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<title> - FRESHMAN MEMBERS DAY</title> |
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[House Hearing, 107 Congress] |
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] |
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before the |
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Serial No. 107-1 |
Printed for the use of the Committee on the Budget |
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70-194cc WASHINGTON : 2001 |
JIM NUSSLE, Iowa, Chairman |
JOHN E. SUNUNU, New Hampshire JOHN M. SPRATT, Jr., South |
Vice Chairman Carolina, |
PETER HOEKSTRA, Michigan Ranking Minority Member |
Vice Chairman JIM McDERMOTT, Washington, |
CHARLES F. BASS, New Hampshire Leadership Designee |
GIL GUTKNECHT, Minnesota BENNIE G. THOMPSON, Mississippi |
JIM RYUN, Kansas EVA M. CLAYTON, North Carolina |
MAC COLLINS, Georgia DAVID E. PRICE, North Carolina |
ERNIE FLETCHER, Kentucky EDWARD J. MARKEY, Massachusetts |
GARY G. MILLER, California GERALD D. KLECZKA, Wisconsin |
PAT TOOMEY, Pennsylvania BOB CLEMENT, Tennessee |
WES WATKINS, Oklahoma JAMES P. MORAN, Virginia |
ROB PORTMAN, Ohio RUSH D. HOLT, New Jersey |
JOHN CULBERSON, Texas Pennsylvania |
HENRY E. BROWN, Jr., South Carolina TAMMY BALDWIN, Wisconsin |
ANDER CRENSHAW, Florida [Vacancy] |
ADAM PUTNAM, Florida [Vacancy] |
MARK KIRK, Illinois [Vacancy] |
[Vacancy] [Vacancy] |
[Vacancy] |
[Vacancy] |
Professional Staff |
Rich Meade, Chief of Staff |
Thomas S. Kahn, Minority Staff Director and Chief Counsel |
C O N T E N T S |
Page |
Hearing held in Washington, DC, February 7, 2001................. 1 |
Statement of: |
Hon. Edward Schrock, a Representative in Congress from the |
State of Virginia.......................................... 1 |
Hon. Anibal Acevedo-Vila, the Resident Commissioner of Puerto |
Rico....................................................... 5 |
Hon. Henry E. Brown, Jr., a Representative in Congress from |
the State of South Carolina................................ 8 |
Hon. Jeff Flake, a Representative in Congress from the State |
of Arizona................................................. 12 |
Hon. Adam H. Putnam, a Representative in Congress from the |
State of Florida........................................... 15 |
Hon. Steve Israel, a Representative in Congress from the |
State of New York.......................................... 27 |
Hon. Rick Larsen, a Representative in Congress from the State |
of Washington.............................................. 30 |
Hon. Adam Schiff, a Representative in Congress from the State |
of California.............................................. 32 |
Hon. Todd Akin, a Representative in Congress from the State |
of Missouri................................................ 35 |
Hon. James Langevin, a Representative in Congress from the |
State of Rhode Island...................................... 38 |
Prepared statement of: |
Mr. Schrock.................................................. 3 |
Hon. Felix J. Grucci, Jr., a Representative in Congress from |
the State of New York...................................... 7 |
Mr. Brown.................................................... 9 |
Mr. Flake.................................................... 13 |
Mr. Putnam................................................... 17 |
Hon. Mike Pence, a Representative in Congress from the State |
of Indiana................................................. 23 |
Hon. John Culberson, a Representative in Congress from the |
State of Texas............................................. 26 |
Mr. Israel................................................... 28 |
Mr. Larsen................................................... 31 |
Mr. Schiff................................................... 33 |
Hon. Dennis Moore, a Representative in Congress from the |
State of Kansas............................................ 35 |
Mr. Akin..................................................... 37 |
Mr. Langevin................................................. 40 |
Hon. Rob Simmons, a Representative in Congress from the State |
of Connecticut............................................. 42 |
---------- |
House of Representatives, |
Committee on the Budget, |
Washington, DC. |
The committee met, pursuant to call, at 11:03 a.m. in room |
210, Cannon House Office Building, Hon. Jim Nussle (chairman of |
the committee) presiding. |
Members present: Representatives Nussle, Sununu, Gutknecht, |
Fletcher, Schrock, Culberson, Brown, Crenshaw, Putnam, Pence, |
Spratt, Hooley, McCarthy, and Flake. |
Chairman Nussle. The committee will come back into order, |
please. |
Today we will be having the first of a series of hearings |
involving budget and budget priorities. Today we have invited |
freshman Members of the 107th Congress to come before us to |
testify on behalf of themselves, their districts, some of the |
priorities that maybe they have heard about as they campaigned |
over this last campaign season. |
I think oftentimes in the Budget Committee and other |
committees of Congress we tend to rely on some celebrity-type |
witnesses who are often requested to come and give us their |
opinions, and we forget that within our own conferences and |
caucuses we have Members with a vast array of experiences from |
a number of different industries and career backgrounds as well |
as perspectives that they share with us from their |
constituents. So we wanted today to invite the freshman Members |
of the 107th Congress class to come before us and to present |
testimony. |
The first witness today will be the Honorable Ed Schrock |
from Virginia, a member of this committee and president of the |
freshman class for the Republicans of this year. Welcome both |
to the committee and to our witness table. Your entire |
statement will be part of the record without objection, and you |
have 5 minutes to summarize your testimony, Mr. Schrock. |
Mr. Schrock. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and members of the |
committee that are still here. It is an honor for me to be here |
to detail the priorities shared by the 28 Republican freshman |
Members of Congress. |
As you know, the budget resolution frames our agenda and |
priorities on both taxes and spending for the coming fiscal |
year and beyond. I will first discuss our priorities on tax |
relief for every American. |
In our view, President Bush's tax relief promoting is fair, |
responsible and allows the typical American family to keep at |
least $1,600 more of their own money. The President's tax |
proposal will cut taxes for everyone who pays income taxes, |
will spur economic growth, and tear down the high tax barriers |
that keep low-income Americans from accessing the middle class. |
Specifically, we support the following provisions: Replace |
the current five-rate tax structure with four lower rates--10, |
15, 25 and 33 percent; double the child tax credit to $1,000; |
eliminate the marriage penalty; eliminate the death tax; expand |
the charitable deduction to include those who file with a 1040 |
EZ, or short form; and make the research and development tax |
credit permanent. |
We strongly support the President's tax plan because low- |
and middle-income families are the biggest winners. For |
instance, one in five taxpaying families with children will no |
longer pay any tax at all, completely removing 6 million |
American families from the tax rolls. A family of four making |
$35,000 would get a 100 percent Federal income tax cut. A |
family of four making $50,000 a year would receive a 50 percent |
cut, receiving at least $1,600. The marginal income tax rate on |
low-income families will fall by more than 40 percent. |
There is no doubt that American families need a tax cut. |
Indeed, the reason we are enjoying surpluses is that we are |
taxing too much. We simply must cut taxes for the following |
reasons: |
The current Tax Code is unfair. Under the current system, a |
single mom making $22,000 a year pays a higher marginal tax |
rate than someone making $200,000 a year. |
Federal taxes are the highest ever during peacetime. |
Americans pay more in taxes than they spend on food, clothing, |
and housing combined. Americans work more than 4 months per |
year just to pay their tax bills. Recent layoffs by businesses |
of every size prove that the American economy needs a boost and |
quickly. |
Many of us also support other tax cuts, including education |
expense tax credits, expanding Medicare savings accounts, |
medical savings accounts, IRA expansion of pension reform, |
repeal of the Spanish-American War phone tax, small business |
tax cuts and tax cuts in the capital gains rates. |
But, to reiterate, we unanimously support President Bush's |
tax proposal. |
At this point in my remarks I would like to turn to our |
priorities on Federal spending. For many of us, our highest |
spending priority is national defense. The Congress of the |
United States is constitutionally charged with providing for |
the common defense, raising and supporting armies, and |
providing and maintaining a navy. In our view, spending on |
national defense must be increased to provide for pay raises |
for all military personnel, force modernization and |
maintenance, overseas deployments, and the acquisition of |
modern weapons systems that will maintain our military |
supremacy on seas, on land, and in the air. |
Social Security and Medicare must be financially secured |
for future current and future generations. We support securing |
Social Security and Medicare surpluses so that these funds |
cannot be used on general appropriations. However, there is a |
tremendous concern about the Department of Health and Human |
Services' Office of Inspector General report that disclosed |
waste, fraud and abuse totaling $13.57 billion, over 8 percent, |
of the amount spent on fee-for-service reimbursements at the |
Health Care Financing Administration. In order to maintain the |
integrity of Medicare and Social Security, strong and |
successful efforts must be undertaken by all appropriate |
Federal agencies to ensure that Medicare and Social Security |
fraud is eliminated. |
Furthermore, it appears to us that entitlement reform is |
critical to the long-term financial viability of the United |
States Government. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, |
welfare, and other mandatory Federal entitlements now total |
more than $1 billion per year. Because of our aging population, |
the projected growth rate of these entitlement programs is |
staggering. Congress must work in a bipartisan manner with the |
President to reform these entitlements before they consume even |
more of our tax dollars and make tax increases inevitable. |
In the area of education spending, we support local control |
of schools. Federal education spending should require |
accountability measures at the State level. However, Federal |
education dollars otherwise should come with little or no |
strings attached. As a former State legislator, I know parents, |
teachers and local schools can determine what is best for their |
own community. While we support increased education spending at |
the Federal level, these new funds should not be accompanied by |
new mandates that stifle creativity and burden our local |
schools. |
Finally, I would like to discuss the Federal debt. We |
applaud Congress' record of paying down $625 billion in debt |
over the past 4 years. The Republican freshman class is |
strongly committed to continuing these efforts to reduce the |
Federal debt in a responsible manner. The near elimination of |
the Federal debt will result in lower interest rates and would |
provide, in essence, another tax cut for families who mortgage |
homes and finance the purchase of cars. |
In conclusion, Mr. Chairman, we stand ready to work with |
you and this committee to develop a budget resolution that |
provides tax relief for every American family and a spending |
blueprint that will strengthen America's military, improve |
education for our children, pay down the national debt, and |
protect Social Security and Medicare. |
Thanks for this opportunity to appear before you. |
[The prepared statement of Congressman Schrock follows:] |
Prepared Statement of Hon. Edward Schrock, a Representative in Congress |
From the State of Virginia |
Mr. Chairman, members of the committee, it is a tremendous honor to |
be here today to detail the priorities shared by the 28 Republican |
freshmen Members of Congress. |
As you know, the Budget Resolution frames our agenda and priorities |
on both taxes and spending for the coming fiscal year and beyond. |
I will first discuss our priorities on tax relief for every |
American. |
In our view, President Bush's tax relief proposal is fair, |
responsible and allows the typical American family to keep at least |
$1,600 more of their own money. |
The President's tax proposal will cut taxes for everyone who pays |
income taxes, spur economic growth and tear down the high tax barriers |
that keep low income Americans from accessing the middle class. |
Specifically, we support the following provisions: |
<bullet> Replace the current five rate tax structure with four |
lower rates--10, 15, 25 and 33 percent. |
<bullet> Double the child tax credit to $1,000. |
<bullet> Eliminate the marriage penalty |
<bullet> Eliminate the death tax |
<bullet> Expand the charitable deduction to include those who file |
with a 1040 EZ or Short form. |
<bullet> Make the research and development tax credit permanent. |
We strongly support the President's tax plan because low and |
middle-income families are the biggest winners. |
For instance, |
<bullet> One in five taxpaying families with children will no |
longer pay any income tax at all--completely removing 6 million |
American families from the tax rolls. |
<bullet> A family of four making $35,000 would get a 100 percent |
Federal income tax cut. |
<bullet> A family of four making $50,000 a year would receive a 50 |
percent cut--receiving at least $1,600. |
<bullet> The marginal income tax rate on low-income families will |
fall by more than 40 percent. |
There is no doubt that American families need a tax cut. Indeed, |
the reason we're enjoying surpluses is that we are taxing too much. We |
simply must cut taxes for the following reasons: |
<bullet> The current Tax Code is unfair. Under the current system, |
a single mom making $22,000 a year pays a higher marginal tax rate than |
someone making $200,000 per-year. |
<bullet> Federal taxes are the highest ever during peacetime. |
<bullet> Americans pay more in taxes than they spend on food, |
clothing and housing combined. |
<bullet> Americans work more than 4 months per year just to pay |
their tax bills. |
<bullet> Recent layoffs by businesses of every size prove that the |
American economy needs a boost--quickly. |
Many of us also support other tax cuts including education expense |
tax credits, expanding Medical Savings Accounts, IRA expansion and |
pension reform, repeal of the Spanish American War phone tax, small |
business tax cuts and cuts in the capital gains tax rates. But to |
reiterate, we unanimously support President Bush's tax proposal. |
At this point in my remarks I would like to turn to our priorities |
on Federal spending. |
For many of us, our highest spending priority is national defense. |
The Congress of the United States is constitutionally charged with |
providing for the common defense, raising and supporting armies, and |
providing and maintaining a Navy. |
In our view, spending on national defense must be increased to |
provide for pay raises for all military personnel, force modernization |
and maintenance, overseas deployments, and the acquisition of modern |
weapons systems that will maintain our military supremacy on the seas, |
on land and in the air. |
Social Security and Medicare must be financially secured for |
current and future generations. We support securing Social security and |
Medicare surpluses so that these funds cannot be used on general |
appropriations. |
However, there is tremendous concern about a Department of Health |
and Human Services Office of Inspector General report that disclosed |
waste, fraud and abuse totaling $13.5 billion, or about 8 percent, of |
the amount spent on fee for service reimbursements at the Health Care |
Financing Administration. |
In order to maintain the integrity of the Medicare and Social |
Security systems, strong and successful efforts must be undertaken by |
all appropriate Federal agencies to ensure that Medicare and Social |
Security fraud is eliminated. |
Furthermore, it appears to us that entitlement reform is critical |
to the long-term financial viability of the United States government. |
Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Welfare and other mandatory |
Federal entitlements now total more than $1 trillion per year. |
Because of our aging population, the projected growth rate of these |
entitlement programs is staggering. Congress must work in a bipartisan |
manner with the President to reform these entitlements before they |
consume even more of our tax dollars and make tax increases inevitable. |
In the arena of education spending, we support local control of |
schools. Federal education spending should require accountability |
measures at the state level; however, Federal education dollars |
otherwise should come with little or no strings attached. |
As a former state legislator, I know that parents, teachers and |
local schools can determine what is best for their own community. While |
we support increased education spending at the Federal level, these new |
funds should not be accompanied by new mandates that stifle creativity |
and burden our local schools. |
And finally, I would like to discuss the Federal debt. We applaud |
Congress's record of paying down $625 billion in debt over the past 4 |
years. The Republican freshman class is strongly committed to |
continuing these important efforts to reduce the Federal debt in a |
responsible manner. |
The near elimination of the Federal debt will result in lower |
interest rates and would provide, in essence, another tax cut for |
families who mortgage homes and finance the purchase of automobiles. |
In conclusion, Mr. Chairman, we stand ready to work with you and |
this committee to develop a budget resolution that provides tax relief |
for every American family and a spending blueprint that will strengthen |
America's military, improve education for our children, pay down the |
national debt and protect Social Security and Medicare. |
Thank you, Mr. Chairman for the opportunity to address the Budget |
Committee. |
Chairman Nussle. Thank you, Mr. Schrock. Are there |
questions for this witness from members of the committee? |
If not, thank you very much for your attendance and for |
your testimony. |
The next witness--and I may ask you for a little help with |
the pronunciation; we have not met before, and this is one of |
the advantages of having a hearing such as this--the Honorable |
Anibal Acevedo. |
Mr. Acevedo-Vila. That's fine. |
Chairman Nussle. And do you add the Vila at the end? |
Mr. Acevedo-Vila. That is the way we do it down in Puerto |
ico, but it is fine if it is only Acevedo. |
Chairman Nussle. We appreciate your coming before us today. |
You are obviously from Puerto Rico, as you stated. We |
appreciate your attendance and your testimony. Your written |
statement, without objection, will be made part of the record |
and you may summarize for the 5 minutes. Welcome. |
Mr. Acevedo-Vila. I would like to thank the chairman, the |
ranking member, and the members of the Budget Committee for |
