diff --git "a/data/CHRG-116/CHRG-116hhrg35364.txt" "b/data/CHRG-116/CHRG-116hhrg35364.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/data/CHRG-116/CHRG-116hhrg35364.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,2118 @@ + + - ON THE EVE OF THE SUMMIT: OPTIONS FOR U.S. DIPLOMACY ON NORTH KOREA +
+[House Hearing, 116 Congress]
+[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
+                       ON THE EVE OF THE SUMMIT:
+                                HEARING
+                               BEFORE THE
+                        SUBCOMMITTEE ON ASIA AND
+                                 OF THE
+                      COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS
+                        HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
+                             FIRST SESSION
+                               __________
+                           FEBRUARY 26, 2019
+                               __________
+                            Serial No. 116-6
+                               __________
+        Printed for the use of the Committee on Foreign Affairs
+Available: http://www.foreignaffairs.house.gov/, http://docs.house.gov, 
+                       or http://www.govinfo.gov
+                               __________
+                    U.S. GOVERNMENT PUBLISHING OFFICE                    
+35-364PDF                  WASHINGTON : 2019                     
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+                      COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS
+                   ELIOT L. ENGEL, New York, Chairman
+BRAD SHERMAN, California             MICHAEL T. McCAUL, Texas, Ranking 
+GREGORY W. MEEKS, New York               Member
+ALBIO SIRES, New Jersey		     CHRISTOPHER H. SMITH, New Jersey     
+GERALD E. CONNOLLY, Virginia         STEVE CHABOT, Ohio
+THEODORE E. DEUTCH, Florida	     JOE WILSON, South Carolina
+KAREN BASS, California		     SCOTT PERRY, Pennsylvania
+WILLIAM KEATING, Massachusetts	     TED S. YOHO, Florida
+DAVID CICILLINE, Rhode Island	     ADAM KINZINGER, Illinois
+AMI BERA, California		     LEE ZELDIN, New York
+DINA TITUS, Nevada		     ANN WAGNER, Missouri
+ADRIANO ESPAILLAT, New York          BRIAN MAST, Florida
+TED LIEU, California		     FRANCIS ROONEY, Florida
+SUSAN WILD, Pennsylvania	     BRIAN FITZPATRICK, Pennsylvania
+DEAN PHILLPS, Minnesota	             JOHN CURTIS, Utah
+ILHAN OMAR, Minnesota		     KEN BUCK, Colorado
+COLIN ALLRED, Texas		     RON WRIGHT, Texas
+ANDY LEVIN, Michigan		     GUY RESCHENTHALER, Pennsylvania
+CHRISSY HOULAHAN, Pennsylvania       GREG PENCE, Indiana
+DAVID TRONE, Maryland		     MIKE GUEST, Mississippi
+JIM COSTA, California
+JUAN VARGAS, California
+VICENTE GONZALEZ, Texas                              
+                Jason Steinbaum, Democrat Staff Director
+               Brendan Shieds, Republican Staff Director
+                                 ------                                
+         Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific and Nonproliferation
+                         BRAD SHERMAN, Chairman
+DINA TITUS, Nevada                   TED YOHO, Florida, Ranking Member
+CHRISSY HOULAHAN, Pennsylvania	     SCOTT PERRY, Pennsylvania
+GERALD CONNOLLY, Virgina	     ANN WAGNER, Missouri
+AMI BERA, California		     BRIAN MAST, Florida
+ANDY LEVIN, Michigan		     JOHN CURTIS, Utah
+ABIGAIL SPANBERGER, Virginia                                   
+                     Don MacDonald, Staff Director
+                            C O N T E N T S
+                              ----------                              
+                                                                   Page
+                               WITNESSES
+Richardson, Honorable Bill, Former Governor of New Mexico, U.S. 
+  Ambassador to the United Nations, Secretary of Energy, and 
+  Member of Congress.............................................    10
+Cha, Dr. Victor, Senior Adviser and Korea Chair, Center for 
+  Strategic and International Studies............................    16
+                                APPENDIX
+Hearing Notice...................................................    47
+Hearing Minutes..................................................    48
+Hearing Attendance...............................................    49
+                       Tuesday, February 26, 2019
+                           House of Representatives
+            Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific, and 
+                                   Nonproliferation
+                       Committee on Foreign Affairs
+                                                     Washington, DC
+    The subcommittee met, pursuant to notice, at 10:15 a.m., in 
+Room 2172 Rayburn House Office Building, Hon. Brad Sherman, 
+(chairman of the subcommittee) presiding.
+    Chairman Sherman. The consensus here seems to be that we 
+can start. I know that Ranking Member Yoho will be watching 
+this on video and on his--yes, on the way, and I am confident 
+that my opening statement will take longer than it takes him to 
+get here.
+    I want to welcome all of our colleagues to this first 
+subcommittee meeting of the congressional session for the 
+Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific, and Nonproliferation.
+    We could not ask for a more timely hearing with the 
+president in Vietnam and Kim Jong-Un having just arrived there 
+by train.
+    We could not ask for a more distinguished panel, including 
+Governor Bill Richardson, who is famous for negotiating, and 
+negotiating successfully, with North Korea, as well as Victor 
+Cha, who has negotiated with the North as well.
+    I and the ranking member will give opening statements for 5 
+minutes and then whichever subcommittee members wish to make an 
+opening statement will be allocated 2 minutes.
+    Whether we are safer now than we were in June 2018 when the 
+Singapore Summit was held and what can be done in Hanoi that 
+will make us safer, these are the two questions that we ought 
+to address.
+    In the first year of his presidency, President Trump 
+ratcheted up the rhetoric to an extreme level--``little rocket 
+man,'' et cetera. This rhetoric was matched by the North Korean 
+rhetoric and there were some that worried that it could lead to 
+a kinetic war.
+    Trump stopped the extreme rhetoric. Now things are calmer--
+that dialing things up and then dialing them back is hardly a 
+great accomplishment. The facts are these. When Trump took 
+over, North Korea had yet to demonstrate a hydrogen bomb.
+    Now they have. During the Trump presidency, 20--the North 
+has created enough fissile material for perhaps 20 additional 
+bombs, perhaps eight additional bombs worth of fissile material 
+created just since the Singapore Summit.
+    I am not sure we are safer. Now, we have had a period 
+without testing. But that is hardly unusual. The North 
+conducted no nuclear tests from 1994 to 2002 and from 2007 to 
+2013 they suspended their missile testing from 2009 to 2013. So 
+a pause in testing of merely a year is not unusual.
+    What is unusual is this. In the past, pauses in testing may 
+have slowed down their program. Whereas now Kim Jong-Un said 
+last April he does not need any additional tests. He has 
+already developed his hydrogen weapon and his ICBM.
+    Several hostages have been released by North Korea. But we 
+have with us a witness who was able to secure the release of a 
+like number of hostages without making concessions to the North 
+Korean government and the remains of several service members 
+have been turned over to the United States.
+    But, once again, we have a witness here who did that 
+without making any concessions. Perhaps you should write a book 
+called ``The Art of the Deal.''
+    But, more importantly, much larger numbers of the remains 
+of our servicemen were turned over to us during the Clinton and 
+Bush Administrations.
+    We have made enormous concessions to North Korea. First, 
+Kim has stood on the same level as the most powerful man in the 
+world. Second, we have weakened our sanctions in two ways. 
+First, the very act of the summit signals to businesses around 
+the world that they can do business with North Korea.
+    And second, we have not sanctioned major Chinese banks. Mr. 
+Yoho and I, with him as chairman, both in 2017 and again in 
+2018, of this subcommittee sent letters to the administration 
+demanding that the major Chinese banks be sanctioned, not just 
+the tiny ones, and we have received no substantive response.
+    There has been substantial leakage in our sanctions and the 
+change in atmosphere caused by the summit is a major reason for 
+that. We have weakened the U.S.-South Korea military defense 
+capacity. During the Obama Administration, we had three to four 
+major exercises per year.
+    We have had zero major exercises with South Korea since 
+Singapore and the one--there is one that is scheduled for the 
+future that may or may not happen. In any case, it has been 
+scaled down.
+    As General Abrams, the commander of U.S. forces in Korea, 
+stated, ``this suspension has led to a denigration of the 
+readiness of our force. So we have made massive concessions 
+while getting nothing in return that makes us safer. Nothing."
+    I believe--and I see I have gone into overtime a bit here 
+so I will be as quick as possible--I believe we need tougher 
+sanctions, starting with those two big Chinese--the two letters 
+that we sent focusing on several Chinese banks--large Chinese 
+banks. That would send a signal that it is not business as 
+usual or even business under the table with North Korea.
+    Second, and I realize this is somewhat controversial, we 
+ought to define down our definition of success. I do not think 
+we are going to get CIVD--complete irrevocable verifiable 
+disarmament--of all nuclear weapons.
+    But we would be much safer if North Korea had a limited 
+number of nuclear weapons that were highly monitored. If we 
+were in that circumstance, North Korea would not be in a 
+position to sell fissile material or nuclear weapons.
+    We would limit the amount of damage that they could do and 
+we could move ourselves to a safer position that we have now. 
+That is certainly much better than seeing new fissile material 
+created every day, even while the summit is ongoing.
+    With that, I yield to the ranking member.
+    Mr. Yoho. I appreciate it and I thank you.
+    Governor Richardson, good seeing you. Dr. Cha, good seeing 
+you again. I had the good fortune of having breakfast with Dr. 
+Chung-in Moon this morning, who is the advisor of Moon Jae-in, 
+and his take was a little different.
+    He thought things were moving along very well and he was 
+very impressed with President Trump and what he is doing.
+    But let me go to my notes. Good morning, and thank you, 
+Chairman Sherman, for calling this hearing. Members on both 
+sides of the aisle share similar national security concerns and 
+oversights priorities in regard to the ongoing nuclear 
+diplomacy discussions between the U.S. and North Korea.
+    This important issue is fitting for our first subcommittee 
+hearing of the 116th Congress. I look forward to continuing the 
+strong bipartisanship and cooperation that this committee has 
+displayed in the 115th Congress.
+    As you said, we are on the letter together and we are going 
+to continue to hold the administration accountable. This 
+committee worked--this committee works respectfully together, 
+even in some areas we may have disagreements.
+    Over the next 2 days, President Trump will conduct a second 
+summit with Kim Jong-Un, the totalitarian leader of North 
+Korea. The word historic is often used to describe this summit. 
+That much is true.
+    U.S.-DPRK diplomacy has never before taken place at the 
+heads of States at this level. We should not forget that when 
+President Trump took office, President Obama warned him that 
+the Korean Peninsula would present him his most urgent security 
+    However, over the course of President Trump's first term, 
+we have moved from the brink of war to a period of diplomacy. 
+Again, the heads of two States, first time ever.
+    As this administration moves forward, let us not forget who 
+Kim Jong-Un is. He is No. 3 in a family lineage hierarchy that 
+has held to deity stature. He has allowed his citizens to 
+suffer while chasing his nuclear ambitions.
+    He is a dictator who has executed over 140 members of the 
+elite military that surrounded his father and grandfather, 
+including his own uncle.
+    He ordered the assassination of his brother in Malaysia 
+using VX nerve gas. He also threatened the U.S. with nuclear 
+annihilation and he sent medium-range ballistic missiles over 
+Japan and proudly claimed that he would target our territory in 
+the South Pacific--Guam--and the mainland, if so desired.
+    So, yes, this is a historic second summit. But we must 
+call--but we must call for extreme caution as we move forward. 
+Keep in mind, three previous administrations have attempted to 
+solve the North Korea dilemma and failed, allowing the Kim 
+regimes to advance their nuclear programs and capabilities.
+    Unfortunately, one fact outside of the White House control 
+remains unchanged. The Kim regime does not deal in good faith. 
+Kim Jong-Un appears to be using the same play book as his two 
+predecessors used before, which is to promise peace, 
+denuclearization in exchange for sanction relief. Once this is 
+granted, the DPRK continues their deceit and lying and 
+continuation of a dangerous nuclear program.
