diff --git "a/data/CHRG-111/CHRG-111hhrg47730.txt" "b/data/CHRG-111/CHRG-111hhrg47730.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/data/CHRG-111/CHRG-111hhrg47730.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,3395 @@ + + - TREASURY DEPARTMENT FISCAL YEAR 2010 BUDGET +
+[House Hearing, 111 Congress]
+[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
+                                HEARING
+                               before the
+                        COMMITTEE ON THE BUDGET
+                        HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
+                             FIRST SESSION
+                               __________
+                               __________
+                            Serial No. 111-5
+                               __________
+           Printed for the use of the Committee on the Budget
+                       Available on the Internet:
+       http://www.gpoaccess.gov/congress/house/budget/index.html
+47-730                    WASHINGTON : 2009
+For Sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office
+Internet: bookstore.gpo.gov  Phone: toll free (866) 512-1800; (202) 512�091800  
+Fax: (202) 512�092104 Mail: Stop IDCC, Washington, DC 20402�090001
+                        COMMITTEE ON THE BUDGET
+             JOHN M. SPRATT, Jr., South Carolina, Chairman
+ALLYSON Y. SCHWARTZ, Pennsylvania    PAUL RYAN, Wisconsin,
+MARCY KAPTUR, Ohio                     Ranking Minority Member
+XAVIER BECERRA, California           JEB HENSARLING, Texas
+LLOYD DOGGETT, Texas                 SCOTT GARRETT, New Jersey
+EARL BLUMENAUER, Oregon              MARIO DIAZ-BALART, Florida
+MARION BERRY, Arkansas               MICHAEL K. SIMPSON, Idaho
+ALLEN BOYD, Florida                  PATRICK T. McHENRY, North Carolina
+JAMES P. McGOVERN, Massachusetts     CONNIE MACK, Florida
+NIKI TSONGAS, Massachusetts          JOHN CAMPBELL, California
+BOB ETHERIDGE, North Carolina        JIM JORDAN, Ohio
+BETTY McCOLLUM, Minnesota            CYNTHIA M. LUMMIS, Wyoming
+JOHN A. YARMUTH, Kentucky            ROBERT B. ADERHOLT, Alabama
+ROBERT E. ANDREWS, New Jersey        DEVIN NUNES, California
+ROSA L. DeLAURO, Connecticut,        GREGG HARPER, Mississippi
+CHET EDWARDS, Texas                  [Vacant]
+ROBERT C. ``BOBBY'' SCOTT, Virginia
+JAMES R. LANGEVIN, Rhode Island
+RICK LARSEN, Washington
+GWEN MOORE, Wisconsin
+                           Professional Staff
+            Thomas S. Kahn, Staff Director and Chief Counsel
+                 Austin Smythe, Minority Staff Director
+                            C O N T E N T S
+                                                                   Page
+Hearing held in Washington, DC, March 5, 2009....................     1
+Statement of:
+    Hon. John M. Spratt, Jr., Chairman, House Committee on the 
+      Budget.....................................................     1
+    Hon. Paul Ryan, ranking minority member, House Committee on 
+      the Budget.................................................     2
+    Hon. Gerald E. Connolly, a Representative in Congress from 
+      the State of Virginia:
+        Prepared statement of....................................     4
+        Questions for the record.................................    49
+    Hon. Timothy F. Geithner, Secretary, U.S. Department of the 
+      Treasury...................................................     5
+        Prepared statement of....................................     8
+        Responses to questions for the record from:
+            Mr. Aderholt.........................................    46
+            Mr. Blumenauer.......................................    47
+            Mr. Connolly.........................................    49
+            Mr. Langevin.........................................    50
+                          TREASURY DEPARTMENT
+                        FISCAL YEAR 2010 BUDGET
+                              ----------                              
+                        THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 2009
+                          House of Representatives,
+                                   Committee on the Budget,
+                                                    Washington, DC.
+    The committee met, pursuant to call, at 10:08 a.m. in room 
+210, Cannon House Office Building, Hon. John Spratt [chairman 
+of the committee] presiding.
+    Present: Representatives Spratt, Schwartz, Kaptur, Becerra, 
+Doggett, Berry, McGovern, Tsongas, Etheridge, McCollum, 
+Yarmuth, Andrews, Edwards, Scott, Langevin, Larsen, Bishop, 
+Schrader, Ryan, Hensarling, Diaz-Balart, Campbell, Jordan, 
+Lummis, Austria, Nunes, and Harper.
+    Chairman Spratt. We call the committee hearing to order. We 
+convene the committee today to discuss the President's budget 
+for 2010 and the Treasury's prominent role in that budget. For 
+that purpose, we are pleased to have the Secretary of Treasury, 
+Mr. Tim Geithner. Given the number of places you have to be 
+these days, it is a miracle you could attend us, but this is an 
+important part of the process and we very much appreciate your 
+being here today to testify.
+    As we all know, President Obama inherited an economy in 
+crisis and a budget deficit, so deep in deficit that spending 
+from the prior administration overtakes revenues by $1.3 
+trillion during this fiscal year alone. The President has 
+recognized that we have not one but two--really, several 
+deficits. The first is an economy clicking on four of six 
+cylinders, running at 6.8 percent below potential. And to put 
+that economy back on its feet and to realize some of that 
+potential, the President has signed into law a recovery package 
+that will increase consumer demand, which is desperately short, 
+and create 3 million new jobs by reinvesting in fiscal and 
+human infrastructure.
+    It is almost impossible to balance the budget when the 
+economy is buckling like in the recession we are now 
+experiencing. It is even more difficult to do that when we have 
+to make--what we do to make the economy better oftentimes makes 
+the deficit worse, at least in the short run.
+    But here is the stark reality we are confronted with. The 
+deficit that President Bush left behind was 9 percent of GDP, 
+the highest since World War II. And here is President Obama's 
+bold response. Over the next 4 years, he proposes a budget that 
+will pare the deficit down from 12.3 percent of GDP to 3 
+percent of GDP, an ambitious goal but a worthy goal and 
+certainly a track we hope to adopt.
+    The President's budget cuts the deficit by more than two-
+thirds in 4 years, $533 billion 4 years from now in 2013. But 
+it is not so consumed with or committed to deficit reduction 
+that it overrides other compelling needs. It takes on topics, 
+in fact, that other budgets have ducked, topics that others 
+have thought too hot to handle: climate change, health care for 
+all Americans, and particularly the 46 million who don't enjoy 
+insurance. It slows down the increase in defense spending; it 
+revises the alternative minimum tax, puts it in the code; and 
+it seeks to lay the groundwork for bending the curve and making 
+health care more affordable for all Americans.
+    Now, there are going to be critics who single out instances 
+where additional revenue is raised as in allowing certain 
+concessions for upper-bracket taxpayers to expire. But look 
+carefully, and look again, and you will see that the bigger 
+picture will show that this budget leaves in place the middle 
+income tax cuts that were adopted in 2001 and 2003, the 10 
+percent bracket, the child tax credit and the marital penalty 
+relief measures. It indexes the AMT to keep it from burdening 
+middle-income taxpayers; it extends the State tax at the 2009 
+levels; and it helps working families by renewing Make Work 
+    Most importantly, the President's budget extends $2.2 
+trillion of tax cuts over 10 years to 95 percent of workers 
+relative to current law; $2.2 trillion in net tax cuts. This is 
+a pro-growth budget.
+    The committee is eager to hear the Treasury's plan to 
+address the crisis in the housing market, which is a source of 
+the recession we are now experiencing. Sinking home values and 
+homeowners who find themselves under water in mortgages are at 
+the heart of this crisis that we are undergoing.
+    The President's budget is a huge undertaking, but what he 
+has sent us is just the beginning. But it is a bold beginning 
+for the 2010 budget. We will want to add and see more detail 
+before we can write a resolution, so this is not by any means 
+the end of the process. But it is the beginning; it is a bold 
+beginning. And we appreciate your coming here, Mr. Secretary, 
+to testify on behalf of it and to answer questions.
+    It is my understanding that you need to leave in order to 
+get to the Health Care Summit, so you will need to leave here 
+at 12:30.
+    Let me then turn to Mr. Ryan for his opening statement. We 
+will make a few housekeeping details and then we will get right 
+underway with your testimony. Mr. Ryan.
+    Mr. Ryan. Thank you, Chairman. Welcome again, Secretary. 
+You have been a busy man. It is nice to see you over here on 
+the Budget Committee from the other day's Ways and Means 
+    First I want to start by acknowledging the very serious 
+challenge you face. Solving our banking crisis and stabilizing 
+our financial markets is absolutely critical to our economy and 
+our job growth, and we want you to achieve success in doing 
+that. There is no perfect solution to this very grave problem 
+we face. But while I have concerns about how the past and the 
+current administration has handled the TARP, the best thing we 
+can do for our economy is get the credit markets flowing again. 
+And I genuinely appreciate your hard work and efforts on that 
+    That said, you won't be surprised to hear that I have 
+profound disagreements with the President's budget. It is a 
+historic expansion of the tax, borrow, and spend philosophy 
+which concentrates resources and power in Washington and 
+smothers the freedom and resources of the very entrepreneurs 
+and small businesses that are needed to turn this economy 
+    Of particular relevance to you and of this hearing are the 
+tax and debt increases called for in this budget. Let us begin 
+with taxes. The budget proposes $1.4 trillion in net tax 
+increases; in other words, a tax increase that totals roughly 
+10 percent of the entire economy today. Now, what would be bad 
+enough in itself would be just the raising of taxes, but there 
+is no economist on the planet, whether a Keynesian supply-
+sider, or somewhere in between, who would suggest proposing tax 
+increases in the midst of one of the most painful recessions in 
+the generation.
+    Now, your colleague, Budget Director Peter Orszag, says 
+reassuringly that these tax hikes won't start until 2011 when 
+the economic recovery ought to be underway. We hope it is. But 
+businesses are forward-looking and they make investment and 
+hiring decisions today based on expectations of future after-
+tax returns. And nothing affects a business' bottom-line more 
+than taxes. If you are running a business right now, why would 
+you start expanding or hiring the kinds of activities this 
+economy desperately needs, with a threat of a huge tax increase 
+in just a year and a half down the road.
+    Now, let us take a look at some of these specific tax 
+increases. You raise tax on what the President calls, quote, 
+``the wealthiest of Americans,'' but many of these, quote, 
+``wealthy'' people are small business owners, the people who 
+create nearly 80 percent of the jobs in this country.
+    Then there is the carbon cap and tax proposal, which will 
+effectively impose an additional tax burden on more than $800 
+billion--and that is a low-ball estimate--on everyone who uses 
+gasoline, natural gas, home heating oil or electricity. I think 
+we can argue that covers most Americans, not just wealthy 
+    You penalize people for buying houses, making charitable 
+contributions and building up savings to leave to their 
+families. You would also tax U.S.-based international 
+companies, making it harder for them to compete with their 
+foreign counterparts, directly contrary to what we should be 
+trying to accomplish at this time.
+    And then there are also the deficits and the debt that are 
+resulting from this budget. The 2009 budget deficit swells to 
+$1.8 trillion, more than triple the previous record. Obviously 
+you inherited some of this, but you are raising it by another 
+$540 billion, which is higher--the increase is higher than any 
+budget deficit we have ever had. The budget would also double 
+the national debt in the next 8 years. In addition to all these 
+things is the budget's staggering failure to actually control 
+spending. It even adds more than a trillion dollars to 
+entitlement spending, worsening the most severe fiscal problems 
+we have.
+    As I said earlier, this is a challenging time and no 
+economic or fiscal plan is ever going to be perfect. But the 
+President's budget tries to spend, tax, and borrow our way into 
+prosperity. It is an economic recipe that simply just doesn't 
+work. Nevertheless, I do want to work with you to stabilize 
+financial markets. We want to work with you to get our economy 
+back on track in the short term and to address the challenges 
+to our longer-term economic growth, and that is the looming 
+entitlement crisis.
+    With that, Chairman, I yield time and I look forward to 
+your testimony.
+    Chairman Spratt. Thank you, Mr. Ryan.
+    I would ask unanimous consent at this point that all 
+members be allowed to submit an opening statement for the 
+record. It will be entered at this point in the proceeding.
+    [The statement of Mr. Connolly follows:]
+  Prepared Statement of Hon. Gerald E. Connolly, a Representative in 
+                  Congress From the State of Virginia
+    Mr. Chairman, I would like to thank you for holding this hearing 
+and asking Secretary Geithner to appear before the House Budget 
+Committee to testify with respect to the Fiscal Year 2010 budget. This 
+Administration has my support in its efforts to clean up the 
+unbelievable economic and fiscal mess left by the previous 
+administration and I believe the President has taken a number of 
+positive steps to that end. As we look to address the unprecedented 
+fiscal crisis that we have inherited, I welcome the newfound concern 
+from my colleagues across the aisle about the massive budget deficits. 
+It was a concern that was heard from the other side of the aisle in the 
+previous eight years, despite the fact that it left our nation with the 
+largest budget deficit in history.
+    I was pleased to support the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act 
+and I will support the Helping Families Save Their Homes Act, in 
+concert with the Administration's efforts to restore stability to our 
+ailing economy. I welcome the bold vision and approach of the President 
+and his team, not only to stop the economic hemorrhaging and build 
+stability, but also to tackle our long term challenges such as health 
+care, energy policy, education, the environment and entitlement reform.
+    I continue to support the Administration's agenda and I look 
+forward to continue helping our nation move forward. Having said that, 
+I do have some concerns that I would like address.
+    The public must see the concrete benefit of TARP--the Troubled 
+Asset Relief Program--and our enormous investment in the financial 
+industry. So far they haven't. We cannot repeat the mistakes of the 
+previous administration, where the first installment of a financial 
+services stability recovery package went to large institutions to right 
+their balance sheets, while little of it went to homeowners in distress 
+or small businesses seeking credit assistance to make purchases and 
+meet payrolls. We need a plan to reassure the financial markets of our 
+commitment to restoring stability and we must assure the public that 
+this aid will get to them as well.
+    We must also focus on the health of one of the largest drivers for 
+employment and economic expansion, the municipal bond market. As a 
+former local government official, I know full well the benefits that 
+local governments offer to the economy when they construct needed 
+capital improvements. From police stations to bus stops, from schools 
+to parkways, local governments put people to work building and 
+maintaining the critical infrastructure that we rely on daily. They 
+accomplish this feat through the issuance of municipal bonds.
+    As the credit crisis expanded, local governments found the capital 
+markets dried up, and were unable to move forward with the necessary 
+investment in our nation's infrastructure. This matter was compounded 
+by the collapse of the private insurance industry which made it 
+impossible for municipalities to improve the grade of their bonds on 
+the market. I hope that the current administration will make helping 
+local governments access credit a priority.
+    I represent a district that is estimated to have one of the largest 
+concentrations of federal employees of any district in the nation. The 
+issue of pay parity between civilian federal employees and the military 
+is an important one for my constituents. It comes up every year and I 
+had hoped that President Obama's budget would take a different approach 
+on the matter than past budgets, but it hasn't. Understanding that 
+President Obama has only been in office six weeks, it is my hope that 
+he will, upon further review, come to understand the importance of pay 
+parity. Let me assure you it is a central concern for the tens of 
+thousands of federal workers in my district and in many other districts 
+in the Washington metropolitan areas and across the nation. It is my 
+intent to address this disparity in the budget resolution this year.
+    I was encouraged to see the Administration has included a permanent 
+fix for the Alternative Minimum Tax, which this Congress addressed 
+temporarily for only one year in the American Recovery and Reinvestment 
+Act. The AMT was never designed to affect millions of middle income 
+families and this fix will provide those working families the long-term 
+guarantee to plan their future finances without threat of onerous tax 
+    Finally, while we understand the importance of reexamining the tax 
+cuts of the previous administration, which helped create the red ink we 
+are all concerned about, I hope to have an opportunity to discuss the 
+income thresholds and flexibility with respect to tax relief in the 
+upcoming budget process.
+    I look forward to Secretary Geithner's testimony and working with 
+him as we fashion a budget in the months ahead.
+    Mr. Secretary, as I have said before, your testimony will 
+be made part of the record in its typewritten form. You may 
+proceed as you wish in summarizing it, but you are the only 
+witness today, so take your time. There are many questions to 
+be asked and answered and we look forward to your testimony. 
+Thank you again and the floor is yours.
+    Secretary Geithner. Thank you, Chairman Spratt. Thank you, 
+Ranking Member Ryan. And thanks to all of you for giving me the 
+chance to appear before you today.
+    I want to outline the broad strategy presented in the 
+President's budget, what it means for our economic future and 
+the choices we are presenting for the Congress and the American 
+people. As you both said, we start with a deepening recession, 
+an intensifying housing crisis, a financial system still under 
+stress. Since the recession began, 3.6 million Americans have 
+lost their jobs. Millions more have lost and are at risk of 
+losing their homes and are struggling to obtain loans for 
+homes, for cars, to finance their kids' education. Many 
+businesses across the country are finding it harder to obtain 
+credit. This crisis and the policies that preceded it have 
+helped cause a dramatic deterioration in our fiscal position.
+    We start this Congress and this administration with a $1.3 
+trillion deficit, the largest as a share of our economy the 
+Nation has faced since the Second World War. And the increases 
+that you see immediately are increases necessary to solve the 
+crisis we start with. As a Nation today, we face extraordinary 
+challenges and these challenges require extraordinary actions.
+    Now, in passing the Economic Recovery and Reinvestment Act, 
+the administration and the Congress have put in place a very 
+powerful mix of programs to get Americans back to work and to 
+help stimulate private investment. The combined effect of these 
+investments and tax measures--and we are moving very, very 
+quickly to put them in place--will be to save or create between 
+3 or 4 million jobs and to increase real GDP by 3.2 percentage 
+points by the end of 2010 above the level it would have 
+achieved in the absence of these measures.
+    Now, alongside the Recovery Act, the administration is 
+moving quickly to repair our financial system so that it can 
+provide the credit necessary for businesses across the country 
+to expand and for families to finance what they need to 
+finance. The deepening recession is putting greater pressure on 
+banks, and in response many banks are pulling back on credit. 
+Right now, critical parts of our financial system are damaged 
+and are working against recovery, and this is a dangerous 
+dynamic. And to arrest it, to break it, we need to make sure 
+that our banks have the resources necessary to provide credit, 
+and we need to act to get the credit markets flowing again 
+    Finally, the President has launched a very broad plan to 
+help address the housing crisis. This plan will help homeowners 
+meet their mortgage obligations, enable them to refinance and 
+take advantage of low-interest rates. Yesterday we took the 
+very important step by releasing details of our loan 
+modification plan and Treasury guidelines for servers. These 
+guidelines will enable struggling borrowers to make lower 
+payments, starting right away. And if you look at the impact of 
+this program already on mortgage rates, those have come down 
+significantly, even just over the last couple of weeks, not 
+just over the last several months.
+    Now, these actions in all three areas--recovery, to get 
+credit flowing again, and in the housing area--are absolutely 
+necessary to lay the foundation for recovery. But the 
+President's budget builds on this foundation to set us up on a 
+path to long-term growth.
+    Now, the first step in addressing our Nation's fiscal 
+problems is to be honest and candid about them. This budget 
+breaks from the past by transparently presenting the stark 
+fiscal challenges facing the American people. We include the 
+cost of fixing the AMT each year. We include reimbursements to 
+Medicare physicians. We include the likely cost of future 
+foreign wars and natural disasters. And in an abundance of 
+caution, we include the potential need for additional financial 
+resources to get credit flowing again.
+    We offer a 10-year rather than a 5-year budget 
+presentation. This budget also proposes a series of ambitious, 
+innovative policies to help address the most critical 
+challenges facing our economy in health care, in energy and in 
+education. And the President does this within a framework that 
+gets us on a path to fiscal responsibility, to fiscal 
+    As all of you know, the soaring cost of health care is 
+crippling families, businesses, and our long-term budget 
+prospects. There is no path to addressing our long-term 
+entitlement challenges that does not start with and go through 
+major health care reform. Our budget begins this process by 
+reducing costs and inefficiencies, by increasing quality of 
+care and preventative care, and by moving towards affordable 
+coverage for all.