this opportunity to testify here today. |
As the new Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico, I am |
pleased to offer some ideas on the budget for fiscal year 2002. |
This is a moment of great challenges and, at the same time, |
great opportunities for this Congress and the Nation. We have a |
balanced budget and a surplus which provide new alternatives |
that some years ago were not available. On the other hand, |
there are clear indications of an economic slowdown that has to |
be remedied by Congress. |
There is a consensus that it is time to use this surplus to |
reward taxpayers with a tax cut. The issue is how much to cut |
and how it should be done to forge real economic growth. As the |
representative of Puerto Rico before Congress, I am here today |
to work in a bipartisan fashion to guarantee that the 2002 |
budget will help the 4 million U.S. citizens living in Puerto |
Rico. We have before us a unique opportunity to use the current |
budgetary circumstance as a tool for economic development |
through the creation of jobs and investment in businesses in |
Puerto Rico. |
During the period of 1993 to 1996, Congress took the |
necessary steps to balance the budget and eliminate the |
deficit. Puerto Rico paid substantially during this process. In |
1993, Congress passed the Omnibus Reconciliation Act, which |
included a provision that substantially curtailed the tax |
incentives provided by Section 936 of the Internal Revenue Code |
to U.S. companies doing business in Puerto Rico. |
In 1996, Congress enacted another set of amendments that |
eliminated all incentives for new or expanded business |
operations and investment in Puerto Rico. Congress carved out a |
separate section of the Internal Revenue Code, Section 30A, for |
the possession's tax credit, which is applicable only to |
corporations with operations in Puerto Rico during the phase- |
out periods. As of today, Puerto Rico has no Federal incentive |
to create new jobs, and those that apply to companies already |
doing business in the island are set to expire in the year |
2005. |
The negative consequences of the decisions taken in 1993 |
and 1996 are clear. The phase-out of these incentives is having |
disastrous effects on the Puerto Rican economy. In the last 4 |
years, more than 17,000 jobs have been lost in the |
manufacturing sector as a direct result of the phase-out, and |
Puerto Rico has not been able to attract significant new |
economic investment to build upon. Many of these jobs are |
moving out of U.S. jurisdiction to countries like Malaysia and |
Singapore. Employment and wages by American companies are a |
critical part of Puerto Rico's manufacturing sector, and the |
manufacturing sector is the most important sector of Puerto |
Rico's economy. |
The results are clear. Today, we enjoy a balanced budget |
and a rather large surplus. But my people don't have the jobs. |
While the taxpayers in the U.S. have earned tax relief, so too |
have Puerto Ricans who sacrificed during efforts to balance the |
budget and grow the Federal budget surplus. It is time to |
provide my constituents with tax relief through incentives for |
job creation in the Tax Code. |
Congress has been there for Puerto Rico in the past. In |
1976, Congress enacted the special tax exemption under Section |
936 of the Internal Revenue Code. This was part of an effort to |
attract U.S. companies to Puerto Rico to create jobs for the |
island's residents. At the time, Puerto Rico's economy was |
suffering an economic slowdown, amidst recession, and |
unfavorable tax changes in the United States. Unemployment |
rates started to increase to alarming levels. A number of |
foreign countries became more attractive to U.S. businesses |
because they offered lower wage rates and more favorable local |
tax incentives. Section 936 was an attempt to reverse that |
trend, and it worked. During the 1980's and early 1990's we |
were able to strengthen Puerto Rico's economy thanks in great |
part to the jobs created by 936 companies. |
As I mentioned earlier, one of the reasons to eliminate tax |
incentives for U.S. companies in Puerto Rico was to balance the |
budget. Now we are faced with a surplus. I will not ask this |
Congress to reenact Section 936. What I am asking is to work |
toward new and creative incentives to promote job creation and |
investment in Puerto Rico. If there are no new jobs and the |
companies that we have depart for foreign destinations, our |
best resource also, our people, will be wasted. Clearly this |
would be a setback for both Puerto Rico and the U.S. |
As Congress did during the economic downturn in the 1970's, |
I urge you to consider new and creative ways to foster the |
economic development of Puerto Rico and make them part of the |
2002 budget. The new administration in Puerto Rico is crafting |
this new alternative that will be presented to the President |
and Congress in the coming weeks. I have already discussed this |
priority with influential Members of this body and the Senate, |
and enjoyed a recent conversation with President Bush about |
this important issue. Our proposals will be supported by all |
the economic sectors on the island, be fiscally responsible, |
simple and targeted to promote competition with foreign |
jurisdictions. For now, I ask you to be open to these kinds of |
incentives that are so necessary for our economy as a whole and |
for the creation of sustainable and decent-paying jobs for |
Puerto Rico. |
Again, thanks, Mr. Chairman, ranking member and other |
members. |
Chairman Nussle. Thank you very much for your testimony. |
Are there questions for our colleague? If not, thank you. |
The next witness who was scheduled to testify today is the |
Honorable Felix Grucci from New York. It is our understanding |
that his mother-in-law passed away and, as a result, he will |
not be here to testify today. Our thoughts and prayers are |
certainly with the entire Grucci family and with his wife's |
family. |
Without objection, his testimony will be submitted for the |
record at this point. |
[The prepared statement of Congressman Grucci follows:] |
Prepared Statement of Hon. Felix J. Grucci, Jr., a Representative in |
Congress From the State of New York |
Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentlemen of the House Budget Committee, |
thank you for giving me the opportunity to submit this written |
statement on behalf of the citizens of the First Congressional District |
of New York. Unfortunately, I am unable to attend today's proceedings, |
due to the death of my mother-in-law. |
Our Nation is at a critical juncture. Over the last several years, |
small business owners, entrepreneurs, and hard working middle class |
families fostered a strong national economy, and created a historic tax |
surplus projected by the Congressional Budget Office to be an estimated |
$5.6 trillion. |
However, economic storm clouds are on the horizon. Storm clouds |
that threaten the economic viability of hundreds of business and |
thousands of jobs and opportunities. |
Our mission is certain. |
While our small business owners, high-tech industry leaders, |
manufacturers, farmers and hard working families do their part day in |
and day out, from sunrise to sunset, to sustain a vibrant economy, it |
is up to their government--this Congress--to proactively implement |
reasonable tax relief, reduce our national debt, and protect critical |
programs like the Social Security Trust Fund. |
We must prioritize the allocation of Federal funds to where they |
will best serve our citizens. We need additional resources to improve |
our education system, protect our environment, improve our |
infrastructure, strengthen our national defense, and enact a Medicare |
Lock Box that ensures affordable health care is available to each and |
every senior citizen. |
As a locally elected town supervisor, I saw first hand how tax cuts |
and controlled spending helped spur our local economy in the First |
District of New York. By placing the taxpayers money back where it |
belongs--in their pockets--we were able to create more than 20,000 new |
jobs on Eastern Long Island. |
The time is now to give the taxpayers back their money. They |
created the tax surplus. They should have it returned. And in the |
process, we should once and for all eliminate unfair taxes that |
penalize middle class working families, small business owners, farmers |
and our newest entrepreneurs. |
The time is now to repeal the marriage penalty tax, which would |
save the average working family about $1,400 per year. The time is now |
to protect farmers and small business owners from being taxed twice by |
finally eliminating the death tax. |
And the time is now to remove obstacles from young entrepreneurs |
who emerge from colleges, universities, and trade schools with bright |
ideas and the business ventures for the 21st Century. |
This surplus belongs to the people. They created it. It's |
responsible and the right thing to do to return it to them. |
We can do more. We can provide reasonable tax relief, and take the |
necessary actions of protecting the Social Security Trust Fund, by |
locking it away from bureaucrats who, would rather use the people's |
money on wasteful programs, and ensuring it is there for seniors today, |
and the retirees of tomorrow. |
We can take this opportunity to improve the educational system in |
our nation so no child is left behind. With additional resources to our |
schools, we will be able to reduce class size and put our parents, |
school boards and teachers back in charge of the classroom. |
Our national surplus affords this Congress the unique opportunity |
to enter into public/private partnerships to protect and preserve our |
environment. By working hand in hand with property-owners, and State |
and local governments, we can pool our resources to acquire more open |
space from Long Island to the pacific coast. |
It's a successful formula that has worked to protect our drinking |
water on Eastern Long Island, and one that will prove beneficial |
throughout all of the communities and neighborhoods of our great |
nation. |
With a commitment to take these critical steps today, in this |
Congress--the people's House--in conjunction with the Senate and |
President Bush, will jump-start our economy, decrease unemployment, |
create jobs as well as new opportunities. Put more money in the hands |
of the taxpayers, because they know better than any government |
bureaucrat how best to spend it. Foster an environment where ideas grow |
into successful new businesses, new jobs, and new opportunities. |
By taking these steps now, we will successfully meet the challenges |
we all face. It will be a journey along a path of new promise, new |
hope, and a strong vibrant economy. |
Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentlemen of the House Budget Committee, |
and my fellow colleagues, thank you for this opportunity. |
Chairman Nussle. The next witness is a colleague from the |
committee, Mr. Henry Brown from South Carolina, who, as I |
stated earlier, was the former chairman of the Ways and Means |
Committee which handled budget issues in South Carolina. I |
certainly hope that he will be able to share with us some of |
the wisdom of the States. We often look to States as the |
laboratories. |
We are certainly honored to have you in the Congress and on |
this committee and look forward to your testimony. Your entire |
testimony will be made a part of the record and you may |
summarize. |
Mr. Brown. |
Mr. Brown. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman and Mr. |
Spratt. It is certainly a pleasure and a special honor for me |
to serve on this committee. |
It was a significant time in my life to have the privilege |
to chair the Ways and Means Committee for South Carolina for 5 |
years. We found South Carolina in a state of flux. We had lost |
our triple A credit rating. We were having mid-year budget |
cuts. The economy was going great, but the government was |
spending more than the revenue coming in, so we were in a state |
of real confusion. |
It is a real pleasure to come and try to address some of |
those same needs here at the Federal level. Because we did |
regain our triple A credit rating, we were able to balance the |
budget and, at the same time, we were able to make tax cuts. |
And I think that is significant as we take a look at the budget |
process here. |
I am pleased that we will be able to send back some of |
those revenues that those taxpayers have sent to us in excess |
of the amount that is needed to fund government. I am pleased, |
Mr. Chairman, to work with you to try to make some of those |
things happen. |
Our freshman president summed up a lot of the priorities |
that we established in the freshman class. I won't belabor the |
committee by going through this again; neither will I present |
my formal presentation, which I submitted in writing earlier, |
but I did want to come just to say that I am pleased to be a |
part of this process, and I recognize that there are a lot of |
issues that we need to deal with, like the marriage penalty |
tax, the inheritance tax, and the death tax. |
Also, I would hope that the committee would look at the |
process of returning some of the monies back to the taxpayers-- |
that tax increase that was imposed upon the seniors which taxed |
85 percent of their Social Security proceeds. I would hope this |
committee would take a look at trying to repeal that or at |
least go back to 1993, where 50 percent of those proceeds were |
taxed. |
With that, Mr. Chairman, I am open for any questions. |
[The prepared statement of Congressman Brown follows:] |
Prepared Statement of Hon. Henry E. Brown, Jr., a Representative in |
Congress From the State of South Carolina |
Mr. Chairman, I appreciate this opportunity to share with you and |
this committee the legislative priorities of my constituents in the |
First District of South Carolina. Just a few years ago, our Federal |
Government was facing huge annual budget deficits and an ever |
increasing national debt. Because of the hard work and productivity of |
millions of Americans and fiscal discipline of recent Congresses, we |
are looking at an unprecedented level of surplus revenues. |
First, let me state that my constituents in South Carolina's Low |
Country expect this Congress to continue to spend their hard earned tax |
dollars wisely and responsibly. This is not the time to reverse course |
and embark upon another spending spree that would jeopardize the |
progress we have made in paying down our national debt and |
strengthening the foundations of our economy. |
There is no question we have serious challenges before us, |
improving the quality of education throughout this land, safeguarding |
Medicare and Social Security for today's senior citizens and future |
generations, and rebuilding our military. It is my view, Mr. Chairman, |
we can meet these challenges without risking a repeat of budget |
deficits and a national debt out of control. I am also convinced we owe |
our fellow citizens a more effective, responsive Federal Government, |
and finally, long overdue tax relief. |
As a former Chairman of South Carolina's House Ways and Means |
Committee, I have seen first hand that it is possible to deliver |
substantial tax relief without compromising the quality of much needed |
government services and programs. With the Congressional Budget Office |
projecting total surpluses of $5.6 trillion over the next 10 years, I |
believe this Committee has an opportunity to take the first steps |
toward reducing individual income taxes which are at the highest level |
ever. The fact is that my constituents' taxes are growing faster than |
our economy. According to the CBO, tax revenues increased by 10 percent |
last year while our economy grew at 5 percent. No doubt we have Federal |
programs and services that will require additional resources. It is |
difficult to explain why Americans are continuing to pay record high |
taxes at a time of peace and prosperity. |
Like many of my colleagues, I believe we have a great opportunity |
to reduce the tax burden and work for more fairness in our tax code. |
Let's finish the job that was begun in the last Congress to eliminate |
the marriage penalty. As Congressman Schrock mentioned earlier, this |
change ought to be one of our highest priorities. Also, the death tax |
needs to be buried once and for all * * * why should we penalize the |
millions of small business owners and farmers who have worked hard all |
their lives? Finally, Mr. Chairman, I want to work with you and my |
colleagues in taking a hard look at repealing the 1993 tax increase on |
Social Security benefits. It seems to me that this is another example |
of our Federal Government discouraging hard work and initiative. |
Once again, Mr. Chairman, thank you for this time for me share my |
views. I look forward to working with you and the other members of this |
committee in fashioning a responsible and forward looking budget. |
Chairman Nussle. I thank you. Are there questions for this |
witness? |
Mr. Sununu. Mr. Chairman. |
Chairman Nussle. Yes, Mr. Sununu. |
Mr. Sununu. Congressman, can you talk a little more about |
the scope of the tax cut that was put into place in South |
Carolina, what the implications of that tax relief were when it |
went into place, how revenues changed in the years following |
the tax relief, and an assessment of the current state of the |
budget in South Carolina? |
Mr. Brown. We took a look at the total tax system and we |
felt like one of the erroneous taxes we had was the school |
operating property tax, particularly as it impacted the senior |
citizens. So the first rush of returning some of the taxpayers' |
money was to give them relief. For the first $100,000 of the |
assessed value of their home, we would return back to those |
locals the tax equivalent of $100,000, which the first year was |
like $202 million and last year, $264 million. That was the |
first cut. |
Then, of course, we had several other cuts we made through |
that 5-year period when I chaired the committee. One was to |
raise the tax relief on senior citizens at 65, that they would |
not have to pay income tax on the first $15,000 of their |
income, which was a real boost to that segment of the society. |
We also did something with the child tax credit; we doubled |
that. |
Anyway, there were several initiatives, and it really did |
spur the economy because all of a sudden the taxpayers had $200 |
million more they could spend to stimulate the economy, to |
enhance the economy, rather than go into the growth of, say, |
government. So it was a boom. |
I will have to report though that this year South Carolina |
is faced with a budget shortfall for the first time in probably |
7 or 8 years. So I am real pleased to be up here where there is |
lots of money. |
Congressman Spratt, down in South Carolina, now is a good |
time to leave. |
Mr. Spratt. You left town just in time. |
Mr. Brown. Yes, sir, I think so. |
Mr. Spratt. Listen, what is the problem in South Carolina? |
Is it because of tax cuts that there is a diminishment of |
revenues, or is there a downturn in the economy that is causing |
this fall-off in revenues in South Carolina? Our State |
legislator right now, Henry, is glad to be here because we are |
coping with the problem of 15 percent across-the-board cuts as |
we speak. |
Mr. Brown. I think what happened is we had gotten too |
complacent in our good economy, Congressman Spratt. We were |
having surpluses of a couple hundred million dollars; every |
