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[House Hearing, 114 Congress] |
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] |
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(114-40) |
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MAY 12, 2016 |
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Printed for the use of the |
Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure |
Available online at: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/browse/ |
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20-214 PDF WASHINGTON: 2017 |
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BILL SHUSTER, Pennsylvania, Chairman |
DON YOUNG, Alaska PETER A. DeFAZIO, Oregon |
JOHN J. DUNCAN, Jr., Tennessee, ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON, District of |
Vice Chair Columbia |
DUNCAN HUNTER, California RICK LARSEN, Washington |
ERIC A. ``RICK'' CRAWFORD, Arkansas MICHAEL E. CAPUANO, Massachusetts |
LOU BARLETTA, Pennsylvania GRACE F. NAPOLITANO, California |
BOB GIBBS, Ohio STEVE COHEN, Tennessee |
JEFF DENHAM, California JOHN GARAMENDI, California |
REID J. RIBBLE, Wisconsin ANDRE CARSON, Indiana |
THOMAS MASSIE, Kentucky JANICE HAHN, California |
MARK MEADOWS, North Carolina RICHARD M. NOLAN, Minnesota |
SCOTT PERRY, Pennsylvania ANN KIRKPATRICK, Arizona |
ROB WOODALL, Georgia ELIZABETH H. ESTY, Connecticut |
RYAN A. COSTELLO, Pennsylvania |
GARRET GRAVES, Louisiana |
MIMI WALTERS, California |
DAVID ROUZER, North Carolina |
LEE M. ZELDIN, New York |
MIKE BOST, Illinois |
------ |
Subcommittee on Economic Development, Public Buildings, and Emergency |
Management |
LOU BARLETTA, Pennsylvania, Chairman |
MARK MEADOWS, North Carolina Columbia |
SCOTT PERRY, Pennsylvania ALBIO SIRES, New Jersey |
RYAN A. COSTELLO, Pennsylvania DONNA F. EDWARDS, Maryland |
CARLOS CURBELO, Florida PETER A. DeFAZIO, Oregon (Ex Officio) |
BILL SHUSTER, Pennsylvania (Ex Officio) |
Page |
Summary of Subject Matter........................................ iv |
Panel 1 |
Hon. Carlos Curbelo, a Representative in Congress from the State |
of Florida..................................................... 8 |
Panel 2 |
Hon. Joseph L. Nimmich, Deputy Administrator, Federal Emergency |
Management Agency.............................................. 10 |
Hon. Sallie Clark, Commissioner, El Paso County, Colorado, on |
behalf of the National Association of Counties................. 10 |
Bryan Koon, Director, Florida Division of Emergency Management, |
on behalf of the National Emergency Management Association..... 10 |
Eric Nelson, Senior Vice President of Catastrophe Risk |
Management, Travelers Insurance, on behalf of the BuildStrong |
Coalition...................................................... 10 |
Kevin Mickey, GISP, CTT, Chair, Multihazard Mitigation Council, |
National Institute of Building Sciences, and Director of |
Professional Development and Geospatial Education, The Polis |
Center, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis...... 10 |
Hon. Andre Carson of Indiana..................................... 37 |
Hon. Carlos Curbelo \1\ |
Hon. Joseph L. Nimmich........................................... 41 |
Hon. Sallie Clark................................................ 47 |
Bryan Koon....................................................... 57 |
Eric Nelson...................................................... 65 |
Kevin Mickey, GISP, CTT.......................................... 73 |
Slides referenced in the opening remarks of Hon. Lou Barletta, a Representative |
in Congress from the State of Pennsylvania.....2, 3, 4, 5, 6 |
Press release of May 10, 2016, ``Curbelo and Sires Introduce |
Disaster Mitigation Bill''..................................... 88 |
H.R. __, a bill to improve disaster mitigation programs, and for |
other purposes................................................. 89 |
Letter of May 12, 2016, from Mary Ellen Sprenkel, President and |
CEO, Corps Network, to Hon. Lou Barletta, Chairman, and Hon. |
Andre Carson, Ranking Member, Subcommittee on Economic |
Development, Public Buildings, and Emergency Management........ 106 |
---------- |
\1\ Hon. Carlos Curbelo did not submit a prepared statement for the |
record. |
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THURSDAY, MAY 12, 2016 |
House of Representatives, |
Subcommittee on Economic Development, |
Public Buildings, and Emergency Management, |
Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, |
Washington, DC. |
The subcommittee met, pursuant to notice, at 10:10 a.m. in |
room 2167, Rayburn House Office Building, Hon. Lou Barletta |
(Chairman of the subcommittee) presiding. |
Mr. Barletta. The subcommittee will come to order. At our |
first hearing in the 114th Congress, I stated that my top |
emergency management priority was pursuing life-saving and |
cost-reducing disaster legislation and launching a public |
policy debate about the costs of disasters, in the terms of |
both the loss of property and human life. |
We followed that hearing with several roundtables to help |
us understand what disasters cost this country, who pays those |
costs, and whether the problem is getting better or worse. |
Early last year, Ranking Member Carson and I introduced the |
FEMA Disaster Assistance Reform Act to call for the first |
comprehensive assessment of disaster costs and losses in over |
20 years. We also wanted to reform several disaster assistance |
programs to make them more efficient and more effective. In |
February the House passed this FEMA [Federal Emergency |
Management Agency] legislation and we hope the Senate will take |
up H.R. 1471 and pass it soon. |
The purpose of today's hearing is to discuss what we have |
learned so far and begin exploring potential solutions, |
particularly the principles that should be driving those |
solutions. While there are significant variations from year to |
year, we have found that disaster losses have grown |
considerably over the past three decades. As a result, the |
private sector and Government are spending an ever increasing |
amount of money on disasters. FEMA alone has obligated more |
than $178 billion since 1989 for over 1,300 Presidential |
disaster declarations. |
In addition, the number of Federal disasters is going up. |
Take a look at this graph that shows the steady increase in |
the number of Presidential disaster declarations since 1953. |
Mr. Barletta. Many have suggested, including the Government |
Accountability Office, that the growth in the number of |
disaster declarations may be causing the increase in Federal |
disaster costs. But when we had the Congressional Research |
Service look more closely at the data, they found the growth in |
declaration is driven by small disasters and they represent a |
very small part of Federal disaster spending. |
Mr. Barletta. In fact, 75 percent of all declared disasters |
account for only 7 percent of costs. In other words, we could |
eliminate three-quarters of all federally declared disasters |
and barely cut 7 percent of Federal disaster spending. I would |
argue the amount saved by eliminating those disaster |
declarations certainly would not outweigh the benefit those |
declarations provide to helping our smaller, remote communities |
respond to and recover from disasters. |
In order to understand why disaster costs are going up, we |
need to look at the big disasters, since that is where over 90 |
percent of the money goes. Since we started looking into this |
issue, we have also found the role of the Federal Government in |
covering disaster losses has increased. |
As we can see here, Federal disaster spending as a share of |
total disaster losses has grown from 23 percent during |
Hurricane Hugo in 1989 to 80 percent during Hurricane Sandy in |
2012. |
Mr. Barletta. In recent years, significant disaster aid has |
been provided outside of FEMA's disaster assistance programs. |
The charts show how disaster aid programs outside FEMA have |
grown. In fact, for Hurricane Sandy, there was less FEMA |
assistance than from either the Department of Housing and Urban |
Development or the Department of Transportation. We found that |
these additional disaster aid programs don't have the same |
requirements and restrictions as the FEMA assistance. |
Mr. Barletta. FEMA assistance is tied to actual disaster |
damage, and is for individuals, governmental entities or |
certain nonprofits performing government-like functions. FEMA |
only spends money on eligible items for eligible applicants, no |
matter how much money FEMA receives. FEMA mitigation funds must |
be used on cost-beneficial projects to ensure the Federal |
investment is a wise one. FEMA makes every effort to get money |
into the hands of applicants as fast as possible to enable |
rapid recovery from disaster impacts. |
In the most recent data provided by the Sandy Program |
Management Office from March 2016, it appears that these |
agencies have been slow in awarding and especially paying out |
funds. |
Mr. Barletta. Based on this data, only one-third of the |
CDBG-DR [Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery] |
funds have been dispersed and only 13 percent of the FTA |
[Federal Transit Administration] funds have been paid out. Now, |
this may be worth looking into in greater detail, and it |
certainly shows why a comprehensive look into disaster |
spending, as well as costs and losses, is needed. In an era of |
growing Government debt, we need to ensure Federal spending is |
necessary and cost-effective. |
Right after I became a Member of Congress in 2011, my own |
district was hit hard by Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm |
Lee. I remember in Bloomsburg a family stayed in their home to |
try to move their possessions to an upper floor. But Fishing |
Creek rose too quickly. The house next to theirs was knocked |
from its foundation. Water started gushing through their front |
windows as they called for help. They had to be saved by a |
helicopter. The woman there told me she can never live in that |
home again. |
I will never forget that preparing for natural disasters is |
about more than the loss of possessions; it's our friends' and |
neighbors' lives that could be at stake if we do not plan in |
advance. As we were rebuilding, I was amazed that much of the |
Federal assistance was to rebuild in the same place in the same |
way, leaving people vulnerable to the next storm. |
The Federal Government has a responsibility to respond |
after a disaster, but we also have a duty to be good stewards |
of the taxpayer dollar. I look forward to the conversations we |
will have today, the ideas we are going to hear about, and |
taking the next steps to reduce the costs of disasters, and I |
thank you all for being here. |
I ask unanimous consent that Members not on this |
subcommittee be permitted to sit with the subcommittee at |
today's hearing, offer testimony, and ask questions. |
And with that, I now call on the ranking member of the |
subcommittee, Mr. Carson, for a brief opening statement. |
Mr. Carson. Thank you, Chairman. Great words. Good morning, |
everyone, and welcome to today's hearing. While we have several |
prominent witnesses today, I would especially like to welcome a |
fellow Hoosier, Mr. Kevin Mickey, from the great Hoosier State. |
Mr. Mickey is the director of The Polis Center at Indiana |
University Purdue University Indianapolis. He is also the new |
chair of the Multihazard Mitigation Council at the National |
Institute of Building Sciences. |
I look forward to my colleagues learning about the work |
being done in the great Hoosier State, particularly |
Indianapolis, to address rising disaster costs and losses, plus |
the latest report from the Multihazard Mitigation Council. |
Mr. Mickey's national leadership and his local work are |
terrific examples of what Indianapolis is doing in the field of |
emergency management. |
I yield back, Mr. Chairman. |
Mr. Barletta. Thank you, Ranking Member Carson. We will |
have two panels of witnesses today. On our first panel we have |
our fellow subcommittee member, Carlos Curbelo from Florida. As |
someone from south Florida, Representative Curbelo knows all |
too well the risks posed by natural hazards, the rising cost of |
disasters, and the efforts that have proven successful in |
Florida to incentivize mitigation measures and smart behaviors. |
Congressman Curbelo has been a leader in this area and a great |
advocate for his constituents in south Florida. |
On our second panel we will be joined by the Honorable |
Joseph Nimmich, the Deputy Administrator of the Federal |
Emergency Management Agency, or FEMA, who has been working on |
ways to reduce the cost of disasters and build resilience in |
communities to avoid disaster losses. |
Ms. Sallie Clark, commissioner of El Paso County, Colorado; |
she is here in her capacity as president of the National |
Association of Counties. |
Mr. Bryan Koon, director of the Florida Division of |
Emergency Management, and the president of the National |
Emergency Management Association; he is here to talk with us |
