diff --git "a/data/CHRG-110/CHRG-110hhrg33655.txt" "b/data/CHRG-110/CHRG-110hhrg33655.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/data/CHRG-110/CHRG-110hhrg33655.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,4095 @@ + + - ARE HIDDEN 401(K) FEES UNDERMINING RETIREMENT SECURITY? +
+[House Hearing, 110 Congress]
+[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
+                         ARE HIDDEN 401(K) FEES
+                                HEARING
+                               before the
+                              COMMITTEE ON
+                          EDUCATION AND LABOR
+                     U.S. House of Representatives
+                       ONE HUNDRED TENTH CONGRESS
+                             FIRST SESSION
+                               __________
+                               __________
+                            Serial No. 110-7
+                               __________
+      Printed for the use of the Committee on Education and Labor
+                       Available on the Internet:
+      http://www.gpoaccess.gov/congress/house/education/index.html
+                      U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE
+33-655 PDF                    WASHINGTON  :  2007
+For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government
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+Washington, DC 20402-0001 
+                  GEORGE MILLER, California, Chairman
+Dale E. Kildee, Michigan, Vice       Howard P. ``Buck'' McKeon, 
+    Chairman                             California,
+Donald M. Payne, New Jersey            Ranking Minority Member
+Robert E. Andrews, New Jersey        Thomas E. Petri, Wisconsin
+Robert C. ``Bobby'' Scott, Virginia  Peter Hoekstra, Michigan
+Lynn C. Woolsey, California          Michael N. Castle, Delaware
+Ruben Hinojosa, Texas                Mark E. Souder, Indiana
+Carolyn McCarthy, New York           Vernon J. Ehlers, Michigan
+John F. Tierney, Massachusetts       Judy Biggert, Illinois
+Dennis J. Kucinich, Ohio             Todd Russell Platts, Pennsylvania
+David Wu, Oregon                     Ric Keller, Florida
+Rush D. Holt, New Jersey             Joe Wilson, South Carolina
+Susan A. Davis, California           John Kline, Minnesota
+Danny K. Davis, Illinois             Bob Inglis, South Carolina
+Raul M. Grijalva, Arizona            Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Washington
+Timothy H. Bishop, New York          Kenny Marchant, Texas
+Linda T. Sanchez, California         Tom Price, Georgia
+John P. Sarbanes, Maryland           Luis G. Fortuno, Puerto Rico
+Joe Sestak, Pennsylvania             Charles W. Boustany, Jr., 
+David Loebsack, Iowa                     Louisiana
+Mazie Hirono, Hawaii                 Virginia Foxx, North Carolina
+Jason Altmire, Pennsylvania          John R. ``Randy'' Kuhl, Jr., New 
+John A. Yarmuth, Kentucky                York
+Phil Hare, Illinois                  Rob Bishop, Utah
+Yvette D. Clarke, New York           David Davis, Tennessee
+Joe Courtney, Connecticut            Timothy Walberg, Michigan
+Carol Shea-Porter, New Hampshire
+                     Mark Zuckerman, Staff Director
+                   Vic Klatt, Minority Staff Director
+                            C O N T E N T S
+                              ----------                              
+                                                                   Page
+Hearing held on March 6, 2007....................................     1
+Statement of Members:
+    Altmire, Hon. Jason, a Representative in Congress from the 
+      State of Pennsylvania, prepared statement of...............    60
+    Hare, Hon. Phil, a Representative in Congress from the State 
+      of Illinois, prepared statement of.........................    60
+    McKeon, Hon. Howard P. ``Buck,'' Senior Republican Member, 
+      Committee on Education and Labor...........................     4
+        Prepared statement of....................................     5
+    Miller, Hon. George, Chairman, Committee on Education and 
+      Labor......................................................     1
+Statement of Witnesses:
+    Bovbjerg, Barbara D., Director, Health, Education, Human 
+      Services Division, Government Accountability Office........     7
+        Internet link to GAO-prepared testimony, ``Private 
+          Pensions: Increased Reliance on 401(k) Plans Calls for 
+          Better Information on Fees''...........................     9
+    Butler, Stephen J., president and founder, Pension Dynamics 
+      Corp.......................................................    28
+        Prepared statement of....................................    30
+    Chambers, Robert, Esq., partner, Helms, Mulliss & Wicker, 
+      PLLC; chairman, American Benefits Council..................    22
+        Prepared statement of....................................    24
+    Hutcheson, Matthew, pension consultant, independent pension 
+      fiduciary..................................................     9
+        Prepared statement of....................................    10
+                         ARE HIDDEN 401(K) FEES
+                              ----------                              
+                         Tuesday, March 6, 2007
+                     U.S. House of Representatives
+                    Committee on Education and Labor
+                             Washington, DC
+                              ----------                              
+    The committee met, pursuant to call, at 11:02 a.m., in room 
+2175, Rayburn House Office Building, Hon. George Miller 
+[chairman of the committee] presiding.
+    Present: Representatives Miller, Kildee, Payne, Andrews, 
+Woolsey, McCarthy, Tierney, Wu, Davis of California, Sestak, 
+Yarmuth, Hare, Courtney, Shea-Porter, McKeon, Petri, Ehlers, 
+Kline, Marchant, Fortuno, Boustany, Davis of Tennessee, and 
+    Staff present: Aaron Albright, Press Secretary; Tylease 
+Alli, Hearing Clerk; Jody Calemine, Labor Policy Deputy 
+Director; Sarah Dyson, Administrative Assistant, Oversight; 
+Carlos Fenwick, Policy Advisor for Subcommittee on Health, 
+Employment, Labor and Pensions; Michael Gaffin, Staff 
+Assistant, Labor; Jeffrey Hancuff, Staff Assistant, Labor; Ryan 
+Holden, Senior Investigator, Oversight; Brian Kennedy, General 
+Counsel; Thomas Kiley, Communications Director; Ann-Frances 
+Lambert, Administrative Assistant to Director of Education 
+Policy; Danielle Lee, Press/Outreach Assistant; Joe Novotny, 
+Chief Clerk; Megan O'Reilly, Labor Policy Advisor; Rachel 
+Racusen, Deputy Communications Director; Michele Varnhagen, 
+Labor Policy Director; Michael Zola, Chief Investigative 
+Counsel, Oversight; Mark Zuckerman, Staff Director; Robert 
+Borden, General Counsel; Steve Forde, Communications Director; 
+Ed Gilroy, Director of Workforce Policy; Rob Gregg, Legislative 
+Assistant; Jessica Gross, Deputy Press Secretary; Taylor 
+Hansen, Legislative Assistant; Victor Klatt, Staff Director; 
+Lindsey Mask, Director of Outreach; Jim Paretti, Workforce 
+Policy Counsel; Molly McLaughlin Salmi, Deputy Director of 
+Workforce Policy; and Linda Stevens, Chief Clerk/Assistant to 
+the General Counsel.
+    Chairman Miller [presiding]. The Committee on Education and 
+Labor will come to order for the purposes of conducting a 
+hearing of whether or not hidden 401(k) fees are undermining 
+workers' retirement security.
+    This is, again, one of a series of hearings where we are 
+looking at the middle class and what we can do to strengthen 
+and to cultivate the middle class.
+    And I think that this is a very important hearing, because 
+it does deal with the ability of millions of middle-class 
+workers, whether or not they will have the ability to put 
+together a plan for retirement security and for the maintenance 
+of a standard of living that allows them to provide for 
+themselves and their families.
+    If you earn your income from a paycheck, the chances are 
+that one of the things you are concerned with is trying to put 
+enough money away for the golden years. If you use a 401(k) or 
+a similar plan to help you save some of that money for 
+retirement, then you ought to have all of the information you 
+need to make a well-informed decision about what plans and 
+investment options will give you the best deal.
+    That is the purpose of this hearing: to examine the growing 
+role of 401(k)-style plans are playing in helping people pay 
+for their retirement and find out if hidden fees are eating 
+into workers' retirement savings account balances without them 
+even knowing it.
+    During much of the 20th century, two types of retirement 
+plans--Social Security and traditional employment-based pension 
+plans--helped to lift older Americans out of poverty and 
+allowed American workers to maintain a decent standard of 
+living when their working lives were over.
+    But now today, many of those traditional pensions, defined 
+benefit plans, are no longer being created. New plans are being 
+created or greater reliance is being placed on 401(k) plans, 
+and clearly Social Security is now the sole source of 
+retirement income for over half of the retirees and the primary 
+source of income for two-thirds of all retirees.
+    Luckily, I would say, we have fended off the attacks on the 
+program from people who wanted to privatize it, turning it into 
+a gamble for retirees, instead of a sure thing. So we now have 
+Social Security and 401(k)s.
+    The rub is that 401(k)s were never intended to be the 
+primary source of retirement income, either. Today, the average 
+balance among private-sector workers is just $28,000, and that 
+is a pool of workers that struggle at the end of every month to 
+be able to continue to invest in their retirement savings and 
+in their ultimate retirement.
+    This morning, we will hear testimony about services that 
+are being provided and the fees are being charged. Some of 
+these fees are reasonable and necessary, but today we will also 
+hear about a dizzying array of terminology, revenue-sharing, 
+and wrap fees, finders' fees, shelf space, surrender charges, 
+soft dollars, 12(b)(1) fees.
+    We have to ask whether or not all of these fees are 
+necessary, and we have to examine whether they are undermining 
+the workers retirement security. That is because even a 
+seemingly small difference in the fees that workers pay can 
+have an enormous difference in the overall size of their 401(k) 
+    As we will hear later today, a 1 percentage point 
+difference in fees can reduce retirement benefits by nearly 20 
+percent. So you have a situation where people are struggling to 
+put this money away every month, and making the sacrifices that 
+go along with that, and yet we see just that 1 percentage 
+    As a way of an example, if you take one person 
+participating in the Thrift Savings Plan, where people who are 
+making the same contribution over a 30-year period of time, and 
+the other is going into an asset-based fees program, what you 
+see here is that at the end of that time, the amount available 
+is $175,000, if you had an asset-based fees or 3 percent, and 
+$279,000, as you have in the Thrift Savings Plan.
+    Three hundred basis points is not unusual, I am told, but 
+as we will hear that from the experts, it creates dramatic 
+difference in what people can expect to draw on and how long 
+they will expect these funds to last. And so this kind of 
+difference insists that we pay attention to this matter.
+    Over the years, I have participated in a number of 
+conferences on savings plans, on getting America to save more. 
+How do we encourage savers to do this? With tax deductions, and 
+tax credits, and all the rest of it, and those are all very, 
+very important.
+    But if, in fact, what we see is, after workers with very 
+limited resources make the very difficult decision to save 
+their money,, the question is, what is the stewardship of that 
+    We understand the laws of the fiduciary relationship and 
+the responsibilities of trust to those individuals. But the 
+fact of the matter is, it does not appear that that is always 
+being honored.
+    The other thing here is that sometimes when people, delve 
+into this subject, it is very complicated, as you will start to 
+hear when the witnesses start to speak about it. Most of these 
+explanations are not written in plain English. Most of these 
+explanations are not presented in a matter in which 
+participants can understand them.
+    If you go through this information packet for these fees, I 
+am sure that either your head will be on your chest, your eyes 
+will be glazed over, and you simply will not be able to 
+decipher the information that you need as the saver.
+    Now, people will argue that this is for the plans, that the 
+plans can look at this and make these determinations. The 
+language is complicated; the language in many cases is 
+unintelligible; the choices are unknown to the participant at 
+many levels.
+    And so what we have is a situation where people work very 
+hard, make the decision we want them to make, to set aside 
+money for their retirement, and what they find out is there is 
+a lot of people who are putting their hands into that money in 
+the names of fees, commissions, all of the terms that I used 
+    And what happens at the end of the year, what happens at 
+the end of 10 years and 20 years and 30 years is that a 
+remarkable amount of the assets that could have been available 
+for retirement have leaked out of that fund to the benefit of 
+    We will remember through the course of this hearing and of 
+future hearings, the only source for all of the fees and the 
+commissions is the hard-earned retirement dollars that these 
+people have set aside and that their employers have contributed 
+to, in some cases. All of the fees, all of the commissions are 
+derived from that source of money.
+    And that is what makes, I believe, this hearing so 
+critical, on what we might do, what we should consider, in 
+terms of further disclosure, and further transparency, and 
+certainly to make it more understandable for middle-class 
+families, as they consider the choices that they have to build 
+that retirement nest egg, using the 401(k) plan.
+    So I look forward to hearing the witnesses.
+    And at this time, I would like to recognize Mr. McKeon, the 
+senior Republican on the committee, and then I will--hope 
+    [Laughter.]
+    I don't want you to characterize the hope I have. It is 
+truly mine. But at that time, then I will introduce the 
+    Mr. McKeon?
+    Mr. McKeon. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. And thanks for the 
+    As you know, this committee is no stranger to the issue of 
+retirement security. And in fact, I would say we have proven 
+ourselves the House's leader on this important issue.
+    In the long term, I believe the pension legislation we 
+enacted last year will prove to be one of the most meaningful 
+reforms of the 109th Congress. And the fact that we were able 
+to do it in a bipartisan way, with 76 Democrats supporting the 
+bill, and in an election year, no less, demonstrated what a 
+bottom-line issue this is to workers, retirees and taxpayers.
+    We should not forget that those pension reforms were set in 
+motion right there in this committee room. And though we did 
+not have universal agreement at the end of the process or even 
+as little as a comprehensive alternative plan from the other 
+side of the aisle, we did produce what has become the most 
+fundamental overhaul of the private pension system in more than 
+a generation.
+    Indeed, the ground work for today's hearing and those that 
+may follow has clearly and concretely been laid by our previous 
+work. The issue before us is one that has become increasingly 
+important, because defined contribution plans are clearly the 
+future of our retirement security system.
+    In fact, in addition to the new safeguards we put in place 
+last year to bolster the traditional defined benefits system, I 
+believe two of the most important aspects of our pension reform 
+bill focused on 401(k) plans.
+    First, we established new auto-enrollment procedures to 
+increase the number of 401(k) participants. And, secondly, we 
+fixed a flaw in outdated pension law that barred workers from 
+receiving high-quality, independent investment advice as an 
+employee benefit.
+    Years from now, I believe we will look back upon these 
+reforms as a starting point or a turning point, placing more 
+power than even before in the hands of workers, as they make 
+decisions about their retirement.
+    This morning, as we look at potentially tweaking 401(k) 
+rules, I will say what I said during the pension reform debate 
+from the last Congress: Our first principle must be to do no 
+harm. The pension bill we passed last year took years to get 
+ready for the president's signature, and for good reason. We 
+did not want to do anything that would force employers out of 
+this voluntary system, nor did we want to take any action that 
+would have discouraged retirement savings or investment, 
+unintended consequences that we fought vigorously to avoid.
+    This should be guiding philosophy once again this time 
+around. For example, if we are considering whether to place 
+additional requirements upon plan sponsors on top of those we 
+already established a year ago, we must do so with great 
+caution, as the financial futures of millions of workers and 
+retirees depend upon it.
+    At the outset of this hearing process, I also believe that 
+it is vital to understand the delicate balance that exists 
+within our retirement security system. For instance, workers do 
+have a responsibility to make certain decisions involving their 
+savings. Likewise, I believe we all must recognize that the 
+topic of today's hearings, the 401(k) fees, are one of many 
+factors, such as the historical performance and investment risk 
+for each plan option, which plan participants do have 
+responsibility to consider when investing in a 401(k) plan.
+    Now, do we want to or expect workers to be completely on 
+their own? Of course not. No one believes that. But at the same 
+time, we must resist the urge to simply overload workers with 
+information. That little prospectus that you held up a while 
+ago, one of the reasons that that is so thick and cumbersome is 
+regulations and laws that we have passed here.
+    We must not mandate the distribution of out-of-context 
+information that may lead participants to poor investment 
+choices. A quick fix like that may help some of us feel good 
+about ourselves, but it would do great harm to workers and 
+retirees, which as I said is what we must seek to avoid.
+    Mr. Chairman, I believe our time together today will serve 
+to start the process of deliberately and thoughtfully examining 
+whether changes to federal law are necessary to provide greater 
+information to plan participants. I enter it with an open mind, 
+just as I am sure you and all of our colleagues do.
+    I appreciate our witnesses taking the time to be with us 
+today, and I look forward to their testimony.
+    Thank you.
+    [The prepared statement of Mr. McKeon follows:]
+Prepared Statement of Hon. Howard P. ``Buck'' McKeon, Senior Republican 
+                Member, Committee on Education and Labor
+    Chairman Miller, as you know, this Committee is no stranger to the 
+issue of retirement security, and in fact, I'd say we have proven 
+ourselves the House's leader on this important issue. In the long-term, 
+I believe the pension legislation we enacted last year will prove to be 
+the most meaningful reforms of the 109th Congress. And the fact that we 
+were able to do it in a bipartisan way--with 76 Democrats supporting 
+the bill, and in an election year, no less--demonstrated what a bottom 
+line issue this is to workers, retirees, and taxpayers.
+    We should not forget that those pension reforms were set in motion 
+right here, in this Committee room, and though we did not have 
+universal agreement at the end of the process--or even as little as a 
+comprehensive alternative plan from the other side of the aisle--we did 
+produce what has become the most fundamental overhaul of the private 
+pension system in more than a generation. Indeed, the groundwork for 
+today's hearing and those that may follow has clearly and concretely 
+been laid by our previous work.
+    The issue before us is one that has become increasingly important 
+because defined contribution plans are clearly the future of our 
+retirement security system. In fact, in addition to the new safeguards 
+we put in place last year to bolster the traditional defined benefit 
+system, I believe two of the most important aspects of our pension 
+reform bill focused on 401(k) plans.
+    First, we established new auto-enrollment procedures to increase 
+the number of 401(k) participants, and secondly, we fixed a flaw in 
+outdated pension law that barred workers from receiving high-quality, 
+independent investment advice as an employee benefit. Years from now, I 
+believe we will look back upon these reforms as a turning point, 
+placing more power than ever before into the hands of workers as they 
+make decisions about their retirement.
+    This morning, as we look at potentially tweaking 401(k) rules, I 
+will say what I said during the pension reform debate from the last 
+Congress: our first principle must be to do no harm. The pension bill 
+we passed last year took years to get ready for the President's 
+signature, and for good reason. We did not want to do anything that 
+would force employers out of this voluntary system, nor did we want to 
+take any action that would have discouraged retirement savings or 
+investment--unintended consequences that we fought vigorously to avoid.
+    This should be our guiding philosophy once again this time around. 
+For example, if we are considering whether to place additional 
+requirements upon plan sponsors--on top of those we already established 
+a year ago--we must do so with great caution, as the financial futures 
+of millions of workers and retirees depend upon it.
+    At the outset of this hearing process, I also believe that it is 
+vital to understand the delicate balance that exists within our 
+retirement security system. For instance, workers do have a 
+responsibility to make certain decisions involving their savings. 
+Likewise, I believe we all must recognize that the topic of today's 
+hearing--401(k) fees--are one of many factors, such as the historical 
+performance and investment risk for each plan option, which plan 
+participants do have the responsibility to consider when investing in a 
+401(k) plan.
+    Now, do we want to--or expect--workers to be completely on their 
+own? Of course not; no one believes that. But at the same time, we must 
+resist the urge to simply overload workers with information--or worse, 
+to mandate the distribution of out-of-context information that may lead 
+participants to make poor investment choices. A quick fix like that may 
+help some of us feel good about ourselves, but it would do great harm 
+to workers and retirees, which--as I said--is what we must seek to 
+    Mr. Chairman, I believe our time together today will serve to start 
+the process of deliberately and thoughtfully examining whether changes 
+to federal law are necessary to provide greater information to plan 
+participants. I enter it with an open mind, just as I am sure you and 
+all of our colleagues do. I appreciate our witnesses taking the time to 
+be with us today, and I look forward to their testimony.
+                                 ______
+    Chairman Miller. Thank you.
+    Our panel this morning is a distinguished panel with a long 
+history in this subject.
+    And first witness will be Barbara D. Bovbjerg, who is the 
+director of education, workforce and income security issues at 
+the U.S. Government Accountability Office. At the GAO, she 
+oversees evaluative studies on age and retirement income policy 
+issues, including Social Security, private pension programs, 
+and the operation and managements at the Social Security 
+Administration, the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, the 
+Employee Benefits Security Administration of the Department of 
+    Matthew D. Hutcheson is an independent pension fiduciary. 
+He is the author of a text, ``Retirement Plan Compliance and 
+Reporting,'' at Texas Tech University's International 
+Foundation for Retirement Education. He is also a member of the 
+Board of Standards at the American Academy of Financial 
+Management. His clients include the plans of Fortune 100, 500 
+and 1,000 companies, mid-and small-size companies, government 
+and legal and accounting firms.
+    Mr. Robert Chambers is a partner in the Employer Services 
+Practice Group, of the Charlotte-based law firm of Helms, 
+Mulliss & Wicker. And his practice emphasizes executive 
+compensation and employee benefit law. Mr. Chambers is a member 
+of the taxation, business and law, and employment law sections 
+of the American Bar Association and serves on several 
+committees within those sections. He is the chairman of the 
+American Benefits Council, an employee-benefit lobbying firm in 
+Washington, whose members either employ or administer plans for 
+more than 100 Americans, and a 1971 graduate of Princeton 
+    Mr. Stephen J. Butler is the founder and president of the 
+Pension Dynamics Corporation retirement plan administration 
+firm in Pleasant Hill, California. In April 1997, Money 
+magazine published Mr. Butler's article entitled, ``Beware: 
+Retirement Plan Rip-offs.'' Mr. Butler has also written two 
+books on 401(k) plans, the most recent being one titled 
+``401(k) Today,'' published in 1999. For the past 7 years, he 
+has been a weekly columnist covering retirement-related 
+financial interests and has been quoted extensively in Fortune 
+and Money, the Wall Street Journal, New York Times and numerous 
+other publications.
+    So, Ms. Bovbjerg, we will begin with you.
+    And you know the rules here, but for the other witnesses, 
+the green light will be on for 5 minutes, then it will turn to 
+orange, which we will ask you to start summing in, and then 
+red, if you can wrap your remarks so that we will have time for 
+    Thank you.
+    Ms. Bovbjerg. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, Mr. McKeon, members 
+of the committee.
+    I am pleased to be here today to speak about 401(k) plans. 
+And in these plans, participating workers are responsible for 
+choosing how much of their earnings to contribute, how to 
+invest these contributions, and how to manage the resultant 
+accumulation in retirement.
+    Today, I would like to describe trends in the use of 
+401(k)s and summarize our recent report about fees associated 
+with these plans. Fees are one of the aspects of 401(k)s that 
+workers should know about and understand in order to ensure 
+adequate income from the plan when they retire.
+    First, the trends. 401(k)s are defined contribution, D.C., 
+plans, meaning that benefits are based on contributions to 
+accounts and investment returns that accrue. Historically, 
+pension benefits were provided through defined benefit, D.B., 
+plans, which provide a fixed level of monthly retirement income 
+for life, based on salary, service and age of retirement.
+    Since 1985, the number of D.C. plans and participants has 
+risen dramatically, while the number of D.B. plans and workers 
+covered by them has fallen. Today, there are about 700,000 D.C. 
+plans, covering 55 million workers, and D.C. plans now hold the 
+majority of pension fund assets.
+    401(k) plans are an important part of this gross. Although 
+they were once relatively rare, today they predominate among 
+D.C.-type plans. In 1985, they were only about 7 percent of all 
+D.C. plans, but now account for almost 95 percent. In 20 years, 
+the number of participants in these plans has grown from 7 
+million to 47 million workers, and assets held by these plans 
+rose from $270 billion to about $2.5 trillion.
+    401(k) plans are popular with many workers, in that they 
+are portable, which D.B.'s are generally not, and they are 
+easier to understand than typical D.B. plans. Yet 401(k)s also 
+place responsibilities on workers that D.B. plans do not.
+    The majority of 401(k) plans are participant-directed. 
+Because so much rides of workers' decisions with regard to 
+their 401(k) saving, it is crucial that workers have 
+information to help them make wise choices.
+    There are many factors that a worker should take into 
+account, one being the fees associated with the plan. So let me 
+turn now to issues regarding fees.
+    Fees are important factors in 401(k)s because, in general, 
+the higher the fee, the less savings will accumulate in the 
+course of a working lifetime. Although various fees pertain to 
+401(k)s, investment fees account for the largest portion of the 
+total. These pay for services including selecting the plan's 
+portfolio of securities and managing the fund.
+    Plan record-keeping fees are the next largest. These are 
+usually charged by the service provider to set up and maintain 
+the plan. Whether and how participants or plan sponsors pay 
+these fees varies by the type of fee and the size of the plan.