year we would have to make supplemental appropriations to be |
able to spend those surplus items. And I think what happened, |
the legislature got caught in the thought that we were always |
going to have $200 million worth of surplus each year, so they |
started spending recurring revenue in one-time appropriations. |
And I think this is where we have come to. |
We actually have now about $500 million worth of those |
recurring items that is built into the base of government, |
which is not really recurring each year. I think that is the |
real shortfall in the process. It is--the lack of budget |
restraints is what has actually brought us into this position. |
Chairman Nussle. Mr. Gutknecht. |
Mr. Gutknecht. Could I tag onto that? I was reminded, |
though, of the story of the old Indian chief who once said the |
effectiveness of a rain dance is determined largely by the |
timing. |
Mr. Brown. That is a good saying. |
Mr. Gutknecht. As the former chairman of the Ways and Means |
Committee down in South Carolina, how much did you allow the |
total State budget to increase by in those years? Do you |
remember the numbers or the percentage? |
Mr. Brown. Probably somewhere in the 6 percent range. |
Mr. Gutknecht. Per year? |
Mr. Brown. Yes. |
Mr. Gutknecht. Because I have this crazy notion that |
government's budget should not grow any faster than the average |
family budget. |
Mr. Brown. That's correct, 3 percent. I think we were |
growing faster than the CPI. |
Mr. Gutknecht. That is something I hope we can--as members |
of this committee, can get back on course. Because for several |
years this committee did a pretty good job of reining in some |
of our friends on other committees as well as some of our |
colleagues in the other body. The last couple of years we have |
slid backwards just a bit. |
It seems to me this committee ought to sort of hoist that |
banner high, that there is no reason the Federal budget ought |
to grow any faster than the average family budget. |
Thank you. |
Mr. Brown. I think that is the exciting thing about this |
budget process here. We actually can now, by reducing the tax |
tables, require less income coming in so that we can adjust |
that exceeding growth. |
Chairman Nussle. Thank you. |
Any other questions for members? |
I have a question. I was just curious how you handle |
emergencies in South Carolina? Do you have a rainy day account? |
Some States do that. And what would be your advice with regards |
to handling of emergencies? |
Mr. Brown. We have two trust funds we set up. One we call |
the capital reserve fund, which is 2 percent of the revenue |
from last year. The other is a general reserve fund, which is 3 |
percent. And those monies are held in trust in case there is a |
shortfall. |
We have a balanced budget amendment, which means we are |
required to balance that budget each year. This prevents any |
shortfall that might come. We attach those trust funds before |
we actually make the budget cuts. |
Chairman Nussle. What are the safeguards on the general |
fund, emergency funds? In what ways do you either define |
emergencies, in order to prevent raiding of that fund; or how |
is it managed so that it is not just dipped into without |
discretion? |
Mr. Brown. The general reserve fund is pretty restricted. |
You can only qualify to spend those monies if in fact there is |
a midyear cut. |
The capital reserve fund is a different item. It is 2 |
percent money we set aside. In fact, if we don't have a |
shortfall in that particular budget year, then we are able to |
appropriate those items at the end of the year, call them |
capital reserve, which means they should only be spent for |
capital items. |
But this is the problem--in answer to Mr. Spratt's question |
earlier, this is a problem we have gotten ourselves into. We |
did not adhere to the rules of that fund, so they started |
spending those; instead of on one-time items, capital items, |
they started spending them on recurring items, and this is |
where we got ourselves into trouble. |
Chairman Nussle. Any other questions for this witness? |
Thank you very much for your testimony and for your service |
on the committee. We look forward to that. |
Mr. Brown. Thank you. My pleasure. |
Chairman Nussle. Because of Mr. Grucci's cancellation, and |
one other, we are waiting for a couple of members that are on |
their way, and as soon as they arrive, we will accept their |
testimony. [Brief pause.] |
Good morning. |
Mr. Flake. Good morning. |
Chairman Nussle. The next witness before the committee is |
the Honorable Jeff Flake from Arizona. We appreciate your |
coming before the committee to give us your thoughts about |
budget priorities for the year. Your entire testimony will be |
submitted for the record, and without objection you may use |
your time to summarize what you would like to tell us. |
So welcome to the Budget Committee. We look forward to your |
testimony. |
Mr. Flake. Well, thank you very much. I really appreciate |
the opportunity. I was just elected this past year, and so I |
think what the voters and Americans need is fresh in my mind. |
Certainly, in this case, I think that we are standing on |
the verge of great opportunity concerning fiscal policy. We |
need dramatic and substantial tax reform and relief, and I |
believe that the President's package is a great place to start. |
I think the President is right when he says that all |
Americans who pay income taxes ought to get tax relief. I think |
that is a statement that we can all live with. It certainly |
cuts across the class warfare that will certainly come as these |
budget priorities are discussed. Federal tax revenues consume |
more than 20 percent of the economy's output. That is the |
highest since World War II. We are certainly in line for tax |
relief. |
Also, if we look across the country--and this is true in my |
district in Arizona as it is elsewhere--companies are laying |
off workers. We are in a downturn here, and we need substantial |
tax relief, not just because it is not right for government to |
take 40 percent of one's income, but because giving people some |
of their money back is the best way to jump-start the economy. |
So I am definitely in favor of that as the highest budget |
priority, to actually return money into the taxpayer's pocket. |
There will doubtless be people who say we cannot afford to |
do this. I think if we cannot afford to now, there will never |
be a time when we can afford to cut taxes. The planets are |
aligned just right. We need employers to employ, investors to |
invest and consumers to consume, and the best way to do that is |
to return money. We have a projected surplus of $5.6 trillion |
over the next 10 years and that begs for substantial relief. |
I encourage you to follow the lead of the American people. |
When they set their household budgets, they say, we need relief |
here and relief there and we have these priorities. I think our |
priorities ought to be the same. We ought to pay off debt when |
we can, and we also ought to put money aside, and we also ought |
to do those things we know are going the start the economy. I |
hope that this committee considers as it prepares the budget |
that we need to leave room for this substantial tax cut. |
This morning, along with a number of my colleagues, we |
launched an initiative to actually have a bill much larger than |
the President's tax cut. I think that the President's tax cut |
is a great place to start, but that we shouldn't stop there. An |
area that could use some relief is in the area of capital |
gains. We learned in 1997 that when we cut capital gains rates |
then the economy is spurred, and it doesn't have a negative |
impact on revenue coming in for government. |
I would just summarize by asking the committee to support |
this kind of tax policy as it sets the spending limits for the |
coming year, and I appreciate this opportunity. Thank you |
again. |
[The prepared statement of Congressman Flake follows:] |
Prepared Statement of Hon. Jeff Flake, a Representative in Congress |
From the State of Arizona |
Mr Chairman, I am pleased to speak to you and the rest of the |
committee as you consider the policies and priorities that will guide |
the shaping of the Federal budget. |
I believe this country is standing at the verge of a great |
opportunity concerning fiscal policy. We have the opportunity as a |
Congress to reverse and undo some of the most stifling policies in our |
Nation's history. |
I'm referring of course to our tax code. Mr. Chairman it is clear |
to me that the American people are taxed far too much. |
Federal tax revenues consume more than 20 percent of the economy's |
output. |
This is the highest percentage of taxation the country has ever had |
in peacetime. |
There will doubtless be objections to even the idea of cutting |
taxes, with one of the cries heard in these halls being ``we can't |
afford to cut taxes.'' |
Leaving aside the obvious fact that this is just another way of |
saying ``We don't want to spend less money,'' as we move into what is |
undoubtedly a period of economic slowdown, the clear answer to that cry |
is |
``We can't afford not to cut taxes.'' |
We need to empower employers to employ, investors to invest and |
consumers to consume. |
There is nothing about having more money in the Federal coffers |
that helps the economy grow. |
With a projected surplus of 5.6 trillion dollars over the next 10 |
years, it would be criminal not to enact a substantial, across-the- |
board tax cut. |
We must cut taxes because we can, and because we should. It truly |
is, the right thing to do by our economy. |
I wanted to make this presentation to the House Budget Committee |
because of the crucial role you play in setting the tone for this |
process. |
Mr. Chairman, I respectfully encourage you to follow the lead of |
the American people when they set their household budgets. |
Our constituents don't determine how much money they want to spend, |
and then go out and try to generate the income to match it. They look |
at their income level and then determine how much they can spend. |
Of course, the added rub of this is that the ``income'' we get is |
taken straight from the labors of the American people, and the more we |
take, the less they are able to do the things that drive our national |
economic state. |
I hope the committee will consider this as it prepares the budget, |
and that the revenue allocations you allot will reflect the need for a |
major tax cut. |
Our national economy is crying out for a large, pro-growth tax cut. |
This morning I have, along with a number of my colleagues, |
announced the drafting of such a bill. It protects Social Security and |
Medicare and is fair, comprehensive and substantial. |
Most importantly, it is needed. |
I ask that the committee support this kind of tax policy as it sets |
spending levels for the coming fiscal year. Thank you. |
Chairman Nussle. Thank you very much. |
In addition to taxes, do you have any advice for us on |
priorities when it comes to programmatic changes or priorities |
for either additional spending or reforms that you would like |
to point out from your testimony? |
Mr. Flake. I certainly think that the area of defense and |
the military needs to be strengthened. I think it has been |
discussed in the Conference and in just about every forum I |
have been in that we need to make that a priority, of |
strengthening the military and making sure our men and women in |
service are treated fairly. So I would certainly think that is |
a priority. |
In the area of education, I would hope that the priority |
isn't so much to see where we can spend extra money, but |
actually to see where we can increase flexibility for the |
States as they carry out their own priorities in education. So |
education is a major area. |
I would also like to see, as we move forward with some of |
the entitlement programs, that we leave room to get a start on |
what President Bush talked about during the campaign; that we |
actually move toward allowing Americans to invest some of their |
own savings in personal retirement accounts. So to the extent |
we need to set aside money to jump-start that process, I |
certainly think that is a great place to start. |
Chairman Nussle. Coming from Arizona, you have a lot of |
folks from Iowa that went down there to retire. You have more |
than we would like to send you, I might add. We would like to |
keep a few of them in the State, but your weather is slightly |
better than we have, during this time of year in particular. |
Do you have any advice for us in the areas of Social |
Security and Medicare? Clearly you have a constituency there |
that I would suspect would be concerned about those two |
programs as we move forward. Do you have any advice for us in |
those areas? |
Mr. Flake. Sure. I think the budget priorities that have |
been outlined so far, that we protect the Social Security |
surplus and use it only for Social Security, and the same with |
Medicare, I think that is something that ought to be honored. |
My constituents, a number of whom are your constituents |
part of the year, and many other Members of Congress here, |
certainly have voiced that to me throughout the campaign; and I |
continue to hear that. So, yes, that is a priority. |
Chairman Nussle. Thank you. |
Are there any other members who have questions? |
We appreciate your testimony and welcome to the Congress. |
We look forward to working with you as we try to formulate our |
priorities. |
Mr. Flake. Thank you. |
Chairman Nussle. Thank you very much. |
Our next witness is a new member--not only a new Member of |
Congress, but a new member of the committee from the State of |
Florida, Adam Putnam. |
And we not only welcome you to the Budget Committee as a |
member, but we welcome you here as a witness to give us your |
thoughts on budget priorities for the year. Your entire |
testimony will be made part of the record, and you may proceed |
during your 5 minutes as you would like. Welcome. |
Mr. Putnam. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, ranking member, and |
fellow members of the committee. I really am old enough to be |
here, I promise you. |
Mr. Spratt. I just said, Mr. Putnam, to the chairman that |
either we're getting older or they're getting younger; I'm not |
sure which. But welcome. |
Mr. Putnam. Well, the view from this witness table is no |
different than it is from the freshman spot on the committee. |
It is a long way up there. |
I thank you for providing me this opportunity to share my |
interests and priorities for this committee with you. Put |
simply, my priority is not a request for any new program but a |
request that we begin a process, the fruits of which may not be |
seen for decades. |
Just as we seek a bipartisan consensus on critical budget |
issues, such as the use of the existing tax surplus to fund |
national priorities, tax reform and reduction, and keeping |
Social Security and Medicare solvent and relevant, so we should |
also seek a generational consensus on these same issues. |
We particularly need to seek this consensus on Medicare and |
Social Security because together they consume 33 percent of the |
Federal budget and constitute the largest and most |
comprehensive public program in the United States. Social |
Security is part of nearly every American's life and an |
important source of income for most of today's older Americans. |
It provides more than half of the total income of two-thirds of |
today's retirees. Social Security provides nearly all of the |
income of one-third of the elderly. The Social Security |
Administration estimates that, without benefits, 47 percent of |
individuals 65 and older would live in poverty, four times as |
are in poverty today. |
My concern for developing this new consensus on Social |
Security and Medicare goes beyond the issue of a generational |
wealth transfer and straight to the heart of a relationship |
between a democratic government and the people. Pundits and |
politicians alike wonder at the decline in political |
participation and the rise in cynicism about government among |
today's young people. Let me suggest that a significant factor |
in this cynicism and lack of interest in political |
participation among young people--and baby boomers, too, for |
that matter--is a belief that government is incapable of |
fulfilling its responsibilities to programs like Social |
Security and Medicare because we in the Congress are incapable |
of moving beyond the polarizing rhetoric of campaigns to |
address the root of the problem: making Social Security and |
Medicare solvent and relevant beyond the 10-year projection. |
We can change that if together we seek and find a |
bipartisan and cross-generational consensus on reforms to the |
funding mechanisms for these programs. As a first step in that |
process, allow me to outline a few points where I think we can |
and should reach a consensus: |
First, let us agree that the surest way to secure Social |
Security and Medicare benefits for existing and future |
beneficiaries is to boost economic growth. Surely there is |
already a consensus among us that if the economy is larger, the |
unavoidable burden of supporting benefits for ever-larger |
numbers of retirees will be more feasible, economically and |
politically. |
Let us agree on the timing. I believe that we can reach a |
bipartisan and cross-generational consensus on these issues if, |
as we deliberate on the budget, we will commit ourselves to |
look beyond the next fiscal year and consider the next 50 years |
as well. We have an obligation to act now before the cash flow |
into the system turns negative, to put the system on a more |
economically and actuarially sound basis, to allay the fears of |
those who are counting on its benefits. |
Third, we must agree that we will review previously |
authorized programs for efficiency, effectiveness and |
relevance. Surely there can be a consensus among us that if |
government is efficient and economical in discretionary |
spending, it will free up resources for the nondiscretionary |
spending required to provide benefits to the growing numbers of |
retirees leaving the work force. |
Fourth, let us agree that as we seek to allay the fears of |
existing beneficiaries we will also act now to allay the fears |
of those just entering the work force as well. We can do that |
by seeking a bipartisan cross-generational consensus on reforms |
that will provide opportunities for a fairer return on |
contributions, while still preserving the traditional safety |
net features of the present system for existing beneficiaries |
and those who may prefer that system in the future. |
And finally, let us agree to tone down the rhetoric and be |
honest with each other and the American people. Honestly |
spoken, the challenge of dealing with Social Security and |
Medicare is a challenge too easily put off because it is a |
challenge that most of the people in this room will never have |
to face--present company excluded, of course. |
We all know that although outlays will begin exceeding |
receipts as early as 2013, depending on which projection you |
accept, the present system can serve unchanged until at least |
2030, long past the political and actuarial lifetime of most of |
today's voters and beneficiaries, if not their children. Thus, |
it is our challenge to act now to reach across the aisle and |
the generations to ensure that 30 years from now the |
government's commitment to future retirees is relevant and the |
system for making good on that commitment is solvent. |
