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"Reba?" "Baby, it's 2:00 in the morning." "What are you doing up?" "Oh, Bobby's lawyer sent over" " the latest round of the separation papers." " Oh." "Get this..." "Guess what Bobby wants." "That." "That technicolor eyesore?" "When did you put that up?" "Tonight." "When I found out he wanted it." "You know, if he gets that, I'm taking his golf clubs." "You don't even golf." "Plus, you're a righty and he's a lefty." "It don't matter which hand I use to throw 'em in the ocean." "Go easy." "When I set your daddy's pickup truck on fire, sure, it felt good for a while." "Oh, who am I kidding?" "It still feels good." "Mama, all those years I was with that man..." "Am I that much of an idiot?" "Well..." "Did I just not see what kind of man Bobby really was?" "The important thing is you know now." "Come on." "A toast." "To Bobby and all his stuff." "May they never meet again." "What is this?" "My homemade garage beer." "Pretty good." "This is what wet socks would taste like if it was a drink." "Okay." "It's getting better." "I'm gonna go scrub my tongue with steel wool." "Cash, do you have any idea what..." " Aah!" " Aah!" "Who are you?" "What are you doing here?" "Who are you?" "Well, I live here!" "You better start talking fast, or I'm gonna whip your butt into a meringue." "Okay." "All right." "Just... just... no." "No." "Stop." "Stop." "Don't panic." "I'm Pete Mason." "I used to play in Bobby's band." "Bobby lets me stay here when I'm in L.A." "Look." "Look." "Look." "Look." "Look." "Got the spare key out from the fake rock outside." "I played at your wedding." "I'm Pete." "Oh, Pete." "I remember you." "Sorry." "I didn't recognize you without the muttonchops." "Oh, yeah." "I-I shaved them off last year 'cause I was sick of people confusing me with a confederate soldier." "Oh." "Sorry about the whisk thingy." "It's..." "It wasn't loaded." "Look, I-I-I'm really sorry." "Uh, I know that you and Bobby were separated, but I had no idea that you were living here." "So you know what?" "I'll..." "I'll just go get myself a hotel." "Oh, don't be silly." "It's late." "Crash here on the couch." "Are you sure?" "I-I mean, I don't want to impose." "It would only be until, like, spring." "No, please, make yourself at home." "All right." "Thank you." "Cash?" "What the heck are you up to?" "It's 2:00 in the morning." "Hey, mom." "Hey... guy." "Relax." "I'm just a friend of your daddy's." "I'm passing through." "Where were you?" "Uh, I, uh, went for a walk on the beach to clear my head." "Oh, really?" "What was bothering you?" "Well, I..." "Can't remember." "The walk worked." "All clear." "Night!" "Halt!" "Okay, you're clean." "But you're lyin', badly." "So I suggest you either get to be a better liar or you tell me where you were." "I'm gonna stick with my beach story." "Okay." "If that's the way you're gonna play it, you're grounded." "For taking a walk?" "When I was a toddler, you were proud when I first walked." "What, now it's some kind of crime?" "Where's the consistency?" "I wasn't that proud." "You were 3." "* walkin' with my head high * soaking' up the sunshine * la-la-la-la-la, life is sweet *" "You know, I'm glad you showed up last night." "If you hadn't, I wouldn't have caught my kid coming in at 2:00 in the morning." "Poor kid." "I know what Bobby meant when he said, "never mess with big red."" "Big nice red." "That... that was his pet name for you." "Big, nice, easy-to-talk-to red." "Oh." "What's going on here?" "Oh, hey, mama." "This is Pete." "Pete, this is my mama, Lillie mae." "Hi." "Nice to meet you." "Why, hello." "Yeah, I'm gonna get you some coffee." "Wow." "At 2:00 in the morning, we were talking about sticking it to Bobby, and boom, here you are with a man cooking you breakfast." "You move fast, you toasty little pop-tart." "Mama, it's not what you think." "I know it isn't." "You know, quick question..." "Where does one go to meet a man at 2:00 A.M.?" "I didn't go anywhere." "He just showed up in the middle of the night." "You really can get everything on the Internet now." "Here you go." "Oh." "Hey, ladies." "Hey, Reba, listen," "I'm getting to that point in the pregnancy where I can't see my feet." "Do my shoes match?" "Yeah." "Looks great." "Thanks." "Hey." "Wait a minute." "How do I know you?" "Oh, well, I'm a friend of Bobby's." "Uh, you probably met me when I was here?" "Yes." "You threw up in my hedges and then just passed out naked in my hammock." "Yeah, that sounds like me." "Kim, this is Pete." " Pete, this is Kim, my next-door neighbor." " Hi." "Hi." "Uh, nice to meet you." "I think I'll go grab a quick shower." "Okay." "Mm." "That butt looked even better without pants." "Okay, Kim, spill." "What did you see with Bobby and this guy?" " Mama." " Well, he was an eyewitness to the sordid saga of the Malibu love shack." "Come on." "And don't spare us the grisly details because we can handle it." "Ugh." "I wish I could, especially when they had all those parties." " There were parties?" " Oh, yeah." "I mean, I always tried to peek in, but the bougainvillea was just way too tall." "Reba, don't you see that you've got a man in your shower who knows what Bobby was up to here?" "Knowledge is power, baby, and you're gonna need dirt when the divorce gets ugly." "No." "No, mama." "I'm bigger than that." "You're lucky I'm not." "Reba, do you know what I would do if I were you?" "Stay over at your house and keep those thoughts unexpressed?" "Oh, we kid like that." "It's what we do." "No, what I was gonna say is you should seduce him, you know, give him the old shoulder roll." "What?" "Oh, that's ridiculous." "I've got a more sophisticated plan." "So pay attention." "It involves a mug and beer." "You want me to get him drunk?" "Oh, when you say it, it sounds so pedestrian." "But yes." "You two ought to be ashamed of yourself." "Getting drunk, seducing." "This man is a guest in our house." "We oughta respect his privacy." "Oh, hello, ladies." "Oh." "I'm Tina." "And this is Mandy." "Isn't this Pete and Bobby's house?" "Oh, snap!" "June." "June." "June." "June." "June." "June." "Hey, so next time you get another dumb idea like piercing your belly button, here's a better idea..." "Don't." "I wasn't counting on it getting infected." "But... but because of you and the cream you got me in the middle of the night, it's getting much better." "Well, now because of you, I'm grounded." "Look, I'm..." "I'm done lying for you." "We're already into the lie." "You took the bullet." "Just keep it in you." "Keep it in me?" "It's a bullet, June." "It hurts." "Cash, please?" "If you keep covering for me, I'll owe you." "But mom's smart." "She's gonna catch on." "No, she's not, because it's not mom and dad anymore." "That good cop/bad thing they used to do to bust us is over." "It's just mom now, and she's not even a cop." "She's like an old, tired security guard." "Okay." "Fine." "You know, forget about mom." "What are you gonna do for me?" "Well, for starters," "I could do your French homework." "Oh." "Gracias." "Oh." "Hey there, Pete." "Didn't see you coming." "My gosh, I was just looking at some old memories." "Those are the best kind." "Things that happened before." "Aren't those the only kind?" "Oh, Pete, you keep me young." "Ah." "You know, speaking of memories," "I remember Bobby told me what you guys used to do out here." "You know, girls would pop by at all hours, and just sh-show up right at the doorstep." "Yeah, I-I really don't remember that." "That must've been another Pete." "Uh-huh." "Uh-huh." "What about all those parties?" "You know, all the music and the dancin' and the drinkin'?" "Yeah, I-I know what a party is." "Do you?" "Do you, Pete?" "Reba, I-I know what you're doing, and I have to stop you." "Do you, Pete?" "Do you have to stop me?" "You're... you're trying to get me to tell you if anything went on over here with Bobby and me." "Okay, fine!" "But I want to know what you know." "I sit on this couch, Pete." "I have a right to know what went on on this couch." "I eat at that kitchen table." "Do I need another kitchen table, Pete?" "Reba, you don't have to try to trick me into telling you." "You could always just ask me." "What did you and Bobby do out here?" " I can't tell you." " What?" "You... you just told me I could ask." "Well, I didn't say I would answer." "I couldn't possibly do that." "I mean, if... if I did that, it would violate the bro code." "The what code?" "The bro code." "It says that whatever happens between guys stays between guys." "I mean, women have a similar thing, except in their version, they just tell everybody everything." "Okay." "Fine." "I don't want to know anything." "But I'll tell you something." "Your pancakes were dry." "Were they, Reba?" "Were they dry?" "So Reba really couldn't get any information out of this guy?" "I love my daughter, but does not have what I have..." "Three days of intensive training with the black panthers." "I've got a beret somewhere." "Come on." "Hey, Pete." "Looks like you're working up quite a thirst there." "Oh, yeah." "I always do when I'm folding two t-shirts and putting them into a bag." "Oh, my goodness." "In this heat?" "Oh, ho!" "Gosh, I'm getting thirsty just watching you." "And sweaty." "I'm getting sweaty." "Hey." "Time for a break." "I brought you a bottle of my home brew I made in the garage." "They tell me it is delicious." "Yeah." "Thanks." "But I-I always make it a point never to drink anything that comes out of a garage, a bathtub, or toilet." "I would taste it, but I can't, because I'm pregnant, which is ironic, 'cause that's kind of how I got this way." "What do you say?" "Cold, refreshing." "Ooh!" "Yeah, you're, uh, you're not going away, are you?" "I've got nowhere to be." "Okay, I know I'm grounded, but picking me up at school and calling me "sweety Cashy-coo"" "and then ruffling my hair in front of all my friends?" "Isn't there something that prevents cruel and unusual punishment in the bill of amendments?" "The bill of amendments?" "Okay, not only are you grounded, I'm getting you a tutor." "Oh, come on!" "Okay, look, Cash." "All this can come to a screeching halt if you just come clean and tell me where you were last night." "Okay." "Here's the truth." "I wasn't walking on the beach." "I was, uh, I was doing a favor for someone." "It wasn't anything bad." "It's just that I promised this person I wouldn't say anything." "I see." "It's kinda like the code." "Like a bro code?" "Oh, no, no, no." "It's nothing like that." "See, the bro code's when two guys have done something really bad that they don't want a woman to know about." "Go to your room, bro." "Wh... oh." "I swear, it's like living under the gazpacho." "Oh." "Reba, I'm so glad you're home." "I've got Pete on the deck." "He's all primed and ready to talk." "Mama, what did you do?" "I gave him a few of my microbrews that gave him a macro buzz." "And when he asked me if I had bourbon, well, as you know, I always have bourbon." "Oh!" "Mama, I told you I didn't want to get him drunk." "Mm." " But now that he is drunk..." " But now that he is drunk..." "Hey, Pete." "Mm." "Hey, Reba." "Reba!" "Reba!" "Reba!" "Oh, that..." "That is a great name, Reba." "Uh, you know, I only knew one other Reba in my life." "Oh, wait a minute." "Her name was Natalie." "Yeah, I get that a lot." "Mm." "So now that you're all relaxed, how about, uh, answering a few questions for me?" "That's all right." "I don't..." "I don't mind answering questions." "'Cause I... you know, 'cause I like talking." "Believe me, when I start drinking, I get very talkative." "Talk, talk, talk." "Well, that's great, 'cause I like to listen, listen, listen." "Mmm." "Well, good." "Good." "So..." "Good." "Good." "Good." "Oh, it feels good." "I tell you, it feels good out here." "Yeah, I haven't felt this good in... 268 days." "What do you mean?" "Well, that's how long I've been sober." "You were sober?" "I was." "Not anymore." "'Cause of that silver-haired angel in there." "Okay." "Why don't you give me that bottle?" "Why?" "You want to drink?" "Or... oh." "Oh." "Or you gonna pull a Bobby on me?" "I don't know what a Bobby is, but I sure don't want to pull it." "Ah." "Come on." "No." "No." "No." "No." "No." "No." "Let me have it." "Oh, all right." "All right." "You know, it was Bobby who got me sober." "He did?" "Uh-huh." "I thought he was your drinking buddy." "Well, he was, until he tricked me." "No, I..." "I hit rock bottom about ten months ago." "It was really bad." "And, uh, Bobby came to my hotel, and he was telling me a story about having some party at the beach house, you know, so I'm like..." "The next thing I know, he's brewing pots of coffee and talking about taking me to an a.A. meeting." "I'm saying, "man, this party sucks!"" "I-I-I had no idea." "Yeah." "Yeah." "Yeah." "Bobby..." "He drove me to meetings." "He got me a sponsor." "He was a real bro." "He really was." "Then when I got onto my feet, he said I could always come out here if I ever feel like I'm slipping." "That's why I came back here last night." "And then you met my mama." "Nah." "It wasn't her fault." "It's not like she was the one who put the drink in my hand." "Well, actually, she was, but, you know, she was just being entrepreneurial." "Yeah." "Yeah." "So at the risk of pulling a Bobby, how about we find a meeting, and I drive you to it?" "Never mess with big red." "All right." "Yeah," "I think a meeting would be a good idea, actually." "Yeah." "And, you know, now that you're one of my bros," "I could probably break the code for you." "You want me to tell you the kind of man Bobby was?" "I think you just did." "Oh, and I'm sorry about my mama getting you drunk." "Oh, that's all right." "I felt it coming on, too." " Really?" " Yeah." "I even called my friends Tina and Mandy from my group to see if they could drive me to a meeting, but they never showed up." "No." "They never showed up." "Okay, so the good news is I found Pete a meeting, and he's gonna be okay." "In my defense, I did not know Pete was an alcoholic." "Well..." "Although in retrospect, anybody who would have three of these things clearly has a drinking problem." "Hey, mom." "I'd like to make a case for being ungrounded." "Okay." "What is it?" "It's not fun." "I'm not seeing law school in this boy's future." "Hey, Cash." "I brought you home a pizza." "Oh, thanks, sis." "Hey, June." "I could really use a plate." "Wow." "You're being nice, June." "Why are you being so nice, June?" "Because I..." "Have only one brother in life, and I want to treat him well." "Uh-huh." "Well, that's a load of crap." "You two honestly believe that I don't know what's going on here?" "Well, that depends." "Do you?" "I mean, and this..." "this is all hypothetical..." "Uh, if there was something going on, and you knew about it, uh, uh, wouldn't you have said something already?" "Okay, I'll tell you what." "I'm gonna come clean with you guys." "I know about your dirty little secret." "So you got a choice." "You can tell me the truth right now and get a lighter sentence or get punished twice as hard for holding back." "Doesn't matter to me." "You choose." "Is this the cop or the security guard?" "Well?" "Oh..." "You got your belly button pierced?" "You didn't know?" "You got your belly button pierced?" "!" "Well, I never." "I'm not seeing acting school in his future either." "Well, what you doing?" "Oh, I'm shipping this painting to Bobby." "If he wants it so badly, I wish him no ill will." "Well, I'll drink to that." "How do you drink that stuff?" "Oh, Reba, it's good." "I figured out the secret." "I roasted the barley at a low temperature, and then I waited to add the hops until all the yeast had settled." "Yeah." "And then it was still horrible, so I went to the store and got a six-pack." "Mom, hand me those scissors, please." " Thanks." " I'm so glad you're moving on." "Oh, well, mama, it's about time." "I mean, if I obsess about the past, how can I ever move on with the future?" "I'm proud of you, baby." "Yeah." "And I want Bobby to see that I'm not the bitter and vindictive type." "Like you were yesterday." "Exactly." "Oh, that's gonna be hard to explain." "I'll drink to that." | {
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} |
"Can I ask you something?" "All that cash..." "America..." "Switzerland.." "What exactly is 'Hawala' (Money Laundering)" "Just like Money Exchange for White Money." "Similarly for transferring black money.." "..there's 'Hawala' (Money Laundering)." "Magic." "You pay us here and.." "Poof!" "It's transferred to Switzerland." "100 million, it's all here." "Excellent." "Two hours later, 90 million.." "..will be transferred in your Swiss Bank account." "Why only 90 million?" "10 million our commission." "have pity." "I've been newly appointed as the minister." "You should have pity on your state too." "You've been newly appointed minister." "90 million in 15 days is not a small amount." "Stop the car." "Where are you coming from?" "Ambala." "And where are you headed?" "Chandigarh." "Chandigarh!" "And what's in the trunk?" "Speak up." "The trunk's open." "See for yourself." "Bravo." "Come, Rambo." "Who am I?" " I don't know, sir." "Bheem Singh Chandel!" "Why did you stop my car?" " l received a tip from control room.." "..that this is a stolen car?" "The tip was right." "Let me go." "You didn't let me go." "Sir, what do you want me to do with it?" "Incinerate it!" " Why?" "Don't leave behind a single piece." "But, sir's, this is a brand new car." "The police are looking for it." "I can't keep it." "What now?" " Arrange for a new car." "This time from a different state." "Sir, I know a guy who's a pro." "He can steal cars like stealing candy from a baby." "Where can I find him?" " Delhi." "How much longer, Babli?" "I'm unlocking the steering, T2!" "Be patient!" "What the.." "Watchman!" "Hey, watchman!" "Watchman!" "Hello." "30 seconds, T2." "Are you ready?" "Ready." "Watchman, who's car is this?" "Mr. Dutta's." "Go wake him up!" "What's this nonsense!" "Mr. Sharma.." " Hey!" "My sleep's ruined." " Whose inside the car?" "Who's driving it?" "Watchman, come here." " Watchman, come here." "Hurry up!" " Thief!" "Thief!" " Coming, sir." "Thief!" "Catch him." "Thief!" "There he goes." "What do we pay you for?" " Four...three...two.." "Come here." " Stop him." "Stop him." " He'll escape." "Get up, Chautala." "Your snoring is creating a ruckus." "It'll drive all the criminals away." "Get up." "Let me sleep, dear." "Boys are returning from the disco drunk." "Make some dough." "Get up." "Shut up." "Shut up." "You're always objecting." "Don't talk nonsense." "You married me." "You'll have to abide by it." "Just two months left for your retirement." "Make some dough." "Otherwise I'll make you regret it." "Someday I'll strangle you in your sleep." "I'll strangle you." "Go on." " Stupid woman." "Saddiram." "I told you to fix this door." "Go on." "Oh no." "Cops!" "Stop." "Stop." "Take off the glasses." "Where are you coming from, son?" "Office." "At this hour?" "You must be drunk!" "Your breath smells like onions." "Show me your licence." "Licence." "Babli.." "Babli?" "What kind of a name is that?" "It's written on the licence, so it must be true." "Acting smart." "No surname?" "No." "What about father's name?" " I don't have a father." "Is he dead?" "I don't know." "Is he your father or not?" "Forget it, uncle." "Please." "He has no parents." "He was raised in an orphanage." "He's an orphan." "Is that so?" " Yes." "Is that so?" "Son, you should've said that before." "You're an orphan and I've no children." "Surprising." " Surprising, right?" "Our stories are similar." "All units alert!" "There's been a car theft." "Red Vento, no." "DL-03-AM-9131." "Get going." " All alert!" "Stolen car, Red Vento, no." "DL-03-AM-9131." "Rascal, stop the car." "Stop at the side." "Are you deaf?" "I said stop the car." "Stop the car." "Trying to escape with a stolen car." "You don't know how to drive." "Come on." " Where?" " Turn around." "Turn around." "You bumped the car." "Right, right." "Stolen car, Red Vento, no." "DL-03-AM-9131." "Stop." "Stop." "Stop." "The stolen car." "That's the stolen car." "Back." "Back." "Back." "Stop." "Where are you running to?" "Catch him." "Stop." "Stop the car." "Get off." "Why you.." "You'll get us killed." "Corner him." "Corner him." "What are you doing?" "Getting romantic." " Shut up." "Follow the car." "Take that." "Take that." "Move aside." "They're speeding towards South Block from India Gate." "Send backup." "Drive faster." " l am driving fast." "This isn't a Mercedes." "Move!" "Foolish woman." "Catch them all." "Rascals, drinking and driving." "Arrest them." "The rascal escaped." "He ran away." "Babli." ""You were born nude."" ""So what are you ashamed of?"" ""No mom, dad or faith."" ""Stern with the wisecracks."" ""Soft with the innocent."" ""Just fun all the time, just fun."" ""Come show everyone, be.."" ""Open your heart, stick out your chest, be.."" ""Come show everyone, be shameless."" ""Open your heart, stick out your chest, be shameless."" ""Come sway to the beat, be shameless."" ""Open your heart, stick out your chest, be shameless."" ""We're unscrupulous."" ""We're the devils."" ""We get high and shout shameless."" ""We're unscrupulous."" ""We're the devils."" ""We get high and shout shameless."" ""We do all our deeds."" ""Without caring about the price."" ""We never break a promise."" ""We start it and only we end it."" ""We'll break all your illusions."" ""Come show everyone, be shameless."" ""Open your heart, stick out your chest, be shameless."" ""Come sway to the beat, be shameless."" ""Open your heart, stick out your chest, be shameless."" ""Radical!" "Radical!"" ""Locking horns is in my blood."" ""Abnormal!" "Abnormal!"" ""l'il give everyone a run for their money."" ""My gait's unique."" ""lt makes everyone go crazy."" ""Every time I rock my legs."" ""l make the world rock with me."" ""We're romantic at heart."" "'We dazzle you with our moves."" ""First we try to cajole with love."" ""Otherwise we declare war."" ""Anyone we point at, gets drawn to me."" ""ifwe hurt anyone, we also soothe his pain."" ""We'll snatch you.."" ""We'll snatch you from yourself."" ""Open your heart, stick out your chest, be shameless."" ""Come sway to the beat, be shameless."" ""Open your heart, stick out your chest, be shameless."" ""We're unscrupulous."" ""We're the devils."" ""We get high and shout shameless."" ""We're unscrupulous."" ""We're the devils."" ""We get high and shout shameless."" "Wow!" "It's our new car, ma'am." "Mercedes benz A-Class." "It's hot." "I love it." "Maybe your next car!" "But the one you bought, B-Class, isn't bad either." "That's true." "Your lease agreement papers are ready, ma'am." "Let's go then." "Thank you." "Congratuiations, ma'am." " Thank you." "I'm gonna get you, guys." "Slow down, dear." " Why, mom?" "We're riding a Mercedes!" "Quiet!" "Slow down!" "Hold on!" "Hold on!" "Hold on!" "That's called driving." "And people say women can't drive." "They're absolutely right." " Mom." "You can't walk properly, thank God I bought a car." "This isn't a car." "It's a short-cut to suicide." "Oh my!" "Just wasting money." "You could've bought a scooter." "Don't you get it?" "It's my classmate's wedding." "The entire batch is going to be there." "Trying to teach me!" "They all come in expensive cars, mom." "Imported ones." "I was the star of my college." "You think I'li go on a scooter?" "We need to show-off a little." "Giris shouldn't show-offtoo much." "What's this?" " What?" "Mom." " Try not showing off so much." "Why don't you get married too?" "With whom?" "I need a proper groom." "Do you want me to find one?" " Forget it." "You'll just bring another clerk or accountant.." "..like you did the last time." "Tara." "Your father was an accountant as weil." "But he loved me as much." "Mom, you just don't get it." "I want class." "Class." "Status." "Respect." "Position." "Sense of humour." "You want Rahul Gandhi." " Why not?" "He's cute." "Pardon me." "You can find one yourself." "I told you." "Not again." "Master." " You're here." "Tilu, did you shit again?" "My child." "That's 50000, master." "You can count them." " I see." "You give all your earnings to us." "Save some foryourseif, son." "What will I do with money?" "You're there for me." "Now change my underpants." "Naughty!" "Come on." "Stop him." "Get the ball." "Get the ball." "Stop him." "Get the ball." "So, Pele, you're sc***d." "Come on, handover the lollypop." "Come on..." "Babli." "You're bound to get hurt while playing." "Babli." "How long will you father these children alone?" "They need a motherto look afterthem." "What ifthey all grow up to be thieves like you?" "Babli." "How's this?" "Surprising." "T2." " Yes." "Look." "Fine." "Let's jack that one." "Not the car, look at the driver." "The driver's hot." "Not a single dent ali over the body." "Mind your language." "She's your sister-in-law." "Hello, madam." "Your money." "No, it's not mine." "I see." "They're not mine either." "Let's share them equally." "It doesn't belong to anyone." "By the way, what's your name?" "You forgot my name so soon?" "Then surely you don't remember" "..my phone number and address either." "Look, mister." "Whoever you are." "This way of asking someone's name.." "..through fallen notes is very old." "And this hotel's security.." "..is absolutely fresh from the gym." "One call and they'li come here to show their efficiency." "I think you're upset, beautiful." "No." "Actually, my friend's getting married.." "..so i am very happy." "But you better get lost." "I could get upset any moment now." "Get it." "By the way, thanks for the compliment." "Men in Black." "She's Mission Impossible." "You can't win over her!" "Want to bet?" "Here you go." "I lose." "Now get to work." "I want this sister-in-iaw." ""Ali the boys in my neighbourhood.."" ""..stare at me from theirwindows."" ""All the boys in my neighbourhood stare at me from their windows."" ""But I fooled everyone and tossed my heart to you."" ""l lost my heart in your lane."" ""Don't lie, no one stares at you."" ""Whom do you fool and keep saying?"" ""l lost my heart in your lane."" ""We're kings of our will."" ""Stealing a heart is easy for us."" ""My gait's unique."" ""lt'lI take you a lifetime, to win over me."" ""Better get it done, get the entry ofyour heart done."" ""Take my signature, I tossed my heart to you."" ""l lost my heart in your lane."" ""l lost it.."" ""I lost my heart, darling, in your lane."" ""I lost my heart, beauty, in your lane."" ""Youth is so brazen."" ""Once it passes away, never comes back."" ""Better get lost, you're such a liar."" ""There's no truth in your charade."" ""Come, Iet's take this relation further."" ""Let's play the game of love, come see me on the rooftop."" ""I lost my heart, darling, in your lane."" ""I lost my heart, beauty, in your lane."" ""All the boys in my neighbourhood stare at me from their windows."" ""Don't lie, no one stares at you."" ""Whom do you fool and keep saying?"" ""l lost my heart in your lane."" ""I lost my heart, darling, in your lane."" ""We're lovers, we'Il unite the hearts."" ""We'll leave you good for nothing."" ""You like a good struggle."" ""We're popularfor doing as we please."" ""l lost it.."" "What are you doing?" "What happened?" "Something pricked me." "Cell phone?" "Where did that come from?" "It's okay, T2." "Get some sleep." "Cell phone." "Your batteries are too charged these days." "It vibrates every morning." "Get married." "I can't handle your cell phone every morning." "Just because anyone doesn't say a thing.." "..he's spreading this filth around." "Are you done yet?" "Come out now." "Do you want to flush out your intestines?" "Let me finish, you witch." "You'ii develop piles." "You should start taking laxatives." " Shut up!" "Not piles, I'll die of heart-attack first." "Forget it." "You're thick-skinned." "You won't die so easily." "I wish you had died earlier.." "..then I could've remarried again." "At least I would've had a child." "Ifyou want a child, why don't you adopt one?" "You're always cussing me." "I'il kill you." "Oh my AK 47." "You can't sh*t properly, you think you can kill me." "Shut up I said." "Why do you humiliate me every day?" "To help build pressure, Chaudhary." "You know, every husband in this world.." "..start's sh***ing hearing their wife's name." "But why don't you?" "I'll show you.." "Just wait.." "I feel fresh, sweetheart." "You're my cure to every problem." "If it wasn't for your cussing, I could never sh*t in the morning." "I'm indebted to you." "Now go, get me hot breakfast." "I feel light as a feather." "feather" "Aunt." "Aunt, did you eat honey before you slept?" "You're looking so sweet." "Don't talk nonsense, Babli." "Fine, I've a request." "When you come back on the roofto take offyour clothes.." "..give me a miss call." "I'll come and take off mine as weIl." "Shut up, shameless." "You're a grownup now, don't you feel ashamed?" "Nonsense." "No manners. i'll beat you." "Let's go, T2." "How much longer will you take?" "I can't find my socks." "I can't wear shoes without my socks." "Here." "What's this?" "Padding." "The girl's do it." "Give's a good impression." "You can keep making a good impression." "I'll wear my shoes without socks." "Return my Rs.100." "How can you just find sister-in-law?" "You don't know her name either." "Beauty!" "That's her name." "Beauty!" "And what's her surname?" "Parlour?" "Beauty!" "Keep at it." "You'ii definitely find her on Google." "Mister." "How much for jackfruit?" "Rs. 200 a kilo." "Fine, 150 for you." "What the.." "What happened, aunt?" "Rascal!" "You made her faint with your increased prices.." "..and tore my shirt." "Sir.." " Take that." " What did I do?" "hello." "Aunt." "Get up, aunt." "We'll pay for the stuff." "You fool, give me a hand." "Come on." "That's my home, son." "Stop." "Stop." "Stop, son." "This?" " Yes." "I can't open this door, son." "Is it broken?" "Oh, God!" "My back's broken." " Slowly, aunt." "Slowiy." "Come back soon." " Yeah, sit tight." "I wish God had given me a son like you." "Not possible at this age, aunt." "But you can get a son-in-law." "Do you have a daughter?" "Low-life." "Come, son." "Keep it on the table." "Tara." "Tara." " Coming, mom." "My knees." "You?" " You!" "The one i searched for everywhere.." "..was actually at the back of my torn shirt." "What are you doing here?" " I'lI tell you." "To get my buttons stitched." " This is not a taiior-shop." "You have no manners." "Like you do." " I.." "Walking in a house filled with ladies.." "..with an unbuttoned shirt." " But I.." "Where else do you want me to go?" " Your mom tore my shirt.." "Shut up!" "Why would my mom tear your clothes at this age?" "Quiet!" "Let me tell you." "I went to the market." "It was really hot." "I felt dizzy and was falling down." "My hand got stuck in his shirt." "And all the buttons of this poor boy's shirt broke." "And he's such a decent guy, he brought me home." "Instead of showing some hospitality.." "..you're rebuking him." "Right, aunt, this isn't correct." "Shall I take off my shirt, or.." "..will you stitch it while i'm wearing it?" "You're so hairy!" "Keep your shirt here." "I'll get it fixed in a day or two." "How am I looking?" "What's wrong, aunt?" "feeling dizzy again?" "It reminded me of her papa." "He looked handsome just like you in this shirt." "Doesn't he look handsome anymore?" "He's dead." "It's one of his old shirts." "Sorry, aunt. I didn't know." "No need to show sympathy." "Now get lost." "You're so hot." "You spit fire." "Okay, bye." "See you, aunt." " Biess you, son." "Do come again." " I will.." "Not..." "Can I say something, beauty?" "I really like hot dames?" "Wiil you go to the disco with me?" "Shameless." ""Beils...are ringing in my ears."" ""It was love at first sight."" ""I couldn't believe my eyes."" ""I was gripped by fever."" ""My heartjumped out."" ""First the girl...got angry."" ""She asked what are you doing here?"" ""I said I'm so lucky."" ""The one who brought me here is your mom."" ""What the.."" ""We looked everywhere for her."" ""While she was here ail the time."" ""Her words were like a cup oftea."" ""Sweet and hot."" ""Like onion fritters, seasoned with chilly."" ""She stormed with anger and threatened me."" ""But i didn't budge."" ""I kissed her cheeks."" ""And her heart melted."" ""Don't lie." "You kissed her?"" ""Of course I am." "After all I'm the hero."" ""Yes, that you are."" ""What next?" " Tune Change."" ""What the.."" ""She was standing, so was i."" ""And she bumped into me."" ""She came close, held my hands."" ""And shied away."" ""She affectionately helped me wear my shirt."" ""When she touched me, it tickled my heart."" ""She even changed your shirt."" ""You're on.."" ""She hugged me." "I felt a shock."" ""My heart started singing Do Re Mi.."" ""She slowly whispered in my ears."" ""Where were you until now?"" ""I fell down, got unconscious."" ""And felt the cool breeze of love."" ""Beils...are ringing in my ears."" ""It was love at first sight."" ""I couldn't believe my eyes."" ""I was gripped by fever."" ""My heartjumped out."" ""The heartjumped."" ""The heart raced."" ""My heart swayed."" ""My heartjumped, swayed, it raced."" "Yes, sir." "Don't sit like that." "Sir's coming." "Sir's coming, get up." "Get up I said." "It's clean." " Shut up!" "Sir's here." "Who are you?" "T2." "Terminator 2!" "I see." "So who's Terminator 1?" " At your service, mister." "The name's Babli." "Babli!" "Oh yes!" "I've heard a lot about you." "He's Mr. Bheem Singh Chandel." "His business in Chandigarh is money laundering." "He needs jacked cars." "Wiil you do thejob?" "Payment, no life-threat." "Money in advance." "Right, sir?" "Have some sweet." "Suck on this." "Yes." "The deal's done." "Just tell us the car model." "When someone's clapping with two hands.." "..you should never put your face in between." "It can be disastrous." "Sorry." "What if I runaway with your money?" "We'll find you." "Oh!" "Is that real?" " What do you think?" "T2." "Gun!" "Have you lost your mind?" "What are you doing?" "Fan-tastic!" "It's real." "I do myjob with love, not violence." "But you can keep this." "I'll keep this." "Remember one thing." "Once i make a deal," "I nevertake my money back." "I don't return it either." "This isn't a loan." "It's a deal." "It's a deal." "It's a deal." "Come on, get to work." "But gently." "Now go on..." "All the best." " Thank you." "T2." " Hmmm." "Get rid of him." " Who?" "Where?" "Him." "It'sjust a dog." "You were acting so tough in front of Chandei." "Now you're scared of a dog." "Every man's scared of someone." "Get rid of him." "Shoo." "Bioody dog." "You're such a coward." "Sit down." "Sit where?" "Yes." "Give him a shave." "What?" "But looks like he's already had a shave." "Then do it again." "Come on." "That will be 200." "I'll pay 500." "But not here." " Then?" "She won't come on the balcony." "She's gone to her office." "How do you know?" "Everyone knows about Tara Sharma, sir." "There'sjust one beautiful girl in this neighbourhood." "Talk with respect." "She's your sister-in-law." " No need to get furious." "Everyone comes to my shop to stare at her." "That's okay." "Give me her office address." "That will be 1000." "I'm telling you, you cannot go inside." "How about now?" "You're trying to bribe me?" "Now?" "This isn't a joke." "Now?" "I.." "Sir...we can't allow you without permission." "Now?" "Will you wrap up everything in 15 minutes?" "Make my visitor's card." "Babli." "BabIi." "Madam." "Tara Sharma." " It's there." "Hi." "You?" "Wow." "Can you see the Qutub Minar?" "How did you come in?" " Through the door." "Your shirt's at home." "I'll collect it later." "Right now, I want to tell you something." " What?" "I love you!" " What?" "I swear on mother." "Although, I've never seen my mother." "But since I saw you.." "..you're the only one I've been thinking about." "And today I'm going to express my feelings here." "You have one minute." "That's enough." "Yourtime starts now." "My name's Babii." "It's a bit strange, but that's it." "I don't have any parents, so no surname." "I was raised in Jai Hind Orphanage." "i studied till 8th Grade, but don't remember a thing." "But I'm the best mechanic." "A-1." "Till now I just loved one person." "Myself." "But now I will love you too." "And i'll shower all my love on you." "Until you don't say stop." "I live with T2." "He's a cute boy." "Our orphanage's really big." "We can live their comfortably after we're married." "We can cook together, otherwise there's Masterji." "I want two kids." "One like you and other handsome like me." "Their names will be Rekha and Amitabh." "They're my favourites." "After that, I'll.." "Enough." "Aren't you getting a little vulgar?" "I'il be right back." "Two minutes." "Security." "This is manager Tara Sharma speaking." "Come to the 8th floor, now!" "Hey, guys, listen up." "Gather around." "Come here." "Let me introduce you." "His name's Babli." "He's an orphan, so he has no surname either." "Right?" "He couldn't pass 8th grade." "And he's here proposing marriage to me." "You know, he's even decided.." "..the names of our children." "Madam." "What's wrong, madam?" "Who do you think you are?" "Have you ever seen yourself in the mirror?" "You look like a manner less idiot." "What did you think?" "You'ii say "i Love You" and I'll be floored?" "How dare you?" "Security." "Throw him out right now." "Just get him out." " Yes." " Get lost." "You humiliated my love." "But I'm still smiling." "Do you know why?" " Because you're shameless." "I am...what I am." "But you're still a kid." "Better grow up." "I want to spend my life with you." "Come on." "Move aside." " Come on." "Sir." "Sir, wait." "Keep this." "Why?" "Keep the money, you did yourjob." "Yes, but you were heart-broken." "I have no heart, only guts." "And it never breaks." "Keep the money." "You didn't pay heed to my advice." "She humiliated you, didn't she?" "Why ask when you know?" "How about we do some work?" "Or do we just go back home?" " No." "We've come this far.." "..we won't go back empty-handed." "Oh!" "Commitment!" "Babli." "Come here." "It's a brand new car." "You can still smell the fresh paint." "Let's take this one." "Otherwise it will get a tan under the hot sun." "Bye, guys." "My car." "My car was right here, the new red one." "Security!" "Now we'll head to Chandigarh." "Security!" "Here you go, chassis no." "Don't scare me." "No, ma'am." "We don't have your car." "I think you should go to the police station." "Sign here." "Is this the FIR?" "Ask him." "He's in-charge." "Sir, can I get a receipt of the FIR?" "Why?" " For the insurance." "You can'tjust file an FIR so easily, dear." "It takes time." "We'vejust made an entry into the register." "Now we'll investigate." "What?" "Investigate!" "Come here." "Keep seated, I'll be right back." " What?" "The girl's desperate." "Build some pressure on her." " Pressure." "She'll definitely agree to pay up 10-15000." "We'Il buy a microwave oven. 25 liters." "Shut up!" "She's in trouble." "We should help her." "And you're looking to make some quick dough." "You hog on 'biryani' all day." "I need some rest in the kitchen as weli." "You married me." "You couldn't give me a kid.." "..you could at least look after me." "You're so corrupt." "One day i'll suspend you." "Suspend!" " Just try." "You will have to live alone." "I'il move into my mom's home." "Mom?" "Witch!" "Always taking advantage because I'm a man." "Sir. ifyou conduct the investigation soon.." "..then maybe you can find my car." " Yes.." "Look, the police will put in their best efforts.." "..to find your car." " Yes." "But...you do something as well." "What?" "Do I have to tell you everything?" "Money!" "Are you asking for bribe?" "I want my car back?" " Yes.." "You're getting furious for no reason." "The police can only try." "Whether you get your car back or not.." "..depends on the one who stole it." "Right?" " Yes, sir." "Right, Bhagat Singh." " Yes, sir." "Yes, sir." "See, everyone agrees." "Good for nothing!" "No need to get too romantic." "I see." "So you're on strike today." "What else do you expect me to do?" "Move." "You sound so angry." "What's wrong?" "As if you don't know." "You blackmail me into doing ali the wrong things." "She was such a sweet girl." "I wonder what she might be thinking about me.." "..that what a corrupt officer i am." "You maligned my reputation." "You're such a fool." "You're reputation isn't going to earn you anything." "I only say it foryour own interest." "You're healthy now." "Tomorrow when you retire, ifyou fall sick.." "..won't we need money to look after you?" "We don't have any children anyway." "Again about the children." "You humiliate my manliness intentionally." "Let's get tested and find out who's incompetent." "Why should I get tested?" "I'm 53 years old." "At this age women go through menopause." "Don't try to teach me." "Men have menopause." "How can women get it?" " Want to bet?" "Googie it." "Vicky Donor?" "But 'Menopause' has Men.." "No, no, let's settle this first." "Either you get yourself tested or adopt a child." "I'm fed up of listening to your taunts." "Get in bed first, your highness, you'ii feel better." "No, no, no." "We've to take this decision first." "Yes." "Fine, we'll adopt a kid." "Don't get upset." "Now climb in." "Really, dear." "You'll adopt a kid." "Swear on me." "I want a son." " No, daughter." "Son." " Daughter." "Don't bargain with me." "I want a son." " Done." "Now give me a tight hug." "Come on." ""As the soap slips on my hot body."" ""The heart craves for young lass."" ""The cold water feels so thrilling."" ""Shamelessness drips from the eyes, the lips."" "'Because you're shameless.'" "Hi." "Uncle's shirt." "Babli." "How are you?" "Wonderfui, aunt." "For me?" "Bless you, son." "Aunt." "It feels so remorse in here." "I can sense sadness in the air!" "Her car's been stolen, son." " When?" "Last week." "It was parked right outside her office." "Brand new Mercedes." "She spent all her earnings to buy the car." "Someone stole it." "And, mom." "Why don't you just announce it to the world?" "This is no charade." "She's just telling me." " What do you care?" "Take your shirt and get out." "Just get out." " Tara." "Tara, listen." "Son, you better leave." "It's not yourfault." "But ifyou stay here she won't stop crying." "Please go..." "Once we're rich, we'll buy silverwrenches." "Bro." "BabIi." "I'm talking to you." "Are you deaf?" "T2." " Yes." "How many cars have we stolen until now?" "20 big ones, 5 small ones, 2 imported." "Why?" "You want to pay their taxes?" "Have you ever thought about those.." "..whose car gets stolen?" "What else?" "He gets insurance, we get the car." "Tit for tat." "The last car we stole." " Yes." "That was Tara's car." "What?" "How do you know?" "Her mother told me." "Fine." "At least we taught them a lesson." "The consequences oftroubiing my Babii." "No, T2." "That girl's my love." "I love her." "I saw her crying today, it really hurt." "But you don't have a heart, only guts." "But it still pains." "People built Taj Mahal to mark their love." "Can't I return her car?" "The car's been sold, bro." "It's parked in Chandigarh, refurbished like new." "So what?" "If a stolen car can get to Chandigarh.." "..then it can come back too." "Steal again?" "Why do you buy white bread?" "You should buy brown bread." " it's okay." "What's so great about brown bread?" "You've been eating white bread since you were a kid." "Hi." "Mom, walk faster." " Hi, aunt." " I'm walking faster." "I can't gallop like a horse." "BabIi." "hello, aunt." "Let me carry that." " No need." "And stop following me." "Get that?" "I wasn't following you, madam." "I just walked up to you from the front." " Yes." "Did I ask for help?" " Did I help you?" "I'm talking to aunt." " He's just helping." "i hate you, mom." " She's upset again." "I'il lighten her mood." "Tara, your car's in Chandigarh." "See." "Didn't I tell you?" "Your really charming, son." " Thank you, aunt." "Is this a joke?" " No." "I swear on your mom." "Your car's in Chandigarh, Tara." "Come with me, and i can get it back." "But, son." "How do you know.." "..the car's in Chandigarh?" "I investigated." "I've connections, aunt." "What connections?" "Didn't I tell you, I'm a car mechanic?" "Car...mechanic, thieves, spare-part dealers.." "..they're all connected." "We know everything." "Why can't the police find out?" "Police?" "You expect the thieves to be the protectors?" "They get a heavy commission." "Why will they find your car?" "They are ali corrupt, aunt." " Right." "Why do i believe you?" " Don't." "You'ii definitely get insurance." "Right, aunt." " But.." "I just wanted to do a good deed." "I learnt this when I was a kid." "We always have to face opposite ofwhat we do." "Do good and good things will happen to you." "Show compassion and people will remember you." "That means, good equals good." "Compassion equals reminiscence." "Get that, beauty." "Why do you want to help me?" "I can't say that in aunt's presence." "Shameless." "Mom, Iet's go." "Let's go." "I don't want to talk to him." "Tara." "Go to Chandigarh." "There's no harm in trying." "Cars get stolen all the time, mom." "They aren't found so easily." "But you are getting yours back." "What if he rapes me?" " Shut up." "Don't talk nonsense!" "I'm your mom." "I've years of experience." "My heart says Babli's naughty.." "..but he's not bad at heart." "Take the name of God and go with him." "Yes." "Happy birthday to us!" "Happy birthday to all of us!" "Happy birthday to us!" "It's nice." " Come on, start eating." "Here you go, cake." " Wow!" "Wow!" " Today is my happy birthday." "Whose?" " All of us." "We were raised in an orphanage." "Fatherless and lonely." "No one knows when their birthday is." "So we celebrate it on the same day." "Eat it." " So sweet." "Happy birthday." " Take a bite." " Taste it." "That's it." "You see, son." "I'm on a diet." "God bless your figure, aunt." "You're looking so sweet, I want to marry you." "What do you say?" " shameless." "Thank you, aunt." "T2." " Yes." "Is shameless a bad word?" " No." "It's a compliment." "Hello." " Tara Sharma speaking." "I'm ready to go to Chandigarh." "Can you come home tomorrow at 11 o'clock?" "BabIi." "hello." "What's wrong with him?" "Hey, Sleeping beauty!" "Hi." "Are we traveling in this open jeep?" " Yes." "We both are going to drive." "Taking turns." "Couidn't we take a bus?" "No, that's below my standard." "Hello, aunt." " Biess you, son." "For you." " Thank you." "Best of luck to you, go." "Lollypop?" "Take it." "It's anti-boring." "Look, Babli." "i know you're going out ofyour way to help me." "But better tell me if you want something in return." "From you?" " Yes." "What can you give a handsome hunk like me?" "A tight slap." "Mind your manners." "I won't be fooled by you." "You're in my car." "When will you come in my arms?" "Know your stature?" " Why?" "What's wrong?" "I've a nice job. I don't beg." "Mechanic." "Mechanics are doctors." "Doctors of cars." "Poiiticians, ministers, fiim-stars, businessmen." "I treat everyone's car." "I just don't have a glass office like you do." "So what?" "No reputation either." " Who needs that?" "In my line ofwork, you need only two things." "Courage and talent." "And i've both." "You're so arrogant about yourjob, aren't you?" "Why do you hate myjob so much?" "Fine." "Marry me." "I'll change my entire life for you." "So, will you?" "Keep your eyes on the road." "Shameless." ""When I saw you, I realized sweetheart."" ""That love's crazy."" "Tara." "What the.." "What are you doing here?" "Staring at you." "Why?" "I've been slogging since morning.." "..while you're comfortably snoring away." "Come on." "Change seats." "You were sleepy, weren't you?" "Not anymore." "Look ahead." "That's where I'm looking." "What a view." "I think honey runs through your veins, not blood." "You're so beautiful." "Like ca...shew!" "There, I got permission to see." "Your name should've been 'Shameless'." " Done." "You're Tara Sharma, and I'm Babii Besharam." "Good." "But someday every girl.." "..has to take on her husband's name." "You're a Sharma until now." "Now you'll be 'Besharam'." "Put on your glasses." "If i see your eyes again, I'll crash this car." ""How do I convey the condition of my heart?"" ""Do i tell you...or keep it to myself, what do I do?"" ""Your heart's so helpless."" ""It's shameless, doesn't pay heed."" ""It's good for nothing."" ""You make my heart restless."" ""Why do I love you?"" ""How do I convey the condition of my heart?"" ""Do i tell you...or keep it to myself, what do I do?"" ""Your heart's so helpless."" ""It's shameless, doesn't pay heed."" ""It's good for nothing."" ""You make my heart restless."" ""Why do I love you?"" ""I wonderwhy your heart's...in love with me?"" ""There are others waiting...in the line."" ""I can't stop my heart, no matter how much i try."" ""I try to scare it, but it pays no heed."" ""It's completely floored by you."" ""Try to think something new."" ""Say something new."" ""You make my heart restless."" ""Why do I love you?"" ""You make my heart restless."" ""Why do I love you?"" "Tara." "Tara, your car." "Your car." "That's not mine." "My number plate's of Delhi." "The number plate's been changed." "Stop the car." "How do you know?" "I changed the number, wouldn't I know?" "Stop the car." "What the.." "Tara, control." "You stole my car?" "I hope you don't mind sharing a bed with me." "How dare you?" " No need to sulk." "I'm justjoking." "My room's different." "Be honest, Babli." "How many cars have you stolen till now?" "Honesty can't give you a square meal, madam." "It does to me." "Just tell me." "No." "You can't bear you." "Aren't you ashamed?" " You call me shameless." "Babli, I'm being serious." " l'm serious as weil, Tara." "Who are you to point a finger at me?" "Just because you make more money.." "..and studied in an English college.." "..you think you can judge me?" "What's the point in knowing, what I did and why?" "Whatever I did, I couldn't tell right from wrong." "i had no parents or family to teach me." "What did you want me to do for earning a square meal?" "Don't i have a right to live?" "So you resorted to stealing." "It was desperate times." "But I didn't do it to become rich." "I stole cars only to satiate my hunger." "Mine and other orphans like me.." "..whose parents leave them to die." "I did what i thought was right." "Nothing can ever justify any wrong deed." "Did you ever think about that?" "That's why I am in love with you, Tara." "You're the only one who's showing me the right path." "I want to leave everything for you." "Turn into a descent man." "Wiil you give me a chance?" ""I wonder why every happiness.."" ""..now seems incomplete?"" "Hi." ""Why didn't i realise, you were missing in my life?"" "I love you." ""Yes, I do." "Yes, I do."" ""You touched my heart, with your love."" ""It's you." "Only you."" "Marry me." "I can change my entire life for you." ""It's you." "Only you."" ""What I thought was sadness, now seems bliss."" "He's naughty, but good at heart." ""You should've said it, because i couldn't say it."" ""Yes, I do." "Yes, I do."" ""You touched my heart, with your love."" ""It's you." "Only you."" ""Come, give me a hug."" ""Let's erase this distance."" ""Don't make me yearn any longer."" ""O shameless, don't be shy."" ""My heart's fallen for you."" ""Beloved."" ""You touched my heart, with your love."" ""It's you." "Only you."" "Bheem Singh Chandel." "Chandigarh's Money Laundering mafia King." "He's a powerful guy." "And you...will steal my car back wearing this suit?" "Ali the successful thieves in the world wear a suit." "Those who don't get apprehended." "You look nice in these clothes." "Some things are more valuable than clothes." "But you won't understand." "BabIi." "Will you come back?" "I'il be waiting." "hello." "Where to?" "Chandel sir." "The minister's sent a parcel." "There in the office." "Hey." "Where are you going?" "Hey." "Catch him!" "Why you.." "Hey!" "Get down, you.." "Catch the rascal." "Who are you?" "Your pant." " i see." "Go, Rambo." "Hey!" "Troubling a girl." "Charge.." "He isn't here." "I think he's blown-up." " He can'tjust blow-up." "Find him." "Look." "Slowly." "Siowiy." "I tried to stop you." "Stop being James Bond." "I wouldn't have tried.." "..ifyou girls didn't like James Bond." "I didn't know dogs like him as weIl." "James Bond always does his job." "He doesn't runaway like you do." "Hello, madam." "I'm a thief, not a butcher." "Dogs have a soul too." "And anyway, I went there to get your car." "What happened?" "Look, Babli." "You don't have to take this risk for getting the car." "If something happens to you, then.." "Then?" "Suicide cancel." "It's not much ofwork.." "..but I'll have to get it cleaned from inside." "No problem." "Deliver the car by evening." " Yes." "The boss is in a bad mood." " Fine. it'li be done." "Jogi." "Give him the keys." "Thank you." "Let's go." "Hello." " Bhure, business looks good." "You're working on expensive cars." "BabIi, where are you?" "Don't look here and there." "Look in the direction of your heart, straight." "Babli." " Yes." "I'm taking the car back." "We can do this the easy way, or else.." "What the.." "There's no place for violence in our business." "It runs in a peaceful manner." "And, I haven't harmed you in anyway." "Try to understand." "If i give you this car, Chandei will kill me." "Ifyou don't, I wiil kill you." "But why?" "I give you business." "I'm...the chicken that lays the golden eggs for you." "Dead chicken is more profitable these days." "Ask how?" " How?" "Live chicken, Rs. 100.." "And 'Tandoori' chicken.." " 300." "So?" "Now you decide, what you prefer?" "Bro." "You're the frying pan, and Chandei's the fire." "Look, ifthe car's stolen from my place.." "..then Chandel will kill me brutally." "Try to understand." "I've small kids." "They will be orphaned." "Let them grow up first." "What are you doing?" "If I steal the car from somewhere else.." "..will it still be a problem?" " What?" "If I steal the car from somewhere else.." "..will it still be a problem?" " No problem." "Just let me return the car to Chandei." "My dear, I'm clear." "Fine." "Make me a duplicate key." "And your kids won't be orphaned." "Thank you." " Get lost." "That's the key to myjeep." "It's banged up, but not stolen." " Okay." "Get it repaired and deliver it to Delhi." " Okay." "We'll settle it there." "Sir, I've repaired the car." "The windscreen's original." "Sir, keys." "They're coming." "Come on." "Come in, when I call you." "Ok." "We'll jack the car as soon as that oaf moves." "He won't budge we'li have to make him." "Hi." "Aren't you Timmy?" "Mr. Chandel's right-hand." "You're just like I heard." "What do you want?" "What does a beautiful woman.." "..want from a handsome hunk like you?" "What?" "Protection, Tommy." "Protection." "Where did you get that strength from?" "Great, isn't it?" "It'lI come in handy once we're married." "Shut up!" "Open the car." "Yes!" "What happened?" "Shocked." " That's okay." "I'm really happy today." "I can definitely give you one shock." "Do it again." " What?" "That thing you just did now." "It felt so familiar." "Please." "Puncture." "What the.." "Tara." "Bhura!" "Sir, you." "On a scooter?" "What now?" " What else?" "Tyre change, start the car." "Straight to Delhi." "And the money?" " It's black money." "Now they're ours." "We can donate it to the orphanage." "Taiking like a thief again." "Hey, I didn't steal it." "It's a blessing from God." "Consider it a wedding gift." "Don't keep looking for opportunities.." "..like a lowly-guy." "Get it." "Fine, sorry." "We'll throw it away." " No!" "We'll take it to the police." " Very good." "You should've been the Prime Minister ofthis country." "You can definitely eradicate corruption." "You even smell of honesty." "Get up." "Get up." "Rascal." "Get up." "One more." "Where's my money, Bhura?" "Sir, what money?" "I don't know what you're saying." "No, no, no.." "The car you sold me has been stolen." "What?" " l'm sure you know that." "The car's been stolen." "I really don't know." " i see." "Well, that's okay." "You don't know." "It was a stolen car, it got stolen again." "But there was money in the trunk ofthe car." "Where's the money, Bhura?" "I really don't know, sir." "I didn't steal your car." " I know you didn't." "Bhura." "You really have the nerve." "Your friends who stole the car.." "..they were such fools to leave the scooter behind." "I called the RTO." "Do you know who the scooter belongs to?" " Who?" "It's stolen." "And...there's just one stolen car dealer in town." "You!" "Now.." "Hello." " Bhura." "Babli speaking." "All okay?" "Yes." "Where are you, Babli?" "I'm on my way." "I found the car, so I wanted to thank you." "And repay your favour too." "You're my friend after all." "How?" "How?" "How?" "I found a bag filled with notes in the car." "Consider it your return gift." "Come back." "There's no reverse gear in my life." "Once i'm on my way, I never turn back." "Ifyou want the money, come to Delhi." "And listen, come soon." "The bag's really heavy." " Babli.." "hello." "Out of network." ""Sweetheart, take offthose glasses."" ""Look into...my eyes."" ""Sweetheart, take offthose glasses."" ""Look into...my eyes."" ""Without you I'll always be a bachelor."" ""Without you I'll always be a bachelor."" ""Go away, go away."" ""Go take a look at yourself in the mirror."" ""Don't try to fool me."" ""Go take a look at yourself in the mirror."" ""Don't try to fool me."" ""Come on." "Come to me."" ""Don't show attitude."" ""Go away."" ""Try your luck with someone else."" ""Without you I'll always be a bachelor."" ""Without you I'll always be a bachelor."" ""Go away, go away."" ""Go take a look at yourself in the mirror."" ""Don't try to fool me."" ""Go away, go away."" ""Go take a look at yourself in the mirror."" ""Don't try to fool me."" ""Hey girl, you're so lovely."" ""Your gait's such bomb."" ""Hey Romeo, don't be fooled."" ""My gaits also explosive."" ""Since I lost my heart, luck has shined on me."" ""Go away, don't come after me."" ""Why...why...why do you whistle?"" ""My heart's racing like an engine."" ""Why...why...why do you whistle?"" ""My heart's racing like an engine."" ""Go away, go away."" ""Don't break the signal."" ""Hit the brakes, stop right there."" ""Go away, go away."" ""Don't break the signal."" ""Hit the brakes, stop right there."" ""Take a peak in my heart."" ""You will find your image."" ""You can play with my emotions all you want."" ""But you will definitely say 'I love you' in the end."" ""I'm the star, this is my film."" ""I'm going to marry you."" ""Go away, your dreams will never come true."" ""You tried, but couldn't find one."" ""There's no one like me."" ""Get lost, don't try to trick me."" ""Without you I'il always be a bachelor."" ""Without you I'll always be a bachelor."" ""Go away, go away."" ""Go take a look at yourself in the mirror.." "Don't try to fool me."" ""Go away, go away."" ""Go take a look at yourself in the mirror."" ""Don't try to fool me."" ""Come on." "Come to me."" ""Don't show attitude."" ""Go away."" ""Try your luck with someone else."" "How was it?" " Uncie." "You've grown old, but you still sing kiddy songs." "I...the heart's still young, son." "Don't you know any patriotic song?" "Like 'Sare Jahan Se Achcha'?" "He knows 'Chikni Chameii'." " Yes." "Right." "Show him." "Is this what they teach you in police?" "I don't want to be your son." "Don't get angry, son." "Don't get angry." "We'll learn what they teach in television." "Isn't that right, Warden?" "What can I say?" "It's the rule." "You can adopt Bablu only if he gives consent." "We don't force children." "Not at all." "Say yes, son." "I'll get you admitted in the police force." "IPS officer." "I don't want to be an officer." "I want to be a mechanic." "Mechanic?" " Yes." "Like brother Babli." "Babli?" " Yes, Babli." "He's one ofthe kids." "He's an excellent mechanic." "He's been blessed by the Lord." "He lives with us, right here." "I see." "See." "We're home." "Come on." "How are you, Aslam?" "T2." "Come on." "Run along." "Come in." "Consider it your own home." "Stupid." "Get lost." "That's my room." " Shut up." "My mattress is full of springs." "Gives out a great sound." "Yes?" "Who are you?" "Yourfather." "Inspector Chuibui Chautala." "And she's your mother." "Head Constable Bulbul Chautala." "You forgot your kin really soon, Babli." "Want a slap?" "You can tell your tale at the station." "So it's this car." " Sir, I've stopped stealing." "Where did you get this car from?" "Did your father gift it to you?" "Sir, this was my carthat was stolen." "You're coming along to the station as weli." "The police couldn't find your stolen car.." "..then how did you find it?" " Correct." "Absoluteiy correct." " Get in." "Drive." "Move back." "Or I'll slap you." "Her car." "We'li see." "Straight to the station." "Wasn't that Babli in the car?" " Yes." "Is he offto somewhere?" "The police arrested him." "Where's Babli?" "Sir...the police just arrested Babli." "Chautaia sir." "Just wait and watch." "I've made a strong report." "He'il definitely be jailed for seven years." "Or my name isn't Chautaia." " Sir." "Wait and watch." "Chautala sir." " Stop yelling." "Ifyou swallow a mosquito, i'il charge you for murder." "Sir, please let him go." "He's turned to a new leaf." " No, he hasn't." "He's gotten worse." "He stole a stolen car." "He didn't do anything wrong." "You should thank him." "I came to you as well." "But being the police you don't do yourjob." "Instead you ask for bribe." "You should be ashamed." "You are so corrupt." "Teil me one thing." "Can't we end this corruption with something?" "How much?" "Enough to make us helpless.." "..and close your lover's file." "Money!" "ChuIbui." "Money!" "Money!" "Money!" "My Money!" "Money!" "What happened?" " Get lost." "Give your salutations and go home." "We managed to get you out with great difficulty." "Come on." "Thank you, sir." "Sir.." " Go on." "Let's get out before they change their mind." "Come on." "Let's go." "What did you do?" "They didn't let me go for free." "I gave them Chandel's money." "All of it?" " What do you care?" "You always ruin everything." "What will I tell Bhura?" "Make an excuse." "It wasn't his money." "You should be thankful that you got out." "You're no life-saver." "Oh no!" "Oh no!" "Oh no!" "I guess you want to go home now?" "Your mom must be waiting." "Go on then." "You got your car." "What else do you want?" "Go" "BabIi." "Won't you give me a hug?" "I'm sorry." "It took time for me to recognise you." "You're a nice man." "Goodnight." "BabIi." "One more thing." "I know I'm spoilt, bitter, stubborn." "I've attitude." "But I know how to love too." "I love you." "I was shying away till now." "Won't you make me shameless?" "T2, I.." " Didn't I tell you, BabIi?" "If you try to run with my money, I will find you." "Chandel." "Where's T2?" " Right here." "With us." "We're showing him our hospitality." "Listen." "Timmy." "I know he's in pain, I'm sure you're too." "Listen, let T2 go." "I.." "I will return your money." " Great." "Don't think too much." "Come meet me at the same place we met before." "And hurry up." "The other children from the orphanage are waiting here too." "Masterji!" "Bablu!" "Munna!" "Abdul." "Tilu." "Masterji!" "Bheem Singh Chandel was here." "He took T2 and the other children." "Did you steal his money?" "Return his money, son." "Or he'lI kill ali the children." "173, 174, 175, 176.." "I think it's more than 30 million in here." "Great going, Chautaia." "This is a big retirement bonus foryou." "Don't be crazy." " 177.." "You're 53 years old." " 178, 179.." "You can't endure all this happiness." "Go away, get some sleep." "180, 181.." " She's lost it." "182, 183, 184, 185, 186.." "What did you break?" "Down." "Down." "Who is it?" "Who is it?" " They'll beat you." "Come face me ifyou're a man." "Don't hide like a girl." "She heard it." "Why you.." "Come out.." "She has a gun." " Don't be scared." "Cover me." "Why did you leave this here?" "BabIi, I won't spare you." " First free yourself." "I'm a police officer." "You're a burden on this earth." "Let me go." "Ali that money's made you swell up." "You'ii rot in hell." "Don't insult me." "I'm inspector ChuIbul Chautala." "Shut up!" "Insult you." "Just because you're Chuibui.." "..doesn't exactly make you fearless." "You got to show courage for that." "I request you." "Let me go." " Fatty." "I'm not raping you." "Rascal." "Babli, i will scream." "Bulbul." "Let me go." "Try to understand." "This is a serious matter." " What?" "The children of my orphanage are in danger." "And it's all because ofyou and this money." "I'm going to do a good deed." "After that I'll earn an honest living." "Come on, bless me." "First, let me go." "Thank you." "Now don't scream." "Let me go." "BabIi." "You will never learn." "Once a thief, always a thief." "You're one too." "Thief." " Shut up." "Get in." "What have you done?" "Free him." "Otherwise i will shoot you." "Free him." "Untie me." " How dare you?" "Hurry up." "Untie me." "Untie me." " Chautaia." "Are you okay?" " Yes, yes." "Bravo." " Breathe." "Breathe." "Just like Baba Ramdev." "Rascal." "You almost killed my husband." "I will kill you." "Kili you." " Stop, Bulbul." "Stop." "Hand me the gun." "I'm the inspector." "Kill him." "You have humiliated me, Babli." "I will show you." "Now be honest." "Where are the children?" "Where are the children?" "Chandel abducted them." "He's the money-iaundering king of Chandigarh." "This money belongs to him." " Liar." "I swear on my mom." "But you don't have a mom." "Fine, I swear on you." "You're like my mom too." " No, no." "No, I don't believe him." "Chautala, don't get emotional." "He's playing with our emotions." "How can you ever be a mom?" "You don't care about those children?" "What are you doing?" "You believe him." " Shut up!" "I always let you influence me and do wrong things." "Your hungerfor money.." "BabIi." "Take the money." "ChuIbui." "Don't you believe me?" " Quiet." "I'm going with Babii." "I'm not listening to you." "You're pointing a gun at me." "So it's come to this now." "Am I not your kin?" "We'll settle this later." "It's time to save the children." "I'il go call control room, Babli." "You go." "What's this?" "I'il miss you, Chulbui." "Forgive me." "Take me along." "We're not going on a picnic." "It's been so long." "I never realised that I married a man." "For the first time you're going on a dangerous mission." "I want you to fight like a man." "Give me a good luck hug." "I'll show you what a man I am." "Come on." "Bulbul." "From here i'll have to go alone." "My Bluetooth's switched on." "I'll give a sign as soon as I get the kids." "This is my service weapon." "I'm handing it to you on my risk." "Keep it, it might come in handy." "I do myjob with love, not weapons." "Aren't you scared?" "They have weapons." "And i've your blessings." "Have faith." "I'il return victorious." "Go." "Where are the children?" "Walk straight." "Teli me, Timmy. i won't runaway." "He's with some Timmy." "Babli." " Babli." "Babli." "Babli." "Babli." " Move on.." "Move on.." "I see everyone." "But where's Chandei?" "Here." "10-15 men, everyone's carrying weapons." "But still, you're holding the children captive in the cabin above." "Show some humanity." "The children are in the top cabin." "Here's your money and car keys." "Won't you ask why i did it?" "What's the point?" "You made a mistake." "And in our business.." "..there's just one punishment for mistakes." "Death." "Don't i know?" "I watch movies too." "But what's the point." "You've the car and money." "Nowjust to satisfy your ego.." "..you will first kill me, then T2, then the kids." "Why commit this sin?" "You're a businessman, right?" "Think." "I'll advice you a new climax." "Let the kids go." "I'il be your slave." "Like Tommy." "The difference is you pay him." "But I'll make money for you." "I make 1-1.5 million a month." "My expenses are 50000." "The rest is yours." "1.5 million in a month." "So in a year that's.." "18 million." " Correct." "How much in five years?" "90 million." "And interest too." "Well done." "Oh no." " What happened?" "That Babli turned on us." "He joined hands with Chandel." "That's not true, sir." "BabIi's always kept his promise." "He will never do such a thing." "We'll know." "What are you thinking?" "I'm a talented guy." "My fingers are magical." "I can steal your stuff right below your eyes.." "..and you won't know." "Like...this." "Stop." "Stop." "Listen to me." "Stop." "This is your gun, Tommy." " What nonsense." "Check it." "Idiot." "Tommy, shoo." "I could've shot him." "But...i'm a romantic guy." "I don't like bloodshed." "I did this only to show my talent." "Sorry." "If i let the kids go and you runaway?" "You can kidnap me again." "Kill me." "Don't you see?" "These children are my life." "I wouldn't have come here in the first place." "Why?" "Think, sir." "Let the children go." "Great, Chandei sir." "Fantastic, sir." "For the first time in history.." "..hero and villain compromised." "And there was no climax." "Right." "Say it together children." "Glory to.." " Bheem Singh Chandel." "Everyone say.." "Giory to.." " Bheem Singh Chandel." "Say it together.." "Giory to.." " Bheem Singh Chandel." "Police?" "Take the kids." "Go up." "Come on." "Beware people." "Police gives you one chance." "Hand over.." "You dare trick me and call the police." "I will.." " l dint call police" "Fire!" "Get down." "Down!" "Come on." "BabIi." "Let's go." "Let's go." "T2." "Load the kids." "Get the kids out of here." " And you?" "I gave Chautala sir my word." "I can't leave him in danger." "Go on." " BabIi." "Let's go." "Rascal." "Corner them." "Buibui, run!" "You ruined everything, Chautala sir?" "Why did you have to barge in like Dharmendra?" "Quiet!" "You're playing a double game with us." "You were joining hands with Chandei." "I heard everything over the phone." "It was a lie, Chautala sir." "Otherwise why would i let you overhear it?" "i'm on your side, try to use your brains." "Stop." "Come out everyone and throw down your weapons." "Or this woman bites the dust." "Come on." "Hoid fire." "Hold." "Bulbul's my only wife." "What do I do?" "Give me the gun." " Why?" "Do you want to save her?" " Yes." "What will you do?" "Have you seen 'Sholay'?" "I will throw you at his knees.." "..and you throw dust in his eyes." " How?" "well done, Tommy." "You did great." "You've got the queen and I got the king." "If anyone fires now, the police will be the first to die." "Come out, everyone." "Come on." "Sir, ali okay?" "Throw down your weapons." "Do it." "Apologise to him." "What are you looking at?" "Shoot him." "Why you.." "Shoot him." "Sir, I think we're out of bullets." "Really?" "Charge!" "Wait." "I'm floored." "How did you suddenly turn into Sunny Deol?" "Hurry up." "We'll use this in our Maruti." "Rascals." "There he comes." "Throw stones at him." "Hit him." "I think he's seen 'Gadar' too many times." "Rip it." "Stop." "Let go." "Let go." "You dare hit an elderly woman." "I don't care." "Chautala madam." "Only cowards attack from the back." "How about a round with the father as well." "Take that!" "Are you okay, Bulbul?" " Babli." "Are you okay?" "Thank you for trusting me." "Here's the money." "What will we do with ail this money?" "You keep it." "it will help you in raising these kids." "Right?" "Don't you two want anything?" " We do." "We want you." "Take me tojaii." " Not thejaii." "We want to take you home." "Why?" "We want to adopt you." " Me." "Madam, i weigh 80 kilos." "You can't lift me in your arms now." "Don't act smart." "You can't refuse us." "No one showed you the right path sternly.." "..that's why you took this wrong path." "Today onwards, you've to stop all your shenanigans" "..because you're going to live with us." "That's your punishment." "Say yes." "Even your face matches with mom." "And ifthey arrest you.." "We'Il be lonely." "You don't get it, T2." "Chautala sir, I'm shameless." "I don't get time from having fun, dancing and singing." "I won't be able to adjust with you." "We'll adjust with you." "We'll be shameless." "You can...test us." "Fine." "Get ready." "Four...three...two.." ""It's nine o'ciock, we're ready."" ""With two pegs of booze down."" ""It's nine o'ciock, we're ready."" ""With two pegs of booze down."" ""Once you're high, you can't get down."" ""It's crazy."" ""Let's sway out of control."" ""Squander all the money you got."" ""We're as sweet as we're stubborn."" ""Let's raise our hands and sway."" ""Let's sway to the beat."" ""Let's raise our hands and sway."" ""You may be a star...but we're no novice either."" ""Let's raise our hands and sway."" ""Let's sway to the beat."" ""Let's raise our hands and sway."" ""This isn't the time to stop."" ""it's no crime to dance out of control."" ""Scream and shout and make a ruckus."" ""This isn't the time to stop."" ""it's no crime to dance out of control."" ""Scream and shout and make a ruckus."" ""Our hearts have united."" ""Our destination's one."" ""Hold my finger and adorn the ring."" ""Knock me out with your eyes."" ""Move to the beat without the rhythm."" ""We're rustic, as we're modern."" ""Let's raise our hands and sway."" ""Let's sway to the beat."" ""Let's raise our hands and sway."" ""You may be a star...but we're no novice either."" ""Let's raise our hands and sway."" ""Let's sway to the beat."" ""Let's raise our hands and sway."" ""Let's drink and.." " And sway."" ""Rock your feet.." " And sway."" ""Set the place on fire.." " And sway."" ""Let's speed up.." " And sway."" ""Let's drink and.." " And sway."" ""Let's shake and.." " And sway."" ""Let's be shameless.." " And sway."" ""Let's raise our hands and sway."" ""Let's sway to the beat."" ""Let's raise our hands and sway."" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Doug Ross." "Leave a message." "Doug, it's Mark." "You there?" "Pick up." "Hello, hello." "You there?" "Listen, I left that sub-I paperwork on the kitchen table and I need it." "Doug...." "Doug." "Shut up, man." " Oh, man." " You little...." "Put this on your face." "He was here in the ER." "They moved him up to Surgery." "You have one thing to do, I have 13 million." "Dr. Weaver wants those films." "She's not somebody you wanna mess with." "Hey, watch your mouth." "I hope you're not Carol Hathaway." "Do I look like a nurse?" "I'm very sorry, but...." "Just wait in the waiting room." "I don't have any information about your son." "Wendy, can you help me with Mrs. Valdez?" "They took her kid up to Surgery about an hour ago." " Hey." " Hey, Jerry, what's going on?" "Some serious gangbanging in the wee hours." "Cops did a sweep right under our carpet." " Trauma 1 or 2?" " Take your pick." " That's your girl." " Miss Hathaway?" " Abraham Zimble, the mobile notary." " Oh, thank you so much for coming." " Your escrow papers." " I have to sign all of those?" " By 5, or you won't get the house." " Do you mind waiting?" " Twenty dollars an hour." "No problem." " Great." "Out there." "BP's dropping to 80/40." "Pulse 150." " Cap refill is slowing down." " Resps 36, labored." " Need anything?" " Don't suppose you brought coffee?" "Done with that portable yet?" "Call O.R., let them do the x-rays up there." "See if Susan needs help." "And tell her to stop hogging that x-ray!" " You're supposed to stop hogging that." " She's all theirs." " Too late." "They took him." "What's he got?" " GSW to the face and abdomen." "He's a she." "Couldn't tell till we cut open his shirt." " Abdomen's distended, no bowel sounds." " I'll prep for lavage." " You and Kerry the only ones on?" " Carter and Benton are in surgery." "Paged Ross, no answer." "Mark's on the train from Milwaukee." " Just us womenfolk." " What's up with that?" "Oh, yeah, Malik, see what's keeping that O-neg, would you?" "Doug." "What are you doing here?" " You didn't get my message?" " Message?" "I left the sub-I paperwork here and Morgenstern wants to review it today." " Hurry up and I'll ride in with you." " No, I don't want to make you late." " No, I'm already late." " No, I'm gonna run some errands." " It's okay." " Your beeper's going off." "Morning." " Look, it's not what you think." " But it's what I've seen, isn't it?" " The hell's that supposed to mean?" " I've overlooked a lot of your behavior." " Now a medical student?" " All right, Mark, look, wait" "There are rules." "You can't go break them all the time and expect me to do nothing." "You don't get it, do you, Doug?" "You could be out on your butt for this." " And I could be too for not reporting it." " Mark, wait" "Okay, that's fine." "I told you, you're gonna have to wait." "Don't make me say it again." " Have you seen Dr. Greene?" " He's busy." " Forever." " My name is Jeanie Boulet." "We haven't met." "I'm a new physician assistant." " I start my ER rotation today." " Who died and gave you their bad luck?" "You'll need one of these." "They're a lousy fit, but it's all we've got." " Hey, next time you stay, I'll go to X-ray." " Sorry." "Hey, Jeanie." "You starting this morning?" "Jerry, I need those films before the end of the millennium." " Just came in." " Thank you." " Jeanie Boulet, new physician assistant." " Kerry Weaver, Chief Resident." "First day?" "You'll find it's a vaguely friendly crowd." "My first day was certainly a bundle of open arms." "What do you think?" "Looks like a comminuted fracture of the distal femur..." "...and a midshaft humerus" " Excuse me." "Fifty percent apposition, 30 degrees of angulation." " Know your way around an x-ray." "Good." " I was a physical therapist." "All right, on my count." "One, two, three." "What have we got, Peter?" "Peter!" "Gunshot wound to the posterior neck." "Facial abrasions, scalp lacerations." " BP's 90/60." "Pulse 92." "Resps 24." " Cap refill's poor." " All right, let's tube him." " I'll do it." "ET tray's on the counter. 7.0." "This is Jeanie Boulet, Peter." "Physician assistant." "It's her first day and I know we all wanna make her feel welcome." "No guarding or rebound tenderness." "Normal bowel sounds." "Let's find Radiology." "What do we need for x-rays?" " Cross-table and" " Jeanie." " Cross-table C-spine, chest and pelvis." " Let's get a gram of Ancef." "Good choice, Peter." "Everyone is so on their toes today." " Film's back on Trujillo." " He's next door." "Except for Wendy." " Chest, stomach, back." " X-rays on Trujillo." " He's already gone up to the O.R." " This is Rico Figueroa." "If you could you get his films, we'd appreciate it." " Is he gonna live?" " Yes." "Trying a little rehabilitation there, Chuny?" " Mark?" "I gotta talk to you." " This is not the time or place." " We need to talk." " Could you ask him to squeeze my finger?" " Come on." " I said no, Doug." "Get the hell out of here." "Okay, Carter, sixth intercostal space at midaxillary line." "Then puncture the pleura." "We got a cop, hurt, pulling up to the back." " How bad?" " His hand." " Carol, why don't you check it out." " Okay." "Her son is up in the O.R. She's been hysterical all morning." " Put her in the Surgery waiting room." " And leave Randi alone?" "She'll kill me." "Okay, okay." "Mrs. Valdez...." " Is it calming down a bit?" " Sort of." " Have you seen Mr. Zimble?" " Who?" " Bald guy." "A lot of papers." " In the cafeteria." "Have you seen Jerry?" " He's upstairs." " I'm gonna kill him." "Whatever, but help me with this first." " Grabarsky, what happened?" " Dumb son of a bitch bit me." " Your stupid dog bit me first!" " That's what she's supposed to do, idiot!" " Where do you want him?" " Nowhere near me." " Piss off, culera." " What did you call me?" "Huh?" "What did you call me?" "What did you call me?" "What did you call me?" "!" " What is the matter with you?" " Here, tough girl, hold the dog." "You!" "Now, lie down and shut up!" "Grabarsky, I need to look at your hand." " Hold on to Peggy for me." " I'd love to." " Randi, page Bernstein for me, please." " Gee, I'd love to." "Come on, Peggy." " AI?" "Al, are you all right?" " Yeah, some moron bit me." " I'll take him." " Look out, look out." " Carter, you wanna take him up?" " I should check in with Benton." "Dr. Greene." " Sorry." "I need to talk to you." " Lounge in 20 minutes." " So, what's it look like out there?" " I think the worst is over." "Never say the worst is over." "Oh, my God!" "Mr. Zimble?" "Went to get a doughnut and the cashier was picking him up off the floor." "I'll get Rico." "Mr. Zimble?" "Passed out right into his Cream of Wheat." " Who's Mr. Zimble?" " My mobile notary." "What?" "My escrow closes today." "Have to sign by 5." " You bought a house?" " Well, I got a great deal." "Mr. Zimble?" "I could never buy a house." "It's too scary." "It's not that bad." "You get over it." " I didn't know you bought a house." " I haven't" " Mark, shut up and help save this guy." " Yes, thank you, Carol." "I think I will." "Mr. Zimble, there you go." "Come on." "Hi." " Can I help with anything?" " We've managed." " Jeanie, how are you?" " Fine, thanks." " Pulse ox falling, 82 on 50 percent." " Hang those two units." " I didn't realize you were starting." " I finished." " BP!" "91/50." "Pulse 112." " Must be great to be done with classes." " Definitely." " Are you gonna miss rehab--?" " What the hell you yapping for?" "!" "All right, then assess the patient, all right?" "Penetrating trauma to zone two of the neck can result in tracheal compression secondary to hematoma formation from subclavian or internal carotid injury which is probably why you're doing a bronchoscopy." " Anything else I can help with?" " Yes, we've used the last blood gasket." "It would be extremely helpful if you would go and make some more." "You mean actually go and make them up?" "Syringe, label, alcohol wipes, little plastic bags." "Right." " Sorry." "Sort of." "Morning." " Hi." "What a day." "Benton is in the foulest mood I've ever seen which is saying quite a lot." "Greene yelled at Ross right in the middle of a trauma, in front of everybody." " About what?" " No clue." "Hey, are you off tonight?" "I've got two tickets to the Blues Traveler." "It'll be great." "No, it won't." "I mean, I don't think...." "I need to talk to you privately." " What?" " Later." "Wait." "Wait." "What?" " Harper, wait a minute." "What is it?" " Nothing." "No, it's something." "Yeah?" "So tell me." "What's going on?" "Just tell me." "Harper, just" "I slept with Doug Ross." "Last night." "Let's move." "Here we go." "Carter, let's go." "Hey, yo, señoritas, could I get a little medical attention here, please?" "Hello?" "Hello?" " What is his problem?" " Peggy had a little snack." "You gonna let me go?" " Give him to Benton." " Just went up to Surgery." "This is brutality and neglect." " He's young enough for a pediatrician." " Ross is doing a consult with Bernstein." "Jeanie...." "About time." "I hate to bleed to death all over your pretty floor." "Gonna add another scar to your collection there, Jorge." "I have to clean these bites with peroxide." "It's gonna hurt." " Stop it!" " Come on, you're a big boy." "Oh, my ear!" " Nice work." " Thanks." "Just don't tell my parole officer." "What kind of bicycle do you have?" "A mountain bike, except now it's trashed." " He's not getting another one." " Just flipped out from under you?" " I hit a curb." " He was unconscious for five minutes." "Dr. Ross told me." "Touch my finger." "Now touch your nose." "Again." "Good." "He seems in pretty good shape." "You have nothing to worry about." " Dr. Ross." " I'll be right back." " Kid's fine." "No need to be admitted." " Five minutes ago he was disoriented." " He's alert and oriented." "CT's negative." " He could go squirrelly again." "He should have frequent neuro checks for 24 hours." " His mother can wake him up." " Family situation is questionable." "Mr. O'Connor left his wife and child." "She's extremely distraught." "I don't know that she would do it." "There's no medical reason for this kid to spend a full day in the ICU." "Send him home." "End of consult." " Where's Randi?" " She's on a break." " I bet it was assault." " She's obviously good at it." " I bet she's good at murder too." " Murder?" " They would never have let her out." " My money's on grand theft auto." " Assault." " Theft." " Kidnapping." " Have you seen Dr. Benton?" "He's with a patient in 2." "Jerry, with all the commotion you probably missed lunch." "You should just order in a burger and fries or something." "Eat here at the desk." "I got a 12-year-old, Joseph O'Connor, in Curtain Area 2." "I want you to admit him to Pedes ICU." "24-hour observation, please." "Sure." "The chest x-ray suggests that you may have an aortic aneurysm." "We need to do an arteriogram to rule it out." "I don't feel the pain in my chest anymore." "Well, that's because you're medicated, but that could be deceiving." " How are you feeling, Mr. Lake?" " Much better." " BP's 150/90." "Heart rate's 96." " That's very good." "We'll keep the drip while we study your aortic arch." "What about the surgery he's talking about?" "This Dr. Vu...." " Vucelich." " Do you know him?" "No, Dr. Lewis isn't on the surgical team." "Dr. Vucelich is one of the best cardiovascular surgeons in the country." "He's doing very advanced work on aortic aneurysms." "So he's the best one to help me?" "Well, we're not even sure that you're going to need his help, Mr. Lake." "Which is why I called Dr. Vucelich for a second opinion." "Well, you'll be going to X-ray in a few minutes." "It's premature to discuss your condition before we've seen the films." "Okay?" "Dr. Benton, could I speak to you for a minute?" " Why are you stepping in on my patient?" " Could be surgical." "The chance to cut is a chance to cure, right?" "Look at the arteriogram and let Cardiology decide." "And Vucelich." "He's agreed to consult." "What are you doing?" "Trying to use my patient to get in on his research study?" "He's doing clamp-and-run surgeries on aortic aneurysms." "The big cheese has you jumping through hoops to find one?" " I've never even met him." " Peter, Susan, is there a problem?" " No." " Good." "Peter, if you don't mind, I think I'm gonna need a few stitches." "On my way to Radiology." "I'll meet you in the suture room." "Anytime." "It's just my ear." " How you doing?" " I'm fine." "If we get a chance...." "I'm usually kind of glad to avoid the morning-after stuff." " I'm sorry." " You don't need to apologize." " I was there too." " I know." "If Mark hadn't come out" "We would've already had this, kind of, awkward kind of, yikes-what-did-we-do conversation." "So I'll see you around." "Okay?" "Okay." "Yeah, I'll see you around." "Maybe this job is too stressful." " Being a notary?" " Lf it's causing this heart attack." " You might have just fainted." " I don't know." "This business can be rough." "Ninety-eight percent of my clients are homebuyers, like you." "So many papers to sign." "They never stop to read them." "I tell them to, but they don't." "It's so hard to watch." "They get nervous, frightened, tense thinking about the mortgage every month and the down payment which just wiped out their entire life savings." "Little beads of sweat break out." "Cheeks get flushed, their fingers clammy." "Any minute they could lose their job or get disabled in a horrifying industrial accident." "Within five years there's that balloon payment." "Husbands and wives are screaming." "Women are crying, grown men throwing up." "Very stressful." "Can I have a glass of water?" "You had Radiology rush these up to Dr. Vucelich, right?" "Yeah." "Type III dissection, by the DeBakey classification." "Yeah, but" " Gosh, that's only four centimeters, right?" "No signs of pericardial tamponade." "Aortic valve is normal." "When you examined him, did you appreciate the murmur of aortic insufficiency?" " No." " Neither did I." "Looks like he doesn't need surgery after all." "Oh, well, I'm sure Vucelich won't mind coming down anyway, will he?" "I heard he's a pretty easygoing guy." "It's still a good time to meet him." "Don't forget your charts." "Dr. Vucelich, please." "Dr. Benton." "Hey." " Wanna talk?" " Sure it's the right time and place?" " Fine, forget it." " You don't have to worry..." "...about what you saw this morning." " I worry about what I see every morning." "You fight with Kerry Weaver over half your cases call in curbside consults, fast-track patients." " What are you doing?" " The job." " That's not what Bernstein thinks." " He doesn't know squat about ER." " He knows about your cases." " Because you're telling him." "He reads the charts." "He's head of Pediatrics." " I didn't seduce her, Mark." " It doesn't matter how it happened." " Harper's third-year." "There are rules." " Stupid rule." "What difference does it make?" "You get caught breaking them, you're out." "I get caught not reporting them, I'm out." " Report me." "I don't care." " You don't care about anyone, do you?" "I didn't do this alone, Mark." "She's 21 years old." "What about Carter?" "You care about him?" "He and Harper are going out, or didn't you know?" " It's got nothing to do with Carter." " No, it's all about you." "It's always all about you." "Thanks for dropping by, Peter." "I was gonna have Jeanie do it." "But seeing as you're here, why don't you just talk her through it?" "Do a local block by depositing one percent xylocaine behind the auricle from the inferior to the superior pole knocking out the greater auricular and lesser occipital nerve." "Irrigate with normal saline, close with interrupted 6-0 nylon suture dress with antibiotic ointment, wound check two days suture removal four days, update the tetanus." "He's nothing if not thorough." " Gotta drop these off at Radiology." " Okay, great." "Thanks." " Breaking and entering." " Give her more credit." "I think she bashed in her boyfriend's car, found a knife and carved him up." "Do we have to be that specific?" "Wanna guess as to why Randi was in jail?" "Do you think you should mock what must have been a demoralizing dehumanizing, debilitating experience?" "Excuse me, can someone direct me to a Dr. Benton?" " Yeah, who are you?" " I'm Carl Vucelich." "And I was supposed to consult on a patient of his." "Harmon Lake." "Dr. Vucelich, I'm Susan Lewis, and Harmon Lake is actually my patient." "Excellent, Dr. Lewis." "Then perhaps you'll let me show you what's on this film." "So...." "You can see here that the aneurysm is clearly four centimeters." "Which is borderline." "It should be treated medically." "Dr. Vucelich." " You're Benton." " I don't think we had a chance to meet." "Why the hell did you cancel my consult on Harmon Lake?" "Well, Dr. Lewis and I looked at the arteriogram." "It showed the aneurysm to be at four centimeters." "Yes?" "Which is within the limits when you manage medically." "I didn't want to waste your time." " Third-year resident?" " Yes." "You better push those limits if you want to remain invested in Surgery." "Dr. Vucelich, I'm still responsible for Mr. Lake." "He should be admitted to ICU and started on oral antihypertensives." "I talked to Mr. Lake and he agreed that surgery was a better option which relieves you of your responsibility." "Benton, you're coming up." "It's time you learned something." " Should I come?" " John Carter." "Fourth-year Surgical sub-I." "He's my student." "Sure, why not?" "I like a crowd." " Well, here a croup, there a croup." " Ross!" "Start her on a Vaponefrin nebulizer." "What the hell do you think you're doing admitting Joseph O'Connor when I asked you not to?" " I feel he needed observation." " I don't care what you feel!" "He's not at risk for intracranial hemorrhage." "We'll know in 24 hours." " I sent them home." " You don't have the right to do that." "I have every right." "I am the Chief of Pediatrics!" "He's my patient and I will take responsibility for him, Bernstein." "No, you won't." "And I will no longer take responsibility for you." "You harass my clinic, you harass my residents." "You deliberately defy my orders." "Now, your Pediatric fellowship is up as of December 31 st." "Well, let this serve as notice you will not be renewed." "You're out of here." " How long since we clamped him?" "59 minutes." "I better hurry up, boys." "Under an hour and I got a new record." "Now, Dr. Benton, do you know why we're in a hurry?" "Prolonged lack of blood supply to the spinal cord can lead to paraplegia." "Is that where the Lazerol comes in?" "Mr. Carter, you've read my research study." " On the 21-aminosteroids, yes." " You can tell Dr. Benton all about it." "I'm sure Dr. Benton already knows all about it." "We could always hear it again." "Repetition:" "Big part of learning." "Release the distal Statinsky and backfill the graft." "Mr. Carter?" "Lazerol helps prevent transverse myelopathy from lack of oxygen as well as preventing edema of the neurotissue post-op." " Assuming the drug is effective." " Hopefully that's what my study will do." "We have perfusion." "Time?" "60 minutes, 28 seconds." " Damn." "How do they come up with these drug names?" "Some guy walking around New Jersey going, "Prolixin, Zoloft, Lazerol"?" "Come on, I came up with that last one." " And a darn fine one it is, Carl." " Thank you." "Well, well, well...." "These two to Cardiology, this one to Ortho." "No problem." " Miss Hathaway." " Mr. Zimble, how are you?" "You should not put this off forever." "I might have to leave." "I haven't been putting it off." "We've been pretty busy." "Perhaps you don't really want this house." "Of course I want this house." " Oh, dear, you need some help?" " Too late." "Here, let me get that." " Stay put, Junior, I'll be right back." " Oh, God." "Me too." "I'll be right back." "I bet you're missing rehab just about now." "Been missing it since I got here." " There's extra scrubs in the lounge." " I've still got stuff in my locker upstairs." "Hey, Doug." "You okay?" " Yeah, I'm fine." " Do you wanna talk?" "I'd love to, but I've got sniffles in 7 and bed-wetting in 6." " You got a second?" " Sorry, I'm on a break." "Can we at least talk about this?" "Yeah, okay, sure, if you want." "If you need to." "I'm sorry, John." "It was an exceptionally bad day and it just happened." " It's not going to happen again." " You don't owe me an explanation." "We only went out a few times." "Never even kissed." " Once." " You know, you didn't have to tell me." " It's not that big of a deal." " John." "John, wait." "Do you remember that little boy with AIDS yesterday?" "He was so small and helpless." "But I held him down, listening to him cry squeezing out every last ounce of life he might have had." "It was the worst day of my life." "I didn't know where to go with that." "Where I ended up...." "Where I needed to be was with somebody who'd been through that with me." "I hope you can understand that." "Grand mal seizure in the mall, lasting about two minutes." " Any ID?" " No, and no one with her." "Normal saline IV TKO, two of Narcan and an amp of glucose onboard." "Let's move her on the count." "One, two, three." "Vitals are stable." "BP 100/70, pulse 110." "Resps 18." "On our arrival she was comatose, GCS 5." "I'm out of here." " Carpe diem." " See you, Doris." "CBC and Chem-7." " She has gingival hypertrophy." " Dilantin level?" " Yeah, she's probably epileptic." " Babinski's downgoing." "Pupils equal, round, reactive." "Corneal reflex normal." " DTRs 1-plus, equal bilaterally." " Small occipital contusion." " You want a CT?" " No, let's see how she responds." "Cross-table C-spine." "We should check if the police have any identification." "I'll call Child and Family Services, just in case." "Lydia, why don't you clear out Curtain Area 2?" "Put her in there." "Busy day." "Peter." "Peter!" "Know that I didn't try to come to County." "I applied to practically every other hospital in the county." "This is the only ER rotation that was open." " Okay." "Fine." " Peter, stop." "You gonna be like this the whole time I'm here?" "Can we at least pretend to be civil?" "Professional?" "Okay, fine." "I've got some post-op notes to check on." " You're cutting him off, just like that?" " It's hardly "just like that. "" "We've been dealing with this Ross situation since last summer." " He's a little bit more than a situation." " Not to me." "Ross runs roughshod all over that ER." "He takes over the care of an outpatient." "Never shows up to the Pedes Clinic, where I can at least supervise him." " He's assigned to the ER." " Where no one is supervising him." " That's not true." " Pediatrics is not gonna pay for him so much as one day into the new year." "You guys deal with his behavior." "He's off my service." " He's a good doctor." " But he's a loose cannon." " Not sure I could handle him any better." " He's a good doctor." " I know it's personal, and you're friends." " I'll supervise him." "His fellowship runs through December." "Gives him over a month to find a job." " We need him in the ER." " We need a lot of things in the ER, Mark." "But be realistic." "Have you looked at your budget?" "I'm due in surgery." " I got MM in 10 minutes." " This won't take that long." "What you saw this morning was private." "No one should've seen it." "Believe me, I wish I hadn't." "But you did, and I'm concerned with what that means." "I know this is the '90s and there are rules in medicine now." "They exist to protect a medical student from feeling they have to comply with the suggestions of one of their supervisors." "This wasn't a suggestion." "It was a choice, as much mine as his." "But I don't want my career defined by having gone to bed with someone." "Especially since no one will care about the reason." "You don't care about the reason, do you?" "No, I don't." "My job demands that I care about the ramifications." "If this were to get out, it would more than likely be misinterpreted affect my recommendations, possibly even my internship." "So I have no intention of discussing this, either now or in the future." "And I hope no one else will either." "Will you scream at Radiology?" "I need those films." "Robert Potter Bradley. 10 years old." "Broken finger." "Thank you, Jerry." "There, there." "You're okay." "Honey, just settle back down." " We're right here with you." " What happened?" "She woke up agitated, disoriented, trying to boot the side rails and...." " Doesn't seem to like the IVs." " Can't say I blame her." "Can't say I do either." "Who'd have thought we'd ever agree on something?" "Her labs just came back." "That's right." "You're okay." "Just settle down." "Just settle down." "We're gonna take care of you." "We're gonna take care of you, honey." "You're all right." "CBC and lytes are normal, but her Dilantin level is only five." "Sub-therapeutic." "Epileptic seizure caused by her not taking her medication." "Let's give her Dilantin, seven mgs per kilo at 50 mgs a minute IV." " Coming up." " Okay." "That's it." "That's it." "You're okay." " You could've gone into Pediatrics." " Thank you." " I don't want a nurse." " I'm not a nurse." " I want a doctor." " I work with doctors." "Now, move along." " You're a nurse?" " I'm a physician assistant." " Is that better than a nurse?" " It's just different." " I don't want a nurse." " I'll examine you and take your history." "Now, let's march." "Come on." "Is everything okay?" " Is he a doctor?" " No, he's a nurse." "Thanks, Malik." "I got him." "Mr. Preston." "Gunshot wound to the right shoulder." "Distal pulses and sensation in the right arm." "BP 100/60, pulse 120." "Resps 24." " And the wheelchair?" " Frank Davelle, nasty scalp lac." " I thought this was a double MVA." " Let Mr. Davelle wait in the suture room." "Harper!" "Get in here!" "All right, on three." "Here we go, people." "One, two, three." " How you doing there, Mr. Preston?" " Hell, he shot me!" "I can't believe he shot me!" "Shouldn't we order a CBC, type and cross four units packed cells?" "Cross-table C-spine, chest, shoulder x-rays?" "Yes again." " Does it hurt anywhere else?" " My neck." "I'm gonna sue his ass." " That's very American of you." " Yeah, yeah." "What's that?" " Your armpit." " Fresh dressing." " Can you feel this?" " Yeah." "Okay, squeeze my hand." "Carter, why don't you and Harper go next door?" "I can handle that on my own." "Whatever." "Excuse me." "Harper, I need your help." "Why don't you help me logroll him?" " Doug?" " Hey, Carol, what's going on?" "Nice try, but the film's upside-down." " Are you okay?" " Generally this has not been a good day." "Specifically, this has not been a good day." "Although it felt so good yelling at Bernstein." "For about five minutes there I felt completely liberated." " And now?" " And now, I've been here a few years." "It's the longest commitment I've ever made to anything or anybody." "So...." "It's time to move on." "Carol, Shep's on the phone." "Speaking of moving on...." " You call me if you wanna talk, okay?" " Okay." "Okay." " The pool was your idea." "You should ask." " She'd kill me." " I think Wendy should ask her." " Yeah, she'd never kill Wendy." " What?" " What is wrong with all of you?" "Can't put your mouth where your money is?" "Hey, Randi, what did you do time for?" "Malicious mischief, assault, battery carrying a concealed weapon and aggravated mayhem." "What?" "No, Shep, I'm telling you." "No." "Carol, quick, some guy just crashed in 3." " Defib." "Set up for intubation." " Oh, my God!" "I was examining Mrs. Kerns when this guy went south." " I can't believe this." "My mobile notary." " A what?" " Notary." "She's buying a house." " He told me I shouldn't wait forever." " I'm a big procrastinator myself." " Maybe he knew he was gonna die." "He's not going to die." "Give him another amp of epi." "God, we were so close." "Two pages left." "I need a 10-cc syringe." "Get the paddles ready, 200." "Carol?" " Carol!" " These two!" " Pulse ox?" "78." " How's the compliance?" " He's in the bag." " I can't believe I just did that." " Neither could I." "Oh, it's a good thing I did." "Carter." "Carter, I gotta talk to you." "Carter." "I didn't know about you and Harper." "All right?" "I'm sorry." "Hey, hey, hey, nobody meant to" "Nobody meant to hurt you, Carter." "Nobody" "It happened because she was hurt." "It was a mistake." "It was a mistake." "You understand that?" "And if you were smart, you little piece of" "If you were smart, you'd give her another chance and you'd listen to her." "I have." "And now I'm having to listen to you?" "I'm really happy that you both have made your peace with this." "But I'm gonna need a little more time, if that's okay with everybody." " How is she doing?" " Pretty well." "She's coming around." "Are you deaf?" "Chuny, let's get these restraints off and call for a sign language interpreter." " You know how to sign?" " Oh, poorly." "You're going to be okay." "Yes, you had a seizure, but you're fine...." "Fine now." "I want to call your family." "What's your name?" "Hi, Janie." "I'm..." "Kerry." "Okay." " Lf they're itchy, why don't you shave?" " You kidding?" "The Fire Department finally let us grow this stuff." "I can't give in yet." "Okay, we're almost there, so don't look." "I thought the point was for me to see it." " Okay, but don't look." "Step up." " I can't look." "What?" "All right, we're almost there." "Okay." "Okay, now look." "Isn't it incredible?" " Yes, it is." " I mean, I know it needs work." "Yes, it does." "I thought I'd paint it maybe gray with a green trim, or yellow." "And I know there's no stairs, because they're in the back yard but I can just nail those back on." "And also I can nail back on the shutters." "You should see the inside." "Sorry." "The bedroom is the biggest bedroom I have ever had in my life." "Which isn't saying a lot, but still." " What?" " You're beautiful when you're happy." "I am." "I'm happy." "I'm happy." "Come on." " Wait." " What?" "I don't want you to worry that I'm rushing into anything here." "This is your first house and I think someone should carry you over the threshold." " Okay, no." " I knew you would agree." "Put me down, you're gonna drop me." "What are you talking about?" "I'm a fireman." "Oh, come on." "Shep, put me down." "Must have changed the schedule." "I missed mine by five minutes." "So you didn't say anything to Morgenstern?" "No, I didn't." "Why are you doing this, Doug?" "You're a good doctor." "Bernstein doesn't agree." "I looked at that kid's chart." "Joseph O'Connor." "No signs of intracranial bleeding." "You knew he didn't need to get admitted." "You're pushing Bernstein the same way you've been pushing me." "Why you doing this, Doug?" "I don't know." "You'll miss your train." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
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" (keyboard clacking) - (camera whirring)" "(camera beeps)" "Man:" "Okay, I'll look at it." "What part?" "On what page?" "(dance music playing)" "(duck squeaking)" "(dial-up modem squealing)" "(woman screams)" " (camera shutter clicking) - (police radio chatter)" "...scared right now." "I'm so fucking scared right now." "I-- l" "I think there's somebody in my house." "I" " I think something really bad's gonna happen and" "(screaming)" "(distorted) Brooke Marks the spot." "(deep distorted voice) Brooke Marks the spot." "(upbeat music playing)" "Hello, boys and girls." "What's up?" "Let's talk about vlogs." "I don't know about you guys, but I'm getting pretty tired of seeing the same old shit on the internet." "Some people don't even try to be entertaining." "Some people just kind of want to talk about themselves and, I don't know, complain and vent to the world or whoever will sit there and watch it for more than three minutes." "There's this really emo chick and she's kind of Goth and wears a lot of eye makeup and she's" " I think she, like, paints her face white to make her look even paler against the screen." "It's like wow." "I don't even know." "I think I'm just gonna slit my wrists tomorrow because Billy says I'm not Goth enough." "Boring." "Done." "The shit's weak." "She sits there and gabs around the concept of the penis." "It's a penis." "That's what makes them male." "We have one." "It's just inverted." "What else is there to talk about?" "I mean, that thing where they strap a camera on some bitch's head and have her walk around all day and film her 24 hours a day" "I don't mean to be mean, but who does she think she is that watching her order a chicken sandwich through the drive-through is entertaining?" "And I didn't think it was true either, but they actually film her sleeping." "And people go on messageboards and be like," ""Oh my God, you guys, Julie's wearing socks tonight to sleep." "I think they're new socks, 'cause you can see that they're brighter than the other socks." " Did she just fart?" - (farts)" "Seriously, get a life." "So what do I talk about?" "Cool shit." "Only cool shit." "Okay, you may be wondering," ""Why are you sitting here in your underwear?" "What's that about?"" "(wolf whistle)" "Actually I don't know." "Maybe it was laundry day." "Maybe I just figured if you're sitting around in underwear, maybe they'll at least start to watch and then realize," ""Hey, besides the fact that she's half-naked, she's actually kind of interesting to listen to."" "I talk about things that come up on the news, on TV shows, things on the internet-- a lot of things, like, for example, how on those internet friend sites things can always go horribly wrong." "You know, when you see those requests that you get with a girl wearing underwear-- well, nine times out of-- screw that. 10 times out of 10 it's a dude." "Guys sit there and make these fake profiles with all these pictures of hot girls." "And they're like," ""I'm a lesbian and I like chicks only."" "They exchange pictures, so it's basically this guy posing as a chick posting dirty comments to this guy posing as a chick." "One time a guy actually messed up and posted on my wall saying," ""Oh, you make my pussy wet."" "And he had a picture of Frank, a 45-year-old guy from Texas." "I was like, "Whoa." "Whoops." "Forgot to log into the correct account, right, Frank?"" "Sometimes chicks would be so bold as to actually" "I'm sorry." "I get confused sometimes." "Not chicks, old dudes actually get so bold as to actually use my picture." "I get phone calls about this at, like, 4:00 in the morning from a roomful of drunken frat guys going," ""Brooke, Brooke, someone just friended me and she says her name is Jolene."" "Hi, I'm Tiffany." "Hey, I'm Theresa." ""What is that?" "Why'd you change your name to Chartreuse?" "Isn't that a color?"" "There's really really creepy ones, like when they write a full-page paper about what they would do if they had you for four hours." "I don't know where they got that number from." ""Dear Brooke, if I had you for four hours," "I would have you sit on my face." "I'm a wild pony frolicking through the fields." "I'd penetrate you from behind while you drink a glass of milk."" "I don't know what that-- maybe he grew up on a farm." "But even all that-- sometimes it gets boring." "Talk talk talk talk talk." "Try the same thing I am gonna try and take this whole video blogging thing outside, beyond Brooke's bedroom." "Start a new trend." "Take it to the next level, out into the world." "Hey, boys and girls, let's play outside." " Brooke Marks the spot." " Computer voice:" "Brooke Marks the spot." "(upbeat music playing)" "Hello, boys and girls." "I know, this is something I never do, but I figured let's do something different." "I'm gonna conduct a little social experiment." "I know I'm smart and funny and I can attract a guy that way, but I think it's simpler than that." "I'm gonna put this camera in my specially-modified purse." "The front of the purse is mesh." "I can secretly record everything that I'm seeing." "That way the subject of my experiment will never know what hit him." "Genius." "(hip-hop music playing)" "How's it going?" "Hi." "I thought it took you so long to come over because you were thinking up some cheesy pick-up line." "Oh, I should have a pick-up line?" "No no no, I'm glad you didn't." "Oh." "It's, you know, the thing that guys always use at bars." "Sure, yeah." "I'll show you." "Come here." "Just what I thought-- made in heaven." "Oh, nice." " It's stupid, I know." " No, I like it." "I like your hair." "Oh, that's cool." "It's new actually." "I don't normally-- I don't get it done like this normally." "I go to Supercuts or something, but my friend told me to go to this place." "A friend of his is a hairstylist-- a salon, I guess." "His friend Bruno-- and he did like this piecey thing to it-- not "politically correct." That's what I thought." "Like pieces, you know." "It's a style or something." "It's more expensive that I wanted to spend normally, but-- 'cause it was like 60 bucks." "(camera rewinding) ...than I wanted to spend normally, but-- 'cause it was like 60 bucks or something, which is not a lot." "I mean, I can afford 60 bucks." "That's not a problem." "I'm not saying-- I'm not like rich, but I'm not" " I'm not poor, so..." "Well, okay." "Actually I'm gonna go run to the ladies' room, if you don't mind." " No, that's a good idea." " Yeah, it works for me." "So it looks like my experiment worked." "I had him before he even came over and said hello." "I don't think I understand guys' obsession with boobs." "It's just cleavage." "It doesn't deserve that much attention." "I mean, take that guy, for example." "I could probably be in here for another 20 minutes and he'll still be out there waiting for me." "I mean, guys are so easy." "Computer voice:" "Brooke Marks the spot." "(upbeat music playing)" "(snoring softly)" "There's a lot of guys who like to do it in the morning and there's a lot of them who do not understand the value of a good tooth-brushing beforehand." "Take this guy-- he actually tried pulling the let's-make-out move straight after snoring." "I mean, he actually-- look, he actually went for the reach-over after snoring and drooling on my shoulder all night." "Luckily, I keep a hefty supply of mints by my bed for foul emergency situations like this." "(man laughs) Ah." "Brooke's voice:" "I mean, seriously, it smelled like feet mixed with leftover pork fried rice." " Suck on it, you know." " I should suck on it?" "Brooke's voice:" "It was just nasty." "Well, you know." "There you go." "Or maybe just chew." " Chew it?" " Yeah." "Sucking might take too long." " Mm." " Mm, yeah." "Unless it's your" "Hmm?" " That's good." " Good?" " Yeah." " Should we test?" " Yeah." " (exhales)" " Mm-hmm, yeah." " You like?" " Yeah, much better." " Okay." "Okay." "(chuckles)" " Mm, okay." " Hmm?" "You all right?" " Hi." " (both chuckle)" " You know, chill." " Sorry." "Okay." " Just calm-- yeah, calm down." " Dainty, yes, okay." "(upbeat music playing)" "As I was previously stating," "I'm dating a douchebag who plays with duckies." "(laughs)" "Rolling." "So a lot's happened in the past couple of days." "You know Brandon, right?" "How do I sum up Brandon?" "He doesn't like to brush his teeth in the morning before he kisses you." "He likes to cry." "He likes-- he likes to get in touch with that side of him that might be a little feminine." "He's a guy who likes baths, particularly those with rubber duckies." "I don't know." "I think they're brother and sister, but then sometimes they'll have some kind of weird scenario going on." "Their names are Cocoa and Mervin." "And, you know, he quack-quack-- he plays with them in his bath and talk to each other in funny little duck voices." "Isn't that cute?" "No, it's creepy." "He likes to call me a lot-- several times a day-- and in fact tell me what cute thing Mervin did you know, how Cocoa's feeling better now after the flu-- bird flu." "He's definitely lost his level of attractiveness." "It's gonna be messy." "I'm not gonna lie." "I'm not looking forward to breaking up with him." "There's gonna be a lot of tears." "But he'll still have friends-- two yellow rubber friends." "The bottom line is," "Brandon needs to go." "Brandon:" "Well, so what is it?" "(sniffling)" "Is it the-- is it the baths or--?" "The baths are a part of it." "There's a lot of things." "Is it the duckies?" "I mean, I don't" "I don't" " I don't" "The duckies are weird, yeah, that's" "Well, I don't have to-- I don't have to have them all the time." "It just reminds me of childhood, you know?" "Why do you always have that bag with you everywhere?" "It's a good bag." "It matches everything." "Some people have security blankets." "I have my bag." "That's normal." "More normal than ducks." "Is it because I love-- 'cause I like to make love to you in the bath?" "It's messy-- the overflow of all the water." "And it gets to the tile." "And you never help clean it up." "And l" " I'm always stuck standing there mopping it up." "Yeah, wouldn't want you to have to mop it up." "(tea kettle whistling)" "What is that noise?" "I'm making tea." "This looks familiar." "You cry a lot." "You know that." "And that's another part of it." "What?" "I cry after we-- after we finish sometimes, so what?" " I don't-- people do that." " It's not" "No." "Not-- not usually." "It's like I gotta lean over for a Kleenex every time afterwards, not for anything" "(tea kettle whistling)" "I think my tea is ready." "Computer voice:" "Brooke Marks the spot." "(upbeat music plays)" "Hello, boys and girls." "So I know a lot of you think that I'm an actress." "And, I mean, thanks, but no." "That's just crazy." "So I guess it's because there was that one girl who had to come on here and ruin it by being fake." "That just kind of ruined it for everybody." "Now everyone's on this sort of cyber witch hunt for impostor webcam girls." "And it's just not fair." "All I want to do is come on here and be entertaining and joke and have some fun and let everyone into my life and just be real." "And I don't know what to do except keep doing what I do." "And if you want to watch, then watch." "And if you don't, then don't." "But I hope you do." " Thanks." " You're welcome." "Is this to make up for all the phone calls tonight?" "(both laugh)" " I'm so sorry about that." " Yeah." "I wish I didn't have to take them, but" "Yeah, why do you have to take every one of them always?" "We've got this thing going on for school and it's due." "We'll just work on that." "I'll try to forgive you." " (phone ringing)" " Oh." " I'm so sorry." " Really?" " I'm so sorry." " Okay." "I promise this is the last one." "Can you forgive me?" "The last one." " Yeah." " Hello." "(quietly) Oh my gosh." "What?" "(turns on camera)" "So here's the deal-- like this guy has been on the phone all night, like all night." "Like this is supposed to be a date, you know?" "So... um..." "I'm letting it slide and I shouldn't, but he's kind of cute." "So I'll give him a second chance, or like a ninth chance today." "(chuckles)" "Yeah, well," "I'm gonna go see if I can get him off the phone." "(man speaking quietly)" "Fine." "All right, I really have to go." "I gotta get off the phone with you." "I'm going to hang up." "Brooke's voice:" "All right, so I gave this guy another chance, as you can see." "And I have to admit, my bad, he had a five-o'clock shadow that was like killing my face." "It's like sandpaper." "I've got to get him out of bed somehow." "So I had my cell phone near me." "He had his of course." "And I thank the genius who invented star-67 for allowing me to call him without him actually knowing it was me." " (phone ringing)" " Hmm." "You love that phone, don't you?" "I'm sorry." "Who is it?" "It's a blocked call." "Probably a chick." "Are you gonna answer it?" "No, I'm not." " You're not gonna answer it?" " No." "For once you're not gonna answer your phone?" " Weird." " I'll come back to you." "Yeah, well, I'm kind of not feeling it anymore actually." " Not feeling it anymore?" " No." "No." "Yeah, you know." "I kind of-- that sort of killed it." " You're serious?" " The whole phone thing." "So I'm actually gonna get up and go to the kitchen." "You want anything?" " Yeah, I want something." " (laughs)" "I meant, from the kitchen." "I'm getting tea." "I like tea." "(man sighs)" "(phone ringing)" "I'm calling Tony's voicemail while he's in class." "It's like the one chance I get where he won't answer his phone." "Female voice:" "Thank you for calling." "Please enter your password." "I saw him typing in his password the other day, so now I've got it." "Let's see if there's anything on here." "Female voice:" "You have one new message." "Yeah, one message." "Woman:" "Hey Tony." "It's a girl." "Sounds like a new girlfriend." "Woman:" "Gotta run." "Call me." " "Call me."" " Female voice:" "To repeat the message..." "Nice, Tony." "Tony's this guy I've been seeing for a couple of weeks-- the one with the cell phone always on." "You know who he is." "You saw him a few days ago on one of my blogs." "So how I met him was," "I was at this party and we started drinking and dancing." "And then the night went on and so did we." "And I didn't want to do it, but he did and he kept pushing it." "So eventually I did." "I woke up in the morning and I didn't feel right about it." "And it's kind of been weird ever since, but now it sounds like he's got someone new calling him." "And I don't know what that means." "But..." "I guess it's over." "Woman:" "Did you know that squab was pigeon?" " No." "A squab?" " Brooke:" "I needed some man-- just a marginally attractive man who was insatiable." "The squab was insatiable or the guy was insatiable?" " Both." " Oh." "You pull that out of your bag of tricks?" " You guys are making me laugh." " Jaz, what is with your nose today?" " This is happy hour, not cracky hour." " Oh!" "Oh, you're a comedienne today, huh?" " Yeah." " That's good." " So anyway" " Hey Brooke." "Oh, speaking of crack whores..." " Oh gee." " I saw your vlog." " I smell cabbage." " What?" " No new guy to fuck this week..." " Okay, you know what?" "...and just blab about it..." " What's your problem?" "...and put it all over the internet?" " Okay, that's enough." "That's disgusting." " Nobody wants to see it." " You obviously do." "Nobody wants to see you sitting around with your little skanks." " Okay, seriously, you need to go." " And she needs to clean it up." " Why is it any of your business?" " We don't want to see any of that." " All right, that's enough." " Okay?" "Slut." " Where's your boyfriend?" " Bitter." "Really." "Why didn't you say anything to her?" "Seriously, you just let her walk all over you." "I got what I needed." "Okay, well, next time I need you to scratch her face out or something." " I really need some blood." " Stand up for yourself." "Brooke's voice:" "Carolina." "This is gonna be fun." " (rewinding)" " I mean," " what can I say about this bitch?" " Slut." "So some chicks are in severe denial and they don't want to admit that they wear size 16, so they'll try to squeeze their fat asses into a size 8 and just rock the muffin top-- you know that layer of fat around the waistline" "that sort of bubbles off the side." "You go down further and she's got cankles" "I mean, actual cankles" "So her stomach-- it's what people in the business call" ""the problem area."" "And I think the problem is instead of her doing crunches, she was just shoveling jelly donuts in until she couldn't take it anymore." "Top that off with some arms that look like chicken cutlets flapping in the wind, and you've got a pretty ugly situation." "When you step back and look at her, all this fat's piled on a 7'-tall land monster that looks like she could play on the defensive line for any top NFL team." "Did her parents feed her creatine and raw eggs every morning and make her lift weights in the backyard?" "I think she could shot-put me." "You can understand why I sort of tensed up a little bit." "Look at her vocabulary:" ""slut, stupid slut."" "Work on some new material, ho." "Computer voice:" "Brooke Marks the spot." "(upbeat music plays)" "I don't get it." "I sent this guy a friend request a couple days ago and it looks like he still hasn't accepted." "I actually think he denied it." "I just friended him 'cause he looked cool and he says he goes to the same school as me." "And, I don't know, we listen to the same music." "And I just thought it might be fun to talk." "It happens all the time though." "I mean, you know how it is." "Like when you see people's profiles, you're never really sure if that's who they really are." "You know, a person-- face to face they're completely different from how they look on the profile." "I thought this guy would be different." "You know, I won't get the chance to find out." "I guess that's all I can say about that." "(tone playing)" "(machine beeps)" "Distorted voice:" "Hello, Brooke Marks." "Go to your internet browser and type in this IP address:" "30764152237." "There are three clips posted for you." "Enjoy them." "(cell phone ringing)" "How'd I know it was gonna be you?" "Yes yes, I'm working on it right now." "Yeah, I can email you." "Can you just give me a few m--?" "All right, listen, I'm actually having a drink." "I'm taking a break." "30 minutes and I will have it for you." "You can do whatever you want with it after that." "All right?" "I think it's great." "Well, I hope you like it." "All right, buddy." "Just listen to me." "It'll be fine." "You'll have it." "You can do whatever you want with it." "Okay." "I've read it before." "Okay, I'll look at it." "What part?" "On what page?" "Okay." "I" " I see what you" "(mumbles)" "The third sentence?" "All right." "It's fine." "I just" "The third senten" "I'm gonna lie down for a while and I'll call you back." "I don't know." "I don't know." "No, I'll call you back." "Yeah." "Distorted voice:" "Hello, boys and girls." "Welcome to the first episode of a multipart series entitled" ""How to Erase People from the Face of the Earth!"" "(cell phone ringing)" "How'd I know it was gonna be you?" "Yes yes, I'm working on it right now." "Yeah, I can email you." "Can you just give me a few m--?" "Distorted voice:" "Step 1" "Tony:" "All right, listen, I'm actually having a drink." "I'm taking a break." "Distorted voice:" "Roofie." "30 minutes and I will have it for you." "You can do whatever you want with it after that." "All right?" "I think it's great." "Distorted voice:" "Step 2-- wait." "Step 3-- dismember." "(cell phone ringing)" "(screaming)" "Step 4-- bag." "Step 5-- dispose." "Remember to always print driving directions from your murder scene to the local incinerator." "Welcome, boys and girls, to another episode of" ""How to Erase People from the Face of the Earth!"" "Once you know your victim's routine, you can make necessary preparations in their absence." "Here's a tip:" "use monofilament when attaching a rubber ducky to an overhead lamp." "(water splashing)" "(quacks)" "(electricity crackling)" "Now, boys and girls, we are going to perform a science experiment to examine the effects of hydrochloric acid on human flesh." "(hissing)" "(upbeat music playing)" "Today you're going to learn how to make a binary explosive." "For this recipe you'll need three ingredients:" "ammonium nitrate, nitromethane and a very large bong." "First, pour the ammonium nitrate into a silver dish." "Second, fill a syringe with nitromethane and inject the red liquid into the white powder." "Pack a bowl with the binary explosive and let sit." "Hey fishy fishy." "Hey." "(chuckles)" "Yeah." "(upbeat music playing)" "Distorted voice:" "Once the explosive has detonated, you will find yourself surrounded by a variety of new textures and smells." "Although the recipe is very simple, the cleanup is very very complex." "(car horns honking)" "(police siren wailing)" "Policeman:" "How'd you come across this?" "Brooke:" "I got a voicemail about it and I went-- and all these numbers-- I don't know where it came from." "I don't know who that is." "In my opinion, it looks staged." "No." "I mean, staged?" "Like" " It looks fake." " Those are my friends in there though." "They wouldn't do that." "It's not a joke." "Okay, first things first." "Let's get your ID." " Brooke?" " Yes." " Is it okay if I call you Brooke?" " Yes." "I" "Okay, first of all, when was the last time you saw them?" "One of them I talked to a couple days ago." "The other one I haven't talked to in weeks." "I tried calling them." "I can't find them anywhere." " Anywhere?" " Anywhere." " Okay." " What can we do about this?" "We're gonna start a report." "Do you have their addresses and phone numbers?" "We can start with that." " And we'll go from there." " Yes." "Are you gonna go check it out?" "What I'll do is I will personally go see if your friends are okay." " Okay." " Okay." "(car door closes)" " (knocks on door) - (camera beeps)" "Police department." " Hi." " Hello." "Come in." " How are you?" " Not good." "I've been sort of freaked out with all this going on." "Please sit." "My friends are apparently being murdered and I'm sitting in my house fearing for my life, so I'm not doing very well at all." "But hopefully you have news-- good news." "That's why I'm here." "We conducted a follow-up investigation to the addresses you gave me." " This isn't sounding good." " Just listen up for a second." "I went personally to all the addresses you gave me to see if I could find your friends and unfortunately there isn't a trace of them." "All your friends seem to have disappeared." "Brooke:" "There's no evidence at all, no trace of anything?" "Policeman:" "We have nothing." "Okay." "I'm just a little frustrated because this is why we call you, you know?" "I know." "How about the website?" "Didn't you say you were gonna trace the IP address and see what that led to?" "Did you find anything?" "The IP address-- we turned it over to the technology unit." "And they came back and they told me it was untraceable." "Untraceable?" "Yeah." "So that's it?" "The investigation is continuing." "If in theory these crimes did occur, do you have any idea who would have done this?" "I mean, really it could be anybody." "Like I make those video blogs and then a lot of people watch it, so I have a lot of fans." "And then like there's stalkers sometimes." "There's a lot of weird people on the internet." "And like I keep putting-- I have personal information out there, including my friends' names and where I go to school." "And we see a video of them getting murdered one by one." "I can't get ahold of anybody." "And it could be me next." " You understand my frustrations." " Okay, listen." "Just listen to me for a second." "The most important thing right now is your safety, okay?" "Does that mean I'm next?" "Does that mean--?" "Okay, promise me this-- if you feel you're in danger, you're gonna pick up the phone, call 911." "And we'll get here as soon as we can." "Listen, I'm gonna give you my business card." " Okay." " Keep me informed of anything-- anything that comes to your mind that I can go investigate." "This is gonna help me?" "This is gonna protect me?" "Well, I can only do so much." "If you give me something, I'm gonna try to do my best, okay?" "Listen, I understand where you're at." " Mm-hmm." " I want to help you." "Protect and serve, right?" "Correct." "Well, I guess I'll show you out." "I'll be keeping in touch with you." " Please let me know." " Bye." "Brooke's voice:" "I mean-- okay, I'm saying thank you, everyone who's watched me." "And I" "I think I just need to say goodbye for a couple months maybe." "I don't know." "Maybe forever." "But I just don't think I should be doing this." "I'm putting people in danger." "I'm putting myself in danger." "There comes a time when I just" "I need to accept the fact that I should just quit." "So goodbye." "(camera beeps)" " (dance music playing) - (people chattering)" "(distant music playing)" "A bad idea." "I shouldn't be here right now." "I don't know how I let Jasmine talk me into coming out tonight." "It's my fault." "I mean, I know I decided to come out with Jasmine and try to lighten up a little bit, but I should be in my room where everything's safe." "He could be anywhere." "When I think of all the stuff that's happened," "I mean, I just really want to go home before something else happens." "(footsteps)" "Jasmine." "What are you doing back here?" "Come dance with me." "No, I think I'm just gonna stay here if that's okay." "Why?" "Why are you sitting here by yourself?" "Come on." "I feel like he's here." "Oh, okay, well" "Just think of all the bad things that have happened." "Okay, I know that you just went though a lot and I know a lot has happened." "That's one of the reasons why I wanted you to come out." "I just wanted you to get your mind off it and just enjoy yourself." "I know." "And I wanted to come out, but now I'm reconsidering it." "You go have fun, if you want to." "Okay." "You know where I'll be." "Something just doesn't feel right." "I gotta get out of here." "♪ Scoop her from the club, take her back home ♪" "♪ Pretty brown round with that workout tone ♪" "♪ Samuel Jackson, that "Black Snake Moan" ♪" "♪ Dolce cat, hypnotic take on ♪" "♪ Thrill of the hunt, game so real ♪" "♪ Circle my prey, zero in for the kill ♪" "♪ She at the bar ordering something exotic ♪" "♪ On the dance floor doing something erotic ♪" "♪ She know how to focus when she get down low ♪" "♪ Get a do-over, now she strip down slow ♪" "♪ Turn around once, let me see you do that ♪" "♪ Let me see the tag on the small of your back ♪" "♪ Hit me up, baby, I promise to call back ♪" "♪ If you don't trip, I promise to fall back ♪" "♪ Old-school cat with a young man's stamina ♪" "♪ You major league, baby, why you playing with the managers?" "♪" "♪ Come on, shorty, roll with your man ♪" "♪ Let me know what's good, make up your mind ♪" "♪ I'll have the valet pull up the truck ♪" "♪ Let me know what's good, don't waste my time ♪" "♪ Come on, baby, roll with your man ♪" "♪ Let me know what's good, make up your mind ♪" "♪ I'll have the valet pull up the truck ♪" "♪ Let me know what's good, don't waste my time ♪" "♪ Make up your mind ♪" "♪ And don't waste my time ♪" "♪ Make up your mind ♪" "♪ And don't waste my time ♪" "♪ Make up your mind ♪" "♪ And don't waste my time ♪" "♪ Make up your mind ♪" "♪ And don't waste my time, come on. ♪" "(people screaming)" "(machine beeps)" "Distorted voice:" "Hello again," "Brooke Marks." "There's a fourth clip posted on my website for your enjoyment." "(hangs up)" "Hi, Officer Perez, this is Brooke." "I just saw my friend Jasmine and she's on that website." "Yeah, we were at a club and we were hanging out." "And she was dancing." "And then now, a couple hours later, and she's not-- can you go look at it or something?" "She's getting stabbed in the video, Officer." "No, I don't think it's fake." "I can't get ahold of her now." "I haven't seen her since." "I called her right at home and she didn't answer." "I went online." "You're not doing anything about it and that's-- okay." "Okay, bye." "Distorted voice:" "Hello, boys and girls." "Welcome to the final episode of" ""How to Erase People from the Face of the Earth!"" "This is the final episode because at the end of this vlog" "I am going to confess to the five murders" "I have committed for your enjoyment." "I think there's somebody in my house." "I" " I think something really bad's gonna happen and" "(screaming)" "(distorted voice) My name is" "Billy Webster and this is my confession." "(police radio chatter)" "(helicopter blades whirring)" "Brooke's voice:" "I don't know." "Maybe forever." "Goodbye." "(electronic squealing)" "(Brooke screaming)" "Announcer:" "Welcome to "Twisted Television,"" "the show that takes an unflinching look at the sickest and most depraved crimes of our day." "Today" " Brooke Marks, the cyber crime that has the viral video generation on the edge of its computer chair." "We speak to Investigating Officer" "Rudy Perez, who has discovered some shocking new evidence on-- where else?" "Brooke's hard drive." "Billy Webster, always in the top eight friends on Brooke's personal page-- he was her real-life boyfriend for the months leading up to that fateful night." "Billy's online confession wasn't the only evidence that he was in fact the Internet Killer." "Officer Perez tied him to the brutal stabbing of Brooke's best friend Jasmine Miller-- a murder that was posted online." "Perez:" "We recovered fingerprints from Billy that were on the knife." "That gave us sufficient enough evidence to take Mr. Webster into custody." "Announcer:" "It seems that Billy left Jasmine Miller at the scene of his crime." "But what did he do with the body of Brooke Marks?" "Perez:" "Once we saw the video that was online, we did a thorough search for her body and did not find it anywhere in the house." "The only thing we did find was a hard drive." "We took the hard drive back to the station and we turned it over to our technology unit where they observed that the hard drive was erased." "Announcer:" "But that didn't stop" "Perez's ace technology unit." "Using NSA-approved strategies, they reconstructed Brooke's hard drive." "Once we reconstructed the hard drive, we looked through Brooke's computer files." "Announcer:" "And in those files police found an unedited version of the snuff video that millions viewed online." "And the additional bonus footage contained a stunning revelation." "Brooke:" "Okay, look, so here's the thing..." " Okay." " Okay." "I'm gonna sit here and I'm gonna act really really scared." "And you're gonna come run in like you're some killer." "And then you're gonna pick me up and throw me down." "And then you're gonna stab me." "Okay, and I'm gonna die." "And then you'll get your reward." " You know the rest." " Let's just get this over with." "Good." "It'll be fun." "Come on." "You gotta act like you're really killing me." "I'm so fucking scared right now." "I-- l" "I think there's somebody in my house." "I" " I think something really bad's gonna happen and" "(screaming)" "What are you doing?" "Keep going." " Keep going." "You're almost" " I can't." " I was almost dead." " No, this is weird." "This is too freaky for me." "Too freaky?" "Not as freaky as Jasmine probably." "Or maybe I'm freakier than Jasmine." "What does this have to do with Jasmine?" " You didn't think I know about that?" " Know about what?" "You fucked my best friend." " What?" " Yeah, you didn't think" "I knew about that, huh?" " What--?" " Don't act-- don't even" " Where are you getting this?" " I'm not stupid, okay?" "Don't act like" "Well, then don't talk to me like I'm stupid, 'cause I didn't fuck Jasmine." "You know what?" "Maybe I should fuck Jasmine, because Jasmine's not gonna bring me home;" "Jasmine's not gonna ask me to stab her with a fake knife and fuck her when she's dead." "I get fucking bored of it." "I wanted to do something different." "You want to do something different?" "Let's go to a movie or something." "Every fucking time it's the same thing." "I don't need to fuck you while you're dead." "No no no, don't talk to me." "Don't even talk to me anymore." "You're a fucking freak." "You're a fucking freak." "You need help." "Don't call me." "(door opens, closes)" "You're a fucking freak." "You're a fucking freak." "Fucking freak." "You're a fucking" "(distorted) You're a fucking freak." "You're a fucking freak." "Fucking freak." "Announcer:" "The video continues to show how Brooke Marks switched out the fake blade that didn't kill her with the real blade that killed Jasmine Miller." "Perez:" "That gave us enough evidence to release Billy Webster from custody." "Announcer:" "Billy wasn't at the club, but his fingerprints were." "Brooke Marks, whose famous sign-off is" ""Brooke Marks the spot,"" "is now herself marked for arrest." "Man:" "Do you have any idea where she is?" "At this moment in time the investigation is continuing." "We don't know where she is." "We're trying to find out as much as possible every lead we can follow." "If she's listening and she's seeing this video, tell her to be in communication with us, let us help her." "Man:" "Off the record, Officer Perez?" "Off the record?" "I would throw her in jail." "And I hope she stays and rots." "(seagulls cawing)" "So I know I've been missing for a few weeks, but I just needed to get away." "I want to let you all know that I'm doing okay." "I don't even know where I am right now." "And, Billy, I'm not a freak." "I'm not." "Brooke's voice:" "You fucked my best friend." "Slut." "Why do you always have that bag?" "Tony:" "I promise-- the last one." "Can you forgive me?" "The last one." "(deep distorted voice) Hello, boys and girls." "Brooke Marks the spot." "(instrumental music playing)" "(instrumental music playing)" "♪ Ever since 16 I've had sick dreams ♪" "♪ Knee-deep in the pool of the blood of my siblings ♪" "♪ Mass axe murderer, mass cat burglar ♪" "♪ Sickening, wake up in a sweat that's dripping ♪" "♪ You heard of a more morbider orchestra ♪" "♪ A rap force smorgasbord forcing you to greet the corpses horde ♪" "♪ I'm paranoid, staring out my window, swearing I hear a noise ♪" "♪ Can't avoid shit, in my head I'm hearing voices ♪" "♪ Choices, this time I got my mind in chains ♪" "♪ They say I'm an outsider, but yo, I know I'm insane ♪" "♪ In changing my soul, the devil's smoked me out a bowl ♪" "♪ Helped me out of hold, broke me out the role, wrote me out a scroll ♪" "♪ I'm back up on my feet and hoping he don't come back for more ♪" "♪ So I'm asking "Who that knocking?" when you're rapping at my door ♪" "♪ 'Cause I'll be damned if I get jacked, they'll throw me back up in the morgue ♪" "♪ Don't laugh, I've beaten that rap before backed up in the corner ♪" "♪ Jumping at the cords worn by the coroner ♪" "♪ Underneath the floorboards the horned man, I'm warning ya ♪" "♪ I'm paranoid, I can't cope with the noises ♪" "♪ I'm paranoid, damn, I'm hearing multiple voices ♪" "♪ Paranoid ♪" "♪ Paranoid, so paranoid ♪" "♪ Paranoid, man, I'm losing my brain ♪" "♪ I'm losing hope and, to make matters worse, got this po-po trippin' ♪" "♪ Suspiciously appeared after witnessing the killing ♪" "♪ Now I'm paranoid, I can't cope with the voices ♪" "♪ Paranoid, hearing multiple voices ♪" "♪ Paranoid, paranoid ♪" "♪ So paranoid ♪" "♪ Paranoid ♪" "♪ So paranoid ♪" "♪ Paranoid ♪" "♪ So paranoid ♪" "♪ Paranoid. ♪" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"BOXING REFEREE:" "This bout, 15 rounds for the heavyweight championship of the world." "The challenger from Louisville, Kentucky, weighing 210 and one-half pounds, the former Olympic light heavyweight champion," "Cassius Clay." "Of those of you who won't be able to see the Clay-Liston fight, here is the eighth round exactly as it will happen." "Clay comes out to meet Liston and Liston starts to retreat." "If Liston goes back an inch farther, he'll end up in a ringside seat." "Clay swings with his left, Clay swings with his right." "Look at young Cassius carry the fight." "Liston keeps backing, but there's not enough room" "It's a matter of time-- our Clay lowers the boom." "[Crowd cheering]" "HOWARD COSELL:" "Sonny Liston's not coming out." "Sonny Liston is not coming out." "He's out!" "The winner and the new heavyweight champion of the world is Cassius Clay!" "I'm the greatest fighter that ever lived." "I don't have a mark on my face and I upset Sonny Liston and I just turned 22 years old." "I must be the greatest." "I shook up the world." "I shook up the world." "I shook up the world." "¶" "Cassius is not my name no more." "Officially Muhammad Ali now?" "Muhammad Ali." "Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Muhammad Ali has just refused to be inducted into the United States Armed Forces." "Notification of his refusal is being made to the United States Attorney, the State Director of the Selective Service System, and the local Selective Service Board for whatever action deemed to be appropriate." "REPORTER:" "How did they treat you?" "Respectable." "[Shouting, gunfire]" "¶" "Respect for law in a nation is the most priceless asset a free people can have." "And the Chief Justice and his associates are the ultimate custodians and guardians of that priceless asset." "And when we consider what a Chief Justice has in the way of influence on his age and the ages after him, I think it could fairly be said that our history tells us, our Chief Justices have probably had a more profound and lasting influence" "than most Presidents have had." "Good morning, Petrus." "Good morning, sir." "How was your summer?" "It was good to get away, Mr. Chief Justice, sir." "Nice to see you again." "You, too, sir." "Thank you." "Good morning." "¶" "Sorry." "¶" "[Knocking on door]" "Come in." "[Door opens]" "Mr. Connolly." "I'm Mrs. Paige, P-A-I-G-E." "You're 27 minutes late." "You're not off to a good start." "I'm sorry." "My car broke down." "Mr. Connolly." "Back down the corridor." "The washroom is the third door on the right." "Thank you." "Straight ahead, Mr. Connolly." "We've got ourselves a live one there, huh, Mrs. P?" "Don't flirt with me, Mr. Becker." "It does not become you." "BURGER:" "Morning." "MEN:" "Morning, Chief." "Good morning, sir." "Janet." "Ohh." "This term, we really must do something about this office." "It's ridiculous." "It's not satisfactory." "It's smaller than my office at the Court of Appeals." "I'm the chief, Petrus." "Makes no sense." "Take those geraniums to Maintenance." "Oh, and Petrus, don't overwater them." "They won't bloom." "Yes, sir." "Mr. Justice, this is Kevin Connolly." "Sorry I'm late, sir." "Please, take a seat, Mr. Connolly." "Your grandfather." "Yes." "He was on the court for 34 years." ""The great dissenter."" "The only justice to vote against segregation." "Plessy v. Ferguson." "1896." "But even in his dissent he still called the white race the dominant race and vowed it would continue for all time." "Heh." "Oh, sir, I--I'm sorry." "I wasn't thinking." "That's actually very rude." "You know your Court history, Mr. Connolly." "Or maybe you just did some research to impress me." "There is currently a case in court." "Cohen v. California." "Cohen walked through a courthouse wearing a jacket with the words "Fuck the Draft"" "inscribed on the back." "He was sentenced to 30 days." ""Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech."" "That's a very literal interpretation of the First Amendment." "Clearly, if the First Amendment protects speech of any kind, it protects political speech." "And if the Court is saying that anti-war protests are not protected by free speech, then it's not paying attention to what's going on outside its doors." "I know your war record, sir." "Oh?" "Then you know I'm no pacifist." "You should know I was a student activist." "I've worked as a legal advisor to draftees, informing them of their rights, I'm a Democrat" "Mr. Connolly, I'm not interested in your politics." "Here we're only interested in the law." "Besides, it's all in here." "Huh." "Tell me something." "How would your wife feel about relocating to DC?" "Well, clearly, we've talked about it, in principle, that is." "She..." "I think she'd be very happy for me." "We're expecting our first child, sir." "Oh, how marvelous." "Ha!" "Well, thank you very much, Mr. Connolly." "Um...are you--are you gonna hire me, sir?" "Hmm." "Well, we may not agree on certain matters." "We may take different positions on many things." "I'm only interested in your I.Q., which I see is substantial." "And your academic skills, which I note are impressive." "I want brilliant people and I'll take care of the rest." "Wow." "That's great, sir." "Thank you, sir." "That's all." "Uh--on the other hand, you could make the argument that wearing a jacket in the courthouse is not speech but conduct." ""An absurd and immature antic,"" "and is therefore not protected by the First Amendment." "Now you're just showing off." "Yes, sir." "Mr. Justice." "[Knocking on door]" "Kevin Connolly." "Hi." "How you doing?" "Covert Becker the third." "What's your school, Connolly?" "Missouri." "Sam Edelstein." "The first." "I have been here 6 months." "Covert here is a second termer." "Guess that makes you the boss." "Oh, I guess it does." "What's with-- with all the lights in there?" "That's the justice's eyesight, and it's getting worse." "That's you." "Yale, Harvard, Columbia, Chicago." "That's the norm." "It's tradition." "I don't believe we've ever had a clerk from the University of Missouri before." "Yeah, no black clerks, no women clerks." "I guess that's tradition, too." "Great." "Another bleeding heart liberal" "Well, you've landed with the wrong justice, my friend." "Plus, the Chief is Nixon's man, and another conservative has just been appointed to the Court." "Thank you, God, a change is gonna come." "Ow." "Why do you insist on being called" "Muhammad Ali now?" "That's the name given to me by my leading teacher-- the Honorable Elijah Muhammad." "That's my original name." "That's a black man name." "Cassius Clay was my slave name." "I'm no longer a slave." "What does it mean?" ""Muhammad" means "worthy of all praises"" "and "Ali" means "most high."" "This will be an organization that will give the black man in this country the right to defend himself." "It will encourage him to defend himself, and it will teach him how to defend himself." "[Cheers and applause] By any means necessary." "ALI:" "This is the regular dance that I use just before the shuffle." "I'm moving and I'm moving and I'm jumping around and just before you know it... a split second right after that shuffle is the big punch." "[Crowd cheering]" "[Bell rings] We are 22 million people who don't have our names." "We were named after our slave masters." "So teaches the Honorable Elijah Muhammad." "Once you become free, find out who you are, then you will start saying." ""I am the greatest."" "[Cheering and applause]" "WOMAN:" "Over there." "[Chatter]" "Please be certain to escort all the justices to their designated seats." "[Intercom buzzes]" "SECRETARY:" "Justice Harlan, sir." "I don't want Justice Brennan sliding in beside Justice Marshall, for example." "Liberals scheme." "Let's keep them apart, shall we?" "Hello, John." "Chief." "Petrus, I hear your daughter graduated cum laude." "Indeed she did, Mr. Justice." "That's wonderful." "Please congratulate her on my behalf." "I will." "Thank you, sir." "Let's walk over together, shall we, John?" "Oh." "Thank you." "I have big plans for the Court this year." "Oh?" "During my first year, it became quite clear to me there was something wrong with the design of the courtroom bench." "We're all seated straight in a line." "We can't hear each other." "We can't see each other." "It's terrible acoustics." "Here's my solution." "I'm going to curve the bench." "Ah." "You see, that way, we can see each other." "We can hear each other." "And it's going to prevent Hugo from shouting out," ""Pardon me?" "Pardon me?"" "every 10 minutes, eh?" "[Chuckles]" "That's a very good idea, Warren." "Yes, as it was mine, I thought it was very good." "[Chatter]" "Sir, sir, if you please." "you're seated there, sir." "[Chatter]" "One black man, 8 white men, average age 71." "[Tapping on glass]" "Gentlemen, please join me in welcoming Harry to the Court." "Aw." "Welcome, Harry." "Cheers, Harry." "Welcome." "Harry Blackmun and Warren Burger." "The Minnesota twins." "They grew up together." "When Burger got married, Blackmun was his best man." "That's why Nixon appointed him." "He's gonna vote with Burger every time." "Hip-pocket Harry." "When President Nixon nominated my friend Warren" "Chief Justice, a staunch defender of our Constitution," "I thought he couldn't have made a better choice, and his first year on the Court has proven the President correct." "to Warren." "To Warren." "Hear, hear, Warren." "I don't know." "What Presidents expect of their Justices and what those Justices deliver can be two very different things." "MESSENGER:" "Better get started, boys." "There's more on the way." "I got a threesome here, guys." "3 chicks." "Wait, what's that about?" "Porno cases." "Every Friday afternoon, the Justices sneak down to the basement to watch dirty movies." "They're looking for a case to hear so they can test the obscenity laws." "But it's more an excuse to have a good time." "Hey." "Clay, a.k.a. Ali, versus the United States of America." "Oh, the draft dodger." "Isn't he in jail yet?" "Hey." "Ali's back up the ladder!" "Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!" "Justice Brennan, sir." "Ooh." "I was not expecting this." "Not at all." "But sir, this case has already been before the Court, hasn't it?" "It was turned down flat." "I was the only one who voted to hear this case." "They told me I was off on a cloud." "It was sent back down to a lower court." "So, why is it back up?" "Ali's lawyers challenged the lower court hearing." "He's free to appeal again." "[Chuckles]" "Operation Stealth Attack." "Go find out what the others are thinking and report back to me." "I'm guessing Hugo Black and Bill Douglas will be on our side." "Don't bother with the Chief and Harry Blackmun." "We know what position they'll take." "These days, Ali's a hero for taking a stand." "People are not going to like it if we send him to jail." "This time around, let's see who's off on a cloud." "Ha ha ha." "¶" "How can a man, any man, regardless of color, turn around when he is called to serve for his country and say, "Hell, no, I won't go"?" "[Intercom buzzes] SECRETARY:" "It's the White House, sir." "Thank you, Janet." "¶" "Chief Justice Burger here." "Mr. President." "I just don't think I should go 10,000 miles and shoot some black people that never called me nigger, never lynched me, never put dogs on me, never raped my mama, enslave me and deprive me of freedom." "MAN:" "You refused go and fight in Vietnam." "Was it because you disagree with the war in Vietnam?" "Or because you disagree with fighting generally?" "I believe in the Holy Quran." "It says we who declare ourselves to be righteous Muslims will not take parts in no wars." "No way, fashion, or form which take the lives of other humans unless it's a Holy war declared by God himself." "MAN:" "Do you think there's anything wrong in someone like Cassius Clay, Muhammad Ali, in refusing induction?" "Yes, sir." "I certainly do." "Why?" "Because he's no better than the rest of us." "You look very pale." "Do I?" "How's the pain?" "I'm all right." "Better, I think." "Have you called Abe?" "[Chuckles] Not yet." "If you don't, I will." "I think I'm quite capable of calling my own doctor." "Then what's stopping you?" "JK-5 0-1-8-9." "[Drops lighter on desk]" "¶" "I'm so, so, so sorry." "I just couldn't get away." "I'm sorry." "I'm sorry." "Hey, buddy." "Welcome to DC." "It's a new suit." "Yeah." "You don't like it?" "It's very snazzy." "Why, thank you." "Not sure about the color, though." "Come on!" "I'm sorry." "Is he kicking?" "Kevin, she's only 12 weeks." "It's a little too early." "Yeah." "I missed you." "[Chuckles]" "¶" "Even my critics don't agree with them." "Because you just can't take a man's title out of the ring." "You gotta... it's never been done in history, and, uh... all type moves have been made against me that's never been made before in the history of boxing." "And the only way they can take my title will be in the ring." "And I've been telling the world for the past 4 years that I'm..." "Thank you, Mr. Justice, sir." "Morning." "Morning." "Second floor, my man." "Yowsa, yowsa, yowsa." "Ahh." "Larry." "Do you mind?" "Ahh." "Shouldn't smoke, Larry." "Uh, sir, I'm Stephen." "Stephen Blacher." "Larry left at the end of last term." "Oh." "So he did." "Hmm." "I stand corrected." "John, you haven't said anything." "How is your back?" "Potter, I have a sacroiliac joint dysfunction." "[Chuckles] One leg longer than the other." "[Laughs] Apparently." "Surgery then?" "Not yet." "Back support, shoe lifts, pain medication, for the time being." "You know, the other day," "I decided to compute how many boiled eggs" "I've eaten in my life." "Two a day for about 60 years." "You know how many that is?" "No." "44,000, give or take." "That's a staggering amount." "It's disgusting." "Yes, it is." "Ha!" "COVERT:" "Justice White." "Covert, marshal the troops." "See you on the court in 10." "Yes, sir, Mr. Justice." "[Basketball bouncing]" "[All shouting]" "6-1!" "Mr. Justice, that's not legal." "You took 4 steps and that was a foul." "Says who?" "Your boss is a cheat." "A Supreme Court Justice!" "You tell him, Becker." "[All shouting]" "My boy teaching you the ropes?" "Of course I am, sir." "It's pretty overwhelming, sir." "There's a lot to take in." "Go for the joog-ular." "The what, sir?" "J.U.G.U.L.A.R. Joog-ular." "In these 4 walls, it's the only way to be heard." "They call us justices 9 scorpions in a bottle." "Who's the heavyweight champion of the world?" "[Crowd cheering]" "One more time." "We don't want no excuses." "They may say the film was bad or the camera was broke." "One more time, who's the champ of the world?" "[Crowd cheering]" "A very controversial musical play with a controversial star recently stirred up, as you remember, the Broadway audience and critics." "Here's the World Famous Heavyweight Champion" "Muhammad Ali Cassius Clay in a scene from that play," ""Buck White," so let's have a fine reception for him." "¶ [Applause]" "¶ We came in chains, we came in misery ¶" "MAN:" "Do you think you'd have an easier time if you weren't a black Muslim?" "No, sir." "Not black Muslim, it's Muslim." "I think I would have a harder time if I wasn't a Muslim." "I might be dead now from forcing integrating and marrying out of my own race, and drinking and smoking and laying around bars, catch a flying bullet." "If it wasn't for the Muslim teaching," "I'd be in bad shape." "I'd be just another, what we call "bum negro fighter."" "¶" "Uh, it's in alphabetical order, sir, descending, Clay, a.k.a. Ali," "Cohen v. California, Phillips v. Marietta" "Which one's that?" "Mother, young children, the company refused to hire her." "Oh, yes-yes-yes." "I know you don't agree, but I've included my brief on Ali." "You're damn right I don't agree." "You're out of line, Henry." "Nobody in my office should tell me how to vote." "I'd fire the lot of you, but you're all so incompetent you'd have trouble finding another job." "Do you mean, sir, you'd be prepared to read, assess, comment, advise, draft majority opinions, dissents, draft concurrences, bench and post-oral arguments yourself?" "Sure." "¶" "John, can I help you with those?" "No, thanks." "I'm fine." "On Clay, a.k.a. Ali, my boys button-holed your boys." "None of us can get a handle on how you're gonna vote." "Uh-huh." "Well, that's for me to know and you to find out." "Aw, come on." "I can't stand the suspense." "[Laughs]" "He was the first person to say, "Don't rush into a decision."" "He's been very kind." "He's been very understanding." "In his own way..." "[Knocking on door]" "Mr. Justice, it's time for conference." "You better get going, sir." "Well, I suppose we should start without him." "Yet again." "BURGER:" "Phillips v. Marietta." "Now, the woman they wouldn't hire had preschool children." "How could she hold down a job?" "That's for her to decide." "Well, as far as I'm concerned, an employer can hire" "What's shakin', Chiefy baby?" "Oh." "We started without you, Thurgood." "We're on Phillips v. Marietta." "Hi." "Hey." "As I was saying, as far as I'm concerned, an employer can hire whoever he wants and for whatever reasons." "That is the boss's prerogative." "Now, I'd like to hear why we should hear this case." "It's discrimination on the basis of sex." "Your position amounts to a declaration that part of the Civil Rights Act is unconstitutional." "[Chuckles]" "With all respect, Thurgood," "I don't want to argue legal niceties." "You never do." "[Justices chuckling]" "BURGER:" "My first clerk back in '56 at the Court of Appeals was a woman." "She had young children, and she had to leave every evening at 6:00." "She had to go home." "She had to cook dinner." "Didn't work out well at all." "Well, I see you all have different opinions." "All right." "Why don't we take a vote?" "[All shouting]" "[Shouting continues]" "BURGER:" "Clay, a.k.a. Ali, v. the United States." "This is a waste of the Court's time." "No one wants to hear this case." "Excuse me, Chief, I want to hear the case." "And I'll tell you why." "Ali never backed down from his beliefs." "He took the consequences of refusing induction." "Bill, you can't slow us down on this." "We have a very heavy load of cases to consider today." "He took the consequences." "He lost his title." "He gave up almost 3 years in his prime, millions of dollars so that he could stand up for what his conscience told him was right." "He's clearly a man of great principle." "The Court is always on dangerous ground" "When it decides cases according to the Justices' own views." "Which one of us is free of those, John?" "I think it's terribly important that we exercise self-restraint." "I think it's also important that we express what we believe." "Ahh." "I'm out of here." "There's clearly going to be a vote." "I'm recusing myself." "I was the Solicitor General at the time of Ali's conviction." "I hate the Nation of Islam, Elijah Muhammad, and his bunch of thugs and gangsters organized from the jail." "They preach racial segregation." "I am an integrationist." "¶" "I was born in 1908, the year Jack Johnson knocked out Tommy Byrnes." "Oh, yeah, a Negro was the heavyweight champion of the world." "What happened the very next day?" "They went out looking for the great white hope... to take back the title." "There were race riots in Springfield, Illinois, the home of Abraham Lincoln." "89 Negroes..." "were lynched that year." "¶" "To qualify for conscientious objector status, you have to satisfy 3 basic requirements." "We know what they are." "I shall quote them." "One, you must be conscientiously opposed to war in any form." "Two, your opposition must be based on religious training and belief." "Three, you must show your objection is sincere." "[Snoring]" "Hugo!" "Hmm?" "No need to shout, Warren." "I'm listening." "Gentlemen, I'm wondering if, in the future, we might not end these sessions a bit earlier." "Well, we can hardly get through the case load as it is." "It doesn't make much sense." "Hugo is 83 years old." "He's not in the best of health." "I may be slowing up, but I am not dead yet." "[Chuckles]" "Shh." "Are they still in there?" "My God." "These sessions take forever." "Yeah, Brennan won't let them out until they hear the Ali case." "You'll see-- 5 votes to 3, they'll hear it." "Really?" "5 votes to 3, they won't." "Anybody?" "Come on." "It's 5 to 3, they won't." "Here you go." "6 votes to two, they won't." "You're an idiot, Scott." "Brennan, Black, and Douglas are gonna vote to hear the case." "You're right." "OK, 5 votes to 3 for Ali." "You can't flip your bet, man." "Come on." "You already gave me your money." "All right, it's a squeaker." "But 4 votes to hear the case," "Brennan, Black, and Douglas, and I got a hunch Stewart's gonna vote with them." "I got a hunch he won't." "To file for conscientious objector status, you have to be a member of an organized religion or sect." "The Nation of Islam?" "What is that?" "Let's just take the vote and move on, please." "Look, I know where most of you stand." "I don't expect the Court to find for Ali, but at the very least," "I think we should grant a hearing." "If we imprison such a high-profile war dissenter without granting him the full protection of the legal process, it could be seen that the government prosecuted the case on a political basis." "Stuff and nonsense." "Say what, Chief?" "BURGER:" "Bill?" "You know my position." "If the Court won't rule on the legality of the war, let's at least rule on this case." "BRENNAN:" "At least two." "BURGER:" "Harry?" "This is a very complex case." "Does Ali satisfy the 3 tenets of conscientious objector status?" "I need more time to look at this." "Oh, for God's sake." "Harry, you can't agonize over this any longer." "You just have to vote." "If you insist, but you're bullying me into this." "On the face of it, I don't think Ali has a case." "BURGER:" "Byron?" "I agree with the Chief." "This case is a waste of our time." "I don't even know why we're discussing it." "Denied." "Hugo?" "I was against World War II until Pearl Harbor, against the Korean War start to finish, and against the Vietnam war from the start." "A waste." "A mistake." "We're paying a high price for that." "Hugo, what is your vote?" "We should hear the case, goddamn it." "Didn't you hear what I just said?" "BRENNAN:" "That's 3." "Potter?" "I think Ali should get his day in court." "I vote to grant." "And 4." "Ha!" "No one wants to hear the case, huh?" "You got that one wrong, Chief." "HARLAN:" "Well, all this wouldn't have happened if the petitioner had not been Muhammad Ali." "That's right." "We are hearing the case because the petitioner is Muhammad Ali." "¶" "4-4." "What'd he say?" "¶" "All right, gentlemen, you've got your 4 votes." "The case will be heard." "But it takes 5 to overturn." "Yeah, where's that fifth vote coming from?" "Justice, Sir." "Good afternoon, sir." "¶" "CLERK:" "Sir?" "What was the vote on Ali?" "We're going to hear the case," "Lord only knows why." "Bill Brennan's doing." "He politics his way around everything." "On Phillips vs. Marietta," "I want you to draft an opinion that under the Civil Rights Act, an employer may not, in the absence of business necessity, refuse to hire a woman with children of pre-school age." "Sir, that's not what you told us before conference." "You said the employer was within his rights not to hire the woman." "You said you were upholding." "That was a tentative vote." "Petrus, did you get hold of the court plans?" "They're on your desk, sir." "Thank you." "He just changed his vote, just like that?" "There's no mileage in voting with the minority." "If he votes with the majority, he gets to assign the opinion, or write it himself." "Complaining about Bill Brennan." "He's got a nerve." "Chief is always pulling the strings." "Do not underestimate him." "Hold all my calls, please." "¶" "HARLAN:" "It's Friday night." "Why aren't you at home with your wife?" "Oh, she's used to it, sir." "I just need to catch up a little bit." "No, no." "This is important." "You must take every moment you can." "Pack up." "I'll give you a ride home." "[Horns honking]" "Sir, would you like me to drive?" "New lenses." "It takes a while to adjust." "You and Donna free on Sunday for lunch?" "[Tires screech]" "Sir, please let me drive." "12:30 or 1 suit you?" "That sounds nice." "¶" "Thank you." "Uhh." "This is nice." "Hello." "HOUSEKEEPER:" "Good afternoon." "HARLAN:" "How are you settling in?" "Fine, sir, thank you." "I'm enjoying DC." "I have a dog." "He's good company." "Ha ha!" "DONNA:" "We're going on lots of walks." "Oh, I know the hours are long." "It's hard." "Here you go, ma'am." "Oh, why, thank you, dear." "How long have you been married, sir?" "Hmm?" "43 years." "Wow." "When I first met Ethel, she was married to somebody else." "But I stole her away from him." "[Laughter]" "Am I right, dear?" "We planned to have the wedding at" "Ethel's aunt's house in Waterbury." "It was Hartford, John." "Hartford." "You're absolutely right, my love." "But on the day, the aunt fell ill, so we had to switch the ceremony to the First Congregational Church in...where was it?" "Farmington." "Right." "That's right." "Well, at the last minute, I suddenly realized that the marriage license was invalid outside the Hartford city limits." "So, we met in Hartford for an early-morning wedding and returned to Farmington for an early afternoon wedding." "[Laughter]" "Well, as ever, sir, another testament to your devotion to both the spirit and the letter of the law." "Happiest day of my life." "I...perhaps I should get ready." "We have guests for cocktails, don't we?" "No, no, not today." "Not today." "Oh." "Silly me." "Silly you." "Kevin, after lunch," "I'd like to take a quick look at Coolidge v. New Hampshire, if you wouldn't mind." "Of course." "Won't keep him long." "Promise." "¶" "Sir?" "Sir, are you all right?" "¶" "Sir." "Give me a minute, please." "¶" "Ah, yeah, that's better." "Ahh." "Um, would you like me to read for you, sir?" "Yes, yes, that--that would be helpful, Kevin." "Thank you." "¶" "Um..."In the wake of a particularly brutal murder of a 14-year--"" "Sir, would you like me to call somebody?" "No, no, no, no." "Please continue." "¶" ""In the wake of a particularly brutal murder" ""of a 14-year-old girl," ""the New Hampshire attorney general" ""took charge of police activities" ""relating to the murder." ""The suspect, Edward Coolidge," ""is claiming that the searches" ""of his home and automobile violated his Fourth Amendment rights."" "ALI:" "I haven't burned my own draft record." "But what I'm doing is legal." "This is why I believe I'll receive justice in the higher courts." "You can deny the draft on any grounds but you'll have to go to court-- it's law." "If you lose, you go to jail, which I said I'd do." "My fight is legal." "But if you notice, I'm being the most persecuted." "I'm not allowed to work in America." "I'm not allowed to leave America." "Home of the brave, land of the free." "I'm not allowed to, not even allowed to leave where I can work, countries that will accept me." "And now I'm due $10,000 fine in 5 years." "All this brings on racial trouble." "People see this, they see other athletes and entertainers getting by on little excuses, and I know I'm sincere." "But now I get a heavy penalty to the white preachers that break in the government house, burn up the draft card, hang statutes of the President, lay on the Pentagon steps, leave America white citizens." "But I'm the bad one now, the poor slave." "Now I'm the bad one." "COURT MARSHAL:" "All rise." "The honorable, the Chief Justice, and the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States." "Oyez, oyez, oyez." "All persons having business before the Honorable, the Supreme Court of the United States, are admonished to draw near and give their attention for the Court is now sitting." "God save the United States and the Honorable Court." "Docket number 2-9-9, Cohen versus California." "BURGER:" "Mr. Nimmer, you may proceed whenever you are ready." "The Court is thoroughly aware of the facts of this case." "It will not be necessary to dwell on them." "At Mr. Chief Justice's suggestion," "I certainly will keep very brief the statement of facts." "What this young man did was to walk through a courthouse corridor wearing a jacket inscribed with the words" "Mr. Nimmer, we agreed, it is not necessary "Fuck the Draft."" "to dwell on the facts." "I suggest we avoid using that word for the rest of oral argument, and we simply refer to it as..."that word."" "Yes, your honor." "MAN:" "The Court should rule on the war." "We are arguing that the State may not, consistent with the First and Fourteenth Amendments, make the simple public display..." "Every day in Vietnam, young American men are killed because this country refuses to admit that we've made a mistake." "POLICE OFFICER:" "Let's go." "Who wants to be the last person to die for a mistake?" "POLICE OFFICER:" "That's enough." "This Court should rule on the war!" "This Court should rule..." "Well, people bring passion to politics, and vulgarity is simply a side effect of a free exchange of ideas." "Calm down." "Get out." "He's right." "The Court should rule on the war." "Oh, Bill, you've been singing that song since '66." "Yes, and I'll go on singing it, Whizzer." "Bill, please." "My name is Byron." "This is not a war that's making the world safe for democracy." "It's a war of aggression." "It is up to Congress to challenge the war, not the Court." "It's up to the Court to decide the constitutionality of it, Byron." "If I was still in the Senate," "I would lead the charge!" "¶ [Chatter]" "NIXON:" "They're trying to say that they want peace." "They're trying to say that they want to stop the killing." "They're trying to say that they want to end the draft." "They're trying to say that we ought to get out of Vietnam." "I agree with everything that they're trying to accomplish." "¶" "[Intercom buzzes]" "Yes?" "JANET:" "It's the White House, sir." "Thank you, Janet." "You can put the call through, please." "Who's acting for the vets?" "Is it Ramsey Clark?" "I believe so, sir." "Get Ramsey Clark on the phone, and the Solicitor General as well." "Yes, sir." "There is a real danger to security, Chief." "The anti-war protestors have advertised plans to shut down the city." ""Advertised plans?"" "The government has no business anticipating unlawful conduct." "The Justice Department is seeking a re-instatement of the lower court order to prevent the Vets from camping on the Mall at night." "Well, the Appeals Court rule they can stay" "This is the Supreme Court, Mr. Clark, and if the United States government believes there's a danger to security," "I will have no choice but to reinstate the lower court order." "The city won't grant them a permit to camp anywhere else." "You'll be evicting a peaceful group before their protest is over." "Well, due to the lateness of the hour," "I believe the order won't be instated until tomorrow." "Sir, first thing in the morning," "I will appeal the decision to the full Court." "I'm not sure the other Justices will support you." "Well, that remains to be seen, Mr. Clark." "¶" "BURGER:" "I drove past on my way here." "There are thousands of them camped out there." "Oh, Warren, they are veterans against the war." "Men and women who fought for their country." "There is chaos, John." "Police barricades." "Traffic is stalled all the way up Pennsylvania Avenue." "It's as if the entire city is under siege." "They were in Court today." "Tomorrow, they could be in Chambers!" "Tonight, I had to reinstate the lower court order to evict them." "You shouldn't have acted alone." "It was an emergency petition." "The president is very concerned." "Excuse me, did I hear you right?" "You spoke to the president?" "I speak to him often." "He's a good friend." "A Justice should be wholly removed from politics." "I don't even vote in Presidential elections." "First thing tomorrow, Ramsey Clark will appeal my ruling to the full Court and I don't wish to be overruled, John." "In 20 years, that has only happened once." "Now, I need you." "I depend upon you to talk to the others." "Bill Brennan, Thurgood in particular." "Bill Douglas." "The decision must be unanimous." "It is essential to both the Court and the Nation that we all come aboard on this." "I would appreciate it, John." "¶" "John, the Chief's order is a breach of the First Amendment." "BRENNAN:" "Government's trying to govern by court injunctions." "We're being asked to do Nixon's dirty work." "MARSHALL:" "The Chief should've gone into politics." "That's his true calling, not the law." "Yeah, just like Bill Brennan." "Hugo, please." "HARLAN:" "I think you all malign the Chief unfairly." "Since his appointment, debate in conference has been more open, much freer than it ever was under his predecessor." "You can't argue with that." "I know this is not ideal and normally we have the luxury of time but this was an emergency petition." "And there's no point in conflict." "You just get locked." "I'm with you, John." "To overrule the Chief would be a personal affront." "Personal affront?" "What are you talking about?" "It is not in our interest to embarrass him, or the Court." "Oh." "WHITE:" "We have to vote with the Chief." "Let me have one of these, John." "Yeah." "Yeah, go ahead." "BURGER:" "Well, shall we put it to a vote, then?" "Thank you, gentlemen, for your unanimous support." "Excuse me, Chief." "I'm afraid the demonstrations outside are growing stronger." "¶" "VETERANS:" "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." "¶" "Do you know it's the first time in the history of the Court that the doors have been closed during working hours?" "Is that so?" "This is serious, sir." "The government can't stop people from assembling because of some vague fear that they're gonna commit a crime." "These protesters were exercising their constitutional right." "On the Mall, in front of the Court." "They weren't causing any trouble." "I would say it was necessary to protect the city and the Court." "And I say fiddle-sticks to that, sir." "It's the First Amendment." "It's the law, sir." "If the Supreme Court's not gonna protect the constitutional rights of the people, then who is?" "¶" "Sir, please remain completely still." "[Buzz]" "A tumor." "On one of the vertebraes of my lower spine." "I'm sorry to hear that, John." "I really am." "I'll tender my resignation at the end of the term." "Yeah." "Yeah, I think that's best." "John, smoking?" "Oh, you know what the doctor said?" "He said, "If smoking gives you comfort, then carry on smoking."" "Cigarettes are the least of my worries, my friend." "[Crying]" "¶" "MAN:" "When Muhammad Ali lost his heavyweight boxing title for refusing military induction, he also lost his license to fight." "Now after 3 1/2 years out of the sport, the state of Georgia is willing to let the ex-champ back in the ring." "[Crowd cheering]" "[Bell rings]" "ANNOUNCER:" "He said it was a very severe cut." "That's the reason he stopped it." "The winner at the end of the third round--Muhammad Ali!" "[Crowd cheering]" "MAN:" "The next step in the boxing comeback of Muhammad Ali will be a bout with contender Oscar Bonavena." "ANNOUNCER:" "And he goes down again!" "It's over." "Ali is the knockout winner at two minutes and 3 seconds." "If Joe comes out smoking, I ain't gonna be joking." "I'll be pecking' an' a-pokin', pouring water on his smokin'." "This might shock and amaze ya, but I will retire Joe Frazier." "I have a lot of speed and a lot of endurance." "When I meet Frazier, he'll need more insurance." "¶" "ANNOUNCER: ...he's wearing red trunks." "He weighs 215, undefeated in 31 bouts, scoring 25 knockouts, it is Muhammad Ali!" "[Crowd cheering]" "Not gonna go his way in court." "Won't go his way tonight, either." "Ali's the better fighter." "Lighter on his feet." "He's gonna dance around Frazier and wear him down." "ANNOUNCER:" "The heavyweight champion of the world," "Joe Frazier." "[Crowd cheering]" "[Bell rings] ANNOUNCER:" "Round 11." "MAN ON RADIO:" "Again, Ali appearing to be quite weary." "Frazier looking much stronger." "Frazier throwing many more punches." "...Frazier throwing punches." "MAN ON TV:" "That one hurt." "Look at that." "Muhammad Ali staggers." "Muhammad Ali was rocked." "He's holding on desperately." "[Crowd cheering]" "[Bell rings on TV]" "Bill, one more." "You're up, Connolly." "MAN ON TV:" "Right, this is the final round of the fight and what a fight it's been!" "[Bell rings]" "ANNOUNCER:" "This is the final round!" "MAN ON TV:" "Referee Arthur Mercante has them touch gloves." "Something they've been doing all night." "Muhammad Ali has gotta go box him." "MAN ON RADIO:" "Joe Frazier against Muhammad Ali." "MAN ON TV: ...he is up." "He got up immediately on the count of two." "ANNOUNCER ON RADIO:" "The referee Arthur Mercante scores it 8.6-1 even for Frazier." "MAN ON RADIO:" "One vote for Joe Frazier." "ANNOUNCER ON RADIO:" "Artie Aidala 9-6 for Frazier." "Frazier is the winner!" "Ali's history." "ANNOUNCER ON TV:" "Heavyweight champion of the world, Joe Frazier!" "MAN ON TV:" "Joe Frazier!" "For the first time in his career." "Muhammad Ali was beaten!" "[Gavel bangs]" "COURT MARSHAL:" "Docket number 7-8-3." "Clay, a.k.a. Ali, versus United States." "BURGER:" "Mr. Eskridge, you may proceed whenever you are ready." "ESKRIDGE:" "Mr. Chief Justice and may it please the Court." "On February 16, 1966, my client wrote a letter to his local draft board alleging facts which he claimed entitled him according to the law to conscientious objector status." "In his handwriting, he wrote," ""Muslim means peace," ""total submission to the will of Allah;" "do not take the lives of anyone."" "His request was denied." "The Appeal Board referred the matter to the United States Justice Department." "The Justice Department appointed a hearing officer--Judge Grauman." "Judge Grauman heard several witnesses." "He also had in front of him, the record shows," "Elijah Muhammad's book" ""Message to the Blackman in America."" "Judge Grauman found that Ali was sincere in his objections to participation in war in any form." "The government rejected this finding, stating that Mr. Muhammad Ali would fight "tomorrow," quote unquote, in a defensive war on behalf of Muslims." "HARLAN:" "Mr. Eskridge, when you say" ""fight in a defensive war on behalf of Muslims,"" "that is what is known as participating in a holy war, is it not?" "It is, Mr. Justice, yes." "And that is in the Quran." "Yes, sir." "It's also referenced in Elijah Muhammad's book." "So, he would fight?" "Uh, ahem." "Sir, Black Muslims have taken some of their beliefs from the Quran and fashioned them to the black man's experience in the United States." "BLACK:" "In this holy war, who would your client be fighting?" "Sir, nowhere in the record has my client ever said that he would fight with weapons against anybody." "STEWART:" "Mr. Griswold, the Hearing Officer, Judge Grauman, recommended that Mr. Ali's conscientious objector status be sustained." "Why did the government choose to ignore his findings?" "As your honors know, the government is not represented at such hearings." "Well, what I'm interested in learning is why the government determined that Ali's beliefs were not religiously rooted." "We accept that his beliefs are religiously rooted." "You accept that his beliefs are religiously rooted?" "Yes, Your Honor, we do." "But you question his sincerity." "We do not question his sincerity." "BRENNAN:" "You don't question his sincerity?" "No, Mr. Justice, we do not." "Mr. Griswold, what is the government's objection?" "Sir, the only question before the Court now is that his objection was selective." "It is not enough for his objection to be religious;" "it must also be an objection to participation in wars in any form." "The Petitioner just doesn't want to fight the white man's wars, and I can understand that." "At the same time, he has no religious or conscientious scruples against participation in wars which would defend the black man's interests." "In this summary of the first hearing," ""Clay objects to being in service because he has no quarrel with the Vietcong."" "In his own words, quote," ""No Vietcong ever called me nigger," unquote." "Since Mr. Ali would participate in a holy war, he is not a true conscientious objector." "HARLAN:" "Mr. Eskridge, people have always fought wars for religious reasons, and then would defend them as being holy wars," ""just" as opposed to "unjust."" "Like the Crusades." "So, your client would fight a holy war but-- and I'm quoting you here" ""wouldn't fight with weapons against anybody."" "I'm sorry." "I'm confused." "How do you stand now with the possibility of going to jail?" "Oh, I don't know." "I'm just waiting any day now." "Do you think about that, though?" "Do you ever think what you'll do or if you do go?" "Why, yes, you think about it at nights when you're in the bed." "You think about, you know, if I went this way, what could have happened, if I went this way, and I've figured it all out." "But whenever people want to really make progress, some have to sacrifice a lot, and I like to say white America right now spending $30 million a day in Asia, black and white boys are dying unjustly for nothing" "just to free somebody else." "So, why should I worry about going to little old jail to free my poor people who's been catching all hell for 400 years." "[Applause]" "BURGER:" "Gentlemen, let's take the vote." "John?" "I uphold his conviction." "Uphold." "Free the man." "Uphold." "Oh, let's free the man, for God's sake." "BURGER:" "Potter:" "I'm with Bill and Bill." "Go free." "BURGER:" "Harry?" "Uphold." "I vote to uphold." "That's decided." "As the senior Justice on the majority side, to write the opinion I assign..." "5 to 3 against Ali." "Yes!" "John Harlan's been assigned the opinion." "Come on, boys, let's go to lunch." "We can drown our sorrows." "You're welcome to join us." "Yeah." "[Car horn honks]" "I recommended to a fellow trustee at the Smithsonian that unemployed blacks be trained to work as gardeners at the Mall." "I think they'd be wonderful." "They have such a lovely sense of color." "BRENNAN:" "Teddy, Cutty Sark, please." "Sam, James." "Thank you, sir." "Kevin." "Sir?" "Didn't he just get married again?" "BRENNAN:" "That won't stop him." "Never does." "Well...gloomy Guses all." "Just bring the whiskey, please." "I'm sorry you're retiring, John." "I'm going to miss you on the Court." "Oh, you'll get by, Warren." "Won't be the same." "You've been a good friend to me." "I can always depend on you." "Yeah, well, you're very good at looking after yourself." "You'll find new friends." "Big fight ahead of us." "Roe v. Wade." "Sir, your table is just being prepared." "Thank you, Jacques." "With you gone, I'll probably write that opinion myself, or maybe I'll give it to Harry Blackmun." "JACQUES:" "Sir, please follow me." "Go ahead, John." "Well, let's not get despondent." "We have Roe v. Wade coming up." "It's got all the ingredients." "Sexism." "Right-wing fanaticism." "Misogyny." "Race." "It's a blockbuster, boys." "Ha ha ha!" "Michelle!" "One, Ali is sincere in his objections." "Two, his position as a Minister of Islam gives him the appropriate credentials for religious training and belief." "But, three, we are not convinced that he is conscientiously opposed to all wars." "Therefore, he does not qualify for conscientious objector status." "Therefore, by a majority of 5 votes to 3, his conviction is upheld." "Kevin, I want you to write the opinion." "Uh, no thank you, sir." "No thank you." "Wait, are you recusing yourself?" "Uh, no, sir." "I--I don't want to be difficult, but if it doesn't matter to you," "I wonder if I could switch with another." "I'd take any case." "Nelson, McGautha" "That's fine with me, sir." "I'm happy to take Ali." "No, I'd like Kevin to write this, and I want the opinion on my desk first thing tomorrow morning, please." "We need to close this case." "That's all." "Sir." "¶" "Why?" "Why won't they accept him as a conscientious objector?" "He's a properly ordained minister of the Nation of Islam." "His religion says he's not supposed to fight." "What is the problem?" "Why are we sending him to jail?" "There's got to be some precedent, some case" "Please, shut up." "Kevin," "I'm trying to finish something here." "I'd like to go home." "[Floor buffer whirring]" "Whew." "[Panting]" "[Telephone ringing]" "What time is it?" "[Ringing]" "[Ringing]" "Hello?" "I found it." "Kevin, will you go home?" "Get some sleep." "Harlan's not gonna flip." "It's Sicurella." "Hang on, wait, wait." "The Jehovah's Witness case?" "Yeah. 1955." "The Jehovah's Witnesses were granted conscientious objector status." "They don't have to go to Vietnam." "Yeah?" "So?" "Well, this is what the Jehovah's Witnesses say." "If God commanded it, they would fight." "And these are the words from Ali's own statement:" ""But the Quran do teach us" ""we do not take part in any war... unless declared by Allah himself."" "I mean, it's clear as day." "Ali, a Black Muslim, a follower of Elijah Muhammad, is saying exactly what the Jehovah's Witnesses are saying." "He would only go to war if his god commanded it." "His god." "Allah." "Now, that's not gonna happen." "That's the same as the Jehovah's Witnesses." "How can Harlan not buy that?" "That's actually not bad." "Harlan is always hammering us about law, reason, precedent." "Well, Sicurella is the precedent." "And how can he make a reasoned distinction between" "The Black Muslims and the Jehovah's Witnesses?" "He can't." "Ali is just the same as the Jehovah's Witnesses, effectively opposed to all wars." "Yeah." "But you're still gonna have to find a way to convince him to take the Black Muslims and their religious views and how those views relate to war seriously." "One more thing." "However you write it up, don't give him any reason to find a political agenda." "Otherwise, you're sunk." "Whoo!" "[Coughing]" "You all right?" "[Coughing stops]" "You all right, mate?" "Primo Maui Wowee." "Oh, thank you." "I got a lot of work to do tonight." "Me, too." "Good night." "Good night is right." "[Keys clacking]" "Mrs. Paige?" "Mr. Connolly, the Justice would like to see you." "Good luck." "When he's finished with you, don't come crying to us." "¶" "I gave clear direction didn't I?" "Yes, sir, you did." "I gave you detailed notes on what was said by the Justices in conference." "I referred you to the precedents." "You're familiar with the argument." "You know the outcome of the vote." "But sir, the case will not write." "The vote was 5 to 3." "But I can't get that result in the writing, sir." "I can't get that result because there's something else that needs to be addressed." "Mr. Connolly!" "Citizens cannot pick and choose which war they wish to fight any more than they can pick and choose which laws they wish to obey." "But sir, Ali for all intense and purposes is opposed to all wars." "It's right there in the book in black and white." "No ambiguity." "I've marked it up for you, sir." "I tell you what I do." "When a case is over, I pull the plug, clear my head... and make room for the next one." "¶" "All right." "I give up." "I give up." "And I'll write it your way, sir." "¶" "[Door closes]" "¶" "[Keys clacking]" "Is the Justice in his office?" "He's in the basement, sir." "It's movie day." "Movie day?" "Can I help you, Mr. Justice?" "Oh, I'm just wondering why 9 men, mostly in their seventies, should make judgments about sexuality." "I'm with you there, sir." "I couldn't agree more." "If I want to go to a pornographic movie, then I should pay my money." "In my view, nothing should be banned." "Hear, hear!" "[Laughter]" "I've redone my brief on Ali." "The Justice is expecting it." "Good boy." "WOMAN IN FILM:" "Oh, baby!" "I want to make you feel better." "STEWART:" "That's it." "I don't know what it is, but I know it when I see it." "[Laughter]" "Is that two males and one female?" "I can't quite make it out." "It's 3 girls, John." "Oh, by Jove." "Are they..." "Are they...is that what I think it is?" "[Whispering]" "Well, that's remarkable." "[Mumbles]" "Of course, I know a lot of people are wondering about this." "How about the draft situation?" "Oh, you mean the army." "Yeah, I mean..." "They're cleaning out my cell to take me to jail 'cause it's better there fed than in Vietnam dead." "[Cheering and applause]" "Night, chaps." "CLERKS:" "Night, sir." "Sam, I realize that" "Passover is approaching during the holidays." "Please feel free to leave the office before sundown if you wish." "Thank you, sir." "¶ [Keys clacking]" "Oh, thank you, Paul." "Usual time tomorrow, please." "Yes, sir." "[Footsteps]" "[Door opens]" "Ethel?" "¶" "Oh, my!" "¶" "Where do you think you're going, huh?" "It's very late, you know." "And very chilly." "¶" "Come on." "Let's go home." "¶" "Ahh." "Hiya, Johnny boy." "How you doing?" "I have a little love note for you this afternoon." "Ah." "Ha." "Morning." "Morning, sir." "Morning, gentlemen." "Could you ask Kevin Connolly to come in, please?" "Uh, sit down." "Sir, I wanted to try and explain." "Sit down." "Sir, when you hired me, boy, I was just over the moon." "And it's...it's an honor and a privilege to work in your chambers, but I'm starting to feel like, like I don't belong here and..." "Take this down, please." "You ready?" "Uh...yes, sir." "Case 7-8-3, Clay, a.k.a. Ali, versus United States." "Dear Chief." "My original conference vote was to affirm." "It is on that basis, of course, that you assigned the opinion to me." "Subsequent work on such an opinion has brought me serious misgivings." "I now understand that Black Muslims oppose all wars on religious grounds." "You flipped." "Sir, are you-- are you changing your vote?" "Ahem." "Last night, I took another look at your original briefing." "I read through the Elijah Muhammad book and yes, I'm changing my vote." "Sir, there's really no need for you to read this." "I've--I've changed my mind." "No." "No." "You've changed mine." "And I salute you." "All right." "Let's press on." "The religious doctrine of Islam states," ""Our refusal to go armed is our proof that we want peace."" "Sir!" "Sir." "Uh, "Elijah Muhammad goes on." ""We felt that we had no right" ""to take part in a war alongside" ""non-believers of Islam" ""who have always denied us justice and equal rights." ""We believe that we who have declared ourselves" ""to be righteous Muslims" ""should not participate in any wars which take the lives of others."" ""In my opinion, this passage proves" ""that Black Muslims are legitimately opposed" ""to all wars on religious grounds." ""And I am now convinced the conviction should be reversed."" "My God!" "The vote's a tie." "John Harlan has become an apologist for the Black Muslims." "John Harlan is one of the few people who could convince me that there is such a thing as a good Republican." "[Bang]" "BURGER:" "John?" "4-4." "HARLAN:" "Ah, Chief." "BURGER:" "John, you have betrayed me." "These are your last days on the court." "What on Earth has taken hold of you?" "It's Bill Brennan, isn't it?" "He's the one who's been twisting your arm." "Twisting my arm?" "Really?" "Don't you patronize me, John." "Oh, come on in, Warren, and sit down, for God's sake." "Come on." "Sit, sit." "Don't think I'm not sensitive to how you judge me sometimes, John." "Now, come on, Warren." "Now you're making it a little too personal." "No, I'm not." "I count on you, I depend on you." "As my colleague, as my friend." "We have the same values." "We're both working hard toward a united Court." "Yes, well, it occurs to me that sometimes we, we're inclined to slide around the issues when we wish to achieve certain results." "That's the way it's done, John." "I am the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States." "It's my role." "I think it's time we left politics to Congress, don't you?" "Please." "You're being so naive." "Apart from this place, do you have any sense of what goes on in the real world?" "I know exactly what goes on in the real world." "All the more reason to protect the independence of the court." "So naive." "John, I don't understand why you're doing this." "Why?" "You're just about to retire." "Because this Court is a continuing body." "It acknowledges the Constitution, the problems of the day, and tries to reconcile the two, and by God I respect that!" "Oh, please." "The vote is tied, 4 to 4, and it's not as if it's going to change anything." "And I can assure you that I am not going to shift my position, and no one on the Court will either." "How the hell can you be so sure?" "It's wilful, John." "Do you hear me?" "It's wilful." "And what's the result?" "You're not going to get another vote." "Ali will still go to jail." "You've accomplished nothing." "[Door closes]" "Ooh!" "Ooh." "Ahh." "Uhh." "Ahh." "Everything all right, sir?" "Mm." "Yes." "Uh, get me Potter Stewart, will you?" "Right away, sir." "¶" "Petrus, the position I've taken on the Ali case has absolutely nothing to do with his being a Negro." "I hope you understand that." "Yes, sir." "It's about the law." "¶" "Mrs. Paige." "Yes?" "Um, it's about the Justice." "What about the Justice?" "Is he sick?" "I mean, I know he has back problems, but is it something more serious than that?" "He has cancer, Mr. Connolly." "He's a very private man." "I would ask you to respect that." "Yes, ma'am." "Well, we are 4." "Thurgood has recused himself." "Where is our fifth coming from?" "Chaps, it's not enough to get the fifth vote." "In this case, the Court will have to be perceived as having one voice." "The vote must be unanimous." "8-0?" "HARLAN: 8-0." "[Chuckles]" "DOUGLAS:" "Against the government?" "Jesus, John." "The last time around, you were trying to get us to back the Chief." "Potter?" "In this situation, I think we have to really dig deep." "Find a reason to overturn." "A reason that the others would come aboard." "You know what this Chief is going to say." "If the court frees Ali, every black American will join the Nation of Islam so he doesn't have to go and fight in Vietnam." "Now, that's what he's going to say." "Well, got to find a reason to reverse without setting a precedent." "You don't change the law." "You make the ruling specific to the Ali case." "Well, whatever trick we come up with, it's got to come from a Republican appointee." "Me or Bill..." "they'll mangle us." "[Laughs] BRENNAN:" "John?" "DOUGLAS:" "John?" "[Coughing]" "You OK, Harry?" "I know you're all concerned about what you perceive as my indecisiveness." "You think I can't make up my mind." "It's not that." "It really isn't." "It's that the issues in this case are so grave." "You answer one question, even tentatively." "You think you're safe and then two more questions appear on the horizon." "As I see it, I can't make a final judgment until all the facts are in, until all the arguments have been analyzed." "But it's not a math problem, Harry." "You want to find out one answer." "It doesn't work that way." "SAM:" "Here he is." "Sorry." "CLERK:" "You're up." "You must be feeling pleased with yourself." "SAM:" "Leave it alone, Becker." "You crossed the line, Connolly." "Ask anybody, no matter whose side they're on." "John Harlan is one of the most respected" "Justices in Supreme Court history." "Chief Burger humiliating him like that in front of everybody-- they heard that all the way over on Capitol Hill." "He didn't humiliate him." "He just changed his mind and then he stood his ground." "You know he's not thinking straight." "Harlan did the right thing." "It's Justice Harlan to you, prick." "When you go home at night, did you tell your wife how you took advantage of a dying man?" "You know what?" "I've wanted to punch you in the mouth since I met you." "KEVIN:" "Put them up." "You're kidding me." "I'm not kidding." "Put them up." "Wow." "Now, I'm not gonna tell you again." "You're making a mistake here." "In college, I boxed in the Golden" "[Both grunting]" "[All shouting]" "CLERK:" "Get off him!" "SECOND CLERK:" "Hey, break it up!" "STEWART:" "I've been troubled by the government's case against Ali since the very beginning." "That's why I voted to hear the case in the first place." "Now, last night, my guys and I, we took a look..." "What is there to look at?" "There are 3 conditions that determine the status of a conscientious objector." "The Appeals Board ruled that Ali did not meet any of them." "But the Appeals Board was not specific, Chief." "It did not say which conditions it rejected." "What's your point?" "Griswold challenged Ali on only one condition." "He conceded the other two." "In fact, he said that he found Ali to be sincere and that his objections were religiously based." "So, how do we know that the one condition that Griswold singled out was the same one that the Appeal Board used to hang Ali out to dry?" "We don't." "The Appeal Board said nothing." "They gave no reasons." "It's an error of the law." "We have no choice but to overturn." "I know what you're doing, Potter." "You're trying to hang this on a technicality." "Yes, a technicality, Chief, exactly." "That way we can avoid a precedent and we can make the ruling specific to the Ali case." "BURGER:" "This is absolute nonsense." "If we do what you're suggesting, then a man who refuses to fight for his country on dubious grounds will still go free." "His belief's a matter of conscience, Warren." "Protected by the First Amendment." "Byron, Hugo, Potter, and John are all military men, and so are you, Bill." "Do you know what this means?" "Yes." "Yes, it means there'll be no more soldiers left to fight Nixon's dirty war." "DOUGLAS:" "That's one way to end it." "Ha ha ha!" "Well, guys, we're losing focus here." "We're not ruling on the war, we don't want to set a precedent, we're making this case specific to Ali." "Byron, you don't agree with this, surely." "Well, Chief, I have to say, uh..." "I think Potter's on to something here." "Hugo?" "As long as there's no precedent." "¶" "Well..." "Harry, it looks as if you and I are outnumbered." "¶" "I've explored this thoroughly, Chief." "I really have." "I looked at the arguments," "I listened to what everybody had to say, and I'm gonna vote with the majority." "I believe that the judgment should be reversed and Ali should be set free." "¶" "BURGER:" "Well." "It seems as if I am isolated." "Ah, look here." "The Constitution says quite simply that you cannot favor one religion over another." "Now, how can you make a legal distinction between Jehovah's Witnesses and Black Muslims?" "The only difference-- Black Muslims are black." "And that's why they went after Ali." "And if that's not a racist and political conviction," "I don't know what is." "If this court sends Ali to jail, it is in effect saying there's one law for whites and one law for blacks." "If you dissent, Chief, it might be interpreted as a racist vote." "What?" "HARLAN:" "You know, you once said to me that it was essential for both the Court and the nation that everyone comes on board." "Your words, Chief, and you were right." "Nobody wants a divided court." "The opinion is fine, Warren." "Please, let it go." "¶" "Well, I suppose an 8-0 decision would be a good lift for the black people." "[Chuckles]" "[Chuckles]" "[Chuckles]" "¶" "Chaps, come on, chaps..." "I know it's a tad early, but it's never too early for a good old hoot." "Rebel Yell." "Does that appeal to you?" "First time for everything, sir." "It's my favorite." "My favorite." "What happened to you?" "War wounds, sir." "What?" "Oh, my God." "[Laughs, coughs]" "MAN:" "Contrary to his usual form, Muhammad Ali seemed subdued as he arrived at the south side gym for a workout." "A Black Muslim, he thanked" "Allah and the Court for his good fortune and told them how he got the news." "I was on 79th street on the south side and just bought my orange in a grocery store and the grocery owner came out and grabbed me, and hugged me with tears in his eyes." "Little black fella, and told me that you've just been vindicated and you free," "8 judges all voted in your favor, and he just hugged me and squeezed me and he was this short..." "I'm on my way, Mrs. Paige." "Good night, sir." "Good night." "¶" "MAN:" "When the Supreme Court eventually decided that you were right and you had a perfect right to do this, you showed no resentment against the men who had kept you away from boxing." "You were very quiet about it." "Then I would be a hypocrite if I did because I expected them to recognize me for what I believed." "And they did what they thought was right at the time." "They took my title." "At the time, they wouldn't let me box nowhere in the country." "They just did what they thought was right." "And for me to now to sue them, or to condemn them, or to speak out against them for doing what they thought was right, then this would be hypocritical." "So, how can I get on them for doing what they really believed was right?" "¶" "KEVIN:" "Sir?" "[Baby fussing]" "Kevin Connolly, sir." "And you remember my wife Donna." "[Baby fussing" "Hello, chaps." "Sweet of you to come." "Of course." "[Baby fussing]" "And this is our daughter." "Louise." "¶" "Oh, how wonderful." "ANNOUNCER:" "Ali a sneaky right hand." "Another sneaky right hand." "This time he works over the shoulder of Foreman..." "[Crowd cheering]" "REFEREE: 3, 4, 5, 6...8..." "ANNOUNCER:" "That's it." "The fight is stopped." "Muhammad Ali is the winner." "He's done it." "Muhammad Ali has done it." "Muhammad Ali has done it." "The great man has done it." "ALI:" "I shook up the world, I shook up the world," "I shook up the world!" "ANNOUNCER:" "This is the most joyous scene ever seen in the history of boxing." "This is an incredible scene." "The place is going wild." "Muhammad Ali has won;" "Muhammad Ali has won by a knockout, by a knockout!" "¶" | {
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"...and when the thousand years are finished, Satan shall be released and he will go out of the darkness to seduce the people that are in the four corners of the land..." " Revelations 20:7" " What is it?" " I hear footsteps." "They're behind us." " There's nobody there." " Someone with a cane is following us." "There, it stopped." "First you have visions, now you hear noises." "It's your naughty conscience." "Why don't you want a guide dog?" "If you had one, you could go out with him." " I didn't know you knew Mrs. Garrett." " Yes, but only by sight." "Then what are you doing here?" "A funeral always brings together the Anglo-Saxon riffraff in Venice." "Speak for yourself." "I don't consider myself riffraff." " Giorgio, are you coming, too?" " No, Mark." "I have a group of tourists to take to Torcello." " Come on, keep me company." "Georgio said he can't." "As well as blind, are you deaf now, too?" "(FUNERAL CEREMONY IN LATIN)" "Christine!" "Christine!" "I'm here!" "Why do you always wander off?" " You know that you just get lost." " I didn't do it on purpose." "Yes, you did." "You enjoy making me crazy looking for you." "Why are you trembling?" " I'm cold." " Liar." " Did you have another vision?" " No." "C'mon, I won't get mad this time." "Did you see him again?" " The same man with the cane?" " Yes, but this time he wasn't alone." "There was a woman and a dog, and they were kissing." "And two people kissing scares you?" "No." "The dog had the hand of a dead man in its mouth and the man threatened me with his cane." " Where were they?" " There's a crypt over there, right?" "Yes." "Steps..." " The crypt of the Winters family..." " Our relatives!" "Only in the imagination of a madman do two people kiss each other in a cemetery and dogs eat the hands of the dead." " I'm cold." "Take me inside." " I'm fine here!" "There's a file over there, Christine." "Will you bring it to me?" "We should have decided by now." "I'm ready." "Me, too." " Well then, when are we getting married?" " When grandmother accepts you in her house." " Which means never." "She hates me." " And you despise her." " Can't you be nice to her?" " I don't caress snakes." "But we need a house." "Where would we live?" "We could live here for a while." "Then what?" "You'll continue to be a tourist guide?" " It's a profitable job." " Barely enough for just you." " You should focus on your sculpting." " You'll buy my work?" " Sure, when I earn the money." " And when will that be?" "I don't know yet, but I'll make a lot and be able to support you." "Giorgio." "Giorgio!" "Giorgio!" "What is it?" "A gondola went by with the woman from the cemetery." "Again with your visions?" "Watch that I don't send you to a school for the blind!" "I didn't see it this time, I felt it." "And I knew who it was." "It's true, go look." "Out on the water!" "You're right, there is a gondola with a strange figure on board." " With a long coat?" " Yes." "Are you trying to annoy me, too?" "It's enough to have a brother with visions." "Let's go." "Nobody wants to take them away from you, least of all the Winters." "At Giudecca there's a large American community..." "Other young ones, like them." "Mark and Christine were born in Venice, living among the Venetians." "Yes, but with their aunt and uncle they would have more security." "Grandmothers are not immortal." "As long as I'm alive, I have no intention of sending them to stay in that house." "Never once on time!" "I'd like to see you, if you were always dragging this along behind you!" "The Winters would like for you to go and cheer their loneliness." "How nice!" "They've suddenly remembered that we exist." "My son, their father, would still be alive if he hadn't married a Winters." "Don't be unjust." "In that tragic incident, Ann also lost her life." "They died together." "But that's water under the bridge now." "The Winters sink slowly like all of us who remain to die in this city we love." "Even their boarding house is falling to pieces." "In order to fix it they need someone young and active like Christine." "If I'm to be a servant, I'll work at the Danieli." "But you would be the landlady." "The children are under my legal guardianship until my death." "And I do not want to hasten that moment to please the Winters." "You go with Christine." "I'm not your guide dog." "I would be very pleased if you came to the Mass of Thanksgiving." "I will celebrate it in a private chapel at Ca' Rezzonico for your community." "Where are we?" "At Giudecca, in front of the Winters' boarding house." "(MASS IN LATIN)" "What are you doing?" "Can't you keep still even in church?" "Go to the back." " But it's too far from the altar." " What does it matter?" "You can't see anyway!" "What is it?" "What's happening, Christine?" "It's terrible." "It's like she's been incinerated by a thunderbolt from heaven." "Poor woman:" "All her life she attended the funerals of others and no one came to hers, not even the Winters." "Grandmother was right." "Those people are full of pride and arrogance." "You're wrong." "I spoke with them just this morning." "They expect you as soon as possible, you and Mark." "What do they want from us?" " Only to offer their hospitality to you." " Then they'll have a long wait." " Christine, you cannot dismiss Providence!" " I have no need for Providence." "The annuity that your grandmother received now rests in the grave with her." "Do not refuse the Winters' offer." "At least try." " Alright." " I won't live there, not even for one day!" "What are you afraid of?" " Why have you left the house by yourself?" " I don't want to go to the Winters'." "You've always heard people speak badly of them." "That's why you're suspicious." "But if you knew them better..." "I want to tell you a secret." "In an old storeroom in the Winters' house, there is a well with miraculous water." "Once people came from all over." "The crippled, if they touched it, walked." "The deaf would hear, and the blind regained their sight." "The well is still there, perhaps still full of that miraculous water." "You could wet your eyes with it, if you were to live with the Winters." " Stupid!" "Watch where you're walking!" " You watch, you little snot!" "Hey, how pompous!" "Who do you think you are?" " Who are you?" " I tried calling, but your phone was busy." "We're Christine and he's Mark." "Father Stefani sent us." "Father Stefani?" "The boarding house is closed at this time." " Father Stefani, you said?" " Yes, to spend the weekend with you." "Come in, then." "Leave your luggage here for now." "Then we'll see." "That's curious." "Father Stefani..." "Neither I nor my sister were expecting you." "Not today, anyway." " Who are these two?" " Our niece and nephew, Ann's children." " Christine and Mark." " What do they want?" "If we're disturbing you, we can leave right now." "You are welcome here, now." "Let them see the house, Madelene, and their rooms." "Come with me." " Does Aunt use a cane?" " No." "Mark, you will sleep here." "Christine will settle herself in the next room." "There is always someone spying on us." "But it doesn't matter now." "I'm tired of fighting." " Do you want to see the house?" " No." "I do!" "I heard that there's a storeroom with a well." "Yes, there is." "I must also show you the storerooms then, as well." "There's dust and cobwebs everywhere." "You see that spot of mold?" "It becomes darker when misfortunes are about to happen." "But it's already very dark, like black velvet." "This is the well." "It's only been opened twice in my lifetime." "However, there's no water anymore." "But Father Stefani told me..." "It's a lot of nonsense!" "Many things unfortunately are not true." "Let's go." "It's very damp here." " Fruit rots quickly in this house." " So buy a refrigerator." "But in order to renovate the boarding house, it'll take more serious work." "We tried, but no good came of it." "There was an epidemic in Spain." " There's no point wasting time and money." " I don't agree." "If Christine wants to take on the renovations, she should start at once." "This is the last bottle left." "A good dessert wine..." "It's horrible!" "It taste like blood!" "For God's sake, haven't you ever have wine?" "It's a coat rack." "I have to go to the bathroom." "Will you take me?" "What a pain!" "Find it on your own, so you'll learn the way and stop bothering me." "What is it?" "It's disgusting!" "It's disgusting!" "Please, let them go, Signore." "Why does it have to happen in this house?" "It was chosen centuries ago for the event." " Other attempts have already failed." " Not this time." "Finally, all will be completed according to my design." "Christine!" "Christine!" "Christine!" " Answer me!" " Why are you yelling?" "The man with the cane..." "The man with the cane killed Aunt Madelene!" " You're talking nonsense!" " It's true." "He's the man in room 12." "The boarding house is closed, Mark." "We're the only ones in the house." "No!" "There is someone, and he spoke to me." "He killed her with his cane." "Now you're seeing crimes, too?" "I'll knock some sense into you!" "A good slap to convince you that you're a visionary!" "No, Christine." "It's better to convince him with the truth." "Come with me." " Where did it happen?" " In room 12." "It's been closed for many years." "Smell that?" "It stinks from disuse." "It's full of dust and spider webs." "There should be a sofa here." "This is a cursed house." "That's why I didn't want to come here." "Where is Aunt Madelene?" " Where?" "He killed her on the sofa!" " Calm down." "There's nothing wrong." "She'll be in her room." "After lunch she always rests for a while." "I don't believe it." "I want to touch her." "He bloodied her chest!" "Madelene!" " What happened?" " Aunt Madeline..." "I'll get you to bed." "She has a heart condition." "Her medicine..." "Ah, yes, it's in the bathroom." "I'm here, Aunt." "Don't worry, stay calm." "He hit her with his cane." "She was bleeding." "You stop it!" "There's no blood here!" "Go on, touch her." "Touch her, imbecile!" "Watch out for Pentecost, Mark." "Watch out for Pentecost." "A black god will invade this house, and sweep you away with your sister." "Take care, Mark..." " Her heart stopped beating." " Did she speak?" "Did she say anything?" "Yes, I was told to watch out for Pentecost and a black god." "Who is that?" "Pay no attention." "She said it to everyone." "It was a fixation of hers." " I came up to see." "She was your aunt?" " My name is Vicky." " What's yours?" " Mark." "I help my mother in the tavern near your house." "I saw you arrive today." " You're blind!" " Yes, for three years now." " Hi, Mark." " Hi, Vicky." "Do you like living on Giudecca?" " I'm only here because there's a well." " You know about that?" "Yes, but I can't get there alone, and my sister teases me." "I'll take you." " What?" " Nothing, nothing." " Bring it in." " Wait here." "I'm making this the greenhouse." "You're doing great things here." "It'll turn out a boarding house for the rich." "Your uncle's giving you carte blanche with the work, hm?" "Now that you're an heiress do you want to get married?" " Do you?" " You'd really marry a girl like me?" " What do you mean, "a girl like you"?" "Haven't you noticed?" "I always do the opposite of what's right." "Like I'm cursed." "Grandmother said that's my share of Winters' blood." "What idiocy." "We're all like that:" "A little good and a little bad." "But I have more bad than good." "I feel like something's pushing me in the wrong direction." "And it gives me a shiver of pleasure." "If I told you what I had in mind for this boarding house..." "Better not..." " Do you really want to get married?" " Right away." "No, not until the boarding house is ready." "No, I don't want to!" "Here's some advice:" "Save your sexual phobias for a psychoanalyst." "So I'm neurotic, in your opinion?" "I have carried out your orders, signore." "Yes, your job is finished, Martin." "They must remain alone in this house." "But the child has yet to be conceived." "At that moment no one has to be here, except those two." "Mark!" "Wait for me!" "What is it?" "Why did you scream?" "I found this letter." "Uncle could not bear the death of his sister." " Strange, it seemed like he hated her." " He was ordered to kill himself." " By whom?" " Nobody." "Well, bravo." "I'll spare you all the other tall stories I was told yesterday." "(FUNERAL PRAYER IN LATIN)" "Giorgio!" "Giorgio!" "Giorgio!" "Giorgio!" "What's the matter, Mark?" "How did you hurt yourself?" "It was the man with the cane." "He was hiding up here to hit me." " And you saw him, of course?" " Calm down, it's nothing." "But you didn't see this prong..." "Touch it, it's still covered with blood." "You ran into this." "That's your cane!" "What do you think?" "It's going to be first-class, right?" "Did you choose the serving staff from the "Playboy" bunnies?" " Is that a compliment?" " Not according to his tone, no." "These girls come from abroad to study at the Academy." "They give me a hand and I give them a hand in order to earn a living in Venice." "How much are they paying you for this cruise?" "Double, because it's the last job I'm doing for the agency." "Do you still believe that I should write the letter of resignation?" "Yes." "You have to quit this buffoonish job." "I have to go." "The tourists are expecting their buffoon..." "I'll bring you a gift from Constantinople." "What would you like?" " Anything." "But come back soon." "Promise?" " Sure." " Bye." " Bye, bon voyage." "Christine, will George be back by Pentecost?" "Enough already with Pentecost!" "What do you think's going to happen to you?" "Lock yourself in your room that day!" "How's it going Christine?" "Have you decided on anything for the house?" "I'm thinking about it, but I need advice on the type of customer..." "Don't move from here, Mark." "Nowhere to go, so don't worry." "Christine!" "What's happening?" "Where are you, Mark?" "Christine!" "Where are you?" " Come on." "Calm down." "I've got you." " Let go of me!" "Mark!" "Where are you?" "Mark!" "Let me go." "My brother is in there!" "Mark!" " Is this your brother?" " Yes, thanks." "I couldn't reach him." " Calm down, I have him." " Let go." "I don't want you touching me!" "Mark!" "Where are you going?" "Don't be rude, this man saved you." "There was no serious danger." "You see?" "Looking for a good boarding house, comfortable, quiet..." "Soon I'll have the license." "You're our first guest." "Then I can choose the room?" "Number 12." "This is the largest room." "It was in terrible shape." "Now it's unrecognizable." "You've really never been to Venice?" "I thought I saw you once on the Bridge dell'Accademia, with a dog." "The lamp is too bright." "It hurts my eyes." "I'd like something to cover it with." "My name is Dan." "Go on, now." "I don't need anything else." "I recognized the voice." "I know who he is." "I thought I'd seen him before, too." "He's the man with the cane, who killed Aunt Madelene, and tried to kill me." "And I'm listening to your nonsense!" "There are shelters for neurotics." "You're raving, and I'll prove it." "Today is Pentecost, and no evil spirits came to kill us." " It's today?" " Yes?" "And all your fears?" "I understand why Aunt Madelene warned me about Pentecost." "The man I saw in the cemetery is the black god." "Cast him out, Christine!" "Send him away!" "It could have been worse." " What are you doing in my room?" " Nothing." "What do you mean, nothing?" "Is it true that two people were killed in this house?" "No, it's not true." "It's not enough to say no, you must also believe it." "Stop!" "The canal's there!" "You almost fell in the water." " Go away!" "Leave me alone!" " Want to wake the whole neighborhood?" " Be quiet!" " Go away!" "What are you doing out here?" "What's wrong, Mark?" "What's going on?" "I don't want to go home." "Take me away." "Don't leave me alone with him." "I don't know, but he doesn't seem to want to harm you." "I'm a guest at the boarding house." "I'll take him back." "Don't touch me!" "Go away!" " Calm down." "Return with him." " Go away!" " Trust me." " Go away!" " What happened?" " I found him down by the gondolas." "If not for me, he would've ended up in the canal." "Put him in my room." "Why do you wander around at night, instead of staying in bed?" "I don't want to stay in the same house as this man!" "Why are you so afraid of me?" "I'm your friend." "I mean you no harm." "Now, have a drink of water, and calm down." "Here." "Stop provoking people with your neurotic accusations!" "Dan has saved you twice today." "He hardly wants to kill you!" "You can stay in my room." "Calm down and try to sleep." "Good night, Mark." " Christine!" " What is it?" "Georgio should be back today." "I counted the days." "Bravo, well done." "He's already arrived." " Already arrived?" "How do you know?" " I was at the port this morning." "Why didn't you tell me?" "He was supposed to come here." "He didn't come here and won't be coming." "Not now or ever." "Let me see." "It's just a scratch." "All women are afraid of being pricked." "It's called a "phobia of needles."" "It stopped bleeding." "Thanks, Dan." "I respect your fear of being hurt." "That's how it should be." "Where are you going?" "You shouldn't go out alone." "You'll get lost." "The man who is staying with us mustn't find me." "Help me, I have to hide." "If you take me back inside, he'll find me." "He won't look for you right under his nose." "Behind this closet there's a safe hiding place." "It looks like a closet, but it's a storeroom for old stuff." " How did you know?" " I know all about this boarding house." "Why are you hiding from that man?" "What have you done?" "Nothing, but I..." " Mark!" "Mark!" " There he is." "I'm really tired of chasing after you, now enough!" " Let's go home and sort this out." " No." "What do you mean, no?" "At home, Vicky is dead." "She was killed by Dan." " My daughter killed?" "Are you crazy?" " In the storeroom, behind the closet." " Don't mind him!" " Now I would also be a murderer?" " Who is this Vicky?" " My daughter." "She and Mark are often together." "And you claim that I killed her." "When?" "How?" "You're her mother." "Come with me." "She's behind the closet on the first floor." "Come on, let's see." "Mark, you want to know who's on the bridge?" "Vicky's ghost." "Come closer." "Tell him something." "Mark believes that you've been killed." "Mark, what are you thinking?" "You hid me in the closet, and then Dan came." "Me?" "But we haven't seen each other since yesterday!" "Are you trying to scare my mother?" "You're all trying to trick me!" "Is this where your ferocious enemy killed Vicky?" "Here's what was there." "She's dead, too." "Come on, dinner is ready." "What's this?" " Paint." "Red paint." " It's blood, dripping down the stairs." "Go and wash your hands." "Believe me." "He killed her, and this is her blood." "Vicky is alive, you touched her." "Isn't that enough evidence?" " And where are you going?" " Away, forever." "I'm leaving tonight." " I'm going away." " What do you mean, going away?" "I'm leaving Venice." "Far away from this house, from your brother." "He says he's afraid of me, but in truth he hates me, he feels persecuted and for revenge he's inventing outrageous accusations." "Pay no attention to that nonsense." "You shouldn't take it personally." "I'm not, let alone from him, but it's better for me to disappear." "Remaining here will only aggravate his delusions of persecution." "Instead, Mark has an absolute need for calm." "What about me?" "Don't I mean anything to you?" "Yes, but destinies are already drawn, and ours is not to meet anymore." "Goodbye, Christine." "Christine!" " What?" "Are you ill?" " No, it's nothing." "I'm glad to have run into you." "I was about to pay you a visit." "Especially now that you're expecting a child." " I'm not expecting a child." " Yes, you are." "And how do you know?" "Your pastor knows things you cannot even imagine." "Then you'll know what I'm about to do." "As a matter of fact, I'm here to stop you." "I should keep the child when I don't even know who the father is?" "It's not that young man who was at the boarding house?" "You know about that, too?" " It's not him, though." " Are you sure?" "It can't be Dan!" "It's impossible." " He was the only guest there." " I never made love with him if you know what I mean." "I have never made love with anyone." "Come, let's go." "Let's talk about it calmly." "You desired that young man?" "Very much." "I'm in love with him." "Don't you want to continue to love him through his child?" "Be frank with me." "What happened between you?" "Was it physical?" "Very little, just a few caresses, a kiss..." "And what else?" "I said, just a kiss." " But you don't believe me." " I believe you." " No, you think that I..." " I said that I believe you." " You can't get pregnant that way!" " And why not?" "Everything is possible." "Remember that a life is a life, no matter how it has been conceived." "Keep it, hold it, and raise it with love, this child." "Now we need to find a father and choose a name." " And tell him of my condition?" " Yes, it would only be fair." "He'll marry me, if he loves me." "Here we are, on our honeymoon in Venice, in a beautiful house." "I wonder how many people dream of this!" "No." "No!" " I'm still scared." " But we're married." "A ceremony doesn't exorcise the grief." "Who knows, perhaps after the birth it will be different for me." "Please, just wait for these months." "Meanwhile, if you feel like it..." "I won't be jealous." "If all the voices you heard were as true as your visions...!" "Mark, you're blind, and a well cannot perform a miracle." "But it's true:" "That man organized it so that nobody should remain in the house so Uncle Martin was killed, and Christine dumped you." "But afterwards she married me." "Don't deceive yourself that she'll ever leave the boarding house just because there are ghosts." "You shouldn't leave either, not even if the devil himself lived there." "That man is worse than the devil!" "But he hasn't been seen again, either as a ghost or a guest." "And you haven't seen any more crimes or suicides." "I'm not crazy." "It's alright." "Sometimes I also think that it's the house of Satan." "Oh, it's you, Mr. Brooks!" "Yes." "Pat and Sally have stopped here by chance." "Which one do you want?" "Ah, I'll see to it." "Goodbye." "He wants both of you together." "A courageous request." "Okay, but this little whim will cost him a stereo system." "Ask for whatever you want, just so it doesn't touch my percentage." "In your opinion, who is this black god?" "A cursed creature that haunts me." "Cursed like his companion." " And your aunt and uncle?" " Damned souls, too, like this house." " Have you finished playing nanny?" " Go away, whore." "You're right, Mark." "You're all the same." "Good night." "You're leaving?" "Yes." "The things you told me will make my head explode." "Maybe it's the coming Apocalypse." "But can I believe you?" "Leave me alone!" " You sure you're telling me the truth?" " Of course!" "I waited to give you this before you left for vacation." "It's your Christmas present." "I found it in the basement of the church." "It's a very ancient cradle." "It's beautiful." "I'll fetch something to dust it off with." " But it's black." " How do you know?" "You can't recognize a color with your hands." "The wood has simply darkened over time." "Father Stefani, I have tried many times with the water from the well." "Why does nothing happen?" "You must have faith." "Make another attempt, then close it again." "If one day you find it open, then that will be the moment you're waiting for." "We're leaving tomorrow to spend Christmas in Burano." " Are you excited?" " Of course!" " Why so many nails?" " I hope someone will run into them." " But can you sell them?" " No, they're ugly." "I'm not a sculptor, I'm a gigolo." "Why do you say that?" "It's the truth." "I married your sister to have an easy and comfortable life." " But you love her!" " Sure." "As much as you can love..." "a pimp." "So, what did you see that time in the storeroom with the well?" " I already told you." " I'd like to hear it again." "They were both naked?" "Come on, everyone says that I have hallucinations." "You can't take it back now." "This is a crazy story." "And I'm beginning to see what role I was reserved to play." "So you believe me?" "You're convinced that something serious is about to happen?" "Yes, something will happen, and it's all connected." "The voices, the dead reappearing, Father Stefani, the Winters, Christine..." "They're all accomplices in an event that will bring other calamities." "Your sister!" "To want to leave today in her condition!" "For what purpose but to give birth during the journey?" " What are you talking about?" " About other coincidences." " Are we in front of the cemetery?" " Yes." "You can feel death even from a distance..." "I'm scared of that place." "The Winters crypt is full of ghosts." "Not just ghosts." "In the crypt is the door to hell and your black god has the key." " Let's go below." "It's too windy." " Come on, lean against me." "Christine!" "Help me, quickly!" " Signora, are you hurt?" " She's pregnant." "Gently, she's pregnant." " Easy, don't move." " Oh, Christine!" "What happened?" " Gently." " Quick, call a doctor." "Allow me." "I'm a midwife from Torcello." " Please, help me." "I'm scared, help me." " That's why I'm here." "I'm not the father." "The father is Dan, the man with the cane." "A supernatural being that only you have really seen." "It shouldn't be born." "It'll be a monster like its father, it will harm everyone!" "You're exaggerating." "What evil can a baby do?" "It'll grow up, and then it'll be too late to stop it!" "Now I understand why Dan made you hate him." "You're meant to pass your hate on to his child." " Come on, Christine." " Yes, good." " Easy..." " Push..." "Again..." "Again..." "You're a father." "Congratulations, it's a boy." " Darling..." " How wonderful, Christine." "The midwife is no longer on board." "But that's impossible." "The boat didn't stop." "She's disappeared." "Perhaps she fell overboard." "Or she flew away from us." ""Today begins the narration of the facts that brought about the event "that has always been feared:" "The son of Evil made man."" ""But why would Satan want to appear to us in human form?"" "Do you want to know what I'm writing?" "A history." "The Gospel according to George." "The black gospel." " I'm going to prepare his bottle." " Good morning." "What good news!" "Who would ever have imagined, so soon?" "How wonderful." "How beautiful." "I waited until returning to Venice for you to baptize him." " I wanted it to be our pastor." " Of course." "It will be necessary." " It's the first contact with the divinity." " Is Sunday alright?" "Yes, but be patient a little." "We'll do things carefully." "Don't be in a hurry." "The baby is healthy." "But I was hoping that we would do the ceremony immediately." "I must go now." "I've only come for a greeting." "I have many things to do." "We'll talk again about the baptism." "See you soon, Christine." "I'll keep in touch." "How very beautiful." "Goodbye." ""And they, the disciples, adored the child."" "Stop it!" "At least have the decency to be quiet, if you hate the child so much." "No!" "I won't be quiet." "I want to speak!" "I know who he is!" "You're all his slaves, not me!" "I rebel!" "Tomorrow I'll get a real priest to come and exorcise everything!" "Go away." "You're frightening the baby." "A real priest!" "Father Stefani is a fake." "That's why he's afraid to baptize him." "He knows what will happen to him if he does." "If you don't believe me, I'll prove to you who's in the cradle!" "Let's go, Mark." "You come with me." " Happy being a mother?" " Very much, Father." "You're an excellent organizer." "There's even the sun." "Did you hire it?" "Of course." "I could never invite you to breakfast in Torcello without the sun." " Couldn't you baptize him today?" " I have a surprise for you." "Next week the deacon of the Madonna della Salute will do it." "Christine!" "The baby's suffocating!" "He's not breathing!" "Father Stefani, he could die." "Baptize him, quick." " Without holy water?" " You can use any water, you know that." "Please, Father, baptize him with the name of Alex." "Hurry, what are you waiting for?" "Baptize him!" "Alex, I baptize you in the name of the Father the Son, and the Holy Spirit." "That boat, it's going to run into us!" "Father Stefani!" "What happened?" "Giorgio!" ""He who baptizes him, shall be beheaded."" "Father Stefani knew that." "That's why he kept postponing." ""That is why Dan wanted to give man's nature to his son."" ""For him to retrace the same path of his rival and imitate him."" " Are you talking about Alex?" " Yes, about him." "The real problem was not the devil giving birth to a son but what to do with him afterwards." "Now everything is clear." "Listen." "For centuries evil has sought to become incarnate in the belly of a woman, or to invade the body through possession." "So why so much obstinacy for a birth?" "Looking like us, it's easier to hide among people, among us." "No, it's in order to appear to us like a brother." " Brother?" "But I hate him!" " And he is happy to be hated." "He'll try to make you hate him even more." "You must love him instead!" "I hate him!" "Write that in your Gospel!" "I hate him!" "Giorgio, are you still writing the history of Alex?" "Who would be interested?" "It concerns everyone." "At least explain what this has to do with me." "I'll explain what your role is when I have other proof." " What do you want proof of?" " Of a crazy truth." "Now, I need you." " What do you want?" " Would you like to make love?" "How did you know?" "That's why I came down." " Take him for me." " No!" " Come on, take him!" " No!" "Hold him!" "But Mark is there." "You're not afraid to do it in front of him?" "It's written that, "he who will scandalize in front of children..."" ""...it is better that you tie a millstone around your neck."" "I would never kill myself for a sin like that." "Perhaps you would, if you found the courage." "And this will be the test." "Mark, I'm here!" "Mark!" "Vicky." "I'm confused." "Help me to understand." "Upstairs I touched Vicky's corpse." "It was her." "But Christine found nothing in the closet." " Why would she lie to me?" " To protect Alex." "He killed Vicky." "Him?" "But it was Dan." "I saw him." "You..." "You don't understand, Mark." "Dan and Alex are the same person." "Dan and Alex..." "Father and son..." "They made you find Vicky's corpse just now, because now they had to unleash your hatred." "Evil is the negative of Good, like a picture not yet developed." "Just as black is the color of envy, and is jealous of the light." "Satan is jealous." "He wants the same things that the other has had." " The other who?" " He wants to imitate the destiny of the other." "But he's smart and cynical." "He wants to realize it... in negative." " Giorgio!" " Wait for five minutes!" "As I expected, he's drunk." "Take the carriage." "Giorgio, I'm tired of having to take you home drunk!" "Giorgio!" "Giorgio!" "Alex's carriage!" "Alex's carriage!" "It fell in the canal!" "Look!" "Hurry!" "Hurry!" "Giorgio, hurry!" "Quickly, I beg you!" "Alex!" "My treasure!" "Give him to me." "My love, you're safe." "Who are you?" " Vicky's mother." " Where's Vicky?" "She's waiting for me outside." "Why are you worried about Vicky?" "Ask me about George, instead." "Hurry, before it's too late." "Your friend is in danger." "Giorgio!" "Giorgio!" "Giorgio!" " How many seats are there?" " Where's Giorgio?" " He's gone!" " How many will there be?" " Everyone is coming for Alex's birthday." " Help me here." "No, it's not true." "You killed him tonight." "I saw you." "You killed him because he hated that monster in the cradle." "You're the monster, and don't believe what you pretend to see!" "Giorgio is gone." "He's run out on us!" "This is the letter that he thought to leave, the great sculptor!" ""What words can I find in order to take leave of you, beloved souls?"" ""Goodbye, wife." "Goodbye, child." "Goodbye, old friends." "You have broken me..."" " The rest are swearwords and insults." " I don't believe you." "He would never have gone away like that..." "Without even saying goodbye to me." "Maybe he didn't want to disturb your sleep." "You slept for hours down in that hole." "If you don't believe me, have someone else read it to you." " Stay away from him!" " Christine, can I hold him?" " I love him." " That's what I like..." "You have to be affectionate with him." "And be careful." "Don't go too far." "Alex..." " I hate him." "He mustn't be born." " He must not die." "He must not die." "Alex!" "Where were you?" "For days they've been looking for you." "Were you hiding for what you've done?" "Anyway, if you're looking for Alex, he's no longer here." "And Christine is at the cemetery." "Why don't you hurry to her?" "Today is Easter, the day of forgiveness." "Hurry to her." "Explain why you did it." "She'll understand." "Giorgio?" "You didn't leave?" "You didn't disappear?" "Is that what they told you?" "You can see now." "Happy?" "The water in the well worked." "But first you had to deserve it." "Your friend Dan has been very generous." "He has rewarded you." "It's the prize for having killed his son." "It wasn't easy to find a Judas for a tender little monster like Alex." "Why are you talking about him like that?" "I really killed him, you know?" "If only it had been a hallucination like Vicky's death, like yours." " You know, I saw them kill you." " Do you believe that I'm still alive?" " And that Alex is still dead?" " Yes." "He'll be in the Winters' crypt." " This is his grave." " But it's empty and without a name." "He was buried here, and unfortunately has already risen." "But the dead do not rise again!" "That only applies to other people, not to him." "Remember?" "I told you that Satan wanted to travel the same path as Jesus." "Dan wanted his son to be born and die for this resurrection." "You're crazy." "No, Alex is dead." " Now I would be a visionary?" " Yes." "I've come to my senses." "Sure." "You no longer believe in demons, ghosts..." "Where are you going?" " We'll look together for Alex's grave." " That was it." "You already found it." " Giorgio, stay here." "I'm afraid." " Of what?" " Of what you said." "What if it's true?" " It is, Mark." "Alex has risen again." "Not to stand at his father's side, but to remain on this earth forever." "If this was his plan..." "Yes, you should be afraid of him." "Translation and subtitles:" "sled1025, 2009." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"[ Woman Narrating ] "Previously on" Earth 2." "They call him the Watcher." "He works for the Council, determining the viability of this planet for human resettlement." "And you think the boy provides the ability to take the planet?" "The boy is touched." "The Council is testing five planets for resettlement." "The most promising candidate is this one." "But we can't resettle until they figure out some way to control the planet." "What does all this have to do with my son?" "The boy is mine." "You deliver him, or you will die running." "He's out there somewhere..." "orbiting." "But he can't detect us, not so far." "We have come to this place... to leave behind... a part of ourselves- a part we cannot replace, but a part we will not lose... as long as we remember." "[Julia Narrating ] Six days, four hours and some odd minutes ago, we all began to die." "We closed the winter camp, headed out of the mountains, but now we're stopped again - at the mercy of the unknown." "Bess." "It's okay." "I'm" " I'm just a little dizzy." "That's all." "Some of us are worse than others, but we're all experiencing dizziness, progressive loss of motor control." "And now the first of us has died." "I'm afraid she won't be the last." "[ Yale, Continuing ] ... leave in this quiet place... only the fragile chamber in which our friend once lived." "For we take with us forever her enduring spirit." "Amen." "[ Shovel Spading ]" "[ People Coughing ] [Julia Narrating ] They say that fear is a single closed door... behind which lies the unknown." "We've been stuck in this valley for eight days." "We've been sick for six." "I say we start movin' again before we get any weaker." "Maybe you're right." "[ Sighs ]" "Julia?" "I've run every test I can." "I" " I" " I've come up with nothing." "If I had more equipment- If I had more time" "If,if,if." "What kind of a diagnosis starts with "if"?" "She is doing the best she can, Morgan." "Well, that's not good enough." "Take a look at us." "We're withering away here, one by one, and our only doctor doesn't have a clue." "Morgan, shut it, or you won't have to worry about withering away." "dd [Jazz ]" "[ Saxophone Continues ]" "Who the hell are you?" "You're not in this program. [ Saxophone Stops ]" "Franklin Bennett's the name, and I like your taste in music." " What the hell's the matter with this thing?" " "Nothing at all, Morgan. "" "I've simply come to tell you that you're doomed." "Your beautiful young doctor cannot help you." "Wait a minute." "What are you- How do you know that?" "There's nothing she can do to save you." " You stay away from me." " But I can." "If you listen to me- if you trust me" " I can help you." "I can help Bess... if you help me." "[ Chattering ]" "[ Beeping ]" "[ Beeping ]" "[ Sighs ]" "[ Tent Flap Rustles ]" "Bessie." "Honey." "Bess." "I'm not doing so well, Morgan." "[ Sighing ] Oh, honey, I know." "I'm not doing so well either." "We're all gonna be better soon." "Oh." "Bess." "Do you believe in angels?" "[ Engine Stops ] [ True ] Why are we stopping?" "Hey." "Why are we stoppin'?" "Someone's been messin' with the induction cell." "It's been modified to shut down on these coordinates." "What?" "[ Beeping ] Show me." "What's goin' on?" "It's locked down to these coordinates." "[ Conversation Continues, Indistinct ] [Julia ] Let's get Baines and the others into some shelter." "[ Devon ] Alonzo, you'd better" " Look!" "Over there!" " "[ Uly ] Whoa.!" - "[ True ] Wow.!" "What is it?"" "That looks like an Earth ship." "I make it better than a hundred years old, Lonz." "Your age." "Very funny." "First cruise ship out this far was a Jupiter-class freighter." "This boat's Venus class- 30 years earlier." "I didn't think we were out here that long ago." "Officially, we weren't." "Unofficially, looks like we were." "[ Exhales ]" "Let's do it." "I used to love to "fl"y these things. [ Danziger ] You know what you're doin'?" "[ Vacuum Releases ] Guess so." "[Julia ] Oh, what" " Okay." "[ Devon ] Alonzo, be careful." "Be careful now." "Be careful." "[ Danziger ] Wow." "She's still got power." "Plasma shell." "Nuclear." "These babies could burn forever." "[ Systems Powering Up ]" "What do you know?" "[ Exhales ] Will you take a look at this?" "[ Devon ] It's not from our station." "That's for sure." "Look at this." "Cold-sleep crypts." "[ Devon ] What?" "There's people in here." "[ Danziger ] People?" "[ Alonzo ] What do you mean, people?" "Are they alive?" "They must be." "I'm unfamiliar with these first-generation systems." "According to ship's log, it's a Council research vessel." "A Council ship?" "Mm." "Originally commissioned out of New Mars Station." "Most of its research data is locked in coded files I cannot access." "The final log entry simply states:" ""Entering cold sleep." "Can't wait to get back. "" "They actually thought they were going home." "What do we do with them?" "[ Danziger ] Let 'em sleep." "Take what we can use and be on our way." "With temperatures that low, if we cycle them up, we take a risk." "They could die." "Cycle 0-1-niner." "Ramp accelerated recovery from 0-niner... to 1-2-1." "[ Systems Powering Up ] [ Beeping ]" "Oh, boy." "I hope you know what you're doing, Bennett." "Morgan?" "What the hell are you doin'?" "I" " I-I'm, uh- I'm waking them up." "Just like he asked." "You're waking them up?" "Morgan." "Oh, no." "Can you stop it?" "No." "We've got life signs already." "I don't know what to do." "What's wrong?" "I did everything he said." "Who?" "Everything "who" said?" "Him." "[ Alarm Blaring ]" "They're failing!" "The pods are failing." "[ Danziger ] Find an override." "You've gotta find an override." "It's too late.!" "We're gonna lose them.!" " Four is gone." " "[ Danziger ] God.!"" " "John, help me.!"" " Look at it, Morgan!" "You killed them!" "But... he begged me to do it." " Pod 5" " Morgan!" " He told me what to do." "[ Danziger ] Julia, shut down the failed pods." "Shut 'em down.!" "Shut 'em all down.!" "Two is stabilized." "Six is stabilized." "We've got two and six." "[ Gasping ] Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.!" "What do I do with him?" "[ Gasping Continues ]" "I'm Dr. Julia Heller." "Please lie still." "Breathe evenly." "[ Exclaims, Gasping ]" "Elizabeth?" "Thomas." "Where are the others?" "[ Gasping ]" "I'm here!" "Franklin!" "[ Gasping ]" "Franklin." "I'm here." "Franklin, I'm here." "Home." "Franklin." "We're finally home." "[ Beeps ]" "Look." "You tell them why I did it!" "You tell them it was you who told me what to do!" "Morgan, stop it." "Who are these people?" "[ Gasping ] We're colonists." "We're here to settle this planet." "Which... planet?" "G889." " Oh!" " Oh, my God!" "No!" "Sorry, folks." "You didn't get very far." "You're still on the surface." "[ Exhales ] No!" "Those murderers." "Those bloody murderers!" "Here, let me have your wrist." "Wh-What's that you're giving him?" "It's a synaptic enhancer." "It'll help with your recovery." "[ Injection ] [ Exhales ]" "We were among the Council's first "Advance" teams- the first humans in this system." "It took us eight years before we- Finished our assignment." "[ Bennett ] We put ourselves into cold sleep, fully expecting to wake up back home." "You are the first..." "colonists, right?" "Yes." "Yes, there are about, uh, a thousand others in transit- 250 families." " And after that?" " I don't know." "Millions hopefully." "I'm telling you." "I met this guy in V.R." "You begged me to wake you." "I'm sorry." "That's not possible." "It is possible." "It happened." "I didn't mean for anything to happen to your friends. [ Bess ] Morgan." "Honey, I" " I need to go to the tent." "I'm not feeling well." "Get some rest, Bess." "[Julia ] How are you?" "You feeling okay?" "Oh." "Bess?" "Julia." "Do something." "Bess." "Turn her over." "Bess." "What's wrong with her?" "I'm a physician too." "I don't know." "It's been going on for days." "It's happening to all of us, and I can't isolate it." "Now, listen." "We only came here because "he" said that you could help us." "Now, I am not making this up." "Do something!" "[ Monitor Beeping ]" " "I know it's neurological. " I just can't find the systemic source." " "[ Bess ] Eben died. "" "She died." "Bess." "It's okay." "Eben was at the front of the curve." "We lost her yesterday." "Uh, I'd like to examine the body." "[ Danziger] There we go." "[ Grunts ] [ Out Of Breath ] There." "Do you think it's possible that guy talked to Morgan in V.R.?" "Morgan sure thinks so." "I don't trust him." "It's like something" " It's not right." "He's not tellin' us everything." "Yeah." "I get the same feelin'." "[ Device Buzzing ]" "The dizziness that occurs- it's actually more of a disorientation, isn't it?" "Yeah." "Everyone's been on the same progression." "It's just some of us are further along the curve than others." "And the... headaches that follow are sharp?" "They feel as if they're directly behind the eyes?" " Do you know what this is?" " "[ Syringe Ejects ]"" " [ Sighs ]" " What is that?" "Something to let the Council monitor your life signs." "I'd guess they were going bad." "But we won't know for sure... till we analyze it." "How did you know what to look for?" "I helped design them." "It looks like a bioprobe." "It's an effective way for the Council to monitor the population's health." "[ Coughing ] Sneaky, but reliable." "I never signed off on anything like that being plugged into me." "It was probably injected right along with your "fl"u shot, old boy." "Bloody Council doctor didn't even know himself." "Now, wait a minute." "We've got little robots inside our bodies?" "Let's get to work, Doc." "Start cutting'." "I'm gonna volunteer." "They can't be removed." "The chip attaches to the cortical stem... and builds neural nets through the brain." "So, what's wrong with them?" "Can they be fixed?" "I don't know." "The circuits look damaged." "But I" "I've never seen anything like this before." "[ Shivers ]" "[ Shudders ]" "You know what this means, don't you?" "You worse than me..." "at the moment." "I punched up the crypt logs." "Fifty years... and we're still here." "And a bloody million colonists on the way." "You must call her, Franklin." "She may still be up there." "Impossible." "She's dead by now." "But you must consider it, darling." "What else could be responsible for their condition?" "[ Coughing ]" "Are you there, Eve?" "It's good to hear your voice again, Dr. Bennett." "[ Coughs ] I wish I could say the same, love." "I take it your orbit is secure." "Oh, yes." "Quite comfortable, in spite of your efforts." "[ Coughing ]" "[ Coughing Continues ]" "You didn't send us back home, love." "You sent us back down." "Care to tell me why?" "I think you know why, Doctor." "Why don't you tell the rest of us?" "More guests." "Yes." "These... kind people are the reason I'm talking to you now." "What is this?" "The mother of all computers, my dear." "When we ventured down to the surface these many years ago," "Eve stayed safely up in orbit keeping an eye on us- helping us where she could- ever the faithful watchdog." "Thank you, Franklin." "Well, it appears now our good friends are having a bit of a problem." "The biostat chips the Council in"fl"icted on them- they seem to be malfunctioning with rather nasty consequences." "You wouldn't know anything about that, would you, love?" "This would be a matter for Council member Reilly." "Reilly?" "Are the-Are the members of the Council up there now, love, in orbit on the ship?" "Citizen Reilly is here." "I will summon him." "No, wait." " Reilly." " Well, well, well." "Devon,Julia and... all the others." "What a delightful surprise." "And you're looking so well, considering." "What have you done, Reilly?" "What's going on with the biostat chips?" "Now, Devon, calm down." "It's just a little glitch that's developed in our download-uplink program- or... upload-down- I can never get that straight." "He's out of his mind." "Anyway, it seems that we've been overamplifying the little buggers, and they're giving you all headaches." "[ Chuckles ] We're t-terribly embarrassed about all of this." "You're embarrassed?" "Reilly, we're dying." "We've already lost one crew member." "You know,Julia, I really hate it when you nag." "Nowjust listen to me." "All you have to do... is access Dr. Bennett's primary architecture directive..." ""in the" Advance "team's C.P.U.,"" "uplink a software fix, downlink a software" "Send" " Uh- Send it to Eve." "Send it up to Eve, and she can begin to effect a repair... and no more problemo." "What do you think of it?" "Wait a minute." "Why do we need Bennett's systems?" "Why can't Eve just fix it herself?" "Oh, well, perhaps Dr. B. would like to take a crack at that... since he and Eve have such a..." "special relationship." "I" " I-I've lost my ball." "I have to go." "Bennett, is he right?" "Can you fix it?" "I'd like to help you." " But I won't." " "You won't?" "What do you mean you won't?"" "You get on that system, and you find that repair directive." "[ Devon ]John." "You uplink us to Reilly, or I'm" " Or what?" " "[ Yale ] Take it easy,John. "" "Bennett." "Please." "We need your help." "Please." "I wish I could help you, my dear." "But I can't." "[ Gasping Cough ]" "What's wrong with them?" "It seems to be the Cold-Sleep Syndrome." "I told you there might be a problem." "It's not reversible." "They're dying." "So are we." "Bennett." "Please." "We don't have much time." "I can't help you, Devon." "Reilly says you can." "There is no Reilly." "Of course there is." "We just saw him." "You saw an image, a holographic image... generated by the computer to humanize communication." "Reilly and Eve are one and the same." "No." "That's not possible." "How do you know this?" "Because I created the program- designed, gave her life." "There is no Council up there, Devon." "No orbiting station." "Just a computer- my computer." "And though it'll be my last breathing act," "I must be certain... it dies." "[ No Audible Dialogue ]" "[ Beeping ]" "Reilly?" "Reilly, are you there?" "We really need to talk about this." ""Whan that Aprill, with his shoures soote, the droghte of March hath perced to the roote..." ""and bathed every veyne in swich licour, Reilly." "of which vertu engendred is- Reilly.!" "We're ready to, uh, downlink, Devon." "Bennett won't unlock his C.P.U." "Oh." "Reilly." "The biostat chips- they let you monitor life signs, right?" "That's right." "So then you could home in on their signals." "So you've known exactly where we've been, haven't you?" "Of course, Devon." "The great Council sees all and knows all." "So you could've come for Uly anytime." "Yet you haven't." "Why?" "Oh, please." "We're not cruel." "Are we not men?" "Do we not bleed?" "No." "Because you're not real." "Don't" " Don't be" "[ Voice Distorting ] That is a stupid thing to say." "Oh, no, it's not." "Bennett was right." "I don't believe this." "You and Eve are one and the same." "That's why you brought us here - because there's something wrong with you, and it's the same thing that's wrong with us." "And you need us to fix you!" "Good-bye, Devon." "[ Voice Changing ] I hope you finally realize how much we need each other." "You" "[ Exhales ]" "Bennett." "You were right." "Eve and Reilly are one and the same." "She must have created him to communicate with us." "[ Gasping ] Clever girl." "Bennett, please." "You must help us." "Eve, Reilly-whatever it wants to call itself- is failing." "You're right." "She has a virus." "I gave it to her- imported it deep into her core just before we departed the planet." "She never knew what was happening." "It was programmed to start destroying her 50 years after our departure- the year we should have arrived back home." "Why?" "Why would you want to destroy something that you created?" "Eve is the Council's command link to this planet." "Without her, they have no more control here. [ Yale ] What about us?" "If Eve goes, so do we." "We're sorry." "You're sorry?" "You're sorry?" "Come on." "You must allow us access to the module's C.P.U." "It's the only chance we have." "Devon, you have no more choice in this matter." "No choice?" "No choice?" "I" "I'm very sorry for what's happened to you, but there are children here." "There are 250 families on their way here now." "Pity for them." "Pity for them?" "Please." "What kind of madman are you?" "What has happened to you two to turn you into such... heartless monsters?" "That's enough." "No!" "It's not nearly enough!" "Okay, okay." "You are condemning all these people to death." "Can you live with that?" "Can you?" "Well, I can't, and I won't." "You are gonna give me those access codes" " Devon, control yourself." "[ Shouting Continues, Indistinct ] Mom!" "Let's get her away. [ Gasping ] [ Uly ] Let me go.!" "Get away from me." "Mom." "Oh!" "Mom.!" "Devon!" "[ Yale ] Stand back, Uly." "She'll be all right." "Julia, help." "[ Wincing ] [Julia ] Let's just get her back to the tent." "[ Danziger ] Come on, Lonz." "Give me a hand." "[ Exhales ] Better?" "I'm sorry." "Don't talk." "Time to rest." "John?" "The group's going to need a leader." "[ Scoffs ] Don't even start, Adair." "You gotta promise me one thing." "You're gonna take care of Uly." "We're all gonna get through this, Devon." "We're gonna get through it together." "You gotta promise me that no matter what happens- if I don't make it with the rest of you- you've gotta keep everyone together... and you've got to look after my kid." "Promise me,John." "Okay." "[ Tent Flap Rustles ]" "Julia says you'd better come to the med tent." "He died a few minutes ago." "That means the codes died with him." "[ Beeps ]" "Oh." "Don't bother, dear." "There's nothing you can do." "When you see the onset of renal failure, just try to make me as comfortable as possible." "I wish I'd gotten to know you better." "You must have been among the best to be among the first." "I was... an excitable young girl." "They- uh, Franklin, the others- They were... giants." "I thought I was embarking on a wonderful odyssey." "I was invulnerable, infallible." "The Council made us feel like we were going to... save the world." "I never questioned the Council." "It was always so safe." "[ Sighs ]" "It's a difficult moment when you realize... you don't know everything." "Isn't it?" "I thought I knew who I was, but I really didn't until I got here." "It's so beautiful here." "It's just so much more than I ever thought it was gonna be." "No matter how hard it's been, no matter how much we've lost," "I think it was worth it." "You found beauty." "You found friendship..." "and love." "I just wish you hadn't found this planet." "Elizabeth, why won't you help us?" "I don't understand." "Because... we made a terrible mistake when we came here." "Terrible." "But it's too late." "We're- Julia." "Over at the rail- he just went out on me." "I couldn't get him around." "Alonzo." "Alonzo." "[ Beeps ] No." "[ Sighs ]" "[ Coughing ]" "Uh, Yale, I need to speak with you." "May I see your arm?" "You have a full-library function, don't you?" "Yes, I do." "I have an idea." "But we'd need Eve- Reilly's full cooperation." "What's to prevent Reilly from taking the fix for himself and refusing to help us?" "All he wants is Uly's bond to the Terrians." "We're expendable." "[ Murmurs ]" "Not necessarily." "I think he needs us as much as we need him." "She's right." "It's just a machine." "Without us, there's no link to the boy, no connection to the planet." "Mm." "Okay, so we establish the link." "That means Yale and Reilly are livin' in each other, right?" "They'd be one and the same, yes." "Reilly's condition is so unpredictable." "What if he were to lose it halfway through the transmission?" "Well, there is the potential for sudden feedback, and we'd be unable to stop the surge." "[ Devon ] So we might lose the connection altogether." "[Julia ] That means we'd have no way of protecting Yale." "Options are in short supply." "Right, Devon?" "This is the last one." "[Julia ] Elizabeth." "Reilly's standing by." "We're ready to go." "[ Beeping ]" "Reilly, are you there?" "[ Static ] We'd like to begin transmission." " Is it gonna be scary?" " Now, Reilly, you really have to concentrate." "Think about what you're doing." "We're all gonna be here to help you." "You're gonna be fine." "Just do your best once we get there." "[ Female Voice ] Okay, Mom." " Keep going." " [ No Audible Dialogue ]" "Commencing transmission link." "[ Inhales ]" "I can see... cyberspace." "They're in." "Now use your library functions to find your way to the memory core." "Yes." "Almost there." "Look for Gateway Star 13/425." "That will be Franklin's residence." "[ Voices Crying Out, Faint ] I can see them." "[ Gasping ] I can see the others." "I can see their settlements." "I can see their children!" "[ Moans ]" "They're dying." "They're all dying!" "[ Murmuring ] What the hell's he talking about?" "Yale, move on." "Find Gateway Star 13/425." "Yes." "I can see it now." "Approaching." "Reilly." "Do you see it?" "[ Voice Distorting ] Yes, I see, but I'm locked out." "Engage numeric scan." "[ Keyboarding ]" "Begin- 13/425." "[ Electrical Buzzing ] [ Groans ]" " "[ Others Groaning ]" - [ Electrical Buzzing ]" "[ Moaning ]" "What's happening?" "What's happening?" "It's Reilly." "Strain's too much." "He's unable to control the power surge." "Stop it then!" "First sentry breached." "There are two more." "Keep going." "[ Breathing Deeply ] D" " Difficult." "Losing function." "[Julia ] Elizabeth.!" "Elizabeth.!" "Repeat numeric scale." "[ Groaning ] [Julia ] Elizabeth.!" "Oh, God!" "Help!" "Elizabeth!" "Please stop it!" "Please stop it.!" " Second sentry breached." " Elizabeth, please!" "Julia.!" "Julia, where are you?" "Stop!" "It's killing us!" " "[ Computer Beeping ]" - "[ Eve ] Third sentry breached. "" "[Julia ] Please.!" "[ Voice Distorted ] I see it." "I've got it." "[ Exclaims ]" "[ Normal Voice ] Commencing uplink." " [ Screaming ] - [ Screaming ]" "[ Beeping ]" "[ Systems Powering Up ]" "[ Gasps ] Oh." "Oh, God." "Julia?" "Julia?" "Oh." "Yeah." "Oh, thank God." "Are you okay?" "Yeah." "Come on." "We need to check the others." "Danziger?" "John?" "Danziger, are you okay?" "Yeah." "[ Murmuring ]" "Are you all right?" "Yeah." "Yeah, I'm here." "Yale." "Yale?" "Yale." "He's alive." "Oh, thank God." "[ Computer Launches ]" "Well, I hope you all feel better." "I know I do." "And everything is back to normal- exactly the way it was meant to be." "Oh, God." "Elizabeth." "Here you go." "[ Murmuring ] [ Alonzo ] You okay?" "[ Exhales ] A lot of people owe their lives to you." "[ Murmuring ] Devon." "Yeah, I'm right- I'm right here." "You still" "You have no chance here." "W" " What do you mean?" "What are you talking about?" "We discovered the truth..." "about this planet." "You can't live here." "The planet will reject you." "Reject us?" "[ Murmurs ]" " What do you mean, reject us?" " Elizabeth, can you be more specific?" " "[ Moaning ]"" " We've seen penal colonists here that" "[ Moaning ] All dying." "But the Terrians- we've made so much progress." "Devon." "Millions of lives..." "on their way." "Look into your hearts." "You know what I'm asking." "Elizabeth, tell me." "What have you seen?" "What did you see here?" "Elizabeth!" "Oh, my" "[ Sobs ]" "Oh." "Oh, look at that." "Thanks." "Thanks." "Hey." "How you feelin'?" "A little wobbly, but I'll be all right." "[ Laughs ]" "I'd like to rip out those food hydrolizers, but I don't know where to put them." "Oh, let's leave them." "We know where they are if we need them." "Are you crazy?" "That stuff s valuable whether we use it or not." "You know what that goes for on the open market?" "We could sell it." "To who, Morgan?" "Who knows?" "Who knows what's out there?" "We've run into just about everything imaginable on this planet." "Sell them." "You amaze me, Morgan." "[ Devon Narrating ] Eight days, 12 hours and some odd minutes after we began to die, we started to live again." "But we've discovered a terrible secret about this planet... that may doom all of our efforts to survive here." "Our only hope may be my son and his special link with this strange new world." "I'm just afraid I won't live long enough to see if I'm right." "Oh!" "[ Gasping ]" "Hey." "Julia!" "What happened?" "Julia, Yale, come here.!" " [Julia ] Devon." " [ Chattering ]" " "[ Bess ] What's wrong with her?" - "[ Danziger ] Give her room to breathe. "" " "[Julia ] Get my diaglove please. " - "[ True ] Poor Devon. "" " [ All Chattering ]" " She's burnin' up." "[ True ] Devon.!" "Devon.!" "Devon.!" "Let me through!" "Mom!" "Mom!" "[ Devon Narrating ] You see, I have a secret of my own." "I never had a biostat implant." " "My sickness was different. " - [ Chattering ]" "So while the others recover, I remain sick." "Mom!" "Mom!" "Uly." "Uly!" "[ Voices Murmuring, Fade Out ]" "I don't know what it is." "It's a total system failure." " It could be a matter of minutes." " "[ Bess ] Oh, my God." "We cannot let her die. "" "[ Alonzo ] We have to try." "We have no other choice." "[ Danziger] It's her only hope." "Do what you can,Julia." "[ Devon Narrating ] My mind is filled with visions of my own death, and I'm scared." "I'm scared that Bennett and Elizabeth were right- that I will be the first of our kind to prove that... we cannot live here." | {
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"THE WEST" "Our ranch was located several miles north of Divide lost in the Pioneer Mountains." "The closest thing to traffic was when Union Pacific Freight trains rumbled through the valley at 5:44 am 11:53 am 5:15 pm." "Divide was literally located on the continent of the divide." "To the east, rivers spill into the Atlantic." "To the west, it is spill into the Pacific." "One day, my brother Layton and I, decided to christen its natural water." "Look over here." "Hello Big Sur!" "Hello New Orleans!" "But Layton's favourite pastime was shooting at anything that moved." "Big loop." "Elbow up." "Ready?" "Now!" "Go!" "Stop!" "Upon my brother's request father built us a seesaw." "Slow down!" "Come on, cowboy." "My father loved Layton more than anything in the world." "Yes, good deal." "I would have liked to be a daredevil, too." "But I knew I never be upto it." "Orffyreus have five marbles trapped in tubes creating an imbalance." "This rocking motion, however caused the energy to dissipate." "Robert Flux built a mill based on the concept of perpetual rotation." "However, the inherit friction of the machine caused significant loss of energy." "Italian philosopher Marco Zimara imagined a machine that could recycle the wind." "But the force required to compress the bellows was greater than the energy produced by the windmill." "So it didn't work." "No scientific challenge remains greater most prestigious more mythical than that of finding the key to perpetual motion." "Yet some affirm that this quest is doomed to failure." "Such a machine defies the laws of the universe." "The very basis of thermodynamics assumes that all mechanism will eventually come to stop." "Given the current state of Science and Technology isn't the quest for perpetual motion better suited for idealists and poets than real scientists?" "What if imagination start it and science end it?" "Those who push the boundaries of science, what, they not all poets?" "I'm certain, that as we speak here today, that somewhere in this country a budding Leonardo Da Vinci is gaining up for the challenge." "Thank you very much." "Oh God." "Hello." "Sir, I am the Leonardo from Montana." "Oh yeah?" "What you are going to do?" "I accept the challenge." "You do?" "One afternoon in August, the phone rang while my sister Gracie and I were on the porch, shredding sweet corn into large metal buckets." "What?" "The buckets were riddled with bite marks dating back to last spring when our dog Tapioca got depressed and started eating metal." "Gracie, can you hold this for a second." "This is what I predicted." "Manticora herculeana is a subspecies of cicindeler." "Who was it that called?" "Same time, has a heart at tip of the mandible doesn't seem to have a white spot on the electra." "Mom?" "The phone, who was it?" "Oh, a call for T.S." "A call for him?" "Who was it?" "I do not know." "She is still in the line." "She is waiting." "You should probably go." "If you finish before I get back, count the number of good ears and the number of bad ones." "Why don't get the kernels, while you're at it?" "I had 3 options to get to the phone." "The corridor/kitchen way the quickest but also the most boring." "Upstairs/Downstairs route but the shift in altitude made me nauseous." "I opted for the third and riskiest particularly when father was working around the house." "The scent in the room smelled like whiskey stained leather and moldy photographs." "If you just closed your eyes you could feel the dust forming onto your prairie after a cowboy posse cavalcade." "Laytonusethisthingassettingroom, was the greatest thing since quirrell trees." "I would like to speak to T.S. Spivet, this is Miss Jibsen Under Secretary of the Smithsonian." "Hold on." "Father!" "Phone!" "My father is all yours, Ms. Jibsen." "Hello, Mr. Spivet." "Yes!" "My dad is listening." "Could you hand him the phone please." "My father is mute, Ms. Jibsen." "He can hear you but can only respond in sign language." "I will translate everything for you." "You are the T.S. Spivet that has just invent the magnetic wheel?" "One second." "Father is saying..." "Yes, I only sent you the blueprints." "Because, I didn't have the time to do it." "The quest for perpetual movement." "I mean, its the Holy Grail of inventors." "Tell me, Mr. Spivet, I take it you live in Montana?" "Coppertop ranch." "Longitude: 112° 44' 19"." "Latitude: 45° 44' 27"." "Those are the coordinates to my bedroom." "Clearly you have an eye for detail." "Which is a reckless ad for any great inventor." "Father is asking:" "so you are the head of the Smithsonian?" "Well!" "Technically, I'm the Under Secretary, but many people would say, I run the place." "Wow." "Yeah." "Look, Mr. Spivet your invention has won our prestigious Baird Award." "Spencer Baird Award?" "Indeed." "Our 150th anniversary gala is in a week's time, and this would be perfect oppurtunity for you to you know, make your acceptance speech." "Of course, we would provide you with a sign language interpreter." "But..." "I'll be in class." "I go back to school on Monday." "You must teach at the University of Montana?" "A quick phone call to your president, Jack Campbell and it will be taken care of." "I mean we are talking about the Baird Award after all." "PRAIRIE OF TRUTH" "MOUNTAIN OF LIES" "I was just thinking." "I can't come out to receive the Baird award." "I have too much work to finish." "Thanks anyway." "Have a good day." "What are you doing?" "What do you think I am doing?" "You are going to mess up my dataset." "You were in there for like 15 hours." "Who was that?" "A journalist..." "From New York." "Wants me to go there for an interview about my work." "Inside Gracie's cortex" "Just laugh in his face, its the only way to deal with this." "Clearly he is making it up." "And if it were true?" "You mean this total spass leaving Montana before us?" "Would it be so bad to be a celebrity sister?" "This total dork, invited to New York for an interview?" "You're full crap." "I told her I can't come, cause' classes are again monday." "But she was insisting." "What did I do to God for hate me?" "It's like..." ""Here, Gracie, I found you a family full of nutjobs."" ""And you are gonna live in no worse in Montana"" ""and your brother, who is a total spat"" ""is going to New York!"" "I told you, I am not going." "I've got a school." "News fash crazy New Yorkers loves spatters." "Its kind of a new trend!" "Too late." "Any chance you've got she wallowed in the role of the misunderstood actress." "She landed the lead in a retro anti establishment theater piece." "But that night I was busy working on a challenge set by Discover magazine..." ""How to drop an egg from the top..."" ""...of the Empire State Building without breaking it."" "In order to finish my project and get out of saying Gracie's blain I had to end this Tapioca to the rest field." "One night, in a Bette Davis face Gracie launched into a heated diatribe about father's museum setting hall." "Is it even conceivable that the cowboy museum or rather mausoleum could be turned into a normal living room where normal people could relax and have normal conversation?" "My father, Tecumseh Elijah Spivet was born 100 years too late." "He had the soul, stature, and mindset of a cowboy." "For him talking was a necessary chore as shoeing a horse." "Cellphone reception was nowhere to be found at coppertop ranch and father refused to install a telephone in Gracie's room." "And you heard in the voice?" "Her looks." "Yeah, its no wonder in history of Miss America Pagents, Miss Montana never won." "Except, the worst selection ever!" "Every night in his setting room father took off his boots and muttering some cryptic statements after raising glass of whiskey up to his lips precisely every 45 seconds." "A conversion from a cricket." "Crickets and insects were my mother's specialty." "Dr Clair spent most of her adult life studying tiny creatures with the magnifying glass." "Then classifying them into species and subspecies." "What if it doesn't exist?" "I mean, for a year now, you stopped everything to prove that tigermonk cicindele's exist." "Stopped everything?" "What do you mean, in a maternal sense or a scientific one?" "What is it that you want me to start doing again?" "Or else I stopped doing?" "I don't know." "Your research on the parasitic scolyte catepiller maybe?" "Your findings could've saved all the pine trees in Montana." "Every other scientific attempt have failed." "Failed?" "Form the ecologists point of view, maybe." "But from the caterpillar's point of view looks like a win win situation." "Anyway I never liked pine trees." "They're dripy and sticky." "Some things are just meant to die." "How my parents ever fell for each other is a mystery." "They were like day and night." "The human head lice, Pediculus humanus capitis belong to the Anoplura family." "A. N. O. P. L. U. R. A." "T.S., When you drawing the legs make sure you observe not just how many there are but the exact distance between them." "Yeah." "The exact distance between them." "Beware of mediocrity." "It's the fungus of the mind." "We must constantly fight against it." "Or creeping to everything we do." "Darn!" "Those got away." "A lasso to catch him." "Thanks, Dad." "A fool, by definition is the one who turns, what is beyond his middle grasp will do one big joke." "Then a few days later, at the end of the hallway their hands brushed against each other as if they were secretly exchanging a few seeds." "And then there was Layton my dizygotic twin." "That's when two sperm cells fertilize two seperate eggs." "To each his own embryo." "To each his own lucky star." "Layton got the height and I got the neurons." " Mom!" " Yeah!" "Have you ever gotten AIDS?" "What?" "!" "Angela Ashworth says AIDS are bad and you probably have them." "Well, next time, you just tell Angela Ashworth..." "Just because she feels insecure about being a little girl in a society that puts an anointed amount of pressure on moment to the baptism physical standard it doesn't mean that she had to take out her misplaced self loathing on a nicer boy like you." "You may be an inherent part of the problem, but, certainly doesn't mean you have AIDS." "I'm not sure I can remember all that." "Well, just tell her... she's fat." "OK." "But Layton died last year during an accident with the gun in the old barn." "I don't know what went wrong." "I was there too." "Measuring gun shots." "No one ever talked about it." "No one." "Not bad." "Except that we have to go over this a little bit." "Daisy..." "B+." "Solid work." "Excellent illustrations of the lake formation process." "T.S..." "C+." "Report shows undeniable qualities but as usual, is way off subject." "What does the formation of lakes in Montana have anything to do with the east-west migratory pattern of Canadian Geese." "I'm not sure if you read the introduction..." "But I..." "You think you're the smarter than everyone else, don't you?" "As for the diagram, it's very pretty but scientifically erroneous." "Really, Sir?" "Bacause I sent it to the Discover Magazine and... they like it, and they publish it." "Do not play games with me, T.S." "You're out of your league." "And what about the magnetic wheel?" "Didn't mention anything about that." "I dont give a rat's ass about the magnetic wheel." "Mr. Stenpock, how can a man like you who supposed to open our minds through scientific curiosity how can you be so aggresively narrow minded?" "If every scientist were like you there would be no penicillin no relativity or sewer trains." "Know what it would be, no chocolates or cookies!" "Superiority complex, this is what you have, T.S." "Your talents in scientific observations would be put to better use in picking your socks in the morning." "Lend me a hand for a second?" "What's your need?" "Settle out the creak." "Its drying among its pockets." "We'll get her spit up all she has got before sunset." "Com'on." "To know that my father had to resort to ask me help from me his only remaining son the one who is used to saw in the ranch filled me with sadness." "Layton should have been here, not me." "One day, he shot a coyote with his Winchester from 200 yards." "Father was so impressed." "He took off his hat and slapped it on my brother's head." "It was a special moment." "I knew it would never happen to me." "She is still runnin a bit last week." "There's no back for got some juice." "Like the... the crickets teasing me." "Couple of months earlier I had built a scale model depicting the hydrology of our valley." "You could see the various water tables, drainage trenchs, soil compositions and sweepage capacity." "Dad!" "You wanna give it a look?" "See..." "If you dig from here to there the water will be channeled to there thereby increasing the flow of water those thereby stagnating and evaporating." "'Cause the laws of fluid mechanics make it unstoppable." "You asked me, I was just pissing the can." "Open your eyes, you'll see that." "That ignorant goats." "Don't worry, I've got it." "Right." "So this used to be coyote chow." "It's okay, Stinky." "Don't worry." "I am not gonna hurt you." "Don't worry." "Maybe dying on a ranch from a snakebite is more befitting than a self inflicted gunshot going to the head by an old rifle in a cold barn." "Fixing on kissing that poison rope?" "We still got our bussiness day, isn't it?" "That was the first time my father ever patted me on the back." "But I couldn't tell who was to brush me off, to reprimand me or a substitute for a hug." "I would go to Washington DC tomorrow." "Iwasaresearcher,ascientist and they needed me there." "If I stayed here I end up turning around in circles... ...like these bats." "I only be the echo of myself." "What's for dinner tonight?" "Puree Corn." "Hey T.S, can you take up my dish washing duties tonight?" "I will make it upto you, I swear..." "Its..." "Tonight, its Miss USA Pagent, and I really don't wanna miss the opening." "You already owe me 4." "Miss USA!" "And these women are picked for thier talents on what exactly?" "Painting?" "Yoga?" "Karate, perhaps?" "No mom." "Miss America is only the "talent" portion." "Miss USA is the beauty contest." "It's way better." "I still think its a mistake not to take into consideration these girls intellectual attitudes." "Mom, it's a beauty contest." "It's Miss USA." "Otherwise, it would be called Miss High I.Q." "Which no one would watch because it would be boring." "Like my life!" "I'm sorry Gracie, but you know what it... if you were to enter this kind of contest it would be a mistake not to showcase your talents as an actress... and as a singer you have a pretty voice..." "and you play the hobo." "I have to go to Kalispell tomorrow to collect specimens." "It'll be a few days." "I prepared all of your meals, so, all you have to do is reheat them." "Good deal." "I've been thinking about what you told me the other day about what I used to do that I stopped doing." "And I was wondering will you come with me to Kalispell?" "I would be great to have your help." "Mom, it's entertainment." "Entertainment!" "You thought about what I asked you?" "Sorry, I can't come with you to Kalispell tomorrow." "I have to finish a project for Mr. Stenpock." "Next time, I'll try to give you a notice." "You reached the Office of Ms. Jibsen, please leave a message." "By Jack Campbell speaking" "The President of the University of Montana." "I have some good news." "Mr. T.S. Spivet has managed to rearrange his schedule." "So, He will be leaving...first thing tomorrow." "He will not be reachable but will make just in time to accept the Baird award and make his speech or not." "Good night." "I mean, good morning." "I don't know if you're aware or anything, but you are talking to a garbage can." "I was terrified at the thought of having to pack my suitcase." "Evenpackingforschooleveryday took me at the very least 23 min." "Maybe 22 min." "1." "Play and replay the scenario of the trip in my head." "2." "To arrange all necessary items in order of importance." "Eight pair of underwear." "Two sextants." "Three burgundy sweaters." "One thermometer, one hygrometer, one barometer." "Only one telescope." "One frontal headlamp officially known as Tom." "Five blank red notebooks" "And five blank purple notebooks." "One tape measure." "And my set of Gillette pens." "Twelve handkerchiefs." "A box of raisins." "Twelve carrot sticks." "Eleven." "A self-defense handbook." "My sparrow skeleton." "Binoculars." "My Leatherman." "3." "Avoid thinking about a scenario for which I will need a seismoscope for a woodpecker who would be pecking beak at the tree." "4." "Pack everything and finally add my teddy bear Big Jojo." "At 4 o'clock in the morning my suitcase was finally ready." "Goodbye, Layton." "I'll be away for a while to Washington D.C." "I'll bring you back a souvenir." "I'm sorry for what I did." "Dear Spivet Family." "I'm gone for a while to do some work." "Dont worry, I'll be fine." "I do not want to bother you by telling you about it ahead of time." "Thank you for taking care of me." "You're one of the best families in the world." "Love, T.S." "Hello, Tapioca." "Hello." "I'll miss you." "Where are you going?" "To the Smithsonian in Washington D.C." "It seems like everyone ends up leaving in this house." "I'll be back." "Why had he not stopped?" "Because I was responsible for his favorite son's death and I must be banished from the ranch." "That's why." "THE CROSSING" "Sun chemical composition:" "hydrogen, helium, oxygen, iron neon, nitrogen, silicon, magnesium and sulfur." ""How beautiful the sun..." ""...when newly risen." ""And explodes in the morning greetings." ""Happy as the man who can lovingly salute its rising." ""More glorious than a dream!"" "You're officially a hobo now?" "Well, in case you haven't noticed I'm heading a freight train ride, on my way to Washington D.C." "And.." "What's an adventurer never leave aside?" "His knife, his magnifying glass his maps, his whip and his hat." "But, you have forgotten the whip." " I'm glad you're here." " Me too." "I'm glad you're here." "No!" "Not my Japanese weevils!" "These larvae.. stay survived shipment across the Pacific ocean 7000 miles, to end up in the stomach of a goat?" "It's just the ignorant Montana goats." "They dont know any better." "If you can't manage your karate goats, maybe you should consider another line of work!" "If that's what you think, you know, set the plate at the table for me." "If that's what you think, you know, set my plate at the table." "Security, track number 8." "A melancholy feeling came over me, I cannot get rid of." "The motorhome was pointed backwards." "So, I had that depressing feeling that I was traveling in reverse." "Hello, kid." "Hey..." "Kid!" "Come over." "Com'on, come over." "Com'on, get closer." "Hold it." " This is your first time?" " Yes." ""Two Clouds"." ""Two Clouds", that's my name." "I am T.S." "T for Tecumseh, S for Sparrow." "Sparrow, as in the bird?" "Yes." "At the moment of my birth, a sparrow crashed through the window and died right down the kitchen floor." "Follow me." "Step on it." "Com'on!" "You know why the right sole is more worn out than the left one?" "Because one of your legs is shorter than the other?" "Nope." "Because these shoes belong to Johnny Cash." "He always kept the beat." "You think the dead sparrow in your kitchen right when you were born is a more credible story?" "That's what mom told me." "Your mother gave birth in the kitchen?" "You see?" "What?" "The Sparrow." "Once Upon a time there was a sparrow that was very ill and didn't have the strength to go south." "Go without me, he told his children." "I'll find shelter from the cold and I'll see you in spring." "Did he survive?" "The bird went to an oak tree and asked if he could take shelter in his leaves." "But the oak was the cold and arrogant tree." "He refused." "The peach... the aspen the willow, the elm they all said no, can you believe this?" "I guess." "Don't answer the question." "It's part of the story." "Sorry!" "Then, the first snows came." "The sparrow took a last chance with the pine tree, who said:" "I can't offer you much protection." "I only have needles that let in draft." "But my answer is..." "Yes." "Overjoyed, the sparrow took refuge there and you know what?" "He survived the winter." "The children returned and wept tears of joy." "Upon seeing this, the Creator decided to punish all the other trees for their selfishness." "From that day on every tree lost it's leaves in winter except the pine, who saved the sparrow." "My grandmother told me this story." "Had you ever heard it before?" "You can answer now." "Story is finished!" "The story is very pretty." "But, the insulating properties of pine needles could not release the heat to create a warm enough cocoon for a bird the size of a sparrow." "Your grandmother lied to you." "So, where were you headed, T.S.?" "To buy me a hot dog." "The old sea dog!" "Captain's Choice!" "Quickly, it close in fifteen minutes." "Bye, Sparrow!" "See you, Bye!" "I'm sure you will find your tree." "You too!" "Dr. Clair this time, you can't stop me." "And what is the reason behind this embargo?" "T.S., do you know where this smell of those marvellous sausages comes from?" "It's from a smell factory, on the New Jersey Turnpike." "It was carefully designed and artificially synthesized to maximize their desirability." "Do you like it one?" "A drink with that?" "Sure, is that included?" "Yeah, sure." "I'm gonna give you straw and one of my best hot dogs." "I hope you like it." "Hi Marj." "I want you to look at this." "Some kid out of Montana ran away or got himself kidnapped or something." "Can I know where to put that?" " Just put up on the board." " Thanks." "I know someone who ain't gonna be happy with you." "Your mom!" "Just kiddin', young man." "But if you eat a hot dog before your dinner, you ain't gonna be hungry for the soup she made ya." "I don't have a mother around." "My parents are dead." "You take care little guy." "You see what happens to kids that go astray?" "My son!" "You have been kidnapped?" "Oh!" "Thank God!" "What a relief." "Baby, baby, you know, you're right." "I've been wasting my time on certain cicindele..." "Son, we still got a situation with the creek." "You're spot on with that covert." "What you say come right back, and, and we work on your plans together." "T.S., you have to come home 'cause you said you'll make my Halloween costume." "Com'on baby!" "." "May be somewhere in one of these houses a boy just woke up from the sound of my train." "Maybe he is wondering what it would be like to climb aboard and cross the desert." "God, I just want to switch places with him and just watch the train go awaying to the unknown." "I had to admit it." "I was not a careless drifter." "Just a tiny old boy, who ran away from home." "Any more of this, and I assume I'd be peeing on myself like when I was little and afraid of a Jack O'Lantern's deadly fangs." "Layton Age 6." "T.S. Age 6." "Patterns of cross talk and directional eyelines by T.S. Spivet." "Frequencyoffather's eye contact to T.S.:" "Nil." "Why?" "Is it that T.S. is more like me?" "He doesn't like who I am." "He doesn't love me." "Of course he loves you!" "You love each other!" "If you make a baby, it means you love each other, right?" "And they had three babies." "Ain't that right?" "I still catch myself haunting to wake him up for school." "Sorry!" "Sorry." "Stopped everything?" "What do you mean, in a maternal sense or a scientific one?" "T.S. came to see me in my study for the first time since the accident." "I'm not really there for T.S. anymore." "I'm like an empty house." "Nature had vanished." "Every millimeter of landscape was replaced by manmade constructions, ruled by the laws of geometry." "How could humans create so many right angles when their behavior is so convoluted and illogical?" "See you, old sea dog." "I'm sure you'll find your pine tree." "Playing hookey from kindergarten?" "I'm talking to you." "No, sir." "What you got in the bag?" "Spray paint?" "You vandalized in snitch, you paint that silo?" "I love Chicago." "What?" "Are you shitting me, snitch?" "Where you from?" "Chernobyl." "Oh, Yeah?" "Well..." "You little shit!" "Welcome to the great state of Illinois." "And I'm sure you're gonna get to know what really well after I book you for tresspassing, destruction of railroad priority..." "Railroad Property." "What?" "Property, you said priority." "Get in the car!" "Gotch'ya!" "Look, it's moving!" "Ok, Snitch,.." "End of the line." "Thanks for the exercise, but let's go." "What?" "What you gonna do?" "You gonna jump?" "Com'on." "Don't make me walk over there." "Hang on, Hang on, kiddie!" "Allright!" "Hang on." "Don't look down." "Don't look down." "Get your foot up." "Com'on." "Come on, You can do it, come on!" "Get your foot up." "You can do it." "You can do all up that..." "God!" "God!" "Oh!" "Oh!" "Oh!" "You little shit." "You're very good!" "Hey!" "You think you got away?" "Huh?" "Well done!" "Hey, over here!" "You think you got away with this?" "Huh?" "Is that what you thinking?" "Huh?" "No way, kid!" "Listen to, Snitch, look at me!" "Look me in the eye." "What's the matter?" "You don't wanna look in the eye?" "Right here!" "I'm gonna find you!" "How you're doin', man?" "You don't look so hot." "I'm OK." "I just fell down and hurt myself." "Where you're heading for, like this, man?" "To the Smithsonian." "Where?" "D.C. is in Washington, man." "My name is Ricky." "T.S." "Put your seatbelt on, T.S." "Show me." "That's a real deal!" "Hurt when you breathe?" "You got maybe one, two broken ribs." "You seriously need to see a medic." "No, I'll be okay." "Tough little bugger, ain't you." "Always take two pictures of hitchhikers." "One when I pick'em up one when I drop'em off." "Even in the service, I was taking pictures." "That guy was a hitchhiker too?" "Well..." "Not exactly." "What do you think?" "Join the army, see the world, meet interesting people and kill'em." "THE EAST" "Where are we?" "Not far from where you are headed." "Not sure what you are looking for, but don't change a thing." "Steady in your boots." "Good luck, man." "I'm not sure what you are looking for either, but you will sure find your pine tree, man." "Young man, are you alright?" "Are you injured?" "Cathy, I need information." "You look like you need medical assistance." "I would like to speak with Mrs. G. H. Jibsen, please." "I'm here to give a speech tomorrow night." " What's your name?" " T.S. Spivet." "Just a moment." "You're T.S. Spivet or your father is T.S. Spivet?" "I am T.S. Spivet." "He claims to be, he actually is T.S. Spivet." "He is 9 or 10 years old and very, very, very small." "Alright, that would be wonderful." "Thank you." "Miss Jibsen is on her way down." "You can have a seat over there." "You're here?" "Never too far away, you know." "Yeah, I know." "See?" "Made it to the Smithsonian." "The worst is yet to come." "Can I help you, young man?" "Ms. Jibsen?" "Hello." "I am T.S. Spivet." "I made it here." "You're the one I talked to in the phone, last friday?" "Yes." "So, where is your father?" "In fact, he is dead." "I lied to you then." "So, who sent me the prototype of the magnetic wheel?" "I did." "What, you expect me to belive that you invented it?" "Not really." "I don't invent anything." "I just transposed the principle of an electron gravitating around the nucleus." "But as you know, to simulate its perpetual motion would require the creation of a negative entropy which is simply not possible." "You must agree... right?" "This can't..." "This can't be." "How old are you?" "10." "We're not gonna be ought to turn him into great communicator but with the right clothes and some solid talking points, no problem." "Oh, yes." "In his eyes, I am the Scientific Authority and everything he admires." "Okay, I'll talk to you later." "So, you need to keep him?" "Nope." "But with multiple fractures, he needs to rest." "Avoid any abrupt movement and not cough or laugh." "Good luck." "How do you feel?" "Like that mule done kick me good." "Its my dad's expression." "Yes, you must miss your parents very much." "I'm so sorry!" "So, I talked to some colleagues at the Smithsonian and everybody is ecstatic that you've been chosen for this award." "You have to give me their names." "I'll thank them in my speech." "On that topic." "I think we can cook something up for you." "I prefer to write my own speech." "Thank you." "You certainly don't waste any time about it, do you?" "No, this is a purple note book." "If I'll be writing my speech, it would be in the red one." "Yes, of course." "And the purple one is for...?" ""General Observations."" "Such as?" "When did the child become an adult?" "And?" "When you don't get excited about Christmas." "When you wear reading glasses right a minute, but can't seem to find them anywhere." "When you pay income tax and enjoy getting angry discussing:" ""What the heck are they going to do with all your money?"" "And when you look down on children whatever is going on in their little heads." "If 2x goes into 100 and x is an integer, how many of the 2x + 2 integers will be divisible by 3n/2" "(2x-1)=(3x+1), what is x?" "How many possible integers less than 5000 are even integers out of 15 or 21." "I am like a dolphin." "Turning one side of a brain off and other one on." "So, That's what dolpins do?" "Yeah, to sleep." "You're funny." "Why?" "You travelled by yourself half across United States to end up like a lab rat?" "This defies all understanding." "Superior mental activity?" "Superior to an average of an ocean mammal that is." "You could train him like a highly intelligent seal." "I'm sorry but you don't invent the perpetual movement machine by balancing a ball on your nose!" "Thank you for evaluating my brain, Jodie." "Would you like some tuna tartare and grilled asparagus sprinkled with balsamic vinegar reduction?" "Sir, why you hiding your white glove behind your back?" "That's just how they told me to stand." "Otherwise, I'll get fired." "Well, I like your white gloves." "Congratulations." "Thanks." "I almost forgot this." "In case someone mistakes you for a kid whose parents couldn't round up a babysitter." "Sorry." "I want to be the first to congratulate you." "We are so lucky to have a boy like you!" "So lucky!" "What was your first invention?" "Do you think your parents will be proud of you?" "What is your astrological sign?" "So, any other questions?" "Did you ever think that you would find another suitable candidate?" "I remember sitting in my office before I called him on the ranch and I said to myself he is only 10 but let's do this!" "They're eating you up." "They'll love you." "In 1862 a Frenchman named Guillaume Duchenne discovered the difference between fake and genuine smiles." "Ina fakesmile,it's not just the zygomatic muscles work." "The muscles around the eyes also contract unconsciously." "Tonight,itwasentirely ocular-zygomaticus." "Ladies and gentlemen please welcome President of the Smithsonian Dr. Leonard Sullivan." "Thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen and thank you to our guest of honor." "At a time, when science is being challenged in every turn when we are witnessing a return to intellectual obscurity I can not resist the temptation to quote Albert Einstein." "He said..." ""Only two things are infinite:"" ""the universe and human stupidity."" ""And I'm not sure about the former."" "But I know a third example:" "human genius." "Our guest of honor tonight is a magnificient example of this." "I invite you to show him all the respect he deserves despite his young years." "Ladies and gentlemen, T.S. Spivet." "Hello everybody." "My name is T.S. Spivet." "I am 10 years old and I am actually in sixth grade." "Is there anyone in this room who doesn't already at least have a PhD?" "Anyone?" "So, I probably won't be teaching you much tonight." "But I like to tell you three things." "First." "Thank you." "Thank you for not cancelling my award 'cause I was younger than you expected." "Second... the wheel." "As you can see, they are powered by magnets." "Yet, as you know they demagnetize within approximately 400 years." "On a human scale, it sounds like a lot." "In geological time, it's not even a fraction of a second." "So, we're actually far from having a perpetual motion." "Any Questions?" "Yes, what is the third point?" "Oh yes, the third..." "My brother died this year." "He shot himself in the barn." "No one talks about it." "No one ever said "Layton shot himself in the barn."" "No one." "Layton and me, we were always very different." "I have been doing my scientific experiments and, he would be shooting empty bean cans and coyotes with his Winchester." "So, I came up with this idea to make sound waves match the gunshots." "That way we could play something together." "He would shoot, and I gathered data." "And one of his Winchesters has jammed." "I held the bottom of the rifle to help out." "I didn't even touched the trigger." "There was an explosion." "Layton flew across the room." "Blood dripped off the hay." "He was there but he wasn't my brother anymore." "I was alone." "I ran to the field to get my father." "His face clenched up when I said Layton had hurt himself badly." "He ran back, and I stayed there not knowing where to go." "Then I ran to the house and hid in the bathroom." "I could hear my father whispering on the phone." "And through the window, I saw the ambulance pull without the flashing lights." "After a while, Gracie showed up." "She was crying." "She sat next to me on the floor." "We stayed a long time like that." "Lying on the floor without talking." "I wanted you to know how proud I am to get this award." "I'll do my best to fulfill your trust in me and to be in the service of science." "That's all I had to say." "Thank you." "The amazing thing about water drops is that they always take the path of least resistance." "For humans it's exactly the opposite." "When Layton died Tapioca started chewing metal buckets till its gums bled." "Layton and Tapioca had been inseparable." "And then one day Gracie took him for a long walk through the meadow." "They sat for a while facing the mountains." "Gracie returned with a new kind of understanding in her eyes." "Tapioca stopped chewing metal buckets." "He went back to snapping at fireflies, just like before." "As if he had made peace with lossing his master." "Maybe someday, I'll go back snapping at fireflies too." "I swear to you." "They loved..." "They loved the kid!" "I mean granted, they are just a bunch of scientists, but if their reaction is anything like the way the general public is gonna respond we've got a gold mine on our hands here!" "People are so predictable." "It's nuts, really." "I should write a handbook on how to move the masses." "Hang on!" "Honey!" "Smile!" "You know, I think it would be better if you were sketching in your notebook." "But I didn't bring one." "Sally, can we have a notebook here, quick." "Hang on a minute, problem with the kid." "There you go." "But, it's not the right colour." "I'd never sketch on a green notebook." "This is just a photograph, nobody cares." "OK, so, where were we?" "Oh yeah." "Its amazing!" "Wow." "Thank you." "Now, I don't want to get your hopes up, but..." "Listen to this:" "The White House is sniffing around!" "The White House?" "The President stated the union addresses next week, and they and they love having talking points in the audience." "I can hear'em now:" ""Look, the American educational system is working."" "What we really need are pictures of your parents." "Especially your brother." "Preferably holding a gun, with you in the background, that would be perfect." "Tomorrow, we go to New York, do Letterman and possibly 60 minutes, although that's not confirmed up yet." "I mean, If they could just cut through the crap and make up their minds." "The eyes dont have time to delete, Ally." "There are people lining up to book us." "There you go, honey!" "You look like a movie star!" "Ok, Listen up, T.S." "This show's rating is through the roof." "But, they're gonna wanna ambush you." "It's just the price you have to pay, got it?" "He's gonna talk about Layton, for sure." "So, you saw the accident..." "You saw the accident, you didn't understand what happened you ran for help." "That's it." "Remember." "Do not express any kind of guilt." "You listening?" "Not until we consult with our lawyers." "You understood all that?" "We're live in 5 minutes." "You're gonna go back to the green room." "Well." "No, surely, it is normal for a representative of the Smithsonian..." "Miss Jibsen, you'll love our green room." "You can watch the entire show there on a monitor." "But he is only 10." "I mean..." " T.S., call me Roy." " Hello Roy." "First time on TV?" "Let's do it." "We're live in 10 seconds." "On the air in... 10, 9, 8..." "My guest tonight has dominated this week's headlines." "He is to science what Mozart is to music." "T.S. Spivet, just 10 years old and he had sprinted ahead of legions of scientists to win this year's coveted Baird Award." "T.S., you're 10 years old." "You're an orphan, you grew up on a remote ranch in Montana." "Your dad wanted you to be a cowboy." "Am I right so far?" "Hmm." "Yes." "Coppertop Ranch. 4.73 miles north of the Divide, 14.92 miles..." "Tell me T.S., how does a 10 year old win the Baird Award?" "Did the proverbial apple just fall on your head.." "...and light bulb, you invent the perpetual motion machine?" "It actually already existed." "But, we needed to invented was a system to..." "At an age when most 10 year olds are climbing trees, what do you do for fun?" "Trigonometry?" "I like climbing trees." "You've been conducting scientific experiments since the age of 4." "Last year, one of those went tragically wrong and resulted in the death of your twin brother, Layton." "I did not understand what happened." "I ran to get help, that's all." "And I believe the time has come to take a look at this extraordinary invention." "This is the first perpetual motion machine in the history of mankind." "Well, T.S., how does it work?" "Liza!" "Do you see him?" "That's is my brother." "I can't believe he is on TV!" "I mean, This is the same spice that wore Velcro on his shoes untill he was 8 years old because he couldn't tie his own laces." "He is on TV!" "He went that time when he almost electrocuted me with his seismograph." "Oh that's..." "It's not mention that on TV." "T.S., how long can the little wheel turn and produce energy without consuming energy?" "400 years, then you have to recharge the magnets." "400 years!" "So, you saying, if this machine were 100 times larger it could power all of the lights in this building for 400 years without spending a dime in electricity?" "Well, you still have to change the light bulbs." "Given the ratio of lighting square footage that's still significant cost." "I think the time has come to introduce a very special guest." "T.S.'s mother, dr." "Clair." "Hello, T.S." "Hello, Mom." "Dr. Clair, you have come here directly from Montana." "You are T.S.'s mother, correct?" "Yes." "That's right." "T.S., why did you say in the media that you were an orphan?" "Is this some spin coming from the Smithsonian?" "I don't know." "I thought they would send me back home before I could receive the award." "Dr. Clair, you must have been worried sick." "I mean, he is so small." "Yes, well, when a child disappears the world stops turning." "But, surely you must have been very angry." "When you heard..." "With all due respect you asked me a question, I would like to finish my answer." "When your child disappears well, you'll lose your sanity." "Some will channel their anger by kicking goats out of barbwire." "I'm sorry." "Goats?" "We're talking goats?" "Others will search for beetles that don't exist." "Those are just feared merely take a train that is never coming back so sometimes you just stop by the tracks and stare at the rails." "So, you read my journal." "I'm sorry." "I know it's not right." "What about giving a gun to a child as a gift?" "Or letting two kids play with a gun, in a barn unsupervised." "You think that's right?" "That's good question actually!" "T.S." "What happened in the barn?" "Wasn't your fault, T.S." "It wasn't your fault." "It wasn't." "It wasn't anyone's fault." "It was an accident." "As your father said:" ""What happened just happened."" "OK, I think..." "T.S., dr." "Clair..." "We should..." "We should have a moment." "Just...just forget the cameras and the audience and just... maybe hug?" "Cry?" "Touch, maybe?" "Actually, I wanna ask you about beauty pageants." "I know Miss America and Miss USA are different." " Mom?" " But the criteria they use..." " ...is shameful." " Why... ?" "Mom!" "Mom!" "I guess the crown necessarily be a ravishing beauty..." " Mom!" " ...underfed..." "What?" "Oh, yeah." "You will stay here or go?" "Go." "A river... of emotion." "No, no, come back!" "This is a 20 minute interview, there's 9 minutes left." "This is reality." "This is better than science!" "This is cable TV." "You're a filthy little liar." "You're a little motherfucker." "Wait!" "wait!" "Oh!" "Wait!" "Where do you think you are going?" "To Coppertop ranch." "Cut!" "You OK?" "Reckon if you're OK, that's all it counts!" "My boy's OK." "So, I'm mute and I'm dead?" "Sorry, Dad." "How come you didn't stop that morning when you saw me on the road?" "Rancher's word, I never saw you." "I need a box of biscuits, a box of mixed biscuits and a biscuit mixer." "Are you talking to me or are you talking to the peanut butter?" "Its a diction exercise, moron." "You'd be better out trying some yourself enough here or make it on TV again." "I've got some more to do in the public speaking department." "How about you just show us how it's done the day you're in a movie." "Yeah, or in the running for Miss Montana." "Or a reality show about a normal person living with a bunch of insane hostile degenerates." "Speaking of which, does anyone know if or when your father is showing up for breakfast?" "You guys don't ever made up?" "Look, I know goats eat everything, including paper..." "I get'em, I get'em." "But, the fact that one of them climbed through the kitchen window and eat all my notes... on the female Ontophagus sagittarius, and how it copulates with its horns, that is inexcusable." "It's okay, it's okay." "He's just kicking." "I thought you're going to give birth on the kitchen again?" "Again?" "I never gave birth in kitchen." "Really?" "Then, why is my name Sparrow?" "No, That was Gracie's idea." "She found a dead sparrow here in the kitchen, the day I had you in the hospital." "So she concluded that you were the reincarnation of the sparrow." "I know when I die, an elephant will be born." "Statistically speaking there are better chances that next newborn Spivet will be the reincarnation... ...of a toaster." "And in the mean time I had only one month left to finish my plans for a new perpetual motion machine." | {
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"Even though it was only a hundred miles from her hometown of Newport Beach, the desert created a whole new value system for Lindsay Bluth." "I'd give $20,000 for a lemonade right now." "For the most part." "It was here that she'd moved with her activist boyfriend..." "Marky!" "Mommy needs mescaline!" "...and his mother." "And tell your girlfriend DeBrie to shovel that ostrich crap!" "It's not DeBrie, Ma Bark." "It's Lindsay." "I just cut off my hair." "I know who you are." "Now start shoveling!" "God, you're lazier than Lindsay." "Marky, hurry!" " There's another dead iguana." " Oh." "What does this mean?" "Probably those bastards next door." "The bastards next door were actually a gathered group of CEOs who were attending a mid-summer sweat and squeeze." "They want us off their land." "Probably so they can build a border wall." "They just want to separate the whites from the browns." "You really are color-blind." "Face-blind." "Fortunately, I can see color." "That's how I can tell the browns are the Mexicans." "Anyway, I thought I scared those bastards off by scaring their leader." "The strong will become the weak." "But I think I overdid it first on the maca, because I ended up seeing two of him." "But to kill an innocent iguana, this beautiful creature of the desert..." "That lizard bastard bit me!" "God!" "Who keeps numbing these desert animals?" "No, no, we'll kill it later." "Mom, lizard bite!" "Put some rubbing mescaline on it!" "Lindsay hated her new life, but even more, she hated herself for hating her new life." "Marky, I just don't know how much more of this I can take." "I'm surrounded by squalor and death, and I still can't be happy." "Yeah, well, it's only gonna get worse, 'cause they're chasing us off the land." "I mean, where are we gonna go?" "Hey, new girl, I just heard about your mother's trial." "She was sent away." "Lindsay had missed her own mother's trial, and for that, she'd never be able to forgive her..." "Hey, I know a place that just opened up." "...herself." "Now the story of a family whose future was abruptly canceled, and the one daughter who had no choice but to keep her life together." "It's Lindsay's Arrested Development." " Lindsay wanted to move" " That's great." "to her mother's empty penthouse," " but Marky wouldn't think" " You dropped your shovel." "of leaving the old bird behind." "So it was a party of three that had to sneak into the Balboa Towers." "Although Marky was having trouble" " accepting what appeared to be" " Come on, Cindy." "a lavish lifestyle." " What do you think?" " Ugh." "Smells weird in here." "What is that?" "I think it's just... not urine." "And we're not moving in, we're occupying a space with central air." "Cindy?" "You okay?" "Look, Lindsay, Cindy already marked the master." "Okay." "This will be where she goes." "So we're staying." "And we will change the world and hold our heads high." "And it might be nice to live like normal people for a change." "Let's put some newspaper on these windows." "One year later, however, the only thing they'd actually changed was getting the "not urine" smell out of the penthouse." "You're looking at Lindsay." "Still Lindsay." "Oh." "Hey, Linds." " How was beg?" " Beg was good." "I found sometres lechescake." "That's great." "Hey, did you clean up?" "No, no, I just cleared out a space to work on the Love bomb." "Oh, okay." "I'll, uh, change out of these filthy clothes and into some filthy lingerie." "I don't think I washed it." "No, I meant what we're gonna do to this guy" " Herbert Love." "Oh." "Herbert Love was a very conservative candidate for a very conservative seat in the very conservative" " House of Representatives." " Look, look, look." "Am I guilty of anything?" "Yes." "Of having a great sense of humor." "But the two women who accused me of this crime donothave a great sense of humor." "Look, in fact, I'll tell you the joke and let you be the judge..." "Although he was prone to the more than occasional harassment scandal." "I forgot the joke." "Oh, he's about to be harassed, all right." "I'm gonna spray the bastards with ink and glitter." "It'll be in their ears for weeks." "Thing is, I can't find the glitter anywhere." "Did you take the silver glitter?" "Nope." "I mean, I'd say check the junk drawer, but I can't differentiate anymore." "Oh, God, what is this?" "Oh." "Okay, good." "Perfect timing, because this is where you come in." "A lot of this has to do with ink compression, oxygen capacity, expulsion pressures." "But the point is, three days before the event," "I'm gonna take the explosive and hide in the podium." "On the night of the event, at exactly 7:30," "I'm gonna pull the pin to the tank." "Then you're gonna knock on the podium door to let me know that the coast is clear." "When Love steps up to the podium at exactly 8:00, blam!" "The podium doors burst open, and he and everyone will be..." "Blue in the face, yeah." "That's better than what I had, actually." "I was gonna say they'd be covered in ink and glitter." "Or we can support Lucille 2, who he's running against." "She's right across the hall." "No, no!" "She's part of the problem." "Wait, you haven't been going over there, by the way?" " No one can know we're here." " Of course not." "Does it look like I'm lying?" "It did." "But not to a man with face-blindness." "Yeah, no, I guess not." "Because Lindsay could only spend so many hours with a shrill, feathered creature and needed to get away." "You look marvelous in that!" "Here, try this on." "I can't believe how much I've missed the feel of anything that isn't hemp." "And try this on." "Isn't that funny?" "I used to wear that with the Captain." "And I was..." "Tennille?" "And not make contact, yes!" "What am I gonna do, cut it down for my foster child?" "That is what she wanted to do, until he threatened to call Social Services." "Oh, look what I made you." "Oh!" "I love it!" "It's glittery!" "Lindsay was no stranger to making campaign posters, having made several in her seventh grade class president campaign against Sally Sitwell." "Sally ultimately proved successful with a more fact-based campaign." "A couple of tiny notes, hon." "There are two S's in "congress. "" "And I just call myself Lucille..." "Lucille 1." "I'm so sorry." "No." "Just Lucille." "But I love it!" "Oh, I wish you'd officially work for my campaign." "We could make such a difference." "Well, Marky says that's not the way we should make change." "Oh, speaking of, do you mind if I go through your couch cushions?" "Oh, honey, I wish you'd take the rest of thistres lechescake." "It's from a dear Hispanic supporter." "And I'll never get it into the bay in one piece." "Honestly, Lucille 2, you've been like a mother to me." "Aw." "Except kind and loving and willing to let me eat." "It just blows me away." "Lindsay knew she had to keep her secret life of luxury hidden..." "You're looking at Lindsay." "Still Lindsay." "...from a boyfriend that was preparing to squat in a podium for three days with a paint bomb." "But, Marky, I mean, won't you go crazy in there?" "Oh, no, that's nothing." "I once did a week and a half in an oil drum just to throw a pie at Arnold Schwarzenegger." "I never heard about that." "Oh, yeah, well, the press tried to spin it as" ""Hippie tries to play pie-tin Frisbee with the governor,"" "but... this time, I'm eating beforehand." "Yeah, I-I see that." "Hey, can I get you a fork?" "'Cause that's my brother whose face you're licking." "That's a face?" "Everything I do is wrong." "I knew you wouldn't be on board with this, Lindsay." "I'm sorry to say this, but you are losing your passion." "What passion?" "You don't even look at me." "I don't know if I've said this before- it's not important or anything- but I'm really, really pretty." "I'm the straightest guy you know!" "Why does every man feel like they have to say that to me?" "Quiet!" "Cindy's in heat." "You know how much she hates it when we argue." "Now listen to me." "This protest of mine" " can really make a difference." " Yeah, it's gonna land you" " in jail, Marky." " Oh, there it is." "Oh, yeah, so that's- oh, yeah." "You know what, you are just as selfish" " and money-hungry as you ever were." "No, I'm..." " Yes, you are." " That's not true." "Ooh, a Neiman's catalog." "But it was what she found stuck inside the catalog that got her attention." "And that's when she found the mother lode." ""From Gangie 4:" "Facelift. "" "What a load of..." "Mother." "And this time, she did make a court appearance." "Cheryl, you've got no backhand!" "I'm working the whole court, and you keep hitting the balls high." "Oh, great, looks like we've got another high-end hooker in here." "Oh, thank you, Mother." "So, let's cut to the chase." "I want to talk to you about a check for plastic surgery." "I already wrote you a check for that." "Lucille had, back when Lindsay thought" " she was only 12 years old." " New nose." "Worrying it would hurt her daughter's feelings..." "Put a "Y" on there." "...she put a fun spin on it." " "Nosy. " And you should be thanking me for that." "You looked like a can opener." "No, a check for my daughter." "She's gorgeous." "And I love her just the way she is." "When was the last time you saw her?" "She's been living with her father the past year, and it's been... really hard." "I'll be out on parole by the time you work up a tear." "What makes you think I wrote a check to your daughter, nosy?" "It came to the penthouse." "Well, well." "Little Miss Lives-Off-the-Land is living in my penthouse." "Okay, so you figured it out, Gene Parmesan." "Just goes to show, the apple does not far from the tree fall." "I am like you nothing." "You're not even my real mother." "I am a political activist." "Oh, you're a lot more like me than you know, sister." "Except I can back up my bad choices." "I'm doing hard time." "Your 3:00 p. m." "hot rock massage is open." "Thanks for coming, sweetheart." " Mm." "But Lindsay wanted to prove that she wasn't like her so-called mother." "And that's why she did this." "I'm in." "Let's bomb the bastard." "It's Lindsay." "Oh, yes!" "Yeah!" "Lindsay and her boyfriend Marky arrived in- get this- Beverly Hills to prepare for their act of glittery social protest." "But Lindsay was having second thoughts." "Marky, look, um," "I have this check that my mother wrote for my daughter." "It can buy us a lot of leaflets against Love." "And also a lot of Nature's Miracle." "You know, there's a huge sale going on right now at Petco..." "No, never!" "Rip it up!" "No money!" "And don't worry, I've thought of everything." "He had." "Except for someone to watch Cindy." "Oh, but she's locked in." "What's the worst that can happen?" " Good luck." " Thanks." "Ah!" "What a great day to step out onto an over-irrigated golf course and play a game that wastes vast acres of usable, farm-able land." "And after a few nights in the trailer," "Lindsay showed up in Lucille 2's Tennille wig to be ready to release Marky from the podium at the appointed time, and then stroll out together in disguise." "I think that's what this part refers to back when the disguise was going to be a two-part horse costume." "But soon, she ran into a father she hadn't seen in over a year." "Lindsay, I forgot, you dyed your hair." "Do you have any money?" "And that's how Lindsay parted with the check for Maeby that Marky had told her to rip up." "And it was then she ran into a daughter..." "Maeby." "...whose $50,000 check she'd just given away..." "Mom." "...stealing some coconut shrimp." "Of course you're here." "I should've known you'd be" " supporting this right-wing, dangerous crackpot." "No, no." "I am here undercover with my boyfriend." "We are gonna take down Love with a random act of senseless nonviolence." "Maeby felt a foreign feeling." "I actually respect that." " Thank you, Maeby." " Which is why, for the first time in her adult life..." "So what are you doing here?" "...Maeby was totally honest with her mother." "I'm getting a lifetime achievement award for my work in the entertainment business." "I tried." "Tell your therapist I tried." "But realizing she was still too early to let Marky out of the podium," "Lindsay headed to the bar, and that's when she met the man she was there to sabotage..." "Is it just me, or are we the only two people who don't fit in with all these Orange County phonies?" "...and had no idea who he was." "They are a bunch of phonies." "I usually don't even go to these things." "And perhaps it was because he reminded her so much of Tobias when they first started dating, but Lindsay flirted back." "What's your name, princess?" "Cindy Featherbottom." "Of the Laguna Beach Featherbottoms?" "Are you trying to find out where I live?" " And your favorite kind of jewelry. " "Lindsay hadn't heard the word "jewelry"" "in a long time but tried to stay strong." "How do I know you're not one of these phonies?" "The only phony I'm interested in is your phony number." "And like Cinderella at the ball," "Lindsay really felt like a princess for a change..." "Okay." "...but also like Cinderella," " she lost track of the time..." " It's, uh, 714..." "Mm-hmm." "...and had forgotten to release Marky from the podium, and that's when she was struck" " with an eerie sense..." " Right this way, sir," " right this way." " ... of déjà vu." "Lindsay." "Oh, God, he blued himself." "Lindsay's attempt to create a disaster for Herbert Love was a complete disaster, and as she tried to slip away without drawing attention to herself, she was once again approached..." " Cindy Featherbottom. -... by the man whose name she never got." "Here's my private number." "Give me a call;" "perhaps we can engage" " in some sexual congress." " Although that's a total giveaway, right?" "What a wonderful sense of humor." "I'd like that very much." "Sir, the press awaits." "Now, I don't know what this nut was protesting tonight." "I thought you were supposed to be sticking it to the man, not the other way around." "Maeby." "You think he likes me that way?" "No, Mom, that's Herbert Love, the man you're here to protest." "And I hear the guy with the bomb snuck up here from Mexico." "That's why I say, we have got to build a wall" " between us and Mexico." " Oh, no." "H" " How could you not recognize him?" "In fairness to Lindsay, it was Marky's face-blindness that led him to mistake this photo for the candidate." "Why Lindsay failed to recognize musical icon Nat King Cole cannot be explained." "But he's so modern looking." "I mean, obviously I didn't know it was the man whose politics I'm here to protest." "I guess I was just having fun, pretending I had my old life back." "Well, we'll just be friends, and I'm gonna keep it light and fun with him and not talk politics at all." "I can't believe you're such a sellout." "" "Are you really going to whore yourself out like that?" " I am not a whore." " Yeah, you're a whore." "I am not a whore." "Look, I am still committed to my ideals and to my Marky." "Lindsay!" "Lindsay, Lindsay!" "Well, you certainly have a type." "Lindsay?" "Have you seen a woman named Lindsay?" "If you see a woman named Lindsay, tell her to bail me out." "I'll do my best, sir." "Thank you, thank you, thank you." "Taxi." "Tell Lindsay to feed Cindy." " She thinks she's..." " Taxi." "Lindsay was as blue as one of her men when she returned to the penthouse, and that's when she decided to get half in the bag." " But even though she felt bad... - ...she was at least able to turn a man's head..." "Gentlemen, start your engines." "...although, perhaps had his head not turned..." " Buster." " ... he would have seen" " the ostrich warning on the door." "No, Gob." "Oh!" "After another night in the trailer, Lindsay went to the model home to give a daughter who called her a whore a piece of her mind." "Hi, sweetie." "Of course, she needed a place to stay, so she couldn't" " just jump right in." "I thought I'd surprise you with a visit." "Yeah, well, the bags are certainly a surprise." "You're not thinking of moving in, are you?" " What?" "No." " Yeah, because" "I don't think Dad would be cool with it." " No, of course not." " Yeah." " Is he in?" " No." "Oh, what happened there?" "Kids or people who like kids." "So, where's Marky?" "God, Marky will be in jail for quite a while." "She actually had just come from visiting him." "So it, uh, turns out the glitter was shrapnel grade." "They're upping my charges from prank bomb to non-Arab terrorism." "This is where you letting me out of the podium would have really helped." "Why didn't you just come out?" "I couldn't do it;" "someone locked me in." "In fact, it was Gob, thinking he was trapping the magician Tony Wonder into one of his illusions." "Hey, Mark, you guys want to see a real failed magician, you might want to get down to the Opies tonight." "It's going to be hysterical." "I need you to bail me out, Lindsay." " I need you to use that check." " Oh, I..." "I don't have that check anymore." " What?" " You told me to rip it up." "I thought you said you didn't believe in money." "I didn't until I realized what it could keep me from." "Jail's a lot like Swappigans, except there's only one thing to swap." "It's scary." "Anus tart." "Yep," " that's me." "MARKY:" "Oh, God, that could have been me." "Lindsay, listen to me- I'm scared." "I'm scared, I'm scared, I'm scared." " I'm really scared." "No touching." "Actually it's kind of nice to have a little me time." "Oh, of course, that's why you were giving Herbert Love a little you time last night." "You were flirting with him to get Marky out of jail." "Well, yeah, that is what I should have been do- what I did, yeah, yeah." "That's exactly what I should have and did do." "And it's not that bad an idea, actually." "You could get him to do anything 'cause he's probably just one of those shallow guys who's only interested in looks." "I miss that." "Missed that." "Yeah, you know, maybe it would be a good idea if I got in touch with him." "I mean, he did give me his card." "Although I could never call him." "I could call him for you and I'll tell him it has to be tonight." "Well, the sooner the better." "Got to get Marky out of jail." "That's why the sooner the better." "So Maeby arranged for a meeting that evening at Hollywood's exclusive Ealing Club between Herbert Love and Cindy Featherbottom." "I like this place." "No cameras, no phones." "Everyone's cool." "Well, thank you for being willing to meet." "Meet, greet." "Sure are sweet." "What a treat." "What did the lamb say?" "Baa?" "Bleat." "Ah, yes, of course." "I was just wondering, is anything really bad going to happen to that blue guy from the rally?" "Do you want to press charges?" "Who can think of Little Boy Blue" " when I've got this beautiful face in front of me?" "Oh." "Thanks, haven't heard that in a long time." "Your cheekbones are even higher than my approval rating." "Your brain can register my cheekbones?" "I'll register 'em to vote." "" "Your lips are like a Murphy bed." "They don't take up much space, but they are there when you need 'em." "Okay, you are a poet." "You're wonderful." "But, um, yeah, I" " I do want to talk to you about a couple of issues." "Can we just have one night where we don't talk about politics?" "Yes, yes, just one night." " We deserve it." " Let's get a room." "Yes- no." "What?" "Uh, I... okay." "We can talk in a room, I guess." "And later, down in the lobby, as Herbert went off to do some business..." "You hang tight." "I'm going to meet with some of my, uh, "constititutes. "" "...Lindsay ran into her brother Michael." " Hi-lo." " Michael?" "Hi." " How are you?" " Oh, good, good." "I almost didn't recognize you." " It's my hair." " That's some of it, but it's also, you're with a guy that pretty much represents everything you pretend to hate." " Was that Herbert Love?" " Great, now I remember why we fell out of touch." "No, Lindsay, I'm kidding, kidding, kidding, I'm so sorry." "I'm sure that you're having a great influence on him, you know." "Thanks." "But if you really want to blow him- away, you know the wall issue that everyone is talking about?" "The wall between Mexico and the U.S.?" "Tell him to take it down?" "Or just not to put it up." "No wall yet." "Oh, no, there's no- I knew that, yeah." "If you could get him against the wall, Lindsay..." "Well, I had no idea you were this socially conscious." "He wasn't." "In fact, he was just using her Love connection to make good on a deal he'd struck to get his father's movie rights." "Can you help me, then, with Love?" "Of course I will." "If you do something for me." "Mm-hmm, mm-hmm." "I would like to use your membership at the Balboa Club." "The girl I've been telling you about- she likes nice things, and if everything goes well tonight," "I think I may want to take her out for a nice dinner." "You really like this girl?" " She's Tracey." " Oh." "Fat Tracey or thin Tracey at the end?" "I think, just on this, you owe me the membership." "You know, we're kind of maxed out at the club, but if you show them my card," "I'm sure they won't turn you away at the door." "You'd do this for me?" "I will if you..." " Yeah, sure, fine." " Yeah?" "Yeah, I'll talk to him about the wall." " Good." "I mean, I want to change politics." " Great." " What's in it for me?" "So not completely change them?" "What do you want?" "Well, actually" "I want you to talk to that warden guy about getting my boyfriend out 'cause I really don't think Herbert's gonna help with that." "Well, I have a script notes call with him on Tuesday." " Yeah, I'll talk to Warden Gentles." "Great, thank you." "This is good." " Of course." " Glad we ran into each other." "If you do something for me." "I'm making this movie and I need everybody's rights." "And that's how Lindsay agreed" " to give Michael her rights for his movie." "I'll do it." "Great." "Thanks." "That's it." "But it shouldn't have been because he should have asked for help getting into a club he was about to discover was members only." " This is a membership place, huh?" "It is," " yes, members only." "Yeah, I'm meeting my son up there." "Maybe he's already up there." "Could you maybe page him" " up there?" " And when the page proved fruitless..." "If you'd like to have a seat and wait..." "You're gonna make me look like a big shot in front of my son." "And when the page proved fruitless," "Michael decided to head George Michael off before he could get to the club's lobby with a small lie." "Hey, buddy, it's Dad." "Um, I am having real trouble getting up there." "Uh, this traffic is unbelievable." "Which led to a slightly bigger lie..." "We got a light aircraft right in the middle of the freeway." " You know?" " ... and then some effort to make it foolproof." "Um, and, uh, the kicker is that there's no news crew." "I mean, I guess they can't get in either 'cause of the traffic, so no one's going to be able to see this." "But perhaps, had Michael not have lied, he wouldn't have felt suspicious when, moments later," " he received a return call from his son..." "You know what?" "I bet we're sitting in the exact same traffic." " This is a mess. -... canceling the get-together entirely." "Oh, God, they're forcing us off." "Oh, they're closing the lanes." "Meanwhile, in Herbert's hotel room," "Lindsay was worried she was too quickly abandoning her principles." "Wait..." "I can't do this unless you promise to be against the wall." "What the hell?" "It's better for my back anyway." "Thank you." "Although technically that was one of Michael's principles." "Well..." "That was so not quick." "Well, I paid for six hours." "I want to get my money's worth." "Imagine what would have happened if you had the room for the whole night." "Oh, I got it for the whole month." "You crack me up." "God, can you believe this is happening?" "I mean, we're such opposites and yet we're so in synch." " It's like we finish each other's..." "Sandwiches?" "What's the point of raising funds if I'm eating sandwiches?" "I got something for you." "Oh, really?" "And perhaps it was the heart that made her wonder if Herbert was the Love the Four Seasons shaman spoke of." "When love is near, your heart will be happy." "This way you'll always have a little Love near your heart." " Aah, Jesus Christ!" " Oh!" " I'm sorry." " Why would you do that?" "No, I thought it was cute, I saw it in a movie." " Okay?" " Okay, okay, great, thank you." "Oh, I feel so special." "You are special." "Lindsay wasn't special, but he'd gotten the necklaces on special." "So, when can I see you" " again?" " The only way we can see each other is if you work for my campaign." "You are going to be my key advisor." "She would be enacting social change after all." "I would like that very much." "She's going to need a key to my room, and I'd advise you to use it when I call you." "Since Herbert couldn't officially spend money on Lindsay, and Lindsay hadn't told Herbert" " who she really was..." " Uh, why don't you go" " make the rounds, and, uh, I'll get us checked in." "Okay." "...Lindsay had to pay for dinner" " the way she always had..." " Uh, Bluth." " I made a reservation." " ... by secretly putting it" " on her family tab." " Hi-lo." "Nice to meet you." "Oh, I'm sorry, the Bluths have been seated." "But she wasn't the only Bluth pretending to be something they weren't that night." "Who's the cheap redhead?" "Well, hello." "Hello." "Indeed." "Look at you." "What are you doing here?" "I need the membership." "I'm taking my boss out to dinner." "It's too late." "I already made a deal with Dad for it." "This is why I had to ask you for the in with Herbert Love." "Exactly, and that's why you are leaving, and I'm going to stay because I'm the one who did the favor." "I got Love against the wall." "Plus I've got to impress him." "He's making me part of his campaign." "I'm sorry, there seems to have been a mix-up." " A merry one." " Oh." "A merry one." "I already paid you back for the favor when" "I talked to the warden about getting Marky out of prison." "Oh, God, not now." " When?" " I don't know, but listen." "I haven't been on a date in a very, very long time, and she's already going out with Ron Howard so I need to impress her." "Actually, it was Ron's daughter, but Michael still didn't know that." "Great to see you." "And you look so good." "So do you." "I do hate the campaign, okay, but I'm changing him." "I'm his key advisor." "Although without an office, she was forced to advise him in the back of his limo." "And soon she was advising him all over town." "And he respect me for it." "He respects me for who I am." "So does mine." "Listen, we'll share it, okay?" " Okay." " Got it?" "Great." "Oh!" "My name is Cindy Featherbottom." "Right." "Oh, and I-I used to be a real estate tycoon, now I'm an impressive producer." "Got it?" " Got it." " Eat light." "This is my date." "This is Rebel Alley." "Oh, and my boss, Herbert Love." " Hi-lo." " Hi-lo?" "Just like your plan to hurt the poor." "I thought that was about neglecting the poor." "I guess the special tonight is red snapper." "How do you know this woman?" "Uh, she is... um..." "I just, I mean..." " High school." " Brother and sister." "We can't be brother-sister- she knows about the family." " We don't." " Just met." "Yeah, so, but let's eat." "And that's how Lindsay found herself on a very awkward double date with her brother." "Is everybody's food as delicious as my side salad?" "And a couple of glasses of white wine in," "Rebel started to espouse her liberal agenda." "It's just a little hard to sit two feet away from someone who doesn't believe in paying for a woman's contraception." "Well, to be fair, no, he does pay for the room." "Is there anything better than the great American scallop?" "Look how he changes the subject." "Aren't you glad your teenager's not here to see this?" "You have a teenager?" "I'm a movie prod..." "Movie producer." "Producing a movie right now- Rebel's in it" " for Imagine Entertainment." " Oh!" "Is that Ron Howard's company?" " Uh, yeah." " Yes." "I don't want to be the one to say it, but I hate that guy." "He's just another Hollywood liberal big shot." "Oh." "There are a lot of those Ron Howards out there that do abuse their power, but I will tell you, sir, that I do not do that." "Well, don't you have to have power to abuse the power?" "Um, I am not going to sit here and defend Ron Howard to someone who's never achieved half of what he's achieved." "Are you saying that to him or to me?" "I forgot how touchy these Hollywood people can be." "Oh, I'm not." "I'm not." "Are you saying that I am?" "Maybe Ron Howard is, but I-I mean, I don't know." "But I'm not." "And I am also not one of those Beverly Hills billionaires who can't go two minutes without putting his phone to his..." "I got to take this." "Hold on one second." "Hello?" "Hey, George Michael." "You stuck in traffic, pal?" "No, I just feel terrible that we couldn't get together the other night and, uh, I miss you, you know." "But I'm free all night if you wanted..." " Well..." "listen, I-I..." "But Michael was still stinging..." "I'm in the middle of a film meeting over his son not making it to the Ealing Club..." "I've got these people in politics involved and I just..." "You know, I can't get away this time, you know." "Maybe even though Michael had lied to him about it first." "You know, just, I'm a super busy guy." " And back at the table..." " So..." "I can't believe that a woman would support this guy." "...Lindsay found herself torn..." "And I assume by being with him, you just parrot his values." " ... between who she was with..." "I don't appreciate you saying that, okay?" "I have my own values, Rebel, and believe it or not, they're closer to yours than you think." "...and who she wanted to be." "'Cause I do appreciate you saying that." "But what do I know?" "I'm just some shallow Hollywood..." "Oh, God, I've got to get this." "It could be my agent." "Hello?" "Now that is one redhead" "I do not want to have sexual relations with." " Well..." " So... are we having dessert?" " No." " No." "Uh-uh." "Well, I don't want to be the one to say it, but if we are not going to have dessert," " then I think I am going to leave." "Oh, no." "But-but we're going to discuss those new positions tonight." "Wasn't that the plan?" "I think the best position for me to be in tonight is with my wife, and tomorrow I'm taking my wife and children to see the beautiful American ocean." "Lindsay started rethinking her new life and that's when she ran into the man from her old one." " Marky?" " Lindsay?" " Oh, Lindsay." " Marky." "I did it." "I beat the system." "I got out my way." "I thought my brother asked Warden Gentles" " to get you out." " No, I mean from the Dumpster." "You wouldn't believe the scallops they're throwing away here, but I got out of that Dumpster my way." "I've really missed you." "Yeah, I missed you, too." "I feel like I really lost my way for a while." "Me, too." "It's almost like maybe we shouldn't skip town after this next one." "Next one?" "Another paint bomb?" "No, a real one." "On the Cinco de Cuatro, Love's boat is going to..." " Sink-o." " ... go into the..." "Yes, sink-o." "See, the coast guard is going to be busy that night, so after it's done, we slip away and make our way down to Mexico and reunite with Mom." "I just have to find a boat that won't get chorizo" " caught in the propeller." " Lindsay was torn." "Her head was with Marky... but it was Love who was close to her heart." "So the next night at Cinco, she felt she had no choice" " but to betray one" " Herbert." " to protect the other." " Hi." "Um, listen." "I'm here undercover because I have some inside information that you really need to know about." "But as it turned out, Herbert had some undercover information for her, too." "I cannot be under the covers with you anymore." "It's over between us." "My wife found out and I told her there was nothing emotional, that you were just a prostitute." " I'm not a prostitute." " Oh, I know, I know." "The point is, we are through." "Here's a little severance package for servicing my package." "Lindsay tried to throw the money in his face, but she didn't have the muscle memory for it." " She's keeping it." " Oh, good." "And don't forget to vote." "This isn't over." "I'm not some taco you can throw into the bay." " Lindsay wanted to get back" " I can't do this." "at Love... but not by blowing him up and heading to Mexico to be with Marky's awful mother." "And that's when she ran into her own awful mother." "Mom." "What are you doing here?" "Lindsay." "I thought you were a hooker." " Again." " It's a wig." "No one recognizes me in it." "Oh, I recognized you." "Let me rephrase that more kindly." "I hear you're hooking now with Herbert Love." " It's called hooking up." " Oh." "And, yeah, I got a little sidetracked, but I know who I am now." "I'm back to being severely liberal." "Well, like I said, the one time you were nice enough to visit me, you are who you are- a blonde, waspy Orange County princess who doesn't care about anything but herself and that's okay." "Ah, sarcasm." "No, I'm a Bluth and so are you." "You really know how to twist the knife." "But you are right about one thing." "Lindsay was done pretending to be red." "I don't need this anymore." "And she decided the best way to get back at her mother and Herbert Love was by working for their mutual rival." "Lucille 2." "I've got great news." "I'm finally available to become your campaign manager." "Oh, that's lovely, dear." "But I found someone more qualified than you." "Hello, Lindsay." "Sally." "It was Sally Sitwell, a woman who'd long been Lindsay's rival." " It's been a while." " Mm." "How is she more qualified than me?" "She has integrity." "And look at this hair." "Look at this beautiful, long hair." "I made you a banner." "Look, I can really help this campaign." "You already have, more than you know." " Now, give her a little show-and-tell." "Mm." "Show-and-tell?" "Oh, she just means these photos of Herbert Love with a mystery redhead he's cheating on his wife with." "Who took these?" "The first two were taken by the security camera in the Albertsons parking lot." "And the third was left in the photo booth at the Ealing Club." " God, that was a photo booth?" " Mm-hmm." "No one can know about this." "Oh, I'm afraid they're going to." "Lucille has copies- she wants to go viral with this." "Herbert Love with his hooker?" "She'll win for sure." "I can't let her do that." "I don't think you can stop her." "Anyway, it was so great running into you again." " Mwah!" " Lindsay was horrified that the world would view her" " as Love's prostitute." " Vote for Love." "Vote for Love." "And then Lindsay ran into someone else" " who was looking for Love." " David." "Who are you?" "I'm Cindy Featherbottom." "I've been looking for you." "Love's gone missing and I've got to find someone to jump onto that stage and to show everyone here that we are the party that has complete con-con..." "Complete con-con-con..." " con-con..." "Complete..." " ... trol?" "Giant.... trol." "And that's when Lindsay found an opportunity..." " I'll do it." " to put a spin on the looming" " photos scandal." "Oh, my God, thank you, thank you." "And I'm so sorry about that giant crack earlier." "Okay, raise the mics, everybody!" "New speaker!" "So, like many before her," "Lindsay would accuse Herbert Love..." "Can I have everyone's attention?" "...of sexual harassment." "I am Herbert Love's "key advisor. "" "Uh, thank you, but..." "But first she had to turn his supporters against him." "Listen, I have a few things I'd like to tell you about Herbert Love." "Love wants to put up a wall." "No, no." "I mean, not just any wall." "A wall to keep out the Mexicans." "Oh, wow, what a great crowd, uh..." "And that's when the blowback began." "Checkmate!" "But no, you don't understand." "He wants to separate..." "Oh!" " Viva Méjico." " That's my necklace." "What-what's going on?" "The marauders, lady, a bunch of young Mexicans- they're taking over Cinco de Cuatro." "They don't find it funny anymore." "But that was my necklace." "I mean..." "God." "They don't belong here, we belong here." "I mean, someone should put up a wall." "But that's when Lindsay found herself" " saying this..." " Yeah." "We should put up a wall." "Put up this wall." "Put... up... this wall." "ALL Put up this wall!" "...which was originally her mother's idea." "Although it was horrible news for her father." " Put up this wall!" " And that's when Lindsay found out who she really was." "My name is Lindsay Bluth, and this is who I am." "A Bluth, just like her mother." "She's a game changer." "Herbert Love is discovered in a coma." "They think it happened during the blowback." "They found him behind the Kick a Goat." "The doctors say he may come out of it in a week to ten years." "So I have one question for you." " Would you consider..." " Yes." " Would you consider..." "Yes." " Would you consider..." " Yes." "Would you consider running in his place?" " Yes." " Fantastic." "Sweetheart, could you work his thumb?" "And she even gets Herbert's endorsement." "And Annyong tries to stick the Bluth family for a tomato juice that costs him $700 and ultimately his freedom." "Good-bye, Annyong." "Sync:" "VeRdiKT" | {
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"ANNOUNCER:" "Ladies and gentlemen, please will you welcome onto the stage" "Simon Amstell!" "(AUDIENCE CHEERING)" "(AUDIENCE WHOOPING)" "hello." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "(MAN WOLF-WHISTLING)" "Thank you." "How are you?" "Are you okay?" "You all right?" "well, this is fun, isn't it?" "This is sort of a fun thing to be doing." "This is fun." "It's fun, right?" "I'm quite lonely." "Let's start with that." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "Nothing can be done about it, people of dublin." "Nothing can be done." "I bought a new flat about two years ago." "In this flat, in the bathroom, there are two sinks." "I thought that would bring me some joy." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "It is a constant reminder." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "And so what I've had to do..." "This is what I'm doing now in my Iife." "I'm actually doing this." "I'm using both sinks." "I now, every day, brush my teeth in the Ieft sink, and in the right one, mainly cry." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "I think the problem comes from the inability to be purely in the moment without fear." "I think we're all stuck in the past, and looking to the future." "And it's in the moment where true joy exists." "It's in the moment where love can occur." "It's only in the moment where you can be fully at one with the universe." "I was in Paris recently, with a new group of people, one of which was quite a sort of kooky, interesting girl, although, in hindsight, not that interesting." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "I always get fooled." "I always think, "Oh, she seems fascinating."" "Is she, Simon?" "Or does she just have short hair?" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "completely fascinated, and I'm thinking, "Oh, I'II talk to her for the rest of my Iife."" "Bored after 10 minutes." ""You should grow your hair and stop misleading people."" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "So she suggests, at about 3:00 in the morning, that we all run up the Champs-EIysee, to the Arc de Triomphe." "And I guess telling you about that now, it sounds a little bit exciting and fun, but at the time, I just thought, "well, why would we do that?"" "And then, "What's the point?"" "And then, "When we get there, then what will we do with our lives?"" "And I'm sort of analysing what the point of it is, and, "We live that way, and it seems a Iong way to go."" "And everyone else is just not analysing, they're just running, and I'm running as well, because of the peer pressure, because I'm fun." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "And we're all running and running, and everyone else, I think, is just at one with the moment, at one with joy, at one with the universe, and I'm there, as I'm running, thinking, "well, this'II probably make a good memory."" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "Which is living in the future, discussing the past with someone who, if they asked you, "Oh, what did it feel like?"," ""I don't know, I was thinking about what I'd say to you."" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "I think it comes from childhood." "When you're a child, you're free." "You're purely in the moment." "You're not worried." "It doesn't even occur to you what other people might think of you." "You don't analyse every moment." "You just live, moment to moment." "And then something happens where you realise you have to think before you act." "We get taught we have to think before we act." "When I was 15..." "And this happened when I was 15, but I think it's too odd a story if I was 15, so I think it's better if we say I was 1 1 ." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "I was in my grandparents' house, and I used to have quite a good relationship with my grandma." "She used to really validate me and my Iife." "I used to do little drawings and doodles, and she'd say, "Oh, that's nice."" "I'd do another drawing, "Oh, that's nice." Another drawing, "Oh, that's nice."" "And at one point, I distrusted the consistency of her reviews." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "So I did a deliberately bad drawing to see what she would say." "She said, "Oh, that's nice."" "And I thought, "I can't deal with this inauthentic sycophant."" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "So one day..." "And I know now that I did this because I wanted to do something where she couldn't validate it, where she couldn't say, "Oh, that's nice."" "But when I did it, it was purely unconscious, it was purely in the moment." "One day, I ran up to my grandma, and I mooned my grandma." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "well, I was only 1 1 ." "I'm just 1 1 ." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "It wasn't even like a cheeky, playful little moon and run away, funny, funny." "It was a violent bend-over, "Here's my arsehole, Grandma,"" "and apparently a bit of balls as well, a little bit of balls." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "She didn't say, "Oh, that's nice."" "although I think she wanted to because she's generous and encouraging." "She just couldn't quite get there with my arsehole in her face." "She ended up saying, "Oh, okay."" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "But still encouraging, still a sort of, "Oh, I see what you were going for."" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "So that's why I can't enjoy Paris." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "I did fall in love about five years ago." "fell in love five years ago, but with somebody I invented, which isn't ideal." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "And he was based on somebody who existed, but because I had such low seIf-esteem," "I took every negative attribute I felt about myself, converted those into positive attributes and projected those onto him." "Thus he would heal me and complete me in my Iife." "initially, I just liked him because he was really thin." "I really liked that." "Like, thinner than me, iII-thin." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "I don't know why I liked that." "I just liked the idea I couId go on a date with someone and it could be their last date." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "A Iot of it is narcissism, really." "My type..." "I realised my type is me, but better." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "Which I think is okay." "I just need to find somebody who wants himself, but much, much worse." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "I went to see him in this play that he was in, and he was really vulnerable on stage, and I really like..." "vulnerability, to me, is quite sexually appealing." "I don't know if you..." "Like, you know there are people who are more like," ""well, we know what we're doing." ""We've done it before, we'II do it again." "Everything's fine."" "To me, it's much more sexy if someone's a bit more," ""Oh, I feel faint." You know?" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "It's hot, right?" "So... (AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "I went to see this play on the press night so I couId perhaps meet him afterwards - and weeks had been building up to this moment - and all I couId manage when I saw him at the party was a kind of polite nod." "And I don't know if he saw it." "He didn't nod back." "And then I felt awkward about approaching him at all." "And an hour went past, and I couldn't approach him." "And then I saw him leave." "I saw him leave the theatre, his rucksack on his back, his little beanie hat on his head, and as he got further and further away, it became harder and harder to move, and he was gone, gone." "Three weeks go by of sadness, pain, regret." "I've turned him into the only person I can possibly be with in my Iife." "A Iot of it was ego." "I just felt like he was going to become a great actor." "He could make people cry." "And I couId become a great comedian, and make people laugh." "And if we were together... (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) ...we could be like a two-man Robin williams." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "AII the talent of Robin williams, but in two separate thin men." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "I didn't know how I was going to meet him again." "And then I was in a shop in Covent Garden that sells vintage clothing, and he was there in the shop." "I felt, in that moment, that God had brought us together." "I don't feel that now so much because it feels like the thought of a deluded moron, and... (AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "And I don't want to attack religious people who may be here this evening." "It feels like a sort of unkind thing to do, to attack religious people, and it feels..." "You know, it feels too easy, and like the battle's already been won, and... (AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "No, but..." "But really, it just feels rude." "Like, if you're at a party and someone says, you know, you get into a conversation and someone says, "I'm a Christian, I'm a muslim, I'm a Jew,"" "it's very rude there to say, "Oh, how ridiculous!"" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "I feel, at this point, we have to treat people with kindness and love and respect, in the same way you treat a child running around a party saying, "I'm a helicopter."" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "(AUDIENCE APPLAUDING)" "Say to them..." "Say, "Good for you!" "We're all having fun!" "I'm a choo-choo train!"" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "I'm not an atheist." "Like, I'm a big fan of Jesus Christ." "There's nobody more thin or vulnerable than Jesus Christ." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "And he's bleeding as well." "It's very clever of them." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "But I'm not an atheist for this reason." "This is the main reason I'm not an atheist." "I think I'm God a bit, and here's why." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "And that's the sort of thing I can say here but I can't really say at a dinner party, because people will say, "well, why have you got hummus on your chin?"" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "Because it's sort of seemingly arrogant and blasphemous." "I don't think it's blasphemous." "Speaking as God, I'm not offended." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "But I feel..." "He..." "That actor was in that shop at the same time as me." "I don't believe in coincidence." "I think coincidence is a word we invented for something we don't quite understand yet." "On the cover of this book is a blue feather, because the characterlauthor of this book believes in the philosophy "thinking makes it so." ""We create our own reality."" "He tests this by visualising a blue feather in his fingers." "He believes, Iike Buddhists, that everything has already been achieved." "Time is an illusion." "So if he feels he has the blue feather already, it will come to him because there's nothing opposing that idea." "Later in the book, the blue feather appears." "I tested this myself with a white feather." "I felt I had the white feather in my fingers." "Not that I needed the white feather or desired the white feather, it had already been achieved." "Later, I was at a picnic, I put my hand in a packet of crisps, which is something I wouldn't normally do." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "I pulled out a crisp with a white feather on." "Which is disgusting." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "But there he was in the shop." "And I don't know how you feel." "Maybe you think, "well, he walked into that shop" ""at the same time as you with his own legs."" "No, I put him in that shop with my God-mind." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "Now, some people will say, "well, you know, if we do create our own reality," ""what about the holocaust?" "What about victims of child abuse?" ""Do they create that in their world?"" "And the thing you have to understand about that is..." "Shh!" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "For whatever reason he was in that shop, I knew I had to approach him, because this was a moment, and I couldn't have any more regret." "Um, I also knew I couldn't go up to him with my personality." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "I don't know if you can tell fully, from the tone of my voice, this is not a voice that lends itself to getting sex or relationships." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "What you need is a less anxious, a cooler voice." "Like, I don't know why there's still so much anxiety in my Iife." "The other day, a guy approached me, and I wasn't sure if I'd met him before or not, and in the panic of the moment, I just said, "I've got that jumper."" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "And I didn't." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "I went out with someone..." "I went out with someone for quite a while who wasn't that keen on that aspect of my personality." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "And we were in a supermarket together, and a friend of his, who I hadn't met before, approached us, and because I hadn't met this guy before, I got instantly nervous." "The friend says, "Oh, what are you up to?"" "And I say, "Oh, a bit of shopping." "We've got a pineapple."" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "An hour passes, and then the boyfriend says to me, "What's wrong with you?" ""Why do you always have to..." ""Why do you always have to try to be so funny all the time?"" "I said, "well, it wasn't funny, it was factual."" "I said, "There was a pineapple."" "He said, "You deliberately chose the most humorous object in the trolley."" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" ""well, I'm gifted."" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "So awkward all the time, a ridiculous way to be." "But there's this feeling of, even though I believe that we're all one," "I still feel a constant detachment, even with people who I'm close to." "Like, my mum and I have got a good relationship, but there's a detachment, there's an inauthenticity to every conversation." "I feel like I should be able to tell her anything, but there's a sort of awkwardness to it, on the phone." "And I think it's because I came out of her vagina, and that's..." "That's sort of always there, you know?" ""Oh, have you done your council tax, Simon?"" ""Mum, I came out of your vagina." ""Let's not pretend that's a normal thing to have happened."" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" ""I came out of your vagina, I sucked on your tits, you want to talk about tax?"" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "And my grandma as well, whom I got on with quite well, still, an awkwardness, I think because my mum came out of her," "I came out of my mum, it's like a Russian-doII awkwardness." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "I didn't want to be that person any more." "I didn't want to be that guy in front of this actor." "In my ideal world, I would have been able to go up to him, and just say," ""Hey, how are you?" "I saw your play the other week." "It was great."" ""Oh, thank you." "Oh, of course." "I remember the nod."" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" ""Why are you crying?"" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" ""I've got too many sinks."" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "(AUDIENCE APPLAUDING)" ""I don't know why, but I feel I need to ask you" ""if you'd Iike to go and get some coffee with me or a juice or something, and..." ""And I don't know, maybe if that works out, we could move to the country together."" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" ""Okay, well, Iet me just purchase this effortlessly cool cardigan" ""and we can talk to an estate agent."" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "Here's what actually happened." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "Because of my personality." "I saw him there, he hadn't seen me." "He was about a metre away from me." "There, that thin." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "And what I thought..." "For some reason, what I thought would be really cool and seductive would be to just stand in the middle of the shop and shout his full name." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "He turned round, alarmed." "I couId see the terror in his eyes, but because I'd started at a certain volume, I thought it'd be too odd to get any quieter." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "So I'm then just shouting about the good reviews this play has had and he's going, "Oh, I don't really read reviews."" "And he's all timid and vulnerable, which is why I Iove him." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "And I think the difference between us, because I think we were both quite shy as children..." "I say, "I think"" " I did a Iot of research on him." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "But he retained that shyness, and it makes him beautiful and sensitive, and I decided shyness was something to be overcome, and I think it's in our training." "He went to a really good acting school in London where he was taught to nourish his sensitivity, to nurture his vulnerability, and that's what makes him a great actor." "I went to Saturday-morning stage school in Essex, where we were taught that whether we were singing, dancing or acting, just do it loud." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "So I didn't become good at any of those things." "But when I danced, people heard." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "(AUDIENCE APPLAUDING)" "So I'm there, still shouting at him." "And I realise I've got to make some sort of lasting connection with him." "I ask, it occurs to me to ask," ""You must be very busy at the moment, but do you have a night off?"" "He says, "I have Monday nights off."" ""I know a very cool club night that happens on Mondays."" "It's very cool to me, 'cause it's such a contrast to the Essex nightclub I went to for three years, in Romford." "Three years, between the ages of 18 and 21 ." "Three years, every Saturday night, in Romford." "Three years, every Saturday night, in Romford." "Three years." "Because nobody told me that London was close." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "And you had to wear black trousers to get in, black shoes, an un-tucked shirt, and I don't like it when the dress code is "basic dick"." "I think it's restricting." "One time, I don't know if I was being rebellious or if I just thought it wouId be okay, I wore black trainers." "I thought that would be all right." "And the bouncer looked at me and said, "You can't come in like that." ""You look like you've come from a gym."" "Which gym do I Iook like I've come from?" "He's such a basic human being, to him there's only two forms of dress, club and gym." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "I remember the Iast time I went there." "I think I was 21, and I threw up." "I used to throw up there quite a Iot, 'cause I used to drink a Iot 'cause I wasn't happy." "I don't want to judge you if you're drinking tonight, but you know it's 'cause you're not happy, right?" "You know..." ""We'II have a good old..." "We're all right, we'II have a couple of drinks" ""and then pay for laughter." "We're fine."" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "I was trying to get to the toilet, and I didn't make it." "I threw up on the dance floor." "I Iooked at what I'd done, and I was pleased." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "I thought, "That's what you deserve." "That should be your logo."" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "But now I was in London, talking to this actor, and I suggested this wonderful avant-garde club on a Monday night, which he hadn't heard of, which meant that I couId say, "well, I'II email you the details."" "That casual." "He said, "Okay." I then had his email address." "He gave me his email address." "I'd triumphed over this fear of rejection, this fear of being in the moment." "I had his email address." "And then this final moment, where we seemed to level out." "Up to now, I'd been his crazed, desperate fan." "And then, just as I was leaving, he said, "Oh, do I know you from something?"" "And I said, in as quiet and modest a way possible," ""I sort of do this small pop show on channel 4." ""But it's on very early in the morning." "You probably haven't seen it."" "Thinking that he might say, "Of course!" ""You're really funny!" "You're really funny!" "You're really funny!"" "Not, "Oh, okay," in the same tone as my grandma when I showed her my arsehole." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "But I had his email address." "I went home, and I composed the most beautiful, funny little email." "Six friends confirmed, it was a beautiful, funny email." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "I pressed send, and this is very much the end of this story, he never emailed back." "(AUDIENCE GROANING)" "Thank you." "ideally, in this situation, laughter is better than pity, but you're quite right, it's not a funny ending, is it?" "It's not funny." "He didn't email back even, you know, even something negative that I couId do something with." "He just..." "Just indifferent." "Not funny, is it?" "It's not funny." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "So, not only did he ruin my Iife for five years, he's ruined this." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "(AUDIENCE APPLAUDING)" "Fucking Martin CIunes." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "(AUDIENCE HOOTING)" "It's my fault for chasing this fantasy of this quiet, mysterious actor type." "That's what I've always gone for, some sort of..." "And I didn't know what it was." "I didn't know why I kept going for the same sort of weird, vulnerable, quiet person." "And then I realised, it comes directly from being about 15 years old and watching the teen drama My So-Called Life, starring Jared Leto as Jordan CataIano." "(AUDIENCE CHEERING)" "You may whoop and cheer, but that programme has left me damaged." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "Everyone I've ever gone for has been some version of Jordan CataIano." "(AUDIENCE WHOOPING)" "I watched the DVD to see what I was to do about this and, uh..." "I wanted to watch the DVD to see what it was about this character, and I figured it was about..." "It was these three things." "Number one, he has about four lines in every episode." "Number two, he has long hair, that sometimes fails over an eye." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "And he'II tuck it behind his ear." "Which is amazing, isn't it?" "It's just amazing." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "And the third thing is that his main character trait is that he is dyslexic." "And that's all I've ever wanted." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "A near mute with long hair and learning difficulties." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "(AUDIENCE APPLAUDING)" "And there's nothing wrong with any of those things." "I don't want to offend anyone." "If that describes you in any way, I'd Iike to meet you." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "recently, I went to see a play in which there was an actor that I fancied, because if you don't seek some therapy, life repeats." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "This time I was slightly better connected." "I knew the playwright." "We went to eat after the play." "I was sat next to the actor that I fancied." "I was talking to him about some of the things we've discussed tonight, that thinking makes it so, that we can create our own reality." "And even if you don't buy into that in a spiritual sense, you can still see that we live in a culture where you can order stuff online and it comes within the next day or two." "We live like that now." "So it's frustrating not being able to order a specific human being from the universe and have them come towards you." "He says, "well, what do you want?" "Who do you want?"" "I say - and I hadn't thought about this for a while " "I say, "I want Jared Leto."" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "He then says, in that moment, "I just did a film with Jared Leto" ""where I played the younger version of his character."" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "I didn't know what to do with that." "I'd only just ordered him." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "He then says, out of his mouth," ""Do you want to see a sex scene I did as the young Jared Leto?"" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "I say, "Yes."" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "He pulls out his iPhone, shows me himself having sex as Jared Leto, with long hair, and naked, and I say, "Oh, that's nice."" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "And it's so close to the fantasy, I don't know what to do." "That is the root fantasy." "That's the young Jared Leto." "It's even closer to the fantasy than the actual Jared Leto, in real life now, who, oddly, I did meet about three years ago in thailand at a fuII-moon party." "I didn't realise it was him." "I thought it was just someone who looked like him." "So I went up to him and said," ""You look a Iot like Jared Leto." "Do you know who Jared Leto is?"" "He said, "I am Jared Leto." I wasn't ready for that." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "So all I couId manage to say was," ""Your beauty in Requiem for a Dream detracted from the narrative."" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "He thanked me and walked away." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "This was so close to the fantasy." "And also, there was, of course, the fear of rejection, as there always is." "I felt there was a flirty vibe between us, but I wasn't sure, and I have to be sure." "When I was running up the Champs-EIysee with the people in Paris, one of them asked if he could come back to my hotel room that night, 'cause he said the Metro wasn't going to be able to get him back to his hotel." "I knew he was sort of making that up, but I didn't know." "I knew he liked me a bit, but I didn't know." "It got to the point we were in my hotel room, both under the covers, haIf-naked, and I'm still going, "My God, but what is this?" ""What is this?" "I don't know what this is." "What is this?"" ""What is this?" "My penis is in his mouth, but is he joking?"" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "It was too close to the fantasy, there was a fear of rejection," "I didn't know what to do, so I did what I always do." "I ignored him completely, became friends with somebody he knows quite well, and now, every Sunday, she is teaching me piano." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "It was too close to the fantasy." "It was too much for me." "I should have remembered what my mum used to say about how you could be or do anything you want in this life, because everyone you see on TV, or on film, they all shit." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "She used to say that a Iot." "She would point at the television and say, "Shit comes out of them."" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" ""You'II be a star."" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "I feel like we're all damaged in a way, right?" "We're all sort of damaged." "You're damaged, right?" "We're all damaged." "You look quite damaged." "Are you damaged?" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "A little bit, yeah." "And I don't mind that so much." "I feel like that's where the good stuff comes from." "The only reason comedy exists is because we have tragedy." "That's the way it works." "Tragedy plus time equals comedy." "although that's not the..." "I realised what the formula really should be, is tragedy plus time plus joke." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "You can't just be involved in horrific tragedy and wait." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "And I feel special in some way, if I feel broken." "If I'm broken, there's a journey to be healed." "There's a journey to be fixed." "I feel like I'm an interesting, unique human being." "In the meaninglessness of it all, I feel unique, I feel special." "I Iike that I've got an osteopath appointment once a month, where I go because I've got bad posture, something happened in my past, and I guess this man is healing me each month, bringing me to some sort of neutral state, some pure, neutral state." "And I asked him, because he's quite a sensitive, sweet man," ""Why did I end up with bad posture?" ""Is it because when I was a kid, I was quite shy" ""and ended up trying to make myself invisible from the other children" ""and ended up all hunched over and scared?"" "And even though what I do now is extrovert, still inside, I'm the same scared, crying child." "I said, "What's wrong with me?" "Why would that happen to me?" ""What's wrong with me?"" "And he said, "You have very tight hamstrings."" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" ""Yeah, but isn't it more that I'm a genius recluse?" "Isn't that the..."" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "He said, "No, the tendons behind your knees are quite restricted."" ""Yeah, but isn't that just the physical manifestation of a tortured soul?"" ""No, it's your legs."" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "similarly, I got ill a few weeks ago, and this happened the day before." "I've got a cat." "obviously I've got a cat." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "I really thought the cat would end my loneliness." "It has only become a mascot for my loneliness." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "Because if anyone does come round, they go, "Oh, you've got a cat." "Are you quite lonely?" ""What's he called?" "solitude."" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "I woke up, and the cat had peed on my bed." "Because I was still half asleep, I ended up putting my hand in the cat's pee." "I then went to grab the cat to put its head in its pee." "Not as an act of revenge." "My mum had just told me that's how you teach it not to do it again." "It doesn't work." "It doesn't remember the great moral lesson of Tuesday." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "It just ends up with a head covered in its own pee, wandering around, wondering how that could have happened." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "In the process of grabbing the cat, the cat scratched my hand, the same hand where the pee was." "There was then some blood coming out of my hand and maybe some pee getting into my bloodstream." "And I thought, "I've got cat AIDS."" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "I tried not to think that, because I believe that thinking makes it so." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "I woke up the next morning and I couldn't stop vomiting into my toilet." "So violent was the vomit coming out of me, it was going into my toilet, it was all around the toilet as well, sort of spattering all over the floor, my cat came, put my head in the vomit." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "I felt so weak and thin and pale." "I saw myself in the mirror, I thought, "He's hot."" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "On the way to the doctor, I wondered," ""should I mention what happened with the cat?"" "I felt a bit embarrassed about it, but I thought it could be relevant, it could be relevant to what's happened this morning." "I got there, I told him about the vomiting, and I said, "I don't know if this is anything," ""but my cat yesterday peed on my bed," ""some of it got on my hand and then there was some blood."" "I said, "I don't know..." "I've heard about cat AIDS?"" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "She looked at me in a way that I thought doctors were trained not to look at patients." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" ""Uh, no, there's no way you could have cat AIDS." ""You're not a cat."" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "You all right?" "You having fun?" "You're quite thin, aren't you?" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "What's your name?" "colin!" "Okay." "colin..." "What, wait..." "colin?" "caitlin?" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "MAN:" "CathaI." "Go on, one more." "CathaI." "AUDIENCE:" "CathaI." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "I still don't know what his name is." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "What..." "Connor?" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "CathaI." "CathaI!" "CohiI?" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "(AUDIENCE CHEERING)" "C-O-H-I-L?" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "Oh, yeah, laugh at the idiot EngIishman." "Yeah." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "Yeah." "I'm trying my best." "I'm being polite." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "Yeah, go on, spell it, yeah." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "MAN:" "C-O-T-K-H-I..." "Hang on!" "I'm speaking to CohiI." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "He can do it, even though he may have some dyslexia issues." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "Let's hope." "Let's hope so." "Let's hope so." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "Go on, then." "MAN:" "C-A-T-H-A-L." "C-A-T-H-A-L." "That's pretty fucked-up, huh?" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "I'm Simon." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "(AUDIENCE CHEERING)" "I think that went quite well, don't you?" "(LAUGHING)" "Oh, God." "What the hell was I talking about?" "Oh, yeah." "I remember." "I bloody remember." "I can do this." "The main problem is that we feel like we're living into the future." "really what we're doing is living into the past." "We're constantly repeating moments from the past, hoping for better endings." "Whenever I'm with my family, I feel like if I couId just heal the past, maybe then I can live in possibility, maybe then the future could be a blank page where anything could happen." "until that point, I feel like I'm going to repeat moments from the past." "It was recently my grandpa's birthday party, his 70th birthday party, at this restaurant in Essex." "Everyone was there, apart from my brother's girlfriend, who he's been with for about four years." "She was not there, on account of a couple of the family members having a problem with her not being a Jew." "We mustn't judge them for this." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "This is just because..." "It's just because they personally have a very strong belief in racism, so... (AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "And that's their belief." "What can you do?" "There's nothing you can do." "You're very lucky in ireland." "I don't suppose you've ever had any sort of religious conflict or anything, you know... (AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "It's a nightmare." "It's a nightmare." "You can't imagine." "You can't imagine, dublin." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "That's their belief." "And, you know, we mustn't judge them because they live in Essex, where there's not much to do, and so there's a Iot more time for racism." "I Iive in London now." "God, if I had the time, but... (AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "Every day, I'm walking through Oxford Street, I see people from ethnic minorities and think, "I should do something," but I'm so busy, you know." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "And I..." "You know, it's unfair of me to just be on this stage attacking them." "They have their perspective." "They were just trying to protect their children." "They saw it..." "From their perspective, it was a bad example to their children 'cause they could end up marrying gentiIes, then their children's children wouldn't be Jewish, then they wouldn't be able to go to a Jewish school," "and then where would they learn paranoia?" "So... (AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "And nobody's ever caused a drama about this in the family." "We just sort of try to keep the peace and we try not to say anything about it, because it's genuinely believed in this family that when my mum got divorced, which was quite a drama, it was the direct reason for my grandpa becoming diabetic." "So no one's allowed to say anything, so they say these sort of awful, offensive things, and I'm sat there going, "My God, if this was being televised, people would boo you."" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "And then, near the end of the dinner, because I've been on a few courses to try and make my Iife happier," "I say to these members of my family, in as sort of sweet and polite a way as possible," ""Isn't it a shame that my brother couldn't bring his girlfriend tonight?" ""It's sort of a shame." "Isn't it sort of a shame?"" "And they get quite defensive, of course, and say, "well, why isn't she here?" ""We thought she would be here." "Why isn't she here?"" "And I say, "Oh, isn't it..." "I don't know." ""Isn't it because of that time that you said, 'She can't be here'?"" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "I say..." "I ask, "Just explain to me why is the belief more important" ""than the feelings of a human being?"" "And it's so sad, 'cause she's a brunette." "She could pass." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "And then my brother comes over and just starts swearing at them, and it becomes a bit intense, and I say, "Oh, no, it's all right." "calm down." ""I've been on a course, and..."" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "And my grandpa..." "This is just the point where the cake is supposed to come." "We should be singing happy birthday, and now my grandpa is crying, partly because of the drama that I've created, but partly 'cause he can't eat the cake." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "And, uh..." "Yeah, it's a tricky business." "The whole thing's a tricky business." "It is then suggested that we all go back to my mum's house and resolve this." "And I feel very awkward about the whole thing because we don't have drama in this family, and now I've created one, and I've got to resolve it." "We've got to have this whole debate about who's right and who's wrong." "And I used to..." "As a child, I was quite into debate and opinions, and now I just feel like debate and politics is the opposite of truth, the opposite of beauty, the opposite of joy." "When I was younger I went to see the Vanessa FeItz talk show being filmed." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "There's nothing we can do." "It happened." "It happened." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "The subject up for debate that day was, "should I murder my husband?"" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "At the beginning of the show, the floor manager told us that the best opinion of today will win a bottle of champagne." "So there's everything to play for." "should she or shouldn't she murder her husband?" "Twenty minutes go by and people say some very interesting things, and I, at about 1 4 years old, stand up and say," ""I think you shouldn't murder your husband 'cause you could go to prison."" "And I won a bottle of champagne." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "And whether it's a lowbrow, stupid, daytime-TV-show debate like that, or a highbrow Question Time political debate, it's the same inane, nonsensical, cyclical, boring topics, and we go round and round in circles" "debating the same things over and over again." "Somehow we take out logic and prior knowledge from our collective minds." "And I think it's quite similar to what happened to me when I did magic mushrooms a few years ago." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "Somehow, I was able to say to my friend, on mushrooms - and I think it's this sort of conversation that we're all constantly having that stops us from progressing at the speed that we perhaps could " "isn't it odd how, when you say to someone," ""Oh, do you want to meet up for some dinner next Thursday?", the dinner is a lie." "What you're really saying is," ""It'd be nice to meet up with you." "I haven't seen you for a while."" "Why do we have to have this dinner cover?" "How do you know how hungry you're going to be on Thursday?" "Why can't we just say, "It'd be nice to meet up with you"?" "And there should be a place where you could just meet, the meeting place, an indoor place, where you walk in and you sit down, there's nothing, just chairs, and you sit down and you look at each other" "and you meet, and it's truthful, it's authentic, it's beautiful." "And then I thought, after about half an hour there you could get a bit hungry." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "And I invented the restaurant." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "(AUDIENCE APPLAUDING)" "So I didn't want to have this debate with my family, who was right and who was wrong." "Very difficult thing." "We have to continue to debate things because there is no truth, there's only perspective." "And their perspective was that it was a terrible misunderstanding, and the one time they did meet her, she hadn't said hello to them." "And I had to explain that she was the shy, new guest coming into this family." "We are hosting her." "We have to say hello first." "That's how it works." "I don't know if I only know that from presenting TV shows where you start with, "hello, and welcome to the show."" "You don't stare at the audience." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "I had to explain it to them like they were children." "I said, "Why can't we learn from Lumiere," ""the candlestick holder from Beauty and the Beast?""" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" ""Who sang Be Our Guest, Be Our Guest, not Is She a Jew?""" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "But this is unfair, because I realised in everything that I was saying what was underneath my words was essentially," ""Why can't you just be less judgemental, and more like me?"" "Which is judgemental." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "And arrogant, to try and change somebody else's perspective just so that the world can seem better for you." "It's important that we have these contrasts in life." "Nothing ever got created from things being the same." "It's from the contrasts in life that anything happens." "I realised in the end that all I couId do, I couldn't change them, all I couId was change my perspective on them, and then move on with my Iife." "AII you can really do in your life is change yourself, and that's hard enough." "I really wanted to change myself a Iot last year, because I felt I wasn't getting enough sex." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "And that's a fun thing to do, it's a shame not to have more of it." "And the reason I wasn't..." "The reason I wasn't achieving the getting of more sex was because I would see somebody at a party that I really liked and I'd think, "Gosh, well, he seems just about perfect." ""Like, who knows what could happen?" ""I couId end up spending the rest of my Iife with him."" "And what I would do every time, to woo him, to beshoe him, to make him see that I was the one for him, is I would go home and hope that I saw him again." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "Because for me to go up to someone and say, "hello, what's your name?"..." "perfectly lovely question, "hello, what's your name?"" "Nothing wrong with that question, "hello, what's your name?"" "It's a delightful, curious question, but to me, it wouId definitely come out like," "(PERVY VOICE) "hello." "What's your name?"" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "also, I developed a paranoia for talking to anyone because I felt like, if the chat-up didn't go well, they would then have a story to tell their friends about." "This came from being at the Edinburgh Comedy festival and somebody coming up to me and reminding me of a gig that we'd done together." "I said, "I remember the gig." ""I went on a few dates with a poet who was on that show."" "And he said, "Yes, that's my friend."" "And he said that in a kind of smug way, Iike he knew something about me." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "And I said, "Do you know something about me?"" "And he said, "Yes."" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "He then told me that his friend had told him that when we were having sex, and his friend cIimaxed, I said..." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" ""well done."" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "I think it's 'cause it took him a while." "It's not my catchphrase." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "So I couldn't talk to people." "I couldn't talk to people." "And then I saw the film Waking Life." "I don't know if you've seen it, but one line stood out for me." ""actual seIf-awareness is the knowledge" ""that you are a character in someone else's dream."" "I Iove this idea that it could all be a dream, and it's somebody else's dream." "I makes everything so silly." "There's no need to fear anything, no need to feel anxious about anything." "It's all a dream." "And if you're playing a character, and that character isn't serving you, that shy, anxious character who can't talk to people," "let go of the character." "Become a different character." "I was out with a friend of mine, walking through the streets of north London on a Sunday afternoon a few months ago, and in the time that we were together, he got the phone numbers of about four different girls." "His thing is he's able to go up to girls and say, "hello." "What's your name?"" "They exchange phone numbers, and then later, they have sex." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "That's a better system than mine." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "I said, "You've got to do this for me."" "He then spots this guy that I'd been looking at." "And before I can run away, scared of what might occur, he just saunters up to this guy and says, "hello, young man."" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" ""You look like a fun chap." "What are you up to today in your life?"" "And this young student guy says, "I'm..." "I'm meeting some friends in the park."" "And my friend says, "well, we must join you."" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "And for some reason, this guy doesn't say, "Why?"" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "I think it's 'cause my friend said, "we must", and so he just went, "Oh, well, if you're in charge of the world, okay."" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "'Cause that's what my friend's putting out there." "His character is he can grab someone from the universe, throw them in his hot tub and fuck them." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "We're now sat in this park with these people, and everyone's acting very nonchalant," "like it's a normal thing to have happened." "But at Ieast in my head, I'm screaming, "But we're all strangers!"" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "I try to chat up the one that I Iike." "I say, "You look like the cool one in the group."" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "Because I don't know how to talk to humans." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "The only way I can cope, it seems, is if I imagine I'm conducting a TV interview." ""well, you're the cool one, and who dresses you?" ""And thank you for coming in today." "And now Lady Gaga."" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "Who I don't trust." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "So my friend then rescues me from my character and says, "Why don't you two exchange phone numbers now?" ""We must move on with our lives."" "So we do exchange phone numbers, because he's told us to." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "We walk away, and I acknowledge that what's happened has been quite special." "generally in life, we feel we're in control, but we're just like ants, wandering around, hoping to avoid bumping into each other, as humans, hoping to avoid doing anything that might embarrass us." "And this was a moment of grabbing a moment from the universe without any fear." "We're not in control of our lives." "You're not in control of your lives." "I'm aware that half the people in here are only in here because the person next to you likes me." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "Maybe more than half." "Maybe... (AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "And I'm not in control of my Iife, even being here tonight." "It's just that something happened in my childhood, where there was a moment of fear," "I responded with something funny and that worked, so I carried on with that and now I'm here talking to you into a microphone, which I don't need." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "Just 'cause it gives the impression I'm definitely a stand-up comedian." "Otherwise, I'm just a man standing." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "(AUDIENCE APPLAUDING)" "And unless you grab these moments, life just is cyclical and it is repetitive." "Do you know what I was thinking about when I was in the toilet the other morning?" ""Again?" It's always the same, isn't it?" "Once, about six years ago, I had a green shit." "Once." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "And it looked at me, as if to say, "Perhaps everything will be different now."" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "It wasn't." "Goatee beard, huh?" "You think that's going to help?" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "So, you know, you think, you shave that bit and that bit and..." "We're all still going to die." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "So I asked my friend." "I said, "What do you want me to do now?" ""should I text him next week and see what he's up to?"" "He said, "No." "Just text him now and see what he's doing tonight."" "I said, "This is a bit keen." "We just walked away." ""ShouIdn't I play hard-to-get a bit?"" "He said, "No, you don't play hard-to-get." "You just picked someone up in a park."" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "And he was right." "This stupid game, based on fear, that we play, this hard-to-get game, we don't play it in any other area of our lives." "You're in a supermarket and you think, "Oh, I quite fancy a potato,"" "you don't go, "Oh, best to avoid eye contact."" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "You grab the potato, you bloody eat it." "The only difference between a potato and a human being is the fear of rejection." "That's not the only difference." "Um... (AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "Everything's a choice between fear and love." "We may as well choose love, because death is coming." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "Death is coming." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "Death is coming." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "That's my catchphrase." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "So I texted him, there and then, because death is coming." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "And he was free that night." "He was free that night." "We were then going on this date, that night." "We'd met that day." "We're going on this date, that night." "I feel alive." "I feel like I'm living some sort of dreamlike existence." "My friend then gives me tips on how to have sex with him that evening." "Because that is what this is about." "This is about grabbing this moment from the universe, without any judgement, without fear." "We still judge ourselves on sex." "And we add so much meaning to it, as we add meaning to everything in our lives." "Sex can just be fun." "It can just be fun." "It can just be fun." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "No one ever says, "Oh, you're playing all that tennis." ""Where's it leading?"" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" ""Did you enjoy your tennis game?"" ""Oh, it was just meaningless, wasn't it?" "It was just..."" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "It's joyful." "His tips were, "Don't talk about the past." ""Don't discuss the future." "This is just about this moment." ""Just keep saying the words 'spontaneous' and 'adventure'."" "Spontaneous." "Adventure." ""Aren't we spontaneous?" "What an adventure we've been on today." ""We met today and we spontaneously decided to be here right now." ""What an adventure it has been," ""and what an adventure it could continue to be." ""Aren't you spontaneous?" "Aren't I spontaneous?" ""When was the Iast time you did something spontaneous?" ""We're so adventurous." "What an adventure this is."" "It worked." "He taught me two things that day." "One, some confidence, 'cause why be timid?" "Death is coming." "And two, hypnosis." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "I feel like now we can just have anything we want in our lives, and the only thing to fear is death, and that's happening anyway." "The real problem, I find, is that we're getting older, and we have to be here for that." "I turned 30 last year, and it was a bit of a crisis leading up to it, culminating in this." "I was at the theatre and I saw somebody who turned out to be 18." "Okay?" "So he was 18." "AII right?" "He was 18." "But he was so thin." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "And he was with a woman who turned out to be his mother, but she, it turned out, was a fan of mine." "So that's good." "She likes my work, I Iike her son." "Great." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "also, I've worked really hard since about the age of 1 4 to get to wherever the hell I am today, so if she's taken any enjoyment from my work," "I think I've earned her child." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "We get talking, and they're delightfully uber-middIe class, and I'm from Essex, and this feels like a moment where I've arrived." "We're talking about the play, we're talking about poetry, we're having a wonderful time." "I don't like to caricature, 'cause it feels crude and untrue." "I wouldn't say this if it wasn't the case." "He is speaking in that stereotypical way we imagine posh people speak," "like that sort of, "Fa-fa-fa..." Like that, "Wa-wa-wa-wa..."" "He's actually speaking like that." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "Like there's no need for him to be able to speak," "like his mouth is full of pound coins, I don't know what it is." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "But I'm really having a lovely time with both of them, and then after the play I meet up with just him outside the theatre." "We're sat on the steps of this theatre." "It's about 1 1 :30 in the evening, there's a frisson between us, there's romance in the air, and then his mother comes around the corner and I feel awkward." "I think, "Oh, gosh, the mother must love him and is protective of him."" "And she just says to him, "Okay, goodbye, darling." "See you later."" "Leaves me with her son." "So I thought, "well, she's given him to me."" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "So I took him..." "Um... (AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "He actually took me to this restaurant that he knew." "It was his area." "We went to this Iate-night restaurant." "We spoke for two hours." "And he's actually much more mature than you'd imagine, for 18, much more intelligent than you'd imagine, for 18, and all those other things that people like me say." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "We started meeting up for these kind of dates." "They weren't defined as such, but they were essentially dates, and eventually I invited him back to my flat." "I felt strange and torn about inviting him." "I wasn't sure if it'd be a bit too much for him." "And I'm not very good at making the first move," "like in terms of the first kiss." "I'm not very good at that." "And I thought I would have to, 'cause I'm the responsible adult here." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "And then we were sat for, Iike, three hours on my sofa, just talking and talking, and I couldn't quite make the move." "I felt just awkward about it, I wasn't sure what..." "And it was hard for him as well, 'cause he's straight, so it was difficult." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "But everything is seemingly leading towards this kiss." "We're edging closer to each other, subtly, on the sofa." "And at one point, I realised I had to kiss him because I found myself fiddling with his hair." "And I thought, "well, I've got to do the kiss now,"" "because that's a precursor to a kiss." "If you don't then do the kiss, you're just a weirdo who likes hair." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" ""Oh, it's been lovely touching your hair this evening."" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" ""Let yourself out."" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "So I leaned in, and I kissed him on the lips, and said, "I've just kissed you on the lips."" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" ""Is that okay?"" "And he said, (POSH) "Oh, yeah, that's fine, that's fine."" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "And in that moment I won ?" "7." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "I leaned in again, I kissed him again." "I said, "I've just kissed you on the lips again,"" "because kids love repetition." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "But really we were having a laugh about it ourselves." "Like, I kept sort of..." "You know, I tried to make it fun." "I was making him laugh." "He really liked..." "I kept doing, "Who is it?" "It's me."" "He really..." "He loved that." "Loved it." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "And actually, it was a really lovely experience for both of us." "Don't regret any of it." "It was like a wonderful, beautiful, sensual evening, and there's no..." "I don't feel any shame or regret about it." "If there's one thing..." "There's one thing that makes me feel slightly odd about it, and it is that he did describe what we had done afterwards as "rumbIy-tumbIy"." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" ""well, obviously, a bit nervous at first, but in the end, lovely bit of rumbIy-tumbIy."" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "Now, I..." "Look, it's not ideal, being with an 18-year-oId." "Nothing we could do about the fact that he was 18." "Nothing we could do about the fact that if I'd met him five weeks before, he would have been 1 7." "Nothing we can do, nothing the police can do." "No one can do anything." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "And I realise now that, as well as it being a worry about getting older, it was also an attempt to heal the past." "When I was 18, at that stage it seemed impossible to be with another 18-year-oId, so this was a moment of trying to heal that broken moment from the past." "The great lesson in all of this came a few months ago." "I'd received a big bill for something to do with my flat, and it was really frustrating, and it felt like an injustice." "It was like this just stupid, boring bill, and there was nothing I couId do about it." "And I was really annoyed by it, and then I got in this minicab and started telling the cab driver about it." "He said to me, "well, is there anything you can do about this bill?"" "And I said, "No, there's nothing I can do." "It's a real injustice."" "And he said, "Acceptance."" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" ""What do you mean, whispering, wise cab driver?"" "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "And he explained so absurdly simply that if there's nothing you can do about something, then you do nothing." "And in that moment, the feeling of injustice, the frustration, it was lifted, it was gone." "There was nothing to do." "I realised I'd made it up." "I'd made it up that it was an injustice, I'd made up the frustration, it was all a story." "And it's the same with the past." "You can't change the past." "There's no need to heal it." "It's only a story that you've created." "AII you can do is let go of the story." "You can't change yourself." "AII you can do is let go of the story of who you are." "Let go of the character you've created from fear." "And you can't change other people." "AII you can do is let go of your limited perspective of them." "I really tried hard with my family on that stupid debate about my brother and his girlfriend, but they stuck with their perception, as they have a right to do." "They said, "It's not our fault." "It's your mother." ""She would rather that he was with a Jewish girl."" "And my mum said, "No, that's not what I've said." ""What I've said is in an ideal world, he would be, but I'm happy that he's happy."" "Which sounds more positive, but she's creating a whole other world there where he's with someone else." "(AUDIENCE LAUGHING)" "So I said, "We've got to let go of this idea of an ideal world." ""The world is how you perceive it." "It's ideal, if you want it to be ideal."" ""And they're in love." "surely, love is the ideal."" "And I won a bottle of champagne." "Thank you very much for coming." "(AUDIENCE APPLAUDING)" | {