about his experience, as well as help us see things from a |
State perspective. |
Mr. Eric Nelson, senior vice president, catastrophe risk |
management for the Travelers Companies, Inc., representing the |
BuildStrong Coalition. |
Mr. Kevin Mickey, chair of the Multihazard Mitigation |
Council of the National Institute of Building Sciences. |
I ask unanimous consent that our witnesses' full statements |
be included in the record. |
[No response.] |
Mr. Barletta. Without objection, so ordered. We had hoped |
that Chief David Paulison, the former Administrator of FEMA, |
would be able to join us, but he had other commitments. I do |
have a written statement for the record from Administrator |
Paulison. I thank him and the BuildStrong Coalition for their |
input on these important topics, and I ask unanimous consent |
that this statement be included for the record. |
[No response.] |
Mr. Barletta. Without objection, so ordered. |
For our witnesses here, since your written testimony has |
been made a part of the record, the subcommittee would request |
that you limit your oral testimony to 5 minutes. |
Congressman Curbelo, you may proceed. |
Mr. Curbelo. Chairman Barletta, Ranking Member Carson, |
members of the committee, thank you for the opportunity to |
testify before you today. This is my first time testifying |
before Congress, and I am glad to do it here, at the Committee |
on Transportation and Infrastructure's Subcommittee on Economic |
Development, Public Buildings, and Emergency Management, |
especially to discuss the important topic of disaster |
mitigation. I am honored to serve with all of you. |
I would like to take the opportunity to share some thoughts |
on controlling the rising costs of the Federal Government when |
responding to disasters. I am a native of south Florida. And my |
good friend, Mr. Sires, who is working with me on this issue, |
is from New Jersey. We both have a deep and personal |
understanding of the devastating impacts of natural disasters |
on families and communities, and have seen firsthand what |
happens when homes, schools, and businesses aren't built to |
withstand the forces of nature. My family and I lived through |
Hurricane Andrew back in 1992. Fortunately, in my part of town, |
the damage was not extreme. But just a few miles south, where |
some of my family members lived, the devastation was |
horrifying. |
Being a Floridian, I know that we have pretty strong State |
building codes already on the books. But at the national level |
it is time to fix the broken Federal system that is riddled |
with red tape, waste, fraud, and abuse. There is some great |
work already being done in the field of pre-disaster |
mitigation, and I would like to thank Chairman Barletta for |
being a strong leader on the issue. |
Over the last 30 years we have seen a significant increase |
in federally declared natural disasters. But instead of taking |
additional steps to focus more on preparing for these disasters |
with enhanced building codes to make communities safer, the |
Federal Government typically waits until after a disaster |
occurs to react. This is incredibly dangerous and costly, |
especially with the increase in extreme weather events. |
According to the Weather Channel, this hurricane season is |
supposed to be the most active since 2012. So this hearing and |
these issues are of the utmost importance, and very timely. For |
these reasons, my friend, Mr. Sires, who knows firsthand in New |
Jersey just how costly cleanup is after a disaster, has |
introduced legislation to work towards promoting stronger |
building codes at the national level by introducing H.R. 5177, |
the National Mitigation Investment Act of 2016. |
This legislation works to alleviate losses to resident and |
commercial property following a natural disaster through |
preventative measures. It would provide incentives for the |
adoption and achievement in enforcing State building codes. We |
do this by allowing the President to increase mitigation |
assistance following a natural disaster by 4 percent, based off |
of the price of cleanup, but only if the State is enforcing |
building codes. This incentive can encourage States and |
localities to be proactive in future building, and also save a |
lot of funds in the long run. |
The bill would also create a pilot program to award grants |
to State and local governments to encourage the adoption and |
enforcement of nationally recognized building codes. The goals |
of the grant program are to reduce disaster response and |
recovery costs by increasing resilience of buildings and |
reducing the amount of damage that occurs due to disaster and |
chronic flooding. Grant awardees will be required to accomplish |
these goals with non-Federal matching funds no less than 25 |
percent, and FEMA will be required to provide reports back to |
Congress on the success of the program. |
Mr. Chairman, the residents of both Florida and New Jersey |
have had to rebuild communities after the devastating effects |
of catastrophic natural disasters. Returning to a life of |
normalcy is tremendously difficult, and can take many years. |
Furthermore, chronic tidal flooding poses a significant threat |
to real estate along our waterfront communities, especially in |
my south Florida district and the constituents that Mr. Sires |
represents, as well. This undoubtedly affects insurance rates, |
property values, clean water supplies, and general public |
welfare. |
We believe that, through preemptive methods of |
incentivizing State and local governments to adhere to stronger |
building codes, we will alleviate the burdens and costs of the |
Federal Government after a natural disaster. |
I thank my friend, Mr. Sires, for working with me on this |
legislation. I look forward to hearing from other experts on |
the issue of disaster mitigation in the next panel. This is a |
topic that requires perspectives from diverse geographical |
locations and multiple industries, and I appreciate being able |
to discuss my bill today. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. |
Mr. Barletta. Thank you for your testimony, Congressman |
Curbelo. I will now begin the first round of questions, limited |
to 5 minutes for each Member. If there are any additional |
questions following the first round, we will have additional |
rounds of questions, as needed. |
While we usually do not have questions for Members of |
Congress, Mr. Sires is an original cosponsor of Mr. Curbelo's |
legislation, and has a few questions. |
Mr. Sires. I would really thank you, Mr. Chairman. I am not |
going to ask Mr. Curbelo questions, because we have been |
working on this for a while. |
But I do want to thank you. You and I have firsthand |
experience on how devastating some of these catastrophes are, |
how it impacts life, how it impacts community, how it impacts |
the economy. And I really want to thank you for taking a strong |
lead on this. New Jersey got hit hard, Florida has been hit |
hard. And I just want you to know that I think this is the way |
to go, you know. Investing in mitigation, especially on a |
national level, where we can put some real strong codes has |
always been on my mind for many years. |
So I just want to thank you for your hard work, and I look |
forward to continuing, and am proud to work with you on this |
legislation. Thank you very much. |
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. |
Mr. Barletta. Thank you. Are there any questions? Mr. |
Costello? No. |
Ranking Member Carson? |
Mr. Carson. No, sir. |
Mr. Barletta. If not, then we thank you very much for your |
testimony. Your comments have been helpful to today's |
discussion. |
We will now call our second panel. I remind you of the |
subcommittee's request to limit your oral testimony to 5 |
minutes. And we will give everyone the chance to be seated. |
[Pause.] |
Mr. Barletta. Thank you very much. Deputy Administrator |
Nimmich, you may proceed. |
Mr. Nimmich. Good morning, Chairman Barletta, Ranking |
Member Carson, and the members of the subcommittee. As you |
know, my name is Joe Nimmich. I am the Deputy Administrator for |
the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Thank you for this |
opportunity to testify about the efforts FEMA is undertaking to |
reduce the rising cost of disasters. |
With the continued trend towards urbanization, particularly |
in large cities located in high-risk areas, and the increasing |
severity of weather events, the Nation faces the potential for |
ever-increasing costs in responding to and recovering from |
disasters. |
During a disaster response, FEMA's primary goal is to |
support the survivors through effective, efficient operations. |
Though FEMA has procedures in place to control costs during a |
response, one of the most effective ways to reduce disaster |
costs is to invest in community resilience before a disaster |
strikes, thereby reducing the physical and financial and |
particularly the human impacts of the event. |
Preparedness and mitigation investments made before a |
disaster strikes significantly lessen the financial impacts on |
communities, States, and the Nation. One of the most effective |
mitigation tools is establishing stringent building codes and |
standards that ensure the property is built to insurable |
levels. Let me repeat that: Building codes and standards that |
ensure the property is built to insurable levels. |
You will hear multiple times today that for every dollar |
invested in mitigation, a savings of $4 is achieved, due to the |
reduced impacts post-disaster. Mitigation programs reduce costs |
to the American public by an estimated $3.4 billion annually. |
I have to move off my prepared comments to thank this |
committee and the Congress for taking action such as the post- |
Sandy legislation, where we were able to move the recovery |
costs forward based on assessments, but add the mitigation |
costs at that time so that the building back is better and |
reduces the future potential. |
FEMA has made significant strides in the last few years, |
bringing the larger emergency management community together |
around a National Preparedness System. This provides |
communities a common approach to managing the risks, and |
provides communities the information, tools, and funding they |
need to make informed, data-driven decisions. This is just one |
step FEMA takes in promoting resilience. |
The National Flood Insurance Program serves as the |
foundation for the national efforts to reduce loss of property |
from floods, the most costly and frequent disaster in the |
United States. The program identifies areas at risk for |
flooding, and makes flood insurance available to participating |
communities. Within the NFIP, the Community Rating System to |
incentivize communities to implement flood plain management |
practices, offering lower NFIP insurance premiums to |
participating communities. |
Additionally, FEMA provides hazard mitigation assistance |
through programs such as Pre-disaster Mitigation, Flood |
Mitigation Assistance, Hazard Mitigation Grant Programs. These |
provide funding to communities to implement hazard mitigation |
measures pre- and post-disasters. |
Programs such as the NFIP and the Community Rating System |
and hazard assistance invest in community resilience before the |
disaster strikes. This year FEMA went a step further, |
developing the disaster deductible concept, which encourages |
States, tribal, and territorial investment in resiliency |
mitigation programs. I strongly believe this program will be |
critical to any effort to reduce future disaster costs in a |
significant way. |
As you have indicated, Congressman Barletta, Congress, the |
GAO [Government Accountability Office], and others have |
indicated that the Federal cost of disasters continues to rise. |
The solution of moving the threshold higher merely distributes |
the cost differently, but does not reduce the cost of potential |
disasters. With the disaster deductible concept, States would |
have to meet a predetermined financial commitment, similar to |
meeting an insurance deductible, as a condition of receiving |
Federal funds to rebuild damaged facilities and infrastructure. |
Additionally, FEMA would provide credits for those States' |
investments in resiliency measures, such as adopting the |
building enhanced codes or funding preparedness and mitigation |
projects. Using these credits, a State's deductible could be |
reduced, thereby ensuring that communities have an incentive |
for investing in resilience. |
During a 60-day comment period, FEMA received 150 |
responses. We are currently evaluating those to provide input |
from the advanced notice of proposed rulemaking to develop a |
proposed rulemaking for later this year. While preparedness and |
mitigation efforts can help us to reduce the costs in many |
areas, we must continue to acknowledge that demographic |
patterns are not something we can easily or readily influence, |
but we can take steps to account for these patterns by |
improving building codes, promoting preparedness. |