If we work together, I am confident we can reach a |
bipartisan and generational consensus that will restore the |
faith of the American people that their tax dollars are wisely |
invested for their future retirement and that their government |
wisely anticipates and solves future problems on their behalf. |
Thank you, gentlemen. |
[The prepared statement of Congressman Putnam follows:] |
Prepared Statement of Hon. Adam Putnam, a Representative in Congress |
From the State of Florida |
Mr. Chairman, Mr. Ranking Member and fellow members of the House |
Committee on the Budget, thank you for providing me with this |
opportunity to share my budget interests and priorities with you. Put |
simply, my priority is not a request for a new program, but a request |
that we begin a process, the fruits of which may not be seen |
conclusively for decades. Just as we seek a bipartisan consensus on |
critical budget issues, such as use of the existing tax surplus to fund |
national priorities, tax reform and reduction, and keeping Social |
Security and Medicare solvent and relevant, so we should also seek a |
generational consensus on these same issues. |
We particularly need to seek this generational consensus on |
Medicare and Social Security because together they consume about 33 |
percent of the Federal budget and constitute the largest and most |
comprehensive public program in the United States\1\. Social Security |
is part of nearly every American's life and an important source of |
income for most of today's older Americans. Social Security provides |
more than half of the total income of two-thirds of today's retirees. |
Social Security provides nearly all of the income of one-third of the |
elderly. The Social Security Administration estimates that, without |
Social Security benefits, 47 percent of individuals aged 65 and older |
would live in poverty, four times as many as are in poverty today.\2\ |
Just as importantly we need to seek this generational consensus on |
Social Security and Medicare because for the first time in the history |
of these programs, significant populations from five generations of |
Americans have a claim on program benefits. |
[Total population 276,059,000]\3\ |
------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
Age group Population |
------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
Under 5 years........................................... 18,945,000 |
5 to 9 years............................................ 19,681,000 |
10 to 14 years.......................................... 20,017,000 |
15 to 19 years.......................................... 19,894,000 |
20 to 24 years.......................................... 18,693,000 |
25 to 29 years.......................................... 17,625,000 |
30 to 34 years.......................................... 19,564,000 |
35 to 39 years.......................................... 22,044,000 |
40 to 44 years.......................................... 22,769,000 |
45 to 49 years.......................................... 20,059,000 |
50 to 54 years.......................................... 17,626,000 |
55 to 59 years.......................................... 13,425,000 |
60 to 64 years.......................................... 10,757,000 |
65 to 69 years.......................................... 9,414,000 |
70 to 74 years.......................................... 8,758,000 |
75 to 79 years.......................................... 7,425,000 |
80 to 84 years.......................................... 4,968,000 |
85 to 89 years.......................................... 2,734,000 |
90 to 94 years.......................................... 1,196,000 |
95 to 99 years.......................................... 369,000 |
100 years and over...................................... 68,000 |
------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
Today, there are over 45.6 million Americans aged 60 and older, and |
over 1.5 million Americans aged 90 and over--including my grandfather, |
Dudley A. Putnam. Many Americans who are now retired, or who plan to |
retire in the near future, fear that benefits will be reduced, or the |
retirement age raised, because there are not enough young workers |
entering the work force to fund Social Security and Medicare through a |
``pay as you go'' payroll tax based system. |
As one assesses the impact on the system as members of the ``Baby |
Boom Generation'' stop paying payroll taxes and start claiming benefits |
it is clear that their fears are not unjustified. Over 76.5 million |
Americans belong to the Baby Boom Generation, that's almost one-third |
of our present population of 270 million and the core of our work |
force.\4\ Needless to say, as the Baby Boomers begin to retire the |
impact on the economy and Social Security and Medicare will be |
staggering. Without immediate action on our part, Social Security and |
Medicare, as now funded, are not sustainable. |
In 1945 the ratio of workers to beneficiaries was 41.9 to 1. |
By 1950 it had decreased by more than half to 16.5 to 1. |
By 1960 it had again decreased by more than two thirds to 5.1 to 1. |
By 1975 the ratio had decreased down to 3.2 workers for each |
beneficiary. |
The ratio of workers to recipients has held fairly steady since the |
mid-1970's. Currently the ratio stands at about 3.4 workers to each |
recipient. As the Baby Boom Generation begins to retire this ratio will |
continue to decrease, eventually reaching a level of two workers for |
each recipient by approximately 2030.\5\ |
Just as many older Americans look upon the retirement of the Baby |
Boomers and fear benefit reductions or an increase in the retirement |
age, so many Americans of my generation look at the retirement of the |
Baby Boomers and rightly doubt the future viability of a ``pay as you |
go'' system. Many younger workers question the fairness of a retirement |
system where three out of every four dollars that they and their |
employers send in go to pay for their parents' and grandparents' |
benefits.\6\ Workers aged 22 to 34 already pay the highest Social |
Security tax rates, an effective rate of over 10 percent in some |
cases,\7\ yet they do not receive a market-based return on their |
contributions. Is there any wonder that they doubt the relevance of a |
system that taxes them at 10 percent, yet produces a declining rate of |
return on their cash contributions that is far lower than they could |
earn through investing their contributions in a simple certificate of |
deposit? |
Indeed, young workers can expect future returns from Social |
Security of from only 0.58 percent (for high-wage earners) to 2.93 |
percent (for low-wage workers) if the system somehow manages to pay all |
future benefits without raising taxes\8\ and young workers rightly fear |
that to fund a pay as you go system, payroll taxes will be raised to |
ruinous levels as the ratio of workers to beneficiaries decreases. As |
the following chart illustrates, their fears are not unjustified |
because, as might be expected, as the ratio of workers to recipients |
has fallen, the tax rates paid by workers have risen. |
In 1945 the FICA tax rate was 1 percent. |
By 1950 it had risen to 1.5 percent. |
By 1960 it had doubled to 3 percent. |
By 1975 it stood at 4.95 percent. |
Since 1975 the tax rates paid by individuals for Social Security |
have risen to 6.2 percent, plus an additional 6.2 percent paid by their |
employers, making a total of 12.4 percent. Perhaps even more |
importantly, the taxable earnings bases have also risen steadily since |
the inception of Social Security, from a low of $3,000 to the current |
high of $80,400.\9\ |
When the ratio of workers to beneficiaries was over 40 to 1, and |
the tax rate was 1 percent on the first $3,000 of income, a pay as you |
go system was a viable option. When the ratio of workers to recipients |
approaches 2 to 1 and the effective tax rate is at 10 percent and |
rising, the need for a new consensus is clear. |
My concern for developing this new consensus on Social Security and |
Medicare goes beyond the issue of a generational wealth transfer and |
straight to the heart of the relationship between a democratic |
government and the people. Pundits and politicians alike wonder at the |
decline in political participation and the rise in cynicism about |
government among today's young people. Let me suggest that a |
significant factor in this cynicism and lack of interest in political |
participation among young people--and Baby Boomers too for that |
matter--is a belief that government is incapable of fulfilling its |
responsibilities to programs like Social Security and Medicare because |
we in the Congress are incapable of moving beyond the polarizing |
rhetoric of campaigns to address the root of the problem--making Social |
Security and Medicare solvent and relevant beyond the 10 year |
projection. We can change that if together we seek, and find, a |
bipartisan and cross-generational consensus on reforms to the funding |
mechanism for Social Security and Medicare. |
As a first step in the consensus building process, please allow me |
to outline a few points where I believe we can and should reach |
consensus. |
First, let us agree that the surest way to preserve Social Security |
and Medicare benefits for existing and future beneficiaries is to boost |
economic growth. Surely there is already a consensus among us that if |
the economy is larger, the unavoidable burden of supporting benefits |
for ever larger numbers of retirees will be more feasible economically |
and politically.\10\ |
Second, let us agree on the timing. I believe that we can reach a |
bipartisan and cross-generational consensus on these important issues |
if, as we deliberate on the budget, we will commit ourselves to look |
beyond the next fiscal year and consider the next fifty years as well. |
We have an obligation to act now--before the cash flow into the system |
turns negative--to put the system on a more economically and |
actuarially sound basis to allay the fears of those who are counting on |
its benefits. |
Third, we must review previously authorized programs for |
efficiency, effectiveness and relevance. Surely there can be a |
consensus among us that if government is efficient and economical in |
discretionary spending it will free up resources for the non- |
discretionary spending required to provide benefits to the growing |
numbers of retirees leaving the work force. |
Fourth, let us agree that as we seek to allay the fears of existing |
beneficiaries we will also act now to allay the fears of those just |
entering the work force, too. We can do that by seeking a bipartisan |
and cross generational consensus on reforms that will provide |
opportunities for a fairer return on contributions while still |
preserving the traditional safety net features of the present system |
for existing beneficiaries and those who may prefer that system in the |
future. |
Finally, let us agree to tone down the rhetoric and be honest with |
each other and the American people; honestly spoken, the challenge of |
dealing with Social Security and Medicare is a challenge too easily put |
off, because it is a challenge that most of the people in this room |
will never have to face. |
We all know that, although outlays will begin exceeding receipts as |
early as 2013, depending on which projection you accept, the present |
system could serve unchanged until at least 2030, long past the |
political and actuarial lifetime of most of today's voters and |
beneficiaries--if not their children. Thus it is our challenge to act |
now to reach across the aisle, and the generations, to ensure that 30 |
years from now the government's commitment to future retirees is |
relevant and the system for making good on that commitment is solvent. |
If we work together I am confident we can reach a bipartisan and |
generational consensus on Social Security and Medicare that will |
restore the faith of the American people that their tax dollars are |
wisely invested for their future retirement, and that their government |
wisely anticipates and solves future problems on their behalf. |
Footnotes |
1. CBO estimate for fiscal year 2000 (Social Security + Medicare = |
$622 billion) |
2. Thomas F. Siems, senior economist and policy advisor, Federal |
Reserve Bank of Dallas, January 23, 2001 for the CATO Institute |
3. Population Estimates Program, Population Division, U.S. Census |
Bureau, Washington, D.C. 20233 |
4. US Census Bureau, Characteristics of Baby Boomers |
5. Office of the Chief Actuary, Social Security Administration, |
June 16, 1998 (historical data), April 9, 1999 (projected data) |
6. Robert D. Reischauer (Director of CBO 1989 to 1995) in AARP |
Bulletin Online, January 2000 |
7. The Heritage Foundation, Average Effective Social Security Tax |
Rates, 1999: Note the average effective OASDI tax rate is total OASDI |
taxes divided by total income. This differs from the OASDI statutory |
tax rate of 12.4 percent on earned income below the taxable wage cap |
($76,200 in 2000) because the share of earned income to total income |
can differ from worker to worker. Likewise, not all workers are subject |
to the OASDI tax, so the average effective Social Security tax rate can |
vary significantly from worker to worker. Other sources of income, |
besides wages and salaries, include public assistance, Social Security, |
private pensions, alimony and child support, interest, rent and |
dividends, all of which affect the average effective OASDI tax rate. |
8. Thomas F. Siems, senior economist and policy advisor, Federal |
Reserve Bank of Dallas, January 23, 2001 for the CATO Institute |
9. Social Security Bulletin, Annual Statistical Supplement, 1999 |
10. Robert D. Reischauer (Director of CBO 1989 to 1995) in AARP |
Bulletin Online, January 2000 |
Chairman Nussle. Thank you. |
Are there questions for this witness? |
Mr. Spratt. Mr. Putnam, we have a surplus according to CBO |
of about $5.6 trillion; 2.5 of that is Social Security and |
another $400 billion is Medicare. Do you think that the non- |
Social Security, non-Medicare surplus ought to be apportioned |
so maybe a third of it at least is set aside in some kind of |
strategic reserve, in some kind of fund for the eventual use of |
Social Security and Medicare's long-term solvency? Is that |
unreasonable? |
Mr. Putnam. Well, without assigning a specific number to |
it, I think it is reasonable for us to set aside dollars to |
ensure that those programs are solvent and relevant. But I |
think that the past recent history of this body shows us that |
it is also important that we contain spending, and the best way |
to do that is to take the money out of Washington and put it |
back in the hands of the consumers, families, the workers; and |
I think that responsible tax cuts are a way to do that. |
But, clearly, we also have an obligation to ensure that the |
debt reduction scenarios continue to play out and we will |
indeed be on course to eliminate that debt which is redeemable; |
and that we will also continue to have reserves for Social |
Security and Medicare in the sense that those will continue to |
be solvent. |
Mr. Spratt. OK. |
Chairman Nussle. Mr. Sununu. |
Mr. Sununu. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. |
Congressman, as someone who has been campaigning recently |
and sort of for the first time, I think there is no question |
that in an initial congressional campaign you approach it |
without any biases, I think in many respects, on issues; and |
maybe your ear is a little more closely attuned to voters and |
constituents. |
I am curious to know what your impression was on taxes in |
particular when you spoke to voters and potential constituents |
during the campaign. What was highlighted as being a priority, |
not just for tax relief, but also for tax reform or |
simplification? In other words, what elements of the Tax Code |
do you think engendered the most frustration from taxpayers |
that you would highlight as a priority to try to address in a |
broad tax relief proposal to eliminate some of the frustration |
with the unfairness in the code? |
Mr. Putnam. Thank you, Mr. Vice Chairman. There were a |
number of issues that came up that--let me describe for you my |
district to sort of set the stage. |
I represent central Florida. I don't have any part of the |
coast. It is an interior district, predominantly rural, |
suburban, large agricultural holdings. The death tax, the |
estate tax, probably engenders the most concern among small |
farms, particularly as the older generation is approaching the |
point at which they are incapable of managing the day-to-day |
affairs of their business, their farm, their grove operation, |
their ranch; that they are looking for ways to pass that on to |
their heirs in a way that they will be able to continue in that |
business. With the inflated land prices in Florida, the |
combination of capital gains, and the death tax is the single |
greatest killer of small agriculture in my State. |
But you also raise an important point that I heard an awful |
lot about on the campaign trail, that is tax simplification. |
There is a tremendous frustration with government when you can |
take 10 of the best CPAs money can buy that present the same |
tax question to them that get 7, 8, 9 different answers from 10 |
different CPAs; or you can call the IRS hotlines several times |
in a row and get a different answer to the same question. |
The frustration is that when the code has become so complex |
that the very agents who are employed to enforce it aren't in |
agreement on how to enforce it, that when our professionals who |
are paid to consult us on how to present our taxes are not in |
agreement on it, then we have a major problem that undermines |
people's faith in the system. It undermines people's belief in |
the fairness of the law, that it forces ordinary, hard-working |
law-abiding citizens to come afoul of the law--in other words, |
to be criminals. That is a very, very frustrating predicament |
that a lot of those folks find themselves in. |
So the combination of the estate tax and a call for some |
tax simplification were the two most frequent things I heard on |
the trail. |
Mr. Sununu. Thank you. |
Chairman Nussle. Thank you very much for your testimony. We |
appreciate your testimony here today and we look forward to |
your service on the committee. We understand you also will be |
serving on the Agriculture Committee. |
Mr. Putnam. I will. |
Chairman Nussle. And as you pointed out--and it is true for |
my district; I know also for Ranking Member Spratt's district, |
a number of others--agriculture is going to be a key priority |
and issue we are going to have to discuss this year. So we |
appreciate your service and look forward to your advice on that |
as well. |
Mr. Putnam. Thank you, Mr. Chairman and Mr. Ranking Member. |
Chairman Nussle. Thank you. |
The next witness we will hear from today is a colleague |
from Indiana, a new member, Mike Pence. And we welcome you to |
the Budget Committee. We would like to incorporate your |
testimony in its entirety in the record, and during your 5 |
minutes we would invite you to summarize and give us your |
advice on budget priorities for this fiscal year. |
Mr. Pence. Thank you very much, Chairman Nussle, and senior |
members of the committee. It is quite an honor for a small-town |
boy and a member of the freshman class to be able to address |
this committee. |
Mr. Spratt. You are talking to someone from York, South |
Carolina, so we come from the same background. |
Mr. Pence. I want to indicate that I am part of the gray |
