diff --git "a/data/CHRG-111/CHRG-111hhrg47035.txt" "b/data/CHRG-111/CHRG-111hhrg47035.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/data/CHRG-111/CHRG-111hhrg47035.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,4478 @@ + + - LONG-TERM SUSTAINABILITY OF CURRENT DEFENSE PLANS +
+[House Hearing, 111 Congress]
+[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
+                                HEARING
+                               before the
+                        COMMITTEE ON THE BUDGET
+                        HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
+                             FIRST SESSION
+                               __________
+                               __________
+                            Serial No. 111-2
+                               __________
+           Printed for the use of the Committee on the Budget
+                       Available on the Internet:
+       http://www.gpoaccess.gov/congress/house/budget/index.html
+                               ----------
+                         U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 
+47-035 PDF                       WASHINGTON : 2009 
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+Washington, DC 20402-0001 
+                        COMMITTEE ON THE BUDGET
+             JOHN M. SPRATT, Jr., South Carolina, Chairman
+ALLYSON Y. SCHWARTZ, Pennsylvania    PAUL RYAN, Wisconsin,
+MARCY KAPTUR, Ohio                     Ranking Minority Member
+XAVIER BECERRA, California           JEB HENSARLING, Texas
+LLOYD DOGGETT, Texas                 SCOTT GARRETT, New Jersey
+EARL BLUMENAUER, Oregon              MARIO DIAZ-BALART, Florida
+MARION BERRY, Arkansas               MICHAEL K. SIMPSON, Idaho
+ALLEN BOYD, Florida                  PATRICK T. McHENRY, North Carolina
+JAMES P. McGOVERN, Massachusetts     CONNIE MACK, Florida
+NIKI TSONGAS, Massachusetts          K. MICHAEL CONAWAY, Texas
+BOB ETHERIDGE, North Carolina        JOHN CAMPBELL, California
+BETTY McCOLLUM, Minnesota            JIM JORDAN, Ohio
+CHARLIE MELANCON, Louisiana          CYNTHIA M. LUMMIS, Wyoming
+JOHN A. YARMUTH, Kentucky            STEVE AUSTRIA, Ohio
+ROBERT E. ANDREWS, New Jersey        ROBERT B. ADERHOLT, Alabama
+ROSA L. DeLAURO, Connecticut,        DEVIN NUNES, California
+CHET EDWARDS, Texas                  GREGG HARPER, Mississippi
+ROBERT C. ``BOBBY'' SCOTT, Virginia
+JAMES R. LANGEVIN, Rhode Island
+RICK LARSEN, Washington
+GWEN MOORE, Wisconsin
+                           Professional Staff
+            Thomas S. Kahn, Staff Director and Chief Counsel
+                 Austin Smythe, Minority Staff Director
+                            C O N T E N T S
+                                                                   Page
+Hearing held in Washington, DC, February 4, 2009.................     1
+Statement of:
+    Hon. John M. Spratt, Jr., Chairman, House Committee on the 
+      Budget.....................................................     1
+        Questions for the record.................................    72
+    Hon. Paul Ryan, ranking minority member, House Committee on 
+      the Budget.................................................     2
+    Hon. Rick Larsen, a Representative in Congress from the State 
+      of Washington, prepared statement of.......................     3
+    Stephen Daggett, specialist in defense policy and budgets, 
+      Congressional Research Service.............................     3
+        Prepared statement of....................................     9
+        Responses to questions for the record....................    57
+    J. Michael Gilmore, Assistant Director, Congressional Budget 
+      Office.....................................................    20
+        Prepared statement of....................................    26
+        Responses to questions for the record....................    72
+    Hon. Steve Austria, a Representative in Congress from the 
+      State of Ohio, questions for the record....................    56
+    Hon. Rosa L. DeLauro, a Representative in Congress from the 
+      State of Connecticut, questions for the record.............    56
+    Hon. James R. Langevin, a Representative in Congress from the 
+      State of Rhode Island, questions for the record............    73
+                      LONG-TERM SUSTAINABILITY OF
+                         CURRENT DEFENSE PLANS
+                              ----------                              
+                      WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2009
+                          House of Representatives,
+                                   Committee on the Budget,
+                                                    Washington, DC.
+    The committee met, pursuant to call, at 10:05 a.m. in room 
+210, Cannon House Office Building, Hon. John Spratt [chairman 
+of the committee] presiding.
+    Present: Representatives Spratt, Schwartz, Becerra, 
+Blumenauer, McGovern, McCollum, Melancon, Scott, Larsen, 
+Doggett, Berry, Yarmuth, Connolly, Kaptur, Tsongas, Etheridge, 
+Langevin, Ryan, Hensarling, Simpson, Nunes, Harper and Lummis.
+    Chairman Spratt. Call the meeting to order.
+    I first would thank our witnesses and, for that matter, 
+everyone else for coming to the hearing this morning on the 
+long-term sustainability of our current defense plans.
+    Our object in this hearing is a better understanding of 
+defense spending increases over the last 8 years and some 
+notion, at least we hope to come out with, of the 
+sustainability of concurrent defense plans for 2010 and beyond.
+    Over the past 8 years, the defense funding level has 
+enjoyed a--defense spending has enjoyed a rather permissive 
+environment; and it has increased at a rapid rate. The so-
+called base, or our non-war budget, increased between 7 and 8 
+percent; and the cost of our deployments in Iraq and 
+Afghanistan increased steadily each year, surpassing $185 
+billion in the year 2008. As a result, total defense spending, 
+Function 050, more than doubled over this period, rising from 
+$335 billion in 2001 to $691 billion in 2008.
+    Defense spending in real terms is now at its highest level 
+since World War II. So it is reasonable to ask, can this trend 
+continue? Given our fiscal condition, the receding economy, 
+surging deficits, annual increases in defense on par with what 
+we have seen over the last 8 years are not going to be easy to 
+accommodate in the budget.
+    Secretary Gates implied as much himself. In his testimony 
+recently before the House and Senate Armed Services Committees, 
+he told the committee, and I quote, the spigot of defense 
+spending opened by 9/11 is closing. He also said that the 
+Defense Department is going to have to differentiate between, 
+quote, those things that are desirable as opposed to those 
+things that are truly needed.
+    Now, let there be no mistake about it. I have been on the 
+Armed Services Committee for all of the 26 years I have been 
+here, and I have been a stalwart supporter of national defense. 
+We will spend whatever we need to see that our national 
+security needs are met. Only now more than ever, given the 
+budget we have got, we must ensure that we do so in a fiscally 
+sound manner.
+    For the government to make fiscally sound, responsible 
+decisions it must first have a full accounting of its policies, 
+including both DOD's base defense plans and its prospective war 
+plans. Over the past 8 years, such an accounting has been 
+    The government must also assess options, identify cost 
+pressures, explore tradeoffs and assess opportunity costs; and 
+this is what we want to begin exploring today. We have two 
+excellent witnesses for this purpose. Michael Gilmore is the 
+Assistant Director for National Security at the Congressional 
+Budget Office; and Steve Daggett, an expert in defense policy, 
+and budgeting in particular, at the Congressional Research 
+    I welcome you both, and I thank you for your willingness to 
+come before the committee and for your excellent testimony, 
+which I have read. I think you will be two good witnesses to 
+help us understand past trends in defense spending and any 
+implications for the future, long-term cost implications of the 
+defense plans that we have in place now.
+    But before turning to either one of you, I want to turn to 
+Mr. Ryan, the ranking member from Wisconsin, and ask him for 
+any opening statement he cares to make.
+    Mr. Ryan. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
+    Our conference is just winding down, so I expect our 
+members to start coming soon.
+    Clearly, the bulk of Congress' attention has been focused 
+on and remains to be focused on addressing the current crisis 
+in our economy. But dealing with the economic crisis does not 
+excuse or even diminish Congress' responsibility to the primary 
+role of the Federal Government, and that is our national 
+defense. So even as the economy has replaced the global war on 
+terrorism on the front page, it does not replace our commitment 
+to those on the front lines. Our job, as it has always been, is 
+to ensure that American soldiers have the best available to 
+    But as this hearing will point out, DOD's plan far exceeds 
+what has been budgeted. Just as in the civilian sector, DOD's 
+health care spending is increasing at an unsustainable rate; 
+and, just as in the rest of the budget, these costs are 
+beginning to eat into their discretionary budget. So I have a 
+particular interest in hearing from both witnesses about what 
+DOD is doing or at least planning to do to address this 
+particular problem.
+    Finally, as everyone on the committee is well aware, DOD 
+did not receive a clean audit last year. It has, in fact, been 
+on GAO's high-risk list for as long as I can personally 
+remember; and, regrettably, I have not heard any indication 
+that these problems will be resolved in the near future.
+    My point here is that, while we must ensure our troops are 
+fully funded, we cannot simply throw money at the Pentagon 
+without proper oversight and accountability. I look forward to 
+exploring our witnesses and the drivers behind DOD's growing 
+budgets and how, together with Congress, it might be more 
+efficiently transparently met in this important mission.
+    Thank you.
+    Chairman Spratt. Thank you, Mr. Ryan.
+    One further housekeeping detail, I ask unanimous consent 
+that all members be allowed at this point to submit an opening 
+statement for the record.
+    Hearing no objection, so ordered.
+    [The prepared statement of Mr. Larsen follows:]
+ Prepared Statement of Hon. Rick Larsen, a Representative in Congress 
+                      From the State of Washington
+    Chairman Spratt, thank you for holding today's hearing on the Long-
+Term Sustainability of Current Defense Plans. I appreciate your 
+dedication to thoroughly examining all aspects of our nation's fiscal 
+    The previous Administration has left us with defense spending plans 
+that are both unsustainable and unrealistic. The Pentagon's base budget 
+has already reached its highest levels since World War II, and 
+executing current defense plans will result in the dramatic defense 
+spending increases for the foreseeable future. Plans to increase the 
+size of the military, maintain aging facilities and equipment, procure 
+new weapons, and develop more sophisticated technology all contribute 
+to unsustainable growth in defense spending.
+    Unbudgeted costs for wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will further 
+strain our defense budget in the coming years. The Congressional Budget 
+Office estimates that funding for these operations will cost nearly 
+$900 billion over the next ten years in addition to the Pentagon's base 
+    Earlier this month, media outlets reported that officials within 
+the Department of Defense were preparing a request for $587 billion in 
+defense spending in fiscal year 2010, a dramatic increase over the $513 
+billion provided by Congress in fiscal year 2009. The Bush 
+Administration projected that a defense budget of $527 billion in 
+fiscal year 2010 would be sufficient, and other media reports have 
+indicated that the Office of Management and Budget plans to adhere to 
+this budget cap. To be clear, an internal Defense Department document 
+requesting $587 billion is not a budget, it is a Christmas wish-list 
+from the military services. Congress will write and enact the defense 
+budget based on thorough discussions with military leaders, the 
+civilian leadership of the Defense Department, and the White House.
+    In the coming year, the Department of Defense and Congress must 
+make tough choices regarding future defense spending. As Secretary of 
+Defense Gates has said, we cannot buy everything and do everything. Our 
+nation faces enormous fiscal deficits, and our current recession will 
+only make budget shortfalls worse. Facing this budgetary reality, we 
+will need to scrutinize each major weapons program to reduce costs 
+while ensuring that our military personnel have the tools they need to 
+meet the threats we face.
+    I look forward to working with you, Chairman Spratt, both here on 
+the Budget Committee and on the Armed Services Committee, to ensure 
+that our future defense spending plans are both sustainable and 
+consistent with our national security objectives.
+    Chairman Spratt. In addition, for the record, let me note, 
+if there is no objection, we will have the full written 
+statement of Mr. Daggett and Mr. Gilmore entered in the record, 
+so that you can summarize it as you see fit.
+    But, today, we have one panel, two witnesses and some 
+excellent testimony, so I encourage you to take your time to 
+give us a thorough review of what you have said.
+    And, Mr. Daggett, let us begin with you, sir. Or Mr. 
+Gilmore. I will let the two of you settle it out.
+    Mr. Gilmore. It is your preference, Mr. Chairman.
+    Mr. Daggett. I am glad to start out.
+    Mr. Chairman, thanks very much for the invitation to 
+    Mr. Spratt, you and I go back I think 25 years or so now, 
+so it is really a pleasure to see you. But I have to say I 
+particularly appreciate you asking me to be on a panel with 
+Mike today. I know that, whatever question you ask, one of us 
+at least will be able to answer it. Mike has done--Mike's work 
+at CBO really has been the definitive work on the cost of long-
+term defense plans that all of us in town really use for 
+further analysis.
+    Chairman Spratt. Let me interrupt you here at this point, 
+    Recall when we launched the second Persian Gulf War against 
+Iraq, CBO was the first to say, if this going to be a long 
+undertaking, you have got manpower and rotational problems that 
+the DOD did not acknowledge to us. CBO was on the front lines 
+of that. You have done some excellent work also in projecting 
+defense budgets. So we have got two good, disinterested experts 
+here; and we are glad to have both of you.
+    Mr. Daggett. Thanks.
+    Mr. Chairman, if you look at what the leaders of the 
+military services have said, what defense industry analysts 
+have said, what analysts in think tanks have said, you come 
+away with a strong sense that there is a real gap in the 
+defense budget, a real mismatch between the cost of planned 
+programs and what most are projecting will be the likely trend 
+in the defense budget.
+    The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs has said that defense 
+spending ought to be kept to a floor of 4 percent of GDP, which 
+by my calculations would mean adding about $100 billion in 2010 
+to the defense budget to accommodate. Each of the military 
+services has said similar things.
+    The Chiefs of Staff and the Secretary of the Air Force for 
+the past couple of years have been saying that the Air Force 
+needs about $20 billion more per year in acquisition accounts 
+to accommodate its planned program. To put that into context, 
+the overall Air Force acquisition budget, which is weapons 
+procurement plus R&D, was scheduled to go from about $63 
+billion in 2009 up to about $70 billion by 2013. So, in effect, 
+they are saying they are about 30 percent short in the amount 
+of money available for the program that they want.
+    The Army has said similar things. They are projecting about 
+130 or $140 billion base budget, and they are saying that their 
+annual requirements are on the order of 170 to $180 billion. A 
+big piece of that is for war costs that they are concerned 
+might not be funded if the war is financed out of the base 
+budget without an accommodating increase in it.
+    The Navy has just increased estimates of the cost of its 
+30-year shipbuilding plan quite substantially and says now that 
+there is a shortfall over the next few years in fighter 
+aircraft procurement. So, by all accounts, there appears to be 
+a gap between projected budgets and the cost of the program.
+    If you look, on the other hand, at the overall level of 
+defense spending, you have to ask why that is true. If I look 
+at defense in a historical context, as you noted, the 2008 
+budget is high by any historical standard. It is actually about 
+20 percent bigger after adjusting for inflation than the budget 
+in 1985, which was the peak in the post Cold War period, except 
+for one year in Korea.
+    The overall defense budget, just the base defense budget, 
+excluding supplemental appropriations, has increased by 43 
+percent above inflation since 1998, which is about as large as 
+the buildup in the first Reagan administration. By the middle 
+of the Reagan administration the Defense Department felt that 
+programs were pretty well-funded, and we really did 
+recapitalize the force with budgets in the 1980s.
+    A comparison that I like to do--and if we have slides up it 
+would be one of the first slides--this is a slide that just 
+shows the trend, the historical trend in the base defense 
+budget, not including war-related funding going back to the end 
+of the Korean War. And what it shows is that, on average, the 
+defense budget has increased by about 2.1 percent per year 
+above inflation year after year. In some years, the trend has 
+been above the average; in some years, it has been below. In 
+2009, which is a measure I use, the budget is actually about 8 
+percent above the historical trend.
+    So, again, by historical standards, the budget appears 
+relatively high. So the question I pose is, why the disconnect? 
+Why on the one hand do the budgets appear relatively robust and 
+on the other hand we hear from the military services that 
+budgets are very tight and getting tighter?
+    I have six answers to that question, and I will just 
+briefly go over each of them, and then I will leave that as a 
+basis for discussion.
+    The first factor is just the increasing cost of military 
+personnel, and if you look at the next slide that tracks it. 
+This is a slide that shows the cost of a military service 
+member, active duty military service member, index to inflation 
+and then index to 1972, which is the inception of the all-
+volunteer force.
+    If you look at the trend, it tracks with what you would 
+think. The cost of a service member declined in the 1970s 
+because pay raises didn't keep up with inflation.
+    There were big catch-up pay raises in 1980 under the Carter 
+administration; in 1981, under Reagan, 11.7 percent and then 
+14.3 percent. So about a 25 percent pay raise over a 2-year 
+    The trend in the 1980s and 1990s was a very modest 
+increase, if any increase at all, but then it shot up like a 
+rocket after about 1999. By my numbers, a military service 
+member in 2009 is 45 percent more expensive above inflation, in 
+addition to inflation, than in 1998. And there are a lot of 
+factors that went into that.
+    There were pay raises of the employment cost index plus 
+one-half percent in 7 of the last 8 years. There were three 
+rounds of pay cable reform in which people in the middle grades 
+got larger pay raises to improve retention. There were very big 
+increases in the basic allowance for housing to eliminate on-
+base versus off-base discrepancies in housing costs. That is on 
+the take-home-pay side of the equation.
+    There were also very big increases in deferred benefits, 
+particularly in retirement benefits, the biggest one being 
+TRICARE for Life in which 65 and over military retirees may now 
+use TRICARE as a second care to Medicare for military medical 
+care; and that is a pretty expensive benefit. DOD pays into the 
+military retirement fund about $10 billion a year for the cost 
+of TRICARE for Life, which is 10 percent of the entire military 
+pay and benefits package. So a hugely expensive benefit.
+    The second factor driving up costs is reflected in the next 
+slide, and that is the ongoing trend in operation and 
+maintenance costs. Operation and maintenance is one of the 
+titles of the Defense Appropriations Act.
+    If you go back again to the end of the Korean War, take out 
+recent war costs, index it for inflation and look at what the 
+trend is relative to the size of the force per active duty 
+troop, it increases over time at a pace of about 2-\1/2\ 
+percent per year above base inflation. The question is, is that 
+a problem? And my answer is I think you can make a strong case 
+that it is.
+    That rate of growth above inflation is not as high as in 
+some sectors of the economy, like health care, but we are all 
+concerned that health care costs are eating into Federal 
+budgets and undermining efficiency in lots of areas of the 
+economy. And while the trend in defense operation and 
+maintenance isn't as high it is still significant, and it is at 
+odds with trends in the overall economy in which the trend has 
+generally been in the opposite direction, the direction of 
+improved efficiency, rather than less efficiency.
+    There are a lot of factors that explain that. Part of it is 
+that a large part of the O&M budget is comprised of pay of 
+civilian personnel, and pay of civilian personnel has increased 
+over time in real terms above inflation, as it should. But in 
+return for that you would also look for increased deficiency; 
+fewer people doing more work. We don't seem to have achieved 
+that across the board.
+    Another factor is increasing medical costs, which are a big 
+part of the operation and maintenance account. DOD is terribly 
+concerned about that.
+    Another factor is the cost of weapons operation and 
+maintenance. The Air Force has complained for many years that, 
+as its aircraft have aged, the cost of operating and 
+maintaining them has climbed. It also appears to be the case 
+that newer generations of weapon systems are more expensive 
+rather than less expensive to operate and maintain, which again 
+is at odds with the trend in the civilian sector.
+    What appears to be happening is that, although DOD is to 
+some degree pursuing improvements in reliability and 
+maintainability, when the final decision is made on what to 
+procure they are really going after performance. And 
+performance comes at a price, including difficulties in 
+operational and maintenance accounts.
+    The fourth factor--a third factor, excuse me, driving up 
+the cost of defense which is reflected in a table that I showed 
+you is increasing intergenerational costs in major weapons 
+programs. Again, that is the next slide.
+    This is a slide that compares the number of various--number 
+of weapon systems in various categories procured in fiscal year 
+1985 and in fiscal year 2008. Those years are quite comparable 
+in that the total acquisition budget in both years--that is, 
+again, the amount of procurement plus R&D--is pretty close. It 
+was about $240 billion in 2008 and, if you adjust for 
+inflation, about $220 billion in fiscal year 1985. So pretty 
+comparable amounts of money. But, in 2008, the budget is buying 
+many, many fewer units of many different categories of weapon 
+systems--aircraft, ships, missiles--pretty much across the 
+board. That is a very simple measure of intergenerational cost 
+growth in major weapons programs.
+    If you consider, for example, the F-35 fighter aircraft, 
+which is going to be the mainstay both for the Air Force and 
+for the Navy and Marine Corps in the future, the unit flyaway 
+cost of the F-35 is now projected to be $83 million a copy. In 
+1985, the low-cost fighter for the Air Force, which is the kind 
+of equivalent of the F-35, was the F-16. In today's prices, in 
+1985 the F-16 cost about $30 million apiece. So an increase 
+from 30 million to 80 or $85 million a copy. That is not 
+atypical of trends in weapons costs.
+    There certainly is a rationale for spending more on weapons 
+over time because you get more capability in return. The issue 
+is, has the tradeoff between the number of systems you can buy 
+and the capability gotten to a point of diminishing returns? 
+Secretary Gates is arguing really that it has and that we need 
+to take, therefore, a very close look at the investment cost of 
+weapons and the capabilities we are trying to build into new 
+generations of weapons.
+    A fourth and very closely related factor that I look at 
+independently from intergenerational cost growth in major 
+weapons programs is systematic underestimation of costs on the 
+part of DOD. The General Accounting Office has for the last 6 
+years taken a careful look at the status of major weapons 
+programs in DOD, and this is a table that GAO provided, which 
+shows what is going on in cost estimation, and it is not moving 
+in the right direction.
+    One way to look at this slide is in what they did was 
+compare the portfolio of what we call major defense acquisition 
+programs. That is the major weapons programs above certain 
+thresholds in cost in the system in 2000, 2005 and then in 
+2007. And if you compare cost estimation in 2000 with the 
+accuracy of cost estimation in 2007, it has gotten worse over 
+time. On average, in 2000, DOD underestimated the R&D cost of 
+weapons programs by about 27 percent, which in itself is not 
+very good. But, in 2007, they underestimated R&D costs by an 
+average of 44 percent. If you look at it from the point of view 
+of the impact on the overall budget, cost growth in the 2007 
+inventory of major weapons is projected now to total about $300 
+billion, which is more than a year's worth of weapons 
+acquisition, and it is about 18 percent cost growth over 
+initial projections. So, in effect, we are losing almost one-
+fifth--we are losing our ability to acquire almost one-fifth of 
+the weapons we plan to buy because we underestimate cost.
+    The fifth factor driving costs up has been the 
+reorganization in the Army. The Army was criticized in the 
+1990s for not reorganizing itself very rapidly to be a more 
+deployable force. Throughout the 1990s, it still had pretty 
+much a kind of Cold War-oriented force which was designed to be 
+mobilized for one big war, rather than to be able to be 
+deployed on a rotational basis or expeditionary basis, as we 
+say, abroad. Just as the war in Iraq was beginning, they were 
+beginning to reorganize into a more modular force; and then the 
+war in Iraq also had some lessons with it.
+    All of that has conspired to really drive up the cost of 
+the Army, much of it as I think a one-time cost but some of it 
+ongoing cost as well. Modularization in the Army is projected 
+to cost in all about $50 billion. Much of that has been paid 
+for already, mainly in supplemental appropriations, but there 
+remains some costs to be accommodated for finishing the 
+modularization of the Army.
+    There has also been an increase of 92,000 troops in the 
+Army and the Marine Corps, 65,000 in the Army and 27,000 in the 
+Marine Corps. Once that is fully in place, that will add to 
+military personnel and directly related operation and 
+maintenance costs about $13 billion a year. So that is built 
+into long-term budgets as a long-term increase.
+    And then, in addition to that, the lesson of the war has 
+been that the Army has taken away as one of the lessons of the 
+war that it systematically underfunded what we used to call 
+minor procurement for things like force protection equipment, 
+communications and transportation. So that to outfit the Army 
+in the future on an ongoing basis requires a substantially 
+larger ongoing capital investment.
+    Add to that the need to provide equipment for Army National 
+Guard combat units at a much higher level than we used to do in 
+the past. Then you further increase costs. In the past, 
+National Guard units were regarded as likely to be mobilized 
+only very rarely in the event of a major war, and they were 
+equipped largely with material cascaded from the active duty 
+forces. Well, now they are part of the rotation base, so they 
+need to be equipped at a level much closer to that of active 
+duty forces. So all that is driving the cost of the Army 
+substantially higher.
+    And then a final factor which is much harder to quantify is 
+an expanded range of, as DOD puts it, challenges for which they 
+think we need to prepare. And that is the next chart. This is 
+what DOD calls the quad chart or the four challenges chart.
+    And what it does is--it is an interesting beginning point 
+for discussion, I think. What it does is break down the kinds 
+of challenges DOD thinks we will face in the future into 
+various categories, and it organizes them according to 
+vulnerability and the likelihood that they may materialize.
+    So DOD's official assessment is that the likelihood of what 
+they call traditional state-on-state, force-on-force conflict 
+is relatively low; and we are relatively not vulnerable to that 
+because we are so militarily capable in those areas.
+    Irregular warfare has a high likelihood, 100 percent 
+likelihood. We are engaged in it now. But they also argue our 
+vulnerability to it being damaging to the U.S. per se is 
+relatively low because we can manage it.
+    Catastrophic dangers, terrorists armed with weapons of mass 
+destruction are, they say, a high likelihood and also high 
+vulnerability. So that obviously would be a focus of additional 
+investment in the future.
+    And then a new category that is interesting for discussion 
+they refer to as disruptive challenges. Others, including near 
+peer competitors in the future, trying to identify areas of 
+U.S. weakness and exploit those militarily. So things like 
+anti-satellite weapons or cyber warfare or other efforts to 
+exploit the vulnerabilities of our communications networks and 
+energy dependence and so on.
+    The investment implications of this, part of it is clear 
+and part of it is not. Presumably, what this suggests is we 
+should invest less money over time in traditional capabilities, 
+because the likelihood of that kind of conflict is low and we 
+are pretty strong in that area. That is hard to do. That 
+involves taking a very hard look at the kinds of weapon systems 
+we are currently building and making some choices among them. 
+Whether we will actually be able to do that to what extent 
+therefore to me is very unclear.
+    For the rest, most of these additional challenges appear to 
+me to be primarily additive to the base budget we already have; 
+and the cost of some of them could in the future be fairly 
+    There is an ongoing discussion of what disruptive 
+challenges we might face in the future. With China, it would be 
+likely to challenge us directly in a force-on-force way or more 
+likely to challenge us, if they do, with disruptive threats. 
+And there is a lot of thinking that suggests they are more 
+likely to challenge us in areas of our vulnerability.
+    With that, Mr. Chairman, those are what I see at least as 
+the main things driving the cost of defense higher over the 
+long term; and we can discuss further what we might want to do 
+about it in some questions.
+    Chairman Spratt. Thank you for an excellent presentation.
+    [The prepared statement of Stephen Daggett follows:]
+Prepared Statement of Stephen Daggett, Specialist in Defense Policy and 
+                Budgets, Congressional Research Service
+    Mr. Chairman, Members of the Committee, thank you very much for 
+inviting me to testify this morning on the sustainability of current 
+defense plans. This is an issue that appears to be rising very rapidly 
+toward the top of the defense policy agenda, even at a time when the 
+agenda is very crowded. Certainly, when you listen to the senior 
+leaders of the military services, you are hearing a great deal of 
+concern about the potential for a more or less severe mismatch, 
+beginning now and extending as far ahead as you care to look, between, 
+on the one hand, the cost of currently planned defense programs and, on 
+the other hand, what most see as the likely trend in the defense 
+    Admiral Mullen, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, has urged 
+repeatedly that the defense budget should stay at a floor of about 4% 
+of GDP, which, is about the current level of defense spending with war-
+related supplementals included.\1\ Department of Defense outlays in 
+FY2008, including war costs, were $595 billion, which was 4.2% of GDP. 
+Outlays for the overall national defense budget function were about 
+4.4% of GDP. If you apply the 4% target just to the Department of 
+Defense base budget, not including war costs, which is what Admiral 
+Mullen appeared to endorse in earlier statements, it would entail an 
+increase of about $100 billion in FY2010 compared to last year's 
+projection, and of even larger amounts in future years.
+    For their part, each of the military services has echoed Admiral 
+Mullen's plea for more money. The former Secretary and Chief of Staff 
+of the Air Force, for example, argued for the past couple of budget 
+cycles that the Air Force alone needed $20 billion more per year for 
+weapons acquisition.\2\ To put that into perspective, in last year's 
+six-year defense plan, acquisition funding--that is, procurement plus 
+R&D--in the Air Force base budget was scheduled to grow from $63 
+billion in FY2009 to $70 billion in FY2013. So the senior leaders of 
+the Air Force appeared to be saying, in effect, that their budget was 
+30% short of the amount they thought necessary for equipment.
+    The Army reportedly is now projecting ongoing budget requirements 
+of $170 to $180 billion a year, which is $30 to $40 billion per year 
+higher than currently projected base funding.\3\ The Navy has not been 
+so explicit, but last year increased substantially its estimates of the 
+cost of its 30 year shipbuilding plan, and it has warned of a 
+substantial shortfall in fighter aircraft inventories as well.
+    If you look at defense industry projections you'll get the same 
+message, as you will if you survey the spectrum of views among the 
+various Washington defense think tanks--most of them using CBO's 
+numbers, by the way--though prescriptions for what to do about it vary.
+    Part of the widespread concern about a budget shortfall has to do 
+with expectations about the trend in the overall defense budget--or 
+what defense budget planners refer to as the defense top line. Analysts 
+generally assume, first, that as the war in Iraq winds down, war-
+related supplemental appropriations will decline and ongoing war costs 
+will be absorbed into the regular, annual defense budget, and, second, 
+that the regular budget itself will be constrained because of budget 
+deficits and competing spending demands. Secretary of Defense Gates 
+said just last week before the Senate Armed Services Committee that 
+`the spigot of defense spending that opened on 9/11 is closing.'
