group_id message_id message_type origin original_text clean_text annotation_type annotation_target annotation_additional team_performance performance_change sol_tracker_message sol_tracker_all 137068ab-319c-4b53-90b5-1b6bb5036644 -1 INITIAL SYSTEM SYSTEM,Zebra,Chipmunk,Bee&&W,A,6,3 0.417 0.0 {"Zebra": ["W", "A", "6"], "Chipmunk": ["A", "6"], "Bee": ["A", "6"]} 137068ab-319c-4b53-90b5-1b6bb5036644 67db00f6-9881-4298-94b2-618f21a71938 MESSAGE Zebra hello hello 0 0 0 0.417 0.0 {"Zebra": ["W", "A", "6"], "Chipmunk": ["A", "6"], "Bee": ["A", "6"]} 137068ab-319c-4b53-90b5-1b6bb5036644 7c64896f-3092-4dd2-be80-1104fa492be7 MESSAGE Chipmunk Hello. So to test the rule, I flipped 6 (even number) and A (vowel). Did you both do that same? Hello . So to test the rule , I flipped ( even number ) and ( vowel ) . Did you both do that same ? Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning complete_solution 0.417 0.0 A,6 {"Zebra": ["W", "A", "6"], "Chipmunk": ["A", "6"], "Bee": ["A", "6"]} 137068ab-319c-4b53-90b5-1b6bb5036644 087b7dab-57ce-41d3-bbb3-c99ea8c56c96 MESSAGE Bee hi all, yes 6 and A hi all , yes and Non-probing-deliberation Solution complete_solution 0.417 0.0 W,A,6,3 {"Zebra": ["W", "A", "6"], "Chipmunk": ["A", "6"], "Bee": ["W", "A", "6", "3"]} 137068ab-319c-4b53-90b5-1b6bb5036644 7c466beb-0ae4-460a-8e6c-795aac36ff9d MESSAGE Zebra You also have to test either W or 3 to make sure You also have to test either or to make sure Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning 0 0.5 0.083 W,3 {"Zebra": ["W", "3"], "Chipmunk": ["A", "6"], "Bee": ["W", "A", "6", "3"]} 137068ab-319c-4b53-90b5-1b6bb5036644 c43a19df-8901-422e-926b-c07baeab5aba MESSAGE Bee does the game tell u if u are worng? does the game tell u if u are worng ? 0 0 0 0.5 0.0 {"Zebra": ["W", "3"], "Chipmunk": ["A", "6"], "Bee": ["W", "A", "6", "3"]} 137068ab-319c-4b53-90b5-1b6bb5036644 bc7f6cd0-1524-4447-bc27-c391f356e007 MESSAGE Zebra 'I don''t know actually' 'I don''t know actually' 0 0 0 0.5 0.0 {"Zebra": ["W", "3"], "Chipmunk": ["A", "6"], "Bee": ["W", "A", "6", "3"]} 137068ab-319c-4b53-90b5-1b6bb5036644 8400d83b-a367-458c-8c30-e6f469eb4246 MESSAGE Bee do we all have to have the same answers? do we all have to have the same answers ? Probing Moderation 0 0.5 0.0 W,A,6,3 {"Zebra": ["W", "3"], "Chipmunk": ["A", "6"], "Bee": ["W", "A", "6", "3"]} 137068ab-319c-4b53-90b5-1b6bb5036644 d6aec931-4254-41c2-ad5c-1f11ac737882 MESSAGE Zebra W might have a vowel on the other side might have vowel on the other side Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning 0 0.5 0.0 W,A {"Zebra": ["W", "A"], "Chipmunk": ["A", "6"], "Bee": ["W", "A", "6", "3"]} 137068ab-319c-4b53-90b5-1b6bb5036644 9e42ac17-e673-4a15-8acb-07b8f5d56d6d MESSAGE Zebra 3 too too Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning 0 0.583 0.083 3 {"Zebra": ["3"], "Chipmunk": ["A", "6"], "Bee": ["W", "A", "6", "3"]} 137068ab-319c-4b53-90b5-1b6bb5036644 ae85990a-d39b-4f24-91c0-7d8840403422 MESSAGE Zebra 'I''m picking all 4' 'I''m picking all 4' Non-probing-deliberation Solution complete_solution 0.5 -0.083 W,A,6,3 {"Zebra": ["W", "A", "6", "3"], "Chipmunk": ["A", "6"], "Bee": ["W", "A", "6", "3"]} 137068ab-319c-4b53-90b5-1b6bb5036644 5904e3d2-ff3e-4877-bf73-e2d566ccaf03 MESSAGE Bee well the rules say that all cards below has a letter on one side and a number on the other so W cannot have a vowel well the rules say that all cards below has letter on one side and number on the other so cannot have vowel Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning 0 0.5 0.0 W,A,6,3 {"Zebra": ["W", "A", "6", "3"], "Chipmunk": ["A", "6"], "Bee": ["W", "A", "6", "3"]} 137068ab-319c-4b53-90b5-1b6bb5036644 1da94d6c-d4ea-4fd9-856b-d179316faaf3 MESSAGE Chipmunk I rereading the instructions. I rereading the instructions . 0 0 0 0.5 0.0 {"Zebra": ["W", "A", "6", "3"], "Chipmunk": ["A", "6"], "Bee": ["W", "A", "6", "3"]} 137068ab-319c-4b53-90b5-1b6bb5036644 64c83453-07e5-40df-9e6b-044faad7fe74 MESSAGE Zebra so 6, 3, and A so , , and Probing Solution solution_summary 0.583 0.083 3,A,6 {"Zebra": ["3", "A", "6"], "Chipmunk": ["A", "6"], "Bee": ["W", "A", "6", "3"]} 137068ab-319c-4b53-90b5-1b6bb5036644 f4969df7-abb0-4908-b592-a96c0ca1bb62 MESSAGE Bee 3 cannot satisty one rule cannot satisty one rule Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning 0 0.667 0.084 3 {"Zebra": ["3", "A", "6"], "Chipmunk": ["A", "6"], "Bee": ["3"]} 137068ab-319c-4b53-90b5-1b6bb5036644 dc0826f0-2bdf-4ef4-b481-08f60a1d3de8 MESSAGE Bee vowels on one side have an even number vowels on one side have an even number Non-probing-deliberation Solution 0 0.667 0.0 {"Zebra": ["3", "A", "6"], "Chipmunk": ["A", "6"], "Bee": ["3"]} 137068ab-319c-4b53-90b5-1b6bb5036644 0b4a5240-6f2d-4649-8d15-58c87511864d MESSAGE Zebra 'But we have to see if there''s a vowel on the other side...' 'But we have to see if there''s vowel on the other side ...' Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning 0 0.667 0.0 A {"Zebra": ["A"], "Chipmunk": ["A", "6"], "Bee": ["3"]} 137068ab-319c-4b53-90b5-1b6bb5036644 0d20cb92-8614-4016-bc66-663986c3e425 MESSAGE Chipmunk @bee, correct , correct Non-probing-deliberation Agree specific_addressee 0.667 0.0 {"Zebra": ["A"], "Chipmunk": ["A", "6"], "Bee": ["3"]} 137068ab-319c-4b53-90b5-1b6bb5036644 89b8d629-5ba9-41d2-9c72-790bdadd045b MESSAGE Bee so 3 is an odd so is an odd Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning 0 0.667 0.0 3 {"Zebra": ["A"], "Chipmunk": ["A", "6"], "Bee": ["3"]} 137068ab-319c-4b53-90b5-1b6bb5036644 6ae5e6f6-a90c-477a-bfbf-b18e81acf136 MESSAGE Bee so 6/A right? so / right ? Probing Solution solution_summary 0.583 -0.084 A,6 {"Zebra": ["A"], "Chipmunk": ["A", "6"], "Bee": ["A", "6"]} 137068ab-319c-4b53-90b5-1b6bb5036644 be84f434-848f-4e54-8d6e-757cf1dc0219 MESSAGE Zebra 'Dude. You don''t know what''s on the other side. We have to see if the rule is correct' 'Dude . You don''t know what''s on the other side . We have to see if the rule is correct' Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning 0 0.583 0.0 {"Zebra": ["A"], "Chipmunk": ["A", "6"], "Bee": ["A", "6"]} 137068ab-319c-4b53-90b5-1b6bb5036644 