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[House Hearing, 106 Congress] |
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] |
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RON PACKARD, California, Chairman |
NOTE: Under Committee Rules, Mr. Young, as Chairman of the Full |
Committee, and Mr. Obey, as Ranking Minority Member of the Full |
Committee, are authorized to sit as Members of all Subcommittees. |
James D. Ogsbury, Jeanne L. Wilson, and Donald M. McKinnon, |
Staff Assistants |
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PART 7 |
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Printed for the use of the Committee on Appropriations |
55-657 WASHINGTON : 1999 |
C. W. BILL YOUNG, Florida, Chairman |
JERRY LEWIS, California JOHN P. MURTHA, Pennsylvania |
JOE SKEEN, New Mexico JULIAN C. DIXON, California |
FRANK R. WOLF, Virginia STENY H. HOYER, Maryland |
TOM DeLAY, Texas ALAN B. MOLLOHAN, West Virginia |
RON PACKARD, California NANCY PELOSI, California |
JAMES T. WALSH, New York NITA M. LOWEY, New York |
CHARLES H. TAYLOR, North Carolina JOSE E. SERRANO, New York |
DAVID L. HOBSON, Ohio ROSA L. DeLAURO, Connecticut |
ERNEST J. ISTOOK, Jr., Oklahoma JAMES P. MORAN, Virginia |
HENRY BONILLA, Texas JOHN W. OLVER, Massachusetts |
DAN MILLER, Florida CARRIE P. MEEK, Florida |
JAY DICKEY, Arkansas DAVID E. PRICE, North Carolina |
ROGER F. WICKER, Mississippi Alabama |
MICHAEL P. FORBES, New York JAMES E. CLYBURN, South Carolina |
Washington LUCILLE ROYBAL-ALLARD, California |
California JESSE L. JACKSON, Jr., Illinois |
ZACH WAMP, Tennessee ALLEN BOYD, Florida |
ANNE M. NORTHUP, Kentucky |
JO ANN EMERSON, Missouri |
JOHN E. SUNUNU, New Hampshire |
JOHN E. PETERSON, Pennsylvania |
James W. Dyer, Clerk and Staff Director |
(ii) |
[The official Committee record contains additional information here.] |
W I T N E S S E S |
---------- |
Page |
Akin, Statement of Richard....................................... 405 |
Sutter Basin...............................................207, 209 |
Alabama Electric Cooperative, Inc., Statement of................768-772 |
Funding for the Black Warrior-Tombigbee Waterway and Mobile |
Harbor..................................................... 768 |
Support funding for General Investigations Warrior-Tombigbee |
Waterway Association......................................769-772 |
Supports adequate O&M funds for Mobile Harbor...............769-772 |
Supports level funding for Operation and Maintenance........769-772 |
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers................................769-772 |
Allen, Statement of E.D.........................................615-620 |
Feasibility Study Beach Erosion.............................618-619 |
Los Angeles and Long Beach Harbors Model Study..............615-616 |
Los Angeles River Maintenance Dredging......................617-618 |
Port of Long Beach Deepening, Queens Gate...................616-617 |
Allen, Statement of Ron W.......................................546-551 |
Department of Energy Environmental Management Program........ 550 |
American Farm Bureau Federation, Statement of...................110-115 |
LaGrange and Peoria Locks.................................... 114 |
Locks 24, 24, 22 & 21 on Mississippi......................... 114 |
Major Maintenance on the Mississippi River System............ 114 |
American Public Power Association, Statement of.................121-124 |
Advanced Hydropower Turbine Program.........................122-123 |
Climate Change Programs...................................... 124 |
Corps of Engineers and Bureau of Reclamation................. 123 |
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).................. 124 |
Federal Power Marketing Administrations (PMAs)............... 123 |
Renewable Energy Production Incentive Program (REPI)......... 122 |
Renewable Energy Programs.................................... 121 |
Storage for High-Level Nuclear Waste......................... 122 |
American Wind Energy Association, Testimony of..................133-142 |
Renewable Energy Production Incentive Program (REPI)........134-142 |
Wind Power Program..........................................134-142 |
Anderson, Testimony of Mayor Rodger.............................. 345 |
Morro Bay Harbor............................................. 345 |
Anthes, Statement of Richard A..................................727-728 |
Department of Energy......................................... 727 |
Research Activities for Atmospheric Radiation Measurement |
Program (ARM).............................................. 727 |
Scientific Simulation Initiative (SSI)....................... 728 |
Arkansas River Basin Interstate Committee, Statement of.........146-147 |
Arkansas River Navigation System............................. 147 |
Equus Beds Groundwater Recharge Demonstration Project........ 147 |
Installation of Tow Haulage Equipment........................ 147 |
Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program........ 147 |
Armstrong, Testimony of Michael D...............................535-537 |
Monterey County Water Resources Agency......................535-537 |
Association of State Floodplain Managers, Inc., Testimony of....167-169 |
Floodplain Management Services..............................168-169 |
Baldwin, Statement of David.....................................420-425 |
Fusion Energy Sciences Program..............................420-425 |
Bartels and Manville, Testimony of Tom and James................664-667 |
Ohio River Division (ORD)...................................664-667 |
South Atlantic Division (SAD)...............................664-667 |
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers................................664-667 |
Beard, Statement of Daniel P....................................541-545 |
Atchafalaya Basin Floodway System Project, Mississippi....... 542 |
Clean Water Action Plan.....................................542-544 |
Everglades and South Florida Ecosystem Restoration........... 541 |
Savannah Harbor Expansion, Georgia........................... 544 |
Upper Mississippi River Environmental Management............. 542 |
White River, Arkansas........................................ 544 |
Belza, Statement of Tib.........................................267-270 |
Yuba River Basin............................................267-270 |
Bereuter, Testimony of the Honorable Doug (Member of Congress)... 1-5 |
Missouri River Mitigation Project............................ 1-2 |
Antelope Creek Flood Control and Drainage Study.............. 2 |
Lower Platte River and Tributaries Flood Control Study....... 3-4 |
Missouri National Recreation River........................... 2-3 |
Missouri Research and Education Center....................... 3 |
Biggert, Statement of the Honorable Judy (Member of Congress).... 6-7 |
Argonne's Electromettalurgical Treatment (EMT)............... 6-7 |
Biggs, Statement of Otha Lee..................................... 391 |
Alabama-Coosa River Basin.................................... 391 |
Mobile Bay................................................... 391 |
Bishops, Statement of Eustace E. Sr.............................. 707 |
Operation & Maintenance of the ACF River System (including |
George W. Andrew Lock, Dam and Lake)....................... 707 |
Bohnsack, Testimony of Fran...................................... 86-87 |
Miami River.................................................. 86-87 |
Bollinger, Statement of Donald T................................488-494 |
Construction and Mitigation Implement........................ 490 |
Inner Harbor Navigation Canal (IHNC) Lock, LA................ 493 |
Intracoastal Waterway Locks, LA.............................. 493 |
Mississippi River Gulf Outlet (MRGO), LA, Maintenance |
Dredging................................................... 493 |
Mississippi River Outlets at Venice, LA...................... 493 |
Mississippi River Ship Channel, Gulf to Baton Rouge, LA...... 493 |
Mississippi River, Baton Rouge to the Gulf, Maintenance |
Dredging................................................... 493 |
Calcasieu Lock, LA........................................... 493 |
Calcasieu River and Pass, LA................................. 494 |
Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, LA and TX........................ 493 |
J. Bennett Johnston Waterway, Mississippi River to Shreveport 494 |
Boyd, Testimony of President Bernadine..........................431-435 |
Fort McDowell Indian Community..............................431-435 |
Bransford, Testimony of Donald..................................219-221 |
Glenn-Colusa Irrigation District............................219-221 |
Brescia, Testimony of Christopher J.............................517-521 |
Comprehensive Plan Study..................................... 518 |
Construction General......................................... 519 |
EMP.......................................................... 519 |
General Investigations....................................... 518 |
Illinois Waterway............................................ 519 |
Kaskaskia River Navigation................................... 519 |
L&D 12 Rehab................................................. 519 |
L&D 14 Rehab................................................. 519 |
L&D 24 Part 1 Rehab.......................................... 519 |
L&D 24 Part 2 Rehab.......................................... 519 |
L&D 25 Rehab................................................. 519 |
L&D 3 Rehab.................................................. 519 |
Major Maintenance............................................ 519 |
Mel Price.................................................... 519 |
Missouri River............................................... 519 |
Missouri River Mitigation.................................... 519 |
MS River (MO-OH)............................................. 519 |
MS River (MO-OH)............................................. 519 |
MS River (MN-MO)............................................. 519 |
Operation and Maintenance.................................... 519 |
Upper Mississippi Flow Frequency............................. 518 |