+    Investment fees are usually charged at the 6 percentage of 
+assets and netted from investment return, while record-keeping 
+fees may be charged as a percentage of assets, or as flat fees. 
+These fees are increasingly being paid by participants, rather 
+than by sponsors. ERISA requires that sponsors disclose a range 
+of information about plans, but only limited information about 
+    Although plan sponsors may voluntarily provide information 
+on fees, participants may not have a clear picture of all the 
+fees they pay, because even the information that is provided 
+may be offered in a piecemeal fashion, through plan 
+descriptions, fund prospectuses, and fund profiles.
+    Not only do participants not necessarily know what they are 
+paying in fees overall, they have no simple way to compare fees 
+among investment options within their plan. The Department of 
+Labor has authority under ERISA to oversee 401(k) fees and fee 
+arrangements among plan service providers, but it lacks 
+information sufficient to provide effective oversight.
+    Labor must ensure that fees are paid with plan assets, are 
+reasonable, and that sponsors report information known about 
+business arrangements involving service providers. But it is 
+difficult for Labor to monitor fees that are netted out of 
+returns and are not required to be reporter. Further, fee 
+arrangements between service providers are sometimes hidden 
+from the sponsor and can mask a conflict of interest that could 
+affect the plan.
+    Labor has initiatives under way to improve the disclosure 
+of fee information to participants, as well as in required 
+reporting to Labor itself, and to spell out what information 
+sponsors need to obtain from service providers.
+    In conclusion, 401(k) have emerged as the primary type of 
+pension plans for American workers, yet requirements for 
+reporting information workers should have to manage these types 
+of plans has not fully caught up to the need. Fee information, 
+in particular, needs to be more widely available, more 
+comprehensive, and more clearly presented.
+    GAO has recommended that measures be taken by both Labor 
+and the Congress to help make this information more accessible 
+and, in so doing, help protect workers' retirement savings.
+    This concludes my statement, Mr. Chairman. I welcome any 
+questions and hope that my full statement will be included in 
+the record.
+    [The Internet link to GAO-prepared testimony, ``Private 
+Pensions: Increased Reliance on 401(k) Plans Calls for Better 
+Information on Fees'' follows:]
+    http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d07530t.pdf
+                                ------                                
+    Chairman Miller. Thank you.
+    For all the witnesses, your statement, all your written 
+material will be put in the record in its entirety.
+    Mr. Hutcheson?
+                       PENSION FIDUCIARY
+    Mr. Hutcheson. Chairman Miller, Congressman McKeon and 
+members of the committee, from personal experience and research 
+as an independent fiduciary, I believe the retirement income of 
+America's workforce has been unnecessarily reduced due to 
+confusion caused by blending fiduciary and non-fiduciary 
+    Many billions more should be available for health care and 
+prescription drugs, home repairs, and basic living necessities. 
+Instead, these sums line the pockets of others.
+    Conventional 401(k) plans now cost around 3 percent of plan 
+assets per year to manage. Some are even as high as 5 percent. 
+In my experience, that is 1.5 to 3.5 percent more than is 
+reasonably necessary.
+    To put this into perspective, just 1 percent in excess 
+costs to plan participants, having $2.5 trillion in 401(k) plan 
+assets, represents a wealth transfer of $25 billion to others 
+each and every year. A large portion of the costs of 
+conventional 401(k) plans relate to services that have little 
+or nothing to do with building and protecting the retirement 
+income security and, hence, are excessive.
+    Take an average participant with a $30,000 account balance, 
+contributing $150 per pay period. If this person earns an 
+average of 8 percent over a 25-year time period, he or she will 
+have accumulated over $500,000. However, add an additional 1 
+percent in annual fees, and the account balance drops nearly 
+$85,000. Add 1 percent more, and the account balance drops 
+    This translates into approximately $540 per month in 
+retirement income loss. This loss can be prevented, and it 
+begins by enlightening plan sponsors about the realities of 
+401(k) plan economics. When we buy bread, we know exactly how 
+much it costs: One dollar buys one dollar's worth of bread. 
+However, when it comes to 401(k) plans, the sticker price is 
+advertised at 50 cents, yet the actual cost may be closer to 
+three dollars.
+    Fiduciaries simply cannot make good decisions when the 
+costs of services are undisclosed. There are at least seven 
+types of hidden fees or costs borne by plan participants. These 
+range from brokerage fees, shared between the broker and an 
+investment fund, to record-keeping subsidies between a mutual 
+fund a third-party administrator.
+    Contrary to fiduciary principles, some of the fees borne by 
+participants are for services they do not receive. It is costly 
+and unnecessary to offer a wider variety of investment 
+alternatives than is absolutely necessary to construct a 
+prudent, low-cost portfolio.
+    The more fund choice is offered, the more mistakes 
+participants make. Employees tinker with the investment within 
+their accounts, incurring hidden trading costs that reduce 
+their returns.
+    The current 401(k) environment encourages mistakes, for no 
+good or necessary reason. The brokerage and investment fund 
+industries understand and count on participants making 
+imprudent investment decisions. They rely on fiduciary 
+ignorance to generate revenue. This is a substantial and hidden 
+cost about which participants are almost universally unaware.
+    An efficient, low-cost, market-tracking portfolio could 
+easily and fairly be put in place for all participants. To my 
+astonishment, the industry persists in the assertion that, 
+without higher fees, they cannot deliver the desired services.
+    This is the heart of the matter: It is the services or plan 
+options that are excessive, and those services or options are 
+not always necessary for protecting participants' retirement 
+income. Because 401(k) participants own stocks and bonds, 
+constituting $2.5 trillion, it is essential that plans be 
+managed by individuals who understand and uphold the standards 
+of fiduciary care and loyalty.
+    In conclusion, it is incumbent upon us to be absolutely 
+certain there are no unnecessary obstacles, whether intentional 
+or unintentional, to the long-term success of our private 
+retirement system. American workers deserve proper protections 
+for the hard-earned savings they have set aside in their 401(k) 
+plans, but these protections have been largely denied in the 
+current state of the industry.
+    I believe in implementing simple solutions. Change will 
+require exposing and confronting powerful economic interests 
+that support the current system. It is daunting to tackle this 
+vital issue, affecting millions now and in generations to come. 
+Despite the forces arrayed against change, America's workers 
+deserve better than they have received to date from the 
+providers of 401(k) services.
+    Thank you.
+    [The statement of Mr. Hutcheson follows:]
+     Prepared Statement of Matthew Hutcheson, Pension Consultant, 
+                     Independent Pension Fiduciary
+    Very few matters of social importance are more complex than the one 
+before you today. This particular issue is not only about uncovering 
+obscure dollars unscrupulously extracted from the account balances of 
+America's workforce, but it is also about correcting the culture that 
+has permitted the problem to thrive in the first place. This written 
+testimony will explain what the culture is, why it exists, how it has 
+evolved over time, how it violates basic economic principles, the 
+integrity of rules of fiduciary prudence, the exclusive benefit rule 
+under ERISA, and other common sense practices that are critical for 
+delivery of expected results from employer defined contribution 
+retirement plans.
+The American Worker Is Hurt by What He Can't See
+    ``If we make a few rough calculations, the importance of the topic 
+will be very clear. The SEC estimates in Concept Release 33-8349, that 
+1% of the average mutual fund's investment return disappears each year 
+due to brokerage expense, execution costs, and transaction spreads. 
+Other industry sources indicate that an additional .50% slips away via 
+``revenue sharing payments.'' The impact on the average American is 
+    ``Consider two thirty year old workers who each invest $3,000 
+annually into their 401(k) programs. American #1's 401(k) program is 
+run according to stringent fiduciary principles and earns 7.5% 
+annually. However, American #2's 401(k) is operated by conflicted, 
+sales driven entities and only earns 6% annually after the 
+aforementioned return erosion. The table below details the results.
+                                                                        American #1--
+                               Year                                    Fiduciary 401(k)     American #2--Hidden
+                                                                         Earning 7.5%      Fee 401(k) Earning 6%
+10................................................................               $45,624                $41,915
+20................................................................              $139,658               $116,978
+30................................................................              $333,463               $251,405
+40................................................................              $732,902               $492,143
+47................................................................            $1,244,260               $766,694
+    ``Even though both employees contributed the same amount and took 
+the same investment risk, American #2 must work an additional seven 
+years to make up for the lack of fiduciary oversight in his 401(k) 
+    The difference in hidden fees costs American worker #2 nearly 
+$500,000 during the illustrated period of time. This issue is about 
+real people, real money, and the quality of their lives later in life. 
+Consider the impact on American worker #2's ability to pay for health 
+care, prescription drugs, home repairs or even groceries. If actuarial 
+tables hold true, today's retiree may need to be prepared to live a 
+quarter century longer than his grandparents did.
+A ``401(k)'' is a Qualified Retirement Plan
+    Qualified retirement plan assets pursuant to Internal Revenue Code 
+(``IRC'') section 401(a) are held in trust pursuant to IRC Sec. 501(a ) 
+exclusively for the future benefits of participants and beneficiaries. 
+There are three types of ``qualified'' plans.
+     Stock bonus
+     Pension, and
+     Profit sharing
+    A 401(k) plan, as we call it, is actually a profit sharing plan (in 
+most cases) \2\ that has a feature allowing employees to take wages and 
+bonuses in cash, or defer them into the profit sharing plan, and hence 
+are often referred to as ``employee deferrals.'' However, those 
+employee deferrals are technically ``employer'' contributions made 
+pursuant to a ``cash or deferred election.'' Deposits of all employer 
+contributions, including employee deferrals, plus investment earnings 
+of ``401(k)'' plans are subject to the same rules of trust 
+administration, governance, and fiduciary prudence which apply to stock 
+bonus and traditional pension plans.
+ERISA--Employee Retirement Income Security
+    The purpose of a retirement plan, including 401(k) plans, is to 
+provide future income for retired American workers. Those who are 
+charged with the management of a qualified retirement plan must do so 
+with an eye single to this purpose and none other. Such an individual 
+is a ``fiduciary.''
+Rules of Fiduciary Prudence
+    As it relates to the issue at hand, the following fiduciary axioms 
+have consistently held true:
+     Fiduciary based decisions secure future retirement income.
+     Non-fiduciary based decisions diminish future retirement 
+     Hidden and excessive fees exist because both types of 
+decisions (fiduciary based and non-fiduciary based) exist 
+simultaneously within 401(k) and other similar plans, complicating and 
+obscuring a fiduciary's ability to understand his duties and to 
+properly discharge them.
+    This written testimony will focus solely on 401(k) and similar plan 
+assets held in trust, pursuant to IRC Sec. 501(a). Therefore, rules of 
+Fiduciary Prudence are a fundamental component of this discussion 
+because trusts are governed and managed by fiduciaries. True prudent 
+practices should deliver optimal results. Poor or partial fiduciary 
+practices will deliver sub-optimal or even poor results.
+    Fiduciary principles and ideals are not obscure, nor are they 
+difficult to learn and understand. In fact, modern rules of fiduciary 
+prudence have existed for nearly two hundred years. However, in the 
+United States, the primary way fiduciary responsibilities are taught to 
+sponsors of retirement plans is through the financial industry. Since 
+an important element of fiduciary governance is monitoring those who 
+provide services to a retirement plan, strangely enough, we have 
+accepted a system where those being monitored are teaching those who 
+are doing the monitoring, and doing so according to their philosophies 
+and standards, with a particular objective in mind.
+    The current 401(k) culture essentially couples the ``fox teaching 
+the rooster how to guard the hen house'' with a perceived governmental 
+``get out of jail free card'' (i.e. DOL regulation 404(c)). The effect 
+of adopting these two ``cultural'' elements has, over time, caused 
+401(k) plans to be governed through the commingling of fiduciary and 
+non-fiduciary practices and philosophies.
+    Therefore, resolving the issue of hidden, obscure, and excessive 
+fees is wholly dependent on bifurcating fiduciary elements and 
+practices from the non-fiduciary ones within the 401(k) industry. Then, 
+logic will reveal that any fees paid for non-fiduciary services and 
+practices are unnecessary, and hence excessive. Furthermore, these are 
+the fees that are hidden because they simply cannot be justified when 
+viewed through the lens of true fiduciary prudence. In short, if 
+fiduciaries eliminate non-fiduciary practices in their 401(k) plans, 
+they will immediately eliminate hidden and excessive fees. To argue 
+otherwise would suggest that 401(k) plans are only ``partially'' 
+subject to fiduciary prudence, and hence are only a ``partially'' 
+qualified plan.
+    Conceptually, it is as simple as that--but in practice, it is far 
+more difficult.
+    The hidden fee problem in 401(k) and similar plans is actually a 
+mysterious Gordian Knot consisting of trust law, tax law, public 
+policy, doctrines of fiduciary prudence, financial principle, economic 
+principle, and perhaps the lack of discipline to defer control and 
+gratification until actual retirement. It is difficult to see the ends 
+of the rope, and very few know how to unravel it. In addition, many who 
+might discern how to unravel it have strong incentives not to do so.
+    It is widely accepted that 401(k) and similar arrangements are the 
+way most Americans will invest for retirement. Therefore, it is 
+incumbent upon us all to be absolutely certain there are no unnecessary 
+obstacles (whether intentional or unintentional) to its long-term 
+success. As it stands today, there is an imbalance between prudent 
+practices aimed at efficiently securing the retirement income of 
+America's workforce, and non-fiduciary services created for business 
+purposes between competing service providers in the private sector.
+Obstacles to a Clear Understanding
+     Conflicting Governmental messages that confuse 
+qualification rules under IRC Sec. 401(a) with rules of fiduciary 
+prudence and process as defined by Department of Labor regulation, case 
+law, and other regulatory pronouncements.
+     ``Exemptions'' given to non-fiduciary firms or individuals 
+to receive compensation from trust assets without being legally held to 
+a fiduciary standard of conduct. In other words, non-fiduciary 
+involvement in 401(k) plans has created a non-fiduciary operating 
+     ERISA has imposed a federal fiduciary duty and 
+responsibility on business executives and board directors who serve as 
+``ERISA Fiduciaries'' requiring them to act exclusively in the best 
+interest of plan participants and beneficiaries. A growing chorus of 
+benefit industry gurus believes that such executives and directors had 
+a pre-existing fiduciary duty and responsibility to the owners of the 
+business. Query: Has ERISA unintentionally imposed an incurable 
+conflict of interest? That is, can any person faithfully serve the best 
+interest of two conflicting masters? Plan participants may believe they 
+are out of harm's way and protected, as fiduciary oversight is mandated 
+by ERISA, but increasingly these fiduciaries appear to be like a 
+sightless watchdog that doesn't bark.
+     Fiduciary ignorance, fear, uncertainty, and doubt, which 
+leads to non-fiduciary decisions and practices.
+Identifying non-fiduciary practices, and their associated costs
+    Decisions and/or functions that are clearly fiduciary in nature 
+include proactively monitoring costs, selecting a proper number of 
+efficient investments necessary to construct an appropriate portfolio, 
+and operating the plan in exact accordance to its purpose--which is to 
+deliver retirement income to its beneficiaries.
+    Decisions and/or functions that are clearly imprudent include 
+purchasing high cost funds when their identical match is available at 
+perhaps less than half the cost, or turning a blind eye to obvious 
+mishandling of trust assets by non-fiduciaries (i.e. the participants) 
+and, at the same time, claiming for themselves protection from 
+fiduciary liability under 404(c).
+Fiduciary/Non-fiduciary/``The Gray Area'' (Subject to discernment)
+    There are other decisions and/or functions that fall into a gray 
+area. Such decisions or functions might be prudent, or they might not 
+    The significance of this explanation is that some fees are 
+obviously necessary and prudent. Some fees are hidden and imprudent and 
+pay for excessive or unnecessary services. Finally, there are fees that 
+could be improper in some plans, and acceptable in others, and it takes 
+an experienced, discerning eye to recognize the differences.
+Excessive is as excessive does
+    The following examples show the interplay between various 
+imprudent, hidden, and excessive fees as influenced by the 401(k) 
+culture described above.
+    Even at this time, a blatant non-fiduciary based feeding frenzy is 
+taking place at the expense of American workers' 401(k) plans.
+    ``The mutual fund industry is now the world's largest skimming 
+operation--a $7 trillion (now $12 trillion) trough from which fund 
+managers, brokers, and other insiders are steadily siphoning off an 
+excessive slice of the nation's household, college, and retirement 
+savings.'' \3\ ($12 trillion update added)
+    Most experts agree that trust fiduciary laws are nominally default 
+rules,\4\ and hence should be simple to adhere to and operate under. 
+However, managing 401(k) plans is anything but simple. It's a jumbled 
+mess because non-fiduciary investment sales people have infiltrated, 
+and now control what was intended to be a purely fiduciary function.
+    It would be simple to obtain optimal results. Then why isn't it 
+    For example, the S&P 500 Index consistently outperformed 98% of 
+mutual fund managers over the past three years, 97% over the past 10 
+years ending October 2004, and 94% over the past 30 years.\5\
+    Recent studies reveal (and many more continue to substantiate), 
+that a passive 60% stock, 40% bond portfolio outperformed 90% of the 
+nation's largest corporate pension plan portfolios, ``run by the 
+world's best and brightest investment minds.'' \6\ The average return 
+on actively managed equity mutual funds over the past 35 years trails 
+the S&P by 87 basis points per year, and 105 basis points on broader 
+indexes. ``Over long periods, this difference in return amounted to 
+substantial differences in wealth.'' \7\ This is an unnecessary waste 
+of participant's hard earned money. ``This is why most academic and 
+many professional advisors recommend that the best investment strategy 
+is to match the market's performance. You can do this by putting your 
+money in a fund that holds all stocks in proportion to their market 
+value. Since these index funds do no research and little trading, the 
+costs of holding their portfolios are extremely small, some ranging as 
+low as 0.10 percent a year.'' \8\
+    Then why do literally hundreds of thousands of 401(k) plan 
+fiduciaries do just the opposite? It's because they are ``guided'' to 
+particular decisions by non-fiduciaries (i.e. brokers, registered 
+representatives, insurance agents, etc.) in pursuit of compensation 
+which very frequently is in the form of hidden and excessive fees.
+Making Sense of It All
+    Following are some of the usual hidden costs found in 401(k) plans.
+Hidden Costs #1--Undisclosed Trading Costs
+    The assets held in account for the benefit of participants and 
+beneficiaries do not belong to them. These assets are owned by an 
+``entity,'' which is the trust. The participants are entitled to future 
+benefits from the trust. This is an important concept in trust 
+governance. In other words, if the investments belonged to the 
+participants right now, there would be no need for fiduciaries. 
+Therefore, the fiduciaries are charged with making decisions for the 
+future benefit of others, based on what they deem appropriate for the 
+participants and beneficiaries, in a similar way a member of the House 
+of Representatives makes decisions for their constituents. The decision 
+is based upon what they judge to be in their constituents' best 
+    ``The new prudent investor rule directs the trustee to invest based 
+on risk and return objectives reasonably suited to the trust.'' \9\
+    A major flaw in the 401(k) system, therefore, is allowing non-
+fiduciaries (in this instance, plan participants themselves) to control 
+trust assets by choosing without skill from a large array of investment 
+choices, carefully presented in such a way as to generate additional 
+brokerage (trading) commissions by encouraging ``active'' trading 
+within participant accounts. In other words, emotional reactions of 
+participants who lack investment expertise trigger undisciplined and 
+imprudent investment decisions in the trust, when a simple 60/40 
+portfolio described above is well within the reach of every single 
+participant. The brokerage and mutual fund industries not only fully 
+understand that participants are making imprudent investment decisions, 
+but are counting on participant ignorance to generate revenue. This is 
+a substantial and hidden cost that participants are almost universally 
+unaware, and have no concept of how it is reducing the future 
+retirement income they would otherwise receive. The average actively 
+traded mutual fund experiences approximately 80% turnover per year, 
+meaning that 80% of the underlying stocks and/or bonds are sold each 
+year. It is estimated that for every 1% in turnover, there is 1% in 
+added brokerage commission cost. Hence, the average mutual fund has an 
+added cost of .8% (otherwise known as 80 ``basis points.'') This is the 
+first hidden and unnecessary cost.
+    It becomes easier to understand why so many 401(k) plans primarily 
+offer (1) actively traded mutual funds, and (2) more funds than are 
+necessary to construct a prudent, low cost portfolio. It also 
+demonstrates rampant ignorance that exists in the fiduciary ranks--in 
+plans large and small.
+    ``TheStreet.com profiled a fund last year that had a 5 star rating, 
+a 1% expense ratio, and 800 bps in brokerage expense.''\10\
+    Reducing net returns through unnecessary and excessive brokerage 
+expenses is a non-fiduciary and imprudent practice that runs counter to 
+the principles set forth in ERISA, which is to secure the retirement of 
+American workers. Consider the chaos that would result if Congress gave 
+each citizen 15 laws to choose from. Individually, we might pick and 
+choose those we deem appropriate for us and, in turn, adhere only to 
+the particular laws we chose. The principle of fiduciary prudence is 
+that fiduciaries make decisions for all individuals to whom they are 
+responsible based upon what is in their best interest, whether they 
+like it or not. As unpopular as this concept is, we must not equivocate 
+on protecting participants and beneficiaries from their own ignorance, 
+just as each of you protect your constituents from their ignorance on 
+various matters.
+    The current 401(k) culture has eroded the principles of true 
+fiduciary governance through the begging, pleading, lobbying, or 
+through other ways and means, we have drifted from ``protect and 
+nurture their needs'' to ``give them what they want--in fact, let's 
+give them even more than what they think they want.''
+Hidden Costs #2--SEC Rule 28(e) ``Soft Dollar'' Revenue Sharing
+    Hidden Cost #2 is symbiotic with Hidden Cost #1 above, and it 
+violates fundamental fiduciary rules and significantly hurts 
+participants. 28(e) Soft Dollars are generated by active trading within 
+mutual funds and similar investment vehicles. Allowing ``Soft Dollars'' 
+to go ``un-captured'' and credited back to the 401(k) trust is not a 
+fiduciary practice, and the historical problems caused by soft dollars 
+are self evident.
+    Shortly after the creation of the IRA, but before the creation of 
+the 401(k) as we know it, a change occurred within the brokerage and 
+mutual fund industry. As part of the Securities Acts Amendments of May 
+1975 (SAA '75), fixed commission rates on the purchase and sale of 
+securities through brokerage firms were eliminated. The significance of 
+the elimination of fixed commission rates would prove to be one of 
+several core issues of debate regarding fees in retirement plans. This 
+would ultimately allow brokerage firms to charge excess commissions, 
+thereby creating ``at play'' revenue that actually belonged to the 
+participants, which is commonly referred to as ``soft dollar'' revenue 
+or ``SEC Rule 28(e)'' revenue. With hundreds of billions of securities 
+trades each year, the revenue made available by SAA '75 would forever 
+change the mutual fund and retirement plan industry. These soft 
+dollars, coupled with the urgent need to compete in the 401(k) industry 
+and the creation of the 12(b)-1 in 1980 created the ``perfect fee 
+storm,'' which until now has existed with little or no notice by 
+Federal regulators, plan sponsors, participants, or the general public.
+    As a result of the Securities Acts Amendments of 1975, Section 
+28(e) was added to the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. With fixed 
+commission rates no longer the law, Section 28(e) created a safe harbor 
+for brokerage firms who exercise no investment discretion as defined 
+under Section 3(a)(35) of the 1934 Act to be able to charge a mutual 
+fund a commission that was more than what it costs to actually execute, 
+clear, and settle a securities transaction without violating the law or 
+fiduciary duties. This excess commission could be used to purchase 
+additional services from the brokerage firm in the form of presumably 
+valuable investment research. In order to receive protection under the 
+safe harbor, the mutual fund must act in good faith to ensure the 
+excess commission was ``reasonable in relation to the value of 
+brokerage and research services provided by the broker-dealer.'' Since 
+a passive indexing approach requires no research and also consistently 
+outperforms 90% of actively managed approaches that do require 
+research, then what is the value of the research? The 10% that do 
+outperform an indexing approach are temporarily fortuitous.\11\ If you 
+follow the money, modern investment research exists so 28(e) 
+commissions can be captured, not to provide consistent market returns 
+to participants.
+    Actively traded funds inherently have higher trading costs. In 
+other words, every time a mutual fund manager buys and/or sells the 
+underlying securities within the fund, the participants' return is 
+decreased by the cost of those trades. Part of the reason for this lies 
+in the fact that ``excess'' commissions are being charged for non-
+fiduciary purposes.
