diff --git "a/data/CHRG-117/CHRG-117hhrg43446.txt" "b/data/CHRG-117/CHRG-117hhrg43446.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/data/CHRG-117/CHRG-117hhrg43446.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,3392 @@ + + - BUILDING BACK THE U.S. RESEARCH ENTERPRISE: COVID IMPACTS AND RECOVERY +
+[House Hearing, 117 Congress]
+[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
+                    BUILDING BACK THE U.S. RESEARCH
+                                HEARING
+                               BEFORE THE
+                      COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE, SPACE,
+                             AND TECHNOLOGY
+                        HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
+                             FIRST SESSION
+                               __________
+                           FEBRUARY 25, 2021
+                               __________
+                            Serial No. 117-2
+                               __________
+ Printed for the use of the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology
+       Available via the World Wide Web: http://science.house.gov
+                              __________
+                    U.S. GOVERNMENT PUBLISHING OFFICE                    
+43-446PDF                  WASHINGTON : 2022                     
+             HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON, Texas, Chairwoman
+ZOE LOFGREN, California              FRANK LUCAS, Oklahoma, 
+SUZANNE BONAMICI, Oregon                 Ranking Member
+AMI BERA, California                 MO BROOKS, Alabama
+HALEY STEVENS, Michigan,             BILL POSEY, Florida
+    Vice Chair                       RANDY WEBER, Texas
+MIKIE SHERRILL, New Jersey           BRIAN BABIN, Texas
+JAMAAL BOWMAN, New York              ANTHONY GONZALEZ, Ohio
+BRAD SHERMAN, California             MICHAEL WALTZ, Florida
+ED PERLMUTTER, Colorado              JAMES R. BAIRD, Indiana
+JERRY McNERNEY, California           PETE SESSIONS, Texas
+PAUL TONKO, New York                 DANIEL WEBSTER, Florida
+BILL FOSTER, Illinois                MIKE GARCIA, California
+DONALD NORCROSS, New Jersey          STEPHANIE I. BICE, Oklahoma
+DON BEYER, Virginia                  YOUNG KIM, California
+CHARLIE CRIST, Florida               RANDY FEENSTRA, Iowa
+SEAN CASTEN, Illinois                JAKE LaTURNER, Kansas
+CONOR LAMB, Pennsylvania             CARLOS A. GIMENEZ, Florida
+DEBORAH ROSS, North Carolina         JAY OBERNOLTE, California
+GWEN MOORE, Wisconsin                PETER MEIJER, Michigan
+DAN KILDEE, Michigan                 VACANCY
+SUSAN WILD, Pennsylvania
+                        C  O  N  T  E  N  T  S
+                           February 25, 2021
+                                                                   Page
+Hearing Charter..................................................     2
+                           Opening Statements
+Statement by Representative Eddie Bernice Johnson, Chairwoman, 
+  Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, U.S. House of 
+  Representatives................................................     8
+    Written Statement............................................     9
+Statement by Representative Frank Lucas, Ranking Member, 
+  Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, U.S. House of 
+  Representatives................................................    10
+    Written Statement............................................    11
+                               Witnesses:
+Dr. Sudip Parikh, Chief Executive Officer, American Association 
+  for the Advancement of Science
+    Oral Statement...............................................    13
+    Written Statement............................................    15
+Dr. Christopher Keane, Vice President for Research, Washington 
+  State University
+    Oral Statement...............................................    25
+    Written Statement............................................    27
+Dr. Felice J. Levine, Executive Director, American Educational 
+  Research Association
+    Oral Statement...............................................    45
+    Written Statement............................................    47
+Mr. Thomas Quaadman, Executive Vice President, Center for Capital 
+  Markets Competitiveness, U.S. Chamber of Commerce
+    Oral Statement...............................................    53
+    Written Statement............................................    55
+Discussion.......................................................    68
+             Appendix I: Answers to Post-Hearing Questions
+Dr. Sudip Parikh, Chief Executive Officer, American Association 
+  for the Advancement of Science.................................   112
+Dr. Christopher Keane, Vice President for Research, Washington 
+  State University...............................................   116
+Dr. Felice J. Levine, Executive Director, American Educational 
+  Research Association...........................................   127
+Mr. Thomas Quaadman, Executive Vice President, Center for Capital 
+  Markets Competitiveness, U.S. Chamber of Commerce..............   132
+            Appendix II: Additional Material for the Record
+Report submitted by Representative Eddie Bernice Johnson, 
+  Chairwoman, Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, U.S. 
+  House of Representatives
+    ``Issue Brief: U.S. R&D Community Pandemic Recovery 
+      Lagging,'' American Physical Society.......................   142
+Letter submitted by Representative Bill Posey, Committee on 
+  Science, Space, and Technology, U.S. House of Representatives..   147
+                         BUILDING BACK THE U.S.
+                          RESEARCH ENTERPRISE:
+                       COVID IMPACTS AND RECOVERY
+                              ----------                              
+                      THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2021
+                          House of Representatives,
+               Committee on Science, Space, and Technology,
+                                                   Washington, D.C.
+     The Committee met, pursuant to notice, at 10:01 a.m., via 
+Webex, Hon. Eddie Bernice Johnson [Chairwoman of the Committee] 
+     Chairwoman Johnson. And without objection, the Chair is 
+authorized to declare recess at any time.
+     Pursuant to House Resolution 8, today, the Committee is 
+meeting virtually. I want to announce a couple of reminders to 
+the Members about the conduct of the remote hearing. First, 
+Members should keep their video feed on as long as they are 
+present in the hearing, and Members are responsible for their 
+own microphones. Please keep your microphones muted until you 
+are speaking. And finally, if Members have documents they wish 
+to submit for the record, please email them to the Committee 
+Clerk, whose email address was circulated prior to the meeting.
+     Good morning and welcome to today's hearing. I want to 
+thank our distinguished panel for joining us today and remind 
+them that there are probably two of the names that I'll get a 
+little bit mixed because I'm from Waco, Texas, and I only speak 
+Waco English. But I want to thank our distinguished panel for 
+joining us today.
+     This week our Nation passed yet another heart-wrenching 
+milestone. More than a half million of our friends, neighbors, 
+family members, frontline workers, and fellow citizens have 
+succumbed to COVID-19 since the disease first touched our 
+shores a little more than a year ago. Even as vaccines are 
+being administered around the country, help has come too late 
+for them and for the more than 2,000 Americans who continue to 
+die each passing day. Those numbers are staggering, yet we must 
+remember it would have been even worse if not for the 
+sacrifices that Americans have been making to bring this virus 
+under control.
+     The necessary mitigation measures undertaken by 
+individuals and by businesses, institutions, and organizations 
+of all types have created enormous disruptions to every sector 
+of American life, including agriculture, manufacturing, 
+hospitality, education, sports, transportation, and health care 
+as we have attempted to slow this deadly spread of the virus. 
+Scientific research has not been spared.
+     We are here today to discuss the state of the U.S. 
+research enterprise one year into this pandemic, and to explore 
+what is needed to get things back on track. For my colleagues 
+who are new to the Committee, let me say a few words about the 
+critical role research plays in our society. For decades, 
+federally funded research has generated new ideas and spurred 
+breakthrough innovations, which fuel our economy and create 
+jobs, inspire new generations of young people to pursue 
+science, improve public health and education, and keep us a 
+step ahead of our global competitors. Our research system is 
+the envy of the world, and many nations have tried hard to 
+emulate it.
+     In this hearing we will examine the ways in which the 
+pandemic has slowed the pace of research and innovation and 
+reversed hard-earned gains in expanding our STEM (science, 
+technology, engineering, and math) workforce. I am deeply 
+concerned about the long-term consequences for the American 
+people if we don't make these investments necessary to address 
+the needs of our science agencies, universities, researchers, 
+and students.
+     Even before the pandemic, years of stagnant funding 
+dramatically eroded our standing as the leader in science and 
+innovation with countries like China nipping at our heels. It 
+is not enough to recover simply to maintain the status quo. We 
+must grow the research enterprise so that we can boldly tackle 
+the urgent challenges ahead of us.
+     For these reasons, I did not hesitate to join my 
+bipartisan colleagues in the House in cosponsoring the RISE 
+Act. I was also pleased to be joined by Ranking Member Lucas in 
+reintroducing the Supporting Early Career Researchers Act, 
+which is focused specifically on keeping the best and brightest 
+in research careers that they have already worked so hard for. 
+I hope my colleagues on both sides of the aisle will continue 
+to join me in advocating for their passage and the real funding 
+for those two bills.
+     In that regard, I look forward to learning from the expert 
+panel about the specific challenges and needs one year into the 
+pandemic, including any recommendations for updating these 
+bills. Well, we have a lot to consider today, and I again want 
+to thank our witnesses for appearing with us today.
+     [The prepared statement of Chairwoman Johnson follows:]
+    Good morning and welcome to today's hearing. I want to 
+thank our distinguished panel for joining us today. This week 
+our Nation passed yet another heart wrenching milestone. More 
+than half a million of our friends, neighbors, family members, 
+front-line workers, and fellow citizens have succumbed to 
+COVID-19 since the disease first touched our shores a little 
+over one year ago. Even as vaccines are being administered 
+around the country, help has come too late for them and the 
+more than two thousand Americans who continue to die with each 
+passing day.
+    Those numbers are staggering, yet we must remember it would 
+have been even worse if not for the sacrifices Americans have 
+been making to bring the virus under control. The necessary 
+mitigation measures undertaken by individuals and by 
+businesses, institutions, and organizations of all types have 
+created enormous disruptions to every sector of American life, 
+including agriculture, manufacturing, hospitality, education, 
+sports, transportation, and health care as we have attempted to 
+slow the deadly spread of the virus. Scientific research has 
+not been spared.
+    We are here today to discuss the state of the U.S. research 
+enterprise one year into this pandemic, and to explore what is 
+needed to get things back on track. For my colleagues who are 
+new to the Committee, let me say a few words about the critical 
+role research plays in our society. For decades, federally 
+funded research has generated new ideas and spurred 
+breakthrough innovations which fuel our economy and create 
+jobs, inspire new generations of young people to pursue 
+science, improve public health and education, and keep us a 
+step ahead of our global competitors. Our research system is 
+the envy of the world, and many nations have tried hard to 
+emulate it.
+    In this hearing we will examine the ways in which the 
+pandemic has slowed the pace of research and innovation and 
+reversed hard-earned gains in expanding our STEM workforce. I 
+am deeply concerned about the long-term consequences for the 
+American people if we don't make the investments necessary to 
+address the needs of our science agencies, universities, 
+researchers, and students. Even before the pandemic, years of 
+stagnant funding dramatically eroded our standing as the leader 
+in science and innovation, with countries like China nipping at 
+our heels. It is not enough to recover simply to maintain the 
+status quo-we must grow the research enterprise so we can 
+boldly tackle the urgent challenges ahead of us.
+    For those reasons, I did not hesitate to join my bipartisan 
+colleagues in the House in cosponsoring the RISE Act. I was 
+also pleased to be joined by Ranking Member Lucas in re-
+introducing the Supporting Early Career Researchers Act, which 
+is focused specifically on keeping the best and brightest in 
+research careers that they have already worked so hard for. I 
+hope my colleagues on both sides of the aisle will continue to 
+join me in advocating for their passage and for real funding 
+for those two bills. In that regard, I look forward to learning 
+from the expert panel about the specific challenges and needs 
+one year into the pandemic, including any recommendations for 
+updating those bills.
+    Well, we have a lot to consider today, and I again want to 
+thank our witnesses for appearing before us today.
+    I now yield to Ranking Member Lucas for his opening 
+     Chairwoman Johnson. Before I recognize Mr. Lucas for the--
+his opening remarks, I'd like to present for the record a 
+report from the American Physical Society entitled ``Issue 
+Brief: The U.S. R&D Community Pandemic Recovery Lagging.''
+     Thank you. And now I will ask for Mr. Lucas for his 
+opening statement.
+     Mr. Lucas. Thank you, Chairwoman Johnson, both for being a 
+pleasure to work with and for holding this hearing. I believe 
+that today's topics, restarting American research, is one of 
+the most important issues we face at this moment. In September 
+we heard from students and academics about the far-reaching 
+impacts of COVID shutdowns. Those problems are only getting 
+worse as Congress continues to ignore this problem in COVID 
+relief bills. American research universities support nearly 7 
+million jobs, and hundreds of thousands of those are directly 
+supported by research funding. As research funding dries, those 
+jobs are threatened.
+     The research itself is also suffering. When COVID hit, 
+labs across the country had to close or dramatically limit 
+their operations to provide for safe social distancing. It's 
+estimated we're losing between 20 and 40 percent of our 
+research output, which we absolutely cannot afford if we want 
+to keep pace with China.
+     The Chinese Communist Party is determined to overtake us 
+in the industries of the future, areas of science and 
+technology that will drive economic growth and national 
+security in the years to come. The longer our research remains 
+stalled, the more likely it is we'll fall behind our foreign 
+adversaries on technologies like artificial intelligence, 
+quantum information sciences and advanced manufacturing. The 
+consequences of that would be devastating.
+     In addition to our loss of research, we're facing the loss 
+of our researchers. Graduate students and post-docs are 
+particularly vulnerable to lab closures right now. Research 
+interruptions make it difficult to complete their studies and 
+graduate on time. And universities have instituted hiring 
+freezes, making it difficult to find work. Our STEM pipeline 
+and future competitiveness could be irreparably damaged if we 
+don't act quickly.
+     Unfortunately, we can't just flip a switch and restart the 
+research work that's been halted by the pandemic. There's a 
+cost involved in getting back up and running. Scientists need 
+to cultivate new samples; field researchers need to reacquire 
+equipment, permits, and tools; and labs need to figure out how 
+to safely use and sterilize expensive and delicate equipment.
+     For a time, research will cost more and take longer to 
+conduct. We need to plan for that. But our science progress is 
+worth that investment. That's why I was so disappointed that in 
+the $4 trillion in COVID spending that Congress has already 
+passed, not one cent has gone to research itself. In the 
+massive and partisan $1.9 trillion budget reconciliation 
+proposal being considered this week, billions and billions of 
+dollars are going to special interests that already have $1 
+trillion in unspent funding sitting in the Treasury from 
+previous COVID packages. And yet in all that spending, only 
+$600 million was allocated to helping the research industry 
+recover from the pandemic. That's less than half a percent.
+     We've relied on American science and scientists to combat 
+COVID, but we're not giving them the funding they need to 
+resume the work that's been stopped by the pandemic. We need to 
+act now.
+     I'm a proud cosponsor of the RISE Act, which would invest 
+$25 billion in restarting American research. It provides the 
+funding needed for researchers to complete work that was halted 
+due to the pandemic. And it will allow Federal science agencies 
+to make awards to research universities, independent 
+institutions, and national laboratories.
+     I'm also proud of the Supporting Early Career Researchers 
+Act Chairwoman Johnson and I reintroduced at the start of this 
+Congress. This bill creates a new postdoctoral fellowship 
+program at the National Science Foundation to help support 
+early career researchers.
+     Both of these bills enjoy strong bipartisan support, which 
+is why I'm hopeful that we can move forward on them sooner 
+rather than later. In the meantime, I'd like to thank our 
+witnesses for being here today. I'm looking forward to learning 
+more about the challenges facing our research industry and to 
+hear your ideas about how we can support American scientists 
+and technology.
+     And with that, Madam Chair, again, thank you. And I yield 
+     [The prepared statement of Mr. Lucas follows:]
+    Thank you, Chairwoman Johnson, for holding this hearing. I 
+believe that today's topic--restarting American research--is 
+one of the most important issues we face at this moment. In 
+September we heard from students and academics about the far-
+ranging impacts of COVID shutdowns. Those problems are only 
+getting worse as Congress continues to ignore this problem in 
+COVID relief bills.
+    American research universities support nearly 7 million 
+jobs, and hundreds of thousands of those are directly supported 
+by research funding. As research funding dries up, those jobs 
+are threatened.
+    The research itself is also suffering. When COVID hit, labs 
+across the country had to close or dramatically limit their 
+operations to provide for safe social distancing. It's 
+estimated that we're losing between 20 and 40 percent of our 
+research output, which we absolutely cannot afford if we want 
+to keep pace with China.
+    The Chinese Communist Party is determined to overtake us in 
+the industries of the future-areas of science and technology 
+that will drive economic growth and national security in the 
+years to come. The longer our research remains stalled, the 
+more likely it is that we'll fall behind our foreign 
+adversaries on technologies like artificial intelligence, 
+quantum information sciences, advanced manufacturing. The 
+consequences of that would be devastating.
+    In addition to our loss of research, we're facing the loss 
+of our researchers. Graduate students and post-docs are 
+particularly vulnerable to lab closures right now. Research 
+interruptions make it difficult to complete their studies and 
+graduate on time. And universities have instituted hiring 
+freezes, making it difficult to find work. Our STEM pipeline 
+and future competitiveness could be irreparably damaged if we 
+don't act quickly.
+    Unfortunately, we can't just flip a switch and restart the 
+research work that's been halted by the pandemic. There's a 
+cost involved in getting back up and running. Scientists need 
+to cultivate new samples, field researchers need to reacquire 
+equipment, permits, and tools, and labs need to figure out how 
+to safely use and sterilize expensive and delicate equipment.
+    For a time, research will cost more and take longer to 
+conduct, and we need to plan for that. But our scientific 
+progress is worth that investment. That's why I'm so 
+disappointed that in the $4 trillion in COVID spending that 
+Congress has already passed, not one cent has gone to research 
+    In the massive and partisan $1.9 trillion budget 
+reconciliation proposal being considered this week, billions 
+and billions of dollars are going to special interests that 
+already have $1 trillion in unspent funding sitting in the 
+Treasury from previous COVID packages. And yet in all that 
+spending, only $600 million was allocated to helping the 
+research industry recover from the pandemic. That's less than 
+half a percent.
+    We've relied on American science and scientists to combat 
+COVID, but we're not giving them the funding they need to 
+resume the work that's been stopped by the pandemic.
+    We need to act now.
+    I'm a proud cosponsor of the RISE Act, which would invest 
+$25 billion in restarting American research. It provides the 
+funding needed for researchers to complete work that was halted 
+due to the pandemic. And it will allow federal science agencies 
+to make awards to research universities, independent 
+institutions, and national laboratories.
+    I'm also proud of the Supporting Early-Career Researchers 
+Act Chairwoman Johnson and I re-introduced at the start of this 
+Congress. This bill creates a new postdoctoral fellowship 
+program at the National Science foundation to help support 
+early career researchers.
+    Both of these bills enjoy strong bipartisan support, which 
+is why I'm hopeful that we can move forward on them sooner 
+rather than later. In the meantime, I'd like to thank our 
+witnesses for being here today. I'm looking forward to learning 
+more about the challenges facing our research industry, and 
+hear your ideas about how we can support American science and 
+    Thank you.
+     Chairwoman Johnson. Our first witness, Dr. Sudip Parikh, 
+is the Chief Executive Officer of the American Association for 
+the Advancement of Science--we call it AAAS--and the Executive 
+Publisher of the Science family of journals, a position he has 
+held since January 2020. Prior to his current position with 
+AAAS, Dr. Parikh served as Senior Vice President and Managing 
+Director at DIA Global, the General Manager of the Health and 
+Consumer Solutions Business Unit and Vice President at 
+     Our next witness, Dr. Christopher Keane, Dr. Keane is Vice 
+President of Research (VPR) and professor of physics at 
+Washington State University (WSU) where he has served since 
+2014. Prior to his positions there, he served in multiple 
+leadership positions at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 
+and the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) National Nuclear 
+Security Administration. Dr. Keane is also Chair of the 
+Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities (APLU) 
+Council on Research Executive Committee.
+     Our third witness, Dr. Felice Levine. Dr. Levine is 
+Executive Director of the American Educational Research 
+Association (AERA). Her work focuses on research and science 
+policy issues, the scientific and academic workforce, and 
+diversity and inclusion in higher education. Dr. Levine is 
+engaged in a multi-method study of the impact of COVID-19 on 
+early career education researchers and doctoral students.