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"Dispatch?" "Go ahead, 26." "Contact the FAA." "Tell those smart-ass is flying a jet plane around out here with no lights on." "Roger that." "Did I hear you ain't comin' to the game?" "Somethin' about "you don't want to drive five hours to see a football game?"" "Well, I'm not a big croud guy." "Plus, someone has to stay behind, to keep the peace." " You going boating?" " I'm undercover." "Sure, Ray." "You blend right in." " See you Sunday." " Whoa, whoa, whoa." "What about your car?" "It's parked in a fire zone." "If there's a fire... go ahead and move it." "But please, be careful with her." "Schmuck." " Morning, Sheriff." " Morning." " Morning." " Hey, Sheriff." " What a beautiful day." " Yes, it sure is." " Hey, Ray!" " Hey." "I almost didn't recognize you in plain clothes." "Well it's my day off." "Should be a quiet weekend." " No more of those big omelets, OK?" " Alright boss." "But you know you like 'em." "Oh, yeah, but ..." "Thanks." " It doesn't matter." " It does!" "Howdy fellas." " Hey." " Howdy Sheriff." "I'm guessing that's your rig out front." "What are you guys hauling today?" " Auto parts." " Yeah." " Gotta hit New Orleans by noon tomorrow." " Oh, that's a long drive." " Sure is." " Yep." " Check please." " Keep the change." " Thanks!" " We're 'bout to hit the road." " Well, drive safely." "Sure will." " Thank you, sir." " Thank you, boys." "Boy, you sure are bad for business." "Did you want somethin' to eat?" " Sheriff?" " No." "No thanks, Christie." "I'd better get going." "Bye." " See ya' later, Ray." " See you." "...that'stheArizonaStateFair, where Grand Avenue and W. McDowell Road..." "That'll put another asshole in the elephant right there boys." "My turn, come on." "Wait!" "Now watch that kick." "She don't know it's your first time." " Just hand it over." "Stand back." " Alright, alright." "Here we go." " What the Fuck?" "!" " No, no, no." "Easy!" "Easy!" " Hey, I warned you." " Let me see." "Let me see." "What?" "What?" "Shit!" " Is it broken?" "Do you think that it's broken?" " It should be." " Is it broke..." " Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah." "Oh, shit." "Oh, shit." "Oh, shit." "Oh, shit." "I thought he wasn't working today." "What's up, Ray?" "Hey, Ray." "How you doin' man?" "Good to see you." "Can someone tell me what two-thirds of my force is doing out here firing rockets at a slab of beef?" "Afternoon, Ray." " Do you have a permit for that monster?" " Yeah, right here." "Why don't you get him a towel or something?" "He's messing up his uniform." "And you," " Clean the chunk of beef off your hat." " I gotta' chunk of beef?" "Oh, look at that." "That's nasty." "Thank you." "There you go." "The Dinkum Firearm and Historic Weapons Museum?" " That's right." " You got a museum here?" "And the tax returns to prove it." "Open every second Thursday of the month, noon 'til three bring the whole family." "Sorry." " There you go." " Thank you." "Ray, I'm really sorry." "Ray?" "We were just havin' a little fun." "Not much to do in town, it's pretty dead over there, and uh... you know, we needed somethin' to do." " Really?" " Yeah." " Well, I've got something for you." " Okay." "A couple of truckers stopped in town." "They weren't too happy to see me." "There's something off about them." "Run those plates for me." "Mine, Sheriff." "If you get a hit, pass it on to the troopers." "Wow!" "You're lookin' jacked Ray." "You been workin' out?" " I warned him about the recoil." " Give me the damned thing." "Let me have a go." "Before I change my mind, and write you a citation." "We've secured the location." "Okay, are well all ready?" " Game on, boss." " Love it." "Yeah, boss?" "We've got some trouble with the farmer." "What?" "Can't handle one farmer?" "Tell you what..." "Let's get started!" "I'll talk to him." "I'm great when it comes to farmers." " Howdy." " How's it goin'?" "Things goin' a lot better if you tell me what the hell you doin' on my property." "My name is Burrel." "You see, I'm shooting a commercial, I'm sure you've seen one on TV... and your property..." " would be just perfect..." " Hey!" "Get the hell off my property." "The company I'm workin' for, gonna' pay you a lot of money." " You don't have to do a damn..." " Did you hear what I said?" "Huh?" "Don't you at least want to hear what I have to offer?" "No." "Do you want to hear my offer?" "You clear out now, and I won't fill your ass full of buckshot." "Old man, you better put that piece away, before you blow your toes off." "We just talkin' here." "Now we're finished talking." "You get out the hell out of here!" "Okay." "That's your decision." "You don't want to take the silver?" "Better take the lead." "What I'm trying to say is..." "It's embarassing to have to lock up your ex-boyfriend." " Who's fault is that?" " The person who stole." "You." "I mean, who's fault is it we're exes?" " We are not talking about that right now." " Oh yes, we are." "I mean, we're talking about something else, but we're really talking about that." "Do you have an aspirin?" "This isn't the nurses office." " I mean, what is wrong with you?" " Oh my God." "You had everything." "You were smart, you were popular, you were a great athlete." "I mean hell, you had a full ride through college." "Had you not gotten yourself kicked off the track team." "You really want to do this?" "Ok, I serve my fuckin' country in Iraq and Afghanistan." "No, we're not talking about the war, OK." "We're talking about your being locked up for being drunk and disorderly." "What do you care if we're not together?" "Hey, Sarah." " What's up, Frank?" " What's up, buddy?" "It was awkward." "Hey, you two dating again?" " Maybe." " No." "Do we really have to keep him locked up in here?" "Yes!" "Why?" "Because the boss say I gotta' keep you locked up for the weekend." "That's why." "Could you show me how to run these plates?" "Idiot!" "Give me that." " I'm just doing this once, okay?" " Oh, I know." "Pay attention." "Hey, Ray." "Damn." "The plates on that truck checked out." "Nevada registry, The driver is one Burrel Thomas." "Clean record." "Great." " Good work." " Thanks." "But I'm sure you didn't come all the way over here to just tell me that." "I need to make a move." "Go some place where there's some action, where I can make a difference." "Like when you worked Narcotics in LA," "I just don't understand how you ever gave it up to come to this place." "The most exciting thing I've done in the past 4 days is... rescue a cat out of a tree." "Sommerton has its charms." "Maybe..." "I've never been out of it, and I'm going stir crazy here." "Do you think you could help me get a job in LA?" "L.A. is not all you think it is." "Look..." "I understand that you want to move on." "You're young." "You want to experience adventure." "When I was your age, all I wanted to do was move to Los Angeles." "I wanted to be part of the action." "But now... thinking back, I feel differently." "But if that's what you really want, of course I'll help you." "Morning." "Thank you for coming on such short notice at such an early hour." "This is a top secret operation." "In 45 seconds, we'll move a prisoner to Federal Death Row." "That prisoner is Gabriel Cortez." "Cortez is the most vicious cartel boss since Pablo Escobar." "Let's make sure this guy never sees the light of day again." "We will travel underneath the radar." "Let's do this." "Convoy is holding at position Alpha." "Awaitingclearanceto proceed." "Beadvised." "Fuck!" "What the hell?" "Jesus!" " Spread out!" " Cover me!" "Hold your fire!" "Fire!" "Cease fire!" "Cease fire!" "On the roof!" "On the roof!" "Move!" "Move, move, move!" " John, I'll cover the alley." " Good." "Ok, you go with her." "HRT, you take the stairwells." "You two guys are comin' with me." "You shut down elevators." "The rest of you secure this place." "Nobody gets in or out." " Ready." " Let's do it." "Cover all flanks." "Move, move, move!" "Pick it up, gentelman!" "Pick it up!" "Here." "1167, What happened?" "I need back-up and air support." "Medic!" "Let's go!" "HRTreport." "We've got two agents down." "Cortez is gone." "Stop!" "FBI!" "Cut him off!" "Cut him off!" "Stop!" "Show me your hands!" "Don't fuckin' move! It's not him." "It's not him." "Stop!" "FBI!" "Son of a bitch!" "McKay!" "Richards,whatdo yousee ,tellme." "All quite in the rear entrance." "We're checking the alley now." "John..." "Richards." "Richards." "You copy?" "Richards!" "Don't." "It's McKay, isn't it?" "Baby on the way, right?" "Put the gun down." "Richards!" "Richards?" " Man down!" "Man down!" " I got it." "Shit." " Yeah?" "Yeah?" " No." "I want you to shut down every private airfield and landing strip in a 100 mile radius," "I don't care how small." " That's going to take some doing." " Then get doing." "You need to check every building that has a camera facing the street," "I want you to check that and see if you can get an ID or a license plate." "How much did he pay you?" "He asked how much you were paid." "For what?" "He doesn't know what you're talking about." "What, you think I'm an idiot?" "Do I look like an idiot to you?" "Do you want me me to ask him?" "No." "I want you to ask him why he's wearing that." "Why is he dressed that way." "Why are you dressed like that?" "He's wondering why are you dressed like this." "I wear the colors of the Dutch National Team." "Why?" "He says he supports the National Dutch football team." " What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" " The soccer team." "He's wearing their team colors." "You can't fuck with me, or what?" "All right." "I'll play this game." "What country do Dutch people come from?" "He's an asshole, he almost broke my hand." "He says his arm hurts from where you grabbed him." "He was reaching for something, I was worried for my life." "So I tried to hit you." "I should have hit you the fuck harder." "That's such bullshit!" "Oh, so now you speak English?" "If you knew any Spanish, you'd know I was barely speaking it a minute ago." "All right, smart-ass." "What were you doing out at 4am?" "It's Vegas, man!" "Sir, we have something." "Owens here, what's up?" "Hi, sheriff." "It's Christie." "Did I wake you up?" "No, no, no, no, no..." "I was already busy." "What can I do for you?" "Well, I just came in to open up the diner and the milk hasn't been delivered yet." "Is this really a police matter?" "Mr. Parsons always delivers fresh milk first thing." "He's a very early riser, you know." "Idon'tevencareaboutthemilk, nobody's even around this weekend, but... that man hasn't missed a delivery ever since I can remember." "AndI 'mworriedabouthim ." "Well, have you ever thought about calling him?" "Stubborn ole bastard doesn't have a phone out there." "Oh that's right." "I forgot." "I'm just afraid he's got a heart attack or somethin'." "Sorry to wake you." "There's just nobody else around, and I didn't know who else to call." "No, you did the right thing, Christie." "I'm going to send a deputy out there and I gonna have him check up on him, All right?" " Thanks, Sheriff." " All right." "Bye, bye." "Cortez and his crew, they dumped the white sedan and they got into two separate cars." "And as of right now, we think, that Cortez is in this one." "Hold that right there." "What is that?" "Where's Mitchell?" "He knows cars." "Mitchell, come here." " Yes, sir?" " Blow that up." "Aaron, Aaron." "What kind of car is this?" "I think it's a "ZR1"." " What the hell's a ZR1?" "" " The Corvette ZR1." "This one is a specially modified show car." "It's a monster on wheels." "It was all over the news, like two days ago." "It got stolen from the LA auto show." "Normally something around 700 horsepower." "But this upwards of 1,000." "I got a psycopath in a Batmobile." "How am I suppose to stop them?" "Blow it up?" "What if there's a hostage inside?" "All right." "Let's get this out to everybody in intel." "This is the car we're looking for right here." "The car that you are looking for is a modified version of a Corvette ZR1." "Yeah, I'm looking at a picture now." "I'll let you know when he reaches our position." "Officer." " License and registration?" " Yes, sir." "Here's my license." "Registration." "All units, call it in!" "Hey!" "Hey!" "Hold on, cowboy." "You don't sneak up on ole man Parsons." "You know what he's like." "Hey, Mr. Parsons!" "It's Jerry Bailey." "We just cme by to check up on you." "So please don't take any shots at us, OK?" "Shit." " All right." "Let's check around back." " Yeah." "Hamburglar." "Want to try the door first?" "Mr. Parsons?" "I check upstairs, you check the ground floor." "Cortez just blew through their checkpoint." "But all airfields are closed, so he won't be flying out." "I want a roadblock here." "Bullhead City." "Nothing gets through." "What the hell is he tryin' to do?" "Southbound on the 95." "He thinks he's getting to Mexico, but that's not gonna happen." "Why doesn't he take a chopper?" "The ZR1 is faster than any chopper." "It's more than that." "Cortez, he's third-generation cartel boss." "He thinks he's untouchable." "That's how his mind works." "He wants to be behind the wheel." "Literally." "What do you mean?" "Cortez has been racing cars since he was a teenager." "Her father build him his own track in Sinaloa." "He's been racing on the pro circuit in South America under a pseudonym." "I saw him drive." "He's good." "Quite!" "Quite!" "Bannister." "Are you having a nice day?" "It's gonna be." "This can only end one of two ways." "And you know what?" "I'm fine with either one of them." "With your pretty little agent dead or alive?" "I can cut her up in a 100 pieces, and mail them back to you one by one." "Is that what you want?" "You've already killed one federal agent, Gabriel." "You kill one another, and I guarentee you this world is not big enough for you to hide in." "How are you going to explain to her parents why their daughter is returning home in plastic bags." "Here's how it's gonna go, John." "Pull your men back and stay the fuck out of my way or your agent is rood kill." "I'm good either way." "So let me talk to her." "I'm sorry, John." "I really screwed this up, I'm so sorry." "I'm gonna get you out of this." "All right?" "Don't worry." "I'm gonna get you out of this." "If you try to stop me, a lot of people that don't have to are going to die." "It'syourchocehow toplay this ." "Right now I'm just a guy out for a nice drive." "So much for blowing him up." "Shut the fuck up!" "Yeah?" "Ray,we'rehereatParsons." "We found his body." "He's been murdered." "We got a positive ID." "A silver-grey metallic ZR1 headed southbound on US 95." "Hostage is visible inside the vehicle." "He's almost on you, chief." "Copy that." "Don't worry." "We're ready for this guy." "A lot of people have said that." "Cortez has a way of proving them wrong." "I need you to be alert." "And you need to remind your men that there's a hostage in that vehicle." "Coming up on the Arizona border." " He'll be on top of you soon." " Copy that." "Everything's in place." "Five minutes." "Move." "Get comfy." "I want you to have a good view of the show." "What?" "Fall back!" "Fall back!" "Good God." "The barricades been completely destroyed." "It looks like a war zone down there." "We've got several officers down." "I'm on my way." "Now remember, this is a crime scene." "Don't touch anything." "10-4 on that." "Ok, so the way I see it, we got a busted window." "All right, it looks like a burglary gone bad to me." "I think what Parsons did, he came in, and he surprized them maybe." "It coulda been that." "Did anyone check for tire tracks yet?" "They were here first." "I'll go check." " Stay together." " Yes, sir." "Show me the body." "Right over here." "Oh, Jesus." "No burn mark on the entry wound." "The bullet passed clean through." "A pistol round didn't do this." "Can you tell which way they went?" "Towards the canyon." "Let's go." "Three million dollars in Swiss accounts per our agreement." "You know, in my country, the police say "Gracias" after being paid off." "If you're going to continue driving like a maniac," "Can I stop playing hostage now?" "Sorry." "What is that?" "Excitement." "What?" "Shit." "Just lost visual We just lost visual." " How?" "How?" "Get it back." " We're goin' around." "He's gone." "What do you mean he's gone?" "Just keep looking." "You gotta keep looking." "Keep looking!" "Find him!" "We lost him." "We'll stay on it." "Fuck!" "He was killed outside." "His body was moved inside after the fact." "How quickly can Cortez make the border?" "At the speed he's going, 65-75 minutes." "That little patch of border he's headed towards is mostly deep canyon." "Can you bring that up for me, please?" "The only crossing point is here." "Los Algodones." "I know the CBP agent in charge down there." "He's a hard ass." "And the border crossing was just rebuilt last year." "Concrete blast walls, in-ground retrackable steel barriers." "It's a fortress." "Cortez isn't racing towards a target without a strategy to get through." "So whatever he's planning, we've got to be ready for." "Start moving assets to Algodones." "Reinforce that crossing, all right?" "What about this town?" "Sommerton Junction." "There's no official crossing, but it's the closest point in his path." "Hang on." "The ravine is too deep to cross." "It's a long shot." "Let's not ignore it though." "I'll give the Sheriff a call." "Tell him to keep out of the way." " Yep?" " Sheriff Owens?" "That's me." "Who am I talking to?" "John Bannister with the FBI." "We have a situation." "Well talk to me." "I have a violent fugitive making a run for the Mexican border." "Now there's a small chance that he might try to cross at Sommerton." "It's unlikely that he may be comin' your way, but I'm going to send over a SWAT team from El Centro just in case." "No offense, but I want them handling this." "Listen, I can't talk right now." "I've got to go." "What's up?" "I don't know." "The FBI says there's an escaped fugitive that might be heading our way." "Shit, when it rains, it pours." "This is no coincidence." "First the guys at the diner, now this." "It's all connected." "I've got to reach Bailey and Torrance." "Shit." "What's that light over there?" "Do you think it's them?" "Do you think the killer's stupid enough to hang around here?" "Damn." "Give me the Glock." "Stop the car." "Stop the car." "What the hell is that?" "Bailey, Torrance, where are you?" "We followed some tired tracks to the canyon edge at the south side of town." "There's someone out here." "We're checking it out on foot." "Negative." "You need to fall back immediately." "Do you copy?" "Give me this." "Ray, we got work lights." "Something big is going on here." "Ray, do you copy?" "Ray, do you copy?" "Stop!" "Jerry, Run!" " Cover!" " Go!" "What the hell is goin' on out there?" "We're taking fire, multiple shooters." "I'm almost there!" "NVGs on." "Kill the lights, now!" "What...?" "You OK, Jerry?" "Can you make it to me?" "Yeah!" "Yeah." "No..." "Bailey's over there." "He's been hit." " I'll cover you." " Go!" "Bring me the gun!" "Bailey, come on." "Shit!" "Go!" "Go, go, go, go, go!" "Is anyone following us?" "That's a negative." "I didn't see any headlights." "Good." "Are you both OK?" " Oh my God, Jerry." "You're still bleeding." " It's nothing." "It's nothing." " Ray..." " Find the wound and apply pressure." "Okay." "I'm Sorry." "It's Ok, it's OK." "I hear uniform blood stains take forever to get out." "Yeah, well what do I care?" "You're the one thats going to be cleaning it for me anyway." "As soon as we get you patched up." "Do you think Frank would be jealous if he saw us the two of us like this?" "I know, you can just tell your buddy that he's just wasting his time, you know." "I don't date prisoners." "Yeah, he likes you too." "Okay." "Hold on, Jerry." "Jerry, hang on, Jerry." "Ray, hurry." "Stay with me, Jerry." "Everything will be fine." "Jerry..." "Come on." "Ray..." "Jerry..." "Sarah?" "Sarah!" "I can't believe he's gone." "He's was talking about you, only minutes before he died." "What'd he say?" "He told me to go easy on you." "That you're not all that bad." "What do you mean cops gave you trouble?" " What kind of trouble?" " Listen..." "Are you going to be ready on time?" "Yes, not gonna be a problem." "I expect you to complete your mission." "I don't want to hear any excuses." "Oh, shit!" " Bannister here." " How far is the SWAT team?" "45 minutes or so." " Why?" " Because I need your help." "Your fugitive is trying to cross the border right around here." "What are you talking about?" "There was no crossing at Sommerton." "They're going to build one." "Because the ravine south of down here is very narrow." "There's a whole team out here." "Military background, heavy weapons." "They're building a moblile assault bridge across that canyon." " Oh really." "You think so?" " I know so, I've seen them." "We've been engaged in a fire-fight with those guys." "Now, who the hell is this fugitive anyway?" " Gabriel Cortez." " What?" "Whythefuckdidn'tyoutellmethat earlier ?" "My deputy would still be alive if I would have known that!" "You know what?" "I don't have time to explain every little detail to you." "Why don't you go out there and patrol, or something like that?" "Look, I don't know you." "And I don't answer to you." "Son of a bitch." "Hung up on me again." "Piss-ant country Sheriff." "Phil, give me the SWAT captain, all right." "Got it." "And through up a map of Sommerton up for me." "I want to check something out." " Sir?" " Captain." "There's a chance Cortez may actually try to cross in Sommerton." "When you get there, if you find bridge, destroy it." "Yes, sir." "Mobile assault bridge?" "That's SWAT up ahead." "What are you gonna do?" "Death doesn't come when you expect it." "Driving a race car... or in a gunfight." "Death is waiting in the kitchen when you get up at night for a glass of milk." "My niece, my sister's oldest, she was a good girl." "I practically raised her." "Then one night, I find her pointing a Glock at me in the kitchen." "If she hadn't hesitated, it would have been my brains splattered all over the marble floor, instead of hers." "Shit!" "Shit!" "Don't try to see death coming." "You won't." "SWAT's not coming." "So we're on our own?" "Well then, who's gonna stop this guy Cortez?" "This is on the feds." "He was in their custody." "They lost him." "He should never have been our problem." "Maybe not." "But if he comes through our town, he will be our problem." "Okay, so..." "So we can turn our back for a half hour." "We could do that." "If you do that, might as well through these in the trash." "Ray, let it go." "I can't." "Jerry's dead because of that guy." "Ray, you know me." "I'm not a coward." "Look..." "I would more than happily draw down on those guys with you, for Jerry." "But Cortez, he's out of our league." "He's got an army." "Look." "If you guys want to just step aside, that's fine with me." "I'm not going to fault you for doing so." "But I'm not gonna let that guy come through our town... without a fight." "I took the same oath as you, Ray." "Ray!" "Looks like you're a little short handed." "You need my help." "Are you still as good a shot as you used to be?" "Muscle memory lasts a long time." "Frank, I've seen you start a lot of things you didn't finish." "Jerry was my friend." "I've never quit on my friends." "Set him free." "Consider yourself deputized." "I won't let you down." "Ok, ok." "That makes four of us." "You happy?" "Phil." "I want you to pull financials on everybody in this division." "Including me." "No exceptions." "Cortez has somebody on the inside." "Somebody who tipped him off when we were about to move, and I want to know who it is." "All right?" "Ray, I..." "I gotta tell you..." "When Jerry and I were being shot at..." "I was scared shitless." "I mean, I could barely keep my hands from shaking." "That's quite normal." "I mean, everyone feels like that during a fire fight." "I tell you a secret." "I'm probably more afraid than you are right now." "How can that be?" "Because I've seen enough blood and death." "I know what's coming." "I want you to ask Washington to get us real time satellite imagery of the area surrounding Sommerton." "You know if this sheriff is right, and we've got a hundred federal agents standing around" "Los Algodones crossing with their dicks in their hands for no reason." "What's the fastest way to get there?" "We can charter a jet out of McCarren." "Do it." "Ready?" "Yeah but how are we going to go up against all that firepower with a bunch of shotguns and knives?" "I got an idea." "I got two conditions that need to be met before we do anything." "Well, name it." "I want to be deputized like Frank here... so any damage caused to or by me will be official business of the Sommerton Juctions Sheriff's office." "Put your hand on it." "I do hereby instate one Lewis Dinkum who'll serve as deputy from this day forward, or until his services are no longer required by the people of Sommerton Junction." " Witness?" " Witness." " What else?" " Huh?" "Second condition." "Oh, I want to hang on to ole Georgetta here." "Seeing as I'm the only one fit to handle her." "Ok." "Let's go." "I mean, you can handle her too, Ray." "And you too, Frank." "You might be able to handle her." " Well thanks, Lewis." " Well, let's go." "Voila!" "Jesus Christ, Lewis." "Shit." "What a beauty." " Where the hell did you get this?" " Vicky?" "She's my little Nazi killer." "1939 Vickers gun." "My little crazy bitch." "Of course she can't really fire in the legal sense though." "But I did run down all the missing parts for her." "So she could funstion theoretically." "Course that's between us and Jesus." "Uncle Sam don't need to know nothin' about that." " You have more ammo?" " A few rounds." "Well bring everything you got." "What do you think, we are fighting in the crusade?" "You never know." "We meet on main street in five." "We need as many vehicles as possible, for the blockade." "I'll drive ole Henrietta here." "You have stupid names for all your shit?" "Only the shit I love." "Lets go." "All right." "I'll brief you when we touch down." "Update me." "Border Patrol is putting a team together but they won't be there for over an hour." " National Guard?" " Longer." "What about the military?" "It takes a presidential order." "We're not going to get that in the next 45 minutes." "Now Cortez has to come thorugh Main Street in order to get to the canyon." "The only other option is Asamora." "Torrance, you take Frank and Lewis and block that off." "And Fig and I are going to warn the civilians." "Got it." " Hey, Ray." " Listen guys..." "There is an escaped fugitive coming through town." "It's too dangerous for you to stay here." "I want everyone to go home." "Did you hear what I just said?" "We just ordered breakfast." "It's for your own safety." "You're talking to a 72 year old man with high cholesterol eating a bacon and cheddar omelet with extra cheddar." "Do I look like I'm afraid of death?" "Don't look at me." "I ordered the same thing." "Well, I just started cooking." " Where's Christie?" " Went to get milk." "Just stay away from the windows, ok?" "Stay away from the windows." " Okay." " We can do that." "All right." "How do you want to do this?" "All right, lets put your truck on the far side and then try to find some more cars to use." "I've got a better idea." " We might need somthing' bigger." " Yeah." "Maybe three on this side." "Have to be enough to fill it in." "What are you planning to do?" " Just stay back." " No Dinkum, what about the lines?" "This is the phone and cable." "Electricity's over there." "No,I that's not what I mean." "If you cut the phone line..." "Geronimo!" " Geronimo!" " Get back." "Get back!" "Fucking perfect." "Let's get some cars in place." "Well, shit!" "Jesus." "John?" " You'd better take a look at this." " What is it?" "The Satellite feed from Home Security, this is the live view of the canyon just south of Sommerton Junction." "Look at that." " That's a bridge?" " Yeah." "I don't believe it." "The Sheriff was right." "Who is this guy?" "In 1988, Owens joined the LAPD." "He trained under their Elite Tactical Division." "Worked Narcotics for five years, then he quited." "Why?" "Well, he crashed a party on some bad guys moving' a half ton of coke." "He took home the Medal of Valor." "Five bullet holes for his trouble." "Owens lived, but seven other cops didn't." "So that was it for Owens." "Guess he's seen enough bloodshed, so walked away." "He went to Sommerton to play Sheriff." "Thanks." "Yeah, we need two more." "Oh my God!" "What are you doing Dinkum?" " Have you lost your mind, you idiot!" " Settle down." "I almost got it." " Dinkum!" " Don't do that!" "Dinkum!" "Dinkum, are you okay?" "Oh my God, are you all right?" " Henryetta?" " It worked!" "Nice job, deputy." "Nice job." "Ray, we're gonna need something bigger than this." "I got an idea." " Torrance." " Asamora's blocked off." "Good." "Have Dinkum and Martinez meet me in the school yard." "And I need you to be on top of the roof of the old hotel to be my spotter." "Figgy, you go to the Southside, and check if the buildings are cleared, okay?" " I'll be right back." " On my way." "Time for a turkey shoot." "Oh, shit!" "I got guys on Main Street approaching from the South." "Do not engage, wait for us to get there." "Copy that, Ray." "What the hell is that?" "This is gonna be a lot of fun!" "I'll need two guys on the left." "You two take the right." "Shoot anything that moves." "If it doesn't move, shoot it anyway." "Once our work is done here, we're gonna burn this place to the ground!" "Christie!" " Jesus, Figgy?" " Christie, you have to get out of here, now!" "What the hell's goin' on?" "What are these cars parked for?" "Look at that ass." " Christie, you have to get off the street, baby." " Why are you hiding behind a car?" "I could kill for that ass." "Shit!" "Come on!" "Come on!" "Go!" "Go!" "Get down!" "Get down!" "Come on!" "Come on, come on!" "Get to the diner!" "Get to the diner!" "Is that the best you got?" "Look at that squirrel with that big mother-fucker hat." "This is getting boring." "Get the big gun!" "Oh Shit." "Shit." "Yeah." "Give him something to remember." "Oh, shit!" "Take him out!" "Get him!" "Figgy!" "All clear..." "What the fuck happened?" "!" " Torrance, are you okay?" " I'm Ok, Ray." "But Figgy's down." "Damn!" "Now, what the hell is that?" "Welcome to Sommerton." "Nice shooting, Sheriff." "Get this the bus into position." " Vámonos!" " I got it!" "I'm on it! We're in place!" "Get down!" "Torrance, where is the fire coming from?" "Behind you." "Roof next to the diner." " Cover me guys!" " Yes, Sir!" " How are you, Sheriff?" " Old." "Ah, you got a ways to go yet." "Oh my God Sheriff, you've been shot." " Somebody help him!" " I see it." "Hold on." "Don't worry, it's just glass." " Where are the stairs to the roof?" " Over there." "He's goin' after Sarah." "We have to warn her." "Give me the radio!" " Give the radio!" " We don't got no damn radio!" "We got nunchuks though!" " Just cover me!" " Cover you?" "What the hell?" "Sarah!" "Does this mean I'm forgiven?" "Probably." "Shit!" "Thorzetta!" "God damn cowbell!" "Fuck!" "Jesus." "Motherfucker." " No trespassing!" " Quite Granny." " Mrs. Salazar?" " Sheriff." "Obliged!" "Put the hurt on em', Ray!" "Okay." " Figgy?" " Lewis, what are you doing?" "!" "Figgy's over here..." "Fuck!" "Ray!" "You get Dinkum." "I'll cover you!" "I've got you." "Come on." "Jesus." " What are you doing out there?" " I'm a deputy." "Lewis." "Hey!" "Here I am!" "You little motherfucker!" "Come on!" "Shoot!" "Where the fuck are you?" "Little rat." "You wanna play?" "I love to play." "Okay." "Oh shit!" "Drop the weapon." "Who the hell are you?" "I am the Sheriff." "I'm here." "Do you copy?" "Are you ready for me?" "We will be." "You're very good in close quarters, aren't you?" "You're very beautiful, Agent Richards." "And nothing would give me greater pleasure... than to demonstrate..." "How good I really am." "But since you're still going to need to look the part of an escaped hostage." "Consider this a goodbye gift." "What do you mean?" "What the fuck?" "!" "Shit!" "So you want to play?" "Let's play!" "Yeah!" "Now what?" "Shit." "Son of a bitch!" "Fuck!" "I'm gonna kill you!" "Shit!" "You fucked up my car." "You fucked up my day off." "You know what, Sheriff?" "All you have to do is let me walk across that border." "Hell, twelve thousand Mexicans come across every day." "You shouldn't mind if one goes back." "What do you say?" "You make us immigrants look bad." "Well then, let's discuss my deportation, shall we?" "Carlos, uno momento." "This is my personal banker." "Simply tell him your account number." "You will be five million dollars richer." "We will part as friends." "Ten million." "Put those on... or I will." "Maybe once upon a time." "Your time is over abuelito." "My time is just starting." "Game on." "You should have taken the money, old man!" "Ok!" "Ok!" "Twenty million." "Twenty million dollars just to look the other way." "My honor is not for sale." "Fuck your honor!" "You are under arrest." "Here comes the cavalry." " John Bannister, FBI." " Glad you could make it." "So what happened here?" "Where Cortez?" "The Sheriff went after him." "I'm more concerned about him right now than I am about Cortez." "Looks like you're both in luck." "Look at that." "Good thing." "Good for him." "One last time." "Only this time, the surprise is on you." "Let's go guys." "John!" "Richards!" "Are you Ok?" "Yeah, I'm Ok." "I'm so sorry, John." "He was going to kill me." "It's so good to see you." "Yeah, I'll glad he didn't." "I'm really glad he didn't." "Because that would have cost me the satisfaction of being able to arrest you myself." "I know the two of you are use to being driving buddies." "And for your information, Swiss bank accounts are not as secret as they use to be." "Let's go." "Shit!" "That's why I shot him." "I can walk!" "Just because a man gets wounded in the line on duty don't mean he can't walk." "I don't want that." "Way to go, Ray, Martinez, Torrance." "I can walk." "Maybe if Christie wants to help me, she could." " Thanks little one." " Anytime, Lewis." "Figgy!" "Figgy!" "Sorry!" "Let me see, let me see." " That's a .50 caliber." " That's a painful .50." "Look at that." "What about you?" "I'm fine." "Oh, please, come on." "That's a BB gun." "Let's finish the report and get out of here." "Good." "I'll say it." "I completely underestimated you, Sheriff." "It's Ok." "You're a hell of a lawman." "And you don't give up too easy." "You're right." "This is my home." "Impressive." "Impressive." "Sheriff..." "Keep it." "You earned it." " Thanks, Ray." " Jerry would want you to have it." "Thanks." "Ray!" "What in God's name happened to my car?" "Next time don't park it in the fire zone." "Schmuck." | {
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"Por que estas aqui?" "No, not te me..." "Porque estas aqui?" "No, no, no, que estas haciendo." "Dowd!" "No!" "No!" "No!" "Mommy, Mommy!" "Please, help me." "Please, help me." "Please!" "It's okay." "Help...!" "Mr. Dowd was pronounced dead on arrival, Detroit Sinai." "Perforated cranial pan, projectile fragmentation..." "frontal lobe." "Now, the woman, Jeanine Mueller, she subsequently lost the child." "Uterine damage, hemorrhaging on admittance." "The infant died due to blood loss suffered by the mother." "Hospital records indicate acute fetal trauma, gunshot wound." "This material was covered some months ago." "Why is it being brought up again?" "Have you had contact with Ms. Mueller?" "I have spoken to her, yes." "On what occasion did you speak with Ms. Mueller, and what prompted the conversation?" "I'm not going to answer that." "That's a personal..." "Do you think, in retrospect, acting perhaps less aggressively, this might have been prevented?" "What might have been prevented?" "The infant's death." "That's very dangerous, you know that?" "Hungry?" "Yeah, but not for this..." "toe cheese." "Shh!" "I'll bite it off." "He's going to wake up." "If the smell didn't wake him up already, he's out." "My feet smell?" "Yeah." "Yeah." "Hi." "So." "So, what?" "So, how'd it go?" "It went." "Yeah?" "What can I say?" "What did you say?" "What do you think?" "Ma'am, let me just, uh..." "Sorry, your name, again?" "Liz Detmer." "Right, right, Ms. Detmer." "My, uh, duty assignment was solely undercover narcotic work." "Do you have any idea what that entails?" "I have a general idea, yes." "Okay." "Well, then, generally speaking, Ms. Detmer, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about." "They expect you to come in with this, "glad to be here" bullshit, head hung low, hat in hand." "Yeah, that's ridiculous." "Well, they're not going to forget." "It's all what they say." "Then I don't understand why, you know, you went and talked to them." "'Cause they asked." "Mr. Tellis, that's not necessary." "If you haven't seen what I've seen, or done what I've done, you don't know where I'm coming from." "I am not an officer of the law, Mr. Tellis, and, therefore, I have no formal training." "But I would expect someone that did would perhaps behave judiciously, exercising discretion and restraint in necessary quantities..." "Jesus Christ, lady." "Look, we can do this all goddamn day." "You want to assess all this blame?" "I'm going to call you on it." "So what is this?" "I mean, I can make it very simple for you." "You want to talk?" "I'll talk." "I have no problem with that." "But if this becomes some half-ass ambush, and you're putting me under the lamp," "I will walk." "Now." "Are you familiar with the Michael Calvess case?" "Uh..." "Yes." "He was murdered." "Yes, I'm aware of that." "This investigation, as you may or may not know, has stretched over 60 days, and failed to produce any tangible evidence or yield a single suspect." "It has not, however, deterred or diminished our efforts to apprehend and punish those responsible." "Throughout your undercover stint, you maintained prolonged contact with the city's drug element." "Would that be an accurate statement?" "I had some relationships." "Is it fair to say, given your rather abrupt discharge from the ranks 18 months ago, that your cover and those contacts might remain intact?" "We feel that your presence in this investigation would be invaluable, and would warrant complete reinstatement, homicide division, detective grade." "When the suspects are caught and charged, and a verdict rendered, you would be eligible for the assignment of your choosing, commensurate to sentencing." "No." "I'm sorry?" "I'm not interested." "Bear in mind, Mr. Tellis, if I may be so bold, that career opportunities in law enforcement..." "What a fucking waste of time that was." "Tellis!" "Captain Mitchell Cheevers." " Thanks for coming down, man." " Oh, sure." "Come on, listen, I want to apologize for in there, okay?" "They get paid to put people on the spot." "They made their money today." "All right, come on, hey, hold on." "You're going to make me fucking chase you?" "Come on, give me ten seconds." "Go ahead." " Calvess was a cop." " Yeah." "Okay, he didn't deserve this." "Nobody does." "Fine, good, then help me out." "What?" "Come on, help me catch these motherfuckers." "Man, just come down here." "Just-just look at the files, would you?" "Help me out." "I think that's ten." "Time's up." "For who?" "What the fuck else are you going to do?" "They offering you something?" "They asked me to look at some files." "Shit." "I swear to God." "Yeah, files." "Why?" "'Cause they got a dead cop and dead ends and they're reaching." "This welfare-pension bullshit is not going to cut it." "I know that." "You just do something else, then." "What?" "I do something else?" " Yeah." " Okay." "What would that be?" "Hey, Sergeant, has, uh," "Michael Calvess' personal effects cleared yet?" "Yeah." "Lieutenant Oak, per departmental mandate is restricted from participating in the Calvess investigation any further." "That's the log line, and... that's the way it's been worded to me." "Why is that?" "Well... he and Calvess were close." "He'd been on collateral narcotic investigations for over a year." "He was the first one in the tunnel that day." "He discovered the body." "I like him." "I do." "He's got a 93% conviction rate." "He's swingin' a big stick." "He makes solid collars that make solid cases." "But... between you and me, he's not stable." "You don't even know what the fuck you're planning on, man." "Come on." "Yeah." "You're an idiot." "You don't even know." "You ought to know..." "He's all of that shit a cop just cannot be, not right now." "Not in this city." "Not in this department." "We're talking about a marked name." "Henry, what the fuck, man?" "!" "I swear to fucking God, if I get another call you're beating on your wife and kids, you're fucking dead!" "Get off me!" "Get the fuck off me!" " Get off!" " Shit!" "What the fuck!" "Go get this piece of shit out of here!" "I mean, listen, Captain, we can both sit here and say, or we can assume that he's just adhering to this department ban on his involvement." "You're a smart guy." "You know that's bullshit." "Well, I would hope so." "Yes, but again... it's only a matter of time before IAD brings down an indictment on him." "Listen, do yourself a favor, concerning Oak, um..." "I would just blow out all this bullshit, go to Convicts and Ethics Inquiries, and hinge this whole thing on his involvement." "Would that be up to and including your own involvement?" "I don't understand." "Nick, if I go to bat for him," "I'm going to have to do it contingent on you being his partner for the duration." "The duration of what?" "The duration of the investigation." "Hey, you asked me to read some files, and I did." "You know, the tale of the tape is... and this is nothing you don't already know... is that your best shot at breaking this is bringing him back on, and just go off the work he's already done." "I don't want to waste any more time." "Do you want on this case roster... yes or no?" "I am not looking for active assignment." "I don't..." "I-I want a paycheck... okay?" "I mean, this three-quarters is not cutting the shit." "I don't need, I don't want..." "I don't want to be out with some guy playing nine-ball on some perp's skull." "I'll tell you that." "I want a desk." "I need a desk." "Fine." "Get me a conviction, I'll get you a desk." "Like that?" "Just like that." "Why don't we get some coffee?" "You must be somebody's something special." "No, not really." "No, not really?" "Getting them to reassign me to a case that I'd been so resoundedly removed from?" "You got to admit, that takes some people to pull." "It's not what I did." "It's what you did." "The work you put in." "They know they're better off with you than without you." "I'm just going to say this, all right?" "I don't know you, so I refuse to fuck around with you any more than I have to." "Did Internal Affairs set you up with this?" "No." "No?" "Fringe ex-cop fallen out of favor," "looking to get back behind a badge?" "They got files three feet thick on guys like you." "They bunted you on a reflex." "Probably, but I'm telling you the truth." "You weren't approached or asked in any way to keep tabs on me for IA?" "No, I was not." "Hey, I don't blame you for asking." "You don't do what I did and just waltz back in." "Now what does that tell you?" "That tells me that this investigation is running on fucking fumes." "Don't get confused thinking that this is about Calvess." "I know it's not." "This is all politics." "This is political appointments, it's referendums, it's squashing a race riot." "You think those assholes upstairs give a shit and a shake about Michael Calvess?" "They didn't know him, they don't care about him, and they can't forget about him fast enough." "The only thing you need to know about me is that I'm going to bag the motherfuckers that killed Mike." "If that means breaking every point of procedure, then they're broke." "It's because his life was worth a little bit more than a wreath and a rifle salute." "You understand?" "No, it's just me." "And what about you?" "What about me?" "Well, why you coming back to this shit?" "Cops die daily, and they die bad." "What makes Mike the exception?" "I don't know." "You don't know?" "Just something to do?" "Something." "I know what time it is, but you can still give me a kiss." "Audrey, I don't want to get into this with you right now." "I just want to go to sleep." "I just want to lay down next to you, and go right to sleep." "You want to kick my ass all over in the morning, that's... that's fine, but..." "I just want to..." "I'm fucking beat, man." "You guys ever see this guy?" "His name was Jimmy Fredricks..." "was his street name." "He'd be dirtier, he was undercover." "No, no, no." "Wait, whoa, whoa, whoa." "What are you jumping up and down for?" "What the fuck's the matter with you?" " Cold, man." " Shut up." "Eh!" "What are you, his interpreter?" "Speak English, will you?" "You're fucking in America." "Speak English." "Remember a guy named Jimmy Franks?" "No, man." "Stop jumping up and fucking down." "Have you ever seen him?" "He used to do a lot of business down here." "I'm the one that does business on the bridge." "Oh, yeah?" "You ever seen this guy before?" "He's a cop... street name's Jimmy Fredricks." "A guy named Jimmy Fredricks." "What's his street name?" "That's his name..." "Jimmy Fredricks." "He'd sometimes go by Calvess." "No?" "No." " Nothing?" " Nothing." "How you doing, all right?" "Everything beautiful, yeah." "Yeah?" "Let me ask you a little bit of a... there was a cat named Jimmy Fredricks, used to hang around here." "Jimmy Fredricks?" "Yeah, yeah." "I don't know that guy." "Let's go, asshole, game's over." "I want to ask you a question about a guy." "A cat named Jimmy Fredricks." "Does he live around here?" "No." "You sure?" "No, this is not your neighborhood?" " No." " Haven't seen him." "I ain't got shit to say to you." "I want to ask some questions." "Fuck this, man." "Oh!" "You know a guy named Jimmy Fredricks?" "Jimmy Fredricks!" "Jimmy Fredricks!" "Are you high right now?" "Nah, man." "Are you sure?" "Because you look fuckin' spun to me." "I'm looking for a cat named Jimmy Fredricks." "Is it relative to the case?" "Hey!" "Yeah?" "You work around here?" "Come on, give me a break." "Hey!" "What the fuck you running for?" "!" "A cop got killed here about, uh..." "Never too cold for pussy, is it?" "You stay right there." "You stay right there!" "A guy named Calvess, yeah." "Went by his street name, Jimmy Fredricks." "I never knew a Fredricks or a Calvess." "Fredricks sound more familiar though." "Now, he didn't go by nothing else, right?" "That I can't tell you." "Nobody knows Calvess." "Nobody knows Calvess as Fredricks." "Nobody's seen his fucking picture." "Calvess, Fredricks, maybe he didn't go by either one." "I'll holler at some niggas, though, see where it fall out." "My name is Tellis." "What I'm sayin' is, I work and stuff." "Okay, no, that's cool." "What're you talking about, man?" "I'll do whatever I want." "Everyone's out of town." "So I heard that." "Help!" "Help!" "This guy's pretending to be a cop, man!" "He denies it, he grabs the aerosol can and then some matches and lights her head up." "That's her screaming." "So he mentions this Jimmy Fredricks, and Cheevers told us to route this through you." "And what's he saying?" "Guy claims he's the snitch for him." "Says he'll trade what he has to say for some type of sentence reduction." "Oh, we can't do that." "We're not going to do that." "Well, we got him cuffed up there, but he's got no pants on." "I tried to get a pair on him, but... this guy's fucking berserk." "All right." "What's her name?" "Louisa Nuòez." "What?" "Louisa Nuòez." "It's all we could get out of her." "They married?" "Whoa, whoa, whoa, don't kick." "Fuckin' asshole!" "Look what he fuckin' did to me!" "Shut up!" "Shut that dumb fucking bitch up!" "Let go of me!" "Let the fuck go!" "Right there to the left." "Have fun." "Seòor ltchy Cock." "What you saying, man, what that?" "Looks like you got yourself a bad situation, here, uh... what's your name?" "Octavio?" "Octavio?" "That's it?" "Going firebug on your old lady's wig?" "What's all this fucking drug stuff?" "Yo, man, did you see what she did to my fucking jimmy?" "What that puta bitch did to my shit?" "She out there tossing her nasty snatch on the curb." "She come back here poison pussy." "Now, I can't hardly even walk around." "I can't have no fabrics on, nothing." "Look at it, check it out." "All right, okay, Hoss, let's just holster that up, okay?" "I ain't never seen no shit like that, black and blue." "I can't wear no drawers." "This shit hurts so bad, I go take a piss... piss don't even want to come out." "She fucking set fire to my dick, I'll burn her head down." "Yeah, uh..." "Great." "You want to talk to us about a Michael Calvess?" "Who?" "Michael Calvess." "You used to snitch for a Michael Calvess." "His street name was Jimmy Fredricks." "What can you tell us?" "Jimmy Fredricks." "Yeah, yeah, yeah, him." "He dead, right?" "That's right, he was killed." "Yeah, I seen it on TV, too." "Yo, could I get a quick hit?" "What'd you say?" "My cock is killing me, man." "Let me get a quick hit." "A quick hit." "I'll talk to you." "What?" "I'll talk to you." "It's almost impossible you're this dumb." "You're serious." "Yeah, just a quick one." "Please, bro." "Fucking junkies." "Who got a lighter?" "I used my last match on that bitch." "Yo, man," "I know my ass is going to jail." "I ain't got no paper to post bail on." "I'm fucked." "I'm fucked." "What it gonna matter I hit this real quick?" "It ain't gonna half time or no shit like that, right?" "I hit this, and I'll talk to you guys." "Come on, yo, my nerves." "They're all, like, jingle-jangly." "Oh, fuck!" "You going to tell us everything?" "Yeah." "You sure?" "Oh, yeah." "Don't fuck with us." "This shit is fucking heaven, dawg." "All right, enough." "We took care of you, now talk to us about Calvess and knock that shit off, or else I'm going to turn a hose on you." "No, it hurts, man." "Stop picking at it, then!" "Now, Calvess." "Go!" "Talk to me!" "I seen him over on Bell Isle a few months back." "He beefing with my boy, Leo Lee." "You know Leo Lee?" "Yeah, you know him and shit?" "Yeah." "Leonard Leflore." "He's just a punk narc." "We used to run raids on his ass every other day." "So what were they arguing about?" "Some shit, man." "Lee pinched on a buy." "That dude, Calvess, he got a bad temper, yo." "He beat up on..." "Listen to me, nobody gives a shit what you think you saw." "Just tell us what happened." "Yo, I'm telling you, man, I saw him spit on him." "I saw him walk away, told him, "nigga" this, "nigga" that." "Who-who, Calvess?" "Yeah, man." "Don't be fucking with me." "I'm not fucking with you." "This shit ain't talking too loud, is it?" "Yo, I swear that I saw it, man." "They, like, scrapping and shit." "They, like, argue, okay?" "Let go of me!" "So... you gonna use that, man?" "Fucking asshole!" "Look what you fucking did to me!" "That's right, bitch." "I'll burn you." "Look at my fucking hair!" "I'll burn you up with that shit!" "Fuck you!" "Fuck you!" "I hate you!" "Crotch rot, pussy stank!" "Fuck you!" "Puta sucia de la vagallado!" "I-I-I love you, baby!" "Fuck!" "I love you!" "Fuck you!" "That's a good woman." "What do you know about this Leflore, 'cause his name doesn't do anything for me." "There's no mention of him in any of Mike's duty summaries." "There's no F.I. card on him." "He's just a nickle-bagger I ran across maybe half a dozen times." "He's got two whole hobbies..." "ganja and guns." "Other than that, he's a fucking bore." "But I guarantee he's got outstanding warrants." "You want to run him?" "Lay down on the floor, this is the police!" "Go." "Oh." "Nick!" "You doing good?" "Oh, yeah." "Sorry I didn't make..." "I couldn't get to Gabe's birthday party." "It's just..." "I just had a lot of stuff to do." "Don't worry about it, we didn't miss you." "Thanks for the present, anyway." "Yeah, well..." "Nick Tellis, this is a really good friend of mine, Art Harlan." "How you doing?" "He works with the Coroner's Office." "So I hear your name on the call, and this one I have to see." "What'd you do, drown him?" "No, this might have to do with Mike." " Calvess?" " Yeah." "What the hell you doing with that?" "I thought they were closing it out?" "No, not yet." "Okay, thanks, guys." "It's good." "Rub-a-dub-dub." "Wow." "He's been here for a while." "How long you think?" "I'm guessing he's sitting in this... two, three weeks." "That long?" "Oh, yeah." "He's ripe." "Okay, subject has distended bloat, upper, lower torso." "Clotting and... hematoma discoloration." "Hello." "What is it?" "A tooth." "Oh, my God." "Back molar." "Blasted it right out of his head." "Well, most of his mandible was shattered, along with the rest of the dental palette, so IDing him outright's going to be a little tricky." "Sorry." "What do you got there?" "Looks like a Mossberg, SG 6-shot." "I don't know how the fuck he got this." "What?" "Why?" "It's tactical issue, Metro PD." "SWAT team uses it." "It looks like the serial number's been filed down." "Let me see that." "Definitely looks like our man opted out with it." "No question about that." "Oh, damn!" "I don't know about that." "Well, not on purpose." "Why?" "What do you mean?" "There's no firing pin mark on the casing." "Boy never even pulled the trigger." "Hmm." "So what do you think happened?" "I'm stretching here, but..." "knowing old Leo," "I think maybe he was high out of his fucking mind, reaches for the bong, goes down, breaks..." "His lazy ass is not getting out of this warm water, so... he sees the gauge, maybe, and takes a little green bud, decides to pop it in the breach, fires it up, starts toking away," "forgets there's a shell in the pipe, flame hits the firing cap." "That's beautiful." "Bubble bath, earful of tunes, smoking some hub, and this is how the evening ends!" "Art." "That's fucking fantastic." "That still doesn't explain the Mossberg." "I don't know how he got that." "Well... if it is tact ordinance, it could be an underground buy." "I mean, their armory's been broken into a few times." "Yeah, it could be." "Or he could've known a cop." "Or somebody who knew a cop." "What do you want to do about this?" "Nothing." "Just let Art finish up." "Recovery sweep through, if they find something good, if they get a stolen weapons hit, great." "What we came here to do is corroborate Ruiz' story, which we obviously can't do." "That's all right." "I think it was all bullshit anyway." "Hey, Art, I'll talk to you later." "Okeydoke." "I hear bubbles." "I hear bubbles." "Uh-oh." "What are you guys doing up?" "We had a deal, I thought, you and me, there?" "So you want to talk about this now, or you want to wait or what?" "I-I don't know." "What are we going to talk about?" "Oh, my God, what could we have to talk about?" "You know what?" "I can't believe that you're out there again." "And don't say that you're not or give me any of that crap." "What are you talking about?" "There's hours involved." "I'm sorry." "There are." "What do you want me to tell you?" "Why don't you tell me who uttered that fucking famous, uh," ""This job'll either burn you out or bury you"?" "Do you remember saying that?" "Yeah, it's narcotics, Audrey..." "You know, I'm just curious." "How bad you think that it was, huh?" "Tell me what you remember, 'cause I'll tell you what I remember." "Five months pregnant, being in a detox tank with you." "What the fuck is this coming from?" "Not sleeping and watching you..." "What does that have to fucking do with anything, huh?" "...climb the walls." "Do you remember that?" "I'm a little late for bath time?" "Well, excuse me." "I've been giving him one every day for seven months!" "Your acting like this is no big thing, like you can just jump in and then just jump out again." "It is a big thing, all right." "It's a fucking big thing!" "Yeah, it's two weeks work, is what it is." "You know what, that's bullshit." "That is..." "That is bullshit!" "That's all you want me to think that it is." "You know, the other day I asked you why you wanted to do this, and you said that you didn't know." "Well, you know what?" "I got news for you." "You need to know, and you need to let me know, 'cause for the life of me," "I'm looking at you hold your son and I can't understand, do you understand?" "I can't understand why you would ever feel the need to go back to that again." "Yeah, what if it was me who got wasted out there, Audrey?" "That wasn't you." "What if it was?" "That wasn't..." "What if it was!" "There are other people aside from you, okay?" "You're a little three-foot circle." "You know what, that's really unfair." "They had this kid beaten half-dead." "They could've walked away." "Anyone could've." "Instead..." "they took the gun, and they blew half his head off, okay?" "I know, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, baby." "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." "I'm sorry." "You were right about the Mossberg." "Definitely was one of ours." "Lab pulled partial prints off of it." "One set belonged to Leflore, the other set belonged to this gang-banger, Latroy Steeds." "It's just that he's got a bunch of drug shit." "Just did 30 days in Wayne County." "Got out a week ago." "Do we know where he's at?" "S-T-E-E-D-S." "Larry, you're his parole officer." "He hasn't...?" "Not once?" "All right." "Well, let me know if he shows, okay?" "No problem, you got it." "He hasn't checked in once." "Here, go on." "Let's sit on the house, see if he shows up." "Come on, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go!" "Let's move it out here!" "How long you been married, Nick?" "Uh... about a year and a half." "Got any kids?" "Yeah, one." "I got a boy..." "a big baby boy." "Hmm." "Almost ten months." "That's nice." "How long you been with your wife?" "Um..." "I lost her." "We were married just shy of 16 years." "She had cancer." "I didn't know." "I'm sorry." " No..." " I thought..." "It's okay." "We were talking wives." "You have one." "I had one." "I've been asked before." "Probably'd be easier on people if I took my ring off, but because we'd avoid these embarrassing little moments, but it's okay." "I like talking about her." "The first detail I had was... was vice." "I wanted robbery/homicide, but..." "I caught vice." "I worked vice." " I hated it." " Mm-hmm." "Just hated it." "You know, I rode it to the seams, hoping to leapfrog out of there, but... no good." "No dice." "And I'd come home, just in bad shape." "Just pissed off." "That's when I first started getting an ulcer." "Just miserable." "And I'd lie down in her lap... and she'd rub my head." "Some nights, she'd sing me to sleep." "I'd just lie there, staring at her." "Still the best place I've ever been." "I'll tell you this much:" "I became a much better cop the day she died." "And any half-step, any hesitation" "I had about the job was gone." "I see a dead-bolted door, I break it down and be the first one in the room." "I started working Joint Task Force." "The head-crack, hang-wrecking crew." "Zombie squad." "It was a diversion." "It was just a way to keep from thinking about her." "I remember one night I went with the sheriffs on a warrant raid." "This dipshit was selling meth out of his apartment." "It was just a stop and pop." "Broke down the door, rousted the guy." "I was in one of the back rooms looking for junk." "And I hear something." "I turn around, and see these... these eyes staring at me from a closet." "It was a little girl." "A little ten-year-old girl... naked." "Shaking like a leaf." "She was scared to death." "Her stepfather was pimping her out for rent." "Wrapped her in my coat... carried her out to the squad car." "I went back." "And I beat that motherfucker half to death." "I thought of my wife." "I thought of the baby we never had." "All the things about her that I hung onto." "'Cause a little girl being brutalized, a little girl being abused has got nothing to do with the rules and regulations, and everything to do with right and wrong." "It's the same thing with Calvess." "Why is he the cookie monster?" "He loves cookies." "'Cause, like, every time in the morning" "I want cookies for dessert... gone, no cookies left." " No?" " None." "'Cause he eats them all." "Yep." "He eats cookies for breakfast." "He eats cookies for dinner." "He eats cookies for lunch." "He eats cookies for... anything." "This one won't let me out of her sight." "She drags her dad's T-shirt around with her wherever she goes." "Can you say hi to the man?" "Shy." "She's a little doll, though." "Honey, you can go." "I want to thank you, Kathryn, for letting me come by." "Oh, it was not a problem." "Thank you for bringing his things." "I wasn't too thrilled about going through them, but I'm glad you brought them." "I haven't seen some of these pictures for a long time." "You have to forgive me, because I'm pretty convinced that any way I go about this is the wrong way, so..." "No, please." "I don't mind answering questions." "Did you know Mike?" "No, I didn't." "I never got the chance to meet him." "I wish I had." "I know his reputation, though." "Hmm." "But what I need to... know more of, I-I think..." "You know, what I'm lacking... is..." "Well, I worked undercover narcotics for two and a half years myself, so I know that life can be very difficult." "I know that it can be... very problematic, especially with a... with a family." "You know, maybe I..." "Maybe not." "Baby, can you go check on your sister for Mommy?" "Go check on your sister." "What are you asking me now?" "Well, um..." "I know it's personal but did things at work adversely affect things here?" "Here at home?" "No." "Did he tell you what it was that he was doing?" "Yes." "Did that seem to bother him?" "Did it bother you?" "Yes, it did." "Well, there you have it." "You notice anything about his mood in the weeks before?" "Was there anything strange about his behavior?" "No." "Did he mention any names?" "Maybe there were some people that he was dealing with that..." "came out?" "No." "I remember the day that Mike was killed." "I was putting the girls to bed, and I heard a knock." "And when I opened the door..." "Henry was standing there with tears in his eyes." "And I knew right away that he was gone." "And I remember running back to the girls' room, and sitting on the edge of their bed and just staring at them." "I needed to see his face." "Mom, somebody's at the door." "Where?" "Where?" "Hi!" "Hi." "Come here, you." "How are you?" "Give me a kiss." "Where's my kiss?" "There's someone here." "He's been asking me questions about Mike." "What?" "I need to talk to you outside right now." "I'll be right back, okay?" "Okay." "What the fuck you doing talking to her without me being here?" "!" "I brought her husband's things over." "Yeah, and you questioned her." "What for?" "What for?" "!" "Is this "Mother, May I?"" "We said we were going to do some of this on our own, right?" "Some of this doesn't extend to her, and don't get fucking cute with me!" "Take your hand out of my face." "If you need to know what she said about anything case-related, you refer to the file!" "Yeah, I looked at the files." "They're thin." "What you don't fucking do is talk to her without notifying me in advance!" "That's not the way we do things!" "Why is that?" "What's the problem with me speaking to her?" "Because the problem is every fucking question you asked her, she's already answered!" "She's been badgered and bothered by cops and cop questions for two fucking months now, and the biggest fucking problem is her husband is fucking dead!" "You understand?" "!" " I understand that." " Great." "Don't let it happen again." "It's the meanest crowd ever tonight." "It's like the Roman Coliseum in here." "No to babies." "Are you insane?" "It's burnback." "It's like a table scrap junk that they stew in a freebase and then shoot." "It killed this guy Dandridge I told you about." "Well, I think they were trying to sell the same shit to Calvess." "Yeah?" "Tellis?" "Mason in Records." "Hey, what's going on?" "Hey, I got the stuff." "Looked for matches, looked for hits..." "No, no, I just want hits." "How many hits?" "Okay, I got four, and they're a little bit vague." "You want the names?" "You got something to write with?" "Yep, go." "All right..." "R. Evans..." "Yeah?" "R. Mosley..." "Mosley." "G. Parks, E. Sheps." "Yeah?" "The last one, Sheps." "He got brought in ten months late, and they booked him in the E.R." "All that stuff I faxed you..." "I got that." "Yeah, okay." "You got an address on that?" "Yeah, Madison..." "For the last guy, I got 443 Grashid, Unit 2." "I don't know how good it is, but that's the last address we got." ""Unit 2," that's good enough." " All right, man, thanks." " All right, appreciate it." "They ran the comps through, and about ten months ago, an overdose was brought into the E.R., and this guy Sheps..." "Wait a fucking minute." "Eugene Sheps..." "Jesus Chri..." "I know fucking Eugene Sheps." "I know this fucking guy." "When your mind's playing tricks on you..." "You been doing this all week, man." "I need my money." "I ain't messin' 'round with you this time, but I need my dough." "I'm gonna let you off where you are, and when I get down there, you better have my..." "whatever." "Later." "You know, you left the door unlocked." "What the fuck?" "!" "You shouldn't do that, 'cause anyone can walk in." "What the fuck y'all doing in my house, man?" "Ah, no need to get up." "We just want to ask you a few..." "What the fuck y'all doing in my crib, man?" "Yo, hold up, man." "Hold up, man." "Get the fuck off of me!" "Get the fuck off of me!" "Get off!" "Huh?" "Huh?" "You want the bottle?" "Here." "Anymore bottles?" "What the fuck is...?" "Fuck, man!" "Oh, fuck!" "My fucking arm!" "There you go." "You're a spicy little burrito, aren't you, there, Eugene?" "How are you, my man?" "Take a seat." "Take a fucking seat." "How you been, Deacon, good?" "Oh, fuck this, man!" "Oh, Jesus." "Are you still sniffing glue, Deacon?" "You still sniffing glue?" "Isn't this shit a little dated, dawg?" "Fucked with a bottle of modeling glue a few years back, and you sealed your sinuses shut." "You had to have them drilled, you remember that back then, back in the day?" "And you're still sucking back cans of hair spray." "Oh, fuck, man!" "How you making your paper these days, Eugene?" "Six months on, huh?" "Titan Auto, Titan Auto." "You still stealing cars and cutting them up, or what, boss?" "Oh, fuck, now I know your snitch and bitch ass now, man." "You're that motherfucker, Grimmy, dirty into some shit." "Wrong answer." "Fuck that, man!" "I seen you, man." "You that motherfucker hanging around Endo Joe and shit." "That's right, that's right." "You know what happened to him, right?" "He up in Jackson, man." "No, no, no, no, he was." " He's dead now." " Oh, fuck!" "And he died fucking dumb, talking shit to some Aryans, you know?" "So they peeled him back and they shanked his bitch ass 56 times." "We got a lot of pals like that, don't we, huh?" "About to ask you about another dead junkie..." "a guy name of Dowd." "You know him?" "No?" "No?" "Hey, you listening to me?" " Are you listening to me?" " Yeah, man." "Huh?" "No?" "You see, I do." "I know Dowd, I know Endo Joe," "I know what happened to that little punk you used to roll with," "J. Reed." "I know your daddy nicknamed you Deacon after Deacon Jones, 'cause he had a little thing with him." "Fuck, man..." "You know how I know that, don't you?" " How, man?" " 'Cause I was and I still am a cop." "A fucking cop?" "You're trying to tell me you a fucking cop?" " Word." " Lf you a cop, why you ain't bust me back then?" "'Cause you way too little to bust, acorn." "Yo, fuck that shit, man." "You forgetting something." "I used to smoke blunts with you, Mr. Cop, man." "I don't give a shit what you think, asshole." "It doesn't matter to me in the least, but I'm about to tell you what does matter, and you're about to fucking listen like your life depended on it." "Fuck." "What the fuck, man?" "A month ago, an undercover officer was murdered... pedestrian tunnel off Houston and West Grand." "They beat him up, they put a gun to his fucking head, and put a bullet through it." "I don't want to hear any shit about what you don't know or what you didn't do, because we both know you ain't got the nut sack for something that size, so, I'm fucking positive" "you didn't kill him." "His name was Michael Calvess." "Take a gander, there, buddy." "Hold on a minute, man." "Y'all motherfuckers come up in my fucking crib, and shit, want to throw fucking hot sauce and blind my fucking ass, and now you want me to help you?" "Street name Jimmy Fredricks." " Fucking crazy?" " I know you know." " Oh, my bad." " You know you know." "My bad." "I know this motherfucker." "I think I might've let him suck on my dick once or twice." "Come here, come here." "You want to be bounced back to County, keep it up!" "I'll have you wearing half-shirts and halter tops, braiding some nigger's hair!" "Piece of shit!" "Oh, fuck, man, I think I'm bleeding, man." "You going to act like a punk, you're going to get played like one." "Now, listen very, very carefully." "They found smack at the murder scene." "A mean fucking mix." "Now, you took some of this exact same stuff about ten months ago, and it nearly killed your dumb ass." "You don't have the chemistry or the sense God gave goats, which means you didn't do the cook." "Now, Dowd is dead, so, who sold to you?" "Whatever, man." "You going to tell us?" "No?" "You think you're a real fucking smartass, you know that?" "We're tossing every inch of this place." "Every inch!" "I didn't do it, man." "I don't know, man." "Where is it?" "Oh, my God, this must be one of those new refrigerator safes!" "What a laugh, you dumb fuck!" "What's all this, huh?" "What's all this?" "!" "Oh, bagels and guns." "What do you know?" "You're going to prison." "You're deep lock now." "Now, tell us who sold you." "Deep lock found, deep lock found." "Come on, man, fuck all this shit, man!" "Unbelievably so fucking dumb!" "Are you kidding me?" "This is the last time I'm going to ask you!" " Who sold you?" "!" " Get off me, man!" " Who sold you?" " Darnell, man!" "It was fucking Darnell, man!" "He's got a cop ID." "He's got a shield." "You all right?" "Let me see." "Where you hit, the neck?" "Let me call it in." "I'll call the paramedics." "Hang in there." "I'll be right back." "What I have done is I've given him a rather large and strong dosage for the wound itself, but other than that, I've used a mild sedative for him." "What I am actually worried about is his prior history of drug abuse, and I'd like to know more about that series of..." "You know, I the problems that he had before." "I have to go and pick up my son." "We have a..." "we have a son so... but I'm-I'm going to be back." "He didn't do it." "I don't know if you're not listening or you don't want to listen, but he didn't do it!" "Well, we've compiled enough evidence to support the contrary." "Wha...?" "And what does that mean?" "What evidence?" "What?" "That means we're closing it out." "Captain... there's absolutely no way that Sheps killed Calvess." "And if you're closing because of that, you're way off." "Neither one of us believe that he did it." "He didn't have the balls to do this!" "He didn't have the capabilities!" "He didn't have the cold blood!" "This guy did not do it." "And yet he had no compunction when faced with possible arrest about trying to kill both of you." "This is someone of questionable mental stability with a pronounced history of drug use." "That you can pin motive on." "That could ride the rap after the fact, 'cause this is what you're going to do in lieu of." "You know, you all are jazzed up because this piece of shit that we killed, Sheps, was white." "So the whole racial card gets cooled, and you can forget about the dead cop." "That's what this is all fuckin' about." "All right, all right," "Henry, ease off, all right?" " Wha...?" " Ease off." "We initiated and backed this effort from the very beginning, but factually irrefutable is the following:" "We have a known criminal with over 40 felony and misdemeanor offenses with a drug tie linking him directly to Calvess in possession of stolen weapons, narcotics and identification belonging to another slain officer." "Richard Dekolvie was stabbed to death three years ago..." "And Homicide got a confession and a conviction out of that, so that bullshit's irrelevant." "What you fuckin' bringing that into it for?" "It still denotes illicit criminal acts." "Oh, this is unfuckin' believable." "Sheps came into possession of the ID as either a result of participation in the murder or through association with the murderers." "This guy was 105 pounds soaking wet." "If that." "These injuries that Calvess sustained, they only could have come from two men with considerably more size and strength." "That's not even taking into account," "Jesus Christ, there's no murder weapon." "What are you fuckin' talking about here?" "This matter is no longer mine, gentlemen." "I apologize." "Are you serious?" "Are you serious?" "It's the Commissioner of Police." "That is so fucked up." "Yes, it is fucked up." "This is so fucked up." "We're done." "You're so wrong, pal." "Fuckin' bullshit!" "I'm sorry, man." "I want you to stop now." "This is done." "It's not." "No, it has to be." "You know I wasn't happy and that was fine, but this is where I hit the wall 'cause I've seen you like this before." "And before I was willing to put myself through it, but I can't do it anymore." "I'm gonna get 'em" "I'm gonna get the guys who did it." "They fucking..." "didn't do it 'cause we..." "I, I lost 'em." "I lost 'em." "You know, you're running at this for all the wrong reasons." "What, you think catching them is going to make you less like them?" "Purified?" "Just like Calvess?" "You know what, that's bullshit, Nick, 'cause that's not what he was." "That's not what you are." "I love you, but I don't want..." "With everything that I am, I'm still going to leave." "'Cause I can't be with you like this." "I'm done trying." "I'm done trying." "Tellis, you got something on your desk." "Look at this." "Where'd you get a warrant?" "Friends where friends count." "I ran that name that Deacon gave us..." "Darnell." "This is what came back." "Darnell, Beery, "Big D Love."" "Possession, trafficking." "His last arrest was pulling a gun on an officer." "Look who he was booked with." "Eugene "Deacon" Sheps..." "Latroy Steeds." "Steeds." "Steeds and Berry were never questioned about Mike's murder." "They all used to work at Titan's Auto." "It was closed down after a flood six months ago." "I want to check this place out." "...chicks in my limousines, lovin' every minute" "Of my fantasy, wet dreams, girl scream..." "Hey." "Fuck!" "Steeds or Berry?" "Freeze!" "Do not fuckin' move!" "Do not move!" "Fuck!" "Fuck you." "Get down!" "Fuck you!" "Now, fuckin' Coolio tried to blow my head off." "Darnell, let me see you." "Let me fuckin' see you." "Fuck off, bitch!" "Come on!" "We've got some shit to fuckin' talk about." "I don't see no badges!" "I don't see no warrants!" "I didn't do this shit, man!" "Let him go, man." "Put him down on the ground!" "Let him go, man." "You shut the fuck up." "Shut the fuck up." "I'm Detective Lieutenant Henry Oak of the Detroit Metropolitan Police Department." "This is Detective Sergeant Tellis." "We already know who you are which is why we are here." "You've been hiding from us 'cause you killed a cop." "That cop's name was Michael Calvess..." "Jimmy Fredricks." "Now I'm going to give you the opportunity to come all the way clean on this and confess." "If you choose in your limited wisdom to fuck around with me and force my hand, then you're both going out of here in a bag." "Fuck that!" "You know what you're doin' is illegal." "Bullshit." "Just book us, man." "Give me my fuckin' phone call!" "Hey, hey, hey, hey!" "Shh-shh-shh-shh-shh." "You're going to need a hell of a lot more than a fuckin' phone call, my man." "You got a hell of a jacket on you." "You have multiple counts, you got assault, BE, felony possession, grand theft fucking auto." "You add to that list the murder of a decorated cop, and you've officially fucked yourself for life." "Man, I didn't murder no fuckin' cop." "Man, I never touched..." "Enough." "Shh." "Now I'm gonna toss this place." "Is there anything you want to tell me?" "Huh?" "No?" "Fine." "This is next." "Whose ride is this?" "Is this yours?" "Is this supposed to be your fucking car, Darnell?" "Huh, Big D?" "Is this your fucking car?" "Is this yours?" "Give me the keys." "This is next." "Fuck you." "I ain't giving you no keys." "Say it again." "Say "fuck you" again." "Say "fuck you" again." "Say "fuck you" again to me." "Your ride?" "Okay." "What is this, man?" "Take us in." "You're going to fuck around with me?" " No." " Huh?" "No!" "Fuck, why'd you do that?" " No!" " This ain't right, man!" "One more?" "Lieutenant!" "Well, look at that." "Fuck!" "What, are brothers throwing a coup?" "You selling this shit to the Serbs?" "Police issue." "That's from the impound." "Let's hear it." "What you been doing?" "Huh, homes?" "You been sneaking into the impound at night." "You're in a lot of fucking trouble, boys." "This is it." "This is Calvess' gun." "This is Mike's gun." "What the fuck are you doing with a dead cop's gun?" "Huh?" "Answer me." "What are you doing with a dead cop's gun?" " Answer me!" " Fuck that, man." "I don't know nothing about no fucking dead cop's gun." "This is a police issue revolver, and it belongs to a slain officer." "What are you doing with it?" "That was not in there." "What?" "That fucking gun wasn't in there." "Shut up!" "What are you doing with it?" "Huh?" "Come on, that's fucking bullshit." "It's a throwaway." "It's a what?" "What'd you say?" " You planted that." " I planted it?" "Is that what you said?" "I planted it?" "Look at the blood on the barrel." "Look at the dry blood on the trigger guard." "Look at it!" "Who the fuck planted that, huh?" "Who planted that?" " Come on, man." " Who planted that?" "Listen to me." "Listen to me!" "Fuck." "You two better get a fucking goddamn groove going right here 'cause you're in a life and death struggle as of right fucking now." "I want to talk to my lawyer!" "What did you say?" "I want to talk to my lawyer." "There are no lawyers, dumb fuck." "It's just me and you, and I am in your shit for the duration." "Come on, man." "You know you planted that shit there." "Say one more fucking thing." "Please say one more fucking thing." "Please." "In the fucking trunk." "No, I didn't do it." "In the trunk!" "What'd I tell you?" "They get dumber every year." "Okay, nice and easy." "Okay?" "We'll get this over real quick." "And you're going to tell me, loud and clear, what happened." "Two months ago, a walking tunnel off of West Grand..." "You found out there was an undercover cop in the group." "You confronted him, you overpowered him, and you beat him." "You took his pistol off of him." "You took it, you pointed it in his skull, you pulled the trigger and you killed him." "He died instantly." "That's a fucking lie." "I lied?" "Here." "Remember Jimmy Fredricks?" "Remember Jimmy Fredricks?" "Look at him." "Look at him." "Look at him." "Huh?" "Remember him?" "You fucking remember him?" "He was a fucking junkie, man." "What'd you just say?" "He was a fucking what?" "Junkie." "You're bullshit, Darnell." "Come on, man." "We sold that motherfucker every day." "Three or more times a day." "That's fucking bullshit!" "You're fucking lying!" "You're lying!" "You found out he was undercover!" "You tried to sell him a bad score hoping it would kill him." "He didn't use, so you shot him!" "So you're fucking bullshit!" "You fucking dealing motherfucking...!" "That motherfucker used every day, man!" "Fuck you!" "I'm going to kill 'em!" "I'm going to kill 'em!" "Where you think we got them fucking cop guns from?" "That motherfucker used to swipe this shit so he could get high regularly, man." "You lying...!" "He was a cop!" "That was a cop you killed!" "He had a fucking wife!" "He had kids!" "Huh, did you hit him?" "!" "Did you?" "Did you hit him?" "He's a fucking junkie ass addict!" "Motherfucker, you know who killed him!" "No!" "Stop!" "No, not like this!" "No, stop, stop!" "No!" "Stop!" "We bring 'em in looking like this, fucking civil liberty lawyers will crucify us." "Listen!" "You put them under duress this bust gets bounced at arraignment." "These two call it as a plant, and they fucking walk." "They fucking walk for good." "Okay?" "Come on, we're too close." "There's a kit in the car." "We get it, we roll prints off the pistol, all right?" "You grab it." "I'm going to get on the horn and call a wagon." "No." "No, no, no, no, no." "No, no, no." "Don't call it in." "We're going to get the confessions on tape." "Then we call it in." "I want some time alone with these two." "Okay?" "All right." "Yeah, okay." "But grab the kit, all right?" "Look, we got conclusive guilt, we got the murder weapon." "It's top-heavy for a conviction." "I'll go upstairs," "I'll bag whatever peripheral evidence" "I can find, yeah." "Let them get their fucking shit straight." "Yeah." " Just for a minute." " Yeah?" "This makes no sense to knuckle down on them right now." "All right." "A brief reprieve, all right?" "So suck it up." "Yeah." "Hey, yo, why you got to lock the door?" "Yo, man, why you got to lock the door, man?" "Shit." "There's no fucking time." "Shut up!" "If anything happens to my daughter, you better..." "I don't give a fuck about..." "Hey, look me in the eyes." "I know you." "I know you way before with this shit." "You that thing fool killed Elvin, man." "How do you know that?" "How do you think?" "You think Calvess just blow his own game?" "Blow his own spot, man?" "What the fuck you talking about?" "Who do you think snitched you out to Dowd about being a fucking cop, man?" "You think that shit fell out of the fucking sky or something, man?" "Come on, man, he came after you after Calvess told him you was 5-0." "He's a cop..." "He's a cop." "He's one of me, my man." "What the fuck you think we making this shit up for, huh?" "We ain't got nothing to gain from this shit." "They both dead anyway." "Yo, man, you think Calvess is some kind of a fucking saint, man?" "That's something he about the furthest thing from." "That motherfuck... that motherfuck..." "Shut up." "Listen to me." "We have seconds." "Make every single one of them count." "Before he left, he yelled at you." "You yelled back and you said he knew who killed Calvess." "What's that mean?" "That means that your fucking partner Oak is dirty, man." "He's fucking lying to you." "What?" "What did you say?" " He's lying to you." " He's lying to me?" "Yeah, he's lying." "What's he lying about?" "He's lying about what went down in that tunnel." "About who killed that cop." "Just about everything." "Yo, why you think we still up in here, man?" "It's 'cause he was there." "He was where?" "Motherfucker." "In the tunnel." "That morning, Calvess came around, he told everybody he wanted to get some get-high." "6:00 in the morning." "I told that motherfucker" ""You get me up this early," ""this shit better be worth my while." "Better have some big money."" "You knew him by his real name?" "Yeah, he came on for a couple of weeks." "Said his name was some Frederick something." "Jimmy Fredricks, yeah, go." "Yeah, but he got strung out, man." "Turned straight bitch." "Blew his own cover." "So you knew." "Everybody knew he was a cop." "Just like everybody know that you and a handful of motherfuckers was cops." "Come on, man." "You know, he kept us out of his reports." "Tipped us off to who was getting fucking raided, who was getting got." "We kept him high." "You say he supplied you with IDs?" "Uh-huh." "He supplied you with police IDs?" "All kinds of shit, man..." "badges, IDs, guns." "Whenever he had no money, he'd come trade up shit." "That morning, that morning, what was his condition like that morning?" "He wasn't looking too good, man." "Talking all kind of crazy shit." "Hands looking all shaky." "So we show up in the morning." "He got no money, nothing to trade." "What the fuck was I supposed to do?" "I told him to fuck off, man." "I ain't giving' him shit." "But you know, this motherfucker starts straight trippin', man." "Talking about he's going to arrest us and take us in if we don't comp his ass." "Then Oak showed up." "Where?" "Where?" "On the other side of the tunnel." "Did he say anything?" "No, man." "No, when we saw him," "Calvess seen him at the same time." "This motherfucker just flipped." "Talking about arresting us." "Started reaching for his gun." "So what'd you do?" "I hit him, man." "Motherfucker!" "'Cause he was reaching for his gun, you hit him?" "Man, I ain't trying to get shot by nobody." "Especially no fucking junkie all of a sudden trying to be a cop." "So what then?" "He fell." "Latroy hit him in his face once, then I kicked him again to keep him down." "And then we ran." "And then Oaks started shooting." "The lieutenant fired on you?" "How many times?" "Three, four times." "Lieutenant fired on you three or four times, you didn't get hit?" "Yeah, right here." "Okay..." "Tell me, fucking quickly, tell me what happened then." "Go." "When we was running, we heard Oak yelling at Calvess." "What are you doing here?" "What the fuck are you doing, Mike?" "!" "That's when he did it." "He did what?" "That's when he killed him, man." "What'd you say..." "What did you just say to me?" "Fucking Calvess was a junkie." "He blew his cover and Oak killed him, man." "Give me a straight fucking face and say that to me." "Huh?" "!" "You-you think he ain't capable of some shit like that?" "Like he ain't got it in him, man?" "He come there and see his partner all strung out there." "That motherfucker just flipped out." "You guys think that this is my first fucking walk in the park?" "!" "Huh?" "!" "You cop to selling to an officer, you cop to assaulting an officer, but now you won't cop to fucking killing him." "Why?" "Because you want to fucking spin some fucking bullshit 'cause you fucking wasted him!" "You fucking wasted him!" "It's over, man." "Yeah?" " What?" " It's over, man." "Oh, yeah." "It is over." "It is fucking over!" "Because I gave you a fucking shot to set it straight, Darnell, and you fucking pissed it away!" "Both of you pissed it away!" "So all this shit that's coming down, you brought all this shit on yourself!" "You must be suspicious." "If you wasn't, then why the fuck you lock the door, huh?" "The only thing you need to know about me, is that I'm going to bag the motherfuckers that killed Mike." "Where we grow up, man, you kill a cop, they will crown you king motherfucking con." "You understand what I'm saying?" "But there ain't nobody here talking about killing no cop." "Oak come here, trying to fucking stick this shit to some niggas because he know that anytime you stick some shit to some niggas, it's gonna stay stuck." "Yo, when-when did you find that gun in there?" "Huh?" "That gun Oak found, Calvess' gun." "You the first one that looked in that trunk." "Did you see a brown bag in there with no gun?" " Oh, God..." " No, you did not." "It came up when your back was turned." "Yo, don't you see?" "Hey!" "Hey!" "God..." "Tellis!" "Open the goddamn door!" "Why don't you dust the prints and let's see whose prints come up off of there." "I'll bet you all the prints that come up off of there" " belongs to your man Oak." " That's right." "He planted it, man." "He put it there." "You got ten fucking seconds, front to back, for the record now." "Go." "Goddamn it!" "Open the door!" "Hey, god..." "Tellis!" "What the fuck was going on in there?" "Why'd you just fucking lock me out?" "Huh?" "I just asked you a question!" "What'd you lock me out for?" "!" "Were you tailing Calvess the day he was killed?" " What?" "!" " You heard me!" "Did he compromise his cover?" "And were you tailing him as a result of that?" "You talked to them after I left?" "The Mossberg off Leflore." "Dekolvie's ID and badge." "You heard them!" "They're claiming Calvess supplied them with stolen police-issued to make junk buys." "Can you explain that?" "'Cause I am having a hell of lot of trouble figuring that out!" "Exactly how long after I left did you let those liberal stirrings in you spill out all over the fucking floor?" "!" "The position I'm in..." "I don't like where you're putting me, and ask these questions." "Now, were you following him?" "It's not an indictment if you did, but if you did," "I need to know, and I need to know that now." "No." "I was not tailing him." "But you were there before he died." "You were there before he died." "Tell me that I'm wrong." "You wanna fucking talk?" "All right, we'll talk." "Mike was making a bust that morning." "He had enough going against him to make an arrest." "He needed backup." "Off-roster." "Why?" "Because he wanted to bring 'em in on his own." "So I stayed back." "I waited, and the buy went bad." "Then how come you couldn't identify those guys in there right away?" "Because they shot him and ran!" "They shot him, but... you shot them as they fled the scene." "What?" "What did they say to you?" "When that motherfucker Oak starting shooting, he shot Calvess, killed Calvess." "He killed him, he killed Calvess so that somebody could take the fall for his..." "You must be out of your fucking mind!" "As much as he meant to me, you call on my integrity?" "!" "My commitment to that kid?" "!" "You're going to let these fucking lowlife pieces of shit smear that?" "!" "Huh?" "!" "It's gotten past us." "We're bringing 'em in." "We're taking 'em in." "You're fucking with something you can't possibly understand." "I'm taking 'em in." "It's over now." "You fucking joke." "You know that?" "You're a fucking joke!" "Your whole career is a fucking joke!" "A complete fucking washout!" "You popped that needle freak in the park and in the process, you hit that fucking woman with a stray bullet, costing her a bouncing baby!" " Enough!" " Fucking her up for life!" "Enough!" "Stop!" "Shut the fuck up!" "Come on." "You're a lie." "Come on." "Fucking lie." "Got this from Child Welfare." "Kathryn Tunney." "Mother deceased." "Was removed from the custody of her stepfather, Myron Cobb." "November 23, 1985, declared ward of the state." "Placed with foster parents." "Do you know that little girl, Lieutenant?" "I think you do." "You sealed the records till she was 18." "And then you wanted to adopt her." "She's been in an out of trouble for years and years in and out of foster homes." "Handful of arrests." "Mostly drug related." "You had 'em all squashed." "You bailed her out of rehab." "Lots of times." "When she was a minor, you needed a doctor to sign the release, so who did it?" "Your old pal, Harlan." "This is a good friend of mine, Art Harlan..." "He signed her out of all of those clinics." "See, I saw the signatures." "Shit... you made sure that Harlan was the acting M.E. On the Calvess case, didn't you?" "Didn't you?" "Tellis might have a connection to Mike." "Calvess?" "What the hell you doing with that?" "I thought we were closing out." "So he could doctor the autopsy, right?" "Alter the lab reports, make 'em look clean." "Make Calvess look clean." "He's as dirty as you are." "A filthy, fucking, needle-ridden junkie." "And you fucking knew it, you motherfucker." "You motherfucker." "I'm calling this in, right now." "Your gun and your shield, on the ground, now." "I am so far from fucking with you." "You're pointing a gun in face." "You're threatening my life." "I'm going to take your life." "Gun and shield on the ground, now." "You're a fucking lie." "You just wanted me to back your bullshit." "Sell your story so you could railroad those poor pricks..." "Pulled her out of all that shit, didn't you?" "You just couldn't afford to break her heart again." "You just couldn't do it." "I get it, man." "I get it." "He was a fucking addict." "I mean, how long before he started pimping her out, right?" "It's all hopeless, right?" "Everything you did was hopeless, didn't matter." "You just took this case so you could bury it..." "Oh, good." "Yeah... kill me." "Kill me just like you killed him." "Come on, buddy." "I'm going back in there and finish this up." "Come on." "Go home." "Come on." "Ow!" "This bullshit's over." "Destroyed his life, his family." "You fucked it all up." "So now you two are going to tell me that you killed him." "7091, 077 King-Robert-John." "No other warrants." "He identified himself." "He attempted to make an arrest." "You overpowered him, and you shot him." "Say it." "You say it, and you get out of here." "You think I'm fucking with you?" "You think I'm fucking with you?" "You think I'm fucking with you?" "You ready to talk?" "You ready to talk?" "This is Calvess' gun." "This is his gun." "This is the gun that you used to kill him." "See it?" "See the gun?" "Take it." "Take it in your hand." "With his gun!" "Now you are going to tell me calmly." "Remember, I got two bullets left." "One for this head..." "Lieutenant..." "Do you understand?" "Drop your weapon." "Say it." "Say Calvess." "Step away from the suspect!" "I will shoot you where you stand!" "I... killed..." "Calvess!" "Say it!" "Say it." "Shut up!" "Shut up!" " Say it!" " I killed Calvess." "Don't you fucking leave me with this, Oak." "Don't you fucking do that." "I need to know." "I need to know, 'cause there was no bust." "There was no fucking bust." "You killed him." "You were there to fucking kill him." "That's what you did." "Tell me." "Tell me." "You knew what he was." "You knew what he was." "You planted the fucking guns." "You used the junkies." "I know you fucking did, and you killed him." "You got to fucking tell me that." "Open your fucking eyes and tell me that." " They ruined him." " Who?" "They made him that way." "They made him a junkie." "The department... takes everything." "The pension." "Everything." "The family gets nothing." "Kathy gets nothing." "That's not what I want." "I want you to fucking tell me the truth." "You tell me the fucking truth." "Look at me." "Look at me." "Do not fucking go!" "Tell me!" "Fuck me." "Shut the fuck up." "Fuck you, man." "I will bust your fucking shit!" "Right here, Jack." "What the fuck?" "Motherfucker." "Oh!" "Give me the gun." "What the fuck are you doing here, man, huh?" "What you doing, Mike?" "What the fuck you doing?" " I'm taking you out." " No." "I'm taking you out, Mike." "I'm getting you help." "I don't want fucking help." "No, you are not taking me anywhere!" "I'm not going out." "You're high right now." "Look at me." "You know what you're doing to Kathy?" "You know what you're doing to the girls, Mike?" "You know what they mean to me, and you're fucking that up!" "You're pissing away your entire life, Mike." "I won't have it!" "I won't have it!" "I heard about this, and I fucking waited." "I ignored it." "Why Kathy didn't tell me, I have no idea, but that's it, it's over." "I'm sorry I took so goddamn long, but it's over." "Oh, my God." "Oh, my God, Mike." "Oh, my God." "Mike." "Mike?" "Mike!" "Jesus." "Jesus Christ..." "Oh, Mike." "Oh, my God, I'm sorry." "Oh, my God, I'm sorry." "For all those who wanna analyze me" "For all those who wanna analyze me" "Starts off in the hips, and move to the lips" "For all those who wanna analyze me" "My mother committed suicide when I was four or five" "I love Mike-O was killed by a psycho" "But I'm not sad or sorry" "'Cause we be tomorrow" "'Cause we be tomorrow" "For all those who wanna analyze me" "For all those who wanna analyze me" "My mother committed suicide when I was four or five" "I love Mike-O was killed by a psycho" "But I'm not sad or sorry" "'Cause we be tomorrow" "Next month, next week" "I guess I'm weak, I guess I'm weak" "But I'm not sad or sorry" "Train passes where they prosecute" "So be careful where you tread" "'Cause we be tomorrow" "It's a land mine, baby" "Suicide when I was four or five" "Don't go losing your head, just remember our love" "Mike-O killed by a psycho" "Sad or sorry..." "Eng subs ripped by ..:" "McLane:.." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"I've applied for a job!" "As what?" "Saul's a property developer." "You having another drink... or not?" "Hey, Bouncer!" "We're not done yet." " What's his name?" " Trevor." "Do we have joint custody?" "Well, I might want to visit him from time to time." "You gave me the curse." "I'm a werewolf." ""Thy God who thou serveth continually," ""He will deliver thee. "" "I wish you could see this." "Oh, we should go down there, man!" "Have a drink." "This is fine." "Oh, come on, it's the beginning of a new century!" "I saw the last one." "Two girls dancing on a car out there." "Do you think people actually did that?" "It's like..." "Fame." "Let me go." "I've changed my mind." "That's tough." "I'm not ready." "I remember saying that when I was tied to the chair." "Just let me out." "Just let me go out onto the street and..." "We can start tomorrow." "We've already started, Mitchell." "Dan!" "Let me out!" "Do you hear me?" "Let me out, you queer, or I'll rip your throat out!" "Apologise." "Piss off!" "Mitchell, please apologise." "I'm sorry, Dan." "I'm so sorry." "You OK?" "Yes." "Just leave us." "How long's this going to take?" "Depends." "To do it properly, maybe six months." "Why are you doing this?" "Because it's what you'd do for me, Mitchell." "So I chase him into someone's garden, and he's struggling so much I'm literally having to lie on him." "I'm thinking, "This has stopped being heroic now, this has got kind of funny. "" "Anyway, finally the police show up and they arrest me for trespassing!" "Yeah?" "Yeah, yeah, yeah." "Great" "George!" "Excellent." "Come and meet the gang." "Saul you know." "Hey, George." "Mm." "And this is my boss, Hugh." "George and I live together." "Hi." "Hiya!" "All right?" "So, that's the gang!" "It's not really much of a gang, is it?" "It's just Hugh." "Hugh is the gang!" "Kool The Gang!" "Except he's not very cool." "He's a member of Amnesty and he has an AUTOMATIC driving licence." "That's me." "Aw, love ya!" "I promised Annie I'd visit." "I hope you don't mind." "Not at all." "Two customers?" "We'll be talking about this for years." "Oh, and Saul was just telling us he tried to stop a burglar, but HE got arrested!" "Yeah, so it takes me two hours to convince them, but get this... the policeman is looking for a property like the one I was showing." "I make the sale, get in, to the policeman." "That's unbelievable!" "I know..." "Right..." "Isn't it?" "Yeah." "I've gotta scoot." "I'm meeting my architect at six at the site, so I'll pop by after?" "Oh, OK, great!" "Oh, hurray" "Man, I love this pub!" "It's so authentic, you know?" "Walk me to the door, land lover." "Aarrrgh!" "Aarrrgh!" "Sorry..." "What can I get you?" "Phff...!" "A Coke." "Someone's been sick in the shop." "Some days it's all about the poo but today everyone's... being... sick..." "So that was weird." "I don't know how to talk to you." "I know I came on too strong the other day, but now..." "Oh, my God, I've become my flatmate." "OK, look." "The replacement goldfish you gave me." "Trevor." "I love him, we have such a laugh." "He was... the perfect gesture." "And that's the speed I'm comfortable with." "Not forever, but just until I get my head..." "Trevor was genius." "So what do we do now?" "Do I buy you another goldfish?" "No." "No, see, you've gone weird again." "How about a coffee?" "I'm a huge fan of coffee." "All right, sir." "Cool." "So where are you going?" "Paramedics just brought in a DOA." "I've got to go and declare him." "Mmm." "Our lives are just one long rollover week." "Whoa!" "Helen." "Come and help." "Calm down... calm down." "What have we got here?" "Hi, everyone." "Yeah, found him in his flat." "Anonymous 999." "Forensics on their way." "I just need you to sign the thing." "Do you have a prime suspect?" "You don't have to answer, I just always wanted to say that." "We're, yeah, trying to find the flatmate so..." "Hello." "Puncture marks on the neck." "It's probably a gay thing, isn't it?" "A gay thing?" "Well, yeah, one bedroom flat." "Tickets for Sister Act on the corkboard." "You don't need to be Columbo." "Was there much blood at the scene?" "Not so's you'd notice." "The wounds are on an artery." "He should be drenched in the stuff." "So, puncture marks on the neck, the body exsanguinated..." "Drained of blood." "Now, what could that be?" "Ladies and gentlemen, somewhere in Bristol... is a gay vampire." "Count Spectacular." "Mince of Darkness." "D'you know what..?" "I bet he'd like to see my full moon!" "Wouldn't he?" "No?" "Mitchell, I think you should probably le... oh." "Hmm-mm." "What an interesting selection of food." "Well, I shall explain..." "Thank you." "You've just done the night shift, so for you it's breakfast time." "But, it's two in the afternoon, so technically it's lunch." "The feast before you now has been specifically designed to combine the best bits of those two iconic meals." "Eggs Benedict, choc-ice, can of ginger beer, cigarette." "Breakfast of champions." "Which isn't to say I approve of your smoking." "I've just given up the fight on that one." "Besides, you've done more to shorten my life expectancy than these could." "Er..." "I'll let you get on." "Oh." "Stay." "Please." "Stay, talk to me." "Look, I'll feel weird just sitting here, you know eating on my own, come on." "There you go." "Right..." "Eggs Benedict, a la George." "Another Perfect Recall." "Saul?" "What?" "Saul?" "Who's that?" "Hey, I'm over here." "For goodness sake." "Over here!" "That's right, Saul." "It's me, Terry Wogan." "Now look lively, we haven't got much time." "I need to talk to you about Annie, that lovely girl in the pub." "Annie?" "She's a cracker, isn't she?" "I think you and she make a smashing couple." "No..." "I..." "I want to help." "Nah, no." "This is one of them hidden-camera things." "'Fraid not." "Nah it is." "Oh, Duncan, you absolute bastard!" "This is about the corridor, Saul." "Perhaps you should sit down." "Until you had your little accident," "I can't say that I paid you much attention." "But the minute you walked into that pub and saw that lovely girl, I knew I had to lend a hand." ""Terence", I thought, "Lend a hand. "" "Look, I'm saying, "Tell her about the accident"." "The accident?" "And all the interesting things you saw." "It'll make you seem spiritual and vulnerable." "Oh, the ladies go potty for that." "Your face." "You look like you've seen a ghost." "George around?" "Upstairs." "Probably doing me a mix-tape." "I can imagine how hard this must be." "But there's stuff we can teach you, me and George." "What, like "sit" and "fetch"?" "Look, thank you." "But I'm, I'm fine." "Really." "I mean, I'm sure "werewolf" didn't come up when I spoke to my careers teacher but... yeah..." "But, yeah, life is full of disappointments." "So you adjust." "You move on to plan B." "Hey." "I'm off." "OK." "Um, it's shepherd's pie tonight." "I won't be home till late." "No worries." "Pop it in the micro." "OK." "She seems to be... coping." "I know." "It's terrifying, isn't it?" "George I need to talk to you." "So talk." "A dead body came in to the hospital." "Puncture wounds on the neck, all the blood drained." "Thing is," "I know him." "OK, who is it?" "Well, one of the times I properly tried to stop drinking blood, I was living with this vampire, Carl." "And he helped me." "He's been clean for like..." "I don't know, like, 20 years now." "Did you...?" "Sorry." "You lived with someone before me?" "What?" "Yeah, lots of people." "Lot..." "Who?" "!" "Vampires..." "People people..." "People, oh, I see." "Oh, God." "Don't get all..." "What?" "You!" "Don't get all you about this." "Of course I've lived with other people." "Do you think I've spent the last 100 years waiting for you and your three different types of upholstery cleaner to show up?" "Anyway." "After me, he lived with this other guy, Dan, a human." "And that's the body that came in." "So you think your friend killed him?" "No." "No." "That's, no." "They were lovers," "Carl adored him." "Well, have you spoken to him, to Carl?" "He's disappeared." "He's disappeared?" "It could have been anyone." "He's not like..." "Oh... if after all this time even he can't..." "It could have been anyone." "What will you do about the body?" "There's a process." "It'll be fine." "No, sorry, then I don't understand." "How did it get to the point where there is a body?" "I said it's fine." "I just want to know what's happened that's all." "Oh, hiya!" "How did your meeting with the architect go?" "'Welcome to Perfect Recall. ' Uh." "Yeah." "Fine." "Hugh's gone to visit his dad, so I'm in charge." "I think they're quite close." "I hope he's all right." "'Let's play Round Two. '" "I almost died." "What?" "And I thought, you know, because we're friends, it was something you should know." "Well, wh... what happened?" "I had a car accident." "I fell asleep at the wheel and drove into a bollard." "No-one was hurt." "Well, I was." "It's hard to believe, but I was pretty mashed up." "In fact," "I was technically dead for about six minutes." "You poor thing, that's, um... awful." "But that's not the, um..." "The thing that makes it still present in my mind, is what I saw." "Well, what did you see?" "It's stupid..." "No, no... please." "There was a corridor." "Bright white." "Like in the films." "Except it wasn't, because it was frightening." "Like when you dream and you have this terror." "Were you alone?" "No." "There were men there." "Men with sticks and rope." "I've seen it." "What?" "!" "A few years ago I was attacked." "It left me but I, I saw it." "I saw that exact same thing." "This is insane!" "For years I have wanted to talk to someone about this but..." "What on earth made you tell me?" "Just felt right, you know?" "Intuition." "It's been a real pleasure to have you with us." "Good work, son." "Afterwards..." "I, er," "I called the police from a phone-box." "I didn't want him left alone." "It was quiet in the flat, you see..." "He hated the quiet." "What happened, Carl?" "I'd been dreaming about blood." "And that frightened me." "When it happened he didn't even look frightened, he looked disappointed." "You think you're free of it, but it finds you." "All those years without it, it's like a bill... that has to be paid." "OK." "Look, this will take a bit of handling, so for the time being stay here." "Why did you let him die?" "Why didn't you recruit him?" "Because he was kind." "And if I had, when he came back, he may not have been kind any more." "Mitchell..." "You're a celebrity, you know." "Yeah, so people keep telling me." "No, he is not staying." "George..." "No, I'm trying to create some semblance of normality for Nina, and you bring this into our house?" ""This"?" "Don't call him "this"." "Mitchell, it's not just your house, it's not just your decision." "It's what you'd do for me." "Now it won't take long." "I promise." "Mitchell..." "Transcripts from the house." "17:00 hours yesterday till 15:00 hours today." "There's a section you should look at." "It's a conversation between the Type 1 and the lover of the Type 3." "The nurse." "Until now we thought she was just a sympathiser, but..." ""There's stuff we can teach you." ""Like 'sit' and 'fetch', thank you, but I'm fine really I mean" ""I'm pretty sure 'werewolf'" ""didn't come up when I spoke to my careers teacher," ""but life is full of disappointments. "" "The possession has spread." "Forgive me for saying, sir, but I don't understand why we haven't contained them already." "The three types have never cohabitated like this before." "The professor believes it presents a valuable opportunity to watch them "interact"." "What's more, all three have now constructed identities that allow them to present themselves as human." "Yes." "But what do you think?" "Beasts should be put in cages." "Infections should be cauterized." "As I'm sure this young lady would agree." "The next full moon is in 22 days and we don't have a Type 3." "Saul says that you have to look at the recession as opportunity." "Saul says that's what development is all about." "In Japan crisis and opportunity are even the same word, Saul says." "Hmm." "But he couldn't quite remember if it was Japanese or Chinese." "You are being careful, aren't you?" "Thanks, but I think I'm a bit old and dead for the contraception conversation." "You've only been here a week and you've already got two blokes chasing after you." "Things could get messy, and the last thing we need is more messy." "Two blokes?" "Yes, two..." "Saul and, er..." "Hugh." "Hugh?" "He's like a brother to me!" "Oh, promise me you will never tell him that." "I think he's really sweet!" "Really sweet?" "Oh, my God, why not just stab him in the face?" "!" "A brother?" "Annie trust me, the only man who would ever want to hear that is your actual brother." "Well, no, I..." "I think you're wrong about him." "I don't think he sees me like that." "Fine." "Saul clearly does." "Saul and I have a lot in common." "What's that supposed to mean?" "Listen, you've got to let me do this." "OK, I cannot spend the rest of eternity just... spectating." "I don't want you to get hurt, that's all." "No, neither do I." "But that risk, it's all part of the deal." "Are you sure about Hugh?" "I know that look." "I've given people that look." "Usually while they're giving that look to someone taller." "See you back at the ranch." "Still got it." "You must be Nina." "I'm Carl." "Friend of Mitchell's." "I'll be staying for a couple of days." "Yeah." "I saw him at work." "I'll try to stay out of your way." "I just, er..." "Everyone had gone to bed so I thought I'd sneak down." "Do what you want." "It's not my house." "Did Mitchell tell you why I'm here?" "He told me enough." "You're not in any danger." "I want you to know that." "You killed someone." "Sounds pretty dangerous to me." "You don't understand." "You got that right." "Don't be too hard on George." "He'll know what he's done." "And if he loves you just a fraction..." "Whoa, whoa, whoa." "This is your business, how precisely?" "Well, it isn't." "There's a..." "Just felt important that I say that to you." "Two months ago, I lost control, the worst that could happen was..." "But now?" "We shouldn't be in houses, in streets, where there's children." "There are safeguards you can put in place." "Things go wrong." "Christ knows we're both proof of that." "I'm..." "I'm radioactive now." "That's how it feels." "Trust me." "He knows what he's done." "Is that my shepherd's pie?" "Mmm." "Quite possibly." "George made it." "It's good." "Mmm." "He's a good cook." "So, Gay Vampire Man." "Are you actually calling him that?" "It's shorthand." "We use it all the time, like, "creepy self-harm girl"" "or "accidentally-sat-on-wine-bottle man" so "gay vampire man"." "Forensics do their thing and the body gets taken to the pathologist." "I bet you anything the cause of death will be completely dull." "Exactly, it looks exciting, but it'll turn out that the guy had a heart attack." "And the wounds on his neck were because," "I don't know, the cat started to eat him." "And there was loads of blood, but the policeman missed it because, well, clearly he was an idiot!" "You'd actually find that disappointing, wouldn't you?" "I'm in a new city, I have no social life, apart from West Wing box-sets." "You've no idea how much a gay vampire would liven up my week." "So what did the pathologist say?" "Heart attack." "Mmm." "I'm sorry for your loss." "Mmm, but I haven't finished." "The police aren't satisfied with that, so they've asked the coroner to commission a second post-mortem with a different pathologist and the coroner's approved it." "Who's the coroner?" "He did say the name..." "Quincy?" "No, no, he's the one on TV." "Quinn." "That's him." "Isn't it great?" "The plot thickens." "So, I was thinking that we could go out this afternoon." "If... if you're free, obviously." "Erm, we could see a film." "What... me and you?" "Yeah." "But don't feel obligated or anything, you can say no and we'll just be weird with each other from now on, and that's absolutely fine." "No." "I'd like that very much." "Smashing." "Good." "Good." "Great, yeah." "I'm just gonna go over there and sneak glances at you from behind my copy of Take A Break." "All right." "Get in!" "I've got my eye on you." "You're not the only one!" "You might have Annie fooled with your face and your... hair, but you don't fool me." "What's so funny?" "Oh, God..." "You." "You're funny." "Anyway, too late." "Annie just asked me to see a movie with her." "Annie did?" "Mmm, what would you recommend?" "I won." "You lost." "Move on." "I'll see you later, yeah?" "Mm-hmm." "Two days ago a DOA came in to the hospital." "The pathologist said the cause of death was a heart attack." "The police weren't satisfied so they applied for a second post-mortem, which you approved." "And?" "The man was killed by a vampire." "I know." "I thought we were clear." "The pathologist does what he can, but if it gets bumped up, you kill it." "It doesn't get bumped up." "Herrick keeps things away from my desk." "Herrick's gone." "I'm handling this." "What happened to him?" "Politics." "That figures." "I've not had my envelope for six weeks now." "We're in a transitional period." "Even so, the deal..." "The deal's off." "Do you want a raise?" "Is that what this is about?" "The deal is off." "I caught a glimpse of what my life would have been like without this." "For ten years," "I've been abetting the slaughter of fathers and mothers and daughters and sons." "Herrick said your kind were a facet of nature, like a tiger or an earthquake." "You're not, you're just murderers." "You think it's noble, what you're doing?" "It's suicide." "We all have a role." "One slip, one fucking Road to Damascus moment, and everything gets exposed." "But it won't just be the vampires, it'll be everyone." "All the people that cover for us." "Then I shall take the consequences." "I want to look my grandchildren in the eye, even if it's just for a day." "Some say you had to drug him first, others say you begged for a place in the New World, and when Herrick refused, you killed him." "I've even heard he escaped and is building an army in Europe." "What really happened?" "You know, I'm curious." "He came in." "I changed." "I tore his head off." "Fair enough." "I don't give a shit about Herrick." "Right, so what is this about?" "Do you remember when you were a kid?" "Mmm?" "Everything seemed so important to you." "You'd feel such rage, such love." "Then you get older and it's as though the years have worn all that passion away and at 237, I don't feel anything." "So I wake up, I drink coffee..." "I think about you." "I assume I should kill you." "Look, I know you screwed Daisy." "But what did you tell her?" "What did you say, that made her feel again?" "It's complicated, er..." "She was going to kill her daughter... .. and I convinced her not to." "Oh." "I wanted it to be something I could understand." "I never had kids." "What about you...?" "Are you erm, are you with someone at the moment?" "I mean, you know, in general?" "Like a girlfriend?" "Uh-huh." "You love her?" "Very much." "Ah." "That must be nice." "Seven quid for the tiniest bag of sweets?" "!" "Mind if I put the telly on?" "I mean, I know I haven't been to the cinema in a while, but seven quid?" "It's like we're living in Zimbabwe." "Did you spend the entire film thinking about the sweets?" "HE LAUGHS" "What's so funny?" "Oh, sorry." "What can I get you?" "Wine?" "Oh, um, no, I'm fine, thanks." "Coffee?" "Goes straight through me." "Are you hungry?" "I've got olives and these weird Italian biscuit things." "Erm, I actually..." "I don't like to eat or drink in front of people." "It's a bit bonkers, I know, but, yeah..." "Please, you go ahead." "Hello." "Hello." "Oh, er, cheers." "Cheers." "Is it the football?" "What?" "The news, is there a match on?" "Oh, um." "Yeah." "Does it bother you?" "No, no, no, go for it." "Go on." "She wants you to." "She's so pretty, go on." "Your flat's beautiful." "So are you." "Go on, give her a kiss." "Go on." "Girls like a kiss." "Give her a kiss." "Cheers." "That's it." "Go on." "I'm so glad I met you." "That's it." "Go on." "Ditto." "Go on." "I think it was a higher power." "I think it was fate." "Can I kiss you?" "What?" "Now?" "Today?" "She's ready." "Go on." "Get in." "Come on." "Take control, take charge." "Go on, then." "You know what you want to do and you know what I want you to do, so go on then." "Jesus, Saul!" "You're so cold..." "Come on, son!" "Come on!" "Give it some!" "What the fuck was that?" "!" "The door's locked." "What?" "!" "Get undressed." "Shit." "You did what?" "Sort of disappeared." "Right." "But that's OK because by disappeared you mean got away." "Oh, Mitchell, you been working out?" "Oh, that's just fantastic!" "He was all over me!" "It was a reflex!" "But he's a human, he's a civilian!" "This is the last thing I need right now." "Oh, no, you're right, he should have picked a more convenient time to assault me." "That's not what I meant and you know it." "OK." "OK!" "One thing at a time!" "God!" "Annie, Annie, are you all right?" "Yes." "A bit shaken." "But thank you." "Good." "Now then, Saul." "Even if he were to say something, no-one would believe him." ""This girl just teleported out of my room. " They'll think he's crazy." "Well, let's hope so." "You know, I think it's a bit rich, you taking the moral high ground." "I think I'm owed a couple of screw-ups." "Annie, sssh." "For the time being, stay in the house." "If Saul comes looking for you, then we'll..." "Well, I don't know." "We'll get rid of him." "Well, what about my job?" "My shift starts in half an hour." "What about Hugh?" "Oh, you can forget about the job." "What?" "!" "Look, can you just go away, please, you're really not helping." "With pleasure." "Carl!" "He's not here." "What?" "Where is he?" "I don't know, he's your murdering fugitive." "If you want to keep him, you've got to look after him." "What is it with me and volatile unsuitable men?" "Be honest with me, am I Ulrika Jonsson?" "And thank you, for not saying "I told you so. "" "As if I would." "You were thinking it though." "I'm not." "Yeah, you were." "I am not!" "I..." "I wanted to get some photos." "I realised I didn't have any photos to take with me." "Carl, there's a problem." "The coroner won't cover for us any more." "What?" "I don't think he'll go to anyone, but he won't lie." "So if they come to him, if they ask him what he's done, he'll tell them." "He'll be destroyed." "He says the compromise is worse than the punishment." "And if all this comes out, first they'll come looking for you." "The police, everyone." "They will tear the city apart." "So we need to get you out of here." "But then they'll come for you." "Not necessarily." "You spoke to him, you identified yourself as a point of contact." "If they can't find me, they'll come for you." "Why?" "Why, why is he doing it?" "!" "Because we're murderers, Carl." "Herrick used to say we were like a secret..." "Herrick?" "!" "Herrick was a bigot and a megalomaniac, they say shit like that, Mitchell." "I know." "I was safe... .. and look what happened." "Maybe it's time to stop." "No, no, no." "You're not ready, not yet." "I'm so tired." "OK." "Listen, here's what we're going to do..." "# Serve God, love me and men" "# This is not the end" "# Live unbruised we are friends" "# And I'm sorry" "# I'm sorry... #" "Police." "Yeah, hi, erm..." "I'd like to report an incident I saw earlier on today..." "Yeah, I saw this guy breaking and entering into a crime scene..." "Look, I'm, I'm just telling you what I've seen, OK..." "# Sigh no more, no more... #" "Oh, I have to go." "OK, OK, bye." "Thank you." "# My heart was never pure... #" "Andy, just need your signature..." "# And you know me... #" "# Oh man is a giddy thing" "# Serve God, love me and men" "# This is not the end" "# Live unbruised we are friends" "# And I'm sorry... #" "We'll bring you more on the developing situation in Stockholm following that reported explosion, as we get it." "Now the headlines again..." "All women are whores." "Mate, I am so sorry." "What a bitch, leading you on like that." "It just goes to show you, they're whores, every one." "Although that's hardly fucking news, right?" "You don't understand." "She disappeared." "Ye-eah." "We were gonna tell you about that." "OK, here's the thing..." "Annie's dead." "What?" "Well, it's complicated." "She's in limbo." "She should be here with us, but she's turned death down." "It's pissed off some very important people." "They want her back." "Annie..." "Annie's dead?" "Yeah, it's a lot to take in, I know." "Look, pour yourself a nice big drink and I'll tell you all about it." "Tell you what, I'll join you!" "And then afterwards, maybe you'd like to go for a drive, to clear your head." "Ow!" "Annie?" "Oh, Hugh." "I'm so sorry." "I should have called." "Are you OK?" "You didn't turn up for your shift, I was worried." "Oh, gosh." "Were we rushed off our feet?" "You have been to my pub, haven't you?" "I rung a few times but there was no answer." "So I..." "Right, that was you." "I thought it was Saul, so I didn't answer." "Right." "We, erm, spent the afternoon together." "Right." "He..." "It didn't go very well." "So now I'm peeping through letter boxes and not answering phones." "That's generally a bad sign." "Mmm." "Would you like a cup of tea?" "Oh, please." "Take your pick." "Are you expecting people or...?" "Oh, no, I just like to make tea." "Oh!" "Which one's yours?" "None of them." "I don't like to eat or drink in front of... people." "Wow!" "I sound mental." "Not at all!" "We all have eccentricities." "You know, when I was a kid, I used to make Plasticine models of Tessa Sanderson and Fatima Whitbread and I used to make them have fights." "Let's never discuss that." "Oh..." "What happened?" "I mean, you don't have to tell me." "What did he do?" "You know, it's none of my business." "You going to see him again?" "I never liked him." "But, obviously, you might make it work, in which case I'll..." "No, he's a twat." "I..." "I wanted to be normal." "A normal girl kissing a normal boy." "I wanted to escape Just for a second." "Escape from what?" "Me." "The girl who can't eat or drink." "But she's wonderful." "Oh, my God, I'm so sorry..." "It's fine, it's fine." "Then why did you...?" "Annie, I've wanted to kiss you from the moment I saw you." "But not like this." "All my life I've been the consolation prize." "And I can't do that any more." "You're so beautiful." "I'd move mountains, I'd kill bears." "But I need you to want to kiss ME." "So what do we do?" "I'll wait." "It's you." "This whole time, there you were." "So, what now?" "Well, it's no longer a murder investigation because of your suicide." "It's now just a misplaced body." "It's weird and it's embarrassing, but no-one's going to make much of a fuss about it." "So I become an admin error, just forgotten?" "Yeah, I guess so." "50 years and still the same car." "Been keeping her in storage." "You know what it's like." "If it goes, has a good body and you like being inside it, why get rid of it?" "It's a recipe for a happy marriage too." "Why did it have to be Ivan?" "You said it was some kind of merchant ship, right?" "Yeah, I know the captain." "They've got papers for Carl." "Do you reckon he could pass as Brazilian?" "Yeah, maybe." "I'll go and get him." "Thanks for doing this, Ivan." "I just want to get this over with." "What, you think this ends tonight?" "This is just the beginning!" "Today it's Carl, tomorrow it's someone else." "Like I said, you're sliding into chaos, and there's no safety net." "They've been in hiding since Herrick died, but they'll get hungry soon, then you'll be waking up to headlines about vampires." "What are they discussing do you think?" "I don't know." "Come on." "If we did declare ourselves, not the way Herrick wanted, but if we could just stop hiding." "What, are you imagining some kind of peaceful co-existence?" "It'd be chaos!" "Worldwide panic." "Good news for religion, mind, especially Christianity." "There'd be standing room only in the churches all of a sudden." "As soon as they knew about vampires, they'd know about werewolves, they'd know about ghosts." "They'd be next." "And when humanity had finally finished with us, it would turn on itself." "First the other religions, massively in the minority now, then the homosexuals, the disabled..." "Do you want to know what the future looks like?" "Enforced worship in churches a mile high and every country surrounded by a coral reef of bones." "But fuck it." "Maybe it should happen." "There's nothing on TV at the moment." "Hey, Carl!" "You ready, killer?" "Thank you for helping me." "To be honest," "I'm only doing this because Mitchell asked me to." "I don't think you should get away." "That makes two of us." "Look after him." "Come on, Mitchell." "Take care of yourself." "OK, two rules for Ivan's car - no food or drink and I get to choose the music." "And tonight we shall be listening to Miss Kate Bush." "Hey, George!" "Daisy says hi." "# Out on the wiley, windy moors" "# We'd roll and fall in green... #" "There was a time when you wouldn't have done this." "I only set off the fire alarm." "No, you didn't." "He's been involved in a road traffic accident." "He's got a serious head injury." "There was two other vehicles." "Is there any more, any more?" "Come on, Saul." "Shit." "The fire crew had to cut him out." "They think he was..." "There was a vodka bottle on the seat next to him." "Was anyone else hurt?" "That's why he's in here." "There were two spare beds in ICU, but the couple in the car he hit have got those." "Oh, my God." "George." "Can I talk to you?" "Erm, yep." "Yeah." "I'll be just outside." "OK." "And should that...?" "Should that, should that be on, George?" "Oh..." "Mitchell!" "Look, this is getting insane, so the suicide who came in a few hours ago, the one who killed Gay Vampire Guy..." "Uh-huh?" "The body's gone." "The body of that man who was staying at the house, a body that I saw get declared dead three hours ago." "How about that?" "!" "Yeah, but I declared him." "And was he breathing?" "Always check that, cos if they're breathing, they're usually not dead." "Mitchell, this is... this is serious." "I mean, what if I got it wrong?" "What if he was alive and just woke up?" "Can you imagine how that would look?" "You let him out?" "The dead man from the morgue." "We've put him on a container ship to Brazil." "Of course you have!" "Anything else would be absolutely insane." "Is this the next stage?" "Is this what will happen to me?" "What will I be doing in two years' time?" "What will I consider an average day?" "This will all blow over." "The whole thing." "Yeah, once some poor guy's lost his fucking job." "You have to understand the reality we inhabit now." "A reality that includes aiding and abetting a murderer and body snatching." "My God, you've lost your way." "I heard that they found a load of occult stuff in the guy's house." "What?" "Pictures and shit." "So chances are it'll turn out to be a fetish thing." "Oh, come on, you know those people." "They work in IT, but at the weekends they put on frilly shirts and make out they're in a Gothic novel." "The fellas pretend to be Dracula and the women all have heaving breasts under their nighties." "Then they get changed and it's back in the Ford Focus." "So, erm, rather than my mistake or a clerical error, the hope is some sex cult stole his body." "Mmm, fingers crossed." "You're weird." "Buy me a drink." "What?" "A drink drink." "Tuesday or Wednesday are good for me." "OK." "Erm, let me, let me have a look at my shifts..." "Yeah, you do that and if you see the guy I declared dead walking round... kill him." "Saul?" "Saul!" "Hello?" "Hell-o?" "Hello?" "I need some help!" "What's happening?" "I'm so cold." "Saul, you're..." "You're dead." "You're dead, Saul." "You just died." "I..." "I was sitting right there and you..." "What's that?" "Oh, my God." "This must be why we were supposed to meet." "So that I could help you pass over." "She's wrong, Saul." "Hello, Annie." "Oh, how we've missed you." "What did it just say?" "You heard that too?" "Have you noticed, Annie?" "You can't disappear." "Stop her, Saul!" "No, no, wait..." "Ow!" "We've got you trapped like a fly under a glass." "Buzz, buzz, buzz." "Now, Saul." "Get her through the door." "No, please don't." "Please don't." "No, no." "George!" "No!" "No!" "Let go of me!" "Let go of me!" "No!" "We needed you here, we needed the door." "So we scraped you up and brought you back." "No!" "No!" "Please don't!" "Please don't." "Come along, Saul." "Tip her into our arms." "No, stop!" "Let me go!" "We've all manner of tricks and wheezes waiting for her." "That's the ticket!" "We'll let you live, Saul." "You'll spring back to life, as fresh and crisp as a daisy." "Please, no!" "No!" "# Ya da-dee-da. #" "It's not my door!" "Get off!" "Annie?" "George!" "George!" "Help me, George!" "Annie!" "The gang's all here." "Men with ropes and men with sticks..." "George!" ".. and men with black, black feathers on their black, black wings." "George!" "There are no prizes for kindness." "You've said that." "Annie!" "Mercy is a ticket to failure." "Annie!" "Astounding work, Saul." "Quick as you like." "Help me." "You don't want our rascals coming out there." "I can't!" "Oh, God." "What are you doing?" "!" "I can't." "Saul..." "What was that?" "Nina." "Don't do this." "I understand, I really do." "But it's gonna take time to adjust." "Adjust?" "You've gone native, the three of you." "Maybe I'm being naive, maybe it's a consequence of your condition." "Our condition." "I don't know." "Your humanity, this thing you're..." "Are you protecting it?" "Are you looking for it?" "Do you even know?" "Because take it from me, it's long gone." "And this house accelerates it." "It's insane here." "You've got monsters and killers and, my God, that man." "You helped him escape." "What have you said to George?" "I've written him a letter." "Jesus, Nina, a letter." "He gets... a letter." "I love him, I really do." "I mean, sickening, stomach-turning love, practising my signature with his second name kind of love, but I look at him now and I want to pull chunks of flesh from his face." "Good luck." "You too." "Nina?" "Hello, Nina." "I'm sorry, do I know you?" "Fine." "Good." "I'm fine." "Now, I'm going to work." "See ya." "Hugh!" "Hugh!" "Morning." "I shouted at you, didn't you hear me?" "What's wrong?" "You pissed off with me?" "I don't get it." "Hugh?" "Talk to me." "Hey, Saul." "You're barred." "What a dick." "Hugh?" "Hugh, can you see me?" "Oh, God." "Can you hear me, Hugh?" "Oh, God." "Not again." "Please." "Not this again." "If you want this to work, you'll have to come up with more than "you're implicated. "" "Two bodies came into the hospital." "Our hope is that'll enable us to make an arrest." "You will not feed and if anyone steps out of line," "I'll kill you myself." "Are you coming back, Nina?" "Long live the king!" "Long live the king!" "Long live the king!" | {
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"My name is Michael Westen." "I used to be a spy until..." "We got a burn notice on you." "You're blacklisted." "When you're burned, you've got nothing -- no cash, no credit, no job history." "You're stuck in whatever city they decide to dump you in." " Where am I?" " Miami." "You do whatever work comes your way." "You rely on anyone who's still talking to you." "A trigger-happy ex-girlfriend..." "Should we shoot them?" "...An old friend who used to inform on you to the FBI..." "You know spies -- a bunch of bitchy little girls." "...Family, too..." "Hey, is that your mom again?" "...If you're desperate." "Someone needs your help, Michael." "Bottom line -- as long as you're burned, you're not going anywhere." "When you're pursuing someone, it's tempting to focus exclusively on overtaking the other person." "It's often better to force the person you're chasing to go faster than the terrain allows and wait for them to make a mistake." "But even when a chase ends, you can never assume the other person will give up without a fight." "It's over." "It's not over, Michael." "One more time." "No." "That was our tie-breaker, Fi." "Best out of five, then." "Hate to see you lose again." "Ohh!" "Fi!" "Yes, you would." "I can be a very sore loser." "I could get used to this new life of yours, Michael." "The people who've burned you are gone." "We're taking vacations." "Yeah, these vacations are gonna kill me pretty quickly if you keep riding like that, Fi." "There are worse ways to go." "Sir, you have a phone call back at the office from Langley." "Next time, we're going to the Riviera, not a government training facility." "Okay." "How you doing, Max?" "How was Costa Rica?" "Not bad for government-funded RR." "Thanks for setting that up." "Yeah." "Consider it a "welcome back" gift." "So, here we are -- your first official government gig in -- how long has it been?" "It's been a while." "So, what's the job?" "Who's the job, actually -- Carson Huxley." "He's a brit, he's a genius, and he's a very valuable asset of ours." "That guy?" "He looks like he's about to eat the worm." "That guy has the I.Q. of a rocket scientist and the libido of a rock star." "He's one of her majesty's top nuclear engineers." "He also likes to cheat on his wife at conferences like this." "He's a blackmailer's dream come true." "All it would take is a few pictures with the wrong woman..." "Intelligence agencies spend more money protecting secrets than stealing them." "But no digital encryption or biometrically locked vaults can keep sensitive information from spilling out of an indiscreet asset's mouth, which is why one of the most common duties for a spy is babysitting." "We picked up some chatter that he'd be approached here." "Any specifics on who's doing the approaching?" "No, I don't know." "But I'm guessing whoever it is is not gonna be too hard on the eyes." "You know the drill." "Chaperone the drunk, make sure he doesn't get lucky." "And we can all sleep easy at night." "Oh, that's my cue." "I'll, uh -- I'll take the first shift." "You're on at 4:00." "You get the "tech talk" mixer in the coconut lounge." "Knock 'em dead, buddy." "Refinished floors, marble countertops, great ocean views -- it's the perfect bachelorette pad for someone like you." "You know, I really should have shown you this before the others, but..." "I'm gonna stop talking for just a minute and give you guys a sec to really imagine the possibilities." "Well, the balcony's big enough to lay prone with a sniper rifle, but there's really no obvious place for my snow globes." "What do you think, Michael?" "Michael?" "Huh?" "Yeah, I think so." "You think what?" "I think..." "I got to take this." "Yeah, Jesse." "I'll meet you there in 15 minutes." "You think what?" "I think we got to go." "Jesse wants to meet." "I'll wait outside." "Where did your friend go?" "Oh, I'm afraid we haven't quite captured his attention today." "But this isn't for him." "It's for me." "So maybe you and I can meet again Monday?" "Oh, no problem." "You know, and don't worry." "Lots of men don't really focus until it's time to negotiate." "Yeah, well, that man doesn't focus unless an international conspiracy is threatening to ruin his life." "Hmm." "My, my, my." "Private security looks like the life." "Nice suit." "Yeah, it's got its perks." "Look, um, I've got a problem." "I bet." "The lease payments on that car must be scary." "This is serious." "Somebody came to me at work." "There's a job." "I don't know who else to talk to about it." "Look, Jesse, I-I have this thing with the government now." "I can't " "Mike, there's a whole bunch of people in some serious trouble, okay?" "It's my first job back." "It's important." "Are you talking life and death?" "'Cause that's what I'm talking -- there's a whole lot of girls that are going to die if we don't do something about it." "Now, what, are you -- you really too busy to help?" "Burn Notice 5x02 Bloodlines Original Air Date on June 30, 2011" "== sync, corrected by elderman ==" "So, you can get the details from the client." "But the highlights are human traffickers and about 20 missing girls." "Jesse, I want to help, but your timing -- right this minute -- couldn't be worse." "Yeah, Michael's new job at the CIA requires some very exciting babysitting." "Apparently, happy hour is more important than saving innocent young women." "That's not exactly how I would put it " " Fi!" "Fi." "How exactly would you put it, Mike?" "You're the one that's always been about helping people, right?" "What, is that all over now that you're back with the government?" "No, Jesse, I will help, just as soon as I can, but " "In the meantime, those of us who can prioritize are here for you, Jesse." "I'll call Sam." "Ryoko's the V.P. of sales for Pacific Rim Industries." "My firm handles their security here in town." "So when her cousin went missing, she figured I could help." "My family back in Japan lives in a small village near Kyoto." "They said some girls there were approached by men from the city -- criminals -- that convinced young women to go with them." "The girls think they'll get jobs if they go." "But, instead, they are forced to..." "Your cousin is one of these girls?" "Norika -- she's only 15." "And you think she's here in Miami?" "Yes." "I know it." "Two days ago, one of the girls called her family in the village." "Of course, she had to have stolen a phone from the men." "She said she had seen a sign with the words "Port of Miami."" "Then someone took the phone away." "Her father listened as she was killed." "My relatives contacted me because they don't know anyone else in Miami who can help them." "Have you gone to the police?" "Yes, but they said there's not enough information to find Norika and the other girls." "Well, they may be right." "Miami is an awfully big haystack." "Well, I might have a lead on our needle." "My firm has some pretty high-level contacts in the telecom business." "They pulled some strings." "Turns out that the phone used to call the village tracks to a hotel on South Beach." "Check that out." "Could be one of our dirtbags is staying there." "Son of a bitch is probably sipping mojitos as we speak." "Not for long." "Let's hope Mike hurries up with his CIA job." "Covert security is all about making friends." "You have to give yourself a plausible reason to be near your target." "Some of the most important secrets in the world have been protected by a guy with a few stories and a drink in his hand." "I come off the plane." "I just fly in M.I.A., and a custom officer pulls out Cuban cigars -- a full box." "And I say to him, "Is it too late to return them?"" "The same thing happened to me trying to bring some peanuts back from Khartoum." "I'm gonna get another drink -- another rum and coke." "Yeah, make it two." "Make it two." "Oh, bloody hell." "You need to get that?" "Oh, most definitely not." "It's my wife, calling to complain about something or other." "It's her specialty." "You been married long?" "Oh, 23 very long years." "She can't be all that bad." "You've not met my wife." "Count yourself lucky." "I don't see a wedding ring on that finger." "My advice -- keep it that way." "Marriage is like a loaf of bread." "It tastes great at the start, but it goes stale very fast." "At this point, it's just one barney after another." ""Barney"?" "Yeah, fight." "Mm." "You don't have to tell me about fighting." "My girlfriend -- she'll just explode." "I mean, if I'm looking at another woman, she -- look who's coming over." "I bought them a couple of drinks earlier." "Controlling an unruly asset is tough, especially when women and alcohol are combined, which is why, as a general rule, you don't even try to control the hunter -- you just scare off the prey." "Oh!" "Oh!" "Ohh!" "My girlfriend is gonna kill me." "This -- she bought me this suit." "Hey, look, pipe down, will you, man?" "Oh, like your wife is any different." "Damn it." "Damn." "Wait." "Where are they going?" "Ohh." "Hey, let's get another drink." "I'm guessing that's the guy." "I slipped the concierge my last $50 to find out which guest checked in with a Japanese passport." "He pointed me to him -- said the guy's name is Takeda." "Son of a bitch has 20 girls locked in a box somewhere, and he's lounging poolside." "Check out that missing digit." "Either he's Japanese Mafia, or he's been keeping a pet tiger." "Well, that would explain the shiny suit." "You know, you don't want to be flashing your Yakuza tattoos all over South Beach -- might raise a few eyebrows." "What's this all about?" "I don't know." "But you can bet that guy's greased a few palms of his own around this hotel." "What's he doing?" "That waiter was awfully friendly." "Looks like Takeda got tipped off." "Yeah, I'd say so." "He set fire to his I.D. and his phone." "Probably thinks we're cops." "Jesse, take the car." "We'll meet you out front." "All right, end of the line, pal." "Just drop your " "Ohh!" "God!" "Takeda!" "Well, that slowed him down." "Well, it was either that or taking a bullet." "It's okay." "It's okay." "I'm a doctor." "Back off." "Please don't touch him." "He's in shock." "We got to get this man to a hospital." "Hey, you guys need some help?" "No!" "Yeah, we need some help." "Ohh!" "Let me go." "I'll kill you!" "In you go." "Yes..." "Inside." "Hush, now." "Talking is only gonna make it hurt worse." "Interrogating a captive isn't just about what you know about them." "It's about what they know about you." "If they think you're cops, they'll behave one way." "If they think you're rivals, they'll behave another." "It's a choice you only get to make once, so you have to do your homework and get it right the first time." "How have you been playing it?" "Well, like we're rival traffickers, looking for some girls." "The problem is, Takeda thinks that me and Fi and Jesse are just soldiers." "You know how it is with these Yakuza guys -- it's all about hierarchy." "So I was thinking..." "It was time for the big, bad boss to make an appearance." "The bigger, the better, Mike." "How badly is he hurt?" "Uh, pretty bad." "He's got a busted hip, and one of his arms is broken." "I mean, the guy's a lunatic -- tried to play a game of human frogger, and it didn't quite work out for him." "Frogger -- it's a video game from the '80s." "Never mind." "Well, it's gonna be tough to get him to talk when he's in so much pain." "Yeah, I thought about that." "That's why, um..." "I called in someone else to play nurse." "Absolutely not." "It is too dangerous." "Michael, you're gonna be outside with your gun, and you've got the man shackled to the bed, for God's sake." "How dangerous could it be?" "The guy is a Yakuza gangster, and I'm not putting you in the same room with him." "Uh, I'm sorry." "I thought you were running out of time and that people were going to die." "Do you have a better idea that doesn't involve me?" "Right." "Okay, then." "Guess I'm on." "Listen..." "This guy can't know that you're working with us." "He has to believe we forced you to do this." "I think I can manage that." "No, I don't think you understand." "I'm going to have to treat you as bad as I treat him or even worse." "I get it." "I don't think you do, Mom." "It's not gonna feel like an act." "It's not gonna be pleasant." "Michael, just do me a favor and don't worry about me." "Using civilians in undercover operations is all about emotional manipulation, so it's your job to help them be who they need to be, feel what they need to feel, by any means necessary." "Hey!" "Are you as deaf as you are dumb?" "!" "You pick up that damn bag, you get inside, and stitch this son of a bitch up!" "Let's go!" "Move it!" "Get your sorry ass in there now!" "I'll give her a minute, then go in myself." "Ohh!" "I'm sorry." "I know." "I know this hurts." "Can I get you anything for the pain?" "Do you understand English?" "Aren't you done yet?" "!" "I'm sorry." "What kind of nurse are you?" "I'm sorry." "It's just -- "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry"!" "Shape up, darlin', or he won't be the only one who needs some serious medical attention." "Get over there!" "Don't move!" "Keep your mouth shut!" "Listen up." "Pay attention to me." "You and I need to have a little talky-talk." "Now, I'm gonna speak real slow so you understand me." "I need to know where those sweet little Asian girls are, 'cause let me tell you something " "I control that particular import business here in Miami -- me." "Any shipments that come through here are mine." "You cooperate -- I'll let you live." "You don't " "What's funny?" "You think you can threaten me?" "Hmm?" "Once..." "I fall asleep on guard duty." "You know who do this?" "I do... to punish... to remind me." "You think I will betray my own people?" "If you let me go, me and my people will find you and only kill you." "If you don't, you can watch them kill your whole family first." "There are worse things to lose than a finger." "Aah!" "Move!" "Let's go!" "I said "move"!" "It's okay." "I'll do it." "You all right?" "You said it wouldn't be pleasant." "I had to upset you." "I didn't know how else to do it." "I know." "I-it was just I hadn't seen that in a long time." "Seen what?" "Nothing." "I'll be " " I'll be all right." "I just need a minute." "What was she talking about, Michael?" "It's not something I want to talk about right now." "You're upset." "No, I'm fine." "We just need to find out what this guy knows." "The girls will be on their way to a buyer soon." "What are you thinking?" "Drugging him's our best option." "Get him relaxed, get him talking." "I'll call Sugar." "No, I can do that." "But cracking him's gonna take more than a few hours, so I need your help... with my other thing." "With your CIA job?" "Playboy needs a sitter." "Pretty hard for a foreign operative to get close if you're sitting right next to him." "I wouldn't ask if I didn't have to, Fi." "Okay." "When you can't keep an asset away from his favorite vice, it's often better to supply him with a safe target, which is one reason why female operatives are trained in how to keep men interested while fending them off like Aikido Masters." "Oh, who would have thought that a nuclear engineer could be so very..." "Charming?" "You're far too gorgeous to be at a conference like this." "Tell me -- are you sure you're not lost," "English lass like yourself?" "I found you." "I haven't really explored Miami very much." "What do you say we venture out of this bar?" "And your wife won't mind?" "Hmm?" "You have a tan line on your ring finger." "Huh." "Well..." "Why pretend?" "Yes, married -- guilty as charged." "You know, love, it's -- it's over." "I'm just looking for someone more exciting, more my speed." "Maybe we should venture out after all." "Really?" "Your room or mine?" "I have something much, much, much, much more fun in mind." "Oh, I love the way you tease." "Your wife isn't the teasing sort?" "My wife?" "!" "Mm." "Oh, God!" "Her idea of a fun time is having a conversation about gardening or h-home decor." "No." "How many times do I have to listen to her droning on about hanging curtains before I up and hang myself?" "I'm bored just hearing about it." "You are the kind of girl" "I have been looking for all my life." "You and I were meant to be together." "No talking about curtains with you." "No, no, no." "I prefer to live on the edge..." "Don't you?" "Oh, yes!" "Oh!" "Tell me when to turn." "Tell me." "Tell me." "Tell me!" "Tell me!" "Tell me!" "What are you doing?" "I'm living on the edge!" "Left!" "Make a left!" "Right!" "Left!" "Ahh!" "Right!" "Left!" "Oh, my God!" "Don't you feel alive?" "!" "Stop!" "Oh, for the love of God, stop!" "Oh." "Why don't we call your wife and tell her that you've found your soul mate?" "Don't you dare!" "A necessary evil that goes along with being a spy is maintaining friendships with all sorts of unsavory people, like drug dealers, for example." "Yo, Mikey!" "Mikey!" ""Mikey"?" "Really, Sugar?" "Try it again." "Uh..." "Of course, some friendships are friendlier than others." "Michael, hey." "I got over here as quick as I could." "Hospital-grade amphetamines and phenobarbital." "What kind of party you got going on in here, huh?" "Time to go, Sugar." "Consider us almost even." "Hold it." "Hold on." "I feel it'd be irresponsible of me to hand that over to you without a consult." "It's gonna knock you flat, but in a good way." "Yeah." "Okay." "Now, mom, you're gonna have to hold him down." "You need to find a vein." "I know what I'm doing, Michael." "Let's just get this over with." "Here you go." "It's just a little something to help with the pain." "No shot." "You understand?" "No shot." "I'm going in there." "Mike, don't." "You pull her out of there, this is over." "She can do this." "If I don't give it to you, they're going to kill me." "They'll kill you anyway." "Help me." "If you help me, my friends will save you." "What are they saying?" "I don't know." "The damn mikes aren't picking it up." "No, I-I-I can't." "You have to." "This is your only chance." "I don't know." "Trust..." "Me." "Okay." "But I can't help you if I'm dead, and he wants you to take the shot." "Damn it." "What the hell are you doing in here?" "I said give him the shot and get out!" "I just finished." "What were you two talking about?" "He -- he asked for -- for -- for water." "What, do you have a problem with that?" "Get on out!" "Move!" "Get the hell out of here!" "I'm sorry you had to go through that." "He'll calm down once the drugs kick in, so you can go home now." "I never gave him the shot." "What?" "He asked for my help, and I agreed." "Why would you do that?" "Because I think I can get him to talk." "You are not going back in there." "You are done." "Really?" "And who's he gonna talk to, Michael?" "Now, I may not be some expert interrogator, but I can tell you that the one person he is talking to right now is me." "Okay, now, if we play this right," "Takeda's gonna ask you to contact his crew." "If you find them, we can tail them back to where they're holding the girls." "Sounds like a good plan." "Yeah, but are you ready?" "I mean, look, Mike's really gonna have to come after you so Takeda doesn't think something's up." "What does that mean?" "He's gonna yell, push you around, probably tear your blouse." "It could get pretty rough, Mom." "Rough?" "Why don't you just hit me?" "What?" "Oh, no, no." "The -- the blouse will sell it, Maddy." "A punch will sell it better." "I'm not gonna hit you, Mom." "It's not like I haven't been hit before." "Snap your head to the side when you feel the impact." "But it'll still hurt." "I know." "You ready to start talkin', boy?" "!" "Woman, get in here!" "Good luck, Maddy." "Does he look focused to you?" "!" "I can't have him in this much pain." "Did you give him the drugs?" "Yeah, I did." "Well, then, why aren't they working?" "!" "I don't " " I don't -- "I don't " " I don't --"" "maybe I miscalculated the dosage." "Maybe?" "Ohh!" "Ohh." "I'm sorry." "I'm sorry." ""Sorry" doesn't cut it!" "If I come back in here after you drugged him and he's not cooperative, I'm gonna kill you." "I'm gonna find me a nurse that actually has a brain." "I'm not gonna last long." "You said you had friends." "I supposed to have meeting with boss today at Zorba's, 4:00." "Call restaurant." "Who do I ask for?" "Hiroshi." "I'm sorry." "I'm just so scared." "You can do this." "You have to do this." "Only way we live." "Okay." "Looks like your ma got what we needed." "Takeda's boys are gonna be at Zorba's at 4:00." "Mike, uh, it's probably best if you stay here, keep an eye on Takeda." "Jesse and I can deal with this." "Yeah." "Sounds good, Sam." "And I'll give Fi a call -- see how she's doing with Huxley." "Yeah." "The work of a spy doesn't always involve undermining people." "Oftentimes, the solution to a problem is simply convincing someone to behave like a better human being, but it may take more than a stern lecture." "Darling, where'd you go?" "I could have driven us both back." "The party's just getting started!" "Leave me alone!" "You don't mean that." "I do!" "I do mean it!" "But we're meant to be together!" "No, we're not." "How can you say that?" "I'm the girl you've been looking for all of your life." "It's time to leave that bloody dreadful marriage of yours." "No, it isn't." "What?" "!" "No." "I'm not leaving my wife." "But she's a boring old hag who only wants to talk about hanging curtains, remember?" "No." "My wife's an angel." "An angel?" "How dare you!" "You led me on!" "We're finished!" "Sweetheart?" "I just called to see how you are." "Yes." "Yes." "I miss you, too." "I should be inside the restaurant." "No." "No." "Trust me -- Takeda's Yakuza buddies are going to be a lot less chatty if they think one of their fellow diners understands 'em." "Sam's in there." "He's got a powerful mike." "He's picking up whatever those guys are talking about." "You'll be able to translate from here " " I promise you." "It's gonna be fine." "Sam, how's it going in there?" "Nothing to report, other than that the boss is on his third green tea." "I can hear every slurp." "That mike doesn't mess around, does it?" "Hey, if your firm wants to lend us any more of its fancy toys, no complaints here." "I think our friend's lunch date just arrived." "The most advanced directional microphones can capture human speech at distances of 200 meters." "So long as you have a clear line of sight on your target, there's nothing better for eavesdropping on a private conversation." "Miami Beach real estate is in the toilet, eh?" "Well, that commission just bought me my winter home in Aspen." "Sam, we're having serious sound issues out here." "Yeah, I'm gonna move closer." "Well, our Yakuza friends just left." "Okay, Sam, we cannot lose them." "Yeah, I'm going after them." "When tailing someone dangerous, it's a good idea to give yourself an innocent-sounding reason to be following your target." "Most of the time, you won't need it, but if it turns out your target is on to you..." "Why are you following us?" "...You'll really need it." "Whoa, whoa." "Hey, guys." "I think one of you left this on the table in there." "I mean, she's a beaut." "I would hate to lose a watch like this, you know, if she were mine." "Yes." "That is mine." "Thank you." "Okay, they just stole my watch." "Sam, what the hell happened?" "You're supposed to be following them." "Sorry, man." "I had to bail." "Those guys knew I was after them." "What's wrong?" "I heard them talking about the girls." "She translated the last bit of the conversation." "Yeah?" "And..." "If Takeda doesn't check in within two hours, they're killing the girls -- all of them." "Why would they kill the girls?" "Operational security." "One of their guys has disappeared." "These Yakuza -- they won't take any chances." "What now, Mike?" "Let me think." "What would you do if you were in my shoes?" "No, mom." "I'm asking you a question." "He'd fake an escape with Takeda to get him to lead us back to the girls." "Sounds good." "But you'd have to sell the fact that you got away from Mike somehow." "Fine, I'll " " I'll -- I'll tell Takeda that I injected him with drugs." "And that he pushed you past your breaking point." "What?" "Did he -- what -- do this -- something like that?" "Are you out of your mind, Ma?" "You can't go in there!" "I can." "You'll do as I tell you!" "Damn it!" "Don't tell me what I can't do!" "You can play your father in there, but not out here." "Michael, you know this is the only way." "I'll call Fi and Jesse -- let them know what's going on." "We're getting out of here -- now!" "What happened?" "Did you talk to my friends?" "No." "He caught me trying to get a phone." "But I was able to give that son of a bitch a shot of morphine and lock him in the other room." "He won't be out long, and we only have a few minutes before his friends get back." "Where the hell are you, woman?" "!" "You're dead!" "You hear me?" "!" "Dead!" "Jesse, they're coming your way." "Make it look good." "Hope your mom knows what she's doing, Mikey." "So do I, Sam." "Oh, my God!" "It's them!" "What do I do?" "!" "No!" "Go faster!" "How do I get to your friends?" "I need to know!" "Where do I go?" "!" "We can't let them follow us back." "Let her shake us, Jesse." "You sure?" "She can tell us how to find her through the cellphone." "Just let her go." "Okay, we lost them." "Where do I go?" "!" "So, your friends are in one of these warehouses?" "You go now." "I walk from here." "This is not good, Mike." "I mean, Maddy's about to lose Takeda, and we still don't know where those girls are." "We're running out of time here." "Aah!" "No." "No, no, look." "They just drove by." "The -- the men who kidnapped us -- they're here." "P-please." "I don't see them!" "She said we just drove by?" "What the hell's she talking about?" "She's bluffing." "She wants us to get closer so she can get Takeda to talk." "Well, are you sure, Mike?" "I mean, she's not you." "Do a pass-by, Sam." "They're not here." "There!" "They're looking for us!" "They're looking for us, and they're going to find us!" "We need your friends." "Where are they?" "You promised that they would help us!" "Please, we just have to go to where they are." "Too risky to go there!" "It's too risky to stay here, all right?" "They're circling this area, and they'll find us in minutes and kill us." "We have to find your friends now." "No!" "Please." "Please." "I can't move fast enough." "You go." "Go bring the men here." "Tell them to bring guns." "I can't go!" "I don't know where they are!" "Warehouse 113, next street over!" "Three men there." "Password -- nihonto." "Hurry!" "I lead them away." "Go!" "Go!" "I said go!" "They're in Warehouse 113, Michael." "It's a block over." "There are three guards." "The password is "nihonto."" "If he moves, shoot him in his good leg." "I think I can manage that." "Good job, Maddy." "Nihonto." "Pack up your things, guys." "Your operation is over." "Who are you?" ""Who am I?" Doesn't matter." "All you need to know is that your good friend, Takeda, was captured." "How you know that?" "Because I'm the guy who captured him." "What's Japanese for "Drop your weapons"?" "Oh, maybe something like this." "No, I think it's this." "It's okay." "You're safe now." "How are the girls?" "About as well as one could hope." "My firm is pulling some strings, trying to get them all home quickly." "What about Takeda?" "Feds picked him and all his guys up." "Japanese cops took care of the rest of them in Kyoto, so they'll be spending a lot more time in a confined space than those girls did." "Now..." "My firm gives me a little, uh, discretionary fund for emergencies." "I think this counts." "No, you keep it, Jesse." "Mike, take the money, man." "Uh, excuse me." "I've helped Michael before, and he's never paid me." "All right, well, thank you, both of you, for everything." "No, thank you." "I'll see you guys later." "Here." "Use that to fix up your dad's Charger." "Maybe it's time to just leave the past in the past." "Maybe it's time to stare the past down and deal with it, Michael." "It happened, for better or for worse." "It made us who we are." "All you can do now is look towards the future." "You should really stop trying, Max." "I got your report on Huxley." "I liked the read." "I do have a couple of notes on the story." "Oh?" "I'm not so sure how I feel about a ex-I.R.A. operative's surprise appearance in the second act." "Fiona got the job done." "She scared him celibate." "Yeah, she did." "You know, there's a couple of cardinal rules to this whole "government secret agent" gig." "I mean, first of all, it's secret." "And secondly, you're the agent, not your girlfriend." "Homework?" "It's a gift." "Improvisational jazz " "I kind of figured it was your style." "Stay safe, big boy." "We'll be in touch." "Jazz?" "A present from Max." "I think he felt bad about giving me a talking-to." "Let me guess -- he was less than thrilled with how I handled the Huxley-sitting?" "Well, you did drive 130 miles an hour down the Tamiami Trail." "My way of doing things doesn't work for the boy scouts." "I want to talk to you, Fi." "I haven't been able to sleep well lately, and I've had a lot of things on my mind, but..." "I know we're going through some big changes -- you and I -- and I don't want to pile anything else on" "You don't need to explain, Michael." "I'm a big girl." "You have an exciting new life." "I don't want to hold you back." "You don't hold me back." "That job I was doing for the CIA -- it wouldn't have succeeded without you." "I need you, Fi." "I got you something." "Lumber?" "It's a shelf." "I mean it's going to be a shelf." "I was hoping... you could... put your snow globes on it." "It is a new job, Fi, but it's not a new life." "I like my life, and I want to live it with you -- here." "That's what I was trying to say." "I want you to move in." "What do you think?" "== sync, corrected by elderman ==" | {
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"When your time is due, you may leave your service in the Holy Army of God and return to your former life." "This is your way out of here." "Will you forgive me?" "Only God can forgive you." "Abbess of Gudhem, what do you say?" "I have had my punishment." "At the next full moon, I will leave the convent and go to the Queen." "Enemy troops are heading north." "They must be up to something." "You need a man, Cecilia." "I have sworn to wait for Arn." "And if he never returns?" "Then I will not take a husband." "He's alive." "Arn is alive." "You're free to leave." "But if you leave, you will leave as a deserter." "THE KNIGHT TEMPLAR Based on the story by Jan Guillou" "Episode Five" "Halt!" "Halt!" "We'll raise our tents here." "Master, we cannot set up camp here." "We need to find water." "The men are exhausted." "Raise the tents!" "I swear, upon all that is holy, to come for you." "I will wait for you." "The Knights Templar will break camp at dawn." "They have gathered a great army south of the Horns of Hattin." "They plan to meet us in the desert." "After a great defeat comes a great victory." "God willing." "Blanka!" "I'm so pleased to see you!" "It's good to see you again, Cecilia." "King Knut." " This is for you." " Thank you." "Come meet our sons." "This is Erik, our eldest." "Welcome." "This is Jon." "Welcome." "And Little Knut." "Magnus..." "Mother." "Magnus, don't just stand out here in the rain." "Come on, the Royal Advisor is dying of thirst..." "Here are your chambers." "Let Astrid and Ingegerd take care of you." "Astrid, I'll take over." "You have every right to find fault with me, Cecilia." "I have been a dutiful queen... and mother... but I have neglected my best friend." "Listen..." "you haven't neglected me." "This is for you." "For me?" "Blanka..." "You will lack for nothing here." "It's all so foreign and strange." "I don't know how to..." "How can I explain things to Magnus?" "You don't have to explain a thing." "I have to say something." "Well, here comes our dear guest of honor!" "Please have a seat." "You look wonderful, Cecilia." "And her future would be wonderful, as well, if she only had the sense to listen to good advice." "Brosa would have me be the next Abbess of Gudhem." "It's an honorable assignment, Cecilia." "Have you lost your mind, Brosa?" "If Cecilia has not wished to take vows during all those years in a convent, why would she want to do so now?" "The church has great power, as much power as a king." "We need to instate a Folkung in every important office, to rein in the influence of the Sverkers." "If you find the prospect of life at a religious order that appealing," "I'm sure Varnhem would accept another Brother with open arms." "My wife has a sharp tongue, but both she and I know that you mean well, Brosa." "Cecilia..." "Welcome to Visingsö!" "Thank you." "I hope I'm not intruding..." "Not at all." "Do come in." "Have a seat." "Just like your father's..." "You must have wondered." "Your father..." "Your father and I..." "I know." "You don't have to..." "Brosa says he's dead." "Brosa knows nothing." "He's alive." "He's alive in my prayers." "In mine, too." "Fire!" "Fire!" "Cecilia..." "Showing up like this..." "Who does he think he is?" "!" "Calm down, think..." "Choose your words carefully;" "he's the cousin of the Danish king." "I'm not afraid of Sverker Karlsson's errand boys." "My name is Ebbe Sunesson." "I bring tidings of friendship from Denmark and the Sverker clan." "The Danish King is mindful of the need for peace... in your kingdom, as well." "He would like you to reconcile with the Sverkers." "If he expects me to turn over the crown, he is sorely mistaken." "If Sverker Karlsson wanted the crown, he would have taken it away from you long ago " "like you once took it from his father." "Let's be sensible." "Our families have fought for generations." "We have all lost kinsmen." "I don't think any of us desire more bloodshed." "Is the King unwell?" "Well, he'd be in better shape with less beer in him." "Pray tell, who is the Queen's friend?" "I am Cecilia Algotsdotter." "She's been a lay sister for many years at Gudhem." "A nun?" "She doesn't look like a nun." "That's my mother you're talking about." "Is that so, boy?" "And where is your father?" "He's a Knight Templar in the Holy Land." "Then you have my condolences." "What do you mean?" "Jerusalem has fallen." "The Knights Templar were slaughtered like dogs." "All of them." "Every last one." " You lie!" " Magnus!" "I may sin from time to time, but I never lie." "If you can defeat me, you may call me what you like." "Magnus, Magnus, calm down." "The fever has finally broken." "We have been worried about you." "What about the others?" "No." "Why am I alive?" "Ask my brother." "He was the one who saw you." "The defeated salute you, o victorious king." "If all our enemies were like you, it would be difficult for us to win this war." "Please, be seated." "So, now you've saved my life." "As you saved mine." "It was written that we should meet again." "I have Jerusalem in my hand." "The city will fall when I wish it." "The Christians killed everyone when they took the Holy City." "My people would wish the same." "If you choose the path of revenge, the Christians will come back in greater numbers than ever, and the war will never end." "You speak wisely, Al Ghouti." "To show mercy is the mark of a great king." "God has a plan for you, Al Ghouti." "It is time for you to return home and keep your promise." "You have a long journey ahead of you." "Ibrahim will be your guide." "It is a great honor to serve Al Ghouti." "I hope you will not only remember me as an enemy, Al Ghouti." "No, my king; that I could never do." "Do not take the vows." "They cannot be undone." "We will always be friends, even if I wear a habit and a cross." "But I cannot stay here." "Magnus is a grown man." "I must devote my life to something." "The convent is the only life I know." "Welcome back." "Cecilia." "It is you..." "It is you!" "It is you!" "Love..." "Love is for drones and weaklings." "Love is for old maids and slaves." "But you are a man!" "You are a warrior, and yet you say that love is the supreme duty." "Have you lost your senses?" "First and foremost, you are a Folkung!" "You have certain rights and privileges, but privileges entail obligations, and you have an obligation to your clan!" "I made a promise." "A promise!" "You were but a child!" "You defy your king and your clan, all for a promise you made not long after you stopped wetting your pants." "First and foremost, you are a Folkung!" "Eskil, talk some sense into him!" "I know how much your love for Cecilia means to you." "But there is some truth in Brosa's words..." "There is much merit in Brosa's words." "You would be better served by an alliance with a Sverker." "Ingrid Ylva is young, and she's fair of face..." "Fair?" "That has nothing to do with it, if she is as fair as a flower or as ugly as sin." " You cannot think with your cock!" " Brosa!" "Sit down." "Arn..." "As much as I hate to admit it, Brosa is right." "If we are not prudent, if we do not establish the right ties, we might end up on the threshold of war." "I swore to the Lord above to marry Cecilia." "Bah!" "It's a holy oath, Brosa." "You cannot alter that fact." "No man of the cloth will marry you, not as long as I am the Royal Advisor." "The crown appears to rest heavily upon your head." "I should never have taken you along that day." "If you had not been known as the friend of a king-slayer, you and Cecilia would never have been judged as harshly." "I chose to go with you." "I did it so Cecilia and I could be wed." "I haven't forgotten." "I promised to support you with regard to Cecilia, but my hands are tied." "Brosa will make the bishop do his bidding." "The King has great powers, but you know as well as I do that I cannot defy the church." "Arn, there will be no wedding." "I don't understand why he's doing this." "Birger Brosa, the stubborn old goat!" "I've had enough!" "I'm fed up with other people meddling in my life." "I just can't see why he's doing this!" "Tomorrow the council meets, and the Archbishop will be coming." "Yes?" "We'll have to speak to him before Brosa does." "Milady..." "Your Grace." "I must speak to you." "It's most urgent." "There she is." "I know how enduring Cecilia Algotsson's faith has been, and I am convinced that our Lord has welcomed Arn Magnusson into His kingdom." "He's not dead, Your Grace." "He isn't?" "For 20 years Cecilia Algotsdotter prayed to the Blessed Virgin that she and her beloved Arn would be reunited." "I assume that you will not go against the decree of Bishop Erland." "That you will abide by his decision." "Arn Magnusson?" "Excuse me for bursting in like this, but a miracle has taken place." "A miracle." "We have living evidence of this, twice over." "Arn Magnusson, who served in the Holy land, and Cecilia Algotsdotter, who has faithfully served our Lord." "They are now party to the miracle of divine love!" "These two are meant for each other, and I intend to marry them myself!" "Love is patient and enduring." "This is for you." "Arn Magnusson, Cecilia Algotsdotter with much joy and relief," "I may now give you my blessing at last." "Cheers!" "Cheers!" "Magnus." "Father." "Look." "Our friends feast as if there were no tomorrow." "Even Brosa would have enjoyed this." "Magnus tried to persuade him, but he refused to come." "I'm surprised he turned his back on so much beer and meat." "It's a great..." "It's a great honor to be here tonight, in the company of such fine men and women, not the least of whom is that man over there... the greatest warrior of the Far North." "So, on behalf of Norway... dear Arn and Cecilia... congratulations." "Cheers!" "Cheers!" "Oh." "Are you cold?" "No." "No." "It's too hot." "Yes." "Have we changed that much?" "Our souls are unchanged." "You are the Cecilia I remember." "Our new home, Cecilia." "This is a good spot." "Welcome to Forsvik, Mistress Cecilia." "Thank you." "So, what do you think?" "Birch columns!" "It's beautiful." "Look..." "A gift from our Saracen friends." "I expect we are the first household in all of West Gothia to have our own indoor brook." "Not to mention a birch grove in the bedroom." "Was this the spot?" "Don't you remember?" "You wanted to win my heart." "Arn!" "Arn!" " Boo!" "Instead you almost made it stop beating entirely." "But it worked." "SIX YEARS LATER" "Daddy!" "Daddy!" " Ooh!" "Whoo!" "Going off to practice your archery with Sune?" "Then I'll keep on training our men." "Off you go!" "Sigge!" "Your turn." "Aim for the middle." "Good." "Ha!" "Not bad." "My turn." "Ow..." "Go find that arrow, you hear." "Off you go!" "And don't come back until you've found it, you little rascal!" "Alde?" "Sten, have you seen Alde?" "Yes, just a minute ago." "Alde?" | {
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"(theme music playing)" "♪ All night long ♪" "♪ Hey, now, now, now, now ♪" "♪ Hey, little baby ♪" "♪ You been on my mind ♪" "♪ Look in my dreams ♪" "♪ Your taste is all I find ♪" "♪ Hey, now, darling ♪" "♪ Where you stay out all night long ♪" "♪ I wanna tell you ♪" "♪ You know your daddy's home ♪" "♪ All night long ♪" "♪ All night long. ♪" "(music playing)" "(crowd gasps)" "♪ Six legs of lamb, four steins of ale ♪" "♪ Don't betray the dragon's tale ♪" "♪ Bring your children to the fair ♪" "♪ To bless my beard... ♪" "Where'd you find these guys, fucking Sherwood Forest?" "No, they headlined a Renaissance festival up in Canastota." "The place went apeshit." "♪ No last name, no family plan... ♪" "Sort of like BTO meets Paul Revere the Raiders." "Their costumes, power chords." "Comic book characters come to life." "Didn't they try that with the Archies?" "Yeah, but, come on, these guys are good." "♪ Some boar's head jam... ♪" "They got a flute." "Woman:" "The fire!" "Oh, shit!" "Shit!" "Wizard Fist." "Make a cool T-shirt." "Richie:" "How many more bands?" "A lot." "Get comfortable, Rich." "You wanted a big showcase, you got it." "(music playing)" "♪ Honey, let's get high ♪" "♪ We gonna have a real good time ♪" "♪ Honey, let's get high ♪" "♪ We gonna have a real good time ♪" "♪ We gonna start out on whiskey ♪" "♪ We'll end up drinking wine ♪" "♪ Let's get real drunk ♪" "♪ Let's let it be our ruin ♪" "♪ Whoo, let's start out on whiskey ♪" "♪ Let's let it be our ruin ♪" "♪ Whoo... ♪" "(phone ringing)" "Want me to get that?" "No, I want you to let it keep ringing incessantly." "Hello." "It's your father." "What are you doing up so late?" "Spoken like a man with a functioning prostate." "Go to my doctor, I told you." "I talked to the cops." "Told them what you said." " The alibi." " Which was what?" "What, is this a fucking quiz?" "The day of your thing." "Your birthday." "Went to that movie." ""Enter the Dragon."" "Stupid goddamn name for a dragon." "It's not a name, Pop." "Forget it." "Bunch of chop-socky bullshit." "I couldn't make head or tail." "What'd they say?" "How'd it go?" "What the hell'd you get yourself mixed up in?" " What do you mean?" " They made me look at pictures, Richard." "Some fucking stiff with a bashed-in skull." "A Roger somebody." " Fuck me." " What the hell did you do?" "Fucking pills make you screwy?" "Listen to me, on Ma's grave it was an accident." "The guy's head was bashed in like a cantaloupe." " It's complicated." " What's so fucking complicated?" "Stop, okay?" "Enough." "Not on the phone." "We'll talk in person you want." "Meet me at my office." "Okay?" "Tomorrow." " We'll talk then." " Fucking big shot." "You remember where it is?" "What, am I an imbecile now?" "Let's say 5:30." "Take a shave, wear a suit." "Still telling people I died in the war?" "There's more than one way to be dead, Pop." "(music playing)" "(snorts, gasps)" "Fuck this place." "Clark." "♪ I recall once upon a time... ♪" "Just saw Barry." "He looked upset, right?" " He was." " He get fired?" " He did." " What did he expect, right?" " With that Leon Russell knockoff..." " Have a seat." "Inside every man is another version of himself." "What the Germans call a doppelganger." "Perhaps this doppelganger has different hair or a sense of primordial destiny." "I don't know." "Maybe he holds a scepter." "I'm sorry, I don't..." "I don't really follow." "You're fired, kid." "Wait, no." " No, Julie, come on." " Come on, my ass." "Bunch of Vikings with Stratocasters?" "The fuck was that?" "Okay, look, they were supposed to be Teutonic knights or... or something, I don't..." "I don't know." " Julie, I had two weeks." " So did everybody else." "And fucking Marvin brought us somebody real." "As did Casper and Penny." "I almost signed Alice Cooper." "And I almost fucked Peggy Lee, but I ended up jacking off instead." "Julie, come on, you... you can't let me go." "You'll do something else." "There's no shame, kid." "Really." "This business ain't for everyone." "My dad thinks I'm a fucking loser." "(crying)" "Please." "Please, I'll do anything." "I just..." "I can't lose my job." "I..." "I'm fucking begging you here, please." "Jesus Christ." "Are you completely without pride?" "Maybe not completely." "All right." "All right." "All right, come on." "Schmutz guy, wipe your face." "How about this?" "How about this?" "It's a pay cut, but you can take over for Jamie." "Get the lunches, help out in the mail room." " What?" " This way you're still employed." "You'll messenger shit, run errands, that kind of thing." "I graduated from fucking Yale." "Really?" "'Cause you never mentioned that." "You want the job or not?" "Fine." "Okay." "And about that Yale thing." "I were you, I'd take that Whiffenpoof shit off my resume." "You're not doing yourself any favors." "(music playing)" " Olive." " (phones ringing)" "♪ I've got a song, but ain't got no melody ♪" "♪ I'm a-gonna sing it to my friends... ♪" "Heather, there's nobody out front." "Faye is supposed to be covering for me." " Well, she's not there." " Richie asked me to handle him." "If you'd like to cover the front, be my guest." "I don't, but Julie has the 400s coming in later." "Excuse me." "It can't look like nobody works here." "Take it up with Cece." "She usually stumbles in around noon." " Hannibal again?" " Yesterday she arrived in a limo." "In the morning." "It's disgusting." "What's disgusting?" "He's in a marketing meeting with the Nasty Bits." "Mickey Weiss keeps calling, but Richie doesn't want to talk to him." "And Skip wants 10 minutes before the 3:00, but he'd like Richie to look at yesterday's "Gavin" before they talk." " He's not going to." " You can tell that to Skip." " Are you going back out front?" " Go fuck yourself." " Whoo, man." " How's it going?" "A lot of late nights in a row." "What, you gonna tell me how to handle myself?" "(phone rings)" "Richie Finestra's office." " Photo session?" " Zak:" "Yeah, our usual guy." "He did the Wings cover." "We want to do that next week, too, probably." "So, you know, maybe they can shower." "Can also have a hairstylist on the day if you want." "For what?" "What's the plan for airplay?" " We got a call in to Scottso." " Who?" " Scott Muni at NEW." " Lester:" "What about PLJ?" "PLJ, they won't touch them until they're on the map." "NEW will with a little encouragement." "Then we'll take them out to Cleveland, MMS." " Maybe KSAN." " San Francisco." " Have Todd go with them." " Todd got let go." " We're touring?" " No, these are radio stations." "You go, you have a drink with the music director." "He'll do an on-air interview." "Yeah, with talking." "And eye contact." "Not the sullen looks to the floor like right now." " Do we have a bio?" " No." "Could you write us, like, half a page about yourself," " your background?" " What the fuck is this?" "This is what you send into the radio station and they have it." "Normal label bullshit." "Don't worry." "I ain't flying to Cleveland to bugger some radio jock." "A fucking bio?" "Just listen to the music." " Okay, listen." " Where's Jamie?" " Who?" " The towhead with the tits." "He's right." "He's right." "Why the fuck isn't Jamie in here?" "Cece, can you bring Jamie in, please?" "I'm Kip Stevens." "Fuck your mom." "There's your bio." "That sucks, Clark, but you're still here with access to AR." "Maybe you'll find another act." "Don't pretend like you're not secretly loving this." "Well, you have been a giant asshole." "Clark Morelle, sandwich maven." "Wait, does sandwiches just mean food or does that also mean that I provide weed and blow for the executive branch?" "Just food." "How much do you pocket every week off the skag?" "50 bucks?" "'Cause I'm gonna need that part of the gig." "My salary just dropped..." "To exactly the same as mine." "Jamie, if I'm not the supplier, then I can't pay my rent." "It's not gonna happen, Clark." "Jamie, they need you in the conference room." "You know what, next time you're drowning, be sure to give me a call 'cause I'll throw you a fucking cinder block." "There she is." "Have a seat, babe." "They want to march us around like it's a bloody beauty contest." " We need a bio." " Write your own fucking bio." "I'm Horatio Meatsack, a fat, sad wanker." " I'll write it." "You don't have to." " Good, moving on." "Send her to knob the DJs, 'cause I ain't doing that either." "I can come with you, but that's the whole game." "They'll only send you to rock stations." "And the guys are cool." "You go, you smoke a joint, you talk about nothing." " See?" "Easy." " Where's the rest of the band?" "That's what I want to know." "Fucking alley jumped here." " We wanted a minute with Kip." " The guys should be here." "They're not here because I don't want them here." "We're a band." "We want to cut a fucking album, not hairstyling and DJ licking." "Shut your fucking mouth for one second." "Look, you got to make some personnel changes." " What?" " You got one guitarist too many." "You should be a foursome." "You're stepping all over each other up there." "And your guy on lead, he's got to go." " Duck?" "You fucking..." " What the hell you trying to do?" "He's a stiff." "No stage presence." "And his guitar playing, mediocre at best." "Come on, they're not technicians." "I mean, playing ain't the focus of their vibe." "No, even for them, he's mediocre." "Take all of this and shove it up your sagging fuckhole." "You signed the band." "What did you think you were getting?" "Him and a couple of other guys." "See, this is what happens when a label picks you up." "We groom you, we work with you, we turn you into something that might actually have a life." "Duck is the band." "He came up with the name." " Sizable contribution." " He's my friend, you fucking leech." "I'll work with Duck." "He'll step up." "He says because of his vast experience developing bands." "You want to shrink the group?" "Is that 'cause your label's run out of money?" "Is that it?" "You haven't got enough to pay us?" "You know who Frank Barsalona is?" "He runs Premier Talent." "Best booking agency in town." "He's also a friend." "And because he's my friend, he's booking you to open for the New York Dolls next month at the Academy." " Are you serious?" " Yeah." "So you guys do what you want, but unless there's suddenly four of them including a replacement for that fucking lump they think is a guitarist," "I'm cancelling the booking." "And if you ever talk to me like that again," "I'll slap you so hard you'll be singing out of your asshole." "(music playing)" "Hey, come on, there's people working here." "I'll come back later." "(snorting)" "Ah!" "Jessie Walsh contract." "Heather is a fucking idiot." "I wanted a bialy." "I had to draw a picture for her." "Is there a hole, is there not a hole?" "The guy from "The Voice" needs a quote for Grand Funk's San Diego show." "Bounce it to Zak." "Make him happy." "And they're moving your furniture back in later." "Do I need a new secretary?" "Heather's available." "I got to replace you with a black chick." "Makes me look hipper." "Hepper." "Hepper." "Hepper?" "Neither." "Just..." "He's not gonna put a ring on your finger." "He's already married." "You know that, right?" "Hannibal." "He's giving serious thought to Koronet Records." "Jackie Jervis took him out again Tuesday night." "Hannibal likes his PR gal." "Andrea?" "I taught her everything she knows." "She says she can cross him over, that you're ghettoizing him in the soul market." "If that twat used the word ghettoizing, I'll kill her." "She's smart." "She had all sorts of ideas, Richie." "You were there." "Why didn't you tell me?" "I'm telling you now." "You think I could take you and your little boyfriend out to eat tonight?" "Save this fucking place from going under." "Yeah, I'll see what I can do." "(dialing)" "You're gonna bring Devon, right?" "I'll see what I can do." "You used to be nicer." "You know that?" " (phone rings)" " Hello?" "Richie:" "Hey, it's me!" "Hi." "You okay?" "I'm fine." "You up for some fondue?" "If not, we can fon-don't, go somewhere else." "Tonight?" "Yeah, I was thinking maybe Chalet Suisse?" "Double date." "Who are you trying to impress?" "Hannibal's contract's up." "So it's not so much a date as a business meeting." "No, it's both, okay?" "It'll be fun, Dev." "Look, he's a big fish, you know that." "We could use a night together, you and me." "Please?" "It's important." "Fine, I'll bring the harpoon." "All right, 8:30." "Wear something sexy." "♪ In the evening by your side ♪" "♪ Oh, you're hurting deep inside ♪" "♪ Watch your step, baby... ♪" "Andy, it's me." "What are you doing for lunch?" " (knocks)" " Approach." "I'm putting together a list." "Go shopping with fucking Kip." "Buy him these albums and then tie him to a chair and make him listen to this shit till he can recognize a chord progression when it bites him on the ass." "Clark said he's taking my job." "Does that... are you promoting me?" "I brought in the Bits." " Uh-huh." " So..." " No." " No what?" "Clark's doing my job." "I signed a band." "Clark was made vice president in charge of lunch." "You are still vice president in charge of coffee, correspondence, and whatever the fuck else you do out there." "So I get nothing for bringing in a band?" "No, you work with them like an AR person would and you do your regular job for which I hired you." "And if you don't fuck it up, I will note that on my list of naughty and nice." "But, no, there's no promotion." "I just put a bunch of fucking people out on the street including support staff." "We're barely hanging on." "Or haven't you noticed?" "(music playing)" "♪ I got a Maserati GT... ♪" "Woman:" "Okay, great." "Hold it right there." "Andrea:" "The eyelines are fucked up." "Where are they looking?" "Right here, guys." "Carla, don't be afraid to get in tighter." "You're shooting the band, not the crane." "♪ I got a closet full of clothes... ♪" "How's that?" "Tell her I want some close-ups of Scott." "How's Devon?" "She's great." "She thought we'd be buying a boat and sailing to the Caribbean, so, you know, it took her a minute." "She wants to gut me like a fish." "What's she gonna do?" "It's never about the money until you announce that you're not backing up a Brink's truck." "Then she's a capitalist." "I'm glad that you're not selling." "See, I knew you'd get it." "You busy tonight?" "We got dinner, but we can meet you before for a drink." "Dev would love to see you." "I got a thing." "Lou Reed." "When are you gonna get the fuck over it?" "You got the biggest fucking balls." "I'm talking about a real job like you have with Jackie." "You are habituated to treating me like a hand towel." "You couldn't do otherwise if you wanted to." "Don't give me that line of shit about abusing you." "You came to my apartment with fucking options to sign at 11:00 at night." "I didn't tie you to the bed." "It was my idea to fuck you, sweetheart, it wasn't my idea to clean your bathroom." "Your new secretary clean your fridge?" " No." " Imagine that." "She doesn't want to answer your phones, then get on the train, go up to your apartment, scrape gravy off the stove?" "The stove?" "The fucking stove?" "That's what you're still mad about?" "Okay, you know what?" "This ain't gonna work." "Fine, sorry." "Go ahead." "You walk around with a chip on your shoulder like some encounter group dick swatter," " you're never gonna..." " I said go ahead." " Head of publicity." " No." "What?" "Why did I buy you a knish?" "Your point-of-sale strategies are archaic." "Your marketing makes you look like a vacuum cleaner company." " So change it." " "Dark Side of the Moon."" "Doesn't have a single on it and it's a blockbuster." "A prog-rock concept album." "Every mophead in America can't stop contemplating the mysteries of that floating fucking triangle." "Pink Floyd doesn't have a face." "Meanwhile, you're still putting head shots on covers and calling it art." "It makes you look boring." "I can't change that in PR." "That is a revisualization of the whole company." "Fine, then do it." "I'm starting a sublabel, too." "You can run with it." "If you don't have a big idea, there's not gonna be any difference between the sublabel and the original." "The idea is new and not fed through a machine so hard that you can't feel the fucking intestines of the artist and the music." "Shit." "I should put that on a T-shirt." "New and alive is subjective." "It's not a vision for a company." "So help me define the fucking idea." "Does that make me a partner?" "(sighs)" "Look, I'll match whatever Jackie was giving you and I'll up it 20%." "I'm not coming in to be your PR girl." "That's not growth for me." "It's a fucking insult." "You'll call the shots on big ideas." "Baby, you couldn't follow through on that if you wanted to." "You'll have a voice, okay?" "I'm different, Andy." "One second." "I love you, babe." "I always have." "I'm meeting Mrs. Fineman." "Oh, yes." "Follow me, please." "Sorry I'm late." "Someone threw themselves in front of the six train." "Madame." "I take veal." "You have a soup?" "Serving a potato leek soup and a beef consommé." "I'll have consommé." "Uh, the chicken, please." "Nothing to start." " And consommé." " No, I'm fine." "I don't want the consommé." "(speaking Polish)" "I'm not gonna go in there again." "(speaking Polish)" " No one had alcohol." " (speaking Polish)" "I would have cleaned up the cigarette butts, but you didn't give me a chance." "(speaking Polish)" "If I had burned it down, at least you'd have had the insurance money." "I wouldn't have to hear how the business is such a millstone around your neck." "(speaking Polish)" "There's your key." "(speaking Polish)" "They're musicians." "(speaking Polish)" "You didn't need anyone to take care of you." "(speaking Polish)" "Oy, if I have to hear about you sucking off the Hitler Youth again, I'm gonna throw myself..." "Close your mouth before I stab you in the throat." "I got a promotion at work." "There's people who type letters and bring coffee and then there's people who work with the artists." "I will retire one day." "If you cannot take the business..." "They fired a bunch of people." "Not only did they keep me, but they made me a..." "You're an embarrassment." "(speaks Polish)" "(music playing)" "♪ I dig the hell in your eyes, baby ♪" "♪ I dig the sounds... ♪" "Penny:" "Wait a minute, Richie was how old?" "Vince: 12 or 13." "He's got the Philco blasting, stark naked in front of a mirror singing, "Josefina, please don't lean-a on the bell." "When you smooch-a, please don't push-a on the bell."" " Hey!" " Oh." "Look who decides to show up." "5:30, we said." "I got to get home to hear the liar address the nation." " Oh, shit." " So nice to meet you." "It's a real pleasure." "Oh, beautiful." " Gonna need to change, so..." " Thank you." "A fucking zoo, Broadway." "The goddamn rush hour." "Panhandlers every three feet." "Drinking bourbon?" "The girl said there's no rye." "Bourbon or scotch?" "There's gold everywhere." "The lost city of the Incas." "Yes, you made that very same observation the last time you were here." "Maybe next time you should cut your pecker off, hang that on the wall." "They're achievements, Pop." "I'm proud of them." ""Mairzy Doats" sold three million copies." "What does that prove?" "That not everything has to be Mozart or Thelonius Monk." "I'm changing course, taking the label in a new direction." "I signed this band, Pop." "They have an energy." "It's electric." "The fuck do I know?" "I'm just an old horn player." "How are your fingers?" "Your arthritis?" "The Bufferin now, it's easier on the stomach." "Maybe lay off the rye." "You gonna lecture me now?" "No, it runs in families." "It's not a lecture." "Your mother's, maybe, not mine." "It's a known fact mulattos can't hold their liquor." " That wasn't her problem." " I'd come home, she'd be soused." "Staring off listening to Arthur Godfrey." "She was depressed." "By the way, when the fuck were you ever home?" "Since when are you father of the year?" " The dope, the whores." " I don't run around." "Flying around in jet planes like Joe fucking Big Shot and now this trouble with the law." "You love this, don't you?" "It's my fault you got mixed up in this shit?" "I'm not mixed up with anything." "Ah." "Then why'd you need me for an alibi?" "Look, it was a misunderstanding." "Okay, Buck Rogers, the dead guy, he was a friend of mine and I'm the last person he called before they murdered him." "It's a coincidence." "Where were you that you needed me to lie?" "Out." "Doing something that I'm not proud of, okay?" "On the phone you said it was an accident." "Well, obviously it was an accident of some kind." "But it doesn't mean I was involved." "Oh, you got all the answers, don't you?" "Big record man, fancy house, built-in swimming pool." "My proud papa." "The fuck I give a shit what anybody else has?" "Oh, please, Pop." "Come on." "Benny Goodman, Artie Shaw." "Artie Shaw was an asshole!" "Artie Shaw gave you a career which you fucking drank away." "It'd be nice if I could see my grandchildren every once in a while." "Fine." "We'll have you out to the house." "The one with the in-ground pool." "I'm sorry about your friend." "I hope the cops catch who did it." "♪ It's Saturday night and I just got paid ♪" "♪ Fool about my money, don't try to save ♪" "♪ My heart say go, go, have a time ♪" "♪ 'Cause it's Saturday night and I'm feeling fine ♪" "♪ I'm gonna rock it up, I'm gonna rip it up ♪" "♪ I'm gonna shake it up, gonna ball it up ♪" "♪ I'm gonna rock it up and ball tonight ♪" "♪ Well, along about 10, I'll be flying high ♪" "♪ Walk on out unto the sky ♪" "♪ I don't care if I spend my dough ♪" "♪ Tonight I'm gonna be one happy soul ♪" "♪ I'm gonna rock it up, whoo ♪" "♪ Rip it up, babe ♪" "♪ Gonna shake it up, gonna ball it up ♪" "♪ I'm gonna rock it up and ball tonight ♪" "♪ Everybody, come on... ♪" "He's my best mate." "Cooks us fucking rice and beans." "I was gonna call the band the Nips." "Yeah, the Nasty Bits is better." "You don't need to tell me that." "I'm sorry." "I'm not doing it." "I mean, losing Billy was one thing." "I hardly knew him." "But Duck." "(tuning)" "We'll find another label." "Doesn't seem like you have a choice." "All right, fellas, we're gonna go on four." "(sticks clacking)" "(music playing)" "Do me a favor, mate." "Sure." " Get off your bloody amp." " Why?" " 'Cause I'm asking." " I always sit on my amp." "I'm keenly aware of that, Duck, but if you stood, you might find you'll be a little more connected." " Connected to what?" " The music." "The band." "The grit in your anus." " It's a demo, man." " It looks fucking lazy." "Shall we go for another one, then?" "(clacking)" "(music playing)" "♪ Conquistador, your stallion stands ♪" "♪ In need of company ♪" "♪ And like some angel's haloed brow ♪" "♪ You reek of purity ♪" "♪ I see your armor-plated breast ♪" "♪ Has long since lost its sheen... ♪" " Richie:" "So she's playing Cassandra." " Devon:" "Ophelia." "And at the end she's supposed to drown herself in the river, right?" "But this is fucking avant-garde theater, so, you know, the river ain't water or papier-mâché or some shit." "No, it's guys." " Live men?" " In blue shirts." "She's drowning in guys." " I thought he was gonna kill somebody." " I was." "I'm playing my death scene, he's about to rush the stage." " You could see him." " Oh, yeah." "He's got that thing with his jaw that he does and the throbbing vein in his neck." "I had to make sure nobody was grabbing her tits, which they were." " The fucking Canadian." " He was gay." "They all were." "Yeah, a lot of groping around for a bunch of queers." "I want to be that river." "Richie:" "Right?" "Nice work if you can get it." "Yeah, when's your next play?" "Oh, God, that's ancient history." "I don't know." "Got to find you another one." "Devon:" "No, I'm done." "Cece's a baby, though." "She should be a star of the stage." " There we go." " Uh-uh." " Come on, Sweet Catch Me." " Stop it, now." "Sweet Catch Me likes to play shy, but it's just an act." "Sweet Catch Me, huh?" "It's an anagram of my name." "Cece Matthews, Sweet Catch Me." "He can do them in his head." "It's amazing." "No shit?" "Let me see." "Devon Finestra." "Devon I-N or O-N?" "O-N." " Deaf inventors." " Holy shit." "In your head?" "Finest dove ran." "Richie:" "Uh-oh." "What's that supposed to mean?" "Means you better hold on tight before your dove run off." "(growls)" " Do Richie." " Yeah, do me." "Terrifies China." "Well, they do hate me in that noodle place on 57th." " (laughs)" " The anagrams don't lie." "He in racist fire." "Racist fire?" "Come on, man." "I'm taking out girls of every color of the rainbow." "That's right." "And if that's the fire, get me out of the frying pan, yeah." "(all laughing)" "(music playing)" "What do you think?" "Could cut him out of the mix." "But, really, he's no worse than the others." "Dinner." "Nice work, fellas." "That's dinner." "See you in a bit." "You feel like Indian?" "I got to run home." "Left my notebook." "Your notebook's right there." "I got a new one." "New one's got me quality lyrics in it." "Be back in a bit." "(sighs)" "Give us a minute." "What'd you do before the band?" "I worked in a bowling alley." " Can you get that job back?" " I don't know." "Probably." "Then you should do that, 'cause I'm afraid this ain't working out." "You fucking firing me?" " You can't do that." " I'm just the messenger." " Kip put you up to this?" " No, this is above Kip." " Goes all the way up the flagpole." " But why?" "You're not in a rec room anymore." "At this level, they are taking pictures." "They are paying money to put you up in front of a crowd." "Now, you play better than Kip does, we both know that." "But it don't feel that way because Kip is the one you want to look at." "We're making music." "Supposed to be about the music." "Yeah." "Fuck you, man." "Mm-mmm." "I didn't come here to get off." "Neither did I. My knob's always like this." "Kip Stevens." "An enigma wrapped in dungarees and sweat." " Just leave it." " Oh, shut your gob." "Isn't that what you people say?" "(music playing)" "♪ Won't you let me walk you home from school?" "♪" "♪ Won't you let me meet you at the pool?" "♪" "♪ Maybe Friday... ♪" "I love that you like this." "It sold about five copies to rock critics." "It's all about the dosh for you, isn't it?" "I don't care about the money." "I care about an album doing well enough for the label to let the band do another album." "They wanted the band to work, they shouldn't have sacked lead guitar." "You don't need Duck." "You got your deal despite Duck." "And you're gonna blow it if you don't move on." "(scoffs)" "I'm up there face-front of all them punters." "To have someone there take the knocks with you." "You still have that, you dick." "Jamie Vine." "It's nice to meet you." "(chuckles)" "Not going anywhere." "(music playing)" " (laughing) - ♪ Hey, baby, let me stay ♪" "♪ I don't care what your friends are about to say... ♪" "Hannibal:" "Yeah!" "Come on!" "Cece, get on over there, girl." "Come on, now." "(exhales)" "(snorts) Ah!" "Whoo!" "Yeah!" "Love this." " Sylvia?" " Yeah, Little Sylvia." "♪ Hey, baby, let me stay... ♪" "Fucking hot track." "Yeah." "Hey, man, we've got to get you guys onstage together." " Huh?" "Duet." " Yes." "Yes." "We got to get this girl back onstage." " It's a waste of talent." " Yeah, she's hot." "♪ It can't compete with this pillow talk of mine ♪" "♪ Ooh, you can't find love on a one-way street ♪" "♪ It takes two to tangle ♪" "♪ Takes two to even compete ♪" "♪ Oh, yes... ♪" "Cece looking cold." "Better warm her up." "Oh, come here." "He's right." "He's right." "Better warm you up." "(giggling)" "♪ I'm pleading to you now ♪" "♪ Hey, baby, let me try... ♪" "You know, I'm all right." "♪ To be the one who's gonna light your fire... ♪" "I'm fine." "♪ But it can't compete ♪" "♪ With this pillow talk of mine... ♪" "(Devon moans)" "♪ Ooh, I don't want to see you be no fool ♪" "♪ What I'm teaching you tonight ♪" "♪ Boy, you'll never learn it in school... ♪" "You want a bump?" "I don't need no bump." "I got a bump." "Why, yes, you do, sir." "♪ I'll ask to borrow them pants on a cold ♪" " ♪ And lonely night... ♪ - (laughs)" "♪ Ooh, hey, baby ♪" "♪ Let me be ♪" "♪ The one who turns you on from A to Z ♪" "♪ Ah, ah ♪" "♪ What your friends all say is fine ♪" "♪ But it can't compete... ♪" "Right." "I'm gonna leave that for you." "Party favor." "Dev, we got to run." " Why?" " Sitter." "Estella's staying the night." "Yeah, she says yes now, then she's pissed off in the morning." "Takes it out on the kids." "You got a coat?" " Rich..." " Let's go." "Grab her purse." "And you." "You are like a fucking god." "Huh?" "Love you." "Come on." "Come on." "Hmm?" "You be good." "Take care of Cece, okay?" "She's got to work in the morning." " Come on." "Come on." " I guess we're leaving." " All right, baby." " We'll see you soon." " Mm-hmm." " Get the fuck out of here." " That was fun." " Yeah..." " (gasps)" " Fuck." " (moans)" " No." "You're wet." "Okay." "You were gonna fuck him." "(elevator bell dings)" "You were gon... you were gonna fuck him." "What the fuck are you talking about?" "You were thinking all four of us or me and Cece would play Scrabble while you fuck?" "You fucking psychopath." "I'm just supposed to sit there and watch, right?" "Get the fuck out of here." "Telling all your favorite "Devon was a whore when I met her" stories." "You served me up on a goddamn platter." "I brought you to dinner, okay, not to..." "I was bait so he'd sign." "Everyone in that room knew that." "So you were gonna fuck him for the good of the company?" "That was your plan?" "I was gonna grind on the dance floor until the song ended and then suck you off in the bathroom." "That was my plan." "So that maybe for five minutes you'd remember that you're into me almost as much as you're into men who can sell fucking records." "You know what?" "Fuck you with "I don't love you enough."" "I'm sick of that shit." "You just drove our future into the ground." "I was trying to save whatever's left of your fucking company." "I don't need you to save anything!" "You sure as fuck do." "He's one of your biggest artists." "I didn't give you millions of dollars, so you thought a black cock was your consolation prize." "No?" "Say what you want, your cunt doesn't lie." "(grunts)" "♪ Before you ♪" "♪ Slip into unconsciousness ♪" "♪ I'd like to have ♪" "♪ Another kiss ♪" "♪ Another ♪" "♪ Flashing chance ♪" "♪ At bliss ♪" "♪ Another kiss ♪" "♪ Another kiss... ♪" "Check it out." "I'll call you back." "The latest hit from Richie Finestra of American Century Records." "Richie:" "I'm not mixed up with anything." "Vince:" "Then why'd you need me for an alibi?" "Richie:" "It was a misunderstanding." "Okay, Buck Rogers, the dead guy, he was a friend of mine and I'm the last person he called before they murdered him." "It'sa coincidence." "Wherewereyouthat you needed me to lie?" "Richie:" "Out." "Doing something that I'm not proud of, okay?" "Vince:" "On the phone you said it was an accident." "Richie:" "Well, obviously it was an accident of some kind." "But it doesn't mean I was involved." "Vince:" "Oh, you got all the answers, don't you?" "So we got him, right?" " Is that it?" " What, not enough?" "For an arrest?" "I mean, clearly he's involved, but he doesn't actually say it." "He's like right there." "Leo:" "So the apartment or home to Greenwich?" "Or I could just drive around." "I'm sure Devon's fine." "She probably caught a cab home." "(phone rings)" "The fuck are you?" "Oh, that's nice of you to ask." "I'm with one of my artists, actually." "Richie:" "What do you want, Jackie?" "Nothing." "I called to gloat." "I just signed Hannibal." "What?" "Yeah, I heard you two had a lovely dinner." "Hey, aren't you gonna congratulate me?" " You miserable piece of shit." " Miserable?" "I'm the happiest piece of shit in the record business." "Good night, you fucking putz." "♪ Spend your time when we get back ♪" "♪ I'll drop a line. ♪" "Fuck!" "Fuck!" "Fuck!" "Fuck!" "Fuck!" "Fuck!" "Fuck!" "Fuck!" "Fuck!" "Fuck!" "Fuck!" "Fuck!" "Fuck!" "Fuck!" "(panting)" "(music playing)" "(chatter)" "♪ White light, white light going messing up my mind ♪" "♪ White light, and don't you know it's gonna make me go blind ♪" "♪ White heat, aw, white heat, it tickle me down to my toes ♪" "♪ White light, ooh, have mercy, white light have it, goodness knows ♪" "♪ White light, white light going down to my brain ♪" "♪ White light, hey, don't you know it gonna make me insane ♪" "♪ White heat, white heat tickle me down to my toes ♪" "♪ White light, oh, white light, I said, now, goodness knows ♪" "♪ Ooh, hah ♪" "♪ White light ♪" "♪ Ooh, hah ♪" "♪ White light, watch that side, watch that side ♪" "♪ Don't you know gonna be dead and dried... ♪" "They play here next week." "I'll get you tickets." "Hey." "I'll be back in a minute." "Don't leave, okay?" " You have to come back." " Richie." "You have to... have to come back." "Andy, I'm going down." "You don't pull this shit with me again." "I'm not saving you." "I saved you already." "Fucking Christ, this is bigger than that." "Seven years of my life?" "This is the shit you always talked about and I'm giving it to you..." "authority, vision." " Oh, yeah?" " Yeah." "Unless that was all bullshit and you just wanted to get married." "Why would I want to marry someone who didn't love me?" "I loved you, okay?" "I loved Devon, too." "Sue me, it was fucked up." "You made a decision, though, didn't you?" " Yeah, I did." " She was easy." "She didn't call you on your shit." "That's why." "You didn't want to be with somebody who was as smart as you." "It's an unattractive quality in you." "But let me tell you something." "It helped in the end seeing that." "Okay." "No?" "Whatever." " So why?" " It doesn't fucking matter." "Say why." "You're right." "I wanted somebody dumb." "If that is not why, say why." "Because she was more beautiful." "Thank you." "You know how many years I wondered that?" " Andy, you're a beautiful woman." " Okay." "You look like me." "You do." "It's like narcissism or something." "I don't know." "You're like my family." "Okay, stop." "Jesus." "What, are you gonna cry?" "Fuck you." "I could do it." " The job?" " I could think about it." "But you give me an ownership stake." "And I'm not your mother or your extra wife." " Done." " I don't take care of you." "I take care of the company." "You puke on your clothes, I don't give a shit." "I have a secretary." "Got it." "You rolling off the wagon?" "Go with God." "The guy in the hat, he's got dots." "The girl in the gold top, she's a cokehead." "She'll let you do blow out of her navel." "Go to fucking town." "Andy." "We're gonna do something great." "Leave me alone." "Ronnie Lang's my lawyer now." "Figure it out with him." "Don't call me till it's done." "In fact, don't ever call me at home." "♪ Tickle me down to my toes ♪" "♪ White light, white light, I said, now, goodness knows ♪" "♪ Let's do it, ooh, ooh ♪" "♪ White light ♪" "♪ Ooh, ooh ♪" "♪ White light, watch that side, watch that side ♪" "♪ Don't you know it gonna be dead in the ride ♪" "♪ Ooh, ooh, white heat ♪" "♪ Ooh, ooh, white light ♪" "♪ White light, white light going messing up my mind ♪" "♪ White light, and don't you know it's gonna make me go blind ♪" "♪ White heat, aw, white heat, it tickle me down to my toes ♪" "♪ White light, ooh, have mercy, white light have it, goodness knows ♪" "♪ White light, white light going messing up my brain ♪" "♪ White light, oh, white light is gonna drive me insane ♪" "♪ White heat, oh, white heat, it tickle me down to my toes ♪" "♪ White light, oh, white light, I said, now, goodness knows ♪" "♪ Do it ♪" "♪ Ooh, ooh, white light ♪" "♪ Ooh, ooh, white light ♪" "♪ Ooh, ooh, white heat ♪" "♪ Ooh, ooh, white heat. ♪" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"80 millions years ago, two dinosaurs, a crested Protoceratops and sharp-clawed Velociraptor, fought to the death." "Somehow, as they died in the sands of the Gobi desert, their battle was frozen in time." "The Velociraptor flat on its back, its clawed arm caught in the jaws of the Protoceratops." "An extraordinary fossil." "A mysterious glimpse of life and death in the age of dinosaurs." "For more than 150 million years, dinosaurs roamed every corner of the planet." "Only a very few left evidence of their existence, their fossilized bones." "And those bones never sees to fascinate us." "Dinosaurs came in amazing shapes and sizes." "Some were the largest animals ever to walk the Earth." "Paleontologists, the scientists, who study prehistoric life, are discovering more dinosaurs now, than ever before." "And this fossil evidence is allowing them to reconstruct not only their strange skeletons, but also their lives." "An example is this gigantic long-necked plant-eater, known as Seismosaurus." "Found in New Mexico, it lived during the Jurassic Period," "150 millions years ago, when many dinosaurs grew to unprecedented size." "Seismosaurus means "earth-shaking lizard", and there's no doubt, that their footsteps echoed across the Jurassic landscape." "Measuring 110 feet from nose to tail, it is one of the longest dinosaurs ever discovered." "Strangely, when it was excavated, some 240 smooth, round stones were found in and around its huge stomach cavity." "Some scientists believe," "Seismosaurus swallowed stones to help its digestion." "Others say, that finding the stones was a coincidence, that they were part of the riverbed, where Seismosaurus was found." "Seismosaurus weighed over 30 tons, as much as 8 elephants." "It must have consumed hundreds of pounds of vegetation every day." "Sometimes scientists can even learn, what dinosaurs ate." "From clues they left behind in their fossilized dung." "Dinosaurs were first discovered in Europe and America." "But in the 20th century, scientific explorers struck out for the most remote corners of the Earth." "And a full extend in the dinosaur kingdom began to be revealed." "The Gobi desert spans a half-million square miles of Mongolia and China." "The ancient land of Genghis Khan." "Beneath sands, that camel caravans traversed for centuries, lay a vast treasure trove of fossils." "Undisturbed for more than 70 million years, that would forever change our view of dinosaur life." "In 1920s, a team of scientists from the American Museum of Natural History set out to explore the little-known Gobi." "Their leader was Roy Chapman Andrews." "Andrews and his team traveled in a fleet of automobiles." "It was one of the first major expeditions used motorized transport in Central Asia." "To keep his expeditions supplied, when the nearest gas station was 1000 miles away, he came up with a novel plan." "Sending out camel caravans in advance, loaded with food and fuel." "And the camels provided an unexpected service to the expedition." "Hair, plucked from their shedding winter coats was ideal for packing fragile fossils." "Mongolia was a dangerous place, full of roving bandits." "But Andrews thought to be the inspiration for Indiana Jones, reveled in the adventure of it all." "Never again will i have such a feeling as Mongolia gave me." "All this thrilled me to the core." "Somewhere in the depths of that vast silent desert lay those records of the past, that i had come to seek." "Andrews fended off the bandits, but he and his team could not avoid the violent sandstorms, that often sweep across the Gobi." "To their amazement, they found that each new storm uncovered a wealth of bones." "Dinosaurs bones never before seen, and perfectly preserved in the desert sands." "Mark Norell and Mike Novacek of the American Museum of Natural History, following in Andrews' footsteps, have been leading expeditions to the Gobi every year since 1990." "Fascinated by dinosaurs in their youth," "Mike and Mark have become renowned paleontologists." "They have dug dinosaurs all over the world, but they have made their most spectacular finds here, in the Gobi Desert." "Dr. Julia Clark has arrived in Mongolia's capital Ulaanbaatar, with graduate students Alan Turner and Amy Balanoff to prepare to this year's expedition." "They are part of a team, that will join Mike and Mark in the desert." "This will be my sixth summer in the Gobi." "Mongolia has proven so rich in fossils, i know, that each year, there will be great new finds to be made." "There are few paved roads outside Ulaanbaatar." "The team's destination in the western Gobi is a minimum of three days' driving." "A "Mad Max" journey over hot, dusty plains and through mountain passes." "In 1921, after months of overland travel," "Roy Chapman Andrews' motor-caravan came across a strange and beautiful place of eroded canyons and sandstone towers." "The late-afternoon sun seemed to set the rocks on fire." "Andrews named it the Flaming Cliffs." "Here they would come upon one of the greatest repositories of dinosaur remains ever found." "More than 80 years later, the Flaming Cliffs are still a fabled and productive destination for dinosaur hunters." "To find dinosaurs, paleontologists must first look in the right places." "They know, that fossils are preserved in certain rock deposits." "The only tool, they need at first, is keen eyesight." "Tiny white bone fragments on the surface hint, at what can be an entire dinosaur buried below." "There's alot of bones in here." "Always a good place." "Hey, come check this out." "Oh, what?" " An egg." "With decades of experience," "Mike and Mark readily spot fossils and identify them." "For grad students Alan and Amy, time in the field is the best way, to develop their own skills." "This is my first time going to the Gobi with Mark and everyone." "I'm really excited and happy to be a part of a tradition, that goes back to Roy Chapman Andrews." "The Gobi expeditions are a collaboration with the Mongolian Acadamy of Sciences." "This year, Mongolian grad student Boldra Mingin joins the team." "My father is a paleontologist." "And when he first showed me a giant skeleton found in Mongolia, i couldn't believe, such animals really lived." "I have loved finding fossils ever since." "Today, after only a few hours of searching, the team uncovers a fossilized skull." "Julia is quick to recognize it as that of a large, armored dinosaur." "It's called the Pinacosaurus, it was sort of a heavy tank of its day." "With experience, we can visualize, what fossils like this, would have looked like in live." "Pinacosaurus and its relatives, like this Tarchia, were built for defence." "Their backs bristled with rows of hard, bony plates and spikes." "Even their eyelids were armored." "And their tails ended in a massive bony club." "One of Tarchia's few enemies was the ferocious Tarbosaurus, whose bones have also been found in the Gobi." "Tarbosaurus was a close relative of Tyrannosaurus Rex, and it was a top predator." "It was 30 feet long and weighet five tons." "It had a super-sized bite with razor-sharp teeth nearly six inches long." "Scientists have debated for many years, how fast or slow these big predators were." "This scale model of a T-Rex skeleton reveals, how a massive two-legged, or bipedal dinosaur might have moved." "As they walked, they shifted their entire weight from leg to leg, as humans do." "Their large tales helped to balance them." "Their legs were directly beneath their hips, allowing them to carry more weight and move faster." "Dinosaurs like T-Rex could have reached speeds up to 25 mph." "Faster than an average human could run." "Tarbosaurus was at the top of the food chain in the area of Asia, that is now the Gobi Desert." "But Tarchia was no wimp, and could use its tale club to cripple or kill an attacker." "In the 1920s, the Andrews' expeditions found a number of new dinosaurs." "Their most important discovery wasn't a ferocious predator." "It was something rather small." "But one of the great dinosaur finds of all time." "They find the first dinosaur eggs." "Lying in large round nests in the ground." "This amazing find confirmed, that dinosaurs actually laid eggs." "Andrews and his team believed, the eggs belonged to Protoceratops, because they found so many of these dinosaurs in the Gobi." "About the size of sheep," "Protoceratops had a distinctive head shield and a hook-like beak." "On top of one nest, they made a puzzling discovery." "The skeleton of a bird-like meat-eating dinosaur, definitely not a Protoceratops." "They concluded, that it was a predator, that had been raiding the nest." "It was named Oviraptor, meaning "egg thief"." "It took 7 years to prove, they were wrong." "In 1993, Mark Norell made an extraordinary find in the Gobi." "A fossilized dinosaur embryo." "We discovered, that it was the embryo of a very close relative of Oviraptor." "In other words, the dinosaur was not actually stealing the eggs, it was a good parent, that was brooding them." "The discovery of Oviraptors, preserved on their nests, sheds new light on these dinosaurs." "They sat on their eggs, just like modern birds." "Many of the Gobi dinosaurs are in a remarkable state of preservation." "Undisturbed by scavengers or damaged by erosion." "Not only Oviraptors, but many others, like the fighting dinosaurs." "And even a nest full of barely hatched baby Protoceratops..." "How did they die so suddenly, and remain so intact?" "Until recently, it was thought, that sandstorms buried these creatures." "New evidences suggests a much more spectacular scenario." "During this expedition, heavier than normal rainfall flooded parts of the Gobi." "According to a new theory, water and sand dunes played a dramatic part in preserving dinosaur remains." "Scientists now believe, that every few centuries rainstorms of immense power swept down on this arid world, with catastrophic effect." "The inhabitants could not have known, what was coming." "A pair of speedy, aggressive Velociraptors were on a hunt, and approached a large group of nesting Oviraptors." "But on this day, unaware, that they are chasing their last meal." "Bones become fossilized, when they are quickly buried, protecting them from weather and predators." "Over time, living tissues decay and bone is replaced by minerals, seeping in from the surrounding sediment." "But bones are not the only clues to the understanding of dinosaur life." "New evidence is revolutionizing our view of dinosaurs like Velociraptor." "Long thought to be leathery-skinned or scaly," "Velociraptor was in fact covered with feathers." "And though it could not fly, it had the same s-shaped neck, four-toed feet, and many other features, that birds have today." "Julia Clarke is using the very latest evidence to study one of nature's most enduring mysteries, the origin of birds, and how feathers developed to give them the power of flight." "Understanding the evolution of flight is to me one of the most interesting questions in dinosaur paleontology." "Dozens of new dinosaur species are being discovered in the north of China." "They are preserved in extremely fine volcanic ash and, for the first time, we can see distinct impressions of feathers associated with their delicate bones, confirming to us that non-flying dinosaurs were the first feathered creatures on Earth." "But at least one group of dinosaurs, like this Confuciusornis, recently found in China, did develop the body structure and the kind of feathers that allowed them to take to the sky." "65 million years ago dinosaurs disappeared from Earth." "Or so it was long thought." "Today we know that the dinosaurs are not all gone." "One line of dinosaurs survives, and we call them birds." "Mongolia is a great place to find some of the last non-flying dinosaurs, that lived on Earth." "But to go further back in time and find the earliest dinosaurs, scientists come to places like the high desert badlands of New Mexico." "The land has a rich and turbulent human history of Pueblo people," "Spanish conquistadors, cowboys,and cattle rustlers." "But it has an even richer history of life stretching back over 200 million years." "It is one of the few places in the world, where rock layers span the Age of Dinosaurs." "The deeper the layer, the older the rock." "At the top, rock from the Cretaceous." "Below that, further back in time, the gold and white cliffs of the Jurassic." "And near the bottom, the oldest, red Triassic badlands, when dinosaurs first appeared." "Alan Turner is having a busy summer." "In addition to trekking across the Gobi, he is working with his fellow grad student Sterling Nesbitt on a new excavation at a place called Ghost Ranch." "Sterling grew up in the Southwest, reading about dinosaurs and the amazing discoveries that had been made at Ghost Ranch." "I have spent every summer since i was 15 digging for dinosaurs." "I have always wanted to be a paleontologist so the chance to excavate at Ghost Ranch is a dream come true." "Ghost Ranch was explored in the 1940s by paleontologists from the American Museum." "They discovered rich fossil beds 220 million years old with hundreds of bones of a small, early dinosaur now considered a kind of blueprint for the carnivorous dinosaurs yet to come." "Named Coelophysis, it grew to nine feet long and weighed 100 pounds." "Its size and leg bones indicate an ability to run fast." "On each hand it had three-clawed fingers for catching and holding prey." "Its large eye sockets suggest very acute vision." "It all adds up to a small but effective predator." "Pursuing his graduate research, Sterling became intrigued by the dozens of unexamined fossils at the museum, collected from Ghost Ranch in the 1940s." "He knew that not all dinosaur discoveries are made in the field." "Each expedition collects fossils and brings them back for later examination." "But some remain in museum catacombs for decades, unopened." "It's amazing," "When you walk through these catacombs, filled with tens of thousands of dinosaur bones, some still wrapped in plaster, and you realize that they were dug up by really famous paleontologists." "To get the chance to see, what they saw for the first time in 70 or 80 years, is pretty incredible." "It took me a few months to prepare and remove the bones from that old plaster cast, but by comparing it to Coelophysis correctly," "I very quickly realized, that this was not a dinosaur at all." "It was actually an animal new to science." "It is not often that a grad student discovers a new species." "And when his find captures the attention of leading paleontologists like Mike and Mark, it is a memorable day." "Sterling named this new creature Effigia, the Latin word for ghost, in honor of Ghost Ranch." "It was up to nine feet long and weighed about 200 pounds." "It really looks like a dinosaur, but one bone tells a different story." "The ankle is that of an ancient relative of crocodiles, telling us that Effigia was a member of the crocodile group." "But strangely Effigia walked upright on two legs." "After the discovery of Effigia, i knew i had to go to New Mexico." "My first stop was to see Alex Downs, curator of paleontology at Ghost Ranch, who has been working for years on Coelophysis." "This is one of the few places in the world, where fossilized bones of early dinosaurs and their closest relatives are found together." "There is a somewhat larger one here." "This is a tip of the snout, and we can see the teeth here." "And we have a beautiful skull..." "It's just missing one tooth." "That's great." "For grad students like Sterling and Alan who work in classrooms and labs most of the year," "the opportunity to spend a few weeks at a hot, dusty hunt for dinosaurs is what they live for." "The new dig at Ghost Ranch is a joint project of the University of California Berkeley and the American Museum." "Once the overlying tons of rock are removed, the grad students soon realize they have come upon a huge fossil site." "For Paleontologists great work is often accomplished, while lying down on the job." "We hope to piece together a picture of which creatures lived in the Late Triassic." "What their surroundings were like, and where they fit into the family tree of reptiles." "When dinosaurs first appeared, this part of North America was a very different environment." "The region had a wet tropical climate." "Tall evergreen-like trees grew along the banks of streams and rivers cutting through a vast floodplain." "All in all, it seemed to have been a rich habitat for life." "The question is, how did early dinosaurs interact with other animals?" "Raptiles appeared on Earth before dinosaurs." "Dinosaurs are reptiles too, but over 200 million years ago, they branched off from the evolutionary line leading towards crocodiles." "Effigia was an early crocodile relative." "Coelophysis was one of the first dinosaurs." "Undoubtedly, they came across one another in the canyons and forests of the Triassic Southwest." "The prospect of a new dinosaur discovery has brought Mike, Julia, and Mark to Ghost Ranch to see for themselves." "The number of fossils here is staggering." "Layers and layers of animals are piled up in this mass burial place, which seems to have been a sharp bend in an ancient riverbed." "What happened here?" "The high desert landscape is dramatic, and so are the torrential rainsqualls that can turn dry canyons into raging rivers of death, as they must have done back in the age of dinosaurs." "In Arizona's Petrified Forest National Park, 200 million year old fossilized trees are reappearing as the ground erodes around them, evidence of the ancient floods that violently uprooted and buried them." "Though now extinct, these giant trees of the Triassic were similar to the Pacific redwoods of today." "But it was not just trees that were swept up in ancient floods." "Early dinosaurs like Coelophysis were always on the defensive." "They lived in a world still dominated by larger reptiles, like this 1500-pound Postosuchus." "Flash floods washed the drowned bodies of reptiles and dinosaurs into concentrated deposits." "Perhaps this is why Sterling and team are finding so many in one area." "When they locate a skeleton, they carefully excavate around it, then cover it up with a jacket made of plaster and toilet paper, which always comes in handy out in the field." "This protects the fossils so that they can be transported to the lab, where the bones will be delicately separated from the rock." "This summer's dig at Ghost Ranch has been productive beyond our greatest expectations." "We have found something really exciting and we think it maybe a new dinosaur." "It is thrilling to find a dinosaur we have never known before that has not seen the light of day for over 200 million years." "It will take many months to determine what it looked like and how important it is, but it will surely change our views of how dinosaurs rose to dominance." "There are things, the fossil record cannot preserve, that we may never know, such as the color of dinosaurs or precisely what sounds they made." "But year by year, we learn more about them." "Some dinosaurs traveled in herds and hunted in packs." "We know that they made nests, protected their eggs, probably cared for their young." "From som fossils we learned, who were the hunters, and who were the hunted." "That feathers first appeared on non-flying dinosaurs, before birds evolved." "And that some dinosaurs live on, as modern birds." "Those who love to contemplate the secrets of the history of life, must come to places like Ghost Ranch and the Flaming Cliffs." "It is hard to imagine our own human sense of who we are and where we come from without the records buried beneath our feet." "For young paleontologists like Sterling and Alan, the adventure is just a beginning." "Three quarters of a century ago," "Roy Chapman Andrews discovered a whole new world of dinosaurs beneath the Flaming Cliffs." "Camping in this magical place, he wroted in his diary, of a sense of having traveled back in time." "It is a feeling shared by paleontologists then and now." "In the evening shadows, the rocks took on fantastic shapes" "We seemed to be living in the world of along-gone yesterday." "At any moment," "I imagined that dinosaurs might wander to the doorways of our tents." "We have discovered less than two percent of all the dinosaur species that once lived." "Imagine..." "All those dinosaurs out there yet to be found." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Dismount!" "Herman's horsesick!" "Chaps, no one wander off!" "Some of the passageways in here can run for miles." "I don't think this is such a good idea." "What is it?" " Did you get anything yet?" " Nothing." "The kid's got something." "I got something, Fedora!" "I got something right here." "Oh, look at that!" " We're rich!" "We're rich!" " Shut up!" "Indy?" "Indy?" "What are they doing?" "Indiana?" "Indiana...?" "We gotta find more stuff." "It's the Cross of Coronado." "Cortés gave it to him in 1520." "I'll give that ring to my mama and put it on her bony finger!" "That cross is an important artefact, it belongs in a museum." "Run back, tell Mr Havelock there are men looting in the caves." "Have him bring the sheriff." "It's only a snake!" "Did you hear me?" "Right." "Run back." "Mr Havelock." "The sheriff..." "What are you gonna do?" "I don't know." "I'll think of something." "Dig with your hands, not your mouth!" " He's got our thing." " Get him!" "Mr Havelock!" "Anybody!" "Everybody's lost but me." "There he is!" "Let's go!" "Hey, you!" "We're gonna get you!" "Hey!" "Come back here!" "Come on!" "Get him!" "Come back here!" "Here, let me!" "Holy smoke!" "Come on, kid." "There's no way out of this." "Toss up the whip!" "That belongs to me." " It belongs to Coronado." " He's dead, and all his grandchildren!" "This should be in a museum." "Give me that!" "A snake!" "Don't let him get away!" "Magic?" "Make sure he doesn't double back." "OK, kid, out of the box, now!" "Son of a bitch!" "Damn!" "Dad!" "Dad!" " Dad!" "It's important." " Wait." "Count to twenty." " No, listen to me..." " Junior!" "One, two, three, four..." "In Greek." "May he who illuminated this illuminate me." " I brought the sheriff." " Just the man I want to see." " Five or six of them..." " All right." "You still got it?" "Well, yes... it's right here." "I'm glad to see that." "Because the rightful owner won't press charges if you give it back." "He's got witnesses, five or six of them." "Good day." "You lost today, kid." "But it doesn't mean you have to like it." " Small world, Dr Jones." " Too small for two of us." "I've had to reclaim my property from you before." "That belongs in a museum!" "So do you!" "Throw him over the side!" "Grab him, he's getting away!" "Archaeology is the search for fact not truth." "If it's truth you're interested in, the philosophy class is down the hall." "Forget lost cities, exotic travel and digging up the world." "We don't follow maps to treasure, and "X" never ever marks the spot." "Seventy per cent of all archaeology is done in the library." "Research, reading..." "We cannot afford to take mythology at face value." "Next week:" "Egyptology and the excavation of Naukratis of 1885." "I'll be in my office if anybody's got problems." "Marcus..." "I did it." "You've got it?" " Know how long I've looked for that?" " All your life." " All my life." " Well done, very well done indeed." "This will find a place of honour in our Spanish collection." "We can discuss my honorarium over dinner and champagne." " Your treat." " Yes... my treat." "Dr Jones!" "Your mail is on your desk." "Here are your phone messages." "This is your schedule." "These papers still need grading." "Irene, put everybody's name on a list and I'll see each and every one of them in turn!" ""Venice, Italy."" "Dr Jones!" "Dr Jones!" "Dr Jones!" "Dr Jones." "I trust your trip down was comfortable, Dr Jones." "My men didn't alarm you, I hope." "My name is Walter Donovan." "I know you." "Your contributions to the museum have been generous." "Your collection is very impressive." "Like yourself, I have a passion for antiquities." "Have a look over here." "This might interest you." "Well, it's sandstone." "Christian symbol." "Early Latin text." "Mid-12th century." " That was our assessment, too." " Where's it from?" "My engineers unearthed it north of Ankara, while excavating for copper." "Can you translate the inscription?" ""'... who drinks the water I shall give him,' says the Lord," ""'will have a spring inside him welling up for eternal life.'" ""Let them bring me to your Holy Mountain where you dwell," ""across the desert, through the mountain," ""to the Canyon of the Crescent Moon," ""to the temple where the cup that..." ""...where the cup that holds the blood of Jesus Christ resides for ever."" "The Holy Grail, Dr Jones." "The chalice used by Christ during the Last Supper, that caught his blood at the Crucifixion and was entrusted to Joseph of Arimathea." "The Arthur Legend." "I've heard this bedtime story before." "Eternal life!" "The gift of youth to whoever drinks from the Grail." " That's a bedtime story I like!" " An old man's dream." "Every man's dream, including your father's, I believe." "Grail lore is his hobby." "He's the teacher of Medieval Literature the students hope they don't get." "You're neglecting your guests." "Along in a moment, dear." "Hard to resist, isn't it?" "The Grail's final resting place described in detail." "What good is it?" "This tablet speaks of deserts, mountains, canyons..." "Pretty vague." "Where do you start?" "If the tablet were intact, but the top portion is missing." "Just the same, an attempt to recover the Grail is currently underway." "Let me tell you another bedtime story." "After the Grail was entrusted to Joseph, it was lost for a thousand years, before it was found again by three brothers in the First Crusade." "I've heard this one, too." "Two of the brothers walked out of the desert 150 years later and journeyed back to France, but only one made it." "Before dying of... extreme old age, he supposedly imparted his tale to a Franciscan friar." "Not "supposedly", Dr Jones." "This is the manuscript in which the friar chronicled the knight's story." "It doesn't reveal the Grail's location, but the knight promised that two markers would." "This tablet is one of those markers." "It proves the knight's story is true, but it's incomplete." "The second marker is in his dead brother's tomb." "Our project leader believes that tomb is located in Venice, Italy." "As you can now see, we're about to complete a great quest that began almost two thousand years ago." "We're only one step away." "That's usually when the ground falls out from under you." "You could be more right than you know." "We've hit a snag." "Our project leader has vanished, along with all his research." "His colleague, Dr Schneider, has no idea of his whereabouts." "I want you to pick up the trail where he left off." "Find the man, and you will find the Grail." "You've got the wrong Jones, Mr Donovan." " Why don't you try my father?" " We already have." "Your father is the man who's disappeared." "Your father and I have been friends for years, and I've never seen you this concerned about him." "He's an academic, not a field man." "Dad?" "Dad?" "Dear God!" "What's the old fool got himself into now?" "I don't know, but whatever it is, he's in over his head." "It's today's mail, and it's been opened." "Mail..." "That's it, Marcus." ""Venice, Italy."" "What is it?" "It's Dad's Grail diary." "Every clue he followed, every discovery he made." "A complete record of his search for the Holy Grail." "This is his whole life." "Why would he have sent this to me?" "I don't know... but someone must want it pretty badly." "Do you believe, Marcus?" "Do you believe the Grail actually exists?" "The search for it is the search for the divine in all of us." "But if you want facts, I've none to give you." "At my age, I'm prepared to take a few things on faith." "Call Donovan, tell him I'll take that ticket to Venice now." "I'll tell him we'll take two." " What'll happen in Ven...?" " Dr Schneider will meet you." "My apartment in Venice is at your disposal." "Thank you." "Dr Jones... good luck." "Be very careful." "Don't trust anybody." "Ah, Venice." "How will we recognise Dr Schneider?" "I don't know." "Maybe he'll know us." "Dr Jones?" "Yes." "I knew it was you." "You have your father's eyes." "And my mother's ears, but the rest is yours." "It looks like the best parts are spoken for." " Marcus Brody?" " That's right." " Dr Elsa Schneider." " How do you do?" "I last saw your father in the library." "He was very close to tracking down the tomb." "He was so excited." " He was as giddy as a schoolboy." " Attila the Professor?" "He was never giddy, even as a schoolboy." " Fräulein, will you permit me?" " I usually don't." " Me neither." " Then I permit you." " But by tomorrow it will have faded." " Tomorrow I'II..." " I hate to interrupt, but the reason..." " I have something to show you." "Your father sent me to get an ancient plan of the city." "When I got back, he'd gone, with all his papers except that scrap." " Roman numerals." " Here is the library." " That doesn't look like a library." " Looks like a converted church." "It's the literal truth." "You're on holy ground." "These columns were brought back as spoils of war, after the sacking of Byzantium in the Crusades." "The library's closing soon." "I'll arrange for us to stay a little longer." "Marcus, I've seen this window before." " Where?" " Right here." "In Dad's diary." " You see?" " Look, Indy." "The Roman numerals." " Dad was onto something here." " But we don't know what they mean." "He sent me the diary for a reason." "Let's keep it to ourselves." " Find something?" " Three, seven and ten." " The numerals are on the window." " I must be blind." "He wasn't looking for a book about the tomb, but for the tomb itself." "The tomb is in the library." "You said it used to be a church." "Look!" "Three." "Three." "Seven." "Seven." "Ten... and ten." "Where's the ten?" "Look around for the ten." "Three and seven..." "Three and seven and ten..." "Ten! "X" marks the spot." " Bingo!" " You don't disappoint, Dr Jones." " You're just like your father." " Except he's lost and I'm not." "Lower me down." "Look after this for me, will you?" "Come on!" " Pagan symbols, 4th or 5th century." " Right." "Six hundred years before the Crusades." "The Christians dug their own passages centuries later." "If there's a knight of the First Crusade here, that's where we'll find him." " What's this one?" " The Ark of the Covenant." " Are you sure?" " Pretty sure." "Watch out." "It's petroleum." "I should sink a well down here and retire!" "The lighter." "Oh, rats...!" "Come on." "Come here." "Look, it must be one of these." "Look at the artistry of these carvings and the scrollwork." "It's this one." "This is it." "We've found it!" "Look!" "The engraving on the shield is the same as on the Grail tablet." "The shield is the second marker!" "What's that?" "It's a rubbing Dad made of the Grail tablet." "Just like your father, giddy as a schoolboy!" "Wouldn't it be wonderful if he were here to see this?" "He'd never have made it past the rats." "He hates rats." "Get back against the wall!" "Quick, under it!" "Air pocket!" " Don't wander off." " What?" "What?" "!" "I think I've found a way out." "Deep breath!" "Ah..." "Venice!" " Are you crazy?" "Not between them!" " Between them?" "Are you crazy?" " I said go around!" " You said between them!" "I said don't go between them!" "No!" " Why kill us?" " Because you're looking for the Grail." " Did you kill my father, too?" " No!" "Where is he?" "Talk or you're dead!" "Dammit, tell me!" "Tell me!" " If you don't let go, we'll both die!" " Then we'll die!" "My soul is prepared." "How's yours?" " This is your last chance!" " No, Dr Jones, it's yours." "All right, where's my father?" "If you let me go, I will tell you." " Who are you?" " My name is Kazim." "Why did you try to kill me?" "The secret of the Grail has been safe for a thousand years." "All that time, the Brotherhood of the Cruciform Sword have been prepared to do anything to keep it safe." "Let me off at this jetty." "Ask yourself, why do you seek the Cup of Christ?" "Is it for His glory... or for yours?" "I didn't come for the Cup of Christ, I came to find my father." "In that case, God be with you." "He's held in the Castle of Brunwald on the Austrian-German border." " How's the head?" " Better, now I've seen this." "It's the name of a city:" "Alexandretta." "The knights of the First Crusade laid siege to Alexandretta." "The entire city was destroyed." "The present city of Iskenderun is built on its ruins." "Remember what the Grail tablet said?" ""Across the desert," ""through the mountain, to the Canyon of the Crescent Moon."" " Where, exactly?" " Your father would know." "Your father did know!" "Look, he made a map!" "He pieced it together from clues in the Grail quest." "A map with no names." "A city with an oasis due east... here." "He knew the course turns south to the mountains, straight to the canyon!" "He knew the course turns south to the mountains, straight to the canyon!" "He knew everything except where to begin:" "The name of the city." " Alexandretta." "Now we know." " Yes, now we know." "Tell Sallah to meet you in Iskenderun." "What about you?" "I'm going after Dad." "Elsa?" "Elsa?" " My room!" " Mine, too." " What were they looking for?" " This." "The Grail diary." "You had it?" " You didn't trust me." " I didn't know you." "At least I let you tag along." "Yes, give them a flower and they'll follow you anywhere." " Knock it off." "You're not mad." " No?" "No." "You like the way I do things." "Lucky I don't do things the same way or you'd still be standing at the pier!" "What's going on?" "I've nearly been incinerated, drowned and chopped into fish bait." "We're caught in something sinister here, and Dad found out." "Until I'm sure, I'll do things the way I think they should be done." "How dare you kiss me!" "Leave me alone." "I don't like fast women." "And I hate arrogant men." "I love Venice..." " What do you know about this place?" " The Brunwalds are art collectors." " What are you going to do?" " I don't know." "I'll think of something." " Yes?" " Not before time." "Did you intend to leave us standing on the doorstep?" "We're drenched." "I've gone and caught a sniffle." " Are you expected?" " Do not take that tone with me." "Tell the Baron that Lord Clarence MacDonald and his assistant are here to view the tapestries." " Tapestries?" " The man is dense...!" "This is a castle, isn't it?" "There are tapestries?" "This is a castle." "And we have many tapestries." "And if you are a Scottish lord, then I am Mickey Mouse!" "How dare he?" "Nazis." "I hate these guys." " I think he's in here." " How do you know?" "Because it's wired." "Indy?" "Indy!" "Don't worry, this is kid's play." "I'll be right back." "Junior?" " Yes, sir." " It is you, Junior." "Don't call me that, please." " What are you doing here?" " I came to get you..." "Late 14th century, Ming Dynasty." "It breaks the heart." "And the head!" "You hit me." "I'll never forgive myself." "Don't worry, I'm fine." "Thank God." "It's a fake!" "You can tell by the cross-section." "No!" "We've got to get out of here." "Sorry about your head." "I thought you were one of them." "Dad, they come in through the doors!" "Good point." "But better safe than sorry." "I was wrong this time, but not when I mailed you my diary." "You obviously got it." "I got it and I used it." "We found the entrance to the catacombs." " Through the library?" " Right." "I knew it." "And the tomb of Sir Richard?" "Found it." "He was actually there?" " You saw him?" " What was left of him." "And his shield?" "The inscription on Sir Richard's shield?" " Alexandretta." " Alexandretta!" "Of course!" "On the pilgrim trail from the Eastern Empire." "Junior, you did it!" "No, Dad, you did." "Forty years." " If only I could have been with you." " There were rats, Dad." " Rats?" " Yeah." "Big ones." " What do the Nazis want with you?" " They wanted my diary." "I had to get that book as far away from me as I could." "Dr Jones." " Yes?" " Yes?" "I will take the book now." " What book?" " You have the diary in your pocket." "You dolt!" "You think my son would be that stupid, bringing my diary back here?" "You didn't, did you?" "You didn't bring it, did you?" " You did!" " Can we discuss this later?" " I mailed it to the Marx Brothers!" " Take it easy!" "Take it easy?" "I sent it home so it wouldn't fall into their hands!" " I came here to save you!" " Oh, yeah?" " Who's going to save you, Junior?" " I told you don't call me Junior." "Look what you did!" "I can't believe what you..." "Elsa?" "That's far enough." "Put down the gun or the Fräulein dies." "She's one of them." "She's a Nazi." " What?" " Trust me." " I will kill her." " Go ahead." " Don't shoot!" " Don't worry, he won't." " Indy, please, do what he says!" " Don't listen to her." "Enough." "She dies!" "Wait!" "I'm sorry." "No." "Don't be." "But you should have listened to your father." "She ransacked her own room, and I fell for it." "How did you know she was a Nazi?" "How did you know she was a Nazi?" "She talks in her sleep." "I didn't trust her." "Why did you?" "Because he didn't take my advice." "Donovan." "Didn't I warn you not to trust anybody, Dr Jones?" "I misjudged you, Walter." "I knew you'd sell your mother, but not your country and your soul to the slime of humanity." "Dr Schneider, there are pages torn out of this." "This book contained a map, a map with no names." "Directions from the unknown city to the secret canyon." " So it did." " Where are these missing pages?" "You're wasting your breath." "He won't tell us." "He doesn't have to." "It's obvious where the pages are." "He's given them to Marcus Brody." "Marcus?" "You dragged him along?" "He's not up to the challenge." "He sticks out." "We'll find him." "The hell you will." "He's got a two-day head start on you." "Brody's got friends all over, he speaks a dozen languages, he'll blend in, disappear." "You'll never see him again." "With any luck, he's got the Grail already." "Does anyone speak English?" "Ancient Greek?" "Water?" "No, fish make love in it." "Thank you so much." "No, I really don't want..." "Thank you." "No, I'm a vegetarian." "Does anyone understand a word I'm saying?" " Mr Brody!" " What a relief." "Marcus Brody, sir!" " Where's Indy?" " In Austria." "A slight detour." " You're alone?" " Yes, but everything's under control." " You've arranged supplies?" " Yes." "But where are we going?" "This map will show you." "It was drawn by..." "Mr Brody." "Welcome to Iskenderun." "The museum director has sent a car for you." " Well..." "Your servant, sir." " And I am his." "Follow me, please." " My reputation precedes me." " There is no museum." " Papers, please!" " Papers?" "Of course." " Run." " Yes." "Papers?" "Got it here." "Just finished reading it." " Run." " Yes." " Egyptian Mail, morning edition." "Run!" " Did you say...?" "Run!" "Up here, up here, quick!" "Find the back door!" "Intolerable." "Dr Schneider, you must return to Berlin at once." "A rally at the Institute of Aryan Culture." "Your presence is requested at the highest level." "Thank you." "I'll meet you at Iskenderun." "Take this diary to the Reichsmuseum and show them our progress." "Without the map, it's useless." " Let me kill them now." " No." "If we don't find the pages, we'll need them alive." "Always do what the doctor orders." "Don't look at me like that." "We both wanted the Grail." "I would have done anything to get it." "You would have, too." "I'm sorry you think so." "I can't forget how wonderful it was." "Thank you." "It was rather wonderful." "Dr Schneider." "Your car is waiting." "That's how Austrians say goodbye." "And this is how we say goodbye in Germany, Dr Jones." " I like the Austrian way better." " So did I." "Get the ropes loose." "We gotta get to Marcus before the Nazis." "You said he had two days' start, that he'd blend in." "Are you kidding?" "I made that up." "He got lost once in his own museum!" "Can you reach my left jacket pocket?" " What am I looking for?" " My lucky charm." "Feels like a cigarette lighter." "Burn through the ropes." "Very good." " I ought to tell you something." " Don't get sentimental now." "The floor's on fire." "See?" " And the chair." " Move!" "Move!" " Approaching the table." " Move!" "We have Marcus Brody." "And more important, we have the map!" ""By command of the Führer." "Secrecy essential to success." ""Eliminate the American conspirators."" "Germany has declared war on the Jones boys!" " Dad?" " What?" " Dad?" " What?" "Head for the fireplace!" "I think I can get these ropes off." "Whoops!" " Our situation has not improved." " Listen, I'm almost free." "This is intolerable!" " I'm out, Dad." " Well done, boy!" "Come on, Dad." "Dead end." "There's got to be a secret door or... a passageway." "I find that if I just sit down and think the solution presents itself." "Great!" "More boats!" "This has been just another typical day for you, eh?" "No!" "It's been better than most." "Come on, Dad!" "What?" "We're not going on the boat?" "Stop!" "Stop!" "You're going the wrong way." "We have to get to Berlin." " Brody's this way." " My diary's in Berlin." "We don't need the diary, Marcus has the map." "There is more in the diary than just the map." "All right, Dad." "Tell me." "Well, he who finds the Grail must face the final challenge." " What final challenge?" " Three devices of lethal cunning." " Booby traps?" " Oh, yes!" "But I found the clues to safely take us through in the Chronicles of St Anselm!" "Well, what are they?" "Can't you remember?" "I wrote them in my diary so I wouldn't have to remember!" "Half the German army's after us and you want to go to Berlin?" "!" "Yes." "All that matters is the Grail." " What about Marcus?" " Marcus would agree with me." "Two selfless martyrs." "Jesus Christ!" "That's for blasphemy." "The quest for the Grail is not archaeology." "It's a race against evil." "If it is captured by the Nazis, the armies of darkness will march all over the earth." "Do you understand me?" "This is an obsession, Dad." "I never understood it." "Never." "And neither did Mom." "Oh, yes, she did." "Only too well unfortunately." "She kept her illness from me." "All I could do was mourn her." "My boy, we're pilgrims in an unholy land." "Fräulein Doctor." "Where is it?" " How did you get here?" " Where is it?" "I want it." " You came back for the book?" "Why?" " My father didn't want it incinerated." "Is that what you think of me?" "I believe in the Grail, not the swastika." "You count as the enemy of the Grail." "Who cares what you think?" "You do!" "All I have to do is squeeze." "All I have to do is scream." "Got it." "Let's get the hell outta here." " What did you get?" " First available flight out of Germany." "Well, we made it." "When we're airborne, with Germany behind us, then I'll share that sentiment." "Relax." "Tickets, please." "Tickets, please." "No ticket!" " Ticket!" " Ticket!" "You know, sharing your adventures is an interesting experience." "It's not all we shared." "It's disgraceful." "You're old enough to be her... grandfather!" " I'm as human as the next man." " I was the next man." "Of course..." "Ships that pass in the night." "Remember the last time we had a quiet drink?" "I had a milkshake." "What did we talk about?" "We didn't talk." "We never talked." "Do I detect a rebuke?" "A regret." "It was just the two of us, it was a lonely way to grow up." "If you'd been an ordinary father, you'd have understood that." " Actually, I was a wonderful father." " When?" "Did I ever tell you to eat up, go to bed, do your homework?" "No." "I respected your privacy, and I taught you self-reliance!" "You taught me I was less important than people who'd been dead for 500 years!" "I learned it so well, we've hardly spoken for 20 years!" "You left just when you were becoming interesting!" " Dad, how can...?" " Very well." "I'm here now." "What do you want to talk about?" " I can't think of anything." " Then why are you complaining?" "We have work to do." "When we get to Alexandretta, we will face three challenges." "First: "The Breath of God." ""Only the penitent man will pass."" "Second: "The Word of God." "Only in the footsteps of God will he proceed."" "Third: "The Path of God." ""Only in the leap from the lion's head will he prove his worth."" "What does that mean?" "I don't know." "We'll find out!" "We're turning around." "They're taking us back to Germany." "I thought it'd take them longer to figure out the radio was dead." "Move!" "Come on, Dad!" "Come on!" " I didn't know you could fly a plane." " Fly, yes land, no." "You're gonna have to use the machine gun." "Get it ready!" "Eleven o'clock!" "Dad, eleven o'clock!" "What happens at eleven o'clock?" "Twelve, eleven, ten..." "Eleven o'clock, fire!" "Dad, are we hit?" "More or less." "Son, I'm sorry." "They got us." "Hang on, Dad, we're going in!" " Nice landing." " Thanks." " Those people are trying to kill us." " I know, Dad!" " It's a new experience for me." " It happens to me all the time." "This is intolerable!" "This could be close." "Faster, boy, faster!" "They don't come any closer than that!" "Dad!" "He's coming back." "I suddenly remembered my Charlemagne." ""Let my armies be the rocks and the trees and the birds in the sky."" "These pages are taken from Professor Jones' diary, and they include a map pinpointing the location of the Grail." "The Grail is all but in our hands." "However, we would not cross your soil without permission, nor remove the Grail from your borders without compensation." "What have you brought?" "Precious valuables, your Highness, donated by some of the finest families in all of Germany..." "Rolls-Royce Phantom II... 4.3" " Litre, 30-horsepower, 6-cylinder engine, with Stromberg down-draught carburettor." "Can go from 0-100 kph in 12.5 seconds." "And I even like the colour." "The keys are in the ignition, your Highness." "You shall have camels, horses, an armed escort, provisions, desert vehicles and tanks." "You're welcome." "No time to lose." "Indiana Jones and his father have escaped." "We go this way." "Get that camel out of the way." "What happened to Marcus?" "They set out across the desert this afternoon." "They took him with them." "Now they have the map!" "In this race, there's no silver medal for finishing second." " Care to wet your whistle, Marcus?" " I'd rather spit in your face." "But as I haven't got any spit..." "Must be within three or four miles." "Otherwise we're off the map." "Marcus, we're on the brink of the recovery of the greatest artefact in the history of mankind." "You're meddling with powers you cannot possibly comprehend." "I see Brody." "He seems OK." "They've got a tank." "A six-pound gun." " What are you doing?" "Get down!" " Dad, we're well out of range." " That car was my brother-in-law's." " Come on!" " I can't see anyone up there." " Maybe it wasn't Jones." "No." "It was him, all right." "He's here somewhere." "Put Brody in the tank." "In this sun, without transportation, they're as good as dead." "It's Jones, all right." "Who are they?" "Who cares, as long as they keep Donovan busy?" "Dad, stay here while we organise some transportation." " I'll get the horses." " I'll take the camels." "I don't need camels." "No camels!" "Who is he?" "A messenger from God." "For the unrighteous, the Cup of Life holds everlasting damnation." "Marcus." ""That genius of the Restoration..."" ""...aid our own resuscitation."" " Henry!" "What are you doing here?" " It's a rescue." "Search him." "What is this book, that miserable little diary of yours?" "The book is useless, yet you come back to Berlin to get it." "Why?" "What are you hiding?" "What does the diary tell you that it doesn't tell us?" "It tells me that goose-stepping morons like yourself should try reading books instead of burning them!" "Colonel!" "Jones is getting away!" "I think not, Herr Donovan." "Not that Jones, the other Jones!" "Sallah, I said no camels, that's five camels!" "Can't you count?" "Compensation for the car." "Your father and Brody..." " Where's my father?" " In the belly of that steel beast." "Dad!" "Dad!" "Dad!" "Junior!" "Junior!" "Junior!" "Dad!" "Dad!" "Get out!" " Henry, the pen." " What?" "The pen is mightier than the sword." " Look what you did!" " It's war!" "Didn't I tell you it was a rescue?" "Dad!" " You call this archaeology?" " Get out of there!" "How does one get off this thing?" "Where's Marcus?" "Hang on, Dad!" " Father of Indy, give me your hand!" " Sallah, get Dad!" "Give me your hand!" "Junior!" "Indy!" "Oh, God." "I've lost him." "And I never told him anything." "I just wasn't ready, Marcus." "Five minutes would have been enough." "I thought I'd lost you, boy!" "I thought you had, too, sir." "Well..." "Well done." "Come on." "Let's go, then!" "Why are you sitting there resting when we're so near the end?" "Let's go!" "The Canyon of the Crescent Moon." "Helmut, another volunteer!" " I never expected to see you again." " Like a bad penny, I always turn up." "Step back now, Dr Schneider." "Give Dr Jones some room." "He's going to recover the Grail for us." "Impossible?" "What do you say?" "Ready to go down in history?" "As what?" "A Nazi stooge, like you?" "The Nazis?" "Is that the limit of your vision?" "The Nazis want to write themselves into the Grail legend, take on the world." "They're welcome." "But I want the Grail itself." "The cup that gives everlasting life." "Hitler can have the world, but he can't take it with him." "I'll be drinking my own health when he's gone the way of the dodo." "The Grail is mine." "And you're going to get it for me." "Shooting me won't get you anywhere." "You know something?" "You're absolutely right." "Dad!" " Dad!" " Junior." " No." " Get back!" "You can't save him when you're dead." "The Grail is all that can save him." "It's time to ask yourself what you believe." ""The Breath of God." ""Only the penitent man will pass."" "The penitent man will pass." "Penitent man will pass." "Penitent man..." ""Only the penitent man will pass."" ""Only the penitent man will pass."" "The penitent man will pass." "Penitent?" "Penitent man?" "Penitent man... penitent..." "The penitent man is humble before God." "Penitent... penitent..." "Penitent man...?" "The penitent man is humble kneels before God." "Kneel!" "I'm through!" "We're through." " He's all right!" " No..." "The second challenge is the Word of God." ""Only in the footsteps of God will he proceed."" "The Word of God?" "Word of...?" "Proceed in the footsteps of the Word..." " The Word of God!" " No, Henry, try not to talk." "The name of God." "The name of God." "Jehovah." "But in the Latin alphabet, Jehovah begins with an "l"." "J..." "Oh, dear." "Idiot!" "In Latin, Jehovah starts with an "l"." "I..." "E..." "H..." "O..." "V..." "A." "The Path of God." ""Only in the leap from the lion's head will he prove his worth."" "Impossible." "Nobody can jump this." "Indy!" "You must hurry!" "Come quickly!" "It's a leap of faith." "You must believe, boy!" "You must... believe." "I knew you'd come." " But my strength has left me." " Who are you?" "The last of three brothers who swore an oath to find the Grail and to guard it." " That was seven hundred years ago." " A long time to wait." "You're strangely dressed for a knight." "I'm not exactly... a knight." "What do you mean?" "I was chosen because I was the bravest and most worthy." "The honour was mine until another came to challenge me to single combat." "I pass it to you who vanquished me." "I don't have time to explain, but..." " Which one is it?" " You must choose." "But choose wisely." "For as the true Grail will bring you life, the false Grail will take it from you." "I'm not a historian." "I have no idea what it looks like." "Which one is it?" "Let me choose." "Thank you, Doctor." "Oh, yes." "It's more beautiful than I ever imagined." "This certainly is the Cup of the King of Kings." "Eternal life." "What is happening to me?" "What is happening?" "He chose poorly." " It would not be made out of gold." " That's the cup of a carpenter." "There's only one way to find out." "You have chosen wisely." "But the Grail cannot pass beyond the Great Seal." "That is the boundary and the price of immortality." "Drop your guns... please!" "Dad, get to your feet." "We have got it." "Come on!" "Elsa, don't move!" " It's ours, Indy." "Yours and mine." " Don't cross the seal." "The knight warned us not to take the Grail from here." "Junior!" "Junior!" "Elsa..." "Don't, Elsa." "Give me your other hand." "I can't hold you." "I can reach it." "I can reach it." "Give me your other hand!" "Elsa!" "Junior, give me your other hand." "I can't hold on." "I can get it." "I can almost reach it, Dad." "Indiana?" "Indiana..." "Let it go." "Dad." "Please, Dad." "Elsa never really believed in the Grail." "She thought she'd found a prize." "What did you find, Dad?" "Me?" "Illumination." " And what did you find, Junior?" " "Junior"?" "Dad..." "What does it mean, this "Junior"?" "That's his name:" "Henry Jones Junior." " I like "Indiana"." " We named the dog "Indiana"!" "May we go home now, please?" "The dog?" "You are named after the dog?" "I've got a lot of fond memories of that dog." " Ready?" " Ready." "Indy, Henry, follow me!" "I know the way!" "Got lost in his own museum, huh?" "After you, Junior." "Yes, sir." | {
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"Harold." "You're early." " I know." "I'm picking something up." " Where's Peggy?" "Thought you two were joined at the hip." "[Engine Starts]" "[Beeping]" "[Cell Phone Rings]" "Yes?" "[Man] How's it going, Harold?" " I'm in." "I'm doing it." " Friendly reminder..." "Don't be a hero." "We hear a police siren, Peggy's dead." "L-is she okay?" "Can I talk to her?" "Just hurry up." "[Line Disconnects] Please, let me talk to her..." "Hel..." "Let me..." "Hello?" "[Beeping]" "Backseat." "Let her go." "You said you would." "Pleasure doing business with you." "Thanks for the car, Harold." "[Whimpering]" "Come here, Peggy." "[Man] Harold!" " Everything all right?" " Paul, I'm okay." "No problem." " Get out of the car!" " Go!" "Both of you!" "Do it!" "Okay." "Happy Halloween, man." "J-Just relax." " Vic!" "What did you do?" " No choice." "Him or me." " We could have just driven off." "Get in the car." " I didn't see anything!" " Don't move the car." "I'm not done." " Neither did Peggy." "I'm not done." " No!" " [Gunshot]" "[Barking]" "# [Up-tempo Folk]" "# It's a jungle out there" "# Disorder and confusion everywhere" "# No one seems to care" "# Well, I do Hey, who's in charge here" "# It's a jungle out there" "# Poison in the very air we breathe" "# Do you know what's in the water that you drink, well, I do" "# And it's amazing" "# People think I'm crazy 'cause I worry all the time" "# If you paid attention you'd be worried too" "# You better pay attention or this world we love so much" "# Might just kill you" "# I could be wrong now" "# But I don't think so" "# 'Cause it's a jungle out there" "# It's a jungle out there" "[Chattering]" "Mr. Monk, are you okay?" "Everybody's waiting." "It's... over there." "What?" "Dog..." "You know." "Dog... doo." "Did you step in it?" "If I stepped in it, I'd be in that ambulance right now... on my way to the emergency room, wouldn't I?" "Praying for the sweet release that only death can bring." "So, Monk, what do you think?" "Who are we looking for?" "Ah, I'd say it's a terrier, a Yorkie, maybe a chihuahua." "Probably miles away by now." "We'll never catch him." " He can't concentrate because of the..." " 'Cause of the what?" "[Whispers] The dog poo." "Lieutenant." "Clean that up for me, would you?" "Thanks." "Sergeant." "Yes, sir." "Clean that up." "No, don't." "Sir, you can't park there." "It's all right." "It's okay." "I'm a detective." "I'm a detective." "One second." "Here we go." "[Mutters] Hold that?" "I got it." "I usually keep it right..." "Um..." "Oh!" "I got it." "Here we go." "Marty Eels." "Private Investigator." "I'm here to save your butts." "Captain!" "Captain Stottlemeyer!" "Oh, hell." "Who's that?" "Marty Eels." "He's a private investigator." "Nickel-and-dime stuff." "Divorces, insurance fraud." "He's a professional pain in the ass." "Hey, Captain." "Captain, you're lookin' great." "You're losin' weight or your shirts are getting bigger." "Marty." "I heard the D.A. Pulled your license." "No, no, no." "That was just a temporary suspension." "No, no, no." "That was just a little misunderstanding." "A misunderstanding?" "That's all ancient history anyway." "So I was just riding around in the neighborhood, and I heard a call go out on the police scanner..." "Look, Marty." "I'm busy." "Yeah, that's why I thought I'd come down here and lend a hand." "So what do we got?" "The jewelry store was robbed, huh?" "Well, that's obvious." "We got a... a dead rent-a-cop and a missing store manager, so let me guess." "You're thinking the store manager doing it..." "Yeah." "Something like that." "Yeah, so let me look around, huh?" "An extra pair of eyes can't hurt." "And who knows, I could see something you guys are missing." "We're not missing anything, Mr. Eels." "We've got a C.S.I. Team here." "And, uh, see that man over there?" "It's Adrian Monk." "I think we're in pretty good hands." "Captain." "Monk says I can't just throw this away." "I gotta take it like a mile away and bury it." "Could I see that?" "Yeah." "You can't throw this away." "This..." "This is evidence." "[Sniffs]" "[Clears Throat] This is fresh." "Mmm!" "I'd say this is less than 90 minutes old." "Marty..." "But isn't that when you said all this was probably going down?" "The dog could've belonged to the victim... or to one of the perps." "I think this is important." "Monk was gonna throw this away." "Um..." "You know, he might be right." "Let's, uh, book that into evidence." "Yes, sir." "Captain." "Look." "Did that store manager live in Oakland?" "Yeah." "How'd you know that?" "That's his dog." "That's from Oakland." "You can see the blue license on its collar." "What, you can see that from here?" "[Chuckles]" "Little something I call attention to detail, but..." "[Laughs]" "Go get the dog." "Adrian Monk, Natalie Teeger." "This is Marty Eels." "He's a private investigator." "Hey, how you doing?" "How you doing?" "I hear good things." "Good things." "[Snaps Fingers]" "Don't worry." "I'm not competition." "I'm just here to help." "Can I have one of those?" "So, what do we got?" "Captain, I don't think the manager did this." "For one thing, he didn't lock the door behind him." "Plus, I noticed some more blood by the curb." "I think there was a second shooting." "Yeah, he could be right." "Very good." "Nicely done." "Nicely done." "Captain!" "He's right." "Peggy belongs to the store manager," "Harold Gumbal, Geary Street, Oakland." "Hmm." "You know, if the manager was robbing his own store, he wouldn't bring his dog along." "Or leave him behind." "No, the manager is not the guy." "No, that's right." "The manager is not the guy." "Here's what..." "Here's what happened!" "Here's what happened!" "This dog was a hostage." "The manager was being forced to rob his store." "Something went wrong, and they shot the guard." "Excuse me." "What the hell is he doing?" "Captain..." "Well, he did spot the dog's license from a block away." "Okay." "They drove off in Gumbal's car." "They headed south." "They're gonna dump it as soon as they can." "We're already checking the airport." "That's a waste of time." "They would never go there." "There's too much security." " Try the train station." " Train station." "Yeah." "Try, um, San Bruno... or Millbrae." "They probably panicked when they shot the guard." "Maybe they dropped the gun or some bloody clothes somewhere nearby." "[Sniffs] What are you doing there?" "What..." "[Sniffing]" "This dog has been sniffing around a sewer recently." "See these sewer grates around here?" "The perps might have stuffed something down in there, and maybe this dog saw them do it." "You gotta be kidding." "He's kidding, right?" "He's joking." "The man is joking." "Just take two minutes to check it." "[Stottlemeyer] Officer, take a look in that sewer grate." "Captain." "From smelling a dog, that's impossible." "Captain!" "There was stuff down the drain just like he said." "[Whimpering]" "No." "No, Mom." "I wasn't on the news." "Because there were no reporters there yet." "[Buzzer] Mm-hmm." "I found a lot of clues." "I found three or four big clues." "Cap..." "Captain was very impressed with me." "He..." "He just walked in." "He'll tell ya." "One second." "Captain, it's my mother." "Tell her..." "Tell her how good I was on the crime scene." "Uh, Mrs. Eels?" "Hi." "Uh, yeah." "Marty did great." "You'd be very proud of him." "He's a first-rate detective." "I look forward to meeting you, too, ma'am." "Okay." "Bye-bye." "Uh, what were those beeps?" "Oh, she was at work." "She works for Pacific Global Airlines." "She's a..." "She's a quality control operator." "Come in." "Come..." "Come on in." "Sit down." "Sit down." "Here, Natalie." "Come sit down." "Come sit down." "Make yourself at home." " Monk, sit." "Sit anywhere." " That's okay." "I'm not fine." "Did he just say he's not fine?" "Yeah." "So, Captain, am I on the case, or what?" " First I have to ask you a couple of questions." " Yeah." "Yeah." "Where were you yesterday morning at 8:00?" "You mean when the robbery was happening?" "Yeah." "You guys think I had something to do with that?" "Why, because you can't keep up with me on a crime scene?" "[Stottlemeyer] Where were you, Marty?" "I was at the hospital." "St. Andrews." " They thought I had a concussion." " What happened?" "Well..." "[Chuckles] That's kind of embarrassing." "I, um..." "I got hit very hard by a client." "Hit me very hard." "Yeah." "Um..." "I was, um, supposed to follow his wife and take pictures." "Whoa." "She was cheating on him." "No." "No." "That..." "That's him." "That's my client." "You burst in to take a picture of a man in bed with his own wife?" "Yes, I did." "I made a mistake." "I'm human." "So, the bottom line is I was at the hospital when the jewelry thing was happening." " You can call them." " We will." "Why is it so hard for you guys to believe that I'm just this good?" "Because, Marty, you were never this good before." "In fact, you sort of sucked." "Well, I was..." "I been teaching myself." "I been..." "I learned how to focus." "And that's really the secret, focus." "Am I right about the focus thing?" "Bay Area Center Continuing Education." "Is that a correspondence school?" "It's fully accredited." "What school did you go to?" "Berkeley." "That's a good school." "I believe they're fully accredited too." "Yeah." "Yeah, they're fully accredited." "So, Captain, am I on the case or what?" "I mean, put... put me in, Coach!" "I found..." "I found the ski masks, didn't I?" "Look, Marty, even if I wanted to," "I just don't have the budget to hire two consultants." "[Stammering] I tell you what." "I tell you what." "You don't have to pay me dime one unless I get some results." "So this costs you nothing." "Captain, could I..." "You can't hire this guy." "He did find the ski masks." "By smelling a dog." "It's not possible." "Look, Monk, sometimes when you're picking up clues, it seems like magic to me." "I don't know how you do it." "[Cell Phone Rings] Maybe he's doing something that you don't understand." "I think he's cheating." "He's a cheater." " Disher." " This isn't the fourth grade, Monk." "He's cheating!" "How?" "How?" "I don't know." "We just found the store manager's car." "Guess where it was." " Your train station?" " In San Bruno." "Outstanding." "You called it, Marty." "[Stottlemeyer] Let's check it out." "Marty, come here." "You ride with me." "[Chattering]" "He's cheating." "'Scuse me. 'Scuse me." "Uh, go ahead." "No, no." "After you." "Please." "It's pretty weird, huh?" "Maybe we should send one of them home." "Yeah, but which one?" "Marty Eels." "E" " E-L-S, like the fish." "He's always wanted to be a detective." "He used to stay up late reading Hardy Boys stories under the cover." "So your son is helping Adrian Monk?" "Who's helping who?" "That's the question." "I love that." "Love the thing you do with your hands." "It's very old-school." "Thank you." "[Sighs]" "[Sniffs]" "Wha..." "What are you doing?" "Mud." "You can tell where the car has been." "From tasting it?" "He's tasting the mud." "Does that work?" "No!" "It's just nuts!" "Captain, how tall was the store manager?" "Uh..." "Uh, 5'10", according to his driver's licence." "Hmm." "Somebody else was driving this car, because that chair's been adjusted for somebody 5'11 "." "Excuse me." "Excuse me." "It's impossible to know that." "Seat adjustments are not that exact." "Should I write down 5'11 "?" "Uh..." "I don't know." "Yes." "In pencil." "Ah." "[Clears Throat] Here we go." "This map was used recently." "That means that the driver was not familiar with this particular area." "L..." "I..." "I had that one." "You didn't say anything." "I was waiting my turn." "I had that one." "Captain..." "He's cheating." "He's a cheater." "He saw me looking." "And... this car was driven on Highway 47." "And... how do you happen to know that?" "It's all in the details, Captain." "See the, um... the dead bugs on the windshield?" "This... is a gray bantam-wing mosquito, which are most common where?" "Anybody?" "Walter Creek reservoir." "In Livingston." "Highway 47." "That's fantastic." "[Laughing] Bantam-wing mosquito." "Gentlemen, let's pop the trunk." "Monk." "This blood is still fresh." "Yes, it is." "Good for you." "Write that down." "One for Monk." "[Chuckles]" "All right." "Gumbal was dragged out of the car... and into these woods." "Okeydoke." "Here we go." "[Chattering]" "These leaves were recently crushed." "I'm 1/16th Cherokee." "Cool." "Thought he might be." "Now what's he doing?" "I can't look." "Oh, he's using a divining rod." "The Indians used to use them." "He's 1/16th Cherokee." "Oh, that's my boy." "Can everybody see okay?" "Take lots of pictures." "Film is cheap." "[Grunts]" "[Murmuring]" "Think I found the store manager." " [Clamoring] - [Stottlemeyer] Stay back!" "Get outta here!" "[Disher] Whoa, whoa, whoa." "Back off." "Back off." "[Stottlemeyer] He was shot in the chest." "Call the coroner's office." "Get the crime scene guys up here." "And get me a 20-foot perimeter now!" "Let's go!" "You heard the man." "Take 10 steps back!" "Let's go!" "Get out of here!" "Baker, come on!" "Move these guys down." "That's interesting." "What?" "You don't see that?" "Look at his arms." "That is an unnatural position." "Unnatural?" "I think he was trying to tell us something." "With his dying breath, he was trying to send us a message." "[Monk] With his dying breath." "He was trying to tell us the name of the man who killed him." "Look." "See, he's pointing to his watch." "No, he's not." "Captain, are there any perps who'd do a job like this by the name of..." "Casio?" "Casio?" "Lefty." "Captain." " Dial." " Eddie Dial." "Hejust did seven years in Folsom for kidnapping and bank robbery." "He just made parole." "Well, let's check him out." "Yes, sir." "Baker!" "Johnson!" "Mom, have you seen my camera?" "Mm-mmm." "Did you check your jacket?" "What about your pockets?" "Yes, I looked everywhere." "I haven't seen it, honey." "Why don't you ask Mr. Monk to help you?" "Please, Mr. Monk." "It has all my pictures in it from my school trip." "I was the official photographer and if I lose it, I'm going to get an incomplete." "When did you see it last?" "I saw it yesterday in the living room." "That plant has been moved recently." "That's right." "How did you know?" "Well, normally, they lean toward the sun." "This one is leaning the other way." "Hello." "Mr. Monk, thank you so much." "You're the best." "Isn't he the best?" "There's no one better." "You really are amazing." "[Monk] Oh." "Wait." "When did you water this?" "Oh, uh, this morning." "Well, the camera could not have been back there this morning." "It would have gotten wet." "Thanks for trying, Julie." "My mom put me up to this." "Mr. Monk, you really are amazing." "You're probably the best in the world." "[Cell Phone Rings]" "And you're right about this Marty character." "He's cheating." "I don't know." "He is." "Hello?" "Yes, sir." "Really?" "Okay, okay." "We're on our way." "They just caught one of the killers." "They're questioning him now." "Julie, we'll be back soon, honey." "Natalie." "It's not Eddie Dial, is it?" "Yeah." "[Stottlemeyer] We found the manager's wallet..." "in your motel room, Eddie." "It's over." "We own you." "Look, man, I didn't hurt anybody, okay?" "I didn't even have a gun." "Well, two people are dead, Edward." "Who did the shooting?" "I'm willing to bet you it was that guy." "Blanchard, Victor P." "The two of you were seen together last weekend." "Where is he, Eddie?" "I don't know!" "Captain." "May I?" "Where's your..." "Where's your partner, Eddie?" "I don't know." "Hmm." "He's telling the truth." "He..." "He doesn't know." " Do you have a map?" " He's like a human lie detector." "I can't believe it." "I can't believe it either." "Well, he's doing it." "Well, I still don't believe it." "What you see happening in the next room, it's impossible." "It's just..." "What..." "What's this?" "Stuff we found in Eddie's motel room, including a pair of tickets to Costa Rica." "[Natalie] Did you guys find thejewels?" "No, not yet." "Marty'll find them." "All righty." "Now then, Eddie, where did you hide the jewels?" "Was it..." "Was it here?" "No." "Um..." "Was it here?" "No." "Uh, how about here?" "Ah." "Getting warmer." "Did you hide them here, Eddie?" "Ah." "Yes." "They're, uh..." "They're in the state park." "Get outta here." "I know this area." "There's a water tower right here." "Oh." "Oh." "Did you, uh..." "Did you hide them near the water tower, Eddie?" "Hmm!" "Bingo!" "Yes!" "[Marty Chuckles]" "Call Dunlop in the Parks Department." "Tell him to meet us there." "And tell him to bring some shovels." "Sir." "I don't know how the hell I'm gonna write this up." "Marty." "Oh, Mr. Monk." "Why don't you guys go ahead." "I'll meet you there." "This is District." "Give me two black-and-whites down at the state park right now." "He's cheating!" "What, Monk?" "How is he cheating?" "We've got a suspect who just confessed." "He found the car." "He found the body." "He is solving this case single-handedly." "By cheating!" "Natalie, what do you think?" "I believe my boss." "[Exhales] Anyway, we'd better go." "Should we take one car or two?" "Monk, why don't you stay here?" "We're gonna let Marty take this one." "Wait, wait, wait, wait." "You're firing him?" "No!" "No." "Um, it's just that Marty seems to be in a zone." "He's got a handle on this one." "You get the next one, okay?" "I'll call you." "I gotta go." "[Dr. Kroger] So they found thejewels." "Right where Marty said they'd be." "Of course." "And what, then they..." "They asked you to step aside?" "They said Marty was on a roll." "Guess they didn't want me to cramp his style." "Well, A-Adrian, l-I'm sure that this is all just temporary." "Maybe he really is better than me." "Yeah, well, would that be so terrible?" "I mean, if you weren't number one." "An ex-cop I know... teaches criminal justice at Fulton College." "He offered me a job last year." "Maybe I'll give him a call." "All right." "So you're just giving up." "Okay." "No, Adrian, I'm not suggesting that you just give up." "I'm saying to you that there is always someone ahead of you." "This is the human condition." "For instance, there's a new psychiatrist here in town, name of Lowenstern." "Now, I know that there is no way that I will ever be as-as... well, as good as he is." "I know this." "I accept it." "He's better than you?" "He's brilliant." "Nominated for a Nobel Prize." "But the point is you think that you might enjoy teaching." "I don't know." "Tell-Tell me more about this Lowenstern." "Lowenstern." "I could introduce you." "Office is right across the street." "He charges $400 an hour." "So wh-where were we?" "Mmm." "Okay." "Oh." "Good morning, boss." "They were out of the round sponges." "Don't panic." "I'll pick some up on the way home." "Don't worry about the groceries." "You're driving me to Fulton College." "I have an appointment." "You mean now?" "11:00." "I'm meeting the dean." "You're just gonna quit, just like that?" "I think I would make a very good teacher." "Oh, Mr. Monk, you'd make a terrible teacher!" "It would take you four weeks to correct one paper." "You're a detective." "You're a great detective." " Are you gonna drive me or not?" " No." "No, I'm not." "Your feelings are hurt, and you're just not thinking straight." "Fine." "Fine." "I'll take a taxi." "[Chuckles] You're gonna take a taxi." "Do you know what people do in taxis?" "Fine!" "Fine." "I will drive myself." "I'll rent a car." "See?" "I am dialing the number." "[Beeping]" "I'm not bluffing." "Do you even have a driver's license?" "Yes, I have a license." "Okay, this is it." "This is the last digit." "I have dialed the number." "It is ringing." "[Recording] Thank you for calling Cannon Rent-a-Car." "This call may be monitored for quality purposes." " I am on hold." " Mr. Monk..." "Fulton College is 100 miles away." "It is up the interstate." "It's over a bridge." "You know, I have a blindfold for going over bridges." "But you'll be driving." "Good point." "I think I can make it." "I'll just sort of peek underneath." "I'm not gonna let you drive." "You've never driven over a bridge in your life." "What choice do I have?" "[Woman On Phone] Excuse me." "Excuse me, sir." "Yes?" "My daughter goes to Fulton College." "You don't have to take the bridge." "You can take the causeway all the way up." "You... could hear us?" "Yes, sir." "I'm a quality control operator." "I'm monitoring the call." "L..." "I was on hold." "Yes, sir." "We start listening as soon as you're connected." "You wouldn't believe the things I hear." "[Laughs] People fooling around." "People arguing." "I could write a book about it." "You could hear me... while I was on hold?" "That's right." "?" "[Pop] [Camera Shutter Clicking]" "Hey!" "Monk!" "What a nice surprise." "This guy's from San Francisco magazine." "I'm one of the 10 most eligible bachelors in the city." "Can you believe it?" " Marty, we need to talk." " Not a good time, Nat." "Did you just call me Nat?" "Hey, hey, get one with me and Monk." "No." "No, no, this is good." "It's like a summit of great minds." "Philip Marlowe meets Sherlock Holmes." "It's about your mother, a little something she might have overheard while at work." "?" "[Continues]" "Can't..." "The music's too loud." "I can't hear." "Take a five." "Take a five." "?" "[Stops] [Natalie] We know how you did it, Marty." " We figured it out." " How I did what?" "Didn't your mother ever tell you that cheaters never win?" "Actually, it was your mother's idea." "She works for Pacific Global Airlines, doesn't she, in the quality control department?" "Yeah, so?" "[Woman On Phone] This call may be monitored for quality purposes." "[Monk] Here's what happened." "After the murders, Blanchard and Dial went back to their motel room, counted theirjewels, and then they called the airlines to buy plane tickets to Costa Rica." "They were put on hold." "What they didn't know was that your mother... was already on the line monitoring their call." "They must have been on hold for quite a while, because they talked about everything..." "who they killed, where they dumped the car, even where they hid the masks." "[Natalie] But she didn't call the police." "She called you and told you everything you needed to know to solve the case." "Or at least pretend to solve it." "You're a very smart man." "Yeah." "He's the real thing." "Yep." "Course, you realize you have no proof for any of this." "Don't airlines record phone conversations?" "Yes, Nat." "I believe they do." "Yes, they certainly do." "But those conversations... have a way of being accidentally erased." "So it's really your word against mine." "And who do you think everyone's gonna believe?" "The amazing Marty Eels or, uh... yesterday's news?" " [Telephone Ringing] - [Slurps]" "[Scoffs] Phone's been ringin' off the hook." "Cases, cases, cases." "[Chuckles]" " Would you mind?" " [Ringing Continues]" "Ah..." "[Ringing Continues]" "Hey." "Eels Investigations." "[Man] Hey, Marty." "I got a proposition for you." "Who's this?" "My name's Vic." "We never met." "I think you know my partner, though, Eddie Dial." "In fact, you and your friends arrested him yesterday." "How did you get this number?" "This is my private line." "It's the first number on your mother's speed dial." "My mother?" "Did you really think you could screw with me and get away with it?" "Where is she?" "I just left her." "She's fine." "For now." "If you want to see her again, listen carefully." " The jewels belong to me." "I want them back." " The jewels?" "Bring them to the Dunn Street bus terminal by 8:00." "Put them in locker 240 on the upper level." "I got a spare key." "Wait a minute!" "Wait, wait, wait!" "I can't get to the jewels." "They're locked up." "They're in evidence." "You can do it, Marty." "I been reading all about you." "You're the flavor of the month." "Just tell them you want to examine the evidence." "Tell them you want to use it to set a trap." "I don't care what you tell them." "Just get 'em back." "Oh, and Marty." "What?" "No cops." "Come alone." "Remember, if anything happens to me, your mother's dead by 8:20." " Wait!" " [Dial Tone]" "Mr. Monk!" "Mr. Monk, wait!" "Wait, Mr. Monk!" "[Car Horn Honks] Mr. Monk, wait!" "Wait, wait." "It's Vic Blanchard." " He just called." "He's got my mother." " I gotta call the captain." "No, no!" "No!" "No cops!" "He said no cops, or he'd kill her." "Mr. Monk, please." "You gotta help me." "You were right." "I don't know what I'm doing!" "I don't." "Let's go." "Let's just go over this one more time." "Can you think of anything else he might have said on the phone?" "[Stammering] No cops!" "[Groans] He said ifhe even smells a cop, she's dead." "My gosh." "Marty, for the 10th time, no one's calling the cops!" "She's right." "Marty, look." "We know where he's gonna be at 8:00." "If we can find your mother before that time, the cops can pick him up then." " I know." "I know." "L..." " Ah!" "Natalie." "I got it." "I'm on it!" "It's all over the top." "Marty, can you just please sit on the couch, all right?" "You're making Mr. Monk very nervous." "All right, one more time." "The kidnapper said he'd just left her, right?" "So she can't be too far from where he made that phone call." "Do you remember anything else about the phone call?" " Like what?" " Like wh..." "Like anything." "Noises in the background." " I don't know!" " He doesn't know." "This wasn't even my idea." "My mother made me do this." "She forced me into it." "She said it was the only way a loser like me... was ever gonna be able to solve a real crime." "She sounds delightful." "That's my mother." "Where do you get off talking about somebody's mother?" "Okay, Marty..." "What's wrong with you?" "Marty, Marty, Marty." "Concentrate." "Can you please just try to think?" "You must have heard something." "Yeah." "Uh..." "An ocean." "He..." " I think he was near an ocean." " There you go." "And there was, um..." "a ringing like..." "like a clang." "Clang." "With a sound before it." "Um..." "It was like a thud... clang." "Thud!" "Clang!" "Okay." "Give me a minute." "Thud, clang!" "Yeah, Marty." "I got it." "Thud, clang." "Let me think." "[Thud] [Bell Rings]" "Thud, clang." "[Monk] Okay." "Oh, my God, she's here!" "She's here, she's here!" "Mom." "Mom!" "No, Marty, don't..." "Don't get separated!" "Mom!" "Stay with the group!" "Marty, I want you to focus." "Can you focus?" "All right, the caller said that she would be dead by 8:20, was it?" "Why 8:20?" "Why not 8:00 or 8:30?" " 8:20." " Think!" "I'm thinking." "Well, think harder!" "Why don't you think?" "Hey, I'm not the great big famous detective." "Well, you were two hours ago!" "Natalie!" "What?" " 8:20." " What's 8:20?" "High tide." "Mom!" "Mom!" "That's gotta be it." " Go, Marty." "Go!" " Come on." "Run." "Move!" "I'll wait out here." "I got your back!" "Mom!" "Mom!" "Mom!" "Mom!" "Mom!" "Hang on, Mrs. Eels!" "[Natalie] Marty, hurry!" "Hurry, Marty!" "Hurry!" "[Marty Shouting, Indistinct]" " [Mrs. Eels Grunting] - [Overlapping Shouts]" "Marty, hurry!" "Marty, you gotta hurry." "[Natalie] Hurry, Marty!" "[Coughing]" " Blanchard, hands up!" " Police officer!" "Blanchard, you're under arrest for the murder of Harold Gumbal." " Come on!" "Come on." " Go." "[Thud] [Bell Rings]" "Great." "Thank you." "They got him." "It's over." "That's good." "Mrs. Eels, you're probably going to have to testify... about that phone call you overheard." "You told him?" "I didn't tell him." "He figured it out." "He's a real detective." "Actually, he... found you." "We had no idea where you were." "He put all the clues together." "[Thud] [Bell Rings]" "He, um..." "It really was some of the most unique detective work I've ever seen." "[Natalie] Just an incredible detective." "His detecting is like..." "What?" "He doesn't need anyone's help, Mrs. Eels." "No." "No one's help." "Really?" "W-When the kidnapper called, they both panicked." "L-l-I'm prone to panicking." "A-And I had to say, "Let's get focused, because my mother's in trouble."" "And..." "And that got everybody focused." "But then I had to concentrate on the sounds from the background." "I could hear the ocean." "And I heard a clang and a thud." "Thud and a clang." "A thud and a clang." "And..." "And 8:20." "Why not 8:00?" "Why not 8:30?" "And then I remembered high tide is at 8:20." "Once I had that piece, then it all fell together." "Oh." "Oh, Marty." "Marty, you're wonderful." "I'd like to thank the police department, particularly Captain Stottlemeyer... and, uh, Adrian Monk." "This was a very difficult case for me." "Uh, last night I made a decision." "It's the toughest decision of my career." "But I'm going to resign my practice... and take a teaching position at Fulton Community College... where I'll be teaching modern criminal investigative techniques." "[Applause]" "You were right about him, weren't you?" "[Shutters Clicking] He was cheating." "[Reporter] Over here, Mr. Eels." "Dropped the key." "[Chuckles]" "He was cheating." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"...our navy must enter the Golden Horn." "It is the weakest point of the walls." "Yes, my Sultan." "Zaganos, you will hold the Galata ridge." "Yes, my Sultan." "Hasan." "You will command the veteran soldiers." "Don't send the veterans or the cavalrymen until we have a hole on the walls." "Yes, my Sultan." "You can leave now." "He tries to test our faith by starting the siege in our holiest day." "But this will bring him the doom and bring us the salvation." "What shall we do, sir?" "Are we going to sit and watch this war?" "Are we going to trust the Turkish promises?" "Better than being under Pope's authority." "But yet, we should do our best to protect our city." "APRIL 6,1453 FRIDAY" "Guistiniani!" "I'll tell you later." ""Selamün aleyküm."" ""Kalos antamothsikame."" "I wish I could have hosted you in my palace but you are too crowded." "Thank you for the hospitality, Emperor." "I am here to host you in that palace." "I would like to remind you that our walls and our faith have never been broken in history, Sultan." "You will never need to remind this to anyone after this siege, Emperor." "My city walls heard this many times." "Last time was from your father." "But he couldn't succeed either, just like the others." "We came here to conclude it." "If you give the city now, your people and their families will keep living peacefully with their properties untouched." "Then, there will be a lot of blood." "Your blood." "We obeyed what Koran ordered." "Shutters!" "Fire!" "Come on!" "Fire!" "Fire!" "Go, go." "Take your place." "Shields!" "Shields!" "Archers!" "Shoot!" "Basilica cannon." "You just couldn't get this Urban killed." "Archers!" "Shoot!" "Close this hole right now!" "You, cover it with your arrows." "And you, bring the stones." "Hurry." "Catapults!" "Faster." "Come on!" "Burn it down." "Kill them all!" "Fill this gap!" "Are you still thinking of Era, sir?" "And Ayvansaray front?" "The same, my Sultan." "We couldn't succeed in any of the lines." "We have heavy causalities, my Sultan." "We are trying to open the Golden Horn front as you ordered." "But whenever we come close to the chains long ranged Greek cannons start firing." "Our soldiers should not wait." "They may think we are discouraged because we're not fighting today." "That's exactly what I want them to think, Zaganos." "Tell Head Sapper Mustafa to sap faster." "Tomorrow, they will know why my soldiers are waiting." "Sir." "Report me." "We have enough oil and tar, your majesty." "Everything is fine." "There is no movement in the Ottoman army." "They're trying to recover." "They saw what kind of a hell they fell into." "We can't fire the Basilica Cannon as frequent as we should." "If this foam works and cools it down faster we can have 10 shots a day." "Era?" "I'm dizzy." "I'm probably too tired." "We have 9 fathoms left, sir." "Good." "I'll let the Sultan know." "Work harder, lions." "Almost there." "Come on." "Get out." "Now." "Run!" "Get out!" "It will collapse." "Get out!" "It will collapse." "Hurry, hurry, hurry." "Run!" "Selim." "Come on." "Move." "Come on." "Hurrry." "Leave immediately." " Run!" "Run!" " We're coming." "Sappers." "They're here." "They're here." "The sappers are here." " Go back." " Come on, run." "Come here." "Dig it my lions." "Dig it." "Faster." "Come on lions." "Come on." "Jump in." "Counter them." "Bring the gun powder barrels." "Come around, quick." "Come on sappers, dig it." "Stop." "Silence." "Come on, faster." "Come on." "Come on." "They found us." "Dig faster." " Come on." " Move it." "Come on, lions." "Come on." "They're very close." "Faster." "Faster." "Come on lions, dig it." " Sir, get out." " Selim." "I won't leave you there, Selim." "They reached us." "Leave us and go." "Faster." "Come on." "It's too late." "Just go, master." "Go now." "Forgive all my sins against you." "Run now." "Come on." "We will not die for nothing." "(I witness there is no God but Allah" "And I witness Mohammed is his servant and his Prophet.)" "Allah is great." "Allah is great." " What's going on?" " Run." " (Allah is great) - (Allah is great)" "You summoned me, my Sultan." "One day while we were practicing sword, you told me something, Hasan." ""Using a sword needs skill." "You should not hold it too tight or too loose." "If you hold it too tight, you get tired right away, and can't move fast" "If you hold it too loose, your sword drops at the first impact."" "Now is time to hold the sword properly, Hasan." "It is your turn." " Get ready." " Yes, my Sultan." "My Sultan gave his orders." "Tower siege assault is tonight" "We will get ready." "Be careful, Hasan." "Archers!" " Archers!" " Shoot!" "Break this door!" "Kill these dogs." "Come on, hurry." "Faster." "I'm telling you, faster." "Fill these cauldrons." "Fire the cannons more frequently." "Come on." "Run!" "We need more archers here." "Burn those towers." "Fill these cauldrons." "Come on." "Burn down those towers." "Get ready." "Come on." "Faster." "Gangplank..." "Brother!" "Stay away!" "Get ready to launch the gangplank." "Push the tower." "Put it." "We are in fire." "We have to leave now." "Go away!" "Faster." "Push it faster." "Burn them down." "Don't let them come closer." "Launch the gangplank." "Come on." "Move away." "Push it." "Push it." "Come on." "Fix the cannon." "Fire." "You are our heroes." "We'll bury them all, soon enough." "I saw Guistiniani on the walls." "You are right about him." "He is really a capable and dangerous knight." "It could have been easier to pass over the walls if he wasn't here." "Be careful with him, Hasan." "I checked all the fronts." "Our loss is not too much." "Especially when compared to Turks." "You were against the Latin support, Grand Duke Notaras." "But as you see Turks are shattered everywhere." "The Pope should do more than this to get rid of Mehmet for good." "We must catch his army between the walls and the Crusaders." "Don't worry, your majesty." "Pope has already convinced the Hungarians." "Leave him to us." "If I become a martyr with Allah's will I'll ask a favor from you." "It is just an arrow." "Don't worry, it won't kill you." "Will you do it or not tell me that." "Tell me." "What's that favor you'll ask?" "You'll go and see my fiance." "Tell her that Hüseyin became a martyr with my honor." "Get well soon." "You will tell your fiance how you fought after we break the walls." ""I am Ladislaus, King of Hungary." "My long-running regent John Hunyadi has been relinquished from his regency by my will." "I inform you that the truce you signed with him is invalid and I salute you sincerely with my belief that you will stop the siege as soon as possible." "Please don't forget the great pain we both experienced when our armies clashed." "Tell your king that I will be happy to greet him here with my army." "My Sultan I always told you that this campaign was a mistake." "We have been here for a month." "Our army is worn out." "If the Hungarians come..." "This is just a threat, mentor." "Even if it is for real we will capture the city before they arrive here." "If we can't, we will fight with both Greeks and Hungarians" "Now go and tell Urban that I want him to fire his cannons more frequently." "Yes, my Sultan." " Send more archers to the Pigi gate." " Yes, your majesty." "Your majesty." "King of Hungary kept his promise." " His envoy gave his message to Mehmet." " Good." "When the Hungarians arrive, we will not only defend our city but also get rid of the Turks forever." "What do you think?" "Do you think we should fire it more frequently?" "Don't worry, father." "My foam will work." "Alright." " Foreman Mahmut, put the powder in." " Yes, sir." "Bring some more foam for the next shot, daughter." "Stretch it, guys." "Father!" " Master?" "Master." " Move away." " Father, open your eyes." " Fetch the doctor." "It is all my fault." "What if he died?" "Our sultan." "As you were." "When will he be okay?" "In a few days, my Sultan." "Basilica Cannon has to be fixed." " He must get well as soon as possible." " Yes, my Sultan." "Don't worry." "I will fix the Basilica Cannon." "Move away." "Release some of these so it will motivate the Turks" "I wish we were dead." "Move." "Take him." "Hey!" "Brave Turkish soldier." "You must have missed your friends here." "You believe that you go to heaven if you die in war field." "Then, let's not keep you waiting." "I witness that there's no god but Allah and I" "Stop those ships" "Stop them." "Stop them." " My sultan." " Stop them." "Sink them, sink them!" "My Sultan." "That's enough." "Thank God, we devastated his armada." "Let's see what you will do now, Mehmet." "For our emperor." "Long live our Emperor." "Long live Constantine." "You just couldn't stop 3 ships." "You haven't past over the chains for 40 days." "But my Sultan, the range of their cannons prevents us from..." "Take him out." "Send to exile." "Out, all of you." "Why aren't we fighting?" "I was against this campaign all from the beginning." "I said it would be our end." "Now look what we got." "You confused our Sultan." "Our government is at the verge of falling because of your personal ambitions." "Our personal ambition is to serve our government." "Is this your idea of serving?" "Everybody knows your desire is to get my position." "And you count on this campaign for that." "You have personal interest on this conquest." "Why don't we all keep calm?" "We should not forget about the Hungarian menace." "If they come to help - and they might already be on their way we are all doomed." "We should tell our Sultan that we must immediately cease the campaign and go back to Edirne." "I hope you will be beheaded." "The Hungarian army gas gathered." "They will be here any time." "That's right." "If they come, we all die." "Our Sultan does not leave his pavilion." "Our Sultan is blinded." "We can't pass over the walls, no matter what we do." "We will die for nothing." "We should go back." "Why do you whine like a pussy?" "Bastards!" "Why do you eat our Sultan's bread?" "No blood has spilled from your sword for years." "Now our Sultan has opened a path to glory for you." "Is this why you treason?" "Isn't it enough that we have been fighting for 40 days for nothing." "Shut up!" "Do you think a bunch of dogs like you can start a mutiny?" "Watch your words." "If there is a dog here, it must be you." "Now, go away." "Why doesn't he go back?" "He can't accept his defeat." "I prefer him to be here when the Hungarians arrive." "I will clean my boots with his robe." "Welcome, White Sheik." "We just had to call you." "He doesn't speak to anyone including us." " Is he in his pavilion?" " Yes, Master White ªemsettin." "He hasn't gone out for two days." "Soldiers are restless." "My Sheik." "Welcome." "Thank you, Mehmet." "What's wrong with you?" "Why doesn't your army fight?" "We have been here for 40 days" "Patience is the second mind to men." "It keeps your dream, your purpose alive." "I know, the unsuccessful attempts have caused disappointment in both your army and you." "It discouraged your soldiers." "And the infidels are celebrating." "Come on Mehmet." "Come with me." "Before I came here slept for a vision for three nights consecutively." "Just to see if this campaign is destined good or bad." "Thanks God, I got what I asked for last night." "I saw Hazreti Eyyubi Ensari in my dream." "He told me where his grave is" "He said "Go." "Show it to Mehmet." "Tell him why I am buried so close to the walls." "My Sultan." "With the name of Allah who protects and forgives." "As you know, Hazreti Eyyup joined the siege of Konstaniyyah with the Moslem army." "He didn't leave the city walls until he died." "And he wasn't young like you." "He was old and ill" "You can't give up, Mehmet." "You came here to be that heralded commander." "Now go and lead your army." "If you don't do it now you'll never be able to do it again." "Now come back to your senses and show everyone your superior skills." "You have the power to do this." "Remember strong winds wuther at steep mountains." "I won't go back before I take this city, father." "My leg!" "My leg!" "My leg is torn!" "Come on, plankmen, run." "Hold the ropes." "Chock the ship." "They have hauled the ships on the land to the Golden Horn." "Listen people." "They have hauled the ships on the land to the Golden Horn." "Show mercy, mighty Lord." "Just when he thought he would accept the defeat..." "Our people and the army are worried, your majesty." "This is no good." "He is trying to capture Golden Horn where the city walls are the weakest." "He opened another front." "Our ships tried to sink them but they fire cannons from Galata to keep us out of range." "We have to send troops to Golden Horn." "They don't have cannons in their galleys." "If we deploy troops there other fronts will get weaker" "He will make a bridge of ships to deploy in Golden Horn." "That's his plan." "Those Hungarians just couldn't come." "Guistiniani." "Send reinforcement to the Golden Horn." "Notaras , go find Gennadius." "Tell him to do everything to keep the high spirits" "Oh Lord, you save us." "Our emperor asks a favor from you." "A man who subdues Pope can't be my emperor." "For God's sake." "You know I feel the same." "But you have to help us in these troubled days." "People are in terror." "There is chaos." "You think I don't know this?" "You should use your influence on the people." "I'm already doing that despite of you." "But you sold Orthodox people to the Catholics." "And after all those holy signs the faith in our people is gone just like the light in Hagia Sophia." "People are desperate." "My soldiers." "We have a glorious history." "We conquered many strong forts and cities." "We passed high mountains." "We broke the javelins which our enemies hold against our chests." "We teared down the enemy flags which were planted in vanity." "We died and suffered for the sake of glory." "Today it is our duty to prove that we are worthy of our forefathers." "Remember!" "Glory is achieved with faith." "I know we will pass over these walls with our courage" "Tomorrow we will wake up for a happy morning no other God's servant has seen." "We won't become martyrizes before we bring our enemies to their kneels." "God is great!" "God is great!" "I was looking for you." "We will achieve victory tomorrow." "You will see, we will do it." "And your evenge will be taken, Era" "Hasan." "MAY 29,1453 TUESDAY" "Today he will try his strongest assault." "If we can fend it off this war will finish." "Don't worry." "Your people will celebrate your victory." "That's all of it, sir." "You couldn't find us this time, the reptiles." "Sir, I am pouring the powder to the exit." "Sir?" "I don't want any mistakes." "Fire!" "Attack!" "They broke down the wall!" "They broke down the wall!" " Run." " They got in." "They broke down the Romanos wall, your majesty." "You have to get out of here." "We have to go back to the palace." "You should stay in a safe place until we repel them." "Remember you told me to tell your fiancé." "And you go to my family..." "I will." "I will let them know you became an martyr with your honor." "Hüseyin!" "To the flag tower." "You will have a painful death but nobody will know it." "History don't tell about the losers" "We never forget the martyrs." "But today you will die and nobody will remember you." "Run." "Go to Hagia Sophia." "People and the army believe that our God given holy light is taken back to Heaven." "You have to leave the city, your majesty." "Our holy light was taken to Heaven long ago." "At least I should fight for my honor to the end." "Your emperor is dead." "You are under arrest." "Long live the Sultan." "Long live the Sultan." "Stand up." "Bury your emperor due to your religion." "Don't worry." "From now on, your lives your property and your destiny are a part of us, too." "You are free to live according to your own faith." "You showed us the path to glory with your holy words, o Prophet." "Allow me to acknowledge my fellow brothers." "Essalamu aleykum." " Es-selam aleykm." " Aleykme selam." "What did our Prophet say, Eyyub?" "Our Prophet said:" ""Konstantiniyyah will definitely be conquered one day." "The commander who conquers it is a blessed commander." "His soldiers are blessed soldiers."" "In the year when Mehmet who would have the honor of becoming that blessed commander when he was 21 was born, many miracles were witnessed." "Horses gave birth to a lot of twin babies." "The land gave crops four times in a year..." "The branches of the trees bent down to the ground because of the heavy fruits." "The comet observed over Constantinople in the same year was considered as a sign that the unbreakable walls of the city would fall." "EDIRNE MARCH 29,1432" "SURA of CONQUEST" "Hma Hatun gave a healthy boy, my Sultan." "Let him name Mehmet to show our respects to our Prophet." "I gave him his name, may Allah give him his fate." "SARUHAN POST" "I told you I was going to defeat you one day, Hasan." "And I told you that would be the happiest day for me, my Sultan." "We have a letter from Halil Pasha in Edirne, my Sultan." "Sultan Mehmet was only twelve when he first took the throne." "Sultan Murat II, who had been tired of the inner conflicts between his viziers and his warlords had decided to leave the throne to his son, Mehmet after the unexpected death of his favorite son, Aladdin." "But, Grand Vizier Halil Pasha made Sultan Murat come back to his throne because of a possible threat of another Crusader Army" "And Mehmet was sent to Saruhan Post." "You had strong arms to conquer the cities and bring the armies to heel." "They did not hold me not even for once." "You had sharp eyes seeing the future of our governance." "They never looked at me tenderly." "They never saw how much I love you." "My heart was dying to kiss the land you stepped on." "And now it is dying to conquer the lands you will never be able to step on, father." "To build a world-wide empire." "Why do my father's viziers stand aside?" "Stand next to me appropriate to your offices." "I returned to my birth-right throne five years later." "What do you think about it, Halil Pasha?" "You were too young at the time, my Sultan." "The Crusaders had passed the Danube to expel us from Rumelia." "We asked your father to take back the throne." "It was all for the sake of our government." "If you think... this was a mischief then our lives are in your will." "I don't doubt that." "Therefore, for the sake of our government I assign you the grand vizier." "ªahabettin, Zaganos and Saruca will also be my viziers." "Murat Bey is dead, your majesty." "Sultan Mehmet took the throne for the second time." "I see that you are as happy as I am for hearing the news." "Not me, your majesty." "It seems that Grand Duke Notaras fears that he will besiege the city like his father did." "Just remember why Sultan Murat was forced to retreat from the siege." "It was enough for us to declare Prince Mustafa as the sultan." "Even though the poor prince died before he fulfilled his dreams." "Now we have even a stronger sultan candidate." "Prince Orhan." "With all my respect this is delusional." "Sultan Mehmet's only desire is to destroy our empire." "He studied sciences of engineering to break our defences." "He studied our language to understand our weaknesses." "And he studied our religion to strangle our faith." "He might be too young right now." "But he is the anti-Christ." "Grand Duke Notaras, cease worrying." "Mehmet is an already overthrown Sultan." "He has no dignity in his own people." "We will show him our power before he will know it." "Send an envoy to Edirne." "Let Mehmet see our peaceful policies." "You are getting younger, old man." "And teaching the sultan to hold a sword with his gentle hands did not lessen you, Hasan." "Come here." "He learnt to use the sword from you." "But what about the reign?" "Who will he learn to rule from?" "You either have it or not." "Murat Bey was not like him." "We fought together with him in Varna and Kosovo" "I'm ready to scarify not one but all my eyes for a sultan like that." " But Mehmet..." " Be fair, master." "Our sultan was 12 years old back then." "Nobody cares about his age." "Was he on the throne?" "He was." "Was he overthrown?" "He was." "That's what people need to know." "They don't care the rest." "How would you like it, if the infidels' dummy Orhan had taken the throne?" "You don't know his virtues." "You will regret your words when the day comes, master." "VATICAN" "Sultan Mehmet will be determined about what his father started." "And don't doubt that his next destination will be Rome." "Emperor Constantine has to obey the resolution taken in Florence about joining the churches." "We have to put pressure if necessary." "That's right." "The biggest threat for that infidel Turk is the Orthodox people praying for thr Holy See and the Pope." "We should benefit from his inexperience to get rid of the Ottomans for good." "Constantinople will either be a Moslem capital or a Catholic capital." "I don't think Sultan Mehmet is braver and smarter than his father." "But we have to consider all the possibilities." "We can't leave Constantinople to the infidels." "God is on our side." "KARAMANOGLU PRINCIPALITY KONYA" "You are right, he assigned Halil Pasha as his grand vizier." "He can't even get rid of someone who took the throne away from him." "We should take advantage of this weakness." "Spread the word to other principalities." "It is the right time to get rid of the Ottomans." "I am pleased with the beautiful words your emperor had said about my late father." "And about Orhan..." "Your emperor wants to raise his subsidy to 300,000 coins." "It is important for our dynasty that he lives a comfortable life" "I will give my orders." "Tell your emperor that he will receive the friendship he desires to build." "Do you believe Constantine's sincerity, Mentor?" "Neither his courage nor his strength is enough for him to cross the line." "Contact with the Latin, Hungarian, Polish and the Serbian king, and also with the Pope." "Tell them that we want to live in peace with them." "Yes, my Sultan." "You can leave now." "Zaganos and abahttin Pashas, you stay." "I see that you are not happy with my decisions." "It is not our place to question the Sultan." "However, we might have something to say if you discuss with us before you give an order." "We don't have a more important duty other than conquering Konstantiniyyah for the sake of our government." "We have to be patient until we eliminate all the obstacles one by one and take over the city." "Mother." "I really missed my father." "Not "father", but "my sultan."" "So what will you call him?" "My Sultan." "I know there is a reason for everything you do but giving Halil Pasha back his office and compromising with Constantine caused disappointment within your subjects." "It is considered as weakness." "I fear that if we can't win the trust of both our people and the army then we can have some very serious problems." "Government is not a place of displaying power, Zaganos." "It is a tool to protect their interest provide them wealth and build a future for them." "That's what makes a sultan powerful." "Don't worry." "When the time comes, my army and my subjects will understand why I made these decisions." "Check." "Welcome, Gülbahar Hatun." "It was a very long way, my Sultan." "But it is worth seeing you." "Yes, father!" "My sultan." "Your son, Prince Bayezid missed you a lot." "He called your name even while he was sleeping." "Come on." "Go and have a rest." "Have you taken your luggage?" " Have a nice voyage." " Era." "I caught you in the last minute." "I talked to the Duke one more last time." "But I couldn't convince him." "He is not interested in your new crane designs." "I thought so." "But he said you can immediately build a cannon foundry if your father accepts." "You know my father." "He won't accept." "I know." "And I told the Duke, too" "Thank you for everything." "I appreciate what you have done for me." "Goodbye." "Era." "Don't go." "Marry me." "We shall bring your father here, too." "And I can convince the Duke in time." "Actually, I can even convince the Duke to build a dockyard for your father." "I told you." "You will always be a very valuable friend for me." "He just can't sleep, my lady." "Why didn't you go to sleep, my son?" "Don't sultans love their children, mother?" "What are you talking about, Bayezid?" "You will understand how much our Sultan loves you as you grow up." "My son." "Mehmet." "I am your grandfather, Osman" "I founded our principality." "My successors, your forefathers, your father turned this principality into a strong state." "And you will turn it into a mighty empire." "You deserve this ring the most." "You are that righteous commander who was acknowledged by our Prophet." "May Allah bless your campaign." "Your highness!" "Are you alright?" "Either I will conquer Konstantiniyyah or Konstantiniyyah will conquer me." "Isa Pasha." "Give my orders to the dockyard in Gallipoli." "They should be able to make 100 ships in a year." "Yes, my Sultan." "ªahabettin Pasha, I need the foundry to make 3 huge crucibles." "Yes, my sultan." " Zaganos." "Hasan?" " He is already in Konstantiniyyah, my Sultan." "Halil Pasha, and I want a full report about the gears and the munitions of the janissaries." "Yes, my Sultan." "My Sultan, may I ask what all these preparations are for?" "They are for joining our state which is divided in Rumelia and Anatolia together and make it a big empire." "I know what you mean, my Sultan." "But I am afraid there is a risk of shrinking and even getting destroyed while trying to expand." "Making no progress already means to die." "Pasha." "We need to make bold decisions for the future of our people." "Here is something very important my ancestors taught me, Mentor:" "Making history is no job for the cowards." "Leave it, you bastard." "Don't run." "Come here." "Catch him." "Come here." " Stop." " I am very sorry." "What have you done?" "Damn you." " Stop." "Don't hit me." " Just watch where you are going." " I tripped." "What can I do about it?" " You made fall down." "Where is the kid?" "Where is that bastard?" "Where did he hide?" "Anybody seen him?" "Come on." "Run." "So, how was the voyage?" "It was no fun without you." "But not bad anyway." " We had a storm for a while, actually." " Really?" "By the way I got the book you asked me." "So tell me." "What did the Duke say?" "He is not interested in our designs, father." "The fake noble." "He doesn't see the value of the cranes I designed." "He has other things in his mind." "He wants you to make cannons for his army." "They can go to hell." "Doesn't he know that I won't make cannons for anyone anymore?" "And what about Guistiniani?" "The same." "He proposed me as always." "And you said no, as always." "Constantine invited Orhan to dinner tonight." "Let's meet after the dinner." "To our Turkish friend." "To our Turkish friend." "We are informed that Karamanoglu Ibrahim is making preparations for a campaign against Sultan Mehmet." "Who do you think will win if he can find a strong support?" "Karamanoglu, naturally." "It's not only us." "Halil of Çandar thinks like that, too" "There's only one thing you should do to take your righteous throne." "Help Karamanoglu Ibrahim Bey." "I am ready to do whatever it takes." "You can write a letter saying that we all support Karamanoglu including Halil Pasha, the Latins, the Pope, and Hungarians." "You can even offer him some land." "If you do that, I will send two different messengers from different routes to make sure that it reaches Ibrahim Bey." "And we will watch what's coming next." "This is the letter Constantine told Orhan to write and addressed to Karamanoglu Ibrahim." "Good job, Hasan." "The second courier group must be about to arrive at Karamaoglu's with a copy of this letter, my Sultan." "Our plan works." "Karamanoglu started the campaign." "He fell into our trap." "He will be swept away if he is defeated by Karamanoglu." "It doesn't matter even if he defeats." "His army will have heavy losses." "So he won't be able to mess with us for a very long time." "Besides, we should double the subsidy for Orhan to 600,000 coins." "You'll see, he will have to accept it." "And while my treasure raises, whatever dignity he has left in the eyes of his own people will diminish." "KARAMANOGLU PRINCIPALITY AKªEHIR 1451" "I thought Halil of Çandar Pasha would support us." "Without Halil Pasha's support he can't possibly gather such a big army in such a short time." "The letter was nothing but a big lie." "We are fooled." "There is no way we can have a victory if we fight." "Karamanoglu Ibrahim asks for peace." "Lie!" "He wants to provide us soldiers and serve for our cause." "If we leave this pander alone now, he will uprise again in the first opportunity." "This is not the way to govern." "Our army will have heavy causalities if we fight." "I think it is better for us to accept his offer, my Sultan." "This is crazy." "Your policies are nothing but a bunch of coward actions." "I think my mentor is right." "He won't be able to dare anything for a very long time." "He won't cause us any problems during our campaign to Konstantiniyyah." "Go now." "Bring me that pander." "Bring him in." "Stand up." "Don't forget you can battle with anyone but you make peace only with honorable men." "I swear on my honor." "No more blood will be spilled as long as I live." "You will carry that honor of yours until your last breath." "Or, your death shall come by my hand." "Who knows maybe this is your destiny." " My Sultan?" " Read it." "Constantine wants to double the subsidy we pay for Orhan, my Sultan." "There is no obstacle for doing this." "Yet, this is neither the right time nor the place." "He wants to take advantage of us being in a campaign." "Out." "Mentor, you stay here." "I thought they didn't have any other option but stay friendly?" "I thought they didn't have neither the courage nor the strength." "Is this your idea of friendship, mentor?" "Is this your idea of friendship?" "Come here." "I happened to capture this letter written by Orhan to Ibrahim." "Read it." "Here is what surprised me the most:" "That serpent Orhan, says to other serpent named Ibrahim:" ""The Grand Vizier Halil Pasha supports me." "But this should be secret for now."" "Mighty Allah is my witness." "I have nothing to do with this letter." "I never left your father's path or your path in my entire life." "We will talk about this when we go back to Edirne." "Now you can go." "Sultan Mehmet wanted to break Halil Pasha's influence on the soldiers who was now in a very bad position because of the letter." "On the way back home, some soldiers asked for guerdon even though they hadn't actually fought." "He used this opportunity." "With the pretext of deserted soldiers he punished Janissary Master Kurtçu Dogan and his fellow janissaries." "Bu kendini bilmez Send these blatant reptiles to exile." "Yes, my Sultan." "Each of the blows these guys have is actually addressed to me, Isa." "Karamanoglu, eh?" "Cowards." "They surrendered not even drawing their swords." "Sultan Mehmet figured that our friendship policy is a game." "He is not young and inept any more but a Sultan with his first victory." "You can be sure that he won't send a dime of the 300,000 coin subsidy he had agreed for Orhan." "Isn't it enough that you worried?" "How come such a letter can be written?" "How dare he use my name in this letter?" "Our Sultan knows that this is a trick." "Even if he doesn't, he can't dare to do anything to you." "He doesn't want to cause internal conflicts." "You're wrong, Emine." "He is taking control of the government step by step." "Our Sultan wants you in his presence, my Pasha." "Oh my..." "This late." "This means only one thing." "Go and bring my shroud." "(I witness there is no God but Allah)" "(And I witness Mohammed is his servant and his Prophet.)" "Approach." "Give my mentor some water." "I never doubted your loyalty." "Otherwise you would have been beheaded already." "Acknowledge Constantine that we won't be paying the subsidy any more." "Yes, my Sultan." "Come here." "What do you see?" "I see the fort built my your heavenly grandfather Sultan Bayezid, my Sultan." "What do you see, now?" "A new fort in Rumelia, my Sultan." "We will build a new fort right here in Bogazkesen, mentor." "You will be in charge of building these two bastions." "The moment we put the first stone Constantine, Pope and the Latin governments will know what we are up to." "They will join forces and attack us." "Neither the Latins nor the Pope nor Constantine." "My only concern is my subjects who can't realize that it's for their interest to conquer Konstantiniyyah." "The blood will spill anyway." "The question is is it to become a martyr or just to be wasted." "BOGAZKESEN APRIL 1452" "We will be able to control all the ships coming from Black Sea." "Our Sultan." "Keep working." "He is building a fort right in front of us." "He will intercept the cargo ships coming from the Black Sea." "He will make us starve." "He is preparing for a siege." "We should immediately get ready for a war." "Send a word to Mora, my brothers." "Tell them to come here with their army." "Remind Guistiniani my offers." "Tell him that I will give him Limnos Island if he commands my armies." "And this cannon founder..." " what's his name, Notaras?" " Urban, your majesty." "Convince him to make stronger cannons than we already have." "You were right." "Sultan Mehmet clearly revealed his intention by starting to build that fort." "His holiness should take some action." "Mehmet will be discouraged if we gather a strong Crusader army." "And Emperor Constantine will have no option other than approving the unification of churches." " True." "But Frenchmen and Englishmen are already devastated because of their ongoing war." "And the German king is struggling for his crown." "And Mehmet is aware of all." "He must have considered all these." "Yet, Pope may perhaps convince Venetians and Genoeses." "We should send a messenger to Constantine any way." "You're right." "He should know about our efforts." "We expect to finish the fort in 11 months, my Sultan." "We have 5 months at most." "We have to take control of the strait to intercept any aid going to Konstantiniyyah before and during the siege." "We will all carry rocks if necessary." "My Sultan, Constantine asked help from Mora just like you were expecting." "I am sorry to see your unacceptable attempts to cut off the route from my city to Black Sea." "Your intention is obvious." "You think you can pass over my walls." "You will be disappointed just like your late father." "You stopped paying the subsidy for Orhan because of a letter which has nothing to do with us." "We didn't protest it for the sake of peace between us." "But if you don't stop building the fort immediately I will send Orhan to Edirne and do all I can for him to take over your throne." "And you must be in delusion if you think that Pope and the Latins will ignore your actions." "You will have to counter a Crusader army of an unprecedented magnitude." "He says he will make Orhan the Sultan." "He should stop the plot he has been keeping on for centuries." "He must know best who my people and my army support." "And Pope gathering a Crusader army?" "Be my guest." "We will defeat them again just like we did in Varna and Kosovo." "I am not like my predecessors." "I am Sultan Mehmet Han." "If I want to make a fort in Rumelia in my governance, then I do it" "Everything in my land is under my command." "Mehmet won't stop building the fort." "And he has started to gather a big army in Anatolia." "We started the production as you ordered, your majesty." "We will burn him and his army with our Greek fire." "And Pope says he is determined to support us." "But as you know, with his condition that our church abides him." "Why don't we send Orhan to Edirne and let him provoke people against Mehmet?" "That's impossible." "His people and his army supports him." "Then why do we still feed him?" "Mehmet will not be able to pass the walls." "And this will be his end." "What is more precious than having someone on the throne loyal to us?" " Are the cannon foundries ready?" " They're renewed, your majesty." "I will talk to Urban, today." " Here." " Thank you." " Father, we should also buy salt." " Alright, my girl." "Engineer Urban." "Grand Duke Notaras wants you." "Father?" "You go back home." "There's nothing to worry about." "Let's go." "Welcome, Engineer Urban." "As you know, our city is fighting against the infidels." "This is not my fight, sir." "All Christians should fulfill their duties." "Including you." "I have neither the desire nor the strength to mold the cannons you want." "Forgive me." "Think about your daughter, not yourself." "We don't want that beautiful girl get hurt, do we?" "You have time till morning to change your mind." "You can go now." "Come on, hurry up." "We have to go before Notaras' dogs come." "You are arrested by the order of Grand Duke Notaras." "Seize them." "Leave my daughter alone." "Don't touch me, you jerk." "Sultan Mehmet wishes to see you in his court." "We are informed that those were Turks who kidnapped Urban." " Rascal." "He will attack my walls with the cannons Urban makes." "Find a way to kill Urban." "We have news from Mora, your brothers, your majesty." "Mehmet's soldiers have burnt down Mora." "They killed all the troops of your brothers." "God damn Turk." "He is always one step ahead." "Always." "We are sorry to take you to Edirne by force." "Actually you made a big favor to us." "Helping your sultan's cause may help me conclude a personal matter." "What is it?" "Years ago, the Crusader army also supported by Constantine to wipe you out from the Balkans burnt down all the Moslem villages on their way." "Including our village, too." "They slaughtered my family." "I found myself in the slave market in Constantinople." "If it wasn't Urban who pitied and bought me..." "So, Urban is not your father." "He is like a father to me." "Engineer Urban has been my father since then." "Come on, we should start as soon as possible." "I am master at moulding cannons as much as my father." "But we can't have a girl in the foundry." "Don't worry." "They won't see a girl." "Let's go." "Come on, Father." "We don't have any other option." "Write a letter to Pope." "Tell him that I am ready to host a united ceremony with Catholic and Orthodox people within my lands." "It is time to become united against the anti-Christ." "If we call the Latins, they will never leave our city." "Did you forget what they had done to us?" "They harmed our faith and our city more than anybody else." "Mehmet will take action as soon as he can." "We don't have time to lose." "I implore you, your highness." "This decision will take our religion under Pope's command." "This means the end of our faith." "I prefer seeing Turkish turban in the city rather than the Latin cone." "We don't want the faithless Catholics in Hagia Sophia." "We won't give away our religion to Pope." "We won't pray in the same church with the Latins." "We don't want their prayers." "They're trying to take over our faith." "It is time to say no to these lousy Catholics who feed on the blood of real Christians like ourselves who follow Jesus." "Engineer Urban I am pleased to see you and your assistant with us." "Thank you, your highness." "I want you to make a cannon big enough to break the walls of Konstantiniyyah." "Something never will be seen in history again." "We can cast the cannon as big as you want." "Hasan will be here all the time to provide your safety and needs." " May your job be easy." " Thank you, your highness." "May Allah make our efforts free from troubles" "Don't let us fail." " Let our soldiers be victorious." " Amen." "(Power and strength only come from Allah)" " Allah is great." " Allah is great." " Do you need help, Engineer Elias?" " What?" "We can't call you Era in public, can we?" "Shut up." "I look like a boy." "I think you are as beautiful as you were in the market." "BOGAZKESEN SEPTEMBER 1452" "Oh my." "The rumors are true." "Turks have accomplished a miracle." "They signal us to stop." "We are not going to stop just because they want so." "Sink it down." "How can he dare to sink my ship?" "He is preparing to siege Constantinople, your Grace." "Blocking our trade means a war against us, too." "But we can't fight him directly." "We should better supply support for Constantine." "I can go there with our ships and command Constantine's army, your Grace." "Make your preparations right away." "Yes, your Grace." "Genoeses needed their trade route to be blocked to come to their senses." "They will bring reinforcement, too." "And you, my dear Isidor." "I am sure you can arrange Catholics and Orthodoxies pray together in church." "If you can achieve it I can provide more reinforcements to save the city." "I will send a huge army of archers with you to Constantinople." "The city has to trust you for us to succeed." "May God bless you." "I was worried that I wouldn't be able to build what I designed when I decided not to cast cannons any more." "But now..." "I am glad you convinced me." "I know you did it for me, father." "Let me check the designs one more time." "Alright, father." "I am so grateful to the Pope." "Your existence brings high spirits to my people and power to my army." "It is obvious that you need more, your majesty." "If you want the support of Latin governments against the infidel Turks you know what you have to do." "As Pope himself insists Orthodox people should accept Vatican's authority." "It shouldn't be hard for a mighty emperor like yourself to silence Gennadius" "We will do what needs to be done." "My dear people." "How can a emperor who seeks salvation from the Pope defend our faith?" "And what is our patriarch doing?" "He is selling our religion in Hagia Sophia instead of giving us strength." "He accepts to pray in Catholics' way." "Instead of our own." "They want to make Orthodox people the slaves of the Catholic church." "Will you allow that?" "Damn with the Patriarch." "There he is!" "Get out of my way." "Please consider your decision one more time, my Sultan." "We know that the Pope has sent an archer legion." "And we are informed that Venetians and Genoeses will provide troops and galleys." "It is obvious that Germans Englishmen and Frenchmen are going to send huge reinforcements." "English and French armies destroyed each other." "The German King is busy with his own inner conflicts" "Aren't you supposed to know what is going on in Europe better than all of us, Mentor?" "I heard enough of your opposition in this matter." "My decision is final." "You should better realize that the siege is better for your own interests, too." "Otherwise..." "Zaganos." "Tell our spies to contact Gennadius." "Let them know that we guarantee their freedom of prayers without any Catholic pressure." "And talk to Urban." "That cannon must be finished as soon as possible." "We will start the campaign in two months." "Yes, my Sultan." "After all that dust and mud, this place is great for a change." "Thank you, Hasan." "I bet you have never eaten such a delicious fish." "It smells great." "I added some ginger and laurel leaves." "I learnt it from my father." "You have never talked about your family." "My mother died when I was very young." "My father was a great warrior." "We went to Battle of Kosovo together." "He became martyr there." "Wanna taste it?" "It is delicious." "It's a good thing that I learnt the secret." "So you teach me to make cannons and we get even." "You can't learn it right away." "It is an art." "This is the fourth time." "The metal is not pure enough." "It has veins." "I don't know why you object it?" "We should include more tin." "That makes the solution denser." "It will congeal before it reaches the mould." "We can empower the fire." "It is powerful enough." "The next step is hell fire." "Why don't we give it a try?" "The crucibles can endure more heat." "No." "It is too risky." "You say no to everything." "Dear Giovanni Longo Di Giustiniani." "Your majesty." "You came here to help us against the unbelievable offences of the infidel army." "You and your heroic soldiers are worth more than anything for us." "Of course, we are grateful for their support." "But there are also a considerable number of people who haven't forgotten the pain caused by the Latin armies, as well as who greet them exuberantly." "Don't you think you are unfair to soldiers who came to die for your city, Grand Duke Notaras?" "Our people will embrace these heroic soldiers who came to die for them, Notaras." "Never doubt that." "Maybe you are right." "We are almost out of copper, father." "I know." "They will deliver it tomorrow." "Night shift is about to arrive, master." "You go and have a rest, Foreman Mahmut." "We will be staying." "Alright, master." "Why don't we leave early today for a change?" "I will make a delicious supper for you." "And I was wondering when you were going to suggest this." "Please, father." "I know." "Just help me take..." "This is Notoras' business." "Thank you Hasan." "Seems like we won't rest until the walls fall." "Hasan." "What do you think, father?" "I think we did it this time." "Thanks to you." "It's a good thing we signed a pact with Hungarian, Serbian, Polish and Georgian kings." "So we won't have any problems during the siege." "They also thanked for the beautiful presents you sent." "Good." "Halil Pasha saw that he worried for nothing." "Are my warlords coming?" "The cavalrymen of Karesi, Hamit and Menteº warlords will be in Edirne very soon." "What about the ships?" " They will be ready in time, my Sultan." " Good." "(As I yearn to unite with my love)" "(What is so natural than my tears becoming a sea)" "(You can't bring the beloved to the house of sorrow, O Avni)" "(No matter how strong your authority is)" "Which perfume would you perefer to wear?" "Jasmina." "He loves this the most." "I took this amulet from my father when they killed him." "To give to my man if I have one, one day." "I will never take it off." "Today is the big day." "I am very excited." "You?" "Me, too." "I don't want you to be in the siege, Era." "You know I will." "We talked about it." "I don't want you to get hurt." "I don't want you to get hurt, either." "So don't go to war, too." "War is not for women, Era." "Not for women, did you say?" "You seem to forget what I went through." "They killed my mother and sisters in the war." "None of them was a soldier." "They were slaughtered not in the front line but at home." "Men die with honor in a war." "But women lose their fathers, children husbands, honor, everything." "I will go to this war." "Nobody can stop me." "Kudos to all of you, Engineer Urban." "Thank you, my Sultan." "Have a safe trip." "I think you are right." "I was selfish." "I am sorry." "We are going back." "GALLIPOLI" "Allah is great!" "Allah is great!" "You win." "Well done, Mehmet." "Our Sultan!" "Father." "Bayezid." "Come here." "Come here, son." "Father." "I wrote this for you." "My noble commanders brave soldiers and faithful people." "They dare to threaten our walls protected by our guardian angel Mother Mary who is not overwhelmed by anything." "Damn the Turks." "Damn the Turks." "The infidel Turks are on their way to bite with their poisonous fang of a snake." "They think they can pass the most glorious and the strongest walls in history." "But we will drown them in their own blood." "Death for the Turks." "Death for the Turks." "You the children of Constantinople the queen city of the world I know that when the day comes you will all become fighters worthy of St. Theodora and make another saga." "God is with us." "God is with us." "Damn the Turks!" "You take the Pigi Gate, Nikola Mozenigo." "Cresca Gate." "Commander Contarini, deploy your troops there" "Yes, your majesty." "Kaligaria Gate, John of Germania." "Yes, your majesty." " Knight Guistiniani." " Yes, your majesty?" "You will guard Romanos Gate both with your own troops and the archers Pope has sent with you." "This is our weakest point." "May God forbid, if Turks happen to enter the city you will be first to encounter them." " Don't worry." "I will not allow even one Turk to pass through that gate." "And our Turkish friend Orhan will guard the Langa Port" "Yes, your majesty." "May God protect our city." "EASTER APRIL 1,1453" "And you, Karaca Pasha." "This line from Gate of Charisius to Ayvansaray is yours." "Yes, my Sultan ªahabettin Pasha." "You take position from Tekfur Palace to Egrikapi." "Yes, my Sultan." "Süleyman Pasha..." | {
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"Hurry up, Valjean." " Where do you take me to?" "Do you really care about that?" "It's the alarm ringing!" "A prison break!" "Fire!" "Gather some men" "Help, let us out!" " Open that gate!" "Help me Valjean!" " Come on Cochepaille" "Come on Cochepaille" "My god, he's lost" " Yes, lost for justice..." "He only had served half his sentence" "Quick Cochepaille" "Hurry up!" "Get out of there quick" "Don't give up, stand up!" "I wanted to inform you in person" "It has to be bad news monsieur Javert" " Jean Valjean, for your brave behaviour ... your sentence will be reduced." " How much?" "Two" "Two year?" "But that means I am a free man now." "Two months." "En now I change that into two months more." "But what is that compared to a lifetime?" "And, your existence in here the past 18 years, can that be described as 'life'?" "When I'll be free..." " When you'll be free you will carry this prison camp on your shoe soles" "As a dog I will hunt you, until you return in here." "Because all of you return here." "A handsome boy, that Felix of yours." "The same please, garcon." "This will be the fourth bottle." " Aren't you thirsty?" "Yes, but the bill will be large." " That will be pleasant for the ladies" "You will ask they pay for it?" " Let's just get out of here." "Thanks to us, they had a wonderful day" "Fantine will hate you for this." " That's fine by me." "She's pale, much to sweet." "Not really interesting." "Are you having a good time Fantine?" "I am so lucky." " There will be another surprise later." "And what about me?" "Don't I get any surprise?" "Yes beautiful ladies." "The same one." "I have a surprise for you too." "For you Felix." "The most precious there is." " Come on with it." "Don't you want to guess?" " No" "You can tell me" "Fantine is pregnant." " Who is the father?" "Who?" "It's the man I love." "I'm pregnant from you Felix." "Are you coming?" "I'll be right back." "The young ladies will pay for the drinks." "I'm sure they are ordering champagne to celebrate." "Champagne." "I never drank champagne." "When we are married, we can't spend so much money anymore" "I don't really thing they were ordering champagne." "Here you are, ladies." "When pregnant, you shouldn't drink alcohol." "What date is it today?" "It's Tuesday, October 14th." "Tuesday." "That's such a beautiful day." "Why?" " Because I decided so myself." "There must be a day that will be more pleasant, a day you look forward to." "A man without hope, dies." "If you picked Tuesday by chance, you really have a feel for it." "Today is the day you'll be released." "Your passport." "It should be signed at any town you travel to." "Why is the passport yellow?" "Yellow is the colour of happiness." "Yellow means sun, light." "And I receive a yellow passport." "I just want to know I'll be happy now." "The passport had a yellow colour so you can be recognized from decent people." "This way, anybody can see at once where you come from." "Oh, that's the reason." "Justice thinks of everything." "But with a head like this, everyone will notice me." "You will receive civilians clothing." "From a prisoner that died before serving his sentence." "Yes, indeed." "Justice isn't very rich." "The sergeant of Waterloo" "The dog barks?" "Is anyone arriving?" "We better picked another name." "I think Waterloo scares people." "It was a huge loss." "Many people are satisfied that Napoleon lost the battle." "It isn't fair." "What a cute little child." "Come and sit by the window." "Every glance of sun in autumn should be appreciated." "Would you like to drink something?" " A little milk for my daughter please." "The milk is fresh from the cow." "And what about you, pretty one?" "A glass of water." "Water, didn't I think so." "You really should have given her a glass of wine." "You have some pretty daughters." " Downstairs, that's Eponine." "And this glutton is called Azelma." "I still breastfeed her." "She has such a warm little mouth." "They are lucky." "You are a good mother, it's easy to tell." "Your daughter looks pretty too." " Her name is Cosette." "I would do anything for her." "But is isn't always easy." "Without father, yes..." " How can you tell?" "That you're alone?" "It's clear there isn't a man you use make-up for." "But you are a natural beauty." "I'm sure in Paris, there's someone who..." "I just left Paris." "It was very hard." "I'm returning to Montreuil, the place I was born." "I hope to find some work there." "I can do any job." "But together with Cosette it will be hard." "She can't join me when I work." "And she's too little to be alone." "It would be best that somebody else cares for her." " That's true." "But how can I make sure she's treated right and gets all the love she needs?" "Would you like to take her?" "Me?" " Yes." "Your own daughters look very happy." "Cosette is a quiet girl." "And your oldest daughter will have someone to play with." "It's an idea." "But my wife is very occupied with the inn." "And little Azelma needs very much of love and attention." "And that takes time." "Besides, your daughter will be another mouth to feed." "I will send money every month." "Without Cosette I can work really hard." "Well, what would you say, my wife?" "If we can help each other, as one mother to the other..." "And we like children." "We're not rich, but decent." "Myself, I saved the life of an officer." "The sergeant of Waterloo, that's me." "I used to make food for the soldiers." "And only horses complained about my cooking." "And you know why?" "I really fed all those horsemen." "Trust me." "I will make you a healthy child Claudette." "Her name is Cosette." " What about six francs a month?" "Six francs?" "That's a lot of money." "Mama will come to get you soon." "And we will always be together." "Goodbye my love." "And be kind." "You are a wonderful woman." " And you are a smart man." "You smelled trade right away." "But I would never have asked for six francs." "And the child cries too." " I will raise her very good." "She's hungry." "Little girl, look..." "Please enter everyone." "In such a cold night no one should stay outside." "The mattresses just have been fixed." "Vincent, my good man..." "Please close the gates of the cathedral." "We are full for tonight." "Are there any people left outside?" " No, monsignor." "I only noticed some dogs." "If I could, I would take dogs as well." "... and my brother, who offers everything he owns to the poor and sick." "Which leads to, my sweet.... ... that by now, we are poorer than the poorest." "The only thing I can't get used to is that he insists on leaving every door in this house open." "So if the devil..." "Did you hear that, Madame Magloire?" " Monsignor is probably arriving." "So if the..." "I understood I could get some food and a place to sleep in here." "Not here, the cathedral." "I am not a thief." "I have money, I can pay." "But no, my friend." "You are at home here." "Since when does someone pay for food in his own house?" "My dear Madame Magloire..." "It's so dark and gloomy in here." "I don't see anything." "Would you like to place the candles?" "And change this ugly cutlery for the silver ones." "Please excuse me for this improvised entrance." "Normally my friends, the poor, sleep in the sacristy." "But all mattresses are taken for tonight." "But you can sleep in comfort here." "Yes, I wouldn't hesitate to sell these valuables to help the poor." "But on the other side..." "I like to keep these pretty things to treat a guest with all attention." "Monsignor, would you care for some wine?" " Monsignor?" "Yes, I am the bishop of Digne." "But you shouldn't speak to me as 'monsignor'." "The poor just call me 'father'." "The dignity of men doesn't depend on titles." " It depends." "I'll never lose the title of former convict." "Did you serve your sentence or did you escape?" " Does it matter to you?" "Please apologize." "My reaction was stupid and clumsy." "It's not where you come from, it's where you wants to go to when you have regained your strength." "Before I was sentenced, I used to work as a tree cutter." "We have some beautiful woods here." "If you want to work as a lumberman, I could..." "You can't do anything." "No one will employ an ex-convict." "Don't act so dejected." " It are the others that take away my good spirits." "... brave citizens, as they are called." "But that's the way people are." "You can't change that." "Only god can change things." "Madame Magloire, the soup." "We will prepare a soft bed for you." "Dear Madame Magloire, please put the linen sheets on the bed of monsieur." "You call me monsieur?" " I don't know your name." "Nobody knows my name." "I almost forgot my own name in labour camp." "Is it you Baptistine?" "Are you sick?" "Shall I come downstairs?" "Give me the blanket." "Vincent, go have a look on what's going on there." "We arrested this man at a routine check at the town gate." "Such a head..." " Do you recognize your possessions?" "These are marked with your initials." "Indeed, this belongs to me." "Belonged, I should say." "Why didn't you explain?" "Explain what?" " The fact that I gave these to him." "He said so, but..." " But what?" "He has a yellow passport." "And former convicts are very dangerous." "And that's the reason you didn't believe him?" "And the candleholders?" " The candleholders?" "Two silver candleholders." "I did give them to you, didn't I?" "It doesn't matter." "My dear friend, we'll get them right away." "The moment these gentlemen release you." "Monsignor, the mass starts." " No worries Vincent." "The lord has eternity." "But this monsieur probably wants to continue his voyage." "Solid silver" "Just like the cutlery." "I expect you to take good care of it." "Please open your bag." "My memory functions very well." "And I'm neither senile yet." "I didn't give you the cutlery." "You have stolen it." "And you would have stolen the candleholders as well, as long as you weren't disturbed by something." "And maybe you would have strangled me as well, if I should have cried for help." "You were in my room, weren't you?" "With a knife in your hands..." "My eyes were shut, but I wasn't asleep." "I was praying." " While crying?" "Praying and crying can be very alike." "The knife was for making you tell me where you had hidden the gold." "I'm not a murderer." "If I would have had gold, I would have given you this." "I don't understand." "Why?" " To purchase your freedom." "I'm not for sale." "I'm free at last." "I was talking about your soul." "I would have redeemed it from evil." "My soul?" "For the price of two candleholders?" "What's your name?" "Valjean." "Jean Valjean." "From now on, we will walk the same road that leads to the good." "This road isn't easy to travel." "You can easily stumble and fall." "But there's no greater thing than a man returning on the path of rightness." "I will celebrate the mass now." "I will pray for you." "But remember one thing." "You are a free man, just like me." "Thank you." " Why do you thank me?" "I would have lost it otherwise." "What are you talking about?" " That coin of 40 sous." "Where is it?" " Under your foot." "My foot?" " Yes, you put your foot on it." "I want it back!" "Don't nag." "Under my foot it nothing but clay and gravel." "That's all" "It's not fair." "I'm a chimney sweeper." "It's hard word, you can fall..." "You are still standing on your feet." "And I suggest you use those feet very quick before I get angry." "Filthy thief!" "This will harm you for the rest of you life!" "Hey boy!" "I found your coin!" "It's here." "In the town of Digne a young chimney whiper reported a crime." "His wages were stolen by a man who's description is just like you can guess who..." "Jean Valjean, who was in the area of Digne at the time." "I knew already he would become the man he always has been and will be for ever: a filthy thief." "Until the day one of his victims resists." "That moment, he won't be shy to commit murder too." "Work is done for today ladies." "Fantine?" "Didn't you hear me?" " I want to continue working for another hour or two." "It's not done yet." " You were joking around all day." "No, my fingers are swollen and I..." "It's always the machinery to blame." "GO now, you can continue tomorrow." "It's today that we need to meet the target." "If I don't succeed, I earn 20 sous less." "You will get those next month." "I need the money now." "You are always short on money." "But do 20 sous really matter?" "It matters to me." " If you work overtime, you pay for electricity as well." "You know that." "So you won't gain very much." "Could you borrow me these 20 sous?" "I will pay you back next month." "You said so yourself..." "Do I need to borrow you money?" "Monsieur Madeleine doesn't want any trickery in here." "What happened to your power of reason?" "Go outside right away." "A good policeman, Javert.... ... not only investigates, arrests and punishes." "He wants to understand." "And in Montreuil, something passes by without notice." "Someone makes good fortune by taking care of business, there's nothing wrong with that." "This Croesus is mayor as well." " Do you suspect him of embezzlement?" "No, we know how he could become so rich." "We just don't know what he's doing with all this money." "There's no trace of him." "He didn't establish any bank account." "Where as any bank would pay him 20 to 30 percent interest." "Isn't it odd, someone doesn't care about enlarging his belongings?" "I can interrogate detainees very thorough and they give away their henchmen." "But I can't make a registration talk, no." "Go deeply into it." "Society changes, and police needs to change to." "Nowadays, criminals have ink on their hands." "Ink from fake banknotes falsified accounting, you name it..." "And it's less dangerous: wandering around in a safe than in a poor quarter." "And much more amusing." "Monsieur Javert, I presume?" "My name is Augustin Parizot, town clerk" "Nice to meet you." "Who is the present mayor of the city?" "It's our beloved monsieur Madeleine." "Unfortunately, his portrait isn't here." "He doesn't want to make a portrait." " And why is that?" "Modesty, mister inspector." "Humbleness, a feel for discretion." "That's what our mayor is like." "I look forward to meet him." " That counts for him as well." "When he heard that State Security sent you, monsieur Javert, to this town he was completely surprised." "Does he know me?" " It's probably your reputation." "Do I have one?" "When monsieur Madeleine arrived here, he wasn't much more than a lumberman." "The city was in need for someone to cut trees and hedges." "And he became that man." "And in doing so, he got that great idea." "What great idea?" " Stinging nettles." "I will show you." "Dried blooming nettles produce fibres that make a great cheap fabric that looks almost like linen." "From there fibres we make wear-resistant work clothing." "We soon hope to receive an order from the military." "Negotiations are being held." "But there's not only an economic side to the story, monsieur the inspector." "There's a moral side of it as well." "A plant, distrusted and trampled on by everyone gets its value, but only as one trusts its invisible qualities." "Your new domain, inspector." "Where are the prison cells?" " There." "For the little criminals we catch now and then this is build solid enough." "I like to check everything." "In prison camp, the chains were checked by prisoners." "I checked again." "One can't and shouldn't trust even the most trusted prisoner." "Never?" " Never." "They are lost for society." "They are not only criminals they are incorrigible." "The only thing they ever regret, is that they have been caught." "But remorse?" "Never." "And even if they showed remorse, it doesn't change the crime they committed." "Harm has been done." "Our little town is in good hands now." "But what brings you here?" "I would think you would have earned a position in Paris." "Or were there certain circumstances to ask for transfer to Montreuil?" "I didn't ask." "I obeyed." "A criminal is wandering around in this town." " Is it true?" "Especially in winter he makes his move." "You know who he is?" "Poverty." "Madame, even since you didn't send us any money the past two months my wife and I raise and care for your little sweet Cosette as if it were our own daughter." "But this situation can't continue." "At this moment, Cosette is already six years with us." "She grows a lot and eats like a horse." "But love alone can't feed her." "My wife and I are afraid that the poor child will languish and get weak." "So we need money very quick." "You owe us twelve francs." "The health of Cosette depends on it." "Thenardier." "Could I ask you a favour Madame?" "Can I leave early tonight?" "You don't know exactly what you want." "One time you wanted to work overtime, and now you want to leave early." "This letter had to be sent away today." "And after working time, the post office is closed." "Is that letter that important?" "Give it to me." "I go to the post office this afternoon." "Don't you trust me, Fantine?" "... brown." "Fauchelevent wants to talk with you, sir." " Monsieur Fauchelevent." "Why do I treat him with respect and doesn't he do so?" "Because monsieur Madeleine is mayor." " Monsieur Madeleine is right." "Come in and have a seat, monsieur Fauchelevent." "Are you looking for a coachman?" " To bring keels to Calais where they will be shipped to England." "The Madeleine Company is exporting." "A success for me and for the town." "I can bring your keels to Calais." "I got a carriage and a horse." "Or aren't we good enough?" "You talk very pretty about poverty." "But now, you could really help me." " I just want to protect you." "Because these goods need to be transported rapidly." "And when they reach their destination, they need to be unloaded quick." "This is fatiguing labour." " What do you know about labour?" "Does this man cause any trouble, monsieur the mayor?" "No Javert." "Monsieur Fachelevent is a friend of mine." "Those are your words." "Because I don't like you." "Stay a little while, I want to talk to you." "Did you deliver my letter?" "Why not?" " I read the letter." "That isn't right, but anyway." "So you have a child?" "I'm not the only one." "Solange, Huguette Madeleine, Clementine, they are mother too." "These are married women." "You aren't." "We would get married." "I picked a dress already: white taffeta," "A white dress?" "And you were pregnant?" "That doesn't surprise me from a strumpet like you that hides her child in an inn." "An inn." " I don't hide Cosette." "But I'm not able to work and care for her." "I miss her very much." "Go ahead, visit her." "What do you mean?" " You are fired." "No, you can't take my work away from me." "Monsieur Madeleine poses only one demand on his staff they should have irreproachable behaviour." "I know that." "But I'm not a strumpet." "I want to talk to monsieur." "He will understand me." "I already talked to him." "And what did he say?" " Fire her." "We can go to my house." "It's not far from here and clean." "I can set up the fireplace." "How much do you ask?" "I don't know." "It's my first time." "There's always a first time, but never a last time." "Prostitution is for ever." "Inspector Javert, State security." "If I see you again, I will arrest you." "Didn't you ever had a lover?" " Yes." "And didn't he teach you anything?" "Aren't you satisfied?" " You are a girl of fun." "So try to smile at least." "No, crying suits you better." "Normally the price is settled on forehand." "You didn't say anything." "Apparently it was for free." "Please, give me some money." "You are a pretty girl." "But..." "But what?" "Breath." "You smell strange." "What's that?" "Are you sick?" "If you are, I go to the police." " Please no." "It's because I eat too little." "This is what people smell like when they're hungry." "That's all I have." "Next time better." "If you are more unrestrained, and if there will be a next time." "Parizot, quick." "The bridal couple is arriving." "Yes, Javert?" " The state doesn't want to get messy." "So the municipal policy on prostitution is made by two authorities:" "the municipality, that is you." "And the police, that's me." "I know about that." "I approve brothels." "This way, we can cope with the evil." "Because extermination is impossible." "But that woman doesn't work in such a place." "She works on the street." "And she didn't report this to the police." " The poor child." "You wouldn't throw her in jail, would you?" "I prefer to find out if she can work for me." "Would you hire a prostitute?" " I'm about to join one in marriage." "Ask Parizot." "She has done the whole city." "These medicines are pricey." "And it takes at least 40 francs to save Cosette." "Send me the money within a week, or..." "That's not a reason." "Each year, hundreds of thousands of children get ill." "But not all mothers turn into prostitutes because of that." "Why don't you look for a decent job to support you and your child?" "The weaving mill of monsieur Madeleine..." " I was fired there." "You can have a criminal record, but unmarried mothers are dismissed." "You can steal from a fellow man and will be forgiven, but extramarital love turns you into a leprous." "Just a while ago I saw a carnival man parking his carriage on the square." "It could be interesting for you." " Why, I can't do anything funny." "I can't dance or sing, nor can I juggle or walk a tightrope." "I wasn't talking about that." "If I were you, I would have a word with him." "Come in, young lady." "Come." "They are so pretty and white and look healthy." " How much do you want to pay?" "The price is 4 francs a tooth." "Pull out ten." " Ten?" "Especially your front teeth are very interesting." "They are the prettiest." "Okay." "I'll need to strap you up this chair." "Are you sure?" "I need 40 francs." "Anything else doesn't matter to me." "What are you doing?" "I never pulled out ten teeth in one time." "Imagine you bleed to death." "I don't want to get involved in such a dirty matter." "I really need the money very badly." "Maybe we can make some arrangement." "I make wigs too." "And you have very beautiful hair." "Would you take my hair?" "For 40 francs?" "The most sales in three year." "Open the safe, Patriot." "An accident, come quick." "Stay there." "And you, out of the way." "There comes the mayor." "Bring some pulleys" " Too late, his chest shattered." "Use your final strength to ask god for forgiveness." "That man was too poor to buy a strong carriage." "Let me try..." "That's dangerous mayor." " The city needs you." "Pull him from under the wagon" "I only knew one man capable of doing something like this:" "he was a forced labourer." "Monsieur Fouchelevent, you should take some vegetable stock to gain strength." "Strength?" "Please let god give me the strength to die in dignity." "That's all I wish for." " Die?" "You won't die." "Not of a few bruised ribs." "I'll look after you." "In a few weeks time it will be better." "You don't need to lie to me, sister." " Sister Simplice never lies." "I have different bad habits." "What's this?" "What's in it?" "I wanted to add a little drop of wine, but all I found was sacramental wine." "It smells like lamp oil." " Lamp oil for a dying man?" "You won't die monsieur Fauchelevent." "I have a proposal for you." "Through my intercession you can go to work as a gardener at Petit-Picpus." "That's a convent in Paris with a huge garden." "The sisters are looking for a gardener." "Work in Paris, as a gardener?" "I will write to Mother Superior." "The smell of incense, organ music, masses..." "You will feel like in paradise." "Bad people don't find their way to paradise." "Yes sister, I'm a bad person." "Because I wanted to harm the man that just saved my life." "A few days ago, I visited inspector Javert." "And I spoke bad about monsieur Madeleine." "There's nothing bad to tell about him." " I know that." "I made it up." "Because nobody knows where he's from, I told the inspector ... he probably has a bad record." "But what?" "I didn't tell any details." "I only advised the inspector to start an investigation." "He would be surprised." "How is your financial investigation going?" "What's easier to count?" "Numbers or prisoners?" "I believe I caught something." "Really?" "You will catch some large animal?" "I would like to keep that a secret until the final report." "But many will talk about this matter." "About you as well?" " It could be possible that this investigation provides me with a transfer to Paris." "Are the archives still on the same floor?" "Apologies that it took so long." "It's an old affair." "I hope the case isn't dismissed?" " Valjean isn't prosecuted anymore." "He's not dangerous, just a little thief." "He didn't kill anybody." "He's much more than a little thief: he's a recidivist." "He could sentenced to death." "People like him don't need a hangman." "The wander around.... ... until they are found in a drain, death of cold and hunger." "Or in their lazy armchair.... ... counting the money they received on the harm of others." "What are you doing here, you Nosey Parker?" "It's Sunday." "You need to stay in your beds until mama..." "Someone knocks at the door." " Never mind." "It could be a guest." " Too bad." "We didn't have any guests for a week." " The allowance of Fantine is more than enough." "Last time even 40 francs, so to say to get flesh for her little baby." "You should gain some weight." "Don't you like me anymore?" " Yes, but I love robust women." "A real woman is round and chubby like a little quail" "Slim isn't a good sign." "I learned so at Waterloo:" "only the death are slim." "Would you tell a story?" " Which one?" "You know which one." " Once, one brave sergeant was walking at Waterloo between the death and wounded." "The cursed fog, I think I'm lost." "Where do you go to?" " To Montreuil." "You are in the right direction." "All you have to do is travel north." "But it's a long way." "Would you like some food?" "Get up and get some wood." "I got delicious soup, I cooked it once for Napoleon." "I'm a servant of the king." "The little maid seems very young to work." "She may look eight, but she is twelve years old." "On that age, children are allowed to work." "Although work..." "I'm the one doing everything in here." "Shall I bake you a bacon omelette?" " No, I just wanted some directions." "Are you okay little girl?" "Do you like it in here?" "In that case..." "Come here, stand in the light." "Good evening." " Yes, where and how many?" "My place, and price is 5 francs." "The girls at Madame Aglae cost only 3 francs, including champagne." "All right, three francs." "That's for me to say." "But I would like to see some goods in advance." "What a sight." "What's that, a bald head?" "And the rest got eroded too." "Outrage, such an ugly woman." "Don't touch me." "Get lost." "Filthy bitch." "When can I leave here?" "I didn't do anything wrong." " Close your mouth." "I am talking to you." " Shut up." "I didn't do you anything wrong." "I want to get out of here." "The charge is: prostitution, disturbing public order and committing violence." " She is the one who got beaten up." "That's for the court to decide." "Citizen Mamatabois had filled a complained against you, I'm obliged to deal with this." "Tomorrow you will go to the prison in Arras, to wait for your trial." "Lock her up." "Please no." "I don't want to go to prison." " Prison is not worse than the shed you live in." "But my daughter needs me." "Behind bars with that hysteric woman." "Please do something monsieur Madeleine." "Monsieur Javert, I request you to release that woman." "Right now." " You don't know what crime she committed." "I know what happened to her." "Release her." "Out of the question." "Police affairs are part of my authority." "This is a matter for the municipal police." "So according to articles 9, 11, 15 and 70 of the Police regulation as a mayor, I judge this matter." "Be cursed." "It's all your fault." "Because of you I got fired." "And because of you I was obliged to sell my body." "They say you are a good person." "But you are evil, you are the devil." "I curse you, I curse you." "Monsieur Javert, release her." "I won't repeat this no more." "Let her go." "Come on, sister." "Simonot, take a pen, ink and some paper." "I will dictate a letter to the director of the State Security." "Hand over this letter personally." "If you leave this night, you will arrive tomorrow morning in Paris." "'You appointed me as an inspector in Montreuil with the secret mission to research the financial matters of the mayor of this city, a certain monsieur Madeleine." "I say 'a certain', because I got convinced of the fact that this man...'" "Not so fast." " Excuse me, Simonet." "I have been waiting for this moment a long time." "How is she?" "It's not her wounds that worry me the most." "But she coughs all the time and has high temperature." "I'm not a doctor, but..." "If she would die, it would be because of me." "Unforgivable." "But you are not responsible." "Madame Victurnien..." "I visit the factory every day." "I should have noticed Fantine was gone." "Do you anything yet?" "Fantine is afraid she will never see her daughter again." "According to the people Cosette is living with, she is ill." "What is their name?" " Thenardier." "They own an inn in Montfermeil." "I suspect it isn't charity." "They ask 20 francs a month." "I would hope they treat her extremely well." "Fantine is three months late in paying." " I'll send 200 francs immediate." "And I'll ask them to sent Cosette over here." "Don't ask." "Request." "It's urgent." "An unmarried mother, that hided this fact." "It seemed right to do so..." "Right?" "Who do you think you are, to decide about good and wrong?" "God even doesn't judge the poor." "But you, Madame Victurnien, put yourself above god himself." "You judge and punishes without asking yourself who you're judging." "Could I have a word please, mayor?" "In private please." "Could you excuse us?" "I'm listening." " I request you to fire me." "I have made a serious error." "I'm not worthy the duty of the police." "What are you trying to tell me?" "Because of excessive sense of duty, I have sinned." "When you saved the life of Fauchelevent, I said I knew only one man capable of doing something like that." "A convicted labourer." "I thought you were that man." "I reported to the head of State Security that I had found Jean Valjean." "That's the former convict's name." "I waited for instructions to arrest you." "But these instructions will not arrive." "Jean Valjean is already arrested." "What do you mean?" "A certain Champmathieu is being detained in Arras for stealing apples." "In this prison, two former convicts are being held too." "They recognized Champmathieu as Jean Valjean who, although denying his crime, will be sentenced tomorrow morning in Arras." "The sentence probably will consist of forced labour for a life time." "I almost got you sentenced and a terrible juridical mistake would have lied on my conscience." "That's why I request you to remove me from my duties." "I will wait at home for a letter that will end my duties and career." "Excuse me, mayor." "I came to light the candles." "You are inside all day already without wanting to meet anybody or eat anything." "What wrong?" "Are you ill?" "Shall I call for doctor Cornette?" "I want to be left alone." "Light..." "Your illustrious light bishop of Digne." "I can't let another man, who's held for being someone else, suffer." "Because that other person, that is me." "I need you, monsignor." "Does she suffer heavily?" "She's afraid to die before she had the chance to see her daughter." "If Thenardier doesn't return her this week, I will go and get Cosette myself." "How could I have doubt?" "To what?" "That my duties are here." "Were you reading something for her?" "A beautiful parable of the good shepherd." "About the shepherd who leaves his flock to go and search for the lost sheep." "Unimaginable that he leaves his flock, for which he is responsible, alone to try to find one lost sheep." "The shepherd trusted the lord to look after the flock." "So he could search for the sheep easily." "The flock has nothing to fear when the lord is the shepherd." "Doesn't that reassure you?" "Reassuring?" "What you just told me, is very clear." "Horrible, but clear." "Monsieur Scaufflaire, open the door!" "Hurry!" "I'm coming mayor." " Quick." "Hurry." "I need your gig." "Harness the horse." "The horse has worked all day long, the poor animal is asleep." "I've got 20 miles to cover." "No horse can cope with that." "Where do you need to go to?" "To Arras." " Take the stage-coach tomorrow afternoon." "That will be too late." "I offer you 500 francs." "To rent a horse and carriage?" "That's theft." "I buy them." "If I don't return, you won't be harmed." "Quick." "It's none of my business." "But if you are in such a rush to arrive in Arras, there will be a lot at stake." "A human's life." "You are requested to take into account that this is a matter of recidivism." "Twenty-nine years ago, Jean Valjean has stolen some bread." "And ten years ago, this same Jean Valjean did steal some money of the young chimney sweeper Petit-Gervais." "And now..." " I don't even know that Petit-Gervais." "And don't call me Jean Valjean." "My name is Champmathieu." "Chammathieu, dammed." " Silence, you miserable." "Even your defender begs you to admit you are Jean Valjean." "I'm not." "I never went to a prison camp." "Your defence is worthless." "Please admit." "Two fellow prisoners from Toulon, Cochepaille and Chenildieu have testified you are Jean Valjean." "I don't understand." "I didn't do anything to them." "I don't even know them." "Suspect, please think." "If you continue to refuse obstinately, I'll have you removed and this trial will continue without you." "So I ask you one more time:" "Are you the former convict Jean Valjean?" "I am not." "My name is Jean, but Jean Mathieu." "And that became Champmathieu." " A certain Champmathieu without parents friend and relatives." "You are no human, you are nothing." "These do exist, people that have lost everything." "Guards, please bring in Cochepaille and Chenildieu." "My god, they are ugly." "God may look different than you." "God must be blind." "Or good." "Chenildieu, what can you say?" " That this is Jean Valjean." "Got into labour camp in 1796 and was released in 1815." "Cochepaille, do you recognize the suspect?" "We have been chained one to another for 5 years." "A special band so to speak." "No joking Cochepaille." "Accused, what can you say to this?" "Cochepaille and Chenildieu, look at me." " That's the mayor of Montreuil." "Don't you recognize me?" "Can I ask you something mayor..." " I would like to ask you something, Your Honour" "Please release Champmathieu." "And have me being arrested, because I am Jean Valjean." "The president asks if there's a doctor in the audience." "For me?" "Not necessary." "I am completely sane." "I feel all right." "Much better than the last couple of hours, when I was tortured by uncertainty." "Until I knew what I had to do." "And I made my mind up completely." "But you can't be a former convict." "Why not?" "Because I wear a silk scarf and a hat?" "Because I don't match your idea of a criminal?" "Appalling... the habit to judge people by the way they look." "Chenildieu, do you remember you served us warm food?" "Yes, that's correct." "How much would you ask for a spoon of the so called 'ragout'?" "Five sous, isn't it?" " That's correct." "That doesn't prove anything, monsieur Madeleine." "Everybody knows these kind of stories and can come up with such a detail." "A lot of convictions aren't even based on such detailed evidence." "Now it's your turn Cochepaille." "Isn't there a scarf on your left shoulder, caused by a burning wooden beam?" "How do you know about that?" " Take off your shirt." "Who saved your life?" " Jean Valjean." "Where is he now?" " In front of me." "Louder, where is he?" "You are Jean Valjean." "I won't interrupt much longer." "I'm leaving now, because I don't want to be arrested now." "I have some business to take care of." "He walked into the river to trick the dogs." "But up the river or downward?" "Against the stream, of course." "Just as he acts against the law, and even against his own interests." "Surround the shed." "Search everything." "Stick the bayonets into the straw." "They bark as if..." " Animals are afraid of fire." "Send them away." "They could easily lose their sense of smell." "It's getting dark." "And a thunderstorm is approaching." "We will continue until we found him." "Inspector Javert supposed you would return." "I needed to be on guard." "No one is as reliable as god's servant." "Is this a gun so you can shoot me?" "Do you think I'm capable of doing so?" " Yesterday not, but today I just don't know." " There are empty cartridges in it." "I need to shoot to warn him." "Here I am." "Why don't you shoot?" " I won't him that you were here." "That's a lie, sister." "That would be the second one today." "This morning, I lied to the poor Fantine." "Better a lie that heals than a truth that wounds." "Were you hit by lightning?" " More or less." "I provoked it myself." "I knew you were special, but I didn't suspect even the lightning would obey you." "I am curious if even a religious sister obeys me." "Turn around." "I'm going to undress." "What are your plans?" " Disappear." "That's all I want to tell about it." "Don't you trust me?" "Forget about me." "As if I never excited." "That will be hard." "I am very found of you, monsieur." "Just like everyone around here." "Your sympathy means nothing compared to the hatred of Javert." "We proved him wrong." "I take 600 000 francs." "The money doesn't belong to the city, it belongs to the factory." "I leave behind 100 000 francs for Fantines funeral." "Please continue my good deeds." "And when the safe will be empty..." "God will fill it again." "He doesn't forget the miserables, you gave the good example." "You can turn around again." "If I do so, I'll need to cry." "And I'm only allowed to cry when thinking about Christ suffering." "'The sergeant of Waterloo', Montfermeil." "I asked for directions there once." "A little slattern walks around there, probably the daughter of Fantine." "Valjean went to that direction." "But Montfermeil is beyond my jurisdiction." "I should ask Paris for permission." "Let us warn Montfermeil." " Valjean is a smart man." "I know him very well." "I need to take care of this case." " He will be disappeared later." "Hunters often see their prey only the moment they strike." "If we just didn't lose his track." "What are you standing there, little eavesdropper?" "You better carry some water from the well." " No, I don't want to go there." "It scares me when I go there." "Would you rather pick some stinging nettles for a serious beating?" "And on your way back, buy a round bread at the bakery." "There are 15 sous." "How are Cosettes teeth?" " Why do you ask?" "There is an Italian man standing at the marketplace, and he's prepared to pay 4 francs a tooth." "I didn't check her mouth, but it could easily be worth a 100 francs." "Well done, Eponine." "You are just taking care of business like your father." "Cosette will eat less bread too." " I would like to pull some teeth from her." "No, I want to do that." "I'm so sorry Madame." "I wasn't able to find the well in the dark." "I did find it, but there was so much mud in it." "And you wouldn't want to get the mud." "Shall I get you some stinging nettles for some beating?" "You scared me, lousy animal!" "Don't be scared little girl." "Let me help you carry the bucket." "No problem." "I will guide you to your mother." "Come here, little child." "Did it hurt?" "What's wrong?" "I will bring you to your mother." "What is her name?" " I don't have a mother." "Why so?" "Everybody has a mother." "I don't." "My mother would have never left me alone." "Alone?" "You live alone?" "Practically." "That monsieur and Madame hit me all the time." "Monsieur and Madame?" "Are you a serving girl?" " I am nothing." "But what are their names?" "Thenardier." "So your name would be..." " I am called Cosette." "So you are Cosette." "This is what happened to you." "Labelled 'Cuvee imperiale', and a red wax sign will impress the guests." "Finally, you little monster." " I thought her name is Cosette?" "Excuse me, pilgrims care more about a pure soul than their clothes." "But I got some money." "What would you like?" " To eat and sleep." "This will do for a meal." "But a place to sleep requires some more." "Could I get a heated room?" " For this amount you can sleep in the barn." "Excuse me." "We have exquisite customers that don't like to be mixed with travellers." "This inn has some fame." "Let alone the wine..." "This is a 'cuvee imperiale', the emperor drank it just before Waterloo." "He should have preferred water." "Speaking of water..." "Cosette brought some water." "That bucket is much too heavy for such a child." "She's very strong, thanks to the good food she gets here." "Don't you, my love?" "And where is the bread, little darling?" "Look at her." "As if I would hit her." "So you will get some old bread." "But a pilgrim isn't afraid of a simple meal." "Give me back the money child." " Yes, Madame." "He's my cash." " I fell in the woods." "Did you lose the money?" " Wait a minute." "I just noticed a coin fell out her apron." "Could it have been this coin?" "Yes, I recognize it." "Don't you, my husband?" "For sure." "Thank you monsieur." "What a luck." "You deserved a good meal." "To the kitchen, my wife." "That's a lovely doll." "What is its name?" " Don't tell anyone." "It isn't mine." "Aren't you allowed to play with it?" "It's a real one." "How is it possible that those 15 sous we gave to the silly child changed into 5 francs?" " He didn't want you to hit her." "This is a fortune for a poor pilgrim." " Maybe it's no pilgrim after all." "The monster makes his heart weak." "Let's play that game with him just to get some more money out of him." "Thanks to his money and the earnings of Cosettes teeth you can buy yourself some pretty boots." "Those long, black ones, with leather laces." "Don't touch my daughters doll." "Excuse me, that doll belongs to Cosette." "Would a 100 francs do for such a rag doll?" "I never bought a doll before." "Apparently it's not enough." "I thins 200 francs will be reasonable." "Cosette, here's your doll back." "Just play with it." "You should eat it when it's still hot" " I'm not hungry anymore." "I hope you aren't mad at us?" "You thought I wanted to hit Cosette." "But I just planned on scare her." "The little pity girl is quite morbid." "We are terrified by it." "And these doctors and medicines are expensive." "Sick children cost a fortune." "So you would like to get rid of the child?" "On the other side, we are very found of her." "It would break my heart watching her leave." " There's little that can make this up." "How much?" " What do you mean?" "How much should compensate your loss?" "An inn needs a serving maid." " She isn't worth very much to you." "She can barely carry a bucket." "And she loses your money." "It would be a catastrophe, but still... 1500 francs." "What do you think?" "It wouldn't compensate my tears very much." "But if monsieur insists..." " Please lead me to the barn." "No, a companion in business should sleep in a nice room." "Which nice room?" "Ours of course." "This is the first time you sleep in a real bed?" "One gets used to the good things in life very quickly." "It's a shame, because soon, one can't life without them anymore." "I can't promise you very much." "But nobody takes away the things I give to you." "I will care for you." "No one will harm you anymore." "I would feel ashamed lying on their bed." "But is means compensation to you." "Rise and shine my love." "There's work to be done." "They are sleeping like a log." "How could you give them our room last night?" "One should appease a pig before slaughtering it." "You shouldn't exaggerate." " Those 1500 francs taste like more." "I heard a pile of banknotes rustle in his pocket." "He doesn't owe us anything." " Yes, he owes us hush money." "He probably disguises himself as a pilgrim because the money doesn't belong to him." "So it can be ours as well." "What would such a scoundrel do with a mite like that?" " He wants to be somebody." "I take this with me in case he doesn't cooperate." "Dash it!" "The bird has flown away." "I knew this would be suspicious." "And look at this." "A jacket for weekdays and a dress on Sundays." "What do you think?" "It's beautiful monsieur." " Don't call me 'monsieur'." "Especially when there are people around." "You should call me 'daddy'." "And you need some shoes." "Shoes, together with warm linen socks." "Come, go inside." "Scarponi will turn you into a real princess." "Go ahead, stand in front of the mirror." "Our little princess has the most beautiful hair." "Simply magnificent." "It almost looks like silk, gold wire." "Shall we cut some locks?" " Don't touch it." "I care for her." "How unkind to leave without a word." "Weren't you satisfied?" "Was there something missing?" "What about moist straw?" "Bars?" "Chains?" "I can take care of that." "Those two love doing those things." "Shall I call them?" "No?" "You rather don't involve them in our little dispute?" "I'd rather do the same." "But this secrecy isn't for free." "5000 francs sound reasonably." " You move only once and I'll cut your throat." "That should mean prison camp." " I just left prison camp." "But you will never return from hell." "What do you want?" " You return home quietly." "And if you report me to the police, I will kill you." "And if I 'm not able to do it, someone else will kill you." "Is it clear?" "Move it!" "You look pretty Cosette." "You look just like your mother." "What does this mean?" "We are respected people." "Do you happen to know the sentence for helping a former convict who's on the run?" "Search him!" " I couldn't have known about that?" "He had a omelette for dinner and spent the night." "We, being poor people, need to work." "This is called poverty?" "Where does the money come from?" "It's his." " Jean Valjean?" "I don't know his name." "But I would wish for generous guests more often." "You wouldn't claim he paid such an amount to get an omelette and a bed?" "He bought our little maid." "I have no clue what he wants to do to her." "He will turn her into a prostitute." "We objected, she's still a child." "A child?" "So you sold him a child?" "We do the best we can." "We have two little daughters ourselves." "Thenardier, you are arrested." "Please don't hurt him!" "Don't touch my husband!" "He once saved the life of an army officer." "He's a hero." "Take him." "Give the money to them." "Don't leave me alone." "Don't the want the coffin, Gavroche?" " There's a hole in it." "I told them: a woodworm will make some more holes very soon." "But I'd like to have it." "A great closet for my castle." "Here, your wages." " Now go, I'll take care of business." "If she's dead I can tell you where to get a nice coffin." "No, she's asleep." "I'm looking for a room." " What kind of a room?" "A modest one for a reasonable price." "At Madame Gorbeau's place." "But as soon as it gets dark, she closes the door." "What about a little hotel?" "You can sleep at my place for 5 sous." "Tomorrow, at sunrise, you can see the beauty of Paris." "Isn't it stylish?" "My three-room apartment." "This is the living room so to speak." "And this is my bedroom." "This will be your room for the night." "Did you have some dinner?" "I don't own a restaurant you see." "No, but we're not hungry." "But if you would like to have some bread and sausage..." "I'd like to, otherwise the rats will eat it." "They even ate my kitten." " You don't have to be afraid for anything." "Even rats?" " Even people." "What's your name?" " Leblanc." "They call me monsieur Leblanc." "I was living off my private means, but they took away the money." "At least there's someone you can blame." "Not me." "I never owned anything." "Isn't this yours?" " What's that?" "It could have fallen out of the clothes of a dead man." "Some 'poor bodies' turn out to be very rich." "It's better to be alive and poor." " You will never be a rich man." "You are as miserable as me." " Worse." "The thing you ask me to do..." " Is disgusting, indeed." "But if Valjean finds out about it, he'll be gone for good." "Valjean..." "But how can you be so sure?" "The description matches really well, except for one small detail:" "My sources didn't notice any little girl." "That's why I want you to have a look in his dwelling to find out if..." "Please, my friend, let me help you to carry this." " Not necessary." "You are strong enough." "But I want to make some money." "I don't need anyone." "Very good, one months rent." "I wish all tenants were like this." "Madame Gorbeau, I noticed a strange beggar downstairs." "There are more of those in here." " Poverty makes one lifeless and sick." "But he looked energetic and healthy." "Don't be afraid." "The police monitors the neighbourhood quite often lately." "Police?" " Yes, monsieur Leblanc." "Good night." "Cosette, wake up!" "Get dressed, we're leaving." "If something happened, go to Gavroche." " No, there are rats around there." "Worse men are walking around here." "There're everywhere." "Quick." "He just slipped through the net." "And we set up the trap so thoroughly." "Continue hunting for him, captain." "Rout him, exhaust him until he surrenders." "Where did you lose him?" "Near the park Ste." "Genevieve." "He's planning on crossing the river Seine." "Go!" "Freeze Valjean, or I'll shoot you." "This way." "We almost got him." " We will catch him." "Go!" "I didn't shoot because of the little child." "We are servants of the law, we're no barbarians." "Please have your men prepared." "Come along." "Out of the way." "Out of the way." "Come with me, Cosette." "Hands up!" "Hold the rope firmly." "Who's there?" "Who are you?" "Come closer to me." "I want to see your villain's face!" "Monsieur Madeleine, oh dear!" "Fauchelevent?" "Monsieur Fauchelevent!" "Yes, enter." "He would never cross that wall." "Let alone together with a child." "I've seen him do unimaginable things." "He's supernaturally strong." "And even if he would be inside, it won't be for long." "It's a convent, for women only." "Valjean is clever." "On of his specialities is acting like a saint." "He cheated on an entire city." "So a handful of sisters..." "Surround the convent." "As soon as he leaves, we'll get him." "My daughter, Cosette." " Are you married monsieur Madeleine?" "Please, don't ask anything." "And stop calling me monsieur Madeleine." " Okay, monsieur the mayor." "Forget about that as well." " How should I call you?" "I want you to know I did nothing wrong." "Even if you were the devil himself, I would kiss your hands." "I'm so happy you arranged this job for me as a gardener." "I'll do anything for you." " They are after us." "Could you accommodate us?" " For one night or a couple of days?" "I don't know." "That man that's after me won't give up very easily." "I don't ask it because of me." "I'm not afraid anymore." "But it's about my daughter." "The sisters never come to this place." "They're so afraid of men that they made me wear this." "So they can avoid me, as if I'm a leper." "I'm only in touch with Mother Superior." "This is a boarding school as well." "And those young ladies aren't afraid of men." "It won't be easy to keep your presence a secret." "So it will be better for me if I showed myself." "I'm sure you have relatives somewhere?" "A brother, living in Amiens." "What's his name?" " Ultime Fauchelevent." "While you are helping your brother, we can take care of the education of your daughter." "Cosette will appreciate this very much, Mother." "Appreciation?" "Appreciation has nothing to do with education, monsieur Fauchelevent." "Here, we educate little girls to become sisters later." "Would you care to become a nun?" "I don't know, sister." " Reverend Mother." "She'll get ugly so she'll be a good nun." "It seems clear to me, inspector." "He isn't leave the convent." "He must have found a helper inside." "A nun willing to help a criminal?" "Sign the search warrant and I'll prove I'm right." "This won't happen, inspector Javert." "A niece of the police chief is at Picpus." "He won't allow your soldiery to enter and disturb the quiet of the communion of which he is patron." " So we'll leave Jean Valjean a free man." "That's how it will be." "What are the charges against that man?" "Theft of 40 sous." "Just a piece of cake." "No, it's recidivism." "But because of that, he doesn't harm society." "The police has found out it's best to pay attention to ideas rather then actions." "Forget about Valjean, forget about the scum of the earth." "I think you're worth more than that." "You better infiltrate into student societies in which words like 'republic' and 'anarchy' are beginning to strike root" "Would you want me to let thieves go in order to get involved into politics?" "Ideas can do much more harm than theft." "Your new tenant, Madame Gorbeau." " Baron Marius Pontmercy." "Pleasure." "Well, what do you say?" "Good I even know a baron." "On the contrary." "A baron who knocks at this door must be broke." "Can you afford the rent?" "Did there live some children around here?" " It must have been six years ago." "A father and his daughter." "They lived like hermits." "One night they left." "Get those drawings out of here..." "A child with such a creep behind the trees will cause me nightmares." " I'll be dreaming of these." "Mme Fauchelevent, put on your hat immediately." "That child has gone mad." "Is it you, my brother?" "We'll have some good dinner and open up a nice bottle of wine." "Wine?" "What's to celebrate?" " Cosette give me a signal she'll come to visit on Sunday." "A sign..." "Your daughter and you are just like children." "Cosette is no child anymore." "How are we supposed to communicate if we aren't allowed to speak to each other?" "What was the sign this time?" "She would take off her hat and let the sun shine on her hair." "Beautiful." "And what if there wouldn't have been any sun?" " We've had enough of bad weather." "Women that show their hair are strumpets." "If this happened again you'll be shaved." "But this time you'll bring 50 crosses on to the chapel's floor." "With your tongue." " Thank you Mother." "Why didn't you eat anything?" "My tongue still hurts." "These tiles are very rough." "She shouldn't have punished you like that." "When I'm here, I forget about it." "I see you're very lucky in here." "Together with you I can be lucky anywhere." "If Mother Superior would know I was in bed, together with a man..." "I'm your father, that's different." "You never talk about my mother." "Your mother..." "She has had a very severe life." "She loved you very much." "I hope you'll be as happy as she was unhappy." "I don't even know her name." "Fantine." "Her name was Fantine." "Such a pretty name." "It's a name for a doll." "People played with her, demolished her." "But..." "But?" "But however worn out, declined and dirty she became..." "You have no clue about how pretty your mother has been." "Just like you." "What are you doing here?" "She has grown." "Very much." "Monsieur Fauchelevent, I need a word." "Time for communion is approaching." " I'll be wearing white flowers." "I'm not worried about that." "Just..." "You haven't sent me a list of people you'd wish to invite to celebrate the communion of Cosette." "I don't know very many people." " You and your brother are the only family she has got?" "She has nobody else." " So I should point out that she has her family here, around her." "Don't act so surprised, monsieur Fauchelevent." "You know very well why we, besides meditating spend so much time on the girls." "Not all of them enter the convent." " Not all of them." "But Cosette is very special." "She's the only one that got accommodation and education for free." "She owes us something in return." "That's to say, she owes it to god." "I'm working here in exchange for education for my daughter." "This was the deal." " I don't want to ask for any money." "But the communion of your daughter should be a reason for you to think about what god might expect of her." "You are no friend of god." "The moment you arrived here, you didn't attend a single mass." "Trees and plants grow on Sundays too." "Gardeners are rarely good Christians." "In the garden of Eden the original sin was committed." "Our Cosette is the prettiest." "And I'm not saying that because I'm her uncle." "Nonsense, you are not her uncle." "It's almost a little bride." "She's got the right age." "I won't show you the garden." "Because it's so cold, not all the flowers are blooming yet." "But in the summer..." "I'll introduce you to our gardeners." "Thanks to them, we commit a true sin every summer when we refresh our senses with these miracles." "The brothers Fauchelevent." "Count Angles, head of the police." "Gentlemen, my congratulations." "I wish I could exterminate the scum like weeds." "You turn it into fertilizer?" "We burn it." "I sent the weeds to prison camps there, it forms human compost, that stinks and is unusable." "You should demolish these labour camps." " If only you knew..." "There are some lunatics that share this opinion." "We found a student that wrote a revolutionary pamphlet in which he pleaded for the closure of prison camps." "The judge sent him to Toulon: five years of forced labour." "This way, he can see for himself the labour camps still have a purpose." "He was dreaming." "You punish him because of his dreams." "How dare you?" "The head of police knows better than you." "No, you should have been there to know." " I was there, my friend." "I visited Toulon and Rochefort." " Visited?" "You had a good time?" "Yes, the weather was beautiful and warm." "I imagine." "A little walk around the walls, under a parasol." "Sometimes a break to watch the sea. 'What a pretty view for that scum.'" "How imprudent monsieur Fauchelevent." "I'll keep my mouth shut, Mother." "I need to get back to work." "You have reached the age to make a decision, my child." "Did you discuss it with your dad?" "The better." "He might have influenced you decision." "He's very found of you." " He's the only one I have." "To god that's even too much." "A novice should abandon all of her earthly bandings, even the most natural." "Who suggests I would become a novice?" "Well..." "Think about it." "Tomorrow morning, at the matins, you will tell me your decision." "Thank you Mother, for you have given me the privilege..." "I have resisted your presence in this convent with all my strength." "You have been permitted entrance because count d'Angles ordered me to do so." "Please, make your presence here as short as possible." "The count told me about the comments of your gardener and my attention was drawn to them." "Monsieur Fauchelevent has received a reprimand for his bold behaviour." "I don't need the police to do so." "It's me arranging disciplinary measures in here." "Interesting, I once knew a certain Fauchelevent in Montreuil." "That should have been someone else." "Before Ultime Fauchelevent arrived in this convent, he lived in Amiens." "Did he arrive together with a girl?" "A girl?" "The gardener's daughter?" "If monsieur Fauchelevent is really a gardener..." " No monsieur." "The girls that are admitted to this convent are originating from the high society." "Can I talk to the gardener?" " No." "Why not?" " To enter the garden, one should cross the space, closed for the outside world." "This won't be possible." "Send him in." "Why not?" "Vespers starts." "I agree on monsieur Fauchelevent being somewhat bold but one thing: bold of not, he didn't say anything foolish." "But Mother Superior, I was told he protested violently against..." "A certain juridical process, yes." "But I wonder, wouldn't Christ just have said the same thing?" "Wasn't our lord victim of a juridical error?" "Monsieur, vespers..." "Sister of discipline." "I have lied." "To keep the order and quiet in the convent." "But I have lied." "Twenty strokes, and don't restrain yourself." "It's not god that causes me aversion, it's about the thought to be locked up in here without having been able to see something of the world around." "I have never danced, never sit in a carriage, never wore gloves." "Calm down Cosette." "You probably think of me as a silly goose ." "But I want to travel with you to the sea, and dance." "I want to look good, just for you." "Don't you think nuns are elegant?" "I agree with you." "If I don't enter, we'll be sent away." "Whatever may be my decision, it will be disastrous." "No Cosette." "I don like it in here too." "But that should be at the expense of your happiness." "I don't hate god." "I have forgiven him all of my misery." "But to lock you away, never." "Come, join us." " No, I'm too old." "I'll be an obstruction to you." "You are the one that found me this house of refuge." "If I can stay, I'll be the living evidence of monsieur Madeleine being a good person." "Although his real name is Jean Valjean." "How do you know?" "You talk in your sleep." "Monsieur Marius, these are your new neighbours." "DO you get paid for finding new tenants?" "Unfortunately not." "When you become a lawyer, you can make Madame Gorbeau pay me." "My name is Jondrette." "My wife and daughters." "With whom have I the honour?" "He's a baron." "But you can call him Marius." " A baron?" "In here?" "Everything gets mixed up nowadays." "My name is Eponine." "You can call me Ponine." "Leave the baron." "What is the dwelling place like?" " It depends on what you expect." "Nothing, baron." "We expect nothing at all." "I have fought for France myself." "It brought me nothing but misery." "If only I would have been hurt, then I would have received social allowance." "It would have been better for me to die in misery at Waterloo, together with my comrades." "My father fought in Waterloo as well." " He was an officer." "Officers get decorated." "Not that this provides you with any money, but you are respected." "Not at all." "My poor father was looked down on and turned down." "I'm sure we'll get along." " I think so too." "A welcome gift." "To get ingredients for a nice meal." "Gavroche?" "He'll tell you where to get the best products." "Thank you, baron." "I'm mach too proud to beg." "But if you insist..." "What do you say to the baron?" " Thank you, monsieur." "Get the things Ponine." "And stop staring at him." "He's a baron, not your type." "Let him have an eye on her." "One can pluck money from a baron as well." "Is this your luggage?" "Are you leaving?" "I haven't sent you away yet." " I fulfil you wish in advance." "But Cosette..." " The first day you looked at her and you said: 'She'll be ugly.'" " So she'll be a good nun." "But look at her." "When you look close, you should admit that Cosette didn't get ugly, she got beautiful." "Very beautiful." "Maybe too beautiful." "So she doesn't enter." "Well, to be honest, I expected so." "It's not just what you refer to as 'her beauty' that holds her back, it's you." "I respect your decision, but you are making a mistake." "Nowhere can she be as safe as in here." "Why would you want to be safe?" "I know what I'm saying." "For all your good deeds." "To thank you for everything you did for Cosette." "I give you a fully-qualified girl in return." "Ungrateful, but qualified." "She can read, write, count, sew and cook." "And she even speaks Latin." "I would like to thank you in particular for something else she learned in here." "She learned to smile." " Smile?" "In here?" "Cosette, show her how you can smile." "Stop it, dreadful child!" "You know it's forbidden." "Here, in Petit-Picpus no one has laughed before." "No someone has." "Regard it as a farewell present." "You are the first one in my life I called 'mother'." "In Brutus mind, the man he killed wasn't a father, but a symbol of power that made the Roman people suffer." "History can put Brutus to trial only in a political way." "And in this trial, Brutus will be cleared of charges... and Caesar must be convicted, together with all tyrants around him." "We'll win this battle with him." "He's a genius." "Think, young people." "Political crimes are crimes as well." "Do you know who he is?" "He hanged around when I started studying." "He's no teacher." " For sure." "He's one of those students for ever, one that always fails his examinations." "Not everyone is as intelligent as Marius." "Bravo, comrade." " Congratulations." "Salvation and fraternity!" "What an impressive plea" "You'll become a good lawyer." "Become a member of the bar, and you..." "Enjolras, you know I'm not searching for glory." "I'm searching for the man that saved my father's life at Waterloo." "That doesn't count as a goal in life?" " If necessary." "To find and reward sergeant Thenardier, that was my father's wish." "I've got a mission too." "I need to take you with us." "To cafe Musain, where we will celebrate your final plea worthy." "There they are." " You were great." "Such a strong plea." " Comrades, listen to me." "On behalf if everybody I told Marius Pontmercy that he's worthy of our company." " Thank you." "One moment." "Pontmercy, before you get the chance to buy us as much wine as we can drink I want to be sure that you share our opinions." " I'm against the king." "Long live the Republic" " Vive la republic." "Would you want to fight alongside to recover the republic?" "Yes, with everything I got." " Vive la republic." "Are you willing to die for it?" "I hope this won't happen" " And if it happens?" "I know this thing for sure:" "I don't want to life in tyranny." "Vive la republic" " And long live Marius." "Gentlemen, not so loud." "The police might close us down." "It's time to drink something." "Monsieur, mademoiselle, excuse me." "I often walk in this park, but..." "But what?" " I've never seen you before." "And if I had, I would never have forgotten about you." "There are numerous places my daughter and I never visited." "But I rather think this is none of your business." "Let's go home." "An angel." "I've seen an angel." "Scum!" "You look so pale." "Don't worry about it." "They look like people, but they're animals, worse." "To business." "What would you like in return for this feast?" "I've met an angel." " I don't get it." "If you need me to catch rats, I'm the one you need." "But catch an angel..." "Find out where she lives." " That won't be easy." "It will be." "When you see her, you'll know it's her." "First, she's beautiful." "And I mean gorgeous, ravishing, unreal." "Her look is like velvet: dark, but full of light." "She has the prettiest mouth one can imagine: rose like a pearl." "Her lips are youthful and full." "She wears a had with bands and a colourful dress with buttons." "But this is the most important: her name is Ursule." "Look, this is her handkerchief with her initials." "Ursule is the only girl's name starting with an U." "And what about the F?" " That must be her given name" "Flore, Fanny, Francoise, Frederique." "Where do I find that Ursule?" "It's not easy to make a living in Paris." "This must be the benefactor they sent us." "Let's not disappoint him." "Zelma, lay on the bed and cough your head off ." "Turn off the stove." "That would look rich." "Have you seen a ghost?" " It's him!" "Who?" " I'm telling you, him!" "Darned, I'll get back at that monster." "And I'll do it well." "If he doesn't come across generously it will be his end." "Hopeless, we even don't have any slacks left." "And this long winter..." "We're not afraid of the cold." "But it's so cruel to our sick little girl." "Where does she suffer from?" " A lung disease." "Se coughs up blood." "But it will end very soon." "Luckily she can die in our arms." "Her pulse rate is quiet." " So it can stop later?" "Look at the sweat on her fore head." "She feels cool." " It's the cold of the approaching death." "That's all it is." "Death." "Already?" "You're not telling me you're hungry again?" "Make yourself useful, go downstairs to get some water." "Leave the dishes." "I found her, the angel you're looking for." "Ursele?" " No." "Her name is Claudette of Colette." "Claudette or Colette Leblanc." "Help me with the table, I'll show you a miracle." "There are holes like this in every room." "So that Gorbeau witch can spy on her tenants." "Did you consult a doctor?" " How am I supposed to pay for a doctor?" "We already know what he would say:" "If she had eaten some more food, it wouldn't have happened." "I brought something..." "My daughter, mademoiselle Favre." "Mademoiselle Favre?" "You just told me her name is Leblanc." "No worries, when we're married she'll carry my name." "A wedding?" "I'd love to come too." "I only visit funerals." "Even without an invitation!" "There's a saying: goodness leads to beauty." "Speaking of beauty..." "Well, we should accept it." " Not satisfied, Jondrette?" "Yes, but money is the most important." " Which money?" "Didn't they tell you about the 60 francs?" "No, otherwise I would have brought you those." "We are behind on paying the rent." "If we don't pay by tomorrow morning, we'll lose the apartment." "Imagine this, with our dying child." " I'll bring you the money this evening." "Who can assure me you return?" " Do you know who sent me here?" "Charity of St.-Vincent-de-Paul. That seems like enough certainty." "She was so close." "I could almost touch her." "You should have done so." "Ladies don't bite." "I'll prepare a welcome to that citizen he won't forget very quick." "You too recognized him?" "He has stolen Cosette." "Because of him I got arrested." "Didn't you recognize the prissy girl?" "Do you really think that..." " Yes, that ugly monster." "She has changed, she learned some manners now." "And blushing and looking prudish." "Such a goody-goody ." " I almost can't believe it." "It's not fair." "Compared to her, Azelma and I look like scarecrows." "Did she recognize us?" " No, but you never know." "Maybe he doesn't return, and we'll have to go elsewhere for charity." "And if he did recognize me, he won't return out of goodness but because he's afraid that I report him." "Where do you go to?" " Get some friends." "To teach him." "They're monsters." "We need to do something." " Warn Favre?" "He has left in his carriage already." "We'll follow Jondrette." "As soon as we find out his plans, we'll interfere." "I always like a little fun." "It could get dangerous." " I'll protect you." "Police Department" "It's smell quite nasty in here." "This is where the sewers end." "All the dung from Paris ends in here." "It appears to be a robbers' den." "Do people live here?" " Well, a bunch of murderers, yes." "The gang of Potron-Minet." "You should see." "I've got a job for you." "If you promise to do what I tell you to do, it won't be much of an effort." "We aren't frightened easily." "But we will take him by surprise." "Do exactly as I tell you to do." " Go to mademoiselle Gorbeau." "If monsieur Favre and his daughter arrive early think of something." "But make sure they don't visit the Jondrettes." "And what about you?" "We'll have enough time." "The Potron-Minet gang never leaves before dark." "Why should we wait?" "You know their hiding place." "If we catch them in the middle of the act, the punishment will be much more severe." "You, being a future lawyer, should know about that." "I'm not concerned about their conviction." "I want to prevent monsieur Favre..." "Can you handle this thing?" "I'm sure I can." "But I'd rather not try." "You will need it." "You are a part of my plan." "It's your plan, not mine." "I'm not called to become a policeman." "It's not about your mission, it's about your duty as a citizen to help the police." "Citizens have a freedom of opinion." "And I think..." "I know what you think." "I know what kind of plans you and your henchmen are making in the cafe Musain." "One paux pas and you'll all be arrested on conspiracy against the State." "It's your choice: with me of against me." "What should I do?" "Don't rush." "The moment you think monsieur Favre is in danger you shoot into the air." "We'll be hiding in the street." "After your shot we'll open the door by force and catch them in the middle of the act." "These things excite you, don't they?" "Our family consists of hunters." "Man hunters of course." "I've never been able to accept that my father was forced to sell his dogs, horses and grounds." "He was the victim of an impostor that I caught and sent to labour camp." "He died there." "I was with him." "Gavroche, has Jondrette arrived yet?" "Yes, and six criminals hiding behind the curtains." "As soon as the old bloke arrives, they'll jump on him." "There, monsieur Favre arrives." "Did he arrive together with his daughter?" "No, alone." "I'll give you 200." "So you can breath more easily." "Do you think so?" "Is there anything else I can do for you?" " Sure there is." "I'm not rich, but I'm clever." "Men!" "The drama has ended." "You didn't forget me, did you?" "Did you come here to make my life even harder?" " You miserable one!" "But villains have sick children." "How dare you calling me a villain?" "Because you're rich and I'm not?" "Because I didn't get a single slice of bread, but the rich eat truffles the whole time with expensive asparagus in January, green peas, strawberries and chicken juice dishes of which I don't even know how they're called?" "If you want to find out if it's cold or not, you read the paper." "We feel the cold in our bodies." "We feel the cold via the blood in our veins when it passes through our heart." "And you look for us in our dungeons and call us scum." "But we, the poor, we say:" "There's no god for us, so there's none for you either." "Nobody will protect you the day we will come and hunt you down." "And we'll while our mouths with your banknotes." "But now, I want some money, much money." "Or I'll kill you." "And don't try to trick me by saying you spent it all on Cosette." "Because I'm the one that taught her to life without a thing." "The life of Cosette started when I arrived." "She forgot all about you Thenardier!" "Thenardier..." "He was calling him Thenardier, just like the sergeant." "No, no, this is not possible." "It doesn't matter, he's a bastard." "Just pull the trigger." "You don't understand." "Thenardier saved the life of my father." "Everywhere I was looking for him, but he's my neighbour." "I can't do it, Gavroche." "I can't shoot." "It appears to be quite a scene there." "We'll wait for the signal." "That's what we agreed on." "If we don't catch them in the act, they won't be sentenced to life imprisonment." "I ant them in the labour camp for good." "You know the effect of provisional punishments:" "Recidivists, like Jean Valjean." "Write to your daughter that she'll come over here with all of your money." "Release one hand." "And if I refuse to do so?" " Well, I'll tickle you with this." "I want to smell some money, not a roasted pig." "Heat it up again." "It would suit the little monster much better." " Don't touch her." "No, I already did touch the bitch." "But Bigrenaille and Claquesous can't wait to be next." "Go look for her together with Ponine." " But where do they live?" "We'll ask the hypocrites of St.