Upper Mississippi Navigation Study........................... 518 |
Bridley, Statement of John......................................362-363 |
Operations and Maintenance Dredging.......................... 362 |
New Construction Project--Dredge Acquisition................362-363 |
Brier and Waldron, Testimony of Keith and Marie.................238-240 |
Escondido Water Reclamation Program.......................... 239 |
Business Council for Sustainable Energy, Testimony of...........692-696 |
Federal Programs to Promote Renewable Energy Resources....... 692 |
International Activities..................................... 696 |
Renewable Energy Production Incentive Program...................695-696 |
Solar Energy................................................694-695 |
Wind........................................................693-694 |
Butte County, Oroville, CA, Statement of........................271-272 |
Butte Basin Overflow......................................... 271 |
Cherokee Canal............................................... 272 |
Byrnes, Statement of Robert J...................................334-339 |
Stage II of the Marshall, Minnesota Flood Control Project...335-339 |
California Statement List........................................ 192 |
Campbell, Testimony of Joseph L.................................215-216 |
Contra Costa Canal..............................................215-216 |
Castro, Statement of Richard....................................426-429 |
El Paso Wastewater Reclamation Program......................427-428 |
Cawelo Water District, Statement of.............................. 276 |
Poso Creek Stream Group (Deer Creek, White River, Rag Gulch, |
Poso Creek)................................................ 276 |
Center for Cognition, Learning, Emotion and Memory, Statement of307-310 |
Cognition, Learning, Emotion and Memory Studies at NYU (CLEM307-310 |
City of Miami, FL, Statement of.................................340-344 |
New Beach Erosion Control Initiative........................340-344 |
Miami--Dade County........................................... 344 |
City of Phoenix, Testimony of...................................353-356 |
Rio Salado and Rio Salado Phase II..........................354-355 |
Gila River, Northeast Drainage Area.......................... 356 |
Tres Rios.................................................... 355 |
City of Stockton, CA, Statement of..........................285-289 |
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers................................286-288 |
Bay-Delta Ecosystem Restoration.............................. 288 |
Consumnes and Modkelumne River.............................286, 287 |
Farmington Dam.............................................286, 287 |
Port of Stockton and San Joaquin River Channel............... 286 |
San Joaquin Watershed......................................286, 287 |
South Delta Barriers......................................... 286 |
South Delta Barriers.......................................286, 288 |
Stockton Metropolitan Area................................... 286 |
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation................................... 288 |
Water Resource Development Act, 1996, Sec 206, Aquatic |
Ecosystem Restoration, Stockton Waterfront...............286, 287 |
Colorado River Basin Salinity Control Forum, Statement of.......381-384 |
Colorado River Salinity Control Program.....................381-384 |
Colvin, Testimony of Joe F......................................572-577 |
Nuclear Regulatory Commission...............................573-574 |
DOE Radiation Standards...................................... 577 |
Federal Storage and Disposal of Used Nuclear Fuel...........575-576 |
International Nuclear Safety Program and Nuclear Energy |
Agency..................................................... 577 |
Low-Dose Radiation Research.................................. 576 |
Medical Isotopes............................................. 577 |
Nuclear Energy Research and Development.....................574-575 |
Surplus Weapons Material Disposition......................... 577 |
Uranium Decontamination and Decommissioning.................576-577 |
Condit, Statement of the Honorable Gary A. (Member of Congress).. 8-12 |
Sacramento/San Joaquin Main Stem Comprehensive Study......... 8 |
CALFED Bay--Delta Program.................................... 11-12 |
Central Valley Project....................................... 12 |
CVPIA Restoration Fund....................................... 12 |
Merced County Streams Project Continuing Construction........ 10 |
San Joaquin River and Tributaries Clearing and Snagging |
Projects--Section 208...................................... 10-11 |
San Joaquin River West Stanislaus County Watershed |
Feasibility Study.......................................... 8-9 |
Tuolumne River Feasibility Study............................. 9-10 |
San Joaquin River Agreement.................................. 12 |
Conservation, Recreation and Tribal Groups, Statement of........125-127 |
Missouri River Fish and Wildlife Mitigation Project.........125-127 |
Coosa-Alabama River Improvement Association, Statement of.......385-389 |
Coosa-Alabama Waterway....................................... 390 |
Coosa-Alabama River Improvement Association, Testimony of.......393-394 |
Alabama-Coosa River Basin Water Projects..................... 393 |
Corbett, McDonough, Borrone, Statement of Kevin S., Frank M. and |
Lillian C.....................................................604-608 |
Arthur Kill Channel Extension..............................605, 607 |
Kill van Kull--Newark Bay Channels, NY & NJ................605, 606 |
NJ & NJ Estuary Restoration Study.....................605, 607, 608 |
NY & NJ Channels: Arthur Kill, NJ & NY.....................605, 607 |
NY & NJ Channels: Arthur Kill, NY & NJ.....................605, 606 |
NY & NJ Channels: Port Jersey, NJ..........................605, 606 |
NY & NJ Harbor Navigation Study............................605, 607 |
NY & NJ Harbor Navigation Study--PED.......................605, 607 |
NY Harbor & Adjacent Channels: Claremont Channel, NJ..605, 607, 608 |
NY Harbor & Red Hook Anchorage.............................605, 607 |
NY Harbor Collection and Removal of Drift, NY & NJ....605, 606, 607 |
County of San Joaquin, Testimony of.............................241-245 |
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers................................242-245 |
Bay-Delta Ecosystem Restoration--CALFED....................242, 244 |
Port of Stockton and San Joaquin River Channel Deepening...242, 244 |
Sacramento and San Joaquin Delta Investigations............242, 243 |
Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers Comprehensive Study......242, 243 |
San Joaquin River Basin, Stockton Metropolitan Area (Section |
211).....................................................242, 243 |
San Joaquin River Basin, Cosumnes and Mokelumne River......242, 244 |
San Joaquin River Basin, Stockton Metropolitan Area |
(Farmington Dam).........................................242, 244 |
South Delta Barriers.......................................242, 244 |
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation.................................242, 244 |
Culver, Statement of Mark S...................................... 714 |
Maintenance of the Tri-Rivers Inland Waterway and River |
System..................................................... 714 |
DeCosmo, Statement of James M...................................781-782 |
Supports Operations & Maintenance budget for Warrior- |
Tombigbee Waterway and Mobile Harbor......................781-782 |
Department of Water and Power of the City of Los Angeles, CA, |
Statement of..................................................273-274 |
Los Angeles Water Reclamation Program.......................273-274 |
Deutsch, Testimony of the Honorable Peter (Member of Congress)... 13-14 |
Central & Southern Florida Project........................... 14 |
Critical Restoration Projects................................ 13 |
Kissimmee River Restoration.................................. 14 |
Removal of Aquatic Growth.................................... 14 |
DiGiorgio, Testimony of Michael.................................349-350 |
Phase II of the Novato Urban Flood Control Project..........349-350 |
Dooley, Testimony of the Honorable Cal (Member of Congress)...... 15-19 |
Arroyo Pasajero.............................................. 17 |
Bureau of Reclamation Projects............................... 15 |
CALFED Bay-Delta Program..................................... 15-16 |
Central Valley Project....................................... 15 |
Central Valley Project....................................... 16-17 |
CVP Operation and Maintenance................................ 15 |
CVPIA Restoration Fund....................................... 16 |
Glenn-Colusa Irrigation District (GCID)...................... 16 |
Kawaeh River/Terminus Dam.................................... 18 |
Kern River Valley/Isabella Lake.............................. 19 |
Kings River/Pine Flat Dam.................................... 18-19 |
San Joaquin River Basin...................................... 17 |
Tule River/Success Dam....................................... 18 |
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers................................. 16 |
White River.................................................. 17 |
Edenfield, Testimony of J.R.....................................701-706 |
Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint (ACP) Inland Waterway and |
River System..............................................702-706 |
Buford Dam and Lake Sidney Lanier...........................702-706 |
Jim Woodruff Lock, Dam and Lake Seminole....................702-706 |
Operation & Maintenance of the ACF River System (including |
George W. Andrew Lock, Dam and Lake)......................702-706 |
Walter F. George Lock, Dam and Lake.........................702-706 |
West Point Dam and Lake.....................................702-706 |
Energy Committee of ASME, Testimony of..........................128-132 |
