diff --git "a/data/CHRG-109/CHRG-109hhrg20085.txt" "b/data/CHRG-109/CHRG-109hhrg20085.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/data/CHRG-109/CHRG-109hhrg20085.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,4228 @@ + + - WOUNDED ARMY GUARD AND RESERVE FORCES: INCREASING THE CAPACITY TO CARE +
+[House Hearing, 109 Congress]
+[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
+                                HEARING
+                               before the
+                              COMMITTEE ON
+                           GOVERNMENT REFORM
+                        HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
+                       ONE HUNDRED NINTH CONGRESS
+                             FIRST SESSION
+                               __________
+                           FEBRUARY 17, 2005
+                               __________
+                            Serial No. 109-4
+                               __________
+       Printed for the use of the Committee on Government Reform
+  Available via the World Wide Web: http://www.gpo.gov/congress/house
+                      http://www.house.gov/reform
+                                 ______
+                    U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE
+20-085                      WASHINGTON : 2005
+For Sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office
+Internet: bookstore.gpo.gov  Phone: toll free (866) 512-1800; (202) 512�091800  
+Fax: (202) 512�092250 Mail: Stop SSOP, Washington, DC 20402�090001
+                     TOM DAVIS, Virginia, Chairman
+CHRISTOPHER SHAYS, Connecticut       HENRY A. WAXMAN, California
+DAN BURTON, Indiana                  TOM LANTOS, California
+ILEANA ROS-LEHTINEN, Florida         MAJOR R. OWENS, New York
+JOHN M. McHUGH, New York             EDOLPHUS TOWNS, New York
+JOHN L. MICA, Florida                PAUL E. KANJORSKI, Pennsylvania
+GIL GUTKNECHT, Minnesota             CAROLYN B. MALONEY, New York
+MARK E. SOUDER, Indiana              ELIJAH E. CUMMINGS, Maryland
+TODD RUSSELL PLATTS, Pennsylvania    DANNY K. DAVIS, Illinois
+CHRIS CANNON, Utah                   WM. LACY CLAY, Missouri
+JOHN J. DUNCAN, Jr., Tennessee       DIANE E. WATSON, California
+CANDICE S. MILLER, Michigan          STEPHEN F. LYNCH, Massachusetts
+MICHAEL R. TURNER, Ohio              CHRIS VAN HOLLEN, Maryland
+DARRELL E. ISSA, California          LINDA T. SANCHEZ, California
+JON C. PORTER, Nevada                BRIAN HIGGINS, New York
+KENNY MARCHANT, Texas                ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON, District of 
+LYNN A. WESTMORELAND, Georgia            Columbia
+PATRICK T. McHENRY, North Carolina               ------
+CHARLES W. DENT, Pennsylvania        BERNARD SANDERS, Vermont 
+VIRGINIA FOXX, North Carolina            (Independent)
+------ ------
+                    Melissa Wojciak, Staff Director
+       David Marin, Deputy Staff Director/Communications Director
+                      Rob Borden, Parliamentarian
+                       Teresa Austin, Chief Clerk
+          Phil Barnett, Minority Chief of Staff/Chief Counsel
+                            C O N T E N T S
+                              ----------                              
+                                                                   Page
+Hearing held on February 17, 2005................................     1
+Statement of:
+    Embrey, Ellen, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for 
+      Employment Health, Department of Defense; Daniel Denning, 
+      Acting Assistant Secretary of the Army, Manpower and 
+      Reserve Affairs, accompanied by Lieutenant General Roger 
+      Schultz, Director, Army National Guard; Lieutenant General 
+      Franklin L. Hagenbeck, Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1, U.S. 
+      Army; Lieutenant General Kevin C. Kiley, M.D., U.S. Army 
+      Surgeon General; Major General Charles Wilson, Deputy 
+      Commander, U.S. Army Reserve Command; and Philip E. 
+      Sakowitz, Jr., Deputy Director, U.S. Army Installations 
+      Management Agency..........................................   144
+        Denning, Daniel..........................................   160
+        Embrey, Ellen............................................   144
+        Hagenbeck, Lieutenant General Franklin L.................   169
+        Kiley, Lieutenant General Kevin C., M.D..................   181
+        Sakowitz, Philip E., Jr..................................   194
+        Wilson, Major General Charles............................   187
+    Kutz, Gregory D., Director, Financial Management and 
+      Assurance, U.S. Government Accountability Office; Brigadier 
+      General Raymond C. Byrne, Jr., Acting State Adjutant 
+      General, State of Oregon, accompanied by Colonel Doug 
+      Eliason, M.D.; Sergeant First Class John Allen, B/3/20th 
+      Special Forces Group, North Carolina National Guard; 
+      Sergeant Joseph Perez, 72nd Military Police Co., Nevada 
+      National Guard; Chief Warrant Officer Rodger L. 
+      Shuttleworth, Chief, Reserve Component Personnel Support 
+      Services Branch, Army Human Resources Command, Maryland 
+      National Guardsman, accompanied by Chief Warrant Officer 
+      Laura Lindle; and Master Sergeant Daniel Forney, Reserve 
+      Component liaison, Medical Hold, Walter Reed Medical 
+      Center, U.S. Army Reservist, Pennsylvania..................    35
+        Allen, Sergeant First Class John.........................    73
+        Byrne, Brigadier General Raymond C., Jr..................    54
+        Forney, Master Sergeant Daniel...........................   123
+        Kutz, Gregory D..........................................    35
+        Perez, Sergeant Joseph...................................    98
+        Shuttleworth, Chief Warrant Officer Rodger L.............   112
+Letters, statements, etc., submitted for the record by:
+    Allen, Sergeant First Class John, B/3/20th Special Forces 
+      Group, North Carolina National Guard, prepared statement of    79
+    Byrne, Brigadier General Raymond C., Jr., Acting State 
+      Adjutant General, State of Oregon, prepared statement of...    56
+    Cummings, Hon. Elijah E., a Representative in Congress from 
+      the State of Maryland, prepared statement of...............    25
+    Davis, Chairman Tom, a Representative in Congress from the 
+      State of Virginia, prepared statement of...................     4
+    Denning, Daniel, Acting Assistant Secretary of the Army, 
+      Manpower and Reserve Affairs, prepared statement of........   162
+    Embrey, Ellen, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for 
+      Employment Health, Department of Defense, prepared 
+      statement of...............................................   146
+    Forney, Master Sergeant Daniel, Reserve Component liaison, 
+      Medical Hold, Walter Reed Medical Center, U.S. Army 
+      Reservist, Pennsylvania, prepared statement of.............   125
+    Hagenbeck, Lieutenant General Franklin L., Deputy Chief of 
+      Staff, G-1, U.S. Army, prepared statement of...............   171
+    Higgins, Hon. Brian, a Representative in Congress from the 
+      State of New York, prepared statement of...................   218
+    Kiley, Lieutenant General Kevin C., M.D., U.S. Army Surgeon 
+      General, prepared statement of.............................   182
+    Kutz, Gregory D., Director, Financial Management and 
+      Assurance, U.S. Government Accountability Office, prepared 
+      statement of...............................................    37
+    Miller, Hon. Candice S., a Representative in Congress from 
+      the State of Michigan, prepared statement of...............   216
+    Perez, Sergeant Joseph, 72nd Military Police Co., Nevada 
+      National Guard, prepared statement of......................   104
+    Ruppersberger, Hon. C.A. Dutch, a Representative in Congress 
+      from the State of Maryland, prepared statement of..........    31
+    Sakowitz, Philip E., Jr., Deputy Director, U.S. Army 
+      Installations Management Agency, prepared statement of.....   196
+    Shuttleworth, Chief Warrant Officer Rodger L., Chief, Reserve 
+      Component Personnel Support Services Branch, Army Human 
+      Resources Command, Maryland National Guardsman, prepared 
+      statement of...............................................   116
+    Waxman, Hon. Henry A., a Representative in Congress from the 
+      State of California:
+        Minority report..........................................    10
+        Prepared statement of....................................    19
+    Wilson, Major General Charles, Deputy Commander, U.S. Army 
+      Reserve Command, prepared statement of.....................   188
+                              ----------                              
+                      THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2005
+                          House of Representatives,
+                            Committee on Government Reform,
+                                                    Washington, DC.
+    The committee met, pursuant to notice, at 10:10 a.m., in 
+room 2154, Rayburn House Office Building, Hon. Tom Davis 
+(chairman of the committee) presiding.
+    Present: Representatives Tom Davis of Virginia, Shays, 
+Gutknecht, Miller, Porter, Marchant, McHenry, Dent, Foxx, 
+Waxman, Cummings, Davis of Illinois, Clay, Watson, Lynch, Van 
+Hollen, Ruppersberger, Higgins, and Norton.
+    Staff present: Jennifer Safavian, chief counsel for 
+oversight and investigations; Rob White, press secretary; Drew 
+Crockett, deputy director of communications; Grace Washbourne 
+and Brien Beattie, professional staff members; Teresa Austin, 
+chief clerk; Sarah D'Orsie, deputy clerk; Kristina Sherry, 
+legislative correspondent; Roody Cole, GAO detailee; Phil 
+Barnett, minority staff director; Andrew Su, minority 
+professional staff member; Earley Green, minority chief clerk; 
+and Jean Gosa, minority assistant clerk.
+    Chairman Tom Davis. Good morning. A quorum being present, 
+the committee will come to order.
+    I want to welcome everybody to today's hearings on the 
+effectiveness and efficiency of Army medical administrative 
+processes that affect the care of injured Army Guard and 
+Reserve forces.
+    This hearing is the third in our continuing investigation 
+into the Department of Defense's administrative and management 
+challenges created by the largest mobilization of Reserve 
+Component soldiers since World War II.
+    For the last year, along with the Government Accountability 
+Office, our committee has been investigating the plight of 
+injured Army Guard and Reserve soldiers seeking quality care, 
+standardized medical and personnel assistance, and 
+comprehensive service. We are here today to ask some basic but 
+troubling questions.
+    How is it that so many injured and Reserve soldiers have 
+been inappropriately removed from active duty status in the 
+automated systems that control pay and access to medical care?
+    Why do soldiers languish for weeks or months in medical 
+holding companies, not because of medical care but because of 
+lags in efficient administrative processing?
+    Why do we all continue to hear from our Reserve Component 
+constituents and their families still struggling under the 
+convoluted current system?
+    Today the GAO will issue a report on their examination of 
+two Army processes: active duty medical extensions [ADMEs], and 
+medical retention processing [MRPs]. The committee, looking 
+into the Medical Evaluation Board and Physical Evaluation Board 
+processes, has reached similar findings that are, quite 
+frankly, stunning in scope.
+    Current Army guidance for processing injured Guard and 
+Reserve does not clearly define organizational responsibilities 
+or performance standards. The Army has not adequately educated 
+Reserve Component soldiers about Army medical and personnel 
+processing or adequately trained Army personnel responsible for 
+helping soldiers.
+    The Army lacks an integrated medical and personnel system 
+to provide visibility over injured or ill Reserve Component 
+soldiers, and as a result sometimes actually loses track of 
+these soldiers and where they are in the process.
+    Last, and certainly not least, the Army lacks 
+compassionate, customer friendly service. Frankly, I am 
+appalled that these men and women not only have had to face the 
+recovery from their war wounds, but are simultaneously forced 
+to navigate a confusing and seemingly uncaring system of 
+    What are the effects of these inadequacies? We will listen 
+today to the individual experiences of two Guardsmen whose 
+stories will be hard for us to hear. Sergeant John Allen of the 
+North Carolina National Guard and Sergeant Joseph Perez of the 
+Nevada National Guard will illustrate the price of an Army 
+unprepared to handle their needs.
+    General Raymond Byrne, the State Adjutant General of 
+Oregon, is also here on behalf of his injured and ill 
+    We are also pleased to have with us today two individuals 
+who are on the front lines of caring for Reserve Component 
+soldiers and who will explain the difficulties executing Army 
+regulations and policies. An officer from U.S. Human Resource 
+Command will relate the Army's growing pains as it attempts to 
+improve its level of administrative service and care. One will 
+tell about his experience as a Reserve liaison at Walter Reed 
+Medical Center and the challenges he still faces as he tries to 
+help injured Reserve soldiers. Both soldiers have been at their 
+posts since the first return of injured Guard and Reserve 
+soldiers from Operation Enduring Freedom, and both will 
+describe urgent needs that are still unmet.
+    Certainly, the unprecedented number of Army Guard and 
+Reserves mobilized in the war on terrorism has severely taxed 
+the Army and its resources. We understand the pressures they 
+are under. To their credit, Army leadership has accepted these 
+challenges and has come a long way this past year in trying to 
+repair some of the problems we are addressing today.
+    From our distinguished second panel we will hear of new 
+management initiatives, increased personnel, enhanced training, 
+and a new interconnectivity between medical and personnel 
+tracking systems. We will hear of the hopes for vast 
+improvement in Reserve Component administration and service 
+under the community-based health care initiative. We hope to 
+hear of a continued commitment to other major changes that 
+address weaknesses that are still at hand.
+    Today when we ask who in the Army or the Department of 
+Defense is ultimately responsible for the oversight of injured 
+Army Guard and Reserve soldiers and the commands and agencies 
+providing them care and service, I hope to get a clear answer. 
+But the truth is we are all accountable to the men and the 
+women who have been injured defending this country. I am sure 
+we will listen closely to each witness this morning to better 
+understand what we can do to assist in any way possible, 
+including legislation, resources, and ongoing oversight.
+    We all look forward to the day when each and every injured 
+Army Guard and Reserve soldier receives the care that they have 
+earned and that they deserve. This distressing period where we 
+have witnessed the equivalent of financial and medical friendly 
+fire must end.
+    [The prepared statement of Chairman Tom Davis follows:]
+    [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T0085.001
+    [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T0085.002
+    [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T0085.003
+    [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T0085.004
+    [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T0085.005
+    Chairman Tom Davis. I now yield to our ranking member, Mr. 
+Waxman, for his opening statement.
+    Mr. Waxman. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.
+    I want to thank you for holding this hearing. This is an 
+important hearing, and I especially want to thank our witnesses 
+who have come today.
+    What we are going to hear about and what this committee 
+will shine a light on is the egregious mistreatment--it is 
+inexcusable--that wounded National Guard and Army Reserve 
+soldiers face. I want to mention the fact that the soldiers and 
+their families who are here with us today deserve praise for 
+their bravery, and especially for speaking out on behalf of 
+their fellow soldiers. I thank you for being here.
+    Today we are going to hear about the inadequate care that 
+wounded National Guard and Army Reserve receive. Tens of 
+thousands of these Reservists have been called to duty with 
+little notice. They have left their jobs, they have left their 
+homes, they have served honorably far away from their family 
+and loved ones, and, unfortunately for many Army Guard and Army 
+Reserve soldiers wounded in action, the real battle begins when 
+they arrive home.
+    Let me be blunt. The way the administration is treating 
+wounded soldiers and veterans is a disgrace. As my staff has 
+found in a series of reports, veterans across the country are 
+routinely forced to wait months just to schedule a medical 
+appointment. And when a veteran is severely injured, he or she 
+has to wait months without any income before the Veterans 
+Administration will process his or her disability claim.
+    While we looked into the complaints that my office was 
+receiving, we found that there were 10,000 veterans in Los 
+Angeles, alone, waiting to have their disability claims 
+processed last year. This was a huge increase from just the 
+year before.
+    And the problems are only going to get worse. The number of 
+veterans who will need medical care will increase 5 percent 
+next year, but the President's latest budget actually proposes 
+a decrease in real funding for VA health care. To make up the 
+difference, the President proposes large increases in 
+copayments and deductibles that will force hundreds of 
+thousands of veterans to lose their VA health care.
+    Over the last year, I have released several reports 
+documenting these problems. I would like, Mr. Chairman, to have 
+the report made part of the hearing record.
+    Chairman Tom Davis. Without objection, the report will be 
+put in the record.
+    [The information referred to follows:]
+    [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T0085.006
+    [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T0085.007
+    [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T0085.008
+    [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T0085.009
+    [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T0085.010
+    [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T0085.011
+    [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T0085.012
+    [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T0085.013
+    Mr. Waxman. Today we are going to learn about the plight 
+that wounded National Guard and Army Reserve soldiers face when 
+they return home. Wounded regular duty troops are sent to 
+medical facilities at their home bases when they leave Iraq or 
+Afghanistan, but many wounded National Guard soldiers are 
+placed in what is called medical hold status. As we will learn, 
+these soldiers are sent to shoddy, dilapidated bunkers far from 
+their home bases where they face long delays to receive medical 
+appointments and treatment, and they confront a labyrinth of 
+forms to fill out and offices to visit just to receive the care 
+and benefits due them.
+    These soldiers have risked their lives for us, and they are 
+returning home with severe and sometimes incapacitating 
+injuries, yet the administration continues to neglect their 
+health care and delay their benefits.
+    Mr. Chairman, I hope this hearing will be a step toward 
+doing right by our veterans. Guardsmen and Reserve soldiers 
+will be sorely needed for the foreseeable future. Let's give 
+them the respect and care that they all so rightly deserve.
+    [The prepared statement of Hon. Henry A. Waxman follows:]
+    [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T0085.014
+    [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T0085.015
+    [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T0085.157
+    Chairman Tom Davis. Mr. Waxman, thank you very much.
+    Are there any other Members who wish to make statements? 
+The gentleman from Nevada, Mr. Porter.
+    Mr. Porter. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I appreciate your 
+taking the time to hold this hearing today. I would also like 
+to thank our witnesses for coming here to testify. Sergeant 
+Perez is here today, a constituent of mine, from Logandale, NV. 
+I would like to especially thank him and his wife Elena for 
+traveling this long way to be with us today.
+    Our country is at war in a war against terrorism. 
+Throughout this war, thousands of our brave men and women have 
+volunteered to wear military uniforms and fight for the 
+freedoms that many of us take for granted. Unfortunately, this 
+war has had its casualties, but it is our job as Members of 
+Congress to make sure that our injured and returning soldiers 
+are cared for in the best possible manner.
+    The purpose of this hearing today is to examine the 
+effectiveness and the efficiency of Army medical administrative 
+processes and procedures that govern injured Army Guard and 
+Reserve soldiers. Although the majority of these men and women 
+are treated appropriately and above and beyond, we are now 
+aware that many returning soldiers are experiencing 
+difficulties associated with active duty medical extensions, 
+medical retention processing, Medical Evaluation Boards, and 
+Physical Evaluation Boards. With these programs, many returning 
+soldiers are finding that they will have to deal with numerous 
+layers of bureaucratic red tape, significant paperwork, and in 
+some situations problems associated with their pay and 
+    I have two constituents who have submitted their testimony 
+to the committee regarding this problem. One of my 
+constituents, Brian Robinson, was not able to be here today. 
+Brian was a specialist in the Nevada Army National Guard. 
+During his time in Nevada Army National Guard he was deployed 
+to Iraq, where a vehicle he was riding in was struck by a hand-
+detonated land mine. As a result of this attack, Specialist 
+Robinson suffered damage to both of his ears, cuts and bruises 
+over his left eye, fractures to his left elbow and left wrist, 
+a crushed index finger, severe head and back pain, whiplash, 
+shrapnel damage, as well as swelling and bruising.
+    After this attack, Specialist Robinson was flown from Iraq 
+to Kuwait, and then from Kuwait to Germany for additional care. 
+But after about a week in Germany, Specialist Robinson was 
+cleared to return to the United States. Specialist Robinson was 
+then admitted for care at Madigan Hospital and was granted 30 
+days leave for convalescent care. It was during this time that 
+the U.S. military contacted his parents to notify them that he 
+had been injured and that he was in a hospital in Germany.
+    Finally, while Specialist Robinson was being cared for by 
+the Air Force physicians at Nellis Air Force Base in Las Vegas 
+while on convalescent leave, the Army decided that Sergeant 
+Robinson would have to return to Madigan for care by Army 
+physicians as opposed to Air Force physicians.
+    Sadly, Mr. Chairman, Specialist Robinson's story is not 
+unique. Another one of my constituents, Sergeant Joseph Perez, 
+who is here today, is going to tell a similar story about the 
+difficulties he encountered after being injured in the line of 
+duty in Iraq.
+    Sergeant Perez is an exemplary American who served this 
+country both since 1988 in the U.S. Marine Corps and later in 
+Nevada Army National Guard, and is certainly someone that we 
+should be proud of, since he received the Naval Commendation 
+Medal, Sergeant of the Year for Western Region, and Recruiter 
+of the Year.
+    I, of course, will let Sergeant Perez tell his story in 
+person, but I will point out that both Specialist Robinson and 
+Sergeant Perez proudly served our country during the global war 
+on terror, and both have submitted testimony not to bash the 
+Army, but rather to help find a solution to this longstanding 
+    Mr. Chairman, I am hopeful that our Army witnesses will 
+help us look toward an effective, long-term solution, and I 
+firmly believe that our Reserve soldiers who were injured or 
+became ill in the line of duty should be given the pay and the 
+benefits they deserve in an accurate and timely manner.
+    Again, thank you, Mr. Chairman.
+    Chairman Tom Davis. Thank you very much. Any other Members 
+wish to make statements? Ms. Norton.
+    Ms. Norton. Mr. Chairman, I think you do a service for 
+members of our military and for Congress, alike, in holding 
+this hearing, and I appreciate that you have done so. I want to 
+thank the members of the military who have agreed to step 
+forward to help educate the Congress and to help us better 
+prepare for what we should be doing for our members of the 
+military, and especially the Reserve and the National Guard.
+    Walter Reed Hospital is, of course, located in my District 
+here in the District of Columbia, and I have visited Walter 
+Reed and seen world class treatment of the most seriously 
+injured. I have also seen television reports of state-of-the-
+art treatment moving people from the battlefield to where they 
+can be treated. So it looks like there are some places in the 
+military where people do get first-class treatment.
+    Members of Congress are particularly close to the Reserve 
+and National Guard. They are citizen soldiers and we have been 
+hearing complaints now for years, particularly since the Iraqi 
+war. I am concerned on two levels: first and foremost, at the 
+health care that returning soldiers are receiving or not 
+receiving; and, second, with the future of the volunteer Army, 
+itself. We will hear about that. I believe there have been some 
+improvements. There are still complaints. We need to know what 
+the status is today and what we can do about it.