+    For our part, CRS would rather not speculate about the top line 
+trend. We can all do the budget arithmetic--and the arithmetic 
+certainly leads you anticipate baseline budget deficits that exceed 
+what, in the past, led to limits on defense spending. But, how much to 
+spend for defense is, in the final analysis, a political decision for 
+Congress to make and there's no value added in our guessing about that.
+    Instead I want to focus on the other side of the equation, which is 
+the cost side--why things cost as much as they do, and what the 
+implications are for addressing the budget mismatch now and in the 
+                why does the defense budget seem tight?
+    If you look just at the total amount of money available for defense 
+in recent years--and projected for the next several years--it is not at 
+all apparent why there should be a budget shortfall of the magnitude 
+the military services are warning about. The overall, enacted 
+Department of Defense budget for FY2008 amounts to $656 billion, 
+including a base budget of $484 billion and supplemental appropriations 
+of $171 billion. We don't know the final FY2009 amount yet, because we 
+still have a supplemental funding request to consider.
+    After adjusting for inflation, the FY2008 total is about 20% higher 
+than the DOD budget in FY1985. FY1985 was the peak year of the buildup 
+of the 1980s and also the second highest DOD budget in the Cold War era 
+(the highest was in FY1952, during the Korean War). And the FY2008 
+amount is for an active duty force which was about 1/3 smaller than the 
+force in the 1980s. For weapons acquisition, that is, for procurement 
+plus research and development, the total in FY2008, when you include 
+supplemental funding, was about $240 billion. That is about the same as 
+the peak in FY1985, which was $220 billion in FY2008 prices--and the 
+FY2008 amount is, again, for a force about 1/3 smaller. So the FY2008 
+budget appears comparable to earlier peaks in defense spending.
+    Other measures suggest the same thing. One approach is to compare 
+current spending to the average trend in defense over time. If you 
+track the total DOD budget per active duty troop, excluding war costs, 
+funding has grown by a bit more than 2% per year above inflation on 
+average since the end of the Korean War (see Figure 1). In some years, 
+actual budgets were above the trend line, in other years, below it. In 
+FY2009, the overall DOD base budget, not including war costs, is about 
+8% above this historic trend line.
+    Another reference point is simply the growth of the defense budget 
+over the past few years. Considering just the base defense budget, 
+without including war-related funding, there has been a very large 
+increase in defense spending over the past ten years. In all, the DOD 
+base budget has grown by 43% above inflation since it reached its 
+lowest post-Cold War level in FY1998. That buildup is about the same as 
+the increase at the end of the Carter and beginning of the Reagan 
+Administrations--which was about 40% above inflation from FY1980-
+    If you take all of this together, you come away with the impression 
+that today's defense budget appears, by most historical standards, to 
+be quite robust. But listening to the military services, to defense 
+industry, to defense budget analysts in the think tanks you get a very 
+different impression--that even now the budget is tight, and that if 
+spending does not continue to climb, planners will face tougher and 
+tougher choices. So why the disconnect? CRS's analysis, quite bluntly, 
+is that the budget seems tight because the cost of almost everything we 
+been doing in defense has been accelerating upward too fast even for 
+growing budgets to keep up.
+    And what is driving the cost of defense higher? In what follows, I 
+will propose six answers to that question, and I will mention each of 
+them at least very briefly. Following that, I will very briefly discuss 
+a couple of themes that emerge from this analysis of defense cost 
+                the growing cost of uniformed personnel
+    The first factor driving up the price of defense is, simply, the 
+growing cost of uniformed military personnel. If you take the amount 
+provided for active duty military personnel in annual defense 
+appropriations bills, exclude supplemental appropriations, adjust for 
+inflation using the Consumer Price Index (CPI), and divide by the 
+number of active duty troops, again excluding war-related increments, 
+you will find that an average military service member is about 45% more 
+expensive, after adjusting for inflation, in FY2009 than in FY1998. 
+This does not include the cost of medical care for service members, 
+dependents, and recent retirees, which is financed in the operation and 
+maintenance accounts, and which also has grown substantially. Nor does 
+it include benefits that are not part of the national defense budget, 
+and which are not, therefore, among the cost tradeoffs that planners 
+directly face. These include tax advantages for service personnel and 
+veterans benefits, including VA medical and educational benefits.
+    A long term perspective on the price of military personnel is 
+reflected in Figure 2, which shows the cost of an individual active 
+duty service member indexed to the inception of the all volunteer force 
+in 1972. In brief, pay and benefits of military personnel declined in 
+the 1970s because annual pay raises didn't keep up with inflation; 
+jumped up in FY1980 and FY1981 with catch up pay raises of 11.7% and 
+then of 14.3%--that is, more than 25% over a two-year period; climbed 
+very modestly in the remainder of the 1980s and '90s; and then rocketed 
+up dramatically beginning in about FY1999.
+    The main increases over the past ten years include:
+     Congressionally mandated annual pay raises equal to the 
+Employment Cost Index (ECI) plus \1/2\ percent in seven of the last 
+eight years. The ECI is a measure of the average cost of pay and 
+benefits in the civilian economy. Since FY1982, pay raises had fallen 
+behind the growth of the ECI and the `ECI plus \1/2\' formula was 
+designed to catch up over a period of several years.
+     Three rounds of `pay table reform,' requested by the 
+Defense Department, which provided additional pay raises, sometimes of 
+as much as 10%, to middle grades in order to improve retention of 
+experienced personnel.
+     Substantial increases over several years, requested by the 
+Clinton Administration, in the non-taxable Basic Allowance for Housing 
+(BAH), intended to eliminate differences in out-of-pocket on-base and 
+off-base housing costs.
+    Those increases, along with changes in subsistence pay for 
+officers, bonuses and special pays, and some other things, are 
+reflected in higher take home paychecks of military personnel. In 
+addition, there have been very large increases in retirement benefits, 
+     Tricare-for-Life, enacted by Congress as part of the 
+FY2001 national defense authorization act, and implemented in FY2003, 
+which makes the military Tricare medical insurance system into a second 
+payer for Medicare for 65-and-older military retirees. DOD pays $10 to 
+$11 billion a year into the military retirement fund to cover future 
+costs of this new benefit for current uniformed personnel, which is 
+about 10% of the entire military pay and benefits package.
+     Concurrent receipt of military retired pay and veterans 
+disability payments for those with disabilities of 50% or more. Another 
+congressional initiative, this is paid for out of the national defense 
+budget function as a mandatory amount of about $5 billion a year.
+     Repeal of the `Redux' retirement plan, which had provided 
+somewhat lower retirement benefits to military personnel who enlisted 
+after 1986 than to earlier enlistees.
+     The elimination of social security offsets in pensions of 
+62 and older survivors of military retirees who chose dependent 
+benefits as part of their retirement.
+    Figure 3 shows the relative growth per troop in the major elements 
+of both take-home pay and deferred compensation in the military 
+personnel accounts, adjusted for inflation, between FY1998 and FY2009. 
+As noted earlier, with everything included, these elements of 
+compensation grew by 45% above inflation. Even if you leave out the 
+cost of Tricare-for-Life and concurrent receipt, military pay and 
+benefits would still have grown by 30% above inflation.
+    Before I go on with this discussion let me emphasize one point. The 
+purpose of doing this analysis is not to address whether military pay 
+and benefits are adequate or more than adequate or less than adequate. 
+A discussion of that question is certainly important, but it goes way 
+beyond the point I am making. The only purpose of this analysis is to 
+address the issue of budget tradeoffs. If only a given amount of money 
+is available for defense, the growing cost of personnel necessarily 
+comes at the expense of something else. Moreover, others have addressed 
+the issues of pay comparability, the value of deferred compensation, 
+promises of medical care in retirement, and other matters at great 
+length. Last year's Quadrennial Review of Military Compensation, for 
+example, can give you chapter and verse on all of the key measures of 
+compensation comparability.
+    That said, a couple of other points may also be worth noting. One 
+has to do with analyses which show that there has been a military `pay 
+gap'--i.e., that military pay has lagged behind average increases in 
+compensation in the civilian economy. Usually, the pay gap is measured 
+by comparing cumulative raises in military basic pay with a trend line 
+that starts with pay in FY1982, after the catch up raises of FY1980 and 
+FY1981, and adjusts upward annually by the amount of the Employment 
+Cost Index. Using this measure, there was a significant pay gap by the 
+end of the 1990s, which ECI plus + raises have been intended to 
+    In measuring military pay, however, it is important to note that 
+the amount service members take home every month includes both basic 
+pay and the basic allowance for housing--and you might also want to 
+include amounts for subsistence, which is provided both as pay and as a 
+direct service. While increases in basic pay may still fall somewhat 
+short of growth in the Employment Cost Index, when very large increases 
+in the basic allowance for housing are included, the pay gap, measured 
+as the FY1982 level adjusted for cumulative growth in the ECI, has been 
+made up in recent years.
+    One other issue may be a matter for some further discussion. A 
+frequently asked long-term budget question is whether it might be 
+cheaper to rely more on reserve than on active duty forces. In the 
+past, when Army National Guard (ARNG) combat units were, for the most 
+part, regarded as a strategic reserve that would be called up only in 
+the event of a major war, it was reasonable to calculate that Guard 
+units were cheaper than active duty forces. Personnel and operating 
+costs were typically 25-35% of those of active duty units, and 
+investment costs were less, as well, because Guard units were often 
+equipped with older material cascaded from active duty forces. Now, 
+however, ARNG units are no longer regarded as a strategic reserve, but 
+as an operational reserve available for regular deployment abroad. In 
+that role, Guard units no longer appear much cheaper per day of 
+availability--and might even be more expensive--than active duty 
+forces, since they are available for deployment for only a fraction of 
+the time of active units, and equipment levels must come closer to 
+matching those of active forces.
+          continued growth in operation and maintenance costs
+    A second cost driver is the continued, steady growth of operation 
+and maintenance budgets. If you put together a spread sheet that shows 
+defense funding back to end of the Korean war, exclude recent war 
+costs, divide annual O&M budgets by the number of active duty troops, 
+and adjust for inflation, you will come up with a trend line that grows 
+by somewhere between 2.5% and 3.0% above inflation every year--year 
+after year after year (see Figure 4).
+    It is a bit difficult to analyze why O&M grows at such a 
+relentless, steady pace, because the O&M budget covers all kinds of 
+very different activities--advertising and recruiting; basic and 
+advanced individual and unit training; professional military education; 
+fuel costs; transportation; medical care for service members, their 
+dependents, and some retirees; utility bills; facility maintenance and 
+repair; warehouse and supply operations; purchases of spare and repair 
+parts; day-to-day operation of weapons and equipment; overhauls, 
+including sometimes extensive upgrades, of weapons and equipment; 
+defense think tank studies of strategy and of trends in O&M; pay and 
+financial management; and management of much of the Defense Department.
+    There are, however, a few pieces of the picture that collectively 
+explain in very large part why O&M costs keep climbing.
+    One is that a very large share of the O&M budget goes to pay 
+civilian Department of Defense personnel. In the FY2009 base budget, 
+civilian pay in the O&M accounts was projected to total $53 billion, 
+about 30% of total O&M funding. While federal civilian pay and benefits 
+have not grown as rapidly as those of uniformed personnel, they have 
+outpaced the growth of inflation--as in most skilled occupations, 
+compensation of federal civilian workers has grown in real terms over 
+    Second, the O&M budget includes costs of operating and maintaining 
+major weapon systems. Those costs also appear to have increased faster 
+than base inflation, though the reasons are complicated. Military 
+service officials, particularly in the Air Force, have long argued that 
+aging equipment becomes progressively more and more expensive to 
+operate and maintain. CBO found some time ago that this was not a major 
+factor in O&M. On the other hand, though it may not add up in itself to 
+a huge amount of money, it may be one of a large number of individually 
+minor factors that should be considered in concert to explain the 
+larger trend.
+    Most observers also agree that new weapons are typically more 
+expensive to operate and maintain than earlier generations of similar 
+systems. Why this should be the case is very hard to explain. It is 
+certainly at odds with trends in the civilian sector, in which 
+reliability and maintainability of all kinds of goods have improved 
+dramatically--consider automobiles, household appliances, and, 
+especially, consumer electronics (leaving aside battery replacement). 
+It appears, however, that while military developers promise lower 
+operating costs, in the end they choose to pursue advances in 
+performance instead.
+    Third, the O&M budget includes most of the annual funding for 
+providing medical care to service members, their dependents, and many 
+retirees (it does not include $5-6 billion a year in military personnel 
+accounts for pay and benefits of unformed health care providers). DOD 
+officials see growing medical costs, which have climbed much faster 
+than overall inflation, as a critical long-term budget issue.
+    Fourth, and finally, the O&M budget finances operation and repair 
+of military facilities. As the quality of life in the civilian sector 
+improves, defense facilities also, in general, are expected to keep up, 
+which, in turn, also may drive up costs in real terms.
+    This list is by no means exhaustive, but may help to understand 
+some of the principal factors behind the continued growth of O&M costs. 
+The corollary question, then, is whether this is a problem. Some may 
+say no--that this is the cost of doing business and as long as growth 
+isn't excessive, it is simply a fact of life for which budgets need to 
+be adjusted. On the other hand, continued steady growth in the day-to-
+day cost of doing business appears to be at odds with experience in 
+many parts of the private sector, in which improved productivity is the 
+norm. The trend in defense O&M prices appears to be more similar to the 
+trend in health care costs--which is universally seen to be a problem--
+than to the trend in other economic activities.
+    Most importantly, within limited budgets, higher O&M costs will 
+crowd out other things. The effect of growing O&M costs on trade-offs 
+within the defense budget in the 1990s illustrates the issue. Defense 
+advocates often complain about the dramatic decline of weapons 
+procurement funding in the 1990s. Then-Secretary of Defense William 
+Perry, at the time, agreed, saying that the `procurement holiday' of 
+the early '90s had gone on long enough and needed to be reversed. The 
+Defense Department's target for many years was to get the procurement 
+budget up from the $45 billion range to at least $60 billion. While $60 
+billion for procurement appears quite constrained by today's standards, 
+achieving even that target proved elusive. The reason was the 
+continuing growth of overall O&M costs. Successive long-term defense 
+plans generally assumed that O&M costs would level off in future years. 
+When they did not, within limited budgets, the Defense Department 
+shifted funds from procurement to cover must pay O&M bills. Year after 
+year, therefore, planned increases in procurement funding were deferred 
+due to the growth in O&M accounts.
+    As a side note, the problem should not be attributed only to the 
+Clinton Administration. Underestimation of O&M costs, rather, was 
+something the Clinton defense team inherited from the outgoing Bush 
+Administration's defense plan and then was unable to correct. After 
+adjusting for lower than expected trends in inflation, over the FY1994 
+to FY1999 period, for which we can compare Bush and Clinton defense 
+plans in detail, the total amount the Clinton Administration spent on 
+defense was, in terms of real purchasing power, not much lower than the 
+previous Administration projected in its final six year defense 
+program.\4\ O&M spending, however, was much higher, and procurement 
+much lower.
+    CRS' conclusion is that steadily growing O&M costs devoured the 
+budget for weapons modernization through most of the 1990s. The danger, 
+of course, is that we will face the same tradeoffs again if budgets in 
+the next decade are as tight as in the '90s.
+        intergenerational cost growth in major weapons programs
+    A third cost factor, and one that is a matter of extensive 
+discussion today, is the apparently accelerating pace of 
+intergenerational cost growth in major weapons programs. The issue of 
+intergenerational cost growth in weapons programs often considered in 
+conjunction with discussions of the growth in costs of programs 
+compared to initial development estimates--but the two factors are 
+really quite distinct. The systematic underestimation of weapons 
+acquisition costs is an independent factor, which I'll mention next.
+    Examples of very large intergenerational leaps in weapons costs are 
+all around. The F-35 fighter, which is the new `low-end' fighter for 
+the Air Force, is now projected to have a unit flyaway cost of $83 
+million each and a total unit acquisition cost of over $100 million.\5\ 
+In FY1985, the Defense Department procured 150 F-16s fighters, the 
+previous low-end fighter, at a then-year price of $16 million apiece, 
+which is about $30 million in FY2009 prices. In later years, F-16 
+prices climbed as new models incorporated more and more advanced 
+technology. Still, the leap in costs is dramatic.
+    It is not, however, by any means atypical. Below is a quite 
+illustrative table, prepared by Cecil Black of the Boeing Corporation, 
+which compares numbers of major weapons in selected categories procured 
+in FY1985 with numbers bought in FY2008 (with funding both in the base 
+DOD budget and in war-related appropriations). As I noted earlier, in 
+FY1985, acquisition funding (again, procurement plus R&D) totaled about 
+$220 billion in FY2008 prices. In FY2008, acquisition funding totaled 
+about $240 billion.
+                    [Quantities of weapons procured]
+                                           1985       2008    Difference
+Tactical Fighters.....................        338         56        -282
+Bombers...............................         34          0         -34
+Other Fixed Wing......................        211        153         -58
+Rotary Wing...........................        354        373         +19
+Missiles..............................     87,113     13,471     -73,642
+Tracked Combat Vehicles...............      2,414      1,258      -1,156
+Tactical Vehicles.....................     56,551     32,276     -24,275
+Satellites (Unclassified).............         10          1          -9
+Ships.................................         23          7         -16
+Source: Cecil Black, Boeing Corporation.
+    The growing price of weapons does much to explain why the expense 
+of maintaining even a smaller force structure than in the past has 
+climbed so high. At current prices of major weapon systems, the `steady 
+state' cost of replacing platforms as they reach the end of their 
+planned service lives has become very difficult to afford, even with 
+budgets that exceed previous peaks.
+    Why this is the case--and what to do about--is a matter that is far 
+beyond the scope of this brief survey. In some cases, at least, cost 
+has been driven up by an attempt to build systems to perform multiple 
+missions with maximum capabilities in every dimension. The DDG-1000, 
+which I cite only because it has been a focus of debate for the past 
+year, and may well be terminated, may be a informative example.
+    In brief the DDG-1000 (formerly DDX) destroyer is a 15,000 ton 
+ship. This is about the size of a World War II cruiser, and it is half 
+again as large as the earlier generation DDG-51 destroyer it is 
+intended, in part, to replace. Why is it so large? It incorporates the 
+most advanced Aegis air defense radar and anti-air missile systems; the 
+anti-submarine warfare capabilities of a dedicated ASW frigate; the 
+ability to provide long-range fire support to forces ashore from two 
+guns and from vertically launched missiles; a full flag officer 
+communications capability; the ability to deploy two helicopters or one 
+helicopter and two UAVs for multiple missions, such as mine-sweeping 
+and ASW; and the ability to carry aboard and deploy ashore either a 
+marine unit or a special forces detachment. It also includes an 
+advanced drive and multiple systems intended to reduce the required 
+number of sailors. In short, it is all things to all requirements 
+writers. The result is a ship that is now projected to cost between 
+$3.5 and $4.0 billion each, and that cannot, therefore, be afforded in 
+substantial numbers.
+    The rationale for developing a ship like the DDG-1000 is apparent. 
+A large multi-mission ship has considerable advantages, including an 
+ability to absorb future growth in capabilities. With a smaller force 
+in prospect, it is understandable that the Navy would want some of its 
+newer ships to be as flexible as possible. Still, the resulting cost of 
+the ship has led the Navy to an internal debate about terminating the 
+program and resuming DDG-51 procurement in its place. And, in any case, 
+the DDG-1000 is too expensive to be produced in large numbers.
+    How typical is this of recent development efforts? Secretary Gates, 
+at least, thinks it has become the norm. In his article on defense 
+policy in the January/February issue of Foreign Affairs he wrote:
+    When it comes to procurement, for the better part of five decades, 
+the trend has gone toward lower numbers as technology gains have made 
+each system more capable. In recent years, these platforms have grown 
+ever more baroque, have become ever more costly, are taking longer to 
+build, and are being fielded in ever-dwindling quantities. Given that 
+resources are not unlimited, the dynamic of exchanging numbers for 
+capability is perhaps reaching a point of diminishing returns. A given 
+ship or aircraft, no matter how capable or well equipped, can be in 
+only one place at one time.\6\
+                    underestimation of program costs
+    Systematic underestimation of weapons costs has become such a 
+significant element of defense costs that it can easily be seen as an 
+independent factor driving up the overall price of defense. For the 
+past six years, GAO has done annual overviews of cost trends in major 
+defense acquisition programs based on a review of Department of Defense 
+Selected Acquisition Reports. In the review it reported last March, GAO 
+provided a very clear summary of what has been happening--and it is, 
+frankly, not going in the right direction. Table 2 is a summary of 
+GAO's findings.
+                     [Amounts in constant FY2008 $]
+                                       2000         2005         2007
+                                    portfolio    portfolio    portfolio
+Number of programs...............           75           91           95
+Total planned commitments........         $790         $1.5         $1.6
+                                       Billion     Trillion     Trillion
+Commitments outstanding..........         $380         $887         $858
+                                       Billion      Billion      Billion
+Portfolio performance (change to    27 percent   33 percent   40 percent
+ total RDT&E costs from first
+ estimate).......................
+Change in total acquisition cost     6 percent   18 percent   26 percent
+ from first estimate.............
+Estimated total acquisition cost   $42 Billion         $202         $295
+ growth..........................                   Billion      Billion
+Share of programs with 25 percent   37 percent   44 percent   44 percent
+ or more increase in program
+ acquisition unit cost...........
+Average schedule delay in            16 months    17 months    21 months
+ delivering initial capabilities.
+Source: Government Accountability Office, Defense Acquisitions:
+  Assessment of Selected Weapon Programs, GAO-08-467SP, March 31, 2008.
+    To summarize the results: GAO compared the average acquisition 
+performance of all the Major Defense Acquisition Programs (MDAPs) on 
+which DOD reported in 2000, 2005, and 2007. There were 75 MDAPs in 
+2000, 91 in 2005, and 95 in 2007. On average, DOD underestimated R&D 
+costs of MDAP programs in the 2000 program by 27 percent and in 2007 by 
+40%. It underestimated total acquisition costs of MDAPs in the 2000 
+program by an average of 6 percent, and it underestimated total 
+acquisition costs of MDAPs in the 2007 plan by an average of 26 
+percent. In the 2007 program, 44 percent of the programs had cost 
+growth of more than 25%, a thresholds established by the Nunn-McCurdy 
+amendment, which triggers requirements for a thorough program review.
+    Most significantly, total cost growth in the 2007 programs is now 
+expected to total $295 billion, which is 18% of the overall $1.6 
+trillion value of the major weapons programs in the acquisition plan. 
+Such substantial unplanned cost growth undermines efficiency, further 
+increases costs, and creates a need to restructure acquisition programs 
+across the all the services. Some programs may have to be cancelled and 
+many stretched out to adjust the overall budget to accommodate the 
+resulting gap on funding.
+                   new requirements for ground forces
+    A fifth factor driving up defense costs is the apparent need to 
+restructure the Army, in particular, and the Marine Corps to some 
+degree, to be able to respond to new missions that have been adopted in 
+response to the attacks of 9/11. The decision to engage first in 
+Afghanistan and then in Iraq led the Army to accelerate plans to 
+restructure its basic organization. Instead of a force designed for 
+wholesale mobilization for a major war, the Army has become a modular 
+force organized around fully manned and readily deployable Brigade 
+Combat Teams (BCTs) designed for rotational deployment abroad. The 
+Defense Department, with broad support in Congress, has also decided to 
+increase the size of the Army by 65,000 active duty troops, mainly to 
+add six additional brigades, and of the Marine Corps by 27,000. When 
+fully phased in, the addition of 92,000 active duty troops will cost 
+more than $13 billion a year in increased personnel and operating 
+expenses of the Army and Marine Corps.
+    The modularization of the Army in itself will cost more than $50 
+billion, mainly to fill out equipment requirements for the force.\7\ 
+The conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan have also led the Army to 
+redefine its requirements for equipment in all its units. To fight the 
+wars in Iraq and Afghanistan the Army has, in effect, established new 
+standards that it sees necessary for force protection equipment, 
+transportation equipment, and communications equipment for almost every 
+unit in the force. And these requirements now extend not only to active 
+duty units but also to National Guard combat units that have become 
+part of the regular rotation base for deployment abroad, and therefore 
+require largely the same equipment as active duty forces.
+    The cost of reorganizing ground forces to be more flexible and 
+deployable is a significant factor that has driven the overall cost of 
+defense somewhat higher. The Army's case for reorganizing and for 
+adding to the size of the force is based on anticipated requirements 
+for rotating forces abroad. Following the 2004 Quadrennial Defense 
+Review, the goal to be able to deploy 18 or 19 brigade combat teams 
+abroad on a recurring basis. Later, the force generation goal was 
+increased to as many as 23 forward deployed brigades.
+    If active duty units are available for deployment one year out of 
+every three, then 48 active brigades, as is now planned, would provide 
+16 deployable brigades a year. Additional brigades would be generated 
+from the Army National Guard, which requires Guard units to be trained 
+and equipped for regular deployments.
+             a broader array of global security challenges
+    A final, and much less easily quantifiable factor that may affect 
+the defense budget has to do with entirely new security challenges that 
+planners have only begun to characterize. A good starting point in 
+thinking about the range of new challenges is what has come to be 
+called the `Quad Chart' in the Pentagon. I have attached one version of 
+the Quad Chart at the end of this statement.
+    In brief, the Quad Chart divides security challenges into four 
+categories: Traditional military conflicts between states with 
+conventional military forces; irregular conflict such as insurgencies 
+in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere, catastrophic challenges posed by, 
+for example, state-sponsored or not-state terrorist groups with access 
+to weapons of mass destruction; and, a the newest category, disruptive 
+threats from a range of competitors, including peer or near-peer 
+regional or global actors, who would not attempt to compete with 
+traditional U.S. military forces directly, but would instead try to 
+identify and attack U.S. vulnerabilities. The quad chart divides these 
+challenges according to likelihood and vulnerability. The premise is 
+that traditional military threats are unlikely and the United States 
+has such overwhelming capabilities that it is not vulnerable to them. 
+Catastrophic challenges are seen as likely to appear, and vulnerability 
+as high. Irregular threats are likely, but vulnerability low. 
+Disruptive threats are regarded as unlikely, but vulnerability high.
+    The quad chart has important implications for the allocation of 
+resources. If traditional challenges are unlikely, and U.S. 
+vulnerability is low, the implication is that resources might be 
+shifted away from investments in such capabilities in favor of other, 
+higher, priorities. Much of what Secretary Gates has said in recent 
+articles and speeches reflects this perspective. An effort to reduce 
+investments in traditional military capabilities, however, implies a 
+willingness to accept greater risks to U.S. security in some potential 
+areas of conflict. While direct state-on-state conflict may appear less 
+likely than in the past, assessments of the international security 
+environment nonetheless point up the potential for future conflicts 
+over many issues, including access to resources, economic and social 
+dislocations caused by climate change, and remaining unresolved 
+regional disputes. So traditional challenges could reappear in the 
+future, and planners must decide in the present how much to invest as a 
+means of hedging against them.
+    The apparent need to prepare for a broader array of new challenges 
+than planners had assumed at the end of the Cold War may prove to have 
+a very big effect on budgets--or it may not. It is not clear to what 
+extent the new challenges may shape spending in the future. Some more 
+spending to counter anti-satellite weapons and cyberwarfare may prove 
+necessary--but it is very difficult to anticipate how much money will 
+be required to counter other `disruptive' challenges that remain to be 
+    So far, the main effect of identifying new challenges seems to have 
+been to push budget requirements marginally higher, though there may 
+later be offsetting trade-offs.
+                        themes and implications
+    A few themes--with some implications for policy--emerge from this 
+review of the things that are driving up defense costs. One important 
+theme is that the price of defense is driven in very large part by the 
+cost of people--including both uniformed and civilian personnel in the 
+Defense Department. This, in itself, does not imply that we should trim 
+the defense budget by reducing pay and benefits or by abandoning 
+increases in the number of troops in the Army and Marine Corps. It may, 
+however, serve to point up the importance of considering other means of 
+reining in personnel costs. This could mean reducing the size of the 
+other services, or pursuing more vigorously than in the past reductions 
+in the number of uniformed personnel performing support functions.
+    In general, when defense budgets are tight, the variable part of 
+the budget, which bears the brunt of most cut drills, is investment, 
+both in weapons and in facilities. You can certainly trim the budget by 
+reducing investment without dire consequences for a few years. But 
+ultimately, simply slowing the pace of weapons modernization will lead 
+to an aging and less capable force, and skimping on facilities can 
+leave you with a backlog of problems.
+    This may suggest that if defense budget shortfalls continue, we 
+will, later if not now, have to consider reductions in the number of 
+personnel. And from a budgeting perspective, if you are going to 
+eliminate something in the long run, the sooner policy-makers decide to 
+do so, the better, because it saves money in the interim for other 
+important things.
+    A second theme is that the military services have, to varying 
+degrees, been caught in a budget bind that is by no means entirely of 
+their own making. Rather, it is a result, in part of growing personnel 
+costs and, in part, of changing guidance on priorities from senior 
+decision-makers, including Congress. In the first few years after the 
+end of the Cold War--and in the wake of the first Persian Gulf War--the 
+guidance, implicitly if not explicitly, was that our technology would 
+save us--particularly information technology that would give U.S. 
+forces a critical advantage in seeing an arena of conflict. Now, faced 
+with irregular warfare in Iraq and Afghanistan, the emphasis is on 
+larger numbers of highly trained and flexible foot soldiers--the 
+`strategic corporal' as a former Marine Commandant put it. High tech 
+forces for `traditional' state on state, force on force conflicts are 
+becoming a lesser priority.