+    We need to note that nothing has occurred since the 
+Singapore Summit in 2018 in terms of denuclearization. I am 
+extremely concerned that any concessions presented by the 
+DPRK's diplomatic outreach are hiding equally significant 
+    The president and his team have a giant task at hands. The 
+facts show us that North Korea has not taken any meaningful 
+action to dismantle its nuclear or missile programs.
+    There has been no disclosure of the number of nuclear 
+bombs, ICBMs, or even clear definition of what denuclearization 
+means to all sides. Much work needs to be done during this 
+second historic summit.
+    Meanwhile, Kim Jong-Un's international standing has never 
+been higher, as you pointed out, Chairman Sherman. Kim's 
+diplomatic gambit has led South Korean President Moon to 
+embrace him as a partner in the shared dream for peace and 
+reunification that has given him the pretext of strategic 
+coordination with China and a personal relationship with Xi 
+    Kim will also visit Vladimir Putin in Russia later this 
+year. Kim's diplomacy has cost him nothing but has short-
+circuited the unanimous U.N. sanction campaign. Although Putin 
+and Xi were never reliable partners in pressuring North Korea, 
+Kim has shown he can leverage China-Russia relationships 
+against U.N.-led sanctions and U.S. maximum sanction strategy, 
+and our goal is to hold the administration accountable.
+    The goal of this committee is to facilitate the summit to 
+allow this administration to be successful where previous 
+administrations came up short.
+    I believe our combined intentions are to hold the 
+administration accountable and make sure sanctions are not 
+relieved until we get significant assurance and verification 
+that the actions of Kim Jong-Un are sincere in bringing 
+denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.
+    We are privileged to be joined by the two witnesses who 
+have personally sat across from North Korean counterparts at 
+sensitive talks and I thank them both for being here with us 
+    Today's hearing will be a valuable opportunity for this 
+subcommittee and the members to develop an understanding of the 
+specifics of this week's summit and what expectations are 
+reasonable and what we should realistically expect and how to 
+measure success.
+    And I yield back. Thank you.
+    Chairman Sherman. Who seeks to give an opening statement?
+    The gentleman right here. I see the gentleman from 
+    Mr. Connolly. I thank the chair, and I want to welcome our 
+panelists and especially my old friend, Governor Bill 
+Richardson, who has a distinguished career but maybe the most 
+important part of his career was he served as a staffer on the 
+Senate Foreign Relations Committee--a great place from which to 
+launch a career.
+    You know, Mr. Chairman, all of us, while our president is 
+overseas at a summit negotiating with one of the most notorious 
+dictators in the world, we wish him well. We want our president 
+to succeed.
+    Nothing would be better than to have success in 
+denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula once and for all and 
+setting the North Korean regime on a peaceful path for 
+prosperity and coexistence with its neighbors, especially South 
+    However, it is important that we approach negotiations 
+clear-eyed, and I worry, as do many Americans, I think, that 
+our president arrives in Hanoi in a very weakened position and 
+because he does not do preparation, he does not read briefing 
+papers, he does not like even briefings verbally, that he 
+enters into these negotiations maybe with positive spirit but 
+not with great preparation, and what could go wrong with that 
+when you are up against Kim Jong-Un?
+    And one trembles a little bit at the answer to that kind of 
+rhetorical question. And so I think it is really important that 
+we be very clear about what our goals are and that there be no 
+fudging and that there be, frankly, no further concessions to 
+the North until we see specific reciprocation on the table.
+    And so I hope for success but I think we have to prepare 
+for the worst. I yield back.
+    Chairman Sherman. Mr. Bera.
+    Mr. Bera. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and thank both you, 
+Governor Richardson and Dr. Cha, for your service to our 
+country along with the men and women that we have serving our 
+country all around this world as we speak.
+    I was at that same breakfast with the ranking member and we 
+had--with Dr. Moon as well as our former Ambassador, Ambassador 
+Stephens, who has a long history on the Korean Peninsula.
+    The one takeaway that, you know, I think they left us with 
+is, I think, as my colleague, Mr. Connolly--let us go into this 
+open eyed, but let us also understand realistic expectations of 
+what we might be able to get out of this and I think those 
+realistic expectations are maybe that the parameters that allow 
+you then to say, OK, here is what the steps are, moving 
+forward, as opposed to coming out with any concrete deal, et 
+cetera, and I think they both--Dr. Moon and Ambassador 
+Stephens--said that would be a realistic successful goal if 
+there were the framework and the parameters of how you now 
+proceed and, you know, what those next steps are, again, not 
+with any promises, et cetera, but the next steps in what a 
+dialog would be.
+    I will be very interested in both of your expertise on the 
+Peninsula on what you think those parameters would be and what 
+a successful outcome of this meeting over the next few weeks.
+    And with that, I will yield back.
+    Chairman Sherman. I recognize the gentlelady from Virginia.
+    Ms. Spanberger. Thank you to the chair. Thank you, Governor 
+Richardson. Thank you, Dr. Cha, for being here.
+    The North Korean regime continues to pose a serious 
+security threat to the United States, our interests at home and 
+abroad, and ahead of the week summit in Hanoi we must also 
+recognize how North Korea's belligerent and destabilizing 
+behavior endangers our longstanding allies in the region and 
+threatens our own country.
+    I am always in favor of pursuing diplomatic negotiated 
+solutions. However, Kim Jong-Un has repeatedly demonstrated 
+that he cannot be trusted and we should always view his 
+intentions with incredible skepticism.
+    As the United States weighs its diplomatic, economic, and 
+deterrence options to push back against North Korean aggression 
+and promote peace on the Korean Peninsula, we need to pursue a 
+smart tough strategy informed by U.S. intelligence that 
+protects the lives of U.S. service members in South Korea and 
+actually limits North Korea's nuclear capabilities.
+    Additionally, we need to avoid any concessions that could 
+jeopardize the safety of our allies and we cannot ignore 
+Pyongyang's long record of atrocious crimes committed against 
+its own people.
+    As talks proceed, I will keep fighting to prevent American 
+communities from living under the potential threat of North 
+Korean missiles, nuclear weapons, and cyber aggression, and I 
+will continue to voice my support for increased U.S. diplomatic 
+engagement and improved coordination with our allies that 
+protects U.S. interests and recognizes the true threat that is 
+currently posed by the North Korean regime.
+    Thank you. I yield back.
+    Chairman Sherman. Seeing no other requests for time, I will 
+introduce our first witness. Since 2010, Governor Richardson 
+has operated the Richardson Center for Global Engagement, a 
+foundation focusing on conflict resolution, prisoner release, 
+and environment protection.
+    In his long and distinguished career, he served as Governor 
+of New Mexico, secretary of energy, a U.S. Ambassador to the 
+United Nations, and as a member of this House for 15 years, 
+overlapping my service in the House by exactly 1 month before 
+he went on to serve as our Ambassador to the United Nations.
+    As Gerry points out, Governor Richardson started working in 
+the Senate and then came to the House, showing tremendous 
+upward trajectory.
+    He has regularly served as an official and unofficial 
+interlocutor with North Korea for more than two decades. During 
+this time he has visited North Korea eight times, once with Dr. 
+Cha, securing the release of four Americans being held hostage 
+in North Korea and helping to bring home the bodies of seven 
+American service members who died in North Korea.
+    We are honored to have you and very pleased to have you as 
+the summit begins to open, Governor Richardson.
+                       MEMBER OF CONGRESS
+    Mr. Richardson. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and I just want to 
+state that some of my best years working were as a member of 
+this House, although I was not privileged to serve on this 
+    It is good to see former friends, good friends--Congressman 
+Connolly, Congresswoman Titus, and you, Mr. Chairman. I have 
+not had the pleasure to speak to others here.
+    But I will tell you I have been here long enough to say 
+that I saw Mr. Levin come in and I was elected to Congress in 
+1982 with Mr. Levin's father, which shows you how long I have 
+been around.
+    And it is great to be with Victor Cha. There is probably 
+nobody in this country that knows the Peninsula better than Dr. 
+Cha, and you are right, Mr. Chairman--we went together to North 
+Korea and brought back the remains of seven of our service 
+    The first summit between the president and Chairman Kim in 
+June 2018 produced a good moment for both leaders. They struck 
+a personal relationship, an aspirational joint statement, a 
+couple of outcomes such as the repatriation of remains of U.S. 
+servicemen, and I think the president does deserve credit for 
+taking the meeting with Kim Jong-Un.
+    The region is--the region is less tense. There is more 
+diplomacy. There is considerable, I would say, better 
+atmospherics in the entire region.
+    However, the last summit failed to produce what I think is 
+a workable framework for negotiations and, like other summits, 
+there was little or no staff work on substance prior to the 
+    As a result, following the summit, the two sides did not 
+have a roadmap on how to proceed and what we saw was this 
+organized efforts to get to a framework with both sides 
+positioning but without any progress.
+    I think Chairman Kim has made it very clear that his 
+preferred negotiating partner is President Trump, not Secretary 
+of State Pompeo, not the chief negotiator, Stephen Biegun, or 
+working level teams.
+    This is why once a second summit was announced, 
+negotiations and communications between the two sides were 
+revived. By the way, I think that the special envoy for North 
+Korea, Stephen Biegun, is a very skilled negotiator who has 
+worked with many Members of Congress and I would recommend the 
+subcommittee calling him for briefings after the summit.
+    So what we have is a situation where I think these latest 
+talks, unfortunately, the whole issues of disarmament--arms 
+control, which are key--have yielded a bit to what is called 
+peace diplomacy, which is good.
+    But the main focus, I believe, and accomplishments should 
+have been the dismantling of nuclear weapons, WMDs, of 
+missiles, and my sense is that the summit will fall short in 
+that area.
+    We should be clear about what our expectations of what is 
+possible, what is not, and what would be the cost of an 
+agreement with the North Koreans.
+    Point No. 1--chances that the North Koreans will get rid of 
+their existing stockpiles are very slim or nonexistent. They 
+believe that these weapons are the reasons we are negotiating 
+with them and the only reason we have not yet overpowered them 
+    Point No. 2--we can expect and demand the North Koreans 
+cease all further development of nuclear weapons, WMDs, and 
+ballistic missiles and have clear means for verification of 
+dismantling such capability.
+    No. 3--we can expect and demand that North Koreans cease 
+any further testing of nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles 
+and have verification of the dismantling of launch and test 
+    Point No. 4--we can expect and demand the North Koreans 
+cease any proliferation of operations they have on nuclear 
+technology, WMDs, and determine the means to verify this.
+    In return--point No. 5--the North Koreans are going to 
+demand the removal of sanctions, the end of the war, the 
+normalization of relations, and the reduction of military 
+presence on the Peninsula.
+    So an agreement with these guidelines I believe might be 
+possible, should be gradual, but broken into smaller reciprocal 
+steps. Thus, a successful second summit between the two leaders 
+should produce what the first summit failed to do:
+    One, a detailed framework for negotiations including time 
+lines, terms of reference, and routine schedule of summits.
+    No. 2, set times for ongoing negotiations, both working 
+level, high level, and perhaps additional Presidential summits.
+    Considering Chairman Kim's preference to negotiate directly 
+with the president, Presidential summits should not be ruled 
+out as long as good preparatory work is done and I am not sure, 
+because of the president's diplomatic style, that we are 
+heading into this summit with the best preparations.
+    Last, terms of reference for negotiations, general guiding 
+principles for final agreement, definitions, and constraints, 
+as well as time lines and benchmarks for the negotiation 
+    No. 2--and this is very important--an agreed pathway to 
+recover and repatriate remains of U.S. servicemen. As the 
+chairman pointed out, we got some but there are many, many 
+more, and since this is a mutual interest of both sides, it is 
+an easy and very powerful outcome for the summit.
+    Many of you, I am sure, have relatives or have constituents 
+that are affected directly with the remains of our soldiers and 
+very compelling families that have come together to organize 
+and ask that the U.S. administration, over the years, try to 
+bring back the remains of several thousand of our men and women 
+that have been in North Korea.