+     Our next witness, Mr. Thomas Quaadman, Mr. Quaadman is 
+Executive Vice President of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Center 
+for Capital Markets Competitiveness, the Chamber Technology 
+Engagement Center, and the Global Innovation Policy Center. In 
+his role with the Center for Capital Markets Competitiveness, 
+he works to create and execute legislative, regulatory, and 
+judicial strategies to reform the financial regulatory system 
+and support policies for efficient capital markets.
+     Our witnesses should know that you will each have 5 
+minutes for your spoken testimony. Your written testimony will 
+be included in the record for the hearing. And when you have 
+completed your spoken testimony, we will begin with questions, 
+and each Member will have 5 minutes to question the panel. We 
+will now start with Dr. Parikh.
+                 TESTIMONY OF DR. SUDIP PARIKH,
+     Dr. Parikh. Thank you. Chairwoman Johnson, Ranking Member 
+Lucas, and Members of the Committee, thank you for the 
+opportunity to testify today. As the CEO (chief executive 
+officer) of the American Association for the Advancement of 
+Science, or AAAS, and the Executive Publisher of Science 
+magazine, I have the privilege of representing 120,000 
+scientists and engineers from every discipline, from 
+agriculture and artificial intelligence (AI) to x-ray 
+crystallography and zoology, who work tirelessly to advance 
+science and serve society for the benefit of all.
+     And here's what they tell me. It seems strange to say it 
+during a pandemic, but we live in wondrous times. The pace of 
+discovery and innovation has never been faster. We've seen, 
+we've seen the methane-covered mountains of Pluto. We have felt 
+the gravitational ripples caused by colliding black holes. We 
+have detailed extensive changes to our climate and environment. 
+We've advanced quantum computing to the brink of broader 
+utility and the creation of jobs and harnessed gene editing to 
+potentially cure sickle-cell anemia and other diseases, not to 
+mention the thrill of landing a rover on Mars in high-
+resolution no less.
+     Despite failures in our public health response to the 
+pandemic, the biomedical research enterprise has never worked 
+more quickly to understand and address COVID-19. The record-
+shattering number of submissions to the journal Science and 
+other peer-reviewed publications for COVID, it speaks volumes 
+about the speed and intensity with which researchers are 
+responding to this crisis. And they haven't stopped in other 
+areas either.
+     But we also live in uncertain times. Multiple intersecting 
+challenges have the potential to become global crises. The 
+COVID-19 pandemic is not going to be the last time that science 
+is essential to society's triumph over existential threats. 
+Addressing future public health concerns like Alzheimer's, 
+climate change, food and water insecurity, and other 
+challenges, some of which aren't even emerged yet, will require 
+addressing short-term funding challenges and long-term support 
+for science.
+     But we can't do things the way we've always done them 
+either. The cadence of emerging crises and the pace of 
+discoveries requires permanent elevation of scientific advisors 
+to the front ranks of policymaking. And at the same time, we 
+need to more fully engage diverse communities with an 
+intentional emphasis on those that have been ignored, 
+marginalized, or harmed by scientific advancement.
+     Today's hearing is incredibly timely. We are at an 
+inflection point. As I said, we live in wondrous times for 
+discovery, but that's a lagging indicator of previous 
+investment. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic and slow erosion 
+of investment, our Nation's universities and laboratories, the 
+foundation of our innovation ecosystem, have faced an eroding 
+capacity to nurture ideas, discoveries, and, most importantly, 
+a highly skilled, diverse pool of STEM talent. And this is 
+happening just as our global competitors are pouring investment 
+into the sciences. What we do now could determine who benefits 
+from scientific discovery in the form of better jobs and 
+improved health.
+     Scientists and engineers have risen to the challenge of 
+COVID-19, but this success has come at a price. Lab workers 
+have been forced to work in shifts, and this limited lab time 
+has slowed research. Lab budgets have been strained by the need 
+to extend salaries. With needed safety measures in place, human 
+subjects research has been particularly challenging. And field 
+expeditions have been canceled or curtailed.
+     Early career researchers have been hit especially hard. 
+For undergraduates in STEM, summer research programs were 
+widely canceled, creating challenges in applying and 
+progressing to grad school. For graduate students and 
+postdoctoral researchers, job searches were suspended, leaving 
+them in incredibly precarious positions of waiting for the job 
+market to return.
+     Mental health has also been a continued concern. For women 
+and underrepresented minorities in STEM, the pandemic has just 
+further exacerbated already existing disparities. One recent 
+survey found that female scientists and scientists with young 
+dependents reported that their ability to devote time to the 
+research has been substantially affected. Another found that 
+students of color at research universities, as well as low-
+income and working-class students, were more likely to 
+experience anxiety and depression, food and housing insecurity, 
+and much higher rates of financial hardship.
+     Science involves problem-solving and collaboration. Every 
+time a research project is shuttered or delayed or a promising 
+scientist drops out of the workforce, it raises the question 
+what discovery or development that could have made us safer, 
+led to better jobs, or healed the sick has been lost?
+     This is the time to act. The wisdom and foresight of 
+Congress in investing in science and engineering (S&E) has 
+enabled America's global leadership. I look forward to 
+discussing with you how we can ensure a future where the 
+descendants of Native Americans, pilgrims, enslaved peoples, 
+Ellis Island arrivals, and everybody else working together can 
+come together to address the coming crises and build a better 
+future for all Americans. Thank you.
+     [The prepared statement of Dr. Parikh follows:]
+     Chairwoman Johnson. Thank you very much. Dr. Christopher 
+     Dr. Keane. OK. Good morning. Chairman Johnson, Ranking 
+Member--Chairwoman Johnson, Ranking Member Lucas, and Members 
+of the Committee, thank you for the opportunity to testify 
+today before the Committee regarding the contribution of the 
+Nation's universities to building back the U.S. research 
+enterprise and the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. My name is 
+Christopher Keane, and I'm Vice President for Research at 
+Washington State University. In my capacity as VPR at WSU, I 
+serve as Chair of the Association of Public and Land-Grant 
+Universities Council on Research.
+     I want to highlight the work that WSU and our fellow 
+public and land-grant institutions are doing to support our 
+public health and economy during the pandemic, the impact the 
+pandemic has had on our research enterprise, and the role 
+Congress can play in mitigating the challenges research 
+institutions across the country face.
+     The Nation's public and land-grant universities, echoing 
+the last speaker, indeed, have risen to the challenge in the 
+campaign against the coronavirus. This includes conducting 
+research relevant to COVID-19, testing, support of campus and 
+community vaccination efforts, and other activities needed to 
+return students to school and support the safe resumption of 
+university programs while ensuring the health of our 
+     Working with local, State, and national public health 
+officials, industry, and other organizations, universities are 
+making adjustments to meet the needs of our students, 
+researchers, and communities. For example, WSU's Washington 
+State Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory (WADDL) has been 
+modified to conduct CLIA (Clinical Laboratory Improvement 
+Amendments)-certified--that's the FDA (Food and Drug 
+Administration) approval process--testing for the SARS-CoV-2 
+virus. To date, WADDL has processed over 67,000 samples from 
+surrounding residents, including about 25,000 samples from WSU 
+faculty, students, and staff. WSU has provided cold storage for 
+vaccines and is also partnering in the delivery of over 12,000 
+doses to residents in eastern Washington.
+     The university has continued to face severe impacts right 
+now, including delays and disruptions to undergraduate and 
+postgraduate education, revenue losses, and increased 
+operational costs; amplification of gender, racial, and other 
+previously existing inequities; disruption of the flow of 
+talent, infrastructure impacts; food and housing insecurity, 
+unfortunately; lack of childcare, and other factors. These 
+impacts directly undermine our ability to support the 
+fundamental research that drives innovation. Indeed, economists 
+estimate innovation provides 50 percent of annual U.S. GDP 
+(gross domestic product) growth.
+     One story, at WSU Vancouver, one of our assistant 
+professors recently shared this tale, quote, ``At the start of 
+the pandemic, my children and I were targeted with racial slurs 
+just because we were Asian American, and we didn't cause the 
+pandemic. Add to that the emotional stress I have from 
+homeschooling my special-needs child, and I just don't have the 
+energy or ability to produce research papers. After many months 
+of non-productivity, I finally chose to give up sleeping. I now 
+regularly have resumed some sleeping, only getting 2 or 3 hours 
+a night just so I can keep writing papers and stay on track for 
+my career.'' That's a real story, and there's numerous others.
+     WSU and the Nation's academic community are grateful for 
+the Federal assistance provided by Congress over the past year. 
+As Congress considers additional stimulus and recovery funding, 
+I urge the Committee to pass the RISE Act that will provide $25 
+billion to Federal research agencies to support projects at 
+independent research institutions, public laboratories, and 
+universities throughout the country. The funding would also 
+support early career researchers and graduate students, 
+researchers and disciplines not fully covered such as human 
+subject research and field work and vital facilities.
+     Making full use of all our national talent is critical to 
+recovery, advancing the U.S. research enterprise, and remaining 
+competitive globally. China's current annual R&D (research and 
+development) expenditure growth exceeds that of the United 
+States by roughly $60 billion, which in fact is double the 
+total request for the RISE Act. So even if all the RISE Act 
+funding were applied to federally funded research--and there 
+are many other costs as well, of course--China would remain on 
+a path to exceed U.S. R&D expenditures in the near future, 
+ultimately threatening our position as the world leader in an 
+innovation economy.
+     We also need to encourage students to follow a career path 
+in research, and I urge the Committee to support the Early 
+Career Researchers Act. This will provide the financial support 
+necessary for young researchers to be hired who may be 
+otherwise lost to our national enterprise due to the current 
+     On behalf of the Nation's public and land-grant 
+universities, I appreciate the opportunity to speak here today 
+and express our thanks for the support provided by the 
+Committee and Congress. The resources you have provided are 
+allowing our research universities to meet the challenges of 
+COVID-19. The pandemic, however, has emphasized and in many 
+cases amplified many of the existing shortfalls I have 
+outlined. I urge the Committee to support the RISE Act to 
+advance the research enterprise at our universities and the 
+fundamental research and new ideas it drives, allowing the U.S. 
+innovation economy to flourish and better the lives of all 
+     Again, thank you for the opportunity to testify today. I 
+look forward to answering any questions you may have.
+     [The prepared statement of Dr. Keane follows:]
+     Chairwoman Johnson. Sorry I didn't unmute. Thank you very 
+much for your testimony. Dr. Levine.
+     Dr. Levine. Thank you very much, Chairwoman Johnson, 
+Ranking Member Lucas, and Members of the Committee. I 
+appreciate the opportunity to speak with you today.
+     As we reach the 1-year mark of COVID-19 hitting the United 
+States with full force, the disruptions to the lives of early 
+career scholars and doctoral students in higher education 
+institutions have proven to be drastic, persistent, and far-
+reaching. The harsh conditions are taking their toll on 
+research progress, research, researchers, and academic careers, 
+as my colleagues have just also addressed. It also exacerbated 
+gender and racial inequities that may have long-lasting effects 
+on future generations of researchers.
+     Almost at the onset of the pandemic, scholars of the 
+American Educational Research Association and the Spencer 
+Foundation determined that it was essential to use our research 
+expertise to gather information about the experiences and needs 
+of early career scholars and doctoral students. We decided to 
+undertake two studies, the Focus--the COVID-19 Focus Group 
+Study, and the COVID-19 Impact Survey. The Focus Group Study 
+report was just released in late January and is based on 
+systematic study of 12 focus groups of early career scholars 
+and doctoral students. We were able to hear their voices. The 
+survey is a national study of some 6,000 doctoral students and 
+early career scholars engaged in education research. The data 
+collection just ended several weeks ago, and data analysis is 
+about to begin.
+     Today, I share just a handful of topline findings and 
+facts that are prototypical of our results, along with other 
+studies noted in my written testimony. They convey a reality 
+that those committed to scientific progress, U.S. science 
+leadership, inclusive scientific literacy, and diverse 
+workforce must confront.
+     First, we learned from our focus groups that scholars are 
+facing research derailments and delays, uncertainties, and 
+ambiguities. This finding is consistent with our survey data. 
+Approximately 70 percent of both early career scholars and 
+doctoral students said COVID-19 had substantially slowed 
+progress on critical research tasks, 45 percent of the doctoral 
+students reporting extending their doctoral completion day as 
+one indicator of the impact of those delays.
+     Second, systemic racism in particular after the killing of 
+George Floyd has led to a dual pandemic and added professional 
+pressures for scholars of color. They are experiencing not only 
+emotional distress and exhaustion compounded by being asked to 
+take on more work to help their institutions address these 
+issues. And we need to understand how to strike a balance in 
+that arena.
+     Third, scholars, especially women, face uncertainties and 
+barriers to research productivity while juggling family and 
+home. This theme was dominant in both focus groups and the 
+survey. Seventy percent of female doctoral students and 74 
+percent of female scholars with childcare responsibilities 
+reported a significant increase due to COVID-19 of these 
+     Fourth, researchers are increasingly concerned about their 
+employment status and careers. Our survey data show that nearly 
+24 percent or a quarter had already reported experiences of 
+reduction or loss of income due to COVID-19.
+     Fifth, scientific progress, as we know, depends upon three 
+C's and a lot of A's of course, cumulative knowledge, 
+collaboration, and connection. Yet another dominant focus group 
+theme and survey result is a loss of opportunities for 
+collegial exchange. Forty-six percent of the doctoral students 
+and 57 percent of the early career scholars reported a great 
+deal of loss, and over 80 percent of both groups referred to 
+the absence of that kind of exchange and interaction as 
+affecting and shaping their careers.
+     However stark these data are, findings like these are 
+helpful for the work that you are doing. Together, we have an 
+opportunity to do better. AERA and our peer associations 
+strongly support the RISE Act. It would provide a much-needed 
+infusion of funds to address the cost of disruptions to 
+research grants, provide financial support and flexibility for 
+researchers, and help cover expenses to ramp research back up.
+     AERA also strongly endorses the Supporting Early Career 
+Researchers Act for all the reasons set forth by the Members 
+and also from my colleagues. It will establish a new National 
+Science Foundation (NSF) fellowship program to help early 
+career researchers in the STEM pipeline in flexible and 
+appropriate and essential ways.
+     We are at a pivotal time to support the next generation of 
+researchers and the research enterprise that relies on them. 
+The risk to their futures and to our country that reaps the 
+benefits from science are far too great to miss this 
+     Thank you, and I look forward to participating in the 
+question-and-answer session that follows.
+     [The prepared statement of Dr. Levine follows:]
+     Chairwoman Johnson. Thank you very much. Your testimony 
+was very complete. Mr. Thomas Quaadman.
+                   EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT,
+                    U.S. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE
+     Mr. Quaadman. Good morning, Chair Johnson, Ranking Member 
+Lucas, and Members of the Science, Space, and Technology 
+Committee. Thank you for your bipartisan leadership on key 
+research and development initiatives and for the opportunity to 
+discuss the role R&D is playing in fighting the COVID-19 virus 
+and how R&D can help the American economy keep its leading edge 
+in an increasingly competitive international marketplace.
+     R&D is a wide-ranging process that advances the strategic 
+interests of the United States, improves the health and well-
+being of all Americans, and gives our consumers access to high-
+quality products that allows them to enjoy the highest standard 
+of living in a global economy.
+     As you know, there are three areas of research: Basic 
+research, which is theoretical in nature; applied research, 
+which is directed at a specific aim; and development, which is 
+used to create new products or improve existing products.
+     The American R&D infrastructure revolves around three 
+pillars made up of the Federal Government, academia, and the 
+private sector. Generally, the Federal Government, often 
+working through academia, tends to focus on basic research, the 
+business community leads on development, and all three play 
+significant roles in applied research.
+     Intellectual property (IP) rights provide a basis for 
+collaboration and technology transfer among all three. This 
+infrastructure thrives as a result of long-standing and strong 
+bipartisan support from Congress, including funding and the 
+passage of key bills last year. Other long-standing laws such 
+as the Bayh-Dole Act and the Leahy-Smith America Invents Act 
+make the U.S. intellectual property system the most reliable in 
+the world. These bipartisan initiatives have made the United 
+States the global leader in R&D since the start of World War 
+     While we know many past accomplishments, America's R&D 
+leadership has been on full display in the effort to combat 
+COVID-19. Pfizer and Moderna developed and deployed highly 
+effective vaccines in less than a year, and Johnson & Johnson 
+will soon follow suit. The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are 
+based on new technology called mRNA that allows a person's RNA 
+to be programmed to produce vaccines. This treatment can be 
+revolutionary in treating other diseases such as cancers and 
+chronic conditions that impact millions of Americans. MRNA was 
+based upon decades of academic and private sector R&D. 
+Artificial intelligence shaved off months if not years of 
+research to narrow the scope for researchers to target other 
+drugs that can be used to treat and prevent COVID-19. This took 
+an all-nation approach. There have been over 1,100 clinical 
+trials in all 50 States covering over 410 congressional 
+     While we must still defeat the pandemic, the tools are 
+coming online to do so. This would not have been possible 
+without the long-term R&D efforts by life sciences companies or 
+the short-term laser-focus bipartisanship in the Federal 
+Government, academia, and the private sector.
+     Despite these successes, America's global R&D leadership 
+is in peril. Currently, 70 percent of spending in the United 
+States is performed by the private sector. In the mid-1960's 70 
+percent was undertaken by the Federal Government. Federal 
+Government R&D spending has fallen to 2.8 percent of the 
+budget, its lowest point in 60 years, and has gone down 
+consistently since the 2008 financial crisis. China has been 
+closing the gap rapidly. Since 2000, U.S. R&D spending has 
+grown by 4.3 percent annually while Chinese spending has grown 
+by 17 percent annually.
+     A key factor of future competitiveness is R&D intensity or 
+the share of R&D spending to the economy. Currently the United 
+States ranks 10th. We believe there are concrete bipartisan 
+steps that can reverse these negative trends and maintain 
+America's leadership in research and development. This can be 
+done by enacting and passing the RISE Act to mitigate the 
+impact of COVID-19 on our national research enterprise and lay 
+the foundation for future discoveries and innovation, ensure 
+that recently enacted R&D legislation including the National 
+Artificial Intelligence Initiative Act, CHIPS for America Act, 
+and the Energy Act of 2020 are fully implemented and funded. 
+Increase funding for the Technology Modernization Fund and 
+other programs in order to digitally transform government. 
+Modernizing government platforms will enable greater real-time 
+collaboration and strengthen the Federal Government's research 
+capacity. Identify additional opportunities to reverse the 
+decline in Federal investments in R&D with a focus on basic 
+research, maintain the ability of private companies to 
+immediately deduct R&D expenses, enable the private sector R&D 
+investment to a recommitment to the patent system. These steps 
+will be critical for the United States to remain a leader in 
+areas such as semiconductors while establishing a commanding 
+position in areas such as artificial intelligence and quantum 
+computing. In doing so, we can recover from the impacts of the 
+pandemic and lay the foundation for the United States to lead 
+the industries of tomorrow. I'm happy to take any questions you 
+may have.
+     [The prepared statement of Mr. Quaadman follows:]
+     Chairwoman Johnson. Thank you very much. We've had 
+fantastic testimony. And let me just say that many of the 
+questions that I've had you have touched on. We know this, 
+we'll now begin our questioning, and I'll yield myself 5 
+     The COVID-19 crisis has affected research across the 
+board, but some disciplines have been harder hit than others. 
+Experimental researchers have had limited access to their 
+laboratory equipment and have experienced a larger disruption 
+of their work than researchers working on theoretical science 
+and computing. Perhaps more importantly, the STEM pipeline has 
+been harmed by this crisis. Graduate student training and 
+mentoring has suffered from limited access to library space, 
+laboratory space, collaborators, and field sites. We are seeing 
+elevated rates of anxiety and depression among graduate 
+students, particularly among marginalized groups. 