+    As to the volunteer Army, we are dealing with an unpopular 
+war at home that has already taken its toll on recruitment for 
+the Army Reserve and National Guard. We need to do all we can 
+if we want to have a volunteer Army to make sure that people 
+want to join that Army, particularly at a time when we are 
+engaged and they see it every day on television in a guerilla 
+war on the ground. At the very least they need to know that if 
+they are wounded they are going to get the best health care 
+that the United States has to offer. Every member of this panel 
+I am sure is committed to seeing that happens.
+    I thank you again, Mr. Chairman.
+    Chairman Tom Davis. Thank you.
+    Any other Members wish recognition? Mr. Cummings.
+    Mr. Cummings. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman, for 
+holding this hearing on medical treatment of injured Army 
+National Guard and Army Reserve personnel.
+    As I stated at the committee's hearing last year, it is 
+deeply troubling to learn of the pervasive problems associated 
+with pay and medical treatment of Guard and Reserve personnel. 
+I believe--and I am sure that many other members of this 
+committee believe, as well--that this situation is simply 
+unacceptable. While I am comforted to learn of new efforts to 
+help address these important issues, such as the community-
+based health care initiative, I am equally unhappy with the 
+fact that there are soldiers who shed blood, sweat, and tears 
+in the service of this country experiencing pay disruptions or 
+medical care that is as much a burden as it is a blessing.
+    Insufficient planning and poor management controls by the 
+Army made it ill equipped to meet the needs of the Guard and 
+Reserve soldiers recently activated and deployed in Iraq, 
+Afghanistan, and elsewhere around the world in the war on 
+    A central focus of this hearing is to examine the quandary 
+many Guard and Reserve soldiers find themselves in when they 
+are classified in a medical hold status while injured or ill. 
+While approximately 5,000 Reservists are in medical hold, too 
+many of our Nation's bravest have to endure long delays in 
+diagnosis and medical treatment in austere facilities far away 
+from friends and family. The consequences of this problem often 
+manifest themselves in pay disruptions, stress, and undermined 
+morale at a period of time when injured Guard and Reserve 
+soldiers should be primarily focused on recuperation.
+    The GAO has indicated in its report entitled, ``Military 
+Pay: Gaps in Pay and Benefits, Etc.,'' that sensible guarantees 
+could not be given that Guard and Reserve soldiers would 
+receive undisrupted pay and benefits in the event that they 
+became wounded or sick. The study also indicated a startling 
+finding that a designation of ``falling off orders'' lead to 24 
+of 38 Reservists having their pay disrupted while they were 
+undergoing medical care.
+    Additionally, the GAO cites numerous obstacles to 
+inefficient management in the medical treatment of Guard and 
+Reserve soldiers ranging from poor dissemination of information 
+to soldiers about the active duty medical extension to lack of 
+an integrated personnel system that is updated at all times.
+    Mr. Chairman, finally I believe that we honor the service 
+and sacrifice of those who risk their lives for our Nation in 
+the Armed Forces by eliminating inefficient, ineffective 
+bureaucracies that undermine their ability to receive the pay 
+that they are entitled to and the benefits that they are 
+entitled to.
+    I am eager to hear from the witnesses today about what has 
+been done and what is being done to address the pay and benefit 
+problems Guard and Reserve soldiers are experiencing, and I 
+hope, in the words of one of my constituents, that we don't 
+have motion, commotion, and emotion and no results.
+    Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. I yield back.
+    [The prepared statement of Hon. Elijah E. Cummings 
+    Chairman Tom Davis. Mr. Ruppersberger.
+    Mr. Ruppersberger. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
+    First, I would like to begin this opening statement by 
+thanking our brave soldiers for their courage and bravery, not 
+only on the battlefield but for being here today on behalf of 
+your comrades. I was struck to the core when reading your 
+stories. You are quite right in stating you are sadly not alone 
+in this poor treatment. The Nation, the Pentagon, and this 
+Congress owes you better.
+    Sergeant Allen, you spoke of the responsibility leadership 
+carries, and I commend you for that. Soldiers, particularly 
+disabled soldiers, should not be further burdened by 
+disconnected bureaucracies. As members of this committee and in 
+this legislative body, we must take responsibility and lead 
+better in this area.
+    This is not a new issue for me. In August 2004 the problems 
+severely disabled soldiers were facing came to my attention and 
+on September 1st I introduced H.R. 5057--and this is a 
+bipartisan bill--with Congressman Jones and Congressman Hoyer 
+to expand the DS3 program in the Pentagon. That bill envisioned 
+a joint command center with an executive agent to be a one-
+call-fits-all helpline for soldiers, Marines, Sailors, Airmen, 
+and Coast Guardsmen.
+    It was intended to help with all sorts of problems severely 
+disabled servicemen and women face when they return home, 
+including pay, medical appointments, caseworker management, 
+transportation, employment-related issues, and many other 
+problems. Senators Bond and Kennedy introduced companion 
+legislation in their chamber, and we came very close to passing 
+that legislation before the close of the 108th Congress.
+    Now, I know we were onto something when Paul Wolfowitz, 
+Secretary Wolfowitz, held a ribbon-cutting ceremony on February 
+1st of this year to launch the Military Severely Injured Joint 
+Support Operations Center. This center draws heavily from H.R. 
+5057, and I congratulate the Pentagon on this effort.
+    We are working with our colleagues in the House and Senate 
+to monitor this program and its progress and to see if it is 
+working and if we can help.
+    The issue before us today is not just about processing 
+paperwork; it is about the most basic promise we make to all 
+men and women who put a uniform on and take the oath to serve 
+our Nation. As leaders we have the responsibility to take care 
+of these men and women and to leave no one behind and to not 
+ignore them once we bring them home.
+    One great lesson from today's testimony and the GAO report 
+is that our Federal Government needs to get much smarter in the 
+way we do business. We have spent millions and millions of 
+dollars creating joint weapon systems, open architecture 
+platforms, and other integrated systems to create a more 
+seamless battlefield between our military branches. Certainly 
+we can do the same for our payroll and other processing systems 
+for the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines. I fear the stories 
+we hear today are just the
+tip of the iceberg and we should draw from the courage of these 
+soldiers to fix this system and to help those who will follow.
+    Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
+    [The prepared statement of Hon. C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger 
+    Chairman Tom Davis. Thank you very much.
+    Any other opening statements?
+    [No response.]
+    Chairman Tom Davis. Well, if not we will proceed to our 
+first panel of witnesses. We are very honored and grateful that 
+you are here today to share your personal experiences with the 
+committee. I understand that some of you appear with a little 
+apprehension about how your candor today might affect your 
+future careers in the military. Let me just say that we 
+appreciate the opportunity to receive your testimony under 
+oath, and you have our assurances that you will not pay a 
+professional price for sharing your stories with us. In fact, 
+Congress is deeply gratified for your willingness to step 
+    We welcome today Mr. Gregory Kutz, the Director of 
+Financial Management and Assurance at the U.S. Government 
+Accountability Office; Brigadier General Raymond C. Byrne, the 
+acting State Adjutant General of Oregon; Sergeant First Class 
+John Allen, B/3/20th Special Forces Group, North Carolina 
+National Guard.
+    Sergeant Allen, it is nice to see you again and have the 
+opportunity to publicly thank you for all that you have done to 
+bring the plight of injured Guard and Reserve soldiers to the 
+attention of this committee.
+    We also have with us Sergeant Joseph Perez, the 72nd 
+Military Police Co., Nevada National Guard; Chief Warrant 
+Officer Rodger L. Shuttleworth, Chief, Reserve Component 
+Personnel Support Services Branch, Army Human Services Command, 
+Maryland National Guard. Chief Shuttleworth is accompanied by 
+Chief Warrant Officer Laura Lindle, who is here to support 
+Chief Shuttleworth's testimony--so when we swear everyone in, 
+if you could rise and raise your right hands--and Master 
+Sergeant Daniel Forney. He is a Reserve Component liaison, 
+Medical Holding Co., Walter Reed Medical Center, an Army 
+Reservist from Pennsylvania.
+    Sergeant Forney, it is also good to see you again and I 
+want to thank you for your commitment to those soldiers and 
+their families. Give my best to your fellow Reserve liaison 
+soldiers at Walter Reed.
+    Before we begin, I want to recognize and thank a few more 
+people who are here accompanying our first panel. Along with 
+Mr. Kutz, I want to recognize John Ryan, Gary Bianchi, and 
+Diane Handley of the GAO Special Investigations Office, who 
+over the last 2 years have gone beyond the call of duty to 
+assist this committee with its investigation.
+    I also want to welcome and thank Mrs. John Allen and Mrs. 
+Joseph Perez for coming here today with your husbands. As we 
+salute your husbands' service and the sacrifices, we salute 
+yours, as well.
+    There is another husband and wife team I want to recognize 
+and thank who have provided separate written statements today 
+about their experiences: Specialist Brian Robinson of the 
+Nevada National Guard, and his wife, Mrs. Nicole Robinson, 
+whose stories I encourage everyone to read. I think Mr. Porter 
+referred to it in his opening remarks.
+    I want to thank everybody for taking part in this very, 
+very important hearing. It is our policy that all witnesses be 
+sworn before their testimony, so if you would rise with me and 
+raise your right hands.
+    [Witnesses sworn.]
+    Chairman Tom Davis. Thank you very much.
+    Your entire written testimony is in the record. Questions 
+will be based on that. That is in the public record. There is a 
+light in front of you that will be green when you start. It 
+will turn orange after 4 minutes, and at the end of 5 minutes 
+it turns red. We would appreciate it if you could move to 
+summary after that, but we are not going to gavel you shut if 
+you feel you just need to add something. This is an important 
+issue, and we want to give you time to adequately explain to 
+live Members what we are about today in your experiences.
+    Mr. Kutz, we will start with you and we will move straight 
+on down the line. Thanks for being with us and thanks for the 
+work that you and your team have done on this.
+                  STATEMENT OF GREGORY D. KUTZ
+    Mr. Kutz. Mr. Chairman and members of the committee, thank 
+you for the opportunity to discuss pay problems for mobilized 
+Army National Guard and Reserve soldiers. I previously 
+testified that 94 percent of the soldiers that we investigated 
+had pay problems. My bottom line today is that gaps in pay and 
+benefits cause significant stress and financial hardship for 
+injured soldiers and their families.
+    My testimony has two parts. First, pay problems for injured 
+soldiers, and second, Army's new process for soldiers injured 
+fighting the global war on terrorism.
+    First, we found that the Army does not know how many 
+injured soldiers have experienced pay problems. Injured Reserve 
+Component soldiers can request to have their active duty orders 
+extended and their pay and benefits continued. When soldiers 
+fall off of orders, pay and benefits generally stop. Based on 
+our analysis of Army data for 2 months in 2004, 34 percent of 
+the 867 soldiers who applied for extensions fell off their 
+orders before their requests were granted.
+    We found the following examples of the impact of these 
+problems: soldiers and their families denied medical and dental 
+care, loss of access to the post exchange and commissary, 
+negative impact on credit due to late payment of bills, 
+soldiers borrowing money from friends and family to pay bills, 
+added stress for soldiers that already had serious medical 
+conditions, and injured soldiers spending incredible amounts of 
+time to obtain entitled pay and benefits.
+    Of our 10 case study, 2 soldiers are here today, Sergeant 
+First Class John Allen and Sergeant Joseph Perez. They will 
+tell you their own stories.
+    The key causes of these problems included a weak control 
+environment, a broken process, and non-integrated pay and 
+personnel systems. For example, one Special Forces soldier who 
+lost his leg when a roadside bomb destroyed his vehicle in 
+Afghanistan missed three pay periods totaling $5,000. Why? 
+Because this soldier's application did not contain adequate 
+information to justify his qualification for an extension.
+    The financial hardships experienced would be far worse if 
+not for the heroic efforts of people like Master Sergeant 
+Forney and Chief Warrant Officer Shuttleworth, who will also 
+tell you their stories.
+    Second, there is some good news. The Army's new process for 
+soldiers injured fighting the global war on terrorism appears 
+to have significantly improved the front-end application 
+process. According to Army officials at each of the 10 
+installations that we visited, they have experienced few delays 
+in obtaining initial orders for injured soldiers. However, 
+several key issues remain, including the Army's lack of 
+visibility over injured soldiers. This problem reflects DOD's 
+many stovepiped personnel systems. For example, the Army 
+contacted one soldier's parents to inform them that their son 
+was injured in Baghdad and was at a hospital in Germany; 
+however, this soldier had been back in the States for 20 days.
+    In conclusion, this pay issue is another example of the 
+ineffective and wasteful business practices processes that 
+plague virtually every aspect of DOD's high-risk business 
+operations. To its credit, the Army's new streamlined process 
+has significantly reduced the initial delays extending orders; 
+however, many problems remain and must be addressed in a more 
+comprehensive manner with clear leadership and accountability 
+for results. There should be zero tolerance for the poor 
+treatment of our injured heroes.
+    Mr. Chairman, I look forward to continuing to work with 
+this committee to help soldiers. I am also honored to be at the 
+table with the other witnesses who have each played a 
+significant role helping injured soldiers, and I look forward 
+to their testimony.
+    [The prepared statement of Mr. Kutz follows:]
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+    Chairman Tom Davis. Thank you very much.
+    General Byrne, thank you for being with us today.
+    General Byrne. Mr. Chairman, members of the committee, I 
+would like to thank the Committee on Government Reform for the 
+opportunity to speak today.
+    Over 3,000 Oregon soldiers have served their country as 
+part of the Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring 
+Freedom. These citizen soldiers have served bravely with the 
+expectation of returning to home, family, and employer. 
+Currently, over 100 of them have paid a much larger price 
+through injury or illness, and 10 have made the ultimate 
+sacrifice in the service of their Nation.
+    I am currently serving as the Acting Adjutant General of 
+Oregon and work directly for the Governor of the State of 
+Oregon, the Honorable Ted Kulongoski. This point is important 
+because it highlights where my loyalty and duty reside: to the 
+Governor and the soldiers and airmen of the Oregon National 
+    Additionally, I have been questioned by some individuals as 
+to my interest in Oregon National Guard soldiers currently in 
+Title 10, active duty status. I have been told they are no 
+concern of mine. The answer I give is that Oregon National 
+Guard is a force provider and has a duty to ensure that the 
+soldiers and airmen on active duty are well taken care of. 
+Their employers, families, friends at ``Fort Oregon'' all have 
+an interest in their care and well-being. All my soldiers and 
+airmen will come home to Oregon one way or another.
+    In visiting my soldiers who have returned wounded or 
+injured, I have a few observations which I would like to share 
+with this committee.
+    First, I applaud the community based health care 
+organizations [CBHCO], which is the single greatest improvement 
+in care for Reserve Component soldiers I have seen in my 
+military career. For the first time we have placed the needs of 
+the soldiers and the Reserve Component on par with the active 
+duty soldiers. This program is critical and should be 
+supported, continued, and, in fact, expanded to allow soldiers 
+to return home, yet receive the care they need and deserve.
+    Second, we must look at the administrative processes that 
+hold up wounded or injured soldiers at power projection 
+platforms. The soldier whose medical decisionmaking process is 
+complete, a determination has been made, should never have to 
+wait up to 30 days for an order releasing him or her from 
+active duty.
+    Third, we must provide advocacy for Reserve Component 
+soldiers in helping them through a foreign and often 
+frightening process of determining disability. The Army Medical 
+Department provides first-class care on par with any health 
+care organization in the Nation, but our Reserve Component 
+soldiers are accustomed to a far different system, a much more 
+consumer friendly system with choices, especially when it comes 
+to getting second opinions on procedures that may provide to be 
+life-changing, and the feeling on their part that your health 
+care provider works for you. We need advocates other than the 
+Inspector General for our Reserve Component soldiers who can 
+break down the perceived and real barriers.
+    The reality many of our soldiers are faced with after a 
+wound or injury is that they may not be able to return to their 
+civilian occupation, and the financial support that is 
+available through the disability ratings determination may be 
+inadequate to sustain them and their families while they are in 
+the retraining environment.
+    Their lives and the lives of their families are forever 
+changed. Soldiers that go through the MEB process and are 
+discharged with 0 percent disability receive no disability 
+payment, cannot join a Reserve unit, and in some cases may not 
+be able to return to their previous job.
+    It is the experience of one VA counselor I talked to in 
+Oregon that it is not uncommon for VA to double the disability 
+rating received by service members going through the MEB/PEB 
+    The stress and turmoil a Reserve Component soldier faces 
+not knowing if they will be able to support their family or 
+return to their jobs is a clear impediment to the healing 
+process. We must do a much better job of bridging the gap from 
+AC to RC or to VA when our soldiers are injured or wounded.
+    Finally, we need to help heal the hidden wounds of post 
+traumatic stress disorder [PTSD], and post deployment 
+readjustment. A recent New England Journal of Medicine study on 
+four battalions of active duty soldiers and Marines provides a 
+valuable insight into future problems and issues. Again, this 
+study was done on active duty personnel, and I would urge a 
+study be conducted on Reserve Component personnel who face far 
+different circumstances as they return to their communities and 
+not active duty posts that contain services and support not 
+found in many remote areas of Oregon.
+    I have with me today Colonel Doug Eliason, senior medical 
+officer of Oregon and a family practice physician in Salem, OR.
+    Thank you for your time and your support.
+    [The prepared statement of Brigadier General Byrne 
+    Chairman Tom Davis. Thank you very much.
+    Sergeant Allen, thank you for being with us. I just want to 
+urge the committee members to listen to his testimony.
+    This is the equivalent of financial and medical friendly 
+fire from armed services. We met before over at Walter Reed, 
+and I asked you to come forward, and I very much appreciate you 
+and Sergeant Perez being here to share your personal stories, 
+because this puts a personal face on the problems that our 
+troops face when they come back from battle.
+    Thank you very much.
+    Sergeant Allen. Yes, sir.
+    Mr. Chairman, members of the committee, it is a distinct 
+honor to be here to discuss the important issues affecting 
+National Guard soldiers.
+    I would like to start by saying that I am definitely out of 
+my element, so I am a little nervous today, so bear with me.
+    My name is Sergeant First Class John Allen. I am a National 
+Guard soldier from Blairstown, NJ. In my civilian occupation, I 
+am a police officer. In the Army I am a member of Bravo Co. 
+Third Battalion 20th Special Forces Group. I am a U.S. Army 
+Special Forces weapon sergeant responsible for weapons, 
+tactics, and security.
+    I have been a soldier for 14 years, and while in 
+Afghanistan I was asked to extend my deployment, and I happily 
+did. If medically able to, I would rejoin my brothers in arms, 
+who did some wonderful things to free an oppressed people from 
+a reign of tyranny. It was and is well worth every personal 
+sacrifice I have made.
+    I tell you my story in hope that after you hear my 
+testimony I will motivate you all to make the necessary 
+    Over a year ago when the GAO investigators first approached 
+me, I was asked what can we do to make things better. My 
+statement then is exactly the same as it is today: to bring to 
+light a broken, dysfunctional system in order to correct it so 
+not one more of my comrades will have to go through what I went 
+    I am retiring later this month, and nothing I say or 
+anything you may elect to do as a result of my testimony will 
+personally benefit me.
+    In the summer of 2002, while deployed in Afghanistan, I 
+sustained multiple injuries from a helicopter accident and a 
+grenade blast. I am currently receiving medical treatment at 
+Walter Reed. After being wounded, I was placed in the Army's 
+active duty medical extension program [ADME]. I have 
+experienced significant problems from ADME program, and by Army 
+regulation it is a 90-day extension. When my orders expire, it 
+creates a multitude of problems for me and my family--no pay, 
+no access to the base, no medical coverage for my family, and 
+the cancellation of all my scheduled medical appointments.
+    Our wounded soldiers have our share of champions, to 
+include the President, the Secretary of Defense, the Deputy 
+Secretary, and, of course, this committee. I want to personally 
+thank all of you. In regards to what I call the day-to-day 
+survival people who I have been blessed with meeting, such as 
+Gary Bianchi of the GAO, Grace Washbourne of Chairman Davis' 
+staff, I can never thank you enough for what you have done for 
+me and my family. Most important of all, I want to thank all 
+the doctors and health care professionals at Walter Reed 
+Medical Center for their excellent health care.
+    We have come a long way since I was wounded, and some 
+significant changes have been made. By working together with my 
+champions, we have already made some significant 
+accomplishments. We brought Walter Reed up to the handicapped 
+access standards, the Reserve Component pay and finance system 
+is being reworked, we have done away with the active duty 
+medical extension program for injured warriors, and we have 
+opened the severely disabled veterans clinic. However, 
+significant problems continue to exist that will require all of 
+our assistance in completing the task.
+    The problems as I see them are a combination of the system 
+and some of the personnel. Commanders at all levels must be the 
+engines for change, and the subordinates must follow that 
+commander's intent. Unfortunately, there is no overall good guy 
+wearing a white hat and no overall one bad guy wearing a black 
+hat. I wish it were that easy.
+    I have certainly encountered some lazy, non-caring, even 
+prejudicial individuals along the way, but had an adequate 
+system been in place to take care of Reserve Component disabled 
+veterans, it would have made my situation almost impossible to 
+occur. As long as I have been around the Army, I could not have 
+taken care of my family had I not met some of the prominent 
+people that I have. I shudder to think what would have happened 
+to me and my family without all of you that have helped me.
+    So what happens to the lower enlisted soldier that knows no 
+one of importance, the young soldiers who don't have any rank? 
+Who are their champions? How does that leave a Reserve 
+Component soldier that gets wounded today? Exactly where I was 
+2 years ago--left to figure it out on his own.
+    In my written testimony I have included a detailed timeline 
+of the events related to my ADME issues that clearly 
+demonstrate a broken system. When the people in my life hear my 
+story, they look at me like I am crazy. Even Gary Bianchi of 
+the GAO, when I first met him, looked at me like it was an 
+unbelievable story until I provided him the supporting 
+documentation and proof.
+    As I was writing my testimony on what happened to me over 
+the last 3 years, I have to agree with them that I must be 
+crazy to put myself and my family through this. A lot of guys 
+can't deal with this, and somewhere along the process they just 
+quit and they go home. I would like to be able to say the 
+problems are fixed; however, this is not the case.