+    No. 3, a mechanism and safeguards to mitigate risk of 
+conflict if a crisis in negotiation occurs. This can happen by 
+establishing a hotline between the leaders or mitigating 
+contact group to include regional stakeholders.
+    But there are other gestures the United States can offer 
+that are short of policy concessions, which can be highly 
+symbolic and motivating for the North Koreans, recommitment to 
+the aspirational joint statement of the June summit.
+    The summit would be a failure, in my judgment, if the 
+following is not produced:
+    One, failure to produce a practical and detailed framework 
+for negotiations, failure to define benchmarks in terms of 
+reference--without such framework, negotiations are going to 
+fizzle once again until the next summit is announced;
+    No. 2, failure to establish a roadmap for recovery and 
+repatriation of remains; and three, ambiguity and no record of 
+agreements and understandings reached between the two leaders 
+during their one-on-one meeting.
+    So finally, Mr. Chairman, here is my concern. I stated the 
+first one, that the disarmament talks yield and not produce 
+concrete denuclearization agreements.
+    The danger I see with North Korea is they do not want to 
+denuclearize. We have different definition of denuclearization. 
+My worry, too, is that somehow we will not get in this summit 
+an inventory of all the nuclear weapons, fissile material that 
+North Korea has.
+    They are very concerned--the North Koreans, having talked 
+to them for years--that if they disclose where these sites are 
+that we are going to bomb the sites, quite frankly, and they do 
+not want to disclose. But that is essential for any kind of 
+verification or arms control agreement.
+    So my concern is that on the issue of arms control and 
+disarmament there is going to be a very low bar for success 
+such as destroying the nuclear reactor at Yongbyon, which I 
+have been to that reactor. I think that has been promised 
+several times. I am not sure how operational it is, and Dr. Cha 
+probably has better information than I do.
+    Also, there have been some sites that have been allegedly 
+missile sites terminated. I am not sure if even verifying those 
+sites or that one or two sites that that is significant 
+disarmament initiative on the part of North Korea.
+    Another concern I have is that the negotiating partners in 
+the past that we have had--Victor, myself--have been the 
+foreign ministry and, generally, the foreign ministry of the 
+North Korean Republic--the DPRK--they are pragmatic.
+    You can deal with them, on prisoners, on human rights, 
+issues relating to remains, especially the Korean People Army--
+the military--which, in my judgment, is quite flexible.
+    Our negotiating partners are the intelligence people now, 
+the spy chief, and I am not sure that diplomacy wise they are 
+necessarily the most flexible. That concerns me, too.
+    So at the very end, in conclusion, here is my worry--that 
+yes, some positive statements come out of the summit, some 
+positive initiatives such as perhaps some joint searches for 
+remains of our soldiers to sites that are being looked at for 
+joint excavation of remains.
+    Two, a liaison office. All right. That is good. That is 
+good that we talk. That is good that we have operations in 
+North Korea. But the North Koreans may not agree to it because 
+they think that that is a way that we spy on them.
+    Three, human rights issues relating to North and South, 
+investments, economic development, development of joint 
+economic facility between North and South, family reunification 
+for North and South. That is good.
+    But my concern is that the true goal of denuclearization, 
+which is the issue of dismantling weapons of mass destruction--
+missiles, nuclear detonations, nuclear--will not happen. Maybe 
+a freeze. All right. That is better than nothing.
+    But those are my concerns, Mr. Chairman. I want the 
+president to succeed. You know, this is probably our most 
+dominant national security threat that we have.
+    But I do not think the threat is diminished.
+    [The prepared statement of Mr. Richardson follows:]
+    Chairman Sherman. Thank you, Governor. I think we all want 
+the president to succeed.
+    Dr. Victor Cha is a senior advisor and Korea chair at the 
+Center for Strategic and International Studies here in 
+Washington, DC. He is also a professor in government and 
+international affairs at Georgetown University.
+    Between 2004 and 2007 he served as director for Asian 
+affairs at the National Security Council at the White House. He 
+was responsible primarily for our relations with Japan, the 
+Korean Peninsula, and the Pacific nations.
+    Dr. Cha was also the deputy head of the delegation for the 
+United States at the Six-Party Talks in Beijing.
+    Dr. Cha.
+    Mr. Cha. Thank you, Chairman Sherman, Ranking Member Yoho, 
+members of the committee. It is a pleasure to be here with you 
+today as well as with Governor Richardson.
+    The last time I saw you I think we were in Pyongyang 
+together a little while--a few years back. But it is really 
+good to be here with the Governor.
+    Let me first say that I think President Trump deserves 
+credit for a couple of things. The first is that he stepped 
+away from the fire and fury posture of 2017.
+    Second is that he has invested in summit diplomacy based on 
+the theory that there is only--the reality that there is only 
+one person in North Korea that makes the decision. That is the 
+leader of North Korea. So you have to talk to them.
+    Three, he is really invested a lot of capital into try to 
+building a personal relationship with the North Korean leader. 
+And so I think, as everybody said here, we want him to succeed 
+this week.
+    But what I want to do is focus my comments on five numbers 
+that I think we need to take into consideration with regard to 
+what is going to happen this week, because there are a lot of 
+opinions here and around town on North Korea and not a lot of 
+data. So I am going to bring some data points to the 
+    The first is 1963, and 1963 is important because it is when 
+North Korea started landscaping the ground for where they would 
+build the Yongbyon nuclear complex. So this was not a program 
+that started after the end of the cold war when they lost the 
+support of the Soviet Union and China.
+    They had been building this program for well over half a 
+century. So I think as many of us clearly believe, I do not 
+think they are fully going to denuclearize.
+    The second number is 20. That refers to the number of 
+undisclosed missile bases in North Korea--short-range, medium-
+range, and intermediate range ballistic missile bases.
+    North Korea can close facilities without denuclearizing. 
+They can close facilities that they no longer need, things from 
+their past, and they can promise things about their future--the 
+promise not to transfer, the transfer not to do more testing.
+    But what they will hold in their hands is the present and 
+that are things like--those are things like these 20 missile 
+bases, the nuclear weapons stockpile, things of these--things 
+of this nature. That is a negotiating challenge.
+    The third number is 108, and this is the number of times 
+that the president has made reference to his--made reference to 
+the question of whether we need to have U.S. forces in Korea.
+    One of the key metrics for me of the success of this 
+meeting will not be so much what North Korea gives, because I 
+think that they will give very little, but that we do not cut 
+into our alliance equities and offer those as negotiating chips 
+to North Korea--things like our exercises and our readiness, 
+our troop disposition on the Peninsula. These are not things 
+that should be traded for temporary gains on North Korea.
+    The fourth number is 2007. 2007 refers to the last 
+agreement that we were a part of where North Korea agreed to a 
+peace regime on the Korean Peninsula and the stipulation then 
+was that at an appropriate time North Korea and the United 
+States and other parties would engage in peace regime talks.
+    The phrase ``at an appropriate time'' referred to North 
+Korean denuclearization, return to the nonproliferation treaty, 
+and full scope compliance with IAEA safeguards. So the idea of 
+a peace regime was contingent on these steps forward.
+    What we are doing now is we are potentially front loading 
+the peace regime part to see if we can get steps toward 
+denuclearization and compliance with IAEA NPT safeguards.
+    And, finally, fifth--the fifth number is two, and that 
+refers to 2 years have gone by and the administration has still 
+not appointed a senior envoy for human rights abuses in North 
+Korea. The human rights issue is often framed as a distraction 
+to the negotiations but it is not. For all of us to achieve our 
+objectives, the human rights issue needs to be addressed.
+    President Trump has made very clear that the core element 
+of his negotiation is to offer North Korea a brighter economic 
+future in return for giving up their weapons.
+    That brighter economic future cannot come without some 
+addressing of the human rights abuses because there is no 
+international financial institution, there is no general 
+counsel of any American corporation that is going to recommend 
+putting money into North Korea if there are human rights abuses 
+along the supply chain.
+    So it is in the interests of both the United States, South 
+Korea, and North Korea to bring human rights into the 
+    Thank you very much.
+    [The prepared statement of Mr. Cha follows:]
+    Chairman Sherman. I am going to hold off on my questions 
+for a bit and recognize the gentlelady from Nevada.
+    Ms. Titus. Well, thank you very much, Mr. Chairman, and 
+thank you and the ranking member for bringing us such 
+outstanding witnesses. They are so knowledgeable and I so much 
+appreciate their being with us today.
+    Both of you have mentioned how the president likes to 
+negotiate directly with the chairman and he seems to prefer 
+this mano a mano kind of diplomacy as opposed to anything 
+    Some of us believe, however, you have to include your 
+allies as you move forward in any kind of negotiation and I 
+believe part of our success working with North Korea we will be 
+able to work in collaboration with both Japan and South Korea.
+    Would you two please address what you think are the 
+consequences of our not bringing them into the circle or how is 
+our leadership in terms of getting them to work together with 
+us on this, even though their interests may not always align 
+and their interests may not always align with ours?
+    Mr. Richardson. In my judgment, Congresswoman, we need to 
+work with Japan better than we have. My sense is Japan has been 
+left out of the negotiations with North Korea. You know, there 
+is a rivalry with South Korea, who has been deeply engaged with 
+    So Japan is vulnerable to a missile attack and this is a 
+horrific prospect that the Japanese people are concerned about. 
+They also are concerned about getting some of their human 
+rights issues addressed by North Korea.
+    South Korea--I think President Moon has been very 
+constructive. He was elected as a peace candidate dialog with 
+North Korea. But sometimes I feel that he is getting ahead of 
+us on wanting an agreement with North Korea at all costs, in my 
+    They are great allies, and Dr. Cha mentioned I think it was 
+a mistake initially at the first summit for the United States 
+to make a concession, which is to reduce or terminate the 
+number of military exercises we had with South Korea.
+    So the last peg here is China. I do believe China has made 
+a positive effort at sanctions. You know, most of the commerce 
+that goes through North Korea is through China and China, I 
+believe, through the United Nations and other entities, there 
+are coal sanctions, energy sanctions, people sanctions against 
+North Korea. But they are not going to operate well unless they 
+are enforced.
+    I think China has done a better job in the past of 
+enforcing sanctions. But there is a lot of cross-border 
+contraband that they could do a better job of enforcing.
+    And, quite frankly, I have been a little worried. I know we 
+have some tense trade negotiations with China that somehow 
+China has to say, well, you know, you want to slap some tariffs 
+on us--maybe we will not help you as much on sanctions with 
+North Korea, which is vital.
+    Russia has not observed sanctions as much as they should--
+in fact, very little. That is another problem.
+    So you are right, Congresswoman. You got to have regional 
+support for what you are doing. I am pleased that they are 
+having this summit in Vietnam.
+    I think Vietnam is an emerging positive country that is 
+pro-private sector, that, you know, is concerned about Chinese 
+expansionism and I am pleased that they are part of this 
+regional situation.
+    But the Six-Party Talks, which Victor was involved with--
+the other countries, which encircle the whole issue--I am not 
+sure the Six-Party Talks can be revived again. I hope they 
+would. But this is how I see the regional perspective that you 
+    Ms. Titus. Doctor?
+    Mr. Cha. Yes. So on China, the key is to get China to 
+continue to enforce sanctions. Without Chinese economic 
+pressure, the North Koreans are not going to be willing to 
+negotiate in earnest.
+    Ninety percent of North Korea's external trade today is 
+with China. So if they do not put pressure on it does not work.
+    With South Korea, it is really restraining them. They are 
+so enthusiastic about moving forward that they too can do 
+things that would undercut U.S. leverage at the table. And then 
+with regard to Japan, as Governor Richardson said, they are--
+they are going to be important to any political and diplomatic 
+deal that is reached with North Korea.
+    Historically, they have been important in the past two 
+deals and they will be important again. So it is important that 
+we--it is critical that as we go into Hanoi that we have all of 
+these pieces in the right place, and that takes work. That is--
+there is bilateral discussions with the North Koreans but there 
+is also all this work you have to do on the side.
+    Ms. Titus. Do you feel like that is taking place?