Department of Energy's Research & Development Programs......128-132 |
Evans, Statement of Mayor Donna.................................317-320 |
Jordan River Meander Project................................319-320 |
West Jordan Water Reuse Project.............................318-319 |
Farris, Testimony of Chester A. III.............................597-599 |
High Performance R&D......................................... 598 |
Million Solar Roofs and Building-integrated PV R&D........... 598 |
PV Manufacturing Technology R&D (PV MaT)..................... 598 |
System Engineering and Reliability........................... 598 |
Thin Film Partnership........................................ 598 |
Federal Projects for Santa Clara, California, Testimony of....... 246 |
Felty, Statement of Billy J.....................................672-674 |
Construction and Maintenance for the St. Francis Basin |
Project & Mississippi River & Tributaries.................672-674 |
Foley, Letter of the Honorable Mark (Member of Congress) w/ |
attached letters............................................... 20-31 |
Everglades and South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Account... 20-31 |
Fort Peck Assimiboine and Sioux Tribes, Testimony of............436-441 |
Pre-authorization work on the Fort Peck Indian Reservation |
and Dry Prairie Water System..............................436-441 |
Foss, Testimony of Brian E......................................651-652 |
Arana Gulch Reconnaissance Study............................652-653 |
Foster, Statement of M.J. ``Mike'' Jr., Governor, Louisiana.....482-487 |
Atchafalaya Basin..........................................483, 487 |
Atchafalaya Basin..........................................484, 487 |
Atchafalaya Basin Floodway System..........................483, 487 |
Atchafalaya Basin Floodway System..........................485, 487 |
Bayou Rapides Drainage Structure and Pumping Plant.........483, 487 |
Bonnet Carre...............................................483, 487 |
Channel Improvement (LA only)..............................484, 487 |
Louisiana State Penitentiary Levee.........................484, 487 |
Mississippi Delta Region Project, Davis Pond...............485, 487 |
Mississippi River and Tributaries Project..................482, 487 |
Mississippi River Levees (LA only).........................483, 487 |
Old River..................................................483, 487 |
Tensas Basin, Red River Backwater Area.....................485, 487 |
Fraser, Testimony of Gale Wm. II................................376-380 |
Clark County and Clark County Regional Flood Control Distric377-379 |
Tropicana/Flamingo Washes Flood Control Project.............377-379 |
Frost, Testimony of the Honorable Martin (Member of Congress).... 44-45 |
Dallas Floodway Extension Project............................ 44-45 |
Fuhrman, Statement of Daniel C................................... 178 |
Turkey Creek Watershed Basin................................. 178 |
Futter, Testimony of Dr. Ellen..................................116-120 |
DNA Sequencing & Computational Equipment..................... 120 |
Genomic Research & Related Facility & Instrumental Needs..... 120 |
Gallegly, Testimony of the Honorable Elton (Member of Congress).. 32-35 |
Santa Paula Creek Flood Control Project...................... 33 |
Arroyo Simi.................................................. 35 |
Callegus Municipal Water District Water Recycling Project.... 35 |
Channels Islands Harbor...................................... 35 |
Matilija Dam................................................. 33 |
Mugu Lagoon.................................................. 34-35 |
Port of Hueneme.............................................. 33-34 |
Ventura Harbor............................................... 34 |
George, Testimony of Bruce......................................465-466 |
Initiate Construction of the Terminus Spillway Project......465-466 |
George, Testimony of Merv, Jr...................................451-455 |
Central Valley Improvement Act (CVPIA)....................... 451 |
Feasibility Study for upgrading the Lewiston Generator....... 451 |
Karuk and Klamath Tribes..................................... 451 |
Klamath Project.............................................. 451 |
Native American Affairs.....................................451-455 |
Pacific Lamprey Population Studies........................... 451 |
Trinity River Division fish and wildlife management and |
restoration activities..................................... 451 |
Trinity River Fishery Management............................. 451 |
Trinity River Green Surgeon.................................. 451 |
Geringer, Statement of the Honorable Jim, Governor, Wyoming.....689-691 |
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation's Colorado River Salinity Control |
Program...................................................689-691 |
Gieringer, Statement of Wallace A...............................148-151 |
Arkansas River Levees Project................................ 150 |
Arkansas River Navigation System............................. 148 |
Dardanelle Lock and Dam...................................... 150 |
McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation Project............. 150 |
Montgomery Point Lock and Dam................................ 148 |
Ozark-Jetta Taylor Lock and Dam.............................. 151 |
Gravois, Statement of Aubrey....................................477-481 |
Mississippi River and Tributaries Flood Control Project.....478-481 |
Green, Testimony of the Honorable Gene (Member of Congress)...... 36 |
Houston-Galveston Navigation Channel......................... 36 |
Gutknecht, Testimony of the Honorable Gil (Member of Congress)... 46-50 |
Haak, Testimony of Norman.......................................442-443 |
Garrison Diversion Project................................... 443 |
Hahn, Statement of Don L......................................... 717 |
Economic Development efforts to improve ACF Waterway......... 717 |
Haun, Statement of Charles A..................................... 789 |
Supports level funding for Operation and Maintenance for |
Warrior-Tombigbee Waterway................................. 789 |
Henry, Statement of Allen.......................................778-779 |
Supports level funding for Operation and Maintenance for |
Warrior-Tombigbee Waterway................................778-779 |
Herger, Statement of the Honorable Wally......................... 37-40 |
CALFED--Bay Delta Program.................................... 38 |
Clear Creek Restoration Program.............................. 38 |
Coleman National Fish Hatchery............................... 39 |
Collins Pipe Company......................................... 39 |
Folsom Dam................................................... 38 |
Gridley Biomass Ethanol Project Site......................... 39 |
Hamilton City Flood Control.................................. 38 |
Project Modification for Improvement of the Environmental |
Programs................................................... 38 |
Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins...................... 38 |
Sacramento River Restoration at Glenn-Colusa Irrigation |
District................................................... 38 |
Tehama Flood Control......................................... 38 |
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers................................. 37-38 |
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation................................... 39 |
Western Area Power Authority................................. 40 |
Winter-Run Chinook Salmon Captive Broodstock Program......... 39 |
Yuba River Basin............................................. 37-38 |
Hewgley, Statement of James, Jr.................................161-166 |
Lake Tenkiller Reallocation Study............................ 164 |
Section 1135 and 206, Ecosystem Restoration Programs and |
Flood Plain Management Services Program...................165-166 |
Section 14, Emergency Streambank Stabilization Program....... 165 |
Section 205, Small Flood Control Projects Program............ 165 |
Arkansas River System Operations Feasibility Study........... 161 |
Arkansas River System Operations Feasibility Study..........163-164 |
Broken Bow Lake Reallocation Study........................... 164 |
Cimarron River Basin Reconnaissance Study.................... 161 |
Cimarron River Basin Reconnaissance Study.................... 163 |
Grand (Neosho) Basin Watershed Reconnaissance Study.......... 161 |
Grand (Neosho) Basin Watershed Reconnaissance Study.......... 163 |
Grand Lake Feasibility Study................................. 161 |
Grand Lake Feasibility Study................................. 163 |
Illinois River Watershed Reconnaissance...................... 161 |
Illinois River Watershed Reconnaissance Study................ 163 |
John Redmond Reservoir Reallocation Study.................... 161 |
John Redmond Reservoir Reallocation Study.................... 164 |
Lake Tenkiller Reallocation Study............................ 161 |
Section 1135 and 206, Ecosystem Restoration Programs and |
Flood Plain Management Services Program.................... 161 |
Section 14, Emergency Streambank Stabilization Program....... 161 |
Section 205, Small Flood Control Projects Program............ 161 |
Tow Haulage Equipment, Oklahoma.............................162-163 |
Wister Lake Reallocation Study............................... 164 |
Broken Bow Lake Reallocation Study........................... 161 |
Wister Lake Reallocation Study............................... 161 |
Hodges, Testimony of the Honorable James H., Governor, South |
Carolina......................................................678-682 |
Hodges, Testimony of William D..................................718-719 |
Dallas Floodway Extension.................................... 719 |
Navigation to Liberty........................................ 719 |
Operations and Maintenance................................... 719 |
Support of Trinity River Basin............................... 718 |
Upper Trinity River Basin, TX................................ 718 |