+    Currently, I still have problems with my orders, and up to 
+last month having pay problems. The system is still broken, and 
+the only way I have been able to get anything done is by 
+knowing the people that I know. What happens if you don't know 
+those people?
+    My first order I would like to address is the commander's 
+intent and the willingness of the mid-level command personnel 
+to make logistical effective changes.
+    The President of the United States declared war on the 
+terrorists, and the fact is we are at war. I have met many 
+leaders, to include the current administration, senior 
+representatives of the Department of Defense, senior leaders of 
+the Army, and some of this great Nation's Congressmen. I 
+personally feel that they all do genuinely care about me and my 
+family. I have seen them get involved in matters and get them 
+fixed. I believe that the breakdown is clearly in the mid-level 
+    The hospital administrators are also doctors. What 
+surprises me is their own motto: cause no further harm. How can 
+you allow Reserve Component soldiers to go months without pay, 
+nowhere to live, their medical appointments canceled, and not 
+even being paid? The result is a massive stress and mental pain 
+causing further harm, violating their own creed.
+    In the Special Forces we have our own motto: free the 
+oppressed. In this case, the oppressed are the Reserve 
+Component disabled veterans that I am here to free today.
+    I have personally talked to and seen many Marines being 
+treated at Bethesda Naval Station. I was amazed how their 
+stories and care treatment are the complete opposite of my own. 
+Examples of this are contained in my written report and are in 
+detail for your support.
+    We are at war and Walter Reed is the receiving center for 
+our wounded warriors. I would like to invite each one of you to 
+come to Walter Reed for an unannounced visit and see for 
+yourself. It would be very easy to correct the situation if the 
+command element climate supported it. The command staff at 
+Walter Reed needs to show their care. After what our soldiers 
+have done and sacrificed for our Nation, don't they deserve 
+    When a Marine is wounded and can no longer support the 
+team, they are idolized and treated as the heroes they are. 
+When someone asked me about joining the service, I always used 
+to recommend the Army. Now, after what I have lived, if one of 
+my own sons came to me I think I would tell him to join the 
+Marines. After thinking about that, I thought of what my father 
+used to tell me--you were either part of the problem or you are 
+part of the solution. I was wrong to think that. I am part of 
+and I have felt proud to be part of the Army, and I should not 
+let a broken system taint my overall experience. Rather than 
+being part of the problem, I am here today to be part of the 
+solution. We need to fix our Army, my Army.
+    Case worker confusion--the saying ``too many cooks in the 
+kitchen spoils the soup'' holds entirely true here. There are 
+too many people involved. Each one thinks that what they do is 
+the most important. The most important thing is what my doctor 
+tells me, not spending my time chasing my tail for their 
+accountability and their paperwork. I only need the U.S. Army 
+Special Operation Command liaisons. These individuals are more 
+than willing and capable of handling all of my needs. Each 
+branch should have their own people helping their own people. 
+If someone is needed, it should go to my liaison and he can 
+schedule it. If there is an argument between my ombudsman and 
+whoever it is, I as the patient can go on about getting better 
+and not being stressed and harassed.
+    Reserve Component versus active duty--I do not know of any 
+Reserve Component units that have liaisons. Until the U.S. Army 
+Special Operations Command commander sent their liaisons on a 
+permanent basis to Walter Reed, life was very difficult for me. 
+But what about the Reserve Component soldier that is in 
+transportation company? Who represents him and who is his 
+    I thank God I joined the Special Forces, because the 
+Special Forces are taking care of me. But that shouldn't make 
+me special in terms of care and representation. In combat, I 
+was considered a member of the active duty. Once I was wounded, 
+I was considered a Reserve Component soldier. As a Reserve 
+Component soldier, my family is not authorized on my orders to 
+relocate with me. I am not entitled to use my leave as terminal 
+leave. I am not entitled to have open-ended orders.
+    My wife and three sons are still living in New Jersey. My 
+oldest son, who was 10 years old when I was mobilized, is going 
+to be 14 in July. I have missed a large part of his life and I 
+can never get it back. When I asked to go home, I was told 
+active service members have to go to a medical treatment 
+facility. I am not an active service member. I am a Reserve 
+Component soldier and my family is at home, a fact that is 
+causing me significant hardship. However, when I tried to get 
+any of the active duty entitlements I am told I am a Reserve 
+Component soldier. I have no problem with either scenario, but 
+make a command decision on which one I am and allow me the 
+benefits of that system.
+    If I need to come back, do so at the Government's expense, 
+instead of causing me, the soldier, more harm by separating me 
+from my family and having the soldier assume the financial 
+burden of paying to go see his family.
+    The medical hold company I am sure has some kind of 
+function. To those members of the company that are here today 
+who have given your all, I thank you and I apologize to you for 
+putting you in this category with the rest. If they are 
+supposed to keep our accountability, my liaison does that. If 
+it is handling and processing my orders and ensuring that I am 
+paid, then they are not doing their job. It is to this end that 
+I boldly state there is no reason for the existence of the 
+medical hold company. They are simply another cook in the 
+kitchen just spoiling the soup.
+    They also need to understand they are not dealing with 
+basic training recruits, but rather our wounded warriors. 
+Requiring amputees to attend formations, demanding you to come 
+any time they need something, and the general lack of caring 
+they have clearly demonstrated by allowing Reserve Component 
+soldiers to go off orders is wrong. The overall attitude toward 
+our Nation's finest is disgusting, and at best they should be 
+ashamed of themselves. This goes on with the full knowledge of 
+the mid-level command philosophy.
+    Point five, confusion about the system: everything in the 
+Army has some kind of standard. I have not ever seen a standard 
+for medical treatment for Reserve Component soldiers. The 
+overall board process is confusing. Add in the Reserve 
+Component factor and it is even more confusing and complicated. 
+Records for Reserve Component soldiers are kept at their units 
+and their command are not readily available.
+    Once mobilized, I was assigned to Third Group Special 
+Forces. The day I was ordered to ADME my problems started. From 
+the first day to the present, there is not one set of standards 
+that I have been provided, and I have not ever submitted the 
+same supporting documentation. Had I been provided a manual for 
+injured National Guard or Reserve soldiers, I could have 
+avoided the majority of the problems that I had.
+    The Medical Board for Reserve Component versus active 
+duty--the Medical Board for all soldiers should be the same, 
+but it is not. Bullets don't discriminate between Reserve 
+Component and active duty soldiers, and neither should the 
+Army. Once I was identified as an injured soldier, I should 
+have stayed on OEF/OIF orders. The pot of money to run the war 
+should include the price tag for taking care of the wounded for 
+that war.
+    I was left on open-ended OEF/OIF orders. There would be 
+only two amendments to my orders, instead of the eight or nine 
+I think I have had. My orders would not run out in 90 days or, 
+under the new system, every 179 days. If my doctor knows that 
+my treatment is going to take 14 months, then my orders should 
+be for 14 months, plus processing time. Why is the decision 
+left up to some personnel person to determine how long if my 
+treatment is going to be shorter than the order? If the 
+treatment is longer, there is no problem because it is an open-
+ended order.
+    The burden should not be on me every 90 days to get all my 
+paperwork done and turned in, keeping following up on the 
+status of those orders, getting new ID card, a new window 
+sticker for my vehicle, my family have to travel all the way 
+down to get new ID cards at their expense and re-register for 
+Tri-Care. I should be focusing on my medical treatment, the 
+reason that my orders were extended in the first place.
+    The Board is supposed to be the same for active duty and 
+Reserve Component soldiers, but there is one huge difference 
+that I have contained in my written testimony.
+    Wounded soldiers are not quitting the team, they are 
+getting out because their disabilities force them to. There is 
+a big, big difference. They should still be considered part of 
+the team.
+    While talking to a U.S. Army Special Operations commander 
+recently, he told me of an idea of his of tracking soldiers 
+once they are out. This is a great idea, and I think the Army 
+should be helping the disabled veterans after they are out with 
+their employment, getting into the Veterans Affairs system, and 
+their reentry into civilian life.
+    My conclusion--I believe in utilizing my chain of command. 
+In my case, my chain of command went through military channels 
+and made no progress. I did not start this investigation; my 
+chain of command did on my behalf. I have been cooperative in 
+hopes of fixing a broken, dysfunctional system, and I have been 
+persecuted for my actions.
+    Mr. Chairman, I am retiring this month and I am not afraid 
+to speak my mind, but for some of the guys still receiving 
+medical treatment and guys that are going to be at Walter Reed 
+testifying today, to quote my father one last time, ``Tell the 
+truth and let the chips fall where they may. That way you can 
+always look at the man in the mirror in the eye.'' I know my 
+father would be proud of me today standing here letting the 
+chips fall by fighting for my
+disabled veterans. I am grateful for the opportunity to tell my 
+story. I thank you for all your support and effort. God bless 
+you and the greatest Nation on this planet, the United States 
+of America.
+    [The prepared statement of Sergeant Allen follows:]
+    [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T0085.057
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+    Chairman Tom Davis. Thank you very much, Sergeant Allen. 
+Thank you.
+    Sergeant Perez.
+    Sergeant Perez. I would like to begin by conveying my 
+sincere appreciation to all the committee members today for 
+this opportunity to help my fellow soldiers.
+    It is my belief that everyone here today is ultimately here 
+for the same reason: for love of country and for the heart of 
+the armed forces. It is my hope that what is conveyed here 
+today is taken in a positive force, and the steps to improve 
+the policies and/or administration issues that have been found 
+lacking, which applies to all U.S. soldiers and their families.
+    I am a 38-year-old Nevada National Guard. I was on active 
+duty ever since the Twin Towers fell. I wanted to serve and 
+defend my country. I was deployed with the 77nd Military Police 
+Co. in September 2001 for Operation Noble Eagle in Monterey, 
+CA. During this deployment, two Army stop loss orders affected 
+my enlistment. My second stop loss regarding specific MOS 
+extended my service again for 12 months, but after revision put 
+my ETS to April 2003.
+    Shortly after our 13-month deployment ended, I took a 
+position as a Federal fire fighter at the Department of Air 
+Force, Hill Air Force Base, Layton, UT. However, I was ordered 
+to come back to Nevada to redeploy for Operation Enduring 
+Freedom. I was notified that I was to be placed on a third 
+involuntary stop loss order that extended me to full length of 
+the deployment plus an additional 3 months. Our deployment 
+orders sent us to Fort Lewis, WA, to prepare, be evaluated, and 
+deploy to Iraq.
+    In late April I was deployed to serve my country as a 95 
+Bravo military police sergeant. My unit provided critical 
+support in theater operations in criminal and security 
+detention missions. We worked endless hours in weather 
+conditions exceeding 130 degrees in order to build and 
+establish confinement operations in an area which is well known 
+as extremely hostile to coalition forces. We endured over 22 
+days of rocket-propelled grenades, mortar attacks, and with 
+performing MP missions in Iraq under the most dangerous and 
+hostile conditions such as several vehicle escort missions to 
+various locations in downtown Baghdad and nearby cities.
+    I was also selected to play a vital role in transporting 
+detainees to and from the courthouse in downtown Baghdad and 
+was subject to daily threats of ambush and attacks during these 
+    On July 13, shortly after returning from the convoy with my 
+squad releasing detainees in the Baghdad area, we were alerted 
+to rush to the prison compound area. An uprising within the 
+insurgent detainees led to a prison riot. The insurgents were 
+armed with sharpened tent poles, tent spikes, and rocks. They 
+had already injured one soldier, and there was another pinned 
+down. We led a group of soldiers into the compound as a quick 
+reactionary force. While under fire, we helped the downed 
+soldier and quelled the prison riot with physical force. During 
+these actions I injured my left knee while taking down a 
+combative. I also received a strong hit to my head.
+    That night again, just like so many other nights, we 
+continued to be RPGed and mortar attacked. On occasions, these 
+mortars entered the confined areas, killing and wounding 
+numerous detainees. They also took the lives of two MI soldiers 
+working with us. I remember the day working on the tower and 
+witnessing part of our own company of 11 soldiers, many of them 
+being close friends, load onto a military deuce truck. They 
+were struck by an IUD just outside the prison walls. It blew 
+them all out of the vehicle, causing many injuries. I still to 
+this day relive these moments and feel helpless and have rage.
+    While on a family related emergency leave, I reported to 
+Nellis Air Force Base to have my knee examined and x-rayed. 
+They found my knee injury causing me to be unfit for deployment 
+and in need of medical attention. I notified the Army National 
+Guard. I was informed that because the physical profile was 
+conducted by the U.S. Air Force, I could not receive care until 
+I returned back to Baghdad, Iraq to be examined by an Army 
+medical doctor. Not wanting to get into trouble, I returned 
+back to my unit without delay.
+    On September 2, 2003, I finally had a chance to be seen by 
+the 28th CSH unit--combat support hospital--in Baghdad, Iraq. 
+Because of the injuries to my knee, I was placed on medical 
+evacuation orders to Landstuhl, Germany. After further 
+examination and x-rays in Germany, they put me on a plane to 
+Fort Lewis, WA, to be attached to the 2122 GTSB Medical Hold 
+Co. for treatment. I was put in the Reserve platoon under 
+National Guard sergeant on orders. He stated his unit was on 
+orders to work with injured soldiers of the National Guard and 
+Reserves. He also stated that they were overwhelmed with the 
+amount of soldiers and the host of medical and personal 
+problems they were coming home with. I was given old sheets and 
+led to an old World War I barrack with insufficient water, 
+heating, limited access for injured soldiers, and with mold 
+growing on the walls. I was given a bus schedule and told to 
+find a case manager at Madigan Hospital.
+    I found and reported to my case manager. I was set up to 
+see medical staff within a few days. I was told they wanted to 
+start my medical process with physical therapy, which was set 3 
+weeks away. During this time many of the medical hold soldiers 
+felt like they were lost and thrown away.
+    When you come back to the States, you figure that 
+flashbacks and nightmares were a normal stress that you go 
+through when you come out of a war zone. Soldiers still say, 
+however, that, despite the Army's efforts, languishing in 
+medical hold compounds one's medical and psychological issues. 
+Everything is uncertain. You are denied care, and you feel that 
+they don't give a damn whether you get better or not.
+    During the month of November 2003, my National Guard unit 
+was REFRAD and returned home for Thanksgiving. They were given 
+a hero's welcome. The ones in medical hold watched it on TV.
+    On December 8, 2003, I was finally allowed to take 
+convalescent leave. At this point my wife had to care for me, 
+and I couldn't see any hope of getting my position back as a 
+fire fighter at Hill Air Force Base. My wife was beginning to 
+see signs of change in me and she was worried about my mental 
+health because of the nightmares and always wanting to be 
+alone. I couldn't even enjoy the time with my children and 
+visit family without putting up a front. It was my case 
+manager, Captain Boardman at Madigan, who promised to get me 
+remote care through the VA so I could heal and start physical 
+therapy near my family.
+    I reported to the VA in Las Vegas in January 2003. I met 
+with my primary care provider and began medical treatment. That 
+care I received at the VA was outstanding. Most of my care and 
+surgery was contracted through a VA fee base program. I was 
+able to get x-rays, MRIs, physical therapy, surgeries to my 
+knees and my neck. My appointments were handled quickly and 
+with the best of care. I also started a veterans PTSD focus 
+group at the vet center in Las Vegas. My wife and I do believe 
+that they saved my life. For the first time I felt that my 
+medical and psychological issues were finally being handled 
+    During my stay in medical holdover, I received little to no 
+counseling regarding traumatic events I experienced during war. 
+Why didn't I or others ask for help? The culture here is that 
+unless your leg has been torpedoed off or your arm shot off, 
+then it is not a combat-related injury. Many servicemen here 
+fear to be stigmatized for being able to deal with their 
+problems on their own. I did the same thing that everyone else 
+does in the military--you suck it up. You don't whine. But I am 
+sure during the course of treatment a soldier will display 
+signs that will suggest that an individual is in need of mental 
+health counseling of some kind.
+    My National Guard unit was demobilized February 10, 2004. 
+Because of this, my family and I fell off the Army records. 
+After many calls to the National Guard and hearing that, 
+because I was still on Title 10 orders, it was an active Army 
+problem, I started to call Fort Lewis. I was told the exact 
+opposite. I was finally told that there was confusion about how 
+to handle the ADME orders and line of duty packages. I asked to 
+speak to my case manager, to find out he was replaced by a new 
+case manager who didn't have a clue who I was or what my 
+situation was. My family went 3 months without military IDs, 
+Tri-Care health, pay, and even denied entrance onto Nellis Air 
+Force Base to shop.
+    Not being able to work, I had to borrow money from family 
+members to make ends meet. At the same time, I was still 
+receiving phone calls from the 2122nd medical hold company 
+saying they couldn't fix anything unless I came back, or I had 
+to come back or I would be placed on AWOL. This caused more 
+stress because I had just had surgery to my cervical spine.
+    I was low on funds, didn't have orders, or even a military 
+ID card. My wife and family members couldn't believe all the 
+problems, and started to think that maybe I did something wrong 
+and I was being punished. All this made me feel worthless, and 
+I ended up on April 22nd in a mental health unit at Mike 
+O'Callaghan Hospital for PTSD and again suicidal thoughts.
+    After two extension orders and a back-dated ADME to report 
+back to Fort Lewis to be attached to the Madigan Medical Hold, 
+I finally was able to get my family updated in DEERS and have 
+military ID again. I was finally able to show proof of 
+employment and get a rental house for my family. I reported 
+back to Madigan Medical Hold on July 8, 2004. I was glad to see 
+that the troops did not have to stay in the old barracks any 
+more, but a lot of the same problems still remained. Many of 
+the soldiers were still having pay and order problems. I 
+started to try to help as much as I could.
+    I have been involuntarily medically separated because of 
+the injuries I accrued for my country in Iraq in combat. I have 
+gone through a major life change, and within the next month I 
+am having to endure another. I have always had pain in my 
+knees, and if I walk long distances or lift anything the pain 
+is greater. Pain in my knees is from the injuries and the past 
+two knee surgeries for tears, damaged cartilage, micro 
+fractions, and lateral release.
+    I also had cervical fusion. I have lost some range of 
+motion in my neck. I sometimes can't turn my head to the left 
+and if I look down for a long time, such as reading a 
+newspaper, my neck locks up. I have chronic neck pain which 
+starts in my neck and ends in my lower back. I have taken large 
+doses of hydrocodone throughout the day and the night for 
+relief. This prevents me from performing tasks that I feel that 
+I need to be sharp mentally. This medication, along with other 
+medication, keeps me balanced. I have to take the medication 
+for the rest of my life.
+    I can't get to sleep most nights, and I must sleep with a 
+CPAP machine strapped to my face because of severe obstructive 
+sleep apnea. I also sleep with a hard mouth brace because of 
+the TMJ surgeries to my jaw. I still do my therapy with the VA 
+in Las Vegas.
+    I continue to take my PTSD group meetings every week at the 
+Las Vegas Vet Center because it works for me. It helps keep me 
+strong and centered. I and many of my colleagues say such 
+problems are particularly acute among the National Guard and 
+Reserve soldiers, who make up 40 percent of the deployed 
+troops. I don't think it has been budgeted for the Reserve and 
+Guard components, and now they want us to suck it up. An 
+injured soldier shouldn't be thought of less because he is a 
+Guard member or a Reserve. I am very displeased how my family 
+has been treated during my medical holdover. But the issues 
+that are mostly directly affecting my future is my dispute with 
+the Army over disability ratings.
+    Most of my conditions are chronic and I can't perform many 
+of my functions as a fire fighter nor law enforcement. These 
+were my chosen fields I have strived to be proficient and 
+professional at. I am told to look forward to a VE rehab 
+program to help with education and training into a new field 
+starting me over again. My family and I live in a rural city 
+outside of north Las Vegas. Our closest health care, hospital, 
+major food shopping, fitness center, and largest gas station 
+has always been Nellis Air Force Base, Las Vegas, NV. My first 
+daughter was even born here when I served with the U.S. Marine 
+Corps. It is very hard knowing that this has been taken away 
+from us.
+    As a Nation, we should note the special contributions of 
+our National Guard and Reserves. Since the attacks of September 
+11th, and extended into the Iraq conflict, demands placed on 
+citizen soldiers and their families have been extraordinary.
+    I make this statement today not to complain or look for 
+pity, but to finally have my chance to tell my story. I don't 
+believe or want to presume that I have a well-rounded knowledge 
+of military procedures. I do believe this committee has a 
+vigilant desire to make provisions to the adjustment and 
+strengthening of these programs.
+    I would like to make the following considerations: National 
+Guard and Reserve forces face challenges that their active duty 
+avoid. When part-time soldiers do return home, they have little 
+interaction with other soldiers and sometimes feel that they 
+are the only ones going through these emotional adjustments. I 
+feel a bit isolated, like the rest of the world has just gone 
+by me for the past 3 years. For these reasons, I feel that 
+remote care would benefit and aid the recovery of individual 
+soldiers and their families. I would recommend the Veteran 
+Association in ways of medical care.
+    The medical holding companies have full control over the 
+soldiers to be able to utilize them in tasks that don't hinder 
+their care as soldiers. This could help the soldiers progress 
+in the military and have an active duty component to handle 
+problems that arise. Many of these soldiers fall through the 
+cracks when it comes to promotions, educational benefits, and 
+    The wounds of the battle frequently do not require hospital 
+attention. There are severe long-term physical and 
+psychological disabilities that prevent veterans from attaining 
+positions in our Nation's work force. When a soldier returns, 
+they have to go through a complex workman's comp type paperwork 
+to prove that there is something that they did in war, which is 
+the reason that they are sick. That can take from 4 to 16 
+months. They come home injured, and rather than being 
+integrated into society they are stuck in medical limbo waiting 
+for their disability ratings and then being diagnosed with pre-
+existing conditions that imply that they shouldn't have been 
+sent overseas in the first place.
+    For these reasons, I believe there should be a seamless 
+transition from going from medical hold status to veteran 
+status. I feel that the veterans service organizations should 
+have more access to bases to help the injured soldiers deal 
+with the MEB and PEB issues. Families would be free to focus on 
+physical and emotional recovery progress in lieu of following 
+up on paperwork, policies, and medical care on their own 
+financial and emotional expense.