+    Mr. Cha. I think with the South Koreans I have a sense that 
+it is. But it is difficult with the Chinese because of the 
+trade disputes, and Korea and Japan, our two key allies, are 
+just not talking to each other right now.
+    And so it was important that Secretary Pompeo, in his last 
+meeting with the South Korean foreign minister, expressly 
+talked about the need for more trilateral coordination because 
+usually we go into these meetings with North Korea having fully 
+consulted with Seoul and with Tokyo. And right now, because of 
+the difficulties between Seoul and Tokyo we are not able to do 
+    Ms. Titus. Thank you.
+    Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
+    Chairman Sherman. The ranking member is recognized.
+    Mr. Yoho. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I appreciate your 
+    Again, I am going to just reiterate the historic nature of 
+this. You know, in the past there has been three attempts--in 
+the Clinton Administration, in the Bush, and the Obama 
+Administration--to bring peace to the Korean Peninsula.
+    Yet, during those negotiations they were traditional. They 
+had traditional negotiators, people from the State Department, 
+diplomacy and all of that, and they did not work.
+    And so I think this is a great tactic. History will look 
+back on this moment, whether it was a good one or a bad one, 
+and let us hope for the--that it turns out the way we want it 
+    But and you brought this up, Governor Richardson. An 
+agreement should be gradual and broken into small reciprocal 
+steps, and you both have experience in the Asian market.
+    In order to do business, what we have heard, what is the 
+first thing you have to establish to move forward in any 
+negotiations over there?
+    Dr. Cha.
+    Mr. Cha. I mean, you have to establish a relationship. You 
+have to establish a relationship with the other party. You just 
+do not slap a legal document on the table. You have to 
+establish a relationship.
+    Mr. Yoho. That is what Americans are bad at. We have been 
+told over and over again--you guys want to get here, get the 
+bottom line, and you do not want to know anything about us.
+    And so I commend, I will say, the foresight of President 
+Trump reaching out to do this, and he has lavished praise and 
+edification on Kim Jong-Un that he has probably never had, and 
+I will hold off on whether he should deserve any of that at 
+this point.
+    But we need to look into the future of where we are going 
+and we cannot move forward if we do not have that initial trust 
+and that relationship. And then I had the opportunity to talk 
+to Special Envoy Biegun about what denuclearization is.
+    Do we have a firm commitment of what it is that all parties 
+agree on? Do you guys have any speculation or any idea? Do we 
+have a sound definition?
+    Mr. Cha. I think that there is a definition, Congressman, 
+you know, that has been agreed to by the North Koreans in the 
+past in writing and that is denuclearization means they will 
+give up all nuclear weapons and existing nuclear programs. That 
+is language that they signed up to in 2007.
+    I believe that--I believe that that is what the president 
+believes and that is the definition I think we will try to push 
+for in Hanoi.
+    Mr. Richardson. I believe that the North Koreans--we have a 
+different perspective of what denuclearization is. I think that 
+is the problem. In other words, we think, Congressman, that 
+denuclearization is dismantling, destroying, ending whatever--
+the 40 nuclear weapons, the WMD.
+    The North Koreans do not believe in that definition. They 
+want to keep their weapons. They want to keep some of their 
+    Now, so far, they have dismantled nothing. So there is a 
+definition--what is the word I am looking for--a definition 
+deficit here----
+    Mr. Yoho. Yes.
+    Mr. Richardson [continuing]. On what denuclearization is. 
+Now, I do agree, you have to have trust--I think maybe that was 
+the word you were looking for--in the relationship between the 
+two leaders and I will maybe take a little issue with what you 
+    Under the Clinton Administration, the agreed framework, 
+North Korea did not produce any weapons for 9 years and I think 
+the Bush Administration negotiated well with North Korea. The 
+problem was North Korea was intent on increasing their arsenal 
+and they are still doing it right now while saying they are for 
+    Mr. Yoho. Right. And I just--let me just add here, I am not 
+putting criticism on anybody----
+    Mr. Richardson. Right. OK.
+    Mr. Yoho [continuing]. You know, because that is not going 
+to do us any good. It is what can we learn from that that we 
+can move forward. And, again, that breakfast I had this morning 
+with Dr. Chung-in Moon, he has been there at all three 
+negotiations--probably the only person that was there on the 
+first three and he has been to every meeting up there with 
+President Moon.
+    He says he has seen a distinct difference in North Korea 
+today from when it was before. Before when they went there it 
+was all military that was present in the negotiations, in the 
+streets, in the Pyongyang whereas today you do not see hardly 
+any military presence.
+    So the atmosphere in North Korea has changed. Let us just 
+hope that we can have a definition that we all agree on that we 
+can move forward based on that trust, and what he said that Kim 
+Jong-Un has said that we have destroyed Yongbyon nuclear site.
+    But it was a nonfunctional one, as we understood it. But, 
+yet, he has not sent anybody in there to verify it from the 
+outside world other than their word and those things have got 
+to be built upon to move forward.
+    And let us just hope that the skilled people we have, with 
+Secretary Pompeo and Stephen Biegun, can move in that direction 
+to help facilitate those documents to move forward and that 
+once and for all we bring this Korean conflict to an end, peace 
+to the Peninsula with reunification as they see fit to serve 
+them between North and South, and that we look at trade because 
+our top four trading--after World War II we were in a war with 
+Germany, France.
+    Since then it was Korea and Vietnam. None of those 
+countries today have nuclear weapons and are--some of them are 
+our best trading partners.
+    So the idea that we want to implore to Mr. Kim is you do 
+not need nuclear weapons. Let us just focus on trade and get 
+rid of this and move forward on our economies and our 
+    I yield back. Thank you.
+    Chairman Sherman. Thank you.
+    The gentleman from Virginia.
+    Mr. Connolly. I thank the chair. Well, maybe on a more 
+critical note--I think a case could be made for diplomatic 
+malpractice in how we are approaching North Korea. Remember 
+that this is the administration that ripped up the JCPOA with 
+Iran, that by all accounts is working in every metric, because 
+it was inadequate.
+    And yet, they meet with the nuclear threat, Kim Jong-Un and 
+North Korea, and he gets international legitimacy from meeting 
+with the president of the United States, that audience with the 
+president directly, the cancellation of military exercises with 
+our South Korean allies, and in the joint statement they do not 
+even mention that denuclearization needs to be irreversible and 
+verifiable, which is one of our goals.
+    Not even mentioned in the joint statement. Nor is there any 
+mention of the North's ballistic missile program--a criticism 
+used to justify the evisceration of the JCPOA.
+    Why should we not look at that and call that what it is, 
+diplomatic malpractice? We have nothing, and Kim Jong-Un has a 
+    Now, maybe that is a strategic sort of move where we are 
+being patient and waiting for the future and this summit may 
+then prove that there are other steps. But it seems to me that 
+thus far nothing has happened and we have not even furthered 
+the goals ostensibly we say we are committed to.
+    Dr. Cha.
+    Mr. Cha. Thank you, Congressman.
+    So I am a professor so I will give you another number, and 
+that is seven. That is the number of pages that the agreement 
+that we worked on in 2007 was. It was seven pages long--the 
+Six-Party joint statement.
+    The JCPOA, I think, was 150 pages. I do believe that if we 
+are going to move forward with denuclearization with North 
+Korea, we are going to need a document that is much more 
+detailed, certainly, than what came out of Singapore and even 
+what came out of the previous two agreements under President 
+Bush and under President Clinton.
+    Mr. Connolly. Well, let me just--a little footnote. Yes, 
+but from your point of view after the first summit, did Kim 
+Jong-Un commit to anything?
+    Mr. Cha. No. I think the first summit laid out a statement 
+of principles. In many ways, it was an agreement between the 
+leaders about what the outcome of diplomacy should be, which is 
+normalized relations, a peace treaty, and a fully denuclearized 
+North Korea.
+    But subsequent to that, there were really no steps that 
+took us tangibly down any of those paths.
+    Mr. Connolly. Governor Richardson.
+    Mr. Richardson. With what Dr. Cha--what you said, on the 
+diplomacy side, I have been very involved with the remains 
+issue. I think something positive has come out of that. We need 
+to do a lot more.
+    I do think there are some human rights family 
+reunifications between North and South that are better.
+    Third, you know, this is very vague but there is less 
+tension in the Peninsula. However, Congressman, I agree with 
+you in terms of what North Korea committed to in the first 
+summit--complete denuclearization.
+    They have done nothing there. In fact, they increased their 
+enriched uranium capability. You know, they are not doing much.
+    Mr. Connolly. That is right.
+    Mr. Richardson. This is why I just hope the president, and 
+Congressman Yoho mentioned Stephen Biegun and Pompeo--
+especially Biegun. He knows what he is doing.
+    Mr. Connolly. Mr.--Governor Richardson, because I am going 
+to run out of time but I thank you for that answer.
+    Let me ask one other question. One of the concerns some 
+people have is that North Korea is about to get us into a trap 
+so that we sign an agreement ending the war, after 66 years.
+    But in doing that, which is a laudable goal, we undermine 
+the rationale for U.S. troop trip wire presence in South Korea. 
+Is that a realistic concern, Dr. Cha, and also Governor 
+    And I yield back the balance of my time.
+    Mr. Cha. Yes. I mean, I think there is some concern among 
+experts that in trying to get bigger steps on denuclearization 
+we might put bigger chips on the table.
+    As I said in my testimony, I think there should be a bright 
+red line between things that we do on sanctions versus things 
+that we do with our alliances. Sanctions, liaison offices, some 
+of the things that Governor Richardson mentioned--they may be 
+part of the bargain. But we should not be trading away alliance 
+    Mr. Connolly. If the chair would allow Governor Richardson 
+also to answer, I thank the chair.
+    Mr. Richardson. Yes. Congressman, I agree. I would not 
+trade an end to the war treaty or unless there is a 
+denuclearization of sizable numbers of dismantling of weapons 
+and WMD and missiles. I would not.
+    Perhaps a vaguer statement that says tensions are less and 
+the war is over, OK. Maybe. But not as a tradeoff unless there 
+is substantial denuclearization.
+    And I am concerned. There have been some reports that we 
+are considering that. And it means exactly what you said--the 
+vulnerability of us being or having to look at troop reductions 
+in South Korea. We have 30,000 troops there--28,000.
+    Chairman Sherman. I will recognize Mr. Bera after I 
+recognize the gentleman from Utah.
+    Mr. Curtis. Thank you, Mr. Chairman and Ranking Member. 
+This is an important hearing. Thank you to our witnesses for 
+being here.
+    I am hopeful that we see a productive summit. I, for one, 
+view it as historic and important to be taking these steps. 
+However, we know that the Kim regime does not negotiate in good 
+faith and I think many of us are optimistic but worrisome.
+    Regardless of the outcome of the summit, I for one will 
+continue to urge the administration to use every possible 
+economic and diplomatic solution to find answers and bring us 
+    As I listened to your testimoneys and questions of my 
+colleagues, I sometimes feel like we have a cultural thing here 
+in America where we want to solve everything immediately and we 
+hope that one summit or two summits has this magic ability to 
+solve it.
+    So I am curious, from both of your perspectives, not 
+whether we are on the cusp of solving this but how do you see 
+the trajectory? Are we improving and moving in a good 
+trajectory? I guess that is my simple question.
+    Governor first, and then Dr. Cha.
+    Mr. Richardson. Well, the trajectory is going to depend a 
+lot on the results of this summit--this upcoming summit 
+starting today or tomorrow. My hope, Congressman, is that there 
+be substantial progress on the denuclearization issue.
+    You talked about long range. I think it was unrealistic for 
+anyone to expect North Korea to denuclearize completely. They 
+always have--and if you look at that language, they have said 
+it in the agreement with Clinton, with Bush, and they never do 
+    Now, is there a trajectory that is more positive? I think 
+we have underestimated Kim Jong-Un. I think in the end--and I 
+am not--I am not praising him. I am saying he is--his vision is 
+an exchange for the lesser--some dismantling of nuclear 
+    He wants American investment. He wants European investment. 