FEMA strives to invest in our Nation's resilience and |
support disaster survivors, while being good stewards of the |
taxpayers' dollars. We continue to look for innovative ways to |
encourage risk reduction, promote preparedness and mitigation |
planning, and efficiently implement the recovery programs in |
order to reduce both the risks and cost to the American |
taxpayer. |
Thank you for this opportunity today to testify, and I look |
forward to any questions the subcommittee may have. |
Mr. Barletta. Thank you for your testimony, Deputy |
Administrator Nimmich. |
Commissioner Clark, you may proceed. |
Ms. Clark. Thank you, Chairman Barletta, Ranking Member |
Carson, and members of the subcommittee, for the opportunity to |
testify before you today on the cost of disasters. My name is |
Sallie Clark, and I am a county commissioner from El Paso |
County, Colorado, and also serve as the president of National |
Association of Counties, which represents all of America's |
3,069 county governments. |
Although all parts of Government play a role in disasters, |
counties often serve as the first line of defense when a |
disaster strikes, and are responsible to help our communities |
recover in the aftermath. Whether it is our emergency managers |
or sheriffs or 911 call centers, county hospitals, or public |
health departments, or the fact that we own the majority of our |
Nation's infrastructure, like roads, bridges, and airports, |
Federal policy decisions regarding disasters have a major |
impact on counties. |
My county is no stranger to disasters, and the topic of |
this hearing is personal for me. Over the past several years, |
El Paso County and our surrounding areas have been devastated |
by a series of wildfires and flash floods that have upended our |
residents' lives, strained our local economy, and caused enough |
damage to prompt four Presidential disaster declarations over a |
3-year period. |
Our county, which long ago inspired Katharine Lee Bates to |
write the famous hymn, ``America the Beautiful,'' is now home |
to charred, barren hillsides. And the vegetation that once |
protected the area from stormwater runoff has disappeared, |
paving the way for dangerous flash floods. |
But we have been working diligently to help our community |
recover and become more resilient in the future. Today I |
respectfully submit three principles for your consideration, as |
you continue to discuss Federal disaster spending. |
First, Federal disaster spending should be viewed in the |
context of corresponding spending by State and local |
governments and the capacity of each level to fund disaster |
recovery efforts. Thousands of disasters strike our Nation each |
year, and the vast majority of long-term recovery costs are |
carried on the backs of State and local governments. |
According to NACo's [National Association of Counties'] |
analysis of FEMA data, over the last 10 years 92 percent of |
counties across the Nation had at least one FEMA-declared |
disaster. And according to materials published by FEMA, the |
number of disasters successfully handled without request for |
Federal assistance is estimated at 3,500 to 3,700 annually, |
while only about 35 disasters per year received major |
declarations triggering Federal assistance between 1953 and |
2014. |
Furthermore, it is important to consider the respective |
fiscal capacity of Federal, State, and local governments when |
assessing contributions to our Nation's recovery from |
disasters. County governments in more than 40 States operate |
under restrictive revenue constraints imposed by State |
policies, including caps on property taxation that limit |
counties' ability to raise additional funds in the face of |
rising disaster costs. Local governments spend significantly on |
disasters. And changes to Federal disaster spending should not |
be assessed without consideration of this. |
Second, decreases in Federal disaster spending should not |
come at the expense of State and local governments. The |
ultimate result of shifting Federal disaster costs to State and |
local governments will further deplete resources available for |
proactive disaster mitigation and resiliency work, resulting in |
even costlier disasters in the future. |
FEMA's disaster deductible proposal presents some serious |
challenges for local governments. For example, El Paso County |
has spent many millions of dollars on mitigation projects in |
the last several years, as we have worked to recover from the |
wildfires and flash floods that have ravaged our community, |
including loss of life. But under the disaster deductible |
proposal, if the State of Colorado fails to sufficiently invest |
in mitigation efforts, public assistance funds could be |
withheld from our county at times when we are in most need of |
Federal assistance. |
In this way we could be punished because of the inaction of |
an entity over which we have no control, despite our best |
efforts in mitigation. And this is just one of the many issues |
with this proposal that thus far have not been sufficiently |
addressed. |
Because of this, FEMA has not given local governments |
confidence that a disaster deductible could be implemented |
without the significant risk that it would simply shift |
disaster costs from the Federal Government to State and local |
governments. |
And finally, local disaster mitigation efforts bring down |
the overall cost of disasters, and should be supported by the |
Federal Government. Counties are uniquely positioned to |
implement mitigation efforts through our regulatory authorities |
and convening powers. Collaboration with the Federal Government |
helps counties better utilize our authorities and resources to |
mitigate the damage caused by disasters, increasing community |
resiliency, and decreasing impact and cost of future disasters |
for all levels of Government. |
FEMA's Hazard Mitigation Grant Program and the other |
Federal programs enable counties to undertake large mitigation |
projects that may otherwise be out of their reach and have |
tremendous potential to drive down the cost of disasters for |
all levels of Government. |
Mr. Chairman, Ranking Member Carson, and members of the |
subcommittee, I want to thank you again for inviting the local |
perspective on this important conversation. And I would welcome |
any questions. |
Mr. Barletta. Thank you for your testimony, Ms. Clark. |
Mr. Koon, you may proceed. |
Mr. Koon. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, Ranking Member, and |
members of the subcommittee. My name is Bryan Koon, and I am |
the director of the Florida Division of Emergency Management. I |
am here on behalf of the National Emergency Management |
Association, which represents the State emergency management |
directors of the 50 States, territories, and the District of |
Columbia. |
As the frequency, intensity, and variability of disasters |
increase, it is imperative to reduce risk wherever possible. |
This will ensure that our scarce personnel and financial |
resources are focused on life safety, and those aspects of the |
built environment where the risk cannot be reduced. |
NEMA believes the following. Meaningful cost reduction |
should impact all levels of Government and the private sector, |
and not simply shift the cost between stakeholders. The |
Government practice of spending more money on disaster recovery |
than risk reduction must be changed. Hazard mitigation is a |
cost-effective effort with a documented return on investment. |
Mitigation reduces response costs and speeds recovery. |
Integrating mitigation meaningfully into recovery can be the |
catalyst for a communitywide focus on preparedness in the |
future. |
Mitigation and resilience activities by State, local, and |
tribal governments should be recognized and incentivized by the |
Federal Government. In the long term, cost savings will be |
realized at all levels. |
Much of the legal authority and responsibility for risk |
reduction decisions and activities resides at the local level, |
such as adoption and enforcement of building codes, zoning, and |
land use decisions. Local and tribal governments are critical |
partners in creating and sustaining disaster-resilient |
communities, and must be engaged in this conversation. |
All stakeholders must utilize the best available science |
and predictive analysis tools to illustrate data-driven result |
on investment calculations. This can only be done when data is |
made available to all stakeholders, and when calculations are |
not done in a vacuum. We must leverage data to support our risk |
reduction priorities. |
At the urging of Congress, FEMA has undertaken various |
efforts over the last decades to reduce cost and streamline |
operations. Reengineering of the Public Assistance Program is |
an excellent example of FEMA working to improve and maximize |
existing programs. While it is still too early to determine the |
effectiveness of the change, we are pleased with the effort, |
and urge that similar reforms be considered in other Federal |
programs. |
Investment into the Emergency Management Assistance |
Compact, or EMAC, leverages Federal grant dollars that have |
already been invested in State and local emergency management |
programs. We must encourage greater investments, as States work |
with one another to reduce the need for Federal assistance, |
Federal administrative costs, property damage, and, most |
importantly, save lives. |
In January, FEMA proposed a concept to create a State |
deductible for federally declared disasters. While there was no |
consensus opinion among the States, many expressed these common |
beliefs about any new proposal: the concept should drive real |
reduction in costs at all levels, and not merely a shift in |
costs; an appropriate amount of time must be given to ensure |
successful implementation, including internal education for |
FEMA, and training and guidance for States; States must also be |
given adequate time to ensure that any budgeting requirements |
are understood and acted upon by State legislatures; the |
proposal should utilize the opportunity to decrease |
administrative burden and associated costs; and the deductible |
cannot result in delayed assistance to those in need. |
Regardless of what happens with the disaster deductible or |
any other current initiative, real progress will be achieved |
when all critical stakeholders are engaged. I would like to |
wrap up with a few thoughts on where we go next. |
The Federal Government should continue to offer incentive |
programs that allow States to pursue innovative ways to |
strengthen their communities. We recommend FEMA and other |
agencies continually evaluate these programs to better |
understand the things that deter or prevent communities from |
fully leveraging these opportunities. |
NEMA also recommends that a study to determine the true |
cost of disasters be conducted that captures not only those |
direct financial costs borne by FEMA, but also those costs, |
both direct and indirect, that are paid by other Federal |
agencies, State, local, and tribal governments, and the private |
sector. |
Position FEMA as a partner in developing a more resilient |
Nation. FEMA's focus must transcend response and the agency |
must make advancements in all phases of the disaster cycle. |
Mitigation and long-term recovery are societal investments, not |
a cost. |
Many of the functions that FEMA fulfills during a disaster |
could be done in a more cost-effective manner by using |
personnel deployed from tribal, State, or local government |
through EMAC. Invest in the infrastructure necessary to achieve |
this goal. |
In addition to improving currently existing Federal |
programs, FEMA and others should recognize outstanding efforts |
done by State and local entities and encourage their adoption, |
nationwide. While many stakeholders approach the issue of |
increasing disaster costs differently, we all have a common |
goal. As Government officials, private-sector business leaders, |
and community members, we all have a role to play in reducing |
the cost and impact of disasters. |
I appreciate the opportunity to testify before you today |
and stand ready to answer any questions the committee may have. |
Mr. Barletta. Thank you for your testimony, Mr. Koon. |
Mr. Nelson, you may proceed. |
Mr. Nelson. Good morning. Chairman Barletta, Ranking Member |
Carson, and members of the subcommittee, thank you for holding |
this important hearing today to examine solutions to |
controlling the increased costs of natural disasters. My name |
is Eric Nelson, and I am senior vice president of catastrophe |
risk management at Travelers Insurance. I am testifying today |
on behalf of the BuildStrong Coalition, a group of businesses |
and consumer organizations dedicated to reducing human and |
economic losses from natural disasters. |
As one of the largest property casualty companies in the |
U.S., Travelers provides a unique private-sector expertise that |
can add value to the Federal Government's mission to manage its |
own risk and losses from natural disasters. |