Wallisville Lake, TX......................................... 718 |
Hollingsworth, Statement of Tom.................................. 357 |
Rancho Palos Verdes.......................................... 357 |
Holman, Statement of Gerald H...................................156-160 |
Equus Beds Groundwater Recharge Demonstration Project.......156-157 |
Arkansas City, Kansas Flood Protection....................... 158 |
Arkansas River Mineral Intrusion Study......................157-158 |
Cheney Reservoir............................................. 157 |
Continuing Authorities Program............................... 159 |
Grand (Neosho) Basin Watershed Reconnaissance Study.......... 159 |
Grand Lake Feasibility Study................................. 159 |
John Redmond Reservoir Reallocation Study.................... 158 |
Operation, Maintenance and Planning Assistance Budgets....... 159 |
Upper Arkansas River Watershed, Kansas, Reconnaissance Study. 158 |
Walnut and Whitewater River Watersheds, Kansas, |
Reconnaissance Study....................................... 158 |
Winfield Kansas Flood Protection............................. 158 |
Quivira National Wildlife Refuge............................159-160 |
Holton, Statement of Robert E.................................... 709 |
Maintenance of Locks and Dams for Tri-Rivers Waterway........ 709 |
Hunter, Remarks of the Honorable Duncan (Member of Congress)..... 41-42 |
New River.................................................... 41-43 |
Hunter, Statement of Dr. Sam....................................697-700 |
Little River Drainage District.............................697, 699 |
MR&T Project..........................................698, 699, 700 |
St. Francis Basin Project..............................697-698, 699 |
Irby, Statement of William S..................................... 716 |
Maintenance of the Tri-Rivers Inland Waterway and River |
System..................................................... 716 |
Israel, Testimony of Keith......................................538-540 |
Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency............538-540 |
James, Testimony of the Honorable Sharpe........................346-348 |
Passaic River Streambank Restoration Project................346-348 |
Jansen, Statement of Keith H..................................... 795 |
Supports Operations & Maintenance budget for Warrior- |
Tombigbee Waterway and Mobile Harbor....................... 795 |
Jaxon, Statement of Jay Jr....................................... 711 |
Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint (ACP) Inland Waterway and |
River System............................................... 711 |
Johannson, Testimony of Lennart.................................661-663 |
Concentrating Solar Power RD&D Program......................661-663 |
Johnson, Testimony of the Honorable Eddie Bernice (Member of |
Congress)...................................................... 44-45 |
Dallas Floodway Extension Project............................ 44-45 |
Jollivette, Statement of Cyrus M................................735-738 |
Establishment of a demonstration project in Miami Beach, |
Florida...................................................735-738 |
Jordon, Statement of Tom B....................................... 395 |
Coosa-Alabama River Improvement Association.................. 395 |
Kansas Arkansas River Basin Interstate Committee, Testimony |
of......................................................... 155 |
Arkansas City, Kansas Flood Protection....................... 155 |
Arkansas River Mineral Intrusion Study....................... 155 |
Cheney Reservoir............................................. 155 |
Continuing Authorities Program............................... 155 |
Winfield, Kansas Flood Protection............................ 155 |
Equus Beds Groundwater Recharge Demonstration Project........ 155 |
Grand (Neosho) Basin Watershed Reconnaissance Study.......... 155 |
Grand Lake Feasibility Study................................. 155 |
Montgomery Point Lock and Dam Project........................ 155 |
Operation, Maintenance and Planning Assistance Budgets....... 155 |
Quivira National Wildlife Refuge............................. 155 |
Upper Arkansas River Watershed, Kansas, Reconnaissance Study. 155 |
Walnut and Whitewater River Watersheds, Kansas, |
Reconnaissance Study....................................... 155 |
Kendall, Statement of Donald R..................................300-306 |
Simi Valley Wastewater Reclamation Project..................301-302 |
Camarillo Wastewater Reclamation Project Expansion....302, 304, 306 |
Conejo Creek Diversion Project........................302, 304, 306 |
Oak Park/North Ranch Wastewater Reclamation System Exp302, 304, 306 |
Regional Brine Line Disposal Facility.................302, 304, 306 |
South Las Posas Brackish Groundwater Recovery Project.302, 304, 306 |
Thousand Oaks Brackish Groundwater Recovery Project...302, 304, 306 |
West Simi Valley Brackish Groundwater Project.........302, 304, 306 |
Kickapoo Tribe, Statement of....................................467-471 |
Pikitanoi Rural Water System................................467-471 |
Kimble, Statement of Jay L......................................364-370 |
Stage II of the Stillwater, Minnesota Flood Control Project.....365-370 |
Kind, Testimony of the Honorable Ron (Member of Congress)........ 46-50 |
King, Statement of Keith T....................................... 796 |
Supports Operations & Maintenance budget for Warrior- |
Tombigbee Waterway and Mobile Harbor....................... 796 |
Klass, Testimony of Donald Dr...................................173-177 |
Biomass Energy Research Association.........................173-177 |
Knabe, Statement of Don.........................................188-191 |
Coast of California Study--Los Angeles County................ 191 |
Marina del Bay Rey Entrance Channel Dredging................. 188 |
Marina Del Rey and Ballona Creek Feasibility Study........... 189 |
Regional Dredged Material Management Plan Feasibility Study.. 190 |
Kornegay, Testimony of H. Thomas................................609-613 |
Houston Ship Channel (O&M)..................................610-613 |
Houston-Galveston Navigation Channels (Construction)........611-613 |
Krygsman, Statement of Alexander................................627-629 |
Port of Stockton Deep Water Channel.........................627-629 |
Lampson, Statement of the Honorable Nick (Member of Congress).... 51-52 |
Wallisville Saltwater Barrier................................ 51-52 |
Langjahr, Statement of Joseph...................................776-777 |
Supports level funding for Operation and Maintenance for |
Warrior-Tombigbee Waterway................................776-777 |
LaPlace, Statement of Aubrey J..................................600-603 |
St. Charles Parish........................................... 601 |
St. Charles Parish Hurricane Protection Levee................ 602 |
West Shore................................................... 601 |
West Shore Hurricane Protection Levee........................ 602 |
Leach, Testimony of the Honorable James (Member of Congress)..... 46-50 |
Lee, Testimony of Jan...........................................591-592 |
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation's Oregon's Water Resources |
Programs................................................... 592 |
Lema, Statement of Joseph E.....................................554-558 |
Greenup Locks and Dam on the Ohio River...................... 555 |
John T. Myers Locks and Dam on the Ohio.....................555-556 |
Kentucky Lock and Dam on the Tennessee River................555-556 |
Locks and Dams, 2, 3 and 4 on the Monongahela River.........555-556 |
London Locks and Dam on the Kanawha.........................555-556 |
Marmet Locks and Dam on the Kanawha River...................555-556 |
McAlpine Locks and Dam on the Ohio..........................555-556 |
Ohio River Main Stem Systems Study..........................555-556 |
Olmsted Locks and Dam on the Ohio river.....................555-556 |
LeVake and Rabbob, Recommendations by Barbara and Peter D.......206-211 |
American River Watershed...................................207, 209 |
American River Watershed (Common Elements).................207, 211 |
American River Watershed (Natomas).........................207, 211 |
Arroyo Pasajero............................................207, 210 |
Kaweah River (Tulare)......................................201, 210 |
Lower Sacramento Area Levee Reconstruction.................207, 211 |
Marysville/Yuba City Levee Reconstruction, West Sacramento |
Project..................................................207, 210 |
Merced County Streams......................................207, 211 |
Mid-Valley Area Levee Reconstruction.......................207, 211 |
Northern California Streams, Middle Creek..................207, 208 |
Sacramento and San Joaquin River, Basins Comprehensive Stud207, 208 |
Sacramento River Bank Protection...........................207, 210 |
San Joaquin Basin, Stockton Metropolitan Area (Section 211), |
West Stanislaus County...................................207, 208 |
San Joaquin River Basin, Tule River........................207, 208 |
South Sacramento County Streams............................207, 209 |
Sutter Basin...............................................207, 209 |
Upper Sacramento Area Levee Reconstruction.................207, 211 |
Yuba River.................................................207, 209 |
Libeu, Statement of Larry.......................................801-805 |
The Western Coalition of Arid States (WESTCAS) supports the |
following ongoing activities............................... 802 |
California Bay-Delta Ecosystem Restoration................... 805 |
Colorado River Basin Salinity Control Program...............802-803 |
Desalination Research Development Program.................... 804 |
Efficiency Incentives Program................................ 804 |
Endangered Species Recovery Implementation................... 804 |
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation........................ 804 |