+Undergraduates aren't getting the hands-on research experience 
+that inspired them to pursue STEM as a career, and universities 
+are instituting hiring freezes to save money, which has 
+resulted in a 70 percent drop in the faculty job market.
+     As a result, some early career researchers are facing the 
+difficult decision to leave research in order to support their 
+families. Women researchers have taken on the majority of the 
+additional childcare responsibilities that have arisen due to 
+the pandemic, and this has resulted in slower research progress 
+for women compared with their male counterparts, which 
+threatens to widen the gender gap in STEM faculty 
+representation, reversing years of incremental progress.
+     A recent Council on Government Relations model estimated 
+that research output dropped by 20 to 40 percent since March of 
+2020. The study estimates that the financial impact is tens of 
+billions of dollars across the research enterprise.
+     What I would like you to help us focus on is while the 
+CARES Act provided some funding for science agencies, it fell 
+well short of the need and was focused specifically on COVID 
+research. And likewise, the funding being considered as part of 
+the current reconciliation package is focused on COVID-related 
+research. The bill text should be published probably very soon, 
+but the RISE Act will help, I think, tremendously.
+     But what I'd like each of you to point out, we've got all 
+the problems on the table and all the concerns. Please give us 
+some direct recommendations that we can utilize and make sure 
+that we don't deteriorate this enterprise anymore. I can start 
+wherever you'd like. Dr.--yes. Is Dr. Levine still----
+     Dr. Levine. Yes, I'm here. I can----
+     Chairwoman Johnson. OK.
+     Dr. Levine. I can start first. Yes, I can. You know, I 
+think you have [inaudible] joined the research community in 
+your command of exactly what we seek for supporting the 
+research enterprise from high-energy physics to education 
+research from field sites and studies to experimental studies 
+in the social and behavioral sciences. And the money and the 
+support for flexible funding is really imperative. Not only do 
+we need to widen the net of those who can receive particularly 
+early career flexible kinds of grants, for example, those that 
+were part of the National Science Foundation Career-Life 
+Balance (CLB) supplemental funding offered ways of 
+supplementing for the kinds of things that researchers have 
+lost. They may need childcare support. They indeed may need 
+some additional counseling. They may need bandwidth to do some 
+of the social networking worldwide that has been limited.
+     The one thing I would say as a concrete recommendation 
+while I praise CLB, it is a supplement. Now, were this kind of 
+initiative also to be able to be an early career funding 
+mechanism, you would really be able to widen the scope of 
+scientists across fields of science. Every field of science has 
+taken a hit. And that has also affected building capacity in 
+scientific fields. If I can say for one moment, the deep 
+commitment of this Committee for science education and capacity 
+building at the K-12 level, at the undergraduate level. We need 
+to ensure the talent pool is there to be able to do that 
+teaching across levels of education. They are doing it multi-
+fold in the past year since the onset of COVID-19.
+     But we hear reports that for those who are teaching, for 
+example, in universities and colleges in more rural locations 
+where the bandwidth may be for their students, that the 
+students ride and sit in a car with the children in the 
+backseat, and they are trying to do online learning. So this 
+has wide-ranging opportunities for this Committee to grapple 
+with in a way that not only advances the enterprise of science 
+but also the next generation of scientists. And that's why I 
+mentioned science literacy. You need to have those skills to 
+develop a modern workforce.
+     Dr. Keane. Yes, Chairwoman Johnson, if I could add into 
+that, this is Chris Keane, thank you for your great summary of 
+the situation, by the way. It was very helpful. Just a couple 
+     Again, I support the RISE Act, but in thinking about 
+financial relief, I think it's important to bear in mind there 
+are sort of three issues. First, there's direct--relieving 
+direct costs of the pandemic, which tend to squeeze budgets for 
+hiring and everything else.
+     Secondly, there's the 20 to 40 percent you mentioned, 
+which really has to do with the cost of delay for existing 
+projects and displacement of our researchers. Just getting that 
+work done and making up for that loss of productivity in the 
+short term is vital so we don't lose much of our workforce as a 
+result of this crisis.
+     And then the third component of relief is basically the 
+longer-term investment in the R&D enterprise. Again, I would 
+just point out as a stat that, you know, the $25 billion 
+proposed in the RISE Act is less than half the gain that China 
+is making on our [inaudible] expenditure figure every year. And 
+so when you add up those three areas, direct relief from the 
+pandemic, you know, addressing the 20-40 percent impact on our 
+researchers, as well as the long-term issue of enhancing 
+research expenditures and funding generally, it's a big 
+request. We really appreciate your help on this.
+     And just one other point I'd mention we haven't covered 
+yet, the--with respect to diversity and inclusion needing the 
+full benefit of our talents in the United States, that's vital. 
+One thing we need is more data to support that actually, and I 
+believe the STEM Opportunity Act if I recall correctly calls 
+for collecting that data, so I'd urge you, via that act or some 
+other means, to increase the amount of data that we collect on 
+diversity, inclusion, and equity so we can better assess our 
+situation. Thank you.
+     Mr. Quaadman. Chair Johnson, if I could just quickly add 
+as well, you know, we fully support the RISE Act, which is 
+important to address human capital issues, also fully agree as 
+well in terms of the need to help increase Federal research 
+dollars, particularly around basic research.
+     Additionally, we also think it is very important that we 
+also engage in things like IT (information technology) 
+modernization within the government, which is one of the things 
+the pandemic has shown is how we have a great need for IT 
+     And just lastly, the bipartisan leadership that you and 
+Congressman Lucas and this Committee have shown last year in 
+the passage of the artificial intelligence legislation, as well 
+as the America Energy Act, and other legislation, those need to 
+be fully funded and implemented for us to start to deal with 
+some of the longer-range issues as well.
+     Chairwoman Johnson. Well, thank you very much. My time has 
+really expired. I've enjoyed your input and want more, but I've 
+got to now ask Mr. Lucas if he'll do his 5 minutes of 
+     Mr. Lucas. Thank you, Madam Chair. As we've heard today, 
+Mr. Quaadman, the impacts of the COVID pandemic will be 
+particularly detrimental to basic research. And given the 
+fundamental role basic research plays in facilitating applied 
+and developmental research and subsequently new and improved 
+products and services it creates, the losses will likely limit 
+industries' future capacity to innovate and commercialize 
+innovation stemming from scientific advances. Can you discuss 
+how this threat is impacting industry and may impact the United 
+States' future economic competitiveness?
+     Mr. Quaadman. Yes. Thank you, Ranking Member Lucas. This 
+is all to do with America's long-standing competitiveness. We 
+have both China and the European Union, which are greatly 
+increasing their research funding as a means to dislodge 
+American global leadership. While our competitors have also 
+faced some of the constraints because of COVID-19, we really 
+need to address some of the issues in terms of funding. We also 
+need to address other ancillary issues such as the ability to 
+[inaudible] R&D expensing by the private sector so that we can 
+continue to grow the private-sector role in this as well.
+     But I would just raise one last point as well. The country 
+that leads in innovation is the country that also sets the 
+rules and builds the products that are based upon that 
+innovation. That is the traditional role the United States has 
+played, and that is not a role that we would want to cede to 
+other countries that may not share the same values that we do 
+in terms of coming up with those rules.
+     Mr. Lucas. Continuing with you, Mr. Quaadman, on February 
+2nd the Executive Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce, 
+Neil Bradley sent a letter to President Biden and Members of 
+Congress. And in this letter he warned against the use of 
+reconciliation to pass the American Rescue Plan and stated, 
+``Such an approach will certainly make it more difficult to 
+reach bipartisan agreement on other policy priorities.'' Can 
+you elaborate on why the majority's budget reconciliation 
+process has been so detrimental in any progress toward 
+bipartisan solutions for American families, businesses, and 
+     Mr. Quaadman. Yes, thank you for that question, Ranking 
+Member Lucas. First off, the four COVID relief bills that have 
+passed before this legislation were bipartisan in nature. We 
+believe that, you know, with the Democratic view of relief 
+being broad-based and for Republican views that it be more 
+targeted and temporary, that a synthesis of those views will 
+lead to better legislation.
+     Additionally, we don't think that the political well 
+should be poisoned where we have to deal with other important 
+pieces of legislation that are going to have to be bipartisan 
+in nature such as infrastructure.
+     The last point I would say with the reconciliation 
+process, what the reconciliation process does is it creates the 
+dollar figure, and then the policy needs to follow that dollar 
+figure. We would rather see that we come up with what the right 
+policies are and then determine what the dollar figure is after 
+     Mr. Lucas. Dr. Keane, in essentially my last question, in 
+your written testimony you highlighted the important role land-
+grant institutions have played in working in close 
+collaboration with local, State, and national public health 
+authorities officials to ramp up COVID testing. And I will 
+acknowledge I'm especially excited to hear about the great work 
+Oklahoma State University did in developing testing capacity 
+for both its campus and the State of Oklahoma. Can you please 
+discuss the mission of land-grant institutions and how it 
+becomes even more important when facing this pandemic or 
+pandemics of this type in the future?
+     Dr. Keane. Thank you, Ranking Member Lucas, for that very 
+nice question. Yes, I completely agree with you that the 
+mission of our land grants is just--its importance has been 
+highlighted by this pandemic. As you know, that mission is 
+threefold: teaching, research, and service. And never have they 
+been more important. And in fact on the teaching side our 
+faculty and staff have risen to that challenge despite rising 
+enrollments and getting used to the virtual world, extra 
+[inaudible]. They have risen to the challenge and continue to 
+educate our students.
+     In the research world we've heard about, as you discussed, 
+the things we've done in testing as a service that's provided 
+to our local communities, and that's been very important. For 
+example, here in Washington State the WSU, our testing facility 
+is looking at the community in terms of supporting the spread 
+of disease and the community understanding that, but also we're 
+directly testing wastewater from our elementary schools, which 
+supports the ability of our schools to open in fact. So there's 
+a direct community benefit there.
+     And finally, in service, the third part of our mission 
+through extension, that's a huge part of what we do here in 
+Washington State, at Oklahoma State, and many other land 
+grants. We have a presence in every county where we aid our 
+citizens every day and numerous other programs in that area.
+     So all in all, the pandemic has just highlighted this 
+critical mission of service, research, and teaching at the land 
+grants in numerous ways. The APLU has a particular report on 
+this subject. There's more information and numerous specific 
+examples on their website [inaudible] and our other land-grant 
+institutions, so thank you for the opportunity to express the 
+importance of these institutions.
+     Mr. Lucas. And probably it's underappreciated how 
+important President Lincoln's signature on the Morrill Act in--
+     Dr. Keane. Yes.
+     Mr. Lucas. --1862 and the ability for non-wealthy 
+Americans, average Americans scattered around to begin the 
+availability of a public education. Thank you, Doctor. I yield 
+back, Madam Chair.
+     Staff. Ms. Stevens is next.
+     Ms. Stevens. Great, thank you. This has been a very 
+thorough hearing so far, and the testimonies have been 
+absolutely tremendous.
+     I represent Michigan, and we've seen this at Oakland 
+University with 59 percent of Oakland University's research 
+labs being operational, 25 percent face-to-face, and the 
+impacts at the university level. Tom, in particular, I 
+appreciated your testimony where you touched on the collective 
+R&D efforts coming from the Federal Government, the Federal 
+Government corporations, as well as from universities. And we 
+know we're continuing [inaudible], right? We funded the NSF, 
+you know, as a government and appropriated it, and we certainly 
+also appreciate the Chamber's support of the American rescue 
+package and the triage work that we need to do to continue to 
+save lives and bring our economy back. Thank you for your 
+partnership there.
+     Dr. Parikh, I would love to talk with you. You have a--
+just a fabulous background, and we so appreciate your 
+leadership of AAAS. You know, we love the publication. I get it 
+every week. Your testimony was quite thorough. One of the 
+things I'd love to drill down on with you is regarding what 
+we're actually talking about here, which is our basic R&D 
+spend, right, in terms of what's being lost with the 
+applications. Have you at all taken a look at the TRL, the 
+technology readiness levels, particularly as we're in that, you 
+know, early stage of technology readiness and that as we move 
+forward to application? Because we do the basic R&D, and we 
+know we're losing it. You know, we love your formula. You know, 
+if we've got a formula down on the percentage, but have you at 
+all taken a look at the technology readiness levels at all in 
+terms of the impacts of COVID-19?
+     Dr. Parikh. We haven't specifically, but we have a team 
+that can do that kind of analysis. I'd be happy to come back to 
+you with that. What we have--when you think about it, it's--in 
+its simplest form, it's a conveyor belt, right? And so as this 
+thing--as we have things that are moving from basic research, 
+through development, through applied, through product, when we 
+have this disruption that is COVID-19, it's the same thing with 
+people. What ends up happening is you get a logjam in that 
+conveyor belt. Yes, we have the funding for next year. You 
+might ask, well, why can't we just use the funding from next 
+year to continue this work? You can except there are students 
+that are piling up behind the students that are currently here. 
+There are products piling up, there are technologies piling up, 
+and we've got to make sure that we're unclogging that conveyor 
+     Ms. Stevens. Yes, we want to take a look at that because 
+as we move into the application phase--and where I am in the 
+world of this is, you know, intensive automotive, right, what's 
+taking place with the proliferation of electric vehicles, 
+autonomous vehicles. We're obviously also [inaudible] with the 
+supply chain disruptions and what we've seen taking place with 
+this chip shortage. Now, I've got a bill on that, the Resilient 
+Supply Chain Task Force Act, which helps us monitor the ongoing 
+health of our supply chains.
+     But the next phase of what we're looking at here is 
+production, and we have got to be making in America. We know 
+this, but you don't just get to say let's make it in America, 
+right? You have to do the basic R&D.
+     Dr. Parikh. Absolutely.
+     Ms. Stevens. Then you got to look at your technology 
+readiness. So I'd really love for you to follow up with me on 
+     And I'm going to be generous to my colleagues because I 
+love them and there's a great group here on both sides of the 
+aisle that's here today. And I got about a minute left, but we 
+got a lot of people online, so I'm going to cede the rest of my 
+time, Madam Chair, and I will also say Chairwoman Johnson is 
+spot on with having this hearing right now, and thank you. I 
+yield back.
+     Chairwoman Johnson. Thank you very much. Next?
+     Staff. Mr. Perlmutter is next.
+     Chairwoman Johnson. OK.
+     Mr. Perlmutter. Don't we want a Republican to go before 
+     Staff. I'm sorry, sir. Mr. Brooks is next.
+     Unidentified speaker. And I may be next as well?
+     Staff. Mr. Posey is next.
+     Mr. Posey. Thank you, Chairwoman Johnson and Ranking 
+Member Lucas, for holding this hearing. It's important to 
+ensure that American science and technology research remains 
+the best in the world.
+     This pandemic has dramatically disrupted life for 
+Americans, and we need to do whatever we can to return things 
+to normal.
+     My question is for all of the witnesses. You know, as 
+mentioned, there's been significant disruptions in our STEM and 
+research pipelines to our universities by COVID-19 pandemic, 
+but perhaps the most concerning disruption has occurred far 
+earlier in this vital pipeline. Just last week in our last 
+hearing we heard about some of the effects of school closure on 
+our students. My colleagues and I drafted a letter to our 
+wonderful Chairwoman requesting a hearing on the concerns that 
+too many of our K-12 schools remain closed when science says 
+that they can reopen safely. Even before COVID-19 universities 
+were concerned that U.S. students were not prepared for the 
+rigor of STEM education that are necessary to advance America's 
+research and development projects in schools as opposed to 
+others where schools are already reopened, as in China. What 
+will happen when an entire generation of American students are 
+further behind than their international peers? You know, will 
+our U.S. colleges and universities simply fill the STEM slots 
+with more foreign students? I think it's around 36 percent 
+right now. Should K-12 schools be reopened or should we just 
+accept the damages to the U.S. STEM research pipeline as part 
+of the pandemic's cost? And you can respond I guess in the same 
+order that you gave your opening testimonies with Dr. Parikh 
+     Dr. Parikh. Thank you, Mr. Posey. K-12 education is so 
+critical to the science and engineering enterprise. We have to 
+have a broad pipeline at the beginning because every signal 
+that is sent to a young student accumulates over time. And so 
+when a young person is told, you know, maybe science is not for 
+you, maybe you're better at the arts or you're better at 
+something else, that really hurts us every time that happens to 
+a young girl, every time it happens to a young man, every time 
+it happens to somebody who has grown up on a farm or every time 
+it's happened to somebody who's grown up in an inner-city. And 
+so we've got to make sure that we're sending the right signals.
+     On opening schools, it's a complex question. I will leave 
+that to my public-health counterparts as opposed to me, a 
+biochemist, but what I would say is that all the things that 
+can be done to get us to the place where we can--vaccination, 
+doing the right public-health interventions like wearing masks, 
+maintaining social distance, doing all those things will get us 
+there faster than not doing those interventions. I think it's 
+critically important to do that.
+     But education, we have got to make sure we're investing in 
+that K-12 group beyond just the pandemic. We've got to get them 
+doing science, and we've got to get kids doing science that are 
+not our usual suspects because if we do that, we're never going 
+to compete on sheer numbers with China. We've got to have all 
+of our kids working toward STEM education and STEM fields.
+     Mr. Posey. Dr. Keane?
+     Dr. Keane. Yes, I--this is Chris Keane. Thank you for that 
+question. As--you know, land-grant universities, as part of our 
+service mission, as I mentioned earlier, do a lot of activities 
+to support our K-12 education. Our extension programs provide 
+programs for K-12 students, and also we take opportunities just 
+to invite K-12 students in to see the exciting things that we 
+do in research and education, get them excited about going to 
+     Mr. Posey. I don't want to cut you short, but we're short 
+on time. Just kind of like your response to the questions I 
+asked if possible.
+     Dr. Keane. OK. I'll--yes, I'll stop there then. Sorry 
+about that. I would just point out that, you know, our--like I 
+said earlier our testing activity directly supports return to 
+school. Thank you.
+     Mr. Posey. Thank you very much.
+     Dr. Levine. Well, thank you for the opportunity of being 
+able to speak to K-12 education. I just want to underscore with 
+what Dr. Parikh opened with that we want to use--and indeed the 
+great investment of work on COVID-19 at the Institute of 
+Education Sciences in the Department of Education, Education 
+and Human Resources Directorate at the National Science 
+Foundation--that COVID work. In addition to the work at the CDC 
+(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and the health 
+sciences this research also gives us wisdom and understanding 
+about how to implement a return to school in safe and secure 
+ways that include the collection of data so that we know what 
+happens in real time, the possibility being discussed, so, for 
+example, a PULSE survey around education, around absenteeism 
+that would continue to implement measures of testing and to 
+take the wisdom also of educators, teachers, counselors, and 
+the school system about what can work in what ways.
+     And we clearly need to go back to innovating. And this is 
+an opportunity for both research and education to innovate in 
+such a way that we can--that we can bring our children back 
+into a school environment to interact with their peers, to be 
+able to not only engage in science, which is extraordinarily 
+important, but in the other ways in which in the K-12 system 
+children are learning about ways of working together, 
+collaborating together, so important for the STEM workforce, 
+and we need to recognize that there were tremendous inequities 
+     And how we do this, the kind of queuing that I must say my 
+colleague the biochemist spoke wonderfully about expectancy of 
+things and implicit bias so that in my generation the most 
+accomplished of my peers was a woman who wanted to go to 
+medical school but it was implicitly and explicitly discouraged 
+as ``not for women,'' and she ended up going to law school and 
+being a great lawyer and having a wonderful career. That kind 
+of expectancy effect and sadly implicit bias continues in 
+particular for persons of color and for women.
+     Mr. Quaadman. Mr. Posey, I'll be very quick. I know your 
+time is expired, but, you know, the letter that Chambers sent 
+to Congress this week on the American Rescue Plan included a 
+section in there regarding school reopening, which we support. 