hair caucus in the freshman class. My predecessor and colleague |
is holding forth on the good looks and the youthfulness. But it |
is an honor to be here before you to share my thoughts on the |
budget for the coming fiscal year. |
As hundreds of layoffs in my Indiana district attest, this |
economy, in my judgment, Mr. Chairman, is listing badly under |
the weight of 8 years of increased taxes and regulation. I come |
to the committee today to urge the Republican Congress to |
become the Congress of economic recovery by passing tax relief, |
significant tax relief, quickly for the American people. |
As President Bush has argued in his tax proposal and as |
others and I have argued in the Economic Growth and Recovery |
Act, a tax reduction will allow families, small businesses and |
family farms to exercise the entrepreneurial spirit that is |
imperative to restoring the economic vitality of east central |
Indiana and the country as a whole. It is appropriate that the |
revival of that spirit begin here in this committee where tax |
relief will be reflected in the next budget. |
If Congress is to repeal the death tax and the marriage |
penalty and enact marginal rate reductions, the new budget must |
reflect the fiscal discipline that is necessary for such cuts. |
The $5.7 trillion surplus that CBO has projected must not be |
the victim of Members of Congress eager to appease special |
interest groups. Rather, Congress should follow the lead of |
President Bush and begin the charge to trust the people with |
their money. After saving Social Security, Congress should pass |
a substantial--in my judgment, in excess of $2 trillion--tax |
cut. A failure to cut taxes by Congress would not only be a |
lost investment in the long-term economic success of the United |
States, it would bequeath future generations a legacy of |
irresponsibility. We must set a new precedent in a time of |
unprecedented surpluses. |
As I mentioned earlier, the zero growth economy has already |
begun to disrupt the lives and businesses of east central |
Indiana's businesses, Mr. Chairman. Cummins Engine Company in |
my hometown of Columbus, Daimler Chrysler in Newcastle, |
Indiana, have both, as major employers, announced layoffs that |
not only affect the lives of the companies' workers but the |
small businesses whose economic success hinges on the health of |
the local economy. For that reason, I feel that any action |
taken by Congress must foment economic recovery in our local |
communities by enacting tax reductions quickly and completely. |
Budget spending should in turn reflect this goal. Any |
marginal tax rate reduction that Congress enacts should be |
across the board and, in my judgment, retroactive to 2001, |
January 1. Additionally, the marriage penalty and death tax |
reduction should be more inclusive and phased in sooner than |
even what our President has requested. |
Such a tax cut may be attacked as too risky or |
irresponsible, yet a $2 trillion tax cut would represent only |
1.5 percent of GDP. Opponents of a significant tax cut do not |
recognize that the current tax rate on work, savings and |
investment penalizes productive behavior and impedes economic |
growth. At the same time, the growing budget surplus represents |
lost investment that would undoubtedly cause economic growth. |
Anti-tax cut proponents, Mr. Chairman, argue that cutting |
taxes will signal the return of deficits, a premise |
contradicted by the Clinton administration's own budget |
documents. In early 1995, nearly 18 months after enactment of |
the 1993 tax increase, the Office of Management that Budget |
projected budget deficits of more than $200 billion for the |
next 10 years. |
Critics also argue that a big tax cut would make it harder |
to reform Medicare or modernize Social Security by allowing |
younger workers to shift some of their payroll taxes into |
personal retirement accounts. Given the magnitudes of the |
projected budget surpluses, there is no conflict between those |
goals. Moreover, entitlement reform would be desirable even |
without a budget surplus because it would significantly reduce |
the long-run unfounded liability of both programs. Large |
projected surpluses simply make it easier for legislators to |
implement the necessary policies. |
Finally, Mr. Chairman, as I said today, with friends |
gathered around the endorsement of the Economic Recovery and |
Growth Act in the sunshine at the foot of the steps of the |
House of Representatives, I simply believe that it is morally |
wrong for the Federal Government to become wealthy while some |
Americans are becoming poor. |
In summary, I urge the committee to set revenue levels that |
assume a substantial tax cut like the one offered by the |
President and that is crafted in the Economic Recovery and |
Growth Act from my friend, the distinguished gentleman from |
Pennsylvania, Representative Pat Toomey. In addition, it is my |
hope that the Budget Committee resolution will include a |
reconciliation instruction for the Ways and Means Committee to |
report out a bill that will keep our promise to significantly |
cut taxes for all Americans. |
[The prepared statement of Congressman Pence follows:] |
Prepared Statement of Hon. Mike Pence, a Representative in Congress |
From the State of Indiana |
Thank you Chairman Nussle for inviting my freshman colleagues and |
me here today to share our thoughts on the budget for the coming fiscal |
year. As hundreds of layoffs in my Indiana district attest, this |
economy is listing badly under the weight of eight years of increased |
taxes and regulation. I come to the committee today to urge the |
Republican Congress to become the Congress of economic recovery by |
passing tax relief. As President Bush has argued in his tax proposal, |
and as others and I have argued in the Economic Growth and Recovery |
Act, a tax reduction will allow families, small businesses and family |
farms to exercise the entrepreneurial spirit that is imperative to |
restoring the economic vitality of east central Indiana and the |
country. It is appropriate that the revival of that spirit will begin |
here in this committee where tax relief will be reflected in the next |
budget. |
If Congress is to repeal the death tax and the marriage penalty and |
enact marginal rate reductions the new budget must reflect the fiscal |
discipline that is necessary for such cuts. The $5.7 trillion surplus |
that the CBO has projected must not be the victim of members of |
Congress eager to appease special interest groups. Rather, Congress |
should follow the lead of President Bush and begin the charge to trust |
the people with their money. After saving Social Security, Congress |
should pass a substantial $2.2 trillion tax cut. A failure to cut taxes |
by Congress would not only be a lost investment in the long term |
economic success of the United States it would bequeath future |
generations a legacy of irresponsibility. We must set a new precedent |
in a time of unprecedented surpluses. |
As I mentioned earlier, the zero growth economy has already begun |
to disrupt the lives and businesses of East Central Indiana's |
residents. Cummins Engine and Daimler Chrysler have already announced |
layoffs that not only affect the lives of the company workers, but the |
small businesses whose economic success hinges on the health of the |
local economy. For that reason, I feel that any action taken by |
Congress must foment economic recovery in our local communities by |
enacting tax reductions quickly and completely. Budget spending should |
in turn reflect this goal. Any marginal tax reduction Congress enacts |
should be across the board and retroactive to January 1, 2001. |
Additional, the marriage penalty and death tax reductions should be |
more inclusive and phased in sooner than what President Bush has |
requested. |
Such a tax cut may be attacked as too risky or irresponsible, yet a |
$2.2 trillion tax cut would represent only 1.5 percent of GDP. |
Opponents of a significant tax cut do not recognize that the current |
tax rate on work, savings, and investment penalizes productive behavior |
and impedes economic growth. At the same time, the growing budget |
surplus represents lost investment that would undoubtedly cause |
economic growth. |
Anti-tax cut proponents argue that cutting taxes will signal the |
return of deficits, a premise contradicted by Clinton Administration |
budget documents. In early 1995, nearly 18 months after enactment of |
the 1993 tax increase, the Office of Management and Budget projected |
budget deficits of more than $200 billion for the next 10 years. |
Critics also argue that a big tax cut would make it harder to |
reform Medicare or modernize Social Security by allowing younger |
workers to shift some of their payroll taxes into personal retirement |
accounts. Given the magnitude of the projected budget surpluses, there |
is no conflict between these goals. Moreover, entitlement reform would |
be desirable even without a budget surplus because it would |
significantly reduce the long-run unfounded liability of both programs. |
Large projected surpluses simply make it easier for legislators to |
implement the necessary policies. |
In summary, I urge the committee to set revenue levels that assume |
a substantial tax cut like the one offered by the President and our |
colleague Rep. Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania. In addition, it is my hope |
that the Budget Committee resolution will include a reconciliation |
instruction for the Ways and Means Committee to report out a bill that |
will keep our promise to significantly cut taxes for all Americans. |
Chairman Nussle. Thank you. |
Are there questions for this witness? |
If not, thank you very much for your testimony and we look |
forward to working with you. |
Mr. Pence. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. |
Chairman Nussle. The next witness is also from this |
committee, the gentleman from Texas, Mr. Culberson, who is a |
new member of the Budget Committee and who I have had an |
opportunity to already get to know and to work with in the |
early transition of this committee. |
We would invite you to the witness table and we will have |
your testimony as part of the record, without objection, and |
you may use your 5 minutes to summarize your testimony before |
the committee. |
Mr. Culberson. Thank you, Mr. Chairman it is an honor for |
me to be here today, and I want to especially thank you, Mr. |
Chairman, Ranking Member Spratt, for giving each member of the |
freshman class of the 107th Congress this marvelous opportunity |
to speak to you and to all the committee members, to share our |
ideas with you based on our own personal experience in the |
election campaigns we have all just come through. |
I have provided the committee with copies of my testimony, |
as well as some exhibits I would like you to look at as well to |
support the testimony I will be giving here today, and I do |
intend to be brief. |
I am especially privileged to be here as only the third |
Congressman from Texas's District Seven in Houston. The only |
other Congressmen to ever represent this district have been |
George Bush and Bill Archer. George Bush served two terms and |
Chairman Archer served our district for 30 years before |
retiring in the last election cycle. These two great men have |
genuinely created a very special legacy of principled honorable |
leadership in our district that I will do my very best to |
uphold. |
This special legacy, combined with the length of Bill |
Archer's service and the large number of talented, motivated, |
and well-educated citizens in our district, created a very |
competitive election campaign and a field of eight candidates |
last year, which made this campaign especially vivid and fresh |
in my mind, as are the voices and opinions of our voters and my |
predecessors. |
My experience in this campaign and the advice that I have |
obtained from my predecessors, and my own experience in the |
legislature, has given me a lot of valuable insight into the |
question Chairman Nussle has asked us to answer today: What |
budget reforms would I and the voters of District Seven like to |
see the Congress enact? |
District Seven's highest budget priority is to preserve and |
protect America's balanced Federal budget through ongoing |
fiscal discipline, tax cuts to reduce the tax surplus and, |
above all, by approving a balanced budget amendment to the |
United States Constitution. |
We know these principles work in Texas because we have |
proven them and tested it repeatedly in our State government. I |
have just completed 14 years of service to 150,000 of District |
7's residents as their State representative. Over the last 6 |
years I served alongside Governor Bush and his staff in helping |
them enact the key elements of his legislative program in |
Texas, public education reform, criminal justice reform, tort |
reform, and tax cuts to strengthen our economy and reduce |
Texas's record tax surpluses. |
We were successful on every count in Texas, and the voters |
in Texas measured the legislature and the Governor against this |
record to make Governor Bush the first Governor to be reelected |
to a full 4-year term in 1998. |
Therefore, Mr. Chairman, I can testify from personal |
experience that statutory and constitutional balanced budget |
requirements have a very healthy effect on every detail of the |
appropriations process and impose fiscal discipline on |
legislators, regulators, public employees, and public agencies. |
Based on this experience, I also want to suggest that |
Congress enact two other proven budget reforms. I am not sure |
exactly what form this would take in the Federal Government, |
but I could point you first for guidance to Article 8, Section |
22 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 316 of the Texas |
Government Code, which are included in the exhibits I provided |
to the committee. These are speed governors on spending, which |
have had a very healthy effect on our State budget in Texas. |
The core of both of these provisions essentially provides that, |
quote, ``the rate of growth of appropriations from State |
revenues not dedicated by the constitution shall not exceed the |
estimated rate of growth of the State's economy,'' essentially |
limiting spending increases to no more than is brought in by |
natural growth in the State's economy. |
I believe Florida has similar language in your |
constitution, Congressman, by the way, and we visited about |
that before, and I know has worked well in your State as well. |
Again, I am not sure what form that would take in the |
Federal law, but one that I hope we will all work on together |
to implement after we get our budget resolution done. |
Secondly, I would like to direct the committee's attention |
to the performance-based budgeting process we have used in |
Texas very successfully for a number of years. I have attached |
several exhibits which give you some perspective on the opinion |
of members of the legislature on the effectiveness of |
performance-based budgeting, and these exhibits show that it is |
the consensus of every member of the legislature overwhelmingly |
that the adoption of performance-based budgeting has improved |
the accountability and efficiency of State agencies and |
employees, saved taxpayers a great deal of money, and made the |
entire--all of State government more accountable to both the |
legislature and to the taxpayers. |
These are the most important budget reforms that I and the |
people of the District 7 would suggest to you here today to |
ensure that we preserve and protect our balanced budget, |
balanced Federal budget, reduce the tax surplus and strengthen |
our Nation's economy. |
As I learn more about the Federal budget process, other |
ideas based on my experiences in Texas will undoubtedly come to |
mind. In the meantime, I look forward to working with you, |
Chairman Nussle, and with the entire committee to complete our |
budget resolution in a timely manner so we can then move on to |
a detailed discussion of budget reform ideas that I and my |
freshman colleagues have presented here today. I genuinely want |
to thank you for allowing us who are on the freshman campaign |
trail this opportunity to speak to the committee and offer our |
best ideas. Thank you very much. |
Mr. Sununu [presiding]. Thank you very much, John. Any |
questions from your committee members? Thank you for your time |
and your presentation. |
[The prepared statement of Congressman Culberson follows:] |
Prepared Statement of Hon. John Culberson, a Representative in Congress |
From the State of Texas |
Mr. Chairman, Ranking Member Spratt, thank you for giving us this |
valuable opportunity to share our ideas with you and the Budget |
Committee. |
I am privileged to be here today as the third congressman from |
Texas' District 7 in Houston. The only other congressmen to represent |
our district were George Bush and Bill Archer. George Bush served two |
terms, and Chairman Archer served our district for 30 years before |
retiring. These two great men have created a special legacy of |
principled, honorable leadership in our district that I will do my best |
to uphold. This special legacy, combined with the length of Bill |
Archer's service and the large number of talented, motivated and well |
educated citizens in District 7 created an extremely competitive |
election campaign among a field of eight candidates last year. |
This campaign is very fresh and vivid in my mind, as are the voices |
and opinions of our voters and my predecessors on the question that |
Chairman Jim Nussle has graciously asked us to answer today: What |
budget reforms would I and the people of District 7 like to see the |
Congress enact? |
District Seven's highest budget priority is to preserve and protect |
America's balanced Federal budget through ongoing fiscal discipline, |
tax cuts to reduce the tax surplus, and above all, by approving a |
balanced budget amendment to the United States Constitution. We know |
these principles work because we have proven them and tested them |
repeatedly in our state government in Texas. |
I have just completed 14 years of service to 150,000 of District |
Seven's residents as their state representative. Over the last six |
years, I served alongside Governor George W. Bush and worked hard to |
help him enact the key elements of his legislative program: public |
education reform, criminal justice reform, juvenile justice reform, |
tort reform, and tax cuts to strengthen our economy and reduce Texas' |
record tax surpluses. We were successful on every count, and voters |
measured us against this record to re-elect George Bush as Governor in |
1998. |
Therefore, Mr. Chairman, I can testify from personal experience |
that statutory and constitutional balanced budget requirements have a |
very healthy effect on every detail of the appropriations process, and |
impose fiscal discipline on legislators, regulators, public employees |
and public agencies. |
Based on this experience, I also want to suggest that Congress |
enact two other proven budget reforms. The first is a ``speed |
governor'' on spending similar to Article 8, Section 22 of the Texas |
Constitution and Chapter 316 of the Texas Government Code which state: |
``the rate of growth of appropriations from tax revenues not dedicated |
by [the] constitution [shall not] exceed the estimated rate of growth |
of the state's economy.'' |
Second, I hope the Congress will enact Performance Based Budgeting |