+He wants infrastructure. He wants energy, a new grid, and so 
+the trajectory is in that direction. His father, I think, was 
+more of a--I will not call him--he was more of a negotiator.
+    He used to say, OK, well, you want this prisoner back from 
+the United States--send President Clinton to pick him. You 
+know, things like that.
+    Mr. Curtis. Right. And I hate to push you but I am going to 
+be short on time so let me--let me move on.
+    Mr. Cha. So I think if we look, starting, Congressman, from 
+2017, in 2017 there were 20 North Korean ballistic missile 
+tests and a hydrogen bomb test and we were moving military 
+assets to the region.
+    I mean, it was a really scary time. I mean, since then we 
+have gotten no diplomacy. We have gotten no more testing by the 
+North Koreans.
+    I just came back from South Korea about 10 days ago and 
+there is a completely different view now in South Korea. 
+Everybody says, the war is over--like, why do not we just admit 
+the war is over.
+    So I think there has been certainly a positive trajectory 
+since 2017. But, as the Governor said, the key piece is we 
+really need to see tangible steps on denuclearization coming 
+out of the summit because this has to be a road to somewhere, 
+right, and so that is the key piece.
+    Mr. Curtis. Let me kind of followup on that. We almost 
+exclusively talked about denuclearization and yet we have said 
+in this hearing today that Japan could be hit by long-range 
+ballistic missiles.
+    Is it a mistake not to have a broader scope than just 
+    Mr. Cha. No. I agree that it must include ballistic 
+missiles, not just the long-range but also the shorter and 
+medium range ones.
+    Mr. Curtis. As well. What is there culturally that 
+Americans need to understand that would help us better 
+understand this process. The two cultures, right, are very, 
+very different.
+    I mentioned earlier ours is one of immediate expectations 
+and things like that. What is there culturally that Americans 
+could better understand that would help us get our arms around 
+this process?
+    Mr. Richardson. From my experience--from my experience, 
+they negotiate totally differently than we do. Their idea of a 
+concession is they think they are always right.
+    It is a deity that guides them--the father or the 
+grandfather of Kim Jong-Un--and their idea of a concession is 
+they will give you a little more time for you to get to their 
+point of view.
+    That is their idea of a concession. They always want you to 
+go first. You make the concession and then we will--you know, 
+we will see about whether we reciprocate or not. They are 
+deeply suspicious of us, totally.
+    I mean, they think if we--if they disclose where their 
+weaponsites are we are going to bomb them. I mean, there is 
+just--I have been there several times. It is just another--
+another world.
+    Mr. Curtis. OK. I am out of time. Let me thank both of you 
+and yield my time back.
+    Chairman Sherman. I know I had said it would be the 
+gentleman from California. However, the gentlelady from 
+Pennsylvania has returned. She is vice chair of this 
+subcommittee and she is recognized.
+    Ms. Houlahan. Thank you. I appreciate that, and thank you, 
+gentlemen, for your testimony.
+    The history of negotiations between the U.S. and North 
+Korea is, obviously, long and tumultuous. But one thing is 
+clear and I think a lot of people have been talking about it--
+the importance of all of our allies and our partners in the 
+region and making sure that we are respectful to them.
+    What is your assessment of how the administration is or is 
+not implementing ARIA, or the Asia Reassurance Initiative Act, 
+which we recently signed in December?
+    And, specifically, can you talk a little bit about the 
+U.S.-Korea special measures agreement that was recently also 
+agreed to and the impact that it might have on our bilateral 
+relationships since it is a short timeframe instead of a longer 
+    And then, finally, if you could talk about that impact on 
+Japan, who is also up for that same kind of conversation as 
+well and its impact on our relationship with that important 
+    Mr. Cha. So, Congresswoman, I would say that the special 
+measures, or SMA negotiations, have created a lot of ripple 
+effects I think not just in Korea but in Asia and allies, more 
+    I mean, it is clearly a different template for negotiating, 
+at least in the Korean case, the nonpersonnel cost of 
+stationing U.S. forces in Korea.
+    You know, someone said the president wants cost plus, which 
+is very different from what has been negotiated in the past. A 
+very tumultuous 12 months of negotiation led to this interim 
+agreement. It is not followed as much here in the United States 
+but it is followed very carefully in the region.
+    And the SMA Korea negotiations were watched by Japan. They 
+were watched by NATO because they are next on the block. These 
+are not easy negotiations even in the best of times. But I 
+think these particular negotiations are quite contentious and 
+it is not clear to me what the ultimate effect will be in terms 
+of how the allies perceive the United States as we continue to 
+as for more and more of these allies.
+    Mr. Richardson. Congresswoman, sometimes I feel that the 
+U.S.-South Korea relationship is very important. But, if 
+anything, I would say to this administration, for instance, 
+they are obsessed with having South Korea pay more for the 
+military relationship that we have.
+    We do want to save money, but the U.S. military 
+relationship with South Korea is in our interest, too, and 
+sometimes, I will say, the president says, well, they should 
+pay more. All right, and South Korea is paying a little more.
+    But that is a very valuable military relationship for us, 
+not just because of--not just because of North Korea but 
+because of China and the region.
+    Second, with Japan, we should be more conscious of Japan's 
+needs in this security relationship with North Korea. Yes, the 
+president and the prime minister of Japan have a very good 
+personal relationship.
+    But somehow the Japanese government--you can get a briefing 
+on this--feels that they have been left out of this 
+    Ms. Houlahan. Yes.
+    Mr. Richardson. China--again, it is a very complicated 
+relationship we have with China and we absolutely need them to 
+keep enforcing sanctions or the pressure on North Korea will 
+    Now, there are some very good, as I mentioned, family 
+relationship, more investments between North and South. I think 
+all of that is good--less tension.
+    Ms. Houlahan. Thank you.
+    And my last question is, as a member of the Armed Services 
+Committee as well as this one, I am very concerned about the 
+suspension of exercises in other committee hearings that I have 
+    The military folks have been also similarly concerned about 
+how long we can do this and still remain ready and effective. 
+Do you all have any insight into that as well?
+    Mr. Cha. So my understanding is that when we go for a full 
+year without exercising then we are really starting to erode 
+readiness. There are elements, as you know well, of these 
+exercises that we can do in other places like Cobra Gold. But 
+there are certain elements of the exercise that can only be 
+done on the Peninsula.
+    So this is something really that has to be considered, you 
+know, if we are looking to suspend the spring exercises, which 
+were to start actually this month. If we suspend those again, I 
+think we really need to think about how we are going to 
+maintain readiness because readiness is part of deterrence and 
+that is what has made the Peninsula peaceful since 1953.
+    Ms. Houlahan. Thank you.
+    And sir?
+    Mr. Richardson. I would just add, this was a concession in 
+the first summit that we got nothing in return. So we should 
+not concede that one again. Maybe you bring them back, those 
+exercises, if North Korea is not conscious of doing something 
+on denuclearization.
+    They are valuable for South Korea, for the United States, 
+for our troops. You know, you want them ready in case there is 
+a misfire or some kind of small conflict that could light up 
+the whole region.
+    Ms. Houlahan. Thank you. That is incredibly helpful, 
+gentlemen. Thank you very much for your time. I yield back.
+    Chairman Sherman. The gentleman from Utah is recognized.
+    Oh, excuse me. No. The gentleman from Pennsylvania is 
+    Mr. Perry. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Thank you, gentlemen, 
+for your testimony.
+    Dr. Cha, what was the United States posture vis-a-vis North 
+Korea prior to this administration from a hostility/wartime 
+footing? I mean, I am trying to--I am not trying to evoke--I am 
+not trying to put words in your mouth but what would you--how 
+would you characterize our posture vis-a-vis North Korea?
+    Mr. Cha. Prior to the state of this Administration it was, 
+I think, popularly known as strategic patience, which was sort 
+of a medium level sanctions plan with the effort of trying to 
+bring North Korea to the table to negotiate.
+    Mr. Perry. And what was North Korea doing under that 
+    Mr. Cha. They were actively building their nuclear weapons 
+programs and ballistic missile programs and were on the verge 
+of testing at the end of--at the end of 2016 and I believe that 
+those tests would have happened in 2017 no matter who was 
+    Mr. Perry. Right. So they were building, progressing, 
+testing, and from the--from the United States standpoint, I 
+think that we were at a posture of considering armed conflict 
+with North Korea.
+    But if I am the only one here that thinks that--I mean, do 
+you get that sense that that is where we were?
+    Mr. Cha. My sense is that the previous administration was 
+really focused on sanctioning toward the last--sort of last 12 
+months in office, were really focused on ramping up the 
+sanctions campaign, which then the Trump administration took to 
+an even higher degree.
+    Mr. Perry. I agree with that. But having--I participated 
+personally in the military exercises on the Peninsula as a 
+service member and I was in this house at the time of the last 
+administration and the conclusion of it and I attended 
+briefings with uniformed service members who, I would just tell 
+you, in my opinion, the posture of the United States military 
+was planning for armed conflict if necessary in North Korea. 
+And I just want to ask if you dispute that--if you can dispute 
+that. Maybe that is the best way of putting it.
+    Mr. Cha. I do not know, Congressman. I mean, I think what 
+I--what I recognized the most was this effort at building 
+sanctions on the regime and focusing on more robust exercises.
+    Mr. Perry. Sure. Sure. But the sanctions were not working, 
+right? They were still constructing, they were testing, and 
+they were posturing--the rhetoric, everything, was, in my 
+opinion--maybe I am wrong so if I am wrong correct me.
+    But everything we were seeing from North Korea was 
+    Mr. Cha. Yes.
+    Mr. Perry. Yes. Right? So let me ask you this. Is the fact 
+that they are not launching missiles out into the ocean and 
+over Japan and continue with nuclear tests for the last--
+essentially, the greater part of the last 2 years, is that--can 
+that be viewed as a concession or not?
+    Mr. Cha. It is certainly an important nonevent. Yes. 
+Fifteen months of no testing of any sort is good for the 
+diplomatic climate and also makes it harder for them to develop 
+their programs.
+    Mr. Perry. Right. Right. So, look, I am not pie in the sky 
+here and I am not looking, like, through rose-colored glasses. 
+North Korea is a hostile actor and an enemy of the United 
+States of America and Western civilization and democracies all 
+around the world. That is a given, right?
+    But I think we are at a--you know, I think it is hard to 
+say objectively that we are not, at this very point, in a 
+better place from a rhetorical and a wartime footing vis-a-vis 
+North Korea than we were at the end of the last administration.
+    I think it is--and there has been a price to pay for that. 
+Let us just--let us just admit there has been a price to pay 
+for that.
+    But I think that Americans right now are sleeping a little 
+better not wondering if tomorrow their sons and daughters are 
+going to be called up to go to war on the Korean Peninsula with 
+potential horrific artillery barrage on Seoul or nuclear 
+weapons being exchanged across the lines. I mean, is that 
+reasonably safe to say?
+    Mr. Cha. Yes. I mean, I think the--this administration's 
+decision to engage in the summit diplomacy with North Korea has 
+certainly played a role in their not testing----
+    Mr. Perry. Right.
+    Mr. Cha [continuing]. And that has made the situation a lot 
+    Mr. Perry. So, because the tenor of the meeting seems to be 
+that the president has failed. It is more dangerous. We are 
+giving everything away. We are getting nothing for it.
+    Look, I do not like dealing with dictators at all. But I 
+understand they live in the world today and if we are going 
+to--and if we are going to, you know, try and fix things we are 
+going to have a discussion with them and I do not remember 
+anybody on this committee on the other side of the aisle being 
+too upset when the last administration negotiated with Cuba and 
+opened up relations with them.
+    One last question, though, for you, sir. With Asian 
+diplomacy particular and specifically vis-a-vis other places in 
+the world, is not the personal relationship key to success in 
+that as opposed to the tenets of an agreement or the--or the 
+facts of the matter.
+    I mean, the relationship is what folks from that part of 
+the world see as key and building a trusting relationship to 
+moving forward. Is that true or not true, generally speaking?