+    SEC rule 28(e) encourages turnover and the cost of trading because 
+mutual fund managers receive revenue from the brokerage firms for 
+clearing the Funds' securities trades. This explains why the 
+intelligent approach so widely accepted by the world's most astute 
+investing minds is thrown out the window in 401(k) plans. Brokerage and 
+Mutual Fund companies work together to generate excess revenue at the 
+expense of participants, because they believe they can indiscriminately 
+do so, not because it is prudent, intelligent, or advisable.
+    Prior to ERISA, mutual funds used any ``excess'' commission on a 
+securities transaction to buy additional goods or services from their 
+chosen brokerage firm. For example, if a trade costs 3.5 cents per 
+share (trade execution, clearance and settlement), and the brokerage 
+fixed commission was 5 cents per share, the excess 1.5 cents could 
+either be used to purchase additional goods or services from the broker 
+that directly benefited the account holder, or be credited back to 
+their rightful owners, the account holders. Excess brokerage 
+commissions (28(e) soft dollars) were handled the same way for IRAs and 
+qualified plans.
+    After ERISA, the practice of using such soft dollars in IRAs would 
+remain the same, but with respect to participants and beneficiaries 
+within a qualified 401(k) plan subject to rules of fiduciary prudence, 
+a conflict clearly exists with ERISA sections 403(c)(1), 404(a)(1), 
+406(a)(1)(D), 406(b)(1) and 406(b)(3).
+     ERISA 403(c)(1) states that the assets of a plan ``shall 
+never inure to the benefit of any employer and shall be held for the 
+exclusive purposes of providing benefits to participants in the plan 
+and their beneficiaries and defraying reasonable expenses of 
+administering the plan.'' Significance: Using soft dollars for purposes 
+other than for the exclusive purpose of providing benefits to 
+participants and beneficiaries and paying operational costs of the plan 
+itself is a fiduciary breach.
+     ERISA 404(a)(1) states that a fiduciary must act prudently 
+and solely in the interest of the participants and beneficiaries 
+Significance: Using soft dollars to buy loyalty of brokerage firms, 
+consultants or other parties-in-interest to the plan is a fiduciary 
+     ERISA 406(a)(1)(D) states that a fiduciary shall not 
+transfer to, or use by or for the benefit of a party-in-interest, any 
+assets of an ERISA governed plan. Significance: Use of soft dollars 
+could effectively be a transfer to a party-in interest, thereby 
+creating a fiduciary breach.
+    Due to the lack of oversight of 28(e) Soft Dollar Revenue in 
+qualified retirement plans, the Securities and Exchange Commission was 
+compelled to address the issue before the Congressional Subcommittee on 
+Capital Markets, Insurance and Government Sponsored Enterprises, 
+Committee on Financial Services. This occurred on June 18, 2003, 
+shortly after H.R. 2420, the ``Mutual Funds Integrity and Fee 
+Transparency Act of 2003'' was presented to the House of 
+Representatives by Chairman Baker, Ranking Member Kanjorski and other 
+members of the Subcommittee. According to the testimony of Paul F. 
+Roye, Director, Division of Investment Management of the SEC, the 
+Mutual Funds Integrity and Fee Transparency Act would:
+     Provide investors with disclosures about ``estimated'' 
+operating expenses incurred by shareholders, soft dollar arrangements, 
+portfolio transaction costs, sales load break points, directed 
+brokerage and revenue sharing arrangements.
+     Provide investors with disclosure of information on how 
+fund portfolio managers are compensated.
+     Require fund advisers to submit annual reports to fund 
+directors on directed brokerage and soft dollar arrangements, as well 
+as on revenue sharing.
+     Recognize fiduciary responsibility and obligations of fund 
+directors to supervise these activities and assure that they are in the 
+best interest of the fund and its shareholders.
+     Require the SEC to conduct a study of soft dollar 
+arrangements to assess conflicts of interest raised by these 
+arrangements, and examine whether the statutory safe harbor in Section 
+28(e) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 should be reconsidered or 
+    While it is commendable that the SEC has decided to act on this 
+issue, 17 years earlier the U.S. Department of Labor issued ERISA 
+Technical Release 86-1 notifying the public of this very issue. The 
+nature of ETR 86-1 was to ``reflect the views of the Pension and 
+Welfare Benefits Administration (PWBA) with regard to `soft dollar' and 
+directed commission arrangements pursuant to its responsibility to 
+administer and enforce the provisions of Title I of the Employee 
+Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA).''
+    An excerpt from ETR 86-1 states:
+    ``It has come to the attention of PWBA that ERISA fiduciaries may 
+be involved in several types of `soft-dollar' and directed commission 
+arrangements which do not qualify for the `safe harbor' provided by 
+Section 28(e) of the 1934 Act. In some instances, investment managers 
+direct a portion of a plan's securities trades through specific broker-
+dealers, who then apply a percentage of the brokerage commissions to 
+pay for travel, hotel rooms and other goods and services for such 
+investment managers which do not qualify as research with the meaning 
+of Section 28(e). In other instances, plan sponsors who do not exercise 
+investment discretion with respect to a plan direct the plan's 
+securities trades to one or more broker-dealers in return for research, 
+performance evaluation, and other administrative services or discounted 
+commissions. The Commission (SEC) has indicated that the safe harbor of 
+Section 28(e) is not available for directed brokerage transactions.''
+    Subsequent SEC investigations have shown that illegal ``28(e)'' 
+revenues have been used by ``non-fiduciary'' consultants to make 
+certain services available to mutual funds.
+    Among them:
+     Conferences and other similar group meetings where the 
+consultant invites both the ``client'' (i.e. a 401(k) plan sponsor/
+trustees) and representatives of the mutual funds who want to sell 
+their funds to the client of the consultant. In other words, the mutual 
+fund pays the consultant a significant amount of money to be invited to 
+meetings where the consultant's clients will be in attendance.
+     Sales and marketing support to the mutual fund's staff.
+     ``Objective looking'' performance reports that paint the 
+mutual fund in the best light, and facilitate the sale of that fund to 
+clients of the consultant.
+     Other ``image enhancement'' or ``sales facilitation'' 
+     Loyalty of consultant or brokerage firm.
+    28(e) revenue practices hurt plan participants and their 
+beneficiaries, and violate ERISA Sections 403(c)(1), 404(a)(1) and 
+406(a)(1)(D). Illegal 28(e) soft dollars are the most difficult fee to 
+Hidden Costs #3--Sub-Transfer Agent Revenue Sharing
+    The following is a rather lengthy, but important illustration of 
+the widespread practice of subsidized record keeping services through 
+excess mutual fund management fees.
+    Envision a meeting among three individuals. An employer with 75 
+employees, wanting to design a brand new plan for their employees; a 
+Registered Investment Representative; and a Record Keeper commonly 
+referred to as a ``Third Party Administrator.'' After the meeting, the 
+employer requests formal proposals from the Investment Representative 
+and the Record Keeper. They leave the employer's office and agree to 
+work together to design a plan that works for all parties. The 
+Registered Representative and the Record Keeper collaborate and develop 
+two proposals for the employer to consider.
+    The first proposal recommends 6 mutual funds, 4 of which are 
+actively traded mutual funds. As a portion/component of the Funds' 
+Management Fees, the 4 actively traded mutual funds pay a .5% ``finders 
+fee'' of each new dollar invested to the Registered Representative plus 
+a .5% trail commission--referred to as a 12(b)-1 commission. (A more 
+detailed discussion of 12(b)-1 commission will be forthcoming later in 
+this testimony). The Record Keeper proposes a $4,000 base fee per year, 
+plus $60 per participant per year, paid by the employer.
+    When the employer does the math, he discovers that if each of his 
+75 employees contributed $100 per semi-monthly pay period, the 
+Investment Representative would earn $100 x .5% x 75 x 24 = $900 the 
+first year, and every year thereafter, plus an additional .5% on the 
+accumulating balance. This $900 doesn't seem like much, especially when 
+compared to the record keeping fee $8,500 ($4,000 base fee plus $4,500 
+(75 participants x $60)).
+                                              SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL A
+                             Cost item                                    Investment           Record keeping
+Finders Fees......................................................         $900 per year                    N/A
+Ongoing Commissions...............................................      $900 and growing                    N/A
+Base Fees.........................................................                   N/A                 $4,000
+Per Head Charges..................................................                   N/A                 $4,500
+    The employer looks at the record keeping fees, squirms a little, 
+and quietly questions whether the record keeper's services are really 
+worth $8,500 per year. Then he requests Proposal B. Having experienced 
+that reaction before, the Investment Representative and the Record 
+Keeper are prepared to present something more palatable.
+    The second proposal consists of 12 mutual funds, 9 of which are 
+actively traded. To the employer's delight, proposal B seems much 
+better. The Investment Representative's compensation remains the same, 
+but the Record Keeping fee is cut by 70%! The base fee is reduced to 
+$800 per year, and the per-head charge is reduced to $25.
+                                              SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL B
+                             Cost item                                    Investment           Record keeping
+Finders Fees......................................................         $900 per year                    N/A
+Ongoing Commissions...............................................      $900 and growing                    N/A
+Base Fees.........................................................                   N/A                   $800
+Per Head Charges..................................................                   N/A                 $1,875
+    This proposal seemed like the best of both worlds. Twice as many 
+mutual fund options for one-third the cost! The employer thinks 
+participants will love it, and of course he loves it, too. It doesn't 
+occur to the employer that he should question the economics, or whether 
+there are fiduciary implications to going with one proposal vs. 
+another. It seems like a no-brainer, so the decision is made to go with 
+Proposal B.
+    Fast forward 10 years and the employer now has 150 employees, and 
+$4 million dollars in the plan. As far as the employer is concerned, 
+the economics are still the same as the first day the plan was adopted. 
+However, there was an element the employer didn't understand. Remember 
+the reaction to the $8,500 fee for record keeping fees? The employer 
+wasn't certain if that was a fair fee for services rendered. Maybe it 
+was fair, and if that was the case, the employer might have reduced or 
+cut-back on various optional ``elements'' of the plan to arrive at a 
+fee that seemed appropriate, all services considered.
+    The $2,675 in fees associated with Proposal B seemed about right. 
+With the growth of the company and the plan, the fact that plan costs 
+also increased went without saying. Looking back at the original 
+``deal'', the employer computes the fees and costs as he thinks it 
+stands today. All things remain the same except for 150 participants 
+instead of 75, and there are $4 million dollars in assets.
+                                   SUMMARY OF COSTS 10 YEARS LATER--PROPOSAL B
+                                         [The ``believed-to-be'' costs]
+                             Cost item                                    Investment           Record keeping
+Finders Fees......................................................       $1,800 per year                    N/A
+Ongoing Commissions...............................................       $20,000 growing                    N/A
+Base Fees.........................................................                   N/A                   $800
+Per Head Charges..................................................                   N/A                 $3,750
+    Paying the record keeper for such an extensive array of services 
+rendered might even be perceived as being a little low. The employer 
+intuitively knows the record keeper is worth more than $4,550, but is 
+uncertain ``how much more.'' If the record keeper needed more money, 
+they would certainly ask for it, and if they don't request more they 
+must be satisfied. The employer also notices the Investment 
+Representative is now being paid over $20,000--and given all of the 
+enrollment and investment education meetings--along with all of the 
+reports, trustee meetings, and general education given to the 
+fiduciaries, it might seem ``about right.''
+    Luckily for the employer and the participants, the employers' niece 
+happened to be a student of fiduciary prudence and retirement plan 
+economics and something seemed ``fishy'' to her.
+    After looking into the economics of ``Proposal B'' today, the 
+employer's niece reluctantly brought the bad news. Something has gone 
+terribly wrong, and the employer is stunned beyond words. Here's how 
+the true economics look:
+                                                 TRUE ECONOMICS
+                             Cost item                                    Investment           Record keeping
+Finders Fees......................................................       $1,800 per year                    N/A
+Ongoing Commissions...............................................       $20,000 growing                    N/A
+Base Fees.........................................................                   N/A                   $800
+Per Head Charges..................................................                   N/A                $30,150
+    How could the record keeper be making more money than the 
+Investment Representative? Ten thousand dollars more * * * and growing!
+    Remember the ``collaboration'' the Investment Representative and 
+Record Keeper originally entered into? Proposal B involved the payment 
+of Sub-Transfer Agent fees (Revenue Sharing from the Mutual Funds). The 
+increase in funds was not an added benefit to the employer or employees 
+as initially believed. Rather, it was a carefully calculated design 
+element to capture a particular type of revenue sharing based upon two 
+things: (1) The number of funds offered multiplied by (2) the number of 
+participants with assets in those funds.
+    Assume in this case 8 of the 9 actively traded mutual funds are 
+being utilized by participants. Also assume that the mutual funds each 
+pay $22 per participant per year. The true economics are therefore 150 
+participants x $22 Sub-Transfer Agent Revenue Sharing x 8 Funds = 
+$26,400. When the existing ``per head'' fee paid by the employer 
+($3,750) and the base fee ($800) are added to the Revenue Sharing 
+number, the new total is $26,400 + $3,750 + $800 = $30,950.
+    The employer is angry for four reasons. First, he feels deceived 
+because he didn't understand the true economics of the plan. Second, he 
+feels his ability was impeded to prudently judge whether the services 
+rendered were worth what the Record Keeper received in actual 
+compensation. Third, he understands now that the ``extra'' funds had 
+nothing to do with helping participants build a better portfolio. It 
+had everything to do with multiplying the potential revenue sharing--
+and that has not helped the participants at all. Fourth, the 
+realization that the employer has allowed assets to be improperly spent 
+on services with skewed economics might place him squarely in the cross 
+hairs of an effective litigator.
+    Such is the nature of hundreds of thousands of 401(k) and similar 
+retirement plans across the United States even as you read this.
+What is a Sub-Transfer Agent? (and Sub Transfer Agent Revenue Sharing?)
+    A transfer agent is usually a bank or trust company (or the mutual 
+fund itself) that executes, clears and settles a security buy or sell 
+order, and maintains shareholder records (i.e. accounts for ``title'' 
+of the ownership of the shares). When certain functions of the transfer 
+agent are sub-contracted to a third party, that third party becomes a 
+``sub-transfer agent.'' Within the context of this paper, a sub-
+transfer agent would be one of the following entities:
+    1. A third party administrator.
+    2. A bank or trust company performing recordkeeping services.
+    3. Some other entity tracking the number of shares held for the 
+benefit of a specific participant within an individual account plan.
+    Payment to these parties for this sub-contracted service has come 
+to be known as ``Sub-Transfer Agent fees.'' Sub-Transfer agent fees 
+exist solely to support the participant directed account culture in 
+actively managed mutual funds.
+    Sub-transfer agent fees are generally paid as a flat dollar, per-
+participant, per fund. For example, many funds will pay a third party 
+administrator $10 per participant, per fund. Other funds will pay a 
+percentage of assets--such as 5 to 10 basis points. However, some funds 
+pay up to $22 per participant, per fund or 35 basis points. The 
+problems with sub- transfer agent fees is not how much is being paid to 
+the service provider. Rather, the problem is being unaware who is 
+receiving the payments, and whether or not the payments fairly 
+represent the value of the service being rendered. The Department of 
+Labor has made it very clear that a plan sponsor must understand the 
+value and associated compensation of each individual servicing company, 
+thereby making the cost of the parts more important than the cost of 
+the whole.
+    An estimated 100 million shareholder accounts, or approximately 40 
+percent of all mutual funds, are in sub accounts at financial or record 
+keeping intermediaries at this writing. Approximately $2 billion 
+dollars per year is paid to third parties for sub-accounting services. 
+There are potential costly and ERISA-violating problems inherent in 
+omnibus accounts with underlying participant directed sub-accounts 
+which are beyond the scope of this testimony.
+Hidden Costs #4--Non-Fiduciary Compensation (12(b)-1 commissions)
+    There are two types of 12(b)-1 fees:
+    1. Sales commission 12(b)-1--paid to a registered representative 
+for selling mutual funds for an individual or within a plan.
+    2. Servicing 12(b)-1--paid to a person or entity who services an 
+account after the sale.
+    SEC Rule 12(b)-1 was enacted in 1980. It is partially responsible 
+for the proliferation of mutual funds in individual account plans. 
+Again, referring to the mutual fund relationship with the distribution 
+medium (sales force) of the brokerage firm, it creates a conflict of 
+interest between the brokerage firm and the mutual fund, thereby 
+rendering each unable to devote their loyalties to the plan 
+participants. It permits mutual funds to increase their internal fund 
+expense ratio by up to 1% in aggregate.
+    The combination of these two commissions may not exceed 1%. For 
+example, the sales 12(b)-1 could be 50 basis points (.5%) and the 
+service 12(b)-1 could also be 50 basis points.
+    It is common to refer to both sales and servicing revenue as 
+``12(b)-1'' fees, not differentiating between the two. More than half 
+of all mutual funds have a 12(b)-1 feature. These commissions are 
+disclosed in the prospectus, but very few plan sponsors understand 
+their significance to the plan, the participants, and the trustees.
+    The 12(b)-1 commissions are a concern because non-fiduciary sales 
+people carefully place products with high 12(b)-1 commissions within 
+401(k) plans without the full understanding of the plan sponsor or 
+trustees. Conversely, a Fiduciary Investment Advisor would be obligated 
+to disclose fees in writing, invoice the plan sponsor or plan for those 
+stated fees, and credit any 12(b)-1 fees back to the trust. This clear 
+difference in behavior and reporting shows the crisis that exists in 
+the industry. Plan sponsors don't know there is a difference; mutual 
+funds are simply mutual funds to them.
+    Another seldom considered 12(b)-1 issue is that of unfair subsidy 
+disparity. Fee subsidy disparity is often referred to by the fiduciary 
+community as the ``Hidden Tax'' paid by participants with larger than 
+average account balances because 12(b)-1 commissions pay for non-
+fiduciary services.
+    Let's compare two hypothetical plans, Plan ``A'' and Plan ``B.'' 
+Let's say each has $50 million in assets, both have identical mutual 
+funds and service providers, each paying 3% (1.50% in trading costs, 
+and 1.50% in fund management fees). Further, assume that 40% of the 
+fund management fee pays for revenue sharing arrangements (brokers, 
+record keepers, insurance agents, and others), and 60% is kept by the 
+fund manager. Let's also say that Plan ``A'' has 500 employees and Plan 
+``B'' has 2,500 employees.
+    Are costs consistent for all employees as a percentage of their 
+account balances? Yes, of course. But what are the real economics? Take 
+a look at the following example of a comparison between two 
+hypothetical plans:
+                    Fee/Cost element                                Plan A                      Plan B
+Gross fund fees and commissions.........................  $1,500,000  ($50,000,000 x  $1,500,000  ($50,000,000 x
+                                                                                3%)                         3%)
+Revenue sharing.........................................   $300,000  (1.50% x 40% x    $300,000  (1.50% x 40% x
+                                                                       $50,000,000)                $50,000,000)
+Revenue Sharing borne by each participant...............             $300,000  500             $300,000  2500
+                                                           participants = $600  per    participants = $120  per
+                                                                        participant                 participant
+    In this example, the participants of Plan ``A'' are subsidizing the 
+overhead of Plan ``B.''
+Hidden Costs #5--Variable Annuity Wrap Fees
+    A Variable Annuity is an investment contract between a plan and an 
+insurance company where (normally) a series of ongoing deposits are 
+made to accumulate resources sufficient to pay a future benefit. 
+Variable Annuities can be sold by insurance agents who have little or 
+no formal investment or fiduciary training. Variable Annuities are 
+separate vehicles that invest in mutual funds--they are not mutual 
+funds in and of themselves.
+    Variable annuities offer a variety of investment options that are 
+typically mutual funds investing in stocks, bonds and cash. Gains on 
+variable annuities are tax deferred whether held in a qualified trust 
+or not, and there are costs associated with this ``built-in'' tax 
+deferral. The fee associated with obtaining this tax-deferred benefit 
+is an insurance component. Therefore, one must ask whether or not 
+putting a variable annuity in an ERISA-governed vehicle is necessary, 
+or even wise. In other words, you could buy a lower cost mutual fund 
+using the inherent benefits of a 401(k) and still get the deferral of 
+tax. Paying the insurance company for the tax deferral may not be 
+prudent. Variable annuities generally have higher expenses than 
+comparable mutual funds, and these fees are assessed in such a way that 
+each component service is ``wrapped up'' into one aggregate fee. 
+Accordingly, this aggregate fee is called a ``wrap'' fee. The wrap fee 
+hides individual component fees and services, which are:
+     Investment Management: Management fees of the mutual fund 
+that is contained within the variable annuity. (Note that trading costs 
+are in addition to the investment management component, and are 
+extremely difficult to discover in variable annuity contracts.)
+     Surrender Charges: If withdrawals are made from a variable 
+annuity within a certain period of time after units are purchased 
+within the annuity, the insurance company will assess a surrender 
+charge. The charge is used to reimburse the insurance company for the 
+commission payments they paid to a broker or insurance agent upfront. 
+The surrender charge usually starts out higher, and decreases over the 
+length of the surrender period.
+     Mortality and Expense risk charge: This charge is equal to 
+a percentage of the account value, typically 1.25% per year over the 
+investment management fees--but could be more or less depending on who 
+is purchasing the annuity.
+     Administrative Fees: The insurer may deduct charges to 
+cover record-keeping and other administrative expenses. It is common to 
+see fees of $25 or $30 per year, or a percentage of each participant's 
+account value, typically in the range of an additional .15% per year.
+     Fees and Charges for Other Features: Stepped up death 
+benefit, a guaranteed minimum income benefit, long-term care insurance 
+etc. These fees are stated in the annuity contract, and are actuarially 
+computed based on age, health, etc., and hence differ from participant 
+to participant.
+     Bonus Credits: Some insurance companies offer bonus 
+credits, which is a credit back to the account of percentage of each 
+purchase--e.g. 3% of each deposit. These types of accounts often have 
+higher expenses, and the expenses can be larger than the credit. Bonus 
+credits are generally ``purchased'' with higher surrender charges, 
+longer surrender periods, higher mortality and expense risk charges.
+Hidden Costs #6--Administrative ``Pass Throughs''
+    An unfortunate and yet almost universally common in 401(k) plans is 
+an expense borne by all participants for unnecessary services demanded 
+by a vocal minority. A fiduciary is obligated to protect and treat all 
+participants equally. It is a violation of ERISA's exclusive benefit 
+rule that millions of participants unknowingly pay for the 
+undisciplined urges of others to immediately wrest benefit from their 
+retirement plans. Three examples are:
+     Easy loans taken against a participant's vested balance
+     Open brokerage options
+     Investment ``advice'' services
+    While some may argue that these plan features are available to all 
+participants equally, we must not confuse matters of coverage and non-
+discrimination in benefits rights and features (pursuant to IRC 
+Sec. 401(a)(4)) with fiduciary prudence. Plan assets should not be used 
+to pay for services that all Participants do not collectively receive 
+or benefit from plan assets. In hundreds of thousands of companies 
+across the U.S. there are assertive individuals, who are the vocal 
+minority, that want various bells and whistles in their 401(k), and the 
+unsuspecting end up having to pay for it. This subtle violation of the 
+exclusive benefit rule is rampant and costly. Plans with optional 
+benefits that increase the overall cost of plan operation should be 
+paid for by the individual users or by the plan sponsor, not by the 
+plan. These amounts vary from plan-to-plan, but they can be 
+substantial, especially if the fees are ``translated'' into an asset 
+based charge that goes un-examined year after year.
+Hidden Costs #7--Non-Fiduciary Mish-Mash
+    To wrap up this discussion, it's important to highlight a few 
+remaining hidden costs. The following is not an all-inclusive list, 
+because there are dozens of variations to each of these items, and even 
+a few other costs that are highly complex and difficult to explain. 
+These are beyond the scope of this hearing, but might be examined as 
+part of a subsequent hearing. Some of the remaining fees and costs 
+employers of all sizes are struggling to grasp are:
+     Share class variances based upon plan size. (i.e. high 
+load share classes in large plans. Common share classes include A, B, 
+C, R, etc.) \12\
+     Shadow Index Funds. These are basically funds that closely 
+track passive indexes, but have ``actively managed'' prices. In other 
+words, they are overly priced index funds, some overpriced by 200% to 
+     Suspected Inter-Fund pricing discrimination. (Evidence 
+that this practice is now coming to light, but this is so new that 
+independent fiduciaries are still trying to grasp the full nature and 
+extent of this particular issue.) \13\ This is where a mutual fund cuts 
+``deals'' with preferred investors, and increases fees to non-preferred 
+clients so that the total fee balances out to what is disclosed in the 
+prospectus. For example, a prospectus of a two hundred million dollar 
+fund might state that the fund management fee is 1% of assets. The fund 
+manager then ``discriminates'' against clients 2--6 by cutting a deal 
+with preferred Client 1 that reduces their fee by half.