b56c4a76-0068-4f65-bd39-af4e813a92d0 MESSAGE Bee do we all have to agree on the same? do we all have to agree on the same ? Probing Moderation 0 0.583 0.0 W,A,6,3 {"Zebra": ["A"], "Chipmunk": ["A", "6"], "Bee": ["W", "A", "6", "3"]} 137068ab-319c-4b53-90b5-1b6bb5036644 cc47ce03-7c31-400d-8e5e-94d07d4b89a5 MESSAGE Zebra 'If there''s a vowel on the other side of the 3, then the rule isn''t correct' 'If there''s vowel on the other side of the , then the rule isn''t correct' Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning 0 0.667 0.084 3,A {"Zebra": ["3", "A"], "Chipmunk": ["A", "6"], "Bee": ["W", "A", "6", "3"]} 137068ab-319c-4b53-90b5-1b6bb5036644 9d77683e-269a-4c08-97fa-9bdd51f0aa76 MESSAGE Chipmunk 'No need to select 3, it''s an odd number.' 'No need to select , it''s an odd number .' Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning 0 0.75 0.083 3 {"Zebra": ["3", "A"], "Chipmunk": ["3"], "Bee": ["W", "A", "6", "3"]} 137068ab-319c-4b53-90b5-1b6bb5036644 bbf91b99-848e-41ed-a887-205c4266691f MESSAGE Bee OK :) OK :) Non-probing-deliberation Agree 0 0.75 0.0 {"Zebra": ["3", "A"], "Chipmunk": ["3"], "Bee": ["W", "A", "6", "3"]} 137068ab-319c-4b53-90b5-1b6bb5036644 6175bda6-9a78-464c-a175-2bfec0474900 SUBMIT Bee A,6 0.75 0.0 {"Zebra": ["3", "A"], "Chipmunk": ["3"], "Bee": ["A", "6"]} 137068ab-319c-4b53-90b5-1b6bb5036644 03d0daa3-266f-4852-8760-268229cf6fe9 MESSAGE Chipmunk @zebra, I understand what you are saying now. , I understand what you are saying now . Non-probing-deliberation Agree specific_addressee 0.75 0.0 {"Zebra": ["3", "A"], "Chipmunk": ["3"], "Bee": ["A", "6"]} 137068ab-319c-4b53-90b5-1b6bb5036644 af92117f-23eb-41d9-875d-47228803f497 MESSAGE Zebra '50 seconds left. I''m picking 6 3 and A' '50 seconds left . I''m picking and ' Non-probing-deliberation Solution complete_solution 0.667 -0.083 3,A,6 {"Zebra": ["3", "A", "6"], "Chipmunk": ["3"], "Bee": ["A", "6"]} 137068ab-319c-4b53-90b5-1b6bb5036644 c34bccc9-b432-464f-a6e8-a7904f26d584 MESSAGE Chipmunk So, we need to select all four to see if the rule is correct or not. So , we need to select all four to see if the rule is correct or not . Non-probing-deliberation Reasoning complete_solution 0.583 -0.084 W,A,6,3 {"Zebra": ["3", "A", "6"], "Chipmunk": ["W", "A", "6", "3"], "Bee": ["A", "6"]} 137068ab-319c-4b53-90b5-1b6bb5036644 76483c75-abf5-46f0-b1e4-4330ae406d3b MESSAGE Zebra not W. not . Non-probing-deliberation Solution 0 0.417 -0.166 W {"Zebra": ["W"], "Chipmunk": ["W", "A", "6", "3"], "Bee": ["A", "6"]} 137068ab-319c-4b53-90b5-1b6bb5036644 bc84c08d-f159-4485-97fb-0c5b9833395f MESSAGE Chipmunk Got it! Got it ! Non-probing-deliberation Agree 0 0.417 0.0 {"Zebra": ["W"], "Chipmunk": ["W", "A", "6", "3"], "Bee": ["A", "6"]} 137068ab-319c-4b53-90b5-1b6bb5036644 cb094a5b-cbdc-4b11-ab55-245e58737cfd SUBMIT Zebra 3,A,6 0.583 0.166 {"Zebra": ["3", "A", "6"], "Chipmunk": ["W", "A", "6", "3"], "Bee": ["A", "6"]} 137068ab-319c-4b53-90b5-1b6bb5036644 d783ad8d-251e-41c1-86f2-c348a42d8eef SUBMIT Chipmunk 3,A,6 0.667 0.084 {"Zebra": ["3", "A", "6"], "Chipmunk": ["3", "A", "6"], "Bee": ["A", "6"]}