+    Mr. Cha. Yes. I mean, I think if we want a watershed 
+agreement with North Korea there needs--you need to establish 
+trust with the only person who makes a decision.
+    Mr. Perry. And how many meetings has this president has 
+with that--with President Kim?
+    Mr. Cha. This is now his second meeting.
+    Mr. Perry. This is now--so we have--we have one meeting. We 
+have had one meeting and we are predicating all the rhetoric 
+here in this committee on one meeting the start. Not the end of 
+negotiations, like in the JCPOA, but the beginning.
+    With that, Mr. Chairman, I would yield.
+    Chairman Sherman. I recognize the gentleman from 
+    Mr. Bera. Great. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
+    I am going to take a little bit of different perspective 
+than my colleague from Pennsylvania. I do not view foreign 
+policy and our strategic aims through a lens of partisanship or 
+one administration or another administration and I would say, 
+you know, I had my issues with the prior administration--
+President Obama and strategic patience, which I did think 
+eroded some of our strength in that region. You know, I would 
+point to the South China Sea and the complexity of not 
+addressing that a bit more aggressively.
+    I would also argue that, you know, having been on the same 
+committee, having gone through those same briefings, I do not 
+think the prior administration was putting us on a war footing.
+    I do think our troops on the Peninsula constantly are 
+training, constantly are prepared. For those of us that have 
+gone to the DMZ and talked to those troops, they are constantly 
+ready for anything to happen.
+    I do think 2 years ago this time and even a year and a half 
+ago the tensions on the Peninsula, the potential of kinetic 
+conflict, the potential of war was much higher.
+    I will credit the Trump administration for being willing to 
+negotiate and, you know, maybe there was a strategic goal there 
+of increasing those tensions, increasing the possibility of 
+war, increasing the sanctions, to bring them to the table.
+    So, I am going to give credit to the Trump administration 
+just starting a dialog. I have very real concerns that the 
+outcome of the first summit was, you know, a halting of our 
+troop preparation, our exercises in the region.
+    I think we have to continue to maintain a strong posture 
+there. I am very concerned, and both of you referenced it. We 
+hear the rumblings of troop reductions, troop withdrawals. You 
+know, regardless, even if we had a safe peninsula that was 
+moving forward with denuclearization, the presence of our 
+troops on the Peninsula served broader strategic importance--
+served strategic importance of stabilizing that region.
+    We have an adversary in China. It serves a strategic 
+importance in being a check on China's aggressiveness in the 
+region and I would caution the administration. I would point 
+out that Congress does have an oversight role here. There are 
+checks and balances.
+    Our colleague from Arizona, Mr. Gallego, has in the prior 
+Congress introduced legislation to--you know, if troop levels 
+fall below a certain level you have got to come to Congress and 
+justify that, and I think those are the right steps for us as a 
+    This is going to be a long process and, again, I am not 
+criticizing the Trump administration. I would rather see 
+dialog. I would rather see where we are today, where the 
+atmosphere on the Peninsula is not one of imminent war or 
+concern but is one of looking at how do you--how do you move 
+    So both of you, in your opening testimony and, you know, my 
+sense is let us not set expectations for this summit super high 
+but let us actually be realistic. And if we can come out of the 
+summit with that framework and that parameter of what does this 
+look like, moving forward, in terms of meetings, who is going 
+to be negotiating--future Chairman and President Trump 
+    Governor Richardson, what would--if you were sitting at the 
+negotiating table what would success look like to you? And then 
+I will ask the same question to Dr. Cha.
+    Mr. Richardson. Well, success for me would be a commitment 
+by North Korea to dismantle some--some of their weapons, 
+missiles. I will not get into a number because they vary. WMD--
+some tangible dismantling. What else are remaining?
+    Mr. Bera. Do you think that is realistic out of this 
+particular summit as opposed to, I guess, success--what a 
+framework--next negotiating steps would be?
+    Mr. Richardson. A freeze would be a mild success of 
+existing testing, weapons, new development. But, in a way, 
+North Korea has already done that, you know, so you want to 
+move forward.
+    Establishing a liaison office is good for both sides. 
+Dialogue--it would allow, for instance, our inspectors to have 
+a chance. Our inspectors' verification time lines--that is also 
+a definition of success. More joint excavations of our remains. 
+I think Dr. Cha mentioned eventually a discussion on human 
+rights, religious freedom there. But I think that is more----
+    Mr. Bera. And since I am going to run out of time let me 
+just--you know, some of us also think part of the reason why 
+Chairman Kim is willing to sit at the table now is they have 
+acquired their nuclear capabilities. They have acquired their 
+missile capabilities, et cetera.
+    So now they are not negotiating from a place of weakness. 
+They are negotiating from a place where they have acquired some 
+of those capabilities and that is certainly--let us go into 
+this with our eyes wide open.
+    Mr. Cha. So I would say that in terms of what would be 
+success, you know, the key word is verifiability. Whatever the 
+North Koreans give us, whether it is a couple of sites or 
+whether it is a promise not to produce more fissile material, 
+it has to be verifiable, right.
+    And so they decommissioned some sites after the Singapore 
+Summit, as Congressman Yoho said, but they did not allow 
+anybody to verify it. And so that is really the key piece to me 
+is to see whatever they have put on the table--how small or how 
+large--it has to be verifiable.
+    Chairman Sherman. I recognize the gentlelady from Missouri.
+    Mrs. Wagner. I thank--thank you, Mr. Chairman, for 
+organizing this hearing and thank you to our witnesses for 
+their time.
+    Following up on my friend and colleague, Mr. Bera's, line 
+of questioning, Dr. Cha, U.S. special representative for North 
+Korea, Stephen Biegun, who Governor Richardson has spoken so 
+highly of, has noted that even as United States pursues a 
+direct leader-to-leader format for the current talks with North 
+Korea, it is supplementing summit-level meetings with intensive 
+working-level negotiations.
+    Do you think this strategy will better ensure the U.S. 
+walks away from Hanoi with some sort of acceptable deal, 
+    Mr. Cha. Congresswoman, I think what--certainly what was 
+better in process with regard to this summit was that there was 
+a lead up of intense, as you said----
+    Mrs. Wagner. Right.
+    Mr. Cha [continuing]. Working-level negotiations that Steve 
+Biegun led. The first summit in Singapore, as you remember, was 
+just an announcement that they were going to meet and there was 
+no working-level effort.
+    So those working-level meetings are important to help the 
+outcome of the summit be successful.
+    Mrs. Wagner. Not just happening at the summit. Let us be 
+clear, Dr. Cha. It has been in the lead-up to the summit----
+    Mr. Cha. Yes.
+    Mrs. Wagner [continuing]. In a very intensified way, from 
+what I understand. Is that your understanding?
+    Mr. Cha. Yes. Yes. And that is--that is the way it should 
+be done. Yes.
+    Mrs. Wagner. Great. Wonderful.
+    Governor Richardson, you have spent decades working through 
+formal and informal channels in North Korea to secure the 
+release of American citizens held unjustly by the Kim regime.
+    Informal exchanges like the relationships you have built 
+over the last several years can be highly effective in 
+promoting mutual understanding. How do your efforts support and 
+intersect with official talks?
+    Mr. Richardson. I think you asked a question about Special 
+Envoy Biegun. I think he is very effective. You know, the 
+administration consults with me. They do not listen, though.
+    [Laughter.]
+    Mrs. Wagner. They do not listen to me either.
+    Chairman Sherman. They do not even talk to me.
+    [Laughter.]
+    Mr. Richardson. They do, sometimes.
+    Mrs. Wagner. I know.
+    Mr. Richardson. My point here, Congresswoman, is I think 
+you need, yes, Presidential--the president. That is good. 
+Personal relationships. But you need the staff work in 
+preparation for that.
+    Mrs. Wagner. Right.
+    Mr. Richardson. And sometimes I wonder, because of the 
+president's style, that that does not happen as much as it 
+should. I hope he is listening. I mean, we are going to find 
+out in 2 days whether this summit is a success or not. He 
+listens to Envoy Biegun, the Secretary Pompeo, you know, who 
+has had to negotiate with the North Korean's spy chief ever 
+since the first summit or before the first summit.
+    My worry is--and before, I think, you came in I said it is 
+better to negotiate with the foreign ministry types in North 
+Korea rather than the intelligence people because they are more 
+    We will see what happens in this next summit. We are kind 
+of hanging on to--for the result.
+    Mrs. Wagner. But you would agree that both formal and 
+informal lines----
+    Mr. Richardson. Absolutely.
+    Mrs. Wagner [continuing]. Of communication are important, 
+    Mr. Richardson. Absolutely. Absolutely. You know, on 
+prisoner exchanges.
+    Mrs. Wagner. Right.
+    Mr. Richardson. On rescuing American servicemen, on 
+remains--yes. I mean----
+    Mrs. Wagner. We thank you for your leadership in that----
+    Mr. Richardson. Thank you.
+    Mrs. Wagner [continuing]. In that regard. Russia and China 
+appear to be weakening on sanctions enforcement, although U.S. 
+negotiators are working to solidify support in advance of the 
+Hanoi Summit.
+    Dr. Cha, how worried should we be about Chinese and Russian 
+compliance and how can the U.S. convince the international 
+community to kind of hold the line?
+    Mr. Cha. So it is--I think it is a real problem, 
+Congresswoman. Any agreement we make with North Korea has to be 
+enforceable, and enforceability means also sanctioning if they 
+violate the agreement, and China holds a lot of cards when it 
+comes to sanctioning.
+    I mean, I think the only--the only way to really compel 
+China to do this is to be willing to secondary sanction--I 
+mean, to go after Chinese companies that are willfully and 
+knowingly violating U.S. law. That is the only way to----
+    Mrs. Wagner. Well, you found that secondary sanctions can 
+be very effective in that regard?
+    Mr. Cha. I think--I think they can. They certainly spread 
+the net of who is responsible when it comes to this. I mean, 
+China is a U.N. Security Council member so they should be 
+complying with the 11 U.N. Security Council resolutions with 
+regard to North Korea on--particularly on trade. But they 
+really have not been for about 15 months now.
+    Mrs. Wagner. Well, thank you. I think my time is about to 
+expire so I yield back, Mr. Chairman.
+    Chairman Sherman. Thank you. I will recognize myself at 
+this point. As to denuclearization, I am not sure that we 
+disagree as to what it means. I think we disagree as to when.
+    All the signatories of the nonproliferation treaty 
+including Russia and the United States are on record saying we 
+look forward to eventually having no nuclear weapons in the 
+world and I am confident that Pyongyang will denuclearize as 
+soon as the United States and Russia do so.
+    As to the change in the level of tension, 2015 and 2016 was 
+not a period of particularly high blood pressure. We had a 
+policy of strategic patience. It was not a good policy but at 
+least it was not a policy fraught with tension.
+    The tension was in 2017. It has declined since then. As to 
+a minimal level of success, I think I mostly agree with the 
+Governor. But I would say that if we had a verifiable halt to 
+the creation of more fissile material that would mean we were 
+    If all we have is a halt to testing, well, Kim has said he 
+has done all the testing he needs. So a new test might not make 
+us less safe since it would give him the information he already 
+has or claims to already have, whereas, clearly, a halt to the 
+creation of new fissile material, if verifiable, would make us 
+    Dr. Cha, you talk about the importance of human rights. We, 
+obviously, need to be bringing this up. It is very important to 
+the North Koreans. One place where they could make a concession 
+easily is to allow more family reunification visits, 
+particularly for the 100,000 Korean Americans who have family 
+north of the 38th Parallel.
+    Is there any reason why Kim would not make that concession 
+other than he knows we want it so he would not want to give it 
+to us? Any disadvantage to him to allowing such family 
+reunifications with Korean Americans?
+    Mr. Cha. No. I mean, I think, as you said, that there are 
+still many divided families as a result of the Korean War. This 
+could be a very useful humanitarian gesture.
+    I say useful because, from the perspective of incentives, 
+there is every reason for him to do it if he wants to have, you 
+know, a more positive view of the--of himself in the broader--
+in the broader press.