+                                                                 Actual
+                                                  Assets          fee
+Client 1...................................      $100,000,000       .50%
+Client 2...................................        20,000,000      1.10%
+Client 3...................................        20,000,000      1.10%
+Client 4...................................        20,000,000      1.10%
+Client 5...................................        20,000,000      1.10%
+Client 6...................................        20,000,000      1.10%
+                                            ----------------------------
+      Total................................      $200,000,000      1.00%
+    Clients 2 through 6 are paying for the backroom ``deal'' between 
+the fund manager and client 1, and will experience lower returns at the 
+same time, a clear example of investment return and cost 
+discrimination. Also, other suspected violations of fiduciary prudence 
+are coming to light where the ``deal'' isn't with a preferred client, 
+but with the Investment Representative. This has even more serious 
+implications when proven to be true.
+    Expert fiduciaries are still trying to get their arms around this 
+issue. It's such a startling revelation that independent fiduciaries 
+don't want to believe it, and hence are trying to find other reasonable 
+explanations for their findings, hoping it simply isn't so. However, 
+the economics of 401(k) plans are so defiant, entrenched, and arrogant, 
+that it might very well be happening more often than one would like to 
+think. Like Andrew Fastow, the former CFO of the complex ENRON 
+``special purpose entities,'' maybe the industry thought no one would 
+ever figure it out.
+    There is more that can and should be shared with legislators about 
+other activities in the final markets that adversely affect 
+participants and beneficiaries. I hope this testimony provides 
+sufficient background to assist in grasping the issues at hand and 
+comprehending the necessity of diligently considering possible 
+Possible Solutions
+     Require full disclosure of all financial service provider 
+costs and expenses. Create stiff monetary sanctions for any person, 
+entity, or institution to withhold information from named fiduciaries 
+for any qualified plan. This would require full transparency of all 
+service provider activities and costs. It would enable fiduciaries to 
+better understand the basis for their decisions regarding plan 
+operations and investments. With improved understanding, the retirement 
+income security of millions of Americans would be enhanced.
+     Require fiduciaries to itemize any and all fees and 
+expenses extracted from plan assets at any level, including trading 
+commissions, spreads, management fees, soft dollar arrangements, 
+finders fees, transfer agent fees, and other expenses, and to disclose 
+those directly to participants on the Summary Annual Report. This will 
+demonstrate to participants that fiduciaries are aware of the costs the 
+plan is bearing, and that they are taking responsibility for those 
+     Hold all individuals or companies who are paid from plan 
+assets to a fiduciary standard. This includes brokers, insurance 
+agents, record keepers, actuaries, and others. Those individuals or 
+professionals unwilling to assume fiduciary responsibility could 
+negotiate payments directly from plan sponsors.
+     Require all mutual funds held in a qualified trust (within 
+the meaning of Internal Revenue Code section 501(a)) to be ``revenue 
+sharing free'' which would include barring 28(e) soft dollars, 12(b)-1 
+marketing or servicing commissions, and sub transfer agent fees. This 
+would force the industry to price services based upon what 
+knowledgeable fiduciaries determine to be reasonable and appropriate 
+and are willing to bear.
+     Eliminate Department of Labor Regulation 404(c). Plan 
+sponsors and service providers have hidden behind this regulatory 
+allowance as a perceived shield from fiduciary liability while ignoring 
+the plight of workers who desperately need guidance and oversight for 
+their investments. Rule 404(c) is non-fiduciary at its core, and it 
+encourages other decisions that are not in the interests of securing 
+the retirement incomes of American workers.
+    Thank you for the invitation to testify before this committee. It 
+is my earnest belief that the workers of America deserve proper 
+protections for the hard earned savings they have set aside in their 
+401(k) plans--protections which they are denied in the current state of 
+the industry. I also believe that the problems with the industry can be 
+solved rather simply, though it will require confronting powerful 
+economic interests that support the current system. But America's 
+workers deserve better than they have received to date from the 
+providers of financial services. Finally, thank you for beginning the 
+daunting task of tackling this very important and relevant social issue 
+that will affect millions in the coming decade. I look forward to 
+elaborating on this written testimony in more detail during the 
+question and answer period.
+                                endnotes
+    \1\ Randy Cloud, founder of CNMLLC. Accredited Investment Fiduciary 
+Auditor and a member of the Revere Coalition, a non-profit fiduciary 
+advocacy group of independent investment fiduciaries.
+    \2\ Stock bonus plans may also have a 401(k) feature.
+    \3\ Statement by Senate Governmental Affairs Subcommittee on 
+Financial Management, The Budget, and International Security. November 
+3, 2003, Senator Peter G. Fitzgerald (R- IL)
+    \4\ http://papers.ssrn.com/abstract--id=868761
+    \5\ http://www.ifa.com/Book/Book--pdf/overview.pdf--``Step 5''
+    \6\ Dimensional Fund Advisors, Basic 60/40 Balanced Strategy vs. 
+Company Plans 1987-2003. FutureMetrics, 2004.
+    \7\ http://finance.yahoo.com/expert/article/futureinvest/6953--
+``The Truth About Money Management''
+    \8\ Ibid--``The Birth of Indexing''
+    \9\ http://papers.ssrn.com/abstract--id=868761 page 2
+    \10\ ``Fee Forensics, The impact of brokerage expense and trade 
+execution in mutual fund portfolios.'' 2005 Annual Conference of the 
+Center for Fiduciary Studies. Santa Fe, New Mexico.
+    \11\ http://www.efficientfrontier.com/ef/997/tough.htm
+    \12\ http://www.nasd.com/InvestorInformation/InvestorAlerts/
+    \13\ The following is a startling quote from an actual Independent 
+Fiduciary fee review: ``We find it noteworthy that the funds in the 
+Plan are paying out more than half of the revenue they receive for 
+`investment management'. In fact, one fund (fund name deleted) is 
+paying out 150% of the revenue that it discloses by prospectus. Several 
+other funds (mostly name deleted / name deleted funds) pay out more 
+than 70% of their receipts. Obviously, this indicates that they may be 
+making up their lost revenues in some other manner. We spot checked the 
+SAIs of a couple of the Plan's funds and found hidden expenses in 
+excess of .50% for transaction expenses. Some portion of this money 
+goes back to the manager in one form or another (research services, 
+commission rebates, etc.). We estimate that the true investment and 
+recordkeeping cost of the plan is significantly greater than the .94% 
+that is revealed by the basic plan expense ratios.''
+                                 ______
+    Chairman Miller. Mr. Chambers?
+    Mr. Chambers. Good morning, Chairman Miller, Ranking Member 
+McKeon, members of the committee. My name is Robert Chambers, 
+and I am a partner in the Charlotte, North Carolina-based, law 
+firm of Helms, Mulliss & Wicker. As was noted earlier, I am 
+also the chairman of board of the American Benefits Council, on 
+whose behalf I am testifying today.
+    The council very much appreciates the opportunity to 
+present testimony with respect to 401(k) plan fees. Our goal, 
+like yours, is that the 401(k) system remains fair and 
+equitable, that it functions in a transparent manner, and that 
+it provide meaningful benefits at a fair price.
+    Our members have been successful in obtaining fee 
+information and using it to sponsor less expensive and more 
+efficient 401(k) programs, and yet, at the same time, we think 
+that there is room for improvement through more universal 
+disclosure of both fee and other information to both 
+fiduciaries and to plan participants.
+    There are three pieces to the fee disclosure puzzle that we 
+will be discussing today: one, disclosure by service providers 
+to employers and other fiduciaries; two, disclosure by those 
+fiduciaries to participants; and, three, disclosure by the 
+fiduciaries to the government.
+    Now, this comports with the GAO's recommendations in its 
+2006 report, as has previously been mentioned, and with the 
+three-part project that the Department of Labor is currently 
+pursuing. Admittedly, we have some concerns with some of the 
+details in the department's proposals, but we absolutely agree 
+with their general approach.
+    Now, I would like to take the rest of my time to raise five 
+points that we think, at the council, bear consideration this 
+    First, the 401(k) plan system in the United States is 
+voluntary. It depends on the willingness of employers to offer 
+plans and the willingness of employees to use them. Whatever 
+fee disclosure reform efforts evolve, they must not undermine 
+these basic building blocks.
+    If a new regiment is overly complicated, overly costly, 
+some employers will drop their plans. Others will comply and 
+pass the costs onto participants, either in the form of plan 
+expenses, or perhaps reduced employer contributions.
+    Further, and perhaps most important, many employees will be 
+confused by the overemphasis on fees. Compared to equally 
+valuable investment consideration, such as diversification, 
+actual investment performance, and risk factors, and they will 
+either make unbalanced investment decisions or, even worse, a 
+decision not to participate at all.
+    Investment education is based on balance, and neither 
+Congress, the Department of Labor, nor plan fiduciaries should 
+counteract that concept through a disproportionate focus on 
+plan fees.
+    Second, every new feature that is added to a 401(k) plan 
+adds new costs. There are mandatory bells and whistles, such as 
+the benefit statement rules that are new, and permissive bells 
+and whistles, such as automatic enrollment. But they are all 
+bells and whistles; they have all been adopted by Congress; and 
+they all cost money to administer.
+    Additional fee disclosure will also result in additional 
+cost. Therefore, we must carefully measure the value of what 
+may be gained against the cost of the annual disclosure. Let's 
+make sure that our efforts to reduce costs do not, in the end, 
+actually reduce savings.
+    Third, in our system of commerce, it is the quality and 
+features of a product or service that permit one manufacturer 
+or service provider to charge more than a competitor. Some cars 
+cost more than others, as do computers, and, unfortunately, my 
+    Similarly, 401(k) plan fees should not be evaluated 
+independently from the product or service that is provided. 
+Every participant would be willing to pay higher fees if the 
+total net return on the investment were increased. Enhanced 
+disclosure will enable participants to determine whether the 
+quality of the product or the quality of the provider warrants 
+it cost. The two are inextricably tied to one another.
+    Fourth, we acknowledge that fee levels differ among differ 
+plans, just like cable TV service. Some people want only basic 
+service; some employers want to provide only a basic 401(k) 
+plan. But other folks want hundreds of channels, providing, 
+they expect, an even wider spectrum of entertainment. And many 
+employers want to provide a similarly broad span of retirement 
+plan features for their participants.
+    More bells and whistles, more costs. Enhanced disclosure 
+will help participants to make decisions among the choices 
+    It is also true that many smaller employers pay higher 
+401(k) plan fees. This is usually attributable to fewer lives 
+over which to amortize fixed costs. We believe that increased 
+disclosure will exert downward pressure on fee levels in the 
+    Fifth, and finally, some maintain that revenue-sharing is 
+wrong and should be prohibited. People with this view, we 
+think, misunderstand how the 401(k) system works. They also 
+probably think that Toyota manufactures cars. It does not. It 
+assembles cars.
+    No one expects Toyota to manufacture all of the glass, all 
+of the seats, all of the computer components for its vehicles. 
+They subcontract. And revenue-sharing in the 401(k) context is 
+simply a way of paying for subcontracting.
+    One service provider delegates a function to another, who 
+is able to perform the function more efficiently and at less 
+cost. Revenue-sharing reduces the overall cost of the plan for 
+both employers and employees.
+    So, in conclusion, we are very supportive of enhanced 
+disclosure of plan fees, but fee disclosure must be addressed 
+in a way that does not overemphasize fees relative to other 
+factors in the investment decisionmaking process, nor should it 
+undermine confidence in the retirement system, or create new 
+costs that, in turn, could decrease retirement benefits.
+    I would be happy to answer any questions that you may have.
+    [The statement of Mr. Chambers follows:]
+Prepared Statement of Robert Chambers, Esq., Partner, Helms, Mulliss & 
+           Wicker, PLLC; Chairman, American Benefits Council
+    My name is Robert G. Chambers and I am a partner in the Charlotte, 
+North Carolina law firm of Helms Mulliss & Wicker. I have advised 
+clients with respect to 401(k) plan issues since 401(k) was added to 
+the Internal Revenue Code in 1978. In that regard, my clients have 
+included both major employers that sponsor 401(k) plans as well as 
+national financial institutions that provide services to 401(k) plans.
+    I am also chair of the board of the American Benefits Council 
+(``Council'') on whose behalf I am testifying today. The Council's 
+members are primarily major U.S. employers that provide employee 
+benefits to active and retired workers and that do business in most if 
+not all states. The Council's membership also includes organizations 
+that provide services to employers of all sizes regarding their 
+employee benefit programs. Collectively, the Council's members either 
+directly sponsor or provide services to retirement and health benefit 
+plans covering more than 100 million Americans.
+    The Council very much appreciates the opportunity to present 
+testimony with respect to 401(k) plan fees. With the decline of the 
+defined benefit plan system, 401(k) plans have become the primary 
+retirement plan for millions of Americans. Accordingly, it is more 
+important than ever for all of us to take appropriate steps to ensure 
+that 401(k) plans provide those Americans with retirement security. In 
+that regard, our goal is an effective and fair 401(k) system that 
+functions in a transparent manner and provides meaningful benefits at a 
+fair price in terms of fees.
+We Support Enhanced Disclosure And Reporting Requirements
+    With respect to 401(k) plan fees, we believe that this Committee 
+would be pleased by what our member companies are doing. Our members--
+both plan sponsors and service providers--report to us that plan 
+fiduciaries are taking extensive steps to ensure that fee levels are 
+fair and reasonable for their participants. Plan fiduciaries are asking 
+hard questions regarding the various plan services and fees, and the 
+fiduciaries are obtaining answers that give them the tools to negotiate 
+effectively for lower fees and to provide meaningful information to 
+participants. In the case of small plans with less bargaining power, 
+plan fiduciaries are using additional fee information to shop more 
+effectively for service providers.
+    Are there exceptions to this rosy picture? Of course there are. No 
+system functions perfectly. So we need to strive to make the system 
+even better. How can we achieve those improvements? The answer is 
+conceptually simple: through even more universal disclosure of 
+meaningful information. We need to ensure that all plan fiduciaries and 
+service providers follow the practices we are hearing about from our 
+members. Those practices include disclosure to plan fiduciaries of 
+direct and indirect fees that service providers receive from the plan 
+or from unrelated third parties. Those practices also include clear, 
+meaningful disclosure to participants.
+    In this regard, we commend the Department of Labor and the 
+Government Accountability Office (``GAO''). The Department of Labor has 
+been working on a three-part project to enhance transparency that is 
+conceptually the same as the enhanced regime we are recommending. This 
+three-part approach is very similar to the recommendations made by GAO. 
+One part would require the type of disclosure by service providers to 
+plan fiduciaries that I refer to above. A second part would require 
+clear, meaningful disclosure to participants. And a third part would 
+require plans to report fee information to the Department. We have 
+concerns regarding certain specific points with respect to the 
+Department's proposals, but conceptually we are in agreement with the 
+general approach. We look forward to a constructive dialogue with the 
+Department as its proposals move forward.
+    As described in its letter to GAO regarding plan fees, the 
+Department of Labor has already taken a number of steps to improve 
+awareness and understanding with respect to plan fees. The Department 
+makes available on its website important materials designed to help 
+participants and plan fiduciaries understand plan fees. These materials 
+include ``A Look at 401(k) Plan Fees for Employees'', which is designed 
+to assist participants in selecting investment options. For employers 
+and other plan fiduciaries, the Department makes available 
+``Understanding Retirement Plan Fees and Expenses'', ``Tips for 
+Selecting and Monitoring Service Providers for Your Employee Benefit 
+Plan'', and ``Selecting and Monitoring Pension Consultants--Tips for 
+Plan Fiduciaries''. In addition, the Department makes available a model 
+form--called the ``401(k) Plan Fee Disclosure Form''--that is designed 
+to facilitate the disclosure of plan fees by service providers to plan 
+fiduciaries and the comparison of these fees. Finally, the Department 
+has been conducting educational programs across the country that are 
+designed to educate plan fiduciaries about their duties.
+    In short, we believe that the Department of Labor and GAO are 
+making, and have been making, important contributions to improving the 
+401(k) plan system. In this regard, we are also proud of our own 
+efforts to improve fee disclosure, which include working in a 
+constructive manner with the Department to help it improve disclosure 
+and transparency. For example, recently, a group of associations 
+submitted to the Department of Labor an extensive list of fee and 
+expense data elements that plan sponsors can use to discuss fees 
+effectively with their service providers. (The associations were the 
+American Benefits Council, the Investment Company Institute, the 
+American Council of Life Insurers, the American Bankers Association, 
+and the Securities Industry Association (now the Securities Industry 
+and Financial Markets Association).) We view disclosure enhancement as 
+a critical part of our mission to strengthen the 401(k) plan system and 
+we are committed to continuing to offer our help to this Committee, 
+other Committees, and the agencies.
+Addressing Concerns And Questions
+    So far, I have been talking about positive things that can be done 
+to improve the 401(k) plan system. Now I would like to touch on 
+concerns that I know are shared by this Committee and answer some 
+questions that have been raised.
+We Must Not Undermine The Voluntary System
+    The success of the 401(k) plan system is dependent on many things, 
+including very notably the willingness of employers to offer these 
+plans and the willingness of employees to participate in the plans. It 
+is critical that any reform efforts not inadvertently undermine these 
+key building blocks of our system. Clear, meaningful disclosure is 
+needed; overly complicated and burdensome disclosures would only push 
+employers and service providers away from the 401(k) plan system. In 
+particular, burdensome rules would be yet another powerful disincentive 
+for small employers to maintain plans. Overly complicated disclosure 
+would also confuse rather than inform participants; participants need 
+clear meaningful information that is relevant to their decision-making.
+    In addition, employee confidence is critical to their participation 
+in the system. If the huge number of employees participating in well-
+run efficient 401(k) plans hear only about the 401(k) plan problems and 
+do not hear about the strengths of the system, their confidence will be 
+eroded, their participation will decline, and their retirement security 
+will be undermined.
+We Must Not Inadvertently Increase Fees In The Effort To Reduce Them
+    Every new requirement imposed on the 401(k) plan system has a cost. 
+And generally it is participants who bear that cost. So it would be 
+unfortunate and counterproductive if a plethora of new complicated 
+rules are added in an effort to reduce costs, but the expense of 
+administering those new rules actually ends up adding to those costs. 
+The Department of Labor has explicitly raised this exact concern. In 
+its letter to GAO regarding the GAO plan fee report, the Department 
+noted that its own fee disclosure project must be designed ``without 
+imposing undue compliance costs, given that any such costs are likely 
+to be charged against the individual accounts of participants and 
+affect their retirement savings.''
+    In this regard, it is important to recognize a key point noted in 
+the GAO report. In the course of numerous plan fee investigations 
+conducted by the Department of Labor in the late 1990's, no ERISA 
+violations were found with respect to 401(k) plan fees. Moreover, the 
+Department of Labor receives enforcement referrals from various 
+entities, such as federal and state agencies. The GAO report notes that 
+``only one of the referrals that the [Department of Labor] has closed 
+over the past 5 years was directly related to fees'' (emphasis added). 
+In the context of these facts, imposing burdensome new rules and costs 
+to be borne by participants would be even less justified.
+Fees Can Only Be Evaluated In The Context Of The Services They Pay For
+    Another critical point to bear in mind is that we must not examine 
+fee amounts out of context. Any specific fee can only be effectively 
+evaluated in the context of the quality of the service or product that 
+is being paid for. For example, some actively managed investment 
+options may logically have higher than average expenses, but it is the 
+net performance of the option that is critical to retirement plan 
+sponsors and participants, not the fee component in isolation. We must 
+avoid studying fees in a vacuum. Fees are very important, but they are 
+only one component of performance; with respect to investments, other 
+key components include minimization of risk, diversification, relative 
+peer group performance, quality of the investment organization, and, of 
+course, investment return. Our objective should be excellent 
+performance and service at a fair price.
+    Another example of this point is that increased fees generally 
+reflect increased services. In the past several decades, there has been 
+enormous progress in the development of services and products available 
+to defined contribution plans (``DC plans'') such as 401(k) plans. For 
+example, many years ago, plan assets generally were valued once per 
+quarter--or even once per year--so that employees' accounts were 
+generally not valued at the current market value. Participants 
+generally were not permitted to invest their assets in accordance with 
+their own objectives; the plan fiduciary generally invested all plan 
+assets together. Today, 401(k) plans generally value plan investments 
+on a daily basis, and permit participants to make investment exchanges 
+frequently (often on a daily basis) to achieve their own objectives. 
+Other new services include, for example, internet access and voice 
+response systems, on-line distribution and loan modeling, on-line 
+calculators for comparing deferral options, and investment advice and/
+or education services.
+    In addition, the legal environment for DC plans used to be simpler, 
+with far fewer legal requirements and design options. New legal 
+requirements or options can require significant systems enhancements. 
+For example, system modifications were needed to address catch-up 
+contributions, automatic rollovers of distributions between $1,000 and 
+$5,000, Roth 401(k) options, redemption fees and required holding 
+periods with respect to plan investment options, employer stock 
+diversification requirements, default investment notices, automatic 
+enrollment, and new benefit statement rules. Today, 401(k) plans have 
+become the dominant retirement vehicle for millions of American 
+workers. With this change has come the need to help participants 
+adequately plan for their retirement. Service providers have responded 
+by developing investment advice offerings, retirement planning and 
+education, programs to increase employee participation in plans, and 
+plan distribution options that address a participant's risk of 
+outliving his or her retirement savings.
+    Naturally, the new services and products and the needed systems 
+modifications have a cost. In this regard, we also want to emphasize 
+that the disclosure rules need to be flexible enough to take into 
+account the ever evolving 401(k) plan service market. For example, the 
+rules need to be consistent with the current trend toward reducing the 
+size of the plan investment menu as well as the trend toward offering a 
+brokerage account option.
+    On a related point, we see enhanced plan fee disclosure as another 
+important step with respect to participant education. And we look 
+forward to working with this Committee on further participant education 
+Why Do Fee Levels Differ So Much Among Different Plans?
+    Different workforces need different services. Accordingly, the 
+401(k) plan market has attracted a number of different service 
+providers that have developed numerous service options for plans, often 
+with different fee structures and different services available for 
+separate fees. This structure avoids forcing plans to pay for services 
+that they do not want or use, and increases the options available to 
+plan sponsors wishing to find providers and services that meet their 
+and their employees' unique needs.
+    Concerns have been raised about the higher level of fees for 
+smaller plans. Many plan fees vary only slightly (if at all) based on 
+the number of participants in the plan. Accordingly, on a per-
+participant basis, plan costs can be much higher for small plans than 
+for large plans. On a similar point, many costs do not vary with the 
+size of a participant's account, so plans with small accounts will 
+often pay much higher fees--on a percentage of assets basis--than plans 
+with large accounts. These effects are most often a function of the 
+nature of the services rendered: for example, plans must meet the same 
+regulatory requirements without regard to whether a plan has 100 
+participants or 100,000 participants, and without regard to whether the 
+average account size is $5,000 or $50,000.
+Who Pays DC Plan Fees?
+    By law, the employer must pay certain fees, such as the cost of 
+designing a plan. But there are a wide range of fees that are permitted 
+to be paid by the plan and its participants, such as fees for 
+investments (which generally constitute the vast majority of a plan's 
+total fees), recordkeeping, trustee services, participant 
+communications, investment advice or education, plan loans, compliance 
+testing, and plan audits. Many employers voluntarily pay for certain 
+expenses that could be charged to the plan and its participants, such 
+as recordkeeping, administrative, auditing, and certain legal expenses. 
+On the other hand, investment expenses, such as expenses of a 
+particular mutual fund or other investment option, are generally borne 
+by the participant whose account is invested in the fund.
+Why Does One Service Provider Sometimes Receive Fees From Another 
+        Service Provider? Is This ``Revenue Sharing''? Is This A 
+        Problem Area?
+    Some maintain that ``revenue sharing'' is wrong and should be 
+prohibited. That view reflects a misunderstanding of how the 401(k) 
+plan system works. Let me explain.
+    It is not uncommon, for example, for mutual funds or other 
+investment options to pay other plan service providers for services 
+needed by the funds. For example, assume that participants of a plan 
+invest some of their assets in Mutual Fund A. If these were retail 
+investors in Mutual Fund A, Fund A would need to: maintain separate 
+accounts for each investor; provide a means for investors to interact 
+with Fund A (e.g., internet access, voice response systems, telephone 
+service representatives); make certain that investors receive 
+statements, investment confirmations, and any statutory notices; and 
+prepare the appropriate tax reporting for any distributions. When a 
+participant invests in Fund A through a retirement plan, the plan's 
+recordkeeper generally assumes these responsibilities and bears the 
+cost of performing them. It is not uncommon for Fund A to pay the 
+plan's recordkeeper for performing the services that the fund would 
+otherwise have to perform in the retail environment.