+    To cite just one example, the Hospital Quality Improvement 
+Program proposes to pay for performance and to reimburse 
+hospitals for the quality of the services they provide rather 
+than just the quantity of the services they provide. Health-
+care reform is a moral imperative, it is an economic 
+imperative, and it is a fiscal imperative for our country.
+    Now, our budget also puts forth a significant commitment to 
+reduce our dependence on foreign oil and carbon-intensive 
+energy sources. This dependence threatens our economy, our 
+environment and our national security interests. Investments in 
+energy efficiency and renewable energy will help create new 
+American jobs in industries and lead the path to a new, greener 
+    And if we are truly committed to making our Nation both 
+more prosperous and more just, we must recognize that it defies 
+both our basic values as a country and our common sense to deny 
+any child in America access to the quality education they need 
+to compete in this global economy. Our budget calls for 
+substantially more resources for early childhood education, new 
+incentives to improve teacher performance and a significant 
+increase in the Pell grant, together with President Obama's 
+American opportunity tax credit, which provides up to $10,000 
+of tax relief for a single student going to 4 years of college.
+    Now, on the tax side, this budget rewards work, encourages 
+growth, investment, and savings. Important provisions include 
+making permanent the make-work-pay tax credit, which makes the 
+tax credit available to 95 percent of working Americans; the 
+expansion of the earned income tax credit; a zero capital gains 
+provision for small businesses; and a permanent extension of 
+the R&E tax credit.
+    This budget also proposes to make substantial progress in 
+reducing the tax gap by tackling tax shelters and other efforts 
+that allow people to abuse our tax laws. And over the next 
+several months, the President will propose a series of 
+legislative and enforcement measures to reduce tax avoidance.
+    I want to emphasize that we propose no new revenue 
+increases in our budget, none, until we are safely into 
+recovery in 2011. And at that point, with the consensus that 
+private forecasters project significantly positive growth rates 
+for the overall economy, the budget restores tax rates to the 
+pre-2001 levels for families making more than a quarter of a 
+million dollars.
+    Now, I just want to pause here for one second. Those 
+proposed changes in tax rates would apply to only 2 to 3 
+percent of small business owners across the country. Only 2 to 
+3 percent; 95 percent of small business owners of the country 
+have incomes below that threshold of $250,000. Now, even with 
+these critical long-term investments, the President keeps 
+overall nondefense discretionary spending well below its long-
+term averages as a share of GDP. And overall outlays as a share 
+of GDP, once you account for the interest costs associated with 
+our inherited deficits and once you account for the effects of 
+the aging baby boom and rising health-care costs and 
+entitlements, overall outlays as a share of GDP return to 
+historical norms.
+    Now, the President and I share a commitment to working with 
+this committee to put our Nation back on a path of fiscal 
+sustainability again, once recovery has been firmly 
+established. The budget does this by making the tough choices 
+to cut the deficit in half, to bring it down over 5 years to 3 
+percent of GDP, so that our overall debt is no longer growing 
+as a share of the economy. If we do not do this, then we face 
+the risk that government borrowing will crowd out private 
+borrowing, raising interest rates and threatening growth.
+    Now, when I last served in the Treasury Department in the 
+1990s, fiscal responsibility helped create a virtuous circle of 
+greater confidence, strong private investment, strong 
+productivity growth, higher overall income more broadly shared 
+across the American economy. Addressing these problems that 
+confront the Nation will not be easy, but we are a strong and 
+resilient country. We have overcome challenges like this in the 
+past. And if we accept this responsibility we share with the 
+American people, we will meet those challenges effectively and 
+successfully as a country.
+    Thank you. I would be happy to take your questions.
+    Chairman Spratt. Thank you very much, Mr. Secretary.
+    [The statement of Timothy Geithner follows:]
+       Prepared Statement of Hon. Timothy F. Geithner, Secretary,
+                    U.S. Department of the Treasury
+    Chairman Spratt, Ranking Member Ryan, and members of the Committee, 
+thank you for providing me the opportunity to appear before you today 
+to discuss the President's Budget at this moment of economic crisis, 
+but also of real possibility, for the United States.
+    What I propose to do in the remarks that follow is to:
+     Describe the economic and financial challenges that 
+greeted us upon our arrival in office, and discuss how we are 
+addressing them;
+     Lay out the intermediate and long-term threats to our 
+fiscal condition, and explain how the President's Fiscal Year 2010 
+Budget will return the nation to a sustainable fiscal position; and
+     Explain how this Budget puts the nation on a path towards 
+energy independence, better educational outcomes, and a reform of 
+health care that both lowers costs and expands access.
+    The economy suffers from a severe lack of aggregate demand, both 
+from families and businesses--a problem that is driven by a slumping 
+job market, where 3.6 million jobs have been lost in just over a year--
+the largest number as a fraction of total employment in more than a 
+quarter century and the largest number in absolute terms in over a half 
+century. This problem is made worse by a contraction of demand from 
+many of our key trading partners.
+    Businesses, facing or projecting fewer customers for their goods 
+and services, are laying off workers or cutting back on their hours or 
+wages, causing families to further reduce their demand and businesses 
+to respond with more layoffs and cutbacks.
+    This dynamic is made worse by a financial system that is unable to 
+provide the credit necessary for recovery. You can see this across 
+America as families find it difficult to get the financing they need to 
+buy new houses and cars while businesses have trouble lining up the 
+credit necessary to meet payroll.
+    The contraction in credit is causing more job losses and further 
+declines in business activity, which, in turn, is adding more pressure 
+on the financial system.
+    Both our economic and financial problems are being compounded by 
+problems in our housing market, where a record 2.5 million families 
+faced foreclosure last year, undercutting overall home prices, 
+shrinking Americans' real estate wealth by $2.8 trillion from its peak, 
+causing further reductions in demand, more layoffs and a greater credit 
+squeeze that threatens another round of foreclosures.
+    You can see the scale of the damage in last Friday's announcement 
+that the Gross Domestic Product, the broadest measure of the nation's 
+output of goods and services, dropped at a 6.2% annual rate during the 
+final quarter of last year. That was its worst performance in more than 
+a quarter century, and the third worst in more than a half century.
+    In addition to a deepening recession and financial troubles, the 
+Obama Administration inherited the worst fiscal situation in modern 
+American history, with a federal budget deficit of $1.3 trillion, equal 
+to nearly 10% of GDP--the largest that the nation has faced since World 
+War II--not counting the economic recovery or other legislation 
+undertaken by the Obama Administration.
+    And we begin our time in office after a long period in which our 
+government was unwilling to make the long-term investments required to 
+meet critical challenges in health care, energy and education.
+    This is the reality that we face today. These are the challenges 
+that shape both the American economy and the Administration's strategy. 
+I want to outline for you today the President's program for addressing 
+these challenges.
+    Let me start with our immediate response to the acute problems 
+confronting the country.
+     a comprehensive economic recovery and financial stability plan
+Economic Recovery Plan
+    Immediately upon taking office, the President and the 
+Administration worked with Congress to enact the American Recovery and 
+Reinvestment Act, a package of targeted investments and tax cuts 
+designed to get Americans back to work and get the economy growing 
+    Every agency of government is moving quickly to implement the 
+recovery plan in order to reignite economic growth. In the last week 
+alone, we introduced three of the plan's major tax provisions--the 
+Making Work Pay tax credits of $400 a year for individuals and $800 for 
+working families; a first-time homebuyer credit that could get up to 
+$8,000 into the pockets of those buying homes before December 1, 2009; 
+and a subsidy to ensure that unemployed Americans and their families 
+can keep their health insurance.
+    We estimate that the plan will save or create at least 3.5 million 
+jobs over the next two years, and will boost GDP--over where it would 
+have been had we not acted--by almost 1% this year and more than 3.2% 
+next year.
+Financial Stability Plan
+    But reviving economic activity is not enough because without a 
+regular flow of credit to families and businesses, recovery will be 
+impeded. Therefore, we have taken another critically important step.
+    We have introduced a Financial Stability Plan to get our financial 
+system operating so that it promotes recovery rather than prevents it, 
+by supplying the necessary credit for Americans to once again buy 
+homes, purchase cars, go to college and turn good ideas into 
+flourishing firms.
+    The stability plan will ensure that banks have the capital cushions 
+they need to keep lending under currently troubled economic conditions 
+and, as a precaution, under even worse conditions as well. It will help 
+thaw our important, but now largely frozen, non-bank financial markets 
+so they can go back to generating the credit that families and 
+businesses must have. And it provides a method for the government to 
+join with private investors to begin buying the mortgage-backed 
+securities at the center of so many of the financial system's problems, 
+but whose resumed trading is so important to the stability of the 
+    Just as economic recovery requires financial stability, stabilizing 
+our financial system requires us to improve conditions in our housing 
+    The Administration's affordability plan will help all Americans buy 
+and refinance their houses by encouraging low mortgage interest rates. 
+In addition, it will offer to help 4 to 5 million homeowners to 
+refinance. And it will help another 3 to 4 million homeowners who are 
+at risk of foreclosure through no fault of their own to convert their 
+unaffordable mortgages into affordable ones.
+    These three plans form our immediate and integrated response to the 
+nation's economic and financial challenges. All three are carefully 
+linked to our 2010 Budget.
+    The Budget: A Plan for Fiscal Sustainability and Investments for 
+Shared Prosperity
+    The President's Budget carries forward and expands upon our 
+immediate response to the acute problems confronting America.
+    It also marries these efforts to an honest plan for how to proceed 
+after recovery has taken hold and the financial system has stabilized. 
+It lays out how to achieve long-term deficit reduction by reversing the 
+short-term increases that are now necessary to achieve recovery and 
+stability--increases that will have to be substantially reduced in 
+order to get the nation back into fiscal shape. And it provides a 
+blueprint for the investments in health care, education and energy that 
+are so critical to our long-term future.
+                             BUDGET HONESTY
+    The President's Budget begins by offering an honest assessment of 
+the dimensions of the problems facing the country in the intermediate 
+and long-term.
+    The President's Budget ends the practice of only recognizing the 
+costs for overseas contingency operations--such as the wars in Iraq and 
+Afghanistan--for as little as one year at a time and instead 
+acknowledges that there is multi-year cost that must be reflected in 
+the Budget. Although the budget includes estimated costs of these 
+operations in the out-years to be fiscally conservative, these 
+estimates do not reflect any specific policy decisions. Several 
+strategy reviews are underway that will inform out-year costs, and it 
+would be premature at this time to prejudge those reviews.
+    It takes into account the possibility of a natural disaster such as 
+Hurricane Katrina, instead of assuming that the country will be free of 
+such disasters and the costs of helping Americans put their lives and 
+communities back together.
+    It ends the practice of assuming an increase in revenues from the 
+Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT). The AMT has been ``patched'' year after 
+year, but for the first time our Budget reflects the cost of doing so.
+    It acknowledges that, as expensive as it already has been, our 
+effort to stabilize the financial system might cost more. It 
+establishes a placeholder to help ensure we can cover any additional 
+financial stability costs.
+    I should note here that the existence of the $250 billion 
+placeholder for financial stability in the President's Budget does not 
+represent a specific request. Rather, as events warrant, the President 
+will work with Congress to determine the appropriate size and shape of 
+such efforts, and as more information becomes available the 
+Administration will estimate potential cost.
+    Finally, the President's Budget gives a fuller view of the 
+government's finances by looking out ten years, rather than the five 
+years which has been the practice with budgets in recent years.
+    We have set an ambitious, but economically crucial goal for 
+bringing our deficits down dramatically once the recovery is firmly 
+established and financial stability has returned.
+    We project that the deficit for the current fiscal year, including 
+the recovery and stability plans, will be $1.75 trillion, or 12.3% of 
+GDP. Of that, $1.3 trillion, or 9.2% of GDP, was already in place when 
+we assumed office.
+    The President is determined to cut this $1.3 trillion deficit by at 
+least half in four years. The budget would bring the deficit down to 
+$533 billion by fiscal year 2013. More importantly, it would reduce the 
+deficit to about 3% of GDP.
+    By bringing the deficit down to the range of 3% of GDP, we can keep 
+our national debt--the aggregate total of our past deficits--from 
+growing faster than the economy itself and keep the size of our debt 
+relative to the economy from rising towards the end of our ten year 
+budget window.
+    Failure to reduce deficits to this level would result in higher 
+interest rates as government borrowing crowds out private investment, 
+leading to slower growth and lower living standards for Americans.
+    Our revenue provisions are designed to encourage growth and 
+recovery, improve the fairness of the tax code and support the 
+President's critical priorities in a fiscally responsible manner.
+    Our recovery plan reduces the overall tax burden on the American 
+economy to help get the economy back on track.
+    The President's Budget takes up where the recovery plan leaves off, 
+cutting taxes for 95% of working Americans by making permanent the 
+Making Work Pay tax credit of up to $400 for individuals and $800 for 
+families. The Budget provides additional tax relief by expanding the 
+earned income tax credit for lower-income families and extending the 
+American Opportunity Tax Credit that provides up to $2,500 toward 
+higher education. All of these are in the recovery plan that Congress 
+enacted last month, but only in temporary form. The Budget also expands 
+the Saver's Credit as part of the President's commitment to help 
+Americans rebuild their savings.
+    The President's Budget includes tax provisions to help small 
+businesses. It recognizes that many small businesses are operated as 
+sole proprietorships or through partnerships and other flow-through 
+entities, and leaves the individual income tax rates at which these 
+small businesses are taxed unchanged in 2009 and 2010. By extending the 
+current rate structure for families earning less than $250,000 after 
+2010, it ensures that 97% of small businesses will receive additional 
+tax relief at that time or see their rates remain unchanged.
+    Moreover, the President's Budget will provide small business owners 
+with a new zero capital gains rate on new investments in their 
+businesses, which should help them plan for expansion and succession.
+    In addition, the budget will help provide more incentives for 
+innovation and increase stability in the tax code by making the 
+Research and Experimentation tax credit permanent.
+    By 2011, when the economy is projected to have recovered, it will 
+be important for the nation to put in place policies that restore 
+fiscal responsibility. For this reason, our Budget includes revenue 
+changes that become effective at that time. Those making less than 
+$250,000 will not see taxes increase. The marginal rates for the top 2% 
+of income earners will return to where they were during the powerful 
+economic expansion of the 1990s.
+    The Budget also seeks to restore fairness to the tax code. For 
+example, the Budget proposes to tax the compensation paid to hedge fund 
+managers, private equity partners and others in the same way that we 
+tax the wages paid to ordinary American workers. By closing this 
+``carried interest'' provision, the tax code will provide equal tax 
+treatment for wages regardless of whether an individual works as a 
+teacher or a hedge fund manager.
+    The Budget addresses the serious issue of the ``tax gap,'' the 
+difference between what taxpayers legally owe and the amount that they 
+pay. Building on the recently enacted proposals to increase information 
+reporting, the Budget includes a new proposal to require additional 
+information reporting for rental property expense payments. We will 
+make additional information reporting proposals when the full Budget is 
+    The Budget also seeks to close the ``tax gap'' by tackling tax 
+shelters and other efforts to abuse our tax laws, including 
+international tax evasion efforts.
+    The Budget addresses the use of offshore structures and accounts by 
+U.S. corporations and individuals to avoid and evade U.S. taxes. Over 
+the next several months, the President will propose a series of 
+legislative and enforcement measures to reduce such U.S. tax evasion 
+and avoidance.
+    Some proposals will focus on the rules in our tax code that put 
+those who invest and create jobs in the United States at a 
+disadvantage. We will propose rules to both reform U.S. corporations' 
+ability to defer foreign earnings and deter high income individuals and 
+corporations from using tax havens to avoid taxation.
+  path to prosperity: investments in health care, education and energy
+    The President's Budget will put the nation back on a sustainable 
+fiscal path that is so important for long-term growth. But the Budget 
+is about much more than deficit reduction. In it, the President 
+reverses our government's long neglect of critical investments in 
+health care, education and energy in order to improve the economy's 
+performance and lift the standard of living of this generation of 
+Americans and of future generations.
+Investing in Health Care
+    Without a plan to reform and bring down costs throughout our entire 
+health care system, budget deficits will start climbing again as the 
+costs of Medicare and Medicaid increase with rising overall health 
+system costs. And we will not have taken a single step toward the time 
+when every American--no matter their income--receives the quality, 
+affordable health care they deserve.
+    In recent years, most proposals for how the government should cope 
+with its rising health care costs have centered on trying to hold the 
+growth of Medicare and Medicaid costs below that of the overall system. 
+But there is wide agreement among experts that this is not a long-term 
+solution for containing health care spending.
+    Any effort to slow the growth of Medicare's and Medicaid's costs 
+requires slowing down the costs of the overall system and that, in 
+turn, is helped by substantially expanding access to care. To do 
+otherwise would result in economically distorting cost shifts, where 
+those who are covered end up paying higher prices to pick up the 
+medical tabs of those who are not.
+    That's why this President is committed to achieving a goal that has 
+eluded presidents since Franklin Delano Roosevelt, which is to reform 
+America's health care system to make it less costly, more comprehensive 
+and fairer.
+    We already have made a down-payment on this effort by including 
+over $20 billion for health information technology, comparative 
+effectiveness and prevention in our recovery plan and by extending and 
+expanding the Children's Health Insurance Program for eleven million 
+    The President's Budget will greatly advance that effort by setting 
+aside a reserve fund of more than $630 billion over ten years to help 
+finance reforms. The fund will be financed on a roughly 50:50 basis 
+from new revenues from those Americans who can best afford this 
+sacrifice and health system savings associated with, among other 
+things, reducing drug prices by speeding access to affordable generics.
+Investing in Education
+    Without the President's new investments, we risk leaving a 
+generation of workers unequipped to compete in the 21st century's 
+global economy. In order to ensure that our workers are prepared to 
+compete and that the economy can continue to grow, we must increase the 
+number of Americans who have the opportunity and ability to earn a 
+college degree.
+    This is particularly important because of the projected slowdown in 
+the growth of our labor force over the coming decades. And it is 
+particularly important for those in our society--such as those from 
+minority and lower-income families--who have traditionally had lower 
+rates of college success.
+    In this light, the higher education provisions in the President's 
+economic recovery plan are essential to our long-term economic strategy 
+because during periods of economic stress, the students who are most 
+likely to drop out or never attend college are those for whom cost is 
+the biggest barrier.
+    The President's Budget includes substantial strides towards 
+ensuring that a college education is affordable for all Americans. The 
+American Opportunity Tax Credit will provide up to $2,500 a year of tax 
+relief for a student going to college. The combination of the partially 
+refundable nature of the credit and a sizeable increase in the maximum 
+Pell Grant to $5500 a year embodies the President's commitment to 
+ensuring young people at all income levels can obtain a college degree.
+    At the same time, the President's Budget ensures that more young 
+adults will be ready for college by starting them on the right track in 
+early childhood.
+    The President's commitment to quality early childhood education 
+reflects the belief of experts ranging from child psychologists to the 
+Minneapolis Federal Reserve and Nobel Prize-winning economist James 
+Heckman that these programs are among the highest-paying investments 
+not only for children, but for the economy as a whole. That is why the 
+President's Budget includes measures to help states improve their early 
+education programs, along with funding to expand Head Start and double 
+the number of children in Early Head Start.
+Investing in Reducing America's Dependence on Foreign Oil
+    Without the President's new investments, the nation will remain 
+dependent on uncertain supplies of foreign oil and carbon-intensive 
+energy--a dependence that threatens our economy, our environment and 
+our national security.
+    The President's energy investments reflect our efforts to use 
+broad-based market incentives to move us as efficiently and as quickly 
+as possible towards a clean energy economy, while also providing relief 
+to those who may bear a temporary increase in expenses during that 
+    The recovery plan includes $65 billion in investments in clean 
+energy technologies for programs like creating a smart electricity 
+grid, improving energy efficiency, and investing in green jobs. As the 
+President has made clear, we will work with Congress to develop an 
+economy-wide emissions reduction program to bring emissions down 
+approximately 14% from 2005 levels by 2020 and approximately 83% from 
+2005 levels by 2050. This program should include a 100% auction of 
+emissions allowances--ensuring that the biggest polluters don't profit 
+on the basis of past pollution--and should use a cap-and-trade system 
+that has worked effectively in the past as a mechanism to combat acid 
+    The funds raised through this auction could be used to invest an 
+additional $15 billion a year in clean energy technologies. It would 
+also go towards covering the cost of making the Making Work Pay tax 
+credit permanent, providing 95% of American families with tax relief. 