I would first like to thank Chairman Barletta and the |
members of the subcommittee for their continued leadership in |
conducting a series of roundtables on this topic beginning in |
January of last year. I begin today by outlining three major |
takeaways from those roundtables. And before I do that--that |
is--the main question we want to ask ourselves is what |
actionable steps can Congress take to mitigate risk, lessen the |
impact of families and communities across America, and reduce |
Federal losses from natural disasters? |
The first takeaway from the roundtables is that, by almost |
every measure, Federal disaster spending is increasing on an |
unsustainable path. Dr. Erwann Michel-Kerjan from Wharton |
showed that Federal cost-share of natural disasters exploded |
over the last 60 years, increasing from roughly 6 percent in |
1955 to 77 percent in 2015. |
The second takeaway from the roundtable is that the States, |
communities, and individuals have little incentive to undertake |
loss prevention measures before a disaster occurs. We are going |
to hear in a minute the Multihazard Mitigation Council |
conducted a study documenting how every dollar spent on |
mitigation saves the Nation approximately $4 in post-disaster |
relief costs. A new study by Wharton indicated that a $1 |
increase in the Individual Assistance grant program reduces |
disaster insurance demand by $6. These findings represent |
compelling evidence that the Federal Government is |
inadvertently fostering short-sighted behavior throughout State |
and local governments and with individual homeowners. |
The third point from the roundtable is that eliminating |
disincentives and replacing them with the appropriate |
incentives for mitigation can benefit all parties involved. The |
Federal Government would benefit by lowering its cost share for |
disaster assistance. States would benefit by alleviating the |
budget constraint caused by disasters, and easing their |
dependency on Federal aid. Families would benefit by reducing |
personal disaster costs and protecting loved ones. Communities |
and local economies would benefit by enabling citizens and |
businesses to recover more quickly after an event. |
While the benefits are clear, the question remains: What |
specific actions can Congress take? |
The National Mitigation Investment Strategy is based on the |
latest science and engineering research from world-class |
research institutions, such as the Insurance Institute for |
Business and Home Safety, or IBHS. IBHS and other research |
institutions conduct research on building performance standards |
and simulated disaster conditions and controlled environments. |
Research from these institutions demonstrates that statewide |
adoption and enforcement of building codes can reduce long-term |
risk. Studies conducted in the wake of major disasters also |
support this finding. |
Another fact. According to IBHS, at least 25 percent of all |
businesses that close down for 24 hours or more during a |
disaster never reopen. That is staggering stats. And think |
about the businesses and the jobs. |
Another stat we looked at was the LSU [Louisiana State |
University] Hurricane Center estimated that stronger building |
codes would have reduced wind damage in Hurricane Katrina by 80 |
percent, or $8 billion. |
So thank you for your leadership, Congressman Curbelo and |
Congressman Sires. I am pleased to report that the core |
principles from this report have been turned into legislation |
and introduced in H.R. 5177, the National Mitigation Investment |
Act. This act provides a powerful incentive for States to adopt |
and enforce statewide building codes and authorize a first-of- |
its-kind competitive grant program to improve building code |
enforcement. |
Further, the legislation includes a provision authorized by |
the chairman in H.R. 1471, authorizing Congress to look at the |
first comprehensive assessment of Federal disaster spending by |
Congress in over 20 years. Congressional leaders, policy |
experts, and GAO all agree strong building codes, and enhanced |
pre-disaster mitigation would provide life and cost-saving |
benefits. |
I urge you and your colleagues to support the National |
Mitigation Investment Act in order to rein in Federal |
Government's exploding costs. Chairman Barletta, Ranking Member |
Carson, and the subcommittee, I applaud you for your efforts, |
and thank you for taking up this issue. I would be happy to |
answer any questions. |
Mr. Barletta. Thank you for your testimony, Mr. Nelson. |
Mr. Mickey, please proceed. |
Mr. Mickey. Chairman Barletta, Ranking Member Carson, and |
members of the subcommittee, thank you for the opportunity to |
provide testimony on approaches for reducing the cost of |
natural disasters. My name is Kevin Mickey, director of |
professional development and geospatial education at The Polis |
Center at Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis, |
which has the mission of linking academic and community |
expertise to create strong and resilient communities. |
I am here today as the chairman of the Multihazard |
Mitigation Council of the National Institute of Building |
Sciences, introducing a new and unique approach we have |
proposed for the incentivization of private property owners |
throughout the United States. |
The United States Congress established the National |
Institute of Building Sciences in 1974 to serve as an |
authoritative source for both the public and private sectors to |
improve the built environment. To achieve its mission, the |
institute has established 18 councils that engage building |
industry experts in examining and developing tools, |
technologies, and practices to meet identified needs. The |
institute and its Multihazard Mitigation Council, or MMC, and |
Council on Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate [CFIRE] have |
been particularly focused on opportunities to advance |
resilience and encourage the most cost-effective approaches to |
reducing the impacts of natural, as well as man-made, |
disasters. |
As you are aware, there have been numerous efforts at |
developing increased building codes and standards, mitigation |
programs, scientific studies of best practices, and definitions |
of resilience. And yet we continue to find that the penetration |
of hazard mitigation into the private sector is spotty and |
woefully incomplete. |
Now, this is not to say that these efforts have not been |
effective. As has already been pointed out, a 2005 MMC study |
showed that implemented mitigation strategies do indeed save on |
the order of $4 for every $1 spent. And currently, the |
institute is discussing with Federal agencies and the private |
sector a project to revisit this 2005 study and expand it to |
consider all Federal programs, the role of model building |
codes, and the benefits that mitigation provides to the private |
sector. |
Recognizing the significant benefits achieved through |
proactive investments in mitigation, the limited funding |
available to support disaster mitigation response and recovery, |
as well as the anticipated increase in disaster events, a new |
approach is necessary. |
The most cost-effective manner to achieve resilience is |
through a holistic and integrated set of public, private, and |
hybrid programs that capture opportunities available through |
investment and mortgages and equity real estate, insurance, |
finance, tax incentives and credits, grants, regulations, and |
enhanced building codes and their application. This focus on |
leveraging private-public sector opportunities to induce |
corrective action is called incentivization. |
The incentivization approach calls for input, consensus, |
leadership, and action from a broad spectrum of stakeholders |
representing the financial, regulatory, and economic processes |
that need to be developed and coordinated to make |
incentivization part of the Nation's economic fabric. |
Participants should include those who offer incentives such as |
insurance and finance-related companies, lenders, and |
foundations, as well as forward-thinking communities and |
Government agencies and important decisionmakers that most |
definitely need to include homeowners, businesses, and |
utilities. |
The MMC and CFIRE jointly published and developed a white |
paper entitled, ``Developing Pre-Disaster Resilience Based on |
Public and Private Incentivization,'' which provides a catalog |
of existing programs for different hazards that private and |
public sector stakeholders can evaluate and then modify or |
expand to develop incentives. The specifics of incentivization |
need to be tailored for new and existing construction, using |
optimal resilience measures beyond current law or custom, and |
to account for hazard risk, locality, business size, and the |
value of resilient strategies. One size cannot fit all. |
Incentivizing the means to achieve resilience before |
disasters occur focuses on monetizing the benefits for |
incorporating risk mitigation practices in the ordinary course |
of business. Participating stakeholders need sufficient |
confidence that using incentives to achieve resilience will |
justify investments, underwriting, and loan and grant programs. |
The private sector will not undertake resilience investments |
just because it is sensible, but because it is economically |
prudent. |
While my written testimony describes many opportunities for |
congressional action, I offer a few specific recommendations |
here. |
First, every Federal dollar associated with construction, |
community development, and infrastructure must include a |
requirement that the latest building codes be met or exceeded. |
Second, Congress and Federal agencies should examine all |
programs, particularly grant-making programs, to identify |
opportunities to support resilience. |
And finally, Federal investments and programs should |
require investment in mitigation. |
Thank you for the opportunity to testify before you today. |
Please consider The Polis Center, as well as the National |
Institute of Building Sciences as resources as you look to |
address challenges related to the built environment. |
I look forward to your questions. |
Mr. Barletta. Thank you for your testimony, Mr. Mickey. |
I will now begin the first round of questions, limited to 5 |
minutes for each Member. If there are additional questions |
following the first round, we will have additional rounds of |
questions, as needed. |
Deputy Administrator Nimmich, why are the big disasters |
costing so much money now, and what factors do you think are |
driving this change? |
And then I would also like to hear Mr. Koon and Mr. |
Nelson's thoughts on that. |
Mr. Nimmich. Congressman Barletta, I think the biggest |
challenge is the continued movement of populations into high |
urban areas that happen to have been developed from historic |
perspectives in very dangerous areas along our rivers for |
flooding, along our coastlines for major storms, and on |
earthquake faults. The reality of people moving to the cities |
is one that we are going to face for the foreseeable future, |
and that only increases the potential of costs. |
Additionally, the value of property has gone up |
substantially over time. And therefore, the recovery costs |
continue to go up. What it cost to build a mile of roads 30 |
years ago is very different than what it takes to build a mile |
of roads today. The only solution is, in fact, building for |
those future States that we look at, in terms of culverts that |
can maintain the flow of water, bridges that are better |
maintained, all of the infrastructure that needs to be there, |
as well as public buildings built to standards that allow for |
the potential of future disasters to be minimized. |
Mr. Barletta. Mr. Koon, Mr. Nelson? |
Mr. Nelson. Yes. Just to add to that, the wealth effect |
that has happened in America since the 1970s, clearly, the |
average home size has increased by about 1,000 square feet. |
Echoing the comment more and more Americans moving to areas |
that have higher risk, but adding on top of that--we see it in |
our statistics--if you are growing in an area with poor |
building codes versus good building codes, we see it in the |
claims data, we see it--where we shouldn't be seeing claims we |
see claims at low wind speeds, at small hail sizes. There is a |
better way forward, and we see it for States like Florida that |
have had very good adoption of building codes. There are proven |
studies that have shown how much it has benefitted. So just to |
add that to the conversation. |
Mr. Barletta. Mr. Koon? |
Mr. Koon. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I concur with both Mr. |
Nimmich and Mr. Nelson. |
I would also add I believe that, over time, there has been |
a better understanding and better utilization of the funding |
that is available to communities after those types of |
disasters. And so perhaps we are fully recognizing all of the |
ways that we can use those Federal, State, and local dollars to |
help the community recover. |
I believe there is also probably an additional cost on the |