+    Such ``inter-service provider'' fees arise because different 
+service providers cooperate in providing a total service package to a 
+plan. ``Revenue sharing'' is the term often used to described these 
+types of inter-service provider fees. In fact, fund companies typically 
+designate a portion of their overall expense ratio as ``shareholder 
+servicing fees'', and it is this expense stream that is typically used 
+to pay other providers.
+    There is nothing inherently problematic regarding inter-service 
+provider fees and the current-law prohibited transaction rules preclude 
+inter-service provider arrangements that would create conflicts of 
+interest. For example, assume that a plan pays Mutual Fund A $100 for 
+investment services and the plan pays unrelated Service Provider B $50 
+for recordkeeping services. Assume further that Mutual Fund A pays 
+Service Provider B $10 to provide shareholder services so that A 
+receives $90 net and B receives a total of $60. Assume further that B 
+discloses the receipt of the extra $10 to the plan fiduciary so that 
+the plan fiduciary can evaluate the fee and the relationship between 
+Mutual Fund A and Service Provider B. If $100 is a fair price for 
+investment services, why does it matter whether A performs shareholder 
+servicing itself or subcontracts with Service Provider B to perform 
+those services? In other words, if Mutual Fund A performed the services 
+itself, the cost to the plan would be the same $150, but A would keep 
+the full $100, instead of paying $10 of its $100 fee to B. And if $50 
+is a fair price for recordkeeping services provided to the plan, why 
+does it matter if B receives an additional $10 for services rendered to 
+A? This example illustrates how an efficient subcontracting 
+relationship works among service providers.
+    We are not suggesting that disclosure of the inter-service provider 
+fees is not important. On the contrary, as discussed previously, we are 
+very supportive of such disclosure. But the existence of these 
+arrangements is not indicative of an inherent problem or a sign that 
+401(k) participants are paying excessive fees. If fully disclosed, 
+these subcontracting arrangements can, on the contrary, be quite 
+efficient and the current-law prohibited transaction rules are already 
+in place to preclude conflicts of interest.
+Are Plan Fees Too High?
+    Competition among investment options and service providers is 
+intense, which exerts downward pressure on fee levels. For example, as 
+noted above, investment expenses are generally the largest plan 
+expense. These expenses are reviewed in the context of reviewing the 
+performance of investment options. Plans routinely review such 
+performance: a 2006 survey by the Profit Sharing/401(k) Council of 
+America indicates that 62% of plans review plan investments at least 
+quarterly and substantially all plans conduct such a review at least 
+    In fact, plan investment fees are much lower than fees outside the 
+context of plans. For example, a 2006 study by the Investment Company 
+Institute found that in 2005 the average asset-weighted expense ratio 
+for 401(k) plans investing in stock mutual funds was .76%, compared to 
+a .91% average for all stock mutual funds.
+    We are very supportive of enhanced disclosure of plan fees. But fee 
+disclosure must be addressed in a way that does not undermine 
+participant confidence in the retirement system and does not create new 
+costs that have the counterproductive effect of increasing fees borne 
+by participants. We are committed to working with the government to 
+make improvements in the fee disclosure area, including reporting to 
+the Department of Labor. We believe that the best approach to the fee 
+issue is through simple, clear disclosures that enable plan sponsors 
+and participants to understand and compare fees in the context of the 
+services and benefits being offered under the plan.
+                                 ______
+    Chairman Miller. Thank you.
+    Mr. Butler?
+                         DYNAMICS CORP.
+    Mr. Butler. Chairman Miller, Congressman McKeon and members 
+of the committee, my name is Steve Butler. I am the founder and 
+president of the Pension Administration Firm in Pleasant Hill, 
+    My company is one of the largest independent administration 
+firms in Northern California, and we have operated well over a 
+thousand retirement plans over the past 30 years.
+    I have written two books on the subject. The first was 
+``The Decisionmaker's Guide to 401(k) Plans.'' The second was 
+entitled ``401(k) Today.'' Both books identified hidden costs 
+and offered a formula for making an effective comparison 
+between the total costs of different vendors and vendor 
+    This led to some national publicity focused on what we 
+called the Butler Index. This is an index of total costs, 
+employee and employer, on a same plan, which was then the 
+subject of a New York Times article. The article compared about 
+a dozen major vendors in the 401(k) industry, and the results 
+were shocking. Money magazine then wrote a feature article 
+based on the Butler Index.
+    A persistent lack of disclosure leads many plan 
+decisionmakers to purchase 401(k) plans that careful analysis 
+of costs would show to be a poor value for participants.
+    A number of academic and industry studies show that just an 
+extra 1 percent of assets charged to a plan will reduce 
+retirement account balances by roughly 20 percent over a 30-
+year period. This means that someone retiring will have 80 
+percent of what they otherwise would have had, if fees had been 
+reasonable and competitive.
+    The need for full disclosure of 401(k) fees should be as 
+obvious as the reasons for any consumer protection laws. 
+Throughout the history of these plans, a subset of the 
+financial services industry has advertised free 401(k) bundle 
+services to sponsoring employers, while the actual costs were 
+billed to plan participants. And if costs were disclosed at 
+all, a breakdown of these costs has not been offered to those 
+    In many cases, they were not disclosed to or fully 
+understood by the company decisionmakers. To date, the 
+Department of Labor has still not required bundled 401(k) 
+vendors to fully disclose all the real fees associated with 
+these plans.
+    Today, American workers have what I estimate to be $3 
+trillion in 401(k) plans. To pay for the record-keeping and 
+money management services, they are paying somewhere between 1 
+percent and 2 percent, $30 billion to $60 billion a year. And, 
+of course, that will only increase.
+    Charges for these basic functions can differ by as much as 
+600 percent for essentially the same range of services from 
+different providers. This says that, while some plan 
+participants are receiving good value, others are being grossly 
+    By comparison in the automobile industry, there is the 
+manufacturer suggested retail price, commonly known as the 
+sticker price, a legal requirement that the price be emblazoned 
+on the window of every car sold in this country, with the 
+component costs of each option listed separately.
+    There is nothing that should stand in the way of an 
+equivalent, simple, and elegant solution to a problem that is 
+otherwise costing American retirement savers as much as 20 
+percent of their ultimate retirement nest egg.
+    The approach of the Butler Index was to identify and 
+breakdown all costs of either a bundled plan or combination of 
+vendors. It was not rocket science. Anyone smart enough to 
+operate a 401(k) plan today is smart enough to be able to go 
+one step further, to identify and disclose the fees it is 
+charging and what those fees are for.
+    Anyone asking for an exemption from these disclosure 
+requirements because they say it can't be done is insulting our 
+intelligence. Are they really trying to say that they have no 
+way of determining the extent to which they are making a profit 
+on a 401(k) plan client?
+    Any 401(k) is better than no 401(k), even if it an 
+expensive one. However, company owners and managers owe it to 
+themselves and their employees to make informed decisions about 
+the plans they purchase on behalf of their fellow employees. In 
+fact, the failure of corporate plan sponsors to have adequate 
+disclosure of 401(k) fees and a breakdown of what those fees 
+are for has been the subject of recent class-action lawsuits 
+brought by participants, alleging that the plan sponsors 
+breached their fiduciary duties under ERISA.
+    Full disclosure of 401(k) plan fees to corporate plan 
+sponsors and participants will allow for cost comparisons. Give 
+the number of players in the 401(k) marketplace, this will 
+create competition, ultimately leading to reduced costs, to the 
+benefit of participants.
+    In the absence of full disclosure, we see the equivalent of 
+the fog of war. The battle for extremely valuable retirement 
+plan money is so intense that the industry cannot resist any 
+steps that enhance the perceived value of their product. The 
+simplest of these enhancements has been to bury the total cost 
+and fees charged to participants and then fail to disclose 
+    As I see it, this is the problem that needs to be addressed 
+with disclosure legislation and/or appropriately crafted 
+Department of Labor regulations.
+    Thank you.
+    [The statement of Mr. Butler follows:]
+    Prepared Statement of Stephen J. Butler, President and Founder,
+                         Pension Dynamics Corp.
+A Brief History
+    The 401(k) phenomenon is an accident in legislative history that 
+has changed the face of America's retirement system. Voluntary pre-tax 
+contributions from employees have generated substantial financial 
+resources that provide a comfortable retirement for many. Considering 
+the average American employee, early projections indicated that these 
+plans would generate roughly five times the asset value at retirement 
+than would have been received from the continuation of what was then a 
+combination of qualified profit sharing, money purchase and defined 
+benefit plans. Current statistics for the average employee who has been 
+a participant for at least twenty years (and who is in their early 
+60's) support this original projection. The $3 trillion now accumulated 
+in 401(k) plans offers a testimonial to their success.
+    The fact that pension laws have evolved to provide what amount to 
+``portable'' pension plans is critical in a country where the average 
+employee changes jobs every seven years. The Bureau of Labor Statistics 
+recently determined that the average employee born between 1957 and 
+1964 has had 10.5 different jobs between ages 18 and 40. Twenty-one 
+percent of this group have had 15 jobs. Only fifteen percent have had 
+fewer than four jobs. Those with college degrees had no better 
+statistics regarding job stability than those without degrees.
+    To the extent that the traditional retirement plan system (that 
+which preceded the 401(k) era) failed to meet expectations, its failure 
+was largely attributable to the practical reality of employee turnover. 
+Traditional pension benefits were designed to create a form of ``golden 
+handcuffs'' with vesting schedules that rewarded only those employees 
+who remained with a company long enough to become vested in their 
+retirement benefits. In the early '70's, this could have required as 
+much as ten years of service. A direct quote from President Reagan at 
+the time was that he wanted to create ``portable pension programs.'' 
+Over 70% of working Americans work for companies having less than 100 
+employees. A large percentage of these employees work for companies 
+with less than 25 employees. In the past, small, relatively unstable 
+companies rarely offered traditional retirement plans when employer 
+contributions were the only source of funds. Today, many offer some 
+variation of a 401(k) plan or the small-company equivalent in the form 
+of SIMPLE 401(k)'s.
+    The complicated laws requiring 401(k) plans to pass non-
+discrimination tests has compelled company owners and highly-
+compensated managers to spend time and money promoting plans to all 
+rank and file employees. Without substantial contribution percentages 
+from these non-highly compensated people, the managers were limited to 
+contribution amounts below the legal maximums. This has prompted 
+management to do everything in their power to promote the plans. 
+Matching contributions, company discretionary contributions, employee 
+meetings, individual financial advice and careful selection of 
+investments are all a part of this promotional effort leading to the 
+success of these plans.
+Cost to Participants in General
+    The costs to 401(k) participants struggling to save for retirement 
+is a detriment that has marred what would otherwise have been the 
+unqualified success of the 401(k) phenomenon. Excessive fees, just over 
+the past twenty years, have reduced participant account balances by an 
+average of 15%. On a projected basis, excessive fees charged to 
+participants will have reduced retirement ``nest-eggs'' by 20% 
+according to a wide variety of organizations conducting research on the 
+Understanding the Fundamentals of 401(k) Costs
+    Fees taken from plan assets to pay for administration and/or money 
+management are paid with funds that could otherwise be earning and 
+compounding on a tax-deferred basis. The ``Magic of Compound Interest'' 
+works against employees to dramatically magnify the loss of these 
+missing dollars. The business term for this condition is ``opportunity 
+cost''--the calculated cost in dollars of a lost opportunity.
+    Example:
+    The best illustration of the cost of excessive fees is to project a 
+flow of 401(k) contributions over time at percentage returns that 
+reflect the difference of 1% (a typical amount of an ``excessive 
+fee.'') Choosing $10,000 as an employee contribution amount is 
+reasonable considering that we are looking well into the future. The 
+median income today is $71,000 and the average contribution amount is 
+6-7%. In many cases, both members of a married couple are contributing, 
+so $10,000 per year is not unreasonable. The returns for the American 
+stock market have averaged 10% per year over a long historical period.
+                                                                   Account value   Account value   Account value
+                    Percentage annual return                         10 years        20 years        30 years
+10%.............................................................         171,178         641,491       1,925,836
+9%..............................................................         162,568         566,549       1,570,441
+Cost of 1% fee..................................................           8,610          74,942         355,395
+    For the 20-year period through the 1980's and 1990's, the stock 
+market averaged a 16% rate of return. Looking at what might be higher 
+underlying rates of return going forward, the opportunity cost of the 
+missing 1% is much higher. By 2000, many employees in expensive plans 
+who had been participating for twenty years effectively paid the 
+following amounts in opportunity costs as a result of high fees during 
+that 20-year period.
+                                                                   Account value   Account value   Account value
+                    Percentage annual return                         10 years        20 years        30 years
+15%.............................................................         232,057       1,279,641       6,008,782
+14%.............................................................         215,656       1,079,734       4,541,874
+Cost of 1% fee..................................................          16,401         199,907       1,466,908
+    After twenty years, this illustrates the actual cost for what might 
+have been a single employee contributing $10,000 a year (or two people 
+contributing $5,000 each) in the twenty years ending in 2000. Multiply 
+these single-participant detrimental effects times the $3 trillion now 
+in 401(k) plans and we can understand why the fee issue is critical.
+    Stop and recall for a moment the ``Rule of 72'' which states that 
+money earning 7.2% doubles every ten years, and money earning 10% 
+doubles every 7.2 years. Today's $3 trillion can be reasonably expected 
+to double twice to $12 trillion in the next 14 years, thanks to 
+reasonable investment returns and annual contributions. Excessive, 
+undisclosed fees scheduled to cost participants as much as $2 trillion 
+dollars is the problem we are here to try to correct.
+Where the Abuse Begins
+    The greatest abuses are seen in the small-company environment where 
+the average company owner is not a mutual fund or retirement plan 
+expert. Large companies, by comparison, have reasonably sophisticated 
+decision-makers. Xerox, for example, operated its own mutual funds and 
+charged participants just 3/100ths of one percent per year. 
+Participants in many small-company plans can be paying as much as 3 
+full percentage points--exactly 100 times more for the same level of 
+    Technically, all fees charged to participants are disclosed today 
+to plan sponsor decision-makers, but not all fees are disclosed to 
+participants. In the insurance industry, for example, the practice of 
+non-disclosure was justified by the rationale that ``fees didn't 
+matter--net investment results were all that participants needed to 
+see.'' This was an actual quote from the marketing Vice President of a 
+major insurance company when interviewed by MONEY magazine in 1998.
+    Fees charged to participants may be stated in the investment 
+materials, but they remain effectively hidden on an ongoing basis 
+because participants never receive a bill and never see a separate line 
+item outlining what their costs, in dollars, have been.
+    According to FORBES magazine, the mutual fund industry is the 
+world's most profitable as it earns a consistent 30% pre-tax profit. 
+Investors are not fee sensitive because they are focused on returns. 
+Generally this means ``chasing last year's best performing mutual 
+    In today's seamless electronic financial services arena, the hard-
+dollar cost of administering a mutual fund with at least $50,000 is 6/
+100ths of one percent per year--approximately $30. Virtually all 401(k) 
+plans are administered in pooled accounts where the investor is the 
+plan itself--not the individual employee. As a result, virtually all 
+401(k) accounts, on a fund-by-fund basis, meet this $50,000 benchmark, 
+meaning that the profit on the account is anything beyond the 6/100ths 
+being charged. If the average mutual fund charge in a 401(k) investment 
+is 1 full percentage point per year, the profit on those accounts might 
+be as high as 94%.
+    In all discussions regarding fees, we have to take as a given that 
+no single mutual fund or fund family can show that that they have 
+consistently earned a higher rate of return (to justify higher fees) 
+for any sustained length of time. The money management industry is a 
+``zero sum game'' in which all players revert to the norm at some 
+point. Moreover, even when we can review past performance, there is no 
+way to know prospectively whose performance might compensate for an 
+excessive fee going forward. Over longer periods of time, a difference 
+in performance among funds of the same type can be largely attributed 
+to the difference in their costs to investors.
+How 401(k) Plans are Structured
+    Most 401(k) money is maintained today in a ``daily-valued'' 
+electronic environment managed by the mutual fund or insurance 
+companies themselves or the transfer agent industry that services the 
+mutual fund industry. Plan participants can dial up their account 
+information on an 800 voice-response number, but by far the most 
+popular access is through the Internet. The raw cost of providing this 
+seamless, electronic recordkeeping function is approximately $50 per 
+year per participant. This is referred to as the ``recordkeeping fee.'' 
+It is the cost of maintaining the accounting of the participant's 
+    Apart from the money management, there is the cost of complying 
+with the layers of retirement plan regulations dictated by ERISA. This 
+work is concentrated immediately after the end of every year when the 
+discrimination testing must be completed. Later in the year, the 
+government reporting form (Form 5500) for the plan must be completed 
+and submitted. It is essentially a balance sheet and income statement 
+for the plan. The cost of this compliance testing and administration is 
+typically about $35-$60 per participant with a base company fee of 
+$1,000- $1,500.
+An Illustration of Fees in a Typical Plan
+    We can use an example a plan with 50 participants and $3,000,000 in 
+assets. This is typical of an engineering or professional firm that has 
+had a plan for twenty years.
+    The record keeping and compliance cost for these 50 employees 
+should be roughly $130 per employee. If the true cost of money 
+management is only 6/100ths of a percent, the money management cost for 
+$3,000,000 would be $1,800. The total cost of the plan would be $7,800. 
+By comparison, a typical vendor in the industry today would be charging 
+an average of $36,500 for this plan. Some have scheduled fees that 
+would amount to as much as $60,000 or 2% of assets.
+    While a plan sponsor (the company) might be happy to pay for the 
+administration cost, it will never pay total fees of this magnitude. 
+Asset-based money management fees will always be charged to 
+participants where they will be largely ignored. After all, no 
+participant ever receives a bill or writes a check for these costs. 
+They are automatically deducted from what would have been earnings--or 
+from principal in years when earnings may be negative.
+Techniques that Obscure the Magnitude of Fees
+    Having established that hidden excessive costs are a guaranteed 
+detriment to optimizing savings results over time, it is generally easy 
+to identify them when we know where to look. Some of the more difficult 
+hidden costs, however, are those that are buried in the process and 
+that will never show up in any stated cost to participants.
+Non-disclosure at Participant Level in ``Bundled Plans''
+    In the 401(k) marketplace, participants are told the annual expense 
+ratios of the mutual funds offered by the plan, but administrative fees 
+charged to their accounts are typically disclosed only in an annuity 
+contract signed by the plan sponsor. This percentage amount is referred 
+to as the ``wrap fee'' and it is typically one or two percent in a 
+small company environment. The insurance industry is not legislated by 
+federal laws, so the normal disclosure requirements demanded of the 
+fund industry do not apply to insurance companies legislated only by 
+state governments. In the mutual fund industry, the cost of 
+administration, if presented as being ``free,'' is usually imbedded in 
+the expense ratios of the funds. Comparable funds, if not priced to 
+support administration, could generally be found that would be less 
+expensive for participants.
+    These plans that combine investment products with administration 
+all provided by one company are referred to as ``bundled'' plans, and 
+the providers of such plans are suggesting that ``bundled'' plans be 
+exempt from any disclosure requirement to come out of these hearings. 
+With what I estimate to be 70% of all 401(k) plans provided in this 
+``bundled'' format, making them exempt would emasculate any new 
+disclosure requirements.
+Mutual Fund Industry--Proprietary Fund Requirement
+    In the mutual fund industry, the fees to participants are disclosed 
+because they are the normal annual expense ratios of the funds. They 
+are spelled out in the prospectus of each fund and today are 
+universally summarized in the employee promotional literature. The 
+mutual fund industry does not add a wrap fee. Instead, a company such 
+as Fidelity will insist that at least half of the funds selected for 
+the plan include their own proprietary funds. Remembering that the 
+profit from a 401(k) account can be as much as 94% to the fund family, 
+the insistence that at least half of the funds come from the fund 
+family's proprietary list ensures that the plan will be profitable. A 
+refinement of this technique is to require that the so-called ``core 
+funds'' will be proprietary. These are the large-company or balanced 
+funds that traditionally attract as much as 70% of the money in the 
+plan. So, while the fund requirement based on the number of funds may 
+only be half of the offerings, the percentage of employee money in 
+those funds can easily be 70% or more.
+    The balance of the funds offered in the plan may come from other 
+fund companies as part of an effort to create a ``veneer of 
+objectivity'' for marketing reasons. These other fund families will 
+typically be limited to just those funds that charge enough to pay the 
+primary fund family 25/100ths of one percent and possibly some 
+additional funds to buy ``shelf space'' on the ``platform'' offered by 
+the primary fund family selling and administering the plan.
+    What does this practice cost the participant? No single fund family 
+offers superior funds across the entire spectrum of the industry. 
+Common sense would tell us that selecting from a vast universe of 
+choices will generate better fund selection than a limited universe 
+from just a single fund family. Here, we are selecting funds for the 
+convenience and pricing demands of the vendor--not with the sole 
+purpose of improving the outcome for the participant. Knowing that this 
+is the case explains why major mutual fund companies in the 401(k) 
+industry refuse to be construed as fiduciaries of the plan. Selling 
+their own funds would be a prohibited transaction and would violate the 
+requirement that fiduciaries make decisions based upon the ``sole 
+interests of participants.''
+    In the sample plan above, (50 employees and $3,000,000) most 
+vendors today would offer to do the administration and record keeping 
+at no cost to the plan sponsor. A quick review of the arithmetic would 
+explain why. Those administrative costs would have been about $7,000 
+and the plan is charging participants $30,000.
+Barring the Exit--Back-end Charges for Plan Sponsors who Want to Leave
+    The most egregious examples of excessive fees today are found in 
+plans that are using share classes or annuity products that pay 
+commissions up front and then have high ongoing fees to participants to 
+offset, over time, the commission that was paid up-front. If a plan 
+sponsor chooses to leave one of these plans there will be a 
+``contingent deferred sales charge'' otherwise known as a ``back-end 
+load.'' Eventually, the load grades down and disappears after five to 
+seven years, but in the meantime, the plan sponsor can not leave 
+without subjecting participants to an exit charge that can be as high 
+as 5% of their assets. Moreover, the law specifically bars a plan 
+sponsor from paying that cost as a company expense, because plan 
+contributions can only be made as a percent of compensation--never as a 
+percent of assets. These are the plans that can be charging 
+participants as much as 3% per year. Once introduced, they are locked 
+in by exit charges for at least five years.
+    The insurance industry and the subset of the mutual fund industry 
+selling through the NASD brokerage industry are selling these 401(k) 
+packages with back-end loads. The pure no-load sub-set of the fund 
+industry does not offer this format. The back-end-load phenomenon 
+occurs only in an environment where a mutual fund sales person or 
+insurance agent requires a sales commission that has to be charged to 
+the plan.
+Funds as a ``Feeding Trough'' for the Brokerage Industry
+    As yet another example of a hidden fee, FORBES magazine published 
+an article entitled, `` What's the Matter With Brokers' Funds?'' The 
+fact that these funds generate relatively poor performance is well-
+established, and the reasons have to do with two facts. The article 
+stated that ``* * * the whole psyche of a brokerage firm is built 
+around selling, not buying * * * Analysts at wire houses get ahead by 
+helping underwriters, not by being skeptical.'' This is essentially 
+saying that the brokerage-sponsored funds are used as a resource for 
+investing in the kind of companies that the firm was underwriting. High 
+turnover of assets in the funds also generated trading fees for the 
+brokerage firm. I was once told by a Prudential-Bache retirement plan 
+representative offering a ``free'' plan to a plan sponsor that ``once 
+we have the assets, we don't have to worry about making money.'' The 
+FORBES article went on to say, ``Another problem is that broker-
+sponsored funds tend to have steep expense ratios.''
+How an Expensive Plan Can Be Marketed
+    Thanks to the benefit of hindsight, a classic marketing ploy 
+involves a presentation of funds from a new vendor candidate that have 
+substantially out-performed the incumbent selection of the existing 
+vendor. The current vendor, of course, is saddled with a selection of 
+funds that were chosen three years previously in most cases. There are 
+the problems of logistics and inertia that stand in the way of making 
+changes in plans unless performance has fallen off a cliff. Of course, 
+in this environment, a new set of fund choices will always look 
+substantially better. The average plan sponsor rarely thinks to ask for 
+examples of what the proposed new vendor's investment selections might 
+be for a plan that they have operated for three years. There would 
+typically be no improvement shown by this comparison.
+    This is symptomatic of how the consultants and marketing personnel 
+in the industry can appear to be offering improvement when, in fact, 
+they are simply rearranging the deck chairs and adding to the level of 
+hidden fees in many cases. Representations of superior performance are 
+a major tool used to take the focus away from participant fees.