+If there are any additional revenues, those could go back to the 
+American people, with a focus on compensating vulnerable communities, 
+businesses and families.
+    The government will set the example by, among other things, 
+retrofitting its buildings in order to improve their overall efficiency 
+and save taxpayers billions of dollars.
+    In all of the President's Budget proposals, as in our recovery, 
+stability and affordability plans, we will make good on the imperatives 
+set by the President to operate in the bright light of day so that 
+taxpayers can know how their money is being spent and can hold us 
+    The problems that confront this nation are daunting. But we are a 
+strong and resourceful country. Faced with great challenges in the 
+past, we have shown the will to overcome adversity and carve a path 
+back to prosperity. We will do so again.
+    A budget is about more than columns of numbers and trend lines 
+across a page. This Budget embodies our values, our aspirations, and 
+our will to overcome the current crisis and usher in a new prosperity.
+    I look forward to working closely with you in this great endeavor.
+    Chairman Spratt. Mr. Secretary, your testimony includes 
+reference to a $250 billion place holder, yet it cannot provide 
+us with any detail because that is still being defined. Could 
+you give us some idea of the magnitude, the gross size of this 
+fund, these additional funds that will be required; because 
+what is reflected here, as I understand it, is just that 
+portion that impacts the budget and has an impact on the 
+    And secondly, could you tell us what categories, what 
+generally speaking--what does this go to? Does it go to fund 
+consumer credit? Does it go to build capital resources of the 
+Nation's banks? Broadly speaking, where will they be used?
+    Secretary Geithner. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. A very 
+important issue. As you and the Ranking Member said, getting 
+credit flowing again is absolutely critical to recovery. The 
+impact of the recovery reinvestment program, even as powerful 
+as that is, will be undermined if we don't get the banking 
+system and the economy as a whole providing the credit that 
+businesses need to expand. So the business that would otherwise 
+benefit substantially from the provisions in the recovery act, 
+will be less able to take advantage of it if they can't borrow. 
+So this basic imperative, getting credit flowing again, is a 
+critical priority for us.
+    Now, in the budget, the President put in a reserve fund in 
+an abundance of caution against the possible contingency that 
+we may need additional resources. It is not a request for 
+resources at this time. And when we get to the point, if we get 
+to the point where we believe additional resources are 
+essential to achieve this objective, then we will come to the 
+Congress and to this committee with a specific proposal and lay 
+out there exactly where those resources will go.
+    Congress has already authorized substantial resources for 
+this purpose, and we are moving very quickly to make those 
+resources available in areas which we think will have the most 
+effect on the economy as a whole.
+    Now, if you look at what we have done so far and laid out--
+and as I said in my opening statement, we need to make sure 
+there is capital available to strengthen banks. We need to 
+provide very substantial direct funding to help get credit 
+markets working again. These are the markets that are critical 
+for small business, lending for consumer credit, for auto 
+finance, a range of other different markets. And as you have 
+seen, we have committed to use a significant number of 
+resources to help finance the housing plan that is going to 
+benefit millions of Americans and have them take advantage of 
+opportunities regarding refinance and to lower their mortgage 
+    Those three areas--capital resources for banks where they 
+need it, direct support for credit markets, and target 
+initiatives in housing and other areas--will be necessary going 
+forward, and those are the three critical pieces of the broad 
+financial plan we laid out. But as I said, this is a reserve 
+fund in the budget, very much in the spirit of how we account 
+for foreign wars and natural disasters. It is not a request at 
+this time or an estimate of what we think we ultimately need.
+    Chairman Spratt. Let me show you some charts with respect 
+to your budget and see if they comport with your numbers. First 
+of all, a very simple back-of-the-envelope chart dealing with 
+tax cuts and tax increases and the net tax that would be 
+imposed by the budget you are recommending. The first shows 
+revenue changes in President Obama's budget and indicates that 
+by extending the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts for those under 
+$250,000, that amounts to a net tax cut of $2 trillion. Is that 
+consistent with your understanding?
+    Secretary Geithner. Looking at these provisions now--and 
+you are right--they do highlight the fact that we are extending 
+tax cuts that affect 95 percent of Americans. We are proposing 
+to make permanent the Make Work Pay tax credit, which reduces 
+taxes for 95 percent of the working families. And we have a 
+variety of other provisions in the bill that go directly 
+towards reducing the tax burden on small businesses. And again, 
+I think this is a very strong budget for small businesses. And 
+if you look at the combined impact of these changes, with the 
+investments we are making in reducing health-care costs and 
+education, this is a very good budget for the long-term growth 
+prospects of the American economy.
+    Chairman Spratt. There are some revenue increases. Cap and 
+trade would be one. The number we have here is simply one we 
+have taken from the administration's request. It could be any 
+range of numbers, an infinite variety of ways to do cap and 
+trade or carbon taxes. That would be a revenue increase. There 
+are some loophole closures and there are some other provisions, 
+such as the limitation on itemized deductions for people making 
+more than a certain income level. Those would be tax increases. 
+But according to our back-of-the-envelope arithmetic, the total 
+tax cuts, the net tax cuts after you have backed out the tax 
+increases, are $2.2 trillion.
+    Secretary Geithner. Mr. Chairman, I just want to emphasize 
+that the estimate for resources raised from cap and trade is an 
+estimate. And as the President said in the budget, we are going 
+to use those resources to finance making the Make Work Pay tax 
+credit permanent, providing additional resources to help 
+facilitate this transition to more efficient, more green energy 
+technologies. And if we raise additional resources, we will 
+target those to people who might face increased energy costs 
+associated with this plan.
+    Now, what you refer to as loophole closures, international 
+reforms, these include measures to reduce tax avoidance, 
+address the tax gap. They have broad bipartisan support as a 
+basic imperative. It is very important that we do that.
+    Now, the last thing on your list, which is the proposed 
+limit on deductibility, I just want to say a few things about 
+this. Those proposals would affect only 1.2 percent of 
+taxpayers who itemize; 1.2 percent. All they do is restore 
+deductibility to the level that prevailed at the end of the 
+Reagan administration; 28 percent is still double what the 
+typical American enjoys in terms of that tax benefit. We think 
+this is fair and reasonable and it is consistent with this 
+imperative we all share, to present the American people a path 
+to bring our deficits down to a sustainable level.
+    Chairman Spratt. The bottom line is, once again, a net tax 
+cut of $2.2 trillion. That comports with your numbers and your 
+understanding of the budget?
+    Secretary Geithner. Mr. Chairman, absolutely. What we are 
+laying out is something that we think is going to be good for 
+growth, good for business, good for the long-term growth 
+potential of the American economy.
+    Chairman Spratt. Let us look at another chart, the chart 
+dealing with other cuts that are made in the budget, random 
+savings that are proposed in order to generate revenues to pay 
+for some of the initiatives. Jose, flip back to that one. That 
+will be fine. Jose, the previous one. There we go. Leave it 
+    Program Integrity Savings. That is our one-liner for 
+seeking to recover fraud, waste and abuse and other compliance 
+measures. At the Treasury, do you have responsibility for the 
+oversight of this effort?
+    Secretary Geithner. Mr. Chairman, I believe I share that 
+responsibility with a number of my colleagues in the Cabinet 
+and, of course, with OMB. But I am glad you highlighted this 
+because as you can see, we are trying to be as careful as we 
+can to bring efficiency improvements and improvements in 
+program design. So we are using the resources that the American 
+people give us much, much more efficiently. This is just one 
+example of concrete measures that we are committing to in the 
+budget that achieve that.
+    Chairman Spratt. Let us take tax compliance. The Internal 
+Revenue Service is under your jurisdiction. Does this assume 
+some additional funding for auditors, and for more audits, and 
+for more compliance measures so that taxes that are owed but 
+not paid can be recovered?
+    Secretary Geithner. It does, Mr. Chairman. In the budget we 
+are proposing--and I hope there is broad support for this--a 
+carefully designed increase in enforcement resources for the 
+IRS, which is a necessary part of trying to close the tax gap 
+and trying to get ourselves to a more fair position where 
+people who owe taxes are paying their taxes, so that the 
+overall burden of people who have been paying their taxes is 
+    Chairman Spratt. And does the Treasury have an estimate of 
+what it will cost at the front end for more audits and more 
+auditors and more compliance measures in order to reap this 
+$16.6 billion?
+    Secretary Geithner. We do. In the budget that is working 
+its way through the Congress now, we have a specific proposal 
+for a significant increase, but I think a responsible increase 
+in enforcement resources. And I would be happy to provide the 
+detailed numbers to that committee. But they are modest 
+relative to these proposed savings.
+    Chairman Spratt. If you would provide that for the record, 
+we would appreciate it.
+    Now, in the interest of time and allowing every member to 
+ask questions, we will move on to further questions. Thank you 
+very, very much again for your testimony. Mr. Ryan.
+    Mr. Ryan. Jose, could you bring up the first chart? This 
+one right here.
+    Secretary Geithner. I will have to bring some charts next 
+time, Mr. Chairman.
+    Mr. Ryan. We have battling charts around here. But I am 
+going to use the Chairman's chart, if it gets up on the screen.
+    Chairman Spratt. You may want to get yours out. It sounds 
+like he is loaded for bear here.
+    Secretary Geithner. I am looking forward to it, Mr. 
+Chairman. I am really looking forward to it.
+    Mr. Ryan. Just to try to shed some light on this 
+statistical distortion that is occurring here. When we say you 
+are raising taxes by $1.4 trillion, that is not our 
+interpretation of your budget; that is your interpretation of 
+your budget.
+    Secretary Geithner. On that thing----
+    Mr. Ryan. Just let me--please. Negative $3.5 trillion. If 
+you take a look at those things, what it is basically saying 
+here, there is--I will put those aside. What it is basically 
+saying here is that by not raising taxes, we are cutting taxes. 
+No, you are just not raising taxes on the AMT and these other 
+things. So to suggest failure to increase taxes is the same as 
+a tax cut, it is just intellectually dishonest; and therefore, 
+you can't claim these things are net tax cuts. They are net tax 
+    But let me move on because I want to give these members a 
+chance. We sit here writing budgets and trying to pass budgets. 
+And I just want to try and impress upon you the enormity of the 
+task before you, under any situation, any administration. And 
+this budget, I think, you are going to have challenges and I 
+just think you ought to sort of know that. When we do the vote 
+counts around here, we had a budget last year on the floor, 
+which was to the right of this budget and that is the 
+Congressional Progressive Caucus budget that came to the floor 
+last year, I think by Congresswomen Lee and Waters. And this 
+budget is so far to the left of the Congressional Progressive 
+Caucus budget, that this plan on an apples-to-apples basis, 
+spends $2.8 trillion more than the Progressive Caucus budget. 
+It results in deficits that are $14.7 trillion higher than the 
+Congressional Progressive Caucus budget, and I won't even give 
+you the debt numbers on how much more debt this applies to our 
+children and grandchildren than the Congressional Progressive 
+Caucus budget. But if you look at the votes, the Congressional 
+Progressive Caucus budget failed by 98 to 322; 131 Democrats 
+voted against that budget, 15 of which are right here on this 
+Budget Committee, the Democrats.
+    So you just need to understand the enormity of the task to 
+bring this massive borrow and spend and tax budget to Congress. 
+I think you are doing something that I want to compliment you 
+on, which is the stress-testing of banks which I think 
+everybody believes is the right thing to do. And under your 
+stress test, I think you are doing the right thing by having 
+these different baselines that you are applying to banks. You 
+have your alternative scenario and your average baseline 
+scenario. The average baseline scenario used for your stress 
+test that Treasury is imposing on banks is roughly the same as 
+the Blue Chip's consensus forecast. But the forecast 
+underpinning your budget is much, much higher than this average 
+baseline budget.
+    And so basically I want to ask you this: Under your average 
+baseline, this budget would have deficits that are $758 billion 
+higher. That is, using OMB's rule of thumb. Under your adverse 
+scenario baseline, this budget would have a deficit cumulative 
+that is $1.2 trillion higher. And I understand that you and 
+former Secretary Treasury Summers want to get our deficit down 
+to at least 3 percent of GDP, because you obviously believe for 
+the credit markets that is a healthy thing to do. But under 
+either of the stress test baselines that you impose yourselves, 
+this doesn't do that. This budget deficit, if you apply your 
+baselines, not OMB's baseline, you don't even get close to 4 
+percent of GDP for the next 10 years. So my question is: 
+Shouldn't we apply the stress test to the Federal budget that 
+you are applying to the banks?
+    Secretary Geithner. Congressman, thank you for raising 
+this. And let me just respond quickly on these things and then 
+I want to come back to some of the things you said at the 
+beginning in your opening statement. This capital assessment, 
+health assessment stress-test thing is designed by your 
+Nation's--our Nation's financial authorities. And what they did 
+is, they took a consensus of private forecasters for a baseline 
+scenario and then they looked at what is a more extreme 
+scenario, a scenario with a much lower probability, but again 
+in an abundance of caution to look at that. What they did is as 
+you might expect. What they did is to make sure it is done 
+independently. They took a private forecast for that.
+    Now, the President's budget and the forecast that is in the 
+President's budget is within the estimate CBO presented taking 
+into account the Recovery Act. It is within the estimates of a 
+broad consensus of private forecasters. Our judgment is it is a 
+realistic forecast and it shows, like all private forecasters 
+show, the economy coming back to positive growth in the second 
+half of this year and, in 2010, showing more significance to 
+sustain a recovery. It is a realistic forecast and it meets our 
+basic test for bringing more integrity and accountability to 
+the budget framework.
+    Now, you said several things that I need to respond to in 
+this context. Just go back to the starting point in the deficit 
+and the debt trajectory. We start today before anything 
+happened with the $1.3 trillion deficit. The additional 
+increment to the deficit that has to happen in 2009-2010 is 
+what is necessary to solve this crisis. A big chunk of that is 
+the Recovery and Reinvestment Act. There is an additional 
+increment to that. It is the cost of fixing parts of our 
+financial system that, again, we started with, that need some 
+repair. That is what we start with.
+    So the deficit increase you have seen in the near term is 
+the consequence of not just the inherited burden of the 
+recession, but what it is going to take to fix this crisis. 
+Now, we share together this very important imperative of 
+showing the American people that we are going to have the will 
+and ability to bring those deficits down over time. I know you 
+believe deeply in that imperative. But we are going to disagree 
+on some important things, which is really how to do that.
+    Now, what the President proposes is to return tax rates 
+that apply to a very small percentage of Americans and a very 
+small percentage of small business owners to the levels that 
+prevailed in 2001. That is what the President's budget 
+proposes. For the vast majority of Americans and businesses, 
+taxes will not go up, and they will go down if we make Make 
+Work Pay permanent.
+    Now, you may disagree about whether that is the right way 
+to bring these deficits down, but I know you agree that we have 
+to bring those down deficits to get the recovery back on track. 
+Because if we don't do that, the Americans today, looking at 
+the future, will be more concerned about the future and 
+recovery will be interrupted today.
+    Now, a very important point about our disagreements on 
+this. The proposed changes on the tax front which apply, again, 
+to only 2 to 3 percent of small business owners and to a very 
+small percentage of the highest income Americans, are levels 
+that prevailed back in 2001.
+    Now, just to come back to the decade of the 1990s, when 
+those rates applied, we had during that period a sustained 
+period of very high rates of growth and private investment, 
+very high rates of productivity growth, very broad-based income 
+gains across the country. There is no plausible way you can 
+look back at that period where those tax rates prevailed and 
+say that the economy at that point was not performing 
+exceptionally well, not just relative to the past American 
+performance, but that of other major economies.
+    Mr. Ryan. Can I get you there? A number of things. And this 
+is a great dialogue. I really appreciate this. First off, in 
+2001, we were heading into recession. We cut tax rates and 
+growth occurred and actually revenues increased. But I am glad 
+you mentioned the CBO, because the CBO baseline says that if we 
+didn't pass this budget, the deficit would get cut by three-
+fourths over the next 4 years. You are actually slowing down--
+    Secretary Geithner. You know as well as I do--but what the 
+CBO baseline assumes is AMT is not extended, all the tax cuts 
+expire fully----
+    Mr. Ryan. No, no, no. You have to use the alternative 
+baseline that goes down.
+    Secretary Geithner. No. Again, in the forecast, their post-
+stimulus forecast has a range of outcomes, and our forecast was 
+in those outcomes. So this is a more candid, more honest, more 
+transparent picture of our fiscal future than you have seen in 
+years and years and years.
+    Mr. Ryan. Look, I don't want----
+    Secretary Geithner. It is more realistic.
+    Mr. Ryan. Obviously we don't agree with that. But let me 
+just say this. Using that Blue Chip consensus forecast that you 
+are using for your own stuff, the deficit is $758 billion 
+higher. It never gets to 3 percent of GDP. It is always 4.5 or 
+higher or something like that. So the concern we have is if 
+these great scenarios that you are projecting in the economy 
+don't occur--and, boy, we sure hope they do--if they don't 
+occur, then our deficit is going to get out of control.
+    But here is the concern we have, just so you understand it. 
+Saying to investors, to small businesses, boy, if you are going 
+to hunker down and try to invest and bring new people back on 
+the payroll, we are going to get you with higher taxes in a 
+year-and-a-half time. Let me say it this way. Increasing taxes 
+on the assets that make up our pension funds, our 401(k)s, our 
+college savings plans, by a minimum of 33 percent, how is that 
+going to help recover the wealth that has been lost? I mean, I 
+have talked to so many 60- and 70-year-olds who are so worried 
+about their retirement because their portfolios are down by 48 
+percent and we are going to say in a year-and-a-half time we 
+are going to increase taxes on these assets that make up this 
+portfolio by at least a third? I mean, this is not good 
+    And so our concern is that your rosy scenarios don't 
+materialize, the private sector consensus forecast does, and 
+the deficit is completely out of control. And in this budget, 
+by the time that this budget is done, both Medicare and Social 
+Security go on a path of permanent insolvency. So we just don't 
+think we are being fiscally conservative.
+    Secretary Geithner. Let us go through these provisions. The 
+most important thing for us to do together is to get recovery 
+back on track. I think we all agree on that. This budget does 
+not raise taxes. In fact, it reduces taxes on the economy as a 
+whole during this period of time.
+    Now, again, what the President is proposing is when all 
+private economists agree we will be back on a path to growth, 
+that we are going to restore the tax rates that prevailed in 
+2001 that only apply to a very small percentage of Americans 
+and a very small percentage of small business owners.
+    Now, you are saying, you are implying something that is not 
+true, which is that we are proposing today a broad-based tax 
+increase on the American economy 2 years out when recovery is 
+established. Now, that is not----
+    Mr. Ryan. Yes, you are.
+    Secretary Geithner. That is not remotely plausible.
+    Mr. Ryan. Your own budget acknowledges that.
+    Secretary Geithner. No. But it is just a critical fact; 97 
+percent or 98 percent of small business owners have incomes 
+below $250,000. Now, just one more important fact. The most 
+wealthy, most fortunate, richest 1 percent of Americans 
+received 75 percent of the gains in income across the overall 
+economy over the last 6 to 8 years. This restores some basic 
+fairness to the American economy in a fiscally responsible way 
+that will leave our economy stronger for the future. Now, if we 
+did not do this, Congressman, as I think you know as well as 
+anybody, then we would be leaving the American people with the 
+prospects of rising deficits in the future, and that would be 
+bad for growth.
+    Mr. Ryan. Now, I want to get to a TALF question, because I 
+want to--but turning on electricity, putting gasoline in your 
+gas tank, heating your home, which is pretty expensive where I 
+come from in Wisconsin, and having a government program that 
+makes that more expensive--you may not want to call it a tax, 
+but it is a tax. If it acts like a duck, if it quacks like a 
+duck, it is a duck.