+    But there still needs to be--there needs to be a raising of 
+the human rights abuses, not just humanitarian issues.
+    Chairman Sherman. Gotcha.
+    Mr. Richardson. Congressman, could I just add to that?
+    Chairman Sherman. Yes.
+    Mr. Richardson. What North Korea needs more than anything 
+in terms of investments, it is not necessarily the United 
+States. It is South Korea. And there is an effort by South 
+Korea to possibly invest in the railway in North Korea, the 
+Kaesong joint facility that was shut down.
+    So my point is that North Korea will want to make strong 
+family reunification. It is in their interests if they want 
+this South Korean investment. I mean, it is called politics. It 
+is something that you are all the experts.
+    Chairman Sherman. Now, the North Koreans have a 
+conventional military double the size of South Korea and yet 
+they are pressuring us to remove some of our 28,000 troops 
+while, of course, North Korea has almost a million, or to make 
+those troops less effective by canceling exercises.
+    I have been told that the long-term North Korean dream is 
+you get America to withdraw its forces. This makes 
+international business less interested in investing in South 
+Korea. That leads to the kind of economic decline in South 
+Korea that makes unification on their terms possible.
+    Is there any--how do the North Koreans argue for a 
+diminution of American forces in South Korea when they have 
+such a powerful conventional military?
+    Governor or Doctor?
+    Mr. Cha. Well, I think it goes along with, and this goes 
+back to the gap and denuclearization definitions--it goes back 
+to the way the North Koreans define denuclearization.
+    They define it as being--their willingness to do this will 
+be--will happen when the United States is off the Peninsula and 
+no longer has a security commitment to South Korea. That is 
+when they consider real--the real concept of denuclearization.
+    Chairman Sherman. It's good politics in the United States 
+to announce an end to the Korean War and sign the peace treaty. 
+All Americans like peace treaties. This would not cause 
+pressure on the United States to move its forces from South 
+    We have a--World War II is over with peace treaties in 
+Europe and Japan and we had troops in Germany--we have troops 
+in Japan. So the question is would a peace treaty with North 
+Korea--it, obviously, is important to them--but it--would it 
+create pressure in South Korea to expel American troops?
+    Doctor or Governor?
+    Mr. Cha. Quickly, I will just say that--yes. Quickly, I 
+will just say that I think it would start to create a 
+discussion about the utility of U.S. forces in Korea once a 
+peace declaration of some sort was made, certainly, among the 
+progressive camp in South Korea. Maybe less so among the 
+conservative camp, but certainly among the progressive camp.
+    Chairman Sherman. OK. And then, finally, Governor, what are 
+the phony concessions that North Korea can make? Are there 
+facilities that are no longer useful to them? Yongbyon, I 
+guess, may have outlived its usefulness. The nuclear weapons 
+testing facility they destroyed some or all of because it 
+outlived its usefulness.
+    What are the things they can give up that sound important 
+that are not important?
+    Mr. Richardson. You mentioned the two that are, I think, 
+most obvious--the Yongbyon facility, this test site where they 
+blew up I think the sides and they did not allow inspections or 
+the press there.
+    Those are what I would expect they will try to get away 
+with. I just happen to think that if they continue to say, we 
+are not going to have any testing--nuclear testing, missile 
+testing--they have already done that. I want them to do a lot 
+    While I am not diminishing that but, this is something that 
+they have done the last--it is now almost a year. Let them do 
+more. Again, I agree with Dr. Cha. Verification is essential of 
+what they do, and I am concerned with one concession that I 
+sense we may be giving up and that is list all of your sites, 
+your facilities, and inventory so this can be inspected and 
+verified, and I sense that we are kind of--may lose that at 
+this summit.
+    Chairman Sherman. All the press reports are that we have 
+given up on that, and that--and with that, I will recognize the 
+gentleman from Michigan.
+    Mr. Levin. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and thanks to you and 
+the ranking member for the terrific witnesses here. I thank 
+both of you for coming. Good to see you, Governor Richardson.
+    Dr. Cha, I want to start with a question for you about 
+human rights. The logic behind choosing Vietnam for this 
+summit's setting seems to be that if Kim sees firsthand 
+Vietnam's economic success he will want to mirror that success 
+in North Korea. Or, put another way, he may see an incentive to 
+    One issue that seems to be missing from this calculus, 
+though, is human rights. Human Rights Watch reported earlier 
+this month that, and I am quoting, ``Vietnam's one-party state 
+severely restricts fundamental civil and political rights and 
+has stepped up its harsh crackdown on activists and 
+    Reports indicate that these crackdowns range from arbitrary 
+arrests of activists to a lack of press freedom to a grossly 
+unfair legal system. Amnesty International has documented more 
+than a hundred prisoners of conscience who remain in prison at 
+the risk of being tortured or ill-treated.
+    So my question to you is, is there a risk that Kim will get 
+the message that North Korea can indeed achieve what Vietnam 
+has and that just like Vietnam he does not need to respect 
+human rights to do it?
+    Mr. Cha. Thanks, Congressman. It is a great question.
+    I certainly hope that is not the message that he will get. 
+I mean, if anything, I think what would be very useful would be 
+for the North Korean leader to get a briefing about all the 
+laws that now exist passed by this body with regard to not just 
+proliferation but human rights abuses that will make it 
+impossible for U.S. companies to do any sort of business in 
+North Korea.
+    That could probably be the most important thing that could 
+be told to him that would be incentive for him to try to 
+address the human rights abuses in the country.
+    Mr. Levin. I really need to study up on that because I have 
+noticed a lot of U.S. companies doing a lot of business in 
+countries with gross human rights violations over the years. 
+Maybe we have done a better job more recently before I came to 
+Congress. I think of not--this is not just about Korea or Asia, 
+you know--in Latin America and Central America and all over the 
+world, in Africa and so forth.
+    You mentioned earlier, that the Trump administration has 
+failed to appoint a special envoy for human rights in North 
+Korea, which is a requirement set forth in the North Korea 
+Human Rights Act of 2004. What impact do you think this vacancy 
+has on the coordination of our larger North Korea policy?
+    Mr. Cha. So as you mentioned, it is mandated by Congress. 
+President Bush appointed the first Special Envoy for Human 
+Rights, Jay Lefkowitz, and then President Obama appointed Bob 
+    I think the most important job--position--role that this 
+position plays is a leadership role not just here in Washington 
+but at the United Nations and, indeed, around the world with 
+regard to getting the international community to focus on the 
+human rights abuses in North Korea.
+    One very quick example--last December the U.N. Security 
+Council did not vote for raising U.N.--North Korean human 
+rights in the Security Council agenda, which I think was a big 
+defeat because they had done it previously.
+    And there is another opportunity this spring, perhaps after 
+the summit, but it requires U.S. leadership and if we do not 
+have an envoy and if we do not have a U.N. Ambassador it is 
+harder to do that.
+    Mr. Levin. And do you think that this lack of appointing 
+someone sends a signal to the international community about our 
+commitment to human rights, more broadly?
+    Mr. Cha. Well, I think that there are a number of people 
+around town who have drawn a relationship between the absence 
+of a human rights envoy and things that are happening in 
+China--more crackdowns in China--the Uyghur camps in China.
+    So the United States always has been a beacon for human 
+rights and human freedom, and we should continue to do so.
+    Mr. Levin. Thank you very much. I hope we do continue to do 
+so and I fear that we are not being that beacon right now.
+    Mr. Chairman, I yield back my time.
+    Chairman Sherman. Thank you.
+    I recognize the gentlelady from Virginia.
+    Ms. Spanberger. Thank you, Mr.----
+    Chairman Sherman. Oh, and I will point out we will do a 
+second round, but we will adjourn by 12:20 at the very latest.
+    Ms. Spanberger. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
+    So, Dr. Cha, you have written extensively and, Governor 
+Richardson and Dr. Cha, we have talked extensively today about 
+undeclared North Korean missile operating bases that may not be 
+included in denuclearization discussions.
+    News reports earlier this month described a U.N.--a 
+confidential U.N. report that North Korea was engaging in what 
+the intelligence community calls denial and deception 
+techniques--deliberate efforts to hide their nuclear and 
+ballistic weapons to prevent U.S. and others from discovering 
+    Dr. Cha, you spoke a bit as well about the idea that any 
+agreements have to be verifiable. So my question is, given the 
+denial and deception, how can we ensure that inspectors, given 
+whatever agreement is made, are gaining access to all of North 
+Korea's weapons and facilities and operating bases and how can 
+the U.S. negotiate an agreement that North--with North Korea 
+that would actually account for any undeclared weaponsites, 
+development facilities, or operating bases and ensure that we 
+can verify whatever agreements are made?
+    Mr. Cha. Well, it requires the president to raise it. I 
+mean, this is--I think there are things that North Korea will 
+be willing to put on the table in the discussions over the next 
+48 hours. But the key condition, I think, for our side to say 
+that this is useful or successful would be conditions and 
+protocols for verification.
+    I mean, once they agree to verification we know how to do 
+it. The International Atomic Energy Agency knows how to do it. 
+There are people there who have known these North Korean sites 
+for years from working on them in the past.
+    But it requires the president to raise it and for the North 
+Koreans to agree to it.
+    Ms. Spanberger. As a former intelligence officer myself--I 
+am a former CIA officer--I am particularly concerned about what 
+appears to be a growing disconnect between our political and 
+intelligence leaders and, in particular, the undermining of 
+objective nonpartisan intelligence assessment.
+    So following up on that notion of what is verifiable, 
+allowing third-party organizations to determine what is in fact 
+happening on the ground in North Korea and also listening to 
+our intelligence community assessments based--about what is 
+happening in North Korea.
+    Do you have any thoughts about what we, as Members of 
+Congress, can do to ensure that the White House is, in the 
+first place, receiving, considering, and then evaluating the 
+intelligence information and other information that is 
+available and created to help inform U.S. policy engagement 
+with North Korea?
+    Mr. Cha. It is a great question and, again, given your 
+experience in this area, you know a lot more than I do about 
+this. I will just say that when we were doing the negotiations 
+10 years ago, the intelligence briefing that we had every 
+morning was about the most important information that we could 
+work from and without it, personally, I felt like we were just 
+flying blind.
+    This is the hardest intelligence target in the world. I 
+think Governor Richardson would agree it is the hardest 
+intelligence target in the world. But I think our IC--the 
+intelligence community--has done a remarkable job trying to 
+gain information not just about their capabilities but their 
+    Mr. Richardson. I would just add, Congresswoman, what is 
+critical is that you and this committee get the best briefings 
+from our intelligence people. That is No. 1.
+    And I believe that what the NSA and CIA and DIA the--and I 
+am concerned about this gap between the White House and our 
+intelligence people. And, you know, we spent billions on 
+intelligence--human assets, technological assets, and we should 
+listen to them.
+    But I think you, in your role of oversight, should insist 
+on those briefings. What else would I suggest? You know, 
+verification inspections are key. The North Koreans will object 
+if we are the inspectors, I believe--we, the United States.
+    We should insist on that. Perhaps the International Atomic 
+Energy Agency--the IAEA, that is involved with the Iran deal in 
+the past--well, it still is--that that may be part of the 
+inspections regime.
+    Ms. Spanberger. Thank you very much to the witnesses.
+    And to the chair, I yield back.
+    Chairman Sherman. Without objection, we will recognize a 
+member of the full committee who is not a member of this 
+subcommittee but the former chair of the subcommittee, Mr. 
+    Mr. Chabot. Thank you very much.
+    I apologize, first of all. I was in Judiciary and unable 
+to--but I definitely wanted to stop by. It is a very important 
+topic and I will go back and review the questions with my 
+colleagues and the answers later on.
+    You know, I have to be very honest about this whole 
+negotiations and meetings with Kim Jong-Un. He is somebody--he, 
+being Kim Jong-Un, is somebody--if he is anything like this 
+father and grandfather and, I think in this case, the apple 
+does not fall too far from the tree, we have to be extremely 
+leery of anything he says and, obviously, the president and the 
+people that he has surrounded himself with, the number-one--the 
+number-one thing that we have to be focused on is what is in 
+best interests of the United States and our security--security 
+of the American people.