+    The implications of that theme are varied. The Air Force, lately, 
+has been subject to some criticism--to put it mildly--on a number of 
+grounds. One complaint is about the growing cost of many of the 
+programs the Air Force manages--including a large share of space and 
+other programs that are fundamentally joint in nature, that are 
+essential to all of the services. In its defense, however, the Air 
+Force was, for many years, only doing what its leaders thought was the 
+key task, which was to exploit U.S. technological advantages as much as 
+possible in order to maintain military strength even if, as was 
+commonly expected, the size of the overall force would continue to 
+    Another implication has to do with funding for the Army. As 
+discussed earlier, one factor that has driven up the cost of defense in 
+recent years is the urgent restructuring of the Army. At the end of the 
+1990s, the Army was being criticized because it had not adjusted, as 
+the other services had, to the post-Cold War era. It was still 
+organized, not for expeditionary, rotational operations abroad, but to 
+fight one big war. As it became engaged in Iraq and Afghanistan, 
+however, the Army embraced the need to reorganize itself into a very 
+different, modular force with fully manned, more readily deployable 
+    For the most part, the costs of modularization and the initial 
+costs of adding to the size of the force have been financed with 
+supplemental appropriations. A question now on the agenda is whether 
+large supplementals should continue. To the extent there remain some 
+additional Army restructuring costs, as there may well be, particularly 
+to better equip National Guard units, Congress may want to consider 
+whether to continue using supplemental funding for at least a limited 
+additional period to cover one-time expenses associated with continued 
+Army reorganization.
+    For the Budget Committee, this may present something of a dilemma. 
+On the one hand, these requirements have long since gone past the point 
+of being uncertain, unpredictable, and unplanned costs that should be 
+financed through emergency appropriations exempt from caps on 
+discretionary spending. On the other hand, to the extent that these 
+investments are seen as one-time expenses, then it may make more sense 
+to continue to pay for them with presumably temporary war-related 
+appropriations, rather than build them into the base budget.
+    I'll be happy to address any questions you may have.
+                                endnotes
+    \1\ Most recently Admiral Mullen reiterated his views in a Pentagon 
+press briefing on November 17, 2008--see Department of Defense News 
+Transcript, `Department of Defense News Briefing with Admiral Michael 
+Mullen at The Pentagon, Arlington, Va.,' November 17, 2008.
+    \2\ Author's notes on a presentation by then-Secretary of the Air 
+Force, Michael Wynne, at an Aviation Week Defense Technology and 
+Requirements Conference, February 13, 2008.
+    \3\ John T. Bennett, $40B Price Tag for Larger Army: U.S. Service 
+Predicts Cost of 1.1 Million-Soldier Force, Defense News, December 15, 
+2008, p. 1.
+    \4\ The bulk of the reduction can be traced to two things--a cut of 
+about 150,000 in active duty troops and reductions in missile defense 
+funding. This discussion is based on CRS Report 95-20, `A Comparison of 
+Clinton Administration and Bush Administration Long-Term Defense Budget 
+Plans for FY1994-99,' Dec. 20, 1994, by Stephen Daggett, and on 
+subsequent unpublished update information. Both are available to 
+congressional offices from the author on request.
+    \5\ Data from F-35 Selected Acquisition Report, June 2008.
+    \6\ Robert M. Gates, `A Balanced Strategy: Reprogramming the 
+Pentagon for a New Age,' Foreign Affairs, January/February 2009.
+    \7\ See CRS Report RL32476, U.S. Army's Modular Redesign: Issues 
+for Congress, by Andrew Feickert, updated January 24, 2007.
+    Chairman Spratt. Mr. Gilmore.
+    Mr. Gilmore. Mr. Chairman, Congressman Ryan, members of the 
+Committee, I appreciate the opportunity to discuss the 
+sustainability of the defense plan this morning.
+    My remarks are going to be based on the report that CBO 
+released early last month on the long-term implications of the 
+2009 future years defense program. So if I could have the first 
+chart, please.
+    In these charts that I am going to show you this morning, 
+funding is going to just be displayed in constant 2009 dollars. 
+So the effects of inflation are removed and you can compare the 
+buying power of past budgets, which is on the left of the 
+chart, to projected future budgets, which is on the right of 
+the chart.
+    In CBO's projection, DOD funding averages about $549 
+billion annually in the period from 2014 to 2026, which is the 
+projection period we considered. And that is more than the peak 
+of the 1980's buildup, which is shown on the left of the chart, 
+about $485 billion. So a $549 billion annual average in the 
+future versus $485 billion during the peak of the Reagan 
+buildup, and that is to pay for a force one-half to two-thirds 
+the size of the force we had during the mid-1980s.
+    Now, including what we label on this chart as potential 
+unbudgeted costs, that could push that average in the future to 
+$652 billion a year, 35 percent more than the 1980's peak. And 
+what we include in that unbudgeted cost category are, first of 
+all, funding for continued operations overseas in the near term 
+and the long-term. And in the long-term we made a somewhat 
+arbitrary assumption of 75,000 troops deployed somewhere in the 
+world 2013 and thereafter, and that would cost about $60 
+billion a year. So that is $60 billion worth of the unbudgeted 
+    And then the remainder of the unbudgeted cost is associated 
+with historical experience in cost growth in major weapon 
+systems, and that is about $43 billion. So we project that in 
+order to buy the current program without cutting back on the 
+number of aircraft or ships or other major weapon systems 
+bought, which, by the way, is typically the way the Department 
+has handled the problem with cost growth, if you wanted to pay 
+for the programs as they are currently laid out that would cost 
+another $43 billion a year, on average.
+    The sustained relatively high level of funding in our 
+projection is due to, as Steve Daggett has already alluded to, 
+growing costs of pay and benefits for military personnel and 
+plans to increase of size of U.S. ground forces, as well as 
+plans to purchase new systems, including systems with the 
+advance capabilities the Department associates with military 
+transformation that are turning out to be much more expensive 
+than the systems that they are going to replace.
+    Let me say a little bit more about each of the areas, the 
+two areas of funding that are indicated on the chart, 
+investment and operations and support. And let me turn first to 
+operations and support, which currently is about 60 percent of 
+the budget and which under our projections will grow to almost 
+67 percent of the budget over time in real growth. So let me 
+turn first to operations----
+    Excuse me, next chart.
+    Let me show you another way of looking at defense 
+expenditures. This showed you spending or funding. This looks 
+at past and projected defense spending as a share of the 
+economy. Defense spending averaged about 5.6 percent of gross 
+domestic product in the 1980s. It declined to 3.8 percent of 
+GDP in the 1990s; and it is currently about 4.5 percent of GDP, 
+including the costs of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
+    Now, in our projection, which shows relatively flat 
+constant funding, defense spending would decline to 2.5 percent 
+to 3 percent of GDP by 2026, excluding and including unbudgeted 
+costs. And that assumes the GDP continues to grow. Right now, 
+it is not.
+    Next chart.
+    Now let me turn to operations and support in more detail, 
+currently about 60 percent of the budget. About 40 percent of 
+this funding is for military pay; and the remaining 60 percent 
+is for operations and maintenance, which is running units, 
+maintaining equipment, and providing other benefits, including 
+medical care, to military personnel.
+    In our projection, operations and support funding rises 
+steadily in real terms, from $307 billion in 2009 to $380 
+billion in 2026, excluding that unbudgeted cost category, and 
+$443 billion, including those unbudgeted costs, which in this 
+projection are associated mostly with continued operations 
+overseas, because most of the costs of operations overseas are 
+in the operations and support category. Not all of them, and I 
+will say more about that in a minute.
+    Now, what is driving this growth is continued real pay 
+increases and real increases in the cost of benefits, 
+particularly medical benefits, and I will say more about that 
+in a minute.
+    However, another source of growth is the increasing cost to 
+operate both new equipment, which turns out to be more complex 
+and more expensive to operate overall than the equipment it 
+replaces, as well as aging equipment. The cost of aging 
+equipment--maintaining and operating aging equipment are 
+growing as well.
+    Let me have the next chart.
+    This is to bore in a little bit on the medical care cost 
+dilemma that the Department is facing that, as already has been 
+mentioned, is similar to the medical cost dilemma that the 
+economy as a whole is facing. DOD's budget for health care, 
+including accrual payments for care that will be provided to 
+future retirees, so-called TRICARE for Life, is now about 
+double the amounts budgeted in the 1990s, as shown on this 
+chart. And CBO and DOD's own actuaries project that the 
+Department's health care costs will increase steadily, $5 
+billion in real growth from 2009 to 2013 and $32 billion in 
+real growth, or 79 percent, through 2026.
+    Unfortunately, the situation could be worse than that 79 
+percent growth if faster than projected medical inflation--and 
+certainly history tells us we frequently underestimate the 
+growth in medical costs--if faster than projected medical 
+inflation occurs, that could cause a real increase in these 
+accounts of 126 percent; and that is depicted by the dash line 
+labeled unbudgeted costs.
+    The accrual payment growth is 6.25 percent on an annual 
+basis nominal growth. Per capita pharmaceutical cost growth is 
+9 percent, and per capita direct care and purchase care growth 
+is about 6 percent nominal growth. So all of those areas 
+contributing to substantial growth in the Department's medical 
+care costs.
+    Let me have the next chart.
+    This is a reprise of a chart that Steve showed. This is a 
+somewhat truncated version showing per capita, meaning per 
+active duty service member growth, in operations and 
+maintenance funding. Measured on a per-service-member basis, 
+DOD's O&M funding has grown steadily during the past 20 years, 
+averaging $2,100, 2009 dollars, per active duty member per 
+year--that is shown here on this chart--which does not remove 
+the current war costs which causes that large increase there 
+over the last 5 years.
+    Then, in the future, we project that the 20-year trend will 
+continue. And the fact that in the period there labeled FYDP, 
+or future years defense program, that that black line above the 
+dash line indicates that in DOD's plans, at least in the 2009 
+future years defense program, there isn't an indication there 
+in its base program DOD was underfunding its readiness 
+accounts. If it were doing that, then you would expect that 
+black line to be below the dash line. So there is no evidence 
+when you look at this metric that DOD was actually paying for 
+peacetime readiness in the supplemental appropriations as 
+opposed to its base program. And we currently project the per 
+capita O&M funding will increase by another 20 percent through 
+2026 relative to today's level.
+    Next chart.
+    Let me turn to the investment accounts. I have given you an 
+overview of operations and support, which was 60 percent of the 
+budget. Let me turn to the other 35 percent of the budget. This 
+shows past and projected funding for investment.
+    In our projection investment, which is funding to develop 
+and purchase new weapons, would average about $187 billion 
+during 2014 to 2026; and that is about 10 percent below the 1-
+year peak in investment that occurred during the 1980's buildup 
+of about $207 billion.
+    Accommodating historical trends in cost growth would 
+increase funding demands in our projection by about $30 billion 
+annually, or about a 15 percent increase overall, to pay for 
+the program if we continued to try and buy it but historical 
+trends and cost growth were realized. And the cost of 
+purchasing new equipment to support continued contingency 
+operations--remember, our projection assumes that we continue 
+to be engaged overseas--could cause funding to advance and 
+increase by another $22 billion annually, on average, based on 
+experience in Iraq and Afghanistan.
+    Next chart.
+    Chairman Spratt. You got--if I could interrupt you there--
+two items: total unbudgeted costs, as opposed to contingency 
+unbudgeted costs. What is the difference between them?
+    Mr. Gilmore. Contingency unbudgeted costs are associated 
+with paying for refurbishing equipment and buying new equipment 
+to replace worn-out equipment and damaged equipment if we 
+continue to be involved in operations overseas. So our 
+projection included an assumption that over the long run we 
+would have 75,000 troops involved somewhere overseas, not 
+necessarily Iraq and Afghanistan, although it could be there. 
+So if you continued to have 75,000 troops involved overseas 
+with the kind of operational tempo that we have been 
+experiencing over the last couple of years, then that would, in 
+our projection, imply an additional $22 billion in investment, 
+mostly procurement, annually to continue to replace and repair 
+equipment associated with maintaining those operations. And 
+then historical cost growth is the remainder of the unbudgeted 
+    So there is contingency unbudgeted cost, which is the first 
+dash line, and then there is with total unbudgeted cost, which 
+is the second dash line. And the difference between the two is 
+just historical trends in cost growth.
+    If we take today's investment program and we experience 
+what we have seen in the past with regard to growth in the cost 
+of major weapon systems that are preproduction, then that would 
+add another $30 billion annually to the cost of the program on 
+our projection. That assumes that you don't cut back on the 
+amount of weapons that we are currently planning to purchase so 
+that you don't further reduce joint strike fighter purchases in 
+the Air Force below any aircraft year. You try to buy those 
+aircraft, but costs go up as they have in the past and you just 
+pay for those increased costs.
+    Have I made that at all clear?
+    Next chart.
+    Those two dash lines will be on every one of these 
+investment charts, and it is most noticeable in the case of the 
+Army because the Army would bear the brunt of these continued 
+operations overseas. So you see that there is a large amount of 
+unbudgeted costs--a relatively large amount of unbudgeted costs 
+associated with contingency operations in this chart. That is 
+because the Army would bear the brunt of those operations if 
+they occurred.
+    One of the--this is Army investment, so I just showed you 
+investment overall for the Department of Defense past and 
+projected. Now I am going to show you past and projected 
+investment for each one of the services, beginning with the 
+    One of the most noticeable features on this chart is that 
+recently, due to funding provided in supplemental 
+appropriations to replace and repair equipment associated with 
+operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Army has received as 
+much investment, mostly procurement funding, in supplementals 
+as it has requested in the base budget. And that is shown by 
+that spike there, which, by the way, is well above the peak in 
+investment that occurred during the Reagan buildup in the 
+    Now, in the future, CBO's projection of Army investment 
+averages about $36 billion annually, so that is towards the 
+right hand part of the chart, excluding unbudgeted costs and 
+$58 billion including them. Historical trends in cost growth 
+for Army systems, particularly for combat vehicles such as 
+those being developed under the future combat systems program, 
+account for about 40 percent of those unbudgeted costs. And the 
+remaining 60 percent is associated with paying for the costs of 
+equipment used in continued operations overseas if that were to 
+    Now, saying a little bit more about the future combat 
+systems program, which as you can see there takes up a good 
+deal of the funding in our projection, FCS funding exceeds $100 
+billion through 2026, about 6 to $8 billion annually in the 
+projection. That would buy 13 brigade sets of equipment through 
+2026, with another two planned to be purchased beyond 2026. But 
+that is about one-half of what may be needed for the Army, 
+because the Army will have 19 active heavy brigades, seven 
+heavy brigades in the Army National Guard according to current 
+plans, and three to five prepositioning sets of heavy equipment 
+that may have to be replaced with FCS.
+    The plan now is to eventually replace all of the equipment 
+in the heavy brigades with FCS. So something will have to--if 
+that doesn't occur and if they stick with the plan to buy 15 
+brigade sets, as opposed to more than twice that amount, 
+something will have to be done to maintain the existing 
+equipment, the Bradley fighting vehicles and the Abrams tanks 
+that they will have in several thousands of numbers. So CBO's 
+projection includes more than $3 billion annually to replace an 
+upgrade to combat vehicles that will not be replaced by the 
+future combat system.
+    Let me show you the next chart, which illustrates one of 
+the challenges the Department faces overall but in particular 
+the Army faces with its combat vehicle fleet.
+    The top part of this panel shows on the left the weapon 
+systems that were purchased during the 1980s and the 1990s, and 
+in the 1980s a lot of Abrams tanks and Bradley fighting 
+vehicles were bought. And then on the right hand part of the 
+chart, on the top, it shows the number of vehicles that will be 
+procured under the future combat systems program current plans, 
+one brigade set a year.
+    Then, on the bottom, the chart shows funding to buy those 
+weapon systems, the funding that was necessary during the 1980s 
+to buy the number of tanks shown on the chart and then the 
+funding that under current Army estimates will be required to 
+buy future combat systems at a rate of one brigade set a year. 
+And under current Army plans, which we hear, by the way, may 
+change, development in some of the FCS combat vehicles 
+contained in this projection may in fact be ended. They may end 
+up developing a fewer number of those vehicles.
+    The Army will spend at levels comparable to those in the 
+1980s to purchase about one-quarter the number of new vehicles. 
+Those purchases alone would not be sufficient to sustain its 
+force, as I mentioned; and absent that $3 billion a year in 
+annual funding that we include in our projection to upgrade and 
+replace older systems, the FCS purchases displayed in the chart 
+wouldn't be sufficient to sustain the force, as I said; and the 
+aged Army combat vehicles would double over the long term from 
+about 10 years currently to 20 years by 2026, which is about 
+double the desired fleet wide age. So the additional $3 billion 
+a year or something in that neighborhood will probably have to 
+be spent if more FCS vehicles are not bought, and which is the 
+current plan.
+    Next chart.
+    Let me turn to the Navy. This shows past and projected 
+funding for investment in Navy systems.
+    CBO's projection indicates that funding for investment in 
+Navy and Marine Corps weapon systems will average about $58 
+billion annually during 2014 to 2026, which is slightly less 
+than the average funding of $61 billion during the period of 
+the 2009 FYDP, 2009 to 2013. And through 2018, in this 
+projection anyway, funding will be comparable to that of the 
+mid-1980s, and that is to support a fleet of about half the 
+size of the ship fleet that we had during the 1980s.
+    Funding for shipbuilding, excluding historical cost growth, 
+so there is that ships' portion of the funding at the top of 
+the chart, will average about $21 billion through 2026. That is 
+about 40 percent greater than it is in 2009.
+    Funding to develop new weapon systems, the bottom part of 
+the chart, shows the development funding for new systems. And 
+you can see that funding to develop new weapon systems would 
+decline from $19 billion in 2009 to $11 billion in 2013 and 
+eventually in our projection to about $7 billion by 2026. And, 
+as seen in the chart, such a steady, substantial decline in 
+RDT&E funding would be inconsistent with experience during the 
+past 20 years. But, nonetheless, that is the implication of 
+current plans. They will buy out the joint strike fighter 
+program and F-18 EF and multi-mission maritime aircraft, and 
+they will not begin to develop the replacements for those 
+systems even though towards the end of this projection the F-18 
+EFs that have been bought over the last several years will be 
+nearing the end of their service lives.
+    Next chart.
+    Finally, let me show you our projection for Air Force 
+investment that is shown on this chart. CBO projects that Air 
+Force investment will average about $70 billion annually during 
+2014 to 2026, versus about $64 billion annually during the 2009 
+to 2013 period of the 2009 future years defense program. 
+Accommodating historical cost growth would increase funding 
+demands by about $6 billion annually. And note that a 
+substantial portion of the other funding depicted in this chart 
+is associated with intelligence activities that experienced 
+substantially increased funding since 2001.
+    Next chart.
+    Let me just bore in here for a second on one of the 
+particular challenges facing the Air Force, and that is the 
+modernization of its tactical aircraft fleet. So this is the 
+Air Force analog of that chart that I showed you a few moments 
+ago for combat vehicles in the Army. On the left, we have the 
+numbers of aircraft that were purchased in the past. So there 
+were large purchases of F-16s, particularly F-16s and F-15s, 
+during the 1980s. Then there was not much aircraft procurement 
+during much of the 1990s. Then we began to buy the F-22, which 
+are the pink bars on the chart. And then, in the future, we 
+will buy in increasing numbers the joint strike fighter for the 
+Air Force rising in this projection to 80 aircraft a year, 
+although we have heard that part of the increase in funding in 
+the fiscal year 2010 future years defense program that the 
+Department has developed would be to buy an additional 30 joint 
+strike fighters a year for the Air Force. That would raise that 
+number to 110 a year if that were correct.
+    Then on the bottom part of the chart you can see the 
+funding, and you can see that recently and in the future we 
+will be spending at levels roughly comparable to the levels 
+that we spent during the 1980s but to buy substantially fewer 
+aircraft. Those aircraft have gotten a lot more expensive.
+    Let me just give you a bit more detail on that. During 1981 
+to 1988, 1,877 aircraft were purchased, for a total of $54 
+billion. That is an average unit cost of about $30 million. 
+Most of those were F-16s. During 1993 to 2001, 105 aircraft 
+were purchased for $9 billion, an average unit cost of $80 
+million per plane. And during 2001 to 2008, 156 aircraft were 
+purchased. Almost all of those were F-22s, although that is the 
+beginning of joint strike fighter purchases as well, so about 
+\1/10\th--less than \1/10\th the number of aircraft that were 
+produced during 1981 to 1988. And those were purchased for $32 
+billion and an average unit cost of $210 million.
+    So during 2001 to 2008 we purchased about 60 percent of the 
+aircraft that we did during the 1980s--excuse me, we spent 
+about 60 percent buying aircraft in 2001 to 2008 that we spent 
+during the 1980s, and we bought 10 percent of the aircraft. So 
+60 percent of the funding, 10 percent of the aircraft.
+    And then in the future the joint strike fighter which will 
+replace those--well, not entirely replace those F-16s, those 
+dark blue bars there that were purchased in the 1980s, we will 
+be buying those at $80 million a plane, versus $30 million a 
+plane during the 1980s.
+    That concludes my remarks, and I am happy to take your 
+    [The statement of Mr. Gilmore may be accessed at the 
+following Internet address:]
+   http://www.cbo.gov/ftpdocs/99xx/doc9972/02-04-Long-Term--Defense--
+                             Testimony.pdf
+    Chairman Spratt. Well, thank you both. We asked for 
+numbers, and we got them back in spades.
+    But, interestingly enough, the one thing you didn't mention 
+was the one thing that 4 years ago or longer Senator Kerry and 
+President Bush when they debated were put to the question, what 
+do you think is the greatest threat facing the United States 
+today? Kerry answered, a terrorist equipped with some kind of 
+nuclear device; and President Bush readily concurred. It is the 
+one thing they commonly agreed upon. You haven't touched upon 
+that at all.
+    By my calculation, if you scrub this budget down, go to DOE 
+and scrub its budget down for CTR and for Nunn-Lugar and all 
+the different components of nonproliferation, you come up with 
+about $2 billion. Is my approximation pretty close to what you 
+would approximate is what we are really spending on this 
+particular threat, nonproliferation? Steve? Mike?
+    Mr. Daggett. Well, there are two major categories in the 
+defense account. One is cooperative threat reduction, which is 
+in the DOD budget; and that has been running about $400 million 
+a year. And then Department of Energy has a substantially 
+larger nonproliferation program, counterproliferation program, 
+largely to buy nuclear material and so on. I think you are 
+right. I think it has been running about a billion and a half a 
+    There are other initiatives in the State Department as 
+well. I mean, the whole counterproliferation, international 
+counterproliferation efforts. But those don't involve lots of 
+money. The money for it is really in Department of Energy. And 
+so I think your total is about right.
+    Chairman Spratt. And it has been pretty steady at that 
+particular level for several years at least.
+    Mr. Daggett. Yes.
+    Chairman Spratt. How do you account for that? Do you think 
+there is an underallocation here simply because it gets 
+squeezed out by other programs, or this is all the Pentagon and 
+the Department of Energy think can be sensibly applied?
+    Mr. Daggett. Well, I know there is an ongoing program. The 
+big budget driver, as I understand it, is purchasing nuclear 
+material; and there are agreements, international agreements on 
+how much we are going to purchase each year. You might be able 
+to increase that to some extent, but I think that is what 
+drives really the cost of it.
+    You asked me are there other things we should be doing that 
+we are not doing? I don't know. That is a bit beyond what I 
+have looked at in detail. I can certainly get back to you.
+    And Amy Wolf, who works with us, has worked very closely on 
+counterproliferation programs. The Harvard Belfer Center does a 
+study every year of the status of nonproliferation efforts, and 
+they make a number of recommendations. They have made a number 
+of recommendations for changes in policy.
+    I have looked at it pretty closely a couple of years ago 
+and didn't see many that required a lot more money. It was more 
+international diplomatic initiatives and things of that sort 
+that they were looking at. But I would be glad to look more at 
+that and talk with you and with Scott about it.
+    You can certainly identify, I think, some additional areas 
+of possible investment. I am not sure it would be a huge amount 
+of money.
+    Chairman Spratt. Mr. Gilmore, if we cut through all of your 
+charts and information here to the basics, to the bottom line, 
+what are we spending today on the base defense budget for 
+national defense and what are we spending typically in terms of 
+supplementals for emergency purposes, primarily Iraq and 
+    Mr. Gilmore. Let us see. In 2009, I think the Department 
+requested $517 billion and the Congress appropriated about $515 
+billion in the base budget; and there was about another $180 
+billion or so in supplemental funding for operations in Iraq 
+and Afghanistan and other purposes.
+    Chairman Spratt. So that comes to nearly $700 billion?
+    Mr. Gilmore. Pretty close.
+    Chairman Spratt. And in real terms how does that compare to 
+the post-war expenditure levels in the post-war period?
+    Mr. Gilmore. It is a peak. I mean, if you look at a chart 
+that is on our Web site that displays defense funding over the 
+past 60 years, I think we are at a peak in inflation-adjusted 
+    Chairman Spratt. Compared to Korea?
+    Mr. Gilmore. It has been a pretty steady increase, so I 
+think it is an overall peak.
+    Chairman Spratt. Now, we have received from DOD from time 
+to time bills for reset--renovation, repair, reconstitution and 
+repurchase, really--of equipment that is either badly damaged 
+or worn out due to the operating environment and the OPSTEMPO 
+in the two war zones we find ourselves now, Afghanistan and 
+Iraq. Have either of you paid any particular attention, spent 
+any effort to try to unpack what is in those substantial 
+requests that started at about 15, $16 billion?
+    The Chiefs told us that if we stopped the war in Iraq 
+tomorrow we would still have these costs for at least 2, 3, 
+maybe 4 years at a substantial level. But the level has risen 
+considerably from about 15 or $16 billion several years ago to 
+around $50 billion today, just under $50 billion today.
+    Mr. Gilmore. I think a year and a half or 2 years ago, 
+Grant Lussier in our division produced a report on the Army 
+reset program trying to, as you put it, unpack some of the 
+details, which turns out to be a challenge to do, given the 
+information that is available from the Department. 
+    Chairman Spratt. Give me some examples under the 
+acquisition of new equipment.
+    Mr. Gilmore. Yes. A lot of the increase is associated with 
+buying new equipment for the Army. Substantial numbers of up-
+armored, high-mobility, multi-purpose wheeled vehicles, Humvees 
+that were not in the force at the beginning of the conflict, as 
+everyone knows.
+    A substantial amount of money, about $20 billion, I think--
+I could be wrong--for purchases of mine-resistant, ambush-
+protected vehicles. Substantial amounts of money to purchase 
+the most modern versions of Army trucks, the trucks built as 
+part of the so-called Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles 
+Program. A lot of those trucks were bought for National Guard 
+units that lacked the most modern trucks. And, in fact, a large 
+number of those trucks are just kept in the theater, and the 
+units that come in haul in on those trucks.
+    So a substantial portion of that growth has been associated 
+with buying that kind of new equipment that was not in the 
+force prior to the operation.
+    Mr. Daggett. And I have one point. It really is unclear to 
+me to what extent the Army has filled out its evolving 
+requirements and plans for that kind of minor equipment. One of 
+the tasks for the next administration, it seems to me, is to 
+really unpack where the Army is going and what bills remain 
+unfunded and try to distinguish what is to replace war 
+equipment and what is to fill out modularization of the force 
+and what additional kinds of equipment needs they might 
+identify because of lessons of the war to equip the Army 
+National Guard.
+    They spent a lot of money on it already. I am just not sure 
+how far along they are in meeting all of those additional 
+requirements. It could require a substantial amount additional 
+if you do everything the Army wanted. It could be almost all of 
+it has already been spent. I just don't know the answer to 
+that. And I don't know that anybody really----
+    Mr. Gilmore. Well, I think the Army has indicated that, in 
+fact, there are substantial additional bills that will come 
+due. I read, anyway--I can't verify the accuracy of the 
+reports--that the Army has claimed that they are about $40 
+billion a year short in their investment accounts of where they 
+would want to be if they could fully modernize and fully equip 
+their force the way they want to. I have just read that; I 
+haven't had a chance to get any information that would actually 
+verify that figure.
+    Chairman Spratt. These requests come not in the base 
+budget, but in, primarily, largely in the supplemental.
+    Mr. Gilmore. Well, it is a combination of the two. For 
+example, some of the increases that occurred early on in the 
+procurement requests in the supplementals were buying equipment 
+associated with modular conversions, the conversion of the 
+Army's combat brigades from division-centered to brigade-
+centered, modular brigades that were more capable of 
+independent operations. Although, now the Department claims 
+that almost all those costs, if not all those costs, are being 
+requested in the base budget. But, initially, there were 
+amounts requested in the supplementals.
+    So it is a combination of the two. But, as I pointed out on 
+that chart, in Army procurement, the Army has gotten as much 
+recently in procurement in the supplemental as it is requesting 
+in its base budget.
+    Chairman Spratt. Typically, when advocates or opponents 
+speak of the percentage of defense expenditures as a percent of 
+GDP, they talk basically about the defense budget and, to some 
+extent, Function 050, which would include the DOE nuclear 
+program as well. But they generally do not include some direct 
+collateral costs, such as veterans. The veterans bill today is 
+running about, for both mandatory and discretionary, about $95 
+billion a year. They rarely mention homeland security, an 
+account that didn't even exist in the budgets several years ago 
+and today is at $35 billion to $40 billion, maybe half of which 
+is really classified money, but there is at least a $20 billion 
+to $25 billion increase there. And they rarely mention military 
+aid under the 150 account for foreign purposes. And you could 
+go down the list.
+    Do you think, as we try to arrive at that measure, what 
+percentage of our GDP are we allocating to national security, 
+that these accounts should be included?
+    Mr. Daggett?
+    Mr. Daggett. Yes, it is really a policy issue for Congress.
+    I will say, when I look at it--I have spent a lot of time 
+talking about personnel costs. And when you are tracking 
+personnel costs, if you just look at the defense budget, even 
+the 050 account, as a whole--in whichconcurrent receipt, is 
+part of 050, not 051--you don't get a whole picture of it, 
+largely because of VA costs.
+    So it may affect allocation decisions in this sense, that 
+you are not capturing the full cost of personnel when you just 
+talk about what the budget cost in DOD is, that the full cost 
+of hiring somebody in the military is actually substantially 
+higher than just the DOD cost because of future veterans' 
+benefits and so on.
+    So it is useful, in general, to keep that in mind. But 
+whether you have an overall budget account for national 
+security or whatever as a way of doing it, you know, I don't 
+have an axe to grind on that. But I do think visibility of all 
+those kinds of costs is certainly useful from a planning point 
+of view.
+    Chairman Spratt. I think the message that both of you bring 
+us in great detail in your testimony today is that, typically 
+when we think about cost growth in the defense business, we 
+think about the investment accounts, R&D and procurement, 
+because the percentage increases over and above baseline tend 
+to be substantial over time.