Water Management Conservation Program........................ 804 |
Water Recycling and Groundwater Recovery..................... 804 |
Wetlands Development Program................................. 804 |
Libeu, Statement of Larry........................................ 806 |
Supports budget request for the five projects in the Bureau |
of Reclamation's Small Reclamation Loan Pro................ 806 |
Lopez, Testimony of Gaye........................................212-214 |
Colusa Basin Drainage District..............................212-213 |
Colusa Basin Wetlands Restoration Project.................... 214 |
Los Angeles Department of Public Works, Statement of............294-295 |
Los Angeles County Draining Area (LACDA) Project............294-295 |
Losoya, Statement of Melton...................................... 227 |
Cache Creek Flood Protection Feasibility Study............... 227 |
Lowe, Testimony of Lynn.........................................636-640 |
Red River Basin.............................................636-640 |
Lucas, Testimony of the Honorable Ken (Member of Congress)....... 53-54 |
Williamstown and Old Washington Lakes........................ 53 |
Banklick Creek, Kenton County................................ 54 |
City of Greenup.............................................. 54 |
City of Russell.............................................. 54 |
City of Russell and City of Greenup.......................... 54 |
Old Washington Lake.......................................... 54 |
Williamstown Lake............................................ 54 |
Lyon, Statement of Dick.........................................296-299 |
Oceanside Mission Basin Brackish Groundwater Desalting |
Research and Development Project..........................296-299 |
Lyon, Statement of Dick.........................................351-352 |
Oceanside Harbor Maintenance and Operation Dredging Program.. 352 |
San Diego County Regional Shoreline Study.................... 351 |
Mackey, Testimony of Karan......................................403-404 |
Bay-Delta Ecosystem.......................................... 403 |
Cache Creek.................................................. 403 |
Clear Lake Basin............................................. 403 |
Sacramento River Bank Protection............................. 403 |
Madigan, Statement of Madigan D.................................193-205 |
American River Watershed..................................... 195 |
American River Watershed..................................... 197 |
Arroyo Pasajero.............................................. 195 |
Arroyo Pasajero.............................................. 197 |
Arroyo Pasajero Studies, Cantua Creek Storm Group--EIS....... 195 |
Arroyo Pasajero Studies, Cantua Creek Storm Group--EIS....... 203 |
Basin-wide Program........................................... 195 |
Basin-wide Program........................................... 205 |
Bay-Delta Ecosystem Restoration.............................. 195 |
Bay-Delta Ecosystem Restoration.............................. 195 |
Bay-Delta Ecosystem Restoration.............................. 201 |
CALFED Bay-Delta Program....................................196-197 |
Central Valley Project....................................... 195 |
Central Valley Project....................................... 203 |
Coleman National Fish Hatchery Modification.................. 195 |
Coleman National Fish Hatchery Modification.................. 201 |
Colorado River Salinity Control Program...................... 205 |
Flood Control Act of 1948, section 205 Flood Damage |
Prevention................................................. 195 |
Flood Control Act of 1948, section 205 Flood Damage |
Prevention................................................. 200 |
Hamilton City Plumbing Plant Fish Facility................... 195 |
Hamilton City Plumbing Plant Fish Facility................... 203 |
Kaweah River (Tulare)........................................ 195 |
Kaweah River (Tulare)........................................ 198 |
Los Angeles County Drainage Area Project..................... 195 |
Los Angeles County Drainage Area Project (LACDA)............. 199 |
Norco Bluffs Bank Stabilization Santa Ana River.............. 195 |
Norco Bluffs Bank Stabilization Santa Ana River.............199-200 |
PL 102-575, Title XVI and Amended by PL 104-266 (Lower |
Colorado Region)........................................... 195 |
PL 102-575, Title XVI and Amended by PL 104-266 (Lower |
Colorado Region)........................................... 204 |
PL 102-575, Title XVI and Amended by PL 104-266 (Mid-Pacific |
Region).................................................... 195 |
PL 102-575, Title XVI and Amended by PL 104-266 (Mid-Pacific |
Region).................................................... 204 |
Sacramento & San Joaquin Rivers Comprehensive Study.......... 195 |
Sacramento River Restoration at Glenn-Colusa Irrigation |
District................................................... 195 |
Sacramento River Restoration at Glenn-Colusa Irrigation |
District................................................... 198 |
Salton Sea Research Project.................................. 195 |
Salton Sea Research Project.................................. 205 |
Santa Ana River Mainstem..................................... 195 |
Santa Ana River Mainstem (including San Timoteo)............. 199 |
Title I Division (Lower Colorado)............................ 195 |
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers................................. 195 |
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers................................. 196 |
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation................................... 195 |
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation................................... 201 |
Water Res. Development Act, 1996, Section 206, Aquatic |
Ecosystem Restoration...................................... 195 |
Water Res. Development Act, 1996, Section 503, Watershed Mgt |
Restoration & Development.................................. 195 |
Water Res. Development for Improvements of the Environmental |
program.................................................... 195 |
Water Resources Development Act, 1986, Section 1135, Project |
Modification for Improvement............................... 201 |
Water Resources Development Act, 1996, Section 206, Aquatic |
Ecosystem Restoration...................................... 200 |
Water Resources Development Act, 1996, Section 503, Watershed |
Mgt Restoration & Development.............................. 200 |
Winter-Run Chinook Salmon, Captive Broodstock Program........ 195 |
Winter-Run Chinook Salmon, Captive Broodstock Program........ 202 |
Martin, Testimony of William....................................720-722 |
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation................................... 721 |
Bend Feed Canal.............................................721-722 |
Matthews, Testimony of Charles R................................630-635 |
Projects to assist Domestic Oil and Gas Industry............631-635 |
Mauderly, Testimony of Joe L....................................495-499 |
Inhalation Toxicology Research Institute (ITRI).............495-499 |
McClelland, Statement of John S. Jr.............................783-784 |
Supports Operations & Maintenance budget for Warrior- |
Tombigbee Waterway and Mobile Harbor....................... 784 |
McCrory, Statement of Robert L..................................472-476 |
Department of Energy's Stockpile Stewardship Program (SSP)..473-476 |
McCrory, Statement of Robert L..................................751-755 |
Provide operations support for program deliverables and |
operation of OMEGA........................................752-755 |
McKenzie Watershed Council, Statement of........................500-501 |
Willamette River Temperature Control project................500-501 |
Melton, Statement of Carlton J................................... 793 |
Supports the effort to improve the efficiency and reliability |
of the Warrior-Tombigbee Waterway (BWT).................... 793 |
Supports level funding for Operation and Maintenance for |
Warrior-Tombigbee Waterway................................. 793 |
Support the maintenance for Mobile Harbor.................... 793 |
Matthew, Statement of Lawrence L................................. 790 |
Supports Operations & Maintenance budget for Warrior- |
Tombigbee Waterway and Mobile Harbor....................... 790 |
Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, Testimony of502-506 |
California Bay-Delta Ecosystem Restoration................... 503 |
Brackish Water Desalination.................................. 506 |
CALFED Bay-Delta............................................. 506 |
Colorado River Basin Salinity Control.......................503-504 |
Endangered Species Conservation/Recovery....................504-505 |
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation........................ 505 |
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers................................. 506 |
Water Recycling and Groundwater Recovery..................... 505 |
Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago, |
Statement of..................................................507-511 |
McCook and Thornton Reservoir Projects......................508-511 |
Mikels, Statement of Jon D.....................................231, 237 |
Mission Zanja Creek........................................231, 236 |
Mojave River Forks Dam.....................................231, 235 |
Orange County, Santa Ana River Basin.......................231, 235 |
San Bernardino County Feasibility Studies..................231, 236 |
San Sevaine Creek Water Project............................231, 237 |
Santa Ana River Mainstem..................................... 231 |
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers................................. 231 |
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation................................... 231 |
Upper Santa Ana River Watershed.............................. 231 |
Miklos, Testimony of Mayor Steve................................322-326 |