+Misinformed Decision-making on the part of Plan Sponsors
+    Section 404(c) is a U.S. Department of Labor regulation 
+establishing requirements for plan sponsors that reduces their 
+liability for making poor decisions with regard to the plan. Employees 
+must be able to change investments and receive statements at least 
+quarterly. They must be offered three basic fund types including a 
+money market or guaranteed fixed income option. Finally, the plan must 
+have a written investment policy statement, and employees should be 
+provided with investment education (the latter being undefined and 
+    Ironically, Section 404( c ) proved to be a solution looking for a 
+problem which then created a far more serious disadvantage for the 
+employee participant. Since 1980 or the earliest days of the 401(k) 
+phenomenon, virtually all plans offered quarterly statements and 
+investment changes and a selection of different investment types. 
+Remember that senior executives were major beneficiaries of these plans 
+and they were inclined to want investment quality and flexibility. 
+Virtually all plans operated under what was essentially an investment 
+policy statement because decision-makers wanted decent investment 
+choices for themselves.
+    The financial services community seized on Section 404( c ) as the 
+reason for hiring them to monitor the plan and therefore reduce 
+liability. In fact, there was no practical liability for reasons having 
+to do with 404( c ). At industry conferences, lawyers were quick to 
+point out that there were no lawsuits anywhere in the country brought 
+by employees or groups of employees offered a selection of name-brand 
+mutual funds and a rudimentary investment education and plan 
+promotional effort.
+    The law of unintended consequences quickly created a ``create the 
+need'' opportunity for the financial services community. An army of 
+qualified and experienced ``advisors'' fanned out across the 401(k) 
+Plan Sponsor community and talked about the potential liability of not 
+using professional help and advice with regard to operating the plan. 
+What this universe of advisors did not point out was that a.) there was 
+no practical legal problem stemming from the way plans were typically 
+being operated, and b.) the cost of this advisory service was going to 
+be, at a minimum, one half percent to one full percentage point charged 
+to plan participants--a cost that guaranteed a loss of up to 20% of 
+retirement assets for each participant.
+    Meanwhile, there have been some lawsuits successfully filed against 
+plan sponsors. The first that I am aware of was against First Union 
+Bank settled for $25 million in behalf of the bank's employees. The 
+bank was operating a collection of mutual funds, (Evergreen Funds which 
+they owned at the time) and these funds were charging bank employees 
+substantially more than 401(k) investments the bank was selling to its 
+bank customers.
+    In the same vein, the recent class action suits against Fortune 500 
+companies such as Caterpillar, Boeing, Kraft and International Paper 
+are all centered on fees--not a lack of reporting, investment choice or 
+investment education.
+Avoiding Compliance Responsibility
+    While the financial services industry has seized upon Section 404 ( 
+c ) and the scare tactics it can foster, they have deliberately avoided 
+responsibility for most of the other IRS and Labor Department 
+Regulations that they should be upholding when representing themselves 
+as providing 401(k) administrative services. A typical service contract 
+will have hold harmless language such as ``the design and ongoing 
+operation of your retirement plan needs to be reviewed by your tax and 
+legal advisors.'' The ``bundled provider'' contract of one of the 
+nation's largest mutual fund companies says the company will perform 
+the 401(k) test and coverage test, but all other tests are the 
+responsibility of the plan sponsor. In effect, the financial services 
+industry is saying that they will do the work, but they are not 
+offering a guarantee that it will be done correctly or completely. A 
+plan failing an audit can cost the plan sponsor a substantial amount of 
+money in legal fees and corrective measures. In an indirect way, this 
+misrepresentation could be construed to be a hidden fee. The average 
+plan sponsor assumes that the major financial institution handling 
+their plan has taken responsibility for its compliance with all 
+government regulations. In my experience, however, the immediate 
+response when compliance problems arise is the voice on the phone 
+saying, ``read your contract.''
+The Search for a Solution
+    To identify a solution, a process would involve working back from a 
+perfect, if admittedly impractical, model.
+    Ideally, the best 401(k) plan would be one that charged nothing to 
+the plan. All fees, even those associated with managing the mutual 
+fund, would be charged to the company and paid with tax-deductible 
+corporate dollars. A typical employee would be better off electing to 
+have his or her taxable salary reduced slightly to help defray all or a 
+portion of these costs. This would be far better than having the same 
+costs deducted from plan assets that could be compounding on a tax-
+deferred basis.
+    Here's an actual example of that positive arithmetic. Over 800 
+dentists use a money management firm to manage retirement assets at 
+their respective practices. The firm charges 1% of assets and routinely 
+levies this charge against plan assets. In one actual case, I pointed 
+out to a dentist that the firm was free to bill his practice for what, 
+in this case was $15,000 per year on $1.5 million of assets. The net 
+cost to the dentist billed directly, considering his 50% marginal state 
+and federal tax bracket was $7,500. Instead, the dentist was paying 
+that year's $15,000 with money in his plan that in 7.2 years (at a 10% 
+annual return) would have doubled to $30,000. In 14.4 years, it would 
+have doubled again to $60,000--in 22 years, $120,000 etc. Obviously, 
+the dentist asked to be billed directly and then started wondering if 
+1% might be little high for mediocre investment management that failed 
+to beat basic benchmarks. The financial services industry will always 
+opt to bill the plan directly because they do not want fees to become 
+an issue. The arrangement outlined above had persisted for over twenty 
+years. The billing format had a projected cost for the dentist and his 
+employees of well over one million dollars of opportunity cost--a cost 
+that was reduced to a fraction of that amount in future years with the 
+stroke of a pen.
+    Xerox charged just 3/100ths of one percent to its employees. 
+Vanguard, on large amounts of money, can charge as little as 6/100ths 
+of a percent and still make a profit. DFA is yet another mutual fund 
+company renowned for its Vanguard-equivalent low fees. These 
+organizations offer mute testimony to the fact that it doesn't have to 
+cost what most of the industry charges to invest pools of money. An 
+oligopolistic situation exists thanks to buyers who are unaware of the 
+impact of fees. With few exceptions, nobody in the financial services 
+industry wants to see this condition change.
+The Solution
+    A simple but impractical solution would be to bar any organization 
+that manages money from actually selling and administering 401(k) 
+plans. The industry selling plans would be barred from receiving any 
+revenue-sharing from the money management (mutual fund) industry. This 
+would end the hidden fee elements seen in the brokerage industry and 
+mutual fund industry where the sale of 401(k) plans is an engine for 
+selling proprietary funds and generating trading commissions. There are 
+3,500 third party administrators across the country today who are 
+independent of major financial institutions and that perform 
+recordkeeping services and compliance work for retirement plans. Some 
+of these companies, such as Hewitt Associates and Milliman and Roberts, 
+are substantial and equipped to handle the nation's largest plans. 
+Without this separation between product producers and 401(k) 
+administration and sales, it is difficult to see how some of the more 
+subtle examples of hidden costs can be avoided. Considering the 
+foothold that mutual fund companies have in the industry, however, it 
+is difficult to envision this as a practical solution. The horse is out 
+of the barn.
+    The next option would be to have a national standard fee disclosure 
+form required of any 401(k) presentation and require that it be renewed 
+to reflect any change in investment mix. This standard would require 
+that the cost in dollars and compound earnings over ten and twenty year 
+time periods would be based upon the average fee charged to 
+participants, assuming an even mix of investments across the entire 
+spectrum of fund offerings. This would be stated on the front page of 
+the 401(k) presentation and as part of the Summary Plan Description. In 
+other words, a 401(k) vendor would have to show what the average 
+opportunity cost would amount to over ten and twenty years based upon 
+the average fee charged to a $10,000 per year contribution. It would be 
+reasonable to assume a 10% rate of return as the starting point or 
+gross return on investments assuming no fee. Fees would then be 
+subtracted from this percentage amount, and the compound results would 
+be illustrated. Using an average contribution of $10,000 per year would 
+be simple (and inspirational.)
+    This comparison would illustrate the dramatic difference in costs 
+over time between different vendors. It would offer a reality check for 
+the average decision-maker who might otherwise have chosen a hidden-
+cost but expensive plan for his or her company. It is critical to 
+require that the comparison use an example in dollars as I have 
+suggested. To just require a stated percentage cost is too abstract. 
+Even investment professionals have a hard time grasping the magnitude 
+of opportunity cost presented by just a fraction of a percent in excess 
+The Outcome and Benefit to Those Saving for Retirement
+    Saving fees increases retirement benefits, in the aggregate, by as 
+much as 15%-20%. How can this not be important enough to enact 
+disclosure standards demanded of every company in the industry? 
+Decision-makers may still purchase expensive plans for their employees, 
+but not without hearing from the ``self-styled mutual fund experts'' 
+that manage to find a voice in every company. An army of retirement 
+savers have now deposited $3 trillion in their 401(k) plans. They are 
+rapidly becoming a nation of reasonably sophisticated investors. For 
+the most part, they know how to diversify investments, and they have 
+lived through the volatility of stock market performance. This is a 
+clear case where the glass is half full. The financial services 
+industry can be commended for getting us this far. Going forward, 
+however, we can improve results by insisting on an educational tool 
+(comprehensive cost disclosure) that the industry acting on its own is 
+inclined to avoid.
+                                 ______
+    Chairman Miller. Thank you very much to all of you for your 
+    Mrs. Bovbjerg, toward the end of your testimony, you said 
+that one of the problems was that many of the fees are hidden 
+from sponsors and might mask conflicts of interest. Could you 
+    Ms. Bovbjerg. What we are talking about there is when a 
+sponsor may contract with a pension consultant or a service 
+provider, who then has, unknown to the sponsor, a business 
+relationship with, say, a fund manager, and then recommends to 
+the sponsor, ``You should use this, you should go with this 
+fund manager.''
+    Chairman Miller. And that may be without regard to 
+performance or cost?
+    Ms. Bovbjerg. It may not be in the best interest of the 
+    Chairman Miller. You also said that the Department of Labor 
+did not have resources to adequately--fill in the--to do what? 
+I didn't catch the last part of your testimony there.
+    Ms. Bovbjerg. Well, the Department of Labor doesn't get the 
+information that they would need to enforce fee 
+responsibilities. They don't get a total fee reported to them 
+in the Form 5500, the primary way that they get information 
+from plan sponsors. We think that they should make that more 
+clear, that they need all of the fees in one place.
+    Chairman Miller. You think that should be corrected?
+    Ms. Bovbjerg. We have recommended that to them, and they 
+are pursuing several initiatives in the area.
+    Chairman Miller. What is the status of that, do you know, 
+since this report?
+    Ms. Bovbjerg. Of our recommendation?
+    Chairman Miller. Yes.
+    Ms. Bovbjerg. They are considering it.
+    Chairman Miller. Yes?
+    Ms. Bovbjerg. They haven't done anything yet, but they are 
+considering it.
+    Chairman Miller. Okay, thank you.
+    The example that you just pointed out, a few months, there 
+was a story in one of the business journals talking about this 
+arrangement, where money was between sponsor and a fund. And it 
+was one of the worst-performing funds and had been one of the 
+worst-performing funds for multiple years, like among the 
+worst, and yet they kept paying out money to get, you know, 
+recommendations of deposits of funds in that fund.
+    So is that what you are talking about, that kind of 
+conflict of interest? I am not necessarily saying of that 
+magnitude, because this was----
+    Ms. Bovbjerg. Well, we are talking about some of the things 
+that came up in the SEC report a couple of years ago. They 
+looked at 24 pension consultants and found that about half of 
+them had undisclosed relationships with other types of service 
+    Now, that is not to say that there was necessarily a 
+conflict or that it harmed the pension fund, but it was not 
+disclosed, and they felt that was problematic.
+    Chairman Miller. Mr. Hutcheson, in your testimony, you 
+suggest that that is not that unusual.
+    Mr. Hutcheson. No, sir, that is very common. That is a very 
+common practice. In some cases, the term ``directed 
+brokerage,'' which is now a banned practice with mutual funds, 
+an explanation of that is where a fund manager would speak with 
+a brokerage firm and say, ``I will bring all of the trades of 
+the underlying securities of our mutual fund to you if you will 
+then recommend my fund to your sales force.''
+    And what would happen is, is the sales force would get a 
+recommendation for a particular fund, and they would go out and 
+sell it to plan sponsors.
+    Chairman Miller. That is a now banned practice, you are 
+    Mr. Hutcheson. In mutual funds, it is.
+    Chairman Miller. In mutual funds.
+    Mr. Hutcheson. There are some other types of investment 
+pools, where it is not a banned practice, but the egregious 
+problems happened in mutual funds, and now that is a banned 
+    Chairman Miller. Thank you.
+    Mr. Chambers, you suggested that people think that Toyota 
+builds cars, but they assemble them. But at the end of the day, 
+they are buying a car which can be--is rated over time. People 
+say that this is what it costs to drive this car for this year, 
+this is the maintenance, this is the miles per gallon, and all 
+the rest of it.
+    They can find out information and make a decision between 
+that Toyota and the Chevrolet Impala, if they want. They can 
+make that decision. My concern is here is that people are being 
+asked to make decisions or decisions are made for them, and the 
+assumption is that that is better or that is different.
+    Because what we see is that, you know, day in and day out, 
+it is very hard for fund managers to beat the S&P index, right?
+    Mr. Chambers. If you would elaborate on a particular fund--
+    Chairman Miller [continuing]. Mr. Hutcheson's testimony, I 
+think it was--it is obviously used many times by index funds. 
+But, for example, the S&P 500 index consistently outperformed 
+98 percent of the fund managers over 3 years, 97 percent over 
+10 years, and 94 percent over the past 30 years.
+    Recent studies reveal--and many more continue to 
+substantiate--that the passive 60 percent stock, 40 percent 
+bond portfolio outperformed 90 percent of the largest corporate 
+pension plan portfolios, ``run by the world's best and 
+brightest investment minds.''
+    Mr. Chambers. And the source for that, sir?
+    Chairman Miller. It is in Mr. Hutcheson's testimony, but we 
+see this remark all of the time at the end of the year or the 
+quarter, where they match and compare actively managed funds 
+against index funds and other such funds. And it is very hard 
+for those managers to beat those index over any period of time.
+    Mr. Chambers. Well, I think, in given periods, you are 
+absolutely right.
+    Chairman Miller. Well, 10 years.
+    Mr. Chambers. But I also think--and if I may, I also 
+    Chairman Miller. Thirty years is a pretty good given 
+period, since that is the time most people work.
+    Mr. Chambers. Possibly. It depends upon which fund it is, 
+of course. I can tell you, for example, that the funds----
+    Chairman Miller. Well, it beats 94 percent of the active 
+funds, so you can pick the other 6 percent of the funds, and I 
+hope I could find them.
+    Mr. Chambers. Well, I can tell you, sir, that, for example, 
+in our retirement plan, at our law firm, we get this 
+information every quarter. And over 5 years, which is a 
+measurement--our law firm has not been in existence for 30 
+years, so we don't have that information.
+    But over the last 5 years, we have outperformed--if you 
+take all of the funds that we make available, about 10 funds, 
+we have outperformed the appropriate market index for each one 
+of those funds an average of 3.05 percent over 5 years.
+    Do I think that--and if you take a look at the peer 
+performance reviews of the investment managers who we retained 
+and the funds that we retain, they are not necessarily in the 
+top 5 percent or 10 percent of their peer group every year. I 
+think it depends upon the way that you are looking at the 
+    I don't know that I necessarily agree with Mr. Hutcheson's 
+statistics, not knowing what his basis is.
+    Chairman Miller. I would say that Mr. Hutcheson is one of 
+among many--and I am not vouching for his statistic, I am just 
+saying that this is a comparison that is made in every economic 
+journal at the end of every quarter and the end of every year, 
+when they put in a special section on mutual funds, and they 
+compare how it is done.
+    Mr. Butler, I don't know if you want to chime in on this, 
+    Mr. Butler. Well, I would just refer to the Stanford 
+professors about 30 years ago who threw darts at the Wall 
+Street Journal and proved that a randomly selected group of 
+stocks would beat 85 percent of all efforts to manage money 
+over any rolling 10-year period of time.
+    It led to five different Nobel Prizes for research coming 
+out of that original dart-throwing exercise. So I think it is 
+pretty well-established that, at the end of the day, low fees 
+are the primary determinant factor for investment results that 
+are optimal.
+    Chairman Miller. If I might, I would just like to take one 
+minute of the committee's time here. The question here, I 
+think, is the transparency and information available and the 
+value of that. And, you know, you have what we get in our TSP, 
+the Thrift Savings Plan, in a relatively simple form at the 
+very bottom, it has cost to participant. And it is fixed basis 
+points across all of the funds, except for the L funds, and 
+those are variable funds, so, as of this date, that was not 
+available to them.
+    You have the vanguard approach, which is, again, a one-
+page, very simply laid out cost to this. And this is to the 
+plan, not to the participant. This is to the plan. And then you 
+have what, I believe, that ING reached an agreement with 
+Attorney General Spitzer on this, where you have to charge--one 
+is the end-year balance without fees, end-of-year balance after 
+the fees.
+    So I don't know whether these are the right things to do or 
+not, but the point is, there does appear that there can be a 
+simplification of explanations, both to plans and to the 
+participants, in those plans. And that is the quest of this 
+committee, to see whether or not some of these might make 
+sense, in terms of helping the participants and the plans make 
+these decisions.
+    And with that, I will yield to Mr. McKeon.
+    Mr. McKeon. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
+    Ms. Bovbjerg, in the colloquy that you had with the 
+chairman, you talked about the Department of Labor has received 
+input, and you don't know where they are in the process of 
+coming out with regulations or proposals?
+    Ms. Bovbjerg. Well, they have three initiatives in process 
+right now. And I believe that they told us that the regs would 
+be forthcoming later this year. They have been collecting a lot 
+of comments on those initiatives.
+    Our recommendation to them was a little different than 
+those initiatives. We would have recommended that they require 
+sponsors to provide a total of the fees associated with the 
+plan by type, in the Form 5500, and they have not taken action 
+on that yet, but they also hadn't said they wouldn't. They are 
+considering it.
+    Mr. McKeon. How much do you think could be done by the 
+Department of Labor, versus what we should try to do in 
+    Ms. Bovbjerg. Well, some things, for example, with regard 
+to the 5500, can be done by regulations in the Department of 
+Labor. Other things, you are so right, have to be done through 
+    We had recommended in our recent report on fees a couple of 
+things that Congress might consider. Both would require 
+amendments to ERISA. One was to require service providers to 
+provide information on their financial relationships to 
+sponsors. And the other--and that would be an explicit 
+requirement. Now it is not a requirement. Some sponsors know; 
+some sponsors don't.
+    And another would be to require sponsors to provide 
+participants information on fees that would allow them to make 
+comparisons across funds.
+    Mr. McKeon. It sounds to me like all of you are in 
+agreement that something should be done for disclosure 
+    Ms. Bovbjerg. I think we are.
+    Mr. McKeon. Well, that is what I heard in the testimony. 
+The concern I have is one that I addressed in my opening 
+statement, is unintended consequences. And how do you simplify 
+without making it much more complicated?
+    It seems like every time we try to simplify--not our 
+committee, but the Ways and Means, when they try to simplify 
+the tax code, pages upon pages are added to the tax code. And 
+that is a concern I have.
+    The prospectus that the chairman showed--well, they are all 
+familiar with them, as we are. They are very complicated. I 
+have bought stocks for my life, and I am sorry to admit that I 
+usually don't read every word in those things. And it would be 
+nice to have a little summary or something to go with them, but 
+a lot of that is a result of laws that have been passed or 
+    So I am really sympathetic to the need to simplify. I am 
+just concerned of, once we start trying to simplify, what we 
+end up with at the end of the road. You know, if we sat down 
+with these four people in a room--a few of us--we could 
+probably work something out that would be good and be 
+profitable. And I am concerned as we move forward that we just 
+don't make things worse at the end of the day.
+    So, Mr. Chairman, what I would like to ask all of them and 
+others, as we go through this process, to keep involved. And if 
+you will watch where we are skewing things one way or another, 
+please try to bring it back. I don't know if you are planning 
+on moving forward with legislation on this, but that would be 
+my big concern, is that we----
+    Chairman Miller. I am thinking about it now.
+    Ms. Bovbjerg. Could I chime in for a minute? I perceive 
+that part of it is the concern about not overburdening 
+sponsors, and another part is the concern about plain English, 
+which is something that we at GAO worry about across a lot of 
+different programs, and something that the Social Security 
+Administration has to worry about, with the benefit statements 
+they send out to a much wider ranger of Americans than people 
+who actually have pensions.
+    It is something that I think any disclosure of initiatives 
+that we as a government take in this area, we might consider 
+some language about plain English, making it accessible.
+    Mr. McKeon. Like the things that the chairman just showed, 
+I think were good, simple. The problem is, we pass laws, the 
+president signs the law, regulators write what they think that 
+we meant when we passed the law. And by the time it all gets 
+done, plain English is totally gone.
+    And, I mean, we did that--when we go to the doctor's now, 
+we all have to sign a new form. And I am a little chagrined 
+every time I go in the doctor's office and have to sign that, 
+because it was federal legislation that required that. And it 
+just gets put somewhere in a file, nobody ever reads it, nobody 
+ever does anything with it, but it just was a result of some 
+    So I would be happy to join with you, if you think that is 
+an approach----
+    Chairman Miller. I appreciate the comments. I hadn't smoked 
+out what we would do yet. I would like to think about it. But 
+when I read much of this testimony, it along with the GAO and 
+its make a fairly compelling case that inaction is probably not 
+an option for the committee.
+    And I appreciate your concerns and your willingness to work 
+on this and to, certainly, use these witnesses as resources.
+    And we always know that, when the law leaves here, it is 
+clearly written, so it is not open to ambiguous interpretation. 
+But we know we can start with a clear statement of purpose.
+    Mr. Kildee?
+    Mr. Kildee. I will be brief. I think we have a vote on the 
+    But, Mr. Butler, what do you think it would take to get the 
+401(k) industry to move towards a simple, one-page fee 
+disclosure that captures all the fees?
+    Mr. Butler. Well, I think it would be very simple. First of 
+all, you have to appreciate that the entire industry today 
+operates in a seamless, electronic environment. So those of us 
+who are actually keeping track of this money--I won't make it 
+too absurdly simple, but I would almost say that, with a few 
+keystrokes, we can determine what the actual costs are and 
+report them very effectively.
+    I see it being a de minimis additional effort and probably 
+not something that would increase costs in any way.
+    Mr. Kildee. You think it is not rocket science to do?
+    Mr. Butler. It is not rocket science.
+    Mr. Hutcheson. Could I, Congressman Kildee? I agree. I 
+believe that the solution is very simple. I believe in letting 
+the markets work and letting competition drive prices. And I do 
+not believe that this would impair, or impede, or discourage 
+employers from maintaining plans. I believe that it would 
+greatly increase confidence in letting that competition go, 
+unencumbered and unimpeded.
+    And I just wanted to share and elaborate on something. 
+William Sharpe, who won the Nobel Prize in Economics, said that 
+the market generally is supposed to be efficient. And when you 
+start actively managing investments, whether at the mutual fund 
+level, or at the plan level, or at the sub-plan level, the 
+participants level, the fees start to be added, and there is a 
+direct correlation, an exact correlation between the returns of 
+what the participants receive and the costs.
+    So active-managed funds and index funds are the same before 
+costs. You add costs and fees, and there becomes the disparity.
+    And what happens is, is that when a participant receives 
+their participant statement, they show that their funds and 
+their plan are meeting the benchmarks or matching this index or 
+that index, but that is for the fund. That is for the fund 
+    Those statements do not show what that particular 
+participant's return was. And that has to be corrected, 
+because, with all due respect, a good-manned firm may have 
+great performing funds at the fund level, but once you start 
+adding in various costs, the actual participant returns are 
+very different. And that is an important clarification that I 
+wanted to make.
+    But coming back to this, I believe strongly that it is 
+simple. If we strip out all the ambiguity, all the obscurity, 
+and let the market work based on fully transparent, fully 
+disclosed information, the fees will go down. There will be 
+good competition. There will be confidence in the system.
+    Plan sponsors will appreciate it. I don't see plan sponsors 
+bailing out of this. I see them embracing this. And it is in 
+the best interest of American business to shore up the economic 
+security of its workforce, because 20 years from now, we have 
+got a big pool of baby boomers who are going to be retired who 
+won't have enough money to meaningfully participate in the 
+    And a lot of businesses are going to wonder why they are 
+struggling. It is because a whole segment of the economy was 
+removed because they didn't have enough money. There is no 
+money to spend.
+    And so it behooves plan sponsors to deal with this. It is 
+in everybody's interests.
+    Mr. Kildee. And they are going to be in the 401(k)-type 
+rather than the defined benefit-type, so we have a large number 
+of people who will be affected by this then.