+    Secretary Geithner. You are talking about cap and trade 
+    Mr. Ryan. Yes. So to suggest that you are only taxing 
+wealthy people, when in fact you are taxing anybody who 
+consumes energy, that is just not straight. But I want to--let 
+us get beyond that.
+    Secretary Geithner. That would be a good discussion to 
+    Mr. Ryan. If you can, I want to ask you a sincere question 
+about the TALF. Some analysts are telling us that in order to 
+boost the effectiveness of the TALF in the current economic 
+climate, the program should be expanded to cover securities 
+rated below AAA to just secondary market securities. Are you 
+considering heading in that direction?
+    Secretary Geithner. I want to do cap and trade really 
+quickly. It is very important. I know that you keep coming back 
+to this. Again, this is very important. It is critically 
+important for our country that we begin the process now of 
+changing the incentives Americans face for how they use energy. 
+It is important to reduce our dependence on foreign oil, it is 
+critical for climate change. You can't achieve that objective, 
+again, without changing the incentives Americans face.
+    Now, what the President does is take a program that has 
+been used successfully to reduce acid rain emissions used in 
+countries around the world to help begin that process. This cap 
+and trade program will raise resources, but those resources are 
+going to be devoted to making the Make Work Pay tax credit, 
+which benefits 95 percent of working Americans, permanent to 
+help facilitate this transition to renewable energy. And if we 
+raise additional resources, it will be targeted to offset those 
+costs of higher energy costs. I just want to say this because 
+it is important.
+    Now, on TALF--I am glad you raised this thing on TALF. What 
+the Fed and the Treasury laid out on Tuesday was a program for 
+broadening the class of assets we are going to provide 
+financing, increasing the scale of financing we provide, and we 
+are going to continue to look at ways to make that program more 
+effective. Open to any suggestions, happy to receive feedback 
+on this. We are getting a lot of feedback from market 
+participants. But I am glad to hear you emphasize the 
+importance of this program because, again, to get credit 
+flowing again, we do not just have to reinforce banks, we need 
+to make sure we are going around banks to get those 
+securitization markets going again.
+    Mr. Ryan. Thank you. I want to be generous to my 
+colleagues. I have already taken enough time. I appreciate it.
+    Ms. Schwartz. Thank you. And I think I am going to toss out 
+my question and try and deal a little bit with what Mr. Ryan 
+was pointing out. There is no question, it seems to me, on any 
+factual basis that this budget is far more honest about what 
+really we expect is going to happen. Now, of course, it 
+includes some forecasts on what we think is going to happen in 
+the economy. You have to make some forecast assumptions. But 
+the notion, I believe, that Mr. Ryan actually said that the AMT 
+relief on 26 million Americans--he didn't mention the number--
+the fact that we are going to eliminate, repeal, AMT on 26 
+million Americans is a tax increase, is stunningly incorrect.
+    Mr. Ryan. I said it the other way around. I said imposing 
+it is a tax increase; not imposing it is not a tax cut.
+    Ms. Schwartz. Reclaiming my time. I think that is what the 
+record would show, is----
+    Secretary Geithner. Do not extend what would be a 
+substantial tax increase.
+    Ms. Schwartz. Yes, exactly. So I just want to be really 
+clear that we have been talking about. Exactly. Mr. Ryan has at 
+least in previous moments said that he wants to see the AMT 
+relief, and the fact that we are budgeting it forward is an 
+important thing to do. So let me just be very clear that this 
+is tax relief for literally tens of millions of Americans. And 
+in the recovery package, didn't we actually provide tax relief 
+to 95 percent of Americans?
+    Secretary Geithner. We did.
+    Ms. Schwartz. Right. So----
+    Secretary Geithner. And we propose to make that permanent.
+    Ms. Schwartz. And we propose to make that permanent. 
+Absolutely. So what this budget does, in addition to being 
+honest about where we stand on taxes, and, yes, returning to 
+some tax fairness, I think that there will be some debate about 
+some of the specifics, but some of the limitations for the 
+wealthiest 1 to 2 percent of Americans--we are not eliminating 
+tax deductions for charitable donations. There will be a 28 
+percent which is, as you pointed out, double what most 
+Americans get. Is that not correct?
+    Secretary Geithner. That is correct. And it is the level 
+that prevailed at the end of the Reagan administration.
+    Ms. Schwartz. Again, we will have a debate here in Congress 
+about some of those specifics, how many of those exactly stay 
+as they are. I think that is our responsibility to have a 
+shared discussion.
+    Number two. To suggest that is somehow going to hurt 
+American business and American competitiveness is something 
+that really is just blankly a difference of opinion for sure. 
+So what I did want to ask, because I think it is important for 
+us to communicate, is that not only is this budget honest about 
+what we believe is going to happen in the future, but it also--
+and provides tax relief to many, many Americans, but it 
+actually tackles some of the major issues that have been 
+hurting our economic competitiveness. The failure to make 
+investments in education, in educating our people, in energy 
+efficiency and energy independence and--an area of my 
+particular interest in health care--in innovation, in 
+technology, in cost containment, which will affect our fiscal 
+health and our economic competitiveness for our businesses.
+    Could you just elaborate on--you mentioned--it was a very 
+nice line about the--both the moral and economic and fiscal 
+imperative of taking actions. We are making up for 8 years of 
+failure to make those kind of investments that is putting us in 
+an economic disadvantage for our businesses. On health care 
+alone, our businesses, small businesses and large, cannot 
+sustain a double-digit inflation on their health benefits. 
+Could you speak to why this is so important for our economic 
+dependence, particularly our small businesses?
+    Secretary Geithner. Thank you. I think if you look at 
+surveys of small businesses, what their priorities are, at the 
+top of every business priority is to address the rise in health 
+care costs. Now, if you look at what we spend on health care as 
+a country, we spend almost twice what the typical mature 
+economy spends on health care. And despite that, we don't 
+provide materially better results in terms of life expectancy 
+and we have large parts of our economy that don't benefit from 
+quality care. So there is a competitiveness imperative, an 
+economic imperative of addressing those health care costs. 
+Unless we do that, we are going to face progressively higher 
+fiscal deficits in the future.
+    And it seems to me the reasonable thing, to say that 
+Americans should enjoy access to better quality care regardless 
+of the circumstances of their birth. It is a clean, simple, 
+stark imperative, but it is not enough. And if you just look at 
+on the education front, what we are doing is trying to make 
+sure that we are laying the foundation for a more productive 
+economy by making sure that our children are going to benefit 
+from much higher-quality education outcomes. And these are 
+areas where our government has been unable to make significant 
+progress over a long period of time. We can't afford to wait on 
+that front. In this budget, we are trying to lay out for the 
+American people a path to a more productive economy where the 
+income gains are going to be more broadly shared.
+    Ms. Schwartz. And it will help us with our fiscal stability 
+of our budget as well. The other side of the aisle has been 
+very concerned about the costs of entitlement, but the fact is, 
+wouldn't you say that we are actually making some very 
+important steps now to contain the cost both for businesses and 
+for the Federal budget as well?
+    Secretary Geithner. And because of the hard work of people 
+in this room, the Recovery Reinvestment Act starts that budget. 
+So the budget continues it, builds on it, but we started that 
+process in the Recovery Act.
+    Ms. Schwartz. Thank you, Mr. Secretary.
+    Chairman Spratt. Mr. Hensarling.
+    Mr. Hensarling. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. And again, 
+welcome, Mr. Secretary. And let me agree, you do have a great 
+challenge in front of you and we acknowledge and appreciate 
+your service.
+    Can we pull up Figure 6, please? Both you and the Chairman 
+spoke about, I believe, if I heard you properly, about 
+inheriting deficits; which begs the question what is inherited 
+and what is manufactured and who did you inherit it from?
+    This chart is entitled ``Deficit Under Democratic 
+Budgets.'' And I want to make very certain for the record I 
+said ``Democratic'' for those who are sensitive about the uses 
+of suffixes, participles, gerunds and that type of thing. But 
+we all know that under our Constitution that the President 
+can't spend a penny that isn't either authorized or 
+appropriated by the United States Congress. And in this chart 
+we saw declining deficits when Republicans controlled the 
+Congress down to roughly, I believe, 160 billion. And now we 
+are seeing that the 2009 OMB estimate is roughly 1.8 trillion.
+    So, number one, if you inherited deficits, you inherited 
+them from a Democratic Congress, number one. And, number two, I 
+believe and certainly you have your economic justification, but 
+if you were inheriting 1.2 trillion and you are proposing 1.8, 
+aren't you adding--isn't it true you are adding, I believe, 
+$540 billion to that deficit, Mr. Secretary?
+    Secretary Geithner. Congressman, can I just say two things 
+about this? One, is if you go back to the year 2000, to 1999, 
+you will see that we started--we ended that period with 
+surpluses. So your chart starts a little late to be fair to 
+history. The other thing I want to point out is that in 2009--
+    Mr. Hensarling. Mr. Secretary, are you saying this is an 
+inaccurate chart?
+    Secretary Geithner. No. I am saying it starts in 2004. If 
+you went back to 2009----
+    Mr. Hensarling. I am sure it would go back to 1789 as well. 
+But is it not true, is it not true that in the last year of the 
+Republican Congress it was $160 billion and you are proposing 
+1.8? Is it true or is it not true?
+    Secretary Geithner. Congressman, as you know, the national 
+debt doubled during the last 8 years, after a period where we 
+started with surpluses.
+    Mr. Hensarling. Let us talk about that for a second. I am 
+sorry, I don't have the advantage of having unlimited time as--
+    Secretary Geithner. Can I just say this one thing you 
+raised here? In 2009--again, this is very important to do--we 
+start with no additional policies to fix the crisis. We start 
+with a deficit of $1.3 trillion. That is a deficit produced by 
+the policies that preceded it and by the deepening recession. 
+Now, to fix this crisis, we have no choice but to move 
+aggressively to put in place this economic recovery program, 
+and that program----
+    Mr. Hensarling. I appreciate that. And you had that 
+opportunity to say that earlier. I understand that you have a 
+    Secretary Geithner. But you asked that question, which is a 
+very important thing to do. So it is 1.3 with no action, but no 
+action will leave us with a deepening recession, higher long-
+term deficits.
+    Mr. Hensarling. All we are saying, Mr. Secretary, is when 
+you talk about inheriting deficits, at least admit that you are 
+adding to that deficit. And let us talk about the debt for a 
+second. The President in his State of the Union address, said 
+we have the responsibility to ensure that we do not pass on to 
+our children a debt they cannot pay. Is it not true--can we go 
+to Figure 7, please--that under the administration's proposal, 
+that we will double the national debt in 8 years? Is that true, 
+Mr. Secretary?
+    Secretary Geithner. Congressman, let me say what is 
+critical about the long-term fiscal picture.
+    Mr. Hensarling. Is it true or not true?
+    Secretary Geithner. No. But this is very important. If we 
+don't get the recovery back on track, if we don't act to fix 
+this recession and address it, then as a country we will face 
+lower long-term growth rates, huge damage to the productive 
+capacity of our economy, much higher unemployment rates and 
+higher long-term deficits. Now, what the President's budget 
+does is bring our deficits down to 3 percent, and will 
+stabilize that debt to the--what matters is the level of debt 
+relative to the economy as a whole.
+    Mr. Hensarling. Mr. Secretary, I think we all agree we need 
+more economic growth, but again are you not--are you or are you 
+not proposing to double the national debt in 8 years under your 
+    Secretary Geithner. Congressman, what we are proposing to 
+do is to fix the crisis we inherited and to make our economy 
+more productive in the future, and to do so in a way that is 
+fiscally responsible and brings our deficits down to the level 
+where we stabilize the overall level of debt to GDP. So if----
+    Mr. Hensarling. It is clear that you do not wish to answer 
+the question. I understand that. And I have a limited amount of 
+    The last question I would like to ask, though, is when you 
+talk about the need for more credit in order to create jobs, 
+promote economic growth, why then--why would you have a budget 
+that proposes increasing the tax on capital up to one-third? I 
+have got to tell you, Mr. Secretary, for many of us, it seems 
+to be ideological, and at a time when our Nation desperately 
+needs more capital, you are going to increase taxes on it up to 
+one-third. It simply makes no sense, Mr. Secretary.
+    Secretary Geithner. I would just come back again to say 
+what the budget proposes to do to bring us back to fiscal 
+sustainability. And I think we all agree we to have get back to 
+a sustainable path. I think we all agree that is critically 
+    So what the President's budget does is, when recovery is 
+established, to restore those tax rates that apply to the 
+richest Americans to the levels that prevailed in 2001. And, 
+again, if you want to look at the record and performance of our 
+economy during a period when those tax rates applied, it looks 
+exceptionally good relative to the decades that preceded it, 
+and it looks very good relative to the last decade.
+    Again, if you just look at the things we all care about, 
+which is how productive is our economy, how much does private 
+investment grow, that was an exceptionally good record of 
+performance for the economy as a whole. Income growth was rapid 
+and it was broadly shared. And I think that is the right test 
+of our policies.
+    Ms. Schwartz. Mr. Chairman, could I just inquire--I just 
+wanted to inquire just a point of fact. When the budget that 
+you presented reflects the deficit, that is actually a 
+reflection of reality and honest budgeting. It is not a 
+proposal. You are not proposing increasing the deficit. You are 
+reflecting the reality of the deficit that the administration 
+has inherited. Is that just a point of information?
+    Mr. Hensarling. May I ask whose time she is on?
+    Chairman Spratt. She was asking for a point of inquiry.
+    Mr. Hensarling. Wait. That was a parliamentary----
+    Chairman Spratt. Would the witness please answer the 
+question in two sentences or three?
+    Secretary Geithner. We do propose to increase the deficit 
+in the near term because we have to do that to address the 
+crisis we started.
+    Chairman Spratt. Ms. Kaptur.
+    Ms. Kaptur. Well, Mr. Secretary, how do you like your job 
+so far?
+    Secretary Geithner. This is a critical debate for the 
+country. I am pleased to have it. I think it is a really 
+important debate, and I think it is my tribute to all of you, 
+which is that this is the kind of debate that the American 
+people want us to have. This is about some important choices. 
+And we owe them an open and honest debate about how we are 
+going to fix these problems.
+    Ms. Kaptur. Well, Mr. Secretary, we sure want to help you 
+on that. And we are going to put up here the accumulated budget 
+deficits under the Bush administration, including $1 trillion 
+of war costs that were unpaid for. So that is where we start.
+    But let me just say, Mr. Secretary, that unless we deal 
+with the seized-up credit markets, none of our budget proposals 
+on either side of the aisle are going to work. And I really 
+want to focus my beginning questions on these today.
+    During the 1980s, our Nation faced worse financial problems 
+in the financial sector than we actually do today. Although, 
+every day that passes seems to get worse. Back then, we had 
+3,000 insolvent institutions, saw the banks in Texas fail but 
+one. Continental Bank of Illinois, as you know, went down.
+    Have you had an opportunity yet to meet with the senior 
+statesmen in our country who were responsible for resolving 
+that situation at no cost to our taxpayers?
+    Secretary Geithner. I have looked very carefully at the 
+record of what they did during that period of time, and I have 
+had the chance to talk to many of those who were there at that 
+time. Yes.
+    Ms. Kaptur. I would like to bring Mr. Seidman and Mr. Isaac 
+over to see you some time, and I hope you find time for us.
+    Secretary Geithner. I would welcome that.
+    Ms. Kaptur. I think it is really worth hearing about what 
+happened. And I think you were about 2 then, I don't know, but 
+I think it might be very interesting for you.
+    Secretary Geithner. Unfortunately, I was much older then, 
+but older today.
+    Ms. Kaptur. All right. Let me talk about frozen credit 
+lines. The district that I represent has unemployment rates in 
+Toledo, Ohio, of 14.3 percent. Going over into Ottawa County, a 
+rural area, 17 percent, and growing worse each day.
+    At the same time, we are one of three leading solar centers 
+in the hemisphere. We have struggled through 20 years of the 
+loss of manufacturing jobs, and I have factory floors right now 
+that cannot get loans to hire hundreds and hundreds of people. 
+What can you do to help us?
+    The second part of that question is in the automotive 
+sector. I represent the most popular vehicle in America, the 
+Wrangler and Chrysler Jeep, and the best GM facility in the 
+hemisphere, GM hydromatic with the new 60 transmission. Our 
+unions, our companies have worked together. If America is going 
+to rebuild its automotive industry, it is going to be from the 
+heart of the Ninth District of Ohio.
+    We are stuck into this architecture that we can't seem to 
+extricate ourselves from. Both companies are owned by Cerberus. 
+How can you help us let our industry compete? We are ready to 
+do that, and we are handcuffed. Again, it is dealing with 
+frozen credit lines and being a part of an architecture by 
+which we can't win, solar and auto.
+    And then my final question to you is, what is your position 
+on whether we need to reinstitute the regulations on short 
+sellers the SEC removed in 2006?
+    Secretary Geithner. Let me go quickly through those. The 
+last is really a question for the SEC.
+    Ms. Kaptur. I hope you have an opinion.
+    Secretary Geithner. I do not believe that particular 
+measure, but this is the SEC's responsibility, would be 
+effective in the current environment. But the SEC Chairman is 
+looking at a range of things as part of her new 
+responsibilities to be responsive in that area, and I am sure 
+she would be happy to talk to you about those details.
+    On the automobile industry, as you know, we are looking at 
+how to try to help bring about the very fundamental 
+reconstruction that is going to be necessary to get this 
+industry back on a path to long-term viability without 
+government support. This industry is facing extraordinary 
+challenges. The financing environment is making it dramatically 
+worse, you are absolutely right, and we are looking at how best 
+to support that process.
+    Now, the Recovery Act and the budget has very, very 
+substantial increases in tax incentives, and other support for 
+clean energy, innovative new technologies, which will be very 
+powerful and beneficial. And I want to come back to where you 
+began, which is small businesses across the country are finding 
+it much harder to borrow. And that, to fix that requires that 
+we get capital into the system where it is necessary and that 
+we are providing direct support to get these lending markets 
+going again.
+    The stimulus package has a very substantial increase in 
+loan guarantees from the Small Business Administration, which 
+we are very, very supportive of, and we are looking at whether 
+we can bring these initiatives together to provide more 
+substantial support for businesses across the country on the 
+lending side.
+    Ms. Kaptur. Mr. Secretary, I appreciate that.
+    And I would hope there would be an iterative process by 
+which we could bring some of these companies to you, whether it 
+is tele-video, whether you assign somebody in your office. But 
+every day that goes by and our unemployment gets worse and I 
+have companies that can't get credit, I am saying something, 
+somehow, we need to be able to link to what you are doing. I 
+see TARP money flying out the window, and I am looking at our 
+companies and saying, something isn't working here.
+    Secretary Geithner. And we are open to meet with anybody. 
+We are meeting with people across the country all the time. And 
+as you know, in the automobile industry, we are in daily 
+contact with the full range of people that are critical to 
+making that restructuring plan work.
+    Chairman Spratt. Mr. Diaz-Balart.
+    Mr. Diaz-Balart. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
+    And thank you for being with us here today, and thank you 
+for agreeing to take on a pretty tough job.
+    There are about 4 million people now that are roughly 
+paying the AMT, alternative minimum tax, roughly. In your 
+proposal, those numbers would more or less be the same 
+throughout the next years. Correct?
+    Secretary Geithner. We are proposing to extend it and, as 
+you know, continue to extend it and to index it.
+    Mr. Diaz-Balart. But roughly we are dealing with about the 
+same number of people paying the AMT. And then you are going to 
+still keep those that are not paying it, which are roughly now, 
+I don't know, 20-plus million, from not paying it. Correct?
+    Secretary Geithner. I am not sure where you are going. I 
+would be happy to give you the detailed numbers on the 
+estimated impact.
+    Mr. Diaz-Balart. The reason I am asking that is, because 
+those that are not paying the AMT are going to continue to not 
+pay the AMT, in your numbers though, you are considering that a 
+tax reduction to them? In other words, you are including in 
+your tax cuts the AMT, even though most people don't pay it and 
+are going to continue to not pay it. So it is not a tax cut for 
+those who are not paying the AMT. Correct?