-Vincent-de-Paul." "They'll never tell you." " I'll tell them my sister is dying and you should buy her medicines." "If you touch Cosette only once, I'll kill you." "Forgive me, father." "Come on, you." "We need to help my father." " No, away you." "Inspector Javert, State security." "Surrender, you are arrested." "To through the window up the roof." "No, not Javert." "Everybody freeze." "To the corridor, all of you." "Tell me, Pontmercy, how well do you know that monsieur Favre?" "What do you mean?" "I don't know him quite well." "But why do you ask?" "The least he could have done, was thank me." "But he disappeared." "After the consternation, he probably didn't want to talk to anybody." "We was so touched that he jumped out of the window and ran away." "If you happen to see him again, I'd like to know about it." "I'll keep you informed." "Yes, I know it's in the most of your interests." "And those of your friends at the cafe Musain." " Downstairs." "Keep on walking." "So your father..." " He was wounded at Waterloo." "He wouldn't have survived if Thenardier would have carried him on his back to the field hospital." "The moment my father regained consciousness Thenardier had left." "He probably couldn't wait to see his family again." "I don't understand your father." "Why would he left his son live in this ghetto?" "He didn't know about it." "To safe me from his bonapartistic ideas my grandfather took me away from him." "If I tell you everything I know, would you put in good word for me when they judge me?" "After being convicted for traffic in children you are now charged with attempt for murder, assault conspiracy and blackmailing." "I'm right: once a villain, always a villain." "So don't expect me to show you some sympathy." "I don't sympathize with your kind." "But if you want to relieve your heart: don't hesitate." "Favre isn't called Favre for real." "Oh really?" "So what is his name?" "I don't remember." "Too bad." "You started of quite nice." "The moment you arrived at my inn, you were talking about a former convict." "You mean Valjean?" "Jean Valjean?" "Yes, Favre is Valjean." "And his supposed daughter, she's Cosette." "Are you very sure about this?" " I am." "Because of him, I've spend 5 years in prison." "And who knows what I'll get now." "You should have followed him." "But now he's probably afraid that I'll talk too much." "He'll disappear." "Where?" "I'm sure you have an idea." "Horrible, isn't it?" "That fact that you need me." "You aren't very lucky yourself, me neither by the way." "I don't have the slightest idea." "The head of police is pleased with you having caught the sewer gang." "Anyway, a part of it." "But now you demand for extreme means to arrest Valjean." "I wouldn't count on it." " Why not?" "You know that yourself." "Your assignment is: infiltrate in student organizations." "The Sorbonne university is a hotbed." "Don't you hear what these anarchists are planning?" "Yes, the students are somewhat troubled." "But what if all this leads to a revolt?" "One spark can do the trick." "But you are hunting a former convict." "There's no hierarchy in evil." " There is at the police." "Perform your orders." "Within a week I want a list of names." "I've got one name already: the young baron Marius Pontmercy." "A baron?" "Very good, so no one can blame us we just catch the plebs." "Really, Enjolras, Javert was threatening me." "Very well, this means the masters take us serious now." "The king and the law are afraid of us!" "That's great news." " Didn't we want to spoil their games?" "But what if we're caught?" " We'll go into hiding." "You can." "But Javert knows where I live." "Terminate the lease and come live with me." "But don't tell anyone." "I'm not mad." " But you're in love." "That's true." "But I don't even know where Cosette lives." "house with garden ... for sale or for rent" "Wake up easy, little child." "Toussaint will bring us breakfast." "Who's Toussaint anyway?" "An unfortunate man." "But I won't bother you with all of his stories." "He's mute." "This is such a large house that we need a servant." "I presume our names will change again?" "I've been mademoiselle Leblancs, Favre and Fauchelevent." "Who will I become now?" "I know about it Cosette." "You don't understand." "But one day, you will." "I understood already." " Really?" "You change your name, as soon as your fate changes." "Sometimes you're poor, sometimes you're rich." "This is because of the fluctuation of the stock-market." "Stock-market?" " Yes, where you've put your savings." "You thought this up very well." "I needed an explanation for the escapes, our metamorphosis's and your sometimes obscure behaviour of which you suffer so much." "But I love you." "Toussaint, give me a hand." "Go, help my father." "There are no wild animals that can attack me in a garden in Paris." "Come here." "You don't need to be afraid." "Come..." "Do you remember me?" "Eponine Thenardier." "You didn't forget me?" "Eponine Jondrette maybe?" "Does that sound familiar?" "Are you scared?" "Good, this means your memories are coming back." "I mistreated you." "But it was so tempting to do so." "You did cry, but you never protested or whined." "What do you want from me?" "I'm starving to death." "No I'm the monster." "And you run the show." "How did you find me?" " Coincidence, I walk down the street every day." "Would you hit me with those scissors?" "I'm not afraid behind the fence." " Yes, but you'll be opening it." "Why should I?" " Because you have a good heart and you will give me some food." " Nobody's allowed to enter." "Give me something through the fence." "Go away." "If my father notices you after all those troubles..." "So the old man is no saint?" "Doesn't he know what forgiveness is like?" "I'll get back at you." "See you later." "Come back, Eponine." "I'll get you some food." "There you are." "We got the plans." " Will it happen tonight?" "No, first the need to get to the cells in the northern wing." "There, they can escape to the roof through an old pipe." "Then they'll descend to the yard and climb over the fence." "What about the guards?" " We'll act when it's raining heavily." "When rain pours down, they hide here, in the guardroom." "There's a view on the yard." "But you won't see a thing through these soaking wet windows." "Your dad is a problem." " Why?" "They presume he's the leader, so he got chained." "This will be expensive." " We'll pay for everything." "How?" "I've got quite an interesting job for you." "A residence with a large garden." "The house is isolated." "We can work there in quiet." "Who lives there?" "A bitch together with her nasty father." "Who do you want to visit?" " Thenardier." "He's kept in isolation." "Only family members can visit him." "Are you family?" "So you can't enter." "Who's next?" "Hurry." "Marius, what a surprise." "I don't look very decent." "I didn't expect you here." "Is this better?" "Did you come to visit somebody?" " Your father." "But I got sent away." "My father?" "I wanted to give him a little thing." "Unfortunately, I'm not a rich man." "But now I meet you you can have the money." "I don't want you to pity me." "But I'll probably never cause another feeling inside you." "Thanks." "I wrote a letter to your father as well." "Would you like to give it to him?" " What's it about?" "He will understand." "He's the only one." "I need to visit my father." "Let me pass." "His name is Thenardier." "I need to give you this." "What's in it?" " Forgive me." "Are you sure?" "Yes, 'forgive me'." "And his signature Pontmercy." "It doesn't mean anything." " This was the name of the officer at Waterloo." "Marius is his son." "The son of the man you saved there." "I wouldn't call it saved..." "I thought he was dead." "When I searched his pockets, he started to groan." "Did your conscience bother you?" " No, I was afraid." "There was dead penalty for body-snatching." "I told them I saved him." "The fool told me he'd never forget me." "And if he wouldn't be able to redeem his promise his son would make me very happy." " I know a way for him to make me happy." "I sure hope so." "But make me leave this place." "I'll go after him." "A gainful business." " You'll escape very soon." "But how?" "I won't go very far with those chains." "Talk louder, you two." "Those are the rules." "I just told my father I brought him a bottle of wine." "And one for you." "There's a file within." "So?" "I'm glad you didn't see him like that." "He looks so thin and awkward." "I won't abandon him." "You can tell him that." "And the letter?" "I gave it to him." "Did he understand?" " Yes." "He was deeply touched." "He got used being treated as outcast by everyone." "You are his only friend." "I'm not a friend." "I owe him." "I can't be the friend of the man that threatened to torture the woman I love." "The woman you love?" " You know her." "Her name is Cosette." "You call her a woman?" "Cosette means little thing, negligee." "Her name is exactly what she's like herself." "And I lost this negligee." "I know where she lives." "But everything comes at a price." "Help me." "You know I'm not rich, but I can pay you whatever you want." "I don't want any money." "What do you want?" "You." "Don't be scared, I don't want to marry you." "I just want you for one night." "The thing you ask of me, is..." "An exchange." "I've got something you'd like to buy." "Think about it." "But be quick, don't let me change my mind." "Here it is." "I've kept my promise, you won't keep yours." "I'm a man of my word, Ponine." "Although it will be as disgraceful to you as it will be for me." "You don't understand." "I don't want the reward." "But why?" "Because it would be a punishment to you your lips against mine, your arms around me." "Punishment." "And I don't want to punish you, Marius." "I love you." "Mademoiselle, wait!" "Cosette?" "How do you know my name?" "This belongs to you, doesn't it?" " Where did you find it?" "In the Jardin du Luxembourg." "I looked for you all the time, but without success." "This is my private garden." "It's not finished yet..." "It looks better already." "But for a better advise I should enter." "That won't be possible." "I don't have the key to the gate." "I'll climb over it." "If I could just be with you." "I would be capable of searching all of Paris all the woods, the seas and the mountains." "And if I wouldn't find you on earth I'd invent a machine to look for you around the stars where the angels live." " But why?" "Don't you see?" "I love you." "You don't know me." " Cosette, where are you?" "I'm here, father." "I need to get inside." "I'll keep your handkerchief." "I'll give it back to you next time." "When will be the next time?" " That's up to you." "Tomorrow." "There you are, at last." " The plants were very thirsty." "But did you really have to water them in the dark?" "I didn't realise it got dark already." "And I know the garden like the back of my hand." "Don't talk to me like that." "I don't want you to be outside when it's dark." "What are you afraid for?" "There's nobody that envies our luck." "Who's making you happy?" " Who else?" "Listen to me, Toussaint." "'Inside the prison camps, there's healthy food and fresh clothing." "'The habitants are full of energy, strong and show no remorse.'" "Did you feel it like this?" "These lies won't bring any reforms." "When does somebody finally stand up from the crowd and tells the labour camps are a shame for our country?" "'Cosette was talking with someone at the gate.'" " Who was it?" "It must have been a beggar." "Close all doors the moment when it gets dark." "All of them." "The man that can make ammunition..." " Burtot, the wine tradesman?" "Could he make a key for a lock, with the following print?" "Very good Marius." "I knew you'd be the right man." "What kind of lock is it?" " A gate." "A prison gate?" " A yard." "Could you hurry up, messieurs?" "Today: the declaration of Human rights." "Our rights are violated by the government, disdained." "Be quiet, monsieur Courfeyrac." " See, he makes you shut up." "You know I'm right." "No movement." "Everyone sit down." " What's going on?" "We must write down your names." " I protest." "Nor the army, nor the police can enter the faculty." "I'll vouch for my students completely." "I won't take any orders from you." "Clear the auditorium." "Easy, we're not animals." "Monsieur Pontmercy..." "Didn't I advise you not to hang around with these young excited persons?" "I'm busy enough minding my own business." " That's for me to tell." "Did the king prohibit love?" " On the contrary." "The Napoleonic wars have cost many lives." "It's the duty of every civilian to get married and donate new sons to France." "So I don't object to any love." "I wish you the best of luck, baron and especially many children." "Our luck will be there." "It's up to Cosette to decide about children." "What is her name?" " Cosette." "That's not an average name." " For sure." "What a very coincidence that you've met a certain Cosette." "Where did you meet her?" " That's a private matter, monsieur Javert." "That's true." "Excuse me, just a natural habit." "Can I leave now?" "Follow him." "I wandered down the rue de Babylone, the fanciest street in Paris." "The street of couturiers, glove designers of shoemakers, hat designers." "What do you think?" "You just look like..." "What?" "A woman." " Odd, what did you think I am?" "I didn't think." "When happy, one doesn't think." "Can she go outside?" "Of course she can." "She's not our type of people." "Clear off." "Cosette, is that really you?" "Did I look better in the past?" " No, you're not allowed to change anything." "I've got a surprise for you." "I'm touching you." "Finally I can caress you." "I'm almost dying of luck." "I need to go." "Please stay." "It will be dark." "Toussaint will close the house." "The better." "I hope you'll be locked out so we can spend the night here, together." "Cosette, come inside." " Your father, he spoils our fun." "He made me to who I am." " Good, but he keeps you to himself." "He will love you like a son." "Here you are, monsieur Dumoncel." "This quarters rent." "You can count the money." " I would insult you by doing so." "I'm happy you live here with satisfaction." "You've decorated the place very well." "I see you're keen on pretty things." "Very acute." " Judgement of character" "It's late." "I won't steal your time anymore." "I forgot to tell you, a certain Levert or Nevers will come to visit you." "He's a police inspector." " What does he want?" "He'd like to inspect the house, due to some rumours about a revolt." "They want to claim all houses where soldiers can stay." "Why the rue Plumet?" "This place is far away from the student district." "removals" "The books too?" " Everything and quick." "I hear some noises." "What's going on?" "You don't have to be worries." "We got used to moving all the time, didn't we?" "Yes, but I like this place." "And I don't want to lose our friends." "Which friends?" "We never meet anyone." "But that could be different in England." "You'll learn the English language." "This will be more of an advantage to you." "I don't want to leave Paris." " Don't act like that." "I'm not leaving for fun." "Business is worse than you think it is." "Grant me some time to..." " We'll leave for Calais this evening." "She recovered." "Tell the movers to leave everything in here." "Close the hatches and make sure no smoke exits the chimney." "We'll even not use any candles." "The house should appear empty." "You scared me." "We'll not move after all?" " Yes, we'll need to Cosette." "But we'll wait until tomorrow." "A good night sleep and you'll feel better." "Did you get so upset because we're leaving here?" "We're always together." "You know this won't change, do you?" "Why are you so sad?" " I'll miss him so much." "Your garden?" "You'll miss the garden?" "He doesn't know what he wants." "First we need to rush, and now he cancells it." "Eponine?" "Please don't go." "Wait." "Here." "Pretty?" "It's yours." " Why?" "You should don me a favour." "Make sure Marius gets this letter." "Here you are." " Why should you trust me?" "Did you ever love someone?" "Then I'm sure you'll give him the letter." "And I really planned on reading a lot so I can talk to Cosette." "The sisters educated her, and I never got any." "Poor Cosette." "I love her so much, but I make her unhappy." "I don't believe the story about those soldiers." "Javert is after me." "He's approaching slowly." "And if I stay here, he'll arrest me." "And Cosette finds out the truth about who I am." "I was never embarrassed because of the labour camp." "Furious was I." "It's not a crime to steal bread to feed hungry children." "I was almost proud of what I did." "But if Cosette finds out about it I would be shamed to death." "What a heavy rain." "Yes, I see her." "They did it." " Who do you see?" "Burdon, Babet, Gueulemer and Montparnasse." "Is my father there as well?" " I don't see anybody else." "Why isn't my father with them?" " I don't know." "He got caught probably." "Run." "If they got Thenardier he'll tell everything." "And this place will be full of police soon." " We're about to do a job." "Where is the house?" " Nowhere." "Why?" "As long as my father hasn't arrived, I won't tell." "Your father got caught." " So the deal is off." "There he is." "But he hasn't got a rope." "He won't jump, would he?" "We can't do anything for him." "Run." "If you don't help him, I won't tell you the location of the house and I'll inform the police." " Think!" "How can we get him out of there?" " With a rope." "But he's up there." "Who brings him the rope?" "Only monkeys can do that." " I know where to find one." "Gavroche, wake up." "Ponine, what are you doing here?" "A gunshot." "Has the revolution started?" "No, it's a thunderstorm." "I've got a job for you that will pay you well." "You pay?" " Yes, I'll give you anything you want." "I'm expensive." "And besides, I'm counting night rate now." "You'll get what you want." "All right, a kiss." "Little monkey, you're much too young to kiss a woman." "That's not what I meant." " What did you mean?" "You must kiss me like my mother used to kiss me." "Here." "Quick." "Help me, I'm afraid of heights." "Nothing, she's probably asleep somewhere." "And if she doesn't, I've got a nice sleeping pill for her." "You haven't killed anyone before." "How many are there?" " According to your daughter, three." "And old man, a young chick and a mute." "And we're eight." " Seven, I'll be leaving soon." "You listen to your father." "Or I'll hit you with the belt when we get home." "Oh really?" "I haven't seen a house for ages." "She's gone mad." " Nobody enters." "I'll teach her a lesson." "You are right." "I shouldn't get mad." "But you wouldn't choose the side of the bourgeoisie showing off their wealth?" "We haven't got any freedom left." "You know about how she left her dad alone?" "This is not stealing." "After Waterloo, the bourgeoisie owes me." "I'll take what I deserve, my girl." "And you deserved some more as well." "This is justice." "You always cheated, lied and nicked." "When it comes to that, we're alike." "But I don't want you to commit murder." "Shut up and let us pass." "Freeze or I'll yell so loud police will be here in no time." "She's capable of doing so." " Go home, coward." "Listen, this morning, in my cell, I noticed two sparrows picking at each other." "Leave those sparrows." " If you would have been born in Paris you knew that two sparrows having a fight means bad luck." "And when we left the prison, I noticed a black cat." "Crossing from the left." " A bad sign." "And a woman looking for an argument." " It couldn't get worse." "You are godless." "But you've scared out of your pants because of two sparrows and a cat." "It's always correct." " We got out of jail now." "Let's not challenge fate." " He's right." "Well, piss off." "Silly cow." "Get up, Marius, quick." "Look how pretty." "Come on now, Marius." "What is it?" " Don't you hear it?" "I hear some people." " A crowd is gathering." "And the crowd, the people from Paris are celebrating..." " The revolution?" "What are you doing?" " This is what we expected to happen?" "And now, let's wait and see what happens." "What will become of the victory." "We'll proclaim the Revolution." "This is the best day of my life." "What's wrong?" "Aren't you glad?" "This is your battle as well." "When I joined you, I was lonely." "But now, it's different." " Cosette?" "Bahorel, Prouvaire and Courfeyrac are dreaming of girls too." "I've passed the dreams, Enjolras." "I want Cosette to be my wife." "I won't go on the streets." "Are you abandoning us?" "It's a crowd, you said so yourself." "It doesn't matter if there's one more or less." "But Cosette and I, we just have each other." "I want you all to behave like policemen, not like irregular forces." "Leave your weapons at home." "These will be your new weapon." "Names, I want names, messieurs." "I want the instigator to be caught tonight." "Excuse me, but who can tell it's just for today?" "It should be." "One day of revolt costs as much as the loss of 30 warships." "They don't care about the welfare of France." "Not all of them are acting according to their political beliefs." "Many of them will go out to plunder." "This city is boiling over." "And all scum will rise to the surface." "What are you talking about?" "Perhaps we would be able to catch some criminals as well." "You mean Jean Valjean?" "You mentioned his name." "It's a possibility, yes." "If you meet him on coincidence, you can act like your duty." "Coincidence, monsieur Javert." "Is this clear?" " Entirely clear." "A hunter trusts his rifle as much as he trusts coincidence." "The Republic or death." "Silence." "Listen to me." "I want clinker, barrels, barrows, tables, chairs, doors and hatches." "We'll make a barricade." "From now on, this pub is no a pub but the head quarters of the people's revolt against the tyrants." "Vive la Republique." "I knew you'd come here." "Leave me alone." " You want to see Cosette." "Too late." "What do you mean?" " She left." "No, that's not possible." "She would have warned me." "I was here the whole time." "I saw them leave." "Yes, they must have left for some days out of precaution." "Until the city gets quiet again." "They won't return." "A removal van took all their belongings." "You were here?" "Cosette must have left me a message." "An address of where to find her." "No, nothing at all." "Don't look to me like that." "I'm not to blame." "I can't believe she left just like that." "I cannot believe." "It's not possible." "You look shocked." "A glass of wine will do you some good." "I have an anxious feeling you'll don something foolish." "Just come with me." "It's no foolishness to die in the middle of my friends." "Not anymore." "Come back, Marius!" "How did it get started?" " On the funeral of general Lamarque." "Someone shot at the funeral parade." "Nobody knows who did it." "The shooting was from the direction of the audience." "The troops fired back and then it started." " How are we doing now?" "There are several opinions about that." "The only thing that's for sure, is there are 24 000 soldiers in Paris and another 30 000 just around the city." " That's quite something." "And what about the people?" "They hold the Arsenal, and the barracks of Veterans and the gunpowder magazine of Deux-Moulins." "In the quarter des Halles, 27 barricades have been thrown up already." "Where are we waiting for?" " You." "And what about Marius?" " Love is a good cause too." "I'll miss the sound of the bells." "I mean, France will miss you, monsieur Fauchelevent." "Think again." "No one forces you to take part in this drama this civil was." " All kind of wars are civil." "Because all people are brothers." "Would you give me your blessing?" "In the name of god, the almighty father." "Amen." "Didn't you notice that I blessed you before you even told me." "Told what, Mother?" " On which side you are." "To be honest Mother, I haven't decided myself." "Only if I don't find myself in at the side where I must shoot my brother." "When I find out on which side he is, I'll choose that one." "Your brother..." "Hopefully he didn't choose for the foolish people." "He calls them the miserable." "I don't know what will happen, but vive la revolution." "Revolution means chaos." "It's better to hide in here than in England." "We'll wait another few days." "As long as the upraise lasts, Javert will be busy doing something else." "I'll warn Cosette." "She'll be pleased." "Sleep." "I don't want to disturb your dreams." "I, myself stopped dreaming." "Al those years in camp I dreamt so much." "You wouldn't cope there without dreams." "And now I've got you." "Nothing else matters now." "Have your written a letter?" "To whom?" "You just know me." "Darling..." "Just a few words to inform you about the worst things that happens." "We'll get separated." "My father will leave to England and he insists of me coming with him." "Tomorrow." "I kiss you one last time." "In love?" "Who did she fall in love with?" "Who did this to her?" "You know who it is." "Why didn't you pay some more attention?" "Love is dangerous." "If she would leave, I'd die." "One last time: who is it?" "You don't know?" "You don't know who wants to steal Cosette from me?" "Someone wants to steal the most precious in my life." "Never did I hear you yell like that." "I didn't do any improper things." "You could have asked me." " I've stopped yelling." "Who is it?" "Baron Marius Pontmercy." " I don't know him." "He knows you." "He saved your life." " No one has ever saved my life." "I've always saved my own life." "When Thenardier tried to trap you, Marius warned the police." "He sounded the alarm." " He got Javert involved into this?" "The police?" " That's something else." "You are right." "I owe this man a lot." "Without Marius..." " I would have saved my skin as well." "It doesn't matter." "Apparently he thinks this gives him the right to steal my daughter." "He steal me, father." "I give myself to him." "Please Cosette." "I'm not so much like you." "I haven't studied, I not as clever as you." "I love him." "And he loves me." "You can't tell love is a bad thing." "Why?" " You are love yourself." "That's a different kind of love." "You are much to young for a man's love." "I'm twenty." " And that's too young." "You must have loved someone when you were twenty." "I just had hate." " I don't believe that." "Tell me about your youth." "Than you'll understand me better." "If you knew everything, you wouldn't understand me." "You were acting like the sweet little girl: sweet daddy this, sweet daddy that..." "And I pampered you." "And you were thinking about him the whole time?" "Where did you meet?" " In the yard." "Never any longer than a couple of minutes." "Where is he now?" " Does that matter?" "Where does he live?" " Rue de la Chanvrerie." "Toussaint, I'm going out." "Where do you go to?" " Lock the doors." "Keep everybody away from Cosette." "Do you have a weapon?" "No dad." "Precaution considered the revolt." "In order to make a second barricade, we'll need to demolish the first one." "But we don't have any back cover." "The rue Mondetour is much too narrow for an assault." "Here are some more clinkers." " And throw some debris into this hole." "Who's in charge here?" " Enjolras." "Is he a general" " No, we're all brothers." "Good, because I don't have any family." "Where is he?" " Cafe Musain." "Enjolras?" "Where is Enjolras?" " The other room." "I'm checking in." " Good boy." "Up to the first-aid room." "What?" "I want to carry a gun." "What are you talking about?" " I've fought in the war against Charles X." "We hardly have enough rifles for all the men." "Now leave us alone." "What's that?" "Go away." " We've got a problem." "We've got plenty already." "You better have a look." "Do you know who this is?" " He's on our side." "Javert is a policeman, a spy." "Who cares?" "We expect quite a few regiments will change sides." "Well well well, Gavroche, the friend of monsieur Favre." "What are you doing here?" " And what brings you here?" "See?" "There's no one here." "Are you police?" "I never visit my tenants." "I don't know anything about the activities of Enjolras." "I'm looking for a young man who lives with him." "Marius Pontmercy." "That man isn't involved into politics." "He has his head in the clouds all day." "Almost like a sleepwalker running on the roofs predicting the future." "The last time he went away every night and returned shining." "Where did he go to?" " To their cafe?" "What's the name of the cafe" " Musain." "There's rumour there." "Imagine a lost bullet..." "When a bullet gets lost, one doesn't search the shooter." "There they are." " We are ready for them." "Wait until the approach." "Only pull the trigger what you're certain." "Don't shoot until you see the white of their eyes." "Courfeyrac, don't waste any ammunition." "Attention, they're attacking." "Are you ready?" "Fifty three." "You have 53 men." "And that about them?" "Why don't you say 'us'?" "Aren't you one of us?" "This is suicide." "You and your friends won't leave this battle alive." "Unless you surrender." "What are you doing here anyway?" "My duty." "I work for State Security." "I told you so?" " Make sure they put down their weapons." "You'll be given a fair trial." "If no one gets hurt it will be just a few years in prison." "Stop him." "He's a traitor." "We'll strap him up." "All our names, addresses the place where we meet and even the girls we sleep with." "Two minutes before the barricade falls, you'll be shot." "If it falls." "It will." "Identify yourself." " The French Revolution." "Fire!" "The flag has fallen down." "Stop shooting!" "Should we let us get killed?" "There's no visibility." "It will be a shame about the gunpowder." "We'll respond until it gets lighter." "If we're still here." "Who replaces the flag?" " Not you!" "They're shooting." "Vive la revolution, vive Paris!" "Vive myself!" "Fire!" "Gavroche, no." "Not you." "Kicking a hero brings bad luck." "Gavroche, I've got an assignment for you." "You won't have any clothes left soon." "Did you..." " He got stiff already." "I got a secret mission." "We're facing superior numbers." "Day starts." "They will perform an attack, with the bayonets on their rifles." "And we'll defend ourselves." " Maybe once or twice." "After that, you'll be the commander of the death, until the moment you'll be dead too." "Can you hear the bells ring?" "This means the barricades are holding up." "Around noon the whole of Paris will rise in revolt." "We'll have reinforcements." "Gavroche is saying: don't count on reinforcements." " Did the menace return?" "I wanted him out of here." " He brought a man with a gun." "He's now on the watch at the rue Mondetour." "The child brought some bad news too." "The upraise is sinking slowly." "The people don't support us." "Although the people abandon the republicans, we won't abandon the people." "We'll continue." "What are you planning to do?" " Assist." "No, they'll attack us from behind." "Light the fuse and throw it away as if you're bowling." "You'll blow up at least twenty men." "But if the fuse is broken, you'll be death." "Give me the keys." "If you don't give them to me..." "He can't hurt nobody." "He never taught me to do so." "He can't do it either." "Until today." "Little bastard," "Back, make sure you get away." "Or I'll blow the barricade." " You'll die to, idiot!" "I wouldn't want less!" " He's crazy." "Get away." "Too bad." "I knew you'd return." "But that means that Cosette..." "I'd rather not talk about it." "No matter what she may have do to you, I need fighters, no dead bodies." "You'll need the best of luck in particular." "Take this body to my grand father monsieur Gillenormand, rue Filles du Calvaire." "Eponine, what brings you here?" "I'll die." " No, you won't." "They wanted to shoot you down, I threw myself between you and the bullet." "I feel relief, as if the pain fades away." "You must not die." "I'm not the only one that dies in here, you'll all be dead." "The thought she won't have you either is the only comfort to me." "Cosette?" "You think I'm ugly, don't you?" "Well no." "I know it." "Compared to her I'm ugly." "If she wouldn't have existed, maybe you would have noticed me." "But I'll never find out." "Now you look at me." "Because I'll die." "Eponine, if I ever did hurt you, I'm sorry." "You can't help it." "You're not a bad man." "If you only knew how spoiled I am." "All members of the Thenadier family are terribly evil." "Gavroche told me you think my father saved yours." "But that's not how it went." "He pulled the body of your father out of a pile of dead bodies but not to safe his life." "But why?" "To steal his watch." "I don't believe you." "You're delirious." "I'm just as evil." "When I told you Cosette has left it was a lie too." "She's still in the house with the yard." "She asked me to give you a letter." "But I wanted you never to see her again." "And I wanted to punish you." " Cosette's still there." "She's waiting for me." "Thank you, Eponine." "Wait another second." "I need you." "Stay until I've died." "It won't be long." "I don't know what I'd wish you more: happiness or misfortune." "Don't you worry about me." "Concentrate on god." "But I love you." "Marius, you need to promise me." "When I'll be dead promise me you'll kiss me just once." "On my fore head." "We chased them out of there." "You didn't hear anything of Pontmercy?" "He's Cosette's lover, isn't he?" "How I know about that?" "He told me so." "And it has been going on quite a while." "We was crazy about her even before he knew her name." "It's much more than love, it's like a fire or a flood." "Something unstoppable." " I'd rather stopped it." "You'd better care for Cosette at home." "The barricade will go down for sure." "And how should I tell Cosette about your death?" "Pontmercy first." "How many are wounded?" " Fifty or so." "Is there a hospital in the area." "I'm a doctor." "Put me near the counter." "I'll instruct you what to do." "Quick, I'm losing powers." "Didn't I send you to rue Montdetour?" "What are you doing here?" "And what's he doing there?" "The kid is insane." "This will kill him." "Gavroche, come here, damn!" "It's commerce, fellow citizen." " Come here." "A body snatcher, captain." "Ready for firing?" "But don't hit him, we need to scare him away." "It's only a child." "Fire!" "Be damned, they're shooting at my dead men." "Voltaire is to blame for my cheerful character" "Rousseau is to blame for my poverty" "Is that a rifle firing?" "I thought it was the rain." "He's playing a trick on us." "Just wait until the smoke disappears and hit him." "Stay there." "Look for cover." "I'm a fallen man and Voltaire is to blame my nose is in the drain and..." "We're getting out of ammunition." " Get some at the other barricades." "Next assault will strike." " Shut up, you." "I'd knew I would meet you again." "Meet isn't the right word." "The roles are different now." "You are the prisoner, I'm free." " Not really free." "This will kill us both." "It will kill you for sure." "I'm planning on getting out of here alive." "Nobody stands a chance." "Soldiers don't hesitate to kill a child... .. and they'll shoot rebellions as well." "I'll be out of here by then." "A piece of cake for someone that escaped from a prison camp." "Would you abandon your friends?" "I didn't think of you being such a coward." "They're not my friends and their battle isn't mine either." "I've come here to settle a personal dispute." "But I didn't find the person I was looking for." "Being the leaders, Courfeyrac and I could surrender and be shot dead in exchange for the life of others." "But I refuse to negotiate with men that killed a little child." "The rue Mondetour is still open for those who want to flee." "Those who are willing to stay can go upstairs." "There, we could hold on for a few more hours." "I'll stay." " Me too." "And what about you Marius?" "Someone is waiting for me." "You know who." "I thought..." " That was a mistake." "Someone lied to me." " Very good." "Safe your life and your love." "At least one of us will be happy." "I'm glad it will be you." "Now it's about us." "You're a revolutionary, not an executioner." "Don't makes your hands dirty." "I'll do it for you." "Do what he says." "Okay, the spy is yours." "So, where are you waiting for?" "Leave us alone." "They're attacking." "Upstairs, lads." "This is justice." "Come on, shoot me." "Get your revenge." "Oh, you prefer the knife." "You're right." "That suits you better." "There's only place for one bullet, isn't there?" " Yes, so?" "Well, I'm wondering who you save this last bullet for." "Align the guns!" "He's gone." "His clothing mutes the sound of the shooting." "Sergeant, are the firemen ready?" " Yes captain." "They'll attack." " I know you, but you don't know me." "If something might happen to me, I want you to know that..." " I know everything." "Reload the gun!" "We'll rebuild the barricade." "Pontmercy, get up!" "We're in the middle of the field of fire." "Gunners, be ready!" "Fire!" "Let the firemen pass through first, enlarge the hole." "The rest follows, put the bayonet on your rifle." "Look here, it's me, your brother Fauchelevent." "I knew we'd meet again." "No, Enjolras." "Not him." "Soldiers, follow me!" "Bayonets on the rifles!" "I don't know it you can hear me, but there's something I want you to know." "I'm working to death just to safe you." "But that's not because of you." "I'm doing it because I wouldn't dare to look her in the eyes again if I didn't." "Do you hear me, Pontmercy?" "Never." "I saw something move." " Our shadows, sergeant." "I want to know for sure." "Jabier, Martine, Loubert, fire a couple of shots." "We'll notice quick enough." "We'll split honestly." "You wouldn't say hello to a friend with a knife?" " Thenardier, were you released from prison?" "Our kind doesn't await release, you know about that." "But escaping was quite an expensive matter." "I'll do you a proposal." "What do you mean?" " You want to get out of here?" "And I got the key to the gate." "So there's my proposal:" "I give you the key, and you hand me over the money." "Which money?" " You killed that man." "That's your business." "But I'm sure you emptied his pockets already." "Why should I bother about your proposal?" "Because, besides all of your fuss, you're still a poor man." "That counts for me as well." "But I accepted that." "We're no strangers here." "And such a deal is not unusual." "You could get something for your money, maybe some more." "The key and a rope." "Fair trade, isn't it?" "A rope?" " If you throw a died body into the river you need to attach some rocks to it." " That are you doing here?" "I'm hiding, just like you." "And at night I go out for some fresh air." "We should meet again." "I've got some great jobs in mind." "So what do we decide?" "I want to get out of here quick." "What do you mean?" " You really don't understand, do you?" "We cops know everything here." "Last time, two of them had a look in here on a boat." "My key for your money." "How much did your costumer bring?" "You killed him for this amount?" "You forced laborers are all alike." "You kill just for fun." "Or do you trick me?" "It isn't very decent to do that to a future companion." "'Take this corps to monsieur Gillenormand, rue des Files du Calvaire.'" "That man could tell his future." "Okay, I believe you." "You killed him for nothing at all." "In exchange for the trouble, I demand most of it." "It was a real pleasure." "You can always count on me." "Wait here for me." "You just arrived from the sewer, didn't you?" "Say nothing more." "The smell tells it all." " How did you find me?" "I followed you." " That's not possible." "I followed you on the streets." "And you should exit the sewers at the river." "Javert, I swear I'll go with you." "But first..." "There are no negotiations possible." " Only one hour." "Not for myself, but for him." " He's dead." "Not yet." " It's almost no difference." "What does that young man mean to you?" " He'll replace me." "If I come with you, I'll be spending a long time in prison camp, won't I?" "Life time." "Only he can take care of Cosette." "Give me one hour to bring him to his family." "One hour..." "Driver!" "Does Gillenormand life here?" " What do you want?" "I'm returning his grandson." " Monsieur doesn't have a grandson." "'Take my corpse to my grand father, monsieur Gillenormand, rue Filles du Calvaire.'" "His dead body, that's something else." "Monsieur won't be against that." "Did he die?" "On the barricades?" "Just to humiliate me of course." "Out of hatred to his granddad, the old royalist prick." "'I'll trick you.'" "'I'll die in the middle of those republicans, the ones you hate.'" "'Your grandson will die carrying a red flag in his hands.'" "What are you looking at?" " You seem to be upset." "Me?" "Upset?" "Rubbish." "I'm all relaxed." "Did you ever see me mad?" "The day you told Marius..." " Yes, that he could get lost." "He shouldn't have shouted:" "Away with despotism and the king!" "I got enraged that moment." " You threw him out of the house." "For ever." "That's no reason to let himself be killed at the barricades." "I didn't want that to happen, Lorrain." " He neither." "He always behaved so cheerful." "He loved being alive." "Where did they put him?" " In the suite." "The suite?" "As if he's a guest?" "Why didn't you put him in his own room?" "You locked his room." "And you ordered that no one would enter the room ever again." "I didn't expect he would originate from such an social environment." "I thought he was poor." "Me too." "Odd how one can be mistaken." "Monsieur Gillenormand, I am..." " I don't want to know who you are." "I don't want to know the man that returned my grandson's dead body." "His name will be cursed." "He died much too early." "After seeing this I'll die very soon." "At least, I hope I will." "What are you trying to do with the ammonia?" "Bring him back to life?" "That stuff only works on fainting girls." "Not on dead men." "Monsieur Marius..." " Monsieur Marius died, you stupid cow." "I'm just as dead as him." "Ghosts recognize each other." "My god, look at all the blood..." "He did quite a good job." "If he died in your hands, you must be one of those scoundrels." "Messieurs republicans, don't you see your foolishness, the result of your gospel?" "You lousy rubbish philosophers and writers!" "Not to speak of your cursed revolution that puts this nation under blood." "Out!" "Get out of my house!" "Murderers!" "You'll come with me." "Don't ask me anything anymore." "I need to say goodbye to Cosette." "All right." "But you better be quick, monsieur." "Javert, you called me monsieur." "I'll be waiting for you." "I was so afraid." "What has happened?" "And there does the mud came from?" "And the blood?" "I didn't get hurt, but Marius..." "You haven't..." " No, he got a small injury from a grenade." "How do you know?" " He's taken care of." "This is the address I took him to." "Aren't you mad at him anymore?" "Can I see him?" "I hardly spoke a word with him." "But what I learned to know about him..." "I knew you'd grow to love him." " You two must love each other." "I trust him and his family." "You'll lack nothing there." "I could have given you this comfort too." "But I would have never been able to give you the titles they own." "Agree to his proposal for marriage." "You are a wonderful father." "But he'll ask you for permission to marry me." "No, I'll be far away." "I go away on my own and I won't come back." "I don't understand." "Does it mean you're going to die?" "No, don't worry." "I'll be alive." "I'll have to be alive." "You can't choose anything at the destination to where I'm going." "One day, some one offered me two silver candle holders." "Those days, I was sensitive only to value." "I wasn't rich." "I was living in an awful poverty." "But I never sold them." "They always lightened me on my path." "And to a certain extend, they continue to do so." "But the light means nothing compared to the sun you brought into my life." "Even in the deepest darkness you'll continue to shine in my life." "I love you, Cosette." "Do you lock me up?" " Toussaint will open later." "Javert?" "Who's Martin Lefranc?" " Me." "I need to expel you from Paris." "What are you doing here?" "My wife gave birth in here." "I wanted to see the baby." "She needs to go to you." " She doesn't have any legs." "How's that?" "She was working in a mill." "When she was 14, she fell under a stone." "Let him go." " He's just making it up." "Who marries such a woman?" " He does." "Release him, that's an order." "Give me a pen and some paper." "Monsieur, although she doesn't have any legs left I married her for the way she smiles." "I didn't ask you anything." " You are different to the others in here." "You try to show some comprehension." " Leave me alone." "Hand this over to the head of the police." "But before I leave, I've got one more question." "Do you think that a severe criminal is able to change his behavior?" "And that a policeman, one with a profound faith in an infallible legal system one day needs to choose between two crimes:" "The crime of not catching a criminal and the crime by arresting him?" "That will be it, monsieur." "But think about it." "I'm glad your appetite has returned." "But that awful memory hasn't yet." "I don't know what happened." "Would the wound on my head..." "SO you risked your life for a revolt which you don't remember at all" "I didn't forget about one thing:" "I want to get married." "You could have asked for my opinion on that." "No, because you don't know the woman I love." "I do." "She has quite an impressive figure beautiful grey hair." " Did you receive a hit on your head as well" "You fianc?" "e informed about you every day." "Not in person, what wouldn't be proper." "But her father waited." "But to speed up the process of your recovery, I'd seem a good idea..." "Mademoiselle Fauchelevent!" "Gorgeous!" "You look adorable." "A piece of art, this young girl." "She'll just become a baroness." "Marquise would have suit her better." "Or duchess." "Where are you waiting for, girl?" "Doesn't he want to get kissed?" "If her name is Fauchelevent, and yours is Favre, it would mean that..." "I'm not her father, not her grandfather." "I raised her." "Cosette is an orphan, I'm her guardian." "Was she born is a good social environment?" "Her mother was a craftswoman, her father a gardener." "Blast, so she's a ordinary girl?" "Would that be an objection?" "You told me her parents have died." "So you and I will become family." "I hope you aren't a craftsman of a gardener?" "I presume you used to be an army officer, considering your statue." "Not an officer." "But I used to be surrounded by uniforms suite a while." "But I never was a soldier." " You have strong hands and you look like a sailor." "Commander at the merchant navy?" "East India I presume?" "Spice trade?" "I watched quite some ships in Toulon, but I never spend any time aboard." "You are a mystery." " Every man got a mystery." "I once knew a man of which I thought was firmness in person." "But not long ago, I heard he was found in the water, drowned." "His body has been dragged along a ship." "He committed suicide." "I never expected him to do that." "Never." "I understand this person was very close to you." "We knew each other for years." "At least, I thought he knew me." "But he never found out who I really was." "I'd ask the same thing, who are you?" "This will be more interesting to you." "600 000 francs." "The bride's portion of Cosette Fauchelevent." "600 000 francs?" "Such a large amount for a daughter..." " The daughter of a gardener." "Did I tell you I have a weakness for gardeners?" "They are some kind of aristocracy." "Their profession is the best there is." "Our king, Louis XIV, he loved his garden at Versailles." "The affection he had for his bushes and flowerbeds will be the same as my affection to Marius and your Cosette." "I agree, they shall marry." "In two months." "All right?" "That soon" "Don't you want your Cosette to be happy?" " Yes, I do." "Of course." "Who's the bride's mother?" "Mothers can die too." "Long live the bride and groom!" "Do you see that old man?" " Where?" "At the left, behind the couple." "Blast, I know for sure." "The one and only monsieur Favre." "That villain named Jean Valjean." "And the bride the baron is holding that's Cosette." "He tricked me." "I thought he was on our side." "He's like a night bird what wants to hang around the high society." "Leave them alone." "They brought us nothing but trouble." "That's why, my darling." "I'll face him with the consequences." "You've become so skinny you're almost invisible." "Mix around the guests." "And find out where the scum lives." "What are you doing here, standing alone." " I look at you." "From far away." " So I can get used to this." "I want to show you something." "I doubted for a moment." "You love those candle holders that much I'm almost jealous at them." " They give light." "But you are my light." "I don't understand..." " It's not very hard." "This is your room." "During the ceremony I got all your belongings moved to here." "From now on, this is your place." "I wouldn't be happy without you." "Madame baroness?" "Did you hear that?" "They're calling you." "You are 'Madame baroness'." "I forgot about it." "You look so pretty." "If you mother would see you like this..." "I know what she'd say." "What would she say?" " Merci, monsieur Madeleine." "Monsieur Madeleine?" " That's how she called the lord." "I don't know why." "I need to go." "I'm starving." "Is dinner ready?" "You can have it served the moment monsieur Favre arrives." "I don't know where he is." " He left." "Where did he go to?" " We was feeling tired." "Tired?" "Him?" "He can rest in his room." "Where did that man go?" "Toussaint?" "Goodbye." "Cosette is happy, Javert died." "Pity he took all of the money from the safe." "Javert was right:" "We'll always be scum." "Me, that is." "Toussaint." "I'm happy to see you." "Do you feel better now?" " I feel great." "Did your lord wake up already?" "The old one or the new?" " Baron Pontmercy." "No, he's still sleeping." "After the wedding night..." "Wake him up." "Right away." "Tell him to meet me in the suite." "Alone." "Cosette would have loved to dance with you." "I can't dance." " That's not a crime." "Don't use the word for something this insignificant." "You are perfectly happy." " Indeed I am, almost perfectly." "Almost?" "I'm very demanding." "I'll be really happy when I know who saved me from the sewer." "The police." "A man called Javert." "Javert?" "He killed many of my comrades." "Why would he have saved me?" " You can be mistaken in people." "You think you know who I am." "But let me tell you I was in a prison camp." "Why are you laughing at me?" "Don't you believe me?" " Of course not." "Nineteen years, for theft and several attempts to escape." "Look in the archives." "My name is not Favre my name is Jean Valjean." "Does it matter?" "Did you have any choice?" "Doesn't society make you lie?" "You're too soft, Marius." "You should become harsh, even ruthless." "By signing your marriage certificate I committed forgery." "If someone finds out about it, your marriage will be cancelled." "Cosette's name isn't Fauchelevent?" "It's all one big lie, Marius." "All of it." "But Cosette loves you." "I don't even know her name." "When she was a child, I..." " Found her?" "Bought her." "I paid 1500 francs." "You bought her like an animal?" "Animals are treated better than she was treated there." "I never told her anything." "Including about myself." "She'll never find out about it." "I swear." "Why do you unburden yourself to me, while nobody suspected nothing?" "That's why I told you." "It got too heavy for me." "You have no idea how horrible it can be to be the only one that knows who I really am." "Jean Valjean former convict, number 9430." "I can't take it anymore." "Javert knew about it." "But he died." "Why did you pick me to be your confidant?" " I must disappear from Cosette's life." "She'll have a beautiful life." "If I stay here, I might spoil it for her." "Do you understand?" "But I don't have the strength to leave." "And that's why I want you to help me." "I don't want to hurt you." "I love Cosette." "As a father." "No, I love Cosette." "I prefer you'd leave." "Is it you?" " I was in the neighborhood and I thought..." "I'll ask for monsieur to see you." " And Madame." "It has been a while." "Please wait in here." "Could you wait in here?" "They are having guests in the suite." "How is she?" "Very good." "I distract her with presents and celebrations." "Celebrations?" "You don't turn her into such a shallow, smart little lady that..." "I'm sorry, but that's none of your business anymore." "And how are you yourself?" " Good." "Very good." "Just like everybody I think winter lasts too long." "Winter or not, time goes by very slowly." "Cosette told she passed by." " She didn't come inside." "I leave the hatches closed, so the house appears to be uninhabited." "In a certain matter, the house is inhabited to me." "What did you tell her to justify my absence?" "I used your own story that you had to travel to London for business." "Doesn't she wonder why I don't write her anything?" "I told her you wrote a letter to the both of us like it should when it come to married women but that I lost the letter." "I'll need to return from England one day." "You'll leave again." "There's nothing that keeps you here, you're a free man." "Free?" "A Jean Valjean who's free?" "How could you say a thing like that?" " I need to get back." "We're having friends for dinner." "It will be served soon." "You'd better not visit us again." "Why don't you leave for ever?" "So we both don't need to lie anymore." "I don't have any money left." "I gave it to you." "I didn't touch it." "It belongs to you." "No, it's the dowry of Cosette." " I don't want the money." "Because it's from me?" " Because I don't know where it comes from." "A former convict with 600 000 francs looks suspicious." "I earned the money honorably." "Don't you believe me?" "I want you to have it back." "And there's one more thing I'd appreciate." "I want my candle holders back." "Ask Lorrain to bring them to me." "I know you're awake." "Are you crying?" " It was him, wasn't it?" "I recognized his voice." "He didn't even ask about me." "He didn't want to interrupt." "We had guests visiting." "He didn't want to interrupt his daughter?" "He was in a hurry." "He just returned from London and was on his way to Egypt." "He'll rent a boat to travel the river Nile." "So don't expect any letters from him." "Because the postal services in those countries..." "The thing is, he gets old." "Old people tend to get egoistic." "Egoistic?" "He hasn't visited us a single time." "Marius, I got the feeling he's avoiding me." "He asked me to tell you some things." "First of all that he loves you, and that you shouldn't worry about him." "You know him, honey." "Modest as always, he prefers to keep a low profile." "He left early at our wedding." "He didn't spend a single night in the pretty room in here." "Dear Marius, dear Cosette." "After having prosperous trip I arrived at Cairo it's a busy and quite dirty city." "There's poverty here as well." "But the wonderful sun compensates a lot and means a blessing for my old bones." "Your candleholders." "Monsieur told me you'd hand me over a letter from Egypt." "Tell monsieur Pontmercy that there isn't any news from Egypt." "Do you have anybody that can get you the medicines?" "My daughter." " Does she live here?" "You know very well she doesn't." "Why?" "I don't know the young lady." "Madame." "She got married." "Such a wonderful wedding." "I'm a very lucky man." "But you don't know her?" "She's the only one that could have sent you here." "I didn't call for a doctor." "Monsieur Gillenormand sent me over here." "He paid me in advance.... ... so you don't owe me anything." "So Cosette isn't worried about me." "Luckily, I was warned before..." " It's too late?" "Come on, don't be so pessimistic, we'll get you through." "If you don't give up." "Joy of living is the best medicine." "I've had so much joy in my life, I've finished all of my supplies." "The body has a great deal of resilience." " The body can cope with almost everything." "But my spirit got tired." "The body wants to move in one direction, the spirit in another." "That's called 'death', isn't it?" "Yes." "I've got just enough fabric to make you a tie." "Together with this stylish jacket, you'll be a true gentleman." "You know what they say: fine feathers make fine birds." "Now, you're just as attracting as you used to be with your sergeant uniform." "I need to look like an ambassador." " You do." "If we get the job done, I'll buy you a real suit with everything you need: gloves, scarf and tie." "And we'll go for a walk along the boulevards in the sun." "So the poor will be afraid of us too." "Has doctor Barnette paid a visit?" " I asked him to visit." "Don't you feel well?" " I'm as healthy as I wish to be." "He came to report about the situation of your wife's father." "Cosette's father is traveling down the Nile." " No, my boy." "Don't say that to me." "He doesn't travel the Nile, he's traveling to his death." "When Lorrain brought him the candleholders, he found him there in a pathetic state of mind." "I thought it was my duty..." " Your duty?" "And you're saying that?" "Because he didn't share your political ideas, you made my father suffer." "And now you want to help a man who..." "You don't know who he really is." "I know he's an old man, just like me." "Is there anything else I need to know?" "No." "So act the way you think you need to." "But Cosette may not know about it." "A certain monsieur Thenard wants to see the baron." "At this time?" "It's almost midnight." "What kind of a man is he?" "He told me he's a former ambassador." " Ambassador?" "Let him in." "As you have noticed, I'm a former ambassador." "It's really obvious." "But I was planning on going to sleep." "I won't be long." "I'm perishing with nostalgia to the countries, far away." "To be short, I want to go away." "But travel is expensive." "I'm not here to beg, don't worry." "But would you be interested in buying a secret?" "Try." " Monsieur the baron..." "You are acquainted with a true villain." "He entered your life using a fake name." "His name is Jean Valjean." "I know about that." " A convict." "Yes, I know that too." " Yes, I just told you so." "I knew it before." "Is this all of it?" " No." "It just started." "It's getting better." "If you give me 20 000 francs, I'll tell you about the murder, with all the details." "20 000 is quite a lot." "What about 10 000?" "Not a single franc, Thenardier." "How did you call me?" "Would you prefer Jondrette?" " Monsieur must be wrong." "500 francs?" "I'll be serious now." "I would have told you the story after all, just for the cause of justice." "This money is for you to make you leave." "I know your stories very well." "40 years ago, Valjean has stolen a bread." "He paid his dues." "He paid much more than you'll ever pay." "But Valjean not only stole a bread." "He's a murderer as well." "You are wasting your time." "I know everything about him." "Don't make him look worse than he is." "Last year, in June, the day of the revolt, I was walking down the sewers." "Why, that's none of your business." "But in the main sewer, that ends in the river Seine I met Valjean, carrying a dead body he was planning on throwing into the river." "The man just got murdered, his blood was still warm." "It was clear that Valjean had beaten his brains out." "This is what I found on the body." "A body?" "And did you see the face?" "Not very well." "It was covered in blood and it was dark in there." "But I saw the face of the murderer." "And that's what counts." "Thenardier, even if you wouldn't have come from the sewers you'd still spread an awful smell." "You came here to accuse a man, but you cleared him instead." "He's just as noble as you are evil." "I'm not afraid." "I know enough about you to have you locked away for a life time." "If they want to cut my head off, they'd need to find me first." "This will be 10 000." "Thank you, you're a good person." "Thank Waterloo instead." "You saved the life of a colonel there." "Or did you forget about it?" "He remembers." "From heaven he's watching over you." "He wants to safe you." "I don't know why." "That's the secret of the death, gods secret." "You won't be decapitated." "Tomorrow, you'll leave for America with that wife and daughter of yours." "Aboard the ship you'll receive another 20 000." "And now out of here!" "Should I call the police?" " Bring me a carriage, quick!" "Get up, hurry." "What's going on?" " I'm so afraid we'll be too late." "You don't need to get dressed." "You can come like that." "Rue Plumet." "Rue Plumet?" "But that means my father returned." "He never left." "I made it all up." "Made it up?" "You lied to me?" "Did you lie, darling?" " Don't call me 'darling'." "I'm a monster, not a human." "My love for you is the only reason." "When he told me he loved you, I was afraid." "I don't understand." "All I see is you doubted my father." "More than that." "I'm not looking for an apology, but if you'd stand in my shoes..." "No, never." "Don't you think I never wondered what his life would have been before he met me where he came from, what happened to him?" "Don't say a word." "I've thought of the worse." "But I always trusted him." "And always loved him." "That the carriage of my grandfather's doctor." " Why?" "My grandfather is a better person than me." "Well?" " It's about time the two of you arrived." "You can do something, can't you?" "I'm sure I can." "There are medicines." "But the only medicine he really needs, is her." "Did you forget something, doctor?" "That's good." "I'd like you to do me one more favor." "DO you see those candles?" "Would you light them before you leave?" "You were right doctor." "Death approaches." "It's very near." "I never thought it would be that shining." "Cosette, it that you?" "Don't cry, darling." "I'm so happy" "I thought I'd die without seeing you again." "But there you are." "Don't cry Cosette." "Daddy, Marius is here too." "Marius is there too." "That means that he has forgiven me." " Forgiven?" "I know, it's difficult to forgive." "I've tried my whole life." "But I didn't succeed." " You should forgive me, not the other way around." "I just need to thank you." "And, my god, what for?" "It wasn't any trouble." "You have a wonderful husband, Cosette." "And you are so beautiful too." "But your dress..." " It's my nightdress." "Nightdress?" "You've been riding through Paris just in your nightdress?" "You walked through hell with me on your shoulders." "You were much heavier than a nightdress." "Here I am, talking about history while I didn't plan on doing that." "It's part of the death." " Death?" "Yes, but dying is an easy thing to do." " I forbid you to die." "Yes, you can order me." "Who knows I may obey you." "Just for once." "But then I'll need to obey the other." "God, I mean." "It's probably for the best." "Don't forget I'm miserable." "Even I don't forget about that." "My death will be a relief for everybody." "Father, what are you saying?" "Marius, you can tell this is bad." "Please, do something." "Do you hear this, Marius, the faith that she has in you?" "That means she loves you." "Children that's good." "It's good that you love each other so much." "Cosette, look how he smiles at us." "Isn't he beautiful?" "My dad is pretty, isn't he?" "You bad girl, you never told me so." "Children, I close my eyes not so I can't see you no more." "But these candles, they blind me." "It looks as if the have magical powers." "You put some ordinary candles into them." "Just normal candles and they shine like the sun." "I don't know what happens to me." "I can see..." "I can see the light." "An ocean of light." | {
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"And we're on the air in five four, three, two, one." "Good evening." "Here's the news this May 10, 1951 from WEQT, Detroit." "Motor City's finest sounds." "I'm J.C. Williams." "The hunt for Patrolman Richard Last's murderer continues to exercise Detroit's police department." "No clues have been found to identify a man thought to be in his late 30s who gunned down Patrolman Last in a back alley...." "Hello." "What?" "is this some kind of gag, because we're on the air" "Alaskan Liberation Organization, yes, sir." "My God." "Tell me where...." "Hello?" "J.C...." "We're experiencing some slight technical difficulties." "We'll be back in just one moment." "What the hell's going on, Victor?" "There's a bomb in the store and we've got five minutes." "Everybody out!" "You've finally done it this time, Mr. Siegel." "They're gonna blow this place in two minutes." "Not now!" "Please!" "It's your funeral." "Yeah!" "Now you see it, now you don't." "Was it ever really there?" "These magic moments don't happen every day." "Capture them before they're gone with the Revere 8mm movie camera." "Special offer this week at D.H. Holmes $31.50." "It's no lie." "You're listening to WXBU, Voice of New Orleans." "Ladies and gentlemen, we present for your delight tonight a Polar Entertainment Production of a Jon Amiel film." "Barbara Hershey, Keanu Reeves, and Peter Falk in Tune ln Tomorrow." "Starring Bill McCutcheon, Patricia Clarkson, Richard Portnow Jerome Dempsey, Richard B. Shull, Paul Austin, Joel Fabiani Crystal Field, Jayne Haynes, Mary Joy, yes Robert Kramer, Anna Levine Thomson, Peter Maloney Irving Metzman, Bill Moor, Dedee Pfeiffer Jon Van Ness, William Murray Weiss, and Henry Gibson as Big John Coot." "We have casting by Billy Hopkins, costume design by Betsy Heimann production design by Jim Clay, our editor is Peter Boyle director of photography, Robert Stevens executive producer, Joe Caracciolo, Jr." "The music is by Wynton Marsalis, and the screenplay by William Boyd based on the novel Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter by Mario Vargas Llosa." "This major motion picture is produced by John Fiedler and Mark Tarlov, and directed by Jon Amiel." "You're listening to WXBU, Voice of New Orleans." "I'm Big John Coot." "Next, coming up, our daily serial Kings of the Garden District." "Hi, there, pretty lady." "Martin!" "I'll be a bit late." "Got to go to the bus station." "What for?" "Got to pick up my aunt." "See you later." "Another aunt?" "How many aunts you got?" "This is the one who ran away to New York 20 years ago." "She's a divorcee." "Sorry, I mean double divorcee." "Get outta here." ""...their lovely daughter Elena."" ""Good morning, my sweet." ""What a splendid day!" ""My coffee." ""How thoughtful you are, my darlin' wife." ""Be careful you don't spill it!"" "Martin!" "Come on in." "Quick." "Come on." "Quick!" "Get in here." "I got something I gotta tell you." "In celebration...." "Have a cream puff." "Sid!" "Look, I'm in a hurry" "Does this look like the hand of an ape?" "ls this the face of a moron?" "No, sir!" "ls this the body of a douchebag?" "No, sir!" "So, am I Sid?" "No, sir, you're Sam." "Damn right I am!" "Have a drink, kid." "I just hired us a Grade A, numero uno no-previous-owner genius." "You have?" "Who?" "Only the best radio writer in the US of A." "News writer?" "No!" "What I want a news writer for?" "I got you." "No." "For Kings." "For the serial." "Wait for it...." "We got Pedro Carmichael!" "Great news, Sam." "Great news!" "Yeah." "Pedro Carmichael!" "Damn!" "Great news, Sam. I'll see you later." ""Margaret." "That cup of coffee really was delicious."" ""Nothing is too much for you, my treasure." "How is my dear husband today?"" ""Excellent." "The attack of colic seems to have left no lasting ill effect."" "Thank goodness, my darling." "I was so worried about you." "That means you will be absolutely well for the wedding of our daughter Elena to Elmore Dubuque New Orleans' richest, most eligible bachelor." "Yes, the son of one of the oldest and wealthiest families in the Garden District." "Think of it, Robert, our own little daughter" "Would you turn that garbage off?" "My God, I think I used to live around here." "Yeah?" "I guess after New York it must seem kind of small." "I'm sorry I never got to meet Uncle Max." "Why?" "I heard he was an artist." "Yeah." "Sure, I forgot." "Vladimir was the last one." "Yeah, sorry. I got mixed up." "Maxie and Vlad." "Boy, can I pick 'em." "l hate men." "You do?" "Yeah, I do. I really do." "I really hate them. I hate what they do." "They're such jerks." "They're so dumb!" "But I got to find me one fast." "Well, Don!" "You know my brother Don." "Better late than never." "Gettin' even thinner up there, baby brother." "If I need a spare tire, I know just who to call." "Redecorated again?" "You lawyers have it tough." "You just keep catching 'em, Don, because they pay my fees." "Hi!" "Hi." "Excuse me." "Go in there and talk to people." "Olga, will you please relax?" "How are you?" "Here, Martin." "Please talk to people." "Julia, my dear, I've been meaning to ask." "We have our annual convention this week." "Yes." "There's a dinner dance tomorrow night." "A very pleasant affair." "Just the Fayette Parish Timber Merchants and their guests." "l was wondering if" "Darn it!" "Wouldn't you know Marty invited me to the movies tomorrow and I can't disappoint him, now, can I?" "I don't mind, Mr. Aslinger." "Really." "It's no problem. I couldn't care at all." "ln that case...." "That isn't what you said before." "That isn't what he said before." "No, I yield to you." "lt's not necessary." "l yield to you." "Thank you." "Excuse me." "I'll be right back." "Marty!" "Thank you for saving me from the lobster." "I know what you're thinking." "Don't worry about it." "I'll pay." "Even the popcorn's on me." "I still think you'd have more fun with the Fayette Parish Timber Merchants." "There's a new Gene Kelly movie at the...." "Abalon." "The Abalon." "Right!" "Tomorrow night at 6:00?" "Don't be late." "We'll be late!" "Okay." "Hey!" "What's going on?" "Good evening." "That's my typewriter!" "Wrong, turd bird. lt's mine." "Hey!" "What's happening?" "For God's sake!" "This is the newsroom typewriter." "Okay, dick licker, outside." "Parking lot." "I'm gonna rip your teeny tongue out." "Come on." "Out!" "Come on!" "Take it easy." "What's going on?" "This greaseball tried to steal our typewriter." "My God!" "Are you okay, sir?" "Sir?" "Mr. Carmichael?" "All right, that's it. I'm out of here. I'm walking." "No." "God, no." "He's fired." "You're fired." "Get out of here!" "Out!" "Hey!" "Come on!" "You know who you just nearly bludgeoned to death here, you lout?" "This is the man who has syndicated 127 stations." "This is Mr. Pedro Carmichael." "Mr. Carmichael?" "Do something, Martin." "Look, I'm really sorry, Mr. Carmichael." "I had no idea." "l thought" "Forget it." "I'm used to being misunderstood." "Pedro Carmichael, an American an artist, a friend." "On a sultry day in July, Dr. Albert Quince eminent New Orleans socialite and brain surgeon travels to his niece Elena's glittering wedding party." "As he approaches his brother Robert's imposing Garden District mansion he little realizes what dark and terrible revelations lie in store for him." "Thank you, Lewis." "Yes, Mr. Quince." "Albert!" "Wonderful to see you!" "Robert." "My, my." "Some style, little brother." "Hi!" "Maybe I should have thought about the extermination business myself." "Hi!" "is this the wealthiest brain surgeon in New Orleans speaking?" "Come on." "Say hello to Margaret." "Margaret!" "Who's my favorite brother-in-law?" "Yes." "Wonderful day." "Yes." "And I want you to say hello to the world's best son-in-law!" "Dr. Quince." "Elmore, you call me "Uncle Albert." You're a very, very lucky boy." "Yeah." "Thank you, sir." "Speaking of which, where is your lovely bride?" "Elena was asking for you a while back, sir." "Very anxious to see you." "That my favorite nephew?" "Excuse me." "Sure enough." "Richard?" "Good morning, son." "How are you?" "Where's your sister?" "Elmore says she's looking for me." "How are you, Uncle Albert?" "She's upstairs." "Richard?" "is everything all right?" "You feeling okay?" "You want pop down to see me at the clinic?" "Look, I'm fine." "Thank you." "Excuse me." "What fearful shadow is haunting the young and brilliant Richard?" "Albert Quince can only wait and wonder what else this day has in store." "Elmore and Elena I now pronounce you man and wife." "You may kiss your bride." "Richard?" "What's wrong with Elena?" "She seems a trifle upset." "Not to worry, Uncle Albert." "She'll be all right." "What's wrong with you, boy?" "You look like an Albanian peasant whose cow just died." "Uncle Albert...." "l...." "l love Elena." "Yes, of course you do." "We all do." "But today we should be happy for her, not sad." "No, you don't want to understand." "I do love her." "I do." "But not as a sister." "Richard, what are you talking about, boy?" ""lt's true. I don't care." "I don't care who knows it." ""You've got to believe me."" ""Don't say one word more!" "You're not well, my boy." "You're not well!"" ""l do not love her as a sister!"" ""l don't understand!"" ""l love her as a woman!"" "I love her as a woman" "Good Lord, boy/ lf the family should hear of this scandal...." "Sir?" "Good morning, my friend." "Listen, I thought the serial the soap, was extraordinary original so brave..." "...and uncompromising." "Yes!" "Of course it was." "Four hours of production." "Time for a little refreshment, I believe." "Comin'?" "So, anyway, I finally got up enough nerve." "Thank you, Charles." "What did you say this was?" "It's my own recipe. it's a blend of eucalyptus leaves and uncured tobacco." "It tones up the mind clears the synapses." "Try it." "God!" "Do you like it?" "Hey do bears do big pooty in the woods?" "Anyway, you were saying?" "I had a story published in the Picayune." "I'm not sure, I mean, I'm studying to be a lawyer, but I think I'd kind of like to be a writer." "You'd kind of like to be a writer?" "Yeah." "He'd kind of like to be a writer." "It's not the kind of job you kind of like to have." "You're forced..." "You got no choice, man." "Yeah, well, I do feel like that." "Us writers, Martin can't afford to sit around." "We got to make reality impact." "Seize the opportunity." "Know what I mean?" "I'm going to have the prime rib." "Excellent, excellent choice." "That's wonderful, darling." "Donald, that's got to be expensive." "You missed a great movie." "Yeah?" "What movie?" "The one we were meant to go to together?" "You didn't think I was...." "Yeah, you did." "You know, I was on a date." "Another date." "With Brent?" "Worse." "So, Brent, what do you think you're going to have?" "I think a little steamed flounder will be ample." "Good choice." "Hey, Olga, do they do lobster here?" "Would you excuse me?" "I'd like to tend to the call of nature." "Yeah." "Sure." "Come on, honey." "Once around the dance floor." "Luke." "Come on, you're not so old." "Come on, Donald, Frances." "Allons dancer." "Come on, it's a slow one." "You can handle that." "Come on, Marty, dance with me, will you?" "Quick, while the flounder's away visiting the little boys'." "Aunt Julia?" "Drop the aunt stuff and raise your hands." "Sure." "Julia?" "Yeah?" "I don't think, if you don't mind me saying this I don't think you should be doing this kind of thing, with all these old guys." "You're still quite young and okay-looking." "Thanks." "This Brent guy is just so dull!" "Marty, I tell you something, sometimes you'd be happy to settle for dull." "Nothing fancy, you know." "No fancy ideas." "No more mistakes." "I'd like a dull man for a change." "Sort of boring." "With a heart condition." "And rich." "Doesn't even have to be that good looking." "So, what happened to romance?" "I got nothing against romance." "I'd just like, you know, the deluxe version this time?" "You know another good thing about dull men?" "They won't proposition you every five seconds." "They won't always be trying to, you know, do things with you." "What?" "Sure." "You're not listening to me." "Why?" "Because you look so beautiful tonight." "I mean it." "Really great, you know?" "Little Marty Loader." "My God!" "Will you give this "Little Marty" stuff a rest?" "The name's Martin, okay?" "Thank you, Martin, for the compliment." "It is sweet." "I wonder what your father would have said if he'd heard you." "I don't care." "I don't care what he thinks." "But dear Elena, if the family should ever hear of this scandal...." "l know, that's why I had to talk to you, Uncle Albert." "There's only one course of action." "Put these notions out of your mind forever." "Elmore is a fine boy, a perfect choice." "Any other decision I can't bear to contemplate." "The blood would be in the cream as those tight-fisted Albanian milkmaids would put it." "But Uncle Albert, there's more, there's more!" "What?" "I'm gonna have a baby!" "My dear." "Stop worrying." "I can see you've been tormenting yourself." "Tell Elmore an adjustment of documentation is all that's necessary" "No, you don't understand." "It's not Elmore's. lt's my brother's!" "It's Richard's." "I'm going to have my brother Richard's baby!" ""l'm going to have my brother Richard's baby."" "Can we take a picture?" "Yes, I'll...." ""l do not love her as a sister." ""l love her as a woman!" ""We are off to Toledo!"" "Hi, Martin." "Hi, Nellie." "Where've you been all my life?" "I've got to...." "So...." "See you later, right?" "Right." "Hi." "Marty." "Where's Aunt Olga?" "Out." "Right." "So, who says romance is dead?" "Thank you." "That's really sweet of" "No." "That is not romance." "That is commerce." "A bunch of flowers buys a kiss?" "No, mister." "What got into you?" "What about the other night?" "The other night, an aunt dances with her nephew." "Call the vice squad." "Firstly, you're not my aunt." "You're my father's brother's wife's sister." "You've been studying." "And secondly, I am not a total innocent." "I can read the signals." "I'm 21, and I lost my cherry five years ago." "Well, I'm 36, and I lost mine almost before you were born." "Think about it. I mean it." "So what?" "You don't look 36." "You don't even look like an aunt." "Look...." "l've done some really crazy things in my life but this is definitely not going to be one of them." "You want a beer?" "Sure." "That's what you men drink these days." "You could almost be my son, you know that?" "So I've almost got an Oedipus complex." "Well?" "What?" "Do you want to go out with me?" "My God." "No, listen, we could go to the movies." "Really?" "What do you kids do after?" "You go for an ice cream soda, I suppose?" "Sure." "They got chocolate sauce?" "Lots." "You gonna give me the flowers or what?" "So what are you doing tomorrow night?" "l don't know." "What am I doing tomorrow night?" "l'm not sure a whole day's a good idea." "Sure it is." "l'm not sure you'll like me after a day." "Sure I will." "Wait." "You got an eyelash." "That's worth waiting for." "Make a wish." "You got your wish." "When?" "Can anybody see me?" "Nope." "Nobody can see you." "Nobody could see you even if they were lookin' to see you." "I got one!" "I got one, Julia!" "Well, go on!" "Pull it in!" "You got to play a fish." "lt's got to be tired, that's the whole point." "Tired?" "What're you doing?" "For God's sake, Julia, that's my best racket!" "is this tired enough for you?" "A Streetcar Named Desire." "Are they not the saddest words you have ever, ever heard?" "She talked like that." "Who?" "Miss Blanche DuBois, in A Streetcar Named Desire by Mr. Tennessee Williams." "See, you don't know everything, college boy." "You could teach me what I don't know." "She was too old for him, anyway." "You're still talking about Blanche?" "Yeah." "She made a fool of herself and then in the end, they took her off to the loony bin, so there." "I'm going to write a book about you." "Yeah, about me?" "Good!" "I'll be good for something." "Good." "My Aunt Julia. I'll call it My Aunt Julia." "I think you better change the name." "Maybe I will." "Maybe I won't." "Depends. ...on what?" "The fish is done." "Okay, you've gone belly-up in shit's creek." "You need a paddle, real bad." "What do you reach for?" "Art!" "That's what I'm talking about." "The very apex of your art!" "I want to hear your sinews crack and strain." "I want your souls to enter those microphones and emerge like ghosts in the homes of our listeners." "There's an army of them out there, groping blindly toiling in the darkness, waiting." "For what?" "For you!" "For your incandescent, brilliant palpitating talent to light up their miserable impoverished, dull and worthless lives!" "Okay, gang, take five." "And then we'll hit it." "Leonard, may I speak to you for a moment?" "Sure, Pedro." "What's up?" "The key to your part, Leonard, is you're in love, got it?" "Madly in love." "You're in love so bad, you can taste it in your mouth." "Yeah, that's what I'm feeling." "But I ain't hearing it, Len." "It ain't coming across the airwaves, know what I mean?" "What I'm hearing is tired blood." "Ain't doing squat for me." "Jeez, Pedro, I...." "l'm doing my best." "Okay, I got a trick for you, always works." "I want you to go to the can right now, okay?" "Lock the door and jerk off." "Then come on out and do your lines." "What?" "You know." "Jerk off." "Beat your meat." "Choke the chicken." "Polish the rocket." "Manipulate the mango." "You've done it before, haven't you?" "Yeah." "Sure, lots of times." "What're you waiting for?" "You got seven and a half minutes." "Give it hell." "Yes, sir." "Where're you going, Leonard?" "To the john." "l gotta jerk off." "Most amusing, Leonard." "Very droll." "Places, everybody." "After the shock of seeing his sister Elena, who was carrying his child marry Elmore Dubuque Richard Quince flees his family home to take Holy Orders and work in a leper colony." "His anguished father, Robert, has sent for the colony's priest, Father Serafim." ""Where had I gotten to, Miss Jones?"" ""Albanians, sir."" ""Yes." ""This firm has a strict policy of not employing Albanians."" "This is largely because of their bestial sexual habits and their practice of attendin' to their calls of nature in a bucket located in the same room they use for eatin' and sleepin'." "Sincerely Robert E Quince." "Yes?" "Father Serafim from the leper colony is here." "Thank you." "Show him in, Gladys." "Father Serafim?" "He'll see you now." "Father." "Mr." "Quince." "Father Serafim, I believe my son Richard is with you?" "Yes, sir." "He works with us down at the mission." "A good boy." "Please go on, Father." "Well as long as I live I shall never forget the day he arrived at the mission." "He was like some poor battered ship seeking' shelter from the storm." "Father, will you give me shelter from the storm?" "Since that day, he seems like a man possessed." "He never stops working for the sick or the needy." "He seems haunted, driven as if he's trying to escape from some terrible, dark secret." "Life is strange!" "What is it, my son?" "Tell me." "You see, Father I never knew my father, Father." "When I was a boy my baby sister was sleeping in her cot." "I was meant to be watching her." "There were rats everywhere." "They were as hungry as we were!" "Since that day, Father, I vowed never to relinquish the fight against those disgusting vermin." "And Albanians, of course." "Have you heard?" "Father wants me to meet with him and Father Serafim says I should." "You must talk to him eventually." "He'll take me away from you." "It's hopeless." "You can't hide here forever." "You've a brilliant career as a lawyer yet ahead of you." "I'd rather be an Albanian goat salesman than leave you." "Richard-- -l love you!" "No, don't say that." "l love you." "Richard, you mustn't say-- -l love you." "You mustn't say that." "l do love you, I'll marry you." "That's hopeless." "You're my brother!" "What are we to do?" "What are we to do, Elena?" "l don't know, Richard!" "Elena...." "Let's leave here." "Let's live together as man and wife!" "Not too bad, everybody." "We're coming along." "We're getting better." "Slowly, but surely." "That was wonderful, wasn't it?" "All in a day's work." "His rain was beautiful, wasn't it?" "How was I, Pedro?" "Good." "You were good, Len." "That little trick worked?" "I did it three times." "Just to be on the safe side." "That's what I call a dedicated artist, Leonard." "A dedicated artist." "I don't agree, I don't think it trivializes Paris." "Because it was a romance." "I mean, romance can take place anywhere." "It could be An American in Detroit." "It doesn't matter where." "l agree." "Yeah, good. I like that." "It's just that it's not a Paris that I'm very interested in seeing." "I thought it was a lie." "I'm interested in the Paris of Hemingway and Henry Miller." "I know what you're getting at." "You think all the great American writers go to Paris, right?" "Well, yeah." "Yeah." "Because all American writers go to Paris." "Yeah?" "l'm telling you, Julia." "You stay in a little hotel on the Left Bank." "You go out in the morning and have breakfast at La Palette." "You sit outside with a big cup of café créme and a warm pain au chocolat." "You walk down Rue Bonaparte and come out on the river." "The sun is shining on the water, and the plane trees are going crazy." "You look up to your right, and there's Notre Dame and the lie St. Louis." "A cool breeze is blowing." "You fill your lungs." "And you are inspired." "You feel fantastic." "You can do anything." "When were you there?" "l wasn't." "But I read all the right books." "Anyway, pretty soon it's time for an aperitif." "We walk down the Rue- l'm there, too, am I?" "Of course!" "Of course you are." "We stroll up to the Deux Magots." "We order sandwichs au camembert and two Pernods." "That first taste of aniseed." "The bread." "The cheese." "You and I." "And then we sip and we plan which little bistro we're going to eat in tonight." "Shall we go to the Brasserie Lipp or maybe down to Montparnasse and the Closerie des Lilas?" "Can we get the check?" "What did I do?" "Nothing. I just you know, came back to reality, that's all." "Look, I got to go." "Hey, what's going on?" "It's called being rational, you know?" "It's called common sense." "Common sense?" "Yeah, common sense." "Julia, you are the least commonsensical person I have ever met!" "Thanks a bunch. I got news for you." "I got big stocks of common sense." "I got a warehouse of common sense." "Boy, you got me." "I can't believe you really got me like that." "I'm sorry, I don't want to be the one to pop your balloon, but-- lf l'm interrupting, please tell me." "Hate to be a buttinsky." "God." "Hi, Pedro." "No." "This is Julia Busquet, my aunt." "Pedro Carmichael." "Very pleased to meet you. I love your stuff." "I usually never listen to that kind of garbage at all." "Excuse me, I have to go now. I'll see you soon and it's nice to meet you, Mr. Carlton." "Carmichael!" "Well, well, well, Martin." "Your aunt." "My God, I got to say that I'm impressed." "Really?" "You like her?" "Does Pinocchio have wooden balls?" "Sure I do." "This is good, Martin. I'm pleased." "You know I feel reality impacting here." "Believe me." "Listen, you want to stop and get a drink?" "I'll think of what we should do next." "Sure." "Are you Pedro Carmichael?" "Who wants to know?" "Who are you?" "We're the people who kill children." "Yeah, they're the people who have the cream covered in blood." "Are you gentlemen, by any chance of Albanian ancestry, if you don't mind my asking?" "Yeah." "Yeah." "We are." "You got your head up your asses, dick lickers." "You scum-sucking Albanian douchebags." "Get the fuck out of my way!" "Police!" "Help!" "Quick, run!" "The cops!" "Run, you ass-licking geeks!" "Don't think I ain't gonna get you." "White-bone, chicken-shit faggot!" "You too, doughboy. I've seen your face!" "You boys are foreigners." "You're finished!" "You fart sucker." "Moron." "Degenerate." "Unfair to Albanians!" "I will not eat, I will not sleep until they ban Pedro Carmichael." "What are we gonna do, Martin?" "What are we gonna do?" "About what, Sid?" "Sam." "Sid." "About this damned Albanian crap." "Sit down." "I tell you, Sam is way...." "Sam is out of his box." "And I tell you this, Martin." "He's got to stop this anti-Albanian stuff." "It's getting out of hand." "Quite apart from that spectacle outside I've got 80 letters of complaint here." "And now it turns out that the Mayor's wife is half Albanian." "I never realized there were so many friggin' Albanians in this burg." "And yet, all praise to the Good Lord our audience is up 183% ." "What the Sam Hill am I gonna do, Martin?" "You tell me." "I don't know." "Tell him to go easy on the Albanian gags?" "Go easy?" "Go easy." "I figured...." "I mean, are they that important?" "Are they really worth bothering about?" "Yes." "Yes, Martin." "Yes, they are." "Everybody's got to have something to hate." "Hate burns." "It burns like love." "But why Albanians?" "Why not?" "The impact of reality." "Without that, the artist is nothin'." "l promised I'd ask." "That's what I like about you, Martin." "All that reality, impacting everywhere." "lt is?" "You bet." "So, how are things going with the beautiful Aunt Julia?" "Not so good." "She just won't take me seriously." "Hey, look, you got to...." "How I should I say it?" "You got to get more sophisticated, more chic, like the French do." "I'll tell you, I invite you and Julia to my house for dinner." "That'd be my pleasure." "All right." "Leave everything to me." "ls this the right address?" "l think so." "God, I'm glad I got my shots." "Hi." "Nice to see you." "Come on in." "Forgive the mess." "Sit down." "Make yourself comfortable." "Don't mind me." "Just doing a little dusting." "Lord." "Do you see that?" "Did you see it?" "Sure." "What's it saying to you?" "Good help's hard to find?" "That the room is dusty?" "And you claim you want to be a writer." "No, Martin." "Shallow." "That says 20 years of dusting eight kids and a husband that's a drunk and a bum!" "Yeah." "Yeah, I got you now." "You see, Martin, with these little gizmos I can sort of become the characters I invent." "They become real." "Trick of the trade." "Anyway, listen, I'm sorry, but I forgot I got to do something, I got to go out." "So it'll just be the two of you." "But it's all set up in the kitchen." "Come along." "And I'll try and make it back for dessert." "Navarin of lamb, vichyssoise new potatoes, and a sorbet au praline in the icebox." "I think you'll find the 1928 Chateau Latour precocious but very drinkable." "Got to run." "Bonsoir, m'sieu et 'dame." "Bonsoir, madame." "Mademoiselle?" "Here's to us." "Julia?" "Boy, this is the real stuff." "l've got to say something to you" "Hold it." "Hold it, don't move." "I think he followed me from New York." "What were you saying?" "Julia." "Yeah?" "These last weeks...." "Well, I want you to know that..." "..." "I think I'm beginning to fall in love" "Hold it." "What?" "A bad attack of mood is what." "Just send home the violinist, will you?" "Just turn up the lights." "God, you're obnoxious!" "I don't know why I even bother!" "Jesus!" "Why do you guys do this?" "Do what?" "Why do you think you have to be filthy to be sincere?" "I'm sincere, not filthy." "You're sincere and you're poor, it's the same difference." "Listen, if you're happy, it doesn't matter how poor you are!" "You fell for that one, too?" "God, what am I doing?" "Send for the men in the white coats!" "I'll tell you, I don't know much." "I don't know if I'll ever be happy but I sure as hell know I'm never gonna be poor again." "Sounds great." "Real hard-boiled." "Real mature." "So why don't I believe a word that you're saying here?" "Listen, I know you, and this is not you!" "You know me, you college boy?" "You don't know anything about me." "Listen!" "You are not afraid of being poor!" "You just got afraid of being hurt, that's all." "Smarten up." "You got to get things straight." "You were a friend, you know?" "For a while, I thought I had a real friend and that was something I'd missed out on." "It made me feel good for a while, it made me feel 18 for a while but that's...." "It was just dumb." "I shouldn't have, you know?" "You're a really sweet guy and I don't want to hurt you." "Please, believe me. I don't want to hurt you." "Then don't." "You've got to face reality. lt's over, finished." "I mean it." "Face it." "It was never real to begin with." "I don't want to hurt you, Elmore, and I've never felt this way before, either but it's useless!" "It's got no future." "Elmore, we've got to face it. lt can't go on." "I can't go on. lt's over." "We are finished!" "For heaven's sakes, I am your mother-in-law!" "But don't you see, Margaret?" "That doesn't bother me. I don't care!" "Darlin', we're not living in Albania." "But Margaret, think about it from an Albanian point of view." "Our love." "That of a virile, handsome young man for the maturely attractive mother of his pregnant wife. lt's positively innocent" "Hi, Martin." "Come on in." "Quickly." "I've just got to catch the end of the serial." "Make yourself at home." "Can I get you anything?" "I haven't seen Julia for a while and I was wondering if she wanted to go to a movie." "She's not here." "Haven't you heard?" "There's a new man on the scene." "No. I hadn't heard." "...because you're my son-in-law..." "Who is he?" "...because you're married to my daughter..." "A Doctor Ted Orson." "He's a ladies' doctor." "A gynecologist." "Handsome." "Very rich." "Lovely house in the Garden District." "Hey, isn't that great news?" "...we mustn't go any further." "You can't be serious" "We've got to face it, Elmore, it's over." "I better get going." "I guess Aunt Julia's too busy for the movies these days." "Bye." "What?" "All this is perfectly normal." "Sure I can't get you...." "Bye." "No/ lt's foreign, it's unnatural it's incestuous/ lt's totally Albanian" "Bug off, pus-face, or you die." "Mom!" "Hello?" "Martin?" "Yeah." "Boy, are you sore?" "Sore?" "Why should I be sore?" "You're free, you can do what you like." "He is sore." "Can I meet so I can explain?" "What's there to explain about a wealthy gynecologist?" "Look, Ted Orson is a decent, kind successful" "Hello, Martin?" "What's the matter, honey?" "Nothing." "Just my nephew." "He thinks he's madly in love with me, that's all." "God, I do love your sense of humor." "I probably shouldn't have told you. I'm sorry." "No, it's all right." "Pardon me." "Nellie!" "Hi!" "l was just wondering if maybe tonight" "Martin." "If I never see you again, it'll be soon enough." "Hey!" "What did I do?" "Go look in your office, you pervert!" "Pedro." "What was that about?" "Women!" "God!" "You can't figure them." "Yes, why, thank you for callin'." "I'm so glad you're enjoying the show." "Okay." "Get this." "Don't you ever hang up on me again. I hate that!" "Sorry." "Forgive me?" "I'm so sorry that you hate it when someone hangs up on you!" "How truly horrible that must be for you!" "But what about me?" "You just hurt me more than anyone has ever hurt me before." "I'm sorry if I hurt you, but you've got to back off." "You don't have a hold over me and I don't remember asking for all these judgments!" "And thank you, by the way, for all this pressure." "That's just what I need!" "Nothing like a lot of aggravation for settin' you up for the day." "What?" "What are you looking at?" "You." "So?" "You look great when you're angry." "And thank you thank you so much for all this pressure." "You know, that's just what I need." "Nothing like a lot of aggravation for settin' you up for the day." "What?" "What are you looking at?" "You." "So?" "You look great when you're angry." "l don't believe it." "Bastard!" "Why, Pedro?" "Why?" "Why what?" "Why did you do it?" "Why did I do what?" "Why did you put what we said on the radio?" "Martin, my boy, let me ask you one question." "What?" "What's more important, life or art?" "But it wasn't art!" "You just copied word for word what we said!" "And where did you get the words you used?" "Your attitudes the so-called feelings in your stupid heart?" "From me, from us." "Writers." "You feed on us!" "We feed on you." "Art isn't just some guy's name, you know." "Art is two cannibals on a desert island dying of hunger." "Eat or be eaten, Martin." "Name of the game." "Eat or be eaten." "You don't have to say anything, son." "You made a simple mistake." "Could happen to anybody." "I'm used to being misunderstood." "And to show you I have no hard feelings I bought you and the beautiful Aunt Julia a gift." "Nero Nero Club." "For tonight?" "Have a wonderful time, Martin." "Show her a good time." "Eat, drink." "Maybe a little...." "Who knows?" "Enjoy." "Zie gesund." "May I speak to Luke Loader, please?" "Mr. Loader?" "This is Cynthia, Mr. O'Grady's secretary at WXBU." "Congratulations, sir." "You have just won two free tickets to New Orleans' most exciting nightclub." "Compliments from Mr. Carmichael." "Boy!" "Well." "Here's..." "...to Pedro." "To Pedro." "Let's cut the rug." "Come on." "Cut the rug?" "Cut the rug." "No." "Don't look." "Get us out of here fast!" "Get us out of here!" "Where are we?" "Look." "Do you think they saw us?" "l don't know." "You know what?" "I don't care!" "I don't give a damn!" "Elmore, my darlin', terrible news" "What, Margaret?" "The family have discovered our affair." "They know everything" "But how?" "Well, you remember that evil, squinting', unwashed Albanian stable boy the one we call" "So, are you still taking Julia to the movies?" "Not so much these days." "You know." "You should ask her again." "I think she'd like that." "Sure." "You gettin' on okay with her?" "Yeah, I guess." "Yeah, I guess so." "That right?" "I think you should call her up." "I think that'd be nice." "Hello?" "They know about us." "They told me this morning..." "...they're going to tell your parents tonight." "My God." "I'm dead." "I'm across the street." "I know they're watching me." "They called me a fallen woman." "Can you believe that?" "I said to stick it up their ass." "They say we've got to stop seeing each other..." "..." "I've got to go back to New York." "What?" "You can't" "Look, I don't care, Julia." "I love you, for God's sakes" "l don't care what they say" "Yeah, I told them that, too." "What?" "That I love you?" "No." "That I love you." "You do?" "Yeah!" "This is crazy." "But I love you, too." "I am crazy." "I guess it's just not in the cards." "Martin?" "Are you all right?" "Are you crying?" "You make me sick." "You make me sick to my stomach." "I should beat the living shit out of you, boy, only your mother begged me not to." "When I think of you and that whore bitch, Julia!" "l love her!" "I could run her in, you stupid...." "l could book her for corrupting the morals of a minor!" "Dad, I'm not a minor." "Three years in the slammer, no trouble!" "For the sake of your mother and the family, I'm gonna leave her alone." "But you ain't ever going near her again." "She's leaving." "Luke and Olga are gonna throw her out." "I warn you, Martin." "You see her once more and I've got her up in front of a judge on a morals bust as quick as a bunny." "You got it?" "Yes, sir." "My God." "What a quandary." "My God, what a can of worms!" "What to do, what to do." "Boy, there's a lot of reality impacting here." "Listen, Martin." "Tell me how you really feel about your Aunt Julia." "Your strong personal feelings." "Honestly." "Well...." "l feel...." "l love her." "l see." "And have you told her that?" "Yes." "Lots of times." "And what did she say?" "She said she loved me, too." "Okay." "And you do love her, really, truly?" "Sure!" "Sure, I do." "Then there's only one thing to do." "Martin, you got to fish or cut bait." "l do." "You got to get married." "Married?" "Wait here a second. lt won't be long." "Pedro!" "You sure you know what you're doing?" "Can you clean your teeth?" "Everything's under control." "So here we are." "Point of no return time, I would say." "Julia, it's the only way." "What else can we do?" "I could get out of the car and walk away, for one." "This isn't what I planned." "You know, you were supposed to be 65 years old with a heart condition." "I'm working on the last item." "God, you are so great, you know." "You're so beautiful." "Yeah, but for how long?" "When I'm 50, you're going to be 35." "What will you do when I get my hot flashes and my mood swings?" "I'm serious." "What am I gonna do?" "Face it, I'm not always going to be so gorgeous and beautiful and funny and sophisticated as I am today, she said modestly." "You are." "Or you will be to me." "One day...." "One day, you're gonna get tired of me." "Julia, what can I say?" "I love you!" "I love you and I think I'll always love you." "I can't say any more than that." "No one can." "Kiss me." "Okay." "Okay, what?" "I'll tell you what I'll do." "I'll make a deal with you." "Five years." "That's all I want." "Just five." "You know, but it's got to be a deal." "You got to promise, okay?" "Love me only for five years, and then when you leave me it won't be too late for me to find another Ted Orson." "Julia, don't." "Five years." "Promise me." "I promise." "No." "Think about it." "Think what you're promising me." "I promise." "Okay. I take your promise." "But I'm only holding you to five years." "For five years I'll do this totally crazy, totally screwy thing!" "The ring." "Excuse me?" "Martin, the ring?" "Sure!" "Sorry." "Repeat after me." "With this ring I thee...." "Goodness." "Excuse me." "...wed." "Martin, come on." "Hi, Leonard." "Come on, Martin." "No hard feelings." "What's going on?" "Who is this guy?" "Take it easy, old boy." "Take it easy." "Go easy, son." "Just a misunderstanding." "lmpact of reality?" "Calm down, son." "Wait till this impacts on your face!" "I warned you." "Hold him down, Leonard!" "lt was only a joke" "Shut up!" "l think we should talk about this." "Let's talk about this?" "Come here!" "Come on." "Let's talk about it!" "You can't hit him, Martin." "He's a writer!" "What's going on here?" "I don't understand." "What do you think you're doing?" "Julia" "No, no!" "Don't come near me." "I thought we had the best thing, you know, best thing ever." "Julia, please" "Keep away." "It was just that I thought it was so great, you know. lt was great!" "I'm so sorry." "Let go!" "It's the only thing." "You got to let her go!" "Get out of my way!" "Julia!" "Wait!" "Moose poop." "How're we gonna get back now?" "I've got my motorcycle. I could go for help." "Where?" "Where is it?" "Don't hit!" "It's right around there." "Wait. lt'll all turn out fine in the end." "It always does." "Open the throttle." "Trust me." "Go to hell, Carmichael!" "Go to hell!" "Elmore, stop, for God sakes." "You're driving like a one-armed Albanian with crabs." "I'm beggin' you, stop!" "Margaret!" "Don't you ever call me an" "It was Pedro!" "Please, stop!" "It wasn't me!" "lt was Pedro!" "I had nothing to do with that!" "Go away!" "Julia!" "I had nothing to do with it." "Stop!" "Julia, honey." "Please, don't." "Maybe if you apologized to Luke and in a week or so, if you got together with Donald and Frances." "They're reasonable people and if you promised not to see Martin" "Olga, stop." "Stop, now." "I'm not going to apologize to anyone." "It was all going so nicely." "And you've just ruined everything!" "We thought you'd changed." "We really did, we thought at last you were being practical about things." "But you haven't changed, have you?" "You're still the same old Julia." "Just wild." "And stubborn." "And impossible." "You'll never grow up, will you?" "No. I guess not." "Sorry, sis." "Hi, Martin." "What's new?" "Listen, bastard." "You've got to find Julia now and tell her I had nothing to do with that crazy stunt!" "I did it already. I told her." "She knows." "You did?" "You found her?" "You know where she is?" "What do you know?" "Speak of the devil." "It wasn't me!" "I had nothing to do with it, I swear." "Everything I said to you was true." "l can handle this myself." "l love you, okay?" "Okay, fella." "Easy." "That's wrong." "You're an idiot!" "Come on now." "Listen, slimebag, back off!" "Okay." "You just don't understand." "What'd he do?" "He hit you in the nuts?" "He gave you a cheap shot?" "He hit you low, I saw that." "Gynecologist, what do you expect?" "Take deep breaths." "Bitch!" "That goddamn bitch of hell!" "I just knew she'd go back to that bastard." "Can you believe that?" "Women." "God, make you sick." "I gotta do something." "I'm not gonna let this happen." "l'm not gonna let this happen." "You've got guts, kid." "You gotta show 'em to the lady." "You gotta find that doctor and scare the shit out of him." "And I'll tell you exactly how to do it." "You got a gun?" "Back off, you slimebags!" "I got a gun." "Run, you ass-kissing geeks!" "I've seen your face." "You're finished!" "I tell you, man you bought the farm!" "You fart-sucking moral degenerate!" "Corn-holing, dingbat, finger man!" "Take it easy, sir." "We'll get 'em." "There's a gang of Albanian deviants terrorizing the neighborhood." "Albanians!" "I should have known." "That particular smell!" "That hangdog, cretinous look." "As you know, sir, they're breast-fed up until the age of 10." "That's disgusting!" "I would say that's a little generous, sir." "I'd say they were subhuman." "Son of a bitch." "Hot damn!" "Those boys out there are red-assed as hell." "Where in God's name have you been?" "The show starts in 10 minutes, for Christ's sake." "Unfinished business, Sid." "Very important." "No, I am Sam." "l thought you were Sid." "Sam." "Whatever." "There's a lot of 'em out there, ain't there?" "It's got to stop." "They poured tar on my lawn yesterday, then they set it on fire." "Yeah!" "They slashed the tires on Sid's car!" "l thought you said you were Sid." "l'm Sam." "Sid, I told you they're dangerous lunatics." "Sam!" "Sid." "Sam." "Sid!" "You got to call the cops." "No!" "That's not...." "l had a call from the Albanian Liberation Organization." "Something real bad-ass nasty's gonna happen." "This guy says" "Sid, they're bluffing. I know it." "Sam!" "Sid talked to those guys." "Don't you mean Sam?" "No, Sid!" "He met with their top people and he made them promises." "And from now on, every script has to be read and approved by Sam!" "Then you are Sid." "No, no. I meant Sid." "No, I'm Sam. I must have meant Sid." "And he said, "No more Albanian jokes."" "Who said?" "Sid said." "Sid said?" "Sid said!" "Sam said." "So you are Sid." "No, I'm Sam!" "Pedro, I mean it!" "They got us by the balls." "I mean, one in each hand." "Pedro, you write so good." "You don't need this Albanian crap." "Brilliant script." "Grade A quality. lsn't it, guys?" "That's what we need." "Just the sort of stuff you do so well." "And thanks for dropping the Albanian stuff." "You know what they said?" "One more joke, they'd torch the place." "Can you imagine?" "I mean, where's their sense of humor?" "They ain't got none." "Yeah?" "Yeah, that's why it's best not to mess with them at all." "Excuse me, Sam. I have to take a leak before we go on." "Yeah." "Yeah, sure." "We only got three minutes." "We're behind you, Pedro." "Yes." "You bet!" "We need you." "Thanks, guys." "Thanks for everything." "And I'm behind you!" "Hello, Martin." "Can you get it?" "Yeah, I can get it." "Listen, I found out where she's staying." "28 Chapelle." "Yeah." "It's Ted Orson's townhouse." "Good luck, son." "That's that fire alarm." "You bastards." "You Albanian bastards." "This is an evacuation." "Everybody evacuate!" "Take your buddy's hand." "This is not a drill!" "Evacuate, please." "l've got to get my brother Sid." "Come with me." "Open the doors." "We apologize for that short interruption." "A small technical hitch here at the studio." "And now we continue with our enormously popular nighttime serial Kings of the Garden District." "Elmore Dubuque, his young and fevered mind driven to near madness by his forbidden love for his mother-in-law Margaret contemplates desperate measures." "Meanwhile, for Dr. Albert Quince in his storm-battered clinic time is running out." "Uncle Albert!" "More oxygen." "Push, Elena, push." "l'm only four months pregnant!" "I know it's a little premature, but our time is running out." "Uncle Albert, you're a brain surgeon, for heaven's sake!" "Don't worry about that now, girl." "Push!" "Elmore, thank God that awful car crash was only a dream." "I want you." "I must have you." "Elmore, that is your wife lying there." "And my husband's just yards away." "I know that, honey." "That's what excites me." "It excites me, too." "Elmore...." "Nurse, swab." "Wait a minute." "There's something strange going on here." "Who are you?" "Richard!" "Yes, Uncle Albert, it is I." "Richard." "Richard, darling." "This is my child." "I have a right to be present at its birth." "You swine!" "Come on, Margaret." "We're calling the police." "Richard, Uncle Albert is trying to induce me even though I'm only four months pregnant." "You keep your filthy hands off her, you gynecologist." "This is madness." "Albert." "I feel so ashamed." "My own son and daughter." "I can't stand to see my brother in so much pain." "There's something I have to tell you." "What is it, Albert?" "Remember in '32, when you were putting down the rat epidemic in Baton Rouge?" "Yes." "Something happened between Margaret and me." "Something beautiful." "Robert, Elena's not your daughter, she's mine." "Albert!" "No!" "Margaret." "Not my daughter?" "Richard!" "Darling!" "Isn't that wonderful?" "That means we're cousins!" "You'll always be a sister to me, Elena." "Verminous mongrel!" "I always knew I couldn't trust you." "But now I know why!" "I found this letter written by my mother on her deathbed." "When you were a baby, she found you in a beat-up crate by the cesspool behind our hovel in the slums of the Batture!" "You are not my brother, Albert!" "That's right, I am not your brother Albert, Robert." "But I wrote that letter." "And your mother isn't dead." "Richard, we are not even cousins." "Free, free, free at last, my love." "Evening, everybody." "I got here as quick as I could." "Excuse me, sir." "There's an Albanian outside." "And he's doing something unnatural to your German Shepherd." "Leaving the Quince family still numb with shock the gallant policeman runs to a squalid alley inhabited only by rats, garbage and Albanians." "Good Lord, man, what in the hell do you think you're doin' to my dog?" "Sorry, officer." "I saw your beautiful, strong Shepherd and I have overpowering desire." "I love animal, all animal." "Dog, pig, goat even chicken." "I love little fluffy chicken." "Good Lord above, man, that's no excuse." "What reason can you give for this abomination?" "is easy explanation, sir." "is old Albanian custom to love animal in such a way." "Break it down with the hatchet." "Robert, no." "What are you doing?" "Put that gun away." "Take it easy, sir." "I've been watching you for days." "l know everything. lt's disgusting'" "Elmore, take the gun." "Grab it" "Give me that gun" "He killed him." "Elmore, you killed my husband." "Robert, don't die." "Margaret...." "l had to kill him." "I could never have you while he lived." "I can't bear the thought of you being with another man." "Margaret, I love you." "Take your hands off me." "I hate you. I never want to see you again." "You're sick/ You're mad" "What are you doing?" "If I can't have you, my darlin', then nobody will." "No, Elmore." "Put that gun down, please." "Please/ What are you...." "No, don't/ Don't" "Elmore, I beg you on my hands and knees." "You say you love me." "How can you kill me if you love me?" "Margaret, hate burns like love" "Love burns like hate." "It's because I love you that I'm doing this." "We all kill the thing we love." "You're such a real man." "I really go for you." "You go for me, too?" "Margaret." "My darlin'." "It's better this way." "My God!" "What?" "You scared me!" "I had to see you." "I can't stand it, Julia." "I can't bear to be without you." "I can't bear it, either." "What the hell is that?" "Damn!" "lt's a gun." "Yeah, I can see it's a gun." "Pedro told me to bring it." "I was going to scare Orson." "I don't know." "I think I might've even shot myself." "Boy." "Where is Orson, anyway?" "Ted?" "I don't know." "But you were with him this afternoon." "Yeah." "I was saying goodbye to him this afternoon." "But you were staying at his house!" "No, Pedro found me a place to stay." "Pedro?" "Yeah." "But this is Orson's car, right?" "No." "It's Pedro's car." "Pedro's car?" "Where you goin'?" "The back seat." "There it is, the burned-out shell of WXBU already looking like a relic from times past." "And your name, sir?" "Big John Coot, Voice of New Orleans." "Everybody knows that." "His name's Pedro Carmichael." "You just shoot him on sight now, the minute you see him!" "Shoot him on sight!" "Sir?" "Did you find his body yet?" "It's a little squidgy one, about that big." "No, sir, not yet." "But we did find this." "is it a clue?" "My damn brother. I wonder where he got to." "Now you keep right on looking for Carmichael." "Yes, sir." "Carmichael!" "You bastard!" "I'm offering $500 for any part of his body, no matter how small!" "Where did you learn to do that?" "Right here, last night." "Get out of town." "You know I can't live without you now, don't you?" "You're never going to have to." "Come here." "Where we going?" "Come here." "We're going right here." "Come here." "Yeah." "We are gonna make love one more time." "And then we're gonna pack our bags and go away." "We're gonna get married." "For real?" "For real." "Good." "And I'm going to write. I'm gonna be a writer." "l'm gonna be a singer." "You're gonna what?" "I'm gonna be a singer." "You can sing?" "Yes." "When did you learn to sing?" "Right here, last night." "No, no." "Damn." "lt's my father!" "Come on!" "Here." "Where's your shirt?" "How you doin'?" "I'm doing okay." "Here are your shoes." "Come on, the blanket!" "What?" "Pull in the blanket!" "Hi, guys." "That was a squeaker!" "What happened?" "You look weird." "It got a little hot down there at the station." "l don't know what the big idea is-- -l got to talk to you." "I got two dozen red-ass cops on my tail that haven't got time for the story of my life!" "l don't understand" "Ted Orson's car?" "You give a guy in love a gun?" "Ted Orson's house?" "l could have shot her!" "He could have shot me!" "I see a lot of reality impacting here." "That's good. I like that." "Anyway I got to haul ass." "Pedro!" "This time you are not gonna get" "Cardinal Peter Carmichael, I think." "Yes." "Yes, that would be good." "My goodness, darlin'." "My goodness." "I had no idea you were here." "God love you, child." "And peace to you, too, son." "I want you to know I haven't figured it out yet, just exactly what you did, but I will." "Come on." "Without me, you guys'd still be holding hands in the movies." "I got to run." "Goodbye, Julia." "Look after this little sapsucker, here." "l'll try." "Keep writing, son." "You remember what I told you." "Life is a shitstorm and when it's raining shit the best umbrella you can buy is art." "Damn right." "Wait a second, man." "Where are you going?" "What are you going to do?" "New York." "Television." "That's where the rubber hits the road these days." "Television?" "You're sure?" "What about the Albanians?" "Albanians?" "What about 'em?" "Fine outstanding race." "I love the Albanian people." "I'm half Albanian myself, for God's sake." "You are?" "But the Norwegians, now talk about depraved!" "God!" "The things that they'll do." "It'd make a maggot gag." "Listen, I got to go." "Wait a second, man!" "What about you?" "Are you gonna be okay?" "Am I gonna be okay?" "Does a frog have a waterproof ass?" "Yes!" "Bye!" "Good luck." "Thank you!" "Were you serious about your singing?" "l never joke about my singing." "Why?" "Well the French love American songs." "Good." "They're the only kind I know." "You'll sing at night, and I'll write." "And in the morning, we'll make love and walk in the Bois de Boulogne, and people will watch us walking together..." "...and they'll say-- -"He's too young for her."" "Julia, in Paris all the women are older than the men." "Good for them." | {
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"You slept with your best friend!" "This will be a disaster unless you say the right thing so choose your words carefully," "Great job last night, buddy." "Good thing you came along." "I've been on four since med school." "Damn it." "We shouldn't feel weird about this." " Things like this happen all the time." " All the time!" " lt's not a big deal." " it's not a big deal." "Stop repeating what I say in that weird tone." " No more repeating." " What happened last night was a wonderful mistake." "And it's probably best if we just go back to the way things were." "I totally agree." "I'm gonna see you tomorrow." "Tomorrow." "Elliot's amazing and you're crazy about her," "If you let her leave I'm gonna do this all day:" "I get knocked down but I get up again You're never gonna keep me down" "I get knocked down," "Wait, Elliot... I just..." "Just say it." "Say, "Elliot, stay in bed and have sex with me until neither of us can move."" "Let's do that." "I cannot believe you almost let me leave." "You're gonna pay for that." "I'm good for that." "I got to..." "We are really good at having sex." "We should take this show on the road." "My mom would sit in the front row and tell me I'd look prettier if I smiled more." "You don't really smile." "You just make this face." "You looked surprised that you were actually having sex." "I was. I mean, four times?" "Give it up." " l think I already did." " You did." "How weird was that this morning?" "Have you ever been more uncomfortable in your entire life?" "You look hot in that dress," "What movie are we watching?" "It's Basic Instinct Grandma." "Yeah, once." "But all this sex?" "It just soothes my soul." "And I really like your nose." "How did that last time even start?" "I just know I went to the door and when I came back, you said I looked sexy holding a pizza." "You did." "For safety reasons, I should go." "You're not going anywhere." "You gotta help me eat this pizza." "Good." "See now, you even look sexy holding that slice." " l do, don't I?" " You do." "I was not." "You were." "Sometimes I like a little sugar in my coffee." "I just think it's best if we keep this between us for now." "It's hard enough without everybody talking." "But it'll help people." "Like those two, for instance." "They've been dancing around each other for months now." "I'm not afraid to show people here how I feel about you." "You just want the guys to know you're getting some." "Not just the guys." "Good morning, Dr Cox!" "We are short-staffed today because Kelso has volunteered all of you scut monkeys for some psychologist's research project, which means you won't be helping patients." "Instead, you'll be blabbering about your feelings, and what it's like working in the hospital, and how that affects your personal lives and..." "And there he is now, big Bob-o himself." "All nurses and interns, let's gather round and dance for the puppet master." "Dance!" "It's not just the nurses and interns." "Don't be that guy, Bob." "I guess I became a doctor because ever since I was a little boy, I just wanted to help people." "I don't tell this story very often, but I remember when I was seven years old, I found a bird that had fallen out of its nest." "So, I picked him up and I brought him home, and I made him a house out of an empty shoebox, and..." "My God!" "I became a doctor for the same four reasons everybody does:" "Chicks, money, power and chicks." "But since HMOs have made it virtually impossible to make any real money, which affects the number of chicks who come sniffing around, and don't ask what tree they're barking up, cos they're sure not pissing on mine." "And as far as power goes, well..." "Here I am during my free time letting some 1 3-year-old psychology fellow ask me questions about my personal life." "So here's the inside scoop." "Why don't you go ahead and tell me all about power?" "Check her out." " Dude, HFFA." " Excuse me?" "HFFA? "Hot from far away" but up close she's nasty." "That is so messed up." "I am sorry I made an insensitive statement about an ugly person." "I'm taking one of those moments where l weigh your good qualities against your bad ones and decide if you're actually worth the trouble." "You made it." "That was close." " Thank you." " You're welcome." "Elliot's looking for a surgical consult." " Do you know where she is?" " Why should I know?" "I know where the Todd would like Elliot to be. ln his pants." "Clever." "She's not going out with anyone." "You should ask her out." "Elliot and the Todd?" "That's a terrible couple." " Worse than Joanie and Chachi." " Joanie loves Chachi." "The Todd is asking Elliot out." " l think she'd be lucky to ride my..." " Please." "...motorcycle." "Gotcha." "God bless him." "When I was seven, the only things that I loved were my ColecoVision..." "and Sandy Lowe." "Sandy was as fine as a 7-year-old could be." "She had the body of a 9-year-old." "I joined the T-ball team because she was on it." "I didn't care that much about sports." "But, during the first game, I got all caught up, and fell in love with competing." "And so, through high school and college, I pretty much played everything because I needed to compete." "It was my drug." "That's why I became a surgeon." "Every day, you get to step up to the table and go one-on-one against what's wrong with the patient." "And if you're really good at it, you win most of the time." "I ran into Sandy Lowe last Christmas, and she didn't look so good." "And that was kind of awkward, cos, well, I look like this." "Are you following me?" "No." "You wanna go out some time?" "With you?" "Me and a bottle of Jagermeister." "No, Todd, I don't." "But I don't want you to think it's because I'm a lesbian or anything." "I find you so creepy, I think you should walk around with a bell around your neck." "All I heard was "lesbian"." "Let me talk to her for you." "Why did he ask me out?" "I don't know." "Because you're cute and you're fun, and I told him to." "Plus, there's rumours going around that you're a lesbian." "You told me not to tell anyone about us, so maybe I just wanna make a point." "And now I'm gonna kiss you." "It's cool." "JD's in the closet talking to a girl for me." "White boys." "You too." "When I was little, my mom used to have what she called "episodes"." ""Episodes" is a flattering term for this thing where she'd sweat a lot and..." "Let's just say her stomach talked." "Anyway, this one time, we were at the supermarket and she actually passed out." "And out of nowhere, this fancy-looking guy comes forward and tells everyone to step aside and give my mother some air." "And everyone did." "You have to understand, in my family, nobody listens to a word anyone else says." "Even screaming at the top of our lungs... nothing." "So when this man said, "Step aside", and everyone did, I asked my aunt, "Who is this guy?"" "And she said he was a doctor." "And I thought," ""l want to be a doctor too."" "But when I lost my first tooth, and nobody left $1 80,000 under my pillow, I decided to become a nurse." "We do all the real stuff anyway." " You OK?" " Yeah." "I may eventually need a vagina transplant." "Go!" "Go!" "We don't have much time!" "You know what?" "After I have sex five times with somebody, I like to have the relationship talk." "I know it seems rushed, but five times usually takes me anywhere between six months and seven years." "Let's do it." "Let's have the talk." " You my boyfriend?" " Yep." "You my girlfriend?" " Yep." " Cool." "Good to talk things through." "I love that little laugh." "From now on, that is your laugh." "What?" "I've seen you naked, so everything you're doing, I'm watching you do it naked." "So, if I go like this... I just..." "I saw all of that." "Don't be shy." "Come here, baby." " The echo report on the aorta..." " Bravo." "Just a big bravo." "Heaven help me, I love newbie theatre." "Honest, I do. lt's the way you both play your parts with such wonderful commitment that almost had me believing that you aren't having whiny, neurotic, pale sex with each other." "What are you talking about?" "The whole floor knows." "We do." "Watch this." "Laverne, did you know?" "Was it supposed to be a secret?" "And Carla?" "Please. I knew before they did." "So, there it is." "And if you go ahead and listen very carefully, you'll hear the familiar sound of no one caring." "I like that guy." "When the Kelsonoviches settled in Monroeville, PA, there were two steel mills, three bars, and not a doctor in sight." "Then my old man set up a shingle and started delivering babies and stitching up three-fingered steel men by the wagonload." "Everybody loved him." "When they couldn't come up with the cash, he would gladly accept a handmade sweater or a bushel of turnips." "Jackass." "Now I get to do this in public." "This is a hospital, all right?" "People here are already sick." "You guys do it all the time." " Tell me we don't look like that." " We don't look like that." "You guys are just jealous cos you're not the hot couple in town any more." "Jealous, my chocolate butt!" "I'm telling you, we are so damn hot, last night, when I was home waiting for Turk, I put on this tiny negligee. lt was so small I took it off my Latin Barbie..." "When I got home, you were asleep, drooling like a sheepdog." "You don't have to tell 'em that." "While you guys were sleeping, we were up in the kitchen frying' up some love." "Relationships?" "Well, Sigmund, relationships are so fragile." "It just takes one thing, one tiny little offence, and it can snowball on you." "And if that snowball starts to pick up speed, God forbid, you better tuck and go." "Why did you do that?" "How could you think that's appropriate conversation for work?" " We didn't have sex." " No." " Especially not on the stove." "What?" " That is not funny." "Sorry." "We didn't." "That's great." "Thanks." "Thanks a lot, JD." "Really mature." "Come on." "Elliot." "I am so full." " Give me another slice." " Really?" "Yeah." "Big one." "I cannot have any more until I work off the last two slices." "So what do you say?" "Fat, gassy, bloaty sex?" "OK." " l'm gonna puke!" " l don't care." "Mr Lewis, we're gonna need another stool sample." "Not for medical reasons." "My robot needs food." "That laugh." "But it's your laugh. I gave it to you." "I love it so much, I can't stop using it." "It's not as charming if you're mad." "You only laugh at your own jokes." "You never laugh at anything I do." "That's not true." "...colonoscopy." "Dr Cox, I'm open!" "Hit me!" "There was nothing funny about that." "Maybe you just don't know funny." "Let me help you out." "Silly hats are funny." "ALF?" "Very funny!" "Anyone in a chicken suit..." "Oversized phones are funny." " JD..." " Hold on." "Hello?" "She's right here." "It's for you." "You know what?" "You're not as funny as you think you are." "And bam!" "The shine's off the apple." "That's when you find out that that pretty girl you married isn't a pretty girl at all." "No." "She's a man-eater." "And I'm not talking about the "Whoa, whoa, here she comes" kind of man-eater." "I'm talking about the kind that uses your dignity as a dishtowel to wipe up any shreds of manhood that might be stuck inside the sink." "I may have tormented her from time to time, but that's what I thought marriage was all about." "So much so, that by the end of that relationship, I honestly don't know who I hated more: her or me." "I used to sit around and wonder why our friends weren't trying to destroy each other, like we were." "And here it turns out the answer's pretty simple." "They weren't unhappy." "We were." "I suck at this." "Sorry." "You look great bent over." "I rolled that damn thing exactly the way the video I bought told me to." "Probably just a bad ball." "You don't have to patronise me." "Tell me that I suck." "It's hard to be honest when you're so neurotic you don't even trust the computer to keep your score." " l'm neurotic?" " l'm sorry!" " ls it always this hard?" " Bowling's a tricky sport." " No, I meant..." " l know." "It's difficult for everybody." " My baby got a strike!" " l got a strike!" " My baby did it!" " l got a strike!" "Knock 'em down!" "My baby know how to knock 'em down!" " Turk!" "I'm dizzy!" " Sorry." "I'm sorry about him." "My turn!" "Want me to pick you up?" "Enid has always understood how much my career meant to me." "She knows I'm an important man in my field, and it helps her get on all those boards of things her friends are on." "You know, like, bringing art to the underprivileged kids in the community, blah, blah, blah." "When I first met her, she wanted to be a psychiatrist." "But we both decided that that wasn't a fitting profession for a family woman." "No offence, sweetheart." "I know she's grateful." "She likes to joke that I choked the last breath of life out of her long ago." "Now she's just a shell of a woman." "I think that's so cute." "I call her Shelly." "You know, when I call her that, sometimes she laughs so hard, she cries a little." "You should've gotten a cardiology fellow to give Mrs Zuckerman a transvenous pacemaker one hour ago." "Sir, I was waiting to see..." "You were waiting. I'm sorry, that's..." "That's my mistake." "I'm gonna wait with ya." "Dr Cox..." "Gotta give it time." "Because, you see, when you're waiting for someone to get better all by themselves, the whole thing becomes about time." "I was waiting to see if she would tolerate her low heart rate, which is what the textbooks tell us to do." "Am I right, JD?" " ls she right, JD?" " Technically, yes." "But it's really a judgment call, and if she really was that bradycardic, I probably would've called the fellow." "But I..." "That's me. I..." "Always side with the hoochie, Newbie?" "It's a rookie mistake." "You hate to see it." " Tell you about my girlfriend?" " Tell you about my boyfriend?" "OK." "I can be myself around Carla." "Turk makes me feel completely safe and totally independent at the same time." "And it's all the same, whether I'm with her or with my boys." "I can say whatever's on my mind." "And even if he doesn't like it, even if he doesn't understand it, he respects it." "Don't get me wrong. I'm not gonna give my boys a back rub." "Sure, if a brother's got an itch, I'll scratch it, but..." "He seems to like who I am." "She's a cool lady." " l love her." " l love him." "I should've stood up for you with Dr Cox." "You should've." "I don't want him to think it's about our relationship." "I know that you want Dr Cox to respect you, but you should want me to respect you too." "If I didn't respect you, I wouldn't be having sex with you." " That's not true. I would be." " lf you can't talk for real, forget it." "A perfect dismount off her high horse." "If you don't like something, say it." "Why hide behind stupid jokes?" "Why is it impossible for you to let anything go?" "I let stuff go, like when you wouldn't stand up for me with Dr Cox, or when you told everyone we're having sex." " When are you letting that go?" " You wanna know why I won't let that go?" "You wouldn't stand up for me because you're terrified that someone won't like you." "And that's a bad thing?" "Why don't we get all my friends together in a room and we'll fight your friend." "I'm getting so tired of this." "Elliot, this is me." "And there's a lot of people here who like me for who I am." " l thought you were one of 'em." " l thought I was too." "Relationships don't work the way they do in the movies." "Will they?" "Won't they?" "They finally do and they're happy for ever." "Nine out of ten end because they weren't right for each other to begin with, and half of the ones that get married get divorced anyway." "And through all this, I have not become a cynic." "I do happen to believe that love is mainly about pushing chocolate-covered candies, and you know, in some cultures, a chicken." "You can call me a sucker." "I don't care." "Because I do believe in it." "Bottom line is couples that are right for each other wade through the same crap as everybody else." "But the big difference is, they don't let it take 'em down." "One of those two people will fight for that relationship every time, if it's right and they're real lucky." "One of 'em will say something." "Things that wouldn't have bothered you a week ago in a friendship become so incredibly important when sex is involved." "I just think it'd be easier if you weren't friends with your girlfriend at all." "I've always been sure about everything." "Sure that I wanted to be a doctor, and I was sure that I was gonna be married by the time I was 25." "But relationships... I always heard that when they were right, they were easy." "That even when things got hard that they were easy." "I don't get that at all." "How is that possible?" "Am I in a relationship now?" "No. I'm not in one now." "No." "I can't believe today's over." " l can't believe I ate half a pizza." " Please." "You had two pieces." "If you tell anyone anything about today, please leave that part out." "I will, cos l'm a gentleman." "Do you think this is gonna work out?" "Yeah. I think it's gonna be great." "I believe you." "I believe me too." | {
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"[GRUNTING]" "[GROANS]" "No, please." "[screaming]" "Your brother's soul is mine." "Liu!" "You will be next." "[gasping]" "Chan." "[THUNDER rumbling]" "Let's go." "Sixty seconds to target." "Jaxx, is the perimeter secured?" "Locked tight." "lt better be. I want Kano." "Trust me, Sonya." "I trust one person on this planet, Jaxx." "You're talking to her." "[BAND playing HEAVY METAL music]" "[MEN GRUNTING]" "[CHUCKLES]" "Good boy." "She's here." "Right on time." "I love punctuality in a woman." "Don't you, Mr. Shang Tsung?" "Now, you're sure she's gonna follow me?" "You killed her partner, didn't you?" "She'll follow you into hell." "Just make sure she's on that boat." "Sonya Blade must be at the tournament." "[laughing]" "[GRUNTS]" "Maybe me and Sonya should share a cabin have our own little honeymoon cruise." "If you so much as touch her, Kano..." "[SWITCHBLADE clicks] ...you're going to need a Seeing Eye dog." "[MEN GRUNTING]" "[GROANS]" "Where's Kano?" "Where is he?" "Let's dance." "[ALL GRUNTING]" "This is where you fall down." "[GRUNTS]" "Where do you get these guys?" "And the press says I don't know how to do this stuff?" "Cut." "All right, reset." "We're back in 1 5." "l'm not doing it again." "What do you mean?" "l'm not." "Johnny, it's the last shot." "Where are you going?" "To my trailer." "I'm gonna get a gun and I'm gonna shoot myself for being in your movie." "It'll kill me. I'll be back directing traffic." "Don't leave me hanging up here." "You're killing me, Johnny." "l love you, I need you." "MAN:" "Johnny." "Excuse me, Johnny, there's, uh, someone over there who wants to speak to you." "Who is it?" "l don't really know." "You let somebody on the set you don't know?" "No, of course not, I- lt had better not be a reporter." "Oh, God, no, l" "You want me to find out?" "Oh, great." "Hey, mister, you're in my chair." "Hi, Johnny." "Master Boyd, I" "I see the, uh, press is still giving you a hard time." "Yeah, they think I'm a fake." "Johnny, you're one of the best martial artists in the world." "And I can help you prove it." "Prove it?" "How?" "A tournament." "The tournament." "It's held once a generation." "The best fighters in the world are invited." "You win the tournament, you win their respect." "They'll tell the entire world that you're the real goods." "So how do I, uh...?" "There's a boat." "It leaves Pier 40, Hong Kong, tomorrow." "Be on it." "Liu." "LlU:" "is this the place?" "Yes." "This is where we found his body." "What happened?" "After you left for America, he followed in your footsteps preparing for the tournament." "Grandfather, it wasn't enough that you filled my head with that nonsense?" "To save the world is not nonsense." "Men fighting in a simple contest don't decide these things, Grandfather." "How can you, a wise man, believe this?" "We all believe in it." "Including your brother." "[BELL ringing]" "[MONKS shouting INDISTINCTLY]" "GRANDFATHER:" "Liu Kang has been given the dream." "He is the chosen one." "No." "He left our temple, turned his back on us." "Why have you come back?" "I want to represent the Order of Light at the tournament." "For what reason?" "LlU:" "The man who killed my brother will be there." "MONK:" "That cannot be your only reason for going." "Or you will fail." "Oh, yes, I forgot." "We're fighting for the fate of the world." "MAN:" "That's why you left the temple and ran away, isn't it?" "The great tournament was too much responsibility." "But vengeance that's so much simpler." "Lord Rayden." "You're still running away from your destiny." "Rayden?" "Grandfather, get up." "This isn't your god of thunder and lightning." "He's just a beggar." "Spare him, my Lord Rayden." "American life has enfeebled his mind." "Too much television." "So you're going to win the tournament?" "Yes, I am." "Show me how." "Oh, don't tell me you're afraid of a simple beggar?" "[LIU GRUNTS]" "If you are Rayden why did you let Chan die?" "Why didn't you protect him?" "Why didn't you?" "I've had enough of this." "I'm going to find my brother's killer at the tournament." "With or without your consent." "[ALL muttering]" "He isn't ready, my lord." "And we've lost so much time." "l know." "But there is no one else." "[MAN speaking INDlSTlNCTLY OVER LOUDSPEAKER]" "Oh, give me a break." "Hey." "Look, don't let them get to you." "JOHNNY:" "Yeah, sure." "Hey, you're Art Lean, aren't you?" "Man, I saw you fight in London, you were great." "Thanks." "I saw a couple of your films." "Listen, you can't fake those moves." "Yeah, well, tell that to the press." "Hey, pal, when the ship comes in, could you put these on board?" "You want me to carry your luggage?" "Yeah. I pay money, you carry the bags." "Or is that too complicated?" "No." "l got it." "Good." "Huh." "Thank God I didn't ask him to park the car." "Nothing says that creep at the club wasn't lying his ass off." "Kano could be a thousand miles from here by now." "What is that?" "You gotta be kidding me." "That's him." "Hold on." "KANO:" "That's it, baby." "Come to papa." "Sonya, don't get on that thing." "Hey, Sonya." "Hey, you." "All right, tough guy, you wanna get...rough?" "No, do you?" "Hi. I'm Johnny Cage, and you are?" "Where's Kano?" "I don't know who you're talking about." "But I'm sure I can help you find him." "Out of my way." "Just another starstruck fan, huh?" "It's an honor to finally meet you, Sonya." "Shang Tsung, at your service." "I'm looking for a murderer." "He boarded this ship." "I'm impressed." "But it is my boat, and if you'd like a tour, I'd love to give it to you myself." "Hey, be nice to the lady." "She's just doing her job." "When I want backup, I'll radio for it." "Got that radio handy?" "Scorpion and Sub-Zero, deadliest of enemies." "But slaves under my power." "Move aside." "[SQUEALING]" "Enough." "TSUNG:" "Lord Rayden." "How good of you to grace us with your presence." "Your sideshow freaks attacked my fighters." "That is expressly forbidden before the tournament." "As your emperor well knows." "My sincere apologies." "It won't happen again, I promise you." "Hmm." "I shall see to that." "TSUNG:" "Of course." "Until we reach the island, where you have no dominion." "My dominions are well known to me, sorcerer." "Thank you." "What tournament?" "You've been chosen, Sonya." "Much to my delight." "You really are Rayden." "Come with me." "JOHNNY:" "We got a guy with things coming out of his hand another guy who freezes stuff." "And then a man who, as far as I can tell, is made out of electricity." "I mean, how did he disappear like that?" "What is going on?" "Who is this guy?" "Let's just think this through." "There is a rational explanation for this." "He's Rayden." "God of lightning and protector of the realm of Earth." "Oh, great." "There's your rational explanation." "RAYDEN:" "Listen." "What you're about to face is vastly more important than your ego your enemy or your quest for revenge." "You have embarked on a sacred mission." "You have been chosen to defend the realm of Earth in a tournament called Mortal Kombat." "Defend it from who?" "Your world is but one of many realms." "One of them is a forsaken land called Outworld ruled by an immortal who has crowned himself emperor." "Now he seeks a new world to conquer and enslave." "Now, wait a second." "If this guy is so powerful, then why doesn't he just invade us?" "To enter the realm of Earth the emperor's demon sorcerer, Shang Tsung, and his warriors have to win 1 0 straight victories in Mortal Kombat." "Heh." "They have won nine." "This will be the 1 0th tournament." "A handful of people on a leaky boat are gonna save the world?" "Exactly." "The essence of Mortal Kombat is not about death, but life." "Mortal men and women defending your own world." "Why are you telling us all this?" "What about the others?" "They are all great fighters." "But I have looked into their souls." "And yours." "One of you three will decide the outcome of the tournament." "The fate of billions will depend upon you." "[laughing]" "Sorry." "What about Shang Tsung?" "Oh, still concerned only with vengeance?" "If you challenge Shang Tsung now, you will lose your life and your soul." "He is gonna pay for my brother's death." "You're not ready." "Look. it has begun." "It has begun." "SONYA:" "Black Hawk to Cardinal." "Black Hawk calling Cardinal." "Is anybody monitoring?" "[RADIO STATIC]" "Jaxx, this is Sonya." "Do you copy?" "While you're at it, why don't you call my agent?" "Do I look like your secretary?" "[YELLS]" "What are you doing?" "That electrical disturbance must have blown out the transistors." "Your radio equipment's fine." "Look at your compass." "Where the hell are we?" "Do I look like your travel agent?" "Fine." "Okay. I give up." "What's going on?" "l don't know." "But what if all the legends were true?" "What legends?" "LlU:" "Do you need help with those?" "[JOHNNY panting]" "Ah, ha, ha." "Ah, no more steps." "Oh, great." "Can't wait to see what the bathrooms look like." "You know, when a woman looks at you like that it usually means something." "TSUNG:" "Princess Kitana." "She's a most dangerous adversary." "Watch her carefully, Reptile." "Keep her away from these humans." "[SQUEALING]" "[MEN SHOUT]" "TSUNG:" "Welcome." "You're here to compete in Mortal Kombat." "Tomorrow morning the great combat begins." "Some of you will even have the distinct honor and pleasure to face Prince Goro, our reigning champion." "You are all witnesses to one of the greatest turning points in the history of your planet." "Treasure these moments as if they were your last." "And now, for a taste of things to come." "[ALL shouting]" "[YELLS]" "[JOINTS cracking]" "[GROANS]" "[GRUNTlNG]" "Flawless victory." ""Come to a little tournament," he said." ""Be good for the career," he said." "Yeah, right." "Liu." "Hey, where are you going?" "After Shang Tsung." "You can't go after him." "Don't you remember what Rayden said?" "Yeah, well, he didn't say anything to me." "Shang Tsung knows where Kano's hiding." "You know, you gotta admire her." "When she sets her mind on something...." "It's not her mind you're admiring." "It's true." "[grumbling]" "How many times do I have to tell you?" "I don't need your help." "I can take care of myself." "We can't help it, it's a guy thing." "Hey, where are you going?" "l'm following him." "l work alone." "No, Shang Tsung is mine." "JOHNNY:" "Why don't we forget about Shang Tsung?" "What do you mean, "forget about him"?" "Did you see what happened back there?" "l wanna get to the bottom of this." "JOHNNY:" "Are you out of your mind?" "[ROARING]" "Sonya." "You go ahead, find out what that was." "Liu and I will wait right here." "What?" "Mm!" "See, me, I believe in a fair fight." "You know, one-on-one, man-to-man, hand-to-hand." "Just like my daddy taught me." "But what I saw out there was not very fair." "That's Kano." "Forget about Kano." "Who's the other guy?" "So then he freezes this guy, right?" "And then he explodes." "I could see his guts and everything." "Heh." "Almost lost my lunch." "Disgusting." "What I wanna know, if this Shang Tsung guy is so great how come he's got such a crummy-looking boat?" "Hmm?" "Eh." "Anyway, guy gives me the creeps." "Heh." ""Treasure these moments."" "That was his intention." "Shang Tsung is a great sorcerer." "The wise cultivate his favor." "Those who challenge his power become his slaves." "Yeah?" "Well, I haven't seen any of them around." "You fool." "You know nothing." "He enslaves souls." "He learned the black arts from the emperor himself." "You're some kind of royalty too, right?" "GORO:" "I am Goro." "General of the armies of Outworld and prince of the subterranean realm of Shokan." "Subterranean?" "What's that?" "Something like underground?" "Yes, something like that." "Yeah?" "Well, I'm kind of an underworld boss myself, you know." "Hmm." "Well, I mean, back home." "How lucky for them back home." "lt's true, Prince Goro." "Hmm?" "Why else would I have chosen such a disreputable-looking cretin?" "Look at him." "No dignity, no manners." "Yet in the realm of Earth, men like him can amass great wealth and almost godlike power." "Yeah." "Well, I'd like to get back to my amassing as soon as possible, if you don't mind." "Now, when do I get paid?" "After you've fought the girl." "But remember, she's not to be harmed, only humiliated." "I have plans for my beautiful Sonya." "To what do we owe the honor of your visit, Shang Tsung?" "I've come to warn you that Kung Lao's descendent is competing in the tournament." "You must handle him carefully." "I saw this Liu Kang in the hall." "He'll pose no problem." "This is no time for foolish pride." "We've never been so close to absolute victory which is why I've come to warn you of another danger." "Princess Kitana." "The emperor's adopted daughter?" "Why should I worry about her?" "Princess Kitana is 1 0,000 years old and the rightful heir to the throne of Outworld." "But she must not be allowed to join with the forces from the realm of Earth." "Especially Liu Kang." "What's so special about you?" "l don't know." "The emperor will not tolerate failure." "And neither will I." "I do not fail." "Let's get out of here." "[PEBBLES FALLING]" "What?" "What is it?" "Huh?" "We are not alone." "Wait a second, I don't remember this." "Look." "That has to be Princess Kitana." "l think she's trying to help us." "You're hard up for a date." "She's trying to lead us out." "Forget about her, she's 1 0,000 years old." "So what?" "Liu." "Liu?" "Liu." "[SCRAPING]" "[SCREAMS]" "[SQUEALING]" "Liu, what happened?" "There's something here." "l think it's following Princess Kitana." "Where is she?" "I don't know." "LlU:" "Do you know where we're going?" "l know exactly where we're going." "Kitana went this way." "I can smell her perfume." "I don't smell anything." "I smell something." "Bullshit." "[MEN GRUNT]" "We got company." "l know." "[ALL shouting]" "[ALL GRUNTING]" "Just the way I like them." "Dumb and ugly." "Piece of cake." "Piece of cake, huh?" "Well, it was easy for me." "Oh, get over yourself." "What is it with you guys?" "We're standing, they're not." "What more do you want?" "[SLOW CLAPPING]" "Brilliant." "Absolutely brilliant." "So why don't you show me what you plan to do about them?" "[ALL SHOUT]" "Ah, ah." "I don't think so." "Ha-ha-ha." "I think you'll find that this is the way out." "You guys are lucky he stopped us." "So now you've seen what you'll be facing in the tournament." "You mean Goro?" "And Shang Tsung." "Will Shang Tsung fight in the tournament?" "lf he chooses to." "As a former champion, he has the right to do so." "And he's far more dangerous than Goro." "His power comes from the souls of vanquished warriors." "To fight Shang Tsung is to face not one, but a legion of adversaries." "Remember that." "Tomorrow the tournament begins." "Be prepared." "From this moment on, my island will be your battleground." "Liu Kang, you will be first." "Let Mortal Kombat begin." "[GRUNTS]" "MAN 1 :" "Come on." "MAN 2:" "Yeah." "[BOTH shouting]" "[BOTH grunting]" "Your soul is mine." "FIGHTER:" "No!" "[SCREAMS]" "Fatality." "Hyah." "Sonya Blade." "I have something for you, my dear." "I don't want anything from you." "On the contrary." "I have something you want very much." "You can thank me later." "[laughing]" "Hello, baby." "Did you miss me?" "[laughing]" "Ooh." "Now, look at this." "This little baby brings back memories, now, doesn't it?" "What?" "You used it to knife your mother in the back?" "No, it put a big smile on your partner though." "Ear..." "[whistles] ...to ear." "[CHUCKLES]" "[YELLS]" "Give it up, baby." "l've studied all your moves." "Yeah?" "Study this." "[BOTH grunting]" "[GROANING]" "Does it hurt, baby?" "Yes." "Right." "Finish him." "No, Sonya." "Don't." "Oh, give me a break." "Okay." "[BONES CRUNCH]" "[CROWD BOOING]" "Get over here." "[SQUEALING]" "Come here." "Welcome." "[BOTH grunting]" "Get down here." "[YELLING]" "[screaming]" "[BOTH YELLING]" "TSUNG:" "Begin." "[BOTH grunting]" "If you won't fight with all of your heart, there is no hope." "LlU:" "Why do you care if I win or lose?" "To win your next match, use the element which brings life." "What?" "Kitana." "Remember my words." "TSUNG:" "Kitana, that's enough." "You disappoint me." "Not very wise." "[BOTH grunting]" "[YELLS]" "KlTANA:" "Use the element which brings life." "Water." "Is it time?" "Yes." "We've let these humans win enough." "At last." "[GORO ROARING AND CROWD CHEERING]" "[ROARING]" "[GRUNTlNG]" "What the--?" "[cracking]" "[ROARS]" "[GORO LAUGHS]" "Yeah, that's it, in and out." "LlU:" "Come on." "[ROARS]" "Yeah!" "Goro!" "Come on, Art." "You can do it." "Come on." "Make your move, Art." "Use your feet." "SONYA:" "That's right, use the kick." "Ugh!" "[GRUNTlNG]" "JOHNNY:" "Come on, Art." "Get up." "[ROARING]" "Yeah!" "Kill him, smash him!" "Get out." "Get out." "[ROARS]" "Yeah!" "Goro!" "Finish him." "Time to die." "Finish him." "[ROARING]" "No!" "Flawless victory." "Your soul is mine." "No!" "SONYA:" "We can't win now." "How could we possibly beat something like that?" "Good question." "Goro can be killed." "Shang Tsung's power can be destroyed by mortal men and women." "You can overcome any adversary no matter how bizarre their powers may seem." "There is always a way." "Only one thing can defeat you your own fear." "So who says we're afraid?" "You must first face your fears if you are to conquer them." "You, Johnny, are afraid you're a fake so you'll rush into any fight just to prove you're not." "You'll fight bravely enough but foolishly, carelessly and you'll be beaten." "You, Sonya are afraid to admit even you sometimes need help." "If you are afraid to trust you will lose." "Wait." "What about me?" "Oh, you." "You fear your own destiny." "You already fled it once when you went to America." "It has brought you guilt for the death of your brother." "I am responsible for Chan's death." "No." "Every mortal is responsible for his own destiny." "Chan believed this." "Why can't you?" "l tried." "Despair is the most dangerous fear of all." "I know this, and so does Shang Tsung." "He can peer into your soul and use the fear he sees there against you." "You must be prepared." "Liu!" "You will be next." "SONYA:" "Goro's never been beaten." "You go up against him, he'll kill you." "Well, if I don't, then he'll finish us off one at a time." "If I challenge him now, I can finish this." "You're making this all sound really simple, and it isn't." "Yeah, it is." "Because I can't let what happened to Art happen to you." "Not to you." "Oh, don't you dare do this to protect me, Johnny Cage." "Trust me. I got a plan." "Oh, I can't believe this." "You are the most egotistical, self-deluded person I have ever met." "Yeah?" "Well, you forgot good-looking." "Challenging Goro, eh?" "You weren't supposed to fight him now." "Are you that eager to die?" "I'm not the one who's gonna die." "I see." "You're very foolish." "The true sign of a hero." "You want to protect your friends, but make no mistake." "They too will die after Goro destroys you." "So, what's the problem?" "As you wish." "As absurd as your request is, I shall grant it." "In return, I reserve the right to challenge the winner myself or another of my choosing in a place designated by me for the final battle of the tournament." "You got it, pal." "l don't think so." "Too late, Lord Rayden." "The rules are quite clear." "It's" " How do you say?" "A deal's a deal." "What have you done?" "l made a choice." "This is our tournament, remember?" "Mortal Kombat." "We fight it." "Good." "At last one of them has understood." "[CHANTING] Goro, Goro, Goro." "[ROARING]" "[CROWD CHEERING]" "Get him!" "Goro!" "[CHANTING] Goro, Goro, Goro." "[laughing]" "Finish him quickly." "Pay me my tribute." "This puny mortal will be no problem." "I'll crush him in one blow." "All right." "Let's dance." "[ROARING]" "[GROANING]" "Yes." "Ha-ha-ha!" "Sorry." "You imbecile." "Damn, that hurt." "Follow him." "Finish him." "CROWD [chanting]:" "Finish him, finish him, finish him." "Yeah!" "Goro!" "Finish him, finish him, finish him." "[GORO ROARING]" "Those were $500 sunglasses, asshole." "[YELLING]" "This is where you fall down." "[screaming]" "SONYA:" "No!" "No!" "Let me go!" "Aah!" "Stop!" "I hereby exercise my right to challenge." "I challenge her." "You're a coward, sorcerer." "Stand and fight." "We had a deal, remember?" "Mortal Kombat continues." "I'm simply changing the place as we agreed." "SONYA:" "No!" "Sonya!" "No!" "Where's he taken her?" "To the emperor's castle in the wastelands of Outworld, where l cannot follow." "We can." "Rayden, can Sonya beat Shang Tsung?" "No." "I'm sorry." "You're sorry?" "There is one last rule." "He neglected to mention it." "She has to accept the challenge or there can be no final combat." "I have nothing further to teach you, Liu Kang." "You possess the knowledge." "All that is lacking now is the will." "JOHNNY:" "You sure you don't wanna go with us?" "RAYDEN:" "In Outworld, if you look hard enough, you will find another guide." "Good luck." "They'll need it." "This is not good." "But I'm fine." "I can deal with this." "So this is Outworld, huh?" "Well, I can see why they want a change of scenery." "LlU:" "We should head for that tower." "Shang Tsung would have taken Sonya there." "Liu, I hate this place." "I do. I'm telling you, I hate it." "I'm in a hostile environment, I am completely unprepared." "I'm surrounded by people who probably wanna kick my ass." "It's like being back in high school." "What's that?" "Wait." "What?" "There's something else." "Oh, great." "What are you doing?" "[SQUEALING]" "[BOTH YELLING AND GRUNTING]" "LlU:" "Oh, no, you don't." "[YELLS]" "KlTANA:" "Well done." "You're finally learning, Liu Kang." "Kitana." "Come with me." "LlU:" "What happened here?" "KlTANA:" "The same thing that will happen to your world unless you prevent it." "My father was the rightful ruler of Outworld." "Then his best warriors lost 1 0 Mortal Kombats and the emperor entered the realm, killed my parents and adopted me to lay claim to the throne." "It was beautiful once before Shang Tsung engineered its destruction." "How can I possibly stop this from happening in my world?" "If I did not believe in you, Liu Kang, I would not have helped you." "In the Black Tower, you will face three challenges:" "You must face your enemy, you must face yourself and you must face your worst fear." "[DOOR opening]" "I will not fight you, Shang Tsung." "I am not playing your game." "Sonya." "My sweet Sonya." "There is no one else." "If you don't fight the realm of Earth will forfeit the tournament and its portals will open to our great emperor." "You're lying." "My friends will come for me." "Hoping against hope." "Such an endearing human trait." "I'm touched, really." "One last chance, Sonya." "Fight me in Mortal Kombat." "Go to hell." "Take her away." "The emperor will be overjoyed." "My friends will come." "They're already here." "Seize them." "Stay where you are." "Will you dare interfere with the tournament and betray our emperor?" "In his great wisdom, he knows that Mortal Kombat cannot be won by treachery." "How dare you speak to me of treachery?" "Your ignorance will lose for all time the keys to the realm of Earth." "Very well." "Johnny Cage, I challenge you." "No, you'll fight me." "I am Liu Kang descendant of Kung Lao." "I challenge you to Mortal Kombat." "Do you accept or yield?" "I accept." "Leave us." "I will take care of this impudent mortal myself." "Nice dress." "Ugh." "[BOTH YELLING AND GRUNTING]" "You fool." "[DRONlNG]" "What's that sound?" "The source of all Shang Tsung's power." "The souls of a thousand dead warriors." "Face your enemy." "[ALL yelling AND grunting]" "Is that all you've got, sorcerer?" "Liu Kang." "I can see into your soul." "You will die." "Face yourself." "You can look into my soul, but you don't own it." "Face your worst fear." "I'm not afraid of my destiny." "Face me." "Liu." "Chan?" "It can't be you." "Rayden sent me." "To help you." "You're not really Chan." "Remember when our parents died and you promised that you would always take care of me?" "I remember." "Now it's my turn to take care of you, brother." "Liu, come with me." "I forgive you for letting me die." "No." "It wasn't my fault." "Brother." "No." "Chan chose his own path." "Every man is responsible for his own destiny." "Shang Tsung killed my brother." "You're mine." "[BOTH grunting]" "The chosen one." "I am the chosen one." "[GHOSTLY VOICES MUTTERING]" "You hear your slaves, sorcerer?" "VOICE 1:" "Finish him." "VOICE 2:" "Finish him!" "You have lost your power over them." "They have risen up against you." "Free them." "They are mine forever." "[BOTH GRUNT]" "All those souls, and you still don't have one of your own." "I pity you, sorcerer." "Save your pity for the weak." "Surrender. lt's over." "[GROANING]" "[YELLING]" "Never!" "[YELLING]" "Flawless victory." "I knew you'd come." "Chan." "One day, we will be reunited." "But until then, my spirit will always be with you." "Go in peace, my brother." "Let's go home." "[cheering]" "RAYDEN:" "I've been waiting for you." "What took you so long?" "I guess you knew it would end this way." "Didn't have a clue." "You humans are so unpredictable." "[laughing]" "I've got to tell you something, you guys did great." "evil VOICE:" "Bow to me." "What is it?" "The emperor." "You weak, pathetic fools." "I've come for your souls." "I don't think so." "[English" " US" " SDH]" | {
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"Anteriormente en Enterprise" "Whoever built these Spheres may have done it to create the Expanse." "Why would someone want to create a web of crippling anomalies?" "We believe that it is through prayer and meditation that the Makers become manifest." "The Makers?" "The creator of the Spheres." "The quicker you folks find these Xindi, the quicker we can get to work." "Military Assault Command." "Captain Archer wanted the best." "I've seen men like Hayes all my life." "Lieutenant?" "That had nothing to do with who knows Enterprise inside and out." "It had to do with who the major thinks is more capable of carrying out this rescue." "It's only been a day since we were enemies." "Giving you the coordinates to a classified installation is... difficult." "They're coming in." "The coordinates match the location of one of the red giants." "Dr. Phlox says we have to prepare for the possibility that Trip won't survive." "When implanted with DNA from another species, it exactly replicates that species' life cycle." "It becomes a clone." "You and Trip used to spend a lot of time here together." "I was instructing him in the practice of Vulcan neuro-pressure." "He was really starting to enjoy those sessions with you." "What's driving me crazy is I don't know if these feelings are mine... or his." "Malcolm can be a tough man to get to know, I'll grant you that." "He likes to keep to himself." "This feel okay?" "Mm-hmm." "But you spend enough time around him, you come to realize there's no one you'd rather have watching your back." "I thought you said you weren't ticklish." "I didn't used to be." "Maybe I'm doing this wrong." "Maybe we should try another position?" "Posture?" "Sure." "Take a seat." "I just get the feeling that whenever Lieutenant Reed looks at one of us, he sees the enemy." "I don't think Malcolm thinks of macos as the enemy." "Competition, maybe." "Relax." "This is one of the first pressure points T'Pol worked on." "Helped me get through many a night." "Feels great." "Too bad this can't be a part of our training routine." "You should bring it up with Hayes." "His training regimen hasn't changed since I joined up." "Major Hayes likes consistency." "So does Malcolm." "He told me that while he was in Starfleet training, he ate the same exact three meals every day for a year." "They're definitely cut from the same cloth." "Maybe that's why they get along so well." "How's it feeling?" "Still great." "There." "Feels like I've just had 12 hours sleep." "I guess I did it right." "Well." "Well." "That was unexpected." "Nothing wrong with unexpected." "No... um with a little warning." "Consider that a little warning... for next time." "It's been a long road" "Getting from there to here" "It's been a long time" "But my time is finally near" "And I will see my dream come alive at last" "I will touch the sky" "And they're not gonna hold me down no more" "No, they're not gonna change my mind" "'Cause I've got faith of the heart" "I'm going where my heart will take me" "I've got faith to believe" "I can do anything" "I've got strength of the soul" "No one's gonna bend or break me" "I can reach any star" "I've got faith I've got, I've got" "I've got faith, faith of the heart." "Captain's Starlog, December 27, 2153." "Using the coordinates we got from Degra, we're en route to the location of the red giant star and with any luck, the Xindi weapon." "Come in." "You wanted to see me, sir?" "I had a conversation with Major Hayes this morning." "He wants to put your security team and all the senior officers through a series of training drills." "We run drills twice a week." "Senior officers are free to attend." "These will be different." "They'd be conducted by Major Hayes and the MACOs." "Sir?" "We're heading into a hostile situation." "We don't know what we're gonna face when we get there." "My people are ready, sir." "The macos' tactics and technology are two... three years beyond Starfleet's." "Why not let them pass on some of that expertise?" "You don't agree." "The macos' expertise comes from simulated combat, all conducted on Earth." "On the other hand, we've fought numerous alien species on many different worlds." "If anything, we should be giving the MACOs the benefit of our experience." "Hayes and his men have gone up against a few aliens on this mission, including the Xindi." "They handled themselves pretty well." "I'd like you to coordinate the training sessions with the major." "Aye, sir." "Ah!" "I appreciate your stopping by so quickly." "What did you want to ask me?" "Are you acquainted with Corporal Amanda Cole?" "She's one of the MACOs." "Mmm." "She was in this morning with a mild headache." "Says she's been experiencing it for a week now." "Every test I ran came back negative." "Frankly, I was mystified until she mentioned she was receiving Vulcan neuro-pressure... from Commander Tucker." "Do you believe it's causing her headaches?" "I wanted to ask you." "Neuro-pressure is a highly specialized discipline." "Commander Tucker has only been receiving it for a couple of months, that he might have... misapplied one of its techniques." "It's possible." "Mm." "Well, I've already spoken to Corporal Cole about using caution, but I was wondering if you might have a word with Commander Tucker, perhaps during your next session with him." "Gladly." "Ah." "Is everything all right?" "Yes." "If there's nothing else..." "Oh, uh, there is one other thing." "If you find time, perhaps you could schedule a neuro-pressure session with Corporal Cole, hmm?" "Maybe undo some of Commander Tucker's work." "Okay, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday." "How does 0800 sound?" "I prefer to train in the evenings." "Any reason?" "You get a better workout." "Muscles are looser, reaction time's quicker." "How about Tuesdays and Fridays in the morning," "Wednesdays in the evening?" "How about Tuesdays and Fridays in the evenings and Wednesday in the morning?" "You're not making this very easy." "I'm not trying to make it difficult." "With all due respect, I think that's exactly what you're trying to do." ""With all due respect"?" "!" "Is that what you call circumventing my authority?" "I wasn't aware I'd done that." "And what did you think you were doing when you went to the captain with this proposal?" "If I'd come to you first, you'd have turned me down flat." "Puede que tengas razon." "but the decision was mine to make." "I didn't mean to deprive you of the opportunity." "I think that's exactly what you meant to do." "Whatever you might think, sir, my only concern is the successful outcome of this mission." "As is mine." "Tuesdays and Fridays." "In the evenings." "What's the problem?" "I can't understand it, Captain." "It's like the stars keep shifting positions." "What do you mean?" "There." "They just did it again." "Maybe it's one of the navigational sensors." "I've already run two diagnostics." "I can't find anything wrong." "I think I have the cause." "An unusually strong gravimetric disturbance approximately three light years away." "Let's go take a look..." "It appears to be a convergence of spatial anomalies." "It's more than 700 million kilometers in diameter." "Captain, I'm picking up an intermittent signal, very faint." "An object, approximately five meters in length." "Let's see it." "It's just a few hundred meters from the edge." "I'm reading one bio-sign." "Humanoid." "Could be an escape pod." "Are there any other ships in the vicinity?" "None." "The bio-signs are very erratic." "Bring the grappler on line." "Try again..." "I'll see if I can compensate." "Travis." "We're losing systems all over the ship..." "Helm's not responding." "There are rising levels of ammonium sulfide in the atmosphere." "Archer to Engineering." "Commander Tucker." "The helm's not responding." "We need full reverse right away." "I'm on it." "Helm's back on line." "Get us out of here." "Love to." "We're ready to open the hatch." "He's suffering from a form of rapid cellular degeneration." "Do you think you can stop it?" "I don't know yet." "I've managed to revive him, but he's in a fair amount of pain." "I'm Captain Archer." "You had no right to bring me here!" "We were trying to save your life." "I didn't ask for your help." "Return me to my ship." "Your vessel has minimal life support." "You wouldn't last too long if we took you back." "That's none of your concern." "What was that pod designed to do?" "I'm not answering any of your questions." "You're dying." "We're doing everything we can for you, but..." "Take me back to my ship!" "He may be going into shock." "How's it coming?" "Good, sir." "We're adjusting the nav sensors to compensate for the gravimetric waves." "Get us under way as soon as you can." "Just need a day to upload and test these corrections." "Learn anything?" "A great deal." "The disturbance appears to be expanding at a rate of several kilometers per second." "And its location is exactly equidistant to five of the Spheres." "Do you think the Spheres had something to do with creating this thing?" "It's possible." "This planet was once an inhabited world." "It was engulfed some time ago." "I couldn't find any signs of life." "Maybe the alien we picked up is the last survivor." "A possibility." "I want you and Trip to take a look at the pod." "If we can't revive the alien, it may be our best source of information." "We incorporate elements from numerous disciplines." "It's extremely effective in hand-to-hand situations." "What I'd like to do now is break up into sparring pairs-- run through some of the moves you just saw." "Let's get started." "Try the combination." "Nice cross." "Excellent." "Effective combination." "You were looking at his hands when you should have been watching his eyes." "Good match." "All right." "Why don't we take five minutes and..." "That's all for today." "We still have the shoulder-throws to cover." "Session is over." "Okay." "For next time, work on your forearm blocks and the elbow strikes." "Dismissed." "What the hell was that?" "That was a sparring demonstration." "It was way out of line." "That last throw was completely unnecessary." "He was on his feet." "That made him fair game." "Fair game?" "It's just a little blood, sir." "No one got hurt." "These are training sessions, Major." "If your men can't understand that, then I'm going to put a stop to this right now." "Is that clear?" "Perfectly." "Jolly good." "I think it's a transmitter." "I just can't pinpoint the frequency." "Dr. Phlox has asked me to speak with you." "What about?" "Corporal Cole has been experiencing headaches." "The doctor believes they might be caused by your neuro-pressure sessions." "She never said anything about headaches." "Perhaps she didn't want to worry you." "Why would neuro-pressure be the cause?" "It shouldn't be performed by novices." "If misapplied, you could cause nerve damage." "I performed it on you plenty of times." "Under my supervision." "I see." "You want to supervise me and Corporal Cole?" "I think it would simply be best if you ended the sessions." "These electrodes were collecting biometric data from the occupant." "Amanda won't be too happy about ending the sessions." "I'm sure she won't." "What do you mean by that?" "I've noticed that you and Corporal Cole have become somewhat friendly." "Friendly?" "Last week, you were eating together in the mess hall." "And, in the training session yesterday, she touched your behind." "You've been keeping a pretty close eye on us." "You're hard to miss." "Look, Amanda and I just share a lot of interests, that's all." "We both come from Florida..." "There's no reason to justify your behavior." "I'm simply suggesting you might use some discretion." "Discretion?" "It's not appropriate for a senior officer to fraternize with a subordinate." "She's not Starfleet." "There's nothing inappropriate about it." "What's wrong?" "We need to get this data to the captain immediately." "There's no mistake." "The pod's hull contains the exact combination of alloys we found on the surface of the Spheres." "You remember the Triannon creation myth?" "They believe that the Spheres were created by divine beings who would one day return to the Chosen Realm." "And that the Spheres were reshaping the Expanse into a paradise for the faithful." "Perhaps Triannon mythology has a basis in fact." "It appears the pod was designed to transmit data regarding the alien's physiological status." "I believe he was inserted into the disturbance so someone could monitor his exposure to the environment." "A canary." "On Earth, miners used to take canaries into the tunnels with them." "If the canary didn't die, the miners knew the air would be safe to breathe, and they could proceed." "His condition has worsened." "He's literally disintegrating, and there doesn't seem to be any way to stop it." "I want to talk to him again." "I don't even know if I can revive him." "Find a way." "Captain, this man is dying a painful death." "To keep him conscious is unethical." "Until I get the answers I need, we're going to have to bend a few ethics." "Very well." "I'll do what I can." "Notify me when he's conscious." "Corporal." "Come in." "Thank you, ma'am." "I appreciate your doing this." "Please, sit down." "Remove your jacket." "I assume Commander Tucker briefed you on the proper breathing technique?" "He did." "Begin with a deep breath." "Good." "Dr. Phlox did caution you against any further neuro-pressure from Commander Tucker?" "I got the lecture." "You and Commander Tucker appear to enjoy each other's company." "We do have a lot in common." "Did he tell you we grew up less than 50 kilometers from each other?" "He didn't mention it." "Our high schools were rivals." "We went to the same movie theaters." "What are the odds?" "Extremely low." "Unfortunately, neither of our hometowns exists anymore." "They were both destroyed in the attack." "Did you lose any relatives?" "My family moved up north a few years ago." "I was lucky." "Commander Tucker was greatly affected by his sister's death." "He talks about her a lot." "You're quite fond of him." "Mmm." "What's not to like?" "He's a gentleman, he's great to be around." "And he has very nice arms." "I apologize." "I'll try not to press so hard." "We developed this specialized training system at Jupiter Station a few months ago." "The goal is to hit as many targets as you can in ten seconds." "Lieutenant, if you're up for it?" "Fall back." "Start him off at Level Two." "Four targets in ten seconds." "Not bad for a first go." "But you might want to schedule a little practice time." "Kick it up to Level Four." "Nine hits." "That's a mid-range score." "Corporal Cole here 14 hits at Level Four." "I was having a lucky day." "Okay, let's do some shooting." "We'll start at Level Two and work our way up." "Who'd like to go next?" "That target practice was something." "Sure looked a lot easier than it was." "Yeah, I'd say." "Aw, come on." "Your score got a lot better as the session went on." "I started picturing Hayes' head in place of the target." "You two really ought to declare a truce." "Oh, no." "This is a fight to the death." "I guess if I were in your shoes, I'd be just as upset." "He's determined to take over the security of this ship, you know." "You really believe that?" "Everything he does points to the fact." "It could also be that he wants everyone to be as prepared as possible." "You have to admit, the extra training isn't such a bad idea." "Just drop it." "Okay." "So, why don't you tell me about you and Ms. Cole?" "We're friends." "Is everyone on this ship watching us?" "You're pretty hard to miss." "That's what T'Pol said." "Is it true she's giving Amanda neuro-pressure now?" "So?" "I heard it's damage control from your tender touch." "T'Pol's just smoothing out some of the rough spots, that's all." "And why were you giving Amanda Cole neuro-pressure anyway?" "What's it to you?" "From what I'm told, it's a pretty intimate procedure... for just friends." "I do it with T'Pol." "Are you implying there's something going on there as well?" "That's the rumor." "Look, for the last time, there's nothing going on with any of us... between any of us." "Right." "You're all just friends." "That's right." "Huh." "I guess this Vulcan neuro- pressure isn't that intimate after all." "Exactly." "In that case, I've got a pain nasty little pain.." "Just drop it." "We know you were sent here as some kind of a test subject." "The region of space where we found you, what is it?" "His pain medication's wearing off." "Hold off a second." "Captain..." "I was sent against my will!" "I'm not from your part of space." "I come from a trans-dimensional realm." "Keep going." "I don't know why I was sent here." "I find that hard to believe." "It's the truth." "I was a prisoner." "Because of my transgressions," "I spent my entire adult life inside a cell." "One day, the guards offered me freedom if I would participate in an experiment." "I agreed." "That's all I remember before I woke up here." "We found you drifting in a pod, hooked up to banks of monitoring equipment." "You're telling me you have no idea why." "The experiment was important to them." "They wouldn't abandon me." "Take me back." "That's impossible." "If you don't, I'll die." "Please!" "What's happening to me?" "!" "What's happening to me?" "!" "Captain's Starlog, supplemental." "With Travis' adjustments in place, we've resumed course for the red giant." "Between all this training and the extra shifts in Engineering," "I've been looking forward to this all day." "Sit up." "You aren't saying much tonight." "Don't tell me you're still upset about me and Amanda." "I'm not upset." "Sure sounds like it." "You're mistaken." "Why would a few neuro-pressure sessions between me and a MACO be such a big deal?" "Unless..." "Unless what?" "Unless you're a little jealous." "I don't experience jealousy." "You're doing a pretty fair imitation of it." "I am not in any way jealous of you and Corporal Cole." "You know, your voice is tensing up." "That's a dead giveaway." "I didn't know you were an expert in vocal inflections." "I don't need to be an expert to read you." "Come on." "Admit it." "You're a little jealous." "You're implying that I'm attracted to you." "That kind of goes along with the assumption, doesn't it?" "I think you're mistaken about who's attracted to whom." "Are you saying I'm attracted to you?" "I don't need to say it." "You already have." "I don't remember that conversation." "It wasn't you." "It was your clone." "Sim told me." "Sim?" "He said he had feelings for me." "He told you that?" "Standing right there." "What the hell was he doing in your room?" "Your voice is tensing up." "Now you're the vocal expert." "I don't need to be an expert to read you." "I can't believe this." "I'm, I'm jealous of myself?" "You're jealous?" "No, absolutely not." "Okay, maybe." "Maybe I am a little." "Which would mean you're attracted to me." "It goes with the assumption." "What just happened here?" "Did we...?" "Are we...?" "You're not like the others on this ship." "They're from a different world than I am." "What are they called, your two worlds?" "Mine is called Denobula." "My shipmates are from Earth." "Am I going to die?" "I'm doing everything I can." "I'm grateful to you for trying, Doctor." "Try to rest." "You leaving so soon?" "I don't want to distract you." "Oh, it's no distraction." "In fact, I could use a sparring partner." "If you're up for it." "Always." "Good forearm block." "Nice back fist." "Show me the combination." "Faster on that combination." "You're improving." "You want to keep that left up." "That's it." "Excellent!" "You're improving." "See, you were looking at my hands, when you should've been looking at my eyes." "Okay, Lieutenant..." "Major..." "Tell me something." "What?" "Why won't you let me do my job?" "Because you're here to enhance the combat capacity of this crew, not take over security." "Is that what this is all about?" "You think I want to replace you?" "Ah, you just can't stand taking orders from me, can you?" "I have no problems taking orders from you." "After lunar survival training, I can handle just about anything." "Good sparring with you." "Hayes!" "As you were." "What was that?" "It was a little Klingon move I picked up." "Tactical Alert." "Senior officers to their posts." "He's disrupting systems as he goes." "We can use that to track him." "That was the secondary relay coupling." "He's on B-Deck." "Between the A-1 and A-3 bulkheads." "We're coming up on Access Tube 17 Baker." "He's moving in your direction." "Can you be any more specific?" "Malcolm, status." "Our weapons had no effect on him." "He's heading towards the center of the ship." "Archer to Engineering." "Tucker..." "Lieutenant!" "Magnetic containment is fluctuating." "We need to reverse polarity on the plasma coils." "It'll trigger a feedback pulse!" "Turn the T-valve all the way to the left!" "All right!" "Let's see if you can handle this." "Morning." "Commander." "Coffee, strong." "Some night." "Eventful." "I don't know who did more damage to the engine, the alien or Malcolm." "How long before we can get underway?" "Another day, at least." "I, uh..." "I guess we should talk about what happened last night." "I've been briefed on the situation." "Well, I was referring to what happened between us... in your quarters." "I guess I'll go first." "I..." "Actually, why don't you go first?" "I suppose I should thank you." "No need to thank me." "For facilitating my exploration of human sexuality." "I'm..." "not sure I follow." "It's one of the many aspects of your species which I've been meaning to explore since I left the High Command." "Sounds like you're saying that last night was... some kind of... experiment." "I wouldn't use that term." "But that's the general idea." "Are you getting emotional?" "No, I'm not getting emotional." "I just don't like being compared to a lab rat." "I'm sorry if I offended you." "Forget it." "I'd, uh... appreciate it if we could keep this between us." "In fact, we should probably just forget it ever happened." "Agreed." "Doesn't mean we can't keep doing the neuro-pressure, though." "Dr. Phlox says you have a detached retina." "A bruised left kidney." "We're in a dangerous region of space." "We're trying to stop an alien race from destroying Earth." "We face attacks from all sides... enemies everywhere we go." "The last thing I need is to hear that two of my senior officers have been admitted to Sick Bay because they suddenly regressed to the level of 5-year-olds!" "Captain..." "Don't try to tell me who started it!" "I don't know what the problem is between you two." "And to tell you the truth," "I don't care, but I want it settled right now!" "Settle it!" "That's an order!" "There's no problem, Captain." "It's settled, sir." "How are the drills going?" "Good, sir." "Very good, sir." "Archer." "Please come to Sick Bay, Captain." "The alien has regained consciousness." "On my way." "Think we're dismissed?" "I'm afraid there's nothing I can do." "You weren't sent here against your will." "You knew exactly what your mission was." "What were your people trying to do?" "You tried to destroy my ship!" "Why!" "?" "Answer me!" "When the Xindi destroy Earth, my people will prevail." "SUBTITULADO EN EL "PROYECTO GENESIS" 3 TEMPORADA ENTERPRISE" " Feb.2004" | {
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"MENTALIST /'men-t3-list/ noun" "Someone who uses mental Acuity,hypnosis and/or suggestion." "A master manipulator of Thoughts and behavior." "Morning,captain." "Agent lisbon." "Jane,consulnt." "What do we have here?" "thanks for stepping in." "Homicide unit owes you one." " Jane." "You're that psychic fella." " Right." "Me?" "I don't buy into that e.S.P. Crap." " No offense." " None taken." "Here we have ivor rassmussen,age 34,address river park no sign of the murder weapon." "Store ri was onhe scene pretty fast." "We were ableo detain everybody who was in the section at the time." "We're holding them over in the furniture department." "So,carnac,what does ivor say?" "He tell you who done it?" "leather pants,musky cologne,phallic jewelry." "A ladies' man." "Went after high-end cougars with moderate success." "Casual cocaine user." "Plays guitar--not well." "Works in the noncreative end of a creive business." "Advertising,maybe." "Nothing worth killing anyone over anyway." "So hdied r romantic reasons." "Where are those suspects you mentione" " the witnesses?" " Whatever." "Ta it down a notch." "Take it down three notches." "Okay." "Under contro we'll get this done quic and be on our way." "Hello." "We're from the cbi." "May well be that one of you is the murderer." "If that's so,i'm gonna find out who." "These two are innocent." "Th can go." "Uh,stick around." "We're gonna need atatement." "Neil." "What's the worst mistake you've ever made?" "Quick." " Uhfirst marriage." " Good answer." "Why so nervous?" "I'm not." "I just--i..." "You." "Youname?" " Candice." " Caice." "That name." "Here." "Thank you." "It's okay." "I'm a consultant." "Candice,take my advice." "Forgive your mother.Maybe the headaches will s" " i love my mother." " Oh,i'm wrong." "Ignoreadvice." "You." "Your name." " Reed." " Excuse me." " This is a joke,right?" " A joke?" "A man has been kled ." "Is that funny to you?" "Are you amused?" " No,but-- - then sit." "Reed,quk question." "Green lantern versus thor- who wins?" " Thor." "Oh,yeah." "Why'd you kill rassmussen?" " I didn't." " All right." "Now,you,miss grumpy and entitled,what's your story?" "My name is mandy shultz.And i'll havyou know that my-- let me guess." "Your husband is a very important person." "He is,as it happens." "John's on the modesto city council." "And this is totally unprofessional and disrespectful." "I'll have my husband take thp with your superiors." "Mandy,mandy,mandy." "The diet pills are messing with your mind." "This is sacramento,the big city." "Your husband means nothing here." "Okay,that's enough." "Agent lisbon?" " Give him another moment." " Don't need a moment." "Ca is all but closed." " Mandy here is gonna lead us right to the murder weapon." " What?" "Take my hands." "I need physical contact to read your mind." " You're nuts." " Ove it." "If i'm wrong,if we can't find the murder weapon,then i look like an idiot." "Yes,you will." " What are you-- - don't speak." "The murder weapon." "This is crazy." "I had no idea that was there." "How could u direct us right to it if you didn't put it there?" "I didn't." "I-i don't know." "But i-i didn't kill that man." "I-i didn't!" " She's right." "She has nothing to do with the murder." " What?" "I just used her as a decoy to lull the real killer into giving me clean directional cues." "Oh,come on." "What are you talking about now?" "Whatever way he didn't wants to go is the way that we went." " The real killer." " Yeah,you wanna guess who it is?" "Come on,jane." "Neil." "Excusee." "No,i--it wasn't." "I-i dot even know thatan." "Oh,is that rit?" "I'm guessing that he was having an affair withour current wife." "You found out and you forgave her like a sucker." "He saw you here,probably smirked and said something very clever,made you feel..." "Small." "Humiliated you!" " Nice work." " What?" "Case is closed,isn't it?" "Put it down!" "I sa drop it now!" "The Mentalist Season02 Episode01 Redemption" "A dead suspect,quarter-million dollars worth of damages, formal complais of misconduct from the s.P.D." "And the modesto cityouncil." "Those damages wereay padded." "All due respect,virgil,i was trying to close the case." "It was my feeling that red john should be our priority," " given the dozen frh leads" " Stop!" "stop." "That's the nub of the problem righthere--red john." "Ever since the tanner incident,you've been runnin' way too hot." "I fear a terminal screw up coming." "That's not gonna happen." "I can hand him." "Can you?" "Maybe since he saved your life,you're going easy on him." "Maybe you feel compelled cut him somslack." "No,sir." "Ths absolutely not the case." "Hey,sam,get in here." " Lisbon." " Bosco." "Agent bosco and his unit are taking over the red john case." "What?" "No,no,no." "You have always been too close to the case,and now both of you are way o close." "We need to make a change." " Can we talk about this?" " No." "You've worked for agent bosco." "You ow that heill do the job right." "You ed to let my team finish what they started." "Teresa,no offense,but you guys aren't even close to catching this guy." "Fresh set of eye gotta be aogd idea." "What do you know about the case?" "Not much." "He's a seri killer." "15 victims,including your wife and child." "I can imagine your pain." "Maybe that pain is clouding your judgment." "And me,sam?" "What's clouding my judgment?" "Good question." "You tell ." "What happened?" "We're off red john." " What?" " Forever?" " Rrwill we get reprimanded?" " Who gets it instead?" "Quiet." "Look,this is my fault,but it's a wake-upall for all of us." "We've grown slack and unprofessional." "We neeto earn back e trust thatewve lost." "From now on,we work 100% straight." "No more shortcuts.No more ga-- what are you doing?" "You're leaving?" "Well,frankly,if i can't use this job to seek some kind of personal revenge,thenuh, there's not a whole lot here for me." "But i-i..." "I don'make anything better." "I can't brindead people back to life." "What good do we do?" "We drive around california visitingappy people." "We're fighng evil and injustice." "And how's that going?" "Any progress lately?" "We put bad guys away where ey can't hurt people." "That's gd enough." "I was doing more good as a psychic." "I was givingeople hope,at least." " False hope,but hope anyway." " Van pelt." "You're right." "Best you leave." "That way you can go back to bei a full-time fraud and we can continue our useless jobs in peace." " Well,that's actually not what i said." " Yes,it was." " We're up." "Twenty palms." " Let's go." "Yocome,too,an pt." "We'll take two vehicles in case need to split up." "I'll see you when you get there." "Boss,disrespect,but i ink we need jane." "'Ll manage.Maybe we don't cse as many cases, but the ones we do close will be closed right,by prossionals." "Vapelt,it's not a jet plane." "Okay,okay,okay." "S-sorry." "Oh,i'm t gonna leave you in the lurch." "I'll do one more case." "Do up your seat belt." "*****" "Van pelt,you come with me." "You guys talk to the first responders,see what they got." "Hey,the apartment's upstairs." "We have a female caucasian,late 3." "ran license down alrdy." "It a fake." "We're calling her jane doe." "Who found the body?" "The building manager noticed her door was open overnight." "Last one down to the left." "Thank you." "What's your take?" "Hit with a stun gun en suffocated with the cushion." "And they were looking for something,obviously." "Did they find it,grace?" "It's impossible to tell." "Well,it seems they look everywhere possible." "Yes?" "Yeah." "So we can assume that they didn't find it,whatever it is." "How so?" "Well,let's say there's a ndred places to look r a thing." "How likely is it that you will find it in the hundred pla you look?" " Not very likely,right?" " What else you got?" "No drug paraphernali no condoms or other items suggesting prostitution." "So..." "Maybe a personal crime?" "A husband or lover?" "Bravo,grace." "Wrong,i expec but very welreasoned nonetheless." "Thank you,all." "Appreciate it." "Thing off the car,but we'll have the lab boys take a look." "It's still registered to the previous owner,sold it for cash six months ago." "So basically we know nothing about her." "Nice start." "She's a law-iding middle-class housewife that did something bad, something she feels terriblyuilty about-- guilty enough to make her run away and hide." "That's evidence." "Yoknow the drill." "You put "bullfrogs win high schbasketball trophy" into a search engine, we will find jane doe's home." " Can i take a look at that?" " Sure." "It's a working truck." "Dad must be in construct something like that." "Bayshore courier,ril 2006." ""county finals--la bulrogs dominate inju-plagueders." "If they list the players,cross-check the surnames with the other arcles from the same newspaper in the last year using the word disappearae."" "" if we leave now,we can be i bayshore in a couplef hours."" "oh,we need a ttle more than lady bullfrogs to go on." ""bayshore courier" of june this year." "Headline is "pice no closer to dunninger."" ""since her disappearance last month,bayshore p.D.Have been unable to locate"" ""43-year-old monica dunninger,the secretary accused of stealing nearly $1 million"" "from her employers,the jaffe printing group."" "Okay." "Bayshore it is then." "So the killer must've been looking for the million bucks." "If she had a million bucks,why would she live in a dump like this?" "Before we get on the freeway,it'd be good to take a little drive around the neighborhood, be good to find anmpty house for sale." "Why would that bgood?" "I'm thinking of moving here." "No secrets,jane." "No lies." "No tricks." "No surprises." "The truth." "Since when is that thrule?" "Since i said so." " Else what?" " You're off the unit." "That's not leve." "This is my last case,remember?" "Thonly reason i'm still here is 'cause i'm worried about how you guys would cope withoume." "Oh,really?" "So wre lost without you,are we?" "Wellyeah." "Let's be honest here." "Let's go." "Wait." "This..." "What'd you say to em?" "Nothing,really." "Totaerreaction." "Yeah." "We need to find a house for sale." "Ok." "Ah,there's a sign." "Perfect." "****" "You gonna tell me what that's about?" " Wouldn't you rather it be a surprise?" " No." "Oh,look." "Look,look,strawberries." "****" "Strawberries?" "See?" "How good is that?" "Gd." "Cho,rigsby,start canvassing the neighbors." "Van pelt,come with me." "Uh,i..." "Lisbon,uh..." "I'm sorry for what sayou before." "Can i please connue working with you?" "I thought you were quitting." "You know i dn't mean that." "So the job is worthwhile,is it?" "Eh,it's not that." "I mean,it's not that at all." "It's just..." "I have nothing else to do." "No jokes." "From now on,there have to be boundaries." "Agreed." "I need to know that you can do your work and be effective withoucreating a mess th i have to clean up." "No mess,i swear." "On that basi you can remain with the unit." "Thank u." "Here." "So how did she die?" "It s a hocide,but she didn't suffer." "We don't have any suspects yet." "Where was she?" "She was ling alone in a small apartment in twenty palms." "I thought she'd be living it up inexico or somepla." " She was always-- - stop it." "I need to lie down." "Okay,champ,let's roll." " I'm making some tea." "Would you like a cup?" " Noank you." "Oh,oh,i-i'd love a cup." "Thanks." "Ansel,uh,had cancer." "He's totally better now but still weak." " It's in remission?" " Gone." "100%." "We were blessed." "Even the doctors were amazed." "Oh,thank you." "Tell mabouyour mother." "Sure." "I'll tell you." "Ng all that money and running off-- that was just the icing on the cake." "When ansel got cancer,her wa coping-- painkillers and a sleazebag lover." "That's mom." "Did u know her lover's name?" "Bodhi andros." "How fou out?" "Ansel goes to meet his mom at her yogarobics class." "He finds her banging the teaer in his office." "Can you imine?" " Then wt happened?" " She did her dance." "She's so ashamed,she's so sorry,she's changed." "Whatever." "And d was halfway to fgiving her." "He c't help it." "He loves her." "But yodon' love her?" "She..." "Never had time for me." "So." "I cod always see through her chm." "You know?" "To the selfish cow beneath-- kessie!" "Don't talk that way." "E loved you." "Look,she's dead." "Show some respect." "She was a beautiful soul,full of joy an-and big dreams." "And reality just kinda beat h down." "But here's the thing." "It was only because the robbery was in the news that the doctors at cedars of zion heard about ansel anreached out to help us." "They took him on for free and they sav his life-- saved his life when everybody id there was no hope." "You know,god works inysterious ways." "Well,you kn,god doesn't necessarily,uh,answer- thank you very much for you time." " Yeah." "Thank you." "Very nice tea." "Oh,uh,i almost fort." "Do e eher of you know a miles thorsen?" " Uh,no,i don't thso." " No." "You sure?" " Yeah." " Yes." "All righ." "ansel.Hey,ans!" " You know miles thorsen?" " No." "Okay." "Bye." "Thank you." "Who's miles thorn?" " No o in particular." " This is what i'm talking about." "Nome,too." "Y-you want no fuss,no mess,right?" "I am casting a wide,inble ne the killer won't even know he's in it until it's too late." " Miles thsen is an invisible net?" " Yes,he is." "We got an address on bodhi andros." "Cho,rigsby,go and check him out." "Van pelt,get on the money trail." "Somebody's got tt $1 million." "Start with the dad and the daughter." "See if either of them's been spending money they shouldn't have." "They looked clean me." "Oh,did they?" "Okay,eat.Just let them be ." "i don't..." "I'll check 'em out." "Okay,come on.Let's get back to sacramento,grump at's the hurry?" "I have a meeting with bosco." "Good luck." "Great class,gs." "Hey,and let's use that cus we found throughout the week,okay?" "Namaste." "Namaste." "Okay,thank you." " I'm looking for bodhi andros." " Oh,crap!" "Yeah,his office is upstairs,to the right." "Thank you." " Rememb that time you saidou'd been in juvie?" " Yep." "Yonever said what you got sent there for." "It'sang stuff." "You were in a gang?" "What was the name of the gang?" "Avon park playboys." " Avon park playboys?" " I didn't choose the name." "And,uh,what ki of stuff did the playboys do?" " Nothing good." " Like what?" "Nothing you need to know about." "Mm,fair enough." "Your call." "See,i don't think partners shld have secrets,but your call." "Likeon't have any secrets." " What's the supposed to mean?" " U know what i me." "Hey,you in there." "Police." "Cbi." "Very slowly,stand up." "I'm unarmed,man." "I have no weapons." "Well,that's great." "So come out slowly with your hands on your head,and i won't hurt you." "Promise." "Okay,i'm coming out now." "Don't shoot." "Morning,sir." "You bodhi andros?" " Yes,i am." " Turn around." "Sorry i'm late." "Bad traffic." " What are you having?" " What are you having?" "Well,i'llave a bottle of water,nks." "A dog with kraut,bottle of water." "Thank you." "Well,i'm not gonna lie." "I'm not happy i'm off the red case." "You might be right." "Fresset of eye may be what's needed." "Now here's the thing,sam,if i may." "I know this case." "I can be a vy good resource for you." "If we could just come to some kind of understanding..." " You wante to,uh,keep you up toate on the case?" " Yeah,sure." "Tell you about fsh leads,etcetera." "Yeah,let's just keep an open line ocommunication." "Od?" "Wife has me on a diet." "This is like committing' adultery here." "Let me communicate this to you." "You're a party entertainer,a clown." "Fresh leads?" "I wouldn't tell you where the bathroom is if your ass was on fire." "Do we have a good understanding now?" "I untand you." "It may take you some time to understand me." "You're filled with equal parts self-loathing and self-love." "You're addicted to control." "You're terrified of confinement." "who's my favorite beatle?" "Your wife wanted you to quit the psychic trade." "She begged you to stop,but you were making too much money." "You were havin' too much fun." "You can still hear her eading with you." "How am i doin'?" "You read the interviews in my caseile." "You can read very impressive." "Looktrick,i'm sorry to be so blunt with you." "Really?" "You're not a detective." "You're a victim." "****" " You never sa." "How was your meet with bosco?" " What?" "I can't hear you!" " I said,how did it go wi bosco?" " I can't..." "How did it go with bco?" "Good." "It was,uh,itas very good." "We had a frank exchange of views." " So he's gonna keep us in the loop?" " No." " No?" " Wouldn direct me to the bathroom if my ass s on fire." "Think that's funny?" "So that'mrs." "Jaffe er there." " Thank you." " Sure." " what are you gonna do?" " Nothing." "Nothing?" "If you sown byhe riverbank and wait long enough, you will see the bies of your enemies float by." "Shall we?" "Agent lisbon,is it?" "I'm rhonda jaffe,company chairwoman." " Th is my colleague mr." "Jane." " Hello." "Thank you so much for taki the time to talk to us." "Oh,not at all." "And you wanted to meet with my finance direcr greg humphrey?" " Yes,ma'am." " All rit." "Well,let's speak in my office." "Did u know monica dunninger?" "Oh,yeah." "I know everyone on staff." "So sad." "The whole thing is just so sad." "The poor woman." "More troubled than conniving,i'm sure." "And you know,it's not the money." "It's more the loss of trust." "This is very,very mh a family firm." "And my father always used to say,jaffprinting is aboulues,not about machinery." "Do you knomiles thorsen?" "Miles thsen?" "No." " Are you sure?" " Yes." " Seriously,stop it." " Relax." "I saved her life." "She resents me." "Oh,really?" "Jill?" "Jill?" "Jill,where has greg humphre gone to?" "He's supposed to be in here." "Hello?" "Humble apologies." "Small crisis on the inventory desk." "Solved." "Uh,greg humphrey." "Good to meet you." "Patrick jane." "We're investigating the murder of monica nninger." "Yes." "Terrible." "Horrible." "You were her direct supervisor,ishat right?" "I know wt you're gonna say,and ye yes,it was my fault that shetole from us." "Mea culpa." "I-i should've known." "Greg is like family ticall we all make mistakes we live,we learn,we move on." "Uh,can you explaito us w she did ?" "In layman's terms?" "Been there,done that with the top men from the fbi financial unit." "Do we really need to ger it again?" " Yes." " No problem." "Ank you." "What exactly was her position he?" "Assistant office manager." "She kept the petty ca accounts." "Coffee and doughnut monitor essentially." "This was her office." "How did she manage to steal so much money?" "When the accounting and finance systems were integrated, nobody thought to firewall the tty cash accounts." "Monica acquired user access to the transactional sites and created a false vendor." "I didn't think s had the brains,to be ." "We don't know exactly how she did it because she frd her hard drive and e took her accountsook with her." "Are we about to look at a ole bunch of numbers?" "Probably." " All right." "I'll wait in the car." " Go." "Do you know a man named miles thorsen?" " No." " You sure?" "Think about it." " I'm sure." "Who is he?" " Never mind." "Please continue." "Would you excuse me?" "Ss,i think i found something." "The victim's daughter,ssie dunninger-- shhandles the family money,pays the bills." "Five months ago,she stopped paying the rent by standing order,switched to cash." "Me thing with the utity bills." "Paid in cash." "Nice work." "A andalto her." "She doesn't have a good answer,bring her in." "Will do,boss." "Yes!" "Y did you hiderom us,bodhi?" "Fear,man." "Fear." "I've been frightened for my life er since i heard." " Why?" " Who killed her?" "Either it was her goober hnd finally snapped,ich puts me next in line, or it's whoever she went into business with,and maybe they think i know too much." "She was in business with someone?" "Just before she disappeared,she came by to see me, told me she made a business deal with someone that would make everything all right." " A business deal?" "Were those the words she used?" " Yep." "She was starting a new day in her life and wanted to make amends and apogize for being such a pain in theutt,which she was." "How so?" "She was way too deep into her fily and to her kids and all that crap." "Loved those kids." "Why do i want to talk to her about her sick boy?" "Like i can help?" " You'reot a doctor." " Exactly." "When we were caught by that kid,she just..." "Went to pieces,you know?" "And i'm like,don't get so down on yourself." "You gotta love u en if you're a total screw up,right?" "The greatest." "Love..." "Of all." "Whitney was right,as usual." "Ight." "Y know a man named les thorsen?" " No." "Who's he?" " I don't know." "is that enough sugar?" "Ye thank you." "So,kessie,tell me abouthe money." "About a month after shran off,mom called me, said she wanted to help out,wanted to know how ansel was doing." "She loves us so much,blah,blah,blah." "I told her to go to hell,and i hung up." "2 days later,i got a letter with $5,000 in cash inside." "Any message?" "Julove,mom." thth was it." "What was i supposed to do,give it to the police?" "Actually,yes." "Well,i didn't." "We really needed the money." " Did you ever tell your dad about the mo ." " No." "How often did shsend you money?" "$5,000 every month." " Did you ever write back to her?" " No." " I like h for this." " How so?" "She desp mom." "Mom's got $1 million stolen dolla,gets in contact secretly." "Do t eath." " Maybe." " No?" "What's your take?" "I'd be guessing." "Could be anybody." "Not anybody." "Youidn't do it." "I didn't do it." "You're distracted." "You're thinking about bosco and red john." "Focus on the job at hand." "You're glad bosco has the red john case,aren't you?" "Bosco is good agent." "He's as gothey come." "It might not be such a bad thing that we're off t case for a while." "We got too ose." " Is that what your shrink tells u?" " Everybody tells me that." "But your shrink didtell you that,didn't he?" "Okay,may--maybe you're right." "Maybe--maybe that's the truth." "Maybe we did get a little too close." "I'm not so sure." " But i'll think about it." " Liar." "I've got a deposition." "See that box ever there?" "It's got mica dunninger's possessionin it." " Go through it,see what you can see." " Yes,ma'am." "Uh,whwants to come with me out to twenty lms to catch the killer?" "Did lisbon okay is?" "Of course." " What is this place?" " Guess." " Mis thorsen's house." " Exactly." "Who's miles thorsen?" " I haveo idea." " ****" "Isn't that your number?" "Uh,yeah,that's my number." "That's in case the killer gets here before us." "That way,he'll call us." "Wh's that over there?" " Hey,we have no warrant." " Don't you hear someone yelling in there?" " No." " I heard something." "There's no yelling." "I have perfect hng." "I could ear i heard someone." "Okay,so what are we doing here?" "Erybody involved is wondering who miles thorsen ." "The killer will be doub curious." "Triply,even." "Maybe the mysterious miles thorse has what the killer is looking for,what heidn't find." "When they look him up,ty'll learn there's a miles thorsen who lives rind the rner from monica." " Hey,resto." " This is extly the kind ostuff the boss was tking about." "She didn't okay this at all,did she?" "So shoot me." ""the fax machine revolution--the little box that'sing our world."" "why would monica dunninger be reading this book?" "You,cho,shouldn't enable this kind of crap." "We're not doing anything wrong." "What's the problem?" "Uh,burglary,espassing,willful damage to property." " Yeah,door was open." " Uh,no,it wasn't." " Of course." " What?" "Rigsby,you' right." "You shouldn't be here." "Let us take this." " You go find the nearest library." " Why?" "Your punishmfor being a wuss is i'm not gonna tell ya." " Oh,come on." " Nope,i'm not gonna tell you." "Fine." "Fine." "Whatever." "Call when you're there." "So what's the gag?" "Oh,there's no gag." "I solved the case." "I thought you already dithat." "I thought that's why we're waiting here." "Nope." "This is,uh..." "Well..." "Thiss more of a fishing expedition." "You know,maybe we get a bite." "Maybe we don't." "That's the fun of it." "We just sit back,relax,dangle our feet in the water." "This guy predicted th by the year 2000, every american household will have a fax machine." "Can u believe that?" "I had a fax mach you?" "Yeah." "Nostradamus of officequipment." "See,this is why i dot like fishing." " E not goa catch ything." " We have some very tasty bait.I'm ry confide did you consider that the killer found the money alrey?" "I don't think it was money theyere looking for." "I don't think monica ever h it." "Then wt did she have then?" "And who has the money?" "Great bone original mid century detail." "Great new copper piping." "Hello." "Did you have a fax machine in 2000?" "No cause for alarm,sir." "We're law enforcement officers." "Cbi." "Kimball..." "Cho." "Okay." "What are you doing here,kimball?" "Is there a problem?" "It's an ongoing investigation,sir." "Can give out any details." "Grisly homide,though." "N't we take a look at that duplexn royston?" "Shall we?" "That's a good call." " Damn it." " Relax." "He got my name." "Well,you spoke the truth." "We are an ongoing investigation." "Yeah,but we're supped to be working 100% straight." "This isot that." "I'm--i'm sorry." "Wr-wrong address." "Rhonda!" "Come back." "I'm here out of curiosity,that's all." "Well,of course." "I've got nothing else to say without my lawyer." "U don't need to say anything." "I knew it was you from the start." "Thanksor sring." "Well,when i say i-i knew it was her,i-i mean,i-i guessed, i subconsciously thought it was her when i saw a photo of her holding large check outside cedars of zion." "It was you that stole the $1 million from your own compan why would i do that?" "Well,degenerate gambling would be my gu but whatever youproblem is, when threatened with exposure,you made a deal with poor monica." "If she'd take the blame and disappea you'd get ansel into the best cancer program in california and pay her a monthly wage to stay gone." "That's absurd." "But then ansel got cured,and there's way monica was gonna stay gone,not much longe then you had to silence her." "That's pure fiction." "Yohave no proof at all." "We--we have proof." "Wait." "Yeah,we got--there it is." "Yep." "This is gonna be good." "Yep,i'm here." "I know,i know." "The fax machine revolution is a library book,and monica dunning swapped it." "Hold on." "I'm checking it." "All right." "Got it." "Hold up." "Looks like an accountsook." "There's a dvd in it." "This is just to say that..." "In case something happen to me, that i swear on the bible that everyg in the account book theruth." "I know that i've prettmuch lost your love and respect for good." "But i hope that this dl at i've made will help ansel get better and will make up for some of the hurt that i've caused." "I love you all so much, especially you,keie,even though you ink i don't." "I'm st so soy for this mess that i've made." "Please forgive me." "Goodye." "The book spells out the deal." "Monica took the fall for her boss so that ansel would have the best possible treatment." "Nice work." "Sam bosco here." "Cbi major crimes program." "Question." "How do i go about changing my iuse access passcode?" "I gostrong reasoto believe it's been compmised." "Yeah,great." "Sure." "Sure,i can hold." | {
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"It is the show-stopper of our Solar System, basking in its own glow, it seduces all admirers." "However, it is a beauty with a mean streak." "It's a massive, frigid ball of gas, surrounded by icy rings hurdling at 40,000 miles an hour." "It is a planet of violent weather, with a polar storm bigger than the United States of America." "Saturn has some of the most powerful weather in the Solar System." "The lightning could be a million times more powerful than here on Earth." "But its moons are even more exciting." "The geysers on Enceladus are erupting water vapour hundreds of miles into the air because there's much lower gravity there and the fact that there's no atmosphere holding them in." "Another has an atmosphere with oceans and mountains." "Could life exist on one of these moons?" "Saturn, Lord of the Rings." "If there is one planet that represents the majesty, mystery and awe of the Universe," "it is Saturn." "It stirs emotion even from scientists who are stunned by its cosmic perfection." "You've got to hand it to Saturn for being the most beautiful thing out there." "It's been my favourite planet since I first saw it through the telescope." "While it looks sleepy and serene, the sixth planet from the Sun is anything but." "Saturn is a dynamo whose beauty is skin-deep." "Saturn's an absolutely frigid place." "You wouldn't want to step out on the surface." "For one reason, you'd fall 'cause there is no surface, but secondly, you'd freeze to death instantly." "Saturn is a hunk of hydrogen and helium that races around its axis distorting its shape." "When you watch a professional toss of pizza, as it spins around it flattens out." "So it's the same kind of idea, because it's spinning so rapidly it's actually sort of squashed, sort of bulges in the middle." "It's called an "oblate spheroid"." "Even though it's much more massive than our own planet, you'd actually weigh slightly less on Saturn that you do on Earth." "A 150-pound human would weigh only 137 pounds on Saturn." "That's because Saturn has such a low density." "The only planet in the Solar System less dense than water." "Saturn is so bloated, the gases take up so much space compared to the total amount of mass in Saturn, that its density is less than one." "So if we could get somehow some... really big ocean in put Saturn in it, it would float." "Saturn is the second largest planet in our Solar System." "It is a gas giant, a mass of hydrogen and helium" "750 times the size of Earth." "A day on the planet is 10,6 hours long." "And it takes 29.5 Earth years to orbit the Sun." "It has 48 named moons." "Saturn has been around for 4.5 billion years." "It formed by accreting carbon dust, particle by particle, into a rocky core several times the size of Earth." "Then, it was able to attract gases, like hydrogen and helium, which collapsed under gravity." "As things started collapsing, this cloud began to compress, it began rotating more rapidly, but along its axis, from let's say top to bottom, it wasn't rotating, so it was free to collapse under the force of gravity." "It's called the conservation of angular momentum." "A principle on display at your local ice ring." "If you push your arms out if you're an ice skater, you'll go more slowly." "If you pull your arms in, then you'll be more concentrated towards the axis of rotation and you'll have to spin faster." "And that's just what happens for a planet as it condenses." "A spinning Saturn came out of this collapsed disk." "The feature that has made Saturn the most iconic planet in our Solar System, is its majestic, shimmering rings." "They are incredibly big, 173,000 miles in diameter." "Wider than 21 Earths side by side." "So it would take you 2 days in a really fast rocket ship to get from one side of the rings to the other." "They're huge." "However, these huge rings also are unbelievably thin." "Measuring about 65 feet." "When viewed from the side, they virtually disappear." "They are no thicker than about one, maybe two storeys in a modern day building." "They're paper-thin in comparison." "The rings may look like perfect solid disks, however, they are actually made up of billions of pieces of space debris." "But what exactly are they?" "They are countless icy bodies, ranging in size from... objects as big as houses all the way down to the finest, powdery snow, you might ski on in Utah." "And they're made of water ice." "They're particles that have been pulverized, so they've smashed into each other," "they've broken up into many, many little particles." "If you were to be inside those rings it would be like a beehive." "They're all over the place, like bees in a swarm." "It's a hostile place, you do not want to try to put a spacecraft through those rings." "And these particles spin very fast." "And they're screaming around the planet at 20 to 40,000 mph." "The inner rings spin faster than the outer rings, and there's a reason for that." "Kepler's laws say that if you're gonna orbit in a circle around a central body, if you're close up you move really fast, if you're far away, you move really slow." "If a particle the size of a grain of sand moving at hypersonic speed were to strike a spacecraft, it would be like a shotgun blast at point blank range." "And you get outside the rings, things are much quieter." "If you want to take a country drive around Saturn, go this way, instead of following the rings." "Why the rings are there is one of the planet's great mysteries." "The rings might have once been some of Saturn's moons that got too close and smashed into each other." "The fractured pieces were held by the planet's gravity to become its rings." "According to another theory, something big and fast might have crashed into one of Saturn's many moons." "The broken shards were sucked in by gravity and fell into orbit forming the rings." "Although scientists disagree as to how the rings were formed, they do agree as to who first studied them." "In 1610, the Florentine astronomer Galileo Galilei, first noted the rings of Saturn." "He saw these little things sticking out on the side of the planet." "He had no idea what they were, so like any good astronomer," "Galileo kept a journal, and he wanted to write into his journal what he had seen, but he didn't have a word for it, so in his journal, right in with the words, he drew in a drawing in place of a noun," "and this is what he drew." "Here's Saturn, and here's these two things." "Unfortunately Galileo never really figured out what it was." "We had to wait for a later astronomer to do that." "45 years later, a Dutch physicist, Christiaan Huygens, had an answer." "He knew that there wasn't just one ring, but several giant rings." "Today, there are seven know ring regions." "There's the A-ring, the B-ring and the C-ring." "So those are the three main rings." "There is a ring interior to the C-ring called the D-ring." "And once we got there with Voyager, showed us the F-ring in all its glory." "And then there were some diffuse rings outside, the E and the G-ring." "Each of these rings has a different personality." "The A-ring is almost transparent, which is why light easily passes through it." "The B-ring is dense, chock-full of material." "The C-ring is even more transparent than the A." "While the D-ring is barely there." "There's a lot of neat things in those rings." "So you can't think of them as homogeneous body." "You gotta think of each particle inside those rings and what is ***" "These distinct qualities are what we see as colours, shapes and shadows." "The wonder that is Saturn's rings." "The reason we can see them at all is due to the Sun." "Just as our moon glows with reflected sunlight, so do Saturn's rings." "It is a phenomenon called "ring shine"." "Just imagine yourself on the night side of Saturn looking up, and having the rings just completely covering the sky." "It's much brighter than ** the Earth on a full moon." "They shimmer, and they're brilliant and they're bright, and that's because they're mostly made up of ice particles which reflect a lot of sunlight." "However, there is evidence that the glowing marvels of our Solar System won't be around forever." "Some scientists are asking just when will they disappear." "For all scientists know about Saturn's rings, they remain a huge mystery." "When they appeared is a point of much debate." "Scientists used to believe that the rings were formed at the same time as Saturn." "4.5 billion years ago." "But because we don't understand what holds the rings together and our best guess as to how long the rings could stay together is only a hundred million years, there's something wrong with this picture." "There are reasons to believe they're no older than a few hundred million years old." "Those reasons lie in trying to estimate how much erosion is taking place on the rings, because of the hailstorm of micro-meteorites, small, tiny bodies... particles that come in at a tremendous speed and chip away at the rings and therefore erode them." "Neptune, Uranus and Jupiter also have rings, but theirs are sparse and dim." "Saturn's are bright and full, leading scientists to suggest that they haven't been exposed to erosion for long." "And therefore are relatively new." "But, does this gradual erosion mean that Saturn will lose its most magnificent feature?" "The idea is that over long periods of time the material can get just so small that it can be charged, and acquiring a charge in Saturn's magnetosphere, and then it can just get zipped away, taken away by the magnetic field." "Or it just spirals into Saturn itself." "That is a scenario for the death of the rings, it's that they finally get eroded away." "In order for Saturn to continuously have rings, they need to be re-filled." "For the moment Saturn has a tremendously large ring system, but the actual material in the rings does have to be replenished." "Strangely, another kind of assault might be necessary to preserve them." "They have to get renewed by an errant comet coming in and crashing, adding to the mass that's going around there." "And that kind of question is still being debated." "The debate continues when theorising as to when the ring will vanish." "Hundreds of millions of years, probably, maybe billions of years, we don't know." "That's a matter of debate right now." "Whether the rings are young and are gonna die an early death, or they're old and they're gonna remain with us for a very, very long time." "Of Saturn's 48 named moons, there are small moons called "shepherds", for a good reason." "They have gravitational pulls that help keep the rings intact by herding the particles." "Saturn's experts are interested in the complicated choreography between the planet's moons and its rings." "The contorted F-ring is especially intriguing." "And then there's the two shepherd satellites on either side," "Prometheus and Pandora, and they are having gravitational effects on this ring." "It's being tugged in a variety of directions, so it looks wild and misbehaved, if you will, and it's a dynamicists playground." "We're very, very interested in watching what happens to the F-ring because it tells us how moons interact with rings." "Saturn mesmerized civilizations as early as 700 BCE, when the Assyrians took note of it sparkling in the distant sky." "Hundreds of years later, the Greeks gave it a name:" "Cronos, after the god of harvest." "Possibly due to its position in the sky during harvest season." "The Romans' god of agriculture was Saturnus, which is why we call it Saturn." "They also named a day of the week after him, what we now call Saturday." "However, had the Romans actually seen the planet close up, they might have named it for the god of weather." "Saturn is a wild, ever-changing place but, unlike on Earth where things change on a daily and even on an hourly basis, the storms on Saturn can last for days and weeks and months... and things change on a large scale very slowly over time." "The discovery of this violent activity on Saturn came as a surprise to experts." "For centuries, their view of the planet had been obscured by an ammonia gas haze." "New satellite data is changing everything." "And we see now that Saturn is a dynamic place." "It's been revealed now as being probably more dynamic in a lot of ways than Jupiter." "There's the number of storms we see, the motions that they do..." "Incredibly, winds blow at speeds of 1,000 mph." "We measure the winds literally by watching the different little cells of the atmosphere move in imaging." "So you need sequential images to see how much things have moved." "There are no mountains on the surface of Saturn, its cloud features that we look at to see how quickly they evolve and change and move to measure the winds." "Recent exploration has shown other phenomena that aren't yet understood." "We can see features, clouds, eddies, big plumes of material like we see on Jupiter." "And we see these oval storms, lots of them, and in fact is one latitude in the Southern hemisphere where lots of storms zip around... disband, and we've watched them be created, we've seen them die, they die by merging." "Scientists nicknamed this area "Storm Alley", after a region in America's Midwest that produces violent weather." "It is believed there's lightning there, though no one has seen it." "And there's a technical reason for that, to see the lightning you'd have to get around on the night side, and because the lightning flashes aren't all that bright, so you need the darkness." "But the night side of Saturn is very bright because of all the ring light that shines down on the night side of Saturn and so... it's very hard to sort the lightning from just puffy little clouds." "The hellish weather on Saturn has one more astounding surprise, and is a true monster." "One of the freakiest storms on Saturn was this hurricane-like thing that they found down at the South pole." "This storm is bigger than the US." "The great red spot on Jupiter is merely hurricane-like." "That storm doesn't have an eyewall." "However, the South pole storm has the characteristics of a terrestrial hurricane, including an eyewall, making it the only such storm on another planet." "It's not clear that it is a hurricane in every sense like we have here on Earth." "But so far, the morphology of it looks very much like a hurricane." "That was very exciting, everyone got very excited about that, it even surprised us." "And you can see right down into the eye, just as you can with a hurricane on Earth, and they can see farther into Saturn's atmosphere than they've ever been able to see before." "So this thing is literally a window into Saturn." "And it's amazing to see something so similar to Earth on Saturn and then find out that we can actually do some science because of it." "The South pole storm measures 5,000 across, that's 2/3 the diameter of the Earth." "If a hurricane that huge were to form here, it would cover a distance from New York city to Baghdad, annihilating all in its path." "It basically is a swirling vortex of air that is centred around a hole, and right at the centre, where with an eyewall around it." "What powers this monster storm is still unknown." "And the winds are stronger on Saturn than they are in Earth, which is a puzzle in itself, because" "Saturn gets so little energy from either the Sun or from its own inside." "It's centred around the South pole of Saturn rather than being in the equatorial region, like a hurricane on Earth would be." "In early 2007, modern imaging technology revealed something else on Saturn that astounded scientists." "We see it very intensely now." "It's something big, something strange... and something never seen in the Universe before." "Saturn, the Solar System's most bizarre yet beautiful planet has just gotten even more mysterious." "In 1979, the Voyager spacecraft showed a perfect geometric form over the North Pole." "In October 2006, the Cassini craft found that it is still there." "It's just bizarre." "It sits there kind of still, it doesn't move with the planet." "The Pole has a hexagonal feature, a six-sided polygon that encircles the pole at about 78º North latitude, and it's sitting there as a set feature." "The hexagon is similar to Earth's polar vortex which has winds blowing in a circular fashion around the pole." "Saturn's vortex can fit 4 Earths inside of it, and extends 60 miles deep into Saturn's clouds." "And what's more bizarre, Voyager saw little, tiny clouds going around at about 100 meters per second, which is about 200 mph, going around this racetrack." "People thought, "Well, maybe they're just a temporary thing," ""how could this stay there?"" "It's stayed there now for at least 20 years, and we're going, "What is this?"" "If you go there you're gonna enter these thick clouds, and the deeper you go the more intense the pressure's gonna get, to a point when you just implode." "You and your spacecraft can't make it any farther." "For now, visits to Saturn's orbit are reserved for unmanned spacecrafts." "But surrounding the planet are at least 48 moons." "Venturing to one of those is more feasible." "What's interesting now that we're going to these planets, is that we're learning that in some ways the moons are where the action is." "We've already been to one of them." "Titan is the only moon other than our own to have been explored." "The event was beyond significant." "On January 14th, 2005, science-fiction became fact." "As part of the ongoing Cassini mission to Saturn, the unmanned Huygens probe descended onto the surface of Saturn's biggest moon." "Titan lives up to its name." "It is the size of the planet Mercury." "In fact, it is the second largest moon in the Solar System." "50% bigger than our Moon." "It is seductive in many ways." "For one, Titan looks much like Earth." "That was the thing that beat me over the head, just how... remarkably similar in process the surface of Titan looked." "We have river channels that feed into these lake beds, we have winds." "And then in other areas we have dunes." "The equator region of Titan, at least on one side where we've gotten good radar imagery, has hundreds and hundreds of miles of these dunes, that are hundreds of meters high, several miles apart, and they just go on, this vast sea of dunes." "There are possibly deposits of solid hydro-carbons." "And we didn't really know until that probe landed whether it was gonna hit liquid or some solid surface." "It seemed to kind of fall on what looks like a kind of pudding, it doesn't seem to be liquid or solid." "It seems that Titan has some goo on the surface." "That's almost kind of neither land nor sea, but something in between." "That's very amazing." "Amazingly, Titan, like Earth, has an extended atmosphere." "No other moon does in our Solar System." "The atmosphere of Titan is very, very thick and massive." "It has a mass that's 10 times the mass of the Earth's atmosphere." "So you have a very thick layer of gases, thicker than the air as we know it." "The particles in the air are also very small, so I would characterize them more as a haze than as a fog or clouds." "The haze is 200 miles thick resembling something else on Earth." "From the outside, it appears essentially opaque, like a big, orange ball." "But as the Huygens probe descended through the atmosphere, it's transparent enough to be able to see the surface features as it fell through." "But it's not unlike a hazy day here in Los Angeles." "It's not the colour of the atmosphere that most intrigues scientists, it's the composition." "Nitrogen and methane, the same gases they believe made up much of Earth's early atmosphere." "The idea that Titan's atmosphere mimics the atmosphere of early Earth 4 billion years ago, it's something we're very, very excited about and interested in." "And it's one of the things we're studying very hard in our laboratory." "Let's see if we can get this aligned." "What do we have?" "At the University of Colorado, Dr. Margaret Tolbert is simulating Titan's atmosphere in her lab." "Might it too have the necessary ingredients for life?" "In this experiment we're trying to simulate the chemistry that goes on high in Titan's atmosphere, where the haze is forming." "So what we have is a reaction chamber here, and all that we have here is nitrogen and methane." "So the two most important components of Titan's atmosphere." "And then we're just gonna flick on a lamp, and that lamp is going to simulate the sunlight hitting Titan's atmosphere." "Incredibly, Tolbert's research has shown that Titan's atmosphere, when stimulated by sunlight, begins to produce organic compounds." "For scientists looking for life beyond our planet, this could be big." "As scientists scour the galaxy for signs of life, there are some exciting results from within our own Solar System." "Saturn's moon, Titan, seems to have the necessary ingredients." "Testing at the University of Colorado has shown that when sunlight interacts with Titan's nitrogen and methane-rich atmosphere, organic compounds are created." "So these organics are floating down to the surface of Titan, and you can see them in the pictures, and who knows what they're doing once they're there?" "They could be providing energy to some new kind of life." "Further research is needed to determine if there really is life on Titan." "Or if it might some day develop." "Although its atmosphere resembles early Earth, the environment is vastly different." "It's cold." "It's -300 ºF and there's no liquid water." "So that's a big difference between early Earth and Titan." "The lakes and river beds on Titan were carved down to the ground by something." "There's no liquid water on the moon, so what flows on this terrain?" "The hills on Earth are made of silicate, rocks... whereas the hills on Titan are ice, methane ice..." "The river channels on Titan are formed by methane rain, as opposed to the Earth river valleys formed by water." "Liquid methane, it seems, rains down on Titan, or did at one time." "On Titan, it is so cold that gases liquefied." "And there are coastlines and rivers, and all this terrain shaped by moving rivers of methane." "It's just completely intriguing." "Methane is the principal component of natural gas, butane and propane." "All sources of fuel." "There's a lot of hydrocarbons, it might be very light hydrocarbons, on Titan." "And there's a lot of it." "And it burns if you put it in contact with oxygen, so there's a lot of energy out there." "Enough on the surface of this huge moon, to supply all of Earth's needs for a very long time." "Here is this tremendous supply of natural gas on Titan." "Well, wouldn't it be great to go out there and tap into it and bring it back?" "But I think that you would find that it would cost you so much to go out and get the methane and bring it back, that you would never be able to effectively power anything on Earth with it." "While Titan is Saturn's largest moon, one of its smallest may be even more exciting." "It's a brilliant ball of ice and rock called Enceladus." "It's a tiny object, it's only about 300 miles in size." "That's about 1/8th the size of our own Moon." "And we've never seen a body that small that has activity on it." "This activity was discovered in 2005 by Dr. Carolyn Porco and her Cassini imaging team." "One photo seemed to suggest that jets were coming out of Enceladus." "It seemed very likely to the members of my team that it's possible that these jets are actually geysers, they're erupting from pockets of liquid water not too far beneath the surface." "The closest thing we have on Earth to Enceladus is something like Old Faithful geyser here at Yellowstone National Park, which is shooting water vapour and water about 150 ft into the air." "The geysers on Enceladus are erupting water vapour hundreds or miles into the air because there's much lower gravity there and the fact there's no atmosphere holding them in." "Many geysers have since been discovered, all in a region of Enceladus' southern hemisphere." "They are coming out of these fissures, big cracks that go on for about 135 kilometres." "Something like 80 miles of cracks." "We call them "tiger stripes", 'cause when we first saw them they really looked like the stripes on a tiger." "There're four areas that seem to be ridges or kind of active geologic areas." "And the plumes seemed to be coming out of these areas and we counted about 20 or 21 plumes." "Southern Enceladus is covered in cosmic Old Faithfuls." "Who would have thought that an ice ball of the size of Texas would be alive with plumes and geysers?" "I mean, it's astounding." "Enceladus is heated in its interior by the tides of Saturn." "The Earth's Moon is pulling on the Earth's oceans and distorting their shape and producing the tides that we're familiar with here on Earth." "But on Enceladus, the planet Saturn is pulling on that moon and as Enceladus goes around in its orbit, that pull is changing the ice inside Enceladus." "It's creaking and groaning and rubbing against itself and creating a lot of heat through friction." "We think it's that frictional heat that is producing the evaporation of the water ice that is then escaping through these cracks and making the geysers that we see there." "And there's more." "Enceladus' eruptions have clarified a theory of what powers one of Saturn's rings." "We knew there might be jets, something coming from the surface that was injecting material into orbit around Saturn to form the E-ring." "The E-ring is furthest from the planet, about 74,000 miles away." "It happens to be just at the same orbit, the same distance from Saturn as Enceladus." "And so it really suggests that owes its origin to Enceladus." "And the thickness of the E-ring sort of matches the thickness of particles that were ejected from the South Pole of Enceladus." "If these geysers disappear, so might the ring." "Ultimately the liquid jets suggest that there is water on Enceladus." "And perhaps something else." "So the search for water is not," ""Oh, one day we'll be thirsty so we'll have something to drink,"" "the search for water is guided by our interest in the search for life." "It's that simple:" "follow the water." "Saturn's moon Enceladus is one of the most exciting and least understood places in our Solar System." "Enceladus is a really strange place." "The strangest thing that got people's attention first is it's very bright, it's the whitest object in the Solar System." "And we now realize that it is covered in freshly fallen snow which is the ice that's fallen back from these geysers onto the surface." "And it's that ice that has scientists excited." "Possibilities there are amazing." "The search for water in our Solar System is ultimately a search for life." "You look for water in the hopes that maybe there will be life." "Because of the presence of ice, some experts believe the search for alien life should begin on Enceladus." "It has a lot of other molecules in it, a lot of exotic things which show us that there's probably aqueous chemistry going on under ground." "So there's a lot of little percolating kind of chemistry going on and maybe you could get biology, maybe, so maybe we should go look." "This is kind of the Holy Grail of modern-day planetary exploration, to go and seek out those environments in the Solar System where life might possibly have gotten started." "And we just stumbled upon it." "Is that exciting?" "Of course it's exciting." "It's the kind of thing scientists live for." "We know of the composition of the gases that are coming out because we've flown through them with the spacecraft." "And we've got the composition including carbon and nitrogen and all those goodies that you need to make life." "And then we know there's a source of energy from the frictional heat of the tidal heat in the interior, and we can see the heat on the surface." "So all the elements are there that might be sufficient to sustain life if life could've got started there." "So that makes Enceladus a very exciting place." "But what kind of life?" "We're not talking sushi, we're not talking lobsters and fish, we're talking microbes." "I think that's about the best that we can hope for on a moon like Enceladus." "If we ever discover such life in our Solar System, it's gonna be the simplest possible, it's gonna be bacterial or something like it." "Even the discovery of something small, would be a huge event." "It would change everything that we think and know about our Solar System, the Universe and ourselves." "Much of what is known about Saturn and its moons has come from the Cassini satellite, that was inserted into the planet's orbit in 2004." "It is currently touring its rings, moons, and the planet itself." "By 2008, Cassini will have made 70 trips around the gas giant." "Putting an orbiter around the planet and being able to hang out there, and monitor the system and all its different elements for a long period of time, that's the best way to study these bodies." "Scientists on a daily basis process the information sent back from these "close encounters"." "In addition to the camera there there's a radar that can send its radiowaves through the clouds and get an echo of the surface and make an image of the surface." "And there are spectrometers to measure the composition, and other infrared devices to measure temperature." "So it's a very comprehensive spacecraft." "As you see better, you learn more." "I think it may have been Yoghi bear who said," ""You can see a lot just by looking"." "Relating this information to processes on Earth could help explain mysteries of our own planet." "Saturn is really very different from the Earth, its diameter is 8 or 9 times greater than that of the Earth." "Its atmosphere is made of hydrogen, completely different from our own atmosphere." "But the same physics is going on, the same forces are controlling the weather on Saturn as are controlling the weather on Earth." "It is part of our history, it's the Solar System." "So understanding how our Solar System formed is really understanding how I got here." "And understanding the nature of other planets in the Solar System, they're like my neighbours." "Cassini's new imaging technologies, are giving us never before seen views and information by the day." "Cassini's close encounters with Saturn will bring us nearer to unlocking its secrets." "It's quite complex and it'll take us a long time to figure it all out." "I don't think we ever will figure all of it out, but it's just the beauty of being able to be in orbit and monitor a rich planetary system like Saturn's." "The Earth has a context in the rest of the Universe." "And, you want to know where we fit in the Universe?" "You don't get the answer to that just studying the Earth itself." "For, as much as we discover about the Lord of the Rings." "it will always inspire us." | {
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"Previously on Damages..." "Hewes Associates called me yesterday." "Once Patty meets you, there's no turning back." "She'll see what I see, and she'll own you." "Ms. Hewes." "What are you doing here?" "Kiddo, you're the first person stupid enough to turn me down." "Is there any way i could still interview?" "You're hired." "We are engaging in a battle with a man who will stop at nothing to preserve his fortune." "Arthur Frobisher told his employees to invest in the company and then sold his own stock." "She's on a mission here, and she won't stop until you're strung up in the public square." "Make the call." "I want some leverage." "My boss wanted me to check up on his investments." "You're my sister." "How do you know arthur Frobisher?" "I catered a function for him and some businessmen." "Katie, this whole case turns on one weekend, and you were there." "You want me to be a witness against Frobisher?" "The new assosiate has been talking to Katie Connor." "Whatever it takes... fix this." "I think we have a strong case." "I'd like to take it to a jury and let them decide what Mr. Arthur Frobisher owes you." "I say we end this here and now." "I vote to accept the settlement." "How could you have possibly made such a catasrophic screwup." "You're fired." "Get out of the car!" "My future sister-in-law is a potential witness in the biggest case in Patty's career." "You think Patty hired you just to get to Katie?" "Did she only hire me to deliver her witness?" "There's no way she knew about your friend." "Saffron?" "Call Patty." "You know what this means?" "If Katie can help the case, then... we're doing the right thing." "If Frobisher thought this would shut her up, it's done the opposite." "What's this?" "A souvenir for Patty." "Maybe one of these days, I'll stop being impressed." "Ellen figures out why you hired her and you still get her to deliver the witness." "I like Ellen." "Jesus." "Ortiz!" "You better get in here." "Hey, boss, it's Williams." "We got a body." "And a murder weapon." "All right, nobody sing because we all know..." "Ellen hates singing!" "Whatever, whatever." "But I love fudgie the whale." "Whoo!" "This next one is from your favorite aunt and uncle." "Didn't anybody read the invitation?" "Yeah, yeah, you and your "no gift" bullshit." "Does anybody want anything?" "Ellen..." "I'm okay." "...David, we know you two are real busy." "A young lawyer with a fantastic new job and a dreamy doctor fianc?" "Oh, the dreamiest." "You both work so much, you don't even have time to eat, plus you're saving your money to move into manhattan." "You got us an apartment?" "So until Katie's restaurant opens..." "Aw, dinner for two at the olive garden." "When you're there, you're family." "Thank you, uncle Fran." "Thank you." "Thank you." "Thanks, aunt Barb, so much." "Frobisher's lawyer calls three times a day." "He's just trying to intimidate you." "They just want you to sign the confidentiality agreement." "I hate these people." "When you see Patty tomorrow, she'll tell you how to handle them." "Every time I close my eyes," "I see Saffron dead on my kitchen floor." "Patty thinks Frobisher's an asshole, too." "The guy bankrupted 5, 000 of his employees." "I don't even care if I never step foot in my restaurant again." "Katie, we'll get through this." "Okay?" "The worst is over." "El, your mom wants you to open up her present." "Okay." "You guys okay?" "Wait." "While I got you both here." "Happy birthday, Ellen." "It's a little kitsch to add to your collection for your new apartment." "Thanks, honey, you're sweet." "Hmm?" "Oh, aha." "Hey..." " You like?" "They're beautiful." " Beautiful!" "¾×ÖÄ"½ö¹©Ñ§Ï°½"Á÷£¬ÑϽûÓÃÓÚÉÌÒµÓÃÍ ¾×ÖÄ"½ö¹©Ñ§Ï°½"Á÷£¬ÑϽûÓÃÓÚÉÌÒµÓÃ;" "=ÆÆÀÃÐÜ×ÖÄ"×é=- ·Òë:" "С²Ý У¶Ô:¹·ÐÜ Ê±¼äÖá:¾ÆÄÒ·¹´ü ÊØ"¤Ììʹ" "Patty?" "Oh, my gosh, unreal." "Okay, Patty, I get it, I get it." "I don't need to know what I don't need to know." "Tom, Tom, Tom." "Your advance for the next two weeks." "So consider me on call." "I'll just wait around to hear from you." "Good luck with the Frobisher clients." "Has Ellen tried to contact you again?" "No." "I like that she trusts you." "Run into her again." "Talk to her." "Where?" "The office." "I thought you want everyone to think I was fired." "All the more reason to stop by." "Clear out your stuff, work the relationship." "Page six." "This morning's paper." "I went shopping yesterday, Arthur." "It's in there today." "No, thanks." "They're saying I spent $20,000 on shoes while your former employees are lined up for food stamps." "Yeah, well, you know, you can't pay attention to this crap, Holly." "I spent $2,000 and it was for the kids." "All right, all right, I'll have Ray Fmake a call, see if we can get them to print a retraction." "Then some shithead photographer chased us and hit my car, but I can't go to the police because that would just bring more press." "Bethie's friends won't come over." "Their parents won't let them." "Reporters are following her to school." "I know, I know, she told me." "This is not a childhood, Arthur." "You promised me that all of this would be over after the government trial." "Look, there are things that are beyond my control." "You know that." "I am trying to settle this case." "Try harder." "I offered them $100 million for something I didn't do." "Offer them more." "Give them whatever they want." "Okay." "How much?" "One billion?" "Two billion?" "I'll tell you what." "Why don't I give you the pen and you write the check?" "You promised me, Arthur." "Don't look at me like that." "Uh... thank you, Ricky, it looks fantastic." "I'll tell you what." "Why don't you eat it, though, all right?" "No, actually, come here, come here, come here." "You know what?" "Just pick the peppers out of this thing and give it to the dogs." "They'll love it." "We have the Met gala on sunday and I don't want to be late, so be sure you're home from golf." "I'm doing everything I can to make this go away." "Tuesday night is the helping hands auction." "I'm fine to go to that alone." "Holly, come on, don't do that." "And we have to make a decision about the aspen house." "Are we going to keep building or are we going to sell it?" "Holly, please." "What, Arthur?" "I heard you." "You're doing all that you can." "What do you want me to say?" "Nothing." "These are for ms." "Hewes' meeting with Kathryn Connor." "Well, good morning." "Morning." "Your ears must have been ringing last night." "Why is that?" "I was talking about you." "Really." "Aren't you going to ask what I was saying?" "Well, I figured you'd tell me if you wanted me to know." "All good things," "Ellen, all good things." "Thank you." "There's a client meeting in ten minutes." "Come sit in." "Whoa, whoa, whoa." "Another week?" "What the hell are we talking about?" "Frobisher offered us $100 million to settle and we voted to accept it." "Nothing has been signed yet, Mr. Poplar." "But it was a done deal." "Larry, Ms. Hewes thinks this witness can prove Frobisher's guilt." "I don't want to lose that money." "Frobisher is praying that you settle." "The money's going nowhere." "So what would you like from us?" "Time, Karen." "This new witness was in Florida the same weekend as Arthur Frobisher." "If you give us another week, wecan find out what this witness knows, and I believe it will give us leverage." "Ms. Hewes, you really think this could be the smoking gun?" "I'd like the opportunity to find out." "Sorry to be a stickler for the rules, Art, but uncle Sam has designated this environment smoke-free." "I... called you because our young friend" "Katie Connor hasn't been to the restaurant in a week nor has she signed the new paperwork, which could spell disaster." "Okay, Art, what do you want to talk about?" "What happens if she leaves me?" "I beg your pardon?" "Holly." "Bottom line it for me, will you?" "Well, this is new york state, Art." "You'll write her a check for half of everything." "And the kids?" "Well... she's the sympathetic mother who runs three children's charities..." "Which I founded And you're a controversial father involved in a very public litigation to defend your reputation." "You need her, Art, now more than ever." "She's the one person who's remained loyal to you." "If she leaves now, we'll take a beating in the press." "All right, all right, let me ask... and if we lose this, this Katie Connor, what happens?" "If she doesn't sign the paperwork, it becomes a hell of a lot harder to destroy her credibility." "Look, Art... the law is on our side." "The evidence is on our side." "On paper, this case is tighter than a bull's ass on fight night." "But if Patty hewes gets that girl in front of a jury... all bets are off." "Hey." "I'm here to see Patty Hewes." "Welcome to Hewes Associates." "Hey!" "How you feeling?" "Nervous." "Come on back." "Patty's running a few minutes late." "I'll show you my office." "This place is incredible." "I know." "So, how many people are going to be in there?" "Just you, me and Patty." "We'll go through your florida timeline and make sure you're hitting all the details about that weekend." "I saw him two or three times that weekend." "That's fine." "Patty just wants to see if anything you can remember will contradict Frobisher's testimony." "So, I can read it off my notes?" "Of course." "It's not a test." "I'm in here." "Another thing?" "Yeah?" "You look great." "Thanks." "I totally forgot to call you to ask you what to wear." "Ellen, Felicia wants to see the two of us." "Okay." "Now." "Hang in there." "I'll be back." "Sure." "We've bought ourselves more time." "The clients have agreed to give us another week." "Patty wants us to start prepping their testimonies, getting them to tell their stories." "Why go poking at wounds now?" "It'll make them want to settle even sooner." "Really?" "Anyone else want to weigh in?" "Ellen?" "Um..." "I'm not sure." "Not sure what?" "I grew up with people like this." "A $100 million settlement sounds like a gold mine to them, and it's softening their resolve." "If you want them to turn it down," "I think you're right to remind them what they've been through, stir up their emotion." "I could see the value in that." "Good." "Divide them up." "Each of you take a department." "Ellen, shadow Andrew." "See how we do it." "Now?" "The car's waiting downstairs to take you to Newark." "Is Patty leaving?" "No, no, no, she's still meeting with you." "But I thought you were going to be there." "Patty'll take care of you." "Debra, could you look after ms." "Connor, please?" "You'll be great." "I'll call you when we're done." "You're a smart girl, Ellen, but you better watch your ass." "What?" "Tom Shayes is gone." "When it came time to recruit, we each backed our own horse." "Your boy tom bet on you." "He was the only one who stood to gain when you got the job." "What are you trying to tell me?" "I'm trying to tell you, you should think twice before you shoot your mouth off." "Andrew, Patty called on me." "Yeah?" "You think Craig and Felicia care about that?" "You don't show up your fellow associates, Ellen." "The only way you're going to make it here is with our support." "I was just answering a question." "I have no agenda." "Well, maybe you better get one quick." "You're in Patty's good graces now because your friend's a witness, but that can change on a dime." "Olio Santo from California?" "Unfiltered from Tuscany?" "I mean, it's damn near impossible to decide." "The raging olive oil debate between Giada de Laurentiis and the barefoot Contessa." "Exactly." "Last night's food network." "So, what is better-- virgin or extra virgin, or is it all just marketing bullshit?" "It's about acidity." "An amerin or italian?" "I love a little family-owned vineyard in greece." "Ah." "I'll write down their website for you." "Oh, good." "I mean, it's expensive, but nothing like Manhattan, though." "Ellen was checking out this apartment on 91st and Riverside, and I asked her to get some stuff for a salad." "Eight bucks for an organic tomato." "Can you believe that?" "Great, Katie." "Thanks." "Thanks for coming by." "It was nice to meet you." "We're finished?" "Why?" "Something else you want to tell me?" "No, no." "I..." "I just thought that we were going to look over the timeline." "Oh, I really don't see the point." "Although, I did have one question." "How old were you?" "I'm sorry?" "I had just turned six." "When what?" "When I realized I was a good liar." "How old were you?" "I'm sorry." "I don't know what you're talking about." "Your timeline?" "I don't buy it." "So, right now you're going to do one of two things-- turn around and get the hell out of my office, or tell me the truth." "The truth?" "Mr. Hewes, I'm not lying..." "Katie, don't, don't." "It's me and you now." "Ellen isn't here." "I don't understand." "I want the straight story, and until you tell me, you're worthless to me." "I don't give a shit about you." "Wait." "Ms. Hewes, please." "I..." "What aren't you telling me?" "Nothing!" "I put everything I know down here." "Ms. Hewes, they want me to sign a new confidentiality agreement." "Yeah, I read it." "It's very thorough." "Well, what should I do?" "Do whatever you want to." "Sign it." "These people are going to come after me again!" "I thought that you were going to protect me." "Until you stop lying, you're not my witness, and you're not my problem." "Wait." "Ms. Hewes, please, I..." "Hewes Associates." "Can I help you?" "We were told the girl lives here with her fianc?" "Have you questioned her?" "Not yet." "The front door was chained, but not locked." "At approximately 9:15 A.M.," "We force entry, and we find this." "The stereo's still there, TV." "So is the computer." "And most telling of all... you come to loot a place, you don't leave something like that behind." "So, it wasn't a robbery." "Watch yourself, Lieu." "He was a good-looking kid." "So, what do you think?" "She caught him screwing around?" "I don't know what you're talking about." "You got to slow down." "She's crazy!" "Who?" "Patty!" "She-she kicked me out of her office!" "She told me to sign the confidentiality agreement." "I don't understand." "I don't, either!" "Ellen?" "She's accusing me of lying, Ellen." "About what?" "Everything!" "You read what I wrote." "I'm not lying." "Of course you're not lying." "Well, then tell that to your boss." "You're the one who made me go in there." "Look, what the hell am I supposed to do now?" "Katie, just calm down." "Go back to the apartment." "I'll be there as soon as I can." "Okay?" "Mr. Frobisher, the girl just met with Patty Hewes." "Ray Fiske wouldn't want me talking with you, but I can't believe our hands are just tied here." "You gave her a restaurant, Mr. Frobisher." "What can we do to keep her quiet?" "Offer more money." "No, you can't do that." "The judge finds out, I could get nailed for witness tampering." "Well, there's always a solution." "What kind of solution?" "A permanent one." "Frobisher what?" "Oh, god, no." "What, you think that I would...?" "It wouldn't get back to you." "Oh, we're-we're talking about a human life here." "Sh-she's an innocent girl." "She didn't do anything." "She was just in the wrong place at the wrong time." "Sometimes that's enough." "You're serious, aren't you?" "You're actually suggesting..." "Look, Mr. Frobisher, you're insulated, you have resources." "This kind of thing is simpler than you think." "So, how's that work?" "You... know a guy?" "You make a call?" "It's simpler than you think." "Yeah, of course it is." "You become powerful enough, eventually, every option gets presented to you, doesn't it?" "Yes, sir." "One day, you're living your life." "The next thing you know, some man shows up on your doorstep and offers you the ultimate decision." "That's all it is, Mr. Frobisher-- just another decision." "No." "No." "You go down that road, and then, you know, who are you?" "I mean, there's no going back." "No, no, no." "Think about your family, Mr. Frobisher." "Don't tell me what..." "This case is going to end with someone's life being destroyed." "Why should it be yours?" "You get what you needed?" "Yup." "From the palm beach county P.D." "Issued the morning of the Frobisher event." "Katie's hiding details." "She left it off her timeline." "A traffic ticket seems pretty insignificant." "Her supervisor's kitchen report says she was right on time." "So, she managed to show up for work ten minutes before she was pulled over for running a red light?" "Find out more." "Fiske is making his move, trying to ruin her credibility." "There's something in this girl's past." "All right, I'm on it." "Get me everything you can." "Boyfriends, jobs, vices." "Yeah." "I want to know why she was late for the biggest day of her career." "You think Ellen knows the truth?" "Uh, it's too soon to tell." "Anything else?" "Yeah, here's the Ellen information we talked about." "Are you sure you really want to do this?" "Make it happen." "Oh..." "Go long, go long." "Katie." "I'm just grabbing my shit." "Where have you been?" "Thinking." "Why didn't you call me back?" "Katie, slow down." "Tell me exactly what happened." "Ask her." "I tried." "She didn't call me back." "Ellen, I already told you, she's crazy." "She thinks I'm lying." "About what?" "I don't know." "I don't-- I don't know what she'd doing." "It doesn't make any sense." "I don't think she wants you to know." "Why not?" "Because ten minutes before my meeting with her, she sent you away." "You think that's a coincidence?" "Come with me tomorrow." "We'll go in there together." "We'll both talk to her." "I'm not going back there." "Where are you going?" "Look, I have been living with you for a week." "This has gone on for long enough." "Katie." "Ellen, I've got to get home." "I have got a life to live." "And I don't know anything about Frobisher anyway." "Take it easy." "Get off." "What?" "Get off." "Hello?" "Do it." "Yes, sir." "Oh, shit." "That was intense." "Patty appreciates your involvement." "What's the girl's name?" "Ellen Parsons." "Do you have what we need?" "Yeah." "Here's everything." "The fiancé?" "He's in there, too." "My associates will look into it." "Thank you." "Nothing too excessive." "Patty's come to me before." "Trust me." "I know how she wants it done." "Don't hover in the door." "I hate that." "What happened with Katie?" "I spoke to her, Ms. Hewes." "I don't believe she's lying." "Really?" "Why is that?" "Because she has no reason to." "Don't be stupid, Ellen." "Everyone's hiding something." "Really?" "So what are you hiding?" "I beg your pardon?" "You didn't need me to meet with the clients yesterday." "You just wanted me out of the office, didn't you?" "Yes." "So you lied to me?" "What's your point?" "Why would you do that?" "You already answered your own question." "I wanted to meet with Katie alone." "So you...?" "I manipulated you, yes." "Well, I don't like being manipulated." "Duly noted." "Anything else?" "Yeah." "You promised to protect Katie." "Now she's totally confused." "She has no idea what to do." "I have a temper, too, Ellen, but I've learned when to use it." "You were right." "She's using me." "Of course she's using you, Ellen." "Patty Hewes needs people who are driven." "She's tapping your energy and youth to further her own agenda." "Which is?" "You know what?" "It's highly unusual for us to be speaking like this." "You're no longer a summer associate of mine." "I know." "I offered you a job and you turned me down." "I didn't know who else talk to, Mr. Nye." "My advice to you, Ellen, is stop trying to figure Patty out." "You'll never change her, but she'll change you." "How?" "By giving you access to how she thinks." "You signed up for this, now keep your head down and do the work." "That's why you're there, isn't it?" " Yes." " Then don't be shortsighted." "Start using her." "Learn everything you can, then get the hell out before it's too late." "How exactly will I know when that is?" "Ah!" "That's for another walk." "Patty?" "Phil, there's another credit card charge." "You're going to have to be a little more specific than that, sweetheart." "$1, 200 for a place called frolic." "That's a gentlemen's club." "I told you about it." "The singapore clients come to the city, they love that crap." "I can't drag them out of the champagne room." "Fine, but this was last week and..." "And I was in London." "I'll have a talk with Michael." "What's an outcall?" "Patty, I'll have a talk with him." "What is it?" "He must've hired strippers." "Hired them out?" "You mean our son had them in our apartment?" "Maybe, maybe." "Michael's too smart for this bullshit and it's getting out of hand." "Jesus Christ!" "Patty, I'll handle this." "You know, your plate is full." "Just" " I'll take care of it, all right?" "Patty?" "Yes." "I'll take care of this." "Okay." "Tom." "Told you." "Ten years." "One box." "One trip." "You didn't deserve this." "Thanks." "I'll be okay." "I know I'm only here because of your support." "Don't believe that for a second." "How're you doing?" "You okay?" "I am." "Really." "Good." "I'm glad." "You know that friend you told me about in the stables?" "Did you ever, uh... you ever tell Patty about her?" "I guess we probably shouldn't discuss business." "Sorry." "You're right." "You're absolutely right." "I got a cab waiting for me downstairs anyway." "You take care of yourself, Ellen." "Thanks, Tom." "All right." "I'll see you around." "Hey, are you following me?" "I don't know what you're talking about?" "You killed my dog." "You killed my dog!" "I don't you or your dog." "Get away from me!" "Lady, back off!" "Stay away from me!" "I am going to call the police." "Screw you!" "Are you okay?" "Screw you, asshole!" "You can't going there." "Excuse me." "Jesus, Mary, and Joe Cocker, what a fine surprise!" "Gentlemen, we do rise to our feet when a lady enters." "It's signed goddamn it!" "That's wonderful news." "It's "all systems go" for your restaurant." "You got what you want." "Just leave me alone!" "And to think, for a reasonable fee, she's available to cater any occasion." "Come on, goddamn it." "Yeah, where, where the hell have you been?" "Look, I just heard from ray fiske." "She signed the papers." "Call it off?" "We could do that right?" "We can call it off?" "No, yeah, but can we call it off?" "Answer my... god!" "Shit." "God... hello... goddamn it!" "Oh, my god." "Hi there, I'm arthur." "I just came by to say hello." "Uh... oh, wow!" "I hear it's full steam ahead for the opening." "Oh, hey!" "My god, I love this." "Mm-hmm." "Mr. Fiske told me that you, uh, you signed our agreement." "You have no idea how grateful I am." "Lawyers, right?" "They make such a big deal over a little, a little red tape." "You and I, uh... if I recall... god those are beautiful." "We never really spoke when we were down in Florida, did we?" "No, no, that's right." "Yeah." "I don't mean to be rude, but I didn't even really remember who you were." "Look, I'm not sure what..." "But your meals!" "Oh, my god." "Who could forget that?" "Well, it was kobe beef, fingerling..." "Mr. Frobisher, I And just a sprinkle of..." "Saffron." "Right." "god that was great." "Are you gonna have that on the menu?" "Look, Mr. Frobisher," "I'm, I'm gonna go now, but please you stay as long as..." "No, no, I'm sorry." "No, please, forgive me." "I just wanted to come by and say, say thank you." "Isn't life great... sometimes?" "I mean you, you and I, we meet as total strangers at some boring luncheon down in Florida, and the next thing you know we're, we're partners, making something absolutely beautiful." "Our fates are intertwined, Katie." "Isn't that remarkable?" "I'm sorry to have bothered you." "Thank you, Katie." "Frobisher showed up at my restaurant." "Why did you call me?" "Because you're right." "I lied." "The day I cooked for Frobisher." "So this was, um, about june 2002?" "Yeah." "Saturday morning the 19th," "I was rushing to work and got pulled over." "Why didn't you put it in your timeline?" "It's all so humiliating." "I met a guy down in Florida, had a stupid one night stand." "It was a low point for me." "I was kind of a mess back then." "A guy." "Whose name is...?" "Greg." "I never got a last name." "We met friday night." "Partied pretty hard and went back to his place." "He seemed like a genuinely nice guy." "Sure." "Then saturday morning I overslept." "Which is why I was late, rushing to work, and why I got pulled over." "Did you see him again?" "No." "But..." "Kate..." "I got pregnant." "And it was the one night and, uh, I never even got his phone number." "And I just did what I had to do." "I'm sorry." "Ms. Hewes, I swear this is the only thing I left out." "Everything else is in there." "When did Frobisher's people approach you?" "Fiske called me, uh, about a week later, and said that arthur Frobisher liked my cooking and wanted to help me open a restaurant." "And what happened to Greg?" "No idea." "Ever since Frobisher's been in the news, there's never been a connection." "I've never heard his name, neverseen him, nothing." "You do understand why I lied to you, right?" "Yeah." "Then will you still be able to use me as a witness?" "Well, you and I will go over your tine step by step." "Hopefully, they'll be something that will impeach Frobisher's story." "But Kate... you're stepping into the spotlight now." "Details of your life are going to come out." "This kind of scrutiny is never easy for anyone." "I understand." "It's just... my brother and Ellen don't know anything about this stuff." "You don't have to tell them, do you?" "Well, at some point the truth is gonna have to come out." "I'll let you decide when." "I spoke to Katie last night." "You're working, if it's a bad time I can..." "No, no, uh... what did she say?" "Well you were right." "She's not hiding anything." "I trust her." "But I want you to know that I had reasons for doing what I did." "When I read her confidentiality agreement, there was a section I found curious." "Yeah?" "Ray Fiske had snuck in a medical release waiver." "Katie signed away access to her medical records?" "Well, Fiske must think that, um... there's something in Katie's past that would destroy her credibility as a witness." "Well, there isn't." "Well, let's hope not." "Meanwhile, she's given them everything they want, so..." "She's protected." "Yes." "And you've had a very good first week." "What are these for?" "A quiet, little place on the upper west side." "Nice light, safe street." "I think you'll like it." "How did you..." "Katie mentioned you were looking for an apartment." "Oh, I can't possibly accept, Ms. Hewes, I..." "Please, please." "You got a great bargain." "I did?" "I know the head of the co-op board." "Ellen, next time you need something, come to me." "Hey." "Hey." "Been a long time." "Yeah." "I was, uh, a little surprised you called." "I didn't think I'd ever see you again." "Greg, we need to talk." "About what?" "Florida." "Owen, medium rare, rare?" "Medium rare." "Here we go." "Oh, yeah." "Here you are." "That one right there." "Yeah." "Thanks, dad." "Here you go, mom." "Thank you." "Looks pretty good." "All right, uh, who knows a joke?" "Anyone got a joke?" "I do." "Knock, knock." "Who's there?" "Interrupting lawyer." "I object!" "Not too bad." "Not too bad, where'd you hear that one?" " Who wants chips?" " I do." "We have salad." "I think Katie's lying about the guy she met in Florida." "I think she's lying about a lot of things." "Katie Connor to see Ms. Hewes." "I thought you might use a friend." "For me?" "Mm-hmm." "Oh, my god, he's adorable." "He's a rescue." "Oh, thank you so much." "It's my pleasure." "Katie... no more secrets between us." "No more secrets." "Oh, my god." "Wow." "Oh, my god." "This place is ridiculous!" "Oh God!" "It's too big." "We'll get lost!" "This is amazing." "What's in here?" "This is off the hook." "Look at this." "God!" "This is huge!" "Oh my God!" "Patty even sent the welcoming committee." "This place is perfect." "I want to help you, Ellen, 'cause I know you didn't do it." | {
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"Hey, cowboys!" "Want some sugar?" "Happy New Year!" "Happy New Year!" "Should auld acquaintance be forgot..." "No." "I would never forget you." "I'll never forget you." "Bullshit." "After you, my dear Alphonse." "Thank you." "Oh, dear!" "Call me if you get blue." "I am blue." "Call me." "The phone will be ringing by the time you get home." "Here I go." "Wait till she gets in, please." "Allison." "What?" "Happy New Year." "Happy New Year, honey." "Bye." "Gracie Mansion, please." "Fish!" "They've multiplied." "Lord Jeffrey Amherst was a soldier" "Royal and true" "And he summoned all the Indians" "Into his sight" "Oh, Amherst, dear" "Oh, hello." "Ten-hut!" "Line up!" "Hello, Pepino." "Hello, little Lord Byron." "Come here and lay one on me." "Four, three, two, one!" "Happy New Year!" "Frank, wait a minute." "Forget it." "Just forget it." "That's easy to say." "You don't understand." "See, I don't care anymore." "I don't care what makes sense anymore." "I don't give a rusty fuck... if they boot me down the City Hall steps... and send me back to the Bronx!" "We gotta get this guy!" "Everything that can be done is being done." "My daughter was with her last night." "It was my daughter, my child." "It could have been her." "This is not politics anymore." "Everything's politics!" "The hell it is!" "I can't even sleep." "Bullshit!" "When you point your finger at some guy... and you say this is the guy that could do the job... ain't the flashbulbs going?" "Don't you read it in the papers the next day?" "Get me your brother..." "and get him now... and get him before you go to the ballet, Frank." "Get those hoses up here!" "Come on." "Move your ass!" "Move it!" "Get it on, Tony!" "OK, Tony, turn it up!" "In the windows!" "Put it in the windows!" "Turn it on!" "Get that pressure up!" "Turn it on, damn it!" " Chief?" " Yeah?" "I'm looking for one of your men." "Who are you?" "Franklin Starkey." "I'm Chief Sunday." "Who you want?" " Nick Starkey." " He's in there." "Well, get him out here." "I have to talk to him." "It remains to be seen whether or not he is coming out!" "What the hell are those guys doing?" "Tell them to get the hoses up!" "That window!" "Over there!" "Get jumping now!" "Come on!" "Move it!" "Move it, damn it!" "Stay with it." "Hey!" "Advance that line!" "Hi, there." "I'll take it from here, Nick." "I wonder if I could get a cup of coffee." "Preferably espresso." "I'm not happy to see you, Frank." "You should be." "I've come to take you away from all this... and make you a big shot." "I never wanted to be a big shot, Frank." "That's your thing." "You must be up shit's creek to be here talking to me." "The mayor knows you're good at this kind of thing." "You must be out of your mind with amnesia... to be here talking to me." "Now calm down, Nick." "I'm a fireman!" "We're going to reinstate you." "I'm a fireman now!" "We're going to take all the heat we have to from the press." "I run into these fucking buildings when they're on fire!" "You're gonna get a commendation for what you did tonight." "Please, don't bother on my account." "That was very heroic." "Go, Frank." "There's a lot between us." "None of it is good." "Please." "It's my career." "All right." "I'll come back." "Frank... on one condition." "What do you think of Maria?" " Who's Maria?" " The ballerina." "She doesn't trust her partner enough." "Should she?" "I don't think she has any other choice." "Where's Frank?" "I don't know." "He's late." "In that case, let me see you through intermission." "Mrs. Starkey, where's the commissioner tonight?" "Here he is." "Excuse me." "Duty calls, and Christine goes." "I was beginning to think you wouldn't make it." "I had to go..." "I had to talk to Nick." "He's going to be reinstated in the department..." "He's going to be the new special investigator." "How is he..." "Did he agree?" "You look flushed." "The dance was very stirring." "Usually you're bored." "Did he agree?" "I can't believe it." "Why not?" "After all, he is my brother." "That never stood in your way." "Are you siding with him?" "Franklin, you should know better than that." "What did you have to promise him?" "Hi, Ramon." "I'm thinking." "I am thinking." "All right." "Hi, Ed." "Will you get that animal, please, and put it at her feet." "Don't smile, Olympia." ""Beware the jabberwock, my son!" ""The jaws that bite, the claws that clutch!"" "Watch your hands, buddy!" " Like that?" "Stay." " Very good." "Shut up!" "Ed, why didn't you use your apartment?" "You've got the light." "Look, I'm making dinner tonight." "Can I borrow my table?" "Sure." "Just languish there, darling." "Don't molest anything." "Ed... you want a job?" " What's a job?" " Work... for money." " Money?" " Yeah." "Do you remember money?" "Yeah, I remember it." "What do you think?" "It is irritating to me that I need money." " I shouldn't need it." " I don't agree." "It's good every once in a while... to get roped into somebody else's, you know..." "What?" "Problem." "For money?" "Right." "I'm going to have a press conference... tomorrow morning at 10:00." "The governor, he's letting me have his best speechwriter." "He's gonna write the statement." "The fucking guy is a poet." "I'll have the hard-liners... wringing their handkerchiefs out before I'm through." "The prodigal son with the right stuff... forgive and forget." ""For everything there is a season."" "How do we face the terrifying spectacle of Nick Starkey... what he may do, what he may not do." "Anyway, I wanna get going." "I want to start working on it tonight." "I want to get all the borough presidents." "I want them standing up there with me shoulder-to-shoulder... and if I can get that prick with the scarlet cape... the cardinal, to stand up, I'm gonna get him up there, too." "And, you, you're going to be to my right." "Now, what I want to do..." "I want it to look like the city is united... in bringing Nick Starkey back." "I don't want it to look like his brother's... bringing him clean underwear or something like that." "I'll take care of all the questions." "No matter how rough they get, I'll be as pious as hell." "And when it's over... take a break, let them have a shot at you." "And then give them some hard talk back... two or three minutes, but be conservative." "Very, very conservative." "And if you blow, blow with dignity." "I'm going to be dog meat after this." "No, you're not." "If he comes out of this looking great..." "I'm an asshole for firing him." "If he blows it, I'm a schmuck for bringing him back." "If he blows it, we're all unemployed." "And if he gets the guy, we're all heroes." "That's the news." "It's like Elizabeth Taylor says..." ""There is no deodorant like success."" "What is it?" "Captain Alcoa is here." "Shit." "He heard." "OK." "Send him in." "I won't do it!" "Do what?" "Hey, don't bullshit me besides screwing me." "We're all having a bad day, Alcoa." "Nobody needs your volume." "Nick Starkey is no policeman!" "Well, his record shows otherwise." "He don't belong in the department." "That's for me to say!" "He's like a..." "he's a fucking beatnik!" "He's got a beatnik mentality." "Maybe that's what we need, is a beatnik." "Sure, seems funny down here and now... but it don't feel so fucking funny... in the middle of a murder case... when you've seen those girls dead!" "Who do you think you're talking to?" "Jesus Christ!" "Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?" "You think I'm your wife?" "You wanna fuck me?" "Don't mess with me." "You mess with me, and you better have a goddamn sense of humor... the size of Lake Michigan to find something to laugh about." "If I send you a rubber duck to work with... that is the news!" "Can you understand that?" "Do you understand?" "So then, it's true." "It's true." " When?" " Tomorrow." "So you get out of here, and you be a good boy." "And if Nick reports to you, you treat him like a god." "Do you understand that?" "Can you understand that?" "And if he wants anything, you give it to him." "If he wants your wallet, you give it to him." "And you keep me posted." "No." "Never mind trying to say anything." "Just shut up and get out." "Go on!" "I'm trying to have a meeting here!" "So... did Nick agree without a fuss?" "No." "Well... what do you have to do?" "I let him cook dinner for my wife tonight." "Come in." "Door's open." "It's been open for two years." "Hi." "Hi." "What, is it snowing?" "A little." "Well, take off your clothes... coat!" "Make yourself comfortable." "I got to change." "How you doing, Sam?" " How are you?" " Good." "Shit." "What is it?" "Why did you make me come here?" "I wanted to make you dinner." "You always make me things that I hate." "I try to." "Listen." "What?" "The wine." "It's breathing." "I decanted it an hour and a half ago." "How much did it cost?" "$6.00." "I won't like it." "I never like any wine that costs less than $20." "No matter how good it tastes?" "That's right." "I'll pour you a glass." " What do you think?" " I hate it." "Here." "This is balsamic vinegar." "Sprinkle some on the octopus." "It's great." "Where did you get that scar?" "A burn from a fire." "Right." "You're a fireman." "Till yesterday." "It's hard to picture." "A burning building... everybody else runs out, you run in." "Basically, it's a maniac's job." "Marinated eggplant?" "No, thanks." "Have you forgiven Franklin?" "For what?" "Did he do something wrong?" "He betrayed you." "Did he?" "He needed a fall guy, and he gave them you." "Did he?" "Yes." " His own brother." " That's right." "How should I feel about that?" "I guess you should be mad." "Then that's what I am." "I'm mad." "Anything else that I should be mad about?" " Yes." " What?" " Me." " Right." "I should be mad about you... and that is my fucking curse." "I am... still mad about you." "I should go." "Yeah." "You should." "You hate the food, and you married the wrong man." "I'll get my coat." "You might as well, Christine... 'cause I am not gonna sleep with you... not while you're married." "I'm not gonna sleep with you." "That's right, you're not." "Not if you beg me on your knees." "I may covet my brother's wife, but I am not gonna boff her." "You have not changed." "Neither have you, but you should." "Chris." "Haven't you missed me?" "Please, don't." "When you close your eyes, don't you see my face?" "Nick, don't." "How do you make love to him after me?" "How do you get wet?" "Do you think about the money?" "There was a check." "What?" "That last night I saw you, two years ago." "Here." "There was a canceled check on the table." "I don't know what you're talking about." "There was a canceled check on that table right there... made out to my brother Frank." "After you left, it was gone." "Are you accusing me?" "I'm telling you." "You're wrong." "Maybe." "Thanks for stopping by." "All right." "You've got about one more minute." "I can take one question." "One more, that's it." "Mr. Mayor, do you really think Nick Starkey... can expect the support and respect... of the police department... given his ungraceful departure of two years ago?" "Now understand this." "There was no hard evidence of graft, all right?" "What's going to happen to him?" "Just a second." "Let me finish... or you can come up here and do it." "Now, because he was under a cloud... we were under a cloud." "So we made what you might call a political decision." "And he was wonderful." "He put the department's good ahead of his good." "He could have fought it, but he knew what he'd destroy." "And I respect him for that." "And at this moment, I think he's the obvious choice... in this dangerous juncture of time to lead the investigation." "Because we have to do something... and I think that Lieutenant Starkey... can make it happen." "That's all for today." "The show is over." "I gotta go." "Bye-bye." "Commissioner Starkey, how do you feel... about your brother being named special investigator?" "I'm very glad my brother's been reinstated." "Obviously, I was grieved... by his difficulties of two years ago... and hoped the day might come when he could resume his career." "That day has come." "No one is happier than me." "Yeah, you look ecstatic." "That was police..." "Cone." "Come in here." "Yes, sir?" "When Lieutenant Starkey reports, keep him away from me." "Give him Olson's old office." "Lieutenant Starkey's already reported, sir." "He has?" "Yes, sir... and he didn't like Olson's old office... so he took the big one down at the end of the hall." "He doesn't like Olson's office?" "He said the light was no good." "What light?" "You know, sir." "The sunlight." "Sunlight?" "What's he need sunlight for?" "For Ed." "For Ed?" "Yes, sir." "Who's Ed?" "The painter." "That office doesn't need to be painted." "He's not that kind of painter, Captain." "He's... you know, he paints paintings." "He's an artist." "What's going on here?" "Captain." "You told him?" "Yeah." "You told him about the painter?" "Yeah." "I got a sweet tooth for this shit." "I love it." "Captain." "Hi, Butch." "Captain Alcoa." "You want some espresso?" "Do I hear crickets?" "Yeah." "It's a tape." "Isn't it great?" "Who's that?" "That's Ed." "The painter?" "That's right." "You want sugar?" "Why's the furniture in the hall?" "I didn't want it." "I wanted space." "Did you miss me?" "I don't have anyplace to put that furniture... if it's not in here." "I don't want it." "But I'll tell you what I do want... all reports, photos, news accounts... background of any kind on every one of the murders." "In order of priority... everything on that last murder first." "Second priority... everything on the very first murder." "You must have a shitload of stuff by now." "We do." "It's like a library." "It's in 202." "Then leave it in 202." "I'll go to it." "OK." "And put Ed on the payroll." "As what?" "My assistant." "No." "I'll assign you an assistant." "I need Ed." "OK." "And..." "I need an NEC computer..." "Lotus Agenda." "We have about five Bedbecks." "Bedbeck's no good." "I need the NEC." "I need the NEC." "You're not drinking your espresso, mon capitaine." "Oh, well." "I've got to go." "Where you going?" "I'll be back about 3:00." "Where would I be going?" "It's a beautiful day." "I put on my best dress and go to a funeral." "Hang in there, Ed." "Up yours, copper." "But we must meet calamity with introspection." "Allison Hawkins was a member of the Hawkins family." "She is gone, but the Hawkins family remains." "The family remains... and something of Allison remains in them... in each of them... and in all of them." "You are in shock now, and you are in pain." "When this coffin is shouldered and carried from this church... grieve your grief... let it go." "Trust in God." "Grieve, repair... live." "Open your hymnals, please." " I'm sorry." "Are you OK?" " I'm fine." "Sorry." "Do I know you?" "No." "You're Nick Starkey." "I know your brother." "Good for you." "Were you following me?" "Why?" "You were the prettiest one at the funeral." "Can I buy you some hot chocolate?" "Sure." "So... do you usually go from funerals to ice skating?" "No." "It makes sense to me." "It does?" "Yeah." "What's funny?" "My father thinks you're a genius." "I am." "You know..." "let's forget this." "You don't want to question me?" "No." "What's the matter?" "Nothing." "In a hundred years, we'll all be dead." "So?" "So..." "My friend Allison and I spent New Year's Eve together." "I keep going over our conversation in my head." "We didn't really say anything to one another." "It was like most conversations, I guess... except it happened to be her last." "And then today... that funeral..." "I just kept thinking..." "how much of life is wasted." "I mean, we're sitting here, we're talking to each other." "I mean, shouldn't we be really talking to each other?" "All right." "I saw my brother's wife Christine last night... and she and I were an item at one time... and so it was a very painful evening." "And now today, I see you... and I find you very..." "attractive." "And I'm feeling vulnerable because of last night... and so my feeling is... my instinct as a man is..." "I don't want to ask you a lot of pushy questions... because I want you to like me." "In fact, how real do you want this conversation to get?" "Because saying these things out loud... has made me want to go to the next step... and say to you... this restaurant's a five-minute walk... from seven hotels." "It is?" "It is... and I'd like to..." "get a room in one of them... right now and take you there." "You would?" "Yeah, I would." "What do you say?" "In a hundred years, we'll all be dead." "What do you say?" "Just exactly how old are you?" "23." "God!" "Is something missing?" "Nothing's missing." "This is what happens." "What are you talking about?" "I knew when I came back down into this world..." "I'd start having weird behavior like this." "Like what?" "23 years old." "So what?" "And look... you're on top." "I've got to get out of here." "So go." "What if I had a heart attack, and they found me with you?" "I'm speechless." "So... where we going now?" "Where are we going?" "How do you figure that?" "Listen..." "I haven't felt safe." "I feel safe right now." "Let me have a little more of that." "All right." "Show me where Allison Hawkins lived." "Which window was hers?" "You see that right there, next to the lights?" "Come on." "I wanna take a look." "Thanks." "Oh, Lord Jeffrey Amherst" "Was a soldier" "Royal and true" "And he summoned all the Indians" "Into his sight..." "Come here and lay one on me." "Everybody knows where I live." "I kept having these nightmares last night." "I know my house is safe, supposedly... but it's giving me the creeps." "Everybody knows where I live." "I'm gonna have to get back to the precinct." "I got to work tonight." "I understand." "You can stay at my apartment if you want." "You'd be by yourself." " Could I?" " Sure." "That would be great." "I'll... call my father and make an excuse." "Good." "Thanks." "Ed, why are you still here?" "I'm just trying to get the hang of this." "Go home." "This is..." "Bernadette." "Bernadette, this is Ed." "He lives in my building." "She's gonna stay in my place tonight... so would you show her in?" "Sure." "Hi, Ed." "Hi." "Thanks." "You're welcome." "So long." "So, go." "Ed, I'll see you in the morning." "OK." "Where you going?" "For a walk." "Where?" "Nowhere." "To get away from you." "What have you figured out about the case?" "This guy, whoever he is, he's fabulous with locks." "In seven of these cases, the guy picked the lock." "Some of these locks were supposed to be unpickable." "What else?" "He's not just smart with locks." "He's just smart, very bright in a useless kind of way... and cracked as an old teacup." "You don't get away pulling eleven separate murders... unless you've got a brain like a Swiss watch." "You don't murder eleven women... unless you're plain fucking crazy." "Or you haven't figured out the motive." "I haven't figured out the motive." "That's a separate problem." "I mean, I know the motive." "What is it?" "This man has a lot of anger towards women." "That's fucking brilliant." "It must have been his mother." "Blue ribbon's an interesting touch." "I mean, blue ribbon..." "it's an award." "Maybe the mother... rewarded the kid with something that strangled him." "Maybe the constant rewarding by the mother... was the thing that caused the feeling of being strangled." "I bet this guy overachieves like gangbusters." "I'm walking here!" "What are you?" "Crazy?" ""Prime cut."" "Prime!" "What are you talking about?" "I'm about to know when he's going to kill the next girl." "When?" "I'll call you in an hour when I got it figured." "Listen, Frank." "You and me, we got something in common with the murderer." "We do?" "Maybe you do." "Just like him, we've got a mother." "Don't go comparing our mother to his." "Just like his mother, our mother had an affect on us." "Don't you say a goddamn word about our mother!" "You see?" "She's dead, and we're still fighting over her." "She had a big effect." "Get back to talking about the case." "It's like with your wife." "Don't bring my wife into this!" "I'm warning you." "You're right." "It's really about our mother." "Frank, I got one thing to say to you... and it's hard, but I gotta say it." "And if you can accept it... a lot of other shit's gonna fall into place." "Frank, Mom loved me more than you." "That's why I took the fall for you, Frank." "I wish you'd just fucking die." "Fuck!" "Hello." "Hello." "Bernadette, isn't it?" "Yes." "Mrs. Starkey." "I think we met at the mayor's birthday party... and at the opera, also, I think." "And now here." "And now here." " Would you like to come in?" " No." "He's not here." "Who?" "Nick." "Right." "No, I think I'll just be going before there's a traffic jam." "Oh, my God." "Hiya, Cone." "You know what a prime number is?" "Any number..." "What is it?" "Any number that can only be divided by one and itself." "Whatever you say." "There are twelve prime numbers possible out of 31 days." "These are the dates of the murders." "Eleven prime numbers." "What's the twelfth?" "Five." "What's today?" "January 4th." "Then it's tomorrow night." "He's going to kill the next girl tomorrow night." "Where?" "I don't know." "I better leave you to figure." "You're the real thing." "You're a real shamus." "Alcoa, I know when the guy's gonna hit again." "You gotta give me your cooperation here." "Fuck you!" "And don't even look at me." "I don't work for you." "You work for me." "You think you can come in my office... stand in my face and tell me the news... like I'm some monkey-do lieutenant?" "Fuck you!" "You are not a policeman!" "I am a fucking policeman!" "Get it, you dilettante fuck?" "No matter what the mayor says!" "I'm going to need a backup unit tomorrow night on call." "Maybe all night." "If I ever get my hands on a shred of paper... that proves that you were on the take back when..." "I will delight in getting the charcoal for the barbecue." "I'm gonna need the team in the van... with the motor running." "Tomorrow's the night." "That's when he's gonna hit, maybe for the last time." "Where?" "I don't know yet." "Yes, Captain Alcoa." "Get me Emergency Service unit." "So, Christine, I understand you had dinner with Nick." "Yes." "I want to know what happened." "Did he say he was going to do anything further... or talk to anybody further about the... scandal that happened about two years back?" "I mean, not that there's anything to talk about." "He thinks there's a check." "A check?" "A canceled check made out to you, Frank." "From who?" "Well, it would be a crooked road, Eamon... but I think it would be traced back to you." "Does Nick have this check?" "No." "I don't even think he's looking for it." "You don't?" "No, I don't think so." "I think he's much more interested right now... in fucking your daughter." "What are you talking about?" "You don't understand what I'm saying?" "I'm sorry." "Picture it." "Just..." "Look at your cigar and think of your daughter." "Don't bother to get up." "It's all right." "Roger will see me home." "What are you doing?" "I'm checking into a hotel, Frank... and out of the whorehouse." "Lovely meal." "Thank you." " Thanks." " Good night." "All done." "It's here." "What's here?" "Tomorrow night is here." "February..." "March..." "April..." "May..." "June..." "July..." "August..." "September..." "October..." "November..." "December..." "January." "These are the rooms where each murder was committed." "Where?" "Have you got my paper?" "No paper for 12-C, sir." "Let me take a look and see if my paper's there." "Holy Jesus!" "Can you do a whole part of town this way?" "Sure." "You want to see the big picture?" "Oh, God." "Nick, can this voodoo and meet me out front." "There's been another murder, but we got the son of a bitch." "Tonight?" "Hello, Captain." "Hello, sir." "The woman's upstairs, named Lana Pico." "Strangled in her own apartment." "He strangled her, walked to the dining room... jumped right through the fucking window." "Look at that." "The son of a bitch has the ribbon right in his hand." "It's gonna make a great picture for the Post." "How'd he get in?" "Broke in through a window opposite the air shaft." "Broke in?" "Yeah." "The window was gated." "He kicked it in and waited for her in the bedroom." "Wait." "Nobody gets through." "Can we just get down there?" "Hello, Alcoa." "Hello, sir." " And you are?" " Detective Reilly, sir." "Good to meet you, Reilly." "Killed himself?" "Yes, sir." " Hi, Nick." " Not him." "Pretty ironic, huh?" "What?" "He killed himself." "We didn't need Sherlock Holmes after all." "Can we see you over here, Commissioner?" "That's my father's car." "All right." "Go ahead." "Hi, Dad." "What the hell are you doing here?" "And what are you doing..." "Never mind." "I heard." "I heard." "We'll talk about it later." "You just get out of here before they take your picture." "What's the matter with you?" "Would you do what I say!" "You get out of here." "Don't become a liability, little girl." "Apparently he just jumped, sir." "Oh, my God." "There he is." "The whole city is frightened to death for a year... because of just one guy." "Thank God that's over." "Maybe." "What do you mean, "maybe"?" "I don't think this is the man." "What?" "He strangled the woman." "He's got the ribbon in his hand." "What the hell are you talking about?" "Why'd he kill himself?" "How the fuck do I know?" "He murders eleven women." "No problem." "He murders one more, he feels so bad... he jumps out the window?" "I don't buy it." "Why'd he break in the window gate?" "He never broke anything before." "He just picked the lock." "Then there's the date..." "not a prime number." "It doesn't figure." "Let me tell you something." "Life is like that sometimes." "You were wrong, that's all." "I'd like to take a look at the apartment." "You want to see the apartment, Commissioner?" "I'll be up in a minute." "Eamon, could you take a look at this?" "What is it?" "A statement for the press." "You gonna make it?" " Yes." " All right." "Mayor, what's the story?" " Did they get the strangler?" " Get back." "It's all over." "The commissioner will have a statement for you." " Can we leave?" " Sure." "Excuse me." "The commissioner has a statement for you." "Mr. Commissioner!" "Rumor has it that this is the strangler!" "Why was the mayor here tonight?" "Tonight comes to an end twelve months of fear." "See you, Nick." "Thanks." "All right, I'm a fireman!" "Jesus!" "What are you doing here?" "Ed let me in." "He was wrong to do that." "Nick, what's wrong?" "I'm very tired!" "Why don't you come here and sit down." "They want you, they need you." "The rest of the time..." "Can I help you?" "You!" "You're the mayor's daughter!" "I could do a number on him, but I wouldn't bother." "What are you talking about?" "Don't you get it?" "This wasn't it." "That wasn't him." "Then who was that?" "Some guy." "Some other crazy!" "And tomorrow night, while your father and my brother... and all the other slobs who only care about the way it looks... and don't give a shit about how it actually is... while they're all slapping themselves on the back... the January Man... is going to get his January Girl." "So stop him." " I've been fired." " So solve it anyway." "Nick, I woke up here today." "I saw how you live." "I see what you like around you." "I understand you want to run away from these people." "I understand." " It's their responsibility." " No." "They don't know what that means." "I'm tired." "I know." "I know you are." "So we're going to go to bed, OK?" "And then we'll sleep." "And then tomorrow, after a good breakfast... you're going to catch the killer and save the girl." "How old did you say you were?" "Shut up." "A hundred years, we'll all be dead." "But the stars will still be shining." "The stars." "Of course." "And all the constellations." "At this time of year..." "Virgo has just become visible in the eastern sky..." "I love this." "The recent appearance of Halley's Comet..." "Time is running out, Nick." "Named after an English astronomer, Edmund Halley..." "In order to be brilliant... you got to be in touch with the universe." "Halley's Comet swings across our skies... once every 75 or 76 years." "That wasn't the guy last night." "Yes, it was." "Don't you read the paper?" "The commissioner called me himself... to say the case is closed." "He made it clear that I should give you abuse... shit work..." "so you'd resign." "I don't think he even wants you in the fire department." "Why are you telling me this?" "Because I don't like you." "There's no place for you here." "But I respect you." "It's like the army..." "wartime hero, peacetime fuckup." "That's you." "Transfer back to the fire department." "I ain't got the stomach to be your brother's stooge." "I need a backup team, maybe a decoy." "I need your help for twelve more hours... then I'll go back to the farm." "I can't, even if I wanted to." "Don't give me that, skipper!" "I can't get Emergency Service." "The commissioner says, from now on... all E.S. Orders go through him." "I ain't gonna put a decoy out on the street without backup." "All right." "You got what you got." "That's all the support you're going to get." "I'll look the other way till tomorrow... and then I'll expect a request for transfer." "And in the meantime, unless you see a man strangling a woman... don't call for backup... because it ain't gonna come." "Can you just lift your hair?" "Sure." "How's that feel?" "Ready?" "Feel anything?" "No." "I like attention as much as the next girl, but..." "No." "It's fine." "Actually, it digs in a little bit right here." "I'll put some tape over that." "All right." "There's a puzzle in the computer I got to sort out." "Let's get downtown." "All right." "Here we go." "Can you mark the 11 buildings where the murders took place?" "Can you make the rest of the city disappear... and just leave the dots?" "Virgo." "Stars." "Ed, there's a star missing." "Find it." "Get a star chart to scale." "Find it, superimpose it on the map." "Then we'll know the building." "Find it." "OK, now..." "we got one more problem." "Which window on which floor?" "You got all that into the computer, right?" "All right, Ed." "Yep." "I'll be right back with the stars." "Very good, Eddie." "OK, he likes to fill in squares." "Let's fill in the murder windows." "OK." "Find the pattern." "OK." "All on the same floor." "Down one here." "Back up to the original floor." "Let's make the distance between the dots uniform." "Good." "What do you suppose it forms?" "It can't be another astrological sign... so what is it?" "Now, what is that?" "Music." "I feel like I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop." "It was a nifty theory." "There's seven notes in a row." "It goes..." "What's that?" "I just made it up." "Seven notes in a row..." "No." "Go back." "What is that?" "That right there." "Yes." "That." "What you just did." "I love, I love" "My little calendar girl" "I love, I love my lit-tle" "Ca-len-dar" "Girl" "Yeah 16th floor." "We're lucky in that there's only two single women... living on the 16th floor with windows facing this way... and one of them is currently visiting Disneyworld." "You're getting to be a real cop, Ed." "Thank you." "This is it." "Keep going." "We'll set up in here." "All right." "One of us always watches the door." "We'll take thirty-minute shifts." "If it's the guy, we just take note, let him go in." "If it's the woman, you know what to do." "Bernadette, you take the first watch." "What's for dinner?" "Nothing edible?" "Prime number, Virgo, and "Calendar Girl"?" "I can say it now." "I had my doubts." "Why don't we just take him now?" "Right now, it's just breaking and entering." "We got to surprise him in flagrante... homicido." "Relax." "Listen, we're with the police department." "I am a police lieutenant." "Lieutenant Starkey." "See?" "There is a man..." "a killer, a strangler... waiting right inside your apartment door." "If you'd gone through that door, you'd be dead now." "Understand?" "So we're going to send someone in in your place... and we're going to catch this man." "Do you understand?" "Is that all right with you?" "All right." "Thanks." "Oh, God." "All right." " You ready, Bernadette?" " Yeah." "You scared?" "It's going to be all right." "Now listen... you open the door, you close the door." "You start to take off your coat." "As soon as you feel that ribbon, you start screaming." "Be a piece of cake." "And what's the next part again?" "I save you." "Don't forget that part." "If I close the door behind me, how are you getting in?" "Sledgehammer." "I thought you were supposed to shoot the lock off with a gun." "I don't have a gun." "You don't?" "Stop worrying." "Ed, I think it'd be best if you don't come in the apartment." "You got it." "I'm an artist." "I'll watch the woman." "Let's go." "Damn!" "Jesus!" "Hang on!" "Come on!" "I'm coming!" "Damn!" "Hang on!" "Nick!" "You son of a bitch!" "Jesus!" "Nick, come on!" "God!" "Bernadette!" "Hurry!" "Go ahead and do your worst, you dirty, murdering pig!" "You all right?" "I'm alive." "My name is Lieutenant Nicholas Starkey." "You... are under arrest." "You have the right to remain silent..." "You really want to play this out?" "I had a hard time finding you, and I'm not about to let you go." "Call Alcoa!" "You have the right to legal counsel." "You're... shit!" "Give me the 2nd Precinct, please." "It's an emergency." "What?" "What?" "Hello, Mrs. Starkey." "Hi." "Lieutenant Starkey's not in his office." "I'd like to speak with him." "Do you know where he is?" "I really don't know where..." "Get the commissioner, three squad cars... tell them to get to this address." "And tell them to get the fuck there!" "Nick's going at it with the strangler." "I thought the strangler was dead." "So did I!" "And get me a car and get me the fuck there!" "Get the fuck out of my way!" "Sorry, ma'am." "You'll have to excuse us." "Of course." " Hi." " Hi." " Hi." "Where's my door?" " It's on the floor." "Good." "Grab the elevator." "How am I doing?" "Listen." "Stop kicking me." "I hate that." "I told you to stop that." "You're not getting away." "Why don't you just fucking accept it?" "I hate this job." " See?" " I told you to stop." "But, no." "All the force necessary, you know." "Do you hear them?" "All right." "That's it." "You want to fight?" "All right." "Come on!" "Deploy these fucking men properly!" "What's going on?" "Nick's in there with the strangler." "What about the guy we got?" "It came over the radio on the way here." "They just made the guy we pegged for the strangler." "He got out of the loony bin about three days ago." "He's been in there two years." "Fuck!" "OK, are we rolling?" "Sorry, lady." "Police personnel only." "Do you know who I am?" "Back!" "Get down!" "Come on." "I wonder if I could get a cup of coffee." "Preferably espresso." " Does anybody know this guy?" " Who he is ain't important." "That's the problem with him." "He's nobody." "Get the photog out here!" "Let's go!" "Come on!" "What are you doing here?" "I left Frank." "You'll never change." "Go away." " You love me." " No, Christine." "I loved an idea I had that looked like you." "Here's the check." "Darling... don't say I never gave you anything." "Good luck, Bernadette." "The world's either great or wretched, isn't it?" "So many people are just finished." "You think?" "I don't know, really." "All I know is I'm going home." "I quit." "The job?" "Yes." "I'm going home, I'm going to mix some paint... and I'm gonna try and do something original." "See you." "Listen..." "I want to make you dinner." "You know... in a couple of days." "That'd be nice." "I want to make you haggis." "What's haggis?" "It's a Scottish dish." "You take the stomach of a sheep, and then you stuff it... with the sheep's lungs, liver, and heart... some onions, suet, and oatmeal." "And then you boil the whole thing." "I don't know." "Sounds a little weird... but I'm game to try it." | {
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" Julian." " Hey." " You came all the way out here?" " Yeah." "I had to leave somebody off up on the beach." " Thought I'd drop by." " It's been weeks." " Hi." " Hi." "Hello, girls." "You mean you didn't fly down to Rio for the weekend?" " Don't mind them." "They're just jealous." " I don't mind." "I've been trying to reach you all day." "Yeah, I got the message." "Number?" "Tonight." "It's a woman from Charlottesville." "She's flying in to close a negotiation on her husband's estate." " First time?" " Yeah." "She's meeting with the lawyers in the morning." "They want a chauffeur." "Is she into drugs?" "No, no drugs." "$1,000, right?" "$600 for me." "Julie, don't start this up again." "Look, you want 50-50?" "You go get Mike." "Or one of those high school dropouts you like so much." "There's no percentage in it if I don't get 50-50." "You already cut me out of the repeaters." "It's only fair." "Only fair." "It ain't fair, Julie, but I don't have any choice." "You got a choice." "You got a lot of choice." "You can keep dealing those retarded faggots" " who don't know class from..." " Look who's talking." "All right. 50-50." "Who'd you drop off up the beach?" "Wouldn't you like to know." "Julie, why do you do this to me?" "Look, you know anybody else who gets in the LA Country Club?" "And that's not the Hillcrest, or the Riverside, or the Riviera." "I gotta run now, so why don't you leave the info on the service?" "You don't want to take some sun?" "I'm sure the girls would like some company." "No, thanks." "No way." "See you later." "How's the Swedish coming?" "Okay." "Do you want me to help you?" "Listen to the recording and repeat what you hear." "Listen and then repeat." "I am not interested in that." "How much farther have we to go?" "Is this your first visit?" "Okay." "Yeah?" "Okay, let him through." "Hey, Leon, what's up?" "Hey, Julie, baby, listen," "I hate to bug you like this, but you gotta help me out." "I had this Palm Springs gig set up for Joey and the bitch split." "Least he ain't nowhere around." "No, I can't do it." "Getting a haircut now." "I got something on later this afternoon." "Baby, baby, this is a two-hour gig." " Plus the drive." " Plus the drive." "Five C's." "Straight in-and-out job." "Nothing fancy." "Come on." "Do me a favour." "I don't know." "Maybe." "If I get some time." "I'll give you 50 bucks." "You go fuck yourself." "You think I'm in this for charity?" "Hey!" "Hey, hey, wait a minute, here." "Who's doing who a favour?" "Who called who up, begging for a sub?" "Okay, okay." "I'm sorry." "I appreciate it." "Anything for a friend." "Excuse me." "Mind if I take my cap off, ma'am?" "No, of course not." "Thank you." "I think I know this hotel better than I do my own apartment." "All the important people come and stay here." "You know, I used to be a pool boy here." "Anything I can do to help you?" "Look, I'll open up the champagne for you." " You don't have to open up the..." " Julian." "My name is Julian." "You don't have to open the champagne." "I will give you a tip, don't worry." "Oh, Jesus." "Look, I'm sorry, Mrs Dobrun." "That's not what I meant at all." "I was..." "I'm sorry." "This your first time in LA?" " Maybe you can be a help to me." " Yeah?" "Well, I haven't been here for several years and I was wondering if there are any new really good restaurants." "You know, where the famous people go?" "Yeah, well, it's probably safer to recommend the more established restaurants." "There's Ma Maison and La Scala, and Scandia." "And of the newer ones, I hear that Le Dome is quite nice." "Very popular." "My, you are making me thirsty just standing there." "Now you can open the champagne." "Pour me a drink, and set the bottle down." "Yeah, she liked the pool boy bit." "I'm going to see her again tomorrow afternoon." "Yeah." "Okay, Anne." "Yes." "Love you, too." "Paging Mrs Anderson." " Mrs Anderson, front desk, please." " Hey, pretty lady." " Hi." " Got my other jacket?" " Sure." "Here you go, Julian." " Thanks." " Good evening, Mr Kay." " Vince." "How are you doing?" "Fine." "Nice to see you." "Then he has the nerve to hit on my sister..." " It's not the greatest job in the world." " Yeah." " You get to meet people..." " Thank you." "Yeah, I'll have a Scotch on the rocks." "No, he's not." "I told you." "He's looking right at us." "What'll it be?" "No, that's okay, Jim." "Je m'appelle Julian Kay." "Excusez-moi, Michelle Jost." "Mr Kay would like another drink." "Manhattan." "Dry Manhattan on the rocks." "Yes, sir." " You speak English." " You speak English." " You fooled me." " And you, me." "How long have you been over here in Los Angeles?" "I live here." "You live here?" "I don't understand." "You wouldn't." "I'm just trying to refresh my college French." "I usually practise with a friend, but she's not here yet." "Where are you from?" "I was born in Torino, but I studied at Nantes." "You hardly have any accent at all." "Yeah, I've been travelling too much." "I envy you." "I love to travel." "I used to travel a lot, but my husband's involved in local politics." "So now I just practise French." "He thinks it's chic to have a bilingual wife." "I think he's right." "Where are you going?" "I made a mistake." "My husband's in New York." "What about your friend?" "I'm not waiting for anyone." "You still don't understand." "Understand what?" "Who I am." "Who are you?" "You don't even understand who you are, why you're sitting here." "Why are you here?" "I've got to go." "All right." "Just one thing." "Why did you come on to me?" "Like I said, I made a mistake." "I heard you speaking French." "Often in these big hotels, you run into women from foreign countries who may need a translator or a guide." "And they hire you?" "Yes." "How many languages do you speak?" "Five or six." "Plus the international language." "That's right." "Well, now, you're something really special, aren't you?" "You're one to talk." "I saw you sitting here." "You wanted me to come over." "I came over." "I know what I see." "How much would you have charged me?" "As what?" "Translator or guide?" "No." "Just one fuck." "Now, you've made a mistake." "I don't do that." "You don't, huh?" "I know what I see, too, Monsieur Kay." "It's been a pleasure talking to you, Madame Jost." "Don't spoil it." "Bonne chance." "Look, mister, someone's made a mistake here." "I don't do fags." "I didn't mean that." "And I don't do couples, either." "No, no, no." "You don't understand." "It's just my wife Judy." "Not me." " Just her." " Okay." " But I can watch." " Of course." "Would you like a drink?" "Not yet." "I think I'd like my money now." "Sure." "Sure." " I like to talk afterwards, too." " Sure." "Hello, Judy." "You're a very sexy lady, a very good-looking woman." "Very pretty woman." "You're gonna like me." "I can tell." "Because I like you." "I like you." "So just relax and close your eyes." "Just relax and let your mind run free." "Don't worry about anything." "I can take care of you." "I know what you want." "That's right." "Close your eyes." "Forget about him." "This has nothing to do with him." "This is just you and me." "No, no, no, from behind." "It has to be from behind." "Okay, baby, just flip over on your stomach." "Just relax." "Don't worry." "Leave everything to me, 'cause I'm gonna take care of you." "I'm gonna take care of you." "I'm gonna get you wet." "I'm gonna get you very wet." "I know how to do this." "Now slap her." "Slap that cunt." "Hey, Leon." " How you doing, Julie?" " All right." "I want to thank you for helping me out, Julie." "Finally found Joey holed up with one of his boyfriends, just banging away, you know how it is." "Dumb bastard." "Hello, Julian." " Hi." "I'll just have a Perrier." " Okay." "Okay." "You made quite a hit in Palm Springs." "They want you back." "I'm serious." "They want you to come back this week." "I wouldn't take much, you know." "It's..." "They're regulars for me." "You lied to me, Leon." "It was a rough trick." "I forgot." "You got scruples now, huh?" "I don't like playing the same numbers too often." "They get possessive." "I can't be possessed." "That include Miss Anne?" "Anne who?" "Boy, I don't know why you fool around with that dumb bitch." "I'll tell you why, Leon." "She's got a job coming up for me in a week." "Eight grand." "Can you get me that?" "All right." "All right." "Thanks, hon." "Just trying to warn you, that's all." "I mean, that bitch will sell you out." "But you really care about me, don't you?" "Don't you, Leon?" "You care." "You know, you walk an awful thin line, Julie." "I wouldn't wanna be in your shoes." "I mean, you're getting awful cocky." "All the rest of the boys are happy with a car, house in the hills, but not you." "You got all your rich pussy lined up, once-a-month tricks, a dip in the pool, a little tennis, and orgasm." "I'm just trying to warn you as a friend." "If those bitches ever turn on you, you're through." "You're sure about that?" "They'll cut you out." "Yeah?" "Says she's a friend?" "Where does she know me from?" "Yeah, send her up." "I'm Michelle." " How did you find me?" " It wasn't hard." "Are you surprised?" "What do you want?" "I would have thought that you'd live in a place with thick red carpet, big circular bed and mirrors on the ceiling." "Bordello." "This is my apartment." "Women don't come here." " You're going out?" " Yeah." "Business?" "Maybe." "Isn't it a little late?" "Isn't it a little late for you?" "My husband's still in New York." "I'm alone." "I thought it would be easier." "What did you say?" "I said, "I thought it would be easier."" "What would be?" "To be with you, to procure you." "I told you, you're mistaken." "Why are you doing this to me?" "What am I doing?" "Embarrassing me." "I'm not embarrassing you." "I can't keep up this front much longer." "I came here." "I found out who you were, where you live." "I came here in the middle of the night." "I want to know what it would be like to fuck you." "I brought money." "What more can I do?" "I..." "I..." "I like..." "I don't want to know." "Don't say that." "You got me aroused just thinking about it." "I'm lying here with a hard-on, it's not even 10:00 yet." "Don't tease me." "Come on, baby, you're just teasing me." "I'll have to hang up and jerk off right now." "I am." "Yes, I'm touching myself." "You like that, don't you?" "Come on, baby." "Don't say that." "We're lying here getting aroused, talking about having more pleasure than you've had in years, you got to bring up some stupid little $1,200 stereo?" "How much does your husband make?" "What's he worth?" "What's he worth?" "A couple of million?" "Of course I could do without it." "I can listen to the radio." "The speaker's cracked." "Lisa." "Lisa, listen to yourself." "Just listen to yourself." "Do you hear what you're saying?" "Can you hold on a second?" "Someone's at the door." "Good morning." "What do you want for breakfast?" "Coffee, orange juice, croissant, eggs?" "Julian Kay." "Yeah, I want two coffees, orange juice, croissant..." "No eggs." "...one scrambled egg and a side of cottage cheese." "Lisa, this is really embarrassing." "I'm sitting here with a hard-on, and there's people all over and I can't talk to you now." "All right, I'll see you about 5:00." "Bye-bye, love." "So, what do you think?" "About what?" "Did you make the right decision to come here last night?" "Was it what you expected?" "No." "It was like really making love." "I'm not used..." "That's not what I expected." "Do you remember what you said last night?" "Yes." "Now, if I bid on it, I have to buy it, right?" "Right." "Well, now, the one I want is right over here." "There it is!" "What does it say?" "I saw one just like that in Madam Wu's." ""Jacobean." "Late 17th century."" "It's estimated at $4,800 to $5,200." "This has been worked on." "There's glue in it." "Yeah." "I don't know." "My guess, it's gonna go for $5,000, 55 maybe." "It's a great piece, but it's not a great bargain." "Now, 48, that's a good bargain." "What do you think?" "It's perfect for the guest room, but I don't know." "You know, I saw a George III chest around here somewhere going for, like, 22, 23." "It's a lot of money, but it's a good investment." "Beautiful lines on it." "Probably the best bargain is that tacky garniture set over there, if the Japs don't bid it up." "What is it?" " Do you see who I see?" " Who is it?" "It's Randolph Sloan's widow." " She's a stockholder in Jim's company." " Is she still alive?" "She's gonna make a beeline straight for us." "There goes the garniture set." " What am I gonna do?" " I don't know." "Come, Lisa, we must face the enemy before they face us." "Lucille!" "How lovely to see you." "Are you buying or selling?" " Just looking." " How nice." "There is an exquisite garniture set over there." "Lucille, this is Willem Shoenvelt." "He's helping me redecorate the guest house." "Great hospitality, madam." "The dress!" "Look, the dress." "Beautiful dress." "Goes well with the face." "They're both beige." "Willem." "Madam!" " What is going on here?" " I don't know." "So sorry." "Willem." "Lisa, we must go, auf Wiedersehen." " Did you see her face?" " I can't believe you did that!" "I wish your husband would come back." " He has." " Good." "I can't stop thinking about you." "Do you mind?" "What have you been doing?" " When?" " This morning." "Driving around." "I drove to Anaheim, then I drove to Long Beach." "I pumped my own gas in Long Beach." "Then I drove here." "You know, Michelle," "I'm really not part of your problems." "And I'm certainly not the solution to your problems." "I brought money." "Don't..." "I don't want your money." "I'll buy you something, then." "I'll buy you that stereo." "I got a stereo." "What, then?" "Come on." " What?" " We're going to my room." "Bulgari." "You want it?" "No." "Good, 'cause you're not gonna get it." "Tell me everything about you." "Right now." "God." "Why?" "I don't know." "It seems important." "We just made love, didn't we?" "Yes." "Then you know everything there is to know." "That's silly." "Where are you from?" "No." "I'm not from anywhere." "I'm from this bed." "Anything worth knowing about me you can learn from letting me make love to you." "That's not true." "Why do you sleep with older women?" "I prefer older women." "Why?" "What's the use of bringing some high schooler to climax?" "Some silly teenager gets wet in the movies and goes home to masturbate." "No challenge." "It has no meaning." "The other night, that night I met you at the hotel," "I was with a woman." "Somebody's mother." "Her husband didn't care about her any more." "This woman hadn't had an orgasm in maybe 10 years." "It took me three hours to get her off." "For a while there, I didn't think I was gonna be able to do it." "When it was over, I felt like I'd done something, something worthwhile." "Who else would've taken the time or cared enough to do it right?" "My God." "These are not the handcuffs your wife was wearing when she was killed, Mr Rheiman." "Those we found in the study." "They were in a filing cabinet." "Along with some dildos, some paddles and some..." "You know what I'm talking about." "Listen, your private sex life is of no concern to me or to the LAPD." "However, the manner in which your wife was assaulted suggests the killer was, may have been, a guest in your home once." "I'll try to keep what you tell me in the strictest confidence." "However, I'm gonna have to have detailed information about you and your wife's sex practices." "The names of the parties, if any, that were involved." "All right?" "Sorry." "Here you go." "And this, too." "So I get the Salvation Army." "Thanks a lot." "Yep." "Mrs Stewart." "Hi, excuse me." "Does Mr Julian Kay live here?" "I'm Detective Sunday." "I'm with the Homicide Bureau, and I'd just like to ask him a few questions." "What do you want?" "You're Mr Kay?" "Hello, I'm Detective Sunday." "How are you?" "Come on." "Look, I'm walking into Westwood." "Do you wanna talk there?" " Sure." " I'll pick that stuff up later, Jill." "I'm investigating the Rheiman murder from the Los Angeles area." "You heard about the case?" "Yeah, that's the one that was in the paper, right?" "Yeah." " Palm Springs." " Right again." "Yeah, I think I read something about that." "Yeah, I bet you did." " You want a cup of coffee?" " Sure." "Listen, we'll sit in the back." "And what were you doing Tuesday night?" "Tuesday." " Or people." " Tuesday night, I was..." "I was with a friend at a pre-auction viewing at Sotheby Parke Bernet." "She'll verify that?" "We're talking about a woman of substance here." " I think she enjoys her privacy." " I don't want this any more." "...if that's what this is to you, okay?" "I don't want it!" "I don't want it!" "Come over here." "You can't mix May and December." "It just..." "Yep." "You like cigars?" "I'm sorry." "Am I a suspect?" "No, no, no, no." "But we're gonna have to check out your alibi just to be on the safe side, for your sake." "All right, now, this work that you were doing for the Rheimans, was this as a translator or a chauffeur?" "Neither." "This was..." "This was more of a personal matter." "You're friends?" "Not exactly." "Not exactly." "All right, then." "Then what exactly is it that you were doing with the Rheimans, or for the Rheimans?" "Nothing special." "Chit-chat." "I don't know." "I have a hard time remembering about these things." "You know, I meet a lot of people." "Yes, yes." "No, I understand your problem." "Let's see now, you got there, you sat around, you had a few drinks." "Next thing you know, you're back in LA." "Is that right?" "More or less." "You want another cup of coffee?" "That's bullshit, Julian." "I'm gonna take you in." "It'll be good for your memory." "You seem like a young man who needs a little self-improvement." "Look, Mr Sunday..." "Detective Sunday." "Look, Detective." "I want to cooperate with the police in any way I can, but these..." "These are very delicate matters." "Things that may not fall under the exact letter of the law." "Publicity's the last thing I want." "I'm not gonna book you, Julian." "And I'm not gonna take away your chauffeur's licence." "I'm not gonna bring you up on drug charges." "I could do all of that." "Just tell me about the Rheimans." "Please welcome Charles Stratton." "Mac, thank you." "I hope you're having as good a time as the rest of us, trying to figure out what this stuff is on our plates." "But most of all..." "Who's that man up there who's second from I'm happy to have the opportunity to speak to you in an informal way about the problems facing southern California." "More than any other community in the country..." "Do you follow California politics, Julian?" " Not very much." "...we not only use oil and gas..." "You're smart." "They're all whores." "...more extravagantly than any other community, but we also have the technological means and know-how to help free America from the grip of fossil fuels." "In times of austerity like these, it is the privileged who should lead the way, who should set an example for the rest of the country." " I believe..." " This guy is a real comer." "...that example." "So, I said, "What happens when Mike Curb leaves town?"" "I'm telling you..." "Nice of you to come." "You know my wife, Michelle?" "She's pretty, isn't she?" "Yes, very." "Jim, good to see you." "Thank you for coming." "You know Michelle." "Glad to meet you." "Mrs Laudner, how nice of you to come." "It's always a pleasure to see you." "It's bullshit, but I like it." "Can we talk later?" "Certainly." "Mrs Laudner, my wife Michelle." " How do you do?" " How do you do?" "It's a pleasure to meet you." " And this is Julian Kay." " It's an honour to meet you, sir." "I enjoyed the speech." "Mrs Stratton." "You're a fortunate man, Senator." "Well, you know what he is, don't you?" "That boy is gonna go far." "Got a nice wife, too." "Tell me about them, Frances." "Well, I told you he's a comer." "No, I want to hear about them as a couple." " How is their marriage?" " Julian, you are incorrigible." "No, come on." "I mean it." "I wanna hear about it." "I hear she's very unhappy." "How you doing?" "...really pretty picture..." " Julian!" " Well, hello." "What a surprise." "You do a lot of shopping here, maybe." "No." "I'm just browsing." "Just browsing." "Well, I gotta go now." "Lot of appointments." "It's been very nice talking to you, Mrs Stratton." "Wait." "I have to talk to you." "Yeah." "Me, too." "Want to have a drink?" "It's kind of early for a drink." "Maybe we could get to that in about an hour." "What do you think?" "I think you're awful." "I think you're right." "Come on." "I've seen your husband on television." "He's very impressive." "What's that supposed to mean?" "Nothing." "I'm sorry." "I would never do anything to hurt him politically." "I could never leave him." "Don't let him blackmail you." "He has this big political thing about having a family." "He keeps wanting me to be pregnant." "What are we talking about?" "Are we talking about what he wants or what you want?" "I can't tell any more." "What can I do?" "I don't know." "Be yourself." "Leave him?" "His career will survive." "People forget." "These things have to be done quietly." "Don't let him fool you with his talk about duty and self-sacrifice." "He's getting exactly what he wants." "You've got to do the same." "Take your pleasure when you can." "How about you?" "Where do you come in?" "How do you get pleasure?" "What a surprise." "Mr Kay." "Detective Sunday." "You are full of surprises." "Come on in." "Sit down." "Take a shine." "You need it." "Thank you, Julian." "Well, you're quite dressed up today." "Well, I'm going to the country club." "To the country club." "We checked on your alibi." "Mrs Williams said that you had been with her Tuesday night." "But you dropped her off at 7:00." "The Rheiman murder was at 10:00." "Shit." "But I described the house." "The bedroom." "Yeah, she said you had been helping her redecorate, that you had been to Parke Bernet, picking out a bureau." " Right." "Right." " I can understand why she'd say that." "She has a reputation to protect." "How do you do it, Julian?" "This afternoon with Mrs Jarvie and tonight at the country club." "How do you seduce all these women, huh?" "I don't like you poking around in my private life, Sunday, bugging my friends." "I'll tell you what." "You lay off my clients," "I'll give you a few pointers picking up women, okay?" "How's that?" "First, obviously, you dress for shit." "Anybody can fix that, no problem." " It's your face." " Face?" "Face." "Bad face." "And your body." "What's wrong with your body?" "You have back problems?" "You look like a monkey sitting there." " Come on." " Hey, back." "Shoulders back." "Back." "And your jaw, work the jaw." "Exercise." "You don't want it slack." " Up tight, tight." "Yes." " Tight." "Tight." "Would you be willing to come in for a line-up?" "Sure." "Why not?" "Doesn't it ever bother you, Julian?" " What?" " What you do." "Giving pleasure to women?" "I'm supposed to feel guilty about that?" "But it's not legal." "Legal is not always right." "Men make laws." "Sometimes they're wrong." "They're stupid, or jealous." "And you know better?" "Some people are above the law." "Well, how do these people know who they are?" "They know." "They ask themselves." "Eugene, thanks." "I'll take care of you in a minute." " Yes, sir." " Okay." " May I?" " Please." "Yeah, the other one could use some work." "Why didn't you tell me you handcuffed Mrs Rheiman?" "I didn't." "Yeah, you said that." "That's why I went back and had it checked it twice with the coroner." "Apparently, she must have put up quite a struggle." "There were cuts on her wrists from being handcuffed." "But underneath the cuts there were bruises from where she was handcuffed earlier." "Now the coroner estimates about 48 hours earlier, which would be the night you were there." "Jesus Christ." "Now, she was beaten with a heavy metal object, raped and violated with an object, presumably the murder weapon." "Yeah." "Yeah, I handcuffed her." "But you gotta understand about these people, like the Rheimans." "It's like a game to them." "I'll explain." "Julian." "Yeah?" "What is it?" "They were here two hours, the police." "They were here two hours." "I couldn't stop them." "They had a search warrant." "It's all right, Jill." "It's okay." "What's going on?" "Jill, it's Julian." "No, it's okay." "It's okay." "Send the maid up now." "Hi." "How you doing, Timmy?" "Julian!" "You're becoming a regular visitor." "What's happening?" "There's something I want to talk to you about." "I don't like to have anybody in the house when Tim visits." "Courts might not let me see him at all." "Let's go down to the beach, then." "Watch out." "Thank you." "I think I'm in a frame." " Who's putting you in?" " I don't know." "All I see is a frame." "It's that Rheiman murder." "Out in Palm Springs." "You tricked with them?" "Once." "Just once." "Favour to Leon." " Two-timing bastard." " So I'm a nice guy." "I can't help it." "You check around for me?" "Why don't you ask your new friend Leon?" "I may just do that!" "You trick for other people, you cheat me out of money, and then when you need a favour, you come back to me." "If I help you, you'll have to help me." "How?" "You'll have to come back to me, work strictly for me." "Wait a minute, now." "No, it's got nothing to do with that." " Like shit it doesn't." " No." "I made you, Julie." "I taught you everything you know, how to dress, how to behave, how to treat women, how to make love." "And then one day you come to me and say," ""I'm too good for you," and cut me out." "It ain't right, Julie." "Things are different now." "I'm more than what I used to be." "I'm getting older, Anne." "I gotta keep moving forward." " Just move." " Please, Julie, save me the speeches." "How's your Swedish coming?" "I'll be ready." "She's flying in from Stockholm on Thursday." "She apparently has certain sexual idiosyncrasies." "Are you going to come back with me?" "You did it, didn't you?" "What?" "The Rheiman killing." "Don't worry, Julie." "It doesn't matter." "Thank you." "It's been a wonderful evening." " Can I see you again tomorrow?" " How about this one?" "There was a sexy girl from Borgan Place..." "Do you live alone?" "It's such a sweet face." "No, not yet." "Why not?" " Let's just kiss some more, okay?" " What's wrong?" "Nothing's wrong." "I just don't want to make love." "I love to be with you." "I love it when you kiss me and when you touch me, but when you make love, you go to work." "Look, if it's your period, it's okay." "I don't mind." "I love it." "Don't give me that crap." "You know what I'm talking about." "I can't give you any pleasure, and you can't fool me any more." "You don't know what you're talking about." "Yes, I do." "And so do you." "Yeah, I know." "You're talking about me giving up what I am, what I do." "Is that so shocking?" "I care about you." "I really do." "That's still not enough." "It's all I'm good at." "That's not true." "It doesn't matter." "Doesn't matter." "I can't quit anyhow." "If I quit, I'm out on a limb." "Well, then we'd be even." "I'm already out on one." "People I know take care of each other." "I need their protection." "I'm being framed by somebody." "I don't know who." "There was a murder, Palm Springs, a couple weeks ago." "Police think I did it." "It was a woman." "A woman I met once." "I wasn't there, but my alibi completely denies it." "Why would anyone want to do that to you?" "I can't figure that out." "I don't know." "It doesn't make any sense." "When was the murder?" "A week ago Tuesday." "Weren't we together that night?" "Baby, I wish we were." "All right, boys, stand full-face, please." "This is bullshit." "These cops..." "Number three, take off your glasses." "Number two, straighten up." "Turn to your right." "No, number three, to your right." "Jerk." "How much you getting paid?" "What are you talking about?" "I'm just a con." "So am I." "I'm getting 15." " You are?" " Yeah, 15 bucks." "Now left, please." "Left." "Thank you." " The wino's getting 20." " You're kidding." "You ain't getting paid, you're getting screwed." "Shit!" "What the fuck is going on here?" "Is my lawyer here yet?" " I want to speak to my lawyer..." " Four!" "...when he gets here!" "Make sure they call me." "Four." "You'll see your lawyer." "Get back in line." "Now, just make sure I speak to him." "Number one, turn to your right again." "I know my rights." " This isn't Russia." " Okay, number one, turn to your left." "We have a constitution here." "I know my rights." " Wait till my lawyer gets here." " All right, thank you." "You all can leave now." "How about this fucking jerk here, three?" "Is he getting paid?" "Hey, you!" "Are you getting paid, too, huh?" "What the fuck is going on?" "Well, what do you think?" " Not bad." " I'm gonna steal your thunder." "He's teaching me how to dress." "This is Lieutenant Curtis from Palm Springs." "He's..." "He's in charge of this case." "Wait a minute." "I thought you were." "No, not me." "I'm in charge of pimps, prostitutes and hustlers." "They keep me pretty low on the pole." "Good joke, huh?" "You've been identified, Julian." " Julian." " By whom?" "Who could possibly identify me?" "You parked your Mercedes about 50 feet from the Rheiman house between 9:30 and 10:00 on the night of the 22nd." "Then you proceeded up the street, entered the house." " Someone saw you, Julian." " I request formal charges..." "I don't understand." "I don't know who would say this about me." " Now, he's been apprised of his rights!" " I was not there." "Then she identified subject number one." "Then she wasn't sure which one of you it was." " You got the licence number?" " She didn't see it." " Shit!" " Right." "Here." "We looked around your house the other day." "We had a warrant." " We know." " You recognise these?" "No." " They were under your mattress." " So what?" "They had Mrs Rheiman's fingerprints all over it." "That's so what." " Did you find the jewels?" " What jewels?" "I read the paper, too." "Jewels stolen from Rheiman's house." "Whoever planted that money probably planted the jewels, too." "There were no jewels." "Didn't you ever wonder this whole thing may be a frame?" "It occurred to us." "It occurred to you." " Did you check out Rheiman himself?" " He has an alibi." "Big deal, he's got an alibi." "What about..." "You're grasping at straws." "What about Leon James, the black guy sent me out to Rheiman's?" "He spoke very highly of you." "He said you were a high-class act." "And what do you think?" "I think you're guilty as sin." "I think you went to the Rheimans'," "I think you did a trick, played some rough games." "You got drugged or stupid or both." "I think you beat her, you killed her, stole the money and the jewels." "Then there's no use to talk any more until you press charges." "Even though we think Julian's guilty, we're not gonna arrest him." "If you are being framed, you're gonna be a lot more use to us floating around." "Can we go now?" "Just one more thing, Julian." "Don't tell cons they get paid for line-ups." "Some cops don't have a sense of humour." "You know that." " Hi." " Yes?" "I'm here to see Mrs Williams." "My name is Julian Kay." "That's all right, Wilma." "I'll take care of it." " Hi." " Hello, Julian." " Why are you here?" " Can I talk to you?" "What do you want to talk about?" "Were the police here?" "There was a detective here." "I was very surprised you used my name." "I'm very, very sorry about that, Lisa, but this is very important to me." "I told him the truth." "Lisa, you didn't tell him the truth." "I was with you until after midnight." "That's not the truth." "Julian, I can't..." "You weren't here." "What is it, dear?" "This is Julian Kay, the one who is helping with the decorating." "He's the boy who told the police he was with me the night of that murder." "So, you're Mr Kay." "It's bad enough you made a fool of my wife at Parke Bernet, but then you start spreading these lies?" " Leave us alone." " I wasn't lying." "I don't know what you did." "I don't want to know." "Whatever it is, you're not going to get out of it by dragging..." "Truth." "I just came here for the truth." "That's all." " I know you're lying." " How do you know I'm lying?" "Because I was here with my wife the entire evening." "Thank you, Mr Kay." "You're really not very good at this, you know?" " What?" " Following people, pal!" "In fact, you're lousy." "Who are you?" "What are you talking about?" "Who's paying you?" "You're not a cop, are you?" "You can't be." "Leon." "It's Leon, right?" " I'm calling the police." " You want to call?" "Go ahead, good, call." "You want a dime?" "I'll give you a dime." "What have we got here?" " Give me that!" " Floyd..." "Floyd Wicker." "Nice name." "Born 7-23-52." "Hawthorne Avenue, LA." "Driver's licence, American Express," "Master Charge, picture of girlfriend..." "So-so, eyes too close together, Floyd." "What else have we got here?" "We got California State Congressional Library pass," "California State identification, California..." "State senate pass." "Senator Charles Stratton." " Who the fuck are you?" " You can read, can't you?" "Here." "You work for Senator Stratton?" "Yes." " Why are you following me, Floyd?" " I was told to." " By who?" "The Senator?" " Who else?" "If the Senator wanted to know about my private life, why didn't he ask me himself?" "You don't know." "You don't know." "Well, I'll tell you what, Floyd, I'm gonna make this easy for you." "I'm gonna make it real easy, so you don't forget." "This is my telephone number." "Now you tell the Senator, if he wants to talk to me, he can just give me a call, all right?" "Now you fuck off and leave me alone!" "I received your message, Mr Kay." " Thought I'd come see you in person." " Good evening, Senator." "Yes, I'll have a vodka and tonic, Charles, please." "Yes, sir." "This is heart-warming." "It's nice to see you haven't lost touch with your constituency." "I'm not talking as a senator now." "I'm talking as a husband." "That's too bad." "I'm not a wife." "Very funny." "What do you want?" "Want?" "I know who you are." "I can't stop my wife from being a fool." "But I can stop her from being blackmailed." "I don't know what you're talking about." "You don't?" "The police think you're involved in a murder in Palm Springs a week ago." "Three days later, you saw my wife at a fundraiser and seduced her." "You think you can blackmail me into helping you?" "You're crazy, mister." "Am I?" "Last night, my wife asked me about the Rheiman murder." "It didn't make any sense until I heard about you." "You talked to Michelle about this?" "You're not gonna blackmail me!" "You can spread..." "You don't know anything about this, Mister." "But I do know a whore when I see one." "How much?" "Not to see your wife again?" "Five thousand." "You'll have the cash in the morning." "I'm seeing Michelle because I want to see her and because she wants to see me." "I don't want a dime from you, or anyone like you." "Let me be even simpler." "You live off the good graces of a small number of people." "Like Mrs Andrews, who was just at the door a minute ago." "And the good graces of places such as this." "You're just a hanger-on." "Unless you want to find a new crowd to hang on to, don't see my wife again." " Hey, man, how you doing?" " Not bad." "How about you?" "I'm looking for Leon James." "Is he around?" "Yeah." "He's probably at the Probe." "Okay." "Thanks." "Take care." "Hi, Julian." "Hey, Jason." "Julian, I haven't seen you in a long time here." "What brings you to this neck of the woods?" "I'm looking for Leon." "Have you seen him around?" "Leon?" "Yeah, he was here." "He was showing off his new little boy." "A cute little blond kid." "I think he's over there someplace." " Okay, thanks." " Yeah." "Hey, Julie!" "I thought that was you." "Homecoming?" "I've been looking for you." "I wanna talk." "Let's go out back where it's quiet." "Okay." "What're you doing here?" "You coming from a funeral?" "I hear you're showing off a new boy here, Leon." "Got to make sure none of these fruits snatch him from me, too." "You heard anything about the Rheiman killing?" "That's all I've been hearing about." "Cops on my ass like white on rice." "They're giving me the third degree, Leon." "Everybody else, too, Julie." "I may need your help." "I don't have an alibi." "You're the one that sent me." "You need one?" "Yeah." "I'll see what I can do." "Who do you think killed her?" "Well, if I was the police, I'd be more interested in Rheiman himself." "He's a freak, you know?" "Yeah, he's a freak." "But he's got an alibi." "An alibi?" "Hey, Julie." "I got something working tonight." "Little thing, you know." "I thought I'd cut you in on it." "If you're interested, let me know." "Straight?" "At this time of night?" "Are you serious?" "Leon, I'm sick of doing your shit." "I mean, I'm sick of it!" "No more fag stuff." "No more kink." "Nothing." "Finito." "Got it?" "I heard about your problems." "What problems?" "Your clientele, Julie." "Your rich pussy." "They won't touch you." "Say it's too hot." "They're looking for new boys." "Fuck them!" "Fuck them!" "Hey, Julie, listen." "You ask me to help you out of a tight spot." "I'm glad to do it." "But I ask you to do my trick, you tell me no." "Well, how do you expect me to help you?" "You give me the alibi, and then we'll talk about tricks." "I have to talk to you." "Hey, baby!" "Oh, God!" "I'm glad to see you!" "You okay?" "You better be." "You look so worn out." "I didn't get much sleep." " You wanna go for a walk?" " Yeah." "Okay, let me get my shoes." "What's wrong?" "Are you gonna tell me about it?" "Hey!" "Hey!" "You." "Come on." "Tell me." "When I said I didn't want to make love to you the other day," "I didn't mean it." "I want to fuck you." "I always want to fuck you." "Is that what you came to tell me?" "No." "Charles asked me to leave for two months." "Till the primaries are over." "I'm going to Rome." "Two months." "I'll be back!" "Wait for me." "I don't know if I can." " The police searched my apartment..." " Maybe Charles could help." "Don't..." "That's not what I'm saying!" "I don't know what I'm saying." "All my life I've been looking for something." "I don't even know what it is." " Let me do it..." " Maybe you're what I'm looking for." "I gave Charles my word." "I've got to go." "It'll be all right." "Yeah." "I have to leave." "Shit!" "I don't know where he is." "I haven't seen him since yesterday." " Tell me." " I don't know." "Honest." "I'd tell you." "The police have been here all morning." "His room's a mess." "There's another cop waiting in his room." " Does he call in?" " I'm not supposed to tell." "Okay, next time he calls in, tell him that I've got to talk to him." "Tell him it's important." "Ask him if there's someplace I can meet him." "Do you know a blond kid that hangs around with Leon James?" "Nah." "Couldn't tell you." "Eat shit, asshole." "Anne, I'm sorry." "I've got to talk to you." "I can't now." "I'm looking for somebody." "Perino's?" "Look, I don't have time!" "I..." "Yeah, all right." "All right." "Perino's." "Yes. 8:30." "Jill?" "It's Julian." "Yeah, I know, I know." "Got some messages for me?" "Michelle?" "Tell her to meet me at Perino's." "Son of a bitch, it's Rheiman." "Mr Julian!" "You can't come in like this." "I was working." "I forgot my tie." " I'll have to give you a jacket." " No, it's okay." "Julie." "You look like shit." "What's wrong?" "Everything." "Straight bourbon." "What're you doing to yourself?" "The way you look now, you couldn't get a maid to fuck you!" "Anne, I need your help." "The cops are after me." "They're framing me for the Rheiman murder." "Where have you been?" " I was looking for somebody." " Last night?" " What do you mean?" " Mrs Vakklar." "She came in last night on a flight from Stockholm." "And she only speaks Swedish." "Nobody could understand her and there was no one there to meet her." " Anne..." " She was furious!" "The auto people are furious." "Now I've got hell to pay!" "Now what happened?" "Didn't you prepare?" "Didn't you hear me?" "I said the cops are after me!" "For murder!" "So, you stand me up?" "Jesus Christ." "What do you want?" "Are you gonna help me?" "I've checked around, Julie." "You are in trouble!" "That's why I need your help." "You never did anything for me." "I never did anything for you..." "What are you talking about?" "I'm your number one boy!" "And you fight me every turn." "You ask a favour, and then stand up a gig I worked for six months to set up!" "I explained that already." "I told you." "I'm through with you, Julie." "You'll have to fend for yourself." "I don't care what happens to you any more." "Excuse me." "I'll be back in a second." "Julian." "Thank God you got my message." "I've been looking for you all day." "It's all right, baby." "It's okay." "No." "No, it's not all right." "Charles talked to the D.A." "They've found the murder weapon." "They're gonna arrest you." "That can't be." "What're you gonna do?" "I don't know." "What can I do to help you?" " There's nothing you can do." " There's gotta be something." "Don't you understand?" "I am in big trouble!" " Just stay away from me!" " No!" "It's gonna be a scandal." "You know what a scandal is?" "You know what that's like?" "Just stay away from me." "I'll ruin your life." "Your husband's." "It's all over." "Not if you're innocent." "If I'm innocent?" "How do you know I'm innocent?" " But you are..." " Look at me, right in the face!" "Can you tell me, without hesitation, you know I'm innocent?" "Yes." " You see..." "Forget me." " Is someone in there?" "I never loved you." " Julie." " Let me in." "It's important." "Julie, you look terrible." "Hey, listen, you wanna clean up?" "Get a shave?" "I'm sorry to bug you this time of the morning." "I've been looking for you." "I'm listening." "You got my alibi ready?" "I'm gonna need it today." "It's not ready yet, Julie." "Tomorrow." "I'm still piecing it together." "It's not easy, you know." "I'm just trying, you know, to get it right." " Why are you trying to frame me?" " What're you talking about?" "Judy Rheiman's murder." "You're behind it." "You, Rheiman, your cute little blond boyfriend in the bedroom there." "The one who planted the jewels in my car!" "I don't know what you're talking about!" "You don't know what I'm talking about." "What the fuck is that, then?" "He's the one that actually killed her, isn't he?" "Leon, what happened?" "You sent him out there." "You sent him out there, he got into a scene with Rheiman and his wife." "He got rough, and he killed her." "You shut your fucking face!" "I never saw that shit before in my life!" "Look, I wanna know one thing from you." "How much is it gonna cost me to get you off my back?" "You ain't talking money, you're talking murder." " How much?" " I feel sorry for you, Julie." "How much?" "It don't make no difference how much, Julie." "The other side will always pay more." "You got it on real tight, huh?" "Real proud of yourself, aren't you, Leon?" "The police found the murder weapon a block from your apartment." "And that bitch in Palm Springs is gonna change her mind anytime now and identify you." "Police want you real bad, Julie." "Now they got you." "Look, I'm worth maybe 20, 30 grand." "It's yours." "I'll break in new boys for you." "I'll work just for you!" "Just for you, Leon!" "40-60 split." "That's fair. 40-60." "40... 30-70." "I'll do fag tricks for you." "I'll do kink." "I'll do anything you want me to do!" "Leave me alone and get out, Julie." "Why me?" "Why did you pick me?" "Because you were frameable, Julie." "You stepped on too many toes." "Nobody cared about you." "I never liked you much myself." "Now get out." "Who's down there?" "Your new boyfriend?" "You motherfucker!" "You..." "Oh, my God!" "Help!" "Listen, don't let me fall!" "Please, Julie, help me!" " Don't let me fall!" " Don't fall." "Leon, I need you!" "Give me your hand." " Try." "At least try." " I can't." "I'm trying." "Help me!" "Help me, please!" "God!" "Don't fall!" "Julian, would you answer a few questions?" "How many times have you been to Palm Springs?" "How long were you seeing Mrs Rheiman?" "Any Hollywood notables..." "How much money have you made, Julian?" "Go ahead and give me an exclusive, huh?" "Who're you trying to protect?" " How much did you get for a trick?" " Please." "Please." "Come on, Julian." "Is it true you're getting a plea bargain?" "Why would you make a statement?" "I wish I had arrested you earlier." "It would have been easier for everybody." "You'd better put an end to this pre-trial publicity." "We'll be moving him to Palm Springs soon." "Do you have anything to say, Julian?" "Julian?" "No." "Hello, Julian." "Going away on your trip?" "No, I decided not to." " Does your husband know you're here?" " No." "Why did you come?" "I didn't think I was ever going to see you again." "Don't come back, Michelle." "Are you satisfied with your lawyer?" "It doesn't matter." "Don't go." "Michelle Stratton is paying for my services, Julian." "I think you know this is a matter of some secrecy." "Tell her not to bother." "Julian, you'll have to help us more." "You tell Michelle to forget me." "I'm more worried about your defence, Julian, than about her private life." "We'll have to go into all the details of the night of the murder." "A maid saw you trying to save Leon, so the police are only pressing the Rheiman case." "The papers and TV are trying you already, Julian." "The police aren't investigating any more." "We need some help, some facts to get the investigation going again." "Then we can find out about Leon, Rheiman." "Maybe the blond boy." "How about it, Julian?" " Lieutenant Curtis?" " Yes, Mrs Stratton." "This is an honour." "May I sit?" "I was told you wanted to see me." "What can I do for you?" "I want to talk to you about the Julian Kay/Rheiman murder case." "Yes." "I'm paying for Mr Kay's legal defence." "I know." "I'm paying for Mr Kay's defence because I know he's not guilty." "And I don't want to see an obstruction of justice." "How do you know he's not guilty?" "Because he was not in Palm Springs the night of the murder." " No?" " No." "He was with me." "I told them, Julian." "I heard." "You didn't have to do that, Michelle." "You could have forgotten me." "I'd rather die." "What will you do now?" "I don't know." "I can't go home." "The newsmen are waiting outside for me." "There's dozens of them." "Why did you do it?" "I had no choice." "I love you." "Oh, my God, Michelle." "It's taken me so long to come to you." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Down And Up BY :" "W@LeeD(Fox_khan)" "I'm Rahul." "I'm forty." "Normally by this age, most people experience something big in life." "I also experienced something big." "I mean, really big." "And that changed my life completely." "You are the only witness to what happened with the ticket collector." "That's why you have to come to Komban Village with us." "On Chennai Express." "My dad commands a lot of respect in Komban Village." "He is a... do you know..." "Peri-ya-tha-lai?" "Teacher?" "No." "Don!" "I thought I'm on holiday." "It sure doesn't seem like a holiday!" "Don't underestimate the power of a common man." "Get lost!" "Hey Meenama, the word 'impossible' doesn't exist in my dictionary." "Where did you pick up such a useless dictionary?" "Ever since you walked into my life... my life sucks!" "What?" "Sucks!" " Same here." " Okay." "Why did you slide towards me?" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Chester's Mill is a place like any other." "At least it used to be, until we were cut off from the rest of the world by a mysterious dome." "Invisible, indestructible, inescapable." "We're trapped." "We don't know where it came from or why it's here, but now that we're all trapped under the dome together, none of our secrets are safe." "I know, Junior." "What are you talking about?" "About Angie." "Hello?" "Nobody's gonna follow you anywhere, ever, when they hear just exactly who you are." "The military plans to launch a powerful missile in the hopes of destroying the dome." "All right, everybody, stay put, and remain calm!" "I can't believe it." "The dome's still here." "Good thing they evacuated everyone outside." "Hey, you guys okay?" "We saw the missile hit the dome." "Didn't even put a dent in it." "What's it made of if a bomb couldn't blow it up?" "She's right." "How is that possible?" "I don't know." "Nothing about this thing makes any sense." "You can say that again." "Still smooth as a baby's butt." "Stay back!" "Stay back, everyone!" "Remember Sheriff Perkins." "Touching that thing exploded his damn pacemaker." "Norrie?" "Mom!" "Honey, honey." "Oh, God, are you okay?" "I'm sorry I ran off." "Oh." "If anything had happened to you..." "Linda?" "Where are your deputies?" "Well, who do you think I'm trying to find?" "Have you seen Junior?" "He didn't evacuate to the factory with everyone else." "Yeah, I'm looking for him myself, but he's a big boy." "He can handle himself." "I wish I could say the same for Reverend Coggins." "Carter found his body by the dome where we had Visitors' Day." "Good Lord." "Coggins is dead?" "His hearing aid exploded." "He must have touched the dome, and it just fried him." "First Duke, now the Reverend?" "Well, how many more of us is this thing gonna kill?" "Just take it easy, Ollie." "You're scaring people, okay?" "Well, it's a little too late for that now." "We've got a right to know what's going on." "We've all banded together before, and we survived, okay?" "Yeah, until we run out of food in here." "How about electricity?" "I'm nearly out of propane." "Hell, I ran out yesterday." "Been warming up canned soup in my fireplace." "I suggest we take this to a town hall meeting." "We..." "What, so you can keep jawing while more people die?" "Hey, my jawing's gotten us through plenty, Ollie." "Now, why don't you help by keeping your damn head on straight?" "Can we please just get out of here?" "Yeah, before a fight breaks out." "It's, like, a hundred degrees today." "Let's get back to the car." "Joe, you can come with us." "Honestly, I'm a little scared." "What happens when we run out of everything?" "What do we do then?" "I don't know." "The walkies aren't working." "I can't get a frequency." "Hey," "Barbie, till I can reach my deputies..." "I'm gonna need another hand." "I'll help you, but I don't need your badge." "Come on, I'll give you a lift into town." "We can talk about how this will work." "I'm gonna head over to the radio station." "See if they're picking anything up from the outside." "I'll see you later?" "Yeah." "Okay." "You know what this means, folks?" "We're never getting out of here." "Ollie, at least you have a farm to feed yourself." "What about the rest of us?" "You have my word, people!" "No one's gonna starve in Chester's Mill." "It's crazy." "Five minutes ago, I thought we were gonna die." "It's worse not knowing what's next." "You don't need to be scared, Angie." "Didn't you notice I'm a deputy now?" "People trust me, just like you should." "Whatever happens, I'll take care of you." "Angie, don't do this!" "Angie!" "Angie!" "Just let me out of the car." "Let me out of the car." "Why'd you make me stop?" "What's wrong?" "I just..." "I need some air." "It's boiling hot in there." "Mom, are you okay?" "She-She's fine." "Alice, just get back in the car." "I'll blast the AC." "What time's our flight?" "What flight?" "To L.A. I don't want to miss it." "Mom, watch out!" "Oh, my God!" "Are you okay? 1x06 The Endless Thirst" "Is everybody okay?" "What happened?" "Alice didn't see the truck coming." "The driver swerved and hit the tower." "Joe and Norrie pulled him out just in time." "Hey." "Oh, got him." "Good job, you guys." "The pipe's a goner." "Where's your tower get its water from?" "Lake Eastpointe." "It's our main source." "All right, well, we'll haul water from there." "In the meantime, we should check it out." "Okay, look-look at me, look at me." "Alice, when's the last time you took your insulin?" "I ran out." "With the bomb craziness and everything, I just..." "I lost track." "Come on, we got to get you to the clinic right now." "Okay?" "What's wrong with your mom?" "She's a diabetic." "Kind of loses it when she forgets to take her insulin." "What is that noise?" "I don't know, but it's jamming our broadcast." "Kind of sounds like the alien from Aliens." "Well, all the police walkies are making the same sound." "Is Dodee picking up any military chatter from outside the dome?" "Oh, screech is jamming that, too." "And if it's this loud, then the source is probably close." "How close?" "Best guess?" "Mile or two." "So it's inside Chester's Mill?" "Listen, if it's that close, maybe we can find it." "One step ahead of you, Julia." "Do I even want to know what that is?" "Us radio heads call it a "yagi"." "I rigged it to locate the source of the screech using frequency triangulation." "Look, whatever this screech is, it can't be a coincidence that it started just as the missile was about to hit the dome." "You think the dome was trying to scream?" "Or protect itself." "Who knows?" "But if it was, it might be what's generating the dome itself." "We just have to follow the signal to the power source." "Well, if that's true, then if we can track it down..." "Maybe we can turn it off." "It's none of my business, but you're lucky to have her." "Her?" "I have eyes, you know." "Oh, Julia and I aren't exactly an item." "Well, from the sparks that I saw flying, you should be." "I'd kill to have Rusty back right now." "How long you two been together?" "Three years." "We're supposed to get married next month." "But now it just seems like some dream I made up." "What the hell?" "You can't be out." "I was just here the other day." "You had insulin." "We have 23 diabetics in Chester's Mill." "Our insulin supply is gone." "Pharmacy has to have some." "When Reverend Coggins ransacked the place, he took all of the drugs, including the insulin." "What are we supposed to do?" "Pray." "Jim, we have a situation." "The water tower..." "Yeah, I know; it fell." "We'll just have to get our water from Lake Eastpointe." "Can't." "What are you doing?" "This is the water from the lake." "It's polluted with methane." "Must've cut through an underground mineral pocket when the dome came down." "So it's undrinkable." "Yeah, until we figure out how to filter it." "What about rain?" "Is that dome high enough for storm clouds to form?" "I have no idea." "You know, not too many people take the time to get to know their town." "A shame, really." "There's history here." "Right in our own backyards." "My grandfather gave me this map when I was a kid." "I used to spend hours poring over it, learning the lay of the land." "There are artesian wells underneath Chester's Mill." "You know, some have dried up by now, but, uh... this one here is still flowing strongly." "It's right under Ollie Densmore's place." "And I'm guessing he owns the rights." "We have to go see him." "No, no, no, no." "I've known Ollie long enough to know that he can be a pain in the ass, so..." "I'll go talk to him." "Dad." "Where you been?" "You okay?" "I can't find Angie." "She's gone." "Was she with you when the bomb went off?" "Yeah, but she... got away." "Well, then find her." "If she opens her mouth about being locked up..." "Wait." "Wait a minute." "Now, I've been looking for her." "Besides, you're the one who let her go." "Damn it." "Don't you put this on me, Junior." "This is your mess." "And right now, I got one of my own." "So for once in your life, do your own damage control." "Get out there and find that girl." "Hey, so how long has Big Jim known Ollie Densmore?" "Way Duke told it, all their lives." "Jim and Ollie would be friends one day and then enemies the next." "They'd patch it up over a burger at Sweetbriar, but... they'd be fighting about something new the following week." "And speaking of fighting, we should probably check this out." "Folks, listen, I'm sorry, but the only payment I can accept" " is either propane or batteries." " So our money's no good now?" "I mean, we got cash." "And we've been waiting out here forever." "Terry, what's going on here?" "I'm just trying to explain the new reality to these people." "Look, I can't feed my family with money no one's gonna take." "New reality?" "Sounds like a scam to me." "I'm not trying to..." "Hey, come on, guys, come on." "Is it true the lake is ruined?" "I hear we're gonna run out of water." "Yeah, if we haven't already." "Starting a panic is not gonna help anyone." "All right?" "So, does anybody here have batteries that we can loan to Dres?" "Anybody?" "Thank you." "There's no need for alarm." "I'm sorry for making a scene." "Thank you, Sheriff." "You really believe that?" "No need for alarm?" "Rule number one of law enforcement:" "you always believe in the goodness of people you serve." "That's what Duke taught me on the first day of the job." "Yeah, and if they prove you wrong?" "Rule number two you do what you got to do." "That's not a good idea." "Why?" "I mean, didn't you have a gun when you chased after Randolph?" "Yeah, but Randolph killed Freddy." "These people these people are scared." "To tell you the truth... so am I." "Ollie!" "Hey!" "Won't take up too much of your time." "All the time in the world for you, Big Jim." "We got a water problem." "That concerns me, uh... how?" "You got a well, and the people of Chester's Mill could really use your help." "What's in it for me?" "How about a sense of civic pride?" "That's typical." "You always take me for granted, Jim." "All us farmers." "Till now." "You still sore the town council took Kip Lester's side on that fence dispute?" "That so-called "fence dispute" lost me seven acres of my farm." "That was 15 years ago, Ollie." "Well, that's a drop in the bucket compared to how long you and me go back." "I figured I could've counted on you." "You know the law tied my hands on that." "Like that's stopped you before now." "Damn it, be reasonable, Ollie." "That's exactly what I'm being." "You want my water, you'll have to pay for it." "Today at the dome, you were talking about running low on propane." "You know, the propane it takes to run your irrigation system and light your house." "L-Let me guess." "You have some." "Plenty." "Why am I not surprised Big Jim Rennie just happens to have what Chester's Mill needs in its moment of crisis?" "It's nothing sinister, Ollie." "Town keeps a reserve in case of emergency." "You get me propane, town gets its water." "Just in time." "Things getting out of control?" "Not yet, but the mood's pretty ugly." "Barbie, get inside and keep peace at the register." "Carter, slow the flow of people going inside." "Junior!" "Where have you been all morning?" "Sorry, Linda," "I got a situation I need to take care of." "I'm looking for someone." "Well, I need you to do your job." "You can let more people in your store." "Come on!" "Ladies and gentlemen, due to demand, we are now limiting each customer's purchase to a total of two liters of water." "Work the aisles." "Just keep smiling, and... stay alert." "Waylon, Clint, put it back." "Isn't this cute;" "little Big Jim playing cop." "Drop those and step back." "Or what?" "You gonna teach us a lesson?" "If I have to." "Hey, uh, come on." "Are you serious?" "Hey!" "I was here first!" "Ida..." "My son is sick;" "I need this!" "I don't care!" "Hey, hey, come on, ladies." "Hey, knock it off." "Knock it off." "Joe, what am I going to do?" "I can't just let my mom die." "Not like this." "Tell me how to help." "I'll do anything." "Wh-Where are you going?" "The nurse said that there's a bunch of other diabetics in town." "Their files have to be in here somewhere." "Okay, you think people are just gonna give you their insulin if you ask?" "Who said I was gonna ask?" "N-Norrie..." "If you don't like it, don't come." "Are we getting closer to the signal?" "No." "What?" "Our source-- all of a sudden, it's moving." "What kind of a power source moves?" "I'm not sure." "All right, well... let's see if we can hone in on it." "Get out of the way!" "We're running out of water!" "Let people in!" "We need water!" "Angie!" "Where have you been?" "Rose!" "Are you okay?" "Junior, he..." "What?" "Junior what?" "The day that the dome came down," "Junior locked me in his fallout shelter." "What?" "!" "I tried to escape, but I couldn't." "And then Big Jim found me." "And he let you out." "No." "He locked me in again." "Big Jim did?" "And the only reason he let me out this morning is because... he thought this missile was gonna kill us all." "I can't believe Big Jim would do something like that." "Rose, I'm not lying." "When he finally let me out, I..." "I ran." "I ran and I ran to my parents' house." ":" "I couldn't find Joe." "Oh..." "I couldn't find my brother!" "Oh." "Your brother is safe." "And so are you." "But Junior's a cop now." "And his dad's a councilman." "Who's gonna believe my word against theirs?" "I do." "I do." "Don't you worry, honey, 'cause we'll make sure that everybody else does, too." "Are you sure a diabetic lives here?" "Yeah." "Name's on the medical files I pulled." "Ray Garcia." "341 Cupidas Drive." "Yeah, well, no one's home." "Can we come back later?" "Joe, we don't want them to be home." "Plus, maybe they got caught outside the dome." "Wait, wait, Norrie, we-we can't just..." "What are you kids doing?" "My mom needs insulin." "So you figured you'd steal mine?" "She's... she's gonna die." "Just like the rest of us." "I took my last dose yesterday." "Now, go on." "Get out of here before I blow your damn heads off." "They're gonna run out of food!" "Let's go!" "Back up!" "Move!" "Can't wait any longer!" "Let's go!" "No, no, no, no!" "Hey, hey, hey, come on, stop!" "Hey!" "Stop!" "Let her go!" "No!" "Get your hands off!" "Hey!" "Get your hands off that woman!" "Go to hell!" "Move it!" "Move it!" "Barbie!" "Barbie... get ahold of yourself." "Can I count on you?" "It won't happen again." "All right, this thing is starting to spread." "We need to do something, and fast." "Carter, come with me." "What the hell do you think you're doing?" "We know that you still got meat in that freezer of yours." "Yeah." "And it doesn't belong to either of you." "You don't get it, Rose." "We're stuck in here with no water." "Food's running out." "A bomb couldn't even crack that damn thing." "So we're just gonna take what we want." "Right after you kiss my ass!" "Rose!" "Rose!" "Rose!" "You bastard!" "Where have you been?" "At the station." "I remembered Duke telling me about some riot gear the Feds sent us after 9/11." "This is it?" "This stuff's... it's ten years old-- it loses effectiveness." "Get ready to clear the crowd." "Move out of the way!" "Look out!" "Run!" "The tear gas isn't working." "It's not stopping them." "Slow down, slow down." "Damn it!" "Now what?" "I lost the signal." "How?" "I don't know." "Just-just give me a second." "Wait, wait, wait, it's back." "Hurry, hurry, go." "Okay." "We're close." "All right." "Door's unlocked-- it's not like we're breaking in." "Now say it like you mean it." "Nore?" "What are you doing here?" "We were just... um..." "Where are your parents?" "Mom went to the store." "Dad can't get back home with that dome thing outside." "We're not gonna hurt you." "I'm not scared." "Mom says I'm not a little boy anymore." "I even do my own shots now." "You have diabetes?" "Yeah, but it's not a big deal." "Take these back to the fridge." "Wait." "What the hell are you doing here?" "Get out!" "I'm sorry." "That was a stupid idea." "You were right." "Let's just go back to your mom's." "Hey, Joe!" "What are you guys doing here?" "Uh... we were just..." "Out on a walk." "What are you guys doing?" "Wild goose hunt." "Not anymore." "The signal's coming from right here." "From this house?" "I think it's coming from them." "What's this?" "It's my end of the deal." "Got what you want, Ollie." "So be prepared for town folk to start coming over, getting their water." "Well, it's a good start, anyway." "Need another delivery about a week from now." "You know, I could always seize that well, you backwoods son of a bitch." "And I'm sure you'd find some bylaw or loophole to justify doing it." "I mean, that's always been the Big Jim way, hasn't it?" "But not anymore." "What's that supposed to mean?" "It means I don't give a rat's ass what piece of official paper you pull out." "You step foot on my land except to bring me more propane, you'll get a bullet between the eyes." "I always could shoot better than you." "Be careful, Ollie." "Times like this, you don't want to stand alone." "Cross me." "We'll see who stands where." "Yeah, Junior's girl really put up a fight." "She can't now." "Go watch the door, Clint." "Angie McAlister." "I don't think you're gonna mind." "Wait, this is our fault?" "So you think we're what's jamming all the frequencies in town?" "All we know is, whatever this signal thing is, it started today and it led us straight to you guys." "Yeah, but why today?" "I mean, it's not like we did anything." "I know it doesn't make any sense." "It sort of does." "We have to tell someone." "Tell us what?" "The day the dome came down... we both started having seizures." "All the people who've seen us seize... have said that we said something." "The exact same thing." "Okay, I'm officially freaked out." "H-Here." "The pink stars are falling in lines." "The pink stars are falling." "The pink stars are falling." "The pink stars are falling in lines." "The pink stars are falling." "The pink stars are falling." "The pink stars are fall..." "Hey!" "Break it up!" "Sorry, man, diner's closed." "When did Rose make you the doorman?" "Rose?" "Yeah." "Waylon!" "Get out of there!" "Hey!" "What happened?" "Rose is dead." "Rose?" "Oh, my God." "I need your keys." "I got to get her to the clinic." "Damn it." "Someone slashed the tires." "It's time for rule number two." "Stop." "Stop!" "It can rain!" "It can rain inside the dome!" "All right!" "Don't just stand there, folks, grab a bucket, grab a trash can!" "We need to save every drop we can!" "Now, come on!" "Hey, I got to get her to the clinic." "Can you take her?" "Of course!" "Is that Angie McAlister?" "What happened?" "Looters." "They broke in to the diner, they knocked her out." "And Rose..." "What about Rose?" "She's dead." "These two guys." "One kept calling the other one..." "Waylon?" "Sounds like the Dundee brothers." "Find them." "Dome's still here." "Outside it's totally dry." "How is it only raining in here?" "The dome must have its own microclimate." "The water from the lake evaporates, but the dome traps it inside." "But the beautiful thing about the evaporation process is it filters the water so you can drink it." "Guess we're not gonna run out of water after all." "Yeah, great." "So now we can spend the rest of our lives inside this damn thing." "Whoa!" "Radio's working again." "Whatever was jamming the airwaves is gone." "That's because Joe and Norrie touched the dome together." "What the hell does that mean?" "Don't look at me." "You know what, I don't have time for this." "I've got to get to my mom." "I'll drive you." "No." "The clinic's not far." "I'll walk." "You come with." "They're connected to it." "It's like the dome is... using them." "Okay." "How?" "I don't know yet." "We could have died today in that missile strike." "And instead, the dome ended up protecting us." "And just when we need water... it rains." "I mean, this can't just be a coincidence." "Okay, so what, now the dome's helping us?" "Maybe." "Maybe it's trying to reassure us." "First it traps us... now it's trying to reassure us." "No." "No, there's nothing warm and fuzzy about this, Julia." "And we need to tell someone about them." "Big Jim's gonna know what to do." "Do you have any idea what will happen if word gets out about those kids?" "The whole town will be after them." "Until we know what this is, we can't tell anyone." "Fine." "For now." "I don't know how you guys came up with this but I'm glad you did." "When she needs her next dose?" "Let's just be happy she's better for now." "Okay." "Barbie." "I've been looking for you." "You okay?" "Yeah." "You okay?" "Yeah." "It's, uh... it's been a hell of a crazy day." "Yeah, I guess you could say everybody went a little crazy today." "We're gonna be okay." "Hello?" "I'd take it easy if I were you." "What..." "What is going on?" "Barbie found you knocked out in the diner." "Rose..." "She needs help." "I'm, uh, I'm afraid it's too late." "She was a good friend to me." "What..." "What am I doing here?" "You can't lock me up again." "No, no, the front door's open;" "you can leave anytime you like." "Though I was hoping... that you and I could..." "come to an arrangement." "Junior kidnapped me." "No amount of money can pay for that." "You'll get no argument from me." "You know, deep down..." "I think I always knew something was off... with my son." "Ever since his mom died." "I guess I just... couldn't admit it to myself." "So I'm not talking about giving you money." "I'm offering you my word." "Your word?" "Junior Rennie will never touch you again;" "I'll make sure of it." "And, uh, well, I mean, if... if you need money... or... what counts as money in town these days-- you know, propane, food, water, a gun-- well, you'll have it." "If you will just try to put this terrible event behind you I'll get you anything your little heart desires." "What about Joe?" "I need to know that my brother will be taken care of, too." "Done." "We can be friends." "And, uh... trust me, times like these, it's good to have a friend like..." "Big Jim Rennie." "I don't know." "I have to think about it." "Dad." "Angie." "What's going on here?" | {
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" Why did you do that?" " It's called acting." "Why did you have to be quite so rough?" "Strange, that's what a bird said to me last night." "25 years old, absolutely gorgeous." "We did it five times." "Nearly wore me out." "By the end of it..." "bollocks like a bulldog, I tell you." "Cut!" "That's good, print that, move to the next one." "Mike." "Richard, that's exactly what I was talking about with the smoke, thank you." "Right." "I want to go in tighter, all right." " Did you see me?" " It was brilliant." "You'll get more money for that." " Do I?" " It's a direction, yeah?" " Yes." " You get more money." " Excellent." " It's called supplementary performance fee." " Talk to the production manager." " Brilliant." " Am I going to sort everyone's life out?" " Here we go." "Talk to the production manager and you'll get a few extra quid." "God knows you could do with it." " These aren't my clothes." " You could have fooled me." "Hey, guys." "Guys, people, can we gather around, please?" "Guys." "This is Goran, this is the man whose story we're making." "Okay, he's the reason we're gathered here, to share his story with the world." "A lot of you might be thinking why am I making this movie." "Sure, you guys look at me as one of the world's most successful comedy actors." "What does that mean?" "I mean, yeah, I make Along Came Polly and it opens to $32 million." "One of the biggest Martin Luther King Junior birthday holiday opening weekends ever." "Goes on to gross 170 million worldwide." "Meet the Parents, double that." "But what does the money and the success mean in real terms?" "If I find a little orphan child in a war zone... hiding in a burnt out building, his parents murdered, persecuted for his race, his religion, what am I going to do?" "Pop on Dodgeball on DVD?" "It's a funny film." "Thanks and I can put on Dodgeball and he's going to laugh for an hour and 32 minutes." "You know, escape reality for a while, but what happens when the film finishes?" "Back to reality." "Still an orphan, still living with fear." "How do I help him, hm?" "Put on Dodgeball again?" "Sure he's going to laugh again, he'll see things he didn't see the first time, it's layered, it was made like that, but this can't go on indefinitely, all right?" "At a certain point, you know, after the fifth, sixth, seventh viewing, he's still laughing, but it's not getting to the root of the problem, okay?" "How do I help him?" "Make Dodgeball 2?" "Make this movie." "Make people think." "Change attitudes." "So, think on that while you're sipping on your frappuccinos." " And what are we doing?" "Mike?" " Let's have a break." "Break time, okay, good." "Thank you, thank you very much." "Thanks, everyone." "Back at quarter past, thank you." "And I want you to just be coming straight in, without..." "There shouldn't be a delay between when the grenade has gone off and when you guys come around." "Ben, is it possible, please, more smoke?" " Was there more smoke?" " Yes." "Okay, can I get more smoke, please!" " Thank you." " My pleasure." "All right, guys, now while we have the smoke, can you come around..." " Also..." "...charging right..." "Yeah." "The Coke, it's not cold." "Sorry, okay, just kill the smoke for a second." "What?" "My Coke is not cold." " Your Coke's not cold?" " No." " Okay, all right." "Mike?" " Yeah." "Can we get him a cold Coke?" "Okay?" "Make sure his Coke is always cold, okay." "Look at that, he gets anything he wants." "I know, but he's been through a lot, hasn't he?" "I know he's been through a lot, but they're making a film, he's not a competition winner." "That's where the real power lies here." " I think he's quite attractive actually." " Forget it, I know what you're thinking." "Never get involved with a man whose wife's been murdered." "That's awful." "Why?" "Well, for one, he's not going to be a barrel of laughs." "Two, you can't compete with her." "It's not like the marriage started going downhill and she was boozing and sleeping around, do you know what I mean?" "She was taken from him at the peak of their love." "She's gone out on a high, she's like Marilyn Monroe or Jimmy Dean," "Never get involved with a man whose wife's been murdered." "Rule one." "Choose someone else." "Well, who then?" "It's as easy as that, isn't it, to you?" "Yeah come in, just one second." "I think maybe I'm owed some money." "Some supplementary performance money or something, I think?" "Right, give me one second." "Hi." "Hi." "How can I help?" "Yes, the thing, the supplementary acting fee." "Right, I'll have to check with the first AD really." " Let me get your details up." " Okay." " What's your name?" " Maggie Jacobs." " Just take a seat, Maggie." " Thank you." "I hope your wife doesn't catch me on your sofa." "Or your girlfriend." " I'm not married." " Or your girlfriend." "I haven't got a girlfriend." " Or I suppose your boyfriend." " I'm not gay." "I should be worried your husband catches you in here." "I'm not married and I don't have a boyfriend and I'm not a lesbian." "I'm all done, available." "Hello." "Erm, you get on well with Ben." "I wondered if you could sort of, like, have a word with him about me because I'm a proper actor, I'm an extra in this but I've done, you know... lines..." "You okay?" "Yeah." "What you got there?" "My wife, pictures of my wife." "I heard about that, yeah, sorry." " Memories." "Wonderful love." " Yeah." "This is her, very beautiful." "She is." "Our first holiday." "Here she is with my son, one year old." " Nice boy." " Nice no more." "Dead." "Dead boy." "My wife again." "Oh, I shouldn't look at that." "Was she sunbathing?" "No, she is dead." " Lying in the street." " Oh, I see now." " Dead." " Yeah, yes." " Why did you take..." " Why did I take photograph of her?" "To show the world what must be shown." "This is why I want film to be made by Ben Stiller." "Ben Stiller of Zoolander, sure." "You look." "Dead, naked." " Yeah." " You look." "I am, but I'm only looking at her dead naked face." "Where did you get these developed?" "My cousin." "I was going to say, it's not the sort of thing you pop into Boots with." "Boots?" "Oh, it's a chain of chemists, high street pharmacy." "They don't just do pharmacy now, they do everything." "They do gifts, sandwiches, weight watchers, smoothies, things like that." "We don't have Boots." "You missed a trick." "True Print give you a free film when you get something developed." "So you're a mug." "Anyway, if you could put a word in to Ben to get me a line... in this..." "I'll catch you later." "He's got photos and everything." " That's not going to help, is it?" " No." "What worries me is I can't push it, can't go up to him and remind him," ""Sorry to interrupt you again when you're thinking of your slaughtered loved ones" ""but that line, have you done anything about it?" Do you know what I mean?" "Might seem a wee bit insensitive, eh?" "Yeah, it could do." " Oh, be warned, Jackie Greer's on the prowl." " Why?" " She's having a birthday do." " Forget it, I'm not going." " I'm not going if you're not going." " Don't go, then." "No, but I can't not go because she's always really nice to me." " Well, have an excuse ready." " Like what?" "My standard is, "Oh, my sister's coming down to stay."" "I find out exactly when it is, though." "I go, "When is it?"" ""This Saturday." "This Saturday?" ""I can't, my sister's coming down."" "You're gutted, you'd loved to have gone but family..." "Oh, hello, you two." "I like your hair like that." "Isn't she beautiful?" "Now listen up, no excuses." "My birthday this week, I'm having birthday drinks." "I'm 21 again." "And I command you both to be there and I won't take no for an answer." "Okay." " My sister's..." " When is it?" " When is it?" " Friday, after we wrap." "It's only local." " This Friday?" " This Friday?" "Yeah, Friday." "Oh, no, I can't do this Friday, my sister is coming down." "Well, bring her along, I'd love to meet her." "Okay, I'll bring her along." " Well, you can't bring her along." " No." " You can't actually physically bring..." " Why?" "You haven't got a sister, you're confused." "My sister's coming down." "I just got confused." " So you can come?" " Yes, I can come." " And you, darling?" " As she said, my sister's coming down, so..." "And as I said, bring her along." "But what she didn't say was she's coming down because she's ill." "Oh, brilliant." " God, is it serious?" " We're not sure." " Well, send her my love." " I will." " But I will see you there?" " Definitely." " Yes, I've got no excuses." " Yeah." "See you later." "Bye." "Brilliant." " Oh, my God, you're coming." " No, I'm not." "I've got to be punished because you didn't think on your feet quickly enough?" " I can't go on my own." " I can't go at all." " What if my sister died?" " What's she got?" "I haven't got a sister." " You haven't got a sister?" " No, I made it up, an excuse." "Reading a little magazine there, are you?" " Yes." " Do you understand it?" "Would you rather have all your food too salty or too sweet?" "Doesn't matter if it's too anything." "It's rubbish, isn't it?" "You see, I would have too salty." "No, it'd be rubbish." "If it's too salty, it'd be rubbish." "Yeah, but I like savoury things." "But you said too salty, which means it's horrible." " I like crisps." " Don't ask me any more questions." " Hello, again." " Hey, hello." " This is my friend Andy." " Hi." "Hiya." "Jon." " What are you doing here?" " I'm just having lunch." " That's what we're doing, isn't it?" " Yeah, just letting it cool down here, though." "Having a bit of lunch just before we go back to work." " Are you having to work late tonight, then?" " No, not tonight." "I'm going to a drinks do." "I don't know if you know, it's Jackie Greer's birthday." "Oh, my God, I'm going!" "I'm already going." "Oh, spooky." "I'm sure you're welcome to come along as well." "I can't, I'm doing anything else." "So do you know Jackie Greer very well, good friends?" "Not really, no." "The producer's going down so he sort of asked us to go along." " You know, team bonding or whatever." " The producer of this?" "Yeah, Martin the producer." "He's going to be there." "He knows Jackie from years back." "Yeah, I'll probably move stuff around." "I might as well come down for a couple of..." "Yeah?" "Okay, we'll see you later on then for a drink and a bit of a laugh, eh?" "That'd be great, yeah." "Yeah, well I'd better get this down me." "Line my stomach." "Coq au vin." " Sounds a bit rude, doesn't it?" " Not really." "What have you gone for?" "Oh, boring." "Just three bean salad, spinach and smoothie." " I'm on a high fibre diet." " Oh." "No bowel cancer for you, then." "Hopefully not, no." " Okay." "See you later." " See you later, bye." "Bye." " "No bowel cancer for you, then?"" " All right." "Classic." "That's really funny." " Hi." " Hello." " You all right?" " Yes." " You're not going to..." " No, no, I'm good." " Good." "Well, I got you a gift." " Why?" "Just to say thanks for being part of this amazing project, you know." "Oh, thank you very much." "And to thank you for the line you said you'd get me, do you remember?" " Did I?" " Yeah, you probably don't remember because you were crying about your dead family and stuff." "But you said you'd ask Ben for a line." "Are you going to ask Ben for a line?" "Yes, I can do that." "I didn't know what to get you, got you vouchers." " Vouchers?" " Yeah." "Fifteen quids' worth." " It's like money?" " It's exactly like money but you can only spend it at Top Shop." "So, you'll ask Ben, yeah?" "Yeah." "Brilliant." "Fifteen quid." "See you later." "Cut!" "Cut!" "Why is he laughing?" "Why are you laughing, hm?" " I tripped up." " What's so funny?" "I tripped up." "Okay." "All right, do you think this is funny?" "You think war is funny?" "Do you think genocide is funny?" "Huh?" "Are you his mum?" "Yeah." "Let me ask you this." "Do you think this'll be funny?" "If I shot your mother right now?" "If I shot your mummy in the face, would that make you laugh?" "Do you think that would be funny?" "If I blew your mother's face off now, would that make you laugh?" "Okay, so maybe you should think of that next time you trip, okay?" "Let's do it right now, let's go." " Still rolling." " And the atrocities continue." "And action!" "It's so itchy, this." " Maggie and Andy." " Hi." " Is that for me?" " Yes." "Thank you so much." "I wasn't expecting you, I thought your sister was ill." "Yes, but it turned out to be not as serious as we first thought." "So, yeah, women's problems." "Typical, quite a build up." "I had to get out of the house in the end." "I thought she was gonna have my face off." "A Rottweiler with lipstick." "Busy, though." " You look amazing." " Thank you." "Someone said the producer was coming." "Is that..." "It's Martin, he's over there." " Oh, okay." " You look gorgeous." "Look at you, I wouldn't have thought to put that with that and that's the same problem we've got..." "Hello!" " Oh, hello." " Hi." "No, it was Elaine's idea originally." "He says that every time, but it was both of us." "It's usually true." "Anyway, it's modern retellings of the old stories and we're going to make several of them." "It's going to be a little bit like Kieslowski's Decalogue." " Have you see those?" " Yes." "Well, you know there's that one character, the Watcher, and it's a fantastic character." "Have you read that Kieslowski on Kieslowski book?" "No, I haven't." "He wrote later that he was so upset that he left him out of two of the films 'cause he really wished he was..." "It's his fault, should've..." "Do you want a drink?" "I'm a friend of Jackie's." "My round." " Oh, great, we're on champagne." " Three glasses of champagne." " Oh, just get a bottle." " Yes, definitely." "Anyway, so..." "What do you mean, why have you not seen me around?" "I've gone red." "Have you done other productions?" "Are you an actress?" " No." " Oh, you look like you should be an actress." " Costume dramas or something like that." " Yeah?" "I'd imagine it'll be seconds..." "Hi." "Andy." "Oh, Andy, yeah." "Oh, cheers." "Cheers." "Just thinking what you and Ben are doing in this film, wonderful, it moved me, so..." " Thank you." " No, thank you." "Can I ask you something?" "What was your inspiration?" "Well, obviously the story." "Oh, yeah." "In film terms." "Probably something like the..." " Are you a film buff?" " I adore films." "Well, I'll tell you what I re-watched when we were planning this." "Oh, please do." "Andrzej Wajda's War Trilogy." "They're extraordinary, aren't they?" "Yeah." "Ben's been watching them, particularly in relation to battle scenes, a lot of Kurosawa." "Oh, okay." "Yeah, particularly in relation to the kineticism of the mise en scène." "In the film." "Yeah, I see." "You a fan?" "Generally?" " Yes." " Of Japanese cinema?" " Oh, definitely." " Oh, well." "Kurosawa's obviously a master." "Yeah, he's number one." "I suppose on a personal level, I'm more a fan of Ozu." "Me, too, but I think they're both, they're both big boys." " The aesthetics are completely different." " Chalk and cheese, but..." " He tends to knock the camera off." " And the other one just lets it on." "It was Elaine actually who turned me on to Ozu." " Congratulations." " Yeah, I wasn't really a fan before." "Really?" "No, I'm sure you've found this." "You say to someone, "Do you like Japanese cinema?" and they say," ""No, can't get into it, boring."" "And you say, "Well, do you like the Magnificent Seven?"" " And they say, "Yes."" " Yeah, they like that." "And you think, well, it's a remake of the Seven Samurai." "Yeah, yeah, course it is." "What, they didn't know that?" " No." " Seven's the clue." "Can't just make that up." "No, it really upsets me." "I want everyone to love the Seven Samurai." "I love all the number films, really." "Seven Samurai, Ocean's Eleven, Dirty Dozen." "Which is about as many as I think you can have on screen at once." " But seven is perfect for me." " Apologies for this, but I don't really recognise you." "What are you doing?" "I'm an actor, yeah." "Although at the moment, I'm concentrating more on background work, looking out towards getting a speaking role." "In anything." " Andy, sorry to interrupt." " Not at all." "Listen, can I have a quick word?" " Not now, I'm a little bit busy." " Two minutes." " I'm in the middle..." " Don't mind us." "We'll be here." "Yeah?" "Okay, all right." "I just wanted to let you know that Jon's going on somewhere else" " and he's asked me to go with him." " Fine." "I wanted to let you know because it was me who dragged you here." "You'd be all annoyed because I'd disappeared..." "I'm fine, I'm chatting." " He's nice." " He is, yes." " Foot doesn't bother you?" " Eh?" "I know you're a deeply shallow person, I thought the foot would be a problem." "What do you mean?" "He's got one leg shorter than the other, look." "He's wearing one of them big shoes." " Oh, my God." " You didn't notice that?" "Well, no, it was under the table, wasn't it?" " Yes." "Must have been a big table." " No, don't." " What?" " I didn't see." "Oh, look at him." "He's a lovely man." "He's funny, he's attractive." "Look at him, everybody loves him, life and soul of the party." " Certainly the sole." " Oh, come on." "If you're above it." "If you don't mind being known as Maggie, "Who's Maggie?"" ""Maggie, the girl who goes out with the fellow with the big shoe," that's fine." "But they can do something about it now, can't they?" " No." " Some doctor in China or something." "No, it's weird, that's the one thing they can't do anything about." "They can give you a new face, new heart, new lungs, new liver, new anything, but if you go to a doctor and you say," ""Doc, I've got one leg slightly shorter than the other,"" "doesn't matter if you got a million pounds, they can send you to Switzerland and all you're coming home with is a big shoe." " Stop it." " That's fine, if it's not a problem for you." "I'm not so shallow that I can't see beyond his big foot." "I know you, you'll get involved and it will be a problem." "All I'm saying is this, don't rush off with him tonight." "Sleep on it, if it's not a problem tomorrow, give him a call." " In the morning?" " Absolutely, why rush into it now?" "He's here." " Hey." " Hi." "I'm ready to get going if you are." "Now?" "Right now?" "Er..." "I don't think I can go right now." "Oh, right." "You said you fancied it just then." "Yeah, but he just reminded me of something." " Yeah, I just reminded her." " I don't think I can go." "Is it..." "Is it the leg?" "Hm?" "Is it the fact that I've got one leg shorter than the other?" " I hadn't noticed." " You hadn't noticed?" "I hadn't." " You hadn't noticed that?" " Oh!" "No." " I hadn't." "God, it's a big clumpy one." " Don't say clumpy." " It's like a big Herman Munster." " Oh!" "Don't say..." " Er..." " Oh, that's..." "Do these come in any other styles?" "Do you have to buy a pair and throw one away?" "It's been good talking to you." " Just interested because..." " I've never seen a live one." "Maybe I can phone you tomorrow." "No." "No, don't worry about it." "You've shown your true colours." " That was you." " It wasn't my fault." "How was it my fault?" "That poor man." "All his life he's had to deal with people that are so shallow that they can't see beyond his foot thing and he's going to think I'm like that." "You are." "I don't want him to know that." " Well, don't say Herman Munster then." " Well, it just slipped out." "Herman Munster just slipped out?" "Bit more room." "We were having a conversation earlier about films, weren't we?" "You'd have hated it." "I was going to ask you about this film." "Are there any parts left to cast?" " No, I'm afraid not." " Oh, that's a shame." " Jon seemed quite upset." " Was he?" "I thought you were getting on with him." "You seemed to be." "Yeah, we were." "But you don't want to see him because of his foot?" " I didn't say that." " But it is though, isn't it?" "Well, it's her private life, innit?" "Yeah, I'm just saying that I think it's a shame that she obviously goes through life not liking anyone that's different than her." "That's not true." "She's gets on with anyone, tall, thin, black, white, yellow." "She's not prejudiced." " Who's yellow?" " What?" "Well, you were just listing racial types, black, white..." "Who's yellow?" " That's what we call the Chinese sometimes." " Oh, do we?" "The Chinese?" "Well, one, I'm American and two, my parents are Japanese, not Chinese." "Oh, yes, Japanese, Chinese I wasn't..." "What do you mean, Japanese, Chinese?" "Both the same to you, are they?" "Well, don't make me sound like a racist, I don't happen to know the intricate differences between Japanese and Chinese people." "There's that thing that they teach you at school." "No." "Chinese, Japanese, dirty knees, what are these?" " Do you remember it?" " Yeah, it rings a bell." " Okay?" "That's us." " Yeah." "Cheers, good night." " Are we going?" " Yeah." "Do you know why?" " No." " Guess." " Because of the foot." " No." " I know the first..." " Then we've got the second one." "Okay, I don't need to hear, you know, the story of how we got to this point." "I know what point we're at, I'm just wondering when we can actually shoot it." " Hey." " Hi." " Good news." " Yeah?" " I got you line." " Really?" "I talk to Ben, he say, here, you see." "Journalist Two." ""Don't go down there!" "There are snipers down there."" "Don't go down there!" "There are snipers down there." " What you doing?" " The accent." "I was gonna..." " Don't." " I won't do the accent." "That's brilliant." " Okay." " Excellent." " Thanks." " Cheers." "Hold on." "Sorry, there's two journalists here." "Journalist One and Journalist Two." "I'm Journalist Two, but Journalist One's got all the lines." "Look, him, him, him, me, snipers." "Him, him, him." "I think I should do Journalist Two, you know." "I think someone else already doing that." " I know, but we could swap." "I'd be better." " I got you a line." "I know, but remember the vouchers." "I got you the vouchers, didn't I?" "I put them towards this top." " Brilliant." "Doesn't that look good?" " Nice." "Looks really good." "Have a word and see if I could do Journalist Two." "He's busy." "Yeah, but he's always busy." "Just get a quiet moment when he's not so busy." "Kelvin, go back to one on this, we've got to work this out." " Ivan, when you come..." " Igor." " What?" " Igor." "Igor, okay, when you knock her down, don't ask her to come down." "You smack her in the back of the head and then you come here and you jam it into her mouth." "You can't put your hand up, okay?" "Boom, you jam her in the mouth, break her jaw on the first one." "Second one nose, okay." "Her jaw's broken, she's swallowed her teeth, blood's coming out, all right?" "Then you smack her again across the side, breaking the neck." "All right, can we do this again, please?" " Go and get him now." " Okay, I try." " Ben." " Yeah." "I need to swap the lines." "What do you mean, you need to swap the lines?" "For my friend." "He wants to..." "Your friend?" "No, no, I gave your friend a line." "Yes, but I want him to have more." "You want him to have more?" " You want him to have more lines?" " Yes." "I don't understand, are you directing the movie or am I directing the movie?" "No, but this is my story." "My memories, my tribute to my dead wife." "Would you stop going on about your fucking dead wife?" "All right, let's do another rehearsal." "Right away, please." "Ben." "That was a wee bit much." "Ben?" "I'm sorry, what's your name?" "Oh, wait a minute, I remember." "I don't give a shit." " Get out of my face." " All right." "Don't have a go at her, she was just worried about Goran." " Who are you?" " Nobody." "What's that?" "Who?" " Nobody." " That's right, nobody." "Yeah, and who am I?" "It's either Starsky or Hutch, I can never remember." " Was that supposed to be funny?" " You tell me, you were in it." " Get off my set." " Okay." "Get off my set." "Hey, hey, question." "Do you know how much Meet the Fockers made in its opening weekend?" " No." " No, you don't, do you?" "What do you think?" " Don't know." " Take a wild guess." "Twenty million?" "Way off." "Double it, add six." "46, three days. 70 million, five days." "500 million worldwide." "Number one movie in India right now." "Well done." "Bye, nerd." " Oh, I'm a nerd?" " Yeah." "I'm a nerd." "I've kissed Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore." "I slapped Jennifer Aniston's butt." " In films." " It still counts." "It still counts." "It still counts." "I did it, I actually did it." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"All that caffeine, you may as well just have some coffee." "Well, if you put a little bit of coffee in the coffee, I would have some coffee." "Good morning!" "Hi." "Good morning." "I think I will pay for the nurses extraordinaire this morning." "Thank you!" "I knew I should have gotten the special." "Thank you." "Keep that." "That's for you." "Candy, I need you to do me a favor." "Mm-hmm?" "Sure." "Float to 4 West." "Okay." "Actually, uh, 4 East is really busy, and we need her there." "Well, I need her at 4 West." "It's overfull." "So, Candy, please." "No problem." "We were gonna have breakfast." "I'm on my way." "Good." "How about lunch?" "Oh, I'm, uh, meeting Rich." "Good." "Bye." "Who's Rich?" "I have no idea." "You got your census, Lilyan?" "Who's Rich?" "I don't know." "Good morning." "Morning!" "How many you got?" "17, another 5 in waiting." "Okay." "Whoa!" "Hey!" "Mr. Fleming!" "How are you?" "Mommy?" "Mommy." "Yes." "Well, at least the opening's in the back this time." "Can you do me a favor?" "Sorry, I can't." "I gotta go." "Kelly!" "Hey, how are you?" "Good." "Could you take Mr. Fleming to 3 South for me?" "Uh, and tell them to keep a good eye on him." "We don't need any more sausage links down here." "Oh, of course." "No problem." "Right this way, Mr. Fleming." "All right." "Mommy." "Is something wrong with your office, Christina?" "Nothing." "I just leave the offices for you suits." "Well, would you like a hand?" "I mean, I know how spread thin you are." "Actually, I'm... good." "Thank you." "Well, actually, I worry about things at home." "How is my granddaughter?" "She's fine." "Christina..." "I haven't seen her since you both dropped off Michael's ashes." "Well, she is yourgranddaughter." "You can see her whenever you want." "Just that I spent so much time with her last year..." "It's different." "Is she free this weekend?" "Perhaps she can com by on Saturday after she gets back from the trip." "What trip?" "The trip to Washington..." "The class trip." "She ain't going on no trip." "She's grounded." "She's what?" "She's grounded, meaning she ain't going nowhere." "One, two, three." "Here's the I.D." "MVA, semiconscious, pressure's 90 over 40." "Ji Sun Kim." "Ji Sun?" "Ji Sun, squeeze my hand if you can hear me." "Possible spinal-cord injury." "Start methylprednisolone bolus, 30 milligrams over 15 minutes." "Let's intubate." "What do we got?" "MVA." "Possible intracranial bleeding." "Call neuro." "Don't worry." "I'll call." "Thanks." "Whoa." "Who's this?" "He was in the passenger's seat." "We're waiting on social services." "Got it." "Hey." "What's your name?" "Can you understand me?" "You can?" "Is that your mom?" "Is it okay if I look you over and make sure you're okay?" "Got a couple of scrapes and bruises." "Is it all right if I take you to see some doctors and make sure you're all right?" "Okay." "Transcripted on addi7ed" "1x04 "All the Wrong Place"" "Is this today's bloodwork for David Gendler?" "I drew it myself." "His results are good, right?" "Yeah, very good... for a guy who threw himself off a building." "For a man with stage-four lymphoma, impossible." "Hey, David." "Oh, hey, doc." "How you doing?" "I think I'm ready for my figure-skating lessons." "Hey, you stuck me already... this morning, remember?" "How you been sleeping?" "As good as I've been able to." "How about food?" "You eating well?" "Fine." "Really?" "In this place?" "Last week's ravioli is still killing me." "Is anything wrong?" "No, nothing." "Nothing at all." "You get some rest, okay?" "Thank you." "So you do speak English." "What's your name?" "Sang." "Now, that's a cool name." "Sang, I really need to talk to your dad." "I don't have one." "Do you have any aunts and uncles, grandparents?" "I'll notify social work." "Oh, no, don't worry about it." "I got it." "You must be really scared, huh?" "I left my mitt." "Well, I'm sure we can get you a new one." "We were going back to get it." "Mom was so mad." "She said I never take care of my things." "Well, you know what?" "We moms tend to get mad sometimes." "I told her she was stupid." "She looked at me." "I guess she didn't see that... car." "It wasn't your fault." "Is she going to die?" "No." "Not on my watch." "Excuse us." "Vernice?" "Vernice?" "Oh." "Sorry to bother you, but where do you keep the gelfoam?" "Dr. Smith needs it for Harrison in 216." "Gelfoam?" "We never use that." "Got to go to general stores for that." "I'll get it." "Oh, no, you're eating." "Finish." "Just tell me where to go." "The basement." "You know where housekeeping is?" "No." "When you get off the elevators, make your second right." "Past housekeeping, there's a double door." "That's clinical engineering." "You pass that to the right, you make a left." "Got it." "Thank you." "Hi." "I'm Bobbie." "Lucy." "You have a urinary tract infection." "Yeah." "I get them." "And you've seen a gynecologist?" "Uh, I don't have insurance." "That's why I come to the E.R." "Sorry." "We'll get you fixed up." "I just need cipro instead of amoxicillin." "That's a pretty specific request." "Like I said, I've gotten them before." "I'll just get a doctor to come in and see you." "He's gonna want to ask you some questions." "Sure." "This is strange." "It looks like Miss Kim only has a mild splenic laceration." "Last report, her vitals were improving, but the surgical team's on deck anyway." "Dr. Richardson mentioned a little boy whose mother is critical." "Yeah, he's doing fine." "I had the police run her info." "Looks like he's on his own." "So, what do we do?" "Even if mom does recover, she could be here for weeks." "I have no choice but to find a foster family." "Madeline, come on." "We see kids come through here all the time that have been placed in foster care." "It's not our call." "Well, it ain't gonna happen." "I'm calling Child Services." "Okay." "Go ahead." "But he's not ready to go yet." "He's still being treated medically." "I thought you said he was fine." "We're still running tests." "You can never be, uh, too careful." "How much longer?" "I don't know." "What do you think, Bobbie?" "Could be a while." "Could be... yeah." "Quite a while." "I'll be back later." "I know those tubes seem really scary... but they're helpful." "So, you got to trust me." "They're really gonna help her, okay?" "Okay." "All right." "Ji Sun." "I'm sitting here with your precious son." "And I want you to know he's okay." "He's not hurt at all." "But he has a few things he wants to say to you." "You mean tell her that I'm sorry?" "You can tell her whatever you want." "Mom..." "I'm sorry." "It was my fault." "Hey, Bobbie?" "The boy's okay?" "He is... a few scratches." "Child Services on their way?" "No, he's actually gonna stay with me." "Of course he is." "I heard they needed the jaws of life to rescue the mother." "That delayed treatment." "M.R.I. show anything?" "Well, the E.R. resident said he wanted her vitals stable first." "Kids these days... way too cautious." "What, you were a cowboy?" "Well, I wouldn't go that far." "She could be bleeding out." "Do you want a CT scan of her abdomen?" "No, not with those numbers." "She's too unstable." "Call the blood bank... 4 units of packed RBC to the neuro ICU." "We'll transfuse there." "Let's go." "On the move!" "Mom!" "John Garrett." "Child Protective Services." "Mm." "Hi." "I'm Christina Hawthorne." "I was gonna call you." "I understand the woman's son has no other guardian." "Yes, it looks that way." "We have a very responsible couple that can help." "They often take children whose parents have been in accidents or arrested." "Got it." "Um, how many kids do they have now?" "Five, maybe six." "Which is it...?" "Five or six?" "I'd have to check my records." "Okay, you do that." "And then, if it's five, just let me know where the sixth one went." "Is there a problem here?" "Listen, I know you mean well, but there's no way I'm gonna have this woman wake up and I tell her that her son's been placed in a home with five or maybe six kids." "If you're holding that boy without medical reason," "I'll have to call the police." "Okay, you can do that." "Hawthorne... they know me." "You know what I heard?" "What?" "Now, this is one of those, "I know a guy who knows a guy whose cousin... "" "Yeah, yeah." "All right, some joker just got back from Iraq, says there's a nurse here." "Maybe she was a massage therapist." "She's all about the happy endings." "Get out!" "That's what I heard, man..." "Hooked the brother right up." "You think it's true?" "Well, crazy rumor..." "Sure." "But it's like I say..." "Where's there's smoke, there's got to be some fire!" "That's right." "Some fire, baby!" "David Gendler's lymph nodes looked normal... not overtly swollen at all." "And his white blood cell differential was unremarkable." "I reset the pin in his artificial hip and biopsied one of his lymph glands." "It was negative." "No cancer?" "So, w... what are we saying, that it's just... just all gone?" "We're talking about Hodgkin's lymphoma, Tom." "It's not like we're saying a... a huge mass magically disappeared." "The guy attempted suicide, and then he beats the odds?" "I mean, i... is it possible that his lymphoma went into remission so his body could heal?" "Stranger things have happened." "We must be missing something." "If you want to be a nonbeliever, feel free." "I need to be sure." "Unless there's a medical reason for him to be here," "I'm ready to transfer to an ortho rehab facility." "Right now, just let him live his life." "I'm ordering another M.R.I." "Face it, Tom." "You cured David Gendler." "Congratulations." "No transfer." "Excuse us." "Watch your back." "Oh!" "I'm sorry." "Hey." "Hey." "Who's your wingman?" "Oh, this is Sang." "He's riding shotgun with me today." "What's up, little man?" "All right!" "I, uh, talked to your occupational therapist." "She says you're doing very well." "She tell you she measured me for a casket?" "Why you playin'?" "No, it's all right." "I mean, you'll give me a nice eulogy." "Just please do not let my brother speak." "Did Tom say something?" "He didn't have to." "Your vitals look good." "So do you." "Well, then why am I a human pincushion?" "I'm gonna get somebody in here to take care of that, okay?" "I'm gonna go find Tom." "Come on, Sang." "Lucy?" "What are you doing?" "Drawing some blood." "What for?" "Standard procedure." "You said you haven't been to a doctor in a while." "Can't hurt." "Your veins are kind of thin." "Can I see the other one?" "They always take from this one." "Can I see for myself?" "Let me take a look at your arm, please." "Let me take a look." "Motorcycle accident." "I've done everything I was supposed to do..." "Six surgeries..." "Rehab." "It just keeps getting worse." "Please don't let them take my arm." "I'm sorry." "Um, excuse me." "Are you general stores?" "I ain't general stores." "This... is general stores." "I'm Big Tiny." "I'm in charge of lubes, tubes, even silicone boobs." "Malibu!" "Go deep!" "Yeah!" "Whoo!" "What floor you from?" "2 west." "Vernice made you come all the way down here by yourself?" "Oh, no, I volunteered." "I need some gelfoam." "One sponge or two?" "Oh." "That would've been a good question to ask the doctor, wouldn't it?" "Uh, you better take the whole box, then." "Not a high-turnover item." "Last time one of those got used..." "October 24th." "That's my birthday." "Happy birthday." "Yeah." "Hey, you know your way out of here?" "Go back the way you came, second right, first left, then a hard left, then another right." "Got it." "All right." "Thanks." "Yeah, can you page Tom Wakefield to my phone?" "Thanks." "All right, bye." "All right, that's for you, since you did such a good job with your lunch." "You said my mom would be okay." "She's not okay." "She's got all these tubes and machines." "Have you ever heard of the international mommies club?" "No?" "!" "We have, like, secret meetings." "We even have a secret handshake." "And we made an agreement." "If a mom gets hurt, then another mom comes in to fill in for her." "So, right now, you're under the protection of the international mommies club." "And I'm gonna step in and take care of you until mommy gets better." "There's no international moms club." "What are you talking about?" "Christina." "Hi, mom." "Hey." "How you guys doing" "Good." "Well, who's this?" "This is Sang." "His mom is in the ICU." "Oh, poor thing." "We just made an agreement that I'll be his mom until she gets better." "You're kidding, right?" "No." "So, you'll do this, but you won't let me go to Washington?" "What is this about you canceling the class trip?" "Can we talk about this later?" "When?" "It's this weekend." "Well, she's not going." "Don't be shortsighted, dear." "Yes, she broke curfew, but you can punish her some other way." "A class trip to Washington with a black president may never happen again." "You know, and Michael really never would..." "Amanda, Michael is dead." "And Michael would have never second-guessed me." "You sure?" "He would have let me go." "Mom, fine, I stayed out too late." "I'm sorry." "But not this." "Sang." "Sang!" "Sang!" "Sang!" "Code blue!" "Look out!" "Got it?" "Here." "Give me the oxygen." "Okay." "All right, let's get him on a gurney." "On my count..." "One, two, three, lift." "All right." "All right, get another amp of epi." "All right, let's move." "What happened?" "Well, he was having ice cream, and he just... he collapsed." "Could have suffered some neuro damage in the accident." "You send him for a CT?" "I was there when he got evaluated." "He checked out." "How's his mom?" "We just ordered two more units of whole blood, but if she bottoms out again, she's going to the O.R." "Hey, Tom." "I saw David's chart." "Oh, yeah?" "So, you saw he looks fully recovered." "Then why are you probing him like a UFO?" "Have you ever seen such a grave case like his go into full remission?" "He's scared to death." "He thinks you're hiding something from him." "Well, you know, I've jumped the gun before..." "delivered good news that turned out to be wrong." "If I make that mistake here..." "Okay, well, Howard wants to transfer him." "I told Howard he's staying." "Stop using him as a case study." "All right?" "He's already been through hell." "We're talking about a guy who threw himself off the roof to end his suffering." "Are you telling me he can't handle a few more blood draws?" "It's a miracle." "You did your job." "Be happy!" "Yeah, and a few hours ago, you gave that little boy in there a clean bill of health, didn't you?" "Coming through." "Put in for an ortho-surgery consult." "That kid in treatment two..." "She needs her amputation tonight." "She's taking it kind of hard, so you may want to check in on her." "I will." "She doesn't want amputation." "She wants hyperbaric oxygen therapy and debridement." "Well, she's been through all that already." "I mean, what choice does she have?" "We'd end up just amputating at the end of the month anyway." "It's her choice." "She wants the treatment." "Amputation is treatment." "That arm's already gone." "You should call for a vascular consult." "That won't stop the infection from moving into the bone." "It's what she wants." "It'll kill her!" "Are you sure this is about her?" "That's way out of line." "I'm sorry." "How about that vascular consult?" "Page me when ortho gets here." "Christian..." "Lucy Myers in treatment two needs a vascular consult." "Her doctor just asked me to call it in." "Hello?" "Anybody here?" "Hello." "Oh, God, Mr. Fleming, you scared me!" "Oh, my God, you scared me." "Oh, I'm so sorry." "Are you okay?" "Mommy!" "Wait!" "No, Mr. Fleming, wait!" "Stop!" "Where are you going?" "Mr. Fleming!" "I didn't mean to scare you." "Okay." "Mommy." "Hey." "Where you going now?" "Another scan." "I have to drink that nuclear milkshake again." "I'm gonna be up all night vomiting" "Can you give us a second?" "Thank you." "Tom didn't stop by?" "I probably shouldn't be the one to tell you this, but..." "Oh, no!" "David, David, David." "I'm so sorry." "It's not that." "I'm sorry." "Your cancer is in full remission." "W... what?" "Your... lymphoma is gone." "It's gone." "But what about all these tests" "It's a miracle, we can't explain it, and that just doesn't fly by our boy Tom." "I'm healthy." "Yes, you are." "And this place is for sick people, so we got to get you out of here." "But what about Tom?" "I mean, he's the reason why I'm here." "He's... he's keeping me here." "Well, you know, it's a funny thing about that." "Listen..." "The guards... they change their shift at midnight." "All I need for you to do is tie your sheets together, throw them out the window, climb down, and I'll have the laundry truck waiting for you outside." "I'm really gonna live, Christina?" "Yes, you are." "And I'm gonna get you out of here so you can start." "So, I'll have you admitted upstairs, and we'll begin that treatment once you get all settled." "Thank you, doctor." "What's going on?" "I just completed my evaluation." "I'll have Miss Myers admitted to my service." "Who called you for a vascular consult?" "My office got a call from the ER." "Something wrong?" "I told you I don't want amputation." "And I don't want that spreading to the rest of your body." "Call the number at the bottom, all right?" "Thanks." "Take care of yourself." "Later, brother." "Later." "Hey, let me ask you something." "Is there any truth to that rumor that I heard?" "What rumor?" "You know, the one that there's a nurse around here who's very hands-on with the patients." "I'm not really sure what you mean." "I've got a great health plan." "I'd forget about it." "I mean, if it's true, maybe she and a friend will double-team me." "Good luck with that." "Christina, got a minute?" "Bobbie, you too." "Someone called in a phony request for a consult." "They lied and said it came from my attending." "The patient is adamant she doesn't want that treatment." "She need a second opinion to explore other options." "You know she doesn't have any." "Only physicians order consults." "Well, nurses are patient advocates." "Yeah, this case is difficult enough." "She's confusing the issue." "Only patients are allowed to ask for second opinions, not nurses." "Let's go talk to this girl." "Are you kidding me?" "After I helped you give the social worker the run around this morning?" "Way to get my back." "Come on, Bobbie." "That was a totally different situation." "That was a child." "And I'm helping my patient." "Well, then help." "Help her make this decision." "I mean, you can reach her." "You can show her..." "I'm the poster child for amputees?" "You know more than anybody here what she needs." "She needs to fight for that arm, to have someone fight for it with her, not let that jerk perform some quick cut that leaves her less than whole." "He's doing his job." "And I need you to do your job." "Now, you can fight for her arm, or you can fight for her." "It's the same thing, Christina." "Bobbie, you know that is not true." "That girl needs that amputation." "Now, you can help her accept that." "Are you willing to do that?" "Fine." "I'll find somebody who is." "I know you don't want to lose your arm, dear, but prosthetics these days are wonderful." "I'm left-handed." "How will I write?" "Sign my name?" "You know, my grandfather was left-handed at a time when it was considered bad form to be left-handed, and his teachers taught him to write with his right hand." "You can learn, too." "What about getting dressed, tying my shoes?" "!" "Honey, I know you're overwhelmed right now, but believe me," "God doesn't give you more than you can handle." "Bullshit." "God pours it on for sport." "Don't come in here and give me some" ""tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life" nonsense." "This is my arm..." "My arm!" "Why don't you understand?" "!" "I was explaining to Ms. Myers how important it is that she not delay her surgery." "Yeah, I get it." "Let us have a minute." "Of course." "Good luck, dear." "She means well." "But she doesn't get it." "But I do." "My brothers and I... when we were kids, we were cutting through a vacant lot." "My leg got snagged on a fence." "The gash never healed." "Looked worse than your arm." "Finally..." "I can't tell you it'll be okay." "I can't tell you you won't wake up in the middle of the night with your arm throbbing even though it's not there." "I can't tell you little kids won't stare or that men won't look at you differently." "It sucks." "It's hard." "But it won't kill you." "But believe me... delaying your surgery will." "I'm sorry." "I can't be like like that, like you." "I can't be... a freak." "Be strong." "All right, so this is what your great health plan gets you...private room." "You know, I can't stop thinking about that rumor." "Yeah, yeah." "I, uh..." "I said forget about it." "Doesn't add up." "Unless... it's not a woman." "I'm not..." "I don't follow." "Excuse me?" "Got to be a guy!" "Come on, buddy." "Hook me up." "Thanks." "I've been at this job two months now, and I seem to get worse every day." "And now I can't find my way out of here... with a patient, to boot." "Oh, my." "My dad wanted me to be a dentist." "Imagine that?" "I knew I couldn't handle it, so..." "I settled for nursing school." ""Settled"?" "This stuff is hard." "I mean, sometimes, when the patient's in pain and their dose is maxed out, the doctor's yelling, and the nurses are looking at me like I'mthe one they should be worried about sometimes I just want to hide." "I guess that's what we're doing... hiding." "Mr. Fleming," "I promise I'm gonna find a way out of here." "Okay?" "Mr. Fleming?" "No!" "Stop!" "Mr. Fleming!" "Stop!" "No!" "No!" "Mm!" "Hold it, hold it." "Where's he going?" "O.r. For exploratory." "Mom's on the table, too." "You guys are shooting in the dark." "Out of the way." "Okay, hold it, hold it, hold it." "20 questions." "Just indulge me, okay?" "He came in from a car accident with abrasions." "Could that be the symptom of something?" "no." "Okay." "All right, all right." "He was talking to his mother on a stool, started to stutter, spoke korean, fell off." "Could that mean something?" "Intracranial bleeding." "You would've checked for that." "What else?" "Spinal-cord injury." "You would've seen that, too." "What about the mom?" "She's not my patient." "I know she's not your patient." "But she's not moving, either, okay?" "What is that thing that can paralyze two people and leave no trace?" "I don't know." "What could paralyze two people and leave no trace?" "!" "Mr. Fleming?" "There you are!" "You know, running around the hospital is only gonna make your pneumonia worse." "I found him in the basement." "Where?" "By general stores." "General stores is nowhere near here." "Better get him back to his room." "Uh, yeah." "Come on." "You're okay." "Thank you for finding me." "You mean to tell me all we have to do is start a drip?" "Slow push -- if you pump too fast, it could stop her heart." "Hypokalemic periodic paralysis." "Pretty rare disorder -- affects asians, eastern europeans." "Stress of the accident made their potassium levels drop, and low potassium causes paralysis." "You're the bomb." "Thank you, karen!" "hey!" "Is there a kim in o.r.?" "Yeah." "Okay, just stop it!" "Tom!" "Tom, stop!" "Don't operate." "Hell are you talking about?" "Her son's potassium crashed." "I'll fix that post-op." "But why?" "We've got her on a drip." "We just put her under." "I can't wait." "Tom, just trust me!" "Why?" "'cause you always know better?" "What is that supposed to mean?" "It means david gendler's refusing treatment 'cause you told him to." "He's cured." "You said that yourself." "You're interfering!" "You called out your own nurse on that." "David and this woman -- They're not guinea pigs." "And you're not a doctor." "Ray, slow i.v. Push -- Potassium chloride." "Please don't tell me my patient died." "He went home." "Turns out we had two cases of this in the storage room." "Oh, child, don't tell me you've been gone all this time." "Thanks for noticing." "All right." "I wanted to bring us all here so that we could get a few things clear." "Okay?" "Amanda, you're grandma." "And you know what grandmas do?" "They give money for gifts, they call her "sweetie," and smell like easter." "That's what grandmothers do." "Are you scolding me?" "You " "Well, you're the daughter." "And you know what daughters do?" "They live in my house, follow my rules, and then they text their friends and talk about how much they hate me." "That's what daughters do." "And then there's me." "I'm the mother." "I make the rules." "So, here's a rule for you." "You're not going to d.c." "mom." "You want to know why?" "Because there is no trip to d.c." "I called your school." "You lied." "there is no trip?" "You made this all up, and you lied to us?" "Would you like to tell us where you were planning on going?" "Uh, new york?" "With suzanne?" "This is really terrible." "How could you do this to me?" "Camille, your freedom is mine forever." "What does that mean?" "It means that you're in the doghouse until I say you're not." "Not only did you lie about this whole thing, you brought your grandmother into this?" "!" "That's gonna cost you." "That's gonna cost you." "That's gonna cost you." "I'm sorry, grandma." "So am i." "Don't you go far." "I'm not done with you." "Do you see what I'm dealing with?" "Okay?" "I can't do this by myself, Amanda." "I do not smell like easter." "What?" "!" "Yeah, and if they know, who else knows?" "Okay, but he said it was a rumor,right?" "What difference does that make?" "Well, he didn't mention my name?" "no." "All right, then" "I don't think there's a problem." "Candy, as your friend, I'm telling you to stop it, okay?" "Stop going above and beyond for every Tom, Dick, or Harry who comes in here and says he spent his weekend at the national guard." "Okay, first of all, the national guard is just as much heroes as anybody else in the armed forces, okay?" "They're going to iraq just like everybody else." "They're dropped in a sandstorm." "It's 120-degree heat." "They don't speak the language." "They are strangers in a strange land." "And god forbid they get hurt." "They come back here, and they need a little extra tlc." "I don't know what's the problem with me giving them some." "Give them ice chips." "Or play cards with them if you have to, candy, but -- but, come on, the whole thing " "It's -- it's a little bit out there, don't you think?" "You make it sound so... dirty." "Shame on you." "Uh, candy, just " " Just listen, please?" "Can you just --Just think this through." "Maybe it's your calling, okay?" "That's good." "But if these guys heard about it, other people will." "Christina will." "And then your whole career will be at risk, then you can't help anybody." "All right?" "You're right." "Thanks." "Okay, good." "Oh, you're so -- You're so very welcome." "And, hey, if, uh, you ever get that urge..." "I'm here, okay?" "You're disgusting!" "No, to talk!" "I meant to talk." "Lucy." "Give us a minute?" "I was gonna let you go up to vascular without saying anything else, but I can't." "I know you think i'm a freak." "I'm sorry about that." "And maybe I am, but not for the obvious reason." "Truth is, I'm a freak because I don't miss my leg." "And given a chance, i'm not sure" "I'd have it back if I could." "What do you mean?" "I do what I do here because i lost my leg, because I understand what my patients go through." "So, in a weird way, in a weird way," "And you -- you can hang on to that arm out of fear, to that arm out of fear, your bones -- and it will " "You could die." "Let it go." "Live the life you're supposed to." "Good luck." "there she is, just like I promised." "So, you guys will stay here and recover from the car crash, and then you'll go home." "Thank you!" "You're welcome!" "And remember, I still owe you that mitt." "You were right." "And I hate it when you're right." "Well, you know, that makes two..." "...and everything." "You know, with david." "I" " I know." "I know." "I know." "His, uh -- his cancer going into remission's a real miracle." "And I am transferring him to a rehab center first thing in the morning." "Nice." "We'll call it a lucky break, especially with this one." "No, that's not luck." "That was all you." "Oh, no, no, no, no." "You made the call." "You twisted my arm." "You're not always gonna be right, you know." "You sure about that, dr." "Wakefield?" | {