Lake Natoma Pond............................................322-324 |
Humbug-Willow Creek.........................................325-326 |
Miller, Testimony of David....................................... 80-92 |
Environmental Need for Dredging the Miami River.............. 89-92 |
Miller, Testimony of George.....................................371-375 |
Central Arizona Project (CAP)...............................371-375 |
Miller, Testimony of George.....................................406-410 |
Crow Creek Sioux Rural Water System.........................406-410 |
Minnesota-Wisconsin Boundary Area Commission, Statement of....... 522 |
Upper Mississippi River EMP.................................. 522 |
Minsky, Statement of Reynold S................................... 430 |
MR&T construction............................................ 430 |
Mississippi River Museum and national Rivers Hall of Fame, |
Testimony of..................................................523-525 |
Expansion of the Mississippi River Museum.................... 523 |
Missouri-Arkansas Association, Statement of...................... 534 |
Blue River Channel, Kansas City, Missouri.................... 534 |
Missouri River Levee System.................................. 534 |
Swope Park Industrial Area, Kansas City, Missouri............ 534 |
Turkey Creek, Kansas City, Kansas and Missouri............... 534 |
Upper Blue River, Kansas and Missouri........................ 534 |
Mini Wiconi Project, Testimony of...............................578-584 |
Oglala Sioux Rural Water Supply System.....................579, 581 |
Core Facilities (Treatment Plant, Pipelines)................. 579 |
Distribution System on Pine Ridge............................ 579 |
Rosebud Sioux Rural Water System...........................579, 582 |
West River/Lyman-Jones Rural Water Systems.................579, 582 |
Morgan, Statement of Carl.......................................400-401 |
Alabama-Coosa................................................ 400 |
Allatoona.................................................... 400 |
Carter's lake................................................ 400 |
Fesibility Study of Lower AL River........................... 400 |
Miller's Ferry L&D........................................... 400 |
RF Henry..................................................... 400 |
Morgan, Statement of Sheldon L..................................764-766 |
Operations and Maintenance funding for the Black Warrior- |
Tombigbee Waterway........................................764-766 |
Mosher, Testimony of Carl W.....................................217-218 |
South Bay Water Recycling.................................... 218 |
NAPA County, CA, Statement of...................................277-384 |
NAPA River Flood Control Project............................277-284 |
National Corn Growers Association, Statement of.................552-553 |
Comprehensive Plan Study..................................... 552 |
Construction General......................................... 553 |
EMP.......................................................... 553 |
General Investigations....................................... 552 |
Illinois Waterway............................................ 553 |
Kaskaskia River Navigation................................... 553 |
L&D 12 Rehab................................................. 553 |
L&D 14 Rehab................................................. 553 |
L&D 24 Part 1 Rehab.......................................... 553 |
L&D 24 Part 2 Rehab.......................................... 553 |
L&D 25 Rehab................................................. 553 |
L&D 3 Rehab.................................................. 553 |
Major Maintenance............................................ 553 |
Mel Price.................................................... 553 |
Missouri River............................................... 553 |
Missouri River Mitigation.................................... 553 |
MS River (MO-OH)............................................. 553 |
MS River (MO-OH)............................................. 553 |
MS River, MN-MO.............................................. 553 |
Operation and Maintenance.................................... 553 |
Upper Mississippi Flow Frequency............................. 552 |
Upper Mississippi Navigation Study........................... 552 |
National Waterways Alliance, Statement of.......................559-563 |
Civil Works Funding for Waterway Programs for U.S. Army Corps |
of Engineers Projects.....................................559-563 |
Navios Ship Agencies, Inc., Statement of........................785-786 |
Operations and Maintenance budget and funding for the |
Warrior-Tombigee Rivers...................................785-786 |
Nelson, Testimony of Dr. Darrell................................744-750 |
Inter-agency partnership research in energy, environmental |
and natural resource programs.............................744-750 |
Nelson, Testimony of Les........................................658-660 |
Solar Buildings RD&D Program................................659-660 |
Nelson, Testimony of Ron........................................411-415 |
Deschutes Basin Resources Conservancy.......................411-415 |
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Testimony of.564-566 |
Atlantic City, NJ...........................................565-566 |
Cape May Point, NJ..........................................565-566 |
Columbia River Fish Mitigation Program......................567-568 |
Council Review of the Columbia River Fish Mitigation Program568-570 |
Monmouth Beach, NJ..........................................565-566 |
Ocean City, NJ..............................................565-566 |
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers................................. 567 |
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation..................................570-571 |
Willamette River Temperature Control, Oregon................. 570 |
Yakima River Basin Water Enhancement Project................. 570 |
Noble, Testimony of the Honorable Vernon A......................444-446 |
Raritan River Basin--Green Brook Sub-Basin..................445-446 |
Oberstar, Testimony of the Honorable James (Member of Congress).. 46-50 |
Orange County Flood Control District, Testimony of..............585-587 |
Orillion, Statement of Wayne..................................... 170 |
Atchafalaya Basin Levee District, Statement of..............171-172 |
Atchafalaya Basin Levee District............................. 171 |
Levee Slides, West Atchafalaya Basin Protection Levee........ 172 |
Mississippi River & Tributaries, Atchafalaya Basin, La |
Project.................................................... 171 |
Pace, Statement of W.O..........................................397-398 |
Navigation Improvements below Claiborne Dam.................. 397 |
Pallone, Testimony of the Honorable Frank Jr. (Member of |
Congress)...................................................... 55-59 |
Child Health Institute of New Jersey......................... 59 |
Cliffwood Beach.............................................. 57 |
Consortium for Risk Evaluation with Stakeholder Participation 59 |
Highlands.................................................... 57 |
Keyport...................................................... 57 |
Leonardo..................................................... 57 |
Mill Brook, Highland Park.................................... 58 |
Neurological Institute of New Jersey......................... 59 |
Poplar Brook, Monmouth County................................ 58 |
Port Monmouth................................................ 57 |
Raritan Bay and Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey................... 56 |
Sandy Hook to Manasquan Inlet, NJ............................ 56 |
Shrewsbury River Basin and Tributaries, Monmouth County...... 58 |
South River.................................................. 57 |
Union Beach.................................................. 57 |
Palmer, Testimony of Barry......................................416-419 |
Improvements to Monongahela River Locks and Dams 2, 3 & 4..416, 419 |
Kentucky Lock Addition.....................................416, 419 |
Marmet Lock Replacement....................................416, 419 |
McAlpine Lock Project......................................416, 419 |
Ohio River Mainstem Study..................................416, 419 |
Olmsted Locks and Dam......................................416, 419 |
Robert C. Byrd Locks and Dam Modification Project..........416, 419 |
Winfield Lock Replacement..................................416, 419 |
Pascrell, Testimony of the Honorable Bill, Jr. (Member of |
Congress)...................................................... 60-61 |
FUSRAP....................................................... 60-61 |
Peefile, Testimony of Kurt......................................512-516 |
Mid-Dakota Project..........................................512-516 |
Pelosi, Statement of the Honorable Nancy (Member of Congress).... 62-64 |
Hamilton Field Wetlands Restoration.......................... 63 |
Mare Island Flood Control and Dredging....................... 63 |
National Institute for Global Environmental Change (NIGEC)... 64 |
Oakland Harbor............................................... 63 |
San Francisco Bay Delta Model................................ 64 |
San Francisco Bay Rock Removal............................... 62-63 |
San Francisco Harbor......................................... 62 |
San Francisco Harbor & Bay Drift Removal..................... 62 |
San Pablo Baylands........................................... 63 |
Winter Run Chinook Salmon Captive Broodstock Program......... 62 |
Perrenot, Testimony of Frederick A..............................329-330 |
Wallisville Saltwater Barrier...............................329-330 |
Peterson and Curry, Statement of J.M. and Darrel G..............531-532 |
Missouri National Recreational River Project................531-532 |
Pettygrove, Statement of the Honorable George...................228-229 |