+    I have found that many of the problems occurred during my 
+medical care because the DOD and the VA create an independent 
+patient record. Records are hand carried to and from agencies. 
+I also found, unfortunately, that the current VA/DOD process 
+for sharing information about eligible service members does not 
+facilitate quickly and there is not a smooth transition into 
+enrollment into the VA programs.
+    There seems to be a great deal of difference in the 
+policies regarding the medical care and treatment of soldiers 
+between the branches of the military. I feel that the treatment 
+to an injured should be written and maintained as one standard. 
+A medical doctor's opinion shouldn't change based off of the 
+uniform that they wear.
+    Last, I would like to see more progress and emphasis on 
+mental health services available in post traumatic stress and 
+depression. It has made a difference in my life, and I feel 
+that the programs such as at the vet center will give a great 
+deal of comfort to many of the returning veterans as they 
+undergo their personal struggles.
+    It is because I have a great deal of love for my country 
+and family that I write this statement. I have cherished much 
+of my life in the armed services. I have taken pride in wearing 
+the uniform. I have made great friends and I have seen and 
+accomplished many things throughout my deployments. There can 
+be no doubt of the commitment of those in uniform, whether 
+active, National Guard, or Reserve. When we speak words of 
+sacrifice, courage, and conviction it touches my heart as a 
+former Marine and a soldier, as they do for those who are 
+serving in uniform today in the defense of our safety and 
+    I thank you again.
+    [The prepared statement of Sergeant Perez follows:]
+    [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T0085.076
+    [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T0085.077
+    [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T0085.078
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+    [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T0085.082
+    [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T0085.083
+    Chairman Tom Davis. Sergeant Perez, thank you very much for 
+sharing that with us. Mr. Shuttleworth, thank you.
+    CWO Shuttleworth. Mr. Chairman, members of the committee, 
+it is a distinct honor to be here to discuss important issues 
+affecting injured Reserve Component soldiers, including those 
+injured as a result of the global war on terrorism. Our Reserve 
+Component soldiers have born the brunt of growing pains 
+necessary to change a system that was not designed to support 
+Reserve Component soldiers.
+    My name is Chief Warrant Officer Rodger Shuttleworth. My 
+military career began in 1973, where I served in the active 
+Army until 1981. I then joined the Maryland Army National Guard 
+and became a full-time employee of the National Guard Bureau of 
+1988. I was assigned to my current position as Chief, Reserve 
+Component Support Services Branch, Army Human Resources 
+Command, in February 2003. My responsibilities include all 
+aspects of personnel for Reserve Component soldiers ordered to 
+active duty under Title 10.
+    Prior to September 11th, there were only two programs that 
+dealt with injured Reserve Component soldiers--active duty 
+medical extensions and incapacitation pay. Incapacitation pay 
+and allowances are paid to soldiers without them being on 
+active duty. There are a lot of soldiers on incapacitation pay. 
+Over $3 million monthly is spent on their care. Without proper 
+oversight, questions to the best use of the money remains. If 
+these soldiers were placed on active duty medical extension, 
+they would be better managed and the Army would spend less 
+money getting them returned to duty or placed in the physical 
+disability system.
+    The numbers of injured soldiers in these programs prior to 
+2001 was manageable, but due to the largest mobilization of 
+Guard and Reserve since World War II in the global war on 
+terrorism, the amount of injured needing assistance grew beyond 
+the capacity to assist.
+    For example, I started with a staff of six. At the time, 
+the Adjutant General of the Army gave me a mission: to do all I 
+could to increase the capacity to care of our injured Reserve 
+Component soldiers. At that time, the only process was active 
+duty medical extension and incapacitation pay. An active duty 
+medical extension prior to September 11, 2001 was used to order 
+drilling soldiers injured during training to active duty for 
+medical care. Because we were not prepared for the disaster of 
+September 11, ADME had to be used to support GWOT soldiers 
+injured in the line of duty. Because ADME was not specifically 
+designed for GWOT, soldiers were being denied eligibility, fell 
+off pay systems, and lost benefits for their families.
+    ADME was supposed to be a 179-day program, longer than the 
+30 days given, but the Army G-1 who was responsible for 
+establishing and interpreting ADME policy also chose to execute 
+it, and they became a major stumbling block, shortening 
+extensions as we tried to ensure GWOT soldiers were treated 
+equally to their active component counterparts.
+    These problems continued until the creation of medical 
+retention process in March 2003. This was an improvement, 
+better because the application process was easier, the 
+requirements were streamlined, and all extensions were 
+automatic for 179 days. We also directly submit the soldiers' 
+orders to the Defense Finance and Accounting Service so pay 
+problems and benefits will end.
+    In January 2004, I established the Medical Services Section 
+of my branch to facilitate MRP processing, Medical Board 
+process, and other RC personnel functions for medical reasons. 
+During this time, we began to realize that we were also 
+responsible to train and assist Reserve Component and active 
+Army personnel in medical care facilities who had any questions 
+at all on Reserve Component processing.
+    Some calls are from the medical holdover companies who do 
+not always know how to process or help Reserve or Guard 
+soldiers being treated in their facilities, but most of the 
+callers are Guard and Reserve soldiers who have not gotten any 
+answers from their chain of command at the facilities and have 
+exhausted all other avenues in health and service.
+    One of the major problems is that Army medical personnel do 
+not interface with Army personnel specialists. This continues 
+to cause serious misunderstandings, delays, and holdups in 
+personnel services.
+    Another of the major problems is that we have a medical 
+command telling an injured Guard or Reserve soldier one thing 
+and we tell him another.
+    Another continuing source of inter-Army command 
+difficulties for us involves our relationship with the Army G-
+1. The Army G-1 is by definition supposed to be a source of 
+policy decisions, innovation that the Army Human Resources 
+Command are executors of, but this is not always the case. This 
+causes the following problems: great delays in the approval in 
+each soldier's paperwork, causing increased days in treatment; 
+pay problems and benefits; and great family stress. We have 
+spent far too much time debating between our offices on the 
+most effective way to support injured Reserve Component 
+    In regards to these difficulties, I am happy to report that 
+2 days ago the Army G-1 transferred functional responsibility 
+for all types of Reserve Component personnel management in 
+regards to medical processing to my branch.
+    I want to bring forward another problem that my staff and I 
+encounter every day. Reserve Component soldiers are remaining 
+on active duty for long periods of time without being injured 
+into the physical disability process and remain in a medical 
+board process for long periods of time. Of the paperwork we 
+review, approximately 80 percent of ADME and MRPE Reserve 
+Component soldiers will end up in a physical disability system. 
+Part of the problem is the shortage of trained manpower, both 
+at medical command and the U.S. Army Physical Disability 
+Agency. Injured Reserve Component soldiers have paid the price 
+for this, but we are trying to improve manning and training.
+    Guard and Reserve soldiers have so many difficulties 
+because the active Army tries to treat them like active Army 
+soldiers in all cases, and in some instances they cannot. An 
+example is when an active Army soldier is med-evac'ed from a 
+theater of operation to a Stateside medical facility and 
+determined to be an outpatient, they are returned to their home 
+unit for a period of recovery. The Reserve Component soldier 
+may not have a home station because his unit has been mobilized 
+and there may be no one left at home station to assist them. 
+This causes us to lose accountability for these soldiers. All 
+of them are authorized to receive medical care and treatment 
+and should be reported through active Army organizations prior 
+to returning to their home of record.
+    To alleviate this problem, the Army has created the 
+community based health care initiative. This initiative will 
+allow some Reserve Component soldiers, after being processed 
+through an active Army organization, to return to their home of 
+records and their families, remain on active duty, and receive 
+medical care. Each community based health care organization is 
+responsible for the care and accountability of the soldiers 
+assigned them. My office assists in training the staff 
+personnel of these newly created facilities. In addition to 
+that, I have placed over 80 NCOs at Army treatment facilities 
+in the United States and Germany to assist in patient tracking 
+and Medical Board processing. Because of the placement of these 
+NCOs, completed Medical Board ratios have now improved. Over 
+400 are being done annually.
+    We have also placed personnel at the U.S. Army Physical 
+Disability Agency, the DOD Defense Finance and Accounting 
+Service, and at the CBHCOs. We were also asked very recently by 
+the Army Installation Management Agency to provide experienced 
+Reserve Component command and control staff onsites at the 
+installation because there is a shortage of permanent staff at 
+the installation medical readiness processing units and CBHCOs.
+    There is still a need to sustain this staff currently and 
+at least 2 years after the current contingency operations end. 
+As of last week, the Director of the Army staff has approved my 
+office to fill these leadership voids with the Army extended 
+active duty program.
+    I hope from my testimony you understand how important it is 
+to me that my staff and the Army continues to resource and 
+improve policies aimed at supporting injured Guard and Reserve 
+    There are four things I want to bring to your attention.
+    One involves a needed change to Title 10. Under the current 
+law, Reserve Component soldiers not injured in the line of duty 
+are entitled to a retirement benefit that soldiers that are 
+injured in the line of duty are not entitled to. That bothers 
+all of us. I respectfully ask that Congress change this unfair 
+law. Right now, if you are injured prior to entering the armed 
+forces and have 15 years of credible service and are found to 
+be non-retainable, you are eligible to retire and obtain 
+benefits at age 60. But if you agree to come to active duty and 
+fight for your country and are injured in the line of duty, you 
+are not entitled to this benefit.
+    Second, I have deep concerns about current Army procedures 
+for injured Reserve Component soldiers at certain Army 
+installations, including Walter Reed, Fort Bragg, Fort Bliss, 
+Fort Lewis, Fort Dix, and Fort Drum. These installations do not 
+provide timely and accurate medical personnel records or line 
+of duty investigations that are vital to Reserve Component 
+soldiers who are leaving active duty and will need future 
+medical care. At these installations there is no standard for 
+consistency in who is responsible for providing us timely and 
+accurate records or applications for MRP extensions so that the 
+soldier is entered into the system. If this doesn't change, 
+Army case managers will not have access to the records they 
+need, orders will be cut too late and pay and benefits will be 
+    I ask the Army Installation Management Agency to help 
+create standards for installations so that we will have the 
+same policies in place to assist these soldiers.
+    Third, even with the new influx of medical case workers 
+assigned to assist injured Guard Reserve soldiers, the ratio 
+between patient and care manager is still too high at at least 
+50 to 1 at each hospital and now 30 to 1 at the CBHCO. These 
+people are crucial to making appointments, liaisoning with 
+families, liaisoning with doctors on treatment time tables, and 
+also entering correct information into the mod system, one of 
+the many data bases tracking medical data, timely and 
+accurately. If you can, please help us with this.
+    Last, my office needs more resources. I have space issues, 
+funding issues to visit facilities for training and assistance, 
+and equipment shortages. I have time and again asked my budget 
+office for the ability to use reimbursable GWOT funds to cover 
+these expenses and am denied. I don't understand the reluctance 
+to use already dedicated funds. I look to Congress to consider 
+line item appropriations to help us in the Guard and Reserve.
+    Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
+    [The prepared statement of CWO Shuttleworth follows:]
+    [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T0085.084
+    [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T0085.085
+    [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T0085.086
+    [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T0085.087
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+    Chairman Tom Davis. Thank you very much.
+    Sergeant Forney, thank you.
+    Sergeant Forney. Mr. Chairman and members of the committee, 
+it is a distinct honor to be here to discuss active duty 
+medical extension, the medical retention process, and life at 
+medical hold at Walter Reed for injured Guard and Reserve 
+    I am Master Sergeant Forney, an Army Reservist from 
+Pennsylvania with almost 25 years of proud service. I arrived 
+at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in July 2002, after I 
+volunteered and received orders from Chief Warrant Officer 
+Shuttleworth of the Human Resources Command. Chief Shuttleworth 
+saw the need for someone to help the administrative process for 
+Guard and Reserve soldiers because the active duty medical hold 
+company did not know how to help these soldiers.
+    I was the first Reservist liaison to be sent to Walter Reed 
+to help soldiers. I was the only one there in that capacity for 
+over 1 year. When I first arrived, there were only about 10 
+injured Army Reserve and National Guard soldiers on ground. I 
+assessed the situation and determined that the process was 
+broken. Soldiers fell off orders and had delayed pay and lost 
+medical care. The soldiers' families also lost Tri-Care 
+    Then came the task of keeping them on orders. This is where 
+the real trouble started. Because I had to send their packets 
+to the Army G-1 at the Pentagon to be signed and approved, 
+sometimes it would take up to 4 months to get their orders. 
+Although doctors had requested extensions for soldiers for up 
+to 179 days and we submitted those requests, G-1 sometimes did 
+not grant this much time, instead approving 90-day extensions. 
+This caused more workload for us and put the soldiers at risk 
+of falling off orders. This caused great hardship for the 
+soldiers and their families, not only monetarily but because 
+medical care for soldiers and their families stop when soldiers 
+are not on orders.
+    G-1 requirements for valid support for an extension often 
+changed, sometimes without notice. For example, at first a form 
+46-2-R was acceptable for doctors to sign off, and this worked 
+well. However, after about 6 months this form was no longer 
+taken. Now a letter from a doctor was needed that included 
+significantly more information, such as the diagnosis, 
+prognosis, and medical treatment plan. This then slowed down 
+the process even more, because a soldier would have to get his 
+or her doctor to take time and write the letter.
+    In April 2004 the medical retention process was 
+implemented. This was a great step forward, reducing the 
+process of getting orders down to an average of 7 days.
+    There are still stipulations for getting MRP orders. They 
+have to be on 12301 orders. These are the mobilization orders. 
+There are still some bugs in the system and we are working with 
+the Human Resources Command to fine tune the process.
+    In addition to the problem with extending orders for 
+soldiers and lost pay and benefits, there are other issues I 
+want to bring to the committee's attention. For example, during 
+all this we encountered even more problems with the active 
+duty, as they did not know how to deal with the Reserves and 
+National Guard soldiers.
+    When I first arrived at Walter Reed in 2002 I found a 
+soldier from California that was living in the hotel on ground. 
+He had been living there for 3 months paying out of his own 
+pocket. He had fallen off orders 2 months before. When he went 
+to active duty, he was told that there was nothing they could 
+do for him because he was National Guard. I did get him his 
+back pay, and that took 2 months because it took a month to get 
+him back on orders. As far as I know, he has never been 
+reimbursed the total cost for his out-of-pocket expenses, 
+approximately $5,000.
+    Mr. Chairman, my staff and I do whatever it takes to make 
+sure that soldiers are taken care of. The motto for the medical 
+hold company at Walter Reed is soldiers first. My staff and I 
+have spent approximately $2,000 of our own money in the past 2 
+years and are continuing to pay out of our own pockets for a 
+lot of the supplies we use to uphold the motto. The medical 
+hold company only gets so much money a year, and my office is 
+at the bottom of the list for funding. What makes this so bad 
+is the Reserves and Guard are fighting next to the active duty, 
+and still we treat them like second class citizens. We do not 
+want to be treated special, just equal.
+    Thank you, sir.
+    [The prepared statement of Sergeant Forney follows:]
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+    Chairman Tom Davis. Thank you very much. That was very 
+compelling testimony. It shows what happens when you don't get 
+information sharing between the Guard and the Reserves and 
+military and we are not interconnected and we are just letting 
+regulations drive this whole process and we are forgetting 
+about the people.
+    I am going to start the questions with Mr. Porter.
+    Mr. Porter. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Again, thank you to 
+the panelists for pretty compelling testimony.
+    I have a specific question for Sergeant Allen. You had 
+mentioned in your testimony and your backup regarding being 
+persecuted for actions, vindictive medical hold personnel, and 
+have been labeled as a troublemaker. Can you give me a little 
+more details about that? How are you being labeled, and what 
+are they doing to cause you additional pain and suffering right 
+    Sergeant Allen. At the time, sir, when the original GAO 
+investigation was started with Mary Ellen Tribanic--she is a 
+great help--my chain of command started the investigation. They 
+came to me. I was forthcoming, provided the information that 
+was asked of me.
+    Shortly thereafter the first GAO report came out. The 
+information that was contained in that report was very 
+specific. It stated something to the effect, if my memory 
+recalls correctly, ``A Virginia Special Forces National Guard 
+police officer from New Jersey--'' something to that effect--
+``receiving medical treatment at Fort Bragg,'' which I was the 
+only one of. When that happened I had on different occasions be 
+called late at night, 8:30, 9 p.m., be told that I had a 4:30 
+or 4 a.m. appointment, medical appointment that is, sir.
+    And on more than one occasion I went to the appointment, 
+documented when, where I was told to go. On one occasion at 
+4:30 a.m. I was told to have an MRI done. I went there. The 
+NCOIC, the non-commissioned officer in charge, told me that he 
+had told my medical administrator that they would not do my 
+appointment at 4:30 a.m. and that I should come back Friday 
+when my original appointment was scheduled.
+    I had the NCOIC write a letter, memorandum for record, 
+stating that, turned it over to GAO, and continued to have 
+those type of problems. I do have them documented. I have filed 
+them all with the GAO. It is very unfortunate. I consider 
+myself a big boy. I can take care of myself, and I have taken 
+care of myself. But my concern has been and will be for the 
+lower enlisted guy that can't take care of themselves. That is 
+one of the examples.
+    Mr. Porter. Thank you.
+    Mr. Chairman, if I could ask an additional question. Mr. 
+Perez, again, thank you for being here. I know that you are a 
+long way from home. I appreciate it very much. Very compelling 
+    Can you kind of explain the difference between when you 
+were in the Marines and your most recent service? Was there 
+different treatment? Was there substantial difference in 
+culture and procedures?
+    Sergeant Perez. Yes, I would go ahead and answer that. I 
+enjoyed both the services, but I did feel that the care and the 
+commitment that I received while in the Marine Corps, even like 
+it was stated, your mid-level sergeant positions, a gunnery 
+sergeant or an E-6 or an E-7 took great pride in taking care of 
+their under-enlistment soldiers. They didn't try to pass it up 
+the chain of command for the next level to try to take care of 
+it. I found when I got into the Army once again that, even 
+though we were serving side by side with the active, when we 
+got back it was just--there seemed to be a complete discomfort 
+on how we were treated as National Guard and Reserves.
+    Many of our command, when they come back to the States, 
+they are coming back--when they come back to the States they 
+are getting demobilized. They are going back to their job, 
+going back to 1 weekend out of the month, 2 weeks out of the 
+summer time. So when you are trying to get in contact with the 
+same command that you are serving active duty with, a lot of 
+times you can't get in contact with them, not even e-mails or 
+replies back. That is real discomforting, because this is the 
+command group that you are hoping would be there for you the 
+same way you were there for them.
+    Mr. Porter. Thank you.
+    Chairman Tom Davis. Ms. Norton.
+    Ms. Norton. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
+    Mr. Kutz, in trying to get our arms around this process, 
+your own work has been important to us. We recognize that part 
+of what has happened with the medical hold has to do with the 
+planning connected with the overall war effort. But when we 
+hear this testimony and we read your report, it has all the 
+appearance of a startup effort. Can I ask you whether or not 
+medical holds have been used? Is it because we have such a 
+large--in other wars? I mean, it is as if we haven't done this 
+before. Does this have to do with the fact that we are using 
+such a large Reserve and Guard component to fight this war in 
+the first place?
+    Mr. Kutz. Yes. Under the old active duty medical extension 
+program that was really not designed for the kind of 
+operational tempo we have today. The medical retention process 
+that they have in place now is probably more equipped with what 
+is going on, although that has risks also.
+    But really what you are talking about here is that they 
+have a process, not a program that is being managed. There is 
+no one really in charge, no one responsible. There is a lot of 
+organizations, but there is no one that you can go to and say 
+that you are accountable for this.
+    So the kinds of stories that you have heard from the 
+witnesses here, you can't go hold anyone accountable at this 
+point, and so I think someone does need to be put in charge, 
+made responsible. Put a general in charge of this, an 
+ombudsman, or someone, because this is clearly reflective of 
+not being prepared to handle the kind of operational tempo that 
+you have today.
+    Ms. Norton. In that regard I would like to get a 
+clarification from Chief Warrant Officer Shuttleworth who said 
+in one section of his testimony he was happy to report that G-1 
+transferred functionally ``responsibility for all types of 
+Reserve Component personnel management with regard to medical 
+readiness processing to my branch.'' I wonder if you are saying 
+that you are in charge. What are the specific effects you 
+expect from the transfer you describe in your testimony?
+    CWO Shuttleworth. The G-1 has transferred all orders 
+processing and for the most part the approval process except 
+for those cases that may be in question or may have some 
+specific things that doctors and medical professionals need to 
+look at. But what that does is what we had before we did this 
+was that we had several different agencies within the Army 
+publishing orders, depending on the kind of active duty that 
+you were going to place that soldier on.
+    As of this month, we now own all the orders, ADME, medical 
+readiness processing both one and two, and all the other 
+processes that keep these global war on terrorism soldiers on 
+active duty. Therefore, the soldier now has one place to go and 
+one place to get those orders from and doesn't have to go 
+wondering where they are going to get their next order from.
+    Ms. Norton. Do you believe, for example, if you would just 
+take me through a scenario--you have heard them here--that this 
+would solve the problems we have heard and the testimony we 
+have received here this morning?
+    CWO Shuttleworth. Yes. ADME was never designed to be a 30 
+or 60 or 90-day program. ADME was a program that was designed 
+to be just what MRP is, but for a smaller number of people. It 
+was designed to be a 179-day program, 6 months for each 
+soldier, but because the individuals who managed the program 
+chose to decide for themselves how much care a soldier really 
+needed based on the number of days they wanted to put them on 
+orders, those soldiers began to fall off orders, which was the 
+wrong thing to do and that will be fixed. No order is cut for 
+less than 179 days, and they are all directly fed to the 
+finance accounting office so they will not drop off the system.
+    Ms. Norton. We are going to really be expecting real 
+improvements here. You talk about debates back and forth over 
+what to do. It seems a pretty simple remedy that somebody has 
+come up with. I can't imagine why it took so long if this is, 
+in fact, centralizing control that was the answer all along.
+    May I ask, because it looks like some progress was being 
+made on the front end, that there were additional personnel 
+that many on the front end were no longer falling off of their 
+orders and pay, and there were housing standards. As a result 
+of some of the work of this committee, it looks like some 
+improvements have been made.