+    Secretary Geithner. Congressman, again, I am not sure where 
+you are going. You know, we can talk about baselines as much as 
+you want to talk. What matters to the American people and to 
+the economy as a whole is, what are we doing, going forward, to 
+overall tax rates across the economy? And what is critically 
+important is to recognize that, for the next 2 years, we are 
+reducing taxes for--reducing the tax burden for the overall 
+American economy. And when we get recovery back on track, we 
+are proposing very modest increases that apply to a very 
+limited section of the most affluent, most fortunate Americans.
+    Mr. Diaz-Balart. Well, let's talk a little bit about that, 
+because in Florida, where not everybody is affluent, yet 
+everybody uses electricity. And as you know, at least in 
+Florida, and I know it is around the country but let's talk 
+about Florida, those are regulated industries. They pass on the 
+cost of increases to energy to the consumers. And yet, you do 
+have anywhere between $600 plus to $800 billion in this cap-
+and-trade deal on a tax on energy production.
+    So let me ask you this. Is it not wrong that--who is going 
+to pay the money for that cap-and-trade? Energy producers?
+    Secretary Geithner. Congressman, this is a good issue, an 
+important issue, so let's just go through it.
+    What the President's proposal does is beginning in what we 
+expect to be 2012, not tomorrow but in 2012, just to put in 
+place a program tried, based on things that have worked in the 
+past that is designed to change the incentives for how 
+Americans use energy so that----
+    Mr. Diaz-Balart. By charging more?
+    Secretary Geithner. By reducing our dependence, that we 
+reduce our dependence on foreign oil.
+    Mr. Diaz-Balart. When you talk about incentives, is it by 
+charging more?
+    Secretary Geithner. Well, you can't change behavior, how 
+people use energy, unless you affect the incentives for how 
+they face this economy.
+    Now, the really important thing is that the resources this 
+will raise are going to--go back to 95 percent of working 
+Americans. And, there is $15 billion in the President's 
+proposal to help facilitate this transition to cleaner energy 
+technologies. So that is the way to think about it. Remember, 
+it is a program that will take effect in 2012, and the 
+resources raised will go back to 95 percent of working 
+    Mr. Diaz-Balart. Sure. That is like what we are told in the 
+stimulus that some families, many families, will get up to $800 
+back in tax credits. However, every household is being charged 
+$9,400. That, by the way, is the kind of math that frankly 
+scares me.
+    Secretary Geithner. I don't understand that math. I don't 
+think that is a remote reflection of reality in the budget. 
+Again, it is very important.
+    Mr. Diaz-Balart. That was in the stimulus.
+    Secretary Geithner. For the next 2 years, for this period 
+of challenge we are going through in this economy, the overall 
+tax burden on the American economy comes down; 95 percent of 
+working Americans get a significant tax credit; there is 
+expanded earned income tax credit, expanded child care tax 
+    Mr. Diaz-Balart. We are talking about the cap-and-trade 
+here. I am trying to see if I can get you to answer that.
+    Secretary Geithner. I did. On cap-and-trade, I said that in 
+    Mr. Diaz-Balart. There is going to be an increase.
+    Secretary Geithner. We want to work with Congress on a 
+program based on something that has worked to bring down acid 
+rain emissions that will generate resources that we will put 
+back into----
+    Mr. Diaz-Balart. When you say generate resources, that is 
+    Secretary Geithner. Through changing the cost of energy 
+use, which you have to do.
+    Mr. Ryan. Will you yield?
+    Mr. Diaz-Balart. Yes, I will yield to the ranking member.
+    Mr. Ryan. Are you suggesting that the $15 a week in the 
+Make Work Pay fully offsets the higher energy prices?
+    Secretary Geithner. Well, what I am saying, and this is the 
+really important thing, which is, the resources that cap-and-
+trade we estimate will raise will go back into the economy, 
+concentrated on 95 percent of working families. Now that----
+    Mr. Diaz-Balart. So you can't answer the question, really.
+    Secretary Geithner. It is good policy. It is fair policy. 
+And if you believe in the importance of reducing our dependence 
+on foreign oil and reducing our dependence on carbon-intensive 
+energy uses, then you have to be prepared to change the 
+incentives for how people use energy.
+    Mr. Diaz-Balart. In other words, if you believe in that, 
+and then it is okay to charge people more for their energy, is 
+in essence what you are saying.
+    Now, let me ask you a little bit because in the few seconds 
+that I have--I am out of time. Thank you.
+    Chairman Spratt. The time of the gentleman has expired.
+    Mr. Doggett.
+    Mr. Doggett. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
+    Thank you, Secretary, for your important leadership.
+    With that we could eliminate the first 4 years of the Bush 
+administration and its horrible effect on the world as quickly 
+as the Republicans have eliminated it from their chart. I can 
+hardly blame them for wanting to forget and push away the 
+disaster that was the first 4 years; I am surprised they didn't 
+eliminate the entire 8.
+    As far as the suggestion that they are concerned about 
+borrow and spend, that was the principle theory of the last 8 
+years, as they drove our debt up literally by the trillions. I 
+think they may have certainly borrowed more money from abroad 
+than all previous Presidents put behind--that came before them. 
+And these are the same folks that still want a free lunch. They 
+are the folks that endorsed what the Senate did during the 
+recovery, economic recovery debate that proposed trillions of 
+dollars of additional tax breaks that we would borrow money to 
+    I applaud the fact that you make the hard choices to raise 
+a little of the revenue along with some of the spending cuts to 
+help us get to more fiscal reality.
+    And I appreciate very much your testimony in the Ways and 
+Means Committee, where you endorsed our effort to stop tax 
+haven abuse. The President has spoken courageously over recent 
+months about the need to stop tax provisions that are designed 
+to encourage companies to export jobs overseas. It is more than 
+just the Stop Tax Haven Abuse bill that Senator Levin and I 
+have introduced. There are a whole series of measures that are 
+needed that are revenue raisers but accomplish other purposes.
+    I know that some of our colleagues, both Democratic and 
+Republican, have promoted the idea that we need a significant 
+reduction in corporate taxes. Secretary Paulson, when he 
+explored that issue last year, was not proposing a reduction in 
+revenues. In fact, he was willing to challenge some of the most 
+popular provisions that corporations rely on to reduce their 
+taxes today. And I think it is critical as you go forward on 
+this that while you hear people complaining about the corporate 
+tax rate, that we look at the effective corporate tax rate and 
+the steady reduction in corporate revenue that is being 
+contributed from those taxes.
+    In terms of gross domestic product, I believe that only 
+Korea and Mexico have corporations that contribute less than 
+ours do.
+    And then in a separate area that you have talked about very 
+articulately, the whole issue about cap-and-trade, what you 
+have said is very important. The Treasury has unique expertise 
+to conduct the auction system, which is what has been proposed 
+in legislation that I have and a number of our colleagues have 
+suggested. And a cap and trade system that is guided not by 
+extreme ideology and not by political expediency, but is guided 
+by good science, wherever that science leads us in terms of 
+what we need to do. But a system where we put a limit on carbon 
+pollution, and then we rely on a market system, which works so 
+effectively on acid rain, to help us achieve the important 
+objectives of moving to a less energy--more energy independence 
+and less dependence on carbon pollution.
+    I think, sadly, as the questions and comments here, just as 
+in the Ways and Means Committee, as the administration develops 
+its plan, I hope it will continue reaching out, as it has, to 
+try to include people of all political parties. We don't have a 
+monopoly on truth. But, sadly, the comments indicate that we 
+will get the same level of bipartisanship, the same level of 
+cooperation that we got on the economic recovery package in the 
+House. And we have to realize that moving forward on this 
+critical objective.
+    Let me just ask you one unrelated long question that I 
+would ask for perhaps a follow-up in writing. In 2007, there 
+was a review by Fitch Ratings of mortgage-backed securities 
+that were backed by subprime mortgages. It found evidence of 
+fraud and misrepresentation in just about every file. Given the 
+suspicion that is widespread that loans underlying some 
+mortgage securities are incompletely documented or fraudulent 
+on their face, my question would be whether Treasury has 
+sampled all the loan files that it is proposing to obtain for 
+evidence of misrepresentation and fraud before it offers any 
+type of direct or indirect guarantees; and, if you have not, 
+whether you will commit to conducting such a review so that we 
+can have this question about fraud and misrepresentation 
+answered in a credible and a transparent way.
+    Secretary Geithner. A very important issue. I am happy to 
+respond to you fully in writing on the range of things we can 
+do to help address that risk.
+    I think it is very important, though, to point out that, as 
+we come to Congress with comprehensive proposals for financial 
+reform, we are going to need to do a lot of things to make sure 
+we fix this mortgage market, and we don't put the American 
+people in the position again where anything like this could 
+happen in the future. And that is going to require a lot of 
+    Chairman Spratt. Mr. Campbell.
+    Mr. Campbell. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
+    And thank you, Mr. Secretary, for entering the maelstrom 
+    First, a couple of quick TARP questions. How much of the 
+original $700 billion is currently remaining and has not been 
+    Secretary Geithner. Congressman, I would like to give you 
+an accurate accounting of the detailed numbers in writing, 
+rough orders of magnitude.
+    Mr. Campbell. Approximately.
+    Secretary Geithner. I think the commitments outstanding 
+are, in terms of money committed and spent, are in the range of 
+just under $400 billion. That would leave something around $300 
+billion left. But we have already laid out a variety of 
+potential uses for those resources.
+    Mr. Campbell. Which comes to my next question. 
+Approximately, when do you believe you will have an opinion or 
+be able to assess whether the remaining TARP funds are adequate 
+to stabilize the financial system, in your view?
+    Secretary Geithner. I don't have a judgment on that yet. 
+Again, we are moving as quickly as we can to use the resources 
+we have as effectively as possible. We are trying to bring a 
+comprehensive set of reforms to the programs so we deliver more 
+transparency and accountability. The assistance comes with 
+tougher conditions to protect the taxpayer to make sure that 
+these resources aren't going to benefit shareholders and senior 
+executives, to make sure they result in higher lending than 
+would otherwise take place, and that they are targeted to parts 
+of the economy that are likely to benefit most from the 
+    So we are trying to reform the program completely, use the 
+resources as quickly and effectively as we can. And in that 
+context, we are looking at what is next and what might be 
+necessary to get ahead of this. And what I really want to point 
+out, and I am very glad to hear the recognition of this across 
+the aisle, that if you look at the history of financial crises, 
+most governments make the tragic mistake of not doing enough 
+soon enough. They underestimate the costs; they are too 
+tentative. And that leaves the system more at risk and the 
+economy, therefore, more at risk. And it is very important we 
+find a way to work together to make sure that we are getting 
+credit flowing again.
+    Mr. Campbell. Is CitiBank too big and too interconnected to 
+    Secretary Geithner. Congressman, I want to say something 
+about our banking system. We have a system of 9,000 banks. The 
+vast bulk of this system was not part of the problem. It is 
+going to be part of the solution. They are going to be able to 
+provide the credit that their communities need.
+    Now, there are parts of the system that are going to need 
+some carefully conditioned, temporary, financial support as a 
+bridge to private capital coming in. And it is very important 
+that your government, and we will do this, make sure we make 
+those resources available. Right now, because of the intensity 
+of this recession and what we are going through, the markets 
+are unwilling and unable to provide that capital. And so we are 
+going to do what is necessary to make sure those resources are 
+available, because if we don't, you are going to see less 
+credit available, and that might create the risk of deepening 
+the recession.
+    Mr. Campbell. Is that a yes?
+    Secretary Geithner. Congressman, again, I want to just--
+this is a very important thing, and I want to say it----
+    Mr. Campbell. I agree.
+    Secretary Geithner. Carefully and clearly. The President 
+said in his State of the Union, your Nation's financial 
+authorities have said it; it is very important, and we will do 
+this, to make sure that the major institutions in our country 
+have the resources and the funding and the ability to play 
+their continuing role in our markets going forward. And that is 
+a very important commitment. The President has made it. The 
+Chairman of the Federal Reserve has made it. The Secretary of 
+the Treasury has made it. We have made it together as an 
+entity. And I will repeat that.
+    Mr. Campbell. Let me get, if I can, to just one other line 
+of questioning which is relative to the numbers, budget 
+assumptions, which basically assume 3 percent plus growth by 
+next year, up to 4.6 percent growth 2 years after that, and all 
+with virtually no inflation, inflation of 2 percent or under 
+all those years. That is what is in the budget assumptions.
+    Do you at Treasury, does that comport with your present 
+best estimate of what you believe will occur?
+    Secretary Geithner. Congressman, the way the budget process 
+works is the Council of Economic Advisers independently comes 
+up with their best judgment of the likely path of the economy, 
+growth, inflation, interest rates.
+    Mr. Campbell. Correct.
+    Secretary Geithner. And that represents their best judgment 
+at that time. And it is very important to point out, because 
+there has been a lot of concern about this, if you look at that 
+forecast against CBO's latest range of estimates, it is within 
+that range. So we believe it is a realistic forecast. And all 
+economists agree that it is realistic to expect the economy to 
+begin to recover beginning late in this year and into next 
+    Now, one last thing.
+    Mr. Campbell. I have 30 seconds, so let me just say and 
+then you can go ahead. It is just that, when I would make 
+budgets in my business sometime ago, it is very easy to 
+increase sales by 5 percent, increase margins by 5 percent, 
+hold expenses, and, boom, profit is enormous. And so the budget 
+numbers here are highly sensitive to things like the inflation 
+numbers and the growth numbers. And if these growth numbers are 
+not met or the growth numbers are met with substantially higher 
+inflation, which I think a lot of people believe that, if you 
+are to have these growth numbers, you would have more 
+inflation, then the numbers will be--then the budget numbers 
+are highly sensitive then. And if you are off at all, even 
+these numbers, which we obviously on this side of the aisle 
+don't like very much, but that they would be significantly 
+    Secretary Geithner. Mr. Chairman, can I just respond? This 
+is very important. I don't think this budget faces that risk. 
+Again, if you look at the long-term inflation forecasts by 
+private economists, look at the long-term growth forecasts for 
+private economists, which are the most important things to our 
+long-term fiscal position, CEA's estimates are right there on 
+those things. And, again, that is a realistic budget. And I 
+agree with you about the concerns you expressed, but this 
+budget is not vulnerable to those risks.
+    Chairman Spratt. Mr. Berry.
+    Mr. Berry. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
+    Thank you, Mr. Secretary, for your service. I know you are 
+having a wonderful time.
+    I generally judge administration testimony by how I think 
+it would fare at the breakfast table at the Rice Paddy Motel in 
+Gillett, Arkansas. I think you would do pretty good. You hold 
+your own.
+    Secretary Geithner. Is pretty good good, or is pretty 
+    Mr. Berry. Sir?
+    Secretary Geithner. Thank you for saying that, Congressman.
+    Mr. Berry. I meant that as a compliment. Sometimes people 
+don't understand me very well.
+    Secretary Geithner. Is that an invitation?
+    Mr. Berry. I talk too fast.
+    I find it interesting here this morning that my colleagues 
+across the aisle are suddenly obsessed with intellectual 
+integrity, deficits, and fuzzy math. And we have been 
+underwater with those things since January of 2001, after 
+leading this country out of the fiscal economic wilderness that 
+we were in, successfully. And so I appreciate what you are 
+saying. I may not agree with all of it, but I appreciate it, 
+and I know you are doing the best that you all can come up 
+    I want to make one point. Repeatedly, regardless of the 
+administration, the party, or anybody else, the value of cheap 
+food in this country is continually ignored by the people that 
+make economic policy. Production agriculture has been assaulted 
+by this administration publicly. And I think it would be a good 
+thing for people in positions like yours and others in the 
+administration to take a serious look at the value of 
+agriculture to this country. It is still 20 percent of our 
+economy. It is about the only industry that has not appeared on 
+our doorstep right now begging for some kind of relief. They 
+are actually getting less help now than ever before. But I 
+think they are due some credit for the great way they produce 
+and feed this country in a safe and cheap way. And I would hope 
+that that would at least rise to the surface and to the point 
+where someone in the administration might even recognize it in 
+a positive way.
+    So I am just an old dirt farmer and love it. And I don't 
+think that the American agricultural community has to apologize 
+to anybody for the contributions that they have made to the 
+success of this country. And I thank you for listening to me, 
+and I invite you to the Rice Paddy Motel any time you have got 
+time. We will go down there and show those boys something.
+    Secretary Geithner. I welcome that, and would be happy to 
+do it.
+    Mr. Berry. Thank you.
+    Secretary Geithner. And I, of course, agree with you that 
+the future of American agriculture is critical. We have a level 
+of productivity in agriculture which is the envy of the world, 
+and it is important we recognize that.
+    And you are right, and I think you are saying this, that we 
+do propose in the budget to reduce some subsidies to those at 
+the highest end. And you understand why we are doing that.
+    Mr. Berry. Yes, but pardon me for interrupting you. They 
+are the people that produce the food. That is where that stuff 
+comes from.
+    Secretary Geithner. And it just underscores how difficult 
+these challenges we face. And we are going to have to make some 
+hard choices together, and we are going to have to do it as 
+carefully as we can to make sure we are not burdening the 
+economy in ways that we can avoid. But we are going to have to 
+get back to a path of fiscal sustainability, and it is going to 
+be hard to do that. But I respect and understand the point you 
+are making, and I will always listen carefully.
+    Mr. Berry. Thank you.
+    Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
+    Chairman Spratt. Mr. Jordan.
+    Mr. Jordan. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
+    Secretary, we appreciate you joining us this morning and 
+appreciate some of what I would call good things in the budget 
+dealing with the AMT. I think an acknowledgement that we have 
+some real concerns in our entitlement programs, we certainly 
+appreciate that language as well. But let me just kind of lay 
+it out. And you have touched on this, but I want to package it 
+and frame it in a way that it gets framed for me back home in 
+the Fourth District of Ohio when I talk with families and small 
+business owners. And our district, just so you understand, of 
+the 435 districts in this country, the Fourth District in Ohio 
+is 16th in manufacturing jobs. And, frankly, we were doing 
+pretty well until of late with this auto industry, and now, 
+obviously, we are feeling the impact just like the rest of the 
+Midwest and, frankly, the rest of the country is.
+    But when I talk with folks back home, here is the picture 
+they get. And I know you are going to disagree with some of it. 
+But, frankly, they see--and I would argue any one of these 
+things done at any time is difficult for our economy, but when 
+you attempt all four in the midst of a recession, I think it is 
+scary, frankly:
+    Raising taxes. And I know there has been a debate here in 
+this committee. But the way we look at this is there is a net 
+tax increase over the 10-year time frame of your budget. Taxing 
+the successful out there. Not necessarily a good message to 
+send to the business owners when we are trying to get out of a 
+    An unprecedented level of spending, whether you start with 
+the $780 billion in the stimulus, the 410 in the omnibus with 
+the 9,000 earmarks, and now a budget that projects a doubling 
+of the national debt over the next 10 years.
+    Further, nationalization of health care, setting aside the 
+billions of dollars you set aside to do the things in health 
+    And then, finally, the one that I would, frankly, if you 
+could, Secretary, focus on the most is the cap-and-trade. 
+Because when you come from a district like I get the privilege 
+of representing, with that much manufacturing, the cap-and-
+trade proposal scares me. Just like yesterday in the Detroit 
+News where they talked about, I think the headline was, ``Cap 
+and Trade Will Sink Michigan,'' was the headline of this 
+editorial from the Detroit News. It concerns those kind of 
+districts that, where you have heavy industry. And, frankly, 
+the cap-and-trade will disproportionately impact the Midwest, 
+where so much of our energy comes from coal-fired power plants 
+and oil and gas those things.
+    So respond, and, again, this is straight from the good 
+families and business owners I get the privilege to represent. 
+I happen to think they are right when they come with these four 
+concerns, all done as we are trying to get our economy 
+recovered from this recession.
+    Secretary Geithner. Thank you very much for raising those. 