administrative oversight of those programs, and the program |
requirements to effect the recovery and subsequent mitigation. |
Those recovery programs can often stretch into the decades for |
some of our larger disasters. And so the administrative costs |
associated with those also add to those higher costs. |
Mr. Barletta. Deputy Administrator Nimmich, we continue to |
see new disaster aid programs emerge ad hoc in reaction to |
disasters. They all seem to have different rules and |
requirements and do not seem well coordinated or focused on |
obtaining the best outcomes. |
Don't FEMA programs contain strict requirements on |
eligibility, use, and cost effectiveness? And are you aware if |
other agency disaster programs include such requirements? And |
is this something that Congress should take a look at, so that |
we can streamline these programs and ensure that they are cost |
effective? |
Mr. Nimmich. Congressman Barletta, you are absolutely |
correct that we have very stringent codes and requirements in |
order to qualify for Federal dollars. And, as Mr. Koon pointed |
out, they often take a great deal of oversight to ensure that |
they are effectively and correctly implemented. |
I can speak through the Sandy legislation, that there was a |
requirement to capture all of the different agencies, including |
HUD [U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development] and |
Federal Transit Administration, to ensure we had a more |
complete understanding of where the different investments in |
recovery were going. That is not consistent across all of the |
different disasters that exist. |
I will tell you that this year, for the first time, the |
administration passed the Federal Flood Risk Management |
Standards that require every agency, for every Federal dollar |
that is invested in recovery, to meet a standard for the first |
time. That includes the Department of Defense, as well as all |
the other agencies. So there are activities going on to try to |
ensure that we all build to a high standard. But the capture of |
those costs is not something that we currently do. |
Mr. Barletta. Now I recognize Ranking Member Carson for 5 |
minutes. |
Mr. Carson. Thank you, Chairman. |
Mr. Mickey, in terms of community buy-in, various reports |
have been released about the rising costs of disaster, benefits |
of mitigation and the need to take steps to mitigate for |
disasters. So Congress has also acted to incentivize |
mitigation. |
So, for example, Congress authorized FEMA to provide |
additional Hazard Mitigation Grant Program funding to States |
with enhanced plans, yet only 12 States have adopted these. So, |
even with incentives, it is very difficult to get States to |
take action. |
How do we get the ideas in your report to the public and |
private sectors, and what is needed to actually get ideas |
implemented? |
Mr. Mickey. Well, I am happy to say that we have already |
taken some steps in that direction. Just this past January, the |
institute held a symposium here, in Washington, DC. That |
institute brought together experts in the industries that I |
identified in my testimony for the purpose of discussing |
exactly what was presented and, more importantly, to share |
their own ideas for how to incentivize resilience in their |
respective sectors. |
The next step that the institute is currently pursuing is |
to develop a stakeholder leadership council that consists of |
the leaders of the various stakeholder groups to include |
insurance, loan organizations, bond writing organizations, |
businesses, utilities, homeowners, and, of course, local, State |
and Federal Government. The goal of that council is going to be |
to work on formulating the mechanisms for incentivization. |
The idea that we have is that, by getting the buy-in of |
these stakeholders directly--because they will be the ones |
coming up with these incentive strategies--that others will |
then follow. And they are going to be incentivized to help |
build an enhanced economy that does not currently exist for |
writing insurance, originating loans and bonds, and generating |
construction activity. |
Ultimately, the goal, as we see it, is to produce a set of |
products that consumers want. Let me give you a couple of |
examples that you will find in our full study. |
State Farm Insurance offered a premium discount in Texas |
for installation of impact-resistant roofs. The result was that |
products related to impact-resistant roofs went from 10 in 1998 |
to more than 1,000 in the year 2003. And that program has now |
expanded out into 26 additional States. According to State Farm |
Homeowners, the IRR product, or the impact-resistant roof |
product, is something that they now want. |
And then, just earlier this week in Washington, the mayor |
of the city of Fairhope, Alabama, Tim Kant, was attending the |
Resilience Building Codes Forum, and he made a statement that |
his community is now considered one of the most desirable |
places to live, specifically because their homes are recognized |
as being more resilient. And that community is one of the |
places where the fortified program is found. |
The institute is planning to serve the role of identifying |
these solutions that I have mentioned. We recognize that there |
are plenty of best practices out there. What we want to do is |
bring together the stakeholders to identify those best |
practices and see them replicated across the industry. We |
recognize that costs are high, and we are looking for ways to |
reduce them, and we believe this is a creative approach. |
Ultimately, we believe that activities such as implementing |
building codes need to be started to be viewed as a carrot, not |
as a stick. And if the incentives are appropriate, we think |
that can happen. |
Mr. Carson. Thank you. |
Mr. Koon, you have mentioned FEMA's new customer service- |
centric focus for the Public Assistance Program as a positive |
step forward. Are there other actions FEMA could take with |
respect to the Public Assistance Program in order to reduce |
disaster costs and even losses? |
Mr. Koon. Thank you, Ranking Member Carson. I believe that |
continued implementation of some of the procedures that were |
highlighted in the Sandy Recovery Improvement Act in ways that |
will help us expedite funding to the locals could result in |
cost savings and improved recovery, as we move forward. |
We are eager to continue to work with FEMA on this PA |
[public assistance] reengineering process, to make sure that |
they are as customer-centric as possible in this situation, so |
that we can help, again, get those communities back up on their |
feet as quickly as possible, at a minimal cost to the Federal |
Government. |
With regards to the question you asked Mr. Mickey earlier, |
with regard to incentives, if I may, we have done a very good |
job on providing incentives for programs. You mentioned the |
enhanced mitigation program, there are incentives offered |
through the National Flood Insurance Program, Community Rating |
System, there are incentives offered through the Sandy Recovery |
Improvement Act for debris removal. None of those, I believe, |
have fully met what they intended to do. |
And so, continual reevaluation of those incentive programs |
to determine why they are not being taken up at the level we |
anticipate would be necessary, and then go back and improve the |
processes by which we implement those programs, would help them |
meet the maximum good they were designed to--intended to |
effect. |
Mr. Carson. Thank you. And Administrator Nimmich, earlier |
this week the White House hosted a conference on resilient |
building codes. Included in the fact sheet issued by the White |
House it stated that FEMA is developing a more detailed plan to |
be put forth for additional public discussion in a notice of |
proposed rulemaking. |
Has FEMA finished reviewing all the comments and arrived at |
determining that it will definitely go forward with rulemaking |
on disaster deductible concepts, if so? |
When can Congress and stakeholders expect the proposed rule |
to even be issued? |
Mr. Nimmich. Representative Carson, thank you for the |
question. The deductible process has been one where we have |
reached out heavily to the user group. And, as Ms. Clark |
indicated, we have received over 150 very detailed responses to |
the advanced notice of proposed rulemaking. And we went through |
the advanced notice of a rulemaking process in order to get |
that type of feedback that Ms. Clark indicated, where there are |
concerns that this might just be the ability to transfer costs |
from the Federal Government to State and then to local |
communities. |
The intent here is exactly what we have been talking about, |
to incentivize and make more consistent the ability for |
communities to invest in mitigation and preparedness |
capabilities. We are now going through those 150 comments to be |
able to come up with an actual proposed rule that will have |
details in it that we will then go out through the proposed |
rulemaking process to get specific comments back on those |
rules. We anticipate that that will be out some time this |
calendar year, sir. |
Mr. Carson. Thank you. And I don't know where we are on |
time, Mr. Chairman, but I yield back. |
Mr. Barletta. Thank you, Ranking Member Carson. |
Mr. Graves, you have 5 minutes. |
Mr. Graves of Louisiana. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. |
Administrator Nimmich, who is in charge within the Federal |
Government of our national efforts in terms of community |
resilience? Which agency? |
Mr. Nimmich. So, as you would expect, Congressman, FEMA, |
through the National Preparedness Program, provides the |
guidance for the Federal Government to be able to assist State |
and locals in developing their preparedness programs. And FEMA, |
working with the States through their threat estimating |
program, as well as their preparedness reports, captures that |
information, as well as for the Federal Government---- |
Mr. Graves of Louisiana. OK. |
Mr. Nimmich [continuing]. But each agency themselves are |
responsible for their support to the preparedness plan. |
Mr. Graves of Louisiana. Got it. Administrator Nimmich, do |
you acknowledge the statistics that Mr. Nelson referenced in |
regard to studies indicating that proactive investments in |
hazard mitigation generate cost savings? |
Mr. Nimmich. Yes, sir. I said it in my opening statement, |
and that is what the deductible---- |
Mr. Graves of Louisiana. Great. |
Mr. Nimmich [continuing]. Process is trying to---- |
Mr. Graves of Louisiana. Thank you. Do you see any of the |
work of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as being efforts to |
reduce hazards or address mitigation strategies? |
Mr. Nimmich. Sir, we work closely with the Army Corps of |
Engineers, and---- |
Mr. Graves of Louisiana. If you could just--if you don't |
mind, just a yes or no. I would appreciate---- |
Mr. Nimmich. Sir, I am not comfortable answering just a yes |
or no, but would do so for the record. We work very closely |
with the Army Corps of Engineers, and I do believe that an |
awful lot of their efforts go to reducing the impacts of |
potential future disasters. In North Dakota, they have worked |
very closely with the city of Fargo to be able to develop---- |
Mr. Graves of Louisiana. All right. |
Mr. Nimmich [continuing]. Capabilities---- |
Mr. Graves of Louisiana. Thank you. I will go ahead and |
answer these so I don't burn through all the time. |
So you have the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers that spends |
money in addressing flood damage reduction projects, hurricane |
protection. The administration has budgeted, I believe it was, |
$1 billion competition, resiliency competition, through HUD. |
You have a climate resiliency fund the Department of the |
Interior is trying to establish under the last budget request. |
I think it was $2 billion. FEMA has a Hazard Mitigation Grant |
Program and a Pre-disaster Mitigation Program. Does it really |
make sense for us to have five different programs out there, |
all attempting to address various aspects? Are these properly |
coordinated? Are they properly prioritized? |
And, you know, the reason I bring this up, I am from south |
Louisiana and we have had more than our share of disasters, |
whether it be Hurricanes Katrina and Rita coming up from the |
south, we had record high water on the Mississippi River in |
2011 and again this year in January for the first time ever, in |
January of this year. We had Hurricanes Gustav and Ike in 2008, |
Hurricane Isaac in 2012. We have had more than our share of |
disasters. |
And watching over and over again, as we come in and we have |
FEMA come in and pick up the pieces after a disaster, together |
with millions and millions of dollars spent by our parishes and |
spent by our State government, the Corps of Engineers in some |
cases--I can think of a project in St. John Parish, St. Charles |
Parish affecting Ascension, Livingston, and St. James Parishes, |
that that project has been in the study phase with the U.S. |