+    Mr. Hutcheson. That is correct.
+    Mr. Kildee. Ms. Bovbjerg, can we learn anything from the 
+Thrift Savings Plan that we have in the federal government that 
+can help us in the 401(k)s?
+    Ms. Bovbjerg. The Thrift Savings Plan discloses information 
+in a clear way, as Chairman Miller was showing. I think it is 
+important to remember that the Thrift Savings Plan is somewhat 
+different from 401(k)s, in that their administrative costs are 
+exceedingly low compared to other forms of--you know, other 
+types of plans, that some of that has to do with the way that 
+that plan is administered throughout the government.
+    It also has to do with--they have been very effective in 
+keeping their costs low, I have to acknowledge that. I just 
+think it is difficult to make that comparison, because you are 
+dealing with a less diverse group of people. We are dealing 
+with federal employees. They can all read; they all speak 
+English. You know, it is quite different than a much broader 
+type of plan coverage.
+    Mr. Kildee. Thank you very much.
+    Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
+    Mr. Boustany. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
+    We would all agree that disclosure and transparency are 
+very good things. Mr. Chambers, is there a danger in 
+oversimplifying, when providing information to participants, 
+that could lead to poor choices? Could you elaborate on that 
+and what sort of problems that that might create?
+    Mr. Chambers. Surely, thank you.
+    Despite some of the comments that have been made earlier 
+today about fees being the most important--and, perhaps--I am 
+not suggesting anyone has said the only important, but the most 
+important factor here--a large number, certainly in my 
+experience, the predominant number of financial advisers have 
+indicated that there are many different things that should be 
+put into focus as you are making an investment decision. 
+Clearly, fees are one of them.
+    The gentleman to my right, Mr. Hutcheson, I think just 
+mentioned the fact that, you know, you look at total return. 
+That is generally going to be net of some fees, perhaps all 
+fees, depending upon what is being paid out of the funds.
+    Risk is an issue. Diversification is an issue. There are 
+many, many issues that need to go into an investment decision. 
+Perhaps that is why Mr. McKeon is no longer investing in 
+stocks, because of all of the different things that you have to 
+consider when you are making an investment decision.
+    So I think that the big problem with oversimplification 
+here is an overemphasis on fees. Yes, they are important. Yes, 
+they should generally be disclosed. But they can--just looking 
+at that and that alone can lead to some very bad investment 
+    Mr. Boustany. I thank you for that answer.
+    Ms. Bovbjerg, in looking at ERISA, Section 404, could you 
+basically state what it requires and what was its intended 
+purpose? And in the view of GAO, is it really meeting that 
+    Ms. Bovbjerg. I don't know if I can do all that right here 
+and now. I can talk a little about 404(c), which is 
+particularly relevant----
+    Mr. Boustany. 404(c) is particular, yes.
+    Ms. Bovbjerg [continuing]. To this topic, that plans that 
+fall under 404(c) are essentially seeking freedom from 
+liability for investment choices that the participants make. In 
+return, they have to disclose certain things beyond what other 
+plans would have to do.
+    We had a little trouble trying to figure out what 
+proportion 401(k)s sell under 404(c). We thought it was 50 
+percent to 60 percent, somewhere in there. Those are the plans 
+that the Labor Department is thinking about focusing new fee 
+reporting requirements on.
+    Now, the way we see some of the fee reporting, it is all 
+over. It is effective in some plans, but not uniformly. 
+Participants have to ask for certain things; they have to know 
+to ask for certain things; they have to pull information from 
+several different sources.
+    You know, and 404(c) plans, it is easier to get that 
+information, no question about it. But is it complete? It is 
+just not clear to us that it is.
+    Mr. Boustany. I thank you.
+    I yield back.
+    Chairman Miller. Mr. Yarmouth?
+    Mr. Yarmuth. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
+    I only have one question, and I think I know the question, 
+but it seems like there is nothing to prohibit any of the 
+providers from disclosing their fee structure. And my question 
+is--and anyone can address is--why is unreasonable that this 
+wouldn't become a huge competitive advantage, in what is 
+apparently a pretty competitive field, 700,000 plans out there?
+    Why couldn't we allow--just allow the markets, the 
+providers to use that as their advantage? The lowest fee 
+structure, if they advertised it, would give them a competitive 
+    Mr. Hutcheson. If I might, thank you for that question.
+    The reason--and I will try not to be too complicated here, 
+or complex, rather--401(k) are today governed partially in a 
+fiduciary environment, as they were originally intended and 
+contemplated, and partially in a non-fiduciary environment. 
+They are exemptions that exist that permit non-fiduciary 
+investment firms and others to participate in 401(k) plans, 
+where otherwise they might have been prohibited from doing so, 
+had the exemption not been given.
+    And so this intermingling or blending of non-fiduciary and 
+fiduciary philosophies is the root cause of this. And if you 
+bifurcate the two, fiduciary standards of care demand 
+transparency and open competition based on equal information 
+between the buyer and the seller.
+    It is the non-fiduciary component of 401(k) plans that is 
+obscuring this, partially due to that exemption or to 
+exemptions. And when I say ``that exemption,'' I am referring 
+to the Merrill exemption that permits them to participate in 
+401(k) plans and receive various forms of compensation without 
+being held to a fiduciary standard.
+    And if we help everybody to a fiduciary standard, this 
+might self-correct.
+    Mr. Yarmuth. Can I just ask for clarification? Do I 
+understand you correctly that what you are saying is that 
+different providers have different obligations under these 
+plans, and therefore the fees wouldn't be apples to apples?
+    Mr. Hutcheson. Exactly. You can take two physicians' 
+offices. Both of them have 20 employees. One of them has 
+service providers that acknowledge their fiduciary status and 
+behave as such. The other physician's office has the exact same 
+mutual funds, or funds, but yet their service providers are 
+hiding behind an exemption that protects them from fiduciary 
+    And, therefore, they are not held to the same standards of 
+disclosure, and that has to be eradicated from the 401(k) 
+system. I believe that it will self-correct if that happens.
+    Mr. Chambers. My experience is that, although certainly 
+there are some folks who will perform a service as a fiduciary 
+and others who will perform the same service as a non-
+fiduciary, is that I don't see any less disclosure of fees in 
+one situation, as opposed to the other.
+    And, clearly, plan sponsors, if they wish to off-load 
+fiduciary status onto someone rather than retaining it 
+themselves, they certainly have the capacity and the 
+marketplace to do that. As Mr. Hutcheson just pointed out, 
+there are organizations out there who will accept this role.
+    There are other organizations, though, that say, ``I will 
+do it in a different fashion,'' and that is the marketplace. 
+There is a decision. I don't believe that in under any 
+circumstances do you need to homogenize that, do you need to 
+invariably go out and find someone who is willing to serve as a 
+fiduciary to perform the function to the exclusion of someone 
+who is not, particularly for purposes of this hearing, if both 
+of them are charging relatively the same fee or, even if they 
+are not, if they are disclosing it.
+    Mr. Hutcheson. If I may just clarify, because 401(k) plans 
+are a fiduciary animal, they are subject to trust laws. And 
+trust laws have fiduciaries. And fiduciaries must be able to 
+discharge their duties unimpeded. They must not have obscured 
+information or they must not have information withheld.
+    Let me give you a specific example. I was asked by the 
+chairman of an organization to come in and explain how their 
+investment providers are managing their fee for free. Well, 
+clearly, that can't be the case, but that is what the chairman 
+was told. And we are talking about $100 million plan.
+    And I categorically and summarily disagree absolutely. The 
+fiduciaries simply didn't know what the pay or cost structure 
+was of the plan. None only does ERISA demand that fiduciaries 
+know, but if fiduciaries don't really understand whose getting 
+paid, then they can't discharge their duties.
+    And they are withholding information, because they are not 
+held to a fiduciary standard. And I believe strongly that they 
+should be.
+    Mr. Butler. If I may, as a further answer----
+    Mr. Yarmuth. I think I am glad I asked this question.
+    Mr. Butler. Pardon me?
+    Mr. Yarmuth. I think I am glad I asked this question.
+    Mr. Butler. Well, what I would like to do is just elaborate 
+and talk about money for a minute, as opposed to fiduciaries. 
+Mr. Chambers, in his written testimony, presented an elegant, 
+perfect example of how fees are charged.
+    He used as an example $150 for the total cost of operating 
+a plan for, say, a participant; $50 of that cost would be for 
+the actual administration of the plan, $100 would be for the 
+money management portion.
+    And then he pointed out that, on the $100 of the money 
+management portion, which is going to the mutual fund, they are 
+going to give up or pay $10 of it back to the company doing the 
+administration. So the administration company is actually 
+getting $60, and the mutual fund company is getting a net of 
+    In the real world, you can expand that to a real situation. 
+Let's say that we have a $10 million plan. It has 150 
+employees, probably an engineering firm, a law firm, company 
+that has been around for at least 15 to 20 years. And so now, 
+instead of $150, we have actually 1.5 percent, which would be 
+pretty typical, $150,000 is what is now being paid, one way or 
+the other, to administer this plan of $10 million.
+    We have got $100,000 going to the mutual fund. They are 
+giving up $10,000 of it and paying it to the record-keeper. 
+Somebody understanding that there is that breakdown of cost 
+could now start shopping for the record-keeping services. And 
+on this particular plan, they would be able to get those 
+services for something in the neighborhood of roughly $10,000 a 
+year. They don't need to pay $50,000.
+    The $10,000 for the record-keeping is really for the 
+seamless electronic environment that allows people to dial up 
+their account on the Internet, and that is a basic commodity in 
+the industry today.
+    So now you have a plan sponsor who has an opportunity 
+possibly to save his participants about $40,000. And at this 
+point, he is now looking at the other component of the plan, 
+which is the mutual fund company that is charging $90,000. And 
+a person confronted with that information is going to say to 
+himself, ``Maybe I can get this money managed for something 
+closer to $40,000, instead of $90,000,'' and he could.
+    So now he is just saved his participants, including 
+himself, because he has his own account to think about, he 
+saved himself and his participants about 1 full percentage 
+point per year. The magic of compound interest works against us 
+when we start taking fees or paying fees out of money that 
+could otherwise be compounding, tax-deferred.
+    It is counterintuitive. In this particular example, let's 
+say we have saved about--we have increased our returns by about 
+10 percent, let's say. So you ask yourself, ``Well, why is that 
+leading to 20 percent more money downstream?'' And the answer 
+to that is, because that additional 1 percent compounded adds 
+up to 20 percent of the total account balance.
+    He has essentially saved his participants 20 percent of 
+what they otherwise would have spent, and effectively he has 
+increased everybody's retirement nest egg by 25 percent. And 
+that is what this is really all about; that is why these 
+hearings are so important.
+    Chairman Miller. The gentleman's time has expired.
+    Mr. Kline?
+    Thank you for the question.
+    Mr. Kline. Well, I am going to let us continue down that 
+line. It looked like Mr. Chambers wanted to have something to 
+say. I would like you to do that, and then I would like to 
+address my question.
+    Mr. Chambers. Thank you, sir.
+    The point that I was going to make is, that that is exactly 
+the problem that I have highlighted. Mathematically, that makes 
+great sense. But should the employer or whoever it is who is 
+making the decision on who is going to be investing plan assets 
+or whose products will be available, who is going to be 
+administering the plan, that they should do that, either solely 
+on the basis of fees or largely on the basis of fees?
+    There was no indication here about what the relative 
+performance of the two record-keeper. Does the record-keeper, 
+does the new program permit all the bells and whistles that the 
+employer and the employees want? That costs money. Does the 
+investment adviser, who is being selected, because, in fact, 
+they charge fewer dollars, you know, per thousand, what is 
+their relative rate of return over a long period of time?
+    All of this needs to be put into the perspective of a lot 
+of different people making decisions on the basis of a lot of 
+different points.
+    Thank you.
+    Mr. Kline. Thank you. I knew you were chomping at the bit 
+there, so to speak.
+    I don't know, Mr. Chairman, do the witnesses have this----
+    Chairman Miller. I don't know, but we will get it to them.
+    Mr. Kline. Okay.
+    Chairman Miller. Yes, it was shown up. Maybe it can be put 
+back up on the plasma screen.
+    Mr. Kline. It seems to me like there is some agreement here 
+in the committee--and maybe throughout the room--that 
+transparency and visibility into these funds is a useful thing.
+    But I am concerned that we sometimes do confuse the famous 
+apples and oranges, and I am just trying to understand. I 
+think, Ms. Bovbjerg, you were talking about this issue earlier, 
+not confusing or not trying too hard to compare the Thrift 
+Savings Plan with some other 401(k)s.
+    And this, clearly, is doing exactly that. It is comparing 
+the Thrift Savings Plan with some--I don't know if that is a 
+real fund, but it shows a significant difference, when you 
+compare the TSP with this notional 401(k). It looks like those 
+are dollars per individual.
+    What I would like you to do is go back where you were a 
+couple of questioners ago and talk about why it is that the 
+Thrift Savings Plan comes in at asset-based fees of 0.6 percent 
+and why it is not. We are a little apples and oranges here when 
+we try to compare other 401(k)s. Could you do that for us, kind 
+of pick up where you were? Thank you.
+    Ms. Bovbjerg. Absolutely.
+    I think I would also like to say that this is a graph that 
+is similar in spirit to one that was in our report on fees that 
+looks at what, if your fees were 1 percent higher over a 20-
+year period, what would that mean? It would be about a 17 
+percent loss of income, assets.
+    The Thrift Savings Plan uses administrators across the 
+federal government to help people sign up to make changes. The 
+Department of Education has them; the GAO has them; Congress 
+has them.
+    Mr. Kline. And these are public employees rather than----
+    Ms. Bovbjerg. These are public employees, and they are--
+Congress pays for its office. GAO pays for its personnel office 
+that has these people in the Department of Education, so----
+    Mr. Kline. Thus reducing the costs?
+    Ms. Bovbjerg. Yes. So the six basis points is not really 
+what the administrative cost is of the Thrift Savings Plan, but 
+that is not to take away from the fact that Thrift Savings Plan 
+is very efficiently run. So the administrative costs are still 
+pretty low.
+    Mr. Kline. Okay, thank you.
+    Yes, Mr. Hutcheson?
+    Mr. Hutcheson. The underlying investments in the Thrift 
+Savings Plan are what we call index funds generally. They are 
+passive funds. You are getting the broad market.
+    In the private sector, funds very similar to what is in the 
+Thrift Savings Plan are available to employers. They might be 
+slightly more expensive, because it is a price based on the 
+assets in the plan. But what we are seeing here is a perfect 
+example of what Professor Sharpe, who won the Nobel Prize in 
+Economics, and also many other people have said.
+    If you track the broad market as closely as possible, you 
+will get market returns, and you really, over the long haul, 
+can't do better than that.
+    Mr. Kline. Sure, I understand. You are proposing that we 
+use the index funds. But what I was trying to get at is that 
+there is--in the fee world, which we are trying to get 
+visibility in the fees--what is now shown here, was what Ms. 
+Bovbjerg pointed out--that because the taxpayers are paying, in 
+some part, for the administration of this, because we have 
+public employees who are doing part of this work, the Thrift 
+Savings Plan is not the best apple-to-apple comparison and what 
+fees are.
+    Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I yield back.
+    Chairman Miller. Thank you.
+    Mr. Wu?
+    Mr. Wu. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
+    First, I want to ask the panel--and, Bob, you in 
+particular--do we have pretty much uniformity of agreement that 
+disclosure of the various fees is non-objectionable, as long, 
+as you said, Bob, that it does not drown out other valuable 
+information, that disclosure of brokerage fees, 12b-1 fees, and 
+so on and so forth, that all of those disclosures are 
+    Mr. Chambers. Well, I generally agree, but I think that 
+where the rubber hits the road is going to be in terms of what 
+fees needed to be disclosed and how we slice and dice the fees 
+that are out there.
+    And to go back to one of the points that the chairman made 
+earlier, and when he was alluding to my Toyota example, when 
+you go to buy a car, there is not fee disclosure on how much 
+Toyota paid for the glass, and there is not fee disclosure on 
+how much Toyota paid for the computer components. There is an 
+overall fee.
+    And I agree: There are ways to assess whether that 
+particular automobile is better than another automobile, 
+through miles per gallon, you know, performance, which is what 
+we are talking about here.
+    So I think that the council's concern--well, the overall 
+concept is, yes, we are very favorably behind the idea of full 
+and fair disclosure of fees. But I do think that where we are 
+going to run into issues is, exactly how are we going to be 
+slicing and dicing that? Because I don't know that it is 
+necessarily essential for a plan participant--to mix the two 
+metaphors now--that a plan participant needs to know how much 
+the glass costs in the car.
+    And I can see, for example, that, if you have a large 
+financial institution which has been empowered through 
+contract, you know, to perform services for a plan, and if, for 
+example, that financial institution decides that it is going to 
+take one of the functions that it is contractually bound to 
+perform, and to hand it off to one of its affiliate companies, 
+you know, say it has a captive trust company, for example, I 
+don't know that that necessarily is something that needs to be 
+disclosed. That is internal proprietary information.
+    But by and large, overall fees, yes, we are very much in 
+favor of that.
+    Mr. Wu. Yes. And because of the limitations of time, let me 
+just say that, in contrast to, say, a Toyota, because of the 
+difficulty of predicting future market performance, because the 
+market is basically different from being able to calculate the 
+speed or safety of a car, some of the rear-view mirror things, 
+if you will, like fees, take on a disproportionately important 
+role, I would like to be--I would be very interested in hearing 
+from all the panelists what disclosures you all feel are 
+important and the best display format for that, so that it is 
+most useful for investors.
+    And I would like to ask that question and get that set of 
+answers over time in writing, because I would like to turn to 
+Mr. Hutcheson for a second. And I am not sure that this came 
+out, Matt, in your oral testimony, but in going through your 
+written testimony last night, there was a recurring theme of 
+non-fiduciary functions and fiduciary functions and having 
+those mixed together, and a core problem of mixing those non-
+fiduciary and fiduciary functions together.
+    But as I read the materials, one of the non-fiduciary 
+functions was actually the investment decisions of the plan's 
+beneficiary. And I would like to take me through this a little 
+bit. It is one of the--where you are going with this, if we 
+take it all the way out with a fiduciary plan, is that we 
+ultimately get the plan beneficiary off the loop, in terms of 
+decisionmaking about investment vehicles.
+    Mr. Hutcheson. That is right. I personally believe--and 
+just to clarify before I answer the question--that no person 
+can time the market. I just don't believe it. I think there is 
+empirical research that shows that there is only a few points 
+in time each year where the market really takes a big leap 
+forward, and you have to be in the market at that point in 
+    And so placing decisions in people who have no financial or 
+economic or investing experience, and not only just placing 
+investment decisions, but we are talking about trust assets 
+subject to fiduciary prudence.
+    So 404(c) says that a participant will not be deemed a 
+fiduciary to the extent that they are directing these trust 
+assets, and that is kind of a conflict in fundamental fiduciary 
+prudence and trust oversight, as we have been accustomed to, 
+many, many years, decades before 404(c) was enacted.
+    And very short, I believe that participants play with their 
+accounts based on recommendations of friends, what they see in 
+the news. They have the ability to make changes. 404(c) says 
+that you have to be able to change your allocations quarterly 
+or more frequently, as the market dictates. Why would they want 
+to be changing their accounts based on what happens yesterday?
+    That is not prudent. It makes no economic sense. It is not 
+based on good, sound investment research or theory. It in 
+itself, I believe, is bad public policy. And it, in my opinion, 
+goes contrary to fundamental laws of fiduciary prudence.
+    Mr. Chambers. May I add one point, please, to that? And 
+that is--well, actually two points.
+    One is, I don't think that that is a correct statement of 
+trust law, number one. It is difficult for someone to be a 
+trustee for himself or herself. And, therefore, you are not a 
+fiduciary, which involves acting on behalf on someone else. So 
+I don't think that that is a correct statement.
+    Number two, you need to take a look at the program, I 
+think, that Mr. Hutcheson is proposing. Now, you know, one of 
+the comments or one of the things that we talk about is the 
+series of movies that were out a number of years ago, you know, 
+``Back to the Future.''
+    Well, I think that what he is suggesting is the opposite, 
+which is ``Forward to the Past.'' There is, if you take a look 
+at what he is suggesting--which is a very viable program for 
+employers who are so inclined. I am not trying to say that it 
+is a bad program at all. I don't think that it is particularly 
+viable in the view of most employers with whom I work.
+    It is essentially the creation of a television set that 
+only gets one channel, and it is a channel that, whoever it is 
+that is putting that set together, is developing. One set of 
+investments, you know, no loans, no this, no that.
+    Why would an employee want to make a decision to change an 
+investment because of what happened yesterday? There may be 
+something else in his or her life that dictates that. It also 
+may be that they no longer have confidence in the investments 
+that they previously made.
+    Chairman Miller. The gentleman's time is expired. Thank 
+    Mr. Wu. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
+    Chairman Miller. Mr. Andrews?
+    Mr. Andrews. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
+    I very much appreciate the witnesses, and I appreciate this 
+hearing. I view this hearing as a continuation of work that 
+this committee has done on a bipartisan basis over the last 
+number of years, reflecting a number of points of consensus.
+    The first point of consensus is that it is a reality that 
+individuals are managing their own investment decisions, and I 
+think there is a consensus that we should not impede that 
+individual choice or individual freedom.
+    In the wake of the Enron scandal a few years ago, there 
+were some discussions of putting legal limitations on choices 
+people could make in their own 401(k) plans. I, frankly, 
+opposed those suggestions, and I am glad they are not the law.
+    The second point of consensus is that people should--we 
+should facilitate people getting sound investment advice. Now, 
+there is still significant disagreement over what that means. 
+There was a compromised reach in the act of 2006. We will 
+evaluate the efficacy of that compromise and continue the 
+discussion, but I think it is obviously true that sound 
+investment advice is better than no investment advice or, 
+frankly, a lot better than investment advice from an 
+incompetent source who doesn't know what he or she is talking 
+    The third point of consensus is that we should maximize 
+transparency so that people making these individual choices 
+have the widest array of facts in front of them so they can 
+make the best choices, which leads us to today's discussion, 
+which is, what should the form and nature of that transparency 
+    I will confess to you, I come to this discussion as an 
+agnostic. I am very interested in what you think as to how we 
+can answer that question. But in my simple agnosticism, I would 
+make the following proposition.
+    We talk about people buying cars? I think the best example 
+is someone selling their house. It is the single most important 
+economic decision most Americans make. And when most Americans 
+sell their home, they ask one question. They ask two questions, 
+really: How much am I going to get for the house? What is the 
+sale price going to be? And how much of the sale price am I 
+going to get to keep?
+    I actually practiced real estate law before I did this and 
+represented hundreds of homebuyers, and they would ask the 
+realtor how much they were going to get for the home, how much 
+the contract was going to be for. And they would ask me, as 
+their attorney, how much they were going to get to keep.
+    And we have disclosure laws, RESPA, in the real estate 
+context that tells someone how much of the proceeds they have 
+to pay to someone else, the real estate commission and other 
+fees, and how much they get to keep.
+    I think that is the basis on which we should build this 
+disclosure. I think we should build it on the proposition--if 
+my 401(k) were invested, and I got to keep everything, every 
+dollar earned on that investment decision, how much would that 
+be? And then how much are we going to get in a net return, 
+after whatever fees, or contracts, or considerations are paid?
+    Does anybody disagree with that as a conceptual framework 
+for approaching this problem?
+    Okay. Now, I think there is a second category of this 
+disclosure we also have to think about. And I am not sure 
+whether the present law covers this or not, and that is the 
+situation where, to use the analogy, the sale price of my house 
+is too low because the realtor was conflicted in some way, that 
+the realtor sold the house to her sister-in-law rather than to 
+the highest bidder.
+    Does anyone think that the present ERISA statute does not 
+prohibit that situation? Does anybody think that the present 
+statute doesn't prohibit the situation where the person making 
+some plan decisions is depriving me of the highest price or the 
+best investment?
+    Mr. Butler. If I may, I think there are all kinds of 
+opportunities for that to happen right now, under the current 
+situation. Forbes magazine talked about the extent to which the 
+brokerage industry's own mutual funds do very poorly as 
+investments, comparatively speaking.
+    And the reason for that is because the brokerage industry's 
+source of revenue, to a large extent, has to do with trading 
+commissions. So the mutual funds that they operate, in many 
+cases, are feeding troughs for their trading operation. And 
+that is an example that I see in the industry, along the lines 
+of what you were just talking about.
+    Mr. Andrews. Okay. Because my time--do you agree with that 
+conclusion of Mr. Butler or not?