+    Now, given the improvement you spoke of, it seems to me a 
+signal improvement in your testimony. You nevertheless have a 
+real mop-up job to do here, and therefore I am really 
+interested in corrective efforts. My question really goes to 
+part of, I guess, Mr. Kutz' testimony where he says we need 
+advocates. I am sorry, this is General Byrne's testimony. He 
+says we need advocates other than the Inspector General for our 
+RC soldiers who can break down the perceived and real barriers.
+    I wish you would explain what you mean. It certainly is 
+true that you have to go all the way to that high level, a 
+pretty nuclear level to get problems dealt with. I wonder what 
+you have in mind, what kind of--are you talking about some kind 
+of ombudsman, some kind of better troubleshooting? Does what we 
+have heard from Mr. Shuttleworth take care of it in terms of 
+the support you would need other than the advocate general in 
+order to get these problems dealt with?
+    General Byrne. Ms. Norton, I will go ahead and start it, 
+and then I would like Dr. Eliason. Essentially, what I would be 
+looking at is some sort of form of an ombudsman, someone who 
+knows the system, who can take the part of the soldier. For 
+example, in the process each of the soldiers is given a case 
+worker, but the case worker doesn't necessarily work for the 
+soldier, it works for the system in working through getting the 
+soldiers to the end of the process, the medical process. So 
+they are not neutral necessarily or for the soldier, and so as 
+a soldier does go through the process they are not familiar 
+with the process.
+    Now, what we have done in Oregon is periodically we send 
+our medical personnel plus our administrative personnel papers 
+now up to the various places we have soldiers all across the 
+Nation, and they go through and they assist them in any pay, 
+personnel actions, and in some cases any medical actions that 
+they can assist in.
+    Let me turn it over to Colonel Eliason. He can better 
+    Colonel Eliason. The uncertainty of medicine causes concern 
+for our soldiers. When I as a private physician am asked by a 
+soldier for my medical opinion, there is a relationship built 
+on trust that has happened because they have selected me. They 
+have come to me to be their doctor. They know that they have 
+choices, that they can go and get second opinions, they can ask 
+other physicians. Our soldiers, when they become injured----
+    Ms. Norton. You said they can get second opinions, although 
+that was one of the areas that Mr. Kutz' testimony said raised 
+issues for members of the Reserve and Guard.
+    Colonel Eliason. Yes, ma'am. I guess what I was trying to 
+highlight is that the uncertainty happens frequently because of 
+the fact that you will hear two separate stories, not because 
+one system has better medicine than the other, but because of 
+the fact that there is uncertainty and that different treatment 
+plans vary based on different physicians.
+    The problem is our soldiers are looked at. When they arrive 
+at a medical facility they see a green-suit doctor who is the 
+company doctor, the Army doctor. They don't always see this as 
+their physician, a person they can trust and establish that 
+kind of relationship. What advocacy is about is somebody who 
+can help break down those barriers and explain the uncertainty 
+in medicine, explain and advocate for the soldier, maybe even 
+attend an appointment with them to settle a misunderstanding 
+about their treatment plan.
+    As General Byrne has said earlier, the Sergeant General has 
+wonderful indicators of the quality of care that he provides in 
+the system. The problem is our soldiers often begin with an 
+element of distrust or at least concern about what health care 
+they can receive, and this is their physician telling them that 
+they need surgery or that it is better not to have surgery and 
+maybe physical therapy first.
+    Chairman Tom Davis. Thank you very much. I am going to 
+    Ms. Norton. Mr. Shuttleworth had----
+    Chairman Tom Davis. Did you want to say anything, Mr. 
+Shuttleworth, on that?
+    CWO Shuttleworth. No, sir.
+    Chairman Tom Davis. OK. I will take my 5 minutes. It looks 
+to me like what we have, gentlemen, is a breakdown in the chain 
+of command. I mean, it is very clear here that this is 
+absolutely broken, and when people who are in the system tried 
+to move forward and tried to be advocates they were ostracized, 
+they were slapped down. We heard this from Sergeant Forney's 
+    Maybe a designated ombudsman whose job it is to get to the 
+bottom of this and that is their job and nobody questions them 
+is something that you need. We had people who tried to step up 
+to that role, but the system tended to swallow them.
+    You have so many different stovepipes in the military right 
+now, so many chair fights, so we are not getting the 
+information sharing back and forth. This has taken 30, 40 years 
+to get it this way. Everybody wants to do it their own way. 
+They want their own legacy system. They want this or that. We 
+come into a war at this point and we can't put it together, and 
+these people, these soldiers who are on the front lines taking 
+fire, some of them killed, some of them injured coming back, we 
+have a system that has been so turf driven that it is beyond 
+the power of one or two people to fix.
+    One of the purposes of this committee is to try to get 
+Government to work as a unit. We don't have the jurisdiction of 
+a lot of the other authorizing committees. We try to work 
+across those lines to make it work. This is just an indication 
+with some very sad consequences, and I think, from the 
+perspective from the Department of Defense, some very 
+embarrassing consequences of what has happened with years and 
+years and years of these systems that are jealously guarded, 
+that are stovepipes, that are not communicating with other 
+systems, and the people that fall through the cracks.
+    It gets so regulation driven at this point we forget about 
+the mission, which is getting these people back on their feet, 
+getting them the health care that they have earned, that they 
+deserve, and getting them back out in society. It is 
+embarrassing for all of us.
+    Yes, I think there will be some appropriate followup action 
+on this. The Armed Services Committee is also very, very 
+concerned about this. But if these gentlemen hadn't taken their 
+initiative to come forward--and we asked them to come. We asked 
+them to come here. We begged them to come here. Nobody wants to 
+embarrass anybody, but it wouldn't get fixed. We have more and 
+more people in queue. I think people are trying to make it 
+better, but I am not sure this isn't so stovepipe driven at 
+this point it becomes more and more difficult all the time.
+    General Byrne, can you give me some examples of some 
+specific problems soldiers encountered during their time at 
+Fort Lewis? And also you made the statement about these 
+soldiers were of no concern of yours, which is a typical 
+stovepipe answer that now they are under Army care and you guys 
+back out. It is the typical turf fight. Who said that?
+    General Byrne. I would rather not say.
+    Chairman Tom Davis. I know you wouldn't, but I am asking 
+you who said it at this point. Do you want to get with the 
+committee later on? You know, it is not what ought to be 
+happening. You agree with that, don't you?
+    General Byrne. Yes, sir.
+    Chairman Tom Davis. I mean, somebody has to be accountable 
+somewhere when they are saying this kind of stuff, so I am not 
+going to ask you to say anything but we are going to ask you 
+afterwards. Will you help us? Because this should not be 
+allowed to continue, and the person who said that needs an 
+attitude adjustment.
+    Go ahead, though. Tell me some of the problems.
+    General Byrne. What concerned me, just to followup on that, 
+the conversation I had with the individual, what concerned me 
+most in the conversation was the fact that nowhere in our 
+conversation did taking care of soldiers come up. It was the 
+fact that there was a newspaper article that had been 
+published, the fact that potentially I was not following 
+procedures as far as how we went and did business. As a result 
+of maybe a news article that came out, my intent was not to 
+raise major issues, was not to----
+    Chairman Tom Davis. Of course not.
+    General Byrne [continuing]. Embarrass anybody, was not to 
+create major problems. My whole purpose in going to Fort Lewis 
+in this case was to take care of soldiers. The way I run things 
+in Oregon, and I hold my subordinates accountable for this, is 
+I don't place blame. What is the problem? Let's put our effort 
+and energy into taking care of the problem, the issue. That is 
+the way I do business. And so I sometimes, when things get 
+sidetracked, I get real excited and it bothers me.
+    Chairman Tom Davis. I think the statement is less 
+reflective of the individual, I am afraid, and more reflective 
+of the system.
+    General Byrne. I would agree.
+    Chairman Tom Davis. That is why I understand you don't want 
+to come forward.
+    General Byrne. Yes.
+    Chairman Tom Davis. It probably is reflective of the 
+    General Byrne. I can't speak to it. I can only speak to 
+    Chairman Tom Davis. Yes.
+    General Byrne. Very similar to what the soldiers here today 
+have talked about, very similar things related: pay issues, 
+promotion issues. I own some of that, and part of the reason 
+why I went to Fort Lewis was to find out what is--after I 
+finished the visit I divided up my findings what I had. I 
+divided it up into three parts: what is it that I owned? What 
+is it that maybe the medical folks owned? And what is it that 
+maybe the post owned? Then I sent that off to Fort Lewis, and 
+then I sent my folks the piece that I had.
+    I deal with families, so any issues that were related to 
+families and families not being taken care of I worked at.
+    Chairman Tom Davis. That is fine. I am glad somebody was 
+looking after them at this point.
+    General Byrne. Well, I do.
+    Chairman Tom Davis. Right.
+    General Byrne. That is my job.
+    The second piece that I worked on was there are pay issues. 
+Again, we need one system, one pay system, and at this point in 
+time that is not there, but strides are being made, and so I 
+own some of the pay issues that the soldiers have. I also own 
+some of the personnel issues, for example, promotions and 
+things like that, so I own those, too. But as services and 
+similar instances that these soldiers have testified toward, 
+those are things that I had concerns of, and then I turned 
+those back over to Madigan Hospital.
+    Chairman Tom Davis. Right.
+    General Byrne. I would like to compliment Dr. Dunn, who is 
+the commander at Madigan Hospital. When he knows the 
+information, he works it hard.
+    Chairman Tom Davis. Thank you. My time is up, but let me 
+just ask for Sergeant Allen and for Sergeant Perez and also to 
+Mr. Shuttleworth and Forney, I mean, the two individual cases 
+we heard about are not isolated cases, are they? Is that 
+correct, Sergeant Forney?
+    Sergeant Forney. Right.
+    Chairman Tom Davis. Unfortunately, these are just two 
+people. One, we had a long talk with Sergeant Allen, but he had 
+a half dozen other people with him that had similar problems 
+just over at Walter Reed, and this is just 1 day going through. 
+Unfortunately, we are not taking one or two nit-picky 
+instances. This is a problem that has been endemic throughout 
+the system. Would you agree with that, Sergeant Allen?
+    Sergeant Allen. Yes, sir, I would. From the six injured 
+soldiers from my unit, all six of us had significant pay 
+problems, significant problems with our orders not being 
+renewed in a timely manner. And from the other National Guard 
+and Reserve soldiers that are at Walter Reed with me, they were 
+having significant problems.
+    One of the caveats that I do want to add is there is a 
+couple really good guys that were trying hard that were getting 
+squashed, like Sergeant Forney.
+    Chairman Tom Davis. Yes.
+    Sergeant Allen. And Chief Shuttleworth and Chief Laura 
+Lindle that was in my testimony, last month when I talked to 
+you and I was having the pay problems and you read my testimony 
+about the 23rd, well, that was due to Chief Shuttleworth and 
+Laura Lindle. Hopefully now that he has gotten command of that 
+structure, it is going to make a change for all these guys and 
+we are not going to have what we have had.
+    Mr. Kutz. Mr. Chairman, I would say that we looked at this 
+overall. We are talking about hundreds, possibly over 1,000 
+soldiers that have had this type of problem, based on our 
+overall look.
+    Chairman Tom Davis. Yes. And you don't think that is going 
+to help recruiting and retention, do you, Mr. Kutz?
+    Mr. Kutz. That is an issue, because the soldiers that 
+aren't injured are very well aware of what is happening to the 
+injured soldiers.
+    Chairman Tom Davis. And they should be, frankly. I mean, 
+this is just something that we weren't ready for.
+    Mr. Ruppersberger, 5 minutes.
+    Mr. Ruppersberger. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
+    I have a whole list of questions, Mr. Chairman, I would 
+like to leave with GAO and have written answers given back, but 
+I have another hearing I have to go to at 12.
+    The one issue that I would like to talk about right now 
+with respect to Walter Reed, I had one of my staff people go to 
+a briefing this past Monday for the care that wounded soldiers 
+currently were receiving at Walter Reed, and she left with the 
+impression that even though there are still a lot of issues out 
+there that we have discussed here today with respect to the 
+Army and DOD and the problems from pay to care, but she left 
+with the impression that a lot of the issues that we talked 
+about here today, that Walter Reed has really resolved some of 
+those problems.
+    Now, when you go to a briefing sometimes you only hear what 
+the top people want you to hear. I want to make sure, to hear 
+from you all whether or not--I guess you, Chief Shuttleworth--
+are there problems that still exist at Walter Reed? What are 
+they? We have heard these problems today. If they are, let's 
+talk about them.
+    CWO Shuttleworth. Obviously I can't speak for the medical 
+care. That is a medical professionals' issue, but from the 
+    Mr. Ruppersberger. I am talking about paperwork issues, 
+which is what you testified to.
+    CWO Shuttleworth. From a personnel/administrative 
+    Mr. Ruppersberger. Right.
+    CWO Shuttleworth [continuing]. As far as soldiers dropping 
+off orders and dropping out of pay, I believe that we have 
+fixed that problem. There are still some accountability issues 
+within the system that we are still trying to get our hands 
+wrapped around, but I believe that we have about a 99 percent 
+accountability of those Reserve Component soldiers that we 
+didn't have before. So we are improving the process. We may not 
+be there yet, but we are about 90 percent there.
+    Mr. Ruppersberger. OK. Well, in my opening statement I 
+talked about a bill that we are still attempting to work. I 
+really would like to meet with you and maybe Sergeant Forney to 
+get further information.
+    Just one question, though. You say the paperwork system 
+seems to be doing better. That is why we are here. That is why 
+we want to move forward. How about the system entirely, not 
+just Walter Reed? Do you have any knowledge of other problems 
+that are out there? Since Walter Reed has gone a long way in 
+relation to paperwork, that should be a model for the other 
+    CWO Shuttleworth. Well, the good news is that when we fixed 
+the system we didn't just fix Walter Reed. We looked at 
+everybody. So when we started fixing the program, we fixed the 
+entire program. When we developed the MRP process, it was for 
+the entire Army and not because of what was happening at Walter 
+Reed at the time. So we really have wrapped our arms around the 
+whole thing, and the whole thing is being fixed at the same 
+time, rather than one piece at a time.
+    Mr. Ruppersberger. You feel it is beyond just Walter Reed 
+    CWO Shuttleworth. It was, yes.
+    Mr. Ruppersberger. Mr. Kutz, the questions that I am going 
+to present to you are questions about solving the problem, I 
+mean, our whole system, the priority of funding, our technology 
+and how we are using it. One of the things, it seems to me, the 
+problem is that it all starts at the top, and upper-level 
+management has to hold middle-level management accountable for 
+the follow-through and it just hasn't happened. That was your 
+testimony all day through. We have to start at the top, see 
+what the system is, make sure the resources are given, and hold 
+the people accountable so that this will not happen.
+    Thank you all for being here to day.
+    Chairman Tom Davis. Thank you.
+    Mrs. Miller.
+    Mrs. Miller. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. First of all, Mr. 
+Chairman, let me thank you for holding this hearing today and 
+all of these witnesses for coming here. This is an unbelievable 
+issue. I shouldn't say unbelievable. I suppose we should be 
+shocked by some of the testimony, but unfortunately we are not. 
+We do recognize that this is a problem, perhaps a manifestation 
+of the high degree of the amount of people, Guard and Reserve, 
+that we have as a component of the total force in today's world 
+and today's military.
+    But, you know, at a time when our country is successfully 
+prosecuting the war on terror, at a time I think when our 
+country is needing to be so focused on recruitment and 
+retention and these kinds of things, the testimony that we have 
+heard today is certainly distressing. It does call for action 
+by the Congress, by the DOD, and, as the chairman has said, 
+that is something that our committee I think can very much be a 
+conduit of as we investigate some of these different 
+    I have a question for General Byrne. Let me preface the 
+question by telling you a bit. In my particular Congressional 
+District we have what is known as Selfridge Air National Guard 
+Base, which is a unique kind of facility in the inventory of 
+the Guard, as you know. It is unusual, the exception rather 
+than the rule, that the Guard would actually own a base, own 
+the real estate. They do. Normally they are an appendage off of 
+a commercial airport or something, and of course the armories. 
+We have all of that also.
+    But we have at this particular base every facet of the 
+military represented there, not only the Air Guard, but the Air 
+Force Reserve, the Marines, the Navy. It is not only a critical 
+component in the recruitment in an urban area, of course, but 
+it has been a major deployment area as we are in theater here 
+for the Guard and Reserve forces. In fact, my husband, after 
+having served as a fighter pilot in Viet Nam in the Air Force, 
+finished his military career as a Air Reserve, Michigan Air 
+National Guard Reserve officer. He was the base commander 
+    I will tell you one of my other committee assignments is 
+also serving on the House Armed Services Committee, and so, as 
+the chairman has said, our committee also has been looking at 
+some of these kinds of problems.
+    To the extent that in our last Defense authorization, 
+reauthorization bill, we actually titled it ``2004, the Year of 
+the Troops.'' With all of the tremendous expenditures our 
+country does make on armaments and various systems, there is no 
+second, obviously, for our troops. So we were very pleased to 
+have as a component of the Defense Reauthorization Act a real 
+emphasis on creating parity for the Guard and Reserve to the 
+active duty. As one of you mentioned, the bullet doesn't know 
+if it is hitting an active duty or a Guard or Reserve. I think 
+that was you, Sergeant Allen. That is so true.
+    We have had, I won't say huge strides, but we made a lot of 
+improvements last year in having parity, I think, between the 
+active duty and the Guard and Reserve, not only with pay, but 
+with commissary privileges. One of you mentioned about 
+commissary privileges. As you know, previously you could only 
+go once a month, which is crazy. Actually having parity with 
+all of this is so important, as well.
+    And, of course, as we mentioned, now if you go and look in 
+theater, in the high 30 percentile is the component you will 
+find of our Guard and Reserve, whether you are in Iraq, 
+Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, what have you. Many of the Guard and 
+Reserve, unfortunately perhaps maybe for them, have such a 
+tremendous skill set that they are called for longer 
+deployments, depending on what the mission is there. We are 
+finding that those kinds of things are happening with extended 
+    That is a sort of long lead-up to the question, General, 
+but I actually have a unit coming home to our base tomorrow, I 
+believe, that has had some similar instances that you have 
+articulated a little bit in your testimony, as well, to some of 
+your Reserve units. It is a group that actually--there was also 
+a newspaper article about them. They process through Fort 
+    We actually had called the processing personnel from our 
+office and said we were going to send a person down there to 
+make sure that these Guard and Reserve, as they were coming 
+back home, that their needs were being met, etc., and that we 
+weren't absolutely convinced because they had a bad experience 
+as they began their deployment, quite frankly, not having--I 
+won't go into all the details, but similar to what you have 
+found with some of your units, perhaps, in Oregon there.
+    I would ask you, General, do you think that the respective 
+adjutant generals--my adjutant general for Michigan is General 
+Tom Cutler. Now, he is a blue-suiter. I hope you won't hold 
+that against him. But is it possible for the adjutant generals, 
+as we are calling on all of our Guard and Reserve forces in the 
+universe or in the Nation to do more, is it possible for the 
+adjutant generals to have a more forceful role perhaps as a 
+fraternity in making sure that their units--and I also 
+appreciate the chairman's comments, which you said you were 
+told that your troops were no longer a concern of yours now 
+that they weren't active duty and how outrageous that comment 
+actually is.
+    How can the adjutant generals perhaps be a more effective 
+conduit to making sure that as your units are called up, as 
+they begin deployment, as they are processed into theater and 
+then all the way through their deployment and coming home, is 
+there something else that the AGs could do or that Congress 
+could help you to do?
+    General Byrne. I am sure that each of the adjutant generals 
+takes a very profound interest in deploying and redeploying 
+their units, whether they are Army or National Guard, Air 
+Force. I know that they advocate for their personnel. Also, 
+there is an organization, the Adjutant General Association of 
+the United States, which also collects commonalities and works 
+through those. I know that organization works very hard to 
+develop agendas and items related to deployment and re-
+deployment. So we do work it.
+    Mrs. Miller. I mean, I think you have to. I am sure that 
+every AG across the Nation shares your consternation, if they 
+are getting those kinds of answers. My adjutant general has 
+never mentioned anything quite like that, but there is a 
+different culture, I think, and so I wondered about that.
+    Thank you. And thank you, Mr. Chairman.
+    Chairman Tom Davis. Thank you very much.
+    Mr. Shays.
+    Mr. Shays. General Byrne, you provided a list of 84 of your 
+soldiers that are now in medical hold status. Of the 84, 73 
+have been in longer than the current reported Army standard of 
+67 days, 35 of them have been in longer than 6 months. Is this 
+the standard you have found?
+    General Byrne. I would like to let Dr. Eliason answer the 
+question. This is his area. He follows a lot better.
+    Mr. Shays. Sure. I thought all you were going to say is no.
+    Colonel Eliason. Well, sir, I can't speak to the Army 
+standard. When soldiers are put in medical holdover, under the 
+MRP processing there is supposed to be a determination made 
+relatively early whether they can eventually return to theater, 
+which I suspect is where the 67-day rule is.
+    Our major concern is getting our soldiers home. What we 
+would like and what we have asked and, quite frankly, what has 
+improved markedly in the last year is getting them into 
+programs like community based health care organizations. Their 
+length of treatment is their length of treatment. People heal 
+as they heal. But the sooner we get them home, we believe they 
+are going to heal better, and so that is our push--as rapidly 
+as possible getting them returned to their State for care, 
+where they are living in their own home with their family and 
+their support system around them.
+    Mr. Shays. That is your answer?
+    Colonel Eliason. Yes, sir.
+    Mr. Shays. Well, frankly, this is an old story, and it is 
+shocking except it is an old story, which kind of makes it even 
+more shocking. I am pretty convinced that in Congress we have 
+tried to put enough focus on this to embarrass a solution, and 
+yet that doesn't seem to work. So I am somewhat lost for why 
+this continues to persist, and I am just wondering if any of 
+you could suggest to me why it continues to persist.
+    I would like, Mr. Kutz, for you to tell me why you think it 
+    Mr. Kutz. You are talking about the Medical Board process? 