Ledgewood Creek.............................................228-229 |
Pettygrove, Statement of the Honorable George.................... 321 |
Section 205 Ledgewood Creek Project.......................... 321 |
Pogge, Statement of Frank........................................ 533 |
Blue River Channelization Project............................ 533 |
Pombo, Testimony of the Honorable Richard W. (Member of Congress) 65-69 |
CALFED Bay-Delta Program..................................... 67-68 |
City of Stockton............................................. 65-66 |
Port of Stockton............................................. 65-66 |
Sacramento County............................................ 65-66 |
Sacramento Metropolitan Water Authority...................... 65-66 |
San Joaquin County........................................... 65-66 |
Stockton East Water District................................. 65-66 |
Pryce, Written Statement of the Honorable Deborah (Member of |
Congress)...................................................... 70-73 |
West Columbus Floodwall Project.............................. 70-73 |
Radanovich, Testimony of the Honorable George (Member of |
Congress)...................................................... 74-78 |
Arroyo Passajero............................................. 77 |
CALFED Bay-Delta Program..................................... 74-75 |
Central Valley Project....................................... 75-76 |
Colusa Basin Drainage District Integrated Resources |
Management Program for Flood Control....................... 77 |
CVPIA Restoration Fund....................................... 76 |
Fish and Wildlife Restoration Study.......................... 76 |
Glenn-Colusa Irrigation District Fish Screen Improvement |
Project.................................................... 78 |
Glenn-Colusa Irrigation District Gradient Restoration Policy. 78 |
Pine Flat Dam................................................ 76 |
San Jaoquin River Basin...................................... 76 |
San Joaquin River Agreement.................................. 76 |
Terminus Dam/Kaweah River.................................... 76-77 |
Tire Recycling Project....................................... 77 |
White River, Poso and Deer Creek............................. 77 |
Ravan, Statement of Jack E......................................108-109 |
Appalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint............................ 109 |
Black Warrior-Tombigbee...................................... 109 |
Coosa-Alabama................................................ 109 |
Gulf Intracoastal Waterway................................... 109 |
Tennessee-Cumberland......................................... 109 |
Tennessee-Tombigbee.......................................... 109 |
Red River Waterway District of Louisiana, Statement of..........641-642 |
Red River Waterway Project................................... 641 |
Aids to Navigation........................................... 642 |
Construction/Maintenance Program............................. 642 |
Mitigation and Bendway Dredging.............................. 642 |
Navigation Structures (Revetments and Dikes)................. 641 |
Operation and Maintenance Program............................ 642 |
Recreation Development....................................... 641 |
REPI Action Coalition, Statement of.............................643-650 |
Renewable Energy Production Incentive Program...............643-644 |
American River--Common Elements.............................646-648 |
American River--Comprehensive Plan....................646, 647, 648 |
American River--North Area Project....................646, 648, 649 |
Sacramento River Bank Protection...........................646, 649 |
South Sacramento Streams Group........................646, 649, 650 |
Reyes, Testimony of the Honorable Silvestre (Member of Congress). 79 |
Haskell Street Reclaimed Water Project....................... 79 |
Richardson, Statement of R. Mike................................. 708 |
Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint (ACP) Inland Waterway and |
River System............................................... 708 |
Richmond, Statement of George R.................................797-798 |
Supports level funding for Operation and Maintenance for |
Warrior-Tombigbee Waterway................................. 797 |
Supports study for General Investigations.................... 797 |
Support funds for Mobile Harbor.............................. 797 |
Roberts, Statement of Tucson..................................... 710 |
Economic Development efforts to improve ACF Waterway......... 710 |
Rogers, Statement of Ross.......................................223-226 |
White Water River Basin...................................... 222 |
Merceds County Streams Project..............................224-226 |
Romero-Barcelo, Testimony of the Honorable Carlos (Member of |
Congress)...................................................... 80-84 |
Arecibo River................................................ 81-82 |
Portugues and Bucana Rivers.................................. 81-82 |
Rio Anton Ruiz............................................... 84 |
Rio Bayamon.................................................. 84 |
Rio del la Plata............................................. 81-82 |
Rio Fajardo.................................................. 84 |
Rio Guanajibo................................................ 83-84 |
Rio Manati................................................... 84 |
Rio Matilde.................................................. 84 |
Rio Nigua at Arroyo.......................................... 84 |
Rio Nigua at Salimas......................................... 83-84 |
Rio Puerto Nuevo............................................. 81-82 |
Rio Yaguez................................................... 84 |
San Juan Harbor Federal Navigation Project................... 80-81 |
Ros-Lehtinen, Testimony of the Honorable IIeana (Member of |
Congress)......................................................85, 88 |
Miami River..................................................85, 88 |
Renner, Statement of George.....................................311-316 |
Central Arizona Project (CAP)...............................312-316 |
Ryan, Testimony of George H.....................................675-677 |
State of Illinois Projects & Additional Funding Priorities..675-677 |
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Civil Works Programs...........675-677 |
Sanford, Testimony of Tom.......................................327-328 |
Gridley Rice Straw Project..................................327-328 |
Sanguinetti, Statement of Philip A............................... 390 |
Santa Clara Valley Water District, Testimony of.................247-266 |
CALFED Bay-Delta Program....................................247-248 |
Central Valley Project......................................259-260 |
City of San Diego Regional Water Reclamation Project......... 264 |
Guadalupe River Project.....................................249-250 |
Llagas Creek Project........................................255-256 |
Northern/Central Regional Water Reclamation System........... 265 |
San Diego Area Water Reclamation Program....................263-264 |
San Jose Area Water Reclamation and Reuse Program...........261-262 |
San Pasqual Regional Water Reclamation and Groundwater |
Project.................................................... 266 |
Santa Clara Basin Watershed Management Initiative...........257-258 |
South Bay Regional Water Reclamation System.................. 265 |
Upper Guadalupe River Project...............................251-252 |
Upper Penitencia Creek Project..............................253-254 |
Sealy, Statement of Curtis O....................................723-726 |
Support of Continued Appropriation for the Decommissioning |
and Decontamination (``D&D'').............................723-726 |
Seminole Tribe of Florida, Statement of.........................654-657 |
Big Cypress Reservation Project.............................654-657 |
Serna, Testimony of Joe Jr......................................358-361 |
American River Comprehensive Plan............................ 361 |
American River Common Elements............................... 361 |
American River Watershed (Natomas Recreation, Ueda Parkway).. 361 |
American River Watershed (Natomas)........................... 361 |
Lower Strong and Chicken Ranch Sloughs (D05 Pump Station).... 361 |
Mapgie Creek................................................. 361 |
Sacramento River Bank Protection............................. 361 |
South Sacramento Streams..................................... 361 |
Shaw, Statement of the Honorable Clay, Jr. (Member of Congress).. 93-94 |
Broward County, FL........................................... 93 |
Dade County.................................................. 94 |
Everglades Restoration....................................... 94 |
Intracoastal Waterway Deepening.............................. 93 |
Lake Worth Inlet Channel Widening............................ 93-94 |
Lake Worth Inlet Sand Transfer Plant......................... 93 |
Lake Worth Lagoon............................................ 93 |
Sherrill, Statement of Lynn...................................... 773 |
Maintenance and Improvements to the Warrior-Tombigbee |
Waterway and Mobile Harbor................................. 773 |
Smith, Statement of President Jimmy.............................456-459 |
Bay Navigation Project......................................456-459 |
Humboldt Harbor.............................................456-459 |
Smith, Statement of Sandy........................................ 392 |
Feasibility Study below Claiborne Dam........................ 392 |
Smith, Testimony of Darrell O.................................... 712 |
Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint (ACP) Inland Waterway and |
River System............................................... 712 |
Smith, Testimony of the Honorable Chris (Member of Congress)..... 95-98 |
Barnegat Inlet............................................... 95-98 |