+    But now we have a defense budget where the personnel 
+accounts are swelling just as much as the--or substantially, if 
+not as much as the investment accounts. O&M, of course, is 
+growing substantially because we have troops deployed in two 
+theaters and still troops stationed at places throughout the 
+    It is hard to contain a budget which has got every account 
+in it demanding substantial funding because of its level of 
+engagement right now. Would you agree with that?
+    Mr. Daggett. My discussion is that personnel costs really 
+drive a large part of the defense budget and have really driven 
+costs up across the board. The implication I draw, by the way, 
+is, to the extent that there is a decision to cope with that by 
+reducing spending in some way, if you just look at the 
+investment accounts, you are really focusing on a relatively 
+narrow part of the budget disproportionately.
+    So you really do need to consider the cost of personnel, 
+both uniformed personnel and civilian personnel, in this budget 
+environment. If you think the budget is going to be tight for 
+the foreseeable future, eventually you are going to have to 
+look at the size of the force. And, from my point of view, just 
+from a planning perspective, if you are going to draw down the 
+size of the force in the future, the sooner you decide to do 
+it, in a way, the better, because then you save resources in 
+the interim for other investments.
+    So, absolutely, I think it really is important to keep in 
+mind that a big, big part of the budget is driven by the cost 
+of people.
+    Chairman Spratt. Mr. Gilmore, one final question. Some time 
+ago we asked, after not getting the information from DOD, we 
+turned to CBO and said, would you give us your best estimate of 
+what our engagement in Iraq and Afghanistan has cost to date 
+and what it is likely to cost over the future?
+    Could I just put those two charts up to see if those 
+estimates are still applicable in the eyes of CBO?
+    This shows that, if you take funding all the way back to 
+2001, primarily, solely almost, for the first couple of years 
+for Iraq, and then for Iraq and Afghanistan together, from 2001 
+through 2009, the total amount of war funding to date, the 
+supplementals has been $864 billion. That is primarily a matter 
+of record, and it is just a matter of which costs were 
+allocated to that theater and which costs went elsewhere.
+    Is that still----
+    Mr. Gilmore. That seems correct to me.
+    Chairman Spratt. Now, second chart. Picking up from there, 
+we agreed that CBO would estimate a drawdown in troops over a 
+5-year period of time to about 75,000 troops in both theaters 
+in that zone of the world. And once the force level reached 
+75,000, that would be the steady state, it would continue at 
+that level for the next 5 years.
+    The total then came to 867. Of course, that is a 
+projection, not a record number. Is that still roughly what CBO 
+would project for the costs under that scenario?
+    Mr. Gilmore. That looks consistent to me with what was 
+included in the recent outlook.
+    Chairman Spratt. This is driving a large part of that O&M 
+account that we saw swelling as you showed us the numbers 
+earlier, then, and the reset and reconstitution account as 
+    Mr. Gilmore. Yes, although there are underlying reasons 
+separate from operations in Iraq and Afghanistan that the 
+operations and support costs have been growing, as both Steve 
+and I have mentioned. But the recent rapid increase is 
+obviously due to the need to fund those operations.
+    Chairman Spratt. Thank you very much, both of you, for your 
+fine testimony.
+    Mr. Ryan?
+    Mr. Ryan. Thank you, Chairman.
+    This is a very interesting hearing. And for those of us who 
+aren't on Armed Services or Approps, this is very helpful to 
+    Okay. A number of questions.
+    Mr. Daggett, I want to go to your cost overrun chart. I 
+think it is chart 6 of your testimony. The change in total 
+acquisition cost from the first estimate, 6 percent increase in 
+fiscal year 2000, 18 percent overrun in fiscal year 2005, and 
+26 percent in fiscal year 2007. Is that right?
+    Mr. Daggett. Right.
+    Mr. Ryan. That is a staggering increase. Can you drill down 
+into that number and give us a sense of why, how, and what 
+direction are we headed now?
+    Mr. Daggett. The question is, why is it getting worse? It 
+seems to be getting worse, not better----
+    Mr. Ryan. Right.
+    Mr. Daggett [continuing]. In spite of really pretty serious 
+efforts on the part of DOD to get a better handle on it. There 
+is a cost-analysis improvement group at the Pentagon that 
+really does go over cost projections very carefully.
+    Mr. Ryan. So what is happening?
+    Mr. Daggett. I think a couple of things. And this is drawn 
+mostly from reading GAO's testimony on it. GAO really has 
+looked very carefully at this, and this is from GAO's latest 
+    Part of it might just be cyclical. Typically, weapons cost 
+growth is greatest as systems and full-scale engineering 
+development begin to enter the production phase, because we are 
+finally getting down to what it is going to take to produce it. 
+So you get larger cost growth at the end of the development 
+cycle. And it could be just that part of the inventory of 
+weapons is in that part of the cycle. I have had some 
+discussions with people at OMB who think that that is part of--
+    Mr. Ryan. Is it the higher-tech nature of the equipment 
+and, therefore, the less predictability?
+    Mr. Daggett. Yes. The other issue that GAO, in particular, 
+points to is a willingness to accept very high levels of 
+technical risk in the development process. And DOD and GAO do 
+measures of that. They call them TRLs, technical risk levels. 
+And for each major development program, there are various 
+elements of technology in the development effort, and they 
+assign various TRL levels to it. And there does seem, just by 
+that measure, to have been a greater willingness to accept 
+higher levels of risk in the development process, which then 
+leads to schedule delays and cost increases.
+    Let me say, part of that is driven, by the way, by just the 
+length of time it takes to develop a weapon. If you are going 
+to develop something that is not going to be fielded for 10 or 
+20 years, and you look at what is going on, say, in electronic 
+developments in the civilian sector, it is proceeding so 
+rapidly that what you say is, well, I can't afford to leave 
+that behind; that new technology is going to be very helpful to 
+the weapons system. So we have to assume its availability in 
+the development process. So we will look ahead to what we think 
+is technically reasonable and assume we can build it. But then, 
+when you actually try to develop it or do it, it becomes more 
+difficult than you think--the schedule slips, cost increases, 
+and so on.
+    But if you really look at what GAO is saying--and, again, 
+they are looking at this very closely--that is one of the 
+drivers of it, just a general across-the-board willingness--
+again, not for bad reasons, not with an unreasonable view 
+toward what is going on--to get into a program on the 
+assumption that we will make it work later.
+    Mr. Ryan. A 20 percentage point increase in 7 years, that 
+is just staggering.
+    A lot of people on our side of the aisle like this idea of 
+a 4 percent GDP floor on spending. As a budgeteer, I don't like 
+the idea of any floor on any program; caps, yes, but floors, 
+    But looking at the CBO's--your chart--you don't have your 
+charts numbered here, and you had about 75, so looking at the 
+one which is percentage of GDP----
+    Mr. Gilmore. I think it was my second chart.
+    Mr. Ryan. Yeah. I have them all detached here.
+    So give me a sense for where we are headed, percentage GDP, 
+if your health care projections go off. And then I want to ask 
+you about that.
+    Your TRICARE projection kicks in in, what, 2002, where it 
+really starts taking off, your accrual projection? And that is 
+probably chart 5 or 6.
+    Mr. Gilmore. The program was initiated--I mean, prior to 
+2001 or 2002, it was pay-as-you-go, and they just paid for 
+expenses not on an accrual basis. Then TRICARE for Life was 
+instituted, and it was decided to fund it on an accrual basis. 
+So the funding every year is based on a projection of what you 
+need to invest today in order to pay for future retirees, and 
+that is when the costs began to increase.
+    Mr. Ryan. We concur with accrual principles.
+    I want to get at this. So, looking at the accrual rate of 
+TRICARE and all of the other health care issues, what goes into 
+your projection? How much of it is health inflation? What 
+health inflation rate do you use? Do you use the same health 
+inflation rate the trustees at Medicare use? And how much of it 
+is demographics?
+    So breaking that projection down, how much do you ascribe 
+to demographics, how much do you ascribe to health inflation? 
+And how do you arrive at your health inflation rate?
+    Mr. Gilmore. I can't give you a breakdown on demographics; 
+I would have to get back to you on that. But the demographics 
+of the DOD retiree population, we will have to look at how much 
+that is changing over time. You don't have exactly the same 
+problem there that you do in the economy as a whole. I can't 
+give you more detail on that off the top of my head, but I can 
+get back to you on that.
+    But, in any event, in terms of the growth rates that are 
+assumed in these projections, the growth rate for the accrual 
+costs and the TRICARE for Life accounts that we use is the same 
+as the one that the DOD actuaries use. We have looked at it, 
+and it seems reasonable to us, and that is 6.25 percent nominal 
+    Mr. Ryan. Do they use the same rate that the Medicare 
+trustees use?
+    Mr. Gilmore. It is comparable.
+    And then there are other things that are budgeted for in 
+those health accounts, as was displayed in my fourth chart, I 
+guess, including pharmaceutical costs. And per capita 
+pharmaceutical nominal growth is 9 percent in 2014, which we 
+assume slows to 6 percent by 2026. And that is consistent with 
+the kinds of growth rates that CBO and others use when they 
+project pharmaceutical costs for civilian----
+    Mr. Ryan. And even with all that, your percent-of-GDP 
+projection stays under 4 percent in the out-years?
+    Mr. Gilmore. Yes, it does. On that second chart, ``Defense 
+Resources as a Percentage of Gross Domestic Product,'' there is 
+the dotted line, administration plan with unbudgeted costs. 
+That includes all of the unbudgeted costs that I showed you on 
+all those charts. You insert the upper end of the range in 
+every case for all those dotted lines. And that includes the 
+dotted line for total unbudgeted costs in the Military Medical 
+System chart, which incorporated even faster growth than 6.25 
+percent for accrual and 9 percent per capita pharmaceutical 
+growth, cost growth, and 6 percent per capita for direct and 
+purchase care cost growth.
+    Mr. Ryan. What is the measurement of the crowd-out within 
+the DOD budget in nominal terms with new health care costs 
+versus all other military spending?
+    Mr. Gilmore. Well, medical spending, I mean, that is one 
+way to look at it----
+    Mr. Ryan. You know how we do this all the time on mandatory 
+versus discretionary with the entire budget, and how we show 
+that the crowd-out is occurring so rapidly over the years. Give 
+me an apples-to-apples comparison with the DOD budget.
+    Mr. Gilmore. Well, about the best I can do off the top of 
+my head is just return to chart 4, which shows funding for the 
+military medical system of about $40 billion currently. And 
+that could grow to as much as $90 billion by 2026, so more than 
+a doubling over 17 years. So that is more than 100 percent cost 
+growth over that period versus about a 7 percent growth overall 
+in operations and support costs.
+    So our projection for needed funding for the military 
+medical system is growing seven, eight times more rapidly than 
+O&S costs as a whole.
+    Mr. Ryan. We have had these complaints in the last number 
+of budgets about the administration trying to sneak, you know, 
+what we would consider base spending into the supplemental 
+bills. And they did a lot of this 3, 4 years ago. We kept 
+criticizing them; they did a little less of it.
+    Are you now saying that, from your estimation, they are not 
+sneaking base spending into supplemental bills and that the 
+supplemental bills themselves are pretty much truly 
+    Mr. Gilmore. We really haven't taken a position----
+    Mr. Ryan. Mr. Daggett, please feel free. I mean, either one 
+of you can answer the question.
+    Mr. Gilmore. We haven't taken a position on whether a 
+certain kind of funding is appropriate in supplementals or the 
+base budget. There are arguments on both sides of that.
+    But in terms of--what many people have argued in the past, 
+for example, that the costs for converting combat brigades from 
+division-centered to a modular design should be part of the 
+base budget, that was originally in the supplementals and it 
+now seems to be part of the base budget.
+    Other people have argued that the upgrades that are made to 
+the Bradleys and Abrams when they return from the theater--
+because the Army determined that they have to be torn apart 
+completely, and since they were torn apart and we have to put 
+them back together, we might as well upgrade them to the most 
+modern configuration; not an unreasonable argument--but some 
+people have argued that those costs ought to be borne in the 
+base budgets since those kinds of upgrades had long been part 
+of the Army's desired base program but not funded because of 
+other constraints. Those kinds of upgrades still are in the 
+supplementals, although there are fewer of them now because 
+there are fewer tanks, for example, in the theater.
+    So I think what you will find is what you stated, that over 
+time the amount of money that is included in the supplementals 
+that a number of people would argue should be, in other 
+circumstances, funded in the base budget has been reduced, but 
+I don't think it has been entirely eliminated.
+    Mr. Ryan. And, last question, our airplanes, our fighters, 
+what is the cost of a Joint Strike Fighter and an F-22?
+    Mr. Gilmore. The Joint Strike Fighter, the current 
+projection for the Air Force version is that it will cost about 
+$80 million apiece. And the F-22 is on the order of $180 
+million or $190 million apiece.
+    Mr. Ryan. And the F-16--which, in my mind, I should think 
+of Joint Strike Fighter as the new version of an F-16, right? 
+F-16s were $30 million?
+    Mr. Gilmore. They were $30 million when we bought them in 
+the 1980s, although the more recent versions of the F-16s, 
+which are more capable, which have been sold to some foreign--
+    Mr. Ryan. These are in real dollars, right?
+    Mr. Gilmore. Yes, these are in 2009 dollars. All the 
+numbers I have given you are in 2009 constant dollars.
+    The more recent versions of that plane that have been 
+purchased, I think, by the United Arab Emirates, which are more 
+capable--they have, for example, much better radar--have been 
+more on the order of $40 million to $50 million.
+    Chairman Spratt. You are talking flyaway costs as opposed 
+to program unit cost, are you not?
+    Mr. Gilmore. I am talking procurement unit costs. 
+Procurement unit costs are a little bit more than flyaway.
+    Chairman Spratt. Of course they are. They have the R&D in 
+    Mr. Gilmore. Well, no, Mr. Chairman, I am just talking 
+about procurement. I am not including the R&D costs. The 
+flyaway costs don't include things like initial spares and that 
+sort of thing.
+    So procurement unit costs are a little more than flyaway 
+unit costs, which are both less than acquisition unit costs, 
+which include the R&D.
+    Mr. Ryan. Thank you.
+    Chairman Spratt. Ms. Schwartz.
+    Ms. Schwartz. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
+    And thank you for your testimony and information.
+    I think all of us understand, and I think would agree, that 
+protecting and defending our Nation and getting the size of our 
+military and our costs in DOD right is one of our most 
+significant responsibilities as Congress, and I certainly do. 
+Certainly we are facing a budget that is the largest since 
+World War II, at $527 billion. So we want to get this right, 
+and appreciate your information.
+    And I think, as both the chairman and the ranking member 
+pointed out, that having information that is accurate from DOD 
+is extremely important, and that has not been so easy, given 
+the previous administration sometimes not sharing all of this 
+information that we would like.
+    Really, just one comment and one question. I did want to 
+thank the chairman for his asking questions about the reset 
+costs. I do recall, in a previous budget hearing, asking DOD 
+whether all the reset costs for replacement of equipment and 
+repair of equipment from the war zone in Iraq and Afghanistan 
+have been accounted for, and his answer was yes, absolutely, 
+100 percent. It was rather stunning. I am happy to get that 
+    But if, in fact, that is not correct, which is what you are 
+suggesting, that is pretty important for this new 
+administration to understand what the cost for replacement of 
+equipment and repairing of equipment is going forward. And, of 
+course, the war continues in Iraq and Afghanistan, as you 
+    My question really has to do with also some problems that I 
+realize came out of the supplemental discussions more than DOD, 
+but wondered if it related to DOD and whether you could speak 
+to them. And that is, certainly there have been concerns about 
+inefficiencies and overspending in contracting. And, again, the 
+stories have come out, by and large, around the wars in Iraq 
+and Afghanistan, particularly with private contractors.
+    Could you speak to whether you have looked at--again, we 
+are in tough economic times. We are looking for the greatest 
+efficiency going forward, and that includes within DOD. And we 
+have a new administration that is very keen on greater 
+transparency and accountability for use of Federal dollars.
+    So could you speak to whether there, in fact, have been 
+problems in terms of contracting and costs that we might be 
+able to rein in?
+    And yet, again, I am coming at this from a point that we do 
+want to and need to make sure that we are the right sized 
+Department of Defense and that we are protecting both our 
+troops in the field, of course, but then also, going forward, 
+are prepared for the challenges and threats ahead.
+    But given that, could you speak to any of the specifics you 
+might on efficiencies and what greater transparency and 
+accountability might lead to within DOD so that we might apply 
+those costs where we need to?
+    Mr. Gilmore. We have not--and it is not our function at CBO 
+to do audits of these contracts. The Special Inspector General 
+for Iraq has done that and published quite a bit of material 
+about his findings. That is not something that we have done.
+    What we have done and published last August is a report 
+that summarized what we thought was the total amount of funding 
+that had been spent in the Iraq theater on contractors that 
+support military operations in Iraq and neighboring countries, 
+such as Kuwait. And we concluded that, through late 2007, about 
+$85 billion had been spent for those purposes, and that, if the 
+current rate of spending continued, which was probably likely 
+given that force levels weren't going to change that much--they 
+were going to decline somewhat, but not dramatically, at least 
+not at that time, not yet--that probably, by the end of 2008, 
+about $100 billion would have been spent on contractor support 
+of our operations.
+    The other thing that we took a look at was whether it would 
+have been cheaper for the military to perform those functions, 
+those support functions itself. And what we concluded was it 
+wouldn't have been, not unless we thought we were going to be 
+continually involved in an occupation of Iraq of the size that 
+we have had continually, meaning virtually always, in which 
+case, then, yes, it would be cheaper for the military to do 
+that itself, but----
+    Ms. Schwartz. Is there a point at which, 10 years, 20 
+    Mr. Gilmore. Yeah, if you don't think you are going to be 
+involved in it continually, then it is actually cheaper to hire 
+contractors and then shed them when you are no longer engaged 
+in those activities and only hire them when you are.
+    Ms. Schwartz. That makes sense, although it has now been 8, 
+9 years, and you projected out for another 10. So it is much 
+longer than temporary. We hope it is temporary, too, of course.
+    Mr. Gilmore. I won't dispute that.
+    But with regard to your specific question about 
+efficiencies, we have not looked at that, but the Iraq 
+Inspector General has and I think GAO has. They have reached 
+the conclusions that they have.
+    Ms. Schwartz. Well, you get a sense of $100 billion out 
+of--it is not the $527 billion. It is out of the supplemental; 
+it is out of the $800 billion.
+    Mr. Gilmore. At that time, it probably would have been on 
+the order of $100 billion out of $600 billion or $700 billion 
+was spent on contractors.
+    Ms. Schwartz. Maybe it is something for us to continue to 
+consider going forward.
+    Mr. Gilmore. Yes, but I would point out that probably about 
+two-thirds of the defense budget is spent on contractors, one 
+way or another. Contractors develop the weapons systems. There 
+are a lot of contractors that perform other functions. And so 
+if you look at that $515 billion, there is a third of it that 
+is spent on military personnel, but----
+    Ms. Schwartz. Well, I am not suggesting that we not use 
+private contracting. I am just suggesting that--and I believe 
+there is quite a bit of oversight. In some situations where I 
+visited, certainly, Defense contractors said there is someone 
+from DOD there auditing what they do all the time.
+    So I am just saying that, under the previous 
+administration, there were some real issues with this, again, 
+to those audits, and that we ought to make sure that we are 
+spending precious public dollars as efficiently and effectively 
+as we might. So, maybe a question for another day and for 
+someone else.
+    Thank you.
+    Chairman Spratt. Mr. Simpson.
+    Mr. Simpson. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
+    I would just note that there has been a question of 
+contract management under every administration, not just the 
+previous administration. And, in fact, you don't go into 
+whether contract management has been appropriate or not. I sit 
+on the Energy and Water Subcommittee, and we have looked at a 
+lot of the contracts that have been done with the Department of 
+Energy and some of the programs. The waste treatment plant at 
+Hanford that started off at $4 billion and went to $14 billion 
+causes us a great deal of concern.
+    I wonder about the relationship between the contractors who 
+work for DOD, who have a close relationship with them. How much 
+contract management oversight is there? And you don't go into 
+that, do you?
+    Mr. Gilmore. No, we don't.
+    Mr. Simpson. Let me ask a couple of other questions. In 
+your budget, when you are looking at your numbers here, do you 
+take into account defense operations that are outside of the 
+DOD? Department of Energy, for example, the weapons complex, 
+the nonproliferation funds that the chairman was talking about, 
+those types of things? Because those are certainly as much a 
+part of defense as anything else we do.
+    Mr. Gilmore. In the projections that I showed you, we 
+focused just on budget function 051, which is the Department of 
+Defense. Considering 050 would add another $18 billion to $20 
+billion. And then there would be amounts in addition to that 
+that Chairman Spratt mentioned, substantial amounts, associated 
+with veterans affairs and other activities, homeland security, 
+homeland defense. But my projections focused just on Department 
+of Defense.
+    Mr. Simpson. There is a proposal that this administration 
+is currently looking at, is taking the weapons complex out of 
+civilian management and putting it under DOD. Have you looked 
+at that proposal at all?
+    Mr. Gilmore. We have not.
+    Mr. Simpson. Let me ask you about one of the costs that you 
+mentioned, health care costs, as driving the O&M budget. How 
+does that compare with private-sector health care increases 
+that we are seeing in the private sector?
+    Mr. Gilmore. In the projections that I showed you, the 
+growth rates for the cost of DOD medical care and 
+pharmaceuticals and so forth are all comparable to those that 
+CBO uses in its projections for the costs in civilian health 
+    Mr. Simpson. That is surprising, seeing as how I thought 
+government control of that was going to keep the cost down, and 
+that is why we were going to go to universal health care, but 
+that is another question.
+    What about the long-term increase in inefficiency that you 
+would expect when you have new technologies and so forth? We 
+don't see that within--I think, Mr. Daggett, you said we don't 
+see that within the Department of Defense as we do in the 
+private sector. As an example, the first cell phone I bought 
+cost $960. Today they will give you a cell phone.
+    Why don't we see that type of thing within the Department 
+of Defense?
+    Mr. Daggett. There is a huge literature that discusses 
+that, and the bottom line on it is seeking performance rather 
+than reliability, availability, and maintainability, as they 
+    For its part, the DOD has been looking pretty hard at that 
+in the last couple of years. There is a new team that is 
+working at DOD to actually get involved in the operational 
+testing or development testing of major systems, with a view 
+toward identifying possible improvements in long-term 
+maintainability of the system. But that is a new initiative. I 
+mean, we will have to see how that plays out.
+    DOD itself is very concerned about the fact that the cost 
+of operating and maintaining weapons systems really hasn't come 
+down as costs have come down in the civilian sector. And you 
+look at any part of the civilian sector, not just electronics, 
+but automobiles or aircraft operation and maintenance, the 
+trends are not as good in DOD, and sometimes they are going the 
+opposite direction in DOD from what is going on in the civilian 
+    So, you know, it is certainly an area that DOD recognizes 
+and that they are trying to work at. That said, if you go back 
+to the 1980s, that was an issue back then, as well.
+    But, again, what drives it here is, when you are developing 
+a weapons system, what are you looking for? You are looking for 
+performance, and you are trying to push the envelope, in a lot 
+of cases. In electronics, you are trying to get a complete 
+picture of the battlefield. And that involves--to the extent 
+that you could use off-the-shelf consumer technology to do 
+that, then it would get cheaper over time. But a lot of these 
+are unique kinds of things that DOD alone does that there is 
+not a parallel requirement for in the civilian sector, so they 
+are left to do it themselves. And it becomes a very costly kind 
+of thing to try to do it.
+    Another aspect of the problem is, again, given that it 
+takes so long to develop a weapons system, some of the old 
+software and even the computer systems that you are using are 
+getting pretty out of date. So when they do break, you have to 
+go back to the manufacturers and get old systems or you have to 
+replicate it in a way. So it is more expensive to replace it 
+than it typically is in the civilian sector.
+    So there are a lot of factors that drive this.
+    Mr. Simpson. That is the one thing we found within the 
+Department of Energy, is that they do unique things that are 
+sometimes hard to do estimate the cost of because they have 
+never been done before.
+    I appreciate your testimony. As the chairman said, it is 
+interesting to get the background on this, but an awful lot of 
+this discussion depends on the policy decisions that we 
+ultimately have to make.
+    Chairman Spratt. Thank you, Mr. Simpson.
+    Ms. McCollum.
+    Ms. McCollum. Thank you, Mr. Chair.
+    Gentlemen, we sit here today, and Congress and the new 
+administration, as has been pointed out in other questions, 
+must begin making smart decisions for best overall security 
+strategy for the United States.
+    As the DOD working paper states, capabilities based on 
+planning should be apportionate to the risks that are across 
+the challenges. Now, it seems our current defense strategy 
+focuses on spending on the least likely scenarios, according to 
+the quad chart that was put up. Clearly, an example of this was 
+the money that was spent on missile defense. And I am afraid 
+that we are not focused enough on high-risk, high-vulnerable 
+    As we look to make the Pentagon more cost-efficient, one of 
+the tools that we have in our national security strategy box is 
+supporting the 3-D strategy: National security is defense, 
+diplomacy, and development. And one of the things that I 
+noticed that is missing on this quad chart is any discussion 
+about how climate change--and we know that the Department of 
+Defense is spending a lot of money with climate change 
+scenarios out here.
+    So what are some of the potential cost savings to our 
+national security spending by increasing funding for 
+development and diplomacy? What kind of savings could we see, 
+doing that?
+    Thank you, Mr. Chair.
+    Mr. Daggett. I put the quad chart up, so I guess I am on 
+for that.
+    It is a hard question. As I said, Secretary Gates really 
+has done a series of speeches recently in which he has raised a 
+lot of precisely the kinds of questions that you have. Those of 
+us who work in Washington, on defense policy in particular, 
+discuss quite often very fundamentally different alternative 
+approaches to national security; I mean, are there things you 
+can do in prevention by building relations with allies that 
+could then lead to reduced requirements over the long term for 
+forces and so on. I mean, we talk academically about that all 
+the time. They are now on the political agenda, and they are 
+there because Secretary Gates has really put them on the 
+political agenda. He is talking about a whole-of-government 
+approach now to national security that involves all of the 
+elements that you talked about. So, you know, it is a very 
+lively discussion.
+    I think in the short term, his priority, as he has 
+articulated it, has been to reduce the emphasis on what he 
+calls traditional systems and increase the emphasis, as he puts 
+it, on the wars we are fighting now, by which he means 
+irregular conflicts. So he is more focused on the fairly short 
+term, not on the kind of longer-term issue so much immediately 
+that you talked about, but on the shorter term. And that does 
+involve some potential shifts in priorities. And I look for DOD 
+to be discussing them even in the 2010 budget, and particularly 
+in future budgets.
+    But that, to me, is likely to mean tradeoffs in major 
+weapons programs--are we going to continue to produce DDG-1000 
+Destroyer or not--transformational communications satellites, 
+things of that sort, all of which support capabilities for 
+traditional conflicts.
+    And in favor of what? He has been very focused on trying to 
+find more resources for the immediate fight. Some of them are 
+not necessarily low-tech. Some of those things are, certainly, 
+UAVs and so on. But his argument has precisely been that we 
+have not put sufficient resources into those areas.
+    So I think there is going to be a big debate about the 
+allocation of resources, or there is likely to be a big debate 
+about the allocation of resources. And I am not sure how it 
+will play out.
+    I mean, you raised a much longer-term question. And I think 
+there also certainly is a discussion in the government about 
+allocation of resources between defense and nondefense. That 
+gets way beyond what Mike and I work on, but it is a big part 
+of the discussion.
+    DOD has been involved now--there have been some increases 
+in what DOD is doing in typical areas of foreign affairs. If 
+you leave aside military assistance, security assistance, and 
+even economic assistance in foreign countries, if you leave 
+aside, though, what DOD is doing in Iraq and Afghanistan, that 
+is not, by DOD standards, a huge amount of money. Global train 
+and equip has become a big focus of attention. DOD, last year, 
+asked for authority for $800 million, I think, for that. From 
+the State Department's point of view, that is a lot of money. 
+From the Department of Defense point of view, it isn't 
+    The appropriators then have taken some issue with that. 
+They think that that should be handled primarily by the State 
+Department rather than by DOD. And I think that, again, is an 
+issue for, in a sense, this committee to address, and Congress.
+    Ms. McCollum. Mr. Chair, I hope we have a chance to talk 
+about those tradeoffs and balances later in the committee, 
+especially as the reauthorization for State Department starts 
+moving forward.
+    Chairman Spratt. We will. Thank you very much.
+    Mrs. Lummis, from Wyoming.
+    Mrs. Lummis. Well, good morning. I appreciate very much 
+your attendance today.
+    I would like to start with a very basic question about the 
+Department of Defense and its inability to produce a clean 
+audit. I am curious why that is, what obstacles you think 
+prevent that from happening?
+    I support peace through strength. I support a robust, 
+capable military. But I do find it interesting that earlier in 
+this discussion we were talking about how military auditors are 
+auditing contracts, but why can't they, in turn, produce a 
+clean audit of the Department of Defense? Any thoughts in that 
+    Mr. Gilmore. That is not an issue that CBO really looks at. 
+You know, auditing is the forte of the Government 
+Accountability Office.
+    I guess the only thing I would observe--and this is by no 
+means to try and make an excuse for the problems in DOD 
+bookkeeping--but I think we have seen that many large 
+organizations have problems keeping their books and accounting 
+for every dollar that is spent, no matter how hard they try to 
+do that. And DOD is another large organization, so it is not 
+surprising that they have those problems, which is not to say 
+that they shouldn't continue very hard to try and eliminate all 
+of them.
+    But that is not something that we have looked at 
+    Mrs. Lummis. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
+    My next question is perhaps more on point. One of the 
+biggest tensions, I understand, that occurs in the budget 
+process for DOD is the constant battle between funding current 
+operations and long-term planning and acquisition.
+    So my question is this: Based on your analysis, do the 
+budget numbers give us an indication of where DOD is focusing? 
+Is it more focused towards replenishing what we have or 
+spending money on what we think we might need in the future?