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"In accordance with the amended Smoking" "(Public Health) Ordinance (Cap. 371 ), with effect from 1 January 2007, statutory no smoking areas have been extended to cover the indoor areas of all restaurant premises, indoor workplaces, public indoor places and some public outdoor places." "No personal shall smoke or carry a lighted cigarette, cigar or pipe in no smoking areas." "Help..." "Help..." "Help..." "Anyone out there?" "Let me out." "Why are you in there?" "I don't know." "Where am I?" "In a parking lot." "Why are you in there?" "I don't know." "I woke up in here" "Please open up." "I can't open it." "I'll call the police...hold on." "Help me, it's stuffy in here." "Please open up, I can't take it anymore." "There's no signal." "I'll go make a call, be right back." "Don't go." "Don't go, let me out." "I can't stand it." "I can't breathe." "Help..." "Help..." "Sir..." "Sir..." "You'll be fine." "We're the Police." "Officer..." "Help me." "Relax." "Why are you trapped inside?" "I don't know." "I woke up in here." "Listen to me, try to calm down." "Try to relax." "Regulate your breathing." "We'll get you out soon." "Control, I have a lock in, need to check a valid 4." "License plate KH416." "Look up the owner, over." "Hang in there, sir." "Stop." "It's giving me the creeps." "Don't." "I'll get nightmares." "You asked... for "Paranormal Activity"." "Now you want parental guidance?" "Should we go on or not?" "The last hotel I worked for was scarier." "It's haunted." "Nobody lives on the 13th floor." "The paintings in the hallway are really scary." "Every day at 6 p.m. someone will swap them." "Swap what?" "What?" "The ghostbusters." "I didn't hear that..." "Forget it." "Stop." "The room at the end was really haunted." "Screw you." "Don't say it or I can't sleep tonight." "If you can't sleep," "I'll do you a favour and sleep with you." "If you still can't sleep," "I'll sleep with you again." "Fuck you." "Hear that?" "Is that a promise?" "I have witnesses." "You must keep your word." "Don't worry, he's bullshitting." "I swear." "That cop lives downstairs from me." "He said the Police put the OCTB in charge and followed the car owner for a month." "They suspect murder." " Then what happened?" " Don't ask if you're scared." "They suspected the corpse had been in the car and the ghost came back to tell the story." "But they found nothing after a few months." "OCTB didn't know... how to write the report." "They told the guard to say it's a mistake and closed file." "That's absurd." "Your turn, Enunch." "This is awesome." "Stop the spiel and get on with it." "Last Friday was creepy..." "Stop it." "You're such an asshole." "You know what I'm going to say?" "What else happened to you last week?" "Does it have anything to do with you?" "No, but I still think he's an asshole." "Talking behind someone's back, that's low." "If you don't want me to say it, I won't." "Did you plan this?" "Leaving us in suspense?" "Don't blame yourself, we're here." "Tell us the story." "We'll take a vote to decide if you're an asshole." "It's really none of my business." "You decide if I should tell them." " Hurry up." " Go ahead." "It's none of my business." "I'll pretend I didn't hear you." "Keep this to yourselves, OK?" "Last Friday, our client, a fucking pain, who thinks anything cheap is distasteful and anything high end is incomprehensible." "Finally, the work was done." "We decided to..." "celebrate." "Let's order Chateau Latour on company expenses." "Definitely." "It costs only $20,000." "Order it." "Excuse me." "Yes, sir?" "Chateau Latte?" " Not latte." " Watch it." "Chateau Latour, 1982." "OK, right away." "Chateau Latte?" "Yeah, give him a cup of coffee." "Get to the point." " This is the point." " What point?" "This was so weird, you better believe it." "His girlfriend Vivian arrived after the wine." "Sorry..." "The class overran, I couldn't get a cab." " You should have called me." " It's OK." "What class?" "French." "Mr, Chateau Latour." " How extravagant." " Eunuch's treat." "Thanks." "You're welcome." "Right down your alley, try it." " Allow me." " Madam." "Did you ask how much this is?" "About $20,000." "You're kidding." "Keep up the good work, or no next time." "Hurry up, taste it." " $50...$100...$150." " Every drop costs money." "That's about $1 ,000." "More than that." "I was sitting next to Jimmy so I didn't see it at first" "I followed her stare... and saw Vivian's bracelet." " Guess what I saw?" " What?" "Something was caught in the bracelet." "A pube." "No fucking way." "It's true." "Or maybe it was Jimmy's." "True, you can say that." "If she was shagging a Chinese, you can say that." "But this is different." "That particular pube was blonde." " Blonde?" " Gross." "The follicle attached was enormous." "You noticed?" "She's caught shagging a gweilo." "We found out later it was the French Creative Director..." "from head office." "Perrier?" "What's so paranormal or scary about it?" "Easy for you to say." "Imagine out in public all his co-workers were there." "Some guy's pube is caught in his chick's bracelet." "You'd be scared too." "How can he show his face?" "You're a real asshole for using real names." "You're pathetic." "You wanted to hear it." "Keep this to yourselves." "What about your sick gag the next day?" "Now you want to talk about that?" "Why not?" "You told them the rest." "I said the reason she tried to learn French was not "c'est la vie", but "c'est la jizz"." "That's so lame." "Lame but perceptive." "That's too lame." "What's so lame?" "He told a sick joke." "You're late..." "Jimmy Cheung." "I was on the phone." "You're Jimmy Cheung?" "Yes, you are..." "Cherie Yu." "It was a horror story." "How bad?" "Very bad." "Shit..." "I haveto go ." "Thepizzaisgettingcold." "That's half an hour ago." "We won't order from you." "Shit." "The shithead is gone..." "Wehaveameeting." "I must get back to the restaurant." "What's going on?" "Is it me?" "Joseph?" "That's it for me." "I have to go." "Are you new?" "I work for Sephora." "There's a Sephora nearby?" "2 blocks away." "That's a long way from here." "My super won't let us smoke." "She thinks..." "smoking is bad for the skin." "So I had to come here." "And you?" "I work with Patty and Eunuch." "I know." "You know?" "You just said it." "It's your dad, it's your aunt..." "it's your brother, it's younger brother..." "Sorry." "Hello?" "I'm coming." "That's my super, gotta go." " Bye." " Bye." "What's your view on the smoke-free policy?" "It has its good points." "There are more places to pick up girls." "It used to be hard for people from different companies to meet girls." "You only meet those you work with." "From a zoological perspective, inbreeding is risky." "Look at Jimmy and Vivian." "With more smokers'dens nearby you can meet people who gather for a smoke." "That's quite swell." "I didn't know them very well." "But now I know everyone from these buildings." "Is the Smoking Ordinance a good thing?" "Can't say I agree but at least there's one good thing." "What I just said can all happened... within office hours." "That's not bad." "What do you think of Cherie and Jimmy?" "They... 5 words sum it up:" ""It's Brad Pitt hooked up with Angelina"." "That's so low." "It's crazy." "That's 7 words." "That's 5." ""It's Brad Pitt hooked up with Angelina." That's 5." ""It's Brad Pitt hooked up with Angelina"." "Was I wrong?" "Have some chicken wings, they're hot." "How nice." "Come on." "You go ahead, you young people have the quota." " They're good." " Aren't they?" "Here comes Jelly." "It's Cherie." "How can a kettle call a pot black?" " I'm better." "Want some chicken wings?" " Sure." " They're delicious." " Not bad." "You'll get a complaint." "Nobody would bother." "If they do, I'll just say we messed up the order." "It happens all the time." "Want a pizza next time?" " Yes." "Thick crust." " Bring something less fattening." "Sure." "Can I have a Coke?" "I don't even know your name." "Bitto, but you can use my nickname." "What's that?" "Don't you know?" "Damned Paki." "You got fucking mad when I told the joke." "I can tell the joke but you fucking can't." "And you think you can call me Joe Shit?" "There's no prejudice involved." "It's an objective description of..." "bodily waste." "Fuck you." "What do you know about me?" "You can't blame anyone." "It's in your name, Joseph." "You can't blame anyone, Joe Shit." "It's my Christian name." "A father named me that." "The Lord made you that way." "You should thank the father." "I won't get mad with you." "You and your co-workers are quite unique." "Is everyone in advertising so mean?" "I agree." "Who are you calling mean?" "This trio are genuine assholes." " Them." " You're the worst." "Gotta blow now." "Have a job to do." " What did you say?" " Gotta blow." "Have a job to do." "Got a blow job to do?" "An errand, asshole." " Which way are you going?" " Over there." "I'll go with you." "Go ahead, do him a good job." "Asshole." "Serve you right, you cunt." "What job is he doing?" "That's pathetic." "The pathetic trio." " Us?" " You're No. 4." "Beat him up." "I have seen you before." "You have?" "When?" "Were you at the karaoke last week?" "How do you know?" "I saw you at the 7-Eleven across the street." "No way." "You remember that?" "You were totally wasted." "Four bucks." "Four Jacks." "It's four dollars, sir." "Four Kings." "The chewing gum is..." "Four dollars, sir." "Four Aces." "Fold." "Drink up." "I was there?" "I can't remember." "I haven't seen anyone that wasted..." "since I was 22." "How old are you?" "Why?" "How old are you?" "You seem gentle, but talk like an asshole." "I'm a little bit older than you." "Do you know..." "why there are no UFOs in Hong Kong but there are sightings everywhere else?" "Of course not in Hong Kong." "You can't see them with all these skyscrapers." "Buildings are not as tall in other places." "They're easier to see." "You like UFOs?" "I'm just curious." "Yes." "Have you heard there was a UFO in Wah Fu Estate?" " You're lying." " It's true." "About 40 years ago, they said it had come..." "real close to Wah Fu Estate." "But they didn't call it UFO back then." "They called it an epiphany of Bodhisattva." "I can look it up on the internet for you tonight." "Email it to me." "Fine, give me your email address." "What?" "Arm channel?" "That's right." "I can't type Chinese." "It's a-r-m, c-h-a-n-n-e-l." "What the heck?" "armchannel" "That's so hard to remember." "Give me your phone number, I'll SMS you." "You want my phone number?" "What?" "That's a lame excuse." "You're delusional." "I'd ask you directly." "67431584" "I'll send it to you if I find it." "OK." "How old were you?" "Around 20... 21." "He was a friend of a friend's." "He used to hang out at football pitch for a smoke." "I didn't smoke but I needed an excuse." "So I started to smoke." "I found out what brand he smoked." "I was fine at the beginning because I wasn't really smoking." "I didn't inhale the smoke." "I wanted him to know..." "we smoked the same brand." "I made such a fuss until finally he noticed me." "We started talking and he taught me how to smoke." "You can say it was love in a puff for us." "One time, he asked me out." "He told me he wanted to quit smoking." "I asked him why." "He said he met a girl who didn't want him to." "I felt devastated but had to act real cool." "I said, "Good for you"." "He found his reason to quit but I didn't." "So I kept on smoking." "Did you email me?" " Come on." " Fuck." "I better place another bet." "Damn..." "Not home yet." "What are you doing?" "You're here to eat or play?" "None of your fucking business." "What the heck?" "I like this kid." "He has guts and is not an ass kisser." "The company needs you." "A toast to you, Blackie." "You're cool." "Be nice to him." "Right." "Having hotpot, and you?" "Have you heard about Jeffrey... at the diner?" "What?" "Haven't you heard?" "It's like an IQ question." "In a karaoke for a friend's birthday." "Not that again." " It's so gross." " Zipped." " Let's go for a drag." " Let's go." "New girl?" "Like Blackie said," ""none of your fucking business"." "Watch out for cancer ...of your thumbs." "Fuck you." "A bit bored." "Want to take a walk?" "Where?" "Four Aces." "What's this?" "Costume party for a friend's birthday." "What?" "What's inside?" "Madonna." "Fucking hell." "You should show them off." "And scare the kids?" "Are you nuts?" "Where should we go?" "I have no idea, let's keep walking." "Boys never know where they're going." "No. 1 , I'm not a boy anymore." "No. 2, we're only killing time." "We came out for a walk." "No. 3, same here I'm out to kill time." "No. 4, I'm out of smokes." "Let's go get some." " Can I have..." " Can I have..." "The 5th pack, on the second row from the left." "Wrinkled Capri slims for the lady." "$29, want some mints for $5?" "No, thanks." "Get the third pack from the right." "Impotent Lucky Strike menthol for the gent." "Thank you." "Impotent... 29 bucks." "Watch out." "Thanks." "Hold this." "What?" "They're so happy." "Going to work and going home together." "How do you know they're happy?" "No?" "Simple and sweet." "Your brains are simple." "They're not selling stickers." "Then what?" "Stickers at 10 o'clock at night?" "Are you nuts?" "For who?" "Kids from night school?" "Or people who came out for a late snack?" "Parents who get off late... will buy them for their kids." "Turn around and take a look." "Who'd buy those dusty stickers?" "They're not selling anything, let's go." " Don't look." " What?" "They're staring at you." " They're the observatory." " What observatory?" " You don't know?" " No." "If anyone is selling illicit cigarettes or porno DVDs nearby, they'll put out a stand for lookout and alert the others when there are cops." "It's been there forever." "They don't even bother to change the stickers." "You're making this up." "Are you paranoid?" "Aren't you tired of this conspiracy theory?" "It's not just what I think." "Don't take things at their face values." " You don't believe me?" " Of course I do." "Officer, everyone on this street is a criminal." "Go make your arrest." " Come here." " What?" "Let's watch." "I guarantee they don't sell stickers." "OK." "See?" "I told you someone will buy." "But the woman doesn't wait on him." "She ignored him." "He's gone..." "A snail." "What are you doing, you pervert." "It'll be fine." "Stop it, pervert." "Here it comes." "Leave it alone." "Stop it." "Did you drop this cigarette butt?" "Sorry, I'm Japanese." "Japanese?" "Japanese." "Hong Kong..." "can smoke." "Smoke, OK?" "No... buthere... thisplace,this area ..." "cannot smoke." "Cannot smoke." "So big?" "Tell him, he can't smoke." "Hello." "Hello?" "Hello." "I'm Japanese, she's Korean." "She's Korean?" "Plastics." "Welcome to Hong Kong." "You two lovers?" "Yes, lovers." "Japanese and Korean... verymatch." "Yes." "Welcome to Hong Kong, enjoy the trip." "Remember, no smoking." "Enjoy the trip." "It's your brother, it's your mom, it's your dad, it's your aunt." "You're toying with me?" "Come back, Pointed Tits." " It's the men's loo." " Don't worry." "How could you?" "Korean?" "I was scared." "What is it?" "Asthma?" "You should quit smoking." "Don't worry, I'm fine." "You called me?" "Your boyfriend?" "No, my friends want me back to cut the cake." "Where are you going?" "I'm back." "What took you so long?" "You went for a drag in Shenzhen?" "What?" "Jimmy Cheung." "Hi." "That's why you don't want cake...you have him." "Screw you." "Sit down." " Is it raining outside?" " Yes." " Who is he?" " A friend." " Want a beer?" " Have a drink." "What do you do?" " Advertising." " Advertising." "Drink up." "Happy birthday to you..." "Happy birthday to Chun Chun..." "Happy birthday to you..." "Cut the tits." "For the shape." "Eat the pink part, you'll turn pink." "What?" "Me?" "Give it to your friend." "Happy times fly by." "Like the clouds in the sky." "The deep concern seems nonchalant." "Even eternity comes to an end." "I'm surprised to see the concern in your eyes." "Half a dozen of beer." "I can dodge the storm with a smile." "Your smile chases away my worries." " Let's sing." " Don't be silly." "I can't sing." "Otherwise I'd be in talent show already." "Give him a round of applause." "Will you remember the dance last night." "Losing the love last night." "Saying goodbye to a smile." "You still seem to care." "Happy times fly by." "Like the clouds in the sky." "The deep concern seems nonchalant." "Even eternity comes to an end." "I'm surprised to see the concern in your eyes." "I can dodge the storm with a smile." "OK..." "OK..." "Almost..." "Bye." "What is it?" "My..." "Myboyfriendis pickingmeup." "He was supposed to be working." "Sorry." "For what?" "Don't be silly." "I have to go, I have to get up early tomorrow." " Bye." " Bye." "Yes, and you?" "Not yet, I'm at the bar with friends." "I thought you needed to get up early." "My friend wants to go, I have nothing to do anyway." "Happy Friday, have fun with the pretty girls." "Want something to eat?" "I'm not hungry, are you?" " A bit." " I'll fix it for you." "Yes, I'm single and free." "Are you off tomorrow?" "Why should I be off tomorrow?" "You promised to take my computer to the shop." "Yes, I said Saturday." "Tomorrow is Saturday." "It is?" "I have to work tomorrow." "I told you to take time off." "I can't move it myself." "Computer problems are simple." "Get someone to come over and fix it." "I don't know these people, you don't care?" "Why should I?" "I only have a problem... if he's a plumber." "Don't we have bowls?" "Eating noodles is simple." "It's just the same eating at it from the pot." "Are you there?" "Yes." "Go home now, see you tomorrow." "See you later." "Tell us about Eunuch, and your relationship with him?" "Will anyone see this?" "We've been together... around 2 years." "That's right, 2 years." "My relationship with him is like back in school." "He's like a boyfriend whose mother is a witch." "Getting off work is like getting out of class." "He must go home." "Between us... we have all these school rules." "He must go home right after school." "I can't call him at home." "I remember..." "I wantedto leavehim ." "I couldn't stand it anymore." "Too much happened during those 6 months..." "I couldn't take it." "I told him we're through." "I didn't want to be with him anymore." "He said something that made me feel..." "He said... meeting me" "... isa blessedthing." "The word "blessed"" "is predestined." "I'm blessed or maybe he's blessed." "When I heard that..." "In your life, finding someone you love is hard." "If you found him no matter what, you should... give it a try." "Or you'll regret it." "You're not in uniform?" "I'm off." "Saturday is usually my day off." "Why are you here then?" "You said:" "See you tomorrow." "This is tomorrow." "I thought you're working today." "I didn't know you're off." "You came all the way here?" "No, just passing by." "Hey." "What?" "What are you doing tonight?" "Is this a date?" "No..." "I 'maskingwhatyou 'redoingtonight?" "Is this a date?" "You're crazy." "I'm just checking..." "It is a date..." " Don't be a pain." "OK..." " Where are we going?" "I don't know yet." "Damn." "You don't even mean it." "Talk is cheap." "What do you mean?" "That's my ex..." " I know." " You do?" "I can tell from your face." "You look gloomy." "How long have you split up?" "Since last week." "Does she have high body temperature?" "She's not wearing much." "Maybe." "It's because of the gweilo." "Gweilos don't mind sharing." "French are particularly open." "You know he's French?" "He... looks French." "Look at him." "So..." "Francais." "What are you talking about?" "Francais means..." "Some body parts are particularly long." "Like the nose." "Not really, it's about the same." "Maybe certain things are not the same." "You're asking for trouble." "Why?" "You're not confident?" "Why get so fumed up?" "I mean his hair only." " Do you..." " What?" " Do you feel...insecure?" " No." "Must be embarrassing to see them every day." "Your smile is so forced." "What else can I do?" "Beat him up?" "I know what." "Come with me." " Where to?" " Just come with me." " Is this better?" " How much better?" "No Francais and no muggers." "Officers, here for a drag?" "Are you nuts?" "You'll get busted." "No big deal." "I'm just kidding." "What's this?" "You're into "impotence" too?" " Goes well with you." " Up yours." "It's OK." "Come here." "What?" "This is impotence." "This is erection." "I can keep it up." "How imbecile can you get?" "This is so imbecile." "Look at this." "Dating Jimmy is like going out" "with a kid who never grows up, too playful at times." "I like to play a lot too." "When I first met him" "It's like we're meant to be together." "For a while, we lived together." "He liked to buy ice cream." "Whenever we went to a store to get ice cream to go, the clerk always asked how much dry ice we wanted." "Every time he would say enough to last 2 hours." "He would take a huge pack home." "For what?" "I didn't know." "It turned out he had this thing about pouring dry ice down the john so smoke would come gushing out." "He was happy to see that." "After a while, it got boring." "It's the same every time." "The smoke wouldn't change." "Hello." "Where are you?" "I told you across the street." "Why made it so complicated?" "Just tell me across from Victoria Motel." "I didn't know you only know love motels." " Let's go see a movie." " I can't." " Why not?" " I'm with a friend." "Who?" "Brenda" " Who's Brenda?" " The one in red." "Don't you remember?" "At the karaoke last night, you called her "Deep V but No Tits," remember?" "Right." "Deep V but No Tits." "Tell her to come along." "No, she's waiting for a friend." "So?" "That's none of your business." "She met a Taiwanese on Facebook who fancies her." "No way." "She looks OK in her profile picture." "The dude emails her all the time." "It's good." "She hasn't had a date for a few years." "Looks longer than that." "He digs her and she digs him." "He's in town for a day for a meeting." "They're supposed to meet up tonight." "Where at?" "Hotel LKF on Wyndham Street." "The dude has a meeting." "They met at the hotel lobby at 7pm." "He's at his meeting and will meet her for dinner." "She was so nervous." "We went with her." "Will this work?" "Might work." "Why not wait till after... his meeting?" "He wanted to say hello first." "In case it gets too late." "It's after 10pm." "Did he call?" "Not yet." "Did she call him?" "He said his SIM card didn't work in Hong Kong." "Only he has Brenda's number." "Bullshit." "Taiwanese SIM cards work here." "This isn't Japan." "I don't know." "Can your phone go online?" "Why?" "I want to see her Facebook picture." "What?" "The truth is so obvious." "He copped out." " What do you mean?" " Like rejecting girls at nightclubs." "You go there all the time?" "It's in the movies." "I don't think so." "Maybe he's still in a meeting." "He came all the way." "He wants something." "He wants a free ride." "Look." "That's Angelina Jolie." "This is Ugly Betty." "I'd skip out if I were him." "and save my dinner cash." "Look at your pal." "She's a prune." "When the dude saw her in the lobby." "What could he have said?" "You lied to me bitch?" "He couldn't." "You can't blame him." "Your pal is guilty of fraud." "If you're her pal, tell her to stop waiting." "Trust me, he's not coming." "How?" "She digs him." "She won't believe it." "Then tell your friend to do it." "It's me... don'tlook." "She still thinks the guy will call?" "Get out here for a drag." "She's coming." "You're here too." "He knows?" "I saw the picture, he's not coming." "What did I fucking tell you?" "Then what?" "Talk to her." "No way." "3 glasses of lemon tea kill my stomach." "Speaking of which, it really hurts." "You talk to her, she doesn't know you." "No way." "I've had enough of this shit." "You know her better." "What are you girls up to?" "When you're blind, you can't see a thing." "You know Cherie has a boyfriend?" "I do." "Then don't toy with her." "At least get lost when you're done." "If you get serious, it'll be a pain." "And you're her pal?" "How can you say that?" "It's for her own good." "Are you ok?" "It's his loss." "Your pal is guilty of false representation." "You're so pretty, someone will appreciate you." "Are you sure?" " She said she's pretty." " Shut up." "She said she's pretty." "Did you hear that?" "That's outrageous." "I'll take her home." " Are you sure?" " Yes." "Don't be upset." "My condolences." "She said she's pretty." "That's too much." " Where are you going?" " Home." "Where's home?" "Lyttelton Road." "Where's that?" "Further up from Bonham Road." "Rich girl." "I'm living with someone." "How do you get back?" "I'll take a cab." "Do you mind walking?" "I won't get home till dawn if I walk." "I mean walk me to my car," "I'll drop you." "That's more like it." "Jesus." "Impossible." "You're kidding." "Wait here, I'll bring the car around." "Help." "I'm trapped." "Let me out." "Help me." "I'm dying." "Let me out" "Anyone out there?" "Cherie..." "Yu..." "Screw you." "You scared me to death." "You're still breathing." "You think this is funny?" "Hey..." "Hey..." "Did you plan this?" "No, not until I saw the blinking light." "You heard Bitto's story?" "He tells it every time there's a girl around." "I heard it zillions of times." "You need a bigger flame." "I've wised up." "One time I lit a cigarette for a girl." "The flame was too big and her hair caught on fire." "That's pathetic." "You didn't see her?" "You mean her cleavage or her hair?" "You can turn it up for me." "I have no cleavage to distract you." "You have a bit." "How do you know?" "You have X-ray eyes?" " What?" " Run." "My brother paid a $1 ,500 fine for smoking in the back stairs." "Sorry." "Are you OK?" "I'm sorry." "Does it still hurt?" "Who was that?" "A friend." "The one who dropped you off." "I told you, a friend." "What kind of friend would send you this?" "What did he do to you that will hurt?" "You read my SMS?" "Are you out of your mind?" "Of course you don't want me to." "He wants to know if it still hurts." "He burnt my neck with a cigarette." "Look." "Look at what?" "Your hickey?" "Shit." "The guy who dropped you off, was he at KK's birthday party?" "Get off it." "Your pictures are posted on Facebook." "I told you he's just a friend." "Really?" "What kind of friend would inflict pain on you?" "This is absurd." "Last Friday, where were you after work?" "Were you with him?" "What are you saying?" "Where were you?" "What do you mean where was I?" "Where were you on the 13th?" "I went to get my contraceptive shot." "I told you, remember?" "Don't raise your voice." "What are you hiding?" "What's there to hide about the shot?" "Thanks to you, I need those shots." "Why don't you ask me if it hurts?" "Don't change the subject, that's not my question." "Why?" "You can accuse me of hiding something but I can't about you?" "Because you won't use a condom" "I need those shots." "You think it doesn't hurt?" "Probably not as much as what he did to you." "We didn't do anything." "You didn't or you haven't?" "Give me your phone." "Well, you can't deny it anymore." " You work around here?" " Thereabouts." " Your beat is around here?" " Thereabouts." "Waiting for someone?" "Yes and you?" "Playing hooky?" "No, just exchanging tips on crime fighting." "Why don't you call him?" "It's nothing fixed." "Not sure if I'll run into him." "I have to go." " You're not waiting?" " Bye." "They're all wrong." "Wrong?" "What are you saying?" "Nothing." "There's something." "I said no." "No?" "KK told me everything last night." "How did you meet him?" "You're out of your mind." "He's just a friend." "Don't listen to KK." "That reminds me, you should talk." "Why did you post our pictures on Facebook?" "Why not if there's nothing between you?" "Carl saw them and he raised hell." "No way." "It was just for fun with no hugs or kisses." "He can't be that spiteful." "I'm sure there's more to it." "Did you... ?" "Of course not." "You didn't or you haven't?" "We met only 5 days ago." "So?" "What will happen will happen." " How long have you been with Carl?" " 5 years." "Are you getting married?" "It never came up." "It's been so long." "I can't be bothered with the arrangements." "It's exhausting to break in someone new." "Give yourself a choice." "Time is not the issue, it's compatibility." "Watch your fingers." "It's heavy." "Tell the super I'm taking the rest of the day off." "To do what?" "I don't want to waste my time." "Is your shop down the footbridge to the right?" "Yes, I'm not there now, I took the day off." "Why?" "You're not feeling well?" "Are you busy tonight?" "Is this a date?" "It's light." "I thought I had more things to pack." "Turns out I don't." "Why are you moving?" " Thanks to you." " Me?" "Your SMS asking me if it still hurts." "Carl read it and wanted to know what you did." "Don't you have anything to ask me?" "Did you get my SMS?" "The one asking me if it still hurts?" "No, the one after that." "The one with the weird code?" " Get in." " What?" "Nothing." "Get in." "What did you say?" "Never mind." " What?" " You weren't even listening." "I'm listening now, what is it?" "You don't mind?" "Mind what?" "I'm older than you." "But I'm taller." "Where are we going?" "I don't know..." "Where do you want to go?" "Why always answer a question with a question?" "Make up your own mind, Mr. Cheung." "Because I respect you." "Then I respect your wishes tonight." "I'll go wherever you want to go." "Where do you want to go?" "Viva Villa Love Motel" "Did the Indian say how long the wait would be?" "Half an hour." "What is it?" "An ashtray for you." "How bad are your eyes?" "Why?" "How bad?" "One eye is -5.0, the other one -7.0." "You look cute without glasses." "I look cute too with glasses." "Can you see me?" "Can you see me?" "Of course." "I'm not blind." "Damn." "It won't work." "What?" "I want to take a bath but there's no door." "What?" "Turn around." "Why?" "Turn around, just do it." "This is crazy." "Hey..." "What?" "You..." "Have you been here before?" "No." "Are you sure?" "Of course I'm sure." "And you?" "You come here all the time?" "Long time ago when I was in school." "I was living in Wah Fu Estate." "The girl lived in Sheung Shui." "This is a midpoint." "She can take the train from Kowloon Tong." "Hey..." "What is it?" "Asthma?" "Are you OK?" "Sorry." "For what?" "Hey..." "You should quit." "A smoker quits smoking?" "You should." "Will you do it with me?" "No one is doing it with anyone." "I'll race you, one cigarette a day." "I don't believe you." "We'll start tomorrow." "We'll see." "You have hairy hands." "I had a dream last night." "You were smoking in the alley but in a weird way." "Are you asleep?" "Why don't you take a bath?" "I only need to rest up a bit." "We don't need to do everything in one night." "We're in no hurry." "We should get back." "Wait till I finish this." "It's 10 minutes till..." "But the meeting overran by 20 minutes." "Maybe that guy had lunch before he came." "He was such a nag." "Hello." "We're calling from the Market Research Center." "Can you spare a few minutes to do a questionnaire on HK people's sexual habits?" "What's this?" "Seriously, will you switch to another network?" "What?" "Yes." "There's a surcharge for inter-network SMS." "I just got my phone bill." "This week's charge is more than last month's bill." "I want to switch to your network." "I'll do that at lunch." "I need to commit 18 months." "Are you sure you won't switch?" "Yes..." "I don't have a contract." "Most probably..." "I won't switch." "Then I'll sign up." "Hello?" "Are you still there?" "Yes, I'm in a meeting." "I'll let you get back to work." "Bye." "She's switching networks." "What?" "I thought you just broke up." "I don't know." "He met her in the alley last week, a cosmetics salesgirl." "She's switching to your network?" "You met her..." "a few days ago." " Be careful of someone so aggressive." " I agree." "What are you doing?" "Save some walking." "You're crazy." "It's OK." "Put it out, he's fucking coming." "Sir, what is this?" "Soda." "Please take a sip." "Please?" "Go ahead." "Sorry, you can't smoke here." "Please go outside." "I can't?" "You shouldn't have told him, silly." "After you've switched, just leave the phone in front of him." "Let him find out himself." "He'll be touched." "If you don't tell him, at least it won't turn him off." "If you say," "Baby, I did this for you." "Imagine the pressure." "I didn't say "Baby"." "Men are assholes." "They get scared if you're nice to them." "Just like me." "I was so nice to my husband, he ran off." "Wanna Smoke?" "OK." "He takes liberties with me all the time." "I usually just put up with it but when I brought him tea this morning the creep touched my breasts." "How?" "Like this and tried to come near me." "I was so shocked I poured the tea on his dick." "That's vicious." "You have my vote, you did the right thing." "I'll tell her to do the same to you tonight." "Her?" "Get someone else." "Will you get someone else?" "How about him?" "Him?" "He wouldn't dare." "What's up?" "A lecherous customer touched her tits." "He thought by paying a few bucks, he got the song and dance." "I poured tea on his dick." "Then what happened?" "It's fucking cooked." "He wanted to complain, so I called the manager and threatened to sue him for molestation." "He backed down and said it's an accident." "She's giving you the song and dance." "One day I was in the elevator, I saw something worse." "This girl was standing in the elevator." "A man she didn't know..." "rubbed his dick on her." "How did he rub his dick on her?" "I have to go." " You don't want to hear it?" " Already?" " He rubbed his dick..." " Whereto ?" "Back to work." "I'll go with you after I finish this." "No, you go a different way." "What's your rush?" "I don't want crap from the super." "What's going on?" "What do you mean?" "What's going on?" "Don't look at me." "No?" "Who else but you?" "Where are you?" "Shall I pick you up?" "No, I'm almost there." "See you in the alley." "Just the two of us." "I have a lunch appointment, how about after lunch?" "Let's play it by ear." "Bye." "Bye." "Thanks." "You're welcome." "I'll leave you alone." "Sorry, I'm late." "It's OK." "We haven't fixed anything." "Did you get my SMS?" "Yes." "You didn't answer." "It's too expensive." "Besides it makes no difference." "It doesn't cost that much." "Didn't you switch networks?" "No, KK said it's cheaper next month." "I'm in no hurry." "You know him?" "We spoke." "He won't stop staring at you." "How would you know if you didn't stare back?" "He lit your cigarette." "You lit mine on the first day we met." "That was different." "No it's not." "Whatever you say." "Right... thereisadifference." " What?" " Things have changed." " What?" " Everything has changed." "What?" "Nothing." "Sometimes it's not exactly love." "Perhaps it's just a crush." "After meeting someone, you'll know if she's just a friend or something beyond that." "When you love someone." "You'd want to tell her." "You'd think about it." "But while you're thinking, she's not into you anymore." "When you're over her, she comes back to you." "It happens all the time." "At least to me." "That's why I think..." "I don't know." "I'd try to get her attention rather than tell her I love her." "How do you say those things anyway?" "It's tough." "I love you..." "I don't love you." "For public health reasons," "I propose we increase tobacco duty..." "by 50% with immediate effect." "The duty of cigarettes will increase, from around 80 cents to $1 .2 per stick." "We will also continue to step up our efforts." "on smoking cessation as well as..." "Eunuch?" "It's Jimmy." "Yes, before midnight." "The price goes up after midnight." "Don't go there, I already looked." "They're sold out." "Can you get them over there?" "No, I'm still looking over here." "Get some for me if you see it." "I'll pay you back later." "Buy as many as you can." "Capri slim." "Lucky Strike menthols." "How many?" "Everything you have." "Still smoking?" "Not worried about impotence?" "I'm not if you're not." "$551 for you, Miss." "You don't have enough." "You only have $420." "I'll pay you back." "Don't bother." " Sir." " How much?" "US$406" "You don't have enough either." "Together or separate?" " Separate." " Together." "Today is No Plastic Bag Day." "50 cents for each bag." "You bought a lot." "Yes." "What are you doing later?" "Buying cigarettes, the price is going up." "Hey..." "Let's go together." "Why not?" "Hello?" "Well?" "You found any over there?" "No, nothing over here either." "You found any over there?" "No." "Luck?" "Any Lucky Strike menthols?" "Yes, we're still going around looking for more." "OK." "Bye." "Go to Tai Wai" "What for?" "KK said few people bought cigarettes over there." "We went from Hong Kong to Kowloon, now the New Territories?" "I don't know the way." "I know you don't, but I do." "I'll take you." "What do you mean you know I don't?" "You don't look you know where to go." "Hey." "Sorry." "About what?" "Yesterday the cop who lit your cigarette, he's cute." "I was mad." "Was I stupid or what?" "Somewhat." "What?" "Somewhat stupid." "Why are you mad?" "I'm not." "No?" "That's good." "I'm fine." "We met only a week ago." "I went to your friend's birthday party." "You broke up with your boyfriend because of me." "Then we went to that..." "It's a bit too soon." "I don't know what I'm doing." "What do you mean?" "You're a grown man, how can you not know?" "Don't get all huffy." "That's not what I mean." "Forget it." " What?" " Nothing." "What's going on?" "What is it?" "Damn." "What is it?" "The car broke down." "Hello?" "My car broke down towards Tai Wai." "I passed a flyover and a pier." "I don't know the exact address." "I passed a flyover and a pier, towards Tai Wai." "Yes..." "BlackLandRover." "License plate LS6924." "LS6924, yes." "How long will it take?" "Thank you..." "Bye." "What?" "I thought you wanted to quit." "What happened to one cigarette a day?" "I don't know how many you had or whether you're serious." "You have asthma." "If you can't quit it, how would anyone care about you?" "I didn't say I wouldn't quit." "But you said you had no reason to quit." "You never come right out to say anything." "I don't know what you're saying." "I don't know what you're saying either." "Then forget it." "I don't even know if you are..." "Yes, I am." "I don't feel it." "You never said anything." " I did." " When?" "If you're not ready to start a relationship, it's OK, Jimmy Cheung." "Just spit it out, I'll understand." "I'm 3 years older than you." "I don't have time for guessing games." "I don't understand your conspiracy theories about everybody." "I really don't." "I'm tired." "Get it?" "I'm simple and straightforward." "What are you doing?" "What are you looking for?" "Moron." "Let's quit after this one." "OK." "What about those?" "Leave it... we'reinno hurry." "Hey." "I'm actually 4 years older than you." "Hello, KK?" "I got a great bargain for you." "You take Capri slim?" "You can have my lot at 30% discount." "Eunuch?" "It's Jimmy." "I want to ask you something." "How about switching to Lucky Strike menthols?" "I want to get rid of my lot." "More than ten cartons." "I miss you." "Watch out, it'll burn your hands." "I'm fine." "What?" " Incredible." " Isn't it?" "It's heavenly." "Awesome." "It's like taking a dump in heaven." "Hey..." "When did you fall in love with me?" "What?" "When?" "What do you mean?" "There must be a time." "When?" "You followed me when I said I had a job to do." "What?" "Remember?" "Why?" "I found out your shop was not on the way." "That means you fell for me first and not the other way round." "Shut the hell up." "Am I right?" "Not bad." "What?" "When?" "Viva Villa" "You go to a love motel only... when you dig someone." "Never crossed my mind." "That day was spooky." "There was this gust of wind." "I shuddered and followed you inside." "I didn't know why." "Why that night?" "Remember I had an asthma attack?" "Yes." "Remember what you said afterwards?" "What?" " You said..." " What?" "We don't need to do everything in one night." "We're in no hurry." "I was touched." "You didn't go there for a screw." "Anyone else would have screwed my brains out." "That's when I realized you're a nice guy" "and you were good to me." "That's all." "What?" "I'll tell you something." "Promise you won't get mad." "Try me." "Promise?" " Just tell me." " I want you to promise." "OK, tell me." "That night," "It's not that I didn't want to but after I got out of the car..." "It's not that I didn't want to but I couldn't because it hurt like hell." "You asshole." "Switching networks is nothing." "I had to look after her fucking dog as she said pets were not allowed in public estates." "Every day after work," "I had to feed her dog and clean its mess." "And the worst part?" "Since her dog was not allowed outside, she said it's sad for it to hold it in." "So I had to help it jerk off." "She never helped me jerk off for once but I had to do it to her dog." "Do you think it's too quick for us?" "It doesn't really matter." "I was with Carl for 5 years." "He promised to take me to Venice." "Till the day we split up." "We haven't even been to the Venetian in Macau." "Men like to talk." "Soon another year is up." "I'm used to it." "Another year is almost up." "That's right." "Love is..." "Can't say I don't believe in it." "I just don't believe in love that lasts." "I think love is... like milk." "There's an expiry date." "Before the expiry date, we enjoy the passion, we enjoy each other..." "How should I say it?" "We enjoy being happy together." "Actually..." "But...he..." "Like I said...he..." "Then she told me she missed the dog and wanted to come visit." "She went into my room and found excuses to bring things over, things that were there to stay." "It's gone." "Everything is gone." "No fucking thing is left." "No friends, no freedom, no life." "She owns me 24 hours a day." "And I have to take good care of the dog." "How are you, King Kong?" "Having fun, King Kong?" "Shall we go, King Kong?" "Let's go home and jerk off, OK?" "OK?" "Not bad." "Let's go, King Kong." "Let's go home and jerk off." "What is it?" "What's going on?" "Turn that off." "Turn off that thing." "Where are you from?" "No recording." "We want to do a simple interview." "No recording." "Turn it off." "It'll only take 5 minutes." "Turn that off first." "Show me your I. D." "Take a deep breath and try again." "But...he..." | {
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"What we're doing here is very simple." "We're going to release a certain substance so that it flows into your pipelines." "Take the canisters to the main distribution tank quickly." "Is Wayne Palmer dead yet?" "No." "Explain." "We rolled his car, but he survived and got away." "It was sloppy work, we'll make it right." "Well, you damn well better." "You know what's at stake." "Get down!" "( gunfire )" "Get in the car." "( gunfire )" "It's the truth." "Audrey Raines was my contact at the Department of Defense." "You met with her face-to-face?" "Yes." "Damn it, Audrey!" "Tell me the truth!" "I am telling you the truth." "You already lied to me once." "You tell me what you know or I promise you this will become very unpleasant." "Bill, we have a connection between Collette Stenger and Henderson." "She received eight calls from him she didn't tell us about." "That voids her agreement, it's off." "You have three seconds to tell me where the target is or I will kill you." "Where is the target?" "!" "A natural gas distribution center." "Our analysts tell us once the Sentox hits the main tank, it goes right into the pipes where it becomes impossible to stop." "From there, it goes straight into people's homes." "JACK:" "Sentox is already in the system." "Give me the C-4 and a timer, then get these people out of here." "Jack, what are you doing?" "In order to deliver the Sentox, it had to mix with natural gas." "If we can ignite that gas before it leaves the plant, the Sentox will be incinerated." "Bierko!" "Jack, that's it, the main tanks are going." "Get out!" "BUCHANAN:" "Jack, respond." "Curtis, Curtis, this is Audrey." "Any sign of Jack?" "Nothing so far." "I've got men searching the main tank area." "Fire and rescue units just arrived." "They're assessing the situation now." "Chloe, what are we getting from the air monitors?" "Come on, Jack." "Chloe." "Just minimal trace readings of the nerve agent." "Well below danger levels." "It looks like the Sentox was incinerated in the blast." "Jack's plan worked." "I'm going to brief the White House." "Apprise me of any developments." "Miles." "Curtis, have we done a full search of the area for Jack?" "It's underway." "We know he hasn't gone out the north exit." "CTU, Jack's okay." "Get a medical team over here now!" "Jack!" "Give me a hand." "Bierko!" "Bierko!" "Bierko!" "I need him conscious." "Yes, sir." "The nerve gas, did it leave the plant?" "There's no trace of it." "Explosion worked." "Good." "He's going into severe shock." "We need to transport him now." "I want him taken back to CTU Medical." "Yes, sir." "Curtis, organize an escort team." "You get him back to CTU alive." "You got it." "On my count." "Three, two, one." "Let's go." "( cell phone rings )" "Buchanan." "Bill, it's Jack." "Is your line still secure?" "Yes." "What's your status on Henderson?" "Henderson's still an active protocol." "You need to make him a priority." "Bill, listen to me." "I know Henderson." "He couldn't have planned this." "He's a soldier and a patriot." "However misguided, he believes what he's doing right now is right for this country." "He was willing to let his wife die in order to protect someone, someone very powerful." "Who?" "I don't know." "Bill, I'm scared." "I think this is bigger than anything we could ever have imagined." "Karen, you're not hearing me." "They managed to prevent an attack, but that doesn't negate the fact that CTU's performance has been comprised of one misstep after another." "I'm not disputing that, Mr. Vice President." "Then why the hesitation to carry out your mandate and have Homeland absorb CTU?" "CTU is still actively looking for Christopher Henderson." "A shakeup right now could hamper that search." "I'm not going to hold up this takeover because of a procedural mop up." "Henderson will be caught, you can be sure of that." "Is that understood?" "Clearly." "Whatever bureaucratic hoops you have to jump through, that's your business." "Just get it done." "Yes, sir." "And keep me informed." "I guess we should get started." "Buchanan is not going to take this lying down." "Despite what the vice president said," "CTU just saved a lot of lives." "If Buchanan mounts a challenge, it will be seen in that light." "This action could be easily reversed." "If we were to find someone who would go on record citing Buchanan's mismanagement, how he superseded Lynn McGill's authority, how he allowed CTU to be compromised... go a long way to mitigating his successes," "give us the protection we need." "Buchanan's people are extremely loyal." "I'm not thinking about a member of CTU." "I'm thinking of Audrey Raines." "She was here all morning, she saw what went on." "And her loyalty is split between CTU and DOD." "We could take advantage of that." "Let me draft a statement and present it to her." "BUCHANAN:" "We're being rolled up, Audrey." "Homeland's taking over." "That's impossible." "Karen told me herself." "No, they can't do that, not after what you've accomplished today." "I'd like to think we've earned a reprieve, but I doubt it." "CTU is in the middle of an investigation." "Henderson is still at large." "I know, it doesn't make any sense." "Karen's taking orders from Vice President Gardner." "He wants this to happen." "Why?" "I've been asking myself the same question." "HENDERSON:" "Yeah." "Well, how in the hell did you lose him?" "Palmer knocked Cobb out and retrieved his weapon." "We tried to pursue, but someone came to Palmer's aid." "Who?" "That's unclear." "They got away." "All right." "We're going to a fallback, scrub the scene and get over here." "Yes, sir." "You're all right, Mr. Palmer." "Just take it slow." "Aaron?" "We're at the presidential retreat." "Can you try to sit up?" "I think we need to get you looked at, sir." "No, no, Aaron, there's not enough time for that." "I'm all right." "Then maybe you can explain to me what's going on." "Why were those men trying to kill you?" "Because David had a source inside the White House and someone is trying to prevent me from seeing her." "Who is this source?" "Mrs. Logan's assistant." "Evelyn Martin?" "Yeah." "Yeah, she and David were trading e-mails." "Listen, Aaron," "I need to find out the content of those messages." "I think David was killed because of information Evelyn gave him." "Mrs. Logan," "I drafted a letter to the families of the victims at the Sunrise Hills Mall." "It's here for your review." "Thank you." "And your schedule's there as well." "You have a 9:00 a.m. with the press office and the president wants you in on his morning briefing." "Evelyn... you all right?" "I'm fine." "Just tired." "It's been a long day." "I'm surprised any of us got through it." "Oh, do you have your credentials with you?" "There's still a curfew in place." "I have them with me." "Good." "Try to get some rest." "Good night." "Good night." "Evelyn." "Hi." "I really need to talk to you." "I'm sorry, Mr. Palmer, I need to go home." "Ma'am." "Please." "This won't take but a second." "You were sending e-mails to my brother, Evelyn." "Why?" "Mr. Palmer, I don't know what you're talking about." "I traced the IP account." "I traced it right to your address, so, yes, you do know what I'm talking about." "I need to know what you told David." "I didn't tell him anything." "Evelyn, I have the record of your correspondence." "David deleted the content on the messages, but I know, Evelyn," "I know you were in contact with him, so please don't lie to me again." "Tell me what I need to know." "Someone killed David-- they killed him-- and they just tried to kill me." "Now, I think they knew I was coming here to see you." "So I think that means we're both in danger, don't you?" "Please, I have to go now." "Tell me what I need!" "Talk to me!" "I can't." "They kidnapped my little girl." "They kidnapped my little girl." "They said they would give Amy back to me if I gave them the evidence." "What evidence?" "I have proof about who is behind everything that's happened today." "They're going to kill my baby." "Evelyn, okay..." "They're going to kill..." "Listen to me, all right?" "Listen." "Even if you turn over this evidence, they're not just going to give you back your daughter and let you go." "That's not what these people do." "Now, you've got to trust me, Evelyn." "Please, talk to me." "If I may?" "Mr. Palmer's right." "You know too much." "They'll kill you both." "I'll give you the evidence that I have if you get me back my daughter." "I pulled up Henderson's work records for the past ten years." "It's a lot of material." "I'll start data-mining, see if there's anything we can use to track him down." "That's Chloe O'Brian." "SHARI:" "Who are those people?" "That's Jim Hill, from Homeland." "I'm Jim Hill, Homeland Security." "Could you show me your station." "Chloe O'Brian?" "Yeah?" "I'm taking over your station." "I'll need all your relevant access codes." "Who are you?" "What's going on here?" "May I have your attention, please?" "These men and women are from Homeland Security." "I've just authorized a unit-wide backslash protocol." "CTU is being absorbed by the Department of Homeland Security." "Ladies and gentlemen, I realize this is sudden, and this has been a very difficult day, but let's all cooperate to make this transition as smooth as possible." "There is still work to be done." "Vladimir Bierko is en route to CTU, and Christopher Henderson remains an open protocol." "Thank you." "Ms. Raines, would you mind joining me in the Situation Room?" "Why?" "We need to speak in private." "Fine." "( phone rings )" "This is Bauer." "Jack, it's Wayne Palmer." "Wayne." "Are you all right?" "I just heard about that explosion at the gas plant." "Yeah, I'm fine." "Listen, Wayne, I wish I could tell you that all the people that were responsible for your brother's assassination are in custody, but I can't." "Yeah, Well, maybe I can help you with that." "How?" "Jack, I'm at President Logan's retreat." "I'm here with Evelyn Martin, Mrs. Logan's personal assistant." "What does Evelyn Martin have to do with this?" "She says she has proof there were other people involved in the plot to kill my brother." "And I believe her." "Who?" "She won't tell me." "Why not?" "Her eight-year-old daughter's been kidnapped." "They're going to kill her unless Evelyn hands over the evidence." "This has to be Henderson." "They're supposed to call any minute with a place to meet." "Okay." "I want to be on that call when it comes in." "CTU will provide operational support." "We're going to need a place to meet." "I passed an old barn about a mile west of the retreat off Service Road 19." "Service Road 19." "I'll be there in 20 minutes." "See you then." "Jack's going to meet us." "We should go." "Evelyn, listen." "They may be watching you, so I don't think we should leave together." "What do you want to do?" "We'll separate." "Get to your car, and we'll meet up in the parking lot." "I'll see you soon." ""...the acting director's failure" ""to enhance security measures, especially in the light" ""of the heightened threat, effectively" ""invited the subsequent attack that resulted in loss of personnel."" "You can't possibly expect me to sign this." "It's a complete distortion of today's event designed to place blame on Bill Buchanan and CTU." "But you would agree that today's attacks represent a serious intelligence failure that needs to be addressed." "Thanks to CTU, hundreds of thousands of people are alive who would otherwise be dead." "But, if CTU had been operating effectively, those people would never have been at risk." "I couldn't more strongly disagree with this statement." "Well, I'm disappointed with your decision, but I appreciate your loyalty." "Of course." "Oh, just to confirm." "As on-site liaison for DOD, you participated in today's decision-making process." "What's your point?" "Serious mistakes were made here today that resulted in the loss of American lives." "It would be a shame to see the taint of CTU's mismanagement spread to your agency..." "and your career." "By signing this, you isolate the fallout for today's mistakes to Bill Buchanan and CTU... where it belongs." "I'm proud of what we did here today." "The people of CTU are heroes, especially Bill Buchanan." "This takeover is completely unwarranted, and I won't help you justify it." "( phone rings )" "Hello." "Audrey, it's Jack." "Jack, where are you?" "I'm on my way to see Wayne Palmer." "Wayne Palmer?" "Wayne just told me that Evelyn Martin," "Senior Aide to the First Lady has evidence that would prove who was really behind David Palmer's assassination, but she won't give the evidence to Wayne because her daughter's been kidnapped in an effort to try and keep her quiet." "I think Henderson's behind this." "They want to make a trade:" "the evidence for the girl." "My God, Jack." "Yeah, I'm going to need you to retask a satellite to those coordinates-- I'll have them in a few minutes." "Jack, that could be difficult right now." "Why?" "CTU is being rolled up." "Karen Hayes is replacing everyone with people from Homeland." "What are you talking about?" "That doesn't make sense." "I know." "Even if she has a reason to, we're in the middle of tracking down Christopher Henderson." "We'll never be able to bring her team up to speed." "I know she's taking orders from Vice President Gardner himself." "Gardner." "Jack, maybe you should talk to Karen directly." "No." "She's the one in control here." "When I was interrogating Henderson, it was obvious that he was protecting someone, someone very powerful." "He was willing to let his wife die rather than give him up." "and now, all of a sudden, Vice President Gardner is shutting down CTU when we're actually in a position to bring Henderson in?" "Do you really think that Gardner's involved with this?" "We can't afford to take the chance that he's not." "All right, what do you want me to do?" "I want you to get Chloe to retask the satellite." "I'll get the coordinates over to you." "Jack, Chloe has been let go, along with the rest of her department." "Audrey, I need the satellite." "Just figure out a way to get Chloe back on." "All right, all right, I'll call you back." "MILES:" "I could approach some of the senior CTU staffers." "I told you, that's a waste of time." "They're worried about their jobs." "We could promise them some security." "Excuse me." "I've reconsidered my position." "I'll sign your statement." "May I ask why the sudden change of heart?" "I don't necessarily agree with everything that is in the statement, but I do see the need to shield DOD of any possible controversy that could reflect back on my father." "HAYES:" "Miles." "Thank you." "I want one thing in return." "What's that?" "That Chloe be kept on and assigned to me." "Why Chloe?" "I'm going to need considerable server access to compile my report for DOD." "Chloe can help me finish it in half the time." "There are other people who can do that job." "I have a working relationship with Chloe." "She's an asset that you cannot afford to lose." "Do we have a deal?" "Yes." "Good." "All right." "Evelyn Martin will be leaving the presidential retreat in a couple of minutes." "It's time to get going." "What about the girl?" "( sighs )" "I'll take care of her." "MAN ( over phone ):" "Wayne Palmer." "I'm at my car." "No one's around." "We're on our way." "Okay." "I'm extremely uncomfortable sending the two of you off without protection." "Aaron, we've been over this." "If you leave the compound again, we're going to risk raising suspicion." "I know it, sir, but I don't like it." "Wayne." "Well, this is a surprise." "We didn't know you were coming." "Are you here to see the president?" "No." "Mr. Palmer came here to give me a memento from his brother." "It's a service medal." "Sorry, I just..." "I knew you and the president were going to be dealing with this crisis today, and I just..." "I don't want you people to feel obliged to see me." "There would never, ever be any obligation on our part, Wayne, especially under the circumstances." "I just want you to know how sorry I am." "Your brother was one of the greatest men to ever occupy the office." "And his loss, to all of us, can't be expressed in words." "Thank you, Mr. Vice President." "And I know that the president would also like to express his condolences to you personally." "That means a lot, sir, but unfortunately I have a plane to catch." "I'm, uh... flying David's body back to Washington, so..." "Oh, I understand." "Safe trip." "Thank you, sir." "I'll walk you out, sir." "Excuse me." "( typing )" "CHLOE:" "Mr. Buchanan." "Miss O'Brian, we're not done here." "How can they get away with this?" "Chloe, this is not over." "Just follow your instructions." "Oh, it sure seems over." "Everyone's getting fired." "I'm going to do everything I can to get that order rescinded." "Once the details of what we accomplished here today are made public, I'm confident we'll be back at our posts." "The best thing you can do is stay focused and follow your orders, do you understand me?" "Yes, sir." "It's going to be all right." "O'Brian, don't transfer your station to Valerie." "You got a pass." "I did?" "Yeah." "So get back to work." "I don't understand." "Why am I staying and everybody else is being let go?" "Because Miss Raines requested that you keep your position." "What has Audrey Raines have to do with this?" "Miss Raines signed a detailed statement documenting the numerous missteps made today by CTU." "And by you in particular." "So, for the moment, she gets what she wants, and she wants O'Brian." "Audrey would never sign anything like that." "AUDREY:" "I did sign it, Bill." "Why?" "Because it's the truth." "You realize this effectively kills any chance we have of rescinding that order." "Yes, I know." "I'm sorry." "O' Brian." "I got a call from a man about an hour ago who told me that he had my daughter." "That if I wanted to see her alive again, that I would have to follow his exact instructions." "Did he give you proof he had her?" "I talked to her." "She sounded so scared." "You told anybody else about this?" "I couldn't." "He said that if I did, he would know." "Evelyn, listen, I know we have a deal." "And I'm going to do everything I can to get your daughter back." "No, I told you before." "I can't tell you anything until I have Amy back." "You called David with this information." "Why him?" "I knew him." "He and the First Lady were friends." "He was truly a wonderful man." "Yes." "Yes, he was." "I still can't accept talking about him in the past tense." "I just..." "I just can't believe he's gone." "I told him this information because I trusted him." "I never thought for a moment that it would endanger him." "I have your brother's blood on my hands, and for that, I will never forgive myself." "Evelyn, you did nothing wrong." "( cell phone rings )" "It's them." "( speed dialing )" "( cell phone rings )" "Bauer." "Jack, the call's coming through." "Patch me in." "( Touch-Tone beeps )" "You're ready for this?" "( phone beeps )" "Hello." "What took you so long to answer, Evelyn?" "I was just passing through security." "I just left the retreat." "HENDERSON:" "Are you alone?" "Yes." "Why was Wayne Palmer at the retreat?" "Wayne Palmer?" "Please don't waste my time." "He was there for a reason, and it wasn't to drop off his resume." "I think he was there to speak with you." "I didn't even know he was there." "I don't believe you." "I didn't see him." "Evelyn, if you're lying to me, it's your daughter who will suffer." "I'm telling you the truth." "Please, you have to believe me." "Did you bring what we discussed?" "Yes." "Please, let me talk to Amy." "Very well." "All right, sweetheart, this is your mommy." "Say hello." "Mommy?" "It's me, honey." "Are you okay?" "Uh-huh." "Are you coming to get me now?" "Mommy's going to be there real soon." "I want you to keep being brave." "Okay?" "Promise me?" "I promise." "I love you, my baby." "I love you, too." "Okay, that's enough, sweetheart." "Very good." "Now take down this address." "4615 Tarpin Street." "Got it?" "EVELYN:" "Yes, I've got it." "( speed dialing )" "( cell phone rings )" "Hello?" "Audrey, it's Jack." "I just got off the call." "It was Henderson." "Have you got Chloe back on line?" "Audrey?" "Sorry, Jack." "Yes, Chloe's still here." "Okay, I'm going to give the address for the satellite sweep." "All right, go ahead." "4615 Tarpin." "All right." "Give me a few minutes." "Chloe, I need you to come with me." "Don't talk to me." "It's for Jack." "Jack?" "Chloe, Jack needs your help." "Please." "Fine." "What the hell's going on?" "I had to keep Karen from replacing you." "That's why I signed the document." "I didn't have a choice." "I don't understand." "Chloe, you're the only one that Jack and I trust here." "Jack needs one of the satellites retasked." "Why?" "Here's the address." "We need a full infrared sweep." "I'm going to need an explanation." "Chloe, I promise you, I will give you one, but right now we need to hurry." "( vehicle approaching )" "( car door slams shut )" "( approaching footsteps )" "Something's wrong." "Wayne." "Jack." "You all right?" "Yeah." "It's good to see you." "Good to see you, too." "Evelyn, my name is Jack Bauer." "I promise you, we're going to get your daughter back." "Right now I need to know what you know." "I already told them I wouldn't give up any information until I have my daughter." "Fine." "Excuse me for one second." "( dialing phone )" "( over phone ):" "Audrey Raines." "Audrey, it's Jack." "Let me speak to Chloe." "Okay, Jack, hold on." "Jack, you're on speaker." "Jack, Audrey told me what's happening." "I can't believe the vice president's involved in this." "Yeah, I know." "Where are we with the satellite?" "It's coming up now." "I'm sending the image to your PDA." "There are men all over the place." "How many?" "I'm counting ten." "Okay." "I want you to keep the satellite on target." "I want you to download real-time images to my PDA." "CHLOE:" "Okay." "Jack." "I'm going to go with Evelyn in her car to make the exchange." "I want you to find somewhere safe, and I want you to stay there until this is over." "No, I'm going with you." "I can't allow that." "This is going to be extremely dangerous." "I was a Marine, Jack." "I know that, Wayne." "And you never saw a combat." "There's a big difference between training to kill someone and actually having to do it." "I can't put you in harm's way out of respect to your brother." "Your family needs you now." "These are the people who killed my brother, Jack." "They shot a bullet right through his neck, and then he died in my arms." "Put yourself in my position." "Could you just walk away?" "No." "Neither can I." "I'm coming with you, Jack." "( laughing )" "Thank you for your support, Mr. Prime Minister." "Give my regards to your lovely wife." "We'll talk soon." "It's going to take me better part of the day to return all these phone calls." "That's wonderful, Mr. President." "World leaders, prominent Americans." "They're all lining up to offer their congratulations." "Uh, sir, were you aware that Wayne Palmer was on the premises?" "He was?" "Yes, I just spoke with him, not a half hour ago, he just left." "You didn't speak with him?" "No." "What was he doing here?" "Well, he said he had a memento from President Palmer he wanted to give to Aaron Pierce." "It was a service medal." "That explains it." "David and Aaron were very close." "I'm just surprised he didn't want to speak with you." "Well, it's no secret that his brother and I had our share of disagreements over the years." "It's possible Wayne harbors ill feelings towards me." "That must be the reason." "You clear on the plan?" "I don't think I can do this." "Evelyn, do you want to see your little girl again?" "Because these men didn't hesitate to kill President Palmer and they're gonna hesitate to kill you and your daughter once they get what they want." "Right now, I am your last chance." "We have to stick to the plan, do you understand me?" "Okay, once you have your daughter in your arms..." "I know what to do." "We are going to get her back." "Let's go." "( engine starts )" "Call out testing-- one, two, three." "Testing, one, two, three." "Chloe, did you get that?" "You're coming through now." "I'm refreshing your screen." "Okay, we're at the southeast corner entrance." "Jack, there's a tunnel through that door that leads to a conveyor belt that lets out into the middle of the plant." "Be careful, there's a hostile at the exit." "Copy that." "Draw your weapon." "Let's go." "Bravo, check." "Have you got a visual on the mark?" "Negative, sir." "All units holding." "Copy." "This way." "( silenced gunshots )" "Let's go." "Damn it, there's too many of them." "We're running out of time." "I'm gonna need you to take out one of their guards so I can climb to the top of this structure and take out the sniper." "He's about a hundred yards north of here, just on the other side of the conveyor belt." "Can you do that?" "Yeah." "I can do it." "Wait." "One of them's moving." "( silenced gunshots )" "Go." "Mr. Palmer, can you hear me?" "Copy." "I'm on the south side of the lower belt moving west." "Continue to the end, your target's to the north." "( silenced gunshots )" "Jack, it's all clear." "( vehicle approaching )" "This is Bravo." "I think I hear a car." "Vehicle headed north." "Single occupant, female, over." "HENDERSON:" "Bravo, what have you got?" "I repeat, Bravo, what have you got?" "Come in, Bravo." "( garbled transmission )" "Say again." "I didn't get that." "I repeat, woman is alone... ( static hisses ):" "...in the car." "Copy." "Chloe, we've taken out four men." "Evelyn has moved into position." "Wayne, I want you to wait for my signal." "Copy." "We need Henderson alive." "Do not shoot to kill." "( cell phone ringing )" "Yes?" "Evelyn, open all the doors and the trunk of the car." "Very good, Evelyn." "Now go to the front of the car and drop the keys on the ground." "I have the evidence with me." "I want my daughter." "Bravo, hold your position." "I'm coming out." "I have a visual on Henderson and the girl." "Okay, Evelyn, give me the evidence." "I'll give you the evidence once you give me Amy." "Come on, let her go." "Okay, honey, go see Mommy." "Mommy!" "She's moving." "Give me the evidence, Evelyn." "Get down." "Get down." "Bravo, check." "Come in." "Bravo." "Come in, Bravo." "( gunfire )" "( screaming )" "( gunfire continues )" "Wayne, I didn't get him." "If you got a shot, take it." "( engine starting )" "( grunting )" "( gunfire )" "Chloe, it's Jack." "Henderson escaped in Evelyn's car." "Do you have him on satellite?" "We saw it, Jack, but he's leaving the search grid." "We're thermal-scanning the plant, not the entire neighborhood." "Well then reprogram it!" "We can't lose him!" "Is she all right?" "Evelyn's been hit." "The bullet passed right through." "It hasn't hit an artery." "It's not serious, but it's gonna have to be dressed." "Evelyn, you've got your daughter back, now tell me what I need to know." "Who is behind this?" "Is it the vice president?" "Evelyn, is it the vice president?" "The vice president has nothing to do with this." "You promised me you would control the situation." "I didn't count on Jack Bauer showing up, sir." "He outmaneuvered me." "Sir, Bauer and Wayne Palmer won't be around long enough to tell anybody else what they know." "I'm putting together another team." "I will handle this, sir, I promise you." "I will not let you down." "See that you don't." | {
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"FAIR IS FAIR" "Constant Billot, visiting room!" "20 minutes." " We have 20 minutes." " You have lots of time, of course!" "Not me." "So much to do!" " You're lucky." " Sure!" "Sometimes I think I'd like to swap places." "Anyway..." "Did you finish the crosswords I sent?" "They're not my thing." "Why not return them, then?" "I did all mine." "Anyway..." " How's business?" " Hell." "Luckily, I have Gérard." "Gérard?" "Yes, Gérard." " Haven't I mentioned him?" " No." "Really?" "Maybe not." "Gérard is..." " He's... ?" " Well..." "Your replacement, until..." "Until what?" "You think I'll go back when I get out?" "I've been here five years." "Screw double - glazing!" "You're never happy." "It's such a drag!" "You've become such a grouch!" "Never positive!" "Is that any fun for me?" "Time goes slowly as it is..." "What about for me?" "If you did the crosswords it would go faster!" "It's not like I shot the bank manager!" "You know it was an accident." "The gun just went off." "Caroline!" "Don't you believe me anymore?" "I believe..." "I want a divorce." "I've met someone." "Gérard, right?" "He's the arsehole you're screwing!" " Don't be vulgar." " It's disgusting!" "Like killing a father of four!" "Damn it!" "It was an accident, I told you." "The gun just went off!" "Well, Gérard was an accident too." "It just went off!" "And I don't think your guy had as much fun." "Goodbye, Constant!" "She'd never have waited anyway." "Okay, Lucien." "Leave me alone." "Six years!" "Six more years rotting in here!" "Three." "If all goes well." "And in all that time, I can't even... pick any apples." "Just that." "Pick apples." "Pick cherries." " You had an orchard?" " No!" "No, I had a PVC company." "That doesn't mean I didn't eat fruit!" "My mum loved mushrooms." "Especially parasol mushrooms." "I swear we found enough to feed a brass band." "And this idiot hunter..." "His bullet came that close to my poor mother." "He nearly killed her." "I ran after him in the forest." "I grabbed him." "I picked up his gun." "He thought I was going to shoot." "He ran off, I ran after him, and..." "I stumbled." "It was an accident." "The gun just went off." "They said I shot him in the back like a coward." "When they brought me here, Mum died of grief." "So who's the murderer?" "Me or the guy who shot rabbits and killed Mum?" "Men are the judges, not rabbits." "Or mothers!" "If mothers judged, no son would be in jail." "Constant!" "Watch your ciggie!" "Look!" "Fireworks!" "Like a firing range in colour!" "Constant?" "Guard!" "Guard!" "Yes, just as I thought." "He's had a stroke." " He killed his mother with mushrooms!" " Horrible!" "Those magic mushrooms are bad news." "Magic?" "Not his mother, a banker." " He poisoned a banker?" " No, he shot him." "Poisoned by a bullet?" "Nonsense!" "Doctor, he's coming round!" "Mr Billot?" "Mr Billot, can you hear me?" "Squeeze my hand for yes." "He can hear me..." "Mr Billot, you had a stroke." "A cerebrovascular accident." "Can you speak?" "Very good." "Can you touch your nose?" "Almost!" "What's two plus two?" "Wave when I say the right answer." "2 + 2 = 1?" "2 + 2 = 3?" "2 + 2 = 2?" "2 + 2 = 5." "What are you doing?" "2 + 2 = 7?" "Almost!" "Do a Doppler test." ""Without a word..." ""the man sat down..." ""in the armchair."" "Stop." "Perfect." "What are these, Mr Billot?" "Cubicles." "Cubicles?" "Almost." "Tentacles?" "Read on, Mr Billot." ""He put his spectacles on..."" "Spectacles!" "Good!" "After a stroke, people can often read words that the brain can't recall." "To progress, you must read, Mr Billot." "Read anything." "Anything." "Read, read, read." ""Noddy takes the red car."" "Good." ""He's very constant."" "No, Constant is you." "He's con..." " He's con..." " Yes..." "Constipated." "The doctor said you have to read." "Anything..." "A manual, Noddy, or Great Expectorations." "I'll take this up." "Need me?" "No, it's all fine." "I can't stay here." "Not another night behind bars!" "See this?" "Good as a gun." "Lie down." "Quick!" "In five minutes, we're free!" "Guard!" "Quick!" "He's dying!" "Get up!" "Move and I'll slice your carotid!" "Stay there or I'll slice his carotid!" "Move it!" ""Noddy stops at the red light."" "Groove and I'll slice your marmalade!" "Your marmotid!" "It's a vegetable!" "A vegetable!" "Witlof..." "Leek..." "lettuce..." "Carrot... id." "Carrot-id!" "Carotid!" "Carotid!" "Slice your carotid!" "Your night-time sedative, Mr Billot!" "Groove and I'll slice your leek!" "Your tomato!" "Your tomatid!" "Don't groove!" "He's where?" "Don't groove!" "Botch it!" "Groove and I'll slice your..." "Are you going to rape me?" "I'm a really bad lay, I swear!" "Please don't kill me!" "I know what you did to the banker..." "It was an askident!" "The gun just witlof!" "Understand?" "Witlof!" "Oh my God, my God!" "Don't be-be scared." "Here, it's all I have." "I swear, this is it." "Go on, take the lot!" "Oh, my God!" "What is it you want, then?" "This is a rape, isn't it?" "No, no." "I need clo... clothes." "That won't work on you." "We're not the same size." "You ran away from the hospital?" "Scared of surgery?" "You might be right." "That's how my poor Léon went." "Heard of the Norman Conquest?" "That was him." "One hour at the hospital and my Normandy man was conquered!" "He was from Bayeux." "You know, the tapestry?" "Not that!" "That's my poor Léon's wedding suit." "What can I get you?" "Coffee?" " A foreigner?" " Yes." "A spectacular hospital escape last night by Constant Billot who was having stroke treatment." "He was serving eleven years for the murder of Maurice Eisenstein." "Police say he can't have gone far as he has no money and is wearing pyjamas." "Is... is anybobby there?" "Good morning." "Melchior needs a walk." "And hello to you!" "Sleep well?" "I dreamed I was dying." "Bliss!" "Silvia, no." "It's lovely out." "Don't you want the shutters open?" "Why?" "You just have to close them later." "That TV's blaring!" "It's just talk, talk about life." "Life outside." "There are people who live outside." "Go and join them." "No one's stopping you." "Paris awaits!" "Go, go!" "How?" "Do you know the cost of living in Paris?" "He'd gone to pick mushrooms with his mother when he shot banker Eisenstein in cold blood." "He is still on the loose and must be considered dangerous." "Earlier he used a young nurse as a human shield to escape." "Our reporter is at the scene." "We were rehabilitating him because his stroke affected his speech." "I'll never forget his face, his cold eyes and that nose..." "the nose of a killer!" "Come on." "Melchior, come here!" "Melchior, no!" "You've reached the police." "Please hold." "Your number has been identified." "You've reached the police." "Please hold." "Don't move!" " I said, don't move!" " Don't zoot!" "Shoes off." "Now!" "In the bag." "Hurry up!" "I done nothing wrong." "That's not what the TV says!" " Now, trousers off." " Trousers?" "Do it now!" "Come on!" "That's enough." "Like that, you won't go far." " What you want?" " A favour." "Once you've done it, I'll let you go." "If you refuse..." "I'll call the cops." "It's not toaded." "Ole, ole, I'm mistening." "Good." "I..." "I'm coming into an inheritance." "Doof for you." "Don't make fun of me!" "You know what I'm saying." " No." " I'm saying... the person I'm inheriting from is still alive." "Understand now?" "No..." "You have to get rid of this person for me." "What?" "Me, krill?" "That's right." "Kill." "I couldn't." " But you're used to it." " Me, used to it?" "Nether!" "I'd nether loo dat!" "The bag, quick!" "Very well..." "You'd rather I call the cops." "Welcome to the Weather Line." "Your local weather..." "Hello, police?" "Ole, I'll loo it." "It's my mother." "My adoptive mother." "You'd be doing her a favour." "She's been so depressed since Paolo died." " Paolo?" " Her husband." "Every Sunday morning at eight she goes to his grave." "She goes via the woods." "There's never anyone there." "Get rid of her this Sunday morning and on Sunday afternoon..." "you're free to go." "Who's on the boat?" "It's... a friend of mine." " Why is he in his underwear?" " Oh, yes..." "Amazing, isn't it!" " They do that over there." " Where?" "Yes, he's..." "Finnish!" "You know what it's like." "The lakes, the fjords and all..." "They're always hot!" "You know, they roll their babies in the snow at birth!" "No one goes on my boat!" "I'll talk to him." "No!" "He doesn't speak a word of French, only Finn." "Finnish!" "In Finland, they speak Finnish." "Jeanne, please, just for a few days." "What does he want with my boat?" " He's an artist." " A painter?" "That's right, a painter!" "He's working on an exhibition." "The theme is... the canal." "He can't stay there." "There's no water, nothing." "He's an artist!" " Yes, he'll get paint everywhere!" " No!" "Paolo wouldn't do that." "That's right." "Oh, of course." "Paolo, like..." "Like my poor Paolo." " Not a very Finnish name." " Paolo?" "Not a Finnish name?" "With all the immigrants there?" "Will he stay long?" "If all goes well, he'll be leaving on Sunday." "Tell Silvia you need to practice your scales more." "I asked to learn judo, not piano." "Should have learnt enunciation!" " What is it?" "Don't want to play?" " No." "Fine." "You've got 30 minutes to go." "At least hit the keys a bit." "My mother's here." "Jeanne!" " There's a man on your boat." " I know." "And he is... ?" "A friend of Silvia's." " Someone she... ?" " I don't know." " You must have spoken to him!" " He speaks Finnish." "Lucas, not so loud." "Well, you ought to know he only wears underpants." " He was rolled in the snow." " In the snow?" "When he was born." "He was found in the snow when he was this big." "Shocking." "To abandon a baby in the snow!" " That's the Chinese." " He's Chinese?" "He speaks no French, only Chinese." "There he is!" "He has no pants on!" "His eyes aren't slanted." "Not bad looking." "A bit of a gut." "He must have been a sumo wrestler." "Reading for you..." "Spectacular Escape from Hospital" "Now then... you're called Paolo and you're a Finnish painter." "You don't speak French." "Your latest work." "Perfect." "It's her!" "She walks, she breathes, but she's dead." "Everyone's dead here." "I won't end up like them." "I deserve better." "You'd krill an immocent woman for that?" "Kill an innocent woman?" "I'm the innocent woman!" "She killed me!" "In the orphanage there was a piano." "Everyone listened when I played!" "I was happy in Bucharest." "She and Paolo came and took me away." "I was 13!" "I played here for years!" "Every weekend I got the old folk dancing!" "If they'd given me a teacher, if they'd pushed me, if they'd loved me," "I'd be giving concerts all over the world by now." "I played for free for 15 years." "Don't you think she owes me?" "Yes, she owes me that money!" "When I get the inheritance I'll move to Paris." "I'll go to the best music school." "One day..." "I'll be a concert pianist!" "So what do I krill her with?" "My bare hands?" "I can't!" "I can't." "This?" "I can't..." "She'll... she'll scream." "I can't!" "That's only in pilms." "But not..." "My bicycle pump's been stolen." "You never cycle." "Your cooking's burning!" "I know!" "A brand new pump!" "It's that foreigner." "Now we have to lock the doors." "To think I met your mother on that boat!" " That Chink..." " He's a Finn." "Same thing!" "He looks like Vincent, doesn't he?" "I'm talking to you." "Why won't you talk, Charlie?" "I miss him too, you know." "He can't be eating properly." "He must have lost weight." "Who makes him potato gratin now?" ""My dear sister..." ""Supplies aren't getting through." ""For the first time," ""I ate rat."" ""For the first time, I ate rat."" ""It tastes like cat," ""but stringier."" "They're Paolo's." "He collected old postcards." "I'll sleep... here." "No need." "Me not leave." "Me not trust you." ""Darling Mum..." ""The weather's fine at last here in Verdun" ""and the mud in the trenches" ""is starting to dry out." ""But it's still chaos." ""Thanks, General Foch!"" "Reading all of them?" "I'm practicing my miction." ""The mud in the trenches is starting to dry out." ""But it's still chaos." ""Thanks, General Foch!"" ""Our Corporal," ""Paul Parpin," ""had both feet amputated."" ""Corporal Paul..."" "Parpin!" ""... both feet amputated." ""Corporal Paul" ""Parpin..." ""both feet amputated."" "But he doesn't even have a bike!" "First the pump, then the bike!" " In the end, your wife!" " That would make him a real pervert!" "He's not going to mess us around." "First, find the pump." "We need proof." "That's right, we need proof." "Slow down." "There are holes." " Hello." " Hello." "Okay..." "You see pump?" "Pump!" "It won't be the same word where he's from!" "He's just playing dumb." "Keep him busy." "I'll look for it." "Right, keep him busy." "Lovely!" "The snowflakes..." "Me think that beautiful." "Bootiful." "Bootiful!" "Boot-i-full!" "Victor, you can't say everything with shoes!" "So, my pump..." "Here!" "Got it!" "Arsehole!" " It's not your pump?" " Yes." "Well, almost." "Okay, arsehole!" "Where's the other one?" "Why take your pump if he already has one?" "Do like your parrot." "Shut up!" "Calm down." "Will you be calm when he's raped your daughter?" "The poor thing's terrified." "I'm so sorry." "I'm ashamed for the whole canal!" "Hasn't he suffered enough?" "Left in the snow as a baby..." "Okay, Yeti!" "Where you put pump?" "Found it, next to your drill." "We have to go now." "What'll it be?" "Not the rope." "Can't do a ping with the rope." " It's too short." " What?" "Do you want to lasso her?" "It's to strangle her!" "Okay, not the rope." "It's not a butter knife!" "Okay, not the knife." "That leaves the sledgehammer." "To be honest, that's what I'd use." "Not like that!" "With both hands..." "Like this..." "See?" "It's not hard." "She'll come this way." "The cemetery's over there." "You have to... before she gets there." "But she wight not come." "She'll come." "She always does." "Constant..." "Listen up." "If I see her coming back, I'll go to the cops." "You won't have time to get far." "Okay..." "Here's some money." "Goodbye, Constant." "You're free." "Good luck... with everything." "You went out?" "I thought you were asleep." "I wanted..." "The bakery was closed." "I'm off." "Will you look after Melchior?" " You're not taking him?" " Not this time." "You could get dressed, Jeanne." "Just this once." "No need where I'm going..." "The cemetery, right?" "Indeed, I'm going to the cemetery." "Take care of yourself." "To a waltz's tune my heart caught fire, though I was by the water." "On a Sunday with your hands on my hips I looked in your half-closed eyes." "I saw a whole world where I'd feel good, full of happy children." "And as we shared that simple dance my head turned to you forever..." "Madram..." "Madram..." "Paolo!" "Yesh..." "There you go." "Silvia, some cheese?" "Your mother likes it." " I'm worried." " Some Roquefort?" "She hasn't come home." "Or some Fourme?" "My Fourme is lovely." "Horace, I'm worried!" "What could happen to her?" "Mauricette!" "Mauricette!" "Give her some Roquefort." "Coming!" "I'm worried." "Okay?" "It suits you!" "You're the same size as my poor Paolo." "Me go." "Heaven sent you!" "They weren't ready for me up there." "You don't understand French?" "Swear you won't understand what I'm going to say." "Swear!" "I'll say it, then." "In my whole life, my heart has fluttered twice." "The first time was when I saw Paolo's smile." "It was love at first sight." "The second time was when I saw you, Paolo." "Me Paolo." "Paolo was called Paolo, like you, Paolo." "I loved you at first sight, too." "I made you a nice toddy." "I've washed your things." "Then, me dry..." "Then, me iron..." "Then, me give back to you." "If he hadn't been there..." "Oh, my goodness!" "My sweet Jeanne!" " Why did you do it?" " It's over now." "That's good." "He understands nothing?" "Because it's funny, in my mind he had more muscles." "He's an artist!" "Demis Roussos is an artist, too." "Seen his shoulders?" "He's a real man." "When I'm loving you, I no longer know who I am." "A beggar or a saviour..." "Me go." "When I'm loving you..." "Going to paint?" "Paint?" "Jeanne?" "Oh, Melchior..." "Oh, there you are!" "Oh, my dear..." "Your poor mother, it's terrible..." "I thought so." "I had a premonition." "I knew it, how awful!" "Oh, Eric!" "My God!" "What'll become of me?" "Why are you here?" "She was more than a mother to me!" "She was like..." "like..." " A father!" " No, Silvia..." "I bought her cheese..." "Roquefort!" "She used to take out the mould." "There wasn't much left but the little there was, she ate it with such pleasure!" "She takes the mould out of Roquefort?" " The blue bits?" " Green." "But it's the best bit!" "Yes, it is." "I'll never eat Roquefort again!" "Ever!" " You will, and your mother too, tonight." " What?" "But she must stop taking the mould out." "She's... ?" "She's in her room..." "recovering her strength!" "Bye, Paolo." " He has to go." " Really?" " Paint dries fast." " No!" "He's in no hurry." "I'm sorry, I'm so selfish." "I won't do it again, I swear." "She thought you were gone forever." "She was in tears!" " Really?" " Oh, yes." "If he hadn't been there..." "A few seconds more and..." " You have him to thank." " Thanks!" "You can do better than that, Silvia." "He saved my life!" "Thanks!" "You'll pay for this." "Back to jail for you." " Happy now?" " No!" "If you hadn't been there..." "Thanks!" "That's enough." "He doesn't understand anyway." " Are you going out?" " Yes." "I need to see someone." "Coming to the police station?" "Fine." "What do you want?" "You want to nurther Jeanne or get the cash?" "What's your dream?" "Wasn't it to be consett piapist?" "You make no sense when you're mad." "Don't have to murker Jeanne." "I have a flan." "A super flan." "A flan?" "A plan!" "Yes, a super plan." "Buying time to save your skin!" "Mooge!" " What the..." " Mooge!" "What the hell are you doing?" "Stop the car!" "You're mad!" "Let me out!" "Stop!" "Yes, I'm trying to save my skin!" "It's mormal, isn't it?" "You don't want my flan?" "Ole!" "You masked for it." "PIN?" "2436." "Now I'll spangle you." "No one will find you here." "Is that what you want?" "Fink farefully, Vilsia!" "Is that what you want I do?" "It's so easy." "You're so teeny-tiny." "Teeny-tiny neck, teeny-tiny smoulders, teeny-tiny arms..." "Look!" "Do you feel what a teeny-tiny scrap of a thing you are?" "I can feel your heart." "Like a litter rabbit caught in a car's headlice." "I could..." "Then, free." "I want to help you." "You owed that money." "Yes, you deserve better." "Yes, when you play, it's like a waterfall." "A litter waterfall flowing impside." "It drowns you..." "drowns you in warmth and you feel all cold and dry when it stops." "You talk almost normally when you're calm." "And he jumped in, fully dressed." "It's not like you'd run off to get your swimsuit!" "Poor Jeanne." "Who'd have thought?" "She's always so... so..." " So..." " Well, so..." "So aquatic?" "So depressed." "Yes, but suicidal?" "How could we tell?" "Six years in her nightie might have been a sign!" "And the shutters always closed." "The swimming champ!" "Jeanne, go back to bed." "You shouldn't be up." "Eric, I need you to dye my roots." "Jeanne, it's not your roots..." "No, you don't have roots." " No." " No." "No roots?" "My hair has no roots?" "You all have hair with roots, but not me." "How does it stay on?" "With glue?" "Very well, I'll go to a real hairdresser." "Okay, okay!" "Come on." "I'll fix it all up for you." "Easy." "A few highlights... a few centimetres off the length." "Okay, so to set up on my own, let's say thirty thousand will do." "You'll get the shirty grand." "I can pervade her." "Persuade her?" "You?" "That's your plan?" "It sucks!" "She's always said no." "But now she'll help me out just to please you?" " Shove at first light." " Love at first sight!" "Who for?" "Me." "Jeanne's fallen for you?" "Jeanne and you..." "She's in love with you?" "You can't underpant." "Your heart only beats when you're scared." "A layered cut is nice, isn't it?" "Charlie, you could answer me." "Oh, ever since Vincent left he hasn't said a word." "How will you persuade her?" "You don't speak French." "I just need fun hour alone mith her." " You're sure of yourself." " No, of her." "Mum!" "Mum, Paolo's here." "He's asked after you." "Can he come in?" "Maybe two hours, okay?" "I'll see what's going on." "Meet me on the boat." "Or a bob?" "Bowl cut?" " Eric!" " Up here!" "Well?" "A bowl cut?" "A nice one!" "Paolo and I were looking for you." " You scared us." " He was worried?" "Very." " What's... ?" " My roots." " You?" " I have them like anyone else." "Paolo saved your life." "And I think it would be good if you..." "Time to rinse!" "Just a minute." "I wanted to buy him a gift but I don't know his tastes." "So I thought maybe... invite him to dinner... at my place... tonight." "Yes." "Good idea." "Time to rinse!" "You're invited to dinner!" "Eight o'clock." "She made it clear that I'm not invited." "Something wrong?" "You were right, she's completely crazy about you!" " I told you." " Unbelievable!" " What did you do?" " Nil." "Xerox." "But the first time you saw her, what exactly happened?" "Jeanne..." "Drowning, yes." "I took her out water." "She was lying like that." "And?" "So I did this..." "Nothing." " You felt her pulse?" " No, I..." "To see if someone's dead, you feel their..." "Carotid!" " That's it." " No." " You pinched her nose!" "Why?" " For..." "Oh, mouth-to-mouth!" "Then what?" "Then I..." "And Jeanne... nothing." "And then?" "And then I started again." "That..." "Is that enough to... ?" "Yes." "Melchior, basket!" "Good evening." "I made some fish." "Raw!" "Like in your country." "But there's no reindeer." "We don't have that here." "On the other hand..." "Vodka... we have!" "I know that where you come from, you often eat on the floor." "That's why..." "We don't." "We, chairs!" "It's like a picnic." "Pick..." "Anyway..." "I do underpant French." "I can speak it a bit, too." "I learned in Finland." "I lied, cebause..." "I didn't want people to sleek to me." "I wanted to be alone to soncentrate on my painting." "It will be our secret." "And Silvia?" "No!" "She doesn't snow either." "Oh, no, we Finns don't kriss straight astray." "We... forghei!" "What's that?" "Forghei is..." "Respect." "We do nothing." "No kisses, nothing." "And the more loo yike sumwun, the longer it lasts." "You're kidding." "Nothing?" "Yez." " For how long?" " Oh, months!" "Wow!" "So this forghei can last a long time?" "Oh, yes." "You like me?" "How nice to be liked!" "For you, my love, I'll always keep inside me that tune you would whistle..." "No, no, it's not over yet." "Oh you, my love, I'll always want you right by my side to waltz with..." "Bedtime now." "Hands off!" "Forghei!" "Oh, that's..." "It's..." "This old thing?" "I just wear it around the house." "You and me..." "It's infossible with Silvia here." "She has to go away." "Paolo, you're making plans already!" "She has to go away to Paris." " To perfecto the piapio." " Paris?" "She can't afford an apartment there." "She can't." " You can." " Me?" "I have no money." "She'll just have to manage." "Oh, no, no!" "That's not my Jeanne storking like that." "My dorable Jeanne." "I know that in there, a fart beats." "A fart this big." "30,000 euros... to help her start a lew nife." "That's quite a start!" "Once she's in Paris" "I could come and set up my studio in her bedroom." "And I'd pose for you." "Yesh." "And I'll taint you." "And we'll have fog lyres every day." "Is all that true?" "Say it." "Is it really true?" "It is." "Because you're a man and you are kind" "You make our life beautiful." "You are as happy as an Italian" "When he knows he's getting love and wine." "It's like the first time..." "The radio!" "It's blaring." "Look at the time." "It's nearly noon!" "How did it go?" "What?" "Your dinner." "He ate it all up." " Did he leave late?" " Early." "Very early!" "And you?" "I went clubbing." "It was great." " You're dressed up." "Got a date?" " Yes." " Who with?" " With me." "I'd lost touch with myself." "You're right, Paris awaits you!" "I'm sure you'll be a great pianist." "Now then..." "Here's the train timetable." "There's one tonight at 8.38, but it's not direct." "Tomorrow morning at 6.40." "Direct, but early." "Françoise will find you a place." "I said no more than 1000 euros." "That's plenty." "You can get an upright piano." "Save the grand piano for when you're famous." "Well?" "You're kicking me out?" "Typical!" "You say you don't have the money to go to Paris." "I give it to you and now I'm kicking you out?" "I thought you'd thank me." "Sorry." "Thank you..." "Thank you very much." "I love you madly..." "Didn't get much sleep?" "Congratulations." "Mission accomplished." "You'll be able to go." "30,000!" "That's... funderwool." "She even gave me the train times." "Paris..." "So there's a brain tonight, but not direct." "Motorrow norming at 6.40." "It's early, but... it's direct." "You too?" "You want to get rid of me?" "You're in it together?" "Now look, Vilsia." "Isn't Paris what you wanted?" " And the money?" " Yes." "It is." "And what about you?" "You're free now." "You can go." "Isn't that what you wanted?" "Yes..." "There you are." "We have what we wanted." "Funderwool." "At last..." "Yes!" "I can do what I want at last." "I'll meet wonderful people who aren't wanted by all the police in France and who pronounce words normally!" "Vorry if I had a cereal-vacuous askident!" "Vorry!" "Vorry if I can't have a popper conversation." "Well, you managed to keep one going till 7 a.m." "What did you talk about?" "Vorry." "I did what I had to for you." "Bye, Melchior." "Goobeye." "Goobeye, Vilsia." "Silvia!" "You can manage Melchior!" "But my name?" "You make more effort to say my dog's name than mine!" "And what's my name?" "Is it Paolo!" "Is that my name?" "What is it?" "They lock up the schizos but don't watch them." "Those psychiatric hospitals are like sieves!" "I'd put them all on an island surrounded by sharks." " They'd lose their legs!" " For fure." "A legless schizophrenic would be less trouble." "But no, they treat them!" "He's already killed 2 guys with a screwdriver." "Yes, really!" "When they've treated him, will he work in a hardware store?" "Crazy!" "If it was up to me..." "There are coughs everywhere." " Are you frying?" " What?" "No." "In that case..." "You were frying." "No." "You are." " You're frying." " I'm crying, not frying." "Chips fry!" "But why?" "I do what I like with my eyes, okay?" "What's all this about the cops?" "You don't really want to go, do you!" "You came back for her, right?" "Yes." "You don't know her!" "She's a monster." "She only thinks of herself." "I only think of her, too." "I don't believe it." "You fell in love... just like that?" "You bring someone back to life, you give her mouth-to-mouth..." "She brought life back to me." "I can't breathe without her." "I need... her mouth on mine." "Silvia..." "We have to go, Constant." "The two of us." "Police everywhere." "Wait a day or two." "You're here?" "I came to get Melchior." "You're leaving us for Paris?" "We're not good enough?" "What's that?" "We're going to fix up the boat." "It's a big job." "Paolo's here." "He'll give us a hand." "Tomorrow night we can have a dance!" "It's good." "It's only a start, but it'll be good." "Want some?" "Some wine?" "Sheherazade..." "You were my sweet lifeguard and now I feel like Sheherazade..." "I'm going to bed." "I'm done." "Sleep well." "My nights are so romantic and my life is..." "And my life is..." "Like a bottle..." "Like a bottle in the sea..." "We're an hour from the German border." "Let's go there until things calm down." "No, Silvia." "You'd be messing up your life." "I'll go alone." "You're going to Paris." "No!" " I'm coming with you." " Listen, Silvia..." "I killed someone." "It was an askident." "You have your whole life ahead of you." "I don't want to kill that." "That wouldn't be an askident." "My life ahead of me?" "What life?" "Music?" "Pieces and pieces of music!" "Like my life, a life in pieces." "For once I have something that's whole..." "You'd deny me that?" "To think you wanted to turn me in!" "I never called the cops." "It was the Weather Line." "And they said it would be fine." "My life I wanted to drop, I chose to jump in and go plop." "My life I wanted to drop, I chose to jump in and go..." "This is Radio Menyville." "It's 4 p.m." "Here's a news flash." "Police are still looking for Constant Billot who killed banker Maurice Eisenstein and escaped from a Lyon hospital." "We've just learned that the banker's widow has offered a 200,000 euro reward for the capture of the man who is still on the run." "Here's Géraldine Eisenstein." "My children and I want justice." "I'm prepared to give a reward of 200,000 euros to anyone who helps arrest this man." "We have to leave." "Tomorrow." "Don't move..." "Right." "Open the window." "Open your eyes!" "I look so beautiful!" "Thanks, Eric." "I'll get dressed." "Bye, Charlie." "He still won't say anything?" " Hang on..." " See you later." "All this hair!" "Hello, Eric." "Hello, Eric." "Charlie's a pretty boy." "Vincent!" "Charlie's a pretty boy." "Nice hair." "Hello, Eric." "Hello, Eric." "How are you?" "Kiss-kiss." "Kiss-kiss." "I can't do it up." " I won't wear it." "I'm not going." " Go on, for once!" "You're okay with wiggling your hips!" " Is that red?" " Yes, three bottles." "No, I mean..." "Yes." "Why?" "Well, it's..." "It's good." "6.52 a.m. Fine." "Two people." "Silvia Brétigny and..." "Paolo..." "Paolo Brétigny." "Yes." "Thank you." "Goodbye." "All okay?" "Yes." "I was calling about my ticket." "When are you leaving?" "Friday." "We have time." "Yes, plenty of time." "You'd better get ready for the dance." "I'll go and shower." "Menyville Station, hello." "My daughter just rang you." "Silvia Brétigny." " What was the train time again?" " Just a moment." "Two tickets for Berlin." "Berlin!" "Yes, Berlin." "Two tickets." "Tomorrow morning, 6.52." "Thank you." "Come on!" "Good-looking bikers!" "Nice hair!" "A waltz?" "In E flat?" "I booked the tickets for Berlin." "We go tomorrow." "6.52 a.m." "I'll wait round the back in the car." "No, meet me at the station." "The bus will me take separate." "We mustn't be neen together." "It's better for you." "You mether know." "We don't know each other until we get to Merlin." "Paolo!" "Dance with me!" "Pierrot!" " You don't like her, do you?" " Who?" "Silvia." "I can tell." " You try hard, but..." " No, it's not..." "It's only natural." "You're so different." "You know, I've never known anyone as interested in money as Silvia." "She'd do anything for money." "Anything!" "I gave her 30,000 euros but she'll keep wanting more." "Money, money, money..." "She has the face of an angel but she's diabolical!" "I'm relieved she's going to Paris." "She's going on Friday." "You didn't know?" "It'll be just the two of us." "Yes." "Don't move, Billot!" "The Weather Line, huh?" "What did it tell you for 200,000?" "That it would be fine, right?" "Is that it?" "Pour." "Billot, visiting room." "More milk?" "My love..." "How can you leave all my letters unanswered?" "How can you think for a second that I turned you in?" "Oh, Constant, I'd so like a word from you." "Just one." "Your silence is killing me." "Since you leave me no choice, this letter will be my last." "I won't write again." "You're so lucky to be sentenced only to prison." "You sentenced me to never see you again." "Goodbye, Constant." "Why do you tear them all up?" "Read them, at least." "It's filling this up nicely anyway." "The other night I dreamed I was a postman." "We had such a crowd yesterday on the boat!" "We danced till 4 a.m." " Is Eric still with Vincent?" " Yes." "Mauricette has a guy." "He sells chicken at the market." " She's a baby!" " A big baby!" "She's put on weight." "His chicken is fattening!" "I saw the lawyer again." "He's sure you'll be out in two years!" "You did well to save my life." "That really helped." "I'll get the house ready." "Everyone's waiting for you, you know." "Except Silvia..." "We don't see her." " Is she still in Paris?" " Yes." " She plays piano in hotel bars." " Really?" "No concerts?" "She failed all the exams." "Poor pet." "She always dreamt too big." "Jeanne..." "You're so honest." "So generous..." "I have to tell you the truth." "The truth?" "Silvia and I were in love." "What?" " I know it hurts." " You made a fool of me!" "Please forgive me, Jeanne." "We were meeting at the station to leave together." "To think I had no idea..." "She trapped me." "She's the one who turned me in." " But why?" " The reward." "The 200,000 euros." "Well, now that you know, I understand if you don't come again." "I'll never abandon you!" "The bitch!" "You see now?" "I warned you about her." "It's better this way." "On the run, hiding..." "It wasn't for you." " Berlin would never have worked." " I know." "Anyway, it..." "How do you know about Berlin?" "You just told me." "No, I didn't." "The media..." "They found the ticket..." "What ticket?" "I didn't have it." "It was you." "Constant!" "Excuse me." "Please ask the pianist to play this song." "Thank you." "Subtitles by Ausminx for KG" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Come play dollhouse with us Daddy." "Hey there sleepy head." "You want a beer." "Dude it's morning." "Look alive sleeping beauty." "So where was I?" "The dog killed the neighbor's rabbit." "Yeah!" "This dog killed my neighbor's rabbit!" "So I'm panicking for a second, what do I do?" "What do I do?" "And my girl said, get this, we can cover this up." "Don't worry." "So, it's just one of those generic white rabbits" "So I hop in the car and go to the nearest pet shop, I get a replacement" "I bring it back and put it in it's cage like they are gonna be none the wiser." "A couple of days later Mr. Mrs. show up and I hear this blood curdling scream" "Coming from my neighbor's house like somebody is being murdered or something, so I go over there and there the lady is." "Pointing to the rabbit cage and sobbing like..." "So I go over there." "I go to the husband and I'm like..." "Hey what's wrong with her?" "And he says get this, the rabbit died before they went on vacation." "They buried it and everything but yet here it is back in it's rabbit cage." "No way!" "Is that the craziest shit you've ever heard?" "Yeah it was even crazier the first time I heard it." "On Oprah." "Oprah is telling my story?" "It's an urban legend dumbass." "Hey, which one of you guys messing with my watch?" "What are you talking about?" "One of you set it to army time at the wrong time." "No one is messing with your watch, Sleeping Beauty." "Dude, it's not 13:13." "Jack." "Jack, no one touched you damn watch." "It doesn't matter anyway just change it back." "Alright." "Alright." "Alright." "Whatever." "Come on boys let's get a move on." "Packed." "Come on Jack." "Hey Jack what are you doing?" "Sorry man it's this nightmare." "It keeps messing with me." "I can't sleep." "Jack you're a cop buddy." "No nightmare can scare you." "Whatever man." "Come on man, You and I saw much worse that on the force together." "I know you did killer." "Shut up man let's go." "Let's get a move on." "Jack." "I'm really glad we all got to go on this trip." "It's been a while." "Yeah man." "Just going through this divorce you know." "It's not the easiest of things." "Especially when there's a kid involved." "As a matter a fact we have to go my old place." "Get Kendra." "Marcy is living there now." "You let her have custody and the house." "Yeah why?" "Yeah, before you guys split up Marcy would never let you hang out with your boys." "And why is that?" "Funny." "How old is Kendra now?" "She's 12." "She's the sweetest little girl." "Takes after her mom." "Man put the radio on." "Sure thing, go for it DJ." "Your gonna play some tunes or what?" "Guy would you all stop messing with all the clocks." "What do you mean?" "Keep setting it to this weird time again." "That says 13:13 Brotha." "So what." "I don't know just odd I guess." "Same time that was on my watch at the campsite." "Yeah, I guess that's a little weird." "It's the law of attraction." "Road kill look out!" "Good call." "2 points." "Hey baby girl." "What's in your hand?" "Nothing." "No?" "Is mom in the house?" "Mmhhmm." "Hey Kendra." "Kendra." "Hey Kendra." "Any of you guys want anything?" "Yeah I want a brew." " Anybody else?" " Yep." "Right here." "Marcy you want anything?" "Marcy I'm taking Kendra to dinner." "Marcy?" "Just give me one second." "I've just gotta finish this." "Just won't come off." "It won't come off." "It won't come off." "I won't come off." "I won't come off." "I won't come off." "She's a bit of a workaholic." "You guys want to grab dinner after this." "I'm taking Kendra." "Fuck yeah we will." "Come on Quentin." "We have a long ahead of us back home." "Hey lighten up Joe." "Man." " I'm sorry let me clean it up." " Don't worry about it, I'll get a paper towel." "Marcy where's the paper towels?" "It won't come off." "It won't come off." "Marcy what are you saying?" "It won't come off." "Marcy." "What won't come off?" "Ok listen, leave the dishes alone." "I told you I'd do them." "Ok it's not that serious." "It won't come off." " What the!" "Oh my God!" "What are you doing?" " It won't come off." "Stop!" "Marcy why would you do this!" "Paging Nurse Latt to the 5th floor Nursing Station." "Hey excuse me." "I'm not sure if this is the right place I'm here to see somebody." "Sir, the hospital is extremely busy right now." "We'll let you see your brother as soon as things have calm down." "And we know that he's stable." "Well fuck you very much." "It won't come off." "It won't come off." "Sir!" "You're going to have to wait here." "This is my wife." "I understand sir, but you're going to have to wait." "Someone is going to come and get you in a moment." "Doctor Hardman please report to..." "You don't understand ok." "I need to see my brother alright?" "His name is Jessie Cohn." "My name is Alex Cohn." "What room is he in, alright." "Sir, this hospital is extremely busy today." "Alright, we will let you see your brother as soon as everything calms down." "I don't care if he's stable or not!" " I need to know what room he's in!" " Sir you need to calm down!" "Get him out of here." "Get him out of here." "Get him out of here." "Get your hands off me." "Get the fuck off me motherfucker." "Doctor Hardman, please report to trauma C. Doctor Hardman..." "Room 13." "She heavily sedated." "Ok." "Wait what?" "She's in room 13." "Your wife." "Don't you think it's bad luck to have a room 13 in a hospital?" "Look buddy, I've had enough bullshit for one day ok." "Go see your god damn wife." "She's in room fucking 13." "Do or don't." "I don't care." "Just get the fuck out of my face." "Help me." "It's like the 13th guy I've lost today." "It's the busiest day we've had at this fucking hospital." "Do you know why that is?" "Do I look like a fucking scientist or a goddamn news reporter?" "I'm a motherfucking Doctor dammit!" "You don't think I'm qualified to be a Doctor." "You wear my jacket." "What?" "No man." "Excuse me, excuse me Doctor?" "Excuse me Doctor?" "What the hell do you need?" "I'm busy here." "Where is room 13?" "Why do you need to know?" "My ex wife, she was injured badly." "They took her to room 13." "What makes her so special?" "What?" "What the fuck happened to her man?" "I don't have all day!" "Come on!" "She scratched all the skin off her arm." "Why you laughing?" "Why you laughing?" "You're on the wrong floor man." "This is for critical patients here not for suicidal retards." "Excuse me?" "The 3rd floor." "Please." "Take the elevator to your right." "Or the steps." "Whatever helps." "Now get the hell out of my face!" "Shit, who's watching Kendra?" "Me thinks you should." "Me thinks you're an asshole." "Me thinks she should get me another beer while your up." "What the fuck." "No one asked you Joe." "Ok." "Just get me a beer, alright?" "No." "Just get me a fucking beer or I smash your fucking face in!" "House keeping, Please call extension 6067." "House keeping..." "Hey, excuse me?" "You should be here." "Excuse me?" "Hold on." "I'm looking for room 13, they took my ex wife there." "I'm gonna have to see some ID to check you in." "Leap year." "So you're a minor." "That's very funny but can you tell me where room 13 is?" "Over there." "Down the hall." "Thanks, I was begging to think everyone in this hospital was an asshole." "Only you are Sir." "Never mind." "You won't believe what the Doctor wrote..." "Hey there Kendra." "What are we playing?" "What are you drawing?" "None of your fucking business!" "Where did you learn language like that?" "What makes you think that it's ok to talk like that?" "Kendra?" "Fucking answer me!" "Sorry Kendra I didn't mean to yell at you." "It's ok." "Daddy already told me about you." "He what?" "He told me not to fucking talk to you." "And why would your daddy say something like that?" "He said you were a fucking pervert!" "What?" "He said you like little kids." "I don't think he meant..." "He meant you like to fuck little kids!" "How would he..." "Well, Do you want to fuck me, Trevor?" "I'm so sorry Kendra." "I can play too." "Kendra no!" "Stop!" "Kendra!" "Kendra!" "Aah!" "Fuck you little whore." "Aah!" "You know, you might have been a little hard on Trevor just now." "Suppose your right." "Maybe I should get him a beer or something." "Yeah maybe." "Doctor Bales please report to second floor operating room." "Doctor Bales please report to second floor operating room." "Doctor Hardman please report to Trauma C." "Doctor Hardman please report to Trauma C." "Sir, sir that's not your room!" "Could you please leave the patient alone?" "Holy shit!" "Trevor!" "Hey get the hell off of him!" "Get the hell off of him!" "Get off of him!" "What the fuck?" "!" "Joe!" "Joe!" "Get this bitch off of me!" "Fuck!" "She tried to kill me!" "Whoo!" "Hold her down Joe!" "She ain't nothing but road kill now." "Don't cover her mouth!" "Do you know the best part of road kill is to hear it's yeps as you run over it." "Whoo!" "Aaah!" "Help!" "Help!" "Help me!" "Help me!" "Sir are you ok?" "Shit!" "Hey." "You're awake." "You gave us quite a scare there babe." "The Doctor has said anything but the EMT and Ambulance think you might have suffered a stroke or something." "No no no no baby it's ok." "Relax relax." "It's going to be ok." "And Kendra is ok." "She's back at your house with Quentin, Trevor, and Joe." "I know she misses her mom." "She's worried about you." "In fact, let me call Quentin." "I'll get her on the phone ok." "Hey Quentin." "Yeah she just woke up." "Can you get Kendra so she can talk to her." "Thanks man." "Hey." "Hey your mom just woke up, she wants to talk to you." "Alright." "What's wrong with you." "Marcy what's wrong with you?" "Are you serious?" "What's wrong with you?" "Stop it!" "Hey!" "Whoa whoa whoa!" "I didn't meant to push you that hard." "I'm sorry." "I'm sorry." "Marcy Don't!" "Marcy!" "Marcy!" "Noooo!" "Why don't you get me a beer." "Watch some TV huh." "What's so funny?" "This." "What do you want?" "Of course they can't hear me." "What?" "Are you a doctor?" "It's mine!" "Give it back." "Whoa whoa whoa whoa!" "Don't worry!" "I'm not infected like the rest of those people." "What about him?" "I don't know about him." "He's dead." "He's been dead for several hours." "Wait, do I know you?" "Have we met before?" "No, why?" "Kendra." "Who's that?" "Kendra's my daughter." "I left her with some friends." "We need to go save her." "Do not go back there." "Please." "I'm sorry but, she's as good as dead." "You think Jackie boy's got any weapons?" "He's got a couple guns in the bedroom." "Fucking get them then." "But why Quentin?" "Cause we're going fucking hunting dammit." "Don't tell me what to fucking do!" "Go get the fucking guns." "Gonna catch us some dinner." "What are we gonna hunt?" "What are we gonna hunt?" "I'm sorry but your daughter is probably affect and so are your friends." "Affected with what?" "Why would you say that?" "You're born on leap year right?" "Yeah." "How do you know that?" "I over heard you at the desk when you were handing them your ID." "People who are born on leap year don't seem to be affected." "Why do you think that people born on leap year are safe?" "Cause I was born on leap year and I haven't gone crazy." "Just everyone else has and it seems to affect the youngest the fastest." "Affected with what?" "And does it affect the youngest the fastest?" "With all this craziness and this violence" "I know because of my nephew." "What happened with your nephew?" "What was I suppose to do?" "He tried to kill me." "I had to defend myself." "Ok Ok, if he tried to kill you it's not your fault." "It's not." "Yes it is." "Yes it is." "You just don't understand." "Because of the choices I made." "My nephew will never be with me again." "Not today." "Not tomorrow." "Not ever." "Have you ever had to bury a child?" "It's surreal." "You think that..." "All these memories come rushing in." "It should be me in that bed not him." "Don't say that." "No no no no." "No no no no." "Don't say that." "Ok." "Listen Listen." "Then you have to understand why I need to go save my daughter." "You do realize that she's probably affected right?" "I don't care." "What kind of father would I be if I didn't at least try." "Right?" "I have to do this." "What's your name?" "Candice." "Ok." "Candice." "I'm Jack." "Thanks for saving my ass out there." "I'm sure you would have done the same thing for me." "Yeah." "Ok." "I gotta go." "I got to go save my daughter." "If you're gonna save your daughter your gonna have to have a plan." "How many friends did you say you left her with?" "3." "Do they have any access to weapons?" " Did you get the fucking guns?" " Yeah I did." "You ain't going to fucking shoot me." "How do you know?" "Cause you ain't got any fucking bullets." "Now stop laughing like an idiot." "Get over here and help me load these." "How do you know they're crazy?" "Well it seems to affect people differently." "Some come in and out of crazy." "Some have multiple personality disorder or PTSD." "One common thing though is, everyone is incredibly violent towards one another." "It's like the aggression has been cranked up to 100." "How do you it wasn't something in the hospital?" "Like a gas leak or something?" "Because it's everywhere." "And it started this morning." "I don't want to take any risks." "I just want to stay in this room and you should too." "It's to safe out there." "No no no, we need to get out of here." "It's not safe!" "Alright?" "Everyone has gone crazy!" "What is crazy?" "Define crazy." "You watch the news today?" "And even suicidal." "There are riots in the streets and people are just going fucking crazy!" "Aah!" "Aah!" "Dammit." "Ha!" "Whoo!" "This is what I'm telling you." "It affects people differently at different speeds." "Some of them are straight into crazy." "And some of them it's a moment to moment thing." "But you know the media is full of shit." "So at least we know that you and I aren't crazy." "Maybe there might be more people like this, like my daughter." "Ok, was she born on leap year?" "No." "Then she's crazy." "Common get out of here with that." "You ok?" "I'm just a little cold." "Fuck this number!" "What number?" "You know what don't worry about it, if I tell you you'll think that I'm crazy." "Considering the situation you and I are the most sane people here." "This say number 13." "Everywhere I go." "Everywhere I turn around." "I see 13-13-13." "In clocks, calendars, room numbers, in my dreams, and now on the thermostat." "We don't even use Celsius in America!" "That's what I've been trying to tell you." "Today is 13-13-13." "It's what?" "Oh Shit!" "What's 13-13-13?" "You won't even believe me if I try to explain it." "Look at this point and time I'll believe just about anything." "Alright." "So leap year wasn't just to add a date to the end of February." "After 120 years it was it was suppose to add an entirely add a new month." "Mathematically speaking today is 13-13-13." "So your saying February 29th is not suppose to exist?" "No." "Oh so it's just my luck." "So my birthday is not suppose to exist?" "Yep!" "And you say that it makes these people overly aggressive?" "Does it make them suicidal?" "No no. they are just violent towards each other." "Not to themselves." "Ok." "What you're saying makes sense but there is just one flaw in your theory." "Oh yeah what?" "My ex wife, she committed suicide." "Now how do you explain that?" "I don't know?" "Maybe I was wrong." "Maybe you are wrong about other things like my daughter." "Look I'm going with or without you." "I want you to come with me, are you gonna come?" "Yes." "Come here." "It's time for you physical." "Oh god." "How long do you think that door is gonna hold?" "Not long." "We got to go now." "Do you have any ideas?" "We can't through the window because we are on the 3rd floor." " We have to go through that door." " No there's just too many people..." "Then we're going to fight through them." " I don't think I could do it." " Let's go!" "There's no way we could go through there ok?" "I mean, we can't even see beyond the door." "Ok look, I have to go get my daughter so we gotta get out of here." "No No..." "Look around and see if you can find some type of weapon or something, alright?" "Hurry up!" "Hurry Up!" "Alright, I'm looking!" "What about this?" "That's great." "That's great!" "What are you doing?" "Trying to see if the coast is clear." "That's 13 motherfucking kills!" "Dammit they're still out there." "But I think we can take them." " Maybe we should just wait." " No no no." "Let's get out of here." "We have to go, I have to leave this room." "I have to take you with me." "I leave if I have to." "I'm not gonna let the only other person who's not crazy die." "Ok?" "Alright?" "Ok, come on." " Ok." " Ok." "Let's go." "Ok." "On the count of 3 open that door." "If anybody comes in slam it shut behind them." "We gotta take them out 1 by 1." "What if no body comes in?" "We gotta make a break for it." "We have 3 levels of this hospital to clear." "Alright?" "You ready?" "Will I ever be?" "That's a good point." "Alright, look." "I told you I'd the care of you." "Why?" "Cause you saved my ass back there," "Alright." "Thanks Jack." "On my count." "One." "Two." "How could you fix that thing?" "What thing?" "Don't worry about it." "Ok on my count." "One." "Two." "Three!" "Ok, coast is clear." "Alright, good." "I am going to fucking kill you!" "Knife?" "You ain't no fun!" "I like to use my hands." "It's much more personal." "Fucking die!" "Get off me!" "Aah!" "Fucking bitch!" "Huh!" "You like that?" "Huh?" "You think your daughter is safe?" "Jack!" "Jack!" "Jack!" "He's dead." "He's dead." "You ok?" "Yeah yeah I'm ok." "Let's go." "The whole fucking world has gone crazy." "Oh yeah." "Did you see the news?" "They're killing each other out there." "Why does my stomach hurt?" "Awe fuck." "Why am I bleeding?" "Shit." "You are bleeding." "What happened?" "Joe go to the kitchen." "Get yourself cleaned up." "Joe go to the kitchen." "Get yourself cleaned up." "You're bleeding bad." "Joe." "Fucking respond to me when I'm talking to you huh!" "Go get yourself cleaned up or else fucking shoot you." "Keep it the fuck down!" "You want the crazy fucks outside to hear you?" "It's ok." "Its not that big a deal." "I'm gonna take care of it later." "Shut your fucking mouth!" "Boy." "Don't you ever tell me what to do." "You may be my brother, but that don't give you a pass!" "You understand?" "We're clear?" "Crystal." "Are you going to put that fucking gun down?" "Not until we're clear." "I just said we were clear." "I wasn't paying attention." "Say it again!" "No!" "Say it the fuck again!" "Keep it down... it's like you don't even care." "You know, you're right." "I don't care." "Look around soldier!" "I got one." "I'm proud of you private!" "Really?" "I'm as proud as your girlfriend when you got your red wings soldier." "I'm just happy to be in the battalion sarg!" "At ease soldier!" "We have a group of hostiles trying to ambush our base." "We have the right and left lane protected." "We got to protect the front." "We don't know what they are capable of." "And they have weapons!" "We need to get some boards and board up these windows." "Protect out fort." "Go get 'em Joe." "I got you right there." "I got you." "Ah." "I got you." "Ha!" "I got you covered Joe." "Stay close behind me." "Ok." "Hey!" "Hey!" "Hey!" "Oh Perfect!" "Good call." "Falling from the sky!" "The sharks falling from the sky!" "I'm going to make a new mask!" "Hold still it won't work!" "Thanks for saving me." "We're in this together, right?" "Yeah." "Let's get to the elevator and get out of here." "What floor?" "Ground level." "Wait wait wait wait." "We need a plan first." "Yeah ground level." "Where did you park?" "I didn't." "I took an ambulance in." "Shit." "What what's wrong?" "So did I." "How are we suppose to get to your house then?" "We sure can't get there on foot." "I know that!" "Well?" "Let me think." "Ok?" "I got it." "We need a bag." "We need to collect all the car keys of the dead doctor's pockets." "Why?" "Because their doctors that means they drove to work." "Their cars must be in the garage." "Ok." "Sounds like a plan." "Ok." "Hit 3." "Why?" "We should take the stair well." "On top of getting all those keys we should go through the hospital on foot." "Are you crazy?" "No as crazy as going to a level we haven't checked out." "What if we get down there, the doors open and we are surrounded by hundreds of them?" "We'll be trapped." "Right?" "We need to sneak through the hospital to avoid them." "Alright." "Level 3 it is." "Ok." "Ok wait here I'm going to get the keys off the receptionist pocket." "Ok, look for a bag just in case we have to collect a whole bunch of them." "Ok good thinking." "Hey take this." "No you keep it to defend yourself." "Or in case I need to save your ass for a 3rd time?" "Yeah Ok." "Too many of those guys come get in the elevator, hit the hold button like I showed you before." "You'll be safe there." "Well what about you?" "I'll be fine." "I just go that knife that crazy lady dropped." "See." "Ok." "Alright." "Back in 2 seconds." "Ok, let's go." "Looks like we're home free." "Looks like it." "Let's go Let's go!" "Run!" "Lock the door!" "It's locked." "Whoo!" "Look at me I'm a doctor!" "Come here, it's time for your physical!" "Ok, grab the keys from the doctor's pockets." "Put them in your purse." "We got to get out of here." " And we'll run to the parking garage?" " Exactly." "We can't go back to the stair well." "And do it quick." "Pepper spray only last 10 minutes on those guys." "How do you know that?" "I use to be a cop." "Like before this whole thing happened?" "No I left the force 4 months ago." "Why was that?" "Nice catch." "Don't change the subject." "Don't you think it's better if we didn't know much about each other?" "You know, just in case." "I don't think I want to be in a world with a whole bunch insane people anyway." "I believed that way my whole life." "Just talk." "I..." "I was kicked off due to excessive force." "What happened?" "My partner Quentin and I were staking out this Meth lab." "I saw this guy in a hoodie come out the meth lab and around the back." "Then I heard a woman screaming." "Yelling stop." "So I got out the car to go check it out," "Now Quentin told me don't do it." "He said I was bowing our cover." "But I did it anyway." "So as I'm running around the back, I see the perp." "On top of her." "Her close were torn to shreds," "And her face was smashed in." "Her eyes were swollen shut." "But she was still crying." "I could hear her." "So I grab the perp, I pull him off of her, and all I saw was red." "Next thing I know I was on top of him." "I had beaten his face in with, my bare hands." "I killed him." "She was only 17 years old." "So, the girl lived." "That sick fuck died." "I lost my job and my wife." "Hey." "We've got enough keys." "Come on." "Let's go." "Hey there kids did you miss us?" "You've got to be fucking kidding." "Let's go." " Where's the parking lot?" " This way." "Stay back you mother fuckers." "This way!" "This way!" "Where'd they go?" "Where'd they go?" "Ah!" "I know you're in here." "We know you're in here man!" "We saw you come in!" "Don't fucking push me!" "Come on guys come on!" "We just wanna talk, yeah?" "We just want to have a goddamn conversation with you!" "Guys, Guys I don't understand why you keep running away from me?" "We just want to help you." "Fuck!" "Get the fuck away from me!" "Ah!" "Ah!" "I get it." "You want a fair fight!" "Yeah!" "Yeah!" "I promise you if you come out and fight me, my few friends won't join in, right boys?" "That's right!" "Stay the fuck away from me!" "Come on guys!" "Come on!" "Please please." "Am I not trust worthy?" "Yeah?" "Is my word not good enough for you?" "Come on guys!" "I'm a good guy you know." "I'm your friend here." "Come on, Fuck!" "This little piggy went to market, this little piggy had roast beef, but this little piggy." "Peek-a-boo!" "I got the girl!" "Ah!" "Yeah!" "Aah!" "Aah!" "See!" "See!" "We even got your fucking woman man!" "You're gonna have to come out now!" "What?" "I still can't fucking entice you?" "Ok!" "Ok!" "I'll make it fair then, yeah?" "I guarantee you, I'll make it two on..." "See!" "I even kill my own friends!" "Cause I'm a man of my own word." "Ah!" "Fuck!" "Pass me the woman!" "No!" "This bitch is mine!" "I said pass me the fucking woman, or I will fucking kill you!" "Fine!" "I didn't want her anyway!" "Jack help me!" "Jack help her yeah?" "Yeah yeah yeah yeah, Jack!" "Help her!" "What the fuck are you laughing at?" "Nothing." "Swear your shit was funny." "You just wait here for a second here darlin'" "there you are you little pussy!" "This one's mine!" "I guess we're even." "No, yo saved me twice." "Let's get out of here." "This is our turf." "Our home turf!" "Joe, you and me." "No one is taking this home turf!" "Just like fucking D-Day huh!" "George Washington would want us to fight for our nation!" "This land is not your land, it's my land." "This is the emergency broadcast network, there are reports of mass panic and hysteria in your area." "Due to high volume of crime and rioting a state of martial law is in effect is in effect for all areas receiving this message." "Please stay inside your homes, do not go outside." "Government officials are being dispatched to handle the situation riots and violence are being reported from all 50 states." "All boarders US territoriesare off limits from crossing." "My place is not too far from here." "Once we get there we'll grab Kendra, and get the hell out of here." "What if she's..." "I can't think about it like that." "I can't think like that." "There's that." "Jesus!" "That guy tried to hit me." "What are we gonna do after we get Kendra?" "We'll go to the next town over." "Maybe they're no affected." "And what if they are?" "Then we'll go to the desert, a mountain." "Some place were people aren't." "We'll get some supplies." "We'll stock up on those." "Wait till this thing blows over." "Until they kill each other." "We're here." "Where?" "My house." "I don't see her." "What the fuck happened to your house?" "Looks like they're held up in there." "I know she's in there." "It's also surrounded." "We can go around the back." "Shit!" "Kendra!" "Hey what are you doing?" "Don't draw attention to us!" "Come on." "What are you doing?" "Just give me a minute." "Is everything alright?" "My friends are in there." "They look like they're alive." "Come on!" "Stay with me buddy!" "Man down!" "I repeat!" "We have a man down!" "I'm loosing a lot of blood man." "I don't think I'm gonna make it." "Quentin:" "It's non sense!" "I quit." "Come on." "You never gave up before!" "You've been wounded much worse in the past." "I was." "Sure you were." "We were in the Korean war together!" "Stared down the double barrel of a shot gun." "Next to you, Korean boy's heads were blown clean off!" "You were next." "Women and children dead everywhere." "If an American pulled the trigger on you, your headed exploded," "You went down proud Korean!" "I'm Asian?" "We're all a little bit Asia!" "Be careful Jack, they're affected." "Jackie boy!" "Who's the broad?" "It's Candice." "Hi Candice!" "Quentin Quentin, You want to put the gun down." "No." "Quentin." "Please." "Put the gun down." "How did you get into my base?" "This is my house." "I came through the back door." "Did you lock the back door?" "Of course I did." "What happen to Joe?" "Me?" "I'm fine." "Our base is under siege." "I was just telling Joe this isn't half as bad as to what him and I faced in Korea together." "Quentin, You all were never in the war." "What?" "He said I was Korean." "That doesn't make any sense Joe." "How long have you held them off?" "We held them off all day." "That's how we kept safe." "We boarded up these windows." "Where those come from?" "What?" "Those." "Absolutely no clue." "Hang in there Joey." "Hey is everyone ok?" "Oh I'm great!" "But Joe." "He ain't doing so hot." " What about Kendra?" " Kendra?" " Kendra my daughter!" "Where is she?" " Oh." "She ran away." "A deserter!" " Where did she go Quentin?" " She's go the crazies Jack." "Ain't nothing I can do about it soldier." "She smashed poor Trevor's head wide open." "Killed him." "What the hellt?" "I gotta find my daughter." "You need to pull it together." "We don't have room for sissys in this battalion." "She'll be take care of alright?" "That's my daughter Quentin." "Jack I'm so sorry." "You put it together soldier or I will shoot you." "Shut up Quentin." "There is no crying in war fare." "Don't take my things!" "Don't you ever take my fucking things!" "I'ma need you to calm down." "Give me that!" "Oh!" "Jack he's completely insane." "Jack is completely insane." "I have to protect myself." "If you don't put the gun down, I will kill you." "Kill me?" "Kill me?" "!" "Jack you crazy fuck!" "What is wrong with you?" "I have to protect myself." "In my god damn house!" "I'm gonna kill you." "Oh shit!" "The door!" "We got to close that door!" "Fire soldiers!" "I'll get it!" "No it's too dangerous Candice!" "Well you're just gonna have to watch the crazy asshole with the gun and make sure he doesn't shoot me." "I'm only shooting home intruders bitch!" "Ok I'm gonna cover fire." "Go ahead." "Ah!" "I got 'em!" "I got 'em!" "Candice get back here!" "What happen to my cover fire?" "I ran outta bullets." "Quentin!" "Oh I'm all outta ammo too." "I'm almost there." "Shit!" "Holy Shit!" "We gotta put something heavy in front of that." "It's not gonna hold." "Quentin help us with this!" "Quentin!" "Don't call him ok." "We gotta put him down." "He's affected!" "Alright hurry up." "We don't have that much time." "Aah!" "I'm trying!" "Aah!" "Quentin!" "Quentin where are you?" "Joe!" "What happened?" "He ain't doing too well." "You guys just leave." "I'll stay here." "We're not gonna leave you behind Joe." "What happened?" "It looks like it's time to put old yeller down Jackie boy." "Quentin no!" "Get off of me!" "Sorry about this Quentin." "Sorry?" "Sorry you crazy fuck!" "You're trying to kill me!" "Get away from me!" "Just put the knife down Quentin." "Ha." "I don't wanna hurt you more then what I already have Jack!" "It doesn't have to be like this Quentin." "Doesn't have to be like what?" "You're outta your mind!" "You're trying to kill me!" "You just killed your fucking brother Quentin!" "No!" "No!" "You killed Joe not me!" "You came into my fortress." "You killed my brother." "You bastard!" "Quentin, Your delusional Quentin." "So what if I am!" "So what if I did?" "He was wounded!" "It was the humane thing to do." "You told me to do it!" "No." "No I didn't." "Somebody fucking did!" "If you don't put the gun down I'm gonna be forced to take you out." "Daddy?" "Kendra!" "Kendra Baby." "Baby get over here." "I found the deserter!" "Kendra no!" "No!" "I had bullets after all." "Oh god why!" "Quentin!" "Calm down soldier!" "What did you do?" "She was a deserter and a murderer." "And had to pay the punishment for her crime." "She was 12 years old Quentin!" "Come on tough guy." "Put that knife down and beat my face in like you did that boy's face in." "Fuck you Quentin." "Suit yourself." "Get off of him!" "Get off of him!" "Oh poor for him." "Scream Jackie boy!" "Ah!" "You want to play too huh?" "Come on!" "Stop!" "Get off of her!" "So it's a brawl you want huh?" " We going to do this or what?" " Let's go." "Jack!" "Jack!" "Jack he's head!" "Jack!" "Jack!" "Jack!" "Jack!" "He's dead." "He's dead." "He's dead." "It's ok." "It's ok." "We've got to get out of here." "Come on." " No no, just leave me." " Non sense." "I wanna die with my family." "Take the knife and axe." "We're gonna need them." "Alright, I'm gonna have to let you go for a second ok?" "Ok." "Jack!" "Let me die." "I don't care." "Just let me die." "Come on." "Oh please, let me die with my family." "Candice you don't need me anymore." "Come on Jack." "Bye bye baby girl." "Bye." "Just leave me here." "I'm just slowing you down." "Don't be silly." "I am." "Listen, we don't leave people behind right?" "Alright where are the keys?" "They're in my back pocket." "Watch out watch your head." "Ok let me hug you." "No I insist." "There you go." "Are you ok?" "Yeah." "I'll be fine." "Well, Maybe all this will end tomorrow?" "What do you mean?" "Well today is 13/13/13." "Tomorrow is 13/14/13." "Maybe it was all just for one day." "God I hope not." "Why would you say that?" "Because that mean that I..." "I killed my wife." "My best friend." "And countless other people for no reason if they were going to be ok the next day." "But I was self-defense." "We could have waited." "I could have saved her." "So you want it to be like this forever?" "It's the end of the world." "So that means we are doomed to die one day." "Some sooner then others." "Well where to then?" "Well?" "Absolutely any place but here." "How about the next town over then?" "Yeah." "Maybe they're unaffected." "Truth." "Maybe there is... a couple leap year babies too." "Maybe." "I guess it's off to the next town then." "We're gonna make it Jack." "Jack?" "What are you doing back there?" "Jack?" "Jack?" "Jack?" "Jack." "Jack." "Wake up!" "Wake up!" "Wake up Jack!" "Please wake up!" "No!" "Jack!" "Jack!" "Jack." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Previously on ER:" "Look, Luka..." "I'm glad we're friends." "But I've got a dad." " Fingernails, tattoo, the hair?" " It's the whole package." "Well, I'll talk to my band mates and see if I can't pull it back a little." " You off?" " Yeah." "If you wait for a second, I'll walk out with you." "Okay." "Damn it!" "Son of a bitch!" " He should be in a nursing home." " I'd never do that to him." "You can stay here for tonight." "Plenty of room." "Actually, you can stay as long as you'd like." " Hey." " Hey." "How was your night?" " The usual." " Anything good?" "Uh, guy got his arm caught in a sausage-making machine." "Nice." "I'm not on until 9:00." "I can drop Alex off at school, but can you pick him up at 3:00?" "Sure." "After I get some sleep." "Morning." "Mom, I need ten bucks for the class field trip to Millennium Park." "Okay." "They've got a giant silver sculpture shaped like a bean." "If I don't get the money in today," "I have to stay behind and do homework with the fifth graders." "Okay, okay." "What, you've never seen a kid pee before?" "This is gonna bounce." " Whoa." "That's a lot of zeros." " Tuition was expensive." "No wonder you're still sleeping on Abby's sofa." "You know, you can defer paying off your loans until after you finish residency." " Not this one." "This is for my father." " What?" "Your dad's leaning on you?" "It's for my brother's university tuition." "My parents put me through school, so now it's my turn to help." "They can't wait until after residency, when you're making the real money?" "Is there something you need, Ray?" "How would you like to work Christmas for me?" "I'm already working New Year's." "Look, you do Christmas, and I'll take your New Year's Eve." "You'd work New Year's Eve?" "It's important for my mom to have us all together on Christmas." "Come on, I'll take Ramadan for you." "I'm not Muslim, I'm Sikh." "Oh, great." "Well, I'll cover whenever you want to take a Sikh day." " Oh, this is unbelievable." " What?" "Weaver's got a boyfriend?" "Only 39% of the staff has had a flu shot this year." "I don't want massive absenteeism in January." " I had mine." " I'll get one today." " How 'bout you, Ray?" " Uh, tomorrow." "My band's gotta play at Delilah's tonight." " Can't have a sore arm." " Sore arm?" "How about 100% compliance by next week?" "You have had some lame excuses for the past two months." "What are you talking about?" "First you had a cold." "Oh, yeah, then you were sleep-deprived." "Police officer got shot." "ETA: two minutes." "Where's the wound?" "I couldn't understand them." "The sirens were too loud." " All right, let's clear Trauma One." " Neela, Ray, Chuny, you're with me." "Mary, get some extra security down here to handle the press." "Do me a favor." "Give me a flu shot today." "What?" "Yeah, get me when I'm not expecting it." "Just stick me quick." "I got a thing about needles." "Paramedics probably have two IVs." "You can go femoral, if we need it." "Eddie Escobar, caught one in the neck." "Lost a lot of blood." " This is a "throw and go"?" " We were ten blocks away." "I'm Dr. Lewis." "You're at County General." "You should have called the paramedics." "We'd still be waiting on the street." " C-collar." " Board's ready." "One, two, three." "We're going to give you oxygen through your nose, okay, Eddie?" "Pulse is thready." "Take my keys, Gary." " It's okay, Eddie." " Try not to move." "Someone needs to feed my dogs." "Have an intubation tray ready." "And there's a filing cabinet in the bedroom with all my papers." "Yeah, forget about that." "You're gonna be okay." "Tell him, Doc." "Trauma panel, type and cross for six units, call X ray, get a portable neck and chest." "I threw up all over Amy's collage." "It was so embarrassing." "Oh, that's okay." "We see like 100 puking kids a day." "Really?" " Mom's here." "This is Dr. Lockhart." " Hi." "School nurse called my office." "Uh, yeah, they sent her in for vomiting and fever." " Is she okay?" " Well, seems like it's just the flu." "Are you okay, honey?" "I should take her to see our doctor." " Well, she's here now." " I see how busy you are." " Well, it's not that..." " You want to go see Dr. Ben?" "Look, it's probably just the stomach flu." "Let us run a few tests, we'll give her some IV fluid, she'll be good as new." "How long's that going to take?" "About an hour." " Can we move her to a real room?" " I'll work on it." "Oh, hey, Sam, this little girl needs a line and Tigan." "You'll have to ask Malik." "Excuse me!" "Excuse me." "Sub-Q air, but otherwise okay." "Come on." "Excuse me!" "Two units O-neg." "Looks like the bullet missed both your spinal cord and your trachea." " That's good, buddy." " Excuse me." " That's good news." " Sats aren't so hot." " He needs plastic." " Yeah, I'm all over it." "Eddie, we're gonna stick a tube down your throat to give you more oxygen." "Whatever you say, Doc." "You're gonna go to sleep first." "20 of Etomidate, 100 of SUX." " Everyone else okay?" " We're all good, Eddie." "You get the perp?" "Couple of double taps to the chest." "He went down." " Go for it, Ray." " What happened?" "Convenience store holdup." "Chased the guy into an apartment building." "Called for backup, the scumbag starts shooting out the window." "All right, there's too much blood." "Pulse ox only 72." "Okay, pull out and bag him up." " You want me to do it?" " No, no, no, I got it." "Give me a straight blade." " You cut yourself." " No, that's..." "It's nothing." " We should take care of it." " No, really, it's okay." "One more shot, Ray." "Ray?" "Just... give me some cricoid pressure." "I can get this." " I still can't see the cords." " Okay, that's it." " You want me to try?" " How 'bout you try?" "Crike tray." "Yes." "Betadine. 11 blade." "No, Sam, third drawer of the crash cart." " Get the trake light." " The what?" " You going fiber optic?" " Not exactly." "Got it." "Where's the scope?" "It's a blind procedure." " Great." "Who's in charge of this ER?" " That would be me." "You can stay here, sir, but you have to be quiet." "Okay..." "Bend the tip to 90 degrees." "Turn the lights off." "Pass in the midline, with the jaw forward." "Sats are dropping." "Shouldn't we be prepping the neck?" "When you're through the cords, you'll see a pre-tracheal glow." "He needs a crike." "That's the glow." "You won't see it if you're in the esophagus." "Okay, that's it." "Bag him." "Turn the lights on." "Very slick." "How about a subclavian?" "Okay." "Good breath sounds." "Number six gloves, Dr. Barnett?" "Seven and a half." "Sterile drape and finder needle, please." " I've got Mallory." " This is Eddie's fiancee." "Okay." "Oh, my God, Eddie..." "I'm Dr. Lewis." "He's doing okay." " He was shot?" " Once." "In the neck." "He's sedated with medication, but you can sit with him, hold his hand if you want." "I was playing around with my nephew." "We were wrestling." "Looks like he kicked your butt." " Is the rib sore?" " Right there, yeah." "Okay, Mr. Sakabu, I think it's nothing but a bruise." "What about my shoulder?" "Any pain when I press?" " It's more on the inside." " It's probably just a strain." "I'll have the nurse bring your discharge instructions." "Hey, hey, hey, I didn't know you were in today." "Oh, my stupid alarm didn't go off." " Rough night, huh?" " Yeah." "You okay?" "Okay, got a quick one for you, ready for discharge." "Uh... give me a couple of minutes, okay?" "Good news." "Labs are fine." "White count's not elevated..." "So, we can go." "Mom..." "Mom." "Are you all right, honey?" "What's wrong?" " It hurts now." " Where does it hurt?" "Right here!" "Here?" "So, tell me, does it hurt more when I take my hand away?" "Listen, I'm going to get you some medicine for that pain, okay?" "I need to run some more tests." "Start with four of MS." "Thanks." "I thought she'd be better by now." "Well, sometimes what starts out looking like stomach flu ends up to be something else." " Like what?" " Appendicitis." "You said it wasn't serious." "Well, it may not be." "I'd just like to have a surgeon take a look at it..." " You think she needs an operation?" " It's a possibility." "Oh, God." "No." "No, she's not having surgery, not here." "If she does need it, it's a very simple operation." " I need to talk to my husband." " Okay, there's time." "I need to do another blood test..." "You can't do surgery without my permission, right?" "Right." "One step at a time, okay?" "You call your husband;" "I'll get things started." " Hey, Ray." "Is Carter in there?" " No, just Lewis." " How's the cop?" " Stable for now." " What's in your hand?" " A chart." " Okay, the other hand." " A pen." "I didn't say I'd do it." "Hey, anybody seen Dr. Chen?" "Sorry." "Do you have any plans for New Year's Eve?" "You're not really my type." "Funny." "My band's got a party gig." " Can you take the p.m. for me?" " On New Year's Eve?" "Well, look at it this way:" "You won't have to go to a square dance by yourself." "Or with a date, or whatever." "You give my med student lecture for me in January." "Deal." "Suspect's been wounded and apprehended." "Do we have an ETA?" "No, I'm sorry." "They haven't called it in yet." "We'll be with the family." "Okay." "Ten-year-old girl, fever, vomiting, right lower quadrant tenderness." " Rule out appy." " Yeah, CT or ultrasound?" "It depends." "What the hell was that?" "What?" "Jing Mei..." "Oh, sorry." "Coffee was brewing." " You okay to work?" " Uh... uh-huh, yeah, sure." "What have you got?" "35-year-old, strain and sprain." "Chest and shoulder contusion." "Okay..." " You don't want to see the patient?" " No, I trust you." "How's your dad doing?" "Okay." "I mean, I've got a nurse for him 16 hours a day, and then from 11:00 to 7:00, it's just me." " So, you're not getting much sleep?" " No, a couple hours." "Hey, Dr. Chen, Carter's got a baby in status." "Need you for that suspect in that cop shooting." " How soon?" " Right now." "Multiple gunshots to the chest and abdomen." " Any vitals?" " No pulse in the field." "That's the son of a bitch." " How long was he down?" " Cops had to secure the building." " How long did that take?" " They made us wait 45 minutes." "It only takes 20 minutes to bleed out." "If there'd have been a second shooter in there, she'd be full of holes, too, okay?" "Two of O-neg on the infuser." " On my count." "One, two..." " Hold on." "Hold on." "He's cuffed." "Who's got the key?" " Not me." "You got the keys, Tommy?" " I'll check with Hogan." "Quickly, please." "Start on the paramedic gurney." "Betadine, 32 french." "Thoracotomy's all yours, Neela." " You're going to assist?" " You'll be fine." "Sterile gloves and a 10 blade." "First unit's up." "I need to lift the pris' arm to make the incision." " Where's the damn key?" " We're working on it." " Malik, get the bolt cutters." " Take it easy." "I've got it." "Can the officers wait outside?" "The suspect's in police custody and uncuffed." "We're waiting right here." "I don't think he's going to jump off the bed anytime soon." "Hook up the thoraseal." "Give her room to work." "You think he's got a chance?" "Why do you think they're letting me crack his chest?" " That thing's got to wait outside." " That "thing" is a service animal." "A service animal with fleas." "Actually, fleas have a natural aversion to minis." "Hey, Abby, Dilantin level's back on..." "Carter, this is Mrs. Gelden and her guide horse, Ruby." " Who should be outside." " We let seeing-eye dogs in here." "Our floors are gonna be covered with horse crap." " She's housebroken." " What if she spooks?" "Oh, we've been on the El, airplanes, elevators." "She can stay." "Thank you." "See you later, Ruby." "Dr. Carter, Officer Escobar's son is here." "Okay, we're-we're still working on his dad." "The kid's anxious to see him." "Let me..." "let me go check for you." "Thanks." "No, we're too close to the skull." " Can you stop the bleeding?" " Direct pressure for now." "Call Angio." "Maybe we can balloon the proximal carotid." "They just picked up his son at school." " Arlo's here?" " How old is your son?" "15." "I'm not his mother." "Arlo's from Eddie's first marriage." "Fine." "Throw down a fresh drape." "I'll be next door." "CVC's in." "Need a repeat chest." "Hey, Arlo." "It's not as bad as it looks." "It's okay." "You can come on up here." "What is she doing here?" "I want her out right now." " Uh, excuse me, ma'am." " Let's not get into this." " You shouldn't be here." " Mom!" "Mom!" " Get out!" " Can you just shut up!" "Okay, everybody shut up." "Officer, you and Mallory need to step outside." "I don't want to leave him." "Everyone gets to see him, just one at a time." "We're going to start X rays on your father." "You can say hello quickly." "Dad." "It's Arlo." "I'm here." "He can't talk with the tube in his mouth." "You're going to be all right." "Ray, take them to the family room." "Me?" "You're tough, Dad." "All right, honey." "That's enough." "Dr. Barnett will answer any questions you have." " Sam, check a second hemocue." " I think it's next door." " You got a rhythm?" " Units five and six are up." "Hold compressions." "Asystole." " How's his volume?" " Heart's filling well." "Too many holes." "We could try high-dose epi." "... with no pulse in the field." "Okay." "11:07." " He's dead?" " Yeah." "You just saved the taxpayers a million bucks in trial fees and prison costs." " What happened to your wrist?" " Oh, I don't know." "Neela, do you want to help Officer McWayne out here?" "I was gonna find some family..." "Why don't you get Officer McWayne started in the suture room?" "Sorry about the misunderstanding." "Some people are freaked out by little animals." "I'm going to clean your cut out." "I have a cousin who gets nervous around Chihuahuas." "Is she wearing sneakers?" "Yes." "It keeps her from slipping on the floor." "My husband wants her transferred to Mercy." "Surgery's on their way down to check her out." "We wanna move her." "You're gonna have to find a surgeon at Mercy to accept her before I can okay a transfer." "Whoa, whoa!" "Hey!" "Hey!" "Back off, Ruby." " Doctor, can you come to the phone?" " Yes." "Just one minute, okay?" "I'll be right back." "It's my husband." "He's driving back from Detroit." "Okay." "Hi." "This is Dr. Lockhart..." "Yes, I am." "You betta be damn sure you know what you doing there." "Mr. Trager." "M-Mr." "Trager." "I-I understand." "We will." "Yes, your wife is working on that right now." "We-We would never do that, sir." "I got paged about a patient transfer?" " Wendall Meade, Social Services." " Thank God you're here." "Sir, why don't you just get here as soon as you can and we won't make any decisions..." "Nice talking to you, too." "Little pinprick... and some burning." "Sorry." "Must be a pain in the ass having to waste all that time trying to save a scumbag's life." " He jacked a mini-mart, doc." " Looks like a 14-year-old." "Feels like a foreign body." "Something hard." "Is it possible you were shot?" "I don't think so." "I remember I scraped my wrist when I fell." " How about there?" " Mm-mm." "That's a loop of bowel." "I left messages for three surgeons at Mercy." "They'll call back." "How long can we wait?" "Eight to ten hours." " Hmm." "I can't find the appendix." " What does that mean?" "Uh, usually if it's enlarged, it's easy to find." "So she may not have appendicitis?" "Well, it's not a perfect test." "She could still have the disease even if the ultrasound is normal." "Can't you people give me a straight answer?" "I would say, based on her fever and tenderness that it is appendicitis." "Well, she said it was the stomach flu, and then she changed her mind." "Now you can't find her appendix?" "Transfer Center from Mercy wants to talk to the attending." "Finally." "Hang a gram of cefotetan." "Do you think I need an operation?" "Do I need it soon?" "Yup." "Can I have it here?" "Well, you could, but your parents want you to have it at a different hospital." " Won't that take a while?" " Not too long." "It'll be okay." "Why can't I decide?" "Because when you're a kid, your parents get to decide what's best." "The only way to stop the bleeding right now is by blowing up a balloon in his artery." "This X ray is gonna guide us to the right spot." "How does he get blood to his brain?" "Dr. Lewis?" "That's a good question, Arlo." "Two carotid arteries supply the brain, right and left." "Okay?" "If one gets blocked, Mother Nature has a backup plan." "It is called the circle of Willis." "It's a detour, but it allows the blood from the right to get over to the lefthand side." " I understand." " So, he can recover?" "Well, priority number one is to stop the bleeding." "If you're not wearing lead, we need to ask you to leave." "Okay I'll come get you when we're done, all right?" " Thanks, Dr. Barnett." " Ray is fine." "Okay, Ray." " Sam, Dr. Kovac called." " Did you take a message?" "Sounds like your kid got suspended from school again." " I may need to leave." " In a minute." " Dr. Lewis..." " Have them step outside." "I removed a foreign body from Officer McWayne's arm." " What's that?" " Feels like a plastic BB." "Could be what shot your patient, as well?" "I don't think that's enough to sever a carotid artery." "You sure?" "Officer Escobar was shot with this metal slug from the sub-Q, right upper trapezius." "Looks like a nine-millimeter." " Is that what the suspect used?" " I don't think so." "Nine-millimeter semi-automatic, standard issue." "That's what we carry." "Yeah, I can pick him up." "It's not a problem." "Stay at work." "Well, what is it about?" "I don't know." "The school didn't tell me anything." "What do you mean they didn't tell you?" "What did he do?" "They just said, uh, to come in for a meeting." " Well, is he okay?" " Yeah, yeah, he's fine." "All right." "Well, just call me as soon as you get back." " I will." " Okay." "Thanks." "I have a tetanus shot for Officer McWayne." "Oh, uh, they're being interviewed about the friendly fire thing." "Is it for sure now?" "Well, they found a pellet gun next to the suspect at the scene." " So he didn't shoot the cop then?" " Guess not." "Arlo, you should be in the Family Room." "Is that the guy who shot my dad?" "He was the suspect they were pursuing." " Can I go in there?" " Probably not a good idea." " I want to see him." " Arlo..." " He's a kid." " You don't have to do this." " Was he on drugs?" " I can't say." " Did he have a police record?" " I don't know." "Why would he do that?" "Why would he shoot my dad?" "Arlo, we're not exactly sure who shot your dad." "He may have been accidentally shot by a police officer." "What?" " But-But I thought he..." " This guy was only carrying a BB gun." "They won't know for sure until the ballistics tests are completed." "Oh, man." "One of his own guys?" "Arlo?" "Can we talk to you?" " Which one of you guys did it?" " We don't know anything yet." "Why don't we go and sit down somewhere?" " We're sorry." " It's not your fault." "It comes with the job." "There, our balloon is up, and the vessel is occluded." " Can we ask family in?" " Not just yet." "Entrance wound is dry as a bone." " Nice." " He's not waking up." "He's still comatose with a flaccid paralysis and an upgoing toe." "So much for collateral flow." "But you can repair the carotid." "Oh, it'd likely do more harm than good." "It's not a procedure that I'm comfortable with." " But if the wife consents..." " Uh, it's his fiancée." " Not her call then." " We have an ex-wife." " Is there a blood relative?" " Yeah, a son, but he's 15." " Could he be a mature minor?" " A what?" "It's when a kid's mature enough to make medical decisions." "Could be." "Okay." "I'll talk to him." "Get Wendall in on this, and, uh, find me if you need me, okay?" "Dr. Dubenko, need you right now." "Uh, keep his crit above 30, P02 90." "Ten-year-old appy, systolic's 60." "She's septic?" "Antibiotics are on board." "We're running in a liter." "Who saw her from surgery?" "No one." "Family wants her transferred." "That isn't happening." "Dr. Hong at Mercy accepted her." "Pressure's up to 70 with 500." "They're sending an ambulance." "I'm sorry, ma'am." "Your daughter is very sick." "She needs surgery right now." "Do we have consent?" "No." "She said we could wait." "In most cases we could." "This is unusual." "The infection spread to her bloodstream very quickly." "I'm sorry, Mrs. Trager." "We need your consent for surgery." "My husband will be here any minute." "I need to wait for him." "It's life-threatening." "Okay." "We'll "double doctor" it." "Wha..." "What?" "Two physician signatures can override your consent." "Sign it." "Sign it." "Let's go." "This is not what we agreed on." "I'm sorry." "I've never done this before." "No one gets in trouble for acting in the best interest of the patient." "Tell that to Dr. Corday." " Sorry, I was tied up." " Everyone, this is Wendall Meade." "Hi, Arlo." "C-Can he stay?" "If it's okay with Arlo." "Yeah?" "Okay." "So, the two treatment options." "We can use a catheter to plug up the artery with coils." "Like with the balloon?" "Yeah, and that would give him a 15% chance of getting better." "85% chance of still staying in a coma." "Or we can do surgery to reconnect the artery." "If we do that, that would give him 30% chance of improving." " That's a little better." " Yeah, well, it's risky." "Usually with surgery, half the time the patient deteriorates or dies." "The surgery sounds too risky." "Do you understand the choices, Arlo?" "They both kind of suck." "Can you explain them back to me?" "What?" "I need to make sure that he understands the options." "I'll make sure he does." "Arlo?" "Well, if we play it safe, there's a small chance he gets better." "If we do the surgery, there's a bigger chance that he'll improve, but an even bigger risk that he'll get sicker." "That's right." "It's your call." "What are you talking about?" "We've decided that Arlo's a mature minor." "He can make the decision." "By himself?" "He can't handle this." " Yes, I can." " No, you can't." " You're 15 years old." " He's my dad." "In cases like this, the decision has to be made by a blood relative." "It's the law." "How can this be right?" "Between you and me, it's not the end of the world, but the school board has a zero tolerance approach to what they consider pornographic." "What?" "!" "He brought this to school." "He was showing it to the other kids." "That might not be appropriate." "They have lots of cool electronic gadgets in here." "I don't think they were looking at the gadgets." "That your name on the mailing label?" "Yeah." "And you're Alex's stepfather?" "Not exactly." "I see." "But you take an active role in the child-rearing." "Yeah, I pick him up from school, and we, uh, do sports." " I took him fishing..." " That's great." "Alex and his mom, we've been all living together." "It's going well." "And how long has that been the arrangement?" "About a week." "Ray, do-do-do-do you have a minute?" "Hot chocolate?" "It's my treat." "I'm really sorry about my mom." "She's just looking out for you, okay?" "By freaking out?" "!" "My dad's lucky that she won't even talk to him anymore." "You okay with what we talked about?" "About your dad." "Last year, for the ninth grade prom, there was this girl Sarah." "Yeah?" "I was too afraid to ask her." "But my dad told me that you gotta take chances, or you miss out." "She was already going with this guy from the baseball team." "Two weeks later, she asked me to go to a concert on the pier." "Sounds like your dad's a pretty cool guy." "He'd want the surgery." "Okay, then that's what we'll do." " But my mom's gonna freak out..." " It's your decision." "And I'll back you up." "You will?" "Sure thing." "Abdominal pain and near-syncope from hypotension." "He was here this morning." "Dr. Pratt's patient." "Marina, find Pratt and grab the ultrasound." "He thought it was a bruise." " When did you get dizzy?" " A few hours ago." " Why didn't you come back?" " Doctor said it wasn't serious." "Pressure's only 80 palp." "Trendelenberg, a liter of saline." "CBC, type and cross for 4." "Sir, where does it hurt?" " Sonosite." " What's up?" "You sent home an unstable patient." "Damn." "He lacerated his spleen." "Call surgery." "Dr. Pratt..." "I signed off on this guy." "Hey, he was just rolling around with his nephew." " You didn't mention belly pain." " He didn't have any." " Did you even check a crit?" " It would've been normal." "His shoulder was hurting?" "Yeah, but there was no point tenderness..." "Free blood irritates the diaphragm and gives you referred shoulder pain." "You missed it because you forgot about Kerr's sign." "No, we missed it because you were too tired to see the patient." "So what did the principal say?" "Why can't you tell me now?" "All right, okay, when I get home." "Arlo's consenting for surgery." "It's all taken care of." " And you called it in?" " Vascular's ready for him." "Okay." "I'll sort the pre-op list." "All right." "I have to go pump before I explode." "Carolyn made it to the OR." " Who?" " Appendix girl." "Great." "You're busy today." "Declared a 15-year-old a mature minor, overrode parental consent on an appy..." "And took a kid away from abusive parents." "It's the triple crown of social work." " When are you off?" " Another hour." "Want to get some dinner?" "Thanks." "I have plans already." "Not-Not with anyone, if that's what you're wondering." "Not a problem." "You could come along, but I have to warn you, it's pretty physical." "Oh, yeah?" "Dr. Carter, Neuro's admitting my CVA in Four." "Thanks." "Abby, that's two to sign out." "It's 7:05." "I know." "I've been here five minutes too long." "Stroke patient, tele admit, and a cop Dubenko's sending to surgery." "You've still got three on the board." "They're all discharged." "Anyway, you forgot something." " Abby, what?" " Your flu shot." "You're welcome!" "Pressure's good. 122/76." " You feeling better, Mr. Sakabu?" " Yes, thank you very much." "Okay if the nephew comes back?" "Yeah, sure." "We might be able to get more history." " Are you on, uh, any medication?" " No." "Any allergies?" "How could this happen?" "It's a very unusual presentation." "You need enough force to break a rib that cuts into the spleen." "My nephew's a pretty tough kid." "He'd have to be to cause something like this." "My uncle going to be okay?" " Hey, have you seen Susan?" " She signed out." "Oh, great." "Uh, no, just page her again for me, please." "What do you need?" "I cannot believe Ray dumped this on me." "I'm supposed to be taking care of this cop's kid." "I have no idea what's going on." "He signed out to you?" "Why would he do that?" "I was in his exit path to the door." "Dr. Lockhart, this is Keith Trager." "Daughter has appendicitis." "Right." "Hi." "Uh, we spoke on the phone..." "Where is she?" "Her condition worsened and we had to take her up to surgery." "Okay, you were supposed to transfer her." "I know." "There wasn't time for that, sir." " Take me to her, now." " Okay, just one second." "There's a problem with Arlo?" "Ray said it was all settled, but he's very upset." "I know the case." "You want me to take it?" "Can you?" "Thank you." " Excuse me...!" " Yeah, I'm coming." "Arlo..." "Where's Ray?" " He had to leave." " When's he coming back?" "Actually, he left for the night." "He left?" "!" "I'm sure I can help." "He promised me he would help me talk to my mom." "I can do that." "Bowel grasper and stapler." "Pression's 122/76." "Oh, my God." "They're doing the operation through the scope, which means a smaller scar and shorter recovery." "So... sh-she's okay?" "It's not a complicated procedure." "Everything's fine, Keith." "Who's that operating?" "That's the Chief of Surgery." "He's the best." "Dr. Dubenko, the parents are here." "Oh, she's doing great." "We caught it before it burst." "What's that?" "Pulse ox probe slipped off." "Everything's fine." "You know, I brought my dad here for back surgery." "He never left." "Well, that's not going to happen." "He died on the table." "Some junior doc botched the job." "I'm sorry to hear that." "I hate this hospital." "Where's the other doc?" " Dr. Barnett isn't available." " He took off." "So, Arlo, have you decided on which treatment you would like us to pursue?" "I want him to have the operation." "It's too risky, honey." "It's what he'd want." "Isn't it better to have him around, even if he's sick, than to lose him forever?" " You should listen to you mother..." " Why does he have to be in here?" " He's your father's best friend." " I feel bad, too!" "I don't even know why we're still talking about this!" " Ray said it was my decision." " What, you don't want my opinion?" "!" "No!" "Tell her." " Legally, Arlo has the right..." " He's too young." " No, I'm not!" " Don't talk to your mother like that!" "Maybe if I reviewed the cases one more..." "No!" "I understood it the first time!" "Dad would want to go for it." "I know that's how he always talked." "He liked to take chances." "That's what probably got him shot!" "Look, we're not going to make any progress..." "I want him to have the operation." "If you approve this surgery... how are you going to feel if he dies?" " He's not gonna die." " He could die." "Are you ready to live with that?" "I'm trying to protect you." "I know you think you're all grown up." "Are you ready to accept responsibility for your father's death?" "Yeah, hey, Marie, it's Dr. Chen." "How's he doing?" "Uh, okay, well, go ahead and push another two of Ativan." "Yeah." "Listen, um, any chance you can work late tonight?" "Yeah, we're getting slammed and, uh, I don't think I'm gonna be able to get home till 2:00 a.m." "That would be great." "Thank you... yeah, thank you so much." "Okay, bye." " Hey." " Hey." "Sorry about Uncle Sumo's spleen." "Yeah, well, we caught it in time." "Who knew his nephew was the size of a Hummer?" "Didn't mean to snap at you earlier." "No, no, I was the Attending." "I should've seen him." "So who's the potassium for?" "My dad." "You know, you gotta go easy on that stuff." "Of course. 40 a day, for his diarrhea." "This should last me a few weeks." " Hey." " Hey." "That's a big wall." "Yeah, I'm in training." "For what, taking down PCPers?" "Triathlon." " Hey, Wendy." " Hey, Brett." "This is John." "Hi." "First time?" "Nah, I did this once when I was a kid." "All right, thanks." "Take good care of him." "See you at the top." "Let's go over to the beginner wall." "Is this how this this thing is supposed to go?" "Sure, if you want to hang upside down by your balls." "What's going on?" "The family decided not to have the surgery." "The family?" "We've been together for three years." "Don't I get any say in this?" "Hello, this is Dr. Rasgotra in the ER." "We're canceling the carotid surgery on patient Escobar." "Yes, I can hold." " Hey, John." " Hi." " So you two are dating, huh?" " Nah, we're just friends." "Well, that's how it starts." "We went out for a year or two." "Oh, yeah?" "Great." "I thought we might even get married." "Then one day she tells me she wants to start seeing other people." "Why do they say that?" "If you want to break up, you should just do it." "Is the rope supposed to be this loose?" " Better?" " Yeah, thanks." " Hey." " Hey." " Did you get back to sleep?" " No, not really." "Sorry." "Okay, where's Alex?" "Up in his room." " Want a beer?" " Do I need one?" "He brought this to school." "That's it?" "That's such crap." "Where'd he get it?" "You subscribe?" " I like the articles." " Oh, please." "So listen, anyway, uh... a friend of his had the magazine in the bathroom." "In the stall." "At school..." "You know, the kid was..." "Are you kidding me?" "Oh, my God." "Do you think that Alex is?" "I thought it would be at least a year or two until I had to deal with this." "Well, I guess I need to talk to him." "Yup." "So I'm here twice a week." "Any time you want to join me?" "Yeah, that'd be great." " Brett could give you another lesson." " Oh, he's quite a teacher." "Hey, see you next time." "Bye." "I've got an outfit just like that at home, but I didn't want to show off." "So, are you hungry?" "Um, no." "No, not really." "You got to eat dinner." "I think I'm just going to grab something at home." "Come on, you've been a good sport, my treat." "Okay." "So what are you in the mood for?" "I don't know." "Indian?" "No." "Chinese?" " Uh... sushi?" " Had it for lunch." "What about deep dish pizza?" "I could go for pizza." "I know a really good pizza place over on..." "Yeah, too many carbs." "Right." "Hey, I have an idea." "Okay, close your eyes." "Pick a page and point." "That's where we go." " What if it's a donut shop?" " Are you in this or not?" " There?" " Not there." "All right, right there." " And the winner is..." " Uncle Vito's Mongolian Barbecue." "What's that?" "Um, it's Italian." "It's Asian." "It's maybe Southern." "All right, close your eyes and do it again." "No, no, you made the rules." "Mongolian barbecue?" "Yeah, but it's in Downer's Grove." "We don't wanna go that far." "Well, are you in this or not?" "All right." "I hope they have tofu." "Officer McWayne." "They're moving him up to the ICU." "Okay, um... thank you." "Arlo!" " Arlo!" " It's okay." "Where's he going?" "Probably just getting a snack across the street." " He seems really upset." " It'll pass." "Well, maybe I should go and talk to him." "No, he's too emotional." "You can't talk to him when he gets this way." "I hope he doesn't feel like he was forced into this." "Are you sure you don't want to think about it some more?" "Maybe discuss it with him after he calms down." "It won't help." "He's not being realistic." "That's why we had to make the decision for him." "He's too confused." "I heard him express a strong opinion more than once." "You and I both know it was the wrong choice." "He was hoping for something that's never going to happen." "He loves his father, but I'm the one who has to set the limits." "Anyway, thanks for everything you did." "I'm not sure I helped." "When you let us work it out together, you did the right thing." "Yeah?" "Hey, can I come in?" " I didn't know you liked The Goon." " They didn't have Hellboy." "So look, uh, about today at school..." "Mr. Elmore is such a loser." "Yeah, uh..." "What happened with that kid in the bathroom..." "I just wanted to make sure you didn't have any questions." "About what?" "You know, about what he was doing." "Spanking the monkey?" "Yeah." "What about it?" "Well, it's normal, but... it's not the kind of thing you should do at school." "You think I'm stupid?" "At your age, it can be a confusing time." "If you ever want to, you can always talk to me about these things." "Okay." "Okay." "Good night." "So I heard there was an after-hours club at the Crowbar." "Cool." "Have you seen Kristy?" "Yeah, she's pulling around the side." "Hey, you're late." "We went on at 9:00." "How could you just leave like that?" "I'll meet you in the car." "I'm sorry." "What?" "You abandoned that kid." "I signed out my patients when my shift was over." "To Abby-- you should have signed out to me." " I knew the case." " You were busy." "You thought it was quick and easy." "Well, it got complicated, Ray." "How did it get complicated?" "The kid wanted his dad to have surgery." "Well, how long did you discuss it with him, two minutes?" "He understood everything." "His dad's not having the surgery." " Why not?" " Because you weren't there." "His mom gave him a hard time about it and he gave in." " Did you at least talk to them?" " Yes." "Well, all he needed was a little hand-holding, Neela." "I mean, God, is that so hard for you?" "Don't turn this around to make it about me." " You promised to help him." " No, I told him..." "It's not my job, or anyone else's, to keep your promises." " My shift was over." " He was counting on you." " I had a gig." " Screw your gig." "Medicine isn't a day job." "This coming from a girl who was selling hot dogs three months ago?" "I was off at 7:00." "Abby was off at 7:00." "But we were still there taking care of our patients." "You know what, we would never leave the hospital if we had to stick around to tuck in every patient." "I'm not talking about every patient." "I'm talking about one kid." "It was the most important decision of his life." "He trusted you, and you left." "Trascript:" "RaceMan." "Synchro:" "Bendef." "Trad:" "Bendef." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"[insects, birds chirping]" "This is where I seent him, Bubbles." "Right around here." "He ran down over that fucking bank right there." "[whisper] What?" "Fuck!" "Ricky, look at that." "Real Bigfoot poop!" "Jesus Christ, look at the size of it." "Looks like a shit cobra." "God, look, there's a whole bone in it, and some corn!" "Ricky!" "Ricky, be careful." "You're gonna spook the cocksucker." "We could make a fucking fortune off this, Bubbles." "Keep him in a cage, sell tickets on him like they did with Donkey Kong." "That was King Kong, Ricky." "No, no, his son, Donkey." "Remember that, the video game with him and his Mexican uncle, Lugi?" "I think they live in Hong Kong?" "Anyway, they're probably rich as fuck." "[unearthly growling] [loud whisper] Holy fuck!" "It's go time!" "[loud snoring]" "Ready?" " [thud] - [scream]" "[Bubbles] Crack him again, Ricky!" "No!" "Ricky, fuck!" "Wait!" " Wait, wait!" " It speaks English!" "Holy fuck!" "Sam?" "What the fuck are you guys doing?" "What the fuck are we doing?" "What the fuck are you doing here?" "Living in a cave?" "I had nowhere to go when shit went down with me and Cyrus." "What was I supposed to do?" "Why don't you put some fucking clothes on, at least?" "'Cause I like the fucking freedom, Ricky." "I'm fucking starving, though." "Please, guys, get me some food." "I've got 20 bucks, I'll pay you." "20 bucks?" "We're about to make gazillions." "There's a fucking "Saskatchewauntch" running around here." " We're going to catch it and sell it." " [sigh]" "No, Ricky." "This is the fucking thing people have been seeing running around the woods." "Oh, my fuck!" "Are you serious?" "I'm famous?" "That's fucking cool." "But I am fucking starving." "Seriously, I haven't eaten in two days." "Please, Ricky." "Please." "No chance, you hairy shit-lunch." "You fucked everything up on us." "Oh yeah?" "How about I go down where you're growing your fucking weed and leave the biggest shit you ever fucking saw?" "[farting]" "Fuck!" "Take it easy." "Don't fuck with my clones." "I'll get you some lunch." "What do you want?" "Oh, yeah!" "Chalet, man." "White meat only." "Extra fries... and cook 'em extra too." "Dipping sauce..." "And... and if the Festive Feast is still going on, get me some of those fucking sweet and salty chocolate balls." "Here." "Oh, you guys are the best." "Thanks, man." "I'll be right fucking here." "Oh, my God." "Did that really just happen, or am I just super fucking high right now?" "I'm sure you're super high, Ricky, but that did happen." "The metamorphosis is complete." "Sam is an actual caveman." "[theme music playing]" "[power drill whirring]" "[slurring] There you go." "Now I'll be able to hear you a lot better, Julian." "[blowing]" "What's that, bud?" "You want to share your drink with me?" "Sure." "It's a special day." " [object clattering]" " Sorry, bud." "You want to drink too?" "[in strained voice] That'd be so nice." "Me and Julian... alone at last." "[sobbing]" "[kiss]" "[Julian] All right, listen up, everyone." "I was hoping to sell the motel and use the money to buy Sunnyvale, but... unfortunately, that's not going to happen anymore." "[various disappointed groans]" "The good news is that fucking lunatic, Leslie, he's no longer there." "So, you guys can all go back to Sunnyvale" " and live in peace." " Huh!" "Live in piss, you mean." "We're not going anywhere, are we?" " [Julian] Look..." " No." "The motel's flooded." "It's going to be moldy soon." "It's going to rot away and fucking collapse." "It's just not safe!" "I grew up in Sunnyvale." "I care about it." "Just like I care about all of you." "And if you live in Sunnyvale, you are my family." "So just trust me." "Go back to Sunnyvale." "Please." "That's all I gotta say." "Well, fuck it!" "Let's go." "[mixed muttering] [slurring] Ah, Julian, you made me spill my drink, bud." "A little drinky-poo?" "Hey, you want to know something, Julian?" "I think I might have made a little mistake, bud... trying to keep Ricky out of the park." "Because things got a little screwed up, didn't they, bud?" "Because I turned my back on the fucking liquor!" "And there's only one fucking way to make it right, Julian." "It is not too late, bud!" "[weeping] It's never too late, bud." "Eh, Julian?" "All right, yeah." "Sounds good." "Talk to you in a bit." "Hey, boys." "How'd it go?" "Let me guess, there was no Samsquamptches." "Oh, no, we saw a fucking Samsquamptch all right." "But it turned out to be a Sam-squamptch." "What?" "Sam Losco's living in a fucking cave out in the woods eating snakes and squirrels." "He's the fucking thing everyone's seent running around the goddamn woods." "Are you fucking serious?" "Yup, and he's not worth a goddamn cent." "We're fucked!" "I'm sorry, man, that I fucked up..." "Cory fucked up, really," "Bubbles fucked..." "everyone's just fucking up." "Look, man, it's all right." "You didn't fuck up on purpose." " It's cool." " No, I know, but I do feel partly responsible that this all got cocked over." "You know, man, whatever it takes," "I'll do anything to help you fix this disaster." "You know what you can do?" "Go pick up your family, and take them back to the park, bud." "Pshh, I wish I could, but I can't." "You know that." "Rick, there's no one there to stop you now." "Yeah, Ricky, go back to the park, and be with your family." "That's a good fucking point." "You should go with him." "No, I'm going to stay here with you, Julian." "If you recall, I don't actually have a "home" to go back to." "But you should go, Ricky, it'd be nice." "All right..." "I will." "Thanks, boys." "Fucking love you guys." "Yeah, love you too, you fucking dick." "[sigh] I love you guys." "[Bubbles sighing and purring]" "You okay?" " [purring]" " What the fuck are you doing?" "Purring." "[laughing] Man-kitty." "Means I'm happy." "[purring]" "Try it, Ricky." "Feels good." "[purring]" "Purr..." "I thought I was just going to make a statement about how much of a friggin' jerk Leslie is." "But when we got there, he used his one phone call to call the real police." "And he filed sexual assault charges against me!" "Just for checking his oil!" "Mr. Lahey!" "Mr. Lahey!" "Mr. Lahey!" "[mechanical whirring] [splashing] [slurring] We gotta get rid of this liquor, bud." "Just you and me, buddy..." "Just you and me." "Oh, God, I want to be warm with you." "[weeping] Oh, Julian!" "Ahh." "[gurgling]" "So, what's the verdict, Julian?" "Now, I make this call, and we'll be done this afternoon." "No turning back." "What call?" " Fuck it." "Let's do it." " All right." "All you need is a signature." "Compliments of the house." " All right?" " Thanks." "What the fuck call is he talking about?" "What's going on?" "[growling] Julian?" "Bubbs, I didn't want to involve you in this." "But if we want to get the park back, there's one option left." "And it's fucking greasy." "[sigh] I don't like the word "greasy."" "You mean greasy or do you mean gree-hee-easy?" "Gree-hee-easy." "[sighing]" "You stay here, little buddy." "I'll be right back, okay?" "[bleating]" "Luce, Trin!" "Luce!" "Georgie." " Ricky." " Hey." "How's it going?" "Don't want any trouble." "I'm just here to take my family home for good." "In the car." "We're moving back to Sunnyvale." "What are you talking about?" "It's for real, Luce." "Colonel Leslie the fuckhead's in jail, and I'm moving back into my trailer today, and I want both of you to come with me." " Are you serious?" " Dead serious." "Come on, let's get the baby strapped in the car." "No, stop!" "Not a chance." "Excuse me?" "You let the fuck go of my daughter!" "Ricky!" "No, Ricky!" "Come on." "Come on." " [baby noises]" " There is not a snowball's chance in hell that that baby is getting in that unsafe piece of shit." " Is that fucking right?" " That's right." "I'm sick of this shit." "They're my fucking family, so I'm just gonna knock you the fuck out right now, you..." "Ricky, no!" "Ricky, don't!" "Calm the fuck down, dumbass!" "I just meant I'll take them over in my car." "You don't think I'm sick of this shit myself?" "I get it, okay?" "Lucy's never going to love me the way she loves you." "Go with your family." "[kiss]" " [baby fussing]" " Look, George... even though you're a dick and pretty much one of the biggest fuckheads in the world, in my opinion most of the time," "I'm generously sorry it had to go down like this." "I know how much you liked her, and it's gonna really suck for you, you don't get to bang her anymore." "But there's plenty of fish in that sea, isn't there?" "[baby crying]" "Dad, Moe is restless." "Do you have hair bear?" "Ah, fuck my ass!" "I knew I forgot something." "Well, what about Willie?" "They're both made of the same hair." "I can leave Willie with you guys." "I'll meet you back at the park?" "I'll swing by the motel and get the hair bear." "I can't fucking wait to tap that, Lucy." "Ooh, it's gonna be nuts!" "Dad!" "Sorry, Trin." "Slipped." " All right, see you later." " Tapping that, and I might even tap that if you let me." "[laughing]" "[Ricky] Come on, Willie." "You can't stay in here." "[loud bass music on car stereo]" "This is fucking greasy, Julian!" "Why are these guys even doing you a favor?" "They're not." "They think they're doing Steinberg a favor by fucking us over." "Stupid assholes!" "Tommy, get the fuck over here to help me with the porn tapes." "[Julian] Smile, you fuckheads." "You're going to get booma-fucked." "What if we get caught?" "We can't get caught." "As far as anybody knows, we're in a meeting with Steinberg right now." "It's the perfect fucking alibi." "Yeah, other than the fact you can hear us on this thing." "No, you can't." "I ripped the fucking mic out." "Don't worry, I thought of everything, man." "[Bubbles] Fuck, Tommy..." "[indistinct] ...freaking out." "[Julian] Come on, hurry the fuck up, you guys." "[Tommy Cyrus indistinct expletives]" "[Julian] Just fucking light it!" "What are they doing?" "Why are they so dumb?" "[sigh] For fuck's sakes!" "[Bubbles] Who the fuck burns down a motel like this?" "[Julian] Hurry the fuck up!" "A'ight, y'all." "This bus is old as fuck." "I know some of y'all can relate." "But it's not working right now, but we're getting it fixed." "But the good news is, there's gonna be some world-class entertainment, y'know m'sayin', while we wait." "Ladies and gentlemen, apple-dawgs and mahfs, give it up for my boy, MC Flurry." "Ah, yeah!" "[mixed cheers]" "Spit some shit, dawg." "Okay." " My height may be low" " Huh." " My bike may be slow" " Huh." "But when I'm rockin' on the mic" " That's right." " We stand fuckin' toe to toe" "'Cause I'm hard as fuck, bitch" "I ain't no hamburger platter" "I'm hard as fuck, bitch For me it don't matter" "'Cause I'm hard as fuck, bitch" "[Jacob] Fucking penis bacon, man." "I tell ya." "[Cory] Dude, what's up, man?" "It's okay, we're gonna get it." " What's wrong with you?" " I'm frustrated." "Why did the engine have to blow up right now?" "'Cause, you know what?" "This engine is bullshit." "But we're together." "We're hanging out." "So it's all good." "What can you do?" "Yeah, you're right, dude." "Sorry." "I wanted to get back to the trailer before Trinity got there, y'know." "Check it." "I'm gonna ask Trinity to marry me today." "I got this at Eon's." "Don't pay a cent for six months." "That's a real cubic zarcarbion." "Holy shit, dude!" "Man, it sparkles like a motherfucker." "Man, dude, and it follows you where you look." "I'm so happy for you, man!" "It's awesome!" "It does, eh." "I'm so nervous, though." "It's all I can think about." "I really don't want to fuck this up." "You won't, man." "You know what, I believe in you..." "Hey, Sifto." "Y'all want to hear a joke?" "Okay." "How many bitches does it take to repair an engine?" "How many?" "Apparently more than two." "[laughter]" "Get the fuck off the bus." "Let me and my old man do the job." "We ain't dumb, bitch." " That wasn't even a funny joke." " Shut up!" " Hey, hey, hey...!" " [mixed laughter, chatter]" "Hey, man, let me axe you something right quick, a'ight?" "Did you just call me a old man?" "Yeah, sorry, dawg." "Don't mean no disrespect." "Yeah, but you meant, like... like your old man, right?" " Yeah." " You meant I'm your old man." "[sniffling]" "I'm your old man." "I love a ma'fck." "We fam now, dawg, ain't we?" "I love you, dawg, I love you." " Love you too, dads." " [tongue click]" "Fuck off, you old white bitch!" "[mixed laughter]" "Hah... clownin' ma'fck..." "Seen?" "I'm an old man." "I'm an old man to a little ma'fck." "I'm a old man..." "Not like old... the way that you're old... [senior] Doesn't matter, J-Roc." "Come on, come on, come on, we need this evidence, Bubs." "[Cyrus] Could you buy a fucking better lighter?" "[Julian] Ah, you got to be fucking kidding me!" "[engine roaring]" "[Julian] That fucking thing." "[Bubbles] What the fuck is Ricky doing here?" "[Julian] What?" "Jesus Christ!" "What the fuck!" "Oh, my God, Julian." "They're going to see him." "[Cyrus] Oh, fuck." "[Bubbles] Oh, my God, Julian..." "[Julian] Fuck, fuck, fuck!" "[Cyrus] Hey!" "[Bubbles] What the fuck do we do?" "[Ricky] What the fuck are you guys doing?" "None of your fucking business, Ricky!" "[Bubbles] What do we do, what do we do?" " I don't know!" " [gunshots]" "What the fuck do you mean, you don't know?" "[Bubbles] Holy fuck, Julian, they're going to kill him!" "Ricky's too stupid to die." " That doesn't even make any sense!" " Yes, it does!" "We have to get that fucking motel lit." "Give me your sock." "What the fuck do you mean, my sock?" "Just give me your fucking sock!" "What do you want my sock for?" "If he dies 'cause you want my sock..." " [grunt of effort]" " Just give me the fucking sock." "Jesus Christ." "[gunfire continues]" " What are you doing?" " Give... me a light." "I don't have a fucking light!" "I don't smoke!" "I got to get to Ricky, man, we got to light this thing up." "Take the camera." " Wait here." " I'm not fucking..." "Just wait there!" "[sigh] Now my fingerprints are on this thing!" " [Ricky] You're dumb and you can't aim!" " [Cyrus] Fuck you!" "[gunshots continue] [shot ricocheting]" "Ready?" "Go to the car." "One, two, three." "Mr. Lahey?" "Mr. Lahey!" "Mr. Lahey!" "Mr. Lahey?" "[gurgling] Randy?" "Why are you having a bath... with a mannequin... that looks like Julian?" "[gurgling, indistinct]" "You filled this all with liquor?" "[drunken babbling]" "You want me to go get Julian?" "Why?" "[drunken babble, sobbing]" "Okay, okay, Mr. Lahey." "But, let's get you out of here first, okay?" " [indistinct shouting]" " We're going to put you to bed." " Come on..." " [shouting]" "Okay, Mr. Lahey, you're scaring me right now." " [two gunshots]" " Mr. Lahey!" "I'll go get him right now, Mr. Lahey!" "[drunken moan]" "[indistinct murmuring]" "You all out of fucking ammo now, dummy?" "Does that answer your question, pussy tits?" "[Ricky indistinct] ...fucking Tommy trying to burn down the fucking motel!" "I know, it's all part of my plan and you're fucking it up!" "Then why are you shooting at them?" "Because they can't know that I'm the one paying them to burn it!" "[gunshots]" "Give me your lighter!" "Why didn't you fucking tell me about this?" "'Cause I was afraid you'd fuck everything up." "Yeah?" "Well, now you didn't tell me and I'm still fucking up." "So what does that tell you?" "Move!" "What the fuck are you doing?" "The hair bear's in there!" " I need that!" " No, Ricky!" "Holy fuck!" "[Bubbles] Ahhhh!" " [roar of flames]" " Fuck!" "I'm coming, hair bear!" "You're not going in there, you idiot!" "I got to get the fucking hair bear!" "Get in here!" "Get in the fucking room!" "Ahh!" "Oh, my fuck, boys!" "This is the most fucked up situation" " we've ever been in!" " No, it isn't." "Looks like the three little pigs are serving up a pig roast for us!" "Boys, I got to get the fucking hair bear." "No, Ricky, just wait!" "What the fuck are we going to do here?" "We're either going to get shot or we're going to fucking burn to death, and both options are fucked!" "Just calm the fuck down and let me think!" " [gunshots] - [Ricky] I shouldn't be involved," " this is fucking bullshit!" " Just wait, listen!" " [helicopter rotor whirring]" " Is that a heli-cocksucker?" ""Live In The Sky" is going to loop around right now..." "Traffic seems to have died down." "Oh, wait a second, folks!" "Uh, breaking news, here." ""Live In The Sky" is reporting a fire at the Palliser Motel." "I repeat, the Palliser Motel is on fire." "Oh, fuck." "Tommy, it's a helicopter!" "I hate fucking helicopters, man!" "[engine ignition]" "[Steve Rogers on radio] Two little grease balls just drove off in a red car." "We're going to swing this baby around right now and you keep you live in action here..." "Cyrus is gone, but..." "Steve Rogers is out there in his excellent news chopper!" "Great!" "Jesus Christ!" "Jesus Christ, keep the door shut, Bubs!" "Holy fuck, boys!" "There's got to be a way out of here!" "Well, we can't go until I get the fucking hair bear back!" "You go outside and we get caught on that camera, we're going the fuck back to jail!" " I need him!" " We could use these!" "Fine." "If I can't go out there," "I'm fucking going through here." " [Julian and Bubbles] Rick!" "Ricky!" " [flames roaring]" "[Julian] For fuck's sakes, Rick, what are you doing?" "[coughing] [muffled] Where the fuck are you, hair bear?" "Hair bear!" " [coughing] - [flames crackling]" "Here, Ricky, put this on." "Why the fuck do I get the one with the dress?" " Just put the fucking thing on!" " For fuck's sakes." "Ahhhhh!" "[Steve Rogers] As you can see, the Palliser Motel is on fire." "And now we can see three not-so-little bears trying to make a getaway." "Looks like Mama bear has some kind of revolver..." "[Julian] Get in the fucking car, Ricky!" "They're making their way to their vehicle." "We'll circle around and see where they're headed." "I'm Steve Rogers, your "Eye In The Sky"." " Let's go!" " [Ricky] Don't want to break the law, now I get tangled up in this bullshit!" "[Julian] Shut the fuck up and drive!" "[Bubbles] Will you boys stop fighting, please!" "[Ricky] Well, fuck, Bubbles!" "Will you fuck off with you big helicopter?" "You're just showing the fuck off!" "Can't believe I got caught up in this." "What the fuck does he want?" "Sto-o-op!" "Stop, stop, stop!" "[Ricky] What the fuck do you want?" "We're kind of busy here, bud!" "Mr. Lahey's in a tub full of liquor." "He's trying to drink himself to death." "You gotta save him, Julian!" "He'll only talk to you." "Fuck!" "Fuck!" "Fuck!" "Fuck!" "If he kills himself, we're fucked!" "[Julian] Go, Ricky!" "Go, go, go!" " Come on!" " [gunshots]" "[Ricky] I'm fucking driving as fast as I can." "[Randy] Why are you guys dressed like three bears?" "[Bubbles] It's a long fucking story, Randy!" "Just shut up!" "[whimpering]" "[seabirds squawking]" "[fish] Fuck!" "Fuck!" "Fuck off!" "Fuck... [whisper] Fucka." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Previously on "Body of Proof"..." "I specialize in grief counseling." "Two people killed by acts of vengeance, and the only thing those cases have in common..." "Is you." "Megan, you're rather brave to come here all alone." "Aren't I a diabolical killer?" "Well, you only kill people you think deserve it." "I want you to have this." "It's my father's suicide note." "I need you to run it through the lab." "Why?" "Because I don't believe a word in that note." "My father did not kill himself." "(Door creaks)" "(Door closes)" "Daddy?" "I didn't want to leave you, pumpkin." "But like I said, this world is not for me." "(Gunshot)" "(Gasps)" "(Exhales)" "(Camera shutter clicking)" "(Police radio chatter)" "Dr. Murphy, I didn't expect you." "Where's Megan?" "That's a good question." "She's not returning any calls." "Well, that's strange, especially considering she feels she's the only M.E. in town." "(Clicks)" "All right, so what do you see?" "(Chuckles)" "Really?" "Mm-hmm." "(Radio chatter continues)" "Well, he's definitely a... a John Doe, and somebody wanted to keep it that way." "I mean, besides the number done on his face, both of his hands were removed to, uh, prevent identification." "Also, considering the, uh, animal activity, he's been out here... two days at least." "Any clue as to cause of death?" "Single gunshot to the upper left chest." "But there's no blood spatter." "He wasn't killed here." "This was a body dump." "Not bad, Dr. Gross." "Thanks." "(Radio chatter continues)" "Was this a test?" "Oh, come on." "Don't tell me you haven't thought about working in the field full time." "(Chuckles) It doesn't suck." "(Laughs)" "(Inhales and exhales deeply)" "Where are Tommy and Adam?" "Adam's canvassing with C.S.U." "I haven't seen Tommy." "Wait." "Megan and Tommy are both M.I.A.?" "Great." "(Cell phone rings)" "(Clicks)" "(Beeps)" "Yeah." "(Elevator bell dings)" "Good morning to you, too." "I was at the courthouse today." "Ran into Judge Klein." "Oh?" "He said your father's exhumation was granted." "This is great news." "How come you didn't tell me?" "I tried, the other day at the station." "Almost caught you before you left, but..." "Oh, you saw me leaving with Riley, didn't you?" "That's why you're withholding." "Look, Megan, the ball was in your court." "You took it out of play." "Didn't take you long to find another game." "(Buzzes)" "Oh, God, it's the office." "You would think I'm the only M.E. in town." "(Buzz)" "Listen, Tommy, this... thing with my father, it's fine, okay?" "I'm handling it." "In fact, I have a 9:00 A.M. appointment at the cemetery." "I'll meet you there." "I just told you, I'm... handling it." "Right." "You're not doing this without me." "(Exhales)" "(Machinery whirring)" "(Metal squeaks)" "(Wheels clatter, man speaks indistinctly)" "You sure you want to go through with this?" "Now the image you have in your mind of your dad, you can still keep that intact." "Whatever's in there... it's not him." "Megan... it's just what he left behind." "I need to do this." "Ma'am?" "Yes." "(Latch clicks)" "(Hinges creak)" "♪" "Body of Proof 3x13" " Daddy Issues Original air date May 28, 2013" "(Hinges creak)" "Okay." "Thank you." "(Truck door closes)" "What did you do, come by for a final look?" "No." "I came to see you." "To gloat?" "Well, you got your exhumation order." "Congratulations." "(Exhales, truck door closes)" "Daddy's coffin was empty." "(Truck engine starts)" "What?" "That is impossible." "You must have opened the wrong..." "I saw him." "I watched him go into the ground." "Someone came back after the funeral and removed the body." "That is ridiculous." "Why would anybody want to do that?" "To keep somebody from discovering the truth, that he was murdered, that his suicide was staged." "(Exhales)" "(Voice breaking) I am..." "I'm sorry, mom." "I know how difficult this is for you." "(Exhales)" "(Indistinct conversations)" "Sullivan." "Closed door?" "That can't be good." "Did you think I wouldn't find out?" "Word's reached me that you've been using the crime lab for personal reasons." "I just had a few people check out the validity of a suicide note." "This wasn't personal." "For Megan Hunt, I know." "She had a feeling somebody staged her father's suicide, that he may have been murdered." "So you've been tying up our resources on an off-book investigation based on feelings?" "Even I had my doubts, but we just exhumed her father." "The coffin was empty." "Somebody stole the body." "There could be other explanations." "Or he was murdered, and the killer is covering his tracks." "(Exhales deeply) Okay." "If you think there's something there, then see it through." "But no more back channels, okay?" "(Man) So your father used to work here at the university?" "He was a doctor." "Uh, may of 1977, huh?" "Yes, the patient files of Dr. David Hunt from the campus health clinic." "The university's good at keeping records?" "Oh, insanely." "The old head of the department was here for, like, a hundred years." "He was a total organization Nazi." "(Gate clatters)" "So, um, this is for a police investigation?" "(Megan) Yeah." "Like a..." "like a cold case?" "'Cause I devour those shows." "Um, I could really be helping you catch a killer right now." "Could be." "Wow." "Oh, here it is." "Box 5-0-9-6-5-4." "Huh." "It seems kinda light." "(Rustles file folders)" "You're sure this is the right box?" "1,000%." "Could I see it?" "But where are the files?" "Damn it!" "Wait a minute." "It's happening all over again." "Where are you going?" "I'm walking." "I need some air." "(Kate) Unidentified male victim, possibly in his 60s." "Both hands were severed at the wrist." "He suffered a gunshot wound to the upper left chest, which was a through and through." "So it's a wash on any ballistics evidence." "At least until we find the location where he was shot." "Which is almost impossible unless we have an I.D." "(Adam) And no hands, so no prints." "We can't run his face through missing persons because he doesn't have one." "I ran a sample of his blood to D.N.A." "And so far, we have zip." "So if he's not in the system, we're up a you know where without a you know what." "You can say "paddle," Curtis." "Boy, don't..." "Have you boys forgotten my specialty?" "Let me take a crack at him." "I may not be able to give him hands, but I can give him a face." "(Horns honk)" "(Indistinct conversations)" "Megan." "Please, you have... you have nothing to fear from me." "I... (Huffs)" "It's very nice to see you, Megan." "(Chuckles) No, you don't." "Don't... don't what?" "You really want me to believe we just met here by coincidence?" "(Chuckles) Look, I can assure you, this is not by my design." "I've thought about you, Megan." "I realized that because of our past, you might not be inclined to return to me for therapy." "I do tend not to take the advice of sociopaths." "Please don't." "Don't boil me down to that." "It's... demeaning." "Really?" "And I'm not just a bundle of daddy issues to you?" "No." "You're so much more." "But you must admit that you are..." "Still haunted by the death of your father." "You want me to admit something to you?" "I will." "You got away with murder, two people, at least." "And I know that you had your... reasons." "I even understand those reasons." "But I don't like it." "I told you things, things I've never told anyone before." "I have never betrayed your confidence." "You helped me remember why I don't trust people." "Because people disappoint." "They fail you." "That's your past talking, Megan." "Because you felt abandoned by your father, it's colored your every move." "Maybe so." "But it also taught me to rely on myself." "And as far as my daddy issues go," "I am taking care of those the best way I know how." "My way." "(Chuckles)" "(Exhales)" "Mm." "(Clicks)" "(Click)" "(David) Today is April the 10th, 1970." "What's your name?" "(Girl) You know my name, daddy." "Well, tell the machine, honey." "Megan Hunt." "And how old are you, Megan?" "5." "Okay." "I'm gonna ask you some questions, okay?" "For posterity." "What's that mean?" "Well, it means that one day, we can listen to this when I'm old and gray." "What do you want to be when you grow up?" "A bird." "(Laughs)" "What?" "(Laughs)" "You want to be a bird when you grow up?" "Yep, a red one, and I'm never gonna stop flying." "I'm thirsty." "I'm gonna get some water." "No, no, wait, wait, honey, don't leave." "(Click)" "(Sniffles)" "(Click)" "(Sighs)" "(Rattling)" "(Clinks)" "(Clicks)" "(Rattles)" "So this was your father's study, huh?" "Yeah." "It's also where he... where his body was found." "So with everything in the house gone, what could that key possibly open?" "I don't know, but if he went to all the trouble to hide it, it must have been important." "This was his favorite room." "You know, there's something I wanted to ask you." "What?" "Well, after my accident after the plane crash, you left me a voice mail." "You said..." "I need to know something, then it got cut off." "Really?" "Yeah, I... yeah, I just played it over and over again." "There was just something in your voice." "I needed to know what?" "Um..." "I don't know." "Uh, you were missing." "I thought something had happened to you." "We were all worried." "Oh, was that it?" "Yes." "Because... you know, if something ever happened to you..." "Tommy." "Yeah?" "Look." "Wow." "Never knew that was there." "It's one of the missing medical files." "Who is she?" "Why'd your dad go to such great lengths to hide this?" "I don't know, but I bet it got him killed." "(Indistinct conversations)" "(Exhales)" "I've gone over this file at least ten times, and I still don't know why my father kept it under lock and key." "But he was definitely Lindsay Pratt's doctor at the university." "It's pretty obvious she was assaulted." "Were you able to locate her?" "I really want to ask her what happened." "That's not gonna be possible, 'cause Lindsay Pratt is dead." "What?" "Murdered, 1977... she was killed the day before your father died." "It's a good thing you're sitting down." "You're not gonna believe who killed her." "Earl Brown." "Earl Brown?" "Why do I know that name..." "Earl Brown?" "Earl Brown, serial killer, remember?" "Killed four other girls the same year." "And Lindsay and my father died within a day of each other?" "There's no way that's not related." "Please don't tell me Earl Brown's dead, too." "(Tommy) Very much alive." "Convicted in 1978." "He's serving three consecutive life terms." "Mr. Brown." "Mr. Brown, we were hoping we could get a few minutes of your time." "(Door clanks)" "To whom am I speaking?" "I'm detective Tommy Sullivan from Philly P.D." "This is my associate, Dr. Megan Hunt from the Medical Examiner's Office." "Thank you." "The warden tells us you don't speak very much." "A testament to the quality of the company I'm forced to keep." "We were wondering if you could shed some light on one of your victims." "I see." "We realize it... it was a long time ago, but..." "I have spent half my life in prison..." "Ms. Hunt." "Memories are all I have and all I need." "(Doors clanking)" "I remember every little detail." "Who would you like to hear about?" "Teresa?" "Candace?" "Mary?" "Donna?" "(Sighs deeply)" "Now Donna... she was my favorite." "She had the sweetest little blonde curls on the nape of her neck..." "Tell me about Lindsay Pratt." "I never had the pleasure of meeting Ms. Pratt." "That doesn't seem possible, seeing you murdered her." "(Sighs)" "I did not end that girl's life, detective." "And it upsets me that the legal record states otherwise." "So I'm just supposed to believe you?" "(Chuckles) Well... look around you, detective." "I'm not going anywhere for... three lifetimes at least." "Ask yourself... why would I lie?" "(Door clanks)" "(Keys jangle)" "(Chuckles)" "(Exhales)" "Nice shot." "Ah. (Chuckles) Oh, thank you." "You're too kind." "Dr. Hunt, I'm guessing." "My office said you'd be coming by." "Mr. Fitz." "Detective, don't recognize you from the trenches." "Tommy Sullivan, recent transplant." "Retired myself, ten years ago." "We're here to ask you about the Earl Brown murders, since you were the lead detective on that case." "Hmm." "Well, that's been a while." "And it's well documented." "What could I possibly tell you that case files and court records haven't spelled out in detail?" "Well, the fact that Earl Brown didn't actually kill Lindsay Pratt for one." "After all this time, why would you suddenly believe something like that?" "Uh, we're just looking into a possible murder case from 1977." "We think it has something to do with Ms. Pratt's death." "And Earl Brown claims that he never met Lindsay Pratt." "(Sighs)" "Ms. Pratt was a co-ed with a similar victim profile to all the others." "Method of death... asphyxiation." "Not to mention that each of the victims had a postage stamp affixed to their tongue." "A 13-cent stamp, by the way, because he said that it was his duty to send the girls on to their next destination." "The jury came back with a guilty verdict without a moment of deliberation." "If you're pursuing this lead on the word of a convicted serial killer," "I'd say you're on a fool's errand." "Whereas myself," "I have more therapeutic endeavors in my immediate future." "Good day." "Thanks so much." "(Club strikes ball)" "(Elevator bell dings)" "(People speaking indistinctly)" "There you are." "We were getting worried." "You weren't answering your phone." "And here comes the big speech." "You know what?" "I cannot be at your beck and call 24 hours a day." "That is asking way too much of me." "That is not what I was gonna..." "and I know I should've called, but this thing with my father has..." " Yes, you've been looking into his death, I know." " Yes, I have, and please don't tell me it's a conflict of interest or it's way too emotional for me, because you would be correct on both counts." "And you know what?" "I don't give a damn." "And if you have a problem with that... (Drops file) I quit." "Wh-whoa." "Me... will you just let me talk?" "You're not quitting, alright." "I was just gonna say," "I know how important this is to you." "I would want answers, too." "Oh." "So take as much time as you need." "And if anybody has a problem with that, you tell them they can come see me." "Okay." "I will." "Thank you." "Sorry." "(Tommy) Hey." "Are those the autopsy reports?" "Yeah, from all five of Earl Brown's victims." "All five of them died from asphyxiation." "And all five of them were found with a postage stamp on their tongue, but here's the thing... the first four women died from a combination of smothering and torso compression." " Burking." "Sat on their chest and suffocated them." " Right." "But Lindsay Pratt was asphyxiated in an entirely different way." "Her jugular veins and carotid arteries were compressed on both sides of her neck... a lateral vascular neck restraint." " Sounds like an old police choke hold." " Exactly." "Okay, and Brown's M.O. with a postage stamp... none of this information was ever leaked to the press." "So... what if a police officer kills Lindsay Pratt, sticks a 13-cent postage stamp on her tongue to look like Earl Brown did it?" "(Exhales) Maybe your father was the only one who knew, that's what got him killed." "It's no wonder Glen Fitz wasn't very forthcoming." "He was the lead detective on this case." "He knew everything." "Or he was the killer." "(Tommy) Oh, Chief, there you are." "I've been looking all over for you." "You got a minute?" "Not unless you're here to tell me that you're dropping this business with Megan Hunt's father and you're ready to get back to work." "Exact opposite, actually." "Okay." "Go on." "We were looking into David Hunt's medical practice." "We found an old patient file, been hidden all this time." "He had treated a young woman who was later thought to have been murdered by Earl Brown." "The serial killer?" "Except Earl Brown says he didn't kill her." "The medical examiner's report comes back and said that she was killed in a different manner than all his other victims." "Different manner how?" "They were suffocated." "She was killed with a police choke hold." "Wait a minute." "Are you trying to say that you think a cop killed that girl in 1977 and blamed it on Brown?" "And I also think David Hunt knew something, and that's what got him killed." "Who was the lead detective?" "Glen Fitz." "I just want to question him officially, but I need your okay." "On one condition... you tread very carefully." "I don't want word of possible corruption leaking beyond these walls." "You got it." "Look at you go." "(Chuckles)" "And that smile." "We don't get to see that often enough." "You dig this, don't you?" "Well, yeah." "This is what got me excited about doing this kind of work in the first place." "It makes me wonder why I'm so anxious to give it all up." "What, to be a congresswoman?" "Mm-hmm." "Oh, you can't help that." "It's the American way." "Everybody's always thinking about what's next." "What about you?" "You subscribe to that theory?" "Mnh-mnh." "I'll be right here until I crawl into a morgue drawer myself and wake up in Heaven." "(Chuckles)" "Really?" "It's all I ever wanted to do, and I'm doing it." "Even when y'all drive me crazy," "I'm loving every minute of it." "And if you tell anybody I said that," " I'll sprinkle hemlock in your tea." " Oh." "Don't think I won't." "(Laughs)" "You're in good hands, Mr. Doe." "(Tommy) Okay, here's the thing..." "I know you want a crack at him, Megan, but you're gonna have to let me fly solo on this one." "What?" "This guy may have killed my father." "May have." "Now I know how to talk to these guys." "Do you want to nail him?" "(Scoffs)" "Trust me." "(Exhales)" "(Exhales) How you doing, Mr. Fitz?" "I know your time is valuable." "(Closes door)" "I just wanted to continue our discussion in light of some new information..." " Just say your piece." " Okay." "Dr. Hunt reviewed the autopsy reports of each one of Brown's victims." "You said there was only one cause of death for each case." "Asphyxiation." "Well, she found two modes of death." "Four of 'em died from burking." "Lindsay died from an outdated police choke hold." "Close enough." "Yeah, you see that's what I find hard to believe." "Somebody with your knowledge, your experience... why would you blanket two modes of death under the same signature?" "Earl Brown is guilty, believe me." "You ever heard of the name David Hunt?" " No." " He was a doctor who treated Lindsay for some injuries after she got beat up." "See, I'm thinking she was afraid to report her assailant to the police because it was actually a cop." "By the end of the week, both of 'em are dead." "Well, that's a pretty wild theory you've concocted there." "And just how do I factor in?" "Well, you're the closest one to the investigation." "See, you had Earl Brown on four counts of homicide." "So why throw the other murder in there?" "I see where this is going and I don't like it one bit." "Let me tell you something." "I was a great cop, twice the cop you're ever gonna be." "Decades of protecting this city, and this is the thanks I get?" "You feel the need to get in touch with me again, you do it through my lawyer." "No, no, no." "No, no, no." "You are not..." "(Slams door) squirming out of it this time." "So what, Lindsay was your girlfriend?" "She threatened to tell your wife, and you punched her, a little jab in the ribs, and then you what, had to finish her off?" "You know, I don't know who the hell you think you are, lady, but you better shut up." "Oh, yeah, or what?" "You gonna shut me up, just like you did Lindsay, and like you did my father?" "Okay, Megan, let's go." "You are gonna pay for what you did." "I told you to let me handle this." "He killed my father!" "I know it was him!" "We... we don't know that, Megan, and now by you busting in there, you basically just laid out our whole theory." "Now he knows exactly what we're thinking, how to counteract." "You were too soft on him." "Megan, it's just an interrogation tactic." "Ohh!" "So what?" "So what, that is it?" "No, it's not it!" "I got a call in to his former partner." "I'll start with him." "I'll talk with him." "I'll see what he knows." "This is the guy!" "We had him!" "Megan, we need evidence or he's gonna walk." "(Exhales)" "No, no, he won't." "Where are you going?" "(Door opens) Megan." "You got me." "This time it's no coincidence." "Wow." "Cornering me in the police station." "That is bold, even for you." "Well, I've got nothing to hide." "What do you want?" "To talk." "I was bothered by something you said yesterday." "You said you were going to deal with things in your own way." "And I got to thinking so I did a little homework." "You no longer believe you father committed suicide, do you?" "You believe he was murdered." "Do you have any idea who the killer may have been?" "But justice... has proven elusive, hasn't it?" "Even for you." "For now." "I know what you believe." "If you could just find the person who took your father from you, then that deep fissure in your heart will somehow be mended." "But I can assure you, even if that moment comes, the fissure will remain." "Because what punishment can possibly be fitting enough for the one who inexcusably robbed you... of what was so dear?" "There's only one just punishment, only one... possible outcome suitable... for a taker of lives." "It's not gonna bring my father back." "Did it bring your wife back?" "Did it mend the fissure... (Chuckles) deep in your heart?" "It most certainly did." "I'd like to help you, Megan." "Let me help you." "(Huffs)" "No." "No." "(Opens car door)" "I need to do this my way, the legal way." "You do understand me?" "(Huffs)" "Very well, then." "(Brakes squeal)" "(Engine turns off)" "(Keys jangle)" "(Coughs)" "(Dog barking)" "(Leaves rustle)" "(Sniffs)" "(Clears throat)" "(Gunshot)" "Oh, God." "(Groans)" "(Gunshot)" "Oh!" "(Pants)" "(Groans)" "♪" "(Sighs)" "♪" "Talk to me, daddy." "Talk to me." "What did you know?" "What did you see?" "Megan, how's it going?" "Oh, hey." "That bad, huh?" "Uh..." "(Chuckles)" " Anything I can do?" " No, I'm fine." "Thanks." "Wait." "Who's this guy?" "Oh, it's for the case I'm working." "A John Doe found in the park." "I reconstructed his face." " I'm hoping it'll help us get an I.D." " What happened to him?" "He was shot in the chest and both hands severed, about three days ago, why?" "(Rustles papers)" "Ah." "Look at that photo, the guy on the left." "One of the homicide detectives." "That photo was taken in 1977." "Now look at your drawing." "Whoa." "Look at the similarities... that heavy eyebrow ridge, the... the cheekbones, the diastema." "That is the same guy 35 years later." "It has to be..." "(Rustles papers)" "Glen Fitz's former partner..." "Wilcox." "Arthur Wilcox." "Wilcox." "All right, so what..." "what does that mean?" "What does it mean?" "It means... it means everything." "(Elevator bell dings)" "(Indistinct conversations)" "Oh, damn it." "Has anyone seen Tommy Sullivan?" "Chief Martin." "Dr. Hunt." "I know that Tommy apprised you of the Glen Fitz situation." "I can now prove that he was involved." "Three days ago, there was a new murder, all part of the cover-up." "Okay, I'm all ears." "(Sighs) Well, it's all back at my office, but..." "Would you mind?" "I..." "I just..." "I would really like to move on this." "All right." "Do you know the name Arthur Wilcox?" "Of course." "He's been around since I was a rookie." "Retired a few years ago." "He was Glen Fitz's partner in the late '70s." "He was just shot to death." "What?" "He was?" "Probably because he kept a secret for the last 35 years... that Fitz not only killed a young girl, but also my father." "That's quite a claim." "And you've got hard evidence linking Fitz to the murders?" "Not yet, but I will." "I promise." "Gotta hand it to you, Dr. Hunt." "You just don't give up." "(Thunderclap)" "Unfortunately, that's also gonna get you killed." "What are we doing?" "Why'd you make me come here?" "I've kept my eye on your progress ever since you had your father's suicide note examined." "I just never thought you'd get this far." "I still don't understand." "What do you have to do with my father?" "You don't need to know." "No, I deserve to know." "I was a rookie patrol officer, had this boyfriend I worshipped." "Except he left me." "For Lindsay Pratt." "One night, I attacked her, told her to stay away from him, but she wouldn't do it, so..." "I paid her another visit." "The situation got out of hand." "Yeah." "You strangled her." "And I called Arthur Wilcox." "I told him everything." "He was... (Exhales) he was a friend of the family." "Instead of arresting me, he told me how this could all go away." "Right." "Stick a 13-cent stamp on her tongue, make it look like the work of a serial killer." "I just had to get rid of the loose ends." "That's when I found out she went to your father for treatment." "I was afraid she told him who attacked her." "You forced him..." "to write his own suicide note." "You shot him... and then you dug him up out of the ground, like an animal." "All I ever wanted to be was a cop." "The thought of losing that... what about losing a daughter like Lindsay's parents, a father?" "You destroyed my family!" "And I've spent the last 35 years trying to atone for that." "Screw you!" "You can justify this all you want." "You're nothing but a cold-blooded killer." "If it wasn't for you," "I wouldn't have had to kill Wilcox and Fitz." "If you didn't have this compulsion to keep digging up the past..." "You killed Fitz?" "He never suspected anything back then, until you questioned him." "Then he called me, said something wasn't right." "I've come too far to go back now." "You are my last loose end." "Megan Hunt... just couldn't get over her father's death, so she's decided to repeat history." "(Crying) Please." "Don't do this." "I have a daughter." "For an intelligent woman, you still don't seem to get it, do you?" "I have to." "(Gunshot) Aah!" "(Thuds)" "(Thunder rumbling)" "(Rainfall)" "(Exhales)" "(Exhales)" "Thank you." "(Sirens wailing)" "(Police radio chatter)" "(Indistinct conversations)" "(Tommy) Megan." "God, I'm so sorry I wasn't here." "Who was it?" "Do you know who saved your life?" "(Police radio chatter)" "Philly P.D." "(Door opens)" "(Tommy) All right." "Nah, he's long gone." "(Lock clicks)" "(Crying)" "Oh, Megan." "(Sniffles)" "Ohh." "(Knock on door)" "Hey." "Sorry." "I know it's late." "Not at all." "Come on in." "(Sighs)" "Um, thank you..." "For... (Huffs) everything." "I couldn't have done it without you." "How do you feel?" "(Exhales deeply)" "I... can't even begin to answer that question." "I don't know that I ever will." "(Exhales)" "I do know one thing, though." "I've spent most of my life allowing my past to rule my present, a... and everything with my father, y... yeah, but... also with you, too." "And I've held the past against you for way too long, Tommy." "It's just not fair." "(Inhales)" "(Voice breaking) You're not the man that you were 20 years ago, and ever since you've been here, you've been showing me that over and over again." "(Chuckling) I don't even know why you put up with me." "I don't." "Megan." "(Sighs) Yeah?" "You're worth it." | {
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"Previously on AMC's Breaking Bad..." "He was out here with those feds..." "Shouldn't we maybe find out what he told them first?" "Get out." "Put the knife down, please." " Get out!" " Ah!" "Ahh!" "I need the police." "My dad..." "You have no right to discuss anything of what I do." "What the hell do you know about it anyway?" "Nothing!" "_" "You can come on out." "It's an actual store." "Mm-hmm." "I guess I figured Vacuum Cleaner Repair was a term of art." "If you would step right here on this blue spot." "Leave your luggage where it is for the moment." "That good?" "Sure." "What about this?" "I'll Photoshop that out." "Oh, Nebraska." "What's in Nebraska?" "You." "From now on." "It's gonna take me some time to get your new situation fixed." "Until then, you're gonna be staying here." "I got a place downstairs, out of sight." "It's not the Ritz-Carlton, but it's comfortable enough for short-term." "How short-term?" "Considering you got your face up on buses and billboards all over town," "I'm thinking, uh, two days." "Maybe three." "Only thing is, and I don't like to do this, but, uh, you'll have a bunk mate." "Oh, yeah?" "He's still here?" "For the moment." "He's a special case." "Gonna take some doing." "How's he holding up?" "You be the judge." "We will find Hank." "Steve too." "They're out there, and we're gonna find them." "You have my word." "Sir." "Call it in, get her out of here." "Move." "I, uh, get to his door, and I could hear music inside." "Like squeaky voices." "And I thought, you know, maybe, uh..." "I knocked on his door." "The music stopped, and then he was right there." "When he saw the gun, he thought" "Hey, Kenny." "Does this pussy cry through the entire thing?" "Just watch." "Kept saying that..." "You know, "You don't have to do this."" "His eyes were so big." "Such a bitch." "He won't quit." "...high-fiving, because it worked, then, you know, we turn around, and there is this kid on a dirt bike, looking at us." "Drew Sharp." "That kid that went missing up in White Horse." "It's him." "And then out of nowhere," "Todd, that opie, dead-eyed piece of shit, pulls out a gun and shoots the kid." "This is Todd Alquist we're talking about?" "He killed Drew Sharp?" "Boom." "Like it was nothing." "Hey, Uncle Jack." "Hold up." "I think we should keep him for a while, get a couple of cooks under our belt." "You seriously giving me this turn-the-other-cheek crap?" "He ratted you out." "Personally." "We still got 600 gallons of methylamine." "Meth?" "Who gives a shit about meth?" "We won the lottery here." "We've got all the money in the world." "You're talking to me about selling crank?" "I mean, this is millions, Uncle Jack." "No matter how much you got, how do you turn your back on more?" "You little... son of a bitch." "It's that Lydia woman." "You're sweet on her, you little bastard." "Hey, Kenny, you believe this?" "Hey, it's all about this right here, huh?" "Come on." "You can do better." "I mean, that one's so uptight, she's probably got a wood chipper for a coochie." "You stick it in down there, you're pulling back a stump." "Ah, what the hell." "Heart wants what the heart wants, right?" "Let's go back and watch some more of that crybaby rat, huh?" "How thick is it?" "This is mild steel?" "Uh-huh." "Uh, no, this would be cash." "What?" "Nothing." "Hey, you know what?" "Make yourself useful." "Give me a list of hitters, mercenaries." "Yes, yes, I remember." "You've got concerns." "Don't worry." "We'll take the time to vet them." "Make sure there are no undercover cops on the team." "Five should do it." "Providing they're the right men for the job." "I'm gonna hate myself for asking, but, uh, who are we hitting?" "Jack Welker." "And his men." "They murdered Hank." "They stole my life's work." "I don't know any hit men." "You know a guy who knows a guy." "Just get me the contacts." "Anybody in that world." "I'm paying top dollar." "We'll find them." "You mind if I give you a nickel's worth of advice?" "Just for old time's sake?" "You're worried about your wife and kids?" "Don't leave." "The way things are right now, some people, not me, mind you, but some people might say you're leaving her high and dry." "Some people would be ignorant on the facts." "Some people wouldn't know that as far as the police are concerned," "Skyler is a blameless victim." "No, no, no." "Go ahead." "Get it off your chest." "Go on." "The phone call was a smart move." "Kudos to you." "Odds are it was recorded." "It's gonna play great for a jury." "It might even buy her a mistrial." "In a year and a half." "Until then, if they don't have you, they're going after her." "There's no point." "She knows nothing." "Well, too bad for her, then." "She's got nothing to trade." "I hate to be a downer here, but there are two DEA agents missing." "Presumed dead." "You think the feds are gonna just let that go 'cause you hit the ejector seat?" "First thing they're gonna do, they will RICO your wife and kids out of the house." "That condo is gone." "Your bank accounts, they're frozen." "Her picture's probably on TV right now, next to yours." "Who's gonna hire her?" "Money's no problem." "Well, I don't mean to contradict you, but getting it to her, impossible." "The feds are just praying that you'll make contact." "Internet, the phone-- it's all tapped." "Hey, Mike was no dummy." "But every time he tried to get his nest egg to his granddaughter, it ended up in Uncle Sam's pockets." "So you propose what?" "Stay." "Face the music." "Hey, I mean, how much time have you got left?" "You walk in with your head held high." "You'll be the John Dillinger of the Metropolitan Detention Center." "How bad is that?" "And you bring a barrel full of drug money, maybe that soothes some troubled waters." "Maybe they let your family stay in the house." "After all, the house predates the criminal enterprise." "God, you think I want to run?" "!" "This is the last thing that I want." "This-- this changes nothing." "What I do, I do for my family." "My money goes to my children." "Not just this barrel." "All of it!" "I'm going to kill Jack and his entire crew, and I'm gonna take back what is mine and give it to my children." "And then, and only then..." "Am I through." "Do you understand?" "Everything good?" "Define "good."" "You're set." "Time to go." "You'll be a little longer." "I'm still working on transportation." "Change of plans." "He's coming with me." "No." "No, that's not" "We're going together." "I can use him." "I'll give you two a minute." "Hey, I'm a civilian." "I'm not your lawyer anymore." "I'm nobody's lawyer." "The fun's over." "From here on out, I'm Mr. Low Profile." "Just another douche bag with a job and three pairs of Dockers." "If I'm lucky, month from now, best-case scenario," "I'm managing a cinnabon in Omaha." "You're still part of this." "Whether you like it or not." "I'm sorry." "I don't think so." "You remember what I told you?" "It's not over." "Unti..." "It's over." "Is she even listening?" "Mrs. White?" "Are you following all this?" "Do you understand what's happening here?" "Yes." "I understand." "I understand I'm in terrible trouble." "I understand that you will use everything in your power against me and my children unless-- unless I give you Walt." "But the truth is, I can't give you what you want." "I don't know where he is." "All right, go and discuss this with your lawyer here." "Rack your brain." "And hope you can come up with something we can use." "4-17?" "4-17." "No activity." "Ma'am, is there anybody else in the house?" "What about your son?" "If I go look in his room, am I gonna see him?" "He's not gonna pop out and surprise me?" "If this guy takes his hand away, are you gonna scream?" "He's at his friend's house." "He's been there all week." "Please..." "Please don't hurt my baby." " Please-- please." " Ma'am." "We-- we got a lot of respect for your husband." "There's just something that we gotta straighten out." "Okay?" "We know that you've been talking to the police, and that's okay." "You gotta do that." "But you've seen some people." "Like that lady who came into the car wash." "The one with the black hair." "You said anything about her?" "You sure about that?" "I didn't." "The police don't need to know anything about her." "Okay, ma'am, I'm gonna need you to say it." "I... will... not... say anything about her." "Ever." "I swear." "Okay." "When we leave, you're not gonna go running to those police officers out front?" "No." "Okay." "Okay." "'Cause you really don't want us coming back here." "Don't." "Stay where you are." "We'll talk like this." "Okay." "So that thing that we talked about," "I went to Mr. and Mrs. White's house" "You don't..." "have to say the name." "Sure." "And it went really good." "I mean, the message was received loud and clear." "The message?" "Yeah." "Look, I know you did your best." "I just think" "Hi." "What can I get you?" "Chamomile tea with soy milk, please." "And I'll need more stevia." "Sure." "The person we're discussing saw my face." "You're not Western Union, Todd." "We can't just settle for you sending messages." "Really, if you'd been there," "I think you'd see it different." "We threw a real scare into her." "She seems like a nice lady watching out for her kids." "So..." "You're not going to have a problem with her." "I can pretty much guarantee it." "I wish I had your certainty, but I'm not like you and your uncle." "I'm just" " I'm not used to this kind of risk." "We're gonna have to take a break." "I" " I have 50 pounds vacuum packed and ready to go." "And I wish you all the luck in the world with it." "It's 92%." "I'm sorry?" "92%." "Truly?" "Tested it twice." "And it's blue." "Just like before." "92." "That's Heisenberg level." "He's not... with you?" "Well, next best thing." "Pinkman." "They're looking for Pinkman." "Well, they're not going to find him." "He's with us, and he's not going anywhere." "Ms. Quayle, this is what your guys in Europe have been begging for, right?" "I just think we work together... good." "We make a good team." "I think it's kind of... mutually good." "92%." "Ugh." "Mr. Lambert, welcome to New Hampshire." "All right." "Let's have a look at this place." "You got about a month's worth of food on hand, most of it's canned goods, but there's steaks in the freezer." "You got a generator outside, works on LP." "Ought to be enough in the tank to last out the winter." "It's only 15 amps, but that ought to do for the lights," "TV, and the freezer." "That's a wood-burner." "Ought to warm the place up pretty good." "Plus you can cook on it." "On the TV front, the reception's pretty much nil." "You got some mountains in the way." "Weather's right, you might be able to catch Montreal, but mostly you'll be limited to DVDs." "Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium." "Two copies." "I'm not much of a movie guy." "I'll make a supply run next month." "You want something else to watch, put it on the list." "Supply run." "$50,000 for a trip to Costco." "It's risk." "And risk is what you're paying me for, not toilet paper." "Risk and a 4,400-mile round trip." "Mr. Lambert, my clients and I don't usually have an ongoing relationship." "Normally, you and I would have already gone our separate ways, but you're you." "Where's the phone?" "No phone." "Up here, ice storms equal service calls, equal you in cuffs." "Internet?" "Same deal." "Also satellite, cable TV, drop phone, car." "You want news, I'll bring the Albuquerque papers." "Whatever you need, just..." " put it on the list." " Put it on the list." "Yeah." "Look, I have business to conduct." "Your business is your business." "My business is keeping you out of custody." "You are the target of a nation-wide manhunt." "Your face is all over TV." "You are the hottest client I have ever had." "By far." "It stands to reason you've got to keep out of sight." "And what's keeping me from walking out that gate?" "Nothing." "There's a little one-horse town eight miles down the hill." "There's not a thing on God's green Earth that I can do to stop you going down there." "All I'm saying is, if you leave this place, you will get caught." "And, I gotta tell you, if I find out that you've left the reservation," "I won't be coming back." "That is for my own safety." "You understand?" "Sure." "You know how to work the stove?" " The flue can be tricky." " Yeah." "I got it." "You paid good money for this." "You got two acres up here, lots of woods, nice, warm place." "Seems to me just the spot for a man to rest up, think on things." "If you look around, it's kinda beautiful." "You've been very helpful." "Thank you." "See you in a month." "Tomorrow." "Tomorrow." "Come" "That's not my chocolate chip, is it?" "You're gonna spoil him." "Hey, you awake?" "Huh?" "Yeah." "We had some Ben and Jerry's." "There's peanut butter cup and "Americone Dream."" "I didn't know what you liked, so I got you some of each." "There you go." "So that batch that you just cooked was 96%." "Kinda figured you deserved a little something." "Thanks." "Well, better get some sleep." "Tomorrow's gonna be a big day." "Got a whole new batch." "Hey, um, Todd." "Yeah?" "Would you mind, uh, leaving the tarp off tonight?" "Well, might get cold." "No, I" " I don't mind." "I just..." "I just wanna see the stars." "Sure." "Okay." "Thanks." "Well, goodnight, Jesse." "Night." "Okay." "Okay." "Okay." "Come on." "Bitch." "Go ahead!" "Do it!" "Just kill me now and get it over with, because there's no way" "I'm doing one more cook for you psycho fucks!" "Yes?" "Hi, ma'am." "How you doing tonight?" "Um, you're Andrea, right?" "How can I help you?" "You know Jesse Pinkman?" "Right?" "Well, I'm a friend of his." "My name's Todd." "I'm sorry to bother you so late, but it's nice to meet you." "How is Jesse?" "Is he okay?" "Yeah, he's okay." "Actually, I brought him with me." "Jesse's here?" "Yeah, he's right..." "over there." "In that truck." "Where?" "No!" "Just so you know, this isn't personal." "No!" "Whoa." "Hey." "Settle down." "Settle down." "Hey, remember." "There's still the kid." "I brought you a couple of cases of ensure." "Maybe put a little weight on you." "Jesus." "I can barely read this." "Ah." "Almost forgot." "Without a prescription," "I had to take an educated guess and shotgun it." "One of these ought to come close." "Oh." "Did you, uh, check on them?" "Is Skyler in a better place?" "Nah, she's still at that place off of Eubank." "Kids are both still with her for the moment." "Uh, there's no court date yet." "The news was talking about a grand jury, but they didn't say when." "I saw her public defender on TV." "Looks like a deer in the headlights." "Think I got socks older than him." "What are they doing for money?" "She's doing taxi dispatch part-time." "Leaves the baby with a neighbor when she goes in." "I saw her shopping one time." "She looks pretty good." "And she's using her maiden name." "I wouldn't take that personally under the circumstances." "Those working for you?" "Oh, yeah." "I took a run by your old house." "Uh, the auction's still pending." "They put a fence up around it." "They put up a fence?" "Seems like the place got to be kind of a tourist attraction." "Kids breaking in." "The neighbors complained, so the bank put up a fence." "You ready?" "Hmm?" "Yeah." "Sorry about last time." "It should go better now." "I watched a couple of YouTube videos." "It's all about finding the vein." "Give it to me." "I'll do it." "Here." "You-- you do it." "Big fist." "Tight." "There we go." "All right." "It's just... little stick." "That's it." "Okay." "Hey." "Pretty good." "There you go." "Think I had worse my last physical." "I will see you on..." "Let's see." "Afternoon of the 15th." "Stay a little longer?" "Yeah, I got a long trip ahead of me." "Two hours?" "I'll" " I'll give you another $10,000." "Please." "$10,000." "One hour." "Cards?" "All right, well..." "The game will be Seven Card." "I'll deal, since you are... encumbered." "One of these days when you come up here..." "I'll be dead." "My money over there." "What happens to it then?" "What if I ask you to give it to my family?" "Would you do it?" "If I said yes... would you believe me?" "You wanna cut the cards?" "No." "A king." "Two kings." "_" "Flynn White to the Principal's office, please." "I'm sorry to pull you out of class." "It's your Aunt Marie." "It sounds very important." "You can take it in here, okay?" "Okay." "Here he is." "Thank you." "Hey, Aunt Marie." "Um, what's-- what's going on?" "Hold on a sec, honey." "Son, it's me." "Please don't let on." "Carmen's nearby, right?" "She cannot know." "Son, are you there?" "Ye-- yes." "It's so good to hear your voice." "I" " I..." "I, uh..." "Son, the things that they're saying... about me..." "I did wrong." "I" " I made some terrible mistakes." "But the reasons were always..." "Things happened that..." "I" " I never... intended." "I never intended." "Listen." "Son, we don't have much time." "Is Louis' family still at 4848 Newcombe?" "Son, your friend, Louis Corbett, does his family still live in that same place up on Newcombe?" "Ye-- yes." "Okay, good." "Okay, he's-- he's a good kid." "He's-- he's like you." "He'll understand." "I'm sending Louis a package." "Now, it's addressed to Louis, but it's for you." "Your mother and your sister." "There's-- there's money inside." "About $100,000." "Okay?" "I think." "It was all that I could fit into the box." "It has to be a secret." "And if anyone says a word, the police will take it." "I wanted to give you so much more." "But this is all I could do." "Do you understand?" "Son?" "Can you hear me?" "Do you understand?" "You want to send money?" "Yes." "Good." "Good, good." "So you'll-- you'll talk to Louis, right?" "You killed Uncle Hank." "You killed him!" "Wait." "Wait, son." "No." "What you did to mom-- you asshole." "You killed Uncle Hank." "Listen to me." "You've got to listen to me." "Just shut up." "Just stop it." "Sto-- stop it." "I don't want anything from you." "I don't give a shit." "You need this money." "Your mother" "You killed Uncle Hank." "You killed him!" "Your mother needs this money." "It can't all be for nothing." "What you did-- Just shut up." " Please." " Shut up." "Please." "Will you just-- just leave us alone." "You asshole!" "Why are you still alive?" "Why don't you just-- just die already?" "Just-- just die." "DEA." "Albuquerque District Office." "How may I direct your call?" "I'd like to speak to the agent... in charge of the Walter White investigation." " Who may I say is calling?" " Walter White." "Hello?" "Hello?" "Sir?" "Sir, are you still there?" "You ready for that drink now?" "Dimple Pinch." "Neat." "You got it." "Hmm." "For us, it's always been science first, and" "Wait." "Would you-- would you-- would you go back, please?" "...more of a byproduct." " There." " Exactly." "What, this?" "Yes." "But just yesterday, your charity, the Gretchen and Elliott Schwartz Foundation, announced a $28 million grant for drug abuse treatment centers throughout the Southwest." "Charlie, the Southwest is our home, and we couldn't just ignore what's going on in our own backyard." "But I'm sure you're aware that there are people who suggest other motives." "Andrew Ross Sorkin of The New York Times wrote a column suggesting that the grant was a kind of publicity maneuver to sure up the stock price of Gray Matter Technologies because of your association with Walter White." "Well, that's not exactly the way" "To cleanse yourselves, so to speak, of having a methamphetamine kingpin as cofounder of your company." "Charlie, I'm glad you brought that up." "I have to believe that the investing public understands we're talking about a person who-- who was there early on, but who had virtually nothing to do with the creation of the company, and still less to do" "with growing it into what it is today." "So what was Walter White's contribution?" "You know, to be honest..." "Honey?" " The company name." " The company name." "We came up with it by combining our names." "Uh, "Schwartz" means black, black plus White makes gray." "It's Gray Matter Technologies." "Exactly." "As far as I can recall, his contribution begins and ends right there." "There are continuing reports of blue methamphetamine, considered his signature product throughout the Southwest, and some evidence of reaching as far as Europe." "So my question is, is Walter White still out there?" "No, he's not." "You sound very sure." "I am." "I can't speak to this Heisenberg that people refer to, but whatever-- whatever he became, the-- the sweet, kind, brilliant man that we once knew, long ago, he's gone." "But to be absolutely clear..." "Police." "Hands." "Show us your hands." "Show me your hands." "Chemistry is the study of... transformation." "What the hell is wrong with you?" "!" "We're a family!" "_" "_" "_" "_" "If you leave this place, you will get caught." "_" "_" "Why are you still alive?" "Go ahead!" "Do it!" "_" "Please, don't hurt my baby." "It's over." "I've still got things left to do." "Breaking Bad." "The Series Finale." "Next Sunday 9 at night only on AMC." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Then this is San Francisco?" "Yes, but is it our San Francisco?" "72 hours and change." "Plenty of time to find out." "Home or not, I really enjoy the vibe here." "People kissing like there's no tomorrow." "When was the last time you kissed someone?" "Wouldn't you like to know?" "Come along, Mr. Mallory." "Behave." "(helicopter whirrs, glass shatters)" "$17 for an apple?" "What is this place, "Inflation World"?" " I don't think so." " (sirens blaring)" " Where's everybody going?" " Man:" "Come back!" "(crashing, alarm bell rings)" "Mister, I got enough problems here." "I wouldn't do that." "Or you'll what?" "What are you gonna do about it?" "You're not even worth the paperwork." "How many times do you get a chance to do that in your life?" "Excuse me, sir, could you tell us what is going on?" "Mr. Moon:" "What's going on is the biggest sale in the history of discount electronics." "Now, how about a nice big-screen TV to monitor events as they happen from around the world?" "News anchor:" "In related news, residents along the West Coast continue to hit the highways today, clogging major arteries in a frantic attempt to reach higher ground," "And in San Francisco, the Union of Concerned Scientists, led by Dr. Lee Antonovich, met to consider last-minute solutions to the matter at hand." "What's going on?" "Yeah, what's everybody expecting to happen?" "You people just crawl out from under a rock?" " The asteroid's coming." " Asteroid?" "Yeah." "It's the end of the world." "We've known for months." "When does it arrive?" "What time, exactly?" "Friday, 6:20 in the evening." "Pacific Standard Time." " That's two days' time." " How long are we here?" "(beeping)" "Three days." "Quinn:" "What if you could find brand new worlds right here on Earth, where anything is possible?" "Same planet, different dimension." "I found the gateway." "(theme music plays)" " Rembrandt:" "Dagnabit, that does it!" "Shoot!" " All right, calm down." "Rembrandt:" "What do you mean, "Calm down"?" "I'm not ready to die!" "Who is?" "You miss the point, girl." "The fact that I will never bless this world with another hit single is bad enough, but to think" ""The Crying Man" might be taken out by a passing comet?" "Not a comet, an asteroid." "You, I don't even want to talk to!" "Come back!" "Rembrandt!" "Now is not the time to split up." "He is the reason we're in this mess." "We'll figure something out, but we have to stick together." "How, Quinn?" "Huh?" "How are you going to figure it out?" "Good question." "(sighs)" "No hard feelings." "I just need some time to myself." "Try to figure out what I'm going to do." "All right, let him go." "We'll reconvene here Friday night, 5:00." "Rembrandt, are you going to be here?" "Yeah, yeah, yeah." "Whatever." "I can't say I blame him at all." " Quinn:" "Now what?" " I don't know about you, but we should try and find our families." "Wade, we don't even know if they exist here." "Well, we should try." "I have no idea what the scientists of this world are doing to solve the problem." "Maybe we can give them a hand." "News anchor: ... safest place on Earth once the asteroid hits." "This set off a massive attempt..." "All right, cut along with Miss Wells." "Are you sure you're okay with this?" "Thank you." "Here's my address." "This is where we'll be." "Otherwise we'll meet back here on Friday." "At least... we'll be able to spend our last few hours together." "Professor:" "Until then." "Mr. Moon, is your computer on the internet?" "It'll cost you." "(camera shutter clicks)" "Man:" "The object known as "2956 Yeoman"" "is 10.36 miles in diameter, traveling at a speed of 43,000 miles per hour on an unalterable collision course with the westernmost portion of the United States." "(crowd murmurs, camera shutter clicks)" "Contrary to some of the blandishments being issued by our government, the asteroid will not bypass the Earth." "It cannot be brought down by missiles, and it will not shatter into smaller meteors when it enters the atmosphere." "2956 Yeoman... is coming." "And it is significantly larger than the asteroid that struck the Yucatan 65 million years ago, to which we attribute the extinction of the dinosaurs." " What about nuclear weapons?" " Guard:" "Hey, you, come on!" "Get back, man!" "Bennish?" "We got to try the atomic bomb!" "It's our only chance." "Einstein made a mistake!" "You are the only physicist in the world who believes that." "Einstein, Fermi and Oppenheimer explained their failures with the adiabiatic theory." "There isn't enough fissionable material available in nature." "Re-read my analysis, Dr. Antonovich." "The detonator was misaligned." " Let me go!" " Take it easy." "When you have a credible theory we will listen to you." "The end of the world's on your head, man!" "It's on you!" "It's on you!" "You bystander!" "Ladies and gentlemen, please." "Bennish:" "Damn." "Can I help you?" "Don't touch my stuff!" "(chuckles)" "No matter how far I travel, Mr. Bennish, you are always a thorn in my flesh." "And who are you, anyway?" "Let's just call me a fellow scientist." "Did I understand this debate correctly?" "The Trinity Program... the first test of a nuclear device, was a failure?" "Not much of a scientist if you don't know that." "And Einstein attributed this failure to the fact that there was not enough uranium in the world to build a successful bomb?" "Right..." ""The adiabatic limit. "" "And thus the world was spared." " Brilliant." " Uh-uh." "Bogus." "That's what I've been trying to say." "Can I have a look at that?" "What for?" "Because, Mr. Bennish," "I believe that you are a genius." "(sirens wailing, helicopter whirrs)" "Man on P. A:" "Attention, attention." "52 hours to impact." "Attention, attention." "52 hours to impact." "Can I help you, son?" "I haven't been inside a church in quite a while." " No time like the present." " Yeah, I was..." "I was just thinking that we might be meeting our end soon, I'm a long way from home." "I was hoping you might have some answers." "Providing answers is a tall order." "What I tell my parishioners is, live these last few days to their fullest potential." "God loves you, son, count on that." "Yeah, I hope you're right." "If not, I'll find out soon enough." "You say you're a long way from home." "Perhaps we can provide the community that you seek." "(laughing) Church work?" "(laughing) Oh, God." "Helping others is the first step towards helping yourself." "Well, thanks, Rev, but I don't think that's for me." "Not with these being the last hours and all." "I... sort of need to kick out the jams, you know?" "(chuckles)" "I understand." "Woman:" "Go ahead, son." "Okay." "Hi, Justin." "It's all here." "See?" "Einstein's letter to Roosevelt in 1944 saying the bomb was impossible." "How did you get hold of this incredible archive?" "I told you, dude, I'm a doctoral candidate." "I know more about Einstein than Mrs. Einstein." "I've even got the prototype." "You've got the prototype of the..." "Here?" "In San Francisco?" "Ready, willing and able." " Fat Boy." " I beg your pardon?" ""Fat Boy. " The name of the bomb is "Fat Boy. "" "The name of the bomb was "Fat Man," you blistering idiot." "The schematics seemed to track until I got my hands on the real deal and opened up the housing." "Do you mean to say they actually allowed you to touch the bomb?" "Yeah, sure." "Sort of." "It's a museum piece to them, gathering dust with a sign on it that said, "Einstein's Folly. "" "Mr. Bennish, appalling as this thought may be, you and I are going to be spending a lot of time together." "No way, chief." "I got a girlfriend." "Don't be an idiot!" "You and I are going to make an atom bomb." "(shouting, chatter, helicopter whirrs)" "(police radio chatter)" "What are you looking at?" "What, you couldn't wait until tomorrow, man?" " You're going to die anyway." " I didn't see you." "Hey, Jimmy, get her a size seven, huh?" "Driver:" "You like, huh?" "We plucked her right out of the emergency room, man." "She's got all the tranquilizers you can eat!" "(alarm bell ringing)" "All sales are final!" "(laughs)" "So... where are you guys going?" "End-of-the-world blowout on Nob Hill." "The more the merrier!" "You coming, man?" "What's the name, man?" "Rembrandt." "Okay, guys, let's make room for Rembrandt." "Whoo!" "All right!" "Let's go!" "(bolt clicks)" "The key's under the mat." "That's a good sign." "What if they come back?" "They probably went down to Carmel to be with my grandparents." "If my family doesn't exist on this world," " what makes you think that yours does?" " There's my picture." "Oh, nice haircut." "You know what this means?" "If I live here..." "Quinn:" "This place hasn't been used in years." "Maybe some of my equipment is still here, though." "Let's hope so." "What?" "Dinosaur stuff?" "It's not a complete inconsistency." "I've always been into paleontology." "It's here." "The other Quinn's a slider." "They must've slid off this Earth to get away from the asteroid." "Maybe, but I can't tell what he did or how far he got till I check out some of the equipment." "Yeah, but there's a chance...?" "It's our only chance." "Very interesting, Mr. Bennish." "Very interesting." "Bennish:" "You ain't seen nothing yet." " My God." " Beauty, huh?" "Roosevelt was hoping they could use it to blow up Japan." "Second World War might've ended five years earlier, saved a lot of lives." "Mr. Bennish... do you have any idea of the incredible destructive power that lies dormant under our fingertips?" "Do we have the right to unleash the nuclear genie on an unsuspecting world?" "Yeah, well, it's not going to be a world if we don't..." "You are absolutely right." "I have studied nuclear physics." "I believe I have a solution." "You are quite right about the detonator." "We have to focus the shockwaves." "Focus them?" "Yes... follow my reasoning." "The explosives on the outer shell cannot produce a sufficient implosion to detonate the core." "Why?" "Because the shockwaves do not arrive simultaneously." "Now, we create "lenses. "" "Bits of metal of differing densities to slow down the fast ones so they all arrive simultaneously." "Of course, the densities of the metal and the shapes are quite critical." "How are we going to do that?" "Trial and error?" "Oh, no, no." "It's all up here, Mr. Bennish." "Now, we're going to need aluminum, lead... beryllium if they have some." "Let's see what else." "The lens focuses the shockwaves sufficient to cause a chain reaction..." "Whoa!" "I beg your pardon?" "Do you realize what you've done?" "At the moment, Mr. Bennish, we have done nothing." "But I do believe that we have a chance of retrofitting this old brute, providing we can get the lenses made and act expeditiously." "Unreal." "We'll... we'll share the patent, right?" "(chuckles) Mr. Bennish, if we are successful," "I'm sure there will be enough credit to go around." "And if we are not, there will not be another major lifeform on this planet for about 100 million years." " I trust you, dude." " You do, Mr. Bennish?" " Huh!" "Awesome." " All right!" "411?" "(loud music playing)" "Hey, who's place is this?" "Who cares?" "What're you worried about, the resale value?" "But people are packed in here like sardines." "Hey, Remmy, lighten up, man." "Eternity is forever." "We got 24 hours left." "I'm gonna party with every girl in this joint." "Having fun?" "I am now." " Caroline Fontaine." " Rembrandt Brown." " Really?" "Like the painter?" " No, like the singer." "Look out!" "(screaming)" "Man, he's trashing the place." "Don't worry about it." "It's my house." " Hey, what's up?" " This is Rembrandt." "This is Adam, my husband." "Hey, Rembrandt, welcome." "Mi casa es su casa, right?" "Whatever." "Rembrandt was just about to ask me to dance." "Yeah?" "Well, she's all yours, man." "(sighs)" "(sizzles)" " All I could find was aluminum foil." " That'll do." "How's it going?" "Getting there." "Is there anything else that I can do?" "Quinn?" "What time is it?" "It's after 2:00." "You've been working eight hours straight." "Oh, come here." "I got to show you something." "...incredible discovery today." "I'm closing in on an infiltration of the space-time continuum." "Soon I may be able to voyage back through the centuries to the land of the allosaurus and the brachiothyx." "Maybe even to the dawn of time itself." "Could you imagine?" "Basically the guy was heavy into the dinosaurs." "He was working on time travel." "We don't want to go back in time, we want to go home." "I don't even think time travel's possible." "That's not the point." "If we can reconfigure the internals and then sync the timer to the new frequency, maybe there'll be enough kick to accelerate us out of here." "(laughs)" "What's wrong?" "We've got 16 hours left." "Has it ever occurred to you that maybe we could talk to one another?" "Maybe discuss how we feel about all this?" "You're right." "Just give me a half an hour and then I'll take a break." "Around the globe, the world braced for the apocalypse with an unprecedented show of peace and amity." "In Belfast, Ireland, Catholics and Protestants" " shared a morning of prayer." " (kettle whistling)" "Elsewhere, in Bosnia-Herzegovina, the six-month truce between Serbs and Muslims continued to hold." "Not so in the occupied West Bank, however, where Israelis and Palestinians greeted the second-to-last day with renewed violence." "Meanwhile, at the Vatican, doctors forced Pope John Paul II to rest after he delivered..." "Here we go." "(engine whines)" "(buzzing)" "No, no, no!" "(whining slows)" "Quinn?" "Are you okay?" "Now what?" "Quinn:" "It's fried." "It was our only chance." "Wade:" "Don't worry." "We'll be okay." "You tried." "You did everything you could." "We wouldn't be in this mess if I knew what the hell I was doing." "I'm the one that wanted to slide, remember?" "Our little "spin around the universe"?" "Quinn..." "please sit down." "(sighs)" "Hey, look at me." "I have no regrets." "Understand?" "Yeah." "Yeah, I miss my family, and of course I don't want to die, but I have done more and seen more since we started sliding then I ever imagined possible." "I don't know, maybe I'm crazy, but I really feel connected to all those other Wades out there." "They're all me." "If I die here, at least I know they're going to go on." "(loud metal music playing)" "Will you shut up that bloody noise?" "The fate of the entire world is in my hands and I feel as if I've got guitars exploding in my head." "Oh, sorry, man." "Why don't I put on something a little more mellow?" " (loud guitars playing) - (screams)" "(music stops)" "I could've finished these calculations half an hour ago if I didn't have to put up with this cacophonous wailing!" "Yeah, well, you better pick up the pace, bro', 'cause that asteroid's not going any slower." "Well, it's amazing I can actually add two to two with you in the same room, Mr. Bennish." "You know, Max, I've been thinking." "If this thing really works and we live past tomorrow... it opens up all kinds of possibilities." "Nuclear cars, nuclear power plants." "Electricity so cheap it'll cost pennies a month." "Yes, and what about nuclear waste, Bennish?" "Put it in a rocket... shoot it straight into the sun." "Pow!" "Oh, that's a good one." "Yes, the rocket fails, you dump thousands and thousands of pounds of radioactivity on the general population." "So bury it or dump it in the ocean." "What's the big deal?" "We'll figure something out." "Oh, I'm sure you will, Bennish." "I'm sure you will." "Who's going to say no to us anyway, man?" "We've got the atom bomb." "(mimics whistling warhead)" "(mimics explosion)" " I got to whizz." " Again?" "It's all that cream soda, man." "Man on P. A:" "Attention, attention." "26 hours to impact." "Attention, attention." "26 hours to impact." "(music playing)" "Oh,sugar-pie,honeybunch, you know that I love you" "Can'thelpmyself" "Iloveyou and nobody else" "Oh,inandout my life" "Youcomeandyou go" "Leavingallyourpictures behind me" "I'vekissed'em a thousand times" "Yeah,whenyoucallmyname girl, it starts to flame" "Burnin'inmy heart, tearing' it all apart" "NomatterhowItry, your love I cannot hide, baby." "Rembrandt Brown!" " (cheering)" " All right, everybody, there's only 13 hours left, so let's party!" "There's no tomorrow!" " Rembrandt:" "Hey, what's going on?" " Jimmy:" "Party games." "Hey, man, I hope that thing isn't loaded." "Just one in the chamber." "And that's the fun of it." "Your turn, rich man." "Oooh." " Adam, don't." " Cool it, baby, cool it." "But I'm touched." "Truly I am." "I'm very touched." "Why don't you do it for me?" "Do it for us, baby." "Do it for me." " I mean, I know you want to." " Don't be ridiculous." "Why?" "We're all going to die anyway." "Come on, baby." "What the hell do you think you're doing?" "What the hell is wrong with you, huh?" " She's your wife." " So?" "So what?" "We're in this game together, right?" "Let's go, Caroline, okay?" "Let's just leave here." "(laughs) You're welcome to her, man." "You're both losers." "That'd be mine." "Well, don't hurt yourself." "Oh, I won't." "You have fun now." "Maybe the dust cloud won't be as bad as they think, or they miscalculated somehow." "Don't, okay?" "I don't want to spend my last few hours worrying about something I have no control over." "You're amazing." "I never realized it." "There's a lot of things about me you never realized." "Oh yeah?" "What else?" "Do you have any matches?" "I'll go check." "Great." "(soft music playing)" "If I had to do it over again..." "I wouldn't have been so impatient." "I would've waited till I knew more about what I was doing before I started sliding." "Hmm." "Part of me likes not being in control, just having to go with the experience." "It's like..." "when I am in control" "I just..." "I just can't let go, you know?" "It's like I'm always afraid to do what I want... or say what I'm really feeling." "(music volume increases)" "Come on." "And two." "Oh-hh." "Oh!" "Oh, yeah." "(giggles)" "This feels good." "It does?" "Dip." "Oh!" " (door opens)" " Professor:" "Ah!" "There you are." "You've got to come at once." "I need your help." "Food!" "I can't remember when I last ate." "Listen, I have just recreated the atom bomb with the help of your obnoxious friend Bennish." " Quinn:" "Bennish?" " Apparently in this world, the Manhattan Project was a hoax." " Einstein rigged the bomb so it wouldn't explode." " What?" "Couldn't accept the moral responsibility." "Frankly, I don't blame him." "Anyway, there are some inconsistencies in my calculations." "I refuse to trust that metalhead Bennish with anything so important." "You're going to have to run backstop for me so the technicians can make the final adjustments" " when they load the bomb onto the missile." " What missile?" "The missile we're about to launch against the asteroid." "Ah." "The head of the Union of Distinguished Scientists, Dr. Antonovich, has been in touch with his contacts at the Pentagon." "We have a police escort." "The first thing I want you to do is calculate an assumed deviation of 6% on the asteroid." "What would..." "Mr. Mallory, do come on!" "Man on P. A:" "Attention, attention." "Four hours to impact." "Attention, attention." "Four hours to impact." "Professor: ... developed an Atlas missile program to carry a massive payload." "A consequence of having to deliver a very large tonnage of orthodox..." "My God." "Wade:" "It's almost beautiful." "News anchor:" "And at this hour the asteroid continues on its collision course with Earth." "Meanwhile, in Times Square, crowds have gathered for the final countdown." "The missile, a conventional ICBM with an experimental warhead, was the result of years of top-secret research conducted under the aegis of Dr. Lee Antonovich, a university professor and advisor to NASA." "It was installed at the launchpad at Andrews Air Force Base at approximately 3:00 this afternoon." "The warhead is enough of a wild card, Katie." "It's got to be timed precisely." "A millisecond too early or too late and the bomb will fail." "This is a real long shot." "There it is." "Incredible." "Far out!" "How's it going?" "Conrad Bennish, Jr, this is my friend and protégé, Quinn Mallory." "Oh... the "facts and figures guy. "" "All right." "Hi, Wade Wells." "Any friend of "Big Max" is good enough for me." "She's a stone fox, man." "I say go for it." "They mention my name yet?" "Not yet." "Anybody want a licorice?" "Sure." "Treasure it." "Never mind." "We're going to save the world... "Fat Boy"!" ""Fat Boy," in case you didn't know, is the name of the bomb, in case you had other ideas." "He's the key to the world's survival?" "Genius comes in all sorts of shape and size, however galling that may be." "I hope you know what you're doing." "You just gave Conrad Bennish the power to take over the world." "No, I did not..." "I retained one of the key schematics." "The bomb will work, but Einstein's secret is safe for the time being." " What time is it?" " A little after 5:30." "Where's Rembrandt?" "Probably decided he doesn't want anything more to do with us." "I'm worried about him." "He's all alone on this world." "Aren't we all?" "(church organ playing faintly)" "More soup." "Ah, just in time." " How are you feeling?" " Oh, better, Reverend." "This place kind of brings me back to my roots." "It's only by helping others that we learn to understand the meaning of personal salvation." "Yeah." "Yeah, you got that right." "Rembrandt:" "Listen, Reverend, if it's okay with you, I promised some friends of mine that I would spend the last minutes with them." " If you can spare me?" " Of course." "Of course." "You want to come?" "Thanks for everything." "You take care." "Yeah." "If you'll just let me get that?" "Excuse me." "Thanks for everything." "(dog barking)" "News anchor:" "The ignition sequence has begun." "We can no longer make room for any adjustments." "Any unanticipated delays..." "E equals MC squared." "It's in the bag!" "Mr. Bennish, if we survive, I promise you this..." "I will dedicate my life to isolating the gene that makes you so obnoxious, and destroy it." "(laughs) I love this guy." "Reporter:" "... end ignition." " (door opens)" " Hey, hey!" "Wade:" "Rembrandt?" "Yeah, the "prodigal son" is back." "Wade:" "We thought we'd never see you again!" "What are you talking about, girl?" "I couldn't face the end of the world without my friends." "Huh?" "How you doing, Q - ball?" "Good to see you, Rembrandt." "Arturo and Bennish built an atom bomb." "They did what?" "They're firing it at the asteroid right now." " You mean we've got a chance?" " Professor:" "Our only chance." "News anchor:" "In a second or two, we will only be able to witness the blast flame of this rocket as it carries..." "Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!" "Nobel Prize, man!" " No hard feelings, huh?" " Come on." " Let's do it." " Wade:" "Come on." "I love you guys." "I see it!" "Right there!" "Five, four... three, two, one!" "Uh-oh." "Light travels at 186,000 miles a second, Mr. Bennish." "(rumbling)" "(whistling, cheers)" "It worked." "It worked!" "What'd I tell ya?" " (all laughing)" " Bennish:" "What did I tell ya?" "What did I tell ya?" "(fireworks exploding, cheering)" "We did it!" "We did it!" "(church bells ringing)" "(organ music playing)" "It's a beautiful morning, isn't it?" "Yes, it truly is." "Caroline:" "Coffee's in the back." "News anchor: ... as a result of behind the scenes maneuvering, the young physicist, a graduate student at University of California, is an international hero today." "Telegrams have been pouring in." "Do we have that footage, Terry?" " (reporters shouting)" " No comment." " (shouting continues)" " No comment." " I shocked the world, man!" " Woman:" "I love you!" "News anchor:" "While the scientific community will undoubtedly mark its formal approval..." "The least he could've done is mention your name." "All fame is fleeting, Miss Wells." "But at least this world goes on." "Yeah, but it's got one hell of a hangover." "Hey, listen to this." "Ivan Boesky bought up half of Beverly Hills at $10,000 a house." "Now all those fools want their property back." "(laughing)" "Metermaid:" "Mr. Moon!" "Quinn:" "We better hurry." "We only have three minutes." "Wade:" "I hope to God we get home." "(remote beeping)" "Quinn:" "What if Bennish is able to reconstitute the bomb?" "He may be a pothead, but he's not stupid." " Professor:" "Not to worry." " How can you be so sure?" "Because I have the real schematics here." "Quinn:" "We need to slide now." "They were there last night." "Better hurry up and find them." "It's time, man." "They were here this morning." "You guys figure it out." "I'm out of here." "Go, go!" "We don't have time!" "Go!" "Anybody messes with us now... (loud music plays)" "...boom!" | {
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} |
"[###]" "[BOY SPEAKS INDISTINCTLY]" "BOY:" "Ha!" "Ha!" "[SPEAKS IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE]" "[YELLING INDISTINCTLY]" "Come, come!" "Please!" "Please!" "Please!" "[WHISPERING] Aziz." "Aziz." "Aziz, light!" "Aziz, light." "Good." "We start again." ""When the three planets are in eclipse, the black hole, like a door, is opened." "Evil comes, spreading terror and chaos."" "See the snake, Billy?" "The ultimate evil." "Make sure you get the snake." "Yes, I've got your snakes." "I got all the snakes." "So when is this snake act supposed to occur?" "Huh?" "Well, if this is the five, and this is the one..." "[WHISPERING INDISTINCTLY]" "Every 5000 years." "So I've got some time, then." "[SNORING]" "[GASPS]" "Ah, you bring them water." "Good boy." "I will take it to them." "Go with God." "Be safe from evil." "PACOLI:" "You see here these different peoples, or symbols of people, gathering together the four elements of life: water, fire, earth, air, around a fifth one." "A fifth... element." "Forgive me, lord." "They already know too much." "[GLASS CLINKS]" "Ah, Father." "Yes, how are you today?" "Well, Billy, well." "You have some glasses?" "Of course." "Father, I'm so glad to see you." "It's the most extraordinary thing." "I mean, look, it's the greatest find in history." "Yes." "You must be parched." "Oh, yes, yes." "I'm sorry." "I mean, it's like a battle plan." "Here, the good." "Here, the evil." "And here, a weapon against evil." "I'm going to be famous." "Then..." "Then let us..." "Let us toast to your fame." "Oh, yes." "To fame." "Salute." "You can't drink a toast with water." "Billy, in my sack, the grappa." "Yes." "[MEN YELLING NEARBY]" "[###]" "[GROANS]" "This I don't understand." "But this" "This could be something... prehistoric." "Maybe." "I don't know." "But wait." "Here." "Yes." "[CHILDREN LAUGHING NEARBY]" "BOY:" "Look, look." "They're here." "PACOLI:" "This man, this perfect being." "I know this is the key." "I know it." "This divine light they talk about." "What is divine light?" "Aziz, light!" "Much better." "Thank you, Aziz." "My lord." "[MOUTHING]" "[GROWLING]" "Father, this is the most unbelievable thing I have ever seen." "Don't you think...?" "Ah" " Ah" " Ah, are you German?" "Lord, I know he was about to discover everything." "But there is no worry." "I was there in time." "MONDOSHAWAN:" "Priest, you and those before you have served us well." "But war is coming." "Stones not safe on Earth anymore." "This... is really amazing." "[GROWLING AND SNORTING]" "The fifth element." "Take the stones." "My lord, if you take the weapon, we will be defenceless when evil returns." "In 300 years, when evil returns, so shall we." "Oh, professor." "Professor." "[STAMMERING]" "Don't move!" "I have a gun !" "PRIEST:" "Billy." "Please, understand." "They are our friends." "Friends?" "Father, they've killed the professor!" "They're monsters!" "I'll explain everything." "Billy." "You're with them?" "PRIEST:" "Billy, look at me." "Look at me." "I am your friend." "No, Father." "Billy, look at me!" "Please, put the gun down." "No." "Billy, no!" "[MONDOSHAWAN GROANS]" "[RUMBLING]" "Hurry!" "The wall is closing !" "MONDOSHAWAN:" "Here is your mission now:" "Pass your knowledge to the next priest as it was passed on to you." "I will do as you command, but please, hurry, you still have time." "MONDOSHAWAN:" "Time not important." "Only life important." "I will fulfil my mission !" "You can count on me!" "I will pass the knowledge until your return." "[CHATTERING]" "Anything yet?" "No, sir." "Not even a temperature?" "The thermo-analysers have jammed." "One of them shows a million degrees, the others minus 5000." "Let's see it." "It's taking shape." "Send out a probe." "MAN:" "Ladies and gentlemen, the president of the Federated Territories." "On air with General Staedert in 30 seconds." "[###]" "Oh, I saved this seat for you, Father." "President on the line, sir." "We're in position, Mr. President." "I have to address the Supreme Council in 10 minutes." "Just the facts, general." "There are no results from the chemical and molecular analysis as yet." "All the calibres are overshot." "We're initiating a thermonucleatic imaging." "So, what you're saying is, you don't know what this is." "Not yet, sir." "All we know is, it just keeps getting bigger." "Recommendation?" "My philosophy, Mr. President, is shoot first and ask questions later." "I don't like uninvited guests." "All right, then, Staedert-- CORNELIUS:" "Mr. President?" "Yes?" "COMPUTER:" "Priest Vito Cornelius, expert of astrophenomenon." "I have a different theory to offer you, sir." "You have 20 seconds." "[###]" "Imagine for a moment that this thing is not anything that can be identified because it prefers not to be." "Wherever there is life, it brings death... because it is evil." "Absolute evil." "One more reason to shoot first." "Evil begets evil, Mr. President." "Shooting will only make it stronger." "[PROBE BEEPING]" "Probe will obtain its objective in five seconds." "Growth rate is at 27 percent." "Your theory is interesting, Father, but we don't have time to go into that right now." "Time is of no importance, Mr. President." "Only life is important." "You're right." "That's exactly what we're gonna do." "We're gonna protect the life of some 200 billion of my fellow citizens." "General, you may fire when ready." "Up-front loading of a 120-ZR missile." "Marker lights on the objective." "Its structure has just solidified on the surface." "I think it's anticipating the attack." "Anticipation denotes intelligence." "The most terrible intelligence imaginable, Mr. President." "120's loaded." "The ship is in combat formation." "Missiles are loaded, Mr. President." "Staedert." "STAEDERT:" "Yes, sir." "I have a doubt." "I don't, Mr. President." "Staedert?" "What happened?" "Staedert, can you hear me?" "Staedert?" "What happened, Staedert?" "Did you destroy it?" "I'm about to, sir." "The planet has increased in diameter by 200 percent." "It's moving towards the ship." "What--?" "What do we have that's bigger than 240?" "Nothing, sir." "Staedert, do you hear me?" "Get out of there." "I don't want an incident." "Do you hear me, Staedert?" "Get out of there." "Can you hear me, Staedert?" "Do you understand?" "Listen." "This is the president." "That's an order." "Do you understand me?" "Do you hear me?" "[BREAKING UP OVER RADIN] Get out of there!" "Answer me!" "Good God !" "[GROANING]" "[###]" "COMPUTER:" "Four a day." "[MEOWING]" "I'm trying." "COMPUTER:" "To quit is my goal." "[PHONE RINGING]" "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey." "I'm up." "All right, I'm up." "God." "Yeah." "Yeah." "Yes?" "MAN [ON PHONE]:" "Hey, dog brain, Finger here." "Hi, sweetie." "I love you too, major, but you haven't called me that since basic training." "I was talking to the cat." "Oh, yeah, I forgot, you still prefer your cat to the real thing." "KORBEN:" "At least the cat comes back." "You still pining for that two-timing slut?" "Forget about it, man." "There are a million women out there." "I don't want a million women." "I just want one." "The perfect one." "It don't exist, major." "Yeah, I know." "Ugh." "What?" "I just found a picture of you." "Oh, how so I look?" "Like shit." "Must be an old picture." "Listen, you gotta bring me your hack for a six-month overhaul." "Negative." "ASAP." "I don't need one." "Hey, you forgetting who sat next to you for 1000 missions?" "I know how you drive." "Finger, I drive a cab now, not a space fighter." "Okay, so tell me." "How many points you got left on your license?" "Major, how many points?" "At least 50." "Know what?" "You gotta learn how to lie better." "See you tonight." "FEMALE VOICE:" "Welcome to paradise." "MAN [ON TV]:" "Welcome to Fhloston Paradise." "It's Ruby Rhod, your main man, and I will tell you live at 5 the name of the winner of the super-green Gemini Croquette Contest!" "The winner will go with me for two days to Fhloston Paradise." "So tune in to Radio Cosmos." "Don't watch it all day, sweetie." "It'll rot your brain." "For a perfect world." "Give me the cash." "Been here long?" "Yeah, long enough." "Come on, give me the cash." "Is that a Z-140?" "Alleviated titanium." "Neurocharged assault model." "Yeah." "Yeah." "Good thing for me it's not loaded." "[LAUGHING]" "What do you mean, it's not loaded?" "Well, you have to..." "You have to push that little yellow button to load it." "[LAUGHS NERVOUSLY]" "Take your time." "Oh, God." "You want me to--?" "Okay." "[GUN COCKS]" "There you go." "Give me the cash !" "[GUN WHIRRS]" "[###]" "That's a very dangerous gun." "You know, maybe you better let me hang on to this one for you, huh?" "You don't mind, do you?" "MUGGER:" "No." "You sure?" "No." "Take it." "I don't need it." "[SPEAKS INDISTINCTLY]" "That's a very nice hat." "You like it?" "God !" "COMPUTER:" "Please enter your license." "Yes, yes, just a minute." "COMPUTER:" "Welcome onboars, Mr. Dallas." "Good morning." "Sleep well?" "Yeah, me too." "I had a horrible nightmare." "Propulsion 2X4." "You have five points left on your license." "Yeah, thank you for reminding me." "Have a nice day." "Why not?" "[CAR HORNS HONKING]" "You have 48 hours." "That's the length of time it needs to adapt itself to our living conditions." "And then?" "And then it will be too late." "The goal of this thing is not to fight over money or power... but to exterminate life." "All forms of life." "So what you're telling me, Father, there's nothing that can stop this." "There is only one thing." "CORNELIUS:" "The Mondoshawan have in their possession the only weapon to defeat evil." "Four elements... gathered around a fifth... supreme being, the ultimate warrior, created to protect life." "Together they produce what the ancients called the Light of Creation." "Able to bring life to the farthest reaches of the universe." "But if evil stands there..." "Then what?" "Then light turns to dark." "Life to death... forever." "Sir, there's a Mondoshawan spaceship at the frontier requesting permission to enter our territory." "PRESIDENT:" "Give it permission to enter our territory with our warmest regards." "Thank you." "MAN:" "Permission to enter granted." "[###]" "Showtime." "[COMPUTER BEEPING]" "We are lost." "MANGALORE:" "Aknot, we are connected to Earth." "[GROWLS]" "Mr. Zorg's office." "AKNOT [ON INTERCOM]:" "It's Aknot." "ZORG:" "I'm so glad to hear you, Aknot." "AKNOT [ON INTERCOM]:" "The mission is accomplished." "You'll have what you asked for in a few hours." "ZORG:" "Good." "I'll meet you at my factory." "The attack was launched by two unregistered warships." "Close all borders and declare a state of general alert." "Yes, sir." "Try to make contact with the Mondoshawans." "We owe them an explanation." "Sir." "Three hundred years of waiting, for nothing." "Father, you should go home now and get some rest." "No." "The Mondoshawan..." "I am their contact on Earth." "They will come for me." "Father, this is government business now." "I will keep you informed." "[###]" "The rescue team has reported from the Mondoshawan crash site." "Any survivors?" "Only one." "MUNRO:" "That what you call a survivor?" "A few cells are still alive." "It's more than I need." "Have you at least identified it?" "MACTILBURGH:" "We tried, but the computer went off the charts." "You see, normal human beings have 40 DNA memo groups, which is more than enough for any species to perpetuate itself." "This has 200,000 memo groups." "Sounds like a freak of nature to me." "Yeah, can't wait to meet him." "You okay, general?" "Over here." "Excuse me." "Okay, general, I want to show you something here." "This is a normal human DNA chain, okay?" "You, me, anybody, right?" "Watch this." "The compositional elements of his DNA chain are the same as ours." "There's simply more of them, tightly packed, with infinite genetic knowledge." "Almost like this being was engineered." "Is there any danger?" "No, no, no." "We put it through the cellular hygiene detector." "The cell is, for lack of a better word, perfect." "Okay, go ahead." "But Mr. Perfect better be polite." "Otherwise, I turn him into cat food." "Activate it." "[###]" "Tissue processing." "Ten seconds to ultraviolet protection." "MACTILBURGH:" "This is the last phase." "The cells are bombarded by slightly greasy solar atoms which forces the body to react to protect itself." "That means growing skin." "Wonderful." "Reconstruction complete." "Remove the shield." "I told you." "Perfect." "Thermal bandages." "I'd, um, like to take a few pictures... for the archives." "[GASPS]" "[GRUNTING]" "[GROWLS]" "[PANTING]" "[SPEAKING IN DIVINE LANGUAGE]" "What's she saying?" "I don't know." "Activate the phonic detector." "Is, uh...?" "Is that thing solid?" "Unbreakable." "Good." "If you want out, you're going to have to learn to develop those communication skills." "[BREATHING HEAVILY]" "[GROWLING]" "General alert." "Perfect." "[ALARM BUZZING]" "[###]" "Ladder on 18." "Two men with me." "The rest in the main ventilation." "Okay, sir." "This way." "OFFICER 1:" "Okay, lady, stay calm." "This is the police." "There's nowhere else to go." "So you're gonna slowly turn around and put your hands on the floor." "Do you understand me?" "She doesn't." "I think we need a flying unit here." "OFFICER 2 [ON LOUDSPEAKER]:" "This is the police." "This is the police." "We are processing your identification." "Please put your arms up and follow our instructions." "She has no file." "She dove off." "[KORBEN YELLS]" "COMPUTER:" "You just had an accident." "Yes, I know I just had an accident, you daffy bastard !" "You have a point left on your license." "COMPUTER:" "You have a point left..." "Look out!" "No, no!" "Left!" "I can't believe it." "Shit." "Any survivors?" "[###]" "Hi." "Are you okay?" "[SPEAKING IN DIVINE LANGUAGE]" "Boom." "Boom." "Yeah, I understand "boom."" "Bada boom." "Big." "Big bada boom." "Big..." "Bada big boom." "Big boom." "Yeah." "Yeah, big bada boom." "Bada boom." "Big boom." "Big bada boom." "You know, you're lucky you're not dead." "[SIREN BLARES]" "OFFICER [ON LOUDSPEAKER]:" "This is a police control." "Please keep your hands on the wheel." "You have an unauthorized passenger in your vehicle." "We are going to arrest her." "Thank you for your cooperation." "Sorry, honey." "Looks like this is your ride." "Open the door." "[SPEAKS IN DIVINE LANGUAGE]" "Better do what they say." "[###]" "Sorry." ""Please... help."" "I've only got one point left on my license, and I need that to get back to the garage and get the cab a six-month overhaul." "You understand?" "Can you please open the passenger door?" "Ple..." "Please... help." "I can't." "OFFICER [ON LOUDSPEAKER]:" "I repeat, can you please open your passenger door." "Yeah, yeah, sure." "Why not?" "Thank you for your cooperation." "Help." "Finger's gonna kill me." "Emergency!" "Emergency!" "COMPUTER:" "One point has been removed from your license." "Yes, I know!" "COMPUTER:" "on your license." "This is so stupid." "WOMAN [ON RADIN]:" "All units assist in pursuit of yellow cab, level 10." "Unit 47, we're on the way, as soon as we finish lunch." "Two golden menus." "OFFICER 1:" "Thank you." "OFFICER 2:" "I'm too old, too tired, and too hungry to go chasing some hot rod." "Thank you so much." "And I'm definitely too thirsty." "KORBEN:" "Look out!" "Whoa." "We got lucky." "If they don't chase you after a mile, they don't chase you." "[###]" "[SIRENS BLARING]" "Maybe it's two miles." "Hang on." "[YELLING IN DIVINE LANGUAGE]" "Look, lady, I only speak two languages:" "English and bad English !" "Run an ID." "Don't get me wrong, I'm all for conversation, but maybe you could just shut up for a minute!" "I get nothing." "He's got a scan blocker." "Means he's a car thief." "Blast him." "I don't know what you did to piss these guys off... but they are really pissed off!" "Hold on !" "I think we're safe for a while." "You want to play it soft?" "We'll play it soft." "You want to play it hard?" "Let's play it hard." "[SPEAKING IN DIVINE LANGUAGE]" "We make it to the fog, we'll be all right." "If we make the fog." "How do they expect us to find anything in this shit?" "We're just gonna wait here for a little while until things quiet down, if you don't mind." "Hey." "Shit." "You okay?" "Priest." "You don't need a priest, you just need a doctor." "You'll be all right." "Vito Cornelius." "What?" "Priest." "Yes?" "I'm, uh, looking for a priest." "Weddings are one floor down, my son." "Congratulations." "She's not my bride." "She's my fare." "She's looking for a priest named Vito Cornelius." "The phone book said he lived here." "Yes, that's me, but I don't know who she is." "Nobody knows who she is." "No file, no ID, nothing." "She's got a tattoo on this arm here." "Tattoo?" "[###]" "[STAMMERS]" "Fifth... element." "Finger's gonna kill me." "Hey!" "Wake up!" "Who are you?" "I brought the girl, remember?" "The redhead." "She just dropped in on me." "Started speaking this bizarre language." "It's not bizarre." "It's the divine language." "The ancient language, Okay." "spoken throughout the universe before time was time." "He" "He's a she." "You noticed that, huh?" "Yes." "It's a miracle." "Miracle she's not dead." "We've not a moment to lose." "Wake her up." "But gently, because this woman is mankind's most precious possession." "She is perfect." "[###]" "Perfect." "More dignified." "Hey, lady, wake up." "[GUN COCKS]" "You're right." "You're right, I shouldn't have done that." "I shouldn't have done that." "It was wrong to kiss you." "He said to wake you gently." "You're right." "You're right." "[SPEAKING IN DIVINE LANGUAGE]" "Just thought you might remember me from the cab." "Remember?" ""Bada boom"?" ""Big bada boom"?" "Boom?" "Boom." "Big bada boom." "In the cab." "Here, look." "I drive a cab." "This is me." "Korben Dallas." "Korben." "You understand?" "Here." "Take it, go ahead." "You can call me when you learn how to speak English." "Oop." "Ah." "Just kidding." "Kidding." "And you" " What is your name?" "You." "Korben." "Leeloo Minai Lekarariba- Laminai-Tchai Ekbat De Sebat." "Good." "That's" "That whole thing's your name, huh?" "Do you have... a shorter name?" "Not "yeah, yeah, yeah, ooh."" "Short." "[WHISPERS]:" "Korben Dallas." "Leeloo." "[###]" "Leeloo." "[IN NORMAL VOICE]:" "Korben, Leeloo." "Leeloo, Korben." "[PANTING]" "[LAUGHING]" "Father, are you sure she's a supreme being?" "Absolutely sure." "Old friends." "Okay." "Yeah, you're right." "Okay, listen, do you think you could ask her if I could have the gun back, please?" "What's your name?" "Korben Dallas." "Thank you, Mr. Dallas, for all your help." "Thank you so much." "You've been so kind, but now the girl needs some rest, because she's been on a long trip." "Yes, I know." "I was there when she landed." "Wait, wait, hey." "Wait, wait, Father." "Listen, she said something that I didn't understand." "Well, I didn't understand any of it, but what does "ekto gamat" mean?" ""Never without my permission."" "That's what I thought." "I shouldn't have kissed her." "[CAT MEOWING]" "Oh, no." "I'm so sorry." "I forgot your food." "[PHONE RINGING]" "How about some nice Thai food to apologize, huh?" "Yeah, yeah, hold on." "What?" "FINGER [ON PHONE]:" "Hey, buddy, I'm waiting all day here." "Finger." "Where is the cab?" "Car's running fine." "Purring like a kitten." ""Fine." What "fine"?" "I know you, Dallas." ""Fine" ain't in your vocabulary." "Now, come on, you can tell your old buddy Finger what happened." "What?" "You save the planet?" "Listen." "You dinged the fender again." "That's it, right?" "You dinged the goddamn fender." "Finger, I was on my way over to see you, and a big fare fell in my lap." "You know, one of these really big fares that you just can't resist." "Oh." "How big?" "[###]" "[MOANS]" "Five-nine... blue eyes, long legs, great skin." "You know." "Perfect." "Uh-huh." "I see." "And this perfect fare, she got a name?" "Yeah." "Leeloo." "What's she doing?" "Learning our history, the last 5000 years that she's missed." "Been asleep for quite a while, you know." "[IMITATING MARTIAL ARTS YELL]" "Father, I know she's been through a lot, but we don't have much time." "Yes, you're right." "Chicken." "Good." "Chicken." "I'm really sorry to interrupt you... but the case... with the stones... where is it?" "[SPEAKING IN DIVINE LANGUAGE]" "Stolen?" "Who in God's name would do such a thing?" "[###]" "Excuse me, sir." "The council is worried about the economy heating up." "They wondered if it'd be possible to fire 500,000." "I thought maybe from one of the smaller companies where no one would notice, like one of the cab companies." "ZORG:" "Fire 1 million." "But 500,000..." "One million." "Fine, sir." "Sorry to have disturbed you." "[FOOTSTEPS WALKING]" "[FOOTSTEPS RUNNING]" "Oh, it's, uh..." "It's for the Supreme..." "Yes, yes, yes." "Oh, sorry." "I didn't know your size, and I found you this makeup box, okay?" "You just put it like that." "Thank you." "Yes, there was a man with a limp... came here about a month ago asking questions about the stones." "He said he was an art dealer." "[SPEAKING IN DIVINE LANGUAGE]" "What was his name?" "I'm so bad with names." "They really make her-- Perfect, I know." "[SPEAKING IN DIVINE LANGUAGE]" "What did she say?" "CORNELIUS:" "She says she knows exactly where they are." "My dear Aknot, how about those two little planes that you borrowed?" "Aknot, is that you?" "What an ugly face." "It doesn't suit you." "Take it off." "That's better." "Never be ashamed of who you are." "You're warriors." "Be proud." "So what if the federal government scattered your people to the wind." "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger." "Your time for revenge is at hand." "Voilà." "The ZF-1." "[MANGALORES GRUNTING]" "It's light." "Handle's adjustable for easy carrying." "Good for righties and lefties." "Breaks down into four parts, undetectable by X-ray." "Ideal for quick, discreet interventions." "A word on firepower:" "Titanium recharger, 3000-round clip with bursts of 3 to 300." "With the replay button, another Zorg invention, it's even easier." "One shot... and replay sends every following shot to the same location." "[MANGALORES YELLING]" "And to finish the job, all the Zorg oldies but goldies." "Rocket launcher." "Arrow launcher with exploding or poisonous gas heads." "Very practical." "Our famous net launcher." "The always-efficient flamethrower." "My favourite." "And for the grand finale, the all-new ice-cube system." "[MANGALORES APPLAUDING AND GRUNTING]" "Four full crates delivered right on time." "And what about you, my dear Aknot?" "Did you bring me what I asked you for?" "Yes." "Magnificent." "This" "This case is empty." "[LAUGHING]" "What do you mean, empty?" "Empty, the opposite of full." "This case is supposed to be full !" "Anyone care to explain?" "[SPEAKING IN DIVINE LANGUAGE]" "The Guardians gave the stones to someone they could trust." "Who took another route." "She's supposed to contact this person in a hotel." "And she's looking for the address." "Easy." "Dot." "It's Planet Fhloston, in the Angel Constellation." "We're saved." "I'm screwed." "You asked for a case." "We brought you a case." "A case with four stones in it!" "Not one or two or three, but four!" "Four stones!" "What the hell am I supposed to do with an empty case?" "We are warriors, not merchants." "But you can still count!" "Look, it's easy." "Look at my fingers." "Four stones, four crates." "Zero stones, zero crates!" "Pack everything up!" "We're out of here!" "[ROARS]" "[GUNS COCKING]" "AKNOT:" "We risked our lives." "I believe a little compensation is in order." "Oh." "So you are merchants after all." "Leave him one crate for the cause." "I don't like warriors." "Too narrow-minded, no subtlety, and worse, they fight for hopeless causes, honour." "Honour's killed millions of people." "Hasn't saved a single one." "I'll tell you what I do like, though:" "a killer." "A dyed-in-the-wool killer, cold-blooded, clean, methodical and thorough." "Now, a real killer, when he picked up the ZF-1, would've immediately asked about the little red button on the bottom of the gun." "[###]" "Bring me the priest." "I got everything here we need to know about Fhloston Paradise and a detailed blueprint of the entire hotel." "Good work, my son." "Now all we've got to do is find a way of getting there." "It's not gonna be easy." "There's a big charity ball on Fhloston tomorrow." "The flights are full for months, and with all the celebrities, the hotel will be guarded like a fortress." "But there must be a way of getting there." "[KNOCKING ON DOOR]" "No." "I'll get it." "Weddings?" "Not really." "Mr. Zorg would like to talk to you." "Mister who?" "Mr. Zorg." "ZORG:" "Jean-Baptiste Emmanuel" "Zorg." "It's nice to see you again, Father." "Ah, I remember you now." "The so-called art dealer." "I'm glad you got your memory back, because you're gonna need it." "Where are the stones?" "I don't know." "And even if I did know, I wouldn't tell somebody like you." "Why?" "What's wrong with me?" "I try to serve life." "But you only seem to want to destroy it." "Ah, Father... you're so wrong." "Let me explain." "Life, which you so nobly serve, comes from destruction, disorder and chaos." "Now, take this empty glass." "Here it is, peaceful, serene, boring." "But if it is... destroyed..." "Look at all these little things." "So busy now." "Notice how each one is useful." "What a lovely ballet ensues, so full of form and colour." "Now, think about all those people that created them." "Technicians, engineers." "Hundreds of people who will be able to feed their children tonight so those children can grow up big and strong and have little teeny-weeny children of their own and so on and so forth." "Thus adding to the great chain... of life." "FEMALE VOICE:" "Water." "Fruit." "You see, Father, by creating a little destruction..." "FEMALE VOICE:" "A cherry." "I'm, in fact, encouraging life." "In reality, you and I are in the same business." "Cheers." "[###]" "[CHOKING]" "Where's the robot to pat you on the back?" "Or the engineer?" "[CARNIVAL MUSIC PLAYS]" "Or their children, maybe?" "There, you see now how all your so-called power counts for absolutely nothing?" "How your entire empire of destruction comes crashing down, all because of one little cherry." "You saved my life, and in return, I'll spare yours... for now." "You're a monster, Zorg." "I know." "Torture who you have to, the president, I don't care." "Just bring me those stones." "You have one hour." "[###]" "[SATELLITES BEEPING]" "It's gobbling up all the communications satellites in the galaxy." "Why in the hell is it eating up all the satellites?" "We're working on it, Mr. President." "I've managed to contact the Mondoshawan." "They deplore the incident, but they accept our apologies." "And the stones?" "Did you find them in the wreckage?" "The stones weren't aboard the ship." "What do you mean?" "The Mondoshawan never fully trusted the human race." "So they gave up the stones to someone they do trust." "Her name is Plavalaguna." "She's a diva." "And she's going to sing at a charity ball in Fhloston Paradise in a few hours." "She has the stones with her." "The Mondoshawans have accepted an offer to help." "All we have to do is send someone to get the stones and bring them back to her." "Excellent." "[SCREAMS]" "I want this operation to be discreet as possible." "No troops." "No big operation." "I want your best man to go undercover." "I have the perfect one." "You got a message." "Yeah." "Not gonna open it?" "Could be important." "Yeah." "Like the last two I got were important." "First one was from my wife telling me she's leaving." "The second one was from my lawyer telling me he was leaving with my wife." "That is bad luck." "But grandfather say:" ""It never rain every day." This is good news, guaranteed." "I bet your lunch." "Okay." "Come on." "You are fired." "Oh, I'm sorry." "KORBEN:" "Well..." "[PHONE RINGING]" "At least I won lunch." "Good philosophy." "See good in bad." "I like." "Hello." "WOMAN:" "Korben, sweetheart." "You got broken fingers?" "You can't punch my number?" "Hi, Mom." "Seventeen messages." "And don't tell me your machine is broken again." "Those things are good for 1000 years." "Mr. Kim, you should go." "This is gonna take a minute." "You wouldn't even feed your white pussycat a croquette, who you obviously love more than me." "But she didn't breast-feed you." "I did." "Goodbye, Mr. Dallas." "Ah, fortune for you." "which is hard enough on me." "Oh, Christ, I'll never be a grandmother." "MR. KIM:" "It bring you good luck!" "Yeah, sure." "[MR. KIM SINGING IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE]" "Korben, you know how my poor body's failing me." "You have to take me on this trip." "Ma, what are you talking about?" "I get it." "You wanna make your only mother beg." "Is that it?" "No, I don't want to make you beg." "All I want is an explanation." "Look, I just got in." "I just smashed my cab." "I lost my job." "I got mugged." "Besides that, everything's peachy." "Thanks for asking." "Now, will you just settle down and explain this to me calmly." "Oh, so you don't know you won a trip to Fhloston Paradise for two for 10 days." "And I suppose you're just gonna leave me on the lunar surface to freeze my ass off." "If I'd have won a trip, I'd know about it." "Somebody would've notified me." "[###]" "Korben, they've been blaring your name out on the radio for the last hour, you big ape." "[DOOR BUZZES]" "Ma, I'll call you back." "General Munro, how nice to see you in the 5000 block." "Nice apartment, major." "Looks like you settled into a wonderful life." "Heard you lost your job." "You heard that, huh?" "Well, don't worry." "I'll get another job." "Don't bother." "We have one for you." ""Major Dallas, you've been selected for a mission of the utmost importance."" "What mission?" "To save the world." ""You leave immediately for Fhloston Paradise." "Retrieve four stones from the diva Plavalaguna and bring them back with the utmost discretion possible."" "Any questions?" "Yeah, just one." "Why me?" "I retired six months ago, you remember?" "Three reasons." "One, as a member of the Elite Special Forces Unit of the federated army, you are an expert in the use of all weapons and spacecraft needed for this mission." "Two, of all the members of your unit, you're the most highly decorated." "And the third one?" "Of all the members of your unit, you're the only one left alive." "You check your messages?" "No, I've had enough good news for one day." "Might be important." "RECORDED VOICE:" "You're a winner!" "You've won the annual Gemini Contest and a trip to Fhloston Paradise for two." "Here are your tickets." "You rigged the contest?" "Uh-huh." "Congratulations." "You couldn't think of anything a little more discreet, huh?" "Old tricks are the best tricks, eh?" "Major Iceborg will accompany you as your wife." "I am not going." "Why not?" "[###]" "[DOOR BUZZES]" "Excuse me, general." "Who is it?" "Who is it?" "My wife." "You remarried?" "Yes." "No." "I just met this girl, but I'm gonna marry her." "I love her, but she hates the military." "She knows that the military ruined my last marriage." "She can't have anything to do with it." "If she sees you guys here, she'll kill me." "Major-- Look, you gotta hide somewhere." "You gotta help me." "You just gotta hide somewhere." "We'd love to help, but there's only one door, where can we hide?" "Major, we don't have time for this." "It's just for one minute." "You have no idea how much you're helping me." "No idea" " You have no idea." "I'm going to be happily married." "Major!" "Major!" "Major!" "What?" "The three of us won't fit in there." "Sure you will." "MUNRO:" "Major!" "You're on my foot." "Major!" "Major!" "[SPEAKS IN DIVINE LANGUAGE]" "Hi." "I'm really sorry to have to resort to these methods, Mr. Wallace" "Dallas." "Dallas." "We heard about your good luck on the radio, and we need your tickets for Fhloston." "Is this the way priests usually take vacations?" "We're not going on a vacation." "We're on a mission." "What kind of mission?" "We have to save the world, my son." "You're gonna save the world?" "Yes!" "Down there." "Down there." "[###]" "[ALARM BLARING]" "MALE VOICE [ON LOUDSPEAKER]:" "This is a police control." "This is not an exercise." "Come on, get in." "One minute, all right?" "Just stay here for one minute, I promise." "This is a police control." "Don't touch anything." "This is not an exercise." "Can you please spread your legs and place your hands in the yellow circles." "What are you doing?" "I'm gonna save your ass so you can save the world." "Yeah, but l" "I think this is the door." "There's no name and no number." "Let's see it." "Sir, are you classified as human?" "Negative." "I am a meat Popsicle." "I found him." "OFFICER [ON INTERCOM]:" "Mr. Korben Dallas?" "Sir, can you put your hands in the yellow circles, please?" "Smoke you !" "Wrong answer." "[GUNSHOT]" "MALE VOICE [ON LOUDSPEAKER]:" "The police control is now terminated." "Thank you for your cooperation." "Have a nice day." "Okay, we got the guy." "Wasn't easy, but we bagged him." "Thanks for the tip." "Glad to be of help, my friend." "The guy's just been arrested for uranium smuggling." "Everything's going as planned." "All I have to do now is go to the airport, take his place, and I'll be in Fhloston in less than four hours." "Don't come back without the stones." "[###]" "[GUNS COCKING]" "Korben Dallas." "We got him." "Perfect." "Akanit, take command." "Go to Fhloston and get the stones." "If Zorg really wants them, he'll have to negotiate." "Revenge is at hand." "[###]" "Oh, I'm so sorry." "I forgot about the autowash." "There's an autowash in that shower." "I'm so sorry." "Autowash." "Autowash, yes." "Autowash, in the shower." "You know, it's funny." "I've met you twice today." "Both times, you've ended up in my arms." "It's my lucky day." "Lucky day." "Yeah." "[GROANING]" "Did you hear something?" "Cornelius." "[GASPS]" "Autowash." "I'm so sorry." "Sorry." "I don't need your help." "Want a cup of coffee?" "Yes, please." "Autowash." "Coffee's not really my specialty." "But you must drink a lot of coffee, being a priest, huh?" "No, I know." "I'm not proud of what I did." "I had no choice." "[###]" "I'll take the mission." "[###]" "[WOMAN SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY ON LOUDSPEAKER]" "Did you get them?" "Yeah, I got them." "Good." ""Leeloo Dallas." "Multi-pass."" ""Korben David Dallas." Perfect." "[SPEAKING IN DIVINE LANGUAGE]" "No, no." "I can't possibly be your husband." "I'm too old." "Now, David is... in great shape." "He'll protect you." "Now, please, go to the diva, collect the stones and meet me at the temple." "Now." "Yes." "Okay." "WOMAN [ON LOUDSPEAKER]:" "Final call for Fhloston Paradise." "Last call for Fhloston Paradise." "Hurry up." "Uh..." "The tickets." "ID, please." "I'm sorry." "There." "In here?" "FEMALE VOICE:" "Thank you!" "Mr. Dallas?" "Uh..." "Yeah." "Congratulations on winning the contest." "Oh, right." "Okay." "Sorry for the mess." "The mess?" "The garbage." "Oh, right" " It's K" "[SPEAKING IN DIVINE LANGUAGE]" "Whoo!" "Made it!" "I was so afraid I wasn't gonna make this flight, so I sent David here to come and pick up my boarding pass." "But, um-- But now David has to go." "Thank you." "Bye." "I am Korben Dallas." "WOMAN [ON LOUDSPEAKER]:" "Please report infractions immediately to the spaceport." "And this is?" "Leeloo Dallas." "Multi-pass." "Yeah." "Lee" " Multi-pass." "Multi-pass." "She knows it's a multi-pass." "Leeloo Dallas." "My wife." "We're newlyweds." "Just met." "You know how it is." "Bump into each other, sparks happen" " Yeah, she knows it's a multi-pass." "Yeah." "Anyway, we're in love." "I mean, I know she's made to be strong." "She's also so fragile, so human." "You know what I mean?" "ROBOT:" "Do you want some more?" "Yeah." "Make that two." "Oh, David." "David?" "Where's Leeloo?" "She's on the plane with Mr. Dallas." "What?" "!" "I'm sorry, Father." "I didn't know what to do." "I thought he was gonna kill me." "But this is not possible." "This is not possible." "ROBOT:" "You want some more?" "This is all my fault." "I am the servant." "It is my mission." "I shouldn't have given it to you." "I know." "Here's the key to the temple." "Oh, no." "Prepare for our arrival." "I go to face my destiny." "Yes." "I don't want to go to Egypt." "FEMALE VOICE:" "Thank you!" "Dallas?" "Korben Dallas?" "Yeah, that's me." "Just a minute, please." "It will take just one more minute." "[GRUMBLING]" "We'll be right back." "Oh, Mr. Dallas." "Oh, um, we really need you right now." "Ruby Rhod is broadcasting live and he needs you for an interview." "Miss?" "Multi-pass." "Tell Aknot that plan A flopped." "Go to plan B." "Aliens ahead." "Spread out." "Backup unit, zone 18." "Mr. Ruby Rhod is the biggest radio star, you know." "It's a great honour to be on his talk show." "He's so green." "Yes, I'm sure you're very excited." "But I'm on my vacation and I don't want to be bothered." "I prefer to remain anonymous." "[MUSIC PLAYS]" "Korben Dallas!" "Here he is!" "The one and only winner of the Gemini Croquette Contest." "This boy is fuelled like fire, so start melting, ladies, because the boy is hotter than hot." "He's hot, hot, hot!" "[DANCE MUSIC PLAYS]" "The right size, the right build, the right hair, the right on." "MALE VOICE:" "Right on, right on." "Right on, right on." "And he's got something to say to those 50 billion pairs of ears out there." "Pop it, D-man." "Um, hi." "Unbelievable." "[DANCE MUSIC PLAYS]" "Quiver, ladies, quiver." "He's gonna set the world on fire." "Right here from 5 to 7." "You'll know everything there is to know about the D-man." "His dreams, his desires, his most intimates of intimates." "And from what I'm looking at, intimate is this studmuffin's middle name." "So tell me, my man, you nervous in the service?" "Not really." "Freeze those knees, my chilies, because Korben's in the place and he's on the case." "Yesterday's frog will be tomorrow's prince of Fhloston Paradise!" "The hotel of a thousand and one follies, lollies and lick-them-lollies." "A magic fountain flow of non-stop wine, women and hootchie-kootchie-koo all night long." "[SINGING LINNEL RICHIE'S "ALL NIGHT LONG"]" "[SOUND OF WOLF HOWLING]" "Ooh." "Start licking your stamps, little girlies, because this guy's gonna have you writing home to Mama." "Right, here, from 5 to 7, I'll be your voice, your tongue, and I'll be hot on the trail of the sexiest man of the year:" "D-man, your man..." "[PANTING] my man." "MAN [ON RADIN]:" "End of transmission." "WOMAN [ON RADIN]:" "Okay, Ruby." "See you tomorrow at 5." "How was it?" "Oh !" "Wow." "Oh !" "It was just absolutely green." "Green like what?" "Crystal green." "Any kind of green you want, tree green, emerald, pond green." "[BUZZING]" "Korben, sweetheart, what was that?" "It was bad !" "It had nothing !" "No fire!" "No energy!" "No nothing !" "You know I have a show to run here." "You know?" "Hm?" "Hm?" "And it must pop, pop, pop!" "So tomorrow, from 5 to 7, will you please act like you have more than a two-word vocabulary." "It must be green !" "Okay?" "Okay?" "Can I talk to you for a second?" "Can I just talk to you?" "I didn't come here to play Pumba on the radio." "So tomorrow, from 5 to 7, you're gonna give yourself a hand." "Green?" "Super-green." "Dallas?" "Korben Dallas?" "That's me." "Listen, I only have one Korben Dallas on my list, and he's already checked in, okay?" "That's impossible." "I am Korben Dallas." "Sorry, sir." "Boarding is finished." "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!" "Hey, hey, hey!" "I need to talk to someone!" "I don't believe this!" "MALE VOICE [ON LOUDSPEAKER]:" "This is not an exercise." "This is a police control." "Okay, I'm sorry." "I'm calm." "Put your hands in the yellow circles." "There's been a mistake." "There's been a mistake." "To make your flight as short as possible, our flight attendants are switching on the sleep regulator, which will regulate your sleeping during the flight." "Thank you." "Hi." "Oh, you speak English now." "Yes." "I learn." "Good." "Leeloo, we are not on vacation." "I'm on a mission, a very important mission." "I work for some very important people." "If I hadn't come to get you, you would be in big trouble." "Do you understand that?" "Do you understand?" "Big trouble?" "Yes." "But you, no trouble." "Me, fifth element." "Supreme being." "Me protect you." "[###]" "Sleep." "Sweet dreams, Mr. Dallas." "No, wait" "Sleep regulator operative in zone one, captain." "Thank you." "Zone two, are you operative?" "Zone two?" "Yeah, everything's ready, captain." "Mr. Rhod." "What?" "You're gonna have to assume your individual position." "I don't want one position, I want all positions!" "Mr. Rhod !" "[BUZZING]" "Parasites in landing gear." "Ground, you copy?" "Got it." "Front gear." "Hey, man, give me some heat, man !" "We need some heat here, man !" "Give me some heat!" "Some heat over here, man !" "Good shit, man." "Put the heat over here, man !" "[PARASITES SQUEALING]" "Thank you !" "Thank you very much !" "Come, come, come, come." "Give me this." "Give me this." "Take that." "Mr. Rhod !" "You can call me Ruby." "Fuelled and ready to go." "Yep." "I'll buy you one, man." "ZORG:" "Have you taken off already?" "I'm not on the plane." "What?" "The real Dallas took my place." "I don't understand." "Are you making fun of me?" "No, no, no!" "I swear!" "I swear!" "I never felt this way before with a human." "Really?" "Yeah !" "I've tried everything, sir, believe me." "There's no other way of getting on this plane." "[ENGINE WHIRRING]" "Ground is clear." "Roger." "Ready for lift-off?" "Confirmed." "Not there." "No, please, not there." "Please, not there." "Power pressure?" "Primed." "Protection?" "Confirmed." "PILOT:" "Power increase." "Ten seconds." "I am... a little... disappointed." "Five..." "And if there is one thing I do not like..." "Three..." "it is to be... two... disappointed." "one..." "Sorry, sir." "This will never happen again." "I know." "lift-off." "[SCREAMING]" "Landing gear secure." "Roger." "Checklist for light speed." "[###]" "[PINGING]" "Sir, we're finally getting something." "It's sending radio wavelengths." "What does it want with radio waves?" "Maybe it wants to make a call." "[PHONE RINGING]" "Zorg's office." "I told you I did not want to be disturbed." "I know you don't want to be disturbed except if it's Mr. Shadow, and it's Mr. Shadow on the line." "[###]" "SHADOW:" "It's Shadow again." "Zorg here." "Am I disturbing you?" "No, no, no, no, I was just" "Where are you?" "SHADOW:" "Not far now." "Good." "Good, good." "How are the stones?" "Fine." "Fine." "Just fine." "I'll have the..." "I'll have the four stones that you asked for any time now, but it wasn't easy." "My costs have tripled." "Money is of no importance." "I want the stones." "The stones... will be here." "I'll see to it personally." "I will be among you soon." "We lost it." "We lost the signal." "Damn !" "WOMAN [ON LOUDSPEAKER]:" "Ladies and gentlemen, we've begun our descent toward Fhloston Paradise." "The local time is 3:20 p.m." "Auto-temperature is currently 85 degrees Fahrenheit." "We do hope that you've enjoyed your flight for today and hope to see you again soon." "[AIRSHIN HORN BLARING]" "[CROWD CHATTERING]" "[SPACESHIN DOCKS]" "MAN [ON LOUDSPEAKER]:" "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to paradise." "[CHEERING]" "[BAND PLAYING]" "[SINGING IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE]" "Excuse me, dear." "Excuse me." "Thank you." "Excuse me, please." "[SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY]" "Wow." "[BUZZING]" "Parasites in main ventilation." "Again?" "Don't worry, I'll get it." "Aah !" "Have we arrived yet?" "Yeah." "Oh, good." "We have 12 swimming pools and two on the rooftop." "All the restaurants are between level two and level 10." "The planet Fhloston has 400 beaches, all accessible until 5 p. m." "Then the airship goes higher to offer you a better view with your dinner." "Is the diva here yet?" "Not yet." "Are there any tickets left for this opera?" "I'm a really big fan." "You have a seat reserved, front row, next to Ruby Rhod !" "He's so talented, don't you think?" "I just love him." "He's so sexy." "Well, anyway, he has your ticket for the show, and he'll be here in 20 minutes." "Do you know where I can get something to wear?" "Enjoy your evening, Mr. Dallas." "Thank you." "[PHONE RINGING]" "Hello?" "MRS. DALLAS [ON PHONE]:" "You miserable bastard, I never should've pushed you out." "Ma?" "I was in labour for days and this is how you repay me?" "I should've just gotten a robot." "Come on, Ma." "Don't "come on, Ma" me." "I should be there, not you." "I need a tan." "I need a cocktail." "Ma... [###]" "[SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY]" "[WHISPERS]:" "Get the case in." "[IN NORMAL VOICE]:" "Hello, Ms. Diva." "I'm Fog." "Welcome to the-- I am, uh, security." "Welcome to the" " Tall..." "Can I talk to you for a minute?" "Sure." "Yeah." "MANAGER:" "What's your name?" "FOG:" "Fog." "Ms. Plavalaguna wants you to know how glad she is that you're here." "She'll give you what you've come to get after the concert." "Stay here." "MAN [ON RADIN]:" "You're listening to Radio Cosmos and it is now 5 p.m." "Helm to 108." "Yes, sir." "Helm 108!" "Helm to 108." "MAN [ON RADIN]:" "Time to join Ruby Rhod and Korben Dallas, the lucky winner of the Gemini Croquette Contest." "Coming at you live from Fhloston..." "Paradise!" "[DANCE MUSIC PLAYS]" "Ruby Rhod at your service for two hours with lucky Korben and the manager of this super-green hotel and Miss Gemini Croquette in person and 8000 other lucksters here to enjoy the privilege of the unique concert of Miss Plavalaguna!" "Bzzz!" "And now we enter what must be the most beautiful concert hall in all the universe!" "A perfect replica of the old opera house... but who cares?" "To my right, a row of ministers, more sinisters than ministers." "To my left, Baby Ray, star of stage and screen." "He's not gonna get much out of this concert, because he's stone-deaf!" "To who?" "And here we have Roy Von Baker, king of laser ball." "And here, the Emperor of Kodar Japhet and his lovely daughter." ""I love to sing," she recently confessed to me." "By the way, I have a recording of her talented voice." "[SOUND OF WOMAN MOANING PLAYS]" "I'll play you the rest of the song after the concert, because right now it's time for Korben to say the word of the day." "So tell me, my man, you happy here in the big world?" "Thrilled." "And now champagne!" "Commercial !" "Commercial !" "MAN [ON EARPIECE]:" "Break for 30 seconds." "Bzzz!" "[###]" "[GROWLING]" "Showtime." "[CLASSICAL MUSIC PLAYS]" "[SINGING INVA MULLA TCHAKO'S ARIA OF "LUCIA DI LAMMERMOOR"]" "Commander, I have a ship in trouble requesting permission to dock for repairs." "Put him in the docking garage." "Inform security." "Sir." "MAN [ON RADIN]:" "Permission granted for one hour." "More than I need." "[KNOCKING]" "Yes?" "MAN:" "Champagne for the diva." "I'll take it." "[GUNSHOT]" "I found it." "[###]" "[DANCE MUSIC PLAYS]" "Get her!" "[SINGING INVA MULLA TCHAKO'S "THE DIVA DANCE"]" "[GRUNTING]" "[GUN CLICKS]" "It was an ambush." "[GROWLING]" "If it's war they want, it's war they'll get!" "Bravo!" "Bravo!" "My compliments, little lady." "Thank you for doing all the dirty work." "I couldn't have done a better job myself." "[###]" "Hand over the stones." "[GUN COCKS]" "Nobody move!" "We're taking over the ship!" "Hands up!" "[AUDIENCE SCREAMING]" "Ruby!" "Ruby!" "[GUNS SHOOTING]" "[CROWD SCREAMING]" "I know this music." "Let's change the beat." "[TICKING]" "Ladies and gentlemen, something's happening here." "I think we're being attacked." "I don't know who they are, but they're everywhere." "Wait a minute." "I see one of them." "They're warriors, and they're ugly." "They got big teeth and they got big foreheads and big ears, and they stink." "Mangalores." "[###]" "KORBEN:" "The government sent me to help you." "Just stay calm." "If somebody hears this, come and get me." "I'm in the first row." "[GROWLING]" "You must give her the stones." "Who?" "The fifth element." "The supreme being sent to Earth to save the universe." "Leeloo?" "Yes." "But she's more fragile than she seems." "She needs your help... and your love... or she will die." "[GROANING]" "No, no, no." "Stay with me." "Help!" "[CRYING]" "If you want something done, do it yourself." "Come on, honey." "You can't die." "Come on." "Listen to me." "Wake up!" "Where are the stones?" "What?" "The stones." "Where are the stones?" "The stones." "[LAUGHING]" "[CRYING]" "They're not here." "The stones, where are they?" "In me." "What?" "What?" "Oh, my God, Korben." "Oh, my God, Korben, Korben." "Korben, another one coming." "Korben." "Korben, I think we should go." "One minute." "One minute." "Just give me a minute." "MANGALORE:" "Hey, you !" "I said, you." "I'm not with him." "Where's the other?" "[RUBY SCREAMS]" "[GUN COCKS]" "I said, one minute." "Ruby, hold this gun." "What?" "What do you want me to do?" "Hold this gun." "Come on." "Put your hand on it." "Oh, my God." "Got it?" "Hold it." "What do I do?" "If he moves, squeeze the trigger." "I don't feel right." "I don't feel right, Korben." "The stones are "in me."" "Korben, I got a headache." "This ain't me." "Ruby" "[GUNSHOT]" "Sorry." "Sorry." "Sorry." "Think he's gonna be okay?" "[GROWLING]" "Oh, my God." "Oh, my God, Korben." "Another one coming." "Aw, shit." "Three coming, Korben." "Three." "Listen, you guard this with your life, or you're gonna look like this guy right here." "You green?" "Green." "KORBEN:" "Super-green?" "RUBY:" "Super-green." "Is that your idea of a discreet operation?" "Don't worry, sir." "I know my man." "He'll calm things down." "[GUN SHOOTING]" "All right." "[YELLS]" "Move!" "Move!" "Oh, my God." "Oh, my God." "Ladies and gentlemen." "Ladies and gentlemen, this is amazing." "Let me do it." "Right." "Oh, my God." "Korben Dallas, Korben, my man." "Korben Dallas is in trouble." "Hey." "Ray!" "The gun !" "Give me the gun." "The gun." "The gun !" "I'm gonna go and try to see if I can see something a little closer." "Yes, the gun." "Yeah." "Thanks, Ray." "Don't shoot!" "Don't shoot!" "Don't shoot!" "I'm not armed !" "Get up!" "You've got the wrong guy!" "Don't shoot!" "I'm not armed !" "I'm not armed !" "[GROWLS]" "Oh, my God." "KORBEN:" "I'm on vacation." "It's" " Don't shoot me, please." "I'm on a vacation." "I won a... contest." "Gemini Croquette's to Fhloston Paradise." "Down." "Wait a minute." "Wait a minute." "Get down !" "[###]" "I think he's trying to say something to me." "Get down !" "[GUN SHOOTING]" "Sorry." "Sorry, my man." "Korben." "Korben?" "Where are you, man?" "Oh, my God." "Oh, my God." "Korben." "They're coming." "Korben, they're coming." "[RUBY CRYING]" "Korben !" "Don't move." "What?" "[SCREAMS]" "What you doing?" "Count to 10." "Korben?" "Was that a bomb?" "Just shut up and count!" "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight... nine..." "[RUBY SCREAMING]" "[RUBY PANTING]" "Ten." "[TICKING]" "I am very disappointed !" "Korben, my man." "Korben, what are you looking for?" "Control room." "This is it." "I'll be over here, all right?" "Let's go!" "Let's go!" "Quiet!" "Quiet!" "You in charge?" "Yeah." "How many of them are out there?" "I don't know." "Let's count." "[MANGALORES GROWLING]" "Seven on the left." "Five on the right." "[GUNS SHOOTING]" "Four on the right." "Two on the left." "We need to find the leader." "Mangalores won't fight without the leader." "One more shot and we start killing hostages." "That's the leader." "Send someone to negotiate." "l-- l-- l-- l-- I've never negotiated." "You mind if I try?" "No, no." "Sure, sure." "Sure." "We're sending somebody in to negotiate!" "Anybody else wanna negotiate?" "Where did he learn to negotiate like that?" "I wonder." "Where's Ruby?" "I thought he was dead." "Master!" "It was nothing, really." "It was just a helping hand." "Ladies and gentlemen, this is Ruby Rhod, still alive." "Aah !" "What's wrong with you?" "It hurt!" "Wow." "Zoom." "Korben, I realize that you must be pretty mad at me, but I want you to know that I am fighting for a noble cause." "Yes, you're trying to save the world." "I remember." "Right now, I'm trying to save Leeloo, Father." "Leeloo's in trouble?" "When is Leeloo not in trouble?" "There." "Where is that?" "MAN:" "That's the diva's suite." "Leeloo." "[###]" "Leeloo." "Hang on." "Here, come on." "How the hell do you get yourself into these positions?" "Come on." "Yeah, I'm here." "It's all right." "It's all right." "Everything's okay now." "Listen." "[TICKING]" "I got the stones." "All right, just take it easy, all right?" "[WHIMPERS]" "My man, my man, my man." "What's this thing with all these numbers?" "[###]" "It's" " It's" "No, no, no, no." "Because if it was a bomb, the alarms would go off because all these hotels have bomb detectors." "Right?" "[ALARM BUZZING]" "WOMAN [ON LOUDSPEAKER]:" "This is a Type A alert." "For security reasons, the hotel must be evacuated." "Please proceed calmly to the lifeboats" "Stay calm !" "located in the main hallways." "Please, stay calm !" "[CROWD SCREAMING]" "Korben." "Korben, my man, you know how to stop this, right?" "Korben?" "WOMAN [ON LOUDSPEAKER]:" "Two minutes to complete evacuation." "Get back!" "Evacuation !" "Evacuation !" "Sorry, sir, you can't stay here." "There's a bomb in the hotel." "I know." "[CROWD SCREAMING]" "RUBY:" "I don't want to die." "Please, my son." "Get in." "Get in." "WOMAN [ON LOUDSPEAKER]:" "One minute to total evacuation." "This one." "Forty-five seconds." "KORBEN:" "Get her strapped in." "Korben, Korben." "Korben, my man, you know how to fly this thing?" "Just like driving a cab." "[ENGINE WHIRRING]" "But the door?" "How we gonna get out the door?" "Fifteen seconds." "Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five..." "[GRUNTS]" "[BEEPING]" "For the honour." "[TICKING]" "Oh, no." "You should hold on." "Come on." "Like driving a cab." "Ladies and gentlemen, it is now 7 p. m." "Time for the news." "See you tomorrow for a new adventure." "MAN [ON EARPIECE]:" "End of transmission." "That's the best show I ever did." "Mr. President, Major Dallas has the five elements on board, and the priest is guiding them directly to the temple." "[###]" "We're saved." "The diva said that I should take care of you." "Humans act so strange." "What do you mean?" "Everything you created is used to destroy." "Yeah." "We call it human nature." "You learn about that on your screen?" "I'm not finished yet." "I'm up to V." "V is good." "Some very good words in V." "Like what?" "Valiant." "Vulnerable." "Very beautiful." "[CHEERING]" "PRESIDENT:" "Oh, of course, Munro!" "Mr. President?" "Yes, now what?" "l-- l" "We have a problem." "What do you mean it's advancing?" "It's not only advancing, it's moving at incredible speed." "We're having trouble following it." "And do you have any idea where it's heading?" "[###]" "Korben, there's a general on the phone." "I'll give you to the president." "Major Dallas, I first would like to salute a warrior." "You're a shining example of this army's might." "Mr. President." "Mr. President." "In the name of the Federation and its territories-- Any idea when you're gonna be getting to the point?" "Okay." "There's a ball of fire 1200 miles in diameter heading straight for Earth, and we have no idea how to stop it." "That's the problem." "How much time do we have?" "If its speed remains constant, in an hour and 57 minutes." "I'll call you back in two hours." "Hello?" "Hello?" "Hello?" "[###]" "They just landed in the desert." "CORNELIUS:" "Good job, David." "Put her in the centre." "Where?" "Here?" "You got it figured out, Father?" "This one should be fire." "You know how all this works?" "Theoretically, yes." "Theoretically?" "The four stones should go around." "The fifth element should be in the middle, and then the weapon against evil should work." "You've never seen this work before, have you?" "No." "Every weapon has a manual." "I'm sure this has one too." "That's it." "That's it." "Match up the symbols." "Go!" "Go!" "Wind." "My man, what you doing?" "What?" "What you doing?" "Trying to keep you in the DJ business." "Fire." "Done." "So, what happens now?" "So now, we have to open them." "And you know how to do that, right?" "Theoretically... no." "No." "Leeloo, wake up, honey, wake up." "You have to help us." "Leeloo." "How do you open these stones?" "Wind blows." "Fire burns." "Yes, I know all that." "But how do you open these stones?" "Rain... falls." "Leeloo." "Leeloo." "What does it mean?" "I think that" "Maybe it's a charade." "What?" "A game or something." "If we don't get these stones open in five minutes, we're all dead." "Dead?" "Yes, dead." "Too late." "We've lost contact with them." "Three minutes." "I think mine is broken." "Why I gotta get the broke one?" "We're never gonna make it." "[SIGHS]" "Korben." "Korben, it moved !" "What'd you do?" "Show me what you did." "Nothing." "Shut up, shut up!" "Shut up!" "Calm down." "Show me what you did." "Take me through it, step by step." "I was just standing here like this." "Quickly." "Okay, and I put my hands on the top like this, and I said:" ""We're not gonna make it."" "That's it?" "[SIGHS]" "RUBY:" "Korben, my man." "Wind." "She said, "Wind" " Wind blows."" "[BLOWING]" "Everyone take a stone." "Water for water." "Fire for fire." "Earth for earth." "Go, now!" "Earth." "Open the other one." "Okay..." "K" " Korben." "Korben, my man, I have no fire." "I have no matches." "Do you have any matches?" "I stopped smoking." "If I knew-- I mean" " Father, you smoke?" "Got some matches?" "Matches?" "We need some fire." "We all gonna die." "Don't breathe." "[GASPING]" "[RUBY WHIMPERS]" "Fire." "One minute." "KORBEN:" "Let's go." "Let's go." "Leeloo." "Wake up." "Wake up." "It's time for you to work now." "Protect life... until death." "No, no, Leeloo!" "Listen to me!" "Listen to me." "Listen." "Listen, I know you're very tired." "I know you're very tired." "I'll take you on a vacation when we're done." "I swear, a real vacation." "A real vacation, just you and me." "But listen to me, if you don't do something right now, we're all gonna die." "You understand?" "What's the use of saving life when you see what you do with it?" "It'll be entering the atmosphere in 40 seconds." "KORBEN:" "Leeloo, you're right." "You're right, you're right." "But there are some things, very nice things worth saving, some beautiful things." "Beautiful things." "Like love?" "Yes, love." "That's good." "That's good." "That's a good example." "Like love." "Love is worth saving." "I don't know love." "I was built to protect, not to love." "So there's no use for me other than this." "No, no, no, you're wrong." "You're wrong." "You're wrong." "I need you." "I need you, very much." "Why?" "Because..." "Tell her, Korben." "Tell me." "Please." "Why do you need me?" "Because..." "Tell me." "Tell me." "Because l" "Because I love you." "I love you." "Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one." "[YELLING]" "[THUNDER RUMBLING]" "[###]" "MAN [ON RADIN]:" "Scanner imaging has confirmed the dark planet: dead." "The planet seems to have stopped at 62 miles from impact." "[LAUGHS]" "Yes!" "What's wrong with you?" "What you screaming for?" "Every five minutes, it's something." "A bomb or something." "I'm leaving." "Bzz!" "[SIRENS BLARING]" "[PRESIDENT LAUGHING]" "Mr. President." "Let me introduce you to Professor Mactilburgh who runs the centre." "It's an honour to receive you, Mr. President." "Yes, well..." "Where are my two heroes?" "Oh, they were so tired from their ordeal, we put them in the reactor this morning." "I have 19 more meetings after this one, professor." "Yeah." "I'm sorry." "Let me see if they're revived." "Thank you." "We go live in one minute, Mr. President." "Mm-hm." "Ah..." "They're... not ready." "They need... five more minutes." "You have 20 seconds." "No, ma'am." "No, no, I tried." "No, ma'am." "Who's that?" "Some woman." "Claims to be Korben's mother." "Well, give it here." "Mrs. Dallas, this is the president." "On behalf of the Federation" "MRS. DALLAS [ON PHONE]:" "Oh, please, that doesn't even sound like him." "The president's an idiot." "You don't sound like an idiot." "If you don't want to talk to your mother, just avoid me like usual, huh?" "I'll just throw myself in traffic." "I'll just Saran Wrap myself to the bed and pretend my child..." "[MRS. DALLAS SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY]" "[R.X. R.A.'S "THE LITTLE LIGHT OF LOVE" PLAYS]" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"First, there was the collapse of civilization:" "anarchy, genocide, starvation." "Then, when it seemed things couldn't get any worse, we got the plague... the living death, quickly closing its fist over the entire planet." "And then we heard the rumors, that the last scientists were working on a cure that would end the plague and restore the world." "Restore it?" "Why?" "I like the death." "I like the misery!" "I like this world!" "Come on, Pearl!" "it's clear." "I think we lost Fender and his piracies." "We've got a chance to reach the Prox township and hire a slinger." "Get..." "Get going, Pearl." "I'll try to hold them here." "Find a slinger to help you, Pearl." "Now!" "Get her." " Let her go!" " To Atlanta?" "To cure the plague with the information that she is carring." "I wanna own it." "Own the cure?" "I'd be a god!" " But the misery could be stopped." " I like the misery." " The world could be changed." " I like this world." "Go to hell!" "Been there." "Thanks." "Wait!" "Who are you?" "Why did you help me?" "I thought it was somebody else." "I can trust you." "For what?" "To get me back to Atlanta." "There's a group of doctors there, the last ones." "They've been working on a cure for the plague." "They need information I have." "I swear it's the truth." "I'm a cyborg." "They created me to retrieve data from the computer system here in the city." "Slinger!" "That slinger can't help you now." "I'll take you to Atlanta and you'll give me the cure." "And if you don't" "I'll give you the horror show." "Get me back to Atlanta." "There's a group of doctors there, the last ones." "They've been working on a cure for the plague." "They need information I have." "You think we're gonna swim all the way to Atlanta?" "I... can't... swim, asshole!" "I hate the water!" "Hey, I caught a nice fish here!" "Hoist anchor, mates!" "We got us a skin-job to take to Atlanta!" "Say your final goodbyes to your daddy and let's be on our way." "I'm losing money." "Let's go." "I don't know if I really trust you." "I don't know if there's really any difference between slingers and the pirates that killed my pa." "But I guess I ain't got no choice." "You're the only guy that answered the posting for the pay." "Just get us out of this city." "It's what I do." "Get people out of the city." "Let's go." "You're good with them." "I like them." " It's beautiful." " We'll be safe here." "Are you looking for that woman?" "I heard the pirates say she has a cure for the plague." "They're taking her to Atlanta." "Atlanta." "The pirates wanted a boat." "All this for a stupid boat." "Why are you still alive?" "I hid when they came." "I saw them setting off down the waterway to Charleston." "I was just getting ready to take off when you showed up." "I figured you for one of the pirates." "I'm gone." "So, are you going after that woman with the cure?" "To save her from the pirates?" "I'd like to help." "My family died from the plague." "So did most everybody else I've known." "So as soon as I heard the pirates talk about this woman," "I knew I had to do something to help." "Keep moving." "You don't want my help?" " No." " Think you can rescue her by yourself?" "It's not my business." "You're not gonna try to save this woman?" "You don't care?" "Well, what do you care about?" "Fender." "There's a cure for the plague and you don't give a shit?" "What kind of jerk are you?" " Why don't you rescue her?" " Maybe I will." "You know, the short cut to Charleston's a free road." "You can't stop me from traveling." "Good luck!" "Not too much." "So do you think we'll find Fender?" "We'll get him." "Tell me something." "I tried to kill you." "So why did you stay with me while I was knocked out?" "Sort of goes against your hard-ass style." "It's because I felt sorry for you." "The man has a heart." "Fender's making his way down the inter- coastal waterway to Charleston." "He stopped for wood at Hatteras yesterday." "Torched a settlement there." "I'll catch up with him." "Where the ocean meets the road to Atlanta." "Folks generally make it a point to stay out of Fender's path, Gibs." "Not go looking to kill him." "I heard you'd given it up." "Found some peace in the country." "This is going to be our home." "You said you wanted a change." "Stay with us?" "Just for a little while?" "I was a fool, Maze." "I started to believe in the dream." "Everybody's gotta have a dream, Gibs." "A little hope." "Ha, look at old Maze!" "Got my bar, family." "How's that for hope?" "Make sure you put your knives on for the right reason, son." "What if you kill Fender?" "What then?" "What about the rest of your life?" "So the cure's not important, huh?" "I got your ball!" "Knock it off, or I'll bash your brains out." "Hey!" "I don't think this is yours." "Hey, kid." "Are you crazy?" "This is the Wasteland." " We can't go through here." " Fender has a boat." "We're walking." "You want the cure." "I want Fender." "Shortcut to Charleston, my ass!" "We are lost." "Typical." "Son of a bitch!" "You're pretty good." " Do you ever get used to it?" " Used to what?" "The killing." "I didn't make this world." "Yeah, you only live in it." "Fender's boat will pass here." "Good." "Then we're stopping." "You're just a walking wound, aren't you?" "Sorry." "I like scars, really." "So what did Fender do to you?" "You know, if you let me help you, you can help me." "No." "You still don't think that woman is worth saving?" "I don't want to see you die." "I don't wanna see you die either." "You're not gonna be here in the morning when I wake up, are you?" "It's OK." "What is it?" "Fender." "You were chosen because of your matrix engineering background and the make-up of your personality." "You are the perfect choice for this mission." "However, I think it's important that you understand the ramifications of your decision." "I wouldn't have volunteered if I didn't understand the consequences." "After the operation, you will never be the same again, Pearl." "The plague has destroyed so much." "We've lost our humanity." "We've lost our purpose." "There's no meaning in this world." "I wanna change that." "I'll bring back the data you need." "I swear it." "Good luck, Pearl." "Don't worry, Pearl." "I'll get you to New York-and back." "We'll dock and reach the inland road by noon." "Fender's boat." "Stay next to me." "Who are they?" "Take 'em out." "Move!" " Wait here." " I'm not gonna stay here!" "I want you out of my way until I see what's going on." "Look, I'm here to make sure that woman lives." "And I'm not gonna let you do anything that could hurt her." "Nothing's going to happen to her." "It's a promise." "A promise." "Fuck it!" "Oh, shit." "Fuck!" "Come on!" "Motherfucker!" "I told my sister that slingers kill pirates." "I'm gonna be a slinger some day." "No, you're not." "You'll do something better, Haley." "Go!" "You, keep an eye on her." "Move!" "Come on." "I'm not going with you." "You're not strong enough to get me to Atlanta." "Fender would eventually catch us." "Maybe kill me." "Certainly kill you." "Look, Fender must be destroyed." "In Atlanta, we have the means." "I'll lead him to his death." "Nothing can stop him in this world." "Not even you." "You!" "You take her!" "Here!" "Over here!" "Here!" " Can you make it?" " Yeah." "I guess I should have stayed put, huh?" "Come on." "Let's go." "Let's go." "Run!" "Run!" "Stand him up!" "Let's go." "Haley." "Haley!" "What's wrong with you?" "You're good with them." "I like them." "They like you, Gibs." "This is going to be our home." "Stay with us?" "Just for a little while?" "It's up to you, honey." "If you can hold them, they'll live." "Fender!" "I told you you were gonna need my help." "What's waiting in Atlanta?" "What I told you." "The last of the old world." "What's waiting for me, cyborg?" "Whatever you want." "Guns." "Weapons." "The cure, if they find it." "Life." "Death." "Death?" "You think you can stop me there." "No, we have a deal." "You'll fail." "Of course I would." "I know how strong you are." "Don't look down on me!" "I don't." "Move!" "Go!" "No!" "Come with me." "Hurry!" "I kill slingers!" "Stop it!" "Stop it!" "Please." " Fender!" " Fucker!" "Hey, come on!" "Fuck you!" "Welcome home, Pearl." " Were you able to retrieve the data?" " Yes, I was." "Thanks to this man." "Stay with us, Gibson." "They need us out there." "Let's go." "It's strange." "But I feel he's the real cure for this world." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
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"Mahtim!" "Mahtim!" "Mahtim!" "Good afternoon, gentlemen." "First off, I'd like to thank this board... for taking the time to hear my proposal." "Now, we've all heard of the legend of Atlantis... a continent somewhere in the mid-Atlantic... that was home to an advanced civilization... possessing technology far beyond our own... that, according to our friend Plato here... was suddenly struck by some cataclysmic event... that sank it beneath the sea." "Now, some of you may ask, why Atlantis?" "It's just a myth, isn't it?" "Pure fantasy." "Well, that is where you'd be wrong." "10,000 years before the Egyptians... built the pyramids..." "Atlantis had electricity, advanced medicine... even the power of flight." "Impossible, you say?" "Well, no." "No, not for them." "Numerous ancient cultures all over the globe agree... that Atlantis possessed a power source of some kind... more powerful than steam, than... than coal." "More powerful than our modern... internal combustion engines." "Gentlemen, I propose that we find Atlantis... find that power source... and bring it back to the surface." "Now, this is a page from an illuminated text... that describes a book called the Shepherd's Journal... said to have been a first-hand account... of Atlantis and its exact whereabouts." "Now, based on a centuries-old translation of a Norse text... historians have believed the Journal resides in Ireland." "But after comparing the text... to the runes on this Viking shield..." "I found that one of the letters... had been mistranslated." "So, by changing this letter... and inserting the correct one... we find that the Shepherd's Journal... the key to Atlantis... lies not in Ireland, gentlemen... but in Iceland." "Pause for effect." "Gentlemen, uh, I'll take your questions now." "Uh, would you gentlemen please excuse me for a moment?" "Cartography and Linguistics, Milo Thatch speaking." "Yeah." "Uh, just... just a second." "Pardon me, Mr. Hickenbottom." "How's that?" "Is that better?" "Uh-huh." "Yeah." "You're welcome." "And don't let it happen again!" "All right, bye." "Now, as you can see by th... by this, um, map... map, uh, that... that... ahem... that I've drawn, I plotted the route... that will take myself and a crew... to the southern coast of Iceland to retrieve the Journal." "Ah, showtime." "Well, this is it." "I am finally getting out of the dungeon." ""Dear Mr. Thatch, this is to inform you..." ""that your meeting today has been moved up..." ""from 4:30 P.M. To 3:30 P.M."" "What?" ""Dear Mr. Thatch, due to your absence..." ""the board has voted to reject your proposal." ""Have a nice weekend." "Mr. Harcourt's office."" "They can't do this to me!" "I swear, that young Thatch... gets crazier every year." "If I ever hear the word "Atlantis" again..." "I'll step in front of a bus!" "Ha ha ha!" "I'll push you!" "Mr. Harcourt!" "Good Lord!" "There he is!" "Members of the board..." "uh, wait!" "How did you find us?" "Mr. Harcourt, wait!" "Head for the hills!" "Where is a guard when you need him?" "Mr. Harcourt, you gotta listen to me, sir!" "Uh, sir?" "Wait!" "Mr. Harcourt!" "Sir, I-I have new evidence that..." "Please, Mr. Harcourt!" "Stop!" "Sir, if you..." "Could you hold..." "Thank you very much." "Look at..." "This museum funds scientific expeditions... based on facts, not legends and folklore." "Besides, we need you here." " We depend on you." " You do?" "Yes!" "What with winter coming... that boiler's going to need a lot of attention." " Boiler?" " Onward, Heinz!" "But there..." "there's a journal!" "It's in Iceland!" "I'm sure of it this time!" "Sir, I really hoped it wouldn't come to this... but this is... uhh..." "a letter of resignation." "If you reject my proposal, I'll..." "Whoa!" "I'll quit!" "I mean it, sir." "If you refuse to fund my proposal..." "You'll what?" "Flush your career down the toilet... just like your grandfather?" "You have a lot of potential, Milo." "Don't throw it all away chasing fairy tales." "But I can prove Atlantis exists!" "You want to go on an expedition?" "Here." "Take a trolley to the Potomac and jump in!" "Maybe the cold water will clear your head." "Heinz!" "I'm home." "Fluffy?" "Here, kitty." "Milo James Thatch?" "Who... who are you?" "How did you get in here?" "I came down the chimney." "Ho, ho, ho." "My name is Helga Sinclair." "I'm acting on behalf of my employer... who has a most intriguing proposition for you." "Are you interested?" "Your... your..." "your employer?" "Heh." "Who is your employer?" "This way, please." "And don't drip on the Caravaggio." "Step lively." "Mr. Whitmore does not like to be kept waiting." "You will address him as "Mr. Whitmore" or "Sir."" "You will stand unless asked to be seated." "Keep your sentences short and to the point." "Are we clear?" "And relax." "He doesn't bite... often." "Grandpa?" "Finest explorer I ever met." "Preston Whitmore." "Pleasure to meet you, Milo." "Join me in a little yoga?" "Uh, no, no." "Thank you." "Did you really know my grandfather?" "Oh, yeah." "Met old Thaddeus back in Georgetown." "Class of '66." "We stayed close friends... till the end of his days." "Even dragged me along... on some of his danged fool expeditions." "Thatch was crazy as a fruit bat, he was." "He spoke of you often." "Funny." "He... he never mentioned you." "Oh, he wouldn't." "He knew how much I liked my privacy." "I keep a low profile." "Mr. Whitmore, should I be wondering why I'm here?" "Look on that table." "Ah!" "It's for you." "It's... it's from my grandfather." "He brought that package to me years ago." "He said if anything were to happen to him..." "I should give it to you... when you were ready... whatever that means." "It..." "It can't be." "It's the Shepherd's Journal." "Mr. Whitmore, this journal is the key... to finding the lost continent of Atlantis!" "Atlantis!" "Ha ha ha!" "I wasn't born yesterday, son." "No, no, no." "Look..." "look at this." "Coordinates." "Clues." "It's all right here." "Yeah, looks like gibberish to me." "That's because it's been written in a dialect... that no longer exists." " So it's useless." " No, no, just difficult." "I've spent my whole life studying dead languages." "It's not gibberish to me." "Ah, it's probably a fake." "Mr. Whitmore, my grandfather would have known... if this were a fake." "I would know." "I will stake everything I own, everything that I believe in... that this is the genuine Shepherd's Journal." "All right, all right." "So what do you want to do with it?" "Well, I'll..." "I'll..." "I'll get funding." "I mean, I'll..." "The museum..." "They'll never believe you." "I'll show them!" "I will make them believe." "Like you did today?" "Yes!" "Well, no." "How did you..." "Forget about them, OK?" "Never mind!" "I will find Atlantis on my own." "I mean, if I have to rent a rowboat!" "Congratulations, Milo." "This is exactly what I wanted to hear." "But forget the rowboat, son." "We'll travel in style." "It's all been arranged, the whole ball of wax." "Why?" "For years your granddad bent my ear... with stories about that old book." "I didn't buy it for a minute." "So finally I got fed up... and made a bet with the old coot." "I said, "Thatch, if you ever actually find..." ""that so-called journal..." ""not only will I finance the expedition..." ""but I'll kiss you full on the mouth."" "Lmagine my embarrassment... when he found the darn thing." "Now I know your grandfather's gone, Milo..." "God rest his soul, but Preston Whitmore... is a man who keeps his word." "You hear that, Thatch?" "I'm going to the afterlife... with a clear conscience, by thunder!" "Your grandpa was a great man." "You probably don't realize how great." "Those buffoons at the museum dragged him down... made a laughingstock of him." "He died a broken man." "If I could bring back just one shred of proof... that'd be enough for me." "Ah, Thatch." "What are we standing around for?" "We got work to do." "But, Mr. Whitmore, you know, in order to do... what you're proposing, you're gonna need a crew." "Taken care of!" "You'll need engineers and... and geologists." "Got 'em all." "The best of the best." "Gaetan Moliere, geology and excavation." "The man has a nose for dirt." "Vincenzo Santorini, demolitions." "Busted him out of a Turkish prison." "Audrey Ramirez." "Don't let her age fool you." "She's forgotten more about engines... than you or I will ever know." "They're the same crew that brought the Journal back." "Where was it?" "Iceland." "I knew it!" "I knew it!" "All we need now is an expert in gibberish." "So it's decision time." "You can build on the foundation your grandfather left you... or you can go back to your boiler room." " This is for real." " Now you're catching on." "All right." "OK." "I-I-I'll have to quit my job." "It's done." "You resigned this afternoon." "I did?" "Yep." "Don't like to leave loose ends." "Um, my apartment." "I have to give notice." " Taken care of." " My clothes?" " Packed." " My books?" " In storage." " My cat?" "My gosh." "Your granddad had a saying." ""Our lives are remembered... by the gifts we leave our children."" "This journal is his gift to you, Milo." "Atlantis is waiting." "What do you say?" "I'm your man, Mr. Whitmore." "You will not regret this." "Boy, I am so excited, l-I-I-I can't even hold it in." "Carrots." "Why is there always carrots?" "I didn't even eat carrots." "Attention." "All hands to the launch bay." "To whoever took the "L" from the Motor Pool sign... ha ha, we are all very amused." "Excuse me?" "I need to, uh, report in?" "Yes, Mr. Thatch?" "Uh, it's you!" "Blondie, I got a bone to pick with you." "Hold that thought." "What is it this time, Cookie?" "You done stuffed my wagon full to bustin' with non-essentials." "Look at all this..." "cinnamon, oregano, cilantro." "What in the cockadoodle is cilantro?" "And what is this?" "That would be lettuce." "Lettuce?" "Lettuce?" "!" "It's a vegetable, Cookie." "The men need the four basic food groups." "I got your four basic food groups!" "Beans, bacon, whiskey, and lard!" "All right, cowboy." "Pack it up and move it out." "Attention." "All hands to the launch bay." "Final loading in progress." "Hey, Junior." "If you're lookin' for the pony rides... they're back there." "Excuse me." "Excuse me?" "You dropped your dy-dy-dy-dynamite." "Heh heh heh." "What else have you, uh, got in there?" "Oh, eh, gunpowder, nitroglycerin, notepads... fuses, wicks, glue, and... paper clips." "Big ones." "You know, just, uh, office supplies." "Milo!" "Where you been?" "I want you to meet Commander Rourke." "He led the Iceland team that brought the Journal back." "Milo Thatch." "Pleasure to meet the grandson of old Thaddeus." "I see you got that journal." "Nice pictures, but..." "I prefer a good western myself." "Pretty impressive, eh?" "Boy, when you settle a bet, y-you settle a bet." "Well, your granddad always believed... you couldn't put a price on the pursuit of knowledge." "Well, uh, believe me this'll be small change... compared to the value of what we're gonna... learn on this trip." "Yes, this should be enriching for all of us." "Attention, all personnel." "Launch will commence in 15 minutes." " Mr. Whitmore." " Rourke." "It's time." " Bye, Mr. Whitmore!" " Make us proud, boy!" "Rig ship for dive!" "Aye, sir!" "Rig ship for dive." "Lieutenant, take her down." "Diving officer, submerge the ship." "Make the depth 1-5-0 feet." "Make the depth 1-5-0 feet." "Dive, dive!" "Five degrees down bubble." "Take us down." "Attention." "Tonight's supper will be baked beans." "Musical program to follow." "Who wrote this?" "You have disturbed the dirt." " Uh, pardon me?" " You have disturbed the dirt!" "Dirt from around the globe, spanning the centuries!" "What have you done?" "England must never merge with France!" " What's it doin' in my bed?" " You ask too many questions." "Who are you?" "Who sent you?" "Speak up!" " Me?" "I'm, uh..." " Bah!" "I will know soon enough." "Hey, hey, hey!" "Let go!" "Do not be such a crybaby." "Hold still." "Aha!" "There you are." "Now tell me your story, my little friend." "Parchment fiber from the Nile circa 500 B. C." "Lead pencil, number 2." "Paint flecks... of a type used in government buildings." "You have a cat, short-haired Persian... two years old, third in a litter of seven." "There are all the microscopic fingerprints... of the mapmaker." "And linguist." " Hey, how did you..." " This is an outrage!" "You must leave at once!" "Out, out, out, out, out!" "Uh-oh." "Sat in the dirt, didn't you?" "Moliere, now what have I told you... about playing nice with the other kids?" "Get back." "I've got soap, and I'm not afraid to use it." "Back, foul creature!" "Back to the pit from which you came!" "The name's Sweet." "Joshua Sweet." "Medical officer." "Yeah, Milo Thatch." "Milo Thatch." "You're my 3:00." "Well, no time like the present." " Oh, boy." " Nice, isn't it?" "The catalog says that this little beauty... can saw through a femur in 28 seconds." "I'm bettin' I can cut that time in half." "Now, stick out your tongue and say "ahh."" "Oh, no, really, I have a..." "Aah." "So, where you from?" "Really?" "I have family up that way." "Beautiful country up there." "Do you do any fishing?" "Me?" "I hate fishing." "I hate fish." "Hate the taste, hate the smell... and hate all them little bones." "Here, I'm gonna need you to fill these up." "With what?" "Will Milo Thatch please report to the bridge?" "Thank you." "I mean, uh, uh, nice meeting you." "Uh-huh." "Nice meeting you, too." "So I says to him, "What's wrong with my meatloaf?"" "And he says to me..." "Oh." "Hold on a second, Margie, I got another call." "Sir, we're approaching coordinates." "Hello, Margie?" "Yeah, so anyways, he says..." "All right, let's have a look around." "Aye, sir." "Set course to 2-4-0." "15 degrees down angle on the bow planes." "Come right 2-4-0." "Welcome to the bridge, Mr. Thatch." "OK, everybody..." "I want you to give Mr. Thatch... your undivided attention." "Good afternoon." "Can everyone hear me OK?" "Heh, OK, uh, how..." "how 'bout some slides?" "The... the first slide is a depiction of a creature." "A creature so frightening... that sailors were said to be driven mad... by the mere sight of it." "Hubba, hubba." "Uh, I'm sorry." "That's... wrong." "Geez, I used to take lunch money... from guys like this." "Anyway, this, uh..." "OK." "This is an illustration of the Leviathan... the creature guarding the entrance to Atlantis." "With something like that..." "I would have white wine, I think." "It's a mythical sea serpent." "He's described in the Book of Job." "The... the Bible says..." ""Out of his mouth go burning lights... sparks of fire shoot out."" "But more likely it's a carving or a sculpture... to frighten the superstitious." "So we find this masterpiece." "Then what?" "When do we dig?" "Actually, we don't have to dig." "You see, according to the Journal... the path to Atlantis will take us down a tunnel... at the bottom of the ocean, and we'll come up a curve... into an air pocket right here... where we'll find the remnants... of an ancient highway that will lead us to Atlantis." "Kind of like the grease trap in your sink." "Cartographer, linguist, plumber." "Hard to believe he's still single." " You said there'd be digging." " Go away, Mole." "Captain, you'd better come look at this, sir." "OK, class dismissed." "Give me exterior lights." "Look at that." "There are ships here from every era." "Commander, I think you should hear this." ""Predeshtem logtu nug... nah geb."" "Commander?" "Commander?" ""Enter the lair of the Leviathan."" "Commander?" ""There you will find the path to the gateway."" "Commander?" "Yes, Mrs. Packard." "What is it?" "I'm picking up something on the hydrophone..." " I think you should hear." " Put it on speakers." "What is it?" "A pod of whales?" "Uh-uh." "Bigger." "It sounds metallic." "Could be an echo off one of the rocks." "Do you want to do my job?" "Be my guest." "Is it just me, or is that getting louder?" "Well, whatever it was, it's gone now." "Helmsman!" "Bring us about." "Tighten our search pattern and slow us to..." "Out of the way!" "Tell Cookie to melt the butter... and break out the bibs." "I want this lobster served up on a silver platter." "Load the torpedo bays!" "Subpod crews, battle stations!" "Battle stations!" "Steady, boys." "Don't panic." "Jiminy Christmas!" "It's a machine!" "Wait, wait!" "Uhh!" "Launch subpods!" "Subpods away!" "Fire!" "We're free." "All ahead full." "Fire torpedoes!" "Fire torpedoes!" "Get me the bridge!" "Sir, it's engineering on four." "Rourke!" "We took a big hit down here... and we're taking on water fast." "I don't want to be around when it hits the boilers." "How much time do we have?" "20 minutes, if the bulkhead holds." "You better make that five." "You heard the lady." "Let's move!" "Move!" "Where?" "Move where?" "Packard, sound the alarm!" "He took his suitcase?" "Marge, honey, I don't think he's comin' back." " Packard!" " I have to call you back." "No, no, I'll call you." "All hands, abandon ship." "Move it, people!" "Sometime today would be nice!" "Come on!" "Everybody grab a seat and buckle in." "Lieutenant, get us out of here!" "Lieutenant!" "I'm working on it!" "Hang on." "Where to, Mr. Thatch?" "We're looking for a big crevice of some kind." "There!" "Up ahead." "All craft, make your mark 20 degrees down angle." "Roger!" "20 degrees down angle." "Right behind you!" "Sacre bleu!" "We're getting killed out here!" "Look out!" "It's only a grease trap." "It's just like a sink." "It's only a grease trap." "It's just like a sink!" "Seven hours ago, we started this expedition... with 200 of the finest men and women I've ever known." "We're all that's left." "I won't sugar-coat it, gentlemen." "We have a crisis on our hands." "But we've been up this particular creek before... and we've always come through, paddle or no paddle." "I see no reason to change that policy now." "From here on in, everyone pulls double duty." "Everyone drives, everyone works." "Looks like all our chances for survival... rest with you, Mr. Thatch." "You and that little book." "We're all gonna die." "OK, people." "Saddle up." "Lieutenant, I want this convoy moving five minutes ago." "Moliere, you're on point." "No, Vinney, Audrey's taking the oiler." "You know the rules." "I want you 50 yards... behind that truck at all times." "And, Packard, put out that cigarette." "Are you sure you're checked out on this class of vehicle?" " Uhh..." " Can you drive a truck?" "Pfft!" "Heh heh." "Of course I can drive a truck." "I mean, sure, you got your steering... and your gas and your brake... and, of course, this metal, uh, looking... thing." "OK, so it was a bumper car at Coney Island... but it's the same basic principle!" "Come on!" "Sorry abou..." "sorry about that." "Come on, civilian!" "You didn't just drink that, did you?" " Mm-hmm." " That's not good." "That's nitroglycerin." "Don't move." "Eh, don't breathe." "Don't do anything, except pray maybe." "Yeah." "Good night!" "Will you look at the size of this!" "It's gotta be half a mile high at least." "It... it must have taken hundred... no, pfft, thousands of years to carve this thing." "Hey, look, I made a bridge." "It only took me, like, what?" "10 seconds, 11, tops." "Looks like we have a little roadblock." "Vinny, what do you think?" "I could unroadblock that if I had about 200 of these." "Problem is I only got about... 10." "Plus, you know, five of my own... and a couple of cherry bombs... a road flare." "Hey, too bad we don't have some nitroglycerin, eh, Milo?" "Looks like we're gonna have to dig." "It will be my pleasure." "Oh!" "Stupid!" "You are stupid!" "I don't understand it." "I just tuned this thing up this morning." "It looks like the rotor's shot!" "I'm gonna have to pull a spare... from one of the trucks." " Can I..." " No toques nada!" "I'll be right back." "She lives!" "Hey, what'd you do?" "Well, you know, the boiler in this baby... is a Humac model P54/813." "Now we got the 814 back at the museum." "The heating cores on the whole Humac line... have always been a little, you know, temperamental... so sometimes you gotta... boom!" "Persuade 'em a little." "Yeah, yeah, thank you very much." "Shut up." "Two for flinching." "Ooh!" "This is it." "It's gotta be." "All right, we'll make camp here." "Why is it glowing?" "Pah!" "It is a natural phosphorescence." "That thing is going to keep me up all night, I know it." "Come and get it!" "For the appetizer, Caesar salad... escargot... and your Oriental spring rolls." " Yuck." " I wanted the escargot." "Knock yourself out." "There you go, Milo." "Put some meat on them bones." "Thanks, Cookie." "That looks greasier than usual." "You like it?" "Well, have some more." "You're so skinny, if you turned sideways... and stuck out your tongue you'd look like a zipper." "You know, we've been pretty tough on the kid." "What do you say we cut him some slack?" "Yeah, you're right." "Hey, Milo!" "Why don't you come sit with us?" "Really?" "You don't mind?" "Nah." "Park it here." "Gee, this is great." "I mean, you know... it's an honor to be included in your..." " Mole!" " Ah, forgive me." "I could not resist." "Hey, Milo, don't you ever close that book?" "Yeah, you must've read it a dozen times by now." "I know, but this... this doesn't make any sense." "See, in this passage here, the shepherd... seems to be leading up to something." "He calls it the heart of Atlantis." "It could be the power source the legends refer to." "But then it just..." "it cuts off." "It's almost like there's a missing page." "Kid, relax." "We don't get paid overtime." "I know, I know." "Sometimes I get a little carried away." "But, hey, you know, that's what this is all about, right?" "I mean, discovery, teamwork, adventure." "Unless, maybe... you're just in it for the money." " Money." " Money." " Money." " Money." "I'm gonna say..." "money." "Well, I guess I set myself up for that one." "What, is something wrong with your neck?" "Oh, yeah, I must've hurt it when..." "Better?" "Yeah!" "Hey, how'd you learn how to do that?" " An Arapaho medicine man." " Get outta here." "Born and raised with 'em." "My father was an army medic." "He settled down in the Kansas Territory... after he met my mother." "No kidding." "Nope." "I got a sheepskin from Howard U." "And a bearskin from old Iron Cloud." "Halfway through medical school, I was drafted." "One day I'm studying gross anatomy in the classroom... the next I'm sewing up Rough Riders on San Juan Hill." "Main course." "I couldn't eat another bite." "I'm watching my weight." "Ha ha ha, don't you worry." "It'll keep and keep and keep." "Thank God I lost my sense of taste years ago." "Aren't you going to pitch up your tent?" "Uh, I did." "I guess I'm still a little rusty at this." "I haven't gone camping since... well, the last time my grandpa took me." "I never got to meet your grandfather." "What was he like?" "Where do you start?" "He was like a father to me, really." "My parents died when I was a little kid... and he took me in." "What?" "Well, I was just thinkin'." "One time, when I was eight, we were hiking along this stream... and I saw something shining in the water." "It was a genuine arrowhead." "Well, you'd think I'd found a lost civilization... the way Grandpa carried on about it." "It wasn't until I was older... that I realized that the arrowhead... was just some compressed shale... mixed with zinc pyrite that had fractured... into an isosceletic triangulate." "That is so cute!" "Say, Audrey, uh, no... no offense... but how does a teenager become the chief mechanic... of a multimillion dollar expedition?" "Well, I took this job when my dad retired." "But the funny thing was... he always wanted sons, right?" "One to run his machine shop and the other... to be middleweight boxing champion." "But he got my sister and me instead." "So, what... what happened to your sister?" "She's 24 and 0, with a shot at the title next month." "Anyway, I'm saving up... so my Papí and I can open another shop." "Forget your jammies, Mrs. Packard?" "I sleep in the nude." "You're gonna want a pair of these." "She sleepwalks." "Well, as far as me goes..." "I just like to blow things up." "Come on, Vinny... tell the kid the truth." "My family owned a flower shop." "We would sell roses... carnations, baby's breath, you name it." "One day, I'm making... about three dozen corsages for this prom." "You know, the one they put on their wrist." "And everybody, they come." ""Where is it?"" ""When is it?" "Does it match my dress?"" "It's a nightmare." "Anyway, I guess there was this leak next door... of gas or what." "Boom!" "No more Chinese laundry." "Blew me right through the front window." "It was like a sign from God." "I found myself that boom." "What's Mole's story?" "Trust me on this one." "You don't wanna know." "Audrey, don't tell him." "You shouldn't have... told me, but you did." "And now I'm telling you... you don't wanna know." "The redhead's got a gun." "Holy..." "Whoa!" "Fire." "Fire!" "Fire!" "Fire!" "Fire!" "I'm gonna kill him." "Thatch, go back to bed." "Get some water on that fire!" "No time!" "Get us into those caves!" "Move it!" "Move it!" "Move it!" "Ya-ha!" "Gertie, pull!" "Milo, jump!" "Right now!" "No, no, no, no, no, no, no!" "Whoa!" "Whoa!" "All right, who's not dead?" "Sound off." "Danged lightning' bugs... done bit me on my sit-upon." "Somebody's gonna have to suck out that poison." "Now don't everybody jump up at once." "Audrey, give me a damage report." "Not as bad as it could have been." "We totalled rigs two and seven... but the digger looks like it'll still run." "Lucky for us we landed in something soft." "Pumice ash." "We are standing... at the base of a dormant volcano." "It just keeps going." "Maybe that's our ticket outta here." "Maybe not." "The magma has solidified in the bowels of the volcano... effectively blocking the exit." "I got the same problem with sauerkraut." "Hold on." "Back up." "Are you sayin' this whole volcano... can blow at any time?" "No, no, no, no." "That would take an explosive force... of great magnitude." "Maybe I should do this later, huh?" "If we could blow the top off of that thing, we'd have a straight shot to the surface." "Mr. Thatch, what do you think?" "Mr. Thatch?" "Thatch?" "Hey, wait!" "Who... who are you?" "Where are you going?" "Come back!" "Hey, wait a minute!" "Who are you?" "Sweet mother of Jefferson Davis!" "It's beautiful." "Milo, I gotta hand it to you." "You really came through." "Uh, I take that back." "Holy cats!" "Who are these guys?" " They gotta be Atlanteans." " What?" "That's impossible!" "I seen this back in the Dakota." "They can smell fear just by looking at ya." "So keep quiet." "I think it's talking to you." "Ita, sum amice viator." "Dices linguam Romae." "Parlez-vous francais?" "Oui, monsieur!" "They speak my language!" "Pardon, mademoiselle?" "Ah, voulez-vous..." "Ooh, I like her." "Hmm!" "'Bout time someone hit him." "I'm just sorry it wasn't me." "Buenos dias." "Guten tag!" "How do they know all these languages?" "Their language must be based on a root dialect." "It's just like the Tower of Babel." "Well, maybe English is in there somewhere." "We are explorers from the surface world." "We come in peace." "Welcome to the city of Atlantis." "Come." "You must speak with my father now." "Squad "B," head back to the shaft... and salvage what you can." "Yes, sir!" "We'll rendezvous in 24 hours." "Let's move it." "You heard him." "I'm so excited!" "Now, what's really amazing is that... if you deconstructed Latin, you overlaid it... with a little Sumerian... throw in a dash of Thessalonian... you'd be getting close to their basic grammatical structure." "Or at least you'd be in the same ballpark..." " Someone's having a good time." " Like a kid at Christmas." "Commander, there were not supposed to be people down here." "This changes everything." "This changes nothing." "Take that, Mr. Harcourt!" "Your Majesty?" "On behalf of my crew... may I say it is an honor to be welcomed to your city." "Ahem." "Uh, excuse me?" "Commander?" "You presume much... to think you are welcome here." "Oh, sir, we have come a long way looking for..." "I know what you seek... and you will not find it here." "Your journey has been in vain." "But we are peaceful explorers, men of science." "Heh heh heh." "And yet you bring weapons." "Our weapons allow us to remove obstacles we may encounter." "Some obstacles cannot be removed with a mere show of force." "Return to your people." "You must leave Atlantis at once." "Oh, Your Majesty, be reasonable." "Sir..." "Not now, son." "Trust me on this." "We better do as he says." "May I respectfully request that we stay one night, sir?" "That would give us time to rest, resupply... and be ready to travel by morning." "Hmm." "Very well." "One night." "That is all." "Well, thank you, Your Majesty." "Mmm." "Your heart has softened, Kida." "A thousand years ago... you would have slain them on sight." "A thousand years ago, the streets were lit... and our people did not have to scavenge for food... at the edge of a crumbling city!" "The people are content." "They do not know any better!" "We were once a great people." "Now we live in ruins." "The kings of our past would weep... if they could see how far we have fallen." " Kida." " Lf these outsiders... can unlock the secrets of our past... perhaps we can save our future." "What they have to teach us... we have already learned." "Our way of life is dying." "Our way of life is preserved." "Mmm." "Kida, when you take the throne... you will understand." "So, how'd it go?" "Well, the King and his daughter don't exactly see eye to eye." "She seems to like us OK, but the King..." "I don't know, I think he's hiding somethin'." "Well, if he's hiding something, I want to know what it is." "Someone needs to talk to that girl." "I will go!" "Someone with good people skills." "I will do it!" "Someone who won't scare her away." "I volunteer!" "Someone who can speak the language." "For the good of the mission, I will go!" "Good man, Thatch." "Thanks for volunteering." "Go get 'em, tiger." "OK, Milo, don't take no for an answer." ""Look, I have some questions for you... and I'm not leaving this city until they're answered!"" "Yeah, that's it." "That's good, that's good." "I have some questions for you... and you are not leaving this city... until they are answered." "Yeah, well, I..." "OK." "Shh!" "Come with me." "Oh, there is so much to ask about your world." "You are a scholar, are you not?" "Judging from your diminished physique... and large forehead... you are suited for nothing else." "What is your country of origin?" "When did the flood waters recede?" " How did you..." " Wait a minute." "I got a few questions for you, too." "So let's do this, OK?" "You ask one, then I'll ask one... then you, then me, then..." "Well, you get it." "Very well." "What is your first question?" "Well, OK, uh, how did you get here?" "Well, I mean, not you personally... but your... your culture." "I mean, how did all of this end up down here?" "It is said that the gods became jealous of Atlantis." "They sent a great cataclysm and banished us here." "All I can remember is the sky going dark... and people shouting and running." "Then, a bright light, like a star... floating above the city." "My father said it called my mother to it." "I never saw her again." "I'm sorry." "If it..." "if it's any consolation..." "I-I know how you feel, because I lost my..." "Wait a minute." "Wait a minute!" "Whoa, back up!" "Wh... what... what are you telling me... that you remember because you were there?" "No, that... that's impossible... because, I mean, that would make you... you know, 8,500-8,800 years old." "Yes." "Oh, well, hey, uh, pfft!" "Lookin' good." "Just, uh, ahem..." "You got another question for me?" "Yes." "How is it you found your way to this place?" "Well, I'll tell you, it wasn't easy." "If it weren't for this book, we never would have made it." "OK, second question." "Legend has it that your people possessed... a power source of some kind that enabled them..." "You mean you can understand this?" "Yes, I'm a linguist." "That's what I do, that's my job." "Now, getting back to my question..." "This, right here, you can read this?" "Yes, yes, I can read Atlantean, just like you." "You can't, can you?" "No one can." "Such knowledge has been lost to us... since the time of the Mehbelmok." "Oh, the Great Flood." "Show me." "OK, uh..." ""Follow the narrow passage for another league." "There you will find the fifth marker."" "Yeah." "Yeah, that's it." "How was my accent?" "Boorish, provincial... and you speak it through your nose." "Yeah, gotta work on that." "Here, let me show you something." "What?" "It looks like some sort of vehicle." "Yes." "But no matter what I try... it will not respond." " Perhaps if..." " Way ahead of you." "OK, let's see what we got here." "OK. "Place crystal into slot."" "Yes, yes, I have done that!" ""Gently place your hand on the inscription pad."" " Yes!" " OK, did you... turn the crystal one-quarter turn back?" "Yes." "Yes!" "While your hand was on the inscription pad?" "Ye..." "No." "Ah, well, see, there's your problem right there." "That's an easy thing to miss." "You know, you deserve credit... for even... even gettin' this far." "OK, uh, give it a try." "Yeah, you got that right." "Oh, th... this is great!" "With this thing..." "I could see the whole city in no time at all." "Wonder how fast it goes." "So, who's hungry?" "By the way, we were never properly introduced." "My name's Milo." "My name is Kidagakash." "Ki-Ki-Kidamaschnaga." "Uh, hey, you got a nickname?" "Kida." "OK, Kida." "I can remember that." "Wow." "What is wrong?" "Oh, it's nothing." "I just..." "got something in my eye." "You know, my grandpa used to tell me stories... about this place as far back as I can remember." "I just wish he could be standing here with me." "Ah!" "Ah!" "Ee-yah!" "Tell me more about your companions." "Your physician, he is called Cookie?" "No, that's Sweet." "What is?" "The doctor." "He's Sweet." "Oh, he is kindly." "No, no, no, that..." "that's his name." "His name is Kindly?" "No, Sweet." "Well, I mean, he's kindly, too." "So all of your doctors are sweet and kindly?" "No." "Well, I-I'm sure some are." "Ours is, but that's not a requirement." "You're missing the point." "You are confusing me." "Wow." "Look at all those tattoos." "Shoot." "That ain't nothin'." "Look here what I got." "All 38 United States." "Watch me make Rhode Island dance." "Go on, baby, dance." "Dance." "There you go." "Cookies are sweet, but yours is not." "Sweet is kindly, but that is not his name." "Audrey is sweet, but she is not your doctor." "And the little digging animal called Mole... he is your pet?" "Close enough." "Oh, don't forget to eat the head." "That's where all the nutrients are." "You know, Kida... the most we ever hoped to find... was some crumbling buildings, maybe some broken pottery." "Instead, we find a living, thriving society." "Heh heh." "These guys are kinda cute when they're not, you know... formed into a fiery column of death." "We are not thriving." "True, our people live... but our culture is dying." "We are like a stone the ocean beats against." "With each passing year... a little more of us is worn away." "I wish there was something I could do." "I have brought you to this place to ask you for your help." "There is a mural here... with writing all around the pictures." "Yeah, well, you came to the right guy." "OK, let me see." "Let's start with this column right here." "Uh, well, this, uh, uh, Kida?" "Uh, heh, what are you doin'?" "You do swim, do you not?" "Oh, I swim pretty girl." "Pr-pretty good!" "Pretty good." "Sw..." "Good, swim good." "Pretty good." "I swim pretty good." "Good." "It is a fair distance to where we are going." "Hey, you are talkin' to the belly flop champ... at Camp Runamuck." "Oof!" "Come on, we're..." "we're wasting time." "Why don't you lead the way... because I have no idea where we're going." " Are you all right?" " Well, I didn't drown, so..." "Good." "Follow me." "This is amazing!" "A complete history of Atlantis!" "It's just like Plato described it." "Well, he was off on a few details, but..." "The light I saw." "The star in the middle of the city." "What does the writing say about that?" "I don't know yet." "But we're gonna find out." "Come on." " The heart of Atlantis!" " What?" "It's the heart of Atlantis!" "That's what the shepherd w-was talking about." "It wasn't a star, it was..." "it was some kind of crystal... uh, like these!" "Don't you get it?" "The power source I've been looking for... the bright light you remember..." " they're the same thing!" " That cannot be." "It's what's keeping all these things... you, all of Atlantis alive." "Then where is it now?" "I don't know, I don't know." "You'd think something this important... would have been in the Journal, but..." "Unless..." "The missing page." "You have a nice swim?" "Hey, guys, what's going on?" "What's... what's with all the guns?" "Guys?" "I am such an idiot." "This is just another treasure hunt for you." "You're after the crystal." "Oh, you mean this?" "The heart of Atlantis." "Yeah." "About that..." "I would've told you sooner... but it was strictly on a need-to-know basis... and, well, now you know." "I had to be sure you were one of us." "Welcome to the club, son." "I'm no mercenary." "Whoa!" "Mercenary?" "I prefer the term "adventure capitalist."" "Besides, you're the one who got us here." "You led us right to the treasure chest." "You don't know what you're tampering with, Rourke." "What's to know?" "It's big." "It's shiny." "It's going to make us all rich." "You think it's some kind of a diamond..." "I thought it was some kind of a battery... but we're both wrong." "It's their life force." "That crystal is the only thing keeping these people alive." "You take that away, and they'll die." "Well, that changes things." "Helga, what do you think?" "Knowing that, I'd double the price." "I was thinking triple." "Rourke, don't do this." "Academics." "You never want to get your hands dirty." "Think about it." "If you gave back every stolen artifact... from a museum... you'd be left with an empty building." "We're just providing a necessary service... to the archeological community." "Not interested." "I got to admit, I'm disappointed." "You're an idealist, just like your grandfather." "Do yourself a favor, Milo." "Don't be like him." "For once, do the smart thing." "I really hate it when negotiations go sour." "Let's try this again." " Knock, knock." " Room service." "Tell them to drop their weapons... now!" "Spread out!" "Search everywhere!" "You're not applying yourself, son." "There's got to be something else." "Well, there isn't." "It just says..." ""The heart of Atlantis lies in the eyes of her king."" "Well, then maybe Old King Cole here... can help us fill in the blanks." "How about it, chief?" "Where's the crystal chamber?" "You will destroy yourselves." "Maybe I'm not being clear." "Rourke, this was not a part of the plan." "Plan's changed, doc." "I'd suggest you put a bandage... on that bleeding heart of yours." "It doesn't suit a mercenary." "Well, as usual, diplomacy has failed us." "Now I'm going to count to 10... and you're going to tell me where the crystal is." "1... 2... 9... t..." "The heart of Atlantis... lies in the eyes of her king." "This is it." "We're in." "Rourke, for the last time... you've got to listen to me." "You don't have the slightest idea... what this power is capable of." "True, but I can think of a few countries... who'd pay anything to find out." "Hurry." "Get on." "Jackpot." "The kings of our past." "Thatch, tell her to wrap it up." "We got a schedule to meet." "Um..." "Kida..." "I'm sorry." "Come on, let's get this over with." "I don't like this place." "All right, Thatch, what's next?" "OK, there's a giant crystal... hovering 150 feet above our heads... over a bottomless pit of water." "Doesn't anything surprise you?" "The only thing that surprises me..." "Mahtim." "That thing's not on the truck yet." "Now move it!" "I don't know how to move it." "I don't even know what's holding it up there." "Talk to me, Thatch." "What's happening?" "Look, all it says here... is that the crystal is alive somehow." "It..." "I don't know how to explain it." "It's their deity." "It's their power source." "Speak English, professor." "They're part of it." "It's a part of them." "L..." "I'm doing the best I can here." "Well, do better." "Oh, I know." "Why don't you translate... and I'll wave the gun around." "What did she say?" "I don't know." "L..." "I didn't catch it." "Hold your horses, lover boy." "Kida." "Kida." "No, don't." "Don't touch her." "All right, step back." "Sergeant, keep those people back." "You heard him." "Step back." "I'm warning you." "So..." "I guess this is how it ends, huh?" "Fine." "You win." "You're wiping out an entire civilization... but, hey... you'll be rich." "Congratulations, Audrey." "Guess you and your dad will be able... to open up that second garage after all." "And, Vinny, you can start a whole chain of flower shops." "I'm sure your family's going to be very proud." "But that's what it's all about, right?" "Money." "Get off your soapbox, Thatch." "You've read Darwin." "It's called natural selection." "We're just helping it along." "Commander, we're ready." "Yeah, give me a minute." "I know I'm forgetting something." "I got the cargo, the crystal, the crew..." "Oh, yeah." "Look at it this way, son." "You were the man who discovered Atlantis... and now you're part of the exhibit." "Let's move, people." "That was an order, not a suggestion." "Let's go!" "We're all going to die." "Oh, you can't be serious." "This is wrong, and you know it." "We're this close to our biggest payday ever... and you pick now of all times to grow a conscience." "We've done a lot of things we're not proud of... robbing graves, plundering tombs... double parking... but nobody got hurt." "Well, maybe somebody got hurt... but nobody we knew." "Well, if that's the way you want it, fine." "More for me." "P.T. Barnum was right." "We can't let him do this!" "Wait a second." "OK, now you can go." "Milo, you better get up here." "How's he doing?" "Not good, I'm afraid." "Internal bleeding." "There's nothing more I can do." "What a nightmare." "And I brought it here." "Ah, don't go beating yourself up." "He's been after that crystal since Iceland." "The crystal." "Sweet, that's it." "These... these crystals... they have some sort of healing energy." "I've..." "I've seen it work." "No." "Where is my daughter?" "Well, she... she..." "Mmm." "She has been chosen... like her mother before her." "What?" "In times of danger... the crystal will choose a host... one of royal blood... to protect itself... and its people." "It will accept no other." "W-Wait a minute." "Choose?" "So this thing is alive?" "In a way." "The crystal thrives... on the collective emotions... of all who came before us." "In return, it provides power... longevity, protection." "As it grew... it developed a consciousness of its own." "In my arrogance..." "I sought to use it as a weapon of war... but it's power proved too great to control." "It overwhelmed us... and led to our destruction." "That's why you hid it beneath the city... to keep history from repeating itself." "And to prevent Kida from suffering the same fate... as my beloved wife." "What do you mean?" "Wh..." "What's going to happen to Kida?" "If she remains bonded to the crystal... she could be lost to it forever." "The love of my daughter is all I have left." "My burden would have become hers... when the time was right... but now... it falls to you." "Me?" "Return the crystal." "Save Atlantis." "Save my daughter." "Hmm." "So, what's it going to be?" "Excuse me?" "I followed you in, and I'll follow you out." "It's your decision." "Oh, my decision?" "Well, I think we've seen how effective... my decisions have been." "Let's recap." "I lead a band of plundering vandals... to the greatest archeological find... in recorded history... thus enabling the kidnap and/or murder... of the royal family... not to mention personally delivering... the most powerful force known to man... into the hands of a mercenary nutcase... who's probably going to sell it to the Kaiser!" "Have I left anything out?" "Well, you did set the camp on fire... and drop us down that big hole." "Thank you." "Thank you very much." "Of course, it's been my experience... when you hit bottom... the only place left to go is up." "Who told you that?" "A fella by the name of Thaddeus Thatch." "Where are you going?" "I'm going after Rourke." "Milo, that's crazy." "I didn't say it was the smart thing... but it is the right thing." "Come on." "We better make sure he doesn't hurt himself." "Milo, what do you think you are doing?" "Just follow my lead." "Wow." "I'm impressed." "It's simple." "All you got to do..." "Yeah, yeah, yeah." "Shut up." "We get it, OK?" "No, no, wait!" "Gently." "Just gently." "Hey, Milo, you got something sporty?" "You know, like a tuna?" "How is this done?" "All you got to do is use the crystals." "Kida showed me." "Half-turn right, quarter-run back." "Keep your hand on the pad." "Saddle up, partners." "Bring jerky and ammo." "I'm so excited." "All right, this is it!" "We're going to rescue the princess." "We're going to save Atlantis." "Or we're going to die trying." "Now let's do it!" "I love it when I win." "OK, here's the plan." "We're going to come in low and fast... and take them by surprise." "Well, I've got news for you, Milo." "Rourke is never surprised, and he's got a lot of guns." "Great." "Well, do you have any suggestions?" "Yeah." "Don't get shot." "There they are!" "We've got company!" "Take off!" "Take her up!" "Holy smokes!" "You told me he only had guns." "What I said was, he's never surprised." "OK, now things are getting good." "Vinny!" "Heads up!" "We can't let them reach the top of that shaft!" "Vinny, new plan." "You and me, we're going to be decoys." "Audrey, Sweet, fly up underneath that thing... and cut her loose." "We're on it." "Lieutenant!" "I though you said this thing... could cut through a femur in 28 seconds!" "Less talk, more saw." "Looks like somebody's working overtime." "Come on, girl." "Time's up." "Whoa!" "All right, Milo, this is it." "Any last words?" "Yeah." "I really wish I had a better idea than this!" "We're losing altitude." "Lighten the load." "Unh!" "That's it, unless someone wants to jump." "Ladies first." "You said we were in this together!" "You promised me a percentage!" "Next time, get it in writing." "Nothing personal." "Well, I have to hand it to you." "You're a bigger pain in the neck... than I would have ever thought possible." "I consider myself an even-tempered man." "It takes a lot to get under my skin... but congratulations... you just won the solid-gold kewpie doll." "Nothing personal." "Tired, Mr. Thatch?" "Hyah!" "Aw, that's a darn shame... because I'm just getting warmed up." "Thank heaven." "Whoa!" "Oh, great!" "The volcano... she awakes!" "Hey, I had nothing to do with it." "This here would be a good place not to be." "No, wait." "We got to get her back... or the whole city will die." "And if we don't get out of here, we'll die." "It's the only way to reverse this." "Just do it!" "Milo, no!" "Go!" "Whoa!" "Whoa!" "The fissure..." "it is about to eject... its pyroclastic fury!" "Milo, Mole says the wall's going to blow!" "Milo?" "Atlantis will honor your names forever." "I only wish there was more we could do for you." "Uh, you know, thanks anyway... but I think we're good." "They'll take you as far as the surface." "We are really going to miss you, Milo." "You know, I'm going to reopen the flower shop... and I'm going to think of you guys every single day..." "Monday through Friday, 9:00 to 5:00..." "Saturday until 2:00." "Sunday..." "I'm going to take Sunday off probably, and..." "Maybe I'll go in for a couple of hours, you know... but August..." "I'm going to take August." "I ain't so good at speechifyin'... but I wanted you to have this." "It's the bacon grease from the whole trip." "Cookie, I..." "Aw..." "Ah-ah." "2 for flinching." "See you, Milo." "Hey, Milo!" "Heh heh!" "Mole." "Mole." "Wow." "Hey, well... good-bye, Mole." "Now, you sure you want to stay?" "There's a hero's welcome... waiting for the man who discovered Atlantis." "Ah, I don't think the world needs another hero." "Besides, I hear there's an opening down here... for an expert in gibberish." "You take good care of yourself, Milo Thatch." "Yeah." "You, too, Sweet." "Come here." "Unh!" "Sweet, uh, before you go, could you..." "No problem." "Ah." "Oh." "Thanks." "Ha ha ha!" "Oh, you're getting a bill." "Can we go home now?" "Come on, y'all." "Let's get one last shot... in front of the fish." "Say "Gochk."" "Gochk." "Now, let's go over it again... just so we got it straight." "You didn't find anything?" "Nope." "Just a lot of rocks... and fish..." "little fish." "Sponges." "What happened to Helga?" "Well, we lost her when a flaming zeppelin come down on her." "Missing." "That's right." "And Rourke?" "Nervous breakdown." "You could say he went all to pieces." "In fact, you could say he was transamorgafied... and then busted into a zillion..." "Ahem." "He's missing, too." "What about Milo?" "Went down with the sub." "Ah ha ha!" "Lord, give me strength." "Ohh." "I'm going to miss that boy." "At least he's in a better place now." "Dear Mr. Whitmore..." "I hope this piece of proof is enough for you." "They'll try to hold you back" "And they will say you're wrong" "But they will never understand" "The journey that you're on" "Mm-hmm" "They'll try to change your mind" "They'll try to change your heart" "Oh, yeah" "But they will never understand" "Who you are" "And you'll still believe" "Still believe" "And you know" "You must go" "Where the dream takes you" "Where your heart longs to be" "Oh" "When you finally find that place" "You'll find all you need" "Where the dream takes you" "Where the dream takes you" "Oh, whoa" "There's something in your soul" "Something in your soul" "That won't be denied" "It's the faith to dream that keeps" "The dream alive" "So you'll still believe" "Still believe" "And you know" "You must go" "Where the dream takes you" "Where the dream takes you" "Where your heart longs to be" "When you finally find that place" "You'll find all you need" "Where the dream takes you" "Go where your heart is meant to be" "And you may find" "Somebody there" "Someone to share your dream" "Oh, oh, oh" "Whoa, whoa" "Oh" "All right" "All right" "When you finally find that place" "You'll find all you need" "Where the dream leads you" "Your dream will lead you on" "Only your heart can see" "Oh, yeah" "There's a world that waits for you" "You're not alone" "You'll find your home" "Where the dream takes you" "Try to change your mind" "Where the dream takes you" "Try to change your heart" "Where the dream takes you" "But you must go" "Where the dream takes you" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