Army Corps of Engineers now for over 40 years, over 40 years. |
Mr. Chairman, Mr. Ranking Member, my point here is that, |
look, everyone wants us to reduce disaster spending. Everyone |
does. The solution here, as I think Ms. Clark noted, Mr. Koon |
noted, the solution here is making the principal proactive |
investments in making our communities more resilient. |
In recent years we have had FEMA, with their 500-year flood |
risk management regulations. We have had Biggert-Waters in |
2012, the revisions in 2014. We have proposals now to increase |
the cost share associated with disaster response on our |
counties, on our parishes, and our State governments. |
Mr. Chairman, my point is that making proactive investments |
is the solution to reduce our overall disaster expenses. We |
estimated that if we had spent somewhere around $8 billion or |
$9 billion, simply finished authorized projects in south |
Louisiana that were supposed to be built by the U.S. Army Corps |
of Engineers, we could have saved an estimated 90 percent of |
the about--and you can justify numbers--anywhere from about |
$120 billion to $150 billion that were spent in response to |
those 2005 hurricanes. We could have saved that. And not to |
mention--and very, very important--in fact, more important, Mr. |
Chairman, we think we could have saved over 90 percent of the |
1,200 lives that were lost in south Louisiana. |
So, all of these efforts by FEMA I think are being done in |
a vacuum. We need to be coordinating, better coordinating our |
efforts to be proactive, to protect and make our communities |
and our ecosystem more resilient, and stop all this coming in |
after the fact and spending exponentially more dollars. There |
are studies, there are models. Yet all we are seeing, rather |
than following the data, following the recommendations and the |
outcomes of these studies and these experiences following these |
catastrophic disasters, instead we are further making disparate |
investments in programs that aren't really contributing or |
heeding the recommendations of these reports. I am very |
concerned about what--this trend that we are seeing. |
And lastly, Mr. Chairman, I just want to say that in south |
Louisiana much of our vulnerability is actually attributable to |
the actions of the Federal Government. We have lost 1,900 |
square miles of our coast. The majority of that is because of |
how the Corps of Engineers manages the water resources in this |
Nation. That is why we have lost, that is why we have become |
more vulnerable. |
Arkansas doesn't care when hurricanes come because |
Louisiana is their buffer. Our buffer is disappearing, and that |
is why you are seeing these costs. |
And so I just want to urge the committee, Mr. Chairman, Mr. |
Ranking Member, as we move forward on legislation we need to |
make sure we don't get too myopic in this view, and that we are |
looking comprehensively at all of these efforts that are |
underway that, quite frankly, should be under this |
subcommittee's jurisdiction. I yield back. |
Mr. Barletta. Thank you. |
Mr. Sires? |
Mr. Sires. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. You know us. We learn |
from all these disasters. |
Mr. Nimmich, we picked up how to better construct, do |
better codes, everything else. Why do you think some of these |
States are so reluctant to do this mitigation codes and |
reinforcement? Why do you think that is? |
Mr. Nimmich. Sir, I think the decision on building codes is |
almost always local, and those decisions based on other |
economic factors, desires for certain development. |
But I do think that we, as the Federal Government, need to |
continue to ensure that when we invest, it is invested to |
codes. Currently, FEMA has out for comment with our stakeholder |
groups changes to our Public Assistance Program that would |
require whether a State has or a community has code or doesn't |
have code. If they don't, if they want us to build back their |
infrastructure, it will have to be built back to either a |
national or an international code. |
So we are taking it very seriously to say even if a |
community doesn't feel that codes are of value, we do. And when |
we invest Federal dollars, we will build back to a code. |
Mr. Sires. You know, one of the things that bothers me |
about New Jersey is the fact that 3 years later we still have |
people that have not gone back to their homes. And there is |
plenty of blame to go around, you know. |
I think that, in terms of these disasters, you not only |
have to mitigate it before, but I think there has got to be |
some sort of post-disaster, where you are ready to come in and |
watch over some of these guys that are the fraudulent |
applications and everything else, and not take years before we |
can come up with the people who are perpetrating a fraud. |
And to me, I think you have to be ready right after the |
disaster. Can you talk to that? |
Mr. Nimmich. Yes, sir. And I can proudly say that we have |
moved rapidly since Katrina to ensure that we have programs |
that have as much protection as possible. |
But I will tell you, sir, that if we have to err on the |
side of supporting a valid requirement and a fraudulent |
requirement, we are likely to support that requirement. But it |
takes time to go back and relook. |
And as you know, in New Jersey now you are seeing the first |
cases of prosecution of fraudulent--where people have taken |
money from those that need to recover in their primary homes, |
claiming that their secondary home was a primary home, and |
taking those dollars away from those people that need it. |
It does take time, and we have to realize that during that |
immediate post-disaster we want to make sure that those people |
that need the money get it. And there will be people that take |
advantage of it, but we don't give up. And as you said, sir, it |
may take too long, but we don't stop. We continue to go back |
and recoup those monies from people that fraudulently or |
accidentally applied for resources that they didn't deserve. |
We are down below the national standard--from financial |
institutions in recovering money, down below 1 percent. So I |
think we do a pretty good job of ensuring that the money goes |
to those people who deserve it and need it. |
Mr. Sires. You know, I come around--I used to be one of |
these guys that you have to require certain things. And I come |
around a lot to providing incentives. Because if the Federal |
Government is going to give you some money, I think that |
mitigation codes or storm codes should be part of it. |
I look at these disasters in the Midwest. I see these |
tornadoes, Oklahoma--I am not trying to single out Oklahoma, |
but it just seems that they get more than anybody else. And I |
see where schools are even damaged. You know, to me, if the |
Federal Government is going to give a State money to build a |
school, you should require a stronger code to build the |
schools. And I understand that these schools were built before. |
But, you know, going forward, I think that is something that we |
should look into, because some of the schools always--they |
serve as shelters, too, in some of these communities. And I see |
the damage in some of these schools and some of these homes. |
So I think--I am coming around to the idea of incentives, |
Mr. Chairman, to provide these people so they can build the |
kind of codes that they need to deal with some of these |
disasters. Thank you. |
Mr. Barletta. Thank you. I will now begin a second round of |
questions. |
Commissioner Clark, I understand your district had major |
wildfires that destroyed a tremendous number of homes and |
property. Can you explain some of the challenges you have had |
trying to mitigate the risk of post-fire flooding? And do you |
have any recommendations for Congress to improve our mitigation |
programs? |
Ms. Clark. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Yes, we have, |
obviously, had--and I don't know what fair share is, but we |
have had more than our fair share of disasters in El Paso |
County, Colorado. What I would like to talk about specifically |
is the things that I think we can do from the standpoint of |
local community resiliency. |
And I think that what tends to happen--and it happens at |
the local level, at the State level, and particularly at the |
Federal level, is we have silos built up between agencies. The |
fire that happened in Waldo Canyon was almost more than 95 |
percent on Federal forest land. That pre-mitigation needs to |
happen from the Federal level, because that is Forest Service, |
and the Forest Service is now spending more than 50 percent of |
its budget on--frankly, on responding to wildfires, versus pre- |
mitigating ahead of time. We have no control over that at the |
local level. |
What we do have control over is working with fire-adapted |
communities, community wildfire protection plans, and providing |
incentives, as some have said up here, which is very important, |
but for individuals to be able to mitigate ahead of time, to |
provide firewise communities. |
I was just up in, actually Crystal Park, which is a one- |
way-in, one-way-out community built up on the mountainside. And |
they have taken steps to do that. And some of those programs |
that help them buy fire equipment to be prepared locally, to |
take that ability to look at, from a personal standpoint, to be |
able to provide that mitigation, will be helpful. We tend to be |
really--you know, when we look at an ounce of prevention is |
worth a pound of cure, doing that pre-mitigation ahead of time. |
I also think it is important to note that we have--when |
there is a disaster--and I have a small business, when the fire |
happened I lost thousands of dollars of reservations, and then |
we have this rolling disaster that keeps happening--to try and |
make sure that those that may not live in wildland interface |
areas, where the drainage all comes down into a small |
community, to be able to look at the fact that that mitigation |
immediately following the fire will provide the resiliency to |
slow down the debris and the large flash floods that happen as |
a result. And it is hard to understand, if you are not from |
Colorado, because--if you are not from a Western State that has |
those drainages that drain right down into it. |
So I think tearing down the silos, understanding there is |
an impact on small business and how devastating that can be-- |
one-third of small businesses go out of business after a major |
incident, and I think that that is really important, and |
looking at the flexibility in the requirements. Even though we |
want--we definitely want accountability, but sometimes the |
requirements preclude you from even asking for the particular |
money that you may otherwise need. |
Mr. Barletta. We talked a lot today about how much the |
Federal Government pays out for disasters. But the other major |
payers in disasters are insurance companies. |
Mr. Nelson, can you discuss how insured losses generally |
compare to the Federal assistance provided in the wake of a |
disaster? |
Mr. Nelson. In the wake of a disaster it is the role of the |
insurance company to make that insured whole again. And so we |
are paying for the building, we are paying for the contents. If |
you are a small business, we are giving you business income |
interruption coverage. We are also providing additional living |
expense. And so significant dollars, compared to--you know, |
usually individual grants are small grants to consumers. They |
are not going to make you whole again. They are not going to be |
enough to rebuild your home, in general speaking. |
So, it is important. The insurance industry plays a major |
role in natural disasters. And our trends, because of the |
weather volatility, we have been seeing those trends go up. And |
so this is an important concept because what do insurance |
companies do? We spread the risk over people and over time. And |
as the risk changes, the prices change. And so it is important |
that we bend the cost curve for the Federal Government and bend |
the cost curve for consumers. |
Mr. Barletta. Every one of you mentioned the importance of |
mitigation and how evidence shows that for every $1 invested, |
$4 is saved. Most Federal mitigation funding is provided |
through the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program after a disaster |
declaration. |
I ask this of every one of you on the panel, if you could |
give a brief answer. How can we more proactively address the |
mitigation and shift the investment to before the catastrophe? |
Mr. Nimmich. Congressman Barletta, I think the first thing |
I need to do is again thank the committee and the Congress for |
the post-Sandy legislation that allows that mitigation money, |
that post-disaster mitigation money, to be identified much |
earlier in the process, and then be applied as part of the |
recovery process. |
Clearly, as we look at all of the different mitigation |
programs we have--pre-disaster, in 2015 Congress gave us the |