+So, let's just go through this because it is very important to 
+    Small business owners in America today will face the 
+prospects of a zero capital gains tax rate; substantial 
+reductions in the rate of growth in health care costs; a range 
+of other incentives that are very important to getting us to a 
+clean energy economy; keeping their overall tax burden 
+unchanged except for 2 to 3 percent of the highest earning 
+small business owners, and, again, those increases only come 
+beginning in 2011, and they only restore those tax rates to the 
+level that prevailed going back to 2001.
+    So it is not reasonable or fair or true to represent this 
+budget as increasing the tax burden on small businesses who are 
+struggling so much across the country. In fact, this budget is 
+very good for businesses across the country.
+    Now you said several times----
+    Mr. Jordan. Focusing on the cap-and-trade, I mean, laying 
+out the four issues, cap-and-trade is the one that concerns. 
+Again, that is why I talked about the type of district I 
+represent. I talked about the Detroit News editorial yesterday.
+    Secretary Geithner. I would like to do that, and I would be 
+happy to do that again. But I just want to reinforce something 
+you said. Now, you said we are going to substantially increase 
+taxes on the American economy over time and substantially----
+    Mr. Jordan. $1.4 trillion. $1.4 trillion over 10 years.
+    Secretary Geithner. Let's just go through those. If you 
+look at the President's budget, you will see that the overall 
+tax burden, revenues to GDP over this horizon are quite close 
+to long-term average. Now, another thing you will see is that 
+the overall level of spending in the budget relative to GDP 
+after you account for interest rate costs for these inherited 
+deficits and you account for the effects of the aging of the 
+Baby Boom, the overall size of the government relative to GDP 
+is very close to historical norms. So this is not a budget that 
+raises materially the overall tax burden.
+    Mr. Jordan. Mr. Secretary, isn't it true that your 10-year 
+budget doubles the national debt? I mean, your numbers, when 
+you add them up, we go from 11-point-something trillion to 
+doubling that.
+    Secretary Geithner. What increases the national debt is the 
+size of the----
+    Mr. Jordan. Too much government spending. That is what 
+increases the size of the national debt.
+    Secretary Geithner. No. It is the size of the deficits we 
+have inherited and the costs of getting us out of this 
+    Now, if we were starting from a different place, if we were 
+starting from where we were at the end of the last decade, if 
+we were starting without a recession this deep, then we would 
+be able to give the economy a path for higher growth rates, 
+lower deficits for the future.
+    Now, given where we are, though, our common obligation and 
+our only choice really is to move aggressively to try to get us 
+out of a recession and fix our financial system, and that costs 
+resources. If we did not do that, then growth will be weaker, 
+unemployment higher, more small businesses would fail, and we 
+would face higher deficits in the future because our overall 
+productive capacity of the economy, future revenues would be 
+lower. And that is very important to start with.
+    Now, briefly on cap-and-trade, just to repeat, what the 
+President is proposing is to put in place a cap on emissions 
+with a market-based mechanism for allocating those credits; it 
+will generate resources, but we are going to put those 
+resources back into the hands of working Americans.
+    Now, you are framing this in a way that----
+    Mr. Jordan. If a working American has to pay more for the 
+car they purchase, for the energy bill they pay each month, all 
+their utility bills, and then you give them some back, aren't 
+they going to have to pay more on those bills than they are 
+going to get back on the tax credit?
+    Chairman Spratt. The gentleman's time has expired, more 
+than expired. And we have got to move on because there are 
+three votes coming up on the floor, one of which will occur in 
+about 10 minutes; it is a resolution. I plan to stay here 
+through at least that. There are a couple of suspensions coming 
+up behind it. But I will stay here at the sacrifice of a vote 
+so that other members can ask questions.
+    Let's move now to Mrs. Tsongas.
+    Ms. Tsongas. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
+    And thank you, Mr. Secretary. This has been quite a 
+    I would like to move on to the issue or focus on the issue 
+of housing. I am from Massachusetts. I represent three old 
+industrial cities, one of whom happens to have the highest 
+foreclosure rate in the State. So I was very grateful to see 
+the action that your administration, President Obama's 
+administration, has taken, and I look forward today to 
+supporting legislation that will help further that.
+    We know it is only one piece, one leg of the stool. But I 
+am curious; one of the challenges we have had ongoing is we are 
+constantly playing catch-up around dealing with the foreclosure 
+issues. So what do you look at as the benchmarks as to whether 
+or not this is working, sort of the timing around how you will 
+measure those? And what are you thinking in anticipation of any 
+potential problems that may arise?
+    Secretary Geithner. Excellent question. The best things to 
+look at are what is happening to overall mortgage interest 
+rates. And as I said earlier, they are coming down. What is 
+happening to the amount of refinancing? That is a measure of 
+how many people are benefiting from lower interest rates, and 
+those numbers are reported at relatively higher frequency. And, 
+as important, you are going to see relatively detailed high 
+frequency reporting of the number of loan modifications that 
+are going to occur that will help make mortgage payments more 
+affordable for, we estimate, between 3 and 4 million Americans. 
+And you will be able to see how many are occurring and the 
+broad benefits. Those are the right measures.
+    Ms. Tsongas. Is there sort of a minimal level that you are 
+going to look at?
+    Secretary Geithner. In terms of interest rates?
+    Ms. Tsongas. No, just in terms of refinancing.
+    Secretary Geithner. In the President's program, we laid out 
+some initial estimates of people who would be eligible to take 
+advantage of this new refinancing program; and again, I think 
+those estimates are in the 3 to 4 million range. And so you can 
+measure how many happen against that benchmark.
+    Now, outside that program, you see hundreds of thousands of 
+families now every week taking advantage of lower interest 
+rates to refinance, and that is another measure, too. So you 
+see broad refinancing trends in this program, outside this 
+program. And those are the right measures. Overall interest 
+rates, number of refinancing, and the kind of sustainable loan 
+modifications necessary to help responsible families stay in 
+their homes.
+    Ms. Tsongas. And if we start to see the kind of issues we 
+had with Hope for Homeowners, where in spite of our best 
+intentions, it just didn't work, it wasn't effective, how 
+quickly can you deal with those kinds of obstacles?
+    Secretary Geithner. Well, the legislation changes that are 
+under consideration now will make Hope For Homeowners, we 
+believe, substantially more effective. And we want to move to 
+put those in place as quickly as possible.
+    Ms. Tsongas. Thank you.
+    Chairman Spratt. Mr. Etheridge.
+    Mr. Etheridge. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
+    And, Mr. Secretary, thank you for your time this morning 
+and your hard work. People don't realize the hours you are 
+putting in, and I had the privilege to chat with you at the 
+Ways and Means the other day.
+    But I don't know in my lifetime of any administration that 
+has inherited the challenge that this one did before they came 
+in office and then faced the Armageddon almost since you have 
+been there.
+    So let me change the tone. And I want to associate myself 
+with Mr. Berry's comments as relates to agriculture, and I will 
+come back to that at the end if I have time. But let me change 
+the tone for just a minute, because I am very pleased that the 
+President has placed such a strong emphasis in this budget on 
+    I spent 8 years as State superintendent of schools before I 
+came here. I was the first in my family to graduate from 
+college. So education is a critical piece, and it is the 
+foundation we are going to build, I think, a future on. So let 
+me ask you to comment on two pieces in here very quickly, 
+because I think the American Opportunity Tax Credit in the 
+economic recovery piece was a good piece to start, but now we 
+are talking about in this budget building on it. And that goes 
+back to early childhood education, actually a critical 
+component. If we are going to stop dropouts, we have to stop 
+them before they really get to be dropouts.
+    And the other piece is that it is critical to say to a 
+young person, some say in high school, I do it in middle 
+school: You can go to college, and here's the pathway. And I 
+hope you will take a minute or so and cover that, and then 
+leave me time to ask one other question, maybe, because I think 
+it is important to get that on the record again. This is a 
+long-term commitment for the future of our country.
+    Secretary Geithner. I completely agree.
+    And, again, just to say the three key parts of it, and we 
+have got a terrific Secretary of Education with huge 
+credibility in this area, and a President deeply committed to 
+progress in this area.
+    Substantial resources to early childhood education, proven 
+programs make big impact on outcomes; a sustained commitment, 
+range of different ways to help improve quality of teaching in 
+our elementary/secondary education; and a greater financial 
+commitment to help people afford higher education, both 
+community colleges and 4-year colleges. Those three things, 
+there is a rich ray of other things in there, but those are 
+really the critical things.
+    Mr. Etheridge. Called Pell grants, which are critical to a 
+lot of youngsters who would not have an opportunity to ever 
+enter the doors of a college or university.
+    You know, Margaret Mead once said: ``Never doubt that a 
+small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
+world.'' And, indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. I 
+think we are at that point in history. I think we have that 
+    Mr. Berry mentioned earlier about agriculture, and let me 
+just touch on that. And you don't really have to comment on 
+that, but I want to have an opportunity to work with you 
+because my home State of North Carolina, about one in five jobs 
+are tied to agriculture, as many as high tech jobs as we have 
+and major universities and all the things we do, and we are 
+currently going through a major crisis. There is about $130 
+billion annually to the whole U.S. economy, as he had 
+indicated, and 14 percent of the workers. In North Carolina, it 
+is about 20. So it is much higher. But we are going through a 
+unique crisis. And I think if we don't deal with it quickly, it 
+could grow, and that is credit in the rural sectors that 
+could--things that are happening on Wall Street may very well 
+hit the country road. And we have seen where a lot of the 
+poultry growers, who are people who really are affected, 
+contract; they aren't fitting any of the categories. They don't 
+get unemployment. They aren't fitting in these categories. And 
+I hope you will allow us to work with you to find a way that we 
+can, through maybe the Department of Ag or through the 
+Treasury, to reach out and help these folks until this thing 
+turns around. They aren't asking for a hand out; they are just 
+asking for a hand up. And I hope you will allow us to work with 
+someone in your office to deal with that. It is not just my 
+State. It deals with Louisiana, Arkansas, and I think 
+Pennsylvania and other places as well.
+    Secretary Geithner. Congressman, we have had a chance to 
+talk about that already. And I will absolutely commit to work 
+with my colleagues at the Department of Agriculture on how we 
+can best be responsive to that concern.
+    Mr. Etheridge. I appreciate that. And I thank you very 
+    Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I yield back.
+    Chairman Spratt. Mr. Edwards.
+    Mr. Edwards. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
+    Mr. Secretary, welcome to the committee. My Republican 
+colleague Mr. Ryan said that the Obama budget plan and 
+proposal, and this is a quote, is not good economics.
+    Mr. Chairman, I would like to put that criticism in a 
+little bit of perspective.
+    This is the chart that shows when the Bush administration 
+took office. So that we are reading this chart correctly, the 
+blue line is where we were at that point. That meant there was 
+a surplus of nearly $200 billion a year when they took office.
+    I would also point out that Mr. Ryan, who is genuine in his 
+economic beliefs, articulate in expressing them, but I would 
+also say, in fairness and in due respect, he was one of the 
+chief architects of the good economics, if that is what he 
+wants to call it, of the Bush era.
+    So, Mr. Chairman, this chart shows what happened once the 
+good economics of Mr. Ryan and the Bush administration went 
+into place. We went from the largest surpluses in American 
+history to the largest deficits in American history. And I see 
+my chart didn't even go to 2009. I am glad this one has been 
+amended, because the chart would have to be rewritten because 
+the deficit is so bad in fiscal year 2009 left by the Bush-Ryan 
+good economic programs that there wasn't enough room on the 
+chart to show what the actual deficit is. Am I correct, the 
+deficit, you said the Obama administration assumed is $1.3 
+trillion. Is that correct?
+    Secretary Geithner. And I think, just to be fair, that 
+understates the underlying deficit because that is a deficit we 
+start with. But we start also with a deepening recession and a 
+financial crisis that is putting a lot of pressure on the 
+economy. And so the right measure of where we are starting from 
+has to incorporate the cost of fixing it. So I think we are 
+starting with a deficit that is enormously high because of the 
+deep challenges we all face.
+    Mr. Edwards. And I can understand why Mr. Ryan and others 
+might feel threatened that the American people voted for a 
+change to try a different approach, because the good economics 
+of the Bush-Ryan programs led us into not only the largest 
+deficits in American history but the worst economic mess we 
+have faced perhaps since the Great Depression. And following 
+the advice that insanity is doing the same thing over and over 
+again and expecting a different outcome, I am, frankly, glad 
+that the Obama administration is trying to do this differently, 
+in a more responsible way, even if those who are the architects 
+of the worst disaster economically in my lifetime call this not 
+good economics. So I consider that criticism, frankly, to be a 
+    I want to be correct in understanding a statement you made. 
+You said something to the extent that approximately 75 percent 
+of the income growth of the past 7 to 8 years has gone to 1 
+percent of Americans. Could you clarify that? If it is anywhere 
+close to that, if my understanding is correct, that is just an 
+astounding fact.
+    Secretary Geithner. I am looking for the precise fact, 
+    Mr. Edwards. Is that approximately correct? We can fine 
+tune the answer.
+    Secretary Geithner. That is an independent assessment that 
+I believe is correct. But let me just paint the context. We 
+face this very long-term rise in inequality across the country. 
+That rise in inequality accelerated over the last several 
+    Mr. Edwards. That was another result of the good economics 
+of the previous 8 years.
+    Secretary Geithner. And I will read the exact quote, and 
+these are from analysis based on data from 2002 to 2006 during 
+the last expansion: The top 1 percent took home 73 percent of 
+all income growth.
+    Mr. Edwards. So one of the primary problems we face today 
+is not that the wealthiest 1 percent of Americans don't have 
+enough money after paying their taxes; it is, frankly, that the 
+middle class has lost ground and real income over the last 7 or 
+8 years. Would that be a correct statement to make?
+    Secretary Geithner. The basic troubling challenge that the 
+economy has faced over the last decade is you saw income growth 
+for average Americans slow significantly. And we need to bring 
+about the kind of substantial changes in the basic direction of 
+economic policy to try to address that basic challenge. And 
+that is one reason why it is so important that we do a much 
+better job of improving education outcomes and bring some more 
+fairness and balance to the overall----
+    Mr. Edwards. So this administration wants to pursue 
+policies and help the middle class in the belief it creates 
+more wealth in America if we have a healthy middle class. Some 
+who were the architects of the good economics that led us 
+through the worst crisis since the Great Depression want to 
+continue policies to cut education, and health care programs, 
+and job training programs that help the middle class while 
+actually pushing for more tax cuts for the wealthiest 
+    So I compliment you for not following the good economics of 
+the past 8 years and trying it a different way.
+    Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
+    Chairman Spratt. Thank you, Mr. Edwards.
+    Mr. Secretary, we have votes on the floor. And we will be 
+coming back as quickly as we can. We are mindful of your need 
+to get out of here by 12:30, and we will abide by that. In the 
+meantime, if you need some office space just behind us, you are 
+welcome to use these facilities.
+    Secretary Geithner. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
+    Chairman Spratt. That applies to your entire staff.
+    Secretary Geithner. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
+    Chairman Spratt. We will be back as quickly as we can.
+    [Recess.]
+    Chairman Spratt. We will go first to Ms. McCollum.
+    Ms. McCollum. Thank you, Mr. Chair.
+    And thank you for your testimony today and for your 
+patience during our voting interruption.
+    I want to focus on health care for a little bit. I just 
+find it totally unacceptable that in the wealthiest nation in 
+the world, 46 million Americans don't have health insurance and 
+millions more encounter a health care system that is 
+unresponsive and inadequate to meet their basic medical needs. 
+And along with that, there are too many that are underinsured. 
+And underinsurance leads to poor medical outcomes. It leads to 
+more expenses for families. And it is my opinion that health 
+care should be a right in this country, basic access to health 
+care, and not just a privilege for those who have financial 
+    Now, this budget makes it really clear that you are not 
+going to wait to do health care reform. You are going to move 
+forward. President Obama is living up to his promise to provide 
+health care for America. Families and businesses are 
+struggling. They can't afford to pay for their health care. I 
+hear this all the time about the increasing costs and the 
+decreasing coverage along with that increase in cost. So with 
+the current economic conditions, the economic forecast dilemma 
+that we find ourselves in, the housing crisis, families are 
+continuing to be squeezed. And I am just, for the record, going 
+to put in a few things for an example here: 1 percent of the 
+increase in the unemployment rate, it is estimated that as many 
+as 1.5 million Americans lose their health care coverage. Over 
+2.5 million American families face foreclosure every year. 
+Every year, 2.5 million American families face foreclosure 
+because of medical costs. They lose their homes because of 
+that. So, clearly, we know medical costs have an impact on 
+workers' wages, it reduces their take-home pay. We know it 
+makes them have to make hard choices about children going to 
+college, making repairs on their homes, sometimes staying in 
+their homes, let alone preparing for retirement. So as a member 
+of this committee, the Budget Committee, and the Appropriations 
+Committee, I am very interested to hear what some of the 
+economic consequences you think that there will be if we do not 
+address this problem of rising health care costs in a very 
+fiscally responsible way? So could you maybe talk about the 
+impacts that will increase access to health care and lowering 
+costs that are in this budget and the effects, not just of the 
+short-term but the long-term? And then if you could maybe touch 
+on how decreasing health care costs, what that means for the 
+future of Medicare and other programs for our families, seniors 
+and that?
+    And with that, I will listen to your answer. Thank you.
+    Secretary Geithner. You said it very well. The President in 
+the budget laid out a set of broad principles to guide our 
+common effort to reform our health care system. And those 
+principles are to protect families' financial health; make 
+health care coverage affordable; to aim for universality; to 
+provide portability of coverage; to guarantee choice; to invest 
+in wellness and prevention; to improve patient care and quality 
+care; and to maintain long-term fiscal sustainability. I think 
+those broad principles provide a framework in which we can come 
+together and reach consensus on how best to fix this system.
+    And I think you said it exactly right, which is that it is 
+not just a moral imperative, because in a country with these 
+resources, it is just hard to understand why we can't deliver 
+better health care more broadly spread to all Americans, again 
+regardless of how fortunate they are in life. And our system 
+does not deliver high enough quality care, despite how much we 
+spend on it. So you see businesses facing huge increases in 
+costs. Those get passed on to families. And that is a big 
+burden on the overall economy as a whole. Again, our approach 
+is to try to reduce the level of cost by improving the 
+effectiveness of care, by using information technology in a way 
+to help get a lot of these inefficiencies out of the system, to 
+preserve for people the basic framework of choice that is so 
+important. And this is going to cost money, so we have got to 
+figure out a way to do it that is fiscally sustainable.
+    What we did in the President's budget is to lay out some 
+very specific ideas for how we can pay for these changes. But 
+it is a critical priority. And as the President said in the 
+State of the Union, it is time to move on this. We can't afford 
+to wait. And I think it is a really important part of the broad 
+set of programs in the budget to give Americans a sense that we 
+are going to be moving towards fixing these long-term problems 
+in ways that will make our economy more productive in the 
+future, grow more rapidly than it otherwise would.
+    Ms. McCollum. Mr. Chair, I thank you.
+    And I believe we are going to see savings when we take care 
+of health care for Americans. And I would hope at some point, 
+we will figure out a way to capture the savings on property 
+taxes, insurance costs, and all the other hidden ways we are 
+paying for this poor health care and lack of health care that 
+we have now.
+    Chairman Spratt. Thank you, ma'am.
+    Mrs. Lummis.
+    Mrs. Lummis. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
+    And thank you, Mr. Geithner, for being willing to 
+participate in this lively debate.
+    And I want to tell you that, coming from the Mountain West, 
+from Wyoming, you are scaring the wits out of my constituents, 
+you are scaring the wits out of the American people, and this 
+is how it is happening. You have a $646 billion cap-and-trade 
+proposal in these budgets. And while you expressed a concern 
+that the President wants to undo the huge damage to productive 
+capacity of our economy, cap-and-trade is the biggest damage 
+you can do to the productive capacity of this economy.
+    We are an energy-producing State; 50 percent of the 
+electricity in this country comes from coal; 20 percent comes 
+from nuclear, both of which are targets of your budget. And yet 
+even if you wanted to go to the cleanest-burning hydrocarbon, 
+natural gas, this budget creates disincentives for the 
+production of natural gas and leads the American people to the 
+assumption and belief that solar and wind can replace nuclear, 
+coal, oil and gas. It cannot. It cannot do it.