+    Mr. Gilmore. Well, I think that the base budget contains 
+funding for both kinds of activities, although predominantly 
+for systems in the future.
+    So if you look at the investment program, it is dominated 
+by things like the Joint Strike Fighter program, the Littoral 
+Combatant Ship program, the DDG-1000, other systems like that 
+that are going to come online in the future.
+    But there are also requests in the base budget for billions 
+of dollars' worth of procurement for what Steve and we at CBO 
+refer to as minor equipment in the Army--ammunition, radios, 
+other things like that--that are very important to current 
+operations. And then, of course, there are also substantial 
+amounts in the supplementals for those kinds of things.
+    So the short answer is, it is a mixture of both. The base 
+budget is primarily focused on the future, not surprisingly, 
+and the supplementals are primarily focused on funding current 
+    Mr. Daggett. Could I just make one point?
+    Secretary Gates, again, has raised precisely that issue in 
+those terms. He made a speech a few months ago in which he 
+argued that we need to focus less on the war we are not 
+fighting and more on the war we are fighting now. And I think 
+that is partly where concern about that kind of issue comes 
+    You know, his argument is that a large part of investment 
+has been in the direction of the systems for conflicts 20 or 30 
+years down the road at a time when we are having a problem, in 
+his view, finding sufficient resources for some of the things 
+he wanted to do in Iraq and Afghanistan. And that drove it.
+    It is not necessarily a big budget driver. The kinds of 
+items he was talking about for Iraq and Afghanistan aren't 
+necessarily going to drive the budget, in itself, much higher. 
+But it is a matter of allocation. It is an issue in DOD.
+    Mrs. Lummis. Thank you.
+    And one more question, Mr. Chairman--and thank you very 
+much for working so hard to pronounce my name right. I am 
+struggling in both my own conference and with others to get it. 
+And you got it right, so I deeply appreciate that.
+    My last question is about the Army National Guard or 
+National Guardsmen and -women deployed in both Iraq and 
+Afghanistan. And this is a subject that is very close to home 
+with me because, in April, over 940 Guardsmen and -women from 
+Wyoming will be deploying to Iraq in what will be the largest 
+mobilization in history of Wyoming's Army National Guard.
+    So my question is, in terms of both manpower and machinery, 
+in your opinion, have the DOD's budget numbers aligned with the 
+increased burden on our National Guard around the country?
+    Mr. Gilmore. They are beginning to. There have been 
+substantial amounts of funding requested in the supplementals 
+and increased amounts in the base budget associated with 
+equipping the National Guard units, for the reasons that Steve 
+mentioned: The National Guard is now being used as an 
+operational force, and, before Iraq, for the prior 20 or 30 
+years, it was not regarded that way. It was regarded as a 
+strategic reserve, and equipment fill and personnel fill levels 
+for the Guard were well short of those maintained for the 
+active force--you know, 80 percent equipment fill versus 90 or 
+95 percent for the active force, for example. And the budgets 
+in those years prior to operations in Iraq and Afghanistan 
+reflected that difference, that difference in priorities.
+    But that has been changing. But I don't think the 
+Department or the Army, in particular, would claim that they 
+have filled all the shortfalls. And so there are still tens of 
+billions of dollars' worth of shortfall that I am sure the Army 
+would claim needs to be spent to fill those shortfalls.
+    Mr. Daggett. Could I add just one point? There is another 
+policy issue here, and that is, it is clear that what the Army 
+wants is for all forward-deployed units to have the most modern 
+equipment. They want units that are training to deploy to train 
+on the same kind of equipment. Then the question becomes, what 
+about the next in line after them? Do they have to be equipped 
+with everything the next-to-deploy unit has? And the answer is, 
+well, no, but we need to think through what the mix is.
+    And then, for the fourth-to-deploy unit that is resetting, 
+what kind of equipment levels do you need? And, you know, not 
+every unit in the force is going to have all the most modern 
+equipment all the time. The real policy issue for the Army that 
+I think is still unresolved is, what are overall equipment 
+requirements relative to our rotational policy?
+    And, again, that is why I think there is still a need for a 
+look at what Army investment requirements are and what have 
+been met and what needs to be met as yet. And that applies, as 
+well, in particular to our Army National Guard.
+    Chairman Spratt. Mr. Blumenauer.
+    Mr. Blumenauer. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
+    I would like to shift just a little bit, thinking about 
+some of the long-term obligations that the Department of 
+Defense has, where there is some potential significant savings, 
+and if we don't do it right, it is going to cost us a lot of 
+    The Department of Defense is the largest manager of 
+infrastructure in the world, the largest consumer of energy. We 
+have, what, 10 million to 40 million acres potentially 
+contaminated from past military operations, training. Yet it 
+seems that, year after year after year--and I fault the 
+Congress more than the Department of Defense--that we are sort 
+of missing in action, that we don't really put significant 
+resources to helping the military clean up after itself.
+    I mean, ultimately, those munitions break down, the 
+military chemicals get into the water supply. We spent I don't 
+know how much in Massachusetts to protect the groundwater for 
+Martha's Vineyard. Or something explodes, literally and 
+figuratively. And so we throw a lot of money at Hawaii, but we 
+find in front pages, just in the course of the last couple of 
+weeks, that there is huge local resistance to expanding 
+training facilities because we are not a very good steward, we 
+are not a very good neighbor, people get stuck with stuff. I 
+think in Sacramento it is going to be 2077 before the base that 
+was closed in the first round of base closure is cleaned up and 
+    Now, it would seem to me that this has significance in 
+terms of just military readiness, that we are kind of stupid in 
+terms of how we use energy. We make it hard to have energy 
+savings contracts that would pay for themselves. We are not 
+developing the technology that would help the military 
+determine whether it is a hubcap or a 105 shell. That doesn't 
+just mean that it is hard to clean up in Colorado or 
+Pennsylvania or Wyoming. Every State in the Union has 
+unexploded ordnance problems. But it has implications for those 
+people in Wyoming that are going to be shipped overseas because 
+we haven't developed it.
+    Can you give me any sense of where you see indications with 
+the development of future budgets going forward, that there is 
+any indication that we are going to help the military save 
+money by cleaning up after itself, help local communities avoid 
+pollution and, frankly, explosions? Because three times since I 
+have been in Congress we have had to pull firefighters out of 
+national forests because the heat was exploding shells from 
+prior training.
+    Do you have a sense of where we might be going in this, in 
+terms of budget categorization and strategy?
+    Mr. Daggett. Just a couple of things.
+    I can't, by any means, give you an overall picture of where 
+DOD is going on environmental issues. They spend a substantial 
+amount of money each year on environmental clean-up and 
+compliance. And there are budget figures, and I can provide you 
+with the data on the trend.
+    I actually coauthored a report some years ago on trends in 
+DOD environmental clean-up and compliance activities. DOD is 
+subject to the same kinds of environmental compliance 
+requirements as private industry is, really the Federal 
+Government is.
+    Mr. Blumenauer. Theoretically. Not in practice.
+    Mr. Daggett. Let me speak to that point. And there have 
+been a lot of debates about whether the investments that they 
+are making in clean-up are sufficient.
+    On the compliance end, and especially on things like energy 
+efficiency, DOD has done some looking at that lately, and they 
+are not satisfied with what they have invested in energy 
+    It has a security component to it, actually. There was a 
+Defense Science Board report done last year which discussed 
+potential vulnerability of military facilities to loss of power 
+from the public grid. And it affected potentially even mission-
+critical activities. So it is a really natural area, when you 
+think about it, for DOD to look at.
+    So what is the solution to that? Well, part of the solution 
+that the DSB discussed and that is being discussed much more 
+extensively now inside the Defense Department as a whole is 
+build green power production facilities for the base itself. 
+Use wind power, use geothermal power if you have those kinds of 
+things on the base.
+    And it is not just a matter of being green for the sake of 
+being green. It is being green for the sake of security 
+    Mr. Blumenauer. Yeah. Well, I see my time has expired, but 
+I would very much appreciate the report, the research that you 
+are talking about.
+    Mr. Chairman, I think Mr. Daggett's last words are very 
+important. This is not just being green for the sake of being 
+green. It has operational implications for security of our 
+bases in terms of energy, in terms of the safety of our 
+personnel, to protect them from military toxins and unexploded 
+ordnance, building the technology and saving money.
+    And because, Mr. Chairman, you wear two hats, both with 
+Armed Services and with Budget, this is something that I would 
+love to be able to pursue with you to make sure that we have 
+the budget headroom but also we get the policies aligned.
+    Chairman Spratt. Three hats. I represent a couple of 
+bombing ranges, too.
+    Mr. Scott of Virginia.
+    Mr. Scott. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
+    And I would like to follow through on that, because it has 
+a specific interest in Virginia on BRAC closings.
+    Have the BRAC closing costs, including clean-up--I think 
+you used the words ``systematic underestimate of costs''--have 
+the real costs of closing these bases, including clean-up, been 
+appropriately projected?
+    Mr. Daggett. I can't speak to that. I just haven't looked 
+at it closely enough. If you want, I will be glad to get back 
+with you. We have looked at it some.
+    Mr. Scott. Okay. Let me just say that the Fort Monroe 
+closing and the clean-up may be off in the hundreds of millions 
+of dollars. And if the systematic underestimate is system-wide, 
+you are talking about many billions of dollars.
+    Shipbuilding--under shipbuilding, I noticed you had 
+significant acquisition costs there. What is our ship strength 
+that we are projecting?
+    Mr. Gilmore. Well, currently, in 2009, the information we 
+have is that we have a 288-ship fleet. And by 2013, that would 
+grow to 295 ships. And by 2026, that would grow to 319 ships; 
+55 littoral combatant ships at that time. That would be the 
+total buy that is currently planned, although there has been 
+difficulty with that program, and it is being restructured. 
+That included seven DDG-1000s. This projection was based on the 
+2009 Future Years Defense Program that was put forward prior to 
+the restructuring of the DDG-1000 program. That may reduce it 
+to two or three ships.
+    Fifteen CG(X)s, seven CG-47s, 62 DDG-51s, 62 submarines, 
+including 12 ballistic missile submarines, 44 amphibs, and 54 
+support ships, for a total of about 319 ships in 2026.
+    Mr. Scott. Did you say aircraft carriers?
+    Mr. Gilmore. Aircraft carriers are in there. I didn't 
+mention them. But it was 11----
+    Mr. Scott. Well, I am from Newport News, if you want to 
+mention those.
+    Mr. Gilmore. Eleven aircraft carriers. Sorry, that was an 
+    Mr. Scott. Ship repair--is there a backlog on maintenance 
+of ships?
+    Mr. Gilmore. We have not looked at that, so I can't say.
+    Mr. Scott. Because you may have another systematic 
+``misunderestimate'' on----
+    Mr. Gilmore. I don't know what current DOD budgeting 
+programming practice is, but many years ago when I worked there 
+the practice was to program in future years any year beyond the 
+budget year for 80 percent of ship depot maintenance 
+requirements versus funding at what the Navy thought the real 
+requirement was in the budget year, which meant that, when 
+those future years became budget years, you had to find an 
+additional substantial amount of money to pay for what was 
+really going to happen. But whether the Navy still programs in 
+that manner, I don't know.
+    Mr. Scott. You mentioned the fact that the Defense budget 
+kind of includes--you kind of have to think about the cost of 
+veterans. You talk about veterans health care. Have we talked 
+about the social services and other health care, like mental 
+health, homelessness, unemployment, that we have systematically 
+not addressed? Are we including those? Are we including 
+business as usual on mental health, homelessness, and problems 
+like that?
+    Mr. Daggett. We have both focused really just on the 
+Department of Defense budget, not on the VA budget. You know, 
+my view is, in order to cover the complete cost of personnel in 
+particular, you do need to take a look at the VA budget.
+    Mr. Scott. On contractors, one of the problems of hiring 
+contractors is you don't even know what law they are under, 
+what chain of command they are under. I mean, you have problems 
+like use of deadly force, and who makes those decisions. There 
+are also financial complications, like they are actually 
+competing for employees with the military. We train the guys on 
+our dime, and if they hire them at a slightly higher pay grade, 
+then we have to train and everything else.
+    In addition to the complications on policy, have you looked 
+at the financial implications of the unprecedented level of 
+contractors we are using now in the Defense budget?
+    Mr. Daggett. I have not.
+    Mr. Gilmore. We have just done the analysis that I 
+discussed previously of what the contract costs have been in 
+Iraq, and that would total $85 billion to $100 billion.
+    By the way, in the process of doing that work, we did 
+interact with the Department and asked them whether the problem 
+that you mentioned of people, for example, highly trained 
+special operations personnel retiring and then being hired as 
+contractors, what----
+    Mr. Scott. Well, deciding not to re-up because they can 
+    Mr. Gilmore. Correct--whether that was, in their view, a 
+problem, whether that was creating a problem for them. And they 
+indicated it was not. And we have no independent way of 
+checking to determine whether that is accurate, but they 
+indicated it was not.
+    Mr. Scott. Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
+    Chairman Spratt. Mr. Scott. Mr. Larsen.
+    Mr. Larsen. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. The Defense News 
+February 2nd headline, ``New Destroyer Emerges in U.S. Plans 
+Options, Mulled as DDG-1000 Hits $6 Billion.'' I think your 
+analysis still had it at merely $4 billion. And so another 
+headline in this is, ``Presidential Helo Cost Growth Cracks 
+Nunn-McCurdy ceiling.'' That is for Marine One replacement. It 
+cracks the Nunn-McCurdy ceiling. And then, of, course Gates 
+Foresees U.S. Cuts. Now, that is based on his testimony in the 
+Senate Armed Services and the House Armed Services Committee. 
+It just seems very difficult for me to understand that as much 
+supplemental dollars we have provided to the Department of 
+Defense, and I am a member of the House Armed Services 
+Committee, so I have seen it all happen over the last 8 years, 
+both given to them in supplemental and in base budgets that 
+they are yet coming for even--asking for even more beyond what 
+one projected increase is. And so I guess I would expect in 
+Armed Services for us to be fairly tough over there.
+    But something that Secretary Gates testified to last week, 
+and I wonder if you have thought through these in looking at 
+your numbers, he listed seven or eight separate steps, general 
+steps that he planned to take to squeeze down on acquisition 
+costs, purchasing systems at 75 percent solution rather than 99 
+percent solution. We apparently are on--some programs are 
+hitting stable rates for acquisition, freezing requirements on 
+programs, and a few other things. Mr. Daggett and Mr. Gilmore, 
+do either of you have some views on Secretary Gates' thoughts 
+on how to keep costs--ameliorate increases? I won't say keep 
+costs down. That seems impossible in the Department of Defense. 
+Let us say ameliorate the cost increases. Mr. Daggett.
+    Mr. Daggett. Let me begin by saying CRS really doesn't make 
+recommendations on policy per se. We can assess the impact of 
+alternatives though.
+    Mr. Larsen. Assess away.
+    Mr. Daggett. When I look at what is driving the cost of 
+major weapons programs, I look, first of all, at just the 
+requirements process. And I use in the testimony, written 
+testimony I use DDG-1000 as an example. If you look at it, it 
+is designed to be a multi-mission system with pretty much 
+maximum capabilityin most areas. The air defense radar is not 
+quite missile defense radar, but short of that, it is as 
+capable as any system you will have across the board, but just 
+has so many missions. Well, what drove that? Well, it was 
+driven by the internal requirements writing process in the 
+Navy. And when you--and now, you know, I mention it not because 
+I have a view on whether you should buy it or not, but it is in 
+trouble because it costs so much because it is such a big ship 
+and so much has been added to it.
+    So it, to me, is precisely the kind of example of a system 
+that is a 95 percent solution or a 99 percent solution to a 
+host of issues. And what Secretary Gates is saying is accept a 
+75 percent solution in areas where that will work. Well, first 
+of all, you need some oversight in the acquisition in the 
+requirements process to ensure that. I am not sure where that 
+is at this point. But it is a matter for organization and 
+senior leadership to use the requirements development process 
+really as a way of doing these cost tradeoffs. What is the role 
+of the joint requirements oversight council and so on. I would 
+look very hard at that.
+    Another area you need to look at is are there some areas 
+where you want maximum capability, others where you don't. For 
+an air-to-air fighter, I can make an argument for having a very 
+highly capable system with a view toward being in the service 
+long down the road. For an airlift aircraft, I am not sure I 
+need that, so why do you need the kind of acceleration 
+requirements that you have in various systems. I think that is 
+a matter for oversight.
+    Mr. Larsen. As my time runs out, could I ask Mr. Gilmore to 
+respond to that question.
+    Mr. Gilmore. Well, we don't make policy recommendations 
+either, but I would simply observe what common sense tells you 
+that the actions the Secretary is proposing to take should all 
+help reduce cost. But I think the most important thing for the 
+Department to do is to be realistic in its initial estimates 
+for the costs of these systems, whatever it thinks the 
+requirements for the systems ought to be. And when it comes to, 
+for example, the DDG-1000, we still think on the basis of past 
+experience that that ship will cost between 4 and $5 billion. 
+The $6 billion number, I think, includes some of the 
+development cost, but I don't know for sure. I have read the 
+article, but I haven't seen the details behind it. And the 
+comparable number from the Navy previously was 3 to $4 billion, 
+more like 3\1/2\.
+    Originally, when it was the surface combatant of the 21st 
+century, the SC 21 program, the fourth ship in the class was 
+supposed to cost in today's dollars, $1.5 billion. Now, if you 
+looked at the cost of that ship on a cost per ton of light ship 
+displacement, you know the ship without any fuel or crew or 
+anything else, that would have made it the cheapest surface 
+combatant ever built, substantially cheaper than the DDG-51.
+    So there were a lot of people in the building, I was in the 
+building at the time, who knew that that initial estimate was 
+unrealistic. So I would say that when you have initial cost 
+estimates for systems like that, no program manager in the 
+world is going to be able to manage the program in such a way 
+that the costs will not grow. And it is not really so much cost 
+growth as cost realism setting in. When you actually have to 
+design the system and build it, it always ends up costing more 
+than these initial very optimistic estimates where people sit 
+down and think, well, if we did this differently and this 
+differently and this differently, it will save substantial 
+costs. Unfortunately history tells us that the problems that 
+were experienced in the past may not occur, but different 
+problems will occur and the optimism isn't warranted.
+    And so a lot of what I think people characterize, and, in 
+fact, I characterized in the charts I showed you as cost 
+growth, really isn't cost growth so much as it is cost realism. 
+It is reality setting in. And if you want to avoid having that 
+problem, you need to have realistic initial estimates of the 
+costs which the Department doesn't have in many instances.
+    Mr. Larsen. Thank you.
+    Chairman Spratt. Mr. Yarmuth.
+    Mr. Yarmuth. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Thanks to both of you 
+for your testimony. On the question of the percentage of the 
+GDP, that Defense Department budget constitutes, what kind of 
+growth rate are you projecting in GDP over this term at the 
+same time.
+    Mr. Gilmore. It was a little over a couple of percent real 
+growth long-term.
+    Mr. Yarmuth. Some people might take solace from the 
+standpoint that even with these projected increases in absolute 
+cost that the percentage of growth--percentage of GDP does not 
+grow, in fact, declines. But would you be familiar with what 
+other costs, governmental costs would be rising out of the same 
+time, because Defense is competing with obviously every other 
+portion of the budget. So if say Medicare, Social Security, all 
+the other cost sectors are increasing at a much higher rate, 
+and I assume they would be.
+    Mr. Gilmore. They are. CBO has done a number of projections 
+of the long-term cost of those entitlement programs and over 
+the long-run Social Security as a share of GDP will rise 
+several percentage points. And the cost of paying for Medicare 
+and Medicaid and other programs like that will rise by tens of 
+percentage points. That is really the bigger problem areas; the 
+future health care costs associated with those programs. But I 
+would observe that you could set the defense budget at zero 
+dollars and it would not materially affect the problem that the 
+overall Federal budget faces in paying for Social Security and 
+Medicaid, which is not to say that anyone who is reasonable 
+doesn't think that because defense currently composes over half 
+of domestic discretionary spending, that it isn't going to be 
+under pressure. It obviously will be. And if you look at the 
+long-term trend for overall Federal spending as a share of GDP 
+and its components, what you see is that defense basically has 
+been the bill payer. Its share of GDP has declined as the share 
+of GDP associated with these entitlement programs has grown.
+    Mr. Yarmuth. On that question, what would be comparable 
+numbers of other industrialized nations in the world? What is 
+the range that you would say it would spend of GDP.
+    Mr. Gilmore. We are at 4\1/2\ percent of GDP. The Japanese 
+are 2 percent or less.
+    Mr. Daggett. Under 1.
+    Mr. Gilmore. All the other countries in the world are much, 
+much less, much less.
+    Mr. Yarmuth. Mr. Simpson raised the issue of the health 
+care costs and the growth rate that is projected and tried to 
+make a connection between that and some kind of argument for or 
+against universal health care. I suspect that one of the 
+reasons that the growth rate in medical in Defense Department 
+health care relates to factors that aren't present in the 
+general population. Is that true? The nature of the injuries, 
+the length of care that is going to be required because of many 
+of the injuries concerned, you don't think those are factors, 
+or would they be?
+    Mr. Gilmore. Actually, those factors would apply more to 
+the Department of Veterans Affairs health care costs because of 
+the veterans who suffer those kinds of injuries and require 
+long-term care. And there are obviously horrible injuries that 
+occur, although thankfully, a relatively small number of people 
+deployed who have suffered those injuries. But nonetheless 
+those are costs that end up being borne by the Department of 
+Veterans Affairs. Our projections for medical care costs from 
+the Department of Defense are based upon the practices that the 
+Department of Defense currently uses. And we did not speculate 
+in the future in doing our projection about how the Defense 
+Department might change its practices; you know, employing more 
+health information technology and so forth and so on.
+    So our current projections don't incorporate any savings 
+from those kinds of practices because those are not, literally 
+speaking, part of the current plan, which is not to say they 
+may not be realized, but this is a projection of current policy 
+not how it might change in the future.
+    Mr. Yarmuth. One quick question before my time expires. So 
+we are dealing primarily with TRICARE here. TRICARE employs a 
+number of private insurers to administer the program, so in 
+fact, it is really not fair to say that the TRICARE system is a 
+single payer system as is often talked about with regard to the 
+Federal Government.
+    Mr. Gilmore. That is correct.
+    Mr. Yarmuth. Thank you very much. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
+    Chairman Spratt. Ms. Kaptur.
+    Ms. Kaptur. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, very much. Gentlemen, 
+you have had a long morning and we thank you very much for your 
+work. I wanted to go to Mr. Daggett and say that in your 
+testimony on page 4, you touch on a subject I am very 
+interested in. And that is the rising cost per average military 
+service member. You state about it is 45 percent more expensive 
+today than it would be 10 years ago. And that does not include 
+the cost of medical costs. And nor retirees. Nor does it 
+include benefits that are not part of the national defense 
+budget. I am interested in your discussing that a little bit 
+more. Does this have anything to do with the rising costs of 
+recruitment bonuses and retention, and could you discuss that a 
+little bit please? And the nature of that cost versus when we 
+had a conscripted force as opposed to a volunteer force?
+    Mr. Daggett. In these figures I just tracked cash income of 
+personnel and deferred benefits, retirement benefits. I did not 
+track noncash compensation, which is in the operation and 
+maintenance accounts. And that includes medical care, family 
+services, dependent education, commissaries, nor did I track 
+family housing. So it is really just focused on the military 
+personnel accounts. That is the kind of a technical answer. So 
+it is only part of the compensation package, although it is the 
+biggest share of the compensation package. I also did not track 
+Veterans Administration benefits, either disability pensions or 
+health care or any other aspect of VA educational benefits, 
+again just because it is outside the Department of Defense. So 
+what this tracks really is what has been happening in the DOD 
+military personnel accounts in pay and benefits of military 
+personnel. It does include retirement benefits in the sense 
+that the accrual costs of military retirement are covered here.
+    The DOD pays into the military retirement fund an 
+actuarially determined amount for future retirement benefits 
+for current personnel. And that is included here. That is part 
+of the cost. And that has been increasing dramatically. But it 
+has increased dramatically because of two programs; TRICARE For 
+Life and concurrent receipt of military retired pay and VA 
+disability benefits. Otherwise, it is increased just with basic 
+pay. So what is driving it up? Lots of different things; 
+increases in basic pay, increases in basic allowance for 
+housing, bonuses. Retention bonuses are part of it, but that is 
+not a big part of the overall account. Those have increased 
+substantially in percentage terms, but they are not a big part, 
+a huge part of the overall budget.
+    Ms. Kaptur. So what is in that? Because when you look at 
+the number of personnel, obviously your disbursements for 
+personnel are your largest expenditure.
+    Mr. Daggett. Look at page 3, which is on the next page. 
+Page 6 actually. And that is just a bar graph that shows the 
+major elements of the part of the compensation package I am 
+looking at. So it includes basic pay subsistence and separation 
+pay. The bulk of that is just day-to-day paychecks. The basic 
+allowance for housing, people often miss how large a share of 
+military compensation that is, and that is actually a part of 
+take-home pay. And that has increased dramatically over time.
+    Ms. Kaptur. Does this reflect a rental of the housing off 
+base or the on base contracted-out housing situation? Why is 
+that number going up?
+    Mr. Daggett. Well, basic allowance for housing is given to 
+personnel in their paychecks to pay for housing themselves. 
+This does not track the part of military compensation that is 
+for family housing for on base facilities. That is a different 
+account. What I am tracking here is really the trend in cash 
+income of military personnel.
+    Ms. Kaptur. If I were to ask you the question since we had 
+the draft versus today, and you look at this cross cut, can one 
+make any judgments about how the current system is different or 
+more expensive than when we had the draft?
+    Mr. Daggett. I haven't specifically done those numbers. But 
+suffice it to say, personnel are much more expensive on average 
+now than draftees were. But then typically the draftees were in 
+for a limited period of time. They were not part of the 
+professional military. And the draftees were a larger part of 
+the military, a very large part of the military force. The 
+uniform force was actually the smaller part of it. They were 
+paid at higher rates more comparable to this. But again, the 
+bulk of the force being drafted, they were paid at much lower 
+rates and were in for a shorter period of time. I don't know if 
+that is responsive. But I can give you the numbers on it.
+    Ms. Kaptur. I would like two pieces of information for the 
+record, Mr. Chairman, if I might. My time is expired. Mr. 
+Daggett, if you could provide the figure on, though you said it 
+was small, the actual amount of reenlistment bonuses, bonus 
+payments to retain and attract individuals to go into the 
+military now versus 10 years ago. That would be very--it is 
+billions of dollars. I would just like to see that. And then 
+Mr. Gilmore, I would be very interested if you could provide 
+for the record of the Federal deficit, the accumulated deficit 
+in the last 10 years where we have had to borrow to cover that, 
+how would one look at defense spending, and the war in 
+particular, as a segment of that.
+    Mr. Gilmore. That is something that the organization 
+doesn't do, which is ascribe a particular part of defense 
+spending to the deficit. We typically don't do that.
+    Ms. Kaptur. You don't do that. Does the CBO do that? Excuse 
+me, CRS do that?
+    Mr. Daggett. No.
+    Ms. Kaptur. You don't do that either? That is interesting. 
+Who does do that?
+    Mr. Gilmore. Well, we don't do it because we think there 
+are good reasons not to do it, that you can't identify a 
+particular dollar spent and say that is a deficit dollar versus 
+another dollar that is not a deficit dollar.
+    Ms. Kaptur. Well, there is over $850 billion that has been 
+spent; $864 billion on the war funding has all been borrowed, 
+so it can't be that hard a calculation. I thought there would 
+be a chart on it or something.
+    Mr. Gilmore. You can make a distinction like that, but it 
+is not something the organization argues is a correct thing to 
+    Ms. Kaptur. All right. Thank you very much.
+    Mr. Daggett. If you ask, we will be glad to take a cut at 
+it. I mean, we respond to any of those.
+    Ms. Kaptur. I would be very grateful for how you might 
+arrange that mathematically. Thank you.
+    Chairman Spratt. Mr. Etheridge.
+    Mr. Etheridge. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Thank you for 
+holding this meeting. Thank you gentlemen for staying, and I 
+appreciate your presentation. Let me ask a question a little 
+different way because I represent Fort Bragg in North Carolina, 
+and also have the privilege of having the headquarters of the 
+30th heavy brigade that has been pulled up as an Old Hickory 
+Unit pulled to Iraq and now getting ready to come back again. 
+So thousands of brave men and women who are stationed in those 
+areas and many who served multiple tours in Afghanistan and 
+    But my question is a little different in that the new 
+administration is now considering plans to substantially 
+increase troop levels in Afghanistan. My question is, does 
+future war cost projections that we saw, and you talked about 
+them in some detail, do the charts and graphs and numbers give 
+us any help in looking at future projections by the CBO as you 
+put these numbers out? Do they take any kind of probable 
+increase in the accounts or adjustments given this 
+administrative change?
+    Mr. Gilmore. The projections I showed you, which over the 
+next few years, assume that troop levels decline from, in the 
+total Iraq theater from 180 or 190,000 troops in Iraq and then 
+another 30,000 or so in Afghan, that the total number deployed 
+declined to 75,000.
+    Mr. Etheridge. So you were using the 75,000 figure as the 
+    Mr. Gilmore. Yeah. That rampdown does not--we had to make 
+an assumption so we just assumed. We had a beginning point 
+which is the current size of the deployments in Iraq, the Iraq 
+theater and Afghanistan, and then we had a somewhat arbitrarily 
+chosen end point, 75,000, and we just linearly ramped it down 
+over 3 or 4 years. That obviously does not account for how the 
+detailed deployments might evolve over the next year or two. It 
+certainly could end up being consistent with what happens. If 
+there is a draw down in Iraq that proceeds at a more rapid 
+pace, or is more substantial, larger than the increase in 
+forces in Afghanistan, that somewhat arbitrary assumption could 
+turn out to be roughly consistent with what happens, but that 
+is not the way it was designed.