authority to do post-mitigation or hazard mitigation for fire |
grants, to be able to restore those burned areas in a much more |
robust way. I would ask that we could consider reauthorizing |
that ability to use the fire mitigation grants as a hazard |
mitigation grant developer. |
But the reality for us comes back to how do you incentivize |
every level, from the individual, through insurance programs, |
to the local to the county to the State and the Federal |
Government to be able to invest in that. We believe that the |
deductible offers that opportunity. We continue to need to work |
with our stakeholders to define what the reasonable level of a |
deductible should be, and then how do those building codes and |
the investments that Ms. Clark has indicated that the counties |
and the communities do reduce that deductible in order to be |
able to support those communities that have invested in their |
own well-being. |
I do believe that it is mitigation that ultimately reduces |
the cost of a disaster, and we need to find proactive ways, as |
you have all indicated, to incentivize that approach. |
Mr. Barletta. Ms. Clark? |
Ms. Clark. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. As it relates to the |
Hazard Mitigation Grant Program, it is a very important |
component of, I think, what communities need to be provided |
for. There are some issues, I think, within the HMGP programs |
that need more flexibility, however, in order to be able to |
utilize those funds best at the local level. We see sometimes |
that there is not an understanding of unique situations, and I |
will give an example |
In 2012 was the Waldo Canyon fire. We just closed on three |
houses 2 weeks ago for several homes that were in the floodway |
as a result of a fire that happened on Federal forest land. |
They had never had flooding ever before, and it has taken us, |
really, that length of time to get that completed. |
As it relates to, additionally, the Hazard Mitigation Grant |
Program, we at our Office of Emergency Management appreciate |
being able to utilize those dollars, but sometimes the |
accountability, where you may see it as accountability, the |
paperwork is so extreme for such a small amount of money that |
it makes it really unusable for us to even apply for the |
grants. |
And so, we do take it very seriously, but I think sometimes |
those programs need to be looked at as how can those dollars |
actually get to the folks that need the help and provide some |
additional assistance for those individuals who want to take |
personal responsibility for trying to reduce mitigation--to |
reduce the disaster, eventual disaster declarations, by looking |
at being proactive on their own personal property. |
The Black Forest fire was almost entirely on private |
property. That was the second fire. So we have two different |
fires, and we have seen different problems in each of those. |
Mr. Barletta. Thank you. |
Mr. Koon? |
Mr. Koon. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. The--as a director of |
the Florida Division of Emergency Management, I have the luxury |
of a fairly large staff and adequate funding. And so, every |
time there are new programs out there, every time there are new |
incentives, I have personnel whom I can assign to that to make |
sure that we take full advantage of that program. |
However, a good number of States do not share that luxury, |
and a good number of the counties across the country do not |
have that same luxury. So every time a new program is put into |
place, they have to determine how they can help meet the needs |
of that program, because they are using current staffing, |
current year budgeting and the potential for a payoff down the |
road. |
So I think a few things would assist in this effort. What |
would be--as Mr. Graves suggested, consider clarifying, |
consider consolidating, consider streamlining existing programs |
today, rather than creating just additional new programs, which |
would enhance the administrative burden on already overworked |
officials at the State and local level. |
I think a better data analysis of the true costs of |
disasters and how they impact all levels will help us calculate |
the true return on investment for our participation in these |
programs, and help us make those decisions. |
And finally, moving the mitigation cycle, moving the |
mitigation program forward, and so that it is not something we |
start thinking about on day one of the recovery, it is |
something that is done ahead of the disasters, so that if the |
funding comes along with that disaster, we are ready on day one |
with actionable mitigation plans to help--implementing those |
programs, and we don't rebuild exactly as we were before. |
Mr. Barletta. Thank you. |
Mr. Nelson? |
Mr. Nelson. First, I just want to start with we have to get |
the word out about mitigation. There is a perception that |
mitigation costs so much money to consumers. Travelers, we are |
a proud supporter of Habitat for Humanity. We went out and we |
built a dozen fortified homes along the coast of America, and I |
personally participated in building one in New Haven, |
Connecticut. The average cost is only 2 to 5 percent on new |
construction. And so, we just have to make sure that consumers |
understand this. And so that is first. |
Second, clearly, you got a difficult decision in front of |
us. You know, spending is so difficult in Congress today, |
everyone understands that. But we have to consider spending |
more at pre-disaster mitigation funds--again, proven techniques |
with IBHS and other studies--and evaluate that, and evaluate |
streamlining some of these FEMA programs. Thank you. |
Mr. Barletta. Mr. Mickey? |
Mr. Mickey. I think just as importantly, we have to |
understand that the action of mitigation is not simply |
something you do to check a box and get FEMA to sign a check |
over and move on. It is something that needs to be a proactive, |
positive investment to incentivize, again, those communities we |
are promoting through the institute to take positive actions. |
Mr. Barletta. Thank you. |
Ranking Member Carson? |
Mr. Carson. Thank you, Chairman. |
Ms. Clark, disaster assistance reformed under the act of |
2015, the committee calls for a very comprehensive study on |
trends and disaster costs and losses. As you mentioned earlier, |
local government bears a large portion of the disaster costs, |
yet data is very scarce. What is NACo doing to collect the |
information so that the data can be considered as part of the |
comprehensive study, and ensure that current Federal disaster |
costs are not just being shifted to local communities? |
Ms. Clark. I am assuming that is for me. I wanted to say |
that I think that that brings up a very---- |
Mr. Carson. Or Mr. Koon. |
Ms. Clark. OK. I will start and then--I think that the-- |
that local government really is here from the Government, and |
here to help. We want to know from you how we can best provide |
you the data and the information. |
For those of us who have done this before--and in my case |
we have had four declared disasters, so we have got a lot of |
information. And I think it would be helpful to sit down with |
those communities that have been through the processes, and all |
the different silos, and to be able to have feedback from us on |
how to change things that--policies that may not be working in |
the best interest, first of all, of our communities and, |
secondly, of our local governments. |
Mr. Carson. OK. |
Mr. Koon. Ranking Member Carson, the question you asked is |
a question that many of the folks asked as they were responding |
to the proposed deductible concept from FEMA, which is how do |
we capture all of those costs? What is the methodology? What is |
going to apply in that situation? Is it you go out and remove a |
tree that just fell in the road overnight, or do you--is there |
a certain threshold at which you start measuring those dollars? |
We still are having those kind of conversations to figure out |
exactly what costs do we need to capture. |
But I do agree that it is very important that we do so |
because, again, that helps feed the return on investment |
calculations that we need to do in this situation. |
The flip side of what I offered earlier--and the fact that |
I have a fairly large agency and a fairly adequate budget, is |
that the threshold for Florida to receive a Presidential |
declaration is also fairly high. And so, we can have a $10 |
million or $20 million or even a $25 million disaster in the |
State of Florida that will not be eligible for a Federal |
declaration. So every year the State of Florida spends hundreds |
of millions of dollars internally at the State and local level |
to help us recover from those situations. |
So I concur that we should develop methodology by which we |
can all operate off the same sheet of music when understanding |
what these costs are. |
Mr. Carson. Yes, sir. Thank you. |
Mr. Nelson, you mentioned in your testimony that the |
Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety simulating |
disaster conditions on homes and businesses in a controlled |
environment, you mentioned that. What types of adjustments to |
building codes has the institute found to be most effective in |
keeping a structure standing after a disaster? And how much |
would these changes cost during new construction? |
Mr. Nelson. You know, IBHS, we have come out with a program |
called FORTIFIED. There's a bronze program. The bronze program |
concentrates on the roof coverings. And so we have looked at |
taping the roofs, the seams on the roof deck. And maybe that is |
about $500 to $1,000. And that prevents water intrusion in case |
you lose your shingles. So that is the first step. |
The second step that is a proven technique is really |
bolstering all your openings, either covering your openings or |
putting some other reinforcements in place. And then the gold |
standard is looking at the building kind of end to end, looking |
how it is anchored at your foundation, through the walls, and |
to the roof. |
And so, these are techniques that we are very happy to say |
some States have embraced. Alabama, coast of Alabama has now |
embraced the FORTIFIED standards within their codes and their |
coastal counties. And they have also put in a program to try |
and--for mitigation grants. |
And so, we are seeing a lot of success with this program. |
We are even seeing some builders voluntarily building these |
homes. |
Mr. Carson. Thank you. |
And lastly, for a fellow Hoosier, Mr. Mickey, The Polis |
Center provides valuable services necessary to understanding |
the disaster threat and risk. How does The Polis Center help us |
understand, make its services known to others, and can you |
expand on some of the successful collaborative projects with |
State and local entities that the center has taken? |
Mr. Mickey. Thank you for the opportunity to talk both |
about The Polis Center and, quite honestly, the State that I am |
very proud of, the State of Indiana. |
Polis has been around since 1989. We have had 27 years of |
successfully linking community and academic expertise. Our |
goals are to build capacity in the State's agencies, the |
volunteer associations, the citizens of the State of Indiana, |
and so forth. |
We have done a lot of work in emergency management, but the |
reason that we have been successful is not because uniquely of |
the resources in our center, but because of the atmosphere that |
exists in the State of Indiana. |
Case in point, within Indiana we have had the privilege of |
working with the Indiana Department of Homeland Security to |
complete mitigation plans in close collaboration with the |
counties and cities and towns of the State of Indiana. The |
approach we take is highly collaborative. So, unlike many |
situations that we hear about where a plan is created and set |
aside on a shelf, if you would--which, unfortunately, I think |
does often happen--that plan becomes a living document, |
something that the community is engaged in, that people are |
brought to the table to discuss and be a part of. And I think |
that is a critical component of making mitigation a success. |
Part of the reason that we are also successful--and |
something I am exceedingly proud of--is in the State of Indiana |
we understand the importance of information. FEMA created a |
tool that I am sure many of you are aware of a few years ago |
called Hazus-MH. And Hazus has become a very significant part |
of the portfolio of resources in the State of Indiana that we |
use, the technology that allows communities to estimate the |
impact of hazards, specifically floods, earthquakes, and |
hurricanes, and they are able to do that in a more profound and |
successful way by integrating local resources. |
In my State I am happy to say that we have 100 percent of |
the counties that, even though they have disagreements, to be |
sure, they have managed to find a way to agree to share |
information. So anyone, anywhere, any time can go out to the |
IndianaMAP and download every single parcel in the State of |