+    And yet you are going to put in a cap-and-trade system that 
+you believe will not impact the American people; yet we know it 
+is a regulated industry and that people who are producing 
+electricity go through a regulatory process that guarantees 
+them a profit as part of their investment. That doesn't happen 
+with the producers of oil, gas, coal, uranium, wind and solar. 
+So your proposal will destroy, I am serious, destroy the 
+productive capacity of my economy.
+    Here is a couple of ways that it does it. One, it takes the 
+AML moneys, the Abandoned Mine Land Moneys, that were 
+guaranteed to the States under SMACRA and a more recent 
+agreement by Congress for which President Obama voted when he 
+was a U.S. Senator and takes it away. He is undoing a previous 
+piece of legislation that was agreed on by easterners and 
+westerners, unions and non-unions, Republicans and Democrats, 
+and was supported by President Obama.
+    Furthermore, you take away the intangible drilling costs 
+deduction for oil and gas producers domestically, domestically. 
+So what you are going to do is send oil and gas production 
+overseas. You are not increasing energy production in the 
+United States. You are making us more dependent on foreign oil 
+and gas. And to take a commodity like natural gas, in 
+particular, that is the cleanest-burning hydrocarbon, and 
+punish it and punish the people in this country that produce 
+it, is the most counterproductive thing that you can do and 
+gets away entirely from the President's goal of not reducing 
+the productive capacity of this country.
+    So I challenge the statements that you have made. They are 
+inconsistent with the realities of this budget. And I strongly 
+encourage you to revisit the effects of cap-and-trade energy 
+production in this country which will be retarded and it will 
+increase our dependence on foreign oil. And of course, I want 
+your reaction to the fact that you are scaring the wits out of 
+the people in this country that produce energy.
+    Secretary Geithner. I welcome that challenge.
+    The President is proposing to do what we have not been able 
+to do as a country, which is to put in place an energy policy 
+that will put us on the path to more efficient use of energy, 
+cleaner energy, and to help make that process work more 
+quickly. Now, this proposal will reduce the cost of energy, 
+some forms of energy, to the American economy. It will increase 
+the cost of some other forms of energy to the economy, and we 
+are proposing that for very clear reasons, which is that the 
+American people want us to be more efficient in how we use 
+energy, particularly those forms of energy that contribute to 
+global warming, because of the long-term costs it will present 
+to the economy as a whole.
+    And you have to look at the overall package in this budget. 
+And the overall effect of these measures will make this economy 
+stronger than it is today, and will lead businesses in this 
+country with a set of powerful incentives instead of--for an 
+example, a zero capital gains rate for small businesses, a very 
+important example. Many small businesses will enjoy lower taxes 
+under this because of Make Work Pay going forward. You need to 
+look at the overall package. And this package of proposals will 
+make the American economy more productive in the future.
+    Now, I understand your concerns about the impact of these 
+cap and trade proposals. But as a country, it makes no sense 
+for us to continue to actively subsidize the use of energy that 
+is going to contribute to more damaging effects on the 
+environment. And unless we address it as a country, we are 
+going to be less secure and less prosperous.
+    Chairman Spratt. We have got time for one more question, 
+and that is from Mr. Scott.
+    Mr. Scott. One more questioner or one more question?
+    Chairman Spratt. One more round.
+    Mr. Scott. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
+    Mr. Secretary, a lot of concern has been expressed by those 
+with incomes over $250,000. I know during the 1990s, the Dow 
+Jones Industrial Average more than tripled for those with those 
+incomes that had investments in stocks, bonds, 401(k)s and that 
+kind of thing showed a substantial increase in assets. It seems 
+to me that improving the economy where the Dow Jones Industrial 
+Average will get back on track to going up rather than down 
+would mean more to people in that income bracket than a 3 
+percent differential in marginal tax rate. Could you say 
+something about the value of getting the economy back on track 
+as it affects people in the higher income brackets?
+    Secretary Geithner. I think you are absolutely right. The 
+most important thing for us to do is to focus on policies that 
+are going to get growth back on track as quickly as possible; 
+to bring the recession to an end as quickly as possible; and to 
+get our economy back to a place where we are growing at a 
+sustainable rate. The President has proposed and this 
+administration has moved with unprecedented speed to not just 
+work with Congress to pass a very powerful recovery 
+reinvestment act, but to move to take actions to get credit 
+flowing again, to address the housing crisis and propose a very 
+dramatic bold set of proposals in the budget that will again 
+make this economy stronger in the future. The most important 
+thing you can do and that we have to do is to get recovery back 
+on track. That will be overwhelmingly more important than 
+anything else, not just for our long-term fiscal future, but 
+for, again, reducing the damage that a recession like this is 
+going to bring to businesses and families across the country.
+    Mr. Scott. And it would be in the interest of those with 
+incomes over $250,000 to get the economy back on track much 
+more so than whatever the marginal tax rates that we are 
+discussing would--whatever difference they may make?
+    Secretary Geithner. I completely agree. Another way to 
+think about it, unless we get the recovery established and lay 
+out to the American people a framework that brings our deficits 
+down over time, then recovery will be delayed and growth will 
+be weaker, there will be less private investment and less 
+overall gains in income across the economy as a whole.
+    Mr. Scott. Thank you.
+    In terms of the auto bailout, would it be cheaper for the 
+government to buy cars rather than lend the corporations money? 
+The advantage there would be that workers would actually have 
+more work to do. After you have done that, it certainly should 
+be just as likely to prop up the auto industry. An added 
+benefit is you get some cars to show for it.
+    Secretary Geithner. You are right to say we need to look at 
+what is going to be the most efficient, the least costly way 
+for the government to help facilitate the kind of restructuring 
+we need. And we will look for the most effective use of 
+taxpayer resources, if we feel there is a case for using 
+taxpayer resources to help facilitate a restructuring.
+    The really important thing to recognize is that we are 
+going to need substantial restructuring to put these companies 
+on the path to viability. And it is going to require a lot of 
+sacrifice by all the stakeholders in those companies. And we 
+are embarked on a very careful process of trying to make sure 
+that we can improve the odds of that kind of restructuring.
+    Mr. Scott. And finally, the auto dealers, some of them 
+complained that some of their buyers can't get loans. Is that 
+true? And if so, what are we doing about it?
+    Secretary Geithner. You are right that the financing 
+environment has deteriorated dramatically for the companies and 
+for the overall financing available for cars. And the 
+government has already taken action to put capital into the 
+finance company. And it is--we are, through these direct 
+lending programs we announced on Tuesday, trying to get the 
+auto finance market to start to open up again. But any 
+effective solution to address the crisis facing the auto 
+industry is going to have to directly address these problems in 
+the financing markets, which are making everything harder.
+    Chairman Spratt. Mr. Secretary, could I ask you to take one 
+question each?
+    Secretary Geithner. Absolutely.
+    Chairman Spratt. Go ahead, Mr. Nunes. One question if you 
+    Mr. Nunes. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
+    Mr. Secretary, I was glad to hear that you are a supporter 
+of American agriculture. I sent a letter--actually two letters 
+now to President Obama regarding a regulatory drought that we 
+are experiencing in California where we are on the verge of 
+idling 500,000 acres of the most productive farmland in the 
+world. UC Davis just came out with a study that said that that 
+was going to cost us 80,000 jobs. My home county is at 15 
+percent unemployment, likely headed to 20 if this occurs. I 
+would invite you, President Obama, we can all go have a big 
+job-saving party. All we have to do is turn on the pumps in the 
+delta so that we can pump water south. This is a regulatory 
+drought dealing with ESA issues. But this is a very, very 
+serious issue that we absolutely--I wanted to raise with you 
+here today so that you know the seriousness of it. I want to 
+talk a little bit about----
+    Chairman Spratt. Mr. Nunes, would you--basically would you 
+reduce it to a question because he has got to get to the White 
+House for a function at 1:00 and he needs to leave here--12:30 
+was the agreed-upon time, and we have stretched it out.
+    Mr. Nunes. That was a statement. Can I just ask a quick 
+question on cap-and-trade?
+    Chairman Spratt. A quick question would be fine.
+    Mr. Nunes. The point I want to make is that, in California, 
+we attempted to limit greenhouse gases. I think that we can all 
+agree that that is a good thing to do and you won't have any 
+argument from me.
+    However, what we have seen in California is we went to 14 
+cents a kilowatt in our cost of electricity now which is 
+contributing to this outflow of migration leaving the State and 
+jobs leaving the State. This is--just to throw out there, this 
+is kind of an example. But in the stimulus bill, we spent a 
+trillion dollars roughly. That trillion dollars would build at 
+least 200 new nuclear reactors, which would get us, just 
+hypothetically here, would get us to almost 80 percent of our 
+electricity produced emission-free from nuclear power. And I 
+think if you and I sat down and came up with a real plan how we 
+are going to provide cheap, abundant electricity on the market, 
+that at the end of the day, we could go through solar, wind, 
+fossil fuels, and we would always come back to the same thing, 
+that we have to invest in new nuclear power reactors. And I 
+would hope that--and I would like to hear your answer to this, 
+that we would look at building these 200 reactors or some 
+number. And do you guys have a plan of getting these reactors 
+on line and how many should we expect should be built in the 
+next 5 to 10 years? Or should we expect any at all?
+    Secretary Geithner. Excellent question, but it deserves a 
+more thoughtful response than I can give you here. I would be 
+happy to talk to my colleagues on the energy side and come back 
+to you with a detailed response to that question.
+    Mr. Nunes. Well, fair enough. I hope that we can look 
+seriously at reducing the burning of fossil fuels, and I think 
+nuclear power is going to be the way to do it.
+    Mr. Chairman, I want to thank you for indulging me.
+    Chairman Spratt. Mr. Yarmuth, one question quickly.
+    Mr. Yarmuth. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I won't make a 
+    If I picked up a newspaper on Sunday and saw a sale that 
+was, for 2 days only, 40 percent off, and that was Monday and 
+Tuesday. And I went into the store on Wednesday, and I had 
+missed the sale and was back to regular price, would I have a 
+legitimate argument in saying that they had raised the price or 
+just that I had missed the opportunity to take advantage of 
+that? And my question is, is that an apt analogy to the issue 
+of whether we are actually raising taxes under this budget? And 
+is there any evidence that the tax--that sale that we gave to 
+the wealthiest individuals in the country over the last 6 to 8 
+years has had any measurable benefit to anyone in the economy 
+outside of those individuals?
+    Secretary Geithner. Understand the analogy. I think that it 
+is fair to say that economists are debating what the impact 
+    I think what you can say is you saw relatively small 
+benefits on actual growth rates relative to what it did to our 
+long-term fiscal costs. And in looking at all these kind of 
+things, what you want to do is just find a measure, a set of 
+measures that have substantial effects on incentives and growth 
+at the least cost for long-term fiscal prospects. And that is 
+the balance you want to achieve. And in my judgment and the 
+judgment of many economists, we got that balance wrong in the 
+earlier part of this decade.
+    Chairman Spratt. Mr. Garrett, one question, please, sir.
+    Mr. Garrett. Thank you.
+    Thank you. There was a total lack of--or disbelief when the 
+administration and yourself rolled out your reform efforts 
+several weeks ago and the markets reflected that. There 
+continues to be a lack of confidence in the market with this 
+administration as regards to the proposal they have laid out. 
+And now the administration says that they want to have a total 
+regulatory reform basically in place, not just principles in 
+place, for the G-20. How do you intend to reestablish that 
+confidence by doing a rush to judgment on regulatory reform and 
+a continued vacillation on some of these other proposals and 
+establish that in a short period of time?
+    Secretary Geithner. Congressman, I just want to say that we 
+have two important obligations now. One is to move together to 
+try to get credit flowing into the financial system. And we 
+have laid out a framework of efforts to do that, and we are 
+moving quite quickly to put in place a program of capital 
+support and direct credit lending on a substantial scale to 
+help get credit markets flowing again.
+    But we also need to move to demonstrate to the American 
+people and to the world that we are prepared to put in place 
+the set of reforms necessary to prevent a crisis like this from 
+happening again. We are not going to rush to judgment. It is 
+going to be hard to do. And we are going to have to do it very 
+carefully working with you. A lot of work has been done on this 
+area. You are right to say it is going to be a complicated 
+task, but I think it is important that we start that process 
+quickly. And we look forward to working with you and your 
+colleagues on how best again to begin that process of putting 
+in place reforms to prevent this from happening. Because if we 
+don't do that, then we are going to be leaving people with, I 
+think, a deeper concern about whether we have the will together 
+to fix this broken system.
+    Mr. Garrett. I appreciate that.
+    Thank you.
+    Chairman Spratt. That concludes the hearing. Thank you very 
+much, Mr. Secretary, for your excellent and forthright answers. 
+And we look forward to working with you on this problem in the 
+months ahead.
+    Secretary Geithner. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
+    Chairman Spratt. Before we finally adjourn, all members who 
+did not have the opportunity to ask questions will be given 7 
+days to submit the same for the record.
+    Without objection, so ordered.
+    [Questions for the record, submitted by Mr. Aderholt, and 
+their responses follow:]
+Questions for the Record From Hon. Robert B. Aderholt, a Representative 
+    in Congress From the State of Alabama, and Secretary Geithner's 
+                               Responses
+    1. The President says he is reducing taxes for 95 percent of the 
+population. Will the cap and trade proposal affect those making less 
+than $250,000?
+    The President's clean energy agenda begins with an effort to lower 
+the energy costs of American families through the American Recovery and 
+Reinvestment Act (ARRA). A variety of tax credits, including credits 
+for residential energy efficient investments, will reduce the carbon 
+footprint of families and facilitate the transition to a clean energy 
+economy while also reducing energy use and thus costs. In addition, the 
+weatherization program provided for in ARRA will also lower energy 
+bills by improving the energy efficiency of low-income residences.
+    The Administration is looking forward to working with key 
+stakeholders and the Congress to fully develop a program to reduce 
+greenhouse gas emissions approximately 14 percent below 2005 levels by 
+2020, and approximately 83 percent below 2005 levels by 2050. The 
+program will be implemented through an economy-wide cap and trade 
+program in which all emission allowances will be auctioned to ensure 
+that the biggest polluters do not enjoy windfall profits. The 
+Administration's budget reflects the proceeds from the emission 
+allowance auction only to the extent they are reserved for clean energy 
+technology initiatives and to compensate families through the Making 
+Work Pay Tax Credit. Additional revenues generated from an emission 
+allowance auction above those shown in the budget will be used to 
+compensate vulnerable households, communities, and businesses for 
+increased energy costs. The exact form and amount of compensation will 
+be determined as the emission reduction program is developed.
+    2. How much of the national debt is held by foreign investors? 
+Considering that the Chinese are now developing their own economic 
+stimulus plans, how will that affect their inclination to continue 
+holding our debt?
+    China's economic stimulus plan should not have a material effect on 
+China's willingness to hold Treasury securities relative to any other 
+securities in their portfolio of foreign exchange assets. We have long 
+encouraged China to shift towards domestic demand--particularly 
+household consumption--as a source of future Chinese growth. Such a 
+shift would reduce global imbalances and the requirement to finance 
+them, and would help assure sustainable global growth.
+    3. Through TARP, Treasury has already guaranteed up to $25 billion 
+in loans for automakers GM and Chrysler. In an annual report released 
+in March 2009, GM stated that it might have to seek bankruptcy 
+protection. Will GM and Chrysler be receiving additional TARP funds?
+    The Presidential Task Force on the Auto Industry (including 
+Treasury) remains committed to providing Chrysler and GM with 
+sufficient assistance to help give them a chance to achieve financial 
+stability. The task force is evaluating their restructuring efforts and 
+the alliance being proposed for Chrysler. As the President laid forth 
+in his announcement on March 30th, we will not be making any further 
+decisions until the self-imposed deadlines, which was 60 days to the 
+date for GM and 30 days to the date for Chrysler.
+    For Chrysler, as the President noted in his announcement on April 
+30th and his commitment on March 30th to provide both adequate working 
+capital to help Chrysler through this restructuring period and a loan 
+up to $6 billion to the Chrysler-Fiat Alliance, the U.S. government has 
+committed to provide assistance sufficient to help give Chrysler a 
+chance to achieve financial viability. Working capital: The U.S. 
+government is prepared to provide approximately $3.3 billion in debtor 
+in possession financing to support Chrysler through an expedited 
+chapter 11 proceeding.
+     Loan to the New Chrysler: Upon closing, the U.S. 
+government loaned $6.6 billion to New Chrysler including proceeds of 
+$6.3 billion and a guarantee of $350 million that is expected to remain 
+undrawn. This loan was made in the form of a term loan with $2.0 
+billion due in 30 months and the balance 50% due on the 7th anniversary 
+and 50% due on the 8th anniversary of the loan. The interest will be an 
+appropriate combination of cash and payment-in-kind. There is also an 
+additional note of $288 million which is a fee for making these loans. 
+The loans will be secured by a first priority lien on all of Chrysler's 
+     For GM, after the President's March 30th announcement, the 
+Administration provided GM with $6 billion of working capital for 60 
+days while the Company developed a more aggressive restructuring plan 
+and a credible strategy to implement such a plan. During that time 
+period, Treasury also placed $361 million in an SPV for the Auto 
+Warranty Commitment Program, which will not be drawn, and Treasury 
+exchanged an $884 million loan to GM for a portion of GM's equity 
+interest in GMAC. From the date of GM's filing for bankruptcy until the 
+completion of the 363 sale of assets to the New General Motors, the 
+Administration funded $30.1 billion of debtor-in-possession financing 
+to the company.
+    [Questions for the record, submitted by Mr. Blumenauer, and 
+their responses follow:]
+Questions for the Record From Hon. Earl Blumenauer, a Representative in 
+ Congress From the State of Oregon, and Secretary Geithner's Responses
+                       ENERGY AND CLIMATE CHANGE
+    1. As the President's budget indicates, global warming is one of 
+the greatest challenges the world faces. The Ways and Means Committee 
+is poised to play an important role in legislative solutions, including 
+the cap and trade proposal outlined in the budget. In addition to new 
+legislation, however, we should examine existing policies to ensure 
+that our federal efforts are not working at cross-purposes. For 
+example, the federal tax code is replete with incentives, some direct 
+and others unintentional, that encourage carbon-intensive activities. 
+To address these concerns, this Committee drafted a provision that was 
+included in the energy tax package that passed the House last year 
+requiring a ``carbon audit'' of the tax code. Under this provision, 
+Treasury Dept. must contract with the National Academy of Sciences to 
+undertake a ``comprehensive review of the Internal Revenue Code to 
+identify the types of and specific tax provisions that have the largest 
+effects on carbon and other greenhouse gas emissions and to estimate 
+the magnitude of those effects.'' Do you know whether the Department 
+has initiated this study yet? If not, when do you plan to do so?
+    (FYI: we sent a letter, co-signed by Reps. Doggett, Larson, and 
+Stark, to then-Treasury Secretary Paulson back in December urging them 
+to start and requesting a response. We never heard back. A copy of this 
+letter is included.)
+    Section 117 of the Energy Improvement and Extension Act of 2008 
+(Division B of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008) 
+requires the Secretary of the Treasury to enter into an agreement with 
+the National Academy of Sciences to undertake a carbon audit of the tax 
+code and authorizes the appropriation of $1.5 million to carry out this 
+requirement. Although authorized, the funds that would enable the 
+Treasury Department to enter into an agreement with the National 
+Academy of Sciences have not yet been appropriated.
+    2. I was pleased to see the comprehensive climate change 
+legislation proposed in the President's budget. The summary document 
+indicates that the program will be implemented through a cap-and-trade 
+system which will include 100% auction to ``ensure that the biggest 
+polluters do not enjoy windfall profits,'' and that a majority of the 
+auction revenues will be spent on ``investments in a clean energy 
+future'' and ``returned to the people.'' Do you have any more details 
+on how the administration envisions spending the revenues? In addition 
+to the ``Making Work Pay'' tax credit, does the administration envision 
+other tax policies to support its greenhouse gas reduction goals?