+I am not familiar with that, so I can't really comment on that. 
+I mean, we heard from the soldiers that we talked to that had 
+the MRP problems and the medical extension problems that they 
+were in hold waiting for the Medical Boards for hundreds of 
+days in some cases, and that is about all the knowledge that I 
+would have on that.
+    Sergeant Allen. Sergeant Allen, sir. I think it is a 
+serious lack of leadership ability in the mid-level command. 
+People aren't willing to step up to the plate and just do what 
+is necessary. If something is identified that is wrong, then it 
+needs to go away. What has perplexed me this whole time living 
+this nightmare is how could something be so wrong and continue 
+to go on and on and on and just keep perpetuating itself? It is 
+generation after generation.
+    A perfect example, I just went to get my orders to out-
+process and they were wrong and they had me as a specialist in 
+the Army. I talked to my friend that got out 2 months ago and I 
+said, ``I can't believe this. I feel like I am the first guy to 
+go through this.'' His name is Ryan Kelly, and he said, ``Well, 
+that is funny, because I thought I was the first guy 2 months 
+ago to go through it.'' And so I think it is a serious lack of 
+people just stepping up to the plate and coming up with a 
+solution. I think if somebody can come up with a solution, then 
+it would be implemented and there wouldn't be the problem.
+    Mr. Shays. See, usually what happens in something like 
+this, when Congress decides that we are going to conduct a 
+hearing on it, it is such a shameful thing that people start to 
+take action. Sometimes the problem is resolved before we even 
+have a hearing. In this case, this is not the first hearing and 
+the problem continues. That is what I find, frankly, a bit 
+discouraging. It clearly has to be the stovepipe nature of it, 
+and no one taking responsibility.
+    Sergeant Allen. To add to that, sir, some very senior high 
+people in DOD and the Army have been trying to help us, the 
+guys that aren't getting paid, aren't getting orders. I mean, 
+the one-star, two-star, three-star generals, people over at 
+DOD, and you would think that would encourage things to be 
+changed, but there again, you know, it is got to be in the mid-
+command level of the philosophy, command philosophy as a whole, 
+which is what I put in my testimony, that people, they don't 
+take the time to care.
+    Mr. Shays. My conclusion is it is just not a priority of 
+DOD. That is the only conclusion I can get.
+    If I told my Dad when I was young, ``Well, I forgot,'' he 
+would say to me, ``If I gave you $100, you wouldn't have 
+forgotten.'' It was a clear message to me. In other words, if 
+it had been a priority, I wouldn't have forgotten. And in the 
+case of DOD, this has been a longstanding problem. We have too 
+many of our Reservists and National Guard risking their lives, 
+and they get treated like dirt. That is the bottom line.
+    Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
+    Chairman Tom Davis. Yes. Thank you very much.
+    Ms. Norton.
+    Ms. Norton. I just have two short questions. My colleague 
+from Connecticut is pressing toward a remedy when he says why 
+has this gone on so long, and I just want to understand what 
+the testimony here has been with respect to remedy. Do I 
+understand--and perhaps it was General Byrne--that you endorse 
+the notion of some form of ombudsman attached to these 
+companies that would perhaps do some of what, or at least bring 
+to earlier attention some of what we have heard about in these 
+work-around procedures I think that GAO reported where people 
+are in an ad hoc business running around trying to straighten 
+these out.
+    I am asking would an ombudsman help that. And I am also 
+asking Officer Shuttleworth whether he would endorse the 
+notion, whether it would help his work now that he says this 
+has been centralized with him, to have an ombudsman connected 
+to these holding companies.
+    First General Byrne.
+    General Byrne. Ms. Norton, yes, a neutral party, someone 
+who is educated in the process that can, one, explain and, two, 
+be an advocate for the individual as they go through the 
+    Ms. Norton. Do you endorse that notion, Officer 
+    CWO Shuttleworth. We can use all the help we can get. I 
+will tell you that as far as the comment on the Medical Board 
+process a while ago, understand that prior to September 11th 
+the amount of Medical Boards that were pushed through for 
+Reserve Component soldiers in a year was very low, sometimes 
+not even 100. If you look at the statistics from prior to that, 
+what happened--and the liaison offices for those medical 
+facilities are staffed with civilian employees, and not very 
+many of them, I will tell you, to work with the active Army 
+soldiers that get hurt.
+    So after September 11th trying to push 400 and 500 boards 
+through every 3 months or 4 months on a Guard or Reserve 
+soldier is just overburdening the system. That is why there are 
+in my testimony 80 NCOs out there at treatment facilities who 
+have Guard and Reserve experience to help these soldiers with 
+    So to have someone else out there helping us? Absolutely. 
+We can use anything that we can get in order to get these 
+soldiers through the system timely and fairly.
+    Ms. Norton. Mr. Chairman, I wouldn't want it to go 
+unnoticed, because I think this comes out of the hearings you 
+have held, the GAO report you ordered, not only the notion this 
+notion of ombudsman is endorsed here, but also I would not want 
+to go unnoticed what, again, Officer Shuttleworth said here 
+today. I believe that has come out of your work in this 
+hearing, where he announced that 2 days ago they centralized 
+these concerns for processing in his branch, and therefore we 
+are going to look to that person in charge now for improvements 
+on the theory that it will help the process.
+    One final question. It was very compelling testimony about 
+what we in civilian life call post traumatic problems or 
+syndrome, very, very disturbing. I wonder whether somebody 
+could tell me whether or not in this war and other wars that 
+qualifies for disability or if it should qualify for 
+    CWO Shuttleworth. I believe that on the next panel there is 
+a colonel from the Physical Disability Agency.
+    Ms. Norton. Thank you. I will ask them.
+    Chairman Tom Davis. Can I just say thank you to all of you. 
+Sergeant Allen and Sergeant Perez, very, very compelling 
+testimony. I think the Members were very moved by it. Let me 
+thank your wives, who have had to stick through this thing. 
+This has been a family issue for a long time, and we appreciate 
+your loyalty. You are all heroes and heroines in my book.
+    To Mr. Shuttleworth and Sergeant Forney, you tried to be 
+ombudsmen, but we have a system right now that just really 
+doesn't embrace that concept. Maybe we ought to formalize it a 
+little bit.
+    General Byrne, thank you for your continued concern for 
+your troops there. I think what you have shown is that it is a 
+systematic problem, just in terms of the troops go from you to 
+the Federal system, the Federal system says, ``It is not your 
+concern, it is ours,'' and then they don't take care of them. I 
+mean, what are you supposed to do?
+    And Mr. Kutz, you laid the groundwork in your report, you 
+and your team. We want to thank you for that. Hopefully we can 
+limit the damage in the future because of what people have been 
+able to come forward with today and testify to, so this is not 
+in vain. It is important, and we appreciate it.
+    I will dismiss this panel and move on. We will take a 1-
+minute recess and move on to the next panel. Thank you very 
+    [Recess.]
+    Chairman Tom Davis. We welcome our second panel. I want to 
+thank them for taking the time from their schedules to come 
+    We have Ms. Ellen Embrey, the Deputy Assistant Secretary of 
+Defense for Employment Health from the U.S. Department of 
+Defense; Daniel Denning, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary 
+of the Army for Manpower and Reserve; Lieutenant General 
+Franklin Hagenbeck, the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1, U.S. Army; 
+Lieutenant General Kevin Kiley, M.D., U.S. Army Surgeon 
+General; Major General Charles Wilson, Deputy Commander, U.S. 
+Army Reserve Command; and Mr. Philip Sakowitz, who is the 
+Deputy Director, U.S. Army Installation Management Agency.
+    It is our policy that all witnesses be sworn, so please 
+rise with me and raise your right hands.
+    [Witnesses sworn.]
+    Chairman Tom Davis. Thank you very much for being with us 
+today. I think you have heard the first panel and I think we 
+agreed you wanted to go after the first panel, give them an 
+opportunity to air some of the problems that we have 
+    We have a 5-minute rule. We were a little lax on it in the 
+first panel. We wanted to give some of the people just an 
+opportunity to tell the whole story. We will try to ask you to 
+be a little more accommodating of it.
+    We have votes that could come up at any time, and it is my 
+intention, if votes come up, to move straight through the 
+panel, and I will stay as long as I can and then let Ms. Norton 
+finish with votes, give her questions, and then close the panel 
+at that point and recess, if your time permits, until after 
+votes, and then we would come back and the rest of us ask 
+questions. Ms. Norton would be able to go ahead with her 
+questions. We have done that before. Unfortunately, we are 
+allowed to do this because Ms. Norton doesn't get a vote on the 
+House floor, something that Mr. Shays and myself are trying to 
+rectify. I just wanted to add that.
+    Ms. Embrey, we will start with you. Thank you for being 
+with us.
+                   STATEMENT OF ELLEN EMBREY
+    Ms. Embrey. Thank you, Mr. Chairman and distinguished 
+members of this committee. I appreciate the opportunity to talk 
+today about the force health protection programs in the 
+Department and how they impact the care that we provide to 
+wounded service members. I want to reiterate that the 
+Department is firmly committed to protecting the health of our 
+active and Reserve Component members before deployment, while 
+they are deployed, and, of course, upon their return.
+    I am pleased to join my colleagues today on this panel to 
+address your specific concerns regarding the care for soldiers 
+injured in Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom. Today 
+I will outline the Department's current management practices, 
+technological advances, and initiatives underway to address 
+this very important issue, with a particular focus on the Army 
+Reserve components.
+    With your permission, Mr. Chairman, I would like to submit 
+my written testimony for the record and then just discuss----
+    Chairman Tom Davis. Let me note, everyone's entire written 
+testimony is in the record and is a part of it, and questions 
+will be based on the entire, so it will allow you 5 minutes to 
+kind of accent what you want.
+    Thank you.
+    Ms. Embrey. Terrific. Thank you.
+    As you know, the global war on terrorism is the largest 
+ongoing mobilization of the Reserve Component since World War 
+II. In fact, since September 11, 2001, approximately 475,000 
+Reserve Component members have been mobilized to support the 
+global war on terrorism. Of those mobilized, 376,000, or 
+roughly 79 percent, of the Army Reserve Component were 
+    Virtually all operations yield lessons learned, and our OIF 
+and OEF experience has been no different. Early on we 
+recognized that many rules and procedures that worked well for 
+smaller mobilizations of shorter durations are very well 
+unsuited for a large and prolonged mobilization that we are 
+currently experiencing in OIF and OEF.
+    The Department and the services recognized these shortfalls 
+and undertook several initiatives over the last 2 years to 
+improve the medical readiness of the force overall and the 
+Reserve Components in particular. These include: establishing a 
+deployment health quality assurance program, establishing 
+individual medical readiness standards for the total force, 
+refining and expanding the post-deployment health assessment 
+screening processes, establishing ability to capture 
+electronically the pre- and post-deployment assessment 
+information so that it could be used by medical professionals 
+later on. And finally, since November 2003 we have routinely 
+monitored and reported to the Secretary of Defense and the 
+Under-Secretary for personnel and readiness the status of 
+service members in a medical hold status.
+    The Army, with the majority of the total mobilized force, 
+has taken very seriously its responsibility to provide world 
+class care to the Army's sick and injured combat veterans. They 
+recently have taken several initiatives to enable the Reserve 
+Component soldiers in the medical hold status to receive 
+treatment and recuperate at or near their homes when 
+appropriate care is available locally.
+    These ongoing efforts have resulted in significant 
+improvements, but we recognize that there is still much work to 
+do. We are exploring new initiatives to further enhance medical 
+readiness and to ensure timely and effective care of 
+deployment-related illnesses and injuries. These include: 
+establishing a standard annual periodic health assessment 
+program applicable to the total force; working with the VA to 
+identify better ways to leverage specialty care capabilities 
+that they have to support our service members' needs, 
+especially for Reservists; investigating options to enhance 
+awareness of the health status of Reserve Component members 
+over time. We do not have access to their health records as 
+civilians, only when they are under our care. And, last, we are 
+also working with VA to access medical records of the Reserve 
+Component members, help VA get access to those records while 
+they are continuing their service to us.
+    I would like to also add that we are working to streamline 
+the cumbersome line of duty determination process that the 
+Reserve Component members have to go through in order to access 
+care for illnesses and injury, so we will be working on that.
+    Mr. Chairman and members of the committee, I thank you for 
+the opportunity to be here, and I defer to the other members of 
+my panel to address their particular issues.
+    [The prepared statement of Ms. Embrey follows:]
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+    Chairman Tom Davis. Thank you very much.
+    Dr. Denning.
+    Mr. Denning. Mr. Chairman, members of the committee, I am 
+Dan Denning, Acting Assistant Secretary of the Army for 
+Manpower and Reserve Affairs. To my left with me today are 
+Lieutenant General Franklin Hagenbeck, Deputy Chief of Staff G-
+1; Lieutenant General Kevin Kiley, the Surgeon General of the 
+U.S. Army; Major General Charles Wilson, Deputy Commander of 
+the U.S. Army Reserve Command; and Mr. Philip Sakowitz, Deputy 
+Director of the Installation Management Agency. Also with us 
+today is Lieutenant General Roger Schultz, the Director of the 
+Army National Guard.
+    Thank you for inviting us to discuss the medical holdover 
+program. I would also like to thank panel one for their candor 
+and for their obvious desire to improve the U.S. Army.
+    I would like to take a moment to introduce to the committee 
+two more fine soldiers currently in the medical holdover 
+program: Staff Sergeant Salvatore Cerniglia, who is an Army 
+Reserve soldier from Florida who was wounded during a rocket 
+propelled grenade attack in Iraq. He is assigned to the 
+community based health care organization in Plant City, FL. 
+This program allows him to reside at home and receive his 
+medical care locally.
+    Sergeant Jamie Brown is an Indiana National Guard soldier--
+my home State--who has spent the past 15 months at Walter Reed 
+Army Medical Center recovering from wounds he received from 
+rocket fire during an ambush. In addition to his status as a 
+medical holdover soldier receiving treatment, Sergeant Brown 
+has actively assisted the medical holdover company by serving 
+as an assistant platoon sergeant.
+    Could those soldiers just stand for a moment? You can see 
+them in the back.
+    Chairman Tom Davis. Thank you very much for being with us.
+    Mr. Denning. As you know, the Army continues to face many 
+challenges, including the global war on terrorism and the 
+continuing operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. In all of this, 
+the Army is absolutely committed to taking care of its soldiers 
+and families and providing them the best possible health care. 
+This is true regardless of whether a soldier is a member of the 
+active Army or Reserve Components, and regardless of the nature 
+of the soldier's injury or illness, whether it occurred in 
+combat or in training.
+    The Army continues to intensively manage the health care 
+and disposition of Reserve Component soldiers in a medical 
+holdover status. My office provides oversight over the medical 
+holdover operations and, along with forces command, the 
+executive agent for this program, is engaged in monitoring 
+    A system analysis and review team comprised of personnel 
+from my office, from FORCECOM, from the Office of the Surgeon 
+General, from Human Resources Command, and from the 
+Installation Management Agency, has visited and assessed the 
+operations at every installation managing medical holdover 
+soldiers, and we plan to continue to actively monitor our 
+performance in support of soldiers.
+    In late 2003, the large number of medical holdover soldiers 
+at Fort Stewart and Fort Knox exceeded the capacity of the 
+military infrastructure to adequately house and provide 
+expeditious medical care management to soldiers assigned to 
+these installations. Upon review, we realized this problem was 
+not confined to just these installations and immediately 
+embarked on a series of actions to address this unacceptable 
+situation. In the interest of time today I am not going to 
+cover those here. My colleagues will cover it in much more 
+detail later.
+    Rotation of forces for Operation Iraqi Freedom and 
+Operation Enduring Freedom is expected to significantly 
+increase the total medical holdover population in the coming 
+months. We have taken precautionary actions to ensure this 
+surge will not exceed medical command's medical support 
+capacity during the third quarter of 2005.
+    One of the key initiatives we are currently executing will 
+increase our medical support capacity and expand the Army's 
+commitment to taking care of soldiers. This is the community 
+based health care initiative. It began as a way of providing 
+high quality care to Army Guard and Reserve soldiers near their 
+homes while maintaining administrative control and relieving 
+pressure on Army medical facilities at power projection 
+    It has also proved itself as a means of providing a way for 
+the Army to meet its obligation to provide quality health care 
+for Reserve soldiers who require protracted treatment to 
+achieve full recovery from their injuries and illnesses and to 
+allow Reserve soldiers who are medically able to live at or 
+near their homes and families, and finally to leverage sister 
+services, VA and civilian health care assets.
+    I can state without reservation that the community health 
+care initiative has been an unqualified success for soldiers, 
+their families, and for the Army. It has evolved into an 
+innovative program designed to manage the prolonged health care 
+treatment needed by some Reserve Component soldiers in order 
+for them to fully recover.
+    The community health care initiative ensures that the same 
+high standard of care we require for all soldiers is met while 
+effectively managing their health care and recovery. It helps 
+alleviate stress caused by the separation of soldiers from 
+their families by allowing many to reside at home during 
+treatment and recovery.
+    The original five community based health care organization 
+sites managing health care delivery to soldiers in some 23 
+States is expanding this month with the addition of Alabama, 
+Virginia, and Utah, and with three satellite operations in 
+Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and Alaska. These additions, plus 
+increases in capacity at our existing five sites, will provide 
+for 50-State coverage.
+    We will continue to work closely with FORCECOM, the 
+Installation Management Agency, Office of the Surgeon General, 
+and the Army G-1 to assist in the prompt return to duty or 
+release from active duty of our dedicated soldiers who serve 
+our country.
+    Thank you.
+    [The prepared statement of Mr. Denning follows:]
+    [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T0085.110
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+    Chairman Tom Davis. Thank you very much.
+    General Hagenbeck.
+    General Hagenbeck. Mr. Chairman and members of the 
+committee, it is a great opportunity and I appreciate being 
+invited here this afternoon to talk about this very important 
+topic. It is essential for the Army in both maintaining the 
+morale and the welfare of our soldiers who serve this grateful 
+    As you know, the Army will continue to be deployed 
+worldwide. We currently have 640,000 soldiers serving on active 
+duty, and of those, 315,000 soldiers are deployed for overseas 
+in over 120 different countries. These soldiers are from all 
+the components, active duty, 155,000, our Army National Guard, 
+113,000, our Army Reserve, 47,000. Even with this expansive 
+rotation of troops, the soldier remains the centerpiece of the 
+Army formations, and as such it is the Army's pledge to remain 
+dedicated to the well-being of the soldiers and their families.
+    Since the beginning of the global war on terrorism, we have 
+witnessed the largest mobilization of the Reserve Component 
+since World War II. The exemplary performance of the Guard and 
+Reserve soldiers alongside that of the active component is 
+testimony that we are, indeed, one Army, an Army whose 
+components explicitly link and complement each other. I know 
+our Nation is very proud of the performance of our Guard and 
+Reserve folks, and you have seen them firsthand both at home 
+and on these contingency missions, and I know that you are as 
+equally proud of them.
+    These soldiers deserve our continued commitment to training 
+them to do their jobs and taking care of them and their 
+families throughout their association with the Army. This 
+includes providing the best care available to soldiers who 
+become injured or ill in the line of duty while serving our 
+    Though this effort has not been without challenge, we 
+continue to improve our processes and strive to deliver 
+compassionate and timely care to the medical holdover soldier. 
+The soldiers reporting to mobilization stations and returning 
+from the theater to the evacuation chain or demobilizing, the 
+medical holdover population grew quickly. In the midst of 
+supporting the war fight, we realized that existing MHO policy 
+and infrastructure were inadequate, and we immediately embarked 
+on a series of corrective actions.
+    As the G-1, I am the proponent for the active duty medical 
+extension program and am responsible for its implementation, 
+policy execution, and program management. The medical retention 
+processing program is an Assistant Secretary of the Army 
+Manpower and Reserves policy, but I am responsible for its 
+implementation of guidance and the execution of the policy. And 
+the medical retention processing two program is also Acting 
+Secretary Denning's program. It is still being staffed for 
+approval, but upon that process being concluded I will be 
+responsible for its implementation, guidance, and execution of 
+the policy once the program, as I mentioned, is finally 
+    Today we are processing large numbers of soldiers with 
+disabilities, the likes of which we haven't experienced in over 
+30 years. In 2004 we processed approximately 15,000 disability 
+cases, nearly a 50 percent increase from the number of cases 
+processed during the years before G-1. We are witnessing an 
+even higher percent increase in the number of mobilized Army 
+Guard and Reservists entering into the disability system, 134 
+percent increase during fiscal year 2004.
+    Now, to meet this caseload we have added additional members 
+to the three physical evaluation boards, we have increased the 
+number of JAG officers assigned, we have created a mobile PEB, 
+a three-member board that travels to each of the fixed PEB 
+sites to augment their efforts there, and we placed liaison 
+NCOs at each of the medical treatment facilities and at the 
+Physical Disability Agency headquarters to assist in processing 
+Reserve and National Guard cases.
+    These efforts have paid off. In June 2004 there were 900 
+mobilized Reserve and National Guard cases pending PDA, and 
+today that number has been reduced to 344. PDA still receives 
+about 159 new mobilized Reserve and National Guard cases each 
+month. While much has been accomplished, more needs to be done. 
+Acting in concert with the U.S. Army Medical Command and the 
+Installation Management Agency under the direction of the 
+Assistant Secretary of the Army for Manpower and Reserve 
+Affairs, the following initiatives are underway: Structuring a 
+comprehensive reporting system that tracks the soldier as he or 
+she is medically evacuated from the area of operations until 
+returned to duty or separated or retired from the U.S. Army. A 
+high priority, this task force will present its initial 
+recommendations to the Director of the Army staff within the 
+next 2 weeks.
+    Second, as part of the information gathering and sharing 
+enterprise, we are working closely with the Department of 
+Veterans Affairs and the Defense Finance Accounting Services to 
+better coordinate the termination of military pay and the 
+initiative of Veterans Administration payments. An important 
+linkage to this process is access to the Reserve Component 
+soldiers' personnel documents for the calculations of retired 
+and severance pay, and efforts are ongoing to bring automation 
+solutions to this process.