+We made a suggestion of money being set aside solely for 
+covering the expenses of those school reopenings and dealing 
+with COVID cleanups and protecting children from COVID, but 
+that the opening decisions need to be left to the States and 
+the local districts.
+     Staff. Thank you. And Mr. Perlmutter is next.
+     Mr. Perlmutter. Thank you. And just a couple questions 
+because we do have a lot of people in the queue. I represent 
+the suburbs of Denver, and we have a lot of laboratories, 
+national labs, Energy, NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric 
+Administration), NIST (National Institute of Standards and 
+Technology), USGS (United States Geological Survey) in the 
+area. And as an example--and I'd like to get kind of an answer 
+from all of you--the retooling costs associated with sort of 
+reducing, you know, the number of researchers in a lab, so, for 
+instance, the National Renewable Energy Lab has some 2,500 
+employees and contractors, and when they had to shut down more 
+or less in March, April, and May of last year, they went from, 
+say, 2,500 down to 100 and then have been gradually returning 
+the workforce.
+     So I know as part of this package we're trying to make up 
+for some of those lost costs. Have any of you thought about the 
+retooling cost to get our labs back and operating at 100 
+percent? And maybe, Mr. Quaadman, you want to kind of take a 
+cut at that first and then I'll go to the other panelists?
+     Mr. Quaadman. Sure, thank you very much, Mr. Perlmutter, 
+and that's--that is an excellent question. And we view this 
+that there are probably going to have to be multiple things 
+that are going to have to be done. Clearly, the RISE Act, which 
+we support and I think everybody here supports, is an important 
+part of particularly protecting that human capital talent and 
+making sure we're getting that back up and running, but you 
+also make an excellent point in terms of the technology in the 
+labs. We believe that there's more that is going to have to be 
+done there. Additionally, putting more of an emphasis around 
+basic research and applied research is going to be an important 
+part of that.
+     So we believe dealing with some of these short-term 
+problems can actually help us pivot to also address some of the 
+long-term problems, so we think this focus that this hearing is 
+having today is an important start of that process.
+     Mr. Perlmutter. Thank you. Dr. Parikh, do you have any 
+thoughts on that?
+     Dr. Parikh. I do, thank you, Mr. Perlmutter. Well, first 
+of all, the research going on at NREL (National Renewable 
+Energy Laboratory) is so important to the Nation. You know, 
+going down to 100 people for a time in March means that when 
+there's an experiment going--there are--every type of 
+experiment--every type of experiment has--that is a long-term 
+experiment has constant check-ins by people. As much as the 
+technology is powerful, it requires people checking things in. 
+And because we had to shut down so quickly, planning was tough, 
+right, so if we had tissue culture that was ongoing, we would 
+take that down and we would--instead of having many, many petri 
+dishes full of tissue culture, we would take it down to one and 
+freeze it and save it for when we come back. But then when you 
+come back, you got to grow it back out again before you can do 
+any research at all. And that takes time, it takes people, and 
+it takes reagents, it takes the lab space, and so it takes 
+funding, it takes resources. And so as Dr. Quaadman said, the 
+investment that we make here at this sort of inflection point 
+is going to pay short-term dividends and long-term dividends.
+     Mr. Perlmutter. Thank you. I'd like to change the subject 
+just a little bit for Dr. Levine and Dr. Keane in terms of the 
+students. So in the front range of Colorado we have the School 
+of Mines and University of Colorado. CSU (Colorado State 
+University) has a big infectious disease lab that has been 
+operating. In terms of the talent pool and this pipeline of 
+young scholars, again--and you've answered this already, but 
+just specifically what has sort of this delay of a year done to 
+that pipeline? And I'd start with you, Dr. Levine.
+     Dr. Levine. Well, I think the delay of a year has had 
+several adverse impacts. One, even the workforce, the talent in 
+labs, structured labs or even the broader laboratories of field 
+research doing intervention studies, while there's been a 
+tremendous amount of really exciting work ongoing, as Dr. 
+Parikh underscored earlier, innovation and collaboration to try 
+to do things in a very different way, there is that loss of not 
+working hand-in-hand, not being able to bring in, not having 
+the support to bring in the postdocs, the layered way in which 
+science occurs.
+     The laboratory is an environment where the undergraduate--
+I started my research career as an undergraduate working with 
+doctoral students, working with postdocs and with faculty. That 
+kind of exchange does not happen and has not happened in the 
+same way, and it's going to take an investment. It's also going 
+to take an investment in things like REUs, research experiences 
+for undergraduates, and that kind of investment can make a 
+difference. But I think the consequence is substantial.
+     Mr. Perlmutter. Thank you, Doctor. And Dr. Keane, I'm 
+sorry, my time is expired. Somebody else will get to you.
+     Staff. Thank you. Mr. Sessions is next.
+     Mr. Sessions. Thank you very much. And I want to thank 
+each of our panelists for being here today. Certainly, Dr. 
+Keane, Dr. Parikh, Dr. Levine, thank you. Thomas, thank you, I 
+think it's Quaadman, we appreciate you being here.
+     The question that I have focuses on giving people money 
+while we're still closed, and I'd like for you to address that 
+in your own way because I think this money should be given when 
+people open, not when people stay closed. Anyone of you, 
+     Mr. Quaadman. Well, Mr. Sessions, I--you know, I guess I 
+could take an early crack at that. Look, we believe--this is 
+one of the reasons why I gave the answer that I did to Ranking 
+Member Lucas is that we think that there should--there needs to 
+be a discussion of, you know, the broad range of potential 
+policy initiatives that we need to address the COVID vaccine. 
+So part of the reason why we do need broad-based relief is to 
+deal with small businesses that are teetering on the brink of 
+closure, some permanently----
+     Mr. Sessions. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I made a mistake, Tom. 
+As it relates to the RISE bill.
+     Mr. Quaadman. Sure. So I was just going to get there. And 
+with the RISE Act what we need to do is to make sure that we 
+are keeping the human capital in place, that we can have that 
+human capital move forward as we open up those labs so that we 
+can flip that switch and get things up and running because, 
+unfortunately, what has happened over the last year is because 
+there's some work that can be done, right, in terms of research 
+paper or the like, but there's other type of experimentation 
+which cannot be done, and we need to get up and running as 
+quickly as possible not only to keep pace with our competitors 
+but actually to get up and running before they can.
+     Mr. Sessions. Yes, well, I understand competition, but I 
+also heard our panelists say it's up to States and local 
+people, universities. For instance, I represent a small 
+university, Texas A&M down in College Station, that is one of 
+the leading, I believe, research and development universities 
+in the world. But my point is if they make a decision to stay 
+closed, let's say, until January of next year, that means that 
+they have students that are dropping out, that means students 
+that are going somewhere else. The question is do we fund them 
+before they open?
+     Dr. Parikh. Mr. Sessions, if I may, the students we're 
+talking about funding here are the graduate students in the 
+sciences and engineering and, you know, they are--they're 
+working right now. They are writing research papers. They are 
+doing what they can with labs at half capacity and that sort of 
+thing. The challenge becomes this conveyor belt that I've been 
+talking about. So you have these students are working right now 
+and we've got to keep them--they're in this holding pattern. 
+And then we got students coming up right behind them. And if we 
+lose those students because they say, you know what, I don't--
+science and engineering is hard enough anyway. I'm not going to 
+make a whole lot of money when I first graduate, maybe I should 
+go be a lawyer, I should go into something else, when that 
+depletion of that human capital that Dr. Quaadman was talking 
+about is so critical to us right now because every other nation 
+on earth is investing in that human capital. If we bleed that 
+human capital in the short term, the money appropriated a year 
+from now won't do the same thing as the money appropriated 
+     Mr. Sessions. OK. I do understand this, but we're kind of 
+dancing around this. Look, I spent a number of years at Bell 
+Labs in New Jersey. My son just finished medical school a 
+couple years ago. I get graduate medical education (GME). I do 
+get these are the brightest and best. Why do we want to delay 
+anything or make it more difficult? That's not my point. Should 
+a university or a program receive money before they open?
+     Dr. Keane. So, Representative Sessions, thank you for that 
+question. This is Chris Keane. Just--I know time is short, just 
+a quick example. So, as you've heard, we have continued a lot 
+of operations virtually, but take a laboratory just as a very 
+simple example. A laboratory had to close because of COVID. On 
+the other hand, some of the students and faculty could go home 
+and write papers and write grant proposals and do other work 
+that they, you know, normally wouldn't have the time to do if 
+they were in the lab, so these folks do a lot of critical work, 
+and so they can do [inaudible] of work at home.
+     Mr. Sessions. OK. Let the record reflect that we're not 
+sure about whether--I know people are doing work. I did work 
+during this, too. I think we ought to consider that the 
+inducement for going back to work, because that's a question, 
+you get the money when you produce that, and that means you 
+make a series of decisions about your workforce including 
+making sure they all have the COVID vaccine. We've heard 
+testimony in this Committee how the vaccine works, and just a 
+week or two ago we heard that the vaccine is the No. 1 thing 
+you can do. And then you have a safe workplace, a whole lot of 
+other things. I'm just saying in my mind going back I don't 
+mind funding that, but I do have problems with not finding a 
+way to get back to work, which is what we were paying for. So I 
+appreciate the opportunity for each of you. I would expect you 
+to be advocates, as I am, for the sciences, for GME, graduate 
+medical education, graduate education, and all of the 
+mathematic and physics programs. But I think we ought to put a 
+caveat in there when you go back to work.
+     Thank you very much. I yield back my time, Madam Chairman.
+     Staff. Mr. McNerney is next.
+     Mr. McNerney. Am I recognized?
+     Staff. Yes, sir.
+     Mr. McNerney. Thank you. Well, I want to thank the 
+Chairwoman for holding this hearing and the Ranking Member, 
+very good, and also the panelists. I appreciate your work here.
+     Dr. Keane, in your testimony you state that in order to 
+comply with Federal grant financial timeframes, many projects 
+are having to close out without meeting their stated goals. 
+What is needed to help grant awardees get the time and 
+resources needed to make up for the COVID-related setbacks?
+     Dr. Keane. Thanks for that question, Representative 
+McNerney. I think--it's a great question. I think the comments 
+you've heard from the Committee and elsewhere about the 20 to 
+40 percent, which was developed by a number of our APLU 
+members, that's sort of--that's an estimate, you know, of the 
+loss of work due to delay. I think one can make some estimates 
+of what the financing is to recover that, I think that 
+basically is a short summary of what's needed.
+     Mr. McNerney. Well, thank you. Well, Dr. Keane, in normal 
+times before the pandemic, the life of a science researcher may 
+have been professionally rewarding but was financially 
+challenging. And I speak from personal experience here. 
+Graduate students must forgo well-paying jobs for about a 
+decade while their peers move ahead financially. And meanwhile, 
+the grad students have no assurance at all of landing a modest 
+or secure job at the conclusion of their studies. And I know 
+Dr. Parikh sort of talked about this, but how does the pandemic 
+impact this dynamic?
+     Dr. Keane. Yes, well, it's--yes. No, I was going to say, 
+certainly, Representative McNerney, the pandemic has been 
+difficult on graduate students, postdocs and others, and it's--
+we've lost some critical talent there. And so we've tried to 
+adapt by doing various things virtually and things of that 
+sort, but it is a significant issue.
+     Mr. McNerney. Well, thank you. Mr. Quaadman, I'm 
+interested in understanding what's worked in leveraging R&D to 
+help us bring the virus under control. In your testimony you 
+mentioned the COVID-19 High Performance Computing Consortium. 
+How did that collaboration come about, what did it accomplish, 
+and what lessons do you think could be applied to future 
+     Mr. Quaadman. Thank you very much, Mr. McNerney. And I 
+appreciate the promotion but I'm not a doctor. I have a J.D. 
+but not a doctorate.
+     But first, I would also like to thank your leadership and 
+the leadership of Mr. Gonzalez of the Artificial Intelligence 
+Caucus as well, which has been very critical.
+     I actually think the COVID-19 High Performance Computing 
+Consortium is a very interesting development, right, where we 
+had the private sector through Amazon, Google, IBM, Microsoft 
+combining with National Science Foundation, Department of 
+Energy, along with MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), 
+UT (University of Texas) Austin, and the University of 
+Wisconsin where they created a sharing mechanism of computing 
+power to help in terms of research regarding COVID-19.
+     Part of the challenge that we have with R&D is also to 
+ensure that smaller actors and smaller businesses have some of 
+that access to let's say computing power as an example in terms 
+of their R&D. So if we can create similar sharing mechanisms--
+and frankly, the National Artificial Intelligence Act that was 
+passed last year creates some frameworks like this--it actually 
+allows us to have a much more comprehensive approach to R&D, 
+and we hope that is replicated elsewhere.
+     Mr. McNerney. Well, thank you. Well, last week, millions 
+around the globe watched in high definition as NASA (National 
+Aeronautics and Space Administration) successfully landed the 
+Perseverance rover on Mars. Landing a rover on another planet 
+is a huge accomplishment in any time but must be more difficult 
+under a pandemic. Dr. Parikh, how have conditions under COVID 
+challenged this type of high-pressure mission-critical event 
+for large, distributed research and engineering teams?
+     Dr. Parikh. It's been incredibly challenging, and that's 
+why it's even more compelling and more inspiring to watch the 
+video from last week. The way it's happened is that people have 
+had to work in the same that we are, right? They're working 
+over Zoom, they're working over Webex in contrast to being in 
+the same room, drawing on a piece of paper, and that makes it 
+harder. But I can tell you that the inspiration that comes from 
+watching these engineering teams double-check and triple-check 
+their work because they are having to work this way, I think it 
+also just highlights what a small team of diverse people can do 
+in competition with gigantic teams around the world is just 
+extraordinary to see that type of inspirational work. And the 
+science that's going to come from it is amazing as well. But 
+just the engineering feat of landing on Mars is--look, my 
+kids--my 11-year-old, that's what gets him excited about 
+science. They like biochemistry, but they love that.
+     Mr. McNerney. Well, they don't want to go to Mars 
+themselves. At any rate, I want to yield back and I thank again 
+the Chairwoman for yielding to me.
+     Staff. Mr. Webster is recognized.
+     Mr. Webster. Thank you, Chair. I had a question to Dr. 
+Parikh. So we're in competition not with just ourselves but 
+with other countries, especially in the area of STEM and, you 
+know, trying to make sure we're there, we're setting the pace, 
+we're out front, all of that, and somebody was talking about 
+losing potential STEM stars to a law degree or some other 
+profession. Are we also losing to our competition? Are there 
+countries that we're losing out or people are getting 
+[inaudible] research dollars, something like that, and moving? 
+Is that happening?
+     Dr. Parikh. It is happening. So we see--just overall, you 
+know, the NSF puts out the science and engineering indicators, 
+and the U.S. global share of science and engineering 
+publications has always been ahead of everybody else. Well, 
+that is not true anymore. China has overtaken us. It's also 
+been in terms of number of S&E degrees that are awarded. But 
+they also have very, very targeted programs to recruit stars 
+from Europe and from the United States and then to also keep 
+talent within their borders.
+     And, look, there are challenges to that in terms of 
+intellectual property and that sort of thing, but even if 
+everything was fair, what it says is they've got--they've got a 
+plan, and plan beats no plan almost every time, and so we have 
+to have a plan. We have to be making sure that we are doing our 
+absolute best to recruit the best talent from the United States 
+whether it be from the farm belt, the sun belt, or the coast, 
+and also the best talent from around the world. We have been 
+the beneficiaries of a crossroads of talent here in the United 
+States, and we cannot let that pass. We are still right there 
+at the top, but we are in danger. We are in real danger of 
+losing that position because all these successes that we've 
+talked about, they're lagging indicators of previous investment 
+and all the stuff that's gone on for the last 30 years. It's 
+not a--it's not any guarantee of what's to come.
+     Mr. Webster. Thank you, sir.
+     Dr. Levine. If I could amplify just on that, I really want 
+to underscore that our leadership edge in science has been very 
+well-served by the United States really being an international 
+leader in the international community of science, so we lose 
+our competitive edge when scientists and scholars and students 
+from other parts of the world don't look to us as the educative 
+environment to do what they do best. And whether they remain in 
+the United States or they go to other locations, that 
+significantly affects not only the knowledge we produce but the 
+sense of centrality we are in the international community.
+     I'm not an economist by training, but my sense of some of 
+the work on patents is that when a country has had the highest 
+participation of the international community in our higher 
+education system, that we have--that has enabled discoveries in 
+our own country. And that's just one example of something I 
+think we need to really be looking at and a point I earlier 
+wanted to make but you've asked the right question at the right 
+     Mr. Webster. OK. Well, there's this conveyor belt that's 
+jammed up all over the place and there's STEM students in high 
+school and all the way to postdoctorate, all that, so shouldn't 
+we put our money where the bleeding is and try to stop the 
+bleeding if we're prioritizing? Is that a good statement to 
+     Dr. Parikh. I think that's absolutely a good statement. We 
+should prioritize. We should prioritize. And I think human 
+capital is right there at the top. Making sure that we have the 
+supply chains fixed as well is right there after it and by 
+supply chains I mean, in terms of bringing back the 
+infrastructure, bringing back the technology, bringing it back 
+online. But human capital is at the top of my list.
+     Mr. Webster. All right. I yield back.
+     Staff. Mr. Tonko is next.
+     Mr. Tonko. Thank you. And I thank you, Madam Chair, and 
+our Ranker for today's hearing. It's so apropos that we be 
+talking about the future here--through this lens. And to all of 
+our witnesses, thank you.
+     Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, we have seen and 
+experienced for ourselves the impact this virus is having on 
+work, on America's workers throughout our economy, and on 
+workplaces across the country. For many, video meetings and 
+conference calls had to quickly become the status quo. For 
+others, much of their work simply cannot be done remotely.
+     The ability of scientists to advance their research 
+remotely depends in large part, I believe, on the nature of 
+their project and their discipline. For instance, research 
+involving computations, data analyses and modeling and 
+simulations lends itself more easily to work from home, but it 
+is difficult if not impossible to conduct research requiring 
+physical and biological samples and specialized equipment 
+outside of a laboratory.
+     And so, Dr. Parikh, what areas of scientific inquiry have 
+been most negatively impacted by COVID? And how are you seeing 
+the researchers adapting to that?
+     Dr. Parikh. Yes, thank you for the question, Mr. Tonko. 
+You are absolutely right. You laid it out very well in terms of 
+the challenges to field research, the challenges to clinical 
+research, the challenges to research that happens in a lab 
+bench because, you know, if you've been in these laboratories 
+you know that, especially in the successful ones, they're 
+dense, right? We have graduate students and postdocs and 
+scientists who are working together, and they're dense for a 
+reason. We want them talking. We want them collaborating. We 
+want them to run into each other on the way to the restroom and 
+talk about math and physics and biology at the same time 
+because that's where the excitement comes from. And so that--we 
+are definitely hurting in the experimental sciences and in the 
+clinical sciences.
+     And in the places where we have pivoted our critical 
+sciences to COVID, it's an opportunity cost, right? We have 
+work going on in Alzheimer's and work going on in cancer and 
+work going on in sickle-cell anemia. That's got to keep going 
+as well, and we've got to make sure that we're able to ensure 
+that continues.
+     But I don't want to underestimate the impact also on 
+things like physics. You know, being able to continue work on 
+some of these amazing radio telescopes, you know, our ability 
+to contact to the Voyager space probes was affected by this. We 
+couldn't send 30 people to Australia to work on the antenna. We 
+could only send five or six. And so there's a real cost across 
+the sciences, but the experimental sciences are definitely 
+where the biggest challenges are.
+     Mr. Tonko. Thank you. And, Dr. Parikh, again, for fields 
+of inquiry that have been able to adapt more easily to working 
+remotely, do you see any opportunities where this could spur 
+greater collaboration and innovation?