+    The President's clean energy agenda begins with an effort to lower 
+the energy costs of American families through the American Recovery and 
+Reinvestment Act (ARRA). A variety of tax credits, including credits 
+for residential energy efficient investments, will reduce the carbon 
+footprint of families and facilitate the transition to a clean energy 
+economy while also reducing energy use and thus costs. In addition, the 
+weatherization program provided for in ARRA will also lower energy 
+bills by improving the energy efficiency of low-income residences.
+    The Administration is looking forward to working with key 
+stakeholders and the Congress to fully develop a program to reduce 
+greenhouse gas emissions approximately 14 percent below 2005 levels by 
+2020, and approximately 83 percent below 2005 levels by 2050. The 
+program will be implemented through an economy-wide cap and trade 
+program in which all emission allowances will be auctioned to ensure 
+that the biggest polluters do not enjoy windfall profits. The 
+Administration's budget reflects the proceeds from the emission 
+allowance auction only to the extent they are reserved for clean energy 
+technology initiatives and to compensate families through the Making 
+Work Pay Tax Credit. Additional revenues generated from an emission 
+allowance auction above those shown in the budget will be used to 
+compensate vulnerable households, communities, and businesses for 
+increased energy costs. The exact form and amount of compensation will 
+be determined as the emission reduction program is developed.
+    [Questions for the record, submitted by Mr. Connolly, and 
+their responses follow:]
+Questions for the Record From Hon. Gerald E. Connolly, a Representative 
+   in Congress From the State of Virginia, and Secretary Geithner's 
+                               Responses
+    1. Under the previous Administration, the initial TARP funding was 
+directed to banks and large institutions. With its Housing 
+Affordability and Stabilization Plan, does the current Administration 
+believe that individual homeowners were underserved by the economic 
+recovery efforts of the past?
+    All of the initiatives the Administration has introduced under the 
+Emergency Economic Stabilization Act (EESA) have had the common goal of 
+stabilizing the financial system in order to avoid systemic failures 
+and to prevent a deeper recession and further damage to the productive 
+capacity of the American economy. Rather than focusing on specific 
+constituencies or segments of the population, the Administration has 
+laid out a broad strategy designed to address the major challenges 
+facing the financial system in order to support the broader economy and 
+benefit all Americans. The Administration's housing initiatives address 
+one of these major challenges while complementing other Financial 
+Stability Plan initiatives focused on strengthening confidence in 
+financial institutions, re-starting credit markets, increasing 
+liquidity for legacy assets, and developing a modern financial 
+regulatory regime.
+    The ongoing adjustment in the housing market remains at the center 
+of the economic and financial crises. Falling home prices are a major 
+financial challenge for many families. At the same time, financial 
+losses related to the housing sector adjustment continue to be a 
+significant headwind for banks and other financial institutions. 
+Foreclosures are particularly problematic because they not only impose 
+significant financial and emotional burdens on families; they are also 
+costly for communities and neighborhoods. For all these reasons, 
+addressing the housing crisis and reducing foreclosures is an important 
+objective. We have taken aggressive action to prevent avoidable 
+foreclosures with up to $75 billion ($50 billion of which is from TARP 
+funding) pledged to the Home Affordable Modification Program and will 
+reduce monthly mortgage payments to an affordable and sustainable level 
+for as many as 3 to 4 million struggling borrowers. We have also 
+introduced a Home Affordable Refinance Program to help as many as 4 to 
+5 million borrowers who--through no fault of their own--have suffered 
+home price declines that had prevented them from taking advantage of 
+today's low rates. We have also taken important steps to strengthen 
+confidence in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and alongside the Fed we have 
+helped push mortgage rates to historic lows, increasing refinancing 
+    2. You recently reported that almost one in five mortgages in the 
+country have zero or negative equity. With continuing falling housing 
+values, millions more Americans will find themselves underwater unless 
+we act on their behalf. In my home district, the 11th of Virginia, 
+housing values this past year fell almost 13% in Fairfax County and 32% 
+in Prince William County. As you noted in your written testimony, 2.5 
+million Americans lost their homes last year. In addition to the over 
+10,000 foreclosures in my district, many thousands more homeowners 
+currently owe more on their principal mortgage than the value of their 
+home. How will the President's Housing Affordability and Stability Plan 
+assist homeowners with negative equity, but not currently facing 
+    Falling home values in Fairfax and Prince William counties, as in 
+other counties across the country, have made it challenging for 
+families to refinance their mortgages or sell their homes. Even 
+borrowers with perfect credit who are current on their mortgages may be 
+unable to take advantage of historically low interest rates if they 
+have insufficient equity in their home. The Making Home Affordable 
+Refinancing program is designed to allow borrowers with mortgages owned 
+or guaranteed by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac to refinance even if the 
+loan-to-value (LTV) ratio on their first mortgage increases to as high 
+as 105%.
+    The Administration's housing plan also provides support for 
+families who are struggling with their mortgage payments and, because 
+home values have dropped, are unable to sell or refinance. The Making 
+Home Affordable Modification program can help homeowners with negative 
+equity reduce their mortgage payments to affordable levels. There is no 
+LTV ceiling to qualify for the modification program, so being 
+underwater does not disqualify borrowers from taking advantage of the 
+    The Home Affordable Modification Program uses incentives to 
+servicers and investors to reduce borrowers' interest rates--or write 
+down their principal, if the servicer chooses--to bring down the 
+monthly payment to a level the borrower can afford. Additional 
+incentives are available to borrowers to help them pay down their 
+principal more quickly. The Administration also supports amendments to 
+make Hope for Homeowners, a program designed specifically to help 
+underwater borrowers, more widely available.
+    3. The credit crunch that precipitated the difficulties in the 
+financial sector has had troubling effects on municipal governments and 
+their ability to issue municipal debt in order to fund critical 
+infrastructure programs across the country. While Congress looks for a 
+legislative solution to allow municipalities to access credit, do you 
+anticipate a role for the Treasury Department in removing the barriers 
+to capital?
+    Thank you for your time, Secretary Geithner; I look forward to 
+working with you and the Administration as we fashion the Fiscal Year 
+2010 budget.
+    Treasury is currently evaluating developments within the municipal 
+market and analyzing potential policy options to address liquidity 
+concerns. As part of this process, Treasury continues to maintain an 
+ongoing dialogue with various market participants, government entities 
+and other experts. Effective policy options should satisfy the 
+following broad principles:
+    Minimize the burden on U.S. taxpayers;
+    Encourage private markets and avoid anti-competitive solutions;
+    Preserve market integrity; and
+    Increase market liquidity.
+    Once this process is completed, Treasury will be better positioned 
+to offer possible recommendations for implementation.
+    [Questions for the record, submitted by Mr. Langevin, and 
+their responses follow:]
+ Statement and Questions for the Record From Hon. James R. Langevin, a 
+    Representative in Congress From the State of Rhode Island, and 
+                     Secretary Geithner's Responses
+    Secretary Geithner, thank you for testifying in front of this 
+committee today. Each passing day paints a clearer picture of the stark 
+economic challenges we currently face--just in my home state of Rhode 
+Island, our unemployment is at 10.3 percent, we have seen a sharp 
+contraction in manufacturing output, home values remain in decline and 
+millions of properties continue into foreclosure nationwide.
+    At the center of this crisis are our capital and credit markets, 
+which have become virtually paralyzed in the wake of the subprime 
+mortgage meltdown. In an attempt to address this, Congress has 
+appropriated hundreds of billions of dollars for the Troubled Asset 
+Relief Program (TARP) and the Recovery Act. We will now be considering 
+a request for an additional $250 billion contingent reserve for further 
+financial stabilization in FY10.
+    It appears very clear to me that one of the key drivers of our 
+economy is small business, as is the case in Rhode Island. And yet the 
+media has been dominated by reports of relief to our country's 
+financial and manufacturing giants.
+                        QUESTIONS FOR THE RECORD
+    1. Can you please take this opportunity to specifically outline how 
+the tax relief set forth in the budget will impact our nation's small 
+    The President's Budget proposes several steps that will help small 
+    Eliminate capital gains taxation on small businesses. The 
+President's Budget will provide small business owners with a new zero 
+capital gains rate on new investments in their businesses, which should 
+help them plan for expansion and succession. Current law provides 
+individuals a 50-percent exclusion from tax for capital gains realized 
+on the sale of certain small business stock held for more than five 
+years. The amount of gain eligible for the exclusion is limited to the 
+greater of $10 million or 10 times the taxpayer's basis in the stock. 
+For stock issued after February 17, 2009 and before January 1, 2011, 
+the exclusion is 75 percent. The Administration proposes to increase 
+the exclusion to 100 percent.
+    Make permanent the 2010 limits for small business expensing. The 
+President's Budget will prevent the small business expensing provision 
+(section 179) from returning in 2011 to the levels in effect before 
+2003. Instead of reverting to a maximum deduction of $25,000 that 
+begins phasing out at $200,000 of total qualifying investment, the 2010 
+levels will be made permanent, meaning a deduction of up to $125,000 
+and with the phase-out beginning at $500,000 of total qualifying 
+investment (indexed for inflation after 2006).
+    Extending the current rate structure for families earning less than 
+$250,000 after 2010. Most owners of small businesses pay taxes on their 
+business income at their individual rate, and thus extending the 
+current rate structure for single filers with income below $200,000 and 
+for joint filers with income below $250,000 means that over 97 percent 
+of small business taxpayers will either receive a tax reduction or see 
+no change in their taxes when the rate structure is extended.
+    Make permanent the tax credit for research and experimentation. By 
+making this credit permanent, the President's Budget will help provide 
+more incentives for innovation and increase stability in the tax code.
+    2. What percentage of small businesses will see their taxes reduced 
+under this plan?
+    Most small businesses are organized in ways that the businesses 
+themselves don't pay taxes, but the owners do. This is true for sole 
+proprietorships, partnership, and S corporations. We estimate that over 
+97 percent of small businesses will receive additional tax relief or 
+see their rates remain unchanged when the current rate structure for 
+families earning less than $250,000 is extended after 2010.
+    3. You just recently announced a new ``Financial Stability Plan'' 
+to provide up to $1 trillion in financing capacity. While I am sure 
+there are many details that still need to be worked out, I am very 
+interested in learning more about how this plan will be used to 
+leverage financing for small businesses.
+    What programmatic steps will be taken and investments made to 
+restore liquidity to the frozen secondary credit markets and increase 
+SBA lending--particularly within the SBA 7(a) loan program?
+    In 2008, the Small Business Administration (SBA) typically 
+guaranteed about $18 billion in loans, but this year new lending is 
+trending below $10 billion. While some of this decline is due to the 
+weakening macroeconomic environment, much of the slowdown in lending is 
+due to problems in the secondary market for SBA securities. In the 
+past, banks would originate SBA-guaranteed loans to small businesses, 
+and then sell a portion of these loans to a broker. The broker would 
+then bundle a number of similar loans together into a security, which 
+was ultimately sold to investors. This process of securitization was an 
+important source of liquidity for banks, and accounted for over 40 
+percent of all loans guaranteed by the SBA.
+    However, since October 2008, this market has ground to a halt. The 
+investor base for these securities has essentially walked away, leading 
+to a backlog in credit markets that has had a profound impact on small 
+business lending. Given that there are fewer investors willing to 
+purchase these securities, banks throughout the country have become 
+less willing to originate new small business loans. If banks do not 
+believe that they can sell a portion of their SBA loans into the 
+secondary market, they are less willing to originate new loans to 
+creditworthy small businesses.
+    As part of its Financial Stability Plan, the Obama Administration 
+has implemented several programs to strengthen our banking system and 
+provide financial institutions with the capital and the confidence they 
+need to restart lending to businesses and families. But Treasury has 
+also taken steps directly targeted towards unlocking credit for small 
+     Higher Guarantees and Lower Fees for SBA Loans: Treasury 
+worked closely with the SBA to ensure that $730 million was included in 
+the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to--among other measures--
+temporarily raise guarantees to up to 90 percent in the SBA's 7(a) loan 
+program and temporarily reduce SBA fees for eligible loan guarantees. 
+The 7(a) program--the SBA's largest--is specifically designed to help 
+small businesses who cannot find credit elsewhere access capital by 
+guaranteeing loans up to $2 million, and 7(a) loans can be used to 
+finance purchases of land, buildings or equipment as well as working 
+capital. Higher SBA loan guarantees will ensure that lenders have 
+greater safeguards against possible losses, which should encourage 
+lending to small businesses. Temporarily eliminating certain SBA loan 
+fees--which could save a business owner $31,500 if he or she took out a 
+$1 million 7(a) loan with a 90 percent guarantee--will help encourage 
+small businesses to borrow, and banks to lend.
+     Efforts to Improve the Terms of the TALF for SBA Loans: 
+The Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility (TALF) provides 
+investors with financing in an effort to stimulate demand for asset-
+backed securities--including securities backed by SBA loans--and unlock 
+frozen secondary markets. In February, Treasury and the Federal Reserve 
+worked together to improve the terms with which the TALF lends against 
+SBA securities to make it more attractive to use TALF financing to 
+purchase these assets. Coupled with the Treasury's purchase program 
+described below, we expect the TALF to encourage private investment in 
+SBA securities.
+     $15 Billion in Direct Purchases: In an effort to build on 
+those earlier steps, Treasury announced its intention in March to make 
+up to $15 billion in direct purchases to unlock lending in SBA's 
+secondary markets. By doing so, Treasury is providing an assurance to 
+banks and other lenders that if they originate a new 7(a) or 504 first-
+lien loan, there will be a buyer in the secondary market, which will 
+provide them with money they can use to extend more credit to other 
+borrowers. This measure works together with the temporary increase to 
+up to 90 percent loan guarantees and the temporary elimination of SBA 
+loan fees to help encourage banks to lend. These efforts mean that 
+lenders will know both that they have greater protection against losses 
+during these difficult economic times and that they can securitize 
+loans to get new money to lend to more small businesses.
+     Call for Banks to Increase Reporting for Small Business 
+Lending: Last month, Treasury announced that the 20 largest recipients 
+of assistance through our Financial Stability Plan will be required to 
+report their small business lending every month. In addition, we called 
+for bank supervisors to require all banks nationwide to report their 
+small business lending every quarter--rather than simply once a year. 
+Together, these changes should make it easier for us to track whether 
+or not banks are lending to small businesses, and how well government 
+efforts are doing to stimulate this lending.
+     Targeted Tax Relief for Small Businesses: As part of the 
+Recovery Act, the Obama administration has implemented several tax cuts 
+that increase liquidity for small businesses, including a provision 
+that allows small businesses to ``carry back'' their losses for up to 
+five years instead of two, effectively allowing them a rebate on taxes 
+paid in recent years.
+    As President Obama said on March 16, these efforts are only part of 
+the Administration's plan to improve the flow of credit to small 
+businesses. In the coming weeks, we intend to further our efforts to 
+ensure creditworthy small businesses can borrow the money they need to 
+maintain and expand their operations, and I am open to any ideas from 
+Congress as to how we can best accomplish that goal.
+    4. How much small business lending is expected to be leveraged 
+under these initiatives?
+    As noted above, while the SBA has typically guaranteed about $18 
+billion in loans in 2008, that figure was trending below $10 billion 
+for 2009 prior to the actions taken by the Administration through the 
+American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and the Financial Stability 
+Plan. In the first quarter of FY2009, lending in the 7(a) program was 
+down 57 percent from the previous year. As much as $3 billion in loans 
+remains on the books of community banks, preventing them from making 
+new loans even to businesses with strong credit histories.
+    It is difficult to project exactly how much small business lending 
+will be leveraged through our efforts, but our pledge to make up to $15 
+billion in direct purchases is an illustration of our commitment to 
+stand ready to make any purchases necessary to restart the secondary 
+market for SBA loans. As in any recession, we anticipate that demand 
+for small business loans will remain somewhat diminished, despite our 
+efforts to increase access to credit. However, in the weeks following 
+our March 16 announcement, average weekly loan volume for the 7(a) 
+program is up more than 20 percent over the period from January 1 to 
+mid-March. While we cannot identify an exact figure for increased 
+lending for the rest of the year, we do anticipate that the actions we 
+take across several different channels will provide banks with the 
+confidence to originate significantly more lending than they would have 
+otherwise done.
+    5. Broadly speaking, when do you anticipate we will start to see an 
+impact of the recovery package that Congress passed last month?
+    Some parts of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) 
+have already begun to have an effect. For example, starting in early 
+April, withholding was reduced to allow the speedy distribution of tax 
+relief. The unfolding of recovery programs is being carefully monitored 
+and publicized at an easy-to-use government web site, which is updated 
+nearly every day (www.recovery.gov). We expect to see noticeable 
+benefits from the stimulus program in the second half of 2009, with 
+strong growth continuing through 2010 and 2011.
+    Among the highlights of recent announcements related to the 
+provisions of ARRA:
+     Providing State Fiscal Relief: The Department of Health 
+and Human Services has made approximately $87 billion available to 
+States through increases in the Federal Medical Assistance Percentage 
+(FMAP), which defines the percentage rate at which the Federal 
+government provides matching funding for most Medicaid and certain 
+foster care and adoption assistance expenditures. This change results 
+in an increase in the Federal portion (and a corresponding decrease in 
+the non-Federal portion) of such expenditures. With respect to 
+Medicaid, States to date have drawn down nearly $17 billion of the 
+approximately $87 billion in additional Federal funds, which 
+contributes to State fiscal relief. States will have until December 
+2011 to draw down Federal funds at this higher matching rate.
+     The federal government will send out $250 economic 
+recovery payments to people who receive Social Security and 
+Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits beginning in early May 2009 
+and continuing throughout the month.
+     The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban announced in mid-
+March that, subject to HUD approval, public housing authorities can 
+begin spending nearly $3 billion to make significant improvements to 
+tens of thousands of public housing units nationwide. HUD is informing 
+3,122 local housing authorities in all 50 states, the District of 
+Columbia, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands that spending can 
+begin on a backlog of previously underfunded capital improvement 
+     On April 1st, Secretary of Education Arne Duncan made 
+available $44 billion for States and schools under the American 
+Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). These funds will help avert 
+teacher layoffs in public schools and tuition increases in public 
+colleges, while driving crucial education reforms. On April 13, the 
+Secretary released an additional $108.8 million in Recovery Act 
+     Making Work Pay Tax Credit: The Making Work Pay (MWP) Tax 
+Credit provides a tax credit for more than 95% of working families--
+over 120 million households--in the United States, providing up to $400 
+for working individuals and $800 for working households, and increasing 
+families' net income by more than $65/month. According to ADP, the 
+nation's largest payroll service provider, more than 80% of workers 
+paid through ADP received the MWP tax credit in paychecks dated March 1 
+or later and essentially all their clients began using the new 
+withholding tables by March 6th. During the recovery period, MWP is 
+expected to put more than $100 billion into the pockets of hard-working 
+     Expansion Of The First-Time Homebuyer Tax Credit: On 
+February 25, 2009 Treasury announced the expansion of the First-Time 
+Homebuyer Tax Credit which allows eligible taxpayers to receive a tax 
+credit of up to $8,000 on either their 2008 or 2009 tax returns. Unlike 
+with the prior first-time homebuyer credit, individuals do not need to 
+pay this credit back. This credit will contribute to stabilizing the 
+housing market and is estimated that it will help 1.4 million Americans 
+purchase their first home by providing over $6.5 billion in credits. 
+Over $3 billion of credits have already been paid out to first-time 
+     Build America Bonds: The Build America Bonds, Qualified 
+School Construction Bonds, and Qualified Zone Academy Bonds programs 
+are intended to help states and localities pursue needed capital 
+projects, such as infrastructure development and public school 
+construction. Based on the most recent available data from Bloomberg 
+and Treasury calculations, as of July 10, 2009, approximately $14.844 
+billion in Build America Bonds had been issued in approximately 159 
+bond issues. Some have estimated that over the next year to 18 months, 
+between $100 billion and $150 billion may hit the market.
+    The hearing is concluded.
+    [Whereupon, at 12:38 p.m., the committee was adjourned.]