+    Through weekly reports, inspections, and personal visits, 
+the Army is keeping a close watch on the processing of the 
+soldiers through the PDE system. Though we have challenges 
+ahead, I am confident that we are taking the right path, the 
+right direction to do this.
+    I will tell you that I am personally committed. Sergeant 
+Allen, who was on panel one, was serving with me in Afghanistan 
+when he was injured. I have a son who is a Reserve officer in 
+the U.S. Army Reserves who was deployed once to the Gulf and is 
+alerted to do again. So beyond my professional interest in this 
+I have a personal interest and responsibility, as well.
+    Thank you, ma'am.
+    [The prepared statement of Lieutenant General Hagenbeck 
+    Ms. Norton [presiding]. Thank you, General.
+    Lieutenant General Kiley, 5 minutes.
+    General Kiley. Thank you, Mr. Chairman and distinguished 
+members of the committee. I appreciate the opportunity to make 
+a couple of opening comments.
+    I would like to start by echoing the comments of the rest 
+of the panel in thanking the soldiers that sat on panel one for 
+their courage, their honesty, and for helping us in the U.S. 
+Army Medical Command and the rest of the Army to make this 
+process better and more effective. We are very proud of those 
+soldiers. Every one of them has put a uniform on and reported 
+to the deployment station, and we feel that pride when we care 
+for those soldiers upon their return from combat, either as 
+injuries or as illnesses.
+    In that context, I think it is important to remember that, 
+as has been stated, this is a medical support to a global war 
+on terrorism that is not just about medical holdover soldiers 
+but about casualty receiving and the deploying and re-deploying 
+and demobilizing of large numbers of Reserve and National 
+    I am very proud of the members of the U.S. Army Medical 
+Command, of the larger AMED, active and Reserve, that have 
+participated in and cared for these great soldiers in their 
+time of need. We have processed over 16,000 soldiers through 
+the medical holdover process, 9,000 of which we have returned 
+to the Army fit and healthy, another 5,000 of which have 
+successfully negotiated the MEB/PEB process. And in doing that 
+we have learned a great amount about the PEB process, Reserve 
+and National Guard policies, and our own operations at our 
+installations and MTFs.
+    I am happy to answer any more of your questions either from 
+these comments or from my written statement.
+    Thank you.
+    [The prepared statement of Lieutenant General Kiley 
+    Ms. Norton. Thank you very much, General Kiley.
+    Major General Wilson.
+    General Wilson. Chairman Davis, members of the committee, I 
+am Major General Charles E. Wilson, Deputy Commanding General 
+for the U.S. Army Reserve. Thank you for inviting me to appear 
+before your committee to discuss the effectiveness of Army 
+medical administrative and support processes and procedures 
+that govern injured Army Reserve soldiers.
+    During the past months, the U.S. Army Reserve Command and 
+its leadership has listened to the concerns of all of its 
+soldiers, especially injured Army Reserve soldiers and their 
+families. This command has explored ways to provide the best 
+health care possible, to improve administrative processes for 
+the soldiers and their family, before, during, and after 
+    Since we know the combat and commander need a force that is 
+medically fit, ready, and responsive, the Army Reserve has 
+placed greater stress and scrutiny on management of medical 
+readiness. We have worked hard to update our policies and 
+procedures to create efficiencies, to develop compassionate and 
+effective strategies for supporting our soldiers and their 
+families as they prepare for war, as they wage war, as they 
+endure the separation and the worry and stress that accomplish 
+this as a family unit.
+    We work hard on the return home to address the challenges 
+and stress of family and community reintegration. Our solutions 
+are still being realized and perfected. They remain very much a 
+work in progress. You, as a committee, have been concerned and 
+supportive during this very trying period. With your help, we 
+will succeed in meeting our mission and also providing our Army 
+family with all it needs and deserves as we serve our Nation at 
+    Again, thank you for this opportunity to discuss the health 
+care and well-being of our soldiers and their families. I will 
+be happy to answer any questions that you may have.
+    Thank you.
+    [The prepared statement of Major General Wilson follows:]
+    [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T0085.132
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+    Ms. Norton. Thank you very much, General Wilson.
+    Mr. Sakowitz.
+    Mr. Sakowitz. Mr. Chairman and members of the committee, I 
+am Phil Sakowitz, the Deputy Director of the U.S. Army 
+Installation Management Agency. I thank you for the opportunity 
+to discuss our contribution to the medical holdover program.
+    On a daily basis we are responsible for the equitable, 
+efficient, and effective management of installations worldwide, 
+but we are particularly honored by our role in support of 
+injured soldiers and their families. Our headquarters and 
+region staffs, in close cooperation with Forces Command and the 
+1st and 5th Armies, as well as the staffs of my fellow panel 
+members, oversee our medical holdover effort. Together we 
+monitor the current and projected medical holdover populations 
+assigned to each installation to determine if current capacity 
+levels for command and control and billeting are sufficient, 
+and, if not, what steps we need to consider to mitigate the 
+    The Installation Management Agency has supported over 3,000 
+injured Guard and Reserve soldiers in the medical holdover 
+program at any one time at 36 installations in the continental 
+United States, Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. Our specific 
+roles and responsibilities fall into three areas: command and 
+control of medical holdover soldiers, billeting, and transition 
+processings. Let me very quickly review these three areas of 
+    Each installation with a significant medical holdover 
+population now has a dedicated command and control unit called 
+a medical retention processing unit. This unit is under the 
+oversight of our garrison commander, who is ultimately 
+responsible for the installation medical holdover program. 
+These units are commanded by a commissioned officer and provide 
+soldiers with leadership and basic administrative and 
+logistical support. From the time the soldier is in-processed 
+to the time the soldier is out-processed we ensure we address 
+the soldier's needs. This ranges from daily requirements for 
+food and shelter to assisting with legal assistance, religious 
+support, and transportation to and from medical appointments.
+    The units work closely with the medical team to monitor the 
+well-being of the soldier and track progress through the 
+medical retention process. The bottom line: the basic 
+responsibility of this unit is no different than any other--
+accomplishing their mission while caring for soldiers and 
+    We also take our responsibility for billeting soldiers very 
+seriously and continually improving their status. Today all 
+medical holdover soldiers are provided with a safe, secure, 
+climate controlled room with inside latrines and accommodations 
+for their medical conditions as needed. This is the standard. 
+To meet these standards, we house soldiers in on-post barracks. 
+When that type of accommodation is not available, we use 
+temporary relocatable buildings designated for medical holdover 
+soldiers, or Army on-post transient lodging, or off-post 
+hotels. Billeting medical soldiers is and continues to be a 
+high priority.
+    Our last area of support is in transition processing, which 
+is performed at each installation transition center. These 
+centers process soldiers for retirement, return to Guard or 
+Reserve status, or return to civilian life. The Army standard 
+is to out-process these soldiers not later than 30 days after 
+receipt of orders. To get there we added 24 support personnel 
+across 13 key installations. However, we have not only met 
+these standards but today our Installation Management Agency 
+transition centers are out-processing soldiers in 16 days. This 
+is a good news story and we are continuing to work to improve 
+these times.
+    I want to assure the committee that the Installation 
+Management Agency remains fully committed to support the 
+medical holdover program.
+    Once again, thank you for the opportunity to address you, 
+and I will answer any questions at this time.
+    [The prepared statement of Mr. Sakowitz follows:]
+    [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] T0085.138
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+    Chairman Tom Davis [presiding]. Let me start. You heard the 
+testimony in the previous panel. I read an article in the 
+``Orlando Sentinel'' on Sunday that tells of 15 wounded or 
+injured Guardsmen who arrived at Fort Stewart, and they have 
+been blocked from seeking medical treatment at home under the 
+community based health care initiative that we have just heard 
+touted here. An Army colonel in Army Forces Command in Atlanta 
+states that the reason is a very complex budget and statutory 
+problem all wrapped up in legalese.
+    I want to refer you to these three charts over here that 
+display the offices involved, the medical administration 
+process involved in the Guard and Reserve and the processes, 
+themselves. I mean, it looks--I think I am pretty competent, 
+guys, a lawyer, and I spent 8 years in the Guard, but it looks 
+pretty complicated.
+    I mean, who is getting these people through these mazes? It 
+is no wonder people are falling through right and left. I know 
+everybody is trying, but we end up, instead of a mission driven 
+Government here, just wrapped up in rules and regulations, and 
+the result is what we see. In wartime, it has just almost been 
+embarrassing. I think you all would agree to that. I think we 
+are all trying to fix it.
+    I guess my first question is: what do we do for these 15 
+people in Florida? And how did this all happen?
+    Dr. Denning, let me start with you.
+    Mr. Denning. Sir, my university would be happily surprised, 
+I suppose, if I was really a doctor, but I am not.
+    Chairman Tom Davis. That is what it says on there.
+    Mr. Denning. I know. My Mom would appreciate it.
+    Chairman Tom Davis. Well, congratulations. We held a 
+hearing on diploma mills a couple weeks ago. I can get you up 
+there pretty quick for $15.
+    Mr. Denning. I may need to take you up on that.
+    Sir, I will give you an alibi, I guess, or plead guilty. 
+No. 1, we have a medical system in my judgment and a set of 
+processes that were sized for a peacetime Army and we are 
+fighting a two-front war right now, indeed, a worldwide war, 
+and it is loading our systems like they haven't been loaded 
+since World War II.
+    Chairman Tom Davis. Correct.
+    Mr. Denning. No. 2, some of our processes were simply not 
+designed to handle large numbers of mobilized soldiers. The 
+ADME process you have heard about, for example, was designed to 
+take care of soldiers injured during their 2 weeks of active 
+duty a year. It took us, frankly, some time to realize the 
+system was under strain and breaking, and it took those stories 
+in late 2003 from Fort Stewart. But the Army really swung into 
+motion there.
+    Are there the stories you heard this morning? Every one of 
+them I am absolutely certain is true, and your heart goes out 
+to those soldiers and their families. I think we have addressed 
+these. That is why you heard about medical readiness 
+processing. Those charts you have over there, it is a complex 
+process. Caring for soldiers, managing their care, taking care 
+of their finances, shifting them between the kinds of orders 
+that the statutes require us to work under is a complex 
+process. I think we have it about to the point now that it will 
+work very well in the future.
+    Will there be problems? I am sure there will be some----
+    Chairman Tom Davis. I was in the Guard. I understand a 
+little bit how it works. You call these soldiers up. They go 
+into basically Federal service by going abroad, and at that 
+point why don't they just stay on that payroll until they are 
+discharged and sent back to their units? Once they come back 
+and they are injured, you ought to just keep them and give them 
+all the Federal benefits. What is so complicated about that? 
+What am I missing here?
+    Mr. Denning. Well, first of all, sir, the soldiers are 
+mobilized under partial mobilization authority, involuntarily 
+mobilized, 12-302.
+    Chairman Tom Davis. I understand. I mean, we can make 
+this--I was a lawyer. I understand how this stuff gets written. 
+But once they are over there, they are fighting side by side in 
+many cases----
+    Mr. Denning. Yes, sir.
+    Chairman Tom Davis [continuing]. With regular military 
+personnel. I have been over to Iraq several times. I understand 
+that you can't tell the difference, and certainly the enemy 
+can't tell the difference when they are shooting at them or 
+putting something on the side of the road. So why not, before 
+they come back, if they are ready to go back to their unit that 
+is easy; otherwise, just keep them under some kind of Federal 
+purview where they get the commissary and they get the PX and 
+they get the medical and everything else? Why is it so 
+    Mr. Denning. Many soldiers, sir, when they are Med-Evac'ed, 
+they stay on their mobilization orders. Their pay systems 
+aren't affected. Their benefits aren't affected. Nothing 
+changes. When we hit that 24-month brick wall--well, it could 
+be up to 24 months. Many soldiers are called up for 18 months. 
+It varies by unit. But once that soldier hits the extent of his 
+original set of orders, he was placed then on ADME orders, and 
+that is what we have resolved now. They are going to go on to--
+    Chairman Tom Davis. But some of the people in charge of the 
+ADME orders were telling people 30 and 60 days. They just took 
+it on themselves, even though the law allows them to do longer. 
+That was the testimony.
+    Mr. Denning. That is right, sir. That is what we have 
+corrected. Soldiers will be put on for longer periods.
+    Chairman Tom Davis. Well, why would they do that? I mean, 
+what is the rationale?
+    Mr. Denning. Well, sir, the ADME process, as I mentioned, 
+was designed as a peacetime system for the Reserve Components, 
+for soldiers injured during that 2 weeks of active duty every 
+year. It was never envisioned as a system to take care of 
+soldiers who required long-term medical care.
+    Chairman Tom Davis. What do you think about the idea--and I 
+am asking all of you--about an ombudsman or case worker or 
+somebody who that soldier can call and is the soldier's 
+advocate instead of an advocate for ``the system?''
+    Mr. Denning. I am open to that. I think we have done a lot 
+though with Installation Management Agency----
+    Chairman Tom Davis. Well, we have, but I hear--not 
+according to the ``Orlando Sentinel.'' There are still people 
+falling through the cracks as late as last Sunday. Everything 
+is fine, but I am just saying at the end of the day it doesn't 
+help that soldier to know that everybody is up there trying and 
+that we are getting more people. Just having someone that they 
+can call as their advocate, they shouldn't have to call my 
+office or Ms. Norton's office, which is what they are doing and 
+that is why we are here.
+    Mr. Denning. I understand, sir. We are open----
+    Chairman Tom Davis. How does everybody feel about an 
+ombudsman in a case like that? Are we open to that when there 
+is somebody in a situation like that? Assign them an advocate, 
+somebody that can walk them through the maze and look out for 
+them. These people have taken time away from their families, 
+away from their jobs. They have interrupted their careers. Some 
+of them come back in body bags.
+    Mr. Denning. Yes, sir.
+    Chairman Tom Davis. Some of them come back missing limbs. 
+The least we could do is, when they come back, have somebody 
+there that is going to advocate for them and get them the 
+maximum the system allows. We owe them that.
+    Mr. Denning. We agree completely, sir. I thought--and I 
+will let the other generals speak for themselves--when we set 
+up the medical readiness processing units, that is what we 
+expected of those platoon sergeants and those leaders in there, 
+to assist those soldiers, if they encounter difficulties, to 
+help them work through the maze.
+    Chairman Tom Davis. Well, let me ask another question while 
+I have the brass up here. This is just a yes or no. Can we be 
+assured there will be no retaliation against the people who 
+testify here today?
+    Mr. Denning. Yes, sir.
+    General Hagenbeck. Absolutely.
+    Chairman Tom Davis. OK. Is that right?
+    General Kiley. Yes, sir.
+    General Wilson. Yes, sir.
+    Mr. Sakowitz. Yes, sir.
+    Chairman Tom Davis. They were very nervous. They did not 
+want to come forward. They are very respectful of everything 
+everybody is doing. If you heard, there is a frustration there. 
+We really asked them to, because there is nothing like having 
+the victim sit up there and tell the story. We are not trying 
+to embarrass, but this is an ongoing problem and I think we all 
+agree they deserve better, and I think it helps you act better 
+when you see something like that and you are trying to move 
+something through. You have to go through lawyers to get stuff 
+done, too. You just can't wave a wand and make it happen.
+    I think hopefully we are helping you get this job done, as 
+    Ms. Norton.
+    Mr. Sakowitz. Mr. Denning, did you want me to talk about--
+    Chairman Tom Davis. Sure. Go ahead.
+    Mr. Sakowitz. Sir, what Mr. Denning was referring to is the 
+medical retention processing unit, which is fairly new in the 
+Army. When the soldiers first came back a couple of years ago 
+we didn't even have an Installation Management Agency. Each 
+installation decided how to handle their medical holdovers. Now 
+we have a standard process with these units that is to do 
+pretty much what you just said from an ombudsman standpoint. 
+Now, sir, it is not one-to-one. We have established----
+    Chairman Tom Davis. Of course not.
+    Mr. Sakowitz. We have established a basic military 
+structure, company structure. We have a commissioned officer 
+with NCOs that we have now especially assigned, which we never 
+had before, to handle those particular needs. Sir, there are 
+going to be areas where we might miss one or something happens.
+    Chairman Tom Davis. Sure.
+    Mr. Sakowitz. But in general I would say at those sites 
+with the significant medical holdover populations, these units 
+who only do that job and are assigned for them and are, in 
+fact, Reservists themselves, sir, who we have called up to 
+handle this, could answer, I would say, most of the questions 
+that you talk about from an ombudsman standpoint and are doing 
+    Chairman Tom Davis. Let me ask General Wilson, General 
+Helming has expressed deep concerns about the retention rate of 
+Army Reservists, and recent reports confirm unmet recruitment 
+goals. Do you think that the current administrative problems 
+that we are seeing for the injured has contributed to this 
+    General Wilson. I can't directly attribute that 
+    Chairman Tom Davis. It doesn't help though, obviously.
+    General Wilson. It doesn't help, and soldiers have, sir, as 
+you are well aware, very strong, informal communication network 
+that works very strongly on their behalf. But I think the 
+continued force of our leadership to rectify these problems and 
+to deal with these issues, more importantly than soldiers, the 
+families and the wives have become a strong advocate and a very 
+stringent questioning body and query body. So anything we can 
+do to deal with the issues that the soldier faces will always 
+help us in the area of recruitment and retention.
+    Chairman Tom Davis. I think the one thing in the first 
+panel that caught me, in a couple of instances where you had--
+in one case you had the adjutant general from Oregon, in 
+another case you had one of the sergeants that were assigned to 
+Walter Reed trying to do things. Someone upstairs--and this 
+didn't come from you. I don't think it is in the regulations, 
+you know, ``Why are you rocking the boat,'' you know, basically 
+saying, ``It is not your problem. Why are you rocking the boat? 
+Why are you doing this?'' I understand how that occurs. But at 
+the end of the day those kind of advocates really help make 
+things go, and we need to get that word to you as quickly as 
+possible. The faster the word that something has gone wrong 
+gets to you, the better able you are to correct it.
+    I think it was in that vein that we called them forward 
+today. Do you understand what I am saying? Nobody likes blowing 
+a whistle. These guys would go back again if they were able to 
+do it. They believe in the mission. They weren't here 
+denouncing the administration or the President or anybody else. 
+So I think we just need to work together on this, but we are 
+going to continue to overlook it, because when you look up 
+there and see a chart like this, I can just tell you things 
+fall through. Maybe what we need to do is establish and work 
+with you to make sure those advocates are in place and working 
+and trained to get the right answers for these soldiers who 
+deserve that.
+    Ms. Norton.
+    Ms. Norton. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.
+    I was very pleased to hear your response to the chairman's 
+question about ombudsmen. Let me be clear what the word means, 
+and then ask you about two examples. An ombudsman has his 
+allegiance to the person, not to the system. One of the 
+problems with the caseworker system is those people are, of 
+course, caught between their obligation to the system, that is 
+to the service, and to the service person, as well.
+    Do I understand you to say that an ombudsman--and, by the 
+way, we don't mean one-to-one in the sense that it would be one 
+person for every member of the service, but an ombudsman who 
+would have a collection, a set of members. Do I understand your 
+answer to the chairman's question to be that you endorse the 
+notion of an ombudsman whose allegiance would be to the 
+soldier, alone, who would be an advocate for the soldier, who 
+might be, therefore, advocating to people within the system and 
+not feel that he had responsibility for the system or could be 
+penalized for pressing the case of the soldier?
+    And, of course, everybody who presses a case has common 
+sense on when he has gone as far as he can. Can I understand 
+whether you mean a soldier's advocate by the word 
+``ombudsman,'' which is the general meaning of the term, not 
+some caseworker type person within the system? Did everybody 
+have that same understanding?
+    Mr. Denning. Ms. Norton, I indicated I am open to that 
+idea. I think I would first like to investigate the limitations 
+of the medical readiness processing units. As I indicated we 
+have NCOs there who this is their job already.
+    Chairman Tom Davis. Would the gentlelady yield for just a 
+    Ms. Norton. I would be glad to yield.
+    Chairman Tom Davis. I think the idea of an ombudsman--you 
+can call them whatever you want, but for a soldier, 
+particularly one who has been having trouble, whether it is 
+getting paid, whether it is medical, there is still a whole 
+series of problems. There ought to be a number they can call 
+and a person that is assigned to look after them.
+    I am not talking about a gripe session. I am not talking 
+about they didn't like their orders or they got KP too much. I 
+am talking about something related specifically to organized 
+benefits--pay, medicine. There ought to be a number and a 
+person assigned, and sometimes that person may say, you are all 
+wet on this. It is just not going to work.
+    But right now they go up through the chain of command, and 
+that has just not seemed to work, simply because people in the 
+chain have other activities as they see their mission, not that 
+they are against the soldier, but they are trained to do other 
+things, somebody who's trained to know all the ins and outs of 
+the benefit structure, of the pay structure, of the problems 
+that can occur, the orders not being cut in time, those kinds 
+of things. That is all we are asking.
+    Obviously, we are not asking you to sign off on a blanket. 
+The concept of that seems to me--I am talking about an injured 
+soldier coming back from the war. There is a person that they 
+can call on the ground if they have a problem.
+    One of the biggest problems we had here was they couldn't 
+get orders cut. They didn't know where they were going to live. 
+They didn't know what their families were going to do. They 
+couldn't get leave. Do you understand what I am saying? That is 
+what we are talking about.
+    General Hagenbeck. Sir, if I could, we have established 
+that inside what we call our ``disabled soldier support 
+system.'' It only involves right now about 260 soldiers, and 
+those are most seriously wounded soldiers, those that have lost 
+limbs, eyesight, have been paralyzed. We have set up an 
+office--we have funded it last fiscal year with $4 million. I 
+believe it is $7 million for this fiscal year--to be exactly 
+what you described.
+    So I think we have taken the first step, and I think 
+conceptually we are supportive of that, understanding that we 
+never want to take away that responsibility that chain of 
+command has, that first sergeant company commander that needs 
+to work in concert. But we do agree that there has to be 
+someone that soldier can go to to cut across the bureaucratic 
+lines at some of these stovepipe organizations when he can't 
+get resolution.
+    Chairman Tom Davis. And you agree that today, the couple of 
+situations we heard, that would have helped a lot?
+    General Hagenbeck. Absolutely would have helped. Yes, sir.
+    Chairman Tom Davis. Yes.