Manasquan Inlet.............................................. 95-98 |
Southeastern Colorado Water Conservancy District, Statement of..152-154 |
Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program.......152-154 |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service..............................152-154 |
United States Bureau of Reclamation.........................152-154 |
Southern Ute Indian Tribe, Statement of.........................668-671 |
Animas-La Plata Project.....................................669-671 |
State of New Jersey Maritime Advisory Council, Testimony of.....678-682 |
Projects for the Port of New York and New Jersey............679-682 |
State of South Carolina, Testimony of...........................683-688 |
South Carolina's Harbors and Ports..........................685-688 |
Construction General Projects...............................686-687 |
Operation and Maintenance Projects..........................687-688 |
Reconnaissance Studies Projects.............................. 685 |
Statement of Steward, Jerry L...................................791-792 |
Supports the Warrior-Tombigbee Waterway.....................791-792 |
Stein, Jr., Testimony of Theodore...............................621-626 |
Pier 400 Dredging and Landfill Navigation Project..........622, 625 |
Continued Collection of Wave Data on the San Pedro Bay and |
Port of Los Angeles Channels............................... 625 |
Ongoing Maintenance Dredging, Breakwater Rehabilitation and |
Condition Survey.........................................624, 625 |
Ongoing Maintenance of the Los Angeles Harbor Models at WES.624-625 |
Preconstruction, Engineering and Design Phase of the Main |
Channel Deepening Project............................623-624, 625 |
Stephan, Statement of J. Craig..................................799-800 |
Endorse budget request for Operation and Maintenance for the |
Black Warrior-Tombigbee System............................. 800 |
Supports deferred projects................................... 800 |
Support the maintenance for Mobile Harbor.................... 800 |
Story, Statement of Charles.....................................774-775 |
Supports level funding for Operation and Maintenance for |
Warrior-Tombigbee Waterway................................774-775 |
Sublette, Testimony of Kerry L..................................460-464 |
Implementation of a Comprehensive Mechanism Center to Advance |
the Consortium............................................460-464 |
Stupak, Testimony of the Honorable Bart (Member of Congress).....99-101 |
New Lock for Sault Ste. Marie Michigan.......................99-100 |
Breakwall for Grand Marais Harbor, Michigan.................100-101 |
Escanaba, Michigan, Water Treatment Plant.................... 100 |
Repair of West Breakwater at Cedar River Harbor, Michigan.... 100 |
Svendson, Testimony of Douglas W. Jr............................447-450 |
GIWW Section 216 (Port Activities)........................... 449 |
Thompson, Statement of Michael D................................. 794 |
Operations and Maintenance budget and funding for the |
Warrior-Tombigbee Rivers................................... 794 |
Supports study for General Investigations.................... 794 |
Support funds for Mobile Harbor.............................. 794 |
Supports deferred projects................................... 794 |
Tule River Association, Statement of............................. 275 |
Success Reservoir Enlargement Project........................ 275 |
Turner, Statement of Lamar....................................... 715 |
Continued Operation and Maintenance of the Apalachicola- |
Chattahoochee-Flint Inland Waterway System................. 715 |
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Testimony of729-734 |
Construction and Development of the Child Health Institute of |
New Jersey................................................731-732 |
Expand research, education and training programs in response |
to threats of chemical and biological terror..............733-734 |
Neuroimaging Laboratory for the Neurological Institute of New |
Jersey..................................................... 732 |
Upper Mississippi River Congressional Task Force, Testimony of... 46-50 |
Environmental Management Program (EMP)....................... 46-50 |
Vanselow, Testimony of Glenn....................................593-596 |
Columbia River Channel Designation, Interstate 5 Bridge |
between Vancouver and Portland............................. 596 |
Demolition of the former U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' |
Complex at Walla Walla..................................... 596 |
Hanford Cleanup.............................................. 596 |
Lower Columbia River Ecosystem Restoration................... 594 |
Minimum Dredge Fleet......................................... 594 |
Navigation Feasibility Studies and Construction.............. 594 |
Operations and Maintenance of the Region's Hydropower System |
and John Day Drawdown...................................... 595 |
Portland Harbor Environmental Dredging Project............... 594 |
Salmon Recovery Decision Authority and Funding............... 595 |
Venable, Statement of Jim.......................................290-293 |
Prado Dam..................................................290, 293 |
San Jacinto River..........................................290, 292 |
Santa Ana River--Mainstem..................................290, 292 |
Santa Ana River at Norco Bluffs............................290, 291 |
Santa Margarita Murrieta Creek Sub-Basin...................290, 291 |
Ventura Port District, Testimony of.............................756-759 |
Continue a Cost Shared Feasibility Study....................757-759 |
Maintenance Dredging of Sand Traps and Repair of a Groin....757-759 |
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Maintenance Dredging of the |
Ventura Harbor Federal Channel............................757-759 |
Volusia County Florida, Statement...............................760-762 |
Extension of the South Jetty of the Ponce DeLeon Inlet......760-762 |
Walia, Testimony of Daman Dr................................143-145 |
Department of Energy's Weapon Complex.......................144-145 |
Wallace, State of Jamie D........................................ 399 |
Coosa-Alabama System......................................... 399 |
Wanamaker, Statement of James E.................................179-182 |
Mainline Mississippi River Levees...........................180-182 |
Mississippi River & Tributaries Project.....................180-182 |
Yazoo Basin Projects........................................180-182 |
Warrior-Tombigbee Waterway Association, Statement of Members..... 767 |
Warrior-Tombigbee Waterway, Statement of......................... 763 |
Mobile Harbor................................................ 763 |
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers................................. 763 |
Warrior-Tombigbee Waterway................................... 763 |
Wehe, Testimony of Professor David K............................739-743 |
Weiland, Statement of Kenneth L.................................183-187 |
Mississippi River & Tributaries.............................183-187 |
Yazoo Basin Projects........................................183-187 |
Weldon, Statement of the Honorable Dave (Member of Congress)....102-106 |
Brevard County Storm Damage Prevention Project..............102-105 |
Canaveral Harbor............................................102-105 |
Canaveral Harbor Widening & Deepening.......................102-105 |
Energy Department............................................ 106 |
Florida Solar Energy Center.................................. 105 |
Intercostal Waterway Dredging................................ 105 |
Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant.............................. 106 |
White, Statement of Dean M......................................787-788 |
Continued support and maintenance of the Black Warrior- |
Tombigbee Water System....................................787-788 |
Whitestone, Statement of David D. Jr............................. 396 |
Alabama-Coosa Waterway....................................... 396 |
Whitfield, Testimony of the Honorable Ed (Member of Congress)...106-107 |
Elvis Star (Hickman) Harbor.................................. 107 |
Energy Department............................................ 106 |
John T. Meyers Complex....................................... 107 |
Kentucky Lock Addition....................................... 107 |
Lower Cumberland River Bendway Analysis...................... 107 |
Ohio River Main Stem Systems Study........................... 107 |
Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant.............................. 106 |
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers................................. 107 |
Wolf Creek Dam............................................... 107 |
Whitman, Testimony of the Honorable Christine Todd, Governor, New |
Jersey........................................................678-682 |
Wilk, Statement of Tim J......................................... 778 |
Supports level funding for Operation and Maintenance for |
Warrior-Tombigbee Waterway................................778-779 |
Williams, Statement of M.V......................................526-530 |
Mississippi River and Tributaries Project...................527-530 |
Wolf, Testimony of George E.....................................331-333 |
Blue River Basin......................................331, 332, 333 |
Blue River Channel Project............................331, 332, 333 |
Kansas City, KS & MO (7 River Levees..................331, 332, 333 |
Swope Park Industrial Area............................331, 332, 333 |
Turkey Creek Basin....................................331, 332, 333 |
Womack, Statement of Shelby...................................... 713 |
Tri-Rivers Waterway Development.............................. 713 |
Zieschang, Statement of Ernie.................................... 614 |
Port of Liberty.............................................. 614 |
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