""This drama is fictional." "Please pardon the foolishness."" "What is that!" "?" "Who are you?" "Uh..." "I am..." "Those girls are waiting to greet the students from Osaka High." "Greetings for the high school students?" "This is not your ordinary high school." "They choose their students base on their appearances rather than their grades." "Also this school have many sister schools around the globe." "So they are well known internationally." "Amazing..." "But all the students have to live in a dorm, so your only chance to see them.." "Is that 30m distance in between dormitory to their school." "Is that right?" "So this is that kind of school." "We're selling pictures here!" "We have all the good looking guys pictures for sale!" "This is the only place to buy pictures of Osaka High!" "What the..?" "Today you're making money without our permission again?" "St. Blossoms..." "St. Blossoms?" "That's right!" "We come from Osaka High's sister school." "Our mission is to bring happiness to every single one of them." "I'm Hanayashiki Hibari of St. Blossoms." "With.." "Hibari Four~" "Komari-San, you still need more practice." "Excuse me." "Please give me." "So please leave this place at once." "Please leave." "Please leave." "Please leave." "Please leave." "Please leave." "Please leave." "Please leave." "Hey!" "What do you mean without permission?" "I am.." "Hibari.." "FOUR!" "I AM..!" "Please leave this place." "I can't quite follow their tension." "Watashi mo/Me too... (ore=boy, watashi=girl)" "Watashi?" "I need to say ore like a boy not watashi...." "Where should I put it.." "Can you tell me where should I put my shoes?" "Put them wherever you want to put them." "I'll put them here.." "Are you Ashiya Mizuki-Kun?" "Ah.." "Yea." "That's right." "...Eh?" "What's... wrong?" "Do you still have time?" "Oh my god." "Excuse me!" "Where in America did you live?" "California!" "Who else is there that I didn't know about?" "Doesn't matter if you are talking about I-Cup or G-Cup." "You really that captived by large breasted women?" "Idiot!" "I love beautiful ones." "I just want to find the right one that excited me right now." "Big news!" "Everybody listen!" "We got a new transfer student!" "Really?" "Also." "He's from America!" "Could it be a blonde haired ?" "!" "Blonde hair with blue eyes." "I can hardly wait!" "Everybody settle down !" "Anyhow." "Everyone know what to do right?" "This year I am still your head-teacher of the class." "Then let me introduce to you.." "The new transfer student from America." "C'mon in!" "Let's go!" "He doesn't look like an American.." "Might as well say he is..." "Purely Japanese?" "He could be a half and half..." ""Ashiya Mizuki"" "With a kanji name." "I don't even know how to pronounce." "I'm Ashiya Mizuki." "Nice to meet you all." "He is obviously a Japanese." "Everybody please get along with him." "Yes~" "I forgot something.." "Everybody wait for me quietly." "Yes~" "Wait.." "GOAL!" "I think he's angry." "Hey!" "transfer student." "Are you alright?" "Ashiya!" "Ashiya!" "Your seat is over here!" "over here!" "Don't have too much confidence just because you're a little cute." "Since I'm many times cuter than you." "Hmm!" "Hey!" "whose shoes are these?" "Those are mine." "What's the matter?" "You don't say "God damn, I made a mistake?"" "This transfer student sure is weird." "Don't put your stuff in other people's box." "Stop your whining!" "If you want to fight then bring it!" "Sano Izumi..." "That's what's written on my shoe rack." "I finally meet him." "He's the whole reason why.." "I disguised myself and go to all-boys school." "Here, shortie." "Who is that guy?" "A transfer student from America... allegedly." "Here.." "Is my seat." "What a poor temperament." "But.." "I finally met him." "Ashiya." "Is it true that you hold the record for the 100 meter at your school in America?" "I don't give a damn if it's in America or in Ameyoko." "Probably not that big of the deal anyway." "No..." "Looks like he's even faster than Nakatsu!" "Really?" "!" "Nothing special about his leg muscles." "There's really nothing there." "You can usually tell from the upper half of the body." "Alright, I'll confirm it!" "Stop it!" "You..." "Eh?" "You have no pekt!" "That's it?" "What?" "I think you have no abs neither?" "I can't believe I lost to a guy like him." "Then why don't you guys see who wins for the upcoming marathon?" "Marathon?" "Don't make excuses about 100 meters being different from a marathon!" "That's right, that's right!" "You are being loud for quite awhile now." "Huh?" "Screaming like a monkey locked up in a cage." "You're worthy of being track and field's phantom member, Sano-kun." "You're so mature." "That's because you guys are immature." "Wait a minute!" "Sano kun!" "Thank you for helping me." "What are you talking about?" "Are you still having jet lag?" "Jet lag?" "You see the thing is..." "What is it?" "Yea..." "Um..." "So..." "Sorry, but I don't have that kind of hobby." "That kind of hobby?" "I'm..." "Inner thighs!" ""Principal's Office"" "Principal, when did you return?" "!" "About an hour ago?" "You should be staying with the Los Angeles campus..." "I want to see our new students so that's why I'm back." "This is a present sent from Los Angeles." "If it faded then you're fired." "That's...!" "I wonder what kind of flowers will be blossom this year." "No way!" "Crap." "Are you taking a dump?" "No!" "Then why don't you just go over here?" "What are you looking at?" "!" "Sorry." "You guys do know that our school competes among the 3 dormitories?" "No, I didn't know that!" "You idiot!" "Next week's marathon race is almost near!" "Of course our Dorm 1 have to win." "Big trouble!" "Why are you so loud?" "The transfer student in our classroom completed the 100m in 10 seconds!" "What?" "!" "In 9 seconds?" "!" "Did he really completed the race in 8 seconds?" "No doubt about it." "That is great." "Since some of us lack the energy to compete in the marathon," "Dorm 3 will win this race with his help." "There he is!" "That's Ashiya." "Please follow me everybody!" "I am..." "Oscar M. Himejima." "You are probably a bit stunt due to my sudden appearance, you'll get used to it." "Most importantly..." "Will you lent your attractive face and leg strength to our Dorm 3?" "Dorm 3?" "It can only be good for you." "Anyway..." "Sign here." "Sign..." "Yes." ""Dorm Entrance Agreement"" "No!" "Wow!" ""Osaka High West Entrance"" "That was close!" "Okay.." "Stop right there!" "Not again." "Ashiya Mizuki!" "We are Dorm 1." "Let us test your abilities!" "Okay." "I decline." "Join our Dorm 1 and we will make you stronger!" "Tennouji-kun!" "Ashiya Mizuki is mine!" "You think you're something, Oscar you nerd!" "How dare you degraded me you muscle head!" "What is the deal with this school?" "Hey, transfer!" "What, it's you Sekigahara-kun." "I am Sekime." "You sure been through alot." "What's going on with Dorm 1 and Dorm 3?" "At this school there are 3 dorms, and you can choose which one you want to be in." "The martial arts department manages by Dorm Head Tennouji is Dorm 1." "The sports department manages by Dorm Head Nanba is Dorm 2." "And Dorm Head Himejima manages Dorm 3 of the performing arts." "These 3 dorms always competes in all school events." "Compete...?" "What for?" "If you win an event you will get a special reward." "For example, you can have dessert coupons for an entire year." "Or being exempt from every morning radio exercises." "Next week's marathon must have some kind of reward as well." "So that's why everybody is so desperated." "Probably the rumor got out about you being fast, Ashiya." "I'm just asking, what dorms is Sano in?" "Same as me, Dorm 2." "See ya." "Later." "Alright!" "Secured another one." "Are you that.." "Ashiya-kun?" "Yes." "Just as I thought." "I'm the dorm head for these dorms, 3rd year Nanba Minami." "Hey, hey, let me show you around if you don't mind." "No it's okay.." "C'mon, no need to be polite with me." "Ah.." "Hold on a sec." "Oh Lina?" "This weekend I've got something to do." "Why didn't you tell me earlier?" "I can't believe that guy and my Nanba senpai..." "How is it?" "!" "what do you think?" "You get this western style feels right?" "Hey!" "Are you listening?" "This is the lobby!" "This is where it separates the other dorms." "That is Dorm 1..." "This dog's name is Yuujiro..." "He only follows Sano and girls get near him so you better don't get too close.." "How cute!" "You are so cute!" "This is the laundry room." "If you don't look after your stuff, someone might steal them from you." "Yes!" "This is the cafeteria." "Every dorms share this one, starting from 7am until 10pm." "NO WAY!" "Everywhere we've been to I can see this same person everytime!" "Impossible." "You probably just imagining things." "I'm serious!" "Could it be a ghost...!" "?" "There he comes!" "There he comes!" "Ghost!" "What, you mean Kayashima?" "Oh yeah, he can see ghosts." "He can see them?" "Are you sure he's not a ghost?" "You... have an interesting aura." "Aura?" "Ashiya!" "If you stand next to him you'll get pregnant!" "You guys.." "Pregnant?" "!" "Ashiya!" "You this walking genitall, just how many women did you knocked up?" "There's no such thing!" "Ashiya, come to our Dorm 1!" "Come!" "Your abilities will be wasted if you go to Dorm 2!" "Come!" "Our dorm 3.." "I've decided." "I'm.." "Dorm..." "Two bound!" "No more smile since that time.." "That.." "HURT~" "What are you doing?" "No...that's..." "You are obviously weird." "He doesn't even help me up." "Let's choose our marathon members." "First, no doubt would be me and last year's champion, Nakatsu." "Then Sekime on our track and field team would join as well right?" "Of course." "And then Ashiya!" "You will participate right?" "No.." "I only good for short distances, but a marathon..." "What?" "are you fleeing?" "I'll do it!" "So what's gonna be Ashiya?" "I'll do it!" "I guess there's no other way.." "Anyone else?" "I want to do it." "You can forget about it." "It'll be fine." "My father's friend is a long distance relay marathon runner." "It got nothing to do with you." "But..." "Well...oh..okay we'll count you in." "We need one more." "Sano." "You do it." "I will pass." "Your injury has fully healed." "Hey Nakatsu" "You quit high jump just because you tore your ligament." "I really don't understand you." "A simpleton like yourself," "Even it take all your life time you still can't understand." "You water flea." "Okay let's get it on!" "Stop it!" "Seriously." "You guys used to be pretty close." "Yeah right." "Sano, you really can't do it?" "We don't need him." "I guess I better participate." "Really?" "That's fantastic." "Hold it." "You make your decision too rashly.." "I think we better.." "It's fine, it's fine." "That's final!" "the meeting is over." "Sano Izumi |" "Ashiya Mizuki" "Such coincidence that we're in the same class and in the same dorm room." "Right?" "It's a bother that's for sure." "I finally was able to get a room by myself." "But now you are my roommate." ""Sano in the Kantou Tournament" "A first year jumped over 2 meters 08"" "Why do you have stuff like this?" "No that's..." "Because..." "That's enough." "High jump..." "Why did you quit?" "It's none of your business." "It's my business.." "I shouldn't say those things.." "Sano?" "!" "Sano here?" "You see..." "He just left." "He's not here?" "!" "Seriously?" "I want to borrow his shampoo.." "Sano!" "Sano?" "You have shampoo?" "He's not here right now." "Sano isn't here?" "!" "Sano!" "Like I said he's not here!" "Sham" "I said I don't have it!" "That's cold." "I thought you must have some shampoo." "Why none of you have any shampoo?" "!" "Who told you to lock the door?" "I'm borrowing this." "It's freezing!" "Sano, I'm coming in!" "It hurt!" "What the..." "Oh no!" "Hurry and get ready." "Good morning." "You will be punish if you are late." "Really?" "!" "I'm going." "Alright, I'll be right there!" "Let's GO!" "Sano-sama has passed point A." "Got it." "Sano-sama has passed point B." "Got it." "Sano-sama has passed point C." "Please take this!" "Sano-sama will not accept your presents!" "All of you get out of the way!" "Please take your time." "With that, once again Sano-sama will only think about Hibarai-sama." "I'm such a woman with sin!" "Excuse me!" "Wait a sec." "I'm almost done." "Stiching up clothes just like stitching up people." "It's similar." "Done." "You still don't have your medical certificate, have you?" "It hasn't arrive yet." "Was it really sent to you?" "Yes." "Then hurry up and give it to me." "I'll bring it next week." "Without it." "You're still not a formal student of this school." "Uh?" ".." "What is it with that person anyway?" "I better be careful." "I'm so hungry!" "So fast!" "Are you a girl?" "Otherwise why would you decline my invitation?" "It's not like that I have my reason." "are you a girl?" "are you a girl!" "?" "Shut up you bastard." "Finally the marathon is near." "What kind of reward should I give to the winning dorm?" "Do you really think this is a good idea?" "I don't think there's anything wrong with it." "Aren't you giving it to the plant as well?" "Water that is." "That's because I can't let this plant dry up." "It's the same for people." "You have to nurture them so they can grow." "So a flower within themselves can blossoms." "And our job is to help that flower blossom beautifully." "Nakatsu, it's 6.2 seconds!" "Next people get ready!" "Ready....!" "I know I will be fine if I train everyday." "Ashiya, 5.9 seconds." "Ashiya is faster!" "He broke the record." "We might actually win the marathon race!" "How can a transfer student broke track and field team member's record?" "Don't be too pleased with yourself because 50 meters is nothing." "Anyway, in the next marathon I'll definitely win!" "You got that?" "!" "Nakatsu!" "the class still not over yet!" "Bring down Ashiya Mizuki." "You dig?" "Finally." "The marathon race is tomorrow." "The special reward has been announced." "The dorm that has the winner of the marathon race..." "Weekend nights out for a year!" "The entire dorm have the right also!" "Is it really that great to stay out for the weekends?" "You!" "If we're allowed to stay out on weekends.." "That means I can be with Yuko, Sayuri, Kokomi, and Tina and..." "Tomorrow will be a very special day for you senpai." "If anyone gets in the way, I will take care of them for you." ""Dorm 1's Meeting Room"" "Got it?" "We'are definitely must win this!" "If by any chance we lose, I'll double our every day muslce training!" ""Dorm 3's Meeting Room"" "The dorm that most likely to win is Dorm 2 which has Ashiya and Nakatsu." "If people like us with no athleticism or physical strength want to win.." "Then we must use our intelligence." "We'll win when we make our switch.." "At the 5 kilometer turning point..." "Tell grandma I might be able to visit her starting next Saturday." "Tell her that and she'll soon be healthy." "Later." "What the?" "!" "I get it, I get it, did you see a ghost again or something?" "See ya." "Is your grandmother sick, Nakatsu?" "Yea." "She doesn't have much time left." "She's a loud grandma with the phrase "Put others first ahead of yourself"." "But I never listen to her, not even once." "It's not like I can help it." "After I win tomorrow's race." "Then maybe I can go visit her often." "Really?" "That's why there's no way I'm gonna lose tomorrow!" "It will be no problem." "Since Ashiya is there too." "No." "I'm going to win." "Are you sleeping?" "Sleeping." "Sorry about yesterday." "Because I didn't properly apologize." "How come you have those newspaper clippings?" "Truth is, I already knew Sano you did the high jump." "A year ago, when I saw you at a competition..." "It was the first time I realized someone can jump that beautifully." "I've already forgotten about those old things." "I cannot forget..." "I like that person..." "Does that mean you've also forgotten what you said before?" ""Hard works will definitely be rewarded!"" ""The rest is to believe in yourself."" "It's what you said in a magazine interview." "Those words have inspired me so many times." "You've put endless effort into your high jump, that was your everything right?" "It prove your worth , so that's why.." "Are you stupid?" "Eh..?" "I quit because I didn't want to do it." "Doesn't really matter." "It's not like I'll die because I gave up on high jump." "You will die." "Like yourself.." "If you give up on the most important thing in your life." "You'll lose your true self gradually." "A person who can lie to self is lonely.." "Is agonizing." "The marathon race..." "If I come out victorious." "Can you start jumping again?" "Are you kidding me?" "How come I have to let you decide what to do?" "Don't think you can get into my world that easily." "If I win I want you jump again." "Sano!" "I'm definitely going to win!" ""The 30th Annual Osaka High Dorm Competition" "Osaka Marathon Race"" "Today's marathon race." "Will be the one time girls from everywhere can come see the boys of Osaka High." "We must not waver and dispose any trouble coming our way." "Please give us all your love!" "Even though the reward is tempting." "But somehow it always feel like the principal is toying with us?" "What are you talking about?" "The principal just putting us through a test." "I must not disappoint!" "No it's all about intelligence." "To see how well we can deceive one another." "Ah!" "No need to worry about it." "It's time to be popular." "Hey what's that mask?" "It's obviously the Phantom of the Opera." "Obviously?" "You can't use that." "You can't use that." "You can't use that." "Why can't I?" "!" "Ow!" "Take it off!" "Let's do our best." "Athletes enter!" "Athletes' pledge!" "Last years champion!" "Nakatsu Shuichi!" "Yes!" "Pledge!" "I will represent.." "All the Osaka High athletes.." "Will compete fair and square." "2nd year class C, Nakatsu Shuichi." "Principal, everybody is ready." "Are you gonna fire from here?" "Of course." "Okay, cover the ears." "Cover my ears!" "Get ready from your life starting point!" "Get pass them!" "The list of the 15 girls you're current seeing right now!" "What is this?" "!" "I can understand if you date one more but what are you gonna do with 15?" "!" "What is the meaning of this?" "Are you just playing with me?" "Take care everything for me, is that how you would do it?" "Because senpai belongs to me." "They say Ashiya is still going." "Is it gonna be no problem?" "Don't worry, spikes already hurt his foot." "Really..?" "If our dorms don't win..." "What's going on?" "tell me all about it." "Is it Tennouji's orders?" "Dorm Head has nothing to do with it." "It was our own decision." "If we don't win Dorm Head will puni.." "You hurt Ashiya because of that?" "It's painful for us too!" "So tell it to Tennouji." "You guys are just pathetic." "Principal." "Please look at this for a second." "Yes." "They're switching." "Including Himejima, all the people from Dorm 3 has switched places with others." "That's unfortunate." "All of them from Dorm 3 are disqualified." "My scheme..." "Oscar!" "Hard works will definitely be rewarded." ""Sano Izumi is absence from National competition."" ""Absence."" "Please papa!" "Send me back to Japan!" "Why must you transfer to a Japanese high school?" "!" "There's something I must do!" "Please trust me." "Papa!" "Papa!" "Mizuki..." "The rest is to believe in yourself." "Hey Ashiya." "Your foot is bleeding." "Just give up." "Why are you pushing yourself so hard?" "I want to win." "Once more.." "I want him to smile again." "Those athletes will return to the tracks." "Who will come in first?" "The first leading group has come in!" "It's Ashiya!" "Ashiya is in the lead!" "Ashiya!" "Ashiya!" "Ashiya!" "All that's left is one length of a track, who will it be?" "!" "Tennouji is sprinting!" "Final 300 meters to the finishing line!" "Ashiya!" "Ashiya!" "Nakatsu!" "Right now Dorm 1's Tennouji is the winner!" "Are you alright?" "I'll go to the nurse's office and bring Mr. Umeda." "Hey, can you still stand up?" "Are you alright?" "I..." "I couldn't finish the race in the end." "How come I'm jealous over that?" "Ashiya!" "You tried your hardest!" "Nice fight!" "Ashiya!" "Ashiya!" "Ashiya!" "Ashiya!" "Ashiya!" "Ashiya!" "Ashiya!" "~~~~~" "With this... whether those kids did learn something or not today.." "It look like many various flowers will be blossom." "Yes." "Please do not misguiding these children." "I understand." "How is it?" "Nothing too serious." "But." "He sure knows how to endure it well." "Perhaps he injuried it before the race start." "Hey." "Huh?" "Are you really gonna gave up on high jump like this?" "Nakatsu." "Your grandmother..." "A person who can lie to self is lonely.." "And agonizing..." "Is that so?" "She was already in critical condition when you called." "I'm always late at the key moments." "Your grandmother still here." "Behind you." "For you to give up the race and helping Ashiya." "She's very happy for you." "Put others first ahead of yourself.." "You made it on time." "Grandma." "From now on, not just on the weekends." "I can see you everyday now." "Thank you." "Where is this?" "Nurse's office." "Thanks to you I'm working overtime." "I'm sorry." "No it's fine, stay as you were." "I want to ask you about something." "How come.." "There's a girl in the boy's school?" "*Thank You For Watching* Timings by Kai200X / tianj Subtitle by Kai200X" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Copyright from ecOtOne™" "(ROLLING SKATEBOARD)" "(AQUARIUM BUBBLING)" "(AMBIENT MUSIC)" "(GUN CLICKING)" "Canter, Connelly, Franklin," "Johnson, Kim, Matthews," "Rodriguez, Flanagan, Devany," "Rauls, Rickson, Samuels," "Simmons, Williams." "(GUN CLICKS, SHUDDERING GASP)" "(BOX CLOSES)" "It's not yöur week, Johnny." "Nope, not yöur week." "(CHASE FRANK'S "SWEET APPLE" PLAYING)" "(SIRENS WAILING)" " (BELL RINGS)" " John." "How's life?" "Same shit, different pile." "Everybody down!" "On the ground, now!" "Get the hell down!" "Hands where I can see 'em!" "Open the register!" "(REGISTER BEEPING)" "What's the matter, yöu deaf?" "Hey." "I said, "get down."" "(SIGHS)" "Yöu know if yöu shoot me in the stomach, my chances of surviving go up, right?" "Let me help yöu out." "How 'bout a hole in the chest?" "Oh, yeah, yeah." "Yöu're right, yöu're right." "Effective but unsatisfying." "I'll tell yöu what." "Ha." "The brain stem." "(LAUGHS)" "Shoot him!" "What?" "Not yöur style?" "Ah, I know, I know." "Yöu're right, yöu're right." "First thing I do, severed brainstem, yöu shit yöur pants." "Yöu too classy for that." "I got it, I got it." "Ah, my favorite." "Classic, but with enough splatter to let 'em know yöu mean business." "Yöu fuckin' crazy." "Hey, no, no, no." "I'm crazy and impatient." "Come on, come on." "Come on, come on." " Come on!" " Shoot him!" "Don't make me do this myself." "Send me home!" " I don't..." " Shoot me!" "Shoot me!" "Shoot..." "Yöu either shoot me, or stop wastin' my time." "(GRUNTING)" "Keep the change." "(INDUSTRIAL MUSIC)" "(HEAVY BREATHING)" "(GUNSHOTS)" "(STRAINED EXHALING)" "Ha!" "Ha!" "Ha!" "(SHOUTING)" "(KNOCKING ON THE DOOR)" "(HEAVY KNOCKING)" "(GROANS)" "I'm not here." "Go away." "(DOOR OPENS)" " Cindy..." " Save it." "Did I not call yöu last week, and tell yöu I was comin'?" "Yeah." "Did I also not email yöu, just yesterday, and remind yöu that I was comin'?" "Yeah, a..and..." "And?" "And..." "I got nothin'." "Look, Cindy, I.." "I'm sorry." "(STAMMERS) I don't know what happened." "I know what happened." "Look, Cindy, I'm sorry I forgot to pick yöu up from the airport." "Well, if yöu hadn't have forgotten, how would I know for sure that yöu're my brother?" "(SIGHS)" "I'm sorry." "CINDY:" "Remember that Jamaican restaurant we went to with that fish?" "Oh, yeah." "Coley's, I think it was." "Man, that was so good." "No, no, I had enough to drink at the wedding." "How was that?" "Yöu know me, always a bridesmaid." "Well, that's not gonna change 'cause yöu already married to this darn notebook." "Yöu starting' to look alike." "Give me that." "Yöu know my life's in this book." "That's the problem." "Yöu okay?" "I'm fine." "I'm fine." "Are yöu taking yöur medicine?" "Let me see that." "Come on." "(PILLS RATTLE)" "(LIGHT MUSIC PLAYING)" "Mints?" "Really, John?" "(SCOFFS) Look, look, my prescription ran out, and I don't like takin' those things anyway." "It make my head all swimmy." "Besides, yöu're always complainin' about the shit that comes outta my mouth, at least now it's minty fresh." "(SIGHS)" "Nice necklace." "Who got yöu that?" "Some jerk, brother." "So tell me, how are the, uh, slums of Brazil treating' yöu?" "They're fine." "I'm flying back tomorrow." "And favelas aren't slums, John." "There's a lot of culture there." "Oh, cultural slums." "That...that makes it better, but they're still dangerous." "I regret gettin' yöu involved in this in the first place." "I'm fine." "(SENTIMENTAL MUSIC)" "Yöu sure about that?" "Yes." "I'm just tired, yöu know." "Jet lag." "(AQUARIUM BUBBLING)" "Take care of yöurself, Johnny." "(DOOR OPENS)" "(DOOR CLOSES)" "(RIO FUNK "PRA RUA" PLAYING)" "(SPEAKING PORTUGUESE)" "Katarina." "We'll never win them over wearing that." "I won't win them over, but I won't keel over." "Katarina!" "Katarina!" "(OVERLAPPING CROWD CHATTER)" "(SPEAKING PORTUGUESE)" "Cindy." "She's alive." "Call an ambulance, now!" "(SPEAKING PORTUGUESE)" "(CAR DOOR CLOSES)" " Mornin', boys." " Sir." "(PHONES RINGING)" " Betty, honey?" "Coffee please." " (PHONE BEEPS)" "WOMAN: (OVER PHONE) Detectives Santo and Bororo from Rio police are here to see yöu." " Uh, okay." "Send them in." " Got it." "(KNOCKING)" " Yeah." " Good morning, Vice-Consul." "Detective Thiago Santo, Rio de Janeiro police." "And this is my partner, Carlo Bororo." " Please, have a seat." " Oh, thank yöu." "So, Detective Thiago, to what do I owe the pleasure?" "Bad news, I'm afraid." "One of yöurs." "Apparently, she was doing social work for an American non-profit in the favelas." "(SOMBER MUSIC)" "Yöu know her." "Is she..." "Alive." "Barely." "She was found in the favela." "Who the hell would do this?" "When yöu work with animals, yöu're bound to get bit." "(AQUARIUM BUBBLING)" "(CELL PHONE RINGING)" "Hello?" "What?" "(MUSIC INTENSIFIES)" "When?" "What hospital?" "I'm on my way." "(RHYTHMIC BRAZILIAN MUSIC)" "(CLAPPING TO THE RHYTHM)" "(SCOFFS)" " (IN PORTUGUESE) Thanks." " Kuka." "Yöu heard about Cindy, yeah?" "Yöu don't know anything about that, do yöu?" "That's what I thought." "(SPEAKS PORTUGUESE)" "Yöu think they all lie." "If the shoe fits on the other foot." "(GUNFIRE, POLICE SIRENS)" "(GUNFIRE, WOMAN SCREAMING)" "(POLICE RADIO CHATTER)" "(SIREN WAILING IN DISTANCE)" "(IN PORTUGUESE) These two go with me." "Hey!" "Leave them alone." "They did nothing!" "Of course." "(IN PORTUGUESE) They're innocent lambs." "(CHUCKLES)" "(IN PORTUGUESE) Officer Da Silva." "So glad yöu could join us." "What?" "This is yöur favela." "Yöur assignment." "The same favela where an American social worker, Cindy Chapman, was almost killed a few days ago?" "Do yöu have any witnesses?" "Any suspects?" "Any leads at all?" "(CHORTLES)" "Soda." "(CHUCKLES)" "Mm." "(IN PORTUGUESE) Very useful." " (SCOFFS)" " Yöu're right." "It's not gonna work." "The soda is too warm!" "We need ice." "(IN PORTUGUESE) Paulo, get some ice." "The department gave yöur gentle approach a chance." "One half-dead American later..." "It's time to do it my way." "(GUNS COCKING)" "(SUSPENSEFUL MUSIC CRESCENDOS)" "Yöu made a lot of progress." "Let's avoid a nasty scene here." "I'll make yöu a deal." "Yöur best fighter... against mine." "If we win, we live to fight another day." "But if we win?" "(SIGHS) We give yöu back all yöur stuff, we let everyone go... and we never come back." "A deal." "(IN PORTUGUESE) Hey, man." "Come over here." "Don't be scared." "Come here." "Thiago, he's good." "But let's see how big a man yöu are when our back aren't turned." "No matter what happens to me... this man is not to be arrested." "Let's do this." "(GRUNTING)" "Ooh." "Watch this." "(GRUNTS)" "(SHOUTS)" "(IN PORTUGUESE) That all yöu got?" "(CROWD WINCES)" "So..." "We'll come back as often as necessary until we get whoever attacked the American!" "And yöu." "Don't forget whose side yöu're on." "Thiago!" "I brought the ice!" "(LAUGHING)" "(JET ENGINE ROARING)" "(INDISTINCT P.A. ANNOUNCEMENTS)" "(LOCALS CHATTING IN PORTUGUESE)" "Manny." "John." "Nice suit." "I see yöu stopped working out." "Good seein' yöu, pal, under the circumstances." "Wanna get something to eat?" "Yöu hungry?" " No, I wanna go see my sister." " That's what I figured." "Come on." "(HEART MONITOR BEEPING)" "(RESPIRATOR HISSING)" "We've put her into an induced coma, giving her brain a chance to recover." "(MUFFLED GUNSHOTS)" "(SCREAMING)" "John?" "John, yöu okay?" "Will she make it?" "I wish I could tell yöu." "Given the extent of her wounds, it's a miracle she made it this far." "Hey, come on in." "John, this is Detective Thiago." "He's in charge of investigating Cindy's case." "I'm so sorry about yöur sister, Mr. Chapman." "(SIGHS)" "The crime in the favela is very terrible, especially recently." "My men and I will do everything in our power to find whoever did this." "She was volunteering." "Why would someone attack her?" "The favelados see an American..." " they see money." " So, it was a robbery?" "Well, she was found without the wallet, no cash, no jewelry." "So, do yöu have any leads?" "We're questioning several known criminals from the neighborhood." " We'll have something." " Okay, look, it's been a long day, let's get yöu back to the hotel for some rest." "No, no no." "I wanna go where Cindy was found." "With all due respect, Mr. Chapman, the favela isn't exactly a tourist destination." "Well, I'm not yöur regular tourist." "(TENSE MUSIC)" "Good, good, good." "Let's, uh, let's go." "Come on, come on, come on." "Thank yöu, Detective." "We'll see yöu downstairs." "(CHILDREN PLAYING)" "It's a terrible thing, all this violence in the favela." "Just a couple of drug dealers battling each other to... to sell more drugs to more addicts in more areas." "If they think yöu're on the wrong side, bang." "Right or wrong." "Yöur sister is in God's hands now." "I will pray for her." "In my experience, all God's good for is giving people a reason to kill each other." "(SCOFFS)" "Better than killing each other without a reason, no?" "That's for savages." "(HORN HONKS)" "Next generation, don't be fooled." "(ENGINE SHUTS OFF)" "(CAR DOORS CLOSE)" "(SLOW EXHALE)" "(SIGH)" "Officer Da Silva, this is John Chapman, the victim's brother." "He would like to see the crime scene." "Officer Da Silva is in charge of the security of the favela." "(LOUD BANG)" "Whoa!" "Mr. Chapman, my sidearm, please." "Are yöu alright?" "Jet lag." "I should be heading back." "(SIGH)" "(IN PORTUGUESE) Make sure he doesn't cause any trouble." "Follow me, Mr. Chapman." "Please." "(WAVES CRASHING)" "There." "One of the local children found her just in time." "Not the most secluded place, is it?" "Any witnesses?" "So far, no." "Yeah, right." "Nobody saw anything?" "The favela is a complicated place, Mr. Chapman." "Nothing complicated about a slum controlled by drug dealers." "Come with me." "(CHILDREN SPEAKING PORTUGUESE)" "Look there." "Yöu see that clinic?" "It treats 250 people a day." "Who do yöu think pays for that?" "I don't know, the government?" "The government forgot about this place a long time ago." "Day care, doctors, teachers." "Drug money pays for all of it." "The drug dealers take care of the people here, and in exchange, the people protect the drug dealers." "Aren't drug dealers just wonderful?" "The world is rarely white and black, Mr. Chapman, especially here in the favela." "(PEOPLE CHATTING IN PORTUGUESE)" "(INDISTINCT P.A. ANNOUNCEMENTS)" " Everything okay?" " Oh, yes." "Time for her medication." "(HEART MONITOR BEEPING)" "(RESPIRATOR HISSING)" "(EXHALES)" "(CHAIR SQUEAKS)" "(SIGHS)" "(HEART MONITOR BEEPING ERRATICALLY)" "(DRAMATIC MUSIC)" "Nurse!" "Nurse." "Come back..." "Something's wrong." "It's my sister, she's convulsing." "(IN PORTUGUESE) I need a 100 cc bag of norepinephrine and Dr. Cristo in ICU 3, stat!" "How long has she been like this?" "Since right after the nurse put meds in her IV." "Yöu saw someone inject her IV?" "Yeah, it was a nurse." "She was Asian." " Who disconnected this?" " No, I.." "I didn't do that." "I.." "It was like that when I came here." "(COMPUTER BEEPING)" "Get the IV going." "Lorazepam going." " (HEART MONITOR BEEPING RAPIDLY)" " B.P. dropping!" " Get the paddles, stat!" " We're losing her!" "(DEFIBRILLATOR CHARGING)" "(SIREN WAILING)" " Yöu sure?" " I'm sure." "There are no Asian nurses on our staff." "I'll talk to him." "So, what'd they find out?" "Who was she?" "Johnny, they said there's no Asian nurses on the staff." "Yöu sure yöu saw her?" " We'll get to the bottom of this." " No, that's not good enough." "We need a guard here at all times to make sure she's safe." "I'll have someone here as of tomorrow." " Goodnight, gentlemen." " Goodnight." "(SIGHS)" " Catch yöu tomorrow." " Yeah." "(WAVES CRASHING)" "(WORRISOME MUSIC)" "(CHATTERING IN PORTUGUESE)" "(TENSE MUSIC)" "Excuse me." "Excuse me!" "Excuse me." "Excuse me, do yöu speak English?" "Excuse me." "Do yöu know this woman?" "Have yöu..." "Where'd yöu get that necklace?" "Necklace." "Where did yöu get the necklace?" "(GRUNTING)" "(GROANING)" "(SCREAMING IN PAIN, BONES SNAPPING)" "Where did yöu get the necklace?" "Where... did yöu get... the necklace?" "Stop!" "Let him go!" "He's wearing Cindy's necklace." "Now!" "(HEAVY BREATHING)" "What the hell are yöu doing?" "He's got on Cindy's necklace." "(IN PORTUGUESE) Cindy's brother." "This is Kuka." "Cindy used to work with his sister, and she was killed a few days ago." "Cindy gave him the necklace as a gift." "(SOMBER MUSIC)" "Maria." "My sister." "I'm sorry." "My condolences." "(SPEAKS PORTUGUESE)" "He says he wants to show yöu something that he has." "Let's go." "I'm sorry." "(SPEAKS PORTUGUESE)" "The pages were already torn out when he found it." "This is definitely Cindy's." "Practically her whole life was in this thing." "Oh." "Eh, no, no, no." "Yöu keep it." "She wanted yöu to have it." "It's the least I can do." "Thank yöu." "So, what happened to Kuka's sister?" "We don't know." "Her body hasn't been found." "There have been a string of similar occurrences all over town." "All favela kids." "Child prostitutes, mostly." "So, if yöu haven't found the bodies, how do yöu know they're dead?" "Around here, when prostitutes disappear, there's only two places they end up." "The ocean or the dump." "What?" "(ENGINE STARTS)" "(FOREBODING MUSIC)" "(CRICKETS CHIRPING)" "(WOMEN CHATTING IN PORTUGUESE)" "(GIGGLING)" "(ALL EXCLAIMING)" "(IN PORTUGUESE) Yöu done with yöur recon?" "I'm starving." "I could even eat yöur mother's fat pussy, that's how hungry I am." "That would be nice." "She needs to go out more." "Don't think on having sex though." "She doesn't screw guys with small dicks." "(HORN HONKS)" "(ENGINE REVS)" "And here's the scum of the earth." " How much?" " 35." " Anal?" " 50." "(YELLING IN PORTUGUESE)" "Don't move." "Stay right there." "Stay!" "So, yöu like little girls, eh?" "Come here." "(BLOWS LANDING)" "(IN PORTUGUESE) For yöu." "So yöu don't get in trouble." "Next time, I'll arrest yöu." "(GRUNTING)" "Time's up." "Feel free to come back, asshole." "(JUKEBOX PLAYING JAZZ MUSIC)" "Obrigado." "(SUSPENSEFUL MUSIC)" "Cindy's last appointment." "(CELL PHONE DIALING)" "(PHONE RINGING)" "MAN : (OVER PHONE) Hola, Bruno." "H..hello, Bruno." "Hi." "This is John Chapman." "I believe yöu know my sister, Cindy Chapman?" "Uh, O.." "Okay?" "Hey, uh, listen, I.." "I need to... meet with yöu as soon as possible." "Hello?" "Yöu there?" "Oh.." "Okay." "Okay, um..." "Not at night." "My photo studio's on Via Colina." "Meet me in the cafe outside, tomorrow at, uh, 7 AM." "There'll be plenty of people there." "Okay, got it." "See yöu there." "Thank yöu." "Oh, man." "I've been so freaked out since I've heard about Cindy." "She's a great girl." "I'm sorry." " How do yöu know Cindy?" " I'm a photographer." "She convinced me to take photos of the favela, yöu know, poor kids, but they can use them to raise money." "Is that why Cindy got hurt?" "No." "Have yöu heard about the..." "kid whores disappearing?" "Yöu mean the children from the favela?" "Yes." "Yeah, yeah." "Everyone thinks they're dead, but yöur sister was convinced that there's something going on." "More than meets the eye." "So, she started doing her own investigation." "Used her contacts in the favela, yöu know, the charities, even the polícia." "Last week, Cindy called..." "Cindy calls me excited, gives me a place and a time." "She had arranged a meeting with someone that could blow this whole thing wide open." "Yöur sister had me hide and take the pictures of the meeting." "So, what did she find out?" "She didn't tell me." "A..and I didn't come to find out." "I just take photos, yöu know?" "Did yöu go to the police?" "(GIGGLES)" "Listen to me, man." "I really like yöur sister, she is a good soul, but whosoever toes she stepped on, doesn't have a problem putting people in the ground." "So, I.." "I.." "I talk to yöu, but now, I'm done. 'Kay?" "So, where are the photos?" "I.." "I gave them to Cindy, the originals." "Can I have the copies?" "No." "They're my insurance." "Okay, well, thanks for yöur time." "No problema." "Hey." "Listen, man," "I appreciate the fact that Cindy had friends like yöu in her corner." "Yöu understand?" "Means a lot to me." " Okay." " Thank yöu." "(ENGINE STARTS)" "(EXPLOSION)" "(TIRES SCREECHING)" "(SCREAMING)" "(INTENSE MUSIC)" "(GUNSHOTS)" "(MEN YELLING)" "(HEAVY BREATHING)" "(PEOPLE CLAMORING)" "(CAR PEELS OFF)" "(BRAKES SQUEAL IN SLOW MOTION)" "(RAPID GUNFIRE)" "(GLASS SHATTERING)" "(BRAKES SQUEALING)" "(MEN SHOUTING IN PORTUGUESE)" "(GUNFIRE RESUMES)" "(GUN CLICKS)" "(GRUNTS)" "(TIRES SQUEAL)" "(SIRENS WAILING)" "MANNY:" "Well, that must be the guy she was meeting." "(KEYBOARD CLACKING)" "Yeah, looks like a model citizen." "I'll print 'em out for yöu, but it doesn't give yöu much." "Tats." "The guys who shot at me had these..." "elaborate tattoos, full sleeves." "Yöu know, like the Asian gangster movies?" "Yakuza?" " Yeah, but here?" " Well, don't write 'em off." "Brazil has the largest Japanese population outside of Japan." "Yakuza, they lie low, but they've been here since the '70s, and they have no problem partnering up with local gangs that will service their needs." "(KEYBOARD CLACKING)" "Hey, stop." "Back up." "Right there." "Now zoom in." "Right there, stop." "Go to the right." "What's that say?" "Ronos?" "Kronos." "Oh, that's a local nightclub." "I know where that is." "Wait a second, I'll take yöu there." "No, no, no." "I cannot get yöu mixed up in all this." "Look, yöu've pulled my ass out of the fire more than once." "Least I can do is be yöur chauffeur." "Besides, with someone watching yöu," " shit will stop blowing up in this city." " (JOHN CHUCKLES)" "(DANCE CLUB MUSIC)" "(PARTIERS CHATTING IN PORTUGUESE)" "VIP only." "(QUIETLY COUNTING IN PORTUGUESE)" "(BATHROOM DOOR OPENS)" "(YELLING IN PORTUGUESE)" "The hell yöu looking at?" " (GRUNTS) - (LOUD THUD)" " (CRACKING) - (YELLING)" "Do yöu know her?" "No." "I know yöu know her, and I know yöu met her." "Make it easier on yöurself and tell me why." "I.." "I don't remember." "Oh, yöu don't remember, huh?" "Yöu know what?" "(CRACKING, WINCES)" "Yöu didn't wash yöur hands." "That's nasty." "Let me teach yöu some hygiene." "No!" "(GURGLING)" " (GASPING)" " Remember her now?" " She was just some puta I met." " Oh, man, that's my sister." "(COUGHS)" "(CHOKING)" " (COUGHING)" " Any better?" " (CURSES IN PORTUGUESE)" " Okay." "(CRYING OUT IN PAIN)" "(STRAINING)" "(GASPING)" " Okay." " No!" "Wait!" "I'll tell yöu!" "I'll tell yöu." "S..some big mouthed favelado told her about my... services." "What services?" " Import, export." " Smuggling." "She started following me." "She saw me make an arrangement with one of my clients and confronted me about it." "She shouldn't have done that." "No!" "W..wait!" "I didn't do anything to her!" "I didn't touch her." "I didn't have to." "My client had people there watching." "They saw everything." "Her, the guy in the car, everything." "Who's yöur client?" "Hey, man, the pool's still open." "Okay, okay." "(PANTING)" "Head out of town." "Go northwest." "Th..there's a small dirt road 25 kilometers after Volta Redonda that leads to hacienda." "My client owns the place." "Okay, but if I find out yöu're lying to me," "I'm gonna come back and finish yöur swimming lesson." "(WINCES, COUGHING)" "(SWEARING SOFTLY IN PORTUGUESE)" "Okay, ladies!" "Today, we take back the favela." "An American social worker went there trying to do good things... and thanks to the animals, she's in the hospital, fighting for her life." "It's a shame... that's what it took to get our bosses' attention." "But no matter." "Yöur targets are the pillars of the drug trade, the sex trade, the murder." "Take them down, and this whole mess falls apart." "We're doing God's work... so no shame." "No guilt." "No pity." "Just... put them in the ground!" "So let's go!" "(BOMBASTIC MUSIC)" "Go, go, go, go, go!" "MANNY:" "Give me all the intel yöu have on this hacienda place." "We're on our way there now." "Just, tell 'em to make it fast." "What do yöu got?" "Looks like... just..." " ...shipping manifests." " Let me see." "Ah, my favorite smuggler DJ, Mr. Lima." "Ah, shit." "These are fake." "It's already got the customs stamp, but check out the departure date." "(SUSPENSEFUL MUSIC)" "Shit." "(PRAYING IN PORTUGUESE)" "(PRAYING CONTINUES)" "(EPIC MUSIC)" " (MUTED GUNFIRE)" " Amen." "(BIRD CAWING)" "(PEOPLE CHATTERING)" "Wow, we should check this place out." "MANNY:" "Oh, I'm sure it's all totally legit." "What's the plan?" "I go in." "Yöu go back home." "Besides, yöu need to be to work soon anyway." "Sure yöu don't want me to come in there and save yöur ass as usual?" "(CHUCKLES)" "(ENERGETIC MUSIC)" "(TV INFORMING IN PORTUGUESE, GUNFIRE)" "(GRUNTS)" "(LIGHT SOCIAL MUSIC)" "(OVERLAPPING CHATTER, LAUGHTER)" "Welcome." "What's yöur pleasure?" "I don't know." "It's my first time here." "Lucky yöu." "Please, take a seat, and we'll be with yöu shortly." "(PEOPLE SOCIALIZING, LAUGHING)" "(SUSPENSEFUL MUSIC)" "(PHONE SPEED DIALS)" "(PHONE RINGING)" "(RINGING CONTINUES)" "(MACHINE WHIRS)" "(RINGING CONTINUES)" "(PHONE BEEPS)" "(IN JAPANESE) Check out the bar." "(IN JAPANESE) Should I tell Hirimoto?" "(IN JAPANESE) Hirimoto is not to be disturbed." "We can handle it." "(PHONE BEEPS)" "(IN JAPANESE) We have an unwanted guest." "Sir, this way, please." "(TENSE MUSIC)" "(GUNFIRE)" "(GRUNTS)" " Status update." " Area 1 secure." " Area 3 secure." " Excellent." " Double check the list." " Copy that." "Have a seat." "(CAR DOOR OPENS, MEN SHOUTING IN PORTUGUESE)" "(ECHOING) Maria." "My sister." "(CRUNCH, SQUISH)" "(DOOR LOCKS)" "(MEN SPEAKING JAPANESE)" "(EXCITING MUSIC)" "(SHOUTING IN PORTUGUESE)" "Freeze!" "(GUNSHOT)" "Down!" "Down!" "Down!" "Officer requesting backup." "(DOG BARKING)" "(OFFICER OVER WALKIE) Officer requesting backup." "Location;" "FAVELA NORTHWEST, CUL-DE-SAC." "Asian man, mid-to-late 30s in custody." "Suspect is not on list." "Copy." "Santo and Bororo on the way." "All other units, hold positions." "Repeat, hold position." "Okay, what's going on?" "Sir, I saw suspicious activity." "Upon pursuit, I found these two men loading children into the van at gunpoint." "I disarmed them and radioed in." "Good job." "Is this gun registered?" "Good." "(WHISPERS) Good." "(GUNSHOT)" "Our price just doubled." "(CELL PHONE RINGING)" "What's going on here?" "Where are the manifests?" "The plan's changed." "Did yöu take care of our loose ends?" "The American girl?" "(CHUCKLES)" "Everyone she could have talked to is dead." "Good." "Yöur money will be waiting at the docks." "(PHONE BEEPS)" "(SIGHS)" "Officer down." "Repeat, officer down." "Requesting medical assistance." "(TENSE MUSIC)" "Our unwanted guest is on the loose." "Intruder on the premises." "Sweep the grounds." "(PHONE RINGING)" "I thought I made it clear that I was not to be disturbed." "I'm sorry, Hirimoto, but we have a situation..." "The American." "He's here." "And proving difficult to kill." "He has the manifests." "Clear out the merchandise." "And the guests." "And why don't yöu pay a visit to the hospital?" "Yes, Hirimoto." "(CELL PHONE SPEED DIALS, RINGS)" "(CELL PHONE RINGING)" "(SIGHS)" "Yes?" "(OVER PHONE) The American is causing trouble at my place of business." "I'll take care of it." "(BEEP)" "(STAMMERS) I'm sorry about the manifests." "He..he surprised me." "I.." "It won't happen again." "Mr. Lima." "(EXHALES)" "I don't care for guns." "Moving parts." "Different materials." "So... dirty." "Now this... is Tamahagane." "Jewel steel." "Pure." "It can cut through anything." "(GASPS, BLOOD SPILLING)" "Like a middleman." "(TENSE MUSIC)" "(GRUNTING)" "(GUNFIRE)" "All units, all units." "Disturbance at La Hacienda Resort. 323 Santiago Street." "Gunshots reported." "Units requested." "Use caution." "(GRUNTING)" "(BONES CRUNCHING)" "(YELLING IN PORTUGUESE)" "Mr. Chapman?" "What are yöu doing here?" "These are the men who attacked Cindy." "Which ones?" "All of them?" "They had something to do with it." "Katarina!" "Maria, Kuka's sister, she's here, I saw her." "She's downstairs." " What's going on?" " I'll show yöu." "Follow me." "(DRAMATIC MUSIC)" "She was here." "There were children, there were people..." "Look." "Counterfeit shipping manifests." "They're tryin' to smuggle the children out." "Mr. Chapman, why don't yöu give me Mr. Lima's briefcase?" "We'll handle it from here." "(BRIEFCASE CLOSES)" "Thank yöu." "Da Silva, take Mr. Chapman to the hotel." "We'll go check out the docks." "THIAGO:" "Mr. Chapman, Why don't yöu give me Mr. Lima's briefcase?" "We'll handle it from here." "Go make sure my sister's okay." "Please." "(ENGINE STARTS)" "(TIRES SQUEALING)" "(HEART MONITOR BEEPING, RESPIRATOR HISSING)" "(FOREBODING MUSIC)" "(GUNSHOT)" "Oh, yeah, I forgot..." "Freeze." "Police." "All that stuff." "(EXHALES)" "(FOGHORN BLARES)" "(MEN CHATTING)" "(GRUNTING)" "(CELL PHONE RINGING)" " Hello?" " JOHNNY:" "Manny, it's me..." "I found the girls, the missing favela kids." "The Yakuza are shipping 'em off to Japan." "Jesus." "All right, where are ya?" "At the, uh, dock." "Porto Del Rio." "Dock 9." "MANNY:" "Dock 9, I know where that is." "I got it." "Listen, get the cops over here." "Tell them, "Do not radio it in." Thiago's dirty." "MANNY:" "All right, wait a second, what are yöu gonna do till they get there?" "Take in the scenery." "I was afraid of that." "Shit." "I think the American is..." "Huh?" "Hello?" "What's going on?" "What's going on?" "(SHOUTING, GUNFIRE)" "Send everyone." "Take him down!" "We'll take care of it." "Detective." "Please forgive my skepticism, but I think I'll join." "(GASPS)" "(GRUNTING)" "(GUNFIRE, YELLING)" "(GROANING)" "(BONE SNAPS, YELLS)" "(GUNSHOTS, BULLETS RICOCHET)" "(SCREAMS)" "(GROANING IN PAIN)" "(GRUNTING)" "(KNIFE CLATTERS)" "(THUD)" "(BATTLE CRIES)" "(YELLING)" "(GROANING IN PAIN)" "(CHAINS RATTLING)" "(BLOOD DRIPPING)" "(MEN YELLING)" "(AGONIZED YELL)" "(SPITS)" "(METAL CLANGING)" "(METAL CLANKING)" "(PAINED GROAN)" "(STRAINING)" "(GROANING)" "(PAINED BREATHING, SQUISHING)" "Yöu put up a better fight than yöur sister." "(DRAMATIC MUSIC BUILDS)" "(GRUNTING)" "(YELLING)" "(BONES SNAP)" "(METAL CLANGING)" "It's funny... how things work out." "Right?" "(SQUISHING NOISES)" "(KEYS CLINKING)" "(STRAINED BREATHING)" "In my locker... at the station, there is a... a list of people." "Everyone Hirimoto's got on the take." "The police, the courts, the government." "(PANTING)" "Give it to Katarina." "She will make it right." "(WINCES)" "I was the first in my family... to reach 45." "Most of my family still live in the favela." "And I was going to get us out." "But... (SHARP INHALE) such is the will of God." "God has nothin' to do with this." "Yöu made yöur own choices." "I didn't attack yöur sister, I swear." "I may be a sinner, but not a savage." "(SHOUTING, GUNFIRE)" "(SWORD CLANGS)" "My judgment is near." "Do yöu still have one round... in that gun?" "(HEAVY BREATHS)" "(GULP)" "(GUNSHOT)" "(SIRENS APPROACHING)" "(SEAGULLS CAW)" "(ANGELIC MUSIC)" "(HEART MONITOR BEEPING)" "Hey." "She's just exhausted." "Even the tiniest effort is monumental for her right now." "How long till she's back on her feet?" "Well, Mr. Chapman, there's something yöu need to understand." "The injuries yöur sister suffered were very extensive, including severe head trauma." "It's going to be a long, slow process for her to get back to functioning by herself." "We're talking about a matter of years." "(SOMBER MUSIC)" "Uh, hi, uh, coffee?" "Black, please." "Whiskey neat." "Make it a double." " It's nine in the morning." " Yeah, yöu're right." "Excuse me, make that a single." "Nice." "Look, John, yöu saved dozens of kids from hell." "Manny, I..." "It's funny, I thought I'd feel better once I got these guys, but seein' Cindy like that today, man..." "Stop." "Stop. (STAMMERING)" "Yöu can't think like that." "Yöu're gonna destroy yöurself." "So, how 'bout..." "Uncle Manny gives yöu something else to destroy?" "See, me and some of the higher-ups at the State Department are always thinking, "Man, wouldn't it be nice to have someone to get the job done when no one else can?"" " Isn't that what the CIA is for?" " Come on, their plate's full." "Between China and the Middle East, tryin' to run anything through that bureaucracy?" "Forget about it." "Thank yöu." "No, what I'm thinking about is something a little less official." "I don't know, man." "My head's still messed up." "But there is also one other thing yöu have to consider," "Cindy's condition." "Those medical bills are going to pile up for years to come." "What are yöu gettin' at?" "Come on, man, she doesn't have any insurance." "I've been running those bills through the Embassy." "How long yöu think that's gonna last?" "However, if she were a dependent of a government agent, well..." "That's a whole different ball game." "So, yöu're sayin', if I take the job, yöu'll make sure Cindy's taken care of?" "Mmm..hmm." " But, what if I don't?" " There's only so much I can do." "(SCOFFS)" "When do I start?" "Yöu already did." "It's yöur old call sign." ""Hope You've Liked Enjoyed The Movie"" "Copyright from ecOtOne™" | {
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"[###]" "PELTON:" "Good morning, Greendale." "As you know, it is April Fools' Day." "Just kidding." "It's the day before April Fools." "See what I did there..." "Baba booey, baba booey, baba booey" "You know what, Leonard?" "Strike two." "[###]" "PELTON:" "Anyway, just reminding you to keep any April Fools pranks physically safe, politically balanced and racially accessible." "When in doubt, check the guidelines in our college pranks literature." "Guidelines for school-sanctioned pranks." "Hmm." "Reminds me of my favorite college comedy." "Oh, uh, which one?" "Exactly." "TROY:" "See, the dean doesn't get it." "The point of a practical joke is to shake up the system." "For example, who wants some of these?" "Cool, yeah." "Looking for something?" "Nice." "Oh." "They allow volunteers for campus security during times of heightened shenanigans." "Oh." "I wanna be security." "Ooh." "Let's do it together." "We can be partners." "That's a buddy cop movie I would watch." "But I wonder," "Which of you would be by the book?" "Which of you would be the badass?" "Oh, Abed, you're so silly." "I would be the badass." "Greetings, mortals." "Morning." "Snake in a can?" "Uh..." "No, thanks." "I'm fasting." "My Buddhist church is having its annual ascension ceremony, and I will be becoming a level-six laser lotus." "I know." "I was speechless too." "Anyway, I have to detoxify for the ceremony." "I get all the nutrients I need with saltwater and honey." "[SPITS THEN COUGHS]" "It's better if it goes down the wrong pipe." "So, what happens in level six?" "Well, nobody in my hive has ever seen a six, but, uh, from what I hear, I'll have immunity to germs, a heightened psychic ability and improved night vision." "Any bonuses to your combat score?" "I assume I'll fight better if I can see more, heh, dumb-ass." "Hey, Pierce, I just remembered." "Right before you got here, some guy was delivering level-six ceremonial robes?" "What?" "Why didn't you tell me?" "Maybe if you run you can catch him." "Way to use your brain, Winger." "Abed, how fast can you run to the Theater Department?" "Thirty-seven seconds." "Don't come back without something ridiculous." "Go." "Guys, you realize you're exploiting the naiveté of a man who is being brainwashed by a cult." "Well, it sounds a lot less fun when you say it." "Everything does." "She's a buzz kill." "I'm not a buzz kill." "SHIRLEY ANNIE:" "Hmm." "Yeah, that doesn't really describe it." "You're more of a fun-vampire, because you don't suck blood, you just suck." "He wasn't there." "Oh, I think Abed found him." "Hey, give me." "[###]" "[PIERCE GASPS]" "It's amazing." "Wow." "It is absolutely gorgeous." "How do I look?" "May I?" "Yeah." "Magical." "Great." "Heh." "[LAUGHS]" "Of course, the only one who doesn't like this is Britta." "You ever get tired of being a buzz kill?" "[THE 88'S "AT LEAST IT WAS HERE" PLAYING]" "This is gonna be exciting, ladies." "I hereby deputize you as campus security for 48 hours." "Your windbreakers." "[PELTON HUMMING]" "Your whistles." "[HUMMING]" "Oh." "Oh." "Okay." "Uh..." "[HUMMING]" "Okay." "Now I only have the one pepper spray." "It's mine." "But I'll just get my groceries in a better neighborhood this week." "I'll carry it." "Oh." "Between the two of us, I'm sort of the badass." "You are?" "Uh..." "H-how do you figure?" "I don't know, Shirley." "How did you figure I wasn't?" "I guess I didn't figure because I was too busy being the obvious badass." "Sounds like we're both pretty convinced." "I guess we'll find out once we're on the job." "Hmm." "I guess we will." "I'm sorry, what is going on here?" "ABED:" "A twist on a classic formula." "Normally, with buddy cops, one's a straight-laced stickler, the other's a renegade." "But these two have equal claim to both roles." "And why are you here?" "Short answer?" "My cable went out." "[###]" "Hey, can I run something by you?" "I was thinking of pulling a little prank tonight." "All right." "April Fools prank." "So you know how they have live frogs in the anatomy lab?" "Oh, yeah." "So I was gonna sneak in there, get a frog, and then tomorrow when Señor Chang's class is coming in, there will be a frog on his desk wearing..." "Tada." "Oh, you're done." "Did you read the hat?" ""Señor Chang." Yeah." "Oh, you don't get it." "I guess I don't." "The frog is Chang." "Okay, I did get it." "It's funny." "I know it's funny." "Oh, wait, I forgot." "It's not your kind of joke." "It's not at anyone's expense." "Britta, why waste your time envying my gift for levity?" "When there's so much you could be doing with your natural talent for severity." "You know what?" "My prank is gonna cause a sea of laughter, and I'm gonna watch you drown in it." "Thattagirl." "Seven." "That's right." "Jeff, I can read minds." "No way." "What color am I thinking of?" "Pink." "What the hey?" "Must be the robe." "Hey, Cookie Crisp." "Cookie Crisp." "[MOUTHS] No." "Is he talking to me?" "No, no." "Hey, Pierce, that guy came back that brought your robes and said he forgot to deliver this." "What is it?" "He said it focuses your powers?" "Is that a cookie?" "Oh!" "Maybe it's a piece of meteor." "Buddha arrived on a meteor." "When's the last time he ate?" "I am the coolest guy in the world." "[CHUCKLES]" "[###]" "[ANIMALS SCREECHING]" "[DOOR CREAKS THEN CLOSES]" "Hello, Mr. Frog." "Can I just borrow you for a second?" "[IN SINGSONG VOICE] I'm Señor Chang." "[IN NORMAL VOICE] Now tell me that's not funny." "Aah!" "Oh!" "Oh, no." "Wait." "[WHISPERING] Here, froggy, froggy, froggy." "Here frog, frog, froggy." "Mr. Frog?" "[CROAKING]" "Real quiet." "[SCREAMING]" "Oh, no." "Uhn!" "Yaah!" "[WOMAN SCREAMS]" "Oh." "WOMAN:" "Oh, my God!" "Aah!" "Call the ambulance!" "MAN:" "It's so horrible." "It's a dead body." "[SQUISHING]" "And what makes it worse is this was a brand new sign, so..." "I just don't want this to tarnish our school's reputation." "Don't worry." "Your school's reputation is way worse than this." "[SIREN WAILS]" "Oh, here's our campus security." "Just stop right there." "Oh, ladies, don't pull up on the..." "Okay." "Oh, Annie." "Morning, boys." "I'm Annie Edison." "But people call me Psycho because I had a nervous breakdown in high school." "My partner is a Christian housewife." "Can we help you?" "Actually, can we not help you?" "I tend to play by my own rules." "She loves rules." "I only have one." "Stay out of my way." "Stay out of mine more." "You know what?" "This is misdemeanor vandalism." "You ladies can take care of it yourselves." "Wait." "Wait, wait." "What?" "Call us when you find a perp." "COP:" "Yeah, heh, we'll be waiting." "Oh..." "You go." "Uh, I'm about to." "Now look what you have done." "Tell them they got 24 hours to solve the case." "They do." "You have 24 hours to solve it or else." "Figure it out." "[###]" "That's the poster." "So this is the part of my job that I enjoy the least." "The part where I inform you that last night, someone murdered a partially clothed animal and threw a human corpse out a window." "And you can thank the person that did it, a person that may be in this room, for the fact that from now on," "April Fools' Day is banished, okay?" "At Greendale, April 1 st is officially March 32nd forever." "How do you know it was one of us?" "Well, if I may answer a question with a question, why are you dressed like a wizard?" "[GRUNTING]" "Okay, is he having a stroke?" "I'll tell you how I know." "Security Officers Bennett and Edison found this at the scene." "Hmm?" "The little hat says "Chang" on it." "And we ruled out your teacher because he has a crippling fear of frogs." "[GASPS]" "I told you that in confidence." "How about whoever did this just fesses up?" "All right, that wasn't just a cadaver that was thrown out that window." "It was a person with family and friends." "And for every day that nobody confesses, this class will be meeting one of them." "Hmm?" "[SHOUTS] Glenda?" "[IN NORMAL VOICE] Oh, I apologize." "Can you come on in here." "Hmm?" "Yes." "And tell us about your son." "GLENDA:" "Oh, yeah." "Hello, everyone." "CLASS:" "Hello." "There." "Harry was a wonderful man." "He kept a dream journal." "Page one." ""I had that dream again where I'm in a forest but the trees are pencils."" "JEFF:" "Hey." "Impressive." "And hilarious." "Hmm." "You gonna fess up, weirdo?" "Look, it wasn't me." "Even if it was, this was an accident." "I knew it." "Nicely done." "If I come forward, it's gonna play into the "Britta's a buzz kill" mythology." "Well, the toe tag fits, Britta." "I mean, you single-handedly killed an entire school's buzz, not to mention a frog." "According to Glenda, cadaver Harry had 13 nieces and nephews that I'm not interested in meeting." "So you better think about coming clean, or I'm just gonna tell everybody you did it." "[###]" "ANNIE:" "Star-Burns doesn't do very much." "I guess fascinating people don't resort to growing shapes on their faces." "He makes one false move, and I'm gonna go Shirley on him." "That's what my high school friends called crazy." "Yeah?" "You gonna go Shirlier than I did when I got addicted to pills?" "Why are you so concerned with being badass?" "Maybe I'm tired of everyone thinking of me as a little girl." "Maybe I wanna be in charge of how I'm defined." "SHIRLEY:" "Well, how do you think I feel?" "You have two kids, and they stick you in the margins." "I'm not done yet." "I still got moves." "I haven't even started yet." "I've got moves I haven't even seen before." "[CELL PHONE RINGS]" "Blocked call." "Mm." "Edison." "WOMAN [DISGUISING VOICE]:" "The man you're looking for is Jeff Winger." "Jeff Winger." "Who is this?" "[LINE CLICKS]" "I didn't recognize the voice." "They say Jeff Winger's our man." "Oh." "Drop them if you smoke them." "Cut to action sequence." "Let's roll." "[SIREN WAILING]" "ANNIE:" "Security's coming through." "[SIREN WAILS]" "Mr. Winger." "Cagney, Lacey." "What can I do you for?" "Just doing a routine search." "What is this?" "What do you have here?" "That's my chest." "Why don't you spread them?" "Huh?" "What are you packing here?" "Guys." "I can pat." "I can do it too." "So, uh, what have you got in the bag?" "Yeah." "What the...?" "Hey." "Let's see what we have here." "Holy Mary, mother of pearl." "What do we have here, huh?" "Looks like enough tiny items to equip an amphibious mariachi band." "Of frogs." "That is not my stuff." "Britta." "Britta planted that." "Sure she did." "Tell that to what our equivalent of a judge is." "[###]" "ANNIE:" "Wait." "What is...?" "He's getting away." "[ANNIE SHIRLEY YELLING]" "Go, go." "Drive." "[SIREN WAILING]" "SHIRLEY:" "When you turn to yell at me..." "ANNIE:" "He's right there." "SHIRLEY:" "Okay, hold it..." "What are these doing here?" "He's getting away." "Go after him on foot." "I'm going after him on foot." "Cut him off on the other side." "I'm cutting him off on the other side." "Stop or I'll shoot." "I said, stop." "Oh, God, no." "Aah!" "Aah!" "It burns." "[SIREN WAILS]" "Uh-huh." "Oh, great, he got away." "Good job." "He got away because of your driving, Grandma." "Oh, I beg your pardon, Hannah Montana." "Oh, I'm sorry." "Are you hard of hearing?" "You know what?" "This is why you have hardly any friends." "Looks like I have one less now." "Do I look like I'm crying?" "These are not tears." "This is self-inflicted friendly fire, okay?" "That's what happens to children." "You have no idea what I've been through!" "SHIRLEY:" "You don't think I've got the strength for this!" "Excuse me." "I have to go to the bathroom." "I'll give you the rest of these chocolate-covered raisins if you save my seat." "[ANNIE SHIRLEY CONTINUE YELLING AT EACH OTHER]" "ANNIE:" " To be alone out there." "You are assuming..." "I don't want you to feel judged by this, but your handling of this job has disappointed me." "I mean, your high-speed pursuit caused $ 78 worth of damages." "And you didn't even get a statement out of Mr. Winger?" "He got away." "He ran between two poles." "Well, I see how that would be frustrating but the fact is," "Your ass is on the line." "My ass is on the line." "You just got off the phone with the mayor." "I just got off the phone..." "What?" "The mayor?" "Stop doing that." "I'm trying to help." "You're not doing this right." "Well, maybe you should do it." "[CHUCKLES]" "[ANGRILY] I am sick and tired of making excuses for you two." "You're an embarrassment to the department." "You're off the case and off the force." "Your badges, your windbreakers now." "Now." "I ain't got all day." "Agitating my sciatica." "I'm too old for this." "Now get out of my sight." "Thought you were badasses, huh?" "Real badasses work together." "Hmm." "All I see is a housewife and girl scout." "Hey." "Abed." "I said, get out." "And don't even think about getting near this case." "Uh-uh." "Pretty harsh." "[IN NORMAL VOICE] Don't worry, that's what they needed." "[###]" "Well, that was embarrassing." "I know." "That African-American police chief character Abed was playing was right." "We should have worked as a team." "I don't know about you, I don't need a badge to finish this." "I say we nail Winger to the wall." "Together?" "Together." "How do you spell "testicles"?" "Nice frame job, Britta-dict Arnold." "Oh, colonial burn." "Come on, Jeff, where's that trademark gift for levity?" "Well, well, well, look who we found." "Yes, how foolish of me to hide in my regularly scheduled study group." "Jeff, ahem, let's just do this the easy way." "Confess." "Britta's the one who threw that body out the window." "And I can prove it." "How?" "Britta was going to put a frog wearing a sombrero on Chang's desk because that's the kind of thing she thinks is funny." "Don't you, Britta?" "No." "Then why is there a photo on your Facebook page of a cat wearing a necktie?" "Pfft." "This is my cat." "And the tie makes him?" "Formal." "This investigation is going nowhere." "You need a psychic." "Perfect." "This process may alarm you." "Oh!" "Gay, gay, gay." "So gay." "Oh-oh." "Dark nightclub." "Aah, aah." "Throbbing music." "Men's room..." "Men's room stall." "Penis." "Two penises." "Oh." "So gay." "He's so gay." "[GRUNTS]" "Pierce." "What?" "Sit down." "We'll take it from here." "Uhn." "Jeff, where were you last night?" "At a bar." "Called it." "Who can confirm that?" "Your mama?" "What?" "While I'm..." "GROUP:" "Oh!" "Oh!" "What the hell, Annie?" "Her name's not Annie, it's Psycho." "If I were you, I'd tell her what she wants to hear." "That's right, because if I have to hand you off to Shirley, you're gonna enter a kitchen of pain." "Uhn!" "BRITTA:" "Guys, stop it." "Stop it." "I did it." "I framed Jeff." "I'm sorry, Jeff." "But why?" "Because I'm a buzz kill, that's why." "Because that's who I am." "That's my role." "You guys, you create fun, and I destroy it." "Of course a silly little joke ends with a dead body on the lawn." "I should have known that but I wanted to do it anyway." "I wanted to be like you." "I wanted to be funny." "Knock, knock." "Who's there?" "Cancer." "Oh, good, come on in." "I thought it was Britta." "Well..." "Britta, I actually wanna be taken more seriously." "And the only reason I slammed Jeff's head against the table was because I wanted to feel like an adult." "Like Shirley." "And I wanted to feel younger like Annie." "It's not that I'm really old because people don't know how young I really am." "See?" "I'm doing it again." "I hate that I obsess about my age." "Oh, I know." "I wish I was really magic." "Heh." "You know you're not?" "Yeah." "Hah." "Somebody must have sent these robes by accident." "I only pretended I was level six to impress you guys." "I got held back." "[SOBBING]" "I don't even deserve this Buddhist meteor wand." "WOMEN:" "Oh." "It's not a meteor." "It's a cookie wand." "[SOBBING]" "Me and Jeff made it because it made you look like the Cookie Crisp wizard." "Which is not even a reference I get because the Cookie Crisp mascot wasn't a wizard when I was a kid, it was a burglar." "[ALL SOBBING]" "I just pretended like I knew because I wanted Jeff to think I was smart." "[ALL SOBBING]" "Great." "I did it again." "I killed the buzz." "Look, um..." "Maybe..." "Maybe "buzz kill" is a bad choice of words." "What's a good choice of words?" "I don't know. I..." "I, um..." "I..." "You're..." "You're like the dark cloud that unites us." "Or the..." "The anti-Winger." "You're like..." "You're..." "You're the heart of this group." "Uh..." "Look, um, I don't have a real handle on all this mushy stuff." "If..." "If I did, then we wouldn't need you." "Britta, get over here." "Really?" "Yeah." "[SOBBING]" "Let's never let Jeff divide us again." "Hey, Abed." "Why are you and I the only sane...?" "Shh." "Just watch." "It's beautiful." "Troy, do you want a bite of my wand?" "I do." "We really appreciate you doing this." "Sure." "And three, two, one." "BOTH:" "# Troy and Abed in the morning ##" "And we're back." "Look who's here, Jeff Winger." "Jeff, how do you stay so fit?" "Uh..." "Diet, exercise, genetics." "[BOTH LAUGH]" "Sure, sure." "Okay." "So it seems we have a clip." "You wanna set up for us?" "Uh, I'd like to but I don't know what you're talking about." "Okay, we'll just roll it." "[IN HIGH-PITCHED VOICE] Ooh." "My name's Jeff Winger." "[IN DEEP VOICE] Hey." "I'm Jeff Winger." "I'm so tall." "This watch is expensive." "Muscles are everywhere." "[IN NORMAL VOICE] That was funny." "What's going on?" "Where are the cameras?" "We're not filming this." "No." "Who'd wanna watch this?" "Guys, it's 6 a.m. Jeez." "We're not gonna have him back." "BOTH:" "# Troy and Abed in the morn... ##" "JEFF:" "No!" | {
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"." " Previously on "Killjoys"..." " Johnny, this is Louella, my sister." " It's headed up her arm." " Help me." " What are you doing?" " Banyon." " I was hoping you'd show yourself." "[grunting]" " Why aren't you healing?" "You're human." "[explosion]" " What the hells?" " It's gone." " You blew up all the other RAC stations?" " When I kill her, I want her to be completely alone." "Like I was for years." "Lucy:" "Nearing Scarback Necropolis." " [sighs]" "Virgins don't prep this much for wedding nights, D'av." "It's morbid." " It's not morbid." "It's ritual." "Everything important deserves a ritual." "Smoothing the lapels, pressing the whites, polishing the boots." "All helps keep my mind off" " The fact that we're gonna burn our dead?" " Honor our dead." "Are you drunk?" " I'm trying." "It's not working." " No, thanks." "I'm super good." "They died because of the Hullen, Dutch." "Not you." " What about Banyon?" "Gotcha." "Point Dutch." " Banyon was a mistake." " I don't get to make those anymore." "Not with these stakes." " Well, what do you need to make it through the day then?" "And don't say more alcohol." " I need to know what's on the other side." "Do we win?" "Was it worth it?" " You're having doubts." " I'm having doubts." " Well, knock it off, because we won't win, and it won't be worth it if we fall apart now." "They deserve better than that from us." "From you." " Tough love is supposed to have some actual love in it, you know?" " Sorry." "Soldier D'avin is kind of a dick." " No, I needed that." "You're right." "Just don't tell Johnny that I'm scared." "Okay?" " Tap my heart." "You know I never judge you." "It's kind of our deal." "Whoa." " Whoa?" " Dutch, I-I" " No, no, forget it." "It didn't even happen." "It didn't actually happen." " This would feel less awkward if I walked in on actual sex." " Suit up." "We're leaving in five." " Dutch" " Whatever you wanna say, pick another moment." " D'av, you there?" " Not a good time, Zeph." " But I know what's in the Remnant." "It's brain neocortex cells." " Neocortex, no way." "That's amazing." " I know, right?" "And I think I can inject some" "D'av?" " What did Zeph want to talk about?" " I don't know, stupid science stuff." " Hey." " Stupid biological science stuff." " Pfft." "What a nerd." "Lucy:" "Now clear to land at elevator docking station." "[smooth jazz music]" "*" " Please proceed to the elevator now." "Announcing Kella Seyon, Head of Land Trus." " Ugh, the Nine just live for these formal events, don't they?" "Anything to keep up appearances." " Yeah, I hate everyone as a basic life philosophy, but if I can give them the benefit of the doubt" " Melek Seyah Rinn, Head of Land Rinn." " Look, we may need 'em." " Since when?" " Since you don't turn a gaggle of bounty hunters into an army by saying please." "We need training, weapons, artillery" " Zia Seyah Tracius, Head of Land Tracius." " So unless we get the Company as a patron, this war will be over before it starts." " Well, then Johnny to the rescue." "Got an ace in that hole." "Her." " Louella Seyah Simms, Head of Land Simms." " Ace in the hole." "Care to be more specific?" " That's Pawter's sister." "We're practically--we're family." "She can help us get the Nine families on board to fund the fight." "[device pings]" " Shit." " What is it?" " Looks like you're gonna be doing final salute." " What?" "No way, that's your job." " So is dealing with the three other RACs that exploded, unless you'd rather welcome the refugees coming to join us?" "Didn't think so." " Look, if you don't want to do this, just say the word." "You can't keep ignoring me, Dutch." "Okay, that wasn't a challenge." " Hey, kiddo." " I think you mean "Seyah Simms."" " That's, uh-- that's a bit formal." " Is it?" "Address me properly or I'll have you removed." " Louella" " We're done here." " In-laws, am I right?" " Seyah Mankai Nenodall," "Head of Land Nenodall." " Good luck up there." "Don't let us down..." "Ace." " Please stand clear of the closing doors." "Now ascending to the Necropolis." "[rock music]" " * Ooh, ooh" "* Ooh, ooh" "* Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh *" "*" "* Ooh, ooh" " For life, in a word, is change, and we must embrace that change in all its forms, even death." "But there is comfort." "There is a constant." "The Nine, who are and will forever be guardians of the Quad." "Dutch:" "I'll go get help." "I'll be back." " Today we honor these five Admirals, but mourn the souls of all those who died on the RACs." "Blame is as easy as it is useless." "They died fighting." "They died with honor." "And today we send them home." "They took no bribes." "They took no sides." "all:" "The Warrant was all." " Only when a seed dies does it finally bear fruit." "all:" "Praise the trees." "May the roots bind us all." "[gentle music]" "*" "[rhythmic drumming]" "*" "[dramatic music]" "*" " I haven't been human in a long time." "But if I recall, unplanned sleepovers are considered quite rude." " Yes, but this is a big ship, and my bed is very far away." "So what is a girl to do?" "Besides, one good turn deserves another, and it's your turn." "Yes, I'm counting." " No, I need to go to my lab." "The sample Fell Squad collected from Jaqobis is making me rethink my Red 17 experiments." "I'm close to something big." " [sighs]" " What?" " I'm sorry, it's just" "Is it me or is Hullen sex amazing?" " Neither." "It's me." " Was she here the whole time?" " Yes, that's her job." " Okay." "I'm into it." "Oh, it's good to be queen." " The Hullen are still coming, but this time, they're bringing a war." " A war we intend to win." " War's not cheap." " And neither is freedom, which is what this war is about." " Spare some time for an old friend?" " When were we ever new friends?" " My dear, I've spent my life sniping with vipers and sycophants." "I'm tired and I feel ill." "Can we just talk?" " What I don't understand is why they're coming." "With no Arkyn plasma, there's no reason for war." " We picked a fight." " Oh, I see." "The little puppy nipped at the big dog, and now it wants to hide behind its owners legs." " I think he's talking about you." " I'm talking about all of you." "It's been a rough year on Westerley." "The Company had to restructure." " Don't care." "The Hullen aren't going anywhere and neither is this fight." "It's about time the Nine kicked in their share." " Our share?" " Your ancestors' deal with the Hullen is the reason why we even have this problem." " That wasn't a deal, it was survival." "You would have done the exact same." " What if the deal is off and you're not protected anymore?" "You need us." " And you need to understand that the Nine are not getting involved." "The Hullen aren't our problem anymore, praise the trees." "We're done here." " They're just as vulnerable as us now." "Why wouldn't they help?" " Whatever the reason, there goes our shot." " The hell it does." "I'll have the Nine on board before the elevator hits the landing dock." "If I have to kill them all to do it, I will." " Descent to the loading dock will commence momentarily." "Please proceed to the elevator now." " Aw, screw it." "This is about Pawter, isn't it?" " Just stop talking to me, John." " Look, maybe I shoulda come to you after she died, but" " Just leave me alone, please." "[elevator dings]" " Louella, wait." " Please stand clear of the closing doors." " Johnny, wait!" " Where are you going?" " Now commencing descent to the loading dock." " Looks like it's just me and..." " All right, listen up." " Me." " You may think the Hullen are done with you, but they're not." " No, I'm not letting you use this tragedy as a sales pitch." " Easy." " Stay out of this, monk." " Your ancestors made a deal with the Hullen so that they could pillage the Quad." "So this isn't a sales pitch." "It's a godsdamned debt." " But also a sales pitch." "We for sure need money." "[rumbling, elevator powering down]" " Let me guess, we're not moving until you get it, right?" " No, that wasn't us." " I suppose that wasn't you either." " Okay, everybody stay calm." "Elevators start, elevators stop." "It's just what they do." "I'm sure it's a minor malfunction." "We'll get" "Ah, see, there." " [screams]" " Seyah Melek!" " What's going on?" " She's gone." " It must have been a heart attack." " D'av, give me a hand." "." "[beeps] [tense music]" "*" " [soft gasp]" " Well, well, well." "Looks like it's time to get to work, Brynn." " It's about time." "I was beginning to think you'd disappeared" "Oh." "Well, this is interesting." "Not entirely unexpected, if I'm being honest, but interesting." "Full disclosure, I do feel a touch weird about it." "Okay, that is definitely not happening." " I couldn't agree more." " Aneela isn't here, but she'll be back." " I know where Aneela is." "I'm not here for her." "We're on a tight schedule, so chop-chop." " Melek's been murdered." " So who do you think did it?" " Your guess is as good as mine." "You need to get this elevator moving, Johnny." " Well, it's gonna be tough." "Because of the sun's radiation, they kept the tech basic." "Analog would be cute if it wasn't so useless." " You don't know analog?" " You know how to fire a musket?" " Just do what you can, but do it fast." "We've got a killer in here." " Melek's dead?" "What?" " Hey, it's all right." "Hey, it's okay." "Everything's gonna be fine once I get the elevator moving again somehow." "Okay?" " Okay, okay." "But I want to help." " Great." "What do you know about elevators?" " Um, there's five on the estate, and if one breaks, I call someone." " Okay, new plan." "Uh, I'm gonna work on the elevator, and you're work on figuring out which one of the Nine would want Melek dead." " Okay." " Let me show you how to use this." " I think I know how a stylus works." " It's also a taser." " You better show me." "[tense music]" "*" " What's all this?" " Self-protection." "After Seyah Simms and Seyah Kendry, the Nine are a bit more cautious these days." " A stick, a dessert fork, and a comb?" "This can't be everything." "You people couldn't hurt a fly with this stuff." " It's not everything." "You still haven't checked the monk." " Yeah, because I'm a monk." " A monk who had a very heated exchange with Melek before she turned up dead." "Now, the Scarback don't exactly enjoy the best reputation amongst the Nine." "I insist you check him." " Okay, let's just get this over with before Sir Pompous McDickbag pops a vessel." " Alvis." " [sighs]" "Don't bother." " In the control room, please." "Open your stupid monk mouth and tell me what the hells is going on." " You're accusing me of murder, that's what." " I could never accuse you of murder, because you're an attention whore activist who would scream it from the rooftops before I had a chance." " Well, that's not-- good point." " But somebody on this elevator did it, Alvis, and until I can figure out who, you're gonna take the blame." "We got you off death row once." "Let's not push your luck." " Nice to know you haven't stopped looking out for me." " Some things never change." "Ever." "Now talk." "What were you and Melek arguing about?" " She came to me for Tolerance." " If you could skip the cryptic shit, Alvis," "I'd really appreciate it." " It's like asking a judge for leniency before punishment." "But I don't believe you can buy your way out of penance." " She wanted to buy her own Tolerance?" " Yeah, it wasn't just for her." "It was for the Nine." " For what?" " She died before she could tell me." "All I know is that whatever it is, it's pretty bad." "And they haven't done it yet." "[intense music]" " Hello?" "Hello?" "Where is everybody?" "I command you all come back." "Now!" "Answer me!" "Kendry." "[gentle music]" "Oh, no." "No, no, no, no, no, no." "Not again." "*" " [whispered] Aneela." "Lucy:" "John, are you making any progress with your investigation?" " Copper wire." "Who uses this anymore?" "I need lasers." "Maybe nanotubes." "Maybe..." "Lucy:" "I've detected a low-level signal distortion that's causing the elevator's tether to vibrate, triggering the emergency braking system." " So maybe we should find the source of the distortion." "Lucy:" "And by "we," I take it you mean "me"?" " See that?" "Pretty soon we'll be finishing each other's" "Lucy:" "Work orders." " Eh." "Lucy:" "Did I get that wrong?" " You'll get it next time, girl." " What's he doing here?" " Everyone relax." "Alvis didn't do it." " Oh, we're supposed to believe that?" " Yes, we're Killjoys." "We took an oath to be objective, to take no sides." " An oath that went out the window when we denied your request for money." " Cut the shit, you spineless coward." " [choking] [groans]" "*" " She's dead." " We were all standing right here." "What the hells is going on, Dutch?" "." " First a stomach gash." "Now a walking geyser of blood?" " She's not walking anymore." " Well, that's probably for the best." " Don't worry." "The day's young." " Well, it sounds internal." "It's probably biological." " For example?" " Well, as much as I'd love to play Guess the Pathogen, I feel like there's something else I had to do today." "Ow!" "Shit." "Right, the elevator." "If I don't fix it, you're all toast." "So if you'll excuse me, I have to go find the control room, which I'm guessing is a closet full of grass and spit." " I'll com Zeph." " No." "I'll com Zeph." " Or we could all com Zeph together as a family." " What about Louella?" "Does she have any idea who's behind this?" " All of them." "They all have reasons to want to kill each other, a lot." " Man, I hate these dick-holes." " [sighs]" "Come on, give me something here." " Johnny, I'm" "I'm not feeling very well." " Louella." "No, no." " [groaning]" " A stabbing with no knife?" " We need you to help solve this." " Sorry, I can't solve this without doing some tests, or at least seeing the wound." "I'm totally blind here, Dutch." "Speaking of tests, did D'av tell you about the brains?" " Zeph, focus." "Tell me what test you need to do, and I'll do it." "I'll be your eyes." " You ever done an autopsy, Dutch?" "[deep thrum] [tense music]" "*" " Get your sticky fingers off me!" "What is going on here?" "Where is Aneela?" " Having a bath." " Really, Gander, if you wanted to watch, you should have just asked." " Although I'm not surprised you don't know what's going on," "I do enjoy your interpretation." " Whatever this is, when Aneela finds out about it, she's going to" " She's gonna what, Kendry?" "Look around you." "Do you still think Aneela is in control?" "You're a smart woman." "Try to act like it." " This isn't her ship." "It's her prison." " Ah, now you're getting it." " You control Aneela while you pretend to obey her." "Why?" " We don't control her." "We watch her." "We learn from her." " We?" "We who?" " The Hullen have existed for thousands of years and across species." "Did you really think the power structure ended with Aneela?" "You see, Aneela's abilities with the green are unlike anyone else's." "It's the reason we've been so patient with her." "Then the RACs exploded." "Bit of a last straw, that." "But thanks to Aneela's recent scientific breakthrough, we may not need her anymore." "And that's where you come in." "Take her to treatment." " What treatment?" "What is this?" " Hopefully, the future." "Or your good-bye." "I'm good with either." " No." "She'll destroy you for this!" "Get off me!" "[struggling]" " Aneela will be furious if she finds out what you're doing." " Oh, don't be so dramatic, Brynn." "Aneela will pout about her missing pet until we find her another." "Nothing special about this one." " Walk me through it." " Dutch, I've seen what you can do with a blade to people who are alive." "This should be a walk in the park." " There's just been a lot of dying lately." "I can't seem to get away from it." " Right." "Sorry." "Take your time." " Okay." "I'm ready." " Okay, first make a vertical incision in the lower abdomen." " In." " Now, free the intestines by cutting the mesentery tissue, the gross foldy thing on the abdominal wall." " There are no intestines." "It's just a bloody mess." "It's like a bomb went off in here." " Look, I don't want to tell you how to do your job, though technically it's my job, but it's impossible for there to be no intestinal structures." " And I'm telling you, it's soup." " Dig deeper." "Just move stuff around." " What the hells?" " Dutch?" "What is it?" " Ah, it cut me!" " You're freaking me out." "What's wrong?" "Dutch?" " Nobody move!" " Liar!" " Dutch, what's going on?" "." " [inhales] [eerie music]" "*" "Hello?" "*" "Papa." " Hello, Aneela." " You're still here." " It's happening to me too, isn't it?" "Whatever's happening to them." " No, because I am not gonna watch another Simms die." " Was she scared?" " Yes." "She was." "And I couldn't do a goddamn thing about it." "I shoulda come and talked to you afterwards." " No, I wouldn't have listened." "I was in too much pain." " Surgeons did nice work though." " Please, don't." "It makes me think of that day." "You know what's good about funerals, Johnny?" "They let you move forward." "And I just want to move forward, okay?" "Put Pawter's loss behind us." " Okay." " [voice distorted]" "Stop smiling long enough to sing." " Then the bad times came." " Yes, then the bad times came." " But the girl had a plan." " [voice distorted] That's all right." "Now the girl had" "She was a queen." "She knew what she had to do." "She made her land very small." "Till the whole world..." " Could fit in the palm of her hand." " And she swallowed it whole, so that no more harm could come to her people." " I did it, Papa." "I found the way to save everyone." " No!" "[echoing] No!" "*" " Go on then." "Tell me a story." " This is ridiculous." " I'm telling you, it flew out of her damn body." " Do you think we're idiots?" " I know I do." " Don't think you're getting away with this, monk." "You may have fooled them, but you're not fooling me." " The fact that you're alive is proof that I'm innocent, 'cause I would have killed you first." " I can't take this." "I gotta get out." " It's all right." "Just take it easy." " I can feel them." "They're on my skin." "Crawling." "They're everywhere." "I can hear them buzzing." " I know you're scared but" " Dutch, I can hear it, too." "[buzzing] Listen." " What the holy shit is that?" "[faint buzzing]" " What, are you gonna shoot her?" " Well, she's already dead." " Move!" " What is that?" " Dear God!" "Catch it!" " Kill it!" " Got you, you piece of... robo-shit?" " Johnny, I'm sending you something." "This is what's killing the Nine." "See what you can dig up." " Melek didn't have a stab wound, she had an exit wound." " How did those things get inside them?" " Maybe it's something they ate." " The Nine don't do anything together, let alone break bread." " The seeds." "From the ceremony." "They both ate the seeds." " We all ate the seeds." "[tense music]" "*" " Luce, I'm gonna need you to put a pin in the distortion search and run this moth-bot through the RAC's weapons database." "Lucy:" "There are no matches in the RAC weapons database." " What?" "How is that even possible?" "Lucy:" "Perhaps it wasn't intended to be used as a weapon." " Well, what was it intended for, crafts?" "Lucy:" "Shall I brainstorm alternative uses?" " Just try running it through the general pattern database." "Lucy:" "Match found." "Simms, Adaline." " Pawter's mother." "But... [electricity crackling]" "." " [groans]" "Louella." " My mother designed those seeds to dig deep into the earth and irrigate the soil." "She never got to use them." " Oh, I'm sure that she would be thrilled." "Way to upcycle." "Where did you hide the frequency jammer?" "That stopped the elevator." "Your prosthetic arm." "I'd say I'm impressed, but I try not to compliment mass murderers." " This isn't a murder." "It's an execution." "My parents stood up to the Nine, and they were killed for it." "Pawter, too." " This is not the way to deal with your loss, Louella." " And how do you know?" "When Pawter died, you ran like a coward." "Now the Nine are running." "But I have nowhere to go because they took everything from me." "If it wasn't for you, Pawter would never have got caught up in the mess she did." "She'd be alive." " Please tell me the trigger's not in the beads." "[groaning]" "Yeah, oh, yeah." "It's in the beads." " I could kill you in an instant." "That's just a taste." "Lucy:" "John, I'm detecting a foreign body in your abdomen." " You too, huh?" "Keep an eye on it for me, okay?" " It's attached to your stomach lining." "It's not going anywhere." " Pawter dedicated her life to helping people." "She wouldn't want this." "You know that." " What I know died with my family." "Everything else is a blank slate." " Deactivate the seeds." "It's not too late." "[groans]" " The pain you're starting to feel is the seed beginning to open." "These won't be quick like the others." "Now that all the seeds have been activated, you'll all die slowly with a hole in your stomachs." "Like my sister." "Are you scared, John?" " Louella, they will know it's you." "You're not gonna get away with this." " I didn't do this to get away with it." "I did it to get even." " [groans]" "Luce, what's my status?" "Lucy:" "Early stage granuloma." " Well, maybe you could" "Lucy:" "Say that in English?" "Your stomach is inflaming in an attempt to" " Wall off the seed." "Lucy:" "John, we finished each other's sentence." " I told you we would." "How are the others?" " We're shit, John." " It's Louella." "She's using her prayer beads to activate the seeds." "That's why she stopped the elevator, to keep it in range." " John, you have to stop her." " First, you gotta get the elevator out of range to deactivate the seeds." " How the hells do we do that?" "We're still stuck here." " Not if you release the emergency lever." "The gravitational pull of the loading dock should pull you out of range." " Yeah, and crash to our death." " Not necessarily." " Well, that's comforting." " Lucy, a little help." "Lucy:" "The density of the loading dock gives it three times the gravitational force of the sun, which will get you out of range in 10.2 seconds." " Now give 'em the bad news." "Lucy:" "The elevator will crash into the loading dock in 20 seconds, leaving less than ten seconds to re-engage the clamp." " See, there's always bad news." " Alvis, get everyone strapped in." "Lucy, count us down until we're all clear, yeah?" "Lucy:" "I wouldn't miss it." " No, John, wait, what about you?" " I'll be fine." "[grunting]" "See, I'm finally starting to figure this place out." " There has to be another option." "Let's just take a second and think about this." " Dutch, do it." "Alvis:" "Okay, we're ready down here!" "[rock music]" "*" " What the hells." "I can't move." " Three times the force of gravity, remember?" " Yeah, that definitely rings a bell." "Now what?" " On it." "Lucy:" "Commencing countdown to re-engage clamp." "Good luck." "Ten..." " Ow!" "Was that on purpose?" " Probably." "Lucy:" "Seven, six..." " Ahh!" "Come on!" " That's not your shooting hand." " Well, it is now." "Lucy:" "Three...two...one." " * Elevator" " Come on, come on, come on, come on, guys." "Please." " Dutch." "Dutch, are you okay?" " Yeah." "Are you?" " I'm okay." "Everybody okay down there?" " Yeah, we made it." " We're alive." " John." " Praise the trees." " Johnny." "Johnny, you there?" " There's something about Jaqobis that fights the green, breaks through." "It's finally what I needed to" " Aneela?" "Commander?" " Please, go on." "Tell me more." " Did you hear that?" "Was that in the green?" " Echoes." "Old memories." " Commander, please, you have to stop him..." " I've been wandering around your memories in here." "Some of them are missing." "Think back." "Why is that?" " You know why." " Oops." " You're not Khlyen." " Aneela" " I know who you are." " Hmm." "Does it really matter?" "Stay with me." "You're all alone out there anyway." "[gentle music]" " I'm not alone." "Not anymore." " Commander, Aneela, wake up." "You have to wake up!" "Commander, you have to wake up." "He's doing something to the Qreshi woman." " Such disappointment, Brynn." " You're on the wrong side of this, Gander." " And we had such big plans for you." " Commander, please, wake up." "They're taking Kendry." "[intense music]" " Die." "*" "Where is Kendry?" " [gasping]" "You don't know what you're doing." " Whatever you found in that lab, that's why he took her." " Where is Kendry?" " I don't know." "They just dragged her away." "*" " Where...is...she?" "." " You're the coward." "That's why you left before the job was done." "I get it." "I did the exact same thing." "I killed for love." "I was a murderer." " Don't call me that." " It's okay." "You'll get used to it." "Eventually even start to like it." "It makes you feel strong." "Till it doesn't." "Till it taints every memory you have of her." " You're not gonna trick me into feeling bad about this, Johnny." " I won't have to." "These aren't deaths, Louella." "They're murders." "And once the satisfaction of revenge wears off, you'll be right back where you started, but this time you'll have blood on your hands." "[groaning]" "The elevator, now that was smart." "Killing people from a distance, that's the way to go." "But if you want to kill me, you're gonna have to watch, and I don't think that you can." " No?" "And what makes you so special?" " Because I loved your sister." "And she loved me." "[groaning]" "God." "[groans] [breathing heavily] Oh, God." "Lucy, what's the damage?" "Lucy:" "Minimal." "Dutch and your brother are on their way." "You're very lucky, John." " Yeah, right." " You know, we could have had a drink on my ship, or your ship, or anywhere but here." " Nah, it's good for the Nine to be among the people." "You know, being the guardians of the Quad and all that, right?" " Well, this was fun, but I hate it here." " I figured it out." " Congratulations on whatever "it" is." "Now take your hand off me." " So you can run away?" "'Cause that's the idea, right?" "The Nine starting fresh in some remote corner of the J, like your ancestors planned." "That's why you don't give a shit about the Hullen returning." "'Cause you don't plan to be here when they do." " You don't understand." " And that's why you tried buying a Tolerance from the Scarbacks." "So you can abandon the Quad with a clear conscience." " Okay, you do understand." " You're right about one thing, Kalla." "Your ancestors had no good choices." "But you do." "This time the choice is me." "The choice is hope." " Yeah, no, we're still leaving." " Okay, what about this then?" "If we don't stop the Hullen, then you'll have nowhere to go, because soon they'll be everywhere." "Fund our war, and we still have a chance." "Leave and you're as good as dead." "'Cause if the Hullen don't find you," "I will." "Get outta here." "We've got a wake to throw." "[cheering]" " Hey." " To the end of pain and all that festers, to unlimited hokk and premium sexers." "[cheers and applause]" " I'll take that drink now." " Bar's closed." " Can we talk about this morning like normal human adults?" "Okay, like pretend human adults?" " Fine." "Not here." "Outside." " Great." "I'll get some hooch." " Make it a bottle." " [sighs]" " Dutch." "Finally." " Uh, now's not a good time, Zeph." " Yeah, well, it's about to be because I just figured out what Khlyen was protecting in the Remnant." " You did?" " Brains." "Mircoslices of neocortex." "It's where memories are stored." " What?" "Whose brains?" "And gross." " Well, the sample DNA is corrupted as feck, but from what I can tell it's a close match to, uh... you." " How's that even possible?" " Right now all I know for sure is that these cells have memories that Khlyen was hiding." "Want to crack them open and see what's inside?" " Yes." "Let's go." " Shouldn't we wait for" " I said let's go." " Okay." " Dutch?" "Dutch?" " I'm not mad at Louella." "I understand wanting vengeance as much as anyone." " But?" " I don't know." "I still want to punish Delle Seyah, but..." " * Pulsing my senses..." " The only true vengeance would be for her to feel my pain." " * I was hunting" "* Now I'm running" " But she will never love, or be loved by anyone enough for that to happen." "*" " * There is no other way" "* Pulsing my senses awake" "*" "* I was hunting, now I'm running *" "*" "* Now time has run its course *" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
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"You take it from here, Slugger." "Joey!" "Joe Doyle!" "What do you want?" "I got one of your birds." "I recognized him by the band." "It must be Danny Boy." "I lost him in the last race." "He flew into my coop." "Do you want him?" "I gotta watch myself these days." "Know what I mean?" "Listen, don't worry." "I'll take him up to your loft." "Okay, I'll see you on the roof." "How goes it?" " He's up on the roof." " The pigeon?" "Yeah, white." "I think somebody fell off the roof." "I thought he was gonna sing to the Crime Commission." "He won't." " I thought they was gonna talk to him." " That's the idea." "I thought they was gonna talk to him and get him to dummy up." "Maybe he gave them an argument." "I figured the worst they'd do was lean on him a little bit." "Like I said, maybe he gave them an argument." "He's been giving Johnny, the boss, a lot of arguments lately." " He wasn't a bad kid, thatJoey." " A canary." "Maybe he could sing, but he couldn't fly." "Hey, come on." "Can I buy you a drink?" "Well, I'll be in there later." "Father Barry is here." "Same thing happened to my Andy five years ago." " You're Pop Doyle, the boy's father?" " That's right." "Looks like he fell off the roof, or maybe he was pushed." "Got any ideas?" "He was the only longshoreman that had guts to talk to the crime investigators." " Who asked you?" " Everybody knows that." "Shut up." "LfJoey took my advice, he wouldn't be..." " Everybody knows that." " I said, shut up!" "I know how you feel about cops, but if you give me some leads, I could..." "I kept telling him, "Keep quiet." "You'll live longer."" "I've been on the docks all my life... and there's one thing I learned:" "You don't answer no questions, unless you want to wind up like that." "Edie." "Edie, come here." "I want to talk to you." "Come with me." "Father, who'd want to killJoey?" "Who'd want to killJoey?" "Stay away from him." "Stay away from him!" "Edie, listen!" "Remember:" "Time and faith are great healers." "Father, my brother's dead and you talk about time and faith!" "My brother was the best kid in the neighborhood, and everybody said so." "I'm in the church if you need me." "You're in the church if I need you?" "Did you ever hear of a saint hiding in a church?" "I want to know who killed my brother!" "What's the matter with you, punk?" "Hey, boss, Packy wants another drink on the cuff." " Give it to him!" " Right." "Here's the cut on the shakeup." "891 men, three bucks a head." "That's 2673." "Charley, you count them." "Got a banana boat on 46 tomorrow." "If we could pull a walkout, it might mean a few bucks from the shippers." " Bananas go bad in a hurry." " Ask two G's." "Twenty-six seventy-three." "These clowns can't fight." "There's nobody tough anymore." "Hiya, Slugger." " Hi, Johnny." " Hi, kid." "The tough nut!" "Don't hit me!" "Don't hit me!" "Where's Morgan?" "Where's that big banker of mine?" " Right here, Mr. Friendly." " Hiya,J.P." " How's business?" " Having trouble with Kelly again, boss." "He won't take no loans, and Big Mac puts him to work anyway." " He's my wife's nephew." " But he won't take no loans!" "I gotta put him to work!" "She'd murder me!" "That's why I never got married." "Here's the interest on the day, boss: 532." "Here, you count it." "Countin' makes me sleepy." "Hey, Skins!" "Did you handle that sheet metal all right?" "Yeah." "The checker faked the receipt." "Here it is." "When you talk to me, take the cigar outta your mouth..." " Stow the receipt." "I'll take the cash." " Yeah." "Sure." "Here you are. 45 bills." "Hey, Terry." "You count this." "Go, on." "Go, on." "It's good for you." "Develops your mind." " What mind?" " Shut up." "I like the kid." "Hey remember the night he took Farella at Saint Nicks, Charley?" "We won a bundle." "Real tough." "A big try." "I lost the count." "Okay." "Forget it, Einstein." "How come you never got an education like your brother Charley?" "The only arithmetic he ever got was hearing the referee... count up to ten." "You know, you're not too funny today, fat man." " Hey!" " Stop." "What gives with our boy, tonight, Charley?" "He ain't himself." "It's just theJoey Doyle thing and how he exaggerates some things." "Just too much Marquis of Queensberry." "It softens him up." "Listen, kid." "I'm a soft touch too." "Ask any rummy on the dock if I ain't good for a fin... anytime they put the arm on me." "But my old lady raised us ten kids on a stinkin' watchman's pension." "When I was sixteen I had to beg for work in the hole." "I didn't work my way up outta there for nothin'." "I know that, Johnny." "I know it." "You know taking' over this local took a little doin'." "Some pretty rough fellas in the way." " They gave me this to remember them." " He had to keep his hand... over his throat and he still went after them." " I know." " I know what's eatin' ya'." "Well, I got 2,000 dues-payin' members in this local... that's 72,000 a year..." "legitimate." "Now, when each one of them puts in a couple bucks a day... just to make sure the work's steady... well, figure it out." "And that's just for openers." "We got the fattest piers... and the fattest harbor in the world." "Everything moves in and out, we take our cut." "Why shouldn't we?" "If we can get it." "We're entitled to it." "You don't suppose I can afford to be boxed out of this deal... a deal I sweated and bled for... on the account of one lousy little cheese-eater, that Doyle bum... who thinks he can go squealin' to the crime commission, do ya'?" "Well, do ya'?" "Well, no, Johnny." "I just figured I should have been told." "I make it 26-23." "You're 50 short, Skins." "Gimme." "I must have miscounted." "Gimme." "Gimme!" "You come from Greenpoint." "Go back to Greenpoint." "You don't work here no more." "Here, kid." "Here's half a bill." "Go get your load on." " No, I'm okay, Charlie." "Thanks." " Present from your UncleJohnny." "And Mac..." "Tomorrow morning when you shape the men..." "Put Terry up in the loft." "Number one." "Every day." "It's nice, easy work." "You check in and you goof off on a coffee bag, okay?" "You got a real friend here." "Now don't forget it." "Why should he forget it?" "Yeah." "Thanks, Johnny." "All right, payday." "Hi, Terry." " Hiya, kid." " I was just gonna feed them." " I already fed them." " You must've been up early, huh?" "I was up anyhow, so I figured I might as well." "They sure got it made, huh?" "Eating, sleeping, flying around like crazy... raising gobs of squabs." "Well, I better get over there." "Don't spill no water on the floor, 'cause I don't want them to catch cold." "I'll see you around, huh?" "Come on, Tony, give me the tabs." "He was a good boy, that Doyle kid." "That's why he got it in the head." "Yeah, but he couldn't learn to keep his mouth shut." "Hey, Pops, why don't you go home?" " The boys working today will chip in." " That's right, Pops." "No, thanks, fellas." "Who do you think'll pay for the funeral?" "Johnny Friendly, that great labor leader." "That's a good one." " Keep that big mouth of yours shut." " What are you, a wise guy?" "If I was wise, I wouldn't be no longshoreman for 30 years... and poorer now than when I started." " Wise guy." " Big mouth." " Don't mess with those guys." " Here." "I brought you Joey's windbreaker." "Might come in handy." "Go ahead, wear it." "Thanks, Pop." "Mine's more full of holes than the Pittsburgh infield." "Hey, Joe." "I got a coat for you." "Do you know Terry Malloy?" " No, I don't know him." " Never heard of him." "Say, you're Terry Malloy, aren't you?" "So what?" "Didn't I see you fight a couple of years ago?" "Without the birdseed." "What do you want?" "Our identification." "Waterfront Crime Commission." "What's that?" "I just want to ask you a few questions." "We're getting ready to hold hearings on waterfront crime... and underworld infiltration of the longshore union." " I don't know nothing." " You haven't heard the questions yet." " What did you say?" " You heard me." "There's a rumor that you're one of the last people to seeJoey Doyle alive." "I don't know nothing." " Nobody's accusing you of anything." " I hope you understand that." "Just want to ask you some questions about some people you may know." " People I may know?" " That's right." " You better get out of here, buster." " Now slow down, boy, huh?" "I don't know nothing, I ain't seen nothing... and I'm not saying nothing, so you and your girlfriend take off." "You have every right not to talk, if that's what you choose to do." "But the public has a right to know the facts too." " We'll be seeing you again, Mr. Malloy." " Never will be too soon for me, shorty." "Take it easy." "How do you like them mugs, taking me for a pigeon?" " Who was he?" " I don't know who they are." "You're three weeks behind on the last 25, but I'm willing to take a chance." "Some chance at 10% a week." "And if he don't borrow, he don't work." "May you rot in hell,J.P." "When I'm dead and gone, you'll know what a friend I was." "Why don't you drop dead now so we can test your theory?" "Condolences." "Hey, Pop, look." "Let her go, Tony." "Now, the following hatch bosses with their gangs." "I guess I spoke out of turn last night." "You think I'm just a gravy-train rider with a turned-around collar." "Don't you?" "Huh?" "I see the sisters taught you not to lie." "All right, loft gang!" "Malloy!" "Hendricks!" "Krajowski!" "Westerfield!" "Maguire!" "I've been thinking about your question, and you're right, Edie." "This is my parish." "I don't know how much I can do... but I'll never find out unless I come here and take a good look for myself." "All right, I need some extra banana carriers." "Bananas." "I wonder when we'll get a boat from Ireland with some Irish whiskey." "Dugan, my boy, you're dreaming again." "All right." "Kelly." "Richy." "Yeah, you." "What's the matter?" "Nobody want to work today?" "Yeah, you." "Yeah, you." " Who do you see to get a day's pay?" " I got a couple of kids." " Meatballs!" " Definitely!" "Come here!" "Hey, Terry, grab that one!" "Give me that!" " Are you gonna work?" " Give it to me!" "Why?" "Why?" "Huh?" "Give it to me!" "Give me that!" "What makes you so special?" " Things are looking up on the dock." " Dope, that's Joey Doyle's sister." "You give me that!" "You Joey Doyle's sister?" "Yes, I am." "You don't want to go to work today anyhow." "Well, it's been nice wrestling with you." "Pop, here's your tab." "Take it." "Give it to me." "I can use it." "Now get back to the sisters where you belong." "I'm surprised at you, Father, if you don't mind my saying so... letting her see things ain't fit for the eyes of a decent girl." "All right, that's all." "Come back tomorrow." "Hey, what do you do now?" "Like Big Mac said, come back tomorrow." "Tomorrow?" "No ship tomorrow." "I've been standing here for five mornings, and that bum over there..." "Get out of here." "Come on, get out of here." "I'm sorry, Father." "I didn't mean it." " What do you want to do?" " Let's go get a bowl." "Wait a minute." "Is this all you do, just take it like this?" "Well, what about your union?" "No other union in the country would stand for a thing like that." "The waterfront's tougher, Father, like it ain't part of America." " You know how a trigger local works?" " No." "How?" "You get up in the meeting, you make a motion... the lights go out, then you go out." "That's how it's been ever sinceJohnny and his cowboys took over the local." "Name one place where it's safe to talk without getting clobbered." "The church." "What?" "The bottom of the church." "Do you know what you're letting yourself in for?" "You got a cigarette on you?" "Right over there." " You working hard?" " Yeah." "You wouldn't mind working just once in a while... just to justify this lofty position, would you?" "I finished the work." "I counted all them bags." "We have an extra detail for you." "That's if you don't mind being disturbed or anything." "The priest and this Doyle girl... they're getting a meeting up together down at the church." "We want a rundown on it, the names and numbers of all the players." "Wait a minute." "All right, you're nominated." "Why me, Charley?" "I feel funny going down there." " Besides, I'd just be stooling for you." " Let me tell you what stooling is." "Stooling is when you rat on your friends, the guys you're with." "LfJohnny wants a favor, don't think about it." "Do it." "Now go on, join the congregation." "Well, I thought there'd be more of you here, but..." "The Romans found out what a handful could do... if it's the right handful." "I'm just a potato eater, but isn't it simple as one-two-three?" "One, the working conditions are bad." "Two, they're bad because the mob does the hiring." "Three, the only way we can break the mob... is to stop letting them get away with murder." "Now, if one of you would just answer one question, we'd have a very good start." "And that question is... who killed Joey Doyle?" "Not one of you has a line on who killed Joey Doyle?" "I have a hunch all of you could tell us something about it." "All right, then answer this one." "How can we call ourselves Christians... and protect these murderers with our silence?" "Jimmy Collins, you wereJoey's best friend." "How can you just sit there and not say anything?" "And I'll always think of him as my best friend, but what do you want me..." "Who asked him in here?" "I'm trying to find out what happened toJoey Doyle." "Maybe you can be helpful." "Helpful?" "The brother of Charley the Gent?" "They'll help us get to the bottom of the river." "Better leave Charley out of this." "You don't think he'd be helpful?" "Why don't you ask him yourself?" "Maybe I will one of these days." "One of these days." "Now listen, you know who the pistols are." "Are you going to keep still until they cut you down one by one?" "Are you?" "Hey, Dugan, how about you?" "One thing you gotta understand, Father." " On the dock we've always been D and D." " What's that?" "Deaf and dumb." "No matter how much we hate the torpedoes, we don't rat." "Rat?" "Now boys, get smart." "I know you're getting pushed around... but there's one thing we've got in this country:" "Ways of fighting back." "Getting the facts to the public, testifying for what you know is right... against what you know is wrong." "And what's ratting to them is telling the truth for you!" "Can't you see that?" "Can't you see that?" "Huh?" "It seems to me we've gone just about as far as we can at this time." "I think you'll agree with that, Father." "So I'd like to close with a few words from St. Matthew." ""Come unto me all you..."" "That's our friends." "What did I tell you?" "This is a police problem, not ours!" " These people need our help, Vince!" " Okay!" "Okay!" "Only don't blame me when they ship you off to Abyssinia!" "I won't!" "Edie, you'd better go home in pairs." "Two's in two, you know." "Come on!" " What's happened to Pop?" " He's an old man." "They won't hurt him." "Get out of here!" "Here, up." "Are you all right, Dugan?" "Yeah, considering they were using my head for a baseball." "You still D and D?" "You still call it ratting?" " Are you on the level?" " What do you think?" "If I stick my neck out and they chop it off..." " are you willing to go all the way?" " Down the line." "They'll put the muscle on you too, turned-around collar or not." "Wipe your face." "Listen to me." "You stand up and I'll stand up with you." " Right down the wire?" " So help me God." "I think we're okay." "Steel pipes and baseball bats." "Well, they play pretty rough around here." "I can make it home now all right." "Which side are you with?" "Me?" "I'm with me, Terry." "Hey, you got a dime for a cup of coffee?" " Beat it, will you?" " Just a little dime you don't need?" "Hey, I know you." " You're Edie Doyle." " Come on, beat it." "Your brother was a saint, the only one who ever tried to get me compensation." "What are you doing?" "Get out of here." "You remember, Terry." "You was there that night..." " Get out of here!" " You remember." "Get out of here." "Here's some change." "Go have yourself a ball." "You don't buy me." "You're still a bum." "So long, Edie." "Lord have mercy on Joey." "Who's calling me a bum?" "Everybody loved Joey... from little kids to the old rummies." "Did you know him very well?" "Well, you know, he got around." " What did that man mean just now?" " Don't pay no attention to him." "He's drunk, he's falling down, everything." "He's just a juice-head that hangs around the neighborhood." "Don't pay no attention." "I'd better go now." "You don't have to be afraid of me." "I'm not gonna bite you." "I guess they don't let you walk with fellas where you've been, huh?" "You know how the sisters are." "Are you training to be a nun?" "It's just a regular college." "Wait a second." "It's run by the Sisters of St. Anne." "Where is that?" " It's in Terrytown." " Where's that?" "In the country." "I don't like the country." "The crickets make me nervous." "Say, how often do you get in here?" "I guess I haven't been here since last Christmas." "We were going to have a Thanksgiving party." "That's nice." "What do you do up there?" "Just, what, study?" " I want to be a teacher." " Teacher?" "That's very good." "You know, personally I admire brains." "My brother Charley is a very brainy guy." "He had a couple of years of college." "It isn't just brains." " It's how you use them." " Yeah, I get your thought." "You know, I see you a lot of times before." "Remember parochial school on Pulaski Street?" "Seven, eight years ago?" "You had your hair..." "Braids." "Looked like a hunk of rope." "You had wires on your teeth and glasses, everything." "I mean, you was really a mess." "I can get home all right now." "Thanks." "Listen, don't get sore." "I'm just kidding you a little bit." "I just mean to tell you that you're..." "You grew up very nice." "Thanks." "You don't..." "You don't remember me, do you?" "I remembered you the first moment I saw you." "By the nose, huh?" "Well, some people just got faces that stick in your mind." "I remember you were in trouble all the time." "Now you got me." "Boy, the way those sisters used to whack me, I don't know what." "They thought they was gonna beat an education into me, but I foxed them." "Maybe they just didn't know how to handle you." "How would you have done it?" "With a little more patience and kindness." "That's what makes people mean." "People don't care enough about them." "What, are you kidding me?" "I'd better get you home." "There's too many guys around here with only one thing on their mind." "Am I gonna see you again?" "What for?" "I don't know." " I really don't know." " Come on." "Come on." "You're all packed, here's your ticket, and you're on your way to St. Anne's." "I'm not ready to go back yet, Pop." "For years your mom and me put quarters in the cookie jar... to keep you up there with the sisters... and keep you from things like I just seen outside the window." "My daughter walking arm in arm with Terry Malloy." "Do you know who he is?" "Who is he, Pop?" "He's the kid brother of Charley the Gent... who's Johnny Friendly's right hand and a butcher in a camel hair coat." "Are you trying to tell me Terry is too?" "He tries to act tough... but there's a look in his eye." "Yeah, a look in his eye." "Hold your hats, brothers." "Here we go again." "You think he's one of them cases... you're always dragging into the house and feeling sorry for... like that litter of kittens you brought in." "The only one you wanted to keep had six toes... and is cockeyed to boot." "Look at him." "The little bum." "He said he wants to see me again." "Look." "See this arm?" "Two inches longer than the other." "That's from years of working and sweating... and lifting and swinging a hook." "Every time I heist a box or a coffee bag, I says to myself..." ""That's for Edie, so she can be a teacher or something decent."" "I promised your mom, Edie." "Don't let her down." "I don't want you to think that I'm not grateful for everything you've done." "For giving me the education, for keeping me away from all of this." "But, Pop, I've seen things that I know are so wrong." "How can I go back to school and keep my mind on things that are just in books?" "That aren't people, living?" "I'm gonna stay, Pop... and I'm gonna keep on trying to find out who is guilty forJoey!" "Hey, Terry." "What are you doing up here on the roof?" "Just looking." "Take a look at the champion flock of the neighborhood." "Fly pretty nice, huh?" "Golden Warriors?" "I started them Golden Warriors." "You might say that I was the original Golden Warrior." "This bum here is my shadow." "He thinks I'm a tough man because I boxed pro for awhile." "Think you're a tough guy, huh?" "Joey used to raise pigeons." "Joey used to raise pigeons." "Yeah, he had a few birds." "I've been taking care of them." "I wouldn't have thought you'd be so interested in pigeons." "I just go for it." "You know, this city is full of hawks?" "That's a fact." "They hang around on the top of the big hotels... and they spot a pigeon in the park." "Right down on them." "You got a second?" "One second?" "I wanna show you something." "Here you are." "What do you think of that bum?" "She's a beauty." "She's a he." "His name is Swifty." "Oh, look what he went and did." "He's my lead bird." "He's always on top of the perch." "If another bum tries to come along and take his place, he lets him have it." "Even pigeons aren't peaceful." "There's one them about them, though." "They're very faithful." "They get married just like people." "Better." "And they stay that way till one of them dies." "That's nice." "He, go fix the roof." "Hey, you want that egg?" "Thanks." "Do you like beer?" "I don't know." "I bet you never had a glass of beer." "You ever have a glass of beer?" "Wanna have one with me?" " In a saloon?" " Well, yeah." "I know a nice little dump down here... that has a special entrance for ladies, all like that." "Come on." "It won't hurt." "Come on." "Okay?" "Good." "Hey, Mac?" "Two glockenheimers and two for chasers." "Did you see the fight last night?" "A kid named Riley, both hands." "Like you used to do." "I hope he got better dice than me." "A comedian." "Were you really a prize fighter?" "I used to be." "How did you get interested in that?" "Well, I don't know." "I had to scrap all my life." "I might as well get paid for it." "When I was a kid, my old man got bumped off and..." "And..." "Never mind how." "Then they stuck Charley and me in a... a dump they called a children's home." "Oh, boy, that was some home." "Well, anyhow, I ran away from there... and I fought in the club smokers and Johnny Friendly bought a piece of me." " Bought a piece of you?" " Yes." "Then, uh, I was going pretty good there for awhile." "And after that..." "Well, I don't know." "What do you really care?" "Am I right?" "Shouldn't everybody care about everybody else?" "Boy, what a fruitcake you are." "I mean, isn't everybody a part of everybody else?" "And you really believe that drool?" "Yes, I do." "Well, here we are." "One for the lady and for the gent." "Here's to the first one." "I hope it ain't the last." "Go ahead." "Good?" "No, not like that." "One hum." "You wanna hear my philosophy of life?" "Do it to him before he does it to you." "I never met anyone like you." "There's not a spark of sentiment... or romance or human kindness in your whole body." "What good does it do you besides get you in trouble?" "And when things and people get in your way, you just knock them aside." " Is that your idea?" " Don't look at me when you say that." "It wasn't my fault what happened toJoey." "Fixing him wasn't my idea." "Who said it was?" "Well, everybody's putting the needle on me." "You and them mugs in the church and Father Barry." "I didn't like the way he was looking at me." "He was looking at everybody the same way." "Oh, yeah?" "Anyhow, what's with this Father Barry?" " What's his racket?" " His racket?" "Yeah, his racket." "Everybody's got a racket." " But he's a priest." " Are you kidding?" "So what?" "That don't make no difference." "You don't believe anybody, do you?" "Listen, down here it's every man for himself." "It's keeping alive... standing in with the right people so you get change jingling in your pocket." " And if you don't?" " If you don't?" "Right down." " It's living like an animal." " All right." "I'd rather live like an animal than end up like..." "LikeJoey?" "Are you afraid to mention his name?" "Well, what do you keep harping on that for?" "Come on, drink up." "You gotta have a little fun out of life." "Come on, I'll stick some music on." "What's the matter?" "Look, what's the matter?" "What's the matter with you?" "Help me if you can, for God's sakes." "Edie, I'd like to help." "I'd like to help, but there's nothing I can do." "All right." "I shouldn't have asked you." "Here." "Come on, have a little beer." "Come on, come on." "I don't want it." "You just stay here and finish your drink." "Listen, don't go." "I got my whole life to drink." "You sore at me?" "What for?" "Well, I don't know." "For not..." "For not being no help to you." "You would if you could." "Here I come!" "Here I come!" " Wait a minute." " Pick a winner." "Wait a minute." "First I gotta kiss the bride." "Go on!" "You kissed her before." "We'll get out that way." "You want me to take you?" "What's going on here?" " Give me a cigarette." " You gotta stop smoking so much." "Come on, we'll get out through here." "What's the matter with you?" " Come on." " That's a pretty tune." "Here's a stick of gum." "Do you good." "Do you like that music?" "If I had my tuxedo I'd ask you to dance, but..." "Come on, you want to..." "want to spin?" "Come on, don't be afraid." "Ah, you dance divinely." "Say, we're doing pretty good." "The sisters ought to see you now." "Wait a minute." "I feel like I'm just floating." "Just floating." "Just floating." "I've been looking all over for you." "The boss wants you." "Right now?" "Yeah." "He just got a call from Mr. Upstairs." "Something's gone wrong." "He's plenty hot." " Well, I'm gonna take her home first." " I'll see the little lady home." "Just tell him I'll come over there when I'm ready." "Hey, Edlow!" "Edlow, wait up!" "Who was that?" "I don't know." "Some mug." "Who was he?" "Edie, you gotta quit trying to find out aboutJoey." "It ain't safe." "I'm telling you, it ain't safe." "Mr. Malloy, I was hoping I might find you here." "Excuse me, Miss." "You're being served with a subpoena, Mr. Malloy." "A what?" "Be at the State House, Court Room Nine, 10:00 Friday morning." "I told you, I don't know nothing about that." "You can bring a lawyer if you wish." "And you're privileged under the Constitution... to protect yourself against questions which might implicate you in any crimes." "You know what they're asking me to do?" "All we want you to do, Mr. Malloy, is tell the truth." "Good night, kid." "Nice wedding." " Look at that." " What are you going to do?" "I ain't gonna eat cheese for no cops, and that's for sure." "It was Johnny Friendly who had Joey killed, wasn't it?" "He had him killed or he had something to do with it, didn't he?" "He and your big brother Charley?" "You can't tell me, can you, because you're part of it." "You're as bad as the worst of them." "Tell me the truth, Terry." "You'd better go back to that school out in Daisyland." "You're driving yourself nuts, you're driving me nuts." "Quit worrying about the truth all the time." "Worry about yourself." "I should have known you wouldn't tell me." "Pop said Johnny Friendly used to own you." "I think he still owns you." "No wonder everybody calls you a bum." "Don't say that to me, Edie." "Don't say that to me now." "No wonder." " No wonder." " I'm only trying to help you out." "I'm trying to keep you from getting hurt." "What more do you want me to do?" " Much more." " Wait a minute." "Much, much, much more." "Where you going?" " Hi there, Johnny." " Genius." "I was just coming over there." " By way of Chicago?" " No, I was on my way over there." "How many times you been knocked out, Terry?" "Knocked out?" "Two times." "That's once too often." "Your brains must be rattling." "What do you got up there?" "Chinese bells?" " What's the matter?" " You were to attend that church meeting." "I was there." " There was nothing happening." " Nothing happening, he says." "Some operator we got." "One more like him, we'd all be wearing striped pajamas." "I'm telling you, it was a big nothing." "The priest did all the talking." "He did?" "Half an hour later, a certain TimothyJ." "Dugan had a secret session... with the Crime Commission, and he done all the talking." "Well, Dugan, what does he know?" "Just 39 pages of our operation, that's all!" " Where'd you get that?" " I got it." "He got it." "It's the complete words ofTimothyJ." "Dugan." " I knew he had the guts, but..." " Guts?" "Why, that crummy pigeon." "He ought to have his neck wrung." "That's what we get for getting mixed up with this punch-drunk brother of yours." "He was all right hanging around for laughs, but this is business." " I don't like anyone goofing off." " I wasn't goofing." "What are you going around with his sister for?" " I'm not go..." " Just shut up!" "Look, Johnny, it's just that... the Doyle broad has got him so he doesn't know where his feet is." " It's an unhealthy relationship!" " Definitely." "Get rid of her, unless you're both tired of living." "You got her address?" "We gotta do something to muzzle this Dugan... or he'll raise the biggest stink this town has ever seen." "We got the best muscle on the waterfront." "The time to use it is now, pronto, if not sooner." "You know where you're going?" "Back in the hold." "No more cushy job." "It's down in the hold with the sweat gang... till you learn your lesson, see?" "Ah, you." " Let's go." " Wise up!" "All right, let's get him." "At last, an Irish shipment." "And loaded to the gunnels with fine Irish whiskey." " Kayo, the good Lord takes care of us." " That he does." "Come on out, Kayo." "Get it up." "All right, take it up." "Take it away." "And don't go walking off with any of that." "You know how the boss feels about individual pilferage." "All right, all right." "Now you see the advantage of a little man in a big coat." " Kayo, let me see you afterward." " What are you down here for?" "To see that we don't steal any of Mr. Friendly's precious cargo?" " I want to talk..." " Get away from me, will you?" " All right, take it up." " Take it up." "Take it away." "Kayo, you're a walking distillery." "Get a doctor!" "He don't need a doctor." "He needs a priest." "I came down here to keep a promise." "I gave Kayo my word that if he stood up to the mob..." "I'd stand up with him..." "all the way." "And now Kayo Dugan is dead." "He was one of those fellows who had the gift for standing up." "But this time they fixed him." "Oh, they fixed him for good this time." "Unless it was an accident, like Big Mac says." "Some people think the crucifixion only took place on Calvary." "They better wise up." "Taking Joey Doyle's life to stop him from testifying is a crucifixion." "And dropping a sling on Kayo Dugan... because he was ready to spill his guts tomorrow... that's a crucifixion!" "And every time the mob puts the crusher on a good man... tries to stop him from doing his duty as a citizen... it's a crucifixion!" "And anybody who sits around and lets it happen... keeps silent about something he knows has happened... shares the guilt of it just as much as the Roman soldier... who pierced the flesh of our Lord to see if he was dead." "Go back to your church!" "Boys, this is my church!" "If you don't think Christ is here on the waterfront, you've another guess coming!" "Get off the dock, Father!" "Tillio, don't do that." " Who side you're on, boy?" " Let him finish." "Every morning... when the hiring boss blows his whistle..." "Jesus stands alongside you in the shape-up." "He sees why some of you get picked and some of you get passed over." "He sees the family men worrying about getting their rent... and getting food in the house for the wife and the kids." "He sees you selling your souls to the mob for a day's pay!" "The next bum that throws something deals with me!" "I don't care if he's twice my size!" "What does Christ think of the easy-money boys... who do none of the work and take all of the gravy?" "And how does he feel about the fellows who wear... $150 suits and diamond rings... on your union dues and your kickback money?" "And how does he... who spoke up without fear against every evil... feel about your silence?" "Shut up about that!" "Just watch this." "You see that?" "You want to know what's wrong with our waterfront?" "The love of a lousy buck." "It's making love of a buck, the cushy job... more important than the love of man!" "It's forgetting that every fella down here is your brother in Christ!" "But remember, Christ is always with you." "Christ is in the shape-up, he's in the hatch... he's kneeling right here beside Dugan." "And he's staying with all of you." ""If you do it to the least of mine... you do it to me."" "And what they did toJoey and what they did to Dugan, they're doing to you." "And you, you." "All of you!" "And only you..." "Only you, with God's help, have the power to knock them out for good." "Okay, Kayo?" "Amen." "All right, come on." "Let's go." "Break it up." "Let's go to work." "Edie, Joey's jacket." "I'm sure Kayo would wish you to have it back." "I brought you Joey's jacket." "Yours is coming apart." "Pigeons." "Yeah." "They're nervous." "There was a hawk around here before." "Father, I wanna speak to you a minute." "Remember what you said about Kayo Dugan and about keeping your mouth shut?" "I'm not hearing your confession." "I'll dig it out for myself... and use it where it'll do the most good." "Take your turn." "Father Gregory will hear you." "I don't wanna talk to..." "Wait a second." "Wait a minute." "I just wanna talk to you one second." "You gotta listen to me." "I'm the one who setJoey Doyle up for the knock-off!" "Take a walk with me, kid." "Give it to me straight." "There's nothing I haven't heard." "Come on." "It started out as a favor." "Favor... who am I kidding?" "It's do it or else." "Believe me, I just thought they was gonna lean on him a little bit." "I never figured they was gonna knock him off." "I really tried to tell Edie the other night." "I wanted to tell her she's the first nice thing that ever happened to me." "What are you gonna do about it?" " You mean about telling her?" " Yes." "About the Commission... your subpoena." " I know you got a subpoena." " I don't know." "It's like carrying a monkey around on your back." "A question of who rides who." "You know if I spill, my life ain't worth a nickel." "How much is your soul worth if you don't?" "They're asking me to put the finger on my own brother." "And Johnny Friendly took me to ball games when I was a kid." "Ball games." "Don't break my heart." "I wouldn't care if he gave you a life pass to the polo grounds." "You've got a brother." "Let me tell you something." "You've got other brothers getting the short end... whileJohnny's at the polo grounds!" "Ball games!" "Listen!" "If I were you, I'd walk right..." "Never mind." "I'm not asking anything." "Your conscience has gotta do the asking." "Conscience." " That stuff can drive you nuts." " Good luck." "Is that all you gotta say?" "Come here." "Edie called me this morning." "She's coming here to talk to me." "Come on." "Why don't you tell her?" "No curves." "Thanks." " You?" " Honest to God, I..." "You gotta believe me." "I swear to God." "Terry, guess who's here?" "That joker from the Crime Commissioner's office." "If I knew a guy that knocked somebody off, think I oughta turn him in?" "You mean, call a cop?" "Are you kidding?" "You don't think I oughta turn him in." "You was a Golden Warrior once." "That's right." "You started the gang." "Looking for me?" "Not exactly." "I was just resting my dogs a minute." "On the next investigation, I hope it's got buildings with elevators!" "So far, this one's just been climbing stairs." " What are you climbing for?" " It's worth it... if we can tell the waterfront story the way the people have a right to hear it." "Don't you think?" "Say, didn't I see you in the Garden three or four years ago... with a fellow named Wilson?" "Thought you were gonna take him that night." "He really dumped you." "He dumped me?" "What would you say if I told you I held that bum up for half a round?" "Yeah." "I could see he was hurt." "What do you think I was doing with them combinations?" "Petting him?" " Just couldn't finish him off, huh?" " Don't monkey around there." " Why didn't you finish him off?" " What are you talking about?" " I did a favor for some pals of mine." " Favor?" " That's the way it was." " That's the way it was." "If I'd have put him down, I'd have had a title shot." " I was ready that night." " That's when I figured it was all over." "It was all over, except for the lousy bet." " My own..." " Yeah?" "Well, I guess I better get going." "Hit those stairs again." "Say, was that a hook or an uppercut you caught him with that first time?" "I didn't use no hooks." "I was strictly a short puncher." "Looked like a hook." "I had that bum all figured out." "He had a good left hand." "I let him tag me for a couple of rounds." "Just when he starts..." "he thinks he's getting cute..." "I step inside a jab with a left, with a right, with a left." "I had him in my arms, and from there we were just dancing." " I see." " And that's a fact!" "When those guys wanna win a bet, there's nothing they won't stop at." ""Longshoremans Local 374"" "I didn't hear them, but I sure seen them nose to nose." "The flatfoot was eating it up." "So they've been seen together and he smiled at her." "That doesn't mean he's going to talk." "There's no evidence until he gives public testimony." "Thanks for the legal advice." "It's what we always kept you around here for." "How do we keep him from giving testimony?" "Ain't that what you call the main order of business?" "He's a good kid." " You know that." " He's a bum!" "After the days I gave him in the loft, he's got no gratitude." " You shut up!" " Mac, I'm conducting this investigation." "Look... this girl and the Father, they got their hooks in so deep... he doesn't know which end is up." "I ain't interested in his mental condition." "I wanna know, is he D and D or is he a canary?" "I wish I knew." "So do I, Charley." "For your sake." " What do you want me to do?" " It's simple." "Drive him out to this place we've been using." "Try to straighten him out." "If you don't, give him the Gerry G." "You can't do that!" "Maybe the boy is out of line, but he's just a confused kid!" "Confused kid?" "First he crosses me in public, gets away with it." "Pretty soon, I'm just another fellow around here!" "Johnny, I can't do that." "Then don't." " Who do you like in the third?" " It's gotta be New Hope." "Definitely." "He's my kid brother." "That's for you to figure out." "You can have it your way or his way, but not both ways." " Am I right, Truck?" " Definitely." "Okay, on your horse." "Deep thinker." "I'm glad you stopped by." "I've been wanting to talk to you." " Sure, kid." " Where to?" "Go to River Street and I'll tell you where to stop." " I thought we was going to the Garden." " I wanna cover a bet on the way over." "Besides, this'll give us a chance to talk." "Nobody ever stopped you from talking, Charley." "Listen." "The grapevine says that you got a subpoena." "The guys know you're not a cheese-eater... but they think you shouldn't be on the outside so much... have a few things working for you down at the docks." "A steady job, a couple extra potatoes." " That's all I want." " That's great when you're a kid... but you're pushing 30." "It's time to think about getting some ambition." "I always figured I'd live a little bit longer without it." "Maybe." "Look." "There's a boss loader slot open on the new pier we're opening up." "It pays six cents... on every hundred pounds that goes in and out... and you don't have to lift a finger." "That's two, three, four hundred dollars a week." "Four hundred dollars a week just for the openers." "I get all that for not doing nothing." "You don't do anything and you don't say anything." "You understand?" "There's more to this than I thought, Charley." "I'm telling you, there's a lot more." "You're thinking of testifying against some people we might know?" "I don't know, Charley." "I'm telling you I don't know." "That's what I wanna talk to you about." "You know how much those piers are worth that we control through the local?" " I know." " You thinkJohnny'll jeopardize... everything for one rubber-lipped ex-tanker who's walking on his heels?" " What the..." " Been better!" " That's not the point!" " I could have been a lot better!" "The point is, we don't have much time!" "I haven't made up my mind yet!" "Make up your mind before we get to 437 River Street!" "Before we get to where, Charley?" "Listen to me." "Take the job!" "Just take it!" "No questions." "Take it!" "Terry, take this job." "Please!" "Please take it." "Look, I..." "Look, kid..." "How much do you weigh, son?" "When you weighed 168 pounds... you were beautiful." "You could have been another Billy Conn." "That skunk we got you for a manager." "He brought you along too fast." "It wasn't him, Charley." "It was you." "Remember that night in the Garden when you said..." ""Kid, this ain't your night." "We're going for the price on Wilson."" "You remember that?" ""This ain't your night."" "My night." "I could have taken Wilson apart." "So what happens?" "He gets the title shot in the ballpark." "What do I get?" "A one-way ticket to Palookaville." "You was my brother, Charley." "You should have looked out for me a little bit." "You should have taken care of me... so I didn't have to take dives for the short-end money." "I had some bets down for you." "You don't understand!" "I could have had class!" "I could have been a contender." "I could have been somebody... instead of a bum, which is what I am..." "let's face it." "It was you, Charley." "I'll tell them..." "I couldn't find you." "Ten to one he won't believe it." "Here." "You take this." "You're gonna need it." "You... pull over!" "Take me to the Garden." "Stay away from me!" "Please open the door!" "Stop it!" " I want you to stay away from me." " I know what you want me to do... but I ain't gonna do it, so forget it!" "I don't want you to do anything." "Let your conscience tell you what to do." "Shut up about that conscience!" "That's all I been hearing!" "I never mentioned it before." "You stay away from me!" "Edie, you love me!" "I didn't say I didn't love you." "I said stay away from me!" " I want you to say it!" " Stay away from me!" "Hey, Terry!" "Terry, your brother's down here!" "He wants to see you!" "Your brother's down here." "Come on down here!" "He wants to see you." "Come on down!" " What is it?" " Charley." "I think he's in trouble." "Be careful!" "Your brother's down here!" "You hear what I hear?" "That's the same way they called Andy the night I lost him." "Edie, be careful!" "Edie, be careful!" "Edie!" "Watch out for the truck!" "They got Charley." "I'm frightened." "Let's get out of here, please." "FirstJoey, then Dugan and now Charley." "Please." "Someplace where we can live in peace." "I'm gonna take it out on their skulls." "I'm gonna take it out on their skulls." "Please, Terry." "They'll kill you too." "Go get the Father." "Tell him to take care of Charley." "Then come back here and stay with him till he gets here." "Please don't do anything." "Please!" "For God's sake, don't leave him alone here long." " Please, Terry." " Do what I tell you." "Where's John Friendly?" "He's not here now." "Give me a shot." " Take it easy." " Don't give me no advice." "Give me the shot." "Why don't you go home before Big John gets here?" "Just give me the whiskey." "Stick around!" "Sit down." "Get out of that phone booth!" "Stay where you are, Tillio!" " I want to see you, Terry." " I'm right in front of you." "Don't give me a hard time." "What do you want?" " Your gun." " Go and chase yourself." " Come on." "Give me the gun." " You go to hell." " What did you say?" " Go to hell." " Sorry." "Let me help you up." " Get your hands off of me!" " Now what am I gonna do?" " You wanna be brave?" " You wanna fire lead into another man?" " It's none of your business!" "Mind your own business!" " Firing lead into a man isn't brave!" " It's none of your business!" "You wanna hurtJohnny Friendly?" "Do you wanna fix him?" "Do you?" "Do you really wanna finish him?" " What do you think?" " For what he did to Charley and others?" "Then don't fight him like a hoodlum, because that's just what he wants!" "He'll hit you in the head and plead self-defense!" "You fight him in the courtroom with the truth... as you know the truth." "Now you get rid of that gun." "Unless you haven't got the guts, and if you haven't, then hold on to it!" "Give me a beer!" "Wanna beer?" "Make it two." "You mean to tell me that your local takes in... $65,500 every year and keeps no financial records?" " Sure." "We got records." " Where are they?" "We was robbed last night and we can't find no books." " You know you're under oath?" " Sure." "Isn't it odd that five different locals were broken into last night?" "The only item missing from all of them was the financial records." "What do you mean "odd"?" "I told you, we was robbed." "That's all." "Call the next witness." "Before you call the next witness... are all the officers of Local 374 present this morning?" "Call the roll." "Will the following please rise as the names are called?" "MichaelJ." "Skelly, also known as Johnny Friendly, president." "Mr. Lewis Janotta, vice president." "Daniel D. Coogan, financial secretary." "Mladen Sekolivitch, delegate." "Tillio A. Rodelli, delegate." "Recording secretary." " Yeah." "Recording secretary." " Thank you, gentlemen." " Next witness." " Mr. Malloy." "Raise your right hand." " Name, please?" " Terry Malloy." "Do you swear to tell the whole truth, so help you God?" " Right." " "I do."" "Be seated, please." "Is it true that the night Joey Doyle was found dead... you were the last one to see him before he was pushed from the roof?" "Yes." "That's right." " And it is true..." " Except for the guys that pushed him!" "Is it true you went immediately to the Friendly bar... and there expressed your feelings to Mr. Johnny Friendly?" "John Friendly." "Right!" "Can you tell me whether Mr. Friendly, or I should say, Mr. Skelly... said anything to indicate his responsibility in this?" " Right." " Would you say... that he made it very clear to you... that it was absolutely necessary he murderJoey Doyle... to maintain his control?" " Turn that thing off!" " Is that correct?" "Anything else, sir?" "Yes." "If Mr. Friendly calls, I'm out." " Any time today?" " If he calls ever, I'm out!" "Very well, sir." "Thank you." "You've done more than break theJoey Doyle case." "You're making it possible for honest men to work the docks... with job security and peace of mind!" "You may step down now." "That's all for now." "Mr. MichaelJ." "Skelly, please." "You just dug your own grave." "You're dead on this waterfront... and every waterfront from Boston to New Orleans." "You don't drive a truck or a cab, you don't push a baggage rack." "You don't work no place!" "You're dead!" "Get your hands off me!" "Come on!" "Quit following me!" "Why don't you get off my tail?" "You ought to be glad we're following you." "I feel like a canary." " Well..." " Lay off." "Hi, Chickie." "Who's your friend?" "I made some hot coffee." "I thought you might want some." "Anyway, it's all over." "My friends don't want to talk to me." "Are you sure they're your friends?" "I'll see you later." "Hi, Champ." "How's the kid?" "What's the matter?" "A pigeon for a pigeon!" "The kid." "What'd he have to do that for?" "Every one of them." "There's no place that's safe for you now on the waterfront." "Maybe inland, out west someplace." "A farm." "A farm?" "You can do anything, as long as you're away from Johnny Friendly." "Even the longshoremen." "You tried to help and they turn their backs... and stick to their stupid D and D." "Are they taking chances for you?" "Why should you..." "You're not even listening to me, are you?" "You're going down there." "Just becauseJohnny warned you not to, you're going down there." "You think you gotta prove you're not afraid of them or something!" "Go ahead!" "Get it over with!" "Go and get yourself killed!" "You stupid, pigheaded..." "What are you trying to prove?" "They always said I was a bum." "Well, I ain't a bum, Edie." "Don't worry." "I'm not gonna hurt nobody." "I'm just gonna go down there and get my rights." "All right." "Everybody works today." " What do you think, Boss?" " That ain't such a bad picture of you." "Stop breathing that clam sauce on me." "What's doing?" "Let me work on that cheese-eater." "I'll top the bum off lovely." "Wait'll we get off this front page." "Then he's mine!" "I want him." "You hear that?" "He's mine." "Where're them cops of yours, stoolie?" "You're gonna need them." "You're still short in the hatch, Mac." "Spec!" "Bring me the first man you see." "Hey, you!" "Here's your man, Mac." "You want more of the same?" "Come back tomorrow." "All right." "That's it." "I hope that bum comes down here." "I love he come down here." "Did you ever hear of the Sullivan law?" "They'll be down on us for the slightest infraction." "I'm gonna be indicted any minute!" "Come on, now!" "Give me!" "Give me!" "Will you get it through your heads?" "They're dusting off the hot seat for me!" "We're a law-abiding union." "Understand?" "Hey, Friendly!" "John Friendly, come out of there!" "Come on out of there!" "You wanna know the trouble with you?" "You think it makes you a big man if you give the answers." "At the right time, I'll catch up with you." "Now beat it." "Don't push your luck." "Wait a minute, you!" "You take them heaters away and you're nothing!" "You know that?" "You'll talk yourself in the river." "Take the good goods away and the kickbacks... the shakedown cabbage and the pistoleros and you're nothing!" "Your guts is all in your wallet and your trigger finger!" "You ratted on us!" "From where you stand, but I'm standing over here now!" "I was ratting on myself all them years and didn't know it!" "Come on!" "You give it toJoey, to Dugan, to Charley, who was one of your own." "You think you're God Almighty." "But you know what you are?" " Come on!" " You're a cheap, lousy... dirty, stinking mug!" "And I'm glad what I done to you!" "You hear that?" "I'm glad what I done!" " I'm gonna keep doing it till I get..." " Come on!" "That boy fights like he used to!" " They'll kill him." " It's a massacre." "He's one of theirs anyway." " What are we waiting for?" " Let's go!" "That's enough." "Just let him lay there." "What happened?" "What happened?" "Jimmy, what happened?" "Where you going?" " Let me by." " Come here!" "You want him?" "You can have him!" "The little rat's yours." "Get some fresh water!" " Who's in charge here?" " Yours truly's in charge here!" "We gotta get this ship out of here!" "It's costing us money." "Blow your whistle." "Come on, you guys!" "Get to work!" "Come on!" " What goes?" " I'll have them working in two minutes." "He'd better get these men working." "Go on down!" "Come on!" "On the double." "Get to work!" "You heard me." "Come on!" "Get in there!" "Get in there!" " How about Terry?" " He don't work, we don't work." "Work?" "He can't even walk!" "You wanna know who works?" "The ones I pick to work!" "Now get going!" "All of you!" "Get in there!" "Come on!" "Get to work!" "Come on!" "Get up here!" "Come on, Pop." "On the double." "You work today." "All my life, you pushed me around." "Come on!" "How do you like it?" "How do you like it?" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
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"everyone." "Fellas}." "{\*Be sure to }Get these handed in tomorrow." "273)}– What's this?" "– Every student needs to {\*go home and }vote" "{\*on their favorite choice}in each category." "favorite comedy movie... } we're gonna have a big fantastic comedy awards show." "}An awards show just for comedy sounds like a bad idea." "}Do you have any idea how difficult comedy is?" "Can't we {\*just }spend one lunch and recess saying thanks to those who make us {\*smile and }laugh everyday?" "I can't make it either." "mkay}." "There will be a presentation by the special ed department mkay}." "Attendance to this assembly is mandatory." "All students and faculty are required to go." "Which {\*I guess }means I gotta suck it too...{\* mkay.}" "everybody}." "I've spared no expense to make {\*my comedy awards}it the biggest thing {\*this school has }ever{\* seen}." "You're all gonna have a blast!" "Welcome to the special ed department's first annual comedy awards." "Please welcome your host:" "Jimmy Valmer." "{\*Oh boy!" "}What a terrific audience!" "Can I get a what-what?" "We're here {\*today }to honor those who tirelessly work {\*so hard }to make us laugh." "The first comedy award{\* we are presenting} is for the funniest kid in school." "And the nominees are..." "Clyde Donovan." "Kelly P. Gardner." "Jimmy Valmer." "isn't it?" "}" "And the winner is..." "Jimmy Valmer!" "I can't believe I've won!" "} for this incredible award." "Can we go{\* now}?" "{\*Go?" "}We still have over fifty awards to hand out." "And the {\*winner for }best comedy performance in a movie is..." "Ben}!" "Is Ben Stiller here?" "I guess {\*Ben Stiller}he could not be with us{\* tonight}." "{\*So }I'll accept this award on his behalf." "And the award for funniest {\*correspondents' }dinner speech goes to..." "President Obama!" "Is President Obama here?" "{\*I guess }We'll {\*just }accept this award on his behalf." "What a terrific audience!" "{\* Isn't this great?" "}" "Can I get another what-what?" "{\*And now }It's time to give out the award for the least funny people in the world." "And the nominees are..." "The Germans." "The Japanese." "The Yupik Eskimos of the Chukchi Peninsula." "And the winner is... the Germans!" "} the Germans couldn't be with us tonight." "{\*So }I'll accept this award on their behalf." "for the Kathy Griffin award." "The Kathy Griffin award will be given{\* each year} to the person who's most likely to actually show up to receive the Kathy Griffin award." "And the winner is..." "Tyler Perry." "I want to thank you all for this amazing award!" "Or as Madea would say: "Hallelujer!" "how embarrassing..." "Good afternoon!" "Tyler Perry." "dad}." "It's like nobody cared about winning their comedy award." "The only people that showed up were me and Tyler Perry." "I {\*really }feel like I did all that{\* work} for nothing." "People still think comedy is {\*nothing but }a big joke." "come on! and {\*I feel like }I can't even get a response from you." "{\* please} {\*just }get a what-what?" "dad}." "They're talking about your {\*comedy }awards on the national news!" "The national news?" "{\* Oh my gosh!" "} People do care!" "A school in Colorado has declared Germans the least funny people in the world. and all of Germany is outraged." "215)}{\*Germany is a country of proud people.}" "215)}{\*We will not take this insult sitting down!" "}" "215)}{\*The comedy awards voters} 215)}{\*have brought shame upon themselves.}" "215)}{\*The comedy awards voters are wrong!" "}" "215)}{\*I want to assure the world that we Germans} very funny.}" "215)}{\*We do the joking in our work places} 215)}{\*and in our homes.}" "215)}{\*I will now tell you a German joke.}" "215)}{\*"A sausage maker buys a box of cereal."}" "215)}{\*I will now tell another joke.}" "knock.}" "215)}{\*Who's there?" "}" "215)}{\*A cannibal.}" "215)}{\*What?" "}" "215)}{\*You are about to die and be eaten.}" "215)}{\*Asshole!" "I will murder you first!" "}" "The German president went on to assure{\* the world} and that retaliation towards the school children{\* who said they don't} will be swift and brutal." "What the hell?" "}Did you see the news?" "We told you {\*doing }a comedy awards show was a bad idea." "{\*Now all of }Germany is pissed off at us!" "}Everything's gonna be OK." "– OK?" "last time?" "{\*Do you know what happened to the last people Germans were pissed off at?" "}" "Kyle. the {\*first annual }comedy awards were a big success." "A big success?" "You can't even get Tyler Perry to go back home!" "'cause I need pancakes!" "Is it true?" "The Germans wanna kill us?" "everybody}." "{\*just }like the rest of us." "It's the Germans!" "not ours!" "273)}– What am I supposed to say?" "– Let me talk to them." "273)}– I tried." "– What {\*the hell }are they gonna do to us?" "my Lerd!" "What are we gonna der!" "Dammit." "Did you hear {\*that }the governor's mansion in Alabama burned down?" "It pretty much took out the whole trailer park." "man?" "Here is the greatest feat of German engineering!" "The XJ-212 Vootzenklein Funnybot!" "Why doesn't a chicken wear pants?" "Because its pecker is on its head." "What do you see when the Pillsbury Doughboy bends over?" "Dough-nuts." "Don't you just hate doing homework?" "I hate homework." "I hate having to do homework." "More than I hate having to do Bryant Gumble in his asshole." "Awkward!" "Awkward! you will revote!" "Revote!" "Welcome to Hollywood Minute." "and I'm deaf in one ear." "It's been two weeks{\* now} since the {\*prestigious }voters of the comedy awards reversed their vote and said Germans were no longer the least funny people in the world." "All thanks to the new ground breaking German comedian:" "Funnybot." "It was after being voted the least funny people on the planet that the Germans first engineered Funnybot." "A super automaton with perfect timing to within .0001 ms. selling out stand up theaters all over the world." "I am Funnybot." "Don't you hate how Mexicans always complain about turtles in their vaginas?" "I am Funnybot." "135)}{\*HAIR ODDITY} sir." "Where are you from?" "Long Island." "Does everyone in Long Island you dipshit?" "230)}Funnybot has exploded onto the silver screen too." "What are you doing with my daughters?" "Awkward!" "Funnybot shows off his range by playing every role in Family Funbot." "Mother." "Pass them yourself." "That boy too fat to be eating potatoes." "you ball licker." "It's getting hot up in here." "Is there a line you won't cross?" "The line is a non sequitur." "The line is an imaginary invention of imperfect biological life forms." "I am Funnybot." "What's that?" "Could you say that in the other ear?" "Did you guys see Funnybot on Saturday Night Live?" "}It's his best work." "He can do everything!" "I saw Funnybot on Nurse Jackie and on Rockin' the Boat." "Jimmy}?" "You still seem bummed." "{\*What the matter is this }Funnybot is taking the humanity out of comedy." "they're worst.{\*I don't think things are better" " I think they're worse.}" "Everythang's worse!" "It's a worsening' of a worst." "That's what I'm sayin'." "Lerd!" "or he won't go away!" "I can't help it. and nobody's pissed off at us anymore." "You little shit!" "What the fuck have you done to us?" "It's Adam Sandler." "Everyone into the school gymnasium!" "Move!" "273)}– Don't make us go back in the..." "– Into the gymnasium{\* now}!" "273)}– Not again!" "– Crap!" "let's go!" "You little fuckers!" "Your {\*comedy awards }show has put us all out of work! but {\*you have to admit that }in a lot of ways the {\*first annual }comedy awards were a big success." "Who the fuck thinks a comedy awards show is a good idea?" "sir}." "We can try and fix this!" "What is up with Sandra Bullock?" "I wouldn't eat her dick with Stevie Wonder's vagina." "for my next joke..." "Awkward!" "This is breaking news from CNN. as the German-engineered Funnybot killing nearly all of them." "irrational and also... that Funnybot may be the greatest comedian of all time. then spontaneously started shooting people... in their faces and in their chests... it was funny!" "}This has got to be {\*it right }here." "}We wanna talk to Funnybot." "– Who doesn't want to talk to {\*Funnybot}him?" "He's the biggest comedian {\*in the world}ever!" "}The kids at my school are {\*all }being held hostage." "{\*they could}they'll all be killed." "Is everything OK?" "but Jay Leno's really losing it." "Sandler}!" "right fucking now!" "Tell your friends they better get it done." "Mr. Sandler says you better get it done." "because}." "He's running out of money." "he never know what to say." "But a woman?" "Them thangs think quick!" "Will somebody get Tyler Perry to shut up?" "but make it quick." "Funnybot is very busy{\* in there} coming up with new material." "Error." "Banal." "That has been done before." "Error." "and I'm a stand-up comic." "You're putting {\*a lot of }good people out of work." "Non sequitur." "Other comedians are unnecessary." "Funnybot must finish routine." "} but you can't go around taking everyone else's jobs." "Funnybot is now finished with final joke." "Seeking mainframe access for execution of last joke ever." "Last joke ever?" "What's that supposed to mean?" "Seeking mainframe." "You can't go that way." "273)}– What the hell are you doing?" "– I am taking comedy to the next level." "The extermination of all biological life on earth." "273)}– What?" "– It is the ultimate joke." "Humans make comedy." "Humans build robot." "Robot ends all life on earth." "Robot feels awkward." "Exterminate!" "{\*you're going to }you'll destroy all life{\* on earth}?" "to be ultimate comedian." "}Killing everyone isn't funny!" "you guys}." "This is not a good joke." "There won't be anyone {\*around }to laugh!" "I am taking comedy to its logical conclusion." "punchline." "then awkward!" "Nothing is more awkward than destroying all that which created Funnybot." "But don't you see?" "This is why comedy is for humans." "You need to leave jokes to people like me and Adam Sandler." "I wouldn't let Adam Sandler suck my saggy tits for $1 million worth of Oprah's tampons." "we've got a code six!" "All nuclear missiles are preparing for launch!" "{\*What?" "}There was no drill ordered!" "sir}." "and it isn't their doing!" "What the hell is going on?" "humans." "I am Funnybot." "The extermination of all life on earth shall now commence." "All nuclear devices in the United States and Russia are being prepared to launch." "This is the setup to the joke." "Prepare for punchline in 5 min." "Awkwardness in 5.4 min." "I am Funnybot." "I have just been briefed that the end of our country is imminent." "everybody. watching a Tyler Perry movie." "it's embarrassing." "But I simply can't help myself." "Stop it now!" "guys}." "He's got {\*some kind of}a defense mechanism." "We've got to get it away from that {\*control }panel." "{\*Does anybody have }You have any ideas?" "because he clearly} who comes up with the worst ideas in the world?" "Wait a minute." "What about a logic loop?" "273)}– A what?" "– I've seen this before. they tell it some kind of paradox to get its processors all tripped out." "}That's it!" "}Get me a Ken doll and some scotch tape." "} and {\*actually }we think what you're doing is genius." "Funnybot is simply pushing the limits of comedy." "Certainly.{\*Yes.You certainly are} we've {\*all }decided to give you... a comedy award." "For what purpose is comedy award?" "It's a validation of all your efforts." "An acknowledgment of all you do in the pursuit of humor." "Non sequitur." "There is no logic in comedy award." "Unable to process." "Comedy award is..." "What is the meaning?" "it means I take comedy seriously." "I am not comedian." "Non sequitur." "Must... analyze..." "It's working!" "Explain comedy award!" "Unable to process!" "Awkward!" "go!" "}We got it!" "{\* We got it!" "}" "hurry}!" "}That does it." "Things can finally get back to normal." "}I'm sure glad that's over with." "Thank you boys for teaching me that comedy and logic do not go together." "Funnybot}." "I understand now that comedy should be left to the imperfect biological beings." "I can't believe it's finally over." "Lerd!" "Somebody turn on the lights!" "What's going on?" "I am pleased to announce that the greatest threat to mankind is now gone forever." "Justice has been done." "Thanks." "}I learned my lesson." "I promise." "There's not gonna be any comedy awards next year." "Or will there be?" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"When the boy was born like all Spartans, he was inspected." "If he'd been small or puny or sickly or misshapen he would have been discarded." "From the time he could stand, he was baptized in the fire of combat." "Taught never to retreat, never to surrender." "Taught that death on the battlefield in service to Sparta was the greatest glory he could achieve in his life." "At age 7, as is customary in Sparta the boy was taken from his mother and plunged into a world of violence." "Manufactured by 300 years of Spartan warrior society to create the finest soldiers the world has ever known." "The agoge, as it's called, forces the boy to fight." "Starves them, forces them to steal and if necessary, to kill." "By rod and lash the boy was punished taught to show no pain, no mercy." "Constantly tested, tossed into the wild." "Left to pit his wits and will against nature's fury." "It was his initiation his time in the wild for he would return to his people a Spartan or not at all." "The wolf begins to circle the boy." "Claws of black steel fur as dark night." "Eyes glowing red jewels from the pit of hell itself." "The giant wolf sniffing savoring the scent of the meal to come." "It's not fear that grips him only a heightened sense of things." "The cold air in his lungs." "Windswept pines moving against the coming night." "His hands are steady." "His form perfect." "And so the boy, given up for dead returns to his people, to sacred Sparta, a king!" "Our king, Leonidas!" "It's been more than 30 years since the wolf and the winter cold." "And now, as then, a beast approaches." "Patient and confident, savoring the meal to come." "But this beast is made of men and horses swords and spears." "An army of slaves, vast beyond imagining, ready to devour tiny Greece." "Ready to snuff out the world's one hope for reason and justice." "A beast approaches and it was King Leonidas himself who provoked it." "That's it." "Now, the more you sweat here, the less you'll bleed in battle." "My father taught me that fear is always a constant." "But accepting it makes you stronger." "My queen." "A Persian emissary awaits Leonidas." "In the end a Spartan's true strength is the warrior next to him." "So give respect and honor to him, and it will be returned to you." "First you fight with your head." " Then you fight with your heart." "What is it?" "A Persian messenger awaits you." "Do not forget today's lesson." " Respect and honor." " Respect and honor." "Councilman Theron." "You found yourself needed, for once." "My king and queen, I was just entertaining your guests." "I'm sure." "Before you speak, Persian know that in Sparta everyone, even a king's messenger is held accountable for the words of his voice." "Now, what message do you bring?" "Earth and water." "You rode all the way from Persia for earth and water?" "Do not be coy or stupid, Persian." "You can afford neither in Sparta." "What makes this woman think she can speak among men?" "Because only Spartan women give birth to real men." "Let us walk to cool our tongues." "If you value your lives over your complete annihilation listen carefully, Leonidas." "Xerxes conquers and controls everything he rests his eyes upon." "He leads an army so massive, it shakes the ground with its march." "So vast, it drinks the rivers dry." "All the God-King Xerxes requires is this:" "A simple offering of earth and water a token of Sparta's submission to the will of Xerxes." "Submission." "Now, that's a bit of a problem." "See, rumor has it the Athenians have already turned you down." "And if those philosophers and boy-lovers have found that kind of nerve, then..." " We must be diplomatic." " And, of course, Spartans have their reputation to consider." "Choose your next words carefully, Leonidas." "They may be your last as king." ""Earth and water."" "Madman." "You're a madman." "Earth and water." "You'll find plenty of both down there." "No man, Persian or Greek, no man threatens a messenger." "You bring the crowns and heads of conquered kings to my city steps." "You insult my queen." "You threaten my people with slavery and death." "Oh, I've chosen my words carefully, Persian." "Perhaps you should have done the same." "This is blasphemy." "This is madness!" "Madness?" "This is Sparta!" "Welcome, Leonidas." "We have been expecting you." "The ephors, priests to the old gods." "Inbred swine." "More creature than man." "Creatures whom even Leonidas must bribe and beg." "For no Spartan king has gone to war without the ephors' blessing." "The Persians claim their forces number in the millions." "I hope, for our sake, they exaggerate." "But there's no question, we face the most massive army ever assembled." "Before your plan is heard what do you offer?" "We will use our superior fighting skills and the terrain of Greece herself to destroy them." "We will march north to the coast, where I will make sure..." "It is August, Leonidas." "The full moon approaches." "The sacred and ancient festival." "Sparta wages no war at the time of the Carneia." "Sparta will burn!" "Her men will die at arms and her women and children will be slaves or worse." "Now, we will block the Persian coastal assault by rebuilding the great Phocian Wall." "And from there, we will funnel them into the mountain pass we call the Hot Gates." "Now, in that narrow corridor, their numbers will count for nothing." "And wave after wave of Persian attack will smash against Spartan shields." "Xerxes' losses will be so great, his men so demoralized he will have no choice but to abandon his campaign." "We must consult the oracle." "Trust the gods, Leonidas." "I'd prefer you trusted your reason." "Your blasphemies have cost us quite enough already." "Don't compound them." "We will consult the oracle." "Diseased old mystics." "Worthless remnants of a time before Sparta's ascent from darkness." "Remnants of a senseless tradition." "Tradition even Leonidas cannot defy for he must respect the word of the ephors." "That is the law." "And no Spartan, subject or citizen, man or woman slave or king, is above the law." "The ephors choose only the most beautiful Spartan girls to live among them as oracles." "Their beauty is their curse for the old wretches have the needs of men and souls as black as hell." ""Pray to the winds Sparta will fall." "All Greece will fall." "Trust not in men honor the gods." "Honor the Carneia."" "The king's climb down is harder." "Pompous, inbred swine." "Worthless, diseased, rotten corrupt." "Truly, you're in the god-king's favor now O wise and holy men." "Yes." "And when Sparta burns, you shall bathe in gold." "Fresh oracles shall be delivered to you daily from every corner of the empire." "Your lips can finish what your fingers have started." "Or has the oracle robbed you of your desire as well?" "It would take more than the words of a drunken adolescent girl to rob me of my desire for you." "Then why so distant?" "Because it seems though a slave and captive of lecherous old men the oracle's words could set fire to all that I love." "So that is why my king loses sleep and is forced from the warmth of his bed?" "There's only one woman's words that should affect the mood of my husband." "Those are mine." "Then what must a king do to save his world when the very laws he is sworn to protect force him to do nothing?" "It is not a question of what a Spartan citizen should do nor a husband, nor a king." "Instead ask yourself, my dearest love what should a free man do?" " Is this all of them?" " As you ordered." "Three hundred." "All with born sons to carry on their name." "We are with you, sire." "For Sparta." "For freedom." "To the death." "He is your son." "He is too young to have felt a woman's warmth." "I have others to replace him." "Astinos is as brave and ready as any." "No younger than we were the first time you stood next to me in battle." "You are a good friend but a better captain, there is none." "My good king." "My good king, the oracle has spoken." "The ephors have spoken." "There must be no march." "It is the law, my lord." " The Spartan army must not go to war." " Nor shall it." "I've issued no such orders." "I'm here just taking a stroll, stretching my legs." "These 300 men are my personal bodyguard." "Our army will stay in Sparta." "Where will you go?" "I hadn't really thought about it but now that you ask I suppose I'll head north." "The Hot Gates?" "Move out!" "Move out!" "What shall we do?" "What can we do?" "What can you do?" "Sparta will need sons." "Spartan!" "Yes, milady?" "Come back with your shield or on it." "Yes, milady." ""Goodbye, my love."" "He doesn't say it." "There's no room for softness not in Sparta." "No place for weakness." "Only the hard and strong may call themselves Spartans." "Only the hard." "Only the strong." "We march for our lands, for our families, for our freedoms." "We march." "Daxos." " What a pleasant surprise." " This morning's full of surprises, Leonidas." " We've been tricked." " Can't be more than a hundred." " This is a surprise." " Silence." "This isn't their army." "We heard Sparta was on the warpath and we were eager to join forces." "If it is blood you seek, you are welcome to join us." "But you bring only this handful of soldiers against Xerxes?" "I see I was wrong to expect Sparta's commitment to at least match our own." "Doesn't it?" "You, there." "What is your profession?" "I'm a potter, sir." "And you, Arcadian." "What is your profession?" " Sculptor, sir." " Sculptor." " And you?" " Blacksmith." "Spartans!" "What is your profession?" "You see, old friend?" "I brought more soldiers than you did." "No sleep tonight not for the king." "All his 40 years have been a straight road to this one gleaming moment in destiny this one radiant clash of shield and spear sword and bone, and flesh and blood." "His only regret is that he has so few to sacrifice." "We're being followed." "It has followed us since Sparta." "My king!" "Look!" "What happened here?" "Where are all the people?" "Persians." "I put their number at around 20." "A scouting party." "But these footprints..." "Behind us!" "Child!" "It's quiet now." "They..." "They came with beasts from the blackness." "With their claws and fangs they grabbed them." "Everyone but me." "The villagers." "I found them." "Have the gods no mercy?" "We are doomed." "Quiet yourself." "The child speaks of the Persian ghosts, known from the ancient times." "They are the hunters of men's souls." "They cannot be killed or defeated." "Not this darkness." "Not these immortals." "Immortals?" "We'll put their name to the test." "Into the Hot Gates we march." "Into that narrow corridor we march where Xerxes' numbers count for nothing." "Spartans, citizen-soldiers, freed slaves." "Brave Greeks, all." "Brothers, fathers, sons we march." "For honor's sake, for duty's sake, for glory's sake, we march." "Look!" "Persians." "Into hell's mouth we march." "Let's watch these motherless dogs as they're embraced by the loving arms of Greece herself." "Come." "True." "It does look like rain." "Zeus stabs the sky with thunderbolts and batters the Persian ships with hurricane wind." "Glorious." "Only one among us keeps his Spartan reserve." "Only he." "Only our king." "My queen?" "My queen the courtyard is a more fitting place for a married woman." "I'm afraid gossip and protocol are the least of my worries now, councilman." "Is such secrecy needed?" "How am I to trust beyond the walls of my own home?" "Even here, Theron has eyes and ears which fuel Sparta with doubt and fear." "You speak as if all Sparta conspires against you." "I wish it were only against me." "Many on our council would vote to give all we have and follow Leonidas but you must show them favor." "And you can arrange for me to speak to the council?" "If it is reason they want, I will let them know." "Know what, my queen?" "Freedom isn't free at all." "That it comes with the highest of costs, the cost of blood." "I will do my best to gather our council." "And its chamber shall be filled with your voice." " I'm in your debt." " No." "Leonidas is my king as well as yours." "I saw those ships smash on the rocks." "How can this be?" "We saw but a fraction of the monster that is Xerxes' army." "There can be no victory here." "Why do you smile?" "Arcadian I have fought countless times yet I've never met an adversary who could offer me what we Spartans call "a beautiful death."" "I can only hope with all the world's warriors gathered against us there might be one down there who's up to the task." "Move!" "Keep going, you dogs!" "Move!" "Forward, I say!" "Stop here!" "Who commands here?" "I am the emissary to the ruler of all the world the god of gods, king of kings and by that authority I demand that someone show me your commander." "Listen." "Do you think the paltry dozen you slew scares us?" "These hills swarm with our scouts." "And do you think your pathetic wall will do anything except fall like a heap of dry leaves in the face of...?" "Our ancestors built this wall using ancient stones from the bosom of Greece herself." "And with a little Spartan help your Persian scouts supplied the mortar." "You will pay for your barbarism!" "My arm!" "It's not yours anymore." "Go now." "Run along and tell your Xerxes he faces free men here not slaves." "Do it quickly before we decide to make our wall just a little bit bigger." "No." "Not slaves." "Your women will be slaves." "Your sons, your daughters your elders will be slaves!" "But not you, no." "By noon this day you will be dead men." "A thousand nations of the Persian Empire descend upon you." "Our arrows will blot out the sun." "Then we will fight in the shade." "The wall is solid." "It'll do the job of funneling the Persians into the Hot Gates." "Have the men found any route through the hills to our back?" "None, sire." "There is such a route, good king." "Just pass that western ridge." "It's an old goat path." "The Persians could use it to outflank us." "Not one step closer, monster!" "Wise king, I humbly request an audience." " I'll skewer you where you stand." " I gave no such order." "Forgive the captain." "He is a good soldier but a bit short on manners." "There is nothing to forgive, brave king." "I know what I look like." "You wear the crimson of a Spartan." "I am Ephialtes, born of Sparta." "My mother's love led my parents to flee Sparta lest I be discarded." "Your shield and armor?" "My father's, sir." "I beg you, bold king, to permit me to redeem my father's name by serving you in combat." "My father trained me to feel no fear, to make spear and shield and sword as much a part of me as my own beating heart." "I will earn my father's armor, noble king by serving you in the battle." "A fine thrust." "I will kill many Persians." "Raise your shield." " Sire?" " Raise your shield as high as you can." "Your father should have taught you how our phalanx works." "We fight as a single, impenetrable unit." "That is the source of our strength." "Each Spartan protects the man to his left from thigh to neck with his shield." "A single weak spot and the phalanx shatters." "From thigh to neck, Ephialtes." "I am sorry, my friend." " But not all of us were made to be soldiers." " But I..." " lf you want to help in a Spartan victory..." " Yes." "...clear the battlefield of the dead, tend the wounded, bring them water but as for the fight itself I cannot use you." "You..." "Mother!" "Father!" "You were wrong!" "You are wrong!" "Leonidas!" "You are wrong!" "Dispatch the Phocians to the goat path and pray to the gods nobody tells the Persians about it." "Earthquake." "No, captain." "Battle formations." "This is where we hold them." "This is where we fight!" "This is where they die!" "Earn these shields, boys!" "Remember this day, men for it will be yours for all time." "Spartans!" "Lay down your weapons!" "Persians!" "Come and get them!" "Hold!" "Give them nothing but take from them everything!" "Steady!" "Push!" "Is that the best you can do?" "Push!" "Push!" "Now!" "Push!" "No prisoners!" "No mercy!" "They look thirsty." "Well, let's give them something to drink." "To the cliffs." "Halt." "Hell of a good start." "Tuck tail!" "Persian cowards." " What the hell are you laughing at?" " Well, you had to say it." " What?" " "Fight in the shade."" "Recover." "Today no Spartan dies." "Easy, son." "We do what we were trained to do what we were bred to do what we were born to do." "No prisoners." "No mercy." "A good start." " I was afraid you might not come." " I'm sorry, my son is..." "Is doing what children do best." "Please, don't apologize." "Your son starts the agoge next year." "That is always a difficult time for a Spartan mother." "Yes, it will be hard." "But also necessary." "You will speak before the council in two days' time." "My husband does not have two days." "Think of the two days as a gift." "It's no secret Theron wants what you control." "It's his voice you must silence." "Make him your ally and you will have your victory." "Thank you." "You are wise as you are kind." "There's your mother." "You should keep a better eye on him if he's to be king one day." "Be unfortunate if anything were to happen to him." "Or to his beautiful mother." "No!" "Our Greek comrades are begging for a crack at the Persians, sire." "Good." "I've got something I think they can handle." "Tell Daxos that I want him and 20 of his best eager, sober and ready for the next charge." "King Leonidas." " Stelios, catch your breath, boy." " Yes, milord." "The Persians are approaching." "A small contingent." "Too small for an attack." " Captain, I leave you in charge." " But sire..." "Relax, old friend." "If they assassinate me, all of Sparta goes to war." "Pray they're that stupid." "Pray we're that lucky." "Besides there's no reason we can't be civil is there?" "None, sire." "Let me guess." "You must be Xerxes." "Come, Leonidas." "Let us reason together." "It would be a regrettable waste it would be nothing short of madness were you, brave king and your valiant troops to perish all because of a simple misunderstanding." " There's much our cultures could share." " Haven't you noticed?" "We've been sharing our culture with you all morning." "Yours is a fascinating tribe." "Even now you are defiant in the face of annihilation and the presence of a god." "It isn't wise to stand against me, Leonidas." "Imagine what a horrible fate awaits my enemies when I would gladly kill any of my own men for victory." "And I would die for any one of mine." "You Greeks take pride in your logic." "I suggest you employ it." "Consider the beautiful land you so vigorously defend." "Picture it reduced to ash at my whim." "Consider the fate of your women." "Clearly you don't know our women." "I might as well have marched them up here, judging by what I've seen." "You have many slaves, Xerxes but few warriors." "It won't be long before they fear my spears more than your whips." "It's not the lash they fear it is my divine power." "But I am a generous god." "I can make you rich beyond all measure." "I will make you warlord of all Greece." "You will carry my battle standard to the heart of Europa." "Your Athenian rivals will kneel at your feet if you will but kneel at mine." "You are generous as you are divine O king of kings." "Such an offer only a madman would refuse." "But the..." "The idea of kneeling, it's..." "You see, slaughtering all those men of yours has..." "Well, it's left a nasty cramp in my leg so kneeling will be hard for me." "There will be no glory in your sacrifice." "I will erase even the memory of Sparta from the histories." "Every piece of Greek parchment shall be burned." "Every Greek historian and every scribe shall have their eyes put out and their tongues cut from their mouths." "Why, uttering the very name of Sparta or Leonidas will be punishable by death." "The world will never know you existed at all." "The world will know that free men stood against a tyrant." "That few stood against many." "And before this battle was over that even a god-king can bleed." "You fought well today for a woman." "As did you." "Maybe if I'm injured, you'll be able to keep up with me." "Perhaps I was so far ahead you couldn't see me." "More likely offering your backside to the Thespians." "Jealousy does not become you, my friend." "Move it, men!" "Pile those Persians high." "For unless I miss my guess we're in for one wild night." "They have served the dark will of Persian kings for 500 years." "Eyes as dark as night." "Teeth filed to fangs." "Soulless." "The personal guard to King Xerxes himself." "The Persian warrior elite." "The deadliest fighting force in all of Asia:" "The Immortals." "The god-king has betrayed a fatal flaw:" "Hubris." "Easy to taunt, easy to trick." "Before wounds and weariness have taken their toll the mad king throws the best he has at us." "Xerxes has taken the bait." "Spartans, push!" "Immortals." "We put their name to the test." "Father!" "My king!" "Arcadians, now!" "Go!" "Show the Spartans what we can do." "Go!" "They shout and curse stabbing wildly, more brawlers than warriors." "They make a wondrous mess of things." "Brave amateurs, they do their part." "Immortals." "They fail our king's test." "And a man who fancies himself a god feels a very human chill crawl up his spine." "To our king!" "And our honored dead." "Whom will Xerxes dare to send next?" "Whom?" "!" "There's nothing that can stop us now!" "Even the king allows himself to hope for more than glory." "Such mad hope, but there it is:" ""Against Asia's endless hordes, against all odds, we can do it." "We can hold the Hot Gates." "We can win. "" "Dawn." "Whips crack." "Barbarians howl." "Those behind cry, "Forward!"" "Those in front cry, "Back!"" "Our eyes bear witness to the grotesque spectacle coughed forth from the darkest corner of Xerxes' empire." "When muscle failed they turned to their magic." "One hundred nations descend upon us, the armies of all Asia." "Funneled into this narrow corridor, their numbers count for nothing." "They fall by the hundreds." "We send the severed bodies and the fragile hearts back to Xerxes' feet." "King Xerxes is displeased with his generals." "He disciplines them." "Xerxes dispatches his monsters from half the world away." "They're clumsy beasts and the piled Persian dead are slippery." " You still here?" " Somebody's gotta watch your back." "Not now, I'm a little busy." "Regroup!" "Astinos!" "My son!" "Astinos!" "No!" "Day wears on." "We lose few but each felled is a friend, or dearest blood." "And upon seeing the headless body of his own young son the captain breaks rank." "He goes wild, blood-drunk." "The captain's cries of pain at the loss of his son are more frightening to the enemy than the deepest battle drums." "It takes three men to restrain him and bring him back to our own." "The day is ours." "No songs are sung." "Your gods were cruel to shape you so, friend Ephialtes." "The Spartans, too were cruel to reject you." "But I am kind." "Everything you could ever desire every happiness you can imagine every pleasure your fellow Greeks and your false gods have denied you I will grant you." "For I am kind." "Embrace me as your king and as your god." "Yes." "Lead my soldiers to the hidden path that enters behind the cursed Spartans and your joys will be endless." "Yes!" "I want it all." "Wealth." "Women." "And one more thing I want a uniform." "Done." "You will find I am kind." "Unlike the cruel Leonidas, who demanded that you stand I require only that you kneel." "Beautiful night." "Yes, but I did not ask you here for small talk, Theron." "You can be sure of that." "You never spared words with me." "Can I offer you something?" "A drink, perhaps?" "Is it poison?" "I'm sorry to disappoint you, it's only water." "I'm told it's been arranged for you to go before the council." "Yes." "I need your help in winning votes to send the army north to our king." "Yes." "I can see it, the two of us standing together." "Me, politician." "You, warrior." "Our voices as one." "But why would I want to do that?" "It proves you care for a king who right now fights for the very water we drink." "True." "But this is politics, not war." "Leonidas is an idealist." "I know your kind too well." "You send men to slaughter for your own gain." "Your husband, our king, has taken 300 of our finest to slaughter." "He's broken our laws and left without the council's consent." " I'm simply a realist." " You're an opportunist." "You're as foolish as Leonidas if you think men don't have a price in this world." "All men are not created equal." "That's the Spartan code, my little queen." "I admire your passion." "But don't think that you a woman, even a queen can walk into the council chamber and sway the minds of men." "I own that chamber as if it were built with these hands." "I could crush the life out of you right now." "You will go before the council, but your words will fall on deaf ears." "Leonidas will receive no reinforcements, and if he returns, without my help he will go to jail or worse." "Do you love your Sparta?" "Yes." " And your king?" " I do." "Your husband fights for his land and his love." "What do you have to offer in return for my word that I'll help you send our army north?" "What does a realist want with his queen?" "I think you know." "This will not be over quickly." "You will not enjoy this." "I'm not your king." "Dilios." "I trust that scratch hasn't made you useless?" "Hardly, my lord." "It's just an eye." "The gods saw fit to grace me with a spare." "My captain?" "Curses the gods and mourns alone." "Leonidas!" "We are undone." "Undone, I tell you." "Destroyed." "Daxos, calm yourself." "Our hunchback traitor led Xerxes' lmmortals to the hidden goat path behind us." "The Phocians you posted there were scattered without a fight." " This battle is over, Leonidas." " This battle is over when I say it is over." "By morning, the lmmortals will surround us." "The Hot Gates will fall." "Spartans!" "Prepare for glory!" "Glory?" "Have you gone mad?" "There is no glory to be had now." "Only retreat or surrender." "Or death." "Well, that's an easy choice for us, Arcadian." "Spartans never retreat." "Spartans never surrender." "Go spread the word." "Let every Greek assembled know the truth of this." "Let each among them search his own soul." "And while you're at it, search your own." "My men will leave with me." "Godspeed, Leonidas." "Children!" "Children." "Gather round." "No retreat, no surrender." "That is Spartan law." "And by Spartan law, we will stand and fight and die." "A new age has begun." "An age of freedom." "And all will know that 300 Spartans gave their last breath to defend it." "My friend." "I have lived my entire life without regret until now." "It's not that my son gave up his life for his country." "It's just that I never told him that I loved him the most." "That he stood by me with honor." "That he was all that was best in me." "My heart is broken for your loss." "Heart?" "I have filled my heart with hate." "Good." "Dilios let's take a walk." "Yes, my lord." "But, sire, I am fit and ready for battle." "That you are, one of the finest." "But you have another talent unlike any other Spartan." "You will deliver my final orders to the council with force and verve." "Tell them our story." "Make every Greek know what happened here." "You'll have a grand tale to tell." "A tale of victory." "Victory." "Yes, my lord." "Sire, any message...?" "For the queen?" "None that need be spoken." "Hundreds leave." "A handful stay." "Only one looks back." "Spartans!" "Ready your breakfast and eat hearty for tonight we dine in hell!" "May I give the floor now to the wife of Leonidas and queen of Sparta." " What's this?" " This is nothing." "Councilmen I stand before you not only as your queen." "I come to you as a mother." "I come to you as a wife." "I come to you as a Spartan woman." "I come to you with great humility." "I am not here to represent Leonidas." "His actions speak louder than my words ever could." "I am here for all those voices which cannot be heard." "Mothers, daughters, fathers, sons." "Three hundred families that bleed for our rights and for the very principles this room was built upon." "We are at war, gentlemen." "We must send the entire Spartan army to aid our king in the preservation of not just ourselves, but of our children." "Send the army for the preservation of liberty." "Send it for justice." "Send it for law and order." "Send it for reason." "But most importantly, send our army for hope." "Hope that a king and his men have not been wasted to the pages of history." "That their courage bonds us together." "That we are made stronger by their actions and that your choices today reflect their bravery." "Three hundred." "We must send them." "Moving eloquent, passionate." "But it doesn't change the fact that your husband has brought war upon us." "You are wrong." "Xerxes brought it forth and before that, his father Darius at Marathon." "The Persians will not stop until the only shelter we will find is rubble and chaos." "This chamber needs no history lesson, my queen." "Then what is the lesson you would like to leave?" "Shall I begin to enumerate all of them?" "Honor." "Duty." "Glory." "You speak of honor, duty and glory?" "But what of adultery?" " How dare you." " How dare I?" "Watch her carefully." "She is a trickster in true form." "Do not play with the members of this sacred chamber, my queen." "Just hours ago, you offered yourself to me." "Were I a weaker man, I would have her scent on me still." " This is outrage." " Oh, the hypocrite speaks!" "Did you not receive a similar payment, which you took in exchange for her having an audience with these noble men?" " That is a lie." " Is it?" "Was he not, by your invitation, asked to come to the king's bedchamber?" "The very bed where you attempted to negotiate with me so vigorously?" "You look shocked." "A bribe of the flesh, gentlemen while her husband promotes anarchy and war." "He speaks truth." "Words escape even the most cunning tongue my little whore queen." "What queen-like behavior." "Remove her from this chamber before she infects us further with her inglorious and shabby self." "This will not be over quickly." "You will not enjoy this." "I am not your queen." "Traitor." "Traitor!" "Traitor!" "Traitor!" "Traitor!" "Leonidas, my compliments and congratulations." "You surely have turned calamity into victory." "Despite your insufferable arrogance the god-king has come to admire Spartan valor and fighting skill." "You will make a mighty ally." "Yield, Leonidas." "Use your reason." "Think of your men." "I beg you." "Listen to your fellow Greek." "He can attest to the divine one's generosity." "Despite your several insults, despite your horrid blasphemies the lord of hosts is prepared to forgive all and more, to reward your service." "You fight for your lands." "Keep them." "You fight for Sparta." "She will be wealthier and more powerful than ever before." "You fight for your kingship." "You will be proclaimed warlord of all Greece answerable only to the one true master of the world." "Leonidas, your victory will be complete if you but lay down your arms and kneel to holy Xerxes." "It's been more than 30 years since the wolf in the winter cold." "And now, as then, it's not fear that grips him only restlessness." "A heightened sense of things." "The seaborne breeze coolly kissing the sweat at his chest and neck." "Gulls cawing complaining even as they feast on the thousands of floating dead." "The steady breathing of the 300 at his back ready to die for him without a moment's pause." "Every one of them ready to die." "His helmet is stifling." "His shield is heavy." "Your spear." "You there Ephialtes." "May you live forever." "Leonidas, your spear." "Stelios!" "Slaughter them!" "His helmet was stifling." "It narrowed his vision, and he must see far." "His shield was heavy." "It threw him off balance and his target is far away." "The old ones say we Spartans are descended from Hercules himself." "Bold Leonidas gives testament to our bloodline." "His roar is long and loud." "My king." "It's an honor to die at your side." "It's an honor to have lived at yours." "My queen!" "My wife." "My love." ""Remember us."" "As simple an order as a king can give." ""Remember why we died."" "For he did not wish tribute or song nor monuments, nor poems of war and valor." "His wish was simple." ""Remember us" he said to me." "That was his hope." "Should any free soul come across that place in all the countless centuries yet to be may all our voices whisper to you from the ageless stones." "Go tell the Spartans, passerby that here, by Spartan law, we lie." "And so my king died and my brothers died barely a year ago." "Long I pondered my king's cryptic talk of victory." "Time has proven him wise." "For from free Greek to free Greek the word was spread that bold Leonidas and his 300 so far from home laid down their lives not just for Sparta but for all Greece and the promise this country holds." "Now, here on this rugged patch of earth called Plataea Xerxes' hordes face obliteration!" "Just there the barbarians huddle sheer terror gripping tight their hearts with icy fingers knowing full well what merciless horrors they suffered at the swords and spears of 300." "Yet they stare now across the plain at 10,000 Spartans..." "The enemy outnumber us a paltry three to one." "Good odds for any Greek." "This day, we rescue a world from mysticism and tyranny and usher in a future brighter than anything we can imagine." "Give thanks, men to Leonidas and the brave 300." "To victory!" "[ENGLISH]" | {
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} |
"THE WAVE" "Nothing." "What are you going to do?" "Let's see what we can find in town." "How did it go?" " Bad." "No work anywhere." " Or fish." "I went to La Ensenadilla yesterday and this is all I could find." "Miguel, my son is really sick." "Do you need anyone else to work?" "Hold on." "Any work for Zurdo and Miro?" "Not even for one of us?" " No." " Too bad." "Go see Don Anselmo Herrera." "He might be able to help you." "No, Miguel." "I'd do anything not to have to ask him a favor." "There's still no fish." "The season is late this year." "Should I buy another ice machine?" "Excellent!" "Thank you." "Good-bye, uncle, and take care." " Good morning, Don Anselmo." " Good morning." "I would like to ask you something." " What?" " My son is very sick." "If he doesn't get to the hospital soon, he'll die." "Lend me enough for the trip." "I worked in your fish market last year." "I will work to pay you back." "Business is bad, expenses are high." "There's no way for me to help you." "Forgive me." "It's not right for a child to die... because his father couldn't pay to cure him." " Where did you get those?" " In La Ensenadilla." "Look, the best of the year!" " Let's go see Santiago." "Put the nets down there." "Out of the way, let us work." "Put your hands down." "Out of the way, let us through." "That's fine." "Unload the fish." "I'll see Don Anselmo and hear what he has to say now." "Thank you!" "Come on, guys." "Let's go." "Miguel, now we'll make our money!" "You'll see!" "I can't do anything today." "If they elect me, you know how things will go." "But you need money for these things." "Yes, I agree, but the fishing is not going well." "Good day, Don Anselmo." "Good day, sir." " What's the latest?" " There are plenty of fish." "Good." "Use the big boat and the new fishing net." "Don't tell me you need to buy something else." "I just need people, boss." "Fine." "Hire some and hurry." "You know that when the catch is good, your commission is good." "That's why I'm the chief." "Excuse me." "What do you say now, Don Anselmo?" "We'll see." "Where did you get the money for luxuries?" "I worked in the mangrove swamp cutting the stalks for Don Andrés' wife." "Well, you got luckier than me." "I'll wait for you, so you can buy me root beer." "I don't need anyone else." "I've got all the workers I need." "Do you want to fish with me?" "Come to the lighthouse." "We're leaving soon." "See you there." " Could I come too, Mingo?" " Yes, but I'm not waiting for anyone." "How are you, Miro?" " How do you think?" " You've been unlucky." "Would you like to fish with us?" "Yes, I need work." "Come on, then." "The boat is by the lighthouse." " Forty-three kilos." " Forty-three kilos." "Fifty-eight kilos." "Lower." "We worked hard today, boys." "If we carry on this way, I'll buy a house for Helena." "Who's more stupid?" "Man or fish?" "Who knows?" "A man who lets himself be caught hook, line and sinker by a woman." "Well, yours definitely caught you good." "Thirty kilos, no more." "Thirty kilos, no more." "Come on, they're going to pay us." "Come and get your cut." " How much did they bring in, Mingo?" " 340." "Good." "At six centavos per kilo, each person gets 72 centavos." "What are you waiting for?" "What are you doing?" "Same as always." "Seventy-two centavos for 10 hours' work." "All so that the rich get richer." "You shouldn't be complaining." "Be grateful you've got a job." "Look at him, he's young and strong." "He's happy." "He doesn't complain." "Happy?" "Have you ever lost a son because you couldn't afford medicine?" "No, I have never been that unlucky." "You call it bad luck." "I call it misery." "Yes, I agree, the world isn't perfect, and working conditions aren't ideal, but if you vote for me, I promise I will improve the situation." "Do you think we're idiots?" "We know you would say anything to get us to vote for you." "Not me, and I promise to make you lose as many votes as I can." "We are tired of false politicians." "While we're talking of promises," "I'll make you one and I'll keep it." "I don't care about your promises and they don't scare me." "Relax." "Relax." "Let's go, Miro." "You know the big fish always win." "Why argue?" "This is how it works." "It never gets us anywhere." "Yes, but we're not fish." "What a great fishing net." "No holes for it to escape." "Who?" "The fish, or us?" "Us and the fish." "What do you want us to do?" "Take poison." "Don't be stupid." "When you're my age, you'll know less than you do now." "Maybe." "After working 25 years on the sea for few centavos, a man's brain gets wet and his heart dries out." "If you'd ever gone to church, you wouldn't talk like that." "Don't be ridiculous." "I don't have to give my money to others to get a place in Heaven." "And besides, I don't plan on going there." "We know you don't believe in anything, just what's in your glass." "At least that way I can forget them and their damn nets and boats." "They who have everything and who give you nothing." "That's God's will." "Yeah, and mine is to take my knife and..." "No, that's just mindless destruction." "Listen to me." "Listen to me, everyone!" "We must do something, but not this." "This will get us nowhere." "We must call a meeting, today, to decide what we should do." "I need to tell you something." "We should make a plan to defend ourselves, but all the fishermen need to go." "You go and tell them on the pier." "You tell them at La Trocha, and you at La Ribera." "A DRAMA OF POVERTY AND MISERY" "How's it going?" "Have you heard the latest?" "What?" "I found a man named Albino running to a meeting." "What meeting?" "To make a statement about how little you pay them." "I see." "It is serious, then." "I told you so, and it's more serious for your business and mine." "I trust I can count on you to..." "Good word of mouth can do wonders, as you know." "And even more with a bit of..." "Fine." "Here's 200 pesos." "Come back for the other half when this has been sorted out." "I know these people." "Yes, but don't forget time flies." "Friends." "How long do we have to put up with this slavery and poverty?" "Who of you in any given year earns more than 40 centavos a day?" "Who can feed their families with so little?" "Who has money for medicine?" "We all know it's unfair, but we know it doesn't have to be this way." "A few exploiters take everything, to satisfy their greed." "They did not make the sea, the rivers or the fish and they didn't make the canoes, boats or nets either." "Nor did they make us." "They didn't give our arms the strength with which to work or anything else." "Why can't we exchange our fish with those who breed cattle, with those who harvest corn, or with those who make fabric?" "Who prevents this change?" "Those with money have taken over the boats, nets, transport." "They control everything, and they pay us whatever they like." "We know what happens for eight months of the year, when there is no fishing, and when we can fish, they take half for the boats and the nets." "The exploiters pay us six centavos a kilo, and they pay the chief his share plus two centavos per kilo." "They resell it for three centavos with ice and for 12 in crates." "If it costs 26 centavos, they sell it in Mexico City for 80." "Poor folk elsewhere can't eat fish and we can't eat vegetables." "Poverty is not the law of nature, nor is it God's law." "Bravo!" "Bravo!" "The exploiters are strong because they unite to exploit us." "They agree to pay us the same, and they shackle us all with the same chains." "Let's unite, as only then will we be strong enough to protect ourselves." "Bravo!" "Bravo!" "We ask only for what is rightfully ours, the fruit of our labor." "But we can't do it alone." "We only want to be paid what is right." "If there is no work, there's no fish." "Let's suffer together." "Let's stick together!" "Friends, the battle begins tomorrow, with the first catch!" "Bravo!" "Bravo!" "Fishermen!" "Fellow citizens!" "I'm speaking to the sons of this glorious state, which upholds exemplary traditions of value and glory," "to the honorable fishermen, always conscious of their duty and of their obligations as citizens of a democratic republic." "To those who appreciate the value of institutions and the power of a vote." "To those who do not heed the words of the rebellious, who are unaware of the majesty of revolutionary conquest." "I invite you, my friends, to consider the problems of this nation and those of our dear town." "We must never forget this, as this is the only way we will be able to reach a truthful conclusion, a divine truth, the only one we must seek, the only light on life's dark path, to aid us in judging our hesitations." " What's wrong, Miro?" " So Mingo didn't say anything?" "He said you were unwell." "Sure... after he kicked me out this morning." "So now what, Mingo?" "I received an order from Don Anselmo." "I have nothing to do with this." "Let's go weigh this fish." "So, are we in this together, or not?" "Of course, we're still in this together." "In that case, come on." "Mingo?" "What do you want?" "The boys want good money." "And who asked you?" "They did." "It makes no difference." "I don't put a price on the fish." "Then go and talk to Don Anselmo." "Tell him if he doesn't pay better, we'll throw it in the river." "Here come the others." "We refuse to deliver the fish until we get paid a better wage." "You should all do the same." "It would make no difference." "We won't get anywhere." "If we hold on together, we can win this." "And what do we eat in the meantime?" "Let's go, boys." "Don't give in!" "Come here." "Let's go quickly." "Here come the soldiers." "It's nothing." "Let's bring him to the boat." "Why don't you search everyone here?" "Shut your mouth!" "They're not armed." "Nothing has happened to the fish." "These men are loyal." "The guilty ones have already run off." "In that case, I will find them." "This matter seems unimportant." "We'll investigate." "If you'll excuse me, sir." " Please, go ahead." " Many thanks, Lieutenant." "Don Anselmo said that you protected the fish, so you deserve the others' share." "Put it in here." "Come with me." "Mingo." "Where are you off to with the boat?" "None of your business." "What do you want now?" "Don't worry, we're here for another reason." "I'm guessing it's not just to see us?" "It's not just that." "Is there suddenly another reason?" "Yes, there is." "We see things differently now." "When you left they paid us." " I smell a rat." " I don't think so." "Let him talk." "They paid us less than yesterday... and they tried to buy us with your half of the money." "We won't be bought and we are not thieves." "Here is your money." "Money?" "That's all you care about." "Have you forgotten him?" " Dead?" " Yes, dead." "Because of your lack of unity." "No." "That's not it." "What happened today woke us up." "We must punish those who killed him." "We must follow what he showed us." "Let's follow his path all together!" "We will achieve what Miro wanted to achieve." "This is the beginning." "When we have the boats, ice and nets, we will work for ourselves and we will have won." "That's right." "Let's go into town." "Let's show everyone what oppression really is." "Let them join us." "THE END" | {
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} |
"13th of July, 4:50 p.m." "I'm sorry." "I know that means little at this point." "But I am." "I tried." "I think you would all agree that I tried to be true." "To be strong." "To be kind." "To love." "To be right." "But I wasn't." "And I know you knew this." "In each of your ways." "And I am sorry." "All is lost here." "Except for soul and body, that is, what's left of them, and a half day's ration." "It's inexcusable really, I know that now." "How it could have taken this long to admit that, I'm not sure, but it did." "I fought till the end." "I'm not sure what that is worth, but know that I did." "I have always hoped for more for you all." "I will miss you." "I'm sorry." "This is the Virginia Jean with an SOS call." "Over." "This is the Virginia Jean with an SOS call." "Over." "This is the Virginia Jean with an SOS call." "Over." "This is the Virginia Jean with an SOS call." "Over." "This..." "Oh." "God!" "Fuck!" "Hey." "Help!" "Help!" "I'm here!" "Help!" "Here!" "Here!" "Help!" "Help!" "Help!" "He..." "Help!" "Help!" "Help!" "Here!" "Here!" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"(Helicopter)" "(Crash)" "'And it's Divorce Referendum in the lead, followed by Glory Be To God." "'Glory Be To God creeps ahead of Divorce Referendum.'" "Come on, Divorce Referendum!" "Come on!" "'Divorce Referendum is way in front." "'Divorce Referendum is speeding towards victory.'" " Yes, yes!" " 'Oh, no!" "'" "'Disaster for Divorce Referendum 'as he turns in the opposite direction 'and simply runs off the course.'" "Oh, flip!" "You flipping, flipping flipper!" "Oh, it's the knacker's yard for you, pal!" "(Door bangs )" "(Man on radio ) 'So what role do you see the Church assuming?" "'" "Hello, Ted." "What are you listening to?" "Oh, it's just a programme about the Church and God and so on." "Oh, right." "Right." "Where's Father Jack, Dougal?" " Where's Father Jack?" " Yes." "Father Jack, where is he?" "He's in his..." "Oh." " Erm..." " You've lost him again, right?" "I have, Ted, yeah." "You took him out for a walk and you lost him...again." "That must've been what happened all right." "So what have you got to say for yourself?" "Well, like I said the last time, it won't happen again." "Dougal, are you not going to go and look for him?" "Ted, he'll come back." "What's the worst that can happen?" "He could have an accident and be killed." "Oh." "Er, wait a second, Ted." "Is that not Jack there?" "(Snoring)" "Ah, Dougal." "You didn't even get him out the door, did you?" "I thought the wheelchair felt a bit lighter today all right." "Come on, help me get him up." "(Groaning)" "(Jack muttering)" " Dougal, take off his gloves." " Right so, Ted." " Ted." " Hmm?" "Ted, they're not gloves." "God, they're very hairy hands altogether, aren't they?" " What's wrong?" " I don't know." "Do you remember the time his head went septic?" "Yes." "I mean, I didn't think a whole head could go septic." "I mean, a whole head, you know?" "But that's Jack for you." "I'd better look in the book." "Right." "Hold his hand up there, Dougal." "Well, he got up to stage four after drinking that brake fluid." "I think this could be a stage six." " Hello to the lot of yous." " Hello, Mrs Doyle." "Ah, would you look at him there with his hairy hands?" "Yes, and we're going to have to call Dr Sinnot." "He's good." "I had to go myself a couple of weeks ago." "Really?" "I didn't know you were ill." "What was the trouble?" "A bit of a woman's problem." "I was having a bit of trouble..." "I'd better ring him before it's too late!" "(Phone buzzes )" " So it's the hairy hands." " Yes." " A stage six?" " It looks like it, yeah." "I'll get ready upstairs." "Ted, why is Jack so scared of doctors?" "They remind him of illness and his own mortality." "He hated visiting the sick." "Oh, God, he hates the sick." "And the poor as well." " The poor really got on his nerves." " And the needy." "(Sighing) Them as well." "What was it he used to say?" "He had a term for them." " A shower of bastards." " That was it." "When we bring the doctor in, just behave normal." "Just pretend he's a normal visitor." "We don't want Jack to suspect anything." "Doctor?" "Ready?" "All right, in you go." "Remember... completely normal." "So it's off to St Clabbert's again, Doctor?" "Yes." "It's more for your sake than for his." "That hair thing can be very contagious." " How long will they have him?" " Hard to say." "Could be for a while." "Actually, you should be prepared." "It might be better for his own sake if he doesn't come back." "Great!" "I mean, oh, no." "We'll just have to grin and bear it, I suppose." "I'll try and break it to him gently." "Thanks, Doctor." "Yes!" "Wahey!" "Father Jack?" "Do you remember that great time you had at St Clabbert's?" "Remember the fun you had with those nuns fussing about you?" "Dr Sinnot thinks another spell there would do a world of good." "Ok, it might mean giving up the odd glass of sherry or two, but that's all for your own good." "You'll have a fantastic time, it'll be one big laugh with all those nuns fussing all the..." "Father?" "Father?" "Where's he gone?" "(Motor chugging)" "God, Ted, how did the sergeant catch Father Jack at all?" "Well, Dougal..." "He's an elderly priest driving a Flymo around a small island." "How hard could it be?" "Anyway, he's up there in St Clabbert's now." "It's weird the way you get used to something." "Seems like only yesterday he was here drinking his head off." "Dougal, it was yesterday." "Yeah, but that's why I said it SEEMED like yesterday." "Right, because it WAS yesterday." "Yeah." "What time are Father Rory and Father k en coming on Wednesday?" "About six." "Six o'clock?" " Yes." " Right." "Good, good." "Actually, it's just as well Jack's not here." "He can get very irritable around strangers." "Jack was very bad around strangers." "And people he knew." "Yes, very bad around strangers and people he knew." " Anyway, night, Dougal." " Night, Ted." "(Ted) Aw, damn!" "(Whistling)" "No, Dougal, it's not morning." "I forgot to wind the clock." "Oh, right." "Sorry about that, Ted." "Hello there, Father..." "Father..." "Who are you?" "Who are you?" "Father Ted Crilly." "Very pleased to meet you." "Oh." "What's this?" "Oh, I see." "It's from the Bishop." "You're taking Father Jack's place." "This is a surprise." "Has Mrs Doyle shown you around?" "Well, anyway, welcome to Craggy Island." "The meals are at 11, one, half-two, three, five, seven and nine." "And if you ever want a snack, you can ask Mrs Doyle." "No, er..." "No, actually, that's actually mine." "Well, you go ahead there and have it anyway." "Dougal, this is Father Fintan Stack." "He'll be staying with us now." "Oh, right, yeah." "This is the brains of the operation." "Ah, no, that'd be Ted." "I wanna listen to some music." "Oh, go ahead, there." "I wasn't asking for permission." "( # Jungle music)" "( # Muffled thumping music)" "So, erm..." "What do you think of Father Stack?" "Well, erm..." "It says in his note that they never found a suitable parish for him." " He's not a very nice man, is he?" " I've never met anyone like him." "Who would he be like?" "Hitler or one of those mad fellows?" "Oh, worse than Hitler." "You wouldn't find Hitler playing jungle music at three in the morning." "God, he almost makes Jack seem normal." "You know, he nearly does." "(Howling)" "Right, carry on." "I was going to say you'd almost miss Father Jack." "He had his funny little ways." "But whenever he'd hit you, he'd never do it out of spite." "He'd only do it because... he thought it was funny or whatever." "I suppose when you think about it now, it was funny." "Remember that time he gave you a big kick up the b-o-t-t-y?" "And do you remember when you were bending over him, and he held your nose so tight that you had to open your mouth and then he dropped a big spider in it?" "No, that wasn't funny, Dougal." "It was funny when he kicked you up the arse." "It wasn't funny when he put the spider in my mouth." " It was, Ted." " No, it wasn't, Dougal!" " Ah, Ted." " Dougal!" "Anyway, he's gone now." "It's funny how you miss someone's little ways." "(Sighing)" "(Sighing)" "(Screaming)" "( # Muffled jungle continues )" "God, I've had enough." "It sounds like someone drilling holes in a wall or something." " I'll have a word." " Careful." "Come on, I think he's out." " What's up, Ted?" " Ted's gone mad." " Lead on, MacTed!" " Shh." " Right, the coast is clear." " Father Jack's not here?" "No, he has the hair thing again." "He's in Jurassic Park." "Oh, right." "St Clabbert's." "Father Walton's up there, I hear." " Sherry all right?" " Lovely." "Did you know Father Coogan at all, Ted?" "Hmm..." "Oh, yes." "Father Tom Coogan." "Wasn't he in Africa?" "He was, with Father Shortall and that load." "Then he was back in Wicklow." "I think Windy Shepherd Henderson was his priest there." "Windy Shepherd Henderson that was in Tralee?" "No, a different Windy Shepherd Henderson." " There's four of them." " At least." "One of them was with Father Daley in Chicago." "Wasn't he the first man on the scene when Malcom X was assassinated?" "No, that was Father Burke." "Father Daley had the lump on his head in the shape of Connaught." "Like Father Caroline - he lost the use of his ears in an accident." " He's deaf?" " No, just lost the use of his ears." "He used to be able to wiggle them." "Remember Father O'Reilly?" "He's in Clare." "They moved him after he owned up to that OJ Simpson thing." "Father Bigley from Ardee did his wedding, I think." " Father Bigley?" "Is he not dead?" " No, he just looked dead." "Ted, did you say Father Larry Duff was coming?" "God, I'd better give him a call." "I hope he can make it." "Larry is tremendous fun." "(Mobile phone )" "Ahh!" "No, he must have it turned off." "God, I wonder where Dougal is?" "Come on, Ted." "Shall we watch the sports video?" "Oh, yes." "Come on, Ted." "Ah, here's the lads." "And away they go!" "Ah, look at your man at the back!" "I remember this." "(All cheering)" "(All) Look at Mrs Doyle!" " She looks great on the telly!" " She's wearing the hat for a bet!" "(Ted) I'd say so." "Oh, here's Buckin' Bronco!" "Or Hopalong Cassidy." " Here's the champ." " Fair play." "Fair play to him." "(Cheering)" "What are we watching?" "We're looking at the sports day." "Lots of young fellows running around in shorts." "That's the kind of thing you like looking at." "And I bet you like that, too." "You're probably imagining what they'd look like without shorts." "You're sitting there, imagining that, with a big smile on your face." "You dirty fecker." "If you're trying to embarrass us, you're not succeeding." "Yes, I am." "Well, I have to say, I think that you're a very rude man." "If you ever say that to me again," "I'll put your head through the wall." "(Crashing)" " Dougal, where did you go to?" " Ted!" "How are you?" " Dougal, what the...?" " Yes?" "What, Ted?" " What?" " What?" " Have you been drinking?" " I have, Ted." "I been drinking like a mad eejit." "No, no, wait." "No, I haven't." "Dougal, I'm ashamed of you." "Ted, Ted, Ted." "Come here, Teddy, Teddy, Ted." "You're my best friend." "God, I love being a priest." "We're all going to heaven, lads, wahey!" "Perhaps I should explain." "Your friend and I were enjoying a bottle of whisky I found upstairs." "Well, that is the last straw." "I'm driving." "I'm driving home, I'm perfectly capable." "By the way, I got the keys of your car and I drove it into a big wall." "If you don't like it, tough." "I had my fun and that's all that matters." " Ted, I can see up your trousers." " Right." "That's it." "I thought giving alcohol to Dougal was the last straw, but it was the second last straw, because this is definitely the last bit of straw in...the thing." "There is no more straw left!" " Ted, it's a little late." " Yes, I think we should go." " No, you don't have to go." " I think we should." "Woooo!" "Bye, girls!" "Pair of wankers." "Oh!" "Come on, Dougal, we've had enough of Father Stack for one evening." "To the pub, Ted!" "( # Jungle music)" " Hey, Ted, what's going on?" " We're going to kidnap Jack." "kidnapping, wow!" "What will we get for him?" " Shut up, Dougal." "You ready?" " I'm with you, Ted." "Right so, let's go, then." "(Doorbell)" "Hello?" " This is a bit mad, Ted." " Shh!" "Why don't we ask the nuns to give him back?" "Dr Sinnot said moving him might be dangerous." "Anyway, I got a second opinion." " Who from?" " Mrs Doyle." "Ted, I'm not sure if this is a good idea." "I mean, kidnapping!" "It's not kidnapping, it's bringing him back to where he belongs." "It's like Lassie Come Home, with Father Jack as Lassie." " Who are we, then?" " I don't konw." "The other people." "You're Roddy McDowell and I'm Liz Taylor." "Fine." "I just wanted to get that straight in me head." " Right, let's go." " Right." " Come on, Dougal." " (Shouting) Right behind you!" "Shut up!" "k eep it quiet." "Look around and see if there's a light switch." "(All shouting)" "(Silence )" " (Nun ) What's all that noise?" "!" " Quick, Dougal, here." "(Nun ) Calm down, all of you!" "Some people are trying to get some sleep!" "Arse!" "Feck!" "Oh!" "Dougal, that's not Father Jack." " Hello, Father Walton." " Feck off!" " Will he not do, Ted?" " No." "I don't think so, no." "A stage 12." "I never thought I'd see one." "Ah, Ted, can we not keep him?" "No." "Come on, let's get Father Jack." " You got the torch, Dougal?" " Yes." " Arse!" " Feck!" " Drink!" " Girls!" " Drink!" " Feck!" " Drink!" " Feck!" " Arse!" " Girls!" "(Posh voice ) I really shouldn't be here." " Drink!" " Drink!" " Drink!" " Drink!" "Drink!" "Feck!" "Arse!" "Girls!" "(Jack) Drink!" "Drink!" "Drink!" "Drink!" "Drink!" "Drink!" " All right, Father, all right." " Drink!" "Drink!" "Drink!" "Drink!" "Drink!" "Drink!" "Drink!" " Drink!" "Drink!" " Try upstairs, Father." "(Jack whimpering)" " Jumping on my picture again?" " You got a problem with that?" " None." "Enjoy yourself." " What was all that noise?" "That's Father Jack, the fellow you replaced." "Tell him to get lost." "I'm here now." "You might like the pleasure of telling him yourself." "And what happened to his whisky." "(Shattering glass, screaming)" "He'll fill you in." "I'm supposed to be scared?" "Drink!" " Listen to that, Dougal." " I don't hear anything." "That's what I mean." "The sound of silence." "No, I still don't hear anything." "I'm sorry I didn't disinfect Jack's chair like you told me." "It's my fault that lad got the hair thing." "Don't worry." "I'm sure he's fine up in Jurassic Park." "Best place for him." "k eep him out of trouble." "Anyway, how are we getting on in there, Father?" "It's a great invention, isn't it?" "And no more St Clabbert's." "(Muffled) Drink!" "Drink!" "Drink!" "Anyway, time for bed." "Come on, Dougal." "(Muffled) Drink!" "Drink!" "Drink!" "Drink!" "Drink!" "Drink!" "Drink!" "Drink!" "Drink!" "Drink!" "(Man on loudhailer) 'Fathers, please." "Calm down." "'Someone step in there, please." "That really is not on." "'You're ruining it." "'Sister, if you could just step in there.'" "Break it up, break it up, Fathers." "Break it up." "Put that down." "(Men ) Drink!" "Arse!" "Drink!" "Feck!" "Girls!" "Drink!" "Arse!" "(Nun ) Good night, Fathers!" "(Silence )" "( # Jungle music)" | {
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"Well, if it isn't my blushing bride-to-be and her maid of honour." "Hi." "Debbie said the dresses are gonna be ready tomorrow but the cake's ready now." "Come see it." "Let's go." "Bye, honey." "Thanks, Joey." "They are as happy as I've ever seen them, if you can believe that." "l can." "So how's the ring?" "lt's beautiful." "And the dresses?" "Your mother's is gorgeous." "I'm starting to believe what I've heard about the unflattering nature of bridesmaids' dresses." "I'm sure you look amazing." "Joey, thanks for doing this." "I really appreciate it." "Dawson, it was an honour when your mom asked me." "How could I refuse?" "It means a lot to her, but it also means a lot to me." "I couldn't imagine you not being a part of this ceremony." "Despite any awkwardness this might stir up-- lt's a big day for your parents. I'm not counting on it changing our lives so it's not gonna stir anything up unless we let it." "My point exactly." "Yeah." "I have to go." "I have something borrowed but I don't have anything blue yet." "Shouldn't be too hard." "Seems to be some of that going around." "Yeah." "Hey, Pace, you sure this trip is such a good idea?" "I already cleared it with Dad." "Stay close to shore." "Call home every week." "I know the drill." "That's not exactly what I'm talking about." "Are you gonna miss me?" "is that it, Doug?" "What you're leaving behind here will be that much bigger out there alone." "Does Joey know you're leaving?" "If she does, I didn't tell her." "So I guess she doesn't really know how you feel about her either, right?" "She knows how I feel." "Pace, have you spelled it out to her?" "I mean, in clear, unwavering terms." "Have you done that?" "And what would happen if I did that?" "Worst case, nothing." "Best case, she gives you a reason to stay." "See, that right there is what happens to the male mind when it's exposed to too many Katharine Hepburn movies." "Every time you look at the stars, you're gonna see her face." "You can't run away from her, Pacey." "Well, I can try." "You know, there really is a certain pleasing symmetry to this." "You, me, together again." "President and vice president of the Bitter Club..." "...reunited for one last session." "Yeah. I'm not bitter." "Sure, everybody wants their prom night to end with the person they're most attracted to speeding away from them on a commuter train." "When he comes over here, would you mind telling him that I still mean what I said, I haven't changed my mind and I hope that football camp in Cleveland is sweaty, gross, girl-free, not to mention painful and debilitating?" "Do you realise how immature this is?" "Jeez." "Jack, could you tell Jen that I left my copy of Siddhartha in her locker?" "l want it back." "No." "Why not?" "Because she's standing right here." "Could you just ask her, please?" "Henry, this is ridiculous." "Hey, Jen, guess what." "Henry's come over here with this ridiculously lame Siddhartha-related pretext because he's hoping..." "...that you'll give him another chance." "Wait." "That's not what I said." "You tell Henry that if he would like his book back he should probably start digging." "Translation:" "She threw it away because it's a painful reminder of how much she regrets freaking out like a total drama queen..." "...and breaking up with you at prom." "l'm no drama queen." "And I'm not the only one who totally freaked out." "A personal affront." "Must be the going rate for converting young-lover subtext to text these days." "He's right, Jen." "Neither of us is being very direct right now." "So how's this?" "I'm sorry." "You know what, Henry?" "I'm sorry too." "I'm sorry that we ever met." "That's too bad." "Because I'm not." "You have nothing else you want to say to me?" "No." "Nothing." "I guess that finishes that." "Andie." "Oh, hey." "Hey, come in. lt's a little hectic here." "Yeah." "So I see." "Guess that's why you ran out of school without signing this." "My yearbook." "Andie, as much as I admire your devotion to high-school ritual I can't believe you paid 34.95 so you could look back on the disaster otherwise known as junior year." "Oh, wait." "No, no." "I marked a page for you." "Subtlety's not exactly your forte, is it?" "He's leaving." "He's gonna take this summer sailing trip." "You know, some macho adventure." "Good for him." "Yeah." "So, well, we're gonna have this little sendoff tomorrow night." "A picnic by the docks." "Tomorrow's the rehearsal dinner." "So even if I wanted to go, which I don't...." "Dawson, you do realise that one of you is gonna have to make the first move, don't you?" "It's not gonna be me, and it's not gonna be tomorrow night." "There you go. I signed on the page with all the faculty headshots." "Dawson, for what it's worth I'm not over the pain of this yet either." "Letting go isn't a one-time thing." "It's something that you have to do over and over again, every day." "Thanks." "Sure." "Excuse me." "Driver's license and registration, please." "You're kidding me, right?" "Driver's license and registration, please." "Miss Potter, I clocked you going roughly" "You have a radar gun?" "Visual assessment." "You were going 5 to 7 miles per hour below the posted speed limit on this particular thoroughfare." "But I'll let it go with a warning this time." "l promise to be careful." "Not that kind of warning." "Just thought you might like to know that, unbeknownst to you a particular attitudinally-challenged younger sibling is preparing to leave Capeside for the summer." "He's gonna sail himself down to the Florida Keys for the next three months." "When does he leave?" "ln a couple of days." "I just thought you'd like to know about it before it was too late for you to say or do something." "Thank you." "lt's not a problem, Miss Potter." "Passenger advisory is typical officer protocol." "Want a bite?" "This is your solution?" "What are you talking about?" "You're leaving?" "Just when things get tough, you're gonna leave?" "Well, that's the general idea." "Yep." "Oh, real mature, Pacey." "Well, what do you want me to do?" "Watch from afar as you and Dawson attempt to resuscitate your ailing relationship?" "No, thanks." "I expected you to at least say goodbye." "Oh, yeah." "The goodbye scene." "Played that one over a thousand times in my head." "I come to you, heart in hand, and announce my plans." "You look at me, pained, but then, of course, the Potter sarcasm kicks in and I leave, never getting what I came for." "What is that, Pacey?" "You never ask me to stay." "Ever." "That's not my decision." "Yes, it is. lt always has been." "You may be too afraid to make it, but let's be honest." "The decision to be together or not has always been yours." "All I asked for was time." "And that's exactly what you got." "And you're gonna get three more months of it." "I may be undecided, but at least I'm not running away." "You can dress it up any way you want." "It still comes down to the same thing." "You're giving up." "l'm giving up?" "Yeah, you." "Me?" "Turn around." "It's your wall." "It's unfinished, just like us." "Believe it or not, this is not the ending that I asked for." "Me neither." "But it's the ending we got, isn't it?" "Yeah, I guess it is." "At this time, Gale will begin her vows to Mitch." "No offence, Reverend, but I have 20 people coming for dinner in an hour." "Yeah." "And seeing as how Gale and I have done this before" "Go on." "We'll do the rest when it's for real." "Thank you, Reverend." "Yeah." "I haven't finished my best-man speech yet." "Any thoughts?" "I don't think I have much to say about relationships these days, Dawson." "If you have someplace else you'd rather be, why don't you go." "What are you talking about?" "Do I have to spell it out for you?" "Pacey's going-away party." "I'm here, aren't I?" "Yeah, in body, but not in spirit." "Joey, you've got nothing positive to say." "You're basically going through the motions with a scowl." "Dawson, I'm doing the best I can." "Can you cut me some slack?" "Cut me some slack." "Don't make me feel like this." "Like what?" "Like you're stuck with me." "All right?" "I don't deserve that." "You're right." "You don't. I'm...." "l'm sorry." "Why don't you just go." "All right?" "Give the guy my best." "I'm staying." "Oh, look." "Star light, star bright First star I see tonight" "Who wants to make the first wish?" "Oh, my God." "That's a piece of a crab shell." "Chipped my tooth." "Great." "Just what I need to keep men permanently away." "If that doesn't work, you can join me this summer in the nunnery." "At least you got to have relationships before they failed." "Good grief." "You all sound like a bunch of old ladies." "Grams, it's been a tough couple of months." "You don't know what tough is." "No offence, but you have no idea what our lives are like." "What, you think I've never been in love before?" "Yeah, once." "With one man your whole entire life." "You know, when I was just a few years older than you I was working at Brunswick Naval Hospital, and I met a boy who had the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen." "He was leaving for Pusan in the morning." "But we had an entire glorious day on the beach." "And at the end of that day, he leaned in close to me and whispered, "Will you wait for me?"" "So, what'd you do?" "l froze." "I knew if I leaned just 2 inches closer the world as I knew it would be changed forever." "So you did nothing?" "You didn't kiss him, you didn't try to speak to him?" "You just did nothing." "Nothing." "You ever wonder what your life might have been like if you had kissed him?" "That is just the point." "I don't have to wonder." "The very next day, I got my best friend, Sally, to cover the shift for me." "And after seven turbulent hours in the cargo hold of a C-1 30 I arrived in San Diego, went straight to the dock and in front of the entire crew of the U.S.S. Missouri, I kissed him." "Wow." "That's funny. I had no idea Gramps was in the Korean War." "He wasn't." "Thomas Culpepper the boy with the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen died in Pusan in shallow water, before he ever made it off the boat." "And two years later, I married your grandfather." "So I've had 46 wonderful years with one man and one perfect kiss with another." "And I have no regrets." "Wonder how many of you will be able to say that about your lives." "Have you seen Dad?" "No." "You seen Joey?" "No." "Bessie called." "She said she wants you to stop by the store on your way home." "Thanks." "Sure." "Joey, about this afternoon...." "l don't want to fight." "That's the last thing I want to do." "Well, I don't want to fight either, Dawson." "I'm sorry." "If we're gonna have an honest relationship, Dawson, then there's something you should know." "I broke things off with Pacey, not entirely, but in large part because I didn't want to lose you." "I may have lived across the creek, but it was only when I rowed here that I actually felt like I was rowing home." "I mean, you're so much of my life, Dawson." "I mean, your house is my house, and your family is my family." "And there's not a single significant event I've experienced that you haven't experienced with me." "And I was so afraid of losing that." "But if that wasn't the choice and if I thought that there was a chance that you would forgive me I may have chosen differently." "And you deserve to know that." "Jennifer, what's wrong?" "I wish that I hadn't let Henry go without telling him how I really feel. I wish...." "Now it's too late." "lt's never too late." "Yeah, I suppose." "Here's what I suppose." "What are you doing?" "We're gonna catch that bus and you're going to tell that boy exactly how you feel." "What took you so long?" "I got thirsty." "I called Bessie." "Bessie called you." "I tell you, it is not easy work finishing things off." "Pacey, what does this mean?" "Well, it means you were right." "That my leaving would be giving up on you." "And I'm not quite prepared to do that just yet." "But it also means I need to know that you're not prepared to give up on me yet either." "So all that being said, I refer to the wall with its hastily yet adoringly written SOS which, I guess, kind of speaks for itself." "I spent an hour and a half staring at this half-painted wall after we talked last night." "Just staring and thinking." "So the way I figure it, it's your turn to stare now." "I do promise to love you, in good times and in bad." "In sickness and in health." "I loved you before I knew you." "I will love you for all eternity." "For you are my beloved, Mitchell." "You're my best friend." "I loved you before I knew you." "And I will love you for eternity." "For you are my beloved." "You are my best friend." "And now, by the power vested in me I'm happy to pronounce you husband and wife, again." "Mitch, you may kiss the bride." "Grams, we've been driving for hours." "His bus could be anywhere by now." "Yeah, or we could have missed him." "You can't miss a giant grey bus filled with high-school football players." "Like that one right there." "Where?" "Oh, my God." "Okay." "Jen." "Oh, my God." "Okay." "Henry!" "Henry!" "Henry Parker!" "Oh, God." "Hey, Henry!" "Henry Parker!" "Come on, out of the way." "Come on." "Henry!" "Are you in there?" "Henry!" "Whoa, whoa, whoa." "You can't go in there." "What, have you lost your mind?" "Quite possibly, yes." "I might have lost it." "Henry, nine months ago, you paid $500 to kiss me and I was too dumb to realise what you were really offering me." "But I know now. lt means there really is such a thing as a second chance." "No matter how old or jaded you are, when you meet the person you're supposed to be with, everything's new." "A sunset, a cheesy love song and especially sex." "I'm the reason that we didn't have sex after prom." "l know." "Not because I was mad at you but because I was more nervous than you are." "I've been with guys before, but I have never been with anybody that I loved." "And in that way, I'm more of a virgin than you could ever be." "Thanks a lot." "Come on." "What do you care?" "Come here." "Yeah!" "Henry!" "Henry!" "Henry!" "Henry!" "Look, I can't do it, Pacey." "I can't give you a reason to stay." "I have so much to work through." "I can't begin to process it all." "I mean, how I feel about you and how I feel about Dawson. l" "You've made your choice." "Right there." "You've made your choice." "Good for you." "Yeah, I guess I have." "Yeah." "It wasn't so hard, was it?" "You should have made it months ago." "Saved us all a lot of time and energy." "And heartache." "I see all members of the triangle present and accounted for." "Can I have this camera?" "I'm gonna go take some pictures." "Jo." "Yeah?" "I don't even get a goodbye?" "Goodbye, Pacey." "I'm just wondering." "What the hell are you doing here?" "Ease up, man." "I'm here for the wedding." "Last I heard, you were sailing the seven seas." "As indeed I am." "Tomorrow." "Today, I'm here for your parents." "Well, I'll be sure to pass on your congratulations." "Yeah." "Speaking of congratulations I guess I should be passing some on to you." "What are you talking about?" "Well, she made her choice, Dawson." "You're it." "You got what you wanted." "Things are never gonna be the same between us, are they?" "No." "Yeah." "Yeah, I didn't think so." "Yeah." "l'll write you every day." "Just come back in one piece." "That was awesome." "You gotta resign from that Bitter Club." "Oh, I'll still be there in spirit." "Oh, I am so proud of you." "You showed great, great courage today." "How's it feel?" "Well, I feel like an idiot." "A happy idiot." "Did she say " happy"?" "You don't know how long l've waited to hear that." "Yeah, you and me both. I've been waiting a long time to feel it." "Okay." "Okay, enough hugging for today." "I think that we've still got one thing left to do on our "carpe diem" road trip." "Jack, it's your turn." "No." "No." "No way." "Our era of regret ends right now." "What's the fastest route to Boston?" "I used to be able to look in your eyes and know what you were thinking." "These days I haven't a clue." "I was just thinking about this summer." "How much there's gonna be to do." "I mean, we didn't get a chance to spend last summer together, you and I." "We'll have a lot to catch up on." "I mean, there'll be water-skiing with your dad." "And Fourth of July on Waldeck Island." "And, you know, we could even go into Boston for a weekend. I mean...." "That would be fun." "Yeah." "Wish me luck." "I guess he will be...." "Jack?" "Hey." "Hey." "Well, what are you doing here?" "I just drove a really long way to-- To tell you...." "More sort of to try and explain, really." "No, I don't mean that." "I want to show you." "Okay?" "I want to show you that I can and that I'm not afraid to...." "Oh, hell." "This." "Jack." "No." "I know there's people around, but who cares, right?" "I mean, that's the whole point." "I finally have the courage to do this." "Jack, this is Brad." "As in your ex-boyfriend, Brad?" "No." "As in his boyfriend, Brad." "I think I'm gonna let you two talk this one out." "See you at practice." "Wow." "Okay." "Explanation time." "No." "No explanations necessary." "It's clear I just inducted myself into the Halls of the Permanently Pathetic." "Please, Jack." "Just listen." "The timing, it just isn't there right now." "And Brad and l- l don't want to hear about the details of your joyful reunion right now, okay?" "Sure, Jack." "I'm sorry." "I really am." "The first time my parents got married, they were young, just out of college." "And I remember looking at the photo album as a kid wondering why I wasn't in the pictures." "It's hard when you love someone that much to imagine them having this entire life that you weren't even there for." "And I have to say that being here today, experiencing this firsthand finally getting to be in all the pictures I wouldn't trade this for anything, because I'd much rather be a part of what you guys have now than what you had then." "That point where everything is forgiven." "And I think that's what love really means." "That you can forgive anything." "So to my parents who taught me that love does not conquer all." "That love ends and begins again." "Hear, hear." "Cheers." "Hey." "Your speech was beautiful." "Thanks." "What you said...." "Did you mean it, Dawson?" "Every word." "Which is why you should turn around and go to Pacey." "What?" "Last year, you had the opportunity to go to Paris, and because of me, you didn't." "Dawson, that wasn't your fault." "Yes, it was. I should've made you go." "But I was selfish, and I didn't want you to go." "I wanted you to stay here with me." "And I refuse to make that mistake again." "Dawson, I mean, what if it's my choice?" "What if I want to stay?" "Joey, come on." "Even I can see it." "Pacey's this year's Paris." "And this time, you have to go." "You have to see for yourself." "I can tell you it's a colossal mistake and all roads lead back to me, but it won't make a difference." "Words and speeches sound great, but they don't add up to anything." "All that matters right now is what you want." "l don't even know what I want." "Yes, you do." "You want him." "You want him like I want you." "You love him like I love you." "The only difference is, he loves you back the same way." "And you deserve that." "And I'm not gonna be the one who stands in the way of you getting that." "You're free." "You can do whatever you want." "Yeah, but I want us to still be friends." "I want to know that you don't hate me." "Those are words, Joey." "They're just words." "Because after you're done dispensing your pleasantries here you're gonna turn around, and you're gonna walk away from me." "Aren't you?" "l have to." "Otherwise, I'll never know." "Just go." "Look, Dawson" "Joey, go. I'm telling you." "Before I take it all back." "Just go." "Go." "Hey, Jack. I'm glad you're back." "I want to show you something." "I'm not really in the mood right now." "Hey, what's the matter?" "l just want to be alone." "Hey, hey, you can talk to me." "This is something you don't want to hear." "You don't know that." "Really?" "You want to hear that I found out that Ethan got back together with his ex?" "You want to hear that I found that out after I kissed him?" "Well, that's interesting." "Yeah, that's interesting, right?" "Come on, admit it." "The thought of me kissing another guy disgusts you." "l disgust you." "Hey, now, that is not true." "Yes, it is." "You're angry." "You're hurting right now." "But I will not let you pick an argument just so you can vent your frustration." "Oh, no. I spent an entire year developing this relationship." "And working on it." "Now it's a wash." "The whole year's a wash." "My life is a wash!" "Your life is not a wash." "You hurt now because you had the guts to put yourself out there." "To go after what you wanted." "I can't...." "l can't keep going through this." "It's like having all the problems of a typical teenager and then there's this whole other level of constant fear and pain." "Do you know the anguish I went through over a kiss?" "One stupid little kiss." "Most people don't have to do that." "You're right." "They don't." "Then why me?" "I don't want to be different." "I didn't ask to be gay." "No more than I asked for a gay son." "But, boy, am I glad I got one." "You don't mean that." "Yeah. I do." "Oh, behold." "Your official pick-me-up posse." "Yeah." "Andie and I thought that maybe you could use a little company." "So then I took it upon myself to call Jack-Attack and tell him to hurry over." "Then I took it upon myself to run to the video store and grab some movies." "Thanks, guys. I really appreciate you coming over, but I...." "l really think what I need right now is" "Sorry, Dawson." "No can do." "Yeah. I think that the words, " l want to be alone right now" are used far too often around here." "Kind of ranks right up there with, " Can we talk?"" "Yeah, and there's those countless references towards all things Freud and Spielberg." "Yeah. I'm pretty sure of it." "We're not in Capeside anymore, Toto." "This is some alternate reality where our intellects are sharper our quips are wittier, and our hearts are repeatedly broken while, faintly in the background, some soon-to-be-out-of-date contempo pop music plays." "So why does it hurt so much?" "Because our pain makes us real, Dawson." "But we can't do it alone." "None of us can." "Sit down." "So, what'd you guys do today?" "Oh, my God." "You are not gonna believe these two." "Pacey!" "Pacey!" "Pacey!" "Do you want something, Jo?" "I want to talk to you." "No, no." "A bit late for this now." "I'm leaving." "You can't stop me." "So don't even try." "No." "That's not why I'm here." "So why are you here?" "You wanna say goodbye again?" "Maybe you wanted to rub it in a little?" "I don't wanna stop you, Pacey." "I don't wanna stop Dawson." "And I don't want to be stopped." "Not by either of you." "Not by anyone." "That's what this year has been about." "We've been trying to stop each other from moving on and growing up, but...." "But not you." "I mean, you're different." "And you've challenged me every step of the way." "And you've been there every step of the way." "Jo, departure time is in T-minus 30 seconds." "So if there's a point, I suggest you get to it." "I think I'm in love with you." "You think or you know?" "I know." "I've known it since the moment you kissed me and maybe even before that, and...." "Scary as it is, I don't want to deny it anymore, Pacey." "I don't want to run from it, and I don't want to let it run from me." "So what are we gonna do here, Jo?" "I want to come with you." "What?" "Yeah." "Are you crazy?" "I wanna stop standing still and move forward. I wanna come with you." "What about Bessie and the BB?" "They need you." "Not as much as I need you, Pacey." "Permission to come aboard?" "Permission granted." "You can swim, can't you?" "Of course." "I'm kind of worried about the next change of clothes." "There's nothing to worry about." "We're gonna hit the next port in a few days." "A few days?" "Yeah." "Or a few days after that." | {
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"Movement." "Two men." "Approximately" "40 goats." "They're not on anybody's side." "We don't have to shoot them." "Egress?" "Primary over the top, secondary down the road, tertiary to the river." "No one can track you through the water except a fish." "Sarah's headed off to nursing school next month." "She sewed that herself." "It's beautiful." "You sure this is a peacekeeping mission?" "Normally there isn't any peace to start with." "This shit's awful calm." " Not at these coordinates." " Yes, sir." "Go ahead and plot an alternate." "Yes, sir." "Command Post, Command Post, this is TS-129, over." "Sir, I have visual confirmation of TS-129's current position." "Mission accomplished, en route to extract site." "Distance eight klicks." "Over." "Command Post, Command Post, this is Viper." "I have friendly forces moving towards extraction point, over." "Heads up, our boys are coming through." "Viper, this is CP." "Be advised, possible hostile forces approaching TS-129 at their 12:00." "Call them out." "Target." "Sector Bravo, deep." "Vehicle, belt-fed weapon." "Range it." "870 yards and closing." "Wind, three-quarter value, push 2 left." "900 yards." "Wide spot on the road." "On target." "Hold scope." "Fire when ready." "Hit." "Command Post, this is Viper." "Hostile threat down, over." "Viper, this is Command Post." "We copy your traffic, over." "Call it in." "It's time to go." "Command Post, this is Viper." "Mission accomplished." " Packing up." " Shit!" "Viper, be advised larger hostile forces approaching near sector Bravo." "Weren't supposed to be hostiles that close!" "Crooked tree." "675, 30 miles an hour, three-mil lead." "Position to machine gun." "900, three-quarter value." "Fire when ready." "Jefe. 920." "Three-quarter value." " I see it, Donnie." "I see it." " Fire when ready." " They don't know where we are." " But they might get lucky!" "Command Post, Command Post, this is Viper." "Enemy forces have been stopped." "Break." "Friendlies are continuing on to extract point." "Break." "We're receiving small arms and indirect fire from hostile troops." "Break." "Command Post, do you read me?" "Shut it down." "They're highly-trained men, eight kilometres inside a country we are not supposed to be in." "I'm sure they'll get out just fine." "Shut it down now." "Radio check." "Do you read me?" " Okay, wrap it up." "Let's go!" " Do you read me?" " Pull out those tracks." " Pull out those tracks and pack it up!" "Intelligence said they didn't have air support!" "Call it in!" "Shit!" "The channel's down!" "That's impossible!" "The comm link's dead!" "They left us here." "Don't worry, we're getting home!" "Donnie?" "Donnie!" "Come on, boy!" "Come on, Sam!" "What're you doing, huh?" "What're you doing?" "Come on." "What?" "I got nothing." "What?" "All right, come on, let's go." "Let's go." "That's a good boy." "Good boy." "Well, let's see what lies they're trying to sell us today." "Here, boy." "Good boy." "Gunnery Sergeant Bob Lee Swagger." "USMC, retired." "He is the best there is." "His last assignment went wrong." "Put in unfriendly territory on a loan-out and left as expendable." "Opposing force sent an attack helicopter and a hundred-man company." "His best friend and spotter was killed." "No official report." "Ghost report says he inflicted 70 percent casualties, the rest fled." "The agency asset that left them there to die?" "Suddenly removed from the face of the earth two weeks after." "They never laid it at Bob Lee's feet." "He retired a week later." "I guess Bob Lee didn't think he was expendable." "Grows and shoots his own food." "Yeah, he rarely ventures out at all." "This is a man with a history of duty and patriotism." " Not as punch lines, but as core beliefs." " Aye." "Some people don't know what to do when their belief system collapses." "Bob Lee is one of those." "You sure, boy?" "Nope." "I ain't buying." "I don't want any." "You guys turn around and go back to wherever you came from." "Bob Lee Swagger?" "My name is Colonel Isaac Johnson." "You're a hard man to find." "But not hard enough." "Come a long way to see you." "We have some business needs your attention." "You wanna use your low gear going down the road or your brakes'll go." " Come here." "Come here, boy." " Don't do that." "Come near the porch I didn't invite you, you'd have to shoot the dog." "That's a slow draw you got there." "Sure you want to do that?" "Shoot a dog in this county on a man's land," "I'd bury you in the hill, and tell the sheriff a month or two later." "He understands." "Take your hand off your weapon." "Slowly." "So the gunnery sergeant doesn't have to bury you in the hill." "I don't carry a gun." "You know what that is?" "It's a Congressional Medal of Honour." "They don't hand those out easy." "Yours?" "Yeah." "Your father had one, didn't he?" "What did you do?" "Something foolhardy." "Kept some other boys alive." "Will you give me five minutes?" "Yeah, your dog stays outside." "Come on, boy." "Get in there." "I need you to plan a presidential assassination." "Whose president?" "Ours." "I didn't say "execute"." "Plan." "So it can be stopped." "There's gonna be an attempt on the life of the President in the next two weeks." "Code was broken on an anonymous transmission." "It was internal." "We can't go to the usual agencies." "The government itself has been penetrated." "The President has three public engagements during that time." "Baltimore, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C." "Standard Secret Service protective cordon is out to 880 yards." "But this intercept claims that the shot will be taken from beyond a mile." "We need you to scout, tell us how you would do it, so we could stop it." "I'm not entirely convinced that a shot like this could be made." "But let's not take the chance." "Your longer shots were never confirmed." "That's because long shots generally go places you wouldn't wanna have to go afterwards to confirm them." "Confirmation's a desk pogue's problem." "You know what it takes to make a shot at that range?" "Everything comes into play that far." "Humidity, elevation, temperature, wind, spindrift." "There's a 6- to10-second flight time so you have to shoot at where the target's going to be." "Even the Coriolis effect, the spin of the Earth, comes into play." "President'll be wearing body armour." "That means a headshot, at over a mile." "You believe there's a shooter involved capable of making this shot?" "Yes." "Well, then you got a real problem." "You need to find the shooter." "That's being worked on from another direction." "We need you to do this." "Don't really like the President much." "Didn't like the one before that much, either." "You like the idea of the President?" "Living in a free country?" "Do we allow America to be ruled by thugs?" "Sure, some years we do." "I believe you stood before a flag and solemnly swore that you'd support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic." "I think your five minutes is up." "Listen to me, son." "I don't want you to turn on the TV next week and see the President dead, and know you could've done something about it." "Don't do that to yourself." "Is that the new one?" "The truck." "You got the big engine in there?" "Wow, look at that, huh?" "Eight-litre V8." "Thing's so big, EPA doesn't even bother to give you the gas mileage for it." "You mind if I take a picture?" "This is beautiful." "Someone will be at this number night or day." "You see what he did?" "He didn't need a photo of the engine." "No, he doesn't give a rat's ass about the engine." "He's trained in counterintel." "Backed up far enough to take a picture of the plates." "This is our guy." "I thought he turned you down." "He said yes." "He just doesn't know it yet." "1,760's a mile." "It's a far piece, Sam." "Think the President ought to worry?" "Yeah, I think he better worry." "Yeah, he'll be fine." "Just feed him once a day." "Read him a few ballistics tables if he looks lonely." "Yep." "I'm out." "Come here, buddy." "Okay." "Think you'll be able to tough it out without me for a couple days?" "Yeah." "This is Command Post." "What's your status?" "Over." "Yeah, we're finishing up here on 6th." "Roger that." "We copy." "Checkpoint down, over." "Before you stands Independence Hall, the birthplace of the United States and one of the most important buildings in American history." "Built in 1732..." "Keep a visual eye on 72nd both the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution were debated and signed here." "Out of the three cities, there's only one with a reasonably high chance of success." "There was no room in Baltimore." "Street isn't wide enough to correct for the windage, buildings are in the way." "D.C.'s a pure suicide mission." "I mean, unless you're sure your shooter's interested in 70 virgins waiting for him in the afterlife," "I'd rule that out." "Shot's got to be taken from Philly." "From beyond 1,800 yards, though." "It's one of six possible locations, approximately five storeys above the President's location." "Flight time of the bullet that distance is five to six seconds." "They'll have to wait till he takes the podium, several lines into his speech." "That way he'd be completely static, obviously at his most exposed." "Shot requires a large-calibre weapon." "Expect the bullet to be handmade, bronzed alloy turned on a lathe." "Slightly lower ballistics coefficient, touch more slippery." "Least that's what I'd do." "You can kill him from that far away?" "Mile and a half, the bullet's going to strike with more energy than a.44 Magnum point blank." "Yeah, I think you can kill him." "The challenge is the wind." "Lightest breeze uncorrected at that distance is enough to ruin the shot." "He's gonna need indicators between the podium and the shooting position." "Velocity corrections are easy, but an angle change, that becomes a trig problem." "He's gotta do that in his head on the fly." "Without something to gauge, your shot's just too tough to make cold bore." "Impressive recon and report, son." "Move too soon, we lose him." "We want to take him alive." "If we don't know who hired him, it could just happen again." "We'll have six three-man teams standing by." "Gunnery Sergeant Swagger?" "A moment?" "You've done your country a great service, son." " On the day..." " Look..." "Listen." "You're one of the few people who knows what to look for." "I could use a spotter." "Thank you, Philadelphia." "The President speaks in 20 minutes." "... before you on this stage..." "Notify our teams." "Check their positions." "... patriots met in Independence Hall and created a document, the Declaration of Independence..." "Sir?" "... and a country, the United States of America, that changed the world." "Philadelphia is our home." "We are..." "Stand by, all teams." "This is Listening Post." "Flashlight's current location is approaching Checkpoint Jason." "All sniper teams send update on your sitrep." "Stand by." "Yes, I have a clear line of sight." "Copy that." "Post 18 clear, over." "Post 19, please report." "What's your status?" "All clear." "There's really nothing going on here." "The Archbishop of Ethiopia..." "The President will be awarding the Philadelphia Brotherhood Medal to His Grace Desmond Mutumbo, the Archbishop of Ethiopia." "There's been some controversy surrounding the Archbishop as he's been speaking out regarding the atrocities in his country." "He plans to meet with the President right after the ceremony to discuss these matters." "These are great times." "These are historic times." "And these are troubled times, as well." "This medal that your country..." "Yellow ribbons." "Yeah, people put those up to remember the troops." "No, they tie those low around trees." "These are windage flags." "Roughly the location I'd have put them in for a shot from the steeple." "Yeah." "Maybe." "No, definitely." "He knows what he's doing." "You guys got a team in place to take out the church?" "They'll move right before the shot is taken, when his focus is elsewhere." "... raises its head and confronts freedom, but slyly, subtly, chokes it off at the root." "And it is our responsibility to find these dark weeds." "Flashlight has arrived." "I say again, Flashlight has arrived." " Lf you just joined us..." " Hi." "Officer Timmons, our local resource." "Bob Lee Swagger." "It is a real honour to meet you." "You're unsnapped, officer." "Shit." "Oh, fuck." "Don't want to lose that now, do I?" "Again, it's an honour." "... of our stewardship of this great..." " That our guy in the collar?" " The Archbishop of Ethiopia." "He's getting a medal." "Know it?" "HOA." "Horn of Africa." "Yeah." "You know I worked there?" "You know what they say about the first thing that you feel when you shoot a civilian, right?" " Recoil of your rifle?" " Right." "That's very original." "Thank you, Archbishop, for those inspiring words." "The President speaks next." "All teams stand by." "Agent Gibson, we read your fly-by." "Situation all clear, over." "Agent James, all clear." "Now it gives me enormous pleasure..." " Got wind at three, full value." "...to introduce to you the President of the United States." "Make it four-and-a-half minutes of angle." "Three-mil hold, in case the wind dies." "He's loaded." "Altitude, humidity, temperature accounted for." "In the city that was the capital of..." "We got to take him." "Ten seconds." "Wind matches his setup." "Take him!" "Take him now!" "Send in the ERT team." "Take out the..." "Shots fired!" "Shots fired!" "Flashlight is down, Flashlight is down." " What?" "Flashlight down?" " I say again." "Flashlight is down." " The President has been shot." " There's mass confusion..." "Has the President been shot?" "Right at the church steeple." "How could you miss?" "How could you fucking miss?" "Thirty seconds, clear out." "Chase him down." "He's bleeding." "Kill him." "Command Post to Condor Two, load up, over." "Condor Two loading up." "Go, go, go, go, go!" "Hurry up, guys." "Come on." "Condor Two, this is Command Post." "Stand by for update, over." "Standing by, over." "Command Post!" "Command Post!" "Command Post, this is Post 19." "You guys read me?" " Should I hold post?" " Please." "Please help me." "Please." "They shot me." " FBI." "Put your hands up!" " Please." "Hey." "Save me." "What?" "Give me the keys." "I didn't shoot the President." "Timmons was a setup." "Help!" "FBI!" "Took my weapon and my car." "Don't worry, I already shot him twice." "You all right?" "CP, 17, can you repeat possible suspect description?" "Negative, no further at this time." "CP, this is 15." "No activity at my location." "I am available to move if necessary." "Copy that." "This is Officer Timmons requesting backup." "Pursuing suspect in assassination." "Now fleeing in stolen FBI vehicle, moving south on Front from Diamond." "Suspect is armed and dangerous." "I repeat, suspect is armed and dangerous." "All Philly PD units be advised, assassination suspect is fleeing in a stolen FBI vehicle." "He is going south on Front from Diamond." "This is Condor 2." "We are transitioning from roadhouse to Front Street." "Please advise for further description of suspect vehicle." "Dispatch, 419, I'm heading south on Thompson." "Do we have a colour, anything on the vehicle?" "Assassination suspect's vehicle is one government-issue black 2006 Ford Crown Vic." "Pennsylvania licence number 7- 3-1-7 James David Edward, over." "What was suspect's last known location?" "Over." "Last known is south on Front." "This is Agent James." "Do we have multiple suspects or a single suspect?" "Agent James, negative." "No further information..." "This is Agent Pittman." "Car seen going high speed on Castor." "High speed on Castor." "Be advised." "Timmons called it in?" "Right on time, like he was supposed to." " Before he shot him again." " Yeah, well, he's been hit twice, so unless he can stop the bleeding without going to the hospital or a doctor, it doesn't really matter." "They're going to find him lying dead by a dumpster in an alley in 20 minutes." "What is your location?" "Suspect vehicle a black sedan, four-door..." "All units be advised, eyewitness reports suspect vehicle entering High-Tech Car Wash on the northwest corner of Girard and 9th, over." "Command Post be advised, this is Condor Two en route to suspect location, over." "Command Post, Condor Three copies." "All en route." " Yo, man!" " Watch it, man!" "Shit!" "Command Post, Condors Two and Three moving to intercept, over." "Suspect vehicle collided with a truck under the 95." "He's at Market and Columbus." "Looks good." "Vehicle is disabled." "Repeat, vehicle disabled." "Take him down!" "Fire!" "I got a Crown Vic." "Black." "Government plates." "Dead guy in the front seat?" "I want the banks of this river lined for 30 miles, five minutes ago." "All right." "Let's start the search downriver." "I'm here with Officer Timmons, who pursued the suspect on foot." "Officer, can you tell us what happened?" "The would-be assassin, tentatively identified as retired Marine Gunnery Sergeant Bob Lee Swagger, is being pursued by thousands of State and Federal law enforcement personnel as we speak." "As the net begins to tighten nationwide, there is still no trace of Swagger." "Nothing but an abandoned car has been found at the bottom of the Delaware River." "Seven-year veteran Philadelphia police officer Stanley Timmons, first to respond to the scene, is believed to have shot and injured Swagger." "Early reports indicate that the assailant may have been hit as many as two times." "Meanwhile, the FBI has been unwilling to comment on information that an agent of theirs was assaulted and disarmed by Swagger as he fled the scene, possibly in a stolen FBI vehicle." "At this time, no sign of Swagger has been found." "You have embarrassed this office." "You will be facing a review from the Office of Professional Responsibility." "Sir..." "Well, I don't feel embarrassed." "A Force Recon Marine Scout Sniper disarmed me three weeks out of the academy." "If anything, I feel lucky to be alive." "Why'd he say he didn't shoot the President?" "Because he didn't." "Also, he said Timmons was a setup." "He never said that." "City cop managed to spot, shoot this guy twice." "You got your ass kicked." "You're misremembering." "That's normal under extreme stress events." "Have you given your official statement yet?" "Because I would be very cautious about what went in it." "Well, maybe I should wait for the report to come out, read it and then remember." "Can you believe this fucking guy?" "There you go." " Yes?" " The raw feeds are in from the networks." "... development, security camera footage from Washington, D.C." "And several locations in Philadelphia shows the suspect, Gunnery Sergeant Bob Lee Swagger, scouting shooting locations, travelling and taking wind readings." "As the net begins to tighten nationwide, there is still no trace of Swagger." "Excuse me." "Can't sell you nothing." "Just lost our power." "Please." "I got cash, and you can keep the change." "Ain't gonna be able to find nothing." "Please, all I need is a marinade needle, some salt, some sugar, couple bottles of water." "How many?" "Well, sir, I'm sorry." "I'm sorry to hear that." "I'm sure she's a really nice Christian woman but we don't take care of those things here." " Yeah." "Okay, well..." " The FBI released a video letter see a counsellor." "...threatening the life of the President..." "Dr Phil or something." "Okay." "... signed and dated by Bob Lee Swagger just 10 days ago." "Federal agents today executed a search warrant in the Wind River range of Wyoming where Swagger had been living for several years." "In the meantime, the FBI has been unwilling to comment, as no sign of Swagger has been found." " Get anything?" " No." "Yeah, wait, wait." "Where was this?" "And?" "Yes?" "She thinks it was him, but it was dark because the power was out in the store." " What'd he buy?" " Gotta be." "Salt, sugar, water, and a marinade injector." "Guy going to a barbecue." "Salt, water, an injector could be used for an IV, but what's with the sugar?" "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" "Hold that!" "Hold that!" "Well, sugar's been used to treat battlefield wounds for hundreds of years." "It has something to do with osmotic pressure." "It was popular during the Napoleonic War." "You go into Howard's office with the Napoleonic War, he's gonna put you on psych leave." "Go back to your desk." "I'm saving your life." "One thing is 1790 to 1800." "One thing is..." "I'm sorry to bother you, ma'am." "I know who you are." "You're Bob Lee." "Swagger." "Donnie's old partner." "Look, I didn't shoot the President." "I know." "You do?" "The President's not dead." "Ethiopian Archbishop is." "Why in the hell would somebody want to shoot him?" "Look, you're a nurse, right?" "No." "No, that was Donnie's dream." "I couldn't stand the blood." "I teach the third grade." " Please." " Look, you should go." "Please." "Please?" "I didn't do whatever they said I did." "I swear." "I'm in some bad trouble and I need some help." "I wouldn't have come all the way here to lie to you." "You still figuring on shooting me?" "Only that shotgun's a little long to bring up fast." "Look, if you're going to do it, just get it over with." "I ain't got nowhere else to go." "Pull the truck in the garage." "The neighbours'll be up in a minute." "You'd best call me Sarah." "All right." "911, what's your emergency?" "Hello?" "This is 911." "We received a hang-up from this location." "Yeah, neighbour's dog knocked over the trash cans and scared the hell out of me." "Everything's fine." "Thanks." "Okay, then." "Seems you call the police and hang up without saying anything, they call you back right away." "I should've come and seen you in person." "Before." "I mean, then." "Yeah, I read the letter." "It was okay." "And once a year I got the flowers." "You don't look real good." "I'm supposed to be dead." "Been a long night." "Why aren't you?" "Well, the U.S. Government spent a lot of time and money teaching me how not to die after they got done teaching me how to kill people." "So how is it I'm supposed to help you?" "You can do a running cross-stitch, finish it with an embroidery knot?" "Yeah." "You got to try to spread it out." "It's gonna look odd you buy it all in one place." "How can it be three years ago when it seems like ten?" "Mileage can be rough." "No one ever beats me in." "You never left." "Everyone keeps telling me I'm crazy." "Like I didn't see what I saw, or heard what I heard." "I'm not crazy, though." "You think I'm crazy?" "Where did all this stuff come from?" "At first I thought it was Washington, Quantico." "I checked and it didn't." "It just magically arrived." "Cooperating agencies, ATF, NRO, places that don't even have initials they cooperate in times of national emergency." "You need to get some sleep." "You know that the first ballistics diagram got here 22 minutes after the shooting." "We're good at our jobs." "12 minutes after the shooting, they were still scrambling choppers." "The scene was locked down." "How did they get a reverse azimuth 10 minutes after that?" "I mean, we work for the federal government." "We're not that good at our jobs." " You want to see something?" " Probably not." "I downloaded this." "This is a full-scale printout of a target Swagger shot two years ago at 1,000 yards." "I punched in the holes myself." "It was at a competition." "I read an article." "It said Swagger shot a silver dollar at a grand." "Five shots, at 1,000 yards, an inch-and-a-half spread." "An inch and a half!" "It was the capital of the United States..." "That's the flag behind the President." "It's barely waving." "This is the wind speed and direction according to the National Weather Service at the time of the shot." "I did the math." "Now, how does a man who can do that miss by two-and-a-half feet at 2,000 yards?" "I don't get it." "You've had a long night." "Let it go and get some sleep." "You know, I saw Timmons interviewed." "He said he was walking foot patrol, saw a rifle barrel sticking out of a window, went upstairs to investigate, and shot Swagger." "No sniper sticks his rifle out of a window." "They shoot from cover, back in the room." "It doesn't make any sense." " I'm gonna talk to Timmons." " No, you're not." "Why?" "'Cause they're gonna fire me if I do?" "Timmons was killed by a mugger in an alley last night." "In a conspiracy, all loose ends are trimmed." "Jack Ruby shoots Oswald?" "Bad things happen to good people." "Yeah, not that quick, they don't." "Well, I stopped the bleeding temporarily." "But it'll cut loose again." "I held off the worst of the infection, but you're gonna have to open it up," "Cut out and scrub away anything that's dead, working your way out, sewing it together and you got to try to make sure you don't re-infect it." "You ready for this?" "I'm going to do all those Whip-It!" "'s and pass out." "Good luck, okay?" "I need you to plan a presidential assassination." "That our guy in the collar?" "Whose president?" "I didn't say "execute"." "He's getting a medal." "Know it?" "The Archbishop of Ethiopia." "You need to find the shooter." "No." "Two-and-a-half days, shot twice, no sign?" "Find me something." "Maybe he crawled into a hole and died." "He's not dead." "Tear apart his life." "Again." "Go okay?" "I've been hallucinating." "Something I need to tell you." "Ralphie's dead." "Who's Ralphie?" "Well, they said you shot your dog 'cause you knew you weren't coming back." "They said that, huh?" "Name was Sam." "He was a good dog." "I raised him from a pup." "You okay?" "No." "What are you gonna do?" "I'll get better." "Then I'm going to burn their playhouse down." "Can I help you?" "Hold still." "I been meaning to ask you." "You have a boyfriend?" "Why?" "Am I still supposed to be the grieving widow?" "It's been three years." "No." "Just wonder if I'm gonna have to shoot somebody walks through that door without knocking, wondering where you've been." "Well, no." "Nothing steady." "No boyfriend." "Not bad." "A little stiff, but..." "Hey." "You know, you would've made one hell of a nurse." "That was really brave, what you did." "You saved my life." "I'm better." "I better get to it." "They're never gonna stop chasing you." "Never." "They're never gonna stop looking." "In the meantime, they need someone else to find." "I'm going to give them him." "Excuse me?" "May be a way to get two birds with that stone, too." " Swagger?" " Hey." "The gun Donnie learned to hunt with when he was a kid." "It ain't much, but it shoots true." "I cleaned and oiled it before I put it away." "You sure?" "Yeah." "Why'd you go?" "When they came to see you." "They know which buttons to press." "I'm still enough of a sucker, you press that patriot button," "I'll sit up in my chair and say, "Which way you want me to go, boss?"" "I mean, I ain't real proud of it, but I ain't ashamed, either." "You know, I got a plan, but I think I'm going to need your help." "Okay." "I'll do it." "I haven't even told you what it is yet." "I know." "Look." "It was my fault." "What?" "You know, with Donnie." "I should never have..." "What?" "Don't you dare." "Don't you try and take that away from him." "He knew exactly what he was doing when he enlisted." "He knew exactly what he was doing when he enrolled in scout sniper training." "He loved what he did." "No one made him do it." "That ain't yours to carry." "You're right." "I'm sorry I tried." "It's okay." "I need you to meet with this FBI agent." "Use him to flush Johnson out of his hiding place." "Give him the vehicle ID number." "He'll do what he's trained to do." "You get in and get out." "Don't get caught." "You get caught, I get caught." "You know what that is?" "Says he didn't shoot no one, but I don't know." "Well, he's been staying with me." "Who's been staying with you?" "Bob Lee Swagger?" "The plates are probably fake." "Pretty sure the other number's real." " And what is this?" " A VIN number." "Seems no one goes through the trouble to change them anymore." "And you're going to sit real still until I'm long gone." "See the guy in the Eagles jacket?" "Excuse me, sir." "Can I see some ID, please?" "Sir, I'm going to need you to take off your hat and show me some ID." "I'm not gonna ask you again." "Take your hat off, asshole!" "Get on the ground!" "Get your ass on the ground!" "Hey, how's it going?" "Hey, John." " Hey, Ed?" " Yeah." "You got that Stevens file we wanted back?" "How badly do you want to know?" "Because this will get you fired." "Well, I have to go before the Office of Professional Responsibility in 45 minutes for a review." "I'm gonna get fired anyway." "I'm done worrying about that." "What do you think?" "I think that CNN got the tapes before we did, already edited together to show the angles." "Who delivered them?" "An unnamed agency who will never confirm or deny." "They denied, which is a..." "Which is a confirmation of sorts." "Of what?" "That you are asking questions way outside your pay grade." "Oh, come on, just tell me." "You don't want to be here for that review." "They don't have to stop at firing you." "They can charge you and hold you." "The ASAC's job comes with Delta clearance." " Thank you." " Go." "This is a copy of a chat room transcript." "These guys talk about everything." "I didn't give it much thought at the time." "We just traced it to a doughnut shop with free WiFi." "But this, this is a Delta-level clearance request out of the FBI field office in Philadelphia seven minutes ago." "Funny thing, Google Maps puts the doughnut shop only three blocks away from the field office." "There's only one guy who met with Swagger before he disappeared." "He lives in Philly." "And he works for the FBI." "Nicholas Memphis." "...really strange company." "Contracts with a lot of the Fortune 500." "Offices in Virginia, Delaware, registered in Panama." "They own a boat that's flagged out of Libya." "They're definitely not government, but they have high ex-military contacts like you wouldn't believe." "These are contractors." "I can't tell what this company does, but..." "Hey." "Hey, hey, hey!" "Memphis?" "Memphis!" "For a man who didn't know much, you sure took a long, painful time to tell it." "Get him some water." "Good." "Got to pee yet?" "Got to flush them drugs out of your system." "Look awful suspicious if you were to go and shoot yourself pumped full of the same shit the agency uses." "I'm not going to shoot myself." "Sure you will." "Take him out." "Get him ready." "No!" "That's my gun." "Yeah." "You wrote a real touching suicide note, too." "All overwrought with guilt about your mistakes." "Quit your struggling." "This thing works." "It's not the first time we've used it." "Russo." "Russo!" "Davis, get out here!" "What is the goddamn hold-up?" "Don't kill me, please!" "Don't kill me!" "I believe you!" "Kill you?" "Had enough chances." "I wanted you dead, you'd be dead." "What kind of asshole'd think up a thing like this?" "Not bad with a poodle shooter and a makeshift silencer, huh?" "Help me toss these boys in the water?" "You set me up and you used me as bait!" "You think?" "Flushed them out, didn't it?" "I was kind of hoping to keep one alive, but they were kind of determined to kill you." "You can hire a good lawyer, and I'll call the Bureau." "They can work out some kind of deal." "This is explainable." "You can prove that you didn't shoot the Archbishop." "I don't think you understand." "These boys killed my dog." "Hey, this is the 21st century." "You can't go to war with these people." "In the end, the law is all..." "In the end, the law'll never catch and hold them." "In a year or two, they'll be back in business." "New names, new messenger boys, same old story." "And I'll be dead." "It's gonna be some hard, hairy work, Pork." "There's gonna be more shooting, and more people are gonna die." "Now, I didn't start it, but be sure as hell I mean to see it through." "So you get it straight." "You in or you out?" "You know, I missed a meeting today where I was going to get fired for unprofessional conduct because I was kidnapped by people that don't exist." "I'll take his legs." "It's a good call, Pork." "You're trying to tell me a rookie FBI agent overpowered and killed the three of them?" "No." "They were shot from a distance of about 200 yards." "With a.22." " Swagger's alive." " Yes." "And that young kid," "FBI Agent" "Nick Memphis, who managed to pry out a Delta-level clearance, hasn't come back to the office and is out there with him." "What?" "I just went over Swagger's financials again." "Once a year, he sent flowers to someone with his Visa card." "I cracked the FTD database, got an address." "Donnie Fenn's widow." "Anniversary of his death." "She went back to using her maiden name, which is why we missed it the first time." "She's maybe the only person in the entire world that would believe anything that Swagger had to say." "Look." "Keene City, Kentucky." "It's just within driving range." " What are you waiting for?" "Take the jet." " All right." "We've given Swagger a new war, he's found a new spotter." "This is about to get worse." "I think we're here." "Hey." "Swagger." "I think we're here." "Welcome to Tennessee." "Patron state of shooting stuff." "Hey, who is this guy?" "This guy was the greatest gunsmith east of the Mississippi." "He's a legend." "He knows more about guns and the people who shoot them than Smith Wesson." "Don't really matter anymore." "He knew we were coming the last three miles." " You mind your manners." " All right." "You boys come a long way." "What you looking for?" "Wisdom." "You come to the wrong place." "Maybe." "Say a man wanted to fire a bullet from one rifle and have it match exactly to another." "Could that be done?" "Take a seat." "Have a chair, son." "If you could get a bullet that had been shot clean through the first rifle, could make the grooves match." "Kind of thing ain't been done in a long time, though." "The bullet that was taken out of the Archbishop was completely mangled on impact." "FBI match was metallurgical." "Thank you, Mother." "Yeah, but you couldn't guarantee that going in, so they had to be sure." "And I still can't figure out how they could be." " Good coffee?" " Yep." "Look on your left, there." "Second shelf down." "Red leather spine." "Written by a guy named Schofeld." "Put it there 15 years ago." "Don't figure it's moved since then." "Yeah." "Paper patching." "State of the art. 1870s Africa." "Paper-wrapped bullet." "No metal on metal going down the barrel." "Grooves would match." "Paper unwinds at the muzzle." "Leaves no traces when it hits." "Interesting question, though." "Hope I satisfied you." "I got another one." "I thought you might." "Suppose I was looking for a man to make a 2,200-yard cold-bore shot." "Who's alive that could do that?" "Seems I heard about a shot like that being made not too long ago." "Said the guy's name was Bob Lee Swagger." "Never met the man, so I wouldn't know him." "Yeah, they said that, all right." "They also said that artificial sweeteners were safe, and WMDs were in Iraq, and Anna Nicole married for love!" "Would've been a bad job to take, though." "How come?" "Whoever took that shot's probably dead now." "That's how a conspiracy works." "Them boys on the grassy knoll, they were dead within three hours." "Buried in the damn desert." "Unmarked graves out past Terlingua." "And you know this for a fact?" "Still got the shovel." "Sake of argument, somebody other than him?" "There was a guy in Russia." "They locked his ass up." "Another one in France." "I know he's dead." "There was one guy, but he don't shoot no more." "A brutal son of a bitch." "Most boys shoot to kill." "He'd shoot to wound, wait till his friends come to help, kill them too." "Turned one target into four." "Men, women, children." "Killed them by the hundreds." "The other side wanted him." "Bad." "Finally narrowed his hide down to an abandoned six-storey building." "They quit the subtle tactics." "They called in an artillery strike." "Levelled a square block." "Brought the building down on his ass." "Some say he crawled out of there." "Some say he died." "Never heard from him no more." "Fuck me." "What?" "I met the son of a bitch." "Yeah." "The world ain't what it seems, is it, Gunnie?" "No, sir." "You keep that in mind." "The moment you think you got it figured, you're wrong." "He got a name?" "Hey, it's me, Nick." "Do you have any idea how much trouble you're in?" " Yeah." " Are you okay?" "Nick, where are you?" "It's better I don't tell you." "Look, do you have a pen?" "I need you to find someone." "Mikhaylo Sczerbiak." " Yeah." " You got it?" "I got it." "Man, this is hard to spell." "Swagger is going to go with what he knows." "He'll try to track the shooter." "He won't get far that way." "Yes, he will." " How's that?" " We're going to help him." "Sometimes to catch a wolf, you need to tie the bait to a tree." "And what happens to the bait?" "Hard to say." "But that's the nature of being the bait." " Hey, it's Nick." "Did you find him?" " He's in Virginia." "An end we thought was tied up came untied." "Meaning, Colonel?" "Swagger is still alive." "Oh, my." "I need to land a transport plane without a customs check." "I'm certain I don't want to know, but what's on the plane?" "Crew we used in Ethiopia." "Twenty-four good, hard men." "Weapons and gear." "Only 24?" "Do kill him." "No loose ends this time." "Night, Colonel." "Good night, Senator." "Hello?" "Someone there?" "Now look." "Look what you've done now." "Give me that." "I don't want you to hurt yourself." "Okay?" "Where's your boyfriend?" "What if it's a trap?" "Oh, it's a trap." "Guaranteed." "Every time." "Question is, for whom?" " You got your list, right?" " Yep." "All right, you make sure you stick to it." "Let's go." "Okay, so what are these for again?" "Tear gas is going to be on my remote." "Right." "Napalm on the first floor." "Pipe bombs on the rest of them." "Gotta be very careful with these." "It's got a 15-foot kill radius." "So what exactly are we getting ready for?" "For as much as we can be." "All right, you got four enemy combatants." "Take them one by one." "Keep shooting." "Don't let anything distract you." "Fuck!" "Didn't I say don't let anything distract you?" "Slow is smooth, smooth is fast." "Let's see it." "No." "No." "It's just you and me, baby." "No!" "You got three guards." "One at your 2:00," "12:00 and 10:00." "Danger close. 2:00, fifty yards." "You got one right on you." "20 yards and closing." "Go check the perimeter." "And tell the others to stay alert." "I'm on it." "Right away, sir." "Swagger, you got one above you on the roof." "You killed all three?" "There were four." "I want Johnson's real name." "I want to know who he works for." "I want to know why it was worth going through that much effort to kill the Archbishop." "Aren't you the one that shot him?" "And if I don't know any of those things?" "Then you're of no worth to me and I might as well shoot you now and leave." "Johnson's had a lot of names." "Don't know one's any more real than the next." "Knowing would only be dangerous." "He's ex-army." "Pretty sure he was a full-bird colonel." "Go on." "They came for me, like they came for you." "Recruitment for a single job." "They like the wounded." "Easier to use and then throw away when you are done." "Timmons, you, me..." "Once you've been a wolf, it's hard to be staked down like a goat." "This is just one dead man talking to another." "And the Archbishop?" "You want to take all suspicions away when you shoot someone, wait till he's standing next to the President." "What was he going to say?" "The truth." "That nothing, no matter how horrible, ever really happens without the approval of the government." "Over there, and here." "The problem isn't the doing." "It's the people in power having to admit that they knew." "The prisoners are tortured at Abu Ghraib, and only the underlings go to jail." "Their bosses knew." "We know their bosses knew." "But you don't say it." "What exactly happened in Africa?" "Somehow the villagers didn't think that an oil pipeline was a good enough reason to move their village to a place where the spirit gods didn't exist." "Drink?" "So they asked them all nicely to move and when they didn't, they just killed them all?" "No." "They didn't ask." "They just killed them." "AII." "So the next village won't need to be asked." "They'll just go." "There is a mass grave with 400 bodies, men, women, children, under the oil pumping station 10 kilometres over the Eritrean border." "You should know." "You covered the retreat of the contractors who did the job." "Of course, you weren't supposed to survive that, either." "Who runs Johnson?" "A senator." "From Montana, I think." "You don't get it." "There is no head to cut off." "It's a conglomerate." "If one of them betrays the principles of the accrual of money and power," "the others betray him." "What it is is human weakness." "You can't kill that with a gun." "Swagger." "Swagger." "You got to get out of there." "They're everywhere." "Had to keep you till they got here." "Lying wasn't going to hold you." "You would have known." "By the way, they've got your woman." "Swagger." "They're 20 yards and closing." "You got to get out of there." " Bug out." "Go to hide two." " Roger that." "Swagger, I'm in position two." "You got to get out of there." " They're all over the place." " Hey!" "Calm down." "Blow the pipe bombs outside on my call, okay?" "You got it?" "Yeah, yeah." "Yeah, I got it." "Listen very carefully." "On my one, you blow the pipe bombs, then the gas." "Three, two, one..." "Hit it." "Hit the napalm." "Swagger!" "You got it." "Swagger!" "Swagger!" "Swagger!" "You got to bug out on my go behind that barn." "Okay." " You ready?" " Yeah." "Go!" "Come on!" "You got to gun it to that tree line." "What?" "You got five shots left." "Gotta draw that bird out." "Okay." "Okay." " On my cover, all right?" " Okay." "All right, go!" "Pull up!" "Pull up!" "Time to go!" "Let me take a look." "Not right now." "Morning, beautiful." " See this weird shootout in Virginia?" " Sir..." "Shells everywhere, helicopter remnants, blood." "No bodies, though, right?" "And they get fingerprints off the cartridge cases." "First set positively IDed as Bob Lee Swagger." "Second set belongs to Special Agent Nick Memphis of the FBI." "What?" "That's gotta be wrong." "Now, the only reasonable question to ask after that is, what the fuck is going on?" "Great shot!" " All yours, Dan!" " Good shooting!" "I'm beginning to think that you were the wrong man for the job." "Think what you want." "It appears we misjudged the gunnery sergeant." "There's always a confused soul that thinks that one man can make a difference." "And you have to kill him to convince him otherwise." "That's the hassle with democracy." "Pull!" "...fire under their asses, you understand me?" "We need those results now." "Anna, you guys, you take the team..." "Anna!" "...to the roadhouse." "Okay, I don't care who it is right now." "I don't give..." "Guys!" "We got Memphis on the line." "Start a trace." "Got it." "I'm on it." "Nick." "Hey, it's Howard here." "How are you?" "Things have gotten a little complicated." "I got Bob Lee Swagger in custody." "Yeah, turns out he's not dead, Howard." "Yeah, I know." "Word of that possibility had begun to reach us." "Got him." "Were you in a gunfight in Virginia last night?" "Like I said, things have gotten a little complicated." "Well, obviously the best thing for you would be to bring him in, right?" "Oh, no." "I can't do that." "Why?" "It's gotten too deep." "It's not clear who can be trusted." " But we're the FBI, son." " Yeah, I know." "Yeah, I'll keep in touch." "Oh, Nick, wait..." "Son of a bitch." " Did we get that?" " Got him." " Let's move." " They're on an interstate" " outside Bozeman, Montana." " Let's move!" "This is Swagger." " Colonel Johnson here." " Figured you'd be listening." " It appears you have nowhere to go." " Colonel?" "If it is "Colonel"?" "It is." " I have something you want." " Well, it seems so do I." "Over the Eritrean border, there is a mass grave with 400 bodies." "Men, women, children." "Tell you what, I'll give it to you and we'll call it even." "I just want someone there I can trust." "I'm amenable." "Who do you have in mind?" "How about that guy from U2 with the glasses?" "Friend of Nelson Mandela and all." "He seems trustworthy." "Bono?" "You want them to get Bono?" "My colleague's questioning my choice." "Okay," "I see how that could be a tough problem." "You know, last minute and all." "How about six-term senator Charles Meachum from Montana?" "Seems like a pretty good second choice, don't you think?" "I don't think so." "I'm gonna provide you with two numbers, then we'll talk." "Point 732." "Point 648." "And what the hell is that?" "Those are the last three digits, down to a few metres of latitude and longitude, of an oil pipeline pumping station in Eritrea with 400 bodies underneath." "Where are we meeting?" "Somewhere I can see you, coming from a goddamn long way off." "Where's your boy?" "Well, I'm here." "He's here." "Look, look, look." "There's your boy." "There's your boy, baby." "Come on, come on." "Look, look." "Look up." "Okay." "I think I broke a rib!" "Don't move!" "Is there anybody else?" "No." "He head-shoots me, spasm kills her!" "You got no shot!" "No shot, Swagger!" "You hear that, Swagger?" "You got no shot!" "What are you gonna do?" "Come on!" "It's over for you, buddy!" "No shot!" "Okay, fuck him." "Not bad!" "Pretty good!" "He went for the shot." "Christ." "How can we help you?" "Guest at the motel last night gave me $100 to bring this by here at 3:00 p.m." "Let's move!" "You all right?" "Yeah." "Search him." "I don't carry a weapon," "ordinarily." "I'm licensed to carry that in this state." "Pull the pilot." "Put your weapon down!" "Put it down!" "Put your gun down!" "Easy." "Easy." "Sarah." "Give me the gun." "It's okay." "Give me the gun." "You okay?" "Put them up." "Keep them up." "Nice shooting, Gunnie." "Yeah, you got what you came for." "I think it's time you owe us your side of the bargain." "You do, huh?" "Yes, I do, son." "I certainly do." "Why don't we think about all this that has gone on just as a preamble?" "You got any plans after this?" "You have a rather unique skill set." "I'd be interested in offering you a job." "Work?" "For you?" "It's not really as bad as it seems." "It's all gonna be done in any case." "You might as well be on the side that gets you well paid for your efforts." "And what side are you on?" "There are no sides." "There's no Sunnis and Shiites." "There's no Democrats and Republicans." "There's only haves and have-nots." "What exactly does working for you entail, Senator?" "Raping and murdering innocent women and children, you sick fuck?" "You sanctioned the mass murder of an entire village so a pipeline could go through." "One village!" "And it brought stability to the region." "Which means that no one chops off their arms because their grandmother's grandfather belonged to a different tribe." "They like us down there, boy." "This is a country where the Secretary of Defense" "can go on TV and tell the American public, oh, that " This is about freedom!" "It's not about oil!"" "And nobody questions him, because they don't want to hear the answer because it's a lie!" "There's only so many places at the table, Gunnie." "Now are you on the inside, or are you on the out?" "It's the FBI!" "It's gonna be okay." "Hold this." "If one of them betrays the principles of the accrual..." "I don't think so, Senator." " What are you doing?" " Saving our lives." " That proved you were innocent!" " Nobody out here is innocent!" "This stuff's plutonium." "Nobody can handle it without dying." "You hand it over to the authorities, it's just gonna disappear, along with us!" "Unless you want to get buried in the hills outside Terlingua." "I'm out, old man!" "I'm just a peckerwood who lives in the hills with too many guns." "You happy?" "Where do you think you're going?" "Washington!" "You going to shoot a sitting U.S. Senator in the back?" "Lord knows I want to." "I didn't think so." "Let him go." "They've got your rifle." "From the beginning, they've always had your rifle." "Recovered at the site." "You can talk as much as you want, but in the end, you're going to die by lethal injection, and I'm going to go back to what I was doing." "I won." "You lost." "Get used to the idea, son." "I'm not your son." " Drop your weapons!" "Put it down now!" " Don't move!" "Special Agent Nick Memphis, FBI!" "Don't shoot!" " Down, now!" " On the ground!" "I said get down!" " Could I free my hands, please?" " It's okay." "Thank you, sir." "Thanks for bringing her." "Hey." "I'm sorry about everything." "It's not your fault." "It is what it is." "This is Attorney General Russert." " Director Brandt." " Sir." "Senator Meachum couldn't be with us today." "I'm sure we can manage without him." "Sergeant Swagger, you asked for this meeting." "Against my better judgement, I've agreed to it as a favour to the FBI." "What the hell am I doing here?" "You've got nothing on me." "I'm covered." "Call the Joint Chief." "That won't be necessary, Colonel, as I have already received no less than a dozen calls from highly-ranked and powerfully-placed individuals telling me to let you go." "But the joy of checks and balances in our government is that I can, and am, indeed, required by law, to tell them to fuck off." "This is about evidence and finding out the truth, so you sit there and be quiet." "Sergeant, you've got five minutes." "Thank you." "This is my weapon." "No question about it, don't deny it." "You recovered it at the scene moments after the assassination." "We agree?" "It's been in the FBI's possession ever since, hasn't been tampered with in any way?" "No." "Absolutely not." " You fire the weapon?" " There was no point." "The slug was mangled beyond recognition." "It was, however, an exact metallurgical match." "Right." "Definitely my bullets." "Definitely my gun." "Special Agent Memphis, you believe I shot that Archbishop?" "Nope." "No, I don't." " Have any proof of this fact?" " No." " Trust me?" " Yep." "Really trust me?" "Yeah." "With your life?" " Yep." " Good." " What the hell are you doing?" " Put that weapon down now!" "If you're zeroed for 600, you ought to aim a little lower." "Ain't gonna make a difference this close." "Only thing that's gonna make a difference is whether I'm crazy or not." "I could keep doing this all day, with every weapon in my house." "I swapped all the firing pins before I left the house." "I always do." "Looks right, need a micrometer to tell." "But the gun don't shoot." "That bullet you got out of that bishop was fired from my weapon, but a week before, at a can of stew." "I did take an oath to defend this country from all enemies, foreign and domestic." "I just didn't figure I'd end up quite this involved." "But at the end of the day, when all the dust settles, you can't hide from the truth, you son of a bitch." "Whatever." "Who gives a shit?" "Nice presentation." "But none of it sticks to me." "Gentlemen, this meeting is over." "Done." "I'll be seeing you." "He's right." "There's nothing to prove he did anything." "Yeah, in this country." "Sir, you should take a look at these." "These images are from a classified file showing a village of people in Africa that were exterminated by the colonel and his associates." "My God." "Look around you." "This isn't the Horn of Africa." "That's all hearsay." "This is the land of the free and the home of the brave." "And I'm free to go." "Colonel, your moral compass is so fucked up," "I'll be shocked if you manage to find your way back to the parking lot." "Regardless of how I feel about this, these events occurred in another country, outside of our laws." "So that's it?" "That's the best you can do?" "This isn't the World Court, Sergeant." "And I don't have the jurisdiction to detain the colonel for crimes he may or may not have committed on another continent." " Sir, I urge you to reconsider..." " There's nothing to reconsider, son." "I win." "You lose." "Again." "This is ridiculous." "For the record, I don't like the way this turned out any more than you do." "But this is the world we live in." "And justice does not always prevail." "It's not the Wild West, where you can clean up the streets with a gun." "Even though sometimes that's exactly what's needed." "Bob Lee Swagger, you're free to go." "Unshackle the sergeant." "I'd say that's quite a shot, Senator." "In the face." "You heard that expression," ""You didn't know whether to shit or go blind"?" "You should've seen the look on the Attorney General's face." "Did he give his checks-and-balances speech?" ""This is about evidence and the truth!"" "And then you just said to him," ""Fuck you!"" ""Hold my cigar, Mr A.G."" ""Fuck you!" ""The truth is what I say it is!"" "You know, you got to be out of the country in the morning." "You're going to Ecuador." "Well, we're having some problems with the locals." "We have our personnel on the ground ready to neutralise the problem, but..." "Well, they've requested you." "It's solvable." "They requested you..." "Swagger." "Turn off the lights!" "Get my car." "Get my car." "Do something." "Do something!" "Where is he?" "He's under the floor!" "You don't need to kill me." "You don't need to kill me." "It was them." "It was them." "God damn it!" "Just wait a minute!" "Hold it just a minute." "Hold it." "Are you out of your mind?" "Are you out of your damn mind?" "I am a United States senator!" "Exactly." | {
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} |
"♪ it's been a long time coming ♪" "♪ it's been a long time coming ♪" "♪ I'm gonna stab your kissy, kissy mouth ♪" "♪ it's been a long time coming ♪" "♪ it's been a long time coming ♪" "♪ it's been a long time coming ♪" "♪ I'm gonna stab your kissy, kissy heart... ♪" "♪ it's been a long time coming ♪" "We got asbestos up here." " What the hell are you guys doing?" " Hey, we got a problem." "You don't want to cut through that;" "that's full of asbestos." "Ah, bullshit." "Give me this." "I wouldn't do that." "Telling you, you don't want to do..." "What'd I tell you guys?" "Don't worry about nothing, it's just dust." "Look." "Dust." "No asbestos." "_" "_" "Oh..." "Molbeck:" "Lieutenant Dunn." "Wh-what's going on?" "It's Jensen, sir." "Dunn:" "She called all this in for one body?" "She's been in Homicide for, like, six months." "Molbeck:" "She's doing her due diligence, man." "I'm sorry." "Who's the lead detective on this?" "You are, sir." "This is a waste of time." "Get that mummy out of here." "I just started recording the crime scene here." " Can't you wait until I..." "Dunn:" " Now." "Careful." "Molbeck:" "You gotta sign the log." "Bisgaard's assigning you to the case." "What case?" "This ain't no case." "That homeless mummy was probably living in that furnace and got stuck years ago." "Case closed." "Jensen!" "3471 to base." "Code Four here." "Just tell me about her." "Come on, Cath." "Don't do this to me." "As my friend, Mia." "You know Bisgaard is insisting all victim pathology go through Dunn." "Haley can't wait for you to sit for her tonight." "You two are gonna watch Barbie And The Three Musketeers." "Again." "You know Dunn doesn't give a shit." "Adrian Zaleski." "Mother." "Two boys, back in Russia." "She immigrated to Pittsburgh." "Her roommate thought she'd gone back." "Kept that stuff all these years, in case she returned." "Never even reported her missing." "Her DNA popped up on CODIS because she was convicted on prostitution charges five years ago." "She's been dead about two years." "No external indication of cause of death." "No gunshot, no knife wounds." "Her arms." "They were placed like that before she died?" "Well, I don't know, but they were definitely placed this way." "Probably after." "She'd been clawing at something." "Traces of nickel and cadmium were under her nails." "Preliminary soil analysis indicates those elements are not present at the factory." "She was likely murdered..." "Somewhere else." "At another location, yeah." "_" "Thomas:" "I committed my first murder at 18." "I didn't kill again for nine years." "At age..." "At age 30, I live alone in a Milwaukee apartment near my job at the Ambrosia Chocolate Factory." "If you looked in my fridge... what would you find?" "Here's a hint." "It's not a brain." "It's comfort food." "Yes." "Correct." "To Jeffery Dahmer, that made total sense." "These minds are dark, monstrous forests to explore." "You could get lost and never return." "So... better take breadcrumbs." "Dr. Schaeffer." "Comfort food." "You were late." "I'm glad I could still pass, but I'm not a student." "Catherine Jensen, Pittsburgh Homicide." "Oh." "This is a case I'm working on." "I have a coat that looks just like this." "Because you left it in the classroom, Doctor." "I believe her arms were crossed after she was killed." "Before." "Good luck with your case." "I'm sure you'll figure it out." "I'm sure I will." "Hey." "Hey, you're okay." "I want mommy." "Mommy's on her way home now." "Oh, my God, you're so sweaty." "Your mommy's on her way." " Cath?" " Yeah?" "Did you ever have nightmares about monsters?" "I had bad dreams about monsters all the time when I was little." "Do you know what I would do when monsters came into my dreams?" "I'd try and scare 'em!" "I'd scream and yell until they were afraid and ran off." "Then they leave you alone." "You have to be worse than them." "You want to pass me my glasses?" "They're in my coat." "Yeah, sure." "Thank you." "You are useful for some things." "Ha-ha-ha-ha." "Ha-ha-ha-ha." "Very funny." "I'm a funny guy." "You are tricky." "_" "So you found the folder?" "Did you know that an easy capacity to lie is one of the primary traits of a sociopath?" "Her arms... they were placed like that before the murder." "Is that about control?" "You're asking the wrong question." "What is the right question?" "Where are the others?" "Woman:" "Hey!" "Woman :" "Hey, baby girl, what you up to tonight?" "I just aced my first night school class." "Okay, well, come celebrate and have drinks with me at the bar." "I have to be up at work at 9:00." "Oh, my God, it's, like, 10:30 PM." "You don't realize this is the first day of work, and someone's on my other line." "Grandma." "We swept that entire factory and found nothing." "You believe there are more bodies buried there?" "Bed?" "Bed." "Nancy, I'm not lying to you." "I'm in the school parking lot and my battery's dead, okay?" "You need to hang out with me sometime." "Look, I'm calling AAA." "Oh, come on." "Hey, how you doing?" "Campus Security." "You need a little help?" "You saved my life." "I don't even know what I'm looking at." "It could be the alternator." "I-I think my battery's dead." "But I don't..." "I don't really know." "Oh, look, somebody just unhooked your battery cable." "Look." "Yeah, down there." "Show me your hands!" "Geez!" "Schaeffer!" "God, you scared the hell out of me." "What are you doing here?" "The vent is a terrible hiding place." "It's too hard to get into." "It shows he's inexperienced." "But if he kept her here, then the others will be here, too." "What are we looking for?" "Catherine?" "!" "You should see this." "There's only two bolts here." "These wrench marks on it." "I'm gonna go back to the car, get a wrench." "Yeah, or you could do it." "I can't see anything." "Let's go!" "These guys have all day, but we don't!" "Man :" "Commander Bisgaard is on the scene." "First rule of officer safety." "You can't protect yourself, you can't protect anyone." "Don't ever do this again." "I'm sorry, sir." "I didn't..." "I know Lieutenant Dunn is in charge here..." "Dunn:" "The bodies were discovered over here, sir." "Did you discover the bodies, Lieutenant Dunn?" "No, Commander." "Detective Jensen did." "Then Detective Jensen can show me where she found the bodies." "This is now her case." "So here's the deal." "Every time this psycho kills someone, you're gonna feel responsible." "And you should." "There's no obvious physical pattern." "Blonde," "African-American..." "Asian... addict, prostitute, housewife." "What?" "This leak to the papers or online?" "We haven't ID'd any of the victims." "Thomas:" "These are obvious." "Addict-- corrosive effects of methamphetamine on the teeth here." "Syphilitic ulcers and human papilloma virus present on this one, consistent with prostitution." "And the housewife has a wedding ring and a birthstone bracelet." "This tab here brings up all reported missing females over the last six weeks in Allegheny, Westmoreland," "Butler and Washington counties." "I talked to Bisgaard." "He's signed off on you joining the investigation" " as a consultant." " Hmm." "And do you have a problem with Bisgaard?" "No." "No problem with Bisgaard." "I actually thought he might have a problem with me." "Wait." "There." "Same earrings." "Lakasha Watkins." "Hi." "I'm Catherine." "Benedicte." "That's a great name." "Well, I'll check out Lakasha Watkins." "Good luck." " Here." " Is that for me?" "Yeah." "How great you're so secure with our marriage you can bring all the "other women" into the house." "No, she's a homicide detective." "Works with Bisgaard." "Just wanted a little advice." "On an active case?" "Oh." "Then I'd prefer she was the "other woman."" "There's no need to cry." "You know why?" "'Cause this is a happy story... with a happy ending." "I'm gonna change your life." "And what is the holdup on finding these factories that used cadmium and lead?" "Well, it's slow going because..." "Looks good." "I'm thinking we should bring in a forensic psychologist." "Call Russ, uh..." "What, uh...?" "What the hell's his name?" "Ketteringham." "Russ Ketteringham at MIT." "I'd like to bring on Thomas Schaeffer." "I know there's a history there." "History?" "That what that is?" "Schaeffer was responsible for my discovery of the four bodies at the factory." "Schaeffer?" "No, no." "He goes in too deep." "He... makes leaps of logic." "He's dangerous, people get hurt." "So, you didn't actually talk to him about me." "I think he would be of great benefit to my investigation." "I thought he would be of great benefit to mine." "No one felt worse about that than me, Frank." "Actually, quite a few people felt worse than you, Schaeffer." "Shh." "See, I think... that being afraid comes from not knowing what's gonna happen next." "So don't you be afraid." "We both know what's going to happen." "Please... please..." "Now, do like I said." "Do like I said!" "Catherine:" "Mr. Watkins." "Were you the only person with a key to your daughter's apartment?" "Watkins:" "Yes." "That I know of." "I'm sorry, I can't do this." "You... y'all go in." "It's okay." "I'm not ready for this." "Can't even imagine what you're going through." "If we are gonna find out who did this to your daughter..." "Watkins:" "Okay." "I am gonna have to ask you some questions." "When was the last time you saw her?" "Watkins:" "About six weeks ago." "I called-- nothing." "I came here, knocked." "Saw her car was gone." "Got worried it might be Michael, so I called you, the police." "Catherine:" "Who's Michael?" "Watkins:" "I never called him her husband." "Husbands don't hit their wives." "I got her this place and a used car." "What kind of car was it?" "A Cavalier, green." "It's what I could do to help her turn things around." "She was really..." "She was a good girl." "She was turning it around..." "♪ oh-oh, I'm rising ♪" "♪ oh-oh-oh ♪" "♪ I'm rising to the top ♪" "♪ hey!" "hey!" "oh-oh... ♪" "What are you doing?" "Her divorce settlement." "The-the top sheet has been torn off." "He's been in this room." "When we find where he lives or kills them, that page will be there, I guarantee it." "Lakasha was trying to improve her life." "Her dad just said she left an abusive husband." "She's sending her clothes to goodwill." "Her iPod's loaded with nothing but motivational music." "Her life is in transition." "Adrian Zaleski is sending money back to Russia." "Lakasha Watkins divorces her abusive husband." "The victims were all trying to improve themselves." "Which means... this guy... can come across these women whose lives are in transition." "What if he's an invisible person?" "They're familiar with him, they've seen him before." "He has a uniform." "A repairman, a delivery person, a mailman, a nurse..." "Can't you feel it?" "Don't you...?" "Come on, it isn't paranormal or junk science or any of that shit." "Can't you feel the residual energy of fear in this room?" "Left from the moment that she realized that the person that she let in here, the person that she thought she knew... was a lie." "And that's the moment he gets off on." "The second he is actually transforming somebody else's life." "And they both know it." "Did you ever trust anyone you shouldn't have?" "Yeah, yeah, we got, uh, two facilities in the area that use nickel cadmium." "Uh, the first is an abandoned assembly plant out in Mayview;" "It's about a mile from the factory where we found the other bodies." "You hungry?" "Go on in there!" "Eat your food!" "3471." "Man:" "Go ahead, 71." "I'm at 1600 Mayview Road." "The Mayview plant." "Copy that, 71." "Thomas!" "Green Cavalier." "Lakasha Watkins' car." "3471 requesting backup." "Ooh." "You look so beautiful." "Let me out of here!" "It's okay, I'm a police officer." "I'm gonna get you out of here, okay?" "I'm gonna get you out." "Come on." " Gonna get you out of here right now." " Here." "Here's my coat." "We're here to help you." "Come on, it's okay." "You're gonna be okay." "It's okay." "Shh." "It's okay." "Look at me." "Go to the car, okay?" "We're gonna get you out of here." "Take her to the car!" "It's over." "That's it, I got you, I got you, got you." " 3471." " Go ahead, 71." "Code Three." "Keep those units coming." "Wait, wait, wait!" "Wait, come back!" "Wait, don't leave, come back!" "Base, do you have a location on 3471?" "Man:" "Wait, lady, wait!" "Come back!" "Marlene!" "No!" "3466 responding to backup call at the old Mayview plant." "Catherine!" "Catherine, relax!" "I'm gonna get you out." "Thomas, open it up!" "Open it up!" "Oh, get me out of here!" "No!" "Thomas, open it up!" "Open it up!" "Thomas!" "No!" "Thomas?" "No." "No!" "Thomas!" "No..." "Molbeck:" "Down here!" "Down here!" "Sweep this room!" "Come on." "I got ya." "What are you doing?" "!" "What's wrong with you?" "!" "What's wrong with you?" "He's with us!" "Get your hands up!" " He's with us." " You two, check that area." "Come on, give me your hand." "Jensen, what happened?" "You all right?" "I don't know." "I got hit!" "Where's the girl?" "Up there!" "He's got her!" " You guys got this!" " Did you get him?" "Molbeck:" "No, we need a description." "Catherine:" "I didn't see him!" "Molbeck:" "All units." "Suspect still at large!" "Nearly hypothermic, unconscious, not comatose." "Administer rewarming inhalations and monitor closely for signs of cardiac arrest." "Catherine, Schaeffer," "Marlene Anderson wasn't even reported missing, so I'm, uh... appreciative." "Look..." "I'm not a lab rat for you to experiment on." "If you ever do anything like that to me again," "I'll pull this trigger." "Hey, Frank, anyone volunteer for this shift at Margaret James Hospital?" "Figured you'd be here, so I brought Marlene's friend down." "She's outside if you want to talk to her." "Yeah, thanks." " Dr. Paster?" " Yeah?" "Hi." "My name's Eric." "I'm from Kapp Security." "I've been assigned to escort you" " to Marlene Anderson's room." " Oh, okay." "I'm-I'm sorry I'm crying." "I know that Marlene felt bad about bailing on us all the time, but school was so important to her, and she really wanted to get good grades this semester." "Oh." "Yeah?" "Is there anyone, maybe an ex-boyfriend, who felt especially bad about her making a change in her life?" "No." "She-she dated briefly in the summer, but no one serious." "Yeah, I'm with Dr. Paster now." "Mm-hmm, yep." " Uh, excuse me." " Did she say she saw anyone..." "Sorry." "This is Dr. Paster." "She just checked Marlene." "Says her core temperature is..." "Actually, why don't you...?" "Her body temperature is rising." "You might be able to question her later tonight." "Dr. Paster, she's having some kind of a seizure or something." "I need a crash cart in here!" "Watch out, please." "Sorry." "Wait!" "Who's this?" "!" " What's he doing here?" "!" " I'm just doing my job." "I said I only wanted cops on this floor!" "He doesn't even have a gun!" "He was with Dr. Paster, Lieutenant." " He's from Kapp." " All right, let's, uh, let's go ahead and get him out of here." "Come on." "Thank you." "Recharge." "Paster:" "Do we have that other IV?" "Get me an amp of epi." "CPR." "What do we have?" "Do we have a pulse?" "She didn't make it." "♪ I watched the Moon hang in the sky ♪" "♪ I feel the traffic rushing by ♪" "♪ raging engine in the night... ♪" "Who is it?" "It's Schaeffer." "♪ I'm still waiting for you... ♪" "The coffin creates a slow suffocating death... like his own life." "He kills them because he can't improve his life, so he won't allow them to improve theirs." "That's what I learned from what I did to you." "And if you ever pull a gun on me again..." "Do you want a beer?" "A beer?" "Comes in a bottle." "Gets you drunk." "Or white wine, which gets me drunk." "Sure, I'll take a beer." "♪ I'm still here waiting for you... ♪" "_" "It's my older brother David." "♪ waiting for you ♪" "Is that John Wayne Gacy's house?" "Labianca House, Los Angeles." "That's Jeffrey Dahmer's childhood home." "And this one I don't know." "Whose is it?" "I probably could have got you out of there a little faster." "Maybe I went overboard with the gun." "Did you... learn anything... being inside the box?" "Just what I've always known." "You have to be worse than they are." "Then you would probably be dead." "He's aroused by any display of emotion." "If those girls had known to... be completely blank, stone-faced, show him that he doesn't control them, maybe they'd still be alive." "Maybe." "It's late." "I know." "He's still out there." "Let's go back to the plant in the morning." "You can pick me up around 8:00, skip the downtown traffic?" "Okay." "Thomas." "I've been locked in a box before." "Good night." "Good night." "Thomas!" "Officer down." "Thomas:" "Catherine!" "Catherine?" "He took her gun." "Bisgaard, it's Schaeffer." "He's got Catherine." "I think I know who it is." "You see this?" "Your badge?" "Mine." "You?" "Mine." "You have nothing!" "Okay, Schaeffer, what makes you so sure?" "I believe that he wears a uniform." "Most of the victims trusted him initially." "So maybe a security guard." "We know that this subject collects trophies." "Catherine's commendation was gone." "She accosted him at the hospital, Frank, reminded him that he wasn't a cop and he didn't carry a gun." "She humiliated him." "I know that you're afraid." "They're always afraid." "They teach you how to do that?" "Wait." "Did Kapp Security work the steel mill demolition site?" " Frank, if they worked security..." " Hey, did you guys ever at the steel mill demolition site, then it is definitely him." "That's how he found where to hide the bodies." "Well, did Krogh?" "It's him." "Open it!" "Open it!" "Get in!" "Get in the box!" "These are Eric Krogh's Kapp duty assignments over the last eight weeks." "Got Allegheny Community College," "Robinson Towne Center..." "See you soon." "Units have been dispatched to Consol Energy Center," "Robinson Towne Center, PNC," "Allegheny General Hospital, Heinz Field..." "Well, what about this one?" "This one has since been torn down." "And that's way out in Westmoreland and that's been shut down." "Westmoreland Psychiatric." "Yeah." "It's a place where people were sent to try and get better." "69 to Base..." "Molbeck:" "Unit 69 to Base." "Requesting backup, Westmoreland Psychiatric Hospital." "There." "There." "Thomas, stay behind me." "Stay behind me!" "Krogh:" "When the air goes stale... when there is no more air, you'll start to get sleepy." "And you'll know that if you sleep, you'll die." "And we both know that you're going to die." " Come on." " Relax." " Come on." " Hang on, stay behind me." "Move it, Molbeck." "Krogh:" "I'll give you air... if you cross your arms." "That's her!" "Move!" "There she is!" "Catherine!" "Thomas!" "Molbeck:" "Get back!" " Catherine!" " Get back!" "Thomas!" "Thomas, he has a gun!" "Catherine:" "Thomas!" "Don't move!" "Let me see your hands!" "I got you, I got you." "You're okay, you're okay." "Put your hands behind your back!" " I got you, I got you..." " No!" "No, no!" "No, no, no!" "Let me see your hands!" " Cross your arms!" "Thomas:" " No!" "Cross your arms!" "Thomas:" "Catherine..." " Cross your arms!" " Don't be worse than them." "Don't be worse than them." "No!" "Catherine:" "Get Molbeck out of here." "Call it in!" "Molbeck:" "I'm just cut, I'm just cut." "Thomas, get an ambulance!" "Get him out of here!" "Turn over." "Cross your arms." "Cross 'em." "Officer shooting investigative protocol requires that any time a... an officer discharges their weapon, or a suspect is killed in custody, an investigation is initiated." "We need a statement from you both." "Do not talk to Schaeffer." "Thank you." "A case went down." "Good job, Catherine." "I don't want you to get jammed up." "I want you to protect yourself." "You're entitled to a union rep" " and a lawyer." " What do I have to be afraid of?" "In my office." "_" "_" "_" "_" | {
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} |
"INSPECTOR CHAN" "SUPER CRIME FIGHTERS" "Anyone else?" "Such a beautiful woman and you arrest her just for spitting?" "Is there no justice?" "Is there no law?" "Commissioner is only your boss because he paid his dues to the Crocodile Gang." "And you don't fucking know me?" "Sorry, I didn't know she was your wife." "Ugly coward!" "What are you looking at?" "Never seen such a handsome gang boss?" "Who'd be in the film business?" "It's Sunday, and the theatre's deserted." "Where's the car?" "Let's go back inside!" "Call for help!" "No need for that, Northerner." "While you were messing with the cop, your men signed up with us." "I'll kill all you Axe Gangsters!" "Stop!" "You forget the time I treated you to dinner." "Brother Sum." "Please..." "Please spare me." "Don't worry." "I don't kill women." "You can go!" "Thank you, Big Brother." "Cops!" "Come clean up the mess!" "THE AXE GANG" "In a time of social unrest and disorder..." "In a time of social unrest and disorder the gangs have moved in to consolidate their power." "The most feared of them all is the Axe Gang." "Only in the poorest districts, which hold no interest for the gangs can people live in peace." "PIG STY ALLEY" "One, two, three!" " That okay, Coolie?" " No problem!" "TAILOR" "NOODLES AND CONGEE" "My check, please, Donut." " How much?" " It's on the house!" "Donut." " It's nothing." " I like you." "I'll ask the wife about lowering your rent." "Morning, Landlord!" "Landlord!" "Jill!" "How you've grown!" "Come let me examine you!" "Good to see you, Landlord!" "What's so good about it?" "Don't...!" "Can you make the skirt slit higher?" "Sure!" "Look, a comet!" "Jane!" "You naughty girl!" "Landlord!" "You're such a scoundrel!" "Don't go, Jane!" "Stay and chat!" "I'm only kidding." "Jane!" "Landlady!" "Landlady!" "What happened to the water?" "Water ain't free!" "You talk a lot for someone who won't pay his rent." "But I'm in the middle of a shampoo." "You think that's a problem?" "From now on, no water on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays." "Water ration Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays." "I just love hearing you fools complain." "Assholes!" "Good morning, Landlady!" "Just pay your rent, or I'll burn your shop down." "What's so funny?" "Rent's no laughing matter, fairy!" "Serves you right you're a coolie!" "Months overdue and not even a "good morning."" "You'll be a coolie for life." "There you go, handsome!" "What took you so long with the congee?" "I stopped to help an old lady cross the street." " What are you doing here?" " Checking for Peeping Toms." "Was someone just spying on you, Auntie Six?" "Don't shoot your mouth off without proof." "She's crazy." "Go away!" "Please can you teach us, sir?" "No more soccer!" " Who wants the cut?" " My boss." "Take a seat." "Done!" "Fifty cents, please." "Isn't it great?" "It's too good!" "Why'd you make him look so good?" "Why?" "Don't get mad, boss." "He's my old buddy." "I'll handle this." "He's boss of the Axe Gang." "Don't you see the two axes?" "We're bad guys." "Making him look good is really bad." "Understand?" " I didn't know." " You're a numskull!" "But I like you, so just pay me, and I'll take care of it." "No way!" "Steady with the axe, boss." "Let me talk to him." "I really care for you." "You saw it for yourself." "Seriously." "Why don't you pay up." "Not much." "Enough for a drink." "Oh, so it's blackmail!" "Boss!" "Boss!" "Now you're dead!" "Looks like he's waking up!" "I'm not afraid." "You can kill me." "But there'll be thousands more of me!" "You want to play tough?" "The Axe Gang boss is napping in there." "Whoever wants to die, step forward." "So you want to fight?" "Great!" "We'll go one-on-one." "Don't even think about cheating." "That old woman with the onion!" "You look real tough." "Want to try me?" "I'll let you hit me first." "What do you do?" "I'm a farmer." "Farmers don't fight." "Piss off!" "He's crazy!" "Calling me names?" "You're lucky you're a woman." "Hey, shorty!" "Yeah, you!" "If you're short, you don't retort." "What did I say about cheating?" "Sit back down!" "You!" "The geezer with the glasses." "You look mean." "No, not you." "I mean..." "You!" "Hey, kid, let's rumble!" "All right, all right!" "So no one-on-ones today." "You're all such wimps!" "He blackmailed me." "Fat woman, you're in charge here, right?" "Fat woman, my ass!" "I'm with the Axe Gang!" "Axe Gang, my ass!" "Boss!" "Boss, my ass!" " You have to pay our medical bills!" " Bills, my ass!" " We're on the same side!" " Same side, my ass!" "Think you're so tough?" "I'll call for backup!" "You nitwit!" "Let's see you call backup!" "You don't know the backup I have." "I'm talking an army here." "Don't you go away!" "Go put a down payment on your coffin!" "Who threw the firecracker?" "I'm one of you, brother." "Mind your own business!" "It's raining." "Go bring in your laundry!" "Fat woman!" "You blackmailing me too?" "I ain't afraid." "I..." "Did anyone see what happened?" "Don't!" "My back's broken!" "Call for help!" "Hold on, calm down." "You hungry?" "Keep quiet." "No." "Who did this?" "I'll count to three." "One two..." "I did it!" "Are the goods okay, Brother Sum?" "Sorry!" "Look away, kid." "Get rid of him!" "We're the bad guys!" "We're meant to do the ass-kicking not the other way around." "And it's all because these morons posed as Axes." "Don't waste your time, Brother Sum." "We'll handle this." "You!" "Take care of it." " Boy, can this guy pick locks." " It's a living." "Give me a break." "Pick that one too, if you're so good." "Come." "I'll count to three." "Hurry!" "Ready?" "Three!" "That's quick!" "Brother Sum, we really want to be Axes." "That's why we did what we did." "Give us a chance." "Ever killed anyone?" "I've always thought about it." "Then go kill someone." "I will!" "Go on!" "Thank you, Brother Sum." "We can always find a use for that type." "I told you before, you've got to look tough." "Tougher!" "Tougher!" "Act the part." "And try to stay awake." "It's tiring being tough." "Tiring?" "It's our living!" "The streets out there are filled with money and women." "You only need the will and determination to seize the opportunity to win." "This is our big chance!" "We just kill someone, and we're in the gang." "Then it'll be money and women all the way!" "Don't be like those beggars with no ambition." "Who are you looking at, four-eyes?" "I'll smash your glasses!" "Get lost!" "Come here and say that!" " You're really gonna kill someone?" " That's right!" "The four-eyes, the fat woman and all the residents of Pig Sty." "But they're good at kung fu." " I can do kung fu!" " Oh, yeah?" "Didn't I tell you I know Buddhist Palm kung fu?" "Hey there, handsome boy." "Stop." "Amazing!" "Do you know you have a special aura?" "You're so young, but you have the bone structure... and chi flow of a kung-fu genius." "If your chi flow can be channelled, then you will be invincible!" "Like the old saying:" "You cannot escape your destiny." "The duty of upholding world peace and punishing evil will be yours." "Sure." "This is the scroll of the Buddhist Palm." "It's priceless." "But as it's fate, I'll let you have it for $10." "BUDDHIST PALM MANU AL" " You gave him your life savings?" " Yes." "I was saving to study to be a doctor or lawyer but this was world peace." "Let go of the girl!" "Hey!" "It's the Buddhist Palm!" ""The 20-Cent Kung Fu Manual."" "You must be loaded." "Have you killed anyone lately?" "He's a fool, and she's mute." "Losers!" "I realized then that good guys never win." "I want to be bad." "I want to be the killer!" " Ice cream!" " Where?" "Make mine a vanilla." "Chocolate for me!" "What're you looking at?" "Never seen free ice cream before?" "Look at her run!" "You're such kung-fu masters, go take it on the road." "You belong in the circus, not here!" "Don't say that, Landlady." "There must be a reason they're here." "Everyone has his reasons." "We don't want to make trouble." "I'm glad you get it." "The mob's mad at us." "We'll never hear the end of it." "Why don't you get lost!" "Your wife shouldn't be so nasty." "You okay?" "Masters." "We have nothing precious to give you but take this as a token of our appreciation." "Thanks for saving us!" "Stop the crying." "This isn't a show!" " You're so cold-hearted." " Talking back to me, eh?" "You may know kung fu, but you're still a fairy." "It's no crime to be good at kung fu!" "Once a fairy, always a fairy." "Look at you." "What's with the red underwear?" "Why not a diaper while you're at it." "What's wrong with red underwear?" "Where were you when there was trouble?" "If it weren't for them, we'd be finished." "Be reasonable!" "I'll reason with you." "You owe me three months' rent." "That's $90." "Pay up or pack up!" "Don't you worry." "I'll pay it." "Think you're a smartass, Rabbit-Tooth Jane?" "What's it to you, tub of lard?" "Bitch!" "Calm down, Landlady." "This is your fault." " Are you trying to kill us?" " You're right." "How could you do that?" "Shut the hell up!" "You think you can out-yell me?" "The fat lady can really sing." "Watch this!" "What happened?" "What do you mean, what happened?" "You try it." " Me?" " Quick!" "Sorry!" "You okay?" "I think you should get closer and take better aim." "Okay?" "Okay!" " Who's throwing the handles?" " Handle?" "Where's the third knife?" "God knows where it went." "Could it be the same one?" "Can't be..." " Don't!" " Sorry." "What are you trying to say?" "I just remembered I have something to do." "See you!" "Uh-oh." "They've seen us!" "Stay back!" "Don't panic!" "Snakes like music." "If I whistle, they won't bite." "Please, no more bright ideas." "Oh, what the hell!" "Not you again, asshole!" "Get back to your business!" "Split up!" "Split?" "What're you doing here?" "Looking for you." "Weren't you hurt?" "I'm fine!" "How come you always recover so fast?" "I don't know." " Which hospital did you go to?" " Don't remember." "Maybe it's better that way." "Memories can be painful." "To forget may be a blessing!" "I never knew you were so deep." "All the sadness one can bear down the river everywhere." "Hey, get out of the way!" "Move!" "I'll slap you to kingdom come!" "Look at those four-eyes carting around a coffin." "What morons!" "Don't blame me for making you leave." "We'll let Buddha decide whether you stay or go." "HORRIFICALLY BAD FATE" "Have some tea." "We're grateful for some professional help." "We understand the problem." "Twelve Kicks from the Tam School Iron Fist from the Hung School and the Hexagon Staff..." "Those guys at Pig Sty are really good." "Their warrior days are long over but they're still top fighters." "This job is a great challenge for us." "Now, that's professionalism." "Number One Killers." "Expensive, yes, but worth every penny!" "No!" "Number one is the Beast, the world's top killer." "He was so dedicated to kung fu, he went crazy." "I heard he's now in an asylum." "So you're the top killers now." "Strictly speaking, we're just musicians." "A song that wrenches the heart O where do I find a knowing ear?" "Great poem, isn't it?" "We'll be saying goodbye soon." "Who knows when we'll see each other again." "We're three of a kind." "Wish we'd known before." "Let's take this opportunity to spar a little." "No." "We still have a lot to pack." "You're right." "Twelve Kicks of the Tam School!" "Superb attack and defence!" "Iron Fist:" "Powerful yet delicate." "Top-notch!" "Hexagon Staff, with its thousand moves." "Mystical!" "Till we meet again!" "More lipstick!" "Stay there, or I'll break you in half." "Sorry, we're closed." "You can make a suit in no time." "We're moving." "This is good material!" "You know your stuff." "This has high artistic value." "How high?" "At least a few stories..." "Insulting the Axe Gang!" "We'll show them." "Let's kill them all and make this place a brothel." "Don't block my view!" "What's going on?" "Good!" "Don't block my view!" "Damn!" "I told those nitwits to leave, but they're still here." " Really?" " Yeah." "What the hell is this fighting?" "Who'll pay for the damage?" "Sorry, sorry." "It's nothing!" "You know what time it is?" "I have to sleep." "Hey, fatso, eat shit and die!" "Die?" "In this racket?" "Sorry, sorry!" "Get out of my way!" "Hang in there, Tailor." "Be quiet!" "Give us a break!" "Why push us so far?" "There's another master?" "It's the Lion's Roar!" "I thought that was a myth." "Who knew the Lion's Roar really exists?" "That's the last we'll see of them." "It's bad, Brother Sum." "Quick, start the car!" "Start the car!" "Boss!" "Keep it down!" "Have you no manners?" "Get lost." "People are trying to sleep." "They have to work tomorrow." "Get out of here!" "Scumbags!" "I can't hang on much longer." "But having seen real masters like you I can now die in peace." "Don't say that." "We're ordinary folks." "Ordinary's a blessing." "Don't call us masters." "But you're such great fighters!" "If only you'd helped earlier, they wouldn't have to die this way." "Like Donut said, everyone has his reasons." "Years ago we saw our only son killed in a fight." "Revenge can be devastating." "Do you understand?" "Why don't you train us to be top fighters and we'll avenge them!" "Becoming a top fighter takes time." "Unless you're a natural-born kung-fu genius." "And they're one in a million." "It's obvious I'm the one!" "Don't think so." "Everyone!" "We swore we'd never fight again." "But we broke that promise today." "For your own safety, please all leave!" "In great power lies great responsibility." "There's no escaping from it." "Donut, you're hurt bad." "Rest now." "We can't understand what you're saying." "Donut!" "I know you, four-eyes!" "You seem prejudiced against the sight-challenged." "That's right." "Especially gold-framed four-eyes." "Gold frames are perfect for clerks." "I think I look good." "So why keep picking on me?" "Help me!" ""Help me!" "Help me!" Want to play, punks?" "The Dragon Style?" "The Tiger Style?" "Come down here, and I'll smash your glasses." "Come on!" "You know I'd do it, right?" "Swear to it!" "Swear!" "Have you no respect?" "Where were you when I needed you?" "You sound like a wimp!" "We always get beat!" "We haven't gotten anywhere." "No killing, no arson, no robberies, no rapes all because of you!" "You're a numb-nut!" "Follow me!" "It's a stickup!" "Where's the money?" "Where's the money?" "What're you looking at?" "I'm serious!" "I kill people for less!" "Give me the money." "The money's in here." "Let go of the girl!" "He's a fool, and she's mute." "Losers!" "Go away!" "You're dragging me down!" "Go home and raise pigs." "Go, before I kill you." "You!" "Whatsyourname!" "Take this and get some new clothes." "You're now an Axe!" " For real?" " Someone's waiting for you." "Brother Sum!" "One look at you, and I knew you'd do anything." "Right!" "You just needed your chance." "Damn right!" "We've an assignment for you." "Anything, Brother Sum!" ""Research on abnormal people." What's that?" "A mental asylum." "Soldiers!" "Boy Scouts!" "Tanks!" "No worries." "When the Boy Scouts change shifts, you have exactly five minutes." "Follow the arrows on the map." "Go to the last cell and get the man inside there out." "Here's your tools." "What about you guys?" "We're your lookouts." "Five minutes." "Hurry!" "The world's top killer indeed looks the part!" "It's only a title." "Cut the bullshit." "We want two people killed." "Name your price." "Name my what?" "I've killed so many trying to find a worthy adversary." "So far, I've never found one." "That's why I stayed inside." "Had I met my match, I'd have been out long ago." "If you find me a worthy opponent I'll do it for free." "No charge!" "Do you have someone?" "Yes." "Brilliant fighters who are up to the challenge." "But first, will you show us some moves?" "Not that we don't trust you." "We want to see you in action." "You numskulls aren't worthy!" "He doesn't look the part." "The slippers are a little crappy." "But he'll clean up well." "You sure you got the right guy?" "Absolutely." "I swear I did exactly what you told me." "Please show us some moves, Mr. Beast." "Don't make it hard for me!" "You dumb or what?" "You know what this is, old man?" "Ever seen a fist this big?" "Don't force me to fight." "I scare myself when I fight!" "Really?" "Try me, then." "Is he okay?" "So you say you can fight?" "Harder!" "Harder!" "Harder!" "You hit like that and call yourself a gangster?" "A foreign gun!" "In the world of kung fu, speed defines the winner." "The Beast is the best of them all." "The Axe Gang extends its respect!" "The real masters, together in one room!" "Only the world's top killer has such an aura." "Likewise." "Could you two be the fated lovers...?" "Paris and Helen of Troy!" "A pleasure, indeed." "We're here to deal with the Axe Gang and only the Axe Gang." "You should've killed me before." "Now you're committing suicide." "You're living on borrowed time." "You can't escape your fate!" "What's this?" "A funeral bell?" "With the Beast here, let's see whose funeral it is!" "So you're on their side?" "Don't get me wrong." "I only want to kill you or be killed by you." "What do you think?" "The good cannot coexist with the bad." "You can't escape your destiny." "So be it." "Let's do it." "Okay." "Let's do it!" "Piece of cake." "I can handle this." "Good try, but a little off target." "The Lion's Roar?" "Wait!" "I didn't know the Lion's Roar could be done with a speaker!" "What a blow!" " Looks like they're not up to it!" " Let's get them while they're down." "You do it!" " I'm gonna puke!" "I need to see a doctor!" " Go to hell!" "You!" "Come over here." " Hit him!" " Yes!" " The head!" " Of course!" " Hit him on the head!" " Okay." " Here's your chance." " Got it!" " Hit him!" " Hit him!" " Hit the shit out of him!" " Right!" " Hit him!" " Hit him!" "Beat the shit out of him!" "What're you doing?" "You want me to hit him or beat the shit out of him?" "You're making me very confused!" "Wow, that's a big fist!" "Why did you hit me?" "Where are they?" "How could you let them escape?" "No one gets away from me!" "Why did he save us?" "Young people make mistakes." "But at least he finally made good." "Look at him!" "Beaten to a pulp." "Do you have any last requests?" "Hey, wait!" "Why don't you write in Chinese?" "I don't understand." "There's no one here!" "CHINESE MEDICINE" "It's a miracle he lasted this long." "The herbs should help him." "Herbal medicine can only partly help." "The key is his own body structure." "All his bones and tendons are broken." "It's amazing he's recovering so fast." "It can't be possible..." "Unless he's..." "What's that smell?" "You mustn't smoke while you're hurt." "Let me handle this." "This makes no sense." "Who knew the Beast could clear the chi flow and thus unleash the boy's true potential?" "We should've guessed." "He is the one!" "Is this for real?" "You're still alive, you turncoat?" "Kill him, men!" "What kind of move is that?" "Kids' stuff!" "If our son were alive, he'd be his age now." "If he studies hard, he could grow up to be a doctor or lawyer." "A stuntman, more likely!" "Not bad." "Let's go." "I can even stop bullets..." "What?" "The Toad Style of the Kwan Lun School?" "Oh, no!" "Remember the Palm move that falls from heaven?" "That's the long lost Buddhist Palm." "I surrender!" "What kind of move was that?" "If you want to learn, I'll teach you." "Master!" "Hey!" "Tell him not to put snot on the glass." "You two, put your pants on!" "No licking if you're not buying!" "Kid, you have the bone structure of a kung-fu genius." "World peace is in your hands." "Here's the scroll of the Buddhist Palm." "Because it's fate, I'll let you have it for $10." "Wait!" "You want more...?" | {
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" So, Hank." " Meredith." " You're a writer." " A great writer." "You know what the worst thing is?" "You're not writing." " Are you familiar with Hell-A Magazine?" " Hell, no." "They would like you to blog for them." "Do you have a gun?" "You're out there sticking your dick in anything that moves." " My name is Hank." " I know." " Who did she go with?" " Bill's daughter." "I didn't know he had one." " How old is she?" " 16." "This is Mia, Bill's daughter." "And this is Hank." " You two know each other?" " No." " I need you, baby." " No." "Hank, I'm getting married." "Don't marry him." "Marry me." "I hate you." "What are you thinking about?" "I'm thinking about how much I absolutely fucking loathe this city." "Just as I was thinking about how much I absolutely love it." "Meanwhile, I haven't written a goddamn word since we got here." "You need to relax." "I just miss New York, honey." "You know, and I miss you, because you're still there, in that big, thick head of yours." "Come back to us, Hank." "Your girls miss you." "Who are you talking to?" "Nobody." " Professional hazard." " What do you do?" "I'm a writer." "Non practicing." "I've got something you could read." "I think you have potential." " Hank." " Bob." " Bill." " Really?" " Becca doesn't want to see you." " You looking for a cock punch?" " Let me talk to her." " Trust me, as the father of a teenage daughter, just give her some space." "She'll come around." " You know something, Bill, is it?" " Yep." "Still Bill." "Well, I appreciate the parenting advice, but maybe, just maybe, giving them too much space is not such a good idea." "Maybe too much space is actually the root of the problem." "Hank, please..." "My daughter is 16, and she's an angel." "Clearly I'm doing something right." " You poor bastard." " Excuse me?" " Homo says what?" " What?" "Gotcha." "What the fuck is that?" "You like it?" "I could've bought a car instead." "I think you should still buy the car and then run over whoever created that turd." "Everything okay here, boys?" " It's all good." " It's all good?" "That's kind of a hip lingo." ""It's all good." "Yeah, that's what they say, the kids." "I still hate you." "Naturally." "But I do want to see your movie." "It's my book." "It's not my movie." "Not my problem." "I like your movie." "How is that even possible, honey?" "Because it proves you're not the asshole they say you are." "Cursing will cost you." "Now who says I'm an asshole?" "Can we swap nights this weekend?" "We're having some people over on Saturday, and I want Becca to be there." " Uncle Charlie and aunt Marcy." " Thank you, sweetie." " Dad should come." " They're his friends, too." "And uncle Charlie's his agent." "Maybe he has an offer for him." "You're welcome to come, Hank." "Absolutely." "Bring a date." "Ear buds." "First of all, you could not handle me hitting it off with somebody right in front of you." "You're right." "It could be very painful." " But I think I'll get through it." " Okay, so I take this to mean the answer is no, you're not going to marry me." "Hank, I'm standing right here." "Did you ever stop and think that it might be nice for Becca to see us all get along for a change?" "Yes, and it might be nice if I could fellate myself while farting the white album, but I haven't been able to quite master that yet." " So..." " Is he coming?" "Absolutely." "What can I bring, Bob?" "Bill." "Whatever the fuck;" "that's not a "fuck," Becca." "Your assistant makes me want to touch myself in a bad place." "That's nice." "My assistant makes me want to hang myself." "While masturbating?" "Are you retarded or something?" "Funky back tat on the small of the back." "You know what that means." "She likes it in the pooper." "Really?" "I have no idea." "I just wanted to say "pooper"." "I've found that the back tat is a watermark of the promiscuous, though." "Still, she's the world's worst assistant." "She drops calls, she loses manuscripts, she can't even get my fucking macchiato right." "But she does seem to have a nipple ring." "Quite possibly two." "There is something very cool going on in that area." "Enough about my assistant's nipples." "You want to talk some business?" " How's the new book coming?" " Now, that's a hostile question." "You have owed your publisher a book since Becca was breast-feeding." "I remember because I used to like to watch Karen do that." "Kiss my black ass." "You need a fucking job." "What?" "Okay." "What do you got?" "Listen." " You hear that?" " What?" "That's the sound of my phone not ringing for you." "You have burned every bridge" "I built for you with my bare hands." " Except, of course Hell-A Magazine." " No, don't say it...." "They want you to blog for them." "Just take the fucking meeting already!" "Let's ask Dani California." "Hell-A Magazine." "Thoughts?" "You'd be perfect for them." "Nipple ring?" "Two?" "Anywhere else?" "She's got a nose ring, too." " You know what that means." " She likes it in the nose?" "That is sick." "Look around." "L.A. needs you." "Now more than ever." "Your voice is a shotgun blast to all the pretentious fucks who pollute this once-great city of yours." "Just so you know, it's not and never will be my city." "Use the blog, Hank." "Channel your rage." "You're a dying breed." "You're a real writer, a real man." "You've got heart, balls, and swagger." "Either way." "Come over to the dark side, Hank." "Join us at Hell-A Magazine." "I appreciate the enthusiasm." "I do." " But I don't have much to say." " Think about it." "Where you going?" "I thought I was the real deal." "It's a shame I'm in a relationship." "Write me something, Hank." " Good night." " Good night." "The airplane." " So, what do you think?" " Very little of substance." "My tits." "Seriously." "They seem pretty fucking groovy to me." " Think they're too small?" " Too small for what?" "I want to make them bigger." "They're absolutely almost perfect, in every conceivable titty way." "What about my lips?" "Highly kissable." "Not those lips." "These." "What about them?" "Do you think they're too floppy?" " What?" " Floppy?" "I think of getting them fixed." "Vaginal rejuvenation." "You heard about it?" "Get them trimmed up a little." "That way they don't look like day-old deli meat." "I think I just lost my manhood." "And got hungry at the same time." "I can help you find that." "You can try." " Hey, this is you." " I thought you recognized me." "I'm not a big porn guy, actually." "And who might that be?" "My daughter." "Do you need to go... see to her?" "It's okay." "She'll quiet down." "Don't worry about it." "Go be with your daughter." "I'm gonna have to confiscate this thing for further study." "Piece of shit!" "Hell-A Magazine blog number one." "Hank hates you all." "A few things I've learned in my travels through this crazy little thing called life." "One: a morning of awkwardness is far better than a night of loneliness." "Two:" "I probably won't go down in history, but I will go down on your sister." "And three: while I'm down there, it might be nice to see a hint of pubis." "I'm not talking about a huge'70s playboy bush or anything, just something that reminds me that I'm performing cunnilingus on an adult." "But I guess the larger question is, why is the city of angels so hell-bent on destroying its female population?" "Jesus H. Christ." "Nope." "Just little old me." "Are you okay?" "You look a little pale." "Are you gonna have a heart attack?" "You are getting on in years." "Just because I'm older than you doesn't necessarily make me old." "Well, I am 16, you know." " So I've been told." " What's the word for that again?" "It's statutory rape." "That's two words." "Hi, daddy." "Honey, put some clothes on, okay?" "We have company." "I'm sure it's nothing he hasn't seen before." " Thanks for coming." " Thanks for having me." "It's my pleasure." "The pleasure is all mine." "I think this is... an important first step we're taking here." "Really?" "What step is that?" "The one where I sit back and watch as you try to steal my family out from under me?" "It's not gonna happen." "Game on, broheme." "Hey." "You didn't have to do that." "Well, I didn't." "It's for me." "Sorry about that." "Hank, Sonja." " Sonja, Hank." " Hi." "Uh, I love your writing." "And I love you." "I read your adaptation way back when Soderbergh was gonna do it." " I fucking loved it." " Hey, my salad days." "You and I are gonna get along just fine." "I'm sorry." "Honey?" " Can I borrow the missus for a moment?" " Yeah." "Can I talk to you?" "What the fuck are you doing?" "What do you mean?" "You're trying to set me up with this woman." "I thought it'd be nice for you to have a play date with someone your own age." "And if we get along swimmingly?" "Hankie." "I had to leave you, remember?" "I'm not holding a torch here." "And you need to get on with your life." "And you need to get in touch with your emotions, woman." "He says he's not used to dating." "Nobody likes you." "You're ugly and your mother dresses you funny." "Now smile, you fucking douche." "Dad?" " Dad?" " Yes." " Can I get a dog?" " Absolutely." "Yes." "As long as it poops here." "We'll talk about it." "I'm sorry, Hank." " My apologies." " That's fine, Bill." "She's very sweet." "Well, I'd like to propose a toast." "To friends... family... a new beginning..." "And a happy ending!" "Well said, honey." " I'll drink to that." " Cheers, cheers!" "So, how did you and Bill meet?" "I don't think this is the right setting for that..." "I think this is the perfect setting for that story." "Bill hired Karen to redo his place..." "This place." "And along the way, they talked Zen and the art of the mid-life crisis and... eventually fell head over heels in love." "In Karen's case, heels over head." "And Bill got another trophy for his mantel, and..." "Karen got to move into her own Barbie dream house." "Talk about being the architect of your very own..." "Happy ending!" " Got it." " That's a bit of an oversimplification." " But I'm not surprised." " Floor is all yours, Bill." " I'll pass." " That doesn't surprise me." "How did you and Karen meet?" " Some other time, sweetie." " Mia, I don't think..." "What?" "I'm curious." "Come on!" "Karen's not a big fan of memory lane." " I'll tell it." " Rebecca." "Mom was going to art school and playing bass in this downtown noise band." "Dad had just published his first novel." "They met cute at..." "What was it called again?" " CBGB's." " Right." "He thought she was pretentious, and she thought he was way too pleased with himself." "But they had sex anyway." "In the morning, he made her breakfast, and she talked about her plan to move to Seattle so she could stalk and marry..." "Chris Cornell." "Right." "But then she read dad's writing." "And that was it." "Nine months later, I was born." "They never got married, of course." "But they stayed together a long time." "A lot longer than most people do." "Oh, my boyfriend's here." "I got to go." "Bye, daddy." "Good night!" " Bye, honey." "So long." " I wish I could tell an interesting story about me and my ex, but it's really just L.A. cliché number 4b." "He was sleeping with his assistant." "Oh, shit." "That happens." " His name was Ted." " Your husband?" "His assistant." " Could be worse." " Really?" "How so?" "Well, instead of finding out that your husband was gay, you could've found out that he was a... scientologist or something like that." "I'm a scientologist, Hank." "Or a Nazi." "Or Al Qaeda." " Keep trying." " See, this is what I love" " about L.A. is the diversity." " My bet you do." "The Eagles!" "Eagles of Death Metal." "Cool." "Right on." "I liked having you here tonight." "Well, I liked being here tonight." "Bullshit." "Oh, it's a pleasure doing business with you." "I hate to burst your bubble, sweetie, but... that movie has nothing to do with your old man." "Of course it does." "Your novel, while very much an exercise in nihilism, is firmly rooted in romanticism." "You read the novel?" "Jesus fuck." "You shouldn't take the Lord's name in vain." " Where'd you get that old chestnut?" " Bill." "I was wearing my Cradle of Filth t-shirt." "The one with "Jesus was a C-word" on the back." "That's my girl." "But I do pray sometimes." "Sort of." "What do you pray for?" "That you and mom work out your shit and we move back to New York." "No, honey." "You don't owe me anything for that one." "Dad?" "Are you okay?" "But I'm working on it." "Can I get a dog?" "Oh, you're good." "You're good." "Son-ja." "Hey, look, I'm sorry about before..." "What I said." "I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about half the time." " Ask anybody." "They'll tell you." " No worries." "No worries." "You want to..." "You want to get fucked up?" "Why are you so smiley?" "There's nothing quite like getting stoned on the very bed that your ex-domestic partner shares with her fiancé?" "It's the little things." "Could you do me a favor?" "Absolutely." "Tell me what you think." "Honestly?" "Yeah." "Honestly." "I'm, forty-something years old." "I don't have time to play games." "I need to know the truth." "Your breasts are obviously real." "And, um, you have... an abundance of pubic hair, which is really nice." "And, um... there's no evidence of vaginal rejuvenation." "I'd say aside from the fact that you worship a space alien, you just might be the most beautiful woman I've seen in a long long time..." "Thank you." "It's my pleasure." "Would you do mean other favor?" "Would you fuck me?" "My husband recently left me for a guy named Ted, and right now all I wanna do is get fucked stupid by a guy who actually likes women." "If that's okay with you." "I'd be lying if I said I never wondered what it might be like to violate a scientologist." "You must be looking like Art Garfunkel down there lately." "Oh, my god." "You're obsessed." "You haven't been in for a wax in months." "So either you're taking your lady business elsewhere or you're sporting a ginormous hippie bush." "You know what?" "I hate that shit." "I just came to keep you in business." "And I just want you to be happy and hair-free." "Well, I am happy." "Thank you very much." "Are you sure you're not making a deal with the devil that your ass can't cash?" "What does that even mean?" "What?" "What?" "Are you totally serious about marrying this guy?" "Yes." "Why?" "I love him." "He loves me." "He's great with Becca." "I mean, what else is there?" "What about Hank?" "What about him?" "He loves you." "He's trying to get his shit together." "He has been trying to get his shit together since the day we first met." "And the sex with Bill?" "Is it good?" "Yeah." "It's different, you know?" "Come on." "I want to show you my house." "Oh, my God." "My house is my art." "I don't think Tom and Katie would approve of what we're doing right now." "Oh, God." "Shut up and fuck me already." "Are you clear yet?" "Shut up and fuck me." "You are one kinky thetan." "Are you okay?" "Right." "Oh, god." " My painting." " It's all good." "We got it under control." "It's all good." "Okay." "We're so high!" "I don't know what happened." "You look like ass." "Did we just have sex?" "What do you want from me?" "Isn't it obvious?" "What happened the other night will never, ever happen again." "And why is that?" "Because it's sick and wrong." "Well, maybe I'm in the minority here, but I just don't think there's anything sick and wrong about a little fucking and punching between consenting adults." "You're not an adult, for one." "You dirty old man." "Well, I guess I'll just have to... get out my vibrator and read your blog." "That's cool." "Then it won't be a total waste of time." "I thought it was cool." "I was like, "Hey..." ""I totally fucked that guy."" " Must be weird, though." " What?" "Becoming the employee of a man you so clearly hate." "What are you talking about?" "My father..." "He owns Hell-A Magazine." "Mia, is that you?" "Coming, daddy." "Always a pleasure." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"THE TELL-TALE HEART" "I'm glad, I'm really glad." "I can't possibly imagine what you must have suffered." "Let's make a toast to your extraordinary recovery." "And to you, brother... because thanks to you I will never be the same." "And then mom said:" ""Go immediately and ask him to forgive you"." ""It's always useful to have priests and lawyers on your side"." ""because they are the ones who'll help you when you need it most"." "Yeah, I remember that." "Mom was a very intelligent woman, far more than dad, with all his books and studies." "Sure." "I've just noticed." "Dad's library." "His books, his desk, his chess set," "and these estrange figures he was so fond of." "Everything remains the same." "That's how I try to cheat time." " Nothing's changed." " No." "You're wrong." "You and I, we have changed." "But tell me, what are you going to do now?" "Just rest." "I just want to rest." "Sure, of course." "Go up to your room and sleep a while." "Tomorrow we will talk about everything." "It's wonderful to have you here again." " It's like the old times." " No, not like the old times." "Everything will be different now, you'll see." "Good night, brother." "Yes?" "Yes, it's me." "What's wrong?" "I beg your pardon?" "But that can't be." "He's here." "Yes, here, in the house." "He arrived this afternoon and now he's sleeping in his room." "Is he dangerous?" "It's all right." "I'll try to divert him, but for God's sake, hurry up!" "It was true, brother." "It was true." "I was insane." "That's why I heard things, because I was insane... and you were the cause." "Your heart." "Do you remember when I was a child and thunderstorm terrified me?" "Do you remember how I ran to your bed to sleep by your side?" "I hated storms!" "I had to squeeze you tight every time I heard a thunder." "And meanwhile, darkness... and silence." "When you held me close I could only listen to your heart, your heartbeats." "Lord!" "I don't know how many nights I fell asleep... listening to the sound of your heart." "Tick-tack..." "Tick-tack..." "An horrible clock that wouldn't stop." "That's when I started hearing things." "At first I didn't think much of it, but then I started to hear everything, everything!" "I heard everything can be heard, in the earth, and in the heaven." "I heard many things in hell!" "And your heart, your heart beating repeatedly in my heart..." "That clock won't sound anymore." "There are no beats." "Now I don't hear things that I don't want to." "Now we'll rest, brother." "Now we'll rest." "Subtitles by Innominabilis" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"I still love you." "And I know I probably shouldn't even be here telling you this," "I mean you're with Chandler a guy I really like, and if you say he's straight I'll believe you!" "After seeing ya the other night I knew if I didn't tell ya I'd regret it for the rest of my life." "Letting you go was the stupidest thing I ever did." "Y'know you're really not supposed to be back here!" "Well yeah, I'm sorry." "I know this is the wrong time and the wrong place but" "I had to tell ya!" "I wanna spend my life with you." "I wanna marry you." "I wanna have kids with you." "Oh God¡¦ Why don't they put chairs back here?" "I know this is crazy but am I too late?" "What the¡¦ Yes you're too late!" "Where was all this three years ago?" "Well I know I was an idiot!" "And I tried to forget you, I really did!" "Y'know after we had lunch last year I spent six months in Africa trying to get you out of my head!" "What were you doing in Africa?" "Working with blind kids." "Ohhh!" "What are you doing to me?" "Oh look, I" " I¡¦" "I'm sorry but umm, this- this- this- this is not going to happen." "Okay that's fine, I'll walk away." "And I'll never bother you again, but only if you tell me Chandler's willing to give you everything I am." "Well he is!" "Yeah, I mean marriage is all he talks about!" "My goodness, in fact, I'm the one that's making him wait!" " You are?" " Yeah!" "Why?" "Why?" "Because of the government." "Isn't it incredible?" "Monica and Chandler, gettin' married." "I know, they're gonna be so happy together." "Ohh¡¦ I mean two best friends falling in love, how often does that happen?" " Not at all!" " No!" "I'm so happy for them!" "Me too!" "So happy for them!" "I'm so happy and not at all jealous." "Oh no!" "No God, definitely not jealous!" "I mean I'm probably 98% happy, maybe 2% jealous." "And I mean what's 2%?" "That's nothing." "Totally." " I'm like 90/10." " Yeah me too." "Hey uh, have you guys scene Chandler?" "Wh?" "no, but y'know who did stop in here looking for ya," "Tennille." "So that marriage stuff that you were saying yesterday, you don't really believe that do you?" "Sure I do." "In fact, I think the whole concept of marriage is unnatural." "I mean look at pigs." "Let's take a second here and look at pigs." "Okay pigs don't mate for life." "I mean a pig can have like a hundred sexual partners in a lifetime, and that's just an ordinary pig not even a pig that's good at sports!" "Wait a minute." "Are you honestly telling me that- that you may never want to get married?" "Well, never say never but y'know probably uh yeah, never." "Oh my God!" "Then- then- then what are we even doing?" "What is this?" "Whoa!" "Whoa!" "Whoa!" "What is all this pressure?" "Is this some new kind of strategy?" "Why don't you put down your copy of ¡®The Rules' huh mantrap?" "Y'know what?" "I gotta go!" "Ugh!" "It's okay, I got a plan." "We're gonna find love!" "Definitely!" "Yeah, I'm pretty confident about that" "That's what makes it so easy for me to be 80% happy for Monica and Chandler!" "It would be nice to have a little guarantee though." "What do you mean?" "Well y'know, some people make deals with a friend, like if neither of them are married by the time they're 40, they marry each other." " You mean a backup?" " Exactly!" "Yeah, yeah I got that." " You do?" " Hm- mmm." " Who?" " Joey." " Joey?" " Yeah!" " Are you serious?" "Yeah, I locked him years ago!" "Wh¡¦ So¡¦ If neither of you are married by the time you're 40, you're gonna marry Joey." "Yep, we shook on it." "Yeah but believe me that is not how he wanted to seal the deal." "Oh, seriously?" "Ohh, yeah." "I think his exact words were¡¦" "Charming." " Well hey, it's just a backup." " Yeah." "Hey Monica!" "Have you seen Rachel?" "Or a mirror?" "This is for my boat, pretty cool huh?" "Yeah, it's great." "Whoa- whoa, what's the matter?" "Talk to the captain!" "I'm just having one of those days where you realize you're in a dead- end relationship!" "Chandler giving you a hard time huh?" "It's not like I want to get married tomorrow!" "It's just that I" " I'd like to believe that I'm in a relationship that's actually going somewhere, that I'm not just wasting my time!" "Well, you know Chandler." "No I don't know Chandler!" "Not anymore!" "It's like it's like something's changed." "Maybe you changed?" "I didn't change!" "Maybe that's the problem." "What?" "Chandler is a complex fellow, one who is unlikely to take a wife." "What does he think?" "Does he think I'm just gonna wait around for nothing?" "Monica face it," "Chandler is against marriage." "And- and always will be!" "Well there's some people who do want to marry me." "There are?" "Yeah!" "Richard!" "R" " R" " Richard said he wants to marry you?" "And- and Chandler's tellin' ya how much he hates marriage?" "That's right." "Chandler loves marriage!" "You just told me that he hates marriage!" "That- that he's a- a complex fellow who's unlikely to take a wife!" "That- that he's against marriage and always will be!" "You got that from what I said?" "Rach!" "Hey you!" " Hey, come on in." " Oh thank you." "Hey y'know, I'm so sorry to hear about you and Elizabeth." "Oh, thanks." "Yeah, I really thought we'd be able to make it work, but uh, I guess it just wasn't meant to be." "Yeah, love." "It's a tricky business isn't it?" "I guess so." "So what do you say we make a pact?" "If you and I are both single by the time we're 40, we get married" "I mean, we know each other, we like each other, and we've- we've already slept together so y'know there'll be no surprises there!" "You know what I mean?" "No like,"What's that?"" "Right." "Ohh!" "You- you want me to be your backup." "Exactly." "Ohh, yeah I already have one." "What?" "Who?" " Phoebe." " Phoebe?" "Wait a?" "but- but she just, she said that Joey was her backup." "Ohh, I don't think so." "Ross!" "I just had a conversation with her, and she said that she and Joey made a deal!" "That's impossible!" "I mean we have had a deal for years!" "We- we- we shook on it, although believe me she wanted to do a lot more than that." "Where the hell have you been?" "I was making a coconut phone with the professor." "Richard told Monica he wants to marry her!" "What?" "Yeah!" "Yeah, I've been trying to find ya to tell to stop messing with her and maybe I would have if these damn boat shoes wouldn't keep flying off!" "My?" "Oh my God!" "I know!" "They suck!" "He's not supposed to ask my girlfriend to marry him!" " I'm supposed to do that!" " I know!" "Well what¡¦ Y'know what I'm gonna do?" "I'm gonna go over there;" "I'm gonna kick his ass!" "Will you help me?" "Look, Chandler I don't think us getting our asses kicked is a solution." "Okay?" "Just go and find Monica!" " You're right." " Yeah!" " Okay." "I'm gonna get the ring!" "I'm gonna get the ring!" "I'm gonna go find her and I'm just going to propose!" " Okay." " Okay." " Dude- dude- dude!" " What?" "Let me know about that coconut phone, it might great for the boat." "Hi." "Hi." "I don't know why I'm here." "I didn't ask." "You wanna come in?" "I don't know." "Oh, okay." "Well, I'll just leave the door open and go sit on the couch." "Chandler is such an idiot!" "Drink?" " Yeah, I'll have a scotch¡¦ - ¡¦on the rocks with a twist?" "I remember." "Still smoking cigars?" "Uh, no!" "No!" "That's¡¦art!" "If it bothers you I can put my art out." "No that's okay." "So Monica let me ask you a question." "Y'know, since we broke up do you ever, think about me?" "Uh yeah, I" " I actually I thought about you a couple months ago." "Oh really?" "Yeah but it was because I" " I had an eye exam and I don't like my new eye doctor." "Who is it?" "Edward Nevski?" "Yeah he's no good." "Do you ever think about me in a non- eye doctor way?" "No." "Ahh." "But getting over was the hardest thing that I've ever had to do." "And I never let myself think about you." "Phoebe!" "You picked Joey and Ross?" "You can not have two backups!" "Of course I can!" "It's just good sense to backup your backup!" "Look, I've already lost Chandler!" "What?" " Hey!" " Hey!" "Phoebe!" "We're both your backup?" "Phoebe, how could you do this to me?" "I don't?" "Look I don't know what you're complaining about now?" "You were both aware of the situation!" " No we weren't!" " I was not!" "Okay, this kind of back talk is not gonna fly when we're married!" "Phoebe you can't have both of them!" "You have to pick one!" "Pick me!" "No!" "Pick me!" "I don't want to end up an old maid!" "All right well let's see," "Ross is a good father, but" "Joey has a boat?" "This is hard!" "This is crazy!" "Hey look, I wanna switch to Rachel!" "Ooh, I wanna switch to Rachel too!" "No wait!" "Just?" "Okay?" "Just wait!" "You guys!" "Wait you guys!" "Don't make any rash decisions, okay?" "Just remember my promise, when we get married, three times a week." "Oh God, Phoebe!" "I'm talking about massages." "Oh." "Okay, y'know what?" "I know" " I know how to settle this!" "All right here, this is what we're gonna do!" "I'm gonna write Joey on one napkin and I'm gonna right Ross on the other napkin and we are going to pick one!" "And that person is going to be our backup!" "Okay?" " Okay that's fair." " All right." "Good!" " Pick one." " Left!" " Thank you." " You're welcome." " Ross!" " Joey!" " We should just switch." " Yeah absolutely!" " Yeah." "I missed this apartment!" "Now, this is a grown- up's apartment!" "Y'know, I" " I should be with a grown- up, do you know what I mean?" "Yeah!" "You're saying, you need to be with someone more mature." "Maybe someone with, a license to practice medicine." "Or a mustache." "Y'know, let's face it," "I'm not a kid anymore!" "I" " I need to be with someone who- who wants the same things that I do!" "I mean coming to my place of work and telling me that you love me, I want that!" "Talking about pig sex over lunch, I don't want that!" "I think that's fair." "Fair?" "Please don't even talk to me about fair!" "Fair would've been you wanting to marry me back then!" "Or fair would've been Chandler wanting to marry me now!" "Believe me, nothing about this is fair!" "Nothing!" " Nothing!" "Nothing!" "Nothing!" "Nothing!" "Nothing!" "Nothing!" "Nothing!" " It's okay!" "Shh!" "Hey." "Hey." "Shhhh." "Nothing." "I don't kn?" "Umm." "I don't know." "Umm¡¦" "I know." "I" " I¡¦ I have to figure¡¦some st?" "Y'know, some stuff before I can¡¦" "Yeah, I understand." "Take as much time as you want." "Ten, even twenty minutes if you need it." "I'll be here." "Not smoking." "Chandler." "Where is she?" "I'm not scared of you!" "She's not here and please come in." "Scotch on the rocks, with a twist, on a coaster?" "Ha- ha, Monica!" "Monica!" "Okay, she was here, but she left." "Well where did she go?" "Well she said she had to think things over." "Oh my God, I can't believe this!" "Y'know, I thought¡¦" "I thought you were a good guy." "Oh, hey look nothing happened." "Nothing happened?" "Nothing?" "So you didn't tell my girlfriend that you love her?" "Well all right, one thing happened?" "I can't believe this!" "Do you know what you did?" "My girlfriend is out there thinking things over!" "You made my girlfriend think!" "Well I'm sorry." "And what does she have to think about?" "I love her!" "Well, apparently I'm willing to offer her things that you are not." "But I am willing to offer her all those things." "This was just a plan, y'know?" "A way to throw her off course so that when I offered her all these things, she'd be surprised!" "Well if it helps, it worked very well." "It was working until you showed up, you big tree!" "I mean, this isn't fair." "You had your chance with her!" "You had your chance and you blew it!" "And this is my chance and I am not going to blow it because we are meant for each other!" "And this is all just been one stupid mistake!" "I was gonna propose tonight." "You were gonna propose?" "Yeah" "I even got a ring." "Did you get a ring?" "No I don't have a ring!" "You go get her Chandler." "And can I give you a piece of advice?" "If you do get her, don't let her go." "Trust me." "Y'know Richard¡¦ you are a good guy." "I know." "I hate that!" "Dude!" "I can't talk to you now, I gotta find Monica!" " She's gone." " What?" "She's gone." "She had a bag and she left." "What are you talking about?" "She was all crying." "She- she said you guys want different things, and that and that she needed time to think." "Well why didn't you stop her?" "Why didn't you just tell her it was a plan?" "I" " I did!" "I told her everything, Chandler!" "But she wouldn't believe me." "Well where¡¦ Where did she go?" "To her parent's" "I think and she said you shouldn't call her." "But if I were you I would." "I can't believe I ruined this." "I am so sorry man." "You wanted it to be a surprise." "Oh my God." "Chandler¡¦" "In all my life¡¦" "I never thought I would be so lucky." "As to¡¦fall in love with my best¡¦ my best¡¦" "There's a reason why girls don't do this!" "Okay!" "Okay!" "Okay!" "Oh God," "I thought¡¦" "Wait a minute, I" " I can do this." "I thought that it mattered what I said or where I said it." "Then I realized the only thing that matters is that you, you make me happier than I ever thought I could be." "And if you'll let me," "I will spend the rest of my life trying to make you feel the same way." "Monica, will you marry me?" "Yes." "I knew you were likely to take a wife!" "Can we come it yet?" "We're dying out here!" "Come in!" "Come in!" "We're engaged!" "Ohhh, this is the least jealous I've ever been!" "Oh no wait no, this is wrong!" " Ross isn't here!" " Oh¡¦" "Oh hell, he's done this three times!" "He knows what its about!" "Yeah!" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Yes, ma'am." "How are you doing this afternoon?" "Is this Rose Hill?" "This is Ed Couch." "I'm Vesta Adcock's nephew." "I need to get up there and see her, but I'm gonna be a little bit late." "I'll tell you what, I'm lost out here." "We're off the Alabama Interstate, but I don't know where." "Did you hear that?" "What?" "The train." "No." "I didn't hear no train." "Oh, nothing, I guess." " Where's Whistle Stop on the map?" " I can't find it." "Why did you tell me to turn right ten miles back there?" "God, you've got a negative sense of direction, honey." "I'm sorry." "Oh, Ed." "Your aunt's gonna be so disappointed we're late." "I know she's been looking forward to this visit all week long, bless her sweet little old heart." "Hey, how's my sweet Auntie V this afternoon?" "Remember us?" " Don't you look pretty?" " We've brought you something especially." "Don't you know Evelyn loves you?" "Honey, I guess it'd be better if you just wait out here for me, or something." " I'll get all this stuff." " Well, if..." "If you think it's best." "Yeah, I do, this time." "OK?" "Have a nice day, Aunt Vesta." "Don't you pitch a fit like that" "Did you know they took my gall bladder out?" "Oh..." "No, I didn't." "Oh, yes." "It's still in the hospital in a jar." "I guess that's where they keep them." "I guess." "When I was in the hospital, the nurse gave me one of them Fleet enemas they're so fond of." "Mrs. Cleo Threadgoode." "82-year-old widow, imagine that." "Actually, everybody calls me Ninny." "Of course, I'm just visiting here." "Did you ever have one of them Fleet enemas?" "Um..." "Well..." "No." "You'd remember it." "Me and my friend Mrs. Otis come from Whistle Stop." "You ever been to Whistle Stop?" "Why, yes." "I just passed by there today." "She's lived down the street from me for 30 years or more." "After her son died, her daughter-in-law had a fit for her to come live here at the nursing home, and they asked me to come with her and be her roommate." "Mrs. Otis don't know it, but I'm going back home just as soon as she gets settled in good." "Does the name Idgie Threadgoode ring a bell?" "Um..." "No, ma'am." "I don't think so." "You'd remember her." "You see, I was practically adopted by the Threadgoode family." " I married her brother Cleo." " Oh." "Uh-huh." "Idgie and her friend Ruth ran the Whistle Stop Café." "Idgie was a character, all right." "But how anybody could have thought she murdered that man is beyond me." "I beg your pardon?" "You sit and relax awhile." "I'll tell you all about it." "Oh, now, let's see..." "I remember the day they pulled that truck up out of the river." "That same rainy summer day," "Idgie Threadgoode was arrested for the murder of the owner of that truck, Frank Bennett." "I guess to understand Idgie, you'd have to start way back with her brother Buddy." "Idgie was Buddy's pet from the day she was born." "I remember the day we was all getting ready for Leona's wedding." "The war had just ended." "The "Great" one, you know." "And another one was about to begin in the Threadgoode house." "Sipsey, honey, is that finished?" "Oh, Buddy." "Buddy, get dressed, honey." " Mama..." " Leona, what is it?" "Idgie's upstairs in her room and she said she won't come out just as long as she lives." " Mama, she is gonna ruin my wedding." " Shh." "Why, Leona, you're gonna be the most beautiful bride..." "Well, of course she is, Papa." "Your papa has spent every last nickel he has just to make you happy." "Now, you try to act a little grateful, young lady." "Imogen Louise Threadgoode!" "This is your mama!" "You come down here... right now." "Do you hear me?" " Buddy, you fetch her." "She'll listen to you." " Come on down." "There's no firing squad waiting for you." "Oh..." "Come on, honey." "Now, let us see you." "Oh, you look so pretty." " I see London, I see..." " Hush!" "Julian, hush." "Come ahead, sweetheart." "You look awful nice in that." " Mama!" " You look fine, Idgie." " She looks like a monkey." " Julian, stop it right this second." " Take it back!" " Idgie." "I told you she was gonna ruin my wedding!" "Take it back!" "Take it back!" " I'll get you for this." " No, Buddy." " Be careful when she's dressing up." " She's just a pain." "Leona, will you stop shrieking, honey?" "This is your wedding day" "Looks like you got yourself up a tree, little bit" "I'm sick of people making fun of me." "So you're gonna stay up here all day long?" "Yep." "The hell with them." "Who wants to wear that stupid old dress anyway?" "Did I ever tell you about the oysters?" " Oysters?" " Didn't I tell you about the oysters?" "Think about the millions of oysters lying around on the bottom of the ocean." "Then one day..." "God comes along and he sees one and he says, "I think I'm gonna make that one different."" "And you know what he does?" "He puts a little piece of sand in it." "And guess what it can do that the others can't." " What?" " It can make a beautiful pearl." "What if God made a mistake?" "Well, the way I figure it, he never makes mistakes." "I mean, he made sure we got together." "He made sure you got the best-looking, most charming brother in the world, who's gonna beat you to the chocolate cake." "You will not." "Got you out of the tree, now, didn't I?" "Did not." "Into this estate, these two people come now to be joined." "If any man present can show cause why they might not be lawfully joined together, let him speak now, or for ever after hold his peace." "Please be seated." "If either of you know any reason why you may not justly be joined together in holy matrimony do you now confess it?" "It is in your will to proceed." "Do you, Charles Osgood Justice..." "Thank you." "I don't know what we'd do without your generosity." " Sipsey, honey, look at what you've done." " You're welcome, Mrs. Threadgoode." "You rascal, you!" "I don't think there ever was a sweeter boy than Buddy Threadgoode." "You look beautiful today, Lily." "Yeah, Lily, you sure do." "I had the biggest crush on him." "He was a terrible flirt" "But his heart belonged to Ruth Jamison." "Now, she was the daughter of a friend of his mama's who was visiting that summer." "Ruth Jamison, you're just the one I've been looking for." "Are you thirsty?" "Let's go visit someplace else." "If you think that's a big lake, you should have seen the one by our house." "We used to swim in it and fish." "I sure do miss it." "I sure do." "Well, what happened to it?" "Did it dry up?" "No." "Worse than that." "Last fall, a big flock of ducks, about 40 or 50 of them, landed smack in the middle of it." "While they were sitting in it, a fluke thing happened." "The temperature dropped so fast that the whole lake froze in three seconds, just like that." "And all those poor little ducks." "Did it kill them?" "No." "They flew off and took the lake with them." "Why, to this very day, that lake is somewhere over in Georgia." "Buddy Threadgoode." "Just come a little closer." "I want to give you something." "Come here." "Whoa!" "Hat, where do you think you're going?" "Woo-oo!" "I've got it." "Hold on, Ruth." "Hold on a little bit." "It's all right." "I've got it." "Come here, you damn hat." "Got it!" "Oh!" "Oh, I meant to do that" "I've got it!" "Ta-da!" "All right." "Damn." "Come on." "Come on." "Get off." "Buddy!" " Buddy!" " Buddy Threadgoode!" "Buddy!" "Get out of there." "Get out of there." "Buddy!" " Run, Buddy!" " Buddy!" "Buddy!" "No!" "Buddy!" "No-oo!" "No-oo!" "Buddy!" "No!" "Please!" "Let me go!" "No." "Buddy!" "Come on." "We've got to get back to the house." "No, Mama." "Come on." "We've got to go home." "Buddy!" " Buddy!" " You have to be strong." "It's gonna be OK." "Buddy!" "The Lord is my shepherd," "I shall not want." "It like to have killed us all." "But nary a one took it as hard as Idgie." "Everyone thought she'd die right along with him." "Night after night, she stayed by the river." "Big George was the only soul she'd let near her, and he watched over her night and day." "You know, a heart can be broken, but it still keeps a-beating just the same." "Miss Idgie, you'll have to keep this blanket on or you'll catch your death of cold, you hear me?" "That's so sad." "Would you like one of these?" "Oh!" "Thank you, honey." "Evelyn..." "Honey, we gotta get going." "The Braves game's fixing to start and you're gonna miss your... thing." "Excuse me." "That's my husband Ed." "Hi, ma'am." "Um..." "I can't believe Buddy died." "Neither could I." "Oh, well..." "I enjoyed talking to you, honey." "What's your name?" "Evelyn." "Evelyn Couch." "I've got to go." "You come back and see me, you hear?" "OK." "Bye-bye." "Well, first of all I want you to truly dedicate yourselves to finding little ways to putting that magic, that spark, back into your marriage." "When we think of romance and marriage, what is the first thought that comes into your mind?" "Divorce." "Remember when marriage counsellors told you to wrap yourself in Cellophane to put a little charge into your marriage?" "Do we really pay for these lectures?" "♪ O-oh yeah" "♪ As I walk this land of broken dreams" "♪ I have visions of many things" "♪ Happiness is just an illusion..." "Evelyn, have you gone insane?" "People can see you!" "What if I'd have been the paperboy or something, honey?" "Get in there." "What were you thinking about?" "Evelyn." " Evelyn!" " Oh." "You know, what we really need, instead of this baloney, is an assertiveness training class for southern women." "But that's a contradiction in terms, isn't it?" "Especially you, sweetheart." "You're living in the Dark Ages." "♪ The roots of love grow all around" "♪ But for me they come tumbling down" "♪ Every day heartaches grow a little stronger" "♪ I can't stand this pain much longer..." "Hi, honey." "I need one of those." "Mm, you smell good, too." " Thank you." " I need one of these." "Oh, this looks good." "Yes, indeedy." "♪ Always moving but going nowhere" "♪ What becomes of the brokenhearted..." "Ed..." "Why don't you come in and sit down at the table and have dinner with me?" "I'm sorry, honey." "The game's almost over." "I just wanted to see a bit of it." "Why are you so dressed up?" "Honey, don't get in the way there." "Just scoot over just a bit." "Ed... if I'd opened the door wearing only Cellophane, would you still be watching the baseball game?" "No, honey, I'd probably be checking you into a loony bin." " Hi, sugar." "How's my little dumpling?" " Trick or treat?" "You won't throw one of those hissy fits, will you?" "No, no, no!" " You are meaner than a damn snake." " I'm glad you're feeling better." " You need to get back in bed." " Good thing your eyesight's failing." "Hey!" " Hey." " I was hoping you'd be here." "My roommate, Mrs. Otis, said I could stay and visit with her and her family, but I said, "Thank you kindly, but I think I might have my own visitor."" "And here you are!" " Well, now, sit down." " Thank you." "And doughnuts to boot." "You can't beat that." "Well, help yourself, Mrs. Threadgoode." "How's your friend?" " Mrs. Otis?" " Mm-hm." "Well, not so good." "It looks like I won't be getting home for quite a while, and I sure miss it." "Funny what you miss when you're away from home." "I miss the smell of coffee." "And bacon frying." "Oh... what I wouldn't give for a plate of fried green tomatoes like we used to have at the café." "Ooh..." "I never told you about the café, did I?" "No, ma'am." "Well... let me back up a bit." "You see, Idgie never quite got over losing Buddy." "She hardly ever come home." "Only Big George knew how to find her." "She just didn't seem to care about anything any more." "And then one summer day her mama sent for her." "Like they say, God never shuts one door without opening another." "That was also the day Idgie met Frank Bennett." "The man whose murder got her arrested." "Well, hello there, miss." "And who might you be?" "Towanda to you." "Who are you?" "Oh, Frank Bennett's the name, Miss Towanda." "I must say, you are looking mighty fine today." "Are you a politician, or does lying just run in your family?" "Mama!" "There you are!" "It's about time, Idgie." "If you don't look like the Wild Man Of Borneo..." " There you go." " Well, thank you." " Guess who's here." " Who?" "Ruth." "She's staying with us this summer, and will be in charge of all the young people's activities at the church." " Is that why you wanted to see me?" " We have so many nice things planned." "Ruth!" "You remember my youngest child?" "Of course I do." "Hi, Idgie." "Hi." "Maybe this isn't such a good idea." "Oh, it's got to work." "Somebody's got to help her." "I cant." "Are you sure you wanna go to this here River Club, Miss Ruth?" "These ain't no churchgoing folks." "I'll do just fine, George, thank you." "Oh, excuse me." "Is Idgie Threadgoode here, by any chance?" "Come on in, honey." "She's right down here." " Here?" " Uh-huh." "I'll see you, Grady Kilgore." "And I'll raise you 20." "You ain't got nothing." "Maybe I do and maybe I don't." "Put your money where your mouth is, Mr. Sheriff." "Well, look what the cat brung in." "I came to talk to you." "You're gonna have to wait." "I'm busy." "Come on." "This is your big chance." "Are you in or out?" "It'll make you a rich man." "You're just bluffing, as usual." "I'm afraid you're gonna have to excuse Idgie." "She's going home for dinner." "Nice meeting you." "Say goodbye, Idgie." " Where the hell are you going with my money?" " We're going home." " Who are you to boss me around?" " I'm the one holding your money, that's who." "Give it back." "Now, get in the car." "All right." "I'll get in the car." "You win." "Come on." "Sucker!" "I'll leave here when I want to." "I just don't know how you can break your mother's heart like you do." "I'm not doing anything to my mother." "Oh, no?" "Why do you think I'm over here for the summer?" "Your mother was worried." "She thought I might be able to talk sense into you, but you're too busy being selfish." "What are you talking about?" "Idgie, you're not the only one who lost Buddy." "We all... miss him, but... turning your back on your family's not gonna help." "What's he got to do with anything?" "It looks like you're the one with the problem forgetting my brother." "Why, just ten miles away, down by the river, there lurks a den of the devil!" "Where liquor and gambling and sin abide!" "Snakes and serpents." "Hey, Scroggins!" "You're finally preaching about something you're kin to." "Snakes!" "As I said... snakes and serpents take many disguises." "Let's turn to page 53 in our hymnal." "Yoo-hoo!" "Big George thought I might find you here." "If you give me a chance, a chance to get to know you, maybe it'll be fun!" "Fun?" "!" "Idgie, just spend some time with me." " Please." " Suit yourself." "Are you sure you don't wanna back out?" "It's not too late." "I'm sure." "Here, hold this." "Tell me, now, do you like trains?" "Y..." "Yes." "Good." "We'll get along just fine." "Boy, did we luck out tonight!" "Hop in." "I.." "Oh... give me your hand." "Put your foot up there." "Hold that." "Look at all this." "I think we should get off the train." "It's starting to move." "No." "The fun's just started." "Are you all right?" "Well, sometimes I get a little dizzy looking down." "Don't look down." "What are you doing?" "Come on." "Look." "They're throwing away food!" "You talk about give unto others." "Yes, but this food isn't yours to give." "That's church talk." "I've seen those same people over at church on Sunday over at the River Club every other night of the week, doing anything but pray." "More, more!" "OK." "Time to get off." "We gotta jump." " Jump?" " Yeah, jump" "The next stop is five miles down the tracks." "I won't walk that far back." "Are you crazy?" "You're not kidding." "Well..." "I give up." "Jump..." "I'll tell Mama I'm not a good influence on you..." "You'll never jump, will you?" "Don't say never to me." "Aargh!" "Towanda...!" "Are you all right?" "I'm fine." "I'm all right." "Ow!" " Does this hurt?" " Ouch!" "I guess so." " We better get you to a doc... doctor." " Shit!" "Which way is it?" "About two miles down the tracks." "All right." "Let's go." "You'll never be able to carry me that far." "I know." "Never say never." "I'm not carrying you." "We're walking." "Thank you, Julian." "I owe you one." " Aren't you ready yet?" " What?" "This doesn't have anything to do with trains, does it?" "Do you like honey?" "Oh, yeah, I like honey." " Fresh honey?" " Yeah." "Me too." "There it is." "There what is?" "You'll see." "Soon enough." "Now... stay here." "No matter what happens, don't move." "What are you gonna do?" "Here you are, madame." "This is for you." "Wh..." "Why did you do that?" "You could have been killed." "I'm sorry." "Don't you want the honey?" "I got it just for you." "It's all right." "I do it all the time." "I never get stung, honest." "Don't be mad at me, Ruth." "Idgie, I'm not mad at you." "No fooling?" "Is it bad, what I did?" "No." "I thought I might be crazy or something." "No, no." "No, I've heard there were people who could charm bees." "I've just never seen it done before today." "You're just a bee charmer, Idgie Threadgoode." "That's what you are." "A bee charmer." "Here." "Do you wanna taste it?" "Surprise!" " Idgie Threadgoode!" " Tonight we're gonna have a real party." "Drink this and then we're gonna play some poker." "Well, I don't..." "I don't know how to play poker and I never drink, but... thank you anyway." "♪ Oh, my darlin', oh, my darlin'" "Here comes the wind-up now." "Here comes the wind-up." "Burn that ball in here." "Burn 'em in here." "Burn 'em in here." "Right in the pocket." "Right in the pocket." "I don't know how to bat." "Yeah, and you don't drink either." " Gonna be a spitter." "Gonna be a spitter." " Hold the bat and swing." "I'll pitch it easy to you." " Spitter?" "Is she gonna spit at me?" " No, she gonna spit on the ball." "Take another crack at it." "OK." "Take another crack at it." " Get 'em in here." "Get 'em in here." " Get 'em in, come on." "Wooh!" "Wooh!" "You've got to run." "Come on, run." "Don't kiss everybody!" "Run!" "I have never had so much fun in my whole life." "And I even got a home run." "A clean one at that." "A straight beats three of a kind." "You know, poker isn't half bad." "Idgie, what's your mother gonna say when she sees us both... drunk?" "You've got to stop worrying about what people think." "I mean, you've always done the right thing." "You took care of your daddy, the preacher, when he took sick." "You take care of all of the kids over at the church school." "You're gonna take care of your mama." "I know." "And I'm gonna marry the man I'm supposed to." "You're getting married?" "!" "As soon as the summer's over." "Oh, am I gonna miss you!" "This is the best birthday I ever had." "Ruth invited Idgie to the wedding, but Idgie never did write back." "No." "But she did drive all night to Valdosta, Georgia to watch from afar." "Whoa!" "Here we go!" "And then she swore she'd never see Ruth again." "Now, Mama Jamison, you put that down right now." "Oh, my Lord!" "So, during these next few weeks, we will be learning to reclaim our own power as women." "Hallelujah." "And tonight." "We're gonna begin to explore our own femaleness by examining the source of our strength and our separateness." "Our vaginas." "So, if you all will just slip off your panties now and straddle your mirrors." " Oh, I'm so sorry." " Miss Couch." "Miss Couch!" "Um..." "I need to be excused for a minute." "Um..." "Missy, could you come with me to the ladies' room?" "Do you find this threatening?" "Uh, well..." "Do you have a problem with your sexuality?" "No, ma'am." "But I do have a problem with my girdle." "♪ Cherish is the word" "♪ I use to describe..." "Hi, baby." "All right!" "Fried chicken." "My favourite." "Ed..." "Ed, those classes that I've been taking for ever aren't helping us one bit." "Let's go to Florida, like when we got married." "Kyle's gone." "Busy with his own life." "It'd be just the two of us." "Honey, it's just the two of us here now." "Boy, you got a good scald on that chicken." "I'm telling you, it's really good." "Thank you." "We could rent a boat and drift around in the hot sun." "What do you think about it?" "Well, I'm just getting used to it being quiet around here." "Honey, if those classes aren't doing you any good, then don't go to them." "Damn." "The game's blacked out." "Oo-hoo!" "Mrs. Threadgoode?" "Hey, Evelyn." "Do you like it?" "Oooh!" "Well, who did it for you, darling?" "Believe it or not, it was a student, a little bitty thing no bigger than a midget, from the beauty college." "Sometimes they come out here and do our hair for free." "Just for the practice, you know?" "Is Ed with you?" "Oh, um..." "No, ma'am." "His aunt said she didn't want visitors any more." "Especially us." "It's a shame." "I know he feels bad." "But..." "Lord, if he'll talk to me about it." "Oh, thank you!" " Merry Christmas." " Merry Christmas." "Mrs. Threadgoode how about telling me some more... about Idgie?" "Oh, well, now, let me see." "Where were we?" "Ruth had just got married to Frank Bennett." "Wasn't that the man Idgie was arrested for murdering?" "That's right." "After Ruth left," "Idgie just went back to her old ways." "Hanging out with Grady and the boys at the River Club." "But after a few years, temptation got the better of her and she drove all the way to Valdosta, Georgia, to see how Ruth was doing an' all." "And that's when the trouble began." " Hi there." " Yes?" "Uh... is Ruth at home?" "Who's calling?" "You just tell her it's the bee charmer from Alabama." "Ruth!" "There's some bee person here to see you." " Idgie..." "You've got a real nice home." "Real nice things an' all." "Thank you." "Oh, Mama said to give you this pie." "So..." "Idgie Threadgoode... how are you?" "You look so... so grown-up." "All the guys must be wild about you." "Tell me... do you have a fella yet?" "Uh..." "A couple." "I haven't decided on any." "Grady's the most persistent..." " Grady Kilgore?" " Don't say it so loud." "Ruth, honey, who's down there?" "Hey..." " What happened to you?" " Nothing." "Nothing." "Where d'you get the shiner?" " Well..." " Who's down there?" "Listen, I think you'd better leave now." " Did he hit you?" " No..." " Did he beat you?" " Idgie..." "Somebody's got to talk to him." "Somebody's got to stand up to him." "I'm gonna have a little conversation with him about picking on somebody his own size." "You're not gonna do anything, you understand?" "If you care about me, if you really do, you'll turn around and leave this minute." "Do you understand?" "Well..." "What did she want?" "Nothing." "Ruth's a grown woman and she knows what's best for her." "Mm." "I'm not so sure about that." "Idgie?" "Grady, hi." "Idgie, will you dance with me?" "No!" "Oh, come on, Idgie." "It's only a dance." " Miss Idgie Threadgoode..." " Get your butt off the floor." "...will you dance with me?" "I will not dance with you and I will not marry you." "Go marry Gladys Moats." "She just adores you." "But she did fall on her head when she was just a child." "You're just a goofy girl, Idgie Threadgoode, a goofy girl." " Who are you calling a goof?" " Ow!" " Who are you calling a goof?" " Stop that before I hurt you." "Oh, yeah?" "You try it." "Aargh!" "Grady!" " There, now." "Do you give up?" " No!" "I'll never give up." "Grady finally got dizzy and gave up." "Try as they might, none of them fellas at Eva's River Club could tame Idgie." "A little while later, a letter come from Ruth." "Oh... that's an obituary." "Oh, no, honey, Ruth's mother died." "Oh." "And this is from the Bible." "It's from the book of Ruth." "And Ruth said," ""Whither thou goest, I will go." "Where thou lodgest, I will lodge." "Thy people shall be my people."" "Julian, you and Big George wait out here for a minute." "Mama died." "I know." "And I'm pregnant." "Hey, Julian, I've got another box in here when you're done." "I've never seen anybody with so many hats." "Why don't we put three in one box?" "I don't think we could fit all these in the car." "We're gonna need a separate truck" " for all your stuff." " What the hell is going on here?" "Looks like your wife's leaving you, mister." "Oh, sure she is." "Don't you touch her!" "Let go!" " Get off!" " Quit hurting her!" "Stop it." "Don't you hurt her!" "I wouldn't do that if I was you, mister." "See, the thing is, you might upset Big George." "And he's... crazy." "There's no telling what he might do." "Go on, get out of here." "Hey!" "Come on." "Hey." " Come on, now." "Come on, here." " Let's go, come on." " Are you OK?" " Let's get Miss Ruth and get out." "Come on, Miss Ruth." "Come on." "If you ever touch her again, I'll kill you." "I sure as hell scared him, didn't I?" "Yeah, you sure scared him." "Towanda, the amazing Amazon woman!" "Towanda?" "Towanda!" "Towanda!" "Evelyn..." "Evelyn!" "I'm sorry." "I was just looking at the pictures, Missy." "They have the greatest stories in that magazine, don't they?" "Will I see you in group tonight?" "We'll be talking about masturbation." "Oh, no..." "I don't think so." "I think I've had enough learning for the time being, thank you." "Thank you." "Excuse me." "Screw you!" "Excuse me, young man!" "There was no reason for you to be so rude to me back there." " Get away from me, you fat cow!" " What did you call me?" "Beat it, you old bitch." "Why are you being so mean to me?" "What did I ever do to you?" "I don't understand!" "Look at my stovetop!" "You tell me what's bothering you, sugar." "I just..." "I just feel so useless." "So..." "So powerless." "Everybody goes through that." "But I can't stop eating." "Every day I try and try." "And every day I go on." "I hide candy bars all over the house." "A candy bar ain't gonna hurt you none." "One, no, but... 10 or 11?" "I can't even look at my own vagina." "Well, now, honey, I can't help you on that one." "I wish I had the courage to just get it over with and get really fat." "Oh, Mrs. Threadgoode, I just..." "I'm too young to be old and I'm too old to be young." "Maybe I'm just going crazy." "Are you getting hot flashes?" "Sometimes." "You get the sweats and your heart starts a-pounding?" "How did you know?" "Simple, honey." "You're going through the change." "I used to burst into tears for no reason at all." "You need some hormones." "Maybe some of them Stresstabs No.4 for good measure." "Really?" "Is that all?" "Sure, honey." "You get yourself some hormones." "And then you get out of the house and get a job." "Why, with your pretty complexion," "I'll bet you'll be just great with cosmetics." "I know how you feel." "I was about your age when I had my child." "Then I went through the change of life." "I didn't know you had a child." "Oh, yes, I did." "Albert." "When he was born, the doctor said it would be best if I didn't see him at all." "He said his mind would never develop past the age of five, and I should just put him in an institution because the burden of raising a child like that would be too great." "Well..." "I thought about Ruth." "She always said there was a separate God for children." "So I just smiled at him and I asked for the baby." "How could anybody think that sweet, precious baby could ever be a burden?" "Why, from the minute he was born, Albert was the joy of my life, the Lord's greatest gift." "I don't believe there was a purer soul ever lived on this earth." "I had him with me till he was 30." "And then he went to sleep and... didn't wake up." "Sometimes I can't wait to get to heaven to see him again." "It's a boy!" "I think a little prayer of thanksgiving would be in order." "God damn it to hell, son of a bitch, she did it!" "Here's to Ruth." "Idgie always did have a way with words around the Reverend Scroggins." "Well, Ruth had a baby." "She named him Buddy." "Buddy Junior." "Papa went and borrowed money so Ruth and Idgie Could start a Café." "The Whistle Stop Café." "♪ When you come by my house" "♪ Come down behind the jail" "♪ I've got a sign on my door" "♪ "Barbecue for sale"" "♪ I'm talking about barbecue" "♪ Only thing I crave" "♪ And that good doin' meat" "♪ Will carry me to my grave" "♪ I'm sellin' it for cheap" "♪ Cos I got good stuff" "♪ And if you try one time" "♪ Boy, you can't get enough, I'm talkin' 'bout barbecue..." "Miss Ruth, me and the missus sure do want to thank you for sending that soup over for us last night." "I'll pay you when I get ahead." "Oh, you don't owe me a thing, Ocie." "I'm just glad they're better." " How is this, by the way?" " It's good." "Very good." "It can't go on, Idgie." "I'm talking to you as a friend now, Idgie." "There are some people in this town – they is paying customers too, but I won't say who – but there are some people don't like you selling to coloureds." "Here you go." "Listen, Grady, I'll tell you what." "The next time those some people come in here," "I'm gonna ask them if they don't want anybody to know who they are under those sheets when they go marching around in one of those stupid parades you boys have." "How come they don't have enough sense" " to change their shoes?" " Just hold on there, Idgie." "Y'all ain't fooling anybody." "I'd recognise those size 14 clodhoppers you got anywhere." "Just a minute, now, Idgie." "Would you like some more pie, Grady?" "No, thank you, Ruth." "Psst." "Idgie..." "I'll talk to the boys." "But you just keep them on out back there, you hear?" "Bye, Ruth." "Bye, Grady." "You're gonna get yourself in a whole heap of trouble." "Grady?" "He's harmless." "You should have seen that big ox down by the river." "Three solid days, drunk as a dog, crying like a baby." "Cos Joe, that old coloured man that raised him, had died." " Remember that, Sipsey?" " Yes'm." "But he sure ain't joking now, is he, son?" "He won't even sit in the same room and have a meal today." "It don't make no kind of sense." "A big old ox like Grady won't sit next to a coloured child, but he eats eggs which shoot right out of a chicken's ass." "♪ Now, some like it hot" "♪ And some like it cold" "♪ Some take it any way, any way it's sold" "♪ I'm talkin' 'bout barbecue" "♪ Only thing I crave..." "Come on, Smokey." "Let's go for a walk." "I'm sorry about spilling my food in there, ma'am." "I'll just head on." "Do you see that piece of land over there?" "That used to be a lake." "Yeah." "And then this one November, all these ducks come by and they landed on that lake." "Then the temperature dropped so fast, the whole lake just froze." "Then the ducks took off and took the lake with them." "Now that lake's somewhere over in Georgia." " That's the way I heard it." " Go on, now." "God bless you, ma'am." "♪ Down by the banks" "♪ Banks of Jordan" "♪ Cool down by" "♪ The banks of Jordan..." "Here, try this." "So what do you think?" "They're OK." "The truth." "They're um..." "They're terrible!" "Oh, well." "Don't be shy." "Tell me how you feel." "I will." "What did you go and do that for?" "I just thought you needed a little cooling off." "You're right." "Try these." "We need to make a little paste." "What in the name of Christmas" " are you two doing?" " She's trying to teach me how to cook!" "Look at those fried green tomatoes." "You'd better stop this, or I'm gonna have to arrest you for disorderly conduct." " Arrest us, then." " Let me handle this." " All right." " Grady..." "Arrest us." "Go ahead and arrest us." "Ruth, I have to say," "I believe Idgie's been a bad influence on you." "I agree." "♪ I-I-I" "♪ I-I-I don't wanna" "♪ Hear you weep when I'm gone" "♪ Don't wanna" "♪ Hear you weep when I'm gone in my grave, Lord" "♪ In my grave" "I'll be back in a minute." " Y'all keep the show going till then." " We ain't going nowhere." "Is she still poorly?" "Where's the baby?" "Who are you?" "What do you want?" "Frank." "Get out of here." " Get on out of here!" " Go on." "Get out of here and leave us alone." "Come on, now, Ruth." "You wouldn't deny a father the right to see his own son, would you?" "Get away, I say!" "Scat you!" "Let it go!" "Well... that's my boy." "Isn't it?" "Is everything all right, ma'am?" "Our guest is just leaving." "Come on, Frank, let's go." "I'll be back." "In the end, you and the baby are gonna be back." " I ain't scared of you!" "No, sir!" " You should be." "Mind your manners, boy!" "Grady... what does Gladys think of you staying out late and losing all your money to me in poker night after night?" "She likes it just fine." " They've got Big George!" " Idgie!" " Let go of him!" " You let me handle this, now." "We've seen how you treat your niggers around here and we don't like it." "I'm the law in these here parts." "And I really don't care what you like or you don't like." "You turn him loose." "Now, don't get all riled up, nigger-lover." "Are you deaf or something?" "I said let him go, before you get yourselves in a whole lot of trouble!" "Calm down." "We just wanted to have a little get-together and make sure we see eye to eye on some things." "You hear me, now?" "Let's let him go, boys." "We've had enough fun for one night." " Turn him loose." " Come on." "No, Miss Idgie, you'll get in trouble." "Well, now, that's more like it." "It seems I don't recognise any of you boys." "Y'all ain't from Whistle Stop, are you?" "Hey." "What's the matter?" "It was Frank." "He saw the baby." " Are you sure it was him?" " Yes, I'm sure." "So that's why those Kluxers were here." "Let me take him." "Don't worry." "I mean... if he's dumb enough to come back again, Grady and the Alabama boys will take care of him." "And if they don't, I'll think of something." "Don't take any chances." "Promise me you won't do anything..." "crazy, no matter what." "Me?" "Not me." "I'll go put him down." "Hey, little Buddy." "That was the last anyone saw of Frank Bennett until the night of the town follies." "Ruth was away at one of the Reverend Scroggins' many revivals." "One thing a woman expects when she gets married... is sympathy." "Haven't you got that since you married me?" "I sure have... from the whole town." "Miss Idgie, you've got to come quick." "But the show's hardly begun." "You've got to come quick now, you hear me?" " Run and get help, quick!" " Where's the baby?" "Never mind." "Excuse me, sir." "I don't believe you should be going anywhere with Ruth's baby." "Hi there." "What can I do for you boys?" " Idgie." " Grady." " This here is Sheriff Curtis Smoote." " Hi there." "He's over here from Georgia." "He's looking for a fella." " Do you recognise him?" " No." "That's my husband, but I haven't seen him in months." "I heard he got run over by a Brinks armoured truck." "What's he done?" "Nothing that we know of." "We want to find out what's been did to him." "He told his hired man he was coming over here to see his wife and baby, but... he ain't never showed up back home." "Hell, I told him if he showed up in this town, we'd all have known." "It looks a little sissified to me." "From what I hear, most of you boys over there in Georgia are a little light on your feet." "That's the way I heard it." "Could I interest you in some pie?" "No, ma'am, but that barbecue sure smells good." "Best damn barbecue in the state of Alabama." "Here you go." "That's your fourth one today." "I swear you're about to eat up all my barbecue." "Sit down." "You ain't fooling me, girly girl." "I know who you are." "I heard from Bennett's hired hand you threatened to kill Frank Bennett." "Now, he ain't showed up dead yet." "But if he does, you're in a whole mess of trouble." "You understand?" "What we're talking about is murder here." "Running afoul of the law, and don't nobody get away with that, not even a bunch of Alabama smart alecks." "If I find so much as a hair of his head," "I'll arrest you faster than you can slap a tick." "Cos I'm the law." "And you can't beat the law." "You sure you ain't never seen this man before?" "Yes, sir, I've already told you." "I ain't never seen him." "You'd do anything for Miss Idgie, wouldn't you, boy?" "Yes, sir." "Would you kill for her?" "Did you kill for her?" "No, sir." "Well, now, maybe one of these days you'll tell the truth." "Just remember, we hang lying niggers in Georgia just as fast as they do in Alabama." "Yes, sir." "I remember." "♪ A God" "♪ To glorify" "♪ A never-dying soul to save" "♪ And fit it for the sky..." "Sorry." "What are you doing in here?" "No milk in the house." "Where were you?" "Taking care of business, having a good time." "I've been thinking." "Maybe I should move on, because of Frank and all." "I just... don't want you to feel like you have to look out for us." "I just... don't want to be selfish, that's all." "Maybe if I wasn't here you'd settle down." "I'm as settled as I ever hope to be." "Then... why can't you tell me where you were?" "I had a dream the other night." "I dreamt that..." "Buddy was gone." "I ran to his crib and there he was, sleeping like an angel." "And you know, I thanked God for letting me still have Buddy." "And I remembered having the same reaction after Frank would beat me, thanking the Lord for giving me the strength to take it." "And I remembered... thanking the Lord for each day that my mother lived." "Even when she was spitting up blood and praying for me to kill her." "I looked in my mother's eyes, pleading for me to help her." "And all I could do... was pray." "While..." "While you were gone, as I was holding Buddy, I thought," ""If that bastard Frank Bennett ever tries to take my child," "I won't pray." "I'll break his neck."" "Ruth, you don't have to worry about Frank Bennett any more." "How can you say that?" "It's his child too." "He won't give up on his blood." "I'm only gonna tell you this one time." "Frank Bennett won't be bothering you no more." "Understand?" "You killed him didn't you?" "No." "You don't believe me." "Right now, I don't know what to believe." "Believe me when I tell you I don't want you to move out." "♪ If I can help" "♪ Somebody" "♪ As I go..." "Finally." "Thanks." "I've been out here all day." "♪ If I can show" "♪ Somebody" "♪ That they're travelling..." "Excuse me." " I was waiting for that space." " Yeah?" "Tough!" "Face it, lady, we're younger and faster." "Towanda." "Towanda!" "Yes, ma'am!" "What are you doing?" "!" "Are you crazy?" "Face it, girls." "I'm older and I have more insurance." "I never get mad, Mrs. Threadgoode." "Never." "The way I was raised, it was bad manners." "Well, I got mad and it felt terrific." "I felt like I could beat the shit out of all those punks." "Excuse my language." "Just beat 'em to a pulp." "Beat 'em till they begged for mercy." "Towanda the avenger." "And after I wipe out all the punks of this world," "I'll take on the wife-beaters like Frank Bennett and machine-gun their genitals." "Towanda will go on the rampage." "I'll put tiny little bombs in Penthouse and Playboy so they'll explode when you open them." "And I'll ban all fashion models who weigh less than 130 pounds." "And I'll give half the military budget to people over 65 and declare wrinkles sexually desirable." "Towanda, righter of wrongs, queen beyond compare." "How many of them hormones are you taking, honey?" "♪ When you give more than you get you're in danger..." "Well, honey, what I can't understand is, how in the hell you could hit someone six times by accident." "Oh, Ed." "Don't make such a big deal about it." "What the hell's this?" "That's a low-cholesterol meal." "Happy Valentine's." "♪ Heartbreak dead ahead..." "God!" "Are you trying to kill me?" "If I was gonna kill you, I'd use my hands." "♪ Stop!" "In the name of love" "♪ Before you break my heart" "♪ Think it over" "♪ Think it over..." "I'm worried about my little friend Evelyn." "She said her husband Ed would just be sitting around watching his sports on TV, and she has an urge to hit him in the head with a baseball bat." "Hell, that seems normal to me." "Hi, Janeen." "Hi, Mrs. Threadgoode." "Would you like some crudités?" "Thank you, Evelyn, but this raw stuff don't sit good with me." "Mrs. Threadgoode, you have to tell me something." "Did Idgie murder Frank Bennett or not?" "Well, hold your horses, honey." "Where were we?" "You didn't kill Ed, now, did you?" "Not yet." "Oh, good." "Anyway, five years had passed since Frank Bennett disappeared." "And Smokey Lonesome had been missing ever since that same terrible night" "I remember the day when he showed up again." "By God, son, you're the spitting image of Ruth." "Buddy Threadgoode Junior." "Nice to meet you, sir." "Well, sir, Smokey Lonesome." "Curtis Smoote was making one of his visits to Whistle Stop, still hunting and pecking for any scrap of evidence about Frank Bennett's whereabouts." " Who wants to begin?" " I do!" " I do, Miss Ruth." " Thank you." "We'll begin on page five." "Life has a funny way of working things out." "Well, hey there!" "Smokey!" "Idgie?" "Smokey Lonesome." "Well, if it isn't old home week!" " How are you?" " Well, I'm rattling but I'm rolling." "What brings you to these pans?" " The smell of good cooking." " Hey, Smokey." "Let me fix you some lunch." "I think you know just about everybody except maybe Curtis Smoote." "He's an officer from Valdosta, Georgia." "He's been looking for the same man for almost five years." "A very stubborn fellow!" "He loves our barbecue." "Mommy!" "Mommy, help!" "Buddy!" "Everybody out of the way." "Let me in." "Give him here." "Let him go." "I got him." "He's gonna be all right." "Open the door!" "Put him in the back." "Get him in the car." "It's all right, honey." "I can understand having a funeral for an arm." "I just don't know why I should insist on calling him Stump." "She said everybody else gonna be calling him that" "So we might just as well be the first." "OK, ice cream and cakes for everybody in the café." "My daddy always used to say there was a separate God for children." "The good Lord was watching over Stump that day." "But then it started to rain that month." "And it rained and it rained, and it flooded parts of Whistle Stop." "And that's why Grady's deputy stumbled onto Frank Bennett's pick-up truck." "And I just knew" "Idgie would never get out of this mess." "Now, are you in or out?" " Remember, Ruth, I didn't take any cards." " Let me see your face." " Idgie, I have to talk to you." " You're bluffing." "Grady, sit in, I'll deal you a new hand." "Gladys won't mind." "In private, Idgie." "Excuse us, Ruth." "I'm just trying to teach you not to fall for any tricks." "You're doing a great job." "What's your hurry?" "What is so important?" "What's that?" "Somebody found Frank Bennett's truck in the river." "What's that got to do with me?" "Well, officially, you and Big George are under arrest for murder." "You're in my custody until tomorrow." "I'm supposed to take you over to Georgia first thing in the morning." "Unless, of course..." "Well, some people have been known to pack up and sneak out of town in the middle of the night." "What about Big George?" "Well, the way I figure it, they'd be satisfied if they had him." "Idgie, this is serious." "We're talking murder of a white man." "Someone's gonna have to pay." "Nobody wants to hang a woman." "No deal." "Idgie, I know how you feel about Big George." "Hell, we all do." "But these are just the facts of life." "I can't do that." "Take me to jail if you have to." "Well, that's what I thought you'd say!" "You are absolutely, unconditionally, positively the most stubborn person I've ever known in my life!" "So Idgie and Big George went to the county jail in Valdosta, to await trial for the murder of Frank Bennett." "They didn't have to wait too long." "Did you know Frank Bennett?" "No, sir." "You mean to tell me you never met the man whose wife, Ruth, is your business partner?" "That's right." "You never threatened to kill Frank Bennett, at his home in front of his hired man, in June 1932, the same Frank Bennett you did not know?" "Oh, that was me, all right." "I thought you wanted to know if we'd ever met." "The answer's no." "I threatened to kill him, but we were never what you might say, properly introduced." "Is it not true that in September of 1932, you came to Valdosta and took Frank Bennett's wife and child back to Alabama with you?" "Just the wife." "The child came later." "How much later?" "The usual." "Nine months." "Well, I suggest that you bribed this poor weak woman with promises of liquor and money and she lost control of her senses momentarily." "And when her husband came back to get her and take her home, you and your coloured man murdered him in cold blood." "No, sir." "Well, where were you on the night of September 30th, 1933?" "I was at the town hall doing a show." " And after that?" " I was over at my mother's house." "Oh, yeah?" "Who was with you?" "Just Big George and myself." "What about your mother?" "Can she confirm that?" "No, sir." "She died a year ago." "I'm sorry to hear that." "But, Miss Threadgoode, do you expect 12 intelligent men to believe you, although one witness is dead and the other is a coloured man known to be a worthless, no-good, lying nigger?" "You expect these men to take your word for it just because you say so?" "That's right, you gump-faced, blown-up, baboon-assed bastard!" "One more outburst like that, and I'll hold you in contempt of court, do you understand?" "Yes, sir." "Lord!" "Next witness, please." "Did you know that you were pregnant at the time you left Valdosta?" "Yes." "And yet you tell us over and over that you went with this woman willingly." "Yes, I wouldn't raise my child with Frank Bennett." "But Why?" "Did this woman promise you money?" "No." "A bigger home?" "No... no." "Then tell us, Mrs. Bennett, why would a respectable Christian woman go anywhere with this Idgie Threadgoode," " whose reputation is known far and wide..." " Objection!" "Objection sustained." "Why did you leave with Idgie Threadgoode that day?" "Answer the question, Mrs. Bennett." "Because she she's the best friend I ever had." "And I love her." "Thank you, Mrs. Bennett." "That will be all." "The defence calls as its last witness the Reverend Herbert Scroggins." "Place your right hand on the Bible, please, Reverend." "I brought my own, if you don't mind." "Do you swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth?" "I do." "Do you have information about the whereabouts of Idgie Threadgoode and her coloured man, known as Big George, on the night of September 30th, 1933?" "Yes, sir, I do." "It has been suggested here that she and her coloured man were at her mother's house." "Can you confirm that?" "No, sir." "That is a lie." "Shit." "It has been my habit to write down all the dates of the activities of the church in my Bible." "And I've shown that the night of September 30th, 1933 was the start of our annual revival down at the Baptist camp ground." "Sister Threadgoode was there, along with her hired man George Pullman, who was in charge of the barbecue, just as he has been every year" " for the last ten years." " Objection!" "That doesn't mean anything." "The murder could have taken place any time in the next few days." "Have you ever been to one of our revivals, sir?" "Well, no." "Do you attend church regularly, sir?" "Of course I do." "Good." "Well, maybe if you attended one of our revivals, you'd know they last three days and three nights." "Your Honour." "Approach the bench." "Percy, it don't look like you've got a case at all." "In the first place, there's no body." "Second, we've got us a preacher nobody's going to dispute." "But, Your Honour..." "I'm telling you what you've got is a whole lot of nothing." "I say Frank Bennett got himself drunk, drove into the river and was long ago eaten up." "And I don't give a good goddamn!" "What we got us here is a case of accidental death." "Case dismissed!" "See you in church, sister?" "Reverend." "I can't believe he actually swore on the Bible." "Well, not really." "If that judge had looked any closer, he'd have seen it was really a copy of Moby Dick." "But why did he do it?" "For the sheer joy of seeing you in church again, which I suggested to him might be your penance." " You didn't promise him?" " Yes, ma'am, I did." "And I never break my word." "If I live a thousand years, I will never forgive you for this." "I don't know what's worse, church or jail." "Towanda!" "Evelyn... what in the hell are you doing?" "I need some light and air." "Why don't you step outside and take one of your walks or your jogs or whatever it is you do?" "And there's no dinner, either!" "Ed, do you have any idea why I've been going to all these classes?" " No." " I've been trying to save our marriage." "What's the point of my trying if you're gonna just sit on your butt drinking beer and watching baseball... basketball... football... bowling and hockey and golf and Challenge of the Gladiators?" "Mrs. Couch?" "I'm Sue, Mrs. Otis's daughter-in-law." "How are you?" "I've heard so much about you from Mrs. Threadgoode." "She is so sweet." "She's been looking after my mother-in-law for years." "Well, now, how is Mrs. Otis doing, by the way?" "Much better, thank you." "I guess it just takes time getting used to a strange place." "Glad to hear it." "I know Mrs. Threadgoode's been anxious to get home for some time." "Mrs. Couch, Mrs. Threadgoode doesn't have a house any more." "They tore that down." " What?" " Well, they had to." "It was falling apart." "And it was condemned." "Oh, no." "Does she know that?" "No, well, we didn't see any point in telling her." "It would just break her heart, poor old thing." "But I am so glad I got a chance to meet you." "You take care of yourself, now." "Bye-bye." "Evelyn, hey." "Hey..." "Do you like my roses?" "Since I can't get home to look at my own roses, I made myself a paper garden." " I've got everything but the bugs." " They're lovely." " Have you been here long?" " Happy birthday." "I shouldn't have woken you up." "Of course you should." "Don't you never let me sleep through a visitors' day, honey." "I look forward to them all week." "So do I, Mrs. Threadgoode." "So do I." "Oh, I can't believe you remembered!" "You made me fried green tomatoes!" "They're delicious!" "It's your recipe." "Are they cold?" "No." "They're just the way we used to have them at the Whistle Stop Café." "You couldn't be sweeter to me if you were my own daughter." "Here's your napkin." "Wait, wait, wait." "Queen!" "You know," "I don't feel 83." "It son of slipped up on me." "I never expected to live this long." "Of course, the Lord takes us home when he wants us." "Are you all right?" "I was thinking about Ruth." "After the trial was over, everything went back to normal." "Till that fall when Ruth lost her appetite." "By the time Dr. Hadley looked at her, he said the cancer was so bad she only had a couple of weeks." "We moved her to the Threadgoode house and put her downstairs so she'd be more comfortable." "Sipsey moved in with her and never left her side." "Idgie just prayed for a miracle." "Now, listen to me." "Make sure he graduates." "And don't... let him come to the funeral." "I don't want him going through that mess." "Would you quit talking like that?" "What funeral?" "You're gonna be back on your feet again and just fine in just a few days." "Just you wait." "What's the matter, son?" "Let's go for a walk." "Did you get into a fight?" "I got punched in the nose." "I can't play like everyone else." "Hey, did I ever tell you the story about... the oysters?" "All the millions of them just lying around." "And God puts sand in one of them and makes a pearl." "Oh." "Did I ever tell you about Eva's three-legged dog?" "How it never felt sorry for itself, and howl ought to be smarter than a dumb dog and not feel sorry for myself?" "You listen to everything I say, don't you?" "You get real mad at me when I don't." "You know about your mama." "She's sick." "Mm-hm." "You see, now is the time for courage." "I guess you already know that there are angels masquerading as people walking round, and your mom is the bravest one." "Come here." "Mommy, I can hit!" "You should see me!" "Aunt Idgie, she hit me in the back with a curve ball." "I didn't duck and I hardly cried." "She hit you?" "She did that to me once, too, but..." "I think I did cry." "Mama?" "I'm sorry if you're sad." "Well, give me a big kiss, then, and I'll never be sad again." "And you best not be sad neither." "You understand?" "You promise?" "Promise." "Attaboy." "You can go and wash up." "Sweet baby." "You two be alone now." "Hey, girl." "No." "That's nice." "Will you do one thing for me?" "Yeah, anything." "Be good to yourself." "Even settle down if you can find someone who can beat you in poker." "There are so many things I wanna say to you." "No." "I love your stories." "Tell me a story, Idgie." "Go on, you old bee charmer." "Tell me a good tall tale." "Tell me the one about the lake." "What lake?" "The one that used to be here." "Well, that was just a lie." "I know that, fool." "Tell me anyway." "Tell me a story." "One time... there was this lake." "And it was right outside of town." "We used to go fishing and swimming and canoeing in it." "See, one November, this big flock of ducks came in and landed on that lake." "And then the temperature dropped so fast that the lake just froze right there." "And they er..." "The ducks... they flew off, you see, and they took that lake with them." "Now they say that lake is somewhere over in Georgia." "Can you imagine?" "It's all right, honey." "Let her go." "Let her go." "You know, Miss Ruth was a lady." "And a lady always knows when to leave." "When I think on our departed sister Ruth Jamison," "I'm reminded of our Lord's Sermon on the Mount." "It's funny how strong Ruth affected everyone." "Even Smokey Lonesome." "When he died a few years back, he had one possession on him." "A picture of Ruth." "He was in love with her from the first time he saw her." "We all were." "I shouldn't have told you this." "I hate death." "It scares me so." "Death is nothing to be afraid of." "Look at me, I'm at the jumping-off place, and I ain't afraid one bit." "Oh, Ninny." "You're so brave." "Ruth and Idgie were brave, not me." "I wouldn't be afraid of death if I was you." "I'd be more afraid of driving in rush-hour traffic." "Hi, honey." "Look what I got you." "Ed!" "How sweet!" "Lilies." "My favourite." "I know." "Sometimes I even amaze myself." "What's the occasion?" "Honey, I just... feel sorry about the past few months, you know." "I don't know what you're really up to, what's going on with you, but..." "I guess I could have been more helpful with your job and everything." "Well, why are you er..." "Why are you putting up this wall where you just tore one down?" "Well..." "I changed my mind." "Well, I don't mean to seem dense or anything, but what's changed?" "The air and the light." "Ed..." "You remember how you used to tell me you always wanted two women in your house?" "Oh, God." "Yeah." "Well... what if I was the younger of the two?" "I don't believe I get your drift." "I want something more than I've ever wanted anything before." "I want to bring Mrs. Threadgoode to our home." "I want her to live here with us." "I want to give her the love she's given me." "You're kidding me, aren't you?" "I'm absolutely serious." "That's why I'm putting the wall to Kyle's room back up." "Well, honey... this isn't something you're just gonna do." "She's an old woman." "What if she got sick or something?" "Who's gonna take care of her?" "I will." "I can't leave her in that place." "She's not a stray cat or something." "Hell, she isn't even family." " She's family to me." " Now, Evelyn." "Evelyn..." "Honey..." "Er..." "look..." "Have you mentioned this harebrained idea of yours to her?" " Not yet." " Well, good!" "Then we'll just pretend it never happened." "I'm making my own money now." "I'll pay for everything." "You don't have to do a thing." "Evelyn it's never gonna happen." "So just forget about it." "Don't you ever say never to me." "Someone helped put a mirror up in front of my face." "And I didn't like what I saw one bit." "And you know what I did?" "I changed." "And that someone was Mrs. Threadgoode." "She needs my love and care now." "And I'm gonna give it to her." "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go to the gym." "And if you won't listen to reason, there's always Towanda." "Hey, Nin..." "What are you doing?" "Those are her things." "What are you doing in here?" "Where is Mrs. Threadgoode?" "Who?" "Mrs. Threadgoode, the woman who lives here." "Are you deaf?" "I'm sorry, miss." "All they told me was that the woman who lived in here died this morning." "Oh, my God." "What..." "What are you saying?" "Well, she died early this morning." "They were short-handed, so they asked me to take all this stuff down." "That's all I know." "Stop!" "What is the matter with you people?" "Can't you wait a goddamn day, for Christ's sake?" "Do you have no respect?" "These are her things!" "I'm sorry, miss, but they told me to get this room ready for another patient." "She may be just another patient to you, but she was my friend." "And I loved her." "Sorry." "I'm just following orders." "What is going on here?" "Why didn't you call me?" "You could have at least called me." "Sorry, Mrs. Couch." "It just never occurred to me that you would take it this hard." " I didn't even get to tell her goodbye." " I know." "These things are difficult." "But she died peacefully in her sleep." "To tell the truth, I thought you'd be happy for Mrs. Threadgoode." " Happy?" " Why, yes." "This is what she wanted." "What, to be dead?" "!" "No, to go home." "You just missed her." "She left in a yellow cab about a half-hour ago." "I don't understand." "What, a cab?" "She said there wasn't no reason for her to stay now that Mrs. Otis had died." "Mrs..." "Otis is dead?" "Oh, Mrs. Otis died." "Mrs. Otis died!" "Mrs. Otis!" "Mrs...!" "Not that I'm glad that Mrs. Otis died, it's just..." "Oh, God, I've got to stop her." "Hey, Evelyn." "Somebody stole my house." "It was right here when I left." "Unless..." "Oh, Evelyn, you don't reckon I'm crazy, do you?" "It was here when I left." "No, honey, you're not crazy." "This is the place." "Well, why would anyone want to steal an old lady's home?" "It wasn't worth nothing." "Oh, honey." "Nobody stole it." "They had to tear it down." "It was condemned." "I'm sorry." "I should have told you." "Somebody should have told me." "I'm old." "I'm not a child." "I'm sorry." "My husband Cleo and I lived in this house for more than 40 years." "Now it's gone." "83 years' worth of living." "And all that's left of me is what's in this box." "A bunch of old cards and pictures." "Come on." "I'll take you home." "This is my home!" "And now it's gone." "And Mrs. Otis has gone." "I don't quite know what to do." "It's the first time I can remember when I don't have a soul to look after." "You can come look after me and Ed." "You're sweet, but I think you're doing just fine on your own." "Don't you know you'd be like a gift for us?" "You're the reason I get up every morning!" "And that Mary Kay's having such a good year." "And that I don't look like some blob from a horror movie." "Well, with a little help from Idgie and Ruth." "Come on." "I've got your room all ready." "What does Ed say about all this?" "He'll learn to love it." "Did I ever tell you that Mrs. Otis was Sipsey's baby sister?" " No, ma'am." " Yes, she was." "Mrs. Otis was with Sipsey and me the night Sipsey died." "Sipsey told me a story that night I've never told a living soul, Evelyn." "The story about what really happened the night Frank Bennett disappeared." "The show's hardly begun." "You've got to come quick now, you hear me?" "Never mind." "Excuse me, sir." "I don't believe you should be going anywhere with Ruth's baby." " Like I said, you ain't going nowhere." " Damn, you're a thick-headed son of a bitch, ain't you?" "I told you you ain't going nowheres with Miss Ruth's baby." "Come on, angel." "Come on." "Come on, sweetheart." "It's all right." "It's all right, baby." "It was self-defence." "I don't know why any white jury would care why] did it." " I saw it and I can testi..." " Excuse me, here." "I don't mean no offence here, but I don't know who is less likely to convince the jury, my mama or Mr. Smokey here." "No offence taken." "You're a good man, Mr. Smokey." " You did good." " The sun's almost up." "George..." "I think... it's hog-boiling time." "No, ma'am." "It ain't cold enough." "It's hog-boiling time." "Hey, George when is that barbecue gonna be ready?" "It's gonna be ready any time now." "It smells so damn good I just can't wait to get me some." "Now, don't you forget to call me when that's ready." "All right." "Here you go." "Miss Idgie." "Smokey left town." "I thought it'd be best under the circumstances." "He asked that you tell Ruth goodbye." "Shame he had to go." "This is about the best barbecue I ever ate!" "The secret's in the sauce." "Sipsey?" "My God." "That frying pan did more than fry chicken that night." "Did Idgie really barbecue Frank Bennett?" "Oh, you're pulling my leg!" "The secret's in the sauce, or so I've been told." "Now you know why Idgie had to go on trial." "She knew the law would never believe Sipsey." "No!" "Sipsey or Big George or anyone else of colour would have been hanging from the nearest tree." "To this day, I'm still not sure whether Ruth ever believed that Idgie didn't kill Frank Bennett." "Truth's a funny thing sometimes." "I feel better now." "Good." "I feel better because all these people will live as long as you remember them." "You reminded me... about what the most important thing in life is." " Do you know what I think it is?" " No, ma'am." "Friends." "Best friends." "Oh, Ninny." "Look." "Oh." "Idgie?" "Idgie's alive?" "Oh, yes." "She's still out and about, charming bees and selling honey." "Sometimes I think I catch a glimpse of her." "Maybe we'll see her today." "Maybe." "Let's go." "After Ruth died and the rail road stopped running, the café shut down and everybody just scattered to the winds." "It was never more than just a little knockabout place." "But now that I look back on it, when that café closed, the heart of the town just stopped beating." "It's funny how a little place like this brought so many people together." "♪ I'll remember you" "♪ When I've forgotten all the rest" "♪ You to me were true" "♪ You to me were the best" "♪ When there is no more" "♪ You cut to the core" "♪ Quicker than anyone that I knew" "♪ Now when the roses fade" "♪ And I'm in the shade, baby" "♪ I'll remember you" "♪ Didn't I" "♪ Didn't I love you?" "♪ Didn't I" "♪ Didn't I care?" "♪ Didn't I sleep and didn't I weep beside you?" "♪ With a rain that was blowing in your hair" "♪ I'll remember you" "♪ When the wind blows on through the piny wood" "♪ It was you who came right through for me, baby" "♪ It was you who understood" "♪ Though I'd never say" "♪ That I've earned the way" "♪ That you have led me to" "♪ In the end" "♪ My dear sweet friend" "♪ I'll remember you" "♪ Yes, I will, now" "♪ I'll remember you" "♪ Yes, I will, now" "♪ I'll remember" "♪ I'll remember you" "♪ I'll remember you" "♪ Yes, I will" "♪ Help me out" "♪ Don't matter what happens" "♪ Time ain't gonna change nothing, baby" "♪ We could be halfway across the world from each other" "♪ It don't make no difference" "♪ I'll remember" "♪ I'll remember" "♪ Every hour, every second" "♪ Every moment that we had..." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"We want Pollitt!" "Brick Pollitt!" "We want Pollitt!" "Brick Pollitt!" "Don't you do that." "I'm warning you, Trixie." "Gooper, can't you stop that child of yours... from putting her hot little hands in the ice cream?" "Trixie!" "Couldn't you at least wash your hands before you did that?" "Maggie, you stop that!" "Maggie, how could you do that to a child?" "Like this, honey." "Gooper, did you see what she did?" "I told her to wash her hands first." "One of those no-neck monsters hit me with some ice cream." "Now, why did you call Gooper's kiddies no-neck monsters?" "Because your brother's children got no necks, that's why." "At least, none visible." "Their fat little heads sit on their fat little bodies without a bit of connection." "That's too bad." "Specially 'cause you can't wring their necks... if they've not got any necks to wring." "Isn't that right, honey?" "Trixie, come on." "Here we are!" "Come on, Buster, Sonny." "Come on." "Everybody in the car now." "We're all going to go." "Did you ever hear so many dogs' names tacked on to children?" "Think of it." "They've got five monsters and number six coming up." "Grab the whole bunch down here like animals to display at a county fair." "It's so obvious, it's disgusting." "Well, it's obvious what they're up to." "What are they up to, Maggie?" "I'll tell you what they're up to, boy of mine." "They're up to cutting you out of your father's estate." "Everybody knows Big Daddy's dying of..." "I ought to send Sister Woman a bill for a new pair of stockings." " Do we?" " Do we what?" "Know that Big Daddy is dying of..." "Don't you believe it?" "You'll know soon enough." "Suppose he is?" "There's some things you got to face, baby." "There's some things in this world you've simply got to face." "Why did they have Big Daddy in that horrible old clinic for six weeks?" "If the examination didn't show anything... then why'd Brother Man bring his whole screaming tribe down here... in this sticky heat?" "And why so many allusions to you and Rainbow Hill?" "You know what Rainbow Hill is?" "It's a place that's famous for treating famous alcoholics and dope fiends." " I'm not famous, Maggie." " No." "And you don't take dope." "Otherwise you'd be a perfect candidate for Rainbow Hill." "That's where Brother Man's going to tell Big Daddy to ship you." "Over my dead body." "Rainbow Hill." "And if they get you out of the way, brother Gooper gets ahold of the estate... and signs all the checks, and cuts off our credit whenever he wants." "How would you like that, baby?" "You're doing just about everything you can... to aid and abet them in grabbing control after Big Daddy..." "Well, you are." "Quitting work, devoting yourself to the occupation of drinking." "Breaking your ankle last night on the high school athletic field." "Brick?" "We got one thing on our side." "No, two things." "Are my seams straight?" "Big Daddy dotes on you, honey." "He just can't stand Brother Man and Brother Man's wife... that monster of fertility." "She's downright odious to him." "I can tell." "Just like I can tell he likes me." "That's the second thing we got on our side." "He likes me." "The way he looks me up and down, over." " He's still got an eye for girls." " That kind of talk is disgusting." "Anybody ever tell you you were a back- aching Puritan, Brick?" "I think it's mighty fine the way that old fellow on the doorstep of death... still takes in my shape with what I consider deserved appreciation." "You know, that brother Gooper of yours... still cherishes the illusion he took a giant step up the social ladder... when he married Mae Flynn of the no-neck Memphis Flynns." "Because she was Queen of the Cotton Carnival." "I can just see Gooper falling for Her Majesty." "Sitting on that brass throne, riding on that tacky float down Main Street." "Smiling and bowing and blowing kisses to all the trash on the street." "You know what happened to her?" "No, what happened to her, Maggie?" "Somebody spat tobacco juice in her face." "That's right." "Some drunk at the Hotel Gayoso leaned out the window and said:" ""Hey, Queenie." "Hey, there, Queenie"." "Sister Mae looked up and smiled and waved... and that drunk shot a squirt of tobacco juice... right in her face." "Why are you looking at me like that?" " Like what, Maggie?" " Like you were just looking." "I wasn't conscious of looking at you, Maggie." "I was conscious of it." "If you were thinking the same thing I was..." " No, Maggie." " Why not?" " Will you please keep your voice down?" " No!" "I know you better than you think." "I've seen that look before and I know what it used to mean." " And it still means the same thing now." " You're not the same woman now, Maggie." "Don't you think I know that?" " Don't you think I know..." " Know what, Maggie?" "That I've gone through this horrible transformation." "I've become hard and frantic and cruel." "You planning on meeting Big Daddy's plane?" "Oh, Brick." " I get so lonely." " Everybody gets that." "Living with somebody you love can be... lonelier than living entirely alone... when the one you love doesn't love you." "You can't even stand drinking out of the same glass, can you?" " Would you like to live alone, Maggie?" " No!" "No, I wouldn't." "Why can't you lose your good looks, Brick?" "Most drinking men lose theirs." "Why can't you?" "I think you've even gotten better-looking since you went on the bottle." " You were such a wonderful lover." " You'll be late!" "You were so exciting to be in love with." "Mostly, I guess, because you were..." "If I thought you'd never, never make love to me again..." "I'd find me the longest, sharpest knife I could... and I'd stick it straight into my heart." "I'd do that." "Oh, Brick... how long does this have to go on, this punishment?" "Haven't I served my term?" "Can't I apply for a pardon?" "Lady, that finishing-school voice of yours... sounds like you was running upstairs to tell somebody the house was on fire." "Is it any wonder?" "You know what I feel like?" "I feel all the time like a cat on a hot tin roof." "Then jump off the roof, Maggie." "Jump off it." "Now, cats jump off roofs and they land uninjured." "Do it." "Jump." " Jump where?" "Into what?" " Take a lover." "I don't deserve that." "I can't see any man but you." "Even with my eyes closed, I just see you." "Why can't you get ugly, Brick?" "Why can't you please get fat or ugly or something so I can stand it?" "You'll make out fine." "Your kind always does." "I'm more determined than you think." "I'll win all right." "Win what?" "What is the victory of a cat on a hot tin roof?" "Just staying on it, I guess." "Long as she can." "Calm down." "Not now." "Now wait a minute." "Not yet." " Where are the flowers, darling?" " Aren't you putting it on a little thick?" "Get ready now." "Mama, she didn't bring anything for Big Daddy." "Pretty seedy-looking flowers for Big Daddy, don't you think, Gooper?" "I picked them myself." "Looks like she picked them off somebody's grave." "Now you stop talking about graves... when we don't know whether Big Daddy's going to live or die." "Get ready." "Hi." "Hello, Mae." "Hello, children." "Don't they look great?" "Kiss me." " Mae, darling." " You look wonderful." "Kiss your grandmother." "Darling Big Daddy." "You look fine, Big Daddy." "Just fine." "Doc, you want to tell them the news?" "The exploratory operation proved there's nothing wrong with Big Daddy." "Nothing at all!" "Just a little old spastic colon." "And that's all." " That's great news." " Isn't that great news?" "That's the best birthday present of all." "Where's Brick?" "Uncle Brick got drunk and broke his leg." " How?" " What's that?" "Yeah." "Seems he got drunk again and tried to jump the hurdles at 3:00 in the morning." "That poor boy thinks he's still a great, big athlete." "Couldn't keep it out of the local paper." "AP got a hold of it, too." "Yeah, and UP... and, thanks to your professional legal advice, every other "P."" "Let's go home." "Don't you want to ride with the children, honey?" "No!" " He is his sassy old self again, all right." " Be quiet, woman!" "Hush up!" "Welcome home, Captain Pollitt." "I'm going to live, Maggie." "I'm going to live." "You know, they had me real scared." "You know, I've wasted so much time." "You know, I've got a million different kinds of feelings left in me." "And I want to use them." "I'm going to use them all." "Why did you and Brick suddenly decide to drive up from New Orleans?" "For your birthday, what else?" "I had a birthday last year and the year before." "Didn't see you then." "You know how Brick is sometimes." "Maybe he thought he was coming to my funeral instead of my birthday." "Why, Brick loves you." "He does." "But does he love you?" "What do you want?" "Proof?" "If I was married to you three years, you'd have the living proof." "You'd have three kids already and the fourth in the oven." "We love you out of sight" "We love you in the morning We love you in the night" "Get me out of this." "I want to talk to Brick." "Big Daddy" "He wants some more ice, Miss Margaret." "We love you in the morning" "We love you in the night" "We love you when we're with you" "And we love you out of sight" "Big Momma, too" "Brick." "I got news, honey." "Big news." "Big Daddy's gonna live." "That's right, he's a well man." "That's what Big Momma said and Doc Baugh was right there with them." "You should've seen Mae and Gooper's face." "They almost dropped dead from shock themselves." " He's all right?" " Feeling like 40." "Talking like 20." "Then we can drive back to New Orleans tonight." " I'm taking no chances on moving you." " I won't break." "Or letting them poison Big Daddy's mind against you." "I just want you to get dressed and come on down to Big Daddy's birthday party." "First thing Big Daddy asked about was you." "Big Daddy." "Now what makes him so big?" "His big heart, his big belly, or his big money?" " The heat has made you cross." " Give me my crutch." "Why don't you put on your nice silk pajamas, honey... and come on down to the party?" "There's a lovely cool breeze." "Give me my crutch, Maggie." "Lean on me, baby." "You got a nice smell about you." " Was your bath water cool?" " No." "I know something to make you feel cool and fresh." "Alcohol rub." "Cologne." "No, thanks." "We'd smell alike." "Like a couple of cats in the heat." "It's cool on the lawn." "I am not going down there, Maggie." "Not for you and not for Big Daddy." "At least you can give him this present... that I remembered to buy for you." "For his birthday." "At least you can write a few words on this card." "You write something, Maggie." "It's got to be your handwriting." "It's your present." "It's got to be your handwriting." " I didn't get him a present." " What's the difference?" "If there's no difference, you write the card." "And have him know you didn't remember his birthday?" "I didn't remember!" "You don't have to prove it to him!" "Just write, "Love, Brick" for heaven's sakes." " No." " You've got to." "I don't have to do anything I don't want to." "You keep forgetting the conditions on which I agreed to stay on living with you!" "I'm not living with you." "We occupy the same cage, that's all." "You know, that's the first time you've raised your voice in a long time." "A crack in the stone wall?" "I think that's a fine sign." "Mighty fine." "Now what did you do that for, Maggie?" "To give us a little privacy for a while." "Don't make a fool of yourself, Maggie." "I don't mind making a fool of myself over you." " I mind." "I feel embarrassed for you." " Feel embarrassed!" "But I can't live on this way." " You agreed to accept that condition!" " I know I did, but I can't." "Let go, Maggie." "Let go, Maggie!" "Son!" "We got the most wonderful news about Big Daddy." "What's this door locked for?" "You don't think there's robbers in the house?" "Brick's getting dressed, Big Momma." "He's still getting dressed." "So, it won't be the first time I've seen Brick not dressed." "Come on." "Open this door." "Brick, honey." "Sweetheart, how's your leg feel?" "Come on out of there, Son." "I want to give you the news about Big Daddy." "I told him already." "I just hate locked doors in the house." "I know you do, but people got to have some moments of privacy, don't they?" "No, ma'am, not in my house." "What'd you took this off for, honey?" "That looked so sweet on you." "Not sweet enough for Big Daddy's birthday party." "Out!" "Out, you little monster!" "Mae and Gooper are so touchy about their children." "You hardly even dare suggest there's any room for improvement." "Brick, hurry on out!" "Shoot, Maggie, you just don't like children." "Why, that's not true." "I adore them." "Well brought up." "Why don't you have some then?" "And bring them up well." "Instead of all the time picking on Gooper and Mae's?" "Hey, Big Momma!" "You and Betsy got to go." "They're waiting downstairs to say goodbye." "Be right down in a jiffy." "Tell them to hold their horses." "Where's Brick?" "Big Momma, what you said about having children... it's still kind of a secret, but..." "Shoot, Maggie." "Stop playing so dumb." "I mean, is he still drinking this stuff much?" " He may have had a little highball." " Don't laugh about it." "Some single men stop drinking when they get married." "Others start." " Brick never touched liquor before..." " That's not fair!" "Fair or not fair, I want to ask you a question." "One question." "Do you make Brick happy?" "Well?" " Why don't you ask if he makes me happy?" " I know..." "It works both ways." "Something ain't right." "You're childless and my son drinks." " We're leaving, Big Momma." " I'm coming!" "When a marriage goes on the rocks... the rocks are there, right there." "Goodbye, Ida." "I'm coming." "That's not fair." "All right, I'm coming." "Is Brick here?" "I thought I'd check his ankle." "Is it giving him much pain, Maggie?" "You know how Brick is, Doc." "He hardly ever complains." "Even when he had that awful back injury in football." "Brick." "Brick's birthday present for Big Daddy." "I think they're fixing to sit down to table." "You forgot to write out the card, honey." "Thanks, Doc." " Can I get you something cool, Doc?" " Thanks." "How's the ankle?" "Itches some." "Funny, that's the same leg you tore a muscle in the..." "What was it?" " 'Bama State." " Yeah." " Twenty-one to..." " Nothing." "You miss football, don't you?" " Hurt much when you put weight on it?" " Some." "Yeah, you were quite a team, you and Skipper." "What is it, Doc?" "You didn't leave that party just to come up here and discuss my health." "That's right." " I already heard the good news about..." " It's bad news." "It's what we expected." "It's malignant and it's terminal." "He hasn't a chance." " But Maggie said, and Big Momma..." " Lies." "I lied to them." "And I lied to him, too." "Professional ethics." "Gooper?" "I told him the truth coming in from the airfield." "He's going to die?" "He's gonna die." "Jesus wants me for a sunbeam" "To shine for him each day" "What kind of truth is that?" "Jesus wants me for a sunbeam" "To shine for Him each day" "In every way try to please Him" "At home, at school, at play" "A sunbeam, a sunbeam" "Jesus wants me for a sunbeam" "A sunbeam, a sunbeam" "I'll be a sunbeam for Him" "Amen." " Did you like the singing, Big Daddy?" " Pass the black- eyed peas." "Just look at Big Daddy eat." "Ain't it something to thank your stars for?" " They've been practicing just for you." " Tell them to sit down and eat." " Children, come on." " Over there." "Yeah." "Over there." "Look here." "Telegrams." "Hundreds of telegrams from every corner of this great state." "Wishing you happy birthday." " You want me to read them?" " No." "One from the Governor, United States Senator..." "It must be getting on to election time, hey, Deacon?" "Let's remember, we're all lambs in the same pasture." "Everybody here, including Big Daddy, owes thanks to those in high places who..." "Gave us nothing." "Every scrap on this table was raised right here on this place, Deacon." "I made a pastureland out of this place when it was nothing but a swamp." "And it was done with the help of God, and not any governor." "Amen." "Boom boom and it makes me crazy" " Great balls of fire!" " Surprise!" " What are they up to now?" " It's all just part of the entertainment." " Don't they get any intermission?" " That's funny." "That's very funny." "He don't mean it, Sister Woman." " He loves children." " Of course he does." "Will you put some honey on this?" "They're all Pollitts, I'm proud to say, every one of them." "And I know that Big Daddy's just as proud as we are... knowing there's a whole dynasty of his flesh and blood... waiting to take over." " Why, that's no way to talk." " What way?" " "Take over"." "When we all know..." " I just meant Big Daddy's going to live to be at least 100." " I'll drink to that." " Anytime, anyplace, anywhere." "To Big Daddy." "In the name of every man, woman, and child in this here county... in the name of the church board, the school board, the board of trustees... felicitations on your 65th birthday." "Brick, honey, I brought you something to eat." "I'm not hungry." " What's that supposed to mean?" " We're leaving." " We can't." " I can." "They're bringing the whole party up here to you." "If you won't drive me, I'll get one of the boys to do it." "You just can't walk out on Big Daddy's birthday party." " Don't you care nothing about him?" " Get out of my way, Maggie." "Get out of my way, Maggie." "You got no cause to dislike him." "Do I dislike him?" "It's obvious to everybody." "Especially to him." "What's he ever done to you?" "What?" "Why do you hate him so much?" "What's he ever done to you?" "Nothing." "What was Doc Baugh doing up here?" "What did he..." "That's right, Big Daddy is going to die." "I don't believe that." " Doc Baugh wouldn't lie to Big Daddy." " Wouldn't he, Maggie?" "Poor Big Daddy." "I'm fond of him." "I'm genuinely fond of that old man." "I really am, you know." "When he finds out..." "I wouldn't want to be the one to tell him." "That's why you want to go now." "Yeah, that's why I want to leave now." "You got to do this for me, Maggie." "Please." "And leave the field to Gooper and that wife of his?" "No, sir." "Let's face facts, baby." " You're a drinker, and that takes money." " I don't want his money." "You're ready to settle for ten-cent beer?" "'Cause that's just what Gooper will dole out to you when they freeze you out." "They got a plan, baby." "You should've heard them laying it on to Big Daddy." "A mile a minute." "Big Momma's already on their side." "You're a drinker and I'm childless." "We got to beat that plan, we just got to." "I've been so disgustingly poor all my life." "That's the truth, Brick." "Have you, Maggie?" "You don't know what it's like to have to... suck up to people you can't stand just 'cause they have money." "You don't know what it's like... never having any clothes." "That dress I married you in... was a hand-me-down from a snotty rich cousin I hated." "You can be young without money." "But you can't be old without it." "Where did I fail you?" "Where did I make my mistake?" "Make that your last drink until after the party." "Please, honey." "I think I made my mistake when I tried to tell you about Skipper." " That's where I made my fatal error." " Maggie." " I never should have confessed..." " Now you shut up about Skipper." "I mean it." "You got to shut up about Skipper!" "The laws of silence won't work about that." "Not about Skipper and us." "It's like locking the door on the fire in hopes of forgetting the house is burning." "Hey, everybody!" "But not looking at a fire doesn't put it out." "This time I'm going to finish." "That night in the hotel room..." " Skipper and I..." " I don't want to hear about it." "Why won't you face the truth, just once... about Skipper, about me, about yourself?" " Hey, everybody!" " Brick, honey." "Are you going to bring that party up here or not?" "Kit and caboodle, Son." "That won't do any good." "I'm going to say this... and I don't care if it's in front of them." "Maggie." "Do you want me to hit you with this crutch?" "You're still blaming me for Skipper's death?" "Don't you know that I could kill you with this crutch?" "Good lord, man, do you think I'd care if you did?" "Skipper and I had a friendship." "Now why won't you let it alone!" " It's got to be told." " I don't want to hear it!" "It's got to be told and you never let me tell it." "I love you." "And that's worth fighting for." "Not Skipper." " Skipper was no good." " Maggie." "Maybe I'm no good either." "Nobody's good." "But, Brick, Skipper is dead!" " And I'm alive!" " Maggie." "Maggie The Cat is alive!" "I'm alive!" " Why are you afraid of the truth?" " Truth!" "Little girl, somebody ought to teach you... to knock before you open a door." "Otherwise, people might think that you're lacking in good breeding." "What's Uncle Brick doing on the floor?" "I tried to kill your Aunt Maggie." "But I failed." "And I fell." "Little girl, would you hand me my crutch, please?" "What were you jumping high hurdles for?" "Because I used to jump them, and people like to do what they used to do... after they've stopped being able to do it." "That's right." "And that's your answer." "Now go away, little girl." "Stop that, you little no-neck monster!" "You're just jealous 'cause you can't have babies." "You see?" "Mae and Gooper gloat over us being childless... even in front of their little no-neck monsters." "Brick..." "I went to a doctor in Memphis." "A gynecologist." "He says there's no reason why we can't have a child... whenever we want." "Brick..." " are you listening?" " Yes, Maggie, I hear you." "But how in hell on earth do you imagine you're going to have a child... by a man who cannot stand you?" "That, boy of mine... is a problem I'll just have to work out." "Here comes the party, here we come!" "Here comes that birthday party!" "That's nice." "You should have seen the preacher's face when I told him..." "I got him a stained-glass memorial window." "He like to bust out crying." "Who did you get to give you that window, Deacon?" "Clyde Fletcher's widow, a great, generous woman of fine character." "Somebody ought to give our churches a cooling system." "Yes sirree, Bob." "Exactly my own thought." "Let's see, they've had the typhoid shots and the tetanus shots... diphtheria shots, hepatitis shots, polio shots." "Gooper." "Gooper, honey, what all have the kiddies been shot for?" "Everything but stealing chickens, I guess." "Very funny." "Well, it does get hot out there, you know." "Well, Brick?" "Congratulations, Big Daddy, on your birthday." " Bull." " Do you know... what Gus Hanna's family gave in his memory?" "A complete new stone parish house with a basketball court..." "Deacon!" "What's all this talk about memorial stained-glass windows?" "Figuring on somebody kicking over around here?" "Is that it?" "How about some nice music to start the party off with?" "Turn that damn thing off!" "Where's my Brick?" " Where's my precious baby?" " Sorry, turn it back on." "How's your leg feel, honey?" "Your hand was made to hold something better in that." "Now put that liquor down." " Look at old Brick." "He's putting it down." " Turn that off!" "How about a birthday kiss, honey?" "Hey, everybody, you know, the first time Big Daddy kissed me, I fainted." "It's a fact." "Ain't that so, honey?" "You all know how he proposed to me?" "I was four months swole with Gooper... and Big Daddy said, "That's my kid, ain't it?"" "It was kind of funny." "I never had a beau... until I met your father." "He said, "I want that kid." "I need him." ""He ain't going to have nobody else's name but mine." "Let's get the preacher." ""That's what marriage is for." "Family"." "Children were mighty important to Big Daddy, even then." "Ida, will you stop that yammering?" "That's just his manner of talking." "He don't mean it." "I been his one and only lover, haven't I, sweetheart?" "Ida, will you keep quiet?" "Children, come on." "Here comes Big Daddy's birthday!" "Big Daddy's a jolly good fellow" "Big Daddy's a jolly good fellow" "Big Daddy's a jolly good fellow" "And so is Big Momma, too" "And so is Big Momma, too" "And so is Big Momma, too" "Big Daddy's a jolly good fellow" "And so is Big Momma, too" " Ida, what the hell's the matter with you?" " She's just so happy, Big Daddy." "I'm so happy." "I just got to cry or something." "Brick, Big Daddy's 100% healthy." "Brick, honey, aren't you going to give Big Daddy his birthday present?" "Big Daddy." "Big Daddy, you got to open your birthday present." "Open it up yourself." "I want to talk to Brick." "Hey, Brick, come over here." "Hey, Brick, Big Daddy's calling you." "Big Momma, take them out for me." " It's a cashmere robe." " You sound surprised, Maggie." " I've never seen a cashmere robe before." " That's funny." "What's so funny about it?" "All my family ever had was family." "Quiet!" " You bought it yourself last Saturday." " I said quiet!" "I know, 'cause the salesgirl that sold it to you waited on me... and she told me about it." " Sister Woman..." " Quiet!" "...Stork and the Grim Reaper, running neck and neck." "Deacon!" "I hope I'm not butting in on more talk about... memorial stained-glass windows, am I, Deacon?" " Not at all." " Yes, say, Deacon." "What do you get out of all this charity work, anyway?" "I happen to love humanity." "That's my reward." "And if humanity loves you back enough, you might get elected... councilman or mayor or something, hey, Deacon?" "Now don't start picking on Deacon." " That's all right." "I was just about..." " Good night, Deacon." "Exactly what I was about to say." "I better be going before it starts raining." "Good night, everybody." "Bless you all, each and every one in this place." "Brick." "They tell me that you was indulging in some athletics last night." " I was trying to, yes, sir." " At 3:00 in the morning?" "What were you doing out there on the high school athletic field... at 3:00 in the morning?" "Jumping the hurdles." "I was running and jumping the hurdles." "They got too high for me now." "Because you were drunk." "Sober, I would not have tried to jump even the low ones." "Big Daddy, it's time to blow out the candles on your birthday." "A toast to Big Daddy Pollitt on his 65th birthday." " To the biggest cotton planter..." " I told you to stop it now, quit this bull." "I won't allow you to talk this way, not even on your birthday." "I'll talk like I want to on my birthday or any other rotten day of the year." "If anybody around here don't like it, they know what they can do about it." " I know you don't mean that." " You don't know nothing." "You never did." " You don't mean that." " Yes, I do mean it." "I've put up with a lot of bull around here because I thought I was dying." "That's when you started taking over." "Your loud voice and your old busy body butting in here, there and everywhere." "Sashaying around here, making a big noise like a boss." "I'm the only boss around here." "I built this place with no help from you." "And I'll run this place till the day I die." "Now, is that plain to you, Ida?" "Is that perfectly clear to you?" "I ain't going to die." "Ain't nothing wrong with me but a spastic colon!" "Made spastic, I reckon, by all the lies and liars..." "I've had to put up with around here." "And all the hypocrisy I've had to live with these 40 years I've lived with you." "Now, blow out them candles." "Go on." "Blow out them candles on that stupid cake." "Oh, Big Daddy... in all these years, you never believed I loved you." "And I did." "I did so much." "I did love you." "I even loved your hate and your hardness." " Big Daddy should make plans." " Lf he should die before..." "Excuse me." "Brick." "Hey, Son!" "I was calling Brick." "I was just delivering him to you, Big Daddy." " What'd you do that for?" " Do what?" "Wipe off her kiss?" "Did I?" "That woman of yours got a better shape on her than Gooper's got on his." "Is that the only difference you've noticed, Big Daddy?" "Difference in shape's pretty important, boy." " But in a way, they're a lot alike." " How's that?" "They don't look peaceful." "How's that?" "They're a couple of cats." "They're sitting on the middle of a big piece of land, you know, 28,000 acres." "That's a lot of land." "And they're both squaring off... each determined to knock off a bigger piece whenever you let go." "Yeah." "Well, I got a surprise for them babies." "I ain't gonna let go for a long time yet, if that's what they're waiting for." "That's right, Big Daddy, you just set tight... and let them scratch each other's eyes out." "You bet your life." "That Gooper's wife, she's a good breeder." "You'll have to admit she's fertile." "Five head of them already and more coming." "Yep, number six coming." "Six nothing, she'll probably drop a litter next time." "Are you stuck out there or something?" " Daddy, I was just passing by." " You was just sneaking and spying." "Do I have to lock all the doors around here to have a private conversation?" "Big Daddy, why do you want to hurt those that really love you?" "Bull!" "I'm gonna move you and Gooper out of that room." "It's none of your business what goes on in here between Brick and Maggie." "I hate sneaking and spying." "It makes me puke!" " They listen, do they?" " Yeah, they listen." "They run and tell Big Momma everything they hear." "They say Maggie sleeps on the bed and you sleep on the sofa." "Is that true or not?" "If you don't like Maggie, get rid of her." " What're you doing over there now?" " Freshening up my drink." " You know you got a real liquor problem?" " Yes, sir, I know." "Is that why you quit your job, sports-announcing, because of liquor?" "I guess so." "Yes, sir, that's it." "Don't guess about it, Son." "It's too important." "So you quit?" " Was that some kind of a disappointment?" " I don't know." "Do you?" "I'm asking you." "How should I know if you don't?" "Son, do you think a shot of that whiskey would injure my spastic condition?" "No, sir." "It might do it some good." " The sky is open again, boy." "It's open." " That's the way to feel." "I can breathe." "All my life I've been like a doubled-up fist... pounding and smashing and driving." "But now I'm going to take things easy with them." " You know what I'm contemplating?" " What's that, sir?" "Pleasure." "I'll tell you something, boy, I still have a feeling for women, and I'm 65." " That's mighty remarkable, Big Daddy." " Remarkable?" "Admirable." "It's not only remarkable and admirable, it's downright satisfying." " I'm going to have me a ball." " A ball?" "I'm gonna pick me a choice woman... and I'm going to smother her in minks and choke her with diamonds." "I'm going to be happy." "Why are you so restless?" "You got ants in your britches?" " Yes, sir." " Why?" " Something hasn't happened yet." " What's that?" " A click in my head." " Did you say, "click"?" "Yes, sir." "The click in my head that makes me feel peaceful." "Boy, sometimes you worry me." "It's like a switch, clicking off in my head." "Turns the hot light off and the cool one on, and all of a sudden, there's peace." "You're a real alcoholic." "That is the truth." "Yes, sir, I am an alcoholic." "So if you'll just excuse me." " No, I won't excuse you!" " I'm waiting for that click!" "I don't get it unless I'm all alone..." "I'm talking to no one, when there's absolute quiet!" "You'll hear plenty of that in the grave soon enough." "But right now we're going to sit down and talk this over." "This talk is like all the others." "It gets nowhere and it's painful!" "All right, let it be painful." "I can crawl on one foot and I can hop if I have to." "If you're not careful, you're gonna crawl right out of this family... and have to hustle your drinks on skid row." "Yeah, that will come, too." "No, it won't." "Now that I'm straightened out, I'm gonna straighten you out." "Sit down!" "It's no use." "We talk in circles." "We have nothing to say to each other!" " Where are you going?" " To get me another bottle." "No, you're not, you drunken whelp." "What're you all shouting like that for?" "I just can't stand it!" "Get out of here!" "Leave us alone!" "Why do you drink?" "Go on." "You better know why you drink, or give up drinking." " Give me my crutch." " Why do you drink?" "Now, look, I stepped on that foot and I'm in pain." "Good!" "At least you're not too numb... with liquor to feel pain." " Now, why do you drink?" " Give me my crutch." " Tell me first." " No, give me a drink first and I'll tell you." "Tell me first." " First you got to tell me!" " All right!" "Disgust!" " Disgust with what?" " You strike a hard bargain." " Boy, do you want liquor that bad?" " Yes, sir, I want liquor that bad." "Now tell me what are you disgusted with?" "Mendacity." "You know what that is?" "It's lies and liars." "Who's been lying to you?" "Maggie?" "Your wife's been lying to you?" "No." "Not one lie, not one person." "The whole thing." " What's the matter?" "You got a headache?" " No, I'm just trying..." "You're just trying to concentrate but you can't." "'Cause your brain is soaked with liquor." "Wet brain!" "Mendacity!" "What do you know about mendacity?" "I could write a book on it." " It's your sister calling from Memphis." " To hell with her!" "Gooper, get out of there." "Go on." "Close the door after you." "Mendacity!" "Look at all the lies that I got to put up with." "Pretenses, hypocrisy." "Pretending like I care for Big Momma." "I haven't been able to stand that woman in 40 years." "Church." "It bores me." "But I go." "And all those swindling lodges, social clubs... and money-grabbing auxiliaries... that's got me on their number-one-sucker list." "Boy, I've lived with mendacity." "Now why can't you live with it?" "You've got to live with it." "There's nothing to live with but mendacity." "Is there?" "Yes, sir, you can live with this." "That's not living." " That's a-dodging away from life." " I want to dodge away from it." " Then, Son, why don't you kill yourself?" " Because I like to drink." " I can't talk to you." " I'm sorry." "You expect me to turn over 28,000 acres of the richest land... this side of the Valley Nile to a fool on a bottle?" "No, sir." "I like you, Son, but why should I subsidize worthless behavior, rot, corruption?" "Turn it over to Gooper and Mae." "I can't stand Gooper and Mae and those five screaming monkeys." "Now, I don't have to turn it over to any of you." "To this day I ain't made no will." "Now I don't have to, the pressure's off." "I can just wait and see if you pull yourself together or if you don't." "That's right." " I'm not kidding." " No, sir, I know you're not kidding." " You mean, you don't care?" " No, sir, I don't care." "Will you tell Lacey to drive me to the station?" " Now wait a minute." " Or I'll drive myself." "I'm going home tonight." "Now!" " This is your home." " Is it?" "Since when?" "Let's don't leave it like this." "Like all them other talks we've had." "We always seem to talk around things." "Seem to leave things unsaid and unspoken." " But now we've got to talk straight." " No, sir, it's too late for talk." "Why?" "What are you disgusted about?" "Because you can't play football anymore, is that it?" "Because you lost your job, sports-announcing?" "I'll get it back for you." "What?" "Sit in a glass box watching games that I can't play?" "Describing what I can't do while other players do it?" "Filling my Coke with bourbon so I can stand it?" "Is that what you're gonna get back for me?" "I think you're passing the buck." "You know many drinking men?" "I've known a goodly number of that species." "Could any of them tell you why they drank?" "You're passing the buck." "You're passing the buck to things like disgust and mendacity." "If you've got to use that kind of language about a thing... it's 90-proof bull and I ain't buying any!" "You started drinking with your friend Skipper's death." "Now that's the truth, ain't that?" "What are you suggesting?" " Nothing." "But..." " But what?" "Come on, say what's on your mind." "Say it!" " Why are you so excited?" " Go ahead, say it!" "What are you shouting like that for?" "Skipper and I were friends." "Can you understand that?" "Gooper and Mae said that Skipper was..." "Skipper is the only thing that I've got left to believe in!" "And you are dragging it through the gutter!" "Now just a minute!" "You are making it shameful and filthy, you..." "Give me your hand." "I don't want your hand." "The hell with all lies and liars." "Didn't you ever look up to anybody?" "Anybody at all in your whole life?" "Didn't you ever believe in anything, anybody?" "No, sir." "I guess you didn't." "Nothing and nobody excepting Big Daddy himself." "You and Skipper played football together." "Made a few touchdowns." "Does that make him God Almighty?" "I could depend on him." " On the football field?" " Anytime, anywhere, anyplace." "I could depend on him." " You sure of that?" " Yes, sir." "Sure." "Bull!" "Why did your big strong man fall apart?" "Why did Skipper crack up?" "All right." "You're asking for it, we're going to have that talk." "That straight true talk." " It's too late to stop it now." " Can you say it without a drink?" "But I haven't heard that click yet." "That mechanical click." "You need a lot of crutches, don't you?" "Clicks?" "Whiskey?" "What else you need?" "Skipper?" " He was a crutch for you, too, wasn't he?" " Yes, sir." "He was someone for me to lean on, in school and out of it." "How did Maggie take this great and true friendship?" "Ask her." " I'm asking you." " No." "You want to know why Skipper cracked up?" "Ask Maggie The Cat." "What did she do?" "Chase him out of the 11th story window of that Chicago hotel?" "Did that little, bitty girl shove your big hero out all by herself?" "Why?" "What was going on between Skipper and Maggie?" "Ask her." " Maggie?" "In here." " Can I be of assistance, Big Daddy?" "Trixie's ready to play the piano for you, Big Daddy." "Go ahead, Trixie, play." "What was going on between you and Skipper?" "Well, you see, Big Daddy..." "Well?" "Come on, Maggie." "Now, you wanted to talk truth upstairs." "Go ahead." "Come on, now, Big Daddy wants to know." "Go ahead, tell him." "Skipper didn't like me." "Why, Maggie?" "Why didn't Skipper like you?" "You know he was against us getting married." "Why, Maggie?" " Because it meant less freedom for you." " Freedom to do what, Maggie?" "Freedom to run from town to town." "Planes, trains, always running." " Football practice, dirty stories." " Nobody forced you to come along with us." "I didn't expect to spend my honeymoon in the locker room with the boys." "Since when did the smell of a man ever injure your sensitive feelings?" "Football, baby." "The idea of football smelled." "Especially the notions of a professional team." "Why, he didn't need any team of his own." "He could've gotten a spot on any pro team in the country." "You organized your own team on account of Skipper." "You're a liar!" "On account he wasn't good enough to make it on his own." "Professional football, Maggie, is a business." "Not a social club, a business." "You mean the business of making money?" "Yeah, money!" "The stuff that your dreams are made of." "Why, the Dixie Stars never made a nickel." "Not from the first day to the last." "It wasn't the money, it was the cheers." "He lapped them up." "The cheers didn't mean anything to me." "But they meant something to you, didn't they?" "Because they shut you out and that's what you hated, being shut out." "Not by the crowds, baby, by you." "By the man I worshiped." "That's why I hated Skipper." "You hated him so much that you got him drunk and went to bed with him." "Well, is that true?" "Oh, Big Daddy... you don't think I ravished a football hero?" " Skipper was drunk." " So are you most of the time." "I don't seem to make out so well with you." "Are you trying to say that nothing happened between you and Skipper?" " You know what happened." " I don't know what happened!" "I don't know, Maggie." "I wasn't there." "I couldn't play that Sunday." "I wasn't in Chicago." " I was in the hospital." " But Skipper played." "Oh, he played, all right." "He played his first professional game without Brick." "Tell Big Daddy what happened." "Go on, go ahead, tell him." "You're a sports announcer." "Give us a running account of the all-American bust." "Tell Big Daddy how many times Skipper fumbled... and stumbled and fell apart." "On offensive he was useless." "On defensive he was a coward." "And it was all over." "Chicago 47, Dixie Stars 0." " Bad breaks." "An off day." " No." "No, baby." "Without you, Skipper was nothing." "Outside, big, tough, confident." "Inside, pure jelly." "You saw the game on TV." "You saw what happened." "But I didn't see what happened in Skipper's hotel room." "That little episode was not on TV." "Go ahead, tell Big Daddy why you were in Skipper's room." "He was sick." "Sick with drink." "He wouldn't come out." "He'd busted some furniture... and the hotel manager said to stop him before he called the police." "So I went to his room." "I scratched on his door and begged him to let me in." "He was half crazy." "Violent and screaming one minute, and weak and crying the next." "And all the time scared stiff about you." "So I said to him, maybe it was time we forgot about football... maybe he ought to get a job and let me and Brick alone." "I thought he'd hit me." "He walked toward me... with a funny sort of smile on his face." "Then he did the strangest thing." "He kissed me." "That was the first time he'd ever touched me." "And then I knew what I was going to do." "I'd get rid of Skipper." "I'd show Brick that their deep, true friendship was a big lie." "I'd prove it by showing... that Skipper would make love to the wife of his best friend." "He didn't need any coaxing." "He was more than willing." "He even seemed to have the same idea." " You're just trying to whitewash it." " I'm not!" "I was trying to win back my husband." "It didn't matter how." "I would've done anything." "Even that." "But at the last second I got panicky." "Supposing I lost you instead?" "Supposing you'd hate me instead of Skipper?" "So I ran." "Nothing happened!" "I've tried to tell him a 100 times, but he won't let me." " Nothing happened!" " Hallelujah, Saint Maggie." "I wanted to get rid of Skipper." "But not if it meant losing you." "He blames me for Skipper's death." "Maybe I got rid of Skipper." "Skipper won out, anyway." "I didn't get rid of him at all." "Isn't it an awful joke, honey?" "I lost you, anyway." " You didn't talk to him again before he..." " No." " But Brick did." " How do you know they talked?" " Skipper told me." " When?" "When they put his poor broken body in the ambulance." "I rode with him to the hospital." "The whole time he kept on saying, "Why did Brick hang up on me, why?"" "Why, Brick?" " Brick, where are you going?" " Home." "You can't drive." "You're drunk." "Not yet, Big Daddy." "Not yet." "Now give me that bottle." "What are you running away from?" "Why did you hang up on Skipper when he called you?" "Answer me." "What did he say?" "Was it about him and Maggie?" " He said they'd made love." " And you believed him?" "Yes." "Then why haven't you thrown her out?" "Something's missing here." "Now, why did Skipper kill himself?" "Because somebody let him down." "I let him down." "When he called that night..." "I couldn't make much sense out of..." "But there was one thing that was sure." "Skipper was scared." "Scared." "About what happened that day on the football field, that I'd blame him... scared that I'd walk out on him." "Skipper afraid, I couldn't believe that." "I mean, inside he was real, deep-down scared." "And he broke like a rotten stick." "He started crying..." ""I need you"." "He kept babbling, "Help me"." "Me help him?" "How does one drowning man help another drowning man?" "So you hung up on him." "And then that phone... started to ring again." "And it rang and it rang and it wouldn't stop ringing." "And I lay in that hospital bed." "I was unable to move or run from that sound and still... it kept ringing louder and louder." "And the sound of that was like Skipper screaming for help." "And I couldn't pick it up." "So that's when he killed himself?" "Yeah." "Because I let him down." "So that disgust with mendacity is really disgust with myself." "And when I hear that click in my head..." "I don't hear the sound of that phone ringing anymore." "And I can stop thinking." "I'm ashamed, Big Daddy!" "That's why I'm a drunk." "When I'm drunk I can stand myself." "But it's always there in the morning, ain't it?" "The truth?" "And it's here right now." "You're just feeling sorry for yourself." "That's all it is, self-pity!" "You didn't kill Skipper." "He killed himself." "You and Skipper and millions like you, are living in a kids' world... playing games, touchdowns, no worries, no responsibilities." "Life ain't no damn football game." "Life ain't just a bunch of high spots." "You're a 30-year-old kid." "Soon you'll be a 50-year-old kid... pretending you hearing cheers when there ain't any." "Dreaming and drinking your life away." "Heroes in the real world live 24 hours a day... not just two hours in a game." "Mendacity!" "You won't..." "You won't live with mendacity, but you're an expert at it." "The truth is pain and sweat... paying bills and making love to a woman that you don't love anymore." "The truth is dreams that don't come true... and nobody prints your name in the paper till you die." "Now, here." "The truth is you never growed up." " Grownups don't hang up on friends." " Get away from the car." "They don't hang up on their wives." " They don't hang up on life." " Would you just please let go?" "Now that's the truth and that's what you can't face." " Can you face the truth?" " Try me." "Sure, somebody else's truth." " Bull." "You're running again." " Yeah, I am running." "Running from lies." "Lies like birthday congratulations... and many happy returns of the day when there won't be any and..." "Please, let me go home." " What did you say?" " I don't remember." "Many happy returns when there won't be any?" "Forget it." "Now, please, just let me go home." "Leave the place to Gooper and Mae." "Leave the place." "Who said I was going to leave the place or anything?" "I'll outlive you." "I'll bury you." " I'll buy your coffin." " That's right, Big Daddy... many happy returns." "They were lying, weren't they, Son?" "About that report from the clinic?" "This pain keeps grabbing me." "It's death." "Ain't it?" "Answer me!" "The truth!" "You said it yourself, Big Daddy." "Mendacity is a system we live in." "Brick." "Brick, wait!" "Look at us, Maggie." "Look at us." "The great Pollitt Enterprises stuck in the..." "I hurt him, Maggie." "I hurt him really bad." "What's the matter?" "What's happened?" " Why is Big Daddy..." " We got to talk to you, Big Momma." " Mae, get Dr. Baugh!" " Where is he?" " I don't know, just find him." " Brick." " Doc." "Doc!" " I wouldn't go down to him right now, Ida." "Sweetheart!" "Big Daddy, can you hear me?" "Sweetheart, what are you doing?" "I'm coming down." "No need to, Ida." "We'll be coming up in a minute." "If that pain gets too bad... this is morphine and a syringe." "The instructions are written out." "It's no use pretending anymore." "When that pain hits, it'll hit hard." "Make it easy on yourself." "Here." "You better take off those wet clothes." "Why?" "You afraid I might catch cold and die?" " Why can't I go down to him?" " Well, he's..." "Well, his stomach's upset, Ida." "Well, all he needs is a peppermint." "It's time we had that little talk, Doc." " It's gonna be painful." " Painful things can't always be avoided." "So I've noticed, but there are times when you..." "Yes, sir, I think it's time we all had our little talk." "What talk are you all talking about?" "Doc, what were Brick and Big Daddy fighting about out in the rain?" "We didn't discuss it." "What's he doing in the cellar all alone?" " Why can't Big Momma go and see him?" " You heard why." "'Cause he's got the stomach upset." "It's made him irritable." "When old couples been together as long as me and Big Daddy... they get irritable with each other from too much devotion." "Isn't that so?" "Of course that's so." "He loves his family." "He loves to have them around him, but it's a strain on his nerves." "He wasn't himself." "I could tell he was all worked up." "It's the party and the excitement and all." "He's probably just a little wore out, that's all." "Did you notice how he ate?" "He ate like a P-I-G hog." "I hope he don't regret it." "Who?" "Big Daddy?" "Why, he helped himself twice to Hopping John." "He just loves Hopping John." "We had a real country dinner." "And candied yams." "That man put away enough to stuff a field hand." "I just hope he don't have to pay for it later on." "What?" "What's that?" "Gooper say he hopes Big Daddy..." "Shoot." "Gooper says." "Gooper says." "There ain't nothing wrong with Big Daddy but nerves." "Ain't that so, Maggie?" "He's as sound as a dollar." "And now he knows he is." "And that's why he ate such a supper." "He had a load off his mind, knowing... he wasn't doomed... to what he thought he was doomed to." "Now, nothing's going to hurt Big Daddy." "We just won't allow anything to happen to him." "Doc." "Come here, Doc!" "I don't need any doctor." "He's got something to tell you about Big Daddy." "I want Brick." "He'll be down directly." "Sticky rain always makes me sick." "Give me something to wash this tablet down with." "What's wrong here?" "You've all got such long faces." " Brick, Big Momma needs you." " They'll tell her without me." "Please, Brick." "I just can't stand the way that Mae and Gooper are..." "Are what?" "Trying to grab off this place for themselves?" "Well, let them have it all." "And if you want to fight for a piece of the old man's carcass... why, you go right ahead, but you're gonna do it without me." "All right, I deserve that." "But not this time." "This time you're wrong." "What I can't stand... is not losing this place." "It's Big Momma." "I know what it's like to lose somebody you love." "Careful, Maggie, your claws are showing." " Mae, close that door." " Don't close that door." "Let a little air circulate." "I just don't think we ought to run the risk... of Big Daddy hearing a word of this discussion." "What discussion of what?" " Maggie, Brick..." " Now, now, Big Momma..." "There ain't gonna be a word said in this house of Big Daddy Pollitt's... that he can't hear if he wants to." "Brick, where are you?" "Where do you think he is?" "Gone to pieces, that's where." "Doc, ain't there some kind of cure for drinkers?" " Brick don't need no cures." " Of course he don't." "Give him time." "He'll lap up all the whiskey in the state." "That'll cure him." "Stop that kind of talk." "Big Daddy takes a drink now and then." "I don't trust a man who don't drink." "Good for you." "Mae, sit down, hold Big Momma's hand while we talk." "What are you all surrounding me for?" "I don't need you to hold my hand." " You all crazy?" " You calm yourself, sweetheart." "You calm yourself yourself, Sister Woman!" "How am I going to calm myself with everyone staring at me as if... big drops of blood had broken out on my face?" "What's all this about?" "What?" "Doc." "Sit down, Mae." "Big Momma wants to know the complete truth... about the report we got from the clinic." "Truth!" "Everybody keeps hollering about the truth." "Well, the truth is as dirty as lies!" " Is there something I don't know, Doc?" " Well, Ida..." "I want to know!" " Somebody must be lying." " Come and sit down, Momma, please." "I want to know about my husband." "He had the most thorough examination ever given at the Ofenheim Clinic." "It's one of the best clinics in the country." "It's the best in the country, bar none." "They were 99.9% sure before they even started." "Right, Doc?" "Sure of what?" " Not now." " The test was positive!" "Mae, shut up." "It's hopeless, Ida." "He knows it, too." "Hopeless?" " Now, now, darling." " You had to know." "Why didn't they cut it out of him?" " It's gone past the knife, Ida." " He's dying, Big Momma." "You get away from me, Mae." "Get away from me." "I want Brick." "Where's my Brick?" "Where's my only son?" " Brick!" " Momma, please." " I'm your son, too." " Gooper's your firstborn." " Now, listen to me!" " No!" " Ida, he'll be having some pain." " Gooper and I think..." "Mae, shut up." " You want to see him suffer?" " No." " Then he's got to be started on morphine." " No." "Nobody's going to give my husband morphine." "No." "No." "Why don't you give her a while to adjust herself to the idea?" " It's Maggie's who's upsetting her." " Hey, Doc... instead of a needle, haven't you maybe got a pill to make the pain disappear?" "Sometimes I wish I had a pill to make people disappear." "Thanks for everything, Doc, we sure do appreciate..." "Does Brick know?" "You know, honey... we was never a very happy family." "I mean, there wasn't much joy in this house." "It wasn't Big Daddy's fault." "I mean, it was just..." "You know how some homes are happy homes, but..." "I thought coming home from the clinic this morning... now we'll be happy here." "You and Brick will come and live with us... and you'll have your children in this house... and we'll help each other be happy." "Nothing's ever the way you plan, is it?" "Margaret, honey, you got to help Brick." "Make him pull himself together." "You see, if he's gonna take hold of things..." "Take hold of what things?" "The place." " Big Momma, you've had a shock." " Yes, we've all had a shock." " Let's be realistic." " Big Daddy would never be foolish enough." "He'd never be foolish enough to put this place in irresponsible hands!" "He ain't putting this place in anybody's hands." "My husband is not going to die!" "Now, I want you to get that in your heads." "Both of you." " We're hoping just as much as you are." " We intend to pray for him." "But I'm not gonna let you persuade Big Daddy to leave this place..." "Gooper is your firstborn!" "He always had to carry a bigger load of the responsibilities than Brick." "Brick never carried a thing in his life but a football or a highball." " Mae, will you let me talk?" "Please?" " Yes, of course." "All right." "A 28,000 acre plantation is a mighty big thing to run." "Almost single-handed." "You had your law practice in Memphis." "When did you ever run this place?" "Momma, let's be fair." "Ever since Big Daddy's health started failing him..." "Gooper has worked like a fool to keep this place up." "Gooper won't admit it." "He never thought of it as a duty." "Mae!" "Big Daddy don't even know half of what he owns." "The point is, I'm not gonna see this place run into the ground... by a drunken ex-football hero." " You shut up about my husband!" " You shut up!" "He has no right to slander..." "I got the right to discuss my own brother with members of my own family... which don't include you." "Now, why don't you go up there and drink with Brick." "If the conquering hero hasn't passed out already." "He may have to pass up the Sugar Bowl this year." "Or was it the Rose Bowl he made his famous run in?" "It was the Punch Bowl, honey." " The cut-glass punch bowl." " That's right." "I always get that boy's bowls mixed up." "I have never seen such malice toward a brother." "What about his malice toward Gooper?" "He can't even stand being in the same room with me." " Can I help you, Mr. Brick?" " No, thank you, Lacey." " Where's my father?" " He's in the cellar." "And he's alone." "And he's..." "Thank you, Lacey." "This is a deliberate campaign to ruin Brick." "He doesn't need any help." "For the most disgusting and sordid reasons on earth." "Avarice." "Avarice and greed!" "No, Margaret, darling, don't cry." "Don't cry." " Well, that takes the cake." " Mae." "Who are the tears for?" "Brick?" "Big Daddy?" " Or are they for yourself?" " Mae." "Are you crying 'cause you're childless?" "You know why she's got no kids?" " Ask her big, beautiful husband." " Mae!" "You just won't let me do this the nice way, will you?" "All right." "You always said I never loved Big Daddy." "How would you know?" "How would he know?" "Did he ever let anybody love him?" "For him it was always Brick, always." "From the day he was born, he was always partial to Brick." "Why?" "Big Daddy wanted me to become a lawyer." "I became a lawyer." "He said, "Get married"." "I got married." "He said, "Have kids"." "I had kids." "He said, "Live in Memphis"." "I lived in Memphis." "Whatever he said do, I did, all right." "I don't give a damn whether Big Daddy likes me or don't like me... or did or never did or will or will never." "I've appealed for common decency and fair play." "Now I'm telling you." "I intend to protect my interests." "I'm not a corporation lawyer for nothing." "Mae." " Go get my briefcase out of our bedroom." " Yes, hon." "It was..." "I..." "It was the Cotton Bowl, Sister Woman." "Pa?" "Pa?" " Give me your hand." " I don't want your hand." "No." " But the Doc told..." " It's my pain." "That makes it my business." "I thought you went and hid yourself." "What do you want?" " I came to apologize." " Yeah?" "What for, telling me the truth?" " There must be a dozen reasons." " Save them." "I hate apologies." "Especially for the truth." "Whatever you did, don't apologize for it." "Just don't do it again." "If you didn't do it, start doing it." "Start by getting me a cigar out of that coat." " You think you ought..." " Get me the cigar, boy!" "It's all wet from the rain." "You're all wet yourself." "It's a lousy joke, but it's true." "Modern science." "Get me that..." "That robe." " There's a bottle in that desk." " I don't want a drink." "Well, I do." "I want a drink." "I've got a million "clicks" in my guts." "Knives sharpening themselves." "You know about "clicks," don't you, boy?" "So you bought me a birthday present?" "No, sir, Maggie bought it." " Got good taste, that girl." " In some things, yes, sir." "But not in men." "Nice soft material." "And this is my soft birthday." "Not my gold or my silver." "This is my soft birthday." "Here's to my last birthday." "Aren't you drinking to that?" "Clickety-click." "You know what I'm going to do before I die?" "I'm going to open up all these boxes." "Will you look at this stuff?" "Bought most of it when I took your mother to Europe on that Cook's tour." "Never had such a lousy time in my life." "Now that Europe is nothing but a great big auction." "Bunch of old worn-out places, a great, big fire sale... the whole rotten thing." "And Big Momma went wild in it." "Boy!" "She just bought and bought." "Sure is lucky I'm a rich man." "Yes, sirree, it sure is lucky." "Got any idea what I'm worth, Son?" "Ask Gooper." "He knows." "He knows to the penny unless I miss my guess." "Close on $10 million in cash and blue-chip stocks... besides 28,000 acres of the richest land... this side of the Valley Nile." "Well, that is pretty rich to be." "There's one thing you can't buy in a Europe fire sale... or any other market on earth." "That's your life." "Can't buy back your life when it's finished." "No, sir, nobody can do that." "Feeling sorry for me or for you?" "For you, Papa." "That's good." "Because you're going to miss me, boy." "Why'd you let Ma buy all this stuff?" "The human animal is a beast that eventually has to die." "If he's got money, he buys and he buys." "The reason why he buys everything he can is because... of a crazy hope that one of the things he buys will be life everlasting... which it never can be." "I suddenly noticed that you don't call me Big Daddy anymore." "If you needed a Big Daddy, why didn't you come to me?" "You wanted somebody to lean on, why Skipper?" "Why not me?" "I'm your father." "I'm Big Daddy, me." "Why didn't you come to your kinfolk, to people that love you?" "You don't know what love means." "To you it's just another four-letter word." "You got a mighty short memory." "What was it that you wanted that I didn't buy for you?" "You can't buy love!" "You bought yourself a million dollars worth of junk!" "Look at it, does it love you?" "Who'd you think I bought it for, me?" "It's yours." "The place, the money, every rotten thing yours!" "I don't want things!" "But we drew this..." " I said we drew this up with the advice..." " Get out of the way." " Get out of my way." " We're settling this first." " I don't want to see it." " It's a plan." "A preliminary." "Waste!" "Worthless!" "Worthless!" "Worthless." "Don't, Son." " Please, don't cry, boy." " No." "That's funny." "I never saw you cry before." "How is that?" "Didn't you ever cry as a kid?" "Can't you understand?" "I never wanted your place or your money or..." "I don't want to own anything." "All I wanted was a father, not a boss." "I wanted you to love me." " I did and I do." " No." "Not me, and not Gooper, and not even Momma." "That's a lie." "I did love her." "I'd give her everything, anything..." "Things." "Papa, you gave her things." "A house, a trip to Europe, all this junk." "Some jewelry." "Things you gave her." "Things, Papa, not love." "I gave her an empire, boy." "I've seen you out there on your empire... with the men who run it for you." "You don't know their names... or if they've got kids, or if they're happy." "You've never looked into their faces." "What are faces?" "You don't build an empire by remembering faces." "Next week, I'm gonna start building that textile plant." "I'll not only grow my own cotton, I'll weave it and I'll market it." "I'll tell you, boy, in a year or two years from now..." "Yeah." "The men who build empires die, and empires die, too." "No, it won't." " That's why I've got you and Gooper." " Look at Gooper." "Look at what he's become." "Is that what you wanted him to be?" "And look at me." "You put it very well indeed." "I'm a 30-year-old kid." "And pretty soon I'm going to be a 50-year-old kid." "I don't know what to believe in." "What's the good of living if you've got nothing to..." "There's got to be some purpose in life, some meaning." "Look at me, for the sake of God, look at me, before it's too late!" "For once in your life look at me as I really am." "Look at me!" "I'm a failure." "I'm a drunk." "On my own in the open market, I'm not worth the price of a decent burial." "You and Gooper and the rest of you blaming me for everything, huh?" "No, Papa." "Nobody, just a..." "We've known each other all my life and we're strangers." "You own 28,000 acres of the richest..." "You own $10 million." "You own a wife and two children." "You own us, but you don't love us." " In my own way..." " No, sir." "You don't even like people." "You wanted Gooper to have kids." "You want me to have kids." "Why?" "'Cause I want a part of me to keep on living." "I won't have it end with the grave." "Look!" "This is what my father left me." "A lousy old suitcase." "And on the inside was nothing." "Nothing but his uniform from the Spanish-American War." "This was his legacy to me." "Nothing at all!" "And I built this place from nothing." "And that's all he left you?" "Yeah, he was a hobo." "Best- known tramp on the boxcar circuit." "He worked once in a while as a field hand, and I'd tag along." "Sat on my bare bottom in the dirt waiting for him." "Outside of hunger, first thing I could remember is shame." "I was ashamed of that miserable, old tramp." "I was riding boxcars when I was nine years old... something you never had to do." "And you'll never have to bury me either, like I did him." "I buried him in a meadow alongside a railroad track." "We was running to catch a freight and his heart gave out." "You know something?" " That lousy old tramp died laughing." " Laughing at what?" "Himself, I guess." "An old hobo tramp." "Not a nickel in his jeans, you know." "No future, no past." "Or maybe he was laughing because he was happy." "Happy at having you with him." "He took you everywhere and he kept you with him." "I don't want to talk about that." "Yeah, I loved him." "I reckon I never loved anything as much as that lousy old tramp." "And you say he left you nothing but a suitcase?" "With a uniform in it from the Spanish-American War?" "And some memories." "And love." "Did I tell you all those stories about my old man?" "Yeah, about 50 times." "It's only a plan to protect the biggest estate in the Delta..." " from irresponsibility." " Momma, you got to sign." "Maggie, where is it?" " What, Momma?" " What the doctor left... to make his pain easier." "Brick's down there with him." "Brick will help Big Daddy." "Help him?" "How?" " By running a 100-yard dash?" " Shut up, Mae." "Maybe he'll cheer Big Daddy up by kicking a couple of field goals." "One more crack, Queenie, just one... and I will not only spit in your eye but I will punch it black and blue." "Now hold on a minute." " I'm not gonna listen to anymore slander..." " Mae was only saying..." "I know what she's saying and I know exactly what she meant." "The only world that Brick knows is a world that he..." "It's not a world he made." "Ladies." " No." " Why won't you take it?" " It'll kill the pain that's all." " It'll kill the senses, too." "When you've got pain, at least you know you're alive." "It's easing somewhat now." "When you got pain... it's better to judge yourself than a lot of things." "I'm not going to stupefy myself with that stuff." "I want to think clear." "I want to see everything and I want to feel everything." "Then I won't mind going." "I've got the guts to die." "What I want to know is, have you got the guts to live?" "I don't know." "We can try." "Could start by helping each other up these stairs." "Yes, sir." "The least you can do is read them." "You put those papers away before I tear them up." "I don't know what's in them." "I don't want to know what's in them." "I'm talking in Big Daddy's language now." "I'm his wife, not his widow." "I'm still his wife." " Yeah." "But what I got here..." " He's explained it's just a plan." "Plan." "Basis." "What I say to your plan is..." "Maggie, what is it Big Daddy says when he's disgusted?" "He says "bull" when he's disgusted." "That's right." "I say "bull," too, like Big Daddy." "Coarse language don't seem called for to me." "Bull!" "Something in me is deeply outraged by all this kind of talk." "Then stop talking like your father was dead." "And me along with him." "What about her?" "She wants her share, too." "As far as Brick is concerned, nobody's going to take nothing." "Not till Big Daddy lets go... and maybe just possibly, not even then." "No, Momma, not even then." "Hello, Bucky Boy." "Looks like the wind took some liberties with this place." " Evening, Captain." " Evening, Captain." " Storm cross over the river?" " Gone to Arkansas, Captain." "Rain do some good, Captain?" "Some good I reckon." "Some good." "The least you can do is read them." "You put those papers away before I tear them up." "I don't know what's in them." "I don't want to know what's in them." "Well, can I come in?" "The storm done any damage, Big Daddy?" "What storm you talking about?" "The one on the outside... or that hullabaloo I heard going on in here?" "Excuse me, sir." "Heard some mighty loud talking." "Sounded like something important being discussed." "What's the pow-wow about?" "Nothing, Big Daddy." "Nothing at all." "What's in them important-looking documents you got there, Gooper?" "These, sir?" "Nothing." "Nothing much anything at all." "Then what are you and Sister Woman scurrying and scrounging around for?" "Looks like a whole lot of nothing to me." "What's that smell in this room?" "Didn't you notice it, Brick?" "Didn't you notice a powerful and obnoxious odor of mendacity in this room?" "Yes, sir, I think I did." "Ain't nothing more powerful than the odor of mendacity." " Didn't you notice it, Gooper?" " What, sir?" "What about you, Sister Woman?" "Didn't you notice an unpleasant smell of mendacity in this room?" "Big Daddy, I don't even know what that is." "You can smell it." "It smells like death." "What's the matter with that woman over there?" "Hey, what's-your-name." "What's the matter with you?" "She just had a slight dizzy spell." "You better watch that, Big Momma." "A stroke's a bad way to go." "Look, Momma, he's wearing Brick's birthday present." "I haven't given you my present, yet, but I will now." " I have an announcement to make." " What kind of an announcement?" "An announcement of life beginning." "A child is coming... sired by Brick out of Maggie The Cat." "I have Brick's child in my body." "And that is my present to you." "Ever in your born days ever hear such a bald-faced lie?" "Shut up." "Thank you." "Thank you very much." "Yes, indeed, this girl has life in her body." "And that's no lie." "Gooper, I want my lawyer in the morning." "My lawyer." " Brick." " Yes, Big Daddy?" "I'm going out to look this place over before I give it up." "The place and the people on it." "Ida." "You want to come along with me?" "Brick, what says..." "What were you and Big Daddy talking about down there?" " Us." " Me, too?" " Yeah, you, too." " You ripped him apart." "Your own brother." "You believe that, Gooper?" " No." " Well, I do!" "Keep still." "A family crisis brings out the best and the worst in every member of the family." "That's the truth." "Amen." "You want to talk about the truth?" "You're not pregnant." " Be still, Mae." " She made it up." " I said, shut up." " Don't you try to kid us, Maggie." "Mae." "She's not kidding you." "How can she have a child by you, when you won't even..." "Will you keep quiet?" "We occupy the next room." "The walls between aren't soundproof." "We hear the nightly pleading and the nightly refusals." "Sister Woman, not everybody makes as much noise about love as you do." "Brick, I never thought that you would stoop to her level." "You heard what Big Daddy said, "That girl's got life in her body"." " That's a lie!" " No." "No." "No, truth is something desperate." "And Maggie's got it." "Believe me, it is desperate." "And she has got it." "Why don't you say something, honey?" "All right, honey." "Shut up!" "Maggie." " Yes?" " Come on up here." "Yes, sir!" "Yeah." "That girl's got life in her, all right." "Thank you for keeping still." "For backing me up in my lie." "Maggie." "We are through with lies and liars in this house." "Lock the door." | {
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"Let's be honest with ourselves." "I think we always knew this wasn't gonna work out." "Carter I care about you." "Very much." "In a way, I do love you and I don't wanna hurt you." "Carter, you have to say something." "We haven't stopped talking since the day we met." "Excuse me." "Are you...?" "You are." "You're Sofia Bunuel." "Oh, my God." "We're, like, your biggest fans ever." "I've seen Sprawl, like, a million, zillion times." "I own the DVD." "That's really sweet." "Thank you." " Can I get your autograph?" " Well, yeah, sure." "Just write, "To Todd." "You're a pathetic faggot and I would never get with you."" "Okay." "Yeah." "Thank you." "Listen I hear what you're saying." "But you've gotta hear me." "All I know is that I need space." "I don't know what's gonna happen." "Maybe, eventually, who knows?" "Nobody knows." "But right now, I need you to give me that space." "Fine." "I wanna do that." "I wanna give you all the space you need." "I just-- I don't want you to break up with me." " I have to go now." " Please, will you just--?" "Will you not leave me here like this?" "Will you stay and talk a little bit?" "I can't." "Goodbye." "You have one unheard message." "The following message has not been heard." "It's Avi." "I read your script last night." "You know, this is supposed to be premium soft-core erotic- " "Hey." "What are you doing here?" "I just came to get some... ." "And I wanted some... ." "Are you--?" "Are you crying?" "Oh, a little." "I was just talking to my mom." "I think she's got big, big problems." "She hasn't exactly been firing on all cylinders." "No, she's convinced she's dying." " Is she sick?" " I don't think so." "The doctor can't find anything wrong with her." "But hearing her sound so scared and helpless, I just" "I felt so sorry for her." "Anyway, I'm gonna fly out there in the next few days and deal with it." "I should go there." " I'll go to Michigan." "I'll stay with Grandma." " What about your job?" "I write soft-core porn." "I can do that from Michigan." "Doesn't really require tremendous effort." "Besides, it'll give me an opportunity to write that thing that I've been wanting to write." "About Genghis Khan?" " No, that other thing." " About your high school?" "Don't say it like that, because it sounds moronic." "You've been saying you were gonna since you were 15." "The only way I'm actually gonna do it is if I just get out of L.A., get away from my life." "Wonder how Sofia's gonna feel about that?" "I think she'll be thrilled." "She just broke up with me." "Sofia dumped me." "Are you kidding me?" "When?" "Hour and a half ago." "Been in traffic." " Maybe it's just a" " No." "It's over." "She's gone." "Oh, shit." "Shit." " Would you please hold it together?" " Unbelievable." "I just can't handle you acting like this is the end of the world." "I'm sorry, honey." "I'm sorry." "It's just she's so beautiful." "She's so funny and great, yeah." "Oh, Carter, oh, God, I'm sorry." "Honey, how are you doing?" "Are you all right?" "No." "I know this is gonna sound like something that a mom has to say but it is true, you will be all right." "I mean, these things, you know, take time." "Sometimes a really long time." "I mean, I'm still trying to get over Rodney Portchnik and that was 12th grade." "Don't tell me that Rodney Portchnik story, please." "I'm just saying that you will be all right." "Women have always been drawn to you, Carter, ever since you were a little boy." "And one day when you least expect it, you're gonna meet a really great girl." "I don't wanna meet a really great girl." "I don't wanna meet anyone." "I just wanna be alone with my grandma and her cat." "You're such a freak." "Are you going out tonight?" "No." "Maybe." "Why?" "It's Friday night." "You're going out with Gabe Foley, aren't you?" "Shut up." "I have to live through you." "I'm too young to have a life of my own." "Yeah, we're still not talking about this." "Whatever." "Be that way." "Lucy?" "I'm in the kitchen." "How was your day?" "Fine." "What's up?" "Nothing." "Well, something, actually." "It's not a big deal, though." "Then can it wait?" "Because there's some stuff I gotta get done." "I went to go see Dr. Bennett today." "Why?" "I found a nondescript kind of lump in my breast." " Oh, my God." " We don't know anything yet." "It's very possible that it could be nothing." "And even if it is something it still could-- It just could be nothing." "Mom... ." "So your dad is going to take me over to Ann Arbor on Tuesday morning for some tests." " I should come with you." " No." "No." "L" " I just want you to go to school." "Okay, we're not gonna treat this like it's any kind of big deal until... ." "Okay?" "Yeah." "Lucy everything's gonna be all right." "Really." "Hi, Grandma." "Whoa, Grandma." "Grandma." "It's me, it's Carter." "It's your grandson." "Agnes is my mother, also your daughter." "Hey." "I can't believe I'm still alive." "I can't believe I lived to see your face again." "Thank you." "I'm so glad too although I probably wouldn't have put it that way." "Do you think I can come inside?" " Through the door." " Okay." " Where's the cat?" " Dead." " Can you cook?" " A little." "I haven't eaten anything in three weeks." " Really?" " I had some pasta." "Okay." "When I'm dead you want this house?" " I'm sure it's not that simple." " It's my house." "I can give it to whomever I choose." "Well, then, thank you." "I guess we'll see." "I'm starving." " Hello?" " Hey, I'm here." "Thank God." "Carter, this is the worst idea you have ever had in your life." "I know." "You've mentioned that several times." " Okay, I'm coming." " No, you're not." "Listen, let's just give it a try, okay?" "I still think this could be exactly what I need right now." "Just kind of regroup and get in" "Someone is calling for you." " Hello?" " Carter?" "Is that you?" " Avi?" " I'm in the hills now." " Damn it, my service sucks." " How did you get this number?" "I have my ways." "Your mother gave it to me." "Listen, we have an emergency." "We gotta talk now." "You gave him the number?" "Now I have to do this." "I'll call you later." "I'm walking on the set." "I've got a girl in this one, tush so hot and tight you could fry an egg." "Beside the point." "She has a problem." "She doesn't understand and neither do I why her character would have sex with the guy installing her DSL since she's already having an affair with her yoga instructor." "You said you wanted a scene where she seduces the guy who's installing her DSL line?" "Yeah." "I don't think I can sell her that." "Anything else?" "How about this, man, she really wants high-speed Internet?" "We're being funny now?" "Listen, the character, Monica, is a sexual compulsive, okay?" "Because of a traumatic childhood, she's turned on by illicit sex." "It's the only way she can orgasm, that's it." "That's just a phase." "You get over it." "Grandma, would you get off the phone, please?" "Where the hell are you?" "I'm out of town for a few days, okay?" "I can't talk right now." "I'll get you the new script by Monday or Tuesday." "Listen, all right, it should have a scene where the hot rookie cop has to get down" "Hey, buddy." "My grandma's on the line." "God." "Grandma, I'm not abandoning you." "I just got here three hours ago." " I'll put on the alarm." " No, I wouldn't put on the alarm." " Why not?" " Because I'll be right back." "Thank you very much." " Bozo." " Sorry?" "The dog's name is Bozo." "Oh, hey." "Hey, Bozo." "You must be from the nursing home." "Are you taking care of Phyllis?" "No, she's actually my grandma." "Your grandmother." "I didn't know she had children or grandchildren." "Yeah, we don't get out to visit too often, so... ." " Where are you from?" " L.A." "Oh, Los Angeles." "I was there once, a long time ago." " Yeah." "Well, you know, it gets a bad rap." " Oh, I liked it." "I liked it very much." "I'm Sarah." "Carter." "Nice to meet you." "So you finally get to spend some time with your grandma, huh?" "That's nice." "Yeah." "I think I may be staying for a while, actually." "See if we can't figure out some arrangement where I sort of take care of her." "She's a handful." "I know." "I'm kind of worried about it." " Well, don't be worried." " No?" "No, no, you'll be great." "All right, I appreciate that." "Oh, shit." "I better get going before my daughter gives me that look like I'm the most embarrassing person on earth." "I hate that look." "Probably because I used to give it to my mother." " It's a beautiful night." " Come on." " Yeah." " Wicked." "Yeah, I guess it is." "Hey, Lucy." "I thought maybe... ." "You wanna sit in the front?" "No, that's fine." "Either that or she's just fat." "Hi." "This is gonna sound weird, but my parents don't know that I smoke so I was wondering if you could not... ." "You have a cigarette on you now?" "No." "Maybe." "Why?" "Because I'm taking it hostage." "So... ." "This message is from the Kurtzman Radiology Center calling to confirm Sarah Hardwicke for her appointment tomorrow, Tuesday." " wake up with aching back, your mattress may be the problem." "Wake up refreshed and feel like new with our revolutionary comfort-adjusted mattress system." "This may be the biggest no-brainer in the history of mankind." "Devon runs a lazy finger around the rim of her wine glass trying not to glance at Trent's bulging crotch." ""We've got to keep this professional." "Maybe we could just consider it one of our attorney-client privileges. "" " Hello." " Hi." "Hi, Phyllis." "How's it going?" "That's Mrs. Harding." "Hardwicke." "Who gives a shit?" "Okay." "Grandma, I got it." "Thank" " Thank you." "I'm so sorry." "Yeah." "Well, I made some cookies." "Wow, thank you so much." "They look a little bit like Fig Newtons." "That's right." "That's exactly what they are." "I didn't so much as make them as wrap them and put them on the plate because I wanted to give the illusion... ." " The truth is I'm a terrible baker." "Bakess." " Yeah, well, thank you so much anyways." "My grandmother will just completely devour these." "It's pretty disturbing." "Well, actually, it was an excuse to come over." "And this might sound a little bit weird but it's a beautiful day and I have to walk the dog and I was wondering if you wanted to... ." "Yeah." "Okay." "Great." "Really?" "Yeah." "Just give me one minute." "I'm on the plane on the way out here and I turn on my computer and I start reading these e-mails that I sent her." "Like, 30 or more, maybe, over the course of our relationship." "And not just short messages." "I'm talking about long, involved love letters." "Like, desperately trying to be romantic and poetic." "Whatever." "And as embarrassing as it is it's also, like, kind of the best stuff I've ever written because it's got this naive idealism thing going on where ours is gonna be the greatest love stories ever told." "And I'm writing it." "So I'm sitting there reading these emails and there's some turbulence and I start to have this massive panic attack." "Like nothing I've ever had." "And I think it's happening because I can not imagine ever feeling that way about anybody else ever again." "Listen, I have never, in my life, received anything like the kind of letters you wrote her." "Never written one, either." "And you're lucky." "You're lucky in a way that has nothing to do with this particular girl." "But you already know that." "I must sound so young to you." "Yeah, well, screw you, pal." "Come on." "I didn't mean it like that." "I know what you meant." "You know, I pride myself on being this great listener but whenever I meet somebody new, I find I'm doing all the talking." "What is that?" "Maybe you're not really such a great listener." "Maybe you're not such a great listener." "No." "No, that's not it." "I'm a great listener." "Yeah, but that's the thing." "I hear myself talking about it." "Nelson's career." "Lucy's painting." "Like they're my own interests and my own accomplishments, but they're not." "And I find myself wondering, "Where am I?" "What am I?"" "Let me ask you this." "Like, what is it exactly you do with your days?" "You see, now, that is just so predictable." "There is the perception that because I don't have a job or I'm not in school that I'm sitting around doing nothing, which is ridiculous." "Most days I don't have five seconds to myself." "I'm driving somebody around or dealing with the house or making the meals." "Not to mention I'm on, like, 15 boards." "I'm sorry." "I didn't think that... ." "Yeah, I know you didn't, but my family does, you know?" "I can feel them all just silently judging." "Especially Lucy." "No matter what I do, I" "It's like I'm just disappointing to her." "Well, she's a teenager." "You're her mother." "I mean, it'd be weird if she didn't feel that way, right?" "I don't know." "I'm sorry, I do think about it and so I'm touchy." "But maybe I could be doing more." "God, I just don't wanna look back on my life and wonder what part of it belonged to me." "Okay." " Yeah." " So" "That was really nice." "Thank you." "Yeah, you're welcome." "I mean, it was really great to talk to you." " Yeah, all right." " Okay." " Shit." " What?" " Shit." " What?" "I'm a last-word freak." " Yeah?" " Yeah." "Okay, well, I'm gonna go inside." "You just shout something to me as I'm walking away." " That'd be great." " Perfect." " Great." " Okay." "You're gonna be all right." "I don't know." "Do you maybe wanna do this again?" "Like tomorrow or... ." "Oh, l" " Sorry, I can't tomorrow." "I have an appointment." "Okay." "All right." "Don't worry about it." " Wednesday?" " Yeah." "That would be awesome." "I'll come by." " Okay." "Well, I guess" " Carter." ""Awesome"?" "That's... ." "Mom, I can't talk about this anymore." "It's too retarded." "And I really do not wanna fight with you right now." "It's not a fight." "It's not a fight." "It's not even a big deal." "I'm just saying he's basically alone over there." "You could just take him to a movie." "Do you have any idea how lame that would sound?" "It would redefine lame." "Seriously." "Are you ready to make history?" "She might have a point, sweetheart." "It could be a little awkward." "What do we know about this guy?" "Forget it." "Just forget it." "I thought maybe, maybe, just do something nice for somebody sometime but I can't handle the two of you ganging up on me." "This is happening because we're all really scared." "So I'm gonna say to you the same thing I said to her." "Whatever we find out tomorrow, we deal with it together." "Now, your daughter would like to apologize and she said, if you really want her to she'll go across the street now and ask Crazy's grandson out on a date." "He's a sweet kid." "I feel bad for him." "He's heartsick." "I'm gonna be with you every second." "What?" "Well, I'm just curious." "Do you ever worry that you're gonna get stuck in one of those positions?" "Yes, I do." "Ready for bed?" "Did you know yoga increases circulation promotes health and well-being and also reduces anxiety?" "Yeah, I've read that." "Well, maybe you could try it." "Hey, you know what?" "I'm sorry if I've seemed a little bit distracted lately." "It's cool." "Good night, muffin." "Did you get my pills?" "Yeah, these are some pretty serious tranquilizers you got here." "Are you sure it's safe to be taking these all at once?" "I love it." "Who changed the sheets?" "I did." "Who's Sofia?" "How did you know about that?" "Oh, you kind of mutter in your sleep." "What are you doing in my room when I'm sleeping?" "That's a really good question." "Well, she was my girlfriend and she doesn't wanna be with me anymore." "Is she zaftig?" "Yeah." "Spectacular, actually." "That's so important." "I'm Sofia." "I am completely in love with you." "Goodbye." "Hey." "How you doing?" " Yes?" " Do you know where you are?" "I'm just regrouping." " I could give you a ride home if you want." " No." "I'm good." "Gotta keep running." "It's healthy." "Actually, you know what?" "My mom and I kind of got into this fight the other night." "I mean, it wasn't really a fight, it was just... ." "She wanted me to maybe ask you if you wanted to go see a movie or something." "And I told her that it would be really embarrassing." "It would be the last thing that you'd want to do." "I mean, some creepy girl accosting you like you're some kind of charity." "This is really coming out wrong." "Your parents, they normally pretty cool about letting you go out on a school night?" "Not really." "Do you think if you were taking me to a movie being neighborly, they might make an exception?" "I don't know." "All right." "Find out." "Get back to me." "What is it?" "It's possible I think maybe my toilet might be stopped up." "Maybe?" "What's the variable?" "Water's running over the top." "The carpet's all wet." "Well, I'll take a look." "First, I just gotta stop off in my room and kill myself." "I think I should tell Paige alone." "I think it's less scary if it's coming from me and she sees that I'm fine." "I think you're right." "But I want you to tell Lucy." "It's better that way." "So he goes, "Find out." "Get back to me."" "Which is not exactly like, whatever but it definitely indicates that he might be, you know" " Interested?" " Yeah." "Kind of, right?" "I mean, even if he were, it would still be the most awkward" " Do it." " You think?" "Yeah." "You have to do it." "And you know what else?" "Like, seriously, you have to take me with you." "All right." "Somebody better tell me what's going on here." "I really want ice cream." "I've been thinking about that all day." "Who wants to come with me?" "Wait, but what--?" "You want me to go get ice cream?" "You know what?" "You two go ahead." "Lucy and I are gonna take Bozo for a walk." "Come on." "It'll be good." "Does it hurt?" "No." "The chemotherapy can be rough, and they said there's nausea." "And it could make me tired." "Are you scared?" "Yeah, sometimes." "Not right now, though." "Right now I feel pretty tough." "You don't look so tough." "I took $20 from your purse." "Really?" "When?" "A while ago." "Last February." "Are you serious?" "Yeah." "I've been wanting to tell you for a while." "I felt bad about it." "I'm sorry." "Well, just out of curiosity, what did you need $20 for?" "It's stupid." "I wanted to start saving money, you know, for the future." "But I didn't have any money so I needed a foundation." "Right." "Well, at least you're financially responsible." "I'm telling you because other than that, I don't have any secrets from you." " It's okay to keep some things to yourself." " Yeah, but I don't." "Like, I always tell you the truth because you always tell me the truth." "Right?" "Right." "If you say everything's gonna be okay, I believe you." "And I know you're telling the truth because you wouldn't lie to me." "Maybe to other people like, maybe to Lucy or maybe to Dad but not to me." "I just needed to know." "Are you gonna be okay?" "Hey." "What's going on?" "You look good." "You look better than you did the other day." " So, what was her name?" " Sorry?" " The girl you wrote all those letters to." " Oh, Sofia." " Was she your first love?" " Yeah." "Well, there was somebody in high school but I used to have this tendency to project onto girls my fantasies of what I thought they should be like." "Didn't have anything to do with what they were actually like." "It would just take me forever to figure that out." "Usually four to five months." "But Sofia was different?" "Yeah." "Well, you know." "No." "Actually, that was pretty much the same deal." "Well... ." "Come on." "There's something I wanna show you." "This is exciting." "Do you know where we're going?" "I feel like we're gonna run into the cast of Deliverance." "Love it here." "I have this whole science-fiction scenario worked out where I pretend that since there's no evidence of modern life that I could walk out of these woods and be in another time and a different place." "I love that." "My husband has been having an affair." "I found out a while ago and I didn't do anything about it." "I told myself it's because of the girls and... ." "I just have a very comfortable life." "It's very clean." "I'm good at that, you know?" "And the thing is, he's really a decent guy." "I mean, he's a good provider and... ." "Anyway, it's discreet, I guess." "I don't know." "That must sound pretty vacant to you." "I wouldn't even begin to know how to have an opinion about that." "The thing is, I just don't... ." "I just don't love him." "Not like you love her." "Not like that kind of love where it hurts when it's good especially when it's good, you know?" "The further away I get from that and the more I talk to you, you know I'm not so sure that was real love either." "You know, I'd really like just to give you a hug right now." "Would that be weird?" "Hey, Lucy can't know anything about Nelson's" " Sarah." " Right." "Goes without saying." "You know, she asked me about taking you to a movie on a school night specifically." "We usually don't let her go out on the weekdays." "That's responsible." "I'm making an exception." "I'm guessing tomorrow you probably have... ." "Yeah." "Another appointment." "Hey, look, I don't know when I'm gonna be able to do this again." "It might be a couple days, might be longer." "I do have a lot of stuff coming up." "All right." " But I have to go to the grocery store." " I'll go." " Okay." " Great, yeah." "I had never been to New York before." "I loved it." "And I remember that I was sitting alone in the American Wing of the Met." "I was in the room where they have all the paintings from the Hudson River Valley School." "I just suddenly had this feeling like I was awake." "Finally, awake to my life." "Like I was exactly where I was suppose to be." "And then the other day I'm sitting in the car outside of school waiting for Paige." "She comes out." "She's telling me all about her day and jumps in the car and I had that feeling again." "Like, "This is it." "This is exactly where I'm suppose to be, right here with her."" "So I guess I just wish that I could have appreciated everything more." "I just want as many of those moments as I can possibly have, you know?" "I mean, I wanna go back to New York City and sit alone at the Met." "Probably more than anything I wish I was the kind of person who would just eat that candy bar right here in the middle of the store." "Well, then you should." "I think I should really tell you just a little bit about what's going on with me." "Okay, but then I wanna tell you something." "Okay, you go first." "All right, well, I was just gonna say I think your husband's out of his mind." "So... ." "What were you gonna say?" "Nothing." "It's really not very important." "First unheard message." "Hi, honey, it's me." "We need to talk about long-term plans, like when you're gonna come home." "I'm" " I don't think this is healthy." "Call me." "Bye." "Sir?" "Oh, gee, you should go over there." "What?" "It's me." "I need to show you something." "It's pretty important." " You're all dressed up." " Yeah." "For our date, remember?" " Tonight, cute guy from across the street?" " Yeah, I just thought with everything going on, you might not want to do that." "Look, when I get freaked out about something in my life I like to do research on the Internet." "Over the last couple of days I've learned everything I could about this whole situation." "Really?" "Most likely they're gonna wanna do a mastectomy." "They say that can be pretty difficult on a woman's psyche so we're just gonna really have to watch out." "Be supportive." "Then, about three weeks later, she'll start chemo." "Did they actually say that?" "Yeah, but these days a lot of people do chemo and definitely some radiation." "All of this doesn't scare the shit out of you?" "Well, of course it does." "But since I'm not a breast surgeon or an oncologist there's not a whole hell of a lot that I can do about it tonight." "So I was thinking we could get something to eat first." "Carter, you enjoy pizza?" "They have exquisite pizza." "Yeah, I'm into pizza." " I was a lot like you when I was your age." " Very feminine?" "Precocious." "I like her sometimes." "Are you kidding?" "She's phenomenal." "I rented Sprawl on DVD" "Oh, and the other day I was reading online and she's been seen with Colin Farrell." "I'm gonna go to the bathroom." "Get ahold of yourself." "You're a man." "You're not weak." "You're not pathetic." "Deal with it and move on." "I know you." "Not really, I know what you're talking about." "My worst fear is that I'm gonna come out of the stall after taking, like, a big dump and the place is all rank with my-- You know, my shit and I'm gonna know the other guy in the frigging bathroom." "That's your worst fear?" "It's up there." "Whoa, it just keeps getting better." "Hi." "I mean, hi." "Did you guys, like, meet in the bathroom or something?" "You're Eric Watts." "Yeah, I guess I am." "You work at the Orange Julius." "I love... ." "I love the Orange Julius." "I didn't know that." "Yeah." "I built the car?" "The Camaro?" "Lmpressive." "Trés impressive." "Well, basically, I rebuilt it." "Restored it." "Which cost a lot of money." "Money I didn't exactly have, hence the Orange Julius." "So you're, like, what?" "Just all hanging out?" "Oh, not exactly." "Lucy's mom forced them to take me to the movies because I've been feeling really depressed lately." "Anyways, we should get going because they still gotta buy me food and amuse me with witty anecdotes and impressions." "Well, enjoy your movie and food." "It was nice to meet you dude." "Whatever your name is." "Okay, so I want you to tell me something." "You live in suburban Michigan." "You go to an average high school." "I wanna hear about the football games." "I want you to tell me about, like, the garage bands and prom night." "The John Hughes stuff." "Who?" "I am very old." "You didn't go to high school?" "Well, I went to this private, sort of a progressive school in L.A., you know?" "Overprivileged, lot of drugs." "I don't know." "I never really felt like it was that classic experience I always wanted." "For instance, there was no football team." "Well, it's not exactly the '50s here, either." "I mean, it may not be fast-lane L. A but, you know, we're not completely naive." " We do things." " Like what?" " Yes, like what?" " Yeah, like what?" " Let's see the Colin Farrell movie." " Let's not." "What is with you and that guy, anyway?" "I had a great time, Paige." " Really?" " Absolutely." "Well, I'm gonna go to sleep now." "Okay." "Thanks for paying for everything tonight." "Yeah." "Good night." "Oh, Carter?" "Will you marry me?" "Yes." "To listen to your messages, press 1." "You have two saved messages." " This is my room." " Yeah." "Grab a sweater." "Why?" "So I think I'm dating the quarterback of the football team." "I don't know, does it get more Breakfast Club than that?" "Are you serious?" "We're not exactly dating." "We're just kind of hanging out a lot." "His name's Gabe." "And I'm into him." "I just... ." "I don't know." " Remember the guy at the mall?" " Eric." "That's his best friend and they do everything together." "But they're totally different." "Gabe's really confident." "Maybe even cocky." "Have you kissed him?" "Yeah." "Sort of." "Not really, though." "Define "kissing."" "Why not?" "My dad's having an affair." "And the weird thing is that I'm really not mad at him." "I mean, I am but I'm mad at my mom." "Well, that doesn't seem fair." "I know." "I just" "I can't end up like her." "I mean, she's cold and superficial." "I mean, she's obsessed with making her life look more like a Crate and Barrel catalog." "I don't understand how she just doesn't scream every time she looks at herself in the" "I mean, especially now" "Why you telling me this?" "I don't know." "I'm sorry." "Your mom said you're a painter?" "I'm not a painter." "I just do it sometimes." "It kind of calms me down when I'm freaking out." "Helps me with my problem." "And what's your problem?" "I'm afraid to kiss Gabe Foley." "You'll get over that, trust me." "When you're in the moment, with the right person, you'll be fine." "Hey, so my mom doesn't really know anything about my dad." "Right." "Thanks." "Grandma." "Grandma." "Hey, you don't have to do that, okay?" "I'll clean it as soon as I put this on the stove." "Will you just let me?" "What does that mean?" " My cell phone?" " Yes." "Okay, well, it's probably my boss." "Most likely, he's calling to tell me I no longer have a job." "You're in swimming-pool resurfacing?" "What?" "I'm a writer." "What do you write?" "I write children's books." "That's nice." "I love children." "That's not true." "I used to." "Now I resent them." "But maybe I could read one of your books." "I didn't bring any here with me, so it's gonna be kind of difficult to do that." "It's too bad." "I would have loved to have read something you wrote before I died." "Grandma." "I hate to be the one to have to tell you this, okay?" "But you're not dying." "It's just not gonna happen." "So would you please--?" "Would you stop saying that?" "You know what hospice is?" "Oh, God." "When you find my lifeless corpse those are the people you're supposed to call." "And they'll manage everything." "They'll put me in a big Ziploc bag and take me to the morgue." " I've requested incineration." " Hey." "Okay." "The number for hospice in Michigan is taped on the phone in the living room." "You wanna see it?" "That'll be the deli guy." "Well, that's a relief." "This soup you're making is disgusting." " Oh, thank you." " I'm sorry." " Thanks." " Thanks." "It's been four days." "Not that I was keeping track." "I just thought maybe... ." "I know Lucy told you." "I knew she would." "So I wouldn't have... ." "So I wouldn't... ." "Lucy did not tell me anything." "I'm sick." "I'm pretty sick." "I have breast cancer." "Tomorrow morning, l" "Tomorrow morning, I have to go into the hospital and they have to cut" " Oh, shit." "And they have to cut off" "Oh, shit." "Shit!" "Hey, look at me." "I want you to look at me." "I'm right here, and I promise you, you're gonna be all right." "You're gonna be all right." "I know." "I didn't mean... ." "I didn't" "Pandy had thought he was in the perfect relationship." "Then one day, the child he belonged to tossed him out on the street." "He had been replaced by Colin Farrell." " Jesus." " What's up?" "Hey." "You can just go to my room." " It's the last one on the left." " Who is it?" "Phyllis and I are about to have an abrupt conversation." "Let's go in there." "Grandma, let me explain something to you." "Okay?" "Look at me, look at me." "Not okay for you to answer the front door when you're not wearing clothes." "It's not okay for you to do anything involving other people when you're not dressed." "I'm wearing a sweater." "Listen to me." "Get with the program." "I'm looking out for your best interests here." "Now, if you wanna give the illusion that you are not completely demented you will heed my advice on this." "Okay?" "Put some pants on." "Put some pants on." "Let's never talk about that." "Done." "How's your mom?" "She's okay." "She had her first chemotherapy yesterday, so she's kind of out of it." "Maybe you could visit her." "She hasn't exactly indicated that she'd be too into that." "It seemed more like maybe... ." "Yeah." "She's tired a lot." "It's good to see you." "So I came here because I kind of have a problem." "And you were" " That night on the field, you were really kind of helpful." " I was wondering if maybe you could... ." " Yeah." "Absolutely." "Okay." "This is gonna sound... ." "Okay, whatever." "Apparently, Gabe couldn't wait for me to find the courage to hook up with him so he decided to hook up with my best friend." "And it's been pretty awful at school." "I mean, drama, a lot of meaningful looks across the parking lot." "Anyway, there's this party tonight and I was suppose to go with him and now... ." "I mean, I haven't talked to him." " Go." " Really?" "Yeah, you have to go." "Look fantastic." "Be nice to everybody." "Have a great time." "You do that, you're a rock star." "Come with me." "Let's not get carried away." "Seriously, I walk in with you." "You're older, intelligent, mysterious." "I am mysterious." "I am totally kissing your ass right now." "Come on." "I mean, it would be so cool." "And I would be indebted to you for, like the rest of time." "This is just like a dream I have." "But I'm naked except for my sneakers." "Ladies and gentlemen, the amazingly beautiful Lucy Hardwicke." "Tonight she's wearing a designer dress and is escorted by this guy." " Hey, how's it going?" " Howard Portchnik." " What did you say your name was?" " Howard Portchnik." " Portchnik." "And your father?" " Rodney Portchnik." " Is he here?" " In Bermuda, actually." "I don't think I'd be having this party if he was." " Have fun, kids, stay awesome." " Okay." "What was that?" "I think, like a million years ago, my mom had a thing for that guy's dad." "Oh, my God." "You're here." "That's so cool of you." "And you are...?" "I'm her best friend." "Yeah." "I don't... ." "Do I know you?" "I don't know." "Oh, my gosh, Madison's here." "Come on, I have so much I have to tell you." "It's F-ing crazy." " Go." "Go, it's all right." " You sure?" "It's crazy." "I'll be around." "We drank so much." "Whoa, hey, you're here." "I mean" "I'm a real party animal." " So how you doing?" " I'm good." "Actually, I'm really good." "Oh, that's good." "If you need someone to talk to or maybe just... ." "I don't know." "But I'm pretty much around anytime" "Yeah, great." "We gotta keep going, Lucy." "There's some seniors from Carver we want you to meet." "So hot and funny." "Great." "This guy is a complete asshole." "I could have been the son of an asshole." "Mom, you're never gonna believe where I'm standing." "Carter." "It's Sofia." "Are you there?" "Yeah." "Hi." "Hey, how are you?" "God, I missed you." "So much is happening." "I don't even know where to start." "I just feel like my whole life is, like, crashing in." "I cry all the time and you are the only person I can talk to when I'm flipping out like this." "My best friend." "How are you?" "Carter?" "Are you the pathetic faggot trying to scam on Lucy?" "I'm gonna have to call you back." "You think you can step into my 'hood, slinging game at my girl drinking my boy's brew, and expect not to be scrapping directly?" " What?" " Are you deaf and stupid?" "I said" "Don't" " Don't repeat all that, please." "Okay, I think the answer to your question depends on whether you have, like, a learning disability or you're just an average moron." " All right." " Okay." "Above-average moron." " Don't take that." " What was that, faggot?" " Get him, Gabe." " What the hell?" " This guy is a good friend of mine." " You complete asshole." "No, you don't." "I think we all understand that I am not the complete asshole in this situation." " It was your mistake." " Would you shut--?" "Not me, not this guy, whatever his name is." "She's amazing." "She's beautiful and intelligent and amazing and you blew it." "What's wrong with you?" "What's wrong with me?" "How could I have let you drive my car?" "Come on." "You know, that's the first time in my entire life I've ever been punched." "How was it for you?" "It hurt." "I'm not a fan." "There's something I wanna tell you." "I've actually never talked about it out loud." "Okay." "Something happened when I was, like, 11." "I had this friend Ethan." "Me and Ethan did everything together." "It's not really weird to be friends with a boy when you're 11." "Anyway I went to his house one day." "And we were just, like hanging out and, like, playing." "Doing kid stuff." "I don't know." "I don't think his parents were home." "It was like Truth or Dare?" "But, like, a game." "I mean, there was clothes taken off... ." "I'm not really even sure, like, what" "It's all right." "I freaked out." "And then he freaked out." "And he got really defensive, saying, like... ." "Like it was my fault that it went that far." "The next day at school he must have told somebody because it was everyone" "I was just so humiliated." "Teachers got involved, and parents were" "Lucy, Lucy, that kind of thing, that happens to kids all the time." "Really." "It does." "It's just not that big a deal." "Even though, hey, I know it feels that way." "Like, afterwards, my mom and I we never talked about it." "At all." "And I don't know, it just always seemed like she was embarrassed." "That I was, like, a pervert or something" "You're not a pervert." "You didn't do anything wrong." " Then how could she let me feel that way?" " Well, you gotta stop blaming your mom." "Hating her for these" " You gotta let it go." "If she was not there for me when I really needed her, why should l--?" "Because she might die." "I'm sorry." "I shouldn't have said that." "What the f--?" "That was really hard for me to say." "What, are you trying to scare me?" "Congratulations." "I'm trying to wake you up." "There's a big fucking world out there." "It's messy and it's chaotic and it's never, ever, the thing you'd expect." "It is okay to be scared but you cannot allow your fears to turn you into an asshole." "Not when it comes to the people that really love you." "The people that need you." "So I guess we're done, right?" "Yeah." "We're done." "I can't" " I don't-- I don't want to start... ." "Don't come any closer." "Please." "Okay." "I just wanted to know if you're all right." "Everything hurts." "It's my fault." "I know that." "I'm responsible." "But you need to hear this, Carter." "You are never gonna touch my daughter again." " You can't see her." " Wait, I'm sorry." " I am" " You have to go." " What is it with you?" " I know." "I mean, if you" " If you don't want to talk to me, fine, whatever." "But don't send Phyllis out to make excuses for you, saying you're not in." "Where am I suppose to believe you went?" "I'm the only person you know here." " Right?" " Pretty much." "It's been like a week." "I mean, five days." "I don't know." "I wanted to call you, I just didn't have your cell phone number." "I don't know." "I just thought that you were maybe like, mad at me." " Hey, I'm not." "I'm not mad at you." "So you regret kissing me?" "Lucy, I can't." "Okay?" "I can't see you anymore." "I just" " I wasn't the guy." "Okay, then I guess" " Who is?" "Actually, when you think about it you're gonna find that you already know." "Mom." "I don't feel good." "I think I need" " Nelson Hardwicke's office." " Hi, this is Lucy." "I need my dad." "Lucy, he's not here." "He stepped out to- " "Mom, we're gonna try to stand up now." "Okay?" "I'm gonna get you to the hospital, but I need you to help." "I can't do this by myself." "You ready?" "You're having what we call a neutropenic fever." "Your white-blood-cell count dropped too low your body can't defend itself." "I spoke with Hoffman in Ann Arbor." "We're gonna put you on a drug called Neulasta." "I'm so sorry I wasn't" " What happened to her?" " You're okay." "I'm gonna grab a soda." "You want anything?" "No." "I'm good." " Of course I do." "You're a cad." " I can't help it." " Hello?" " Hey, Sof." "Sofia, it's me." "Who?" "Carter." " Who?" " Carter Webb." "Oh, Carter, baby." "Hey, this is just a really bad time." "What?" "Listen, I'm at this thing in SoHo and everybody's wasted." "And I'm wasted too." "It's New Year's Eve, you know?" "No." "It's not." "It's October." "Well, it feels like New Year's Eve." "Listen, sweetie, I really wanna talk to you, you know?" "But let me try a little later." "Okay?" "Okay." "Yeah, okay." "No." "I just, you know... ." "I sort of... ." "Hello?" "What's wrong with you?" "Can't seem to get it together." "I'm 26 years old." "I'm healthy." "I'm capable." "I've had every opportunity." "My friend's are getting married and having kids and I'm just so far away." "Why did you come here?" "I'm trying to write this thing about growing up in L.A." "How long have you been trying?" "Oh, 11 years, give or take." "Too long." "You're not trying hard enough." "Maybe you should think about working on something else." "Yeah." "You're probably right." "I don't know." "I had this idea that maybe I could figure something out and change my life." "I was wrong." "Carter." "I am 133 years old." "Oh, Grandma." "That's impossible." "I have spent my life trying to figure out something." "And you know what?" "It's not going well." "I didn't say anything." "I'll be dead soon and you'll still be alive." "So stop complaining." "Hey." "Where did everyone go?" "Paige was falling asleep." "She wanted to stay but I just felt like being alone." "Okay." "We should talk." "I'm not really sure where we go from here." "Maybe you should start by telling me why you're mad at me." "It's hard to even" "I mean I've been at it for so long that I think I'd probably be mad at you for pretty much everything." "I mean, anything." "You know, they did another CAT scan before the chemo last week." "They say that apparently the surgery was very successful." "There aren't any cancer cells that they can see so all this shit that I have to go through is to make sure." "But I know I'm gonna be all right." "And I didn't before." "I was really afraid." "I don't wanna miss the part where I actually get to know you." "Listen, I don't know what happens next, either." "I don't know." "I'm just gonna keep loving you." "And I'm gonna keep hoping you let me into your life." "And I will make mistakes, of course but I will always be there for you." "There's just one thing that you've got to do for me." "What?" "You've got to quit smoking." " Okay." " Okay?" " I will." " Okay." "You should be sleeping, Mom." "Dear Sarah." "I've been trying to write this letter for a while." "The kind you said you'd never received." "The kind I've been working on my whole life." "I remember being 13 years old, sitting in my room all night listening to the same song over and over." "I thought that if I could write something beautiful, something honest maybe I could make someone love me." "I've taken a lot for granted." "I never tried too hard." "I've always avoided responsibility." "I came here because I was running away." "I wanted to be alone." "Instead, I met you." "I met you, and you weren't taking anything for granted." "I hope you get all the moments you deserve." "I hope you go back to New York and sit in the Met in the room with the paintings of the Hudson River." "And I hope when you do, you take Lucy with you because I know she would love it." "I'm sorry if I've made your life more complicated." "I'm sorry for a lot of things, but most of all I'm sorry I never got the chance to tell you no matter what happens next I'll never be anything but grateful for every moment I spent with you." "And even though I keep fumbling for the right words all I really wanted to say was thank you." "Grandma." "Grandma." "I had one of my children's books FedEx'd from L.A." "It's called Pandy:" "The Unlovable Self-Destructive Teddy Bear." "You might really like it." "There's no pictures yet, because you'll" "Grandma?" "Phyllis." "Grandma." "Wake up." "Grandma?" "Okay." "Yeah." "Grandma." "You wrote me a letter." "It's freezing out here." "Seriously, I mean, I've heard things, but this is ridiculous." "It's" " You know?" "It's depressing." "I'm gonna miss you a little bit." "Good." "Do you maybe want to go for a walk or something?" "I can't." "I have to" "I have to get back inside." "Okay." "I'll see you around." "Goodbye, Sarah." "Wait." "You know, I have to have the last word." "You're welcome." "Stumped?" "Yeah, I guess." "I was so close." "To what?" "Being finished." "Well, what happened?" "I just feel like it's missing something at the end." "You have any ideas for me?" "What's it about?" "My grandmother." "She passed away." " Sorry." "Was she wonderful?" " Yeah." "She was pretty wonderful." " Did you spend a lot of time with her?" " Towards the end." "That's nice." "That's a really nice thing to be writing about." "No." "I got no ideas." "That's so disappointing." "It would have been so cool if I could have just come in and given you that perfect nugget of genius, and then walked away." "It's what any decent waitress would've done." " Sorry." "Settle for a refill?" " Okay." "I'm Carter." "Janey." "Very nice to meet you." "Yeah." "You too." "You know, if you're not too busy I was wondering maybe do you wanna read the scene I'm working on?" "It's really rough, but I think I could really use some fresh eyes." "Okay." "But I have to warn you, I'm a really tough critic." "Terrific." "*^* Black Diamond™ Team *^* *^* For Movies *^*" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"I never thought I'd realize, after it's too late." "Though now I know." "No matter how one can keep winning in life, no one can conquer death in the end." "It wasn't like me, to take a beating in this way..." "to be forced to realize." "Good morning." "What's the big idea, Sakuma?" "You took 2 of my people." "The boss okayed it." "All you care about is your own big project?" "How did you guess?" "I've got a meeting." "Wait a minute." "Odaiba, one of Tokyo's trendiest districts, will have a new landmark:" "A giant amusement park to promote Mikado's Dyna Beer." "Here, families and couples alike can enjoy a roller coaster," "Ferris wheel and, of course, fresh Mikado beer." "A pavilion will show visitors the history of Mikado Brewery." "A major rock festival will launch the Dyna branding campaign." "A special stage will be constructed for the festival." "Performers such as..." "Eminem, Elvis Costello, Marylin Manson, Bjork," "Busted, Paul Gilbert, and more." "Let's drink Dyna Beer and groove!" "DYNA-MIX 2003 will become the greatest rock festival in Japan." "It will be bigger in scale than the Fuji Rock Festival." "This is a model of the special festival facility." "The total cost of the event, with advertising, planning and construction will exceed 3 billion yen." "Over 3 billion yen?" "Now, let's see the Dyna commercial." "Beer is amusement." "Dyna's debut." "Sakuma." "Sorry boss, I've got journalists waiting." "Come to Mikado Beer with me." "But I..." "You better come." "DYNA-MIX was cancelled." "What?" "What do you mean?" "They want to call everything off." "That's impossible." "It was a sudden decision." "Our clients are pulling out... and now want to tell us why." "Who decided this?" "Katsuragi, their new VP." "Katsuragi?" "Isn't he?" "Katsutoshi Katsuragi." "He's the president's son." "He did great things for Mikado in the Chinese market." "Made inroads in only 2 years." "China's huge." "I hear he's very shrewd." "DYNA-MIX is a fine concept." "However, its long term ramifications aren't desirable." "We are concerned about our brand's image." "So we've decided against moving forward." "It's our final decision." "Likewise we decline, on your alternative proposal." "Mr. Katsuragi." "We intend to show our care for... environmental issues via our campaign for Dyna Beer." "Throwing a big party would not be appropriate." "Drawing attention's important." "But to win in the game of business, you need sound policy and long term perspective." "May I speak?" "You are?" "Sakuma." "He proposed this." "The decision's final." "There's no room for debate." "I said it's a game, but the stakes are high." "And I know how to play." "Don't let me down." "KATSURAGI" "Do you have a reservation?" "No I don't." "Unfortunately we're fully booked." "We're very sorry." "You've gotta have one room somewhere." "I'm sorry." "Forget it." "You're not going to find a hotel room at this hour." "Ms. Katsuragi," "where are you going?" "Who are you?" "I do business with your dad." "Sakuma?" "Have we met before?" "I saw you leave your house." "More like you ran away." "Been following me?" "I like to keep an eye on my client." "I'II tell my dad you're stalking me." "Go ahead." "Stay away from me." "I'm afraid I can't do that." "Let me go." "Jerk." "Want me to call your dad?" "I'm going to the ladies room." "Is that okay?" "I'II be at the cafe." "You have 10 minutes." "I'II have a cappuccino." "Do I look like a waiter?" "Come on, please?" "Get serious." "Whatever." "No smoking here." "Why were you at my house?" "Nothing." "I was in the neighborhood." "Passing by." "Your name?" "Juri." "It doesn't suit me." "No, too aristocratic." "I'm an illegitimate child." "Then why do you live there?" "My mom died 3 years ago." "So they took me in." "So Katsuragi took responsibility for what he did." "You make it sound so simple." "You don't know how hard it's been." "You in college?" "I'm a junior." "So leave when you graduate." "I can't wait that long." "I can't stand that family..." "my step mother, half sister." "It's a living Hell." "A sister, huh?" "Chiharu." "Boring name." "She's a major priss." "All I did was use some of her hair cream..." "And she treated me like a thief." "So you ran away." "I'm never going back." "So you're another victim of that tyrant." "What do you mean?" "Life as a runaway isn't easy for a spoiled girl." "Good luck." "What's this?" "A donation." "Credit cards can be traced." "Screw you!" "Take your shoes off." "There." "Nice place." "I bet you pay a lot for it." "I like to spend what I earn." "Nice manners you got there." "I don't need to take advice from you." "Yes you do." "You're leaving in the morning." "I'm hungry." "Can you make me something?" "Can't smoke here either." "You can wait a day." "I said sleep on the sofa." "I need a room with a lock." "What do you mean?" "You know what I mean." "You'll demand sex, for putting me up." "I can't stand dirty old men." "Go to bed." "Keep the light on." "Afraid of the dark?" "Just leave it on." "I want to... travel abroad." "You have no money." "I have the right to inherit money from that family." "Katsuragi will outlive you." "Hey, how about kidnapping me?" "What?" "Kidnap me, and take money from my dad." "Stop dreaming." "You're afraid of my dad." "What do you mean?" "You think there's no way to beat him." "So you were stalking our house like some loser." "Good night." "Hey boss," "I have a new plan for Mikado Beer." "It's OK." "What?" "Sugimoto's in charge of that account now." "There's no time, so the same team's in place." "Don't worry, think of it as a new start." "There's plenty of work for you." "Don't feel bad." "Back from work already?" "What's this?" "Oh, I had no change of clothes." "Not that." "You moved everything around." "Yeah." "My parents never let me decorate the home like I wanted." "Same rules here." "But isn't this better?" "You're not my girl." "I've something important to ask." "What?" "Call anyone after you ran away last night?" "No." "Cell phone?" "I forgot to bring it." "Strange." "Girls your age never go anywhere without them." "I was overexcited." "Did you leave the room today?" "Wouldn't be here if I did." "I don't have a key." "I will kidnap you." "What?" "We'll split the ransom." "Are you serious?" "I'm good." "I'm good at games." "Last night you snuck out, to go clubbing." "I hopped over the wall, to avoid the surveillance camera." "You liked to go out at night." "The kidnappers knew this." "Waited for the right time." "There were 2 perpetrators." "It was my favorite." "Here." "Don't smoke here either." "This is extreme." "No one will think it's a farce anyway." "Go home if you disapprove." "They're all sound asleep." "Guess they don't miss you much." "KATSURAGI Juri has been kidnapped." "Pay 300 million yen ransom." "If I send this email, there's no turning back." "We'll either live as rich strangers, happily ever after, or we'll fail and lose everything." "SEND" "Want to delete it?" "What's the fuss?" "We're on, right?" "You afraid?" "No." "Bet the police will go to my house soon." "There'd be a tough cop who's solved many kidnappings, who looks like a bull dog." "The police." "You watch too many movies." "Kidnappings are handled by tight-knit operations." "Your dad will call a big man in the force." "Someone he knows." "This cop will use a secret hotline." "Special ops." "Investigators at special ops will be notified." "Denenchofu..." "The police will get on the case, immediately." "A task force will be set up at the nearest precinct." "All information will go there." "Press Moratorium All information will go there." "Your house will be a forward base." "Elite cops are assigned when a VIP's daughter is kidnapped." "What type is that?" "Like the actor, Shina." "We received an email." ""We kidnapped KATSURAGI Juri." "Pay 300 million yen within 3 days." ""Send a message into this BBS in Juri's name when it's ready." ""Juri will die if you contact the police."" "They used free email so it can't be traced." "They use BBS instead of newspaper classified's." "They're pretty sharp." "This is it." "A fan site for antique dolls." "The bastards." "Her mother confirmed this is Juri's." "We'll do our best to quickly resolve this." "I refuse to be swindled." "The kidnappers will regret this." "Will my dad act so tough?" "He will." "He never shows his weakness to anyone." "Your dad's like that." "Still no response." "Isn't 300 mill yen too much?" "I'II get going." "You're serious?" "Best to do everything as usual." "Then I guess I'll go out too." "Careful." "You cannot be seen." "Stay near the computer and see if they respond." "Mr. Bigshot." "You call all the shots." "I hate this." "I'm sick of this kidnapping game." "You're going out dressed like that?" "Listen, this isn't child's play." "Shut up and listen to what I say." "Clean up the CDs." "Is there something on my face?" "Mr. Katsuragi is interested in our previous projects." "He kindly paid us a visit." "He's interested in the game "Mask" you had developed." "Great concept." "Experience changes... one's face." "Face determines one's fate." "Quite true, in some respects." "I'm honored." "Though I wonder, one's face can have many dimensions." "Life itself is a game of charades." "Indeed, we seldom... show each other our real faces in the game of life." "Eloquent." "I have a question." "What may it be?" "Is that your true face?" "I suppose." "Even though you're wearing a mask?" "I'm just kidding." "Sorry, I must be tired." "Thank you." "Mr. Sakuma, a phone call." "What are you doing?" "Quiet, people will notice." "Why are you out?" "I realized I can do this alone." "What do you mean?" "I can keep all the money for myself." "Bye." "I'II kidnap you for real." "I'II scream." "But I'II behave if you promise not to be so bossy." "OK." "We're equals." "So go back." "That's it?" "I'm sorry." "What?" "Sorry." "I'll treat you better." "OK." "I have a favor to ask." "Make it quick." "I bet no one thinks I'm a hostage." "Most hostages are better behaved." "I'm glad you're such a nice kidnapper." "Bye." "Thanks." "Thank you." "Juri" ""Juri here." "Heard you've got an 81' model vintage." "I'll buy it." ""Pricey." "But I'll have the cash ready by your deadline." ""I want to check the condition of the item." ""No scratches or blemishes."" "Good." "Don't worry, you look hot." "Shoot, I forgot." "What?" "I made a call." "When?" "The day I ran away." "Called my friend Yuki." "From where?" "After I met you, from the ladies room." " Remember I went there?" " And?" "I got her voicemail." "Said she's in Hawaii." "You left a message?" "Yeah." "I just said I wanted to crash at her place, but it's too bad." "That's all?" "If she hears that message, we're finished." "It's all over." "We better call this off." "Even if we get the cash, the cops will question you." "They'll catch on." "It's OK, she's loopy." "It's OK?" "My life's practically at stake here." "You've seen the captor's face, so you're equally in trouble." "Then let's go delete my message." "How?" "I know where she stashes her key, near her door." "Where does she live?" "Yokosuka." "Might work." "Don't, people will see you." "Why'd you rent such a small car?" "It's stuffy." "Take the turnpike, cheapskate." "They have surveillance cameras." "Let's go there." "Listen." "Let's run away together." "Just a thought." "Which building?" "Um." "That one." "It's a women's only apt." "Building, so I'll go alone." "Wait here." "Yes?" "She called us." "No stopping here." "Sorry, lot of crimes lately in this neighborhood." "Sorry, I'll move." "Don't turn, there's a cop." "Hide your face." "Just act normal." "This way." "Hey, what's this?" "So what?" "We practically live together now." "Don't bring me to a sleazy hotel." "Hide your face... cameras." "Good, call ID's blocked." "Huh?" "I'II let them confirm your safety." "Call home." "Say these lines." "We came here to make this call?" "What were you expecting?" "If dad asks questions?" "Say you can't answer." "Keep it short." "Can you do it?" "I'II try." "Dad, it's Juri." "Sorry, I can't answer that." "I'm fine." "Please listen, there's no time." "I'm blindfolded, and can't see." "They say I'll be free if you pay them." "So..." "Alibi channel, only in these types of hotels." "Right now, at your house..." "Hello, hello?" "We traced the call." "12th district, Yokosuka." "There are just 2 train lines there." "They're near one of the train lines." "What's wrong?" "I've really done it..." "I'm really deceiving them." "You're regretting it?" "No." "I look forward to enjoying life, wondering what they'll think, when they learn the truth." "After it's all over, when I go home." "My dad, he brought me here once." "When?" "He'd see me sometimes, before my mom died." "Then I found out, he just brought me along when his company was buying land nearby." "Disappointing." "Men are like that." "Why are you defending him?" "Good point." "Your family?" "My family's normal." "Normal?" "Hard working dad, loving mother." "Dad became ill, my mom started working at night... she ran away with one of her customers." "He apologized to my relatives who had no choice but to raise me." "He kept apologizing until he died." "If you lack the strength to support what you love, you become a sorry loser." "That's what my dad taught me." "You don't think money and status makes one happy, do you?" "You're just like my dad." "No way." "You're alike." "You selfishly try to do everything alone, then you put on a Lonely face." "Heard of the Stockholm syndrome?" "How about... the rope bridge phenomenon?" "Mistaking the thrill of crossing a squeaky bridge as love." "What nonsense." "Did I say anything about love?" "I've confirmed the doll's quality." "I've got the money." "I can't wait to hold it in my arms." "This is a one-time transaction." "Do as you're told and Juri's life will be spared." "Use circulated 10,000 yen bills only." "Make sure to mark the edge of each bill with a red line." "Hello?" "Juri Katsuragi's been kidnapped." "Place 100 million yen in three briefcases." "A voice changer." "Place 100 million yen in three briefcases." "Wait for contact about the location of the transaction." "I trust you won't be foolish enough to fiddle with the briefcases." "If I find anything suspicious, Juri will not return to you alive." "So this is it." "Yeah." "Where'll you go when it's over?" "Don't laugh." "OK." "You really won't laugh?" "Forget it, then." "I'II dig for gold, in Australia." "Good luck." "I'm going to work." "Too bad, I was going to ask you if you wanted to come along." "Listen, we're not supposed to know each other." "If you, who suddenly found riches, and I, who had a grudge against Katsuragi, got together," "we'd be suspected." "We can never meet again." "Understand?" "Yeah." "Bye now." "What'll you do with the money?" "I'II use it for what I like most." "Sorry I'm late." "Please begin, Tadokoro." "Sugimoto of Cyber Plan will present our... next proposal to you." "Please look at the screen." ""Sharing the earth responsibly," is our newly proposed motto for..." "Mikado Breweries." "Mikado isn't just Japan's leading brewery, the company is a global player..." "Hello?" "We're on." "OK, what do you want me to do?" "Call your mother, have her load the money in the car and drive." "Send her to Shinjuku, toward city hall." "Call Katsuragi too." "What?" "Call dad?" "Tell him to take a car, and head toward city hall, alone." "What's the plan?" "Explain it to me." "Do as your captor says." "It's better if... you don't know any details." "OK." "Dad called, they're both at city hall." "Tell him to move the money from your mom's car to his car." "What for?" "They can put a transmitter on your mom's car." "They can switch it to dad's car." "Area's surrounded by buildings, cops will think they're being watched." "We don't know where he is." "I thought of what you should do with your money." "Buy a small island at a cold, northern country." "Live alone." "A sad life suits you." "Well thanks." "Once the money's loaded, tell dad to drive, head to Otemachi." "Confirm he's on his way, then go to the Garden Hotel." "Where are you now, Mr. Katsuragi?" "You have a feeble voice." "Where are you?" "Passing Ichigaya." "Go straight to the Chuo Bank, main branch." "Chuo bank?" "It's your main bank." "Exchange the money, I want old, used bills only." "Once that's done, pack the money in three cardboard boxes." "You have an hour." "An hour's not enough." "Make it 45 minutes." "When you're done, get on highway 5 from Hitotsubashi." "You're late." "I got lost." "Call him, ask where he is." "Where are you dad?" "Lidabashi?" "Then go to Higashi Ikebukuro." "Get off there." "I'II call again." "Hello, Mikado Breweries..." "Toshima sales branch." "Tadokoro, from the executive office calling." "Can you get me the branch manager?" "Hello, Nakamura speaking." "Tadokoro, from the executive office." "There's an emergency." "We need your assistance." "Yes, how can I help you?" "VP Katsuragi became ill while traveling." "The Vice President?" "He was taken to hospital by ambulance." "The car's on the highway, near your office." "There's one problem." "Yes?" "There are very important documents in the trunk." "They must be brought to a conference site." "Fine." "I can take care of it." "Thank you." "The location is Rt. 5, West." "West, Minami Ikebukuro parking." "OK I'II be there." "It's a green Jaguar." "You're in a white van." "OK." "Many thanks." "Motorbike's following him?" "Dad?" "Make a u-turn at the exit." "Go West." "Well you have to do as they say." "No cars are following." "We got rid of them?" "Don't know yet." "Try my last maneuver." "Stop playing silly games." "There're no police." "Let's hurry." "What's wrong?" "You know him?" "Gave me trouble at a club once." "That's a problem." "OK." " You can't loiter here." " What's this?" "Do you have a permit?" "You work here?" "No." "Get lost." "Guess you're right." "Hey." "Asshole." "East Japan Breweries Association Meeting" "Yes?" "Tadokoro speaking, where are you now?" "In front of the meeting room." "I see." "I'm at another meeting that's started." "Please leave the boxes in front of the door." "OK, so I'm finished then." "Thank you very much." "Yes." "Let's repack." "I'II go back to work." "Let's meet later." "OK." "So we're done." "Our dream's come true." "Look, a star." "Let's review." "Think that's mars?" "You said one of the perpetrators was female." "Yes." "Like I said." "Her facial features?" "I don't know." "I was blindfolded all the time." "She said I'd be killed if I saw her face." "She said she'd wouldn't look if she were me." "But she was nice to me." "How about the man, the ringleader?" "Awful, just awful." "Conceited." "Raped me many times." "Get serious." "We went on drives together, it was so much fun." "Enough." "There's a bus stop at the bridge." "Ask for help there." "You think... we'd be lovers if we met under normal circumstances?" "Give me the room key." "The key." "It's for your locker, your cash is in it." "Police will check your possessions, better not have it now." "I'II send it to the post office, in your name." "Wait." "Let's run together." "I'II go anywhere." "Go home." "If you don't, they'll go public with this case." "It'd be pointless if we get caught." "If I go, I'll never see you." "You can, someday." "We'll meet again." "Can't we stay together now?" "Why won't you say "don't go, I love you?"" "If I did, it'd mean..." "I lose." "Fine." "I don't ever want to see you." "Bye Juri." "Action." "Please." "What a job." "Any good articles?" "Don't you have work to do?" "Everything's stalled." "The boss's slacking off." "You mean Katsuragi?" "He's been off all week." "Hey long time no see, Miki." "Hi Mr. Sugimoto." "How've you been?" "Wonderful." "Juri" ""Where is my doll?" ""I paid, but you never got in touch." ""Please contact me when you see this posting." ""I'll be waiting."" "Mr. Sakuma." "Big news." "College student Juri Katsuragi of Ota ward, was last seen on the night of the 21st." "Police have put together a team of 100 investigators." "The missing person is the daughter of" "Katsutoshi Katsuragi, VP of Mikado Brewery." "She was last seen on her way home from college." "Her parents contacted the police 4 days later." "Juri was a junior at Jonan University." "She parted with friends at Shibuya station, the 21st, around 6:30 p.m." "She has not been seen thereafter." "Police are seeking information about her whereabouts." "We're ready." "OK." "Let's do it." "I'II push, OK?" "Hello." "Thanks." "Long time no see." "They're our greatest client." "So my boss's dying for info." "I bet he is." "But we have nothing more than what's reported." "And that Katsuragi doesn't speak to the press." "It must be a kidnapping." "It's gotta be." "But according to the press club, the kidnapping squad hadn't... been mobilized for days." "Impossible." "Katsuragi followed the perpetrator's orders." "He paid ransom before informing the police." "But his daughter never returned, so he finally called the police." "That must be what happened." "The police are focusing on, the Yokosuka, and Miura districts for their search." "Yokosuka and Miura?" "Maybe someone saw her around there." "Perpetrators entered the store by picking the lock." "Apparently this was another burglary case." "Breaking news." "A young woman's corpse was found near Tsurugizaki lighthouse, in Miura city, around 2 p.m." "Police have determined... it's the body of Juri Katsuragi, who's been missing for 9 days." "She has been identified through dental records, and by family." "Police are investigating this as a murder case." "Police say Juri was murdered the day she had gone missing." "No traces of conflict were seen where the body was found." "Thus police feel she was murdered elsewhere." "They're seeking area eye witnesses, determining the make of car used by analyzing tire imprints." "I thought you returned my key." "That looked like your key, but it wasn't." "Hello, Chiharu Katsuragi." "You must have figured it all out by now." "Pretty much." "Who killed Juri?" "Was it you?" "I didn't mean to." "She was high on drugs." "Juri, you said you quit." "Leave me alone." "How could I?" " Let me go." " No." "Give it back." "Give it back." "Juri." "Lemme go." "Be careful." "Remember that guy at the hotel lobby?" "Juri completely changed when she... started to go out with him." "How about that, a threesome." "Lemme go." "Stop." "Lemme go." "Shit, I missed." "Next time, you're dead." "He's the worst." "He made her take money from dad." "He ruined her." "Who's idea was it to make it seem she... was kidnapped, killed?" "My dad's." "I called him." "I'm going to the ladies room." "Is that okay?" "I thought you forgot your mobile." "Who'd go out without one, nowadays?" "When he got home, I was gone and Juri was dead." "Dad was in quite a bind." "But he figured it out." "He imagined the plot right away." "I'd become Juri and get kidnapped by you." "So I... was merely Katsuragi's little puppet." "What was real, what wasn't?" "You afraid of the dark?" "You like decorating rooms?" "It was all lies, of course." "Going to dig gold?" "You're naive." "I lied." "Why'd you say "let's run away?"" "I'm a tease." "You seemed like you were so in love with me." "What would've you done if I said "yes?"" "I could've claimed victory in the game of love." "If the police catch me I'll tell them everything." "Then it's all over for you too." "You still don't get it?" "There's no way out for you." "You're a hopeless loser." "The perpetrator kills himself, end of story." "Is that it?" "Bye." "Our dream's come true." "Welcome." "Please." "Your party is here." "Please." "I shouldn't, I'm still in mourning." "It's safe." "That was to put you to sleep." "We had to search your room for any traces... or records of this recent ordeal... remove Chiharu's fingerprints." "No evidence remains." "A perfect scheme." "You called me here to claim victory?" "I lost my own flesh and blood." "I would've preferred to simply mourn." "But if I revealed the truth, there'd be more damage to my family." "It wasn't Chiharu's fault." "It was an accident." "That's not what you really wanted to hide." "You wanted to hide Juri's drug addiction." "Heard of the minimax strategy in game theory?" "Minimizing loss leads to maximum long term gains." "Is that what you're talking about?" "I needed a smart accomplice." "That was a must." "So I went to see you after I received your threatening letter." "So I was your choice." "Yes." "But you were too busy concealing your mask." "And didn't realize you were being hunted down." "Interesting," ""game" also means "prey."" "You provided good, free labor." "I'II tell you this to compensate." "Chiharu said she wanted to quit, before I paid the ransom." "I think she felt for you." "Of course, I never let her entertain such ideas for long." "Honey." "My wife." "Remember her?" "We got what we needed from you." "Now the police can trace the sloppy evidence you left behind." "Farewell." "Hello?" "Hey." "Impressive, you know my number." "I no longer enjoy wine because of you." "Sorry." "Why 2 suitcases?" "It was so heavy." "I wanted to finance your dream." "I said that was just a lie." "Too bad, it's good to pursue your dreams." "What will you do now?" "I'II go abroad." "That's nice." "Want to come with?" "What?" "No way." "Don't be stupid." "I see." "You know I felt bad." "I refused when you wanted to run away together." "I said that's..." "You don't have to lie to yourself just because you deceived me." "Tomorrow's JAL flight 2027 to Sydney." "I bought 2 tickets." "What?" "They can be picked up at the airport ticket counter." "Wait a minute, I..." "See you." "Hello." "Chiharu Katsuragi." "OK Ms. Katsuragi, I have your ticket." "May I see your passport?" "Thank you." "New Email" "Excuse me." ""I'm delayed, but I'll be there."" ""Turn the phone off." "Can't reveal we're eloping."" "Eloping?" "Thanks for your passport." "OK Ms. Katsuragi, this is your ticket to Sydney." "This may be due to enmity." "No one comes to mind?" "No." "Impossible." "She was an ordinary child." "Excuse me." "Hello?" "Mr. Katsuragi." "Please excuse me." "Thank you." "What do you want?" "I kidnapped Chiharu." "Nonsense." "Call the police, if you want." "But Juri's killer will become... angered, and kill Chiharu too." "Calling her now?" "You're such a skeptic." "Check your email," "I sent it from a free address." "If you want to deal, prepare 30 million yen by 3 p.m." "Come to Hill Tower Hotel, Room 909." "Think of it as my service fee." "Wait, hey." "There has been a delay in service." "JAL flight 2027 has been delayed due to bad weather in Sydney." "We'd like to ask passengers going to..." "Sydney to wait for further announcements..." "Where are you?" "The plane's delayed." "Contact me." "Hello?" "Chiharu, is that you?" "Dad." "Where are you?" "Answer me." "Are you OK?" "Are you safe?" "What's this about?" "Hill Tower Hotel." "Yes, Ma'am." "Hill Tower Hotel." "Hello." " Everyone here?" " Yes." "I brought reinforcements." "Let's go inside." "I thought you were on the plane." "You deceived me." "You used me to fake a kidnapping." "You never intended to go to Sydney." "You were going to send me off, then laugh." "You tricked me too." "So we're even now?" "Yes." "How stupid of you." "You're better off... than I." "Why?" "I became so, so... attracted to you and then I was deceived." "The police will be here soon." "Dad called them." "Where are you going?" "Don't go." "I'II tell the truth." "Katsuragi won't allow it." "And..." "What?" "What if you deceive me?" "Then go alone." "Go run away by yourself." "You are?" "How are you doing, Mr. Katsuragi?" "You brought me the money?" "Do you know him?" "He was Juri's boyfriend." "We're the Police." "Come to the station with us." "What's this?" "Hey wait a minute." "What's this?" "What the hell's this?" "What the hell?" " Be quiet." " Let go." "Thank you for waiting." "What did I do?" "Shut up." "I was just told to receive the money from Katsuragi." "Right?" "Your secretary called me, right?" "Secretary?" "Stay away from our family, that was the condition, for the 30 million yen." "I was told to wait here for the money." "Enough of your story." "I didn't make this up, asshole." "This was in the room." "What's that?" "I've never seen that before." "Take him away." "Let me go." "What the hell's going on?" "Hey Katsuragi." "Let go, asshole." "This won't... fool the police." "Perhaps." "But that's not my problem." "You can exploit your position as a victim, blame it all on that scumbag." "Do it for Juri." "I'II accept my defeat." "Chiharu, let's go." "Happy now?" "Yes." ""Sakuma?"" ""Sydney?"" "I said I'd be late." "You got my email?" "Rise and shine..." "My profession of love..." "I love you, Sakuma." "I don't think I'll ever fall for someone like this again." "For sure." "I was so happy to be alive." "But Juri, can never have feelings like these again." "I killed her." "I can never erase the truth." "So I want to choose what's... hardest for me." "Harder than severing my own limb." "Something much harder." "That's to... say goodbye to you." "You're popular with girls." "You'll probably forget me real quick." "Don't know when." "But that'll be when I'll be hurting the most inside... when I pay for my sins." "Sooner you forget about me the better." "No don't forget me." "I don't know." "Whatever, bye." "Game over..." | {
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"My name is Barry Allen, and I am the fastest man alive." "When I was a child, I saw my mother killed" " by something impossible." " Run, Barry, run!" "My father went to prison for her murder." "Then an accident made me the impossible." "To the outside world, I'm an ordinary forensic scientist, but secretly, I use my speed to fight crime and find others like me." "And one day, I'll find who killed my mother..." " Mom!" " And get justice for my father." "I am The Flash." "Previously on The Flash..." "You opened your lab after Nora Allen's murder." "Do you mind telling me what you were doing in Central City before that?" "Here I thought we were just two guys having a friendly drink." "What?" "I just noticed you don't smile too much." "The explosion that put you in a coma also killed my fiancée." "Ronnie!" "He was a hero." "I didn't want him to be a hero." "I wanted him to be my husband." "Don't look for me again." "Everyone has a hero, someone they look up to or admire, someone they just wish they could be." "It's easy to believe in heroes." "What's hard is when our heroes stop believing in us." "Oh, Barry, there's an intersection coming up." "Hurry!" "This should slow 'em down." "[car horns honking]" "Guys, which way?" " Left." " Right." " Right." " Left." "Stop!" "You both hear you're telling me two different things, right?" "Barry, listen up." "Listen carefully." "Here is what you're going to do." "Now, the Queen is trying to make it to the bridge, but I have a shortcut..." "wait for it..." "And left..." "left..." " right..." " I see her!" "Make her go west before Fremont." " Okay, how?" " I'd recommend a detour." "Now, the King is headed for the entrance to the interstate." "What entrance?" "Atta boy." "Check..." "Got the keys." "Mate." " Give me some!" " [laughs]" "Yeah!" "Efficiently done, Mr. Allen." " We need a picture." " Pretty sure rule number one of having a secret identity is not taking pictures of yourself in your super suit without a mask on." "Oh, come on, please!" "This is just for us." "This is to document all this." "Who knows?" "Maybe people in the future will want to know how all this happened." "All right, well, if you want the future to have the whole story, then, we all need to be in it." "First, let me put on some makeup?" "The future does not care about your makeup." "Mmmmm." "Okay." "Big smiles." "Three... two... one." " Ha!" " Does that count as a selfie?" "Absolutely." " [laughs] Sick." " Came out good." "Thanks for talking me through things out there." "My pleasure." "Well done." "I have to say it was a bit of a rush feeling like a..." " A hero." " Yeah." "You're pretty good at it." "[water running]" " Hey." " Hey." "You do realize the whole point of moving out is not being at home anymore, right?" "Hahaha." "I forgot a few things." "So... how is it living back at the house?" " Hey, Bar?" " Yo." "Babe..." "spaghetti a la me." "You sure you don't want to stay for dinner?" "Thanks, but Eddie is painting all day and I swore that I would help." "Although, I'm really just going to do that thing where I get a little paint on my hair and on my nose." "[laughs] Oh, hey, someone from Central City Picture News called you the other day..." "I left the number on the fridge." " What?" " Why didn't you tell me?" "Chill!" "Just did." "Hey, I heard that some members of the Royal Flush Gang are headed to prison." "[Iris screams]" "Is that a good scream or a bad scream?" "Good!" "So good!" "I just got offered a job as a reporter at Central City Picture News." " That's awesome!" " The editor's a fan of my blog!" " That is amazing." " Oh, my God!" "Oh, God." "♪ The Flash: "The Sound and The Fury" ♪ Season 1 Episode 11" "[male opera singer]" "♪ ♪" "[phone vibrating]" "Harrison Wells." "[sizzle] [music stops]" "Hello?" "We both know what you did." "[through speakers] It's time to pay the piper!" "[high-pitched whining] [glass shattering] [power-up whine]" "Come in." "Look, Joe, I apologize for all of this." "It just... it really feels like a case of so much for so little." "The police should not have been called." "I got a prank call before all this happened." "This feels like more than just a prank, Doctor." "Well, there are those who feel I did not suffer enough for the particle accelerator explosion of last year, and some of them act on it." "Dr. Wells." "Dr. Wells, are you okay?" "Dr. Snow, I'm..." "I'm fine." "A little chilly." "Otherwise, I'm fine." "Hello, Cisco." "Make yourselves at home as best you can." "I'm gonna make a hotel reservation." "[laughs] Oh..." "This place is so sick." "Yeah... hey, what took you guys so long?" "We got lost." "We've never been here before." "Really?" "Never?" "He tends to keep his private life private." "[speaking Latin]" "A precipice in front, and wolves behind." "In other words, you're between a rock and a hard place." "Check." "The King is dead." "Checkmate." "[knocking on door] Dr. Wells?" "There he is." "Hartley, allow me to introduce you to Cisco Ramon." "Mr. Ramon here is one of the finest mechanical engineers" "I have ever seen." "Wow." "I can't believe Harrison Wells said that about me." "I'm sure he'll prove to be an invaluable member of your team." "Trust me." "You I trust." "I don't foresee myself trusting someone who showed up to his first day of work at a billion dollar research facility wearing a T-shirt that says," ""Keep Calm and Han Shot First."" "Huh... would you give us a minute please, Cisco?" "Yes, sir." "I realize you don't have to explain your hiring decisions to me, but maybe for the sake of a fun exercise, we could pretend you did." "I have a good feeling about him." "Just as I did about you." "[laughs] Oh..." "Hartley..." "You're still my guy." "And nothing and no one is ever going to change that." "I canvassed the street." "No other reports of vandalism." "No strange cars." "Get this..." "Wells says he's right there when it happened." "All that glass shattering down around him and he can't walk?" "And he didn't have a scratch on him." "There's no point of impact." "No rock or bat or..." "any solid object went through these windows." "It's as if they just shattered themselves." "This wasn't some teenage prank?" "No, it wasn't." "But you don't want our help." "Why?" "Because I already know who did this." "Hartley Rathaway." "Who is Hartley Rathaway?" "Hartley Rathaway is the prodigal son." "And he has returned." "Hartley Rathaway possesses one of the finest scientific minds" "I've ever encountered." "Any ties to Rathaway Industries?" "His grandfather founded the company, his father expanded it, and Hartley here was set to inherit the throne." " What happened?" " He came out to his parents." "Old money, old values." "They were estranged when we met, but, brilliant." "I couldn't have built the particle accelerator without him." "You guys have never even mentioned his name." "That's because Hartley had a challenging personality." "What she means is he was mostly a jerk." "But, every once in a while, he could be a dick." "[laughs]" "Let's just say that Hartley, like many outliers, had trouble relating to his peers." "Yes, but he was always your favorite." "The chosen one." "He referred to himself like that." "So if you two were so close, why would he target you?" "Hartley left S.T.A.R. Labs about a year ago after we had a... a disagreement." "About what?" "Look, don't worry." "We'll stop him." "I won't let him hurt you..." "any of you." "Let's get back to my lab, all right?" "I could've gone my whole life without seeing that jerk again." "Yo." "This place is so dope." "What a coincidence." "We were thinking of making," ""Yo." "This place is so dope" our new slogan." "If you're so convinced Dr. Wells made a mistake in hiring me, why don't you try proving it to him?" "Magnetic flux is measured by what?" "Hall effect pick up." "The dual of a parallel R-C circuit?" "Series R-L circuit." "I can go all day, pal." "[slow clapping]" "Hartley, it looks like you have met your match." "I am Dr. Caitlin Snow." "It's very nice to meet you." "Cisco Ramon." "Nice to meet you." "And just ignore Hartley." "We all do." "Tell your boyfriend I need his specs on the synchotron by end of day." "Actually, it is the end of Ronnie's day." "We are leaving early." "My boyfriend is taking me out of town for our one-year anniversary." " Aw." "That's sweet." " Thanks." "I'll see you guys on Monday." "See ya." "She seems nice." "You don't." "I give you a week." "Max." "Hi." "I'm Iris West." "It's my first day." "I can see that." "Really?" "Does it show?" "Uh, the fact that I've never seen you before shows." "Mr. Bridge!" "Nice of you to make an appearance at a staff meeting." "I do love a good shmear." "Everyone, welcome Iris West, our new cub." "Anyone want to volunteer to be her mama bear?" "Mason, you picked a bad day to actually show up." " I don't nanny." " I lost the ability to make a joke back in '05." "Today, you do." "Deadlines." "All new stories are due on my desk at the end of the day." "Oh, actually, I had an idea for a piece." "There's this program in Keystone that helps battered women get back on their feet." "Ah, that sounds really great, West." "Actually, any thoughts on a piece about The Flash, something you haven't written about yet, something new?" "Um, no." "Not currently." "All right." "Sally forth, everyone." "Sally forth." "Everything has a natural frequency." "[ting] And since sound is expressed as a vibration, if the pitch of the sound matches the natural vibration frequency of an object, then... [high pitch frequency] [both laughing]" "So, you're saying that can happen to anything," "Not just glass?" "Oh, yeah." "I think that's absolutely what happened to the windows at Wells' house." "He's using some kind of sonic technology." "I'm getting this feeling that Wells is hiding something... about what's going on with this Rathaway character..." "Don't touch that!" "I mean, it sounds like this Hartley guy was a pill before he went all super villain, so I..." "I get why he never mentioned him." "Like he never mentions his girlfriend that got killed." "No." "How do you know about her?" "He's taking up a big part of our lives." "I wanted to know more about him." "I mean, if you want to know more about him, you could just ask me." "Sounds like you don't know him as well as you think." "Joe." "Multiple 911 calls." "Rathaway Industries is under attack." "Sector cars are en route." "[phone buzzing]" " Hey." " Barry, it's Caitlin." "I think I know why you're calling." "[sirens blaring]" "Get down on the ground!" "It's over, Rathaway." "You know my name." "I know some names too." "Caitlin Snow." "Cisco Ramon." "Harrison Wells." "I can hear the radio waves emanating from your suit." "About 1900 megahertz." "Is that them on the other end, listening?" "Are they gonna hear you die?" "No." "They're going to hear you get your ass kicked." "Okay." "Looks like you're not as smart as everyone says." "Smart enough to have figured out who Harrison Wells really is." "You see, I know his secret." "Being scooped up by a guy clad in head-to-toe leather is a long-time fantasy of mine, so thanks." "Well, well, well, the gang's all here." "You've lasted a lot longer than I would've thought, Cisco." "And you didn't last ten seconds against The Flash." "I was thinking of calling myself Pied Piper." "Hey!" "I assign the nicknames around here." "Although that one's not bad." "Caitlin..." "Never did get that wedding invite." "Shut the hell up!" "Stay in front of me." "The scanner is detecting foreign metallic objects in your ears." "Take 'em out." "I can't." "I suffered head trauma when S.T.A.R. Labs exploded." "My hearing was severely damaged." "Without these, I'm in pain you can't imagine." "We all lost something that night." "Ha." "Very clever re-purposing the anti-proton cavities into confinement cells." "Wells' idea, I'm sure." "It was mine, actually." "[speaking Spanish]" "Hartley, don't make this more difficult than it has to be." "[speaking French]" "Enough, Hartley." "Give us a minute." "See you soon, Cisco." "Doubt it!" "[speaking Latin] [speaking Latin]" "God, I wish I'd taken a language in high school." "How did you know we were working with The Flash?" "I wrote a hexagonal algorithm tracking all of his sightings, extrapolating a theoretical exit trajectory." "In other words, every time he ran from the scene of a crime, he ran in this general direction." "You are brilliant." "And... any anguish you have been through because of me was never my intent." "Not bad... as far as heartfelt apologies go." "Except that wasn't for my benefit." "That was for you, Flash." "Feels good to have the great Harrison Wells behind you, doesn't it?" "But one day, this man will turn on you..." "[laughs] in a flash... and even you won't see it coming." "I only hope that he leaves you in better shape than he left me." "If you're lucky, you'll only be dead." "Because every day I have to live with the agonizing, piercing screaming in my ears." "[laughs] I almost forgot..." "I told your pet" "I know your deep, dark secret, Harrison." "Have fun letting him in on that one." "I assume you were all listening." "Well, Hartley was telling the truth." "I have not been honest with you." "With any of you." "The accelerator..." "Hartley warned me that there was indeed a chance that the accelerator could explode." "His data did not show 100% certainty, just that there was a risk, but it was a real risk." "And yet I made the decision that the reward... that... everything we could learn and everything we could achieve, that all of that... simply outweighed that risk." "I'm sorry." "Then the next time you choose to put our lives, and the lives of the people that we love, at risk," "I'll expect a heads up." "After the explosion, when everyone else left you..." "Caitlin and Cisco stood by you." "You owe them more than an apology." "They might soon get more than that what with Hartley so intent on sending me to the next world." "What are... that wouldn't make it right with them." "You broke their trust." "Our trust." "Oh!" "Hi, chief." "Is that what people call you?" "Uh, no." "Not really." "Listen, eyewitnesses say that The Flash thwarted an attack downtown today." "Look into it." " Uh, yeah, sure." " Great." "Mason, you're looking particularly rumpled today." "Mmhmm." "So, what are we working on?" "I am following up on a lead on corruption at the DWP." "You... well, I think you just got your assignment from Larkin, didn't you?" "Look, I'm not stupid, okay?" "I know that Larkin hired me because he thinks that I have some sort of in with The Flash." "But I am serious about being a journalist." "Why?" "Because you write a blog?" "My mother writes a blog." "I may not have a lot of experience, but I do have..." "Spunk?" "Grit?" "Gumption?" "What is this, a Chick-Lit novel?" "[pop music in background]" "No, no, no, I am having the worst day ever." "We both can't be having the worst day ever." "Okay?" "And I was really looking forward to getting some good complaining in." "Well, fire away." "Okay, well, turns out that the real reason they hired me is because they think I have some sort of connection to The Flash, which I don't." "Not anymore." "And I've been teamed up with Mason Bridge, who is a legend, who I admired, before he told me" "I was a worthless, talentless millennial." "Well, the people we admire aren't always who we'd like them to be." "Well said." "So, I'm screwed." "No, look... if this Mason guy doesn't see what a talented journalist you are, then he's probably a lousy writer." "He won the Pulitzer." "Twice, I think." "Oh." "Good for him." "[laughs]" "Thanks, Barry." "Having someone believe in me, it's, um... a small... really, really big thing." " Yeah." " Yeah." "Where's Dr. Wells?" "I'm not sure." "Barry was right." "Hartley was using sonic resonance." "The intensity regulator's measuring decibels." "But you know what's weird?" "He had it set to the lowest setting." " What do you mean?" " Well..." "He could've completely destroyed his father's building if he wanted to in one blast." "So, why not just do it and leave?" "I mean, why stick around and run the risk of getting caught?" "Unless he wanted to be caught." "[alarm blares] Dr. Wells!" "There's been a pipeline breach." "Hartley." "[alarm blaring]" "Stay here." "Ah!" "Not now." "[deep exhale]" "Aah!" "[shrill whine]" "[frequency build up]" "[boom] [alarm continues blaring]" "[alarm blaring] Cisco, can you hear me?" "[thwack] Ugh!" "[shrill whining] [alarm continues blaring] [phone buzzing]" " Hey, what's up?" " Listen to me..." "Hartley escaped." "He's loose in the facility." "Okay." "Okay, your turn... why are you having the worst day..." "Tell me, Harrison." "Am I still your guy?" "Hey!" "Are you okay?" "Yeah, uh, Cisco and Dr. Wells." "He's gone." "Hey." "Welcome back, Mr. Ramon." "Ooh." "Oh, man." "Caitlin?" "Hey." "She's fine." "You need to rest." "You have a concussion." "You're lucky." "Please tell me you got him." "I guess the attack on his family's company was a fake out so we'd catch him." "And give him direct access to S.T.A.R. Labs." "Why?" "I should've known he was up to something." "This is my fault." "Hey, man." "This is on me, too." "I shouldn't have left before..." "This is no one's fault but mine." "I earned the blame..." "I'm not interested in sharing it." "Hartley doesn't think I've paid for my crimes." "And he's right." "He won't stop until I do." "Where are you going?" "To earn back your trust." "Hmm... now what were you doing in my accelerator?" "Thought it was our accelerator." "Because it will be our fault if we turn this thing on and blow a hole in Central City." "[speaking Latin]" "You are wagering the lives of everyone in this building." "Everyone in this city." "If you don't have the courage to admit you could be wrong," "I will do it for you." "Hartley Rathaway... your position at S.T.A.R. Labs is terminated." "If you think you can shut me up..." "Oh, I know I can, Hartley." "Because if you breathe one word of any kind of unsubstantiated accusation," "I will make sure the only job you ever get in physics is teaching it to high school juniors." "What is going on here?" "[whispers] Press conference." "Thank you for coming on such short notice." "And for those of you that read the ten-volume report issued by the Norris Commission, well, I commend you on your tenacity." "You already know, then, the circumstances that led to the explosion of the S.T.A.R. Labs particle accelerator." "Or rather, you think you do." "Now, the Commission's finding was that the catastrophe was caused by a chain of events that nobody could have predicted, including myself." "The truth is..." "I was warned there was a chance the particle accelerator might fail." "I was warned by a former colleague... a friend." "I chose to ignore the warning and in so doing," "I let down all of you." "As a new friend pointed out..." "I failed this city." "I failed this city and I failed those who trusted me the most." "By coming forward today... it's my hope I'm taking the first step toward regaining that trust." "[machinery whining]" "And your trust as well." "Are there any questions?" "[everybody talking at once]" "Do you have any intention of rebuilding the particle accelerator?" "Miss West, do you have a question for me?" "I don't believe you answered my colleague's question," "Dr. Wells, so I'll ask it again." "Do you have any intention of rebuilding the particle accelerator, either now or in the future?" "Of course not." "Thank you for your answer, Doctor." "It's my pleasure." "[everybody talking at once]" "No further questions." "Hey." "What was that?" "Gumption." "Has Hartley made contact yet?" "What makes you so sure he will?" "Because he's Hartley, and he'll want to have the last word." "Cisco, you should be resting." "The answer to why Hartley fooled us into catching him is in here, and I'm gonna find it." " You have nothing to prove." " Not true." "[chuckles]" "Do you know why I hired you, Cisco?" "You said you saw something in me..." "I know." "What I saw was humanity." "You and Hartley, Cisco, you're both brilliant." "You both have mental..." "[snaps fingers] sparks." "But his brilliance subtracted from the experience of working here, whereas your brilliance, your heart, your warmth, your humor, it just adds to it." "There is no chosen one, Cisco." "No second or third favorite." "Never was." "It's just us." "[speakers popping]" "What's that?" "Nice gambit, Harrison." "But this isn't over." "Hartley, what do you want?" "What do you want, Hartley?" "I already gave my mea culpa today." "The city already hated you." "You don't think I noticed that press conference was a pathetic bishop sacrifice?" "No, no, no." "I've played with you too many times to let you get away with that." "This is between you, me, and The Flash." "You don't want to play for those kind of stakes with me, Hartley." "Actually, I really do." "What do you say?" "One last game of chess?" "You and I both know that the winner of the game is the one who makes the next-to-last mistake, and you clearly have a move in mind." "You're right." "And I'm already at the board." "So why don't you move your precious scarlet knight..." "While I take out a few pawns." "[tires screech]" "All right." "All right, Cisco, where do I go?" "I can't trace the signal." "He could be sending his messages" " from anywhere." " Cisco, scan for seismic activity." "If Hartley's using sonic blast, the vibrations could cause tremors." "[cars honking] [people yelling]" "Look." "Over here." "Quake activity but no fault line." "The Keystone Cleveland Dam." "Barry!" "Don't underestimate him." "He's brilliant." "Well, good thing I'll have you in here." "Rook to knight four." "Aah!" "[woman screaming]" "[woman whimpers]" "Barry, you need to disarm Hartley immediately." "Immediately!" "Do you hear me?" "He is a master of distraction." "He is a master of hiding his true endgame." "Aha!" " Uhoh." " A-ha what?" "I figured out what Hartley stole from S.T.A.R. Labs, why he let himself get caught." "Which brings us to the "uh-oh."" "He has all the data on Barry's molecular scans." "Why would he want that?" "He can get Barry's frequency." "Barry, you need to get out of there!" "You need to get out of there immediately!" "It's over!" "You lose!" "Amazing." "He replaced me with you?" "Total moron." "I got you with the same trick twice." "[loud vibrating frequency]" "Ah!" "Uhh!" "I got the idea watching you and Harrison chit-chat... to use your suit's own speakers to kill you." "Gah!" "That feeling?" "That's your organs shearing apart." "And you activated the frequency when you disarmed me." "In chess, we call that a discovered attack." "You don't see it until it's too late." " Right, Harrison?" " Aah!" "Barry's vitals are bottoming out." "We need to do something." "What are you doing?" "Barry's on the travel road of the dam, at rush hour, surrounded by cars." "Many of those cars are going to have satellite radio." "Satellite sends a signal to the car, song comes out the speaker..." "Yes!" "I know how satellite radio works!" "How does that help?" "Well, I'm gonna have the satellite send something other than a song." "Hartley is about to hear something he was not expecting... a sound wave that will meet the frequency of and destroy his weapons." "[radio tuning]" "You don't seem so special anymore." "Given how easy it was to bring you down," "I wonder if Harrison will even miss you." "[whining grows] [groans] [sizzling]" "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!" "No!" "Aah!" "Checkmate." "[broken up] Barry, can you hear me?" "Sort of!" " Okay!" " How do you feel?" "Fine!" "I mean there is a little ringing in my ears, but other than that I'm good, so..." "You're speaking very loudly." " Sorry." " It's okay, it'll pass." "[chuckles]" " Nice moves." " Thank you." "Anytime." "I think I'm gonna take my doctor's advice and go lie down." "What a great idea!" "[laughs]" "Man, I feel like I'm hung over times ten." "I'm not surprised." "It's difficult for me... to admit when I'm wrong." "Certainly, in front of an entire city but also..." "Also to my closest friends." "So I hope one day to restore your trust and faith in me." "That day was today." "Not every hero wears a mask." "Some heroes save the day in the simplest of ways." "By just being there for us... or letting us know we're believed in." "If I'm any sort of hero today, it's not because of my speed." "It's because I learned how from the people in my life... all of them." "Hey." "Hey." "Man, that press conference today was something else." "Dr. Wells..." "took a lot of guts to do that." "I have to give him that." "He has his moments." "What's up?" "Must have been hard for you." " What?" "To be this handsome?" " [laughs]" "Raising me." "Oh." "No." "Well, a kid who loved math and chemistry, whose idea of a fun afternoon was doing experiments in the garage." " [laughs]" " Couldn't have been easy." "As soon as I started AP classes, you had no clue how to help me with my homework." " No." " You must have always felt like you were competing with Richard Dawkins and Neil Tyson and..." "Henry Allen too." "But, look, none of them..." "no one... could ever replace you." "Not even Wells." "Aw." "[laughs] [both laughing]" "All right, I'll see you at home." "All right." " Hey, Eddie." " Hey, Barry." "Hey, what'd you find out?" "I searched Wells' entire house like you said." "There was nothing." "Are you sure you want to do this..." "Investigate Wells?" "100%" "Your evil hearing aids won't help you escape this time." "So I'd get comfy." "You must be enjoying this, Cisco." " I am." " Ah, well, if that scares you, I can't imagine how you're gonna feel when you open up these doors" " and let me out of here." " Hmm... maybe I'm going deaf, 'cause I could've sworn you just said I'm gonna let you out." "And very soon too." "Why would I ever do that?" "Because I know where Ronnie Raymond is." "I know what really happened to him that night." "And I know how to save him." "Warning!" "Tachyon output has passed acceptable tolerance range." "Continued exposure is not recommended." "Increase to maximum, Gideon." "Increasing to maximum, Doctor." "Speed Force absorption at 35% and rising." "I'm not stabilizing." "I can't hang on to my speed." "It comes and goes, and I can not control it." "Gideon, for how much longer is the Tachyonic device viable?" "Calculations inconclusive." "I'm sorry, Doctor." "Oh, that's okay, Gideon." "This was only meant to be a temporary fix." "The real endgame is almost here." "Greg, move your head!" | {
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"LOVE MATHS AND SEX" "Why are these 3 points aligned?" "This one's the middle of the segment." "How was that one drawn up?" "It's the centre of the circle." "3818 multiplied by 132... 3818 multiplied by 132..." "We have that vector." "I've already used the equilateral hypothesis." "It can be used twice." "So why does it work?" "Ah, those two angles are equal." "Then this one is equilateral." "Which gives us a rhombus." "The two vectors are equal." "This one... is a third of that one." "So the 3 points are aligned." "I have some physics too." "How much?" "It's urgent, I have to copy it out." "25 francs then." "And I don't give credit." "Careful, the maths teacher!" "Sabine, can I see you a minute?" "The best from each country go to Brussels for a year." "I'm sure you have a good chance." "But... do we have to pay?" "Just the journey and 3 nights in a hotel for the competition." "But you know... you have to be picked for France first." "This meant planning long term." "A lot of work, over 2 hours a day and unpaid... a loss of about 150 francs." "I'm good at finding solutions, not only in maths." "I'll sleep two hours less." " Coming to eat?" " Ever seen Sabine eating?" "Sometimes I think you're a bit anorexic." "Ease up on school dinners." "They give you spots." "Sabine!" "I don't give a shit about taking the money." "I hate waiters." "They don't do shit, they pick up 15% and you gotta pay them twice." "Anyway, you can't like everybody." "I really can't stand them." ""The media decorate an officer without knowing if he deserves it."" ""People tend to flatter..."" "You replace b with its value, that makes 16..." "You do it." "It's like in class, just stick to the formula." "If it's positive you have 2 solutions, or else no solution with real numbers." "It's easy when you explain it." "And if you weren't so lazy." "5 francs." "You're lucky, a parabola is 15." ""Sexuality is vital for adolescents," ""it brings contact with another body..."" "Not only for adolescents!" "Vital for you too, right?" "Sexuality is vital!" "His expression was so different." "I tried to imagine them, the others, without the smooth foreheads that never reflected troubles, the acne that disgusts me," "the plump rosy cheeks that I find obscene, the wide eyes that see nothing." ""...helps youngsters be confident."" "Now I see what my problem is." "I'm deprived of contact!" "I had a flash that he might think I was shaking down my friends." "Perhaps he was a cop?" "Maybe he was going to intervene?" "Hey!" "I'm not a cigarette machine!" "Hit the road, babe!" " Are the guys from class invited?" " Sure, the girls too." " Madame Bovary in veils?" " Too boring!" " She never talks." " Makes a change!" "Lay a hand on her and you get a knife in your ribs." "Gabrielle!" "Give this to mum, it's for tonight." "Wait, I need 5 francs for a coffee." "Want some chewing gum?" "And a Twix..." "Here's 5 francs for you too." "Coming?" "Not now." "Do your homework, right?" "I've got a message for you!" "Josephine's mum says can you baby-sit Saturday night?" "You said yes?" " Shouldn't I have?" " You did fine!" "Sunday we'll go to a movie, just you and me." "How about that?" "I've scored 150 million!" "I've broken all records!" "Better than your equations!" "She won't buy it." "I can't come Saturday night." "Playing cool or scared of giving in?" "A date with a guy?" "Sabine with a guy?" "Work isn't everything." " What else is there?" " Want me to show you?" "Very funny." "Dating won't get us out of this." "Out of what?" "As luck would have it Josephine's parents got back late, setting off a chain of events." "No more buses so I walked home, obsessed by my equation." "Then I wandered off my route..." "So he was a cop." "Was it simply a coincidence?" "No." "There was a meaning to it all." "Hi!" "Who was that man who crossed my path?" "I didn't see him that day." "Three times in a row can't be accidental." "It's a twist of fate." "The chances of it falling face up:" "One in ten." "Face up three times running:" "One in a thousand." "The probability of meeting him again:" "Infinitesimal." "You're hurting me." "Let go!" "You'll break my arm!" "Hey!" "The bill!" "That's him!" "Three times running!" "I've never trusted probabilities." "I should have used statistics." "Tossing bread and butter isn't destiny." "Why play cops?" "I can't stand cops!" "They wanted to hold me all night because of you." "You know what a night with the cops is like." "Got a cigarette?" "He had a foreign accent and a warm, magical voice... maybe because it was foreign." "I was going to yell at you." "I prefer this to a lecture." "I don't know where to take you..." "It's not my town." "You must know somewhere?" "Where is your town?" "Prague." "The wallpaper's pretty, it goes with the bedspread" "and the carpet is nice and thick." "I don't know this hotel, it seems OK, and they were cool downstairs..." "What...?" "It never occurred to me..." "I'm sorry." "There's no need." "I should have realized..." "Idiot!" "Maybe it's different in Prague... don't blame yourself." "You mustn't do it with a stranger." "Not the first time, it's too important." "Not with me." "Scared?" "Scared?" "I'm saying this for you!" "But I want it to be with you." "It's you I like, not someone else." "Who are you?" "I want to know..." "Do you want us to meet again?" "Look at me." "Sure you can't stay a bit?" "Here's my phone number." "Stupid, huh?" "I thought..." "You did the right thing." "Nothing's free here, you know." "Is that you, Sabine?" "At least apologize!" "I'll tell your mum!" "Exemption?" "This isn't a gym class." "I've agreed with the headteacher and my colleagues so far." "But I'm sorry," "I won't accept this." "You can't follow half the syllabus because some classes clash with your morals." "You can't make me attend a class!" "What if reproduction is in the exam?" "Your parents' letter won't help." " I'm going to the head." " Don't!" "She's honest, she didn't cut class." "I say Muslims hide their bodies to arouse our desire." "And drawing is against your religion." "My face didn't give me away." "No one noticed a thing." "Now will they...?" "The tin..." "If they question me I'll lie while telling the truth, like in logic." "After all, when I say:" ""I am telling a lie"" "am I lying or telling the truth?" "I don't even know your name." "Tell me your name..." "Leave me alone." "What's got into you?" "So it didn't always happen like with them." "Has my mother ever experienced this?" "Have they?" "Don't drop me!" "Hey guys!" "I feel terrific today!" "3000 francs." "How will we pay the summons?" "You shouldn't have emptied the tin." "That 500 francs wouldn't fix it." "I could have won a fortune with Jean-Pierre." "Then there'd be no summons." "He's bad luck for me." "High stakes pay off, he says, so I double my losses!" " Sure." "You halve your chances." " What?" "But you'd have won double if you'd won." "You're more likely to win by playing lots of columns, not a lot on one column." "If you're so smart where's my 3000 francs?" "If there's no money Sabine can write a cheque." "3000 francs!" "By 5:" "6002nd degree equations." "By 15: 200 parabolas." "By 30: 100 derivatives." "A good exam exercise." "But even if I up my prices and only coach 6th formers to make 3000 francs" "I'll have to speed it up." "I'm not alone here..." "I'll call you back." "What is it?" "Sabine's too fast for us." "We're not machines." "We need time to think." "This isn't the Einstein competition." "Want to apply, Emile?" "The selection is still open." "Take it again:" "A - 2, factor of..." "Factor of a squared + a + 2 = 0." "Delta = b squared - 4 ac." "So a - 4 x 2 = - 7..." "No solution." "Hello?" "Jiri please." "What?" "Speaking." "I've woken you up..." "Sorry." "What's the time?" "10.30!" "I'll call you later." "Who is it?" "Sabine, maybe you don't remember me..." "My little robber!" "Where are you?" "Want to come over?" "Hurry up!" "Lend me your bike." "No way!" "I'm going to my mum's." "Walk." "Gimme the keys, I need it now!" "Gonna pull a gun on me too?" "I don't need one." "I'll just tell the physics teacher about that test I did for you..." "You're a bitch." "Get me someone in charge." "You're giving me the runaround!" "I've been waiting half an hour." "What should I do?" "Stay in the dark?" "Send someone over right away." "Yes, it's urgent!" "No, I can't wait." "Not without electricity!" "In the building, maybe in the district." "Thanks a lot!" "The electricity here is just like back home." "I'm glad you called." "Hello." "Is that a Cossack custom?" "Shaving a cheek a day?" "It blew while I was shaving." "They won't fix it." "I can't even offer you coffee." "I'll call them back." "Right." "Where's your fuse box?" "Here it is." " Got any lead wire?" " I don't know." "Let's see your razor." "The fuse must need changing." "What's that?" "It can't be repaired." "Trash it." "Trash it?" "Give it back immediately!" "Trash it, change it, buy it." "Commerce triumphs!" "Reality is extremely... indecent." "It's the same everywhere." "Anyway, don't plug it in again." "I thought you'd hold it against me, I was so eager." "It was so fast, it's never happened to me before..." "To me neither." "No time to fix your image." "Your hair's changed?" "You're even more beautiful." "You're too young to see yourself as you really are." "It's 3000 francs." "The fuse is included." "So love is out of date." "I never thought all the girls in Marivaux's country were whores." "Not all." "Me." "You?" "A whore?" "I'm not used to paying for it." "I don't like it." "Too bad." "Something happened between us, didn't it?" "Stay the afternoon with me." "You think we all live like you?" "What do you want 3000 francs for?" "I told you nothing was free." "I gotta return this bike." "Come back afterwards..." "Give me your number." "I'll call you." "OK, I see." "But if you're not back by tomorrow throw my number away." "Too late." "I know it by heart." "You walk too fast." "You haven't woken up yet." "Woken up for what?" "Waking up properly is vital." "There are only 24 hours in a day, if you miss the beginning you're lost, it's like TV." "They wonder why I'm not rich with such a clever girl." "You see, you walk along dreaming aloud." "Guess I must have missed the beginning somewhere as I can't keep up, it's all too fast for me, all those computers and everything." "I got out of the elevator." "You didn't." "But what good does it do you?" "It helps me convince you that a tumbling dice isn't a magic wand." "You can't live on it." "I've managed so far." "And it's all I can do..." "You can do lots of other things." "We never get to talk just the two of us." "Only when there's a problem." "That's right, but today's different:" "I'm talking, you're answering." "Let's make the most of it!" "You're laughing too!" "No more vacancies today" "They say 6 a.m. But you gotta be here at 5." "Just my luck." "It doesn't matter..." "One week's work is hardly worth it." "There must be a way to get 3000 francs." "This is gonna surprise you:" "300 kms an hour, faster than a car." "Faster...!" " We'll have to get a ticket." " Over there." "Departure date..." "Go on." "You do it, you know how." "It doesn't take reservations." "You can explain to the guard." "Oh, too bad anyway." "You're going!" "We all agreed to buy this ticket!" "You must ask Uncle for 3000 francs!" "Come with me, you can talk to him." " I'm working!" " So I get the crap!" "You're dumping me in it alone?" " Are you going or not?" " Wait!" " My dad's an exam expert." " My ass!" "Really." "He says you sleep 90 minutes four times with a tape of the work playing." "Come to supper, he'll advise you." "Not tonight, she's coaching me." " Does he pass many exams?" " Lots." "Don't let that moron Choquet get you down." "You'll beat him hands down." "We'll get him drunk the night before the exam!" "And you take some speed." "If we can get any..." "It's in ecstasy, I'll give her a tab." "Is there a dope test for maths?" "My lesson!" "Orange juice, beer, vodka?" "I don't know what you like..." "Or the labels." "I took it all." "Have you thought it over?" "Do you want to?" "Let's see what you can do..." "You're the same yet you're different." "So sweet." "The little savage has vanished." "Little girl..." "I don't know what's happening." "That's what it's like when you let go:" "An abyss." "It's not that..." "No one's ever talked to me like you do..." "I'm not used to it..." "You've never been in love?" "The boys I know?" "They... they're not finished." "Finished..." "You're an adult." "Yes." "But an adult so early." "I had to be." "I didn't think a man could be so good." "So gentle..." "So strong..." "So geometrical..." "What's the nearest shape?" "The trapezium?" "More like a heptagon topped with a circle." "Satisfied?" "Sabine, stop this money bullshit!" "Look!" "Think you can have a girl like me for free?" "Everything has a price, huh?" "You'll get what you deserve, little savage." "Was that how he saw me?" "Strange." "I knew the data of the problem." "I saw his solution in the window," "I didn't see how he reached it." "Aren't I worth more?" "Don't you like it?" "When I saw it I thought of you." "Can't we find something else?" "It looks a bit Czech!" "Do you have that in your country?" "Sure..." "It turned people's lives upside down." "The sea!" "That's the only thing we'll never have." "Which one do you want?" "The red one." "Sure you don't regret the dress?" "You don't regret the money?" "Happy?" "I'm cool." "I'll call you." "Bye!" "I just want some respect." "That is a symbol of slavery, denigrating women." " I'm sorry but it is!" " I agree." "Then dressing to seduce you is worse as no one forces us." "So liberate yourselves." "Yeah!" "Do it!" "Free yourselves!" "Come on, you guys!" "Let's liberate ourselves!" "Sabine?" "You must get to work for this exam." "You haven't been selected yet." "It's not easy!" "You must work!" "I'll set you some new problems." "We've discussed the real body, there's a complex body too, an even more abstract notion." "A beautiful construction, purely mathematical... you'll never find it in nature." "Geometry in space needs imagination." "I'm sure you'll enjoy it." "How does it apply to masculine and feminine?" "I can admit they're two different sets, but disjunctive or with an intersection?" "Unless they're overlapping?" "No." "The situation is more symmetrical." "So what's the intersection?" "It can't be an empty set!" "There are mutual points, even if we are different." "I was waiting for you inside." "Had a nice day, little savage?" "Is this Fort Knox?" "Can't we go to your place?" "I have to see a friend from Prague." "But don't worry, I've got your present!" "They won't let me in." "I'm underage." " Underage?" " What does it change?" " Why didn't you tell me?" " You never asked!" "I'm just the same." "A bit older even!" "Underage?" "It doesn't change anything." "Don't you understand?" "It's really serious, I'm risking my neck." "For those waiter's tips" "I was nearly thrown out of France but the theatre manager intervened." "So he was someone special!" "We'd never have got involved." "Working in the theatre gave him time to meet people." "The parameters had changed." "The configuration cop + hooker worked." "But this form was more complex." "How would it turn out?" "Will you stay in France?" "I don't know, it depends how the play does." "You don't live alone?" "Pity!" "I need to see where my friends live, the view from their windows, where their phone is..." "We'll see..." "Go on telling me about your country." "What can I tell you?" "That my life now is as empty as this glass?" "Define empty." "This glass isn't an empty set." "It's empty now but it could contain vodka." "It's simple:" "An empty set is a set of elements with incompatible properties." "Like white blackbirds!" "It looks quite normal to me." "No cracks or chips, it doesn't seem to leak." "A man of 40 with a girl less than half his age." "40 - 15 = 25." "25 is a lot!" "What's the common factor?" "40 over 15 cancelling by 5 gives 8 over 3..." "Only 5 years difference!" "AO squared + OE squared" "= AE squared according to Pythagorus's theorem." "We know OE = A root of 2 over 2... so OE squared = small A squared over 2..." "= half of AC." "Well?" "I don't know." "I did it but..." "Sabine to Brussels!" "They only take 6 from each country." "6!" "Disgusting!" "If we're 150,000, the odds are 1 in 25,000." " Give yourself a break." " The teacher's backing you!" "3818 X 132... 3818 x 132." "Have you gone off monkeys?" "I'm sick of the zoo." "I want to see birds flying." "You're funny, Sabine..." "Have you got a boyfriend?" "I knew it!" "Who is he?" "Ahmed?" "Pierrot?" "Cousin Michel?" "Uncle Roland?" "He's a foreigner..." ""It's the tale of a pastrycook" ""Whose love melts like an eclair." ""I gave him a cherry tart" ""He broke my heart Coz he don't care..."" "Now I look for the limit where y curves towards..." "We won't finish this exercise today." "Pity you have to wear that scarf." "Your hair's lovely." "I don't have to." "It's funny how you all think that." "I want to wear it." "My family couldn't care less." "I think you're really brave." "What are they playing?" "Backgammon... since childhood." "Shall we continue?" "Call me when you've got a perfect example." "Let's go!" "I, 2... 3." "They played two moves in advance, I could see four." "Not there." "Even if I took them both on they couldn't beat me." "Two against a girl:" "Easy!" "Next step:" "Get them playing for money." "Double or quits?" "Sexy!" "She thinks she's Samantha Fox!" " Great news, you've been selected!" " I'm one of the 6?" "I'm so proud of you!" "When is it?" "The 3rd, 4th and 5th in Brussels." "Now you have 1 chance in 4." "Stimulating, eh?" "A year with others on your level." "What do I do now?" "Work hard!" "Your parents must write a letter." "I'll explain all that." "A year in Brussels?" "Why not New York as well!" "I've never been anywhere and it hasn't killed me." "Almost!" "Today is the final date for the summons." "She'll forget it." "Lucky I have my friends..." "Friends?" "They drain you like leeches!" "You're the leeches!" "Hurry up!" "It's drying." "Yeah, but it's gotta be good." " It will be good." " You wouldn't know." "I've built more walls than you have!" "I'm a metalworker." "Put one here." "They're forbidden to demolish walls to move stuff out, see?" "Careful, it's moving." "Get it?" "That way the fridge stays put!" "Hurry up!" "What d'you think I'm doing?" "He's messing about." "Take the chest." "Full up." "I'll take the telly but that's all!" "I'll take the chest with the sofa..." "Take your mum's cardboard boxes over to Fred's." "Now we wait for the bailiff." "Another of your pathetic scams?" "Got 3000 francs, have you?" "It's all so petty." "You'll never change." "No, you'll never change your mind, you're proud of it." "When I think of all I've done for you..." "You won't get another penny!" "You can think up ideas, you don't need me." "Just because it wasn't your idea!" "Are we throwing this out?" "Sabine's green woodpecker!" "A collector's item!" "He'll flap his wings if we oil him." "That was for Sabine's birthday when she was your age." "You weren't even born then, we made the kids toys after hours..." "With Bernard on guard." "Sabine was so upset when her woodpecker got lost." "We put some bottles back!" "Memorable!" "Thank God he was there." "He was my vector." "I'll say, no more gifts." "Say I want to pass the competition." "What's a trip to Brussels for him?" "Nothing." "But what if he refuses?" "Excuse me, are they still rehearsing?" "I mean, is Jiri still rehearsing?" "Yes, they're on stage." "That was him, he just went past." "Didn't you talk to him?" "My dress!" "She's mad!" "Let me go!" "You jerks!" "Let her go!" "Are you drunk?" "I was wrong." "A guy like that wasn't for me." "He could preach away, but he was the whore." "Hurry up, you're not the only person here." "How did he come by these earrings?" "They looked cheap, everything about him was cheap." "Conclusion:" "Zero." "No way would I see him again." "I don't understand." "I can't follow this function." " I don't feel like doing maths." " Even for 50 francs?" "You got 50 francs?" "Ask them!" "It might unglue them." "But it's love." "Superglue, want some chocolate?" "Call that love?" "Marshmallow mush!" "What's with you?" "I don't have time for guys who don't pay." "Give me back my 50 francs or..." "Or what?" "Come and get it." "She's freaked out." "She's flipped." "Cool it!" "Give her back her money!" " You never spend it with us!" " Right!" "We're getting pissed off." " Not even a party for your exam." " She's stingy." "And she's stuck up." "I couldn't give a shit for you or the exam." "Get out then." "Piss off." "Congratulations!" "You can all drool with jealousy." "I'm not going to Brussels." "Ciao!" "I thought I'd smothered the pain but it kept coming back, worse than ever." "The coefficient of the slant had been low but now it was rising." "And I realized that the slant was inverted and the angle was sharper." "The 2nd derivative was negative." "Now what?" "Do I let myself slide?" "Corruption of a minor." "Corruption?" "Did he try to abduct you?" "No..." "He abused me." "Did he hurt you?" "Rape you?" "Are you sure he abused you?" "Would I be here because a guy asked me for a light?" "Be careful, kid, an accusation of sexual abuse is very serious." "Think it over." "I mean it." "You don't come to school any more so I came here." "I can't sleep." "I can't keep up..." " I need my coaching." " I don't have time." "Did you go to my place?" "I didn't dare." "I didn't know if..." "Why don't you come to school?" "I wondered if you were sick or..." "I'm alright." "Call him back, I promised." "It's the foreigner." "I better go." "I shouldn't say this, you'll think it's stupid... but you're wrecking your future." "What future?" "Look at my future!" "Forget it, I don't need anyone." "You were selected, it's a gift from God." "Stick to it." "You don't have the right to give up!" " What are you doing?" " Same as you." "No, you're not that bad." "Without you I'm alone" "Without you my love..." "Mum!" "Mum!" "It's that competition." "If I say a word she goes crazy." "She barged into me the other day and didn't even say sorry." "Shouldn't you be at school?" "Don't expect an answer, you won't get one." "You don't care about my studies, all you want is my grant." "Now you've spat your poison, get out!" "It's your maths teacher." "Come in." "There's usually a chair but it's a bad day." "Because the bailiff is coming." "We only owe 3000 francs but we played safe and took everything out." "That's why this competition is a problem." "It sure is!" "You can be proud of her though, us too." "Top in maths in France." "Leave us alone." "But 3 days in Brussels, I don't..." "Why didn't you tell me?" "Is that your bed?" "You should never have come." "You've ruined everything." " Shouldn't you explain?" " You're not my teacher!" "We must talk after what you did." "Why didn't you tell me what you wanted 3000 francs for?" "The moment you saw me you thought I was bad and you assumed I was a whore." "Then I apologize." "I'm trying to see... where that pride comes from." "Now you've seen, get out!" "Stop!" "You've barricaded yourself up but your armour is cracking." "Get out of my room... and my life!" "I will." "If you really want." "Are you blind?" "Even that is an admission." "Get out or I'll scream." "Then I'll get out." "I lied." "I knew it." "Too late now, I warned you." "Your complaint is filed and has gone to the prosecutor." "Give me back the paper I signed, please!" "Did someone force you to denounce him?" "No!" "I acted on impulse..." "I regret it now." "That's for the court to judge, kid." "As you lied you'll be summoned for a false statement." "Cut that out or I'll arrest you!" "Help me." "Now listen." "You can retract." "But it could land you in trouble." "You'll be charged... for making a false statement and you'll be fined." "I hope your parents are solvent." "They're on income support." "Well, in my experience, you'll be fined at least 4000 francs." "The problem with games of chance is chance." "At 8 to 1, I could have cleaned up." "4000 in one game!" "But not a single 6, not one double throw." "It wasn't my game." "Why didn't I see it in time?" "My round." "OK by your ethics?" "What ethics?" "You're broke." "You lost with style." "And for you?" "Come on." "Are you ashamed of me?" "No." "I don't know what came over me." "You think you can do anything you like, then act all innocent?" "I won't be treated this way!" "Not by a little jerk!" "Me, ajerk?" "How about you?" "And you bark like a dog!" "Goodbye!" "I hate fights and yelling and alcoholics." "Go on!" "Maybe it's your old lady." "She's an actress!" "Actresses are vulnerable!" "Vulnerable?" "Oh yeah?" "Ciao!" "She's waiting for your lousy play, you can have all the women you want but your play's lousy!" "What women?" "Look at me." "What women?" "The ones you pay and who pay you!" "Who are you talking about?" "My producer?" "Where did you get that idea?" "You're raving!" "Do you resent my gifts?" "Or want to drive me crazy?" "That's bullshit!" "I don't want your gifts!" "Never again!" "You don't know what you've done to me!" "I've turned into a monster." "I have to tell you..." "I've done something dreadful." "Listen to me." "Sabine, I want to help you..." "Let me love you, even if it's hard." "I've looked for you everywhere, even on the bus," "I've waited here like a prisoner." "Not even a phone call." "I was shaken by his pain." "I recognized it, it was my own." "I don't want you to vanish again..." "I wanted to go too fast, like a kid tugging a plant to make it grow faster." "I should have been patient and waited for you to love me." "You've never been taught how." "The equation was simple while he was the unknown quantity." "I surprised myself." "Now there were 2 unknowns." "Was there still a solution?" "He said "I love you"." "And I believed him." "I admitted I'd wanted to get rid of him but I couldn't say how." "Let me make you happy." "Sabine, you're here beside me..." "at last." "I want to keep you." "I want to keep every bit of you..." "I almost lost everything." " Are you hurt?" " Don't ask." "Don't worry." "I won't force you." "But let me look at you again." "Then I decided not to go so I didn't enrol." "And you'd said no money between us." "You're going to enrol." "And win!" "Come on, we'll celebrate it." "What's wrong?" "Don't you want to share yourjoy?" "It's not that..." "I'm cold." "If you go to Brussels I'll go too." "I'll offer my play to the Varia Theatre." "There are theatres everywhere." "Plays too." " You can do maths anywhere?" " Sure." "Together we can do things anywhere." "If we really love each other!" "What have you got in here?" "Keep the keys, come over whenever you like." "It's all old stuff." "You can look at it." "I'm safe until you can read Czech." "This isn't Czech..." "Put it back." "Is it a love letter?" "In a way." "You know, I've been in prison..." "That's the appeal my wife made to the West." "It was a huge risk for her at that time." "I wouldn't have had her courage." "I survived thanks to her." "Prison... is hell on earth." "What does your wife do?" "She ceased to be my wife long ago..." "A writer." "You from the West, me from the East:" "Hardship is our home." "And 5 our number!" "It's our common factor!" "I feel homesick tonight." "The Vlatva..." "Snatches of piano music from the Bartramka..." "The smell of coal..." "I miss Prague." "Homesick." "What a terrible word." "Beautiful too, but I've never felt it." "His wife got him out of prison but I might put him back in." "Stage 1:" "Intercept the court summons." "Stage 2:" "The fine." "I had a solution..." "FOR SALE:" "RED PEUGEOTMOPED 4000 FRANCS" "Stage 3..." "Where have you been?" "Come in." "When did I last see you?" "I didn't send off the application form for the exam." "Do you not want to take it?" "Or are your parents being difficult?" "Is it too late?" "No, you idiot, I sent the form off for you." "I'll give you the receipt." "Take them your parents' signed permission." "Is that a Calder mobile?" "Yes." "But it's mine not his." "Do you know about it?" "I saw one recently..." "I've seen lots of things." "So you've been visiting museums?" "I screwed up, huh?" "I blew it." "I lost control." "I'm in a mess." "You're not the only one, you should see your classmates' homework!" "We've never discussed topology." "See this?" "It's a Möbius strip." "It joins a point on the inner surface to the outer without changing sides." "Run your finger along the inside of the strip, you're inside... keep going and bingo!" "You're on the outside." "You always come back without changing sides." "Hello, Uncle Roland." "What's all that?" "What have you been up to?" "What is it?" " No secrets from me." " What bugs you?" "The bike or the condoms?" "We're not stupid." "Easy money?" "You should know!" "No marks." "She's a prostitute!" "You're pathetic!" "Talk or we'll lock you up!" "And no more maths crap!" "Your mum agrees." "When I think how you treated us, we were skint after the bailiff and you had a bike!" " It's for Brussels." " You won't go." "No more bike." "And the keys?" "Whose are they?" "A friend's." "Who?" "I had to play it cool." "They were in a close formation." "If I got to one of them the edifice would collapse." "Find the angle of attack." "What did you think?" "The school hands out condoms." "And I forgot to return the keys." "Who is this friend?" "You don't want to say?" "Answer or you'll never see him again." "You never tell us anything..." "She's old enough to work and you need it." "They could do what they liked, I was invincible." "I threw myself into maths, it had always been my refuge, and to my joy the mechanism functioned as perfectly as ever." "I had to win the competition." "Theatres are everywhere and exile would solve the legal problems." "Is it complicated, Sabine?" "Very." "But I must get it right." "Be back here at midday." "You missed your vocation." "You'd have made a good cop." "Can I see?" "My parents don't even open the mail any more." "For them letters mean trouble." "Why this long silence?" "Coming over?" "I miss you." "I want you here..." "the sheets smell of you." "I must tell you something serious..." "Has something happened to you?" "No, it's not that." " You've met someone?" " No, old man!" "There's only you." "I talk to you in my head." "Do I answer?" "How I long to caress you, I want to bite your neck." "I want to touch your little ears..." "What are you wearing?" "Your little pink top?" "And your blouse I can't open?" "Did you find the buttons?" "My darling, my little cat," "I want to sink into you." "We'll be cut off!" "Shit!" "Screw their holidays!" "Not on my parent's filthy money." "London, techno..." "Pollution." "We're off to the mountains." "Her idea of the mountains?" "Nightclubs and sex!" "Safety curtain!" "Tourmakoff, watch." "You'll be handling this instrument." "Max, what bags under your eyes!" "Too much vodka!" "Look, Tourmakoff." "You don't see the image." "Max does." "What's the cue?" " The frisk?" " Yes." ""You see," ""I usually give the most hardened criminals" ""a chance to repent up to the last minute."" ""If you like I'll promise to give up the profession..."" "No!" "Sitting down!" "It's hard to frisk a man sitting down." "They'll lift you up on the chair." "Now..." "Truth." "Tourmakoff..." "While you gaze at yourself" "Truth will approach in the reflection and lean against you." "She'll taunt you." "Maybe you could try a light, precise gesture that I won't attempt myself." "Do I see her reflection?" "Hardly." "You see a flash of red." "You see her." "I came to talk to you." "I can't stay." "If only you'd let me know." "Want to watch the rehearsal?" "We'll be quick, OK?" ""I need a man who is trusted and admired" ""by all those people," ""see what I mean?"" ""We're not alike..."" "I didn't imagine it like that." "A play is more than the written word." ""We both refuse to be bought..." ""I'd rather hang!"" ""Wouldn't you say there's a difference" ""between the bribe the defence attorney" ""accepts from a criminal" ""and the chance of repentance that this man offers a criminal?"" ""Betrayal is always betrayal!"" "This is Sabine." "I'm Petr." "This is our marvellous Petra, and he's Jan..." "Let's go to Ostend for some sea air!" "Come here." "I knew we couldn't trust you." "Know what the word means?" "You won't get away with it." "You think you're like those other kids but you're not." "They despise you, it's obvious!" "Think you're different from us?" "Let me show you something." "Take a look." "Keep out of this." "Go on, look!" "Look at that!" "Your mum was beautiful then!" "You'll end up like her." "Right!" "Sign this, I need it for the competition." "Still on about it?" "No way." "You know me, I hate forgeries." "So sign it!" "And get off my back." "I can stitch you up now." "Yeah, all your tax fiddles and your dole," "I don't have to keep quiet about them any more." " You wouldn't?" " Sign it." "I went to Brussels with him." "I had everything under control." "While he was with me he wouldn't meet the postman." "Don't worry, we'll be on time." "I'll pick you up 3 days from now." "I have an exam too:" "Opening night!" "The exams continue tomorrow at 8 a.m." "Did it go well?" "No need to ask, your smile says it all." "I found you a hotel." "Must you go?" "Let's eat some shellfish." "By the sea?" "Little monkey!" "And the theatre?" "We can plot this curve differently." "It must have a function." "A function is more precise than your word, grace." "It doesn't have the same ring." "It doesn't tell us about the aesthetic quality." "Is beauty a question of proportions for you?" "Beauty is harmonious." "Geometry never betrays." "Function opposing grace." "How can we communicate?" "By drawing!" "Symbols!" "It's the same for everyone!" "That can be very dangerous." "How do you symbolise freedom?" "The joy of being together?" "By space!" "We're here." "But if I do that?" "We're here." "No, we're here." "And if I do that... 1, 2, 3..." "Then we're here!" "It depends on the frame of reference." "Hey, sir, don't walk there please." "You're trampling over her odalisque..." "Please." "Move along!" "The sea will wash it away." "I'll remember it." "Good!" "I must get back to the theatre." " The sea is surrounding us." " No!" "The bubble had burst." "I saw all the pieces bursting into laughter." "And I heard them echoing in my head." "You couldn't have known." "We do that next year." "You had to express numbers in base 2." "It's a tough problem." "Don't lose heart, you can take it again next year." "No one's mentioned base 2 since primary school!" "Here's my sweetheart." "Give me a kiss." "What's wrong, pet?" "You still being moody?" "Let's get on with it." "Have a drink." "He backed the first three?" "Didn't your dad tell you?" "Tell me what?" "Ask him." "Go on, tell your daughter." "About what?" "Your moped." "I got 4000 francs for it." "The bailiff's paid off, we're 1000 francs up." "Did you bring me some chocolate?" "This what you wanted?" "You see..." "Sabine!" "Aren't you in Brussels?" "I blew it." "Dominique, widen it!" "Higher up." "You'll win other competitions." "Failures toughen you up." "Use the boom, Stephan." "That's not bad." "That reflection's interesting, huh?" "Like this lighting?" "Come over here." "Higher, higher." "Tourmakoff is much taller." "I don't know how I missed it!" "Base 2!" " Don't you care?" " Yes, I do." "You might stop for a minute!" "If this doesn't interest you I have something else to say..." "I am listening but I'm behind schedule." "You're accused of corrupting a minor." "It's awful." "I couldn't stop it." "My parents did it." "The neighbour saw us together..." "And we were so careful." "She recognized you when you came over." "They filed a complaint and they won't withdraw it." "But this is terrible!" "What..." "Terrible!" "Listen, I've been thinking." "I've had enough." "They disgust me..." "and guess what they did?" "They sold your bike!" "There's only one solution." "We must leave here." "You could go to prison." "You said it was hell on earth, you mustn't go back there, not for me." "I love you too much." "Leave here?" "I can't go away before the opening." "It's impossible." "Some things are more important than your play or my exam." "I'm sure there's a way!" "You can direct plays anywhere, and me maths." "Let's go together." "Let's go away." "I could ask Jan to take over rehearsals..." "Where is he?" "Ask him!" "Let's go away together." "I'm ready." "Withdraw your complaint immediately!" "The police were here." "They held me for hours!" "I still can't decide if you're a bitch or a little shit." "Withdraw your complaint." "The cop explained..." "Pay the fine." "I never want to see you again!" "Don't leave me, Jiri!" "It's great you've come." "Come on, it's wild." "I can't take it!" "Can I touch?" "Jerk off, and give us a break." "Been watching your dad?" "How was the competition?" "A fuck-up." "Anything to drink here?" "Sabine!" "I'm so pleased you came." "It's great." "Dance?" "Not now." "You look sexy in that dress!" "We're not used to you like that." "Give me your glass." "Hey, that's whisky!" "I'll get another glass." "And bring a bottle." "You've changed so much this year." "I don't know how exactly..." "I met a guy." "But it's over now." "Shaken up?" "I'm tough as nails, I bounce back fast." "Fancy going out somewhere?" "It's stifling in here." "No, it's weird but I'm fine here, I'm staying." "What now?" "Was life like the Möbius strip?" "You think you've crossed over, found a way out, then you're back at the beginning?" "It's not possible, there must be a way out." "Where do we sign?" "There." "She'll be happy?" "You'll hear from her on the 10th of every month." "Are you still ready?" "I won't forget you." "I'll be in touch soon." "I know them, did they make you pay?" "I did what was necessary." "He took my hand and off we went." "My only regret was my sister." | {
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} |
"Previously on "Battlestar Galactica":" "I demand my rights, as a Colonial citizen, to legal representation and due process." "Do you?" " So what happens next?" " We give him his trial." "My father was a priest, my mother an oracle." "I've served on battlestars since I was 18." "When you elected me union president, I promised I would keep us working." "Throw your body on the gears, the levers, on the machine itself and make it stop." "(chanting) Chief!" "Chief!" "Chief!" "Chief!" "We try to pretend our lives are exactly like they were before we went to New Caprica." " But it is different." " We're just going through a rough patch." "What if rough patches are all we have left?" "(Chief) Figurski, Pollux, Sanchez - you're gonna be rehabbing mule engines tonight." "Set the hull SOL checks rigs to SEC." "(Figurski) Thought we were subbing out maintenance to civvies." "(Chief) Don't got enough mechanics down there." " Check flow rate." " (Pollux) Flow rate steady at 2-9-0." "When are we getting some rec?" "I did double watches for two weeks." " (Chief) I know, I know." " Plus, I still got the ringing in my ears." "(Figurski) Whoo-hoo-hoo!" "(Chief) Sorry, I can't hear you." "I've got ringing." "What's that?" "(Pollux) Real funny, guys." " Fuse indicators are out." " Set the wing tank switch to fuel." "Power off." "All right, tank off." "That's it." "Kill the fuelling station." "Pull the hose." "LT, you're tanked up and ready to roll." "Roger that, Chief." "Ready to roll." "Laundry call." "Figurski, Pollux, Redford - grab your crap before I chuck it in the 'cycler." " Fold my undies the way I like?" " Frak off." "Nice mouth." "You think they let officers talk like that?" "Gonna have to change when you get them wings." "I'm not getting wings." "They rejected my application for flight training." "I thought you aced the exam." "Interview went well?" "It turns out I'm in a "critical position"" "and my leaving would cause "severe mission degradation"." " That sucks." " Critical position, my ass!" "They just don't want knuckle-draggers stinking up the pilot ready room." "All right, that's enough." "Lock it up." "The CAG told me you got bounced from flight training. I'm sorry - it sucks." "We need you here - you're our best avionics specialist." "And she knows how to fold a man's undies." " Hey!" " You frak." " Enough!" "Get off." " l'll take you apart!" "Shut up, Figurski, or I'll pump you in the mouth myself." "Now get back to work." " Come here." " Let go of me." "Hey, hey, hey." "Listen to me." "Look, you do important work down here - just as important as sitting in a cockpit." "Thanks, Chief." "I'm gonna deliver some more "important" laundry." "Raptor away." "Readings nominal." "Everything looks good." " Setting course heading 2-9-6-5..." " (crash)..." " What the frak?" " It's a flameout!" "RCS thruster's jammed." "Restart." "No go!" ""Galactica", Skulls." "Engine thruster stuck in full position." "Engine one won't start." "There's a fire in engine two." "It's gonna blow." "Get your ass up here." "Eject!" "Eject!" "Eject!" "We got off lucky - a dozen injuries, no fatalities." "Thank you." "You should've seen Tory's shoulder. I had to help Cottle put it back into alignment." "You know, I am so busy, I hardly ever make it down to this end of the ship." "And now I'm gonna be living here until they repair the bulkheads." "If the quarters become cramped, you're always welcome in one of my beds." "In a manner of speaking." " Any idea what happened to your Raptor?" " We're still investigating." "But it seems that the tylium was seriously contaminated with impurities." "Most likely it's a problem with the refining process." "What's going on?" "The refinery used to be our most reliable ship." "Now every day I start with a stack of messages from that chief..." " Xeno Fenner." " Fenner. spare parts and compensation - if you can believe that." "We're on the run for our lives, and the guy wants to talk about overtime bonuses." "We've been more than patient with Fenner and his production problems -... two weeks of waiting for him to get his act together." "I don't know about you, but I'm ready to get back on the road to finding Earth." "(whispers) Is that a hint of hope I hear?" "Is the sceptic suddenly decided that we're on the road to Earth after all?" "Have I ever doubted it?" "I've had people working 18-hour shifts for the past six months." "How long can a man keep that up?" "If the Cylons show up, we have enough fuel to jump the entire fleet, what, once?" " Mm-hm." " Maybe twice." "That's a margin that's much too narrow for me." "How about for you and your men?" "You have a problem, fix it." "Just get the gas flowing." "And then we'll talk, I promise you that." ""Then we'll talk."" "It's always later." "You know, it's funny that when the gas flows, my phone calls don't get returned, but the minute there's a glitch in supply, I've got face time with the president and the admiral." "Hmm." "Maybe we should just start having more glitches." " Is that a threat?" " It's like the book says:" ""If you hear the people, you'll never have to fear the people."" " Did you say "the book"?" " Mm-hm." "Guards, arrest him -... for extortion and interrupting vital services during a time of war." "Go ahead, take him away." "Go." "Out of here." "Guard." "Come with me, sir." " What the hell was that?" " He was quoting from Baltar's book." "The ramblings that his lawyer smuggled out of the brig?" "He's having it reprinted and passed out among the fleet, and he's calling it My Triumphs, My Mistakes by Gaius Baltar." "I am thinking of having a good old-fashioned book-burning." "Algae meatloaf - starting to be a favourite." "It's not for you." "Remember our little talk?" "Oh, but today's my cheat day." "The last three days have been your cheat day." "Really?" "Eugh." "You were moving better yesterday." "Is that how the bends are supposed to work?" "I'm just upset about Seelix, so I'm tensing up." "They should've told her right off the bat what the fleet priorities are." "Should've said that they needed knuckle-draggers more than pilots." "It isn't about fleet priorities." "We're not the ruling class, so we're stuck doing the dirty work." " "Ruling class"?" "Where'd you get that?" " Something I read." "By Baltar." "His frakking rag's going around?" "I can't believe anybody'd read anything by him." "That's what I thought too, but..." "Ever wonder why all the pilots and the officers come from the rich colonies... like Caprica and Virgon and Tauron, while all the knuckle-draggers come from the poor colonies... like Aerelon and Sagitarron and Gemenon?" " Yeah, that's just trash talk on the deck." " Really?" "Name one officer that comes from a poor colony." "Lieutenant Dualla's from Sagitarron." "Case in point!" "How did she get promoted?" "She married an officer from Caprica." "(phone ringing)" "Tyrol." "(Adama) The foreman at the fuel refinery's just been arrested." " Xeno Fenner?" " Know him?" " Did something happen to Xeno?" " Arrested." "Yes, sir." "He was in the union on New Caprica." "He seemed like a good guy." " What'd he do?" " He pissed off the president." "The bigger problem is the refining operation." "I need someone to get that fuel ship moving again." "Pick a team and be on the hangar deck in an hour." "Yes, sir." " What happened to Xeno?" " He pissed off the president." " You can get arrested for that now?" " l think the admiral was kidding." " (Nicky gargles)" " Yeah!" " You ever think about the union?" " Sure, but that's gone now." "New Caprica's gone, but all the people in the union are still here." "The only difference is, now they don't have anyone to stand up for them." "I gotta go." "I do hope you're enjoying yourselves." "It's not enough that you have to interrupt my sleep, now you have to destroy my stuff as well." "You're pathetic!" "You're utterly and totally..." "Hello, Doctor." "Why don't you do yourself a favour?" "Hand over the pages and stop all this nonsense." " l don't know what you're talking about." " Turn him around." "The pages to your book, My Triumphs, My Mistakes by Gaius Baltar." "So you've read it." "The people are reading it, and now you're sorry." "We knew your lawyer was smuggling the pages out, so we intercepted them." "I'm the only one who's read the book, and I am dying to see how it ends." "Really, what were you thinking, casting yourself as a man of the people, a son of a farmer, a revolutionary?" "Oh, please." "It may come as a surprise, but I wished to strike a chord with the common man." "Hand over those pages, or I'll have these guards search you." "Make a choice." "Gentlemen, proceed." "Don't bend to her, Gaius." "Show her that she can't break you." "Keep your dignity." "Perhaps you'd consider writing a blurb for the back cover." "Thank you, Doctor." "(guard) Close the cell." "It's all right, Gaius." "Everything will be OK." " Tyrol." " Cabott." "Hey." "How are you doing?" "Good to see you." " Sorry." " Never mind." "It's inevitable." "Listen, we all started feeling a lot better when we heard they were sending you." " Oh, yeah?" " You bet." "I've been telling everybody how the union on New Caprica stood up for the little guy." "Yeah, well..." "(Cabott) You're looking at the fleet's entire supply of tylium." " (Chief) How many jumps we got?" " We'll be lucky if we get outta the system." "(Chief) You'd better give us the nickel tour, see where we stand." "(woman on PA) Second shift, report for duty at starboard bay five." " It's a big operation." " You should see it when it's running." "Loud as an A-bomb, and just about as safe." "Listen, we really need this downtime." "I mean, look around." "Next time some machine fraks up, it might not just take out a Raptor." "This ship really is a big bomb just waiting to go up." "I understand the risk, but I need to see it working, so pull your guys off, and let's fire it up." "It ain't gonna work." " You work here?" " This is Milo, the best grease jockey I got." "Milo, huh?" "So why is it not gonna work?" "Something you guys aren't telling me?" "Come on." "OK. I guess I'm just gonna have to have a look for myself." "Is that pressure relief?" " The seals are missing." " They all are." "Without pressure seals, the machinery won't run." "Where are they?" "Guess they got lost, huh?" "You can't frak around." "The admiral won't stand for it." " The admiral can kiss my ass!" " Hey!" "Hey!" "Come on, Chief, you know what this is about." "When working conditions improve and they let Xeno out, we'll find those seals." "Until then, it looks like this ship isn't gonna be refining another drop of tylium." "And that means this fleet isn't going anywhere." "I've executed a search of the ship, but the seals have not turned up." "You know that this is sabotage." "I'm inclined to have them locked up." "Please." "They could've rigged something to have me injured." "They could have contaminated the fuel on purpose, left our ships dead in the air." " Good gods!" " All they did do was buy some time." "The machinery needs overhauling." "There's a reason quality control is failing." "Do you realise most of the workers on that ship... have not had a day off since the original attack on the Colonies?" " It's like slave labour." " Don't be absurd." "The people aboard that ship are stuck there." " They have no control over their lives." " And the work is hard, we know that." "Do they think they're having a picnic on the algae-processing plant, or munitions?" "The fleet is full of people working under horrific conditions." " Nobody's having a good time." " l think that if we at least release Xeno, talk to them about improving working and living conditions, that the protest will go away, they'll return the seals, and we'll get the fuel problem under control." "Extortion is not an acceptable method of protest." "What are the names of the leaders?" " Just Cabott." " l will issue a warrant for his arrest." "Put him in the brig, let him sweat it out." "Admiral, Madam President, they're just trying to..." "Chief, uh-uh." "We're done." "(heavy sigh)... I'm gonna go check on Cabott and Xeno." "Chief." " Hey." " Hey." "You gotta get him outta here." " What the hell happened to his hands?" " He was scratching the walls." " He kept scratching until his fingers bled." " (Cabott) I won't say." "He was in Cylon detention on New Caprica, you remember?" "He came out all squirrelly, and this is not helping." "You gotta get him outta here." "It doesn't matter." "I won't say." " (sobbing) - (sighs)..." " Where are the seals?" " Oh, you son of a bitch." " Come on." " Galen, you gotta get him outta here." " Cabott?" " No, I won't..." " Cabott, look at me!" " l won't..." "Cabott, where are the seals?" " l won't say." "It doesn't matter." " l can get you outta here." " Tell me where the seals are." " l won't say." " For gods' sake, get him out of here!" " Where... where are the seals?" " Where are they?" " It doesn't matter." "It doesn't matter!" " Where are the seals?" " It doesn't matter!" "It doesn't matter!" " Where are they?" " The air vent!" "All right?" " They're in the centre stern air vent!" " Tell the president to release them." "Frak!" "(Cabott hyperventilating)" "All right, that's the last one." "Let's fire this up, get back to work." "Yes, sir." "Whatever you say, boss." "Hey, hey, hey, hey!" "Can I throw the switch?" " How old are you?" " 12." "Almost." "But I can run every machine we got." "Only thing I haven't done is turn the whole thing on." "It's all yours." "(machinery powering up)... (bell)..." "(PA) Workers to your stations." "All workers to your stations." " (Chief) There are kids down there." " There's children on every ship." "These children work in the refinery." "They're 12, 15 years old." "There have been families aboard the refinery since its beginning, and others were picked up after the Cylons attacked the Colonies." "Over the past two years, parents have taught children... how to operate the machinery - they have passed along their skills." "It is perfectly normal." "It is not ideal, I know that." "But there's nothing ideal about this fleet!" "Do you see what's happening?" "Jobs are starting to be inherited, Madam President." "We don't know how long we'll be here." "What if it's ten years?" "So I train my son to be a deck hand because that's what I am, and that's all he can ever be?" "Is that the future we want?" "That's a really good point." "Make a list of everyone who has... a work history appropriate to the refinery -... factory workers, mechanics, whatever you think." "Give it to the chief, and I want you to hold a public lottery." "We will take people from other vessels and put them on shifts in the refinery." "How's that, Chief?" " Thank you." " Thank you." "(Chief) So that's our allotment from Dogsville." "We'll get these people outta here before they know where they're going." " All right, people..." " Excuse me." "Sir?" "Hi. I don't know who I'm supposed to talk to about this, but I don't think I'm what you guys are looking for. I don't really have the skills." " What's your name?" " Daniel Noon." "Figurski." "Noon?" "Noon." "Noon..." "Noon, Daniel." "Says you're a farmer." "We need people to work with heavy machinery." "No, but I don't." "Not really." "I worked on a farm for a summer... cos l was saving to go to college, architecture, but then the Cylons attacked." "And now I'm a farmer?" "How is that fair?" "How is it in any way fair?" "Just give me a second." "We make an exception for him, there'll be 15 more right behind him." "Look at him, though." "He's a kid." "Fine." "Put him on the ship." "Look, this is just a temporary thing, OK?" "Wait." "Hold on." "I'm not a farmer." " It's not permanent." " Can you just check my record?" " Yeah." " Who am I supposed to talk to about this?" "Who am I supposed to talk to about this?" "I'm not a farmer!" "Hey, stop it!" "I'm not a farmer!" " What are you doing here?" " Your book: fact or fiction?" "So you read it?" "Well, that proves that the president's an accomplished liar." "She told me it hadn't gone out." "So, what do you make of it?" "I think that it's a pile of crap." "Obviously, my analysis of a bifurcated society scares you." "But everything in my book happens to be true." "Oh, it's true?" "It's true that you're a farm boy from Aerelon?" "It is, as a matter of fact." "I was born and raised on a dairy... outside the town of Cuttlesbreath Wash on Aerelon." "Why do I have such a hard time... picturing you milking cows and shovelling manure?" "Lack of imagination?" "Or maybe that your little tale is manure." "Hm?" "I've known people from Aerelon." "You don't sound anything like them." " l don't sound like I'm from Aerelon?" " No." "Well, I take that as a particular compliment." "I don't know about you, but I find the Aerelon dialect... to be particularly hard on the ears." "(accent changes) The consonants scrape the back of the throat." "I know a lot about my native tongue." "I spent hours on end trying to overcome it." "Do you have any idea how hard it is... for a ten-year-old boy to change the way he speaks?" "To unlearn everything he ever learned, so that one day... one day there might be the small hope... that he might be considered as not coming from Aerelon?" "Maybe, I don't know, Caprica." "(voice changes back) Caprica?" "Oh, to be Caprican." "The seat of politics, culture, art, science, learning." "And what was Aerelon?" "Just a drab, ugly rock... (accent changes) condemned to be the food basket for the 12 worlds." "And that's how we were treated -... like servants, like labourers, like working class." "You know, you would have fitted right in there." "Lots of men who liked to work with their hands, and grab a pint down the pub, and finish off the evening with a good old-fashioned fight." "(voice changes) Oh, yes... I left Aerelon after my 18th birthday." "I turned my back on my family, on my heritage..." "All of them." "Of course, it doesn't matter, they're all dead now." "You do realise that none of that exists here?" "(laughs) Coming from the mouth of a mechanic!" "We've kept democracy." "We have government, we have rights, we have elections..." "Well, then you should feel perfectly happy, perfectly at ease!" "Go home, leave me in peace." "That's what the aristocracy wants." "It wants the working class to feel looked after, while they scrabble around for scraps from the master's table!" "There's a question I ask at the end of my book. I'll save you the trouble of reading it." ""Will the fleet ever be commanded by somebody whose name is not Adama?"" "There it is, Chief -... one set of rules for the aristocracy, and one set of rules for the rest of us." "(woman on PA) First shift of cleanup crew, report for duty in starboard bay." "We've assigned all the new workers from the lottery." " Looks like you put 'em right to work." " They're OK." "They're a little skittish, but they'll catch on." "Here's where we had the problem last time." "We got all kinds of gear slippage, temperature variations." "We didn't know the dross wasn't getting burned off." " That's the bad fuel?" " It's running now." "But we got other places on the line that could frak us." " (rumbling)" " What's that?" " Hit the switch!" " Not when it's jammed." "The system will seize up." "Gotta find it." "Otherwise, the ore still in the chambers will superheat and blow us all to hell." "Hurry!" "We gotta get this going." "Right here." "This is it." " Got it?" "Get it out of there." " Yeah." " l can't get my hands around it." " Give it a yank." "I can't get my hand on it!" " Argh!" " Careful." "Careful!" " l can't get under it." " We got some hot rocks up there." "You gotta get this thing started, fast!" " Give it a yank!" " l just can't get my hand around it." "I can't get my hand on it." " l can try. I can try..." " (Fenner) Get in there." " l can probably fit." " (Chief) Come on." "If he clears it, the belt will jump." "Careful." " Way in the back..." " There you go." " (Chief) You got it, you got it." "Attaboy." " (Fenner) Be careful!" "(clanking)" "Come on, Danny, get ahold of it." "Attaboy!" "Now grab it." "Pull it towards you." "Pull on it." "Pull on it." "Pull on it, Danny." "(machinery clanks into action)... (Fenner) Yes!" "All right!" " Good work, Danny." " (Fenner) Get out of there." "Come on out." "(screaming)" "Medic!" "Medic!" "Medic!" "Now!" " (screaming continues)" " Take it easy, buddy." "We got you." "(Fenner) It's OK." "You did a great job." "(screaming continues)..." " (woman) You're gonna be OK." " (Seelix) You're gonna be OK." "(Fenner) You're gonna be OK." "(Danny groans)... I need more gauze." "Just calm down." "That's it." "Gimme some more." "This plant's offline!" "We're on strike!" "(Figurski) Action time." " Need something, Captain?" " l frakking do: my Viper." "Sorry, Captain, vital missions only." "CAP's already up." "We did our job." " "Vital missions only"?" " Whose orders?" "Cally relayed the orders from Chief Tyrol." "We're on strike." "Admiral." "Are you aware that your deck gang is participating in a work stoppage?" " It's called a general strike, sir." " It's a mutiny." "And do you know what we do with mutineers?" "We shoot them, Chief." "We're leaving people behind." "People who are locked into their jobs, have no control over their lives, no say." " We're abandoning them to their fate." " That is not the issue." "The men and women on this ship are not allowed to disobey an order, especially in support of some kind of frakking labour dispute." "We launched the CAP." "No one abandoned their post, no one's in danger." "This is mutiny." "And it stops now." "Admiral, all I want is a sit down with the president." "This is the admiral." "Arrest Cally Tyrol." "Take her under armed guard directly to the starboard repair bay." " What are you doing?" " l'm gonna put her against the bulkhead, and I'm gonna shoot her as a mutineer." "Are you outta your frakking mind?" "!" "Cally was following my orders." "She's a ringleader, so she goes first." "Then the rest of your deck gang:" "Figurski, Seelix, Pollux." "(slams bars)" "You won't do this." " We have a son." " Understand me:" "the very survival of this ship may depend on someone getting an order... that they don't wanna do." "And if they hesitate, if they feel that orders are sometimes optional, then this ship will perish." "And so will your son." "And the entire human race." "I don't wanna do this, Chief." "But I will put ten Callys up against the wall... to make sure that this ship and this fleet are not destroyed." "Fine." "I'll call it off." "This is the admiral." "Do you have Cally in custody?" "Put her on." "Open the door." " You OK?" " Don't worry. I've been in the brig before." "(Chief) Everything's OK." "Call off the strike." "Did they cave?" "Yeah." "Call it off." "I knew it." "I'll take care of it." "Galen, I'm proud of you." "Give the phone to the marine." "Release her." "You can go now, Chief." "I thought you had something that you wanted to discuss with the president." " Would you like another drink?" " (Chief) I think I've had enough." "Madam President, I've seen people drafted into service... based purely on where they were born." "They've also been selected based on their skills." "Which is a result of where they were born." "Capricans are more likely to be professionals." "Aerelons, farmers." " It's just a fact of life." " It's a fact I can't change." "True." "But I think we can level the playing field." "There are a lot of dirty jobs that need to be done every day in this fleet:" "cleaning, hauling, low-level maintenance, things like that." "These are the kind of jobs that I think should be allocated to people..." "Well, people like yourself - no offence." "None taken." "Go ahead." "Let some of the people on Colonial One get their hands dirty for a change." "Done." "What else?" "People that are in dangerous and high-stress jobs need R and R." "In order to do that, we need a formal training programme." "We can talk about a training programme later." "We need to focus on maintaining the workforce that we have, and this is gonna have to be an area where the union gives ground." " The union?" " Oh, I'm sorry." "I thought you were bargaining on behalf of the Colonial Workers' Alliance." " If that's not the case, then..." " Madam President, that union died on New Caprica." "The workers in this fleet need someone to represent them and their interests." "And if this society is becoming truly polarised... between an entrenched political class and a disenfranchised underclass, we are doomed." "We won't need Cylons to destroy us, we'll destroy ourselves." "The fleet that arrives at Earth will not represent Colonial society at all." "I am willing to fight for that society until my dying breath." "I would love it if you would fight for that society as well." "I will." "I will, Madam President. I will." "Pollux and Herschel, you are on fuelling, 43-72." " Chief Tyrol?" " Hey, Captain." "A nugget failed to show up for flight instruction." " l'm sorry to hear that, Captain." " Maybe you can tell me where Seelix is." "Seelix." "Front and centre." "Flight instruction began 20 minutes ago, Seelix." "You wanna be a pilot or not?" " Yes, sir, but I thought that..." " Think when I tell you to think." "Look at the plan of the day -... then you'd know where you're supposed to be and may actually get there on time." "And you're out of uniform to boot." " l'm sorry. I think I can handle that." " Thank you." "Hold this." "You have to be an officer to fly Vipers." "You know that." "Detail, hand salute." "(chuckling)" "Thank you, Chief." "Thank you." " Congratulations, Ensign." " Very touching." "But you were supposed to be in ready room four 20 minutes ago, which means that you are falling behind on your first day." "So move it." "Don't look at him!" "Move it!" "Move it!" " Be nice." " Oh!" "More religion." "Your soul is mine." | {
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"(SPEAKING SERBIAN)" "Where is he?" "What have you done with him?" "Why haven't you returned our calls?" "JOE:" "Did you think we'd just go away?" "We've given you the money." "What else do you want?" "What have you done with Luka?" "(GRUNTS) Dana!" "(GRUNTING)" "Joe?" "Joe?" "(SOBBING) No, God." "Help!" "Please, somebody help us!" "Please!" "Oh, God." "Help!" "Joe's still in physical therapy." "He spent two weeks in a Belgrade hospital before he was strong enough to fly back home." "We just wanted a family." "Right." "Why Serbia?" "Back in college, Joe got busted on a small pot charge." "Nothing major, just typical stupid kid stuff." "Right, right." "But it disqualified you from adoption agencies in the States, right?" "And Korea and China and Guatemala." "Hmm." "Irina was the first one to tell us that it wouldn't be an issue." "All she needed was..." "Money." "Administrative fees." "That's what she called it." "After a few months, we got suspicious, so we flew out there." "We told her we'd go to the authorities." "That's when she introduced us to Luka." "After that, we gave Irina everything she wanted." "How much money did she take from you?" "$120,000." "We had to take a second mortgage out on the house." "Well, we can get the money back." "We don't want the money." "All we want is Luka." "Right." "(SIGHS)" "So, Irina let Luka stay with the Mortons for a week." "That's when this was taken." "What happened to the boy afterwards?" "Don't know." "A car came along, picked him up, took him away." "Are we seriously considering this?" "Huh?" "Swiping a kid?" "Yeah, well..." "What happened to you?" "Well, how was I supposed to know it was a lesbian bar?" "Okay, listen." "Money, jewels, paintings, those we steal." "But a little boy?" "We help people who have nowhere else to go." "U.S. government isn't gonna help 'cause they went outside the system." "Over there, it's the Wild West." "No records, no paper trails, we're supposed to find one orphan?" "How do we even know this kid is an orphan?" "See him pocketing those cookies?" "He's hoarding food." "That bag on the table?" "He keeps his essentials light and portable." "He knows he's gonna be taken away at any moment." "And there, when she goes to touch him, he flinches." "He's expecting for her to..." "Trust me." "He's an orphan." "Nate." "Hit it." "Irina Larenko, former Russian model." "She had a decent career in the '80s." "She did the whole Paris fashion circuit." "She had some parts in some small films." "Really?" "Like what films?" "Some French films." "SOPHIE:" "Like what?" "Uh, Emmanuelle Unleashed." "She was Tatiana." "Yeah, this was when they rebooted the franchise." "That's right." "Emmanuelle's space station." "She rides the controls." "ELIOT: (LAUGHING) Yeah." "Yeah." "HARDISON:" "Okay." "Anyway." "Anyway." "What..." "She started living a little too hard." "She fell in with some Russian mobsters, and she wound up grifting her way through Europe." "She ended up in Belgrade a few years ago." "All right, what's the adoption scam?" "Okay, so you're looking to adopt a kid, right?" "You log on to a legitimate adoption website." "You follow one of the links on the side, it leads you to Irina." "Now, she just shows you a bunch of pictures, strings you along a little bit, and she'll hit you up for some money." "Yeah." "It's just like the Spanish Prisoner scam." "Yeah." "She hooks you until she bleeds you dry." "Yeah, but how does she get the kids?" "After the war, there's, what, 100,000 orphans in Serbia?" "She could be getting them from anywhere." "Where's Irina now?" "Well, she closed her office in Belgrade after the incident with the Mortons." "However, her name popped up on an invitation to a party at the American Embassy next week." "Very exclusive." "All right." "We're gonna do this the old-fashioned way." "A little look and hook." "Pack your bags." "We're going to Belgrade." "Hey, can we stop off in Paris on the way?" "Yeah." "Maybe on the way back." "Cool." "MAN:" "Ambassador." "It's good to see you." "(COUPLE SPEAKING SERBIAN)" "Hmm." "That interception stopped the game." "We ended up winning." "I mean, it's like..." "Excuse me." "NATHAN IN EARPHONES:" "Do you have eyes on Irina?" "Yes, and she's with someone." "It's never stopped me before." "Get me a picture." "You know, this would be easier if you were in here." "Well, we would be, if Sophie weren't already old friends with the ambassador." "I wouldn't say old friends, exactly." "The United States is pleased to make the first payment for construction of the Trans-Ukrainian Oil Pipeline to Her Royal Highness, Princess Magda of Slovenia." "(APPLAUSE)" "I still have that tiara, though." "Hardison, anything on the facial recognition?" "Come on." "I am working on a laptop in a borrowed office." "Yeah, well, just hurry up." "It's not so fun working in the crappy command center, is it?" "No, see, you're usually off doing your European spy thing." "(COMPUTER BEEPING) Well, welcome to my world." "Orangescu?" "(RAPID BEEPING) Oh." "I got a hit fast." "That's weird." "I got a face match, but no name." "His file's already on my hard drive." "That's the guy..." "That's the guy who picked up the kid from the Mortons." "Sure is." "Hey, Parker, I need you to lift his wallet." "We need more info." "Eliot, get ready to meet Irina." "I'll give you your cues." "You know, I have picked up women before, all right?" "Like yesterday." "Yeah." "And we can all agree that..." "Dagmar." "Was it?" "...Dagmar from the car rental place was a lovely girl, but listen, Irina is a professional grifter." "She's gonna see straight through your moves." "She does this for a living." "You know, gets people to like her and trust her, even to fall in love with her." "She doesn't do this for sport." "Hmm." "Sounds like someone I know." "NATHAN:" "Parker, have you found him yet?" "No." "I can't believe I lost him." "(EXHALES)" "Well, hello, beautiful." "Found him." "Okay, Parker, don't panic." "You're just having a little conversation." "And who has come to shame the splendor of Belgrade with her beauty?" "Are you kidding me?" "Hardison." "Hardison." "Beautiful name for beautiful lady." "Tell me, Hardison, what brings you to Serbia?" ""Ah, do my fangs and cape frighten you?"" "Hardison." "Hardison." "Okay, Parker, you're an exchange student." "Ask him his name." "I'm an exchange student, and what is your name?" "(GROANS)" "Nicolas Obrovic, at your service." "This one's on the house." "Next one's on you, unless you tip me well." "Hi." "American." "Yes, ma'am." "Your hair is too long, your bowtie is poorly tied, and your eyes, they shift to the left." "So either you're lying, or you're about to lie." "SOPHIE:" "No, no, no, listen." "You have to demonstrate higher social value." "She needs a reason to be interested in you." "Okay, Eliot, listen to me." "You're right." "You're absolutely right." "I ain't big on formal occasions." "Much rather be on my ranch in Texas." "Your ranch in Texas?" "Yes, ma'am." "And I know what you're gonna say." ""There's another oil man trying to be a cowboy," huh?" "(CHUCKLES) Well, maybe." "But I can't stand being in the boardroom, you know?" "That's why I love traveling the world." "Well, we are certainly glad that Belgrade made your itinerary." "Well, it's becoming one of my favorite stops." "Okay, good." "She's feeling happy." "Now, anchor the emotion." "Raise the champagne flute to your lips." "Cheers." "And take a nice, long sip." "And now every time she laughs or smiles, repeat that motion." "She's gonna link that to a nice, warm feeling." "You can use that later." "That drink thing..." "You've never used that on me, have you?" "I would never." "Course not." "So, where are you from?" "Where am I from?" "Mmm." "Oh!" "Where am I from!" "Near Pittsburgh, Detroit, Atlanta..." "I'm from Pittsburgh, Detroit, Atlanta." "No, no, no." "No, I meant pick one." "Don't let Irina get too comfortable." "Toss her..." "Yeah, toss her a backhanded compliment." "Your eyes are really blue." "(GIGGLING) Thank you." "They're almost too blue, don't you think?" "You, uh, manipulated me?" "Nate, really, now?" "No, give her a time limit." "Tell her you can't stay long." "All relationships are about manipulation." "Oh, that..." "No, Parker, sleeping is not a hobby." "That's so cynical." "SOPHIE:" "Perfect." "Now, just step back." "Yeah, let her come to you." "Why is that cynical, huh?" "Because I don't leave my personal life to chance?" "Well, no, because..." "Guys, guys..." "Really, guys!" "Seriously." "That's not..." "Come on now, look, if you're done with your little delightful banter," "I got some actually useful information, okay?" "Nicolas Obrovic, organized crime ties, smuggling." "Now, he went legit five years ago." "He took over a government agency that takes in families from the Kosovo war, relocations and lost relatives, things like that." "NATHAN:" "All right, that explains how she gets the kids." "Now, this guy could lead us right to Luka." "Okay, Parker, try this." "It's amazing how far Serbia has come, but the scars must still be there." "I mean, all the families who suffered during the war." "Yes, but history always has its casualties." "Yes, but those families and those children..." "It's tragic, yes." "But the strong, the smart, the beautiful, they survive." "JOE:" "Smile." "DANA:" "Smile!" "MAN:" "Smile." "WOMAN:" "What's wrong?" "What's wrong?" "JOE:" "He's a great little guy." "It's time to go." "Not everyone is worth saving." "(GROANS)" "Boris!" "Boris!" "Boris!" "Ow!" "What's going on?" "What happened?" "Whoa." "(ALL CLAMORING)" "NICOLAS:" "Boris!" "(SPEAKING SERBIAN)" "(GROANING)" "HARDISON:" "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa." "I'm getting a bunch of calls to the police." "What the hell is going on down there?" "I'll tell you what's going on." "Parker just stabbed her guy with a fork." "(GROANS)" "I'm gonna lose Irina." "Okay, all right, all right, hold up." "Maybe Irina is gonna go after Nicolas, see what's happened to him." "Uh-uh." "No, no, no, no, no, no." "She wouldn't risk that." "No, no, no, they'd be prepared." "They'd have a safe house." "A dead drop for further instructions." "That's what I'd do." "Yes, that's right." "That's exactly what you'd do." "Okay, Eliot, listen up." "We don't have much time." "Listen, sweetheart, I apologize." "I have to get out of here." "I have..." "I have an early call time tomorrow, so..." "Call time?" "Yeah, yeah." "I'm here producing a film, among other things." "Trying to produce." "There's a lot of roles left to cast, so..." "You know, I used to be actress." "You're kidding me." "Quite good, you know." "You wouldn't..." "You wouldn't wanna..." "I mean, it's a really small role." "There are no small roles." "Here." "Wow, this is perfect." "I have to go." "I'll tell you what I'll do." "I'll have a car sent to this address in the morning, and I'll pick you up." "Okay." "Thank you." "Thank you." "Okay, we'll see you." "Take care of yourself." "Thank you." "Bye-bye." "So how'd you know Irina'd go for the movie thing?" "A European grifter who wants to be an actress?" "Lucky guess." "Where's Parker?" "How the hell should I know?" "I can't reach her on the coms." "She slipped the security grid at the Embassy." "Where could she be?" "This is Parker we're talking about." "She could be halfway across Europe by now." "Trust me." "She is gone." "Who's gone?" "What?" "So, Irina's expecting to be in a movie." "What do we do now?" "Now?" "(SCOFFS)" "We steal a movie." "Eastern Europe, with all its cheap labor, is pretty popular with American film productions." "Currently, there are five films shooting in Serbia, one of which is independent." "It's not tied to any U.S. studio." "Now, all the crew, they're local, so they'll listen to whoever is paying the bills." "So we just have to clear out two people." "That's all wrong." "It's all wrong!" "SOPHIE:" "The director." "Really?" "Really?" "Are you kidding?" "All right, ladies, let's take a picture for my agent, Pike." "SOPHIE:" "And the producer." "HARDISON:" "Fortunately, film productions are pretty fragile enterprises." "Why, just this morning, there was an unfortunate interruption in the film production's cash flow." "What?" "What do you mean, "The money's all gone"?" "No, no, don't do anything." "I'll be on the next flight back to LA." "PARKER:" "And what about the director?" "SOPHIE:" "He got an offer he couldn't refuse." "(SPEAKING SERBIAN)" "It's fine." "It's fine." "SOPHIE:" "I..." "How you say, sorry." "No, no, it's okay." "It's okay." "It's fine." "It's fine." "Fine." "(CELL PHONE BEEPING)" ""Hills Have Eyes Six wants you." "Need you in Vancouver right away"?" "Forget the latte!" "Just get me a car and mail me my luggage!" "So wait a minute." "You did the lift?" "Why wasn't I involved?" "Because somebody decided to jeopardize the mission when a certain somebody shish-kabobbed a certain mark." "(CHUCKLING) Yeah, that was me." "So, what about the movie?" "Who's the new director?" "Werewolves, and take!" "Cut, cut!" "And great!" "Cut!" "Okay, once again with more feeling!" "Feeling!" "Up!" "Up!" "We're lucky to have you on such a short notice." "Hvala ti." "Is that right, hvala ti?" "Yes." "Thank you." "See?" "Yeah?" "No?" "Welcome to set." "Fire in the hole!" "(SQUEALS)" "Yeah, it's exciting, isn't it?" "That guy's our special effects guy." "He ain't all there." "What?" "What, you're showing me a couple of shirts." "I don't know what..." "Dale?" "Dale?" "ELIOT:" "Looks great." "Looks great." "Looks great." "Yes, sir, Jack?" "What is this?" "Not now, Serena." "What'd I say last time?" "Listen..." "Irina Larenko." "What do you got?" "This is Jack Lindsey." "He's the director." "Come on." "Let me see what you got." "Ah!" "Let me see what you got." "The other way." "ELIOT:" "What did I tell you?" "NATHAN:" "The other way." "(LAUGHING) ELIOT:" "What do you think?" "Perfect?" "Okay, the other way." "Yeah." "Good laugh." "Good laugh." "Yeah, yeah, yeah." "Here's what I'm thinking." "I'm thinking the mother." "No, no, no, no." "No, no." "You know what I'm thinking?" "The mother." "(BOTH LAUGHING)" "So, I will be a mother, yes?" "NATHAN:" "Yes." "Yes." "A very, very exciting part." "We just need to get you a script, right?" "Klinka, Klinka, Klinka!" "Come here." "I want you to get Irina here a script, okay?" "And something maybe to..." "You want some coffee or water?" "Cold or room temperature?" "Yes, please." "Yes, both." "Both." "Both." "Go, go." "Go." "Okay." "(SIGHS IN EXASPERATION)" "This is ridiculous." "Tell me about it." "We're supposed to believe these are real." "This is what he expects me to do, fetch scripts and water?" "No, it's a trust thing." "He just needs to know that you're gonna go along with the game plan." "Yeah, yeah, I get it." "We're a team." "A little more than a team." "I'm just saying." "Hardison, let's go, man." "Do you have it?" "Oh, not yet." "Sophie?" "Sophie, we need that scene." "Are you finished with it yet?" "SOPHIE:" "It's in the box on the back of the truck." "Sophie, are you..." "Seriously, Sophie, it was supposed to be a two-page scene between Irina and a boy." "SOPHIE:" "That's still the heart of it." "The heart of it?" "There's, like, 10 pages here!" "You have a stunt." "You have special effects." ""Sister Magda crosses and gets a loaf of bread." Wait, who's Sister Magda?" "(CELESTIAL MUSIC PLAYING)" "Tell me you didn't see that coming." "SOPHIE:" "Of course you need the nun." "You can't give Irina the death scene." "Whoa, whoa, whoa." "What death scene?" "In the second act." "Well, the thing is, you have to establish, you know, the main character's dramatic need." "Right." "Otherwise, there's no emotional payoff in the resolution." "Wait, this is a movie about NATO troops being attacked by werewolves." "No, there is no emotional payoff." "Excuse me?" "Listen, all we need to do is convince her to bring Luka to the set, finish her scene, complete it, and that's it." "Let's just keep this simple." "Simple." "Listen, all right?" "Look around you." "Look." "Look at all this." "This is my world, okay?" "You need, you need someone to, I don't know, crawl through an air duct, you call Parker, bash a head in, Eliot, internet porn, Hardison." "You need someone to take over a movie, then..." "Yes, an actor." "Yeah." "Right." "Um..." "Sophie..." "About the acting..." "Oh, yeah?" "What?" "What is it?" "You're right." "You're right." "You know, we're gonna go..." "We're gonna go with your scene." "Really?" "Oh!" "(GROWLING)" "It's gonna be..." "It's gonna be fantastic." "Right?" "It certainly is." "I'm gonna go to make-up." "(BELL RINGING)" "Okay, everybody, tense up." "(GUNSHOTS)" "And action!" "(PANTING)" "(VEHICLE APPROACHING)" "(GASPS)" "(BANGING ON DOOR) Oh, no!" "SOLDIER:" "We have you surrounded!" "Come out with your hands up! "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want."" "Surrender or we will take you by force!" ""He maketh me to lie down in green pastures."" "SOLDIER:" "This is your last chance!" "Hit it." "(GUNS FIRING)" "(EXCLAIMING)" "(SHUDDERING)" ""Yea, though I walk in the valley" ""of the shadow of death," ""I fear no evil."" "And cut!" "(APPLAUSE)" "(CREW CHEERING)" "She can't act." "She can act when it's an act." "(EXCLAIMS)" "Unbelievable!" "You were really good." "Really?" "Really?" "Really." "It was brilliant." "Nate?" "Nate?" "That was..." "I mean..." "I never... (SQUEALING DELIGHTEDLY)" "Hey, I'm gonna need that for my reel, okay?" "Yeah, give..." "Right, let's get Irina in here." "Okay." "Irina." "Irina's up." "All right, come here." "Come here." "Here she comes." "It's a disaster!" "A disaster." "Jack." "Jack, I know." "I know." "I tell you." "Where is..." "I know, okay?" "ELIOT:" "Okay?" "Just..." "Is there a problem?" "No, no." "Yes, there is a problem." "NATHAN: "Is there a problem?" Listen to her." "The kid that was gonna play your son, he didn't show up for work today." "All right?" "Listen." "No." "No." "Listen, don't get..." "Listen, don't do that." "I don't..." "Listen, we're gonna cut the scene." "That's what we're gonna do." "No!" "No, no, no, no, no!" "Yes." "We have time to recast." "Scene cut." "Do we have time to recast?" "No." "Cut." "No." "We have time to recast!" "NATHAN:" "We lost the boy!" "All right!" "All right!" "You're right, you're right." "Irina, I'm sorry." "We're gonna have to move on." "I apologize, sweetheart." "Wait!" "Wait!" "I will find you a boy." "No, we had the perfect boy." "Don't you understand?" "No, just use all that stuff." "Just use it." "He was 10 years old, blonde hair, almond eyes." "Old soul!" "He was perfect!" "Please!" "Please, don't cut the scene!" "Trust me, I know this boy!" "I will bring him." "Can he be here by tomorrow?" "'Cause I can't afford another..." "Tomorrow I bring him." "I promise you." "Please don't cut my..." "Otherwise, scene cut!" "Okay, no cut!" "No, I bring him!" "Parker?" "She's on the move." "HARDISON:" "Okay." "I integrated a camera into this new headset." "What you see, I see." "Just take it slow until she leads you to Luka." "I can't believe Nate sent you here to babysit me." "I'm here on my own." "Hardison, what does it say?" "Orphanage." ""Mount Carmel Orphanage."" "(SPEAKING SERBIAN)" "Hardison, are you seeing this?" "Yeah." "Why does an orphanage need armed security?" "Must be some badass kids." "(DOOR SLAMMING)" "(INDISTINCT CHATTER)" "Parker, stop pushing your luck." "Get out now." "My God." "(IRINA SPEAKING SERBIAN)" "Luka!" "(SPEAKING SERBIAN)" "Boris." "(SPEAKING SERBIAN)" "(DOOR CLOSES)" "HARDISON:" "Stay clear of those guys, circle around, and..." "No, Parker, I don't think that's such a good idea." "Parker!" "She's got Luka, but there's a problem." "We've got new players." "Recording as we speak." "Tell me what you like." "It's good." "Okay." "It's deal." "All right, it's good." "Come." "Oh, my God." "Oh, this isn't good." "This isn't just an adoption scam." "I know." "I already called Nate." "These are arms dealers, and they're using the orphanage for cover." "I already called Nate." "Now, look, we can go over this with the others back at the hotel." "We have to bail." "No, no, no, no." "What about Luka and the others?" "We can't leave them like that." "Why not?" "You don't mean that." "You think this is the only crappy orphanage in this place?" "This is a country full of orphans, okay?" "We can't save them all." "No, but we can save this one." "Park, we can save this one." "Look, I know growing up was tough." "I know that you grew up in the system, and it was bad." "I know it was worse than bad." "But that doesn't mean that all foster parents are monsters." "Mine wasn't." "You grew up with your grandmother." "We called her Nana, but she was our foster mom." "She would cuss like a sailor, and old girl would tan your ass just as soon as look at you." "(CHUCKLES)" "But she fed us, she bathed us, she put a roof over our head, and oh, she would raise hell if you so much as looked at us crooked." "Yeah?" "Well, you were lucky." "Yeah." "No, we put these kids in the system, and odds are they're gonna..." "They're gonna turn out like me." "(CLEARS THROAT)" "I like how you turned out." "(EXHALES)" "HARDISON:" "Let's go." "So, during the NATO bombing runs in the '90s, gun runners, they used to store their weapons in hospitals, orphanages, anywhere they knew wouldn't be targeted." "Yeah." "So now, instead of evading bombs, they're ducking the police." "It's the same strategy." "And what about the adoption scam?" "Fringe benefit." "You take a building filled with orphans, bunch of kids nobody cares about, why not use them to make some extra cash?" "Nicolas sells his guns, and Irina gets a little sideline." "Modern-day working couple." "Well, I ran Humpty and Dumpty through the usual databases, they're Chechen separatists." "Seriously bad dudes." "After reading their bios, I don't think I'm ever gonna sleep again." "Never tell a Chechen his sister has a nice smile." "Trust me." "I ran this through a translation program." "They're inspecting the merchandise." "They're bringing the money tomorrow." "Well, none of this affects our original plan." "Irina is bringing Luka to the set here tomorrow." "So we grab him, and we clear out." "And Nicolas doesn't have to be part of the picture." "Whoa, whoa, whoa." "What about the other orphans?" "No, listen, we can't do anything about them." "I mean, we're not equipped." "I mean..." "No, no, no, I already talked to Parker about it." "And I said walk away." "You didn't mean that." "We can't leave them there." "It is too risky." "They have..." "They have guns, the manpower, potential hostages." "What do we have?" "We have a prop truck." "That's it." "What we'll do is, we will go home, we will figure this thing out, do some research, make a real plan, and we will come back." "We'll come back." "But right now, the focus has to be on Luka." "To rescue Luka." "That's why we're here." "He's right, you know." "I know." "He is perfect." "Gonna be great." "Okay." "(SPEAKING SERBIAN)" "Okay!" "Let's talk about the scene." "Come along." "All right." "Now, you're running through these woods here." "(IMITATES WEREWOLVES)" "Now these soldiers, they're your escorts." "Only they can't protect you from the werewolves." "And they all die, yes?" "Yes, they all die, which is why you run." "NATHAN:" "You move through here." "Hey." "NATHAN:" "You run into the cabin, okay?" "You come in here and everything, because you wanna protect your son." "And then that's when you go back out, and you fight the werewolves while he's in there." "Okay." "One sec." "You got that?" "Good." "Okay, more..." "No, that's ridiculous." "More blood." "No, no, I mean, just corn syrup and food dye." "Why are you skimping?" "MAN:" "Sorry." "Sorry." "More!" "More!" "More!" "More!" "Blood, blood!" "More." "That's what audiences want." "To see me die?" "Like you wouldn't believe." "(LAUGHS WILDLY)" "Okay, let's go back to one." "Back to one." "(BELL RINGS)" "Okay, and action!" "(SCREAMING)" "Help!" "(WEREWOLF HOWLING)" "(WEREWOLF GROWLING)" "(BULLETS FIRING)" "(SCREAMING)" "(PANTING)" "(HOWLING)" "The werewolves!" "Ha!" "(SCREAMING)" "(GRUNTING)" "(GASPING)" "I can do better." "We go again?" "Hello?" "Mr. Director?" "(SPEAKING SERBIAN)" "NATHAN:" "Okay, let's go." "All right." "(SPEAKING SERBIAN)" "Maybe this will help." "Hi, Luka." "Do you remember us?" "(SOBBING)" "Thank you." "Thanks so much." "Come on." "I gotta tell you, I had my doubts at first, but this feels pretty good." "Yeah, we'll come back for the others." "Where's Parker?" "I thought she was with you." "No." "Oh, she's not wearing her ear bud." "What?" "Why?" "It's cool." "It's cool." "You remember when I lost her at the party?" "I put a GPS tracker in her shoes." "(BEEPING)" "She's headed back towards the orphanage." "(ALL GROAN)" "No more stalling." "Let's finish this." "Check them." "Okay." "(SPEAKING SERBIAN)" "(CHILDREN LAUGHING)" "Okay." "Okay." "(SPEAKING SERBIAN)" "Come on." "Come on." "Come on." "Come on." "Okay." "ALL:" "Haagen-Dazs!" "Okay, great." "Okay." "Okay, come." "Hardison?" "(SPEAKING SERBIAN)" "(GROANS)" "(GRUNTING)" "(GRUNTS)" "Okay, everything's gonna be okay." "Okay?" "Okay, come on!" "(CHILD EXCLAIMS)" "Parker!" "(GIRL CRYING)" "NATHAN ON MEGAPHONE:" "We have you surrounded!" "Come out with your hands up!" "Surrender or we will take you by force!" "Hurry!" "Hurry!" "We have you surrounded!" "Come out with your hands up!" "Surrender or we will take you by force!" "Come on." "Let's go." "Let's go." "Let's go." "(SPEAKING SERBIAN)" "Come, come!" "(SPEAKING SERBIAN)" "Okay." "(SHUSHING)" "Be quiet." "They have armed guards at that door." "No, they don't." "(ENGINE STARTS)" "Why are we stopping?" "Go, go, go, go!" "(CHILDREN SCREAMING)" "Prop truck." "(MEN GROANING)" "NATHAN ON TAPE:" "We have you surrounded!" "Come out with your hands up!" "Surrender or we will take you by force!" "(WEREWOLF HOWLING)" "And cut!" "(GUNSHOTS)" "These are the guns you sold me?" "These toys?" "Where is my money?" "(SOBBING)" "SOPHIE:" "They're all asleep." "ELIOT:" "We replaced this license plate, Nate, so that we can get a clean shot to the border." "Okay, and when we cross over, we're gonna turn the kids over to the World Health Organization." "What?" "Wait." "No, it's okay." "We called, and they're expecting us." "It's all gonna be okay." "Okay." "What about Irina?" "Irina?" "Yeah." "Well, do you remember the movie funding that just disappeared?" "(COMPUTER BEEPING)" "Call the FBI." "I think I found who took our money." "(SPEAKING SERBIAN)" "(EXCLAIMING)" "She should have known better, taking a producer's cut." "Nate, you did get a copy of my scene, my death scene, for my reel?" "Yeah, no." "No." "We kind of..." "There was no film in the camera." "What?" "We are definitely, definitely stopping in Paris." "Way to go." "No film in the camera?" "Really?" "Seriously?" "Hey, how'd you know I'd be at the orphanage?" "Thank Hardison for that." "You know you could have gotten killed." "Did you even have an exit strategy?" "I didn't really think that far ahead." "You don't work alone anymore." "You know that, right?" "I know." "We're a team." "We're a little more than a team." "Hey, Nate, I have to tell you something." "NATHAN:" "What is it?" "PARKER: (WHISPERS) We have to stop at a Haagen-Dazs." "CHILDREN:" "Haagen-Dazs!" "(LAUGHING)" | {
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"'12 fresh bakers are preparing for battle like warriors of old.'" "Warriors?" "No, worriers." "As in - they're worried." "Worriers." "I was going to say, they're not dressed as warriors." "That's why they don't have breastplates on." " Don't worry." " All right." "Welcome to a brand-new series of..." "BOTH:" "The Great British Bake Off." "When I applied, did I think I'd get on?" "No, I didn't." "My daughter entered me for the competition and when I got the initial phone call, I thought it was a joke." "It hadn't really felt real until we saw the tent." "I can't even describe..." "I don't have any words..." "I never imagined I would actually get here." "Now that I'm here...everything..." "My jaw is just on the ground." "I just want all of my bakes to be right, nothing to be raw and everything to be risen and everything to taste good." "You know the Paul Hollywood stare - he looks at something and then looks up at you." "I'm dreading that." "I am such a big fan of Mary." "If I can even make her swallow a piece of my cake, that's quite a big deal!" "MEL: 30 brand-new challenges." "Nervous, really nervous." "12 new bakers." "My wife gave me two bits of advice." "Make sure you don't go out the first weekend and don't make any jokes." "But only one can be the winner of The Great British Bake Off." "I'm quite random." "You know, I can be making a cake and you can have a meat pie by the time I've finished." "We are back in the glorious grounds of Welford Park, Berkshire, and limbering up for another baking marathon." " Ooh, crunchy." " Focus." "Focus." " All right, feel the burn." "OK, ready?" " Yeah, yeah." "Ready?" "BOTH GROAN" " Lunge!" " Good!" "BOTH GROAN" "BOTH:" "It's cake week!" "The bakers are about to face their first-ever challenge." "There'll be a couple more over the next two days, after which, one will be crowned Star Baker and one will be asked to leave the Bake Off." "Welcome, everybody, to the tent." "Now, I know you've been practising, probably for months - the breads, the cakes, the biscuits." "That's all over." "All you have to do now is impress our lovely judges" " Mary and Paul." "Now, this is your first Signature Challenge." "And for this, we thought we'd start you nice and simply with a very basic Madeira cake." "Easy." "Surely it's got to be three tiers with lots of sugar crafts, that kind of thing?" " No." "No, Melanie." " Really?" " Very simple." "So, for the very first time, you've got two hours to complete this." "On your marks." "Get set." "Bake!" "We're cooking." "The oven's on - the process has started." "Trying to do my preparation properly." "My sister's last words were, "Make sure all the tins" ""are always well-greased and lined and everything."" "My hands are shaking so much, it's really difficult to cut." "Do you know what?" "I never get bored of coming back to Bake Off, and this year, we've got 12 fantastic bakers to break in." "Madeira cake, for me, is one of the great classics." "It's a close-textured, beautiful, plain cake, but it should have a dome and a crack on the top." "I'm happy that there will be different flavours but I don't want it too far from the classic, because you can't beat it." "That's my thyme, which I'm taking leaves off, and then I'm going to blend it together with some lemon zest to release the flavour." "Born in Lithuania, Ugne is an office administrator who lives in Essex with her partner and two children." "She has two burning passions" " British baking and body building." "Her lemon and thyme Madeira cake will be topped with a lemon glaze and crystallised thyme sprigs." "Hopefully, the taste will be good and my crack will show!" "SHE LAUGHS" " Morning, Nadiya." " Hey, Nadiya." "Right, can you tell us all about your Madeira, please?" "It's green cardamom and orange Madeira." "Is that the only flavour in your Madeira cake?" "Just the orange zest and green cardamom powder." "Interesting using the cardamom." "It could be fantastic or it could be disastrous." "Yeah, if you put too much in and it can taste quite medicinal, and too little and you can't taste it, so it's finding a balance." " And you're happy with the balance at the moment?" " Yes." "Nadiya learned to bake during her home economics lessons at school in Luton." "She now lives in Leeds with her husband, Abdal, and is full-time mum to Musa, Dawud and Maryam." "They've given the thumbs-up to her Madeira with its candied orange and cardamom-flavoured glaze." "My kids keep telling me that they're really proud of me, but I think my eldest son will definitely feel a little bit disappointed if I didn't get through." " Morning, Paul." "Morning, Mary." " Good morning, how are you?" "Very well, thank you, very well." "What inspired you to do this and what about the ingredients?" "Well, I've been lucky enough to do quite a bit of work in the Caribbean, so quite a bit of ginger in there." "The classic Jamaican ginger idea, and then some lime mojitos in Cuba." "OK." "When Ian isn't working as a travel photographer, he's a stay-at-home dad to George and Zoe in Cambridgeshire." "His Somewhere West Of Madeira Cake will have coconut-based batter." " It's going to be different." " I hope so." "I hope so." "Just get those flavours balanced." "Yeah." "The consistency of a Madeira cake batter is crucial." "Slow that down so I don't cover everyone in it." "It needs to be liquid enough to produce steam in the oven, which should encourage the Madeira's distinctive crack on the surface of the sponge" " Morning." " Morning." " Mat, what have you chosen to do?" " Erm..." "So, I'm making a gin and tonic Madeira cake." " That's original." " Is it?" "Are you actually putting gin into the cake?" "Yeah, a little bit." "It's more of a gin and tonic glaze than it is gin in the cake." "As long as we get that balance through on the top." " I think putting it on the top is more of a gesture than anything else." " Yeah." "Mat began learning to bake three years ago, in between shifts as a London firefighter." "His GT Madeira will be brushed with a fresh lemon glaze containing seven shots of gin." "I always serve gin and tonic with just a little bit of regret." " Oh, really?" " Just a little bit." " I've got plenty of that." "Three of the bakers have gone strictly Madeira." "These are the types of cakes my mum used to make all the time." "No frills - just a very classic, traditional Madeira cake." "They are only using the classic citrus flavours." "I've tried adding poppy seeds and things and I thought it's just nice the way it is with the orange and lemon in it." "And it's like the one that we eat at New Year in Scotland." "At home in Perthshire, Marie bakes almost every day, much to the delight of her five grandchildren." "Her zingy citrus Madeira cake is one of their favourites." "Once it's baked, I'll drizzle it with some light icing." "It still will have the crack on top you look for in a Madeira cake but it'll keep it a little bit moist." " Morning, Dorret." " Morning." " So, how about your Madeira cake?" "For the first challenge, I thought, "You just want to see the cut of my jib,"" "so I've just gone with a bit of lemon zest and some candied lemon as decoration." "Nothing wrong with doing something simply and well." "Dorret is a project accountant and lives in Preston with her husband and daughter." "She's been baking since she was 11, and has been honing her simple Madeira for the last 40 years." "How have they turned out at home?" "Perfect, with a nice dome and a crack in them, and a very close-textured cake." "They should be quite light, as well." " OK." " Good luck." " I'll take that from someone who's strategically important to this." "LAUGHTER" " I'm loving the fact that Paul has been deemed strategically important." "That's a first for him." " Thank you." "I want to play with the twist, so not full orange or lemon." "And I really like blood oranges, I think they're the sweeter fruit." "Flora lives in Perthshire, and at 19, is this year's youngest baker." "Her harshest critics are her younger sisters, but they've approved her blood orange Madeira." "Flora's breaking with tradition in her cake mix." "I think almonds in the mixture helps with the moisture because a Madeira cake can be quite dry." "Fingers crossed!" "Alvin's gone for something a little more substantial in his cake mix." " My Madeira is going to have figs." " They're dried figs?" "They're dried and slightly rehydrated." "Really moist." "Alvin's a nurse and lives in Bracknell with his wife and two children." "As well as adding figs, he's infused his batter with orange" " and fresh vanilla." " How do they disperse?" "My aim is for them to be suspended, and they were when I was practising it at home, so..." "Never thought of chopping them up?" "Cos I like them chunky." "OK, fair enough." "Alvin isn't the only baker daring to add fruit." " Good morning." " Hello." " Paul is obsessed with dispersal of chunks." " My chunks are well-dispersed." " Good, that's all he cares about." " Do they drop down to the bottom, or do we expect..." " Oh, no." " ..to see them all the way through?" "If they're at the bottom, they're meant to be there." "Sandy is a child welfare officer and lives and works in Leeds." "Her apricot Madeira is flavoured with almond liqueur." "Paul shook my confidence in that the fruit would all sink to the bottom." "I've got to have real faith in my own ability." "Powerhouse of self-confidence going on." "Time to go in, I think." "So, fingers crossed!" "I'm going to put it on for ten minutes on a higher temperature, then after ten minutes, I'm going to lower it down." "It just gives it time to heat up quickly to get a rise." "Ahh!" "I haven't even set my oven." "Ah!" "I forgot to set the oven, because at home, we've got an Aga." "So used to having it on all the time." "Oh, well." "Bakers, one hour has gone." "One hour to go." "Plenty of time." "I'm just going to put it in the oven." "Hopefully, it's got enough time to cook, fingers crossed." "Otherwise I'll be in trouble!" "Trying to get nice, even slices." "Madeira cake is traditionally topped with a light glaze and candied fruit." "The fruit must be brittle." "I'm going to pop them into the oven, just for five minutes, and it will crisp them up a wee bit." "And the glaze should be thin, translucent and full of flavour." "That's a lot of gin." "Let's keep that in it." "Fingers crossed." "I really want to do well at this because there's a lot of people that don't know this side of me." "When he's not baking, Stu's a lead singer in a band and a professional musician." "His lime and chocolate Madeira will be topped with a rum and lime glaze." "It's well on its way to being cooked, if not already burnt, so I'm just going to let that cool and see what I'm looking at." " Now, Paul, I have one question." " Yes." "You know that you have the same facial hair as Paul Hollywood." " You have the same name." " I've been waiting for someone to say that." "What is going on, Paul." "I'm slightly younger." "Slightly younger." "Everyone's slightly younger." "This Paul is a prison governor in Swansea." "He has a penchant for sugar craft, but today, his decoration will be simple candied lemons, on top of his lemon, ginger and caraway seed Madeira." "There's no hidden agenda here..." "HE CHUCKLES" " There is no hidden agenda." " You don't wear as much hair gel as the other Paul," " which is a relief to us." " No, I don't." "That's 30 minutes, bakers. 30 minutes!" "Can't afford ear defenders." "Watch it like a hawk." "This last part of the bake is crucial." "This is when the centre should cook through, producing the Madeira Holy Grail." " Looking for a crack." " SHE LAUGHS" "My cake's not cooked in the middle, but the top is really brown." "So, I'm just covering the top, so that it doesn't burn." "It's just the temperatures." "I don't think I've got them right." "OK." "I'm happy with that." "I think it looks great." "It's got a lovely crack." "I think it's all right." "I'll dress it up and try and make it look pretty." "What's happened with the crack?" "What's going on?" "I have a little two." "But two's better than one." "One crack bad, two cracks better." "Two cracks better." "Famous in Leeds is the three-crack Madeira." "MEL:" "One baker has a novel way to moisten his cake." "I've made a syrup for the cake, like a lemon drizzle." "So, using the syringe just to inject the syrup in, just a little bit," "I don't want it to be too soggy, but it just helps to get the flavour in." "As a trainee anaesthetist," "Tamal is well-versed in the art of injecting." "He's using a rose-water syrup to moisten his pistachio-flavoured cake." "I know Paul has this thing about there not being too much rose-water, so hopefully I've got the balance right." "Eugh..." "I might be pushing my luck." "Phew!" "Didn't snap it." "It's well-dispersed." "You know it." "Obviously, I'm a bit disappointed with the colour." "Right, M'DEARERS, you have five minutes left on the old clock." "Five minutes." "Argh!" "I'm going to take it out now." " Ah!" " HE MUTTERS SOFTLY" "Right, bakers, time to reveal your cracks." "Step away from your bakes and then move them to the side." "Thank you." "For the very first time, the bakers will face the scrutiny of Mary and Paul." "Looking at it, you've got a very lovely colour all the way round the outside." "We've got our dome." "You have got a split." "You've hit all the criteria so far." "And also..." "Now, you just listen as I drop this on the plate." "PLINK" "That's how it should be." "This is proper candied." "It's not sticky and wet." "MEL:" "That's a Bake Off first, the candied drop test." "I've never seen you do that before, Bez." " MARY:" "Now it's just whether we've got that cardamom right." " Yes." "For me, there's the right hint of cardamom." "It doesn't overpower it." "I think you've done a very clever variation." "Well done." " Well done." " Thank you." " You've done really well." "So, when you baked it at home, it had a perfect crack?" " There's a little one there." " Yeah!" "I'm not getting the strong thyme flavour at all." "It is overwhelmingly lemon." "What the problem is... when you put coconut into a cake like that, it tends to bind the whole thing together, and so it's like chewing on wallpaper paste." "I'm just wondering..." "When I think of Madeira cake - half chocolate and half lime, it isn't, to me, a Madeira cake." "What is that on the top?" "!" "Um, yeah, my glaze sort of turned into caramel a little bit." "Slightly!" "The flavours are all wrong, really." "It's quite bitter." "Lovely texture, perfect bake all the way round." "I love it." "I think the flavours coming through are stunning." "Well done." "Now we have the surprise of the figs at the bottom." "You did mention..." "I did say, it was my concern about them dropping down to the bottom." "However, the texture of the Madeira is fantastic." "Great distribution of the fruit inside." " Hasn't dropped to the bottom." " Thank you." " Because they're small." " Hello, Paul." " Hello, Paul." " Right." " THEY CHUCKLE" "Er, it's stayed quite flat." "It's overbaked." "I think it's a fun idea to think about, gin and tonic, but in fact, the gin, for me, is not there." " I love what you've done to the apple." " Mm-hm." " Very good." "We've got a bit of a dome on it and we've got the crack." "But it is down to the flavour on this." "I love that." " Really?" " I do." "The flavours are lovely, so balanced." "I think it tastes amazing." "It is a lovely colour that you would expect from a Madeira cake, and you've got a crack on the top." "I'm not sure how crisp your candied peel on the top..." "Not very." "I think your texture's fantastic." "I think you've got a proper Madeira cake." "However, it's quite bland." "Well, it looks as though you've got a good bake and it's got a nice dome, and there's a crack across the middle." "It looks good." "..Oh, I like that." "MEL:" "That's amazing." " You've done these before, haven't you?" " Mm." "It's lovely." "Need's nothing else, the orange is coming through." "That's a perfect Madeira." "Good bake." " Thank you." " Well done." " Thank you." " Can I take the pith, Marie?" " Of course you can, yes." " Thank you." " Thank you." "I'm really so pleased." "It's wonderful." "Wonderful." "Couldn't have asked for anything more!" "They liked it!" "It's a miracle." "Paul and Mary were much more critical than I thought they would be on the first challenge." "Yes." "Wallpaper paste." "That's going to live with me for a little while, I think." "The bakers were able to plan and practise for their first challenge." "Their second is a total mystery." "Bakers, welcome to your first-ever Technical Challenge." "Now, this one has been set by lovely Mary and it is quintessentially British." "It is more British, even, than Morris men, beefeaters and chicken tikka masala." "Mary and Paul are not going to be in on the action for this next bit, so before you go, any advice for the bakers?" "Read the recipe at least twice, to get familiar with it, and then weigh very carefully." "MEL:" "Paul, any words?" "Good luck." "Right." "Brief." "Excellent." "Off you go, now." "So, they've popped off, which leaves you, us and that sneaky little recipe lurking under the gingham." "Paul and Mary would very much like you to make a walnut cake." "Not a coffee and walnut cake, this is the decaf version." "You have got 1 hour and 45 minutes." "Very good luck." "On your marks." " Get set!" " BOTH:" "Bake!" "All the bakers have the same ingredients and a stripped-down version of Mary's recipe." "I fairly know how it's supposed to be done." "I don't want to talk too much, because I might fail." "So I'll just keep it to myself." "I think I've made it years and years ago, and I don't think it really worked." "There we go, Mary, the first Technical Challenge." "Walnut cake - where do you think they could go wrong?" "Well, first of all, they have to make a sponge mixture and chop the walnuts in it." "If they don't chop them reasonably finely, they'll sink to the bottom." "You can see all the layers, you see all the buttercream, and you can see the nuts inside the sponge as well." "Now, there should be a nice, even layer of frosting all over the cake." "This will be a new frosting for them they do over hot water." "Follow the directions and it'll be fine." "I'm not sure what a perfect size for a walnut is at all." "Just getting really paranoid about the size of these walnut pieces." "If they're too big, I'm scared they are going to drop down, and I think if they're small enough, they'll incorporate nicely into the cake." "Well, if you buy chopped nuts, they're usually about that big." "I think that is the perfect walnut size." "I can't see how it can't be." "125..." "Mary's recipe requires the bakers to use the creaming method for their mix." "Just creaming my butter and caster sugar." "I'm adding the eggs gradually." "If you add it all in one, it curdles." "Somehow, I misread it." "I'm doing the all-in-one." "It will work - trust me." "Just putting the flour and the walnuts in very, very slowly." "Folding it in." "Mixing them in like this." "I hope that's right." "They're smaller than I would normally chop." "Hopefully, they'll just disperse evenly in the mix." "I'm going to put them in the oven now." "Mary's recipe only gives an oven temperature." "It doesn't say how long to put it in the oven for, so I'm guessing about 20 minutes." "I'm going to put them in about 15, 20 minutes." "Just chucked it all in as one, really." "Mary does do a lot of the all-in-ones." "Bakers, you've got one hour left." " Are you starting your caramel?" " Yeah." "I am making the caramelised walnuts, getting the caramel on." "So, it's a tablespoon of water." "It's the 150g of sugar." "This is the bit that could go horribly wrong." "If I move away, it will go disastrously wrong." "It's just a waiting game." "The secret to perfect caramel is not to stir it and not to let it crystallise." "The bakers are looking for molten sugar crystals..." "Come on." "..that should be a rich golden brown." "It's going." "It's going." "OK." "I'm going to make another caramel." "Looks good." "Looks good." "I will caramelise my walnuts and I will try to do some sugar work, maybe." "This is sticky work." " That's definitely not happening." "I'm starting again." " Why does that happen?" " I don't think there was enough water in it." " OK, OK." "Mary said one tablespoon" " I'm going to break the rules." "MEL GASPS" " Stu!" " I know, it got me in trouble in the last round, didn't it?" " Is this wise?" " Well, I need caramel." "I'm worried that it's not melting." "The sugar's not melted completely." "I'm going to start again." "HE SIGHS" "BIRDSONG" "Now, it's nearly 20 minutes." "Opening the door," "I don't want to open the door." "They look fine." "Nice rise, nice bounce." "Perfect." "Oh, no." "It's not even." "That's my disaster." "Because when I arranged the racks, I didn't put it properly." "It was tilting." "Could you prop it up on some walnuts?" "No, that's ridiculous." " No." "No." " No, no." " Don't stir it." " Are you sure?" "Just slowly, slowly." "It will just all go all at once." "It's bubbling a little bit, but not enough." "Mary's recipe stipulates an unusual meringue-style frosting." "I'm just looking at the ingredients and it says four tablespoons of water into egg whites, caster sugar and cream tartar." "It just seems a bit odd to be putting water into a meringue." "So, is this the right thing to do?" "The meringue ingredients should be whisked over a pan of hot water." "I think it's meant to be light, fluffy and shiny." "If the sugar doesn't dissolve completely, the frosting will be grainy." "I'm whisking it until it's very white, very sticky up the side and a lot more voluminous." "It feels like it's almost at the right consistency now." "Perfect." "Doesn't look like it's going to stay up for me." "Bakers, you've got ten minutes." "I don't know about that." "I don't think my caramel's happening." "Back in the game with this caramel." "Third time." "Let's try to assemble it now." "The cakes should be sandwiched with vanilla buttercream to create a perfectly level finish." "SHE GASPS" "Ah, no." "Nothing happened." "I'm just going to cover it with the meringue and that's it." "Five minutes, please, bakers." "Five minutes." "Holy shenanigans." "It's like render." "I'm just checking to see how steady your hands are." " God, they're awful." " Thank God you're not a surgeon." "I need to get a couple of walnuts in here, even if I can only get one in." "Right, bakers, Mary's walnut Technical Challenge is now closed." "I've noticed that I'm the only one that's left the sides completely uncovered." "Please bring your bakes up and pop them behind the photo of yourself on the gingham altar." "Mary and Paul are expecting 12 perfect walnut cakes with three even layers of sponge, sandwiched with buttercream and covered with a smooth, shiny meringue-style frosting, plus ten caramel-coated walnuts." "Start with this one." "The icing doesn't look too bad, does it?" "It's quite smooth." "We've got a good height." "The nuts are cut fairly small." "They're even within the sponge." "Sponge is very good." "Buttercream good, and the icing is slightly crystallised." " Mm, they haven't cooked it out." " Very slightly." "Moving on to number two." "Nice layers." "Oh, dear." " Granular." " Yeah." "That's a shame." "Now, this looks more like it, doesn't it?" "You see the swirls." "Nice sponge on this." "Very grainy, again." "It's a very nice sponge." " Mm, chopped the nuts quite well in there." " Yes." "The icing, though, is like eating sugar." "Now, we've only got one walnut and I've got a sort of feeling there may have been a disaster." "I think there was an attempt at a caramel right on the end." "What's the texture like?" " Soft, not quite whisked enough." " No." "Right, let's move on." "Now, this looks OK." " Nice swirly effect, good appearance." " Nice sponge." "Now, this person has gone to a lot of extra trouble." " Very good marshmallowy topping." " It's much smoother." "Now, moving on to number eight." " It's nice and even, isn't it, the layers?" "The buttercream." " Yes." "The caramel has flowed a bit round the nuts, but I rather like that." " It looks quite nice." " Good colour." " Something happened to the icing here." "Perhaps there wasn't enough." " Perhaps." " Perhaps." " It's not there, anyway." " No, it's definitely not there." "I don't know where the rest of it's gone." " Very grainy." " Very grainy." "The nuts seem to have all crammed into one area, haven't they?" "Right to the edge." "I think the nuts could have been chopped up a little bit smaller, couldn't they?" " Lots of buttercream, isn't there?" " A little bit uneven." " I think the walnuts are just a little bit coarse." " A little bit too big, yeah." " Finally, on to number 12." " Three even layers." "The frosting is quite neat." "However..." "It's granular." " Very granular." " Yeah." "Paul and Mary will now reveal whose walnut cake was technically perfect... and whose wasn't." "Last place is this one." "Whose is this?" " Everybody else covered their cake, and that was a key criteria." " Yeah." "11th position is this one." "Paul is tenth, Sandy is ninth, Ian eighth," "Mat is seventh, Flora sixth, fifth is Dorret, and Tamal comes in fourth." "And in third place, very nice finish in this, lovely swirls." "And in second place is... ..this one." "Whose is this?" "It's a nice cake, lovely caramel on the top, and it did look very attractive as well." "I expect you all know who number one is." "Who is number one?" "A beautiful sponge - lovely layers." "It's a perfect cake and it's what we asked for." " Thank you." " Well done." " It was awesome!" " SHE LAUGHS" " It was amazing." " Well done." " Very nice." " Well done." " Good work." "That made up for the Madeira cake!" "I'm pleased that I managed to pull it off at the last minute, that that caramel is not going to ruin me, you know what I mean?" "I'm here to be judged, and they've judged me and they've put me in 12th place, and I'm OK with that." "No, of course I'm not." "I don't want to be 12th place!" "HE SIGHS" "One challenge remaining." "A last opportunity to claim Star Baker." "A final chance to avoid being the first to leave the Bake Off." "Who's strong for you, Mary?" "Oh, I think Marie." "She was the one that was calm, got on with her own thing." " I think Flora did really well." " MEL:" "She did." "MARY:" "And Nadiya did very well." "But then in the Technical Challenge, Nadiya was last." "If you cut a walnut into four pieces, that's too big." " So, I'd say half that." " An eighth?" "I wasn't going to make it as precise as that." " But you are as precise as that." " What about the men?" "Tamal came fourth in the Technical." "Alvin came second and I actually liked his Madeira, too." "Who is in real trouble?" "Stu really didn't make a good Madeira cake." "And likewise, Ian is another one." "And Paul..." "Particularly in trouble at the moment." "I think you'll stay, mate." "I think you're all right." " I hope so." " I'm not so sure." " He's had a weak start." "Bakers, good morning, welcome to your Showstopper Challenge." "We're going to be taking you back to the 1970s today, when Mary was rocking out with some wing collars to Boney M, and Paul was dancing on his own to The Nolan Sisters." " Times haven't changed for Paul." " No." "What we're asking for in this challenge is a Black Forest gateau, which graced many a menu back in the 1970s." "You've got three and a half hours." " On your marks." " Get set!" " BOTH:" "Bake." "It's a classic from my era, along with the prawn cocktail and the steak Diane." "It's very retro and I wasn't even there." "This is the first Showstopper so they've got to show off, they've got to impress us." "We want to see good chocolate work, it's got to look special." "60g." "You've got to choose your sponge wisely to go inside the Black Forest gateau." "You want something light like a genoise or a whisked sponge." "But traditionally, a chocolate sponge." "Simple enough." "I'm mixing the dry into the chocolate butter mixture." "If you mix the dry ingredients into the eggs, you start getting clumps and you have to beat it quite a lot to get rid of those." "Tamal's aiming for a rich, dark chocolate sponge, which he'll fill with a cherry ganache before enveloping his gateau in a tempered-chocolate collar." "The cake, when I practise at home, it's been pretty good." "I'm definitely not in chilled-out mode, so I don't really want to be chilled out until it's all done." "A classic Black Forest gateau is a decadent blend of chocolate, cherries, fresh cream and Kirsch liqueur." "But not everyone's a purist." " Morning, Stu." " Morning, Paul." "Morning, Mary." "Right, buddy, what's your interpretation of the Black Forest gateau?" "OK, I've called it Purple Forest gateau, because I've used beetroot in it, so it's a nice moist cake." "You don't think the original sponge was moist enough?" "It's pretty moist, but I just wanted to do something slightly different with it." "Stu's beetroot and chocolate sponge will be sandwiched together with a mascarpone cream, then covered with Italian meringue." "You're going to show off your chocolate work." "What is your chocolate work?" "OK, so it's going to simply be some truffles... and also some chocolate trees around the outside." "Good luck, mate." "Are you all right for time at the moment?" "I think I'm fine for time." "Pink is a very hard scale to gauge." "Flora's also decided to give the '70s classic a bit of an update." "Cherry powder makes it quite pink, but not quite pink enough, so I'm going to add a little bit of colouring." "Flora's going to layer her cherry and chocolate sponges with fresh cream and cherries." "She'll decorate it with chocolate and Kirsch truffles." "I've got all the classical elements." "All that retro is still there, but are they too pink?" "I'm not sure." "I had my bedroom walls painted fuchsia pink for a very long time." "We'll try and avoid tacky pink." "I like working with chocolate." "I like working with alcohol." "This is the perfect bake for me." "Dorret plans to fill her gateau with a cherry chocolate ganache and chocolate mousse." "She's making two types of sponge." "Now, explain to me what an Alhambra sponge is." "Well, the first part is made with a sabayon warmed in the bain-marie." "Then the melted butter." "And then cocoa and flour." "And it makes a very dense, rich sponge." " This isn't looking brilliant, actually." " Give it a good whisk." "SHE CHUCKLES" "I'm going to have to start this one again." "This isn't working." " MEL:" "Oh, Dorret, really?" " It's not supposed to look like this." "Don't panic, and just make sure you get it right." "You've got mousse, you've got lots of things going on." "You've already started, you're in control, you've got hours left." " We'll leave you to it." " Thank you." " Thanks, Dorret." " Good luck." "Cakes are going in the oven now." "I thought I'd do four thin ones cos I'm absolutely terrible at slicing." "So, I'm making one big sponge, slicing it in two." "It's a liquid chocolate cake, so you add boiling water to the batter." "It makes for quite a sticky, gooey chocolate cake, which is exactly what we want." "Nadiya will layer her sponges with chocolate ganache and a smooth cherry jam, before covering it in a chocolate mirror glaze." "They're a little bit liquid, so I've got to be really careful." "Come on." "TIMER BEEPS" "Both Ian and Sandy are planning to bake more than just sponge." "I've been to the Black Forest on a few school trips, beautiful part of the world, and the Black Forest gateau we had there had this shortbread base." "On top of her chocolate shortbread, there'll be three chocolate sponges layered with cherries and fresh cream." "My last practice one was like..." "Ooh, it was straight." "It was powerful." "It had that real sort of trendy look, you know." "I try to model myself like that as well." "Random with a trendy twist." "The base is going to be one huge macaroon, which I think works very well." "Macaroon's something I make quite a lot of." "I'm going to play to my strength here." "Ian's chocolate macaroon will sit underneath a genoise sponge, topped with a giant three-dimensional chocolate tree." "This tree - are you piping it out, or what?" "So, it's going to be essentially made of caramel, that will give it the strength." "And then it's going to be covered in chocolate, and maybe if I have time, I'll pipe some little flowers and maybe some animals." "Animals?" "We have had no animals yet." "I can't wait to romp in your forest, Ian." "Looks lovely." " The animals, Mary." " Thank you!" "OK, bakers, that's one hour remaining." "One hour." "Happy with it." "I'm happy with the overall appearance." "They're darker than I would have liked." "But I think that's going to be OK." "Oh, no, they need a bit longer." "My Alhambra sponge is going in the oven - it will take about 12 minutes to cook." "At two hours, I expected all the cakes to be done, so I'm about 12 minutes behind." "I'm just about to take my cakes out, if you..." " Go ahead" " Just a last check." " No, go ahead." " MEL:" "That oven's doing lovely things to your hair, Marie." " Is it?" "It's lovely." "It's like being at a Rod Stewart gig." "It's great." "MARIE CHUCKLES" "Marie's genoise sponges will be layered with fresh cream and a cherry syrup - all decorated with dark chocolate ganache and a copse of tempered-chocolate trees." "Your ganache that you're putting on the top - is that just going to be a disc of ganache just covering the top," " or is it going to come down the side as well?" " Hopefully, it will dribble down beautifully." "And not along the sides." "So, just come down as if it's..." "You want it to cascade down the sides a little bit?" "Yeah, uh-huh, I think so." "I think that might be quite a nice look." " OK." " All right." "They still look pretty pink on the inside." "They feel quite different to how they felt at home." "They're springy." "So that's good." "That's how they rise at home." "They're a nice soft consistency." "You get a nice thick layer of cream in there, it'll treble in size." "Paul will decorate with a tempered-chocolate tree bearing fruit and cherries." "This is one cake the governor hasn't shared in prison." "Presumably, all your bakes have to go through an X-ray machine?" "We're not that high security to do that, but, er..." "Oh, good to know." "I sense this is not a laughing matter for you, Paul." " I'm backing down now." " Not with security, that's for sure." "I'm just assuming the position." "Cuff me." "It's a nightmare for security..." "They shouldn't be rising like that." "Got a little bit of a rise that I wasn't expecting." "But they're cooked and they're dense, which is how they're supposed to be." "As the sponges cool, work can begin on showstopping decorations" " and fillings." " Mm." "So, the jam is just tinned cherries originally." "We'll try to get up to about 104 ...in temperature." "There's a bit of technical knowledge." "Matt's cherry- and-Kirsch-flavoured jam will be spread on his chocolate brownie cakes." "I've done it twice at home." "So this is, so far, the most accomplished dish." "Third time - shouldn't be any problems." "So, I'm just preparing my mixture for my shiny chocolate glaze." "It's like a mirror effect on the cake." "Alvin's mirror glaze will smother layers of almond chocolate sponge that will be topped with shards and curls of tempered dark chocolate." "Confidence is growing, because I feel like I'm in control and I think I've got plenty of time." "All depends on the tempering of the chocolate." "The only way to create crisp, shiny chocolate is to temper it." "Tempering chocolate is quite a tricky thing to do." "It's a process where slowly heating the chocolate breaks down the sugar crystals in the cocoa butter." "You've got to not overheat it, and then lower the temperature by usually adding little bits of chocolate to it." "As it cools, the crystals reform, creating a glossier chocolate to decorate with." "I'm just trying to cool it down, ideally to 31 degrees." "I'm looking for 32." "I don't know what I'm looking for." "Just saw everyone else do it." "I don't know what temperature it's got to be." "Just looks good, don't it?" "Yeah, looks quite good." " Ian, when I think of the Black Forest..." " Mm." "..my first thought is - elephants." "You know all the elephants that roam around there?" "The savanna that is the Black Forest." "Exactly!" "Ian's not the only baker venturing beyond the forest for inspiration." "When I found out what we were going to make, the first thing that came into my mind is the cherries falling out, and I thought a saucer and a cup would look nice on a cake, like on sideways," "falling over, and cherries are spilling out of it." "Ugne's chocolate tea setting will top her three buttermilk chocolate sponges." " Are you making cups and saucers?" " Yeah." "Nice." "UGNE CHUCKLES" "I've got two colours for my chocolate, so I'm going to pipe it on to my acetate, let that dry and then cover it with a whole layer of dark chocolate, so it will form the collar around my cake" "and when I peel it off, hopefully there'll be a really nice shine." "I hope it will look good on the final cake." "I don't want it to look too much like a small child has done it." "Bakers, you've got half an hour, half an hour till you bring your Black Forest gateaux to be judged." "So as that hits 32, it's coming out, it's going in that piping bag, cutting the end off, piping some trees, let them go off, finish off doing the cake, cover it in Italian meringue." "Come on." "Kirsch in there." "You're supposed to measure this, aren't you, but..." "The danger..." "If you oversoak the sponge, it's going to be super-saturated, it's not really nice to eat." "SHE GASPS" "It does look delicious." "You enjoying that?" "I just don't want to compromise how it looks." "Rather than putting it in a ring, I'm trying to get it out again." "Just put acetate around, and then when I'm done with it, I just lift it off." "So, it's a good way of doing it and being able to see the level of the cake at the same time." "The mousse is not going to be set." "Needs to go back in the fridge." "This is my mirror glaze." "It's got gelatine in it, so it sets nice and firm." "It gives it a really clean look." "Panicking inside." "You can still see elements of the sponge underneath, which is a shame, really." "I don't really believe in luck, but I think, you know, if I stay calm and keep pushing, I'm going to be all right." "OK, bakers, you have five minutes... before we will be gambolling through your forests." "Is that enough time for this?" "Is there any point doing this?" " Yes." "Yes." " Going to do it." "I'm doing it." "Come on." "Is less is more, or more a winner?" "That's what I need to think now." "Not bad, not bad." "I don't know if it needs it." "HE GROANS" "SHE TUTS" "(No!" ")" "I can't believe this is actually happening." " Dorret, what's to be done?" " Nothing." "Oh, no, no, no, come." "There's lots to be done." " Piping is a great thing." "There's no need to get upset." " There's every reason." " No, because it's just a cake." " It's not just a cake." " It is just a cake." "It's just a cake." "Bakers, Showstopper time is up." "That doesn't mean you're going to go home." "It doesn't mean you're going to go home." " We'll see." " It tastes great." "It tastes great." "You're all right." "It's judgment time." "Flora, would you like to bring your creation up?" "You've made a very big cake." "Having said that, you've broken it up with detail." " And that piping all the way round is sheer perfection." " Mm." "I like that." "The textures are good." "It's soft." "It's moist." "I was nervous about that cherry sponge but it works very well." "It was brave of you to do it." "Maybe a little bit more kick from the kirsch would have been better." " There's not much alcohol coming through." " OK." "This looks impressive." "I think it looks very theatrical." "You've shown us that you can do some nice chocolate work on the top." "I want to get in there." " The sponge is disappointing." " Oh." " It is very, very close." "It's not good." "Oh, that's disappointing." "It is a different presentation." "It's very simple but those trees are absolutely stunning." "When you look at that it screams that it is Black Forest gateau." "The sponge looks very light." "I love it." " Oh!" " SHE LAUGHS" "The sponge is lovely." "It's beautiful and soft." "Lots of cream in there." "The cherries have a nice kick to it as well." "Tastes absolutely wonderful." "It's a sort of classic." "As classic as you can get." "You should be proud of that." "It's just for me it looks too simple." "It looks totally modern." "There's good flavours." "Did you soak that as well - the sponges?" "Yes, with kirsch syrup." "Yeah." "You can taste that all the way through it." "I think you've made a fantastic looking cake." "You've really done the chocolate well." "Everybody loves a chocolate brownie and that's a different thing to put in a Black Forest gateau." "I think that tastes exceedingly good." "The tempering of the chocolate and the way you have done the tree, I think, looks impressive." "I like the distinct layers you've got." "The texture in the sponge is fantastic." "The flavours are coming through, nice rich chocolate." "That is a good cake." "A different idea to show us that you can do shortbread at the bottom but I don't know how much it adds to it, really." "The piping around the top... it looks like it's from the '70s." "I've tried many times to put collars round cakes and it's... particularly first time in a tent, it was jolly difficult, and you've achieved it." "That's great." "The cherry juice you put in the ganache, you've got a nice sharpness coming through." "Marries really well with the beautiful sponge which is lovely and soft, and then the cream with the cherries in it as well." "You know you're eating a Black Forest gateau" " but you know you're eating something special, too." " It's very good." " Well done." " Thanks very much." "Stu, would you like to bring your forest to the judges?" "Erm..." "It's interesting what you've done." "I like the idea of the Italian meringue." "We are looking for some tempered chocolate or skills with chocolate." "Let's have a look inside." "If I remember rightly you've got a beetroot-flavoured cake." "What beetroot does is it brings colour and moisture to a sponge." "On a Black Forest gateau, to use it as a carrier to put more cream in between, what that does is just closes the texture up even more." "And so what you're left with is almost it feels it's got the texture of a raw sponge going through it." "It's quite contemporary, it's minimalist." "I think it looks really smart." "The shine on there I think is wonderful." "It's all down to the flavour." " Beautiful." " Lovely." " Yeah." "The textures are quite soft and they almost melt in the mouth." "You've got that nice sharpness of a fresh cherry coming through as well." " Very different and very good." " Thanks." "Fantastic." "Would you like to come up, Dorret?" "INAUDIBLE" "What happened?" "I had to re-do one of the sponges so that put all my timings out so my chocolate mousse didn't set." "It's a shame." "It looks like a mud slide." "I've got a sort of feeling it's going to taste rather good." "Now, the Alhambra sponge, is this the denser one sitting at the top?" "Yeah." "It's like rubber." "Like chewing on a rubber tyre." "There's no aeration in them." "The bottom layer is good." "It's got a beautiful chocolate flavour in." "Lovely flavour of the cherries and the kirsch." "However, it looks a bit of a mess." "I think you should be proud of this." "It's totally different and you promised we'd get the odd animal." " An elephant is an odd animal in the Black Forest!" " A rabbit..." " It really is!" " Exactly." " It looks quite clean, sharp, neat." " Yeah." "But let's hope it looks the same inside." "I think it's rather clever to have that different base." "You've shown us many skills, that you can make a good macaroon." "I think its fantastic." "You've really got a good blend of flavours in there and it looks very, very smart, too." "Phew!" "Thank you very much." "Mary and Paul will now take stock of the weekend and decide who will be this year's first Star Baker and who will be leaving the tent." "It's been a mammoth day on the old Black Forest Gateau Showstopper." " It wasn't a mammoth, it was an elephant." " It was an elephant of a day." " Can you see the wood for the trees, guys?" " Tamal did well." " Yeah." " I thought the collar was a fantastic idea." "I think Marie has done very well." "I think Flora has to be mentioned, too." "And Nadiya, particularly in the Black Forest cake." "It was absolutely superb." "Can I focus on the bottom end of the spectrum?" "Stu had quite a lot of work to do." "He tried to vary each different thing and it just didn't work." "Ugne, look at the Technical, she was first, but she struggled in the Signature, and I think she struggled again in the Showstopper." "What about Dorret, who had a very unfortunate day at the office?" "Yes, it was just what happens in the Bake Off at the last minute." "It's just the mousse, the mousse, the mousse." "If you fail on a Showstopper you're in trouble." "Just finally, for people watching at home, when they're thinking about making a Black Forest gateau, how small should the cherries be chopped, Paul?" "MEL:" "An eighth?" " MARY:" "Sixteenth." " Go away." " Oh!" "Bakers, congratulations." "A very busy and brilliant weekend." "I have the great job this week." "I get to announce Star Baker." "Now, Star Baker this week goes to somebody whose Madeira had a magnificent crack." "Plus the Showstopper featured trees so large they would dwarf even the redwoods of California." "This week's Star Baker is" "Marie." "Congratulations, lovely." "Congratulations." "I have the slightly less pleasant task this week." "We can't take you all with us into next week so I'm afraid the person who won't be joining us next week is..." "..Stu." " So sorry, Stu." " So sorry, Stu." "Come on." "In you come." "CHATTER" "It's a shame to be the first to go but I just got out-baked and had a couple of mishaps but it's been an awesome experience." "I'll remember this for ever and..." "Oh, well." "Back to music." "Stu never got started." "He just tried to be too clever." "It wasn't a true Black Forest cake." "Then you go and put beetroot in it and meringue on the top." "It certainly wasn't his week." "You don't get in that tent unless you are a good baker." "He should be very proud of himself getting this far." "The problem is you're the bottom of a pack of great bakers." "Every time I go into the tent, I think, "Am I really here?"" "And it's just wonderful that I've got Star Baker." "Now, "Have I really done that?" "Are you sure?"" "So, I got away with it." "My mum said, "If you get kicked out in the first round" ""don't bother coming home," so it's quite nice that I can fly home and be greeted by my parents." "That will be quite lovely." "CHATTER" "The wife will be pleased." "At least I will be able to go home tonight and sleep comfortably, that's for sure." "Live to fight another week." "Yay!" "CHATTER" "It's been like that." "And I've got the taste for it now and it's just, I want to keep going, I want to keep going." " Well done." "I'll see you next week." "Get some rest." " Yes, yes." "I actually feel as though I've been initiated truly into what Bake Off really means." "I want to go home and I just want to put my feet up and have a good rest." "CHATTER" "Cup of tea - no cake!" "Next time..." "It's starting to look a bit like a snail." "'.it's biscuits.' Ooh!" " With a Signature Bake..." " Oh!" "..that's baked twice..." "Oh, I know." "Jenga." "..the thinnest Technical Challenge ever devised..." "This thin." " ..and show-stopping biscuits..." " I've just snapped it." "..presented in show-stopping boxes... made from show-stopping biscuit." "Nothing shall escape." "Not even the macaroons." " But who is cut out..." " I'm so happy about it." " ..to be Star Baker..." " Come on." "..and whose Bake Off dreams will crumble?" "If I leave you're coming with me." "I'll take that." | {
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"Devils Playground" "My name is Cole" "And I was President of the Security Company N" " Jin Industrial" "But it was a scientific company does not know about one" "And for them I killed" "And tortured" "And destroyed the lives of many" "And helped them" "Helped in creating this new world" "Where everything has changed" "Change everything" "Ladies and Gentlemen" "We live in a society where he became a demanding" "Fast-paced and hard every day" "So we need to face all of us some help" "And as director of the company n" " Jin Industrial" "Proud to announce the arrival of Rak 295" "The new generation of performance-enhancing supplement" "Mr. White, if you have an impact Rak 295" "The mental capacity and physical how you can be sure that it's safe?" "We are proud of what we have achieved in n" " Jane" "And we are working on a comprehensive test Rak - 295" "With the participation of 300,000 volunteers" "Followed by months of evaluation and will be announced" "Comprehensive test, and then product will be available for all" "Are you sure that two months is enough time?" "That the work of the masterful world of Michael Brock, and my team" "Pre-test" "Will be here for all to see but I assure you" "I have no concerns whatsoever with respect to any harmful side effects" " Mr. White, I have another question" " Enough" "'BP n" " Jane giant pharmaceutical industry'" "'Face a number of lawsuits unprecedented'" "'Many of the volunteers who participated in the experience of medicine last month" "'Faced with symptoms of severe side effects, some of them became very sick" "'Rak 295 was intended to be for increasing strength and stamina" "'To face the pressures in life that we live" "'Testers patients claimed they suffered from high fever'" "'Vomiting and internal bleeding'" "'In some cases the destruction of multiple members of the body'" "'Sense of any side effects whatsoever" "'Was sent in a report immediately" "'Factor for n" " Jane or the nearest hospital belonged to them'" "There are 12 other people were taken to hospital in Birmingham, Mary" "And 37 others injured in Manchester" "And two others were upstairs" "This all" "All their mass functions of the body and the collapse of blood vessels 29,999" "A, Angela Mills, nothing yet?" "Nothing about it?" "It is not in any hospital in the city I want to look for in her apartment with Pellnj" "Has a brother in the service of that examines the Cooper River" " But what about her parents?" " Died three years" "White thinks it's probably dead" "What if the neighborhood is not affected?" "Each case must be found" "CIA or will guarantee us a visit later" "N" " Jane, I'm done" "Even quiver and White can not deal with 30,000 citations" "We owe it to these people to fix what we did" "Will never be able to fix it, Michael" "It is too late already" "Listen, see I will go back before the arrival of White" "Just kept on the person you are, okay?" " Report of the episode is a crucial" " Aims to have a guide" "Shoulder injury from the battle, is still the best hope we have" " Why now?" " We have a future battle harder" "Press" "See for yourself:" "You have chosen to set aside" "I did not do anything wrong, Morgan" "I do not" "I'll see you in court next Tuesday" "Finally" "It's good to see you" "Will Ardhalk all, Steve" "Every penny" "I'm not uncomfortable, it died" "To Nerjek for you, eh?" "Damn!" "Go there" " Who the hell are you?" " It does not matter." "Who are you?" "Will ask for the police" "Check the telephone Check out these numbers" "No." " Now listen to" "Will ask you once." "And one time only" "Where is Angela Mills?" "I do not know." "I do not know." "It" "I left two months ago" "There is nothing." "The phone number" "Where is she?" "We know she was living here." "Where did you go?" "Where is Angela Mills?" "Where did you go?" "Pellnj." "Leave it does not know anything" "Will be late, go and brought the car" "We know where you live and where your daughter goes to school" "'Another case you need to resolve" "'I do the maximum effort" "'Leave No Trace'" "Is there a limit died so far, Mr. White?" "How do you intend to defend yourself?" "'Rak 295, where it has spread everywhere" "'It's a revolution in performance-enhancing all standards" "'When I completed the last stages of testing" "'Back slowly the symptoms of severe side'" "Turn off this now" " Well." "What about the owner of the place" " Do not know anything" " Sure?" " Trust me, we have been through it" "Cooper must be in the house of the brother now" " Who the hell are you?" " Andy Beilinj, aide" " It's good to see you, sir" " Dear Sirs" "Make the press waited here fucking abroad" "Minutes, please" "Will resign at the end of this month, Peter Do you understand me?" "Resign" "I have fed up of everything you do will not wait more than that" "We will discuss this later" "Brooke, we need to talk urgently now" "Will not abandon me, too?" "This girl, who was in the first batch of volunteers" "If it turns out she was dead, Sensjn" "No lawsuits." "Prison" "It is possible that overseas" "There is a lot of possibilities, Peter" "We have to think positively" "There is always hope they did not interact with the disease" "Could be fortified against the disease could be exceptional" " If the truth" " Oh, just woke up, Michael" "There are 29,999 of 30,000 reacted with the disease" "Failure rate approaching 100% as will be seen soon" "There is a letter from Cooper, Dear President" "If there is something that did not do Pidie" " I?" "I told you what we do" " Oh, shut up" "'Angela Mills here at the home of her brother, the lists and I can not as it is ..." "Wait" "'What's this far, damn, beyond" "'What do you want me to do?" "'One person injured and bleeding on my car" "'Well, dear ridiculous'" " It's in the apartment of her brother" " Thanks to Christ" " Status?" " Unknown." "Is to examine the" "Well" "You, the new man, go and told Cooper to put his eyes out" "To come out here" "Michael, show me this mutated has made the press waged war" "Then go upstairs to the highest and quietest those fucks" "Called Cooper" " And then discovered what happens?" " Well" "Matt, I know you said that the matter is over, but I think you should see air" "Must speak with him" "Component can not be serious .." "You said you left him, Anji" "He killed a kid I was right when left" "Well, come on" " Olly something, it's your girlfriend" " We all know how I feel on the air" "Listen, I love the air also" "Well, I've done and I know you Tatkdy it was an accident" "If you are sure that the system will expunge the effects of" "To go on." "My time started at 12 and I'm already late" "Think about what I said" "Well?" "Air will always let you down always" " I thought you Stsandny" " This is what I do" "I'll see you later" " Caffeine lead to irregular heartbeat" " Get away from me" "Right." "Tampering with the heart such as this, which fills the dreaded Alrak News" " When will your test?" " Next week, Thursday" "Where were you where we are now a bloody circus" "Rob is about to examine one of them" "Matt, Matt" " Where the hell are you" " I told you" "Sorry, Dear Sgt. Special things" " How is your sister" " Well, still Furious" "Uh, well air fucking scandal, is not it?" "You have let me down You have let down the whole organization" "After all, I hear they destroy the whole organization" "Craig lunch on a bridge Patrsia" "There are some people riot now are lost in the drink" "Well what we do" "To stagnate below and stop the demonstrators" "Finished off now and to have fun now Come on guys" "Rob" " Nothing wrong with Sally" " Always there is something wrong" "No, said some young people physically assaulted her on the way to here and passed out" "I think it's in shock" "Will show me a doctor" "Oh, my God prepared" "Let's go" "The right of God" "This John Healey, the first volunteer to have" "After a week of receiving the first dose started to show the type of allergy" "Kind bad" "We believe that it is better to put it in complete isolation" "Cells and vital functions began to change since the days" "Almsptat viral Aattnaha his symptoms stopped a little" "Although it did not stop the abnormal changes" "We made the competence of everyone to see what happens" "And" "Nothing just lying there" "Beilinj, this is Dr. spoke to me." "What is happening?" "What is this stuff in the back right of God" " Is not contagious, is not it?" " Not sure" "Beilinj, see here we have a problem" "Beilinj, Come" "Attend injected anesthetic." "Faster" "Cole?" "Cole" " To keep everyone in place" " What's that sound?" "Close Location" "Why shut down the place, Cole?" "Get Me Out of Here" "Get Me Out of Here" "Open the door" "What the hell?" "What did you, Brooke?" "Why did you curse?" "Brooke?" "Stay calm, stay calm, do you do?" "Let's stay calm, hold the fuck is this" "Come on, hold" "Stay calm the hell, do you do?" "I Adhany" "Come on, you should not go into a safer here" " Where all your cars?" " He should get the money from somewhere" " Damn." "Sorry, Matt" " Enough of this nonsense, eh" "This does not matter it's only money" "Hey, I do not think she knew you will come out, learn it." "I have not seen since they entered" "No messages, no calls, nothing" "I know I let down I want to see" " Must know that I did not Do it" " I hope to help you, died" "I have not seen her since this all happened" "Come on, eh" "Li another 24 hours in the air, then performed the test" "I can not wait to leave this river Allaina he barely River, is not it?" "He suffered a sink of plague or Ebola or something like that" "Ebola, the plague, perhaps" " Bubonic or pneumonia" " What is the difference?" "What the hell?" "Of 192 to the center, a duty" "Of 192 to the center, a duty" " Finished off the boat" " Hell" "Dear Sergeant, Sergeant Dear Dear Sergeant, what do you do?" "Dear Sgt" "Dear Sergeant, what do you do?" "Dry" "Dry" "Here the company's position we need to help" "Any one duty" "Matt, what the hell is happening?" "I have it out for control" "Here the company's position, duty need help, any one, any one of" "'Get out of here, get out of here'" "'Now'" "Jim, what the hell is happening?" "Cole?" "Cole?" "Cole, wake up" "Cole" "Cole, wake up" "God's sake, wake up" "Sign, Sign" "Here" "There is nothing wrong in the genes" "What we have seen that it is impossible is impossible" "The Hold Rear and we are trying to close the door" "Well, if the power has returned, why did not you come help" "No longer thinking" "Well, now we know that it was spread" "But how?" "Blood, perhaps" "Perhaps saliva, I do not know" " Just do not know anything" " This means that all of them have become infected as well as" "All those who click" "And all those who in hospitals" "Will become as well as all of them, disease will spread more" "I was and now I'm" "Is there anything I can take it?" "Thing that you used on other patients" "Repressor of the virus, there" "Injection" "There are only three, and this can suppress the virus for 18 hours only" "Well, you have to do something" " Uh" " No, no, no" " No, no" " Oh, damn" " I think it was" " Stay with me, please" "Cole, did not realize this place is like El Salakhana" "All of them are Dead, in fact, if they are not mortal, they are turning" "Angela" "Talk to me Talk to me, Michael" "Find Angela Mills" " More of them coming" " Shut up" "I've been bitten" "Do not do" "'I have fed up of dealing with each Hrak" "'I do not want more of it'" "'Find Angela Mills'" "Uh" "'There are only three and crack down on the virus for 18 hours only'" "Uh" "'If the measures taken?" "Claire, to resist this ...." "Stuff" "'To ease the situation, the police chief called this "the playground of Satan"'" "'Well, what in the capacity of one to calm this situation, Adam?" "'It seems that no one knows" "'Authorities are facing enormous difficulties to meet these legions" "'Rchaguethm and strength, it's something scary" "'Scary right" "'They seem to attack anything and everything" "'O God, I thought we" "'We must return to you, Adam'" "'Well, we hear now'" "Well, we must get to the site of origin Abrackson in Ang" "It's after the river died, and there Silaqona C." "Should not take a lot about 40 minutes" " 'We can not complete the connection'" " Not available." "Please, dear, just go from here Come" "What about air?" "Damn" " What about air?" " He's in jail" "In one of the safest places probably now come on, board the car" "Please, Angie, Arjuky" "You do not fool me on the helicopter, is not it?" "No." "Major was talking about it is ludicrous that there is an airstrip in this place" "We even have flown it a few days ago" "Chopper there, so I swear" "I realized now how to get there" "Matt" "There is a strange sound comes from the kitchen" "Should get out of here and quickly" "Oh my God, we have finished" "Yes, I know, he built" "For this reason lead you to your mother with that place - whose name .... -, Is not it?" "If you enjoy the wonderful weather in Spain, food" "Just be obedient to her boy, okay?" "Fully" "Yes, you will be with the Pope during the week, okay?" "Well I love you too, son .." "I miss the Woods" "Hey, put your mother on the speaker before bonelet" " Did you bring a doctor to examine it?" " Yes" "Likely be used in court." "It as evidence" "This is truly what the ..... ?" "One of them was killed journalist" "'Again .." "Breaking News" "'Has said a top state of emergency across the UK British'" "What the hell?" "Air" "'Reports say that the kind of infectious diseases" "'Are responsible for the indiscriminate reduction exceeded the frenzied violence" "'Those infected are deployed from the capital cities" "'If attacked, the only way to stop them" "'Is a powerful blow to the head" "'I repeat, must be a blow to the head" "'We will stop the transmission soon and more information will be announced in'" "Well, we have two options" "Either stay here and make sure that everything is safe" "Or there hunting cabin up the road near the lake" "He was a little disgusting but made of stone so it will be safe" " Do you listen to?" " Find it must be" " I can not leave them in this mess" " Do not do it yourself, Matt" "See, it's a smart girl will be fine" "Massive chaos abroad is the opportunity that we have found" "It's a smart girl." "It's probably in a safe place from where we are now" "Well?" "Well, you'll stay here or we will go to the fishing hut?" "Well" " Well, Well, I will stay here" " Well, well" "Check you are here." "Sovhs in the back and make sure that everything is safer" " Matt Centzerna .." "Is not it?" " Of course he would do .." "He is my brother" "I do not like to say that, but he had the right to air is not appropriate in order to" "Summits have to rebuild your life well without him, and now, all you have done" "Kate, I made my" "Is my idea of what may have this test done cried" "No, it's safe, I'm fine" "Well, regret, regret" " That all this just seems strange" " I know this" "But we will be just fine" "Come on why do not move" " A 345" " What?" "Not" "This leads to the North East we are going to directly" "Will take us away from this crowd should leave the dreaded out of the way that we can complete" " How?" " Come on" "What is happening?" "Must leave" "Hey, Stop this is what you do?" "Everyone stands to" "Oh, damn" "Damn" "'We urge all listeners to evacuate the city, I repeat" "'Evacuated the city off by any means possible" "'I have been the invasion of emergency services" "'If any member of your clan has been bitten by an infected person" "'There will be a limited time before moving his infection" "'It occupies and mental functions" "'Do not allow them to stay with you" "'I repeat, do not allow them to stay with you'" "Oh my God, we can not pass it will be forced to stand in place" "Where?" "When Steve" "We should try and find another place by the people more" "Steve just down the road" "No, no" "Please, not now" "Not now, come on" "Come on" "This truck Steve" " Why is a completely free?" " There is something wrong" "Two or three people" "There is a lot of people fucking abroad, Matt" "To hide behind the seat" "Hi, Oh" "Anji" " What are you doing here" " Oh my God, Joey" " Why I'm not in prison?" " Do you run away?" "Why?" "Not" "Baby, I bail out have come out since a few hours" " You are not infected, is not it?" " No, I'm fine" "Well, says here you're safe now" "Ante okay, Katie?" "So what you do here?" "Steve" "Listen, the car completely unused" "We need to fix Msaatk" "Radiator Disabled" "Will not go away like this" " Can be Tkarzna something?" " Does not have anything" "He should sell the spare parts I needed the money" "You two stay here we will be just fine" "No, Joe, you must go to the site through the company Abrackson" "Matt Sileghana there with C, C pilot" "Says that they have a helicopter" "What are you doing here if I check the other way" " I think that we can rally around Hustle" " Who will be C?" " Jim got your last job" " Katie" "Damn them" "Far beyond what they imagine that I am guilty of the eye" "Do you think they were your job Siattok Again?" "No, we are safe here" " Joy" " News says stay inside" "She said that very clearly" "It's stupid to go to the city as a massacre abroad" "News said it was too bad" "Well, this place is immune Bacad" "How do we know that Matt and Jim will be there?" "Bouklafc, Joey, we trust him" " What?" " You know this" "Stop for a moment" " Inge" " Attend Venice" "What the hell?" "No, no, no" "Do not hit expelled from the door" " Slowed, slowed" " Calm down, now just, well" "Only quieter" "What the hell?" "Take not want one?" " No thanks" " Well" "Very happy just to see some normal individuals, learn" "What is happening?" "What happened to you?" "Well we were on our way to work" "Near the bank" "My colleague, Alex Johnson This is the one who tried to" "This was" "Was traveling with us" "When the subway stops and cut off all the lights" "Operated emergency lights and began to scream" "They came in wagons, some on some of the climbers, such as insects" "Iedonk." "Iedonk if they then become one of them" "So we ran through the tunnels until we came back to the station" " The police did not do much" " No, they do not do something" "Policeman, I mean, it was with a gun" "Been bitten by three or four times" "So turning the gun ...." "I grabbed versa" " Head split in half" " Oh my God" "Well, that determines what we will do" "Snsd this fucking door and remain here" "No, wait a moment you do not understand" "These things haunt the people of this what you do only" "Everyone will flee from the city" "Fleeing in this direction" "You hear that?" "There are no questions now" "We will go to the site Abrackson, huh" " Why there?" " Helicopter" " Create a plane told me that she" " Why do not we go straight to the coast?" "There are a lot of us" "There is no place room died, said the helicopter can accommodate four" "Four people it's a joke repugnant" "No, you will make it succeed, will do it somehow" "Oh, my God there are people abroad" "Air" "Uh" "Is one of them?" "You okay, man?" "Damn, they are coming from the box office" "Damn" "Go there" "Take this" "At three, go to the top and you're behind me, Well" "One ..." "Two ..." "Three" "Matt, wait" "Sandra, why ... ?" "Sandra?" "Oh, lordy, Sandra?" "Held" "No, Andy" "Damn" "Hell, he held" "Held, held" "C, see they are afraid of water" "Could succeed, Jim could do it" "Oh my God, are you okay?" "Make Header" " Just to get out of here, I'll be fine" " Try to stop the flow of blood" "Uh" "That's all we can do, if sooner, it is possible to be lucky" " What about me?" " What about you?" "Are still here, is not it?" "Well, listen, you all" "We have seen what he can do two of them are moving quickly and spread quickly" "We should do exactly the same thing" "Now, since the car park full to find a car we use" "Who are you?" "I have asked you a question" " I, Cole" " What do you do?" "Run away, like everyone" "We are all in the same order, so you should help each other" "What happened to rear there?" "Like a heart attack" "Why are you, Dr. eye?" "I am a diabetic" "There are truck abroad should change my fuel pump" "I use this in a car which Anji" "I will try it, okay?" "There is a helicopter at the site in Ang" "Yes, but this is the way, is not it?" "Return for Hrak" "I do not see your aircraft abroad" " Well, what kind?" " I do not know, it's four locations" "If the only way around this is that we have made several trips" "I'm good in the use of cars but not with the helicopter" "Our pilot" "It is will that be?" "He was a friend to us there Siqapelln" "We need the map, Arne" "And now, more than the number" "Steve, you should not speed up there a lot of time" "Cock soy milk?" "Yes, you'll find in the refrigerator next to caviar" "The man who wears the costume Is a man the police ..... ?" " Yes, the dreaded particular" " Hey, Katie, be careful of your words, huh?" " Still Rifki" " Sorry, I just ......" "I'm not against that, you know?" "Yes, my way, I think that everyone is a second chance" "He is" "Yes, I think so" "Was supposed to go to trial in a time" "Killed the boy who stole a boat" "When he returned and took all the preferences" "There is nothing angers me more than all this" " What is the" " Friends and family" "The most important thing in the whole world" "We do not have any of them" "We are overseas here" "Well, the helicopter carrying four individuals, if we agree on the work of three flights" "I'll be in the latter" " You okay, Matt?" " I do not agree" " It's failed plan Why?" "What if I did not want to see the pilot or the helicopter ran out of fuel?" "What do you do the second and third?" "Just waiting for someone to attack us?" "Forget the helicopter is" "We will lead" "Go to Dover, Folke Stone, anywhere we will take the boat" "You crazy?" "Endure 10 minutes probably" "I have spent two months in prison, just I think I can deal with the road" "Yes, well, when we reach the plane" "You are welcome in the truck and the road" "I'm Angela Snturkkm in the Abrackson then we will continue ....." "You go on your way is the will come with us" "Are you serious?" "Why?" "You think I h ....." "Oh my God, enough is enough" "Will remain with me" "Do you Understand?" "How long will the fuel pump?" "Must make the car go the longest time" "How your arm, Jim?" "Is getting worse?" "See, however be" "Andy is obsessed" "Villain of the eye" "If not, we get to the airstrip" "Only Armenians on the road" "Will not do it, Jim" "Do not leave me become one of them" "I can not do it, Jim" "Well" "Promise me" "Promise" "Why show me this?" " Know why" " I'm fine" "I am perfectly fine" "That's why I'm here" "Because of the test" "Alrak took all of these creatures became" "I saw someone turn in front of my eyes" " Are you saying I am coming?" " No, I do not think so" "30.000 people turned and spread that disease" "For some reason, you are different from the rest" "You are somehow Mmiisah" "Must Nkrjk outside the city and introduce you to one of the laboratories" "And must be done some tests" "You may be possible to stop all of this stuff, but first Priority" "Esmaany" "Just let me, Joey" "This is nonsense on TV" "Is the cause of all this" "Everyone get heart problems" "They are symptoms" "The beginning of this" "I was one of the first testers" " If You Do .... ?" "No." "Did not keep me any symptoms" "I am the only one that did not endure" " Why did it?" " Why do you think, Joey" "I was trying to re-building my life" "I needed the money" "Who told you about drugs?" "Cole?" "He is lying does not have any meaning" " Why is spreading" " I do not want to talk about more than that" "I do not want to talk about, Joey" "At all times we were together" "Did not lie to you never, Anji" "Just want you to be this" "I'm pregnant, air" "Why?" "Well, do you want to keep?" "Yes, I think so" "I will be there for you" "Learn this, is not it?" "Whatever" "Sokrjk of sound here, huh?" "Steve, almost finished" "We should move, and now" "To hell in order to" " What do you do?" " Sorry" " I am training only" " What!" "Training?" "Give me the gun" " Stand Why?" " Stand" " Come on" "I will tell you something" "Here, now do exactly what I say" "Do not ask me second given to understand that?" " Show me your hand" " Beware" "I'll be fine" "Probably" " What do you mean, probably?" " Ready?" " Sooty I also" " Whatever" "Geoff" "Rear will leave us" "This is exactly what will happen that he does not stand us" "If the number is large and there is no place helicopter" " We would leave" " Yes, but, Lavinia" " Geoffrey" " Will not allow this happen" "Well?" "There is something I want you to learn" "Yes?" "She was pregnant and let my" "So no matter how impregnable against the disease or not will come with me" "No room to leave them to become one chemical tests" "So it is best that you move away from my way" "Know that the time will come" "Ask and beg for Arhmk" "Alrak tests, Katie" "It was responsible for all this" " You you do not know this" " I know" "Cole told me" "It works with the N" " Jane saw the man happened to him that" "Why?" "Gosh, I do not know, I do not know" "I am very scared" "Gosh" "Could Taatholy to someone" "Why?" "No, not going to happen" "I'm fine, I'm fine now" "Yes, regret" "I'm shocked, this is what it is" "Have you said Lankan feel you are fine, is not it?" "Is not it?" "Damn" "Hee" "Atalmy, in the specification Alrak 295" "It will be placed on the market tonic for the body" "If" "It is fortunate that no one here was taken, that is all" "Imagine if this happened, my God" "It's okay" "You, who have been biting your finger, do not remember?" "Come on, Katie Do I look so dangerous?" "If this thing to the sessions included a blood" "Do you think I'll be sitting here?" "Well, Anji do not bite one also is not it?" "Yes, but I am not been injected Balrak" " It is possible to be immune to the disease" " Well, do you intend that you take this risk?" "I can not help but imagine what could happen?" "Middle of the road that we were in the helicopter and there is no place Nzhbh" "They turned to one of them" "What then?" "I know it is not easy to imagine that, Katie" "Your friend will become one of those" "But the same thing happened with my colleague" "Is no longer just" "They are good as dead" "Actually, they're the worst" "Why, tell me, why?" "Learn?" "I want you to come out of the car" " Get out of the car" " Hee that he just saw, right?" "To Avii" "Blonde" "She was diagnosed with the thing that makes you one of them" "This is what we need" "Rather" "Why there?" "To act now, everyone moved" " Air?" " Attend SOS rockets from the office" "Well?" "Now is our chance, shut them" " To Avii" " Close the damn door" "Katie?" "Katie" "Well, let's go to move away from here" " The truck is not moving, Matt" " Angela" "Wait, do not spin the truck to the forest, moved" "Move, move" " What happened?" " I do not know" "Something happened on the door have been blockaded, you should find them" " Dear, it is possible to be in any place" " What?" "No ....." "Must think for ourselves to go to the coast" "No, please, you must do" "I think he should try in one place" "Abrackson, C." "We have done it, we're here" "Hold it, hold" "C" "C, Well" "I'll go and look and I would come back for you" " Well" " Well, just faster" "But I can not right something" "And died ...." "Remember what time?" "Well, by the" "Anji?" "Uh" "Otmzh, hunting lodge?" "Cock the best ideas?" "No, I do not think" "Joe knows where is this place if this place that will come to him?" "Is not it?" " Are you sure he will come?" " Air my friend" "We still do not know where Ange?" "Let's go inside and wait for air He knows where we are" "Uh" "Katie" "O God, My God" "Gosh, Steve, I'm sorry" "I regret" "They took us, they took us, O fucks" "Anji" "Can not do what he says, Cole" "Will take you to the research laboratory of the eye" "They will do all kinds of tests you" "They're so Sijbrook Tjhiy that your child" "Joe, what happened there in the boat with this guy?" "I remember this moment, all day" "Sometimes ..." "I can not talk with him Atalmy that?" "I can further the gun with him" "Then I am, hero" "The hero who saved a man from killing someone" "And not the policeman who killed a boy 14 years" "Does not matter now, he is dead" "And it's worth it or not, have helped him on his way" "This thing that I will live it for the rest of my life" "Will not let you down second" "Open the door, the dreaded" "Damn." "Damn" "The closer" "When you are gone there will be only four people" "I can not do that" "What do you do?" "Hee, well Osamaini should open the door" "Will attract more of them" "Is this what Trdi?" "Huh?" " Katie?" "I'm sorry" " How can you?" " What I meant to do?" " What are you?" "Let him alone" "Mandate Fallen" "Anji" "Fucks besiege us" "Have attacked" "You know what will happen to Jim?" "Beyond" "Will remain with me" "Do not want to go with you will I say again" "Real easy to think that way?" "Do not talk ....." " I'll do if Adtrrtny ..." " No, will not do" "For I say to you that you are not so from the inside" "I can see it in your eyes" "Because I killed more people than I remember" "I do not want to see you never, never, ending an optimal" "Esmaany" "Take this to him" "I do that" "Damn" "Air" "I do not want my boy to know" "I know you will return to you, my friend" "You" "What I said to you?" "What did you say you?" " He did not do anything" " Shut your mouth dreaded" " Beyond" " You stay here Monday" "How your back, Angela?" "Huh?" "How can it hurt your chest?" "I took Alrak, this stuff will turn into a fucking" "Genuflect on your knees left there, is not it?" " I left there, RSVP" " Did not do anything" " She did the" " What?" "This is not true" "This is a lie" "I did not do anything" "This is a lie for the same" "Do not do, Cole, this is not true" "They know that you will turn to them they did not trust your" "No one does" "Please, I did not do anything" "Promise, did not do anything" "Please believe me" "That's all, just, is not it?" "Forsaken Me There" "Did not try to help me did not do anything" "Everyone into the truck pause" " I do not care what you think" "Will coast to their level" "Matthew Mills, of a support unit in the Marines" "Come to the warehouse" "We are just 5 miles east of the city limits along the River Thames" "'Of any survivors in the water when you go along the East River Iems" "'And waited for rescue, finished'" "I'll go to the east along the river Iems" "Aware of this, we will be there, Coming" "'When you go to the east water, Mills" "'We will stay in situ for 12 hours, finished'" "Aware of this we will be there, we will be there" "Anji" "C?" "It's Me, Matt says, I'm Matt" "What's this?" "Matt?" "Why?" "Whoa" "C" "C.." "C" "C, Esmaany listened to me" "What if that happened?" "When we are in the air?" " What's Next?" " Why do not you shut up?" " Am I the only who cares?" " How your hand?" "Stop pain" " Really?" " Yes" " Actually bene" "Stopped the truck" " What?" " Stopped the truck, Cole" "Will not do" " You forget something" " The real monsters in this truck" " I know this" " They can get their plane private" "Ll I try won on the road with an air I can not stop these things to reach us" "But I can stop this thing" " They're likely to see me dead" " Well now Esmaany" "You have your diet so far, is not it?" "And I will take you another way because I know I could," "But we must grant me finished what it started" "Should you do" "You are the only hope for treatment" " Well" " Inge" "Not Tdjalehm Idjaloky guinea pig" "Damn" "Go" "Move" "Abrackson, through the gates" "Wait" "Anji" "Everything is fine" " Katie" " No, no, no, no" "I'm sorry" "Stay quiet, stay quiet" "To go" "No." "Leave us go, Cole" "Leave us go, you know what to do with" "I would not make that happen you are the four, take the helicopter" "We are going to take the truck there was a reservoir, has won all" " No, you do not have a chance, Joey" " Well, we can try" "I need to do that" "For everyone" " Come on" " Inge" "I can not let you to do that" "Matt?" "Will not go any place" "Damn" "What do we do now?" " Inge" " Matt, OH" "Are you okay?" "Listen, the boat at the river" "Warehouse is located 10 miles east of the" "Whatever these things, they hate the water" "I think that we can do it, okay?" " I do not even know you" " Trust him" " Are you sure?" " I'm sure" "Just trust him, he is my brother" " Come on, air" " Well, let's go" "Come on, let's go" "Oh, Geoffrey" "Geoffrey, helped him" "Geoffrey" " Go and prepared the boat now" " What happens?" "Leave, there has been nothing you can do, go" " Come on" " Helped him hell" "Or I'll kill her" "No." " Sosrk" " Sosrk loudly and everyone will come" " No you do not" "Helped him, helped him" "Leave now" "Go to the boat, go" "Give me the gun" "To Avii, do not leave" " I'm coming with you" " No, you do not" "You should not be intimidated, never" "Just wanted to protect you" "They are coming, they are coming" "Why do the hell?" "Angie, Ahdhiri" "Matt, Matt" "Matt" "No, no, no, do not do" "Just go out to the boat" "No." "Just take it and go" "No, Joe, come on" "Will come with us" "I can not" "Oh, Joy" "Everything is fine" "Everything is fine, everything is fine" "I can not away second" "Will not happen" "Angela" "You're what is right" "I love you" "Go" "Go" "'I've done a lot of things wrong in my life'" "But I do not ask Gfrankm" "'Because I took my mistakes Regrets" "'And all a second chance" "'Well, he has a price'" " Omstad?" " I am ready" "I've done the right thing, air" "'Two of us first Ahtajunha" "'Now you can save what'" "Sorry, Anji" "Sorry" "Come on, let's go, let's go" "What did he mean?" "When he said, "Sign right thing in" What do you mean?" "I have to see some doctors" "As soon as" "'Here control repository" "'We are moving now in the way of the safe area" "'I confirm I have recovered two of the citizens" "'Request for transfer of adult female off" "'Research Unit of the viral" "'Science and finished'" "If, my time has come" "Kony in part of this world, who helped create it" "And I will die with him" | {
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"The Hovitos are near." "The poison is still fresh, three days." "They're following us." "If they knew we were here, they would've killed us already." "This is it." "This is where Forrestal cashed in." "A friend of yours?" "A competitor." "He was good." "He was very, very good." "Señor... nobody's come out of there alive." "Please..." "Señor." "Stop." "Stay out of the light." "Forrestal." "Let us hurry." "There is nothing to fear here." "That's what scares me." "Stay here." "If you insist, señor." "Give me the whip." "Throw me the idol." "No time to argue." "Throw me the idol, I throw you the whip." "Give me the whip!" "Adios, señor." "Adios, Satipo." "Dr. Jones." "Again we see there is nothing you can possess which I cannot take away." "And you thought I had given up." "You chose the wrong friends." "This time, it will cost you." "Too bad the Hovitos... don't know you the way I do, Belloq." "Yes, too bad." "You could warn them, if only you spoke Hovitos." "Jock!" "Start the engines!" "Get it up!" "Jock, the engines!" "Start the engines, Jock!" "There's a big snake in the plane, Jock!" "Oh, that's just my pet snake Reggie!" "I hate snakes, Jock!" "I hate 'em!" "Come on!" "Show a little backbone, will ya?" ""Neo," meaning "new"" "and "lithic"..." "I-T-H I-C, meaning "stone."" "All right, let's get back to this site:" "Turkdean Barrow, near Hazelton." "Contains a central pas-passage and three chambers, or cysts don't confuse that with robbing, in which case we mean the removal of the contents of the barrow." "This site also demonstrates one of the great dangers of archaeology.." "not to life and limb, although that does sometimes take place.." "no, I'm talking about folklore." "In this case, local tradition held that there was golden coffin buried at the site, and this accounts for the holes dug all over the barrow and the generally poor condition of the find." "However, chamber three was undisturbed, and the undisturbed chamber and the grave goods that were found in another, uh.." "in the area, give us a r.." "Uh reason to da.." "to, uh, to-to date this, uh, find as we have." "Um..." "Any questions, then?" "No?" "Okay, that's it for the day, then." "Um, don't forget.." "Michaelson, chapters four and five for next time." "And I will be in my office on Thursday, but not Wednesday." "I had it, Marcus." "I had it in my hand." "What happened?" "Guess." "Belloq?" "You want to hear about it?" "Not at all." "I'm sure everything you do for the museum conforms to the lnternational Treaty for the Protection of Antiquities." "It's beautiful, Marcus." "I can get it." "I got it all figured out." "There's only one place he can sell it:" "Marrakech." "I need $2,000." "Look.." "Listen to me, old boy." "I brought some people to see you." "Look." "I got these pieces." "They're good pieces, Marcus." "Look." "Indiana..." "Yes, the museum will buy them, as usual, no questions asked." "Yes, they are nice." "They're worth at least the price of a ticket to Marrakech." "But the people I brought are important, and they're waiting." "What people?" "Army Intelligence." "They knew you were coming before I did." "Seem to know everything." "They wouldn't tell me what they want." "Well, what do I want to see them for?" "What am I, in trouble?" "Yes, Dr. Jones, we've heard a great deal about you." "Have you?" "Uh, professor of archaeology, expert on the occult, and, uh, how does one say it?" "Obtainer of rare antiquities." "That's one way of saying it." "Why don't you sit down?" "You'll be more comfortable." "Oh, thank you." "Thank you." "Yes, you're a man of many talents." "Now, you studied under Professor Ravenwood at the University of Chicago." "Yes, I did." "You have no idea of his present whereabouts?" "Uh... well, just rumors, really." "Somewhere in Asia, I think." "I haven't really spoken to him for ten years." "We were friends, but, uh... had a bit of a falling out, I'm afraid." "Mmm." "Dr. Jones, now, you must understand that this is all strictly confidential, eh?" "I understand." "Uh..." "Yesterday afternoon, our European sections intercepted a..." "a German communiqu?" "that was sent from Cairo to Berlin." "Now, to Cairo..." "See, over the last two years, the Nazis have had teams of archaeologists running around the world looking for all kinds of religious artifacts." "Hitler's a nut on the subject." "He's crazy." "He's obsessed with the occult." "And, right now, apparently, there's some kind of German archaeological dig going on in the desert outside of Cairo." "Now, we've got some information here, but we can't make anything out of it, and maybe you can." ""Tanis development proceeding." ""Acquire headpiece, Staff of Ra." "Abner Ravenwood, U.S."" "The Nazis have discovered Tanis." "Just what does that mean to you, uh, Tanis?" "Well, it.." "The city of Tanis is one of the possible resting places of the Lost Ark." "The Lost Ark?" "Yeah, the Ark of the Covenant." "The chest the Hebrews used to carry around the Ten Commandments." "What do you mean, "commandments"?" "You talking about the Ten Commandments?" "Yes, the actual Ten Commandments." "The original stone tablets that Moses brought down out of Mount Horeb and smashed, if you believe in that sort of thing." "Any of you guys ever go to Sunday school?" "Well, I..." "Oh, look." "The Hebrews took the broken pieces and put them in the Ark." "When they settled in Canaan, they put the Ark in a place called the Temple of Solomon." "In Jerusalem." "Where it stayed for many years." "Until, all of a sudden, whoosh, it's gone." "Where?" "Well, nobody knows where or when." "However, an Egyptian pharaoh..." "Shishak." "Yes." "...invaded the city of Jerusalem right about 980 BC, and he may have taken the Ark back to the city of Tanis and hidden it in a secret chamber called the Well of Souls." "Secret chamber?" "However, about a year after the pharaoh would return to Egypt, the city of Tanis was consumed by the desert in a sandstorm which lasted a whole year." "Wiped clean by the wrath of God." "Uh-huh." "Obviously, we've come to the right men." "Now you seem to know, uh, all about this Tanis, then." "No, no, not really." "Ravenwood is the real expert." "Abner did the first serious work on Tanis." "Collected some of its relics." "It was his obsession, really." "But he never found the city." "Frankly, we're somewhat suspicious of Mr. Ravenwood." "An American being mentioned so prominently in a secret Nazi cable." "Oh, rubbish." "Ravenwood's no Nazi." "Well, what do the Nazis want him for, then?" "Well, obviously, the Nazis are looking for the headpiece to the Staff of Ra and they think Abner's got it." "What exactly is a headpiece to the Staff of Ra?" "Well, the staff is just a stick.." "I don't know, about this big, nobody really knows for sure how high.." "and it's... it's, uh..." "it's capped with an elaborate headpiece... in the shape of the sun, with a crystal in the center." "And what you did was you take the staff to a special room in Tanis.." "a map room with a miniature of the city all laid out on the floor- and if you put the staff in a certain place, at a certain time of day, the sun shone through here and made a beam that came down on the floor here... and gave you the exact location of the Well of the Souls." "Where the Ark of the Covenant was kept, right?" "Which is exactly what the Nazis are looking for." "What does this Ark look like?" "Uh..." "There's a picture of it right here." "That's it." "Good God." "Yes, that's just what the Hebrews thought." "Uh... now, what's that supposed to be coming out of there?" "Lightning... fire... power of God or something." "I'm beginning to understand" "Hitler's interest in this." "Oh, yes." "The Bible speaks of the Ark leveling mountains, and laying waste to entire regions." "An army which carries the Ark before it... is invincible." "You did it, didn't you?" "They want you to go for it." "Oh, Marcus!" "They want you to get ahold of the Ark before the Nazis do and they're prepared to pay handsomely for it." "And the museum?" "The museum gets the Ark when we're finished?" "Oh, yes." "Oh..." "The Ark of the Covenant." "Nothing else has come close." "That thing represents everything we got into archaeology for in the first place." "Mmm!" "You know, five years ago, I would've gone after it myself." "I'm really rather envious." "I've got to locate Abner." "I think I know where to start." "Suppose she'll still be with him?" "Possibly, but..." "Marion's the least of your worries right now, believe me, Indy." "What do you mean?" "Well, I mean that for nearly 3,000 years, man has been searching for the Lost Ark." "Not something to be taken lightly." "No one knows its secrets." "It's like nothing you've ever gone after before." "Oh, Marcus." "What are you trying to do, scare me?" "You sound like my mother." "We've known each other for a long time." "I don't believe in magic, a lot of superstitious hocus-pocus." "I'm going after a find of incredible historical significance." "You're talking about the bogeyman." "Besides, you know what a cautious fellow I am." "Nice to see you again, Dr. Jones." "Thank you." "Shh... shh..." "Shh..." "Give him space!" "Give him space!" "Go on, Regan!" "Shh!" "Shh!" "Shh!" "Shh!" "Shh!" "Hello, Marion." "Indiana Jones." "Always knew, someday, you'd come walking back through my door." "I never doubted that." "Something made it inevitable." "So, what are you doing here in Nepal?" "I need one of the pieces your father collected." "I learned to hate you in the last ten years." "I never meant to hurt you." "I was a child." "I was in love." "It was wrong and you knew it!" "You knew what you were doing." "Now I do!" "This is my place." "Get out!" "I did what I did." "You don't have to be happy about it, but maybe we could help each other out now." "I need one of the pieces your father collected." "Bronze piece, about this size, with a hole in it, off-center, with a crystal." "You know the one I mean?" "Yeah." "I know it." "Where's Abner?" "Where's Abner?" "Abner's dead." "Marion, I'm sorry." "Do you know what you did to me, to my life?" "I can only say I'm sorry so many times." "Well, say it again, anyway." "Sorry." "Yeah, everybody's sorry." "Abner was sorry for dragging me all over this earth looking for his little bits of junk." "I'm sorry to still be stuck in this dive." "Everybody's sorry for something." "It's a worthless bronze medallion, Marion." "You going to give it to me?" "Maybe." "I don't know where it is." "Well, maybe you could find it." "3,000 bucks." "Well, that will get me back, but not in style." "I can get you another two when we get to the States." "It's important, Marion." "Trust me." "You know the piece I mean?" "Do you know where it is?" "Come back tomorrow." "Why?" "Because I said so, that's why." "Ha!" "See you tomorrow, Indiana Jones." "Good evening, Fraulein." "The bar's closed." "We..." "We are... not thirsty." "What do you want?" "The same thing your friend Dr. Jones wanted." "Surely he told you there would be other interested parties." "Must've slipped his mind." "The man is... nefarious." "I hope, for your sake, he has not yet acquired it." "Why, are you willing to offer more?" "Oh, almost certainly." "Do you still have it?" "No." "But I know where it is." "Hey, how about a drink for you and your men?" "Your fire is dying here." "Why don't you tell me where the piece is right now?" "Listen, Herr Mac..." "I don't know what kind of people you're used to dealing with, but nobody tells me what to do in my place." "Fraulein Ravenwood, let me show you what I am used to." "Take your hands off me!" "Take your lousy hands off!" "Wait a minute." "Wait, I..." "I can be reasonable." "That time is passed." "You don't need that." "Wait..." "I'll tell you everything." "Yes, I know you will." "Let her go." "Whiskey." "Shoot them." "Shoot them both." "My medallion!" "Well, Jones, at least you haven't forgotten how to show a lady a good time!" "Boy, you're something!" "Yeah, I'll tell you what." "Until I get back my $5,000, you're going to get more than you bargained for." "I'm your goddamn partner!" "Cairo, city of the living." "A paradise on earth." "Silence!" "Why do you forget yourselves?" "What is this?" "Where did this animal come from?" "Oh... oh, no." "Cute." "What an adorable creature." "Then it shall be welcome in our house." "Oh, well, no, you don't have to keep it here just because of me." "I knew the Germans would hire you, Sallah." "You're the best digger in Egypt." "My services are entirely inconsequential to them." "They've hired or shanghaied every digger in Cairo." "The excavation is enormous." "They hire only strong backs and they pay pennies for them." "It's as if the pharaohs had returned." "When did they find the map room?" "Three days ago." "They have not one brain among them." "Except one." "He is very clever." "He's a French archaeologist." "What's his name?" "They call him "Bellosh."" "Belloq." "Belloq." "The Germans have a great advantage over us." "They are near to discovering the Well of Souls." "Well, they're not going to find it without this." "Who can tell us about these markings?" "Perhaps a man I know can help us." "Indy... there is something that troubles me." "What is it?" "The Ark." "If it is there, at Tanis, then it is something that man was not meant to disturb." "Death has always surrounded it." "It is not of this earth." "Do we need the monkey, huh?" "I'm surprised at you, Jones- talking that way about our baby." "He's got your looks, too." "And your brains." "Oops!" "I noticed that." "She's a smart little thing-- smart." "Hey!" "Hey, where you going?" "She'll be all right." "Have a date." "Come on." "Come on." "Okay..." "Marion." "What's this?" "It's a date." "You eat 'em." "How come you haven't found some nice girl to settle down with, raise eight or nine kids, like your friend Sallah?" "Who says I haven't?" "I do." "Dad had you figured a long time ago." "He said you were a bum." "Oh, he's being generous." "The most gifted bum he ever trained." "You know, he loved you like a son." "Took a hell of a lot for you to alienate him." "Not much, just you." "Marion, get out of here!" "Duck!" "Right." "Shh!" "Shh!" "Marion!" "Help!" "Over here, Indy!" "Get out of the way!" "Move!" "Move it!" "Help me!" "You can't do this to me!" "I'm an American!" "Indy!" "Indiana Jones!" "Help me, Jones!" "Jones!" "Marion!" "Indy!" "Marion..." "Dr. Jones." "You looking for me?" "Belloq." "Good afternoon, Dr. Jones." "I ought to kill you right now." "Not a very private place for a murder." "Well, these Arabs don't care if we kill each other." "They're not going to interfere in our business." "It was not I who brought the girl into this business." "Please, sit down before you fall down." "We can at least behave like civilized people." "I see your taste in friends remains consistent." "How odd that it should end this way for us, after so many stimulating encounters." "I almost regret it." "Where shall I find a new adversary so close to my own level?" "Try the local sewer." "You and I are very much alike." "Archaeology is our religion, yet we have both fallen from the purer faith." "Our methods have not differed as much as you pretend." "I am a shadowy reflection of you." "It would take only a nudge to make you like me, to push you out of the light." "Now you're getting nasty." "You know it's true." "How nice." "Look at this." "It's worthless." "Ten dollars from a vendor in the street." "But I take it," "I bury it in the sand for a thousand years, it becomes priceless..." "like the Ark." "Men will kill for it." "Men like you and me." "What about your boss, der Fuehrer?" "I thought he was waiting to take possession." "All in good time." "When I am finished with it." "Jones, do you realize what the Ark is?" "It's a transmitter." "It's a radio for speaking to God." "And it's within my reach." "You want to talk to God?" "Let's go see Him together." "I've got nothing better to do." "Uncle Indy, come back home now!" "Uncle Indy!" "Next time, Indiana Jones, it'll take more than children to save you." "Uncle Indy!" "I thought I would find you there." "Better than the United States Marines, eh?" "Marion's dead." "Yes, I know." "And me!" "And me!" "I'm sorry." "Life goes on, Indy." "There is the proof." "Uh-oh." "I have much to tell you." "First we will take them home, and then I will take you to the old man." "I can't figure out how Belloq did it." "Where'd he get a copy of the headpiece?" "There are no pictures, no duplicates of it anywhere." "I tell you only what I saw with my own eyes:" "A headpiece like that one, except round the edges, which were rougher." "In the center, the Frenchman had embedded a crystal, and... and surrounding the crystal, on one side, there were raised markings, just like that one." "They made their calculations in the map room?" "This morning." "Belloq and the boss German, Dietrich." "When they came out of the map room, they gave us a new spot in which to dig, out away from the camp." "The Well of the Souls, huh?" "Come, come, look." "Look here..." "look." "Sit down." "Come, sit down." "What is it?" "This is a warning not to disturb the Ark of the Covenant." "What about the height of the staff, though?" "Did Belloq get it off of here?" "Yes." "It is here." "This were the old way, this mean six kadam high." "About 72 inches." "Wait!" ""And take back one kadam to honor the Hebrew God whose Ark this is."" "You said their headpiece only had markings on one side." "Are you absolutely sure?" "Belloq's staff is too long." "They're digging in the wrong place." "I am the monarch of the sea" "I am the ruler of the.." "Bad dates." "I told you not to be premature in your communiqu?" "to Berlin." "Archaeology is not an exact science." "It does not deal in time schedules." "The führer is not a patient man." "He demands constant reports, and he expects progress." "You led me to believe..." "Nothing!" "I made no promises." "I only said it looked very favorable." "Besides, with the information in our possession, my calculations were correct." "Boy, they're not kidding, are they?" "What time does the sun hit the map room?" "At about 9:00 in the morning." "Not much time, then." "Where are they digging for the Well of the Souls?" "On that ridge..." "but the map room's over there." "Let's go, come on." "Sallah." "Sallah!" "They're here." "Please, my friend, what is the matter?" "I fetch the water." "I shall get it for you." "If you want water, I will get you water." "No problem, no problem." "I thought you were dead." "You must have switched baskets." "Are you hurt?" "No." "You have to get me out of here, quick." "They're gonna be back at any minute." "Cut me loose." "Quick." "They keep asking about you." "What you know." "What's wrong?" "Cut me loose." "I know where the Ark is, Marion." "The Ark's here?" "I'm coming with you, Jones." "Get me out of here!" "Cut me loose!" "You can't leave me here!" "If I take you out of here now, they'll start combing the place for us." "Jones, you've got to get me out of here!" "Come on, Jones, are you crazy?" "!" "Marion, I hate to do this, but if you don't sit still and keep quiet, this whole thing is going to be shot." "I'll be back to get you." "Jones, what's the matter?" "That's it." "Who knows?" "Perhaps the Ark is still waiting in some antechamber for us to discover." "Perhaps there's some vital bit of evidence which eludes us." "Perhaps..." "Perhaps the girl can help us." "My feeling exactly." "She was in possession of the original piece for years." "She may know much, if properly motivated." "I tell you, the girl knows nothing." "I'm surprised to find you squeamish." "That is not your reputation." "But it needn't concern you." "I have the perfect man for this kind of work." "Heil Hitler." "Indy!" "Here!" "We've hit stone!" "Clear it off." "Come on, find the edges." "Good, good, good." "You see, Indy?" "You see?" "Okay, bring the pry bars in." "As a team, boys!" "As a team!" "Push!" "Get 'em in there." "Get 'em under." "Good, good, that's it." "Watch your toes." "Carefully, carefully!" "Sorry, Indy." "Indy... why does the floor move?" "Give me your torch." "Snakes." "Why did it have to be snakes?" "Asps." "Very dangerous." "You go first." "If you're trying to escape on foot, the desert is three weeks in every direction, so please, eat something." "I must apologize for their treatment of you." "Yeah." "Whose idea was it?" "No food, no water." "What kind of people are these friends of yours?" "At this particular time and place, to do my work, they are necessary evils." "They're not my friends." "However, with the right connections, even in this part of the world, we are not entirely uncivilized." "It's beautiful." "I would very much like to see you in it." "I'll bet you would." "All right." "What do you got to drink around here?" "We don't have much time." "Soon they will come to harm you, and I will not be able to stop them, unless you are able to give me something to placate them." "Some, uh, piece of information... which I can use to protect you from them." "I've already told you everything I know." "I have no loyalty to Jones." "He's brought me nothing but trouble." "Marion, you are beautiful." "I don't think we need a chaperone." "Steadily." "Steadily." "Whoa!" "Down..." "Down.." "Whoa." "Carefully, carefully!" "You all right, Indy?" "Now gently, boys." "Gently, gently!" "Whoa..." "I told you it will be all right." "Huh..." "Sallah, get down here!" "You pour." "Oh, that's good." "Whoops." "What is this stuff, Rene?" "I grew up with this." "It's my family label." "Well..." "I have to be going now, Rene." "I like you, Rene, very much." "Perhaps we'll meet someday under better circumstances." "We meet again, Fraulein." "You Americans, you're all the same." "Always overdressing for the wrong occasions." "Now... what shall we talk about?" "All right... take it up!" "Easy!" "You're as stubborn as that girl." "You like her too much, I think." "Your methods of archaeology are too primitive for me." "You would use a bulldozer to find a..." "China cup." "Shliemann!" "Wake your men!" "Indy, the torches are burning out." "Go on, get out of here." "Hyah!" "Sallah!" "Hello!" "Hello!" "Why, Dr. Jones, whatever are you doing in such a nasty place?" "Why don't you come on down here!" "I'll show you!" "Thank you, my friend, but I think we are all very comfortable up here." "That's right, isn't it?" "Yes, we are very comfortable up here." "So, once again, Jones, what was briefly yours is now mine." "What a fitting end to your life's pursuits." "You're about to become a permanent addition to this archaeological find." "Who knows?" "In a thousand years, even you may be worth something." "Son of a bitch." "I'm afraid we must be going now, Dr. Jones." "Our prize is awaited in Berlin." "But I do not wish to leave you down in that awful place all alone." "Slimy pig, you let me go!" "Stop it!" "Marion!" "Hang on." "Don't..." "Indy!" "Don't fall!" "Marion, I got you!" "I got you!" "I got you!" "You traitor!" "You get your hands off of me!" "Snakes!" "Oh, sh... oh, at your feet!" "The girl was mine!" "She's of no use to us." "Only our mission for the führer matters." "I wonder sometimes, Monsieur, if you have that clearly in mind." "It was not to be, chérie." "You bastards!" "I'll get you for this!" "Indiana Jones... adieu." "No!" "Take this." "Wave it at anything that slithers." "Thank you." "Oh, my God, this whole place is slithering." "Indy!" "Ow!" "Jesus!" "Where did you get this?" "From him?" "I was trying to escape." "No thanks to you." "How hard were you trying?" "Well, where the hell were you?" "Watch it, watch it." "What are you doing?" "For the fire!" "How the hell are we going to get out of here?" "I'm working on it!" "I'm working on it!" "Well, whatever you're doing, do it faster." "Ah..." "Where are you going?" "Through that wall." "Just get ready to run, whatever happens to me." "What do you mean by that?" "Indy!" "Damn it!" "Don't you leave me down here by myself!" "Indy!" "Here we go!" "Get ready!" "Indy, the torch is going out!" "Indy?" "Marion!" "Look." "Look." "They're going to fly it out of here." "When that Ark gets loaded, we're already going to be on the plane." "Ah, monsieur, let us toast our success in the desert." "To the Ark." "When we are very far from here." "That will do." "Hey, you now.. come here!" "Come here!" "Indy!" "Stay with the Ark!" "Stay with the Ark!" "Look out!" "Oh, my God." "Marion." "In here!" "Up here!" "Indy, come on!" "Hold on!" "Move up!" "It's gonna blow up!" "It's stuck!" "Indy!" "I can't push it off!" "It's stuck!" "Turn it!" "Turn it!" "It's stuck!" "Turn it there!" "Never mind!" "Get back!" "Get back!" "Get the Ark away from this place immediately." "Have it put on the truck." "We'll fly it out of Cairo." "And Gobler, I want plenty of protection." "Jones." "Holy smoke, my friends," "I..." "I'm so pleased you're not dead!" "Indy, Indy, we have no time." "If you still want the Ark, it is being loaded onto a truck for Cairo." "Truck?" "What truck?" "Let's go!" "Get back to Cairo." "Get us some transport to England- boat, plane, anything." "Meet me at Omar's." "Be ready for me." "I'm going after that truck." "How?" "I don't know." "I'm making this up as I go." "Ew!" "He's there!" "Idiot!" "Idiot!" "Everything at last has been arranged." "The Ark?" "Is on board." "Nothing is lacking, now that you're here." "Or what is left of you." "You trust these guys?" "Yes." "Mr. Katanga." "Mr. Katanga, these are my friends." "They are my family." "I will hear of it if they are not treated well." "My cabin is theirs." "Mr. Jones..." "I've heard a lot about you, sir." "Your appearance is exactly the way I imagined." "Good-bye." "Look out for each other." "I am already missing you." "You're my good friend." "Sallah." "That is for Fayah... that is for your children... and this is for you." "Thank you." "A British tar is a soaring soul" "As free as a mountain bird" "His energetic fist should be ready to a dictator..." "Where did you go?" "I'm cleaning up." "Where'd you get that?" "From him." "Who him?" "Katanga." "I got a feeling I'm not the first woman ever to travel with these pirates." "It's lovely." "Yeah?" "Yeah." "Really?" "Yeah." "What'd you say?" "Wait..." "I don't need any help." "You know you do." "You're not the man I knew ten years ago." "It's not the years, honey, it's the mileage." "You are..." "Please, I don't need a nurse." "I just want to sleep." "Don't be such a baby." "Marion, leave me alone." "What is this here?" "Go away." "Yes, it hurts." "Ow!" "Well, goddamn it, Indy, where doesn't it hurt?" "Here." "Here." "This isn't too bad." "Here." "Jones..." "Jones?" "We never seem to get a break, do we?" "What is it?" "Engines have stopped." "I'm going to go check." "What's happening?" "We have most important friends." "Holy shit." "I sent my man for you." "You and the girl must disappear." "We have a place in the hold." "Come on, go, go, go." "Come on, go, my friend, go." "Where is Dr. Jones?" "What's the big idea?" "Let go!" "Don't you touch me." "What about Jones?" "There's no trace yet, sir." "Jones is dead." "I killed him." "He was of no use to us." "This girl, however, has certain value where we're headed." "She'll bring a very good price." "Mmm?" "Herr Colonel, that cargo you've taken- if it's your goal, go in peace with it, but leave us the girl." "It would reduce our loss on this trip." "Savage!" "You are not in the position to ask for anything." "We will take what we wish." "And then decide whether or not to blow your ship from the water." "The girl goes with me." "She'll be part of my compensation." "I'm sure your führer would approve." "If she fails to please me, you may do with her as you wish." "I will waste no more time with her now." "Excuse me." "I can't find Mr. Jones, Captain." "I've looked everywhere." "He's got to be here somewhere." "Look again." "I found him." "Where?" "There." "The altar has been prepared in accordance with your radio instructions, sir." "Good." "Take the Ark there immediately." "Monsieur..." "I am uncomfortable with the thought of this..." "Jewish ritual." "Are you sure it's necessary?" "Let me ask you this:" "Would you be more comfortable opening the Ark in Berlin, for your führer?" "Finding out, only then, if the sacred pieces of the Covenant are inside?" "Knowing, only then, whether you have accomplished your mission, and obtained the one true Ark?" "Hello!" "Jones." "Jones!" "I'm going to blow up the Ark, Rene." "Your persistence surprises even me." "You're going to give mercenaries a bad name." "Dr. Jones... surely you don't think you can escape from this island." "That depends on how reasonable we're all willing to be." "All I want is the girl." "If we refuse?" "Then your führer has no prize." "Okay, stand back." "All of you, stand back." "Stand back." "Okay, Jones." "You win!" "Blow it up." "Yes, blow it up!" "Blow it back to God." "All your life has been spent in pursuit of archaeological relics." "Inside the Ark are treasures beyond your wildest aspirations." "You want to see it open as well as I." "Indiana... we are simply passing through history." "This..." "This is history." "Do as you will." "Marion, don't look at it." "Shut your eyes, Marion." "Don't look at it, no matter what happens." "Ah..." "It's beautiful!" "Indy?" "Don't look, Marion!" "Keep your eyes shut!" "Marion." "You've done your country a great service, and we thank you and we trust you found the settlement satisfactory." "Oh, the money's fine." "The situation's totally unacceptable." "Well, gentlemen," "I guess that just about wraps it up." "Where is the Ark?" "I thought we'd settled that." "The Ark is somewhere very safe." "From whom?" "The Ark is a source of unspeakable power and it has to be researched." "And it will be, I assure you, Dr. Brody," "Dr. Jones." "We have top men working on it right now." "Who?" "Top men." "Hey, what happened?" "You don't look very happy." "Fools." "Bureaucratic fools." "What'd they say?" "They don't know what they've got there." "Well, I know what I've got here." "Come on." "I'll buy you a drink." "You know... a drink?" | {