+    Ms. Norton. And, of course, the command structure needs all 
+the help it can get. I am sure they would be the last people to 
+say that they wanted to handle these everyday, run-of-the-mill 
+complaints rather than have it go to somebody whose job it was 
+to followup.
+    I want to just test to see how this would work, because 
+let's say that we have countless examples of relatives--wives, 
+parents, members of the military who are not able to maneuver 
+for themselves, call their Congressman. You really do not want 
+Chairman Davis and I to be the advocate. I am sure that is the 
+last advocate you need. But that is what happens.
+    Chairman Tom Davis. I am not sure they want to answer to 
+    Ms. Norton. Exactly. So all we are saying about ombudsman 
+is it is in your best interest, as well. But we are very 
+worried about what happens to the relatives, because we are 
+getting the same kind of terrible, horrific complaints from 
+them, being on the phone for hours, being passed from one part 
+of the Army to the next part of the Army.
+    I wonder if there is a, let's say even for these 200 or so, 
+or for any others, if there is a central location or phone 
+number where someone who is a relative of the Reserve or 
+National Guard can call and get answers to the question about 
+the treatment and the Army or about some of the issues that 
+have been raised here so that this would not be passed on to 
+the already anxious relatives of these members of the service 
+to whom they turn when they are not able to get any answer 
+    General Hagenbeck. If I could answer that initial question, 
+we have established an 800 number for what we call ``DS3,'' 
+disabled soldier support system. So I think conceptually we 
+know how to do that, I mean not just conceptually but in 
+concrete terms. But, again we would need to----
+    Ms. Norton. That 800 number directs them to where?
+    General Hagenbeck. They have a case manager, exactly that, 
+an ombudsman who then takes----
+    Ms. Norton. Don't call the case manager the ombudsman. We 
+have had all kinds of problems with case managers.
+    General Hagenbeck. I am perhaps defining it differently 
+than you, but the point is that is their go-to person by name 
+and who they are. They keep a complete file on them and they 
+are responsible for that soldier, and they are responsible for 
+being their advocate, whether it is entry into the VA system, 
+they are having problems medically, financially, or whatever it 
+happens to be.
+    Ms. Norton. General Wilson, you had a response?
+    General Wilson. Yes. Given much like the Guard, most of our 
+soldiers, the overwhelming majority comes from the community, 
+itself. Between the Guard and the Reserve there are over 3,000 
+local locations that soldiers are mobilized from. In our case, 
+we have the Army one source, which is a 24-hour, 7-days-a-week, 
+365-day telephonic or web-based source for dealing with the 
+full range of issues, from medical and dental benefits, 
+training and support to help readjustment and reintegration 
+into civilian life and their jobs, reunion and marital 
+reintegration with spouse, children, and personal social 
+adjustment. The beauty of this program, it is one source. We 
+publicize it in all of our family support and our rear 
+detachment operation sites. With this program they have a 
+benefit of receiving up to seven in-person consultations 
+relevant to issues.
+    So the Army Reserve and I believe the Army National Guard, 
+but I can't answer for sure with that, have the Army one source 
+where they can go out and find this type of information or be 
+referred to a specific source for support.
+    Ms. Norton. Thank you very much.
+    Ms. Embrey. Excuse me?
+    Ms. Norton. Yes, Secretary Embrey.
+    Ms. Embrey. I would like to also add that just 2 weeks ago 
+we had a ribbon-cutting ceremony announcing a DOD-wide program 
+for the severely injured joint support operations center, and 
+the objective of that center is to provide 24/7 access to 
+anyone who is unaware of the service specific program so they 
+can get information about how to access and resolve their 
+problems in navigating. It specifically is designed for the 
+injured service member and their families.
+    We recognize this is an important emerging issue that 
+sometimes information about what is available is not known to 
+individuals at the ground level. This is a way in which to have 
+DOD-wide access to get that information and to refer to the 
+programs that are viable and active in each of the services.
+    Ms. Norton. You have to believe these soldiers have e-mail 
+and voice mail. They know how to phone home when in trouble.
+    I have a very specific question, a concern I have about 
+Walter Reed here in the District, where I am told that as of 
+January of this year, just this past month, that soldiers being 
+held there on medical hold are being compelled to pay for their 
+own meals. I need to know if this is true. Enlisted soldiers 
+apparently--again, according to the information I have been 
+able to get hold of--get $267 in allowances per month to pay 
+for meals.
+    At Walter Reed, after a soldier has returned from the 
+battlefield, the cost would be $450 a month. I would like to 
+know is it true that these soldiers on medical hold have to pay 
+for their own meals that other soldiers receive free of charge? 
+That is a pretty specific question and I need to know yes or no 
+if that is the way it works.
+    General Kiley. Those medical hold soldiers that are in an 
+outpatient status during basic allowance subsistence allowance 
+are required, when they use the dining facility at Walter Reed, 
+like all the other soldiers assigned to Walter Reed, both 
+active duty and Reserve, are required to pay for their meals as 
+they go through the food line. They have an option to go on 
+separate rations, as I understand it, and give up that $280 a 
+month of subsistence allowance, at which time their meals in 
+the dining facility are free.
+    That is no different than any other hospital----
+    Ms. Norton. Wait a minute. Let me understand this. I 
+thought that the $267 was for enlisted soldiers to pay for 
+their meals, but that at Walter Reed that is not what you got. 
+You had to pay for all three meals. Is that not the case?
+    General Kiley. If you are an outpatient. If you are an 
+inpatient, you are not paying for your meals.
+    Ms. Norton. Of course.
+    General Kiley. But because if you are----
+    Ms. Norton. But you are in a hold company. You are trapped 
+    General Kiley. If you are assigned to Walter Reed or if you 
+are assigned to the medical holdover unit at Walter Reed in an 
+outpatient status, then you are authorized to pay and 
+privileges for a soldier that is not living in the barracks and 
+having a mess hall to go to, a dining facility to go to. So 
+under those circumstances, the Army gives those soldiers money 
+to buy their meals at the dining facility, or to buy meals----
+    Ms. Norton. So they receive----
+    General Kiley [continuing]. Or Burger King or McDonald's.
+    Ms. Norton. So this soldier in medical hold receives how 
+much money to buy his----
+    General Kiley. As far as I understand it, just like every 
+other soldier on active duty who is not sick in hospital and 
+not on a meal card, which is the Army's way to give them free 
+meals--you either get a meal card and you don't get any monthly 
+allotment and then you either eat at the mess hall with this 
+meal card free, or you have to go find----
+    Ms. Norton. So they can get this meal card?
+    General Kiley. Yes, ma'am, that is my understanding. That 
+is my understanding.
+    Ms. Norton. And then they could have three meals a day----
+    General Kiley. Free.
+    Ms. Norton. Free?
+    General Kiley. Yes, ma'am. But when they get the meal card 
+they give up the monthly what is called subsistence allowance, 
+    Ms. Norton. Wait a minute. The monthly subsistence 
+allowance, that is not just for food?
+    General Kiley. Yes, ma'am. For food.
+    Ms. Norton. So they give up the whole thing then?
+    General Kiley. Well, they are getting three meals a day, 30 
+days out of the month.
+    Ms. Norton. And they are living free of charge on the base, 
+is that it?
+    General Kiley. Yes, ma'am. They are in the barracks or in 
+the hotels.
+    Ms. Norton. I see. OK.
+    Could I ask you about the--we are interested particularly 
+in equal treatment between the Guard, Reserve, and the enlisted 
+members. As I understand it, for some of the active duty 
+medical extension soldiers prior to this war, for example, in 
+Bosnia, the way it works apparently is that some of the injured 
+Army Reserve Component soldiers in prior wars like Bosnia used 
+the active duty medical expense process, whereas for these 
+soldiers you have to apply through the medical retention 
+process. Why were they not allowed to use the active duty 
+medical expense process, especially since some of the soldiers 
+in Bosnia were allowed to do so?
+    General Kiley. If I understand----
+    Ms. Norton. Why isn't there a single system, in other 
+words, no matter what theater of war you are in, you use the 
+same process?
+    General Kiley. I think the key--and I could be corrected if 
+I am wrong, but I think the key in this process, which is where 
+the ADME process evolved from, started with soldiers that were 
+injured during training. A medical assessment was made of the 
+nature and extent of their injury, depending on the 
+circumstances under which they were activated, and then a 
+decision was made as to how long they would remain on ADME.
+    Even during Bosnia, the numbers of soldiers that flowed 
+back to continental United States, Reserve and National Guard 
+soldiers, was small enough that the administration of the ADME 
+process, to include consultation with physicians repetitively, 
+was robust enough to handle those relatively small numbers. I 
+think what we experienced--and as you know I was at Walter Reed 
+from 2002 to 2004 as a commander--the numbers just exploded on 
+    And so, in attempting to follow the regulations and 
+attempting to be good keepers of the faith, as it relates to 
+the law and the regulations, we had to work through this very 
+burdensome system, and hence we discovered, frankly, pretty 
+early on that soldiers were dropping off. We were hearing this, 
+frankly, at morning report at the hospital, and that hold knew 
+about it. It was a function of coming to the realization that 
+we needed to change the way we were doing business.
+    It took us a little while to do it, and I believe by the 
+first of March we will have just about everybody off ADME. But 
+that is just an older system that served us well when the 
+numbers were real small under the circumstances we were 
+operating under.
+    Ms. Norton. Mr. Denning.
+    Mr. Denning. Yes, ma'am. Since the fall of 2003 and the 
+Fort Stewart incidents, we all at this table, particularly the 
+Surgeon General, have worked--I think ``tirelessly'' may be too 
+strong a word, but really hard to ensure that the AC soldiers 
+and the RC soldiers were treated absolutely the same, that 
+there was no discrimination. In fact, I can sit here before you 
+today and tell you that the RC soldiers are treated at least as 
+well if not better than their AC counterparts in terms of 
+access to the medical care system.
+    The Surgeon General has established very specific 
+guidelines in terms of waiting time for appointments, priority 
+order, to ensure that RC soldiers get the best quality health 
+care available.
+    Ms. Norton. Ms. Embrey, I just have to ask, the total 
+failure of the planning process, so that after troops were in 
+there you all began to somehow understand that you would have 
+people back here that would be held in companies like the 
+company at Walter Reed. What was the flaw in the planning 
+process? Did you expect simply to get into, let us say, Iraq 
+and get out with almost nobody injured and that would be it?
+    You had a long time to plan for this. The discussion on 
+whether or not we would go to war had to have gone on for at 
+least a year. You had to go back and forth to the United 
+Nations. It was very controversial. There was lots of things. I 
+mean, why wasn't the planning done there? What was the flaw in 
+the planning?
+    Was it that you anticipated not having or having almost no 
+injuries and therefore didn't plan on having this number of 
+Guard and Reserves there? And if so, if that was your thinking, 
+on what basis did you believe that you did not have to plan for 
+so many injured members of the Guard and Reserve?
+    Ms. Embrey. I think I will answer this in a couple of 
+different ways. The first is there are a number of factors that 
+have contributed to the situation we are in. The first is that 
+we organize as units and there are various specializations in a 
+unit, and one of the specializations in those units is to 
+understand how to navigate the process in your command and 
+control structure.
+    When we mobilize, especially Guard and Reserve, they go and 
+there is a pre-deployment process screening where we try to 
+identify those who are not physically or medically ready to 
+deploy. There is a certain percentage of those folks that stay 
+back, but the rest of the unit goes, along with the expertise 
+to help them navigate the process.
+    Then, while they are there, those who get injured are, if 
+they are severely injured, are medically transported back to 
+the States through various points of care, returned to a place 
+where their special requirement can best be provided, and again 
+their expert that helps them navigate the system from their 
+unit is not with them.
+    When they return, through a post-deployment process 
+individuals identify their concerns, their physical problems. 
+They are referred and then taken care of, and some of them end 
+up in medical hold. Again, the rest of their unit and the 
+expertise to help them navigate the system has gone home.
+    That is part of the problem, and I believe that----
+    Ms. Norton. Yes, we understand the problem. My question 
+was: what was the flaw in the--was this all unforeseeable?
+    Ms. Embrey. I don't think it was unforeseeable. I cannot 
+speak for the Department on failure to plan. I think there was 
+a very good understanding that we were trying to screen 
+individuals who would not deploy with medical problems. I think 
+we thought that our peacetime structure would be able to handle 
+the anticipated casualties. We realized going in that this is a 
+marathon, not a sprint, and we are now having to make 
+adjustments based on what we are learning.
+    Ms. Norton. That is precisely my question. The President 
+warned everybody from the beginning of September 11 don't 
+expect this to be over soon. I only dated back to when we began 
+to discuss going in Iraq.
+    Ms. Embrey. Would Congress have agreed to a surge in the 
+force structure in order to accommodate these requirements?
+    Ms. Norton. Do you for a moment believe that if you had 
+come to this committee or to the Armed Services Committee and 
+said, we expect real problems to develop because of the number 
+of injured soldiers who may be coming home for a system that is 
+not equipped to handle them on base, and so they will be held 
+in medical hold, do you for a moment believe that Congress 
+would have said, go away?
+    I mean, you are returning your question to me? We expect 
+you to do the planning, come to us, and say, this is a warning, 
+everybody. We are not equipped to handle this. It is a question 
+of resources. You need to alert us. Are you saying you alerted 
+us and we did not respond?
+    Ms. Embrey. No.
+    Ms. Norton. Well then don't come and tell me, would we have 
+responded. The question is why did you not alert not only this 
+committee but a number of other committees who first and 
+foremost think of the men and women on the ground and then 
+think about everybody else? So I can only take yours to be a 
+rhetorical question.
+    Now, let me finally say--and the reason we ask it, very 
+frankly, is that the committee, you know, is really looking for 
+remedies. The message we are sending is that we very much 
+respect the way the military fights wars. We have not respected 
+the way the military has cared for these injured soldiers 
+coming home. We don't think that the people on the ground or 
+what happens on the ground is broken. I think you will agree 
+that this was broken, is being fixed. We have noted the way it 
+is being fixed, are appreciative, but because we are involved 
+in a longtime conflict the message is plan, plan, plan, just 
+like you plan to go to war in some respects and not other 
+    It is absolutely inexcusable not to do the proper planning 
+that will help us take care of people who have been injured in 
+war. It has been heartbreaking to hear the testimony of these 
+soldiers here today, and we just want to make sure the planning 
+is done to make sure it doesn't happen again.
+    I have only two more questions. We heard testimony from one 
+of the prior witnesses, Sergeant Forney, again over a situation 
+at Walter Reed where he had to use his own funds to buy 
+supplies and equipment. I need to know whether that has been 
+entirely cured, why it was that anybody would have been 
+responsible for having to do that, why a soldier had to put out 
+his own funds. I am not even sure whether he was repaid.
+    General Kiley. I have no idea either, Congresswoman.
+    Ms. Norton. Well, would you followup on his testimony----
+    General Kiley. I certainly will.
+    Ms. Norton [continuing]. And report back to this committee 
+what you were able to find?
+    Final question: I asked the prior panel and was told by 
+that panel that you would be the appropriate panel to ask for 
+answers to some of the most disturbing testimony about post 
+traumatic stress disorder. We are told that it may arise some 
+time after, some months, for example, after the soldier is 
+back, may linger for some time.
+    We wonder whether or not, under your current system and 
+regulations, whether or not somebody who suffers from post 
+traumatic stress disorder can ever be considered to have a 
+disability as described under Army regulations, or, if not, how 
+such a person who now must come back to civilian life is 
+expected to navigate through the rest of his problem.
+    General Kiley. I would be happy to try to answer that 
+question. I think it is a very good one, frankly, and the Army 
+Medical Department and the Army and, frankly, the Department of 
+Defense has taken a great interest in this process. As you 
+know, there was an article published recently in the New 
+England Journal by one of our medical health care screening 
+teams that documented a not insignificant number of soldiers 
+who, on a survey, answered that they were having problems, be 
+it nightmares, anger, alcohol, or family disturbance issues. We 
+recognize that, recognized it in terms of the pre- and post-
+deployment screening that we do for every single soldier who 
+comes back, both active and Reserve, National Guard. They get a 
+face-to-face screen during the demobilization process.
+    We have also recognized that process, alone, may not be 
+enough--specifically, that soldiers won't admit that they have 
+issues, or they think that once they are back at home, they 
+demobilize, they are looking forward to getting back with their 
+family, that some of the issues they may or may not have been 
+worried about are now going to be resolved.
+    There is no question that every soldier that mobilizes and 
+deploys goes through a traumatic experience just in the 
+mobilization and deployment, and then with combat operations it 
+can be a significant shock to the system, so to speak. Like 
+everything else in human nature, there is a bell-shaped curve 
+of resiliency associated with that.
+    But we have gotten more sensitive and more aggressive in 
+seeking out soldiers and asking them how they are doing. We 
+have actually done some followup on soldiers who went through 
+the original screening and found that over time they actually 
+start to admit and recognize that some of the problems they 
+have been struggling with haven't gone away. So we are in the 
+process of identifying that systemically and clearly offering 
+opportunities for soldiers to come back and see us.
+    Just recently, as you probably know, the Secretary directed 
+the services to begin a formalized process at the 90- to 180-
+day mark to bring soldiers back and screen them, and we are in 
+the process of working our way through the policies and the 
+resources required to execute that.
+    The second part of that is once we have identified soldiers 
+that may need counseling or help, it is collating the resources 
+to provide that. The mental health communities in general are 
+already very busy--psychiatrists, psychologists, social 
+workers, and other counselors--and we want to make sure we have 
+some place to refer our soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines when 
+they do recognize that they have some problems.
+    Our experience is that most of those soldiers, almost all 
+of them will resolve these issues, particularly with some 
+assistance, but PTSD is recognized and I am understood to 
+believe that in its most severe forms it is recognized as a 
+disability with sort of the PEB system and soldiers do get 
+recognition of that, depending on the nature and the extent of 
+their symptoms.
+    It is often a temporary position that does heal itself over 
+time, and so in some cases those soldiers will go into a TDRL 
+status and come back in 18 months, and we will sit down with 
+them again and see how they are doing.
+    We are very sensitive to this. Some of this is an outgrowth 
+of the first Gulf war and our work in dealing with and the 
+development of the diagnosis of post traumatic stress syndrome.
+    I hope that answers your question.
+    Ms. Norton. I appreciate your answer, because I could not 
+agree more when somebody comes back from war the notion of 
+stress, waiting to see whether or not or at least following the 
+soldier to see if that stress will develop into some long-term 
+problem, that is a close call. As long as you are following the 
+soldier, I think we would be satisfied.
+    Let me tell you what leads me to ask about disability. When 
+you see the number of soldiers--I mean, appalling number--from 
+the Viet Nam war that are on the streets homeless, you 
+recognize that you never want to see that happen again. I 
+realize that was a draft. There may have been many there who 
+are very unlikely volunteer soldiers.
+    But it has seared itself into the consciousness of Members 
+of Congress, because those are people who will call our 
+offices, whose families will call our offices, the notion that, 
+as difficult as it is to decide whether or not we are dealing 
+with something that can truly be called a disability and, hey, 
+that is your job as well, as long as that is something that is 
+not off the table or impossible to get in appropriate places, 
+that would certainly satisfy me.
+    I am particularly concerned in the volunteer Army about 
+that because one's heart goes out as one hears interviews on 
+television members of the service who are asked, well, would 
+you go back, or who volunteer that they want to go back. These 
+are people who have lost limbs or worse. These are folks who 
+have imbibed the notion that they have done a service for their 
+country, who say, I have somehow or feel often I have abandoned 
+my fellow soldiers, and what I need to do in order to feel 
+right about myself is to go right back there and serve as long 
+as they serve. That is the psychology one hears over and again.
+    I have to tell you I believe the press goes around trying 
+to find somebody who will say the opposite, and they just can't 
+find people. They all seem to say, I want to go back, or, I 
+would go back if I could. That leads me to believe that what 
+you just said, General Kiley, is the case. Hey, that is not the 
+right thing to say if you are a soldier, that you are feeling 
+any pain, that you don't want to go back. Therefore, the 
+possibility that these volunteer soldiers who have absorbed the 
+notion that they are first and foremost a soldier need to be 
+followed very, very carefully, because their reluctance to 
+admit is perfectly understandable.
+    Finally, in closing this hearing, I want to thank all of 
+our witnesses, and I especially thank you. This has been an 
+accountability hearing. You can imagine that we feel a very 
+special obligation when we continue to hear in our own offices 
+about these problems. We know that you have responded to some 
+of the problems that have been brought to your attention 
+through the GAO and through hearings of this committee, and I 
+want you to know that, despite our questioning, we appreciate 
+the fact that the Army has been responsive to the committee, 
+and we will press you further until we think the system has 
+been entirely fixed. That is our obligation. We think you 
+believe it is yours.
+    Before we adjourn, the chairman has asked me to say that he 
+has a request of the Army. As you have done for this committee 
+on the issues of the Guard and Reserve pay, he requests 
+quarterly briefings to be provided to the committee on the 
+state of the medical administrative treatment of Guard and 
+Reserve forces. It appears that you have some distance to go to 
+improve the oversight, infrastructure, patient service, and 
+efficiency of your policies.
+    Also, to better address the questions of Reserve Component 
+members, their families, and congressional case workers, he 
+also asks that the Army takes steps to provide a one-call 
+ombudsman office, and, if I may add, described the way we 
+described it, differently from the case worker who is torn 
+between the system and the soldier--a one call ombudsman office 
+where staff trained in all Reserve Component administrative 
+issues can answer questions in a timely and comprehensive 
+    We would also like to add that the record will be kept open 
+for 2 weeks to allow witnesses to include additional 
+information into the record. That includes witnesses from the 
+service, witnesses who may be family members, or members of the 
+    Again, we thank you for coming.
+    The hearing is now adjourned.
+    [Note.--The GAO report entitled, ``Military Pay, Gaps in 
+Pay and Benefits Create Financial Hardships for Injured Army 
+National Guard and Reserve Soldiers,'' is on file with the 
+    [Whereupon, at 1:40 p.m., the committee was adjourned.]
+    [The prepared statements of Hon. Candice S. Miller and Hon. 
+Brian Higgins, and additional information submitted for the 
+hearing record follow:]