as the foundation for our budget and appropriations process. As the |
attached exhibits show, Performance Based Budgeting has improved the |
accountability and efficiency of state agencies, according to an |
overwhelming majority of Texas state leaders. |
These are the most important budget reforms that I and the people I |
represent would suggest that the Congress enact to ensure that we |
preserve and protect our balanced Federal budget, reduce the tax |
surplus and strengthen our nation's economy. As I learn more about the |
Federal budget process, other ideas based on my experiences in Texas |
will undoubtedly come to mind. In the meantime, I look forward to |
working with you, Chairman Nussle, to complete our Budget Resolution in |
a timely manner so we can then move on to a detailed discussion of the |
budget reform ideas that I and my freshman colleagues have presented |
today. |
Again, thank you for the opportunity to testify before the |
committee today. |
Mr. Sununu. Our next witness is a new member, of course, |
from New York, the Honorable Steve Israel. |
Welcome, Congressman. |
Mr. Israel. Thank you very much. Let me thank the chairman |
and the ranking member and all members of this committee for |
affording freshmen the opportunity to be heard. I especially |
want to thank Chairman Nussle for using his first hearing as |
budget Chairman to listen to new members. |
Before coming to the House, I served as town councilman in |
Huntington, Long Island. In my town I led the successful effort |
to reduce and stabilize property taxes for 7 consecutive years, |
slash our debt payments virtually in half, and meet the |
critical needs of our time from child care, to senior care, to |
the environment. And although Huntington's $145 million budget |
is a minute fraction of the Federal Government's budget, the |
same responsible fiscal philosophies have to apply: paying down |
our debt, offering sustained and consistent tax relief, and |
meeting the immediate needs of our citizens. |
I have spoken to thousands of my constituents in New York's |
Second Congressional District, and when I ask them how should |
we budget, they tell you what you would expect to hear: Run it |
like a business. Just as a small business owner would use |
common sense in running a business, so, too, should we use |
common sense in running our government. They say we have to |
live within our means, pay our debts, and invest in our future. |
Just as in a business if there is a surplus, a real surplus, it |
should be returned to the shareholders, and in this case the |
American people, returned to the American people by shoring up |
Social Security and Medicare and providing common-sense tax |
relief. |
Here is how I believe we should do it: First, thousands of |
working families in my district need relief from the marriage |
tax penalty, a perverse effect of the Tax Code that makes a |
married couple pay more in taxes than if they were two single |
people. We need to repeal the marriage penalty. |
Secondly, small business owners need relief from estate |
taxes, taxes that make it virtually impossible to pass along a |
lifetime of work to the next generation. Nationally |
approximately 70 percent of family-owned business are not kept |
in the family once a parent dies. |
Third, we can and should reduce marginal tax rates |
progressively and fairly. These reductions must provide maximum |
relief to hard-working, middle-class families, who are the |
backbone of our economy. |
And fourth, we should continue to pare down our debt. |
Overall I am encouraged by the Federal Reserve Chairman's |
recent comments about the state of our economy. He indicated |
that the current budget surpluses are large enough to |
accommodate both the gradual elimination of the national debt |
and a significant reduction in Federal taxes. Paying down our |
debt means lower inflation and lower interest rates for |
everyone. That is like a tax cut for everyone who has a |
mortgage, a small business, a car loan or student loan. |
In the words of my local newspaper, Newsday, we should |
focus on those elements that have, quote, ``strong bipartisan |
support, eliminating the marriage penalty and a cut in the |
marginal rate for lower and middle-income tax brackets. The |
result would be meaningful cuts for a broad swath of |
taxpayers.'' . |
Above all, Mr. Chairman and Ranking Member and all members, |
Democrats and Republicans can agree on this: Discipline is |
vital. I commend the President for understanding that we have |
to assess the spending side of the ledger as part of any |
comprehensive tax relief plan. At the end of the day, the |
linchpin to any economic blueprint is a balanced budget. That |
is how any household operates, how any business operates. That |
is how my town operated. And that is why any bipartisan fiscal |
plan must include vigilance: a rigorous annual assessment of |
our ability to sustain tax cuts, provide adequate investments |
and eliminate our debt. |
We must continue the economic formula that created the long |
boom of the 1990's: fiscal discipline and investment in the |
knowledge and skills of the American people. Sensible use of |
the surplus will ensure that our Nation reaps the economic |
benefits of both national debt reduction and tax relief for |
working families. And I thank you for your consideration. |
Mr. Sununu. Thank you very much. |
[The prepared statement of Congressman Israel follows:] |
Prepared Statement of Hon. Steve Israel, a Representative in Congress |
From the State of New York |
Mr. Chairman, before coming to the House, I served as a town |
councilman in Huntington, Long Island. In my town, I led the successful |
effort to reduce and stabilize property taxes for 7 consecutive years, |
slash our debt payments virtually in half, and meet critical needs from |
child care to senior care to the environment. Although Huntington's |
$145 million budget is a minute fraction of the Federal Government's |
budget, the same responsible budgeting philosophies apply: paying down |
the debt, offering sustained and consistent tax relief, and meeting the |
immediate needs of our citizens. |
Now we have an opportunity to apply those principles here in |
Washington. In the words of Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, |
``The time has come, in my judgment, to consider a budgetary strategy |
that is consistent with a preemptive smoothing of the glide path to |
zero Federal debt or, more realistically, to the level of Federal debt |
that is an effective irreducible minimum.'' |
We ought to be running the government like a business. Just as a |
small business owner uses common sense in running a business, so too |
should we use common sense in running the government. We have to live |
within our means, pay our debts, and invest in our future. And just as |
in a business, if there' is a surplus--a real surplus--it should be |
returned to the shareholders, in this case the American people. It can |
be returned to the American people by shoring up Social Security and |
Medicare and providing common sense tax relief. |
Here is how: |
First, thousands of working families in my district need relief |
from the marriage tax penalty a perverse effect of the tax code that |
makes a married couple pay more in taxes than if they were two single |
people. According to the Congressional Budget Office, more than 21 |
million married couples have fallen victim to the marriage penalty, at |
an average of $1,400 per year. |
Second, small business owners need relief from estate taxes--taxes |
that make it impossible to pass along a lifetime of work to the next |
generation. Nationwide, approximately 70 percent of family-owned |
businesses are not kept in the family once a parent dies. |
Third, we can and should reduce marginal tax rates progressively |
and fairly. These reductions must provide maximum relief to hard |
working middle class families who are the backbone of our economy. |
Fourth, we must continue to pay down our debt. Overall, I am |
encouraged by the Federal Reserve Chairman's recent comments about the |
state of our economy. He indicated that the current budget surpluses |
are large enough to accommodate both the gradual elimination of the |
national debt and a significant reduction in Federal taxes. Paying down |
the debt means lower inflation and lower interest rates for everyone. |
That's a tax cut for anyone who has a mortgage, a small business, a car |
loan, or a student loan--in effect, everyone. |
In the words of my local paper Long Island Newsday, we should focus |
on those elements that have ``strong bipartisan support * * * |
eliminating the marriage penalty (and) a cut in the marginal rate for |
lower and middle-income tax brackets * * * the result would be |
meaningful cuts for a broad swath of taxpayers.'' |
Above all, Mr. Chairman, Democrats and Republicans can agree on |
this: discipline is vital. I commend President Bush for understanding |
that we have to assess the spending side of the ledger as part of any |
comprehensive tax relief plan. At the end of the day, the linchpin to |
any economic blueprint is a balanced budget. That is how any household |
operates, how any business operates, and that is how my town operates. |
And that is why any bipartisan fiscal plan must include vigilance: a |
rigorous annual assessment of our ability to sustain tax cuts, provide |
adequate investments, and eliminate our debt. |
We must continue the economic formula that created the long boom of |
the 1990's--fiscal discipline and investment in the knowledge and |
skills of the American people. Sensible use of the surplus will ensure |
our nation reaps the economic benefits of both national debt reduction |
and tax relief for working families. |
Mr. Sununu. Any questions? |
I have a brief question. You talked about cutting marginal |
rates, and the top marginal rate is 40 percent--a 40-percent |
personal income tax rate. If we are going to cut marginal rates |
in the various brackets--the President has proposed cutting the |
28 percent bracket down to 25, the 15 percent bracket down to |
10--why not provide some relief for the 40 percent marginal |
rate bracket, which is obviously a pretty big disincentive to |
productivity when your next dollar, not quite, but nearly half |
of it is going to go to the Federal Government? Why not cut the |
top--are you opposed to cutting the top marginal bracket? I |
guess that is the question. |
Mr. Israel. In my view nothing is off the table so long as |
we have the ability to sustain those reductions and not return |
to the days of roller coaster tax increases. So I would |
consider virtually everything that is on the table including |
reducing that level of taxation. |
Mr. Sununu. Thank you. Thank you very much. |
We go to the other side of the country for our next witness |
from the great State of Washington, Rick Larsen. Welcome, |
Congressman. We will include all of your written testimony into |
the record. And if you feel free, take the 5 minutes to go over |
the details or to summarize as appropriate. |
Mr. Larsen. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. Thank you |
for the opportunity to comment today before the House Budget |
Committee. Thank you as well to Ranking Member Spratt. |
My purpose today is to convey the comments that I have |
heard from my district's constituents regarding the prospects |
of tax cuts in the relation to Congress's work on the budget. |
Just recently I met with a group of small business owners, |
bankers and farmers in Mount Vernon, Washington, which is in |
the heart of my district. The purpose of the meeting was to |
hear how the slowing economy was affecting their businesses and |
to tap into local thoughts and feelings about how best to |
stimulate our economy. The results were, in fact, enlightening. |
First, there seems to be general support for a tax cut, but |
not support yet for any specific tax package of tax cuts, and |
the larger the proposed tax cut package, the more skepticism |
there is about the ability from their perspective of Congress |
to put together a responsible budget. Why was this, I asked. |
The reason for their skepticism was fairly simple. |
Constituents in my district are skeptical about the real size |
of the surplus. Their skepticism seems to be borne out by the |
most recent Congressional Budget Office report which shows that |
over the next 10 years the surplus could range anywhere from |
2.6 trillion to minus $50 billion, that is depending upon |
various assumptions. They don't seem to trust Congress to hold |
the line, period, either on tax cuts or on spending. |
As a result, the message from constituents that I received |
is this: Treat the surplus conservatively and make a tax cut |
affordable. How to do that? The answer is in the second message |
from constituents, and that message is this: Show us the |
budget. Families living in my district would not so much as buy |
school clothes for their kids or order out for pizza without |
looking at their budget. Similarly, talking tax cuts before |
talking budget runs counter to how families in my district |
would approach their own budgets. The best method, in my view |
and their view, seems to be to gain support for tax cuts is to |
show our constituents exactly how much we have to work with, |
again by showing them the budget first. |
Finally, I want to address unfinished business, the |
unfinished business of the debt. In our meeting one local |
banker said in relation to a tax cut package, the public |
doesn't need another political bill. The public wants a |
practical bill. Practicality suggests that Congress should |
finish the unfinished business of paying down the debt, and |
this year's budget should contain a real commitment to this |
goal of fiscal responsibility. |
How do we meet the goal of paying down the debt while |
taking into account the varying ranges of surplus estimates and |
the public skepticism about Congress's ability to be fiscally |
prudent? Three steps. First, again, show the public the budget. |
They need to know exactly how much is at stake and how much we |
can realistically commit to a tax cut. |
Next, keep tax cuts affordable. Americans, at least in my |
district, don't want a tax cut necessarily if it means a sky- |
high national debt. So keeping that in balance. |
And third, I would suggest that we should be conservatives |
and not liberals with estimates of this surplus. Let us not |
spend money that we really do not have. Spending the surplus is |
a one-shot deal, and then it is gone. So let us act |
responsibly, keep tax cuts affordable and maintain the |
commitment to paying down the debt. We owe that at the very |
least to our constituents and to the country. |
Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. |
Mr. Sununu. Thank you very much, Mr. Larsen. |
[The prepared statement of Congressman Larsen follows:] |
Prepared Statement of Hon. Rick Larsen, a Representative in Congress |
From the State of Washington |
Mr. Chairman, thank you for the opportunity to testify before the |
House Budget Committee this morning. My purpose today is to convey the |
comments I have heard from district constituents regarding the prospect |
of tax cuts and their relation to Congress's work on the budget. |
Just recently I met with a group of small business owners, bankers |
and farmers in Everett, Washington, the heart of my district. The |
purpose of the meeting was to hear how the slowing economy was |
affecting their businesses and to tap into local thoughts and feelings |
on how best to stimulate our economy. |
The results were enlightening. First, there seems to be general |
support for a tax cut, but not support of any specific package. And the |
larger the proposed tax cut package, the more skepticism there is about |
the ability to put together a responsible budget. Why? |
The reason for this skepticism is simple: constituents in my |
district are skeptical about the real size of the surplus. Their |
skepticism is borne out by the most recent Congressional Budget Office |
report, which shows that over the next ten years, the surplus could |
range from $2.6 trillion to -$50 billion, depending upon various |
assumptions. They don't trust Congress to hold the line. Period. On tax |
cuts or on spending. |
As a result, the message from constituents is this: Treat the |
surplus conservatively and make a tax cut affordable. |
How to do that? The answer is in the second message from |
constituents. That message is this: Show us the budget. |
Families living in my district would not so much as buy school |
clothes for their kids or order out for pizza without looking at their |
budget. |
Similarly, talking tax cuts before talking budget runs counter to |
how families in my district approach their own budgets. The best method |
to gain support for tax cuts, it seems to me, is to show our |
constituents exactly how much we have to work with: again, Show us the |
Budget. |
Finally, I want to address unfinished business--the unfinished |
business of the debt. In our meeting, one local banker said in relation |
to a tax cut package, ``The public doesn't need another political bill, |
the public wants a practical bill.'' |
Practicality suggests that Congress should finish the unfinished |
business of paying down the debt. This year's budget should contain a |
real commitment to this goal of fiscal responsibility. |
How do we meet the goal of paying down the debt, while taking into |
account the varying ranges of surplus estimates and the public's |
skepticism about Congress's ability to be fiscally prudent? |
This involves three key steps. |
First, show the public the budget. They need to know exactly how |
much is at stake here and how much we can realistically commit to a tax |
cut. Show us the budget. |
Next, keep tax cuts affordable. Americans don't want a tax cut if |
it means sky-high national debt. |
And finally, be conservatives, not liberals with estimates of the |
surplus. Let's not spend money that we don't really have. |
Spending the surplus is a one shot deal and then it is gone. Let's |
act responsibly. We owe it to our constituents and to our country. |
Mr. Sununu. Any questions? |
Thank you. |
Our next witness is Congressman Adam Schiff of California. |
Welcome, Mr. Schiff. We appreciate your taking the time. |
Belated congratulations for all our new members in winning |
your elections. |
Please feel free to take the 5 minutes to summarize your |
testimony or highlight any important points. The entire written |
testimony will be included in the record. |
Mr. Schiff. Thank you, Mr. Chairman and ranking member. We |
very much appreciate the invitation you have extended to all |
the freshmen to have a chance to come and share our budget |
priorities. We recognize how extraordinary it is for you to |
invite us this way and very much appreciate it and hope it is |
repeated frequently by other committees. |
We are at an extraordinary juncture, having the surpluses |
that we do, and I think my luck has been good. I entered the |
State legislature 4 years ago at a time when we first began |
surpluses in California, and I arrived here for record |
surpluses as well. It is an incredible opportunity, and we have |
been the beneficiaries of an extraordinary economy over the |
last 8 years. But it is also an important responsibility that |
we take actions now to foster the continued success of this |
economy and that we don't squander the opportunities that have |
presented. |
When times are difficult, there is an incentive to spend to |
stimulate the economy. It is difficult to continue attacking |