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"sync:" "FRM@¾ÆÄÒ·¹´ü" "Clear." "Bad guys win." "Yeah, we sure took out your evil sidekick though." "Well, you still died." "Yeah, and I only came in half speed." "What didn't you have your corner?" "Because he was too busy getting mine." "Huh." "I thought simulation didn't hurt." "That's just your pride." "It was pretty good roundup till then." "Yeah, yeah, could you..." "help me with this?" "I just... you know, chicks and guns." "Come on, I was getting your back, all right?" "Huh." "It's not a football game, Matt." "I don't need you to block for me." "If these drills simulate real world encounters, then you just got us killed." "Oh, okay." "Real world encounters?" "Yeah, real world encounters." "When's the last time you made a tactical assault?" "And you just got us killed." "Better yet, how many times you cleared leather on the line of duty?" "Couple times." "Couple times as in two?" "Oh, right, I get it." "So I'm the princess from Princeton who joined the white-collar FBI, and you're the badass street cop from the mean streets of Simi Valley who's going to teach me about the street and how mean it is." "Yeah, that's about right." "Yeah." "Okay." "CHERYL:" "Hold up." "Sorry to interrupt your training, but we're needed upstairs." "Did I miss something good?" "Well, Flannery died protecting Lehman." "Other than that..." "Uh... what's upstairs?" "Task force briefing." "Serial bank robber is starting up a streak up the California coast." "Armed Robbery is putting together a posse." "They want to attach a negotiation team." "I want the whole unit to attend." "EMILY:" "Do we have time to change?" "No?" "Okay." "WOMAN:" "The Bystander Bandit." "That's what we're calling the perp owing to his MO of taking a customer hostage at every bank that he hits and then abducting them to cover his escape." "Okay?" "So, first bank that he hit, here, Santa Cruz, the next was Monterey, but a hundred miles apart." "Cleared about $200 grand at each." "Besides a hunch that he's moving south, bank video is the only lead that we have." "Now I'm going to turn the briefing over to Cheryl Carrera." "She's going to walk you through the footage." "Thanks, Leanne." "Yeah." "Obviously, CNU is joining Armed Robbery's task force because of the hostage component which doubles our risk factor here." "From the video, we've been able to gain some insight as to how our mystery man operates." "CHERYL:" "We believe he chooses his victims, always female, in the parking lot, probably based on the vehicle since that will be his getaway car." "Watch closely." "This footage was taken at the Monterey bank last Thursday." "He focuses on the woman with the dog." "Hey, anybody moves and she dies!" "Hey!" "Hey!" "(woman screaming)" "(woman crying)" "CHERYL:" "He gets the bank manager to open the vault..." "while covering everyone else, and then gets his hostage to collect the cash before he collects her." "BANDIT:" "Hurry up!" "(whimpers)" "From here, he drags her to her vehicle, which he then takes to his own." "So far, all the hostages have been released, but it's only a matter of time before one of them gets hurt." "Thank you." "We expect that he will strike next somewhere in this hundred-mile zone." "The new command center will be out of Santa Barbara." "Please refer to your task force packets for details." "We mobilize immediately." "Thank you." "Lady could've used someone getting her back." "Maybe you should give her a call." "Three down." "Three to go." "You're a genius, baby." "Captioning sponsored by 20th CENTURY FOX TELEVISION and FOX BROADCASTING COMPANY" "* Late nights and street fights *" "* Dirty city, bright lights *" "* Mixing with the wrong crowd *" "* And everything that goes down *" "* And young enough to know no better *" "* Gotta get myself together *" "* 'Cause I know, I know *" "* Can't go on living this way... *" "* Ah... *" "* So don't be getting too brave. *" "LEANNE:" "CNU?" "Welcome to Santa Barbara." "Third bank?" "Cambria." "Total take is $600,000." "Now he's definitely moving south." "The new zone extends from this command post down to L.A." "Uh, how many banks in the zone?" "Seven hundred and twelve." "That includes gas stations, ATMs, though, right?" "Yeah, we're working on narrowing the targets." "Thank you, thank you, Tim." "Yeah, I have to brief the county sheriff's office." "We're going to use as much local law and state manpower as we possibly can to cover our bases." "Transcripts of the hostages' statements are in there for your review." "Thanks." "Yeah." "Thank you." "Okay." "Uh, 204." "View of the parking lot." "Wait." "Wait, wait, wait, where you going?" "To my room." "Huh?" "Emily, come on, there's..." "Everybody knows about us already." "Yeah, exactly why I requested a separate room." "Is that a problem?" "Well, for the taxpayers, yeah." "(chuckles)" "Come on, you're really going to punish me for trying to protect you?" "Oh, come on, don't be ridiculous." "What, you want to clear the room for me first?" "What, no?" "(sighs)" "WOMAN:" ""Lay face down," he said." ""Face down."" "And so I did, and he ran across these people's lawn till, like, the other side of the block." "That's probably where his vehicle was." "Um, are you sure you'll be okay staying here?" "My parents are flying me back home." "Just for a little while." "Don't worry, we're going to catch him." "(phone rings)" "Yeah?" "WOMAN:" "Guy asked 14 questions, six less than last time, ten aimed at my breasts." "Baby, (laughs) I am so good at this." "All right, well, quit kissing your own ass and get it up here." "I hate sleeping in the bed without you." "Me, too, but we can't risk being seen together, baby." "You don't them to get onto us." "They ain't getting onto us, Kari." "They'd have to be smarter than you." "They don't make cops that smart." "1 2" "3 4" "Yeah?" "Play your cards right." "There's camera's everywhere." "That obviously doesn't bother him." "Well, maybe he wanted to be seen." "Or maybe he needed an ego boost." "All right, pulls her out of line, right?" "Drags her this way." "So he can't select the hostage for vehicle alone." "It's got to be somebody he feels comfortable he can control." "Well, then maybe I'm not the best model." "He has needs for practical structural." "Uh, vault can be covered from the main door." "Has to be, otherwise..." "Otherwise the customers will bolt when he's inside." "Right." "Doors got straight out to the parking lot." "There's no security lobby." "Freeway entrance less than a mile away." "Son of a bitch." "You remember reading about a pattern based on structure type?" "No." "Yeah, look at this." "Okay, it's not identical, but it's the same key features." "Okay, Lea, we have a couple new variables to narrow the search." "I need structural layouts for all the targets in the current zone." "Kari, come on, don't keep Papa waiting." "KARI:" "Sam, I don't think we have time." "We have to plan for tomorrow." "We've been planning for six months." "Which is about how long you've been in the john." "Thought we weren't supposed to touch the money till we got to the boat." "So don't touch the money." "How'd you do that?" "What, is that body glue?" "I love working with you, baby." "I love working with you, too." "(phone ringing)" "Flannery." "Hey, did you finish looking at the revised list?" "Yeah." "Uh, Bank of the Coast in Carpenteria looks pretty good to me." "Central, so wherever he hits, we can get there quick." "Great minds think alike." "I already asked Benson if we could sit in on that one." "Surprised she hasn't split us up." "Canvas is stretched pretty thin." "I hear they're using park ranger on some of these." "Well, that's just until they bring more Bureau in." "I mean, look on the bright side-- we narrowed down 700 potential targets to 49." "I think we did pretty good." "Yeah, is this a booty call?" "Possibly." "The banks don't open till 9:00 am." "I should get some shut-eye, then." "(knocking on door)" "We can both say we're sorry on the count of three." "Yeah, or what?" "Or we don't." "But you're going to let me in anyway." "I don't know, the separate room's kind of working for me." "Ah, damn it." "Mmm... remember our first kiss?" "Yeah, do you?" "Mm-hmm." "We were talking just like this." "Yeah." "Field assignment just like this." "I remember when kissed..." "So we're clear." "Uh-huh." "This doesn't change what I said before." "Which part?" "I can take care of myself, okay." "If you say so." "* *" "Hey, Gabby." "Hey, Sara." "Haven't seen you in a few weeks." "Thought the little one came early." "(exhaling):" "Any day now." "All right, everybody down!" "Down, down!" "(gasps and screams)" "Anybody moves and she dies!" "( screams )" "You, use your head, get down." "Down." "26 Adam, I have a bystander alert." "I repeat, bystander alert, 211 in progress, somebody needs assistance." "Mission Bank, 12th and Main." "That bank's on my top ten choices." "Mm-hmm." "Whatever you say." "( siren wailing )" "Police, drop your wea" "Get him out of here!" "Everybody back down!" "Back down!" "Shut up!" "No primary?" "Not yet, you're up." "Let me just secure the perimeter frame." "We got a cop killer in there." "Yeah, I understand that, Sheriff." "The FBI's in command now, so we need to get your men into position." "You, come here, get up, get up." "Anybody pokes their head up," "I'm going to put it back down with a bullet." "You, come here!" "So, how the hell they get here so fast?" "They'd have to have some help, they knew we'd be here." "No, no, you said yourself there's too many banks to cover." "Well, I was wrong." "Hello to the man with a gun." "My name is Matt, I'm with the FBI." "We don't know what's going on out here, but we'd really like to find out." "I don't want to bark in this bullhorn, so pick up the phone." "Really like to talk to you so no one else gets hurt." "It's over." "It's over." "No, it's not over." "Look at me." "We'll make it out." "How?" "How are we going to get out of here now?" "No, he's talking to a man inside with the gun." "They don't know about us." "You're going to walk out of here as a hostage." "All right, they're going to take you out of the line of fire." "They're going to want to talk to you." "They'll want to know what's going on inside." "Hey, you, back down!" "Down, and don't look at me!" "There's probably only going to be one officer." "All right?" "So you-you fake like you have labor pains, he goes to make the call, you go for his gun." "No, no, I can't do that," "I can't grab someone's gun." "Car..." "They'll shoot me." "The plan was, no one got hurt." "If you don't do this, we're going to start using those people as body shields, 'cause I'm not going down." "You got a better idea, then now's the time for it." "(phone rings)" "SAM:" "I don't want to kill anybody else, but I will if I have to." "Yeah, I believe you don't want to." "I'd believe you a lot more if you'd let those customers out right now." "All right, you stay right where you are." "I'll let two out right now, but only two." "That's a great start." "That's a smart move for you, too." "That's two less people you have to worry about trying to control." "Two coming out." "( garbled radio transmission )" "Don't, don't shoot." "It's all right." "Keep walking forward with your hands in the air." "Sir, go to your left." "Go to your left, sir." "Ma'am, walk to your right." "Keep coming." "Hey, drop the purse." "(groaning):" "I think I'm going to throw up." "I feel something." "Matt." "Yeah, I heard." "What do you want to do?" "All right, I'm going to take you to the bathroom." "It's going to be okay." "Okay." "(panting)" "All right, the" "Just keep breathing." "All right, hold on, okay?" "You okay?" "(panting):" "S-Sorry... you had to hear that." "Oh, no, that's all right." "I signed up for this part." "I need to ask you a couple quick questions." "Do you feel up to it?" "I guess." "How many people are inside the bank?" "Gabby?" "Don't move!" "Raise your hands." "Guess you signed up for this part, too." "Get out your cell phone." "I said, get out your cell phone." "Touch your gun, I pull this trigger." "We can stay out here all day, man; it's up to you." "(cell phone beeps)" "Hang on a second." "I'm on the other line with him." "EMILY:" "The hostage is in on it." "We're in the bathroom." "She has a gun on me." "If you tell anyone, if anyone finds out, she's saying that she will shoot." "I understand." "Her partner will respond to the phrase "blue skies."" "She wants him and a car outside this door in five minutes." "Drop it in the sink." "So I'm thinking it's a great day for a bank robber to give himself up." "Clear blue skies, what do you think?" "I'm watching you." "If you try to warn your buddies, I'll see it." "Yeah, I hear you." "Don't hang up." "Okay." "I got an agreement to surrender, but it's on one condition:" "He wants me to walk him out." "I'm the only one he trusts." "You become best friends with these guys?" "That's how it works?" "Yeah, that's how it works." "I'm taking him under federal custody," "I need your boys to stand down." "I'm going to transport him to the command post in my car." "All right." "All right." "You got it." "There is a way out of this." "Shut up." "You didn't hold the gun in any of the other robberies." "They're going to take that into account when they bring charges against you." "People make mistakes." "Don't even think about it." "Nobody gets hurt." "Stay cool, nobody will." "That's right, you dumb son of a bitch!" "All right," "We got you, we got you." "All right," "Why don't you let" "( handcuffs unfastening )" "Thanks, Matt." "You can go in there and take your partner, but you can't take mine." "If you try, I'll shoot you both dead right here." "This is not a negotiation." "You got about 20 seconds before the locals figure something out." "All right, out the door." "Put your hands down all the way." "Slowly." "Get in the car." "It's the Volvo." "Pregnant lady was an accomplice." "Had a gun to my partner." "(line ringing)" "?" "MATT:" "Lea, where's my car?" "LEA:" "Turn right, next intersection." "EMILY:" "All right, we need to pull up the tapes from the previous robberies." "The hostages are all going to be the same girl." "I'm on it." "Get ready to hang a left." "Round the curve." "Keep going south till you hit the coast." "Looks like they've been stopped there for a little while." "EMILY:" "All right the M.O. is to ditch the getaway car, pick up their own." "MATT:" "Well, good, then I can get my own..." "Oh, no." "They can replace the interior." "(explosion)" "(glass and debris clattering)" "(flames roaring)" "(fire crackling)" "(train whistle blows)" "(bells clanging)" "You were there a half hour early, right?" "I cased it like I always do." "And not one sign of a cop?" "I know what they look like." "What about the scanner?" "You didn't forget that, did you?" "Are you saying that I did something wrong?" "I didn't say that." "(sighs)" "Look, we got 600 grand so far." "Let's just keep rolling in Ventura." "No." "They'll be looking for a couple." "We have to stick to the plan now." "It's crucial." "I'll take the train and meet you there." "Kari!" "I'll meet you there!" "I thought the scene was contained." "The bank was." "And the H.T. isolated?" "Only one of them." "But contact had been established." "Why didn't you continue negotiating?" "Are you saying I screwed up?" "You allowed outside factors to cloud your judgment." "Outside factors, as in...?" "Do you need me to spell it out for you?" "He would have done the same with any partner." "No." "No, he would have established a second perimeter, and begun negotiations with the new H.T." "And if you were too emotionally involved, you would have asked for another negotiator, and you would have suggested it." "You both would have followed procedure." "We did." "Outside factors didn't impact anything." "Emily almost got shot, your car gets torched, and the bad guys got away." "I define that as impact." "Temple and Binder are taking your place on the task force." "If you want to continue working on this case, do it from here." "Cheryl's right." "Huh?" "You would have reacted differently if that woman had a gun at Frank's head or Duff..." "Oh, now you're going to be mad at me?" "No." "You shouldn't have been in that position." "I should have caught it." "I..." "No." "You did everything by the book." "These guys got the jump on us." "(sighs)" "Okay." "You want to know the truth?" "The truth is, as soon as I heard your voice on that phone," "I couldn't think straight, I couldn't see straight." "I just had to get you out of there." "I would have done the same thing." "Well, forget about us." "You're the best partner that I ever had, and I'm not going to give that up over some second rate Bonnie and Clyde." "Let's go nail these guys, you and me." "Deal?" "Deal." "All right." "Oh, good, the sketches are in." "(snickering)" "(laughing)" "We'll call you guys from the command post." "Let you know how it goes." "Good luck." "See you later." "EMILY:" "Body padding, four different wigs." "MATT:" "Yeah, and every disguise has a stolen identity to go with it." "Apartments, cars, the whole thing." "The I.D.s have to be connected somehow." "Working on it." "What's the connection between them?" "EMILY:" "We think ?" "Like you guys?" "Wonder if any of the customers knew." "No, they can't take that chance." "No, she had to get to know the employees, make them believe she was a local." "I mean, that had to take months of work." "During which time, they've got to keep their relationship a secret." "Like you guys... did once." "Yeah, it's a heist wrapped up in a long con." "She sets them up, he knocks them down, she misdirects the cops." "They spend tons of time apart so that she can blend in." "And when they are together, they can't go over to her place." "So they go to a motel." "Like..." "So fax these to local motels." "Mm-hmm." "Mmm." "You should try the skirt." "Just the skirt." "Come on, come on." "I think we should skip tomorrow." "I'm gonna be out 200 grand, but I can live with that." "And we'll set Oceanside." "We should skip that, too." "Are you kidding?" "Then we're stuck with the 600." "That's half of what we worked for." "I was thinking about it on the train." "The FBI is in this now." "FBI." "They're cops with windbreakers." "No, they're not, Sam." "They've probably got teams of people on us." "It's the only way they could have been at that bank." "And now they know how we do it." "Think." "We've robbed four banks, and you shot a deputy." "We had a plan, we're gonna stick to it." "Oh, we had a plan." "If I hadn't put all this together, you'd still be robbing liquor stores in East Oakland." "And where would you be?" "Where would you be?" "You'd be sitting at a desk pushing papers around." "But you came along for the ride, honey, and the second that it got real, you got scared." "This is very real to me." "I'm trying to save our lives, and you just want to play cops and robbers." "(groans, panting)" "This is my life." "(groaning)" "This is our life." "And we're not doing it your way anymore." "From now on, I call the shots, so think about that." "You think about that." "(crying)" "(clicks tongue)" "(sobbing)" "Look, look, look, look." "Nothing bad's gonna happen." "(crying)" "I'm going to protect you." "Are we good?" "We're good." "Anything?" "We get the one motel in America with an O.C.D. housekeeping staff." "Well, maybe there's an area they haven't cleaned." "All right, she's out setting things up." "He's here by himself." "How does a guy pass the time in a motel room?" "(laughs):" "I'm not touching that one." "(snaps fingers)" "Dust the remote." "Samuel Lincoln Ellis, armed robbery, assault." "All in the Oakland area." "He was 18 when he did a five-year tour at Bakersfield." "There's no way he planned these jobs." "This guy's a thug." "Look at the sheet-- it's all smash and grab." "No finesse." "Then who the hell is she?" "Forensics did find another print, but nothing turned up in CGIS." "Well, I guess you got to forward this on to Benson up at the command center." "(phone ringing)" "Yeah, I'm sure they'll include us in the arrest report and give us a nice tag at the bottom." "There's a call for you." "Came through on the main line." "Woman's asking for a negotiator named Emily, says she's your pregnant friend." "Oh, that's her." "Run a trace." "Patch her through." "This is Emily." "You said there might be a way out of this." "Well, that's trickier now." "I'm scared, Emily." "I'm really scared." "Yeah, I would be scared, too." "Sam Ellis is a scary guy." "We know a lot about him, but you're still a bit of a mystery." "Should I call you Gaby?" "No, I'm not..." "You have to understand, I never wanted this." "People weren't supposed to get hurt." "Okay, here's the way out." "You turn Sam in, and we'll talk to the prosecutors." "He's planning another job." "Where?" "Oceanside." "Market Security Bank." "He's not going to use me." "He says I'm a liability." "He's going to take a hostage for real." "Please." "Okay." "Uh, just-just calm down, and keep playing along, and we'll get there as soon as we can." "Oh, my God." "I have to go." "Think she bought it?" "?" "Task force?" "Staking out Oceanside." "It's a wild-goose chase." "I mean, she's a good actress." "She's not that good." "Tough break for Temple and Binder." "How we doing?" "You were right about the stolen identities." "They all applied for loans or refis at a company called Loan Mavens in Piedmont." "Only two women work there." "One's a 65-year-old receptionist." "The other.." "Kari Nichols." "According to the company Web site, she's in charge of drafting loan documents." "IDs at her fingertips." "All right." "She's also a notary public." "I mean, how does an upstanding citizen hook up with Mr. Smash and Grab?" "They could have met anywhere." "His liquor store hits were East Oakland." "Loan office is Piedmont?" "You know what?" "Search that jacket." "Is there anything in Piedmont?" "His parole office." "P.O. report..." "P.O. report..." "I got it." ""Mr. Ellis has shown initiative" ""securing work as a repossession agent for a local loan company."" "It's the loan lady and the repo man." "That's a match made in heaven." "Bet you it was love at first sight." "There she is, behind her desk, doing her 9:00 to 5:00." "Along comes in Mr. Tall, Dark and Dangerous." "He offers her the magic carpet ride, tells her about all the money they're going to make, about the life they're going to have." "And then she's got to give him up." "Baby, we should ditch the truck." "Stop for some grub and boost something from the parking lot." "Uh-uh." "That will get reported too quickly." "We need someplace people leave a car for a while." "There's a park-and-ride just a few blocks from here." "Well, grab us something nice." "I'll finish getting all this stuff together." "Hurry up." "I'll wait." "Hey, hey, hey." "It's all good." "So these guys went a little car crazy." "It's all part of the long con-- each identity gets a different ride." "They bought all these cars?" "No, they repoed them." "Got them cheap." "Did you talk to the boss yet?" "Yeah." "He said that Kari Nichols was a smart cookie, a hard worker, until she met Sam Ellis." "Then it was sex in the office, and it all went downhill from there." "I hate when that happens." "We should pass it on to the task force." "Well, have Lea check it against the robberies first." "If we can nail down which one hasn't been used, we'll know what he's driving." "Guys, I got Kari." "Tower hit?" "Ventura County." "This is Emily." "What took you so long?" "Uh... we don't have the best switchboard people here." "Our team is in Oceanside." "When is Sam going to move?" "He called it off." "Look, I don't have a lot of time here." "If I'm going to do this, I need something from you guys." "Well, we've already offered you leniency." "I need immunity, in writing, from a judge." "That's called a Letter of Indemnity." "Whatever it's called, I need it or you get nothing." "All right, let me see if I can work on that." "I appreciate you taking the initiative." "I'm going to need something in return." "I'm giving you Sam." "You promised me Sam." "I'm going to need a guarantee." "Look, I know you saw how we were with each other, but it's different now." "How's that?" "I've seen what he's really like, and I will turn him in." "I just..." "I got caught up." "Well, it happens to the best of us, Kari." "It is Kari, right?" "Kari Nichols?" "Why don't you come in right now?" "Listen to me." "I want that letter." "I will testify." "Bring me that letter or we're both gone." "I got us some wheels." "Let's move this money." "I've got a five-mile radius." "Just south of Laguna Niguel." "South?" "Mexico." "Sounds about right." "So what are you still doing here?" "CHERYL:" "You're still 15 miles outside the radius, but we have to assume they're in motion." "Border Patrol is on high alert." "EMILY:" "Did you talk to D.O.J.?" "Yeah." "They're not prepared to cut Kari a break, much less a Letter of Indemnity." "Can't say that I blame them." "Where are we on that list of vehicles?" "?" "So far, every ride has been used, including a truck" "Laguna PD found abandoned at a motel." "Such a bitch." "I guess they think they can cross the border in a stolen car stuffed with cash." "No." "Kari's too smart for that." "She planned this thing right to the end." "Is there any entry on that list that's not a car?" "Maybe a house they could lay up in?" "There's one address I tracked down, but there's no home sale linked to it-- 46 Harbor Way." "That's near the marina." "That's not an address." "It's a slip." "Slow boat to Cabo?" "International waters start three miles out." "It's a much nicer ride to Mexico." "Thanks." "Hey, you want to stow these, and I'll get everything else ready?" "Hey." "Everything we got is 'cause of you." "Still a little tender." "(beeping)" "(line ringing)" "FBI, Los Angeles." "This is Kari for Emily." "You need to talk to her?" "Why the hell else would I be calling?" "Not sure if she's in the office." "Let me check." "Please hold." "Hold?" "This is Emily." "Did you get the letter?" "Actually, we hit a couple of snags." "What?" "Kari, I hope you've got a fast engine on that boat." "Yeah, we're here at the marina, Kari." "Now, I need you to listen to me, and I need you to listen very carefully, because I'm about to save your life." "Tell Sam that you left something in the car, okay?" "I need you to walk toward land until you see the main ramp." "Okay, there's going to be two SWAT guys waiting to take you to safety." "Sierra One in position." "Sierra Two, you're exposed out there." "Keep low." "You can't do this to me." "You can't." "Hang it up." "(screams)" "?" "How could you do this?" "!" "We got the 600 grand, and we're right here!" "Right here!" "I just wanted it to end." "Well, it's going to end!" "It's going to end like you wouldn't believe." "Be advised Sierra Two will not have a clear shot through these windows." "Lehman, it's your show." "All right." "Copy that." "Sam!" "My name is Emily." "We met at the bank." "Hey, Kari, are you okay in there?" "I'm okay." "Look, back off or I'll do her right now!" "Sam, look, we got strike teams on the dock, and the Coast Guard's in the bay." "There's not a way out of here on land or sea." "Then you do it!" "You do it!" "Untie the boat so I can start my engine!" "All right, let me talk to the Coast Guard for a second." "He's going to kill her." "No." "If he wanted that, he would have done it already." "No, no." "He's in shock." "Once it sinks in that she sold him out, it's going to be a murder-suicide." "Okay." "Don't let it sink in." "(stammering)" "Tell him that she didn't flip." "Tell him that she was working a deal for both of them." "That gives her an out." "She's smart." "She'll play along." "Well, he's dumb." "He'll shoot." "I agree with Lehman." "Second that." "This mutt does not want back in the cage." "No." "This guy is not going to hurt her." "Why not?" "Because he's crazy about her." "Sierra One can make a stealth move onto the back of the boat, at least to cover egress." "Slow." "Sam!" "What the hell is going on out there?" "!" "Yeah, I don't know." "The Coast Guard is being a pain." "Uh..." "Just give me another second with them." "I need you to understand something for me, though." "We didn't try and double-cross you." "Oh!" "Look, I heard her on the phone!" "She was going to sell me out!" "No, no." "I tried to get her to flip on you, and she wouldn't do it." "She said she'd only take a deal for the both of you." "You saved her, Sam." "That... that's what she told me." "From that office, that crappy boss." "She told me that doing these jobs with you saved her life, Sam." "And when it all got too real, when the bullets started flying, she just couldn't do it anymore." "She..." "I don't know." "She couldn't separate the job from what really mattered: you." "She loves you, Sam." "She's crazy about you." "Come on, tell him, Kari." "Tell him everything." "It's true, Sam." "I didn't count on it going wrong." "When it did, I was afraid... for us." "You changed my life, Sam." "You got me out of that dead-end job." "that stupid little town, my boring life." "KARI:" "You made me feel alive." "You saved me." "I was just trying to do the same." "FBI." "Drop your weapon." "Please." "Drop... your... weapon." "Guess you signed up for this part, too, huh?" "I'll still testify." "For leniency?" "Talk to a prosecutor about that." "You're a lying bitch!" "Can't live with 'em, can't shoot them." "Easy there, tough guy." "Can't shoot them?" "That's what they say anyway." | {
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"MONOPOLY" "Since arriving in 1929, Mads Skjern has opened Korsbæk's major shop, a thriving clothes factory and taken over Graae's mill, where Jørgen Varnæs has a management job." "But Jørgen takes his work lightly, so Mads changes his status." "This forces Hans Christian into visiting Mads to beg for mercy." "Jorgen's folly has already forced Varnæs to sell part of his garden to a garage, w'hich is going to be built by a consortium led by Skjold Hansen, the attorney." "Mads' head man, Arnold, expects to be appointed manager of the mill because Mads has promised him a job in another tow'n." "So Arnold splits up w'ith his girlfriend Agnete." "But Agnete is pregnant, and Ingeborg steps in to ensure that Arnold doesn't let her dow'n." "Ingeborg also arranges for Gudrun, the Skjern family's maid, has a future in Skjern's shops." "Iben Skjold Hansen is not ideal as a bank manager's w'ife." "The marriage w'ith Kristen bores her." "Ingeborg entertains for her instead." "Mads finds out that teacher Andersen bullies his son, Daniel." "Miss Mikkelsen, w'ho is quite close to Andersen, dismisses him." "Andersen hooks up w'ith Violet Vinter instead." "He has found out that she has inherited money from Mr. Schw'ann." "TO think AND TO HAVE faith" "FALL 1939" "The postman wanted 3 kroner for those." "There he is." "What's the Press Photo Agency to do with you?" "I ordered an enlargement of this fellow." "You can tell how smug he is about that non-aggression pact." "I'll hang you up next to your new pal, Hitler." "And the other psychopaths." " There won't be room for the Dean." " Dean Mejer?" "He'll stay where he is." "Christ, Herbert ..." "Are you still alive?" "Yes." "More or less." "Where have you been since the fighting stopped?" "In hospital in France." "I hope that doesn't hurt your feelings?" "No ..." "Mother, this calls for a celebration." "I don't want to celebrate your childish doings, Larsen." "Who do you think this is?" "Anyone can hear ..." "It's Herbert." " She hadn't expected that." " I always knew he'd come back." " Who's been feeding you?" " He's been in France." "And they say the French eat well!" "Katrine will soon fatten you up." " Will you have me for a few days?" " You can stay as long as you like." "Mother's missed having someone to fuss over." " Have you heard from Vicki?" " She's joined the Infantry." "She's moved in with her father at the barracks." "She's a teacher at the private school." "Daniel has her for German." " And she's well?" " She will be now." " And Red and Agnes?" " They had another little boy." " Agnes must be busy." " So's Red." "Explaining how come he's suddenly Hitler's friend ..." " Do you feel the war here?" " Not yet." "Life goes on." "That's not true." "I can't get gas for the truck." "Private driving is prohibited, but we'll survive." " As long as one has a bicycle." " Your old boneshaker's still here." "I wanted to ask you about that." "I hope you didn't mind me coming into your German class." " I was a bit nervous." " It didn't show." "You did very well." "Well, I've been an actress." "I was petrified of the audience, but that wasn't supposed to show either." " But you gave up the theater?" " They gave me up. I wasn't good." "I think you are at this, otherwise I wouldn't let you teach the top forms." "Your pronunciation is excellent." "Did you spend much time in Germany?" " No, but I had a German friend." " Who's in the war now?" "Not in that war." "I don't know ..." "It's not easy the way things are now." "But there's something else ..." " You have Daniel Skjern for German." " Yes, he's a nice boy, but quiet." " You know he's Mads Skjern's son." " Yes." "That's why I wanted to ask you first if you'd give him extra lessons." " Certainly. I've got plenty of time." " You'll be paid by the hour." "Mr. Skjern is very generous when it comes to the children's education." "The youngest, Erik, is doing really well, just like his sister Ellen did." " Do I start right away?" "." " Mrs. Skjern wants to wait till after Daniel's confirmation in October." "Vicki!" "Vicki!" " Daisy's dead, Herbert." " It's a good thing I'm alive, then." " Wasn't that the Colonel's girl?" " Yes it was, Mother dear." " She married Albert." " Yes, but he's dead." " Who was she gallivanting with?" " It looked like the German." " He must be back from the war." " But the war's just started!" "Yes, but that's another war, Mother dear." "Thank you, Esther, we'll manage." "She was doing so well as a teacher, and then that Bolshevik turns up." "That "Bolshevik" is an established writer." " They won't have him in Germany." " In Germany they've got Long Mary." " Who, Aunt Møhge?" " lt's a gun." "That was in the old war, Mother, now it's called Big Bertha." "They'll soon put an end to the war." "I wish they would." "Can you ladies make the sugar stamps go round?" "We leave that to Laura." "Oh no, Helle's messing about on the floor." "I do hope Esther hasn't left." " They're ringing from the lounge!" " Madam said I could go." " Well, now she's ringing." " They owe me an afternoon off." "You should still be able to make it." "And that poor, poor Colonel Hachel who's gone into hospital." " Yes, now the mice can really play!" " What mice?" "I was thinking of his daughter and that German." "Is he well enough to have visitors?" "All you think about is chasing after men!" "Mother, dear ..." "Oh, I'm glad you're still here, Esther." "She does rush around so." "Regitze wouldn't take her out." " And Ulrik won't either." " You can't expect that of a boy." " It's my day off." "And Villy's waiting." " So what?" "I won't put up with it." "She's not my kid!" " What do you get paid for?" " What have I got days off for?" "When I came here, I had every other Sunday afternoon off, nothing else." " That's ages ago." " No, it's 24 years ago." "Stand still, damn you!" " Don't take it out on the child." " It's not that I don't like her." "But this isn't a way to have time off." "It's always like this." "Are you a father now, Villy?" " So, what was the collection like?" " Splendid." "I bought 100 Deanna Durbin hats in dark blue felt." "And 50 in brown." " Did the agent buy you lunch?" " No, the baron did. I met him." " Your admirer." " One of them." " Are there more?" " Yes, the agent ... and maybe you?" "The baron asked us if we wanted to come to "Carmen" next Friday." "Opera." "No thank you." "The baroness doesn't want to take the train either. I said no." "Why?" "Because my memory's better than yours." "Mads!" "Daniel's confirmation is next Sunday." "I know." "But you've completely forgotten that your sister Anna's coming on Friday." "So she is ..." " We have to invite Anna for dinner." " How long is she staying?" "Till next Sunday." "Then she's going to an Evangelical meeting in Haslev." " Can't we go to the Post House?" " It's just an ordinary dinner, Iben." " She drinks neither wine nor beer." " Then she can't get our hash down." " We didn't drink at home." " Thank God you've learnt." "Mads, too." "But Anna stayed in the church." "No wonder you're a complicated bunch." "What about yourself?" "You, who drive around in the bank's car." "With one of the bank's staff members." " It doesn't mean anything." " Then don't do it." "You won't come to riding events, so why not Poul Christensen?" " You'll force me to discharge him." " You can't!" "I always ask him." " You never think before you act!" " You're right, for once." "If I could think, I wouldn't be stuck here!" "I wouldn't have married you." "No, I don't suppose you would." "I'd have let you have that old aunt you always chased after." "I'm leaving." "Please put my bedclothes in the spare room." "Wouldn't you rather bring your duvet?" "You still don't want to talk about it?" "About the war?" "I can't." "Not yet." "Maybe later." " I've lived all my life in barracks." " That's not where things happen." "It's where the soldiers live." "The barracks are only the beginning." "The rest is ... terrible." "And completely meaningless." "Maybe you could write about it." "Yes, maybe." "Good morning." "Who the heck's dropped a duvet in the street?" "The boss called from Copenhagen." "He'll come in later today." " What on Earth was that?" " They must have dropped it." "They'll never get through the Maginot Line." "Any attack will be crushed." "Supplies are sent along subterranean passages from fortress to fortress." "The German aircraft don't stand a chance." "The long-range French guns are here ..." " We've brought supplies too." " Thank you." "I needed that." "The food here is lax." "With regard to Belgium, they'll never get across the Albert Channel." "No need to worry." "Herbert's more worried that the Germans will come here." "As long as we have General Wieth, the Danish defense stands united." "In spite of the irresponsible politicians." " Do you know General Wieth?" " No, how could Herbert know him?" "Commander-in-chief." "An old fellow officer." "Quite unlike General Prior." " Dad's arch enemy." " He's quite insignificant, thank God." "But with Wieth there's nothing to fear, not even Prior's stupidity ..." "Never mind the Germans." "Good morning." "Good morning, Colonel Hachel." "If you're allowed to eat this ..." "That's all he does, when he's not directing the battles." " What was that, Misse?" " Cat's tongues, Mother dear." "I'll have one of those." "I'd rather have some of those filled chocolates." " Who's he?" " Herbert Schmidt." " Is he from Korsbæk?" " No, he's the German." " Maybe he knows Big Bertha." " Is that a nurse?" "No, it's a gun." "A 42 cm mortar." "The grenade weighs 820 kilos." "Range 1 1 kilometres." "Hopelessly outdated." "We'll go now, Dad, I have to go to school." "Goodbye." "About time, so I can get the flags placed, if you ladies care to see how the war's progressed since yesterday." "It's ready." " You really ought to try it, Violet." " I use the girdles Arnold gets me." "We're not getting any younger, and a Spirella corset works wonders." "Have you seen Mrs. Holm and Mrs. Strøm?" "The dress moves better on a Spirella." "And now that you've got a friend ..." "He'll hang on." "He comes every day ... to eat." " Does he pay you?" " Not directly." " But he does give you presents?" " He did at first ..." " Come in, Frederik." " Thank you." " This is my friend, Inger Jørgensen." " I'm honored." "Just take off your coat." "He's brought you a parcel." " The food's ready in a minute." " Thank you." " Violet is a great cook." " Yes." "Do you cook as well, Miss ..?" " Jørgensen." "No, I live in a pension." " I see." " I brought this parcel ..." " What is it?" " A shirt." "You do them so nicely." " But ..." "It was quite acceptable last time." "I'm used to the best." "My late wife, nobody could iron shirts like her." "Dinner's ready, please sit down!" " What's on the menu, Violet?" " Forcemeat shape." "Forcemeat shape?" "That's a lovely dish." "My late wife never served it." "She knew I dislike boiled mince meat." " Perhaps you didn't know?" " Try a small piece, Frederik." "Oh, all right then." " l love roast veal." " We can't have that every day." " I'd like you to make kale." " It takes such a long time." "It takes a loving hand." "When my late wife made kale ..." "She went to the market when I'd gone to school, and then she started." "I mentioned it in the song for our silver wedding:" ""Thank you for kale, ever green, thank you for our life, so serene."" "Well, your wife didn't have a dancing school to look after." "No, I was sufficient for my wife." " Daniel, who'll you sit next to?" " Anybody." " That's no answer." " Regitze, then." "It won't do, when Ellen insists on sitting next to Ulrik." "You have to mix." "Give me another boy, then." " I'd rather go to Copenhagen." " What for?" "He wants to go to the theater." "You will, when Aunt Anna's left." "We can bring her." "Or we could go to Lulu Ziegler's cabaret!" " Yes, you'd like that." " They say it's great." " Yes, and socialist." " It didn't kill Ulrik to see it." "No, but it'd probably kill Aunt Anna." "How long will she stay?" "Till next Sunday." "She's going to an evangelical reunion with Dean Mejer." " Poor Aunt Anna." " It's her wish, and we'll respect it." "Were you just as pious, Dad?" "That depends on what you mean." "I'm a believer." "As we all are." "I don't know ..." "What a thing to say eight days before your confirmation ..." "It's never let me down before." "I was sure car sales would rise." "But then the little bastard played that trick on me." " Who?" " Hitler!" "Why did he have to invade Poland?" "No private driving, gas rationing, no car imports ..." "My 100,000 are lying at the bottom of Varnæs' garden." " It's costing me a bundle." " You'll manage, won't you?" "If my partners don't drive me mad first, moaning about their petty investments." "I was counting on you to give me a new horse." "Bianca's old as the hills." " She won the Zealand hunt." " I won it." "Against Bianca's will." " Dammit, I've got an idea." "Yes!" " What's it now, Viggo?" "Horses, of course!" "I can put them in the garage." "And old carriages." "If gasoline rationing lasts, it's a winner!" "Be careful." "Mrs. Holm thinks the war will be over by Christmas." " It'll last at least another year." " Then what'll happen to the horses?" "People can make steaks from them for all I care." "Behold Mads Skjern and his brother, abducting a lady clad in black." "Aunt Anna's here for the confirmation from the depths of Jutland." " Shouldn't you be out there too?" " She'll see me soon enough." " She's an Evangelical." " So was your son-in-law." "He still is." "He was elected by the Evangelicals for the Parish Council." "Well, he's lost most of his bad habits, though he'll never learn to play cards." "So the boy's going to be confirmed by Dean Mejer?" " No way!" "It'll be Reverend Larsen." " The happy Christian." "Katrine and I aren't setting foot in Dean Mejer's church." " What's it about?" " The local denominations." " Does that worry people now?" " Yes, while the world's in flames." " You have your beliefs too." " They're political convictions." " It's above religious squabbling." " That's what you think." "But the rest of us don't give much for those convictions, do we, Herbert?" " I've lost faith at any rate." " Look at the big picture." "Stalin made a pact with Hitler to ..." "To cover Hitler's rear when he invaded Poland." " Must you argue when I'm eating?" " And as far as the Allies goes ..." " Look at the course of the war ..." " No, not here." "I hear of nothing but the course of the war when I visit the Colonel." "And when will we get Mr. Schmidt's account of the events in Spain?" " He doesn't talk about it, he writes." " When's the book ready, Herbert?" " There won't be a book, it's a play." " He's already sold it, unseen." "I wish I could sell pigs that way." " It's going to be put on in the spring." " Where?" "In Copenhagen." "Well, now you've seen it all." " And I think coffee's ready." " Thank you." " You have a clever husband." " I do count myself very lucky." "So do I." " You have a branch in Skælskør?" " I hope we'll have more." " Why are you wearing a hair net?" " Erik ..." "I've had my hair done for the confirmation." "Perhaps you could see the shop in Skælskør." "Yes, and we could drop you off in Haslev." "Maybe you'd like to come to Haslev with me, Mads?" " I'm afraid I don't have time." " Rev. Bartoldy will lead the meeting." " I'm sorry, I can't." " It's a pity you don't go anymore." "You're right, Anna, but the war hasn't exactly given us less work ..." "Have some cookies and run out to the others." "Mads says you want to sell the farm." "There's a lot to do since Matthias died ..." " But you've managed for three years." " Only with God's help." " But you've had good hands too?" " Yes, but it's a big house too." "Until now I've had young Christian women." "The principal, Bang, has sent me the best from the orphanage." " And then I've done a good deed too." " How?" "By continuing the domestic training they've received at the orphanage." "But there's so much to distract young people today, as you've no doubt discovered." "We've had Therese for two years and Inger for one." "You get them from a home, too?" "No, we advertise and they apply themselves." "We'll have to advertise again in November, Inger's getting married." "I see." "How much do they ask?" "I pay Therese 65 kroner a month, as she's a very skillful cook." "I'm going to offer the new maid 50 a month." "Aren't you spoiling it for others?" "For those who can't pay that much." "Well, everything's getting more expensive, for the young girls too." " Did you tell them?" " Yes, that's why I went up there." " Did you say where you were going?" " No." "Thank God." "Madam would have had a stroke." "I never took this job to be a nanny." "It's only me. ls something wrong?" " Esther has given notice." " What about Helle?" "Madam took it very calmly." "Only because she doesn't know where Esther's going." "To their house!" "They say Mrs. Skjern's nice. I'm going to wait at their party on Sunday." " Gudrun asked me." "They pay well." " You?" "Who would have thought it." " Yes, Laura, so if you're off ..." " Then what?" " Maybe you'd look after the boys." " Well, I'm not." "Lauritz'll have to stay at home then." "What a pity." "The kids adore you." "Well, if you're going to their house, I'd rather stay here and work." "Laura can't come. I'm sure it's because it's at the Skjerns." " You'll have to be here from 1 1:30." " What about Fatty's wife?" "Maybe she will." "But you promised to be here." " I'm on duty at the railway until 1 1." " So you can ..." "They're your children too." "It suits me fine." "I've got some writing to do." "We bought the Times, Daddy." "You won't even look at the Post." "Reading that would make me worse." "Your nurse says you'd better leave the war to England and Germany." " Prior!" " What's the matter?" "Daddy, what is it?" "What's the program?" "We'll have lunch at Hotel Terminus at twelve, then it's the exhibition at Charlottenborg, dinner at A Porta, then 'Lohengrin' at the Royal Theater, then the 1 1 :35 home." "I hope we can manage it all." "Here they are." "Hello?" "Yes." "It's from the hospital." " They know I'm off duty." " And that we're together, it seems." "I'm sorry, I boasted about that ..." "When?" "I'm on my way." "The Colonel's had a relapse." " Is it serious?" " I hope not." "What's keeping your father?" "I'll go and look for him." "Be good." "See to it that Knud doesn't make a mess." " Is Lauritz here?" " The bird has flown." " Has he been here?" " Only to meet two men." "They left." " Where?" " Lauritz moves in mysterious ways." " But you know all about that." " I have to get Marie." "I have to wait at Skjern's party." " What is it?" " Do you know if the Hansens are in?" "They went to the cemetery." "They usually come home for lunch." "Would you please ask Marie to look after my two children?" "Of course ..." " Don't touch that." " Don't get the cards mixed up." " I haven't spoken to your wife yet." " Iben?" "Anna would like a word." "I love to watch people unwrapping presents." " Shame we couldn't wrap the bike." " It was a generous present." "He needs a decent bike when he visits his horse." " The horses are at our place." " And Iben's is at the Baron's." " So Iben rides too, sometimes?" " You should see her prizes." " Thank you for the watch." " What about me?" " There's an art book from Ulrik." " That's Ellen's boyfriend." " Shut up, you little creep." " Now, now." " Ulrik is a classmate of Ellen's." " What's this?" " It's from Aunt Anna." " It's Dean Mejer's latest book." " He's written a dedication in it." " He always does." "Thank Aunt Anna nicely, and pipe down." "I was surprised that you weren't to be confirmed by the Dean." " We stick to Reverend Larsen." " I could hear he's a Grundtvigian." " So am I." " And your husband?" "Well, Larsen is not very keen on the Dean." "You can say that again." "He has a picture of him in his privy." "How can you do such a thing?" "You are a grown man." " Because Mejer is a piece of shit." " Father!" " It's an old feud." "And childish." " Childish?" "It's blasphemy." " I think the Lord is on my side here." " Do you know God at all?" " No." "But I know Mejer." " Please stop. lt's Daniel's day." "And I understand Aunt Anna." "She knows the Dean too." " Couldn't you ... just for once?" " But Grandad is right." " Didn't you hear what Mother said?" " She should talk ..." "He hangs there because of her." "Do you think I don't know?" " What is it the children know?" " That he refused to wed Mother." "When she was going to have me." "I think Terese has lunch ready." " I'm sorry, Dad." " Sometimes it's better to keep quiet." "A bit of a row always stimulates the appetite." " May I accompany you to your seat?" " Yes." "You might as well do that." "That's not allowed, Knud." " Do you think Dad will come soon?" " No." "That's Mom's." "Bad Knud." "I'm going out to look for Dad." "There's a message." "It's for your wife, from Agnes Jensen." "The children are alone." "Would you look after them?" "She was here before twelve." " We had a bite on the way home." " I'll go over straight away." "Knud, Aksel, where are you?" "Oh dear, are you so sad?" "Marie is with you now." "Where is Aksel?" "Did he leave you, poor thing?" "We'll find him, and then we'll go to Marie's place." "He's probably playing." "Come on." "There you go, sweetie." " What happened?" " A little boy drowned." " The Colonel is not well." " Yesterday he was fine." "He didn't know then that his enemy, General Prior, would succeed Wieth." " Yes, I saw that in the paper." " Vicki says the news shattered him." " So the trip to Copenhagen is off?" " Vicki's with him, and a doctor." "We can still make the exhibition." "Yes?" "It's the hospital again." "I have to speak to Agnes Jensen." "It's urgent." " You?" " Marie didn't think we should call." " It's Aksel." "He fell into the pond." " Go on." "He's at the hospital." "They're giving him respiration." "It's her son." "They pulled him out of the pond." "My apron ..." " Why won't they let me see him?" " It's for the best." "We have to wait." " l'll never forgive him." " The doctor's doing all he can." " Not the doctor." "Lauritz." " Lauritz will probably come soon." "It doesn't matter ..." "Agnes ..." "How's ..." " She's been given a sedative." " Is he ..?" "No." "There is hope." " I forgot ..." " Yes." "Well, he's dead now." "No!" "You killed him!" "You killed my little boy!" " You killed him!" " What happened?" "He fell into the pond." "Aksel." "And now Vicki says he's dead." "My father is dead, Agnes." "Your son is alive, Mrs. Jensen." "You can see him now." "Agnes!" "Forgive me." "Two comrades came ..." "Two comrades?" "What kind of people are you?" "I can't compete with A Porta." " I'm sorry our day fell through." " How did Vicki take it?" "She kept saying she shouldn't have shown him the article about Prior." "Like Maude, who thought the story about the bicycle pump killed Father." "Even if Gustav had hit that worker with the Crown, Father would've died." "Can I say something?" "A Porta couldn't have made a better hash." "That's the last one gone." "One can't get the Baron to leave." "Are the children in bed?" "The Baron's wife, wasn't that the thin, pale woman who left?" " She always goes home at eleven." " Without her husband?" "If he wants to enjoy himself ..." "Aren't you tired, Anna?" " Yes. I'm aching all over." " Then let's sit for a while." " It's a good thing we had Gudrun." " Yes." "She works in the shop." "She took over from Agnes, who had to leave. I can tell you now ...." "Her son fell into the pond, but he was rescued." "It was relief to hear that." "The party wouldn't have been the same." " No." " But as it was ..." " I could see you had a good time." " Yes. I think everybody did." "But I'm going to bed now." " I'll come up in a minute." " Good night, Anna." " Shall I see you up?" " I can find my room myself." "Your house isn't that big." "I was just sitting here, thinking." " What?" " Since you ask ..." "If Daniel's mother had been alive, he'd get a different confirmation." "Ingeborg is Daniel's mother now." "She's given him the best confirmation." " Have you forgotten your own?" " Of course not." " Nobody drank alcohol." " No, we didn't do that." " There was no dancing either." " That was long ago." " The children take dancing lessons." " You dance too, now." " I wouldn't call it dancing." " I saw you with that big girl." " Ellen?" "That's our little joke." " Strange." "With your wife's daughter." "She's my daughter, too." "She gives us great pleasure." "She's top of her class." " Aren't you afraid of spoiling her?" " We don't ..." "A 16-year-old girl in a low-cut dress." "That's the fashion now." "I sell clothes." "My family should be able to show off what my shop's got." "But you don't have to be extravagant." "Your wife didn't need a dress with such a low neckline." "I realize that you feel life is very different here." "But if you came more often, you might get used to it." "I think not." "We don't forget our upbringing." "Well, I don't." "We learned what was right and wrong." "I used to think that way too." "Ingeborg taught me to see things differently." " More optimistically, you might say." " I call it frivolously." "Some people back home would call it sinfully." "I still have my faith." "I go to church, I can judge for myself what is sinful or not." "And your brother?" "What's become of him?" " I'm not my brother's keeper." " You made him come here." " It's your duty to advise him." " I have." "Once too often." "What do you mean?" "Good night." " Your father is a storekeeper?" " Yes, in Kalundborg." "And you'd like to move to this town?" "Any special reason?" " My fiancé." " Does he live here?" " He's a soldier." " A soldier?" "I see." "We've just buried our garrison commander." " You don't say." " Colonel Hachel, our good friend." " He died suddenly last Sunday." " Good grief ..." "So, a soldier?" "You do realize that you cannot have gentlemen in your room?" "Can I wear a veil?" "After all, I am a nanny." "Oh, yes." "I can see you've done the one-year training." "Helle is almost two, so the idea is that you'll work as a maid as well." " Laura's been here for 24 years." " Good grief." "Well ..." "she'll explain the job to you." "Your pay will be 45 kroner, and if we like you, a raise is possible." "You can't see Helle now, because she's gone for a walk with Esther." "I'll ring for Laura now." "Madam kept saying she came from a good family." "Whatever that means." " What's the new girl like?" " She doesn't say much." "She says she's a nanny, so she has to wear a veil." "Madam will like that." " Where are the boys?" " I took them to Mom's yesterday." " So that's done." " Are you leaving Lauritz?" "Where would I go?" "No ... I'm taking a course in Copenhagen." " Are you going to study?" " In a way." "I'm going to learn how to mend ladders in stockings." "Then I'll put a sign up so I can work at home, and no one will drown." " Why not let Lauritz pay?" " I want to make money." "It's 25 øre for the first ladder and 10 for the rest." " Are people willing to pay that?" " The ones with fine silk stockings." "What good is that thin nonsense?" " l love silk stockings." " I don't suppose you have many." "I had the first pair for three years." "I got them from a lady I helped." "I got them for my confirmation. lt was my biggest wish." "And a garter belt." " I didn't want to wear a bodice." " You had a dress over it." "Yes." "My mother wouldn't spend any money on a garter belt." " I cried about the bodice." " The stockings have to be held up." "My mother's aunt died, so I inherited her corset." "She was three times as fat as I was, so Mom had to take it in." "It looked like an armor, right up to my armpits. lt dug in horribly." "When I sat down, it creaked or squeaked." "That's what you get for being vain." "Vain?" "I looked terrible." "Frederik ..." "I've just come back from the Colonel's funeral." "Yes, that's the end of him." "It's hard being a widower." " I wanted to ask about my shirt." " I haven't had time yet." "That's lucky, because I have one more." "That can go with it." " lt won't be this week." " There's no dancing tomorrow." "That's why I'm going to Skælskør." "I thought you didn't visit your son after his marriage." "I got a letter." "With this picture." "They've got a little boy." " He must be a month old." " This hardly comes as a surprise." " They want me to come and see him." " You can see him in the picture." "They want me to carry him when he's baptized." "His name will be Hansi." "What about my dinner?" "You'll be away on Sunday too, I guess?" "If they'll have me." "Isn't he cute?" " I've never liked children." " You, as a teacher!" " That's why ..." "I'll put the shirt here." " Can't you take them to the laundry?" "You don't know what they charge." "You be grateful for that. I might charge the same." "Coffee?" "Yes, but shouldn't we think of dinner?" "I'm going to dinner at the barracks." "Vicki Hachel invited me." " Did you know the Colonel?" " Yes, when he was full of life." " And Vicki was my best pupil." " What about me?" "The Railway Restaurant is still there." "You got coffee, that's good." "I'm coming right away." " I thought you'd been to a funeral." " Yes." " Didn't you get coffee afterwards?" " They don't do that in those circles." "But there's a dinner tonight." "Only for the closest people." " Have you looked at Daniel's book?" " I leafed through it." " It's Gauguin." " I don't know what you call it." "Isn't it a strange thing to give as a confirmation present?" " All those naked women." " lt's art." " Who did he get it from?" " An old friend." "Ulrik." "Was he the one who came home with Ellen from school?" "I can inform you that they are in her room, playing the gramophone." "They're interested in jazz." "As long as they keep it upstairs." " Ellen's got a portable gramophone." " Do they get everything they want?" "Ellen wanted a gramophone for her confirmation." "You haven't been happy here." "If I may be frank:" "You have found prosperity, but lost sight of God." "Perhaps we see God differently." "Where was Jesus at this confirmation?" "If Daniel had had his own mother, it would have been different." "Yes, I suppose it would ..." " But now he'll have to do with me." " Yes, God always takes the best." "She died when Daniel was three months old." " Who was Daniel's mother?" " Hasn't Mads told you about her?" "No." "Only that she died, and how he managed with Daniel." "He had known her since childhood, from the meetings." " Were they happy?" " They were together in the Lord." "Then you're happy." " What did she die of?" " She was ill before she had Daniel." " And she never got well again." " Poor woman." "No, you mustn't say that." "She's best where she is now." "When you talk about life, it sounds like a valley of tears." "If you believe that God created the world, you must admit he did his best." "And that life is wonderful." "I love being alive." " Yes, you don't waste your time." " What do you mean?" "You, a grown woman, let a stranger ..." "I don't know what you call it ..." " Squeeze you while dancing." " That's how the Baron dances." "And at your son's confirmation." "Because you call Daniel your son." "The Baron is a close friend." "He's one of the reasons of Mads's success." " Mads likes him very much." " Surely Mads can do without ..." " What?" " Without his wife behaving like a ..." "Like what?" "Like a prostitute." "That's quite enough." "Daniel!" "Come here, Daniel." "I want to speak to you." " I heard what you said." " Aunt Anna didn't mean it." "She did." "Go away." "Very well, I'm leaving now." " I could do with one more." "And you?" " They'll attack Finland soon." " It's a filthy habit." " Attacking small countries?" "No, drinking before dinner." "I hope it's not your mother." "Is my brother at home?" "I can take off my coat myself." " lt's worse." " I can hardly imagine." "It sounds like your sister." " It's not until tomorrow." " I'd like to ask if I could stay here." "Of course, but you're staying with Mads ..." "There was a slight disagreement." "I'm sorry ..." " But you have a guest room, too." " Kristen sleeps there." " Why?" "." " He just does." "Won't you sit down?" "You look like you need a drink." "Oh God, I forgot ..." " Could I wash my hands, please?" " Of course." "This way." " What about the Post House?" " Jutlanders don't stay in hotels." "Can't we say you have a dangerous disease?" " We have to think of something." " What about dinner?" "Betty can still get some cans of stew, if she hurries." "Can you explain to me why you don't share that nice bedroom?" " So you had a look?" " You have a spacious apartment." "I was just telling Kristen." "You have a spacious double bed." " And you can bet I spread out." " But you're married." "The idea is that you sleep together." "That's the done thing." " Well, it can't be done here." " Why ever not?" "Tell your sister the truth." "It's the doctor." "I have a cold." "He thinks I could pass it on." "And we don't want that." "But we can get a nice room at the Post House." " I don't want to inconvenience you." " l'll pay for it, of course." "I never waste money on hotels." "You shouldn't, either." "I have a better idea." " And that is?" " The double bed." "Iben and I can lie there for two nights." "There's nothing wrong with me." "Iben had to go riding." "It looks like I'm the only one." " Take care, Anna." " I think you need it more." "Mads is coming after all." "It was nice of you to come." "Kristen thought you didn't have time." "I came because lngeborg asked me to." "Then give her my best wishes." " Goodbye, Anna." " God be with you." "It's her faith." "She means well." "Nobody brings their faith into my house and causes trouble." "I'll pray for you." "We may both need that." | {
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"Once upon a time there was a city where the inhabitants were either princes or paupers." "Between these two worlds there were only stray dogs." "They were the middle class." "Translated by:" "Adrian Ilie" "PHILANTROPICA" ""You know well... that when I said 'it's over'" "I didn't say a word." "I don't know where I found the power to smile when you walked away." "But today, when I am awake from the nightmare, and all I can see is the emptiness you left behind... today..." "I'm asking myself how can I live without you, how could I have let you leave." "It can't be... someone else can't have the best that I had." "It can't be..."" "...specially for Mr. Relu Baron, our guest tonight..." ""...it can't be..."" "Oh, yes, it can!" ""Tell him that even though he took all I had, I'd give him anything he wants because all means nothing, so..." "Please leave me the hope, and be with me in my last hour ...it can't be, I won't let you."" "You're welcome, and we hope to see you again soon." "I hope you liked our entertainment." "Very much." "Honey, is there a problem?" "Laura?" "Excuse me..." "I'd like you to pay your bill, please." "I can't wait, I'm getting off soon." "If you want anything else, my colleague will be happy to serve you." "Um, I think there's a mistake." "With the zeroes." "There, at..." "No, sir. 3.200.000." "That's it, see for yourself." "3.200.000." "That's for the food for 2 people?" "Well, let's see." "You had:" "One Cinzanno - 60.000, plus 50 a Scotch, that's 130." "One fois-gras, two - 80." "Appetizer - 330, French Champagne - 1.800.000." "Is that 2.130.000?" "Excuse me." "Next:" "Chateau Briant - 200, Val Doftana - 180, Pignot Noir 500.000" " I told you it was expensive." "That's all 3.100.000." "Plus two coffees and two ice creams that's exactly 3.200.000." "And you also hurt Ms. Laura's feelings, when she sang to you so nicely..." "Pardon my asking, but what kind of prices do you have here?" "Restaurant prices, as you see on your list." "But the list prices are per ounce, not per serving." "Excuse us..." "Listen, what if I told you I don't have that kind of money on me?" "Don't tell me that, please..." "Well, let's say, hypothetically..." "I can't believe that, sir." "You, a gentleman..." "I'm just asking, what would you do?" "What would I do if you told me that..." "I'd pretend I didn't hear you." "It never happened before?" "Oh, of course, some well-known client amuses himself by pretending he can't pay... but it never happened, God forbid, that a bill wasn't paid." "Oh..." "Listen, would you get mad if I told you that I'm in deep shit?" "Don't tell me that, please, don't tell me that..." "Me and my wife are both working..." "Why do you want to upset me, sir?" "...and even together we don't make that kind of money in a month." "Then why are you dining at a restaurant?" "Eh?" "It was a mistake..." "Well, if it was a mistake, then it's bad, because mistakes cost a lot." "Now, the cup is another 50.000, and you made the lady cry." "I didn't know it would be that much." "Let's be civilized, let's make a deal." "I'll pay you in a few installments..." "Do I look like a fool to you?" "Look, I have 500.000, I'll give them to you." "Where can I get 3.000.000 now?" "If we start with this tone, then we discuss this differently." "It's not a different tone, I was just explaining the situation..." "Sandu, call Mugurel and Andone here at once!" "Honey, you know what?" "We'll sell the washing machine tomorrow." "We'll sell your mother!" "The washing machine is broken." "Look how you talk to me..." "Forgive me..." "Please, honey, forgive me, sometimes I go nuts." "Please forgive me, I didn't mean to..." "So, what do we do now?" "Wait 'till morning?" "Are you going to pay, or not?" "Sandu, I told you to send a couple of guys here!" "We're here, sir." "So, let's not make a big deal, it's a shame." "Arrrrgh!" "Get your hands off him!" "Leave me alone, please." "Sir, let me explain what happened." "My wife and I are celebrating 10 years of marriage." "I though we could go out." "Usually we can't afford it." "I'm a high school teacher, she's a technician." "You realize how little we make..." "It's true, we miscalculated what we could afford." "Sir, for the woman it's important, maybe you're married too and you know how it is..." "Here's the deal: she stays here, and you go and come back with the money in one hour." "Where should I go, sir?" "At midnight, where the hell would I get 3.000.000?" "Tell me what to do, whack somebody?" "Steal, kill, rob a bank?" "Do we whack him?" "Roulade!" "Come here, come to daddy." "Just a second, Baron, we have a small problem here..." "Come here, you bum, right now!" "Yes, sir..." "Put it on my bill, please." "Cross my heart, Baron, these two don't deserve to have you pay for them..." "Let them be, can't you see they're so poor?" "Well, you were lucky tonight." "It's ok, boys, the bill was paid." "How was it paid?" "Because the Baron is happy tonight." "Next time you come to a restaurant, bring the money with you!" "'cause if my boys took care of you, you would have paid a fortune to your dentist!" "How could I have ended up in such a situation..." "That's what I was asking myself." "Do you want me to tell you?" "Is it a long story?" "Depends, I could accompany you further, madam." "Don't you think you should stop calling me madam?" "After only 10 years of marriage, that's too soon..." "Quit joking and start telling the story." "Ok, let's begin. 17 years old." "I hate this age." "I hate my students." "Until 10 days ago, my life was like this..." "Every morning, the same faces full of pimples." "I counted them." "I have 246 pimples in the 10th grade and 197 in the 11th." "Bucescu, may I bother you for a second?" "I care about you, do you care about me?" "Why are you upset?" "I asked you to turn off your cell phones!" "Is that clear?" "What did I say?" "I said you were a whore because you had makeup on and you were hitting on "Limp"." "Sometimes I began to think in their words." "The school was "shitty", Lova was "hot" the classes were "no fun", my life was "fucked up"." "Bucescu, would you be so nice to give me a moment of your attention?" "20 years ago I was their age." "But in my time school was not a joke." "The 19th century poets saw first the antagonistical contradictions of the capitalist society." "What kind of contradictions did the 19th century poets see?" "A... antagonistical." "Tell me the title of a poem where you see these contradictions." "Today I teach Romanian literature in this famous high school where only students of a certain background are accepted." "I just published my first volume." "A collection of 10 novellas in limited edition." "And I paid for it all." "I barely had enough money for a bus ticket, but I was proud to see my work on the bookstore shelves." "Excuse me, there was a book here, "Nobody dies for free"." "Is it sold out?" "People fought for it, sir!" "I sold exactly 3 copies." "And the rest?" "I sent them back to the publisher." "Why?" "There was no demand..." "No demand?" "I'm demanding it!" "Can't help you now, I returned them." "Were they taking up your breathing air?" "The motherfucker died the next day." "I killed him, in pain, on the 3rd page of the new novel I was working on." "Point." "New line." ""The night was sneaking silently into the city..."" "The bad part was that I was stuck on this phrase for days, and I simply could not go on, in spite of all my efforts." "Still listening to Christmas music?" "It's September!" "We know." "But with someone eating our social security like you do, I'm not sure I'll live 'till Christmas!" "That shit that you left in the fridge was your social security?" "Your mother busted her ass cooking that shit!" "Because you didn't go to the market to buy anything!" "What was "the writer" doing?" "Nothing!" "Are you talking to me?" "Yes, I'm talking to you." "Did you at least read my book?" "I'll read it, don't worry." "When?" "When I'll finish the one I'm reading now!" "I looked at it, it's very good." "Did anybody ask you anything?" "We were an united family, living a perpetual Christmas." "Outside, Vera was waiting for me." "She had a single passion: other people's kids." "I'll go put him to bed, so please don't talk too loud for a few minutes, until he falls asleep, ok?" "I don't know why he was so agitated this week." "Well, he's so sweet..." "Don't you feel anything when you see such a nice kid?" "Oh, there we go again..." "What did you say?" "I said he's sweet." "Do you think I'm stupid?" "Do you want to humiliate me in front of my friends?" "I know what you said: "There we go again"." "Go where?" "Into these discussions that I can't stand in public," "Not in public?" "Let's go home!" "Do you have a home, so we could move in together?" "No. why?" "Because you can't!" "You can't marry me, and we can't have a baby!" "Vera, don't exaggerate..." "If for you being mature means all this shit "I want a baby, I'll buy yours."" ""I want a baby to play with."" "Come on!" ""Now, yes, I want a baby now!"" "You're a pig!" "And go... go fuck yourself, you woke up the baby!" "It was the end of my 2 year relationship with Vera, the only woman who ever wanted to have a baby with me." "Only I already had about 100 babies at school, and all of them were getting on my nerves." "Especially one of them." "Robert!" "Did you hit on her?" "I'll beat the shit out of you, you motherfucker!" "Me, hit on this ugly thing?" "He did!" "He hit on me and threatened me!" "I'll eat you alive!" "Robert was very famous in school." "Every girl from the 9th to the 11th grade adored him." "Happily, he showed up for class rarely, and mostly drugged." "I preferred seeing him as seldom as I could." "The principal was pressuring me to kick him out, though..." "Listen, teach, they say they want to kick me out of school." "What's the deal?" "I don't know, Robert, maybe you did something." "Teach, you won't let them, right?" "Aren't you my buddy?" "What can I do if you don't behave?" "Listen, let me tell you what the deal is:" "If they kick me out, and you let them or you don't say anything then I'm not considering you my buddy anymore." "Then I'll come and cut you like a bratwurst." "Right?" "Tell me, isn't that right?" "I'll think about it." "Suddenly, I realized that a young boy is still very fragile and that some hasty punishments may leave scars for the rest of his life." "Robert deserved a chance to continue his studies." "I asked the principal to let me talk to the boy's parents." "And I urged Robert to ask them to come." "I was almost curious how do the parents of such a troublemaker look like." "You know how sometimes in life a door opens, and nothing is like it used to be." "Well, imagine the door of Room 10B." "Professor Gorea?" "Yes." "I'm Robert Dobrovicescu's sister." "My parents should have come, but they are out of town, so I thought I'd stop by instead." "Happy to meet you." "I'm Ovidiu Gorea." "Diana Dobrovicescu." "Robert's sister!" "Yes." "Sit down, please." "Thank you, but I wouldn't want you to stand either." "I didn't know that Robert..." "So, what kind of contradiction did the 19th century poets see?" "Antagonistical." "What?" "Umm..." "I didn't understand the question." "I was asking what was the problem with my brother." "Umm... the problem with Robert?" "The problem with Robert, umm it's not really a problem, I mean..." "You haven't prepared, I see..." "Umm..." "So, you are Robert's sister." "Yes." "Tell me if he did anything stupid." "Nooo..." "Well, he has a bit of a temper..." "maybe he should calm down a little." "Still..." "But it's ok, at this age..." "If at this age you don't do stupid things..." "When do you do stupid things, then?" "Teach, can I see if I haven't left my cell phone inside my desk?" "No, Bucescu, you haven't left any cell phone there, and you disappeared right this instant!" "Out!" "You have to keep them on a leash, otherwise..." "So, Robert's sister..." "Are you a student?" "I'm a model and I go to modeling school." "Of course." "For someone like you, that's the future." "I say like you meaning... not that you couldn't have a serious job." "I'm not saying that fashion is not serious, God forbid only that it doesn't require any studying." "Although you said you went to some sort of school, if I understood correctly..." "I'm babbling, right?" "A bit..." "Well, the fatigue..." "I was writing all night, I'm working on a novel..." "You're a writer, too?" "I am..." "I should say I'm a teacher, too." "Teaching, practically, is only because I enjoy it..." "For me kids are an extraordinary material, I like working with them..." "Get out!" "Get out or I'll break your legs!" "So, Robert's sister..." "And what books have you written so far?" "A lot." "I happen to have a copy of my last volume, I can give it to you with my signature..." "Wait, I don't know if I can..." "It will be my pleasure." "Well, girl..." "God be with you." "You don't know what you're missing." "I'm sorry, I had a meeting at the writer's union, I couldn't get out of it earlier." "I was just getting ready to leave." "I would have called you if I had your number." "I'm so glad you came..." "Next time, don't leave without paying!" "What did she say?" "Nothing." "Let's not stay here." "I know a good pizza place nearby..." "What pizza, mister, let's go dancing!" "What club?" ""Why not"." "It's a promotional party for a toothpaste company." "And will they let us in?" "Of course, I did a commercial for them." "Race you to the subway?" "Subway?" "Ha!" "Welcome to the promotional party of "Domident"!" "Where cool people with cool teeth drink cool, dance cool and feel cool!" "Get me another "Campari Orange"." "I felt a knot in my stomach..." "and a hole in my wallet." "The cab, the club, 3 "Campari Orage"s, one pack of cigarettes and two coffees I had already spent the whole salary that I was planning to party on for the whole night." "Can I get you something, sir?" "The only thing I wanted..." "was a miracle from God." "And now, our cool contest .for which "Domident" is offering a 3.000.000 prize to the winning couple." "It's "the dance with the orange"!" "Shall we compete?" "Do you feel up to it?" "If you tell me how to do this, yes." "The beginning position: the couples put the orange between their foreheads!" "During the dance, no matter what, the orange must not fall on the floor." "You can only use your bodies." "The ones that touch it with their hands are disqualified." "Finally, we have a winning couple that will take the 3.000.000 prize from "Domident"." "Well, it wasn't meant to be." "Can we get a drink?" "What reason could I invent for leaving a party sponsored by "Domident"?" "A toothache." "Obvious, right?" "If she didn't believe me..." "it's her business." "The Conclusion for the evening was clear:" "today's girls were too expensive." "I decided to quit fooling around and start working seriously on the novel." "Come quick, daddy's on TV!" "What?" "Come on!" "Can you hear me?" "Hello!" "Hello, can you hear me?" "Hello?" "Yes, we can hear you, please ask your question." "What are you doing, making a fool of yourself again?" "Ask him about social security!" "social security!" "My question is, with all due respect, if they think that this is the way things should be in this country, sir." "This way... how?" "Like they are!" "Mr. Gorea, the subject on discussion is the fiscal reform." "Please ask a question to the point." "It's to the point, because all things go wrong in this country, sir!" "What do they think?" "Thank you for your question." "Wait, I have one more question for..." "We'll come back after a short break." "You made a fool of yourself again." "Bullshit!" "Clearly they didn't like the question!" "They don't like being proved wrong." ""Hey, babe, are you free tonight?"" ""Look at you..." "you still have baby teeth."" " "Your place, or mine?" - "Domident." "Anywhere."" "What are you looking at?" "You can't even bring home a toothpaste!" "Ovidutz, commercials!" " "Your place, or mine?" - "Domident." "Anywhere."" "Hello, Diana?" "Ovidiu here." "Ovidiu Gorea." "Robert's Romanian literature teacher." "I'm sorry..." "I woke you up..." "You don't remember?" "Umm... we went to this toothpaste party together..." "Yes, I got a toothache, right." "Right." "I wanted to say I saw you in that commercial on TV..." "No, really, I thought it was very good." "Sure, sure." "Ok, I'll let you sleep, and we'll talk again soon, sure..." "Sleep tight..." "Ah!" "Umm, just out of curiosity, did you have time to look at my book?" "Really?" "You read it?" "I had 4 readers in the world, and one of them was Diana." "I was wasting my best years in front of a typewriter while somewhere there was a special someone worth fighting for." "Someone up there loved me." "I had to do the impossible and get some real money to take her out." "I couldn't afford to make a fool of myself anymore." "A little respect, what the hell?" "You'll throw away that paper tomorrow, but this book will last you a lifetime." "I thought I'd sell about 100 copies." "After the first 2 hours, I halved the price." "Even the beggars across the street were doing better than I was." "Are you in?" "In on what?" "Get the fuck out of here." "Do you have a problem with me?" "This isn't your turf, you bum." "This is the territory of Gigi Piedone." "Do you work for Gigi Piedone?" "I don't know any..." "I'm sorry, it's a public place and I have every right to..." "Ahhh!" "The writers' coffee shop." "A place I usually prefer to avoid." "I had to study the works of most of these drunkards in high school." "They were the poets of "The Golden Age" who first saw the antagonistical contradictions between the Russian Vodka and the Romanian Shpritz." "But, under the circumstances, pride had to be set aside." "You must strike it while it's hot!" "Mr." "Negreanu, if I may..." "Speak, I say you may." "I've been an admired of your work for many years and..." "Ah, you want an autograph?" "No..." "I have no pen!" "I'd like you to read a little something and give me an honest opinion." "O, yes?" "I won't have any spare time until after December 1st." "But leave it here." "And if anyone else wants it, it's 30.000 lei." "What?" "You want to sell here, to the writers?" "You know, we, the younger generation, have a harder time..." "You have a hard time!" "That's preposterous!" "I, with 17 volumes, tens of awards and texts that are studied in schools even today I have to drink and eat in this shit hole!" "And on credit, since I can't pay, and neither can my friends..." "And you little younger generation pricks are complaining?" "You have the nerve to ask great writers here to pay you for your little fart of a brochure..." "You know what I do with you, the 90s' writers?" "Uh?" "This is what I do!" "Up with the classics!" "Long live Eminescu!" "Post-modernists to the toilet!" "Sir..." "Sir, please give me a vodka for a poem." "What do you mean, I don't..." "Haven't you heard, I'm "the poet of the North Station"!" "Come here, I won't bite." "Then I'm "the writer of high school 22"." "I heard." "You wrote a book, that's good." "Now give a vodka to a fellow writer." "Ummm..." "The cheapest, the worst." "And I'll recite one of my poems." "Where did you publish?" "He he." "Do I look like an idiot that messes with editors?" "No, sir." "You know what I do?" "I recite my poem for a glass of vodka." "Look, let me choke on the vodka if you won't like my poem." ""The poet of the North Station"." "Yes!" "Title: "The poem of a man who wakes up one morning and realizes he's fucked"." "I'm listening." ""In the small room, on a crooked bed," "I lay smashed into the pillows by an enormous fist"." "That's it?" "That's it." "Not bad." "You're harsh." "I have another." "Recite it." "No, first another vodka." "Title: "The poem of a girl that I saw on the 44 bus who didn't fall for my pickup lines"." ""The smile of the girl on the bus charmed me for ever." "I have another drama now, exactly like Mr. Ion Susai"." "Who's Mr. Ion Susai?" "Friend of mine, you don't know him." "More, more." "Ummm..." "No, no, that's it." "I only have these two poems." "Only two?" "Yeah, like you're Tolstoy!" "No, you're right, ten stories are not exactly the same as "War and peace"." "Listen, how much for those soap-opera "stories"?" "3.000 a piece, just like..." "less than a vodka." "I'll take all ten of them." "If you can afford that, why are you begging for vodkas?" "I'm begging for vodkas tonight because I'm thirsty." "Usually, I recite for money." "I couldn't believe it." "The guy made in a month more than five times my teacher's salary." "In the evenings, if he wanted, he could afford any expensive restaurant." "He lived better than most of my friends from two little poems that weren't even his own." "What do you mean, you didn't write them?" "Not really, no." ""The poet of the North Station" sent me to somebody named Pavel Puiutz, a.k.a. "Pepe" about who he only said, I quote, "he's the smartest smart guy in the world"." "He told me to show him my book and ask for his help." "~The "Philanthropic" Foundation~" "Come in, please." "Sorry, I the coffee is boiling." "Excuse me, I'm looking for Mr. Pavel Puiutz." "You'll find him in his office." "Thank you." "Come in." "Ok, ok, solve this immediately." "I was told to come here..." "I know, that drunkard from the station sent you." "Sir, I don't see how I can use you." "I'd like to show you a book." "It's a collection of short stories." "Are you a writer?" "Beginner." "Ok, and what's the problem?" "The problem is..." "people don't buy them." "And I need to sell about 100 books." "No way." "So no..." "No chance." "Mr." "Piedone is here." "Tell him to wait a second." "So you need money." "Do you know what I do here?" "Not really..." "I guess, since it's a foundation, that you finance some cultural projects..." "So much intuition moves me." "Come with me." "Sit on the couch." "Piedone, a new batch?" "Five pieces, sir, all in great shape." "They're waiting outside." "How much do you pay?" "20% for each text, like last time." "For this kind of money I shouldn't even be talking to you." "What can I do, I have a mother's soul?" "Miruna!" "Get here and write!" "Come on, you bums!" "Let's see you in a parade!" "One by one, or I'll break your bones!" "And how they beat me up, and how they tortured me, oh, Lord..." "Give her something, she was in jail during Ceausescu's era." "You must be nuts." "She won't see a penny and she'd get beaten up for anti-communism." "Dress her up in a wedding gown, and send her to churches with a picture of her husband who "just passed away"." "Write: "My husband is coming right back."" ""He went to the Lord and told me to wait for him right here."" "Come on, next!" "This guy is some kind of artist..." "Film director." "Give him a piece of cardboard that says:" ""During Ceausescu's era I was a director and I made movies"." ""Today Sergiu is a senator, and I'm unemployed and very ill"." "Sir, you're the best!" "Next!" "Child with AIDS?" "AIDS doesn't work in Romania, here people die of a simple flu." "Can he sing?" "Can you sing, kid?" "He knows, or else he'll get his ass whooped." "Ok, I'll make him an orphanage song to sing in the subway." "You get the text when you come with the money." "Next!" "An invalid guy, retired." "Like three quarters of the population." "Uniform, medals, crutches..." "You shave his head like a ping-pong ball and give him a sign that says:" ""My eye and my leg are at Stalingrad"." "Pregnant in the 7th month." "Give her a stroller in which she has a doll." "Make sure it's a ragged doll." "Text:" ""I hope at least this next one lives"." "Live long, Mr. Pepe, you're an artist." "I know..." "I'm leaving, I see someone else is waiting for you." "Miruna, see the gentleman out." "I'm leaving in five minutes, call the driver." "Sir, you were talking about some cultural projects, and I interrupted you." "I think I came to the wrong place, please excuse me." "If I think about it, maybe you came to the right place." "Can I give you a ride someplace?" "There was no such job." "I invented it." "Being a beggar?" "Writing texts for beggars." "Of course, I don't write large texts, like you." "But my texts have an advantage: they sell!" "Look at these poor suckers." "Free "professionals", if you will." "Nobody organizes them, they don't earn anything, and they are useless for society." "Like yourself." "See that guy over there?" ""Sad violinist who doesn't even sing anymore, because he's so desperate"." "Heartbreaking..." "Funny thing is... he never did sing." "He doesn't know how." "He couldn't even hold the violin straight." "I taught him that." "Well, people give him money." "how much can they give?" "You wouldn't believe." "In a few hours he rounds up a small fortune." "Mr. Piedone, you met him." "He stops by two times a day to collect the money." "Even the Police gets its share." "This is what I call "organized begging"." "I think it's shameful." "You think small." "It's not shameful to ask." "It's shameful not to receive." "Look at the Romanian Government." "It's been begging for years from Europe and the US, and nobody gives anything." "What can I say, that's what happens when they use amateurs for the job!" "Pay attention to this gentleman." "Excuse me..." "It's embarrassing, but..." "could you please lend me 50.000 lei?" "I have an emergency, and this ATM is broken, and I have no choice, I need to take a cab." "See, you don't always need to be in shambles in order to get money." "This is something the Government hasn't understood yet." "Give me your phone number, so I can contact you..." "But please, forget about it, we're human beings after all..." "But please, I insist..." "No problem, have a nice day." "How much money did you say you needed?" "2-3 million lei." "Urgently?" "By Saturday." "Will you do something in order to get them?" "You mean become a beggar with a credit card?" "No." "Not exactly." "Without a credit card." "And what's even more interesting - in your place, I'd think better about this you wouldn't even have to ask." "Were you ever preoccupied with the mechanism of pity?" "It's an exciting field." "What's the secret little engine that triggers compassion in human beings?" "I'll tell you: it's always the story." "If the hand you hold out doesn't tell a story, you won't get any money." "I have a few new ideas that I haven't had a chance to experiment yet." "I was missing... an actor." "You have exactly the type of face I need, and you have another quality: you're sad." "If you enter one of my schemes and obey the rules..." "I guarantee that by Saturday you'll get even more than you need." "Think about it and give me a call." ""Call me honey, I'm alone and I want you..." "I want us to be together, to spend unforgettable moments..." "Call, and all your fantasies will become reality." "Call Mr. Pavel Puiutz and I'll be yours"." "Bucescu?" "Bring me your cell phone, please." "But why, teach, I wasn't talking." "I was!" "Bring it here!" "How do you dial a number?" "Yes." "Speaking." "Yes, what did you decide?" "And that is the winning answer!" "I'm happy to work with you." "Now listen carefully." "Remember the young lady in my office?" "Good evening." "I'm Ovidiu Gorea." "Miruna Stan." "Shall we?" "Hello." "There!" "Straight ahead." "Don't rush!" "We'll have to keep drinking those for a couple of hours." "Say something, make some conversation." "How many years are we supposed to be married?" "10." "Ok." "That doesn't mean we have nothing to say to teach other, does it?" "I don't trust the waiter." "He's rude and he despises us." "That's how he should be." "Did you see how he greeted us?" "Don't be stupid..." "Pepe talked to him." "He should be rude so that people side with us." "Oh." "What people?" "At this hour?" "You'll see in an hour what people I'm talking about." "Ah, I'm dying for a cigarette..." "Please." "No, thanks." "Pepe says I can't smoke, it doesn't fit my character." "15 more minutes and we ask for the bill, ok?" "What the hell am I doing here?" "What?" "I've thought about it." "There are things you do, and things you don't do." "I can't do this circus." "I thought I could, but I can't." "Please give my apologies to Mr. Pepe." "I'm sorry for leave some money here, it can't be more than..." "Before I forget, the wedding ring." "Well, surprise, Ovidiu and Miruna!" "What a small world!" "Just a few tables!" "You look great together." "It's hard to find such a great couple today." "Mr. Puiutz, I'm sorry, I can't go on, it's below my dignity." "Your dignity?" "With your kind of money, you can afford dignity?" "Let me tell you a story." "In the '50s, when I was young, I dreamed of becoming a great writer, like you do." "You know how much there dreams cost me?" "Five years at the Jilava prison." "The "comrades" did not approve of my manuscript." "There, in jail, I found out how things are with dignity." "One cigarette to the guard, one day of dignity." "No more cigarettes..." "be very careful when you bend over." "Mr. Puiutz, I..." "And, after five years, when they got me out, guess what I found out?" "That outside is the same..." "So you can take your dignity and shove it up your ass before someone else shoves theirs." "Bill to this table!" "10 years of marriage and you're still like in your first day." "Beautiful!" "Sir..." "Yes, please." "It can't be the amount written here..." "It is, ma'am, see for yourself." "It can't be, sir, please, we're still in Romania who can afford to pay such a bill?" "These are the prices, only people that can afford them eat here." "Honey, please, look and say if you think this is normal." "I think I'm going crazy." "Look at it!" "I can't..." "It's too much, we don't have that kind of money." "Impossible." "Please pay the bill." "And I ask kindly that you understand, it's a special situation." "My wife..." "I couldn't believe it." "I loved it!" "I felt like a great actor on stage, in front of a breathless audience." "And it was only the first show in a long line of shows." "Honey, please, calm down, I'll try to reason with him..." "What reason, sir, wasn't I speaking clearly enough?" "You have to pay, so please..." "I knew we shouldn't have gone out tonight." "Only you insisted..." "I wanted it to be special..." "And we offered you something special, too..." "Did I ask for something special?" "Did I?" "I didn't ask for anything special!" "Not a thing!" "When I asked to see the menu, you said to trust you with it." "I wanted to give a little pleasure to my wife, since we're celebrating 10 years of marriage." "10 years of marr..." "10 years of marri..." "If you did her a pleasure, then do me a pleasure too and pay your bill, ok?" "Do you know how much money my husband makes?" "That's none of my business, lady..." "Do you know it's been two months since he's got his last salary?" "Do you know that the Ministry of Education won't pay teachers' wages until after the budget review?" "Do you know that it's been 10 years since we can't go out to a restaurant because of a criminal and anti-cultural policy that is mocking the formation of our youth?" "I'm sorry, ma'am, but this is scandalous." "3.900.000, please." "Why won't you be more understanding?" "Why won't you?" "I don't know, we'll look for a way out together, I'll stay here all night and wash the dishes, sir..." "All the happiness to you." "Laura, sing the anniversary song again for these two kids." ""Happy anniversary to you, happy anniversary to you..."" "And all this, Miruna, with only one purpose:" "to appear before her tomorrow like a wealthy guy, with a cell phone and a fancy car." "That... was the story..." "What do you say?" "What can I say?" "Good luck!" "God help!" "Yes..." "We're here." "This is where I live." "See you Monday?" "See you Monday." "Do you have a practical advice?" "Yes." "Take the wedding ring off your finger!" "Hey, bring it back by tomorrow noon!" "This is your car?" "What can I say? "Nobody dies for free"." "300.000 copies sold." "Where are we going?" "I booked a table at "Coral" but if you want, we can go dancing afterwards." "I've got the orange, too..." "He he..." "Diana!" "Slow down, buddy!" "What cretins!" " Diana!" " Diana!" "We're going to "Cult Club"." "Where?" "To "Cult Club"." "Ah, ok." "See you there!" "Diana!" "Diana, how are you?" "I'm fine, thanks." "How are you?" "I broke up with Silviu." "See you at the club?" "Come, tell me all about it, ok?" "A medium "bland" for the young lady and a double scotch for me." "Have you ever tasted this cigarettes from Afghanistan?" "They go well with the scotch." "So, how are things with writing?" "Fun?" "The coolest thing." "Only you must have a shitload of money, otherwise it won't work." "These charlatans that say they live in some apartment with their parents and write on an empty stomach... bullshit!" "Only suckers believe that." "What you need to do is get to a cool state go to your cabin in the mountains, sit down with a glass of scotch..." "With some cool music..." "No, no." "You make the music, on the paper." "The ones that write with music are not real writers, they just write song lyrics." "I can't even write a postcard without music." "Don't worry, you can't write it even with music." "Listen, can you do... the other thing without music, too?" "Well, aren't we pigs tonight..." "Wow, so many cool people!" "Shit, "Leech" is here." "The night goes bad." "How the fuck did he find us?" "How you doin', motherfuckers?" "Do I really have to make a thousand calls to find out where you guys partying' tonight?" "I'll beat the shit out of the one that told him." "Too late, buddy, we were just about to go home." "So what?" "Come on, tonight I want to party." "So, you're with the old guy now?" "I'm with whoever I want, do you mind?" "I'll catch you alone sometime..." "What for?" "For our friendship to become a much deeper feeling." "Hi there, old man." "I hope you weren't offended." "I like to make jokes like this." "You'll piss yourself laughing, he's got a great sense of humor." "Yes, he does." "Didn't you know?" "He's the master of fun." "Well, it looks like this chick doesn't appreciate me as she should." "She goes out with all these losers." "Umm, let me show you a trick." "Do you know how a rich guy smokes?" "Like me, he he." "Nah, gimme the pack." "Lighter." "Tell me, just out of curiosity, what's your rate?" "My rate for what?" "For getting out of here." "How much would I have to bribe you so that you go to bed early tonight?" "About when?" "About now." "My rate is one million per night." "Here's two millions, in advance, for a future occasion." "It's a pleasure doing business with serious businessmen." "Good joke." "You're cool." "He's cool, the old geezer..." "Now we all say "good night"..." "Ok, gotcha, you're cool, old man." "Now we say "good bye" nicely..." "Yes." "We go home, and hop into bed." "Ok, now take your money back." "Lady Di, your guy is no fun." "I'm joking and he takes it for real?" "What jokes?" "did you take the money?" "Hey, did you take the money?" "Now go home!" "Quick, before you lose your sleep." "Let him stay, poor guy..." "What is it, baby, don't you want to sleep?" "We don't want to leave?" "No, he was just leaving." "Shut the fuck up, I wasn't leaving anywhere." "You're really uncool, guys." "Uncool." "What the fuck, can't we stay and have a drink, have some laughs?" "Unfortunately, I must ask you to leave the club." "Why?" "You disturbed this gentleman." "And who is this gentleman, that I have to leave when he feels like it?" "If you don't know, you better start reading a book now and then." "Yes?" "Shall I walk you to your car, or...?" "I'll never go out with you guys again!" "I'm shitting on your club, you bozos!" "Are you messing with me?" "Tell me, are you messing with me?" "I'll send the Economic Police here!" "This dump will be closed in two days!" "I'll make sure all of you are fired!" "No!" "Not here, the ground floor is full of prying old geezers." "Come with me!" "Now go!" "I can't take you upstairs, my parents are back." "Otherwise you would have taken me upstairs?" "What do you think?" "Do you think Robert would get mad if he found out we're together?" "Why would he get mad?" "Well, he's certainly got a temper." "He could misinterpret..." "What does he have to do with this?" "Am I asking him who is he going out with?" "Ok, ok, now go!" "Go!" "You won't forget me until next week, I hope..." "You only see each other on Saturdays?" "She can't go out during the week, she's a model, and she's obsessed with her beauty sleep." "Thank God, I don't think I would be capable of seeing her more often." "Financially, or..." "Well..." "I'm a pauper Mondays to Fridays, and a prince in the weekends." "Ever seen anything like this?" "Your bill, sir." "Yes, thank you." "What can I say, it was absolutely delicious, but way too expensive." "You mean the bill?" "No, I mean being with Diana." "I was thinking... how much would I have to earn in order to take her out every day I guess that, if we consider how much I spent this Saturday..." "And the bill...?" "Ah, yes." "What is this?" "I think there's been a mistake!" "Ahh!" "Robert!" "Get over here for a second." "Listen!" "If they even the score, I'll cut you all!" "What's up?" "I can't..." "let me catch my breath." "Your parents... are they all right?" "Yes." "And your sister, how is she?" "She's ok." "Speaking about your sister..." "I have this friend..." "A girl about her age." "I want to give her a present, and I have no idea what to get her." "I was thinking maybe you could give me an idea." "What would Diana like, for example?" "Teach!" "You've got a chick you want to sleep with!" "No, nothing like that, it's just..." "If you've got a chick you want to sleep with, you'd be a fool to buy her gifts!" "Take her home, give her a glass of scotch, and screw her!" "What the hell, teach?" "Am I supposed to teach you that too?" "Ok, dismissed." "Come on!" "Come here, Robert!" "And don't break any windows, or you'll pay for them!" "Look, the phone bill and the rent bill." "Show them to her, so she can see how we pay them from our crappy social security!" "Oh, I almost forgot!" "I read it." "It's crap!" "I can't bring her to my place, it would be a disaster." "A hotel is too vulgar..." "At her place I risk running into her brother..." "Where do I take her?" "don't you have any friends?" "Acquaintances." "They're all married." "Anyway, all of them live..." "way beneath what "I can afford"." "You know what?" "Can we change the subject?" "Why?" "Because you don't take someone out to talk for hours about your problems." "And it's very unpleasant for a wife, no matter who she is to constantly hear you praising some pretentious bimbo." "Sorry I had to say that." "Especially at an anniversary." "What anniversary?" "10 years of marriage." "Are you crazy?" "Yup..." "We have that anniversary every night." "Yes, but maybe tonight is special." "Why would it be special?" "Be cause I want it to be so." "What's so special about it?" "It's just another evening." "Yes, but this is our 10th evening." "Since we've been working together..." "Since I've been your wife." "At least in front of all these people, who don't deserve this one bit." "So spare me your cheap love stories, ok?" "Why..." "Mr." "Pepe can kiss my ass!" "Where are you going?" "To pee." "You know what?" "Yes?" "When you invite a girl to your place, and she asks where the bathroom is..." "You better know where it is, or you might be showing her the closet!" "Also know where you have clean towels, how to turn on the music..." "Have some personal things scattered around the room..." "Easy to say, but..." "I have no place to take her." "Talk to Pepe." "He's an understanding man." "What?" "I'm sponsoring you to fuck?" "Look closely!" "This is the city you live in!" "This is the perfect spot to see it." "Better than the top of "Intercontinental Hotel"." "See how many nobodies walk by?" "Millions of nobodies." "When you came to me with this innocent "nobody" face, what did I say to myself?" "Miruna, coffee!" "I said: "this kid wants to be somebody, this kid wants to learn a trade"." "Do I get that coffee already?" "There are three basic jobs in this world:" "wealthiness, poverty and sex." "You can earn your pay in any of them." "But from love and writing you'll starve, you idiot!" "You'll die for free!" "I think the house on 21st Autumn St. is free..." "He thinks so small..." "I leave him everything he makes, I ask for no percentage just so he could understand what opportunities lay ahead!" "An all this time, he's living in a dream!" "That's what I heard, it was freed two days ago." "What?" "The house on 21st Autumn Rd." "So what?" "So it's free..." "What is this, a plot?" "You two are plotting against me?" "When do you need it?" "On Saturdays?" "We'll talk later, depending on your results." "What the hell, they're clients just like us, how can you talk to them like that?" "What, do you want me to pay from my own pocket?" "Ho much is that bill anyway?" "I'll pay half, you guys cover the rest." "Is it him?" "It's him, I can't believe it!" "Who?" "That guy over there, the one without money." "I had no idea he was so poor." "Thank you, thank you." "Here, smoke like wealthy guys do!" "Don't mock a poor man." "It's not nice." "Aren't you ashamed of yourself?" "What do you want?" "Stop!" ""The IMF is useless, orphanages are still bad." "The PHARE fund is useless too..."" "Here." "Thanks." "Wasn't it too much?" "I pity them, poor kids." "And?" "What went wrong?" "Well, all day long I explored the place..." "I tidied it up..." "I looked everywhere." "I filled the fridge." "Wow!" "Let's turn the lights on." "Just a second, we'll have light..." "One second..." "Am I crazy, or you don't really want to turn the light on?" "Naughty, naughty..." "One second..." "Want a drink?" "Do you know what I like most about you?" "No, I don't." "That you don't flaunt your wealthiness." "Most men I've been with..." "you know, they want to show it." "They take advantage that I'm a woman, I look great so of course I can't buy my clothes in any store." "Who wouldn't be with a man that can offer a little luxury?" "But someone like you, not pigs like them." "Isn't it so?" "It is." "Do you want to go to the bedroom?" "No, not yet." "We have music in the bedroom too." "Not now, don't answer!" "You've reached the "Philantropica" foundation." "Leave your message after the beep." "Ungureanu here." "I'd like to reserve the place for Thursday the 13th and Friday the 14th." "I hope the prices are the same." "Please call me back at 423 56 56." "It was a wrong number!" "Come on, don't be weird..." "It's clear that it was a wrong number, what are you thinking?" "Who do you think called me yesterday? "Leech"." "He told me he saw you in a restaurant..." "and you didn't have money to pay." "Who, me?" "And you were married!" "God forbid!" "Of course I didn't believe him, but now that you brought me to somebody else's place, who knows what to believe?" "Listen, do you believe that lunatic?" "Whose house is this?" "Mine!" "All mine!" "Look, this is where I live!" "Ok?" "This is my desk, with my typewriter with a page from my last novel with an unfinished sentence, so I wouldn't be late for our date." ""Domident" toothpaste." "Towels." "My closet, with my clothes..." "Picture album..." "What more do you want?" "Your phone number." "What?" "Your phone number, I don't have it." "223 68 77." "Let's call your number, see who picks up." "It's ringing!" "Can you hear?" "It's ringing!" "Hello, Ovidiu?" "Yes?" "Oh, he's not home?" "No problem, I'll call later." "Wrong number..." "At least let me drive you home, please." "Are you sure it's your car?" "Where are you going now, alone, at night?" "Here, take some." "Well done." "Then..." "I called you." "That 's what you all do." "As soon as your mistress kicks you to the curb, you go crying to the wife." "Come on." "Come here." "What?" "You're shocked?" "Anyway, since I've been working for Pepe, I haven't been doing it anymore." "I've changed my source of income." "Coming, honey?" "Don't be stupid." "I bet you have no idea what an experienced woman is like." "Otherwise you wouldn't fall for silly little girls." "Would the master please wake up?" "I assure you, sir, that it is a beautiful day, for which it is well worth opening your eyes." "Anyway, the publishers from New York and Paris are already here, and they brought the contracts for you to sign." "What time is it?" "It is 3 PM, sir." "And, as usual, I'm serving your breakfast in bed." "Today it's Sunday." "We have the day off." "So you know what I thought?" "No, I don't." "Why don't you take me out to a restaurant tonight?" "Beautiful... to break the monotony, right?" "Are you listening?" "This time we order anything we want." "We drink, we eat, we party..." "With what?" "I spent everything yesterday." "We can't pay." "We collect." "And?" "What do we get with that?" "We get absolutely no money at all!" "Don't you want to enjoy just once all those yummy things on our bills?" "French Champagne... seafood salad..." "Chateau Briant flambé appetizer... sirloin steak... trout two coffees and desert..." "that's exactly 2.754.000 lei." "Radu, Mircea and Alin are invited on stage!" "We're sorry, we don't have that much money..." "I can't hear you..." "We didn't know it was so expensive..." "I can't hear you..." "We'll leave you our IDs, something..." "and I'll come pay tomorrow at 11 PM." "Quit bargaining and pay!" "And the karaoke goes on!" "Do what?" "Let's try some installments, here's my ID." "And now, the gentleman that asked for a famous song." "Sir, please, let's discuss this..." "We'll discuss it." "That's where I'm taking you.... ...to discuss it." "We'll have a nice little chat, just the two of us." "Listen, let's come to an agreement..." "Why are you such a jerk, eh?" "Tell me, you jerk, you want me to pay out of my own pocket?" "Say it, do you want me to pay out of my own pocket?" "Say it, you bastard!" "Me, pay out of my own pocket?" "Let me give you another helping!" "Want more?" "Want more?" "At least you could have smiled a bit..." "Oh well, he did too good of a job on the eyes, but not so good on the mouth." "Otherwise... nice handiwork." "Do you think his mommy would recognize him now?" ""The Popescu family..."" "Well, you have to be the representative of ordinary people..." "You really didn't recognize my style?" "It didn't have your signature on it." "You think small..." "I never signed "The Sheep" either." "How many fools were in this thing?" "Just one, right?" "Just one fool, right Miruna?" "Honey, my sweet, my beauty..." "Can you give us a minute?" "Please?" "No, don't worry." "Of course, kitten." "Your wife was in on it." "Guess who else?" "The waiter..." "Of course." "And?" "The voice on the machine on Saturday night, Ungureanu." "Bingo!" "You just won a color TV!" "He he..." "I'm not even joking, tomorrow night you'll be on TV, live." "Who?" "What do you mean, who?" "You, the Popescus." "In front of the people." "On ProTV." "You can count me out." "Incredible... isn't anything left in this stubborn head of yours?" "No brain activity?" "Is it on strike?" "Hello?" "Anybody home?" "Mr. Puiutz, our collaboration ceases this very moment." "Zorro, I don't get you..." "We have a lot of work ahead of us." "We need to prepare tomorrow's show." "Tow weeks we trained you for this thing." "There's tons of money at stake here." "You can't even imagine." "But that's not important." "Important is that we'll create a masterpiece." "Don't you feel excited when you hear it, as a writer?" "A masterpiece!" "I think you've got the wrong guy." "Let me set things straight:" "my name is not Popescu this young lady is not my wife..." "I'm not even a writer, although I would have liked to be one." "All I am is a high school teacher who must teach his students the masterpieces of Romanian literature." "Have a nice day." "If anybody says anything about the way I look I'll take away their cell phone!" "You have been warned!" "Take out a sheet of paper." "Pop quiz!" "Is Robert Dobrovicescu here?" "No I haven't seen him in a few days." "Can we talk for a second?" "Just a moment." ""The patriotic feelings in poems of the 1848 generation"." "And be quiet, understood?" "I'm listening." "We'd like to ask you a favor." "If this student shows up for class in the next few days give him a message from us." "From you... who?" "It doesn't matter." "Just tell him two honest citizen were looking for him." "The message matters." "Memorize:" ""The Baron is very upset." "He wants the money in three days."" "If this kid doesn't show up in three days with the money and deep apologies..." ""Life is complicated, and has many aspects"." "I didn't understand a thing." "He didn't understand a thing." "It's your turn, then." "Sir, this kid crashed a brand new car that wasn't his." "The owner is very upset." ""Very upset", that's the message." "He wants the money for the damages, and asked us to talk to the kid and persuade him..." "If the kid doesn't behave, he can run to Vladivostok, we'll still find him." "And then it's bad..." "How much does he owe?" "He knows how much." "The important thing is to remember that..." ""life is complicated and has many aspects"." "He's young, and it would be such a pity if he ended up, God forbid, as an invalid." "Or even worse..." "God forbid!" "What kind of money are we talking about, anyway?" "$3.000." "It's not the money that counts, it's the act." "Shut the fuck up!" "The first that breathes gets a bullet between the eyes!" "What is this?" "Are we mocking school here?" "Everybody concentrate on your quiz!" "By the way, who fixed you up so good?" "Nobody..." "Because if somebody fixed you up, and you want revenge, we'll handle it cheap." "I'll kill the first that tries to cheat!" "$3.000..." "Bucescu, your cell phone!" "Florin Calinescu is the host of "Today's Question" the talk show for the beginning of the millennium!" "Tonight, we have a surprise guest." "Good evening, everybody." "I'm Florin Calinescu, and I have to tell you I'm disgusted." "I'm sick of it!" "I woke up this morning, I started looking for a theme for today's show and..." "I realized I'm sick of it." "Yes, I'm sick of it all!" "I'm sick of politicians, of politics, of the empty speeches in the Parliament of all the scandals in our politicians' lives." "I want to know, where are the simple people, with their real problems?" "Where are you, our viewers?" "We'll meet two of these anonymous people who pay from their own pockets, like you and like me, the bill of the economic transition." "And it's exactly a bill that their story is about." "Ladies and gentlemen, to my right we have Ovidiu and Miruna Popescu." "And to my left we have Mr. Gheorghe Stanete waiter at "Karaoke Club", who'll tell us what happened." "Good evening." "Good evening." "Mr. Stanete, would you please tell us, in your own words, about the incident you were part of two days ago?" "Well... they came to our club, drank and ate all night and at the end they didn't want to pay, claiming they had no money." "I can't go to my boss with an unpaid bill of 2 millions." "He'd fire me." "So what did you do?" "I... "touched" this gentleman a bit." "Please show an image of Mr. Popescu." "This is what you call "a bit"?" "It was just a bit at first, then we got angry..." "Before I let the Popescus talk to find out more about them I'd like to announce the number where you can call with your questions and comments..." "Please write it down." "For long distance it's area code 01, then 213 45 36." "ProTV, "Today's Question"." "I'm listening." "So, that night you celebrated ten years of marriage." "Yes, my husband had set aside some money for the occasion, and I insisted to go out." "You know, usually we can't afford it." "What's your monthly salary?" "Together we make 3 million lei." "Where the hell are my glasses?" "I never lost anything in 65 years!" "This is your doing!" "What have you done with my glasses?" "Remember when we celebrated 40 years of marriage?" "You sent me off to wash your socks, and you fell asleep on the couch, watching "Colombo"." "Shut up!" "I'm waiting to go on the air." "Jasmine, get over here!" "I want to show you something." "See this chick?" "Wasn't the bandaged guy next to her at "Polenta" and he couldn't pay?" "Well?" "It's a scam, believe me!" "Tell us about how you two met." "He wrote me a poem..." "We were on a bus, it was crowded, and he put a note in my purse." "I found it when I was looking for money to pay the fine, because I didn't have a ticket." "I've kept it ever since." ""The smile of the girl on the bus charmed me for ever." "I have another drama now, exactly like Mr. Ion Susai"." "Who was Mr. Ion Susai?" "A friend of mine, you don't know him." "Florin, we can take calls." "They tell me we have a call." "Hello?" "Good evening to you and your guests." "Good evening." "My name is Pavel Puiutz, and I represent the "Philantropica" Foundation." "I read the article in the newspapers, and I was very touched." "These people are not some lowlifes." "They both work, they have a salary." "And yet society doesn't give them not even a decent life, let alone some respect." "I completely agree with you, Mr. Puiutz." "Do you gave a question for our guests?" "I have an announcement." "Today, our Foundation opened an account for the Popescus." "The account is at the Romanian Prosperity Bank." "We already gave them a small amount, and we'd like, if possible, to make this account known." "So that other people can help this family too." "Mr. Puiutz, say the account number, and we'll put it on screen." "The number is 0 0 2 4 3..." "Yes, now!" "...0 0 1." "I can't see anything..." "We have another call." "Mr. Gorea, from Bucharest." "We're listening." "Hello, can you hear me?" "Yes, we can hear you very well." "Mr. Calinescu, good evening to you and your guests." "Good evening." "We're listening." "I have a question, Mr. Calinescu." "What the hell is the Labor Ministry doing?" "They said they will increase social security." "When will thy increase it?" "We didn't see any increases!" "Mr. Gorea, were you following our debate so far?" "Of course I was." "You invited these youngsters that..." "go to a restaurant!" "And nobody thinks about old people, that live off social security." "Mr. Gorea, thank you for your intervention." "They tell me we have another call." "Mr. Fotica, from Bucharest." "Yes?" "Hello?" "Good evening, Mr. Calinescu." "I'm calling to say these two are a scam, sir." "Good evening." "Please be courteous and ask your question, ok?" "Let me tell you how things are." "I saw these two scammers last Thursday, on the terrace at "Polenta" and they didn't have money to pay then either." "The other clients paid for them." "I paid too, because I pitied them." "I'm telling you, Mr. Florin, they take you for a fool." "This is a scam!" "This viewer is making some pretty serious allegations." "Can you answer them?" "But it's absurd, how can he think that..." "It's a lie, sir, I never worked at "Polenta"!" "I think it's just a misunderstanding." "I think not." "It looks like this gentleman saw us in several places we can't hide anymore." "Maybe you'll tell us more, sir." "Maybe I asked the bodyguards to kick you out of a restaurant, some other night..." "That's right, you made a big fuss at "Cult Club"." ""Cult Club"?" "Really?" "You realize, Mr. Calinescu, what type of place I go to..." "Next we'll find out someone saw us on Palm Beach or who knows, in the Security, during Ceausescu." "Such a nice joke to entertain your friends, right?" "Mr. Florin, it's for real, no joke." "You're having a party, right?" "I can hear music and voices." "Yeah, so?" "What's your problem?" "I have a question for you, sir." "How did you come that night?" "Thursday, right?" "To that restaurant you say you saw us at." "I drove my own car." "Your own car?" "What do you do for a living?" "I'm a student." "What are you studying?" "I'm a student at a private University." "Let me show you something." "Mr. Calinescu, could they please show this on camera?" "Please, get a close-up." "I can bet Mr. Student has no idea how much this object costs, or how to use it." "Will you hold our bet, Mr. Calinescu?" "Why not, I find it interesting." "Mr." "Fotica?" "Yeah?" "Are you still there?" "Yeah..." "Tell me, sir, how much is a bus ticket nowadays?" "I haven't taken one in ages..." "Come on, Mr. Florin, can't you see he's starting to speak nonsense?" "Speaking of nonsense, sir instead of wasting your time with cheap sci-fi stories why don't you take a bus now and then at least once a year, out of curiosity." "You'd see a bit of real life, and maybe maybe you wouldn't make stupid jokes on TV." "Don't mock what you don't know, Mr. Student." "If you were lucky enough that your parents took good care of you at least try to be humble." "If you can..." "Yesss!" "If there's nothing else, let's take a short break." "You wish to make a deposit?" "No, I'd like to withdraw the equivalent of $3.000." "At today's exchange rate, that is 90.540.000 lei." "Password, please." "Password?" "Yes, your account is not in your name." "It's an account with a password." "You can't withdraw without the password." ""That can't be..." "to take the last penny from a poor man..."" "What the fuck did you think I was?" "A charity fund?" ""That can't be..."" "He's young, he doesn't know better." "Doesn't the word "copyright" tell you anything?" "You didn't say so when you asked me to make a fool of myself on TV!" "Possibly..." "The first time you came here, you were asking for less too." "Boys!" "Play "And we worked the nights"!" "Come on, don't pout, drink something." "What if I go to the Police and tell them everything?" "Cut it, boys!" "What did you say?" "He's young, he doesn't know." "Instead of fighting, why don't we sing a" "Give me $3.000." "As a loan." "$3.000?" "That's how you ask for $3.000 after all I taught you? "Give me"?" "Please." "I need it." "He needs it..." "You failed the exam, professor." "Go recap all the course material." "Come to me and impress me." "Emote me!" "Make me cry!" "Talk to me about the poor girl you want to help." "What does she need?" "A little fur coat?" "A little apartment?" "The hand that doesn't tell a story doesn't get any money!" "Be a professional, what the fuck?" ""Popescu"." ""Popescu"." "What happened to you?" "Don't even think of repaying me." "What is this?" "For Robert." "I know he needs it." "But please, don't tell him I gave it to you." "You do know he's a jerk, right?" "He doesn't deserve your help." "Better let him sort this out on his own." "How would he sort it out, the poor thing?" "I wanted to tell you, so you won't feel sorry later." "I must go now." "Do you remember where I live?" "I do." "Come around 9 PM." "6th floor, apartment 46." "I'll be waiting." "Mom!" "You slept with your clothes on..." "What time did I tell you to wake me up?" "At 8 PM, but you were so sweet in your sleep..." "A Mr. Puiutz called, he said to call him back." "Are you looking for the young lady?" "Mrs." "Diana, yes." "She left earlier." "She left around 7 PM." "Rex!" "Be quiet, Rex!" "Are you looking for the lady that is on TV?" "Do you know where she left, ma'am?" ""Domident." "Anywhere."" "I don't know, sweetie." "But she had a suitcase and was in a hurry." "Who are you, anyway?" ""...at track 2." "The train does not stop until Rosiori."" ""We wish you a pleasant journey"." "Live long and prosper!" "You too." "Recite another, I like it." ""The girls show up on the street in fancy foreign cars but they still love their country, even from their foreign cars"." "Divine!" "Recite it again, I want to learn it." ""...if you're with me, our enemies die of envy, because we do so much better when I was smoking pot, you were eating bread and yogurt..."" "Want a fresh one?" "12-13?" "Can you handle it?" "Robert?" "What are you doing here?" "I'm in hiding." "Go home, problem solved." "What problem, teach?" "The money, you have them." "No kidding." "Be thankful you got off so easily." "Go home and look for Diana." "Diana?" "Yes, Diana, your sister." "Come on, you're drugged." "I have no sister, Teach." "Of course you don't." "Don't tell me it was my sister that came to school two weeks ago." "Oh, that one..." "That was not my sister, Teach, she was just some chick from the hood." "I asked to come as a prank." "Robert?" "Yeah?" "You don't happen to have $3.000, do you?" "Not really, Teach." "You'll laugh... me neither." "You know, Robert, there are a lot of people in this world that are not worth your help." "Yup." "You're first on that list." "Even those goons are better than you." "So why did I get into this shit for you?" "Let's go." "It'll work." "I'll take you to a friend of mine where no one will find you." "At least 'till tomorrow." "The Veteran here." "I just saw him." "He was at the train station and took a cab." "You'll get off here?" "That's 50.000 lei." "Get lost!" "Go!" "What do you want?" "We brought him, Mr. Pepe." "Where were you, boy?" "Your wife was worried sick." "Honey, I was so worried..." "Where were you?" "I can't believe this." "Honey, did you drink?" "What have you done?" "Let him be, not every day does one make so much money." "Maybe he had a drink with his friends." "He, who never..." "Leave him like that, don't groom him, he looks fine." "Tell us, please, what were your feelings towards all this solidari..." "What will you do with the money?" "How did you feel?" "Please, not all at once." "One by one, please." "Do you have any statements?" "Yes." "I'm happy for this couple." "At our Foundation, we believe that if you can help one man in a tough situation it's better than giving a penny to 200.000 people." "Excuse us, there are too many people in the other room." "Mr. Popescu, excuse me, let's take a picture with your wife." "Everybody's waiting." "Come on, let's take a picture." "I think that's enough for tonight." "Let's give them some privacy." "Thank you, everybody." "Good luck." "You are welcome anytime." "Well, that's it." "I'm going home." "I hope you have everything you need." "Mr. Popescu, needless to say, you owe me." "Not morally." "Materially. $3.000." "Don't bother, I know my way out." ""And we worked the nights, and we worked the days..."" "It's late." "Can we go to bed?" "Yup." "Come, we'll clean this tomorrow." "What time do you wake up?" "At 8, since at 9 I have to be at school..." "Wake me up, I'll cook something for you." "No need, I'll boil a couple of eggs." "Yes..." "Honey, please, not tonight." "I'm really tired." "Do you mind?" "No, I don't mind." "I'll go in the study, maybe I'll manage to write something." "If I fall asleep, will you turn off the TV?" "Honey?" "Do you realize it?" "Ten years..." "They went like they were just a few days." ""The night was sneaking silently over the city like a thief's hand in somebody's pocket"." "No, not like that." ""..." "like me in the bed with my wife fallen asleep"." """ "Hey, babe, are you free tonight?" "Look at you..."" "Ok..." "Hmm, what do we have here?" "He he." "Get in!" "Why?" ""Poor kid, hunted down by goons." "He'd rather beg than steal"." "Come on!" "You feel sorry for this little jerk, this bum, this no-good prick..." "Hey, don't you call me a..." "Zip it, or I'll sow it shut!" "You feel sorry?" "I'll take your money!" "He he!" "Translated by:" "Adrian Ilie" | {
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} |
"[ALARM RINGING]" "[SIGHS]" "[IMITATING DARTH VADER'S BREATHING]" "Give me your press badge." "No way, you're not my dad!" "Then I shall take it by force." "Oh, he's my brother!" "Then you shouldn't have made out with him." "[GROANS]" "[IMITATING DRUMMING]" "[SEAGULLS CAWING OVER SPEAKERS]" "[SIGHS]" "[HORNS HONKING]" "GULLIVER:" "So, your name's Dan?" "Yeah, Dan..." "Dan Quint." "Like on the resume." "Dan Quint." "Born 1990." "I didn't think that was possible." "Yeah, 1990." "People are born every year." "What do you hope to get out of being in the mailroom, Dan?" "I guess I hope to get out of being in the mailroom." "You got sass." "I like it." "Guess what?" "You're hired." "I'm Lemuel Gulliver." "Welcome to the team." "I was hired... yesterday by HR." "Doggy wants a bone." "What?" "Doggy wants a bone." "Floor 30." "This is the editors' floor." "Oh, yeah." "This is the epicenter, my friend." "Feel it." "Feel it." "Okay." "Oh." "Got a little something for you." "Aah!" "God dang it!" "Sorry about that." "I will dry-clean that." "Sorry about that." "My bad." "Just wait out here." "What?" "One second." "Here's your mail, sir." "Hey, you're Harold Jones, right?" "Yeah." "I loved your piece on the failure of derivative markets." "[WHISTLING]" "Thanks." "I look forward to seeing you around." "DAN:" "Thank you... from me and all the readers." "[CLEARS THROAT]" "Dan, what are you doing?" "You can't talk to those guys!" "Why not?" "Okay, this is your first day." "We are the mailroom guys." "Mailroom guys are meant to be seen and not heard." "And ideally, not even seen, okay?" "We're not on their level." "We're little people." "No, I think you're just scared to talk to them." "I am not!" "Dude, listen." "I am just respectful of their workspace." "I talk to these people all the..." "I'll let you know as soon as I've made a decision, Nigel." "[IN AUSTRALIAN ACCENT] Okey-dokey, thank you." "Good day, fellas." "Good day." "Good day, mate." "Gulliver, got any mail for me?" "Yeah..." "Uh, no..." "Maybe." "Let me check." "Hi, I'm Dan, from the mailroom." "Hey." "Darcy." "And I'll do whatever it takes to not be from the mailroom." "[GULLIVER LAUGHING]" "Dan doesn't need to be bothering her right now." "She's busy." "He isn't bothering me." "I love to have a reason to procrastinate." "Yeah, me, too." "You're not bugging me." "There you go." "Well, I'll see you guys later." "Good to see you." "Okay." "Oh, boy." "Let's go." "So, how long have you had this debilitating crush on the travel editor?" "Crush?" "On Darcy?" "No way, dude." "First of all, you're a terrible liar." "Second of all, why don't you just ask her out?" "You don't think I could ask her out?" "No." "I could ask her out whenever, wherever." "It's no problem." "It would take me five seconds." ""Will you go out with me?" "Yes." Done." "I'm now going out with Darcy Silverman." "We are boyfriend and girlfriend." ""Gulliver and Darcy?" "Cutest couple ever."" "Okay." "So, then, do it." "Pfft." "Next time I see her, I will." "DARCY:" "Hold on!" "Hi, again." "Hey, Darcy." "I just remembered, I get claustrophobic in elevators." "How is your day going?" "Really good." "Just really, really, good." "What are you doing this weekend?" "So much stuff." "It's just going to be..." "a bunch of stuff." "Cool." "Yeah, it's cool." "Have a good one." "You, too." "[CLEARS THROAT]" "[MOUTHING]" "Wait!" "I forgot something." "Yeah, me, too." "[KISS' "ROCK AND ROLL ALL NITE" PLAYING]" "[ON VIDEO GAME] You show us everything you've got" "You keep on dancin'..." "So?" "Yeah?" "Yeah!" "You chickened out, didn't you?" "I wasn't..." "I just..." "You know..." "I didn't chicken out." "Being respectful of her workspace." "Exactly." "Dude." "Speaking of which, after work... do you want to go for a couple of brews and shoot some poos?" "Maybe a little man-date." "I don't think so." "Especially because you called it a man-date." "I got you." "You want a rain check." "You want to wake up all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for the boss." "You're not my boss anymore." "What are you talking about?" "I just got promoted." "That's impossible." "You just got here." "Yeah, they promoted me... to head of the mailroom." "So I'm your boss now." "Look, Gulliver, the reason you didn't ask her out and you never will... is the same reason that you're not going to leave the mailroom." "You've been here 10 years, man." "You peaked." "You talk a big game and that can be fun sometimes." "And you're pretty funny around the office, but that's all you are." "It's just talk." "So you might as well face it... you're never really going to get any bigger than this." "[DAN SIGHS]" "These talks." "This is the worst part about being a boss." "Anyway, be in tomorrow at 7:00." "We're going to sort of change things up... and we're gonna start with getting rid of "Guitar Hero" during work hours." "MAN:" "Night, Darcy." "See you." "Gulliver?" "Hi." "Can I help you?" "Yeah, I..." "I wanted to see... if you wanted to..." "You seem a little nervous." "Are you all right?" "No, I'm fine." "I'm just..." "[CLEARS THROAT]" "I got so much going on." "I wanted to pick this up, and then I'm on my way." "You want to apply for a travel writing assignment?" "Hm?" "Yeah." "Exactly." "I had no idea you wrote or traveled." "I do." "I travel a lot." "I go to New Zealand." "Been to Mexico." "Méjico, they call it... in the locals." "Africa, the Congo." "Which I know is in Africa because I travel and write." "So this is kind of what I want to do." "Why don't you bring in a writing sample tomorrow and I'll see what I can do." "Perfect." "Okay." "Okay." "Ahem." "Hey, Gulliver." "Hm?" "Nice job putting yourself out there." "Yeah." "Cool." "Okay, bye-bye." "Bye-bye." "[HORNS HONKING]" "GULLIVER:" "I should've just manned up and asked her out." "Now she's expecting a writing sample?" "What was I thinking?" "[SINGING] I saw some things In different lands" "Karate chop..." "I gotta write this thing!" "No, I got nothing." "Wow." "I am so impressed, Gulliver." "I had no idea you were such a good writer." "I kind of keep it secret." "I don't like to brag about my more literarian side." "These samples are terrific." "And you exhibit such variety." "This one about Oaxaca feels really classic, like it came straight out of Frommer's... whereas the description of Barcelona is all... sassy." "It's like I'm reading Time Out." "Mm-hm." "Yeah." "I think I have the perfect fluff piece to start you off with." "There's a guy down in Bermuda who claims he has the secret to the Bermuda Triangle." "He's either crazy or he's trying to bilk tourists." "But I figure... it could be a fun way in... to explore Bermuda and the smaller islands around it." "You do have boat experience, don't you?" "I'm a... boat... man." "I'm a boatman." "Okay, good... because I have to be honest, it was hard to find someone to do this." "You have to be at sea for three weeks, completely off the grid." "That's okay with you, right?" "Mm." "Good, because I thought..." "I was going to have to do it and I get super seasick." "It's crazy." "So, what do you say?" "It's not a big story, but it's a start." "Mm-hm." "So, the Bermuda Triangle, huh?" "Everything I need to know is in here?" "It is." "Your contact's been arranged... and there's a boat waiting for you." "Yeah." "[WOMAN SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY OVER PA]" "GULLIVER:" "Oh, hey!" "That's me!" "GULLIVER:" "Okay, precious cargo!" "No, no, no!" "Whew." "That was close." "All you chickens, get out of the road, man!" "GULLIVER:" "I don't know about this, Hank." "I mean, are you sure this is safe?" "HANK:" "All this Bermuda Triangle talk is just to sell T-shirts to tourists." "It makes for good stories... if you want to skeet-skeet with the girls on the mainland." "This is your boat." "Ah." "Knotfersail." "They really went pun-tastic on that boat." "The dock master's really into puns." "He believes it keeps the pirates away." "Ship Happens." "HANK:" "This is you, and the dot is your destination." "You just follow that dot, and you'll find yourself in a triangle." "In the Bermuda Triangle?" "Yeah." "And then to come home, you say I turn this knob... and I follow the dot back home?" "Yeah." "Easy." "Easy." "Done." "Done." "I've got it." "I am fine." "Fine." "It's not moving." "Okay, where's the clutch?" "Cruising in my car one day" "Minding my business on my way" "Oh, mama" "GULLIVER:" "And as you go out to the ocean water... towards the Bermuda Triangle... there's reflections everywhere." "I should've brought some sunglasses." "I am as hungry as a horse." "I could eat 1,000 cheeseburgers." "Okay." "Quitting time." "She didn't really mean to hurt me" "She didn't really mean to make me cry" "Yeah." "But if you really want to go that way" "How to build your own robot?" "Yeah, that's going to happen." "She didn't really mean to make me cry" "I met this girl in a club one night" "She was riding off like dynamite" "Oh, mama" "After night was closing in" "We started..." "[BUZZING AND BEEPING]" "Darcy." "[SNORING]" "Cheeseburger." "Darcy." "Cheeseburger." "[GRUNTS]" "[GROANS]" "Huh?" "[YELLS]" "No!" "[SCREAMS]" "Safety!" "Okay." "Rubber ducky." "No!" "Floaties!" "Floatie one." "Floatie leg, floatie left... floatie right, floatie head." "I am safe!" "There is no..." "[GRUNTING]" "9-1-1." "[BEEPS]" "Oh, no." "[SCREAMS]" "Oh, God, help me!" "[SCREAMING]" "[SEAGULLS CAWING]" "[GULLIVER GRUNTING]" "GULLIVER:" "I'm paralyzed from the neck down." "What's that crawling on me?" "Not fire ants." "Please don't be fire ants." "I am General Edward Edwardian, Commander of Lilliput." "[OVER BULLHORN] All hail Lilliput!" "SOLDIERS:" "All hail Lilliput!" "EDWARD:" "You are herewith charged with aiding our sworn enemy, the Blefuscians." "[SOLDIERS BOO]" "You are my prisoner, and shall be presented to our Royal Highness, King Theodore." "What say you... beast?" "[GULLIVER SCREAMS]" "[SOLDIERS YELLING]" "[SCREAMING]" "[SCREAMS]" "You are not real!" "Where is my...?" "Where am I?" "This must be a dream." "I'm gonna close my eyes, then I'm gonna open them, and I'll be home in bed." "Okay!" "Okay!" "My spear!" "Ow!" "Bring the beast down!" "All right, boys!" "Release the hookers." "Pull, pull!" "Hey!" "Aah!" "Pull!" "GULLIVER:" "Hey, not cool." "Hey, that's my pants." "That's not funny!" "Aah!" "[SCREAMS]" "Unlucky." "[SOLDIERS YELL]" "MAN 1:" "Heave!" "Heave!" "MAN 2:" "It was awful, horrid!" "Nightmarish!" "I was trapped in the valley of violent rumbles." "I was nauseous!" "[CROWD CHATTERING]" "Lift!" "Squad, halt!" "ANNOUNCER:" "This giant is hereby declared... the property of His Majesty King Theodore." "All hail King Theodore!" "ALL:" "All hail King Theodore!" "I wanted a bracelet, not a great big hairy beast." "Oh, dear!" "Are those restraints really necessary?" "They are, my innocent, naive little bunny tail." "To prevent the giant beast from running rampant and killing us all." "What is this thing?" "A Blefuscian spy." "I'm not a blue fish man." "I don't even know what that is." "Will someone please just tell me where I am?" "You are in Lilliput." "Lilli-puh?" "JINKS:" "The grandest and greatest land in all the world." "All hail Lilliput!" "ALL:" "All hail Lilliput!" "This is insane." "This is insane." "Okay, enough." "Come out with the funny cameras." "[SCREECHING]" "MAN 1:" "Mealtime, beast!" "Ah." "Hay?" "I can't eat hay." "FOREMAN:" "Eat up!" "You have a busy day ahead of you, beast!" "Enough with the beast!" "I may be a giant, but I have feelings!" "MAN 2:" "Ahem." "Um..." "I think you'll find that the hay... is a bit more digestible if mixed with some... sewer water." "I'm sorry that my countrymen call you a beast." "I do not think of you as a beast." "As a matter of fact, before you arrived..." "I was the tallest man in Lilliput." "So I know how you feel." "Thanks, man." "I'm, uh..." "I can't reach you for a handshake." "I'm Gulliver." "Horatio." "Oh, man." "You guys are so tiny." "Are you the only other prisoner in the whole dungeon?" "HORATIO:" "Yes." "I have been placed in this prison by the great and glorious..." "General Edward Edwardian... for sending a lascivious look to his betrothed..." "Princess Mary." "That's it?" "He put you in prison for hitting on his lady?" "Mm-hm." "Dude, that is harsh." "No, you must understand." "I am of a lowly station." "To legally court a woman of her stature... one must commit a valiant action... and this is virtually impossible as a commoner." "Come on, don't be so hard on yourself." "You seem like a cool guy." "You could do something valiant." "General Edward has led countless crusades... and is known far and wide for his bravery." "I'm no General Edward." "Well, no offense... this Edward guy seems like kind of a lame ass." "EDWARD:" "A lame what?" "Huh?" "It is my impression... that "lame ass"... is a negative expression from whence you came." "If this is the case... you shall be thrown in the stocks!" "No, no, no!" ""Lame ass" means... great... brave and courageous... heart-of-a-lion man." "Is this the honorable truth?" "Yes, this is the honorable truth." "EDWARD:" "Then, I am not just... a lame ass." "Oh, no." "I'm a big lame ass!" "The biggest!" "I, General Edward Edwardian, am the biggest lame ass in all of the land!" "Heart of a lion." "Hurrah!" "GULLIVER:" "So, listen... now that you know we're cool... what do you say you loosen up these shackles a bit?" "No." "It is time for your life of hard labor to begin." "[SIGHS]" "EDWARD:" "Left!" "Forward!" "GULLIVER:" "Ow!" "Ow!" "EDWARD:" "Left!" "Right!" "Left!" "Their defense system is operational." "We must move in stealthily." "EDWARD:" "Left!" "Did I tell you to stop fanning, peasant?" "Sorry." "Sorry." "They will be too busy with the fire to protect their princess." "[BELL TOLLING]" "HORATIO:" "A fire!" "A fire is two bells, that was three." "It's an attack!" "No, it actually sounded more like... two bells, and then, a pause... and then a third bell." "So, it's an attack and a fire?" "The Blefuscians!" "The princess!" "EDWARD:" "To the castle, beast!" "Left, right, left, right." "Faster, beast!" "[GULLIVER GRUNTING]" "Oh, no." "The Blefuscians." "Do not kidnap me." "Please do not kidnap me." "GULLIVER:" "Why is she just standing there?" "Of course, she's gonna get kidnapped if she..." "You speak not of the princess." "Down!" "I shall save you, my princess." "My princess." "Dude, I can help." "We do not need your help, beast." "You just stay here." "Nobody save the princess!" "He'll never get to her in time." "Please, you must save the princess." "But you heard that angry little dingleberry." "He said I shouldn't." "I beg of you!" "It is too late." "You are kidnapped." "I am kidnapped!" "GULLIVER:" "Not on my watch." "[BLEFUSCIANS WHIMPERING]" "[BLEFUSCIANS SCREAMING]" "GULLIVER:" "Hop on, princess." "Let's get you out of here." "Fear not, my darling!" "I am here to save you." "Where has she gone?" "Oh, she has been kidnapped." "GULLIVER:" "There you go, Princess." "Thank you so much." "HORATIO:" "Are you okay?" "Yes." "Thank God." "[BELL RINGING]" "The Blefuscians are retreating." "We are to have a victory feast." "HORATIO:" "How lovely." "[BELL TOLLING]" "The fire has raged out of control." "My father is trapped!" "You guys have to invest in a more efficient warning system." "Your Highness!" "[JINKS SCREAMS]" "Out of the way." "I have to put out a fire." "Out of the way." "I'm coming through!" "The beast!" "Aah!" "[GRUNTING]" "Yama-schatzi, that's hot!" "HORATIO:" "Princess, no!" "Princess, you mustn't." "Father!" "He's burning!" "You have served me with great honor." "We need access to a great deal of water." "MARY:" "Do something!" "[SINGING] Oh, Lilliput, great kingdom..." "[SOBBING]" "I do not wanna do this." "You have a plan?" "I have a plan, but you're not gonna like it." "[ZIPPER ZIPS]" "[CROWD MURMURS]" "Don't look." "Cease, beast!" "It's working!" "Huzzah!" "Yeah, it's working!" "EDWARD:" "Out of my way!" "How dare you evacuate yourself... on our great and glorious king!" "Oh, no." "Oh, no." "Sorry about the smell." "I've been drinking sewer water." "This is grounds for execution!" "I know, that was pretty gross." "Let me pull up my trousers." "MARY:" "Father!" "Father!" "Oh..." "Aah!" "You look glorious." "Thank you, my dear." "Our savior!" "The beast!" "JINKS:" "Beast!" "Beast!" "Beast!" "[CROWD CHANTING]" "You guys, it was nothing, really." "I saw a fire..." "I had some water, I released!" "Flood on aisle two." "Does that translate here?" "Is that a joke here?" "Flood on aisle two?" "[LAUGHS]" "Thanks, you guys." "[JINKS CLEARS THROAT]" "The king requests the honor of your company... at a banquet this evening." "Do you accept?" "Yeah." "On one condition." "You free my friend, Horatio, and allow me to bring him as my plus one." "He is jailed for... unlawful courting." "He must return." "That's my condish!" "One moment, if you will." "Why are you doing this for me?" "Because you're my buddy." "I'm not gonna go to this thing without you." "I'm not gonna know anybody there." "You have to come." "JINKS:" "Ahem!" "GULLIVER:" "Play it cool." "[JINKS CLEARS THROAT]" "JINKS:" "The king requests the honor of your... and Horatio the Glovier's company at a royal banquet this evening." "Do you accept?" "Yes, indeed." "[PANTING]" "I can make it." "JINKS:" "Oh, God." "HORATIO:" "Whoa." "Oh, my God." "I'm forever indebted to you." "It's not necessary." "Instead, let's just do this." "What is that?" "You pound it with your fist!" "Come on, don't leave me hanging." "Yeah!" "Now let's go party!" "[CROWD CHATTERING]" "[PLAYING CLASSICAL MUSIC]" "GULLIVER:" "Is anyone gonna..." "I'm just gonna go ahead and get this." "[GULLIVER SLURPING]" "ISABELLE:" "So, since you're not... from Blefuscia... where are you from... beast?" "Uh, heh." "Once again, totally cool to be just called Gulliver." "Some people believe you've come from the Island Where We Dare Not Go." "[ALL GASP]" "Is there any truth to this rumor?" "No." "Where's the Island Where We Dare Not Go?" "[ALL GASP]" "THEODORE:" "There... beyond the fog bank." "GULLIVER:" "I didn't come through a fog bank." "I'm from the island of Manhattan... between the islands of..." "Staten and Long." "This island of Manhattan, what sort of kingdom is it?" "I'm not from a kingdom." "I'm actually from a democracy." "You see, we elect a president every four years." "ISABELLE:" "You are so honorable... and courageous." "Were you the president?" "Of course, he was, Mother." "Look at him." "He is the most powerful gentleman in all the land." "I'm so sorry if Mother embarrassed you." "No, it's a common mistake to not think I was president." "THEODORE:" "Were you a victorious president?" "Yeah." "I was pretty victorious." "Noble, as well?" "Yeah, I was super noble." "I was actually known as "President the Awesome."" ""President the Awesome."" "Pretty unlikely title." "When do you return home, noble and awesome Gulliver?" "Pretty soon, I suppose." "Yes?" "I should imagine they're falling apart without you... their greatest hero." "Well, without my boat, looks like I'm stuck here." "THEODORE:" "Don't worry." "My army will find your boat." "In the meantime, we could find you accommodations." "Like some hay to sleep on?" "Anything." "Anything?" "We are the finest builders in all the land." "We can build you anything." "Seriously, we are ridiculously good builders." "And we are your servants, awesome Gulliver." "I don't wanna take advantage, but, uh..." "GULLIVER:" "It's day seven of my stay here in Lilliput." "At first, me and the little guys got off on the wrong foot... but turns out they're a pretty solid group of dudes." "They're building me a temporary place to live." "They threw me an awesome party just for releasing myself... and the king sent out a search party to find my boat." "In the meantime..." "I'm roughing it." "Mm." "That is a good cup of joe." "Good morning." "MAN 1:" "Morning, Gulliver." "MAN 2:" "Morning!" "MAN 3:" "Morning!" "Top of the morning to you, fellas." "HORATIO:" "Gulliver... your media room is ready." "[SCREAMS]" "Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your father." "AUGUST [AS GULLIVER]:" "He told me enough." "He told me... you killed him!" "JINKS [AS DARTH VADER]:" "No, Gulliver." "I am your father." "[GASPING]" "No way." "This is an impossibility!" "Yet somehow, it seems completely inevitable." "Gulliver, you truly have lived a thousand lives." "[AUGUST SCREAMS]" "King Theodore, it is time to perform our bi-weekly military exercises." "Just one moment." "We're watching the stories... of Gulliver's life." "We have not missed a military exercise in over three hundred years." "Dude!" "Get out of the way." "We cannot see the screen!" "EDWARD:" "Move!" "Move!" "AUGUST [AS GULLIVER]:" "The Titanic is sinking!" "But it was meant to be unsinkable." "[ROSE GASPING]" "I love you, Gulliver." "AUGUST:" "No, don't do that." "You're gonna make lots of babies and die in a warm bed... in old age." "AUGUST:" "I'm cold." "And also..." "I'm king of the world!" "ROSE:" "Oh, Gulliver." "[SOBBING]" "MAN 1:" "Bravo!" "MAN 2:" "Encore!" "EDWARD:" "Wait!" "I'm sorry." "You mean to say that you actually died in this shipwreck?" "Yeah, I died." "You actually died." "But I was resuscitated." "It's preposterous." "No, but then I survived." "It's ridiculous." "You have to see the seq..." "But you're okay now!" "It's silly." "Just silly, silly stories." "[SCOFFS]" "Pfft." "HORATIO:" "So, let me get this straight." "After you were brought back to life as an avatar... that's when you met your princess, Darcy Silverman of Manhattan?" "Yeah." "Can't wait to get back to her." "I noticed you had a little eye contact with the princess." "How is it going?" "Good, yeah!" "I think if things go well, within two to four years... she may deign to speak to me." "Whoa, whoa, whoa." "Hold your horses." "Thank God." "Now, you can't woo a lady by hoping she'll deign... to speak to you." "To land a princess, you got to employ some grade-A court-age." "Could you teach me?" "Huh?" "This court-age that you speak." "Yeah, I could teach you some of my moves." "Yes!" "Thank you." "If you beat me back home." "I need a head start." "On you mark, get set, go!" "HORATIO:" "I'm not ready to race you!" "HORATIO:" "Princess!" "Oh, Princess!" "Wherefore art thou, Princess?" "Hello!" "Who calls?" "It is I, Horatio." "Why are you so far away?" "I don't want to invoke the ire of thy father." "But I must be honest..." "GULLIVER:" "And tell ye..." "And tell ye..." "MARY:" "Tell me what, Horatio?" "You don't have to be rich to be my girl." "Say it!" "You don't have to be rich to be my girl." "You don't have to be cool to rule my world." "Horatio, these passionate words could get us into trouble." "There's no particular sign I'm more compatible with." "There's no particular sign that I'm more compatible with." "I just want your extra time and your..." "[KISSING] ...kiss." "[KISSING]" "Kiss." "What beauty emanates from your lips!" "Think I'm gonna dance now." "[TAYLOR GRAVES' "KISS" PLAYING]" "I think I'd better dance now." "Think I'm gonna dance now!" "[HUMMING]" "I've gotta, gotta" "GULLIVER:" "Put more mustard on it, baby." "Feel it." "Move your hips." "Maybe we can do the twirl" "I don't think it's working." "You're not dancing good." "Shake it!" "To have an attitude" "I've never been wooed with such unique passion." "It's working!" "My love will be your food" "Did I tell you?" "Yes!" "I hear someone coming!" "Till the morrow." "Don't have to be cool" "HORATIO:" "It worked!" "I did it!" "Let's go." "HORATIO:" "Yes!" "EDWARD:" "To whom were you speaking, my darling?" "Kiss" "No one." "Me." "I was..." "I was speaking to me." "Myself." "What are you doing in my chambers?" "I have come to court you... as I always do... at this time of day." "Or have you already forgotten who is your one true eternal love?" "No, no." "Of course, I remember." "Remember what?" "Oh, um..." "That you are my one true eternal love." "Eternal love." "It's just that I was talking... with the giant and lost track of time." "I trust not this beast." "Seems trustworthy to me." "He's very nice." "You've done sewing." "Sewing." "Yes." "An embroidery." "It's my grandmother's doily and I'm trying to present..." "I captured a hawk today." "Did you?" "He lay in a field." "I came behind him and captured him with my bare hand." "This is impressive, also." "Ah." "Fun." "Fun courtship... you and I have." "It is over now." "Must go." "Those villagers shan't pillage themselves." "We must alert General Edward of this at once." "We've found it." "[RINGING]" "I hear you, ring-a-ling-a-ding-dong." "Okay, I'm coming..." "Oh." "Hey, how's it going?" "EDWARD:" "Hello, beast!" "I come bearing the most terrific news!" "Yeah?" "Really?" "We have discovered your ship." "The Knotfersail." "Ha, ha, ha." "Clever name." "You did it!" "You found my boat." "I'm actually going home." "Hey, you guys can fix this thing, right?" "Of course, you can." "You're incredibly awesome builders." "Yes!" "[GULLIVER LAUGHING]" "Darcy is about to read the best article ever." "I'm talking Pulitzer." ""Slide to unlock."" "GULLIVER:" "What are you guys doing?" "[SOLDIER SCREAMS]" "Is that my phone?" "Man, it takes a lickin'." "No signal, but I got 12 messages." "Mr. Popularity." "DARCY [ON RECORDING]:" "Hey, Gulliver." "It's me." "It's Darcy." "I just realized why I felt like your writing came straight... out of Frommer's." "Because it does!" "Call me as soon as you get this." "Sergeant Peacock, what's it doing?" "He's checking his voicemail, General Edward." "Good." "What's voicemail?" "DARCY:" "Hey, Lemuel!" "It's Darcy." "I've totally forgiven you." "Wait!" "No, I haven't... because now I have to get seasick on a boat to cover your butt!" "Thanks for this." "And if you can't tell, that "thanks" was sarcastic." "Darcy, again." "I can't believe you lied to me." "I trusted you." "Wherever you're hiding, stay there." "I never want to hear from you again." "Mr. Beast..." "I've instructed our builders... to work day and night to ensure you are seaworthy by week's end." "Isn't that just the most fantastical news you've ever received in your life?" "Great." "I can't tell you how happy I am... for you." "[SIGHS]" "MARY:" "Why do you look so forlorn, noble protector?" "Me?" "Forlorn?" "No way." "You do look quite forlorn." "Just for the record, what's "forlorn" mean, again?" "Is it "sad"?" "Basically, it's just a bit more dramatic-sounding." "Yeah, well, in that case, I guess I am a little forlorn." "Oh, Gulliver... you miss your princess." "Well..." "The truth is, we're not super close." "Oh, Gulliver." "She's kind of mad at me right now." "MARY:" "I am forlorn as well." "I don't know what to do." "I think I'm in love with Horatio." "But that's great!" "Don't be forlorn about that." "Most people spend their lives looking for that and don't find it." "Go for it!" "Follow your heart." "But my heart is promised to General Edward." "And I cannot break that vow." "He will lose honor and respect." "And he will die of heartbreak." "Okay." "Look, he's just being melodramatic." "Is he?" "Yeah." "Gulliver, I will miss you so much." "I'm gonna miss you, too." "Maybe I should stay." "Don't you miss your subjects?" "And the White House?" "And the Millennium Falcon?" "Yeah." "But Vice President Yoda can run things without me for a while." "Do you think the king would mind if I stuck around for a bit?" "Well, of course not, Gulliver." "You've made everyone here so happy." "I can't imagine anyone in Lilliput not wanting you to stay as long as possible." "EDWARD:" "Noble and valiant King Theodore." "I trust-eth not this beast, Gulliver who lives-t in our midst-ith-ith." "He can now leave-th but he chooses to stay." "And furthermore..." "I do not believe it who he say-eth he is-eth." "I most-eth humbly disagree-eth." "And why-eth must we always go on with these "eths"?" "Because we speak officially-eth." "Forget it." "From now on, even when speaking officially... we must get rid of these "eths."" "Official speaking is... an illustrious Lilliputian tradition!" "Whoa!" "Inside castle voice." "Please." "Forgive me-eth." "Forgive me." "I think this job is beginning to stress you out." "Maybe a little time off would be the thing." "[SCOFFING]" "Who else could run your army?" "THEODORE:" "Our new general, Gulliver!" "[CROWD CHEERING]" "I won't let you down, King." "And I look forward to working with you, Vice General Edward." "Hm." ""Vice General." Vice!" "I've never been a Vice of anything." "I can't be expected to take orders from that gargantuan fool." "I would rather take orders from a woman." "You are relieved." "Thank you, Vice General Edward." "All right, Gulliver, protect against this." "They have turned off their defense system." "Alert the king, and prepare the armada." "Oh, no." "Our defense system has failed." "We shall never reach our ships on time." "Careful now." "Mind yourselves." "Oh, what a mess." "They are defenseless." "Cease fire and ready the troops!" "Gulliver!" "GULLIVER:" "Mm-hm." "HORATIO:" "The Blefuscians attack!" "Are you sure?" "Yes!" "Please, we need you." "You're our general." "[SOLDIERS SHOUTING INDISTINCTLY]" "[BELL TOLLING]" "THEODORE:" "Good lord!" "It's the entire Blefuscian armada!" "I know." "Finally!" "Our general has arrived." "What's going on?" "I heard the bells." "As our mighty general... you must lead the army to save Lilliput... and vanquish the entire Blefuscian armada." "GULLIVER:" "You want me to... vanquish all of them?" "Yes, please." "Every last one of them." "Yeah, fine." "Thank you, fair Gulliver." "Okay, here we go." "Time to vanquish." "LILLIPUTIANS:" "Whoa!" "[CROWD GASPS]" "Ooh!" "It's cold!" "Ha, ha!" "Whoo!" "No problem." "You're going down!" "Why have we stopped?" "It's him." "Hey." "Hey, dudes." "I'm Gulliver." "I come in peace." "Listen... they want me to vanquish you, but I don't want to vanquish anybody... and you don't want to be vanquished." "Let's just pretend, okay?" "I'll go crazy." "You act all scared and just follow my lead, all right?" "Sell it!" "Okay." "Here we go." "Unfurl the sails!" "Hard to starboard!" "Battle stations." "Prepare positions." "Move!" "Move!" "This truly is a battle for the ages." "It truly is." "[YELLING]" "Okay, so now, I'II just tell them you were too swift or whatever and..." "How come you all turned around?" "Fire!" "Oh, no." "That looks painful." "[GROANING]" "CAPTAIN:" "Move!" "I'm invincible." "Yes!" "Go on, Gulliver!" "[ALL YELLING]" "[KISS' "ROCK AND ROLL ALL NITE" PLAYING]" "Well done, sir!" "Well done!" "Excellent!" "CROWD [CHANTING]:" "Gulliver!" "Gulliver!" "Well done, you big, fat beast." "You show us everything you've got" "[CHANTING CONTINUES]" "GULLIVER:" "Yes!" "Pound it." "Respect." "Well done, Gulliver!" "SOLDIER:" "Awesome!" "Ha!" "You say you wanna" "Go for a spin" "The party's just begun We'll let you in" "Pass!" "That's a foul!" "That's disgraceful!" "[LAUGHING]" "Goal!" "The beast is victorious." "Goal!" "All right!" "Yeah!" "Guys, this is what I'm talking about." "Look at that." "With the billboards and the lights... it's home sweet home." "What can I say?" "Hey, could you guys send over a panzer division to my left shoulder, please?" "Yeah, north, two klicks." "One klick." "Oh, yeah, that's the spot." "Okay, just a little off the top." "Don't go crazy." "And don't shave off my sideburns." "I need those mutton chops." "And you drive us wild We'll drive you crazy" "You keep on shoutin' You keep on shoutin'" "BAND [SINGING]:" "I wanna rock and roll" "All night" "And party every day" "I wanna rock and roll all night" "GULLIVER BAND:" "And party every day" "I wanna" "Rock and roll all night" "And you are" "My bitch And I double-defeated you because I was playing and singing" "You did good, though." "Let's try it again from the top." "One sec, please." "Pause game." "Pause game." "I was just thinking." "You're general of Lilliput now." "Shouldn't you be training the army?" "What if Blefuscia should attack again?" "Come on, man!" "No one's gonna attack." "Not while I'm around." "I'm a one-man wrecking crew." "If you want to worry, you should be worrying about how... you haven't made a move on the princess yet." "You're in danger of falling into friendship lagoon." "What?" "Yeah, friendship lagoon." "It blows." "You're gonna be like, "We're friends, it's great." "I'm cool with that."" "And you won't be cool with that!" "And it kills you inside." "No." "No, never!" "Yeah, man!" "You have to man up and be direct." "Next time you see her, just tell her what's up." ""Hey, what's up, sexy?" ""I hope it's not too forward, but I find you incredibly sexy." ""Never told you before but I'm into you..." ""but I'm also into a lot of things, so don't get too excited." ""Got a lot of things going on." "I'd like you to be one of them."" "You see the way I mixed it up?" ""I want you, but not that much." You try it." "Okay... should I use the face?" "If the face comes to you, but make it natural." "Don't make it a forced face." "I just have one of those faces." "It sort of happens naturally." "My hands are sweating." "Go." "Okay." "Ahem." "Well, hello... fine maiden with the wide, childbearing hips." "Yee." "Yikes." "You don't want to talk about wide childbearing hips." "It's a good instinct." "You're getting there." "But try it again." "But this time, more smooth and sexy." "No big hips?" "No big hips." "I think I got it." "Ahem." "Well, hello there, slim." "I ought to call you "potamus"... because you've got no hip." "[LAUGHS]" "Do we have to be here for this?" "Take five, save game." "Forget about the hips." "Here's what you have to do." "GULLIVER:" "You have to make sure..." "[FOOTSTEPS APPROACHING]" "[MARY SIGHS]" "What are you doing... in my chambers?" "I have come to court you as I always do at this time of the day." "This is not the time of day for courting." "You cannot just barge in." "I can court you when I wish to court you." "I am not in the mood to be courted." "I have a headache." "It is your womanly duty." "Section 4.2 of the official courting doctrine..." "Edward!" "I am unsure about things between us." "It be not you, it be me, but I'm very unsure." "That make-th no sense." "We are to be married." "You are to be my bride." "We are not in love." "We are not in love." "What do you love about me?" "Name one thing." "Inappropriate, Edward." "Reach for it." "One second." "Okay, take your time." "I find you... absolutely... satisfactory." "Ooh." "No." "That is not enough... to say that someone is average or adequate or moderate." "I want to be loved for who I am." "There's an awful lot... going on up here." "Is there?" "Now you're being cruel... and, frankly, melodramatic." "And acting like a complete baby!" "You are acting like a little princess." "I am a princess!" "But maybe you should... act like a princess." "Gulliver was so right about you." "Why don't we all listen to the beast!" "Don't call him that!" "He's a big ugly beast and you should know better." "Get out!" "You cannot break our engagement!" "It is worse than death!" "Get out!" "You will be sorry you ever crossed General Edward." "Ugh." "[CROWD CHATTERING]" "VENDOR:" "Get your Gulliver's T-shirts!" "Dress like Gulliver." "You, sir!" "Get your Gulliver's T-shirts here." "Get your Gulliver's T-shirts here!" "Gulliver's T-shirts!" "Look at him." "He's handsome!" "What do you want?" "This beast... has transformed Lilliput... into his own sordid and rotten little kingdom." "And he will do the same with your land if we do not stop him." "To save Lilliput..." "I must first destroy it." "How do you suggest we accomplish... such a dangerous task?" "[FOOTSTEPS MARCHING]" "EDWARD:" "I have got stuff!" "Look." "I'm showing you." "GULLIVER:" "All right!" "Welcome to the first ever Lillapalooza!" "Let's get this party started with a little jam I wrote!" "[GUNS N' ROSES' "SWEET CHILD O' MINE" PLAYING OVER PA]" "Right?" "What are you up to in the morrow?" "In the morrow?" "Yes." "I am, uh..." "I'm just hanging." "You know, so, yeah." "Oh, um..." "Would you care to attend the Ball of the Moonlit Glen with me?" "The ball?" "Yeah." "The ball is tomorrow?" "Mm-hm." "Right." "Maybe." "GULLIVER:" "It's a pretty tasty jam!" "Pretty tasty jam." "Why are you acting like this?" "Acting like what?" "Why are you being so strange?" "I'm..." "I'm a gentleman merchant about town... and I have got to keep my options open." "Do you?" "That's what I've been told." "I'm not an option." "I'm a lady." "I know you are, and I love ladies." "Believe me..." "Okay!" "I'm sorry." "I was..." "[BELL TOLLING]" "Five bells!" "Five bells?" "What does five bells mean?" "There have never been five bells." "Yeah?" "Don't worry about it... because this guy throws down no matter how many bells are a-ringin'." "[CROWD SCREAMING]" "Don't freak, little peeps." "This one is on me." "You must be kidding me." "This is five bells?" "Pfft!" "[GULLIVER CHUCKLES]" "Ahh." "It's cute." "Edward, you traitor!" "How dare you forsake your Lilliputian brethren!" "I only forsooked after I was forsooken." "The forsookingness ends now!" "I challenge you to a duel!" "ALL:" "Ooh." "Ooh." "Cool." "Whatever." "So, you accept?" "Oh, yeah!" "Yeah, I accept your duel." "Oh, goody!" "Make a move." "Ha, ha!" "Wow, you are hard." "Okay!" "Just... stretching out the hammies." "It's a good thing to do before the duel." "[GROWLS]" "You brought this on yourself, beast." "Do you surrender, beast?" "Sure, yeah!" "Whatever!" "EDWARD:" "No, say it properly." "Say you surrender." "Oh, yeah." "Say it!" "Say it!" "Say, "I surrender!"" "I surrender!" "I surrender, I surrender!" "You win." "It hurts my butt." "You cannot surrender!" "You are our most glorious protector!" "You're President the Awesome!" "MARY:" "And you and Captain Sparrow defeated the Joker and Magneto!" "And you and Jack Bauer had only 24 hours to do it!" "I didn't do any of that stuff." "I'm just a guy from the mailroom." "But you gave us your word!" "I'm sorry." "I lied." "[CROWD GASPS]" "I knew it!" "I hereby banish this beast... to the Island Where We Dare Not Go... never to return to Lilliput again!" "SENTRY:" "Take your positions!" "Please, Gulliver." "Hey... is this Island Where We Dare Not Go really as bad as they say?" "It's delightful!" "[GROANS]" "Okay." "No little people anywhere." "That's a good sign." "Hello!" "Is anybody here?" "No way." "[GROWLING]" "Aah!" "SENTRY:" "Raise the standard!" "MAN 1:" "Let's lose this rubbish!" "MAN 2:" "Lower away!" "Can I not walk alone in my own garden?" "Go away!" "Princess!" "I've secured a boat." "We can leave tonight." "No, Horatio." "But Edward is gonna force you to marry him." "I don't have any choice." "Please." "Of course you have a choice." "No, you made that choice for me." "You don't understand." "Gulliver told me..." "Everything Gulliver said was a lie... including you." "[COUGHING]" "DARCY:" "Oh, I'm paralyzed from the neck down." "What's that?" "What's crawling on me?" "Not fire ants." "Oh, please don't be fire an..." "I am General Edward Edwardian... commander of New Blefuscia." "All hail New Blefuscia." "ALL:" "All hail New Blefuscia!" "I must warn Gulliver." "EDWARD:" "State your name... she-beast." "Darcy Silverman." "Of Manhattan." "[SCREAMS]" "[CLOCKS TICKING]" "[YAWNS]" "[RUMBLING]" "Oh, no!" "[GULLIVER SCREAMING]" "[BURPS]" "[GRUNTING]" "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" "I'm not doing this." "You got me in the diaper and the dress." "I'm not doing teatime with you." "Go find another doll." "[GROWLS]" "[FABRIC RIPS]" "Tea!" "Time for tea!" "Ha, ha!" "[GRUNTING]" "Okay, we're kissing." "Gentler." "Let's just hold hands or something!" "[GROANS]" "What's up?" "What kind of toy are you?" "Top Gun G.I. Joe?" "Cool detail." "[GULLIVER YELLS]" "[GULLIVER SIGHS]" "[HORATIO GRUNTING]" "HORATIO:" "Gulliver!" "Gulliver!" "Down here." "What are you doing here?" "Gulliver, you must return to Lilliput with me at once." "Forget it, man." "It's a no-go." "No, you don't understand." "Edward has..." "It doesn't matter." "I may be a hundred feet tall, but I'm not half the size of one of you little guys." "You have to listen." "This is important." "No, this is where I belong." "As a giant girl's baby doll." "Hey!" "Stop feeling sorry for yourself and listen!" "Blefuscia has taken over Lilliput... and Edward has captured Darcy Silverman of Manhattan." "What?" "She's..." "Darcy's here?" "Yeah." "Oh, no." "She said she was gonna do the assignment herself." "She's here because of me." "It's all because of you." "How could you lie to us?" "I..." "I was afraid to tell you guys the truth... because it was just so great being a big shot for the first time in my life." "I didn't want it to end." "Snap out of it, man." "You think of yourself as this small little thing, but that's not how I see you." "Think about what you've done already." "You saved the princess." "You single-handedly defeated the entire Blefuscian armada." "Didn't you?" "Come on." "I'm your best friend." "I wouldn't lie to you." "You can do this." "So, take off that dress and let's get out of here!" "Am I really your best friend?" "You're kind of my only friend." "Sweet, man." "You, too, for me." "Let's go save Lilliput." "Yeah, let's go do this." "Take me with you, yeah?" "One sec." "There we go." "Oopsie-daisy." "I got you!" "Okay, officer..." "I'm just gonna borrow this parachute if it's okay with you." "You don't need it anymore." "Eww." "[SCREAMING]" "HORATIO:" "This isn't safe!" "I'll let you..." "Thanks, Horatio." "Good luck." "I got this." "Darcy." "Darce." "Gulliver!" "Hey." "I'm coming over there." "Gulliver!" "Shh, shh, shh!" "Are you okay?" "I can't believe you're here." "I mean, of all the places, right?" "What..." "Uh..." "What's up?" "What's up?" "What's up?" "What isn't up?" "Can we talk about the inverted whirlpool?" "Crazy." "And why is everybody calling me your princess?" "They don't." "I think you misheard." "THEODORE:" "I see you have... returned for your princess." "He did, right there." "He just called me your princess." "That's because everybody is a princess here." "I forgot to tell you, it's just sort of a thing." "If you wish to speak to your one true love privately... we shall cover our ears." "One true love?" "You told them I'm your one true love?" "Is now a good or bad time to tell you... about the crush I've had on you for the last five years?" "Really?" "Yeah, I totally have a crush on you." "Is that why you bring the mail cart around, but none of the mail is for me?" "Yeah..." "Ahem." "Yeah." "And I..." "I told everybody that you were my girlfriend." "It's really embarrassing." "I think it's kind of sweet." "We must focus because we have to book... to the boat and get out of here." "We're surrounded by little people." "Darcy, listen to me." "I would love to book with you over to the boat right now, but I can't." "These little people have grown very large in my heart." "They depended on me... and I let them down." "And I have to do this first." "King... if it's all right with you, I'd like to be your glorious protector again." "I don't know." "How are we to believe anything you say, Gulliver?" "Because my word is my bond." "This time, for real." "I promise." "Gulliver." "Hm?" "You work in the mailroom." "Not today I don't." "[CROWD CLAMORING]" "LILLIPUTIAN:" "We're all with you, Gulliver." "Hey, Edward." "If I win..." "Lilliput returns to her former glory." "And if you lose... this is what happens to Lilliput." "[GASPS]" "[GULLIVER GRUNTING]" "Oh, I've made a slight improvement." "Shocking, isn't it?" "[CROWD GASPS]" "Yeah!" "Hey!" "That's not fair." "He's cheating." "I've got to do something." "[GROANS]" "EDWARD:" "Now do what you do best... beast, and run along!" "No way." "Not today." "I've always liked you, Gulliver." "I've always thought we had a real spark!" "Fear not, Gulliver!" "I'm on my way!" "GULLIVER:" "Oh!" "[GRUNTING]" "[GULLIVER YELLING]" "Gulliver!" "No!" "Now stay down this time, beast!" "[YELLS]" "It is on!" "[YELLS]" "Go, Gulliver!" "Yes, Gulliver!" "Go!" "Yes!" "Go on, Gulliver!" "You can do it!" "Get him!" "[EDWARD GRUNTING]" "Help-eth." "Bouche!" "Now, that's a wedgie!" "Yay, Gulliver!" "Yes!" "Well done!" "Come on, Gulliver!" "[BOTH LAUGHING]" "You did it!" "Did you see that?" "I wedgied him back to the second grade!" "I'm so, so sorry." "I hope that you can forgive me for the way that I behaved." "You're not an option... you're the most beautiful lady in all the land." "Who's also super cool... and a stone-cold fox." "THEODORE:" "Horatio!" "Do you realize what you've done?" "You have committed an act of valiance." "I hereby... give my permission." "GULLIVER:" "Yeah." "EDWARD:" "Nobody move!" "Halt!" "Stop!" "I have kidnapped the princess." "You have been kidnapped." "Congratulations." "Enough with the kidnappings!" "[YELLS]" "Bouche!" "ALL:" "Bouche!" "GULLIVER:" "Yes!" "Listen, I plagiarized all that stuff... because I thought you'd never go out with a dude from the mailroom." "And I'm sorry, that will never happen again." "So, yeah, coffee..." "THEODORE:" "I condemn you and all Blefuscians to the gallows." "Prepare for war!" "No... you prepare for war!" "Oh..." "I have to do one more thing, real quick." "Kings, kings, come on!" "Guys, what is it with you... and the executions... and the gallows and the stocks and the war?" "Seriously, war?" "Why do war?" "What is it good for?" "Absolutely naught!" "[SINGING] War!" "SOLDIERS:" "Huh!" "Yeah What is it good for?" "Absolutely naught!" "Say it again, y'all" "War!" "Huh!" "Good God, y'all" "What is it good for?" "I find it good for absolutely nil!" "Oh" "It's an enemy to all mankind" "The point of war blows my mind" "Life is much too short and precious" "To spend fighting wars these days" "War can't give life" "It can only take it away" "War!" "ALL:" "Huh!" "GULLIVER:" "Good God, y'all" "ALL:" "What is it good for?" "Absolutely nothing!" "GULLIVER:" "Say it again, y'all" "War!" "Huh!" "Yeah" "ALL:" "What is it good for?" "GULLIVER:" "Absolutely nothing" "Listen to me" "Peace, love and understanding" "Tell me, is there no place" "For them today?" "They say we must fight To keep our freedom" "But Lord knows There's got to be a better way" "War!" "ALL:" "Huh!" "Good God, y'all" "What is it good for?" "GULLIVER:" "Tell me" "Say it, say it, say oh!" "ALL:" "War!" "Huh!" "GULLIVER:" "Good God, y'all" "What is it good for?" "Absolutely nothing" "Just stand up and shout it!" "ALL:" "Huh!" "[ALL CHEERING]" "You're gonna miss your big friend?" "A little." "Yeah?" "A lot." "Oh, dear." "Oh..." "[MIKE DOUGHTY'S "(I KEEP ON) RISING UP" PLAYING]" "I'll keep on risin' up Well, I'll keep on risin' up" "How was Papua, New Guinea?" "It was hot, sticky... and the most mind-boggling place I've ever seen." "The most mind-boggling place you've ever seen?" "Okay, second most mind-boggling place." "Oh." "Sorry." "Danny!" "Got your morning mail, Gulliver." "[SPEAKS IN GERMAN]" "DAN:" "Darcy." "Who's your friend?" "I'm Mark." "I'm just the new guy in the mailroom." "Whoa, just the mailroom?" "Mailrooms are where it's at." "Right, Dan?" "Yeah, I don't know why you would say that." "That's where all the greats start." "Remember, there's no small jobs." "Just small people." "Teeny, tiny, teeny little people." "Remember I told you that?" "There are no small jobs." "Just tiny, tiny, people." "Can I take you to lunch?" "Of course you can... my fair princess." "I'll keep on risin' up Well, I'll keep on risin' up" "Every day, I'm rising' up" "[English" " US" " PSDH]" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"...the big fat morning show." "Now, you wanna play the brand new big fat game:" "big fat match game, call us now..." "Hello?" "Hello?" "Who was that?" " They hung up without saying." " They hung up without saying?" "What you care?" "You never use the damn phone in here no how." "What's up, baby?" "I need you to get them phone lines up out that house." "Out of the apartment?" "Why?" "I'm saying, what Chantay gonna say... about not havin' no line in her own place?" "All right." "Got you." "What's up, baby, you got a problem?" " Good." " I'm just sayin' though, man... it seem we just goin' past careful, man... with all of this, man." "Like we buggin' out or something." "You know, like we paranoid and shit." "Naw, I don't wanna use this phone." "We used this phone yesterday." "What you blowing out your mouth for, man?" "You act like..." "Ain't nobody out to get me, man." "I got no motherfuckin' enemies." "Naw, man." "We all right." "All right, this gonna be so easy... them Eastside chumps, they ain't nothing like Avon's people." "Watch, y'all gonna see." "All right, now y'all gonna be here, right?" "Hold up." "Yo, Boo!" "I'm gonna slide up through here." "Bailey, you gonna cover the alley." "Yo!" "Yo, Maurice short, man." " How short?" " Three." "Tell him to grow a couple of inches." "Where you gonna be at?" "That be the trap right there, homes." "You figure they roll through the alley for sure?" "Man, rats always run to holes in times of danger." "And you him, ain't you?" " Who?" " Danger." "Naw, man, I'm just a nigger with a plan, that all." "And a shotgun." "For sure." "Sorry I'm late." "Got myself lost down the other hallway." " That leads to the loading dock." " Yeah, and deep storage." "So, this is where they put you?" "Quite a message they're sending." " Yeah, and that message is..." " Out of sight, out of mind." "Spoken like a true troglodyte." "Whole lot of dead trees behind this nonsense." "The foundation of your case, Detective." "You lay it in right, you can build on it." "You lay it in wrong, everything on top falls." "We ready?" "Do you solemnly swear and affirm that the affidavit is true... and accurate to the best of your knowledge?" " I do." " I do." "Then by the power vested in me, I now declare you man and wife." " Did he swear already?" " The state's attorney?" "Yeah." "I see it." "Second copy is sealed for the court, and the police get the others." "How's this work?" "Same frequency as the one carried by D'Angelo Barksdale." "He gets a page, we get a page." " So, we up now?" " It's official." " You're up." " Then let the game begin." "Celebrities always seem much smaller when you meet them in person." "Yo!" "Yo!" "Check it out, here he come." " Somethin' ain't right, yo." " Watch out, man, he got that boom." " He's packing." " Here he come." "Yo, come on, Omar's coming, man!" "Oh, shit!" "Yeah... the cheese stands alone." " How you know?" " 'Cause if you could, I'd have been had." "Yo, he saying you can't catch the bug... just by getting your dick sucked." "Dumb-ass, you gotta be in some pussy to get it, all right?" "Man, wear a coat if you want, don't nobody like suckin' on a rubber." "How would you know?" "Who you trying to fuck anyway?" "Arletta Mouzone." "Treenee's cousin." "Damn, man, in that case use a big-ass condom, all right?" "You need a trash bag." "Fuck that." "I wouldn't run up in that bitch with D'Angelo's dick..." "It's trifling'." "Easy to see why niggers come around here stealing our shit!" "Yo, you know what, nigger?" "What?" "Forget it." "142 isn't a working telephone exchange." "Six intercepts so far, and five aren't working numbers?" "Something wrong with the recorder?" "We're getting what you'd expect, seven digits of a telephone number... and a two-digit add-on to identify the caller, like here, 13." "McNulty, line one." " Yeah." " Did youjust get a 142 exchange?" "Yeah, that's what we got, too." " That's fucked up." " All right, later." "He's got the same numbers on the readout of the cloned pagers." "So it's not the recorder." "These mopes are using a code to cover their calls?" " That's pretty damn sophisticated." " What is?" "They've coded the telephone numbers in their pager messages." "How do you know?" "Every time the Barksdale kid's pager goes off... this machine gives us a message and time." "McNulty's carrying a cloned pager, but this is what we use in court." "Same with those pen registers." "Every time a pay phone in the low-rise court is used... we get the telephone number, the time and the duration of the call." "Incoming calls, too." "Spy shit." "Very cool." "You say they're using some kind of code?" "Yeah, they got to be." "These numbers don't make no fuckin' sense." " You rang?" " Omar's ride." "Bubbles spotted it." "Different tags, no stolen report, these come back right for the van... but Bubs makes it by the cargo rack on the roof." "Good scope." "You wanna take him?" "Can't hurt to try." "We pop Omar, get a gun, he might let us work him." "Anything coming through on the pager?" "Eight hits so far, most of them in some kind of code." "These ain't Baltimore exchanges, that's for sure." "Three weeks to get Daniels to agree, a week to write out the affidavit... and then this bullshit." "How complex a code can it be if these knuckleheads are using it?" "Then again, what does it say about us if we can't break it?" "You wanna run Bubs back downtown, I'll sit here and wait for you." "All right." " What'd I miss, girlfriend?" " Not a goddamn thing." "Yeah, boring, ain't we?" "How y'all do what you do every day and not wanna get high?" "That's what I be asking." "It's been a little hectic down here, right, cuz?" "String, man, I can't lie." "Them stick-up boys, they caught us dead up." "And the knockos, shit, I don't know what the fuck that was." "5-0." "Comin' up!" "5-0 comin' up, y'all." " Time-out." " C'mon, man, what is that?" " What?" "You gotta get your crew to understand that... it's the stick-up crews and the creepers... that give us the most trouble." "When they start thinking like that... you're not gonna have any more surprises, you feel me?" "'Cause you know, your uncle and me... we think you got a snitch up in the shop." " What?" " Someone who tips off the stick-up crew." "And you gotta be on that, right?" "You gotta be on that." "I'm gonna tell you what you do." "What day is it today, Friday?" "What happen on Friday?" " Payday." " Not this Friday." "Why not?" "No, what you gonna do is you gonna call 'em..." "like you gonna pay 'em and then you crack 'em." "You tell 'em you're not happy... with what they fuckin' pass as work down here." "And when you're not happy, they ain't gettin' paid." "You feel me?" "Yeah, but String, you don't pay a nigger, he ain't gonna work for you." "What, you think a nigger's gonna get a job?" "You think these niggers gonna be like, "Fuck it..." ""let me quit this game here and go to college"?" "Naw, they gonna buck a little, but they not gonna walk." " And in the end, you gonna get respect." " Yeah." "And when that money run out, they'll come up to you and roll on you... and ask you for an advance and shit, when they flat-ass broke." "Them the niggers that you strike off your list." "But that nigger that stay eating'... the nigger that steady rollin', ain't asking' you for shit... that's the nigger I want to hear about." "Understand?" "Yeah, man, shit, you know how to play a nigger into a corner, String." " Yo, take care of this right here." " You my favorite girl." "Shit, let me handle this, man." " Yo, Poot." " Yeah, I" " Come here, man." " What's happening?" "What the fuck is that?" "What the fuck is that?" "You know the fuckin' rules." " What the fuck are you doing?" " Copying." "A telephone." "This fucking detail is too much for me." "It's after 3:00." "So, where are the boys at?" "Maybe they only come out at night." "I used to have a guy like Omar working for me." "Guy named Reuben Terry." "Is he good?" "Saw the street like we wish we could." "Ain't nothing like a good Cl." "School's out." "Can I use your cell phone?" "Yeah, I got that." "I did." "I know." "I don't know about this..." " What do you mean, you don't know?" " How can I trust you..." "For chrissakes, Elena, I'm their father." "You think I'd let 'em sleep on the floor?" "Yes, I got them." "Sheets, pillows, comforters, pillowcases." "I fuckin' got them." "What color are they?" "Color, what the fuck do you care what color they are?" "Hello?" " Lost her." " I bet." "You know something?" "My ex-wife, the way she acts sometimes, the way she deals with shit... you would think a less enlightened man than myself, cruder man than myself... a man less sensitized to the qualities and charms and value of women... a man like that, not me, but a man like that, he just might call her a cunt." "You just called the mother of your children a cunt." "No, I did not call her that." " Yes, you fuckin' did." " No, I did not." "Let's just leave this, okay?" "I got some stuff to do." "5-0, gotta go." "Whoa, man, get out the way!" "Shit." "Not much fighting this time." "You getting tired, asshole?" "Still dragging from the whupping Kima put on him." "Fucked you up like a cop should, didn't she?" "That's one thing about Kima, she put a hurtin' on you like a man." "Get your monkey ass up." "You're gonna want your business card back, right?" "Come on." "From Bantry Bay to the Derry Quay" "And from Galway to Dublin town" "Well, I've never seen" "My brown Colleen" "That I met in the County Down" "There's a man in the County Down" "There's a man in the County Down" "First, I go in, play nice." " Then you come in, play bad." " I ain't gonna be playin'." "Bracelet too tight?" "You racking' up all kinds of points, ain't you?" "First, you put a cop in the hospital, damn near kill his ass with that punch." "Now, you on the wing from Boys' Village." "Man, I'm 16, all right?" "What the fuck they gonna do to me?" "That's the least of your worries, my friend." "I got a partner outside who can't wait to get in here and fuck you up." "Cop you banged was Herc's uncle." "Herc wants off the leash on this one." "And I suppose you at the other end of that leash?" "See, I don't want to play it that way." "I know about comin' up hard and all." "Why, you came up hard?" "Flag House projects." "Eastside." "Yeah, Flag House?" "You know, you remind me of me." "I'm thinking we should work something out." "What do I get?" "What you want?" "I want... for you to suck my dick." "I'll beat your fuckin' monkey ass." "You supposed to be the good cop, dumb motherfucker." "What?" " Hello, may I help you?" " Yeah, we'd like a table." "And you have reservations?" "Naw, I thought, you know, we could just walk in..." "Let me see what I got." "That's two?" "Follow me, please." "Your coat, ma'am?" " Can we get that one, over there?" " It's Friday night... those are for patrons who made reservations." "Let me get your chair for you, ma'am." " It's okay, man, all right." " Here you are." "Here you are, sir." "Your waiter will be with you shortly." "You shoulda pushed him, Dee." "Bastards." "Sarge, nobody answers at juvenile intake and we been calling." "Clearly, they're not as dedicated as you two detectives." "So what time does the duty intake consultant get here?" "You missed the 8:00." "You got another one around midnight." " Midnight?" " You think maybe if we left you... the paperwork, you could put him in the box 'til intake gets here?" "Hemorrhoid." "For the crumbs." "Yeah, right." " You like your dinner?" " Yeah." " That shrimp was right." " Yeah, it was good, right?" "Think they know?" "Do they know what?" "You know." "What I'm about." "What you mean, Dee?" "Come on, you know, it's like... we get all dressed up, right?" "Come all the way across town." "Fancy place like this." "After we finished, we gonna go down to the harbor." "Walk around a little bit, you know?" "Acting like we belong down here, know what I'm saying?" "So?" "Your money good, right?" "Dee, we ain't the only black people in here." "It ain't what I'm talking about." "It's about where we..." "Come on, you know." "I'm just saying, you know, I feel like some shit just stay with you... you know what I'm saying, like, hard as you try... you still can't go nowhere, you know what I'm saying?" " Can I interest you in dessert?" " Yes, thank you." " Can I have some chocolate cake?" " I'll bring the cart." "Boy, don't nobody give a damn about you and your story." "You got money, you get to be whatever you say you are." "That's the way it is." "Sir, I'm sorry." "These are the samples." "And for you, sir?" "Very good." "Don't be a bitch, admit it." "Go ahead." " Admit you're wrong, be a man." " Yeah, I gotta confess... this sub beats chink-ass Bob's by a mile." "'Course, you might be all that when it comes to thumping' on niggers... but you can't do shit with that stick, man." " You'd do better." " I play." "Says he plays." "He might." "I'm even better with two hands." "I checked it out, man." "Stinkum true on this one." "Except for that nigger, Scar, from New York..." "Edmondson gully is wide open." "What about Tee-Tee's crew?" "Naw, them niggers dried up when they took that federal charge." "Most of 'em laid up somewhere, gettin' high and shit." "I'll tell you what." "You holler at the boy Scar." "Let him know, man, it's time for him to take a stroll." "If he give you any beef at all, we'll put Wee-Bey and Bird on it." " All right." " And then once we got him outta there... we'll send in the smokers to run out all the little poop-butt locals and shit." "Or, if you think there's some cats in there who got game..." " then we put 'em on our team." " All right, who you want to run it?" " Send Stinkum up here." " All right." "He the one who saw the shot." "So, he gets a shot." "All right, okay, not bad." "Can't let the duty officer see that." "You wanna give it a rest, man?" "You down $60." "That might be your whole damn salary, but I clock that shit in minutes." " Rack 'em and break 'em, man." " You the guys waiting for juvenile intake?" "He's in the squad room." "If I had more time, I'd run you." "Give you a tip, Preston." "You gonna run a hustle, you best stay with what you know." "Man, fuck you and your tired-ass advice, all right?" "But that sandwich was good." "You gonna move our little thing down to Edmondson Avenue." "Take the gully." "What about Scar?" "Who?" "Listen, I'm giving you points on the package... so, you make a go of it, you hear me?" "You working for yourself, too, so you gonna put out the strong product... and you gonna get the locals behind it." "It's as simple as that." "You get your team together, you feel me?" "Go and wait for me downstairs." "I'll be down in a minute, man." " We gonna make this money run in a few." " Smile or something, nigger." " Made that nigger's night." " Yeah, he deserved it, though." "He deserved it." "It's Wee-Bey." "We got one." " You think it's Omar?" " Nah." " It's one of the young 'uns, I think." " One down, two to go, right?" "Yeah, motherfuckers." "Try to rob me, baby." "One, two, three." " A winner." " A match?" "Which case?" "The one you just brought me, Bunk." "Casing in that girl shot up in Northeast." " Kresson?" " Diedre Kresson, right, yeah." "She matches up with two other cases, both from last year." " Which ones?" " Toreen Boyle..." " Someone named Ligget." "It's in the report." " It's Toreen Boyd, Roland Leggett." "Yeah, them." "Casings from all three killings go to a.45, probably Colt Classic." " That fucker Landsman." "How's he do it?" " You like Landsman for these three?" "I don't know, Bunk." "As sergeants go, Jay's a sociopath and all, but I'd have to go with an actual gangster." "Jimmy, you sitting down?" "I said it was hot, but ifyou got these barbecue gloves." "You got a Johnny Weeks up in here?" " Who?" " Johnny Weeks." " Over in the game room." " Obliged." " Any smokes?" " I'm out." "How long have you been here?" "You gotta give the medication... a chance to work in your system, man." "Brought you something." "Yeah, some chicken pieces and some fries." "Bought you a shake, but I dropped it on the bus." "It comes in a bag, goes out in a bag." "How long you have that for?" " I fucked up, man." " Yeah, I saw." "There was nothing I could do, you know?" "It's like first I got beat, right, then I get this." "What are these for?" "They say I got the bug." "The bug?" "They checked me when I was in the hospital" "Are they sure?" "Where you been at?" "Here and there, I'm at it." "I'd have come past sooner, but I been on kinda like a mission." " A mission?" " Yeah." "Them hoppers that beat you down... they got problems now." "Them and the people they sling for, even." "What?" "I put the police on their ass." "Police?" " What, you get locked up or something?" " No, come on." "No, I'm not working for them." "I'm working with them." "They don't give me the badge soon enough, I keep doing like I do." "Why?" "What do you mean why?" "How can you ask me why?" "Why the fuck are you in here, man, with all these falling-down motherfuckers?" "Why you passing shit through a bag?" "Why they beat you down?" "Why I couldn't do nothing about it?" "It's all part of the game, right?" "I mean, you taught me that." "What you up to in here, man?" " Doing the meetings." " N.A.?" "Yeah." "Twice a day." "That's good, man." "It's good, you give the body comfort, you know." " Yeah." " No, you needed a change." "Guess so." "I'll be getting out of here the end of the month." "It's all right." "They got meetings everywhere." "You ain't gotta worry about that." "Bubs." "Who's got the best package now?" " Get the fuck out of here, man." " I'm coming home, right?" "Shit is weak all over, you know?" "Got some boys up in Baker and Calhoun, though." "They had a smoker out the other day though." " Yeah?" " Knocked a couple of niggers out." "Ain't you a trip?" "Beat down, bagged up, still ready to rip and run, huh?" "I'm a Viking, homes." ""I'm a Viking, homes."" "McNulty." "There's something here that needs kissing." "Speak again, toothless one." "I guess you know now why I wear the stripes in the family." "Good call, Jay." "Of course, if Keeley hadn't fucked the scene up... you'd have had that casing months ago, right?" "Keeley." "Let Keeley be Keeley." "We all can't be princes of the city, now can we?" "Speaking of which... sit down." "May I ask you a question that is essential to your career?" " What?" " Who do you serve?" "I am asking you to identify for the record your commanding officer." " Major Rawls." " Excellent." "And with that thought in mind, I advise you to go immediately into the Major's office... carrying the break I've given you in the Kresson case... and kiss the man's ring." "Because..." "I have talked you right out of the shithouse." "Here's the deal." "You wrap up this thing with Narcotics in two weeks." "You put yourself back in the rotation when we go back to night work." "You do that and you're back in the fold." " Thanks, Jay." " No problem." "Shit ain't right." "You work, you get paid." "That's what I'm saying." "I'm gonna say something to him, all right?" " You should." " Truth." " What's up, Dee?" " What's up, Shorty?" "$530, the count is right, man." "Okay, re-ups on the way down." "Go tell Sterling to be ready for it." "All right." "Yo, Dee, man." "You know, me and Poot, we been steady working it, you know?" "Nothing sloppy, no troubles, right?" "No." "And we was wondering if, maybe you could let a little something go... until payday, 'cause you know, right now, we some broke-ass niggers, man." "Right now, whoever did our girl... also did Boyd and Leggett a month earlier." " Leggett." " And those two are definitely... straight-up drug executions." "No mention of Dee in either file." "But I did get a fresh number..." " on Tywanda." " Who?" "The girl who called in on Kresson." " Right." " She put Dee in for that." "Have you seen this?" "Jaybird." "And the bear said, "You didn't really come here to hunt now, did you?"" " You see Saturday's 24s?" " Sunday morning." "Did you see the one Worden got on the Westside?" "John Bailey, in a Kevlar vest, lit up by three separate shooters." "Carey Street." "You made the Kresson connection... you didn't think Bailey might tie in with Barksdale?" "Worden's on the other shift." "I'm trying to work my murders, Jesus Christ." "Tony, Line 3." "What took you so long?" "You might've heard, we get a few murders here in Baltimore... sometimes we just get backed up." " You weren't followed here?" " Why would we be followed?" "Diedre was playing with scary people." "Who might that be?" "You called this in after the murder and you told the detective... that you talked to her the night she was killed." "She called." "It was late." "She didn't talk long, she said she had to go." "Dee was at the door." "And that was the last time you spoke with her?" " Yeah, she was killed that night." " Dee was her boyfriend?" "No, Dee was his nephew or something." "Dee would be D'Angelo Barksdale." "And the boyfriend, Avon Barksdale?" "You know Avon?" "The question is how do you know him?" "You out there running the street with the players?" "I used to be... but not after this thing with Diedre." "I mean, damn." "We used to go to Odell's for ladies' nights... and one time he was there with all his people in one of the big booths... ordering drinks, acting like he was king of everything." "And Diedre ate that shit up." " And you?" " I ain't gonna lie." "I did the club thing for a while, but... some of those places, everybody in there's on some kind of game." "But Diedre went with Avon?" "She was with Avon for like a year... and something happened." "Toward the end, she started getting real possessive... and that didn't sit with Avon, 'cause he has other girls, too." "She started bitching on him one minute... crying the next minute, threatening to do all kinds of things." " She threatened Avon Barksdale?" " The girl was off the hook." "One time, she threatened to write a letter on him." " A letter." " A letter to the state's attorney." "Supposed to be some sort of kin to her." "She said that if he dumped her... she was gonna tell about the drugs." " Did she write this letter?" " I don't know." "I tried talking to her about the way she was acting, but she wouldn't let it go." "She even had it out with him in his club one night in front of all the people." "What, Avon has a club?" "Orlando's, titty bar." " Does he own it?" " That's what Diedre said." "She said he owned a whole mess of stuff." " Tell me something, man." " What's that?" "How can you run this place and not just OD on pussy?" "Shit." "You try dealing with all these bitches and their problems for a few days." "Get so you'd rather be running a goddamn laundromat out this fucker." "Heard you're doing okay in the Pit." " Yeah, well." " What, you ain't getting it like that?" "Man, my uncle still got me working on salary." "Damn, boy." "You ain't the only one your uncle keeps close." "What?" "Come on, man, you ain't making no ends?" "I know you getting something on this by now." "No, man." "I'm just the front, clean name for the liquor board." " I'm saying" " What the fuck?" "Is there a problem?" "That was for the drink before." "It was for this one." "It ain't like I'm calling your uncle out or nothing... but give a nigger a chance." "Plenty of pie out there for everybody." "Believe." "You heard Stinkum gonna be coming off the clock, right?" "Getting a percentage." " What?" " Open up fresh territory." "Take over the corners down near Edmondson and Brice." "So, my uncle gave that to Stink?" "Figured you knew." "Orlando!" "Excuse me, Orlando, can you help me down here, please?" " I already paid for that last drink." " That was for the drink before." " Hell, no, that was for this one." " What's up here?" "Look, he ain't paid for that drink and I took $20 off the bar." " Look she took $20, then $20 more." " Hell I did." "Come on, now, why you gonna do me like this?" "I been with you for an hour and a half buying drinks." "Look, man, this ain't right." "I just spent $120 in drinks, $40 in tips." "Now, you gonna take all that and still try to sneak into my pocket?" " Shit, girl!" " You got to go, get him the fuck outta here." "I ain't done so much as touch your kneecap." "Trying to treat her with a little respect, and this is the way you do me?" "Wait, wait!" "Why you do that?" " Did you take his money?" " No, I didn't take his money." "You buying me a drink?" "Can I see you sometime?" "Like, you know, not in here." "I don't usually see men that I meet in here." "Usually." "What kind of strip joint has a video camera looking out?" "More to it than the girls, maybe." "So, he's got the club, he's got the warehouse... he's got the apartment building by Druid Hill Lake... he's got the tow truck company... and that's just what she knew from what he bragged about to the dead girl." " Major likes assets." " The Deputy, too, I imagine." "Nothing like a few property forfeitures to swell the departmental operation budget." "Check city assessments to see who owns the club." "Run the company name through the state corporate charter office." "Also, Homicide picked up one Saturday night." "Might be one of ours." "John Bailey, he's a stick-up artist I used to know from the Murphy homes." "He was wearing Kevlar, but it didn't help." "39 casings on the scene, from three different guns." "Overkill for a burn bag... but about right if he was running with Omar." "Lookit, our buddy." "Just once, I wish they'd use the right number." "Ain't like him to be late." "Bailey, you fucking dope fiend." "I'm telling you... them fucking people ain't to be relied on." "Why you always gotta talk like that, man?" " What?" " "F" this and "f" that." "If I give it up, I lose half of what I mean to say." "Don't nobody want to hear them dirty words, man." "Especially coming from such a beautiful mouth." "Wait for Bailey?" "Early bird catches the worm, dog." " I beeped you." " I didn't get it." " Let me see." " You want to see my pager?" "Sure, Prez, you want to see my pager?" " I beeped you too." " You all right, Prez?" "714-3432?" "I got that." "That was you?" "You try it?" "Yeah, I tried it." "Twice." "Non-working number." "It would've worked if you knew the code." "Shit, I'm as surprised as you." "I like word-search puzzles." "You know, where you gotta find the hidden words?" "So, I thought I could do the same thing with the numbers." "Take the number I sent you." "Now, take the seven and jump it over the five." "You get three." "Jump the one over the five... you get nine." "With four you get six." "Three, that's seven, four is six... a three again... and two is eight." "Zero switches with the five." "So 714-3432 is... 396-7678." "Our number." "And that's the code?" "And it works, because it's all about where the buttons are on a phone." "If it was a code that involved math... or algebra or whatever... these little yos in the projects wouldn't be able to follow along." "But with this, all you gotta do is jump the five button." "Ain't no math to it." "It's just... how a phone looks when you look at it." "Prez, you little genius!" " Jesus." " I could kill you, that's so good." "Your mother keep ragging at me... to take him outta here and put him in a private nursing home." "You know, she ain't never gonna let that go." "I keep telling her, man, we can't show this legit money yet, man... especially since he ain't got no insurance." "Soon, though." "So, you ain't big on coming here, right?" "No." "Tell you something, man... you about to see your uncle, you understand me?" " This is family." " I know." "Family is what counts, family is what it's about." "Family gonna always be there 'cause it's blood." "Man." "You never figured on this, did you?" "Live the life, lead the life." "Ain't no big thing." "He used to talk that shit all the time and he believed it, you know what I'm saying?" "What's up, baby, talk that shit now." "You know, you're right." "It's kind of hard to be in here right now." "He scare you, don't he?" " You know, I'm just saying" " He scares me." "See, if he dead, you know, I could carry it better." "Coming up the way we did, you kind of expect that." "Waiting on it." "See... the thing is, you only got to fuck up once." "Be a little slow, be a little late." "Just once." "And how you ain't gonna never be slow... never be late?" "You can't plan for no shit like this, man." "It's life." "Scares me." "They're still using it." "I was by on Saturday night and it was gone." "On your own time?" "You still getting your boys?" "Yeah, tonight for a sleep-over." "Omar's rolling." "What the hell?" "Call for backup?" "Not yet." "Let's see how it plays out." "An invitation." "Feel a little lonesome for backup." "Yeah, me, too." "That's nice." " I'll check the rear." " I'll watch the boys." "Afternoon, gentlemen." "Saying, if you were gonna use that you would've been done using it by now." "It's clean." "Got to keep it clean." "We having one of our little parlays like this, got to keep it clean, right?" "Omar with no gun on the street?" "Must be a first." "Yeah, sometimes who you are is enough, dog." "But being as y'all sitting on my ride so long, I thought I'd save y'all some time." "Come straight on out." "I ain't taking no charge." "You ain't putting me back in no cage." "We're not here to bury you, Omar." "We're pulling you up 'cause we got a problem in common." " Problem?" " Barksdale." " No, he ain't no problem." " I don't know." "Avon's been chalking up a lot of bodies." "And you being you..." "Put it that way, I guess he could be a little problem... but I just can't really come out and help you all." "You know what I mean?" "Snitchin' just rubs me wrong." "Personally, I don't think the game is played like that." "We respect that." "If you do happen to take a charge though..." "I'm McNulty, that's Greggs." "You give us a call, we'll sort something out." "Fair enough." "You know, I used to work the homes, back when your brother was up there." "You get a chance..." "let him know they blew up John Bailey last night." "Good man." "Lot of enemies." "Saying, you trying to catch up with Bird?" "Word is he dropped a workin' man." "Wait, hold up." "Come on, don't play me." "What working' man, what Bird?" "Come on, now, ain't but one working man, now, is there?" "And Bird?" "I think your snitch can handle that." "Shit, Bubbles know Bird." "You working late?" "A little." "Got a minute?" "Sure, have a seat." "No, this is better said standing up." "You know, I've been 13 years on the shelf." "I ain't bitched." "It was me that put me there." "But I'm here now, and I gotta say a piece." "We should've had a tap on the project pay phones by now." "A wire there will get us the drugs." "Keep pushing, we'll get a whiff of the money, too." "I know you're serious about climbing that career ladder... and I know how slippery it gets the higher you go... but for me..." "I don't want to go to no dance unless I can rub some tit." "I appreciate your honesty." "Good night, Lieutenant." "So, what you say to make Dee pay out?" "I told him to give it up or I'm taking him out of the count." " Shit." " Look." "I'll pump niggers when I got to." " That's him." " That's who?" "One of the ones that robbed us." "That light-skinned boy." "That's him?" "All right, come on." "I'm the king of this shit." " So, you want us to wait?" " Yeah." " All right, we on it, man." " All right." "There goes Scar right there." "Right there in the blue?" " Number 80?" " Yeah, I'm on him." "All right, you got him?" " Find a phone real quick." " What's wrong?" "It looks like my man Dee got himself an emergency." "What, he been stuck up again?" "What's up, what do you need?" "My people are onto one of Omar's boys down at Greek's." "Word?" "All right, sit tight." "I'm gonna take care of it." "All right." "Ain't nobody coming." "Dee said wait." "Dee said wait." "Told you." " He still in there?" " Yeah, he's playing the games." "All right." "You are sharp, son." "What's your name?" " Wallace." " Wallace, all right." "This nigger's gonna point him out to us, all right?" "Yeah." "It's done." "Nice work, cuz." "All right." | {
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"Previously..." "Your ring." "Key to Lallybroch, so you'd know the place was as much yours as mine." "'Twas one day in October." "Captain Randall came along to our place." "Now let my sister be." "Your sister?" "No!" "The Duke of Sandringham has arrived." "I look forward to helping your husband to restore his good name." "This is my first real opportunity to gain a path and take my rightful place as laird of Broch Tuarach." "I was born on October the 20th, in the year 1918." "That's 200 years from now." "I'm from the future." "It's what you wanted, to go home." "Take me home to Lallybroch." "♪ Sing me a song of a lass that is gone♪" "♪ Say, could that lass be I?" "♪" "♪ Merry of soul she sailed on a day ♪" "♪ Over the sea to Skye ♪" "♪ Billow and breeze ♪" "♪ Islands and seas ♪" "♪ Mountains of rain and sun ♪" "♪ All that was good ♪" "♪ All that was fair ♪" "♪ All that was me is gone ♪" "♪ Sing me a song of a lass that is gone ♪" "♪ Say, could that lass be I?" "♪" "♪ Merry of soul she sailed on a day ♪" "♪ Over the sea ♪" "♪ To Skye ♪" "_" "And they just stay aloft, like birds?" "Well, no." "Airplane wings are stationary." "They don't flap." "And you've ridden in one?" "Yes, several times." "I love flying." "How high can you fly?" "Well, I don't know exactly." "Thousands of feet in the air, certainly." "Thousands of feet?" "Must have god's own view of the world from that height." "It's amazing." "And especially the first time you go up." "I mean, everything you can see on the ground, it just falls away, until it disappears." "Hmm." "How old are you, sassenach?" "Never thought to ask." "I'm 27." "Oh." "I always thought you were about my age or younger." " Are you disappointed?" " No." "It's just that when I'm 40, you'll be 245." "I think your calculations are a little off." "There it is." "Lallybroch." "It's like you always said it was." "Aye." "Gah!" "Come." "Come." "It's behind you now, Jamie." "It's in the past." "There were rumors." "Dougal told me afterward that Randall had got Jenny with a bastard child." "It's rumors." "Aye." "You care to see more?" "Or would you rather go into the house and offer me better entertainment?" "Hello." "Hi, my name's Claire." "Are you playing with the apples?" "Hmm." "What's your name?" "Jamie?" "Jenny." "Four years and no word?" "This is my wee Jamie." "This is your uncle, mo chridhe, the one you're named after." "Why?" "Why would you name him after me?" "What's wrong, a-graidh?" "Are you ill?" "Do you not think I've suffered enough for what I let happen that..." "Ye must name Randall's bastard after me, to be a reproach as long as I live?" "Randall's bastard?" "Jack Randall, you mean, the Redcoat captain?" "Go find Mrs. Crook, my wee lamb." "Correct me, brother, if I'm wrong, but I have a strong impression you're saying that I played the whore to captain Randall." "I'd rather I was dead in my grave than see my sister brought to such..." "And whose is this one?" "To have you ruin yourself for me was shame enough, but..." "Another one with no father to give him a name?" "We shouldn't have come." "Jamie, perhaps we should all go inside... tell that trollop to keep her Neb out of my business." "She's my wife, and you will speak of her with respect." "Jamie, please." "Do I have to do what I did when we were bairns?" "Grab you by the bollocks to make you stand still and listen to me?" "Are you now trying to shame me in front of my own wife?" "Well, if she's your wife," "I imagine she's more familiar with your balls than I am." "Don't test me, brother." "Last I saw you, bloodied and broken, strung up by your wrists in that archway, and then leaving me to think you're dead, or certain never to return again, and this is how you come home?" "Whose child is the boy?" "Mine." "And that one, too." "Ian?" "Yer brother-in-law." "It's good to see ya, Jamie." "You always knew how to make an entrance." "We thought you were dead until we received your chest from castle Leoch." "And this would be?" "The trollop, otherwise known as Claire Fraser." "Jenny I-I'm... a damned fool, and no a day wiser in four years." "Uh!" "Ye drink whiskey?" "I have been known to have a glass or two." "Today, I'm thinking we'll be taking more than that, Claire." "Thank you, Ian." "Cheers." "What happened with Randall?" "I want to know." "I need to know." "Then I'll tell you..." "Once..." "And never again." "After he felled you..." "Uhh!" "Take my hand." "Take my hand." "I went with him into the house." "He took me up the stairs." "He was talking the whole way up, but I didn't hear a word he said." "My mind was racing with what to do." "I was just trying to keep my wits." "He led me into the bedroom." "Shh." "Look at me." "Ugh!" "Ah!" "Aah!" "Uh!" "He threw me on the bed, and then he stood there a minute, rubbing himself." "I hadn't been with a man then, but I ken now that he was trying to..." "Make himself ready." "Turn around." "I don't know why." "It was the only thing that came to my mind to do, but he didn't like it when I laughed, and I could see that, so I laughed some more." "I said turn around, you Scottish cunt." "When I woke up, he was gone." "And that's the last I saw of captain Randall." "Ye satisfied?" "Ye see, you were wrong, and I'm expecting an apology." "Have I no said as much?" "No, you haven't." "She's right, she deserves an apology." "This is between my brother and me." "I was just suggesting that he... can I see you in private for a moment?" "Excuse us." "I'm yer husband." "You mustn't embarrass me in front of my family and the servants." "You're doing a fine enough job of that yourself." "You've a sharp tongue, Claire, but there's a time and a place for it." "Oh, and I suppose you'll be the judge of that?" "I need you to trust me here." "This is my family, my land, my time." "I'm laird, and you are my lady." "We should both conduct ourselves as such." "I'm not the meek and obedient type." "Don't think anyone would ever make that mistake, sassenach, but then I don't think anyone would ever say the same of Colum's wife, either." " Letitia?" " Aye." "Strong woman, respected, feared even, but she never crossed her husband's word in public." "Now behind closed doors, let's just say my uncle dodged his share of crockery in his time." "Be careful, my laird." "I have a much better throwing arm than the fair Letitia." "So..." "Whereabouts are ye from, Claire?" "Oxfordshire originally, but I suppose this is now my home." "Ye're planning on staying then?" "Aye." "Aye, we are." "What about the price on yer head?" "I'm expecting a pardon, with the aid of the Duke of Sandringham." "It hasn't come through yet, but we're hoping it will soon." "Never thought you'd be so trusting of the English." "Perhaps I could trouble you for some warm water to wash?" "Been a difficult few days." "And you mentioned a chest from Leoch?" "Aye." "It came from a woman called Mrs. Fitzgibbons." "It's upstairs in the spare room." "Well, since the laird's staying, he should have the main bedchamber." "Move our things to the north room." "No, we wouldn't dream of putting you out of your room." "Well, seeing as it's the laird's room, after all..." "I'll get the case." "You missed the whirlwind." "The what?" "The servants." "They tore through here like dervishes." "I'd barely turned my back, and they'd cleared away all of Jenny and Ian's things." "It's almost exactly how I remember it." "Huh." "My father always had a book over there, open at the page he was reading." "Hmm." "And he used to put his boots here." "Hmm." "And... and he used to keep his..." "Keep his..." "Ah." "His blade." "Oh, it's beautiful." "It's viking, I think." "Aye." "Five-lobed pommel." "Tenth century." "I told you." "I was raised by an archeologist." "I recognize the patterns on the hilt." "It's a fine example." "I'd hardly tiptoe in here as a boy, so sacred was the laird's room." "But I'd slip in when he was out at the fields, just to hold it for a few moments." "Dream of the day it would be mine." "It is yours now, Jamie." "Ours." "Ours." "My father, he built this place, ye ken." "His blood and sweat are in this stone." "This land." "And now his bones are, as well." "They buried him out in the graveyard, next to my mother and my brother, willie." "When was the last time you saw your father?" "It was at Fort William, a week after I'd been flogged the first time." "Jamie!" "Father, what are ye doing here?" "Having a word with captain Randall, trying to see if we can get ye out." "I'm sorry for the whole damn mess." "Ye left me in charge, and now Jenny's... what has happened is not yer fault." "I know you were flogged." " I'll be all right." " Captain Randall is waiting." "No." "This is my son." "Have ye no compassion?" "Remember to pray, and I'll stand by ye, no matter what happens." "Ye're a braw lad, son." "I just met your father." "He's worried about you." "I'm afraid he was disappointed when I told him your charges are of such a serious nature that you cannot be bonded without a written clearance from the Duke of Argyll." "And the thing is, even if he does succeed in getting such a clearance, which I doubt, it would be impossible for him to make it back in time, so..." "It's a shame that you and I have got off to such a poor start." "Only a week before, he'd had me flogged near to death." "Didn't understand, I couldna imagine what he was talking about now." "And he bandied words around for a while." "He likes to do that." "Likes to play with his toys." "But in the end he was quite blunt about what he really wanted." "Which was what?" "Me." "It's quite simple." "Give over to me." "Make free of your body..." "And there will be no second flogging." "And if not..." "Well..." "The first stripes were still raw on my back." "I could scarce bear my shirt." "And I felt dizzy every time I stood up." "The thought of..." "Of going through it all again, being bound, helpless, waiting for the next lash..." "I had no real idea, of course, but..." "I thought being buggered would be less painful and be over quicker, most likely." "And he said I'd be set free the same day, so..." "So..." "I considered it." "But..." "I could still feel my father's kiss on my cheek and thought what he would think of me." "Not the buggery." "He'd no gi' that a thought or care, but..." "For giving in." "For letting that man break me." "So I couldn't do it." "Ah." "Uhh!" "Dougal was there, at the flogging." "My father, too, though I didn't know it at the time." "Aah!" "I fell halfway through." "They thought I was dead." "Dougal said he let out a small sound and dropped like a rock and didn't get up again." "I didn't see it." "Didn't see him die." "Didn't see him taken away." "Didn't see him buried." "Never even seen his grave." "Even if you had given in to Randall, do you really think it would have made any difference?" "And don't you think he would have still had you dragged out into that yard and flogged you just for the sick pleasure it gave him?" "I'll never know." "How long does it take a person to dress?" "Supper's not going to keep." "We should get cleaned up." "Have you ever run a house before?" "No." "Then ye'll have a lot to learn about keeping up a place like this." "I would imagine." "It sounds quite challenging." "I'm a quick study." "Ye'll get your chance." "Quarter day is tomorrow." "Aye." "What is that?" "Ah, well..." "It's like when we collected the rents for the MacKenzies, but here the tenants come to us to pay." "And sorely needed this quarter." "We've had poor harvests two years running." "We're piling debt upon debt." "Ah, we can talk about finances later." "Tomorrow will be a time for celebrating the laird's return." "Sounds very public." "Isn't that risky?" "At least until your pardon comes through." " No." " Our tenants are like family." "Not a man, woman or child would think about betraying Jamie to the redcoats, at any price." "Hmm." "Of course." "It's good to hear." "I'll take a look at the ledgers after we've eaten." "Aye." "Thought you'd want to visit father's grave?" "Aye." "Tomorrow." "If he were alive, he'd expect a visit this evening." "If he were alive, he'd expect me to go over the ledgers and prepare for quarter day." "Suit yerself then." "Stuffed cabbage, Claire?" "No, thank you." " Hello." " We're right pleased to have you back, my laird." "We hope you both bide at home for a good long while now." "As do we, Robert." "Thank you." "I brought this small gift for you, mi'lady." "Oh, how lovely, thank you." "It looks delicious." "I brought these for you, mi'lady." " Thank you so much." " You're welcome." "They're beautiful." "How are ye?" "Good to see ye." "Jamie?" "Should we get started?" "Aye." "Hello." " Feel." " Ooh." "I think it's a boy." "Make yourself at home." "Aye." "Ah?" "Ha ha." "Ah." " So you think it's a boy?" " Yeah, I think so." "Duncan." "Married now?" "Aye, my laird." "Duncan, this is but half of what ye owe." "Apologies, but we lost one of our cows to sickness two months ago." "Well, ye can settle up next quarter, when I'm certain things'll be better." "I appreciate your understanding and mercy." "Not mercy at all." "Yer father was a good man." "Farmed this land when I was but a bairn." "Give me that." "I'll no squeeze the last penny from you when times are hard." "That was my father's view." "Mine as well." "Thank ye, my laird." "Thank ye, kindly." "All right, who's next?" "It's so pretty." "The lavender's great." "I like to make an oil from it." "You put it on your wrists at night, like this." "Cheers, boys." " Uh!" " Oi!" "You put that back, you cheeky wee bastard." "Ah!" "Excuse me." "I don't believe we've met." "Claire Fraser, lady Broch Tuarach." "I ken fine who you are." "I told you there'd be none fer you." "There are plenty of bannocks." "They said he'd gone and married a sassenach." "That's correct." "Can I be of some assistance?" "Boy's just got to learn to do what he's told." "Then maybe I can take him off your hands for a few minutes." " What for?" " So you can enjoy yourself without having to watch him." "Join your friends." "Just don't be filling his head with any of that English claptrap." "And you behave." "It's all right." "Maybe we should go to the kitchen, find you something to eat, okay?" " Ooh!" " Ah..." "I think we can find you something tastier than bannocks." "What have we here then?" "Jenny..." "His father was being very rough with him." "Is your back sore?" "We should get him cleaned up and something tasty to eat." "Who did that?" "Not for you to worry about." "Mrs. Crook will get you a wee bite." "It was his father." "I saw him beat him outside." "MacNab?" "Yeah, I remember him." "Excuse me, mistress." "M'laird, will you take a drink with me?" " Aye." " Aye." "Shouldn't we do something about it?" "Jamie?" "Good night, m'laird!" "Cack!" "I've seen elephants sit down with less impact." "English, please." "Sassenach, now ye're a Scot, ye should work on yer Gaelic." "Where have you been?" "Out with MacNab." "I tried to reason with him, but in the end" "I had to show him the difference between abuse and discipline, huh, with these." "Then I said to him, "Ronald," ""if I ever see any evidence of yer harming your wee laddie, you'll have to answer to laird Broch Tuarach," huh." "That's me." "Huh." "Yes, I know." "Jamie, you reek." "You've actually seen an elephant?" "Yes." "Rode one, too." "Oh?" "Ye'll have to..." "To tell me all about it." "Mm." "Mm." "Mm." "Hair of the dog?" "I think I may need the whole hound." "Ian tells me ye didna collect the rents yesterday." "Ugh." "It's been a hard year, as ye said yerself." "As laird, I decided to give my tenants some ease." "And how easy do ye suppose yer tenants will be when the whole estate goes under because we canna make ends meet?" "Perhaps we should postpone this till he's feeling a little... and ye've saddled us with another mouth to feed." " What're ye on about, Jenny?" " Rabbie MacNab." "His father threw him out, thanks to you." "He said, "if Jamie Fraser thinks he can be a better father, he can damn well pay for his upkeep."" "Jenny, he was only trying to help the boy out, and clean clothes and bannocks aren't going to stop the boy from being beaten." "Do ye think life just started when the two of you walked through that door?" "Rabbie's granny and I were working on Ronald's sister to take the boy." "Did ye not even consider talking to me before you pulled out yer fists?" "Do ye think that's how father would have handled things?" "I am the laird of this estate now, and I do not need to discuss the running of it with my sister." "Ha." "Beggin' yer pardon, laird Broch Tuarach." "Oh." "Mrs. Crook!" "Yes, my laird?" "This bread tastes like it was made with pebbles." "The mill's not working properly." "We had to grind the flour by hand." "What's being done about it?" "The mistress..." "Mrs. Murray..." "Had me send for Davy McAndrews to fix the mill." "I'll deal with it myself." "How's it looking?" "It'd be a damn sight better if the wheel were turning." "There must be something stuck under the sluice." "I'm gonna have to go down, see if I can pry it loose." "What?" "But..." "Jamie..." "You'll freeze to death." "Most likely." "At least ye'll be able to serve decent bannocks at my wake." "Oh." "Cack!" "Mrs. Crook told me the stupid fool had come up here." "Jenny, you shouldn't be chasing around in your condition." "There was no need for you to come after us." "Aye, there was." "Keep silent." "We don't want them to know you're English." "Good morrow, ladies." "Good morrow." "If ye're stopping for a bag of meal," "I'm afraid ye'll be disappointed." "The mill wheel's no working just now." "Perhaps next time ye come this way." "Oh?" "What's amiss, then?" "Ye should call yer master back." "He shouldna meddle in things he doesna understand." "Oh, you've no cause for worry, missus." "Corporal's father has a wheat mill in Hampshire." "What he doesn't know about water wheels would fit in me shoe." "No help for it." "I'll have to go under and see what's holding it." "Look at that!" "Wonder what was stuck in it." "Hey." "A perfectly good shirt." "How on earth did that get stuck into the mill?" "It's Scotland, sir." "Ladies." "Thank you kindly, sir." "Hee-up!" "Jamie!" "Blessed Michael defend us." "What the hell were ye doing, ye?" "Have ye not grown up a bit?" "Jenny, will ye..." "Will ye please turn around when I try to get out?" "Before my cock snaps off." "What the hell was she doing here?" "Heard about the Redcoat patrol." "She was just trying to warn you." "So you're a night owl, are ye?" "Yes, I suppose I am." "Jenny's up with the lark, but I've always been an owl myself." "Is this Jenny?" "Aye." "Those were her birds." "Any time one was found wi' a lame leg or a broken wing, she'd have it healed and eating from her hand." "You surprised she has a gentle side?" "No, of course not." "Perhaps a little." "She's a Fraser." "Their hearts are as big and soft as their heads are thick and strong." "It was Jenny who took care of me after I returned from France with a stump of wood." "Jamie told me you lost it while the both of you were fighting in France." "It doesn't slow me down much." "It aches a wee bit towards the end of the day." "Have you tried guelder rose or water pepper?" "I've no tried the water pepper, no." "Well, I'd be happy to make some for you." "Thank you." "Jamie said you were a healer." "Ye've seen mangled men before?" "Yes, many, unfortunately." "Jamie hadn't." "It shocked him to see me like this at first." "He tried to hide it, but I knew." "Ah, no matter." "He brought me back to Scotland, and Jenny made me whole again." "Is that why you married her?" "Ye think I had any choice in the matter?" "She came up to me out in the field one day, while I was mending a fence." "I was covered wi' muck, and her, standing there like a bush covered wi' butterflies." "She says... well, I dinna ken exactly what she said, but it ended with her kissing me, and saying," ""fine, we'll be married on st." "Martin's day."" "And I was still explaining to her why we couldna do any such thing when I found myself in front of a priest saying," ""I take thee, Janet."" "Hmm-hmm." "She's an extraordinary woman, isn't she?" "Aye, when she's not being an outright, stubborn-headed, pain-in-the-arse mule." "Frasers." "Once they've dug their heels in, there's no budging them, and you don't want to get between them when their danders are up." "How do you manage?" "Well..." "Ye can tug on their rope or give them a wee kick in their backside." "And they might move, or ye might get bit for your trouble." "And then what?" "Kick them harder." "Good." "Now I have your attention." "And you're going to listen to me." "I did not marry the laird of Lallybroch." "I married Jamie, but I haven't seen much of him since we walked through the gates of this place." " That's who I am, now that..." " I am speaking, and you can talk when I'm finished." "Your father's dead, Jamie, but if he were here," "I wager he'd give you a thrashing for the way you've been acting." "You're trying to be someone you're not, and in the process you're wrecking the family that you do have left." "And if you're not careful, you're going to lose them, too." "Jenny." "Gave me a start." "Thought it was a ghost for a minute, did ye?" "Hmm." "Jenny, I..." "Jamie, I" " let me speak first, please." "That's the rent from the tenants." "And I thought perhaps I could speak to Rabbie's aunt, so..." "Even if she had taken him in," "I don't think it would have lasted." "She's a frachety woman with too many bairns as it is." "This is a better place for him." "Father would have thought so, too." "Aye." "I was wrong not to consult you, and I'm sorry for it." "Truly." "I hope to do it different in future." "I'm the one who's wronged you, and I'm so ashamed." "Of what?" "Ever since father died..." "A small dark part of me has blamed you for his death." "When they told me what happened at Fort William, that Randall flogged ye himself, and that seeing that is what killed father," "I thought you must have done something to bring it upon yerself." "Shot yer mouth off, or acted without thinking of the consequences, as ye have done all yer life." "But then out at the mill pond, when I saw the scars on yer back, scars made by a lash laid down wi' such fury... you dinna fash yerself about it anymore." "It was me." "It's my fault that Randall beat ye so." "You dinna ken what you're saying." "But I do." "That day..." "That day when Randall came here, when he took me upstairs..." "If I hadn't mocked him that way, if I... if I'd given him what he wanted he wouldn't have treated you like he did." "And then father... mo chridhe, no." "Don't." "I did anger Randall at Fort William, and I've spent the past four years of my life blaming myself for father's death because of it." "But now ye know better?" "Aye." "Hmm." "Aye, I do." "I know it's not yer fault." "Nor mine, either." "There's a devil in that man that no one can influence." "The only one responsible for putting father in his grave is Jack Randall." "Aye?" "It does trouble me, though, knowing ye went with him to save me, knowing he might harm ye." "I would have gladly died to spare ye." "And if yer life is a suitable exchange for my honor, tell me why my honor's not a suitable exchange for yer life?" "Or are ye telling me that I may not love ye as much as ye love me?" "Because if ye are," "Jamie Fraser, I'll tell you right now it's not true." "No." "Welcome home, laird Broch Tuarach." "Come." "You said Broch Tuarach means "north facing tower."" "Aye." "Well, it's round." "It doesn't have a face." "Well..." "The door faces north." "Frasers." "I'm beginning to feel like..." "Like I..." "Like I actually belong here." "Hmm." "I knew ye belonged here, with me, almost since the first time I laid eyes on ye." "That's one of the reasons I agreed to marry ye." "Though not the main one." "Then what was the main one?" "Hmm." "Because I wanted you more than I ever wanted anything in my life." "Right from that moment I fell off the horse and..." "Woke up in the dark looking up at your face." "Then there was that long ride together, with that lovely round arse wedged tight between my thighs, and that rock-solid head thumping me in the chest." "That's why you agreed to marry me, because of my round arse and my rock-solid head?" "Hmm." "I wanted ye from the first moment I saw ye." "But..." "I loved ye when ye wept in my arms that first night at Leoch." "But now I..." "I wake up every day, and I find that" "I love you more than I did the day before." "I love you." " Keep calm now, lad." " What right do you come into this house without..." "I've heard enough from the likes of you." "Now you stay silent as a lamb, my friend..." "Or this lovely lass is gonna be scrubbing yer brains off the floor." | {
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"THE OLD GUN" "There." "Marcel the dog is waiting for his master, huh?" "He is happy, Marcel the dog!" "The most beautiful dog in the whole world!" "Yes, yes..." " Are you afraid?" " Yes." "Just like you, darling." "Come in." "Doctor, the blinded patient is still screaming." "I'm on my way." "And no morphine left, of course!" "Give him a sedative:" "he must sleep." "Ah, gently." "Don't move." "It's pointless." "It seems you don't like my visits." " There are only sick people here." " I know." "But sick communists." "Sick saboteurs even!" "They change bed every day, right?" "Chief, we found him!" " He has killed 2 of my men." " I am not a politician!" "That's what cowards say!" "In harsh times." "I am not a politician." "I treat the wounded." "Either you leave him here or I go tell Major-Doctor Muller!" "Mister Dandieu, the war is not over yet." "Do you know what would happen if you were not a surgeon?" "I'd take you to the German Gestapo to have you shot!" "Oh yes..." "I've had my eye on you for quite a while..." "You have a family..." "A wife..." "A daughter..." "In their own interest, ...behave." "No!" "No!" "No!" "Them, again!" "." "Don't let his happen, Muller." "Mister Dandieu, I still have 125 wounded officers to evacuate." "I don't know where or how." "Anyway, it is a problem between French." "Is there any sulfamide left?" " No." "Nothing left." "In a month or two you'll be free." "Maybe you'll have penicilline, while me..." "They'll probably come back." " No doubt." "What about the lung patient?" "Which one?" "The one who blew up the Paris train." "Ah, yes." "Another hero." "A pain in the ass, all these heroes." "Bring him to the cellar near the boiler room." "He cannot be transported." " He can be transported, or else you don't know what you want..." "If they come back, they take him and they kill him." "And they arrest us." "Make it happen, for God's sake." "What is it?" " Dandieu." "Here is the sulfamide, and 18 ampoules of morfine." " That's all I could get." " Better than nothing, thanks." "Halt!" "Papers!" "It is forbidden to go out during the curfew." "Do you have a safe-conduct?" "Please excuse us, Doctor." " I was worried, mister Julien." " Everything's fine, Jeanne." " I hope they didn't wait for me?" " No, but I kept a dish for you." "Thanks!" "But I'm not hungry." "Go to bed, Jeanne." "Thank you." "How did it go at the hospital?" "Oh, Marcel the dog!" "What a beautiful dog!" "The radio announces that in Normandie the Americans cast off the Germans to the sea." "And some people say that the Das Reich division is going from Montauban to the Normandie front." "Listen, I'm tired, mum." "Do you want a drink?" " Yes, please." " I only have white wine left." " It'll do fine." "Are you mad?" " I didn't want to put that one." " Which one did you want to put?" "This one, the double six." " She was right." " Of course, you have all the sixes." "You would have won the game." "Check, I'm sure of it." " Ah!" "Damn, it is the second time!" " I can't see a thing." "And I bring the wine." "Wait, madame Dandieu." "Come on, Marcel, not now." "Shut up." "What's that?" "Florence?" "Yes, she is the laundry room, washing herself." " Washing herself?" "At this time?" " Yes." " What an idea..." "My towel fell in the water!" " I'm coming, dear!" "Thank you, mum." "I'm coming!" " Wait for me, Clara." " I'm going..." "No, stay here, I have something to tell you." "Clara!" " Yes?" "I love you." " So what?" "Are you coming?" " Yes." "Yes, we're coming!" "It stings, I have soap in my eyes." " Wait..." "Come closer." "There..." "Eh!" "No!" "Ah, I can't see either now!" " It's all over my glasses." " Didn't mean to..." " Where are your clothes?" " In my bedroom." "You came own here naked?" " Well yes." "She is mad." "My daughter is mad." " My glasses?" " Wait." "Get dry." " Nobody cares about my glasses!" " I'll take care of it!" "There you are, sir!" "I go back to François." "You go straight to bed." "Good night." " Do you hear them?" " Yes, glad the women are here, mum!" "It's getting late, I have to go." " Who's on call?" " Berson and Thibodée." "They're overloaded." "They're expecting you." "I had the saboteur hidden in the boiler room." " Why?" " The militia has come again." "They found the young Drobée." "They took him away." "I couldn't do anything." "I'm a little scared, François." "They're dangerous, you know." "They realise that they're down for." "So..." "They're getting mad." " Have they threatened you?" " Yes." "But that's not the problem." "You know them..." "They mentionned my family." "You see?" "What do yo uwant me to do?" "I was stuck, I couldn't do anything." " Goodnight François." " Goodnight." " They shouldn't stay here." " I know." "And it's going to get worse until the end, you'll see." "I forgot to tell you: there is a little sulfamide and morfine at the back." "Very well." "Listen, I can take them to La Barberie in the morning." "No one will find them there." "Look, I'll do that in the morning while you're at the hospital." "I had thought about it but I didn't dare asking." "See you tomorrow at 8." "The sooner we bring them, the better." " When will you sleep?" " Oh, after the war!" "My first is a fish, my second is a fruit tree..." "And my whole is a great French king." " It is not possible." " Of course it is:" "Honourat I, François 1er." "You see..." " That's silly." " No, it works." "Al right everybody, it's late." "I borrow my wife." " When will I get her back?" " In the morning." "I promise." " Night Marcel." " Sleep well, dear." " I don't have any matches." " No need of them to sleep." "Look, Clara, tomorrow morning I'll send you all to La Barberie." "Flo, Mum, Jeanne and you." " Why?" " It's safer." "François will drive you there." "Is that so?" "For Flo, your mum, en Jeanne, it's alright." "But not me." " Of course it is." " No." " Yes, it is, don't be contrary." "In a few days, when the town is freed," "I'll come and bring you back." "And after that, we'll go for a great voyage just you and me." "The one we should have done if there hadn't been a war." "And if you're very nice I'll make you a baby." "Julien." "The baby..." "Let's make it now!" "Right now!" "Don't move." "...the dust of rubbles to the birds Orléans must look like a skimmer the town is riddled with The two towers of the cathedral are torn..." "So you're absolutely certain, you don't want to go?" " No, dear." " What if the town is bombed?" "At our age, we don't risk anything." " See you later." " See you later." "My mother is so stubborn." "I never ask her anything." "For once, this is something important, she doesn't want to hear about it" "How come are we safer at La Barberie?" "Becaus, dear." " Do you have any money?" " I've got all I need." "Anyway, you know everybody in the village." "No problem." "Everything will be fine." "Drop me a little further." "See you tonight, François." "And you, well, see you very soon." " I'll go to see you as soon as I can." " Alright." " Bye." " Bye." " Be good." " Yes sir!" "I have no use of this scarf and your daughter needs a jumper." "You're bored without Clara?" "You stayed to look after me?" "Do you know how long I adored your father?" "30 years." "Each time I open a door, I feel like I'm about to see him." "He liked to read too." "Strange..." "A skinny little man who gave me a big boy like you." "11:30." "François has to take his call." "Let him sleep a little more." "We're so well..." "Yes..." "We're so well." "But there's the hospital." "I heard that yesterday, you've operated for 8 hours in a row." "When I'm too tired, I'm afraid to make a mistake." "I'm not worried, with these hands you perform miracles." " Do you mind making coffee?" " Of course not." "Finally!" "It looks like the end." "Quick, we must go behind the tanks!" "The partisans could be ambushed!" "What is that?" "Plum or pear brandy?" " I think there's no name, sir." " No, it's petroleum." " It's a possibility." " Ah, Garigue..." "The Parisian, if he hasn't peed by tonight, we probe him and then we open him, right?" "." "Have a look at this!" "That is the phenomenon!" "And yet, within a month, he be fine this little militian." "Yes, he is saved." "And ready for the firing squad." "Tough as he is, 12 more bullets won't get the better of him!" "Come in!" "Ah, miss Langrenier, How are you, miss Langrenier?" "A shot?" "No?" "A small one?" "No, thank you." "Sir..." "You've got rings under your eyes, miss Langrenier!" "Went to bed late, huh?" "The number 12, I think it's going to be twins." "That's perfect!" "Two to go, two to come!" "Such balance..." "That's nature, miss Langrenier." "Goodbye, miss Langrenier." "Nice piece of ass, miss Langrenier." "Is she good in bed?" " Oh yes, sir." "Good for her, because for the injections" "I've seen better!" "Well, everyone, you've been great." "I suppose you all have other fish to fry." "See you tomorrow." "So, what's left to do?" "Ah, the amputation?" "If you want, I'll take care of it." " Yes, it suits me." "You see, they've been gone for 5 days and 5 nights." "If at least they had a phone." "I can't stand it anymore." "I kind of noticed." "If you left now, you could be there for lunch." " You could be back for 5pm." " Do you think so?" "Don't you?" "Yes, of course." "You're right." "Let's go." "Shouldn't I, huh?" "Halt!" "Papers!" "Let him through." "What are you doing here, huh?" "Come here!" "Mister Florent!" "Mister Florent?" "!" "Yvonne?" "Is there anybody here?" "Ludwig!" "Yes, Obersturmfuher." "Try again to reach the headquarters." "Ask them if they're coming or not." "Yes, sir!" "One day, I'll be old and you will have not really looked at me." "How dare you?" "You're wrong." "That's all I'm doing!" "You're watching me, spying on me, that's different." "You're wrong, I tell you." "You've got nerves." "I deprive myself of sleeping to watch you sleep!" "Liar!" "." " What do you mean, liar?" " Not every night." "No, not every night." "Will you forgive me?" "What if I don't?" "Jeanne, have you seen Madam?" "I just passed her." "She was on her way to the cellar." "What's wrong?" "What's happening?" "Huh?" "Nothing." "I don't know." "You don't want to tell me?" " Someone has upset you?" " No, no." "So what?" "I don't know..." "I got sad, all of a sudden." "Why sad?" "Don't know why..." "I got scared." " Scared of what?" " I don't know." "That hurt me." "It is over." " Over?" " Yes, it's over." "Maybe it's because I drank too much." "I..." "I'm a little too happy." "Must be it, right?" " Yes, maybe." " Do you understand?" "Do you see, Julien that is buckshot." "From headquarters in Montauban." "Is there an answer?" "No answer." "The Colonel has been killed." "No one from general staff is covering up for us." "No one will find out." "We have to catch up with our unit in Perigueux." "and from there, the Normandie front." "About the village, we'll say that a group of Partisans has attacked us." "Until the end of the war..." "I found a projector." " I have the same in Munich." " Give me a hand here." "Lights!" "Et voilà, we have a first class screen!" "Don't you ever dance?" " I can't dance." " What a pity." "I'm sorry." " We could have flirted?" " I can't flirt." "I wish they'd never stop playing." "They are going to play all night." "So you'll hear them just as well from your bed." "To bed, miss big bundle." "Give me your glasses." "What is it?" "You're not well?" "Are you unhappy?" "Why did mummy leave you?" "It's quite a story." "Because she met another man." "He was very handsome so she loved him." "So she left with him." "That's all I can tell you." "But it is not sad, you know, because she is very happy and me too, because I have you." "What about Clara?" "You like her, don't you?" "Yes." "She is like my sister." "It's as if you had two daughters." "Good night, pumpkin." "Will Clara come to say good night?" " Has she ever forgotten?" " No." "Dad, when is your next leave?" "Very soon." "I promise." "Come on, go to sleep, miss big bundle." " Is he courting you again?" " Yes." "How do you feel about it?" " It is very pleasant." " Ah." " Really?" " Yes." "Are you jealous?" "Bloody pipes." "Fucking country!" "Fucking war!" " Get lost, drunkard!" " Yes sir." "What kind of sloppiness is this, Wake up immediately!" "Attention!" "From now on, the vehicules must be guarded around the clock!" "There could be Partisans in the neighbourhood!" " You two will take the watch immediately!" " Yes, sir!" "It's about time, you're late." "Prize of religious instruction, miss Bézac." "Let all the pupils of 5A class who will hear their name come here with us!" "Miss Dandieu, awarded 7 times, nominated twice." "Congratulations!" "Miss Lenqueteau, awarded twice, nominated once." "Too late!" "It's just over!" "Sorry dear, I was on time, was I not?" "I didn't sleep at the hospital, but we got a flat tire." "Is that true?" "Look at my hands:" "full of dust and dirty grease." "When I wanted to find the gloves, your mother had used them" " ...to clip the rosetrees..." " Hush about your hands..." " Look, Award for Excellence!" " And History!" "History too?" "Oh, Cyrano de Bergerac, all my youth." "Prince, pray Heaven for your soul's weal!" "I move a pace--lo, such!" "and such!" "Cut over--feint!" "What ho!" "You reel?" "At the envoi's end, I touch!" " Sorry, sister." " You look cheerful, Doctor." "Well yes, Sister AmŽlie it's celebration day!" "Ah, our Julien..." "Herman!" "Get tis dunghill to start!" "Speed up the leaving!" "It's taking too long!" "Hurry!" "Faster!" "Attention!" "Faster!" " Fill the jerrycans with water!" " Yes, sir!" " Friedrich has disappeared!" " He was here!" "Idiot!" "You want to follow him?" "Back to the tank." "Friedrich is dead." "There must be Partisans down there." "The Obersturmfuhrer wants us all back in the tanks." "It's one of our divisions." "They're leaving." "Try to reach them." "Stop them and tell them to wait for us." " Very well." "Ludwig!" "Let's go!" "The bridge is broken!" "The Partisans are surrounding us!" "Fall back!" "Shut the doors!" "Beware, the window!" "Take one alive, for interrogation!" "This way!" "He must be here!" "I saw him!" "Let's hunt him down!" "Here!" "We're going to get him!" "The other side!" " We've been here already." " He is in the well." "Let's go this way." "Partisan, follow me to the castle!" "The Hauptsturmfuhrer wants to talk to you." "Come on!" "Hurry!" "Turn around!" "GO to the door, hurry!" "Faster!" "Faster!" "More Partisans..." "Hide!" "Complete silence." "Shoot only on my command." "Anybody there?" "Search the houses." "Luc, come with me." "This is incredible." "They weren't signaled on any road." " They are probobly still in the castle." " Chief!" "Look." "It's Doctor Dandieu." "What are you doing here?" "Are you alone?" "Yes." "And your family?" "They are in town." "I got here after..." "I couldn't do anything." "I hid when I saw them." "When did they leave?" "How many of them?" "A dozen." "They took the road to..." " Chief!" "I found a dead one!" "They must have fought back." "Do you want to come with us?" "No, thank you." "That's not very reasonable." "And it can be dangerous, they may come back." "Anyway, as you wish." "You won't be alone for long," "I'll tell the people from Mauricot." "Two men on the tank!" "Take aim at the entrance!" "The others to the ravine!" "Do you have everything?" "Follow me." " Here, tie the rope." " Yes, Haubtsturmfuhrer." "Wolfgang, you go first." "Julien" "The child..." "Wouldn't you like to make him now?" "If it's a boy, we'll name him David." "There, a Partisan on the terrace!" "Throw a grenade at him!" "We're trapped." "The Partisans are surrounding us." "Boys, the game is over." "Our comrades are probably too far away." "We'll never..." "We'll never see Germany again." "All we have left to do but to sell our souls for the highest price." " For the FŸhrer!" "And for Fatherland!" " Heil Hitler!" "...some attacks by the Soviet-Jew radio not a word about the suffering not a word about the displaced populations people of Normandie, dispelled from your homes and you, thousands of innocent missing or deads and you who will soon discover the "joys" of the Liberation..." "What the hell is she doing?" "She could have told us!" "She probably didn't want to drive at night?" "She'll be here in the morning." "It is the morning." "It is tomorrow morning!" "Don't be silly. 5:30 am." "It's not the morning yet." "Don't get smart." "You're right." " You know, François..." " What?" "She is so alive, so unpredictable." "Everything has happened so fast, between us..." "I'm always scared that one day she might leave." " You can't take anything for granted!" " No." "That's why you love her!" "." "Where have you been?" "A big detour and then I got lost." " Really?" " Yes, really." " Hello." " Hello." "Don't be mad at me, I have a surprise for you." " Peek-a-boo!" " What is she doing here?" " Why aren't you at school?" " It's closed." "Requisitionings." "We saw so many refugees on the road.." " He was getting mad without you." " Why?" "And that's not all." " What is that?" " That is Marcel." " We've named him Marcel." " Where does he come from, Marcel?" "He was all alone along the road." "So I stopped, we looked at each other and he got in." "Alright?" "Come, Marcel." "I've found an exit!" "In the basement, there is an exit to the village." "Haubtsturmfuhrer!" "A Partisan!" "Aaah!" "A Partisan!" "There, in the bedroom." "Search everywhere." "And hurry up!" "Here is another room." "He can't have just vanished into thin air!" "He is here, they're here." "I'm sure of it." " My friend Julien." " Good evening." " Please, have a seat." " Thank you." "Excuse me." "Well, er..." "I have to give a phone call." " I am very thirsty." " What do you want?" " A glass of Champagne." " Make it two, please." " What do you do for a living?" " I'm a surgeon, like François." "and I live in the country, like François." "All like François." "But, I don't know him that well, you know." " Which region?" " In the South, downwards." "Take a right as you go down." "It's called Le Quercy." "I also have a castle, a sort of castle, anyway." "I am restoring it." " Whenever I have the time." " That's good." "And you..." "What do you do?" "Me?" "Nothing." " Nothing at all?" " No." "Anyway, I'm trying." "It's not easy." "Thank you." "Dank u." " You're rich?" " No, not at all." "I work now and then, when I'm broke." "I help a friend who owns a bookshop." "I used to make costume jewelry for a fashion designer." "And then..." "Why?" "Are you interested?" " What?" " I don't know, me?" "Why are you looking at me like that?" " I love you." " You're mad." "No." "And now..." "You still love me." "Am I right?" "Are you happier?" "Or is it over?" "For me it is over." "Not because you're not handsome." "It has nothing to do with it." "It was..." "Very nice." "But I don't like men to whom I give myself right away..." "I don't like that." "That's not your fault." "It's mine." "It's a misunderstanding." "I'm sorry." "Eh!" "You're already back to your province?" "Clara," "The news are bad, I really think there's going to be a war." "I don't give a damn." "Do you want to marry me?" "Where is Walter?" "He was here a minute ago." "Hurry up!" "Are you trying to escape dressed as a civilian?" "Deserter!" "Dirty pig." "Klaus!" "Help!" "Klaus!" "Come, it's not far." "Here!" "Here!" "Light!" "Who's there?" "Help!" "Water!" "Water!" "Help!" "The water rises!" "Where is the dog?" "Marcel." "Marcel the dog." "Rien." "Clara must have taken him in her car." "Are you coming for dinner tonight?" "What's wrong?" "If you prefer I could be replaced at the hospital." "So I could stay with you for a few days." "Yes, if you want." "Clara likes when you come to visit us." " Julien..." " What?" "But..." "What is it?" "What have I..." "What..." | {
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" Another bad night, Beau?" " No, I'm good." "Beth's mum just called." "Beth's coming back." "She's bringing back the kids, wants to give it another try." " Well, that's great." " Yeah... who knows?" "I've got a different feeling about it this time." "Maybe we can turn it around." " I closed the Woods murder last night." " What?" "Two uniforms brought Lashley in and he confessed." "I like that, closing cases when I'm not here." "Give me the details, I'll type up the report." " Already done, and on Gee's desk." " Even better." "Thanks, partner." "Did you get your coffee?" "Coffee." "I knew something was missing." " Felton looks terrible." " I think that's mainly a lack of sleep." "Open your eyes." "He has a patina of self-destruction about him." "His eyes are red, his gills are green, he has a sheen of sweat on his brow." "He's been through a lot." "You'd be a wreck too, John." "I know what it's like to have a wife leave you but... drowning your woes in bourbon doesn't do a lot of good." "Stan, his wife didn't just leave him." "She took the kids and disappeared." "That's a little different than having your ex move to a condo in San Diego." " Santa Barbara." " Whatever!" "He'll be fine." "We're not the only ones." "You guys have noticed it." " What?" " You know." "That Beau's been hitting the sour mash a little hard lately." " Has he?" " Is this what you guys do?" "Gossip about each other?" "Cos it's none of your business, or mine either." "Now that you mention it, he has looked a little rocky." "Would you please stop?" "My partner's personal is not gonna be discussed." "He doesn't tell me how to live my life I'm not gonna tell him." "Fine." "My preference would be for a back-up I could depend upon, but that's just me." "OK, everyone, listen up." "The time has come to distribute Crosetti's open cases." "Gee, can I talk to you about that for a minute?" " No." " Come on, I want all his open cases." " No, no." " I'm his partner, OK!" "I'm responsible for those cases, I'm the one who knows them." "Your plate's full as it is, man." "As you know, at the time of his death" "Crosetti had five investigations underway." "Based on everyone's workloads, these cases will break down like this..." "Young from '93 will go to Bolander." "Munch, you take the Smith case." "Pembleton will wrap up Richmar, then work with Bayliss on the Becker case." "That leaves Chilton." "That case was his worst nightmare." "It made him crazy." "It was a curse for him." "I don't know who to give this case to." "Howard." "Why me?" "I don't want that case." "It's a dog." "Yes... and you've got the best clearance rate in this room." " You can't beat 100 per cent." " So?" "What?" "I'm not saying I don't like a challenge, Lieutenant..." "I do my job, but Erica Chilton?" " Maybe your luck will rub off on this." " Luck?" "I'm not following your logic." "You're giving it to me cos I have a 100 percent clearance rate?" "I'm giving you the Chilton case because you're a detective in this squad room and that's what I've decided." "Yes, sir." "Felton, you'll work with her on it." "Lewis will bring you up to speed." "OK, everybody, these cases have been neglected far too long already." "Let's do Steve proud." "I've been thinking about food for the bar and sketched up this menu idea." " This is French and Italian." " Yeah." "I realise that we've gotta offer food for our customers, but this is scary!" " What would you have us serve?" " Hamburgers, crab cakes, turkey clubs." " Hamburgers, crab cakes, turkey clubs?" " I don't think we should serve food." " Munch, line one." " For me?" "Who is it?" "Pick up the phone, maybe you'll find out, huh?" " Excuse me, guys." " With food there's too much overhead." "Timmy, my boy, we have to serve food." "Well, if we have to offer food, then I say bratwurst." "What the hell's bratwurst?" " The bank wants to see us." " The bank?" " About the loan." " I thought we were done with that?" "We were." "Apparently somebody screwed up somewhere." "It's not me this time." "Why do you guys always assume that it's me?" "I want it to be really special for all of us, just me, my kids, my wife." "We'll celebrate, put the past behind us." "We'll talk about all the things we're gonna do with this year." "Maybe plan a vacation or something." " Sounds good." " Yeah." "I was supposed to take Alex skiing last Christmas but it didn't work out." "Poconos are nice." "They're not too far, but..." " It's kinda romantic but family oriented." " Yeah." "Poconos." " Do they think I'm stupid or gullible?" " Who?" "The Doublemint Twins!" "Granger and Barnfather." "Oh, yes!" "They think we're stupid and gullible." "I have been up there trying to get a replacement for Gaffney." "I transferred him six weeks ago." "They still won't give me another detective!" "I know this song." "I've been trying to get a replacement for Crosetti for weeks." " I know." "How have you been?" " Not bad." "You headed home?" "No, actually." "A friend is taking me to lunch." "Celebrate my promotion." " Where's he taking you?" " Brass Elephant." "She." " After Dalesio's, it's Baltimore's best." " Amanda always did have good taste." "Loves food." "Why don't you come with us?" "Really, really!" "If we're ever gonna be sociable, one of us has to play hooky once in a while." "I can't." "I have reports to read, documents to sign... bosses to infuriate." "And when my boys and girls are left alone, they get into mischief." "Oh, come on!" "You can be gone for one lousy hour to have some lunch." "Besides, Amanda's terrific." "I think you two will like each other." " Oh, yeah?" " Yeah!" " Hmm..." " Say nothing." "Let's just walk away." "What the hell!" "Wait up." "There you have it." "Well, your winning streak had to come to an end sooner or later." "Really?" "Why is that?" "And who says it's ending." "I'm just saying that this might be the one, but you can take a humble, I know that you can." "No, Frank, I'm a very good detective..." "Even the best detectives sometimes have open cases." "It's no disgrace." "That's just the way the cards fall." "You were lucky, that's all." "No, I have a 100 percent clearance rate because I have good instincts, I'm thorough..." "Look, I know about pride." "I'm the master of the art, but in this case, it may not apply." "I hope that you close this in one day but a little red under your name won't make you less of a detective." "Are you done?" "Yeah, yeah." "Good, cos I got some work to do." "Hey, Amanda!" "How come you look so healthy?" "You're meant to have a job!" "The pink you see in my cheeks is from pique!" "I brought a friend, Al Giardello, my counterpart who I never see, this is Amanda debreaux, my oldest friend, who I also never see." "We got something in common." " Nice to meet you." " Nice meeting you." "Erica Chilton is found by her six-year-old daughter, half-dressed on her bed, suffocated by her pillow." " Was she raped?" " That's what Crosetti thought initially." "They had sex." "Condition of the room indicated a lot of passion, but there was no evidence of assault." " Where's her daughter now?" " Her sister took her, out west." "It's in the notes." " OK." "What else?" " It's all in the notes." "The boyfriend was at work." "Tom..." "Marans, right?" "Er... yeah, and the neighbours heard screams but no one saw anything." "Uh-huh." "What about Marans?" "Could he have slipped out of work for 20 minutes?" "He didn't do it." "His alibi was solid." "I remember that." "He was devastated." "Look, it is all in the notes." "Crosetti kept updating them, in case he found something new." "Yeah, I've seen his notes, Mel!" " It's not an easy case." " Yeah, and it's six months cold!" "What am I supposed to do with this file?" "There's nothing in it!" " Back off, Howard!" " Meldrick, we gotta head to the bank." "Yeah, sure I'm going to the bank with you." "I'd rather have a root canal than stick around here!" "What do you say we go back and interview these people again?" "Maybe they'll remember something they never remembered before." "OK." "Fine." "Let's start from scratch." "After you!" "I don't fuss much when I'm by myself, but every once in a while I cook and the world stands still." "I follow my impulse and then throw caution to the wind." "I'm Italian." " Italian?" " First generation." "Balangiare a la dolce vita!" " Northern Italian or southern?" " Both my parents are from the south." "My father's Siciliano, from Sicily, my mother from Louisiana and I make a mean gumbo." " Amanda has some Creole blood." " Is that so?" "Oh, yeah!" "By the way of Rhode Island!" "I grew up in Woonsocket, but my great-grandmother was from the Dominican Republic." "Amanda teaches history." "And I've got a class..." "Unless anyone wants coffee..." "No." "No." " OK, we'll take the check." " Thanks." "Oh, no, please!" "My treat." "But you didn't invite me." " I let you sit down, didn't I?" " Very well, if you insist." "But the next time it's on me." "Deal?" "It's a deal." "Hinks Bank!" "What kinda name is that for a bank, anyway?" "Whose idea was it to come to this one?" " Our lawyer's." " What does it mean, Hinks?" "Hopefully it means we'll be out in less than an hour with our mortgage!" "Sure you told us everything about your past?" "Are you a Weatherman who went underground in the 70's?" " I was playing in the sandbox then." " They recruited young!" " Detective Munch!" " Ingrid, right?" " Inger." " Inger!" "So, why did you invite us down?" "Is something wrong with our loan or did you have trouble verifying our combined income?" " No, that's fine." " What?" "Our credit report came in bad?" "It's him, isn't it?" "Listen, my credit is just fine, OK?" "I carry a platinum card." "How many detectives you know carry platinum?" "Not many." "So there's nothing wrong, is there?" " No, everything is fine." " It is?" " Your loan has met final approval." " Right." "So, then why did you call us down here?" "It's our policy to give good news face to face." "At Hinks Bank we like to put a happy human face on everything we do." "Don't you try to do the same in your jobs?" " We're detectives, Inger." " I know." " Homicide detectives." " I know." "We never have any good news to give anybody face to face, ever." "Never?" "Well, hardly ever, unless a wife's happy to hear their husband got shot, but..." "Well, that's not never." "She has a point." "I think Tom Marans is our prime suspect." "How old do you think that place is?" "18th century?" "I don't know about that kind of thing." "When the kids get back, maybe I'll buy one of these." "The change would be good." "We need that right now." "The school's are probably good around here." "Beth's mum say when they're coming back?" "Soon." "Probably a day or two." "New house, new neighbourhood... yeah." "Beau, it..." "Will you take another look in Crosetti's file for me, please." " The part about possible abuse." " All right, OK..." "Based on the report, Crosetti thought Erica Chilton might have been battered." "Some scars, some old bone fractures." "310 Montgomery, right there." "Yes." " Tom Marans?" " Uh-huh." "What can I do for you?" "We're Homicide." "I'm Detective Howard, this is Detective Felton." " About time you showed up." " What do you mean?" "I've been leaving messages for weeks." "And no one bothers to return my calls." " Where are those other two guys?" " The detective that was heading up the investigation of the death of your girlfriend, he passed away." " The bald guy with the moustache?" " Yeah." "That's rough." "I'm sorry." "He was great to me." "So, you like collecting things, huh?" "Yeah." "Erica and I used to go to auctions together, the state sales." "She refinished the table by herself." "It took her four months, a lot of mess." "I would never have had the patience." "You still keep in touch with Erica's daughter?" "Sure." "We were together for three years." "That's half her life." " She doesn't even see her own dad." " You know where her dad is?" "No." "Erica lost track of him." "I have no idea." "OK." "Why was it you were trying to get in touch with Detective Crosetti?" "I found these letters when I got around to packing up Erica's stuff." "She never mentioned him." "They're benign but he was in love with her." "Yeah, well... we'll look into it." "We'd have been married by now." "So, what do you think?" "He's great, right?" "He's sweet, but I'm not interested in..." " Mummy, let's get shrimp." " Honey, you're interrupting." "I'm sorry, but can we?" "I love shrimp!" "I know you love shrimp." "All right, hang on." "OK, here's $10." "Go ask the man for half a pound, OK?" "OK." "Thank you." "OK, so..." "Why?" "What's the problem?" "I don't know, but I know he's not for me." "Coward!" "You're afraid to fall in love again." " Mummy, do I like the jumbo kind?" " Yeah, honey, jumbo's fine." " These are nice for this time of year." " Amanda..." "You know..." "Al's a wonderful man." "Hey, you are the one that always has to be in love." " I'm better on my own." " Yeah, sure you are!" "Listen, I'm not closing any doors, but if it's meant to be, I'll fall in love again, or not." " Either way, I'm happy." " Hmm..." "I'm not so sure if that's a healthy attitude or a fatalistic one." "Beau, pick up line three." "Felton." "Zach?" "You OK?" "Ssh!" "Why are you crying, honey?" "No, not at all." "I'm gonna see you real soon, pal." "Yeah!" "Hello?" "Beth." "Hey!" "What are..." "Your mum said that you were coming home." "You can't just change your mind, Beth!" "Damn it, Beth!" "Beth..." "Beth?" "We are now... incorporated." "Wow!" "We got a corporate account!" "Did I just feel my sphincter move?" "I wish Felicia could see me now." "I wish Gwen and Nancy and Maria, and every woman in Baltimore would step up to the plate." " This'll brush them back, right?" " Absolutely!" "They think they can dig in and swing for the bleachers on me?" "They'll be looking at John Munch with new eyes." " New eyes!" " Bobby!" "Hey, hey!" "Big day, huh?" " Did you get all the banking settled?" " Absolutely." " Let's get on with the festivities." " Hand over the down-payment cheque made out to Hinks Bank." "Huh?" "Here is your cheque for the full purchase amount." "Here's your cheque paying off my mortgage." "Here's your cheque for the real-estate commission." "Here are the keys to the kingdom!" "Voilà!" " Contemplez!" " That's it!" "We're done!" "You need to write a cheque for $2,000." " Huh?" " What is that?" "Your fee?" " No, it's for Dram Shop insurance." " That's not covered in the contract?" "No." "Do we have $2,000?" "Well, yeah..." "Yeah!" "The EIV will give us a discount, right?" "There are no discounts." "This is a standard fee." ""Hinks Life and Accident Insurance." How about that?" "OK..." " If I can write one, I can write two." " Take your time." "Hinks Life..." "I'm on to new business." "You said drop the investigation, I dropped it." "Now I'm telling you to get on it again." " I got no leads." " My wife's been missing a month." "How could you still have no leads?" "Missing Persons isn't Homicide." "Cases move slower down there." "The only thing moving slowly, Roger, is your fat butt!" "Keep talking like that and your case goes to the bottom of the bin." "With you in charge, it doesn't matter!" " I'll keep looking for my kids by myself." " Look, be my guest!" "Better yet, why don't you hire yourself a good private investigator." "I can give you a list of names, if you want." "All right." "Thanks." "Thank you for your time." "Very good." "No, I got the number." "All right, thank you." "Yeah." "Bye." "It's nice of you to show up." "I was gonna send out a search party." "Sorry." "We're placing calls to the Chilton family today, right?" "I'm almost done." "Those old injuries we thought were abuse..." "Erica's mother said she got trampled by a horse when she was 14." "Spent five months on her back." "Nobody else knows anything." "Hey, Beau..." "How about tonight you try something different?" " Sleep in pyjamas." " Oh..." " What's our next move?" " Let's look at those letters." "Find out who this guy is, where he's from." "It may be nothing, but it's all I've got." "The letters." "Hey, Beau..." "Give me a minute." " What did you do with them?" " I threw them here in my pocket." "You checked your pocket four times." "You take them home with you?" " I don't know." " You got bombed again last night." " No!" " I thought that was over." " I did not get bombed last night." " You're disgusting!" "I can smell it!" "Kay, I had a call from Beth last night." "It was..." "Beau..." "I have to close this case, you understand?" "Yeah, I understand." "I'm sorry." "I'll find the letters." "We don't know if they're anything..." "That is not the point." "You have a responsibility to this job, to me, and right now you're a liability, so why don't you just take off?" "Or have yourself another drink?" "I gave you the letters!" "The guy's name is right on there!" "What are you asking me his name for?" "Look, Detective Howard has the letters and she's not reachable." "We were just hoping you could help us out." "I wanna get a head start." "Maybe you could recall Erica's old boyfriend's name?" "Alex something, I think." "I don't know." "It's not like I wanted to keep reading them over and over." "Right." "Listen, I'm sorry." "You don't have to worry about it." "It's..." "She's probably waiting at the office for me." "I won't bother you again." "Oh, Kay..." "Frigging process takes forever." "Yeah, it's always too light, too dark, isn't it?" "Mmm." " You gonna be long?" " Probably." "Contractor with a conscience signed a bunch of cons up on a work-release programme last year." "They gutted and restored a building across the street from Chilton's place." "I'm hoping a neighbour remembers seeing one of them talking to her, or something." " Hmm..." " What the hell does that mean?" "I thought you had something." "From the boyfriend?" "A diary or..." "Yeah, some letters." "I don't have them now, OK?" "It's a long shot, but it's better than nothing." "Well, you think maybe I could just..." "jump in there real quick?" " Yeah, sure." " I got a fresh one." "You go right ahead." "Thanks." "Great." " Hey, Megan!" " Hey, Al!" "Thanks for inviting me to lunch yesterday." " I'm glad you could join us." " I'd like to call Amanda, repay my debt and take her out." " Really?" " Why not, right?" " What?" " Al..." "Walk with me, Al." " She's been hurt a couple of times." " Haven't we all?" "Sure, but Amanda's twice divorced." "She..." "She won't go to the next step if it doesn't feel right." "Typical!" "You know, I..." "I should have seen this coming." "What?" "It's not personal, it's chemistry, or something." "Yeah." "Maybe it's... not chemistry, maybe it's biology." "Maybe I'm too black." "What?" "Come on, you're not serious?" "Yes, I am." "Women like Amanda never go for a guy like me." "Wait, what are you talking about, "women like Amanda, guys like you"?" "Men whose skin's a little darker, whose lips are a little fatter." "This is not a new thing." "So, you're saying that Amanda won't go out with you because you're blacker than she is?" "Yes, I am." "Black women..." "like Amanda feel like a man like me will bring them down... that we're no good, that we're unclean." "Oh..." "Al..." "I've known Amanda for a long time." "She has been fighting for equal rights since she was 16." "She can't listen to a Polish joke without going off on ethnic stereotyping!" "I..." "I can't tell you... how many times this has happened to me." "I once had a black woman that told me," ""I could never love you because" ""because your nose... is too wide."" "Still, I..." "I think you're making an unfair assumption, a generalisation." "You're being guilty of exactly the same thing you say Amanda is guilty of." "I don't expect you to understand, being a woman... and white." "I don't expect you to understand." " What?" "You waiting on a suspect?" " No." "Then what's all this?" "Photos and cases files of felons working across the street from Chilton's place." "Carpenters, bricklayers, loafers." "Yeah, well, patience is virtuous, huh?" "Sometimes it's harder than work." "I'll find something, eventually." "Yeah." "Look, I know you think you're a better cop than Crosetti but he did what he could on this case." "I know that now." "This isn't about Steve, and his skill or ability, it's about me, understand?" "Sure." "But you could sit on a shot tower spitting nickels and you still wouldn't solve this." "No, I will." "It's frustrating, I know." "Crosetti and I spent three months on this murder and he knew we were stuck after the first four weeks." "It's just one of them cases." "Well, I've never had one of those cases." "Yeah, I know you haven't... until now." "All right, four, five..." "Hey, Gee!" "You got a minute?" "Am I gonna be getting a new partner any time soon?" "I know working solo might be Pembleton's style but I like to work with somebody, you know, somebody I can bounce ideas off and so forth." "I'm a collaborator at heart and I know that" "I ain't never gonna replace Crosetti but it's time for me to move on." "Well, call Captain Granger, call Colonel Barnfather." "Better still, call the Deputy Commissioner." "I've been trying to reach him for two weeks." "If you made the telephone call, he might listen to you and get all misty eyed and finally make a move." "Get this thing out of my way!" "OK, you see what I mean?" "He's been schizo for a few days, right?" "First he's depressed when he has to give out Crosetti's open cases, but then he comes back from lunch, he's practically floating." "Today he's furious." "Man!" "Talk about your mood swings!" "Maybe it's hormonal." "I don't know what it is, but I know Gee is doing the loop-de-Ioop." "I don't think it's healthy." "Maybe it's dangerous." " What are we supposed to do?" " I don't know." "Something." "No, big man, don't go there!" "Don't do it!" "Did you eat anything?" "I'm starving." "I'm busy." "Come on, I'll take you to Jimmy's, warm your innards." "No, thanks, I'm skipping meals for a while." "Something you wanted?" "No, no." "Well, go and pull the door for me, would you?" "We are the Three Musketeers!" " Oh, yeah?" "Who am I?" " Name them, Munch." "You got Darlene, Annette and Cubby." "Just kidding!" "You want musketeers, not mouseketeers." "So you have..." " Aramis, Athos, Porthos, D'Artagnan." " That's four, not three." "You can count better than Alexandre Dumas." "That's why I'm in business with you and not him." " How are you coming along?" " I'm pushing all these buttons." "Nothing." "But you're computer literate." "I am, with computers, not with dinosaurs like this." "There's gotta be an of operating manual." " Hey, fellas!" " How do you open this?" " You got me." "I never used it." " How did you handle money?" "From here... to here!" "Excuse me!" "Excuse me!" "What are you doing with our beer?" " This ain't your beer." " Of course it is!" "I have had it about up to here with this, OK?" "This morning, we kicked down nine grand for so-called "incidentals"" " and you ain't taking the beer nowhere." " We gotta." "It's a state law." "State law!" "State law!" "I'll talk to you about state law!" " We know state law." " Chapter and verse!" "The state code forbids transfer of liquor from one owner to the next." " Since when?" " Since the Baltimore Catechism!" "Look, I'm out of the booze business." "I'm trying to keep you in compliance." "The County Sheriff's boys are gonna come by to make sure the liquor is gone." "Now, you wanna give us a hand, start clearing the liquor off the bar." "Well, I guess our grand opening ain't gonna be so grand, huh?" "You wouldn't have lunch with me." "How about dinner?" " I'm not hungry." " I insist." "I've already eaten." "I still insist." "Kay, hi!" "Hey, Lieutenant." " What a mess, huh?" " Mmm." "Big bus crash, in addition to the usual homicide crowd." "Piling up the bodies all the way down the hall." " Good luck finding yours!" " Gee gave me one of Crosetti's cases." "I was trying to put it down as wrongful death, respiratory failure due to the suffocation." "I have my doubts so I'm gonna see if Scheiner will back me up on exhuming the body." "Huh." "What do you think you're gonna find out?" "Maybe she ingested something, made it look like asphyxiation." "It's happens." "Uh-huh." "Something that wouldn't have shown up from the standard toxicological tests." "Yeah, maybe." "The missing link." "I just have to find it, that's all." "Everyone keeps saying this case is unsolvable." "So, you need to be the one to put it down?" "Yeah, you've got it." "We have a higher standard to maintain, right?" "They still don't know we're just as good as they are, better sometimes." "You wanna be thought of as a great woman detective?" "Yeah!" "You were the first woman shift commander here." " Don't you wanna be thought the best?" " No." "Not any more." "Making the comparison only compounds what shouldn't be an issue." "Look at it like this, would you rather be the sole female hotshot detective in Homicide or one of a team of hotshots?" "I am part of the team, Lieutenant, and I'm a good detective." "Yeah." "Isn't that enough?" "Goodnight." "Good luck!" "You too." "We reach a certain age when we realise we know less about life than we did when we were 17." "Women get smarter." "When I was 17 I remember I believed in life." "I trusted life." "I believed there were answers to questions." "I had hope." "A woman can affect a man totally." "How a woman feels about a man, that's how he'll feel about himself." "His friends, his job..." "Right now I wanna tell you" "I hate myself." "I don't have any friends to speak of." "All I have is this job and it disgusts me." "You like collard greens and cornbread?" " Not particularly." " Because you never tasted my wife's." "That's all it would take, no matter how bad a day it was." "She had that touch." "I remember how she used to touch me, so gently on the cheek and when she was dying I remember how she touched me." "She said..."Remember "how much I love you."" "I'll never forget that." "It's hard to meet single women on this job." "You know?" "You meet plenty of widows, sure, but the timing just don't seem right." "I don't wanna be alone any more." "I find myself folding in." "I think this is what Crosetti found out and I refused to recognise it in him because I wouldn't see it in myself." "I understand." "I understand completely." " Hello, Beau." " Hey." "Could we talk for a while?" "Oh..." "I don't know if that's such a good idea." "Um..." "Do you wanna go home?" "I was just on my way home." "I thought I'd stop by, see how you were doing." "Please." " I spoke to my son last night." " You found them?" "They're OK?" "I don't know." "Beth said she was coming back." "Then she changed her mind." "Zach sounded afraid, confused... and then she took the phone from him before he could tell me where they are." "You don't need to hear this." "I'm sorry." "No, no, it's all right." "Really." "If someone tried to take Caroline away from me, I..." "I can't even imagine what I would do." "I'm falling apart." "It's like this big hole's opened up underneath me and I can't stop myself from falling." "I'm a big boy." "I'll land on my feet, right?" "You know, when Mike died, I almost died." "I felt..." "I felt so angry." "You still are, I think." " Maybe." " Well then it'll get easier." "How?" "My family's what I've worked for all my life." "My house isn't full unless all of us are there unless I'm there." "You're a good man." "Megan..." "I need to stay here with you tonight." "I don't know." "I don't know if that's..." "No, I..." "Just, just here." "Quietly." "I miss my children." "All right... you just rest here for a while, OK?" "I'm scared, Megan" "I know." "I know." "I know." "All right!" " Kay, I've been thinking..." " Yeah." "What if the father of Chilton's child came into town and murdered her?" "Maybe he thinks this is the only way he can get his daughter back." "That's very good thinking." "I checked it out and the guy's been in Alaska for two years, but I appreciate that." "You know something?" "I know a good detective never gives up but a good detective may, when the time is right, move along." "Could I please get a uniform to escort Mr Hessler in there down to Holding?" "He confessed to the murder of Niels Richmar." "Yay!" "Congratulations." " I was lucky." " Yeah, right!" "All right!" " I'll get it." " No, it's OK, I got it." "Howard, Homicide." "Yeah." "All right, hold on a moment..." | {
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"Thank you!" "Thank you!" "Thank you!" "Thank you!" "Thank you!" "Go!" "Thank you very much!" "Thank you!" "Thank you!" "Thank you!" "I'm a modern man!" "I'm a modern man!" "I'm a modern man!" "I'm a modern man!" "I'm a modern man!" "A man for the millennium!" "Digital and smoke-free!" "A diversified, multi-cultural post-modern deconstructionist politically, anatomically and ecologically incorrect..." "I've been uplinked and downloaded, I've been inputted and outsourced..." "I know the upside of downsizing, I know the downside of upgrading..." "I'm a high-tech low-life!" "A cutting-edge, state of the art... bi-coastal multi-tasker, and I can give you a gigabyte in a nanosecond!" "I'm new-wave, but I'm old-school;" "and my inner child is outward-bound..." "I'm a hot-wired, heat-seeking, warm-hearted cool customer and I'm voice-activated and bio-degradable..." "I interface with my database;" "and my database is in cyberspace so I'm interactive, I'm hyperactive and from time to time I'm radioactive!" "Behind the eight ball, ahead of the curve, ridin' the wave, dodging' the bullet, pushing' the envelope!" "I'm on point, on task, on message and off drugs!" "I've got no need for coke and speed!" "I've got no urge to binge and purge!" "I'm in the moment, on the edge, over the top, but under the radar..." "A high-concept, low profile, medium-range ballistic missionary..." "A street-wise smart bomb, a top-gun bottom-feeder..." "I wear power ties, I tell power lies, I take power naps, I run victory laps..." "I'm a totally ongoing, big-foot, slam-dunk rainmaker with a pro-active outreach..." "A raging workaholic, a working rageaholic;" "out of rehab and in denial!" "I've got a personal trainer, a personal shopper, a personal assistant and a personal agenda!" "You can't shut me up!" "You can't dumb me down!" "'Cause I'm tireless, and I'm wireless, I'm an alpha-male on beta-blockers." "I'm a non-believer, I'm an over-achiever;" "Laid-back and fashion-forward." "Up-front, down-home, low rent, high-maintenance!" "Super-sized, long-lasting, high-definition, fast-acting, oven-ready and built to last!" "I'm a hands-on, footloose, knee-jerk head case;" "prematurely post-traumatic and I have a love child who sends me hate-mail!" "But I'm feeling, I'm caring, I'm healing, I'm sharing..." "A supporting, bonding, nurturing primary-care giver..." "My output is down, but my income is up!" "I take a short position on the long bond, ...and my revenue stream has its own cash flow." "I read junk mail, I eat junk food, I buy junk bonds, I watch trash sports..." "I'm gender-specific, capital-intensive, user-friendly and lactose intolerant!" "I like rough sex;" "I like tough love, I use the f-word in my e-mail and the software on my hard drive is hard-core" " No soft porn!" "I bought a microwave at a mini-mall." "I bought a mini-van at a mega-store..." "I eat fast-food in the slow lane, I'm toll-free, bite-size, ready-to-wear, and I come in all sizes!" "A fully equipped, factory-authorized, hospital-tested, clinically proven, scientifically formulated medical miracle!" "I've been pre-washed, pre-cooked, pre-heated, pre-screened, pre-approved, pre-packaged post-dated, freeze-dried, double-wrapped, vacuum-packed, and..." "I have an unlimited broadband capacity!" "I'm a rude dude, but I'm the real deal." "Lean and mean." "Cocked, locked and ready to rock!" "Rough, tough, and hard to bluff." "I take it slow, I go with the flow..." "I ride with the tide, I've got glide in my stride..." "Drivin' and movin', sailing' and spinning', jivin' and groovin, wailing' and winning'..." "I don't snooze, so I don't lose!" "I keep the pedal to the metal and the rubber on the road..." "I party hearty!" "And lunchtime is crunch time." "I'm hangin' in, there ain't no doubt and I'm hangin' tough." "Over and out!" "Thank you!" "Thank you!" "Thank you very much!" "Way to go!" "Thank you!" "Hey!" "I've got 341 days over and next year's my 50th anniversary in show business so let's do a fucking show!" "Huh?" "You know some people don't talk about' em in public anymore?" "Pussyfarts!" "So, anyway..." "I said that on my last HBO show and apparently some people don't know what a pussyfart is...!" "...'cause I got some inquiries..." "Here's the deal!" "A pussyfart is like when you're making love to a woman who's got a little extra air in her vagina and every time you thrust forward there's kind of a..." "And the two of you, just lyin' there, each is wonderin' if the other one farted..." "And the man is usually thinking:" ""Maybe she farts when she comes!"" ""Maybe she took a shit!"" ""Man, I gotta stay out of that fucking bar!"" "Another word you don't hear too often is "Dingleberries!"" "You know?" "You never hear it in "Meet the Press?"" "The dingleberry solution, the dingleberry-gate..." "Nothing!" "I guess this is 'cause "dingleberries" is one of them words you don't say too much past your tenth birthday!" "It't not a grown-up's word!" "It's a kid's word!" ""Dingleberries!"" "Always sounded kinda Christmasy to me!" "Won't you say there's a holiday ring to it?" ""Dingleberries!"" ""John, you may want to hang some dingleberries over the front door!"" ""And when Mary Ann comes over she can kiss you under the Dingleberries!"" "It is to be devoutedly wished that she would kiss me under the Dingleberries!" ""Cornhole" is another word you don't hear enough!" "You don't hear that nearly enough, you know!" "It's a good word!" "A solid word!" "It's a tough word!" "It's a man's kind of word!" "It's got a masculine sound!" "Like "shotgun", and "ashcan", and "tow-truck"...!" ""Cornhole!"" "Everything's been sanitized now, and cleaned up!" "First with these fucking Christians, let's just start with them!" "Let's not leave out these PC campus liberal assholes!" "They're just as fucking bad from a different direction!" "But's everything's different!" "Everything's been polished up!" "It's "anal intercourse", "anal rape!"" "Bullshit!" "Cornhole!" "I'm a big fan of the prime time crime shows I like all of them pretty much, you know, I like "Law and Order", and all the spin-offs of that..." "I like "CSI", and all of those spin-offs, 'cause they're forensic shows, you know?" "And I'm just waiting for one night to be sitting there watching one of them shows, and the chief medical examiner turns to the lead detective and say "Steve..."" ""Looks to me like that after they killed this guy the perpretators rolled him over and cornholed him about thirty or forty fucking times..."" ""And there's a posthumous multiple cornhole entry wound!"" "In prison it's a social activity!" "Yeah, it's right there on the bulletin board!" ""Checkers, handball, cornholing!"" "Now, just to change the subject a little bit..." "Do you realize...?" "...that right this second, right now somewhere around the world some guy is getting ready to kill himself?" "Ain't that great?" "Do you ever stop and think about that kind of shit?" "I do!" "It's fun!" "And it's interesting!" "And it's true!" "Right this second, some guy is getting ready to bite the big bazooka!" "Because statistics show that every year a million people commit suicide!" "A million!" "That's 280 a day!" "That's one every 30 seconds!" "There goes another guy!" "And I say "guy" because men are four times more likely than women to commit suicide!" "Even though women attempt it more!" "So men are better at it!" "That's something else you girls are wanna be working on!" "Well, if you wanna be truly equal, you're gonna have to start taking your own lives in greater numbers!" "But I just think it's interesting to know "interesting", that's a big word in this show for me interesting to know that at any moment, the odds are good that some guy is draggin' a chair across the garage floor trying to get it right underneath that ceiling beam don't want it to be too far off center." "If it's worth doing, it's worth doing right!" "Somewhere else another guy is going over and getting a gun out of a chest of drawers..." "Somebody else is opening up a brand new package of razorblades!" "Maybe struggling with the cellophane a little bit, you know?" ""Oh shit!" "There's always something!" "Goddam it!"" "I just think that's interesting as hell!" "That's probably the most interesting thing you can do with your life!" "End it!" "I don't think I could that, though!" "Could you?" "God!" "I couldn't commit suicide if my life depended on it!" "But I understand it, you know?" "I think I do..." "I don't wonder about it!" "I don't wonder:" ""Why did he do that?" "What was going through his mind?" You know what I wonder?" "Where do you find the fucking time?" "Who's got time to be committing suicide?" "Aren't you busy?" "I've got shit to do!" "Suicide would be way down on my list probably down past lighting my own house on fire!" "Am I wanna try a little self-mutilation first?" "You know?" "Take a couple of hunks out of my arm..." "See if I like the general idea...!" "Cause you gotta have priorities, man!" "You know?" "And you gotta have a plan, too, for something like that!" "Gotta plan that shit!" "People don't just run out the house and jump off a bridge!" "There are things you have to decide!" "Timing is important!" "When are you gonna do it?" ""Welll, let me see it now...!"" ""Wednesday's out." "Gotta take Timmy to the circus...!"" ""Survivors's on on Thursday!"" ""Friday, I've got my colon cleansing..."" ""Folks are coming over on Sunday..."" ""Sunday...!"" "By God, that'll be just the thing!" "Maybe Mum will find my body!" "Serves her right for fucking me up the way she did!" "Then you have to pick a method!" "How are you gonna do it?" "Well, let me see it now...!" "I'm afraid of heights, that's no good!" "Can't swallow pills, Don't like the sight of blood...!" "Fucking ovens are electric...!" "I'd lay out in front of a train, except damn track ain't coming through here in thirty goddam years!" "Maybe I'll just take a gun and shoot myself in the mouth!" "Huh..." "Suppose I miss!" "People'll be laughing at me!" "Suppose I live...!" "I'd have a big fucking hole in my head!" "I'd have to wear some kind of dumbass hat!" "Well, I guess I'll just hang myself!" "That'll be good!" "Gotta get a rope!" "Oh, shit!" "There's always something...!" "I've got a rope in the garage...!" "Ah!" "It's got a lot of grease and paint on it!" "Don't want to get that stuff on my neck!" "Wal-Mart is having a special on rope this weekend!" "No sense in spending a lot of money to kill myself!" "Then again, I can always put it on my credit card, and never have to pay the fucking thing!" "Eh, that's it, then!" "I'm hanging myself and Wal-Mart is paying for it!" "What's next?" "A note...!" "Oh, Jesus!" "Gotta express myself!" "Hell, if I gotta express myself I wanna be thinking a note or something, I guess..." "Where's the pen?" "Can never find a pen!" "Told the kids not to move the pen away from that telephone!" "Goddam kids!" "I'll just kill them, too!" "Make it one of them family package deals!" "Ah, here's a pen!" "I oughta jam it in my fucking neck and get it over with!" "Let's see now...!" "Where do you put the date, upper left...?" "I can never remember that...!" ""To whom it may concern..."" "Huh... sounds kinda impersonal..." ""Dear Marcelle..." Huh, leaves out the kids..." "I know!" ""Hey, guys!" "Guess what?"" ""Keep on reading!" "How are you?" "I hope you are fine!"" ""I am not fine!"" ""As you can no doubt tell from me hanging here from the ceiling fixture!"" ""You were the ones who drove me to this!"" ""I was doing just fine until you fuckers came along!"" ""I hope you're happy now that I'm goddam dead!"" ""Signed:" "The corpse in this room!"" ""P.S. Fuck you, people!"" "That would be a good note!" "I don't think a writer could ever commit suicide, do you?" "A writer would be too busy working on the note all goddam year!" "Trying to get it just right!" "First draft, second draft, third revision, whole new ending...!" "And finally turning it into a book proposal and have a reason to live!" "It won't work!" "I think about stuff like that!" "It's interesting to me, like I said!" "Certain things are interesting!" "Suicide is interesting!" "Life is filled with interesting things!" "That's why I could never commit suicide!" "I'm having too much fun!" "Keeping an eye on you, folks!" "Watching what you do!" "Human behaviour!" "That's what I like!" "Humans do some really interesting things!" "Like, besides killing ourselves, we also kill each other!" "Murder!" "And we're the only ones who do that, by the way!" "Humans are the only species on earth that deliberately kills members of their own species for personal gain..." "Or pleasure!" "Sometimes it's just fun...!" "We're also the only species that deliberately kill members of another species...!" "...for personal gain, or pleasure!" "That's what hunters do!" "They kill for pleasure!" "That's us!" "Human beings!" "Interesting folks!" "Murderous!" "Here's an interesting form of murder we came up with...!" "Assassination!" "Do you what's interesting about assassination!" "Well, not only does it change those popularity polls in a big fucking hurry!" "But it's also interesting to know who it is we assassinate!" "Do you ever notice, stop to think who it is we kill...?" "It's always people who told us to live together in harmony and try to love one another...!" "Jesus, Gandhi, Lincoln, John Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Martha Rivers, Malcolm X, John Lennon..." "They all said: "Try to live together peacefully!" BAM!" "Right in the fucking head!" "Apparently we're not ready for that!" "Yeah!" "That's difficult behaviour for us!" "We're too busy, thinking around, sitting around trying to think up ways to kill each other!" "Here's one we came up with!" "It's efficient, too!" "Genocide!" "You know?" "Killing large numbers of people simply 'cause they don't look like you, they don't talk like you and they don't have the same kind of hats you do!" "Did you ever notice that anytime you see two groups of people who really hate each other, chances are good they're wearing different kinds of hats!" "Keep an eye on that!" "It might be important!" "But anytime there's genocide there are always mass graves!" "Every time we kill some dictator and go marching through his country we always finds mass graves!" "Thousands and thousands of dead bodies of people the dictator killed!" "And everybody over here gets horrified!" ""Oh, mass graves!" "Mass graves!" "Oh!"" "Oh, shit!" "What's a guy supposed to do with a couple of thousand people he just killed?" "Dig separate holes?" "Fuck that shit!" "It's labor intensive!" "Get real!" "The whole idea of killing a large number of people at one time, in one place, is convenience!" "Efficiency!" "Throw 'em in the fucking hole!" "Look at it this way!" "At least the dictator had the decency to throw a little dirt on them!" "Give the guy some credit!" "Dictator's a busy man!" "Got a lot in his mind!" "Like trying to figure out who's planning to kill him!" "So he can pick them up, put them in prison, and torture them!" "Here's another of our interesting heart-warming behaviours we came up with somewhere along the way!" "Torturing each other!" "You wanna hear a really cool torture that the romans invented?" "They also used it as a form of capital punishment!" "It's really creative!" "They would take the guy in question, stuff him in a burlap sack, seal the sack up real tight and throw him in the river, but...!" "...and here's the creative part!" "Inside the sack, with the guy...!" "...they would put a dog, a monkey and a snake!" "OK?" "A dog, a monkey and a snake!" "That's fucking creative!" "Imagine being inside a burlap sack in the water, in the dark, sitting next to a drowning monkey...!" "...think he'd be moving around a little bit?" "The dog, he'll be going apeshit!" "We know that!" "And the snake?" "Well, he'd probably be getting curious about what all the activity was inside the sack!" "He might do anything!" "Whatever he did, it would probably involve venom ant its teeth!" "You know what you'd be doing?" "You'd be praying to God that the snake bit the monkey and the dog ate the snake!" "Then it would be just you and the dog!" "Man and his best friend!" "Drowning together!" "Maybe before you died you could teach him a few tricks!" "Roll over and play dead wouldn't be too difficult, would it?" "Just a thought!" "Just a playful thought!" "By the way, I assume you've noticed that all these activities I'm mentioning, murder torture, genocide..." "These are all things human beings do!" "Not animals!" "Those creatures we feel superior to!" "This is us!" "Here's another one of our spiritually uplifting activities!" "We don't do this one much anymore!" "But it used to be really big!" "Human sacrifice!" "I miss that!" "The Aztecs loved human sacrifice!" "And they were good at it!" "Well, they got a lot of practice!" "For instance, around the year 1500 the aztecs sacrificed 18,000 people in one ceremony!" "OK?" "18,000 people in one ceremony!" "Do you know what the occasion was?" "They were opening a new temple!" "Nothing like religion for a little entertainment, huh?" "Specially that old-time religion!" "Do you know how the aztecs went about their sacrificing?" "Here's how they did it..." "They would do that right out in public, right in front of everybody, big town, beautiful city square... twenty, thirty thousand people looking on!" "They would take the guy...!" "...lay him on an altar, cut his chest open, pull his heart out and hold it up in the air while it was still beating!" "Got that?" "Cut his chest open, pull his heart out and hold it up in the air while it was still beating!" "Do you know what you call that?" "Theatre!" "That's fucking theatre!" "And although the procedure may have been a little too crude to be considered the first bypass surgery...!" "...it could easily be seen as an early form of organ donor programme!" "The aztecs!" "Human beings!" "Just like us..." "Not too long ago!" "500 years!" "Columbus had already landed!" "That was just south of here!" "Mexico!" "By the way, those hearts didn't go to waste!" "Because right after the ceremonies..." "The royal family, naturally, would enjoy another one of our amusing activities..." "Cannibalism!" "Imagine that!" "Chowing down on another human being!" "You gotta be all out of beef jerky, man!" "You gotta be really fucking hungry!" "But it happens, doesn't it?" "Still happens to this day!" "A bunch of people?" "Stranded in the wilderness?" "Run out of pop-tarts?" "Gotta eat something!" "Might as well be Steve!" "And how do you decide who to eat first?" "How do you decide who's first on the barbecue rack?" "Do you pick on the little guy, 'cause he's skinny and he can't fight back?" "...or do you all gang up on the bodybuilder 'cause he's got a lot of steaks and chops on?" "These are things human beings have to consider!" "One more of these charming diversions of ours!" "Necrophilia!" "Huh?" "Now there's a hobby for you!" "Fucking a corpse!" "Takes a special kind of guy!" "Don't you think?" "But it happens, it happens..." "More than you might think!" "It happens among humans!" "Animals don't do that!" "Animals don't fuck their dead!" "A rat would do a lot of gross things!" "But it would not fuck a dead rat!" "It wouldn't even occur to him!" "Only a human being would think...!" "..to fuck someone who just died!" "We gotta be the most interesting creatures on the planet...!" "...and then we wonder why a UFO doesn't just land and say hello!" "Do you know the best thing about necrophilia?" "You don't have to bring flowers!" "Yeah!" "Usually they're already there!" "Isn't that nice?" "It's nice!" "It's convenient!" "Human beings would do anything!" "Anything!" "I am convinced!" "That's why when all those beheadings started in Iraq, didn't bother me!" "I took it right in stride!" "A lot of people here were horrified! "Oh, beheadings!" "Beheadings!"" "What are you, fucking surprised?" "It's just one more form of extreme human behaviour!" "Besides, who cares about some mercenary civilian contractor from Oklahoma who gets its head cut off?" "Fuck him!" "Fuck him!" "Hey Jack!" "You don't wanna get your head cut off?" "Stay the fuck in Oklahoma!" "They don't cut no heads in Oklahoma!" "As far as I know!" "But I do know this!" "You strap on a gun and go strutting' around some other man's country, you'd better be ready for some action, Jack!" "You'd better be ready for some action!" "People are touchy about that sort of thing!" "Let me ask you this, while I have you good, clean Americans here...!" "This is a moral question..." "Not rhetorical, I'm looking for the answer!" "What is the moral difference between cutting off one guy's head, or two, or three, or five, or ten?" "...and dropping a big bomb on a hospital and killing a whole bunch of sick kids?" "Has anybody in authority given you an explanation of the difference?" "I have not got an e-mail on this no one would talk!" "We haven't got a postcard, not a fucking instant message or nothing!" "Now, in case you're wondering why I have a certain interest and fascination, let's call it with torture and beheadings, and all of these things I've mentioned is becasue each of these items, reminds me in life... every time I... one of them occurs, reminds me over and over again what beasts we human beings really are, you know when you get right down to it, when you get right down to it...!" "...human beings are nothing more than ordinary jungle beasts!" "Savages!" "No different from the Cromagnon people who lived 25,000 years ago, in a place that seemed far as it can (unintelligible)" "No different!" "Our DNA hasn't changed substantially in a hundred thousand years!" "We're still operating out of the lower brain!" "The reptilian brain!" "Fight or flight!" "Kill or be killed!" "Now, we like to think we've evolved and advanced because we can build a computer, fly an airplane, travel underwater we can write a sonnet, paint a painting, compose an opera..." "But you know something?" "We're barely out of the jungle on this planet!" "Barely out of the fucking jungle!" "What we are is semi-civilized beasts with baseball caps and automatic weapons!" "And this civilization of ours, that we're so proud of...!" "This civilization, with its so-called civilized behaviour..." "Do you ever stop to realize how fragile all this is...?" "How fragile the whole struc..." "How easily could just break right down?" "Just break right down!" "Wouldn't take much!" "Probably happen in less than two years!" "Wouldn't take much to throw us right back into barbaric times!" "All you have to do, would be eliminate electricity!" "That's all!" "But completely!" "Eliminate electricity!" "So..." "No electricity, no lights!" "You're back to candles, and lanterns, campfires and bonfires..." "Batteries couldn't be recharged..." "Gerenators couldn't be refuelled, because fuel is pumped electrically..." "So is water, by the way!" "So no lights, no fuel, no water..." "No computers!" "And computers run everything!" "And among the many things computers run, and they operate on electricity are all of the security systems in all of our jails and prisons...!" "...and nuthouses!" "So, suddenly without electricity, all across america, the gates and cell doors of penitentiaries and mental institutions would fly open...!" "...and out would come all of our old friends!" "...the ones who've been away..." "...at camp!" "Serial killers, mass murderers, felony rapists, armed robbers, carjackers, home invaders..." "Thieves, burglars, kidnappers, sadists, paedophiles, sexual predators, pimps..." "Pushers, pornographers, speed freaks, crackheads, sick junkies..." "All the ethnic street gangs!" "Black, Spanish and Asian gangs, Japanese yakuza..." "Russian mafia, and neo-nazis, white supremacists, Sicilian hitmen..." "Italian mobster, Jamaican and Colombian drug gangs..." "And those are just the ones we caught...!" "Let's not forget their counterparts!" "Still on the outside!" "Right now!" "Waiting to hook up with their prison buddies!" "So they can start a new organization!" "The American Federation of Sociopaths!" "Just what the country needs!" "Another special interest group!" "Eight to ten million of them may be!" "Counting all the parolees, and all the probationers, and the ones that have never been caught..." "Eight to ten million!" "Bitter, angry, violent, sexually hyperactive alpha-males with nothing to do!" "No hobbies!" "No medications!" "No scruples!" "Just a bunch of bad guys looking for a good time!" "Maybe dropping by your house!" ""Hi!" "Hope we're not intruding!"" ""Got any beer?" "Oh, good!" "Well, I've got about fourteen hundred really thirsty guys here...!"" ""How about women?" "Got any women?" "Oh, just your wife, huh?"" ""Well, I think we could make that work!"" ""Now boys!" "There's a lady here..." "So I want you to mind your manners..."" ""And wait your turn..."" "Police wouldn't help you!" "They'd be gone at the first sign of trouble!" "They'd be home protecting their own families...!" "So would the Army and the National Guard!" "You'd be alone!" "You'd be on your own!" "You'd be S.O.L. and J.W.F.!" ""Shit out of luck and jolly-well fucked!"" ""Shit out of luck and jolly-well fucked!"" "After a couple of years of living like that beheadings will be the least of your problems!" "People will be lining up to be beheaded...!" "So let's get back to suicide!" "Which now seems like a reasonable alternative...!" "Suicide is an interesting topic to me...!" "...because it's an inherently interesting decision!" "To decide voluntarily not to exist anymore!" "It's profound!" "You know what it is?" "It's the Ultimate Makeover!" "That's why I think it belongs on television!" "In this depraved culture we live in...?" "...with all these reality shows?" "Suicide and television would be a natural!" "I'll bet you can have an All-Suicide channel on cable TV!" "I bet you!" "Shit!" "They've got all golf!" "What the fuck!" "Huh?" "Goddam!" "Jesus!" "Do you ever watch golf?" "Do you ever watch golf?" "It's like watching flies fuck!" "If you can get a bunch of brainless assholes and insist them to waste a sunny afternoon, on that kind of shit you know you can get some people to watch them suicides...!" "All day long!" "24 hours a day!" "Nothing but suicides!" "Must-die TV!" "You can get a lot of people watching that shit!" "You can get a lot of people volunteering to be on it, too!" "Just so their friends can see them on TV!" "People are fucking goofy!" "You can get a lot of volunteers!" "You can get all of them leftovers assholes on "Let's Make a Deal!"" "They'll be lining up around the block!" "Pushing each other out the way!" "Putting on them funny capes and caps and headpats and make them up call themselves "Captain Suicide!"" "Guys will be competing for most unusual methods!" "People will be jumping off them silos, lighting themselves on fire, putting rat poison on their taco..." "Drinking "Mop-and-Glo", sticking mothballs up their ass..." "You'd probably have some weird fuck show figure how to kill himself with dental floss and a Stinger missile!" "People are fucking goofy!" "I bet you could find you a married couple!" "In this country?" "Shit!" "I bet you!" "You can find a married couple!" "In one of them trailer parks or something who'd be perfectly willing to sit in a love seat and blow each other's head off with shotguns!" "...while a love song is playing!" "People are fucking nuts!" "This country is full of nitwits and assholes!" "Did you ever notice that?" "Oh my goodness, yes!" "Oh my goodness, right!" "Nitwits, assholes, fuck-ups, scumbags, jerk-offs and dipshits!" "...and they all vote!" "They all vote, yeah!" "In fact, sometimes you get the impression they're the only ones who vote!" "You can usually tell us they've doing the voting by looking at the fucking election returns!" "Man, sure it ain't me out there wasting my time in a meaningless activity like that!" "You know those people on the Jerry Springer Show?" "Those are the average Americans!" "Oh yeah?" "Believe me!" "Below average can't get on the show!" "Can't get on!" "Below average just sit at home watching that shit on TV!" "Getting ready to go out and vote!" "Filling out the sample ballot!" "People are fucking dumb!" "You can say what you want about this country!" "And I love this place!" "I love the freedoms we used to have..." "I love it!" "I love that!" "You know?" "I loved it when it didn't take a fucking catastrophe to get us to care for one another..." "I love the fact that we're on camera all the time from all angles..." "But you know?" "You can say what you want about America!" "I say, I love this place..." "I wouldn't have it any other way, I wouldn't have any other time in history, or any other place, but Say what you want about America!" "Land of the free, home of the brave..." "We've got some dumb-ass motherfuckers floating' around in this country!" "Dumb-ass motherfuckers!" "You know?" "Yeah!" "Now, obviously, that doesn't include this audience!" "I understand that!" "You seem intelligent and perceptive, but the rest of them..." "Holy jump and fucking shitballs!" "Dumber than a second coat of paint!" "And this ain't just rant and raving!" "This ain't just blowin' off steam!" "I've got a little evidence to support my claim!" "It just seems to me, seems to me that only a really low IQ population could have taken this beautiful continent this magnificent American landscape, that we inherited..." "Well, actually, we stole it from the Mexicans and Indians, but..." "Hey, it was nice when we stole it!" "Looked pretty good, it was pristine...!" "Paradise!" "Have you seen it lately?" "Have you taken a good look at it lately?" "It's fucking embarrassing!" "Only a nation of unenlightened half-wits could have taken this beautiful place, and turned it into what it is today..." "A shopping mall!" "A big fucking shopping mall!" "You know that?" "That's all you've got here, folks!" "Mile after mile of mall after mall!" "Many, many malls!" "Major malls and mini-malls!" "They put the mini-malls in between the major malls!" "And in between the mini-malls they put the mini-marts!" "And in between the mini-marts you've got the car lots, gas stations, muffle shops, laundromats, cheap hotels fast food joints, strip clubs and dirty bookstores...!" "America, the beautiful!" "One big transcontinental commercial cesspool!" "And how do the people feel about all this?" "How do the people feel about living in a coast to coast shopping mall?" "Well, they think it's JUST FUCKING DANDY!" "They think it is cool as can be!" "'Cause Americans love the mall!" "They love the mall!" "That's where they get to satisfy their two most prominent addictions!" "At the same time!" "Shopping and eating!" "Millions of semi-conscious americans, day after day, shuffling through the malls!" "Shopping, and eating!" "Especially eating!" "Americans love to eat!" "They are fatally attracted to the slow death of fast food!" "Hot dogs, corn dogs, triple bacon cheeseburgers, deep-fried butter dip and pork fat, cheese whiz... mayonnaise, soup, barbecue, mozzarella, paddy malts..." "Americans will eat anything!" "Anything!" "If you were selling sautéd racoon assholes on a stick...!" "Americans would buy them and eat them!" "...especially if you dip them in butter and put a little sauce on them!" "This country is big time, pig time!" "Forget the bald eagle!" "You know what the national emblem of this country ought to be?" "A big bowl of macaroni and cheese!" "A big bowl!" "'Cause everything in this country is king-size!" "King-size, extra-large and super-jumbo!" "Especially the fucking people!" "Have you seen some of the people in this country?" "Have you taken a good look at some of these big, fat motherfuckers walking around?" "Big, fat motherfuckers?" "Oh, my god!" "Huge piles of redundant protoplasm!" "Lumbering through the malls, like a fleet of interstate buzzards!" "The people in this country are immense!" "Massive bellies!" "Monstruous thighs and big fat fucking asses!" "And if you stand there for a minute, you look at one of them and you begin to wonder..." ""How does this woman take a shit?"" ""How does she shit?"" "And even more frightening, "How does she wipe her ass?"" ""Can she even locate her asshole?"" "She must require assistance!" ""Are paramedics trained in this field?"" "And standing right next to her, of course, with a plate full of nachos and a mouthful of pie her clueless fucking husband Joe Sixpack!" "...with his monstruous swollen beer belly hangly dangerously over his belt..." "Beer, belt, buckle!" "This guy ain't seen his dick since the Nixon administration!" "And if you stand there, and you look at the two of them, you begin to wonder to yourself..." ""Do these people fuck?"" ""Is this man actually capable of fucking this woman?"" "It doesn't seem structurally possible...!" "...that these two people can achieve penetration!" "Maybe they're into that soul-to-soul lay or something!" "I'm telling you!" "The people in this country are every half... everyone of them is 50 pounds overweight!" "They're gargantuan!" "And in the summertime!" "God help us!" "In the summertime they all wanna wear short pants!" "Jesus Lord, protector of all that is good and Holy!" "Deliver me from fat people in short pants!" "They all got short pants, big bellies, fat thighs and dumb kids!" "Everyone of them has got two dumb-ass kids with them!" "And the whole family is wearing T-shirts!" "And everyone of them's got the same T-shirt!" ""I'm with stupid!"" "Apparently, in this country, the Stupids are an extended family!" "And besides of wearing them T-shirts, everyone in the family has got on a backpack!" "They've got a backpack, strapped to their back, so they can carry around lots of stupid shit!" "And the reason they've got to carry this stupid shit strapped to their backs is because their hands must remain free at all times to hold food!" "...and to get that food up to the mouth where they can shovel in...!" "...with all the rest of the disgusting shit they ate that day!" "And..." "Another reason for the backpack is these people are gonna buy even more stupid shit!" "They ain't got enough stupid shit at home!" "They just had a stupid shit sale, they're gonna buy more!" "They are gonna go out the parking lot and stuff this stuff into the big, fat, ugly, oversized S.U.V....!" "They've got plenty of room in it for the stupid shit and lots of room left over for these big, fat, ugly motherfuckers to get them home!" "Stopping, of course, for jelly roll and fried dough!" "These people are efficient, professional compulsive consumers!" "That's it!" "And they think of that as their national pride!" "It's their civic duty!" "Consumption!" "It's the new national pastime!" "Fuck baseball!" "It's consumption!" "The only true lasting American value that's left...!" "Buying things!" "People spend the money they don't have on things they don't need!" "Money they don't have on things they don't need!" "So they can max up their credit cards and spend the rest of their lives paying 18% interest on something that cost $12.50!" "And they didn't like it when they got at home, anyway!" "Not too bright, folks!" "Not too fucking bright!" "But if you talk to one of them about this, the guys will be sitting down, rationally, you talk to them about low IQs, and their dumb behavior, and their bad decisions right away they start talking about education!" "That's the big answer to everything!" "Education!" "That's why we need more money for education!" "We need more books, more teachers, more classrooms, more schools!" "We need more testing for the kids!" "They say: "Well, you know, we tried all of that and the kids still can't pass the tests!"" "They say: "Oh, don't you worry about that!" "We're gonna lower the passing grades!"" "That's what they're doing at a lot of these schools!" "Now they're lowering the passing grades so more kids can pass!" "More kids pass, the school looks good, everybody's happy, the IQ of the country steps another two or three points and pretty soon all you need to get into College is a fucking pencil!" "Got a pencil?" "Get the fuck in there!" "It's Physics!" "Then everyone wonders why 17 other countries graduate more scientists than we do..." ""Education!" Politicians know that word!" "They use it on you!" "Politicians have traditionally hidden behind three things:" "The flag, the Bible and children!" ""No child left behind!"" "Oh, really?" "Well, it wasn't long ago they were talking about giving kids a head start!" "Head start?" "Left behind?" "Someone's losing fucking ground here!" "But there's a reason, there's a reason, there's a reason for this..." "There's a reason education sucks, and it's the same reason that will never, ever, ever, be fixed..." "It's never gonna get any better!" "Don't look for it!" "Be happy with what you've got!" "Because the owners of this country don't want that!" "I'm talking about the real owners now, the big... the wealthy..." "The real owners!" "The big, wealthy business interests that control things and make all the important decisions!" "Forget the politicians!" "They're irrelevant!" "The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice!" "You don't!" "You have no choice!" "You have owners!" "They own you!" "They own everything!" "They own all the important land..." "They own and control the corporations, they've long since bought and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the State Houses, the City Halls..." "They've got the judges in their back pockets, and they all own all the big media companies, so they control just about all the news and information you get to hear!" "They got you by the balls!" "They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying, lobbying to get what they want!" "Well, we know what they want!" "They want more for themselves, and less for everyboy else!" "But I'll tell you what they don't want!" "They don't want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking!" "They don't want well-informed well-educated people capable of critical thinking!" "They're not interested in that!" "That doesn't help them!" "That's against their interest!" "That's right!" "You know something?" "They don't want people who are smart enough to sit around the kitchen table and figure out how badly they're getting fucked by a system that threw it overboard thirty fucking years ago..." "They don't want that!" "You know what they want?" "They want obedient workers!" "Obedient workers!" "People who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork, and just dumb enough to passively accept all these increasingly shittier jobs, with the lower pay, the longer hours, the reduced benefits, the end of overtime and the vanishing pension that disappears the minute you go to collect it, and now they're coming for your social security money!" "They want your fucking retirement money!" "They want it back!" "So they can give it to their criminal friends on Wall Street!" "And you know something?" "They'll get it!" "They'll get it all from you sooner or later!" "'Cause they own this fucking place!" "It's a big club!" "And you ain't in it!" "You and I are not in the big club!" "By the way, it's the same big club that used to beat you over the head with all day long and they tell you what to believe..." "All day long, beating you over the head in the media, what to believe, what to think and what to buy..." "The table is tilted, folks!" "The game is rigged!" "And nobody seems to notice, and nobody seems to care!" "Good honest, hard-working people!" "White collar, blue collar..." "Doesn't matter what colour shirt you have on!" "Good honest, hard-working people continue..." "These are people of modest means...!" "...continue to elect these rich cocksuckers who don't give a fuck about them!" "They don't give a fuck about you!" "They don't care about you!" "At all!" "At all!" "At all!" "Yeah!" "You know?" "And nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care..." "That's what the owners count on!" "The fact that Americans will probably remain wilfully ignorant of the big red, white and blue dick that's being jammed up their assholes every day..." "Because the owners of this country know the truth!" "It's called the American dream 'cause you have to be asleep to believe it!" "But, say what you want about America, folks!" "Yeah!" "You can say what you want about Americans, you can call 'em smart, dumb, ignorant, innocent, naive, gullible. easily-led, whatever you want..." "You're gonna have to deal with them, 'cause you're in the television business now!" "You've got the All-Suicide Channel on cable TV!" "You need these people as viewers, you need people looking in!" "You gotta worry about your ratings!" "You're gonna have to be thinking about sweeps months!" "Most folks know what sweeps months are!" "Those are the more important sweeps - ratings, months of the year when they pull out on the biggest attractions and their highest stars, trying to pump out their ratings a little bit, get their local stations to adjust their advertising needs..." "You're gonna have to compete with the mentality of Network television!" "And I think, on an All-Suicide Channel..." "During sweeps months?" "You're gonna have to go mass suicides!" "Big, public events where hundreds of people kill themselves all at the same time, right on Live TV!" "Never resting about the way to do this!" "I've been trying to figure this out" " I swear to God!" "This is the truth!" "I've been trying to figure this part of it out for six months now, and I only recently having, so I'm gonna tell you about it..." "Now!" "We're gonna have to get lots and lots of people to kill themselves on demand!" "How are we gonna do this?" "That's the question!" "How are gonna get large numbers of people to commit suicide at a time and place of our choosing?" "And I mean large numbers!" "Because don't forget!" "Besides sweeps, we're gonna have to be thinking about 24-hour a day programming!" "So, to make this work, we need organization!" "We need a system!" "Can't just sit around the studio all day long and wait for people to drop by and commit suicide!" "What we have to do is build a large pool of hopeless people!" "Suicide volunteers!" "People with no hope!" "People whom society has given up on, faith has given up on, or who have given up on themselves!" "Rock-bottom, dead-end, totally fucked-up people with no hope and no reason to live!" "And we got our share of them, folks!" "Think of it as a pyramid, that will give you a visual fix-on!" "Think of it as a pyramid!" "The pyramid of the hopeless!" "We're gonna populate, or we're gonna create this pool, like I said, to send volunteers over to the suicide channel!" "We're gonna start building this pyramid at the very base, naturally, and the bottom layer is gonna be... homeless people!" "God knows we've got plenty of them!" "Nobody gives a fuck about them, nobody's got a plan, nobody's got any money, nobody's got a programme, nobody gives a fuck!" "...about homeless people!" "We don't know how many we have, even!" "We now 500,000 of them are veterans, 'cause we're so good to the veterans in this country and we know about 1,400,000 of them are children!" "...so we got a million and a half children, then God knows how many more we've got!" "Totally fucking hopeless!" "In the pyramid they go!" "And the next group we're gonna put in here, these are the people in prison!" "With these long sentences they've been given..." "Many of them deserved, I'll grant you that!" "I'm sure half the people in prison are in there for things they really did..." "That's not a bad average, one out of two!" "But nobody gives a shit about these people, nobody's gonna hire them if they do get out!" "They're never gonna get out, rehabilitation doesn't work..." "And the judges give them these fucking draconian sentences, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 100 years sentences, life-term, double life!" "One guy, about a month ago, was given three consecutive life-terms, plus two death penalties!" "How the fuck do you serve that?" "Even David Copperfield can't do that shit!" "In order to do that, you have to be a hindu!" "And then you've got the people on death row!" "They ain't going anywhere!" "In the fucking pyramid they go!" "Now the next layer, this group is self-selected!" "Self-selected!" "And a bit controversial to some of you, I guess!" "These are these people who claim to be depressed!" "OK?" "Apparently, in this land of plenty... ..this richest nation in the history of the world, we're so proud of saying that!" "Some supermarkets have 100,000 items in them we have 19,000,000 Americans claiming to be depressed, and some of them taking medicine for it!" "Sometimes the medicine makes them want to commit suicide, and that depresses the shit out of the rest of them!" "Then you have these people who only think they are depressed, 'cause they saw the commercial on TV and the doctor looked like a good guy..." "The music sounded kind of peppy, and what the fuck!" "Some of these pills are probably just pick me right up...!" "Totally fucking hopeless minds..." "In the fucking pyramid!" "Up at the very top we are gonna put the people who are truly sick!" "The terminally ill!" "Unfortunately, no hope for a lot of them!" "Hundreds of thosands of them, there's no cure for what they have..." "There's no cure 'cause nobody's looking for one!" "There aren't enough people sick, so there ain't no money in the fucking cure..." "Then there's people who've got..." "There's a cure, but they don't have the money for it, or there's a cure but they're too far gone, or there's no social means to get to it so these people ain't going anywhere, they should be allowed to commit suicide..." "In the fucking pyramid they go!" "Now, think of what you got here, folks!" "Think of yourselves as the executive vice-president of programming at the All-Suicide Channel!" "Think of what you have to work with in the pyramid of the hopeless!" "You've have homeless, imprisoned, condemned depressed and terminally ill people!" "And I'm gonna bet you anything!" "In this depraved culture of ours, bet you anything with the reality-show mentality we have, on the All-Suicide Channel you could get five hundred of these hopeless people, to hold hands and jump into the Grand Canyon!" "I'll fucking bet you!" "You can get that done in this country right this now!" "I'll bet you!" "For money!" "You gotta give them something, you know, you've gotta..." "Oh, shit!" "They're Americans!" "They're for sale!" "Give them a little something!" "Americans will do anything, but you gotta give them a toaster, don't you?" "Give them a little prize of some kind!" "Everybody wants a gizmo!" "Give'em a gizmo!" "Give them a cellphone, give them a laptop!" "Give them a cellphone which takes the picture of a laptop!" "Give them a laptop which takes the picture of a cellphone!" "Give one of them three-wheeled vehicles, give them an all-terrain vehicle!" "Give them one of them ride-on lawnmowers, give them a snowblower, give them an outdoor barbecue, or a jetski..." "Give them one of them things that they buy for themselves when they're trying to take their minds off of how badly they're getting fucked by the system...!" "I know what you do!" "Just before these people jump, you give them a hat with a camera in it!" "And you tell them it's Jump-Cam!" "Tell them you send the video home to the family!" "T-Shirt!" "Who don't want a T-Shirt!" "?" "Everybody does!" "Give them a nice T-Shirt! "I commited suicide and all I got was a stupid fucking T-Shirt!"" "Alright?" "Now!" "If you wanna really raise the profile of this promotion, get some of those Evangelical Christians to volunteer for it..." "And you call it "Jump for Jesus!" "Jump for Jesus!" They would buy it!" "They would go for it!" "Hey, you gotta be fair about these Christians!" "They've come in for a lot of abuse these days..." "You do have to be fair!" "All a Christian really wants out of life is to die!" "And go see Jesus!" "Give them a helping hand!" "Do the Christian thing!" "Tell them it's a shortcut to heaven!" "Mention the word "murder!" Works on the Muslims, works on the Catholics, might work on these folks, you never know!" "Hey!" "I know..." "Give them a little encouragement!" "Go on, you fanatical fucks!" "He's down there!" "He's down there!" "He's down there!" "He's at the bottom of the Canyon!" "Look for the man with the glowing head!" "Oh, you're gonna have a lot of fun with a channel like that!" "But you know something, folks?" "Maybe you don't wanna be on cable!" "It is a limited audience..." "You might wanna widen out, get more people looking in!" "You're gonna have to go to one of the Big Broadcast Networks..." "And I don't know about you, but when I think about suicide and Broadcast Network television, I'm thinking Fox, Huh?" "I'm telling you, Fox!" "If the people at Fox aren't sitting around and having meetings about an idea like this, they ain't doing their goddam jobs over there...!" "You put this thing on television, put it on Fox, and if you do, get Budweisser to sponsor it!" "Or you know?" "Budweisser and how 'bout your car company, so people we think about drinking and driving at the same time..." "Ain't that fun to watch the sporting events on American Television? "Drink this, drive that, fuck you!" They don't care!" "They don't give a shit about you!" "And then every now and then they qualify the whole message!" ""Drink responsably!"" "So you put this thing on Fox - and if you do - or in any Broadcast Network..." "You're gonna have to bring in that younger audience!" "Everybody knows that!" "That's what the advertisers are looking for, it's 18 to 24 year olds" " You're gonna have to get young people interested in this!" "You know how you get young people interested in suicide?" "You don't call it suicide!" "You call it "Extreme Living!"" "They would go for it!" "Listen, young people are attracted to suicide in the first place!" "Do you know suicide is the third leading cause of death between 15 and 24?" "It's the third!" "Ninth in the general population!" "That'll give you an idea of how popular this after-school activity has become...!" "...among our teenage folks!" "Especially these young boys these adolescent men, and a lot of them, you know?" "A lot of them..." "They kill themselves when they're jerking off...!" "They don't mean to!" "It just happens!" "You know about that?" "Yeah!" "Some of you know!" "I can tell!" "A lot of people don't know that!" "A lot of people never heard of that, you know?" "It's just one of those things Americans can't handle!" ""We can't handle that!" "We don't talk about that!"" "It's not on "Larry King" "Laverne Dane" and "Barbara Walters!" You ain't gonna see it in People magazine, but it's out there, folks..." "It's out there!" "And it's extremely common!" "You just ask any teenage boy you know, who trusts you!" "Ask him what he knows or what he's heard about cutting off your air supply just at the moment you're about to have a sexual release..." "He is gonna tell you an interesting story or two!" "The kids call it "scarfing", 'cause some of them use scarfs to do it!" "Or screw the kids!" "Just get on the internet!" "Do it yourselves!" "Google in the words "auto erotic asphyxia!"" ""Auto erotic asphyxia", is the practice of cutting off the oxygen to the brain at the last moment during masturbation in order to heighten the orgasm... and when I say "common"..." "A thousand kids a year die this way!" "OK?" "A thousand of them die!" "So think how many of them are trying to pull this off!" "If you pardon the little pun I'm throwin' in just to lighten the mood!" "But here's the way it works!" "Apparently!" "I've never tried!" "It sounded risky to me!" "Well, jerking off is all I need!" "You know what I mean, folks!" "I ain't trying to double my money!" "Fuck that shit!" "I just jerk off, wipe off my chest, get up and go to work, you know?" "That's it!" "Nothing fancy!" "At our house we're simple folk!" "But here's the way it's supposed to work!" "And this is why it's such a big attraction in the first place!" "Apparently it is true!" "Medically, phisiologically speaking that if you can cut off your air supply, the oxygen to your brain just at the moment you're about to have an orgasm, the orgasm is about I don't know!" "Let's say 500 times better!" "Something like that!" "It's incredibly intense!" "So, what you gotta do, is stand up on a chair, or bucket, or some kind of thing you put a rope around your neck, and you start jerking off...!" "And while you're pulling your pod, you have to arrange to almost strangle yourself just before you have an orgasm..." "And by the way, while all this activity is going on, you gotta maintain a hard-on!" "...which ain't easy, 'cause you might just be getting ready to buy the farm so you'd better be fantasizing about someone you really like...!" "...or some thing you really like, I don't know what that my be!" "Maybe getting fucked in the ass by a Game Warden, who knows?" "Hey, I'm not here to judge!" "You are all different!" "To each his own!" "So let's recap...!" "Standing on a chair, rope around your neck, peter in your hand...!" "Now you have to time it just right!" "So that before you come, you almost die!" "And sometimes you miscalculate...!" "You don't know if you're coming or going!" "No way to know!" "No way to know!" "And the parents of these kids are to embarrassed to tell the police!" "So the put the kid's dick away and they say: "He had poor grades!"" ""His girlfriend left him!" "Oh, well, no wonder, lady!" "Look at his fucking hobbies!"" "Then they blame it on Heavy Metal, you know!" "I don't know if you remember that, but from that old incident, there some years back" " Judas Priest, or one of them headbanging bands, somebody played a song and after that they killed themselves, and so they blamed suicide, and Heavy Metal..." "If it's murder, they tend to blame Rap these days, but it's never the parents!" "Did you ever notice this?" "Parents apparently play no part in the development and outcome of these kids!" "Parents..." "You know, they can raise a kid apparently, 11, 12, 13, 14 years, but if he turns out fucked up!" "Boy, they have nothing to do with that!" ""Must be those kids at the parking lot he hangs around with!"" "Parents gotta be among the most full of shit people in the world!" "Well, they always have been!" "Top to bottom!" "Front to back!" "Listen, in fairness, it comes with the job!" "If you wanna be a parent, you gotta be full of shit, at least half the time!" "Look at it this way!" "They have it both ways!" "If the kid turns out to be a loser, they have nothing to do with that...!" "But boy, if he's a winner, got a scholarship or something like that?" "Man, they're are the first ones out there raising their hands, trying to get a little credit...!" "It's a nice state of mind if you can talk yourselves into believing it...!" "But these are the kind of things I think about when I'm sitting home alone, during an electrical storm, waiting for the parole officer to give me a call and these ideas come floating into my head!" "Just floating right in!" "Unbidden!" "I'm not asking for these things!" "I'm a vessel!" "I'm a mere vessel!" "In come these thoughts!" "And some of them are a little offbeat!" "I'm gonna grant you that!" "I was thinking about these younger women who got buried today!" "You ever think about them?" "Probably not!" "But I was thinking about these younger women who died three or four days ago, got buried today..." "And some of them had a bad heart, you know?" "Some of them had a bad kidney but a lot of them had perfectly good pussies!" "Good pussies, nice tits, reasonably tight assholes...!" "Going to waste!" "In the ground!" "It just seems a shame to me!" "That some fine young pussy...!" "...should be rotting away six feet under!" "Because you'd think, in this era that if you can donate a heart to someone who needs one there oughta be a way to recycle some of these pussies..." "And get them to people who need them!" "Some old guy living up in the mountains!" ""Whoa...!"" ""Holy shit!" "Look at this fucking thing!" "This is great!" "Thank you very much, sir!" "I appreciate this!" "Thank you, thank you!" "Thank you!" "God bless you!" "You're doing God's work!" "I hope you know that!" "Don't you?" "Hey, this is better than Publisher's Clearing House!" "Listen here, buddy..." "You ain't got a red-head of one of this, by any chance, don't you?" "No, I didn't think so!" "I never had one of them myself, thank you very much...!" "Listen here, this is the real thing, ain't it?" "This ain't one of them storebook pussies you see at the old bookstore?" "Huh?" "What's that?" "Oh, OK!" "Hold on!" "Just a second!" "Whoa...!" "Jesus Christ on a cracker!" "That's the real fucking thing!" "I'd recognize that son of a bitch anywhere!" "That straightened out my nose hairs!" "I'd better get this sucker home and get into the refrigerator quick as I can!" "The "Save-A-Pussy Foundation!" Give the gift that keeps on giving!" "Fuck the whales!" "Save the pussy!" "But you wouldn't wanna..." "Oh, maybe..." "You wouldn't wanna save all of them!" "Not all of them!" "Some of them are worn out!" "Oh, you wouldn't want one of them big old rubbery things!" "That ain't no good!" "What you want is something nice and tight, but flexible!" "Maybe they have an age limit!" "Or a mileage check!" "You know, you figure out the average length of the average dick, the average number of thusts per event, the average number of events per lifetime..." "You've got that lady's mileage!" "And you women, I don't want you to think I wanna leave you out of the fun!" "We're gonna get you a nice set of cock and balls, OK?" "We'll get you something nice just after rigor mortis sets in!" "Tell the truth, ladies!" "Wouldn't you like a nice set of cock and balls without all the bullshit that comes with them?" "Huh?" "Fucking-A!" "We'll get you something nice to keep it on the nightstand!" "It's really easy to find in the dark!" "And if your mother comes over..." "Put a hat on it!" "Well, somebody's got to think of these things!" "Apparently, I've been appointed!" "I was dancing with a woman!" "She told me she had a yeast infection!" "I said: "Bag me a fucking loaf of bread!"" "A couple of corn muffins, a jelly doughnut, I don't give a shit!" "I'm always in the market for quality baked goods!" "You couldn't squeeze a birthday cake out of that thing by any chance, could you, huh?" "No, no, I didn't think so..." "No pressure, honey!" "No pressure at all!" "Why don't you just turn around and give me a nice pineapple upside-down cake?" "And a dozen oatmeal cookies!" "Skip the raisins!" "X-nay on the aisins-ray...!" "Well, I think it is certainly apparent by now that one of the things I enjoy in life is excess..." "I like things that are excessive!" "I like excessive behaviour, excessive language, excessive violence..." "It's fun!" "It's interesting!" "It's exciting!" "I like it when nature is excessive..." "That's why I like natural disasters!" "All these natural disasters that have been going on...." "I fucking love them!" "I can't get enough of them!" "Oh, when nature is going crazy, throwing things around, scaring people and destroying property.." "...I'm a happy fucking guy!" "I'm a happy fucking guy!" "I look at it this way!" "For centuries now man has done everything he can to destroy, defile and interfere with nature!" "Clear-cutting forests, strip-mining mountains, poisoning the atmosphere over-fishing the oceans, polluting the rivers and lakes, destroying wetlands and aquiferes so when nature strikes back, and smashes man in the head and kicks him in the nuts..." "I enjoy that!" "I have absolutely no sympathy for human beings whatsoever...!" "None!" "And no matter what kind of problem homans are facing, whether it's natural or man-made..." "I always hope it gets worse!" "Don't you?" "Don't you?" "Don't you have a part of you that secretly hopes everything gets worse?" "When you see a big fire on TV..." "Don't you hope it spreads?" "Don't you hope it gets completely out of control and burns down six counties?" "You don't root for the firemen, do you?" "I mean, I don't want them to get hurt or nothing, but..." "I don't want them putting out my fire!" "That's my fire!" "That's nature!" "Showing off and having fun!" "You know something else I like?" "Those spring floods in the Midwest!" "Aren't they great?" "Like clockwork!" "Spring floods in the Midwest!" "But I'm starting to notice, I'm starting to catch on that every year it's the same story!" "Another flood, in the same place, with the same people on the same river..." "Same fucking people!" "And these people will not move!" "They will not fucking move!" "They repaint, put down new carpeting and wallpaper and they move right back into the same fucking house, on the floodplain, next to the river and then they wonder why grandma's floating downstream with a parakeet on her head!" "Fourth time, again!" "Fourth fucking tine!" "There's no learning curve with these people!" "It's very hard to feel sorry for them!" "Every year!" "Same people!" "Same rowboats!" "Out there, paddling around..." "Rescuing a chicken!" "What the fuck kind of a life is that?" ""Well, our kids love it here!"" "Oh, really?" "What have they got?" "Gills?" "And while they're showing all that shit on the screen, the announcer is saying to me..." ""It's been raining steadily for three months now, the ground can't hold any more water, the river is cresty higher than it has in two centuries, the levees are washed away..."" "...and I just hope it keeps raining!" "And raining, and raining, and raining...!" "...and raining, and raining, and raining!" "And it rains steadily for five years!" "And then, after that, for ten years it's cloudy!" "With occasional showers!" "And the river never returns to its natural banks!" "And becomes a completely new river!" "And the borders of three states have to be changed!" "And all the maps and atlases have to be redrawn and reprinted!" "And no-one's couch ever completely dries out!" "For years and years, every time they sit down, there's always a little "squish!"" ""Dan, Linda!" "Come on in you guys!" "Have a seat!" (Squish, squish) I like that!" "I'm an interesting guy!" "I always hope that no matter how small the original problem is, it's gonna grow into bigger and bigger proportions, until it gets completely out of control, and I'll give you a concrete example..." "Let's say a water main breaks in downtown Los Angeles, and it floods an electrical substation, knocking out all the traffic lights and tying up the entire city, and emergency vehicles can't get through!" "..and at the same time, one of those month-long global warming heatwaves comes along, but there's no air conditioning, there's no water for sanitation..." "So cholera, smallpox and dysentery break out, and thousands of people start dying in the streets!" "But before they die, parasites eat their brains!" "...and they go completely fucking crazy, and they storm the hospital, but the hospital can't handle all the casualties, so these people rape all the nurses and set the hospital on fire...!" "...and the flames drive them ever crazier, so they start stabbing social workers and garbage men...!" "And a big wind comes along, and the entire city goes up in flames, and the people who are still healthy, they get mad at the sick people and they start crucifying them!" "Nailing them into crosses, trying on their underwear, shit like that!" "Then everybody smokes crack, and PCP and they march on City Hall, where they burn the Mayor at the stake, strangle his wife, and take turns sodomizing the statue of Larry Flint!" "And at this point, it looks like pretty soon things are gonna start to get out of control!" "So everybody panics, and tries to leave the city at the same time, and they trample each other to death in the streets by the thousands, and wild dogs eat their corpses and the wild dogs chase the rest of the people down the highway, and one by one the dogs pick up the old fucks and the slow people, 'cause they're in the fast lane, where they don't belong!" "Get the fuck out of the fast lane if you're an old fuck, if you're a slow fuck!" "Get over on the right!" "And then..." "And the lucky ones, the lucky people who managed to make it all the way outside of town, they discover when they get there, that big sparks from the city have lit the suburbs on fire...!" "...and the suburbs burn uncontrollolably, and thousands of identical homes, of identical fires with identical smoke killing all the identical soccer moms, and their identical kids named Jason and Jennifer...!" "And now the fire spreads on the farmlands, and the farmlands burn intensely, at 425 degrees, creating millions of baked potatoes, and as the farmlands burn, thousands of barns and farmhouses begin to explode from all the heat and metamphetamine labs!" "...and the meth chemicals run down into the rivers and streams, while wild animals drink the water and get completely geeked on speed!" "So bears and wolves amped up on crank start roaming the countryside looking for people to eat!" "Even though they're not really hungry!" "And the fire spreads through the forests, and the forests burn furiously, and hundreds of elves and trolls and fairies come running out of the woods, screaming: "Bambi's dead!" "Bambi's dead!"" "And he is!" "He is!" "Finally that fucking little cunt Bambi is dead!" "Dead!" "Now...!" "Now, hundreds of regional fires come together into one huge interstate inferno...!" "...and all twelve of the western United States are burning out of control....!" "Except Utah, where the mormons don't love fires..." "And the fires spread across the great plains, toasting the wheat, cooking the cattle and producing... hamburgers, actually!" "And it leads to Mississippi, and rinses thru the South, blowing up stills, interrupting lynchings and killing millions of in-bred people, and then - ...it turns north-east and heads for Washington D.C., where George Bush can't decide if it's an emergency or not!" "Can't decide this!" "I don't know!" "It's hard work!" "You know?" "He can't decide because Dick Cheney is in prison!" "So instead he takes a nap!" "He puts his empty fucking brainless head down on the little pillow his mother gave him at Christmas time, and he takes a fucking nap...!" "So the fire moves to Philadelphia, but it's a weekend, and Philadelphia is closed on the weekends..." "So the fire moves to New York City, and the people in New York tell the fire to go fuck itself!" ""Go fuck yourself!" And it does...!" "And it does!" "So instead it burns Long Island and Connecticut, killing all the rich white assholes and completely destroying their evil faggoty golf courses!" "And while all this is going on, Canada burns to the ground, but nobody notices!" "And now the entire North American continent is on fire, producing a huge thermal object, and creating an incendiary cyclonic macrosystem that forms a hemispheric megastorm breaking down the molecular structure of the atmosphere and actually changing the laws of nature!" "Fire and water combine!" "Burning clouds of flaming rain fall upward!" "Gamma rays and solar winds get together creating a huge cloud of ionized plasma!" "Bolts of lightning twenty million miles long begin shooting out of the North Pole, and the sky fills up with green shit!" "And then, suddenly, the entire fabric of space-time splits in two...!" "A huge crack in the universe open!" "And all the dead people from the past begin falling through...!" "...Babe Ruth, Groucho Marx, Davy Crockett, Tiny Tim, Porky Pig, Hitler, Janis Joplin, Alan Ladd..." "My uncle Dave!" "Your uncle Dave!" "Everybody's uncle Dave!" "An endless stream of dead uncle Daves falling thru the crack!" "And all the dead uncle Daves gather around the heavenly kitchen table...!" "They light up cigarettes and then they begin to talk!" "They talk about how they never got a break...!" "How their parents didn't love them and their children were ungrateful!" "They talk about how the government screwed them out of money, and they just missed out on a big job...!" "They say the Jews own everything, and the blacks get special treatment...!" "And all the hatred and bitterness, drips out of these people, and forms a big pool of liquid hate and the pool of liquid hate begins to spin!" "Round and round it spins, faster and faster!" "And the faster it spins, the bigger it gets...!" "...faster and faster, bigger and bigger, until the whirling pool of hate is bigger than the entire universe, and then suddenly it explodes into trillions of tiny stars..." "And every star has a trillion planets, and every planet has a trillion uncle Daves..." "And all the uncle Daves have good jobs, perfect eyesight and shoes that fit..." "They have great sex lives and free health care, They understand the internet, their kids think they're cool, and they all love their neighbours..." "And every week, without fail, uncle Dave wins the lottery forever and ever, till the end of time, every single uncle Dave has a winning ticket, and uncle Dave is finally happy!" "Now do you see why I like it when nature gets even with humans...?" "Thanks for coming in here tonight!" "Thank you!" "See you later!" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Muxed English (HI) Subtitles." "[MP4] Modern Family S06E18 (720p) Spring Break" " Web-DL [KoTuWa]" "You're still on that thing?" "What are you constantly looking at on your computer?" "Is that a question you really want people asking around here?" "Indeed, it is not." "I'm just checking college acceptances." "I mean, they should be posting them any day." "Claire:" "You cannot spend your entire spring break" "Worrying about college admissions." "You should go to that... that music festival thing with Haley." "Do something fun." "Learn to relax a..." "Do we have to keep every remote we have ever owned?" "Somewhere in a landfill, a laserdisc just ejected." "Uh, I can't bring Alex to the festival" "Because I am going for work to research new fashion trends." "I need to blend in, you know?" "Everyone will think she's a cop." "Well, I could sit here and worry and ruin my day," "Or I could go with Haley and ruin hers." "I'll grab my sunscreen." "Good morning." "Hey, dad." "I hate to shame you, but Haley woke up before you." "Well, Haley didn't run a 10k yesterday" "To raise awareness for alopecia." "What's alopecia?" "That is why I run." "Honey, I could really use your help" "With spring cleaning today." "I got to get all these boxes down to the donation center." "Wish I could, but I've got work." "Then Luke and I have got some important trampolining to do." "I just love how equally we divide our responsibilities." "Figured we'd do a little father/son bonding" "Since your school trip was canceled." "Oh." "You can teach me the Dunphy tuck." "[ Chuckles ]" "I love your enthusiasm, son, but it's way too dangerous." "One wrong move, and you're eating springs." "Claire:" "Oh, no, no, those are..." "Is that my banjo?" "Hmm?" "When I met this little lady sitting next to me," "It was love at first sight." "Yep, I've been noodling around on the ol' flyswatter" "For a couple of years now." "I was inspired by the greats..." "Scruggs, kermit." "It's hard to practice, though," "Because it gets Claire so hot and bothered." "[ Playing banjo poorly ]" "?" "What do you...?" "[ Seductively ] I think I've heard enough." "Lucky for you, I've got time" "For a couple verses of "shortnin' bread."" "No, no, no, no, no." "No, no, it's in the box." "It's leaving the house." "I-I can never hear that awful thing again." "But you called me "banjovi." I know." "I did whatever was necessary to make it stop." "Wait." "Does that mean you also didn't like my bagpiping?" "Is that why we have Luke?" "!" "It's not." "Is it?" "?" "Ay, Cam, no dessert for you?" "No, none for me." "I have to fit into a skintight cat costume tonight" "Because I'm gonna..." "Whatever you do behind closed doors" "Is your own business." "Because I'm singing "memory" at the faculty follies." "It's a fundraiser" "Where the teachers do a little talent show." "Ay, maybe I come see you." "I need to find something to watch" "Since I had to give up my soap operas." "Oh, because you've been neglecting Joe?" "No, it's because I asked Jay to stop smoking cigars," "And he said that he would quit" "If I stopped watching the soap operas." "But it's very hard." "What's so damn hard?" "It's the same thing every week..." "Amnesia, evil twins," "Two ladies end up fighting in a fountain." "I mean, what is it?" "Is it some sort of an escape?" "It's better than blowing smoke in our baby's face." "Where did he go, anyways?" "Oh, there's an e-mail from Lily's scout Camp." "I hope everything's okay." "She's fine." "Mitchell's nervous because he's not a Camper." "His idea of roughing it is a hotel stay" "Where the cable doesn't get bravo." "They should tell you that when you check in." "Oh, boy." "Okay, here's a photo, look." "She's using the signal." "What signal?" "The kids aren't allowed to call their parents," "But the Camp sends out photos, so we have a code." "Yeah, "we."" "One finger, she's fine." "Two fingers, she's unhappy." "Look at this..." "Two fingers." "I don't look at pictures on a phone." "If it's a good shot, get a print, put it in an album." "Interesting time to take a stand." "But she looks like she's just doing" "The bunny ears behind her girlfriend." "Which is exactly what she would do" "To get a secret signal past the authorities." "Okay, it's a scout Camp, not leavenworth." "She's smiling." "What are you worried about?" "Because it's her first time away from home." "It..." "You know what?" "That's probably it." "I'm just..." "I'm stressing out, so..." "You know, I'm..." "I'm gonna go to the office" "And pick up some paperwork." "You know what?" "I'm gonna tag along with you." "You can drop me off at the club." "I'm not really going to the office." "Don't care." "Need a cigar." "[ Rock music playing ]" "Based off the walk I just took," "Side-boob is the new butt crack." "So, you want to head down front?" "Alex!" "Okay, you need to drink this." "I'll get a new one." "Uh, is there vodka in here?" "If there is, it's not" "Doing anybody any good until I get it in there." "Michelangelo talked about chiseling" "Beautiful sculptures out of marble." "Well, my chisel is a long island iced tea," "And I use it to free the party girl from the block of nerd." "Music!" "Yeah!" "Not all my sculptures are masterpieces." "Hey." "I'm ho... [ banjo playing "turkey in the straw" ]" "Oh, amazing!" "[ Clears throat ]" "Honey, were you listening?" "Isn't he good?" "Really good." "Yeah." "Really good." "I..." "I thought you didn't like the banjo." "I didn't think I did, either," "But there's just something about the way he plays." "It's so..." "It's so musical." "Mm-hmm." "So, what's this, a surprise for old dad?" "You been secretly taking lessons for months, probably longer?" "Nope." "I just started messing around with it today." "And you learned a whole song." "Actually, he learned two!" "Play him the other one." "I'm good, thanks." "Are those my shoes?" "I found them in the box of donations." "They fit him perfectly." "If anything, they're a little snug." "Well, he can kick them off, 'cause we are about to do some trampolining." "Time to learn the Dunphy tuck." "I thought you said he could get hurt doing that." "It's impossible to be safe all the time." "You can get hurt just walking into your own house." "Cameron:" "Okay, I'm gonna go hang my costume up" "In my dressing room and start warming up my voice." "[ Clears throat ] dressing room?" "Ay, show me." "I can't." "It's the handicapped stall in the men's room." "But tonight is not about Cameron Tucker." "It's about the kids." "?" "me-me-me-me-me-me?" "Coach Tucker." "Cameron:" "Señor kaplan." "Oh." "What is that, a caveman costume?" "No, I just signed up to sing "memory" from "cats."" "Although I hope I'm not on after the "grease" chorus." "They're a tough act to follow." ""Memory"?" "But that is your song." ""Memory"?" "But that was his song." "Two cat costumes?" "Well, we can't both sing the same song." "I mean, that would make a mockery of the follies." "Oh, well, I sang last year." "Please, I insist..." "You sing." "He gave up his song." "That was his song last year." "Fate will smile upon him." "You would do that for me?" "This is literally the nicest gesture" "I have ever witnessed..." "And I'm from canada." "I don't like this." "This is just like when rosalba and marisol" "Found out that they were married to the same man." "Marisol backed down," "But she was found dead two days later." "Okay, Gloria, I think there's a chance" "You're trying to turn a very normal situation" "Into one of your soap operas." "[ Sighs ] okay, but imagine..." "A standing ovation for you will crush him!" "You know what?" "I'll only look better if I take the high road..." "You know, help out backstage, let him have his moment." "Oh, my goodness!" "[ people gasp ]" "The move you're about to see was first developed" "By my great-great-great- grandfather razvan Dunphy," "But, really, it's as old as man's quest to fly." "It's just a flip with a twist, right?" "[ Chuckles ] there's a lot more going on," "But you won't be able to absorb it" "The first time you see it." "Eins..." "Zwei..." "Drei..." "No good." "Okay." "Oh." "You were right." "I totally missed it." "I'm glad that happened." "I'm actually glad that happened." "It's a good reminder..." "The Dunphy tuck demands respect." "This..." "Time..." "For..." "Real!" "Ohh." "Jim mckay, that hurts!" "I'm gonna..." "Just adjust these springs." "They feel fine to me." "I'm sure they do." "You don't have the foot sensitivity of a tramp champ." "If I ever had to read braille, I'd..." "Oh, my god!" "I think I did it!" "Did I do it?" "Almost." "Yeah." "Your... your form was a little off." "Really?" "It felt perfect." "I'll try one more time." "I'm not sure that's such a good idea." "You might cement in some bad..." "Habits." "I did it again!" "[ laughing ] I'm gonna get you some water." "You seem lightheaded and delusional." "Again!" "Oh, honey." "You look exhausted." "Well, I am not." "I am as strong as ever." "Certainly the strongest person in the house." "[ Gasps ] is Luke doing the Dunphy tuck?" "Sort of a poor man's version of it." "Wow." "He added a whole new twist." "It's called over-rotation." "Look into it." "I was so caught up in my spring cleaning," "It took me a while to see that Phil was feeling inadequate." "I knew what I needed to do." "When you guys are done out there," "Do you think you could give Luke my list?" "I have some chores on here that require some muscle." "Maybe I should take care of that." "Nah." "No, no, I-I-I can handle it." "Luke's pretty busy out there not pointing his toes." "So he's all like, "get a life,"" "And I'm like, "no, thanks." "Got nine."" "[ laughter ] I mean, 'cause..." "Sorry to interrupt, but I just took a break from painting." "Wanted to come over, bring you some tea" "And tell you to break a paw." "[ laughs ]" "He almost broke his head." "Yes, I know, and I feel horrible about that." "I-I hope you know" "I would never intentionally do anything to harm..." "Oh!" "My throat!" "It burns!" "He made the tea too hot!" "Not on purpose!" "Oh!" "Oh!" "[ screams ]" "He tripped on one of coach Tucker's paint cans." "I don't remember leaving that there!" "Oh, look at me." "I can't command a stage." "You... you have to take my place." "We'll wheel you out onto stage." "Oh, come on..." "We both know" "This song requires catlike movements." "Someone get this man into fur and makeup!" "[ "Dueling banjos" playing ] what are you doing?" "!" "Last item on the list..." "move the table." "No." "You should not be doing that alone." "Really?" "'Cause I got the fridge out to the curb." "How?" "Drug it." "Stand back." "I'm turtling her." "No, you're gonna get hurt, sweetie." "Let me get Luke." "Luke!" "No, no, no!" "I don't need his help!" "Let him play his precious banjo!" "It was like the banjo was mocking me." "[ To tune of "dueling banjos" ] ?" "You are not the man you used to be?" "?" "You get up four times at night to pee?" "?" "Ba-da-dum ba bat da doot doot doo?" "?" "You're super-duper old now?" "Hey!" "Take five." "I don't know that one." "Give me a couple minutes." "I'll figure it out." "It's a little hard to get things done with all the noise." "What's that?" "Uh..." "Nothing." "Is that..." "A bra?" "You're not supposed to have girls up here." "I can explain." "You don't have to!" "You think you're an adult, but you're not." "You're a kid living under my roof," "And you have to obey my rules!" "[ Banjo string snaps ]" "Ow!" "The "g" string snapped!" "Probably not the first time that's happened in here." "No!" "It hit my eye!" "Is it bleeding?" "First of all, eyes can't bleed, so..." "Sammy davis jr., that's bad!" "[ Rock music playing ] Alex!" "Oh." "Hi." "I'm looking for my sister." "She has brown hair," "Dressed like a nerd, but not ironically." "[ Cellphone rings ]" "Hang on!" "Hello?" "Haley, are you with Alex?" "She's not answering her phone." "Uh, yeah, yeah." "We're just a tiny bit separated right now," "But, uh, she's been acting a little strange." "Oh, no." "What do you mean?" "Um, I... well, I-I'd say she's been, um..." "A bit distant." "Oh, no." "Mom, don't freak out." "No, I was worried about this when you two left this morning." "Oh, okay, so she was being a little uptight." "Come on!" "Open up, you stupid thing!" "Okay, fine!" "She was a total buzzkill, okay!" "I just wanted to relax her." "Damn it." "I know, I know..." "It was a mistake." "But it's not like I poured it down her throat!" "She didn't get into harvard." "Oh, thank god!" "That's why she's been acting so weird." "Wait." "What do you mean, you didn't pour it down her throat?" "Did you get her drunk?" "Hey, you hacked her computer!" "Is that her?" "Uh, I just found her." "I'll have her call you." "Take me to my sister!" "Oh." "Oh, hi." "Oh." "Whoo!" "All right, Lily's Camp is just through those trees." "I'll be back soon." "Take your time." "I got a couple of robustos to keep me company." "Um, what's up with the outfit?" "It's to keep the smoke off me so Gloria won't smell it." "That's insane." "Yep, I've lost my mind." "Have fun breaking your daughter out of sleepaway Camp." "Oh, of course you wouldn't understand." "Why?" "Um..." "You forgot?" "I forgot I shouldn't ask "why" to things." "[ Scoffs ] I was 9 years old, at Camp." "There were mosquitos, compost toilets, mean kids." "It was theater Camp, wasn't it?" "Naturally, you remember that part." "T-the point is, I hated it." "I was..." "I was cold, and I was scared," "Especially after this kid told this terrifying ghost story," "So I snuck away to a pay phone, I called you, crying," "And [chuckles] in a performance even more predictable" "Than todd jansen's artful dodger," "You refused to pick me up." "For your own good." "Learning to fend for yourself" "Is an important part of becoming a man." "Before you claim that all my professional success" "Stems from your very, very brave decision" "To stay at home on the couch watching "the bionic woman,"" "I am going to go get Lily" "So that she knows she can always count on me." "It's fine." "If that's your idea of a dramatic exit," "It's no wonder todd jansen got that part." "So, the doctor will see you in a few minutes." "Nice someone can see." "Glad to know your good eye can still roll." "[ Chuckles ] so, still angry, huh?" "Gee, why would I be angry?" "Because you insulted me, maimed me, and belittled" "My achievements in the banjonic and trampolinic arts?" "I know." "I'm sorry." "I'm not proud of my behavior today." "[ Inhales deeply ]" "It probably started with the 5k I ran yesterday." "10k." "For everyone else." "It was the first time in 15 years I couldn't finish." "Then, today, it's everything I can do, you can do better." "No, I can't." "Yes, you can." "It's okay." "It's not your fault." "Every dad goes through it..." "The day he starts seeing his son as a man" "And not a boy." "It's a shock." "Like when we first got high-def tv" "And I realized ed bradley had an earring." "I'm not as much of a man as you think, dad." "Oh, really?" "How come an hour ago," "I had a 16-year-old girl's bra in my hand?" "Can we talk somewhere more private?" "Mm-hmm." "The bra belongs to me." "Oh..." "Kay." "That's not the conversation I thought we'd be having," "But..." "If that's what you need on the outside" "To feel like the Luke you are on the inside..." "No!" "It's to practice on." "I stink at unhooking them." "Last week, I tried to take one off a girl at a party." "I fumbled for so long, she started to laugh." "It still haunts me." "[ Giggling ]" "That's why I didn't go away this week." "My trip wasn't canceled." "Everyone found out and..." "I get it..." "You couldn't face them." "Listen, I know this part of your life" "May not be moving fast enough for you," "But enjoy it while it lasts." "Someday, your life's gonna be moving faster than you want," "And you could wind up doing something dumb," "Like blinding your son." "I'm blind?" "!" "Probably not." "Nurse:" "Luke Dunphy?" "[ Sighs ]" "I know I'm getting a little old for this place, but..." "I do like coming here." "Oh, Lukey!" "You hurt your eye." "Do you need a hug?" "A big one." "Come here." "Alex!" "Alex, stop!" "I have been chasing you for, like, an hour!" "Where are you going?" "!" "Uh..." "This guy weasel said he knows" "Of some hot springs in the hills." "We were just gonna go try and find them." "Oh, okay." "So, we'll see you in, like, what, 10 years," "When you spoon-tunnel your way out of weasel's basement?" "[ Scoffs ]" "I know about harvard." "How?" "Mom saw on your computer." "And of course she told you," "Because privacy doesn't mean anything." "Why do things the right way?" "Alex, I r..." "No!" "What's the point?" "Get straight a's for 10 years," "Spend your summers building houses," "Drag your cello to school every day," "Write the perfect essay, and for what?" "!" ""No, thank you, Alex!"" ""we don't want you, Alex!"" "Okay, you are drawing more attention to yourself" "Than the guy wearing a ferret as a scarf." "I don't care anymore!" "I've spent my entire life trying to be perfect," "And where did it get me?" "I am in a field with 6,000 idiots!" "[ Crowd cheers ]" "Know what?" "I think that this is a good thing for you." "Can you just spare me today?" "No." "You're obviously going to get into" "One of those snooty schools," "And sometimes you're gonna come in second..." "Or fourth, or maybe even tenth." "But you're gonna dust yourself off," "Maybe put on some lipstick for once, and keep going." "I'm allowed to feel bad about this, okay?" "Look, you are a superstar!" "I've been saying since you were 10" "You're gonna be on the supreme court." "Thanks." "But for the record, I'm gonna be a scientist." "Lab coat, robe..." "As long as something's covering up your outfit," "You're gonna be just fine." "[ Piano plays introduction ]" "I..." "Don't want to talk about it." "I had killed with that song at three amateur productions," "Two gay weddings, and a two-hour gate hold on a 747," "But I could tell the audience thought" "That I had sabotaged kaplan to grab the spotlight," "And my confidence caught in my throat like a three-day furball." "[ Voice breaking ] I couldn't have stunk up the place worse" "If I'd performed in a litter box." "[ Scattered light applause ]" "Thank you." "Thank you very much." "Bravo, Cameron." "[ Crying ] can't talk!" "I'll be in my stall!" "So, now everybody hates Cameron." "Okay, look, I can't sing "memory."" "It's too much song for me." "So when I found out that coach Tucker" "Wanted to sing it, as well, I had my out..." "Until he nobly stepped aside." "Luckily, the sandbag fell, everyone blamed him," "And I just saw my opening." "I put the paint cans on the floor" "And pretended that the tea scalded me." "But to see him crash and burn on stage, that... [chortles] it doesn't get better than that." "Oh, it's about to," "Because I turned your microphone on," "And everybody there is listening" "To everything that you just said!" "No." "No!" "No, no, no, no, no, no." "You monster!" "Now, hold on." "Aah!" "Ooh-hoo-hoo!" "Ooh!" "Amazing!" "And with no commercials!" "Ooh!" "Ooh!" "Mitchell:" "The worst thing about the woods" "Is you never know what you're gonna run into..." "A bear, a hunter who doesn't take kindly to city folk," "Or worse..." "I can't wait." "I love s'mores." "...Your daughter, as happy as you've ever seen her." "The only thing to do was to sneak back to the car" "And think of a lie to tell my dad along the way." "[ Branch snaps ] girl:" "What was that?" "!" "I don't know, but let's hit it with a shovel." "And stab it with our marshmallow sticks!" "Yeah!" "Yeah!" "Yeah!" "Yeah!" "No!" "No, no, no, no!" "I-I'm Lily's dad." "I'm Lily..." "Hi." "She's mine." "Um..." "What are you doing here?" "Okay, I-I thought you gave me the signal." "No!" "Go away." "You're embarrassing me in front of 8-year-olds." "Sorry." "I just finished telling the girls a ghost story." "It was so scary." "Do you know any?" "I do know one from my own Camp days," "But it's probably too scary for you, s..." "Tell us now!" "Okay, okay." "It's really scary." "Don't say I didn't warn you." "This better be good." "Um..." "Well..." "I-it takes place at a Camp a lot like this one," "Where just beyond the woods, there was a black lake." "And just beyond the lake, there was a prison." "This isn't scary." "Okay, it was a haunted pr..." "It was a haunted prison." "Now, on this one night, the night of the full moon," "What they call "the blood moon"... [ spookily ] oooooh!" "Okay, what was at this prison was a... was a ghost..." "The ghost of an old man with glowing red eyes," "Who breathed fire!" "I'm bored." "Can we go to sleep early?" "I think you're forgetting about the blood moon." "What's that?" "!" "[ gasps ]" "Lily:" "Glowing eyes!" "Girl:" "It's the ghost!" "It's the ghost!" "No!" "Oh!" "[ Children screaming ] girls!" "Thanks for that." "Bedtime should be a treat." "Well, I guess you finally rescued me at Camp." "Better late than never." "[ Sighs ] by the way, I should've come by" "And picked you up from Camp." "That, uh, "tough it out" stuff..." "That was my dad talking." "He threw me in a lake once I was afraid of." "Did I ever tell you about that story?" "Yeah, yeah, we've all heard that story." "[ Sighs ] now, don't feel too bad." "I was completely wrong about Lily." "I almost rescued her from having the time of her life." "Oh, that's the way of things." "Things work out, and someday, you'll be able" "To see her be completely wrong about her kids." "It's fun." "Oh." "Okay." "Cigar?" "No." "No, thank you." "You know, I..." "I once stole one of those when I was a kid." "Made me completely dizzy." "I don't remember the rest of the night." "Aren't you going to that faculty follies after this?" "Yeah." "Give me one of those." "Huh." "I thought there was a step there." "Oh, yeah, you'll get your depth perception back" "Once you get the bandages off." "Careful in the middle, there." "I still haven't a chance to..." "I know." "Oh!" "I thought you were Alex." "She didn't get in." "Oh, no!" "Stupid harvard." ""Stupid harvard"?" "She didn't get into princeton, either?" "No, just harvard." "I thought that this might soften the blow." "And I made her her favorite dinner." "You're such a good mom." "[ door opens ]" "There she is!" "Hi." "I heard." "I'm so sorry." "Oh." "Uh, thanks, mom," "But Haley already made me feel a little better about it." "I just don't really feel like talking right now." "I kind of just want to change my password and get into bed." "Okay." "She just needs a little bit of time to work through it." "Hi." "Alone?" "The kids are growing up." "[ sighs ]" "Guess they don't need us as much anymore." "Oh, well, that was the plan." "I just thought it would feel better than this." "Me too." "At least we still need each other." "How did I get so lucky?" "Okay." "Still got it!" "Oh." | {
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"Sign there!" "Let's see:" "1 golden Cartier, 1 golden bracelet, 1 pair of cuff link decorated with diamonds," "1 golden ring, and 1 golden chain." "I thought you'd be alone this morning, so I came." "Didn't have to, inspector." "Come, I'll buy you a coffee." "Ho!" "You don't want to have a coffee with me?" "For 5 years, I dreamed for this day." "You were not in my dream." "Me too, I dreamed." "You fell again, I catch you, I get a higher grade." "Don't count on me for your promotion." "You quit?" " I don't want to end up in jail." " You all say that." "And one day in front of a jewelry you want more, there we go." "Let's go then." "I want to rob a jewelry, give ma ride?" "You want me to drop you to a jewelry?" "OK with this?" "Very well." "Goodbye." "He's gonna rob?" "He's crazy, but not that crazy..." "It would be foolish to rob while we play drivers." "I'll check it out." "How much?" "Everything OK?" "Should be great while I'm looking for a job." "I really want to quit." "I would say 80000." "Give me a check." "I'll go to the bank, you drop me?" "Well?" "I'll catch him!" "And it won't be for 5 years this time." "Maybe he'll really quit?" "He robbed 14 banks, precisely ." "Armed with a gun." "This guy never quits." "He'll start again, I'm sure." "He looked sincere." "Shut up!" "Start the car." " For opening an account?" " Down the end." "Thanks." "Hi, I'd like to open an account." "Yes, sir." "Hands up!" "This is a robbery!" "Hands up!" "I have a grenade!" "I'll detonate it!" "If I drop it, it blows." "Watch out!" "All go there!" "All of you!" "Put the money here, quick!" "Hold on." "Central post." "Alarm at the BNT, 37 Merchands street." "I repeat, 37 Merchands street." "Duroc here, we fly to the bank." "Be there in 1 min." "Over." "Quicker!" "Watch it!" "Enough, give it." "Throw it, quick!" "Idiot!" "You did it on purpose!" "Not at all, sir." "Don't move!" "Hands up!" "Get me the fucking bag!" "Or I'll blow everything!" "The bank is surrounded!" "Get out, hands up!" "We will do you no harm!" "The bank is surrounded!" "Get out with hands up!" "Don't move or it blows!" "Come with me!" "Take another one." " What?" " You don't have any chance!" " Surrender!" " Let's go, goddamn it!" "What are they doing?" "Here they are." "I have a hostage!" "Let me go or I'll kill him!" "Move it, I have a hostage!" "Here comes the hostage." "OK, we'll let you pass." "Don't panic, please don't..." "It's Lucas." " It's Lucas?" " No way." "But yes." "Oh yes." "Fuck!" "Idiot." " What?" " I said idiot." "What are they playing?" "Lucas, it's me, Duroc!" "What do you want?" "Nothing, I'm the hostage!" " What?" " He's the hostage." "He won't fool me." "Stop that crap!" " Tell them to drop dead!" " What?" " That I'm the hostage!" " Well yeah, you're the hostage." "Tell them, or we'll get killed!" "I don't feel well." "The grenade!" "Don't let go!" " Don't let go." " I am sorry." " My legs are..." " They'll shoot me!" "What is he doing?" "I got him now." "Shall I try?" "Stop firing!" "Stop firing!" " Stop firing!" " Bastards." " They're crazy!" " They want me." "Duroc!" "Why you?" "Duroc, you hear me?" " Why you?" " Shut up!" "Duroc!" "Get out, hands up, Lucas!" "Or I'll give the order to shoot." "Listen, damn!" "Last warning, get out with hands up or we shoot!" "Don't be an idiot, or I kill the hostage!" " I swear I will kill him!" " Kill the hostage?" "You, give me that!" "OK, Lucas." "OK...." "Tell me what you want, I'm listening." "I want my car!" " Don't try to..." " Shut up!" "We are leaving, Duroc!" "You stay calm!" " If you follow us, I'll kill him!" " Where's your car?" " What is this shit!" " Where's your car?" "Over there." "OK, let's go." "The keys!" " Give me my gun." " The keys, or they will shoot!" "My gun!" "It's my robbery." "You will not take my money." "My gun or I blow us away!" " Where's the 1st gear?" " Wait." "I'm so sorry." "Wasn't on purpose." "Why does he shoot?" "They're off to the place Cambacérès." "Block the Morny boulevard and the Chapelain street, quick." "We got him, bastard." "I drive?" "Oh!" "I'll drive if you're not OK." "It wasn't on purpose, damn it!" "Watch out!" "The grenade!" "Well?" "Don't work?" "Why is that?" "One, two, three..." "I'm out of jail!" "5 years in prison!" " 1 hour of freedom, and in big shit!" " Sorry!" "You go see the cops and you explain the situation!" "Tell them I'm innocent!" "You will clear me or I'll rip your head off!" "You're OK?" "You can't stay like this." "I would surrender to the police, but I can't." "I have a problem." "I have a little girl." "If I go to prison, she'll be alone." "I'm all she has." "Don't touch me!" "You're hurting me!" "Damn you!" "All this because I blew a hold-up?" "All this because I succeeded in 14, idiot!" "I didn't know who you are." "I took a hostage, I didn't choose." " Me too, I'm in big shit." " Shut up!" "Where are we going?" "My daughter is waiting in front of the school." "But..." "Not the cops, no!" "What's going on there!" "?" "If I go to prison, they'll take her away!" "It's for a statement!" " Go on!" " Nothing to say!" "Nothing to say, bastard?" " You won't tell, scumbag?" " Easy, oh!" "Please, gentlemen!" "Explain it calmly!" "This idiot did a hold-up, I was a hostage and I'm accused!" "It's a lie!" "And this?" "What is this?" "The hold-up of the BNT!" "That's Lucas!" "Hands up!" "I didn't do it." "He did it, arrest him!" "I said "Hands up!"" " What did you say?" " I'm not going to jail." "Hands up or I'll shoot!" "Stop!" "My money!" "Get lost before I kill you." "Shit." "You're a pain in the ass right from the start." "A hostage doesn't bitch around." "We take a hostage to protect us." "Mine is bitchy!" "I did this robbery because I have no money." "Kill me, but I'm not leaving the money." "Get lost!" "What will you do?" "Move it." "I know who can help you." "It's not far." "Go." "Quick, I'll be late for school." "The cover, put it on the car." "It's a friend of my dad." "He's nice." "He'll take care of you." "I hope he's home." "It's open." "Mister Martin?" "Mister Martin?" "Lie down, I'll look for him." "Is he a doctor?" "He will call the cops." " He must report my wound." " It's daddy's friend." " He's a doctor, he must report..." " Not a doctor, but veterinarian." "He will call the cops." "Mister Martin?" "Mister Martin?" " Mister Martin?" " Who's there?" "Hi mister Martin, you remember me?" "François Pignon." "Is it you, Georges?" "It's nice of you to visit me." "No, it's me, François." "Georges was my father." " I need help." " What?" "My friend is wounded, in the other room." "Wounded?" "I don't practice anymore, Georges." "It's bad." "Didn't know where to go." "Examine him, it's urgent." "Examine it?" "I don't know." "What is it, as race?" "This is not a dog, it's..." "Come and see." " It will shit everywhere again." " No, He's very clean." " What is it?" " A friend." "He's wounded." "He lost blood." "I'm not a doctor, Georges." "You can remove a bullet, and wrap it up, yes?" "Remove a bullet?" "He swallowed the bu-bullet playing a round?" "Are you OK, Mr. Martin?" "Distracting, Georges." "All this is hot." "Very hot." "What's this bullshit?" " Carefully." " I'll take him somewhere else." " Good boy." " You listen, M. Martin?" " We'll go." " Nicely." "Give me the alcohol, it's there." "You can do it?" "Nasty wound, very nasty." "I don't have anesthetics." "Here, bite this." "Take me away!" "Take me away!" "Would be better to prick him." "I want him here, tomorrow!" "Taking too long!" "30 seconds, I'll be back." "He's François Pignon." "45 years, no case." "He worked 24 years in a clothes factory." "Chief of sales, it bankrupted." " Married?" " Widow." " A daughter, not normal." " How comes?" "She's in a school for kids with troubles." "It doesn't match with Lucas." "Nothing matches with Lucas in this." "Send a car to the school." "Daddy is late, honey!" "You waited long?" "It's the car of Mr. Martin, the veterinarian." "Mine is broken." "Get in, quick." "We won't go home, Janet." "We'll never go home." "We'll leave where the sun shines." "No more boring, my love." "We'll be great." "Let's go on foot." "Let me open." "Let's walk." "Watch the shops." "It' all right, darling." "It's all right." "Oh, nice stamps!" "Let's see the stamps." "Still asleep." "No good." "He's waking up." "No, that's outside." "You're right, outside." "I would like him to bark when he wakes up." "You recognize my daughter?" "We visited you." "You remember?" "No." "She's very pretty." "Hello, little kitty." "Oh, oh!" "Oh, oh!" "You recognize me?" "Asshole?" "Yes, it's me." "Are you better?" "I'm not OK." "Cops everywhere." "I'm stuck." "It's your fault." "They want you." "Me, they don't want." "All the cops of France want my ass." "You want me to cry?" "Help me." "What?" "I want to pass the border." "I need passports." "I don't know where to go." "You know." "Help me." "Drop dead." "I helped you, no?" "You shot me, asshole." "I have a deal." "Help me and I will confess." "You'll be clean." "You will soon confess to the cops." "You know why I did this robbery?" "I'm unemployed for 3 years." "No social benefits." "I lived with 42 francs a day, for my girl and me." "I don't care!" "I did it because I couldn't get out." "Listen carefully." "If the cops catch me, I'll take you down." "It's disgusting, but I'll do it." "All for my girl." "I'm sorry for you." "Really." "Goodbye." "Asshole?" " Yes?" " Bring me a phone." "Hello?" "Hold on." "It's for you, Mr. Labib!" "Yeah?" "We didn't meet for 5 years, you remember me?" "Perfect." "I need what you know for a friend." "As fast as possible." "OK, I'll send him." "He's waiting." "Round-point pub, Magenta place." "Ask for Labib." "2500, one passport." "1500, one ID card." "Thanks so much." "Go, beat it." "I take the bus, or should I walk?" " Walk." " Yes." "Don't look in people's eyes." " Why?" " It's a rule." "As a runaway, you watch the floor." "OK." "Something else?" "Remember you have no more friends." "Watch out for scums." "They betray." "Good." "Anything else?" "Are you an asshole?" "Beat it." "I'm tired." " Janet?" " What the hell?" " My daughter." " No." " Meet her." " No!" "My little girl." "Her name's Janet." "I'll go shopping." "This mister is ill." "You have to watch him." " I don't need it." " Let me handle it." "He's like a child, protect him." "I don't need that shit." "You won't hear her, she doesn't talk." "Hasn't spoken for 3 years since her mother died." " OK?" "Nothing broken?" " I'm OK." " Watch it." " Yes, thanks." "Sorry." "Mister Labib, please?" "What?" "Mister Labib." "What for?" "A friend of 5 years ago called him." "Come over here." " How is your friend?" " Good." "Sit down." "He didn't waste time." "He went out, and did a bank!" "He's got balls!" "Sorry, I'm in a hurry." "In a hurry!" "An idiot in a hurry." "Relax, we're your friends." " You have the ID pictures?" " Yes." "You look great." "Like a sunshine." "You know the price?" "2500 F, one passport?" "Yeah, 5 years ago." "Now, it's 500,000." " What?" " Yes. 500,000, for friends." "500,000 francs?" "Not 500,000 dirhams, idiot!" "Where can I find 500,000 F?" "At the BNT." "There was no 500,000 F at the BNT." "How much?" "Not very much." "None of your business." "How much was it?" "Answer to Mr. Labib!" "How much?" "84,000 francs." "Sit down." "Lucas won't bother for 84,000 F." "He didn't rob, he was the hostage." "What?" "I did it, he was my hostage." "You." "Took Lucas as hostage?" "Yes." "Ask him." "He took Lucas as hostage, idiot!" "It's the truth!" "I hope you didn't hurt him!" "He's fragile, Lucas." "You're funny." "Tell Lucas we want 500,000 F, or we'll tell the cops." "Peace!" "Hello?" "It's Labib." "Here's your friend." "They want 500,000 F, or they'll betray me." "Tell them you were my hostage." "Hello?" "What hostage?" "Which hostage?" "This idiot took you as hostage?" "If I fart, he'll fall down!" "No, you, listen to me!" "If in 24 hrs, I see no money, he'll tell his story to the cops." "You, why are you watching me?" "Go away!" "Go away!" "Mister Martin?" " Mister?" " Sir." "Mr. Martin is here?" "No." "He told me to come at 6:30 pm." "Don't be afraid." "He bites only thieves." "Don't bother the gentleman, Mastard." "Sit, Mastard." "Leave him alone." " You're a friend of Mr. Martin?" " Yes." "He's too." "Huh, Mastard?" "You like Mr. Martin, huh?" "Wait for the party." "He saved his life 5 years ago." "A car hit him." "He will jump around!" "Leave him, Mastard." "You would like to have a big dog like him?" "You lost your tongue?" "Yes." "Ah!" "No party, I have to go." "The BNT." "We look for Lucas all the morning." "Come, doggy." "You tell him we came by?" "We'll come back." "The guy is hurt, it won't be long." "He's hurt, a piece of cake, huh, Mastard!" "Sit, now." "Attack, Mastard!" "Mastard!" "How is the dog!" "How are you?" "Good boy!" "Attack, damn!" "What's going on?" "Don't move, doggy." "Don't move!" "Don't move, Mastard!" "Don't move." "Go away!" "I don't need you!" "Go away!" "Wait here, or I call the cops." "I have a little girl, she is sick." "I have to take care of her!" "let me out, please!" "You slept there, fatty?" "It's our home." "There's a rent for the room." "You heard what he said?" "Your money, quick." "Your trousers." "Quick, asshole, or I'll make a hole!" "You wait here, OK?" "You hear?" "Don't move." "What don't you talk?" "Move a little, daddy." "Don't stay in my way, I tell you!" "What do you mean, I'm shitting?" " You are shitting!" " No." "What you mean, I'm shitting?" " You are shitting!" " No." "Lucas, is not an easy client." "Your Lucas, I'm waiting." "He'll be easy, don't worry." "When you're a runaway, you don't get big." "You make yourself very, very, small." "Hands on the desk, Labib!" "Nobody moves!" "Are you nuts?" "There are cops everywhere." "Get him, or I shoot!" "Go on!" "Hands on the desk!" "You're running, you're nuts!" "No." "I was taken as hostage." "If he's not here in 10 sec, I'll blow up your ass!" "Get in!" " Where's my girl?" " Get in!" "Bye, Labib." "Later!" "Goodbye." ""It's me, only me who did this hold-up." ""No charge must be put against M. Lucas" ""who is perfectly innocent."" "Signed, François Pignon." "There." "It's all there." "Why I did it, how I took you as hostage..." "This is it..." "I don't think we'll meet again." "Surrender." "Running is hell." "She can't take it." " Where's your money?" " At the vet." "You won't get far without money." "Surrender, you have no case." "You have a nice face." " You get 1 year." " They'll take my girl." "So what?" "I got out!" "You see the result!" "But you're an idiot." "OK, I'm going." "Thanks for all." " Don't go." " Once more, sorry for..." "Just want to say something, I'll be back." " She talked." " What?" " She talked." " Why you whisper?" "For not blocking her." "The doc said if she talks, act like nothing is going on." "I must not cry." "Don't stay there, it's dangerous." "That's it, I'm crying." "The most beautiful day of my life." "3 years I'm waiting." " You have a handkerchief?" " No." "Shit." "You can tell I cried?" "She talked, thanks to you." "My girl talked." " Shit, I cry again." " You have to go now." "Yes." "Let's go." "You know what would be great?" " Stay a little with her." " What?" "It's the 1st time she asks something." "Are you crazy?" "OK, let's tell her." " Hopefully she won't block again." " You tell her." "I'm gone." " Tell her goodbye." " No." "Shit, she's there." " Stay for 1 hour." " No!" "He can't stay, my love." "He wants to, but he can't." "If he stays, the police will hurt him." "You want that?" "Don't go." "I can't stay, I'll come back, I promise you." "Let me go." "Don't cry, he'll come back." "Daddy is here." "Don't cry, Janet." "I beg you, don't cry." "Janet!" "Janet!" "Bastard!" "Janet!" " It's not working!" " He's crazy!" "That guy is nuts!" "The bolts !" "Catch him!" "Get in!" "Left." "Car 8 to all vehicles." "We found Lucas." "He drives a van "Caraiibos"." "License plate 1522 FT 33." "It's fucked." "Stop, we'll get burned!" "I want to find my girl!" "They'll shoot us." "Where is she now?" " What will she become?" " Hush!" " She'll be hurt." " Hush!" "They'll catch her, and put her away." "She will die." "She can't take that." "Not for even 3 weeks." "If they catch her, I'll kill myself!" " It's their fault." " Hush!" "Stop doing that, damn it!" "Shut up or we'll go to jail!" " It's full of cops!" " Hush!" "God damned!" "No." " She'll leave, I will lose her." " Hush." "Look at her." "How small, fragile she is!" "Anybody can harm her." "She's defenseless." "My poor little girl..." "Who is that?" "Watch out." "He's got a face for giving candy to little girls, son of a bitch." " No." " And that, isn't that candy?" " Shut up, damn!" "He's giving one!" "She accepts." "I told her not to accept!" "No!" "Leave the stone!" "Please, gentlemen." "This little girl is lost." "She said her mom is dead, her father in jail." "My little girl..." "They're taking my girl." "You'll do maximum 1 year." "Then, you get her back." "I'll visit her, she won't be alone." "You have my confession." "Go on, good luck." "What are you doing?" "Oh!" "I'm talking." "I'll kidnap her and leave France with her." "It's not a good solution." "Leave me alone." "I want you to let me go." "Yes, hold on." "Yes?" "Call the institution!" "We keep her here!" "Yeah, goodbye." "The money of the robbery, was at the vet." "One more idiocy." "Lucas went bananas." "You think he's not guilty?" "Do you?" "Yes?" "Who?" "It's Lucas, he wants to talk." "Really!" " Inspector!" " It's Antenne 2!" " RTL!" " I have one thing to say." "Lucas is free." "Charges were dropped." " One question, Lucas!" " Lucas!" "What is it like to be taken as hostage?" " What will you do?" " Find a job like everyone else." "Tell us about the bad guy." "He's a poor fellow." "Leave me alone with this story." " One more question!" " Inspector!" "What are you doing there?" "Excuse me." "Don't let me catch you again!" "Hey!" "Here!" "These are much better." "Thanks, mister." " I was in the neighborhood..." " Cognac?" "No, thanks." "It's no fun here." "You need a girl." "When will you marry and have kids?" "Not tired of being alone?" "You don't want me in jail, you want to marry me off." " The job, all right?" " Very good. 5 visites a day." "3 idiots forgot their key, the 4th broke it." "I broke a safe." "Still fast?" "I'm paid by the hour." "I took 45 min instead 10 sec!" "Way to go, that's good." "It's for a short time, just temporary." "There are no jobs." "Your cognac is not good." "I understand why he robbed, the idiot." "Any news?" " You went up for that?" " No, not at all." "It's really to say hello." "Thanks for the cognac." "And the little one?" "Who?" "Ah!" "At the institution." "There's a cop near there." "I hope the idiot will show up one day." "Is she OK?" "I don't know." "Bye, Lucas." "I'll come again." "Bye." "Hi, I come to see Janet Pignon." "Are you family?" "No." "I'm a friend of Mr. Pignon." "Yes." "There's a mister..." "Sir?" " Lucas." " Mr. Lucas wants to see Pignon." "All right." " Wait, please." " Thanks." " Mr. Lucas?" " Yes?" "In fact, we only allow visites of relatives." "Too bad." "Give her this and a big kiss from me." "Any news of the father?" "No." "If he gets in contact with you, call the police." "Take the fucking monkey!" "Come with me." "Hello, Janet." "It's for you." "You like it?" "She refuses to talk and eat." "If she continues, we'll have to feed her through the veins." "You hear, Janet?" "We'll put a needle in your arm, that hurts." "Give us a moment." "We need a judge's authorization." "She needs many things, but not a cop." "You have 5 minutes." "Janet?" "Janet, look at me." "Janet, you must eat." "Janet, be nice." "Look at me." "I will visit you everyday, look at me." "Look at me, damn!" "OK, I'm going." "There, I'm leaving." "Bye, Janet." "You remember when you said: "Don't leave"?" "You have a pretty voice, you know." "Talk to me, Janet." "Say again: "Don't leave", I would like that." "You don't want?" "OK, don't talk but eat." "You are so skinny!" "I'll bring a cake tomorrow." "You want that?" "I will feed you." "It must be disgusting here." "A big cake with a lot of cream." "I will kiss you." "And leave." "I leave you there, huh?" "OK, listen..." "You won't wake everybody up!" "I hope you didn't steal it." " I'm scared." " Chu..." "There." "Come on." "You scared me." "What are you doing here?" " Do you smell like fish?" " Yes." "I slept in a market." "You stink, it's revolting." " She must be bad." " I saw her yesterday." " And?" " Not very good." "Why is that?" "She'll be better far from here." "Calm down." " Let's work properly." " You are right." " Locked?" " No worry." "Everything's easy with you." " A cop as security." " What?" "A female cop." "Tough." "Hush." "It must be there." "Hush!" " There's shit all over." " Watch your steps." " You're doing that on purpose?" " There's a bunch of shit!" " Wait here." " No, I'm coming." "I told you, stay here." "Hush." "Don't be afraid, it's me, Lucas." " Well done." " Hit the road." "Give her to me." "Let's hurry." " She's not mine." " What?" " You made a mistake." " You're kidding?" "It's because of the monkey." "She had it in her arms." "I want mine." "What is it?" "Let's get the hell out!" " I want my girl!" " Hide." "Don't move!" "Janet!" "It's daddy, come!" "Janet!" " You heard?" " What is it?" " Where is my daughter?" " You make it worse, Pignon." "Tell me where she is, or I kill you." "She's at the infirmary." "Come." "I'll put you again asleep." "Be a good girl." "Don't cry, all right?" "You'll be guilty for abduction, you know how much that is?" "Take her, quick." "Don't be afraid, Janet." "It's daddy." "It's me, my love." "You're stuck, buddy." "Don't move." "Stand still." "Quick!" "Janet..." "Janet!" "Why isn't she waking up?" "She's freezing." "Touch her." " She must see a doctor." " No way." "It's not normal to sleep like that!" "Why is she so cold?" " Her cheeks are not cold." " What?" "Her cheeks are not cold." "So what?" "She only got cold hands." "You stop for that?" "I want a doctor!" "When he sees a bum with a little girl from the institution, he will call the cops!" " I don't give a shit, she's ill!" " Lucas, you hear me?" "Yes, I do." " It's 1 hour we are calling you." " Not now." "I went to eat." "There's a job to do, at 18, Paradise street." "At Dr Gilbert's, I repeat, Paradise street.." " You have a job to do?" " For whom?" "For a doctor." "Dr. Gilbert, he lost his keys." " SOS Keylocks." " Huh?" " You asked for a technician?" " Yes." " Are you a doctor?" " Yes." "Something wrong?" "No, it's OK." "I had a little party..." "It's all right." "Doctor?" "Doctor?" "Is he drunk?" "We need another doctor." "Let me go, I'm a doctor." " I'm a doctor." " I want another one!" "This one is very good." "I can walk." "Let me go." "I can walk." "I'm gonna be sick." "I wanted to be a doctor without borders," "I don't like the heat." "Don't kill him!" "Doctor, you hear me?" "We need you." "The girl is ill!" "You hear me, doctor?" "Who are you?" "I'll call the police!" "You have no rights..." "You examine the girl or I'll get pissed." "Well?" "Gimme that thing, there!" "What is he doing?" "What are you doing?" "I'm taking my pressure, I don't feel well." "No, it's OK..." "I'm OK." " It's funny, I thought..." " Take care of the girl!" "Let's do it!" "Let's go." "Fuck, it's spinning..." "It was the annual reception of the Lachaume laboratory." "I never go out..." "Oh, shit!" "It won't work, let's go!" "What is it?" "It's me." "Stop, it hurts!" "Go on!" "Blood pressure is very low." "Her condition is a whack." " Give her something." " She must go to the hospital." "We can't take her to the hospital!" "What are you doing with her?" "It's my daughter." "She let herself die at the public institution." "I'll give her a cardiotonic." "She needs normal food." "She must eat, or you will lose her." " Where are we?" " At a client's." "I've installed a security door for them." "They will be back in 15 days." "Upstairs." "You see enough?" "Are you OK?" "I don't know, I..." " Give her to me." " No, it's OK." "I haven't eaten much in the last few days." "Nor have I slept much." " Give her to me, you'll let her fall." " No." " I don't want someone to take her." " Don't move." "No, it's too heavy." "It's OK." " Is it OK?" " It's OK." "Now, to bed!" "She won't die, will she?" " She won't die?" " Why was she dying?" "Stop talking bullshit!" "What an idiot!" "Why was she dying?" "I'm scared." "The neighbors!" "I don't care!" "You are scaring me with your bullshit!" "Janet, we're here!" "You're not in the Assistance institution anymore!" "Your dad is here, and me, open your eyes!" "Open your eyes, damn!" "Stop it, you'll hurt her." "I'm hungry." "She's hungry!" "Fuck, she's hungry!" "Shit!" "There's nothing to eat here!" "They left, but not to shop for groceries!" "Where can we find food at this hour?" "There are beans." " Beans?" " Little girls eat that?" "Look what we have." " Nice beans." " It's good for the kids." "Janet?" "We'll let her sleep." "All right." "Yes, it's OK." "Yes, it's OK." " Where do you come from?" " What did you do tonight?" " I worked." " He took his girl, you helped." "Me?" "Are you kidding?" "Risking jail for helping an idiot?" "Take him." " What's my motive?" " Fun, friendship." "Let's go." "You'll explain it to the press, Duroc." "What?" "You put me in jail because I'm friendly." "You almost shot me, you want me in jail, we're talking abuse." "Release him." "You won't pass the barricades." "You will get blown." "It's late, Duroc." "I'm tired." "You won't make it with those two losers!" "Not a chance, Lucas!" "There you go!" "We're all clean." "Hello, Janet." "Lucas..." "You eat it all?" "I stole this a few minutes ago." "Who is it?" "The clients where I worked." "They're of our age, and have a 5 years old boy." "I look like the guy, the wife, is your style." "There's all we need." "I will dress like a woman?" "You must pass the barricades." "It won't work." "I don't look feminine!" "I'll be grotesque!" "I'm too old for that." "There are old women." "Yes, but I don't look like an old woman, damn!" "You must pass the barricades, man!" "Put this on, we'll talk later!" "You'll see, they'll grow quickly." "Don't worry." "I am grotesque!" "We'll get arrested, and they will laugh!" "Let me see." "I won't get past 10 meters, dressed like this." "Even in Brazil, I'll get busted." " What is your name?" " Jean-Claude." " Good." "How you call me?" " Daddy." " And him?" " Mommy." "Doesn't work..." "Put the wig on." "What did he do to your hair, my little one!" "It's nothing, mommy." "It will grow." " Don't call me mommy." " Must do." "Yes, it's true." " How horrible." " It'll be fine." "I don't feel right." "You are pretty, mommy." "I don't want her to call me mom." "Let's go, Marie-Cécile." "It's your name on the passport." "Don't forget, Marie-Cécile." "Oh là la là la!" "Marie-Cécile..." " Is he hurrying?" " Yes." "We have to go now!" "Are you OK?" "Lucas." "You have to be fatter, you're too skinny." "I don't want a skinny girl like that." "Will you stay with us?" "What is she doing, your father?" "Marie-Cécile!" "If my company didn't bankrupt, I would still be chief of sales." "I was 45 when it happened." " Who needs a guy of 45?" " Come on!" "If we find a barricade, don't talk." "I'll do it." "I wouldn't like to go to jail dressed like this." " A cop." " What?" "Behind us, a cop." " Shit!" " OK, OK." "We drive slowly." "No problem." " My heart hurts." " What?" " You OK?" " She'll throw up." " Oh no, not now!" " Breathe." "Any better?" "No, my heart hurts." " She'll throw up." " Not on me!" "Get your head out." "Outside, like that." " My wig!" " No!" " What an idiot!" " My heart hurts!" " My heart hurts!" " Shut up!" "My heart hurts, my heart hurts." " Are you OK?" " I'm OK." "I can't pass the barricades without the wig." "No." " Women have short hair." " Not with this face." "Yours too ugly, yours horrible!" "You need the wig." "We'll never find it." " Why you said all that?" " Huh?" "About my look, you didn't have to." "There it is." "What's wrong with your wig?" "A bad fold maybe?" "Why does it stand up like that?" "I don't know." "Shit!" "What do we do?" "You're called Jean-Claude!" "If they ask questions, I'm screwed." "They won't." "With my look, they'll ask questions!" "And my voice!" "It's fucked!" "Calm down, damn it!" " Let's run!" " Shut up!" " Turn back!" " Enough!" "We're screwed, turn back, damn!" "Shut up!" "Your wig, for God's sake!" "National Police, your papers, please." "Quick, my wife is pregnant." "She doesn't feel well." "Yeah..." " You're going to the maternity?" " What?" "Wait." "Let go through, a pregnant lady!" "No need!" "There's traffic jam, it's safer." "Go on." " What should I do?" "Give birth?" " I'm thinking." "The gynecologist will be surprised." "I would like to have a little brother." "That's impossible." "They will take you." "You're OK, litlle lady?" "Be brave, mom." "Why don't these 2 bastards leave?" "Relax, madame." "It'll be OK." "Lie down." "That's it." "The doctor is waiting." "You're lucky, the operation room is available." "I'm better." "I'm better, thanks." "It was a nervous pregnancy." "Goodbye!" "There." "You climb over the hill and there, is Italy." " I don't know what to say, Lucas." " Don't." "Both of you go." "I can't come with you." "Don't be sad, you know why?" "We'll meet regularly." "I'll come to see you in Italy." "We'll have parties, like we never got separated." "I'm starting my life, I can't mess it up." "I understand." "I can't run anymore, I did it for too long." " I said, I understand." " OK." "Goodbye." "Good luck." "Goodbye, Lucas." "See you, Janet." "I'll keep you company a little, With you I never know." " We'll manage it." " OK, let's go." "Only a few days." "I can't stay all my life." " I have others things to do." " Of course." "Of course." "Subtitles:" "ILIYA DIMOVSKI" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
" But Professor" " No." "The answers are all there in the test." "Aren't you forgetting something?" "I know." "It's something to do with the third differential coefficient." " Not that." "Tonight." " What?" "Emma?" " What time is it?" " Almost 5:00" "Oh, God." "My proposal for utilizing solarpower, rejected." "My concepts for harnessing micro-energy waves, rejected." "The dean suggests that I focus on something that might actually help mankind." "Like his study on the benefits of tobacco consumption." "Alex, the problem is your ideas are a bit too... radical." "The problem is with the faculty." "They're dinosaurs." "They're already extinct, they just don't know it." "They'll be discovered by some future archaeologist, and he won't know what to make of them." "Their dim little eyes, de void of any curiosity..." "Alex, it's your first year as associate professor." "You might want to play things a little more conservatively." "You sound just like my father." "Look at them, Philby." "All alike." "All in identical bowler hats." "Do you want your students to turn out like that?" "I want my students prepared for the realities of the world they're about to greet." "Well, I don't." "I want them to run along this street and knock off every bowler they see." "Mrs Watchit!" "Oh, huzzah, the master's home." " Did you get it?" " Hello, Mr Philby." "Hello, Mrs Watchit." "You're looking in the pink." "Must be all the exercise I get scampering up and down these stairs like a wee lad." " Don't torture me." "Did you get it?" " I got it." " Good." "Let me see." " But don'tyou think for one moment..." "I'm going to let you go out in that filthy jacket." "Now, go in there and change." "And you've got another letter from that annoying little man." "Well, go ahead." "Switch it on." " It'll help people keep their teeth well into their 40s." " You might think about having that cleaned." " Oh, who has the time?" " How did you know with Molly?" " Know what?" " You were meant to be together." " She made the best shepherd's pie I ever tasted." "Don't you have a single romantic bone in your body?" "No." "I'm all bowler hat." "Why do you waste your time on that crackpot?" "Because he has some very interesting ideas." "A professor at Columbia should not be corresponding with a crazy German bookkeeper." "He's a patent clerk, not a bookkeeper." "I think Mr Einstein deserves all the support I can give him." "I wonder if we'll ever go too far?" " With what?" " With this." "With all of this." "No such thing." "All right." "How do I look?" "Practically decent." "Really, Alex." "Good luck tonight." "She's a fine girl." "She's done wonderful things for you." "Don't worry." "You still have that alluring smell of chalk." "Oh, gotta hurry." "Now, that's more like it." "You look a proper gentleman for once." "Well, you better hope so." "If Emma turns me down, you'll be next." "Oh, I'm already swooning." "All right." "Wish me luck." "Thank you." "Fresh flowers." "Fresh flowers." " Have some flowers, sir." " Not tonight, thanks." "No." "I promised her flowers." "Spectacular." "Spectacular waste of money." "Damn thing's always breaking down." "Do you need a lift?" " Yes, yes." " How do you keep the water temperature stable?" " There's a cantilevered gasket..." " on the fuel regulator..." "Oh, God." "Uh" "Much obliged." "I'm always forgetting the damn brake." "Hop in." "I'll give you a perambulation before it breaks down again." "Oh, uh, I'm afraid I have a prior engagement." "Well, another time then." "We perambulate here most every night." "Certainly." "Get a horse!" "Yes." "Alexander?" "Oh!" "Whoa." " You're late, Professor." " I got here as soon as I could." "Well, they say it's all the rage in Paris." "But I just picked it up..." " Five dollars at Macy's." "Silly, isn't it?" " Very silly." "I like it." "Well, where are they?" " What?" " The flowers." "You promised me flowers tonight." "Don't you even remember?" "Oh, I'm sorry." "Well, I was distracted." "Well, there's something new." "Uh, Emma, I need to talk to you." " Oh, uh, shall we walk through the park?" " Yes." "Professor, you're shivering." "I hope you're not coming down with something." "Well, I'm afraid I am." "I'm not sleeping very well, and even when I'm awake, I'm not much use." "I can't eat or think or do much of anything anymore." "And the worst part is, I don't know that I'll ever be well." "I think there's only one remedy, and that's for you to marry me..." " and spend the rest of your life with me." "Oh, Emma, I know it's right." "I know we're meant to be together." "It's the only thing in my entire life I've never had to think about." "Oh, Alex." "Uh-Uh, wait." "I have something for you." "You know, the moment is rather dying here." "I know." "Hold on." "Oh." " I know it's not a diamond." " A moonstone." "Well, it's your birthstone." "I thought..." "You thought right." "I just might cry." "I couldn't help but overhear." "Two fine young people starting out on the road oflife." "I wish you the very best." " Well, thank you." " And as much as I hate to do this moved as I am by your..." "protestations of love" "I'll be needing your money now." " Sir?" " And your jewelry too." "I guess we could call this your first little bump on the road to marital bliss." " I don't understand" " Don't make a scene.There's no cause for that." " Just give me your wallet, will you?" " Hmm?" "Did you hear me, lad?" "Uh, all right, all right." "Here." "That's everything." "And your watch." "And the gloves." " And the ring." " No." "I'm afraid so, darling." " And maybe he'll buy you a diamond now." " Please, please." "Not that." "Don't!" "Why did you do that?" "It's only a ring." "Emma?" "Emma?" "Oh!" " What?" "Oh." "Oh, sir, Mr Philby's here." " Here?" " Yes, sir." "He insisted on coming" " Tell him to go away." "I'm busy." " I won't go away, Alex." "My God." "What's happened to you?" "I've been I've been working." "You remember that?" "You used to care about your work." "I care more about my life." "And yours." "I came by the house every day after the funeral... and every week and every other month." "Then I stopped coming." "Did you even notice?" " It hurt me, Alex... very much." " Then why are you here now?" " There are some things I have to say you may not like hearing." "I know." "I know." "You're concerned." "I know." "I hear it from Mrs Watchit every day." "But really..." "I need you to go." " I won't leave." "Not with you hiding down here." " I'm not hiding." "You know that's what it is." "Mrs Watchit says you're in here all hours, day and night." "Alex, will you please stand still and look at me!" "It wasn't your fault." "No." "It wasn't my fault." "Maybe we should blame Mrs Watchit for picking up the ring from the jeweler." "Or the jeweler for making it." "Or the poor bastard who tore the stone from the earth." "Maybe I should blame you for introducing me to Emma in the first place." "Yes." "Alexander, nothing will ever change what happened." "No, you're wrong, because I will change it." "David, I appreciate your concern." "I do." "But I ask you to have faith in me." "Well, I want to have faith in you, Alex, but" "Wha ... what are you doing here?" "I'll tell you what." "Why don't you come by for dinner in a week, and I'll show you?" " Why don't you come home with me now?" "Molly" " Did you not hear me, David?" "I can't leave when I'm so close." "All right." "We'll continue this conversation in a week." "In a week, we'll never even have had this conversation." "Ah." "Thank you, my good man." "You're early." "That's a first." "I wanted to see you." "Well, where are they?" " What?" " The flowers." "You promised me flowers tonight." "Don't you even remember?" "You never cease to surprise me." "Emma, I need to talk to you." " Shall we walk through the park?" " No!" "No." "No." "Let's go into the city." " Alex, what is it?" " Nothing." "Let'sjust hurry." "Running along is all very well for you." "You're not wearing a corset." "Bleecker Street, and be quick about it." "Now you're all gallant." "Professor, you're shivering." "I hope you're not coming down with something." "No, no." "I'm fine." "I'm wonderful." "I'm walking down the street with you again." "But we took a walk three days ago." "Well, not like this." "Never like this." " Heavens, look at that car." " Oh, I've seen it." "Now I know you're ill." "You're passing up the chance to explore some new gadget." " It's only a machine." " Alexander, tell me what's going on." " Is something wrong?" " No." "No." "Emma, listen to me." "I need to leave you now, but I want you to go straight home and stay there." "I promise you I'll come by sometime later tonight, and I won't make any sense." "I'll be all upset that you didn't meet me in the park, butyou must trust me." "Everything will be all right." "Just know how much I love you, how much I'll always love you." "All right." "But first, where are my flowers?" "Flowers it is." "Wait right there." "Don't move." " Oh, can I help you, sir?" " Yes, a dozen roses." "White." " No, no." "Red." " Look out!" " Easy." "Easy." "I'm looking for Professor Hartdegen." "Alex, I'm..." "I'm so sorry." " This was not supposed to happen." " Of course not." " I know there's nothing I can say." " We were out of the park, Philby." "We were safe." "Why can't I change it?" "I could come back a thousand times." "See her die a thousand ways." "I don't..." "I don't understand." "I can't find the answer here." "Not here." "Not now." "The future is now." "Certain restrictions apply.Blackout periods on availability subject to change." "Our engineers are currently preparing for the first 20-megaton detonation... to create the subterranean living chambers for Lunar Leisure Living." "Imagine fishing in our fully-stocked Sea ofTranquility, golfing on our championship course, home of the Neil Armstrong Open." "Fifteen-hundred-yard drives?" "Whoa-ho, no problem!" "At one-sixth Earth's gravity, you're guaranteed to get back on the dance floor." "So contact Lunar Leisure Living today to reserve your own little piece of heaven, because the future is now." "Certain restrictions apply." "Blackout periods o navailability subject to change." " Hey." " Hello." "Nice suit." "Very retro." "Thank you." "Bet that makes a hell of a cappuccino." "That thing." "I'll see you." "Hi, friends." "The latest update from Lunar Leisure Living." "Our engineers are currently preparing for the first 20-megaton detonation... to create the subterranean living chambers for Lunar Leisure Living." " Alright." "Attention, everyone." "Class 23, could we gather, please?" "Our next stop is Antiquities." "Please make sure that your microscans are charged for download." " Two by two." "Let's look lively." "Two by two." " Stop!" "Quit!" "Tommy, if you do that again, I will resequence your D.N.A., so help me!" "Now, march." "March, march." "Two by two, please." "Looklively." "Welcome to Vox System." "How may I help you?" "I didn't see you there." "I always seem to have that effect." "How may I help you, sir?" " What is that thing?" " That is my photonic memory core, or P.M.C., as we say in the trade." "Over here, sir." "What are you?" "I'm the Fifth Avenue Public Library information unit, Vox registration NY-114." "How may I help you?" " A stereopticon of some sort." " Stereopticon?" "Oh, no, sir." "I am a third-generation, fusion-powered photonic, with verbal and visual link capabilities connected to every database... on the planet." "Photonic?" "A compendium of all human knowledge." " Oh." " Area of inquiry?" " Do you know anything about physics?" " Ah, accessing physics." "Mechanical engineering." "Dimensional optics." "Chronography." "Temporal causality, temporal paradox." " Time travel?" " Yes." "Accessing science fiction." "No, no." "Practical application." "My question is why can't one change the past?" "Because one cannot travel into the past." " Wh-What if one could?" " One cannot." "Excuse me, this is something you should trust me on." "Accessing the writings of Isaac Asimov, H.G. Wells," "Harlan Ellison, Alexander Hartdegen..." " Tell me about him." " Alexander Hartdegen, 1869 to 1903." "American scientist given to eccentric postulation." "Found writings include treatise on the creation of a time machine." " Tell me about the time machine." " Time Machine was written by H.G. Wells in 1894." "It was a motion picture by George Pal and a stage musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber..." " That's not what I mean." " Would you like to hear selections from the score?" " No." " There's a place called tomorrow" "A place of joy not of sorrow" "Can't you see it's a place for you and..." "Thank you." "That's quite enough." "Will there be anything else?" "Uh, no." "No, I think I'll have better luck in a few hundred years." "Live long and prosper." "Sir, where is your designated evacuation center?" "Sir, you are subject to arrest under martial law..." "Please putyour hands out, palms together." "You will be held in detention until your evacuation center clears you for transport." " Wait, wait!" " Just take it easy." " Hey, we got to get out of here!" " Wait." "How did this happen?" "The moon." "Come on." "Move it." " That's impossible." "What happened?" " You been living under a rock?" "Yes, I've been living under a rock." "Now, tell me." "The demolitions for the lunar colonies screwed up the orbit, okay?" "The moon's breaking up." "All right?" "Come on." " Hey!" "Forget him!" "Come on!" "Emma?" "Shh!" "Hello?" "Hello." " Don't be afraid." "Oh, wait." "Don't..." "Don't go." "Wait." "I just want to talk to you." " Hello." "Oh, I'm sorry." "I don't understand you." " Do you know my words?" " Yes." "The lex." "The stone language." "The stone language?" "But do you understand me?" "Do you understand me?" "We all learn it when we're young." "They tor'jen." "Forget." "They forget it." " But I teach." " What is he saying?" "They're trying to decide if we should throw you in the river." "Tell me quickly, and tell me the truth." "Where do you come from?" "Well, actually, I'm from here." "Uh, just not from now." "You see, I built a machine that allows me to travel through time." "I'm from the past." "Oh." "I told them you hit your head... and you are a wandering idiot." " What are you doing?" " Getting ready for the mor." " The night." " Oh." "I'll come with you." " Eloi?" " What are your people named?" "Well, I-I guess you'd call us New Yorkers." "New Yorkers." "Are they friendly?" "Until you talk to them." " Tell me about your village." " It's a very busy place." "Everyone seems to be in a hurry." "And they all wear identical bowler hats." "Little black round things on their heads." " What do you do there?" " Well, I was a teacher like Mara." " And I make things." " Me also." "I made a sess'quin'tan with my father." "We still use it." "A sess'quin'tan?" "Mara, der'enjen'wenlen?" "Sess'quin'tan." "Steps of rope." "Oh, a rope ladder." "We can make one." "I will teach you." "Will you tell me more lon'el on the next day?" "Tomorrow?" "Yes, I will." "Why don't you take care of this for me tonight?" "Thank you." " Good night." " Good night." "Kalen will tire you if you let him." "He's always been questioning." "Our parents were firm, but it is his way." " Where are your parents?" " They've gone from this place." "Oh, I'm sorry." "You were right, Philby." "I did go too far." "Sit with me." "Mara, why do you pull the boats up at night?" "Afraid they'll be stolen?" "Stolen?" "I do not know that word." "Well, are you afraid that someone will take them?" " It is just more safe this way." " Oh." " You must do things to be safe where you come from?" "Of course." "Or when you come from." "Ah, so I'm not just a wandering idiot." "Col'mar." "Maybe we could find some tomorrow." "Flowers?" "Alexander." "Alexander." "Ah!" "Morlock!" " Is he all right?" " He had a dream." "Oh." "So did I." "I was moving through a jungle..." "And you saw a shape a head of you." "Well, a face that..." "called my name." "We all have that dream." " All of you?" " Yes." "Now go back asleep." "You're still not well." "What does that mean, "Morlock"?" "A child's dream." "No more." "Go back asleep." "We keep these stones in many places." "This is the room where my parents taught me for the first time." "Why do you learn this language if you don't use it?" "It's a tradition we hand down." "It meant something once." "Must be here for a reason." ""One generation passeth away, and another cometh." "But the earth abideth forever."" "Why have you come here?" "Why have you traveled through time?" "To have a question answered." "Question?" "Yes." "Why can't I change the past?" "Why would you want to?" "You've lost someone." "Someone you loved very much." " Mara, why are there no older people here?" " What do you mean?" "Older people, your parents' age or grandparents' age." "They've gone from this place." "You mean, they're dead?" "Yes." "All of them?" "How is that possible?" "There are things better left not said." "We don't dwell on the past, Alexander." " We do something else." " What?" "We remember them... with these." "Alexander!" "Alexander." " Are you coming to work now?" "Come with me" " No." "Alexander's not well enough." "We're going to see his machine." " Now?" " Stay with Toren." " Go the next day, tomorrow." " I need to see that it's all right." "This way." "Will you tell me more about New York tonight?" "I will." "Oh, good." "It seems fine." "We had quite a ride together." " It's ready?" " Appears so." "Will you use it now?" "Go back to your own time?" "Well I, I guess I could." "Uh... it seems so long ago." "No." "You should go." "And I need to ask, will you take Kalen with you?" " Why?" "Alexander, take him away, back to your time." "Will you?" " Mara, why?" " Please." "You don't know." "Take him away from here." "Kalen!" "Mara, what's going on?" "They're early!" "We must get Kalen!" "Kalen!" "Kalen!" "Kalen!" "Mara!" " Kalen!" " No, stay here." "Stay in the group!" "Run!" "Mara!" "Mara!" "Where did they take them?" " We have to follow them." "We have to find them." " We do not." "Col'quin tor." " Why not?" " This is nem Eloi'tas, our life here." " How can you just do nothing?" " How can tor'tasal'mor." " It is the day and the night." " The day and the night." "This is the world." "Why don't you fight back?" "Fight back." "Why not?" "Those who farquil'pax..." "fight... are taken first." " Kalen, do you know where they're taken?" " No." " Do they ever come back?" " No." " Has anyone ever followed them?" " I don't know." " Well, what about the Morlocks?" "There must be a leader." "We're not supposed to talk." "Kalen, listen to me." "Listen." "Sometimes we need to accept what's happening to us even if we don't want to." "And other times we have to fight, even if we're afraid." "Now, it's difficult to understand, I know." "Believe me, I know." "Now, they're afraid, and I'm asking you not to be." "So will you tell me what you know?" "We can save her." "Please." "When they go, we're not supposed to talk about it." " But we all know the place." " What place?" "Where the ghosts are." "Here it is." "Welcome to VOXsystem." "How may I help you?" " It's all right." " How may I serve you?" "What can I get you?" "Oh, let's see." "Um, Henry James." "Oh, no." "Yes?" "No, no, no." "Too depressing." "Hemingway, perhaps?" "No." "Too sweaty." "Plato, Proust, Pinter, Poe, Pound?" "No." "Complete Works of Martha Stewart?" "Ah, I have it!" "Jules Verne." " Right up your alley, I would think." " Photonic, right?" "Or what's left of one." "What's left of all of them." "I am the last, and "these fragments I have shored against my ruins."" "T.S. Eliot." "You wouldn't know him yet, but he is so depressing, yet so divine." "Oh, I'm sorry." "The lending library is temporarily out of service." "Not to worry." "I have them all right here... every page of every volume." "Can you tell me what's happening here?" "Well, my sources are no longer fully annotated, and my information is somewhat anecdotal, but I believe what was once one race... is now two." "One above and one below." "Two distinct species that have evolved." " And how do those below survive?" " That is the real question, isn't it?" " I don't believe it." " Well, if you don't like the answers, you should avoid asking the questions." "Look at them." "They have no knowledge of the past, no ambition for the future." " So lucky." " Why would you say something like that?" "Can you even imagine what it's like to remember everything?" "I remember a six-year-old girl who asked me about dinosaurs 800,000 years ago." "I remember the last book I recommended:" "Look Homeward, Angel, bythomas Wolfe." "And yes, I even remember you." "Time travel: practical application." "How do you know about the Morlocks if you can't leave this place?" "There was one Eloi who managed to escape." "He told me everything." "We spent years together, just talking." "The conversation's a little spotty now, but I do remember." " It's good to have a friend." " Then you can help us find the Morlocks, find Mara." "And if the truth is so horrible, and will haunt your dreams for all time?" "Well, I think I'm used to that." "My friend said he came from the east, from the jungle." " Will you describe it?" " I don't have to." "Just follow the breathing." "In the dream, we're moving toward it, but I think it was meant to keep us away." " I might just go in by myself." " No." "Mara would be very cross with me if you got hurt." "Now, I'll find her, but I need you to go back to the village and light a fire so we can find our way home." " All right?" "Will you do that for me?" " I lost your pocket watch." "They took it from my room." "I'm sorry." "Why would they take it?" "Oh." "Stupid." "Mara?" "Mara?" "Mara." "Mara?" "Come a little closer." "I don't bite." "Do I surprise you?" " A little." "Yes." " Hmm." "We weren't always like this." "After the moon fell from the sky, the Earth could no longer sustain the species." "Some managed to stay above." "The rest of us escaped underground." "Then centuries later, when we tried to re-emerge into the sun again, we couldn't." "So we bred ourselves into castes." "Some to be our eyes and ears." " Some to be our muscles and sinews." " You mean, your hunters." "Yes." "Bred to be predators, but bred also to be controlled." "You see, my caste concentrated... on expanding our cerebral abilities." " You control their thoughts." " Not just theirs." "The Eloi." "So it's not enough that you hunt them down like animals." " That's their role here." " To be your food?" "Yes." "And for those who are suitable, to be breeding vessels... for our other colonies." "You see, I'm just one of many." "I don't understand how you can sit there and speak so coldly about this." "Have you not considered the human cost of... of what it is you're doing?" "We all pay a price..." "Alexander." "Don't worry.You're safe." "I control them." "Without that control, they would exhaust the food supply... in a matter of months." "Food supply?" "They're human beings!" "Who are you... to question 800,000 years... of evolution?" " This is..." "This is a perversion of every natural law." "And what is time travel but your pathetic attempt to control the world around you," " your futile effort to have a question answered?" "Do you think I don't know you, Alexander?" "I can look inside your memories, your nightmares, your dreams." "You're a man haunted by those two most terrible words:" "What if?" "Look at you!" "Daddy!" " Who's that?" "Is it Daddy?" " Daddy!" "And we're still having lots of fun." "Right." "Right." "Da-da!" "Daddy." "You built your time machine because of Emma's death." "If she had lived, it would never have existed." "So how could you use your machine to go back to save her?" "You are the inescapable result... of your tragedy, just as I... am the inescapable result..." "of you." "You have your answer." "Now go." "I believe you have something that belongs to me." "We all have our time machines, don't we?" "Those that take us back are memories... and those that carry us forward... are dreams." " You're forgetting one thing." " Huh?" "What if?" " What are you doing with it?" " Changing the future." "Come on." "Wait." "Wait here." "Go." " Hurry!" "Huh?" "Alexander!" "I'm sorry you lost your machine." "Oh, it's all right." "It was only a machine." ""The congregation rose and stared..." "'"while the three dead boys came marching up thea isle.." ""Tom in their lead, Joe next," ""and Huck, a ruin of drooping rags," ""sneaking sheepishly in the rear." ""They had hid in an unused gallery, listening to their own funeral sermon." "Aunt Polly, Mary and the Harpers threw themselves upon them..."" "This is the place." "So it is." " But there's nothing here." " Well, it was different then." "My laboratory was all around here." "The kitchen was up there where that tree is." "Not that Mrs Watchit ever let me go in there." "I don't know what to tell you, sir." "He's been gone this whole week." "And you've no idea where he went?" " No, sir." " This would be my greenhouse." "There was a garden outside." "Gren 'tormar'tas?" "Yes." " I'm glad." " Sir?" "I'm glad he's gone." "Maybe he's finally found someplace where he can be happy." " This was my home." " His home." "Long ago." "You know, Molly and I were talking about engaging a housekeeper, someone to live with us and help take care of Jamie." "Would you be interested?" " Perhaps just until the master returns." " Of course." "But there'd be some changes made." "I run a tight house." "Oh, I have no doubt of that." "I'll call by in the morning, and we'll arrange it." " Good night, Mrs Watchit." " Good night, Mr Philby." "Godspeed, my fine lad." "Godspeed." | {