+    Mr. Etheridge. Let me follow that because I hear from our 
+men and women quite frequently, and you touched on it earlier 
+on the reset cost. And we talk about a reset cost, but also you 
+got that training piece if you don't have the equipment to 
+train with, and we have been through this a number of times. Is 
+that in the projections as well of getting equipment up to 
+speed, because when we come home, we are assuming that it will 
+wind up in Afghanistan? You got a little different environment 
+in Afghanistan than you do in Iraq in the sands. It is still a 
+tough environment. Is that included in these projections?
+    Mr. Gilmore. The short answer is yes. We include in our 
+projection an estimate of what it will cost to ``reset the 
+equipment based on what our experience has been over the last 
+year or so.'' So to the extent that that experience is a good 
+predictor of the future we have accounted for it well. But 
+there are many details of those costs that, notwithstanding our 
+report of a year and a half ago, we still don't understand.
+    So I am not going to sit here and say that I think that 
+that projection is a real prediction of the future, but it is 
+based on our experience in reset costs over the last year or 
+    Mr. Etheridge. One other point, and then I will yield back, 
+Mr. Chairman. Because you touched on it and I had a note here 
+on the health care costs that you responded earlier to two 
+questions. Having had the opportunity to spend some time in the 
+military, the days when the draft was active with a lot of my 
+friends and neighbors. The health care issue that was raised in 
+the current environment we find ourselves in with an all-
+volunteer army, we really have a much younger force if you look 
+from top to bottom than you would have in the general public at 
+large, even with TRICARE, because you have got a selected force 
+by and large that is fairly active, accustomed to staying 
+physically fit by and large more so than the public at large.
+    Mr. Daggett. But under 65 retirees do get access to the 
+    Mr. Etheridge. No, I understand that. But by and large, 
+they normally would be a more physically fit group of people I 
+would think.
+    Mr. Gilmore. You are obviously correct that the enlisted 
+force which composes the bulk of the force is going to be 
+younger than the population as a whole, yes. Although as I 
+mentioned before, we haven't really looked at the effect that 
+the somewhat different demographics may have.
+    Mr. Etheridge. That would be interesting to know as we go 
+through this, not to call attention to either one, but show 
+what happens if a person stays physically fit, what happens in 
+life. I think we know the answer, but it sure would be good to 
+quantify. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I yield back.
+    Chairman Spratt. Thank you, Mr. Etheridge. Just quickly one 
+question before we turn to Mr. Langevin. Do you have a rule of 
+thumb at CRS or CBO for what it costs to move a division or a 
+brigade with full equipment sent back to the States from Iraq?
+    Mr. Gilmore. No, I can't give you a number off the top of 
+my head. But I can say that my recollection is in the past we 
+have tried to estimate those transportation costs. And I am not 
+going to claim that they are small in absolute terms, but as a 
+percentage of the operations and maintenance bill, the total 
+operations and maintenance bill that accrues every year which 
+is probably 80 percent of that $180 billion or so, it is a 
+small fraction of that.
+    Mr. Daggett. We have tried to defer to CBO on cost 
+estimates on forces abroad, on deployments abroad.
+    Chairman Spratt. Could you submit, for the record, your 
+growth estimation that--your rule of thumb for, division set, 
+brigade set, whatever the proper unit is?
+    Mr. Gilmore. I would say brigade set would probably be it.
+    Chairman Spratt. You are able to caveat it for. Mr. 
+    Mr. Langevin. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. And gentlemen, I 
+want to thank you for your patience and your testimony here 
+today and for what you do to make sure that we stay informed 
+with good information. I sit on not only the Budget Committee, 
+but also the House Armed Services Committee. And following the 
+debate on the issue of the DDG-1000 versus the 51 that is going 
+on right now, and just for my own knowledge and clarification 
+for the record, when you talk about the range of potential 
+costs, whether it is 4 or 5 to $6 billion for the DDG-1000, I 
+would assume that you are talking about the first ship, which 
+obviously is the most expensive and then costs moderate over 
+time as you achieve economies of scale. Can you clarify that 
+for the record?
+    And also talk about your analysis on start-up costs if we 
+were to start the DDG-51 line. And you estimate real costs of 
+what that would be, what that ship would be per copy now with 
+the add on technologies. And also the tradeoffs versus going 
+with the DDG-1000 and the fact that these aren't supposed to be 
+incorporating follow-on or transformational technologies that 
+would, at a later point, be used on the cruiser or other 
+platforms. So that it is kind of you can't just talk about the 
+51 in a vacuum, you know, they have other follow-on 
+technologies that would be applied to other platforms and would 
+be of course useful as the cruisers is developed. So if you 
+could just kind of talk about those for a few minutes.
+    Mr. Gilmore. Well, the cost numbers that I quoted of 4 to 
+$5 billion were, for the first ship, exclusive of the--so it 
+excluded the development costs, the design costs for the ship, 
+the cost of building the first ship. And then, yes, we do 
+assume in our estimate that subsequent costs, subsequent ships 
+costs less. That there is a learning effect that occurs.
+    Mr. Langevin. So can you estimate what the following costs 
+would be?
+    Mr. Gilmore. I don't know off the top of my head, but I can 
+certainly provide them to you.
+    Mr. Langevin. That would be helpful.
+    Mr. Gilmore. And as far as the start-up costs and the new 
+ship costs for new versions of the DDG-51 are concerned, that 
+is not something at which we have looked. And I would have to 
+take a look at what the Department is claiming before I could 
+actually decide whether we have enough information to do a cost 
+estimate at this point. I don't know if there is sufficient 
+information available from the Department of what it would 
+actually put in new DDG-51s to do a definitive estimate.
+    Mr. Langevin. They are making what they claim to be 
+definitive estimates. So I think it would be helpful if you 
+would look at that and get back to us for the record.
+    Mr. Gilmore. All right.
+    Mr. Langevin. And then have you looked at--this is the last 
+part of my question--the value of the fact that the kind of 
+technologies that the 51 would be incorporated--the DDG-1000 
+would be incorporated and would be used on other platforms, and 
+particularly for the cruiser.
+    Mr. Gilmore. I don't mean to sound obtuse, and I probably 
+will. I really don't know how to measure that value 
+quantitatively. I certainly would admit that it exists. What 
+analysis I could do that would generate numbers that would 
+measure that value I fall short trying to think of. So I am not 
+certain--in fact, I am fairly certain that I couldn't give you 
+a--provide you with an analysis and a quantitative result that 
+would measure that value. I think that that is a matter of 
+judgment on the part of people in the Congress and people in 
+the Department of Defense as to whether they think whatever 
+costs will accrue to implement those new technologies is worth 
+    Mr. Langevin. Let me go back. Mr. Daggett, do you have a 
+comment to that?
+    Mr. Daggett. No.
+    Mr. Langevin. Let me go back to a line of questioning that 
+my colleague, Ms. McCollum, was asking. Obviously the country 
+is facing an economic and fiscal crisis right now. And with the 
+Department of Defense spending, we obviously need to do the job 
+of keeping the country safe, but spend our dollars more wisely. 
+Just as the QDR helps inform the FYDP, isn't it more important 
+than ever right now that we look at security from a more global 
+perspective. There are those who would argue that we need to do 
+a better job at using our soft par assets, incorporating that 
+in an overall national security strategy as opposed to just 
+looking at it myopically from the point of view of the Defense 
+    And so that something that I have thought about and have 
+introduced legislation to that effect of calling for a 
+Quadrennial National Security Review that would be done that 
+would, I believe, better inform the QDR which would better 
+inform the FYDP and overall defense policy and strategy, and 
+would obviously make sure that we are spending our dollars in 
+the best way most effective way possible. Can you talk about 
+    Mr. Daggett. A couple of points. A lot of organizations 
+lately have been looking at improved interagency cooperation in 
+National Security Affairs. There has been discussion of doing 
+an overall national security strategy statement with guide 
+budgeting for DOD as well as for other agencies for security 
+purposes. We will see if this administration will propose that. 
+It could be part of consideration of legislative measures as 
+well if there are proposals to strengthen the inner agency. At 
+the center of some of the proposals are--by the way, you will 
+find some of the strongest advocates of this in DOD. Not just 
+Secretary Gates, but other military commanders who have been 
+involved in Iraq and elsewhere who argue that the whole 
+interagency system needs to be bolstered across the board for 
+prevention, but also for stability operations once they are 
+involved overseas.
+    A big focus of attention is on how do you build teams to 
+work on national security issues like proliferation which cuts 
+across agencies. It is a State Department issue, it is a DOD 
+issue, it is a Department of Energy issue, it could be a 
+Treasury issue to track funding flows. We are not very good or 
+as good as we could be probably at building--we do build teams 
+at the Assistant Secretary level to discuss policy issues, but 
+at the implementation level, we don't do that on a regular 
+basis. Or it doesn't work as well as it could because DOD is 
+such a big agency it comes in and everybody defers to them. How 
+do you build those kinds of structures across the board. That 
+is a very big matter of discussion. And we have been looking at 
+that a little bit. There is a whole commission that did a 
+recent study on it that has a number of direct recommendations 
+for team building. So absolutely a huge issue on the agenda.
+    Mr. Gilmore. I think that the arguments in favor of a 
+Quadrennial National Strategy Review, those arguments in 
+principle are sound and they certainly make sense. I 
+participated in the 1997 Quadrennial Defense Review and in the 
+2001 Quadrennial Defense Review, when I worked at the Pentagon. 
+And I observed the last Quadrennial Defense Review from my 
+position as CBO. And I would observe the following. If you look 
+at the reviews which went from lasting 3 or 4 months in 1997 to 
+over a year in the most recent version, and if you look at then 
+what changes were actually made in the program, defense program 
+subsequent to the reviews, you find that virtually nothing 
+    So in principle, I understand all the arguments in favor of 
+these reviews. In practice, what I have seen happen is the 
+reviews extend in length, expand in scope and have lesser 
+impact or--it probably wouldn't be fair to say lesser, but not 
+what I would characterize as significant effect on the actual 
+defense program measured by what changed, what did I actually 
+change in the program as a result of the review. And I would 
+say probably not much in almost every instance. So going 
+forward, if we can find a different way to do these reviews, 
+perhaps it can be more successful in taking strategy and 
+connecting them to the Future Years Defense Program and to 
+spending in other departments.
+    But when I look at the record, I haven't really seen that 
+happen. And I measure that according to what are the 
+differences between the program that existed before the review 
+and after the review.
+    Now, in principle, there could be good reasons why not much 
+of anything changed. But all the arguments I have heard in 
+favor of things like the Quadrennial National Strategy Review 
+are, there are all these problems that we have left 
+unaddressed, and the only way to address them is to have a 
+broader scope more encompassing review. And when you look at 
+what has happened in the past, not much has changed. And if not 
+much has changed, then it would indicate to me that all these 
+problems that people have identified haven't been addressed.
+    Mr. Langevin. Like to go on, but I see my time has expired. 
+Thank you for your input. If you have ways to suggest that we 
+could change that to make those reviews more effective, I know 
+I would be open to hear those thoughts. Thank you.
+    Chairman Spratt. That concludes the hearing. I want to 
+thank you once again for your excellent testimony. I think it 
+speaks volumes about defense, but also about the value of 
+analysis that we have valuable in CBO and CRS. Thank you very 
+much indeed for coming in. Thank you for the effort you put in 
+to make this hearing a useful venture. I also ask unanimous 
+consent that members who did not have the opportunity to ask 
+questions be given 7 days to submit questions for the record. 
+Once again thank you for coming.
+    [Questions for the record and their responses follow:]
+      Questions for the Record Submitted by Hon. Steve Austria, a 
+           Representative in Congress From the State of Ohio
+    1. The successful completion of the most recent round of BRAC and 
+military R&D are both very important to central Ohio. Can you tell me 
+by service, whether BRAC is currently projected to achieve the savings 
+that were envisioned? If the savings aren't realized, has DOD indicated 
+how they will respond?
+    2. I would like to discuss two Air Force programs--the F-22 and the 
+Joint Strike Fighter (JSF). What is the status of these two systems? 
+How can we get DOD to do realistic budgeting?
+     Questions for the Record Submitted by Hon. Rosa L. DeLauro, a 
+        Representative in Congress From the State of Connecticut
+    1. As you are likely aware, the Navy recently declared a so-called 
+Nunn-McCurdy violation for the VH-71 presidential helicopter 
+replacement program. Last year, the Defense Department announced that 
+the total acquisition costs for the program were projected to increase 
+from $6.5 billion to $11.2 billion. Now, merely two years after 
+submitting initial baseline estimates, the Navy is confirming that the 
+cost per helicopter will be at least 50 percent higher than the 
+original estimate.
+    In recent testimony, Secretary Gates identified acquisitions as a 
+chief challenge facing the Defense Department and specifically 
+mentioned the VH-71 as a ``big ticket'' item experiencing contract or 
+program performance problems, suggesting that ``the FY 2010 budget must 
+make hard choices.'' As we examine cost growth in Defense programs, how 
+do you think we should approach big contract issues such as this one? 
+What policies are needed to control such egregious cost over-runs? On 
+the VH-71 program in particular, with the modifications and the new 
+requirements being as extensive as they are, and the fact that had 
+these changes been clear from the outset competing firms would likely 
+have submitted different proposals, do you think a re-competition of 
+Increment II of the program is worthwhile to identify whether this 
+helicopter can be made at a better value to the taxpayer?
+    2. As with the controversial original award for the Air Force KC-X 
+aerial refueling tanker contract, the Marine One contract was awarded 
+to a consortium that involved a substantial amount of work being 
+outsourced overseas. I believe such outsourcing of defense contracts 
+runs against both U.S. national security and economic interests, 
+eroding our defense industrial base, costing jobs and stunting economic 
+growth. Do you believe, particularly in these very difficult economic 
+times, that the Defense Department should consider adjusting its 
+methodology to account for potential job creation and economic growth 
+when considering proposals for major projects such as the KC-X and VH-
+          Mr. Daggett's Responses to Questions for the Record
+subject: trends in dod reenlistment bonuses and other special pays and 
+                               allowances
+    This is in response to your request, in a question at a House 
+Budget Committee hearing on February 4, for information on amounts the 
+Defense Department has spent for enlistment and reenlistment bonuses. 
+CRS testimony for the hearing shows that compensation of an average 
+active duty service member increased by 45% above inflation between 
+FY1998 and FY2009. Your question is how much of that increase can be 
+attributed to bonuses intended to aid in recruiting and retaining 
+personnel at a time when the military services were concerned about 
+potential shortfalls in meeting personnel goals.
+    A graph prepared for the testimony shows funding per active duty 
+service member in FY1998 and FY2009 in constant, inflation-adjusted 
+dollars, broken down into various categories within DOD's Military 
+Personnel budget accounts.\1\ One of the categories is ``Incentive 
+Pays, Special Pays, and Allowances.'' Funding for enlistment and 
+reenlistment bonuses are included in subaccounts for ``Special Pays.'' 
+As Figure 1 shows, overall funding for ``Incentive Pays, Special Pays, 
+and Allowances'' per active duty service member grew from $3,387 per 
+troop in FY1998 to $4,976 per troop in FY2009. This is an increase of 
+47% above inflation, which about in line with the growth in overall 
+personnel funding.
+    \1\ The data reflect amounts provided in the DOD base budget for 
+each year, not including war-related funding provided in ``bridge 
+funds'' or in supplemental appropriations. The data are in constant 
+FY2009 dollars--the FY1998 amounts are adjusted to reflect inflation.
+    Table 1 shows funding for enlistment and reenlistment bonuses 
+within the ``Special Pays'' subaccounts of each of the military 
+services. It provides the amounts in current year dollars and in 
+constant FY2009 dollars and then shows the total in constant FY2009 
+dollars per active duty service member for comparison to the amounts 
+shown in Figure 1. In all, after adjusting for inflation, funding for 
+reenlistment bonuses grew from $229 per service member in FY1998 to 
+$796 in FY2009, an increase of 248%, and for enlistment bonuses from 
+$207 per service member in FY1998 to $371 in FY2009, an increase of 
+79%. While these are large increases proportionally, enlistment and 
+reenlistment bonuses represent less than 1.5% of cash compensation in 
+FY2009. As a result, the increases are not a major factor explaining 
+the overall growth of personnel costs.
+                                   [Current year and constant FY2009 dollars]
+                                                             FY1998                          FY2009
+                                                 ---------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                   Officer  Enlisted    Total    Officer   Enlisted      Total
+Current Year Dollars (000s):
+    Army:
+        Reenlistment Bonus......................        0     50,650    50,650        0      339,030     339,030
+        Enlistment Bonus........................        0     58,223    58,223        0      314,861     314,861
+    Navy:
+        Reenlistment Bonus......................        0    140,359   140,359        0      359,600     359,600
+        Enlistment Bonus........................        0    144,761   144,761        0      108,797     108,797
+    Marine Corps:
+        Reenlistment Bonus......................        0     18,850    18,850        0      213,685     213,685
+        Enlistment Bonus........................        0      2,750     2,750        0       70,803      70,803
+    Air Force:
+        Reenlistment Bonus......................        0     36,431    36,431        0      176,333     176,333
+        Enlistment Bonus........................        0     16,966    16,966        0       12,986      12,986
+    Total:
+        Reenlistment Bonus......................        0    246,290   246,290        0    1,088,648   1,088,648
+        Enlistment Bonus........................        0    222,700   222,700        0      507,447     507,447
+Constant FY2009 Dollars (000s):
+    Army:
+        Reenlistment Bonus......................        0     66,124    66,124        0      339,030     339,030
+        Enlistment Bonus........................        0     76,011    76,011        0      314,861     314,861
+    Navy:
+        Reenlistment Bonus......................        0    183,240   183,240        0      359,600     359,600
+        Enlistment Bonus........................        0    188,987   188,987        0      108,797     108,797
+    Marine Corps:
+        Reenlistment Bonus......................        0     24,609    24,609        0      213,685     213,685
+        Enlistment Bonus........................        0      3,590     3,590        0       70,803      70,803
+    Air Force:
+        Reenlistment Bonus......................        0     47,561    47,561        0      176,333     176,333
+        Enlistment Bonus........................        0     22,149    22,149        0       12,986      12,986
+    Total:
+        Reenlistment Bonus......................        0    321,534   321,534        0    1,088,648   1,088,648
+        Enlistment Bonus........................        0    290,737   290,737        0      507,447     507,447
+Constant FY2009 Dollars per Active Duty Service
+ Member:
+    Total:
+        Reenlistment Bonus......................        0        229       229        0          796         796
+        Enlistment Bonus........................        0        207       207        0          371         371
+Source: CRS based on data in military service Military Personnel budget justification books--FY1998 amounts are
+  actual amounts reported in FY2000 justification books, FY2009 amounts reflect the original base budget
+  request.
+  subject: share of cumulative federal budget deficits due to defense 
+                                spending
+    This is in response to your request, in a question at a House 
+Budget Committee hearing on February 4, for an estimate of the share of 
+cumulative federal budget deficits attributable to defense spending. 
+For a number of reasons, any answer to the question is problematic and 
+may well raise objections on several grounds. This response, therefore, 
+should not be taken as a definitive answer to your question, but, 
+rather, as one illustrative approach to the issue.
+    The conceptual difficulty of the question lies in the fact that 
+deficits are, by definition, a result of an imbalance between spending 
+on the one hand and revenues on the other, and it is very difficult to 
+assign responsibility to one or the other. Deficits may grow from year 
+to year either because spending increases, compared to some baseline, 
+or because revenues decline, again relative to some baseline. But it is 
+not clear what baseline to use in either case. It is certainly possible 
+to calculate changes in spending or in revenues from year to year due 
+to changes to standing law--i.e., to apply something like the baseline 
+estimates calculated by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and the 
+Office of Management and Budget (OMB). But then the problem is how many 
+years ahead to continue attributing deficits either to changes in 
+spending or to changes in revenues at one point in time. The issue is 
+further complicated by the fact that both revenues and spending are 
+affected by the state of the economy. Should, then, an economic 
+downturn be held more responsible for deficits than changes in policy?
+    Rather than try to unpack these issues, this memo approaches the 
+question, not by calculating what changes in spending and revenues 
+cause deficits, but, rather, by determining what proportion of deficits 
+have financed defense compared to non-defense spending. Specifically, 
+it calculates the national defense percentage of annual federal budget 
+outlays and then attributes an equal percentage of annual deficits to 
+defense. The defense share of cumulative deficits, then, equals the sum 
+of defense-attributable annual deficits compared to total deficits 
+(less surpluses) over the chosen period of time.
+    Table 1 at the end of this memo, follows this approach for each 
+year from FY1947 through FY2007. FY1947 was chosen as a starting point 
+since it marked the first year of post-World War II outlays. Outlays in 
+FY1946 still included a very large amount of money appropriated for the 
+war, including funding carried over from prior years They also included 
+funding to return forces home and to close down weapons production 
+lines. FY2007 was chosen as an end-point because it is the latest year 
+for which actual data on Budget Function 050 outlays are currently 
+    Please note that the table calculates the defense share of 
+cumulative deficits over the FY1947-FY2007 period rather than the 
+defense share of the national debt owed to the public. For purposes of 
+comparison, the table also shows the debt owed to the public at the end 
+of each year in the final column. Annual changes in debt owed to the 
+public correlate only quite roughly with annual deficits or surpluses, 
+since off-budget borrowing is also reflected in the amount of the debt.
+    While this approach avoids some of the conceptual difficulties 
+discussed earlier, it does not resolve them, and it raises some 
+additional ones. One issue is whether it is appropriate to equate the 
+share of deficits used to finance defense spending with the annual 
+defense share of total federal outlays or whether, instead, annual 
+increases in spending should be seen as financed by deficits. This 
+issue is particularly acute with regard to supplemental appropriations. 
+In years when supplemental appropriations were used to finance military 
+operations, for example, without offsetting cuts in other spending or 
+increases in revenues, one could very reasonably argue that the whole 
+amount of war-related supplemental funding should be seen as an 
+addition to the budget and therefore as responsible for an equal amount 
+of the deficit (or for all of the deficit if the deficit is less than 
+total war-related funding). If so, the cumulative share of deficits 
+attributable to defense might appear significantly higher.
+    Another issue is whether it would be better to assume that the debt 
+owed to the public is amortized over a period of time--over 30 years, 
+or so, for example--so that the burden of earlier deficits are 
+progressively erased from the books. If that approach were taken, the 
+current defense-related share of cumulative deficits would appear 
+smaller in recent years because defense has declined as a share of 
+federal outlays.
+    Another alternative would involve assigning federal outlays for net 
+interest on the debt differently. Table 1, in effect, treats interest 
+on the debt as an element of total outlays, rather than allocating it 
+in proportion to the defense or non-defense shares of cumulative 
+deficits. If a share of net interest were attributed to defense, the 
+defense share of cumulative deficits might appear somewhat larger.
+    Table 1 follows. In brief, it shows that defense outlays in the 
+post-World War II era declined as a share of Federal spending from a 
+peak of almost 70% of the budget during the Korean War to a low of 16% 
+in FY1999 and increased after that to about 20% in FY2007. Accordingly, 
+the share of cumulative deficits that can be said to have financed 
+defense spending has also declined. Between FY1947 and FY1959, the 
+cumulative budgets showed a surplus. The cumulative share of defense 
+spending that might be said to be financed with deficits has declined 
+from 53% in FY1959, the first year of net cumulative deficits in post-
+World War II budgets; to 23% in FY2007.
+    If CRS can be of any further assistance, please contact Stephen 
+Daggett at the phone number shown above.
+                                                      [Amounts in millions of current year dollars]
+                                                                                Defense-                                       Defense-
+                                                National                     Related Share                     Defense-        Related
+                 National     Total Federal      Defense     Annual Surplus/   of Annual      Cumulative     Related Share  Percentage of    Note: Debt
+ Fiscal year     Defense         Outlays      Percentage of      Deficit        Surplus/      Surpluses/     of Cumulative    Cumulative    Owed to the
+                 Outlays                      Total Outlays                     Deficit        Deficits        Deficits     Deficits (7)/      Public
+                                                 (2)/(3)                        (3)X(4)                                          (6)
+     1947          12,808          34,496         37.10%            4,018          1,492            4,018   ..............  .............       202,467
+     1948           9,105          29,764         30.60%           11,796          3,608           15,814   ..............  .............       194,904
+     1949          13,150          38,835         33.90%              580            196           16,394   ..............  .............       194,979
+     1950          13,724          42,562         32.20%           -3,119         -1,006           13,275   ..............  .............       200,692
+     1951          23,566          45,514         51.80%            6,102          3,159           19,377   ..............  .............       191,344
+     1952          46,089          67,686         68.10%           -1,519         -1,034           17,858   ..............  .............       191,852
+     1953          52,802          76,101         69.40%           -6,493         -4,505           11,365   ..............  .............       193,637
+     1954          49,266          70,855         69.50%           -1,154           -802           10,211   ..............  .............       199,462
+     1955          42,729          68,444         62.40%           -2,993         -1,869            7,218   ..............  .............       203,009
+     1956          42,523          70,640         60.20%            3,947          2,376           11,165   ..............  .............       198,398
+     1957          45,430          76,578         59.30%            3,412          2,024           14,577   ..............  .............       196,285
+     1958          46,815          82,405         56.80%           -2,769         -1,573           11,808   ..............  .............       200,898
+     1959          49,015          92,098         53.20%          -12,849         -6,838           -1,041            -554        53.20%         208,657
+     1960          48,130          92,191         52.20%              301            157             -740            -397        53.60%         210,317
+     1961          49,601          97,723         50.80%           -3,335         -1,693           -4,075          -2,090        51.30%         211,104
+     1962          52,345         106,821         49.00%           -7,146         -3,502          -11,221          -5,591        49.80%         218,347
+     1963          53,400         111,316         48.00%           -4,756         -2,282          -15,977          -7,873        49.30%         221,951
+     1964          54,757         118,528         46.20%           -5,915         -2,733          -21,892         -10,605        48.40%         222,055
+     1965          50,620         118,228         42.80%           -1,411           -604          -23,303         -11,210        48.10%         221,678
+     1966          58,111         134,532         43.20%           -3,698         -1,597          -27,001         -12,807        47.40%         221,545
+     1967          71,417         157,464         45.40%           -8,643         -3,920          -35,644         -16,727        46.90%         219,907
+     1968          81,926         178,134         46.00%          -25,161        -11,572          -60,805         -28,299        46.50%         237,315
+     1969          82,497         183,640         44.90%            3,242          1,456          -57,563         -26,842        46.60%         224,013
+     1970          81,692         195,649         41.80%           -2,842         -1,187          -60,405         -28,029        46.40%         225,484
+     1971          78,872         210,172         37.50%          -23,033         -8,644          -83,438         -36,673        44.00%         237,519
+     1972          79,174         230,681         34.30%          -23,373         -8,022         -106,811         -44,695        41.80%         250,951
+     1973          76,681         245,707         31.20%          -14,908         -4,653         -121,719         -49,347        40.50%         265,729
+     1974          79,347         269,359         29.50%           -6,135         -1,807         -127,854         -51,155        40.00%         263,051
+     1975          86,509         332,332         26.00%          -53,242        -13,859         -181,096         -65,014        35.90%         309,707
+     1976          89,619         371,792         24.10%          -73,732        -17,773         -254,828         -82,787        32.50%         382,690
+       TQ          22,269          95,975         23.20%          -14,744         -3,421         -269,572         -86,208        32.00%         398,807
+     1977          97,241         409,218         23.80%          -53,659        -12,751         -323,231         -98,959        30.60%         444,100
+     1978         104,495         458,746         22.80%          -59,185        -13,481         -382,416        -112,440        29.40%         491,646
+     1979         116,342         504,028         23.10%          -40,726         -9,401         -423,142        -121,840        28.80%         524,712
+     1980         133,995         590,941         22.70%          -73,830        -16,741         -496,972        -138,581        27.90%         591,077
+     1981         157,513         678,241         23.20%          -78,968        -18,339         -575,940        -156,921        27.20%         664,944
+     1982         185,309         745,743         24.80%         -127,977        -31,801         -703,917        -188,722        26.80%         790,078
+     1983         209,903         808,364         26.00%         -207,802        -53,959         -911,719        -242,680        26.60%         981,741
+     1984         227,413         851,853         26.70%         -185,367        -49,486       -1,097,086        -292,166        26.60%       1,151,853
+     1985         252,748         946,396         26.70%         -212,308        -56,700       -1,309,394        -348,866        26.60%       1,337,454
+     1986         273,375         990,441         27.60%         -221,227        -61,062       -1,530,621        -409,928        26.80%       1,549,767
+     1987         281,999       1,004,083         28.10%         -149,730        -42,052       -1,680,351        -451,980        26.90%       1,677,713
+     1988         290,361       1,064,481         27.30%         -155,178        -42,328       -1,835,529        -494,308        26.90%       1,822,398
+     1989         303,559       1,143,829         26.50%         -152,639        -40,509       -1,988,168        -534,817        26.90%       1,970,628
+     1990         299,331       1,253,130         23.90%         -221,036        -52,798       -2,209,204        -587,615        26.60%       2,177,147
+     1991         273,292       1,324,331         20.60%         -269,238        -55,561       -2,478,442        -643,175        26.00%       2,430,408
+     1992         298,350       1,381,649         21.60%         -290,321        -62,691       -2,768,763        -705,867        25.50%       2,703,341
+     1993         291,086       1,409,522         20.70%         -255,051        -52,672       -3,023,814        -758,538        25.10%       2,922,744
+     1994         281,642       1,461,907         19.30%         -203,186        -39,145       -3,227,000        -797,683        24.70%       3,077,915
+     1995         272,066       1,515,884         17.90%         -163,952        -29,426       -3,390,952        -827,108        24.40%       3,230,264
+     1996         265,753       1,560,608         17.00%         -107,431        -18,294       -3,498,383        -845,402        24.20%       3,343,149
+     1997         270,505       1,601,307         16.90%          -21,884         -3,697       -3,520,267        -849,099        24.10%       3,347,826
+     1998         268,207       1,652,685         16.20%           69,270         11,242       -3,450,997        -837,858        24.30%       3,262,917
+     1999         274,785       1,702,035         16.10%          125,610         20,279       -3,325,387        -817,579        24.60%       3,135,719
+     2000         294,394       1,789,216         16.50%          236,241         38,871       -3,089,146        -778,708        25.20%       2,898,391
+     2001         304,759       1,863,190         16.40%          128,236         20,975       -2,960,910        -757,733        25.60%       2,785,480
+     2002         348,482       2,011,153         17.30%         -157,758        -27,335       -3,118,668        -785,068        25.20%       2,936,235
+     2003         404,778       2,160,117         18.70%         -377,585        -70,755       -3,496,253        -855,823        24.50%       3,257,327
+     2004         455,847       2,293,006         19.90%         -412,727        -82,050       -3,908,980        -937,872        24.00%       3,595,203
+     2005         495,326       2,472,205         20.00%         -318,346        -63,783       -4,227,326      -1,001,656        23.70%       3,855,852
+     2006         521,840       2,655,435         19.70%         -248,181        -48,772       -4,475,507      -1,050,428        23.50%       4,060,048
+     2007         552,568       2,730,241         20.20%         -162,002        -32,787       -4,637,509      -1,083,215        23.40%       4,255,497
+Source: CRS calculations based on data from Office of Management and Budget, Historical Tables: Budget of the United States Government, FY2009, February
+  2008
+ subject: cost of military personnel before and after the inception of 
+                        the all volunteer force
+    This is in response to your request, in a question at a House 
+Budget Committee hearing on February 4, for information on the relative 
+cost of military personnel under the draft compared to their cost since 
+the inception of the All Volunteer Force (AVF) in 1972. During the 
+hearing, I noted that personnel have become considerably more expensive 
+since beginning of the AVF, but I did not have detailed information 
+immediately at hand.