+     Dr. Parikh. Oh, my gosh, you know, we have seen--if 
+there's been one upside to the pandemic, it has been that 
+collaboration from peer to peer in the United States and around 
+the world has just grown exponentially. You see young 
+scientists talking to one another in the United States, in 
+Europe, in China, in Japan. They're having conversations. And 
+look, we need that because, again, COVID is not our last 
+crisis, and we need to know that these scientists who are able 
+to talk to each other right now, that's a relationship, and 
+that relationship is going to continue for the next thing and 
+the next thing and the next thing, and that is--that's 
+incredibly important. We've got to keep up our part of it, 
+though, as the United States and make sure we've got wonderful 
+scientists here bringing everybody to us.
+     Mr. Tonko. Thank you. The COVID-19 crisis has resulted in 
+many setbacks, and it will take our enduring commitment to help 
+America's scientific research community recover. And to this 
+end, last year, the Federal Government provided guidance, as 
+well as administrative and salary flexibilities for 
+universities and COVID relief legislation, including that which 
+funded support research agencies. But based on your testimony--
+and I can confirm this based on my conversations with research 
+institutions in my district in upstate New York--greater 
+support is needed.
+     So, Dr. Keane, in your testimony you mentioned the 
+administrative flexibilities that the Office of Management and 
+Budget (OMB) provided to universities from March to September 
+of last year. To what extent did these flexibilities from our 
+Federal agencies, especially related to grant commitments, help 
+mitigate the impact of the coronavirus pandemic?
+     Dr. Keane. Thanks, Representative Tonko, for that 
+question. Those flexibilities were very important to our 
+faculty, students, and staff. They allowed things, for example, 
+to, you know, to cover cost of PPE (personal protective 
+equipment) and other unusual items. They allowed salaries to be 
+paid. Under certain conditions [inaudible] working at home 
+perhaps on different project than the contract. So it was 
+essential to help transition through. And there's been a lot of 
+interest as part of the recovery package trying to do something 
+along those lines for--thank you.
+     Mr. Tonko. Well, thank you, Dr. Keane. And with that, my 
+time has wound down, so I yield back, Madam Chair.
+     Staff. Mr. Garcia is next. Mr. Garcia, you are muted. Mr. 
+Garcia, you are muting and unmuting. I'm not sure if you're 
+using a spacebar or if you're using----
+     Mr. Garcia. There we go. Can we--can you hear me now?
+     Staff. Yes.
+     Staff. Yes, sir.
+     Mr. Garcia. OK. All right, thank you. I apologize for 
+     Dr. Parikh, I think you hit on something earlier that we 
+all kind of glossed over, and that's the RISE Act deters the 
+proliferation of lawyers, and I think we should rename it as 
+     I want to focus in the realm of national security. We have 
+roughly 44, 40 percent of our national R&D project is coming 
+out of the national security realm, the labs, the DARPAs 
+(Defense Advanced Research Projects Agencies) of the world. 
+National security is relative, right, so as we either 
+accelerate or decelerate relative to China and other threats, 
+that's where threats will manifest, and that's where our 
+weaknesses will become vulnerabilities. How are we able to 
+compare how we're doing within classified realms, especially--
+but through our labs like DARPA and, relative to, say, the 
+Communist Chinese military science research steering divisions? 
+Do you have any insight how we're doing at the national 
+security levels of both military and similar infrastructure 
+investments? And I think, Dr. Keane, it sounds like you were 
+touching on this earlier, but let's start with you.
+     Dr. Keane. Yes, thank you. Thank you for that question, 
+Representative Garcia. I think your question points out the 
+vital importance of the research enterprise and the 
+universities produce the young talent that goes to work in the 
+national security enterprise. I have my own personal experience 
+that's in the nuclear weapons program where there is just 
+tremendous issues, you know, bringing in talent. As you 
+probably know, the big labs right now, Livermore, Los Alamos, 
+and so on are trying to hire 1,000 people a year to support the 
+refurbishment of our stockpile, so this just speaks to the 
+important mission that our universities and research ecosystems 
+play in training these professionals to handle these national 
+security challenges.
+     Mr. Garcia. Yeah, but I think what I'm asking is how much 
+insight do we have relative to China? Are they struggling in 
+the same way that we are percentagewise? I think you mentioned 
+that the rise of investments from the Federal Government on our 
+side represents about half of what----
+     Dr. Keane. Yes.
+     Mr. Garcia. China is accelerating to our pace of over the 
+last couple of years. That statement there, one, where is the 
+data behind that statement, and how do we assess how much of an 
+impact either COVID or the lack of investments writ large 
+outside of COVID are having relative to the Chinese 
+infrastructure investments?
+     Dr. Keane. So I don't have any data relative to Chinese 
+infrastructure, Representative Garcia, but the data I quoted is 
+from the NSB (National Science Board) indicators 2020. If you 
+look at that, you'll find a plot that basically shows R&D 
+expenditures by country with China rising rapidly and the 
+others, including the United States, relatively flat or only 
+moderately rising.
+     Just a quick statistic, you know, from I believe it was 
+2000 to 2017 China's average annual rate of increase has been 
+17 percent in expenditures, and ours is 4, 4.5 percent. That 
+pretty much summarizes it.
+     Mr. Garcia. OK. And then so how do we ensure that these 
+significant investments that we're making in the COVID packages 
+are actually also gaining traction in the classified programs 
+area, significant military development efforts that may not be 
+enveloped in DOD (Department of Defense) programs of record 
+quite yet? Some of these are at the university level, some of 
+these are in labs. How do we ensure that these big dollars, 
+these chunks of money being spent on COVID are actually still 
+going through in support of our national security interests?
+     Dr. Keane. Well, quickly, I'll say the university side, 
+our primary connection was training workforce and so improving 
+our infrastructure allows us to train better people in all 
+fields, and people's careers change when they enter the 
+national security word, so we do the fundamental training. I'll 
+leave it to others to comment on the infrastructure in the 
+national security world.
+     Dr. Parikh. Mr. Garcia, I can speak a little bit to this. 
+You know, the--there are two things at play here. One is the 
+funding you're talking about in terms of how do we make sure 
+that the national security research apparatus also sees some of 
+this funding? I think that's very important. You're right. 
+Approximately half, almost half of the--of our research dollars 
+end up in some way going through national security.
+     My thought here is that we need to make sure that part of 
+the scientific enterprise also sees these dollars because 
+it's--that will also flow to the universities because they are 
+the workhorses of that enterprise as well.
+     The other impact is on people, and if you look at China, 
+you know, you were noting those dollars. The other thing to 
+note is that they produce lots of scientists and engineers. And 
+so when Dr. Keane talks about we need 1,000 hires a year at our 
+national laboratories, it's easier when you're producing a lot 
+more talent. And we're bringing that talent--we have to import 
+some of that talent in addition to what's on the ground here, 
+so we've got to do--it speaks again to that human capital 
+aspect but also making sure that the full half of our 
+enterprise that is defense-related needs to also see that 
+     Mr. Garcia. Yes. Yes, OK.
+     Dr. Levine. If I could just add, one of the things that I 
+think supports that infrastructure that we're talking about at 
+the national security level is that if you look at the National 
+Science Foundation indicators, locations like China have also 
+invested substantially in building the talent pool to study the 
+human resource issue, meaning the social and behavioral 
+sciences have really grown in locations like China.
+     One of the areas internationally that is so central is 
+work on the workforce. We've more or less disinvested in 
+research on the workforce, and we support that activity, the 
+investments in each of the Defense Departments and the social 
+and behavioral sciences is not what it was 10 years ago, and 
+there's often debates about really important activities like 
+the Minerva Research Initiative that not national security 
+research, but the knowledge base from that done in universities 
+really has a tremendous value to our national security 
+interests, I think that's part of the mosaic that you're asking 
+     Mr. Garcia. Yes, absolutely. OK. Thank you all. I yield 
+     Staff. Mr. Foster is next.
+     Mr. Foster. OK. Am I audible and visible here?
+     Staff. Yes.
+     Mr. Foster. Well, thank you. And thank you to our 
+Chairwoman, Ranking Member, and our witnesses.
+     I'd like to speak a little bit about Federal careers as 
+potential jobs for early career researchers. Drs. Keane and 
+Levine, you both highlighted in your testimonies that there 
+were high levels of uncertainty in students and postgraduates 
+with regard to future research opportunities due to COVID.
+     Now, pre-COVID, as my colleagues know, I was very active 
+as a leader of the National Labs Caucus where I would drag my 
+colleagues on visits to the national labs, including the 
+national security labs. And during these visits, we would often 
+arrange luncheons with young scientists and engineers who were 
+getting things done, having a wonderful time, but there were 
+simply not enough of them.
+     It was reasonably suggested by a professor friend of mine 
+that there might right now be a real appetite amongst 
+graduating STEM students, both graduate and undergraduate, to 
+take STEM jobs in the government. Part of this is because of 
+the Administration's renewed emphasis on science and scientific 
+integrity and policy but also due to the genuine bipartisan 
+support in this Committee and in Congress for ramping up 
+Federal science funding over the next decade, which might make 
+a career path in the Federal oversight of a growing science 
+program more appealing than it may have been previously.
+     So, first, do you believe that this appetite exists? And 
+if so, how do we capitalize on it?
+     Dr. Levine. I think that's a tremendously important 
+question and I'm going to say opportunity. I should, I suppose, 
+disclose that I myself went to the National Science Foundation 
+as a visiting scientist for 3 years and stayed for 11. The 
+opportunities with the scientific workforce within government, 
+including actually in many State governmental agencies and 
+institutions, is just enormous, and I think that having an 
+understanding of those career ladders, that you are not 
+stepping out, you're stepping in, that these are significant 
+science jobs where you can have very productive careers and 
+that kind of synergism also between the academy and higher 
+education and these laboratories needs to be amplified and 
+supported, postdoc programs and other instruments that at this 
+point in time, if the jobs are there, I think it's a great way 
+of bringing some of the silos--you know, some of the silos 
+together, and I [inaudible] raising it.
+     Mr. Foster. Yes. Well, do you think, for example, a 
+virtual job fair highlighting the STEM jobs that are available 
+across the many agencies of the Federal Government would be 
+well-received right now?
+     Dr. Levine. Absolutely. Absolutely love it. And some of 
+the agencies we work with at the American Educational Research 
+Association--we're planning for our annual meeting, you know, 
+those kinds of opportunities, whether they're visiting 
+physicians or longer-term physicians, we're seeing a lot of 
+handshake around that. And one of the things that's most 
+important to understand is as the jobs have been delayed, 
+denied, put on a back burner, including in higher education, 
+the biggest concern of early career scientists is they don't 
+know what jobs are real and what jobs are not real, so it's 
+kind of incumbent upon us to collectively have this as a 
+priority both in universities and [inaudible]----
+     Mr. Foster. On a sort of related issue, over the last four 
+years, there's been a well-documented wave of early retirements 
+of STEM professionals in government, you know, with a 
+tremendous loss of accumulated experience and knowledge. Many 
+of these were frankly driven by frustration over policies and 
+proposed budget cuts, which we now are hopeful are going to be 
+reversed. And so what do you think of standing up a program to 
+call back some of these early retirees just for a couple years 
+with the explicit goal of mentoring a next generation of 
+younger and more diverse Federal STEM workforce?
+     Dr. Levine. I think it's a terrific idea. Every year as I 
+get older and older, I underscore how terrific that is. I think 
+that that--a loss of our sort of talent pool even in higher 
+education institutions strapped for resources. And that's not 
+to say those faculty leaders aren't remaining active as 
+scientists, but having some kind of bring-back-mentoring kind 
+of model I think is----
+     Mr. Foster. Yes. Yes, even if it's just a half-time job, 
+my feeling is that a lot of people would be more than happy to 
+pass their accumulated wisdom to the next generation, you 
+     Dr. Levine. And let me say the National Academy of 
+Sciences really capitalized on that kind of model in a 
+noncrisis situation. Scientists from government may work in 
+direct study panels and have various kinds of mixed models. I 
+think you've hit--you know, you've pointed to something really 
+     Mr. Foster. All right. Well, thank you, and it looks like 
+my timer is down to zero. And I yield back.
+     Staff. Ms. Kim is next.
+     Ms. Kim. Thank you, Chairwoman Johnson, and Ranking Member 
+Lucas, for holding this important hearing. I am concerned that 
+many of the lockdown and remote learning measures has worsened 
+our students' low scores in math and science. Students in 
+grades K through 12 are the future of our STEM talent pipeline, 
+and if they do poorly in subjects like math and science, our 
+talent pool would eventually decrease, along with our 
+competitiveness. As our Nation looks to recover from the COVID-
+19 pandemic, we should not forget our STEM students.
+     So I would like to pose a question to all witnesses. How 
+has the COVID-19 crisis impacted our future domestic STEM 
+workforce pipeline, and what are the implications of the 
+potential loss of talent for the United States research and 
+innovation ecosystem and economic competitiveness? Well?
+     Dr. Levine. One of us? I suppose we worry. I--you know, 
+this is a--kind of a point that's been implicit, I think, of 
+all four of our presentations, that we, you know, we worry 
+about what that means in terms of everything from special 
+services that will help deal with some of the socioemotional 
+kinds of crises, and tensions, and ambiguities that early 
+learners are experiencing as family members have died or lost 
+their employment, and how--so that the development of the math, 
+and science, and engineering talent pool needs to be understood 
+in the ecosystem of--in which students and early learners live. 
+We need to be considering what kind of programs that we offer 
+wrapped around, and opportunities equitably and inclusively, 
+around the school year having, or around that--the--this band 
+of time off. What happens with after school programs? How do we 
+invest in early education programs so that they are rich 
+learning environments, and how do we both measure and 
+accommodate learning loss?
+     Staff. Miss----
+     Dr. Levine. That's a need for--that's a real need for 
+data, also, that would be adjunctive to developing models of--
+I'll say models of accelerated compensation for loss this year.
+     Ms. Kim. Yeah, following up on that, Dr. Levine, over the 
+last few years we have made some progress in increasing the 
+number of women in STEM, and when I served in the California 
+State Legislature, I had been one of the strong proponents of 
+especially young girls coming to Sacramento, and in our 
+capital, to also demonstrate the work that they're doing. So 
+this is something that I have a great passion on. But how has 
+the pandemic disproportionately impacted women in academic 
+research, and what steps can this Committee take to address and 
+tackle those roadblocks?
+     Dr. Levine. Well, I--the major way is the context in which 
+students, graduate students, undergraduates, early career 
+scientists, the context in which they live, and the 
+disproportionate burden, particularly on women of color. Broad 
+family responsibility. We'll see this in a number of 
+preliminary--kind of top level findings from our survey, and 
+also our focus groups, as disproportionate child care 
+responsibilities, so that, at the end of the day, one is 
+struggling with how to put the package together, and to, you 
+know, keep the family all aware of what--one illustration was 
+in one of the focus groups someone started the conversation by 
+saying, I'm a faculty member, and I--I'm building upon the work 
+I'm doing in kindergarten teaching, and I thought, I wonder 
+whether she was a kindergarten teacher. And then she was 
+talking about the fact that she was--she had a 5-year-old, and 
+she was spending a big proportion of her day learning how to be 
+a kindergarten teacher.
+     So that has consequences not only for her performance as a 
+scientist, and her ability to engage at the level at which she 
+is capable of performing, but it also affects, you know, let's 
+put it this way, the role modeling of the fact that is cueing 
+about the roles of women. Now, that's not to say that men with 
+family responsibilities aren't also doing a very substantial 
+share. It's just the data also show a--kind of a 
+disproportionality where that stands.
+     Ms. Kim. Well, thank you. I yield back. I notice my time 
+is up now. Thank you very much.
+     Staff. Mr. Beyer is next.
+     Mr. Beyer. Thank you very much, and, Madam Chair, thanks 
+so much for pulling this together, all of our witnesses. Very 
+grateful, very fascinating.
+     Dr. Parikh, I have an intuitive question for you. We've 
+heard through all the different testimonies about how 
+detrimental and deleterious the COVID crisis has been for 
+research, for the careers, or--et cetera, but we've also seen 
+an historic commitment to biology and to genetics through the 
+COVID crisis. Fastest ever vaccines to display--mRNA vaccines. 
+How do you balance the 20-year leap forward in biological 
+sciences against the downsides of the COVID pandemic on 
+     Dr. Parikh. It's an excellent question, Mr. Beyer. You 
+know, the--if you had asked 2 years ago could we produce a 
+vaccine from, you know, from sequence, to putting it into 
+millions of people in a year, there wouldn't have been many 
+people that said yes. There wouldn't have been many people at 
+all that said yes. I would not have said yes. And so the 
+progress that has been made and demonstrated by the biomedical 
+research community is incredible, and it's inspiring to young 
+people, right? There are people now--there are young kids who 
+say, you know, I want to be, if not Dr. Fauci, then that other 
+scientist. You know, but what I would say is, in doing that, 
+we've raised expectations. We've raised expectations, and 
+here's the problem, is that going into these fields is really 
+tough. And so you've got young people who say, yes, I want to 
+follow in Dr. Fauci's footsteps. Here's the problem, is that I 
+run into this clogging the system that says, you know what, if 
+you can't afford it when the pandemic happens, and you're a 
+graduate student in Cambridge, and you don't have a family 
+safety net to take you back in, then how are you going to 
+continue your graduate studies on that, you know, that very 
+small stipend?
+     So we've got this paradox--I mean, incredible inspiration, 
+and yet the reality of the scientific career doesn't quite 
+match up to that yet. And part of what--yeah, part of what this 
+Committee can do is to help make those things align and match 
+     Mr. Beyer. Let me interrupt you, only because we're 
+limited to 5 minutes, but I'd love to have the other 30-minute 
+conversation on this.
+     Mr. Quaadman, I come at this from a Ways and Means Member, 
+with my pals Dan Kildee and Gwen Moore, and I'm concerned 
+about, No. 1, the impact of TCJA (Tax Cuts and Jobs Act), that 
+dropped the corporate tax rate from 35 to 21, 22, a quarter 
+don't pay anything. I noticed in your statistics that 
+corporations paid 400 billion in R&D last year, and I looked it 
+up, and there was $525 billion in stock buyback, so 25 percent 
+more in stock buybacks than in research. Do you think moving 
+back to having stock buybacks pre-authorized by the SEC 
+(Securities and Exchange Commission) could move us in the right 
+direction on research and development?
+     Mr. Quaadman. So, first off, I would say, as I said in my 
+testimony as well, we do think it is important for that portion 
+of the tax reform bill to be addressed so that we can continue 
+the real time expensive R&D expenses. The only thing I would 
+say in terms of stock buybacks, it's a little bit of an apples 
+and oranges situation, because you have certain businesses that 
+are not involved in R&D, that all they can do is actually give 
+their money back to their investors. So I believe this is 
+something that the SEC is going to probably be looking at after 
+Gary Gensler is confirmed as chair, so we will have to see if--
+I think it's a little bit of an apples and oranges issue.
+     Mr. Beyer. By the way, Tom, I agree with you on the 
+immediate expensing of R&D expenses, and that was just one of 
+the things--it wasn't a policy decision. It was forced by the 
+Byrd Rule in order to get TCJA through reconciliation, which I 
+hope we can fix. But, Tom, a larger question--while listening--
+going through statistics, and our--your notion that our Federal 
+R&D, the 2.8 percent's the lowest it's been in 60 years as a 
+percentage of GDP, GDP increased from 2010 to 2020 by 22 
+percent, and our Federal R&D as a percentage of GDP was 
+essentially flat. How do we make a national commitment to 
+Federal R&D as a percentage of GDP so that we say it should be 
+4 percent, or it should be 5 percent, and make the long-term 
+commitment to that?