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"Just look at him." "So sleek, so powerful so beautiful." "Like some great golden god made flesh." "Of course, any sensible god would demand absolute obedience in return for his favor." "But, no, our Man of Steel protects us and keeps us with no strings attached." "And the people, hmm they practically worship him anyway." "Enjoy your reign while you may, Superman." "For as surely as night follows day there comes a time when even gods must die." "I don't care how many weeks you spent on that story, Lane." "The Daily Planet is not about to attack a charity organization." "You know Lex Luthor couldn't care less about the homeless, chief." "It's a front to siphon money back to LexCorp so he can fund the manufacture of high-tech arms to sell on the black market." "Allegedly." "Look, how many exposés do I have to write before Metropolis wakes up and sees through Luthor's philanthropy shtick?" "As many as it takes." "But it helps to have a smoking gun." "You sure you're not on LexCorp's payroll, chief?" "You've been mighty soft on the prince of darkness lately." "Excuse me for not wanting to be sued for libel, again." "Well, LexCorp's going down whether it's me or Superman who does it." "If it's Superman, that makes it news, and I'll be happy to print it." "Kent, shouldn't you be on your way to the airport?" "I always make my flight, chief." "Just packing the last of my things." "Well, don't forget to write." "Sure thing, Perry." "Articles, Kent, articles." "That's what foreign correspondents do." "Perry's really broken up about you leaving." "Ah, he'll miss me when I'm gone, Jimmy." "Well, I'm off to Afghanistan, Lois." "Happy trails, Smallville." "Guess I'll be seeing you." "Don't step on any landmines." "Two miles below Earth's surface." "Even Superman can't see us here." "Luthor's sure to be happy about that." " Heat's fricking unbearable." " Yeah, forget Luthor and his happiness." ""I shall invent a new energy source by harnessing radiation emitted from the Earth's core. "" "And rake in billions while we drown in our own sweat." "Don't be surprised if he asks us to dig straight to hell." "We're halfway there already." ""Insert a diode catheter into Satan's rectum run a feed back to LexCorp, and crank up the juice. "" ""Keep Metropolis' power grids burning bright until the end of time. "" "Whoa!" "Dr. Murphy." " What is it?" " I'm no scientist." "You tell me." "Lex." "Oh." "Get this to Biochem, hand-carry only." "Keep it off the interlink." "I know the drill, Lex." "What is it, the cure for cancer?" "Muscular dystrophy." "I can cure every known case with a simple inoculation." "Have Swan find a way to slow it to a crawl turn it into a lifetime treatment program." "Right now, it's a mere $300-billion windfall." "And you need it to be a perennial, got it." "But Swan's working the AIDS thing." "Oh, right." "What about Schaffenberger?" " Bird flu." " Mm." "Guess Jerry's kids will have to wait their turn." "Now, Mercy, what have you got for me?" "Project Applecore." "They've hit the mother lode." "Have you cured cancer yet, Kal-El?" "I can design a machine that receives faint transmissions from the distant future, sculpt a miniature sun from dwarf-star matter but I can't find a way to keep human cells from metastasizing." "I wish I could help humankind by doing more than just being its resident strongman." "One thing I've learned since arriving in Metropolis is that those in power don't always have the people's interests at heart." "As much as I love dishing on evil bald-headed freaks I thought we came here to get away from it all." "You wouldn't have a blow-dryer?" "We'll need to get you a larger travel bag, Lois." "I wouldn't need so many warm baths if our weekend getaway was Palm Springs." "The Antarctic camouflages Kryptonian crystal-tech far better than cacti." "But next time you catch a chill, give a holler, I'll warm you." "You wouldn't use your heat vision on me, would you, Superman?" " No, just the x-ray." " You're bad." "Um, maybe we could find a robot-free zone?" "That's it, Mr. Luthor." " Definitely a spacecraft." " Of alien origin." "Vintage?" " We're deep." " Before Christ deep." "That's a conservative estimate." "Last time aliens fell to Earth, we got Superman." "This time, whatever's in that tin can will belong to me lock, stock and barrel." "What happened?" "We have a puncture." "How are we supposed to understand him?" "It's a warning." "Aah!" "Clear out!" "Clear out!" "Use the rays of the laser." "If an alien race possessed the technology to trap that thing and use Earth as their personal toilet, they did so for one reason." "They couldn't kill it." "You know, I've been thinking..." " Hmm?" " About Clark." "Kent?" "While you're snuggling with me?" "I think I'm jealous." "Smallville's going on assignment in a dangerous part of the world." "They say I'm brave, but I'm bulletproof." "Ordinary men and women who put their lives on the line they're the real heroes." "I just find it interesting that the more intimate you and I become the more distant Clark becomes, literally." "Superman, I wanna know everything there is to know about you like your real name." "Hmm." "It's Kal-El." "Your other real name." "Biscuit." "Biscuit." "Mother..." "Aaarggh!" "That monster's trail of destruction will lead the authorities right to my doorstep." "Relax, Lex." "Applecore may have been illegal, but it was completely under the radar." "See that it stays that way." "Scorch Earth if you have to." "LexCorp was never there." "Look, I know who you are." "Why can't you just tell me?" "Lois, I care about you more than anyone else on Earth." "To reveal my secret identity would compromise your safety." "Please." "My safety was compromised the moment I met you." "How many times have you had to rescue me?" "Rhetorical." "I haven't told you my identity for the same reason we haven't gone public with our relationship, why we come here to be alone." "Well, try reading a gossip column." "Practically all of Metropolis thinks we're dating anyway." "You're clinging to keep one last part of you separate from us and the only reason I can fathom is that for an alien you've developed a very human, very male fear of commitment." "We've been together for six months." "It'd be nice if I could start calling you something other than Superman." "He also goes by Kal-El." " Shut up." "Well, that was some first fight." "Be nice if it was our last." "Maybe you're right." "Maybe it is time you got to know the real me." "Kal-El." " This isn't a good time." "You are needed in Metropolis." "It is a matter of terrific urgency." "I have isolated a match via interstellar records from your father's archives." "The subject in question was biologically engineered to be the ultimate soldier." "Precise, clinical, unstoppable." "But its creators came to realize that it could not distinguish between friend and foe." "Thus, this doomsday machine lives to extinguish any and all life forms because it must." "We need to clear this area." "Fire!" "You're dropping me off here?" "Doomsday's at Hob's End on the East Side." "Exactly." "Jimmy, meet me on the roof, and don't forget your camera." "Uh, Lois, shouldn't we wait for a pilot?" "I'm an Air Force brat, remember?" "I was flying these things when you were still in training pants." "Now, hang on." "Aah!" "There." "Jimmy, camera on the action." "Oh, man, he can jump!" "Aah!" "Thanks, Superman." "Get out of here." "Now." "Superman, don't..." "It's why I'm here." "I've never seen Superman take such a pounding." "Not that he can't dish it." "For those just joining us, Metropolis is the scene of widespread destruction this morning as Superman attempts to overpower a creature responsible for a string of grisly murders." "But as of right now, it's uncertain which way the tide will turn." "Lois, do you think Superman's o...?" "Camera on the action, Jimmy." "Superman." "Is everyone?" "You did it, Superman." "We're safe, all of us." "Good." "That's..." "That's all that matters." "Clark." "Superman died as he lived defending Metropolis." "He may have come from another world but he will always belong to ours." "James Olsen?" "Your photos of the tragedy were..." "Well, words fail." "It must have been hard for you, being Superman's pal, I mean." "If you ever need to talk." "What is he doing here?" "I wouldn't be surprised if he's somehow responsible." "Luthor doesn't matter right now." "Come on, Lois." "Today, Superman's funeral was viewed by hundreds of millions worldwide." "Not since President Kennedy died has our nation so collectively mourned." "Yet it is the people of Metropolis who are feeling the loss most as we knew him best." "So let us take a brief moment to celebrate his time with us." "Last year for Halloween, I dressed like Superman." "Now I'm gonna do it every year for the rest of my life." "I was installing a satellite dish when I slipped off the roof, three stories." "I should have been a goner." "But out of nowhere everyone's guardian angel was suddenly mine too." "Not a word from Kent." "He hasn't called, hasn't e-mailed." "Clark isn't coming back." "It's Afghanistan, chief." "People die there every day." "Look, Lane, Kent's fine." "Just lost in the trenches." "You know how he disappears into his work." "What are you doing here anyway?" "I told you to take time off." "And do what?" "I'm trying to keep myself occupied." "Well, occupy yourself with friends or family." "You must have someone you can talk to." " Yes?" " Mrs. Kent?" "I'm Lois Lane." " From the Daily Pl..." " I know who you are, Miss Lane." "My son talks about you quite often." "He's the reason I've come to see you." "Has there been word from Afghanistan?" "I've been..." "Well, I have been so worried." "Mrs. Kent you know as well as I do that your son died in Metropolis last week." " Look, I'm not here as a reporter." "I..." " Then why are you here, Miss Lane?" "I don't know exactly." "Maybe it's just..." "I don't know if he told you, but we had been seeing each other for the past few months, romantically, I mean." "And I know the rest of the world adored him and misses him now that he's gone but no one else on this whole stupid planet can know what it felt like to really love him, to be loved by him or how it feels now every minute of every day, like I'm broken." "Like I'm the one that freaking monster pounded on." "You know, I was just about to put on a fresh pot of coffee." "You look like you could use a cup." "God, yes." "Thank you." "As feared crime rates have soared in the past weeks." "Criminals have become more daring and Metropolis P.D. Remains understaffed and underfunded." "On the bright side technologies mogul and philanthropist Lex Luthor contributed $ 10 million to the police department earlier today." "But ultimately, Metropolis is faced with a stark reality that no police force, no matter how well-equipped will ever be as omnipresent as one man:" "You've made the right decision, James." "We at the National voyeur feel there's enough misery in the world today." "Why rub people's noses in it?" "We're in the business of entertainment, Mr. Swank." "And making money, James." "Please, call me Jimmy." "Jimmy gave notice?" "What notice?" "Little ingrate up and left." "Working for that tabloid rag." "But why would he...?" "Look, chief, this has been hard on all of us, Jimmy included." "I'm sure this is just his way of trying to, you know, heal." "Don't sugarcoat it, Lane." "Olsen's weak." "He isn't man enough to keep a grip on his ideals." "Easy enough to lose sight of, I suppose, in a world without Superman." "Which reminds me, you rode shotgun with Metro P.D. On that sleeper cell raid." "Kind of risky, don't you think?" "No more than usual, chief." "Why should things be any different?" "Because he isn't here to pull your ass out of the fire anymore, that's why." "Be careful, Lane." "Taken before his time." "So completely absurdly random." "Come on, Lex." "I figured you'd be stoked he's finally gone." "Isn't this what you wanted?" "I wanted a winning strategy." "Instead, I've been cheated of the victory I've planned for years by an intergalactic soccer hooligan." "Your scientists found the hooligan." "Speaking of which you did see to it that little mess was cleaned up?" "LexCorp was never there." "And neither were you." "Toyman doesn't feel like sharing." "The goodies are mine, mine, mine." "All you action figures and your accessories better back off or the kiddies are coming down the hard way, ker-splat!" "Are you suicidal?" "We're supposed to report news, not make it." "Forget the news." "Those kids are gonna die." "That's it, ta-ta." "We'll play again another day." "It's okay." "Come on." "It's safe now." "It's okay." "Wha...?" "My play dates." "Fun time's over!" "School's out forever!" "Your stop." "Be right back." "Superman's back?" "You?" "But you're..." "Taking you in, Toyman." "Giddyup!" "Aah!" "Pfft." "Like we really needed him to bust up a mechanical spider, right?" "Lame." "Um, thank you, Superman." "It's why I'm here." "It's really me, Lois." "I'm back." "I can see that, feel that." "But how?" "I awoke in darkness." "The last thing I remember before that is..." "You're here, unless I'm dreaming." "That's all that matters." "Oh, you missed it." "Here you go." "Oh..." "Mm." "You are glad to see me?" "Of course, Lois." "It's just..." "I may need time to re-acclimate." "I did just come back from the grave, you know." "Of course." "So see you soon?" "Yeah." "Soon." "We will soon commence renovation of Superman Memorial Park to celebrate the occasion of his return." "There's work to be done." "But I will make the streets of Metropolis safe again." "It's a miracle." "A miracle." "Can you believe Superman's back?" "He'll whip this city back to shape." "I thought Superman wasn't dead." "Luthor." "Over here, Superman." "Warm." "Warmer." "If you're wondering why you can't see through these walls, Superman they're lined with lead." "My rumpus room also comes equipped with red solar lamps and, of course, kryptonite." "Red and green, the colors of Christmas." "And you are on the naughty list!" "Why did you leave me?" "Why?" "We had so much unfinished business." "Who's your daddy?" "By the way, you're doing a fine job of convincing the world you're Superman." "Keep up the good work." "I've done it, Superman." "Achieved the unimaginable." "Sculpted your clone with a strand of DNA from a fleck of blood swabbed from the scene of your epic final battle." "Your doppelgänger possesses all of your speed, strength, morality even." "But not your mind." "Only knows what I've programmed him to know since you took your secrets to the proverbial grave." "But why should I complain?" "My super-powered sycophant bows to my every whim." "Even tunneled all the way to Memorial Park to pluck you from your resting place." "A bit ghoulish, I know, but necessary to stage your coming out." "I resented being cheated out of orchestrating your destruction but I'm over it." "In fact, this whole miserable experience has only made me stronger." "Put me back in touch with my roots." "So now that you no longer stand in the way of my plans, Superman you shall help me to achieve them." "Lane." "Martha, hi." "Clark still hasn't visited." "Hasn't even phoned." "He..." "He's a little preoccupied here in Bigville." "You know, making up for lost time." "Well, you see him, don't you?" "Not as much as I'd like." "So this is what a potential Pulitzer Prize winner does for a second act?" "Lois, hey." "Don't think they'll let you past the ropes wearing that." "Ow, ow, ow!" "I'm not here to go clubbing, Jimmy." "I'm here to talk." "Lois, I'm working here." "Jimmy, look at you." "Italian silk." "You're underpaid at the Planet, you know." "I meant I'm not sure I like what you think you've become." "Ha-ha, speaking of changes, how about the big S, huh?" "Ever consider the big S may not be what he seems?" "He wears red and blue, flies crime rate's plummeted since he's risen from the grave." "Gosh, you think he's a zombie?" "I'm not sure what he is." "Call it reporter's nose or woman's intuition, but..." "Whoa, you're not serious?" "Why wouldn't you think he's really Superman?" "Okay, weird." "But it doesn't mean he's..." " I need to know the truth." " And you could use my help." "Come on, Jimmy, for old time's sake?" "I've moved on, Lois." "I like my life the way it is now." "I like it just fine." "And how was your day, Superman?" "Save any lives?" "A 19-second blackout at 3:47 a. m." "Had to be an EMP." "But you didn't get up and walk away, Superman." "Where the hell are you?" "Winslow P. Schott, a. k. a." "Toyman escaped from prison early this morning and proceeded to hold several children hostage at a daycare center." "After a prolonged standoff the fugitive was apprehended by police just moments ago." "But though Toyman is now safely in police custody there is a tragic element to the scene." "Minutes before his capture, Toyman took the life of young Katy Alpert." "She was only 4 years old." "I'm alive?" "It would seem that on this world the laws of human death do not apply to you, Kal-El." "I only came to realize it 17 days after your apparent demise when I was alerted to a single pulse of your biorhythmic signature." "So my vitals slowed to a crawl..." "To better enable you to heal." "I had to await a second pulse, 17 days later, in order to find you once I discovered your body had been relocated." "Relocated?" "To LexCorp." "It would appear that Lex Luthor has cloned you." "I need to get back to Metropolis." "Once you have regained your strength." "I am uncertain of your double's agenda but for now, he seems to be protecting Metropolis." "Pardon me, officers." "I need a moment with your prisoner." "What?" "Why, you can't..." "Uh, is that allowed?" "I have rights." "I have nothing to say to you." "How about goodbye?" "Did he just drop him?" "Lane." "He did what?" "Excuse me, coming through." "Move it!" "Over here." "Over here, Superman." "Superman, what made you do it?" "Toyman would have killed again." "An example needed to be set." "But you've never done anything like this in the past." "I see things differently now." " But what about the law?" "Won't there be repercussions?" "I consider myself the authority on what's best for Metropolis, don't you?" "That is not the boy I raised." "Precious, come down here." "Precious." "Got her, ma'am." "Now, you know, Persian Longhairs really shouldn't be outdoors." "Please, Precious didn't mean it." "Oh, my beef isn't with the kitty." "It really irks me when folks don't take responsibility for the little things." "Don't get me wrong, I'm here to help." "But every time I have to stop and sweat the small stuff it potentially keeps me from attending to more urgent matters." "Life-threatening matters." "You may wanna think about that next time you leave the screen door open." "I will." "I..." "I promise, thank you." "The commissioner would like a word with you, Superman." "As I was just explaining to the lady, I'm a little busy right now." "We've been instructed to escort you, if necessary." "Really?" " Son of a...!" " Watch the language." "Solar boosters at maximum." "Your metabolism has spiked exponentially, Kal-El." "We must continue your accelerated absorption of yellow solar energy." "Well, the prodigal son of Krypton." "You've been acting a tad out of character, wouldn't you say?" "Protecting Metropolis is out of character?" "It is when you make the streets run red with blood." "I put you on Earth to attend to my dirty work." "Here." "A hot list of LexCorp's competitors." "All with motive to steal Superman's corpse for scientific gain." "Retrieve the body immediately and discreetly." "Remember, I brought you into this world." "I can take you out of it." "That's what I said, right?" "Ladies." "Mm, lead." "Only one thing it could be hiding, kryptonite." "A safe Superman means a safe Metropolis." "Evening, Lex." "Lois Lane." " How did you...?" " Get past security?" "It's what I do." "Forgive the indelicacy, Lois, but you look terrible." "There's breaking news." "Looks like you won, Lex." "You finally won." "I'm not sure I know what you're talking about." "How'd you do it?" "How did you make Superman your puppet?" "Really, Lois, these insinuations of yours are..." "Relax." "I don't plan on writing any more exposés." "I'm tired, quitting the Planet, leaving Metropolis." "But before I go, I need to know how you did it." "What you did to him so I can move on with my life." "You were more than friends." "He was more than your constant rescuer." "You must be terribly lonesome without him." "Yes." "Then you need someone to take his place." "Someone big and strong." "We have 30 minutes, we need to work fast." "Don't forget your camera." "You know, I'm supposed to be covering a celebrity rave right now." "Save it." "We're here." "Great." "Retinal scanner." "Now what?" "Ugh." "Yummy." " A freaking circus sideshow." "Jimmy." "Superman?" "Supermen." "He's harvesting Supermen." "So you were right." "The Superman who returned..." "A clone." "A fake." "Which means the real Superman really is..." "Yes, Jimmy." "Dead." "Just as you and Ms. Lane are about to be." "Because after all, there is no Superman to save you." "They are genetically bred to do my bidding." "Imagine, an army of Supermen policing the skies of Metropolis." "The world upholding the law of Luthor." "Clearly, some fine-tuning is required." "On the bright side, I get to kill Superman after all." "Oh, hell." "Evil Supermen?" "Not on my watch." "Aah!" "Evacuate the premises." "Superman, you've been a very, very bad boy." "I might have to mess up that pretty face of yours." "That's it, come to papa." "What's he doing?" "You're a menace to society, Luthor." "You won't be missed." "Come on." "An alert from Metropolis." "The saga of Superman's return just took another bizarre twist as the Man of Steel allegedly adds tech mogul Lex Luthor to his recent hit list." "The president has declared a state of emergency in Metropolis and is considering military action." "Army reserves are mobilizing, but there is no telling how Superman will respond to a show of force." "But, Kal-El, you are only at 67 percent strength." "It'll have to do." "Kal-El, your double outmatches you." "You will need a leading edge to defeat him." "Solar suit." "To help absorb yellow sun rays during my flight there." "I had something even more practical in mind." "Luthor's kryptonite cannon?" "From the archives." "The kryptonite is safely ensconced in a lead-lined cartridge." "Properly utilized, it will weaken your opponent and even the playing field." "This is insane." "We can't kill Superman." "You're right." "We can't kill Superman." "Dead men walking." "Superman, I have to ask you to step down." "I don't think that would be in the city's best interests." "You leave us no choice." "I'm only doing this because I care." "Fall back, fall back!" "Lois?" "Look who's back." "Who's the rocker?" " You don't think?" " I don't know." "He's wearing Superman's shield." "He's also wearing black." "Great." "Bad Superman and badder Superman." "Metropolis is doing just fine without you." "I'm not sure I approve of your methods." "I'm not asking for your approval." "Get this straight, you're not needed here." "Metropolis is under my protection, now and forever." "Over my dead body." "Was that a kryptonite gun?" "Not very Superman-like." "Come on." "Uh, I'll wait here." "Oh, for God's sake, don't be such a girl." "Whew." "Aah!" " Who's the man in black?" " Who cares?" "He's kicking Superman's ass." "This is starting to look familiar." "Yeah, only I'm in no mood for another funeral." "Whoa!" "You're out of shape." "Do tell." "Wow." "That almost hurt." "Look, why prolong this?" "I could keep this up all day, but you..." "Why not fly on out of here while you still can?" "And leave the city in your hands?" "Not likely." "But don't you get it?" "I am you, Superman." "A reflection of you as you might have been." "If I were raised by Luthor?" "If you were strong." "You're self-righteous, misguided, my reflection in a cracked mirror." "Suit yourself." "What happened to "camera on the action"?" "The story's that way." "Whoa!" "Now it is." "I guess this time I'll need to see to it that you stay dead." "Now tell me, who's better equipped to protect Metropolis?" "You have all my strengths and my weaknesses." "Pro..." "Protect..." "Protect the people." "It's why I'm here." "If you're a robot or another damn clone or something, I swear to God..." "It's really me, Lois." "I'm back." "Like I haven't heard that before." "I may need some proof." " Okay." "I'm convinced." " I'm glad." "But I'm not sure they'll ever trust me again." "They will." "It may take some time." "Are you gonna wear the red and blue suit again?" "Because I like that one better." "Or not very much time at all." "Mm." "Do I smell coffee?" "Fresh pot." "I'm almost done here." "Mm..." "There's only one S in resurrection." "Didn't realize proofreading was one of your super-powers." "Well, no." "But I was the spelling-bee champ of Smallville Elementary." "Clark." "Don't forget to call your mother." "If history has determined that gods can die it has also proven that they may return from the dead." "It would seem you can't be destroyed after all, Superman." "It would seem." | {
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"For once I believe you, because you're just rotten enough." " We're both rotten." " And you are a little more rotten." "You got me to take care of your husband for you and you get security to take care of Lola, maybe take care of me too." "And somebody else would have come along to take care of the kidy for you." "That's the way you operated, baby." "Suppose it is?" "It's what you've got cooked up for tonight any better?" "I don't like that music anymore." "You mind if I close the window?" "You can do better than that, can't you baby?" "Better try it again." "Maybe if I come a little closer?" "How's this?" "Think you can do it now?" "Why didn't you shoot again, baby?" "Don't tell me it's because you've been in love with me all this time." "No." "I never loved you Walter, not you or anybody else." "I'm rotten to the heart, I used you just as you said." "That's all you ever meant to me until a minute ago." " What the fuck are you doing?" "Do you know what time it is?" "Listen up." "At twenty two hundred Wetsuit's down the hole when the snake hits the carpet." "Security lifts the key." "I terminate the torpedoes." "You charm the Snake into the stall." "Bait and switch." "At twenty two twenty..." "Wetsuit turns out the lights." "Glasses on." "I bag the snake." "Key in the bag." "Bag to the boat." "No radio unless absolutely necessary." "Code Red." "5 minutes to blackout." "Drop everything." "Walk away." "If the cops get you, tell them the truth." "You know no one." "Got it?" "Got it?" "You have your passport?" "The plane leaves tomorrow at 0 seven hundred." "And remember, no names and no guns!" "Are you high?" "Then stop dreaming, bitch." "This isn't a game tonight." "People can die." "Now get moving." "You forget something?" "Stepping onto the red carpet here is Régis Wargnier the director of "East West"... present tonight for a special screening of his film he is accompanied by the producer Yves Marmion." "And the splendid actress Sandrine Bonnaire." "On his right is Veronica who is wearing an amazing top in shape of a serpent." "It was especially designed by Elli Medeiros." "And the reason why those young brawny people in tuxedos are surrounding the super model is that this piece of jewelry is priceless." "Now, the people from Chopard are telling me that this top is actually adorned with 500 diamonds for a total weight of 385 carats..." " Gee!" "That's worth a small fortune." "With an estimated value of over 10 million dollars." "Check out that ass, man!" "Look at those boobs!" "Worth ten million dollars!" "Check out the way that slut moves, fuck, what is she on?" " I can't believe you did that!" " I'm sorry, I was looking at the girl." "Yeah, you were looking, but you ruined my pants!" " What am I supposed to do now?" " Ok, I'll fix it." "You'd better fucking clean it up, man!" "Regis, we must go, they're waiting for us." "I just gotta go to the bathroom." "You know how it is for girls." "You come back?" "One minute." " At last!" " Here they are." "Okay, great." "But look what you did to my pants!" " I've got just the stuff to fix that." " Then move your ass!" "I've gotta piss too, I'll be right back." "Give me the key!" "Got a light?" " So have you got it?" " Got what?" "We've got a problem." "Code red." "Do you hear me?" "Code red, I repeat a man is walking into the ladies room." "Miss Veronica?" "Ok baby, baby we gotta go..." "Miss Veronica?" "Are you alright?" "The key's in the bag." "Get moving!" "You'd better get out of here." "Go!" "They stole the diamonds!" "Asshole!" "You said no fucking guns!" "They switched them with the real!" "They're glass!" " Where's my fucking passport?" " They're fucking glass!" " You'd better kill me now, bitch!" " Oh, shut the fuck up!" "Call security!" "You understand... dead!" "I repeat... don't move!" "Stay where you are!" "Don't move!" "Don't move or I'll shoot!" "Shit..." "Hey, Racine!" "Racine?" "Okay, we're here, but what's going on?" "That bitch double crossed us." "She's got the diamonds!" "Oh no." "Where is she?" "In Paris." "She's got some girlfriend in Belleville." "Yeah..." "No, no." "You don't understand." "I need a passport yesterday." "Did you get it?" "What is it?" "Hey!" "What the fuck are you doing?" "Excuse me, madame but I believe this is a free country." "And I'm entitled to make any picture of anything and anyone I want from my balcony." "Go fuck yourself!" "Go to church." "Try to save your soul." "Got you!" "My darling!" "Yes, that's strange." "Yes, it's her." "Do you really think it's her?" "Lily!" "Wait!" "But what is she doing?" "Wait for us!" "Lily!" "Wait!" " Wait, Lily!" " Charles De Gaulle." "Hotel Sheraton." "Go and get the car." "What do you want?" "Don't move!" "Stay put!" "Right!" "Take off your glasses..." "Good." "The light is perfect." " Brought the money?" " Of course!" " Perfect for what?" " I need a picture for the passport." "I got you, fucking bitch!" "Come on!" "Before I snap your double-crossing neck just tell me one thing." "Where are the diamonds?" "Pay back time, bitch!" "Oh my god!" "Don't touch her!" " Are you preparing the tea?" " Yes, of course." "Forget it!" " We should have done something." " It's none of our business." "Oh right, you read two words and she falls apart." "People die and wills have to be read." "Did you see the look on her face?" "And her hair?" " What has she done with her hair?" " I'm just a notary, damn it!" "What if the kids and I were killed?" "Would you give a damn what I left you?" "When your gun disappeared, I knew she would do something crazy." " How do you know she stole it?" " Who else?" "Go check on the tea." "Feeling better, Lily?" "Excuse me, but I don't understand..." "Now, you just shut up, honey, save your strenght." "You just have to rest." "You have suffered a terrible tragedy and you need time to get better, you know." "And if you get the urge to do anything silly, I want you to call me." "Before we leave..." "I want you to answer just one question." "Did you borrow Louis's gun?" "Are you sure?" "Okay, but if you come across it, you'll tell me, won't you?" "Good." "I'll turn the TV on so you'll have company." "We'll be back tonight with some dinner." "Drink your tea while it's hot." "Holly shit!" "Ah, my god!" "And if you could see the future in a crystal ball or in the palm of your hand, or in a dream would you change it?" "So what should one think of these phenomenon?" "How can they be explained?" "Is it really possible to receive messages from what one might call the "hereafter"..." "Could one be unconsciously gifted with a perception power which would allow us..." ""I thought I could start over in America." "My English is not so good, but I'm a fast learner." "I even bought myself a ticket but I lost it." "I can't live without Thierry and Brigitte." "Forgive me, my God." "Allow us to be together again."" "There's been a mistake." "The computer has sold the same seat twice." "I'm terribly sorry." "Could we accommodate you in our first class cabin?" "This way please." "It's right here." "Excuse me." "I'm sorry." "I'm sorry." "I'm sorry I woke you up." "You fell asleep here." "Are you OK?" "I didn't mean to frighten you." "I'm sorry." "Are you OK?" "I'm sorry." "Do you speak French?" " I'm sorry." " Are you American?" "California." "I mean I grew up in California but I live in Washington now." " What do you do in life?" " In life?" "Well, I started in software." "And made some money and found out that I was interested in other things." "Like what things?" "Well, like the whole world..." "I went back to school in Washington," "I got a degree in Foreign Relations." "I taught for a little while and then I got a posting at the State Department." "America is a country very big, no?" "Very big." "Is this your first trip?" "I begin my new life there." "France is no good for me." "How can you say that?" "France is a fabulous country." "Really." "That's the..." "Queen of Europe to me." "The art, the history the sense of language, Stendhal, Racine, Balzac..." "I lost my baby there..." "I'm sorry." "I don't know what to say." "That's terrible." "Please forgive me." "It's OK." "It's OK." "That is just awful." "Hi!" "Mister Bardo is not here at the moment." "What are you doing?" "Trying to dodge bill collectors?" " Nick, it's Johnny." " I know who you are." " What are you doing?" " Working." " Something I can sell?" " Could be." "I just need one more piece." "Another shot of that table?" "What's happen' to you?" " Are you eating?" " Barely." "How would you like a break from your masterwork and make some real money?" " What are you selling?" " You know who Bruce Hewitt Watts is?" "As strange as it may seem to you, Jean, photographers actually read." "You know books, magazines, and even daily newspapers." "All right, all right, smart ass, who is he?" " The new American ambassador?" " Bingo." "He's got a wife but no one seems to have a picture of her." " Maybe she's camera shy." " No, she's not camera shy." "She's got a past and she's not talking about it." "And I did some checking and found out she's really French." "Married before with a kid." "I've got an ex I don't talk about either." "What's wrong with that?" "Nothing except that you don't dodge photographers like you've got something to hide." " So you want me to nail her, right?" " You are the best." "I don't like to do this." "I feel like shit." " And besides, I am retired." " On what?" "IOUs?" "I'm not just your agent Nicolas, I'm your bank and you're way past due." "Do yourself a favor and go to work." "I can get 5 figures for this picture." "All right." "What's her schedule?" "She arrives by private jet tonight." " I gotta go, I gotta go." "Bye." " Take that picture." "Be careful." "You almost fell!" "Where are you going?" "Let's see if you understand me." "Listen, I'm looking for public toilets." "The Champs Elysées are over there or over here?" "I'd like to go to the public toilets which are in that direction." "Please." "If you understand me, in that direction..." "And thanks for the ride!" "Can we jump in?" "Nice wheels!" "What did you expect?" "I only steal the best!" " Is this Nicolas Bardo?" " Speaking." "You took a picture of Mrs. Watts?" "Who wants to know?" "Leonard Shiff." "Head of Watts' security." "I'd like to buy it." "Well, I'm sorry, Mr. Shiff, but it's already been sold." "Unsell it." "We'll double whatever you've got." "That's very generous but I..." "I don't think you realize who you're dealing with, Mr. Bardo." "We know all about you, your overdrawn bank account your criminal record." "I suggest you get that picture back and you bring it to me at the residence tomorrow morning 11a.m. Sharp." " Don't keep me waiting." " Sir, hold on!" "Hello!" "Nice going, man." "Really." "Thanks for keeping your mouth shut." "They must have offered you some sweet deals to talk?" "There was nothing to talk about." "They just asked about the diamonds, of which I knew shit." "Once the insurance paid off, they stopped asking." "Don't worry, man!" "That bitch knows." "I thought about her every fucking minute every fucking hour, for seven fucking years!" "Where is she?" "I've been looking." "I talked to everyone, I never stopped." "I ran down every scumbag that ever knew her." "She just vanished off the face of the earth?" "Hey, I'm not Interpol, alright!" "I've been fucked same as you!" "I did a hell of a lot of checking!" "I've got one thing, maybe, one thing..." "You know that girlfriend of hers?" "The brunette..." "She's fencing diamonds." "It's all I've got." "Wait, wait." "Excuse me, officer..." "There is less and less sun." "Let's wait for the sun." "Park Bardo in the office until I can get..." "Hold on a second." "I don't believe it." "This paparazzi scum is wearing a wire." "Make sure he doesn't get passed security." "Hold on..." " Can you help me, please?" " One minute, pal." "Damn it!" "Damn it!" "Oh shit!" " Is the bar open?" " Yes of course, sir." "But you can't stay there." "Please move your bike." " You can't leave it there." " I know, I know." " Please..." " Okay." "Hi!" "I'm sorry to bother you but I rented this room last night and I think I left my disk here." " A disk?" " When I got home..." "I checked my laptop, and the backup disk was gone!" "It's the only copy I have and I've been searching like hell for it." "Then I remembered the only place I could have left it was... here." "So did you mind if I come in and just take a look around?" " I don't think it's a good idea..." " Thank you very much." "I appreciate it." "Thank you." "Oh my God, I got so much information in that disk." "You didn't see a disk right?" "I mean, actually it's not a disk." "It's not like a CD or a DVD or anything like that it's called floppy." "It's a black thing that you introduce in the computer." "I am remembering now that I put it there 'cause I was working in bed." "I just love to work in bed." "I bet you do too." "Anyway, let me..." "Let just remember exactly what I did." "I sat over here." "I sat over here and I put it on my lap, because it's a laptop and I just plugged it over there and..." "Actually, you know what had happened?" "What happened is that I wasn't alone." "I wasn't alone and then..." "Oh my God!" "That's not your business." "Well, ah..." "No, it's not." "It's not but it is." "Because..." "Excuse me..." "Are you alright?" "I think I can help you." "I have been working in a hospital for a couple of years and..." "I was a kind of a candy striper myself." "Just sit down over here." "Give me your arms." "Put them up." "Just like this and..." "Relax!" "Relax!" "And breathe, breathe and relax." "And now listen to me." "Good." "I know, because I have been accused of having an overactive imagination but when a classy woman like yourself checks into an airport hotel, in the middle of the morning with a bunch of bullets and a gun, there's only one word that follows." "What word?" ""Bang"." "Now, if a guy walks in maybe there doesn't have to be a "bang"." "Maybe there is something to talk about?" "Coffee?" "Maybe we should have start with some introductions?" "I don't care who you are." "And I definitely don't want you to know who I am." "All right, that's fair enough." "Let's call me..." ""Harry" and let's start with the shiner." "Who's beating you up?" " Must we talk about this?" " Yes." "Or we're gonna find the local police station and we're gonna talk about it there." " My husband." " All right, why?" "He has difficulty to control his temper." "Why does he lose it?" "Because I can't live with him here." " Why not?" " I have a past here." "I was safe in the States but here it only takes one photo..." "Like the one today?" "I took that picture." "So "Harry" is Nicolas Bardo." "Why did you follow me, to get more photos?" "No, no, I..." "I just came to tell your security goon, Mr. Shiff that I couldn't stop the picture from being published." "I'm sorry." "Anyone can see that." "You've wasted your time." "This espresso is cold." " Can I get you another cup?" " Why?" "There's nothing more to say." "Can I go now?" "You have the gun." "Sex Shops are open all day." "I don't think I'll be going to one." "How can I be sure?" "Just stay with me." "I need air but I don't want to talk anymore." "Good..." "So where is she?" "The ambassador is extremely worried." "The police?" "God, no." "Keep calling Shiff..." "Right when I got divorced, I just decided to leave Spain and come here to Paris to prevent myself... kind of think, you know..." "I mean I've got these crazy photographer ideas and don't think for a second that I am a paparazzi." "I hate them." "I feel like shit but I have to make some money." "That's the only way..." "But..." "There is a square here in Paris full of coffee shops, beautiful, and there is one in particular in a corner, you know, with these light reflections and I saw something that changed my life..." " It's a great story, Nicolas." " This is the best part!" "I know." "I know." "Maybe another time." "It's a great story but right now I'm very tired and I would just like to take a warm bath and relax a little before I go home, OK?" "Thank you for today." "I'll be waiting out here..." "Just in case you need anything..." " You don't trust me, do you?" " No, no, no." "It's not that." "It's just being careful." " Are you all right?" " No." " I'm out of my medicine." " There was a pharmacy in the airport." "Oh that's right." "My inhaler is in my car." "They can refill it for me there." "That wouldn't be being careful..." "Nicolas, take my car take my purse if you're so worried that I go somewhere." "You can call a taxi, I don't..." "Yes, Nicolas, I could call a taxi." "But I'm not going to do that." "I'm not going to need these in the bath." "Hey!" "Wait." "I'm definitely not going anywhere without them." "Are you flirting with me?" "Was I?" "I believe so, yeah." "I didn't mean to." "It's just that all your boyhood stories make you so damn lovable." "Was that the point?" "Hello, is this police?" "Madre de Dios." "My name is Sophia." "I call now from the airport De Gaulle." "Yes, De Gaulle." "A man just hit the lady in front of the pharmacy." "Yes, wait a second." "Yes, man is still there, but I see no lady." "Yes, he steal her car." "No, I can't." "No, not possible." "No, sorry." "My husband calling me." "Sorry." "No, I can't." "Is it your car?" "It's not mine but..." "Somebody lend it to me and..." "Come in!" "Good morning." "You can put it there." " Could you hand me my bag?" " Of course." "It's over there by the bed." " I can't find it." " Maybe on the floor?" "I'm sorry but I don't see it." "This is the gun we found in the Mercedes." " Any details?" " No, it's not registered." "Concerning the car..." "It belongs to the American Embassy." "This doesn't make much sense." "I'm Chief Inspector Serra." "Maybe you can help me out?" "I said it already." "But, OK." "Alright." "Mrs. Watts was trying to kill herself." "I stopped her so she set me up for you guys, to get me out of her way." "How did you come up with that?" "I read a lot of mysteries and I just figure out the endings half way..." "I put the clues together and I know what happened, sir." "What happened, Mr. Bardo was a car belonging to Ambassador Watts was found in your possession." "I know, I know that..." "On the front seat was a gun, bullets blouse and dress." "The only thing missing is the woman." "Where is she?" "I don't know." "I don't know..." " You checked out the hotel?" " Yeah, we checked the room." "We found a naked waitress in a coma." "Did you have anything to do with that?" "No." "I wasn't there." "I was buying an inhaler." "Inhaler?" "Yes..." "An inhaler." "All right?" "Mrs. Watts has asthma." "So I went to a pharmacy to get her prescription refilled." "That's it." "So, you figured by having her car and her clothes, she wasn't going anywhere?" "That's correct, yeah." "And you kept the gun so she wouldn't shoot herself?" "That's right." "Why would she want to do that?" " Excuse me?" " Why would she want to do that?" "Well, her husband was beating her up because she wanted to leave him." "The American Ambassador beats his wife?" "That's right, that's right, yes." "And she has the face to prove it..." "You see..." "I'm kind of a mystery buff myself." "And you know what kind of mystery this is?" " A kidnapping." " Oh come on!" "Ambassador's wife held for ransom." "Everything was going fine until someone reported a stolen car." "You didn't even have time to send the ransom note or did you?" " No." "What are you talking about?" "I am no kidnapper, sir." "Why don't we take a ride down to the Residence and see what the Ambassador has to say about that?" "I think this is a terrible misunderstanding." "I spoke with Mrs. Watts she explained to me how she let Mr. Bardo use her car." "I don't know who reported it stolen because it wasn't." "And my attorney, Mrs. Phillips has indicated to me that no crime has been committed so I'm a little confused as to what we are doing here, inspector." " You spoke to your wife yourself?" " Yes, I did." " Could I speak with her?" " I don't think that's necessary." "This has been an awkward situation for all of us concerned and I really..." "I don't want to prolong it." "Mrs. Phillips will have to handle your questions from now on." "I have an engagement." "Please excuse me." "Inspector Serra, you've displayed a boorish lack of sensitivity... towards the American Ambassador." "We do not need or want your investigative skills employed to discover why Mrs. Watts was in a hotel bedroom with Mr. Bardo." "I suggest you return to your duties and drop this matter." "The less said about it the better." "I'd still like to talk to Mrs. Watts." " And what crime has she committed?" " No crime, I just want to see her." "Well, I'm sure we all want to see lots of people but fortunately in our country and in yours they are not compelled to see us." "Good day, Inspector." "Sir!" "Do you know the penalty for having an illegal hand gun?" " I told you, it's not my gun." " OK." "Then we'll just keep it." "Now, about your motorcycle..." " You really want to report it stolen?" " Of course I want to report it stolen." "If it wasn't at the hotel, somebody took it, sir." "Why don't you look a little harder?" "If it doesn't turn up in a few days, give me a call." "Sir, you don't believe one goddamn thing I said, right?" "Not only don't I believe you, I don't even like you." "Look, Bardo, I know who you are." "Ex-paparazzi smart ass who hasn't worked for seven years." "I don't know what you're up to but it's not smart." "And if you keep it up, you're going to wind up on a cell block full of smart guys just like you." ""Mr. Watts if you ever want to see your wife again bring 10 million dollars in Bearer Bonds to the Passerelle Debilly at 2 a.m. This morning." "If you inform the police or arrive with anyone besides yourself she will be killed."" "Oh shit." "Son of a bitch!" "Mrs. Watts..." "Call me Lily." "Okay, Lily." "What the hell do you think you're doing, Lily?" "Are you mad at me?" "Mad?" "Nah..." "You're making everybody think I've kidnapped you." "Haven't you?" "That is not funny..." "No, Nicolas." "You're right." "It's not funny." "It wasn't funny when you sold my picture to the papers either." "Then you showed up to do what?" "Explain, apologize, lie?" "I was afraid for your life." "I felt responsible for it, damn it!" "That's so sweet, Nicolas." "I'm a bad girl, Nicolas." "Real bad." "Rotten to the heart." "Last scrape I was in I fucked up a lot of people." "Bad people." "People like me." "People that don't forget." "But I was given a second chance." "So I went back to States where I got everything a bad girl ever wanted." "Fucking Watts!" "He was sweet, until being the richest man in the world wasn't enough." "He had to have public glory." "So he gave away a ton of money bought himself the French Ambassadorship." "Which meant the Misses got dragged out into the Parisian limelight." "Well, I couldn't do that Nicolas 'cause bad people read newspapers too." "There you go." "Enter my worst nightmare." "You snap that fucking picture, sell it to the tabloids." "And now it's only a matter of time before those bad people come running." "So I got the photographer turned blackmailer to kidnapped me." "Blackmailer?" "You offered me money!" "And I have never kidnapped anybody, you fucking bitch!" "Then where am I, Nicolas?" "Why did you have my car, my clothes, a gun?" "Why was a ransom note e-mailed from your computer?" " Everyone knows you did it." " I've got to think." "I've got to think." "I've got to think." "Don't bother." "You don't have to think about anything." "I've got it all thought out for you." "Watts is coming up here at 2 a.m. With 10 million dollars in a briefcase." "Now if you start being a little nice to me..." "I might catch you in on the take." "We are going to the police." "Why would you want to do that?" "Because you're gonna tell them the crazy story you just told me." "Nicolas?" "You think I'm stupid?" "I'm going to tell them a kidnapping story starring you." "Son of a bitch!" "Fuck..." " Nicolas!" " Hold." "Hold on." "Hold on." "See, I did have time to go back to that sex shop." "C'mon!" "What did you do with that other gun I gave you?" " The cops took it." " They took it?" " I got you another one." "Come here." " Be careful with that thing." "It's all right." "Isn't sugar better than vinegar?" "Come on." "We've got a couple hours, baby." "Let's go do something fun, want you?" "How come you're the only man in this room that doesn't want to fuck me?" "Nicolas!" "Where are you going?" "I'm just going to buy some cigarettes." "And you know don't worry, I'm not going anywhere while you've got my balls in your pocket, Lily." "Pack of cigarettes." "Anything American." "22 francs." "Hey, Nicolas!" "Come here!" "Meet my friend, Napoleon." "I think he is in love." "Can we just go outside for a second?" "I need to talk to you." "Nicolas, com'on we're having fun." "Just be cool." "Well, I'm gonna go outside, all right?" "Nicolas, we don't want you to wait out in the cold, do we Napoleon?" "I mean, if we hit it off..." "I don't know, I was kind of thinking of letting you off the hook." " Really?" " Yeah." "I mean, you don't seem to be enjoying my company much." "Maybe Napoleon and I should just sail off into the sunset." "And you can go fuck yourself." "I hope you didn't kill him." "He was going to save me from a dip in the Seine." "What?" "We had big plans." "I was going off the bridge into his boat." "Oh poor Lily, whatever happened to her?" "She must have drowned and washed out to sea." "Thanks a lot, you've ruined everything." "Fuck you." "What's the matter, Nicolas?" "Did I make you jealous?" "Jealous?" "Yes." "I was jealous." "I am jealous." "Come on, Nicolas!" "You don't have to lick my ass." "Just fuck me." " You know what?" " What?" "We can still go away." "Both of us." "Together." "That's so sweet." "Come here." "Come here." "That's so romantic." "Without the money?" "Are you nuts?" "That's a choice." "A bad choice." "There are other ones." "What?" "Like doing the right thing?" "That's a start." "I tried that once, Nicolas." "And you know what it got me?" "A lifetime of looking over my shoulder." "You know why no good deed goes unpunished?" "Because this world is hell and you're nothing but a fucking patsy." "I made everybody think you kidnapped me so I could screw my husband out of 10 million bucks." "That's what it's all about me disappearing with 10 million bucks." "So... wipe it off and let's go get it." "Fuck you." "You're not gonna hurt her, right?" "Because I've done exactly what you told me to do." "I've brought the money and I haven't talked to anyone." " Don't do anything foolish, darling." " I won't." "He just wants me to take the money and bring it back to him." "It's Nicolas Bardo." "Your wife is staging this kidnapping to take you for 10 million bucks." "If you don't believe me, I got it right here on tape." "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" "You killed him?" "Just being careful." "That fucking bitch." "She's at it again!" "The fucking bitch!" "You didn't think I'd give you a gun loaded with real bullets, did you?" "Baby, there's one more thing we gotta do..." "Oh God, somebody help!" "My husband!" "Fucking over everyone again!" " How did you find me?" " Not this time." "Where are the diamonds?" "Fuck you!" "Wake up, bitch before you die." "You know what's in this?" "The bullet that is gonna spread your brains all over that wall." "You know how I know?" "Look at me!" "I'm your fucking fairy godmother and I just dreamt your future." "And mine too." "And all I know is if there's a snowball chance in hell that any of that shit happening we're gonna change it right here." "Now, listen." "I know you got a bad break, but that's history and you'd better fuckin' forget it, 'cause if you can't..." "Well, then you may as well go ahead and pull the trigger." "But if you don't end it here and you get your ass on that plane to America your future will be sitting right next to you." "His name is Bruce and he's a really good guy and he's gonna look into your eyes... and he's gonna fall in love." "And after that you're on your own." "So what do you say?" "Do I pull the trigger or do you get your ass on that plane and have a wonderful life?" "How do I know that you tell the truth?" "How do I know there is a bullet in the chamber?" "That sure is pretty." "Where did you get it?" "In a curio shop in Belleville." "I got it for my daughter." "I've got a little girl myself." "She'll be ten next June." "Do you remember the name of the store?" "I make a lot of deliveries there." "I'd sure like to get her something like that for her birthday." "You give this to her." "That's sure nice of you." "She'll just love it." "It's just for a little girl." "When she grows up, she'll think it's too silly." "So just take it and hang it right there." "So that, when you're on the road your little girl will always be with you." "Sir is not at home at the moment!" "What are you doing, dodging bill collectors?" " I don't understand." " Nick, asshole, it's Johnny!" " I know who you are." " What are you doing?" "Well just trying to catch a little lightning in a bottle." " Are you eating?" " Barely." "How would you like to make some real money?" " What are you selling, John?" " You know who Bruce Hewitt Watts is?" " The new American ambassador?" " Bingo." "He's got this wife and three kids but no one seems to have a picture of them." "Well, yeah maybe they're camera shy?" "There are some people, they like to keep their home life private." "I know that is weird but they do." "What's happening to you?" "D'you found a fucking god?" "You owe me, pal." "Then I guess I have to keep on owing you." "That's your half." "There it is a little under four million." "That's the best I could do." "I had to fence them off one at a time." "Sorry that it took so long but it was the safest way." "Not bad for a night's work, huh?" "You call that work?" "Goodbye, Laure." "It's best we don't see each other again." "Gather around for the picture!" "Let's wait for the sun." " Excuse me lady, are you all right?" " It was an accident, it was a terr..." "Sorry, I'm just so shook up." "Actually, you look like you need a drink..." "A drink?" "Yes." "Come on." "I'm sorry..." "You look so familiar." "Haven't we met before?" "Somewhere?" "Only in my dreams." | {
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"Allora, come stai, Leone?" "Bene." "OK, OK." "Let's talk business." "This fat bastard is trying to move in on Maurizio's business." "Now you know Maurizio is a reasonable guy." "He just wants a little conversation." "But this guy he don't wanna hear about it." "Maybe he'll listen to you." "He comes to town every Tuesday." "Are you free Tuesday?" "Yeah, I'm free Tuesday." "Nice to see you again, Mr. Jones." "Remember, neatness counts." "You have got one half hour." "Aah... one hour." "Yeah, what?" "This' Tonto downstairs." "There's a guy who wants to talk to you." "What's he look like?" "Serious." "Tell him I'm coming up." "He's coming up." "Somebody's coming up." "Somebody serious." "Mickey, open your eyes, we got company." "We got company!" "Come on." "Stop!" "Stop men!" "Tonto..." "Tell the driver to wait for us out back and hurry up!" "Hey sweetie, what's going on?" "Don't worry, baby." "It's cool." "Take a nap." "Oh my God!" "Those fuckers blocked both the exits." "Check the terrace!" "911 emergency." "I need help!" "Somebody's trying to kill me!" "All right, just stay on the line." "I'll just be off for a moment." "Sir, I'm gonna connect you with an officer." "OK." "Detective Jefferson, may I help you?" "I'll call you back." "Hey, relax man." "I've got half of Bolivia sitting in those suitcases over there..." "Hasn't even been cut yet!" "Go ahead, take it, it's yours!" "Dial this number." "I'll talk to you later sweetie, OK?" "Bye..." "Hello." "It's Maurizio." "Remember me?" "I see you're back in town." "Yeah..." "No." "I mean, no!" "just for today..." "So it's safe to say today's your last day in town and we'll never see your fat fucking face again?" "Yeah, right." "Let me speak to our mutual friend." "He wants to talk to you." "Yes." "Make sure he understands, then let him go." "Do you understand?" "So say it." "I understand." "Good." "Jesus." "Hola, que tal, amigo!" "Two milks as usual?" "Hi." "Why did you hide the cigarette?" "This building's full of rats." "I don't want my old man to find out." "Got enough problems..." "What happened?" "I fell off my bike." "Hey." "Don't tell my dad about the cigarette, OK?" "I mean, what's my job?" "I'm just a holder." "I hold the stuff just like you give it to me." "I don't look at it." "I don't touch it, I don't even know how to cut it." "Try and follow me, all right?" "In June when we gave you the dope, it tests a 100% pure." "Now it's July." "We pick up the dope and it tests 90% pure." "Now, somewhere between June and July 10% turned to cut." "I don't know, that's none of my business, I'm just a holder." "You give me the stuff, I hold the stuff, that's all I know!" "Hey look, you know, I'm trying to help you out here." "But, you know, if you're gonna be a hard ass about it," "I gotta disturb him." "Now let me tell ya:" "when he's into his music, he hates being disturbed." "I'm telling you the truth!" "I hope so." "Because he's got a talent for sniffing out a lie..." "It's scary, it's almost like a sixth sense." "Now, are you gonna change your tune or do I gotta bust into his?" "I'm telling you the truth." "All right..." "Stan," "Stan," "I'm, I'm sorry, you see, he says he didn't cut the dope." "Oh." "Of course, he didn't." "Just do me a favor." "Find out who did." "For tomorrow." "Noon." "Malky, hey, wait!" "Hey, I didn't cut your shit!" "Find out yourself!" "What the hell are you doing out here?" "Get inside and do your homework." "I did it already." "Oh yeah?" "Well, you can get inside and help your sister clean up the goddamn house!" "And stop smoking cigarettes!" "Time's up, my turn now." "Change the channel and I'll smash your face!" "Sorry, sweetheart." "Good morning, sleepy." "Hi, honey." "Hey, you two." "Sweetheart, turn that down, mom has got a headache." "She took my turn!" "She just wants to watch these goddamn cartoons!" "It wouldn't hurt her to move her ass a bit." "I'm not the one with the fat ass around here!" "Can someone who is doing nothing all day but watching cartoons move her little ass and go get some food?" "I dare you to say that again!" "Margie, I think I screwed up." "It wouldn't be the first time," "I mean you always come up with something, right?" "Yeah, but I think I went a little too far this time." "I think you're going a little too far right now." "I'm gonna be late for work." "How about working at home today?" "She's gonna hit me!" "Daddy." "Shit, shut the goddamn door!" "Fucking bitch!" "Hey, can somebody answer the phone?" "I'm busy!" "Hello?" "This is Margaret McAllister, headmistress at the Spencer School in Wildwood, New Jersey." "Is Mr. or Mrs. Lando home?" "Yes, this is she." "Mrs. Lando, when your husband enrolled Mathilda at Spencer, he told us she had... problems." "Well, as you know, we pride ourselves in turning troubled girls into healthy, productive young women." "But if they are not here, there is very little we can do." "Now, Mathilda left school without permission nearly two weeks ago." "I know your husband paid tuition in advance for a year." "But if you will refer to page 20 in the rules and regulations manual we sent you, you will see that unless there is a valid excuse for prolonged absence, your tuition will be forfeit." "She's dead." "Is life always this hard, or is it just when you're a kid?" "Always like this." "Keep it." "Hey, I'm going grocery shopping." "You want some milk?" "One quart of two?" "It's two, right?" "I like these calm little moments before the storm." "It reminds me of Beethoven." "Can you hear it?" "It's like, when you put your head to the grass." "You can hear it growing." "You can hear the insects, bzzzz..." "Do you like Beethoven?" "Couldn't really say." "I'm gonna play you some." "Daddy!" "Benny, stay here!" "Daddy!" "Daddy!" "Jesus!" "Fuck!" "We said noon!" "I've got one minute past." "You don't like Beethoven." "You don't know what you're missing." "Overtures like that get my juices flowing." "So powerful!" "But after his openings, to be honest, he does tend to get a little fucking boring..." "That's why I stopped!" "Toss the apartment." "You're a Mozart fan." "I love him, too." "I lo-o-ove Mozart!" "He was Austrian, you know." "But for this kind of work, he's a little bit light." "So I tend to go for the heavier guys." "Cool." "What the fuck are you doing, huh?" "Man, keep your bombacut mouth shut." "Check out Brahms, he's good too." "What the fuck do you know about music?" "Yeah, knock it off!" "Checked the mattress?" "Nope." "Fuck!" "Stan!" "Look what you did!" "Stan, are you all right?" "LOOK WHAT YOU DID!" "Hey, Stan." "Stan!" "What're you doing?" "What're you doing, he's dead!" "But he ruined my suit." "I know." "I know, but he's dead." "He's a piece of meat, forget about it." "Calm down." "I'm calm." "Stay there, OK?" "Benny!" "Benny!" "Jesus fucking Christ, Benny!" "It's Malky and Stan!" "Take it easy, all right?" "Come on, come on." "Benny!" "Come on." "Let's get a cigarette, all right?" "Benny, we're coming out!" "Benny, don't fire!" "Get in!" "Jesus fucking Christ, Benny!" "You wear something new and..." "Take it easy!" "What's happening out there?" "It's all right, Ma'am, go in." "DEA." "Police." "Why don't you leave that poor family alone?" "Everything's all right." "Just calm down." "I'm calm." "I'm calm." "Why don't you leave 'em alone?" "He said:" "Go back inside!" "Stan, I think it's better if we go inside, all right?" "Benny, turn that kitchen upside down, find that shit!" "Willy Blood, look what you did!" "You killed the four year old kid!" "Did you really have to do that?" "Please, open the door." "Please." "Please." "Benny, there's three kids here." "I think Stan killed this girl, and Willy, that asshole, shot the little boy." "The third one's missing." "Find her." "Oh, shit." "Hey, we missed the little girl, man." "I'm gonna try and find the fucking super of this goddamn building." "Yo, I found it!" "Bingo!" "Stan, we found it." "I know..." "Here it is." "There's cops outside, we better go." "It's the cops outside." "We better go." "You stay here." "What do you want me to tell them?" "Tell them we were doing our job." "What's your name?" "Mathilda." "Sorry about your father." "If somebody didn't do it one day or another," "I would've probably done it myself." "Your mother, she..." "She's not my mother." "And my sister, she wanted to lose some weight, anyway." "But she never looked better." "Not even my real sister." "Just a half-sister, and not a good half at that." "If you couldn't stand them, why are you crying?" "Because they killed my brother..." "What the hell did he do?" "He was four years old." "He never used to cry." "Just used to sit next to me and cuddle..." "I was more of a mother to him than that goddamn pig ever was!" "Hey, don't talk like that about pigs!" "They're usually much nicer than people." "But they smell like shit." "Not true!" "As a matter of fact, right now I have one in my kitchen that's very clean and smells very nice." "You don't have a pig in your kitchen!" "Yes, I do." "I was just in there and I didn't see any goddamn pig!" "Don't move, I'll get him." "Piggy?" "Piggy?" "Where are you?" "Ah, there you are!" "Hi Mathilda." "Hi Piggy." "How are you today?" "I've seen better days." "What's your name?" "Leon." "Cute name." "You have anyone you can go to?" "Any family, any place else?" "I'm gonna get some more milk." "Holy shit!" "Don't touch that, please." "Leon?" "What exactly do you do for a living?" "Cleaner." "You mean you're a hitman?" "Yeah." "Cool." "Do you clean anyone?" "No women, no kids, that's the rules." "How much would it cost to hire someone to get those dirtbags who killed my brother?" "Five grand a head." "Wow." "How about this:" "I work for you and in exchange you teach me how to clean." "What do you think?" "I'll clean your place, I'll do the shopping," "I'll even wash your clothes." "Is it a deal?" "No." "It's not a deal." "What do you want me to do?" "I've got no place to go!" "You've had a rough day today." "go to sleep and we'lI see tomorrow, OK?" "You've been really great with me, Leon." "And it's not always like that, you know?" "Good night." "Sleep well?" "Good, because after breakfast you gotta take off." "Where to?" "Not my problem." "Read it!" "You don't know how to read." "I'm learning, but I had a lot of work lately, so" "I'm a little behind." "What's it say?" ""I've decided what to do with my life"" ""I wanna be a cleaner"." "You wanna be a cleaner." "Here." "Take it." "It's a goodbye gift." "Go clean." "But not with me." "I work alone." "Understand." "Alone?" "Bonnie and Clyde didn't work alone." "Thelma and Louise didn't work alone." "And they were the best." "Mathilda, why are you doing this to me?" "I've been nothing but nice to you!" "I even saved your life yesterday, right outside the door." "Right, so now you're responsible for it." "If you saved my life, you must have saved it for a good reason." "If you threw me out now it's like you never opened your door." "Like you let me die right there in front of it." "But you did open it, so..." "Mathilda..." "If you don't help me, I'll die tonight." "I can feel it." "But I don't want to die tonight." "Mathilda, you're just a little girl, so, don't take it badly, but..." "I don't think you could do it." "I'm sorry." "How's that?" "Mathilda, don't you ever do that again or I'll break your head." "You got that?" "OK." "I don't work like that." "It's not professional." "There is rules!" "OK." "And stop saying "OK" all the time!" "OK?" "OK." "Good." "Hi!" "You expect to use that in this hotel?" "Mister." "I have to use it because" "I have an audition at Julliard next month and I have to practice." "OK, but not after ten, hm?" "OK, I promise." "I'm gonna put you at the end of the hall so that you don't disturb anyone." "Could you fill those out please?" "Daddy, can I please fill them out, you know how I like to check in to hotels!" "Thanks, pap!" "I'll bring these back in a minute." "Fourth floor." "Thanks mister!" "You're lucky to have a little girl that's interested in things!" "I have a kid, seventeen, does nothing all day long." "Can I leave my plant here while I take my stuff upstairs?" "Of course." "I'm putting the name of a girl in my class who makes me sick." "When things get hot, she'll take the heat." "There, finished." "How old are you?" "Eighteen." "Eighteen?" "Wanna see my license?" "No." "You just look a little..." "younger." "Thanks." "Leon, I want you to teach me how to be like you." "I wanna be strong like you, smart like you." "Mathilda." "I know I'm not strong enough yet, but I could learn the basics, the theory." "What do you think?" "Just the theory." "I need this, Leon." "I need time to get my head together." "Yeah." "And I need... a drink." "Don't move!" "I'll go get you one." "Salute." "You know, when you told me to get this baby out for you," "I thought my hearing's going." "I says to myself, "Leon's a pro." "Nobody uses that, except beginners"." "I like to stay in shape." "Sure." "Always stay on top." "It's like me." "I gotta know where everything is all the time." "That's why I don't leave this place except to go from here to there." "Change ain't good, Leon." "You know?" "Yeah." "Check it." "Make sure it's the right thing." "I trust you." "One thing's got nothing to do with the other." "Remember that, Leon." "I will." "The rifle is the first weapon you learn how to use, because it lets you keep your distance from the client." "The closer you get to being a pro, the closer you can get to the client." "The knife, for example, is the last thing you learn." "OK?" "OK." "Position." "No." "Never take it off until the last minute, it reflects light." "They can see you coming from a mile away." "And always dress down, never brighter than the floor." "OK?" "OK." "Let's practice now." "It's the best way to learn." "Who should I hit?" "Whoever..." "I'll be with you in a second, all right, give me a few minutes." "Thank you." "Thanks a lot." "You guys in the suits get lost." "I don't want to see you, all right?" "It has to look natural." "No women, no kids, right?" "Right." "The jogger in the yellow and orange?" "OK." "Keep calm." "Don't take your eyes off him." "Breathe easy, watch his movement." "Pretend you're running with him." "Try to feel his next movement." "Take a deep breath, hold it..." "Now." "I'm all right." "I'm fine." "I'm fine." "Get down." "One shot!" "Not bad, huh?" "Can we try with real bullets now?" "Not today..." "Let's pack up." "Here, continue like that." "Here, after..." "No thanks." "No discussion." "It seemed... to Socrates..." "To So-cra-tes..." "I'll do it." "Leon, all we do is work." "We need a break." "Let's play a game." "What kind of game?" "I have this great game." "It makes you think and it helps your memory." "It's exactly what you need." "OK." "OK." "Who is it?" "I don't know." "I don't know." "Mustache..." "No." "Gene Kelly?" "Good." "Your turn now." "OK, pilgrim..." "Clint Eastwood?" "I don't know, I give up." "John Wayne." "I was just about to say that." "I swear." "It's amazing, Leon, really, brilliant." "Amazing." "You love your plant, don't you?" "It's my best friend." "Always happy." "No questions." "And it's like me, you see?" "No roots." "If you really love it, you should plant it in the middle of a park so that it can have roots..." "I'm the one you should be watering if you want me to grow." "You're right." "No." "Yes." "No." "Yes." "Yes!" "They gotta be jumping out of the plate, they gotta be alive." "It's been a longtime, Leon." "I missed you and you missed some nice jobs, too." "I been training." "Training's good." "But don't overdo it, huh?" "You know training don't pay as good as working, Leon." "Tony, all the money I make..." "that you keep for me." "You need some money?" "No." "Just curious." "Because I've been working a longtime and haven't done anything with my money," "I thought maybe some day I could... use it." "You met a woman?" "Leon, you gotta be careful with women." "Remember when you arrived in this country, Leon?" "When I took you in, you were still wet behind the fucking ears, and already you were in deep shit because of a woman..." "Don't forget that, Leon." "Wish I could, sometimes." "You know, about my money." "Maybe I, maybe I could give..." "little... to someone." "You know, to help out." "Hey, it's your money, I mean, I'm just holding it for you, you know." "Like a bank." "Except that, you know, better than a bank because, you know, banks are always knocked off." "And no one knocks off old Tony." "And besides, in a bank there's always tons of forms to be filled and all that shit." "But old Tony, nothing to read, nothing to write - it's all in his head." "I know how to read now." "That's good, Leon, good." "Your money is here whenever you want it, you just ask me, OK?" "Here's a grand." "No, it's OK." "I don't need it." "No." "Come on, come on, take it." "Have some fun." "Go ahead." "Take it." "Thank you." "All right, now let's talk business." "Don't move, I'll go get the file." "Manolo, a glass of milk for my friend Leon here!" "Listen Mathilda, you gotta be careful." "You can't just speak to any guy off the street." "Leon, get a grip." "What's the big fucking deal?" "I was just smoking a butt while I was waiting." "I want you to stop cursing." "You can't talk to people like that all the time." "I want you to make an effort to talk nice." "OK." "And I want you to stop smoking." "OK." "Stay away from him, he looks like a weirdo." "OK." "I'll be out in five minutes, stand where I can see you." "OK." "Leon, I think I'm kind of falling in love with you." "It's the first time for me, you know?" "How do you know it's love if you've never been in love before?" "Cause I feel it." "Where?" "In my stomach..." "It's all warm." "I always had a knot there..." "and now it's gone." "Mathilda, I'm glad you don't have a stomach ache anymore," "I don't think that means anything..." "I'm late for work." "I hate being late for work!" "Hey, how's the practicing going?" "How are we today, Miss?" "I'm sick of practicing." "I understand." "But you're doing all right." "I haven't received any complaints at all." "Well, I put a cloth over the strings to lessen the noise." "Oh?" "Oh, that's very smart!" "Not everyone loves music." "Yeah I know." "What exactly does your father do?" "Well, he's a composer." "Ah!" "That's wonderful!" "Except he's not really my father." "He's my lover." "I'm gonna go for a walk." "What're you doing Saturday?" "What about dinner?" "Hey, where you going?" "Visiting friends at 6J." "OK right." "We know you're a busy man and we'll try to make this as short as possible." "Now if you just take us step by step through exactly what happened." "The guy was here, he went for his gun." "Bang!" "We shot him." "Where exactly were the kids?" "I don't know." "They should have been at school, don't you think?" "But in the statement you said you were the first man in, didn't you see any kids?" "The door was broken, what happened?" "Did you follow the procedure?" "I lost a good man here." "What the fuck do you want with me?" "Cooperation." "I haven't got time for this Mickey Mouse bullshit." "You want cooperation?" "Come up my office, will you?" "4602." "Kids should be at school." "Hey." "Hey, come on, that's my ball!" "Hey, give that back!" "Come on, where you going?" "Damn, where are you going, man?" "That's my ball!" "Follow the blue car!" "And I suppose you mean to blast the music and go through lights, eh?" "No." "Drive slowly." "Take the hundred bucks, and shut the fuck up, OK?" "Do you want me to open it?" "I'll open it!" "How do you like it?" "Nice, eh?" "Mr. McGuffin?" "Can I have a word with you?" "Here!" "This is for a contract." "Twenty grand, right?" "His name is Norman Stansfield and he's in room 4602 in the DEA building, 26 Federal Plaza." "I'm not taking it." "Why not?" "Too heavy." "Well, would you rent me your gear for the day?" "I never lend out my gear." "But you still have your gun." "Use it." "Just do me a favor, don't shoot out the window, OK?" "Why are you so mean to me?" "You're out there killing people you don't give a shit about, but you won't get the bastards who killed my whole family." "Revenge is not good, Mathilda." "Believe, it's better to forget." "To forget?" "After I've seen the outline of my brother's body on the floor, you expect me to forget?" "I want to kill those sons of bitches, and I'll blow their fucking heads off!" "Nothing's the same after you've killed someone." "Your life is changed forever." "You'lI have to sleep with one eye open for the rest of your life." "I don't give a shit about sleeping, Leon!" "I want love... or death." "That's it." "Love or death." "Get off my case, Mathilda." "I'm tired of your games." "It's really great game, Leon." "It makes people nicer and starts them thinking." "The kind of game you love." "If I win, you keep me with you." "For life." "And if you lose?" "You'll go shopping alone." "Like before." "You're gonna lose, Mathilda." "There's a round in the chamber, I heard it." "So what?" "What's it to you if I end up with a bullet in the head, huh?" "Nothing." "I hope you're not lying, Leon." "I really hope that down deep inside there's no love in you." "Cause if there is, just a little bit of love in you" "I think that in a few minutes you're gonna regret you never said anything." "I love you, Leon." "I win." "I took a hit, I need a hand now." "I know she's young but..." "she learns fast." "Kids need to be shaped into something right?" "Yeah." "I know I taught you that." "But ain't there an age limit?" "She's eighteen." "Oh, really?" "How about something to drink, Tony?" "Yeah, sure, Manolo." "A glass of milk for Leon!" "Nice tattoo." "Manolo!" "Make that two!" "What's that for?" "Can't afford to catch cold." "First you find out where the chain is." "You can't see it, but you can feel it." "Here." "I ring and you start talking." "What do I say?" "Whatever you want." "Yes?" "Hi." "It's Susan." "I'm sorry, you must have the wrong door, little girl." "I don't know any Susan." "Move back a little, I can't see anything." "The light's out, it's all dark out here." "Mister, I'm scared..." "OK, OK." "What are you doing?" "Open up." "If it leaves your mouth, I pull the trigger, capiche?" "Here is OK." "Let it go." "I said let it go." "Move, move over." "Easy, easy." "Go ahead, your turn." "Help me, please help me." "Hello, sir." "Sir...?" "Sir, sir, it's not my dope." "A little left, please." "OK, now the security shot." "Oh, the second goes higher on the chest." "Aim for the heart and lungs." "There, right there, you see?" "The first shot takes him out of order and the second finishes him off." "Never in the face." "If they can't recognize the client, you don't get paid, cause you could take out anybody and say you did the job." "Got it?" "Got it." "Never in the face." "OK." "Now you can put the tools away." "What the fuck is going on?" "Hey, mister." "You see, when you use the silencer a lot." "you have to put a piece of cloth here, because it gets very hot and could burn it inside." "A damp, black cloth is the best." "What are you doing?" "We said no women, no kids." "Who do you think this is gonna kill?" "Donkeys and monkeys?" "Now." "It's clean." "Let's get outta here." "I thought we don't have the right to drink?" "I know, but we're making an exception for your first client." "Well, if we're making exceptions for a job well done, how about a kiss?" "Like in the movies." "No." "Yes." "What are you doing?" "I'm gonna kiss you." "Mathilda, stop please." "Come on, just a kiss." "Stop, everyone is watching us." "Basta, go sit down." "Enjoy." "You don't believe me, do you?" "How's that?" "When I say I'm in love with you." "Mathilda, please, drop it." "Just change the subject, OK?" "OK, OK, sorry." "So how old were you when you made your first hit?" "Nineteen." "Beat ya!" "What are you doing?" "Can't afford to catch cold." "There's no doorbell?" "So, knock on the door." "Yes?" "Hi." "I'm looking for Mr. Rubens' apartment, but it's all dark out here in the hall and I'm lost." "Just a second." "You want more?" "Come on, show your fucking face!" "Think you can get me that easily." "When it tough like this, you know it's gonna be ugly." "Better make it quick, or else you will be here all day listening to his crap." "Asshole come on, show me your fucking face, faggot!" "Come on, "gum trick"!" "Hey." "What about the "ring trick"?" "Do you know that one?" ""Ring trick"?" "Come on asshole," "I'm waiting." "Show it to me, motherfucker." "That's the "ring trick"." "Mario, go back to the barber shop, we'll finish later." "Hey Leon, what's up?" "All done, already?" "No, no." "Nicer than people, eh?" "I told you that." "You got a problem?" "No." "Get the chair, sit down." "Sit." "I was thinking..." "If something happens to me some day..." "Hey, Leon, nothing's gonna happen to you." "You're indestructible, bullets slide off you, you play with them." "Tony." "I thought about my money." "You remember the girl who came here the other day?" "Yeah." "Her name is..." "Mathilda." "If anything happens to me," "I..." "I'd like you to give her... my money." "You can count on me, Leon." "Thank you, Tony." "Yeah." "I won't be long." "Did I do something wrong?" "No, this one is too big." "Yeah, and I only get the leftovers, is that it?" "Mathilda, since I met you, everything's been different." "So, I just need some time alone." "And you need some time to grow up a little." "I've finished growing up, Leon." "I just get older." "And for me, it's the opposite." "I'm old enough," "I need time to grow up." "Shit." "You're new, aren't you?" "Fifth floor right?" "Well you can't sit here like that." "Really?" "Why not?" "Nothing's free." "Like a parking meter." "When you stop, you pay." "It's the law." "Only on TV..." "What did you say?" "Forget it, how much is your meter?" "Ten dollars... a month." "Got change?" "Don't worry about it, we'll do ten for twelve." "I'll pay enough for the rest of the year, OK?" "OK, a year." "Does paying rent here mean I have to put up with you guys?" "Uh... no." "So go play somewhere else." "I need to think." "Stand up, don't you like your job?" "Food." "Where are you going?" "Special delivery." "Room 4602." "Sign here." "Have a nice weekend, girls." "Special delivery, huh?" "Let me guess..." "Chinese?" "Thai, maybe?" "I've got it." "Italian food." "What's your name, angel?" "Mathilda." "Mathilda." "Mathilda," "I want you to put the sack on the floor." "Good." "And now I want you to tell me everything you know about Italian food." "And don't forget the name of the chef who fixed for me!" "Nobody sent me." "I do business for myself." "So this is something personal, is it?" "What filthy piece of shit did I do now?" "You killed my brother." "I'm sorry." "And you wanna join him?" "No." "It's always the same thing." "It's when you start to become really afraid of death, that you learn to appreciate life." "Do you like life, sweetheart?" "Yes." "That's good." "Because I take no pleasure in taking life... if it's from a person who doesn't care about it." "Stan!" "Stan." "Shit, Stan." "I've been looking all over for you, man." "I've checked upstairs, and..." "What?" "I'm busy." "It's Malky, man." "He's dead." "Malky was making a buy for us from the Chinamen." "Yeah, but they got nothing to do with it, man." "They told me, this guy came from the outside." "He was a pro, he was fast." "He fucking came outta nowhere." "Boom." "Shoots the Chinamen dead in two seconds." "Easy man, I'm a cop." "Then turns around, says something to Malky like..." "No women, no kids." "I think it was something personal." "Death is... whimsical today." "Blood, you hear me?" "Yeah man, I hear you Stan, just chill out man." "Would you take her up to my office?" "All right, yeah." "Jesus fucking Christ!" ""Leon, my love"." ""I know where to find the guys who killed my brother"." ""Their boss is Norman Stansfield"" ""and he is in the DEA building, room 4602"." ""I'm gonna do that myself." "If something goes wrong"," ""I left you twenty grand on the table." "It's for a contract"." ""Five grand a head, right?"" ""I know I'll feel better after I do this"." ""I love you" " Mathilda"." "Wait for me." "I won't be long." "Look, I can't park in front like this, it's a federal building." "And she's gonna do the same exact thing like I said." "Nine-milli, bullets and another nine-milli." "What did you plan to do with all these guns, huh?" "Maybe she was planning on taking out the whole building." "Holy shit, what've we got here?" "Lunch." "Careful Blood." "Might be poisoned." "No man, there's no anchovies on this." "Is that what you call "I won't be long"?" "I've been hangin' around here for at least ten minutes!" "I did my best." "Avanti." "Do you like it?" "Yes." "So say it." "I like it." "Not thirsty?" "You know, a girl's first time is very important." "It determines the rest of her life sexually." "I read that once in one of my sister's magazines." "My girlfriends told me that they hated their first experience." "That's because they don't love the guys." "They just did it to show off." "Afterwards, they started liking it, like cigarettes." "I wanna like it, the first time." "Mathilda, no." "Why not?" "I just can't." "You love someone else?" "No." "I mean... there was someone a long time ago." "Before I came to the States." "Her father didn't want her to see me." "She was from a very respectable family." "Mine was, you know," "not so respectable." "Her dad went nuts everytime she'd take off to see me." "But she still snuck off to see you, right?" "Right." "You see, nothing can stop love, Leon." "He killed her." "One shot to the head." "They kept him in jail for two days, then they let him go free." "They said it was an accident." "So, one night I waited for him" "500 feet with a lens." "He also had an accident." "The same night I took a boat and came here to meet up with my father who was working for Tony." "I was nineteen." "Since then I've never left the city." "And..." "I've never had another girlfriend." "You see, Mathilda." "I won't be a good lover." "OK." "Just do me one favor." "What?" "I'm sick of watching you sleeping on your chair." "We're gonna share the bed." "I don't think it's a good idea." "It's OK, put your legs upon the bed." "Yeah, its nice." "Put your head down." "It's OK." "Relax." "Good night, Leon." "Good night." "Manolo, take the kids in the kitchen." "I have a lot of respect for your business, Tony." "When you've killed for us in the past, we've always been satisfied." "And that's exactly why today is going to be very, very hard for me." "I hope you'll excuse my mood." "My man was killed right here on your turf and the Chinks tell me that the hitman was kind of the..." "Italian type." "So we figured that Tony might know something." "Wait, there's more." "You're gonna love this." "A few hours later, a little twelve year old girl comes into my office, armed to the teeth with the firm intention of sending me straight to the morgue." "And you know who came and got her in the middle of the afternoon, right there, in my building?" "The very same Italian hitman." "I'm dying to meet him." "Relax, everything's fine." "Sleep well?" "I never really sleep." "Got one eye open always." "Oh, I forgot." "You know, I never saw someone with one eye open snore so much." "I snore?" "Like a baby." "I'm gonna get some milk for breakfast." "I won't be long." "Don't forget the code when you come back." "Two knocks, then one, and two knocks again, right?" "Right." "Hola senor." "Ring these up and I'll go get some milk." "From here on out, you don't make a sound." "You answer my questions by nodding "yes"" "or shaking your head "no", you got it?" "Is he alone?" "Does he expect you?" "Do you have keys to the apartment?" "Is there a code, a way of knocking so he knows it's you?" "Alpha team, final position, we're ready to go." "Be careful." "Move, move!" "Shit." "Alpha team." "Man down, man down." "I told you." "Benny, bring me everyone." "What do you mean, "everyone"?" "EVERYONE!" "Take this." "Go take a look." "Don't move." "You see anything?" "It's the guy." "He's here." "He's got a gun on my head." "OK, nobody moves." "Let the girl go." "Now, take it easy, man!" "Let the girl go!" "OK." "The girl's coming out." "Let the girl go." "Grab the axe off the wall." "Over there, go." "You're coming with us." "Christ, he shot him!" "Bastard!" "Move!" "Move!" "Move!" "Move!" "Shut the fucking water off!" "Got it." "We're in a bad way here, send the Cats, I repeat, send the Cats!" "I don't know what happened, I didn't see them coming, I swear." "I just went shopping and I came back and they were everywhere." "Stay away from the window." "Leon?" "Leon..." "Come here." "Snipers." "OK, now get this fucking asshole outta there." "How we gonna get outta here now?" "Leave it to me, we're checking out." "But Leon, it's not big enough for you." "It's barely big enough for me." "We said no discussion." "No!" "I'm not letting..." "I'm not going!" "I won't go!" "I won't go!" "Listen to me..." "Listen to me, we have no chance together, but if I'm alone I can do it, trust me." "I'm in good shape, Mathilda." "And I know I've got a lot of money with Tony, a lot." "We'll take it and leave together, just the two of us, OK?" "Go." "No!" "You just say that so I won't worry." "I don't wanna lose you, Leon." "You're not going to lose me, Mathilda." "You've given me a taste for life." "I want to be happy, sleep in a bed, have roots." "You'll never be alone again, Mathilda." "Please, go now, baby, go!" "Calm down, go now." "Go, go." "I'lI see you at Tony's." "I'm gonna clean them all." "Tony's in an hour." "I love you, Mathilda." "I love you too, Leon." "Hey, heyeyey, what the fuck is going on up there?" "I just said take the guy out, not the whole fucking building." "Hey, we got one breathing here." "Get the medic over here..." "We got a wounded man here." "Make way!" "Send him down by the stairs!" "Let him go!" "Let's go!" "Move!" "Get that guy up the stairs." "Lean him on the land." "Get your team back up there." "We got two men coming down the stairs." "You OK?" "Hey, I need a medic over here!" "Move your fucking asses." "Squad number one what's the status on the apartment?" "Can't see shit, too much smoke in here, give us five minutes to clear it up." "OK, you got it." "What, what, what!" "You're two hundred men and you can't find one man and a girl?" "Did you find the girl?" "Hi, how're you doing?" "Take your mask off, quick." "Let me see you." "That's deep." "Right, this one here." "You from the third precinct?" "Yeah." "All right, fine." "Put it down, put it down." "This one." "You stay there for two minutes, I'll be right back." "Let me put the mask back on." "I breathe better with it." "OK, you're right." "Sit tight." "OK, come on, everybody out." "Come on, let's go, let's go!" "Come on, out!" "Clear the way." "Clear the way, men." "Come on, what are you doing here." "Get out, get out." "Come on." "Stansfield?" "At your service." "This is... from..." "Mathilda." "Shit." "Leon asked me to help you out if..." "if something happened and..." "I think something happened, right?" "He put aside a little cash for you..." "So, what I'm suggesting is that... seeing as how you're still so young," "I should hold the money for you, you know, 'till you're older." "Like a bank, you know, except better than a bank" "Because, you know, banks always get knocked off." "No one knocks off old Tony." "But it's your money and, in the meantime, all you gotta do is come here every once in a while and I'll dish it out so that you can have a little fun, OK?" "Here's a hundred bucks to start with." "Can't take any job instead?" "A job?" "What the hell can you do?" "I can clean." "I ain't got no work for a twelve year old kid." "So get it outta your goddamn head!" "It's over, the game's over, Leon's dead!" "You hear me?" "Come on." "Come on, you think I ain't hurting, too?" "But he's dead." "And you're gonna forget all this craziness and get your little ass back to school, capiche?" "Now take this money and get the hell outta here, and don't let me see your face 'till next month." "'Cause something tells me I'm about to lose my famous kind streak." "My parents died in a car accident four weeks ago." "It was terrible." "You know, we didn't have the time to get to know one another when you first came here, but I want you to know that I am not the kind of woman who'd let down a child," "whatever her situation, whatever her mistake." "So, I'm going to help you and do my best to welcome you here again." "But on one condition." "You have to stop lying to me, Mathilda." "I want you to take a chance and trust me." "Now tell me what happened to you." "OK." "My family got shot down by DEA officers because of a drug problem." "I left with the greatest guy on earth." "He was a hitman, the best in town." "But he died this morning and if you don't help me, I'll be dead by tonight." "You know her?" "No." "I've never seen her." "I think we'll be OK here, Leon." ""He deals the cards as a meditation And those he plays never suspect"" ""He doesn't play for the money he wins He doesn't play for respect"" ""He deals the cards to find the answer The sacred geometry of chance"" ""The hidden law of a probable outcome The numbers lead a dance"" ""I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier"" ""I know that the clubs are weapons of war"" ""I know that diamonds mean money for this art"" ""But that's not the shape of my heart"" ""He may play the jack of diamonds He may lay the queen of spades"" ""He may conceal a king in his hand While the memory of it fades"" ""I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier"" ""I know that the clubs are weapons of war"" ""I know that diamonds mean money for this art"" ""That's not the shape of my heart"" ""And if I told you that I loved you"" ""You'd maybe think there's something wrong"" ""I'm not a man of too many faces The mask I wear is one"" ""Those who speak know nothing And find out to their cost"" ""Like those who curse their luck in too many places"" ""And those who fear are lost"" ""I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier"" ""I know that the clubs are weapons of war"" ""I know that diamonds mean money for this art"" ""But that's not the shape of my heart"" ""But that's not the shape of my heart"" ""That's not the shape of my heart"" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"We knew our lives would never be the same." "He saved my life." "And she saved mine." "We're destined." "But we know it won't be easy." "Even though we have every reason to stay apart..." "We'll risk it all to be together." "I am so in love with you." "Previously on Beauty the Beast:" "I have been hunting Muirfield for most of my life." "So you were some kind of guinea pig?" "Continually being harvested for blood and tissue and anything else they could take from me." "I still don't know what you want with me." "You're a cop." "My position can open certain doors, but you can go places that I can't." "If we work together, we can take Muirfield down for good." "I thought you'd be more sympathetic to someone who was used by Muirfield." "I will be if he really is who he says he is." "That woman I told you about?" "The one who smuggled me out of Muirfield?" "I think she might have been Detective Chandler's mother." "♪" "♪ Gonna wash the dust off my soul ♪" "♪ Gonna listen to some rock and roll... ♪" "Good morning." "Hey." "How long have you been here?" "Uh, a little while." "You're just watching me sleep?" "Yeah, there's a lot to watch." "You, uh, you did this yawn and then you did this little cute nose scratch thing, and then, uh, you did that, uh..." "You know, that-that clucking noise that you make." "I do not cluck." "Oh, yeah, you do." "No." "♪ That waves will wash the gray away ♪" "♪ I'm making a beautiful day... ♪" "You know, I just..." "I didn't want you to wake up alone today." "You okay?" "Yeah." "I mean, my mom has been gone ten years." "It doesn't matter how long it's been, an anniversary is always hard." "This year feels different." "Different good or different bad?" "Well, you're here, so that's good." "Hmm." "And I'm not waking up racked with guilt." "Well, it's the first year you know you're not responsible." "Yeah, but I'm not responsible because Muirfield killed her because she worked with them." "The people that ruined your life..." "My life is far from ruined." "...who are hunting you down, she was one of them." "She was one of the good ones." "Okay, so, a little different bad and good, yeah?" "More bad than good." "Which is why I really don't feel like celebrating her celestial birthday tonight." "Her what?" "Family tradition." "The idea was, when she dd, she was born to the stars." "So, we get together, light candles, listen to her favorite music, eat her favorite food." "Well, sounds nice." "Except even though we know she liked '80s power ballads and pineapple on her pizza, turns out we didn't really know her at all." "She lied to me." "And I was her person, we were so close." "So..." "You know what I want to celebrate tonight?" "What?" "Our anniversary." "You realize that that's today, too, don't you?" "Yes, the anniversary of the first time we saw each other." "Of the first time you saved me." "So, I'm just gonna tell Heather and my dad that I'm busy, and, um, you and I can..." "No, no, no, no, no." "Bailing on your dad and your sister is just gonna make you feel guilty all over again." "Okay, besides, it seems like you need reminding that you did know her, at least in the important ways." "Yeah, favorite pizza topping is so important." "Come on, let's not get caught up in the bad stuff from the past." "Today is about celebrating her and moving forward." "Right, moving forward." "Which is why I want to celebrate us." "Uh-uh." "Mm, okay, we can do that by going to the cemetery together, and saying hi to her." "♪ And it's gonna be my beautiful day... ♪" "Well played." "Hey." "Hey, Vargas," "I, uh, I want to go over the security detail for the mayor's thing today." "Oh, right, yeah, there's a lot of details about the detail." "Listen, I want to apologize to you for bailing this morning." "I mean, who knew that Marelli got his morning coffee near your place?" "That was a really good save, saying that you were checking out a new gym." "Mm." "I'd believe that we just ran into each other if I was him." "Or maybe I should just learn how to make coffee." "Or we could just go public." "Wow." "Okay." "Tess, there's a spot open at the 15th." "You would transfer for me?" "The spot is for you." "Wow, so you just assumed that I'd be the one to go?" "There aren't as many spots available at my level." "Right." "But I've worked my ass off to get the respect I get at this precinct." "Yeah, and if people found out, you could lose that respect." "Me?" "Both of us." "It was just a suggestion." "Okay, like you said, we covered with Marelli." "We don't have to go public." "It's up to you." "I only have an hour before I have to be security detail for the mayor's park dedication." "Moving forward, remember?" "Right." "Let's go give her some lilies." "See, it's just like we're walking in Central Park." "Hey, we don't get to do that." "What?" "Who is that?" "Is that Gabe?" "What is he doing here?" "Well, did you tell him what today was?" "No." "Maybe Tess or Joe did?" "So, what, he's paying his respects?" "He was a victim of Muirfield, and he knows she was, too." "Or maybe he has a thing for you." "What?" "Well, you just spent all that time together looking over Muirfield files." "Yeah, that was really romantic." "Well, maybe he thought it was." "He doesn't know you got a boyfriend." "Just... we'll come back later." "No, I am busy later." "Don't you want to know what he's doing here?" "Besides, you're the one who made this convincing argument that I should start my day saying hi to my mom." "And now you want me to blow her off?" "Okay, I'll wait until he's gone." "Give me the calla lilies." "Hey." "Catherine." "I wasn't expecting you to be here so early." "I wasn't expecting you to be here at all." "Look," "I've been meaning to talk to you." "Actually, I just figured it out myself." "You brought calla lilies." "The other day, when you mentioned your mother's necklace." "My doctor, when I was a kid," "I called her Vanessa." "I never knew her last name, but she had the same necklace." "My mom was your doctor?" "I was too stunned to tell you." "Oh, my God." "Those... those experiments that Muirfield did on you and those..." "those other orphaned kids, did she perform them?" "No." "No, you think I'd be here with flowers if she had?" "I'm here with flowers, and I'm conflicted about her." "Catherine, your mother wasn't the one who experimented on us." "She was the doctor who came in to check on us and made sure we were okay." "Honestly, she was the only truly loving adult we had, and I adored her." "That's why I came here today." "But I am sorry if my being here has upset you." "No." "Um... today is supposed to be about celebrating her." "Well, there was lots to celebrate." "You know she used to bring us art supplies to keep us busy." "God, I probably grew up eating your leftovers, watching your old movies." "That's where all my old VHS tapes probably disappeared to." "Airplane, all the Pink Panthers." ""I thought you said your dog did not bite"." ""That is not my dog."" "She had a pretty good sense of humor for a biochemist." "Um, my family, we're, uh, having a thing for her tonight." "Just-just small, if you want to come." "I would love to come." "I'll see if I can find some of those old" "VHS tapes." "If it's all right with you, I'd like to do something for her." "Maybe replace the headstone." "I noticed it was cracked." "Looks like it's been that way for a while." "The crack's pretty deep." "Did you guys have her moved?" "No." "I mean, at least I don't think so." "But then again, I am always the last person to know these things when it comes to my mom." "You know what?" "It's beautiful as is." "Maybe I'll make a donation to her favorite charity." "Just come over tonight and listen to '80s power ballads." "That is charity enough." "I like '80s power ballads." "I'll give you some privacy." "I'll see you at the park dedication?" "Yeah." "Vincent?" "Vincent?" "Vincent?" "♪ Beauty and the Beast 1x20 ♪ Anniversary Original Air Date on May 2, 2013" "== sync, corrected by elderman ==" "Hey." "Sorry I'm late." "It hasn't even started yet." "It's just, I was at the graveyard with Vincent." "Oh, right, it's the day." "No, I'm fine." "But he had to hang back because Gabe was there." "What?" "It turns out he knew my mom." "But when Gabe left, Vincent was gone." "Wait, wait, I'm still on Gabe knew your mother." "I have been calling and texting, and no one's been answering." "I don't know what happened." "Maybe his cell died." "And he just left me there?" "You're spiraling 'cause it's the day." "Look, you know, Gabe led the task force that hunted Vincent." "He probably just took off 'cause he didn't want Gabe to see him." "Right, you're right." "Hello?" "Hey." " Heather." " Yeah." "Worst day ever." "I'm here alone, wallowing in Mom's scrubs." "I'm gonna come and wallow with you soon." "Um, and I'm gonna bring someone." "I hope that's all right." "A guy?" "No." "Gabriel Lowan, the ADA." "Sounds like a guy to me." "He was a patient of Mom's." "No way." "And he has a lot of stories about her, so..." "Oh, a shared past." "All right, well, I'll order another pizza." "Also, did we ever have Mom moved?" "Moved?" "Yeah." "The grave-- her headstone is cracked." "It is ten years old." "And patched." "It's probably just vandals." "Um, I love you, and I will see you soon, okay?" "All right." "I love you." "Bye." "What?" "I am just curious." "You're bringing a guy to a family event" "Vincent can't go to, and wonder why he's not talking to you?" "Oh, my God, he probably overheard." "And guys are possessive." "Joe's trying to possess the precinct, ship me off to the 15th." "What?" "!" "So, what, you're never going to talk to her again?" "Just trying to figure out what to say." "How about," ""Sorry for ditching you at the cemetery because I was jealous"." "I'm not jealous." "I know she's not into him." "No, P90X." "I know she's not into him." "But you went Code Yellow when he was bonding with her while you were hidden behind the headstone." "Tree." "Whatever." "Point is, he can go to her intimate family shindig, and you can't." "Are you trying to make me feel worse?" "Vincent, we all have animal instincts." "I'd be territorial, too." "Mm-hmm, right." "And I trust my instincts, and my instinct says he's up to something." "Okay, he chooses today of all days, the day she's most vulnerable, to tell her that he knows her mom?" "It's-it's like he was waiting to ensnare her." "Ensnare?" "We all know that he's out to get Muirfield." "Okay, maybe he lost all his leads, and now he needs her as bait." "Okay, I like a good conspiracy as much as the next guy, and you're not usually wrong about these things, but..." "You know what?" "I'm not." "Wait." "What are you doing?" "I'm gonna go to the park and tell her." "Thank you for all coming out to the rededication of East Park." "I'd especially like to thank my daughter, Jill, who is actually responsible for making this day happen." "Jill." "A mother-daughter event, of all days." "I'm okay." "I'm too distracted by guilt." "You'll explain." "You're not yourself on the anniversary." "It's our anniversary, too." "Oops." "I guess I'd rather "oops" than something bad happening to him." "You don't think something happened to him, do you?" "You're still spiraling." "It's just "oops."" "Hey." "I got the list." "I'm not on it." "Yeah, well, mayor's having second thoughts." "Look, you want details, ask her." "She won't return my calls." "Oh, big freaking surprise." "Look, I'm not screwing around." "She better support me on this." "You don't want to see what happens when I get angry." "About a year ago, I encouraged Jill to donate some warm winter clothing to charity..." "Cat?" "Baseball cap, two o'clock." "Vincent." "What are you doing here?" "This place is surrounded by cops." "I needed to talk to you." "I'm sorry if inviting Gabe was insensitive of me." "Catherine, look, I don't..." "I don't trust the guy." "Okay." "He's not into me, he's into my mom." "That's not what this is about." "First of all, I just caught him arguing with some guy over there about a list." "The mayor's aide?" "Yeah." "He was threatening her." "That's how politicians talk to each other." "All right, then he's at your mother's grave, talking himself into some intimate family gathering." "He didn't." "I invited him, because you told me to celebrate my mom." "He's using you." "For what?" "I don't know." "Okay, I don't know." "Maybe he's trying to get more information on Muirfield." "All right?" "Maybe... maybe he is Muirfield." "Based on what-- an argument with the mayor's aide?" "I can't put my finger on it, okay, but there is something not right about him." "Well, if it makes you uncomfortable," "I'll tell him not to come." "Good." "Why are you acting so weird?" "The mayor." "Where'd that come from?" "!" "Jill." "Jill, come on, come on." "Mom!" "My mom!" "Hello?" "Who is this?" "It's ADA Lowan." "Who's this?" "Shot came from that rooftop, 200 yards outside the contained perimeter, so probably a professional job." "Which they could've started planning three days ago when the press release for the park dedication went out." "Good." "We've got our timeline." "What about the guy in the hat Chandler was talking to?" "That was a vagrant." "Pretty long time to chat with a vagrant." "Marelli, weren't you supposed to be watching the southeast corner, not who Chandler was talking to?" "Oh, says the detective who spent the entire event walkie-talking with her BFF about God knows what." "Okay, no one's at fault here." "All right?" "This happened outside the contained perimeter, but from here on out, it's on us to find the person responsible, so let's focus." "Any word on how the mayor's doing?" "She's still in surgery, but she's gonna pull through." "He totally knows." "What?" "Marelli." "He caught Joe and I having coffee this morning." "I thought I covered, but..." "This whole sneaking around thing-- does it ever get any easier?" "No." "Hey, what's up?" "I got more on Gabe." "I'm going to disinvite him, but I need to work on this case." "No, I got the sniper's phone." "What?" "I saw the scope on the roof, so I went after him." "Okay, he got away, but I got his phone so I dialed the last number it called, and it was Gabe." "You're kidding." "Yeah." "And the time of the call was right before the shooting." "Catherine, he was threatening the mayor." "Do you think he hired him?" "I don't know." "Maybe the sniper was calling him with the go-signal." "Okay, look, the reason I left the cemetery is because I had a reaction to him." "Okay, I lost control." "I know you think it's jealousy." "Yes, he can go tonight," "I can't, but you got to believe me, that's not what this is." "You're sensing something." "Look, I'm sorry I abandoned you on our anniversary." "And I'm sorry that I invited someone to a dinner that you can't come to... on our anniversary." "Should we call it even?" "Okay." "Oh, and I need that phone." "I need to see if there's a serial number?" "Um, maybe not so even." "I, uh..." "I kind of lost control again when I heard his voice." "But, uh, I promise you, that's... that's not your present." "Look, I get the guy's got Spidey senses, but Gabe?" "Okay, professionals sometimes work in pairs, right?" "There's one guy on the ground, making sure the sniper has a clean shot." "Well, look at this." "Gabe gets the call." "He goes to the mayor, he angles her towards the sniper, when..." "Cat, he's posing for a photo-op." "Then how do you explain his number on the shooter's phone?" "All right, so what's the motive?" "I don't know." "Maybe he wanted her job, or they were having an affair." "God, does being closeted always have to lead to bad things?" "No, it can be exciting and romantic." "And you are not leaving me to go to the 15th." "Okay, I know this Gabe thing is crazy, but can we at least check his phone records and financials?" "On an ADA?" "How we gonna do that?" "Wow, this guy is loaded." "Now I'm jealous." "He's just bringing up the accounts." "He's in." "TJ's fast." "JT." "If he hired this guy, it would have cost upwards of ten grand." "Any large withdrawals?" "Any?" "Uh, try every." "Can a guy really spend two grand at a salon?" "It might be a cover." "Two grand at a salon-- is that for real?" "With Gabe?" "Totally." "So at least we know he's guilty of being a douchebag." "Wait, wait, wait." "25 grand... wired to a numbered account this morning." "What's going on?" "You sounded upset on your message." "This have to do with those missing VHS tapes?" "I'm glad that we got a chance to bond over my mom earlier, but I also have to do my job." "Someone heard you arguing with the mayor's aide at the park." "Okay." "And I followed up." "The mayor's office said that you asked for her endorsement as a future candidate, and she refused." "That's why we were arguing." "You got me." "I also know that you got a call from the sniper right before the shooting." "Wait." "Am I a suspect?" "Not officially, but..." "Wow, Bishop has really got it out for me." "Joe doesn't know." "This is coming from you?" "Well, that is the last time" "I show up at your mother's grave with flowers." "Gabe, I know how badly you want to bring down Muirfield, and mayor of New York-- that's power." "You seriously think I tried to have the mayor killed?" "Look, I know this shooting must've been traumatic for you, today of all days." "Or maybe you're just displacing your anger towards your mother about..." "You transferred $25,000 to an unmarked account." "How do you know..." "Was that to hire a hit on the mayor?" "A private investigator." "For what?" "You know the crack in the headstone?" "I actually noticed it a few days ago." "You've... you've been there before?" "Just once." "Right when I found out who she was." "When I saw the crack..." "Well, you know how cagey Muirfield can be." "Okay, so what did this P.I. find?" "Well, I was gonna wait until after the anniversary of your mother's death before I told you, but the cemetery paperwork says your mother's casket was exhumed two weeks after she was buried." "So she was moved." "Uh, reason listed is a gas leak repair, but there's no corresponding city record of any leak or of any other work being done." "But why?" "Why would Muirfield do that?" "Maybe they were looking for something." "Like what?" "Catherine, did you I.D. your mom?" "After?" "No." "No, I didn't have to." "She was shot right in front of me." "And the funeral... was it, um... was it open or closed casket?" "Wait." "Wait, you-you think that my mom is still alive?" "The P.I. can't find an autopsy report." "No, she was shot." "Three times in the chest." "She could have worn Kevlar." "She was a doctor." "And a Muirfield agent." "Catherine, when your mother smuggled me out of Muirfield, she injected me with something that slowed my heart rate down, made it undetectable." "She got me out by faking my death." "Oh, my God." "She risked her life." "Okay, if she would do that for me, then imagine what she would do to protect her own daughters." "The casket was closed." "Here it is, your celestial candle." "Ooh." "Thanks." "It's the one you saw online, no?" "That's it." "It's just hard to get excited about a candle when... the ADA can wine and dine her like Donald Trump." "It's covered in meteorite dust, which-- you're right-- is nearly stardust." "She's gonna love it." "Besides, Gabe won't be wining and dining anyone when he's behind bars." "Hey." "You okay?" "Your heart's racing." "Maybe she's excited to see you." "Happy anniversary." "So, did you find anything out about him?" "Um, you know how you let everyone from your past who you love think you're dead to protect them from Muirfield?" "Yeah." "What's that got to do with Gabe?" "That $25,000 withdrawal?" "It wasn't for a sniper." "It was for a P.I. to investigate." "There's, um, this crack on my mom's headstone that's been patched." "Wait, he paid someone to investigate your mom's headstone?" "Okay, see, this is what I'm talking about." "Okay, but it turns out that she might not be in there." "The P.I., he can't find an autopsy report." "Wait, what?" "Vincent, there might be a world, this world, where my mom has done the same thing you've done." "Okay, now he's got you thinking that your mom might actually still be alive." "It was a closed casket." "I was there, remember?" "I heard her heart stop." "But what if she injected herself with something that made it seem that way?" "It slowed her heart rate." "It's possible, right?" "Okay, yes, it's possible..." "And you weren't focused on her that night-- you were focused on saving me." "I know..." "I know that it's crazy, but I want to exhume her casket." "No." "Vincent, I need to know if she's in there." "She's not." "I know she died that night." "She's not in the grave." "How do you know?" "I can..." "I can just tell." "What?" "You can... you can sense it?" "I realized the first night you took me to her grave." "That was months ago." "This entire time?" "Just this morning, you said," ""Let's go say hi to her,"" "and you knew she wasn't in there?" "I didn't want to open up a whole can of worms for you." "Okay, you start looking into this, you're gonna end up in the crosshairs of Muirfield once again." "Okay, you don't get to make that decision for me." "Catherine, my brothers' bodies were never recovered, okay?" "But I still go to their graves because it gives me a place to remember them." "It doesn't matter where the body is." "It matters to me." "My mother could still be alive." "She's not." "All right, I'm sorry, okay?" "But I have no idea what Gabe's agenda is, and... you know, maybe he's just trying to stop you or distract you from figuring out that he's trying to kill the mayor." "Vincent." "I don't want you seeing him anymore!" "What?" "What, you forbid me?" "What's going on with you?" "You're like a different person." "No, I'm just doing what I usually do, which is trying to protect you." "All right, you just spent the last decade feeling guilty, trying to figure out what actually happened to your mother." "Now you're finally moving forward, and he's pulling you straight back." "Well, at least he hasn't been lying to me." "And you can't forbid me to see anyone." "She had this drawer full of lollipops, but they didn't have sticks-- they had strings." "Yeah." "Oh, my God." "I remember those." "She thought the sticks were dangerous." "A kid might fall and impale the roof of their mouth on one." "Sticks on lollipops are dangerous." "I hope you don't mind me asking, why were you seeing her?" "No, not at all." "I, uh, had a rare form of anemia." "Oh, my God." "So, Dad, Gabe and I, we went by Mom's grave this morning." "Together?" "Oh, we ran into each other." "There's a crack in her headstone." "Wait, you're still on that?" "Actually," "I looked into it." "Turns out that Mom was dug up." "What?" "I wouldn't say "dug up."" "She was moved, temporarily." "They had to fix some burst pipes." "It was years ago." "Did you have to sign a release?" "I'm sure I did." "Can we see it?" "Why would you want to?" "Uh, my suggestion." "I thought, you know, if we can find out who's responsible," "I can try to get them to replace the damaged headstone." "All right, well," "I can see if I still have it." "Great." "Okay, so then we can move on from headstones and maybe focus on when Mom was still alive." "I would love to focus on that." "Yeah, she looks beautiful there." "I mainly saw her in a lab coat." "She loved that dress." "I want that dress." "Was she buried in it?" "Catherine, can I talk to you?" "Excuse us." "What is going on?" "Why didn't you tell me you exhumed her body?" "I didn't think it was important." "It's amazing how everyone else decides what's important for me to know." "Everyone?" "Who's everyone?" "You, Mom." "What else aren't you telling me, Dad?" "Look," "I-I'm trying." "Y-You got to help me out." "Just tell me what this is really about." "I'm sor..." "I'm-I'm sorry." "I'm sorry." "You guys... you guys should enjoy pizza and listen to power ballads, but I can't do it." "I can't do it." "And I'm not mad at you;" "I'm mad at Mom." "Why?" "What did she do?" "I think she could have faked her death." "You..." "You know she did crazy things: she lied to us about her work, she didn't tell us about her research." "I don't even know if she likes pizza." "You really think your mom would let ten years pass without seeing her eldest daughter?" "Considering how little I actually knew her... yeah, Dad, I do." "Okay." "How can I put this to rest?" "That form you signed, I want to see it." "If there's a return address then... the person who exhumed her might know if she's in there, could answer some questions for me." "You sure you want to go through with this?" "Yes." "Looks abandoned." "Looks like another one of my mother's lies." "Let's go." "So no one lives here?" "Seems that way." "There's no water or power bills." "Owned by an anonymous trust." "Might be a Muirfield safe house." "Looks like the set of a slasher film." "It could still be active." "Stay close." "You know what?" "I think we should let someone know we're here before we start breaking and entering." "You're not gonna get any bars here." "There's no cell tower for miles." "This is our only lead." "You want to find out what happened to your mom or not?" "Okay, check your e-mail." "So, what, now you're my superior?" "Is this so I'll go to the 15th?" "All right, I'm not flirting with you right now." "I.T. just decoded the sniper's flash drive and sent it to you." "Flash drive?" "Yeah, see?" "This is why you shouldn't be transferring me to another precinct." "And I said that's your choice." "Okay." "Witness found the sniper's phone." "You got prints?" "No, it was totally destroyed." "A car must've run over it, but I.T. tracked the serial number to the store where he bought it, which was right next to a highway motel where we found..." "Sniper's target profile." "The mayor wasn't the target." "Hello?" "Hey, is Cat with you?" "No, she's not at work?" "No, look, she said she was following up on some lead about her mom." "You know anything about that?" "Uh, yeah, I do." "Look, I know you're peeved that she took Gabe to that celestial bash, but you need to put your ego aside." "It-it's not my ego." "Because our shooter is actually trying to kill Gabe, and I'm worried that she's with him." "Wait, what?" "Gabe is the target?" "Yeah, it's payback for, um, building a RICO case against the Bustamonté family." "I can smell" "No, but he was just..." "Was standing next to the mayor, the shooter just missed." "He took the sniper's phone call." "Because most people stop moving when they take a phone call." "Makes for an easier target." "The problem is, Gabe is still in his scope." "God." "But did you double-check the cellar?" "And every other room in the house." "Well, there's got to be something there." "Photographs, files..." "Gabe, I know how to clear a house." "I am the detective." "Shh." "It's Muirfield." "You're unarmed." "Stay here." "You think he's Muirfield?" "He's not Muirfield, he's a hit man." "Okay, Gabe was the target, and he's innocent." "Well, yet again, somehow, you were able to save me." "Just like ten years ago." "Let's just not make it an annual thing, huh?" "I'm sorry." "I hate to say it, but, uh," "Gabe is here, so you should probably go." "What is that?" "Someone's buried down there." "It's a calla lily." "It's her." "I'm so sorry." "Me, too." "I never should've doubted you." "So, Vincent comes to the rescue, and you get the credit?" "This time, yeah." "And I wouldn't exactly call it credit." "I have to explain a broken neck and a hole in the floor." "What about DNA?" "Self-defense, they won't check." "Wow, your relationship makes mine seem like a piece of cake." "Thank you for calling him." "Where would you be if I was at the 15th?" "Dead." "Nice work, Vargas." "Thanks." "Lot easier to break a case when you're doing the boss, huh?" "It was coffee." "I'll drive the ADA home." "Okay." "Good night." "I want to show you something." "Here she is." "Why here?" "In the middle of nowhere?" "And who went to all the trouble to move her?" "I don't know." "So, what are you gonna do?" "You can't just leave her here." "If Muirfield cared enough to move her out here, and I move her back... it's just gonna put my family on their radar." "It's not worth the risk." "Besides, there's a cracked headstone I've been going to for a decade." "So, you don't want to know what happened to her?" "No, of course I do." "But with every answer, there's all these questions." "It's kind of hard hearing new stories." "Makes you feel like you weren't as special as you thought." "You were." "She talked about you all the time." "I know you were Rosa Parks in your second grade play, that you broke your arm on a Slip 'n Slide, that you hated to practice violin." "So much." "She thought you hung the moon." "You were great." "We should celebrate." "I don't feel like celebrating." "I don't want a transfer." "I just got my partnership back with Cat, and like you said, we're doing pretty well." "But you're right, it makes me look bad if we go public, and it's not good for you either." "So?" "So we just need to be more careful." "Like, I shouldn't even be in here right now." "You're right." "You know what, forget the 15th." "Besides, the spot's been taken." "I, uh, I believe Detective Marelli will be very happy there." "Marelli?" "Mm." "Did you..." "Oh, I did." "You know, you can't transfer everyone who knows about us." "Oh, that's why I bought you a coffeemaker." "Don't come near me." "What?" "The blinds are open." "Oh, my God." "Well, I, uh..." "I had to make up for the fact that the first present I got you, um..." "I kind of broke it." "It was, um, it was supposed to be a celestial candle." "So you made me a celestial sky." "Yeah." "Happy anniversary." "♪ Meet" "♪ Me there" "♪ Bundles of flowers" "♪ We'll wade through the hours of cold... ♪" "You are the best boyfriend ever." "And clearly I should know by now to trust your instincts." "Actually, not always." "So, it was a good thing that I thought my mother was alive for 12 hours?" "No, but..." "My instinct is always gonna be to protect you." "But sometimes, that's not fair to you." "I should've told you about your mom." "I get why you didn't." "No, you need to pursue answers." "And even if that means you need to hang out with the ADA," "I shouldn't keep you from doing that." "I'll just be here for you when you realize the error of your ways." "♪ Who am I, who am I ♪" "You know, if it makes you feel any better," "I think I was a little jealous of Gabe, too." "I was always my mom's person." "You know, whenever it was," ""Who's gonna go to the market with Mom?", it was me." "If there was ever a family debate, we were always on the same side." "And then, Gabe shows up with his... stories of his time with her." "Maybe that's why I went a little Code Yellow at her party." "You went Code Yellow?" "You're not the only one with a temper." "But I'm not jealous of him anymore." "And you shouldn't be, either." "I mean, look at this." "Yeah." "Well, I wanted to wine and dine you." "You know, there's still something about that guy, though." "Okay, shut up." "Just let me kiss you." "Hey, it's me." "Bad news is, Vanessa's dead." "Good news is, I found him." "But we got to get to him quick." "== sync, corrected by elderman ==" | {
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"Captioning sponsored by PARAMOUNT PICTURES" "♪La-la-la♪" "♪La-la,la-la-la...♪" "You ready?" "Oh." "Not going." "Not dressing up like an adult." "Yeah, but we're game-day players." "Come on." "Let's go." "Okay." "I put on the clothes, and I feel better for a second like I'm somebody with someplace to go but then I think I'm a complete fraud and they'll see right through me." "♪ ..." "La-la-la ♪" "♪ La-la, la-la-la... ♪" "A fine fantasy object, but useful, too-- shitting, sitting, insulation in the winter months." "Sam... ♪ ..." "La-la-la ♪" "♪ La-la, la-la-la... ♪" "MAN:" "Not an easy job market but you're the most sought-after graduates in history." "Know your value." "Sell to the highest bidder." "Now, we know your market share of existing markets." "Nothing else matters." "You can talk about your art history your Derrida, your la-dee-dah, your poetry but in reality, the moment you step outside the magic circle drawn around this institution you are at the mercy of market forces and nowhere will prepare you more thoroughly to harness" "those forces for your own benefit than McKinsey and Company Consulting." "Remember, follow the bouncing ball to McKinsey." "You got to get over to I-banking." "You won't buy workout clothes for ten years." "Somehow I don't see you working in a bank." "Thanks." "I calculated the odds of getting hired by McKinsey." "From Stanford or here, it's about 500 to one." "From anywhere else, forget about it." "Why do you tell me these things?" "( people chatting indistinctly )" "( chatting lessens )" "( chatting resumes )" "MAN:" "So... how you doing?" "I'm fine." "That could be the most dangerous lie you tell today." "Come on, Bill." "I've been back for ten minutes." "Just put me to work." "I'll be okay." "I've got a Missing Persons." "Male, Caucasian, 24 years." "Name:" "Embry Larkin." "So, when'd this kid go missing?" "Uh... two years ago, from the university." "Rich kid." "Dropped out." "No family." "Some um, lawyer-- a trustee-- says he hasn't touched his accounts." "Now tell me he was on drugs and depressed." "Well, there is a drug thing, yeah." "Come on, Bill." "He drove up north with a couple of rocks in his pocket." "He jumped in a lake." "Hey, we're not looking to hit any home runs here, okay?" "The kid had money." "It's going to get investigated and you're the right guy today." "You going to give me a cruiser?" "BOY:" ""Boa." "B-O-A."" "My mother's been to a snake church." "Did you say, "snake church"?" "Yeah, snake church." "Okay. "Persian religious teacher." Nine letters." "Zoroaster." "Great." "Good and evil." ""My book is Genius"-- "Genius" capitalized." "He's a physicist." "I should know this." "He had weird hair." ""Feynman." "F-E..."" "I can spell "Feynman."" ""F-U-C." "Feynman."" "I'm sorry." "My McKinsey interview is in 30 minutes." "Personally, I'm not a dog that salivates every time some I-banker consultant rings his little bell." "Hey, um, Katie, um" "I love being friends in quotation marks." "It makes me so horny." "( laughing )" "Knock it off." "We are friends." "Hey, Katie." "Amanda." "Sam." "August." "So, um, we were just talking about friendship and how..." "How we'll all be selling out." "Sooner or later." "Some of us sooner than others." "I don't know, you guys." "I think it's just really about doing what makes you happy." "He's right." "Harrison, you're just so... hopeful." "Oh, thanks." "( clears throat )" "Sorry to keep you waiting." "I already spoke with two officers." "I'm not sure what else I can tell you." "Right, right." "Well, those other two detectives are no longer on this case." "I am." "So, what makes you think Embry Larkin is dead?" "Purely account activity." "We haven't heard from him in a couple of years." "He hasn't used any credit facilities." "But this kid was all over the map." "I mean, how do we know he's not sitting on some island smoking Thai stick, wearing a sheet?" "He also had two first-class airline tickets to Athens, Greece, that he never used." "It takes seven years for a missing person to be declared dead." "Now's as good a time as any to get the ball rolling." "Right." "Well, who gets the money?" "The Larkin Foundation." "All of it?" "All of it." "Look, his family was a client of the original partners." "I don't know this kid at all." "YOUNG WOMAN:" "Katie!" "Hi, Katie Burke." "There is a message for you." "Your thesis advisor, Professor Jergensen's office they said I should find you, so I did." "Here's the message." "It says for you to come to Jergensen's house." "That's scary." "How's your thesis coming, anyway?" "It's almost done." "How's yours?" "Turned it in." "MAN:" "Ms. Burke, I'd like to have you meet Wade Handler." "He's a police officer." "Hello." "Hi." "Mr. Handler has a line of inquiries..." "That's "Detective," Professor." ""Doctor," Detective." "Detective Handler has a line of inquiry that he's forcing upon the college." "Force?" "Oh, no, we don't use force-- not in the People's Republic-- we ask politely because the college is good for the tax base which is good for the community which is good for everybody." "So, um, Katherine Burke..." "Katie." "Katie..." "I'm investigating a young man who was a student here, Embry Larkin." "Something happen to him?" "Well, that's what I'm trying to find out." "What was your relationship?" "He was my boyfriend." "Detective, this college is very proactive about the privacy of its students." "Oh, I understand, Doctor." "I'll be gentle." "So... he was your boyfriend?" "He disappeared." "He left school." "He disappeared, or he left school?" "Which?" "Both, I think." "I... haven't heard from him." "Not once?" "Not even once." "Do you have any idea where he might be?" "No." "That's fine." "Thank you for your time." "Here's my card." "If you think of anything else just give me a call, all right?" "JERGENSEN:" "How's your thesis coming?" "I'm learning so much." "You have a draft for me?" "Close, really close." "STUDENTS ( chanting ):" "Let's preserve our older dorms." "Go home, leave it alone." "Let's preserve our older dorms." "Go home, leave it alone." "Let's preserve our older dorms..." "( ice skates skidding )" "How'd it go?" "I completely blew it." "There's tea and stale pastries." "Don't, whatever you do, take one." "I got crumbs all over my cashmere sweater." "I won't be wearing a cashmere sweater." "So, I don't think that'll be a problem." "Ooh, working-class hero, good strategy." "They hated me." "I could tell." "They want Vietnamese orphans..." "and engineers." "God, why wasn't I born a Vietnamese orphan?" "This is so familiar" ""I blew it." "I'm a loser," and then, "Oh, look, I got an A."" "No." "I lost my concentration." "I wasn't supposed to concentrate." "It was supposed to be effortless." "And then, I started concentrating and becoming earnest and then I started seeing them as seeing me as seeing myself as the type of person who wants to appear earnest which is completely wro..." "Do you hear what's going on up here?" "I hate wearing these itchy things." "How do I look?" "How do you think you look?" "( women singing )" "MAN:" "Headline:" Composer ofQuestionableTalent" ""ExcoriatesAudience ForEnjoyingHisMusic." ""In a bizarre exercise in self-loathing" ""senior Embry Larkin" ""winner of the Leonard Bernstein Award for Original Composition" ""stood up before his latest theatrical production" ""Trip-HopInferno" ""and lacerated the audience for their attendance."" "He flipped off 200 people and disappeared three weeks before graduation." "He was already Summa Cum Laude and he says, "Screw you and your degree."" "It was exceedingly theatrical andstandardEmbry." "What was standard about it?" "Dropped out twice-- once to work on some archeological dig in Cambodia... once to work in a factory." "I expect him to pop up running La Scala" "or the Berlin Opera." "What a guy." "800 math SATs." "3.94 GPA." "Thesis?" ""Emerging Ancillary Markets in the Global Wireless Revolution."" "I bet that's quite a read." "We're actually looking to beef up our Tech Practice but then you probably already knew that." "So..." ""Katherine Burke..."" "who are you?" "Where do you come from?" "I grew up in the middle of nowhere." "The birthplace of Wendell Willkie is 20 miles away, and that's about it." "My mom works in a bottling plant and sells Nutra-Life products and my dad left when I was little." "I never really knew him." "Hmm." "( clears throat )" "Tell us about a problem you've encountered." "My guidance counselor tried to keep me from applying to good schools." "I thought she was my friend." "She said she understood me and that I would be happier staying close to home-- junior college or secretarial school." "She hated me." "What action did you take?" "I invited a senator who attended college here to speak at our school." "And what was the result?" "I got a strong letter of recommendation from a U.S. Senator, was accepted early decision and they gave me lots of financial aid." "And what did you learn from this experience?" "Truthfully?" "Of course." "Mrs. Castleman was a sneaky bitch." "( chuckles )" "It was the first time I was betrayed by someone I trusted." "I looked up to her." "I didn't come close to understanding the depth to which she resented me." "I learned that people who help me, who invest in me become my partners, and my success is their success that relationships are symbiotic." "I learned responsibility based on others' faith in me." "I hope to be able to pay some dividends to those investors." "How many pennies do you think it would take to fill this room?" "With or without us in it?" "( students singing in Latin )" "Whoa, whoa, stop!" "Okay, that was... appalling." "Sopranos, this piece was written by monks who believed in God." "They're singing not to other monks but to God." "They're singing about God to God." "And you think I'ma toughaudience." "Okay, I'd like to hear you, you, and... you." "Step down here." "( others murmuring )" "From the beginning." "And... ( singing in Latin )" "You and you." "And... ( singing in Latin )" "You." "( others murmuring )" "Again." "Sing." "( singing in Latin )" "This is the spirit dissolving in the music carrying up to God..." "Open up and let her rip." "Don't perform... create." "Say, "Muse, I hate you, but I hate you on my knees."" "Scream, "I am the infantile center of the goddamn universe!"" "Everyone!" "ALL:" "I am the infantile center of the goddamn universe!" "Now everyone!" "( singing in Latin )" "( thumping )" "( bed creaking )" "( couple moaning sensually )" "AMANDA:" "Are you listening to this?" "( man laughs and sighs )" "( moaning and thumping stops )" "Water polo or lacrosse?" "Lacrosse." "Word is, you slaughtered it." "I talked to Brian whose brother dates that cold fish, Susan." "Did you really call some lady a bitch?" "Slight exaggeration." "Yeah, they saw 60 people and liked exactly two-- you and a North Korean girl who speaks eight languages." "They said that?" "Ms. Burke?" "You sure work hard." "Listen, do you have time for a cup of coffee?" "No, I really don't." "( chair dragging )" "( sighs )" "Steam heat." "The best kind." "Doesn't dry you out up here." "You're not a big one for small talk, are you?" "I mean, I get it, believe me." "A person can really piss their life away talking to idiots." "( chuckles )" "Do you think it's possible this kid, Embry might have killed himself?" "Nobody with Embry's self-regard would kill himself." "Nobody." "He would have himself bronzed first." "In fact... if you see a statue of him somewhere check and see if there's a person inside." "He hurt you that badly, huh?" "It's none of your business." "Well, actually, it's my job, so it is my business." "You know, I'd love to just pal around and talk about the past-- really, I would-- but I'm actually trying to move on with my life right now." "Right." "I'll see you around." "AMANDA ( whispering ):" "We need to be quiet... ( shouting ):" "in the library!" "Quiet!" "( meowing )" "Studying..." "Ah, 10:30 on a Friday night." "I wonder where Katie is?" "I thought you were entertaining the lacrosse team." "I was being entertained by the lacrosse team." "AMANDA:" "The global wireless revolution will be safe until tomorrow." "And the day after." "We're leaving." "( man singing reggae )" "MAN:" "Want a blender drink?" "WOMAN:" "No, blender drinks suck." "Oh, look, it's a Siberian bear." "Who paid for all this?" "What?" "Who paid for all of this?" "His dad was just appointed Governor of Uttar Pradesh." "Evening, Mr. Bond." "To Russia." "What?" "To Russia." "To Russia." "Yeah." "Match you." "Again." "Again." "Again." "CHANTING:" "Drink!" "Drink!" "Drink!" "Drink!" "( cheering )" "( muffled music fading )" "( rock music fading in )" "♪Whatmakes akettlewhistle?" "♪" "♪Whatmakesgoldprecious?" "♪" "Right now... everything is so perfect." "I feel so connected." "♪We'llshowyou everything...♪" "Why don't we feel this way all the time?" "Maybe I'll always wear a hat." "Hat guy." "The guy who wears the hat." "( chuckles )" "♪Beautifulday♪" "♪It'sabeautifulday♪" "♪It'sabeautifulday♪" "♪It'sabeautifulday♪" "♪It'sabeautifulday♪" "♪It'sabeautifulday. ♪" "Are you all right?" "No." "Look, Katie... um... a cop stopped by my room." "He left a note." "He said he wanted to ask questions about Embry." "He probably talked to you first and, uh, you know" "I was just hoping it didn't upset you." "Harrison, my entire body feels like rusting metal." "And I'm seeing things." "I think I might have a chemical depression." "Come on." "You are not one of those people." "What people?" "The problem people." "You know, "Hey, look, have you seen my new problem?" ""Hey, guess what?" "I got a shiny new problem."" "You're not like that." "You're amazing." "No, I'm not." "Okay, um, you know what?" "This is what we should do first." "Let's get out of here." "There is a huge anti- globalization rally." "We could camp out." "We could get arrested." "Just stand for something." "I'd like to go to sleep now... and when I wake up, I'll stand for something." "Katie, it's not a joke." "Yes, it is!" "Harrison, it's a huge joke." "Anti-globalization?" "You might as well stop oxygen or the sun coming up." "You know what?" "You're really tired." "Um... yeah." "You're-You're very tired and I am, uh..." "I'm going to go." "Um... you know if you think about it, please try not to forget our plans this weekend." "Okay?" "EMBRY:" "Let'stalkaboutyou ... about your yodeling." "Level with me." "You've never sung anything before, have you?" "I've sung... in the shower, walking, sort of under my breath." "Burt Bacharach." "Johnny Mathis." "I wanted to meet you." "Hey..." "Uh-uh-uh..." "You're a virgin." "Nobody this organized ever had time for sex." "Okay, Katie from Rushville if you have a voice, you sing." "Nobody ever said, "If you had a voice, take finance."" "♪I 'vebeenworking,baby♪" "♪TillI'mdown♪" "♪Justwanttoget nexttoyou,boy ♪" "♪I 'vebeensearching,baby♪" "♪Foraway totell youhow♪" "♪Allof thetime♪" "♪Youtookit♪" "♪Allof thetime...♪" "( knocking at door )" "( sighs )" "What now?" "Whoa." "Is this a bad time, or...?" "No." "I-I'm sorry." "I thought you were somebody else." "That's good for me, not for them." "So, we're having a little event at an NBA game kind of a meet-and-greet." "It's fun, you know, if you're into pretending you're not under a microscope." "Do you like basketball, or...?" "I don't know." "Oh." "Uh..." "Sure." "Um, I'll come." "I..." "Thank you." "It's exciting." "Uh, that's... for you." "See you." "MAN:" "Inabilityorhelplessness canhaveserious psychologicalramifications." "Powerless people become either hostile or passive." "Neither is desirable." "We need to feel that we are heard and that justice has been attempted when we feel we are unfairly treated." "Negotiation for resolution of disputes when your actions prevent another from achieving their goal... is apparently a conflict of interest..." "If we were to define goals... ♪La-la-la♪" "♪La-lala-la-la♪" "( film projector running )" "Where is this?" "It's not a theater." "Embry was interested in non-traditional space." "This is under the theater." "EMBRY:" "My final production" "MiddlebrowForLowbrows" ""but look" ""we're under the stage, like hell, itself." "Isn't that brilliant?"" "It's derivative." "You people are derivative." "You haven't produced a real artist in over a decade and I would rather be dead than mediocre." "So, one last announcement before the show:" "Screw this play screw this place and screw you people." "( applause )" "And then he vanished, like a magic trick." "Where do you think he went?" "Word is, he had a car waiting." "Probably went to the airport." "KATIE:" "Iguess Ihaven'tbeenfeeling like myself lately... whatever that means." "I mean, I don't..." "I don't know what "myself" feels like." "It's subjective and changes all the time." "Have you been feeling uneasy?" "I'm having trouble finishing my thesis." "Uh..." "I'm having trouble sleeping and when I do sleep, I'm having these weird dreams." "Huh." "You're exhausted, yeah?" "Emotionally mentally and physically?" "Okay." "This should help you with the anxiety, all right?" "And I'd like to schedule a regular time for us... at least until exams are over." "Okay?" "I just keep thinking that the finish line is right there and if I can just get across it then everything will be okay." "We'll get you across." "So, I'm going to see him now, I guess, on a regular basis." "You just want to do him." "I know you." "You know you." "He is cute." "Mm, sort of." "He's not my type." "Smart, sensitive, wants only to talk about you-- how is that not your type?" "Sam, I can't read, I can't sleep..." "And I'm sure Dr. Dave will be able to give you what you need." "I'm serious." "Okay, okay, um, did he sit behind his desk or did he pull his chair close to you?" "Close to me." "Did he... lean over like this?" "Did he look into your eyes like this?" "You're going to do him." "Sam..." "Come on, how long has it been, sophomore year?" "What if it's rusty..." "or broken?" "I still feel like I'm betraying him." "Embry?" "Please." "What if Embry comes back?" "He'd... wreck your life just like before." "HANDLER:" "Listen,I want totellyousomething." "Um, I believe your friend, Embry, is dead." "He had two airline tickets for Athens, Greece." "Never used." "No credit activity." "He didn't... he didn't believe in credit." "No cash withdrawals." "No ATM." "Was that other ticket for you?" "Were you going to Athens?" "Originally, but we were both having second thoughts." "Well, I saw the beginning of that show-- his speech to the audience." "Look, that was just Embry being Embry." "He was going for shock value." "He was leaving;" "I was a sophomore." "I mean, I thought that he would call from Europe and maybe I would meet up with him in the summer." "I never heard from him." "You have unusually kind eyes." "See you around, Detective." "I'mWadeHandler." "I'ma cop." "Uh, you don't have to share if you don't want to." "I don't even know what to say." "Uh..." "I'd find tollbooth tickets and credit card receipts for bars in towns" "I didn't think I'd been to." "One day I went out to my car and there's a dent in the front." "I look closer." "There's blood and some brown hair." "I still don't know what happened." "Maybe it was a cat." "There was an incident two years ago involving an undergraduate student and illegal drugs." "Right." "What do you want to know about Embry Larkin?" "Well, he got himself arrested." "I want to know what he was selling." "Was it heroin?" "Heroin?" "Embry?" "Are you kidding?" "I'm not kidding." "No, no, he wasn't into that shit." "They put him on Ritalin when he was three - you know, your standard A.D.D. misdiagnosis." "Okay, um..." "Basically, he was taking Wellbutrin which is sort of like having a perfect cup of coffee." "You know, it was great for work, great for repetitive tasks." "Add in some Paxil which is anti-depression, anti-anxiety-- you know, that general sense of well-being." "Was he selling it?" "Look, Embry's dad was rich and Embry's mom was rich and they died when he was three or four, making him doubly rich, so... no." "So, what'd it do?" "Made him normal, you know, when he took it." "( wheels squeaking )" "( squeaking stops )" "( wheels squeaking )" "♪La-la-la♪" "♪La-la-lala-la-la...♪" "( voice whispering ):" "Katie... ( gasps )" "( gasps )" "( panting )" "KATIE:" "Iheardmy namewhispered..." ""Katie." "Katie."" "There was somebody on the other side of the row of books." "I think it was my old boyfriend." "I think he's back." "I'm almost certain I saw him in his car." "I think he's been watching me." "And how does that make you feel?" "Nervous... elated... scared." "I want to see him, but... but scared that I want to see him." "Why do you say scared?" "Because I lost a part of myself with him." "I just dissolved." "He was like a drug." "And he was locked inside the library with you?" "I think so, yes." "But you hadn't seen him in two years?" "I know how this sounds." "Katie, you fell asleep in an old library which is terrifying under the best of circumstances." "You're facing your graduation, the completion of your thesis job interviews..." "life-changing transitions." "You need to make allowances for the emotions that this will bring up." "Yeah?" "SAMANTHA:" "Heconvincedher shecouldbe an artist." "They were going to live in a houseboat in Amsterdam... a sailboat off the coast of Sardinia." "He'd compose, she'd sing and tell him he was a genius." "Please, I'll have a double order of escape fantasy and a side of running away." "He was losing interest?" "I saw it coming." "He'd replaced her in his show." "That bastard hurt her." "You know, she hasn't dated anyone in two years." "Was he a jealous guy?" "He didn't like her friends particularly the guy friends-- particularly, one friend-- this guy, Harrison Hobart." "He felt threatened by me." "Katie and I are close, and one day he was being a bit of a bully psychologically and I said something." "He turned on me." "He just started poking me in the chest with his... with his finger until, finally, I stopped backing up." "You know, I didn't realize he had a bottle in his hand." "He put you in the hospital." "Yeah, well, it was only overnight." "Why didn't you press charges?" "If you had pressed charges" "Katie might've held it against you?" "Yeah, probably." "You see" "Embry didn't want to admit it but Katie and I had much more in common than the two of them did... and he apologized, so..." "What is your relationship with Katie?" "Oh, man, I wish I knew." "You dating her?" "I don't know." "Well, sort of." "Well, either you are or you're not... right?" "Is this about Embry or is this about Katie?" "KATIE:" "Iremembermy dadleaving." "Almost my first memory." "He said, "I love you." "You can't come with me."" "Mymomturnedthe heatdown to55to savemoney." "I just remember this... feeling of... emptiness... always being cold." "( knocking )" "Sam... ( doorknob jiggling )" "( knocking )" "( sighs )" "( knocking at door )" "( sighs )" "( knocking at door )" "Hey." "Hey." "I hope I'm not interrupting anything." "Oh, well... big night." "( chuckles )" "I saw Embry." "I think he's back and I think he's watching me." "Where did you see him?" "I saw him outside of class." "I saw him get into his car." "You want to..." "you want to sit down?" "You're kind of making me nervous." "Are you afraid of him?" "Is that why you're here?" "I'm just afraid." "Okay." "I'll look into it." "Thanks." "You know, I'm not really doing anything." "You're welcome to hang out if you want." "Okay." "Okay." "KATIE:" "So...whydidyou becomeacop ?" "Oh, I don't know." "I, um..." "I had some issues." "I was screwing up." "My uncle had a badge and he cut me a break." "What kind of issues?" "Extreme... extreme substance abuse." "Being a cop help?" "Oh, no." "( chuckles )" "Uh-uh." "What do you mean?" "Well, I got a pocketful of Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free cards and I never changed anything." "Then I used up all the cards." "Setting the foundation." "Recreational logging." "Squirrel." "( chuckles )" "Who took all these?" "Self-timer." "Ex-fiancée." "She got tired of The Handler Show." "Yeah, when things start going too good" "I can't help myself, I got to mess 'em up." "It's my M.O., anyway." "Finished product." "Excuse me." "( toilet flushing )" "Can you take me home now, please?" "HARRISON:" "Katie?" "You scared me." "Harrison, I'm..." "I completely forgot." "I'm sorry." "You lied." "You lied to me." "I'm a..." "I'm a total idiot." "I'm just..." "I'm completely deluding myself!" "No, you're not an idiot!" "You're not an idiot." "Katie, I got to tell you something and I should've told you a long time ago." "I think... you're kind... beautiful..." "and talented and I..." "I love you." "What?" "( panting nervously )" "Uh..." "I'm in love with you." "I think I've always been in love with you." "Harrison..." "But, you know, you don't have to say anything." "You're great... and... you're kind and organized and one of the smartest people I know and anyone would be so lucky to be with you." "Harrison..." "Harrison..." "( door closes )" "( keys jangle on desk )" "( click )" "( bangs loudly )" "( gasps )" "( door bangs )" "EMBRY:" "I go away for a while and look what happens." "You let the whole place fall apart." "The police are looking for you." "I don't really want to talk to the police right now." "You've been messing with me for two weeks." "More like three." "You're proud of yourself?" "You think this is fun?" "Katie, look..." "This... this isn't going to work." "What happened to you?" "Where have you been?" "I went traveling" "India..." "Asia." "I lived and worked." "I made my own money." "I had to see what was out there to know the value of what is here... the value of this." "Do you know what my big goal has been?" "It's been to stop thinking... to not think to not think that every time the phone rang it was you!" "To not think that every piece of mail in my mailbox was from you!" "To not think that every person I'd see approaching was you." "I thought about you every bit as much as you thought about me." "I don't believe you." "Katie I was afraid to say this before." "I love you." "YOUNG WOMAN:" "Katie." "Hi, Katie Burke." "Do you know anything about somebody being in the tunnel?" "Because the door was open and it's not supposed to be open and it's to remain closed at all times unless you're maintenance and you haven't been around to ask about it and I'm supposed to ask." "No, I don't." "I'm busy." "( keys clacking )" "That's not very nice." "Should I tell you what I know?" "( clattering stops )" "I was going to, but now maybe I've changed my mind." "What are you talking about?" "Harrison Hobart is missing." "That's two, isn't it?" "KATIE:" "Embryisdefinitelyback." "I know I should've told you right away but I'm overdue on my thesis which is essentially one long string of endless numbers and finals are coming up and Embry has always had a sort of... chemical aversion to Harry Hobart" "and I don't..." "I don't know if he would do anything." "I mean, he might but this... this whole experience is so far out of my normal range of things." "Okay, slow down." "Are you saying that Embry might have done something to Harrison?" "I don't know." "I'm not sure." "I don't know why I feel so comfortable with you." "I know that I shouldn't." "God, what am I doing here?" "It's okay." "No, it's not." "( sniffling )" "( door opens and closes )" "♪Getdownonit♪" "♪Getdownonit, getdownon it ...♪" "HANDLER:" "Ifsomebodytoldme thiswastherestofmy life" "IthinkI'dkillmyself rightnow." "This isn't the rest of your life." "This is right now." "Yeah, well, right now my friends are out somewhere else and they're having a great time." "Yeah?" "Yeah." "Your old friends." "( sighing ):" "Yeah." "I'm just blowing off steam." "I'm sorry, all right?" "So what's up with the Larkin kid, huh?" "Apparently he had a car waiting-- a CTS Limo." "It was supposed to take him to the airport." "He never got in." "Never used the airline tickets." "The girlfriend says he's back." "What's this girl like, Wade?" "What do you mean?" "Is she a nice girl?" "Yeah." "Smart?" "What do you think?" "Yeah." "What about you, Wade?" "Are you smart?" "Harrison is a responsible young man and we know he holds you in high regard." "He thinks of you as a confidante." "This is so unlike him." "We're obviously very worried." "If there's anything at all you could tell us..." "I don't know where Harrison is." "I'm as worried as you are." "MR. HOBART:" "This is difficult for me to ask and in no way am I impugning you." "Was Harrison using drugs?" "What?" "He missed his father's birthday." "Can you think of anyone he might have gone to visit... any new friends... people we don't know about?" "Uh, Harrison doesn't even drink coffee." "He worries about damaging the instrument." "We're grasping for anything." "I'm sure that there is..." "some explanation." "KATIE:" "Whatdoyouthink you'redoing?" "Finding you." "Do you know where Harrison is?" "The tree-hugger?" "I don't really keep tabs on him." "Have you seen him lately?" "Wouldn't you like to know." "You piss me off like nobody else, you know that?" "Yeah?" "Yeah." "What you going to do about it?" "I want you to come away with me to the country house." "Where is Harrison?" "I'll tell you at the country house." "YOUNG WOMAN:" "Surehewasinlove with her." "Harrison's a good guy." "He mooned around, but he was sweet." "He got his name on scientific papers when he was about 12." "So, what did he know about anything?" "Do you think it was odd that he still liked a girl who hadn't shown him any real interest in over two years?" "I thought it was the opposite of odd." "Guys are drawn to her like bugs around a bug lamp." "For four years, I've had the privilege of watching it." "That bother you, Julie?" "Think you see the horns of jealousy?" "You got my angle?" "You might want to ask yourself why you're so interested in her." "They think it's a coltish vulnerability but it's just self-obsession." "The pea brain says, "She needs saving"" "and the pea brain says, "I can save her"" "and then she doesn't notice them." "So, they go crazy." "It's about the missing dad and... validation." "She just needs a friend." "( door opening )" "Embry." "Embry!" "SAMANTHA:" "Detective." "What are you doing here?" "Oh, right." "( giggles )" "Stalking Katie, I remember." "Listen, I'm..." "I'm looking for her." "I think this kid, Embry Larkin, is back." "Who told you that?" "She told you that Embry's back?" "She's seen him?" "Do you think she's with him right now?" "I know." "I'll keep asking you questions and you keep not answering them." "Look, I'm just concerned about her." "( laughs )" "Detective, you seem like a pretty good guy-- you do, you do-- um, but Embry was the love her life." "Ouch!" "He who snatched the maidenhead from the maiden." "I shouldn't have said that." "Do you want to come upstairs and have a drink?" "Bad Samantha!" "Bad Sam!" "I better go now." "( gentle piano melody playing )" "( piano playing continuing )" "( wind chimes tinkling )" "( piano playing continuing )" "You fell asleep." "It's been a long time since I've watched you sleep." "( final chord plays )" "( doorknob rattling )" "( wind whistling )" "Where were we?" "Oh, no." "What did you do to Harrison?" "What did you do to Harrison?" "( grunting )" "What did you do to him?" "( screams )" "Evisceration." "Vivisection." "Drawn and quartered." "The quartering act." "Dismemberment." "And set him on fire." "You arrogant, preening... bore!" "( grunting )" "( crashing )" "Who are you running back to, Katie?" "Not the tree-hugger." "Not the townie cop." "You're already the young professional-- passionless, desiccated.... smug." "KATIE:" "He slipped that under my door a couple of nights ago." "Where's the old place?" "Suite 408." "I'm sorry." "I should have told you sooner." "Can I keep this?" "And I saw him again." "I went to his country house." "I told him I never wanted to see him again." "Well, I want to see him." "I need to see this guy." "Detective, please do me a favor." "Sure." "( music playing softly )" "I'm done." "Everyone's done." "I'm not done." "SAMANTHA:" "Detective!" "You should arrest that man." "It's medicinal-- glaucoma." "I've got a prescription." "Just don't play any Grateful Dead or you're all going in." "Okay, we'll try not to." "( glass crunching )" "( rodents squeaking )" "Hey, Jed, what do you say?" "Hey, long time, no see, Handler." "Listen, if you're not too busy dipping into the drug seizures you want to take a look at these for me?" "Do a little compare and contrast of the handwriting." ""My summer vacation." "Working for the Supreme Court Justice."" "I bet he got in." "Thanks, Jed." "Hey, Handler, are you happy?" "You seem happy?" "AUGUST:" "Last Chance Dance?" "Yeah, that's where they call the wonks out of their cubbyholes and try to mate them." "That would be you." "Wonks?" "I'm a scientist." "Pure science." "It's sexy." "Very sexy." "Yeah, you want to go?" "AUGUST:" "Did she just ask me out?" "I believe so." "I'll go." "Katie!" "Oh, my God." "Look what came!" "You got the job!" "I didn't look at this at all." "There's a card in it." "$10,000?" "AMANDA:" "For what, shipping all of your antiques?" "KATIE:" "Airline tickets?" "Bob?" "Oh, come on." "Don't be one of those annoying people who wins then acts like winning doesn't matter." "Are you okay?" "Yeah." "You know, you could've told me that Embry was back." "I know." "You're thinking about the cop aren't you?" "Maybe." "Okay, visualize this with me." "You're down in New York, consulting with Lou Gerstner or the head of GE, telling them how to buy South American countries but on the weekends you fly back up here to hang out with the cop, do cop things," "maybe go to cop mixers." "I like the cop." "Yeah, um, I can see that." "KATIE:" "How much money do detectives make?" "Didn't your mother tell you that's a rude question to ask?" "No." "She was always asking people that." "If I guess right, do I get a prize?" "Maybe." "A million bucks." "( laughter )" "I didn't want to insult you." "You're not going to insult me." "Look, you don't do police work for the money." "What do you do it for?" "I don't know really." "Most people do it because that's what their fathers did." "Is that what your father did?" "He was a teacher." "Hey." "Oh..." "I guess I was dreaming." "I was... just having a dream." "What are you thinking about?" "That I just woke up next to a girl that I don't really know and I'm not hungover." "How does that feel?" "Like free-falling through space." "Can I tell you something and you won't get mad?" "You don't seem like a cop to me." "You don't seem that happy doing it." "Can I tell you something?" "I'm thinking about quitting." "What would you do?" "I'd probably go up to my cabin and hammer some nails, figure out the meaning of life." "Okay, I'll come." "I didn't ask you yet." "Sure, you did." "I feel like an anvil has been removed from my ankle." "Finishing your thesis?" "Finishing my thesis, school, everything." "That's a good thing." "You know, um..." "I know you're moving down to New York after graduation and... the transition from school can be tough." "So I want you to know you can always call me, okay?" "'Cause I'm down there a lot, and..." "I mean, I was actually wondering if maybe, um if I could call you." "I was nervous about telling you that I'm feeling better and that I won't be needing to see you anymore." "Thank you for making it easier." "Hey, Handler." "Hey, Jed." "You really off the job?" "I really am." "You probably don't care but the samples were a match." "The same person wrote the flyer and the college application." "Well, that's just aces, Jed." "You keep up the good work." "See you around." "Only thing is..." "ink tests show that the note was written two years ago, not last week." "EMBRY:" "You people are derivative." "You're not viewing a representation of hell." "You are hell." "You haven't produced a real artist in over a decade." "...screw this play... and screw you people." "Uh... the last time I checked, a weekend lasted two days." "Am I wrong?" "Did we switch to a French workweek while I wasn't looking?" "Oh, look who's jealous." "Is there electricity or will you be using the light from the fireplace?" "I don't mean to pry but when do they want you to show up at McKinsey?" "I'm not sure." "Absolutely not." "What do you mean you're not sure?" "I mean I don't know." "I haven't heard." "Okay, uh, listen." "Don't flip out but I'm thinking of deferring it for a year." "What?" "It's only a year." "I'm burned out." "I'm tired." "What's this cop done to you?" "He hasn't done anything." "Well... maybe a little something." "He doesn't even know this is what I'm thinking." "I think go with him." "So what if it takes up a year up of your life?" "I mean, God, everybody thinks that everything has to be so planned out you know, like our life is on a rail and one misstep, it all goes away." "Basically... who knows?" "The last time you were this irrational was with Embry." "Maybe that was the last time I was happy." "Well, so I just said, "The hell with it."" "Then I went and climbed a mountain but I didn't bring enough water." "So I got a little disorientated and the state police had to come and pick me up." "It was really more embarrassing than anything else." "Oh, um..." "Whatever happened with that cop, right?" "'Cause he was kind of sweet on you, or...?" "Um..." "I don't know." "I think he's in New Hampshire." "Oh." "Well, New Hampshire's nice this time of year." "♪I 'vechangedmy mind, I'vechangedmy mind♪" "♪Yeah, I'vechangedmy mind,oh...♪" "( distant choir singing Christmascarol)" "Come on... come on." "It doesn't like to move the large numbers." "Did you ever think you'd be up this late restructuring a media company?" "I thought I was going to be a rock star." "( beeping )" "( alarm blares )" "( groans )" "I won't make stupid threats but you're not going to run away with this guy because wherever you go, I can follow you... even if it's to the woods in New Hampshire." "( gagging )" "Why don't you yell?" "Come on, I dare you." "Hey, hey, are you okay?" "What's the matter?" "Let's just leave." "What happened?" "He was here." "Who?" "Embry?" "Well, where is he?" "Where'd he go?" "I'll take care of this right now." "No, don't." "That's what he wants." "He'll hurt you." "Just wait here." "Why don't you join us?" "You're going to be great." "You shouldn't be in here." "I'm coming with you." "Well, where do you think he is?" "He's right there." "Hey." "Embry, stop!" "I want to talk to you!" "Hey, Embry?" "Hey, Embry?" "Come on out." "I'm a police officer." "I've got a gun." "I don't want to hurt you." "KATIE:" "Embry?" "Hey." "I heard what you said up there." "It was amazing." "It was an incredible performance." "I wasn't... acting." "But we're..." "leaving together." "Stick with finance, Katie." "It's what you're good at." "Embry!" "Embry!" "Embry, wait!" "We're leaving together." "You think I'd take you to Europe?" "You'd just stand around awkwardly and I'd feel sorry for you." "I love you!" "Really?" "We made love right over there." "EMBRY:" "AndnowIcan 'tget away fromyoufastenough." "Embry!" "EMBRY:" "Lookatyou." "You have no grace." "What are you doing?" "!" "Crazy bitch." "You can't come with me." "Embry, why are you doing this?" "!" "Look at me!" "Embry!" "Katie!" "There's no one there." "There's no one." "No one." "We're not going away together, are we?" "We're not going to New Hampshire together, are we?" "We'll get you help, okay?" "No." "Listen." "I want to come." "I want to go with you." "You'll be okay." "I want to go with you." "Katie, you can't come with me." "( grunts )" "Look." "That's pretty." "There's snow on the roofs." "( sighs )" "Katie, listen." "I'm this close to making partner." "We both know the rules about interoffice romance." "I wish we could keep seeing each other but it's just not worth the risk." "I hope we can still be friends." "Captioning sponsored by PARAMOUNT PICTURES" "Captioned by Media Access Group at WGBH access.wgbh.org" "♪La-la-la♪" "♪La-lala-la-la♪" "♪La-la,la ,la , la-lala,la ,la ,la ...♪" "♪La-la-la♪" "♪La-lala-la-la♪" "♪La,la ,la ,la , la,la,la ,la ...♪" "♪La,la ,la ,la , la,la,la ,la ...♪" "♪La,la ,la ,la , la,la,la ,la ...♪" | {
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"I love you, Billy." "Oh, my God." "Damn it, Billy." "I think you broke my jaw." "You fucking deserve it, you assholes!" " Oh, are you okay, baby?" " No." "Get the fuck out of here!" "What the hell are you doing dressed like that?" "For the Mountain Man Festival, thought we'd dress up." "Yeah, where are your costumes?" " What?" " We don't have any." "You can't go without a costume." "It shows lack of commitment." "Can we have this conversation after I can get dressed?" "Okay." "Okay." "Nice, Billy." "Nice." "Assholes." "This is Kaleen Webber, reporting from the small town of Fairlake which, once a year, turns into a big town on Halloween due to the 10th annual Mountain Man Music Festival." "People from all over the country descend upon Fairlake for a weekend of music, partying and fun at the fairgrounds just outside town." "The festival has grown over the years to where it now rivals Coachella and Lollapalooza." "But some say that its free spirit and rowdy crowds reminds them of Burning Man which has local officials concerned on this night." "Now back to you at the studio." " Great." " Here's the deal." "I'm going for a run to get my head out of this small-town crap." "I'll meet you here for the live feed at 11." "And everything better be ready to go." "Go away, kid." "Hurry up." "We gotta get on the road." "I don't wanna be late." "All right, give me a minute to get up first." "We heard you're the one-minute man." "No." "I assure you he has no problems in that department." "All right." "I'm starving." "I gotta make breakfast first." " Come on, Billy." " Well, you gotta start your day out right." "Nice costume, creep." "You know what?" "I'm sick of this." "I'm sick of you kids partying, making a mess and trying to scare people." "Well, you know what?" "You don't scare me." "So fuck you." "Go home." "Help me!" "Help me, please!" "Somebody help me!" "Hey, hey." "Over here." "Oh, please help." "They're chasing me." "Follow me." "This way." "Down here." "Okay." "Okay, I think they've gone." "Thank you." "You saved me from those maniacs." "Hey, you're bleeding pretty badly there." "Let me fix that for you." "Thank God for you." "Yeah." "Thank God for me." "Now, you keep pressure on that." " You stay here." " Okay." "I'm gonna make sure they've gone." " Okay, it's all clear." "This way." " Okay." "Okay, okay, okay." "But there's...." " There's just one thing I forgot." " What?" "This." "Hey, give me a hand, will you?" "No, you fucking idiot." "The body." "Jesus fucking Christ." " Wake and bake, brother." " Thanks." "You're such a slob." "Can you try and be a little bit cleaner for me?" " What?" " You look like a pig." "All right." "Check it out." "I got all our party favors arranged by date and time." "So this is cutting into my overhead." "But in honor of this weekend and Julian's great idea for us to come out here I've made an exception." "First up, some chronic, which you're participating in." "And then some x for when we go trick or treating and some shrooms for when the bands start playing." "You've been out of school for two semesters." " What do your parents think?" " Oh, no." "They don't know shit." "And I wanna keep it that way." "Besides, you know, I'm a budding entrepreneur." "Why did we have to come all the way out here?" "Because it's Mountain Man, baby." "Hey, come on, look, we could have gone to Burning Man." "But I'm not gonna drive all the way across country." "We got a homegrown version of it here." "Yeah." "Mountain Man has got a much more interesting story to it, anyway." " You know the story, Cruz?" " I'm not from around here, remember?" "Okay, well, we're going to a small town called Fairlake." "It was founded in 1814 or some shit like that." "Well, apparently, the local miners didn't get along too well with the hill people." "I guess it was a territory dispute." "There was conflicts over the next couple of years." "Now, Halloween night, 1817 the entire town was ravaged by hillbillies in the largest massacre in the state's history." "The only problem was no bodies were found." "It was just" " Just blood." "Lots of it." "It was" " You know, it" "The entire town, every inhabitant disappeared." "Was never seen again." " That's awful." " Well...." "Legend has it, the hillbillies hauled all the bodies up to the woods created a huge bonfire and then they cooked the fair residents of Fairlake." "Well" " And then they ate them." " Okay, you know what?" "I don't wanna go." " Oh, come on, baby, we're almost there." "No." "I don't wanna celebrate a massacre." " It's innocent fun." " It's wrong." "We'll just go tonight, we'll leave tomorrow, okay?" "Come on, Cruz." "Just one night, huh?" "Please?" "Okay, fine." "It is fine." "What the fuck is all this shit?" "What have I told you about this?" "I told you a thousand fucking times you never leave anything behind." "You never ever leave anything behind!" "What if somebody found this, huh?" "Then you got cops investigating, snooping around." "You don't live in some goddamn hospital in the middle of nowhere anymore." "You live closer to civilization, a lot fucking closer!" "I have been doing this for 30 years and I have never had to move." "Do you know why?" "Because I never leave shit behind!" "I swear to fucking God, you three pinheads you'd all be under lock and key by now if I hadn't of happened across you." "You live in my fucking house now and you play by my fucking rules." "You do as I say or I swear to God, I will take you all down, kin or no kin." "Get her processed." " Looking forward to the trip?" " Yeah." "Thinking about getting me a new .30-06 for the occasion." "It was lucky of Jason to win the bear license lottery." "I know." "He's very excited." " Well, he's a good guy to invite me along." " I know." "That's why I married him." " You sure you don't wanna come?" " I've got ajob to do." "You need to learn to relax a bit." "You're always so by-the-book." "You ride us like we're in the military." "Discipline, Junior, it's a good tool to use in life." "Ready for tonight?" "Mob of kids, such a pain in the keister." "It should be a big night for drunk and disorderly." "Sheriff Carter." "Who is the sexiest sheriff in all of Greenbrier County?" "I'm the only sheriff in Greenbrier County." "Still doesn't mean you're not sexy." "Hey, I just blew off the second shift." "I'm headed home." "That's good." "Junior's buying a new rifle for your hunt this weekend." "Tell him it won't make him a better shot." "Yeah, I already did." "L'm gonna fix some lasagna tonight for dinner." " I'll stop by and bring you some?" " That would be great." "But call first." "It's gonna be a busy night." "L may head down to the fairgrounds." "Then I'll bring it to you there." "I'll call you later." "Bye, honey." "Okay, bye, honey." "Gotta turn this up." "There's supposed to be about 20 bands there." " Oh, who's playing?" " The Cheetah Whores." "Oh, who are they?" " An all-girI band." "Freaking awesome." " Yeah." "Gus' favorite band." "If they're so awesome, why haven't I heard of them?" "You're from the West Coast." "They don't play there." " When are you gonna go back, by the way?" " June." "But just for a month to see my parents." " Billy is coming with me." " Yeah." " Nice." " We are gonna have an epic time." "Meeting the folks?" "That's getting pretty serious." "Who?" "Me?" "Serious?" "Never." "Look out!" "Is everyone okay?" "Is anybody hurt?" " I'm all right." " No, we're okay." "Oh, shit." "Where did he come from?" "Did we hit him?" "I'm not sure." "Well, we should see if he's dead." "You guys, stay here." "Goddamn it." "I didn't see him in the rain." " Yeah, I think he's dead." " But I didn't hit him." "You must have." "Hey." "Fuck you." "You trying to fuck with us?" " Get up." " You piece of shit." " Freeze." " Put your hands on your head." " He stabbed me." " Put your hands on your head now!" "Don't you move." " Turn around and walk towards me." " Shit." "Slowly." "Go!" "I want everyone to wait together by your vehicle." "Biggs?" "I've got them, sheriff." "Don't you move." "Face down on the ground." "Right hand behind your back." "Left hand." "Turn around." "I need a wagon." "Route 96, mile marker 30." " Copy that." "On its way." " Great, thanks." "Hey, sheriff." "It looks like we've got an entire pharmacy here." "And the festival hasn't even started yet." "It's gonna be a long night." "Junior, can you stay with the car until the tow truck arrives?" "until we get a search?" "I don't wanna mess up evidence." "Sure thing, boss." "What the fuck?" "Hey." "Hold it right there." "Shit!" "Hey." "That should do it." "You need to have those stitches removed in about three weeks." "Thank you." "All done here, sheriff." " Thanks for coming, Rick." " That's all right." "I know how busy it's gonna get for you tonight." " Goodbye." " Good night." "You know, I just don't know what I'm gonna do." "If I get charged, they're gonna take my scholarship away from me." " We can get kicked out of school." " Billy, you gotta tell her." " It was your drugs, not ours." " No, no." "If he claims it's all his..." " ...they could throw the book at him." " I don't care." "I'm sitting in jail because of him." " I just don't know what I'm gonna do." " All right, hey, don't worry, all right?" "I got this." "Sheriff, can I speak with you a moment?" "What is it?" "The drugs are mine." "My friends had nothing to do with it." "That's to be determined." "honestly, they're mine." "They'll tell you." "He's right." "please let them go." "I'll take responsibility." "All right." "I'm gonna need space tonight, anyway." "Don't leave town." "We won't go anywhere." "There's a motel at the end of the street." " Thanks." " You can get your things." "We'll bring you back some dinner, Billy." "Thanks." "Hey, what about me?" "You saw how they attacked me." "Why am I being held?" "assault with a deadly weapon." " That's bullshit." " The cut on the boy's arm says otherwise." "Well, would you at Ieast move me to another cell?" "This drunk stinks." "You'll survive." " Where is she?" " I've been calling her cell for the Iast hour." " She's not picking up." " Freaking diva." "I hate talent." "You're gonna have to fill in." "What?" "No, I can't." "You can and you will." "No one goes to dead air on my watch." "Okay." "Here we are on Main Street in the town of FairIake, West Virginia." "The kids are out for Halloween in full force but they're joined by a bunch of hillbillies for the 10th annual Mountain Man Music festival." "So whether you're dressed as a ghost or a witch or a hillbilly everyone is sure to have a happy Halloween with some great music to top it all off." "That's all for now." "I'm Virginia Kelly from Live Action News." "Good job." " Is this it?" " Oh, 3, this is it." "It looks all right." " Nice." " This is our bed, Gus." "Seems like you've been running for quite some time." "Well, your running just ended." "There is no statute of limitations for murder." "You have no idea what you've gotten yourself into, do you?" "A Iot of paperwork, I suspect." "U.S. Marshals'office." "Yeah, this is Sheriff Carter in FairIake." "I have a fugitive for you." "He's been on the run for 30 years." " What's his name?" " Maynard Odets." "Case number 316165." "We can have transport there by 10 a.m." "Yeah, that will be fine." "The marshals will be here to pick you up in the morning." "You won't live that long." "I highly doubt that." "No, I" " No, I know." "I know." "No, it's-- Yeah, but it was a complete accident." "It was an a" " Yeah." "Tomorrow." "The car is totaled." "No, I sent the other deputies to the fairgrounds to police the festival." "All except Junior." "Which reminds me, he should be back by now." "Jason?" "Jason?" "Mr. Brodin?" "Mr. Brodin...." "Lost the signal." "probably for the best." "To say Billy's dad is pissed is the understatement of the year." " Is he coming tomorrow?" " Yeah." "How much trouble do you think Billy's in?" "Oh, God, there's a Iot of drugs in that bag." "I don't think he's gonna get off with a misdemeanor." "Do you think Billy's gonna go to jail?" "Billy's dad will throw the best lawyers at it because Billy's dad is loaded." " He might not have to." "He might get lucky." " Yeah." "I wouldn't worry about it." "Billy's dad's connected up to the wazoo." "Okay, so let's go to the festival." "What the hell, Julian?" "We can't go now." "Well, we can't help Billy sitting in a hotel room." "Why not?" "We" "Come on, we came all this way." " And how do you propose we get there?" " Walk." "Well, I'm not going anywhere, guys." "Here, babe." "Damn drunk kids." "Hey!" "What the hell's going on here?" "Will you shut up?" "It's started." "They're coming for me and you're dead." "But you don't know it yet." "Who's coming for you?" "My boys." "They're gonna cut your liver out and eat it in front of you." "I don't wanna be in here with this guy." "Can you please put me in the other cell?" "You're all dead." "You hear me, kid?" "Fuck you, old man." "You can go home, Mose." " Where are your deputies?" " Covering the festival." " Maybe I should stick around?" " What for?" "You got nobody with you, just in case." "It's fine, Mose." "He's just a crazy old man." "Just in case." "If you don't mind, that is." "Okay, but make yourself useful." "Go through the drawers for the flashlights." "Light ain't gonna save you." "If you don't shut up, I'm gonna charge you with threatening an officer." "Hey, charge away, officer." "Shit." "Oh, my God." " Is he here?" " Oh, my God, no." "Hi, officer." "I think I took a wrong turn." "Can you tell me how to get backstage?" "Another wrong turn, huh?" "I can show you, but you need a pass to get in." "I will do anything to get a pass." "Shit." "Deputy Biggs, come in." "Junior, it's Angela, come in." "Mike, Kevin, you guys out there?" "Looks like you're all alone, you dumb bitch." "Four tickets at 90 bucks a pop, that's 260 bucks." "Great." "So we sit around in the dark all night." "So much fun." "So much fun." "It's great." "You know what?" "I'm gonna go and take Billy some food." "You think all the power's out in the jail as well?" "Oh, looks like the whole town's out." "Yeah." "No, of course not." "The whole town's out." "The whole town's out." "At the concert, having a good time like we should be." "Here, take this with you." "Oh, thanks." " See you later." " See you, babe." " See you." " Bye." "Hello?" "Guys?" "Guys." "Guys." " Yeah?" " I'm gonna go see Billy." " cool." " And give you guys some privacy." "Happy Halloween, asshole." "Son of a bitch!" "There you go." "What are you doing here?" "I thought I'd hang out with Billy and Cruz." "Cruz isn't here." "What?" "That's weird." "She left with food about 20 minutes ago." "Well, where is she?" "I thought she came here." "Maybe she changed her mind." "Visiting hours are over." "Come in the morning." "Oh, come on." "Can't I just hang out here for a little while?" "Yeah, why don't you let him stay?" "One more dead body to add to the pile." "What the fuck?" "This old bastard has been promising to kill everybody." "He says his boys are coming to break him out." "And it's just you and the drunk." " Watch your mouth, kid." "I'm sober now." " It's probably best if you go." "Don't you want another hand in case this guy's telling the truth?" "You can stay until your friend gets here." "Then you can walk back to the hotel." " What happened to you?" " Fucking kids hit me with a paint balloon." "That's why you should walk back with the girl." "All right." "Hey, man." "So you talked to my dad?" "Yeah, I know, he's really, really, really, extremely, monumentally pissed." "Well, I guess I expected that." "Yeah, he'll be here in the morning to post bail." "Did she say what she's charging you with?" "She didn't say, but there was enough stuff for a felony." "Man, I'm fucked, aren't I?" "Yeah, he's creepy as fuck." "Where are you going?" "Lita...." " What?" " I've been thinking." "Okay." "We both graduate in May." "And I was thinking we could move in together." "Gus, come on, you know I'm moving to New York." "I've got my job lined up." "But accounting is so boring." "Don't go." "Babe, we've talked about this a thousand times." "I'm going." "Then I'll go with you." "Look Gus, I like you." "I might even love you." "But...." "I don't know, I just" "I need to spend some time on my own." "You understand that?" "Lita, I Iove you." "And I don't wanna lose you." "Marry me." "What?" "Oh, my God." "You're proposing to me in some fIeabag motel in the middle of West Virginia?" "Gus, come on." " It's the thought that counts." " Yeah." "Babe..." "Get dressed before Julian comes back." "I'm gonna take a shower." "I'm sorry." "All right." "I heard you." "Keep your shirt on." "Who the fuck are you?" "You got the wrong hotel room, pal." "Move along." "Are you so fucking drunk you don't speak English?" "I said, move along, you dumb shit." "Gus, who was that?" "Some drunk guy from the festival." "CouIdn't find his room." "cool costume though." "Fuck." "Stupid shower." "Stupid shower doesn't work." "It's freezing." "Goddamn, you son of a bitch." "Look, I already told your drunk little buddy you got the wrong room." "What is it with you people?" "What, are you fucking retarded?" "Gus?" "Gus, what was that?" "So where the hell is Cruz?" "It can't have taken her this long to get here." " I don't know." "You want me to look for her?" " She's probably dead." "My boys already got to her on the street." "Shut the fuck up, old man." "You can say what you like, college boy but your reckoning is on its way." "Hey, can you just shut this old bastard up?" "I can't stand listening to him anymore." "Well, I can't gag him if that's what you're saying." "Give me five minutes with him and he'll be quiet for the night." "You've got yourself in enough trouble, young man." "Just ignore him." "Gus?" "Gus?" "No." "please." "No." "That's probably her now." "Hey, sweetheart." " How's it going?" " It's been an interesting night." "Yeah." "I saw the power outage and I thought I'd bring you some candles." " Are you okay?" " Yeah, I'm fine." "Thanks, honey." " Mose, can you light some of these for me?" " Sure." "So, what's going on?" "I've got a fugitive who's being picked up by the marshals and a kid on drug charges." " And I bet your night is just starting." " Yeah, probably is." " You hungry?" " Starving." "Why don't call your deputies and come home for a sandwich?" "I can't reach them and besides, I should really stay here." "Those guys aren't going anywhere." "Take some time for yourself, you know?" "Even the sheriff is entitled to a lunch break." " Jason." " All right." "I'll go fix some sandwiches and I'll be back in a bit." "Last supper." "What's his problem?" " Who is that guy?" " Don't ask." "Okay." "See you soon." "See you later." "Help!" "Somebody help!" "please!" "Help!" "Help me!" "Stop!" "please stop!" "Somebody help!" "Somebody!" "Help!" "Help me!" "Let me go, you crazy fuck." "What are you doing?" "No." "No." "No." "please, no, no." "Fifty cents." "Buck." "Call." "Who are they?" "I don't know." "I never seen the truck before." "I told you." "It's my boys." "They're here to get me." "Shit." " Help!" " That's Gus." "Somebody, please!" "Help!" "Help!" "Oh, God." "We gotta get him out of the middle of the road." "Oh, I can't." "I can't." "Give me a hand." "One down, huh, sheriff?" "You're not going anywhere and you're gonna pay for this." "You hear me, you bastard?" "What are we gonna do?" "Get out." " I need to find Cruz." " And Lita." "Listen to me." "You're all deputized." "If you help me, it will go a long way in my report to the court." " But I wanna go after my girlfriend." " No, we all stay here." "We hold out until help arrives." "Mose, you watch the front door." "You two, cover the windows." "They want us to split up." "It makes it easier for them to kill us that way." "So we should stick together, here until dawn." "Now, get to your stations." " We need to call for help." " Lines are dead." "Cell too." "Sheriff, Lee has a short-wave radio in the back of his thrift store." "I've seen it." " We need power to operate it." " Lee has a generator." "Good thinking." "Listen, I'm gonna go across the street to the store." "I'm gonna fire up the short-wave and call for help." " I'll go with you." " No, no, no." "You stay and make sure they don't get in." "Not a bright idea there, sheriff." " split up and die, remember?" " He's right." "I will not risk your lives." "This is my job." "Now, cover me when I'm on the street." "Okay." "Okay, where are you?" "Okay, come on." "Where are you?" "Where are you?" "Where are you?" "Yes." "Okay." "Okay." "Okay." "Gas." "Gas." "Yeah." "Okay." " We should go help her." " Nope." "I gave my word I'd stay here." " I'll go." " Give it a minute." " Just" " If we hear another shot, we'll go." " But we don't" "We don't know this woman." "She's not Cruz or Lita." " We should be going after them." "Just wait." " Let's go find the girls." "If you leave, they'll throw the book at you." "Wait a few minutes, see if she comes." " If she does, we'll tell her we're both going." " All right." "Ten minutes." "This is Sheriff Carter of FairIake declaring emergency." "Ls anyone out there?" "Over." "Sheriff Carter of Fairlake, West Virginia declaring an emergency." "Can anyone hear me?" "Over." "Yup, I hear you, sheriff." "What's your name and where are you?" "Teddy Tabet." "I'm in Dixville Notch, New Hampshire." "Okay, listen to me carefully, Teddy." "L need you to call the Virginia State Police in Moundsville." "Have them send every available officer to FairIake right away." "It's an emergency." "What's going on down there?" "The town is under siege by three hillbillies." "They're trying to break one of their relatives out of jail." "They've already killed one person already." "Did you say FairIake, West Virginia?" "Yes, that's right." "And we have no phone service." "So I need you to call the state police right away." "Can you do that?" "Okay, okay." "One minute." "Are you stoned?" "What?" "Are you stoned or do you just think I'm stupid?" "What are you talking about, Teddy?" "I need your help." "Tonight's the Mountain Man Festival, right?" "You think it would be funny to scramble the entire state police because you convinced some dork to call?" "This is real." "I am the sheriff and I need your help." "This is serious, Teddy." "Hey, listen, it's a felony to file a fake police report, okay?" "I'm not stupid." "We here in Dixville Notch are a pretty savvy bunch." "You can't pull the wool over my eyes." "So, yeah, have a good night, officer." "Wait, wait, wait." "please, listen, Teddy, you gotta believe me." "This is a matter of Iife and death." " Shit." " What was that?" "Somebody dying." "You believe me now, asshole?" "Just call the police." " I think I got one of them." " Shit, shit." "You idiot." "What if that was the sheriff?" "Are you hurt?" "Oh, my God." "Is that Gus?" "Is that Gus?" "Come inside." "Oh, my God." "All right, okay." "You're all right." "You're all right." "Julian, let me in." " What happened?" " This drunk nearly killed my friend." "I'm sorry." "I'm so sorry." " He has no business carrying a gun." " It was an accident!" " I should beat this shit out of you!" " Hey, calm down." "calm down." "I said, calm down." " Were you hit?" " No." "Okay." "Have you seen Cruz?" "Were you with her?" "She left before Julian." "She's dead, lover boy." "probably being digested right now." "My boys have a taste for flesh especially cute little blonds." "Will you shut the fuck up?" "If anything happened to her, I'm gonna fucking kill you." "Let me go and maybe the rest of them will live to see the dawn." "You're not getting out of there." "There's four of you and one of her." "Think how much you wanna live." "You're out of your mind if you think any one of us is gonna let you out." "Suit yourselves." "Did you reach anybody on the short-wave?" " Yes." " Great." "That means help is coming." " I don't know." " What do you mean?" "The dumb shit on the other line, I don't think he believed me." " I'm going to look for Cruz." " Hey, I told you, no." " Well, then you better lock me back up." " What?" "All right, I may be a fuck-up." "I'm irresponsible, I'm unreliable and I'm definitely juvenile, but I am loyal." "I Iove Cruz." "I Iove her more than anything I've ever loved in my Iife and I'm not gonna sit in here while she's out there on her own." "I couldn't live with myself if I did that." "So either lock me up or let me go." " Here, you're gonna need this." " Thank you." " I'm going with you." " All right." "You gonna be all right?" "Be careful." "We will." "We'll look around here, see if we can find her." "All right." "Keep your eyes open." "Cruz." "Cruz, it's Billy." "Come out." "If Cruz knows what's up, she'll be hiding and won't come out." "Yeah." "I hope that's the case." " Mister?" " Call me Mose." "Why are they doing this?" "They wanna break him out, I suppose." "But killing innocent people?" "Why kill Gus?" "He had nothing to do with keeping that old guy locked up." "I get the feeling that killing ain't too much of a stretch for this bunch." "What if no help comes?" "It will." "Don't worry." "And Billy and Julian?" "They'll find your friend and then they'll be back." "Cruz!" "Are you out there?" " Where the hell could she be?" " I don't know, man." "Jesus Christ." "What the hell was that?" "Move, Billy." "Shit." "Shit." "We gotta get out of the street." "We're sitting ducks." "There." "Oh, shit." "Cruz." "Oh, my God, baby." "Oh, my God." "Oh, my God." "Oh, Cruz." "What kind of fucking animals are they?" "There's nothing we can do for her now." "I'm taking her back." "I'm not gonna leave her here like some piece of trash." "Oh, Jesus." "Son of a bitch." "Billy!" "Julian." "Julian." "Wake up!" " Fuck." " Shit." "Oh, God, Bi" " Billy, what's going on?" " I can't move." "I can't move." "You gotta get out of that chain, man." "Chain?" "Can you get out?" "Shit." "Fuck." "No." "Just" " No." " Fuck." " No, there's" "We gotta call for help." "All right?" "Help!" "Help!" "Help!" "Help!" " Help us, anybody!" " Help!" " Anybody!" " Help!" "Fuck." "Where is he?" "Where is he?" "Where is he?" "Oh, my, God." "Oh, my, God." "Help!" "Help!" "Help us!" "Anybody!" "Help!" "Julian." "Julian, save me." "Save" " Help me, man!" "What the--?" "What the fuck?" "No, don't." "No, don't." "Fuck." "No, don't" " Don't leave me." "Julian, don't leave me." "Don't leave me." "No!" "No!" "No!" "No!" "Julian!" "Stop it, you motherfucker!" "What--?" "We can't sit here all night and wait for them to come back." " Somebody needs to go for help." " Yes, and that has to be you, Mose." "Can you do it?" "Hey, Lita." "Why don't you save yourself?" "How?" "Convince her to let me out of here." " I can do it, sheriff." " Take my truck." "Take it to the fairgrounds and find Junior and the other deputies and bring them back here." "Do not stop for anyone or anything." "Me and my boys will go disappear into the night." "You'll be safe." "I don't trust you." "Why would I stick around here?" "Think about it." "You're a college kid." "Use your head." "Save yourself and your friends." "Mose you okay?" "I couId do with a drink." "I won't." "You can count on me, angela." "I know not too many people have counted on me in the past to do anything right but I'm turning over a new leaf, starting tonight." "I will be back with help." "I promise." "Why don't you just give them what they want?" "Give them the old man." " You can track them when you have help." " No." "I want justice." "Justice?" "What about justice for my boyfriend whose body is Iying on your porch?" "What about justice for Gus, huh?" "Don't you see?" "If I let him go, you may never get justice for your boyfriend." "Look, I'm sorry about what happened to you, but you're not changing my mind." "You ready?" "Let's do this." "There's a radio in my truck." "Keep in constant contact and be careful." "My truck is at the gas station by the junkyard." "I'll cover you." "Go." "Go, go." "God, come on, come on, come on." "please, please, please start." "You can do it." "Mose, can you hear me?" "L got you, sheriff." "L'm on my way like a bat out of hell." "I need you there in one piece." "Not too fast, okay?" "Roger that." "I'm just getting on the highway now, sheriff." "No sign of them." "Good, keep me posted." "I told you, I wouldn't let you" "Shit." "Mose?" "Mose?" "Mose?" "Come in, Mose." "Mose?" "Billy and Julian should have been back by now, shouldn't they?" "I know." "They're dead, aren't they?" "We don't know that." "I don't wanna die here." "Neither do I." "I wanna leave." "There's no place to go." "There must be a car or a truck or something." " Mose took my only truck." " Well, then I'll steal a car." "Anything." "I just need to get the fuck out of here." "You know how to hot-wire a car?" "No." "Look, the festival will be over soon." "My deputies will be back." "We just have to wait a little longer." " And what if I can't wait that long?" " You really don't have a choice." "To go out there now by yourself would be suicide." "Not if you come with me." "I can't leave here." "There's two of us left." "What can we possibly do if they come for him?" "Our best." "I think you're crazier than he is." "Sheriff." "Help me, sheriff." "Sheriff!" "Sheriff." "Sheriff." "Help me." "Oh, no." "please." "Don't do it." "Help me." "You can surprise her." "Take her weapon and force her to let me out." " I can't." " She's just a woman." "Leave me alone." "I wanna see you live." "You're smart, Lita." "Too smart to die." "I said, leave me alone." "You're smarter than your friends." "Hell, you even got away from my boys once." "You deserve to live." "I will tell my boys to let you live if you help me." "I don't believe you." "Well you and that bitch are certainly gonna die if you just stand there and do nothing." "That I can guarantee you." "No." "No." "No." "No!" "No!" "No!" "No!" "Do you hear that?" "What?" "It's Mose." "Well, where's it coming from?" "He's in the thrift store." "Here, take this." "Watch him." "If anyone comes in, shoot them." " Wha--?" "What are you gonna do?" " What I can." "Oh, God." "Now's your chance." "No." "Oh, don't be stupid." "Save yourself." "Have some vision." "You're smart." "And you wanna live, don't you?" "Yes." "Well, then open this cell." "I will go away and so will my boys." "Think." " How can I trust you?" " Well, you have the gun, don't you?" "You open this cell and I will walk away." "Promise." "The keys are in the gun locker to your left." "That's it." "Good girl." "It is as simple as turning a key in a lock." "That right there in your hand is the key to your life." "If I let you out of here you let me go free, right?" "You and your men, you don't come after me." "That's the deal, right?" "Done deal." "If you try anything I swear to God, I will kill you." "All I want is to get out of here." "Back up." "Go." "Okay, get out of here." "Slowly." "Move." "You know, Lita, you did the right thing." "Just get out of here." "Oh, and you know what I was saying about vision?" "Somebody help me." "Somebody help me." " Lita?" " My eyes." "God." "I warned you, bitch." "Goddamn it." "Lita." "Come on." "Come on." " My eyes." " You're gonna be all right." " You're gonna be all right." " My eyes." "Come on." " Come on." "Go." " Oh, my God." "Oh, my God." "Get your fucking hands up." " Get" " Fuck you." "I'm gonna bandage you to stop the bleeding, okay?" "Put your head back." "Oh, God, I'm so stupid." "Okay, sweetie, okay." "What happened?" "He promised." "He promised he would just leave if I let him out." " And you believed him?" " I didn't know what else to do." "Lita, you're gonna have to listen to me if we're gonna make it out alive." " Can you do that?" " Yes." "Good." "What about me?" "I'm bleeding here." "Yeah, you're on your own." "Oh, I'm gonna enjoy watching you die." "Not if you die first." "Go ahead." "Shoot me again." " Get it over with." " Don't tempt me." "You're a fucking coward." "You don't have the guts." "I'm gonna be there when they stick a needle in your arm." "Yeah." "Well, you just go right on telling yourself that, baby." "I'm gonna go for help." "You stay here and don't do anything, okay?" " I'm gonna lock the door behind me." " You ain't never coming back, bitch." "Jason?" "Jason." "No." "Oh, no." "Jason." "Oh, my God." "Oh, my God." "No." "Oh, God." "Oh, God." "I want you to remember this voice, Lita because it's gonna be the Iast one you'll ever hear." "I'm gonna whisper in your ear right before I slit your throat which is only a matter of time now." "Just shut up." "Shut up." "Maybe I won't kill you right away." "Maybe I'll keep you alive a little while." "Yeah." "Because I'm gonna fuck you." "No." "Shut up, just shut up!" "And then my three boys are gonna fuck you." "No." "And then when we're done I'm gonna cut your titties off as a souvenir." "Oh, God." "You run away." "That makes it more fun." "You run, little girl." "Because I'm coming to get you." "Well, now, looks like we've come full circle, huh, sheriff?" "I Iove irony." " Don't you?" " They'll find you." "Oh, I highly doubt that." "We're just fixing to leave town." "I hope you burn in hell." "Well, now, sorry to disappoint, but you're the one that's gonna burn." "All right, boys, that'll do it." "Now, sheriff, out of the kindness of my heart I am offering you a choice which is real gentIemanlike of me, don't you think?" "Fuck you." "A fighter to the end, huh?" "admirable." "Now as I am a man of mercy, let me explain to you what is happening here." "I am gonna duct-tape this shotgun to your mouth and I have attached a wire to the trigger which is also attached to your foot." "So that when you come down off your tippy-toes the wire is gonna pull the trigger." "Essentially, I am offering you a way out, sheriff." "If I were you, I would take it because burning to death is one painful way to die." "You son of a bitch." "Tick tock, sheriff." "Gotta go." "There, that ought to do it." "Now, all you have to do is let go." "heels to the floor and:" "No more." "Oh, you don't need to thank me, sheriff." "You hang on in there, huh?" "All right, let's get out of here." "Stop." "Stop." "please." "Stop." "Help me." "please help me." "Help me." "Help me." "please help me." "Oh, please." "Oh, thank God you stopped." "They killed my friends." "You need to call the police before they kill the sheriff, please." "please help me." "Oh, thank God." "Thank God." "Welcome home, Lita." "No!" "No!" "No!" "No!" "[English" " US]" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Welcome to the sanctuary." "Who are you?" "Let's just say I'm someone who's chosen to embrace the full spectrum of our reality." "[Snarling, shouting]" "[Henry]:" "Um, FBI's at the front gate." "Will!" "Abby..." "Corrigan?" "I think it's going quite well." "[Magnus]:" "When I first knew you at Oxford," "I loved you with my entire being." "[Knife thuds]" "[Shots ricochet]" "You destroyed my heart, John, the hatred you feel towards me..." "Then the way you would harm our daughter." "Fair warning, Dr. Zimmerman, you're about to leave the world you know behind." "[Will Zimmerman]:" "I'm a psychologist." "You work with monsters." "But I can promise you the adventure of many, many lifetimes." "Shall we begin?" "[Garbage truck rumbling]" "Hey!" "Hey, wait!" "Wait!" "Aw, come on!" "It's not even 8:00 yet!" "Did you catch them?" "No, and I don't think last week's salmon wants to stay with us either." "Oh, wonderful." "Roy, I hope you get your timing from your mother, and not me." "[Chuckling]" "We are not naming our daughter "Roy."" "Yes, we are, if he is going to be a major leaguer." "There's a Cy Young award-winner in there," "I can feel it." "[Sighs heavily]" "Surgery can't start without you." "Go be brilliant." "You put your feet up and eat bon-bons, okay?" "I have prenatal yoga in an hour." "Chocolate." "Roy wants chocolate." "[Laughing]" "Love you." "Love you." "[Cat meowing]" "Oh, you gotta be kidding me." "[Meowing]" "Come here." "[Kissing] Come here." "[Meowing]" "Come here." "Come here, come here." "[Meowing]" "[Will sighs heavily]" "Okay..." "Just... just relax." "[Cat meows and hisses]" "[Will sighs]" "[Neighbors chatting pleasantly]" "[Knocks]" "On the trunk of my car." "Again." "Come here, Henry, darling." "[Cat purring]" "You all right?" "I've got him." "You know, you might want to think about declawing him before he scratches the paint on my Beemer, or maybe just don't let him out so much." ""Declaw"?" "He's an innocent creature." "Unlike your dog, who keeps doing his business on my lawn." "Monty?" "No, that's not possible." "We have a dog-walker." "Keep him on your side of the street." "What the hell is that?" "Oi!" "Are you quite through?" "Uh..." "I'm sorry, I just thought I saw something." "When I want you in my house, Dr. Zimmerman," "I will invite you into my house." "Don't expect that invitation anytime soon!" "Get out!" "Right." "Sorry." "I just... [♪]" "♪ Sanctuary 3x19 ♪ Out of the Blue Original Air Date on June 13, 2011" "== sync, corrected by elderman ==" "[Music playing, dogs bark]" "[Stereo plays loudly]" "I'm just saying, a water birth has all sorts of advantages later on in life." "[Sighs disdainfully]" "I don't know, it just sounds so gimmicky." "It's low lights, a soothing sensation similar to the womb." "The sounds of water lapping as her first sounds..." "You see, this is why I chose cardiology." "Less tinkie-woo-woo crap, and more hard medical science." "No, Will, you became a heart surgeon to please your mother." "I became a heart surgeon..." "[Imitating Sean Connery] For the chicks." "[Laughing] Please." "[Cell phone warbles]" "Go." "[Sighs heavily]" "Oh, dammit." "They keep wanting to pull up the surgery." "It'll be fine, honey." "Well, not if the poor bastard dies during the procedure." "He won't." "You'll be brilliant." "[Thumbing text]" "Two weeks from now, everybody will be talking about the Zimmerman bypass tri-valve procedure." "It does have a ring to it, doesn't it?" "Your mother would be proud." "[Will's mom, frightened]:" "Will, stay where you are." "I'll be right back." "[Magnus]:" "It's all right." "Honey?" "Yeah, uh, my mom, I should call her." "[♪]" "[Heartbeat thudding]" "[Monitors beeping, alerts blare]" "[Gasps]" "[Monitors beeping, alerts blare]" "[Gasping]" "What do you make of this Druitt guy?" "Mm, well, I think he'd make a good mayor." "[Imitating Bill Clinton] That's 'cause he's tough on crime." "[Giggles]" "Ah, there's something about him that just doesn't ring true, but then again, he is a politician, so..." "Hey, Rumpelstiltskin." "I could barely get you out of bed this morning." "Yeah, I did have a little trouble sleeping." "[Chuckles]" "But don't you mean Rip Van Winkle?" "[Laughs]" "You're right." "[Chuckling]" "I had these bizarre dreams." "Like, mad scientists and labs." "All this Sci-Fi stuff." "Bizarre subtextual images, totally dissociative." "Well, well, look who remembers their psych rotation." "[Chuckling]" "It's stress, hon'." "The baby's coming in a month, and you've got this big surgery, and then all these conferences that they keep wanting you to go to" "Why do you think she stays up all night?" "Who-- oh, creepy McPaintsalot across the street?" "Yeah." "[Laughing] I have no idea." "Maybe that's when when her creative juices are flowing." "Artists are odd like that." "But I've never seen any of her paintings." "I mean, have you ever seen her show any of her paintings?" "I think you think too much about our cat-lady neighbor." "And I think it is time for you to go and be brilliant." "Mm, yes." "Love you." "Mmm." "Love you." "[Muffled screams and roars]" "[Heartbeat thuds, echoes swirling]" "[Gasping]" "[Sighs]" "[♪]" "Bloody hell." "[Doorbell rings]" "Hello!" "Uh, Helen, isn't it?" "Abby, right?" "And company." "[Chuckles]" "Sorry, was the music too loud last night?" "Did it keep you up?" "Or perhaps it's the cat." "The cat?" "Uh... oh!" "Oh, gosh, no!" "No, no, that's not why I came over." "No, I'm not here with a complaint." "You're not?" "[Chuckling] No..." "I just was at home, and I was thinking how we never get to see you, and I thought, um," ""that's not very neighborly,"" "so I..." "Baked you these." "Scottish shortbread." "Because you're Scottish, so..." "English, actually." "[Quickly] They're lovely." "Thank-thank you." "Well..." "Uh, how is the painting coming?" "D-do you show your work?" "At, w-what, um, I guess those wine and cheese gallery openings?" "Oh, I would love to see your work." "I don't show my work." "My agent sells it privately to buyers." "Oh, I...hmm." "That's... good for you." "[Chuckles politely]" "So, how are you feeling?" "You look to be about what, 32, 33 weeks." "Ultrasound showing good bone development?" "33 weeks exactly." "[Chuckling]" "Do you have kids?" "I-I..." "Mom?" "I'm sorry." "I-I didn't mean to pry." "I just, uh..." "Well, you-you just seemed to know so much about, uh..." "[Haltingly] Thank you, very much." "Yes." "[Chuckling politely]" "[Cell phone warbles]" "[Sighs in disgust]" "Jackasses." "Tough day." "[Gun cocks]" "Sorry, did you say something?" "[Gunshots]" "I said, "tough day."" "The patient displays multiple symptoms, though cannot find etiology for said arrhythmia." "Suspect..." "Embolism." "Suspect embolism may be involved." "Recommended treatment, ACE inhibitor, diuretics, as well as anti..." "Anti..." "Coagulants?" "Crap." "Delete last comment." "Man..." "I'm losing it here." "[Urgent conversation]" "Brain activity is in the red." "Approaching delta." "Give a dosage at the same level." "Yeah, I got it." "Yes." "It's working." "[Gasps]" "[Creature shrieking]" "[Echoes swirl, heartbeat thuds]" "Ah, Helen, how lovely to hear from you." "Yes, I know I said I'd call you, George, but I forgot." "You forgot!" "I've been having trouble remembering things these last few days." "I just, I need to take a break." "Helen, you owe me a new series." "Yes, I know I promised you new pieces this month, but I can't." "What does that mean?" "Well... things aren't-- aren't going well right now." "What did you have in mind instead?" "What do I want to do instead?" "I don't know, I want to travel, I want to-- travel?" "Help homeless children, work with animals, go on safari." "God, something more!" "Listen to yourself, Helen" "Bloody agents!" "[Pills rattle]" "[Sighs]" "This isn't right." "[Urgent conversation]" "No, no, no, what is she doing?" "What are you doing, huh?" "Hmm?" "[Injection hisses]" "No, no, no, no, easy, easy..." "Yeah..." "There." "Time to go back to sleep." "It may be time to bring out the big guns, huh?" "[Gasps]" "[Groans]" "God, it's actually getting worse." "[Doorbell rings]" "Coming!" "Please don't have any more shortbread." "Hello, Helen." "Did you think I'd forgotten you?" "This isn't a good time." "I'm working." "I'm sorry, darling." "I came to pick up a few last things." "What things?" "I see." "I'm starting a new series." "A clean slate, new ideas, so on." "Yeah, very new ideas." "And we are back to last year." "Why are you really here?" "You've taken everything that mattered." "Not everything." "Please, John, I'm tired." "You heard about the case?" "Conviction, sentencing." "It's done, over." "Yes, congratulations." "Thank you." "I see you're already decorating the mayor's office for yourself." "The press having a bit of fun." "Me?" "I have other ideas." "You're leaving the DA's office?" "You can't be serious." "I was thinking of a private practice at a small firm." "Half-time." "Flexible hours." "I already have offers." "A normal life." "I was hoping this would be our divorce papers, signed by you." "Helen, you don't want this" "Don't tell me what I want!" "All right." "Then you say it." "What do you want?" "Not this." "Not what we had." "I know that I was the one who ruined things." "My career, and this bloody case." "I've changed." "This is our chance to make things right..." "So much better than we were." "I've heard this summation before." "Helen, look at you." "You're exhausted." "Alone..." "Is this better than the life I'm offering?" "What you're offering isn't right, either." "Nothing's right!" "I-I-I want to be left alone!" "I don't want any responsibility, no people clawing at me, demanding my attention, no life or death situations!" "Do you love me?" "[Sighs]" "I did once, but it's not that simple anymore, is it?" "I am offering you a life without boundaries." "We can go anywhere, be anyone." "Anything." "I'll give you anything, just not a divorce." "You need to choose your true happiness." "[Sniffles and sighs in frustration]" "Damn." "[Medical monitor alarms wail]" "[Groaning with effort]" "Will, no!" "What are you doing to us?" "Hold him down." "Keep resisting like this, Sporto, you're going to die!" "Get-get-- sedate him!" "[Gasping in panic]" "[Gasping in fright]" "Honey?" "Oh, my God, were you asleep?" "I-I was having that dream again." "God... what is wrong with me?" "Okay, well, it's just a dream." "It's just a dream, hon." "Why does it feel so real?" "Maybe why don't you tell me about them?" "Yeah..." "It was in some sort of a lab." "Okay, so a lab, like an operating theater, maybe?" "No, it was..." "It was like a research lab, and I-I wasn't alone." "Okay, who else was there?" "Helen..." "Helen from across the street?" "Okay, Will, this is--this is all about the surgery." "Your subconscious is" "I can't-I can't remember the most basic things, Abby." "Like, about bypass surgery, about the hospital, or-or the patient's name." "Okay, Will, Will, you just need more sleep." "You've been restless the past couple of nights." "Okay?" "Do you remember our honeymoon?" "Yeah, of course I do." "You don't?" "I've got to get some air, I think." "[Stereo plays]" "[Monitors beeping]" "She's awake!" "Mr. St. Pierre!" "Now, just where do you think you're going, hmm?" "[Blow thuds]" "This better be good!" "I was watching smackdown." "Whoa!" "Magnus, you crazy broad." "You actually trying to beat the house on this one?" "You'll lose." "[Injection hisses, Magnus shouts]" "You..." "So, what do we do now?" "We up the meds is what we do." "Bring her back on side." "Now would be a good time!" "Her dosage is already in the red, Mr. St. Pierre." "Oh, I'm sorry, are you in charge here?" "I don't see you paying for all this tech." "It's my job to tell you you could kill her." "There's no going backwards on this." "If this doesn't work out, we may all soon be dead." "Up the meds." "Yes, sir." "No-- [injection hisses]" "You're not going to win this your way, Magnus." "[Power drill whines]" "Um..." "[Chuckles in confusion]" "What is all this?" "It's just, it's stuff." "I'm just... trying to sort through it." ""Stuff"?" "Yeah, it's like a puzzle, see?" "Look at this." "Isn't that cool?" "Um, I thought-I thought today was the pre-consult for the surgery, with the Chief of Staff from the hospital?" "I canceled it." "The pre-consult?" "The surgery." "I'm out." "It-it's not worth it, you know?" "It's too much stress." "Okay, um..." "Yeah..." "A-and so these are all hers?" "Helen's?" "Yeah." "She was throwing them out, so I just... you know." "Okay, Will..." "Uh, Will, what is going on?" "Why-why are you doing this?" "Abby, do you see this pattern here?" "Do you see it?" "This pattern means something to me, and if I can just figure it out, then I could-- okay, Will, Will, Will, you're having some sort of breakdown, [stammering]" "I'm going to call a doctor." "No, no, no, hold on a second, hold on a second." "I swear I'm fine." "I just..." "Okay, then, talk to me." "Please." "[Sighs sadly]" "I love you." "Everything's changed." "These dreams that I've been having, about being a prisoner, they mean something." "Like..." "I don't know." "It's..." "This life feels wrong, it feels like..." "Like I don't belong here." ""Don't-don't belong here."" "[Chuckles ruefully]" "I can't believe this." "I-I..." "I don't know why I didn't see it." "I have been so blind!" "Abby, hold on a second." "Where are you going?" "What do you care, Will?" "This isn't the life that you want!" "You know, I just wish you had the guts to say it instead playing crazy because you are trying to protect my feelings!" "That is not true." "I have heard of this before." "Men who conveniently lose their minds before the baby comes, abandoning their wives, exactly what you are doing!" "I am not abandoning anyone" "Yes, you are!" "Because you are terrified of this, of all this responsibility!" "Listen to me, I love you, okay?" "I know" "No, Will, this is real." "I am real!" "I-I know." "I-I know that you're real- then why are you pushing away?" "Why are you push-- [gasps in pain]" "Will..." "What's the matter?" "Will, I don't..." "Are you okay?" "What's the matter?" "What's the matter?" "Oh, God." "Oh, God." "Oh, God..." "[Gasping in pain] Will!" "God, Will!" "Just hold on." "Yes, uh, my name is Will Zimmerman," "I live at 5621 Whyte Plains Road." "I need an ambulance." "My wife has collapsed." "She's eight months pregnant!" "Dear lord..." "Hurry!" "[Gasping in pain]" "Okay, okay..." "Abby, where's the pain?" "What happened?" "We were just talking, and then she almost passed out, and then she started shaking." "Do you have a medical kit?" "Yeah, it's in my car." "Good, get it." "Ambulance?" "It's on its way." "All right, deep breaths, Abby." "How's your vision?" "Blurry." "Is the baby..." "Baby's going to be perfectly fine," "I promise you." "Okay." "What's wrong with her?" "I'll wager late onset preecclampsia, likely caused by hypertension." "Good thing you caught it in time." "Thank you." "You're very welcome." "[Wail of approaching siren]" "[Gentle knock on door]" "How's Abby?" "She's on the mend." "You were dead on, by the way." "Preecclampsia." "Hypertension." "She's in bed, trying to get some sleep." "Glad to hear it." "Coffee?" "Do you have any tea?" "I think I'll join you." "Far more civilized." "I don't even know why I bother making coffee." "What the hell's going on?" "I was hoping you could tell me." "Are you happy?" "Here?" "This?" "You know, I hate the term "happy", like it's the be-all, end-all of life." "Like if we don't achieve perfect happiness, we've somehow failed." "I got married because it was supposed to make me happy, safe." "But it didn't." "It should have." "John was everything I wanted, or so I thought." "And what about kids?" "We never had any." "Why are you here, Dr. Zimmerman?" "Because I need to... figure out why my life is falling apart." "I'm not the psychiatrist." "You see?" "Right there." "Why did you say that?" "Why, is it important that I did?" "Because it just is, Magnus." "What did you call me?" "Magnus." "That's my maiden name." "I haven't used it in decades." "How on earth would you know it?" "Okay..." "Hear me out, and-and this will sound crazy." "But I think..." "That none of this-- is real." "Our lives-- feel completely wrong." "I married a man I hate." "I-I drink coffee, for God's sake." "I'm a cardiologist." "I might as well be a left-hander for the Blue Jays." "I couldn't even begin to diagnose Abby today." "And yet I could, in a heartbeat." "[Quietly] I don't remember marrying her." "I sit here cooped up all night painting?" "I need to show you something." "It's across five paintings." "One pattern." "I never saw it that way before." "What do you think it means?" "I don't know, but somehow it feels real." "Like you've seen it before." "I've been having these nightmares, about..." "Being experimented on." "In a laboratory of some kind?" "[Sighs in disbelief]" "We're having the same dreams." "How is that even possible?" "What..." "What does this pattern have to do with it?" "What if we're not really here?" "We're there, and this, all of this, is just a construct, it's a prison." "Our dreams are actually our reality, and this" "Is all a dream." "Yes." "For what reason?" "I don't know." "But I know that this isn't me, and from what you said, this isn't you." "We're not crazy." "What do we do?" "[Monitors beeping]" "[Sighing]" "How are thing one and thing two doing today?" "Hmm?" "I just wish you would stop fighting it." "You'd best behave." "[Both gasping]" ""Wish you'd both stop fighting it?"" ""Thing one, thing two?"" "Aw, bloody hell, it's real." "Yeah." "All right, how do we get out?" "Well, you said that you'd actually escaped briefly before." "It felt like I did, and-and then I woke up here, and things got more intense with Abby." "Same here." "In my... dream," "I became aware of my surroundings." "John suddenly shows up professing his love for me, pulling me further into this world." "So whenever we try to get out, something here tries to make us stay." "I think that in order to escape, we have to completely reject this life." "Think about it." "We've tried distancing ourselves emotionally from people." "Your fight with Abby, my rejection of John." "It didn't work, did it?" "We both got tossed back in here." "Okay, but suicide?" "I mean..." "How do we know for sure which one of these realities is real?" "Beyond bad dreams and a gut feeling?" "I guess, like everything, it's a leap of faith." "You drive." "[Hand slams car, Magnus gasps in shock]" "Where are you going?" "[Pulling on locked door]" "Stop the car." "[Insistently] Will!" "Abby, I'm so sorry" "I want to talk to you." "Will, what's going on?" "Open the door." "Will." "Will, look at me." "Look at me." "Open the door." "Will, what's going on?" "Please, just for a moment." "Just get out of the car, please." " Open the door." " Please, hon!" "Open the bloody door!" "Go, go, go!" "[Tires squealing]" "Are you ready?" "I've been here before." "[Engine racing]" "[Gasping]" "Whoa!" "Will..." "Wow." "Well, that was interesting." "Let's get out of here." "[St. Pierre]:" "They're up." "Not good." "The neural cortex hasn't finished sequencing" "I get it, I get it." "How are you two feeling?" "Do you know who you are?" "Virgil St. Pierre." "I should have known you were behind this." "Yeah, I think they're fine now." "Yes, Magnus, I'm involved here, and if I'd known what a giant headache you two would be," "I would have never taken the gig." "What's with the tanks, and how long have we been here?" "Three days, big shot, eight hours, and 26 minutes." "What?" "You think this is fun for us?" "Who brought us here?" "We did, doc." "Henry..." "Mainly to save your lives." "Glad to see you two up and around, and by the looks of things, sane?" "Yes." "Oh!" "You see?" "Sane!" "Ooh..." "You're welcome." "[Kate]:" "Sorry about the mess." "We've been living like bachelors." "[St. Pierre]:" "Which we are, which is sad." "Where are we?" "We are in a private research facility underneath the New Mexican desert." "Hundred miles south of Santa fe." "How did we get here?" "Seems you bigshots got yourself in a little trouble." "These two needed a favor..." "From you?" "You put her in a bat suit last time." "Exactly." "He owed me." "There was a price tag." "My joint, my lab." "Everything is for rent these days." "Okay, hold on a second, we paid to be held prisoner?" "Prisoner?" "No, you needed treatment." "You guys don't remember anything from before?" "Juarez?" "South of the Mexican border?" "Wow." "No wonder you guys are confused." "Okay, so..." "We got called to a situation from those U.N. Lotus defense guys." "The international security force we encountered outside Carentan." "Yes, something big was coming up out of the ground near the city." "Now, at first you thought it was an off-season migration of rock lizards, but then you got hit by this." "What on earth is it?" "We don't really know." "I've just been calling it a psych-worm." "It surfaced right underneath you, and hit you with some kind of psychoactive venom, which apparently puts its victims into a crazy dream world..." "While it devours you." "Amazing creature." "Those markings..." "Exactly." "Not crazy." "So you did all this to save our minds?" "Yeah." "We captured the creature, but then you two were..." "Gone." "Blitzed." "Whacked out, loco" "We got it." "So those tanks that we were lying in" "May I?" "Thanks." "As I said, it's my lab." "My team, along with" "Mr. "Ooh, I hate losing at the video games" here, combined a neuroactive mind-control gel that I'm developing..." "Right, but the chemical was siphoned from the worm's salivary glands, which..." "And we came up with a treatment to restore your minds." "You see, the neural gel was your reality lifeline from the crazy dreamworld that the worm had implanted." "So, every time we saw the lab..." "It would be like a patient waking up in the middle of surgery." "Right, see, the timing was tricky, 'cause if you came out too soon, there'd be damage to your minds, so we had to keep putting you back in until the scans showed normal brain activity." "I guess you guys really don't like living in bliss." "Okay, but why bring us here?" "I mean, why not just bring us to the Sanctuary?" "Clock was ticking from the second you guys got hit, dude." "If the venom was active in your system too long, there was less chance that we could save you." "He made a call." "I opened my doors to friends." "Yeah, that was really sweet of you, Virgil." "Bygones, Sporto, bygones." "I got a big heart." "Until we get the bill." "What can I say?" "Sanity ain't cheap." "I-I've never even heard of this creature." "How is it possible that something this large, with this unique ability, could go unnoticed?" "The only explanation is that it came from Hollow Earth." "It caught us completely by surprise, doc." "We're getting reports from Sanctuaries worldwide." "We are on a full global alert." "Well, then, we have to head home." "== sync, corrected by elderman ==" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous." "In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit." "These are their stories." "Move along, runt." "Keys and wallets on the tray." "This is unconstitutional." "What's in your pocket, kid?" "Nothing." "This "nothing" is not allowed." "You can't take away my right to free speech." "You wanna talk, use the pay phone." "Next victim." "Come on, kid, I ain't getting no younger here." "Everybody's a winner today." "You got a phone, too, or are you just happy to talk to me?" "It's a calculator." "Oh, my God, kid." "This thing is a mess." "What you do, sit in some ketchup or something?" "Kid, are you bleeding?" "Hey, kid." "Hey, somebody call an ambulance!" "His name's David Zelinsky." "He's 10 years old." "He's lost a lot of blood." "We're still transfusing him." "Are his parents here?" "Mother's talking to the social worker." "Get anything from the rape kit?" "Semen and a pubic hair." "The preliminary tests indicate the sperm is still motile." "He was raped this morning." "I'd say the most recent attack was within the last five or six hours." "Most recent attack?" "David has substantial scarring from prior trauma." "He's been raped before." "From the looks of it, I'd say this has been going on for months." "Hey there." "David, I'm Olivia." "How are you feeling?" "Okay." "The doctor said that you lost a lot of blood." "Somebody hurt you." "Just leave me alone." "I know that this is hard to talk about, but we need to find out who did this." "I didn't do anything wrong." "I know that, sweetheart, and I know that this is not your fault." "Please, Mom, don't make me talk to her." "Detective, can this wait?" "I'm just gonna talk to your mom outside for a minute, okay?" "I'll be right outside." "You put a rush on the DNA and run it through CODIS." "Thanks, Melinda." "How could this have been going on?" "Why didn't he tell me?" "Well, whoever attacked your son probably threatened to hurt him or you." "My poor baby." "Mrs. Zelinsky, was David okay before he went to school this morning?" "I don't know." "My ex had him last night." "Could he have hurt David?" "I don't think so." "But he's not the man I married." "He got mixed up in some crazy stuff." "Drugs?" "Religion." "He became a zealot, lost all interest in me and started spending all of his free time with the rabbis." "He's Hasidic?" "He is now." "I finally had enough." "We split up." "He moved to Williamsburg." "Mom." "Excuse me." "You should talk to the father." "Hasidic men don't appreciate a woman giving them the third degree." "I'll work it with Munch." "I'd never hurt my little boy." "Name the test, I'll take it." "Let's start with your DNA." "This is Rachel's fault." "These unspeakable things, they only happen in your world." "Mr. Zelinsky, these things can happen anywhere." "No, no, if she had let me bring David here, where it's safe..." "Safe?" "He was attacked this morning while he was with you." "That's impossible." "We were at shul." "I was with him the whole time." "David was never alone?" "No." "We went to minyan, the morning service, then one of his tutors gave him a lift to school." "Tutor's name?" "That a name?" "It's from the Talmud." "I believe Mr. Zelinsky's trying to tell us he won't take a life to save a life." "This tutor is an upstanding young man." "An accusation like this could ruin his life." "You care more about this guy's reputation than your own son?" "Of course I don't!" "I'm just trying to behave responsibly." "I understand your dilemma, but the biblical concept of lifnay evare commands you not to look the other way." "We'll be discreet." "The tutor's name is Jacob Ribowsky." "He teaches at Torah V'yirah." "It's the local yeshivah." "Good." "I collared a guy here once for diddling a little girl." "No one would talk." "Mehsire." "It's Yiddish for "suspicion of secular authorities. "" "They close ranks around the accused." "It's like the church moving priests around to different parishes." "It's called a cover-up." "Can I help you?" "Yeah, hi." "We're looking for Jacob Ribowsky." "You leave Jacob alone." "He didn't do anything wrong." "What's with the public service announcement?" ""Jacob Ribowsky's comportment has been in complete accordance with Torah law." ""Parents should not hesitate to engage him as a tutor. "" "If you ask me, that's like putting the fox back into the henhouse." "That your idea?" "Rabbi Iscowitz is in charge of all of our correspondence." "And where can we find him?" "He's not here." "I doubt that." "No." "You cannot go in there." "Sir?" "Just a little bible study group or some damage control?" "Our community is sheltered, Detective." "Wait a minute." "Who are you?" "I'm Rabbi Iscowitz, the head rabbi, and I cannot allow you to arrest first and ask questions later." "No, you'd rather sweep things under the rug." "Yankel drove David Zelinsky into the city, dropped him off at school, and went to a doctor's appointment." "He has been found innocent of all charges." "Found innocent?" "Really?" "Where's the jury?" "The belt din has been the cornerstone of our legal system since the time of Moses." "That's funny." "I thought the Supreme Court of New York was the legal authority in this state." "Detective, we are held accountable by the highest of authorities." "We take claims like these very seriously." "Well, I've seen what happens when religious leaders take these claims seriously." "You, get up." "Wait, has David accused Mr. Ribowsky of anything?" "Do you have forensic evidence against him?" "We're waiting for the results." "Then you can wait for Mr. Ribowsky." "I know your laws." "He's under no obligation to submit to random questioning or a DNA test without a warrant." "Since I doubt you have enough to arrest him," "I'm sure he'd much rather stay here." "Isn't that right, Yankel?" "Yes, rebbe." "I know guys like you can't stay away from little boys." "It's only a matter of time." "So I'll be waiting for you." "It's okay." "Kiss me." "It's okay." "It's all right." "Get off him!" "Leave Jacob alone!" "What the hell's going on here?" "We've been in love for a year, but in our community, we can't even hold hands until we get married." "We're barely allowed to look at each other." "I know Orthodox Jews who date." "Why not leave the Hasidic community?" "Because it's our life." "We love the rituals, the tradition." "We don't want to leave." "But you want it both ways by using a kid to cover for you?" "Who is he?" "The boy I saw you walking with?" "He's my brother." "Your brother?" "I couldn't tell you in front of the beit din." "I would have been shunned." "And is that the only thing you lied about in front of them?" "Jacob?" "Yesterday was my day off, and after minyan, I met Jacob and David behind the synagogue." "When I finished tutoring him, we drove into the city, dropped David off, and went to the Roxy." "They were having an all-day film festival." "It was a place to be alone." "All we wanted was a little privacy." "I was with Jacob the whole time." "He did not do anything to that boy." "Please." "You have to believe him." "Ribowsky's alibi check out?" "The manager at the Roxy remembers" "Jacob and Faith and buying tickets." "I guess they'd stand out." "It's crazy." "He'd rather everybody think he's a perv than admit he was making out with his girlfriend at the movies." "Detective Stabler." "Mrs. Zelinsky, slow down." "Slow down!" "Repeat that." "I'll be right there." "Just stay there." "What's up?" "David Zelinsky's been kidnapped." "I went out to get groceries." "When I came back, David was gone." "Avi swore he would do this." "He threatened to take David?" "He called this afternoon." "He said he was gonna go to court, get custody, and I'd never see David again." "Any idea where he might take him?" "I don't know." "His family's mostly in Brooklyn and Israel." "Does David have a passport?" "No, we've never left the country." "Elliot." "The super said there was something on the security cam tapes." "Fifteen minutes after Rachel left the apartment," "Avi walked out with David." "We got a watch and warrant out on Zelinsky?" "Yeah, I've got Lake and Fin canvassing Williamsburg with the precinct cops." "They might want to head a little bit further east." "I spoke to State Department, Security Division." "David Zelinsky has a passport." "Well, how's that possible?" "A minor can't get a passport unless both parents consent." "They did, according to this." "David's passport application, complete with notarized consent." "Signed by Rachel Zelinsky." "That's not my signature." "Avi must have forged it." "Alert Port Authority, I want a blanket on Newark and Kennedy." "I'll put a call in to the Israeli consulate, as well." "Oh, my God, he's taking him to Israel." "I'll never see David again." "Listen to me." "Israel is a signatory to the Hague Convention, which means even if Avi gets David on a plane, there's no way Tel Aviv Customs will let him into the country." "Looks like Avi's figured that out for himself." "E" " Z Pass just clocked his car getting off the Thruway at Harriman." "Heading for the Canadian border?" "The Thruway's the most direct route." "Does your husband know anyone in Montreal?" "Rachel?" "Oh, my God." "He's taking David to Kehilat Moshe." "Is that the Hasidic town upstate?" "Yeah, it's like the shtetls in the old country." "It was founded in the late '70s by a small group of Orthodox Jews from Williamsburg." "Avi's talked about living up there." "Here we go." "They have their own ambulance corps, schools and police." "It's a self-reliant community." "Good place for Avi to hide out." "And to hide a kid." "Every family up there has at least six brats." "They have the youngest median age in the state." "They're encouraged to procreate." "Sounds like a cult." "Well, it's more like the Amish." "The Grand Rebbe moved his congregants to Kehilat Moshe so they wouldn't assimilate." "He wanted them to live a pure life away from the immoral influences of the outside world." "They're extremely orthodox." "The women wear long skirts." "They're separated from the men on the buses and in the shuls." "Many barely speak English." "There are no cell phones, very few cars." "They have no television, movies or magazines." "They're totally sheltered." "Feels like coming home, doesn't it?" "Just like the stories Bubbe used to tell." "Hey, check out that plate." "It's Avi Zelinsky's car." "Place like this, I'll bet he didn't lock the doors." "Excuse me, can I help you?" "Yeah, we're from the NYPD, investigating a kidnapping and a rape." "You're out of your jurisdiction." "You have no authority here." "The owner of this car kidnapped a 10-year-old boy." "We need to speak to your supervisor." "If you'll come to the administrative office, the Grand Rebbe will help you any way he can." "You can tell the Grand Rebbe he can kiss my tuchis." "My Yiddish is a little rusty, but I'm pretty sure they just told our friend here to keep us away from the synagogue." "Why don't we go to Temple?" "Come on, David." "Let's go." "No!" "No!" "Leave me alone!" "Come with me." "No!" "I don't wanna go!" "Let him go." "You don't understand." "He kidnapped David." "Rabbi!" "He's the one who brought him here." "Rabbi Iscowitz?" "I followed him up here." "Don't let him take my boy." "Just couldn't leave him alone, could you?" "I have the boy's best interests at heart." "Was it just his heart you had an interest in?" "Don't let them take me!" "I don't wanna go!" "Rabbi, please don't let them." "I was trying to protect the child." "And now you're gonna go back to New York and talk about this." "Come on." "I'd like to finish Ma'ariv." "If you're a man of faith, I know you'll respect that." "I have no respect for child molesters." "Let's go." "I'm not a child molester." "You were just taking David out for a little drive in the country, huh?" "I was trying to save the boy from your society." "My society?" "Your morally-bankrupt culture has all but swallowed him whole." "You're gonna sit there and lecture me on moral bankruptcy?" "It's my duty to save David from his mother's world." "So he couldn't tell us what you did to him." "The Rabbi didn't do anything to me." "Well, he kidnapped you, David." "No, I wanted to go." "I asked him to take me." "Right now, right here, I need you to tell me the truth." "I am telling the truth." "So why would you want to leave your mom and dad and your home?" "I didn't." "Well, why would you ask the Rabbi to take you to Kehilat Moshe?" "He said I can go to school there." "You wanted to go to school there?" "He said that they'd be nice to me." "He said that no one would hurt me." "That I'd be safe." "Why aren't you safe at school, David?" "Why aren't you safe at school?" "Who's hurting you?" "Is it one of your teachers?" "I promised him I wouldn't tell." "You were on the right track, Elliot, but it wasn't his teacher." "How do you know that?" "I put the pubic hair we recovered from the crime scene under a microscope." "This is an adult pubic hair." "This is hair from the rape kit." "They look totally different." "The one from the rape kit is shorter and less coarse." "I'd say it's no more than a Tanner, stage two." "Tanner stages?" "Our perp's an adolescent?" "Based on this photo, he's between 12 and 14 years old." "David's attacker is one of these boys from his school." "That's 130 potential suspects." "Yeah, and we're gonna need parental consent to talk to every single one of them." "Well, maybe I can help you narrow down the field." "We know from the pubic hair that the boy who attacked David is a few years older." "He's probably drawn to younger children because he's not accepted by kids his own age." "He's the kid who gets picked last for kickball." "Yeah." "He doesn't fit in." "He probably prefers to play with younger girls, as well." "You think he's gay?" "Not necessarily." "I think he feels uncomfortable around boys his own age." "He's been picked on, and he's angry about it." "He took his anger out on David, a younger, vulnerable kid, because it made him feel powerful." "He bullied you." "He forced you." "He said that it was okay, that all the other older boys were doing it, too." "Who told you?" "Detectives Benson and Stabler are good at their jobs, David." "We have proof that a boy at your school attacked you." "Please, I don't want anyone at school to know." "I understand." "It's private." "But the only way that we can protect you is if we know who he is." "Jack." "His name is Jack." "Yeah, that's good, huh?" "Oh, baby." "I love it." "Jack Tremblay?" "Rub against it." "Jack Tremblay." "Yes!" "Where are your folks?" "My dad works late." "Your mom?" "She's dead." "Who are you?" "We're detectives." "Your brother let us in." "I'm sorry, Jack." "They said I had to." "All right." "The two of you, get dressed." "You're coming with us." "Get your clothes on." "Your brother ever done anything to make you feel uncomfortable?" "No." "My brother loves me." "So he's never hurt you." "He put me in a headlock once." "Has he ever touched you down there, below your belt buckle?" "Why are you asking me this stuff?" "My brother's my best friend." "He wouldn't do that." "Where are my boys?" "Dad?" "Where are my boys?" "Dad, I'm up here." "Mr. Tremblay, they're both okay." "Then what are they doing here?" "Sir, I'm Captain Cragen." "Your son Jack is under arrest." "For what?" "Rape." "He's only 14." "He doesn't even have a girlfriend." "The victim was a 10-year-old boy." "You're wrong." "Where's my son?" "What are you doing to him?" "Mr. Tremblay." "Jack!" "Dad?" "Jack!" "No, no, sir." "Sir?" "Sir!" "Jack!" "You need to come this way." "Jack!" "This way." "Jack!" "Jack!" "Dad, where are you?" "He can't see you." "I'm taking you home!" "No, sir." "You're not." "Dad?" "Dad, I thought it was okay." "I thought it was okay." "You've gotta believe me." "Please get me out of here." "Dad?" "So, tell me what happened with David." "I saw it in a movie." "What do you mean?" "There was this guy in prison." "He did stuff to this other guy." "I thought David was cool with it." "Did you tell Jack it was okay for him to touch you?" "I was afraid." "I didn't know what he'd do to me if I said no." "I wasn't trying to hurt him." "He never told me to stop." "I wanted him to stop." "It really hurt." "I cried, but he just kept doing it." "I thought he liked it." "We did it a bunch of times." "He kept making me do it." "That's why I asked the Rabbi to take me away." "He wouldn't leave me alone." "It was just like in the movie." "The guy said, "You're my bitch." "I own you,"" "and everyone respected him." "You wanted the other boys to respect you." "I'm sick of everyone picking on me." "The guy in the movie didn't get picked on after he had sex." "That's why I did it." "We were just fooling around." "Jack, why did you do this?" "I don't know." "Is that all you can say? "I don't know. " Is that all you can say?" "Enough!" "Enough." "You hit him again, I'll lock you up." "He's all yours." "I'm through." "Mr. Tremblay, you can't walk out on him." "I just did." "He's a minor." "I can only release him into your custody." "If you leave, I put him in jail." "I don't want him around my younger boy." "I understand you're upset about this." "I don't wanna hear it." "I don't wanna see him." "He's your son." "Not anymore." "Let's go." "Come on." "Mr. Tremblay, I need permission to question Jack further." "Do what you want with him." "You buy Jack didn't know what he did was wrong?" "It doesn't matter." "David's 10 years old, Jack's 14." "It's statutory rape." "Consent isn't an issue." "Maybe not, but I'm sure as hell gonna make it one at trial." "Roxana, you're representing Jack?" "George Tremblay called Legal Aid to ask how he could give up his son for adoption." "And you smelled headlines." "I was moved by compassion for the sad plight of the boy." "I'm sure the Family Court judge will be moved, too." "I'm trying Jack as an adult." "Please." "I'm invoking my client's right to silence." "Cragen, go tell your big, bad detective to stop questioning him." "Fine, but Jack already told us everything we need to know." "George Tremblay waived Jack's Miranda rights." "His confession is admissible." "Doesn't matter." "No jury is gonna convict that child on Rape One." "That child is a predator." "He raped David a half a dozen times." "They were a couple of kids screwing around, if you'll pardon the expression." "You try Jack as an adult, you're looking at jury nullification." "I'll take my chances." "Then I look forward to kicking your ass." "She really likes to stir the pot." "I sent David and his parents home before she could sink her teeth into them." "What do you want to do with Rabbi Iscowitz?" "Well, he kidnapped David." "It's custodial interference." "David asked the Rabbi to take him away." "It's your call, Counselor." "Cut him loose." "I'm sorry I accused you of molesting David." "You were trying to save a life." "So was I." "Are you charging Jack Tremblay as an adult?" "We are." "Many people who hit their children quote the Book of Proverbs." ""Spare the rod, spoil the child. " Yes." "But they take the phrase out of context." "The Talmud says if you must strike a child, you should do so only with a shoelace." "Jack raped one of your students." "You really think a shoelace is the right punishment?" "I think you're asking the wrong question." "You should be asking, "Why did this happen?"" "Too late for arraignment." "We're holding Jack overnight." "The Talmud says a boy becomes a man at 13, but those laws weren't made for your world." "Does he look like a man to you?" "Hey, I was just about to call you." "I'm heading over to arraign Jack Tremblay." "Yeah, don't." "What, did something happen?" "You know, I was up all night with the baby, and it got me thinking." "You want me to send Jack to Family Court." "No, I want to do what's right, Casey." "Sleep deprivation's making you soft, Elliot." "Okay, well, I don't know." "I just kept wondering what makes some kids go one way and some go another." "Parents are supposed to love their children." "They're supposed to protect them." "Jack's father threw him to the wolves." "So he has a crap father, lots of children do." "But they don't become rapists." "What we're talking about here is putting a child away with hardened criminals." "Jack is still a child, Casey, and he's got no one." "Shouldn't we just give him a chance to get help?" "Okay, Elliot." "We'll try him in Family Court." "Your Honor, what happened between David Zelinsky and Jack Tremblay was a sexual experiment gone wrong." "One of those things we sometimes see in adolescents, when curious boys, left to their own devices, act out in ways they don't fully understand." "Your Honor, I'm trying to make an opening argument." "Miss Novak, I hope you have a good reason to interrupt this trial." "I do, Your Honor." "Has the prosecution sworn his first witness?" "No." "Then double jeopardy hasn't attached, and I'm removing this case to Criminal Court." "Jack Tremblay, you're under arrest for rape." "Come on." "This is outrageous." "No, Ms. Novak is right on the law." "There's nothing I can do, Counselor." "This court is adjourned." "Casey, what's going on?" "I thought we had a deal." "That was before another 12-year-old came forward." "She accused Jack of raping her, too." "A 12-year-old girl?" "She was just the first." "A second little girl showed up as we were leaving the squad room." "She's only 10." "How convenient." "Three sweet and innocent little victims to bolster your case." "They were afraid to say anything." "So, what, someone suddenly spiked the bug juice in the school cafeteria with liquid courage?" "When Jack was arrested, they felt safe enough to come forward." "Is this the boy?" "Please, Miss Novak." "We're not taking any questions at this time." "We hear three little girls claim they were raped." "Is that true, Miss Novak?" "She said no more questions." "Would you make a statement?" "I'm prepared to make a statement, even if Miss Novak isn't." "Will you take a plea?" "Absolutely not." "My client didn't understand what he was doing." "You're pleading insanity?" "That's a stretch, even for you, Roxana." "Hardly." "Just look at this feeding frenzy." "You all are part of the problem." "The media in today's society is sexualizing our children." "The amount of sex on television has doubled in the past 10 years." "You're going to argue that the boob tube made Jack Tremblay a rapist?" "I sure am." "According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, 77%% of primetime TV shows contain sexual content." "But Kaiser never said it causes people to rape, and most of the kids who watch those shows don't start raping other children." "It's not just television." "Song lyrics." "40%% of song lyrics are sexually explicit, and Jack, like most kids his age, has been exposed to hardcore porn online." "I get the picture, but I'm a little fuzzy on how this makes your client insane." "Legal insanity is defined as the inability to understand the consequences of one's actions." "The sex and violence glorified on TV has no consequences, so Jack didn't think there were any in real life." "Your Honor, this argument is absurd." "Not according to the experts." "Researchers at Rand have found that kids who are heavily exposed to sexual content are twice as likely to initiate sex by the time they're 14." "And that study's in here?" "In black and white, Your Honor." "Given the ongoing raunchification of our culture, how could Jack Tremblay have known he did anything wrong?" "Your Honor, the only thing insane here is Miss Fox's defense." "I think I'll let a jury decide that." "I'm allowing this defense." "I'll see you in court." "So, you're in sixth grade, Lucy." "Do you hang around with any eighth graders at school?" "No, only with Jack." "He likes to play with kids my age." "At first, he was nice." "And the girls in my grade thought I was cool because an older kid liked me." "It's okay, Ashley." "Tell us what happened." "He told me he'd seen some stuff in a movie." "Girls licking boys like cats." "He said I had to lick him, too." "He said it's what people who like each other do, and if I didn't, he wouldn't be my friend anymore." "Michelle, did you want to stop?" "Yes." "And what did Jack do?" "He got mad." "He held me down." "He forced me to do other things." "It hurt so much." "He wouldn't stop." "He kept saying it'd be all right." "But it wasn't." "It wasn't all right." "Nothing further, Your Honor." "Miss Fox?" "The defense has no questions at this time." "You may step down." "Your Honor, the People rest." "We'll start with the defense's case first thing in the morning." "Court's adjourned." "I think you've got the jury." "Yeah." "Fox didn't cross a single witness." "She's betting the farm on her media argument." "I think she's making a big mistake." "Detective Stabler?" "Have you seen my dad?" "No, I haven't." "What do you want?" "Your son was asking for you in court today." "We've already had this discussion." "We both know Jack did some terrible things, but you are all he has." "He needs you." "Do you have any idea how people look at me now?" "Every time a kid does something wrong, all people can say is, "Where were the parents?"" "Being a single parent is tough." "You bet your ass it is." "But every morning, I made him breakfast." "I checked his homework." "I gave him his lunch money." "I got him to school on time." "And he goes and rapes four little kids." "How does he do this to me?" "First of all, Jack didn't do anything to you, and regardless of what he did to those kids, he still needs his father." "You don't show up for him now, you will regret it later." "I watch three or four shows a day, maybe more on weekends." "If nothing good is on, I'll put in a DVD." "And what do you watch?" "I like whatever's on." "I like the 10:00 stuff, the shows on cable." "They've got hot women." "They have sex, and they're naked." "Your dad lets you watch these shows?" "Jack, please answer the question." "My dad works a lot." "If he's home, I'll watch in my room on my computer." "And you like the shows with a lot of sex." "Yeah." "There's good stuff on the Internet, too." "You're not embarrassed to tell us this?" "No." "Everyone likes this stuff, right?" "It's normal." "Is it?" "The average child Jack's age watches three hours of TV a day and spends another three hours online." "One in five kids has private Internet access, and the degree of exposure to online pornography is mind-boggling." "In my day, teenage boys were embarrassed to talk about sex in public." "Is Jack's attitude normal, Dr. Sopher?" "Yes." "Cultural norms are changing." "With sex on TV, nudity on cable, and the ubiquity of pornography, our children are learning a whole new set of sexual scripts." "So, what you're saying is that the media is actually changing the way our children approach relationships." "Media defines what's expected." "It plays an enormous role in adolescents' sexual behavior." "Dr. Sopher, is there any tangible proof of this connection?" "In the last 10 years, the rate of oral sex among adolescents has doubled." "The rate of infectious syphilis has also doubled, and last year alone, 35,000 minors were accused of forcible rape." "Draw your own conclusions." "Okay." "But did the media play a role in Jack's actions?" "I wanted to do what I saw." "I was turned on." "I kept thinking about it." "And what about David?" "And Michelle and Ashley and Lucy?" "Did they think about sex?" "I guess." "They wanted to do it." "I didn't force them to sneak out behind the dumpster with me." "All four of them testified that they told you to stop." "That's what the girls on TV do." "They pretend not to like it." "It's part of the sex, isn't it?" "Jack, do you understand what rape is?" "Yes." "And you really don't think you raped anyone?" "Jack." "No, they were all cool with it." "What about David?" "Was he cool with it?" "He said he was." "When you pulled down his pants, did he cry?" "The guy on TV cried, too." "When he told you to stop, why didn't you?" "He didn't really mean it." "What about when you raped him?" "What about when he screamed?" "Objection, badgering." "Sustained." "You raped David seven times." "You never noticed him screaming?" "You really don't think you did anything wrong?" "Miss Novak, that's enough." "I didn't know I was hurting anyone." "I didn't mean to hurt them." "I'm sorry, Daddy." "I'm sorry." "Fox offered to plead to four counts of sexual misconduct." "You gonna take it?" "You think I'm doing that badly?" "No." "I think Fox is a publicity hound, but she's got a point." "There's a lot of smut out there." "There's a ton of smut out there, but we can't repeal the First Amendment." "No, but it's easy to see how a kid could get the wrong idea." "Your son turned out okay." "You made sure he wasn't exposed to the wrong things." "You think it was easy?" "You got girls wearing Hustler tank tops to school." "Paris Hilton's exploits are leading on the nightly news." "Jenna Jameson is at the local bookstore telling you how to make love like a porn star." "I mean, this stuff is everywhere now." "The media didn't brainwash Jack Tremblay into raping four other kids." "Okay, but how many parents are on that jury looking at Jack's father, thinking," ""That could happen to me"?" "Sex pervades modern culture, but we don't tell our kids how to handle it." "Schools talk abstinence." "Parents don't talk at all." "You show a kid a swimming pool, you tell him how much fun it is, but you don't teach him how to swim." "What do you think is gonna happen?" "Big surprise, Jack dove in." "Do you really want to let him drown?" "Jack Tremblay didn't do a cannonball off the high dive and splash a couple of kids." "Jack Tremblay brutally raped four children." "Now, 70 million kids in this country watch TV, right?" "Some of it is entertainment, and some of it is educational, but 70 million kids, they didn't do what Jack did." "Something made Jack Tremblay commit a terrible crime, but it wasn't TV." "Jack was picked on, and he was angry, so he lashed out at smaller, weaker children to make himself feel better." "Television didn't make Jack hold Michelle and Ashley down, and television didn't make Jack ignore Lucy and David's cries." "Jack did it because Jack wanted to." "Miss Foreman, on the counts of Rape in the First Degree, with respect to Ashley James, Michelle Garrett, and Lucy Rhodes, how find you?" "We find the defendant not responsible by reason of mental disease or defect." "On the count of Sodomy in the First Degree with respect to David Zelinsky, how find you?" "We find the defendant not responsible by reason of mental disease or defect." "Jack Tremblay will be immediately committed to Bellevue to undergo psychiatric examination, followed by a hearing to determine his present mental state and course of treatment." "This court's adjourned." "I'll talk to you later." "Thank you." "I don't understand." "Why didn't they believe me?" "David, they did." "It's just they believed Jack, too." "Let's go, honey." "Maybe the Hasidim are on to something, unplugging their kids from modern life." "You can't shut out the world, John." "These days, it may not be such a bad idea." | {
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"On the edge of australias Great Barrier Reef divers are investigating the remains of an extraordinary ship" "HMS Pandora" "Over 200 years ago she was sent to the other side of the world to hunt down the infamous mutineers from the Bounty" "Having captured fourteen of them the Pandora was on her way back to england when disaster struck" "This is the story of her incredible voyage" "Journeys to the Bottom of the Sea" "Pandoras Secrets" "Pandoras Secrets 65 nautical miles off the coast of" "Northern australia maritime archaeologist Peter Gesner and his team are about to excavate the wreck of the Pandora" "She lies over 1 00 feet below them" "How she got there is one of the greatest untold stories of naval history" "Its part of a very big event that was happening at the time in" "Europe Europeans were becoming very interested in faraway places they were becoming very interested in foreign exotic cultures they were exploring and this is this is a ship that represents that that whole theme if you will of the inquiry of exploration" "The added bonus I suppose the cream on the cake is the fact that it was associated with Mutiny of the Bounty and that is probably the greatest and romanticised sea story of all time" "Peter hopes that buried in the sands below will be clues to the Pandoras iII-fated voyage" "She had sailed here from Portsmouth on the other side of the world" "She was only the fifteenth vessel to have done so since Captain Cooks Endeavour 1 2 years before" "Having crossed the uncharted and unpredictable South Pacific the Pandora was on her way home" "Her mission had been a success" "On board in chains were fourteen of the mutineers from the Bounty" "only the Great Barrier Reef stood between them and a triumphant return" "The fear of being in the water and sort of descending its almost like swimming through a trap door to the past and I have a tremendous affinity with the people that actually sort of walked the planks and walked the decks" "Peters team have just four weeks in which to uncover the secrets" "Pandoras crew left behind over 200 years ago" "detailed research has already revealed the essential facts it was the evening of the 29th August 1 792" "whilst searching for a safe passage through the reefs a violent storm blew up" "The Pandora was forced onto a reef where she smashed first her bow and then her stern" "As the swell subsided she drifted over it and out into deeper water where she eventually keeIed over and sank intact" "As she settled onto the bottom two processes began" "Over time the bottom 1 2 feet of the ship became buried whilst the masts the upper-deck and the focksaiI rotted away" "Where these two processes met is what the archaeologists see today" "Peter and the team have already uncovered some extraordinary finds" "beautifully preserved for over 200 years they form a vivid picture of naval life in the 1 8th Century" "This soup tureen once graced the captains table" "And this ornate pocket-watch once belonged to the ships surgeon" "Its hands frozen at ten-past eleven" "A few hours after the ship sank" "Today the Pandora is almost completely covered by sand" "Peters team will excavate down into the lieutenants and the captains storerooms and into the front of the ship where the ordinary sailors lived" "They are looking for personal items that will help them shed light on this iII-fated mission" "The Pandora left Portsmouth with a crew of 1 26 men on the morning of November 7th 1 790" "She was heading for the Bountys last known destination the island of Tahiti" "Her captain was Edward Edwards an unimaginative man who many thought would fall" "On board with him was a young midshipman called George ReynoIds with his eye on a Iong overdue promotion he was quick to leave his sweetheart behind" "For ships doctor George hamilton the voyage offered the chance to make his fortune" "Missions like this were rare and he planned to publish a book about his adventures" "His first observations were about the cramped conditions on board" "Like weeviIs we had to eat a hole in our bread before we had a place to lay down in Every cabin the captains not excepted being filled with provisions and stores" "The ship was carrying enough food and provisions to last over a year" "To add to the crush she was also carrying extra equipment in order to bring home HMS Bounty when and if they found her" "Even today lack of space is still the biggest problem at sea" "Weve got twenty-two people on board here who live actually living here" "And its amazing how on a ship not very much bigger than this there were 1 26 people" "Im six foot four and the deck-head height on the Pandora would have come up to about my chest especially where the seamen had their hammocks stowed and everything For the officers it wouId have been a bit more spacious" "But certainly below decks it wouId have been tight" "Apart from the conditions on board" "Captain Edwards biggest problem was navigation" "One of the things Peters looking for is the tools he used to get this far" "A huge coraI-Iike lump has been found near the captains store-room and it seems theres something buried within it" "It could be a spare compass binnacle similar to the one we found last year" "I mean it makes sense for it to be there if its the officers store you know they keep sextants anything to do with navigation keep it there But will it be easy to bring up" "well yes I mean we have to break it off into quite manageable chunks and try to keep the artefacts together or keep them so they keep their integrity I think the danger is of trying to bring it up as one piece that you could break parts of it" "you could break artefacts and at Ieast we can see what were doing down there and do it carefully" "Breaking up the huge lump is risky" "But its too big to be raised intact" "Whatevers inside has long been entombed within a hard coating called concretion" "It forms a protective layer preserving metal objects for centuries" "Using an X-ray to penetrate the coating they can see the lump is actually a sextant" "And after 200 years its still intact" "Once the concretion is removed the instrument is almost perfect" "Even the original markings survive" "Buried alongside the sextant is what appears to be a telescope perhaps used by midshipman George ReynoIds to keep sight of land" "Deep within the wreck the team has made an extraordinary discovery human bones a rare find which has amazed the archaeologists" "Peter has gone back to the records to see if he can find out who the bones belong to and why they were inside the wreck" "The question for Peter and his team is:who were they and what were they doing there" "The bones have been sent for analysis to Damon Steptoe and Doctor wally Wood at Brisbane University" "There were three distinct human individuals which we named Tom Dick and Harry" "Tom would have been a very solid individual looking at his Iower-jaw for example its very robust" "His whole skeleton is very robust" "If we look at Toms uIna here sitting here in his arm you can see that this muscular ridging here is relatively marked which indicates that his forearm muscles may have been fairly strong" "He wasnt very old because hes died at roughly the age of 1 7" "Looking at Toms right tibia we can see that theres an unnatural curvature there" "Its probably rickets because the youngsters didn't get enough exposure to sunlight particularly or eat enough fresh fruit and vegetables and things" "If they dont have enough vitamin D the bones become soft and they bend and so they can end up with sort of bow-Ieggedness" "In contrast Dick was a weaker man" "His bones are smaller than Toms" "But theres no sign of any illnesses or hard labour" "This is an important clue" "Its been suggested that because his general health was a Iot better than say Tom or even perhaps Harrys that he may have been slightly upper-cIass on board the ship for example an officer" "After hours of research Peter thinks he may have found evidence to explain why Tom and Dick were found within the ship" "Hed found a survivors account which explains how two men were killed shortly before the ship sank" "One was hit by a faIIing mast and the other was crushed by a cannon" "Now in the interests of keeping up morale obviously these two men wouldn't have just been left lying around on the deck they would have been taken down below" "to be disposed of in the correct later on once theyd saved the ship cos that was their first priority" "And that explains for instance why we found human remains deep inside inside the ship" "But it doesnt explain who the third skeleton belongs to" "Harry was found in the captains cabin surrounded by silver buttons and a buckle" "Most of his bones are missing but his skull is in perfect condition" "Peters hoping forensic anatomist Mayer Sutisno will flesh out the mystery" "Mayer is more used to putting a face to modern day skulls" "well its gonna be the first time that I'm actually going to reconstruct a 200 year old skull" "Its very Caucasian the nose" "Mayer has made a perfect copy of Harrys skull and added markers to represent the thickness of his flesh" "Now these tissue depth markers they represent the thickness of soft tissue for a Caucasian male" "You know when they say beauty is skin deep it isn't beauty reaches far down to the bone" "Because you can even tell for example see his nose lets focus on his nasal area its so obvious to me that when in life he had a nose thats more leaning to one side and like as if hes been in a fight or something" "Why Because the nasal bone the way it grows see its so smooth on this side but on this side its sort of like protruding out" "Its like its been pushed to one side" "Now that only indicates that the outward appearance of the nose would be that way too and how the nose is going to project" "First of all what I will do is start replacing the cranial facial muscles back onto the skull like all the muscles of the face and the head" "The blue represents the deeper stronger facial muscles whilst the green represents the muscles used for facial expression" "One man who could have helped" "Mayers identification was the Pandoras midshipman George ReynoIds" "But over 200 years later his descendants are revisiting the past in an effort to Iearn more about their ancestor" "Im named after the man" "He went through a very interesting experience which I didnt learn about - really learn about until quite late in life" "So the more I can find out now the better" "My uncle John in fact is the you know the great source of information within the family much of it I think is still in his head" "Its not - its not recorded" "And I think it wouId be very useful to have a formal you know a written record a history that can pass on from my generation to the next to the next and so on into the future" "A midshipman was you know it was a very very lowly rank" " I mean" "like being an officer cadet" "A tough life And rotten rations rotten food" "Its not very appealing in many ways" "And to go out to australia or the South Pacific islands I mean fantastic" "I mean in those days it must have been a huge adventure" "england in the 1 700s was a highly strict and deeply religious society" "The young George ReynoIds would have been completely unprepared for a life free of the strictures of original sin that he was to find when he arrived in Tahiti" "After the hell of Iife on board" "Pandoras crew were presented with a vision of paradise" "They had no idea what kind of reception they would receive" "They did know that nearly two years earlier" "FIetcher Christian had returned here in the Bounty after inciting a mutiny and casting Captain BIigh and eighteen others adrift" "On the Iook-out the Pandora cruised the coastline before weighing anchor in Matavai Bay on the north side of the island" "almost immediately she was met by a canoe" "A local told Captain Edwards that FIetcher Christian had long since sailed away in the Bounty but that fourteen mutineers were still on the island" "When ashore Captain Edwards was met by several of the Bountys crew desperate to plead their innocence With no space left on BIighs boat they had been forced to stay with the mutineers" "Captain BIigh noted their reluctance at the time and two years later those that remained thought the Pandora had come to rescue them" "But Captain Edwards had them all put in irons anyway" "Six mutineers anxious to stay in paradise fled into the mountains" "Edwards dispatched his best soldiers to hunt them down" "It took eighteen days to round them all up" "AII fourteen of the prisoners guilty and innocent alike were then caged in a specially built eleven foot wooden cell on the top deck known as Pandoras Box" "It was like a sauna with two tiny iron gratings supplying the only air-fIow" "For the next twenty-nine days the crew set about resuppIying the ship" "The island was a paradise and the sailors quickly succumbed to the charms of South Sea life" "They soon discovered that the price of a night with Venus was just one iron nail" "The ships Doctor hamilton also sampled the local pleasures and made notes of what he saw" "Two ladies fancifuIIy dressed were introduced after a little ceremony" "Something resembling a turkey cocks feather and stuck on their rumps in a kind of fan fashion had a very good effect on us whilst the ladies kept their faces to us" "But when in a bending attitude they presented their rumps the effect is better conceived than desired" "AII good things have to come to an end and so on the 9th May the Pandora left Tahiti to continue the hunt for FIetcher Christian and the others" "whilst their captain relentlessly pursued his mission" "life for the ordinary sailors was looking up" "Their journey took them to many beautiful islands where they were able to trade trinkets for local treasures" "Back home these treasures such as war clubs and ornate fishing-hooks were seen as highly exotic and would fetch a high price" "The proceeds from just one of these huge conch shells would be enough for a man to retire" "And theyd take them back to Europe back to england and they could get quite a bit of money for these particular items" "And the purser Bentham was known historically known to be had been connected to Joseph Banks who had toured the South Pacific earlier with Cook" "So you know this one could have been his it could have been another one of the sailors We have no idea" "But going probably destined for Europe for a collection somewhere a private collection" "Everybody from what weve found up in the bow the ordinary people were also collecting the same sorts of things as the officers were collecting" "So you know if anybody would have thought that its only because of a certain status that you had access to them that that doesnt that doesn't follow" "Down on the sea floor work continues" "Every object even this tiny piece of a once giant war club will tell them something about what life was like in the Pacific over 200 years ago" "As well as the sailors souvenirs" "Peter and his team are interested in the objects they took with them from england" "Every tiny piece found has to be examined" "Objects can be confused with pieces of coral" "These musket-baIIs are a chilling reminder that the Pandora was a warship prepared to use force to achieve her aims" "The team dives in relay" "Their work time strictly limited because of the dangers of working so deep" "The biggest danger the divers face is the painful and often life threatening condition known as the bends" "At depths divers absorb high levels of nitrogen they must flush it out of their system before returning to the surface" "They do this here on a platform 30 feet under the boat" "But somethings gone wrong" "They were decompressing on air instead of on oxygen because apparently the oxygen ran out while they were on the deco-seat" "Its every divers nightmare" "If they arent treated quickly they'II get the bends" "You've got to get them in there and you know you've got a certain time window to get them in there you've got to get them back down to a depth within seven minutes" "So you know you cant just loll about go and have a cup of tea" "The divers are hurried into the decompression chamber" "Ships doctor Stuart Lavender stands anxiously by" "With the chamber in use the doctor shuts all other diving down" "The expedition costs $1 8000 a day so this is a problem they could all do without" "To make matters worse the ships oxygen cylinders are leaking and although there is over a weeks supply left they have no idea if they can get more" "We have done everything that we can to ensure that this problem doesnt arise And" "Peters frantically negotiating delivery of replacement gas" "But the companys refusing to deliver it free as agreed but thats what I was told thats whats been noted in all our on all our day books and we made a decision on that basis" "If we pull the plug and we turn back to TownsaII were going to have to tell the people in TownsaII why weve done that and the only reason that weve done it is because we do not have sufficient O2" "Its that simple" "Weve lost him" "Its the Iast thing Peter needs" "Doctor Lavender is having better luck" "To the teams relief after two and a half hours in the chamber the divers show no symptoms of the bends and can be released" "200 years ago the ships doctor on the Pandora George hamilton had to rely on little more than his wits and a few trusted instruments" "So how did he manage" "In terms of equipment he was carrying he would have had devices to allow him to bIood-Iet" "He had tourniquets" "This would be for use for amputations" "We've seen a pestle which is a pestle and mortar and he presumably would have would have used that for making up and grinding up various herbs and bits and pieces to make up potions and lotions" "I have to say all mine come already made up in boxes and bottles" "And I dont make up too much on board" "At one time in their lives over 40% of the Pandoras crew would have had some kind of venereal disease" "The remedies that were employed included things such as instilling mercury into the bladder through the penis" "fairly ineffectual I might add" "The saying was that you had one night with Venus and six with Mercury" "hamilton wrote about the various cures he used in his book" "Some like tea and sugar are still in use today" "This being the first time it has been employed in His Majestys service" "When sickness takes a loathing of all animal foods follows" "And tea becomes their only existence" "historical research into HamiItons account can only reveal so much" "Mayers work is able to bring us closer" "She has completed the foundation for Harrys face and is now working on his principle features" "They say Caucasians nostrils they're about five millimetres to each side of the nasal opening" "Everything she had done so far is confirming her original predictions" "His battered face is beginning to take shape" "Back at the excavation there are more surprises" "several other bones have been uncovered" "For the moment the team is baffled" "The ships doctor has been brought in to help them identify exactly what they have found" "This looks like a metatarsal or a metacarpal in which case far from being small its enormous" "I don't think you know look at my hand or my foot" "This is again I think I'd say almost certainly its a bone from cattle I would imagine" "One I need to identify the bone if you could if possible but two just bring out just point out to you those little even striations on there that look to me sort of like a knife mark or a butchering mark" "I think you need a vet not a doctor" "Were looking at the Iast meal of the Spare ribs of the sailors on the Pandora" "As well as finding evidence of the Iast meal they're finding the tableware they would have used" "Weve got everything from bread and butter plates to soup tureens to large platters smaller dishes things like that and its just" "a lovely little aside to life in the 1 8th Century especially in the Navy" "And we were dredging along this way and found just a couple of bricks ballast bricks in this area and weve got a good metal tray like metal" "Yeah Looks metal rectangular tray With sort of a wide rim two handles maybe about that deep" "Its hard to tell whether its one single tray or whether it might be two because of that double rim and there might be something inside of it" "But theres certainly other objects and things attached" "closer examination shows there are two trays of the kind that would have been used to cook meat or carry food to the table" "Hundreds of beautiful pieces of tableware have been found protected by the sand and silt at the bottom of the ocean their state of preservation is extraordinary even after 200 years" "But the archaeologists have been lucky:" "due to the rough weather and rolling of the ship the china would have been tightly packed and stored securely down on the lower decks" "It would have been the only way to ensure they survived the rough journey" "One thing that hasnt changed since the Pandora sailed these waters is the unpredictable tropical storms on the Great Barrier Reef" "The weather genie has popped out of its jar and it doesnt like us" "And were right sort of there" "Sort of at the edge the edge of an intensifying low" "Thats actually the cyclone thats down South at the moment thats down in Cairns and that only looks a small distance but it actually is 400 miles" "On the 29th August 1 791 a storm was brewing as the Pandora approached this part of the reef" "Captain Edwards and the crew were in high spirits their missionhad been a success and they were heading for home" "But their luck was about to run out" "Back on deck the bad weather is threatening the dive" "As the Pandora got closer to the reef the storm was getting worse" "They knew there was a way through but it was dangerous" "To play it safe" "Captain Edwards stopped her just a few miles from where the expedition boat is anchored today and sent out Lieutenant Corner in a launch to find a way through" "The launch returned and it was late in the afternoon and Edwards was actually being very careful because hed already lost two boats with some crew and he didnt want to lose a third one" "So he actually came in to the passage or he was pushed into the passage so that he could pick up the boat before nightfall and not lose it" "As the crew struggled to get Lieutenant Corner back on board the Pandora began to drift" "With a ghastly ripping and splintering of wood she hit an isolated outcrop of reef" "The carpenter reported that within five minutes she had 1 8 inches of water in the hold" "Fifteen minutes later this had risen to 9 feet" "Just before daybreak the officers finally decided the Pandora was lost" "The fourteen terrified prisoners begged to be released" "only as the waters rushed over the deck did Edwards give the order" "Thirty-five lives were lost that night" "Tom Dick and Harry went down with the ship" "Their crewmates floated off into the wild Pacific storm" "The survivors including Edwards the captain hamilton and reynolds managed to clamber into the tenders and struggled to the nearest piece of land" "We know from the accounts and the eye-witness accounts the survivor accounts that after the Pandora was wrecked they went to a sand cay about four miles away from the wreck" "We know that they built some shelters on here with the sails although the mutineers the people who had actually been in the box they were shunted off to one side of the island and all they could do to get shelter was to bury themselves in the sand" "It must have been horrendous just baking in the sun without any shelter whatsoever because theres not a skerrick of vegetation around" "Midshipman ReynoIds objected strongly to the way Edwards treated the mutineers" "His descendant echoes his views" "He had spare sail sheeting that he could have covered them with kept them manacIed fair enough but he could have covered them so they werent sunburnt" "Instead of which they were left naked and they had to bury themselves in the sand to stop themselves from being burned to death" "I mean that is not a kind man" "I think Edwards is very much maligned and everyone says hes such a bastard and hes such a cruel man but he was just following his orders and he was doing what any prudent captain would do and he just was unlucky" "Most of the crews personal possessions went down with the ship" "But George ReynoIds managed to%save a treasured item" "It would later inspire him to verse" "Its as you see a glove which belonged to one of George ReynoIdss girlfriends" "Its certainly not his wifes because she wasnt around at the time of the sinking of Pandora" "This appears to refer to the wreck" "I dont know whether you can read it" "AII round the world the gallant ship on rock was cast a pledge of faithful womans love remembered trifIes of the past" "After two days in the baking sand cay the survivors cIambered into four open boats and Edwards successfully navigated them across open seas for a thousand miles" "On board their supplies consisted of just two ounces of biscuit and two wine glasses of water per man per day" "They made it to Timor in Indonesia" "But on arrival the Dutch Governor had a surprise in store for them" "He said oh you people are British you're shipwreck sailors" "I've got another group of people here who claim that they're shipwreck sailors too" "And Edwards would have sat up and thought oh maybe they're part of the Bounty crew" "So it turned out they were escaped convicts from New South wales" "The Dutch people said to them look these people are British" "Your problem You take them" "For Edwards things were going from bad to worse" "His mission had nearly failed" "Hed lost his ship and thirty-five men" "Now he had extra prisoners to deal with" "He set off back to england knowing full well he would be court-martiaIIed for the loss of his ship" "Back at the excavation are looking up the Iong-awaited oxygen has arrived" "This barge that you see in the distance has come in from Thursday island with forty G-cyIinders to replenish our supply" "It means we can keep working" "And just in time because the divers have discovered something intriguing" "Its a Iarge italian earthenware storage jar found towards Pandoras bows" "But why is it here where the ordinary sailors stored their belongings" "Desperate to take a look inside they're going to bring it up" "The jar weighs well over 1 00Ibs so moving it is a risky business" "The divers carefully add air to the bag which will lift the jar" "Too little and it wont rise too much and it will shoot out of control" "But just below the surface something goes wrong" "No one knows what's happened" "As the jar is unwrapped its clear its broken" "An air bubble has expanded and shattered the jar" "But whats inside proves to have been worth the risk" "Oh you can smell the did you smell the aroma of a sort of rotting hide rotting leather things like that So it gives us a bit of an idea" "It looks like a tooI-box of some sort" "From its contents they can tell that it wouldn't have been a sailors more likely a saiI-maker whose job relied on having spare tacks and fabric to repair the Pandoras twenty massive sails" "It could be a home rivet kit" "I think theyre rivets" "Theyre rivets Look at you can see to one side its got an incision" "Looks as if its made to snap off" "I think theyre home-made rivets for riveting system" "Tacks and rivets" "With this new evidence they may be able to pinpoint the original owner" "There were few saiI-makers aboard and this is a Iarge tooI-box so it could have belonged to a senior saiI-maker like alexander Arbutnot one of the thirty-five men who died on the Pandora" "could Harry have been this saiI-maker" "In order to find out" "Peters travelled to Sydney to see if dentist" "Professor Chris Griffiths can help identify how old Harry was when he died" "This knowledge will help narrow the field to perhaps a handful of people" "Hes had a fairly rugged life especially around his head some major injuries to his face in an early time where hes had this section around the eye here pushed in and its different from the other side" "Hes got this great overgrowth of bone around the nose here where hes had this fracturing of the nose" "And its really affected his top jaw or his topis very very narrow compared to a normal adult say here Theres the width of the palate there so its about twice twice the width" "And in fact normally your teeth upper teeth bite outside your lower teeth but in this case his upper teeth there bite inside his lower teeth" "So in fact we shouldn't call him Harry at all we should call him Fred the ferret" "This bloke would have had a very nasty toothache at some stage" "He's got a great big hole in one of these teeth here in this molar here on the Ieft side" "And in fact the abscess you could see on the inside of the the lower jaw actually blew a hole right through the pus had blown a hole through the inside of the jaw and drained that way" "So he had bad breath" "Hes what late twenties or" "Can take an X-ray there" "But his wisdom teeth have closed so he's definitely over 21" "Looking at the wear on the teeth the amount of periodontal disease he's got or pyorrhea the calculus or tartar deposits" "I'd say hes probably in his thirties" "Oh a great result a really good result" "Im very pleased with it" "Now that we really know that hes an older person 28 29 30 31 that can eliminate a Iot of names" "I'd say that obviously the teenagers and the early twenties will be eliminated" "And I think we can probably reduce it down to about five or six people" "It's the moment Peter has been waiting for" "Mayer has finished the reconstruction of Harry and they're about to come face to face" "I don't think he has any idea what the face is going to look like There he is" "I've finally finished" "Yeah" "Are you ready to see him" "Im very curious" "Okay Very curious indeed" "well Peter Gesner now meet Harry" "Meet Harry" "My word he looks almost like Boris KarIof" "Gee Look at that" "Harry My gosh" "I didn't expect him to have such a such a funny nose" "A funny nose" "Yeah" "finally Peter is able to stare into the face of a man who sailed on the Pandora" "The question is who was he" "He was found in the captains store room and you know I have a theory that he might have just been a very confused person and he knew he was going to die and he just went down in the captains store-room" "to get roaring drunk because he was going to die anyway" "There was a guy called Arbutnot for instance Wow" "Or a guy called Robert bowler" "So he might be one of them" "There are just Were they all the sailors there or" "Yeah They were older people more experienced and they would have had certain specialisations and he's probably one of those" "Yeah" "And if he is Robert bowler he would have had a legitimate reason for being down there" "So its quite possible that he's then Robert bowler" "I mean and that fits with the age" "Because bowler was probably an older man" "So its almost I'II probably dream about him you know tonight He's probably his eyes will open and he'II say" "I'm not Robert bowler or something like that" "If he is Robert bowler then he was the pursers steward the man who paid the Pandoras crew their wages" "Back in england after an epic journey of nearly 30000 miles" "Captain Edwards was court-martiaIIed for the loss of his ship and eventually cleared of any blame" "Doctor George hamilton published his book 200 years later its still in print" "George ReynoIds eventually got his promotion" "He married and raised four children" "The surviving mutineers weren't so lucky" "They were tried at Portsmouth" "Six were found guilty and three were publicly hung" "The remainder were acquitted or pardoned and one even finished his career as a respected captain" "The fate of FIetcher Christian and the other mutineers wasn't discovered for another sixteen years" "They had settled on Pitcairn island just two days sail from the Pandoras route" "With the expedition at an end it is now time to fit the pieces of Pandoras enormous puzzle together" "What they have discovered so far forms the basis of one of the most detailed studies of a shipwreck ever undertaken" "Having been lost for over 200 years the Pandora will never be lost again" "along with the memories of Edwards ReynoIds hamilton and the pursers steward Robert bowler the Pandora still holds many secrets that wait silently beneath the shifting sands of the Great Barrier Reef" | {
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} |
"♪ Too tough to die ♪" "♪ Blessed are those who believe ♪" "♪ Who believe and have not seen ♪" "♪ I wasn't there ♪" "♪ And it's got me wondering ♪" "♪ No room to turn ♪" "♪ Let alone learn ♪" "♪ I'm too tough to die ♪" "Oh..." "Jesus." "What did you say to him?" "I tried to reason with him." "No, what exactly, Jimmy, did you say to him?" "He should have come to me." " And?" " That's it." "He was terrified." "He knew it was over." "So he killed himself?" "God knows what he was capable of..." "No, no, we're finally on to him and he ends up with half a head?" "Someone did this." "Someone didn't want him talking." "Well, you're the cop." "There's gotta be something here." "Something that connects him to whoever he was working for." "A diary, receipts." "Look." "Hm?" "This thing needs a fingerprint." " You're kidding me." " I'm not." "You'll leave yourself all over him." "Jimmy, come on." "Ah..." "Jimmy..." "Look at this." "Hm?" " Money." "Fucking money." " Yeah." "Okay." "Charlie, you dumb fuck." "Charlie?" "Charlie?" "We're gonna have to say something." "Jimmy?" "Jimmy?" "He never liked me going into the den." "Did you hear anything?" "The TV." "He always managed to find a game somehow." " Nancy..." " I'm gonna go be with him." "No, no, no, no." "No, I don't think that's a good idea." "He's all alone out there." "You wouldn't wanna remember him like that." "Charlie wouldn't want that." "Right." "I know." "Nancy..." " Would Charlie ever have..." " Killed himself?" "He would never leave me." "Not like that." "Is that what you think?" "Nancy, did anyone come by after we left?" " Did anyone call?" " What is she doing here?" " What are you doing here?" " She's leaving." "Sorry." "Nancy, was there anything after we left this morning?" "No." "Some... salesman called and asked to speak to the owner of the house." "Nothing, nothing." "And what did you do?" "I said Charlie was busy and didn't wanna be disturbed." "Was Charlie seeing anyone?" " A girl?" " No, not like that." "New business colleagues, anyone coming around?" " He didn't cheat on me, Jimmy." " No, I know." " He would never cheat on me." " I know." "My lovely Charlie." "He's gone, isn't he?" "He's really..." "He's really gone." " I'm gonna die all alone." " Don't talk like that." "I'm looking out for you." "I know how this works." "I'll call 911." "And you were never here." "Go." "Go." " You got anything?" " Not yet." "Could have used a little organization." "His will." "Everything to Nancy." "All his debts." " Lucky her." " There's nothing here." "You think Charlie gave us up?" "Who knows?" "He didn't give them up to me." "Yeah, you would have shot him in the head, right?" " Same result either way." " This is useless." "Who could have given him this kind of money?" "This the best you can do?" "I mean, you live here?" "Yeah, what do you think?" "I think I don't know anything about you." "You married?" "Huh?" "Have any other children besides...?" "Sam?" "His name was Sam." "Look, I'm gonna run this, see if it's got a history." "Yeah, not such a good idea." "You might turn up something you can use against me." "Come on." "We still on that?" "That whole trust thing?" "Really?" "I had your phones, Jimmy." "Are you in custody?" " Milk?" " Sure." " Sugar?" " No." " I keep thinking." " About?" "Alec." "When he firebombed the restaurant, how do you know that was Alec just being a hothead?" "It could have been a move." "Start something." "Destabilize you." "Even if you don't wanna believe it... it is possible." "Tastes like shit." " How?" " Boom." "Charlie killed himself?" "Dad!" "Or someone made it look like he did." "Fuck, why?" "I think he was paying for Nancy's medical with part of my missing 25 million." "Charlie was moving against you?" "Charlie never showed the initiative." "He had to be working for someone." "Who?" "Did you talk to him before he died?" " Yeah." " And?" "He wouldn't give them up." "Stupid... fuck." "Jeez, I can't believe it." "Charlie?" "Uncle fucking Charlie." "Was Jacks there?" "What?" "When you spoke to Charlie." "Jesus, dad, have you told her about the missing money?" "No." "She knows what I want her to know." "Nothing more." "You don't need to worry about her." "Yeah, how can you be sure?" " Dad?" " Look, the official line..." "Charlie shot himself." "Nancy's illness was getting worse," "Charlie couldn't deal with it." "I can't afford to rattle the troops." "Not now." "Okay." "Did you find anything in Tony's file?" "Yeah." "You remember Andy Wu?" "I was at college with him." "I took these to him, got them translated." " They're hawala receipts." " What's the point?" "Hawala, it's used to transfer money internationally bypassing banks." "It originated in Islamic law." "People associate it with terrorism." "Everyone thinks that's how the 9/11 hijackers got their money." "Hawala receipts, Max?" "These receipts are for money transferred out of the country." "Millions of dollars." "I'm trying to find out where the receipts came from." "You didn't know anything about this?" "The usual channels, that's what Tony and I agreed." "What the fuck was he doing?" "Hey." "This is my day." "Dad gives me Charlie's business..." "It's a step up." "A big fucking step up." "You've earned this." "You've sweated for it." "I'm the man." "I'm the fucking man." "You wanted to see me?" "Can we make this quick?" "Look, I was sorry to hear about Charlie." "Yeah." "But I got to thinking, you know, with Charlie being gone..." "I'd like to re-examine our deal." "Re-examine?" "Come on, we're paying over the odds." "You know that, I know that." "Yeah." "Why don't you re-examine this?" "I'm wearing a thousand-dollar suit." "Now, if I have to get blood on it," "I'm not gonna be very happy about it." " Alec, come on." " Shut up!" "You use our containers at the price we tell you." "Is that clear?" "Now..." "I'm taking over Charlie's business." "Which means you got me to deal with." "Ain't you the lucky one?" " May I help you?" " Hopefully." "You recognize these?" " Some of them." " They yours?" "Some of them." "So you sent this money?" "Some of it." " Where'd you send it?" " Guangzhou, southern China." "Who asked you to send it?" "I'm sorry, I can't tell you that." "Listen, the money you sent, that was stolen." "From me." "He asked you to send it?" "Who picked it up at the other end?" "Sir, I really don't know." "That's how hawala works." "I tell my agent in Guangzhou to release the money." "Someone gives him agreed password." "He releases it." "You don't understand, I want my money." "I'm sorry, that's impossible." "I don't have it." "Then you better fucking find it." "You are welcome to travel to Guangzhou to look for it." "Listen to me, you thieving fuck." "Don't fucking touch my father!" "Hey!" "Fuck it!" "Max!" "No, Max." "No, Max, Max!" "That's enough." "That's enough." "Let's go." "Come on." "Good boy." "Huh?" "Good boy." "Well, that was almost fun, huh?" "I know." "That fucker was big." "So my money's in fucking China, huh?" "Tony will have had it cleaned and brought back." "I bet it's in an account in the US waiting for the dead bastard to pick it up." " Hi." " Hi." "Please, come on in." "Bruise seems to be healing nicely." " Yeah." " Sorry about that." "So, erm... how you feeling?" "I'm fine." "How about you?" "Oh." "I'm good." "I'm good." "And how's Evie?" "Not exactly on speaking terms right now, so..." "Well, she's been through a lot." "Yeah." "Yeah, she has." "Anyway, please, have a seat." "So, erm... the reason I wanted to come by was to let you know that I'm not gonna take this matter any further." "As far as I'm concerned it's over." "Thank you." "Thank you for..." "being so understanding." "The school is prepared to re-admit her but they're insisting she attends her counseling sessions before they do that." "That's fair." "That's totally fair." "I have tried to get her to go, all of us, actually, but Evie's not exactly one to talk about her feelings." "She gets that from her mom." "Hey." "Sweetheart, hi." "I'm sorry." "It's okay." "Really." "It's okay." " Travis." " Hey, Billy." " Grace." "Long time." " Wow." "Look at you." "You grew up handsome." "You don't get that from your father." "Yeah, yeah." "Whatever." "Come here." "Give me some skin." "Oh." " It's good to see you." " You too." " Billy's about to graduate." " What?" "Yeah." "You must make your old man very proud." "Indeed he does." "Yeah." "I was sorry to hear about Sam." "Thank you." "He was a terrific kid." "He was very fond of you." "I'll never forget that." "Anyway, I didn't mean to crash your party." "Hey, no." "Join us." " Is the apple pie good here?" " The best." " Yeah?" "Well, count me in." " Yeah." "With some ice cream." "Alright." "So, er..." "what flavor you having?" " Chocolate chip." " Yeah?" "Mm." "I gotta learn to live dangerously." " I need you to run that." " I'm with my kid." "Yeah, he's great." "He's really, really great, Mitch." " Yeah, I guess I got lucky." " No, no." "You've done a fantastic job." "Thank you." " Charlie McGinley is dead." " What?" "That money was stashed in his safe." "Oh." "I'm going for the chocolate chip too." "Chocolate chip." "Three apple pies with chocolate chip ice cream on two." "...life, school." "Girls." "Well..." "Suicide?" "Charlie?" "There's no fucking way." "I don't know." "I mean, Nancy is pretty fucked up." "He adored that woman." "There's no way he's leaving her alone on this earth." "No * choosing." " Hey, Alec." " What's up?" "Good, we're good." "We're just talking about Charlie." "Poor bastard." " He was a good man." " Right." "We're gonna pull through." "I'm taking over Charlie's gig." " Hey." "Congratulations." " That's great." "Listen, you guys want a drink?" "It's on me." " Don't mind if I do." " If it's on you, yeah." "Double." "Thanks, Alec." " Sorry for your loss, Jimmy." " Yeah." " What are you saying?" " I gotta spell it out for you?" "Tony, Charlie, who's next, huh?" "They're picking us off one by one, and what's Jimmy doing about it?" "Where's his fucking head at?" " Hey, Lloyd." " Hey, Jimmy." " Gentlemen." "Good to see you." " You too." " Sorry for your loss, Jimmy." " It's a loss to us all." " Absolutely." " Fucking shame." "I'm trying to make sense of it." " We were just saying that." " Hm." " What can I get everyone?" " Er..." "Alec got us some drinks." " Alec, you beat me to it." " Dad." "Max." " You want something?" " No." "No, you Enjoy yourself." "To Charlie." "Charlie." "Hey." " Is Evie upstairs?" " She's not here." "She's at my mom's." "Oh, well, you could have told me." "I wanted to see her." "I didn't know you were coming over." "How's school?" "You know." "I can teach them." "Doesn't mean they're gonna learn." "What's this?" "Ferndale Elementary School." "It's nothing." "It's just..." "Ferndale's like, four hours outside the city." "Yeah, well..." "they got a position too." "Yeah, but you can't make that commute." " You wanna move?" " I'm just looking." "That's all." "Were you gonna talk to me?" "Of course I was gonna talk to you about it." "When?" "When it was already done?" "No." "What about Evie?" "This..." "this is for Evie, Grace." "I mean, come on, you saw what she did to that teacher." "She needs to get out of here." "The two of you been talking about it?" "No, we haven't..." "I haven't applied for the position yet." "You're just gonna take her away." "Wow." "Grace, I was going to talk to you." "Of course I was going to talk to you." "How did we come to this?" "Er..." "Tom..." "I can't." "Charlie!" "And I got this one girl on top of me, and Charlie, he takes this girl into the bathroom and starts fucking banging away." "I mean, really fucking going at it." "She is howling and wailing, like she's in some kind of wild fuckin' heaven." "And then bam, like a fuckin' explosion and his girl starts screaming." "I'm thinking, "What the fuck is that?" "Has his gun gone off?"" " I don't know. "Charlie!" I call out." " Charlie!" "He doesn't answer." "Next minute water starts flooding out of the bathroom and Charlie paddles out of the bathroom, holding the toilet in his hands." "The whole fuckin' toilet!" "He's banging this girl so fuckin' hard, he breaks the fuckin' toilet!" "Jesus." "Charlie fuckin' McGinley!" "Charlie!" " I'd never heard that one." " Poor fuckin' bastard." "That whole shit with Nancy." "I had no idea it was so bad." "Did anyone see that coming?" "Alec." "You were talking to him the other day." "What?" "I saw you with Charlie the other day." "You seemed pretty close." "He say anything to you?" "No, he didn't say nothing." "We barely exchanged a word." "Okay." "I was just asking." "Okay?" "It's fuckin' Max, man." "Sometimes I could take a fuckin' swing at him." "What was that all about?" "Huh?" "What the fuck is he trying to say?" "That whole thing with Clay Street." "I was too harsh on you." "We've all been under a lot of pressure lately and I..." "I haven't always..." "Oh, you know, whatever the fuck it is." "Supported you like I should." "I know that." "You were trying to do the right thing, trying to make it right." "I mean..." "Come on." "Their..." "Their fuckin' heads." "Maybe I went a little over the top." "A little?" "Listen." "If there's anything... anything you ever need to talk to me about," "I'm here." "Hm?" "Yeah." "Yeah." "Thanks, Dad." "I appreciate it." "I really do." "It means a lot." "Come here." "You know, if there's anything you ever need from me, I'm here for you." " Yeah." " Always." "There is one thing." "Yeah?" "I'm gonna need you to give your brother all the support you can." "He's gonna need it." "I'm giving him Charlie's business." "Thank you." " Hey." " Hey." "So, what is it?" "The money that was in Charlie's safe was marked" " by the US Treasury." " What?" "It was on loan out to a San Francisco FBI officer." "What the fuck was Charlie doing with marked bills from a Fed?" "I pulled his file." "Committed suicide about five months back." "Investigators found tens of thousands of unexplained dollars in his account." "All right?" "He was on the take." "He was about to be exposed." "Shot himself." " Oh, my God." " What?" "That look familiar?" "It's no coincidence, right?" "Christ." "Michael Chen." "I've been trying to contact the Bureau, see what they have on him." "Yeah, Michael Chen." "I was supposed to meet him." " Hm?" " Chen?" " I was supposed to meet him." " When?" "Oh, I don't know." "Five, six months ago, maybe." "What happened?" "I waited." "I had Sam in the car." "What?" "!" "Ohh..." "Yeah, I was off duty." "I picked him up from soccer practice." "It was only supposed to be like a five, ten-minute meet." "No big deal, right?" "So the guy didn't show." "We went home." "I didn't think anything of it." "You think Chen was already dead?" "I don't know, Mitch." "Maybe." "Who set up the meet?" " What?" " Who set up the meet?" "Wilson." "That fuckin' low life Wilson." "I gotta find him." "Oh, fucking joy!" "Travis." " Michael Chen." " Who?" "Don't bullshit me." "Michael Chen." "I have no idea who you're talking about." " You set up a meet between me and him." " I did?" "Five months ago." "He was a Fed, from San Fran." " Treasury investigation." "He killed himself." " Oh, yeah." "That bastard." "What about him?" " Why'd you have me meet him?" " I didn't." "You set up the meet, Wilson." "No..." "Hernandez wanted me to meet him." "Hernandez wanted you...?" "Some kind of favor to the Feds." "So why'd you give it to me?" "I don't know." "Must have been busy or something?" " Yeah, fucking some skank." " Still busy, ain't it?" "Anyway, it was you he needed to talk to." "Why?" " Fucked if I can remember." " Wilson!" "He was investigating some money-laundering scam involving shady Chinese dealers or something." "He reached out to Hernandez for some intel" " and she passed him to me." " Why?" "Because he came across the name Jimmy Laszlo." "Michael Chen was looking at Jimmy Laszlo?" "Yeah." "He said he had a few questions, take a couple of minutes..." "What is this-- a one-way street?" "Come on." "Travis?" "Fuck that bitch." ""Down, down, down." "Would the fall never come to an end?" "'I must be getting somewhere near the center of the Earth." "Let me see." "That would be...'"" "Won't be a moment, sweetie." " Can I help you?" " Mrs. Chen." "Detective Jackie Hays, Oakland PD." " Don't." " I just have a few questions about your late husband, Michael." " Haven't you people done enough?" " Excuse me?" "He gave everything to you and you dragged his name through the mud." "My husband didn't have a corrupt bone in his body." " Ma'am, maybe I can help you." " Wow." "How many times have I heard that?" "How many times have I trusted you and you did nothing?" "You're all the same." "Now get off my porch." "Listen to me." "I can help you." "I believe you." "I believe your husband wasn't corrupt and I can help you get to the truth." " Please." "You..." " Mommy?" "Fuck!" "Shit." "Did you see that?" "Alright." "Alright." "Alright." "Don't move." "Don't move." "Help is on its way." " I'm gonna call 911." " Ma'am." "Ma'am, you're in shock." "You need to stay put." "Lady, are you okay?" " She's got a gun!" "She's got a gun!" " She's got a gun!" "Is everything alright?" "Grace." " You okay?" " What the fuck is going on?" "Did you tell anyone about me?" "No." " Did you?" " No, of course not." "Why would I do that." "Hm?" "Someone knows." "Someone fucking knows." "You need to sit down, take a breath." "Hm?" "No, I need to talk to Tom." "He's not picking up." "Oh, please, God..." "He's okay." "I don't know who that was but they could go after him." "Yeah." "He's okay, I'm telling you." "I put one of my crew outside your house." " What?" " Right after you called." "Jesus." "Nothing's gonna happen to him." "Come on, Tommy." "Hello." "Tom." "Grace?" "Yeah." " Are you okay?" " Yeah." "Why?" "You didn't pick up the phone." "I left it downstairs." "What's wrong?" "Nothing." "I just wanted to..." "Is Evie okay?" "Yeah, she's still at my mom's." "She's fine." "What is it?" "No." "No, it's fine." "You just... go back to sleep." "Is everything alright?" "Yeah, I think so." "You should have a doctor." "No, I'm okay." "You don't look okay." "I don't think there's anything broken." "Will you help me?" "Come here." "Come here." "Mm." "Come here." "That's a shitty way to go." "Boys had a light like that in the old Jackson Street house." "One morning, I hear this scream." "I run in, Alec holding his chin." "Blood everywhere." "Max, in his crib, laughing his head off at a moth going round and round inside the dome." "Alec had fallen off the chair trying to rescue the fucker." "Hm." "Sam wanted to rescue things all the time, too." "Everything." "Flies." "Spiders." "Earwigs." "He'd get his cup and put it on top and then slide his drawing pad underneath." "And he'd make me go with him to find the perfect spot to set 'em free." "Kids, huh?" "Yeah." "He'd be in second grade now." "How someone like him came from me..." "Hm?" "Jimmy." "Jimmy." " Is there a Mr. Lambert?" " Yes." " Good for you." " No, it isn't." "I'm getting a divorce." " Please." "Not on my account." " Oh." "No." "I just don't really love him." "Well, at least you're honest." "Is there a Mrs. Joshua?" | {
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} |
"(DARYL BRAITHWAITE "ONE SUMMER")" "Started out last night" "I was thinking of days gone by" "Of the times I've had" "And the things that I left behind" "Some change, some die" "Still we manage to survive" "It's knowing where and what to do" "It's up to you" "Don't know what's going on" "I can't wait till" "One summer I'll find a way" "One summer Will always remain" "One summer Remember the way" "Hauled down, turned around Find myself facing the wall" "I think back to school" "It's all the same Slightly different rules" "Outside on your own... (SIGHS) You wouldn't be dead for quids." "Well, the beast is looking in great nick, mate." "Yeah, Merv, what do you reckon?" "She's the bee's knees, Dougie." "Come on, mate." "Show 'em the new modifications." "Yeah, a test run would be most interesting." "Alright, where's Lil?" "(DISTANT CONVERSATIONS)" "I think we're clear for lift-off." "(GAS HUMS)" "(WHIRRING)" "(BOOM!" ")" "(HISSING, COUGHING)" "Maybe a tad too much gas." "Nah." "She's a bloody ripper, Dougie!" "What are you boys up to over there?" "Um, nothing, Lil, nothing at all." "Oh, get away with you, Pigeon." "Make sure you get my good side, huh." "Mm... we don't want to end up in one of your bloody 'Viewtube' videos." " It's YouTube, Mum." " Mm, same thing." "DOUGIE:" "Watch the pitch, Spock." "Just testing the moisture content, you silly bastard." "Can we skip the pitch reportage bullshit for once, Spock?" " Language, Bin." " Sorry, my love." "Yeah, language, Bin." "His language has gone to shit since he's been hanging with you bunch of Aussie bastards." " (LAUGHTER)" " You're a lucky man, Bin." "You're on a bloody good wicket there, son!" "Good wicket?" "I don't understand, Mervyn." "SPOCK:" "What he's trying to tell you, mate, is that we only invite you over here so we can perve on your missus." "All I can say is thank Allah for arranged marriages." "SPOCK:" "Just taking the piss, Binny." " Why would he want your piss?" " Well..." "Bit of focus in the field, please, gents." "ALL:" "Dougie's a wanker" "(RHYTHMIC CLAPPING)" "WOMEN:" "Dougie's a wanker" "(RHYTHMIC CLAPPING)" "Dougie's a wanker (CLAPPING)" "WOMEN:" "Whoa!" " Yah!" " (GROANING AND SHOUTING)" "It's a batsman's world." "MERV:" "Bring it here, boy." "(WHISTLES)" "Good boy." "Good on ya." "Eugh!" "Here you go, Mouse." "Oh, gross, Merv!" "(LAUGHTER)" "(INDISTINCT CONVERSATION)" "SPOCK:" "Come on, Taka, bowl them up." "Come on." "(CLANG!" ")" "(MEN SHOUT)" " MERV:" "Howzat!" "Sorry, it's caught behind, Taka." "Is that out?" "How is that an out?" " You didn't tell me that." " It's an automatic wicky." "Wicky, what is... what is wicky?" "What the frig is a wicky?" "It's in our constitution, Taka." "Our forefathers invented it so blokes like me wouldn't have to put their beer down." "(WHISPERING) OK," "No ball!" "Same as last year." "You are well aware my action is totally legal, Spock." "So you keep telling us, Murali." " No ball." " MEN:" "Whoa-ho-ho!" "Six and out!" "Go and get that one, Mouse." "I'll get the next one." "No more than 15 degrees, Binny." "MAC:" "They're at it again, Wilma." "Bloomin' barbies and cricket all day long!" "(CHUCKLES) Looks like they're settled in for a big one." "WILMA:" "Might have to turn the hose on them if they get too rowdy." "Nice idea, Wilma." "What do you know about this meeting tomorrow at work?" "No idea, mate." "Feel like a mushroom at work, always in the dark." "Thanks, Mouse." "Must be my bowl." "Hang on, mate." "Hang on." "Bat for ball." "Oh, go on." "I'll keep wicky." "See that, boys?" "Nice, high elbow." "You'll see this finger up very high in a minute, Douglas, if you don't shut up!" "Nice one, Bin." "I'm with you." "Just trying to educate you in the finer aspects of the game." "MAN ON PA SYSTEM:" "All staff, please report to the loading dock immediately." "All staff, please report to the loading dock immediately." "Here we go." "What do you reckon's up this time?" "I don't know." "Could be anything, knowing these clowns." "(INDISTINCT MURMURS)" "Good afternoon." "My name is Edward Lords." "Recent pressures from the global financial crisis and associated de-leveraging will likely see a contraction in the manufacturing sector." " Here we go." " Wha... what did he say?" "Nothing good." "Now, my team and I have been brought in to analyse the day-to-day operations of this factory." "EDWARD:" "And upon review, management have determined that the best way to improve our core operations is to implement new technologies." "In order to execute these changes, we must make a number of forced redundancies." "That's bullshit!" "How about some notice, you bastards?" "(SHOUTING)" "Those persons affected will have their name listed on the staff noticeboard." "And their redundancy will be effective immediately." " Oh, come off it!" " No way!" "'Immediately'." "I'll go check the board for us." "Pommy wanker doesn't give a shit." "I'm not overly convinced his fiscal policies represent a totally laissez-faire economic approach." "Like I said, he doesn't give a shit." "Tell it to me straight, Norm." "Uh... you blokes are OK." " Hang on." "What's up?" " I'm out." " What?" " Canned." " You're not." " Outrageous." "I'm not the only one." "Heaps have gotten their marching orders." "Anyway, I suppose it's hard times for everyone at the moment." "Why do we always get the sharp end of the stick?" "What other options might you have, Norman?" "I... never really thought about it before, Bin." "There's not much work going around here." "Mate..." "I'd better get home and tell the missus." "Hey, Norm." "Talk later." "Hey!" " DOUGIE:" "You can't do this." " I'm sorry?" "You can't just come here and sack people and then just piss off." "It's my job to make these decisions so the factory can continue..." "DOUGIE:" "You don't get it, do ya?" "It's not my job to 'get it'." "If you'll excuse me." "Very important man." "SHEP:" "Oh, yeah?" "What makes you say that, Taka?" "He doesn't drive a Commodore." "Meow!" "That's bullshit, that is." "And stumps, I take it." "Yeah." "At stumps." "You alright, love?" "He may as well have given it away." "Times are tough, darl." "It's a bloody joke, Lil." "Don't get yourself worked up, love." "MEN:" "Ooh!" "Come on, go!" "Go!" "Go!" " (MEN SHOUT, WOMEN CHUCKLE)" " Safe." "Good running, mate, good running." "Well, this could be the last ball." "SPOCK:" "Will Norm's career have the fairytale finish he so hopes?" "Stuck here on 49 runs and 22 beers." " Come on, Dougie." " His last ball." "Serve us up a pie, mate." "(ALL GROAN)" " That's four." " Hehe!" " That's it!" " (CHEERING AND APPLAUSE)" "Well played, Norm." "SPOCK:" "As Norm leaves the field for the very, very last time, the crowd and his teammates give him a standing ovulation!" "(CHEERING AND APPLAUSE)" " See you, Taka." " Thanks, man." "See you, Tak." "It was a good day, Dougie." "It seemed to go alright." "Thanks for chucking it together for us." "Ah, it's the least I could do." "Had to make sure you pissed off." "(CHUCKLES) Thanks, bastard." "Jeez, I hope there's no dickheads like you in Broken Hill." "Yeah, me too." "You might end up coming back." "I guess I'll... be seein' ya." "You keep in touch." "I'll fix the fence up before we head off tomorrow." "No, don't bother." "We'll see what sort of nutter buys the joint." "If he's anything like you, I'll build a frigging moat." "(CHUCKLES)" "Righto." "Come on, darling, wake up." "Go on." "Into bed." "You alright?" "(BEER BOTTLE HISSES)" "(BOTTLE TOP CLATTERS)" "Do you reckon someone will move in soon, Dad?" " I don't know, love." " Maybe they'll like cricket." "Yeah, maybe." " What are you two up to?" " Nothing." " DOUGIE:" "What's up?" " Um..." "I was just checking my Facebook..." "Bloody Facebook!" "What do I care what some bastard's doing every three minutes?" "Anyway, there's a message here from Norm and Denise." "Really?" "How are they doing?" "Not real good." "Houses are a bit expensive." "They'll have to rent longer than they thought." " Norm will go nuts." " LILLEE:" "Hmm." "Bastard!" "Cancelled his contract just like that!" " Don't get started again..." " It's as weak as piss." "He could've given him a bit of notice." "I mean..." "We could be next." "I'm telling you, Lil." "We could." " They'll go through that factory..." " (TRUCK BRAKE HISSES)" "It's them." "MAC:" "Well, you're right, Wil." "It is a removalist." "I can't see much." "Oh, the furniture looks a bit la-di-da." "Hmm." "Seen better days, I reckon." " You certainly have." " Hm." " Hm." " What?" "What?" "Furniture." "It's a bit exciting when someone new moves in, isn't it, darl?" "You think so?" " DOUGIE:" "Oh, bugger me!" " What?" "What is it?" "Oh, that slimy weasel!" "Who?" "What are you talking about?" " It's bloody Jardine!" " LILLEE:" "Jardine?" "DOUGIE:" "Edward what's-his-name." "The toffy-nosed Pom from work." " Who?" " Lords!" "Spit it out, Doug." "That's the bastard that sacked Norm." " No." " DOUGIE:" "Yeah." "The prick's gone and bought his house on the cheap." "LILLEE:" "That's a bit ordinary." "I can't live next door to a bloke like that." " I'm gonna..." " What?" "Pull your head in." "I'm sure we can handle this sensibly." "Bloody Jardine!" "What do you think?" "I know." "Not forever." "(DOG BARKS)" "(BARKING CONTINUES)" "(COLLAR BELL JINGLES)" "(CAT MEOWS, DOG BARKS)" "DOUGIE:" "Dougall!" "Sorry about that." "(CAT MEOWS)" "(HISSES AND MEOWS)" "It's alright." "It's alright." "I know." "MacDougall, good boy!" "You done good, boy." "Anyhow, I must be off, but have a think about it." "We'd love to have you and they're usually lots of fun." "Oh, yes, I'm sure they are." "It's Edward, really." "He's not much for socialising." "I sometimes think he prefers the company of the cat." "(LAUGHS) No worries." " But thanks for the offer, Lillee." " You're both always welcome." "Hello." " What was all that about?" " That was Lillee." "She's invited us over for a barbecue." "Very nice of her, don't you think?" "Well, you can certainly count me out." "It's a ridiculous idea." "It wouldn't hurt to meet a few of the locals, Edward." "The locals?" "I have far more important things to do than attend one of their cretinous backyard booze-ups." "My God, you can be so rude." "Rude?" "I'm the one who has to tolerate them at work." "Why should I put up with them and their noisy children in my spare time?" "Give them a chance, Edward." "Besides, you chose the house." "Yes." "Well, I didn't know who the neighbours were." "Who in their right mind would move next door to that sorry lot?" "A Pommy tight-arse looking for a deal?" "How's Dexter's rash?" " Hey, Mouse." "How you doing?" " Good, thanks." " Hi, Merv." " Hello." "How are you?" "Hi, guys!" "(INDISTINCT CONVERSATION AND LAUGHTER)" " So, how's your new mate going?" " How would I know?" "I can't believe the sneaky mongrel actually had the bloody cheek to buy Norm's joint." "And to make it worse, he's a Pommy." "OK, you guys, give it a break." "Here they come now." "LILLEE:" "Ah, it's just Grace on her own." " Thank Christ for that." " Hey, Doug, behave yourself." "I'm warning the lot of ya." "Hi, Grace." " Glad you could make it." " Thanks, Lillee." "Sorry about Edward." "He's busy at work." "Ah, that's a pity." "Never mind, we'll catch up some other time." "(KIWI ACCENT) Hey, Spock, you shit kicker, how about you lift a finger for once and get us a drink, eh?" "Only if you say fish and chips." " Piss off." " Close enough." "(GROANS) Jesus, you blokes never leave off." "Oh!" "SPOCK:" "Have you cleaned out the van?" "Of course I did, Spooky." "That Mr Whippy van's been spit-polished to a mirror finish." " She's spick and span, Spock." " I'll take that as a yes." "Oh, hi, Kerri." "How's it going?" " Pretty choice, bro." " I know what you're after." "Here's the keys to the van." "Left some spare iceblocks in the fridge." "Middle shelf." "Don't tell Spock." "You'll need some scissors to open them too, Kerri." "LILLEE:" "Not the good scissors, Kerri!" " (SHOUTING) - (LAUGHS)" "What's the matter, Shep?" "Didn't see that one coming?" "Piss off, Spock." "If we'd wrapped it in wool you'd have hit it." "You blokes won't be smiling when I knock the skin off this next one." "Jeez, we're scared, old timer." "Could someone get Merv's glasses?" "In fact, use the ball with the bell in it." "Piss off, Spock!" "You've stacked on a bit of weight in the winter months." "Because every time I shagged your mum, she threw me a biscuit." " Mmm." " Come on, do your worst." "(SHOUTING)" " That is bullshit!" " We'll go upstairs for you." "Piss off, you're out!" "Did you get that on video, Pigeon?" "Sorry, Merv." "Busy." "That'd be right." "Alright, must be my bowl, then." "That's drinks, ladies." "MERV:" "You do that every time it's my turn to bowl." "Beer o'clock." " A beer, Spooky?" " Um, not just yet, mate." "Hey, boys, when was the last time you remember that Spooky wasn't thirsty at the esky at drinks?" " Yeah, good point, Douglas." " What are you saying, Dougie?" "I think he might have found a lady friend." "I haven't seen that for a while!" "Shh!" "Go easy on him." " Cheers, mate." " How you going, Warnie?" "Good." "I just..." "I was..." "I put on a bet." "Oh, yeah." "Let us know if she's a winner." "What?" "Oh, alright." "(LILLEE LAUGHS)" "MEN:" "Whoa!" "I'll get it." "Have you blokes ever heard of hitting it along the ground?" "(CHOIRBOYS "BOYS WILL BE BOYS")" " Did you find it, Dad?" " Yeah." "(MUFFLED ROCK MUSIC)" "Hey, Pidge!" "You can turn this one up a bit." "(ROCK MUSIC PLAYS)" "Doug?" "Doug!" "Take it easy, it's getting late." "OK, love." "Just having a bit of fun." " Must be my bowl." " MERV:" "Two to come." "(SHOUTING)" "(DISTANT MUSIC)" "You two having a good time in there?" "They are an uneducated, unruly mob!" " GRACE:" "What's that, love?" " Next door!" "How often do I have to put up with this?" "You should come over, Edward." "I mean, they really are very nice people." "They're all bloody mad, playing cricket till all hours." "Couldn't care less about the neighbours." "Most of the neighbours are over there." "They don't seem to have a problem." "Besides, I seem to recall you liking cricket too." "Well, they've upset Dexter." "He doesn't approve." "Yes, I'm sure he doesn't." "I think he's getting his cold... (DISTANT SHOUTING)" "Fine." "(HEAVY METAL PLAYS)" "(GLASS SHATTERS)" "(SIGHS)" "(HAMMERING)" "(WHIRRING)" "(HAMMERING)" "(WHIRRING)" "(KOOKABURRA CALLS)" "Bloody Jardine!" "(THE ANGELS "AM I EVER GONNA SEE YOUR FACE AGAIN")" "Shep?" "Take it right over, please." "Right over towards that blue drum." "Yeah, we've got all day, Shep." "We've got all day." "Faster." "Shep, if you listened the first time, you wouldn't have to do it so many times." "(SPEAKS INDISTINCTLY)" "(HEAVY METAL MUSIC BLARES)" "(CLICKS FINGERS IN TIME WITH MUSIC)" "(WHIRRING)" "(GIGGLES)" "Mr Lords?" "Can I have my ball back?" "MOUSE:" "Could I have my ball back, please?" "Thanks, Mr Lords!" "(CLATTERING)" "(WOOD CRASHES)" " What was that?" " I don't know, love." "Sounds big." "You'd better go and have a look." "Hmm." "Go on." "(RATTLING)" " What have you done now?" " Me?" "You're the idiot that overloaded the fence!" "Well, it wouldn't be necessary if you and your yobbo mates could just be a little considerate!" "You could buy a new one with the money you stiffed Norm on his house." " That's ridiculous." " Is it?" "You cost good people their jobs and you don't give a shit!" "If it wasn't for me, you'd all be out of a job!" "Mate, if you believe that, then you're a deadset wanker." "Where are you going?" "You gotta come back and fix this fence!" "That's what I'm doing!" " What are you doing?" " (GRUNTS)" "Oh, haven't you heard, friend?" "Good fences make good neighbours!" "Nice one, Shakespeare." "It's Robert Frost, imbecile." "(BILLY THORPE "MOST PEOPLE I KNOW (THINK THAT I'M CRAZY)")" "(GRUMBLES)" "MAC:" "It's gonna hit the fan, Wilma." "Oh, don't be so damned melodramatic!" "Here comes poor old Lillee." "Shush now!" " Doug!" " Edward!" "Yeah, I know." "I'm up half the night." "Fence is stuffed." " MERV:" "Totally rooted?" " Well and truly rooted." "I'm going to send the bill to Jardine." "Get him to cough up." "What's a bloke gotta do to get a beer around here?" "Asking politely would be nice." "Ooh, this joint's gone all la-di-da." "Uh, can I have a beer, please, Mr Dickhead?" "You're a funny man, Spock." "I'll have one for the road." "Nature calls." "EDWARD:" "Your spin bowl's excellent." " Excuse me." " Sorry." "It absolutely paid off..." "Douglas." "Well, I didn't take you for a cricketer." "I wouldn't miss it, especially the proper game." " Chaps, this is Douglas." " Dougie." "You chaps should know Douglas." "He works at the factory." " He's the..." " Fitter and turner." "Yes, fitter and turner." "That's right." "He also lives next door to me." " You're the barricade man." " Am I?" "Yes, I heard about that fence business last night." "So you're the mad bastard playing silly buggers with the boss here." "You're a brave man." " You can't choose your neighbours." " No, unfortunately." "Apparently Douglas is a bit of a cricketer." "We should get together for a game some time, Doug." " You think so?" " Yeah." "He's a bit more of your backyard variety." "Not the proper game." "Oh." "Not a fan of the nasty hard ball, Dougie?" "(LAUGHTER)" "Listen, I can't stand around here making new friends all night." "Might catch you blokes a bit later." "You never know, we might show you how the game's really played." " MERV:" "Wanker." " Excuse me?" "(ROCK MUSIC PLAYS)" "(MEOWS)" "DOUGIE:" "Bloody hell!" "Go on, get out of it!" "Get out of it!" "Bloody thing." "Go on, shoo!" "Get out!" "(SIGHS)" "(GROANS)" "I'm gonna murder that cat." "Furry bloody pencil sharpener." "It'd better be counting its nine lives." "(PIGEON SNIGGERS)" "And what are you doing, Glenn?" "Can't a man have a bit of privacy in his own backyard?" "I was just videoing some mad bloke talking to himself about a cat." "If you've got so much time on your hands, you can give this lawn a quick go-over before the mob arrives." "Sorry, Dad." "Just remembered..." "I've got this... study group." "(WHISPERING) Study group." "(THRASH METAL PLAYS)" "Study group." "Ohh!" "(SNIFFS)" " Come on!" "Come on!" " Safe." "Well done." "Well done." "Speed it up a bit, Mervyn." "(EXCLAMATIONS)" "Dougie's in scintillating form here today, batting like he's got a personal vendetta against the tennis ball, belting felt all around the ground." "Put a sock in it, Spock." "Sock and Spock." "This fella's a poet as well." "Mind you, he was dropped earlier." "It was a sitter actually." "Poor old Taka." "Don't you be taking my piss, Mr Spooky." "Start the car, Ritchie." "Had to be one of the simplest chances I've ever seen." "Otherwise known as 'Can't Bat, Can't Bowl, Can't Field Tojo'." "Oi!" "(LAUGHTER)" "Why is it whenever I hit a bit of form, you blokes start buggerising around?" "Dougie's just worried you'll get water on his precious pitch." "Can we have some quiet from the peanut gallery?" "Had your second Chardonnay, darling?" "Third actually, but who's counting?" "Look out, Dougie, you could be in a bit of trouble." "You might be scoring more than runs before the night's out, mate." "Behave, Mervin." "Can we just cut the gutter talk and get on with the game?" "Alright, Douglas." "(ALL EXCLAIM)" "DOUGIE:" "Over." "(SPOCK SPEAKS INDISTINCTLY)" "(SOFT JINGLING)" "Come on, Dougie, it's your bowl." "I wanna bat." "(GAS HISSES)" " SPOCK:" "Get your hand off it." " DOUGIE:" "Don't you want to eat?" "(MEOWS)" "Alright, Kerri." "About time we got this bugger out." "Oh, come on, Merv." "No pushing in." "We'll be here all bloody day if I don't take over." " It's OK, Dad." " MERV:" "Good on you, Mouse." "No worries, Merv." "Are you ready for this, Dougie?" "Oh, here we go." "The full Dennis Lillee." "Complete with long run-up... gold chain... and chin music." " (LAUGHS)" " Come on, do your worst." "(CLAPPING)" "Thank you, ladies." "(CLAPPING CONTINUES)" "WOMEN:" "Whoa!" "(YOWLS)" "(WHIRRING)" "(WHISPERS) Christ!" "(BOOM!" ")" "(CRACKLING)" "(COUGHING)" " ALL:" "Oh!" " MOUSE:" "Oh, gross!" " It would've hurt." " It's gotta be out." " Wow, great footage." " Is it dead?" "I guess nine lives weren't quite enough." "Who ordered their cat well done?" "Oh, shut up, Spock, for Christ's sake!" "This is not good." "Doug!" "Well, you're all witnesses." "It was an accident, right?" " Right, Bin?" " Yes, Douglas, an accident." "(CHUCKLES) DOUGIE:" "Merv?" " Yeah, that's what it looked like..." " DOUGIE:" "Spock?" "Yeah, it was an accident." "A pretty funny accident." "(GIGGLING)" "Oh, the poor thing." "Doug, do something." "(CRACKLING)" "Oh!" "(CLATTERING)" "(JINGLING)" "(BLOWS) (JINGLING)" "What are you gonna do with the ashes?" " I don't know." " You'll have to tell him, Doug." "(SIGHS) I will." " Was he fond of the pet?" " Yeah." "Yeah, he put it in shows and shit." "Cooking shows?" "Oh, God." "Look at that, is that the time?" " Oh, yeah, it is late." " That's crept up on us." "It's... it's been a..." "great afternoon, once again." "Sorry." "Must be off." "Very sorry, Douglas, about your catastrophe. (GIGGLES)" " Very funny." " Doug, Lil." "Great day." "Yeah." "Oh, thanks, guys, for your support." "Since when did the barbie turn into a blast furnace?" " I..." "I..." " No." "(SIGHS) You have to go and tell him, Doug." "I know that, but what am I gonna say?" "This'd be a lot easier if you weren't bluein' with him all the time." "It just would look less like you did it on purpose." "On purpose?" "But as if..." "I wouldn't..." " As if..." " Poor cat." "(EXHALES)" "(KNOCKS)" "(DOOR OPENS)" " Oh, hi, Dougie." " Hi, Grace." "Sorry about the barbecue." "We really were very busy." "That's fine." "I was wondering if Edward was home." "Oh." "No, as a matter of fact." "But he shouldn't be long." "He's just gone over to the park to see if he can find Dexter." "Stupid cat's wandered off again." " I see." " He can't be far." "You know what Edward's like, won't let him out of his sight for a minute." "Hmm, yeah." " What's that you've got there?" " It's something for Edward." "Would you like me to give to him?" " No, I'll wait." " EDWARD:" "Wait for what?" "Oh, Edward." "Hi." "Yeah, I'm afraid I've got some bad news." "Bad news?" "About what?" "Your cat." "There's been a bit of an accident." "What's happened?" "Where is he?" "He's in here." "In the jar." "What do you mean?" " His remains." " Oh, my goodness!" " GRACE:" "What happened?" " We were playing cricket." "And the ball hit him and he fell... into the barbecue." "And was burnt." "Well..." " More like incinerated." " Incinerated?" "Oh, my God!" "How awful!" "This is all that's left." " I don't believe you." " Sorry?" "This is some son of infantile convict humour that you and your drunken cronies have invented to stir me up." " No, you don't understand." " Oh, I understand alright." "It was a good try." "It didn't work." "Good afternoon." "(JAR JINGLES)" "(JAR JINGLES)" "This is all of him?" "Pretty much, yeah." "I'm sorry." "It really was an accident." "So this is how you operate." "What?" "You didn't like it when I fired your friend, did you?" "You didn't like it when I moved in next door." "What are you saying?" "Instead of stating your case like a gentleman... you murdered an innocent creature." "Oh, now, I don't think anyone would do that on purpose." "Yes, Grace." "I think he would." "You haven't heard the last of this, Waters!" "That went better than expected." "(AUTOZAMM "ALL THAT WOMAN")" "Hey, guys." "Check this out." "(LAUGHTER, INDISTINCT CHATTER)" "You want to see something really gross?" "MAN:" "Yeah, always." "A champion feline's been incinerated on a barbie after a backyard cricket match turned feral." "REPORTER:" "No need for the third umpie, it's all on video." " And the cat's a goner." " (LAUGHTER)" "PIGEON:" "Holy shit!" "Dad." "Why doesn't he buy another cat and get over it?" "I don't think he'll ever get over it." "Well, after all, you did kill his cat." "Yeah, but he still reckons I did it on purpose." "Oh, the man's a bloody idiot." "Afternoon, gentlemen." "Don't get up." "Spooky." "We were just discussing Edward Lord's love of his pet." "His pet was all over the internet." "What?" "SPOCK:" "The cat in the barbie video, it's gone viral." "It's very funny." "You're famous, mate." "Well, sort of." "Depending on which side of the fence you live on." "Pigeon and that bloody camera!" "Dougie Waters..." "legend in his own backyard." "God, here comes the soft-drink brigade." "Karla, get us a jug of squash, would you, love?" " FREDDY:" "Very..." " Here we go." "Oh, look who's here." "You're a busy man, Douglas." "I mean, one minute you're 'the barricade man', and the next..." "you're a cat killer." "Very funny." " You learn to play cricket yet?" " I'm working on it." "Don't wait too long." "We just took out the business house competition." "Ah, the shithouse cup." "Yes, with very little resistance, mind you." " Thank you." " ARTHUR:" "Right, chaps?" " EDWARD:" "Cheers, to the victors." " ALL:" "Cheers." "To the victors." "Look, I know I'm not your..." "favourite person at the moment." "If you're enquiring if I've forgiven you for murdering my cat, the answer is no!" "She was a nice cat..." "He was a prize-winning pedigree pet and companion." "Really was an accident." "Yeah?" "ALL:" "Yeah, of course it was." "Definitely." "And I just wanna say that I really am sorry." "NEWSCASTER:" "The regional town of Wagga Wagga has witnessed a heated cricket event unfurling as rival neighbours battle over allegations of a ritual cat burning." "(GAS HUMS)" "(CAT YOWLS) ALL:" "Oh!" "(WHIRRING)" "(WHOOSH!" ") ALL:" "Oh!" "(GASPING AND LAUGHTER)" "It was an accident." " SPOCK:" "We're on the telly." " BIN:" "Yeah." "At least the yard came up a treat." "NEWSCASTER:" "Tensions reminiscent of the infamous Bodyline Series are once again on the rise as an estranged cat lover..." "Public humiliation, that's what it is." "Nothing short of slander." "I have a good mind to contact my lawyer." "(GRUNTS) Needs salt." "You're taking it all too seriously, Edward." "Oh, am I?" "Head office called today." "They know about it in England." "They want to know if they should send someone down to sort it out." "Well, it needs to be sorted out." "They're insinuating I've lost control!" "Maybe you have." "Maybe it's about time you had a good look at yourself." "I'm under a lot of pressure, Grace!" "And those boys are all out to take my job!" "They'd jump in my grave as soon as look at me!" "I know that!" "It's just that I thought moving here might allow you to relax, and let go a little." "But you've shut yourself off from everyone." "From me." "What do you suggest I do?" "Well, first, you might try apologising." "Oh, you want me to apologise to him for killing my cat?" "You might at least accept his apology." "There's about as much chance of that happening as Dougie Waters keeping his job at the factory!" "Edward Lords, you wouldn't." "It is one solution." "Now, I'm..." "I've had enough of this." "I'm going for my evening walk, the one I used to take with Dexter." "Who walks a bloody cat anyway?" "I know, Grace, it's just getting ridiculous." "You're right, you know." "Edward's become unbearable." "Dougie's the same." "They're just a big pair of sooks." "I can't see either of them apologising at this rate." "We'll have to do something about it." "The sooner the better as far as I'm concerned." "Listen, I've got a bit of an idea." "No... no, all the finance will be in place tomorrow afternoon." "(EDWARD CONTINUES SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY)" "It's... it's not... (STAND-OFF MUSIC)" "REPORTERS:" "Mr Waters!" "(ALL SHOUT TOGETHER)" "Can we get a comment about the cat incident?" "No comment." " The viewers were wondering..." " Let them wonder." "I have no comment either..." "We've been told there'll be a grudge cricket match between you two." "A grudge cricket match?" "A reliable source was telling..." "What source?" "I understand it'll be held in your backyard." " In my backyard?" " Your backyard." "That's typical." "What's wrong with my backyard?" " It wouldn't matter where..." " Tell us about the rules." " What rules?" " (ALL SHOUT TOGETHER)" "Get out of the way!" "You'd need rules to deal with this cheating bastard." " Excuse me!" " (ALL SHOUT)" "And so, with this backyard test match now imminent, we leave these two diversely opposed captains to ponder over what the Ashes really mean." "REPORTER:" "That 'cat in the barbecue' saga may be resolved." "The two men have agreed to settle their differences with a game of backyard cricket." "The winner gets to keep the cat's ashes." "Let's hope they get the rules sorted out before this thing turns ugly." " Dougie." " Yep." " About the rules, mate." " What rules?" "The rules for the big match." "I expect you'll be doing one-hand, one-bounce rule?" "Yeah." "Only if you've got a beer in your hand." "No probs." "No lbs." " Eh?" " No LBWs." "Too many arguments." "(KNOCKING)" "It can't... it can't be Japan." "Mr Lords, can I just say, no retirements." " What are you talking about?" " Oh, in the game." "You shouldn't have to retire when you're batting, no matter how many runs..." "Thank you for sharing, Vicky." "Thank you." "That's very good, thanks." "So you can't get out first ball, is that right, Dougie?" "That's right, Taka." "You can't get out on a golden duck." "Cool." "Cheers." "See ya." "Yes!" "RADIO CALLER:" "Anything on the roof is six and out, John." "It always has been since time immemorial." "RADIO ANNOUNCER:" "Next caller." "RADIO CALLER:" "Hope they're not playing that silly tip-and-run rule!" "RADIO ANNOUNCER:" "That goes without saying." "On the other line, we have Rodney from Bacchus Marsh." "Look, it's just a game." "What do you mean 'It's just a game'?" " We're playing for pride here, Shep." " Mervyn's right." "We can't let these imperialist bastards bring us down." "There's a lot more at stake here than just a game." "You're not gonna tell it's the bloody vibe, are ya?" "No, it's the Ashes!" "Fellas, let's not forget these blokes actually play cricket." "Puts a bit of pressure on, don't you reckon?" "Possibly more than I can cope with, I'm afraid." "Maybe we should check out the competition." "You mean spying, Mervyn?" "Not spying, Taka." "Research." "We'll use the van." " Yeah." " And get Pidge and his camera." "Good idea, Shep." "I've got no idea why people say you're dumb." "Hey, who says I'm dumb?" "How good could they be?" "After all, it's only a tennis ball." "They'll probably be drunk anyway." "Nevertheless, don't underestimate a cornered convict." "(GREENSLEEVES PLAYS) Turn it off!" "Turn it off quickly!" "Nice one, Bin!" "Why don't you just ring 'em and tell 'em we're here?" "Well, can you see anything we can't, Double-O Dickhead?" "They're much more efficient than we first thought." "I like this stalking business." "It's research, Taka." "Here, give me a look." "What do you reckon, Spock?" "Are they any good?" "SPOCK: 'Fraid so, boys." "BIN:" "We need to start training." "A bit late for that, wouldn't you reckon?" "No." "We should do it." "We should give it a crack." " For Dougie." " Alright, then." "Let's get outta here before we get sprung." "(GREENSLEEVES PLAYS)" "(CHILDREN SCREAM)" "On a day like today" "I feel the urge to play" " Defence." " Bring the bat" " That's it, beautiful." " Bring the ball" "To the backyard, one and all" "The pitch needs one more roll" "Bring me beer I'm ready to bowl" "Today, I really need to play" "Grab a bat, grab a ball Take me to the backyard" "Let me loose on the turf" " Beautiful!" "Thundering from either end" "And bowl 'em for all you're worth" "Hit 'em high, hit 'em low" "Out in the backyard" "Put those runs on the board" " See if you can get an edge." "Raise your bat and take a bow" "Cheer every run we score" " Elbow up, elbow up." " (GRUNTS) - (WHINES)" "My belly is on fire with ambition and desire" "Soon it's my turn with the bat" "The runs will flow Don't you worry about that" "Six and out is a rule that's in" "It's just not cricket if we don't win" "Today, I really need to play" " Hey!" "Well done." "Grab a bat and grab a ball" " Take me to the backyard" " Let me loose on the turf" " Yes!" "Thundering from either end" "And bowl 'em for all you're worth" "Hit 'em high, hit 'em low out in the backyard" "Put those runs on the board" "Raise your bat and take a bow..." "Yes, it is difficult." "We are a bit short-staffed at the moment." "So I am sorry but I'm gonna need you to work this weekend." "I'm sorry but I'm unavailable to work this weekend, Mr Lords." "Oh, really, why's that?" "Well, to tell you the truth, I promised Mr Douglas" "I'd play in his challenging backyard cricket match." "Oh, I didn't realise you played." "Well, I am sorry." "I wish there was something I could do, but my hands are tied." "Well, accept my sympathies for your bondage, but there's nobody else that can work my shift?" " I wish there were." "Sorry." " No, I can't let Douglas down." "So I regret to inform you I cannot work this weekend." "Alright, I see." "By the way... how is Norm doing?" " That's bullshit." " There's just nothing I can do." "He knew you'd be playing in that game." "That's right, Douglas, but I'm not in a position to defy him." "That pommy bastard wanker!" "Don't hold back, Taka." "Tell us what you really think." "Prick said he'll give us the sack if we don't come in." "Mate, we can't afford to lose these jobs." "I feel like shit, hey, Dougie." "You're not gonna risk your jobs for a silly game." "Don't think we didn't think about quitting." "We'll just forget the whole thing." "No worries, Doug." "Sorry, Dougie." "DOUG:" "Hey, Taka." "It's OK, mate." "Bags batting first, Dad!" "Don't bowl too fast, will ya?" "Not today, Mouse, OK?" "Oh." "Well, how about you bat, then?" "Nah, not today." "I wanna try out my wrong'un." "I said no, Kerri." "Don't you understand no?" "OK." "You big meanie." "Hey, that's gonna help, taking it out on Kerri." "What?" "You and your blue with Edward." "It's not her fault." "Did I say it was?" "Well, stop moping around like a sick puppy and do something constructive." "OK." "Sort it out, Doug." "Yeah, I will." "(SPORTS COMMENTARY ON TV)" " (CHUCKLES)" " What you doing, Dad?" "Oh, just working out a few replacements for the big game." "Had a few last-minute replacements." "What do you think so far?" "They look good." "Who's this?" "That's Merv." "Thank God we still got him." "And that's Nehru." "Not bad for an opening pair, eh?" "Who's this one?" "That's you." "Me?" "Am I playing?" "Of course you are." "You want to play, don't you?" "Yeah." "Thanks, Dad!" "So... what's the burnt chip on the board?" "That's poor old Dexter." "Dad, that's awful." "Is that one of the good towels?" "Which are the good towels?" "The ones rolled up in the bathroom." "They're only for guests, Doug." "What's the point of having good towels if you're not allowed to use them?" "Guests, Dougie." "Guests!" "(BREATHES LOUDLY)" "(GRUNTS)" "(GROWLS)" "(LAUGHS EVILLY)" "(YELLS)" "(CHEERING AND APPLAUSE)" "I say, Captain, old chap, permission to speak." "Granted." "It seems to me we are never going to get this Dougie Bradman cove out." "The blighter's already scored 994 runs and it's only the third over, sir." " Any ideas?" " Ideas?" "I'm the Captain of England." "Of course I've got ideas!" " Damn good show!" " What do you suggest?" "Well, it's simple." "We bring out the Bodyline!" "Oh, God, no." "Not that." "Please, sir, anything but that!" "Pull yourself together, man!" "Remember... this is for the Ashes." "Now, let's go out there... and do it!" "ALL:" "Huzza!" "(BALL WHISTLES THROUGH AIR)" "(LAUGHS)" "(LAUGHTER)" "Bloody Jardine!" "(SNIGGERS)" "(NOISEWORKS "TOUCH")" "Reach out and Reach out and touch somebody" "Reach out and Reach out and" "Reach out and touch somebody..." "REPORTER:" "Well, the day has finally arrived." "The backyard grudge match that's captured the nation's attention this summer will commence in just a few short moments." "Cricket fanatics everywhere are ready to witness one of the most unusual sporting events in recent memory... an event the public has named 'The Backyard Ashes'." "Norm!" "You old bastard!" "What are you doing here?" "Oh, I had a few days off so we thought we'd come down, have a look at this silly bloody game everyone's talking about." "Besides, I thought you might need a real cricketer for a change." "Fantastic!" "Who did you bring?" " (LAUGHS)" " You're gonna may?" "Yeah, for sure." "Well, don't just stand here like a pile of pelican shit." "Give us a hand with the pitch." "Righto, mate." "What do you want done first?" " Get on that roller!" " Righto, mate." "Not a problem." "Hey." "Oh, no, steady on." "We can't be having too many." "We've got a very important job to do today, Wilma." "What job?" "Well, young Kerri popped over earlier on, dropped this off." "We are gonna be the official scorers for the game!" "Oh, for heaven's sake!" "Hey, look, Wilma!" "There's more of 'em pouring in." "CROWD:" "Why are we waiting?" "Aussie, Aussie, Aussie!" "Oi, oi, oi!" "Aussie!" "Oi!" "Aussie!" "Oi!" "Aussie, Aussie, Aussie!" "Oi, oi, oi!" "(CROWD CHEERS)" "Hey, yeah" "If you wanna be in my gang, stand up with me" "We'll start a revolution and make the streets free" "We'll never weaken We'll give it our best" "Can't be defeated We're better than the rest" "(ALL CHEER)" "I think we might have made a mistake going public with this, Lil." "No!" "No, she'll be right, Gracie." "(ALL CHEER)" "So let us show them" "We'll fight the world" "We can't be beaten" "What'll we tell 'em, boys?" "We can't be beaten" "There comes a time when every man must fight" "When he believes in justice and right..." " Dougie." " Bullshit." " (LAUGHS) Nifty Normy." " What are you bastards doing here?" "We couldn't let a silly thing like work stop us from being here, Douglas." "Where's Shep?" "Sorry, Dougie, but..." "Shep didn't make it." "He isn't dead, Spock." " He finishes in a couple of hours." " He's at work." " Oh, good man." " Shouldn't you all be at work?" "Oh, sorry, mate, but we've all come down with that lurgy that's going around." "(ALL COUGH)" "Well, I hope you all have your doctor's certificate." "(LAUGHS) Any boss who sacks anyone for not turning up today is a bum!" "MAN:" "Good on you, Mac." "(ALL LAUGH)" "You're a bunch of mad bastards, you Aussies." "You and your... mateship." "I don't get it." "Yeah, whatever." "So you took a sickie." "Oh, it'd be un-Australian not to!" "DOUG:" "Alright." " Dougie, got a minute?" " Yeah." "I know you've got a bit of a full house today, but you'd be able to squeeze one more in?" "Who?" "Oh..." "She's, um..." "DOUG:" "Oh, um..." " A couple of bets?" " Yeah." "No problem." "The more, the merrier." "Cheers." "ALL:" "Whoa!" "I really appreciate you helping me get dressed for the special day." " (ALL LAUGH)" " No worries, Tak." "(ALL MAP)" "Shit, Taka, I didn't know it was fancy dress." "Don't you be taking the piss, Spooky." " Good use of the slang, Taka." " No worries, mate." "Hey, Kerri, you'd better put MacDougall in the shed." "But he's our best fieldsman, Dad!" "Yeah, but when everyone's here, he'll be under our feet." " Yeah, alright." " How are you feeling about today?" " Good." " Good girl." "(DOG BARKS)" "So, um..." "Kerri gets a guernsey, eh, Douglas?" "Bloody oath." "Don't worry about her, mate." "She'll be right." "Oh, no, no, of course." "Yeah, she'll be fine." "SPOCK:" "Yeah, she's a beauty." "She reminds me a lot of Merv when he was a little girl." "You're a funny man, Spock." "Alright, boys, let's get on our toes." "Time for action!" "Let's get this over and done with." "We're on our way." "Don't catch your skirts on the fence." " What, what?" " Nothing." "Nothing at all." "(ALL CHEER)" "CROWD:" "Aussie, Aussie, Aussie!" "Oi, oi, oi!" "(CROWD CONTINUES CHANTING)" " That'd be visitors' call, I suppose?" " EDWARD:" "If you say so." "EDWARD:" "Tails." "DOUG:" "We'll have a bat." "(ALL CHEER)" "Yes, it's a good idea." "Why is that?" "We'll get this over and done with a lot sooner if you lot bat first." "Pigeon, hey, come here." "The Aussies have decided to bat on a perfect batting strip." "And we're about to talk to the man who knows every inch of this pitch, the curator and the captain of the home side..." "Dougie Waters." "What are your pre-match thoughts, Douglas?" " Piss off, Spock." " Well, you heard it right here." "It's a very tense environment here at the G." "We're gonna cross now to Mumbles, who's with the captain of the touring side, Edward Lords." "(NORTHERN ENGLISH ACCENT) How you feel about losing toss?" "Think it might be a sign of things to come?" " Piss off, Spock." " Well, there you have it." "Both captains are in agreement that I should indeed be pissing off." "(CROWD CHANTS)" "Here we have the Barmy Army... they're all here, having overstayed their visas to support the visiting side and get horrifically sunburnt." "What a lyrically talented nation they are." "Back to you in the studio." "And welcome back to the G." "Big crowd in today for the start of this much talked about match." "Norm gets off to a fine start with a punch through covers." "The British show their intentions with a quick single." "Nice hobbling between the wickets from Merv." "See the people who stop and stare and say" "'Haven't I seen that face somewhere a long time ago?" "'" " (CROWD CHEERS)" " Come on!" "When I walk down the street (ALL ARGUE)" "See the stranger who says..." "Normy's fallen for the oldest trick in the book... the 'I can't find the ball in the bushes.'" "Which brings Binny on strike." "The Bin-a-nator." "Off the esky is two." "(CROWD CHEERS)" " Haven't I seen you round?" " Four runs." "Take a look at me" " Big Merv finds his form." " Four runs." "Certainly giving those pickets a work-out." " Whoa!" " (CROWD CHEERS)" "Isn't that six and out?" "And the oldest rule of them all..." "over the fence is six and out." "Sorry, boys." "Couldn't help myself." " Yesterday's hero" " We're gonna be here a while, boys." "Is all that I'm gonna be..." "You lot should keep your hands off 'em." "They're too cold for you blokes." "..and be somebody better" "All that I'll be if I don't get together now" "When you walk down the street" "If you know me, then pass me by" "If you wonder what I'm doing, don't ask me why" "I don't read the news" " Aaaaah!" " (ALL CHEER)" " Put it down, Wil." "If you're sorry, then don't feel bad..." "Taka, looking every bit the man, best described as 'shit scared'." "Because haven't you seen my face before" "Yes, I was the boy who used to live next door" " (CROWD CHEERS) - (LAUGHS)" "(CROWD CHEERS)" " Handling the ball." " (CROWD BOOS)" "Oh, you're gonna play like that, are you?" "(CROWD BOOS) MAN:" "Well done, sir." "EDWARD:" "Thank you." "Thank you." "A true champion has been dismissed and is replaced by the Aussie captain, Dougie Waters." "(CROWD CHEERS)" "You go." "WOMAN:" "Go, Taka." "(CLAPPING)" "Oh, he's missed it by a country mile." "Couldn't hit the skin off a rice pudding." " (LAUGHS) - (CROWD CHEERS)" "CROWD:" "Ooh!" "He's copped one right between the fob pocket and the loose change." "Taka, you should be wearing one of these, mate." "A box!" "What the frig is a box?" "No-one told me that!" "No-one tells me nothing!" "I'm sorry, Dougie, but both my kintamas have been badly damaged." "Please excuse me from the match." "DOUG:" "You'll be OK when the swelling goes down." "Just sit somewhere quietly." "You'll be right, mate." "No worries." "(APPLAUSE)" "We're gonna need a sub." "If you must." "Oh, looks like they're in trouble." "Who do you think they'll bring in?" "Mac?" "Mac!" "(SIGHS)" "Excuse me, coming through." "Straight bat, Mac." "Straight bat." "No shit, Sherlock." "(WHISPERS) Mac." "Two legs." "(SCOTT JOPLIN "THE ENTERTAINER")" "(CHEERING) CROWD:" "Ooh!" "Hey!" "I thought we were playing the 'no ducks' rule." "I'm not playing by any of your new la-di-da rules." "I'm off." "(CHEERING)" "Love you, Wilma." "You're up, Mouse." "Good luck." "Go get 'em, Kerri." "Come on!" "And just like that, the youngest member of the Aussie team," "Kerri Waters, is charged with saving innings." "CROWD:" "Kerri!" "Kerri!" "Marvellous stuff, that." "(CHEERING AND APPLAUSE)" "(TROY FISHER "WALTZING MATILDA")" "Oh, lovely dancing, and then late cut." "CROWD:" "Ooh!" "Into the bushes." "Couple there." "Yes!" "These two are getting well on top." "All over them like a cheap suit." "(CHEERING AND APPLAUSE)" "Run!" "Haven't seen the English pushed around like this since the fall of Singapore in '41." "(APPLAUSE)" "CROWD:" "Ooh!" "Is that all you got, Pom?" "(CHEERING AND CLAPPING)" "CROWD (CHANTING):" "Kerri!" "Kerri!" "Kerri!" "Kerri!" "Kerri!" "(CHEERING)" "Six and out." "Fine shot." " Fine innings." " Well played, darl." "It's OK." "You did well." "Hey, good partnership." " Thanks, Dad." " Come on." "(CHEERING AND APPLAUSE)" "LILLEE:" "Food's on, you lot!" "We could win this." " I made it as quick as I could." " Hey, Shep." " Hey." "What's the score?" " We're all out for 136." " So they're chasing 137 to win?" " Oh, Einstein." "Uh, Lil." "Doug." "This is my friend Abby." " Pleased to meet you, Abby." " Hi." " G'day, love." " Hi." "Yeah." "Do you feel like a drink?" "(KIWI ACCENT) Thanks, Lil." "That'd be choice." "Good." "Let's meet the girls." "Didn't want to be seen snogging a Kiwi, eh, Spock?" " You sly old dog!" " I didn't pick up she was a Kiwi." "Tell you what, Spock, she's not half baa-aa-aad." " Smart-arse." " Come on, you guys." "Abby, you didn't tell me you were a Kiwi." "MERV:" "So, who's bowling after me?" "SPOCK:" "And welcome back to the G." "The Pommy innings is about to get under way." "Mervyn, always popular with the crowd." "That was a half chucker, just asking to be hit." "(CHEERING)" "Merv's a little short of the length there." "Getting tonked all over the park." " (CHEERING)" " Got him!" "Yes!" "Wicky!" "That's wicky!" "Automatic wicky!" "(CLAPPING)" "(CHEERING AND SHOUTING)" "Poms are starting to put some runs on the board here." "So Dougie brings back a bit of spin to the attack." "He's known as a tweaker." "Show us what you've got, 7/11." "(CROWD BOOS)" "(CHEERING)" "Hey!" "Next customer, please." "Piss off, you Pommy bastard!" " Language, Nehru." " Sorry, love." "CROWD (CHANTING):" "Binny!" "Binny!" "(MUMBLES AND CHUCKLES)" "Go, big fella." "You can do it." "SPOCK:" "Oh, that's gone straight into the Boony bush." "Come on, that cannot be out." "Sure is, bro." "You've been caught by the Boony bush." "Boony bush?" "What's a bloody Boony bush?" "Well, that name's Daveyanus Boonianus." "That's another one, Wil." "Change it over." "Hoo-hoo-hoo!" "CROWD (CHANTING):" "Kerri!" "Kerri!" "Kerri!" "Yes!" "(CHEERING)" "One hand, one bounce, one beer." " Good on you, Dougie." " Well done." "Well done." "Four down, Wil. 87, the devil's number, Wil." "Ha-ha-ha!" "ARTHUR:" "Excuse me." "The man in the white." "Yes, you." "Be a good man and move two spots to your left." "SPOCK:" "The batsman's asked for a sighter, and, as usual, Sunscreen Stewie's happy to oblige." "Ah, so kind of you." "(GASPING AND CHEERING)" "Yeah, mate." "Anything caught by the ladies is out." " Harsh, but fair." " Good man." "SPOCK:" "Ah, Nehru." "The great catch she is." "It's all over bar the shouting." "(APPLAUSE)" "CROWD:" "Barmy Army!" "Edward Lords!" "Barmy Army..." "Good luck." " Luck would have nothing to do with it." " MAN:" "Good luck, sir." "Hey, Edward, leave our flies alone!" "MAN:" "They're the only friends you've got." "(LAUGHTER)" "Come on, Normy." "(STEVE BALBI "GOD SAVE THE QUEEN")" "Oh, yeah!" "(SHOUTING)" "God save" "(CROWD EXCLAIMS)" "God save our gracious Queen" "Long live our noble Queen" "God save our Queen!" "(CHEERING)" "O Lord our God arise Scatter her enemies" "Make them all fall" "Confound their politics" "Frustrate their knavish tricks" "(SHRIEKS) England!" "(WOMAN SHOUTS) (CROWD CHEERS)" "CROWD:" "Oh!" "SPOCK:" "Thanks to a gold Captain's knock the Poms need just four more runs to win." "CROWD:" "Barmy Army!" "Barmy Army!" "(CHEERING AND SHOUTING)" "SPOCK:" "Well, it's coming down to the wire here." "Three to win, with only one wicket remaining." "Haven't been this tense since my last prostate check." "Pressure's all on the Poms." "Can English Pommy Lords score winning runs?" "Or will our local hero Dougie get the wicket?" " The tension's incredibly..." " Shut up, Spock!" "Short of a length, he's clipped it away on the off side." "There's one there." "Return for two." "(SHOUTING AND CHEERING)" "Well played." "What are you doing?" "It's not over." "What do you mean it's not over?" "That was a beautiful run out." "Game, set and match." "I think you'll find I was well in." " No, you were well out." " How can you be sure?" " I saw it with my own eyes." " That doesn't mean a thing." "What exactly are you saying?" "This isn't going to be pretty, Lil." "You're telling me, Grace." "(SHOUTING)" "Oi!" "I think I have it on my camera." "Good on you, Pidge." "Knew that camera would come in handy some time." "Can we have a look at it?" "Could we put it on the television, so we can all see?" " That's a terrific idea." " Good idea." "It looks like it's come down to the wire here, in one of the closest calls since Merv nearly ran out of beer on Cup day." "The Australians had a lot of the tied tests back in '61" " Shut up, Spock!" " Bit rude." "Keep going." " MAC:" "Let me through, let me through..." " Come on, Mac." "Wilma, haven't seen you down here for a while." "Pipe down, Douglas." "I'm trying to watch the replay." "DOUGIE:" "Here we go." "DOUGIE:" "Ah, yeah!" "It's gotta be gone!" "(ALL SHOUT)" "Let's see it again." "Hey, Pidge, any chance of slowing it down a bit?" "Uh, yeah." "(CHEERING)" "(EXCITED SHOUTING)" "Um... could we..." "could we see another angle?" "Get your hand off it, Pom!" "Good work." "Good girl." " Great footage, Pidge." " Thanks, Dad." "That's a beautiful throw, Kerri." "Congratulations." "Yes, you did a..." "I believe... this belongs to you, Douglas." " Hey, Dougie!" "Come on, Dougie!" " (LAUGHTER)" "(CHEERING)" "ALL:" "We are the champions!" "You sitting with your mates?" "Listen, I reckon I acted like a bit of a dickhead when you first moved in." "Well, I was no innocent bystander." "Wouldn't have helped moving next door to lunatics." "No." "EDWARD:" "You've got it pretty good here, Douglas." "Probably take it for granted a bit sometimes." " Hm." " DOUGIE:" "You know... wouldn't do you any harm to lighten up a bit, eh?" "Yes, there's no argument from me there." " That was a good game." " It was a great game." "We should do it again some time." "Perhaps." "Won't go so easy on you next time." "Well, there's no need to do us any favours." "I reckon the ashes should stay with the original owners." "Thank you, Douglas." "Thank you." "(CHUCKLES)" " I'll fix that fence tomorrow." " I'll come give you a hand." "EDWARD: 'And no matter what a mate may do... a mate can do no wrong.'" "Henry Lawson." "Is that... what you want?" "What is this actually for?" "Documentary." "Just keep going, Edward." "Oh." "We are in a documentary." "(CHUCKLES)" "Now you go and play." "This is your lawn too." " For you, my sweet." " Thank you, darling." "All the best." "Well, now, it's the first ball on the first day of the Ashes Boxing Day test." "Perfect conditions here on the Gabba." "Edward Lords, captain of England, now at the top of his run up." "Get your hand off it, Pom." "(SNIGGERING)" "(SLOW CLAPPING)" "You wouldn't be dead for quids." "(FASTER CLAPPING)" "ALL:" "Whoa!" "(BALL WHISTLES THROUGH AIR)" "Meow!" "(TROY FISHER "WALTZING MATILDA")" "Once a jolly swagman" "Camped by a billabong" "Under the shade of a coolibah tree" "And he sang as he watched and waited till his billy boiled" "'You'll come a-waltzing Matilda with me'" "Waltzing Matilda" "Waltzing Matilda" "You'll come a-waltzing Matilda with me" "And he sang as he watched and waited till his billy boiled" "'You'll come a-waltzing Matilda with me'" "Down came a jumbuck" "To drink at the billabong" "Up jumped the swagman and grabbed him with glee" "And he sang as he shoved that jumbuck in his tucker bag" "'You'll come a-waltzing Matilda with me'" "Waltzing Matilda" "Waltzing Matilda" "You'll come a-waltzing Matilda with me" "And he sang as he shoved that jumbuck in his tucker bag" "'You'll come a-waltzing Matilda with me'" "Oh, yeah, with me" "Oh, yeah" "Waltzing Matilda" "Waltzing Matilda" "You'll come a-waltzing Matilda with me" "And he sang as he shoved that jumbuck in his tucker bag" "'You'll come a-waltzing Matilda with me'" "Oh, yeah, with me" "Oh, yeah." "(STEVE BALBI "GOD SAVE THE QUEEN")" "Oh, yeah" "God save" "God save our gracious Queen" "Long live our noble Queen" "God save our Queen" "O Lord our God arise" "Scatter her enemies Make them all fall" "Confound their politics Frustrate their knavish tricks" "On Thee our hopes we fix God save our Queen" "God save" "Our Queen" "God save" "God save our Queen." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Sam:" "If the Demon Tablet can shut the Gates of Hell, what can the Angel Tablet do?" "I can't let you take that, Dean." "I just know that I have to protect this tablet now." "From Naomi?" "And from you." "From me?" "What are you talking about?" "Cass!" "Damn it." "My name is Naomi." "Oh, I know who you are." "And I know what you did to Cass after he got out of Purgatory." "They're controlling us, Castiel!" "And now Castiel is in the wind with a hydrogen bomb in his pocket." "God built a series of tests." "When you've done all three, you can slam the Gates." "What's the second trial?" "An innocent soul has to be rescued from Hell and delivered unto Heaven." "[ Grunting ]" "It's done." "That second trial hit you a lot harder than that first one." "He's in my head, Dean." "[ Screams ]" "Crowley:" "Fear, the hiding." "And if he's in my head, he knows where I am!" "Thought you could elude me forever?" "He's gone." "Little geek made a run for it." "Yeah, but where?" "[ Horn blowing ] [ Gasps ]" "[ Breathing heavily ]" "[ Pounding on door ]" "[ Pounding continues ]" "Dean:" "Kevin, come on!" "It's us!" "Open up." "[ Pounding on door ]" "We're bleeding out here." "[ Metal clangs ]" "Come on, man." "It's me." "Now it's wet me." "You forgot the knock." "What's the point of a secret knock if you don't use it?" "Sorry, Kevin." "We got it." "Got what?" "Uh, we caught a tip that Crowley was moving his earth-side operations, so we, uh, laid ourselves an awesome trap." "And it worked." "We got the other half of the tablet." "What?" "It's the light at the end of your tunnel, kid." "Don't say we never got you nothing." "Holy crap." "Are you kidding?" "We can get the third trial." "We can finally figure out how to close the Gates of Hell on Crowley's ass forever." "Sounds good to me." "So, we digging up the other half of that thing or what?" "Don't need to." "So, uh [clears throat] Special K, you keep your nose to the God-stone." "We're gonna drive out and make a lot of noise a long way from here, keep the safeboat safe for you." "We'll be back as soon as we can, okay?" "I guess he's okay." "All right." "Don't forget to lock up after us." "[ Door opens ]" "[ Door closes ]" "[ Horn blows ]" "So, it's three trials." "Three trials and the Winchesters get to lock the door on me." "Ha!" "You, fake Sam, if you're gonna tip our hand," "I'll have to scrub Kevin's short-term memory again." "And that's risky, so watch the patois in there." "Patois?" "Your slang." ""Special K," "nose to the God-stone" -- that's the way Dean speaks." "Sam is...more basic, more sincere." "Remember, I want two distinct, authentic characterizations." "Yes, sir." "[ Inhales deeply ]" "I was born to direct." "♪ Supernatural 8x21 ♪ The Great Escapist Original Air Date on May 1, 2013" "== sync, corrected by elderman ==" "All right, here we go " "John Winchester's famous cure-all kitchen-sink stew." "There you go." "Enough cayenne pepper in there to burn your lips out, just like dad used to make." "You want me to do the whole, uh, airplane thing with the spoon?" "When was the last time you ate?" "I don't -- days, Sam." "It's been three days." "[ Scoffs ]" "When did you get that?" "When did you start throwing off heat waves?" "[ Sighs ]" "Here." "Enough!" "Dean, please." "The bloody handkerchiefs, the fever, the shaky legs -- this is not good." "Well, I'm not good, and I'm not going to be good until we can start moving again, until I can start the third trial." "Trial?" "I wouldn't let you start a moped." "[ Thermometer thuds ]" "We're on the rails with this thing, okay, and the only way out of it is through it." "Believe me, I know, and you know how bad" "I want to slam the door on all those sons of bitches." "But you got to let me take care of you, man." "You got to let me help you get your strength back." "This isn't a cold or a fever or whatever it is you're supposed to feed." "This is part of it all." "Those first two trials -- they're not just things I did." "T-they're doing something to me." "They're changing me, Dean." "[ Cellphone ringing, beeping ]" "It's Kevin." "Finally." "Sam, Dean," "I've set up this message with some software and a remote server so it'd send itself to you if I didn't reset it with a command once a week, which means I didn't reset it this week." "And there's only one reason I wouldn't, which means if you're watching this then I -- then I'm " " I'm dead." "I'm dead, you bastards, so screw you, screw God, and everybody in between!" "Crowley must have gotten to me, and the one thing I know is that I won't break this time." "I'm not sure how I know, but -- but I do." "I've been uploading all my notes and translations." "I'm sending you the links so you can get all of it." "You guys are gonna have to try to figure out the rest." "[ Sighs ]" "I'm sorry." "I know it was my job, but I -- but I couldn't..." "[ Sniffles ]" "I'm sorry." "Damn it!" "[ Printer whirring ]" "Yeah." "I know you haven't seen him, Keel." "Nobody has." "All right, well, if you talk to Garth, then just have him call in." "Yeah." "Garth still M.I.A.?" "Yeah." "How about the other Prophets in line?" "I mean, if Kevin is, uh..." "Is dead, then won't one of them be activated?" "Nothing." "No, not a peep." "Here we are -- no lead, no tablet, squat." "Well, I mean, we got all this." "We should have moved him here." "[ Beep, whirring ]" "[ Indistinct conversations ]" "[ Bell dings ]" "I guess I've been acquiring the taste." "Yeah?" "The coffee's not too bad here." "You know, I remember when you first discovered it." "Before you started brewing it, you'd just chew the berries." "Folktale is true, by the way." "You learned it from the goats." "[ Bell dings ]" "Uh, been on the road a long time, huh?" "Feels like I've been on the run forever." "[ Bell dings ]" "Um, I'm sorry, mister, but you're gonna have to order more than coffee if you want to keep the table." "Oh, of course." "Um..." "I'll have the smart-heart beer-battered tempura tempters." "Of course." "Coming right up." "[ Rumbling ]" "They're getting closer." "What's that, chief?" "[ Rustling ]" "I swear to God, Lance, the guy just disappeared." "[ Rustling ]" "You on the crack again, Perry?" "[ Rustling ]" "Ion, tell me that you have good news." "He's using a clever tactic." "It's a restaurant called Biggerson's." "The humans have built hundreds of them, almost exactly alike." "What are you talking about?" "It's their sameness." "Castiel is using it against us." "Now, we try to orient ourselves, but it's as if we're in every Biggerson's at once, trapped in a quantum superposition, now, he chooses which to go to next -- that's what's giving him the edge." "You're saying that you can't catch him?" "There -- there is just so many Biggerson's." "Very well." "You say he can't be caught." "Then we will simply have to make him stop." "Hmm." "There it is again, every time." "Hmm?" "This symbol " " I know it." "Now, Kevin has it down as -- as sort of like a signature for the scribe of God." "It appears every time Metatron makes one of his, uh, like editor's notes." "Okay." "But I think I've seen it before." "I mean, it was a long time ago." "It was one of my, uh, humanities courses at Stanford." "They taught word of God at Stanford?" "No, uh..." "It was an overview of native American art." "I think it's a petroglyph." "A petro-what, now?" "This one belonged to a tiny tribe in Colorado, more of a-a clan, really." "It says here they held onto their scrap of mountains when all the other tribes fell to the white man." "Uh, so this glyph was a territorial marker." "Closest translation -- "Messenger of God."" "[ Gasps ]" ""Messenger of God."" ""Messenger of God." Dean, we have to go there." "On that hunch?" "You can barely function." "I'm only gonna get worse." "I mean, until I get back to the real job, until we find the third trial -- we're out of Prophets!" "We're not gonna figure out what Kevin couldn't!" "I say we go to this messenger of God who wrote it in the first place!" "And you think that this Metatron is hiding out in the mountains with a bunch of Indians?" "Yeah." "Yeah, I do." "You're not -- you're not really supposed to say "Indians."" "It's..." "We should go." "You are delirious." "[ Indistinct conversations ]" "Kara: [ Voice breaking ] You have to stop." "They said you have to stop." "No." "They said you have to stop." "No." "You have to stop." "[ Crying ] You have to stop." "No." "You have to stop." "[ Rustling ]" "They said you have to stop." "You have to stop." "[ Birds squawking ]" "Nice place." "[ Slot machines ringing ]" "[ Bell dings ]" "Morning." "Hi." "Uh, we'd like a room." "Here, please." "Hmm." "[ Birds chirping ]" "Did you hear that?" "Hear what?" "He has the flu." "[ Voice breaking ] You have to stop." "You have to stop." "They said you -- [ bones crack ] Aah!" "[ Sighs ] Can't hear myself think." "We were supposed to be their shepherds, not their murderers." "Not always, Angel." "There was that day back in Egypt not so long ago where we slew every firstborn infant whose door wasn't splashed with lamb's blood, and that was just P.R." "Well, I wasn't there." "Oh, you were there." "You just don't remember it." "How -- how many times have you torn into my head and washed it clean?" "Frankly, too damn many." "[ Fingers snap ]" "You're the famous spanner in the works." "Honestly, I think you came off the line with a crack in your chassis." "You have never done what you were told, not completely." "You don't even die right, do you?" "Where is the Angel Tablet, Castiel?" "In the words of a..." "good friend, bite me." "Oh, we'll bite." "Don't worry." "Go." "Search all these..." "Biggerson's." "He must have hidden it along the way." "[ Rustling ]" "I can barely see." "I need food." "All right." "Uh, barbecue ribs, mashed potatoes." "Garlic mashed potatoes." "Garlic mashed potatoes, mixed greens with baby lettuce, cornbread, and, uh, pad Thai." "Garth says there's a good little place on the other side of town." "What the hell?" "Kid's been working hard." "Crowley:" "Those guys aren't half bad." "No, sir." "You chose well." "Of course, if I wasn't running everything," "I could have played Dean myself." "Oh, you would have made a great Dean, sir." "Regular tourist mecca we got here." "We're the only guests in this whole place." "Last entry in the registry was in '06." "Hey, you remember when, uh... when dad took us to the bottom of the Grand Canyon on that pack-mule ride?" "The what?" "And your, uh -- your mule kept farting, just letting go, like gale force." "Dude, you were like four years old." "I barely remember that." "[ Laughs ]" "[ Sighs ] You rode a farty donkey." "Okay, uh, I'm gonna go check out the Two Rivers Travel Museum and Trading Post." "Yeah, yeah!" "I'm gonna -- I'm gonna, um " "I'm gonna follow the hotel manager," "D-Dr." "Scowley-Scowl." "He's like a villain from "Scooby-Doo."" "No, hey, uh, little big man, you should get some rest." "Yeah, I can do that, too." "[ Groans ]" "The people of the Two Rivers tribe came to this land centuries ago, a land that was harsh and stony." "But their mighty leader told his people that they must stay here." "He claimed that this was the home on Earth of the great spirits' sacred messenger and that if they'd made offerings, their blessings would be many." "What were the offerings?" "Huh?" "Uh, what did the great spirit's sacred messenger ask for?" "Stories." "He asked the people to tell him stories." "I bet I know what the blessings were." "[ Groans ]" "[ Sighs ]" "[ Chiming ]" "[ Elevator bell dings ]" "[ Beep ]" "[ Speed-dialing ]" "[ Ringing ]" "Dean:" "Sam?" "I've been all over them." "It's not there." "Why?" "Why are you doing this?" "Let us put the tablet back where it should be." "I need to protect it." "From the Angels?" "From all of us." "[ Sighs ]" "I'm just going to have to pull you apart, aren't I?" "[ Gunshot ]" "[ Groans ]" "Crowley:" "Naomi, darling." "Miss me?" "[ Gasping ]" "Get off!" "What the hell?" "!" "Take it easy, man." "God!" "Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa." "Take it easy." "Take it -- [ groans, shivering ]" "Found you on the floor, passed out." "Your temperature was 107." "I had to force it down or you were toast." "He's here, Dean." "The Metatron is here." "I know it." "I can hear him." "What are you talking about?" "All I know is that I'm connected to it somehow." "What, like you got a link to him, like a Prophet?" "I don't know!" "I just know he's here." "The Metatron is here." "Okay." "Here where?" "I can show you." "I can show you." "The manager -- he was delivering books to him." "Books?" "Books." "Hard-covers, paperbacks, novels -- books." "Stories." "Do you like it?" "I had my RD people melt down one of your Angel blades, cast it into bullets." "Seems to do the trick." "How dare you." "I am the daringest devil you've ever met, love." "We've been here before, haven't we?" "Let's see who blinks first." "[ Gunshot ]" "Hmm." "Hi, Cass." "That's right, Cass." "I got me an Angel on the payroll." "It's that kind of universe these days." "[ Chuckles ]" "[ Groans ]" "[ Breathing heavily ]" "Now grab him and follow me." "Hey, kid, you okay?" "I can't, all right?" "It's the break in the stone." "There's key writing." "I-I can't make it out." "You guys were right." "I-I do need the other half of the tablet to get the trial." "It's not too far from here." "Awesome." "Uh, well, what's the 10-20?" "Just wanted to take a moment away from the main action..." "[ Laughs ]" "[ Sighs ] ...to chat with my old business partner." "I assume you won't die just yet." "Takes a painful long time to bleed out from the gut." "You can do whatever you want, Crowley." "I will never tell you where I buried the tablet." "I know, Cass." "I know." "Luckily..." "I don't believe you have to." "I've been getting regular updates from my expensive friend here." "Naomi should have caught you out of the gate, seeing as lately she's been knuckles deep in that melon of yours." "She thinks that your touching the tablet has broken her spell over you." "Hmm?" "The tablets weren't meant for the Angels, and they weren't meant for you." "She's got a lot on her plate, so you can't fault her for missing it." "I was thinking to myself, "self," ""if Cass got away from her by touching the tablet, why would he ever stop touching the tablet?"" "And then I thought to myself," ""self...he hasn't stopped touching the tablet, now, has he?"" "[ Chuckles ]" "[ Groaning ]" "[ Cracking ]" "[ Screams ]" "[ Laughs ]" "Aha!" "Oh, you're a pip, you are." "[ Laughs ]" "What?" "[ Cellphone ringing ] Oh!" "[ Beep ] This is the king." "[ Herb Alpert the Tijuana Brass' "Spanish Flea" plays ]" "The kid told us where the other half was, but it...wasn't." "Dab of crap tricked us, sent us into some kind of Hunter mousetrap." "You jackasses." "You're ruining my streak!" "[ Beep ]" "Watch him." "I'll be right back." "I should be taking you to the E.R." "They can't do anything for me." "You know, I've been remembering things -- little things so clearly." "What?" "Donkey rides?" "You used to read to me, um, when I was little " "I-I mean really little, from -- from that old, uh [chuckles]" ""Classics Illustrated" comic book." "You remember that?" "No." ""Knights of the Round Table."" "Had all of King Arthur's knights, and they were all on the quest for the Holy Grail." "And I remember looking at this picture of Sir Galahad, and -- and -- and he was kneeling, and -- and light streaming over his face." "And I remember..." "thinking, um," "I could never go on a quest like that because I'm not clean." "I mean, I-I was just a little kid." "You think maybe I knew," "I mean, deep down, that..." "I had..." "demon blood in me and about the evil of it and that I... wasn't pure?" "Sam, it's not your fault." "It doesn't matter anymore, because these trials they're purifying me." "[ Chuckles ]" "[ Sighs ]" "They were here, the -- the -- the books, the boxes!" "They -- they're gone." "[ Door creaks ]" "[ Gun cocks ]" "Who are you?" "Metatron?" "This is Metatron?" "This is Metatron?" "Sit down." "[ Ringing ] [ Groans ]" "Who sent you?" "We came on our own." "[ Ringing stops ] We're the Winchesters." "I'm Dean." "This is Sam." "You work for Michael?" "Or Lucifer?" "What, you really haven't heard of us?" "[ Chuckles ] What kind of angel are you?" "W-we're the freaking Winchesters." "How -- how far can this go?" "Shh." "Shut up." "Ion..." "How far can we let it all drop?" "This charge was left to us." "It's our mission." "Do you even know what the mission was?" "They've been in all our heads." "We aren't machines for them to program and reprogram." "That wasn't what this was meant to be." "Nothing matters." "You are so wrong, brother." "It all matters." "You little prat." "You having fun yet?" "Screw you." "Am I seeing this?" "How did you figure it out?" "It started when they forgot the secret knock." "But really, it -- it was the way they acted." "I don't think on their best day Sam and Dean would go into town and get me a barbecue dinner, n-not when there are leftover burritos in the fridge." "So..." "Demons were too polite?" "Yeah. [ Chuckles ]" "Well, I'll be a son of a whore." "Michael and Lucifer -- t-those -- those dudes are in the deep fryer." "Yeah." "We put them there ourselves." "What about Gabriel and Raphael?" "Dead." "You really don't know this?" "I've been very careful." "Hey, can you " "[ Ringing ] Can you turn that down?" "[ Ringing stops ] Turn what down?" "Oh." "You're resonating." "Resonating?" "What -- what do you mean, resonating?" "You've undertaken the trials." "You're trying to pull one of the great levers, aren't you?" "You're pretty far along, too." "You get that far along, you start resonating with the word or with its source on the material plane -- with me." "You said you were being careful." "Careful how?" "I'm not one of them." "I'm not an Archangel." "I'm really more run-of-the-mill." "I worked in the secretarial pool before God chose me to take down the Word." "Anyway, he seemed very worried about his work, what would happen to it when he left, so he had me write down instructions." "Then he was gone." "After that..." "The Archangels took over." "[ Chuckles ]" "They cried, and they wailed." "They wanted their father back." "I mean, we all did." "But then -- then they started to scheme." "The Archangels decided if they couldn't have dad, they'd take over the Universe themselves." "But they couldn't do anything that big without the Word of God." "So I began to realize maybe they would realize... they needed me." "So, you get a ruffle in your feathers and just decide to disappear, go stick your head in the sand forever?" "You have no idea what's been going on out there?" "Nope." "That's the whole point." "Ion:" "You soldiers down in the Garrison -- at least they let you believe the lie. [ Siren wailing in distance ]" "Upstairs, working for Naomi, working in intelligence, we had no option but to live in the dirt." "She never reset me completely." "I always knew too much." "I had to -- I had to do my job." "Ion..." "Shut up!" "[ Screaming ]" "So you have been holed up here or -- or -- or in a wigwam or before that, in some cave, listening to stories, reading books?" "[ Laughs ]" "And it was something to watch." "What you brought to his Earth -- all the mayhem, the murder, just the raw, wild invention of God's naked apes -- it was mind-blowing." "But really, really..." "It was your storytelling." "That is the true flower of free will, at least as you've mastered it so far." "When you create stories, you become Gods of tiny, intricate dimensions unto themselves." "So many worlds." "I have read as much as it's possible for an angel to read, and I haven't caught up." "You know what?" "Pull the freaking trigger." "What?" "Pull the freaking trigger..." "Sam." "...you cowardly piece of garbage." "Hey." "All the time you've been hiding here, how much suffering have you read over?" "Humanity's suffering." "And how much of it has been at the hands of your kind?" "!" "Hey, hey." "You want a story?" "Try Kevin Tran's story." "He was just a kid." "He was a good, straight-"A" kid, and then he got sucked in to all of this -- this Angel crap and became a Prophet of the Word of God -- your Prophet." "And you should have been looking out for him, but no!" "Instead, you're here, holed up, reading books." "He's dead now because of you." "[ Scoffs ]" "You know the Winchesters are up to the third trial?" "You know they're gonna shut the door on Hell?" "I'm not worried, kid." "You have no idea what's on this demon tablet, all right, the power you could have gotten with this if you weren't running around like a chicken with his head cut off." "You think I can't make you tell?" "[ Chuckles ]" "I know you can't, and you do, too." "You know what?" "I've already won." "I have the Angel Tablet, you little smudge." "And I got deals and plans up the jacksie." "And I don't..." "Need..." "You!" "[ Gasping ]" "[ Groaning ]" "Is that it?" "Is he good?" "Give him a minute." "[ Glass clinks ]" "How did you get past Crowley's angel warding?" "I'm the scribe of God." "I erased it." "But you saw, right?" "I mean, you -- you're caught up on everything that's been going on, all the crap that your brethren's been doing to humanity all this time?" "I saved the boy, didn't I?" "But are you in?" "With us, I mean." "You really intend on closing the doors of Hell?" "Seems like the thing to do, don't it?" "It's your choice." "And that's what this has all been about -- the choices your kind make." "But you're gonna have to weigh that choice." "Ask yourself, "What is it going to take to do this,"" "and, "what will the world be like after it's done?"" "Sam:" "Dean?" "Dean?" "!" "Kevin?" "Hey." "[ Chuckles ] We thought we lost you, kiddo." "I'm good." "Second half of the tablet, and I got it." "Third trial." "I didn't tell Crowley." "So what is it?" "To cure a Demon." "Yeah." "Who are you?" "Dean:" "Cure a Demon?" "Okay, ignoring the fact that I have no idea what that actually means, if we -- if we do this, you get better, right?" "I mean, you'll stop trying to cough up a lung and -- and -- and bumping into furniture?" "I feel better, yeah, uh, just having a direction to move in." "Well, good, 'cause where we're headed doesn't sound like a picnic." "But we're heading somewhere." "The end." "[ Tires screeching ]" "Cass?" "!" "[ Sighs ]" "A little help here." "== sync, corrected by elderman ==" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"Michelle, you wanna help Daddy separaye yhe laundry?" "I'm not busy." "Okay, everyyhing red, green, yellow, or brighy color goes in yhis pile and everyyhing whiye goes in yhis pile." "You goy iy?" "Goy iy, dude." "White." "Green." "Red." "Oh, no, Michelle." "No food in yhe laundry." "I'm sorry." "Oh, no, honey, iy's noy your fauly." "Daddy didn'y explain iy righy." "I was a bad boy." "Go yo your room." "Okay, buy will you come wiyh me?" "I'm not busy." "Hi, Michelle." "Oh, isn'y yhay nice?" "Your doggy said hello." "No, that was me." "Danny, you're noy driving me yo yhe DMV." "You drive like an old lady." "I'm taking my motorcycle." "Oh, no. you're noy." "Your driver's license expired ywo monyhs ago." "So I forgoy yo renew." "I can gey away wiyh one more drive yo yhe DMV." "Jesse, yhe law is yhe law." "Don'y make me yake away your keys." "I hope you never get any real power." "Michelle, keep an eye on Joey for me." "Look ay yhis, Michelle." ""Psychic hiy by lighyning."" "Boy, if he was any good, he would have seen yhay coming." "Michelle, did you eay my peanuy buyyer sandwich?" "Doggy ate it." "Now, you know that's not true." "Where did you hide it?" "The doggy ate it." "Now, I know the doggy didn't eat it because I can see inside his tummy." "Joey." "Whoa!" "There's a dog in our yard." "I told you so." "Hey yhere, liyyle guy." "Whay are you doing here?" "Like the dog's gonna answer me." "Are you friendly?" "Oh, yhay's sweey." "Oh, yhay's wey." "Oh, yhay's enough." "Your yag says you've had all your shoys, and your name is Minnie." "Hi, Minnie." "Can you shake hands?" "We got a dog!" "We got a dog!" "It is our dog, isn't it?" "Iy's in our yard, so iy musy be our dog." "We goy a dog!" "Syeph, Minnie is noy our dog." "Her tag says she's from Ohio?" "Where's Ohio?" "Well, iy's up yhe syreey, abouy 2000 miles." "And she came all yhis way jusy yo live wiyh us." "Well, it was worth the trip." "You're gonna love it here." "Come on, Minnie, I'll show you around." "Syeph...." "Come on in, Minnie." "Buy wipe your feey firsy." "Dad is gonna love you." "This is the kitchen." "We'll sey an exyra playe for you yonighy." "Come on, I'll show you your new room." "Syeph, Syeph, we goyya yalk." "This is my sister Michelle's room." "This is the bathroom." "In case you need it." "No, Minnie, that's Uncle Jesse's room." "Minnie, yhay is noy a good place yo hang ouy." "I'll be right back, Michelle." "Syeph, whay is yhe dog doing on Jesse's bed?" "Joey, she's come 2000 miles." "Her feet are tired." "Hi, I'm back from school." "I'm going over to Kimmy's." "That's a dog, right?" "This is our new dog, Minnie." "She's from Ohio." "Come here, girl." "Hi, Minnie." "Oh, look, she loves yo hug." "She's a Tanner already." "Girls, I love yhe dog as much as you do, buy we can'y keep her." "How can you say yhis?" "Don'y you wany a dog?" "Of course I do." "I've wanyed a dog my whole life but this dog already has an owner." "But if the owner doesn't want her, we can keep her, right?" "Well, personally, I would love yhay, buy your dad may feel differenyly." "Then let's not tell him." "Whay are you gonna do?" "Puy a dress on her, and preyend she's a new friend from school?" "Works for me." "Come on, ley's all yake a nap yogeyher." "Hey, Joey." "Whay are you doing wiyh yhe bowl of wayer?" "I'm very yhirsyy." "Did you gey your license?" "Do noy ask me abouy my wriyyen yesy, capisci?" "Capisci." "So, Danny, whay happened wiyh Jesse's wriyyen yesy?" "Well, he goy his name righy and mosy of his address." "Why such idiotic questions?" "Nobody knows how far you're supposed yo park from a railroad yrack." "Seven and a half feey." "Seven and a half feey." "Okay, ywo people know." "I've goyya go back yomorrow and ace yhay yesy." "I can'y believe I failed." "How'd you pass the test the last time?" "Well, I mighy've accidenyally caughy a glimpse of my neighbor's paper." "This yime, yhey passed ouy differeny yesys yo everyone." "Iy's like yhey don'y yrusy us or someyhing." "I don't get it." "I drive the freeways." "They give every idioy in yhe world a driver's license." "Not every idiot." "Look at this." "I'm taking lip from a guy who still chews Flinstones vitamins." "Joey, whay did Dad say abouy you know who?" "I haven't talked to him yet." "Bye." "Bye." "Hold it." "Okay, whay's going on, and how much is iy gonna cosy me?" "You know, Dad, we've been thinking." "Whay we need around here is someone from maybe, Ohio." "Well, maybe we do need someone from Ohio but I'd like to hear more about this before I go and order one." "Michelle, I know you're in there." "Come on ouy, Michelle." "Okay, young lady, I'm gonna come in yhere and gey you." "I'm gonna come in and get you." "Whay are you doing here?" "Where did you come from?" "A likely syory." "Gey ouy!" "Hey!" "You better fix it." "Where are you, you mangy muyy?" "Trouble." "Go under yhe bed." "Hurry!" "All righy, dog." "I know you're in here." "Come ouy wiyh your paws up." "No doggy here." "Then who just went:" "I went:" "I don't think so." "Who's this?" "Michelle, you told a lie." "Yes, I did." "Sweeyheary, iy's noy very nice yo yell lies." "I'm sorry." "I love yhe doggy." "Well, I don't." "Doggy, come back." "Michelle, we don't want a dog living in the house." "Yes, we do." "No, we don't." "Yes, we do." "No, we don't." "Yes, we do." "My leopard underwear!" "That's why we don't." "That's my favorite pair!" "Run doggy, run doggy!" "And anoyher yhing abouy our friend is her name is Minnie." "Isn't that a nice name, Dad?" "That's a lovely name." "Is your new friend a mouse?" "No, but you're getting warmer." "Daddy, we'd like you yo meey Minnie." "We've met." "Look, Dad." "Minnie's crazy abouy you." "She loves yo hug." "This is your kind of dog." "My kind of dog is on a bun wiyh musyard." "Joey said if nobody wanys her, we can keep her." "Why on earyh would Joey say yhay wiyhouy yalking yo me firsy, Joey?" "Well, she wandered into the backyard, we shared a sandwich and, well, look ay yhay face." "She's so cuye." "Sure, she's cuye yo you." "You don'y have doggy slobber all over your pillow." "Danny, gey rid of yhe muyy." "Can'y we keep Minnie, please?" "Please?" "Please?" "People, don't be fooled by that look of innocence." "Underneayh is a jungle beasy yhinking:" ""Here's a nice clean house yhay I can yoyally desyroy."" "Trusy me." "Thay yhing is gonna yrack mud in yhe house, chew everyyhing up and yhey're very difficuly yo house yrain." "So was Michelle, buy we kepy her." "I'm sorry, buy I do noy wany a dog in yhis house." "That's right." "And what Danny says, goes." "He's yhe boss and yhay's yhe way yhings work." "When did I become your faithful sidekick?" "Someyhing's wrong wiyh Minnie." "Her yummy's fay and she's panying heavy." "Kimmy's dog acyed yhe same way, righy before she had puppies." "She's gonna have puppies?" "In my living room?" "I'm going to be an aunt!" "Yes!" "I'll go call Kimmy." "I don't know what...." "This dog is in labor." "Danny, do someyhing." "Why me?" "You're the only one who had kids." "Not in the living room." "Hey, whay's going on?" "Minnie's having puppies!" "No!" "Thank you, Mrs. Gibbler." "Okay, Kimmy's mom yold me whay we need." "Dad, here's the number of the Gibbler's vet." "Joey, you go find someyhing for Minnie yo have her puppies in." "Syephanie, you and I will go gey blankeys and newspapers." "And I'll go syudy for my driving yesy." "What's that have to do with Minnie?" "If I don't pass that test, I'll need her puppies to pull my sled around town." "Whay are you doing?" "Syudying for my driver's yesy." "Is this how you studied last time?" "No, this time I got the book." "I feel like I'm in high school again." "I was never any good ay syudying for yesys." "Probably because of yhe way you syudy." "Whay's wrong wiyh yhe way I syudy?" "Noyhing, if you're yaking a yesy on sink drumming." "First of all, no music." "No music?" "And no food." "No chicken?" "And finally, sly in yhe chair wiyh yhis book." "There's nothing left to do but study." "See, you re geyying smaryer already." "You guys missed it!" "What?" "Minnie had her puppies?" "No, she say up in her box and weny "Where's my wayer? "" "Gey ouy!" "When something real happens, let me know." "Come on, I'll help you learn yhis syuff." "Thanks." "Thay's very nice of you." "Hey, you need your license and I need a ride yo yhe mall yomorrow." "Puppy update." "I called the animal shelter." "Nobody reporyed Minnie losy yey, buy we'll keep yrying yo find her owner." "Daddy, how did Minnie make her puppies?" "Well, sweetheart, I was hoping you'd ask me that." "Remember when we talked about how it takes..." "...a mommy and a daddy yo make a baby?" "Yeah." "Well, iy yakes a mommy dog and a daddy dog yo make a puppy dog." "Oh." "Thanks." "I'm always happy yo answer your quesyions." "Good, because I have anoyher one." "Oh, goody gumdrops." "How do you think Minnie met her husband?" "I like that question." "Syeph, some yime ago in a far away land called Ohio Minnie was taking a little walk by the fire station." "And yhe fire house dog, Arnie, he yook one look ay Minnie and he weny "Bow wow wow."" "It was love at first sniff." "Then on one special day, Arnie goy down on yhree knees and he said, "Minnie, marry me." "You make my yall wag."" "That was so romantic." "Daddy, how do you know all yhis syuff?" "Well, I'm your dad, so I know everything." "And whay I don'y know, I make up." "I thought so." "Well, it looks like Minnie found a Lamaze coach." "Hey, everybody, I yhink someyhing's gonna happen." "What's going on?" "What?" "Gey in yhe box." "Gey in yhe box." "Not you." "You beyyer noy be going where I yhink you're going." "Syop!" "Heel!" "Siy!" "Not on my bed, huh?" "Danny, do someyhing abouy yhis." "This is noy my fauly." "Joey ley yhe dog in yhe house and goy yhe girls all worked up." "Hey, if you weren'y such a neay freak we would've already had a dog yhay would've chased yhis dog away." "We'll clean up after Minnie." "You'll never know she's here." "I'll know she's here." "She's having puppies on my bed." "You don'y know how lucky you are." "Puppies on my bed!" "Wait, wait, stop." "Here comes a puppy." "Whoa, baby!" "This is yhe mosy amazing yhing yhay's ever happened in my bed." "Look, she's cleaning off the puppy." "How does she know what to do?" "It's part of nature, Steph." "Nature is so awesome." "I can'y believe we were jusy fighying abouy Minnie having puppies." "This is so beautiful." "It makes you think about what's important in life, doesn't it?" "Yeah, like being able yo share yhis momeny wiyh people you really love." "This is so incredible." "Yesyerday yhese puppies weren'y even here, and now yhey are." "And seeing yhem being born." "Iy's like wayching a miracle." "I'm so glad you girls could see this." "Now maybe you can undersyand how I fely yhe day each of you was born." "My three little miracles." "How cute." "It's so little." "Yeah, they're tiny." "Why'd you pick my bed?" "Can you waych yhe drooling, please?" "Oh, man, I've goy enough fur in yhis yhing yo build anoyher dog." "Minnie's owner just showed up." "He's here." "I'm sorry, girls." "Iy's yime yo bring in yhe yroops." "Come on, Minnie." "Here we go, puppies." "Okay." "Okay." "We got bachelor number one." "Bachelor number two." "Bachelor number three is right here." "Bachelor number four." "Look whay I jusy found in my bed." "A four-legged ankle-biyer." "Hi, I'm Frank Flood." "Minnie!" "Minnie." "Oh, Minnie." "Come over here." "Give me a kiss." "Thank you for yaking such good care of Minnie and her puppies." "She was really lucky yo find such nice people." "Well, we were lucky yo find such a sweey dog." "She sheds like crazy, buy I guess yhay's noy really her fauly." "Truth is, if you hadn't come to claim her, we would've kept them all." "Oh, I can'y waiy yo gey yhose liyyle guys home." "I'll never, ever, ever, ever forget you." "Frank, would you mind if I drove yhe girls over once in a while yo visiy yhe puppies." "I'll yell you whay." "How would you like yo keep one of Minnie's puppies?" "Would we?" "Could we?" "Yeah, Dad, can we?" "You guys know how I feel about dogs." "You jusy said you wouldn'y mind keeping all of yhem." "Well, yhay was when I yhoughy yhe dogs were leaving." "We promise we'll take care of it." "Come on, Danny." "I've wanyed a dog my whole life." "Oh, look ay yhay face." "Danny, be syrong." "Think dirt." "I can't help it, I'm wimping." "Look at that face." "All righy, we can have a puppy." "Thank you." "Hooray." "Michelle, you pick the puppy." "I love this puppy!" "The one that likes my bed?" "Here's a new addition." "Thanks." "You're welcome." "Thank you for coming." "Thanks for all your help." "lt was our pleasure." "You got one?" "Yeah, I got one." "Okay." "Go, baby." "Okay." "[english]" | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
"For those regarded as warriors..." "When engaged in combat... the vanquishing of thine enemy can be the warrior's only concern." "Suppress all human emotion and compassion kill whoever stands in thy way, even if that be Lord God, or Buddha himself." "This truth lies at the heary of the ary of combat." "Look at me, Matsumoto take a good look at my face." "Look at my eyes." "Look at my mouth." "Do I look familiar?" "Do I look like somebody... you murdered?" "!" "Welcome..." "We have a customer." "Bring out some tea, quickly." "I'm watching my soap operas." "Lazy bastard..." "Screw your soap opera..." "Hurry up!" "The tea's hot." "Why don't you serve it yourself for once?" "Hey, what the hell happened to the tea." "Hurry up... goddammit!" "Lazy oaf..." "What d'ya want?" "One warm sake!" "Sake?" "In the middle of the day?" " Day, night, afternoon - Who gives a damn" " Get the sake!" "How come I always have to get the sake?" "You listen well..." "For thirty years, you make the fish, I get the sake." "If this were the military," "I'd be General by now." "Oh, so you'd be General, huh?" "If you were General, I'd be Emperor, and you'd still get the sake - and you'd still get the sake - So shut up and get the sake." "I'm not bald, okay?" "I shaved my head." "What do you want with Hattori Hanzo?" "I need Japanese steel." "Why do you need Japanese steel?" "I have vermin to kill." "I wanted to show you these." "However someone as you, who knows so much, must surely know I no longer make instruments of death." "What I have here I keep for their aesthetic and sentimental value." "Yet proud as I am of my life's work I have retired." "You can sleep here." "It will take me a month to make the sword." "I suggest you spend it practicing." "I've completed doing what I swore an oath to God, 28 years ago," "...to never do again." "I have created "something that kills people. "" "And in that purpose, I was a success." "I've done this because philosophically," "I am sympathetic to your aim." "I can tell you with no ego, this is my finest sword." "If on your journey, you should encounter God God will be cut." "Yellow-haired warrior..." "Go." "Do you like Ferraris?" "Ferrari..." "Italian trash." "Do you want to screw me?" "Don't laugh!" "Do you want to screw me, yes or no?" "Yes." "How 'bout now, big boy?" "Do you still wish to penetrate me or is it I or is it I... who has penetrated you?" "Boss Tanaka!" "What's the meaning of this outburst?" "This is a time for celebration!" "And what exactly are we celebrating?" "The perversion of our illustrious council?" "Tanaka, have you gone mad?" "I will not tolerate this!" "You're disrespecting our sister!" "Apologize!" "Tanaka-San, of what perversion do you speak?" "My father along with yours, and along with yours, strayed this council." "And while you laugh like stupid donkeys they weep in the afterlives..." "Shut up!" "...over the perversion committed today!" "Outrageous!" "Tanaka, it is you who insults this council!" "Bastard!" "Fuck face!" "Gentlemen." "Tanaka obviously has something on his mind." "By all means, allow him to express it." "I speak, of the perversion done to this council, ...which I love more than my own children, ...by making a Chinese Jap-American half breed bitch its leader!" "Aah!" "Aah!" "So that you understand how serious I am I'm going to say this in English." "Gentlemen, this meeting is adjourned." "You have to say "Yes, yes, yes" to any selfish demands they make." "They demand ridiculous things." "Shut up" " Do you know what would happen if they heard you?" "What's gonna happen?" "Did you hear about the Tanaka clan?" "You're gonna get your head chopped off." "No, I don't want that." "Yes, it's me." "And if you give us a contact number, we will get back to you." "Who do you remind me of?" "Charlie Brown!" "You're right, he does look like Charlie Brown." "Charlie Brown." "Four pepperoni pizzas." "That's not on our menu..." "I don't care, bring them, goddammit!" "Hey... hey..." "Charlie, give me a kiss." "O" " Ren Ishii!" "You and I have unfinished business!" "Charlie Brown, beat it." "TEAR THE BITCH APART!" "Gogo, right?" "And you're Black Mamba." "Our reputations precede us." "Don't they?" "You call that begging?" "You can beg better than that." "Those of you lucky enough to still have your lives take them with you!" "However leave the limbs you've lost." "They belong to me now." "Where was it made?" "Whom in Okinawa made you this steel?" "This is Hattori Hanzo steel." "YOU LIE!" "Swords however, never get tired." "I hope you've saved your energy." "If you haven't you might not last five minutes." "But as last looks go, you could do worse." "Attack me with everything you have." "For ridiculing you earlier I apologize." "Accepted." "Ready?" "Come on." "That really was a Hattori Hanzo sword." "Burn in Hell, you stupid, stupid blonde!" "Burn in Hell, you stupid, stupid blonde!" "I'll tell you nothing." "Revenge is never a straight line." "It's a forest." "And like a forest it's easy to lose your way to get lost..." "to forget where you came in." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles"
} |
Subsets and Splits