+    This memo provides three tables and one figure in response to your 
+request. Table 1 and Figure 1 show all compensation provided to active 
+duty military personnel in military personnel budget accounts per 
+service member from FY1955, following the Korean War, through FY2009, 
+excluding war costs in FY1990-FY1992 and from FY2003 on. The amounts 
+are shown both in current year prices and in inflation adjusted 
+constant FY2009 prices, with figures adjusted for inflation using the 
+consumer price index. These data are consistent with information I 
+provided on the cost of personnel since FY1972 in written testimony on 
+February 4. The amounts appropriated in the military personnel accounts 
+provide cash compensation and deferred retirement benefits for 
+uniformed personnel, but do not include either tax benefits that are 
+not part of the Department of Defense budget nor benefits such as 
+medical care and child care services, that are financed in DOD 
+operation and maintenance accounts.
+    Table 1 provides a reasonably complete picture of the relative cost 
+of personnel under a draft compared to the cost of personnel since the 
+inception of the All Volunteer force. The amounts in the table reflect 
+all major elements of cash compensation of military personnel plus the 
+value of retirement benefits. The final column of Table 1 shows that 
+compensation per service member in constant FY2009 prices grew from 
+about $36,000 in FY1955 to $49,000 in FY1970, just before the AVF was 
+implemented, to $57,000 in FY1973, after the AVF was in place. 
+Subsequently, compensation declined in the 1970s, as annual pay raises 
+fell behind inflation, but grew to $61,000, again in FY2009 prices, in 
+FY1983, following ``catch-up'' pay raises of 11% in FY1980 and of 14% 
+in FY1981. Average compensation remained at about that level through 
+the 1990s and then began to increase substantially, growing to about 
+$80,000 per service member by FY2009--again, all in constant, inflation 
+adjusted dollars, using the CPI as a measure of inflation. These 
+elements of compensation grew by more than 40% above inflation between 
+FY1998 and FY2009. Figure 1 illustrates the long-term trend.
+ figure 1. military personnel funding per active duty service member, 
+                             fy1955-fy2009
+                [Constant FY2009 $ Adjusted Using CPI-U]
+    Source: CRS based on Department of Defense data for budget amounts 
+and end-strength and Bureau of Labor Statistics for CPI-U inflation 
+    Notes: Funding amounts include all military pay and benefits 
+financed in the military personnel accounts of annual appropriations 
+bills, excluding pay and benefits of reserve personnel. These include 
+basic pay, basic allowance for housing, subsistence, retired pay and 
+medical benefits accrual contributions to the military retirement fund, 
+bonuses and other special pays and allowances, permanent change of 
+station travel allowances, and other cash allowances. The amounts do 
+not reflect medical benefits or in-kind benefits funded in operation 
+and maintenance accounts. Amounts are for the base defense budget only, 
+not including war-related funding in FY1990-FY1992 and from FY2003 
+through FY2009. End-strength levels also exclude reserves mobilized for 
+military operations in those years.
+                              FY1955-FY2009
+[Budget authority in current year dollars and in constant FY2009 dollars
+                              using CPI-U]
+                     Active     Active               Funding    Funding
+                      Duty       Duty                  per        per
+                    Military   Military    Active     Active     Active
+                   Personnel  Personnel  Duty End-     Duty       Duty
+   Fiscal year      Funding    Funding    Strength   Service    Service
+                    (Current  (FY2009 $    (000s)     Member     Member
+                   Year $ in      in                 (Current   (FY2009
+                   Millions)  Millions)              Year $)       $)
+FY1955...........     11,060     89,707      2,935      3,768     30,565
+FY1956...........     11,096     88,597      2,807      3,953     31,563
+FY1957...........     11,008     85,229      2,795      3,938     30,494
+FY1958...........     10,378     77,985      2,599      3,993     30,006
+FY1959...........     11,313     84,391      2,504      4,518     33,703
+FY1960...........     10,878     79,982      2,476      4,393     32,303
+FY1961...........     11,439     83,505      2,483      4,607     33,631
+FY1962...........     12,028     86,571      2,808      4,284     30,830
+FY1963...........     12,400     88,006      2,700      4,593     32,595
+FY1964...........     13,111     92,408      2,687      4,879     34,391
+FY1965...........     13,827     95,480      2,656      5,206     35,949
+FY1966...........     16,170    108,725      3,093      5,228     35,152
+FY1967...........     19,170    124,787      3,375      5,680     36,974
+FY1968...........     21,098    132,286      3,547      5,948     37,295
+FY1969...........     22,837    135,696      3,460      6,600     39,218
+FY1970...........     24,564    137,937      3,066      8,012     44,989
+FY1971...........     24,595    132,294      2,714      9,062     48,745
+FY1972...........     25,164    131,211      2,324     10,828     56,459
+FY1973...........     26,300    129,223      2,253     11,673     57,356
+FY1974...........     27,254    120,579      2,163     12,600     55,746
+FY1975...........     28,976    117,512      2,129     13,610     55,196
+FY1976...........     30,401    116,368      2,081     14,609     55,919
+FY1977...........     31,870    114,687      2,075     15,359     55,271
+FY1978...........     33,706    112,572      2,062     16,346     54,594
+FY1979...........     36,080    108,135      2,031     17,765     53,242
+FY1980...........     39,561    104,472      2,063     19,176     50,641
+FY1981...........     46,418    111,098      2,101     22,093     52,879
+FY1982...........     56,603    127,701      2,130     26,574     59,954
+FY1983...........     60,349    132,069      2,163     27,900     61,058
+FY1984...........     57,746    120,935      2,184     26,440     55,373
+FY1985...........     60,002    121,430      2,207     27,187     55,020
+FY1986...........     59,570    118,445      2,233     26,677     53,043
+FY1987...........     65,620    125,823      2,244     29,242     56,071
+FY1988...........     67,723    124,708      2,209     30,658     56,454
+FY1989...........     69,351    121,781      2,203     31,480     55,280
+FY1990...........     69,759    116,303      2,144     32,537     54,246
+FY1991...........     75,007    119,964      2,077     36,113     57,758
+FY1992...........     71,477    111,017      1,880     38,020     59,052
+FY1993...........     66,499    100,239      1,775     37,464     56,473
+FY1994...........     61,775     90,840      1,678     36,815     54,136
+FY1995...........     62,090     88,750      1,583     39,223     56,064
+FY1996...........     60,421     83,900      1,538     39,285     54,551
+FY1997...........     60,924     82,688      1,504     40,508     54,979
+FY1998...........     59,535     79,535      1,406     42,343     56,569
+FY1999...........     61,347     80,175      1,386     44,262     57,846
+FY2000...........     63,853     80,765      1,384     46,137     58,356
+FY2001...........     66,568     81,868      1,386     48,029     59,068
+FY2002...........     71,096     86,091      1,386     51,296     62,114
+FY2003...........     80,506     95,339      1,386     58,085     68,787
+FY2004...........     84,414     97,371      1,386     60,905     70,253
+FY2005...........     91,396    101,973      1,386     65,942     73,573
+FY2006...........     95,766    103,459      1,357     70,595     76,267
+FY2007...........     96,247    101,094      1,328     72,451     76,100
+FY2008...........    100,761    102,978      1,326     76,009     77,681
+FY2009...........    109,469    109,469      1,368     80,004     80,004
+Sources: CRS using data from the Department of Defense and adjusted for
+  inflation using the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners (CPI-
+  U) from the Bureau of Labor StatisticsNotes: Amounts include all funding provided in military personnel
+  accounts for active duty personnel. Amounts do not reflect medical
+  care and in-kind benefits such as child care services, commissary and
+  exchange privileges, and recreational facilities, financed in
+  operation and maintenance accounts
+    As a complement to the data in Table 1, Tables 2 and 3 show monthly 
+basic pay of representative enlisted personnel and officers, at the 
+most common grade levels, for selected years (the data go back to 1905 
+for enlisted personnel and to 1922 for officers). These data are taken 
+directly from tables in background papers prepared by the Library of 
+Congress Federal Research Division for the Office of the Secretary of 
+Defense in preparation for the Ninth Quadrennial Review of Military 
+Compensation.\1\ The data are derived from annual pay tables, which 
+show, within each grade, pay levels for personnel with increasing 
+numbers of years of service. The Table 2 shows monthly basic pay of an 
+``E-4'' enlisted service member, and Table 3 shows monthly basic pay of 
+an ``O-3'' grade officer. These grades were chosen because they 
+represent the most common ranks in today's force. The most common grade 
+level of an enlisted service member in 2008 was ``E-4,'' which 
+corresponds to a rank of corporal or specialist in the Army, corporal 
+in the Marine Corps, senior airman in the Air Force, and Petty Officer 
+Third Class in the Navy. The most common grade level of an officer in 
+2008 was O-3, which corresponds to a rank of Captain in the Army, Air 
+Force, and Marine Corps, and to Lieutenant in the Navy. Amounts are 
+shown in current year dollars and in constant FY2009 prices, again 
+adjusted for inflation using the CPI.
+    \1\ Dr. Glenn Curtis, Military Compensation Background Papers: 
+Sixth Edition, Federal Research Division, Library of Congress, 
+Washington, DC, May 2005, http://www.loc.gov/rr/frd/pdf-files/
+Military--Comp.pdf. The gaps in the table, which skip over most years 
+until 1940, are as shown in the background tables--CRS did not alter 
+the information in current year prices in any way. It would require 
+additional research to fill in the figures for intervening years.
+    It is important to note that basic pay is only a part of cash and 
+deferred compensation. In FY2008, funding for basic pay was 49% of the 
+total provided in military personnel budget accounts Other elements of 
+cash compensation included housing and subsistence allowances, clothing 
+allowances, special pays and bonuses, permanent change of station 
+moving allowances, and a number of other smaller categories of 
+compensation. In all, these parts of compensation totaled 23% of 
+funding. Financing of future retirement benefits comprised the 
+remaining 28%. Though they do not reflect a complete picture of 
+military compensation, these tables of monthly basic pay are provided 
+in order to present a more concrete comparison of military pay when the 
+draft was in effect with pay of members of the current professional 
+military force.
+    If CRS can be of any further assistance, please contact Stephen 
+Daggett by direct phone at 202 707-7642 or by e-mail at 
+[email protected].
+                                                       [Monthly pay at rank with years of service]
+                           Under                                           Over    Over    Over    Over    Over    Over    Over    Over    Over    Over
+                             2    Over 2  Over 3  Over 4  Over 6  Over 8    10      12      14      16      18      20      22      24      26      30
+                                                                  CURRENT YEAR DOLLARSJul-1905................      54      54      54      57      57      59      59      62      62      65      65      65      65      65      65      65
+Oct-40..................      60      60      60      66      66      69      69      72      72      75      75      75      75      75      75      75
+Aug-41..................      70      70      70      76      76      79      79      82      82      85      85      85      85      85      85      85
+Jun-42..................      78      78      82      82      86      86      90      94      94      98     101     105     109     109     113     117
+Jul-46..................     100     100     105     105     110     110     115     120     120     125     130     135     140     140     145     150
+Oct-49..................     118     125     125     132     140     147     154     162     169     176     191     191     191     191     191     191
+May-52..................     122     130     130     138     145     153     161     168     176     183     199     199     199     199     199     199
+Apr-55..................     122     140     140     160     168     179     187     190     203     211     218     218     218     218     218     218
+Jun-58..................     122     150     160     170     180     190     190     190     190     190     190     190     190     190     190     190
+Oct-63..................     122     180     190     205     215     215     215     215     215     215     215     215     215     215     215     215
+Sep-64..................     122     185     195     210     221     221     221     221     221     221     221     221     221     221     221     221
+Sep-65..................     166     205     216     233     245     245     245     245     245     245     245     245     245     245     245     245
+Jul-66..................     169     212     223     241     253     253     253     253     253     253     253     253     253     253     253     253
+Oct-67..................     178     223     236     254     267     267     267     267     267     267     267     267     267     267     267     267
+Jul-68..................     190     239     252     272     285     285     285     285     285     285     285     285     285     285     285     285
+Jul-69..................     214     269     284     306     321     321     321     321     321     321     321     321     321     321     321     321
+Jan-70..................     232     290     307     331     347     347     347     347     347     347     347     347     347     347     347     347
+Jan-71..................     250     313     331     357     374     374     374     374     374     374     374     374     374     374     374     374
+Nov-71..................     323     341     361     389     405     405     405     405     405     405     405     405     405     405     405     405
+Jan-72..................     347     366     387     418     434     434     434     434     434     434     434     434     434     434     434     434
+Oct-72..................     370     391     413     446     463     463     463     463     463     463     463     463     463     463     463     463
+Oct-73..................     393     415     439     473     492     492     492     492     492     492     492     492     492     492     492     492
+Oct-74..................     414     437     463     499     519     519     519     519     519     519     519     519     519     519     519     519
+Oct-75..................     435     459     486     524     545     545     545     545     545     545     545     545     545     545     545     545
+Oct-76..................     451     476     504     543     564     564     564     564     564     564     564     564     564     564     564     564
+Oct-77..................     479     505     535     577     599     599     599     599     599     599     599     599     599     599     599     599
+Oct-78..................     505     533     564     608     632     632     632     632     632     632     632     632     632     632     632     632
+Oct-79..................     540     571     604     651     677     677     677     677     677     677     677     677     677     677     677     677
+Oct-80..................     604     638     675     727     756     756     756     756     756     756     756     756     756     756     756     756
+Oct-81..................     682     720     762     822     854     854     854     854     854     854     854     854     854     854     854     854
+Oct-82..................     710     749     793     855     889     889     889     889     889     889     889     889     889     889     889     889
+Jan-84..................     738     779     825     889     924     924     924     924     924     924     924     924     924     924     924     924
+Jan-85..................     767     810     858     925     961     961     961     961     961     961     961     961     961     961     961     961
+Oct-85..................     791     835     884     952     990     990     990     990     990     990     990     990     990     990     989     990
+Jan-87..................     814     860     910     981   1,019   1,019   1,019   1,019   1,019   1,019   1,019   1,019   1,019   1,019   1,019   1,019
+Jan-88..................     830     877     928   1,000   1,040   1,040   1,040   1,040   1,040   1,040   1,040   1,040   1,040   1,040   1,040   1,040
+Jan-89..................     864     913     966   1,041   1,082   1,082   1,082   1,082   1,082   1,082   1,082   1,082   1,082   1,082   1,082   1,082
+Jan-90..................     896     946   1,001   1,079   1,121   1,121   1,121   1,121   1,121   1,121   1,121   1,121   1,121   1,121   1,121   1,121
+Jan-91..................     932     984   1,042   1,123   1,167   1,167   1,167   1,167   1,167   1,167   1,167   1,167   1,167   1,167   1,167   1,167
+Jan-92..................     971   1,026   1,086   1,170   1,216   1,216   1,216   1,216   1,216   1,216   1,216   1,216   1,216   1,216   1,216   1,216
+Jan-93..................   1,007   1,064   1,126   1,213   1,261   1,261   1,261   1,261   1,261   1,261   1,261   1,261   1,261   1,261   1,261   1,261
+Jan-94..................   1,029   1,087   1,151   1,240   1,289   1,289   1,289   1,289   1,289   1,289   1,289   1,289   1,289   1,289   1,289   1,289
+Jan-95..................   1,056   1,115   1,181   1,272   1,322   1,322   1,322   1,322   1,322   1,322   1,322   1,322   1,322   1,322   1,322   1,322
+Jan-96..................   1,081   1,142   1,209   1,303   1,354   1,354   1,354   1,354   1,354   1,354   1,354   1,354   1,354   1,354   1,354   1,354
+Jan-97..................   1,114   1,176   1,246   1,342   1,395   1,395   1,395   1,395   1,395   1,395   1,395   1,395   1,395   1,395   1,395   1,395
+Jan-98..................   1,145   1,209   1,280   1,379   1,434   1,434   1,434   1,434   1,434   1,434   1,434   1,434   1,434   1,434   1,434   1,434
+Jan-99..................   1,186   1,253   1,327   1,429   1,485   1,485   1,485   1,485   1,485   1,485   1,485   1,485   1,485   1,485   1,485   1,485
+Jan-00..................   1,243   1,313   1,390   1,497   1,557   1,557   1,557   1,557   1,557   1,557   1,557   1,557   1,557   1,557   1,557   1,557
+Jul-00..................   1,243   1,373   1,447   1,520   1,594   1,594   1,594   1,594   1,594   1,594   1,594   1,594   1,594   1,594   1,594   1,594
+Jan-01..................   1,289   1,424   1,501   1,576   1,653   1,653   1,653   1,653   1,653   1,653   1,653   1,653   1,653   1,653   1,653   1,653
+Jan-02..................   1,444   1,518   1,600   1,680   1,752   1,752   1,752   1,752   1,752   1,752   1,752   1,752   1,752   1,752   1,752   1,752
+Jan-03..................   1,503   1,580   1,665   1,749   1,824   1,824   1,824   1,824   1,824   1,824   1,824   1,824   1,824   1,824   1,824   1,824
+Jan-04..................   1,558   1,638   1,727   1,814   1,892   1,892   1,892   1,892   1,892   1,892   1,892   1,892   1,892   1,892   1,892   1,892                                                          CONSTANT 2009 $ ADJUSTED USING CPI-UJul-1904................   1,346   1,346   1,346   1,413   1,413   1,481   1,481   1,548   1,548   1,615   1,615   1,615   1,615   1,615   1,615   1,615
+Oct-40..................     929     929     929   1,022   1,022   1,068   1,068   1,115   1,115   1,161   1,161   1,161   1,161   1,161   1,161   1,161
+Aug-41..................   1,037   1,037   1,037   1,126   1,126   1,170   1,170   1,215   1,215   1,259   1,259   1,259   1,259   1,259   1,259   1,259
+Jun-42..................   1,049   1,049   1,101   1,101   1,154   1,154   1,206   1,259   1,259   1,311   1,364   1,416   1,468   1,468   1,521   1,573
+Jul-46..................   1,111   1,111   1,166   1,166   1,222   1,222   1,278   1,333   1,333   1,389   1,444   1,500   1,555   1,555   1,611   1,666
+Oct-49..................   1,073   1,140   1,140   1,207   1,274   1,341   1,408   1,476   1,543   1,610   1,744   1,744   1,744   1,744   1,744   1,744
+May-52..................   1,008   1,071   1,071   1,134   1,197   1,260   1,323   1,386   1,449   1,512   1,638   1,638   1,638   1,638   1,638   1,638
+Apr-55..................     992   1,139   1,139   1,297   1,360   1,455   1,518   1,541   1,645   1,708   1,771   1,771   1,771   1,771   1,771   1,771
+Jun-58..................     919   1,127   1,202   1,278   1,353   1,428   1,428   1,428   1,428   1,428   1,428   1,428   1,428   1,428   1,428   1,428
+Oct-63..................     868   1,278   1,348   1,455   1,526   1,526   1,526   1,526   1,526   1,526   1,526   1,526   1,526   1,526   1,526   1,526
+Sep-64..................     862   1,300   1,372   1,480   1,554   1,554   1,554   1,554   1,554   1,554   1,554   1,554   1,554   1,554   1,554   1,554
+Sep-65..................   1,143   1,415   1,492   1,610   1,690   1,690   1,690   1,690   1,690   1,690   1,690   1,690   1,690   1,690   1,690   1,690
+Jul-66..................   1,134   1,422   1,499   1,618   1,698   1,698   1,698   1,698   1,698   1,698   1,698   1,698   1,698   1,698   1,698   1,698
+Oct-67..................   1,158   1,453   1,533   1,654   1,736   1,736   1,736   1,736   1,736   1,736   1,736   1,736   1,736   1,736   1,736   1,736
+Jul-68..................   1,193   1,495   1,578   1,702   1,787   1,787   1,787   1,787   1,787   1,787   1,787   1,787   1,787   1,787   1,787   1,787
+Jul-69..................   1,273   1,595   1,685   1,816   1,907   1,907   1,907   1,907   1,907   1,907   1,907   1,907   1,907   1,907   1,907   1,907
+Jan-70..................   1,301   1,629   1,722   1,856   1,949   1,949   1,949   1,949   1,949   1,949   1,949   1,949   1,949   1,949   1,949   1,949
+Jan-71..................   1,344   1,683   1,780   1,919   2,014   2,014   2,014   2,014   2,014   2,014   2,014   2,014   2,014   2,014   2,014   2,014
+Nov-71..................   1,686   1,780   1,883   2,030   2,112   2,112   2,112   2,112   2,112   2,112   2,112   2,112   2,112   2,112   2,112   2,112
+Jan-72..................   1,808   1,908   2,019   2,177   2,264   2,264   2,264   2,264   2,264   2,264   2,264   2,264   2,264   2,264   2,264   2,264
+Oct-72..................   1,817   1,919   2,030   2,189   2,276   2,276   2,276   2,276   2,276   2,276   2,276   2,276   2,276   2,276   2,276   2,276
+Oct-73..................   1,737   1,834   1,940   2,093   2,175   2,175   2,175   2,175   2,175   2,175   2,175   2,175   2,175   2,175   2,175   2,175
+Oct-74..................   1,680   1,774   1,877   2,025   2,104   2,104   2,104   2,104   2,104   2,104   2,104   2,104   2,104   2,104   2,104   2,104
+Oct-75..................   1,665   1,758   1,860   2,006   2,084   2,084   2,084   2,084   2,084   2,084   2,084   2,084   2,084   2,084   2,084   2,084
+Oct-76..................   1,622   1,712   1,813   1,954   2,031   2,031   2,031   2,031   2,031   2,031   2,031   2,031   2,031   2,031   2,031   2,031
+Oct-77..................   1,598   1,687   1,786   1,926   2,002   2,002   2,002   2,002   2,002   2,002   2,002   2,002   2,002   2,002   2,002   2,002
+Oct-78..................   1,513   1,598   1,691   1,823   1,895   1,895   1,895   1,895   1,895   1,895   1,895   1,895   1,895   1,895   1,895   1,895
+Oct-79..................   1,427   1,507   1,595   1,719   1,787   1,787   1,787   1,787   1,787   1,787   1,787   1,787   1,787   1,787   1,787   1,787
+Oct-80..................   1,445   1,526   1,615   1,741   1,809   1,809   1,809   1,809   1,809   1,809   1,809   1,809   1,809   1,809   1,809   1,809
+Oct-81..................   1,539   1,625   1,720   1,854   1,928   1,928   1,928   1,928   1,928   1,928   1,928   1,928   1,928   1,928   1,928   1,928
+Oct-82..................   1,553   1,639   1,735   1,870   1,945   1,945   1,945   1,945   1,945   1,945   1,945   1,945   1,945   1,945   1,945   1,945
+Jan-84..................   1,546   1,632   1,727   1,862   1,935   1,935   1,935   1,935   1,935   1,935   1,935   1,935   1,935   1,935   1,935   1,935
+Jan-85..................   1,553   1,640   1,736   1,871   1,945   1,945   1,944   1,945   1,945   1,945   1,945   1,945   1,945   1,945   1,945   1,945
+Oct-85..................   1,572   1,659   1,757   1,893   1,968   1,968   1,968   1,968   1,968   1,968   1,968   1,968   1,968   1,968   1,966   1,968
+Jan-87..................   1,561   1,648   1,745   1,880   1,955   1,955   1,955   1,955   1,955   1,955   1,955   1,955   1,955   1,955   1,955   1,955
+Jan-88..................   1,529   1,614   1,709   1,842   1,915   1,915   1,915   1,915   1,915   1,915   1,915   1,915   1,915   1,915   1,915   1,915
+Jan-89..................   1,518   1,603   1,697   1,829   1,901   1,901   1,901   1,901   1,901   1,901   1,901   1,901   1,901   1,901   1,901   1,901
+Jan-90..................   1,493   1,577   1,669   1,799   1,870   1,870   1,870   1,870   1,870   1,870   1,870   1,870   1,870   1,870   1,870   1,870
+Jan-91..................   1,491   1,574   1,667   1,796   1,867   1,867   1,867   1,867   1,867   1,867   1,867   1,867   1,867   1,867   1,867   1,867
+Jan-92..................   1,508   1,593   1,687   1,817   1,889   1,889   1,889   1,889   1,889   1,889   1,889   1,889   1,889   1,889   1,889   1,889
+Jan-93..................   1,518   1,604   1,698   1,829   1,901   1,901   1,901   1,901   1,901   1,901   1,901   1,901   1,901   1,901   1,901   1,901
+Jan-94..................   1,514   1,599   1,693   1,823   1,895   1,895   1,895   1,895   1,895   1,895   1,895   1,895   1,895   1,895   1,895   1,895
+Jan-95..................   1,509   1,594   1,688   1,818   1,890   1,890   1,890   1,890   1,890   1,890   1,890   1,890   1,890   1,890   1,890   1,890
+Jan-96..................   1,501   1,586   1,679   1,809   1,880   1,880   1,880   1,880   1,880   1,880   1,880   1,880   1,880   1,880   1,880   1,880
+Jan-97..................   1,511   1,597   1,691   1,821   1,893   1,893   1,893   1,893   1,893   1,893   1,893   1,893   1,893   1,893   1,893   1,893
+Jan-98..................   1,529   1,616   1,711   1,842   1,915   1,915   1,915   1,915   1,915   1,915   1,915   1,915   1,915   1,915   1,915   1,915
+Jan-99..................   1,550   1,637   1,734   1,867   1,941   1,941   1,941   1,941   1,941   1,941   1,941   1,941   1,941   1,941   1,941   1,941
+Jan-00..................   1,572   1,660   1,758   1,894   1,969   1,969   1,969   1,969   1,969   1,969   1,969   1,969   1,969   1,969   1,969   1,969
+Jul-00..................   1,572   1,737   1,830   1,923   2,016   2,016   2,016   2,016   2,016   2,016   2,016   2,016   2,016   2,016   2,016   2,016
+Jan-01..................   1,585   1,751   1,846   1,938   2,033   2,033   2,033   2,033   2,033   2,033   2,033   2,033   2,033   2,033   2,033   2,033
+Jan-02..................   1,748   1,838   1,937   2,035   2,122   2,122   2,122   2,122   2,122   2,122   2,122   2,122   2,122   2,122   2,122   2,122
+Jan-3...................   1,780   1,871   1,972   2,072   2,160   2,160   2,160   2,160   2,160   2,160   2,160   2,160   2,160   2,160   2,160   2,160
+Jan-04..................   1,797   1,890   1,992   2,093   2,182   2,182   2,182   2,182   2,182   2,182   2,182   2,182   2,182   2,182   2,182   2,182
+Source: All data in current year dollars from Library of Congress, Federal Research Division, Military Compensation Background Papers, Volume 1, May
+  2005. Data in constant FY2009 dollars calculated by CRS using CPI deflators from the Department of Commerce, Bureau of Labor Statistics for all years
+  from 1913 on and, for years prior to 1913, from Professor Robert Sahr, Oregon State University, Inflation Conversion Factors for Dollars 1774 to
+  Estimated 2018, available on line at: http://oregonstate.edu/cla/polisci/faculty-research/sahr/sahr.htm
+                                  TABLE 3.--MONTHLY BASIC PAY SCHEDULE FOR O-3 OFFICERS, SELECTED YEARS FROM 1922-2004
+                                                       [Monthly pay at rank with years of service]
+                           Under                                           Over    Over    Over    Over    Over    Over    Over    Over    Over    Over
+                             2    Over 2  Over 3  Over 4  Over 6  Over 8    10      12      14      16      18      20      22      24      26      30
+                                                                  CURRENT YEAR DOLLARSJul-22..................     200     200     210     210     220     220     230     240     240     250     325     338     350     350     363     375
+Jun-42..................     200     200     210     210     220     230     230     240     240     313     325     338     350     350     363     375
+Jul-46..................     230     230     242     242     253     265     265     276     276     344     358     371     385     385     399     413
+Oct-49..................     314     314     314     328     342     356     371     385     399     413     428     428     442     442     442     442
+May-52..................     326     326     326     341     356     371     385     400     415     430     445     445     459     459     459     459
+Apr-55..................     326     326     351     374     406     421     437     452     468     484     499     499     515     515     515     515
+Jun-58..................     326     346     372     415     440     460     480     510     525     525     525     525     525     525     525     525
+Oct-63..................     326     440     470     520     545     565     595     625     640     640     640     640     640     640     640     640
+Sep-64..................     354     451     482     533     559     579     610     641     656     656     656     656     656     656     656     656
+Sep-65..................     428     478     511     565     592     614     647     679     695     695     695     695     695     695     695     695
+Jul-66..................     442     493     527     583     611     633     667     701     718     718     718     718     718     718     718     718
+Oct-67..................     466     521     556     616     645     669     705     740     758     758     758     758     758     758     758     758
+Jul-68..................     498     557     595     659     690     715     753     791     810     810     810     810     810     810     810     810
+Jul-69..................     561     627     670     742     777     805     848     890     912     912     912     912     912     912     912     912
+Jan-70..................     606     678     724     802     840     870     917     962     986     986     986     986     986     986     986     986
+Jan-71..................     654     731     781     865     906     939     989   1,038   1,064   1,064   1,064   1,064   1,064   1,064   1,064   1,064