+     Mr. Quaadman. Well, Mr. Beyer, I think that is an 
+excellent question, and it actually goes to some of the points 
+that Mr. Garcia was making as well about R&D with national 
+security. Look, the Federal Government plays a very critical 
+role in our R&D process infrastructure, and that basic research 
+plays out in many, many different forms down the line. So I 
+think, you know, if we take a look at the combination of the 
+America--the CHIPS for America Act, the National Artificial 
+Intelligence Act which passed last year, the Energy Act that 
+passed last year, those can be used as a pivot point to start 
+to increase Federal R&D, but as I referenced earlier as well, I 
+think there are a number of other steps that we would like to 
+talk to you about as to how we can increase that Federal 
+research dollar, and see if there's some sort of mechanism to 
+increase it over time, and also to ensure that we are keeping 
+pace with our international competitors.
+     Mr. Beyer. Yeah. Thanks. My time's up, but thank you for 
+the specific recommendations you gave us today.
+     Staff. Mr. Feenstra, I think.
+     Mr. Feenstra. Thank you, Madam Chair, and Ranking Member 
+Lucas. I first of all, I want to thank each of the witnesses 
+for their testimony today. It is crucial for us to hear from 
+each of you on how to best maintain the United States' role as 
+leaders in science and innovation, and how we can help our 
+Nation's research enterprises recover from the effects of the 
+pandemic. I also want to say I really enjoyed the conversation 
+concerning research and development tax credits. The State of 
+Iowa is one of the leaders in research and development tax 
+credits, and myself being chair of Ways and Means in the Iowa 
+Senate over the years, I have seen a tremendous value in what's 
+happening with research and development tax credits, and how we 
+have really driven research in our State, you know, when it 
+comes to agriculture and biofuel.
+     But, with that, I have a couple of other questions. I'd 
+like to center these questions to Dr. Parikh, and then to Dr. 
+Levine, if possible. Representative Webster asked, and 
+discussion was talked about, about losing high tech jobs 
+overseas as students graduate, and we see this at our 
+universities, Iowa, Iowa State. I was a professor at Dordt 
+University, teaching business and economics, and we saw it 
+there also. So the question is, Iowa State, we take STEM 
+careers very seriously. Our Governor heads up a State advisory 
+council to increase interest and achievement in STEM studies 
+and careers. It works through partnerships that engage 
+employers, nonprofits, students, and policyholders. So, as we 
+talk about this, how should we increase STEM career interest 
+after this pandemic? How do we get these kids to stay here, get 
+them engaged? How do we get them involved? I know we've had 
+some discussion about this, but I would like to hear more on 
+your thoughts in this area.
+     Dr. Parikh. Thank you, Mr. Feenstra, for the question. You 
+know, one of the things is--something to come after the 
+pandemic, is--people have gotten excited about this 
+collaboration between government, and industry, and business in 
+bringing therapies and vaccines to the people. Well, one of the 
+challenges that we still have is this silo between academic 
+scientists and industry scientists. There are a lot of 
+industry--there are a lot of academic scientists, and our CVs, 
+our resumes, don't look the same. And we don't know--it's very 
+hard to cross those barriers. And I think everyone would gain 
+if that student who's at Iowa State, and goes through the 
+academic track, but then there's a fluidity where they can move 
+into academic jobs or into industry jobs or into defense jobs, 
+if that were easier, that would be a huge benefit to the 
+country, and to business, and to the students themselves. So I 
+think that's one way that we can do something after this 
+pandemic is over that would make a huge difference for moving 
+the science forward, and for people.
+     Dr. Levine. Let me just underscore, along similar lines, I 
+think we need to look at our higher education system as part of 
+the ecology of producing important work in science. So, for 
+example, better networking of terrific faculty at--whether it's 
+Grinnell, or other institutions that are primarily 4 year 
+institutions, like--mentioned--of Iowa, that those faculty who 
+are really igniting the interest of students in their 
+undergraduate courses, that those faculty can place 
+undergraduates in a summer program, in a lab, in a university, 
+or in a national laboratory, or in an industrial setting, in a 
+social behavioral sciences and a large survey research 
+organization where they can touch and feel what happens on the 
+     I would not have myself pursued a science career if I was 
+not invited as an undergraduate to work in a social psychology 
+laboratory. That turned me from pursuing a different 
+professional set of interests to the lab, and we need to be 
+investing in higher education, including community college 
+settings where there are exceptional faculty doing this work, 
+to see this as part of the infrastructure. Not just the kind of 
+synergism that I refer to, and Sudip just did, about the 
+different kinds of silos, but also the siloing of institutions, 
+and thinking of teaching as not as meritorious and knowledge-
+producing as research.
+     Some of the stereotypic thinking of--as productivity, so 
+that we encourage team science, which we all talk about as 
+extraordinarily important, into disciplinary science shouldn't 
+be viewed as left over after you achieve your credentials as a 
+building block of your field. Team science as a disciplinary 
+science produces extraordinary knowledge. We need to emphasize 
+the--as we think about the science of the future. And I share 
+the view that, actually--one of the most exciting--I lead this 
+life in which I'm so excited by what we're inventing, and so 
+overwhelmed by how to do it faster and better, so on the best 
+days I'm just really excited about what the scientific 
+community has been able to do.
+     Mr. Feenstra. Thank you so much for your comments. And I 
+know my time is up, but I just quickly want to say this, is 
+that I think we have to be innovative also when it comes to 
+this private/public partnership. I know Tom, you mentioned 
+this, on how we can do tax incentives with the colleges, the 
+universities, and the private sector of saying, hey, what can 
+we do to incentivize where these kids can go from the college 
+role to the job role? And we've done this in research and 
+development with a great tax credit. I just think there's ways 
+to nuance this to even make it more successful. Thank you for 
+your time, I yield back.
+     Staff. Mr. Kildee is next.
+     Mr. Kildee. Thank you. Can you hear me OK?
+     Staff. Yes.
+     Mr. Kildee. All right. Well, first of all, thank you to 
+Chairwoman Johnson for holding this really important hearing. I 
+do appreciate the testimony of the witnesses, and hearing ways 
+that our researchers have been affected by the pandemic, and 
+yet have still helped to combat, really in a pretty remarkable 
+way, the spread of coronavirus. It is truly a remarkable 
+achievement that we've seen just in the last year, particularly 
+around--but obviously around vaccination.
+     Obviously our national research infrastructure is critical 
+to all of us in so many ways. We have to ensure that it 
+survives this moment that we're in right now, and that's why, 
+like many, I'm just--in this hearing support the RISE Act to 
+provide the relief necessary to--and to support federally 
+funded research. Not only to provide emergency relief to 
+support our researchers--public health crisis, but we also 
+obviously have to sustain these research investments as we look 
+forward toward economic recovery, and the long-term economic 
+viability of the U.S.
+     Part of rebuilding our economy obviously includes 
+investment in the infrastructure, but also specifically 
+including energy infrastructure and clean energy technology. 
+And I know Congresswoman Stevens, my in-state partner, 
+mentioned this, but, you know, for example, putting more 
+electric vehicles on the road, reducing carbon emissions, 
+supporting investment in American-made manufacturing, this all 
+protects our planet and helps us grow our economy.
+     So I wonder, Dr. Parikh, if you could perhaps address this 
+question. If we don't invest in R&D in the technology of the 
+future, like electric vehicles, other countries will, and I'm 
+curious about what your sense of that challenge really looks 
+like for us. And then, if I have time, I would like to ask Mr. 
+Quaadman also. Dr. Parikh?
+     Dr. Parikh. Thank you, Mr. Kildee. You know, what's 
+remarkable is over the last 75 years we developed this 
+ecosystem, and we invested in it, and we did it pretty much 
+alone, right? There weren't a lot of other nations that were 
+doing this, and so we benefited greatly from it. And what's 
+happened is everybody now understands the blueprint, and you 
+all know this as Members of this Committee, that everybody now 
+understands that blueprint. And we have to innovate beyond 
+where they--where they're copying us. And if we don't, the 
+scale of investment, that's coming, right? China can invest 
+just as much as we can.
+     And so it's not about just the scale. We need the scale, 
+but we also need the thoughtfulness of how do we incentivize 
+industry, how do we incentivize industry and academia to work 
+together, how do we do it in a targeted way, in a coordinated 
+     We have over 20 agencies that do science research and 
+development across the Federal Government. Now, in the past, 
+they didn't always work together. But if we're going to attack 
+climate change, if we're going to attack the need for better 
+batteries for electric cars, if we're going to attack the need 
+for quantum computing, we have to have a coordinated effort. We 
+need NOAA, and NIH (National Institutes of Health), and CDC to 
+work together on climate change. We need DOE, NSF, and DOD 
+working together on batteries. So that requires more 
+coordination that we've ever had before, so we've got to do 
+both those things. We've got to be able to invest heavily, you 
+know, and that's going to be a lot more than we're doing today. 
+As Mr. Quaadman said, we should be doing way more in terms of 
+GDP in research and development, but the second piece is we've 
+got to coordinate our activities in a way that actually attacks 
+the problems that we're trying to solve.
+     Mr. Kildee. Thank you. I wonder, Mr. Quaadman, if you 
+could comment, but also specifically any thought you have on 
+the necessary incentives for private sector investment? Like, 
+for example, the change in the R&D tax credit that'll go into 
+effect in 2022, what impact that might be having in terms of 
+the way those--that expensing will be amortized. Are we 
+providing the proper incentives? Did the Tax Cuts and JOBS Act 
+actually work against us, in the sense that it changed the way 
+companies can to look at that investment?
+     Mr. Quaadman. Yeah, thank you very much for that question, 
+Mr. Kildee, and I would just say too when the Chamber released 
+its climate principles in mid-January, last month, you know, 
+two things that we had in there is we have to embrace 
+technology and innovation to address climate, but then we also 
+need to ensure that there's U.S. climate science leadership to 
+address the problems as well. So I think the American Energy 
+Act, as an example, provides for funding for a number of 
+different technologies, such as advanced nuclear, carbon 
+capture, a number of other things that can--that could help 
+lead us through that.
+     I would also say too--No. 2, to your point, it is very 
+important that we do change that R&D tax credit. That is going 
+to be very important for how business will allocate funding. 
+But the last point I want to make too, which it has come up in 
+a couple other questions, but I think undergirds a lot of this, 
+Federal research is also important. Some of what we've talked 
+about with the COVID vaccines, there is 2 decades of research 
+that went into mRNA before we even got to the vaccine. If we 
+take a look at GPS (Global Positioning System), that research 
+started in the 1950's. So we also have to understand too, there 
+could be decades of research in the basic research field where 
+the Federal Government plays a unique role that the private 
+sector and the academic researchers can come in later on, when 
+we're talking about applying the development research. But 
+really it's that core that we need to get going as well.
+     Mr. Kildee. Great, I appreciate--my time's expired. I 
+really appreciate the testimony of the witnesses, and, Madam 
+Chair, I appreciate you holding this hearing, and I yield back.
+     Staff. Mr. LaTurner is next.
+     Mr. LaTurner. Chairwoman Johnson, Ranking Member Lucas, 
+thank you for having this hearing so we can discuss the 
+importance of research, and the United States remaining at the 
+forefront of the world of science and technology. One of the 
+key reasons the United States became a world power was the 
+emphasis we placed on innovation. We invested in research and 
+development in the universities like the University of Kansas 
+(KU), which I am so proud to represent, and national 
+laboratories as well. We led by example in scientific and 
+technological advancements. But now others in the world are 
+emphasizing their research programs, and are working hard to 
+overtake us. China is pursuing aggressive plans to become the 
+world leader in technology, supplemented by their own national 
+policies, and billions of dollars in investments.
+     It comes as no surprise that national research efforts 
+were among the many things impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. 
+Laboratory closures, health restrictions, and cancellations of 
+conferences and travel have strained researchers and disrupted 
+our normal operations. The virus has lowered our research 
+output, cost hundreds of millions of dollars in divestment, and 
+nearly halted the academic research and STEM workforce 
+pipelines. If we want to come back from this, and stay ahead of 
+China, we must look to getting our research enterprise back in 
+full working order, and ensure there is a place for our future 
+generations of researchers and innovators. I hope that this 
+Committee can come together to make sure the rest of the world 
+looks to America for future scientific advancement.
+     Mr. Quaadman, partnerships between the Federal Government, 
+academia, and the private sector are commonplace in our 
+national R&D or enterprise. Can you discuss the importance of 
+the public/private partnership, especially as it relates to 
+overcoming the COVID situation that we've been in over the last 
+     Mr. Quaadman. Yeah. I think it was very important that we 
+had the ability of the Federal Government, academia, and the 
+private sector to come together extremely quickly to ensure 
+that there were either research dollars in place, or that there 
+were deployment dollars put in place, as well as a sharing of 
+knowledge, which we talked about the computing consortium as an 
+example of that.
+     We've--we saw--frankly, we also saw that in the 1960's 
+through large agreement with the moon program as well. So it 
+just goes to show, if we get our act together, and can work in 
+concert together to ensure that we are putting our best foot 
+forward, nobody's going to beat us. The problem we've had over 
+the last several decades is, you know, we're sort of riding 
+along on some successes that we've had in the past, but we did 
+not have a concerted strategy, and I think we are at a point 
+here where we could sort of take a little bit of a deep breath 
+to make sure we get things back up and running, but also look 
+at the long term as to what we need--what policies do we need 
+to put in place to make sure that we are going to continue our 
+     Mr. LaTurner. I appreciate that. Dr. Keane, the University 
+of Kansas is the largest employer in the Second District of 
+Kansas, and one of the largest employers of the State. 
+Researchers at KU, like most citizens in the country, have had 
+great restrictions to return to work. What I'm concerned about 
+is that grants that have been awarded in the past can't be 
+completed, and the potential for new scientific discoveries 
+will stall. Can you speak to the type of impact legislation 
+like the RISE Act would have on the university research 
+community, and how that can affect the larger communities and 
+cities that universities reside in?
+     Dr. Keane. Thank you, Representative LaTurner, for that 
+question. It's a great question. The RISE Act will definitely 
+help the situation. We talked earlier about the 20 to 40 
+percent loss in output. It's essentially due to, you know, the 
+time out we've had, and then looking ahead, the difficulties in 
+ramping up again. So the RISE Act will support researchers that 
+will allow us to come back fully, and that will support the 
+local economic development within those areas. As you know, 
+universities are very strong engines in the local economy in 
+their various communities, certainly in my area in rural 
+Washington. So I would strongly urge that we--that the 
+Committee pass the RISE Act, provide the resources to enable 
+that research to finish that was interrupted. And I think also, 
+as we've heard, we need to look to the future as well.
+     If I could also just for a moment emphasize as well some 
+of the issues with HBCUs (Historically Black Colleges and 
+Universities) and others on this, they're in a particularly 
+tough spot because they don't have a lot to fall back on in 
+terms of infrastructure and other things, in terms of getting 
+the full range of our talent. They, as well as--faculty, as 
+we've already heard, have been particularly strongly impacted, 
+and deserve attention.
+     Mr. LaTurner. I appreciate that, Dr. Keane. Thank you, Mr. 
+Chairman, thank you Ranking Member Lucas. I yield back my time.
+     Staff. Mr. Casten is next.
+     Mr. Casten. Thank you very much, Madam Chair, and I feel 
+like I need to apologize. We have such a good bunch of 
+speakers, I would love to ask the same questions of all of you, 
+because I think some of the differences in nuance would be 
+interesting, so if you want to follow up, please do. But I'm 
+going to pick, for totally selfish reasons, as a biochemical 
+engineer and biochemist, I've got to represent, so I'm going to 
+go with you, Dr. Parikh.
+     I want to follow on the discussion you had with Mr. Tonko, 
+and this, you know, that we've seen this falloff in research, 
+and it's been focused on specific sectors, and I, you know, I 
+think a lot have covered that, and I don't want to dwell on 
+that, but what I'd like to understand is--we have--science is 
+an international endeavor. There's lots of collaboration 
+between labs. For a whole lot of reasons that we don't need to 
+get into here, but we can acknowledge, COVID affected different 
+countries very differently, the rate of mask uptake, the rate 
+of social distancing, deployment of testing, and particularly 
+in the Southeast Asia region, including Australia and New 
+Zealand, the reality of COVID was much less grim, as far as 
+what it meant for social distancing than what it was here. Of 
+those sectors of our scientific endeavor that have been most 
+deeply impacted, have any of them been able to work with their 
+collaborators to move that research overseas, and if so, will 
+that research come back to the United States after, or is there 
+a permanent loss that's there?
+     Dr. Parikh. Mr. Casten, that's a terrific question. I 
+don't have hard data on numbers of projects that may have 
+moved, but certainly, at the individual peer to peer level--
+look, these conversations are happening all the time. We've got 
+scientists here that talk to their collaborators. Maybe they're 
+former students who are in Europe now, or who are in Australia 
+now. And basic research works in a way where we do share 
+information, we do share reagents, we do share intellectual 
+conversations, because the point is to actually do the basic 
+research so you can get to the intellectual property. And so 
+that is happening.
+     There's no doubt that when experiments can't happen here, 
+as a graduate student, I'd be wanting my idea to flower 
+somewhere, because I have the intellectual ownership of that. 
+Maybe not IP, but intellectual ownership of it, and so that is 
+definitely happening. And right now it's manageable, because we 
+can keep these students in the pipeline with funding like the 
+RISE Act. What happens--what could be bad is if we don't do 
+things like the RISE Act, we don't ensure that that pipeline 
+gets unclogged, if those students follow those projects, those 
+students follow those ideas, or they just leave the sciences. 
+And that's what--that's a true worry for us.
+     Mr. Casten. So let me go from a mildly complicated 
+question to a really complicated one, and put you on the spot 
+with the clock at 2:30 and counting. When we think about the 
+economic downturns, you know, there's--and I know the metrics 
+on economic downturns. It's harder in science, but, you know, 
+we'll see a collapse in the economy, and on a good downturn, 
+``good'', we sort of restore to the historic growth trajectory. 
+So if you think about, like, the dot com crash, we got--we came 
+down, and we got back--so we saw some above-average growth. In 
+a bad downturn, like the 2008 crash, we fall off and we, you 
+know, maybe we return to the historic rate of growth, but we 
+never get back to that historic trajectory.
+     Dr. Parikh. Yeah.
+     Mr. Casten. The reason I ask about that sort of 
+international--not just the brain drain, but if the research 
+has moved overseas, is there, you know, as you think about the 
+restoration of--where we are, are we--is this going to be a 
+good downturn or a bad downturn, from a scientific perspective? 
+And from a policy perspective, beyond throwing money at the 
+problem, which I'm sure we will, are there policy tools that we 
+should be thinking about right now to make this a good downturn 
+in the scientific? That make sense?
+     Dr. Parikh. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely, and----
+     Mr. Casten. And, again, if any of the rest of you have 
+answers, please send them in writing, but I--time here after 
+Dr. Parikh is done.
+     Dr. Parikh. I appreciate that. No, I think it's an 
+excellent question, and what we do here is going to determine 
+what happens. I mean, we are at this inflection point. We're--
+we can't just move some money at it, and move on, and yes, 
+we'll keep that historical trajectory, I hope. But, in reality, 
+others are moving in the environment as well, so we have to do 
+a couple of things. One is the investment. The second is that 
+coordination factor I'm talking about. We haven't done that 
+before. It is so important that we--if we're going to say that 
+climate disruption is important to us, we've got to coordinate 
+our activities. If we're going to say that batteries are 
+important to us, we've got to coordinate those efforts between 
+the academic environment and business. If we don't do that, 
+then we're--our unconsolidated work is going to be incredibly 
+powerful, and yet the sum will not be greater--the whole will 
+not be greater than the sum of the parts. We've got to have 
+that coordination.
+     So I think that's the policy issue. As we get out of the 
+pandemic, and as we--if we save this generation of human 
+capital, then the next thing is we've got to be able to 
+coordinate our activities, otherwise we can't--a plan beats no 
+plan. The Chinese have a plan on these things, and we have some 
+on some areas, because of good legislation from this Committee 
+and others, but we've got to make sure that we're thinking 
+about this in a holistic sense.