the problem of national debt. When times are good, it is also a |
time where there is a strong incentive to spend either in the |
form of tax expenditures or enough spending and also put |
pressure on our ability to attack the national debt. I think we |
have to keep first and foremost in mind that I think probably |
the most successful thing that we have done over the last year |
in terms of government policy has been a vigorous attack on the |
national debt. |
We are limited in our ability to affect the economy. Small |
business in particular is the engine of growth in the economy |
and more determinative of our success or failure economically |
probably than anything else. But to the degree the government |
can influence the economic cycles, I think probably the single |
most important thing we have done over the last 8 years is to |
get our fiscal house in order, to continue to aggressively |
paying down our debt, to keep interest rates low. I would hate |
to see us in this time of surplus go back to policies that will |
take us into deficit spending and increasing national debt all |
over again. That would be a tragic mistake to make. |
And so I think what we need to do, given that we simply |
cannot rely on fiscal projections, budgetary projections 5 to |
10 years from now, and that is when the strong majority of the |
surplus is anticipated, it would be most prudent to look at the |
near term and not rely on rosy economic assumptions about what |
the economy is going to be doing 5 to 10 years from now, what |
the surpluses are going to be 5 to 10 years from now. |
When we hear figures bandied about about surpluses in the |
neighborhood of $5 to $6 trillion, and we consider half of that |
is Social Security and Medicare and should be off the table; |
when we consider that those figures don't even take into |
consideration tax cuts that are set to sunset, and that if we |
assume that they will be extended, as is the likelihood they |
will be, it further reduces the available surplus; when we |
consider that even dedicating Social Security and Medicare |
surpluses to Social Security, Medicare, we still have enormous |
unfunded liabilities we haven't figured out how to wrestle |
with, to talk about enormous surplus is really somewhat |
illusory. I think we have to keep that in mind, otherwise we |
are going to be headed back down the path of deficits. |
I think we ought to take a very strong look at tax cuts |
that are triggered to a sustained economic growth, to reaching |
debt targets. This is a technique that we employed in |
California where we had an enormous tax cut, predominantly in |
the vehicle license fees. Those were targeted to growth in the |
economy such that if the economy grew at a certain level, |
subsequent tax cuts would automatically kick in. As luck would |
have it, and it was very good luck indeed, the economy was |
strong, and stronger, in fact, than we expected, and we were |
able to pass successive legislation accelerating the tax cuts. |
We didn't even need to wait for the triggers to apply. We were |
able to accelerate further tax cuts. That was very easy to do. |
If the projections turn out to be correct or they are even |
better than we anticipate, it is very easy to accelerate the |
timetable of further rounds of tax cuts. |
On the other hand, if you do not estimate correctly, you |
estimate much better projections than materialize, dealing with |
that problem, as you can imagine, is incredibly difficult, and |
I would urge us to give serious consideration, as difficult as |
it is, to pegging subsequent rounds of tax cuts, the ultimate |
size of the tax cut, to significant targets on debt reduction |
and pick a mechanism that we can assure to the maximum degree |
possible that those numbers will not be manipulated by whatever |
agency is given responsibility for coming up with those debt |
targets. |
I would just in closing emphasize that we don't want to |
find ourselves a few years from now back in deficits. We have |
an extraordinary opportunity to meet our responsibilities on |
prescription drug medication, on education, on military |
defense, and to give a very large tax cut to the American |
people, which we should do. But let's do it sensibly. Let's |
keep our fiscal house in order. |
I want to thank you for this time. |
Mr. Sununu. Thank you very much, Congressman. |
Mr. Spratt. Thank you very much. |
[The prepared statement of Congressman Schiff follows:] |
Prepared Statement of Hon. Adam Schiff, a Representative in Congress |
From the State of California |
Chairman Nussle, Ranking Member Spratt, and members of the |
committee, I appreciate the opportunity to testify before your |
committee today as a member of the freshman class of the 107th |
Congress. |
We are at a critical juncture in our nation's history. The last 8 |
years have brought enormous prosperity to this country. We have had |
some of the lowest unemployment in decades, the highest rate of home |
ownership, the longest period of uninterrupted growth--the list of |
superlatives goes on and on. |
The benefits of this economy did not reach everyone, but they |
nearly did. More effective than any government program, the nation's |
bustling growth meant the annual ``Misery Index'' of unemployment and |
inflation combined was lower than at any point since the 1960's. |
Not only did the prosperity mean a higher standard of living for |
most Americans, it meant that our nation got its fiscal house in order. |
We went from a period of spiraling deficits, poor market confidence and |
crushing debt service to the unthinkable--surpluses. |
Well-respected budget analysts who wrote books just a short time |
ago with titles like ``Why We Will Never Balance the Budget'' suddenly |
found themselves changing the titles of the reprints, not to mention |
the text. |
No one predicted the dramatic growth in our economy. No one foresaw |
the size of our surplus. Even a year ago, the Congressional Budget |
Office projected a 10-year surplus of $3.15 trillion. Now the figure is |
$5.5 trillion. |
And this is precisely the problem: Who can really say whether the |
surpluses will continue for the next five or 10 years? And yet many in |
Washington would have us bet the farm that they will. |
Whether it is mammoth new spending, or mammoth new tax cuts, or a |
combination of the two, any expenditure plan that presupposes a robust |
economy and ever larger surpluses over the next decade is almost |
certain to send us back to the days of deficit spending and fiscal |
irresponsibility. |
In the late 1980's and early 1990's, when deficits were high and |
the debt service was enormous, it was difficult to muster the political |
will to control spending and aggressively pay down the national debt. |
Even with enormous discipline, government's ability to influence |
economic cycles has its limitations--the private sector is the true |
determinant of growth. |
But if any change in governmental policy can be attributed to |
hastening the end of the last recession and spurring our present |
success, it was the decision of Congress and the last administration to |
balance our books and pay our bills. |
Now that we are in an era of surpluses--may they last forever--it |
is no less difficult and no less important to maintain our fiscal |
discipline and continue paying down our debt. We can and should return |
a portion of our surplus to taxpayers through tax cuts that will |
stimulate our economy and eliminate the inequities of the marriage |
penalty and estate taxes. We can and should make a greater investment |
in education and health care and strengthen our national defense. But |
we must make these expenditures in a balanced and thoughtful way that |
maintains our fiscal discipline, continues to pay down our debt and |
does not rely on rosy and unrealistic long-term projections. |
I am proud to have joined the Blue Dogs, a group that has never |
lost sight of the importance of a strong fiscal policy. I support the |
Blue Dog philosophy of advocating a hawkishness on the debt and a 50- |
25-25 budget framework that allocates 50 percent of the surplus to |
attacking the national debt and the remaining 50 percent to equal |
division between tax cuts and new investment. This framework reassures |
financial markets of the nation's resolve to maintain fiscal |
discipline; preserves the resources to strengthen Social Security and |
Medicare; and provides flexibility in the event of emergencies or |
should projected surpluses prove illusory. |
One method of further assuring that our expenditures do not put us |
on the path back to deficit spending would involve phasing in a long- |
term tax plan or spending measure, or pegging its growth to surplus or |
debt targets. This approach, suggested by Federal Reserve Chairman Alan |
Greenspan in recent testimony before the Senate Budget Committee, is |
not unlike that adopted by California. Legislation I coauthored in |
Sacramento last session enacted major cuts to the vehicle license fee |
and pegged additional cuts to the growth in revenues. When revenues |
grew even faster than contemplated by the bill, we passed subsequent |
legislation to accelerate the tax cuts further. |
I look forward to working with our new President on a budget that |
meets the country's needs for investment and tax relief and one that |
keeps the economy prospering with a sensible fiscal policy. |
The Blue Dogs have reached out to the President in an effort to |
work on these issues in a bipartisan way--and he has reached back. But |
in the process we would be well-advised to keep Greenspan's caution in |
mind and ``resist those policies that could readily resurrect the |
deficits of the past and the fiscal imbalances that followed in their |
wake.'' |
Mr. Chairman, once again, I appreciate the opportunity to testify |
today, and I am happy to answer any questions the committee may have. |
Mr. Spratt. Mr. Chairman, Dennis Moore was to testify, but |
he had to be at a committee hearing. I would like to ask |
unanimous consent to submit his statement for the record. |
Mr. Sununu. Without objection. |
[The prepared statement of Congressman Moore follows:] |
Prepared Statement of Hon. Dennis Moore, a Representative in Congress |
From the State of Kansas |
Mr. Chairman, last week the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) |
issued budget surplus projections that will play an important role in |
the upcoming budget debate in this committee. |
The facts remain, however, that budget projections are often |
inaccurate, that spending caps are set to expire in fiscal year 2002, |
and Social Security and Medicare trust funds continue to be counted as |
general fund revenue--even though large majorities of both parties have |
agreed to protect these funds. |
We must be conservative in using the projected surplus for either |
tax cuts or new spending. We should continue to make paying off the |
debt our highest priority for the projected surplus. And, we need to |
remember that these projected surpluses are exactly that--projections. |
Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan recently warned the Senate |
Budget Committee that ``* * * the risk of adverse movements in receipts |
is still real, and the probability of dropping back into deficit as a |
consequence of imprudent fiscal policies is not negligible.'' |
Even CBO acknowledges that there is tremendous uncertainty in their |
baseline figures over long periods, and economic circumstances could |
quickly change projections from surpluses to deficit. If we rush to |
commit all of the projected surplus funds to tax cuts or new spending |
measures and the surplus does not materialize, we will be forced to |
abandon our balanced budget and fall back into deficit spending. We |
cannot afford to let that happen. |
Mr. Chairman, I would like to submit for the record a January 23, |
2001, article from the Kansas City Kansan, a January 24, 2001, article |
from the Salina Journal, and a February 3, 2001, article from the |
Kansas City Star. Each highlights the dangers of relying on optimistic |
economic budget forecasts to make long-term budget decisions. Indeed, |
we do not need to rely on CBO projections, or Federal Reserve Board |
proclamations, we need only to take a look at states across our nation |
to see the empirical evidence that the decisions we make today could |
have drastic economic effects tomorrow. |
Mr. Chairman, before this committee begins to develop the annual |
budget resolution we must agree on reasonable surplus figures that will |
keep us on the track of fiscal discipline and to prevent the errors of |
our states. When we craft the budget, we all need to work off of the |
same page. The following principles are very basic assumptions, already |
agreed to at various times by the leadership of both parties, on which |
I hope this committee will follow in crafting the budget resolution: |
1. Long-term economic forecasts are inherently uncertain; |
2. The size of the available surplus must exclude the Social |
Security and Medicare trust funds; |
3. Realistic assumptions for the growth in discretionary spending |
must be properly accounted; |
4. Surplus projections should incorporate the costs of policies |
that Congress historically reauthorizes; |
5. The baby-boom retirement will place sizable future obligations |
on the Federal budget, and we must recognize that the surplus totals |
include funds generated by retirement trust funds (such as the military |
retirement trust fund), which are already committed to future |
obligations. |
If this committee takes a balanced and prudent approach to managing |
the surpluses now, our nation will have the economic benefits of tax |
cuts, national debt reduction, and common sense investment priorities. |
Mr. Sununu. Our next witness is Congressman Todd Akin, new |
Member from Missouri. Welcome. |
Mr. Spratt. Mr. Akin, I am sorry I can't stay to hear your |
testimony, but I have to go to another meeting myself, but I |
will take a copy of it with me. Thank you very much for |
appearing. |
Mr. Akin. Mr. Chairman and Ranking Member and members of |
the committee, for the record my name is Todd Akin, Congressman |
from Missouri, Second Congressional District. That is the St. |
Louis area. |
I know that the committee and this Congress must balance a |
lot of competing priorities; however, there are two priorities |
that I believe must receive our highest attention. The first |
priority must be an immediate tax decrease. First of all, |
America has a tax surplus. A surplus comes from a direct tax |
rate on the average American family that is greater than the |
cost of food and clothing and shelter and transportation all |
combined. We have a tax surplus. It is time to give the money |
back where it belongs, and that is to the people. |
In addition, the American economy is in need of immediate |
attention. Our economy reacts to a number of forces, including |
the high taxes and nonexistent energy policy, a troubled stock |
market. Now it is time to provide solutions to that slumping |
economy. |
In fact, Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan has |
forcefully weighed on this question with two decreases in our |
interest rates. He went further to support tax cut to jump- |
start the economy. |
The solution is straightforward. We must continue to |
protect Social Security and Medicare and return the tax surplus |
through cuts designed to stimulate critical sectors of our |
economy. If we were to accelerate the President's package to $2 |
trillion, the overall cut would still be smaller than the tax |
cuts that were passed during President Kennedy's and President |
Reagan's administrations. In fact, the President Reagan package |
in today's dollars would be a $5 trillion package. President |
Bush's tax cut proposal is a modest approach, but I believe we |
need to accelerate his plan. |
We can't let politics get in the way of economics. A strong |
economy is like sunshine. It is kind to all, and it brings hope |
of a new day and a promise of yet more American dreams that can |
become reality. |
The second priority, Mr. Chairman, I would suggest is that |
we must pay attention to our national defense. Through the |
decades and centuries, in fact, America has a perfect track |
record of not being prepared for military conflict, starting |
with the War of Independence and then the War of 1812, World |
War I, World War II. You take any of our major conflicts and we |
have never historically been prepared. In an era of deadly |
weaponry, a lack of preparedness can come at a tragic cost. |
Specifically I believe we should pass a limited |
supplemental defense appropriations bill for fiscal year 2001 |
at about the $9- to $10-billion level to meet funding |
shortfalls this year. |
Secondly, the defense budget for fiscal year 2002 must be |
adequately funded and must adequately fund national defense. |
The Congressional Budget Office has identified a $40- to $50- |
billion-a-year shortfall. If these steps are not taken, I |
believe we will see lack of combat preparedness. The ability to |
shoot, move and communicate will continue to deteriorate. The |
flying proficiency of our pilots will deteriorate. Our |
stockpiles of precision-guided munitions, that are already at |
half of their level, will continue to drop, and the highly |
skilled midcareer officers and noncommissioned officers will |
continue to depart the force. If we don't support defense, why |
should they? |
In summary, I believe we must accelerate the tax cut and |
provide for adequate defense. I thank the committee for your |
attention. |
Mr. Sununu. Thank you very much, Mr. Akin. |
[The prepared statement of Congressman Akin follows:] |
Prepared Statement of Hon. Todd Akin, a Representative in Congress From |
the State of Missouri |
Mr. Chairman, ranking member, members of the committee. For the |
record, my name is Todd Akin, Congressman for Missouri's second |
congressional district in the St. Louis area. |
I know that the committee and this Congress must balance many |
competing priorities. However, there are two priorities that I believe |
must receive our highest attention. |
The first priority must be an immediate tax decrease. |
America has a tax surplus. The tax surplus comes from a direct tax |
rate on the average American family greater than the cost of food, |
clothing, shelter, and transportation combined. We have a tax surplus; |
it is time to give the money back where it belongs--to the people. |
The American economy is in need of immediate attention. Our economy |
reacts to a number of forces including high taxes, a non-existent |
energy policy and a troubled stock market. Now is the time to provide |
solutions to our slumping economy. |
Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan has forcefully weighed in |
on this question with two decreases in interest rates. He went further |
in supporting a tax cut to jump-start the economy. |
The solution is straightforward. We must continue to protect Social |
Security and Medicare and return the tax surplus through cuts designed |
to stimulate critical sectors of the economy. |
If we were to accelerate the President's package to $2 trillion, |
the overall cut would still be smaller than the tax cut during |
President Kennedy's and President Reagan's administrations. In fact, |
President Reagan's package in today's dollars would be $5 trillion. |
President Bush's tax cut proposal is a modest approach, but I believe |
we must accelerate his plan. |
We must not let politics get in the way of economics. A strong |
economy is like the sunshine. It is kind to all, and brings hope of a |