+Nov-71..................     654     731     781     865     906     939     989   1,038   1,064   1,064   1,064   1,064   1,064   1,064   1,064   1,064
+Jan-72..................     701     784     838     927     971   1,007   1,061   1,113   1,141   1,141   1,141   1,141   1,141   1,141   1,141   1,141
+Oct-72..................     748     836     894     989   1,037   1,074   1,131   1,188   1,217   1,217   1,217   1,217   1,217   1,217   1,217   1,217
+Oct-73..................     794     888     949   1,050   1,100   1,140   1,201   1,261   1,292   1,292   1,292   1,292   1,292   1,292   1,292   1,292
+Oct-74..................     838     937   1,001   1,108   1,161   1,203   1,268   1,331   1,363   1,363   1,363   1,363   1,363   1,363   1,363   1,363
+Oct-75..................     880     984   1,052   1,164   1,219   1,263   1,331   1,397   1,431   1,431   1,431   1,431   1,431   1,431   1,431   1,431
+Oct-76..................     912   1,019   1,090   1,206   1,263   1,309   1,379   1,448   1,483   1,483   1,483   1,483   1,483   1,483   1,483   1,483
+Oct-77..................     968   1,083   1,157   1,280   1,342   1,390   1,465   1,538   1,575   1,575   1,575   1,575   1,575   1,575   1,575   1,575
+Oct-78..................   1,022   1,142   1,221   1,351   1,415   1,467   1,545   1,622   1,662   1,662   1,662   1,662   1,662   1,662   1,662   1,662
+Oct-79..................   1,094   1,222   1,307   1,446   1,515   1,570   1,654   1,736   1,779   1,779   1,779   1,779   1,779   1,779   1,779   1,779
+Oct-80..................   1,221   1,365   1,460   1,615   1,692   1,753   1,847   1,939   1,987   1,987   1,987   1,987   1,987   1,987   1,987   1,987
+Oct-81..................   1,396   1,561   1,668   1,846   1,934   2,004   2,112   2,216   2,271   2,271   2,271   2,271   2,271   2,271   2,271   2,271
+Oct-82..................   1,452   1,623   1,735   1,920   2,012   2,084   2,196   2,305   2,362   2,362   2,362   2,362   2,362   2,362   2,362   2,362
+Jan-84..................   1,510   1,688   1,804   1,997   2,092   2,168   2,284   2,397   2,456   2,456   2,456   2,456   2,456   2,456   2,456   2,456
+Jan-85..................   1,570   1,755   1,877   2,076   2,176   2,254   2,376   2,493   2,555   2,555   2,555   2,555   2,555   2,555   2,555   2,555
+Oct-85..................   1,617   1,808   1,933   2,139   2,241   2,322   2,447   2,568   2,631   2,631   2,631   2,631   2,631   2,631   2,631   2,631
+Jan-87..................   1,666   1,862   1,991   2,203   2,308   2,391   2,521   2,645   2,710   2,710   2,710   2,710   2,710   2,710   2,710   2,710
+Jan-88..................   1,699   1,900   2,031   2,247   2,354   2,439   2,571   2,698   2,765   2,765   2,765   2,765   2,765   2,765   2,765   2,765
+Jan-89..................   1,769   1,978   2,114   2,339   2,451   2,539   2,676   2,809   2,878   2,878   2,878   2,878   2,878   2,878   2,878   2,878
+Jan-90..................   1,832   2,049   2,190   2,423   2,539   2,630   2,773   2,910   2,981   2,981   2,981   2,981   2,981   2,981   2,981   2,981
+Jan-91..................   1,907   2,133   2,280   2,523   2,643   2,738   2,886   3,029   3,104   3,104   3,104   3,104   3,104   3,104   3,104   3,104
+Jan-92..................   1,988   2,222   2,376   2,629   2,754   2,853   3,008   3,156   3,234   3,234   3,234   3,234   3,234   3,234   3,234   3,234
+Jan-93..................   2,061   2,305   2,464   2,726   2,856   2,959   3,119   3,273   3,353   3,353   3,353   3,353   3,353   3,353   3,353   3,353
+Jan-94..................   2,106   2,355   2,518   2,786   2,919   3,024   3,188   3,345   3,427   3,427   3,427   3,427   3,427   3,427   3,427   3,427
+Jan-95..................   2,161   2,417   2,583   2,858   2,995   3,102   3,270   3,432   3,516   3,516   3,516   3,516   3,516   3,516   3,516   3,516
+Jan-96..................   2,213   2,474   2,645   2,927   3,067   3,177   3,349   3,515   3,601   3,601   3,601   3,601   3,601   3,601   3,601   3,601
+Jan-97..................   2,279   2,549   2,725   3,015   3,159   3,272   3,449   3,620   3,709   3,709   3,709   3,709   3,709   3,709   3,709   3,709
+Jan-98..................   2,343   2,620   2,801   3,099   3,248   3,364   3,546   3,721   3,812   3,812   3,812   3,812   3,812   3,812   3,812   3,812
+Jan-99..................   2,428   2,714   2,902   3,211   3,365   3,485   3,674   3,855   3,950   3,950   3,950   3,950   3,950   3,950   3,950   3,950
+Jan-00..................   2,544   2,844   3,041   3,365   3,526   3,652   3,850   4,040   4,139   4,139   4,139   4,139   4,139   4,139   4,139   4,139
+Jul-00..................   2,544   2,884   3,113   3,365   3,526   3,703   3,850   4,040   4,139   4,139   4,139   4,139   4,139   4,139   4,139   4,139
+Jan-01..................   2,638   2,991   3,228   3,489   3,656   3,840   3,993   4,190   4,292   4,292   4,292   4,292   4,292   4,292   4,292   4,292
+Jan-02..................   2,797   3,170   3,422   3,699   3,876   4,070   4,232   4,441   4,550   4,550   4,550   4,550   4,550   4,550   4,550   4,550
+Jan-03..................   2,911   3,300   3,562   3,884   4,070   4,274   4,406   4,623   4,736   4,736   4,736   4,736   4,736   4,736   4,736   4,736
+Jan-04..................   3,019   3,422   3,694   4,027   4,220   4,432   4,569   4,794   4,911   4,911   4,911   4,911   4,911   4,911   4,911   4,911                                                            CONSTANT 2009 DOLLARS USING CPI-UJul-22..................     200     200     210     210     220     220     230     240     240     250     325     338     350     350     363     375
+Jun-42..................     200     200     210     210     220     230     230     240     240     313     325     338     350     350     363     375
+Jul-46..................     230     230     242     242     253     265     265     276     276     344     358     371     385     385     399     413
+Oct-49..................     314     314     314     328     342     356     371     385     399     413     428     428     442     442     442     442
+May-52..................     326     326     326     341     356     371     385     400     415     430     445     445     459     459     459     459
+Apr-55..................     326     326     351     374     406     421     437     452     468     484     499     499     515     515     515     515
+Jun-58..................     326     346     372     415     440     460     480     510     525     525     525     525     525     525     525     525
+Oct-63..................     326     440     470     520     545     565     595     625     640     640     640     640     640     640     640     640
+Sep-64..................     354     451     482     533     559     579     610     641     656     656     656     656     656     656     656     656
+Sep-65..................     428     478     511     565     592     614     647     679     695     695     695     695     695     695     695     695
+Jul-66..................     442     493     527     583     611     633     667     701     718     718     718     718     718     718     718     718
+Oct-67..................     466     521     556     616     645     669     705     740     758     758     758     758     758     758     758     758
+Jul-68..................     498     557     595     659     690     715     753     791     810     810     810     810     810     810     810     810
+Jul-69..................     561     627     670     742     777     805     848     890     912     912     912     912     912     912     912     912
+Jan-70..................     606     678     724     802     840     870     917     962     986     986     986     986     986     986     986     986
+Jan-71..................     654     731     781     865     906     939     989   1,038   1,064   1,064   1,064   1,064   1,064   1,064   1,064   1,064
+Nov-71..................     654     731     781     865     906     939     989   1,038   1,064   1,064   1,064   1,064   1,064   1,064   1,064   1,064
+Jan-72..................     701     784     838     927     971   1,007   1,061   1,113   1,141   1,141   1,141   1,141   1,141   1,141   1,141   1,141
+Oct-72..................     748     836     894     989   1,037   1,074   1,131   1,188   1,217   1,217   1,217   1,217   1,217   1,217   1,217   1,217
+Oct-73..................     794     888     949   1,050   1,100   1,140   1,201   1,261   1,292   1,292   1,292   1,292   1,292   1,292   1,292   1,292
+Oct-74..................     838     937   1,001   1,108   1,161   1,203   1,268   1,331   1,363   1,363   1,363   1,363   1,363   1,363   1,363   1,363
+Oct-75..................     880     984   1,052   1,164   1,219   1,263   1,331   1,397   1,431   1,431   1,431   1,431   1,431   1,431   1,431   1,431
+Oct-76..................     912   1,019   1,090   1,206   1,263   1,309   1,379   1,448   1,483   1,483   1,483   1,483   1,483   1,483   1,483   1,483
+Oct-77..................     968   1,083   1,157   1,280   1,342   1,390   1,465   1,538   1,575   1,575   1,575   1,575   1,575   1,575   1,575   1,575
+Oct-78..................   1,022   1,142   1,221   1,351   1,415   1,467   1,545   1,622   1,662   1,662   1,662   1,662   1,662   1,662   1,662   1,662
+Oct-79..................   1,094   1,222   1,307   1,446   1,515   1,570   1,654   1,736   1,779   1,779   1,779   1,779   1,779   1,779   1,779   1,779
+Oct-80..................   1,221   1,365   1,460   1,615   1,692   1,753   1,847   1,939   1,987   1,987   1,987   1,987   1,987   1,987   1,987   1,987
+Oct-81..................   1,396   1,561   1,668   1,846   1,934   2,004   2,112   2,216   2,271   2,271   2,271   2,271   2,271   2,271   2,271   2,271
+Oct-82..................   1,452   1,623   1,735   1,920   2,012   2,084   2,196   2,305   2,362   2,362   2,362   2,362   2,362   2,362   2,362   2,362
+Jan-84..................   1,510   1,688   1,804   1,997   2,092   2,168   2,284   2,397   2,456   2,456   2,456   2,456   2,456   2,456   2,456   2,456
+Jan-85..................   1,570   1,755   1,877   2,076   2,176   2,254   2,376   2,493   2,555   2,555   2,555   2,555   2,555   2,555   2,555   2,555
+Oct-85..................   1,617   1,808   1,933   2,139   2,241   2,322   2,447   2,568   2,631   2,631   2,631   2,631   2,631   2,631   2,631   2,631
+Jan-87..................   1,666   1,862   1,991   2,203   2,308   2,391   2,521   2,645   2,710   2,710   2,710   2,710   2,710   2,710   2,710   2,710
+Jan-88..................   1,699   1,900   2,031   2,247   2,354   2,439   2,571   2,698   2,765   2,765   2,765   2,765   2,765   2,765   2,765   2,765
+Jan-89..................   1,769   1,978   2,114   2,339   2,451   2,539   2,676   2,809   2,878   2,878   2,878   2,878   2,878   2,878   2,878   2,878
+Jan-90..................   1,832   2,049   2,190   2,423   2,539   2,630   2,773   2,910   2,981   2,981   2,981   2,981   2,981   2,981   2,981   2,981
+Jan-91..................   1,907   2,133   2,280   2,523   2,643   2,738   2,886   3,029   3,104   3,104   3,104   3,104   3,104   3,104   3,104   3,104
+Jan-92..................   1,988   2,222   2,376   2,629   2,754   2,853   3,008   3,156   3,234   3,234   3,234   3,234   3,234   3,234   3,234   3,234
+Jan-93..................   2,061   2,305   2,464   2,726   2,856   2,959   3,119   3,273   3,353   3,353   3,353   3,353   3,353   3,353   3,353   3,353
+Jan-94..................   2,106   2,355   2,518   2,786   2,919   3,024   3,188   3,345   3,427   3,427   3,427   3,427   3,427   3,427   3,427   3,427
+Jan-95..................   2,161   2,417   2,583   2,858   2,995   3,102   3,270   3,432   3,516   3,516   3,516   3,516   3,516   3,516   3,516   3,516
+Jan-96..................   2,213   2,474   2,645   2,927   3,067   3,177   3,349   3,515   3,601   3,601   3,601   3,601   3,601   3,601   3,601   3,601
+Jan-97..................   2,279   2,549   2,725   3,015   3,159   3,272   3,449   3,620   3,709   3,709   3,709   3,709   3,709   3,709   3,709   3,709
+Jan-98..................   2,343   2,620   2,801   3,099   3,248   3,364   3,546   3,721   3,812   3,812   3,812   3,812   3,812   3,812   3,812   3,812
+Jan-99..................   2,428   2,714   2,902   3,211   3,365   3,485   3,674   3,855   3,950   3,950   3,950   3,950   3,950   3,950   3,950   3,950
+Jan-00..................   2,544   2,844   3,041   3,365   3,526   3,652   3,850   4,040   4,139   4,139   4,139   4,139   4,139   4,139   4,139   4,139
+Jul-00..................   2,544   2,884   3,113   3,365   3,526   3,703   3,850   4,040   4,139   4,139   4,139   4,139   4,139   4,139   4,139   4,139
+Jan-01..................   2,638   2,991   3,228   3,489   3,656   3,840   3,993   4,190   4,292   4,292   4,292   4,292   4,292   4,292   4,292   4,292
+Jan-02..................   2,797   3,170   3,422   3,699   3,876   4,070   4,232   4,441   4,550   4,550   4,550   4,550   4,550   4,550   4,550   4,550
+Jan-03..................   2,911   3,300   3,562   3,884   4,070   4,274   4,406   4,623   4,736   4,736   4,736   4,736   4,736   4,736   4,736   4,736
+Jan-04..................   3,019   3,422   3,694   4,027   4,220   4,432   4,569   4,794   4,911   4,911   4,911   4,911   4,911   4,911   4,911   4,911
+Source: Same as Table 2, above.
+          Mr. Gilmore's Responses to Questions for the Record
+                     question from chairman spratt
+    Do you have a rule of thumb at CRS or CBO for what it costs to move 
+a division or a brigade with full equipment sent back to the States 
+from Iraq? Could you submit, for the record, your growth estimation 
+that--your rule of thumb for, division set, brigade set, whatever the 
+proper unit is?
+    Answer: The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates that it 
+would cost approximately $50 million (in 2009 dollars) to transport a 
+fully manned and equipped Army heavy brigade combat team (HBCT) from 
+Iraq to the United States.
+    CBO's estimate reflects several assumptions. First, since Kuwait is 
+the primary entry and exit point for units deploying to and redeploying 
+from the Iraqi theater of operations, CBO assumes that the brigade's 
+equipment and personnel would leave the Iraqi theater of operations 
+through Kuwait. In addition, CBO assumes that the brigade's equipment 
+would be sealifted from Kuwait to the United States, and that personnel 
+would be airlifted from Kuwait to the United States. Once the equipment 
+reaches the United States, CBO assumes that the brigade's equipment 
+would be moved by rail from the port of arrival to the brigade's final 
+    Based on historical Department of Defense (DoD) cost factors for 
+transporting equipment and personnel, CBO estimates that the sealift 
+costs, including costs associated with handling the brigade's equipment 
+at the departing and arriving ports, would be $33 million and would be 
+the single largest cost associated with the transportation of an HBCT 
+from Iraq to the United States. In addition, CBO estimates that the 
+transportation of personnel from Iraq to the United States via Kuwait 
+would cost $8 million. The remainder of the cost estimated by CBO is 
+associated with the movement of equipment from Iraq to Kuwait and from 
+the arriving port in the United States to its final destination.
+    The cost to transport Army combat brigades from Iraq to the United 
+States would not account for all of the transportation costs of 
+withdrawing U.S. forces from Iraq. The U.S. military has many units in 
+Iraq that are not Army combat brigades, and it has supplies and 
+equipment not associated with any specific unit. In particular, the 
+Army has a substantial number of forces in the Iraqi theater of 
+operations that provide support to its combat brigades. Those support 
+units contain more total personnel than do the Army's combat brigades. 
+Moreover, the Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps all have units in the 
+Iraqi theater of operations that would need to be redeployed.
+    DoD also maintains a substantial stock of additional equipment 
+(primarily its so-called Theater-Provided Equipment pool) not directly 
+associated with any single unit that would need to be redeployed, 
+although DoD may have plans to leave some of that equipment pool behind 
+in Iraq. Finally, DoD has a substantial stock of supplies and 
+ammunition that would also be redeployed. The need to transport the 
+personnel and equipment not associated with Army combat brigades means 
+that the total transportation costs of withdrawing U.S. forces from 
+Iraq will be greater than the costs of withdrawing the Army's combat 
+    Thus, the cost to re-deploy personnel and equipment not associated 
+directly with HBCTs is likely to be significant.
+                 questions from representative delauro
+    1. As you are likely aware, the Navy recently declared a so-called 
+Nunn-McCurdy violation for the VH-71 presidential helicopter 
+replacement program. Last year, the Defense Department announced that 
+the total acquisition costs for the program were projected to increase 
+from $6.5 billion to $11.2 billion. Now, merely two years after 
+submitting initial baseline estimates, the Navy is confirming that the 
+cost per helicopter will be at least 50 percent higher than the 
+original estimate.
+    In recent testimony, Secretary Gates identified acquisitions as a 
+chief challenge facing the Defense Department and specifically 
+mentioned the VH-71 as a ``big ticket'' item experiencing contract or 
+program performance problems, suggesting that ``the FY 2010 budget must 
+make hard choices.'' As we examine cost growth in Defense programs, how 
+do you think we should approach big contract issues such as this one? 
+What policies are needed to control such egregious cost over-runs? On 
+the VH-71 program in particular, with the modifications and the new 
+requirements being as extensive as they are, and the fact that had 
+these changes been clear from the outset competing firms would likely 
+have submitted different proposals, do you think a re-competition of 
+Increment II of the program is worthwhile to identify whether this 
+helicopter can be made at a better value to the taxpayer?
+    Answer: As I stated in my testimony, realistic cost estimates 
+developed as early as possible in the life of a program are key to 
+developing realistic budgets and to avoiding subsequent cost increases. 
+A realistic estimate would use parametric analysis of past costs for 
+programs with technical content analogous to the proposed program's 
+content. A realistic estimate would also account not just for the 
+requirements stated at a program's inception but for changes in 
+requirements that might reasonably be expected.
+    Whether it would be worthwhile to re-compete Increment II of the 
+presidential helicopter program because of the changes in requirements 
+that have occurred is a policy decision that must be made by the 
+Congress and DoD. CBO does not make recommendations for how to decide 
+such policy issues.
+    2. As with the controversial original award for the Air Force KC-X 
+aerial refueling tanker contract, the Marine One contract was awarded 
+to a consortium that involved a substantial amount of work being 
+outsourced overseas. I believe such outsourcing of defense contracts 
+runs against both U.S. national security and economic interests, 
+eroding our defense industrial base, costing jobs and stunting economic 
+growth. Do you believe, particularly in these very difficult economic 
+times, that the Defense Department should consider adjusting its 
+methodology to account for potential job creation and economic growth 
+when considering proposals for major projects such as the KC-X and VH-
+    Answer: Whether it would be worthwhile to account for potential job 
+creation and economic growth when considering proposals for major 
+projects such as the KC-X and VH-71 is a policy decision that must be 
+made by the Congress and DoD. CBO does not make recommendations for how 
+to decide such policy issues.
+                 question from representative langevin
+    I sit on not only the Budget Committee, but also the House Armed 
+Services Committee. And following the debate on the issue of the DDG-
+1000 versus the 51 that is going on right now, and just for my own 
+knowledge and clarification for the record, when you talk about the 
+range of potential costs, whether it is 4 or 5 to $6 billion for the 
+DDG-1000, I would assume that you are talking about the first ship, 
+which obviously is the most expensive and then costs moderate over time 
+as you achieve economies of scale. Can you clarify that for the record?
+    And also talk about your analysis on start-up costs if we were to 
+start the DDG-51 line. And you estimate real costs of what that would 
+be, what that ship would be per copy now with the add on technologies. 
+And also the tradeoffs versus going with the DDG-1000 and the fact that 
+these aren't supposed to be incorporating follow-on or transformational 
+technologies that would, at a later point, be used on the cruiser or 
+other platforms. So that it is kind of you can't just talk about the 51 
+in a vacuum, you know, they have other modern technologies that would 
+be applied to other platforms and would be of course useful as the 
+cruisers develop. So if you could just kind of talk about those for a 
+few minutes.
+    Mr. Gilmore. Well, the cost numbers that I quoted of $4 billion to 
+$5 billion were, for the first ship, exclusive of the development 
+costs; so, they excluded the development costs, the design costs for 
+the ship, the cost of building the first ship. And then, yes, we do 
+assume in our estimate that subsequent costs, subsequent ships' costs, 
+are less; that there is a learning effect that occurs.
+    Mr. Langevin. So can you estimate what the following costs would 
+    Answer: The table displayed below, taken from CBO testimony before 
+the Seapower Subcommittee of the House Armed Services Committee on July 
+31, 2008, displays estimates of the costs of follow-on DDG-1000 ships 
+and of buying one or two DDG-51s per year. The DDG-51s are assumed for 
+this analysis to have the same design as the DDG-112, the last ship 
+purchased in 2005.
+                                           [Billions of 2009 Dollars]
+                                                        2009      2010      2011      2012      2013      Total
+DDG-1000 Zumwalt Class (One per year, 3rd through         3.7       3.8       3.6       3.7       3.6      18.5
+ 7th ships).........................................
+DDG-51 Arleigh Burke Class:
+    One per year starting in 2010...................      0.4       2.2       2.3       2.3       2.4       9.6
+    Two per year starting in 2010...................      0.4       3.7       3.8       3.9       3.9      15.7
+DDG-1000 (Navy's Estimate)..........................      2.5       2.5       2.2       2.3       2.0      11.4
+Source: Congressional Budget Office.Notes: All estimates include outfitting and postdelivery costs of $50 million to $60 million per ship. The DDG-
+  1000 cost estimate assumes a single ship would be ordered every year from one of two alternating shipyards.
+    In its testimony from July 2008, CBO assumed the cost to restart 
+DDG-51 production--which is separate from purchasing the ships 
+themselves--would be about $400 million. Recently, a memorandum leaked 
+to the trade press from John Young, Undersecretary of Defense for 
+Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics, implied that the cost to 
+restart the DDG-51 line would be $348 million.
+    CBO cannot estimate the cost of future surface combatants that 
+include new technologies at this time. The Navy has not determined 
+which technologies, and at what pace, it will incorporate in future 
+ships or how many of those types of ships it will buy. In addition, the 
+Navy has not yet determined, officially, whether the future surface 
+combatant would be based on a DDG-51 hull or a DDG-1000 hull. 
+Determining which hull the Navy would use for a future surface 
+combatant will have a substantial effect on the cost of those ships.
+    For your reference, I am also providing the table below, which 
+displays growth in the projected cost of the DDG-1000 program that has 
+occurred since its inception as the DD-21 program in 1997.
+                                                           Billions of
+                                                           2009 dollars
+1997 Navy Cost Goals (DD-21):
+    Objective Goal.....................................             1.2
+    Threshold Goal.....................................             1.4
+2004 Future Years Defense Program......................             1.6
+2009 Navy Estimate.....................................             2.1
+2009 CBO Estimate......................................             3.6
+Sources: Department of the Navy, Fiscal Year 2009 Budget Estimates,
+  Shipbuilding and Conversion (February 2008); Department of Defense,
+  Future Years Defense Program for Fiscal Year 2004; and Department of
+  the Navy, DD-21 Program Office, DD-21 Program Brief (October 19,
+  1998).Notes: All years are federal fiscal years. For the historical
+  comparison, the numbers exclude outfitting and postdelivery costs of
+  about $60 million per ship.
+                 questions from representative austria
+    1. The successful completion of the most recent round of BRAC and 
+military R&D are both very important to central Ohio. Can you tell me 
+by service, whether BRAC is currently projected to achieve the savings 
+that were envisioned? If the savings aren't realized, has DOD indicated 
+how they will respond?
+    Answer: Estimates of the savings generated by implementing the 2005 
+base realignment and closure (BRAC) recommendations (the most recent 
+round) have declined relative to initial projections. In 2005, the BRAC 
+Commission estimated that annual recurring savings due to the 2005 BRAC 
+round would be about $4.2 billion for fiscal year 2012 and beyond. 
+DoD's 2009 budget submission indicates that net annual savings due to 
+BRAC would be about $4 billion.
+    Estimates of the costs to implement the 2005 BRAC round have 
+increased relative to initial projections. The BRAC Commission 
+originally estimated that the costs to implement the 2005 BRAC round 
+would total about $21 billion. DoD's 2009 budget submission indicates 
+that total costs to implement the 2005 BRAC round are now about of $32 
+    Because of higher costs and smaller expected savings, estimates of 
+the net savings attributable to BRAC over the 20-year period ending in 
+2025 have declined. The BRAC Commission estimated in 2005 that total 
+savings over that period would be about $36 billion (in constant 2005 
+dollars). In 2009, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) 
+calculated that total savings over that period would equal about $14 
+billion (in constant 2005 dollars, see the GAO report, Military Base 
+Realignments and Closures: DOD Faces Challenges in Implementing 
+Recommendations on Time and Is Not Consistently Updating Savings 
+Estimates, GAO-09-217, January 2009).
+    Estimates of savings by service arising from BRAC are not available 
+to CBO. Both DoD and GAO, which has published multiple reports on BRAC, 
+should be able provide those data.
+    CBO is not aware of a position taken by DoD on how the department 
+would respond to realizing lesser BRAC savings. In testimony before the 
+Subcommittee on Readiness of the House Armed Services Committee on 
+December 12, 2007, the Deputy Undersecretary of Defense (Installations 
+and Environment) acknowledged the difficulty of estimating savings due 
+to BRAC. He stated, however, that ``the fact that BRAC has generated 
+substantial savings has not been credibly questioned.''
+    2. I would like to discuss two Air Force programs--the F-22 and the 
+Joint Strike Fighter (JSF). What is the status of these two systems? 
+How can we get DoD to do realistic budgeting?
+    The F-22 Raptor is the newest Air Force fighter in service. Like 
+the F-15C Eagle that it is replacing, the F-22 was designed primarily 
+as an air-to-air fighter. However, the Air Force plans to make the F-22 
+capable of launching some types of air-to-ground weapons. Since the 
+retirement of the F-117 in 2007, the F-22 is the only stealthy fighter 
+(able to elude detection by radar) currently in the Air Force 
+inventory. The latest plans released by DoD call for fielding 183 F-
+22s. The last of those aircraft were funded in the 2009 budget at a 
+cost of about $150 million per aircraft. As of February 2009, 135 F-22s 
+had been delivered to the Air Force. DoD also has indicated that it 
+plans to spend approximately $8 billion to upgrade the F-22's 
+    The Air Force has stated the need for no fewer than 381 F-22s, 
+although recent remarks by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff 
+have indicated that requirement may be revised downward to around 240 
+aircraft, about 60 more than in DoD's current plans. In the Department 
+of Defense Appropriations Act, 2009 (Division C of Public Law 110-329), 
+the Congress included $523 million for advanced procurement of 20 more 
+F-22s (in addition to the 183 that are planned), pending a decision by 
+the new Administration on whether to continue production. That decision 
+is expected to be announced when DoD releases its detailed 2010 budget 
+request in April 2009.
+    The F-35 is currently under development for use by the Air Force, 
+Navy, and Marine Corps. The F-35 has been designed as a stealthy 
+multirole fighter with an emphasis on ground attack capabilities but 
+incorporating substantial air-to-air capabilities as well. Three 
+versions of the F-35 are being developed: the land-based F-35A, the 
+short takeoff/vertical landing (STOVL) F-35B, and the aircraft carrier-
+based F-35C. Under the latest plans released by DoD, the Air Force 
+would purchase 1,763 F-35As by 2034 (at a maximum rate of 80 aircraft 
+per year from 2015 to 2033), and the Navy and Marine Corps would 
+purchase an unspecified mix of F-35Bs and F-35Cs totaling 680 aircraft 
+by 2025 (at a maximum rate of 50 aircraft per year from 2014 through 
+    Funding for production versions of the F-35 JSF began in fiscal 
+year 2007. Through fiscal year 2009, funds had been appropriated for 14 
+Air Force aircraft and 12 Navy Department aircraft. Current schedules 
+call for the first F-35 squadrons to be operational in the Marine 
+Corps, Air Force, and Navy by 2012, 2013, and 2015, respectively. As of 
+December 2007, DoD estimated that slightly more than $200 billion in 
+constant 2009 dollars would be needed from 2010 through 2034 to 
+complete development and planned procurement of the F-35. Many 
+observers remain concerned, however, that costs for the JSF will be 
+higher than reported. (See, for example, the GAO report, Joint Strike 
+Fighter: Recent Decisions by DOD Add to Program Risks, GAO-08-388, 
+March 2008.)
+    Two recent Congressional Research Service reports provide more 
+detailed overviews of the F-22 and F-35 programs. See F-22A Raptor, 
+Congressional Research Service, RL31673, December 19, 2008; and F-35A 
+Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) Program: Background, Status, 
+and Issues, Congressional Research Service, RL30563, February 17, 2009.
+    As I stated in my testimony, realistic cost estimates developed as 
+early as possible in the life of a program are key to developing 
+realistic budgets and to avoiding subsequent cost increases. A 
+realistic estimate would use parametric analysis of past costs for 
+programs with technical content analogous to the proposed program's 
+content. A realistic estimate also would account not just for the 
+requirements stated at a program's inception but for changes in 
+requirements that might reasonably be expected.
+    [Whereupon, at 12:40 p.m., the committee was adjourned.]