+    Mr. Butler. Yes, I do. I would say that----
+    Mr. Andrews. No, I know you agree. I asked Mr. Chambers if 
+he agrees with you.
+    Mr. Chambers. I don't always agree with myself, so I need 
+to deal with that.
+    Mr. Andrews. Okay.
+    Mr. Chambers. Before I respond to that, to respond to your 
+comment or your question, I am concerned with your using the 
+word ``best'' in conjunction with what ERISA requires, as 
+opposed to what is reasonable, which is, in fact, what the 
+statutory standard is.
+    Mr. Andrews. Of course, it doesn't require what is 
+reasonable. It requires what is in the best interests of the 
+participant party.
+    Mr. Chambers. Best interest, yes, but not necessarily the 
+best result.
+    Mr. Andrews. Okay. You would agree, that is not synonymous 
+with reasonable, though. If you make a reasonable choice that 
+is not in the fiduciary interest of your----
+    Mr. Chambers. No, but somebody has to act reasonably. And 
+one of the ways that they have to act reasonably is within the 
+best interests of the participants and the beneficiaries.
+    I think that, if everyone had to go around chasing the best 
+investment results, or if everyone had to go around chasing the 
+lowest conceivable method of administrative fees, I think that 
+this would be a very different world.
+    Mr. Andrews. Of course, that is not what I asked, though. I 
+asked whether you thought that the statute prohibits someone 
+making a conflicted or self-interested decision in the 
+investment context.
+    Mr. Chambers. I think that, yes, the statute does currently 
+prohibit that.
+    Mr. Andrews. Effectively?
+    Mr. Chambers. Pardon me?
+    Mr. Andrews. Effectively? Do you think there is any 
+loopholes in that?
+    Mr. Chambers. Are there loopholes? I don't know that I 
+would call this a loophole, but remember that, for example, 
+employers have issue--every employer that sponsors a plan 
+invariably has issues about its role as the settlor of the 
+plan, the sponsor of the plan, versus its role as a fiduciary 
+of the plan. And that is something that is inherent in 
+    So I don't know that you would call that a loophole, but 
+certainly that is something that everyone has to be concerned 
+    Mr. Andrews. My time is expired. I would just ask if Mr. 
+Hutcheson wanted to respond.
+    Chairman Miller. Mr. McKeon wanted to tag on----
+    Mr. Andrews. Sure, Mr. Chairman, I would yield.
+    Mr. McKeon. Will the gentleman yield?
+    In your example, if the realtor brings an offer to me to 
+sell my house, I can accept or reject it. So I don't see where 
+that really plays a role, a comparable role.
+    The first part, where you talked about just final net 
+return, it sounds great to me. I don't know where----
+    Mr. Andrews. Yes, if the gentleman would yield, here is the 
+analogy of the realtor bringing an offer. Someone has to make a 
+decision which options to give the plan participant. You could 
+    Mr. McKeon. But it all washes out with the net return.
+    Mr. Andrews. It washes out----
+    Chairman Miller. I will take your answer off the air.
+    Mr. Andrews. Thank you.
+    Chairman Miller. Mr. Sarbanes?
+    Mr. Sarbanes. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and thank you for 
+holding the hearing.
+    I have a brief question. In my view, when it comes to 
+information, there are two ways you can hide the ball. You can 
+not disclose enough information, or you can disclose so much 
+that it becomes impossible for the consumer of the information 
+to sift through it and understand it. You see that happen in 
+many, many different arenas.
+    So, Mr. Butler, I wanted to ask you to address this, 
+because it is not just about more disclosure. It is about 
+better disclosure. And I feel as though I get plenty of 
+information on a lot of things that represent ``full 
+disclosure'' that I can't make heads or tails of. And this is 
+another arena were that would be the case.
+    So it is about how you package it. And your index, 
+obviously, attempts to do that. But if you could just speak to 
+the pitfalls of too much disclosure or how we package or 
+present the information in a way that is really constructive 
+for the consumer.
+    Mr. Butler. I would love to address that.
+    First of all, the need to know, from a decisionmaking 
+standpoint, really centers on the company management people who 
+are basically charged with deciding what kind of plan and which 
+vendors they are going to use. That is why my first book was 
+called ``The Decisionmaker's Guide to 401(k) Plans.''
+    The participants really then wind up being the 
+beneficiaries of hopefully some informed decisionmaking. When 
+you are looking at the component costs of one of these plans--
+and the example that I was using earlier--what is important is 
+for these decisionmakers to be able to basically understand 
+each component cost so that they can effectively decide whether 
+or not they want to be part of a package deal or not.
+    And the example that I used, we presupposed that we had 
+mutual funds and then a separate company, let's say, as a 
+record-keeper. But, in fact, in about 70 percent of all 401(k) 
+plans, it is all in the same building. It is the mutual fund 
+that also has three floors of record-keepers keeping track of 
+the money and doing the compliance-related issues.
+    And so the important thing is for this bundled provider to 
+be able to present to the decisionmakers, their clients, what 
+the component costs are so that the decisionmakers can decide 
+whether or not they want to be part of a package deal. Or can 
+they create a much better opportunity for their participants by 
+breaking things up and shopping for better opportunities?
+    It is like, when you buy a car, you might decide that you 
+don't want the manufacturer's Bose stereo because you can get a 
+much better deal buying a stereo independently.
+    Mr. Sarbanes. Do you think that the ``decisionmakers'' can 
+be as susceptible to getting too much information, as 
+beneficiaries can, or because they are better versed and this 
+is their responsibility, to make these decisions, that they are 
+sort of protected against that?
+    Mr. Butler. My experience, in the smaller company 
+environment--and, bear in mind, 70 percent of all Americans 
+work for companies that have less than 100 employees--my 
+experience is that decisionmakers in that environment tend to 
+be the company owners, who are by definition successful 
+businesspeople, many are self-styled investment experts 
+themselves, or mutual fund experts.
+    Also, the CFO or controller will also be part of that de 
+facto decisionmaking committee. And these people are very, very 
+sophisticated. They make the right decisions if given the right 
+    Mr. Sarbanes. Thank you.
+    Mr. Chambers. May I comment?
+    Mr. Sarbanes. Sure.
+    Mr. Chambers. I guess I agree with most of what Mr. Butler 
+just said. The one issue that I have is, that I am not sure 
+that it is appropriate or essential to get a bundled provider 
+to explain what the cost allocation is or the expense 
+allocation is, if it is not making those services available 
+independent of one another.
+    In other words, the way--and I just went through this with 
+a client--that is a small employer, about 100, 150 employees, 
+and they wanted to look at new record-keeping investment 
+systems. And they went to some programs that were bundled, and 
+we found out what the total costs were from that. And then they 
+went to other programs which were not bundled, and we found out 
+what the total costs were there.
+    I don't know that it would be essential to receive 
+information from the bundled program, for example, about how 
+much it was allocating to provide record-keeping, as opposed to 
+some other component, if that is not available from that same 
+organization. I don't know that that is information that is 
+going to help you to make a meaningful decision.
+    Mr. Sarbanes. Well, I hear that, and I worry--it is a fair 
+point, although it could also be the beginning of a slide, kind 
+of slippery slope, in terms of what comparative information is 
+    I yield back. Thanks.
+    Ms. Shea-Porter. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
+    I can remember when the fees for banking and mortgages were 
+so absolutely confusing, and there has been some streamlining. 
+And probably my son, who is 17, is the only one who still pays 
+10 percent monthly on his balance at a bank, and we are going 
+to straighten that out.
+    But the reason I brought that up was because it is 
+difficult for people who are not knowledgeable to understand. 
+And it is pretty clear on the bank statements to me now, you 
+know, what the fees will be. And I will be teaching my 17-year-
+old shortly the same thing.
+    But when you try to compare different plans, I think there 
+is an obligation--this actually is to Ms. Bovbjerg--an 
+obligation to be as explicit as possible. And I think it is 
+possible to be simple, as well, when you are explaining the 
+    And I listened to my colleague talk about the costs of the 
+TSP, for example, and I wanted to ask you to address that. He 
+said that federal employees were picking up some of the cost of 
+the administration. Do you have any idea how much the federal 
+employees are actually picking up? And is it possible to 
+compare those two plans?
+    I am fortunate enough to be in the TSP, and it is clear, 
+and the administrative fees are lower. So could you address 
+that, please?
+    Ms. Bovbjerg. And you have touched on one of the reasons 
+that makes it so difficult to compare the Thrift Savings Plan 
+to other types of retirement saving vehicles.
+    When I brought up the thing about the Thrift Savings Plan, 
+I did want to say that, you know, this graph is essentially 
+showing the math between two things. And the math is correct, 
+but it is the implication that six basis points is sort of 
+normal I was a little concerned about.
+    The Thrift Savings Plan has certain levels of expenses. 
+And, in fact, we will be reporting on these costs for 
+Congressman Davis in a couple of months. But the Thrift Savings 
+Plan does take its--gets revenue from not only, you know, from 
+not having to do things, but also from the money that is what I 
+would call ``left on the table,'' you know, the federal 
+government matches and puts in 1 percent.
+    And for people who come to the federal government, the 
+people who leave before they invest, can only take their money, 
+and they leave the federal money on the table. That also nets 
+the administrative costs for the TSP. That is one of the 
+reasons why they look so low.
+    I would like to say that, in terms of reporting to 
+individuals, it is critical that it be simple, that it be 
+clear, it be all in one place, and that people don't have to go 
+ask for it, because they will never find it. Only a certain 
+percentage of people will know to do that.
+    But it is hard. It is hard for the Social Security 
+Administration to produce a benefits statement that 270 million 
+Americans can understand. And they put a lot of effort into it. 
+So I don't want to discount what I know are the concerns about, 
+how do you really make something that people will find 
+accessible? It is not easy, but it is important.
+    Ms. Shea-Porter. Right, but it is doable, that is what you 
+are saying.
+    Ms. Bovbjerg. It is doable.
+    Ms. Shea-Porter. Right, and still leave a healthy profit 
+for those who are the administrators.
+    Ms. Bovbjerg. I can't say what it would cost, different 
+kinds of sponsors. And, certainly, I know that the Department 
+of Labor is weighing, you know, sponsor burden against the 
+outcome and trying to figure out how they can best achieve some 
+sort of optimal result.
+    Ms. Shea-Porter. Okay, thank you.
+    Chairman Miller. Thank you very much.
+    And thank you for all of your testimony.
+    A couple of things here. One is, I guess the question I 
+would ask--and I appreciate Mr. Andrews raising the point, if 
+you had a net-net-net figure, would that tell you what you 
+really need to know as a consumer, or would these other 
+packages of information be more informative, or what have you? 
+And that is obviously to be discussed further.
+    But the real question for me is, again, a lot of people--
+you know, you can have $100 million plan, and a lot of people 
+are struggling to put in $6,000, $7,000 into this plan. And 
+they don't have a lot of room for risk and fees and the rest of 
+    And the question that I would raise is, are we sure that we 
+are getting the value added for that? And is there a reasonable 
+reason why somebody made a decision to go in that direction? Or 
+was it a conflicted decision? Or was it a decision that really 
+didn't meet that reasonableness when you consider who is in the 
+    You know, the Miller family doesn't have a lot of margin of 
+error for mistakes. My employer apparently does, because we 
+have got $1 trillion debt he is running around with. But, you 
+know, the sponsor of this plan, the owner of the business, and 
+maybe the officers, depending on the size of it, they may have 
+a lot of income. People working for them may have reasonable 
+income or good income. But good income today doesn't give you a 
+lot of room for risk.
+    So, you know, the question is, how does that factor in? And 
+I guess the disappointment I see is that you have a lot of 
+people dipping into other people's money. You know, I didn't 
+put the money into the 401(k) plan so a lot of strangers could 
+come in and start dipping into this, under manufactured titles, 
+for fees of questionable services, whether I need them or not 
+need them.
+    Now, I am an individual, and so then we have to go to the 
+plan, we have to go to the sponsors, and I think that is the 
+central question for me, that this really is about other 
+people's monies. And I think that, also, you are in an 
+atmosphere where people have determined--maybe it is the advent 
+of the Internet--but if you can charge a real small fee a 
+billion times, you can become a really rich company. And people 
+say, ``Oh, that fee doesn't matter.''
+    Well, as we have seen, every one of you have given us a 
+comparison chart of what it would mean--let's just use the 1 
+percent differential. That is a lot of money to a middle-class 
+working American, at the end of the time, when they think they 
+are going to retirement, and what are they going to be able to 
+extract if they don't want to eat up the principal of that nest 
+    Those are big differences. One of you said that the 
+difference was the--between the 1 percent and 1.5 percent, 1.5 
+percent differential, the person who was on the bad end of that 
+bargain would have to work an additional 7 years. I mean, these 
+are big consequences to workers and to families.
+    And I guess my concern--I mean, one of the things discussed 
+with the members of the committee and with others, is the 
+question really, are they getting value added here?
+    You know, I have listened to I don't know how many 
+financial shows over 20 years, where one side is saying, ``This 
+should be the position for most American investors, an index 
+fund. It is safe, it is low cost, and the rest of that.''
+    And the other people say, ``Oh, no, you can go out there, 
+and you can beat the market,'' and there is a lot of reasons 
+why people say that, because they are out there trying to beat 
+the market, and they need clients to do so. And that may be 
+good for some people, but it may not be good for this plan that 
+is becoming a larger and larger percentage of people's 
+    This isn't their mad money; this is their retirement. By 
+default, this has become one of the two remaining legs on the 
+retirement stool in this.
+    You know, we have been talking about a comparison of the 
+thrift plan, but I think IBM and Xerox are even more efficient 
+in these 401(k) plans than the thrift. Does anybody have any 
+knowledge of that, that they--one of you had it in your 
+statement, I am sorry.
+    Mr. Butler. My understanding is that Xerox charges .03 
+percent to their employees. They probably have some other 
+costs, but they are paying those costs as a tax-deductible 
+corporate business expense, instead of having participants pay 
+it with money that would otherwise be compounding tax-free.
+    Chairman Miller. That is because of a separate decision 
+they made, how they would allocate the costs. So that is a 
+benefit, I guess, that you would argue they feel strongly 
+enough financially to be able to shift.
+    Mr. Butler. Exactly. And there is no way that Xerox would 
+then be paying 100 basis points as a corporate business 
+expense. They have just figured out what the fixed cost is for 
+each participant in the plan, and it is probably about $50 a 
+year to keep track of the money, per person.
+    Chairman Miller [continuing]. Xerox is not a small 
+business, with, you know, 100, 150 employees. So there is some 
+    Mr. Chambers. I think you need to look at it as an employer 
+contribution to the plan. And Xerox could ask the employees to 
+pay whatever the amount is and be providing a larger employer 
+contribution in the form of a match or, perhaps, in a profit-
+sharing contribution. And the employees would be in the same 
+    So I think that you are correct, but there is another way 
+to do it, which is the way that a lot of employers are doing 
+    Mr. Hutcheson. Chairman Miller, I don't think that anybody 
+is suggesting radical open-heart surgery. I think what we are 
+suggesting is, is asking that plans be governed by prudent 
+fiduciaries in possession of full and correct information. Once 
+they are in possession of all the information, if they want 
+bells and whistles, and the fiduciaries certainly have the 
+discretion to purchase them on behalf of the participants and 
+beneficiaries to whom they serve.
+    Without full information, the fiduciaries are impeded. And 
+if we have a seller and a fully informed buyer, the free market 
+system will take care of this. But as it is today, the 
+purchasers of retirement services do not understand, not even 
+the Department of Labor fully understands what the nature of 
+the economics are or is.
+    And, thus, we have a situation. That is what needs to be 
+remedies. We need to empower the fiduciaries with correct, full 
+information, and let knowledgeable fiduciaries and the 
+knowledgeable deliverers of services negotiate on equal 
+    Mr. Chambers. I don't disagree with that at all. I think we 
+need to maintain confidence in this system. I think we need to 
+improve confidence in this system.
+    And I think that, again, all of us on the panel agree that 
+there needs to be another methodology of providing this 
+information to all three of the constituencies that we have 
+been discussing, participants, and the fiduciaries, and the 
+government, in order to pursue this. I don't disagree with that 
+at all.
+    But I think it is important to make sure, as I have 
+mentioned before, that the cost of doing this is not going to 
+overwhelm the benefit that comes from it, that, in fact, we 
+wind up not diminishing end-of-the-road retirement benefits, 
+simply because we have overemphasized fees, compared to all of 
+the other important considerations that go into the 
+administration of these plans and the investment of their 
+    Chairman Miller. Should the plan sponsor know whether or 
+not there is conflicting financial arrangements for the 
+placement of those funds?
+    Mr. Chambers. I think that the plan sponsor needs to 
+understand what the relationships are. And I think, then, that 
+the plan sponsor needs to make a decision as to whether there 
+is a conflict there, whether the conflict is----
+    Chairman Miller. So they should have the information? You 
+would agree that they should have the information?
+    Mr. Chambers. I think that they need to have information 
+relating to what the role of each service provider is. And then 
+they can decide whether or not there is a conflict.
+    One of the issues that are out there is that you may have a 
+service provider that has a relationship at this end of the 
+spectrum with a financial organization, and you have entirely 
+independent people working at that plan level. So the question 
+is, is there a conflict?
+    There may be a conflict in an entirely unrelated area. Does 
+the administrator or the plan sponsor need to know that? I 
+think it would be very helpful, but I am not sure that in every 
+situation you are going to be able to provide that information.
+    Ms. Bovbjerg. Which is why recommended the Congress amend 
+ERISA to explicitly require service providers to provide that 
+information to plan sponsors.
+    Chairman Miller. If ``A'' is placing their funds with 
+``B,'' and ``B'' is getting money from ``C,'' that in itself is 
+an important piece of information.
+    Mr. Chambers. Right. How about if a bank is a lender to a 
+particular organization, you know, is a primary lender or is 
+involved--that is why I am saying----
+    Chairman Miller. Well, with all due respect, you know, 
+those questions are answered every day in the courtrooms of 
+this country, because among the biggest players in this field, 
+they are suing one another over exactly those relationships.
+    We just saw a whole series of arrangements in the mutual 
+fund industry, 3, 4, 5 years ago, where all kinds of privileges 
+were extended based upon other arrangements. People were 
+allowed to trade after 4 o'clock. People were allowed to not 
+mark to market. People were allowed to go over until the next 
+    You know, and they were based upon loans and placements of 
+funds. I mean, that goes on in the financial services industry 
+every day. Big clients get privileges, and connected people get 
+privileges. So this goes on all the time.
+    The question is, you know, my little firm, and I am trying 
+to take care of my employees, should I know whether the person 
+I am working with has these financial relationships? I will 
+then make a decision about whether I think that is impacting or 
+not impacting, or it may come back to me a year later when I 
+see what happens. I may say, ``Whoa, whoa, let's go back and 
+see what that relationship was.''
+    Mr. Chambers. I believe, sir, that if you are limiting this 
+primarily to the retirement plan context, I think, then, that 
+it would be possible to come up with a reasonable way of 
+creating disclosure that is beneficial.
+    But as I was mentioning, I think it is very difficult--if I 
+decide that I want to go to a bank to serve as the trustee of 
+my retirement plan, and it turns out that that bank is the 
+primary lender to an organization that is providing retirement 
+services to me, all right, is that a conflict? And how is it 
+that somebody is supposed to be disclosing that too me?
+    Chairman Miller. That may or may not be. Again, when people 
+look back over transactions, very often they all of a sudden 
+recognize a conflict that they didn't recognize at the time. So 
+the information is important.
+    It has been very important to the SEC. It has been very 
+important to states' attorneys generals and to others, because 
+patterns do develop. We just saw a pattern develop of inside 
+trading. There, the enforcement officers recognized it for the 
+investment firm, and then they decided they would cut 
+themselves in on it. You know, we just went through the arrest 
+here this last week.
+    So the information is important, not only at the time you 
+can make your judgment, whether you think that is right or 
+wrong; it may be important down the road, if a pattern develops 
+or these people have relationships. You know, it may not be 
+about your fund, but it may be about all of the investors that 
+come there and the fund they go to.
+    You may be part of a larger piece of action. That is all I 
+am saying. So I just am asking whether or not that arrangement, 
+in and of itself, should be a piece of information that is 
+available. I am not determining whether it is a conflict or not 
+a conflict, simply whether that disclosure is important.
+    And most of these things that concern me about little 
+people, it is because I see the big guys fighting it out. You 
+know, they are battling over their pension plans, very large 
+corporations, because somebody decided they were going to dip 
+their hand into other people's money, with an insignificant 
+fee, and they could drain it off.
+    I mean, that is sort of the nature of financial abuse in 
+the financial services industry. People come up with these 
+schemes sort of, you know, every full moon.
+    Any other questions?
+    [Additional statements for the record follow:]
+    [The prepared statement of Mr. Altmire follows:]
+Prepared Statement of Hon. Jason Altmire, a Representative in Congress 
+                     From the State of Pennsylvania
+    Thank you, Mr. Chairman, for holding this important hearing on 
+``Hidden 401(k) Fees,'' and for your continued leadership on issues of 
+great importance to America's working families.
+    I would like to extend a warm welcome to today's witnesses. I thank 
+all of you for taking the time to be here and look forward to hearing 
+from you.
+    In recent years, 401 (k) plans have emerged as the most common way 
+for Americans to save for their retirement. Currently, nearly 50 
+million employees are enrolled in 401(k) plans as compared to 
+approximately 20 million employees who are enrolled in traditional 
+pension plans. With the rise of the number of employees using 401 (k) 
+plans to prepare for their retirement, we must work to ensure that 
+their plans operate as efficiently as possible.
+    Many have raised concerns about the operation of 401(k) plans. The 
+most common complaint is that administrative and management fees for 
+401 (k) plans are not clearly defined and delineated. Many of these 
+fees nickel and dime the retirement savings of employees who may not 
+even be aware of their existence. I share these concerns and believe 
+that these fees should be properly disclosed, rather than simply 
+deducted from the account balances of employees.
+    I also believe that we should do more to encourage employees to 
+invest in 401 (k) plans and properly prepare for their retirement. 
+While there is no doubt that it is increasingly difficult for workers 
+to plan for a secure retirement, there is much that can be done to make 
+this security more attainable. I look forward to hearing our witness' 
+ideas on this issue.
+                                 ______
+    [The prepared statement of Mr. Hare follows:]
+Prepared Statement of Hon. Phil Hare, a Representative in Congress From 
+                         the State of Illinois
+    Since the beginning of the 110th Congress, the Education and Labor 
+Committee has been investigating what has been termed the ``middle 
+class squeeze,'' referring to the challenges the majority of Americans 
+face in acquiring financial stability, affording high healthcare costs, 
+saving for college and building retirement security, despite having 
+jobs with strong wages. I am happy to see today we are reviewing the 
+issue of retirement and the roadblocks involved in pension and 
+retirement plans that make it difficult for the middle class to build 
+retirement security.
+    There is no doubt that we all support employer-sponsored retirement 
+plans and would like to help facilitate the expansion of those plans by 
+providing the support and assistance employers need. However, I will 
+not support efforts that do this on the backs of hard-working 
+employees. The discussion about hidden fees in 401(k) plans, which the 
+majority of American workers have, is extremely upsetting to me. Full 
+disclosure of these fees is critical so that employees have full 
+knowledge about their investments and the ability to compare plans to 
+choose the best one for them.
+Questions for the Panel
+     Mr. Chambers: Would requiring the disclosure of these fees 
+discourage employers from offering retirement plans because of 
+increased administrative costs? What do your clients need from the 
+federal government in order to provide reasonable retirement options 
+for their employees?
+     Ms. Bovbjerg: We as Members of Congress are privileged in 
+that we have the best retirement plan in the world--the Thrift Savings 
+Plan (TSP). The government will match employee contributions to this 
+plan up to 5%. We also have the choice among many investment options. 
+What can we do as legislators either through better disclosure 
+reporting or financial offsets to expand TSP-type plans to all sectors 
+of the American workforce?
+     Mr. Hutcheson: How did this ``culture'' come to be that 
+has allowed unscrupulous extractions from the bank accounts of 
+hardworking Americans? How do we reestablish the integrity of our 
+retirement structure? Can disclosure or elimination of hidden fees do 
+it alone? And, what options do employees have once they know about the 
+hidden fees they are paying?
+                                 ______
+    Chairman Miller. Well, thank you very much. I think your 
+testimony and your comments and your responses to the members 
+of the committee have been very helpful for this initial 
+hearing. And we would hope that you would agree with Mr. 
+McKeon, that you would continue to serve as a source of 
+information to us, as we continue this discussion.
+    Thank you. The committee will stand adjourned. Thank you.
+    [Whereupon, at 12:55 p.m., the committee was adjourned.]