+     Mr. Casten. Well, thank you so much. I see I'm out of 
+time, but would love to continue the conversation with you and 
+your staff--and, again, sorry to the rest of you that I didn't 
+get to talk to, but we'd welcome them as well, to the extent 
+you have a point to add. Thank you, I yield back.
+     Staff. Mr. Gimenez next.
+     Mr. Gimenez. Thank you, thank you very much, and I want to 
+thank the Chairwoman and the Ranking Member for putting this 
+together, and everybody that's been on the panel. The question 
+that I have is something that Mr. Parikh said, something about 
+the supply chain. Does talent follow the supply chain?
+     Dr. Parikh. Does talent--thank you for the question, Mr. 
+Chairman. I think talent follows the opportunity. You know, in 
+times when the finance industry looks like the place to be as a 
+young person, people want to go to the finance industry. And 
+you are--you're so influenced by your parents. And I just had a 
+conversation with a program in the south side of Chicago, and--
+we're trying to get young people interested in the sciences. 
+They only get interested if they know there's a job there, that 
+there's a life there. And so, yes, it follows the opportunity, 
+as much as it follows the supply chain.
+     Mr. Gimenez. So if the supply chain is leading, or left 
+the United States, and we want to get some of this talent back, 
+would it be a good policy to try to bring the supply chain back 
+to the United States?
+     Dr. Parikh. I'm following your question now. Look, 
+absolutely, because the more parts of the supply chain that are 
+here, there are more jobs for that talent. They can work in 
+manufacturing, they can work in the translational sciences, 
+they can work in--on the policy side related to the 
+manufacturing, so absolutely. I think that's a true statement.
+     Mr. Gimenez. How can we incentivize the supply chain to 
+come back to the United States?
+     Dr. Parikh. I'm going to defer to Mr. Quaadman on part of 
+that, because he is the--he's much more of an expert on the 
+industry side. What I will say is that, you know, the 
+investment in research, if you notice these areas around the 
+country, the geographic areas, the clusters where science is 
+happening, a lot of time the translational stuff happens around 
+there as well, and then you can see the manufacturing. But I'll 
+defer to Mr. Quaadman on the--on details.
+     Mr. Gimenez. OK.
+     Mr. Quaadman. Sure, Mr. Gimenez. Thank you for that 
+question. That's an excellent question, so let me answer it in 
+two separate ways. No. 1--came out with--report with China, and 
+one of the things--recommendations that was made in there was 
+also to increase our domestic manufacturing base, and I think 
+the CHIPS for America Act is a very good example of that. And 
+we can send you a copy of that report, and have a further 
+discussion with you on that. Second, we are also looking at 
+President Biden's Executive order from yesterday. We fully 
+agree with the aims of having a resilient supply chain, and a 
+diversified supply chain, and we also look forward to providing 
+our--on that as well.
+     Mr. Gimenez. OK. Shifting gears a little bit, you know, 
+the pandemic has been horrible, but also it's taught us a 
+different way of doing business. And so is there any upside 
+here for research, in that the pandemic has forced us to 
+conduct business in a little bit different way? And maybe it's 
+been positive on some research, and it's been negative on 
+others, so what's been your experience?
+     Dr. Keane. Representative Gimenez, if I could take a crack 
+at that one for a minute? First of all, I think we've all 
+learned a lot about but--about virtual techniques, and some of 
+them are just going to remain, as you might imagine, certain 
+types of meetings that will become virtual forever. They 
+actually are more effective at promoting diverse input. I think 
+we've also learned some other things, not just associated with 
+remote technology and--things like artificial intelligence. The 
+Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence out here in 
+Washington State, their leader put together a body of papers on 
+COVID-19, 200,000, analyzable by some of their machine learning 
+platforms and so on. So, essentially, it's as if you could draw 
+on 200,000 papers to get an answer you're looking for, which is 
+obviously a faster rate of progress than most of us human 
+researchers could do. There have some major changes that have 
+happened, some very positive advances out of this crisis, and 
+so I think there'll be a lot of great advances that'll be 
+incorporated into the research enterprise in the future. 
+     Mr. Gimenez. Well, last question, since I'm new to this 
+Committee, where do we stand in terms of artificial 
+intelligence research here in the United States versus probably 
+our main competitor, China?
+     Dr. Keane. I'm not an expert in that, but I will just say 
+that the advances--there have been advances in machine learning 
+due to some advances about 4 or 5 years ago, and so the 
+applications of AI right now are exploding. It will 
+fundamentally change how we conduct research, and lots of other 
+areas of our lives.
+     Mr. Quaadman. I would just add too that is the jump ball 
+of the 21st century, as to who's going to win that. And I think 
+we're taking some very good steps to ensure we've got the 
+policies in place so we can help with the development, we can 
+help be a leader there, but by no means are we assured of 
+winning that race.
+     Mr. Gimenez. I know that my time is up, and so thank you 
+very much, but I'll just close by saying that I think you're 
+right, the race to artificial intelligence is the jump ball of 
+the 21st century, and we need to win it as a nation. Thank you. 
+Thank you very much, Madam Chairwoman.
+     Dr. Levine. If I could just add one dimension on that 
+point quickly? One of our potential competitive edges is that 
+AI needs the kind of modeling and development that takes into 
+account the diversities of reasoning and decisionmaking. And 
+what we have in our democracies, and in our commitment, 
+hopefully our renewed commitment, to equity is to bring those 
+voices into the AI community. There are many very central 
+locations already doing that. It's the kind of thing we need to 
+invest in, and that's where I think our competitive edge can 
+reside. We don't think in one way, and we need to bring that 
+diversity of reasoning into modeling in AI. It's happening now, 
+and we need to invest further in it.
+     Staff. Ms. Ross is next.
+     Ms. Ross. OK, I've unmuted. Can you hear me?
+     Staff [continuing]. Can.
+     Ms. Ross. That's great. Well, thank you, Chairwoman--and--
+Member Lucas. It's been a--hearing, and it--it's--much from 
+research dollars going to our universities, and also going to 
+several of the organizations that do research. We're now ranked 
+among the top 10, I believe No. 6 in the country, and I have 
+North Carolina State University in my district. I also have two 
+HBCUs in my district, and I really appreciate the mention of 
+the HBCUs, because they are doing excellent work, and are 
+educating the next generation of entrepreneurs, so I want to 
+thank you for that.
+     My first question is for----
+     Staff. Ms. Ross, you appear to be experiencing bandwidth 
+issues, and your connection is cutting in and out. You may want 
+to turn the camera off, and that may help with your audio.
+     Ms. Ross. OK. No. OK. OK. I'm sorry about that. I'm going 
+to have to yield back.
+     Staff. OK. We'll go to Mr. Obernolte.
+     Mr. Obernolte. Well, thank you very much, and thanks to 
+our witnesses. I've really enjoyed the hearing. One recurrent 
+theme that has surfaced in the testimony seems to be concern 
+about our investment in research and development compared to 
+China's, and how that might undermine our strategic position. 
+That's a concern that I very much share, and so I had a couple 
+questions regarding that.
+     First, to Dr. Keane, you quoted some very interesting 
+statistics about how we were falling behind China in our 
+investment in research and development, and I'm wondering, are 
+those statistics including both private and public sector 
+investments in research and development? And, you know, kind of 
+as a follow-on, it seems to me that measuring private sector 
+investment in R&D in the United States is actually a little bit 
+problematic because it's not something that's always reported. 
+You can get it from publicly traded companies' disclosure 
+statements sometimes, but quite often that's a trade secret 
+that companies don't share. So how confident are we in those 
+     Dr. Keane. Yeah, thank you for that question, 
+Representative Obernolte, great, great questions. First of all, 
+the source of that data, as I mentioned earlier, I believe is 
+the National Science Board Indicators Report, which is based on 
+the survey data that the National Science Foundation collects 
+from industry, universities, all manner of folks that perform 
+research. So the answer to your first question, then, is that 
+those numbers include all research, federally funded 
+universities, industry, nonprofits, et cetera, and all those 
+folks typically respond to these survey--NSF.
+     With that said, your question about the quality of the 
+data, I don't have an NSF colleague here, but, you know, we 
+could certainly connect you with someone to talk about that, 
+and how they collected--but it is all expenditures from all 
+sectors, and it is based on a--it's currently a systematic 
+survey that's been done for many years by the National Science 
+     Mr. Obernolte. All right. Thank you. You know, not to say 
+that the data's invalid, something I'm very concerned about, 
+but to be able to solve the problem we need to make sure we get 
+our arms around exactly how big the problem is, and because our 
+economy is much less centrally planned than China's I'm 
+concerned that we don't have a full picture of what our private 
+sector investment in R&D is.
+     And then, for my second question, to Dr. Quaadman, 
+basically on the same topic, but you had said something I found 
+very interesting in your testimony, expressing concern that in 
+the past most research and development was publicly funded here 
+in the United States, and that now that's kind of flip-flopped, 
+and we're 70 percent privately funded, and only 30 percent 
+publicly funded. And I'm wondering if you could defend a little 
+bit, you know, why you're concerned about that? Because it 
+seems to me that, you know, maybe there's a difference in the 
+type of research going on. Maybe public funding is more toward 
+basic research, and private funding is more toward applied 
+research. But, you know, why is that something we should be 
+concerned about?
+     Mr. Quaadman. Well, because--think of it this way, all 
+right? Because the--a lot of the business funding, it's either 
+in development research or it's in applied research, right, 
+where you're trying to develop products off of other research 
+that's--theoretical--or from the basic research arm. So if 
+you're not doing some of that basic research, you're not going 
+to get some of those other impacts. So if you think about it 
+this way, in the example I used earlier, with GPS, right, that 
+started with the Federal Government in the 1950's. Think of all 
+the different ways we're using GPS now. By the way, with the 
+implementation of 4G, with data localization and sharing, et 
+cetera, that's how you got ridesharing, right? And we would 
+sort of say now, like, going into an Uber and a Lyft, that's 
+sort of second nature. So now if you look at it this way as 
+well, as we start to implement 5G, what are going to be the 
+products that come after that?
+     The point is, if we're not doing that basic research, 
+you're not going to have those positive benefits--societal 
+benefits that occur due to some of the development research 
+that happens, and that's when you start to look at what--as we 
+are, not spending as much on the basic research. We're not 
+going to have that bang for the buck later in the future.
+     Mr. Obernolte. Sure. I agree with you, however, I think 
+it's kind of a nuanced point. Basic research is sometimes the 
+most easily duplicated. Applied research is very difficult to 
+duplicate because you're, you know, you're applying it to a 
+specific application. So----
+     Mr. Quaadman. Um-hum.
+     Mr. Obernolte [continuing]. I mean, I actually think that 
+this is something that we as a nation should be talking more 
+about, because I think it's an incredibly important topic to 
+talk about, what kinds of research we're funding, who is 
+funding it, if it's public sector or private sector, and how 
+that stacks up against other countries, particularly China. But 
+thank you. I see my time's expired. Thank you very much to our 
+panelists. A really interesting discussion, I look forward to 
+continuing it in the future. I yield back.
+     Staff. Ms. Bonamici is----
+     Ms. Bonamici. Thank you so much. Thank you, Chairwoman 
+Johnson and Ranking Member Lucas, and thank you so much to our 
+witnesses for joining us today. I--I've now relocated to a 
+computer where I'm not going to be dropped, I hope. So I really 
+appreciate the Committee's continued focus on the effects of 
+the pandemic on our Nation's research enterprise following our 
+hearing last fall on the needs of universities and I'm very 
+glad that we're securing funding for the National Science 
+Foundation and NIST, the National Institute of Standards and 
+Technology in the American Rescue Plan, but we need to pass the 
+RISE Act to truly recognize the expenses and the challenges 
+that have been accrued in ramping up, or down, spending, and 
+then eventually restarting Federal research. So today I want to 
+focus on the long-term consequences of the pandemic for the 
+research community, specifically for our workforce, in solving 
+the next moon shot challenge.
+     But I also wanted to note that, you know, this Committee 
+has had countless hearings over the years about how to grow and 
+diversify the workforce, and STEAM (science, technology, 
+engineering, arts, and mathematics). I say STEAM intentionally. 
+Mr. Quaadman mentioned innovation, which is critical, and there 
+was a suggestion along the way that--interested in the arts 
+should be redirected to STEM. I submit that the better solution 
+is integrating the arts into science, technology, engineering, 
+and math. Brain research shows that arts education helps 
+students be more creative and innovative, and Europe and Asia 
+are not cutting the arts.
+     So I'm--I do want to focus on the economic consequence of 
+the COVID-19 pandemic, and how they have exacerbated so many of 
+the inequities and the barriers facing women in communities of 
+color. Because of entrenched gender roles, women are continuing 
+to take up the majority of childcare and caregiving 
+responsibilities. That's directly affected their research, as 
+Dr. Keane mentioned. One professor at the University of Oregon, 
+Dr. Machalicek recently noted that she regretfully now deletes 
+every request for a proposal because she simply doesn't have 
+time [inaudible] caregiving responsibilities. She hosts an 
+online writing group for--they have to be at night, after 
+bedtime for--children.
+     Now, Dr. Levine, you noted several data points in your 
+testimony that suggest that Dr. Machalicek is not alone in her 
+experience. What steps can universities and the Federal 
+Government take to support women in research fields to make 
+sure that they aren't left behind as we get through the 
+pandemic and build back?
+     Dr. Levine. What an excellent question, and that citation 
+not only resonates with what we heard so powerfully in our 
+focus group, but just looking at the top line, as we're 
+bringing the survey into an analytic format, we're just seeing 
+it pop off the page. We need to do something that provides much 
+more comprehensive wrap-around services. That's one of the 
+reasons why I mentioned early on that supplemental funding that 
+NSF has, that should be a kind of thinking that leads to wrap-
+around support, potential childcare services, additional, 
+potentially, RA (Resident Assistant) support, and other kinds 
+of time off, salary release time, as a good way of catching up 
+and that, and those who have elder care responsibilities.
+     And one of the reasons why I emphasize--this is 
+particularly an issue for women of color is that one of the 
+things we picked up in the focus group very clearly is how much 
+additional family care, based on many first generation career 
+scientists, then need to also not only invest in their own 
+child care, but wrap-around care to their family members, so we 
+need to----
+     Ms. Bonamici. Thank you so much. And, Dr. Levine, I don't 
+mean to cut you off, but I really want to get another question 
+in to Dr. Parikh. And even in the midst of an unprecedented 
+pandemic, the climate crisis continues. We need climate science 
+to help mitigate and adapt. Oregon State University (OSU), in 
+my home State, is home to a world class ice core analysis 
+laboratory, and they rely on ice core samples from the national 
+archive at the NSF ice core facility in Denver, so COVID 
+restrictions on Federal staffing and travel have significantly 
+slowed their access to samples, in particular for a new project 
+studying what is believed to be the oldest pristine ice samples 
+ever discovered. So OSU's research vessels have been restricted 
+as well, limiting supplies--or, excuse me, samples, for algal 
+blooms--temperatures of the ocean. These gaps are 
+irreplaceable, so, Dr. Parikh, I appreciate your focus on our 
+Nation's innovative leadership, but how will these disruptions 
+affect our ability to solve challenging problems like the 
+climate crisis?
+     Dr. Parikh. It's an excellent point, Ms. Bonamici. It 
+shows that, yeah, this goes beyond the biomedical research 
+sciences. It goes beyond our challenges related to the here and 
+now. It goes to future crises, and there's no getting back the 
+time that that ice core couldn't move from Denver to Oregon. We 
+can't get that back. What we can do is ensure that, going 
+forward, we have the human capital that was going to do is 
+still there, and the next generation's also coming, and that we 
+also have thought about the resiliency of that scientific 
+     You know, we can--sometimes you think about these things, 
+there are freezers that hold unique biological samples in this 
+country. There are freezers that hold unique core samples from 
+the Arctic. We need to make sure we have resilience in that--in 
+those invaluable assets that only our Nation has because we 
+invested the time, and the energy, and the resources to go get 
+it. So let's make sure we have that resiliency in place as 
+     Ms. Bonamici. Thank you so much. I see my time has 
+expired. I yield back. Thank you, Madam Chair.
+     Staff. Mr. Babin is up next.
+     Mr. Babin. Yes. Thank you very much, Madam Chair, and 
+Ranking Member Lucas. I want to thank all of you witnesses as 
+well today. This conversation we're having is critically 
+important in many ways, but probably one of the most important 
+are the implications that this has on our national security 
+during this time of the pandemic. The U.S. Justice Department 
+has accused China of sponsoring hackers who are targeting labs 
+that were using state-of-the-art technology to develop our 
+COVID vaccines. The Director of the FBI (Federal Bureau of 
+Investigation) has said that acts of espionage and theft by 
+China's government pose the ``greatest long-term threat'' to 
+the future of the United States.
+     My first question goes to Dr. Parikh and Dr. Keane. There 
+have been multiple examples of Chinese hackers attempting to 
+steal COVID vaccine data from different universities around the 
+country. In your opinion, how susceptible are our universities 
+to Chinese hackers, and what do each of you see as being a 
+solution to better protecting our technology and our research? 
+Dr. Parikh, if you would answer first, and then Dr. Keane. 
+Thank you.
+     Dr. Parikh. Thank you, Mr. Babin. This is a critically 
+important question. You know, I can attest that every one of 
+our institutions, our national laboratory, even the AAAS, we 
+are constantly under attack in cyberspace, and it's from 
+multiple nations around the world. The challenge for us is to 
+make sure that we are being--we are protecting our intellectual 
+property, we're protecting the things that need to be protected 
+for defense, as laid out by the National Security Directive--
+Decision Directive issued by President Reagan during the cold 
+war, Directive Number 189. We need to make sure that we are 
+protecting those assets, while balancing the need for 
+collaboration. And, you know, basic research has collaboration 
+that is required as well.
+     So in terms of policy, are--you're asking if the 
+universities are better today than they were yesterday, they 
+are. They are. Will they be better tomorrow? I think so. And 
+part of that is that we are learning. We are constantly 
+learning. This is a fluid situation. It has gotten worse over 
+time, and the universities have been, in my opinion, and now I 
+turn to Dr. Keane to answer directly, but, in my opinion, from 
+the outside, they have been very responsive to this--to these 
+     Mr. Babin. All right. Thank you so much. Dr. Keane?
+     Dr. Keane. Yeah, thank you very much for that question, 
+Representative Babin. So let me first of all state that 
+universities are actually dedicated to implementing measures 
+to, you know, conduct our research in a secure manner. Just 
+also a little bit of background, in terms of life under 
+attacks, you know, as Dr. Parikh just talked about, we're in a 
+similar situation. Over 90 percent of the e-mails that we get 
+at Washington State University are attacks or spam, so our 
+firewalls are constantly defending us against all manner of 
+     In terms of what we're doing about it, you know, a variety 
+of things. First of all, we have, you know, significantly 
+increased faculty awareness on this. We talk to our faculty all 
+the time. We are improving our systems for disclosure of 
+conflict of interest and conflict of commitment. Conflict of 
+Commitment, the simple way to think of that is we want to make 
+sure that a faculty member doesn't spend 100 percent time on 
+one project, and then go out and get a grant to do exactly the 
+same work with somebody else, right? And so we have systems in 
+place that we--or monitor that, and we've gone to electronic, 
+and other sort of ways to help us do that, as have many 
+     I also just want to close on this--my comment on this 
+topic by pointing out that the recent legislation in the 
+National Defense Authorization Act, and also ongoing efforts to 
+try and harmonize research security related--across agencies. 
+Right now there is significant administrative overhead because 
+we have different requests--for example, interactions with 
+China or whatever--country--in different formats from different 
+agencies. So we spend a lot of time trying to sort out the 
+different forms, which isn't, you know, value added. So 
+anything that could be done by the Congress or the Committee to 
+try and take a coherent multi-agency approach to research 
+security would be welcome. Thank you.