+    Now, diplomacy certainly is better than military 
+confrontation and I think we were getting closer and closer to 
+that. I think it was a game changer when we believe that they 
+had either reached or were very close to having the ability to 
+land a nuclear device on American soil.
+    I think previous administrations maybe had somewhat of a 
+luxury in that we could continue to try to get North Koreans to 
+back off their nuclear program and we could negotiate on 
+occasion and we saw that when we had--when we would get 
+together with them and, in general, we would provide food and 
+energy resources and in return they would promise that they 
+were going to back off their program or discontinue it or close 
+down facilities and we would continue underground full speed 
+    Maybe not full speed ahead but they would continue the 
+programs, maybe not quite as quickly as they would have if they 
+had not agreed but they moved forward nonetheless.
+    So I am concerned that that behavior will be repeated here. 
+That being said, I hope and pray that the president is 
+successful and that he really will be able to get some behavior 
+changed in Kim Jong-Un. We cannot predict the future but I 
+think we all are hoping that that is where we get.
+    So I guess my question then, after rambling on there for a 
+couple of minutes, is should we be--should we be in a, like 
+President Reagan said--he said, obviously, when negotiating 
+with the Soviet Union, trust but verify?
+    Is this a--should we be distrust but verify, but 
+hopefully--I will, for example, as somewhat of a--well, not 
+somewhat--quite skeptical, will I--am I likely to be surprised 
+and there really is a possibility here that we will have peace 
+on the Peninsula and they will denuclearize?
+    So I would be happy to open it up to either Bill or the 
+other gentleman here.
+    Mr. Richardson. Congressman--Mr. Chairman----
+    Mr. Chabot. Thank you for your years of service here, too. 
+We--a lot of us, especially those that have been around the 
+block, it was an--it was an honor to call you a colleague and 
+you have done great and done wonderful things for our country 
+all over the globe. So thank you for that.
+    Mr. Richardson. Well, my answer is I was going to commend 
+you for your very hopeful and positive statement. I believe we 
+need to continue these negotiations, even if this next summit 
+does not appear to bear many results. I am concerned about 
+    But this is the most--this is the tensest region in the 
+world right now, I believe, with nuclear weapons, with 
+missiles, with our allies, with our troops--28,000 in South 
+Korea, 30,000 in Japan.
+    I think we need to keep talking and dialog, even if we do 
+not get the results we want at this summit, needs to continue 
+and regardless of what administration is in power.
+    Mr. Chabot. Thank you.
+    Sir?
+    Mr. Cha. I am--yes, I am uncertain, as you are, 
+Congressman, of whether we can get to full denuclearization. 
+But I do know that any steps we take along those paths cannot 
+simply be promises that are made without verification because 
+it makes no sense if nothing can be verified.
+    And in the end, if we take steps along those lines then we 
+are moving in a positive direction.
+    Mr. Chabot. Thank you. Thank you very much. I appreciate 
+that, and I want to thank the chair and the ranking member for 
+allowing me to participate.
+    Thank you very much.
+    Chairman Sherman. Thank you.
+    One thing about sanctions is that if you are dealing with a 
+democracy you have a little bit of sanctions. You say depress 
+income in the country by 10 percent--that is a big deal.
+    It is not a big deal to Kim whether his people are 10 
+percent richer or 10 percent poorer, and so the problem with 
+partially relaxing sanctions is that you certainly do not have 
+regime-threatening sanctions if you go from what I think are 
+the inadequate sanctions we have now to something even less.
+    My first question is about the train. Kim flew to 
+Switzerland when he was a student. He flew to Singapore last 
+year. He is on a train through China. Why?
+    Mr. Richardson. Well, first, the maintenance record of 
+North Korean aircraft is not the best. That is why. Second, you 
+know, this has been a tradition in his family----
+    Chairman Sherman. Yes. I mean, his father used to go to 
+Beijing on an armored train.
+    Mr. Richardson. He would go to China, Russia, by train. I 
+have seen that train. You should to go see it. It is in a 
+museum in Pyongyang. Well, they move it in and out.
+    But, last, I think it is mainly a security issue and, 
+symbolically, I think Kim Jong-Un was trying to show that he 
+went through and he needs China. So he was giving visibility to 
+China, and I think going to Vietnam is a signal that North 
+Korea wants to do business outside of China with Vietnam.
+    Chairman Sherman. We have this image that Kim is in total 
+power. Yet, I study dictators and none of them are in total 
+power. If he was in total power he could do whatever he thought 
+was in the long-term interests of his dynasty.
+    What restraints are there? What red lines cannot he cross? 
+What people in Pyongyang cannot he cross? What institutions? Or 
+is he really that--the thing I have not been able to find in 
+history and that is the total dictator?
+    Mr. Cha. It is a great question, Congressman. It is a hard 
+one to answer, I think. There was a view when he first started 
+that because of his inexperience he needed to balance different 
+factions in the party, the military, and, of course, the 
+    But he has since then gone on, as you know well, such a 
+ruthless purging campaign that I think many experts saw his 
+trip to--his first trip to China, first time out of the 
+country, for as long as he was gone as a sign that he really 
+had consolidated power.
+    So I think there still is a degree of purging taking place 
+but, you know, I think relative to when he started he seems to 
+be in about as secure a position as we could have imagined, you 
+know, 6 years ago and he does seem to be calling the shots.
+    Chairman Sherman. If--and this would be my wildest 
+fantasy--he just goes to Vietnam and gives up his nuclear 
+program in return for getting the Apple headquarters and maybe 
+Amazon as well move to Pyongyang--whatever it took--if he were 
+to do that, and none of us expect it, what repercussions would 
+he have at home or can he just go back and say, hey, it is time 
+to be Silicon Valley?
+    Mr. Richardson. He has total control in North Korea. I 
+think he is more secure than ever before. His main objective, 
+Congressman--Mr. Chairman--is--his main objective is to stay in 
+power, more so than detente with the United States or--stay in 
+power and I think a source of that is keeping his nuclear 
+weapons or some of his nuclear weapons.
+    I think what you suggested may be a little wishful thinking 
+that he will give it up. But he has said to his people, we have 
+to improve our economy and, in a way, he said, you know, the 
+only way we can do that perhaps is--they always want to deal 
+with the United States.
+    They would say to me, we should settle things. The U.S. and 
+North Korea--not China, not Russia, not South Korea. We are the 
+big guys around here. So I think that is why they are talking.
+    Chairman Sherman. I am going to make one more comment and 
+that is the fact that Japan and Korea cannot cooperate is 
+harmful to the United States' national security and I 
+recognize--I brought this home to both Korean and Japanese 
+leaders recently--that they have a certain animosity from the 
+first half of the 20th century.
+    But Poland and Germany cooperate and that helps our 
+national security, and if I had more time I would ask for--you 
+could respond for the record as to if there is anything we can 
+do to get these two countries to cooperate on that--on security 
+    I am going to recognize the ranking member for a limited 
+time and then I have to go, and I know the witness has to go as 
+    Mr. Yoho. Thank you both, and I think the important thing 
+is that we look forward where we are going. We cannot worry 
+about what did not work in the past--I mean, we have to learn 
+from that--but more forward looking.
+    The thing that brought North Korea to the negotiating 
+table--correct me if I am wrong--was the unanimous U.N. 
+agreement resolution that I think 17 countries placed severe 
+sanctions on North Korea.
+    With people pretty much adhering to that--i.e., us, Russia, 
+China, South Korea--that put enough pressure where they did 
+come to the table. Since that point in time, we have seen 
+Russia, China, even South Korea with a transfer of--it was 
+either coal or petroleum that they said was a mistake--it did 
+happen and they went after the people, you know, taking that on 
+good faith.
+    We have a report, and I do not have the U.N. report--it 
+will be out later this year--that we have a report of over 148 
+ship-to-ship transfers from January to August. It was oil at 
+    How detrimental is that to our negotiations and moving 
+forward if they start normalizing and allow this to happen, and 
+then, more importantly, what I would really like to hear from 
+you your recommendations to us on this committee as a 
+bipartisan group to where we can hold the administration or 
+South Korea or China or Russia accountable so that we keep that 
+maximum pressure on them until we get a clear blueprint of 
+where we are going and then the verification. I wanted to ask 
+you real quickly about that. But if you would answer those.
+    Mr. Cha. So, first, to the chairman's earlier point about 
+trilateral coordination, for the record, it is absolutely 
+necessary. We are stronger--the United States is stronger if we 
+are lined up with our allies, Japan and Korea, for the record.
+    Mr. Yoho. Sure.
+    Mr. Cha. On the maximum pressure, diplomacy does not work 
+without maximum pressure. The president's efforts at diplomacy 
+will not work without maximum pressure and that--and that 
+speaks not just--as you said, not just to China but also to 
+South Korea.
+    And then the third point is there is a way--if we start to 
+lift sanctions it will most likely be through South Korea--
+South Korea reopening Kaesong Industrial Complex with the 
+    I think where human rights matters there is we can require 
+the South Koreans to ensure that they can pay the North Korean 
+workers directly in Kaesong, which would address the human 
+rights issue and address the desire for----
+    Mr. Yoho. You know, that came up today in our meeting I 
+had. How can you pay them directly? I mean, is Kim Jong-Un 
+going to allow that to happen? I mean, that would have to go 
+through him and he would have to OK that.
+    Mr. Cha. Right. Right. Yes. Yes.
+    Mr. Yoho. If that happens, that would be--I mean, that 
+would be a huge concession on his part, I would think, to allow 
+people to actually earn--keep what they earn and put in the 
+    Mr. Cha. Right. And it would be--for our policy it would be 
+a huge success if that could happen.
+    Mr. Yoho. That would be a huge success.
+    Governor, do you have any thoughts?
+    Mr. Richardson. Congressman, my sense is that Russia is not 
+observing sanctions. There is massive violations that----
+    Mr. Yoho. Oh, terrible.
+    Mr. Richardson [continuing]. The site of the border there, 
+the port. Victor, what is the name of that port where the--
+China has--Russia has a short border.
+    Mr. Yoho. Yes.
+    Mr. Richardson. So----
+    Mr. Yoho. I know where you are talking.
+    Mr. Richardson. Russia needs to get tougher and they are 
+not doing it. I think these U.N. sanctions were the strongest 
+that we have ever had. A lot of it has been working and it is 
+essential that China continue the sanctions.
+    But the cross-border contraband, the verification----
+    Mr. Yoho. Right.
+    Mr. Richardson [continuing]. There is key. I always found 
+that the most effective sanctions, and I think this was in the 
+Bush Administration on North Korea, were banking sanctions on 
+their banks and how--I think there is some of that left.
+    But the sanctions that have, I think, bitten--that bite the 
+most have been the coal, the uranium, the oil sanctions that 
+are imposed now by the U.N.
+    Mr. Yoho. Right. But, yet, China and Russia are cheating 
+and so what we wanted to do is go after the bigger banks, the 
+bank of--the construction bank, their agriculture bank--the big 
+ones. That would really hurt China.
+    And so we are going to followup on our letter to the 
+Treasury Department through this administration, and I guess we 
+are at a point to demand why are these not taking place. 
+Because if we put that pressure on China and Russia they will 
+come to the table and I see China as just--they are insecure 
+because they fear North Korea becoming more like South Korea.
+    But, yet, if they look at the world overall, we are their 
+largest trading partner and they are going to benefit hugely 
+from this. But they are intimidated by success, I guess, of an 
+open society.
+    And then you brought up, and I agree with you, what would--
+the inspectors. I do not think they need to be U.S. inspectors. 
+They just need to be verifiable inspectors that we have the 
+faith in that they carry this out. And you are in agreement 
+with that, right?
+    I am out of time. He has got to get to a meeting. Thank you 
+    Chairman Sherman. I want to thank our witnesses and my 
+colleagues, and I look forward to exploring this further.
+    [Whereupon, at 12:18 p.m., the committee was adjourned.]
+                                 [all]