8cb89a35157 MESSAGE Kiwi Ok You carry on Ok You carry on None 0 0 0.625 0.0 {"Kiwi": ["A"], "Butterfly": ["2"], "Cat": ["7", "A"], "Dolphin": ["2", "A"]} 00639b9b-3a45-4c59-90f6-a4738de92fd4 afdea428-ff5a-44ee-9805-a7d6be18c36f MESSAGE Dolphin every vowel has even number so If we check 2 we can approve the rule every vowel has even number so If we check we can approve the rule Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning complete_solution 0.562 -0.063 2 {"Kiwi": ["A"], "Butterfly": ["2"], "Cat": ["7", "A"], "Dolphin": ["2"]} 00639b9b-3a45-4c59-90f6-a4738de92fd4 44b44ae4-b997-485d-bfae-a2e29a9a65e9 MESSAGE Kiwi yes yes Non-probing-deliberation Agree 0 0.562 0.0 {"Kiwi": ["A"], "Butterfly": ["2"], "Cat": ["7", "A"], "Dolphin": ["2"]} 00639b9b-3a45-4c59-90f6-a4738de92fd4 f9cd3b3a-5f10-4cd6-8709-ba706daecfe3 MESSAGE Dolphin vote only one now we go with majority vote only one now we go with majority Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning 0 0.562 0.0 {"Kiwi": ["A"], "Butterfly": ["2"], "Cat": ["7", "A"], "Dolphin": ["2"]} 00639b9b-3a45-4c59-90f6-a4738de92fd4 758a3c5e-8706-466b-9613-6dde3e73cc7c MESSAGE Kiwi yes yes Non-probing-deliberation Agree 0 0.562 0.0 {"Kiwi": ["A"], "Butterfly": ["2"], "Cat": ["7", "A"], "Dolphin": ["2"]} 00639b9b-3a45-4c59-90f6-a4738de92fd4 c867eb13-b243-4ff3-a657-4a6fd72b58cc MESSAGE Cat A 7 Non-probing-deliberation Solution complete_solution 0.562 0.0 7,A {"Kiwi": ["A"], "Butterfly": ["2"], "Cat": ["7", "A"], "Dolphin": ["2"]} 00639b9b-3a45-4c59-90f6-a4738de92fd4 fd2578a1-41cd-4425-8b26-f32e0731fcbc MESSAGE Kiwi A 2 Non-probing-deliberation Solution complete_solution 0.5 -0.062 2,A {"Kiwi": ["2", "A"], "Butterfly": ["2"], "Cat": ["7", "A"], "Dolphin": ["2"]} 00639b9b-3a45-4c59-90f6-a4738de92fd4 9bb30756-c2a9-4422-a02d-d6b7382868f3 SUBMIT Cat 7,A 0.5 0.0 {"Kiwi": ["2", "A"], "Butterfly": ["2"], "Cat": ["7", "A"], "Dolphin": ["2"]} 00639b9b-3a45-4c59-90f6-a4738de92fd4 4b996617-4981-4607-8709-fcb771a4a2bb MESSAGE Dolphin select card required to verify rule select card required to verify rule Non-probing-deliberation Solution 0 0.5 0.0 {"Kiwi": ["2", "A"], "Butterfly": ["2"], "Cat": ["7", "A"], "Dolphin": ["2"]} 00639b9b-3a45-4c59-90f6-a4738de92fd4 633e9b3c-4e0c-4b30-abf1-be09155151c9 MESSAGE Dolphin I go 2 I go Non-probing-deliberation Solution complete_solution 0.5 0.0 2 {"Kiwi": ["2", "A"], "Butterfly": ["2"], "Cat": ["7", "A"], "Dolphin": ["2"]} 00639b9b-3a45-4c59-90f6-a4738de92fd4 e15e4514-2a3b-4406-9751-ee79aed85f9c MESSAGE Dolphin @ cat 7 not enough to verify @ not enough to verify Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning consider_opposite,specific_addressee 0.625 0.125 7 {"Kiwi": ["2", "A"], "Butterfly": ["2"], "Cat": ["7", "A"], "Dolphin": ["7"]} 00639b9b-3a45-4c59-90f6-a4738de92fd4 5a60405e-d753-464a-ab13-45d7663d7868 MESSAGE Kiwi 2 is enough is enough Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning complete_solution 0.562 -0.063 2 {"Kiwi": ["2"], "Butterfly": ["2"], "Cat": ["7", "A"], "Dolphin": ["7"]} 00639b9b-3a45-4c59-90f6-a4738de92fd4 1b9fbeb0-c2aa-4f52-8336-3a9a1cd8c534 MESSAGE Dolphin Yes Yes Non-probing-deliberation Agree 0 0.562 0.0 {"Kiwi": ["2"], "Butterfly": ["2"], "Cat": ["7", "A"], "Dolphin": ["7"]} 00639b9b-3a45-4c59-90f6-a4738de92fd4 4cbc6bc8-764e-459c-89a5-4ba8fc88c93d MESSAGE Dolphin shall we go with 2 @Cat shall we go with Probing Solution specific_addressee 0.438 -0.124 2 {"Kiwi": ["2"], "Butterfly": ["2"], "Cat": ["7", "A"], "Dolphin": ["2"]} 00639b9b-3a45-4c59-90f6-a4738de92fd4 1a756132-55dc-4a44-8d72-6dc6a0161972 SUBMIT Dolphin 2 0.438 0.0 {"Kiwi": ["2"], "Butterfly": ["2"], "Cat": ["7", "A"], "Dolphin": ["2"]} 00639b9b-3a45-4c59-90f6-a4738de92fd4 fc0d12a4-71e7-4839-b9b3-e30645a0a1b4 SUBMIT Dolphin 2 0.438 0.0 {"Kiwi": ["2"], "Butterfly": ["2"], "Cat": ["7", "A"], "Dolphin": ["2"]}