new day--the promise of yet more dreams that become reality. |
The second top priority that must receive attention is defense. |
Through the decades and centuries America has a perfect track |
record of not being prepared for military conflict--War of |
Independence, War of 1812, World War I, World War II, Korea, etc. We |
have been very poor at preparedness. |
In an era of more deadly weaponry, a lack of preparedness can come |
at a tragic cost. |
Specifically, I believe we should pass a limited Supplemental |
Defense Appropriations bill for fiscal year 2001 at about the $9 to 10 |
billion level to meet funding shortfalls this year. |
Secondly, the defense budget for fiscal year 2002 must adequately |
fund national defense. The Congressional Budget Office has identified a |
$40 to 50 billion per year shortfall. |
If these steps are not taken we will see: |
1. Combat preparedness--the ability to shoot, move and |
communicate--will continue to deteriorate; |
2. The flying proficiency of our pilots will continue to decline; |
3. Our stockpiles of precision-guided munitions, already at one- |
half their required inventories, will drop lower; |
4. Highly skilled mid-career officers and noncommissioned officers |
will continue to depart the force. If we won't support national |
defense, why should they? |
In summary, I believe we must accelerate the tax cut and provide |
for adequate defense. |
I thank the committee for your attention. |
Mr. Sununu. We have one more Member that wishes to present |
testimony. We will recess briefly so that he has a chance to |
arrive and then take his testimony. |
[Recess.] |
Mr. Sununu. The committee will come to order. |
Good morning. Welcome, Congressman Langevin. We appreciate |
your taking the time to be here. We have, as you well know, |
taken testimony from a number of your colleagues, Democrats and |
Republicans, new Members of Congress, to get their perspective |
having come really fresh from the campaign trail and being in |
the great position of coming to Congress without a lot of |
preconceived notions about what is and isn't achievable, but |
focusing more on what seems to make sense to your constituents |
and the citizens that elected you. |
Without objection, all of your written testimony will be |
included in the record, and we would like to take your |
testimony and allow you the opportunity to highlight important |
points in your written testimony or to summarize. You have the |
floor for 5 minutes. Thank you for being here. |
Mr. Langevin. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, Ranking Member |
Spratt and members of the committee. Thank you for giving to me |
and my fellow members of the freshman class, the opportunity to |
testify before you today. I am honored to be here and to be |
participating for the first time in the formation of the |
Federal budget resolution. |
As you know, the budget decisions we make this year will |
have an enormous impact on the lives of Americans for years to |
come, and I am grateful for the committee's efforts to solicit |
input from the newest Members of the House during this critical |
process. |
Let me start by saying that what is most important to me is |
that out of this process comes a disciplined approach to |
spending, a strong focus on and commitment to paying down the |
national debt, and a responsible approach to tax relief. |
Imposing this type of fiscal discipline is not a new one to |
me. When I entered the Rhode Island Legislature in 1989, our |
State was spending 100 percent of its revenue and saving |
nothing to guard against a possible downturn. Unfortunately, |
Rhode Island, like many States, was thrown into a recession |
where we faced annual deficits of 100- to $200 million annually |
on an approximately $2 billion annual budget. |
The State was forced to drastically cut spending on |
critical programs and devote its energies and resources to |
managing a fiscal crisis for much of a decade. Ultimately my |
colleagues and I were obligated to reevaluate our fiscal policy |
and adopt a more responsible budget strategy. |
I was the chief architect of a plan which limited State |
spending to 98 percent of estimated revenues and required that |
2 percent of incoming tax dollars be placed into a budget |
reserve and cash stabilization account, otherwise known as a |
rainy day fund. Now Rhode Islanders can take comfort in knowing |
that the State's budget will only grow as fast as the State's |
economy, that they have protection against future recessions, |
and that they boast a bond rating that is among the best in the |
country. |
Because of my experience in the legislature, I feel |
particularly fortunate to have entered Congress at a time when |
the tough choices made by my colleagues and predecessors who |
balanced the budget in 1997 are yielding tangible results. I |
now strongly believe that it is my duty to maintain the fiscal |
responsibility that led us here and even to ensure that we do |
not recreate massive deficits like those that we have just |
escaped. |
As rosy as the budget surplus projections look right now, |
it is important to remember that they are, in fact, only that, |
projections. We have no choice but to rely on them to a certain |
extent in order to set priorities and make long-term fiscal |
policy decisions; however, we must be wary of assuming that |
these projections guarantee a decade of more windfall revenues. |
If this proves not to be the case, we will all suffer as our |
debt spirals further out of control, funding is scarce for some |
of the basic Federal programs, and the solvency of Social |
Security and Medicare becomes a goal that is no longer in |
reach. |
Let us not forget that it was only until very recently that |
we struggled with annual budget deficits of $200 billion, a |
national debt of $5.6 trillion, and interest only payments on |
that debt of $300 billion annually. To put it into perspective, |
those interest payments represented more than we were spending |
on Medicare and almost as much as we were spending on the |
entire national defense budget. |
Therefore, I hope this Congress will not act hastily on |
individual elements of the budget, but will instead wait until |
we have agreed upon an overall budget framework within which to |
make decisions. I intend to ensure that there is room for a |
range of priorities in our budget picture before I decide to |
support use of the surplus for any one major initiative. |
Retiring the national debt is a paramount concern and |
should inform every aspect of our budget policy. I want to be |
secure in the knowledge that our debt will continue to be |
reduced and that our children and grandchildren will not have |
to shoulder the burden of recklessness. In addition, paying |
down the debt will result in the one of the best tax cuts that |
we can provide to American working families. Reduction and |
elimination of the debt will ensure low-interest rates and a |
sound long-term economic future for the Nation. |
Furthermore, I believe that we should use or current |
prosperity to enhance those Federal programs relied upon by |
some of the most vulnerable members of our society. First and |
foremost, of course, our senior citizens as well as younger |
generations looking toward their eventual retirement deserve to |
know that the Social Security System will be strong and viable |
whether they need it now or in 20 years. Likewise, we must |
reform and strengthen Medicare without slashing benefits or |
increasing costs for seniors, and provide a prescription drug |
component so that no one is forced to choose between medicine |
and groceries or heat for their home. |
We must also set aside a sufficient portion of the budget |
for other critical needs, including reform of our elementary |
and secondary education system, provision of the benefits and |
care America's veterans have earned and deserve, and |
maintenance of a strong national defense with soldiers who |
receive a fair wage for their service to our country. |
Mr. Chairman, would it be your preference that I finish? |
Mr. Sununu. Without objection, feel free to take as much |
time as you need. |
Mr. Langevin. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. |
Also as a former Rhode Island secretary of state who |
presided over a wholesale reform and modernization of the |
State's antiquated voting system, I am also very concerned |
about election reform. Specifically I believe our budget must |
reflect the importance of this issue by including sufficient |
funding to ensure every precinct in this country is equipped |
with modern voting equipment that is reliable and accessible to |
all voters. |
I will be working with many of my colleagues to make |
progress on this issue well in advance of the next Federal |
election. Knowing that there is a place in our budget framework |
for meaningful action on electoral reform will make the road |
ahead much smoother. |
Finally, we all want to reward hard-working families by |
returning some of their tax dollars, but this cannot come at |
the expense of our Nation's future fiscal stability. Therefore, |
I strongly recommend that any tax relief supported by this |
Congress be phased in and contingent upon two important |
conditions: First, the reality of our annual revenues must meet |
expectations created by current projections. Second, we must |
have a defined plan for paying down the national debt, and the |
targets laid out in this plan must be met. |
In other words, I support tax relief that is triggered only |
when those two critical goals are met. I would also favor a tax |
cut that is limited to a certain percentage of the Federal |
surplus so that if surpluses are lower than projected, we will |
not find ourselves trapped by promises it is no longer |
responsible to keep. |
These precautions will ensure that lower tax rates do not |
come at the expense of fiscal discipline and will encourage |
Members eager to give something back to their constituents to |
channel their energies into a responsible course of debt |
reduction and long-term fiscal responsibility. |
Again, Mr. Chairman, thank you for allowing me to be part |
of this important discussion. There are many tough challenges |
ahead, but I believe that with cooperation and an eye toward |
operating within a responsible framework, this Congress can |
develop a budget that will ensure America's needs are met and |
hard-working taxpayers are given the relief they deserve. I |
thank you for your time. |
Mr. Sununu. Thank you, Mr. Langevin. I appreciate your time |
and your testimony. |
[The prepared statement of Congressman Langevin follows:] |
Prepared Statement of Hon. Jim Langevin, a Representative in Congress |
From the State of Rhode Island |
Mr. Chairman, Ranking Member Spratt and members of the committee, |
thank you for giving me and my fellow Members of the freshman class the |
opportunity to testify before you today. I am honored to be here and to |
be participating for the first time in the formation of the Federal |
budget resolution. As you know, the budget decisions we make this year |
will have an enormous impact on the lives of Americans for years to |
come, and I am grateful for the committee's efforts to solicit input |
from the newest members of the House during this critical process. |
Let me start by saying what is most important to me is that out of |
this process comes a disciplined approach to spending, a strong focus |
on and commitment to paying down the national debt, and a responsible |
approach to tax relief. |
Imposing this type of fiscal discipline is not a new concept to me. |
When I entered the Rhode Island Legislature in 1989, the state was |
spending 100 percent of its revenue and saving nothing to guard against |
possible downturns. Unfortunately, Rhode Island, like many states, was |
thrown into a recession where we faced annual deficits of $100 million |
to $200 million on an approximately $2 billion annual budget. The state |
was forced to drastically cut spending on critical programs and devote |
its energies and resources to managing a fiscal crisis for close to a |
decade. |
Ultimately, my colleagues and I were obligated to re-evaluate our |
fiscal policy and adopt a more responsible budget strategy. I was the |
chief architect of a plan which limited state spending to 98 percent of |
estimated revenues and required that 2 percent of incoming tax dollars |
be placed in a rainy day fund. Now Rhode Islanders can take comfort in |
knowing that the state's budget will only grow as fast as its economy, |
that they have protection against future recessions, and that they |
boast a bond rating that is among the best in the country. |
Because of my experience in the Legislature, I feel particularly |
fortunate to have entered Congress at a time when the tough choices |
made by my colleagues and predecessors who balanced the budget in 1997 |
are yielding tangible results. I now strongly believe that it is my |
duty to maintain the fiscal responsibility that led us here and ensure |
that we do not recreate massive deficits like those we've just escaped. |
As rosy as the budget surplus projections look right now, it is |
important to remember that they are in fact only that: projections. We |
have no choice but to rely on them to a certain extent in order to set |
priorities and make long-term fiscal policy decisions. However, we must |
be wary of assuming that these projections guarantee a decade or more |
of windfall revenues. If this proves not to be the case, we will all |
suffer as our debt spirals further out of control, funding is scarce |
for some of the most basic Federal programs, and the solvency of Social |
Security and Medicare becomes a goal that is no longer in reach. |
Let us not forget it was only very recently that we struggled with |
annual budget deficits up to $290 billion, a national debt of $5.6 |
trillion, and interest-only payments on that debt of $300 billion |
annually. Put into perspective, those interest payments represented |
more than we were spending on Medicare, and almost as much as our |
entire national defense budget. |
Therefore, I hope this Congress will not act hastily on individual |
elements of the budget, but will instead wait until we have agreed upon |
an overall budget framework within which to make decisions. I intend to |
ensure that there is room for a range of priorities in our budget |
picture before I decide to support the use of the surplus for any one |
major initiative. |
Retiring the national debt is a paramount concern that should |
inform every aspect of our budget policy. I want to be secure in the |
knowledge that our debt will continue to be reduced and that our |
children and grandchildren will not have to shoulder the burden of our |
recklessness. In addition, paying down the debt will result in one of |
the best tax cuts we can provide to America's working families. |
Reduction and elimination of the debt will ensure low interest rates |
and a sound long-term economic future for the nation. |
Furthermore, I believe we should use our current prosperity to |
enhance those Federal programs relied upon by some of the most |
vulnerable members of our society. First and foremost, of course, our |
senior citizens, as well as younger generations looking toward their |
eventual retirement, deserve to know that the Social Security system |
will be strong and viable, whether they need it now or in 20 years. |
Likewise, we must reform and strengthen Medicare, without slashing |
benefits or increasing costs for seniors, and provide a prescription |
drug component so that no one is forced to choose between medicine and |
groceries or heat for their home. |
We must also set aside a sufficient portion of the budget for other |
critical needs, including reform of our elementary and secondary |
education system, provision of the benefits and care America's veterans |
have earned and deserve, and maintenance of a strong national defense |
with soldiers who receive a fair wage for their service to our country. |
As a former Rhode Island Secretary of State who presided over a |
wholesale reform and modernization of the state's antiquated voting |
system, I am also very concerned about electoral reform. Specifically, |
I believe our budget must reflect the importance of this issue by |
including sufficient funding to ensure every precinct in this country |
is equipped with modern voting equipment that is reliable and |
accessible to all voters. I will be working with many of my colleagues |
to make progress on this issue well in advance of the next Federal |
election. Knowing that there is a place in our budget framework for |
meaningful action on electoral reform will make the road ahead much |
smoother. |
Finally, we all want to reward hard-working families by returning |
some of their tax dollars, but this cannot come at the expense of our |
nation's future fiscal stability. Therefore, I strongly recommend that |
any tax relief supported by this Congress be phased in and be |
contingent upon two important conditions. First, the reality of our |
annual revenues must meet the expectations created by current |
projections. Second, we must have a defined plan for paying down the |
national debt, and the targets laid out in this plan must be met. |
In other words, I support tax relief that is triggered only when |
these two crucial goals are met. I would also favor a tax cut that is |
limited to a certain percentage of the on-budget surplus, so that if |
surpluses are lower than projected, we will not find ourselves trapped |
by promises it is no longer responsible to keep. |
These precautions will ensure that lower tax rates do not come at |
the expense of fiscal discipline, and will encourage members eager to |
give something back to their constituents to channel their energies |
into a responsible course of debt reduction and long-term fiscal |
responsibility. |
Again, Mr. Chairman, thank you for allowing me to be a part of this |
important discussion. There are many tough choices ahead, but I believe |
that with cooperation and an eye toward operating within a responsible |
framework, this Congress can develop a budget that will ensure |
America's needs are met and hardworking taxpayers are given the relief |
they deserve. |
Mr. Sununu. With that, the committee is adjourned. Thank |
you. |
[The prepared statement of Congressman Simmons follows:] |
Prepared Statement of Hon. Rob Simmons, a Representative in Congress |
From the State of Connecticut |
In addition to the priorities mentioned by freshman class president |
Schrock, I would add the following items: |
<bullet> A Federal prescription drug subsidy for State-based |
programs. |
<bullet> Getting military personnel off food stamps and improving |
the quality of life. |
<bullet> Prioritizing the disposal of our Nation's high-level |
nuclear waste by allowing for its transport to a designated site at |
Yucca Mountain. |
In conclusion, I look forward to working with you and other members |
of the committee on crafting a budget resolution that: |
<bullet> provides tax relief for working families; |
<bullet> strengthens our military and removes personnel from food |
stamps; |
<bullet> improves educational opportunities for all children; |
<bullet> addresses the issue of nuclear waste; |
<bullet> pays down the national debt; and |
<bullet> protects Social Security and Medicare. |
Thank you, Mr. Chairman for giving me the opportunity to address |
the Budget Committee. |
[Whereupon, at 12:40 p.m., the committee was adjourned.] |
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