Indiana: road information, hydrology information, and of |
course, hazard information. That information, combined with |
other resources in the State, makes it possible for our |
citizens to be much better protected and much better able to |
respond to disasters than others might be. |
We have taken that success story, I am proud to say, to |
other States as well. We are very much about building capacity. |
We have worked extensively in the States of Georgia, in West |
Virginia, in many other areas. In total, we have worked in over |
36 States, including, I believe, every one represented by |
members of this committee, and over 100 cities. |
Building capacity means building tools, it means building |
work flows, it means, very importantly, education. And not just |
in how to do hazard analysis, but also what that means to a |
community, in terms of its long-term resiliency. |
We believe firmly in connecting the fabric of the community |
to the solution. So hunger, homelessness, issues like that are |
just as important in understanding how a community will or will |
not be resilient to a disaster as understanding whether a |
building is going to fall down or stay upright. And we look at |
all of those things and try to bring them together in a |
synergistic way in conversations with a lot of people to take |
advantage of that knowledge. |
Mr. Carson. Thank you, sir. |
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I yield back. |
Mr. Barletta. OK. Mr. Graves? |
Mr. Graves of Louisiana. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. |
Mr. Nimmich, the Biggert-Waters 12 directs FEMA to |
incorporate simulations of climate change into some of the |
estimates that you develop in regard to premiums. Could you |
discuss how FEMA is doing that, and how you are addressing |
uncertainties in regard to climate models? |
Mr. Nimmich. So through Biggert 12 we have been required to |
use the best science possible to determine the flood risk map, |
sir, and we continue to work with the scientific community and |
local communities to be able to identify what those potentials |
might be in the future, in terms of climate adaptation, |
particularly with the rising tides in flood zones. |
Mr. Graves of Louisiana. Yes. And so the question is how do |
you plan to address the uncertainties in regard to the models |
of future sea rise and potential for storm intensity changes |
and things along those lines? |
Mr. Nimmich. Sir, I will answer that for the record. |
Mr. Graves of Louisiana. Thank you. Another question. The |
Technical Mapping Advisory Council that was established, they |
indicated in a recent report that they believe that there was |
about a 40-percent uncertainty rate associated with some of the |
flood models that were used. |
If you take that degree of uncertainty, which is |
extraordinary, and you put on top of it trying to estimate |
future changes in sea rise, future changes in the potential for |
storm intensity and frequency, it seems like we are getting to |
a range of uncertainty that--it is just no longer helpful to |
even use those types of models and predictive information. |
Could you comment on that? |
Mr. Nimmich. Yes, sir. I don't think you can go to the |
extent of not using some sort of a model or a predictive |
capability when you are trying to determine whether mitigation |
and preventative actions need to be taken. So, while there is a |
certain degree of uncertainty, we continue to use the best |
available information, based on a wide range of scientific data |
that is available. |
Is there uncertainty? There is always uncertainty in it. |
But we have to start somewhere to be able to create a basis on |
which the risk exists in the community. |
As you well know, sir, in your area we have just |
experienced floods in northern Louisiana that no one would have |
expected, based on the science that was there. So there is a |
great deal of uncertainty when you deal with any weather event. |
So we need to continue to find the best science at the time |
that we create the risk map and then, as often as possible, |
come back and reevaluate that science. |
Mr. Graves of Louisiana. Yes, and I certainly concur that |
we need to be using the best information we can in regard to |
informing decisions. The concern is that, as you know, there |
are significant consequences of determining flood maps and NFIP |
premiums. And with your 500-year flood risk management, there |
could be significant and severe financial implications. |
My point is that, having such severe implications, yet |
having so much uncertainty with the predictive models, that is |
not necessarily a very comfortable combination of issues. And I |
just want to urge, as you move forward, that you keep that in |
mind, that--you need to keep in mind the reliability of the |
information and models, and take into account the consideration |
of financial implications on counties, parishes, and others, |
moving forward. |
Director Koon, first I want to say that I know a number of |
people that know you, and you have a great reputation. Thank |
you for being here. And I appreciate your testimony. |
A week before last, Congress--the House of Representatives |
passed H.R. 2901, which was legislation--and Mr. Nelson, excuse |
me, I am going to ask you a question on this, as well--that |
bill, what it does is it begins--or it allows for private flood |
insurance to serve effectively as a surrogate for the NFIP. |
Sounds like a good idea. Private sector, in many instances, |
could be more efficient than Government can. |
So, face value, sounds like it is a good idea. However, |
being from your area, being from the area where I was born and |
live, I am very concerned that what we are going to see is we |
are going to see private insurers that come in that start |
cherry-picking the policies that have the lowest risk. |
And so, what ends up happening under Biggert-Waters 12 and |
the reforms in 2014 is you are left with the policies that have |
higher risk. |
Now, Biggert-Waters 12 and the revisions from 2014 require |
that the loan that was given to NFIP following the 2015 floods, |
that it be repaid. It requires that a reserve fund be |
established. It requires that actuarial rates be charged under |
flood insurance. |
So my point is that the private sector insurance companies |
aren't going to have those same financial burdens. All they are |
going to have is whichever policies they choose. The NFIP is |
going to have now a smaller pool of ratepayers because the |
private sector is pulling some of those off. So you are going |
to have the higher risk, small pool that are still going to be |
subjected to establishing a reserve fund, paying off this debt |
of, whatever it is, $17 billion. |
Are those concerns--am I--should I not be concerned about |
this? Is there something there that we should be concerned |
about, and should NFIP reform be more comprehensive than just |
doing H.R. 2901? |
Mr. Koon. Thank you for the question, Congressman. And I |
think, actually, the debt is closer to $23 billion on the |
National Flood Insurance Program. |
Mr. Graves of Louisiana. Thank you. |
Mr. Koon. I think they would like to get to $17 billion. |
The answer--my opinion is that there needs to be more |
comprehensive reform of the National Flood Insurance Program. |
And I would urge this committee to become engaged with that |
conversation next year, when it is up for reauthorization, to |
work with the Committee on Financial Services on that, because |
there is lots of components of the National Flood Insurance |
Program that I think directly relate to the conversation we are |
having here today with regards to mitigation activities that |
can take place across the country. |
One of the things that I express quite frequently in the |
State of Florida--and did so just yesterday before the |
Governor's Hurricane Conference general session--as a result of |
some of the actions during Biggert-Waters of 2012, we have seen |
a significant reduction in the number of flood insurance |
policies across the country, and specifically in the State of |
Florida. The State of Florida has lost over 10 percent of the |
flood insurance policies. We have gone from just north of 2 |
million flood insurance policies in the State to about 1.8 |
million. |
What that means is those citizens, the next time they have |
a disaster, next time they have a flood in their community, |
they are not going to be able to recover like they would have, |
had they had flood insurance, and there will be additional |
costs imposed upon the Federal Government because they may now |
be eligible for assistance from FEMA. They may be eligible for |
assistance from the State, et cetera. So those costs are going |
to be borne by the individuals, those costs are going to be |
borne by Government. |
So a comprehensive analysis and reform of the National |
Flood Insurance Program, I believe, is completely appropriate |
at this point. |
Florida, last year in the legislative cycle, did do some |
things to reduce some of the regulatory burdens on private |
flood insurance in the State of Florida. And so now there are |
private insurers offering flood insurance policies in the |
State. It is very nascent at this point. There is probably |
2,000 to 3,000 private flood insurance policies in the State, |
but it is a start. |
I do share your concern about some of the cherry-picking |
aspects, and I am not an insurance expert, and I will defer to |
Mr. Nelson on that, but we have had a similar situation in the |
State of Florida with the Citizens Insurance Company and the |
wind-borne insurance. They have depopulated a large segment of |
their policies to the private market, and still remained |
financial feasible. So I believe Mr. Nelson may be able to |
elaborate on that a little bit. |
But I believe, again, comprehensive reform of the National |
Flood Insurance Program is absolutely appropriate at this |
point, and can tie in some of the mitigation activities that we |
have discussed thus far. |
Mr. Nelson. Thank you. First, let me say I would echo your |
concerns that you are raising. I think those are profound |
issues that we have to evaluate. So---- |
Mr. Graves of Louisiana. Mr. Chairman, for the record, I |
just want to note that he called me profound. |
[Laughter.] |
Mr. Nelson. So the--I do think, if you just step back for a |
minute, Travelers--let me just back up. Travelers, we do write |
flood insurance on a commercial basis for commercial insurance. |
We do not write homeowners flood insurance and we have no plans |
to enter that market. We also do not have a formalized position |
on this, I will just express my own points of view. |
So when you look at it--I have looked at a lot of the FEMA |
rate plans--I think they need to modernize their rate plans. |
The private industry should not be able to compete with FEMA on |
price. Remember, we have to buy reinsurance. We have to have |
enough capital to meet our obligations. That means we have to |
have a pool of money. Typically, that is our shareholders' |
money, so they have to get a return on that. We should not be |
able to compete with FEMA. |
And so you step back, their plan needs to be modernized. |
Their rate plan, I have looked at it, it is not at all |
consistent with how the private sector looks at insurance, |
sells insurance, and has a rating plan. So let's start with |
that, let's modernize the program, and then let's evaluate how |
we can privatize to think about that cherry-picking aspect. |
Thank you. |
Mr. Graves of Louisiana. Thank you. |
Thank you, Mr. Chairman, for your generosity. |
Mr. Barletta. Thank you. And I think Mr. Graves made a good |
point earlier, that Congress needs to look across the Federal |
Government, including levees and flood control projects, when |
we try to bend the cost curve of disasters. The disaster cost |
study in our FEMA authorization bill should help and make such |
recommendations to Congress. |
And I also want to thank Administrator Fugate for the |
disaster deductible proposal. I don't know if it is the right |
solution, but we need a vigorous debate and innovative ideas if |
we are to drive down losses and not just shift costs between |
payers. |
And I want to thank you all for your testimony. Your |
comments today have been helpful in our discussion. If there |
are no further questions, I would ask unanimous consent that |
the record of today's hearing remain open until such time as |
our witnesses have provided answers to any questions that may |
be submitted to them in writing, and unanimous consent that the |
record remain open for 15 days for any additional comments and |
information submitted by Members or witnesses to be included in |
the record of today's hearing. |
[No response.] |
Mr. Barletta. Without objection, so ordered. |
I would like to thank our witnesses again for their |
testimony today. If no other Members have anything to add, this |
subcommittee stands adjourned. |
[Whereupon, at 11:47 a.m., the subcommittee was adjourned.] |
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