+     Mr. Babin. Absolutely. Thank you, Dr. Keane. Real quickly, 
+Mr. Quaadman, in your capacity with the U.S. Chamber, how is 
+the theft of basic research by China going to hurt our economy 
+and our competitiveness? If you could just give a few seconds 
+to that?
+     Mr. Quaadman. Yeah, I mean, obviously it's harmful to 
+both. One of the things that the Chamber has done, through our 
+Global Innovation Policy Center, in a few weeks we'll be 
+releasing our 10th IP Index, which ranks each--ranks the top 53 
+economies as to their treatment of intellectual property. China 
+and India historically have not ranked high there. They've 
+actually ranked fairly low, for obvious reasons. What that has 
+also done, though, that's also sparked a U.S./China dialog 
+where we work with these issues with both business and 
+government leaders, as well as with India. So part of our 
+belief is that it's--it is important to shine a light on these 
+problems because it creates incentives to try and address some 
+of them from the other side as well.
+     Mr. Babin. Absolutely. Thank you so much. I'll yield back, 
+Madam Chair.
+     Staff. Ms. Moore is next.
+     Ms. Moore. Thank you so very, very much, Madam Chair, Mr. 
+Ranking Member, all of our witnesses, Dr. Parikh, Dr. Keane, 
+Dr. Levine, Mr. Quaadman. I have learned so much from this 
+hearing today, and I have more questions than I do time, so let 
+me try to get through this.
+     When we look at--I want to make a declarative statement, 
+and then sort of get a response from you. When we look at the 
+numbers of women who engage in research, I guess of any type, 
+whether it's biomedical, or defense, or any other kinds, like, 
+30 percent globally, and you've all attested to the fact that 
+women have various family responsibilities that Dr. Keane said 
+keeps them out of academia for numbers of years longer, they 
+don't go into research because of the framework of being 
+family, and so on. I just want to know, is there anything about 
+the RISE Act, or other sorts of research, that specifically 
+focuses on maintaining these women, and now that we've gone 
+through this pandemic and seen some slippage, is there any very 
+specific plans with the universities, or with research firms, 
+or Chamber of Commerce, is there any specific research that 
+focuses on maintaining women?
+     And I don't say this out of some sort of just abstract 
+notion of we need affirmative action. I mean, it matters, and 
+it matters a lot, whether women and minorities are engaged in 
+these kind of programs. I'll just give you an example. I took 
+a--kind of a blood pressure medication, and my mouth swelled 
+up, and I was looking all ugly, and I called one of my friends, 
+who's a Black female cardiologist, and she said, you--as a 
+Black person, you should've never been taking that medicine in 
+the first place. And--so the consequences of not having women 
+in the field--and I want you to talk about that. And then 
+there's been a lot of talk about national security issues, and 
+I notice that women in the Soviet realm, and perhaps even in 
+China, much higher participation of women in research. Want to 
+know if that has any implications for national security, or for 
+our keeping pace. And so I guess I would ask that of Dr. 
+Parikh, Dr. Keane, Dr. Levine.
+     Dr. Parikh. Ms. Moore, thank you for the question. My 
+goodness, the value of having diverse voices at the table, 
+women, underrepresented minorities, is not just because of the 
+moral imperative. The moral imperative is obvious. The real 
+reason is because it actually helps our economic 
+competitiveness, and it creates solutions, so the example you 
+gave is a perfect one. When we talk about solutions to this, 
+they are--we've got to aim it at every spot in that pipeline. 
+So, for the kids, K-12, we've got to make sure they're not 
+getting the signals--the wrong signals, to get out of the 
+sciences. We've got to make sure they're getting interventions 
+to help them if there are challenges that are keeping them out 
+of the sciences that are not related to study. Got to make sure 
+we're intervening there.
+     And then, at the graduate school level, we have graduate 
+students that are in their 20's, and we have post-docs in their 
+30's. They need to not just be treated as apprentices. They 
+need to have some benefits that are employee-like because they 
+are of the age to have children. They are of the age to be 
+married. We need to make sure that they have those kinds of 
+benefits. So I think those are a couple I've given out. I'll 
+give to--time to the others as well.
+     Dr. Keane. Yeah, if I could comment, Representative Moore? 
+Great question. So the answer to your question is, yes, there 
+is research going on to try and actually come up with real ways 
+to improve the situation. But one of the things we need to do, 
+obviously, as a first step is to think about, you know, why are 
+we in the situation we're in? And, to that end, just as an 
+example, there was a very recent, just--think this last month, 
+a study that came out by the National Bureau of Economic 
+Research that surveyed 20,000 Ph.D. woman respondents about 
+their lives, and that turned up some interesting facts, you 
+know, such as on average women have lost double the time to 
+research that men have in the pandemic. And also we can see, by 
+looking at large scale data and publications, that women are 
+definitely publishing less than men.
+     And I know--but that is also just a whole number of 
+potential ways to improve the situation, universities extending 
+tenure clocks, waiving certain types of service for women, 
+providing care, and other, you know, the--relieving other forms 
+of faculty service so women can focus on research, OK? So 
+there's a whole bunch of ideas in the pipeline to address this 
+     Dr. Levine. Well, I'll just add a couple of words to that, 
+because those are, you know, the important points, I think, to 
+drive home to an exceptional question. I think that we also 
+need to recognize that--hierarchy and positionality, often of 
+women in the workforce. We have, you know, we are very aware 
+that in leadership roles women can be silenced in subtle and 
+not so subtle ways. So they can be central to a team, but not 
+yet rewarded in the same way, so that--we have to understand 
+the nature of the work, because women as scientists are often 
+more inclined toward collaborative models so that--if the 
+pecking order is sole author, versus multiple author. So this 
+is a really important broader issue that we need to take--
+     While we support, for example, expanding and extending the 
+tenure clock during this time, and accounting for different 
+kinds of activities, we also need to be sure that the status 
+hierarchy doesn't backslide and say, 3 years from now, so what 
+happened? You know? So we have to be very attentive to the--to 
+essentially subtle indicators that may not seem to leave women 
+behind, but after all they have an adverse--and for women as 
+well--of color as well. A great opportunity and challenge for 
+all of us together, and in collaboration with this Committee, 
+and its sensitivities, and higher education and research 
+     Ms. Moore. OK. Thank you. I yield back. Thanks for 
+indulging, Madam Chair.
+     Staff. Mr. Gonzalez is next.
+     Mr. Gonzalez. Did I hear Mr. Gonzalez? I'm sorry, I 
+thought I heard it, but I don't want to jump the gun.
+     Staff. Yes, you're next.
+     Mr. Gonzalez. OK, great. Well, thank you, Chairwoman 
+Johnson and Ranking Member Lucas, for holding this hearing 
+today, and to our distinguished witnesses for your testimony. 
+As those who served on this Committee with me last Congress 
+know, I personally believe that appropriately funding and 
+supporting our research enterprise is among the most important 
+things we can do for our economy long term. You know, we tend 
+to solve problems that are sort of staring us right in the 
+face, but the truth is the investments that we make in our 
+research enterprise are ultimately going to create jobs 5, 10, 
+20, 30 years from now. And so I look forward to partnering with 
+my colleagues in making sure that we're continuing to increase 
+funding where appropriate, focus that funding so that we can 
+invent the transformative technologies of the future that will 
+help us sustain our economy, and continue to lead across the 
+     Mr. Quaadman, as you know, China and other economies are 
+investing aggressively, particularly in the industries of the 
+future, like 5G, AI, quantum. Can you describe what steps the 
+U.S. needs to take to remain a leader in the industries of the 
+future, and what concerns do you have if we fail to do that, 
+and cede that ground to a China, or another country?
+     Mr. Quaadman. Thank you very much, Mr. Gonzalez, and, 
+first off, let me also thank you for your co-leadership of the 
+Artificial Intelligence Caucus as well, and your leadership on 
+these important issues. Look, I would say there are a number of 
+different things here. No. 1, we're clearly in a race. I think 
+I read recently Art Schmidt's testimony before Congress 
+recently, where he said that the United States may only be 1 to 
+2 years ahead of China in terms of artificial intelligence 
+     I think some of the steps taken last year, both with the 
+passage of the National Artificial Intelligence Initiative Act, 
+where we created a framework, both in terms of public and 
+private partnership, to help incentivize that research, and 
+provide some funding, is important. I think the OMB guidance 
+released at the end of last year also helps with that, because 
+we need the funding on the one side. We also need to have the 
+collaborative atmosphere that allows for that development to 
+take place.
+     Lastly, though, whoever wins that race to be the leader in 
+artificial intelligence is going to set the standard, so NIST 
+has a very, very critical role, if we were to be in that 
+position, of developing what those standards are around the 
+artificial intelligence, how they can--how it can be used, how 
+it could get deployed. And that's very important because we 
+bring in all the different stakeholders in a very collaborative 
+effort to do that, and there are a lot of thorny ethnic--ethic 
+issues associated with that which impact personal liberty, 
+freedom, et cetera that we have very highly developed attitudes 
+and values around that others may not. So we--that's one of the 
+reasons why it is very important for the United States to be in 
+that leadership role.
+     Mr. Gonzalez. Absolutely. And one thing that I've seen 
+proposed, that I think is a good idea, and I hope we do it, is 
+to create some sort of G7, plus Australia and New Zealand 
+maybe, standard-setting organization or body that could help 
+inform how these technologies are developed, and what the 
+values are that underpin them. Just as a concept, what are your 
+thoughts on that concept? Feel free to disagree with me. I will 
+not take offense.
+     Mr. Quaadman. No, I would say two things. One is I think 
+that's an interesting idea, because if you take a look at it 
+within the scope of the G7, and Australia, and New Zealand, 
+there are a lot of those shared values that we have that can be 
+helpful in terms of doing that. The other thing, I think we 
+would just need to really think this through as well, is that, 
+you know, the EU's also a competitor, right? So I think there 
+has to be a decision if we're going to collaborate on that. And 
+if it's going to be competition, that's fine, right? I mean, 
+the United States does very well when it competes, but we have 
+to realize we are competing, and that if we need to win this 
+race, it's no different than the race to the moon, or to some 
+other technologies that we made sure we were leading in in the 
+1960's, 1970's, or 1980's.
+     Mr. Gonzalez. Absolutely. And then with my final 
+question--well, we won't be able to get into this in 30 
+seconds. Maybe I'll submit it for the record. But one thing I 
+am concerned about is our human capital development here in the 
+U.S., and the feeling that, you know, some other countries are 
+outpacing us in the development of our human capital, and I 
+want to make sure that we're always in the lead there, and so I 
+look forward to partnering with all the institutions here, and 
+the Members of Congress on making sure that the U.S. is always 
+as competitive as humanly possible. To your point, if we can 
+compete on a level playing field, we will win. And with that, I 
+yield back.
+     Staff. Mr. Sherman is next. Mr. Sherman's recognized.
+     Mr. Sherman. Why thank you. Madam Chair, thank you for 
+bringing us together. The importance of science was illustrated 
+to the entire country over the last year, as we deal with this 
+COVID crisis. The response of the science community hasn't been 
+perfect, but given the sudden and unexpected nature of this, 
+has been very good. We haven't always followed the science, but 
+we will straighten that out as well. And the vaccines that are 
+coming to us are as a result of the scientific knowledge that 
+has been put together over the last decades. That's why it's 
+important that we move forward with the RISE Act, to keep 
+research going, and to preserve our research capacity for the 
+future. And I thank you for introducing that legislation.
+     We have--others have talked about artificial intelligence, 
+and I just want to point out how important it is that it's kept 
+under human control, and that we engineer into the basic 
+elements of artificial intelligence. You can't just add it in 
+at the end, get it into the hardware, into the systems, in 
+avoidance of self-awareness, in avoidance of ambition, or a 
+desire to persevere. When we talk about promoting science, 
+naturally we're the Science Committee, and we focus, usually, 
+on what's government doing, the space program, our grants to 
+academic research. But we've got a limited amount of money, and 
+I'm sure what money we have for science we will work hard to 
+make sure it's spent in the best way.
+     But there's a much larger amount of money, and that--and 
+the best practical research is often done by our private sector 
+with their own money. And we tend to focus on the startups that 
+have no revenues, and they will, of course, do research. That's 
+their whole reason for existence. They only, you know, money 
+comes as invested by the investors. The only thing they're 
+going to do with it is spend it on their startup research. But 
+the vast majority of private research is being done by 
+companies that have revenues that are expected to earn a 
+profit. And so if you want to influence how much of that 
+research is done, you have to look at our accounting system, 
+at--because Boards of Directors get up in the morning, and they 
+say, how much can we show as earnings per share?
+     We had an accounting system up until 30 years ago in which 
+we treated research appropriately, as we had for the past 200 
+years. We made a mistake, and this the first time in this 
+Committee that I'll say that perhaps the greatest threat to 
+research is based in Norwalk, Connecticut. That is the location 
+of the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), a 
+governmental agency that often argues that it's not a 
+governmental agency. Mr. Quaadman, we have, over the last 30 
+years, a system where if you invest money in a building, that's 
+not an expense. It doesn't hurt your earnings per share, it's 
+investment. But if you invest money in a research project, 
+that's an immediate expense. It hurts your earnings per share, 
+and makes you look worse than those of your competitors who 
+aren't spending money on research. Can you give a feel for how 
+much this impacts the amount of money spent on research by 
+corporate America, focusing not on those few startups, but on 
+the big companies that are expected to show a profit?
+     Mr. Quaadman. Yeah, thank you very much, Mr. Sherman, and 
+thank you for your leadership, both for investors and for 
+capital formation as well, and your doggedness on this issue, 
+because I know you've been after this one for decades. Let me 
+start here in terms of--we have to separate tax policy out from 
+accounting policy, because they're two different things.
+     Mr. Sherman. I'm just focused--I just----
+     Mr. Quaadman. Yes.
+     Mr. Sherman [continuing]. Interrupt you, we invest 
+billions of dollars over in the Ways and Means Committee 
+promoting research----
+     Mr. Quaadman. Yeah.
+     Mr. Sherman [continuing]. But what I'm talking about is 
+the accountants based in Norwalk, Connecticut pushing us in the 
+other direction. Go ahead.
+     Mr. Quaadman. Agreed. Our CEO, Tom Donahue, in 2005 gave a 
+speech at Nasdaq where he raised concerns about companies 
+trying to hit the quarterly earnings guidance, right, within a 
+penny or two, right, and that there are polls that actually 
+show that businesses would make decisions that run counter to, 
+let's say, their long-term capital expenditures. In terms of 
+the first principle for the Chamber in terms of accounting, we 
+always believe that it's important to start from the place of--
+that, you know, financial reporting needs to reflect economic 
+activity, and not to drive it. Additionally, we've also called 
+for, for years, about the need for a cost benefit analysis in 
+the determination of accounting standards, that we actually 
+have data to understand this along the lines of the problem 
+that you're raising.
+     So I believe that Russ Golden, in his last days as FASB 
+Chair, testified before you at your Subcommittee about looking 
+at intangibles, which this gets into, and I think there needs 
+to be--we need to have somewhat of a data-driven discussion 
+around that to determine what the extent of the problem is that 
+you're raising, and what we have--what we would have to do to 
+sort of--what we'd have to do to address it.
+     Mr. Sherman. My own work makes me think that we're talking 
+about hundreds of billions of dollars in research that would 
+otherwise have been conducted over the last 25 years had they 
+not made this bad accounting decision. I yield back.
+     Staff. Mr. Meijer is next.
+     Mr. Meijer. Thank you, Madam Chair, and Ranking Member, 
+and to our witnesses here today. I really appreciate the time 
+for you to share your thoughts and experiences. Obviously COVID 
+has created disruptions across our Nation, but ensuring that we 
+bounce back as rapidly as possible is key not just in our 
+academic settings, not just in our economic settings, but also 
+in our research and development settings.
+     I've been speaking over the past several months with 
+members of the Michigan research community, both those at the 
+Panhandle Institute in my district in Grand Rapids, at Michigan 
+State University, at the University of Michigan, at Wayne State 
+University, and other institutes of higher education throughout 
+the State of Michigan, to see what we can do to ensure that a 
+lot of the critical research that they've been conducting, you 
+know, as they had to scale back staffing hours in the labs, as 
+they had to deal with, you know, perishable equipment and 
+supplies, on how we can make sure we bounce back as quickly as 
+possible. And I just want to address this to the witnesses in 
+general, and please feel free, any of you, to respond. I guess 
+how are researchers best adapting to the new environment that's 
+been created by this pandemic?
+     Dr. Keane. I'll--if I could--I'll take a quick cut at 
+     Mr. Meijer. Yes, sir.
+     Dr. Keane [continuing]. First. So thank you--thanks, 
+Representative Meijer, for that question. It's a very important 
+one. You know, the short answer is in many ways. I think people 
+are learning how to make effective use of virtual tools for a 
+whole bunch of reasons, in a whole variety of ways. I think 
+we're also learning how to conduct research in our laboratories 
+with different staff. You know, we can come back at some of 
+these laboratories now at lower staffing levels. We've gotten 
+much better figuring how to use equipment, and actually conduct 
+work on the situation.
+     There's some things that are harder than others to deal 
+with, such as human subject research, which, you know, has 
+really come back in things like biomedical research in 
+particular, haven't quite come back because of the close nature 
+of interaction. You know, but overall the enterprise--we 
+estimate at WCU, and my colleague, DPR, is elsewhere, we think 
+we're sort of at 60 to 70 percent of pre-pandemic at the 
+moment, but the remaining things are hard to crack. But we--as 
+I mentioned earlier, we still have to worry about finishing off 
+all the work that was delayed. Before we--it was very helpful 
+to have flexibilities and no-cost extensions, but to finish the 
+work has a cost. So, anyway, that's the quick answer. Thank 
+     Mr. Meijer. I know, and I appreciate that, Dr. Keane. I 
+guess, just building on that, you know, we've already, you 
+know, kind of touched upon, kind of in length, some of the 
+funding concerns, but in terms of other concerns, are there 
+policy modernizations that you feel are needed to make sure I 
+guess specifically at the Federal level to make sure that U.S. 
+researchers remain competitive and grow? Are there any gaps 
+that have really been created that they're concerned or that we 
+may be able to address through a policy angle?
+     Dr. Keane. I'll mention just one I did a few moments ago, 
+because it's a topic of a lot of discussion right now, and that 
+is the monitoring of international, right, and disclosures. We 
+used to have very different and conflicting guidance from 
+agencies, which is just--it takes us a lot of time to 
+respondent to. I would--I will also say that a lot of our 
+agencies have done a fantastic job responding and simplifying. 
+Rapid, you know, proposal, review, and award processes have 
+been immensely helpful, and should be encouraged by the 
+Committee, I would suggest, from a policy level, just as one of 
+a number of examples of agency reforms that have been put in 
+place and been very productive.
+     Mr. Meijer. Thank you, Dr. Keane. And, Madam Chair, I 
+yield back.
+     Staff. Madam Chair, we have one other Member whose camera 
+is on, but I don't see them. Ms. Wild, are you present? I don't 
+see her. She would be our last Member, so I think we may be 
+     Chairwoman Johnson. Well, thank you very much. Let me 
+thank all of you who participated, and most especially our 
+really great witnesses. This has been a very worthwhile 
+hearing, and I know that we will probably have a follow-up 
+sometime not too far in the future.
+     Before we bring the hearing to a close, I want to again 
+thank our witnesses, and let you know how resourceful you have 
+been. And the record will remain open for 2 weeks for 
+additional statements from Members, and for any additional 
+questions the Committee might have for the witnesses. Our 
+witnesses are now excused, and the hearing is adjourned.
+     Mr. Quaadman. Thank you, Chairwoman.
+     Dr. Levine. Thank you.
+     Dr. Parikh. Thank you----
+     [Whereupon, at 1:08 p.m., the Committee was adjourned.]
+                               Appendix I
+                              ----------                              
+                   Answers to Post-Hearing Questions
+                              Appendix II
+                              ----------                              
+                   Additional Material for the Record
+                                 [all]